'^ViV,--'...' PS* »?■*.-;- ■4 • i " ••• V ''•"■' * '-'■*■ ■■'■''-r'« ■' ' "'•-V^^i^T' --A-^-' 4^rli^:"W^ '-> > rf ■i< ■„•*;* >£«">: *-1-. * r r . -.-;-■ 5«:{j^V- .-t-V-* * •: •■ .' ' 4'5 *3'i l8S*?I|»#.'iir*r.^- ■-■•Hi■:*?:' r-^' JlijM&H f £ ? , t .■■«. ■■■!...■ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MB * ♦ * FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. B19574 INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES AEMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. Vol. XI. PHllDROMS-R^GEIT. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1S90. ftRllBCOTflll (SGMBCTifll Arch, 675". AM X 37 3cr. ■ I V. I! I 790 C.2 War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Washington, D. C, May 17, 1890. General John Moore, Surgeon-General, JJ. S. Army: General : I have the honor to present herewith the eleventh volume of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 9,539 author-titles, representing 4,535 volumes and 8,908 pamphlets. It also includes 14,262 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets and 38,080 titles of articles in periodicals. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index Catalogue, as far as published: Volumes. I...... II....... in....... rv....... v....... vi....... vh....... viii....... ix....... X....... XI....... Total AUTHOR-TITLES. Titles. 9,090 12,496 9,043 4,802 15, 555 7,900 14, 688 13,405 13,151 7,658 9,539 117, 327 Volumes. 8,031 . 4,934 10, 076 1,926 5,755 2,543 5.987 5,307 6,834 2,905 4,535 58,833 Pamphlets. 6,398 9,810 7,386 3,885 12,596 7,250 12, 372 13, 205 12, 818 7, 282 8,908 101, 910 SUBJRCT-TITLES. Book titles 9,000 11, 550 8,572 12, 361 8,069 14, 590 6,37] 12,642 9,999 14, 265 14, 262 121, 681 Journal ar- ticles. 34, 604 37, 310 28,846 48, 977 34,127 35, 290 34, 903 24,174 29,120 29,421 38, 080 374, 852 Portraits. 4,335 4,335 Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN S. BILLINGS, Surgeon, U. S. Army. FOURTH ADDITION TO THE ALPHABETICAL LIST ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE INDEX-CATALOGUE, PUBLISHED in the seventh volume. For explanations, see the Alphabetical Lists of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. I, p. [1]; Vol. VII, p. [1]. A. Actas . . . Cong, ginec. espan., Madrid. Actualite med., Par. Agulha med., Lisb. Akuscherka, Bransk. Am. Antiq. & Orient. J., Men- don, 111. An. Acad, de med. de Medellin. Acadcmia de medicina de Medellin. [See An. Acad, de med. de Medellin.] Academic royale des sciences [de Paris]. [See Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris], Amst. ] Acad6mie des sciences de Cracovie. [See Bull, intermit. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie.] Accadernia medico-chirurgica di Perugia. [See Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia.] Accadernia Pontaniana. [See Rendic. Accad. Pontaniana, Napoli. ] Actas dc las scsiones del Congreso ginecologico espafiol celebrado en Madrid en Mayo de 1888. Madrid. 1 v., 188*. 8\ Actualitd (L') mddicale. Sciences inc"dicales et intdrets profession- nels Paris. No. 1, ann6e 1, Dec. 15, 18*9; nos. 1-4, ann6e 2, Jan. to April, 1890. 8°. Agulha ruedica. Lisboa. Nos. 1-22, Sept. 17, 1*55, to Aug. 1,1856. 4°. Akuscherka. Bransk. v. 1, 1890. 4°. American (The) Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Mondon, 111. No. 5, v. 11, Sept., 1889. 8°. American Association of Obstetricians and (Jynecologists. [See Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. ■& Gynec, Phila.] American Orthopedic Association. [See Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass.] Anales de la Academia de medicina de Medellin. [Republica de Colombia. Departamento de Autioquia.] Medellin. v. 1, 18*7-9: nos. 1-7, v. 2, Feb. to Aug., 1889. 8°. **,+ P] Analekt. f. Frauenkr., [etc.], Leipz. Ann. cliu. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel. Ann. de l'enseign. sup. de Gre- noble. Ann. Gyneec. & Paediat., Phila. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par. Ann. d. 1st. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma. Ann. de la polyclin. de Bor- deaux. Ann. de therap. med.-chir., Par. Ann. & Tr. Brit. Homoeop. Soc. Lond. Anst.-Ber. d. Heil- u. Pflegeanst. Pfullingen . . . , Tubing. Anthropologic, Par. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl. Arb. u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin, zu Wien. Arch. f. animal. Nahrungsmit- telk., Wiesb. Arch. d. Riforma med., Napoli. Arch. Surg., Lond. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' idrol. e cli- mat., Torino. Atti d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino. Analekten fiir Frauenkrankheiten, oder Sammlung der vorziiglich- steu Abbandlungen, Mouographien, Preisscbriflcn, Disserta- tionen uud Notizen des In- und Auslandes iiber die Krankheiten des Weibes und iiber die Zustiinde der Schwangerscbaft und des Wochenbettes. Hrsg. von einem Vereine praktiseher Acrzte. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1837-51. 8°. Anatomical Society of Edinburgh. [See Rep. cases . . . Auat. Soc. Edinb.] Annales cliniques de la Socidte" de me'decine-pratique de Montpel- lier, re"dig6es par une commission prdsidde par J.-F.-Victor Bon- net. Montpellier. 2. s., v. 1-9,1818-20. [For 1. series, see Ann. clin., Montpel. v. 1 is also called v. 45 "de la collection".] Annales de 1'enseignement supeYieur de Grenoble, publie'es par les faculty's de droit, des sciences et des lettres et par l'Ecole de m6decine. Grenoble. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1889. 8°. Annals of Gynaecology and Psediatry. A monthly review of gynae- cology, obstetrics, abdominal surgery, and the diseases of chil- dren. Philadelphia. No. 6, v. 3, March, 1890. 8°. [Continua- tion, since no. 6, March, 1890, of: Ann. Gynsec, Bost.] Annales de gyne'cologie et d'obsteYrique. Paris, v. 29-33, 1888- 90. 8°. [Continuation, in v. 29,1888, of: Ann. de gyu6c, Par.] Aunali dell' lstitnto d' igiene sperimentale dell' Universita di Roma. Roma. 1. s., v. 1, 1889. 8°. Annales de la polyclinique de Bordeaux, paraissant en Janvier et en juillet. Paris; Bordeaux. Nos. 1,2, v. 1, Jan. and July, lts89. 8°. Annales de th6rapeutique mMico-chirurgicales. Paris. Nos. 5, 6, 7,8, v. 5,1889; nos. 1, 2, v. 6, 1890. 8°. [Continuation, in no. 5, v. 5, 1889, of: Ann. meVl.-chir. franc, et Strang., Par.] Annals and Transactions of the British Homoeopathic Society, and of the London Homoeopathic Hospital. London, v. 1-11,1860- 89. 8°. Annali dell' Universita libera di Perugia. Facolta medico-chirur- gica. Perugia. [Title, in 1886-7, anno ii, of: Ann. d. Univ. libera di Perugia. Fac. di med. e chir.] Anstalts-Bericht der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Pfullingen fiir psy- chisch Kranke. 3., Oct. 1, 1883, to April 1, 1889. Tubingen. 1 v., 1889. 4°. Anthropologie(L'). ' Paraissant tous les deux mois. Paris. No. 1, v. 1, Jan. and Feb., 1890. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien. [See Festschr. z. Begriis- sung . . . d. Deutsch. u. Wien. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, Wien.] Arbeiten aus der ersten medicinischen Klinik zu Berlin. October 1888 bis October 1889. Berlin, v. 1, 1890. 8°. Arbeiten und Jahresbericht der k. k. ersten chirurgischen Univer- sitats-Klinik zu Wien, Schuljahr 1888. Wien. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Archiv fiir animalische Nahrungsmittelkunde. (Fortsetzuug der Zeitschrift fiir Fleischbeschau, etc.) Wiesbaden, v. 4, 1888-9; nos. 1-5, v. 5, Oct., 1889, to Feb., 1890. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Zrschr. f. Fleischbeschau.] Arcbivio della Riforma medica. Pubblicazione trimestrale con rassegna coinpleta del movimento delle scienze mediche in Italia (giornali, accademie, opere e monografie speciali). Nanoli. Nos. 1, 2, v. 1, 1889. 8°. Archives of Surgery, by Jonathan Hutchinson. London. Nos 1-3, v. 1, July, 1889, to Jan., 1890. 8°. Associazione medica italiana. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. ] Atti del Congresso della Associazione medica italiana 2 -p» Cong., 1863-87. V. p. 11 v., 1863-88. 8°&sin. 4°. [Title for 5. and 6. Cong. (1871 and 1874) was: Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. This entry corrects that in List of Abbreviations iii Ind.-Cat., v. 7, 1886.] ' Atti del primo Congresso nazionale d' idrologia e di climatoloo-ia di Bologna, 1888. Torino. 1 v., 1889. 8°. S Atti della reale Accadernia di medicina di Torino. Torino, v 5-6, 1869-84. 4°. [Continuation of: Atti d. r. Accad. med - chir. di Torino. ] [3] Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.- chir. di Perugia. Atti d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino. Atti della reale Accadernia medico-chirurgica di Torino. Torino. v. 2-4, 1846-57. 4J. [Continuation of: Atti d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, and continued as: Atti d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino.] Atti e rendiconti della Accadernia medico-chirurgica di Perugia pubblicati a cura del consiglio direttivo e redatti dagli accade- mici secretari. Perugia. Fasc 1-4, v. 1, 1889-90. 8°. Atti della Societa medico-chirurgica di Torino. Torino, v. 1, 1844. 4°. [Continued as: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino. ] If. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena. Biol. Foren. Forhandl. Ver- handl. d. biol. Ver. in Stock- holm. Bol. Soc. antrop. de Cuba, Ha- bana. Boll. med. d. Svizzera ital., Bel- linzona. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Boll. d. Soc. di nat. in Napoli. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb. Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie. Bull. Soc. odont. de Belg., Brux. Bull. Soc. roy. de pharm., Brux. Beitriige zur Geburtshulfe und Gynakologie. Herru Alfred Hegar zum fiinfuudzwanzigjahrigen Gedenktage seiner Erneunung zum ordentlichen Professor gewidmet von seinen Schiileru. Stuttgart. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Patho- logic. Hrsg. von E. Ziegler und C. Nauwerck. Jena. v. 3-7, 1888-90. 8°. [Continuation, in v. 3, and subsequently, of: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Jena.] Biologiska Foreningens Forhandlingar. Verhandlungen des bio- logiscben Vereius in Stockholm. Stockholm. Leipzig, v. 1, 1888-9. 8°. Biologischer Verein in Stockholm. [See Biol. Foren. Forhandl. Verhaudl. d. biol. Ver. in Stockholm.] Boletin de la Sociedad antropoldgica de la Isla de Cuba. Habana. Nos. 1-7, v. 1 (Sept., 1879, to May, 1885), 1879[-86]. 8°. Bollettino medico della Svizzera italiana. Giornale ufficiale della Societa medica della Svizzera italiana. Bellinzona. Nos. 1, 2, v. 5, Jan. to April, 1889. 8°. Bollettino della r. Accadernia medico-chirurgica di Napoli, fondata nel 1818. Napoli. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, Jan. to July, 1889. 8°. Bollettino della Societa di naturalisti in Napoli. Napoli. Nos. 1, 2, v. 3, 1889. 8°. Bolnitschnaga gazeta Botkina. St. Petersburg, v. 1, 1890. 4°. British Homoeopathic Society. [See Ann. & Tr. Brit. Homoeop. Soc, Lond.] Bulletin international de l'Acade"mie des sciences de Cracovie. Comptes rend us des s6ances. Cracovie. Nos. 1-5, Jan. to May; nos. 8-10, Oct. to Dec, 1889; nos. 1, 2, Jan. to Feb., 1890. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe" odontologique de Belgique. Bruxelles. Nos. 1-4, v. 6, 1889. 8-. Bulletin de la Societe" royale de pharmacie. Bruxelles. v. 19, 1875; no. 2, v. 30, 1886; no. 1, v. 32, 1888. 8°. c. Calif. Homoeop., San Fran. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena. Ciudad-Bolivar med. Clin. Reg., Knoxville. Caisarea Academia [Vilnensis] medico-chirurgica. [See Collect. med.-chir., Vilnse.] California (The) Homoeopath. A bi-monthly journal, devoted to the interests of homoeopathy on the Pacific coast. San Fran- cisco, v. 1-7, 1882-9; nos. 1-3, v. 8, 1890. 4* & 8°. Canadian Institute, Toronto. [See Proc. Canad. Inst., Toronto.] Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Pathologie und pathologische Anato- mie. Jena. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1890. 8°. Ciudad-Bolivar medico. Peri6dico medico-quirurgico. Ciudad- Bolivar. Nos. 3-7, v. 1, Aug., 1888, to March 31, 1889. fol. &8°. Clinical (The) Register. A monthly journal, devoted to practical medicine and surgery, new preparations, etc. Knoxville, Tenn. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1890. 8°. 1*1 Clinica, Bucuresci. Collect, med.-chir., Vilnae. Cong. p. l'etude de la tubercu- lose, Par. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. ex- per. et therap., Par., Cong, internat. d'otol. et de la- ryngol., Par. Cong. san. am. de Lima. Dent. Office & Lab., Phila. Dixie Doct., Atlanta. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto. Clinica. Revista medieala bi-mensuala. Bucuresci. No. 1, v. 1, Jan. 15, 1890. 4^. Collectanea medico-chirurgica. Ca'sarese Academic medico-chi- rurgicae cura et impensis edita. Vilna>. v. 1, 1*38. 4°. Congres pour l'etude de la tuberculose chez I'homme et chez les animaux. Comptes-rendus et m6moires. lre session, 1888. Paris. Fasc. 1, 2, 1889. 8°. Congres international de l'hypnotisme experimental et therapeu- tique. Comptes rendus. Paris, v. 1, 1890. 8°. Congres international d'otologie et de laryngologie, tenu a Paris du 16 an 21 septembre 1889. Comptes rendus et m^moires. Pa- ris. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Congreso ginecoldgico espaiiol. [See Actas . . . Cong, giuec. es- pan., Madrid.] Congreso sanitario americano de Lima, reunido en el ano de 1888. Lima (Peru). 1 v., 1889. roy. 8°. Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. [See Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. & Surg., N. Haven.] Congressi di medicina interna. [See Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano.] Congresso della Associazione medica italiana. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital.] Congresso nazionale d' idrologia e di climatologia di Bologna. [See Atti d. Cong. uaz. d' idrol. e climat., Torino.] D. Dental (The) Office and Laboratory. A journal of dental intelli- gence. Philadelphia, v. 1-5, March, 1*68, to Nov., 1872; 2. s., v. 1-10, April, 1877, to Oct., 1886. 4°. 3. s., v. 1-3, 1^87-9; nos. 1, 2, Jan. to March, 1890. 8°. (The) Quarterly. Philadelphia.] Deutsche dermatologische Gesellschaft. derm at. Gesellsch., Wien.] Deutsche odontologische Gesellschaft. odout. Gesellsch., Berl.] Dixie (The) Doctor. A medical journal for the busy physician. Atlanta. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to April, 1890. 8°. Dominion Dental Journal. Toronto, v. 1, 1889; no. 1, v. 2, 1890. [Continuation of: Dental [See Verhandl. d. deutsch. [See Verhandl. d. deutsch. E. Edinb. Med. Miss. Soc. Quart. paper. Enquetes et doc. relat. a l'en- seign. sup. Med. et pharm., Par. Especialista med.-farm , Barcel. Estudio, Mexico. Ecole de iu6decine [de Grenoble]. [See Ann. de l'enseign. sup. de Grenoble. ] Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. Quarterly paper. Edin- burgh. Nos. 13, 14, v. 3; hos. 4-6, 8-13, 15, 16, v. 4; nos. 1-6, 9-12, v. 5, 1882-90. 8". Enquetes et documents relatifs a l'enseignement superieur. xxviii. M6decine et pharmacie, projets de lois. 1789-1803 Paris. 1 v., 1888. 8C. Erste mediciuische Klinik zu Berlin. [See Arb. a. d. erst, med Klin, zu Berl.] Especialista (El) medico-farmacdutico. Revista especial de cli- nica medica dedicada a" publicar historian cliuicas, dictamenes certificaciones de las curaciones obteuidas £ beneficio de especi- ficos nacionales y aguas minerales del pais. Barcelona Nos 1-6, alios 1-4, 18*(i-9. 8°. Estudio (El). Seinanario de ciencias mddicas. Organo del In- stiruto medico nacional. Mexico. Nos. 1-10, l*-;iO v 1 1*-'i- nos. 1-3, v. •>, 1*9U. fol. ' ' ' Ethnological Society of London. [See J. Ethn. Soc Lond.] [5] F. Festschr. z. Begriissung . . . d. Deutsch. u. Wien. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, "Wien. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. allg. Krankenh. zu Hamb.-Eppen- dorf, Hamb. Festschr. d. 56. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . ., Freib. i. B. u. Tiibing. Festschr. d. Ver. f. Naturk. zu Cassel. Forh. allm. svens. lak.-motet i Helsingborg. Forh. v. helsov.-foren. i Stock- holm. Fogl. period, d. prefet. di Ales- sandria. Formulary & Drug. Mag., West- field, N. Y. Forumf. Med.-Angelegenh., etc., Prag. Festschrift zur Begriissung der Tbeilnebmer an der gemeinsamen Versammlung der Deutschen und Wiener anthiopologischen Ge- sellschaft in Wien. 5.-10. August 1889. Hrsg. von der anthio- pologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien. 1 v., 1889. 4°. Festschrift zur Erofthung des neuen allgemeiuen Krankenhauses zu Hamburg-Eppendorf. Hrsg. von den Aerzten des allgemei- uen Krankenhauses. Hamburg. 1 v., 1889. fol. Festschrift der 56. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet von der naturforschendeu Gesellschaft zu Frei- burg i. B. Freiburg i. B. und Tiibingeu. 1 v., 1883. 8°. Festschrift des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Cassel zur Feier seines funfzigjahrigen Bestehens. Cassel. 1 v., 1886. 8:. Fiziko-meditsiuski Obshestvo v Saratove. [See Trudi fiz.-med. Obsh. v Saratove.] Fiziologicheskii laboratorija imperatorskago Moskovskago Uni- versiteta. [See Trudi nziol. lab. imp. Moskov. Univ.] Forbandlingar vid allmanna svenska lakaremotet i Helsingborg. [Transactions of general meeting of Swedish physicians in Hel- singborg.] Stockholm. 1 v., 1889. *a. Forhaudlingar vid helsovardsforeningcns i Stockholm. Stock- holm, v. 5, 1885 (1886). 8°. Foglio periodico della prefettura di Alessandria. Alessandria. Fasc. 4, anno 25, 1889. 8°. Formulary (The) and Druggists' Magazine. A monthly journal of practical pharmacy, devoted to the everyday wants, uses, education, and interests of druggists. Westtiebl, N. V. v. 5, 1889; no. 1, v. 6, Jan., 1890. 8°. [Continuation of: Formu- lary (The). Westfield, N. Y.J Forum fur Medicinalangelegenheiten im Interesse des Geinein- wohls und des arztlichen Standes. Prag. 1.-2. Jahrg., April, 1848, to Dec, 1849. 8°. G. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. Ges. klin. Arb., Jena. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano. Gior. d. Soc. fiorent. d' ig., Fi- renze. Gazzetta medica lombarda. [Continuation, in 1889, of Milano. v. 48-49, 1889-90. 4C. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Geuees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [See Maandbl. v. Natuurwetensch ... v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. v. Nat.-, Geuees-en Heelk. te Amst.] Gesammelte klinische Arbeiten. Hrsg. vou M. J. Rossbach, in Verbindung mit E. Sehrwald. Jena. 1 v., 1890. 8°. [Re- printed from medical periodicals and occasional publicatious.] Gesellschaft der Aerzte des Kautons Zurich. [See Schweiz. Bl. f. (Jsndhtspflg., Zurich. ] Giornale della reale Societa italiana d' igiene. Milano. v. 5-12, 1883-90. 8°. [Title, since last number of 1882, of: Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano.] Giornale della Societa fiorentina d' igiene, pubblicato per cura del Consiglio direttivo. Firenze. Nos. 1-6, v. 5, Jan. to Juue, 1889. 8°. [Contiuuatiou of: Boll. d. Soc. fiorent. d' ig., Fi- renze.] Gynecological Society of Boston. [See Tr. Gynsec. Soc. Bost.] Heil- und Pflegeaustalt Pfullingen fur psychisch Kranke. [See Anst.-Ber. d. Heil- u. Pllegeanst. Pfullingen . . ., Tubing.] [C] Helios, Berl. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris], Amst. Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab. de therap., Par. Helios. Monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesannntgebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwisseuschaftlichen Ver- eins des Regierungsbezirks Frankfurt. Berlin, v. 7, April, 18*9, to March, 1890. 8°. [Continuation of: Monatl. Mitth. a. d. Gesammtgeb. d. Naturw., Frankf. a. O.] Helsovardsfbrening i Stockholm. [See Forh. v. helsov.-foren. i Stockholm.] Herzogliche mediziuisch-chirurgische Kraukenanstalt in Jena. [See Klin. Ann. d. herzogl. med.-chir. Krankenanst. in Jena.] Histoire de l'Acad6mie royale des sciences [de Paris], avec les me"nioires de mathe'inatique et de physique, tir6z des registres de cette Academic 1700-1744. Amsterdam. 62 v., 1706-51. 12°. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Ohio. [See Proc Homoeop. M. Soc. Ohio.] Hongkong Medical Society. [See Tr. Hongkong M. Soc] Hopital Cochin. Service du docteur Dujardin-Beaumetz. Comp- tes rendus des travaux du laboratoire de therapeutiqne, par le docteur G. Bardet. 1884-9. Paris. 1 v., 1889. roy. 8°. 1st. di clin. ocul. d. r. Univ. di Napoli, Pavia. Items Interest. Dent. Indep. Instituto niedico nacional [de M6xico]. [See Estudio, Mexico.] Iuternationaler Kongress fiir Feiienkolonien und verwandte Be- strebungen der Kiuderbygieue. [See Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. . . . d. Kinderhyg., Hamb. u. Leipz.] Istituto di clinica oculistica della r. Universita di Napoli, anno scolastico 1887-8. Pavia. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Istituto di clinica medica della r. Universita di Genova. [See Lavori d. 1st. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Genova.] Istituto d' igiene sperimentale dell' Universita di Roma. [See Ann. d. 1st. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma.] Items of Interest. The Dental Independent. Vinelaud, N. J.; Philadelphia. Nos. 2-4, 6, v. 1; nos. 2, 3, v. 2; nos. 3-5, 11, 12, v. 3; nos. 1, 2, 7, v. 4, Aug., 1*79, to July, 1882; v. 5-11, 1883-9; nos. 1-3, v. 12, 1890. a°. J. J. Balneol. & M. Clippings, N. Y. J. clin. s. 1. difformites [etc.], Par. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond. J. Ethn. Soc. Lond. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par. J. Respir. Org., N. Y. Journal of Balneology and Medical Clippings, devoted to the dis- semination of information concerning the therapeutic value of natural mineral springs. New York. Nos. 5-7, v. 2, April to Dec, 18S8; nos. 3-6, v. 3, June to Dec, 1889. 8°. [Continua- tion, in no. 5, v. 2, of: Medical Clippings and New Chemicals, Philadelphia.] Journal clinique sur les diiformite's dont le corps humain est sus- ceptible a toutes les 6poques de la vie, et sur tout ce qui se rap- porte en general, a la in^canique et aux instrumens employes par la chirurgie. Par C.-A. Maisonabe. Paris. Nos. 1-* Julv 1825-8. *P. ' >' Journal (The) of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives Philadelphia. Nos. 1-3, v. 11, 1890. 8°. [Continuation, after 18*9, of: J. Comp. M. & S., Phila.] Journal (The) of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics. Ed- inburgh aud London, v. 1-3, 1888-90. 8°. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. London v 3- 4, 1854-(i. */~. Journal des maladies cutanees et syphilitiqnes. Paris. Nos 1-3 v. 1. April to .Sept., 1**9. *°. Journal of the Respiratory Organs. New York, v 1 1*89• nn« 1-4. v. 2, 1890. 8°. ' '"" ' VI Jahrb. d. Med.-Verwalt. in El- sass-Lothringen, Strassb. Jahresb. d. Ver. f. Naturk. zu Mannh. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait. Jahrbuch der Medicinal-Verwaltung in Elsass-Lothringen. Strassburg. v. 1, 2, 1888-9. 8°. Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Naturkundezu Mannheim . . . nebst wissenschaftlichen Beitriigen und Mitgliederverzeichnissen. Mannheim. 52.-55., 1885-8 (1889). 8°. [Continuation of: Jahresb. d. Mannh. Ver. f. Naturk.] Johns Hopkins (The) Hospital Bulletin. Baltimore. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, Dec, 1889, to April, 1890. 4°. Johns Hopkins (The) Hospital Reports. Baltimore. Nos. 1,2, v. 2, Jan. to Feb., 1890. 8°. K. K. rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms- Univ. Bonn z. Feier ihres 50- jahr. Jubil., Bonn. Kansas M. Cat., Fort Scott. Kansas M. J., Topeka. Kinder-Arzt, Berl. Klin. Aarbog, Kristiania. Klin. Ann. d. herzogl. med.-chir. Krankenanst. in Jena. K. k. erste chirurgische Universitats-Klinik zu Wien. [See Arb. u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin, zu Wien.] K. k. oberster Sanitatsrath. [See Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien.] Koniglichen ( Der) rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjahrigen Jubilaums am 3. August 1868 die niederrheinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkuude. Bonn. 1 v., 1868. 4°. Kansas (The) Medical Catalogue. Fort Scott, Kansas. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, Jan. to April, 1890. 8°. Kansas Medical Journal. Topeka, Kansas, v. 1, 1889; nos. 1-4, v. 2, Jan. to April, 1890. 8°. Kinder-Arzt (Der). Zeitschrift fiir Kinderheilkunde. Berlin u. Neuwied. Nos. 1, 2, v. 1, Jan. to Feb., 1890. 8°. Klinisk Aarbog. Meddelelser fra Rigshospitalet og F0dselsstif- telsen i Kristiania. Kristiania. v. 1, 1884. 8°. Klinische Annalen der herzoglichen medizinisch-chirurgischen Krankenanstalt in Jena. Jena. 1. Stuck, 1805. 8°. Kongl. Seranmerlasarett [Stockholm]. [See Rap. f. k. Serafimer- lasar., Stockholm.] L. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Mi- lano. Lavori d. 1st. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Genova. Lect. & addr. farmers' inst. Ohio, Columbus. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa. Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. [See Rep. Lab. Roy. Coll. Phys., Edinb.] Lavori dei Congressi di medicina interna. Primo congresso tenuto in Roma nell' ottobre 1888. Pubblicazione fatta per maudato del comitato ordinatore dal Prof. Edoardo Maragliano. Milano. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Lavori dell' Istituto di clinica medica della r. Universita di Ge- nova, diretto dal Prof. E. Maragliano. Anno scolastico 1886-7. Genova. 1888. 8°. Lectures and addresses delivered at farmers' institutes held in different counties of Ohio, during winter of 1886-7, [etc. ]. Co- lumbus. 1887. 8°. Lehigh Valley Medical Magazine. The journal of the Lehigh Valley Medical Association. Easton, Pa. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Oct., 1889, to April, 1890. 8°. Lehigh Valley Medical Association. [See Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa.] Loomis Laboratory of the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. [See Research. Loomis Lab. . . . Univ. CityN. York.] M. Maandbl. v. Natuurwetensch— v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. v. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. Maandblad voor Natuurwetenschappen, uitgegeven door de sectie voor natuurwetenschappen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Amsterdam. v. 1-15,1870-71 to 1888-9. 8°. [8] Mag. f. d. techn. Heilk., etc., Ulm. Med. Compend, Toledo. Med. Mirror, St. Louis. Med. mod., Par. Mea. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb. Vosp. Doma. Med. Progress, Louisville. Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost. Med. Visitor, Chicago. Med. Ztg., Dayton. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Mercredi med., Par. Mitt. a. d. Klin. u. Poliklin. f. Haut- u. ven. Geschlechts- krankh. v. Prof, van Haren Noman zu Amst., Haarlem. Mitth. a. d. chir.-orthop. Privat- klin. . . . Hoffa zu Wiirzb., Miinchen. Mitth. a. d. pharm. Inst. u. Lab. f. ang. Chem. d. Univ. Erlangen, Miinchen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg. Magazin fiir die technische Heilkunde, offeutlicbe Arzneywisseu- schaft und medizinische Gesetzgebung. Hrsg. von Gottlieb vou Ehrhart, dem jiingern. Ulm. v. 1, 1805. 8L. Medical (The) Compend. A bi-monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Toledo, Ohio. Nos. 3-8, v. 5, June, 1*89, to March, 1890. *8°. Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. See Research. Loomis Lab. . . . Univ. City N. York.] Medical Mirror. A monthly reflex of the profession and its prog- ress. St. Louis. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, Jan. to April, 1890. * . MeYlecine (La) moderne. Journal de the"rapeutique, de me"decine, de cbirurgie, d'accouchements et de pharmacologic Paris. Nos. 1-17, v. 1, Dec. 22, 1889, to April 17, 1890. 4C. Meditsiuskii otchet Imper. S.-Peterburgskago Vospitatelnago Doma. [Medical report of the Imperial St. Petersburg Found- ling Hospital.] 1868; 1872-83. St. Petersburg. 1870-85. 8°. Medical (The) Progress. A monthly magazine for students and practitioners of medicine. Louisville. Nos. 1-4, v. 4, Jan. to April, 1890. 8°. [Continuation of: Progress, Louisville. ] Medical and Surgical Reports of the City Hospital of the City of Boston. Boston. 4. s., 1889. 8°. [Continuation, in 1889, of: Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.] Medical (The) Visitor, and Directorv of Homoeopathic Physicians. Chicago, v. 1-5, 1885-9; nos. 1-4, v. 6, 1*90. 8^. [In v. 3, 1887, title became: Medical (The) Visitor.] Medicinal Zeitung. Zeitschrift fiir die gesanimte Heilkunde. Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. v. 1, June, 1*89, to May, 1890. 8°. Mediciniscli-chirurgische Gesellschaft des Kantons Zurich. [See Verhaudl. d. med.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kantons Zurich.] Meditsinskii Departament. [See Vestuik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb.] Memorie della r. Accadernia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologua. Bologna. ,4. s., v. 6-9,1*84-9. 4°. [Continuation, in 1*84, and subsequently, of: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologua.] Mercredi (Le) m6dical. Journal du praticien et de l'etudiant, public par la Gazette hebdomadaire de m6decine et de chirurgie. Paris. Nos. 1-12, v. 1, 1890. 4°. Milittir-Lehrschmiede zu Berlin. [iSeeZtschr. f. Veteriniirk., Berl.] Militar-Rossarztschule [zu Berlin]. [See Ztschr. f. Veteriniirk., Berl.] Mitteilungen aus der Klinik und Polikliuik fur Haut- uud vene- rische Geschlechtskrankheiten von Prof. Dr. D. van Haren No- man zu Amsterdam. Haarlem. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der chirur£>isch-orthopadischen Privatklinik des Privatdocenten Dr. A. Hoffa zu Wiirzburg. Hrsg. von Dr. Albert Hoffa. Miinchen. 1 v., 18*9. *°. Mittheilungen aus dem pharmaceutischen Institute und Labora- torium fiir angewandte Cheinie der Universitiit Erlangen vou A. Hilger. Miinchen. 1.-2. Hft., 1889. *°. Stuttgart. Nos. 1-5, Monatshefte fur praktische Thierheilkunde. v. 1, Oct., 1889, to Feb., 1890. 8°. Miinchener anthropologische Gesellschaft. Miinchen. anthrop. Gesellsch.] [See Verhandl. d. mr. N. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Arzen.-Wis- sensch., Berl. N. Repert. f. Pharm., Miinchen. Neue Beitrage zur Natur- und Arzenei-Wissenschaft Hrs.-\ iv, 318-352.— C'ntrin. La phagocytose; sen role dans l'iniiiiunite. Arch, gen. de med., Par., 1888, i, 462- 47:!.—Ernst (M.) Zur Phagocytenlelire. Wien. med. Bl.. If 88. xi, 1U31; 1060'; 1128; 1163.—Fodor (J.) Die Falii"kfit des H lutes Bacterien zu vernichteu. Deutsche med.' Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 745-747. —Oullc- iiiiirrlM (E.) De l'absorption du bacillus subtillis par lea globules blancs; contribution a l'etude des phagocytes. Bull. Acad. tov. de med. de Bclg., Brux., 1887, 4. a., i. 738- 745, 1 pi.—Hews (('.) Untersuchungen zur Phagoeyten- lchre. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1887, cix, 365-389, 1 -pi.-----. Weitt-ie I'ntersucliiiimen zur Phagoeytenlebre. Ibid., ex. 313-322, 1 pi.—.VIclat-huikofT (E.) Ueber die pathologisc.be Bedeutung der intraeellularen Yerdauung. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1884. ii, 558-569. Also, transl.: Rev. scient, Par., 1886, xxxvii, 683-689. -----. Sur la lutte des cellules de l'organisnie contre l'invasion des mi- crobes. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 321-336.— Oalei- (\V.) On phagocytes. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 393-400. Also: Med. Rec., X. Y., 1889, xxxv, 393-399. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 393; 421 - Paluiberg (A.) Oni de af Dr. Elie Metscbnikoff gjorda undersok- ningar angaende vissa cellers inom organi.smen kaiup emot mikroberna. Res. Recherches du Dr. "filie Metscbnikoff , sur la lutte de certaines cellules dans l'organisnie contre Its miciolies. Finskalak.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1888, xxx, 23-36.—Virchow (R.) Der Kampf der Zellen und der Bacterien. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 936-941. Also: Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1885, ci, 1-13. Also, transl.: Birmingli. M. Rev., 1885, xviii, 169-180. Phalli (Joseph). *UebereinigemecbanischeVer- haltuisseder Atbmung beigesunden undkranken Meuschen. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Trapp, 1.S70. Phairc (Thomas), See Phayre (Tbomas). Pliakometer. I>erby (H.) The phakometer, for the determination of the focus and centre of spectacle lenses. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xevi, .'{83-386. Also, in his: Report on the per cent, of near-sight [etc.], 8°, Cambridge, 1877, 7-9, 1 pi. [See. also, infra, Snellen.]— lioiweau. Nouveau phako- metre portatif. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1879, 3. s., xiii, 147-153, 1 pi.—Snellen (H.) Das Phako- meter, zur Bestimmung von Focus und Centrum der Bril- lenglaser. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1876, xiv, 363-370. Also [Rev.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xevi, 383- 386 (II. Derby). Also [Rev.], in: Derby (H.) Report on per cent, of near-sight [etc.], 8°, Cambridge, 1877, 7-9, 1 pi. Pliako§cope. Becker. Der Helmholtz'sche Phacoscop. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1874, xii, 408-410. Phalaenidse. Packard (A. S.), jr. A monograph of the geo- inetrid moths or phalamidse of the United States. 4°. Washington, 1876. Phalanges. See Extremity (Upper); Fingers; Hand; Toes. Phalanges (Dislocation of). See Fingers (Dislocation of). Phalanges (Exostosis of). See Fingers (Tumors, etc., of). Phallic worship. Masculine (The) cross and ancient sex wor- ship. By Sha Eocco. 12°. Xeir York, 1874. Bereiigcr-Feraiid. Note sur un vestige du culte de la terre mere (phallisuie) en Provence. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1888, 3. s., iii, 560-567. —Burton (R. F.) Notes on certain matters connected with the Dahoman. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. (1863-4), 1865, i, 308-321. — Chou- lant. Phallische Votivbilder zu Isernia. N. wissensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835-6, iii, 414-418. — Jiiiiga Puja, or Phallic worship in India. [ Discussion. ] J. Anthrop. Soc. Loud., 1865-6, iii, pp. cxiv-exx. — Schwartz (TV.) Der (rothe) Sonnenphallos der Urzeit; eine mythologisch-antbropologisehe Untersuchnng. Zt- schr. f.' Ethnol., Berl., 1874. vi, 167; 409.—Sellon (E.) On the phallic worship of India. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Loud. (1863-4). 1865, i, 327-334. -----. Some remarks on Indian gnosticism, or Sacti Puja, the worship of the fe- male powers. Ibid., 1865-6, ii, 264-272. Phallus impudicus. tie Kaleniczcnko (J.) Observations pratiques sur 1'action medicale du champignon Phallus impudicus (Dzi- abka) dans certaines maladies de I'homme. TTniou med., Par., 1865,2.8., xxv, 529-534.—Kail ley (W.C.) The phal- lus impudicus. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41. ii, 798. — Volto- liiii. Ueber den Phallus impudicus auf Kirehbofeu. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1854, xxiii, 21. Phallusia. Stepanoflf (P.) Ueber die Entwickelung der weibli- chen Geschleehtselemente von Phallusia. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petevsh., 1866-8, vi, 733-746, 1 pi.— Van Beneden ( E. ) & Jul in ( C.) Recherches sur le developpementpostembryonnaire d'une phallusie (Phal- lusia scabroides, nov. sp.). Arch, de biol., Gand, 1884, v, 611-638, 1 pi. Phalsbourg. Ijcican. Memoire topographique de la ville do Phals- bourg. J. de med. mil., Par., 1782, i, 282-293. Phantasy. See Hallucinations. Phantom tumors. See Abdomen (Tumors of, Phanlom); Preg- nancy (Imaginary). Phaphoutaki (Gr6goire-Andrea). * Etude sur les ristules ure"thrales perineo-scrotales. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 45. Pliaramond. - Dialogue sur les saugsues, entre Jeanneton Vernil et sa boune amie, Marie Bria- net; compost le 30 juin 1H19. Poeme. 59 pp. S-. Monlpellier, Vve. Picot, 1825. Pliaramond (Joseph-Autoine-Pierre). Sur relict et l'abus des enie"tiques. 23 pp. 4°. Paris. 1«06, No. 65, v. 61. PHARAOH. PHARMArEUTIsniK. Pharaoh % serpents. Bellini ( R.) Dello avvelenamento prodotto dai cosi detti serpenti indiani o di Faraoue. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1867, xix, 131-214.—von Bernuth. Amtliche Verfugun- gen. betreffend die Pharao-Schlangen. Vrtljschr. f. 9-89. -----. Calendar. 1873-4; 1886-9. 8°. London, 1873-89. -----. Catalogue of the library. 2. ed. 2 1., 175 pp. 8°. London, 1874. -----. The same. 3. ed. Compiled by John William Knapman. Appended is the Catalogue of the library of the North British Branch, Edin- burgh. 4. ed. 445 pp. 8°. London, 1880. -----. The same. 4. ed. Compiled by John William Knapman. Appended is the Catalogue of the library of the North British Branch, Edin- burgh. 5. ed. 518 pp. 8°. London, 1885. -----. The same. 5. ed. Compiled by John William Knapman. Appended is the Catalogue of the library of the North British Branch, Edin- burgh. 6. ed. 569 pp. 8°. London, 1-ws. -----. List of additions to the library. 1875-8. 8°. London, 1875-8. -----. Catalogue of the library. North British Branch. 32 pp. 8 \ Edinburgh, 1876. -----. Catalogue of the collections in the mu- seum. Compiled by E. M. Holmes, vii, 302 pp. 8°. London, 1878. Pharmaceutical (The) Times. A journal of chemistry, applied to the arts, agriculture and manufactures. [Weekly.] v. 1-3, Sept. 5, 1846, to Nov. 4, 1848. 4 . London, J. A. Carfrae. Continued as: Chemical (The) Times and Journal of Pharmacy, Manufactures, [etc.]. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad voor Nederland. Voor apothekers en apotheekhoudende genees- kuudigen. Redactenr: R. J. Opwijrda. Nos. 12-35, jaarg. 24, July 23 to Dec. 31,' 1887. fol. Amsterdam. Pharmaceutische Centralhalle fiir Deutsch- laud. Hrsg. von Dr. Hermann Hager. [Weekly. ] v. 1-20, July 7, 1859, to Dec. 25, 1879; n. F.'v. 1-10, 1880-89. 8°. Berlin. Current, v. 3 is July, 1861, to Dec, 1862. v. 4 com- menced Jan., 1863. In 1880, v. 1, n. F., Ewald Geissler added as editor. After April 18, 1889, published in Dres- den. Pharmaceutische Monatsblatterf Hrsg. von Th. G. Fr. Varnhagen. [Monthly;2 v. annually.] v. 1,2,1821. 2v.ini. 466 pp. 8°. Srhmalkal- den. • Continued in 1822 as: Archiv des Apothekervereins im nordlichen Deutschlaud fiir die Pharmacie. Pharmaceutische Post. Zeitschrift fiir die Gesammtiuteressen der Pharmacie. Redactenr: Dr. Alois Philipp Hellmann. [Seini-monthlv 1 v. 9-22, 1876-89. 8-. men. Current. In 1883 Hans Heger added as editor when it became weekly. Pharmaceutische Rundschau und Zeitun»- fiir die wissenschaftlichen und gewerblichen In" teressen der Pharmacie und verwaudten Berufs- und Gescbiiftszweige in den Vereinigten Staateu Hrsg. vou Fr. Hoffmann. [Monthly. 1 v 1-7* 1883-9. roy. 8-. New York. S ' ' Current. Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift fur Russland Nameus der . . . pharmaceutischen Gesellschaft in St Petersburg; und unter Mitwirkuug von Arnold [et a*.] hrsg. von G. Dragendorff. Zwei- mal nionatlich. v. 1-28, May 1, 1862, to 1889 b°. St. Petersburg. Current. In v. 4, 1865, Arthur Casselmann became edi- 867 in v6nem^A p'h186!6: V- 6 commenced Jan , 1867. In v. 11, 1873 A. Peltz became editor; in v. 12 1874 Edward Rennard became editor; in v. 19 1880 Edwin Johanson became editor; in 1881 became weekly Pharmaceutische Zeitung. Central-Organ iur Apotheker, Aerzte, Droguisten, etc. Or^a des nonldeutschen Apotheker-Vereins und de ■ Apotheker-Genosseuschaft in, Grossherzogth » PHARMACEUTISCHE. 3 PHARMACOGNOSY. Pharmaceutische Zeitung—continued. Baden. Redactenr: II. Miiller. [Semi-weekly.] v. 9-34, 18(14-89. fol. Bunzhtn it. Berlin. Current "Want title and index of v. 21, 1876; nos. 1-26, v. 22. 1877; title and index of v. 23, 1878; no. 17, v. 25, 1880. After 1885 published only at Berlin. Pharmaceutische Zeituug des Apotheker- vereins im nordlichen Deutschlaud. Hrsg. von Rudolph Braudes. v. 6-10, 1832-6. 5 v. 8°. Lemgo, Meyer. Pharm aceiitischer Almanach. Kalender fiir Apotheker, Militiir-Medicamenten-Beamte, Stu- dirende der Pharmacie, etc. Hrsg. vou Dr. Hans Heger. N. F. Jahrg. 11, 1886. 12c. Wien, M. Per les. Pharmaceiitischer Kalender. Hrsg. von Franz Klinger. v. 2, 13, 15, 1865, 1876, 1878. 3 v. 12°. Wien, C. Fromme. Phariiiaceutisclier Kalender fiir das deut- scbe Reich. Mit Notizkalender zum tiiglichen Gebrauch, nebst Hilfsmitteln fiir die pharrua- ceutische Praxis. Mit eiuer Beilage: Pharma- ceutisches Jahrbuch. v. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 1874-89. 8 v. 12°. Berlin, J. Springer. Pharmaceiitischer Taschen-Kalender. Additional title of: Pharmaceiitischer Kalender, Wien, 1865-78. Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Redac- tion: W. Knop. [Semi-monthly.] Jahrg. 1-26, l830-5.">. 8°. Leipzig, L. Voss. In 1850-55 title was: Chemisch-phariiiaceutisches Central-Blatt. Continued in 1856 as: Chemiiches Cen- tral-Blatt. Pharmaceutisches Correspondenzblatt fiir Siiddeutschland. Hrsg. von einem Vereiue siid- deutscher Apotheker. v. 1-8,1840-48. 8°. Er- langen, F. Enke. v. 8, 1848, edited by Dr. Theodor Martins. Pharmaceutisches Institut und Lahora- torium fiir augewandte Chemie der Universitat Erlangen. Mittheilungen . . . von A. Hilger. Heft 1-2. 1 p. 1., 180 pp., 1 tab.; 1 p. 1., 309 pp. 8-. Miinchen, M. Ricger, 1889. Pharmaceutisk fidskrift. G. R. Nordgren, secreterare. [Monthly.] 1861-5. 5 v. 8°. Stockholm, J. Waller $• J. Xygvist. Pharmaceutist*. See Apothecaries. Pharmacia Galenica et chymica, dat is: de vermeerderde ende verbeterde apotheker en alchymiste licht ende distilleer-konst, begrij- pende de beginselen ende fondamenten dersel- ver. Verdeylt in acht boeckeu, tot onderwij- singe der apothekers. Doorgaens op't nieuw by den autheur oversieu, en verrijekt met een kort examen der chirurgie, benevens een tractaet van de kenuisse der droogen. 4. ed. 6 p. 1., 460 pp., 6 1., 1 pi. 16°. Amstelredam, J. ran Ilaresteyn, 1662. -----. The same. 6 p. 1., 466 pp., 11 1. 16°. Anticerpen, Ii. Sleigher, 1667. -----. The same. Neues Liecht vor die Apo- thecker, wie selbige nach den Grund-Regeln der heutigen Destillirkunst ihre Artzeneyen zube- reiten sollen, mit einigen Anmerckungen ver- mehret und verbessert dnrch die hochgelahrten Herren Sylvius, Willis, Blanckart, und andere. Nebenst einem Anhange von den en Irrthuniern, so bey Bereitung der Medicanienten vorzugeheu pflegen des Herrn Anton de Heidens aus dem Holliindischen ins Hochteutsche iibergesetzet von D. J. S. Frontispiece. 4 p. 1., 780 pp., 16 1. 12°. Leipzig, J. F. Gleditsch, 1690. Pharmacia (A) portugueza. Orgao dos in- teresses da classe pharmaceutica. Redactor principal: Carlos Richter. [Weekly.] Anno 1-2, Nov. 7, 1886, to Dec. 15, 1888. fol. & 8°. Porto, Pharmacie (La) de Lyon, journal scientifique et profession nel. Par M. Abound. Parait le 5 et le 20 de chaque mois. v. 1, March 5, 1875, to Feb. 20, 1876; Nos. 25-45, in v. 2, March 10, 1876, to June 10, 1877. fol. Lyon. Pharmacien (Un) de Paris a son ami de pro- vince. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Wittersheim, 1-44. [P., v. 1687.] Pharmacien (Le) populaire des villes et des campagnes. Organe scientitique et professionnel de la pharmacie centrale de Nantes. Direeteur- geraut: Felix Martin. [Monthly.] v. 1, May, 1884, to May, 1886. 4°. Xantes. Pharmacieiis (Les) du departement dTndre- et-Loire. [Lettre] a M. le ministre de l'agricul- ture et du commerce. 1 1. 4°. [«. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1720.] Pharmacies tenues par les Scenrs. 4 pp. 8°. [Paris, /•'. Locqnin, 1831.] [P., v. 1745.] JRepr. from: Gaz. des tribunaux, Par., 1831. Pharmacist (The). Was title of: Pharmaei»t (The).and Chemical Re- cord in 187;t-8and 1*85, v. 6-11, 18. Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Record. Pub- lished by the Chicago College of Pharmacv. Edited by E. H. Sargent. [Quarterly.] v. 1-1 s, 1868-85. 8°. Chicago. Ended, v. 2 became monthly. In 1873-8 and 1885 title was: Pharmacist (The). In 1879-84title was: Phar- macist (The) and Chemist. After v. 2, edited succes- sively by X. G. Baitlett, A. E. Ebert, H. D. Garrison, R. H. Cbwdry, and Oscar Oldberg. In Jan., 1886, merged in: Western (The) Druggist. Pharmacist (The) and Chemist. Was title of: Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Rec- ord in 1870-84, v. 12-17. Pharmacist*. See Apothecaries; Physicians (Relations of) to pharmacists. Pharmacognosy. See, also, Medicines; Medicines (Adultera- tions, etc., of); Materia medica. Berg (O.) Handbuch der pharmaceutischen Botanik fiir Pharmaceuteu und Mediciner. 8°. Berlin, 1845. Bollixg (G.) *Klassinkation och diagnostik af de organiserade viixt- och djur-amuen, som till- hora farmakognosieu. Forra delen. [Upsala.] 8°. Stockholm, 1867. Fiajckigkr (F. A.) Gruudlagen der pharma- ceutischen Waareukunde. Einleitnng in das Studium der Pharmacognosie. 8°. Berlin, 1873. -----. Grundriss der Pharmakognosie. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Fristf.dt (R. F.) * Studier i allmiin pharma- kognosi. 8°. Upsala, 1861. Godfrix (J.) & Noel (C.) Atlas man nel de l'histologie des drogues simples. 4°. Paris, 1887. Henkkl (J. B.) Handbuch der Pharmaco- gnosie des Pflanzeu- und Thierreichs nach dem neuesten Staudpunkt bearbeitet. 8°. Tubingen, 1867. Hirsch (B.) Die Priifung der Arzneimittel mit Riicksicht anf die wichtigsten europaischen Pharmakopoen, nebst Anleitung zur Revision der offentlichen und der Haus-Apothckeu, Dispeusir- und Mineralwasser-Anstalten, Drogen- und Ma- terial waaren-Handlnngeii. Zum Gebrauch fiir Medicinalbeamte, Aerzte, Apotheker uud Drogis- ten. Zweite vollstiindig neu bearbeitete Auf- lage. 8°. Berlin, 1875. See, also, infra, Wolff (E.) & Hirsch (B.) Katzer (J.) * Systematische Uebersicht der officinellen Pflanzen, welche in der osterreichi- schen Pharmacopoe enthalten sind. 8°. Wien, 1840. Kuxtu (K. S.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss siimmtlicher in der Pharniacopcea borussica anf- PHARMACOGNOSY. 4 PHARMACOLOGY. Pharmacognosy. geilibrten officinellen Gewiichse nach natiirlichen Familien. 8°. Berlin, 1834. Lemaire (A.) *De la determination histo- logique des feuilles nie"dicinales. 4°. Nancy, 1882. Mentin (N. F.) Kurs farmakognozii. (Ma- teria medica.) 8°. Varschava, 1888. Podvysotski (V.) Pharmakognos. rastitel. vetshestve, prinjat. russk. pharmakop. i vnov predlag. s izlojen. osnov vrach. ich zuachenija. Lektsii . . . Izdanie knigo. A. A. Dubrovitcha. [ Pharmacognosy of the vegetable substances employed in the Russian pharmacopcea and pro- posed anew for medicinal uses on a basis of their relative importance.] 8°. Kazan, 1886. Riegel (E. A. E.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Priifung der gebrauglichen einfachen und zusammeugesetzen Arzneimittel. 4°. Trier, 1842. Schelexz (H. E.) Pharmacognostische Karte zur Pharmacopcea germanica. Broadside. Halle, 1876. Schleidex (M. J.) Handbuch der botanischeu Pharmacognosie fiir Aertze, Apotheker und Bo- tan iker zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesuugen und zum Selbststudium. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1852-7. Solthall (W.) The organic materia medica of the British Pharmacopoeia systematically ar- ranged, with brief notices of the remedies con- tained in the Indian and United States Pharma- copoeias, and short descriptions of their chief adulterants and substitutions. Designed for the use of teachers, medical and pharmaceutical students, and others. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1887. Tichomiroff (V. A. ) Kurs farmakognozii. v. 1. 8°. Moskva, 1885-8. Vogl (A. E.) Anatomischer Atlas zur Phar- makognosie. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1887. Wach (C.) Grundriss der pharmaceutischen Waarenkunde, zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte, Apothe- ker und Droguisten. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Michael Benedict Lessiug. Erster Theil: PbaTmakognosie des Pflanzen- und Thierreichs. 12\ Leipzig, 1865. Wigaxd (A.) Lehrbnch derPharmakognosie. Mit besonderer Riicksicht anf die Pharmacopcea germanica sowie als Anleitung zur naturhisto- riseben Untersuchung vegetahilischer Rohstoffe. 3. Ann. 8°. Berlin, 1879. Wixckler (E.. L. W.) Pharmacognostische Tabellen des Pflanzenreichs. Fiir angehende Mediciner, Pharmaceuten und Droguisten, her- ausgegeben von ... 4°. Cassel, 1849. Winkler (E.) Sammtliche Arzneigewachse Deutschlauds, welche in die Pharmakopoen der griissern, deutschen Staaten aufgeuommen sind, natiirgetreu dargestellt undfasslich beschrieben. Ein Handbuch der (Jewiichskunde zum Selbst- studium fiir Mediciner und Pharmaceuten. [With Erganzungs-Heft at end of book.] 2 v. 8 A 4C. Leipzig, 1834. Wolff (E.) & Hirsch (B.) Die Priifung der Arzneimittel, nebst Anleitung zur Revision der offentlichen und Privat-Apotheken, Dispensir- uud Mineralwasser-Anstalten, Droguerie- und Materialwaaren- Haudlungeu. Zum Gebrauch fiir Medicinalbeamte, Aerzte, Apotheker und Ge- werbtreibcnde. 8°. Berlin, 1866. See, ahv, supra, Hirsch (B.) Dcane (H.) v- oeuc Kal 6wdfj.eo)c Kai xPVaeuc a- peutique ge"n6rale. Tome premier. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1847. KiRCirxER (A.) De via et methodo pharma- cologic cxcolenda*. 4°. Kilice, 1844. Martin (J.) Pharmacologia; a condensed epitome of the British Pharmacopoeia. 8°. Dublin, 1873. Mayer (C. J.) Handbuch der Pharmakologie als Erliiuteruug aller in der osterr. Pharmakopoe vom Jahre 1836 enthaltenen Arzneymittel. Mit besonderer Rucksicht anf andere Dispensatorien, vorzugsweise auf die k. k. osterreichische Mili- tia- und konigl. preussische Lauds-Pharmakopoe. 8°. Giinz, 1838. Mialhf (L. ) Die Receptirkunst, oder die Kenutniss der Pharmacologic in ihrer An wen- dung auf die Medicin fiir Studirende und prak- tische Aerzte, ins Deutsche iibertragen von Dr. R. Biefel. 12°. Brcslau, 1852. Oppenhf.im (E.) * De phytochemia, pharma- cologic lucem foeuerante. 8°. Halis, [1803]. Pensato (F.) Istituzioui di farmacologia per gli studenti e medici pratici. Parte prima. Farmacologia generate. la classe: Farinaci spe- cifici. 8°. Napoli, 1887. Plenck (J. J. ) Pharmacia chirurgica, sen doctrina de medicamentis prajparatis ac conipo- sitis, quae ad curandos morbos externos adhiberi solent. 3. ed. 8G. Vienna}, 1791. ------. The same. Farmacia chirurgica. 16°. Venezia, 1781. ------. The same. Heelkundige artzney wiukel, of chirurgyus apotheek. Uit het Latyn Pharmacology. vertaald, en behalveu eenige vermeerdcringen, ten nutte der leerlingeu, verrykt met een alge- meenen tafel, in wclken op de voorkomende in- terlyke ziekten, de gepaste heelmiddelen ver- meld staan, door A. Sckrage. 8°. Amsterdam, 1771). -----. The same. Pharmacologic chirurgi- cale, on science des ni6dicameus exterues et in- ternes, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1786. -----. The same. Farmacologia quinirgica . . . Traducido, corregido y aumentado por . . . Antonio Lavedan. 4°. Madrid, 1819. Psellus. De lapidum viitutibns griece ac la- tine cum notis P. J. Maussaci et J. S. Bernard. Accedit fragmeutum de colore sanguinis ex doc- trina medica Persarmn nunc primum ex codice MS. bibliothecje Lugduuo Batavse ed. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1745. Repetitorium po farmakologii. Sostavleno po novishim istochnikom. (Izdanie kuij. mag. F. A. Johansona.) [Text-book of pharmacology. Compiled from recent sources. (Issued by F. A. Jobanson's book-store.)] 8°. Kieff, 1889. Ronander (C. W. H.) System i pkarmako- logien, med siirskilt afseende pa Svenska Phar- makopeeus sista edition. Forsta delen. 8°. Stockholm, 1828. Rossbach (M. J.) Pharmakologische Unter- suchungen. 2 v. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1876. liepr. from: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., n. F., v. Schapiro ( B.) Kratkii uchehuik farmako- logii posobie dlja uchatschichsja. [Short studies in pharmacology, a guide for students.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Schepotjeff ( N. ) Uchebnik farmakologii dlja feldscherov i feldscherskich uchenikov. [Manual of pharmacology for military subsur- geons and for schools of same.] 8°. Kazan, 1886. Schmiedeberg ( O.) Elements of pharma- cology. Transl. under the author's supervision by Thomas Dixsou. 8°. Edinburgh, 1887. Schroff (C.) Repetitorium der Pharmaco- logic nach . . . Bearbeitet von Rudolf Jama. 8C. Wien, 1871. Schultz (C. H.) Natiirliches System der all- gemeinen Pharmakologie nach dem Wirkungs- organismus der Arzueieu. Die Heilwirkungen der Arzneien nach den Gesetzen der organischen Verjiingung. Allgemeiuer Theil. 8°. Berlin, 184(5. Schulz (J. F.) Prclectiones de viribus et usu medicamentorum quae in offlcinis pharmacopo- larum parata prostant ad dispensatorium regium et electorate Porusso-Brandenburgicum, usibus illorum qui se artis operibus exercendis p'raqm- rant destinatae. 12°. Norimbergw, 1736.' Semmola (M.) Prolegomeni di farmacologia sperimentale e di terapia clinica. 8°. Xapoli, 1887. Sobernheim (J. F.) Tabulae pharmacologics usui medico-pratico dicatae. 4°. Berolini, 1837. -----. The same. Post mortem auctoris elaboravit atque edidit Michael Beuedictus Les- sing. 4. ed. sin. 4°. Berolini, 1855. Trapp (J.) Rukovodstvo k farmakognozii. [Mannal of pharmacognosy.] 2. ed.' 2 v. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1868-9. I * Tsciiksxokoff (A.) Zapiski dlja poytorenija kursa farmakologii, prochodimago,'- ;,, Peter- burgskoi Voyenno-Feldscherskoi Sclikc;,«. [Me- moranda for repetition course of phftrmacology applied to St. Petersburg Military Subsurgeon's School.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Vogt (P. F. W.) Lehrbuch der Pharmakody- namik. 2. Auii. 8°. Wien, 1^28. PHARMACOLOGY. Q PHARMACOPOEIA. Pharmacology. Voltelen (F. .1.) Pharmacologia universa, quam in usus auditorum suorum concinnaverat ... 3 v. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1797-1802. Wotzelka (C.) * Diss, exhibens conspectum pharmacocatagraphologiae applicata^ generalis. 8°. Vindobouw, 1838. Beyer (H. G.) On some of the problems to be solved by pharniaco-physiologv, with a new outline classification oi pharmacology. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 1G9-174.— Binz fC.l Aphori.snien iiber das Verhiiltniss der Phar- makologie zur geriehtlichen Medicin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viiii, 307-310. ——. Ceber neue pharmacologischePraparate. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. inuere Med., Wiesb., 1883, ii, 326-334. -----. Lektsii farmakolo- gii dlja vrachei i studentov. Perev. s Nemetsk. S. E. Sere- brennikova. [Lectures on pharmacology, for physicians and students. Transl. from the German by S. E. Sere- brennikoff.] Ejem. jour, prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1886, ii, 1-480: 18K7. iii, 481-894. [See, also, supra, Binz (C.)]— 4'■■ re■ (A.) La farmacologia seeondo la legge periodica dellachimica. Terap. mod., Napoli, 1888, ii, 600: 657; 705.— Dujardiii-Benunietz. Sur la denomination des nou- veaux medicaments. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1889, exvi, 446-452. — Kirclincr (A.) Die Arzneigewohnung und die Mittel ihrer Verhiitung; eine pharmacologische Excursion. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1871, xxiii, 337-340. Pharmacology (Experimental). See Medicines (Physiological action, etc., of); Poisons. Pharmacopce (La) des pauvres, accompagnee d'observations sur chaque formule, par le docteur W. . . . membre du Coll6ge royal des mexlecins de Londres. Avec des notes sur l'application des memes remfedes et vine table des maladies. [ Par (J.-M. . . . ] xiv, 224 pp., 1 1. 16°. Paris, C. Herissant, 1757. Pharmacopoea brittanica sive formula' medi- camentorum coinpositorum quae in officinis phar- maceuticis Angliae, Scotian et Hiberniae prostaut. 3 v. in 1. 12°. Mediolani, 1823. [P., v. 1822.] Forms pts. 1-3, v. 1: Codex medicamentarius europaeus 8 v. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-6. Plia4'lliacop.,8 1. l'2°. Genera-, J. P. Bonnant, 1780. Plianiiacopcea (De) nederlaudicaen pharma- copo'aBelgicaonderling vergeleken, ten gebruike van geneeskunstocfenaren en apothekers, door de vereeuiging tot beoefening van practische schei- kunde te Nijmegen. 1 p. 1., 47, 3 pp. 8°. Nij- megen, D. J. Baspels, 1853. Pharmacopcea pauperum in usum Iustituti Clinici Hamburgensis, edita a Societate medica. 7 p. h, 33 pp. 12°. Hamburgi, B. G. Hoffmann, 1S04. Pharmacopeia universalis. Iuchoavit Phil. Laur. Geigcr, continuavit ct absolvit Car. Frid. Mobr. viii, 3.">6, 1071 pp. 8°. Heidelbergw, F. Winter, 1*45. Pharmacopcea universalis. Eine iibcrsieht- licbe Znsanmieustellung der Pharniacopceen des In- und Auslaudes ; wichtiger Dispensatorien, Militair- und Armen-Pharmacopceen und Formu- larien; mit einem Auhange, eine Pharmacopcee der homojopathischen Lehre enthaltend. 4., neu bearbcitete und vermehrte Aufl. 2 v. v. 1, A- H; v. 2, I-Z. xii, 920 pp.; 1047pp. 8°. Wei- mar, Landes-Industrie-Comptoir, 1845-6. Pharmacopoeia chirurgica; or, formulae for the use of surgions; including, among a variety of remedies adopted in the private practice of the most eminent of the profession, all the prin- cipal formulae of the different hospitals. 3. ed., corrected and enlarged, viii, 163 pp. 12°. London, G. G. . .-----. The same, viii, 204 pp. 16°. London, G. G. <$■ J. Robinson, 1799. Phai-macopceia chirurgica; or, a manual of chirurgical pharmacy, comprising all the valu- able formuhe of the New London Pharmacopoeia, and of the several pharmacopoeias appertaining to this branch of science. With notes and obser- vations as well on the method of compounding, as likewise on the properties and use of each, by J. Wilson. With additional uotes and illustra- tions by Win. Meade. 1. Am. ed. from the 3. Lond. ed. xii, 252 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, T. Uobson, 1818. Phariliacopceia imperialis, sive pharmaco- poeia Londinensis, Edinburgensis, et Dubliuen- siscollatae; cum notis Auglicis decompositiones chemicas exponentibus. x, 255 pp. 12°. Lon- dini, J. Anderson, 1823. Pharmacopoeia Meadiana; faithfully gath- ered from original prescriptions, containing the most elegant methods of cure in diseases. To which are annexed useful observations u-pou each prescription. The whole digested under proper heads, vi, 108 pp., 3 a. 1. 8°. London, J. Bin- ton, 1756. [ Also, in : P., v. 1339.] -----. The same. Part 2. Together with an ac- count of morbid appearances upon dissections of several of the subjects. Interspersed with prac- tical remarks on particular incidents in diseases, and the operation of medicines. Published from original manuscripts, viii, 106 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, printed for J. Binton, 1757: [P., v. 569.] Pharmacopoeia reformata: or, an essay for the reformation of the London Pharmacopoeia, by a set of remarks on the draught for a new one, and on the brief account of the proceedings of the committee appointed by the College of Physicians, to thoroughly reform their book. Interspersed with some occasional observations on some of the most celebrated modern dispei sa- tories, and the present state of pharmacy, xii, 13-292 pp., 8 1. 8^. London, R. Wiliock, 1744. Phariliacopceia sinipliciorum et efneaeiorum in usum nosocomii militaris ad exercitum foede- ratarum America' civitatum pertinentis; hodier- nal} nostras inopiaa rcrumque angustiis, feroci hos- tium saevitia' belloque crudcli ex inopinato pa- triae nostra} illato debitis, maxime accomodata. 32 pp., iuterl. 12c. Philadelphia, Sti/nerj- Cist, 1778. Phariliacopceia (The) of the United States of America. 1*20. By the authority of the med- ical societies and colleges. 272 pp. 8°. Boston, C. Ewer, 1820. -----. The same. 2. ed. 272 pp. 8°. Boston, V. Ewer, 1828. -----. The same. By the authority of "the gen- eral convention for the formation of the Ameri- can Pharmacopo'ia," held in 1830. (Second edi- tion ; from the hist edition, published in 1820, with additions and corrections.) 176 pp. 8°. New York, S. Converse, 1830. -----. The same. By authority of the national medical convention, held at Washington, 1830. xxx, 21 >8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Grigg, 1831. -----. The same. By authority of the national medical convention, held at Washington, 1840. xxii, 279 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Grigg <£• Elliot, 1842. -----. The same. By authority of the national medical convention, held at Washington, A. D. 1*50. xxiii, 317 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, Grambo <$• Co., 1851. -----. The same. 2. ed. xxiii, 317 pp. [interl. ]. 8°. Philadelphia, J. />'. Lippincott $■ Co., 1855. -----. The same. Fourth decennial revision. By authority of the national convention for re- vising the pharmacopoeia, held at Washington A. D. 1.-60. xxvii, 399 pp. so. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott $■ Co., 1863. PHARMACOPOEIA. 7 PHARMACOPOEIAS. Pharmacopoeia (The) [etc.]—continued. -----. The same. Fifth decennial revisiou. By authority of the national convention for revising the pharmacopoeia, held at Washington, A. D. 1870. xxi, 353 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott 4' Co., 1873. -----. The same. Sixth decennial revision. (By authority of the national convention for revising the phariliacopceia, held at Washington, A. D. 1880.) iv, 488 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood $ Co., 1882. -----. The same. Pharmakopoe der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, 1842. xii, 103pp. 16°. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1844. -----. Instructions issued by the sixth decennial couvention for the revision of the pharmacopoeia of the United States of America to the committee of revision and publication appointed by the same. 21. 4°. [New York], 1880. -----. Minutes of the sixth decennial convention for the revision of the ... 28 pp. 8°. New York, 1880. -----. Sixth decennial revision. Circulars of committee of revision and publication. Charles Rice, chairman. Nos. 1-238. May 18, 1880, to Sept. 28, 1888. Hectograph copies, v. s. [New York, 1880-88.] -----. Digest of criticisms on the United States Pharmacopoeia; sixth decennial revision (1880). Published by the committee of revision and pub- lication. (1880-90.) Pt, i-ii. viii (vi), 277 pp., 11. 8°. New York, 1889. Pharmacopoeia, in usum valetudinarii a Thoma Guy Armigero fuudati, ad normam recen- sitai editionis pharmacopoeias collegii regalis me- dicorum Londinensis, reformata. 86 pp. 16°. Londini, 1791. Pharmacopoeias. See, also, Dispensatories; Formulae, etc.; Pharmacy (An tie nt authors on); Pharmacy (Mil- itary). Baier ( F. J. ) De claris pharmacopoeis his- torian naturalis ampliticatoribus. 4°. Norim- bergcs, 1779. Berkenhout (J.) Pharmacopoeia medici. 12°. Londini, 1768. Berlin ( N. J. ) Circa praeparata chemica pharmacot'ceae suecicae observationes. 4°. Up- sala, [1836]. Buttin (L.) Essai comparatif des pharmaco- pees helvetica, germauica, gallica, belgica et austriaca, d'apres les dernieres Editions de ces ouvrages. 4°. Schaffhouse, 1873. Campana (A. ) Farmacopea accresciuta di moltissime aggiuute. 16. ed. e prima milanese. 16°. Milano, 1832. Charas (M.) Pharniacopee royale, gal6nique et chymique. 4°. Paris, 1676. -----. Opera, tribus tomis distincta. I. Pharmacopoea regia Galenica. II. Pharmaco- pcea regia chymica. III. Tractatus de theriaca et de vipera. 3 v. in 1. roy. 8°. Geneva}, 1684. Codex medicameutarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soraviw, 1818-24. -----. The same. 8 v. in 2. 12°. Medio- lani, 1823-6. [De Waldheim (A.)] Projectum pharmaco- pcese internationalis. Medicamina simplicia et composita continens tum heroicae imiolis tum majore vi praedita. 12°. Torino, 1886. Erythropel (J. H. P.) *Diss. sistens cogi- tata de pharmacopoea provinciali rite constitu- enda. 4U. Jena}, 1797. Farmacopka italiana, ossia dizionario di far- macia e di terapeutica con 1' aggiunta di molte no- zioniutili pel chimicofarmacista,iniziato dal Prof. Giuseppe Gallo e continuato per cura del Prof. Gia- Pharmacopreias. cinto Morelli, colla collahorazione di Carlo Ora- zio Carberis [ et al. ]. 2 v. 8°. Torino, 1881-2. -----. The same. Supplemento compilato da Carlo Orazio Barberis. roy. 8°. Torino, 1887. Farmacopee di Edimburgo, Dnblino e Lon- dra; cogli elementi di chimica farmaceutica, ma- teria medica e preparati; il tutto csposto dietro i principii della chimica moderna, di Andrea Duu- can. Sulla fhglese 10. ed. trad, in francese dal Sig. E. Pelouze. Con note dei Sig. Robiquet e Chereau. Voltate iu italiano e riformate colla compilazione in aggiunte de' piu celebri autori moderui di chimica e farmacia, e de' piu accredi- tati giornali si nazionali che stranieri sino a' gi- orni nostri da Giovanni Vanzani. 110 fasc. iu 3 v. 8°. Venezia, 1844-7. Gille (N.) & Madsen (H. P.) Pharmacopee universelle par . . . et . . . Uniformit6 interna- tionale en medicine par M. le Dr. Seguin. 8°. Geneve, 1878. Repr. from: Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt. rend., 5me session, Geneve (1877), 1878. Hager (H.) Pharmacopeias recentiores Angli- ca, Gallica, Germaniae, Helvetica, Russiae inter se collatae. 8°. Vratislaviw, 1869. Hirsch (B.) Universal-Pharmakopoe. Eine vergleichende Zusammenstellung der zur Zeit iu Europa und Nordamerika giiltigen Pharmako- poeu. 1. Bd. roy. 8C. Leipzig, 1887. Hoffmann (F.) Clavis pharmaceutica Schro- deriana, seu animadversiones cum annotationi- bus in pharmacopoeiam Schroderianam, Baconi- anis, Cartesianis, et Helmoutiauis principiis il- lustratae etc. . . . Johannis Michaelis . . . et ali- orum celeberrimorum medicorum arcanis concin- natse, in quibus medicameutornm simplicium, tarn exoticorum, quam vernaculorum, et compo- sitorum ex regno minerali, vegetabili et animali desumptorum natura, origo, et genuiuas praepa- rationes cum eorum virtutibus et usu demon- strantur et declarantur, cum thesauro pharma- ceutico quoruudam medicorum nostri seculi. sm. 4°. [Halce Sax., 1675.] Hume (J.) On modern pharmacopoeias. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1804.] Jourdan (A.-J.-L.) Pharniacope'e universelle, on conspectus des pharmacop6es d'Amsterdam, Anvers, Dubliu, Edimbourg, Ferrare, Geneve, Loudres, Oldembourg, Wurzbourg, aniericaine, autrichienne, batave, beige, dauoise, espagnole, finlandaise, francaise, hanovrienne, polonaise, portugaise, prussienne, russe, sarde, saxonne, sue"doise ct wurtembergeoise; des dispensaires de Brunswick, de Fulde, de la Hesse, de la Lippe et du Palatinat; des pbarmacopees militaires de Danemarck, de Frauce, de Prusse et de Wurz- bourg ; de la pharmacop6e des pauvres de Ham- bourg; des formulaires et pharmacopees d'Au- gustin, Bories, Brera, Bruguatelli, Cadet de Gas- sicourt, Cox, Ellis, Hufeland, Magendie, Piderit, Pierquin, Ratier, Saunders, Sainte-Marie, Spiel- mann, Swediaur, et van Mons. Ouvrage con- tenant les caracteres essentiels et la syuonymie de toutes les substances citees dans ces recueils, avec rindication, a chaque preparation, de ceux qui Font adoptee, des proce'de's divers recom- maud6s pour rexecuter, des variautes qu'elle pr^sente dans les diffe"rens formulaires, des noms offlcinaux sous lesquels on la d6signe dans divers pays, et des doses auxquelles on l'administre. 2 v. 8C. Paris, 1828. -----. The same. 2.6d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1840. -----. The same. Pharmacopcea univer- salis, oder Uebersicht der Pharmacopoen von Am- sterdam, Antwerpen, Dublin, [etc.]. Nach der Pharmacopee universelle des . . . mit Zusiitzen. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Weimar, 1829-30. PHARMACOPEIAS. PHARMACOPOEIAS. Pharmacopoeias. Klktzinsky (V.) Die osterrcichischeLandes- Pharmakopoe. Fiinfteim Jahre 1855 erschieuene Ausgabe. Neue Ausg. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1860. Okosi (G.) Farmacologia teorica e pratica, ovvero farmacopea italiana. 4. ed. 8°. Mi- lano, 1866-76. Pharmacopcea (De) nederlandica en pharma- copcea belgica ouderliug vergeleken, ten ge- bruike van geneeskunstoefenaren en apbthekers, door de vereeuiging tot bcoefening van prac- tischc scheikunde te Nijmegen. 8°. Xijmegen, 1853. Pharmacopcea generalis, edita a J. R. Spiel- maun. 2 pts. in 1 v. 4°. Argentorati, 1783. -----. The s?tnie. Editio prima Veneta. 3 v. in 1. sin. 4°. Veneliis, 1785-6. Pharmacopcea universalis. Eiue iihersicht- liche Zusammenstellung der Pharmacopu'en des In- und Auslandes; wichtiger Dispeusatorien, Militair- und Armeu-Pharmacopoeen und Formu- larien; mit einem Anhange, eine Pharinacopcee der homoeopathischen Lchre enthaltend. 4. neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Weimar, 1845-6. Pharmacopcea universalis. Inchoavit Phil. Laur. Geiger, contiuuavit et absolvit Car. Frid. Mohr. 8°. Beidelbergw, 1845. Raccolta di farmacopee, contenente la ferra- rese del Dott. Antonio Campana, il formulario di F. Magendie con appendice, gli element! di farma- copea omiopatica estratti dalla materia medica di Hahnemann e dagli arcuivi della medicina omiopatica per cura di Niccolo Viuceuzo La Raja. 12°. Pesaro, 1831. Kuata(C.) Farmacopea nazionale egenerale, materia medica e terapia. Contiene oltre ai pre- parati proprii, tutti i preparati farmaceutici delle farmacopee: degli Stati Sardi, dell' Orosi, del Campana; della farmacopea austriaca, belga, [etc.]. 8°. I erona $ Padova, 188[l-]3. -----. The same. Appendice contenente le modificazioni alle farmacopee germanica e degli Stati Uniti del 1882. 8°. Verona <)'■ Padova, 1884. a Scherer (A. N.) Literaturapharmacopcea- riiin. 8°. Lipsia< et Soravia, 1822. Forms sec. vii; Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsia-et Soravice, 1818-24. Schulthe.ss (J.-J.) * Idea phainiacopcei ra- tionalis. sm. 4C. Bala; Magdeb., [17"27]. Mocietk neuchateloise des sciences m. J. M Sc, 1864, xxxviii, 19-27.— Pharmacopoeia*. Bernatzik. Vorsehliige zur Anbahnung einer interna- tionalen Pharmakopoe. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1873. xix, :> 111-552. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 187.'!, xiv, 745-747. — ISomlel. Considerations sur l'utilite d'une pharniacopee universelle J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1874, 4. s., xx, 220-232.—Cadet de Oa**iat5ias(Official), by countries and cities. • GREAT BRITAIN—continued. pharmacopoeia, 1885, medical references and a therapeutic index of diseases and symptoms by YV. Wynn Westcott. 5. ed. 16c. London, 1888. Observations on the specimen alterum phnr- macopahe Londiiiensis 1787: pointing out iis many striking defects, and shewing the necessity for still further corrections, in order to assist in constituting a work so greatly wanted, in as perfect a state as the difficulty of the undertak- ing will permit, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1787. Pharmacopoeiaimperialis, sive pharmacopoeia; Londineiisis, Edinburgensis, et Dublineusis, col- lataj; cum notis Anglicisdecompositioues chemi- cas exponent ibus. 12°. Londini, 1823. Pharmacopoeias (The) of the London, Edin- burgh, and Dublin colleges, translated into English ; with au appendix, containing a sys- tematic arrangement of the materia medica, tables of changed names, and a posological table. By John Thomson. 8°. Edinburgh, 1815. Royal College of Physicians of Dublin. Pharmacopcea Collegii regii medicorum Dubli- neusis. Ed. uov. 8°. Lipsice, 1818. Forms pt. 3, sec. i: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravia!, 1818-24. -----. The same. 12°. Mediolani, 1823. Forms pt. 1, v. 1: Codex medicamentarius europaens. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-6. -----. Pharmacopoeia Collegii medicorum regis et reginae in Hibernia. 8°. Dublinii, 1826. The same. The pharmacopoeia of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ire- land, mdcccl. 8°. Dublin, 1850. Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Pharmacopoeia Collegii regii medicorum Ediu- burgensis. 16°. Edinburgi, 1722. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgi, 1744. -----, The same. 16°. Edinburgi, 1756. -----. The same. 16°. Venetiis, 1760. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgi, 1774. -----. The same. 12°. Edinburgi, 1783. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgi, 1792. ---. The same. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. -. The same. 12°. Edinburgi, 1813. -. The same. Ed. altera. 8°. Lin et Soravia}, 1818. Lipsice Forms pt. 2, sec. i: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravia?, 1818-24. ------. The same. 16°. Mediolani, 1823. ------. The same. Vl°. Mediolani, 1823. Forms pt 2, v. 1: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 12° Mediolani, 1823-6. The same. Pharmacopoeia Edin- burgensis; or, the dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians iu Edinburgh. Transl. from the Latin, 3. ed., by P. Shaw. 8°. London 1737. -----. The pharmacopoeia of the Roval Col- lege of Physicians at Edinburgh. Faithfully transl. from the 4. ed. by W. Lewis. 8°. Lon- don, 1748. The same. Or, the dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. Transl. and improved from the 4. ed. of the Latin, and illustrated with notes, bv P Shaw 8°. London, 1753. Royal College of Physicians, London. Phar- macopoeia Collegii regalis Londini. fol. Lon- dini, 1677. .-----■ The same. Cui accessit officina eh\- mica Londinensis, Nicolai Staphorsti, editio tertia juxta exemplar Londini. 24° Jena- 1701. ' ' PHARMACOPCEIAS. V>> PHARMACOPCEIAS. Pharmacopoeia* (Official), by countries and cities. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. -----. The same. 24°. London, [1745?] -----. The same. 12°. Londini, 1771. -----. The same. [PuaruiacoP03ia> Loudi- uensis, specimen alteram. ] 8°. [ London ], 1787. The same. The same. The same. The same. 18°. Londini, 1788. -4°. Londini, 1809. Ed. altera. 8°. Londini, 1815. Ed. altera. 8°. Lipsias et Soravia;, 1821. Forms pt. 1, sec. i: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravia; 1818-24. -----. The same. 12°. Mediolani, 1823. Forms pt. 3, v. 1: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-6. 8°. Londini, 1824. 18°. Londini, 1824. 8°. Londini, 1836. [Latin and Freuch text.] 16c —. The same. —. The same. ---. The same. —. The same. Parisiis, 1837. —. The same. ---. The same. 8°. Londini, 1851. The British dispensatory, containing a faithful translation of the new London Pharmacopoeia, publish'd by the College of Physicians [etc.]. b°. London, 1747. ------. The same. A new translation of the phariliacopceia ... of the year 1787 . . . By an apothecary. 8C. London, 1789. -----. The same. Transl. into English . . . By the late T. Healde. 5. ed., revised ... by J. Latham. 8~. London, 1791. -----. The same, mdeccix. Transl. into English, with notes, etc., by R. Powell. 2. ed. 8'"'. London, 1809. -----. The same. With notes ami illustra- 8°. London, 1824. tlOU8. By R. Phillips. -. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1831. 1837 The same. 3. ed. 8C. London, The The same. same. London, 1838. ed. 8°. London, 1841. The same. 8°: London, 1851. -----. Corrigenda et emendauda in pharma- copoeia Londinensi. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~\ -----. A draught for the reformation of the London pharmacopoeia, prepared for the perusal of the members of the College of Physicians by their committee appointed to that purpose, 1742. tP. [London, 1742.] —:----. The plau of a new London pharma- copoeia, proposed to the College of Physicians by their committee appointed for that purpose, 1745. 8°. [London, 1745.] -----. Addenda to the first and second edi- tion of the translation of the Pharmacopoeia Loudinensis. By R. Phillips. 8°. London, 18:58. Salmon (W.) Pharmacopcea Londiiiensis, or the new Loudon Dispensatory in vi books. Translated into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1685. GREECE. Greece. 'rY/Xnvmr) apuanonoua Kara (3aciAiKT/v diaTaytjv nai tear' eyapiaiv tov /?. larpinov cvpfiovMov hudodeica. Lvvrax^elaa de -trapa 'luavvov Boiipov . . . Eavepiov Aavihpepov . . . [icai~\ 'Iua?/ lapropiov. "EkSogic fi'. [2. ed.] 'Ev rj TrpoaeTednaav elg to TrAoc tov (iiflAiov into H. Aavdepepov iv eidei napap- rripaToc ai vewTepat QapfiaicevTiiial OKtvaaiai, aeI-lkov Pharmacopoeias (Official), by countries and cities. GREECE—continued. eTvp.oAoyiK.bv Kai nival- avTidoruv Kara rwv ih/'/ rjTrjpia- aeuv kta. « [2. ed. ] 8°. 'Ev 'AOyvaic, 1868. HAARLEM. See, in this list, Netherlands. HAMBURG. Hamburg. Codex medicamentarius Ham- burgeusis. AuctoritateCollegii Sanitatiseditus. Ed. altera. 8°. Hamburgi, 1845. HANOVER. Hanover. Pharmakopoe fiir das Konigreich Hannover, 1861. 8°. Hannover, 1861. Also [Rev.l, in: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 343; 354; 382 (A. Husemann). -----. Pharmacopcea Hannoverana nova. 8°. Hannovera;, 1833. HESSE-CASSEL. Falck(C. P.) Pharmakopoe fiir das Kurfiir- steuthum Hessen. Auf landesherrlichen Befehl herausgegeben. Nach der zweiten verbesserten Ausgabedes lateinischen Originals deutsch bear- beitet und mit eiuem therapeutischen Commen- tare versehen. 8°. Marburg, 1862. With additional title-page: Therapeutischer Com- mentar zur zweiten verbesserten Ausgahe der in lateini- scher Sprache verfassten Pharmakopoe fiir das Kuriur- stenthum Hessen, nebst dcutseher Bearbeitung derselhen. Hartung-Schavarzkope(H. K.) Ergauzungs- Pharmacopoe zuniichst fiir die hessischeu Apo- theker. 8°. Cassel, 1842. Hesse-Cassel. Pharmacopcea Hassia3 Electo- ral is poteutissimi electoris jussu edita. 8°. Cassellis, 1827. -----. The same. 8°. Cassellis, 1860. INDIA. Warin (E. J.) Pharmacopoeia of India, roy. 8°. London, 1868. Brown (T. E. B.) Remarks on the Indian pharma- copoeia, Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 178; 309.— Jackson (A. R.) et al. On the expediency of compiling a pharmacopeia for Bengal and Upper India. Quart. J. Calcutta M. & Phys. Soc, 1837, i, 659-669.—O'NIiaugli- iichhv (W. B.) First report of the committee for the preparation of a pharmacopeia for Bengal. Ibid., 1838, ii, 153-172. ITALY. Bologna. Antidotarium collegii medicorum Bononieusis editum anno mdcclxx. 4°. Bono- nice,, [1770]. Campana (A.) Farmacopea Ferrarese. 3. ed, 8°. Venezia, 1805. The same. 5. ed. 12°. Firenze, 1808. nezia, 1809. The same. Ed. novissima. 12" Ve 1821. 1828. The same. 7. ed. 16°. Firenze, The same. 13. ed. 12°. Bologna, The same. 15. ed. 12°. Pesaro, 1831. -----. The same. 16. ed. e prima Milanese. 16°. Milano, 1832. Cassivuch (G.) Lessicofarmaceutico chimico contenente li rimedi piu usati d' oggidi. fol. Venezia, 1781. Collegium medicorum Bergomi. Pharmaco- pcea Collegii medicorum Bergomi, rationem com- poneudi medicamenta usitatiora complcctens. Altera editio non solum pharmacopceis, sed etiam medicis, etphiliatris, aliisqueex usu futnra: cui, prefer alia plurima, cum emendata, tum addita, et prseter novum simplicium medicamentorum locupletissimum indicem additum, et veteruin compositorum auctum, accessit etiam ponderum ac mensurarum, ex veterum nou solum Graeco- runi, et Romanorum, sed etiam Arabum, et neo- LM1ALJMACOPCEIAS. Pharmacopoeias (Official), bycountries and .cities. ITALY—continued. tericorum traditione, brevis, exacta, et dilucida explicatio. De superior inn licentia. fol. Ber- gomi, 1581. Del-Bue (G. C.) Farmacopea teorico-pratica. 2 v. 8°. Piacenza, 1835. Rome. Codice farmaceutico romano teorico pratico compilato e pubblicato per ordine di sua santita Papa Pio IX. [With appendix.] 2 v. 4°. Roma, 1868-9. Venice. Codice farmaceutico per lo stato della serenissima republica di Venezia, compilato per ordine dell' eccellentissimo magistrato per la san it a. 4°. Padova, 1790. Corradi (A.) Le prime farmacopee italiane ed in particolare dei ricettari fiorentini. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1887. cclxxix, 3; 179; 254; 321: cclxxxi, 81.— Righiui (G.) Sull' incompatibility chimica di alcune sostanze medicameutose in base alia farmacopea per gli Stati Sai-di, 1853, nozioni utili per gli esercenti la medicina e la chirurgia. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1856, 2. s., xxvi, 65-89. JAPAN. Ave. A pharmacopoeia. 10 v. 8°. [n. jp], 1846. Japanese text. Japan. Pharmacopoea japonica. Editio la- tina. 8°. Tokyo, anno XIX Meiji [1886}, -----. The same. Ingyakubn Ihou yakki- okuho. Saiyakshi Takahashi Suimatsu gioretsu, (Joigc Zonroku ingyaku. [Phouetic Japanese pharmacopo'ia, with the Latin names of chemi- cals and drugs translated phonetically into Japanese by Zonroku Goige, and compiled by Suimatsu Takahashi, pharmacist.] 8°. Tokio, 1886. -----. The same. Ihon yakkiokuho suigan. Daishimura Sintoku, Ishai Saigoro henshatsu; Sashida Shingu hojitsu. [Japanese pharmaco- poeia, by Sintoku Daishimura and Saigoro Ishai. Compiled by Shingu Sashida.] 8°. Tokio, 1887. <»eerts (A. J. C.) Ueber die Pharmacopoe Japan's. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- n. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokahama, 1873-6, i, Hft, 4, 2. Aufl., 36; Hft. 5, 2. Ann., 16; Hft. 6, 2. Aufl., 46.— Japanese (A) pharmacopoeia. Boston M. &. S. J., 18H1. civ, 428-430.—IVew (The) Jap anese pharmacopeia. I Edit.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 10-16. LONDON. See, in this list, Great Britain. LYONS. See, in this list, France. MEXICO. Soctedad farmac6utica mexicana. Informe que la Comision permanente de farmacopea rin- dio a la . . . al entregarle impresa la seguuda edicion. 8°. [Mexico, 1884?] -----. Nueva farmacopea mexicana. 2. ed,, corregida, aumentada y arreglada por los profe- sores A. Herrera, F. Gonzalez, J. M. Laso de la Vc"-a, S. Perez y Dr. M. S. Soriano, miembros de la Comision permanente de farmacopea de la re- ferida sociedad. 8°. Mexico, 1884. Chavez (E.) Algunas observaCiones a. la novisima farmacopea mexicana. Bol. de med., Guanajuato, 1886, i, 10-13 —Ibafiez. Observaciones fi la nueva farrnacopea mexicana. Estudio, Mexico, 1875-6. i, 133; 164; 201; 263.— Rodriguez (J. S.) La nueva farmacopea mejicana. Farm, espan., Madrid, 1877, ix, 657; 673. NETHERLANDS. Amsterdam. PharmacopceaAmstelredamensis. Senatus auctoritate rnunita, et recognita. 6. ed. 32°. Amstelcedami, 1660. _____. The same. 32c. Lugd. Bat, 1701. _____. The same. 12°. Amstelcedami, 1726. _____. The same. Of Amsterdammer apo- theek, in welke allerlei medicamenten, tot Am- sterdam in 't gebruik zynde, konstiglyk bereyd PHARMACOPOEIAS. Pharmacopoeias (O^icm0,&?/ countries and cities. NETHERLANDS—continued. wordeu. Neyende druk, vermeerdert eu ver- betert. 18°. Amsterdam, 1731. -----. Thesame. 24°. Amstelcedami, [1739]. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1792. Gravenhage. Pharmacopcea Hagiensis com- muni Collegii medici ejusdem loci opera ador- nata. 18°. Bagce Comitum, 1659. -----. Pharmacopcea Hagana ex auctoritate magistratus poliatrorum opera instaurata et aucta. 4°. Bagce-Comitum, 1738. -----. Haegsche apotheek, op bet gezag der magistraet, door den arbeid der stads-doctoren, volgens, den laetsten vernienwden en verbeter- den Latynsche druk vertaeld. 4°. Gravenhage, Y76Z. Harlem. Pharmacopcea Harlemensis. Sena- tus auctoritate munita. 24°. Harlemi, 1693. -----. The same. 8°. Barlemi, 1741. Leyden. Pharmacopcea Leidensis, amplissi- morum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata. 3. ed. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1751. Netherlands. Pharmacopcea Batava. 8°. Amstelodami, 1805. -----. The same. Cum notis et additamen- tis». . . Editore Joanne Friderico Niemann. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Lipsice, 1811. ------. The same. 3 v. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-4. Forms v. 2-4: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-6. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Lipsice, 1824. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Lipsim, 1824. Forms sec. iv: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsim et Soravice, 1818-24. -----. Nederlandsche apotheek. 8°. Gra- venhage, 1851. —■—. Pharmacopcea Neerlandica. Editio altera. 8°. Hagce Comitis, 1871. -----. The same. 8°. Bagce Comitis, 1881. -----. Verordening omtrent het gebruik der Pharmacopcea Batava. 8°. [Baag, 1805.] Utrecht. Pharmacopoea Ultrajectiua senatus auctoritate edita et munita. sm. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1656. -----. Thesame. Pharmacopcea Ultrajectiua nova. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1749. Antuoord van het 's Gravenhaagsche departement der Nederlandsche Maatschapij ter Bevordering der Phar- macie op eenige vragen van de 's Gravenhaagsche afdee- ling der NedeiTandscne Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geueeskunst, betreffende de Pharmacopiea Neerlandica. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Arn- hem, 1853, iv, 2. Afd., 193-232. — Phnriimeopoea (E) neerlandica. Nederl. weekbl. v. geneesk., Amst., 1852, ii, 291-301.—Snijilem (C. J.) Herziening der pharmacopoea neerlandica. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, 2. R., iii, 1. Afd., 161-168. NORWAY. Norway. Pharmacopcea norvegica. Regia auctoritate edita, 8°. Christiania, 1854. -----. Thesame. Editio altera. 8°. Chris- tiania, 1870. Stillesen (M.) Bemaerkningerangaaende et Par Prae- parater i Pharmacopcea Norvegica. Norsk Mag. f. Laege- vidensk., Christiania, 1859, xiii, 714-719. POLAND. Poland. Pharmacopoeia regni Polonia- auc- toritate ministerii admiuistrationis rerutn inter- narum et disciplinae public*. Edita a consilio supremo sanitatis. 8°. Lipsice et Soravia}, 1821. -----. Thesame. 8°. Lipsiaet Soravice, 1821. Also, forms pt. 2, sec. v: Codex medicamentarius eu- ropa-ua. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravice, 1818-24. ----■—. The'same. 12°. Mediolani, 1825. Forms v. 6: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-6. PHARMACOPOEIAS. 15 PHARMACOPOEIAS. _----.------__ _7---------------- Pharmacopoeias (Official), by countries and cities. PORTUGAL. Portugal. Pharmacopea Lusitana augmen- tada methodo pratico, de preparar os medica- mentos na forma Galenica, et chimica. Por D. Caetano de Santo Antonio, fol. Lisboa, 1725. -----. Pharmacopea portuense, em a qua! se achao muitas das compozicoens que estiio mais em uzo, e se nilo achao nas nossas pharmacopeas portuguezas, tiradas das pharmacopeas de Lon- dres, de Edinburgo, de Pariz, de Fuller, da 'Me- dulla, e de outros varios autbores, que tod as van postas em ordem alfabetiea para o sen mais ac- comodado, e prompto uzo. 16°. Porto, 1766. -----. Pharmacopeia geral para o reiuo, e domiuios de . . . 8°. Lisboa, 1794. -----. Codex medicamentarius sen pharma- copoea Lusitanica. 8°. Lipsice et Soravice, 1822. Formspt. 2, sec. iv: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravice, 1818-24. -----. Codigo pharmaceutic© Lusitano, ou tratado de pharmaconomia. No qual s' explicam as regras e preceitos com que se escolhem, cou- servani e preparam os medicameutos; e se ap- preseutam as virtndes, usos e doses das tormulas pharmaceuticas; por Agostiuho Albano da Sil- veira Pinto. 3. ed. 8°. Coimbra, 1841. deSousaPinto(A. J.) Pharmacopea chymica, medica, e cirurgica, em que expoem os remedios simples e compostos, suas virtndes, preparacao, doses, e molestias, a que sao applicaveis. Nova ediciio. 12°. Ouro Preto, 1834. Verliassel (H.) Observacoes a-cerca da nova pharma- copea Portugueza. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1877, xiii, 353-372. PRUSSIA. Mohr (F.) Commentar zur preussischeu Phar- macopoe, nebst Uebersetzung des Textes. Nach der sechsteu Auflage der Pharmacopoea borussica. 2 v. 8°. Braunschweig, 1847-9. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Braunschweig, 185:5-4. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. Nach der 7. Aufl. der Pharmacopoea borussica. 8°. Braunschiveig, 1865. Prussia. Dispensatorium regium et electorate Borusso-Brandenbnrgicum, juxta quod in pro- vinciis regiis et electoralibus, medicamenta offi- cinis familiaria praeparanda et dispensanda . . . regii collegii medicisuperioriscura et operadenuo edituru, revisum, emendatum et auctum . . . lo- cupletatum ab Ernesto Fagino. fol. Erfordice, 1734. -----. Pharmacopoea borussica. sm. 4°. Berolini, 1799. -----. The same. 8°. Berolini, 1813. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8°. Berolini, 1827'. -----. The same. 5. ed. sm. 4°. Berolini, 1829. -----. Thesame. 6. ed. 4°. Berolini, 1846. -----. The same. 7. ed. sm. 4°. Berolini, 1862. —■----. The same. Die preussische Pharma- kopoe iibersetzt und erliiutert von F. P. Dulp. 4. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1828-9. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 2 v. 8<-\ Leip- zig, 1847-8. -----. The same. 7. Ausg. . . . hrsg. von G. A. Volcker. 8°. Berlin, 1862. Schacht (J. E. ) Prseparata chemica et pharmaca composita in pharmacopcea? borussi- ca? editionem septimam non recepta, qua? in ofHciuis borussicis usitata sunt. Supplementum pharmacopcea' borussica?. 8°. Berolini, 1873. Casper (J. L.) Die neue preussische Pharmacopoe; im Ueberblick des Practikers fiir Practiker. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1847, 1 ; 17; 33.—Fleck (C. G.) Beitrag zur Beurtheilungder neuen preussischen Pharma- Pharmacopeeias (Official), by countries and cities. PRUSSIA—continued. kopbe. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1828, i, 483-505.— Klohss (C. ) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die neuste preussische Pharmacopoe, insbesondere vom arztliehen Standpuncte. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1X47 225; 251; 260.—Link (H. F.) Antikritik iiber die Bern'- theilungen der neuen preussischen Pharmacopoe. Krit. Kepert. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xx, 163-213.—Schar- Ian. Bemerkungen zur sechsten Ausgabe der preussi- schen Pharmakopoe. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1847. iii. 225-236.—Sclmbarth. Ueber die neue preussische Pharmakopoe von 1827. Eine kritische Beurtheilung mit Beriicksichtigung der friihern Ausgabe von 1813. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1828, i, 1-64. -----. Ueber die von dem Herrn Dr. Link verfasste Antikritik meiner Beur- theilung der neuen preussischen Pharmakopoe von 1827. Ibid., ii, 933-956. RUSSIA. Russia. Pharmacopoea rossica. 12°. Petropoli, 1782. -----. The same. 8°. Petropoli, 1798. -----. The same. Editio nova auctior. 8°. Lipsia; 1821. Forms pt. 1, sec.v: Codex medicamentarius Europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravice, 1818-24. -----. Pharmacopcea rossica et feunica. 12°. Mediolani, 1825. Forms v. 5: Codex medicamentarius Europaeus. 12°. Mediolani, 1823-6. Volberg (C. U. F.) * Pharmaca quaedam in- digeua, Pharmacopcea? rossica? addenda. 8°. Dorpat, 1816. SAXONY. Saxony. Pharmacopoea saxonica. Jussu re- gio et auctoritate publica edita. 8°. Dresden, 1820. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Dresdce, 1837. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. Schleswig-Holstein. Pharmacopoea Sles- vico-Holsatica regia auctoritate et sub auspiciis Collegii Regii Sanitatis Slesvico-Holsatici edita a C. H. Pfatf. 4°. Kilice, 1831. SERVIA. Servia. Pharmacopcea serbica. Ed. prima. roy. 8C. Belgradi, 1881. SPAIN. Madrid. Pharmacopoeia Matritensis, regii . . . protomedicatus auctoritate . . . elaborata. Ed. 2. 4°. Matriti, 1762. -----. The same. Farmacopea Matritense en castellano. sm. 4°. Madrid, 1823. Spain. Pharmacopoea hispana. 3. ed. sm. 4°. Matriti, 1803. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Matriti, 1817. -----. The same. Codex medicamentarius sive pharmacopoea hispanica. 8°. Lipsice el Soravia; 1822. Forms pt. 1, sec. vi: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsice et Soravice, 1818-24. -----. The same. Farmacopea espanola. 4. ed., traducido al castellauo y aumentadocon ob- servaciones por P. L. Aguilon. 8°. Madrid, 1844. -----. The same. Farmacopea oflcial espa- nola. 6. ed. 8°. Madrid, 1884. liiinsliu (R. C.) La farmacopea espanola. Bol. Col. defarmTde Barcel., 1877, i, 137-143.—Minguez (P. M.) La nueva farmacopea espanola. Diario med.-farm., Ma- drid, 1884, i, nos. 225; 229; 231; 232; 233; 236; 237; 238; 239. STRASBURG. So; in this list, France. SWEDEN. Berg (L. P.) *Observationes in pharma- copoeam suecicam. sm. 4°. Upsalice, [1802]. Bogman (E. S.) *Diss. med.-pharm. observa- tiones quasdam in pharmacopceam suecicam ex- hibens. Pt. 1. sm. 4°. Upsalia, [1796]. Edholm ( E. ) Reformanda? pharmacopoeia suecica? specimen septimum. 4°. Upsalice, 1807. PHARMACOPOEIAS. 16 PHARMACOPOEIAS. Pharmacopoeias (Official), by countries and cities. SWEDEN—continued. Juhlin (E. M.) Reformanda? pharmacopoea? suecica? specimen quartum. 4°. Upsalice, 1806. Kongl. Collegium Medicum. Socken-Apothek och nagre hus-curer, utgifne uuder . . . 6fwer- seende och besorjande. [Parish-pharmacopoeia and domestic cures, published under direction and care of . . . 16°. Stockholm, 1760. Levin ( B. F. ) Reformanda? pharmacopoea? suecica? specimen sextum. 4°. Upsalice, 1806. Sweden. Pharmacopcea svecica. 8°. Hol- mia; 1775. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12°. Holmice, 1779. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Bolmice, 1790. -----. The same. 4°. Bolmice, 1817. —. Thesame. 6.ed. 8°. Stockholmice, 1845. The same. 7. ed. 12°. Stockholmice, 1871. The same. 7. ed., 3. typ. descripta. Stockholmice, 1879. The same. Den Svenska farmako- peen. Ofversiittning fransjundeupplagau. Anyo omtryckt. 7. ed. 8°. Stockholm, [1871]. -----. The same. Codex medicamentarius sive pharmacopcea svecica. 8°. Lipsice, 1821. Forms pt. 1, sec. iii: Codex medicamentarius europaeus. 8 v. 8°. Lipsiw et Soravim, 1818-24. Zethelius ( L. G. ) Reformanda? pharmaco- po'a> svecica? specimen primum. sm. 4°. Up- saliw, 1804. SWITZERLAND. Berne. Pharmacopcea? Bernensis tentamen. Composita et pneparata. .8°. Bernce, 1852. Concordat pour l'introduction d'une pharma- copee unique. R6sultat de la conference du 7 juillet 1868. Neuchatel, le 11 juin 1869. An iuom du couseil d'6tat. 8°. [Neuchatel, 1869.] HalleR (A.) Pharmacopoea helvetica, iu duas partes divisa . . . Acceduut syllabus medica- mentorum in classes divisus, [etc. ]. 4°. Basilea, 1771. Switzerland. Pharmacopoea helvetica. 2. ed. 8°. Scaphusicv, 1872. -----. Thesame. Pharmacopcea? helvetica? edition is altera? ej usque supplemeuti extrac- tum continens prsecepta omnia pra?paratorum pharmaceuticorum et chemicorum in his libris recepta. 16°. Scaphusice, 1877. UNITED STATES. American (The) homoeopathic pharmacopceia. 8°. New York $ Philadelphia, 1882. American Pharmaceutical Association. The revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia. TCircular, dated Oct. 15, 1877.] 4°. [New York, 1877.] Massachusetts Medical Society. The phar- macopceia of the . . . 12°. Boston, 1808. National College of Pharmacy. Review of Dr. Squibb's proposed plan for the future revis- ion of the United States pharmacopoeia, being a special report upon this subject by the commit- tee of National College of Pharmacy on the United States pharmacopoeia, and resolutions adopted by the National College of Pharmacy, Washingtou, D. C, at a special meeting held May 28, 1877. 8°. [ Washington], 1877. New York Hospital. Pharmacopoeia nosoco- mii Neo-Eboracensis; or the pharmacopceia of the New York Hospital. Published under the au- thority of the physicians and surgeons of that institution. To which is added an appendix, containing a general posological table, and a comparative view of the former and present terms used in materia medica and pharmacy. 8°. New York, 1816. Pharmacopoeias (Official), by countries and cities. UNITED STATES—continued. Pharmacopceia (The) of the United States of America. By the authority of the medical so- cieties and colleges. 8°. Boston, 1820. Also [Rev.], in: N. Eng. J. M. & SI, Bost., 1821, x, 293- 310. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Boston, 1828. -----. Thesame. 2.ed. 8°. New York, 1830. -----. The same. By authority of the na- tional medical convention, held at Washington, 1830. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. -----. The same. By authority of the na- tional medical convention, held at Washington, 1840. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. -----. The same. By authority of the na- tional medical convention, held at Washington, 1850. 8°. Philadelphia, 1851. -----. The same. 2. ed. [interleaved]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. -----. The same. Fourth decennial revision. By authority of the national convention for re- vising the pharmacopceia, held at Washington, 1860. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. -----. The same. Fifth deceuuial revision. By authority of the national convention for re- vising the pharmacopceia, held at Washington, 1870. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. -----. The same. Sixth decennial revision. By authority of the national convention for re- vising the pharmacopceia, held at Washington, 1880. 8°. New York, 1-82. -----. The same. Pharmakopoe der Verei- nigten Staaten von Nordamerika. 1842. 16u. Leipzig, 1844. ----—. Instructions issued by the sixth de- cennial convention for the revision of the phar- macopoeia of the United States of America to the committee of revision and publication appointed by the same. 4°. [New York\ 1880. -----. Minutes of the sixth decennial con- vention for the revision of the ... 8°. New York, 1880. -----. Sixth decennial revision. Circulars of committee of revisiou and publication, Charles Rice, chairman. Nos. 1-238. May 18, 1880, to Feb. 25, 1889. v. s. [New York, 1880-89.] Pharmacopceia of the United States of America. Digest of criticisms on the United States Pharmacopoeia ; sixth decennial revision (1880). Published by the committee of revision and publication (1880-90). 8°. New York, 1889. Philadelphia County Medical Society. Pro- ceedings in reference to the proposed plau for the management of the United States Pharmacopeia as presented by Dr. Squibb to the American Medical Association for their action in 1877. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. Prentiss (D. W.) On the revision of the United States Pharmacopceia. Addressed to the Pharmacopceial Convention of 1880. 8°. Wash- ington, D. C, 1880. Rice (C.) Report on the revision of the United States Pharmacopceia preliminary to the convention of 1880. Being a rough draft of the general principles, titles, and working formula' proposed for the next pharmacopoeia. 8°. New York, 1880. Squibh (E. R.) The American Medical Associa- tion and the Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 8°. Brooklyn, 1877. ------. The American Medical Association and the United States Pharmacopoeia. A re- print of the pamphlets of Dr. H. C. Wood, Al- fred B. Taylor, the Philadelphia County Medi- cal Society and the National College of Phar- macy, with a rejoinder addressed to the profes- PTIARMACOPCEIAS. 17 PHARMACY. Pharmacopoeias (Official), by countries and cities. UNITED STATES—continued. sions of medicine and pharmacy of the United States. 8°. Brooklyn, 1877. . [Taylor (A. B.)] The Pharmacopoeia of the United States and the American Medical Asso- ciation. A review of a plan of revision proposed by Edward R. Squibb. 8°. Philadelphia, [1877]. United States. A bill to prepare and pub- lish a national pharmacopceia of the United States, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] Wood (H. C.) The United States Pharma- copa'ia and the American Medical Association. 8 \ [Philadelphia, 1877.] Another United States Pharmacopoeia; is it needed? [Edit,] Boston M. & S. J.. 1884, ex, 161.—Award (The) of the pharmacopoeia. [Edit.] Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 522-533. — Jtaynlon (W.N.) The pharmacopoeia and the dispensatory. Med. Rec, N. T.. 1877, xii, 316-318.— Kiijelow (J.) Remarks on the American Pharmaco- peia, and on some late leviews of the same. Am. M. Re- corder, Phila., 1821, iv, 703-725. — Diuijjlison (R.J.) Report of committee of revision of the United States Phar- macopoeia, of the Philadelphia County Medical Society. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1878, xii, pt. i, 226-235.—Moore (J. B.) Suggestions as to a new plan by which the next revision of the pharmacopoeia may be rendered more com- plete and thorough. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1875, xlvii, 18-24.—Olillxr; (O.) The United States Pharmacopoeia of 1880: the method of constructing formula) in parts by weight, and the pharmacopceial weights and measures. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1880, xviii, 175-178.-----. The pharmaco- pceial nomenclature. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxviii. 383-420. Also: New Remedies, N. T., 1880, ix, 366- 370. Also, Reprint.-----. Answers to the objections urged against the new pharmacopceia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, ix. 385-407. — PrentittN ( 1). W".) On the revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia by the convention which meets in Washington, D. C, May 5, 1880. Phila. M. Times 1879-80, x, 374-376. -----. A review of the sixth decennial revision of the pharmacopceia of the United States of America. New Remedies, N. Y., 1882, xi, 364- 366. AIso, Reprint. — Priiiim ( H.) Chemical nomen- clature and the pharmacopceia. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1871, n. s., viii, 421-426.—Report of the joint committee of the New York College of Pharmacy and the New York Acad- emy of Medicine upon the pharmacopceia of the United States. Read April 16, 1860. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1857-63), 1863, ii, 151-206. Also, Reprint.—Squibb (E. R.) Report of delegation for revising the United States Pharmacopceia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1861, 209-213. -----. Report on the United States Pharmacopceia, Feb. 1863. Ibid., 1S03, 345. -----. Report on the United States Pharmacopceia. Ibid., 1873, Albany, 1874, 82-102. Also: N. York M. J., 1873, xvii, 337-359. Also. Reprint. ----r. On the revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia in 1880. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse. 187!), 79-82.—United States* (The) Pharmacopoeia. [Edit.J Phila. M. Times, 1870-71, i, 59.— United Slate* (The) Pharmacopoeia. Ibid., 1877, vii, 250-252.—United OilalcN (The) Pharma- copoeia. [Edit,] Med. Sews, Phila., 1882, xl, 494-496. UTRECHT. See, in this list, Netherlands. WURTEMBERG. Pharmacopcea wirtenbergica in duas partes divisa . . . Jussu serenissimi domini ducis ad- ornata, et pharmacopceis wirtenbergicis in nor- mam praescripta. Accedit taxa seu pretiura medicamentorum. fol. Stuttgardice, 1741. -----. The same. Accedunt syllabus medi- camentorum compositorum in classes divisus et indices necessarii. 2. ed., priori multo auctior et emendatior. Cum privilegio ducali wirten- bergico. fol. Stuttgardice, 1750. -----. The same. .3. ed. fol. Stutgardice, 1754. -----. The same. 4°. Stutgardice, 1771. -----. The same. 4°. Stutgardice, 1786. -----. Pharmakopoe fiir das Kcinigreich Wiirttemberg. Neue Bearbeitung. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1847. Fehliug. Beleuchtung der "Beitriige zur Kenntniss der wiirt embergiscben Pharmacopoe der Herren Apotheker Schenkel und Dr. Rieckher." Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1848, xviii, 271; 287. — Schenkel & Kiccklier. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der wiirt. Pharma- copoe. Ibid., 1848, xviii, 129; 180; 257: 1849, xix, 25: 1850 xx, 5; 89; 204; 253: 1851, xxi, 105; 137. Pharmacopoeias (The) of the London, Edin- burgh, and Dublin colleges, transl. into English ; with an appendix, containing a systematic ar- rangement of the materia medica, tables of changed names, and a posological tabic. By John Thomson. 287 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. An- derson <.y Co., 1815. Pliarinacopola; justificati: or, apothecaries vindicated from the imputation of ignoraucc. Wherein is shown, that an academical educa- tion is no way necessary to qualify a mau for the practice of physick. 2 p. 1., 33 pp. 8°. London, J. Roberts, 1724. Pharmacy. See, also, Apothecaries; Armies (Medical or- ganization, etc., of); Botany (Medical); Cap- sule (Medicinal); Chemistry (Medical, etc.); Dispensatories; Emulsions: Extracts; For- mulae, etc.; Gelatin in pharmacy; Herborists; Homoeopathy; Materia medica; Medicine (Veterinary); Medicines; Medicines (Adminis- tration, etc., of); Percolators; Pharmacogno- sy ; Pharmacology ; Pharmacopoeias; Pills; Plasters ; Syrups ; Theriac ; Tinctures; Weights, etc.; and under names of drugs and med- icines. Address of the pharmaceutists to the people of Philadelphia. 1 broadside. Philadelphia, 1860. Adrian. Etude historique sur les extraits pharmaccutiques; comprenant la description des divers proce"de"s et apparcils ayant scrvi a l'ex- traction des principes actifs des vdgetaux et a leur concentration, suivie d'une double tabic bi- bliographique. 8°. Paris, 1889. Allan (J. II.) Practical pharmacy. Notes on dispensing. 16°. London, 1885. Allakd (G.-H.) * Syntheses de pharmacie et dechimie; chimic; acidc carbonique; pharmacie; produits de l'abeille. 4°. Paris, 18(57. American Pharmaceutical Association. .For- mulas for elixirs adopted by the American Phar- maceutical Association at its twenty-first annual meeting. 8°. Philadelphia, [1873]. Atteield (J.) Lectures on the British Phar- macopceia, delivered before the members of the Pharmaceutical Society, April 13 and 20, 1864. 8°. [London, 1864.] Augustin (F. L.) Pharmacopcea extempora- nea, exhibens compositiones medicamentorum, ad obscrvata et principia recentiorum accounno- datas, pro usu tain iuteruo quam exteruo, cum earundem viribus, dosibus et medicorum expe- rientissimorum, quibus commeudautur, testimo- niis, addita appendice indicum, qua loci ubi me- dicamenta simplicia pharmacopcea? borussica} in pharmacopceam extemporaneam recepta sunt, nee lion morbi, intoto opere commemorati, ordine alphabeticoenumerautur. 2. ed. 8°. Berolini, 1822. Baldinger (E. G.) [Pr.] de optima medica- mentorum mixtione. 4°. Gcettinga;, 1775. Balthazaar (A.) De qualitatibus unguento- rum emplastrorumque nocivis, et necessaria hodiernsB, in curandis ulceribus, praxeos refor- matione. 8°. Amsterdam, 1784. Banares (G.) Filosolia farmac6utica 6 farnia- cia reducida & sus verdaderos principios, que en beneficio de la salud ptiblica y de los jovencs que se dedicau & esta cieucia. Segunda edicion. Tomo 1. 8°. Madrid, 1874. Besack (E. F.) *De vitiosis formularum me- dicarnm prsescriptiouibus ex ignorantia chemica oriundis. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1762]. Bleeker (N.) *Diss. exhibens observationes quasdam pharmaceutico-niedicas. 8°. Gronin- gce, 1819. 2 PHARMACY. 18 PHAKiUACY. Pharmacy. Bohte(J. A. L.) * De tincturis salinis mediis. 4°. Balce Mag deb., [ 1758]. Bouillon - Lagrange. Discours pronouce" dans la stance du 5 d6cembre 1832 [de l'Ecole de Pharmacie]. 8°. [Paris], 1832. Boullay (P.) * Sur le danger des modifica- tions successivement introduit.es dans les tomm- ies et les pratiques de la pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1834. Boullay (P.-F.-G.)& Boullay (P.) Methode de de"placement. 8°. Paris, 1833. Bourguelot (E.) *Des fermentations dont les produits sont utilises en pharmacie. 4°. Pa- ris, 1889. Bretet (H.) * Syntheses de pharmacie et de chimie. 4°. Paris, 1868. Burckner (C. G.) * De medicamentorum con- trariorum compositione. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1758]. Buignet (H.) Application de la physique a la solution de quelques problemes de chimie et de pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1861. van der Burg (E. A.) Het verleden en het heden der pharmacie. Redevoeriug bij de aan- vaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt in der artse- nijbereidkunde en toxicologie aan de Rijks-Uui- versiteit te Leiden. 8°. Leiden, 1877. Bussy. Di-cours. ( Stance de rentree de l'Ecole de pharmacie pour l'exercice 1847. ) 8°. [Paris], 1847. Buttner ( T. ) *De medicamentorum appa- ratu compendiario diffusion aute ponendo. sm. 4°. Balce Magdeb., 1739. Campagne (P. J.) Handboek voor droogis- ten-en apothekers-leerlingen. Geheelvernieuwd en in verband met de pharmacopcea neerlandica bewerkt door R. J. Opwijrda, en H. Kloete Nor- tier. 8°. Tiel, 1858. Capaccini (C.) Risposte ai trenta quesiti per 1' esame di assistente farmacista con trenta tavole sinottiche compilati con cura di . . . fol. Roma, 1888. Caroz (J.) La pharmacie; ce qu'elle est, ce qu'elle devrait etre. 8°. Paris, 1864. Carson (J.) 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Knrze Uebersicht der wich- tigsten Rcageuticn, welche bei Apothekeu-Revi- PHARMACY. 22 PHARMACY. Pharmacy. sionen erforclerlich sind nach ihrer Bereitnng, Beinheit und besonders nach ihrer Wirkung hc- schrieben und fiir den Gebrauch gerichtlicher Aerzte und Apotheker zuniichst bestimmt. 12c. Naumburg, 1825. Tucker (W. G.) The introductory address to the eigth lecture course at the Albany College of Pharmacy, delivered October 1, 1888. 8°. Al- bany, 1888. Vademecum des Pharmazeuten. Enthaltend: Erklarung der Vorgauge und Angabe der vcr- schiedenen Yerfahrungsarteii bei den pharma- zeutisch-chcmischen Arbeiten mit Berucksichti- gung der stochiometriscbeu Verhiiltnisse. Ein Handbuch der Pharmacie und Pharmakognosie, zugleich Commentar zu jeder Pharmakopoe. Herausgegeben von zwei Practikern. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1859. Vee (A.-A.) *De rinfluence exercee paries progres de l'analyse immediate des veg6taux sur le perfectionnement de la pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1859. Victoria. Pharmacy Board of Victoria. Phar- maceutical register for 1888. fol. Melbourne, 1889. Vtsher Bender (J. A.) Theoretische verkla- ringen der in ele pharmacopcea batava voorko- mende scheikundige bereidingen, benevens ver- scheidene eler meest gepaste, daaruit afgeleide, vragen, ten dienste van de zoodanigen, die zich tot lict afieggen vanbuuexauien willenbekwaam maken. 8°. Amsterdam, 1816. Vitantonto (G.) Razionalismo e terapia e ingiusto abbandono di taluni farmaci nella pratica nioderna. 8°. Napoli, 1886. Weichahdt (T. T.) & Weiss (J. C.) De phar- macopoliisriteconstituendis. 4°. Lipsice, [1776]. Westendorp (L. J.) *De corporibus com- bustibilihus, et quibusdaui e combustibilibus pra'paratis. 8°. Groningce, [1810]. What are "specific" tinctures? 8°. [n. p., u. d.] White (R.) A summary of the pneumato- chemical theory, with a table of its nomencla- ture; intended as a supplement to the analysis of the new Londou Pharmacopoeia. 12°. [Lon- don, n. d.] Willsox (A. R.) Chemical notes for phar- maceutical students, including the chemistry of the additions to the pharmacopceia. sm. 8°. London, [1875]. -----. The same. Chemical notes for phar- maceutical students, including the chemistry of the British Pharmacopoeia, with an appendix on the new preparations contained therein. 2. ed. 12-\ London, 188(5. Wittwek (P. L.) * Diss, sistens ideam dis- pensatorii nostris temporibus accommodati. 4°. Argenloruti, [1774]. Wood (G. B.) Syllabus of the course of lect- ures on materia medica anel pharmacy, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1840. Zapp (E.) & Richter ( W. ) Anweisnng zur Priifung and Aufbewahrung der Arzneimittel. Zum Gebrauche bei Apotheken-Visitationen fiir Apotheker, Aerzte und Medicinalbeamte. 4. Aufl. 8 . Kbln, 1873. Adams (W.) Flagrant abuses requiring correction; proprietary vs. legitimate pbarmacy. Kansas City M. In- dex. lfSD, x. 121-126.—Aertzc (An) und Apotheker. Ueber eine bessere Bereitungsart zweyer neuen von Dr. Koehlin in der Med.-chir. Ztg. empfohlenen Arzneymittel [Liquor antimiasmaticus, Tinctura veneris volatilis muriatica, Liquor cupri ammouiacalis muriaticus]. Med.-chir. Ztg. Salzb., 1820, i, 140-143.—A linen (A.) Photogenkokens anwandbarhet vid beredning af infiisioner och decoeter. [Coal-oil stoves for the preparation of infusions and decoc- tions.l Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 225-229.—Att- Phanuacy. field (J.) On the relation of pbarmacy to the state. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1SS2, ii, 440.— van Bnstelacr. Faut-il eteudre l'cmploi medical des principes immediats oliimi- queiuent dehnis et en multiplier les preparations dans les pharmacopees? Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compte-rend. 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, iv, 755-7K(i.—Bas- tick (W.) On the modes of preparing and administering remedies, with suggestions for improvement. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1859, n. s., xviii, 363.—Battler (H.) On the preparation of articles of the materia medica, with a detail of certain processes employed by Mr. Bat tie v. Lan- cet, Lond., 1837-8, ii, 264-266.—Blackwell (E. T.) Al- kalies and their salts promoting solution of vegetable mat- ter. Phila. M. Times, 1878-9, ix, 206.—Bounder. Essai sur la question proposeepar la societe: Determiner d'apres les connoissances actuelles epielles sont les combinaisons imprevjies qui peuvent se faire entre les substances qui eoiuposent les diverses cspeces d'eleetuaires; examiner s'il cjxiste une epoque apres laquelle ces meelicamens soicnt censes avoir perdu les proprietes qu'ou leur atti ibue ; re- chercher les moyens d'en perfectionner la preparation. Actes Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel. (18U4-6), 1807, i, 358-385.—Brisson. Sur la pesanteur specifique de plu- sieurs substances employees en medecine. Hist. Soc. roy. de med. 1780-81, Par., J7K5, iv, 369-377.—Buignet (ii.) Observations et experiences sur la uietbode de deplace- ment, comme moyeu de preparer les teintures alcooliques et les vins medieinaux. Mouit. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 965; 975.—Biirggraevc. La methode atomistique ou nou- veau mode"de preparer et de prescrire les medicaments. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1868-9, 3. s., ii, 337 ; 403. [Disci, 415; 718 ; 918.—Cadet (C. L.) Dela con- servation eles sues des vegetaux. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm.. etc.. Par., 1806, xxvii, 401-405.—Calvo y Sebas- tian (F.) Relacion de la farmacia con las ciencias natu- rales. Restaurador farm., Barcel., 1877, xxxiii, 193-199.— Casper (J. L.) Ueber die Bereitung eler Decocte und Iufusionen nach der neuesten Methode, in Dampfappara- ten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, 257-262.— Cattanei di ITIoiiio (F.) Delia pomata di Sain-Bois di Dubouais. (Relatione, in nome di una commissione della facolta med. di Pavia.) Ann. nniv. di med., Milano, 1846, ■exx, 241-250.—Chiamcnti (A.) Dei prodotti pirocenii meelicamentosi. Gior. veneto di so. meel., Venezia, 1877, 3. s., xxvii, 160; 386; 473.—Cornells (L.) Note sur la conservation eles medicaments. Bull. Acad, row denied, ele Belg., Brux., 1870, 3. s., x, 340-360.—Cotton (S.) De quel- ques substitutions en pharmacie. Lyon med., 1872, x, 475- 477. — Qrpairc. Observations concernant la methode (lite atomistique. Bull. Acad. roy. ele meel. deBelg., Brux., 1868, 3. s., ii, 469-480. [Discussionl, 718; 918. ——. Sur les prete-noms en pharmacie. Ibid., 1881, 3. s.. xv, 804- 878. [Discussion], 911-939.—Dcschamps & Boumier. Observations sur les cones medicamenteux. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 498-502. — l>iehi (C. L.) Elixirs and wines. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1872, v, 214- 220. — Dniii*. Froninie Wiinsche zur Abhiilfe einiger wesentlicher rebelstiinde bei der pbarmaceutischen Kaste. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Tiibing., 1837, ii, 164-189. —van E mbrirn (F. C. E.) Verscbil iu kracht der extracta nar- cotica acpiosa en der spirituosa van de Ph. n. ed. ii. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1883, xix, 393-395.— Ferrand (E.) Sedutions de camphre monobrome; pre- parations de pepsine a base de glycerine. France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 403.—Field (H. M.) Six generic drug modifications. Boston M. & S. J.. 1884, ex, 601-603: cxi, 3; 31.—Flcisch. Bemerkungen iiber einige pharmaceu- tische Praparate. Allg. meel. Ann., Altenb., 1812 [Ann. d. Heilkunst, 832-835].—dc Fleurr (A.) Delapharmacie dans ses rapports avec la medecine. Gaz. med. de Bor- deaux, 1872-3, i, 97-103.—Folkcrsma (W.) Iu boe verre zou men, by gebrek van de apotheek, uit kelder en keu- ken de vereiscbte geneesniiddelen, ook tegen ele zwarste ziekten en kwaalen, zo uit- als inwendig, kunnen beko- men; mits uit zonderende de volgende middclen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, delfzuuren, rhabarber, en ipecaco- anna._ Handel, v. h. geneesk. Geuootsch., Amst., 1788, xiii, 521-852.— Foureroy. Extrait du discours prononce; par Foureroy, lors de sa reception dans la Soci6te des pbarma- ciens de Paris. Bee. period. Soc. de meel. de Par., 1797, i-ii, 209-215. —F re ire (D.) Os medicamentos otneinaes de miportacao. Uniao meel., Rio de Jan , 1881, i, 639-660.— French (J. B.) Experiments on mixing oils, resinous and pinguious substances with water, by means of a vege- table mucilage. Med. Obs. Soc Phys. Lond., 1757, i, 412- 435.— Fieudenberg (A.) Ueber eine geschmacklose und billige Form der Verabreichung scblecht schmecken- der fliissiger Medikamente. Centralbl. f. klin. Med. Leipz., 1887. viii, 300.—Fristedt (R. F.) Prajparata phar- macotechnica pharmacopea} suecieaed. vi partis alterius se- cundum o leges pharmacoteehnicas disposita. Upsala Lmv. Arsskr., 1866, Med., 1-18. -----. Oin kyfireecpter- nas urkalla. [The early use of pine derivatives.] Upsala lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 518-520.—Fuller (R. M.) Dose dispensing simplified. An easy, economical, and accurate method of dispensing medicines in a compact and pala- table form. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 184-186. ———. PHARMACY. 23 PHARMACY. Pharmacy. A convenient method of dosage and aelministration; the process of making tablets of simple and compound pow- ders, including triturations, hypodermics, etc. Ibid., 1882, xxi, 311-313.—Garcia Bauios (J.) Qu6 son las que se denominan especialidades farmac6uticas ? Actas . . . Cong, region, de cien. med. 1879, Cadiz, 1882, 788-797.— Gar rod (A. B.) Lectures on the British Pharmacopoeia; its construction, its comparison with the London Pharma- copoeia, and the value of its new remeeliesin the treatment of disease. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1864, i, 113; 145; 167; 193; 221; 247; 275; 303; 333; 359; 388.—Gille (N.) Observations snr la necessity oil sont les praticieus de bien connaitre la difference de composition qui existe dans plu- sieurs preparations de la nouvelle pharmacopee conipai ces avec l'aneienne. Arch, beiges ele med. mil., Brux., 1859, xxiv, 113-117.—Giiucncz v Ponte (R.) La farmacia se va. .Bol. Col. de farm, de Barcel., 1879, iii, 65-72.— Glaize. Du passe et de lavenir, des specialites p'har- maceutiques. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonue 1876, Ajixerre, 1878, xvii, 26-35.—(Kodin (E.) Ueber die Losung der Metalle und Alkaloide in den fetten Korpern mit Hilfe der Benzoesaure. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 176.— Gottardi ({}.) Stabilire se piii convenga preparare le acque cosi dette essenziali colle piante fresche osecche! Risposta al quesito proposto della Societa.. Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Parma, 1810, ix, 26-39. — Grainmaire. Memoire sur les teintures alcoholiques coruposecs, les vins et les elixirs. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1821, lxxvii, 325-339.—Green (W. A.) Compressed pills. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1877-8, iv, 350-353 —GriHiu (J.J.) On the use of centigrade testing in pharmacy. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1850-51, x, 327-337. Also, Re- print.—Gustorf. Succus herbarum recens expressus. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1851, 305-310. — Hew- son (A.) Paper as a vehicle for preserving soaps to be used in surgical and medical practices. Tr. M. Soc. Penu., Phila., 18b2. xiv, 213-216.—Hunnius. Ueberden Nut/.en der Infusion. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1805, xxii, 4. St., 44-66.—Hvoslef (H.) &Miiller(F. P.) Acetastetbylicus og Acetas strychninicus efte"- Pharmacopcea Norvegica. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1859, 2. R., xiii, 1173-1180.—Jaequeuiaire (L.) Sterilisation par l'acide carbonique de quelques solutions inedicanienteuses alte- rables. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1888, xx, 663-605.— Jozeau (G.) Emploi de la caseine pour envelopper les pilules. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 266.—Kaenf- fer. Medicaments explosibles. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1879, xviii, 234; 295,-Kcil (F.) Ueber die Ein- fiibrung porzellanener Arbeitsgerathe an Stelle elerjetzt in den Apotheken iiblicben zinnerneu. Monatschr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1860-62, ii, Hft. 4.-5, 250-257. Also: Beitr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1862. iii, Hft., 26-33. — von Klimowicz (M.) Ein neuer Tropfeumesser. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1881, xx, 161-163.— Kocke (E.) Zeitgemasse Betracbtungen iiber die Phar- macie. Pbarm. Ztg., Berl., 1880, xxv, 346; 375; 384; 391.—I,aube (C. L.) Vorschlage zu einer Reform in der Pharmacie. Forum f. Med. - Angelegenh., etc., Prag, 1848-9, i, 113-117. —van der I,eenw (F. W.) In hoe verre zou men, by gebrek van de apotheek, uit kelder en keuken ele vereischte geneesmiddelen, ook tegen de zwaarste ziekten en kwaalen, zo uit- als inwendig, kunnen bekomen ; mits uitzonderende de volgende middelen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, delfzuuren, rbabarber en ipecaco- anua. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1788, 1- 182— I., i ndo (D.) Tests for so-called saccharine, antipy- rine, and antifebrine. Chem. News, Loud., 1888, lviii, 51.— Little (J. P.) Compound medicines. Month. Stetho- scope & M. Reporter, Richmond, 1856, i, 292-310.—de Iiuca (S.) Chalumeau a. jet continu. J. ele pbarm. et cliini., Par., 1854, 3. s., xxv, 344. Also [Abstr.] : Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Par., 1854, xxxviii, 506. Also, Reprint.— (jiindberg ( P. R.) Nagraord om sekels^amla farma- ceutiska prtparater i Italien och om de cdika klimaterna derstades. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1847, ix, 465-476.—l-yons (A. B.) Experimental determinations of the coefficients of expansion by beat of officinal liquids, particularly of so- lutions, dilute acids, etc. Proc. Mich. Pbarm. Ass., Owosso, 1885, iii, 203-220.—Maisch (J.'M ) Phaimacyin its sanitary relations. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1874-5, N. Y., 1876, ii, 488-497.—Martin (C.) Quelques apercus sur l'association en pharmacie comme moyen de reorgani- sation de notre profession. Bull. Soc. de pbarm. de Bor- deaux, 1876, xvii, 353-362.— Martin ( S.) Moyen tres- simple de preserver certains medicaments de rbumidite. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1868, Ixxv, 313.—Mar- tins ( P. T.) Ueber die abweichende Bereitungsart und Starke verschiedener zusamniengesetzter Arzneimittel nach der k. bayeriscben Pharmacopoe, im Vergleich zu den Vorschrifteu der preussischen Pharmacopoe. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1826, vi, 459-466. — Massie. Note sur la conservation de certaines substances alte- rables, au moyen du. fer en barre ou du mercure metalli- que. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1876, xxxii, 87-90. — Millet. Note sur la preparation des extraits narcotico-acres. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 188.0, 3. s., xvii, 317-321.—Murrell (W.) On tablet triturations. Prac Pharmacy. titiouer, Loud., 1887, xxxix, 417-421.— P. Ideal einer Apotbekenverfassung. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1814. 207 ; 273. — Pavesi (C.) Mezzi per impedire gli sbagli nella spedizioue delle medico- cbiiurgiche prescrizioni. Iudipendeutc. Torino, 1874, xxv, 366.— Paysee. Essai sur la question proposee par la sooiete: Determiner d'apres les eounoissances actuelles quelles sont les combi- naisons imprevues qui peuveut se faire entre les sub- stauces qui eoiuposent les diverses especes d'eleetuaiies; examiner s'il existe une epoque apres laquelle ces medica- mens soient censes avoir perdu les proprietes qu'on leur attribue; rechercher les moyens den perfectionner la pre- paration. Actes Soc.de med.-prat, de Montpel. (1804-6), 1807, i, 302-357.- Pharmacia (A) piolissao e a pharma- cia iudustria; commercio de remedios secretes o privilegi- aclos. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1876, 2. s., i, 241; 289; 337.— Pi tin rd (H. G.) On the use of certain triturations. Med. Rec, N. T., 1877, xii. 756-758. —Plant-he. Re- marques sur les incouveuiens ele la percussion appliqiieo aux masses pilulaires [which contain mercury I. Mem. Aca'l. de med., Par., 1833, iii, 14-19. —Preliminary (A) draft of a national formulary of uiiolficinal preparations. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1886, xxxiv, 105-285 — Preiigrucbcr (A.) Sur certains ineonvenients que peut presenter la prescription des medicaments sous forme pilu- laire. Alger med., 1879, vii, 72-75.—Prunier. Sur l'in- terpretation eles termes " remedes omeinaux " et "remedes inasjistraux ". Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. a., xix, 813-816. — Pynchon (E.) Denominator tiiturations. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 79*. _ Be- gtiauld. Les priucipes immediats et lesplantes medici nales. Tribune m6d., Par., 1889, 2.8., xxi, 244-247.— Beichardl (E.) Pharmacie und Gesunelheitsptlege. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1878, 3. R., xiii, 401-408.—Krin- sen (I.) Chemistry and pharmacy. Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 46-53.—Bichard (M. R.) Medicated gelatin preparations and their uses. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1882-3, x, 273-277. —Rosenthal. Eine Compressions- presse fiir voluminose Arzneimittel. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1874, xi, 417-419.—Busby (H. 11.) Drug collecting as an art. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1889, iii, 157-164.— Sabatte. Memoire sur la pression des pbintes niedici- nales a l'etat naturel sous le rapport du commerce de l'lier- boristerie, et sur la pressiou des plantes a divers etats de fermentation. [Rap. de Guibourt. 1 Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par.. 1843-4, ix, 860-875. —Sasse (H. F. A.) Pharma- ceutische bedenkingen. Arch. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1843, iii, 99-111. — Sehlagdenhaiiflen. Flacon laveur con- tinu. J. de pharm. et chim.. Par., 1858, 3. s., xxxiii, 171- 174. Also. Reprint.—Schuiitt. Rapport sur le raanuel comparatif des substances et preparations pharmaceu- tiques ele la pharmacopee germanique, du codex francais, du formulaire des hospices civils de Strasbourg, k l'usage eles medecins et pharmaciens de 1'Alsace-Lorraine. Gaz. med. dc Strasb., 1872-3, xxxii. 120-122. —Shall wehave a profession of pharmacy ! Therap. (Jaz., Detroit, 1884, viii, 75. Also, Reprint.—Mkinner (T.) The granulation of medicines. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, i, 172-175. Also, Reprint.—Squibb (E. R.) Fluid extracts by percolation. Am. J. Pbarm., Phila., 1878, 1. 209-249. Also, Reprint — Stearns (F.) Upon improvements in rend ring medi- cinal preparations pleasing to the eye and taste, and agree- able to use. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1857, vi, 134- 145. Also, Reprint.—Taeconis (C.) Memorie presentate al Congresso medico-farmaceutico di Perugia nel settembre 1885. Gior. di farm., etc, Torino, 1886, xxxv" 33-50. Also, Reprint.—Terne (C.) In hoe verre zou men, by gebrek van de apotheek, uit kelder en keuken de vereischte ge- neesmiddelen, ook tegen de zwaarste ziekten en kwaalen, zouit- als inwendig, kunnen bekomen; mits uitzonderende ele volgende middelen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, delf- zuuren, rbabarber en ipecacoauna. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1788, xiii, pp i-x, 363-520.- Thomas (L. 1 Pharmacie. Diet, eneycl. el. sc med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 20-36.—a Thnessiiilt (E. J. T.) In hoe verre zou men, by gebrek van de apotheek, uit kelder en keuken de vereischte geneesniiddelen, ook tegen de zwaaiste ziek- ten en kwaalen, zo uit- als inwendig, kunnen bekonien ; mits uitzonderende ele volgende middelen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, delfzuuren, rhabarber en ipecacoauna. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1788, xiii, 855-1118.—Thys (J.-B.) Notes sur la preparation du sirop ele pavots blancs, du rob et du sirop de sureau. et ele l'ongueut pcrpetuel. Ann. Soc. de meel. d'Anvers. 1846, 458-461. Alxo [Rap. de De Beys], 461-463.—Unna (P. G.) Eine neue Form medi camentoser Einverleibuug. Fortscbr. d. Med.. Berl., 1884, ii, 507-509.—Vitali (D.) Prelezioue al coiso di chimica- farmaceutica nella r. Universita. di Bologna. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1884, vi, 66; 92.—Vives (I.) Utili- dad e importancia del laboratorio central y cconomia que reporta al erario. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 18c0, vi, 533-537.—van der Wa«t (J. L.) In hoe verre zou men, by gebrek van ele apotheek, uit kelder en keuken de ver- eischte geneesmiddelen, ook tegen de zwaarste ziekten en kwaalen, zo uit- als inwendig. kunnen bekomen; mits uit- zonderende de volgenele middelen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, dclfzutiren, rhabarber en ipecacoauna. Handel, v. h. PHARMACY. _>4 PHARMACY. Pharmacy. geneesk. Gcnoofseh., Amst., 1788, xiii, 183-359.—Walker (15.) Advanced pbarmacy. Lancet, Loud., 1881, ii, 994.— Wnll (O. A.) Pharmacy as a part of a physician's edu- cation. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 400-408.—Weber (F. E.) Das Pharma-Koniautrou, Arznei-Hohlen-Bestau- ber. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1867, xix, 469.—Wchle (F.) Ein Instrument fiir Apotheker zur gleichfdrmigen Ein- und Vertheilung von Pulvern. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Uugarn, Oedenburg, 1856, vii, 97. — Willenz (G.) Pbarmakol. cxper. izsled. salol., naftol. i /3-olisinat'. kisloti. Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1887, ii, pt. 3, 27; 83.—Wil- son (H. A.) Soluble compressed pellets; a new form of remedies for hypodermic use, and applicable to ophthalmic and general medication. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 165-168. Also, Reprint. — iKeise (II.) Ueber die Benutzung des luftleercn Rauines fiir die Aufbewabrung leicbt zersetzbarer Arzneimittel, so wie Vorschlage zu einer veranelerten Bereitungsart ciniger destillirteu Was- ser. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona, 1836, iv, 11.-12. Hft., 68-83. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). See, also, Materia medica (Bistory of, etc.) [prior to 1750]; Medicine (Magical, etc.); Med- icines (Administration, etc., of); Pharmacope- ias (Gfficial), etc. jMiiDit'.s Corboliensis (P.) Lihri tie lanelihus et virtutibus compositorum medicaminum me- trice compositi. In his: Carmina medica. 8°. Lipsice, 1826, 45-212. Albucasis. Incipit liber Servitoris liber xxviii. Bnlchasin Benaberacerin: translatus a .Simone Jannensi, interprets Abraain jueleo tor- tnosiensi. Dixit aggregator hujns operis: post- qnam ego collegi libruru hnnc magunni in metli- cinis conipositis: iiui est liber magui juvamenti: qneni noininavi libruni servitorem, [etc.]. [In fine :] Finit liber servitoris de praeparatioue me- eliciuarum simplicium iinpressns Venetiis per Nicolanm JensonGallicuru: incccclxxi. 4°. Ve- netiis, 1471. Also, in: Mesue (J.) [Opera.] fol. Venetiis, 1484, f. 272'', sig. ii 2. Also, in: Mesue (J.) Cum expositione Moudini, fete.], fol. Venetiis, 1495, If. 309b-320. Also: Ibid., 1502, ff. 335-345. Also: Ibid., Lugduni, 1510, ff. 328>>- 338". Alchixdus. De medicinarum compositaruui gratlibns iuvcstigandis libellnin, pnefatio. In: Dosnsus (De), sen de justa quantitate, [etc.]. 12°. Venetiis, 1579, fl'. 102-123. Alexander (F.) Apollo, omueni omnium usu roceptornin tain simplicium, quatn compositorum niedicamentortuu, materiam, naturam, vires, nor- mam, et compositionem, raeliis, ac fulgore suo, ita splentlide irradiaus et illustrans. ut post hac oinni libroruni copia ueglecta, sola hac regula contcnti, omues et medici, et pharmacopolae aegro- rnni saluti tutius consulere possint . . . Nunc primnin in Germania e bibliotheca Georgii Beati prodiens. 4°. Francofurti, 1604. Alkmaak. Pharmacopcea Almeriana Galeno- chymica. 12°. AlmerUe, 1723. Alos (J.) Pharmacopcea Cathalana, sive anti- elotariuiii Barciuonense restitutum, et reforma- tuin. fol. Barcinone, 1686. Apollinakis. Vou bewehrteii Experimenten das antler Bach: dariunen begriffeu hundert und vier unel scchtzig der fiirnembstcn, heilsamsten und nutzbarlichsten Krauter, so niehrentheils elem gemeinen Maun bekaudt si nel, sampt der selbigen lebendigcn Abcontrafactur, auch Be- schreibuug der Krafft uud Tugenden unel deror darans gedistillierten Wasser. Mit eigendlichem Boric-lit, wie der Mcnsch in bevorstehendeu sei- nen Leibes .Schwachheiten und Mangeln, solcbe distillirte "NVasser eusserlich oeler innerlich an seiuem Leibe ihme zu Xutz gebrauchen ke'mne. Aus vielen bewehrten Autoribus zusammen ge- tragen, auffs new iibcr.sehen unel elem gemeinen Mann zu Nutz in Druck gegebeu. 4°. Erffurdt, 1629. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). AiJnoldus'de Villa Nova. De confectioni- bus. MS. Inhis: Trautatus debouitatememoriie. 4°. [n.p., 1480?] de Augustis ( Q.) Lumen apothecariormn. fol. Vcrcellis, 141)1. -----. The same. Cum nonnnllis expositie)- nibus noviter impressum. fol. Venetiis, 1504. Also, in: de Mani.iis he Boscho (J.J.) Lutiiiuarc ma- ins, fol. Venetiis, [n. d., prior to 1490<1, ff. 74-98. -----. The same. fol. Lugduni, 152;"). Avicenna. Quingcutaruin elispositionum me- dicabilium in homiuibus repertarum vcl convcr- satione indigentium vel curationcm exigentium vel atl decorem facientium optima antielota sen medicamenta, maxime necesstiria ael sanitatis conservatiouem, ad egritueliuis curationem, ad corporis elecorem, hac nova impressione paueluu- tur. 12°. [Papie, 1517.] -----. Zusammengesetzte Heilmittel elerAra- ber. Nach elem fiinfteu Bneh des Canons von Elm Sina aus elem Arabischen iibersetzt you Dr. Sontheimer. 8°. Freiberg i. Br., 1845. Baker (G.) The practise of the new and olel phisicke, wherein is containeel the most excellent secrets of phisicke and philosophic, elevieleel into foure boeikes. In the which are the best approved remeelies for the diseases, as well inward as out- ward, of all the parts of mans boely: treating very amplie of al distillations of waters, of oylcs, balmes, or het collegie eler medicijne doctoren aldaar in 't Latiju eipgemaakt, en eloor des raads achtbaarheit bekrachtigt, uit het La- tiju vertaalt, en metdesselfs krachten en manier van ingeeven vermeerelert. 3. ed. 16°. Baar- lem, 1714. Bornettus Scotus (D.) Iatrockymiens, sive de pra-paratioue et compositione lneelicamento- rnm chymicorum artiriciosa tractatus, in quo methodice, perspicue, ac breviter quicquid ad iatrochymica pertiuet, canclidatis medicime ac philosophiai interioris aperitur. Editio altera. Studio ac opera Joaunis Danielis Mylii. 4°. Francofurti ad Manum, 1621. Brauner (J. J.) Thesauri Sanitatis, oeler des neu-erejffneten Sohatzes menschlicher Gesunelheit drifter Theil. Bcstehet in einem wohlgefasseten Teutschen Kriiuter-Buch, iu welchem alle eler- nnihlen in den Apothecken befindliche unel zur Artzney dienneele Krauter, Hecken, Staudeu unel Biiume, samt ihren Wurtzeln, Bliittern, Bliiten, Friichten; auch deroselben Eigenschafften, Nu- tzen und Gebrauch, deutlich beschrieben, uud mit lebhafl'ten Figuren fiitge.stellet, [etc.]. sm. 8°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1728. Brasavolus (A. M.) Examen omnium sim- plicium meHlicaineutorum, eiuorum in offieinis usus est. Addita sunt iusuper Aristotelis pro- blemata, qua? ad stirpinm genus, et oleracea per- tinent. 16°. Lugduni, 1537. -----. Examen omnium syruporum, quorum publicus usns est. 16°. Venetiis, 1538. -----. Examen omnium catapotiorum vel piltilarum, quarum apuel pharmacopolas usus est. Ad illustrem Alphousum Estensem. Conradi Gesneri enumeratio medicamentorum purgan- tium, vomitoriornm, et alvum bonam facientium, ordine alphabeti. Omnia nunc primum et nata et excusa. 4°. [Basilece, 1543.] -----. Thesame. 16°. Venetiis, 1549. -----. De medicamentis tarn simplicibus, quam compositis cathartieis, qua- unicuique humori sunt propria. 8J. Venetiis. 1552. -----. Examen omnium trochiscorum, uu- guentortun, ceratorum, emplastrorum, cataplas- matum et collyriortun, quorum frequens usus est apuel Fcrrarienses pharmacopolas. 16°. Lug- duni, 1560. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). Brendel (J. G.) [Pr. arista; chemico pharma- ceutical] 4°. Gottingce, [1751]. Bruxschwig (II.) Liber ele arte distillandi de compositis. Das Buch der waren Kunst zu distillierem die Composita unel Simplicia, unel das Buch Thesaurus pauperum, ein Schatz der Armen genaut Vicariuin, die Brosamlin gefallen von den Biichern eler Artzuy, uud durch Experiment von mir . . . uft' geclubt unel geoftenbart zum Trost denen, die es begcrcn. fol. [Argentorati, 1507. ] -----. Liber de arte distillandi simplicia et rompeisita. Das uiiv Buch der rechten Kunst zu distilliercn. Auch von Marsilio Ficino unel andc- ren hochberompten Ertzte, natiirliehe unel giitc Kunst zu behalten elen gesundeu Leib unel zu ver- treiben elie Kranckhciten mit Erlengerung eles Lebeus. fed. Strassburg, 1509. -----. The same. Das Distilierbuoch. Das Buoch eler rechten Kunst zu elistiliereu unel die Wasser zu brenuen angezogt mit Figuren niitz- lich den meuschlichen Leib in Gcsuntheit zu be- halten. fol. Strassburg, 1521. -----. The same. Distilierbuch eler rechten Kuust newe und geniein Distilier unel Brcnnofen, mitallerzu gehorender Bereitschaftt zu machen, auss alleu Kreutern elie Wasser zu brenuen, unnel distillieren. Sampt lebeneliger Abcontrafactus der Kreuter, vou mancherley gebrauntem und gc- elistilliertem Gewiisser, Kraftt unnel Tugendten, fiir idle Gebrestcn eles gantzen Leibs. Jctztund vou newem gemehrt, unel gebesse'.rt, einem jeeleu sehr niitzlich zu gebrauchen. 4°. Franckfurt a. M., 1555. Capello (G. B.) Lessico farmaceutico-chi- mico, contenente li rimeeli piii usati d' oggieli. 9. eel., riveeluta e accresciuta da Lorenzo Capello. 4°. Venezia, 1769. Cardilucius (J. H.) Cunei atl eluros morbo- rumnoelos: Oder Keile zu denharten Knorreu der Kranckheiten. Das ist: Wie man auss den Me- tallen und Mineralien solche Essentzen konne zurichten, da man mit einer einigeu allerhand wieelerspenstige, und von Kriititeru uncurirlicho Suchten baneligenkan, [etc.]. 12°. [n.p.], 1670. Carthkuser ( J. F.) Pharmacologia ilicore- tico-practica rationi et expcMientiai supcrstructii in qua medicanieutorum officinalium usitatiorum praeparatio, natura, modus operandi, vires atque usns medicus perspicue elescribuntur ac soliele explicantur. 12°. Berolini, 1745. Castiglk>ne (G. O.) Prospectus pharmaceu- tic! editio tertia, sub quo antidotarium medio- laneuse Galeno-chimicum . . . olim demanelatuni . . . avo, mox Branehe Francisci Castilliouei pa- tris, iude Joaunis Honorati tilii, stuelio et labore denuo emeudatum, auctum, et in tres partes di- visum, quarum prima complectitur regulas et tenipora pharmacoixdis aptiora ad disponenda ea, quae ael eorum of'licinas conferuut, cum exacta ponderum, acmensurarum ustialium designatieme . . . Secunela, niantissam chiniicam spagiricam Nicolai de Lemmery e Gallico in Italicum tra- ductani. Tertia, tractatus de tinctura'cenallio- rnin, alkaest, [etc.]. 3 pts. in 2 v. fol. Medio- lani, 1729. Catanutus (N.) Catanense dispensateirium, sive antidotarium ea continens medicamenta, qua3 apud nostros meelicos usitatiora habentura. Simplicia item, quae principalium vice (si ea de- siderentur) a doctoribus excogitata, suceedauea exceptasunt, ac medicamenta veluti perticientia, ex industria recentans. sm. 4°. Catance, 1666. Champkkius (Symphorianus). Castigatioues sen einendatioues pharmacopolarum, sive apo- thecariormn, ac ATabum medicorum Mesue, Sera- pionis, Kasis, Alpharabii et aliorum juniorum medicorum, [etc.]. 4°. [Lugduni, 1532?] PllAPMACY. 26 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). -----. Otiicina apothecariorum sen seplasia- riorum, pharniiicopo!arum, ac juniorum mcdico- ruin. 4°. [Lugduni, 1532?] Ciiaras(M.) Pharmacopde royale galdniquc et chymiepie. 4°. Paris, 1676. -----. The same. The royal pharmacopcea, Galenical anel chymical, accoreliug to the practice of the most eminent anel learned physitians of France, anel publish'd with their several appro- bations. Faithfully Englished, fol. London, 167H. -----. Thdriaque el'Andromacus, avec une description particuliere ties plantes, eles auimaux et des mindraux employdz a cette granele compo- sition, [etc.]. Nouv. dd. 12°. Paris, 1685. Charstadii.'s (V.) *Depharniacia. Kesp. A. Boxbartero. 4°. Argentorati, 1626. Cordis (V.) Pharmacorum conficiendeirum ratio, vulgo vocant elispensatorium. 16°. No- rimbergce, [ 1540 ?] -----. Novum elispensatorium; hoc est, pharmacorum conficieneloruin ratio; quam ab ipso olim anctam, nunc a quamplurimis mentlis expurgatam in lucem edimus. Appendix ex scriptis Jacobi Sylvii ael pharmacopolas antea impressa.. 16'-'. Venetiis, 1563. -----. Thesame. Cum PetriCoudenbergii,et Matthia? Lobelii scholiis. Accessit hac editione, pneter Guilielmi Rondeletii ele theriaca tracta- tuin,emendatiorem,et formulas selectiorum phar- macorum, quorum post Val. Corelum usus passim lcci'ptus est, auctiores; alius Fr. Dissaldei e'jus- dein argumenti libellus. 16°. Lugd. Bat-, 1627. -----. Le guielou des apotiepiaires. C'est a dire, la vraye forme et maniere de composer les mddicainen.s. Traduite de latin en fraucoys et repurgde d'une infinite" de fautes. 24°. Lyon, 1572. -----. Dispensatorium pharmacorum omnium chymicornm, quae hoelie in nsu potiore suut. Autheire pi imo Valerio Corelo. Nunc vero opera it studio Collegii ineelici inclytaj reipublica± No- rinibergcnsis emenelatius, ac selectius reelelitum, et epiarto publicatum. 4°. Norimbergce, 1666. Coknarius (J.) Fori medici adumbratio, et ex parte quidem, qua; officinarnm visitationem, assisteutium atquc externorum, ut Hippocr. vo- cat, elirectiouem maxime spectat, in syuwpsi facta, et hac vice integrte ejusdem descriptioni pr;e- missa. fol. Coburgi, 1607. Costa (M. F.) Discorsi sopra le composition! degli antieloti, et meelicamenti, che pio si costu- niano eli elar per bocca. Con la elichiaratioue d' alcuni succedanei, et nel fine una lettera meeli- cinale dell' eccelleutiss. Sig. G. B. Cawallara. 2. ed. sm. 4U. Manlova, 1586. Cukioses Lahoratorium meelico-chymicum, be- stehend in unterschieeleuen Medicamenten, so wohl Simplicibus als Compositis, nehmlich: Saltzeu, Oelen, Spiritibus, Extracteu, Tiucturen, etc. Wie solche unel zu was Kranckheiten eles Leibes, so wohl innerlich als auserlich, nebst beygesetzter Dosi, nicht allein zu gebrauehen, somlern Jiuch in kurtzen Proccssen, wie sie zu laboriren, beschriebem, also, dassein jedcr, so eles Laborirens eiu wenig erfahren, solche selbst prii- pariren kan. Alles nach deuen so gemiunten dreyen Reguis vegetabili, minerali et animali georelnet, zum Druck beforelert elurch A. B. C. D. 12°. Dressden u. Leipzig, 1745. Dale (S.) Pharmacologia} sen manuductionis ad materiam medicam supplementum, medica- menta ofiiciualia simplicia, priore libro omissa. complectens. 8°. Londini, 1705. -----. Thesame. Pharmacologia, sen manu- dactio ad materiam medicam, in qua medica- menta ofiiciualia simplicia, hoc est mineralia, i Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). vegetabilia . ? . eh'scribuutur. 3. ed. 4°. Lon- dini, 1737. De FtEBECejrK (J. C.) Atrium medicina' Hel- vetiorum seneorumdein pharmaeopevte promptu- arium; observatiemesepie medicae rarissimae ac selectissinuv. 18°. Genera; 1690. Doxzelli (G.) Tcatro farmaceutico, dogma- tico, c spagirico, nel quale s' iuscgna una molti- plicita el' arcani chimici piu speriinentati elall' autore in oreline alia sanita, con evento non fallace, e con una ciinonica norma di preparare ogni compositione, piu costumata elalla medicina eloguiatica : e una elistinta, curiosa e profit tevole historia eli ciascheduno ingrediente eli esse. Con 1' aggiunta iu meilti luoghi del elottor Tomaso Donzelli et in questa 5. ed., corretto e accicsctuto cou tin catalogo dell' horbe native del suolo Romano el ed signor Gio. Giacomo Roggieri. 4°. Venetia, 16H6. -----. The same. 4°. Venezia, 1704. -----. Thesame. 20. ed. fol. Venezia, 1728. -----. The same fol. Napoli, 1726. Elaboratory (The) laid open, en- the secrets of moeleru chemistry anel pharmacy revealed; containing many particulars extremely necessary to be known to all practitioners in medicine. 8°. London, 1758. Exchirid, ou nianipul eles miropoles. Som- mairement traduit et commentd sttivant le texte latin, par M. Dusseau. 4°. Lion, 15(51. Ettmuller (M.) Opera pharniaeeutieo-chj*- mica, ejus scilicet I. Schroderus diluciehttus sen comnicntarius in Job. Schreideri pharniacopoeiam medico-chymicam II. Commentarius in Danielis Luelovici clissert. De pharmacia moderno seculo applicanela. III. Pyrotechnia rationalis. 4°. Lugduni, 1686. Fallopius (G. ) Tractatus ele compositione medicamentorum dilucielissimus; nunc primum ael caudidatorum medicina) utilitatem summit opera, ac cura castigatus, et in lucem cditus. Cui accesserunt ejuselem authoris: Dc cituti'iiis tabuhe perquam utiles, ac'necessarian, nee non indices duo, prior quidem capituin; alter vero rerum, et verborum c|tue adnotntione', vel maxime eligna videbantur. rt\ Venetiis, 1570. Also, in his: Omnia, quae adbue extant opera, in unuin congesta. fol. Venetiis, 1584, ff. 79-117. Also, in his: Opera quse adbuc extant omnia, fol. Francofurti, lr>84, 144-215. Also, in his: Opera omnia in unuin congesta. fol. Franco- furti, 1600, 130-193. Fra.miu;saiui.s(N. A.) Ambrosieiptra ; in qua elegautesmedicamentoruinprn'iiarationesadmor- borum curatiouem cito, tuto et jucunde molien- dam pra'scribuntnr. 24-'. Lugduni Batavorum, 1647. Fucns ( L.) De coniponeudorum miscentlo- rumque medicamentorum ratione libri quatuor. 16°. Lugduni, 155(5. -----. Operum tomus primus: medicanien- torum omnium cennponendi, miscendique ratio- nem ac modum, libris quatuor, omnibus cum medicis turn pharmacopceis longe utilissimis et summe necessariis, complectens. Quiuu olim tres-.duntaxat, et cos quidem breves admodum de componendis ac mi.sceudis me;dicamentis librejs ecliderimus, nunc illis unus adbuc, qui ordine secundus est, et medicameutarius, vel, ut vulgus medicorum loquitur, dispensatorium dictns, ac- cessit. Pi a'paranelorum quoque medicamentorum ratio, quae in prioribus editionibus omnino ele- siderabatnr, adjecta est. Cemipositiones ele- nique, hodie usitatte, et qua' inofricinis medicorum venales prostant, mimes e fontibus suis petita;, et ab erroribus multis ac perniciosis purgatae, ac liiculentissimis annotationibuspassim illustrata', hoc in opere exhibeutur. fol. Francofurti ad Mir mini, 1566. PHARMACY. 27 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). FuCHS (R.) Historia omnium aquarum quae in communi hoelie practicantiuin sunt usu, vires, et recta eas distillandi ratio. Libellus plane anreus, nunc iu comniunem utilitatem evulgatus. Accessit preterea conditorum (ut vocaut) et specierum, aromaticornm, quorum usus frequen- tior apuel pharmacopolas, tractatus, omnibus, quibusest medicina Coreli, non minus utiliseniam necessarius. 32°. Parisiis, 1552. de la Fuexte Pierola (G.) Tyrocinio phar- niacopee), methoelo meelico y chimico. En el qual se continen en los canones ele Joanes Mesne Da- masceno, y su explicacion . . . comprobada con el prohemio de Dioscorieles y otros autores . . . anadida hi tarifa general ele precios tie las medi- cinas simples y compuestas, epie ha ele aver, y venderse en las boticas. fol. Pamplona, 1721. Galex (C.) De compositione medicamento- ruin Kara ykvg lib. vii per J. Guinterium Ander- uacuin jam primum latinitate elonati. Ejusdem de ponderibus et mensuris liber, D. Andrea Al- ciato interprete. Aeljeciruus brevem vnoypaipf/v, in qua cuique quantum quselibet meusura capiat, clare patebit. fol. Basilece, 1530. -----. De compositione meelicamentorum per genera libri septem, J. Auelernaco interprete. sm. 8°. Lugduni, 1552. -----. Opus medicum practicuni, varium, vere aureum, et postrenne lectionis. De compo- sitioue pharmacorum localiiuu, sive secunelum locos, libri elecem, receus fieleliteret pure con versi a Jano Cormtrio. Jani Cornarii conimentariorum metlicoruin in eosdem Galeni libros couscriptorum libri elecem. In quibus omnes corrupti illorum lihrorum loci restituuntur, et omnes difficiles ex- ponuutur, ampliusque aliquot milia rerum ac locorum in gra?cis ac latinis meelicis obiter ex- plicantur, emenelantur ac restituuntur. roy. 8Z. Basilea; 1537. del Garbo (D.) De emplastris et nnguentis. In his: Expositio [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1499, folio fol- lowing f. 152 to end of book. ------. Tractatus ele reeluctioue medicinarum ad actum. In: Dosmus (De), seu de justa quantitate [etc.]. 12°. Venetiis, 1579, fl'. 79-101. Also, in: Orusc. illust. med. de dosibus. 16°. Lugd., 1581, 179-208. ------. Tractatus de gradibus medicinarum. 7(i: Orusc. illust. med. de dosibus. 16°. Lugd., 1584, 208-232. Gmelin (J. P.) * De mixtura simplice. 4°. Tubinga; [1720]. GrCt.ixgius (P.) Florilegium Hippocrateo- Galeno-chymicum novum louge pluris priore auctum, et epiasi proelromus practici operis pro- peeiiem insecuturi, in eiuo praescribitur plurimo- runi medicamentorum tum chymicoruni e me- tallis, mineralibus, et vegetabilibns, pnesertim novorum, rariorum et secretiorum, turn Hippo- cratico-Galcnicorum conficiendorum certa ratio: una cum ipsorum virtute, usu, dosi, notis, ob- servatiouibus, et excmplis quam plurimis. [In- terleaveel.] 4J. Lipsice, 1544. ------. The same. sm. 4U. Lipsice, 1644. ------. Florilegium chymicum, hoc est, libel- lus insignis de quorunelam meelicamentorum chymicoruni, utpote, essentiarum, magisterio- rum, extractorum, salium, tincturarum, norum, crocorum, oleorum, spirituum, faecnlarum, etc., vera prteparatione recto usu et certa dosi, multis exemplis, observationibusque illustratus, et tali ordine elispositus, ut in curandis morbis cuilibet medico cumulate sufticiat. 24°. Lipsia; 1631. Guxther(A.) Observationumac paridoxoiuni qhymiatricoruni libri duo: quorum unus meeli- camenterrum chymicoruni pnepiiratiemem, alter eorundem usum succincte jierspicueque explictit. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1630. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). Gutes (Ain) nutzliches Biichlin von den auss- geprenten Wassern. sm. 4°. Ulm, 1501. Guybert (P.) L'apothiquaire charitable; eu- seiguaut a faire eu la maison les mddicameus composdz, avec graude facilitd, peu de frais, et pen de temps. In his: Toutes les oeuvres cbaritables; derniere ed. sm. 8°. Paris, 1647, 150-316. Haartmax (J. J.) * Ielea pharmacopoeae re- formatio. 4°. Upsalice, 1754. Hellwig (L. C.) Neu eingerichtetes Lexicon pharinaceuticum, oeler Apotheker-Lexikon, wo- rinneu Teutsch-Lateiuisch, und Lateinisch- Teutsch, beyele nach dem Alphabet, die Stiicke, welche ex triplici Regno oeler elreyfachem Natur- Reiche als Regno minerali, vegetabili, et ani- mali, in der Mediciu, ApotkeekeundChirurgiege- briiuchlich zu finelen; elarbey auch die Praeparata, was von jeelem Stuck zu haben, nicht weniger die Vires unel Doses geselzet worelen, uud sich desto besser unel leichter eliirein zu richten, vor diejenigen, welche eler eelleu Mediciu, Apotheker- Kunst uud Chirnrgie zugethan i othig; vor an- elere aber, welche nicht elergleichen Profession, niitzlich und annehmlich zu lesen, und zu gc- brauchen. Mit sonelerm Fleiss und Miihe also eingerichtetet, und auf vieler Begehrennachmals in Druck gegebeu. 16°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1709. Hollerius (J.) Ad libros Galeni ele composi- tione medicamentorum Kara towovc, perioclne viii. 8°. Lugdunii, 1578. ------. The same. 24°. Francofurdi, 15H(J. ------. Ael libros Galeni ele compositione niedicamentorum . . . periochae viii. [Item:] De materia chirurgica libri iii. [Item:] Joannes Lebon, therapia puerperarum. sm. 8U. Franco- furdi, 1603. James (R.) Pharmacopoeia universalis, or a new English elispensatory. 8°. London, 1752. Joubert (L.) Pharmacopoea: nunc ab ipso authore recognita et locupletata. Qui pharma- copcras scripserint, ex neotericis Germauis, Gal- lis, Ittilis, et Hispanis: quae ael D. Jouberti mauus pervenerunt. In his: Operum latinorum tomus primus [et secundus]. fol. Francof, 1599, i, 504-600. Ji'xeiKEX (J. H.) Manuale pharmaceuticum sive lexici pharmaceutici continnatio, composita pharmaceutica turn usualia, turn miuus ustuilia ntitissimarum pharmacoptearum, aliorumque celeberrimorum authorum hinc inele multum celebratti et usu recepta, turn alia justa eorum mentem et censuras atlornata, coutinens. 16°. Francof. a. M., 1698. -----. Lexicon e;himico-pharmaceuticum iu duas partes divisum, [etc.]. 12°. Norimbergce, 1699. -----. The same. 12°. Venetiis, 1710. -----. The same. Ed. altera. 8°. Francof. a. M., 1709. -----. The same. 2 v. iu 1. 16°. Norim- bergce, 1716. Kernek (A.) Tetras chymiatrica, proponens praestantiani et in meelicina ctiicaciam auri, mer- curii, antimonii, et vitrioli, et medicameutorum ex illis paratorum; opposita misochymis eadeni satfrivolecalumniantibus. 16°. Erphordice, 1618. Khi'xrath ( C. ) Medulla destillatoria et medica tcrtiiim aucta et renovata. Das ist: Griindliches unel vielbewehrtes Destillier- uud Artzney-Buch, darinnen begritfen, wie der Spiri- tus vin'i, elurch Mittel seines hi liter ihm verlasse- nen Saltzes, auch allerley ke'istliche Oliteteu, Spiritus. Salia, etc., auss mancherley auimalibus, mineralibus und ve»etabilibus, kiinstlich kon- nen destillirt und in quintam esseutiam zur PHARMACY. 28 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). hcichstcn Exaltation gebracht: auch vermittelst solchcr Extractionum, Aurum potabile, allerley herliche Medicamenta, Wundbalsam, Stichptlas- tci, giilelene Wasser, und eiergleichen, Laut zu Endtgesctztcr vollkomnienen Registerepriipariit, und in allcihand vorfalleuelen Gebrechen unci Kranckheitcn hevlsamlich gebraucht werelen, [etc.]. 4 -. Hamburg, 1605. Kiekxaxdeu (J.) * Decocta, inftisa et emul- siones officinales. 4°. Upsalice, [1746]. Kit.ii termaxx (V.) Der wohl unterwiescne Apothecker, oeler griindliche Anleitung zur heutigen Apothecker-Kunst, [etc.]. Anelere Auf- lagc, verbessert. 8°. Arnstadt u. Leipzig, 1735. Lasher (J.) Pharmaceipceus et chymicus, symmystae, seu pharmacopoeia chymica.' In qua medicamenta alphabetice digesta tain chymica quam eifficinalia, scitu elignissima, uno quasi in- tuitu legcnela simul et pernoscenela, lectori sub- jiciuntur. 12. Londini, 1698. DE Le.meky ( N.) Pharmaccqiee universelle, contenant toutes les compositions de pharmacie qui sont en usage eltins la mddecine, tauten France cpie par toute l'Europe, leurs vertus, leurs eloses, lets manieres d'opdrer les plus simples et les meilleures, avec plusieurs remarepies et raisoune- mons sur chaepie operation, sm. 4 '. Paris, WM. -----. Thesame. Avec un lexicon pharma- eeutique, plusieurs remarques nouvelles, et eles raisonncinens sur chaepie opdratiou. 3. del. 4°. Amsterdam, 1717. -----. The same. 5. del. 4°. Paris, 1761. -----. The same. 5. del. 2 v. 4°. Paris, 1763-4. -----. The same. Farmacopea universale, che contieue tntte le composizione di farmacia [etc.]. fol. Venezia, 1720. -----. Prospectus pharmaceutici seu antitlo- tarii Mediolaneusis pars secunela, mautissam chi- micam spagiricam e gallico in italicum tratluctam continens, [etc.]. fol. Mediolani, 1719. Le MeiKT (J.) Phiirmaciamedico-physica, ra- tionibus et experimentis instructa, accuratiore methodo aelornata. Nee non observationibus niedicis illustrata. 16°. L,ugd. Bat., 1684. van Lis (W.) Pharmacopeia Galeno-chemico- medica probatissimis auctoribus, ratione et ex- perientia funelata. Meng-, schei- eu geueeskon- stige artseny-winkel; op de beste schryvers, de reele en onelerviueling gebouwt; behelsenele ele voornaamste tegenwoorelig in bebruik zynde geuees- en heel-mielelelen, met besnoeiging van het uvertollige, en aauwyziug vau derzelver aart, eleugt en nianier van bereieliug; bene- vens een korte verhaudejing, hoe met wei- n ig genees-mielelelen de grootste ziekten woreleu genezeu; als meele verscheiele meng- eu scheikun- dige itaninerkingen, en een verklaring van tie vooruaamste konstwoorden en characters. 2. druk. 4°. Amsteldam, 1764. de Loeches (J.) Tyrocinium pharmaceuti- cum, theorico-practicum, Galcno-chyniicum ex- aminautTis juvenibus pharmacopolis perutile. 4°. Matriti, 1719. Loxgol(J. D.) Fuiitlamenta pharmaciae chy- mic;e, manu methodoque Stahliana posita. 12°. Budingce, 1728. Lvdwtg (D.) De pharniacia moderno seculo applicanda, elissertationesiii. 16°. Gothce, 1671. Maxget (J. J.) Bibliotheca phannaceutico- medica, seu rerum ael pharniiiciani Galcnica-chy- micam spectantium thesaurus refertissinius, iu quo materia medica historice, physice, chymice acanatomiceexplicata; sed et celehi ioresqiueque compositiones, turn ex omnibus dispensatoriis pharmaceuticis, variis hactenus Unguis iu lucem Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). eelitis, turn e niclimis m>ta> scriptoribus practicis excerptte; imo secretiores uon paucae praepara- tiones chymica', mcchauicte, etc., in curiosorum cujusvis ordiuis usum, undeeiuaque conquisitie, abunde cuinulantur. 2 v. fol. Genera; 1701. de Manlius de Boscho (J. J.) Super descrip- tionesantidotaiii et practical, elivi JohanisMesu;,' etaliorum illustriummeelicoruni clarissima inter pretatio incipit, elicta Luminare majus. fol. Ve- netiis, 1496. -----. Thesame. fol. [Lugduni, 1525. ] -----. The same. fol. Venetiis, [n. d.] Martini (J. F.) * De logithna praeparatione salium essentialium vegetabilium. sin. 4°. hr- fordia; 1742. Maktins-Sodre (A.) Collectaneo pharmaceu- tico, elividielo em eluas partes, nas epiaes se acha- rao as melhores perguntas, e respostas, e algumas eleicoes ele simples, com suas exjilicafoens ao texto de Mesne, tiradas elos melheires autores antigos, e modcrnosela arte pharmaceutica. 16L. Coimbra, 1735. Mayxwarixge (E.) The pharmacopo'ian phy- sician's repository, accommodated with elabo- rate medicinal arcana's, appositely serving to the whole practice of physick, exhibitcel as tin ex- emplar, for imitation anel incitation, to the in- dustrious professors in this faculty. 1(5°. Lou- don, 1669. Medicamentohum (De) simplicium graelibns et compositieinibus opus novum, physicuni par- tim, et medieuni, partim etiam chymicum, in epiiuque libros digestum, authoris incerti. Ac- cesserunt ex Euchopceeliicollectaneis in singulos libros argumenta. 16°. Tiguri, 1572. Medicixa pharmaceutica, of grootealgemeene schatkamer eler elrogbereideuele geneeskonst, voorzien met uaaukeurige aanu erkingen over veede misbruikeu iu ele chemie en nietlicyne, welke verbett^rt woreleu . . . vermeerelert en ver- betert tloor Robertus ele Farvacques, met een voorreelen van Hieronimus David Gaubius, waar bij nu gevoegt is een ontsloten kabinet der sim- plicia, of enkele drogeryen, eloor Johannes Schroder. Hicr is bygevoegt vcua uaaukeurige vcrhatideling van de Acmella, ecu y.cr.v gezegetit hulpmidelel voor graveel, steen, eu meer anelere zwaareongeuiakken, de>or J. Breinius beschreven, eu nu vertaalt, etc. Zynde uu te zamen een volkomen kabinet van groot belang voor ele ge- neeskuude, en artzenybereiding: en ook voor particuliere liefhebbery om geleyen en contituu- ren te niaaken. In 3 pts. fol. Leiden, 1741. Melichio (G.) Avertiinenti nelle composi- tioni de' mcelicamenti per uso della spetiaria. Con una diligente esaminatione eli molti sim- plici, tratta da piu elegni autori autichi et mo- derni. 4°. Vinelia, 1575. Merourialis (H.) De compositione meelica- mentorum tractatus, ties libros complectens: I. De compositione medicamentorum. II. De me- dicaincntoi'uui dosi. III. Medictuiientoruin com- ponenelorum rationem et methodum tradit . . . Omnia primum a Michaele Cedunibo in lucem edita. 12°. Francof urdi, 1591. Mertz (J.) Von mancherley heimlichen Kiin- sten. Das erste Buch: Iu welcheun elie Art oeler Weiss, mancheiley Oil, Pilaster, Salben, Latt- wergen, Pillulen, unci nnziilbare anelere Artz- neyen zu maehen begriften wirdt. Das ander Buch: In wolchem mit sehoner Orelnung ange- zeigt wirdt, wie man mancherley Wein, uud krefttige Wasser maehen soil. Das elritt Buch: In welchem etliche hochwichtige Heimlich- kciten eler Artzncy, neben vii anderen kurtzwei- ligen, und spitzfiindigeu verborgnen Kiinsteu be- giillcn werelen. 16°. Augspurg, 1570. PHARMACY. 29 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). Mesue (J.) Opera a Joanne Costa nunc re- coguita, et aucta adnotationibus, quihus a re- centiorum caiumniis divinus hie seriptor vendi- catur. Accessere his varia diversorum metli- corum opuscula, quae una cum Mesue imprimi consu&yere, ac praeterea plantarum de quihus in libro simplicium agitur, legitinne imagines ael vivum expresste, in superioribus elesideratte. Quihus aelelitus etiam nunc est Ceqmonis libellus de arte medendi iuscriptus, Mesua> operum veluti correlarium: in quo tractanehe niedicaa materiae ratio atque usus brevissiine explicatur. fol. Venetiis, 15(58. ------. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1589. ------. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1602. ------. Opera. De medicamentorum purgau- tium elelectu, castigatione et usu libri eluo. Quorum priorem canones uuiversales, posteriorem de simplicibus vocant. Grabaelin, hoc est coin- penelii secretorum medicamentorum, libri duo. Quorum prior antidotarium: posterior ele appro- priates vulgo inscribitur. Cum Muuelini, Ho- nesti, Manardi, et Sylvii in tres priores libros ob- servationibus, quae vulgo cum his ipsis prodire consueveruut. His accessere plantarum in libro simplicium elescriptarum imagines ex vivo ex- presste. Atque item Johanuis Costtei annota- tiones, tum quas in editione snperiori eledimus, tum prteterea novae aliie in postremas novem an- titlotarii sectiones, qiue hactenus elesielerabantur, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1581. ------. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1623. Michaelis (J.) Ordo Aisitaudi officiuas. Ejusque regulne pbarmaceutico-chyniicae. In his: Opera med.-cbir. [etc.]. 4°. Norimb., 1688, 719-734. Moxtagxana (B.) Conclusioues tie composi- tione, et elosi meelicamentorum. In : Illust. in re med. virorum. 12°. Patavii, 1556, ff, 27-39. MC'ller ( F. ) Lexicon medico-Galeno-chy- mico - phannaceuticum, oeler: Griindliche Er- kliirnng achtzeheu tausenel medicinischer Nah- nieu . . . fol. Franckfurt a. M., 1661. Mufettus (T.) De jure et praestautia chy- micoruni meelicamentorum dialogusapologeticus. Accesserunt etiam epistolae quaedam mediciuales ail medicos aliquot conscriptae. 12°. Franco- furti, 1584. Mylius (J. D.) Antidotarium medico-cbymi- cum reformatum: continens quatuor libros dis- tinctos, quorum 1. Generaliora in pharmaciam requisita explicat. 2. Tractat de quibusdam exo- ticis in nostris basilicis omissis. 3. Tradit prae- cepta Galenicorum et chymicoruni de praepara- tione medicamentorum. 4. Resolvit form as et dividit meelicamenta tam Galen, quam chymico- runi. 4°. Francofurti, 1620. von Mynsicht (H.) Thesaurus et armamen- tarium meelico-chymicum; hoc est, selectissinio- rum contra quosvis morbos pharmacorum coufi- ciendorum secretissima ratio, propria laborum experientia, multiplici et felicissima praxi con- linnata, et nunc una cum remediorum virtute, usu et dosi, doctrinae et sapiential filiis fieleliter lcvelata et communicata; cui in fine aeljunctum est testiimentum Hadrianeum tie aureo philoso- phorum lapside. 4°. Lubecce, 1662. -----. The same. 12°. Francofurti, 1675. -----. The same. Accessit etiam D. Caroli Musitani mantissa atque Andrete Battimelli anctarium, denique Hierohymi Piperi corolla- rium. Opus hac in novissima impressione variis erroribus expurgatum. 16°. Venetiis, 1707. -----. The same. Thesaurus et armamenta- rium meelico-chymicum; or a treasury of physick. With the most secret way of preparing reine- Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). dies against all diseases. Written originally in Latine anel faithfully rendered into Euglish by John Partridge, physician to his majesty. 8°. London, 1682. Myrepsus(N.) Liber ele compositione meeli- camentorum secundum loca, transit)tus e grteco iu latinum a Nicolao Rhegino Calabro, ante hac nusquam impressus, cum brevissimis aunota- tionibus locorum tlifficilium Joaunis Agricoke Amnionii. 4°. Ingolstadii, 1541. ------. The same. De compositioue medica- mentorum opus. Also, in: Medios; artis principes. fol. [Francofurti], 1567, ii, pt. 2, pp. 337-884. ------. Meelicamentorum opus, in sectiones quadragiuta octo digestum, hactenus in Ger- mania non visum, omuibus turn meelicis tum seplasiariis niirum in moduni utile, a Leonharto Fuchsio e grteco in latinum recens conversum. roy. 8°. Basilew, 1549. Neues Liecht vor die Apothecker, wie selbige nach den Grund-Regeln der heutigen Destillir- kunst ihre Artzeneyen zubereiten sollen: mit einigen Anmerckungen vermehret unel verbes- sert elurch elie hochgelahrten Herreu Sylvius, i WilliB, Blanckart, und anelere. Nebenst einem Anhauge von denen Irrthiimern, so bey Berei- tuug eler Medicamenten vorzugehen pflcgen des Herru Anton de Heidens; aus elem Holliiudischen ins Hochteutsche iibergesetzet von D. J. S. 12°. Leipzig, 1690. New (A) method for the improvement of the manufacture of drugs, in a treatise on the elixir proprietatis. 8°. London, 1747. ------. The same. 8°. London, 1748. Nicolaus Propositus. Dispensarium ad aro- matarios. [Adtinem:] Finiunt introductiones . . . expensis Jacobi Huguetau, seel Francisci Fradim, Lugd. impressae, anno mcccccv. 4°. Lugduni, [1505]. ------. The same. Item cum pluribus addi- tionibus . . . annectuntur. Platearius, vulgo circa instaus uuueupatus de simplici medicina, recognitus ac novis exornatus adelitionibus per Michaelem de Capella additis. 4°. Lugduni, 1537. NlKANDER. QrjptaKa, 'AAetjapappana. 'Eppnveia tov avuvvpov Gvyypatyeoic elq dnpiaaa. Xx^Aia 6iaEuv etc ale^apdp- pand. 4 \ Parisiis, 1557. Greek and Latin text. ------. The same. Les ceuvres de . . . tra- duictes en vers francois. Ensemble, deux livres des venius, ausquels il est amplement discouru des bestes venimeuses, thdriaques, poisons et contrepoisons, par Jaques Grdvin de Clermont en Beauvaisis. 4°. Anvers, 1567. ------. The same. Joannes Gorrhaeus la- tinis versibus reddidit, italicis vero qui nunc primum in lucem prodeunt Ant. Mar. Salvinius. Accedunt variantes codicum lectiones, selectae adnotationes, et graeca Entecni sophistic meta- phrasie ex codicibus mediceae, et Vindobon. PHARMACY. 30 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). bibliothecae descripta ac nontlum edita curante Ang. Mar. Bandinio. 8°. Florentice, 1764. Greek anel Latin text. -----. The same. Alexipharmaca seu de veueuis in potu cibone homiui datis eorumque remeeliis carmen. Cum scholiis graecis et Eutec- uii sophistae paraphrasi graeca. Ex libris scriptis emenelavit animatlversionibusque et paraphrasi latino illustravit Jo. Gottlob Schueider. 8°. Halce, 1792. de Oviedo (L.) Methodo de la coleccion y reposieion ele las medicinas simples, de su cor- reccion y preparacion; y ele la composicion de los letuarios, xaraves, pildoras, trociscos, y azeites que estan en uso. Va anaelido en algu- nos lugares el tercer libro, y todo el quarto libro; en que se trata de la composicion ele los unguen- tos, cerotos, y emplastos, que estan eu uso, y las recetas. fol. Madrid, 1622. Palacios (F.) Palestra pharmaceutica, chy- mico-Galenico, en la qual se trata de la eleccion de los simples, sus preparaciones chymicas y Galenicas, y de las mas selectas composiciones autiguas, y moelernas, usuales, tan to en Maelrid, como en toda Europa, descriptas por los antiguos y modernos, con las anotaciones necessarias, [etc.]. [3. eel.] fol. Madrid, 1737. -----. The same. fol. Madrid, 1763. -----. The same. fol. Madrid, 1792. Passera (F. F.) II nuovo tesoro degl' arcaui farmacologici Galenici e chimici, 6 spargirici. fol. Venetia, 1688. Paulli (S.) Quadripartitum de simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus; ad artis meelicae tic pharinaceutices studiosos. sm. 4°. Rostochi, 1640. Paulus jEgineta. Pharmacia simplicia, Othone Brunfelsio interprete. Idem de ratione victus Gulielmo Copo Basiliensi interprete. 24°. Argentorati, 1531. Penotus (B. G.) Tractatus varii, de vera prajparatioue et usu medicamentorum chymico- rum. Etlitio tertia. 16°. Ursellis, 1602. Persia. Pharmacopoea Persica ex idiomate persico in latinum conversa. Opus missionariis, mercatoribus, caeterisque regionum orientalium lustratoribus necessarium; nee non Europaeis nationibus perutile. Accedunt in fine specimen uotarum in pharmacopaeam persicam; tum indi- ces duo, alter pharmaceuticus, compositiones iu hoc opere contentas indigitaus; alter pathologi- cus, remedia ad singulos morbos ostendens. 8°. Lutetia; Parisiorum, 1681. Pharmacia Galenica et chymica, dat is: de vcrmeerderde ende verbeterde apotheker en alchymiste licht ende distilleer-koust begrij- peude ele beginselen ende fonelamenten dersel- ver. Verdeylt in acht boecken, tot onderwij- singe der apothekers. Doorgaens opt nieuw by elen authenr oversien, en verrijekt met een kort examen der chirurgie, benevens een trac- taet van de kennisse der droogen. 4. ed. 16°. Amstelredam, 1662. Pharmacopceia. Orelo capitum; pondera et mensurte, materia medica; medicamenta prae- parata. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Text in Latin and English. Pharmacopceia Meadiana; faithfully gathered from original prescriptions, containing the most elegant methods of cure in diseases. To which are^anuexed useful observations upon each pre- scription. The whole digested under proper heads. 8°. London, 1756. _____. The same. Pt. 2. And illustrated with remarkable cases; in which the rise and declension of symptoms in the respective diseases tire related; the medicines prescribed, and Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). methods used for their cure, are regularly set dowu; and their success, as well prosperous as adverse, is punctually noted. Together with au account of morbid appearances upon dissections of several of the subjects. Interspersed with practical remarks on particular incidents iu dis- eases and the operation of meelicines. Published from original manuscripts. 8°. London, 1757. de Planis Campy [dit l'Edelphe] (D.) Bou- quet compose" eles plus belles flours chimiques, on ajencement des preparations, et experiences e'splusrares secrets, et medicamens pharmaco- chiiniepies; prins des niin6raux, aniinaux, et ve- getaux. Le tout par une methode tres-faeile, et non commuue aus chimiques ordinaires. 12°. Paris, 1629. Poit'kx (J.) Chymische Mediciu, von dem Nutz und Gebrauch der distillierteu Oelen, Ex- tracten, Quintis Essentiis, Aquisvitae, Balsamis, Floribus, Saltzen und Wassern auss den Minera- libus, Animalibus unel Vegetabilibus, zu allerley innerlichenund ausserlichen Arzneyen,rechtund niitzlich zu gebrauchen: sampt der Prepara- tion unci chymischen Zubereitung auch anderer voruehmen Sacheu, alien Liebhabern elieser ed- len Kunst zu treuhertzigen gefallen, beschrieben. 18°. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1625. Prospectus pharmaceutic! seu antitlotarii Meeliolaneusis pars tertia, tractatus de tinctura corallorum, de alkaest, [etc.]. fol. Mediolani, 1729. Quercetanus (J.) Pharmacopcea dogmatic coruni restituta. Pretiosis selectisque hermeti- corum floribus abunde illustrata. 2. ed. 12°. Parisiis, 1607. -----. The same. 16°. Marburgi, 1622. -----. La pharniacopee des dogmatiques re- form6e, et enrichie de plusieurs remedes excel- lents, choisis et tirez de l'art spagyricpie. Avec un traictefamilier del'exacte preparation spagy- rique des medicaments pris d'entre lesmin6raux, aniniaux et vegetaux : et une breve response au livret de Jacques AiibeTt touchaut la generation et les causes des m6taux. 2. ed. 16°. Paris, 1630. -----. Traicte familier de l'exacte prepara- tion spagyrique eles medicamens pris d'entre les miueraux, animaux et vegetaux. Avec une breve response au livret de Jacques Aiibert tou- chaut la generation et les causes des metaux. 16°. Paris, 1630. -----. Le richezze della riformata farmaco- pea, nuovamente di favella latiua traportata in italiana dal Signor Giacomo Ferrari. E in quell' ultima impressione coretta, e aggiunto laprepa- ratione spagirica, [etc.]. Tradotta nuovaniente da Gio. Maria Ferro. 4°. Venetia, 1646. -----. The same. Tradotta nuovamente da Gio. Maria Ferro, spetiale alia sanita. 4°. .Ve- netia, 1684. Quincy (J.) Praelectiones pharmaceutical; or a course of lectures in pharmacy, chemical and Galenical; explaining the whole doctrine of that art. Published from his original manuscript, with a preface, by P. Shaw. 4°. London, 1723. -----. Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extempo- ranea: or a complete English dispensatory, in four parts, containing, 1. The theory of phar- macy and the several processes therein. II. A description of the officinal simples, with their virtues and preparations, Galenical and chymi- cal. III. The officinal compositions, according to the last alterations of the college; together with some others of uncommon efficacy taken from the most celebrated authors. IV. Extemporaneous prescriptions, distributed into classes suitable to their intentions in cure. 8. ed. To which is PHARMACY. 31 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). added an account of the common adulterations both of simples anel compouuds; with some marks to detect them by. 8°. London, 1730. -----. The same. In two parts, theoretic aud practical. Part 1 in two books; part 2 in five books. 12. eel. 8°. London, 1749. Ranchin ( F. ) CEuvres pharmaceutiques as savoir, uu traicte general de la pharmacie, en- semble un docte commeutaire sur les quatre the- orenies et canous de Mesne, avec deux excellens traictez, l'un des simples niedicameus purgatifs, et l'antre des" venins. Le tout accoinpague ele disputes, oil sont debatues et esclaircies plu- sieurs questions curieuses et necessaires pour la parfaicte intelligence de ces matieres. 12°. Lyon, 1624. -----. Traicte general ele la pharmacie, elicte a Montpellier aux compaguons pharmaciens. In his: CEuvres pbarm. 12°. Lyon, 1624, 3 pi., 1-30. Richter (A. G.) De corruptelis medicameu- toruni cognoscendis tractatus medico-chymicus pharmacopoliis accommodatus et triplici indice instruct us. 12°. Dresdce et Lipsia; 1732. Roxdeletius (G.) De ponderibus, sive de justa quautitate et proportioue luedicamentoruin, liber, nunc denuodiligeutissimi auctus, et recog- nitus ab eodem authore. 2. ed. 12°. Lugduni, 1563. Ridolphus (J. G.) Medicus ad aegri palatum varium iu materia medica imprimis universali evacuante adaptatus. 12D. Lugd. Bat., 1699. Ryckarts (N.) Eygenekleyne beknoptehuys apoteeck, voorsien met seer becpiame heyl ende Deughtsame medicamenteu ; met een appendix van de priucipaelste, krachtigste ende soo heden- elaegse gebruyckelijkste chimicae en Galinesche meelicanienten. 16°. Dordrecht, 1698. Ryff (G. H.) Der ander Theyl der kleynern teutscheu Apoteck, Coufect oder Latwergen Biiehlins . . . sm. 4°. [n. p. ], 1542. -----. Der erst Theyl eler kleinen Apoteck oder Coufectbiichlius, wiealle Latwergen, Con- feet, Conserveu, unci Eynbeytzungen, etc., vou mancherley Friichten, Bliimen, Kreiitern und Wiirtzeln, auch andere kiinstliche undaumiitige Stuck, so iu den Apoteckeu gemacht, unnd in grossem werdt gehalten unel verkaufft werden, eyn yederfur sich selbs, mitriugem Kosten, klei- uer Miih, aufl* das gerechtest unnd best bereyten, und zu der Notturft't behalteu soil. Auch uiitzliche Erkliirung der Natur dieser Stuck, war zu eyn yedes nlitzlich gebraucht werden meig, zeitlichs Lebenziierhalten, unnd schwere Kranckheyt zii- vertreiben. Jetz von neiiwein ubersehen und gebessert. Mit einer fast kurtzen, aber niitz- lichen uud bewerten Underrichtung, Avie man sich iu Zeyt vergyffts Luffts, sterbend uud Pesti- lent/,, halten uud bewaren soil, dergleichen inn teUtscher Sprach nit gesehen. Register aller Stuck in disem Biichlin begriffen, wie sie bereyt uud gemacht werden sollen finelestu am anderu Blat verzeichnet. sm. 4°. Strassburg, 1552. -----. Reformiertedeuische Apoteck. Darin- nen eigeutliche Contrafactur eler fiirnenibsten und gebreiichlichsten Kreutter, sampt ihrer Uu- derscheidung, Art, Natur, Krafft, Vermogon unnd Wiirckung. Auch was vou deu selbigen von Apo- teck ischen Stucken, unnd dergleichen vilfalti- gen Vermischungeu der Speis uud Artzuei elienst- lich bereidt werden mogen, als Syrup, Latt- wergen, Coufect, Einbeitzung, oeler Einlegung und Conserven, Safl't, aussgebrandte Wasser, gekreiittert Wein, Bssig, Oly, Salsen, und Con- dimcuten zu der Spcis, Pfiaster, Salbeu unnd dergleichen . . . Item Beschreibung der Eltisteu Lattwergen oder Confecten, des gerechteu Tiri- acks uund Mithridats, sampt vilen audern alteu, Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). gebreiichlicheu ziisamen gesetzten und vermisch- teu Stuckeu, auch Pomambre, Bisam sacklin, wol- riechende Pulver, wie solliche alle recht kuustlich gemacht unnd gebraucht werdeu sollen, [etc.]. 2 v. in I. fol. Strassburg, 1573. -----. The same. Newe aussgeriiste deutsche Apoteck, [etc.]. Nicolaum Agerium. 3 Theile bound iu 1 v. fol. Strassburg, 1602. Sala (A.) De variis tum chymicoruni, turn Galeuistarum erroribus, in praeparatione medici- nali commissis. Opus italice primum ab auctore conscriptum, jam vero eodem requireute, in lati- nam linguam, stylo quam simplicissimo transla- tum, Lahore et couatu, M. A. R. 12°. [Franck- fort], 1608. -----. Thesame. Tractatus duo: de variis turn chymicoruni turn Galeuistarum erroribus, [etc.]. 8°. Rothomagi, 1650. -----. Opera meelico-chymica qute extant omnia, frustulatim hactenus, diversisque linguis excusa, nunc in nniun collecta latinoque idio- mate edita, addito indice rerum et verborum locupletissimo. 4°. Francofurti, 1647. -----. The same. Htiic ultiinae editioui ac- cessit tractatus peculiaris Angeli Salae de errori- bus pseudo-chyinicoruinetGalenistarum, multum desideratus, et nunquam nisi seorsim eelitus. 4°. Rothomagi, 1650. -----. Opera omnia meelico-chymica hacte- nus separatim diversistjue linguis excusa, nunc uno volumine latinoque idiomate edita; et novis- sissima hac editione non solum amendis quam- plurimis correcta, sed etiam juxta originalia, ut et exemplar Johannis Schroderi versa et emen- data. Addito indice rerum et verborum locu- pletissimo. 4°. Francofurti, 1682. Salmon (W.) The English physician, or the druggist's shop opened. 12°. [London, n. d.] -----. The same. The compleat English physician: or, the druggist's shop opened. Ex- plicating all the particulars of which medicines at this day are composed and made, [etc.]. In ten books. 8°. London, 1693. -----. Doron medicum ; or, a supplement to the new London dispensatory. In III books, con- taining a supplement. I. To the materia medi- ca. II. To the internal compound medica- ments. III. To the external compound medica- ments. Completed with the art of compounding medicines; observations and explications chy- mical; an idea of the process of the universal medicine of Paracelsus, taken from an original manuscript; together with uiany rare secrets of the medical art, not vulgarly known ; some of them gathered out of the manuscript of famous men, not yet printed ; some the gleanings out of the vast printed volumns of medical authors; other of them communicated by several worthy and learued men, of profound parts, universal scholars, and professors of this art. 12°. Lon- don, 1683. Santos de Torres. Promptuario pharmaco, e cirurgico, em epie se acharam limitados os pe- zos, quantidades, formas, e disposicoes de niui- tos, e singulares remedios simples, e compostos, contra as muitas, e graves eufermidades, que af- fligem o corpo humano; com huma methodicadi- reccao para securar radicalmente a cervicosa par- ti naci a dos affectos venereos. 8°. Lisboa, 1756. Sassexus (A. D.) Breves auimadversiones in pharmacopceam Bruxellensem editam anno 1702, nee non compositiones quasdam Lovanii usita- tas, ut Antverpieusi, Gaudeusi, Amstelodamensi, Lugdunensi, etc., applicabiles pharmacopeeis ad medicamentorum dextram compositionem, medi- cis ad praxim rite instituendam perutiles, imo necessariae, in lucem datse. 18°. Lovanii, 1704. PHARMACY. 32 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). Schroderi's (J.) Pharmacopoeia meelico-chy- mica, sive thesaurus pharmacologics, quo com- posita quaeque celebriora, hinc mineralia, vege- tabilia, et animalia, chymico-medice describnn- tur, atque insuper principia physicae Hermetico- Hippocrtiticte canelide exhibentnr. Opus non minus utile physicis quam medicis, post editio- nem Horstio-Witzelianam, qua appendix, et in- dex morborum, et Batavicam, qua linguae Galli- ca?, Anglicae, et Belgicae, nomina, et indices ac- cessere. Hac septima emendatum, omissis locu- pletatum, notisque auctum a Joanne Ludovico Witzelio. 4°. Francofurti, 1677. -----. Thesame. 4°. Lugduni, 1081. -----. Vollstandige unel nutzreiche Apo- theke. Dtis ist: Treflich-versehener medioiu- chymischer hoehstkostbakrer Artzuey - Schatz. Nebst D. Friderici Hoffmanni darliber verfassete herrliche Anmerckungen als eine Grund-Feste beybehalten . . . Dariunen so wohl die einfa- chen Stiicke der Metallen und Mineralien sampt ihren curiensen Bereituugen, niitzlichen Gebriiu- chen uud Anwenduug, wie auch Pflautzen und Krauter mit ihren Abbildungen, in 45 Tabellen bestehen, gleichfalls die Thiere, und dero Theile, nebst derselbenTugenden.Nutzen uud Gebrauch, fiber dieses auch anelere aus vielen Stiicker be- stehende und durch Erfahrung bewehrteste Hiilffs-Mittel, so wohl nach tier Galenischeu als chymisehen Art bereitet . . . Auf vieles und unablassiges Verlangen teutscher Nation zu sou- derem Nutzen ertift'uet von George Daniel Ko- schwitz. fol. Niirnberg, 1693. -----. Pharmacopoeia universalis, das ist: Allgemeiner medicinisch - chimischer Artzuey- Schatz, nebst D. Friedrich Hoffmanns darliber verfassten herrlichen Anmerckungen in seeks Biichern, Avelche eiue Einleitung zur Chimie, eiu aligemeines Dispensatorium und eiu vollstaiidiges Bergkrauter- und Thier-Buch oder Materialien- Lexicon enthalten, und einem Chimico, Apothe- cker und Materialisten in allem was ihm zu wisseu nothig ist, vollkommenen Unterricht geben. 3 v., paged consecutively, fol. Niirnberg, 1746-8. ScuiBejxius Largus. De compositionibus me- elicamentorum liber unus, autehac nusquain ex- cusus: Joanne Ruellio castigatom 4°. Parisiis, 1528. -----. The same. 4°. Parisiis, 1529. Also, in: Medici antiqni omnes qui latinis, [etc.]. 4°. Venetiis, 1547, 141-158. Also, in: Memce artis principes. fol. Francofurti, 1567, ii, pt. 3, 187-238. -----. Thesame. J. Rhodius recensuit, lexi- con adjecit. 4°. Patavii, 1655. de Sgobbis (A.) Nuovo et universale theatro farmaceutico . . . eretto et esposto alia luce. fol. Venetia, 16(57. -----. Universale theatro farmaceutico fon- dato sopra le preparationi farmaceutiche scritte da' meelici antichi, Greci, e Arabi; principal- mente da Galeno, e Mesue, [etc.]. fol. Venetia, 1682. Sieverts (J. S.) *De essentiis officinalibus. sm. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1734]. Sommeriioff (J. C.) Lexicon pharmacentico- chvniicum latino - germanicum et gennanico- latiuum . . . cum versioue germanica, et addi- tioue signorum, quotquot hactenus iunotuere, characteristica. Cui accessit vocttbulariuni ger- manico- latinum locupletissiniuni vegetabilium, animaliumetmineralium in officinis pharmaceu- ticis et alias usitatorum. Adjunct! sunt sub finem characteres metallorum, mineralmm, planeta- rum, ])oiiderum, aliarumque rerum chymicarum. fol. Norimbergce, 1701. Spielmaxn (J. R.) Pharmacopcea generalis. Editio prima Veneta. 4:. Venetiis, 1786. 'harmacy (Ancient authors on). de SnxA (1).) Manualc sive lexicon pharma- ceutico-chymicum, instar compendii medicis practicis et pharmacopoeia maxime commodum, continens medicamenta composita polychresta tum usualia turn minus usualia; ex notissimis pharmacopoeis et celeberr. authoribus practicis desnmta, et partim ex corpore pharmaceut. domini physici Jiinken hue translata. sm. 8°. Francofurti ad Mccnum, 1700. Staphost (N.) Officina chymica Londineusis, sive exacta notitia medicamentorum spagyri- corum, quae apuel aulam Societatis Pharmaceu- ticae Loudin. inaeparantur, et venalia prostant. Consilio pharmacopcEorum et approbatioue Ce>l- legii Medicorum Londineusium exhibita opera et stuelio . . . Editio tertiajuxtaexemplarLondiui. 24-\ Jence, 1701. StarkeY (G.) Pyrotechuia ofte vuur-stook- kunde, vast - gesteld en opgehelderd, ofte het sekerste eu veiligste middel om de konst te doen triumphereu over de natuurlijke gebreken; sijnele een voile en opene ontdekkinge van de medicinale verborgentheden door alle konste- naars, met voordagt verborgen, en alleen ontelek- kelijk door het vuur, met een aanhangsel, aanga- aude de nature, toebereidinge, en kragten van verscheide specifique medicamenten, die seer edel en agtervolgende, het groote Arcana zijn, met een opelragt des autheurs aau de Heer R. Boyle door . . . Uit het Engels vertaalt door J. vanele Velele. 16°. Amsterdam, 1687. Storehouse (A) of physicall aud philosophi- call secrets. Teaching to distill all manner of oyles from gummes, spices, seedes, rootes, hearbs, and mineralls, etc. With their severall virtues, out of sundry approved authors. 2 pts. 8°. London, 1633. Strobelbkkger (J. S.) Tractatus novus iu quo Cocco Baphica, et qua} inde paratur confec- tionis alchermes recto usu disseritur. Cui in- sertus est Laurentii Catelani genuinus ejusdem confectionis apparandae modus: nunc priinum in latinum sermonem e gallico brovitcr con- versus. Cum censura et approbatioue Joaunis ab Oberndorff. 4°. Jence, 1620. Sweden. Catalogus et valor medicamen- torum in officinis pharinaceuticis Stockholniiensi- bus prostantium. sm'. 4°. Stockholmia;, [1(599]. Syllabus medicamentorum compositorum in dispensatorio Wurtenburgico com prelum sorum juxta quern pharmacopolia commode visitari pos- sunt et qui simul pharmacopceis pro canoue in- servire debet, fol. Stuttgardice, 1741. Sylvius (J.) Methodus medicamenta coiupo- neueli, et simplicibus judicio sumnio delectis, et arte certa paratis, quatuor libris distributa. 12°. Lugduni, 1548. -----. The same. 32°. Lugduni, 1549. -----. De meelicamentorum simplicium de- lectu, praeparationibus, mistionis modo libri tres. 12°. Parisiis, 1562. -----. La pharmacopee: qui est la maniere de bien choisir et preparer les simples, et ele bien faire les compositions . . . Faite francoise par Andre Caille. 16°. Lyon, 1574. -----. The same. 18°. Lyon, 1580. Tovar (S. E.) Do compositorum meelica- mentorum examine. Nova methodus, qua meelica- mentorum compositorum omuium temperamenta ad uuguem examinari, ac rursus propositte cu- juscunque temperaturae medicamenta componi facillime queant. 4°. Antverpice, 1586. Ulsenius (T.) De pharmacandi comprohata ratione, medicinarum simplicium rectificatione, symptomatunique purgationis bora supervenien- tium emendatione, libri duo, carmine conscripti, nunc primum Georgii Pictorii Villingani dili- PHARMACY. 33 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). gantia, ex blattarum conflietu vindicati, et ejus- dem scholiis illustrati; quihus alius quoque liber accedit Q. Sereni Saniouici poetica phrasi, de omnium morborum cura, a capite ael calcem de- scriptus; et ejusdem Pictorii commentariis brevi- ter quoque explanatus. 12°. [Basilece, 1571.] Ulstadius (P.) Ccelum philosophorum. Von Heimlichkeit der Natur, das ist, wie man nicht alleiu auss Wein, sonder auch auss alien Metallen, Friichten, Fleisch, Eyern, Wurtzelu, Kreutern, und auss viel andereu Dingen mehr, sol distil- liern Aquam vite, zu Erhaltung der Gesundheit menschliches Ceirpers. Ein kurtz, klarcs, unci niitzlichs Buch, durchFleissPhilippiUlstadii von Niirmberg, auss Raymundo, Arnoldo de Villa No- va, unel Alberto Magno, zusammen inus Latein ge- schrieben, aber jetzundt vonn newem verteutsch unnd elie Capitel, welch vorhin gemangelt, hir- zu gethan. Item, Marsilii Vicini Regiment des Lebens, mit Essen, Trincken,Wonungen, etc. Da- durch mit eler Hilff Gottes sein Lebeu gesterckt, unel iu Gesuntltheit behalten, hiss er alt worelen »• 116 Jar, hat noch gelebt in Italia im Jar 1482. Darbey viel guter Recept fiir aller handt Kranck- heiten, dem geineiuen Mann ein wolffeyle und gar niitzliche Apothek. fol. Franckfurdt am Main, 1551. Verxieuwde Amsterdamsche Apotheek, in Nederdvitsch overgebragt. 12°. Amsterdam, 1733. Villaxovaxus [Servetus](M.) Syruporum universa ratio, ad Galeni ceusuram diligenter expolita. Cui post iutegram de concoctioue clis- ceptationem pnescripta est vera purgandi me- thodus cum expositione aphorismi. 8°. Parisiis, 1537. de Villas (F. E.) Exame de boticarios com uteis doutriuas concernentes a arte pharmaceu- tica, e huma pragmatica didascal para governo clos que principitio a aprender, e hum directorio, quo ensiua a bondade dos medicamentos pelas qualidades perceptiveis. Traduzido no idioma portuguez por huu professor da dita arte, dado a luz por Antonio Lopes da Sylva. 4°. Lisboa occidental, 1736. Wedelius (G. W.) De medicamentorum com- positione externporanea, ad praxin clinicam et usum hodiernum accommodata. Liber, tribus sectionibus distiuctus. sm. 4°. Jence, 1679. -----. Pharmacia acroamatica. 4°. Jence, 1686. Zwelfer (J.) Animadversiones in pharmaco- pceiam Augustanam et aunexam ejus mantissam, sive pharmacopceia Augustana reformata. Nunc primum in lucem edita opera et studio . . . fol. In. p.], 1652. -----. The same. Nunc tertium revisa, cum appendice annexa. Accessit pharmacopoeia re- gia, seu dispensatorium novum, locupletatum et absolutum, adjecta mantissa spagyrica, cui ac- cessere bini discursus apologetici. 2 v. fol. Noriberga.', 1675. -----. Appendix ad animadversiones in phar- macopceiam Augustanam, ejusque annexam man- tissam. Item ad pharm acopoeiam regiam seu dispensatorium novum; in qua obscura expli- cantur, et notis perspicuis illustrantur, nova in- super et secretiora remedia adjiciuntnr. 16°. Goudce, 1658. -----. The same. fol. Noribergce, 1675. -----. Pharmacopceia regia, seu dispensa- torium uovum locupletatum et absolutum, an- nexa etiam mantissa spagyrica: in quibus vera et accurata methodo selectissimorum medica- mentorum compositiones et praeparationes tra- duntur; quae cum servatis suorum ingredientiuin virtutibus, turn iisdem exaltatis, medico, in pro- 3 Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). fliganelis humani corporis aegritudinibus, ad vota servitura sunt. Cui accessere biui discursus apologetici. fol. Noribergce, 1675. —■—. The same. Vera et accurata compo- neueli ratione selectissimorum meelicamentorum praescriptiones continens. fol. Augustana, 1(552. SteiiiNcliiiridcr (M.) Donnolo; pbarmakologische Fragrnente aus elem 10. Jahrbunelert, nebst Beitragen zur Literatur eler Salernitaner, hauptsachlich nacb bantlscbrift- lichen bebraischen Quellen. Arcb. f. patb. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxviii, 65: xxxix, 296: xl, 80: 1868, xiii, 51. Pharmacy (Dictionaries of). See, also, Pharmacy (Ancient authors on). Beer(R. K.) Pharmacological dictiouary. A lexicon of pharmaceutical terminology, contain- ing all the terms of the pharmacopoeias of the United States and Germany, iu English, German, aud Latin, with all popular dialectic or provin- cial German names of drugs, herbs, medicines, preparatious, concoctions, decoctions, infusions, and their English synonyms, alphabetically ar- ranged. 16°. Baltimore, 1876. Bell (J.) Practical dictionary of materia medica, including the composition, preparation, and uses of medicines; and a large number of extemporaneous formulae, together with toxico- logical observatious. On the basis of Braude's dictionary of materia medica and practical phar- macy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1841. Borrichius (O.) Lingua pharmacopoeoruni sive ele accurata vocabulorum in pharmacopoliis usitatorum pronunciatione. 4°. Bafnia; 1670. Brande (W. T.) A dictionary of materia med- ica and practical pharmacy, including a transla- tion of the formulae of the London Pharmacopoeia. 8°. London, 1839. Brugnatelli (L. V.) Pharmacopee generale a l'usage des pharmaciens et des medecins mo- derues, on dictionnaire eles preparations phanna- ceutico-medicales simples et composers les plus usitees de nos jours, suivaut les nouvelles theo- ries chimiques et medicales. Ouvrage trad uit de l'ifalien, avec des notes par L.-A. Planche. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Paris, 1811. Dictionnaire botanique et pharmaceutique, contenant les priucipales proprietes des mine- raux, eles vegetaux, et eles auimaux d'usage; avec les preparations de pharmacie, internes et ex- ternes, les plus usitees eu medeciue et en chirur- gie. 12°. Rouen, 1790. Dizionario de' medicamenti ad uso ele' meelici e de' farmacisti, ossia trattato di farmacia, mate- ria medica, e della parte di terapeutica elie in- segna la giusta applicazione dei rimedii alle di- verse umane infirmita. Opera compilata sui mi- gliori trattati di simili materia, e ricca di tntte le scoperte, che ragguardauo alia medicina fatte di recente nelle scieucefisico-chemiche. 7 v. 8°. Modena, 1828-49. Elzevier (K.) Lexicou Galeno-.chyrnico-phar- maceuticum, of apotuekers wordenboek. Vervat- tende de voorschrifteu der samengestelde ge- neesmiddelen, die in alle bekende dispensatorien worden gevouden. Uit alle, zoo onde als nieuwe artsenyboeken, by een gebragt, met elkander ver- geleken, en verrykt mit aenmerkingen, rakende de bekwaemste, kortste en kragtigste wyze van bereiding en de hoeveelheid der gifte. 2 v. 4°. Amsteldam, 1755. DE Gregorio (M. H.) Diccionario elemental de farmacia botanica y materia medica 6 aplica- ciones de los fundamentos de la quimica moderna 6, la farmacia en todos sus ramos. Aumentado con una nomenclatura moderna muy abuudante y una tabla de materias muy completa; arregladas £ la tercera edicion anadida de la farmacopea espanola. 3 v. 8°. Madrid, 1803. PHARMACY. 34 PHARMACY, Pharmacy (Dictionaries of). Gunther (K. F.) Yollstandige Worterklii- rung und lateinisches Specialworterbuch zur Pharmacopcea Germanica. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Hahnemann (S.) Apothekerlexikon. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1793-8. Joosten(H.) Woordenboek voor de Pharma- copcea Neerlandica. 8°. Amsterdam, 1852. Lateinisch - deutsch. Special - Worterbuch der pharmazeutischen Wissenschafteu, nebst Er- klaruug der griechischen Ausdriicke, sowie einem Autoren-Register der Botanik. Zum Gebrauche bei siimmtlichen Pharmacopceen, clem Hager'- schen Manuale pharmaceuticuni unel andereu pharmazeutischeu wie botanischen Schriften und Floren, bearbeitet von Oskar Schlickum. 2. Hiilfte. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Lemery [N.f] Nouveau dictionnaire general des drogues, simples et composees. Revu, cor- rige et augmente par Simon Morelot. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1807. Nemnich (P. A.) An universal European dic- tionary of merchandise in the English, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Span- ish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, and Latin lan- guages. 4°. London, 1799. Ousu (H.) Guwan San Tebikigusa. [A dic- tionary of pills aud powders.] oblong 12°. Osaka, 1769. Real-Encyclopadie der gesammten Pharma- cie. Haudworter-Bnch fiir Apotheker, Aerzteund Medicmalbeanite. Hrsg. von Dr. Ewalcl Geiss- ler und Dr. Josef Moeller. v. 1-7. 8°. Wien u, Leipzig, 1886-9. Reale (N.) Dizionario generale chimico, far- maceutico, officinale e magistrale. 3 v. 8°. Na- poli, 1873-5. Stocklein (R.) Synonym-Worterbuch der pharmaceutischen Praeparate und pharmac.-bo- tauischen Proviuzial-Ausdriicke fiir Aerzte und Apotheker herausgegeben. 8°. Berlin, 1847. Sweringen (H. V.) Pharmaceutical lexicon: a dictionary of pharmaceutical science, contain- ing a concise explanation of the various subjects aud terms of pharmacy, with appropriate selec- tions from the collateral sciences. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1873. Winkler (E.) Vollstandiges Real-Lexikon der mediciuisch-pharmaceutischen Naturgeschichte und Rohwaarenkunde. Enthaltena: Erklii- rungen und Nachweisungen fiber alle Gegeu- stande der Naturreiche, welche bis auf die neue- steu Zeiteu in medicinisch - pharmaceiitischer, toxicologischer und eliiitetischer Hinsicht bemer- keuswerth geworden sind. Naturgeschichtli- cher und pharmacologischer Commentar jeeler Pharmakopoe fiir Aertze, Studirende, Apotheker und Droguisten. 2. Bd. 8°. Leipzig, 1840. Pharmacy (Education in, and schools of)- Academie de Nancy. Comptes rendus des tra- vaux des facultes et de l'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Nancy, pendant l'annee scolaire 1883-4. 8°. Nancy, 1884. Albany College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy of Union University. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 1881-2 to 1887-8 (1.-7.). 4° & 8°. Albany, 1881-7. Alleyne (J. S. B.) Introductory lecture de- livered at the opening of the session 1865-6, of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. 8°. St. Louis, 1866. Association generale pharmaceutique de Bel- gique. Extrait du proces-verbal de rassembiee des pharmaciens beiges, sous les auspices de l'As- sociation generale pharmaceutique de Belgique. Pharmacy (Education in, and schools of). (Enseignement pharmaceutique.) Seance du 18 Janvier 1885. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Behncke (G. A. ) Das Staats-Examen der Pharmaceuten und die Ausbildnng derselben. Ein Wort an meine Collegen der Pharmacie, be- souders an die jiingeren. 8°. Berlin, 1851. BOWICK (J.) Guide to the preliminary exam- ination of the Pharmaceutical Society, with com- plete set of model answers and list oi' books, etc. 12°. London, [1888]. Bridges ( R.) Valedictory address to the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Phar- macy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. Buffalo College of Pharmacy. (Department of Pharmacy, University of Buffalo.) Annual announcement for the session of 1886-7 (1.). fcK Buffalo, 1886. California College of Pharmacy, San Fran- cisco. Constitution, by-laws, and course of in- struction. 8°. San Francisco, 1873. -----. Department of Pharmacy, University of California. Annual anuouueements for the sessions of 1873(1.); 1875-8(3.-6.); 1885(13.); 1886 (14.). 8°. San Francisco, 1873-86. Carson (J.) Address delivered to the gradu- ates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, April 23, 1839. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Chicago College of Pharmacy. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 1873-4 (7.); 1885-6 to 1887(20.-23.); 1888-9 (26.); 1889 (27.); 1889-90 (28.). 8-. Chicago, 1873-89. Cincinnati College of Pharmacy. Act of in- corporation and by-laws. 16°. Cincinnati, 1872. -----. Annual announcements for the sessions 1872-3 (2.); 1873-4 (3.); 1877-8(7.); 1879-80 to 1882-3 (9.-12.); 1884-5 (14.); 1887-8 (17.). H3. Cincinnati, 1872-87. College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. The charter anel by-laws; to which is added a list of the officers and members. 12°. New York, 1839. -----. Annual prospectuses for the sessions of 1868-9 to 1879-80 (39.-50.); 1881-2 to 1884-5 (52.-55.). 8° & 12°. New York, 1868-84. , -----. The charter, by-laws, and code of ethics, with the law regulating the practice of pharmacy in said city. 12°. New York, 1875. -----. Thesame. 12°. New York, 1879. -----. The same. 12°. New York, 1885. -----. [Circular to pharmacists und others, giving notice of the organization of an] office for the examination and verification of weights anel measures of precision, July 16, 1879. 4°. [New York, 1879.] -----. [Historicalnotice. Charter. Amended charter. By-laws. An act to regulate the prac- tice of pharmacy and the sale of poisons in the city and county of New York. Code of ethics. List of members. Registered pharmacists, etc.] 8°. [n. p., 1873?] Cornell University. School of Pharmacy. Announcement for the session'of 1887-8 (1.). 8'J. Ithaca, 1887. Diacon (J.-E.) Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpellier pendant l'annee scolaire 1881-2. 8°. Montpellier, 1882. -----. The same. Pendant l'annee scedaire 1882-3. 8<>. Montpellier, 1883. £cole de pharmacie, Paris. Se'auce publique de la Societe de pharmacie de Paris et distribu- tion des prix ele P . . . 8C. Paris, 1836. -----. Seance ele rentree de 1' . . . et dc la Soci6te de pharmacie de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1 ^45 -----. Compte-rendu de la seance solenneUe. 1863. 8-. Paris, 1864. PHARMACY. 35 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Education in, and schools of). Ecole preparatoire de medecine et de pharma- cie de Nantes. Seance de rentree. 8°. Nantes, 1865. Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Montpel- lier. Rapport sur les travaux pendant l'annee scolaire 1883-4, par M. J.-E. Diacon, directeur del'ecole. 8°. Montpellier, 1884. Fisher (W. R.) Intremuctory lecture, deliv- ered at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, November 4, 1841. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. France. Bulletin des lois. Arrete conte- nant reglement sur les ecoles de pharmacie. No. 3073, le 25 Thermidor, an XI. 8°. [Paris, an AT (1803).] -----. Loi contenant organisation des ecoles de pharmacie. No. 2676 du 21 Germinal, an XI. 8°. [Paris, an XL (1803). ] -----. Ordonnance du roi concernant l'or- ganisation des ecoles de pharmacie. Rapport au roi, No. 8949, le 27 septembre 1840. 8°. [Paris, 1840.] -----. Decret relatif a l'Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Nancy. No. 4986. Du 11 Janvier 1876. 8°. [Paris, 1876.] Fristoe (E. T.) Address to the graduates of the National College of Pharmacy at the com- mencement of the college held June 12, 1884, and response to the toast, "The National College of Pharmacy ", by the president of the college, Mr. Giles G. C. Simms, at the banquet given to the graduates by the Alumni Association. 8°. Washington, 1884. Gaultier de Claubry (H.) Notice sur l'en- seignement de l'histoire naturelle a l'Ecole de pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1832. Illinois College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy of Northwestern University. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1886-7 (1.); 1888-9(3.). 8°. Chicago, 1886-8. Iowa College of Pharmacy, Des Moines. An- nual announcement for the session 1882-3 (1.). 12°. [Des Moines, 1882.] de Leon (J. M.) Escritos ineditos. 8°. Ma- drid, 1872. CONTENTS. Uiscursofs) leidofs] en la oposicion & una catedra de far- macia en 1815 ly en 18171. Discurso leido en el Colegio de farmacia de Madrid, con motivo de la jura de la constitucion en 1820. Discurso leido en la soleiunidad inaugural del curso aca- demico de 18:«). Louisville College of Pharmacy. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1873-4 to 1878- 9(3.-8.); 1880-81(10.); 1882-3 to 1884-5(12.-14.). 8°. Louisville, 1873-84. Lundius (D.) De pharmaciae subsidio in stu- dio medico. 4°. Rostochii, [1726]. Maryland College of Pharmacy, Baltimore. Annual circulars anel announcements for the ses- sions of 1857-8 (6.); 1866-7 (15.); 1869-70 to 1872-3(18.-21.); 1874-5(23.); 1875-6(24.); 1884-5 (33.); 1885-6 (34.). 12° & 8°. Baltimore, 1857-85. -----. Charter, by-laws, and code of ethics. [Also an act to prevent incompetent persons from conducting the business of druggist or apothe- cary in the city of Baltimore.] 8°. Baltimore, 1870. -----. Unofficial formulae published by the . . . for the use of its membership and physi- cians, with the code of ethics, list of members and faculty of college. (Collected and revised by a committee appointed for that purpose.) 8°. Baltimore, 1867. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Con- stitution and by-laws, with a list of the members and the by-laws of the board of trustees. (Print- ed for the use of the college.) 12°. Boston, 1824. Pharmacy (Education in, and schools ofh -----. The same. 12°. Boston, 1836. -----. The same. 12°. Boston, 1851. -----. Proceedings at the annual meeting held at the college rooms iu Phillips Place, March 6, 1854. With the code of ethics and list of mem- bers of the college. 8°. Boston, 1854. -----. Price list adopted at the annual meet- ing, March 11, 1863. 4°. [Boston, 1863.] -----. Proceedings of the . . . containing the report of the committee on the "law for the sale of spirituous liquors as applied to apotheca- ries," and the petition to the senate and house of representatives of Massachusetts, together with the memorial, evideuce, and argument presented to the joint committee on licenses of the senate and house. 8°. Boston, 1867. -----. Annual catalogues [and announce- ments] for the sessions of 1867-8 to 1869-70 (1.-3.); 1871-2 to 1889-90 (5.-23.). 8°. Boston, 1867-89. -----. Programmes of the commencements for the years 1869; 1871; 1872; 1875; 1876. 12°. [Boston, 1869-76.] -----. Act of incorporation and by-laws, with the by-laws of the board of trustees and a list of the members. 8°. Boston, 1876. -----. Practical course in chemistrv. Labo- ratory of the . . . Oct., 1879. 8°. [Boston, 1879.] Michigan. University of Michigan. School of Pharmacy. Schedule of the course in pharma- ceutical manipulation. 8°. [Ann Arbor, n. d.] -----. The same. Schedule of work iu or- ganic analysis for students in pharmaceutical chemistry. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Thesame. Schedule in quantitative analysis. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Index to the contributions of original work done by the alumni, 1870-76. 8°. [Ann Arbor, 1876.] -----. Annual announcements for the ses- sions of 1883-4 (16.); 1886-7 (19.). 8°. Ami Ar- bor, 1883-6. Montreal College of Pharmacy. Annual an- nouncements of the lecture department. Sylla- bus of lectures, regulations, and terms, for the sessions of 1878-9(11.); 1881-2(14.); 1882-3(15.). 8°. Montreal, 1878-82. Murray (D.) First commencement exercises of the Albany College of Pharmacy, department of pharmacy Union University, with the address delivered to the graduating class. 8°. [Albany, 1882.] National College of Pharmacy, Washington. Annual circulars for the sessions of 1872-3 to 1884-5 (1.-13.); 1886-7 (15.). 8°. Washington, 1872-86. -----. Circular letter of the ... to the mem- bers of the medical and pharmaceutical profes- sions in the' District of Columbia, [desiring co- operation towards the establishment of a uniform and reliable formulae in the District]. May 1, 1875. 8°. [Washington, 1875.] Natioxal Institute of Pharnmcy. Special an- nouncement. Oct., 1888. 4°. [Chicago, 1888.] New York. Semi-annual report of the board for the examination of and licensing druggists and prescription clerks iu the city of New York. 1., 1871. 8°. New York, 1872. Oldberg (O.) Inaugural address delivered at the opening of lectures in the National College of Pharmacy, city of Washington. 8°. Wash- ington, 1873. Oxtario College of Pharmacy, Toronto. An- nual announcement for the session of 1888-9 (13.). 8°. [Toronto, 1888.] 'HAKMAOY. ;•>(; PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Education in, and schools of). Paton (C.) Reflexions sur l'enseignement et l'exercice ele la pharuiacie. 8°. Paris, 1864. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Report of the . . . with a catalogue of the members and graduates. Published by direction of the board of trustees. 8°. Philadelphia, 1846. -----. Annual aunouncementsfortbe sessions of 1846-7 (26.); 1864-5 (44.); 1872-3 to 1875-6 (52.-55.); 1885-6(65.); 1887-8(67.). 8°. Phila- delphia, 1846-87. Pittsburgh College of Pharmacy. Prospec- tus for the session of 1886-7 (9.). 8°. Pittsburgh, 1886. Plevani (S.) Dell' anno solare di pratica dei laureandi in farmacia. 8?. Milano, 1885. Procter (W.), jr. Valedictory address to the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Phar- macy, delivered March 18, 1852. 8G. Philadel- phia, 1852. -----. Valedictory charge to the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, deliv- ered in Musical Fund Hall, March 22, 1855. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. -----. Syllabus of a course of study, intended as an aid to stuelents of pharmacy who cannot avail themselves of regular instruction, being a report made to the American Pharmaceutical Association. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. Purdue University. School of Pharmacy. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1884-5 to 1886-7 (1.-3.). 8°. Lafayette, 1884-6. -----. Bulletin No. 1. 8°. [Lafayette, 1886.] Reid (D. B.) Remarks on the present state of practical chemistry and pharmacy, with sugges- tions as to the importance of an extended prac- tical course. 8°. Edinburgh, 1838. Saint Louis College of Pharmacy. Annual prospectuses for the sessions of 1865-6 (1.); 1866-7 (2.); 1869-70(5.); 1877-8(12.?); 1879-80 to 1885-6 (14.-20.). 8°. Saint Louis, 1865-85. School of Pharmacy. Synopsis of lectures, etc. 8°. [n. p., 11. el] Sciikoff (K. D.) Das pharmacologische In- stitut der Wiener Universitiit. 8°. Wien, 1865. -----. Nachtrag zum pharmacologischen In- stitut der Wiener Universitiit. 8°. Wien, 1872. Steiner (L. H.) The utility of colleges of pharmacy. An address, read before the Mary- land College of Pharmacv, November 3, 1856. 8°. [n, p., 1856.] Tennessee College of Pharmacy, Nashville. Annual announcement for the session of 1873-4 (1.). 8°. [Nashville, 1873.] Thomas (R. P.) Valedictory charge to the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Phar- macy. 8U. Philadelphia, 1857. Tucker (W. G.) The introductory address of the fifth lecture course at the Albany College of Pharmacy, delivered October 5,1885. 8°. Albany, N. Y., 1885. Wills' preliminary exercises, being the ques- tions given at the Pharmaceutical Society's pre- liminary examinations, from 1881 to 1885 (inclu- sive). With answers and essays. 8°. London, [1885]. Angawndc forandret Keglernent for pharmaceutist Examen. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1860, xiv, 1159-1166.—Binz (C.) Die Pharmakologie im Staats- examen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 399.— Burhheim (R.) Ueber die Aufgaben und die Stellung eler Pharmakologie an den deutschen Hochschulen. Arch. f. exper. Path. it. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876. v, 261-278. Also Reprint. — Dispositions speciales aux facnltesde medecine, aux ecoles superieures de pharmacie et aux ecoles preparatoires de medecine et de pbarniaeie. Monit. d. help.. Par., 1854, ii, 825.—IJragendorrt" (C.) Bericbt iiber die Tbatigkeit im pharroaceutischen Institute der Pharmacy (Education in, and schools of). kaiserlicheu TJniversitat Dorpat in der Zeit vom 1. Januar 1865 bis 31. December 1884. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1885, xxiv, 35; 49; 65; 81.—Onpre. Organi- sation scolaire et professionnelle de la pharmacie. Cong. intid. de France (Lyon, 1872), Par., 1873, iv, 510-520.— Ecole de pharmacie, Paris. Seance de rentree del' . . . pour l'exercice 1847. J. de chim. nidi., etc., Par., 1848,3. s , iv, 22-59. Also, Reprint.—Ecole superieure de pharma- cie; son bistoire. Repert. de pbarm.. Par., 1874, n. s., ii, 108-111.—Etat (De 1') actuel de l'enseignement de la phar- macie en France. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1850, viii, 60- 64. — Fliicltigcr (F. A.) Der pharmaceutische Unter- richt in Deutschland. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1885, 3. R., xxiii, 321; 361; 409.—Fripp (G. D.) The improve- ment of pharmaceutical education; the motives for seek- ing it, anel the means by which it may be promoted; an in- troductory address. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1848-9, viii, 281; 325. Also, Reprint. — Gencvoix (E.) Innovations dans l'enseignement pharmaceutique. France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 745-748. — Gottling. Institut zur Bildung guter Apotheker. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1794, i, 141- 143.—Hucstcd (A. B.) Pharmaceutical education. Med. Ann., Albany, 1884. v, 294-303.—Judge (J. F.), Wayne (E. S.) Sc Eaton (F. L.) Account of the Cincinnati Col- lege of Pharmacy. Cine;in. Lancet & Obs., 1873, xvi, 202- 206.— iTliiller (H.-J.) Notice sur l'enseiguemeiit pharma- ceutique actuellement en vigueur. Lyon meel., 1885, ], 148; 175; 210.—IVogle Bemffiikninger om det pharmacologiske Studium og om Ordningen af den pharniac-olcijriske Under- viisning. Hosp.-Tick, Kjeyfbenh., 1862, v. 05. — Oppcr- mann. Compte rendu des travaux de 1'F.cole superieure de pharmacie de Strasbourg pendant 1'annee seolai re 1865-6. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 83-85.— I'icprnbring (G. H.) Nachricht von einer pharmacentischen Lehr-Au- stalt fiir Jiinglinge. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1801, iii, 142- 144.—Polcck. Das pharinaceutische Studium an der TJni- versitat Breslau. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1880, xxv, 649; 657.— Pracownia i zbiory farmaceut. w [Jniwersyt. War- szawskim. [Laboratory and pharmaceutical collection in the University of Warsaw (plan of builtling).] Wiado- mei^ci farm., Warszawa, 1885, xii, 342-344. — Prats y Grau ( F. ) La ensenanza farmaeeutica en Espana y su reforma. Pabellon med., Madrid, 1874, xiv, 206; 217; 229; 241; 253.— Kapida ojeada sobre el origen y estado actual de la ensefianza de la farmacia en Espana. Restaurador farm., Madrid, 1847, iii, 49; 57.—RcT-gleiueiit relatif aux ecoles de pharmacie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1840-41, viii, 219-221.—Reports on the exaininations of the Phar- maceutical Society of Great Britain. Rep. Med. Off. Privv Council 1869, Loiid., 1870, xii, 192-198.—Nralzi (F.) La riforma nell' insegnamento della farmacologia nella r. Uni- versita di Roma. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1880, vi, 285-289.— Soubciran (J.-L.) itcole superieure de pharmacie ele Montpellier, premiere lecon. Tribune nieel., Par., 1874-6, vii, 85; 97. — Steiner (L. IT.) The utility of colleges of pharmacy. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1857, vii, 05-83.— Tonini (F.) Necessita di riforniare gli stuelj farmaceu- tici. Atti Accad. hs.-med.-statist, di Milano, 1860, xvi, 61-67. — Viflal. Reorganisation de renseigiienient.de la pharmacie en France. Cong. med. de Franco 1872, Par., 1873, iv, 494-509. Pharmacy (History and condition of). See, also, Apothecaries; Materia medica (His- tory of, and ancient authors upon) [prior to 1750]; Pharmacy (Ancient authors on); Pharmacy (Legislation on); Pharmacy (Military); Toxi- cology (History of, etc.). Apraiz (R.) Causas del actual malestar que esperimeuta la clase meSdico-farmace'utica y me- dios de combatirlas. 8-'. Vitoria, 1883. Bell (J.) & Redwood (T.) Historical sketch of the progress of pharmacy iu Great Britain. 8°. London, 1880. Benvenuti (G. B.) La condizioue giuridica del farmacista. 8°. Firenze, 1879. Biaxciii (L.) Criticae riforma delle farmacio. 8°. Torino, 1885. Bierbrauer (J.J.) * De pharmaco vnlgari modernoac simulde Medea priscorum. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1715. Bigelow (H. R.) Extra edition of the New England Medical Monthly, containing an article entitled Physicians, Pharmacists, anel the Thera- peutic Gazette. 8°. Bridgeport, G\ nu., 1882. Bley ( L. F. ) Betrachtnngen iiber den Zu- stanel der deutschen Pharmacie. Eine Gratula- tionsschrift. 8U, Hannover, 1867 PHARMACY. 37 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (History and condition of). Bohn (J.) Aii meelici sub couscientite et exis- timatiouis sute iutegritate a pharmacorum cou- fectione et exhibitione abstinere epieaut? i. e., Ob die Medici ohne Verletzung ihres Gewissens unci Ehresich der Prteparation uud Dispensation der Meelicunientorum enthalten, oder selbe un- terlassen konneu? 4°. Upsia; [1710]. Bonnet (C.) * Essai sur l'histoire ele la phar- macie dans l'antiquite. 8°. Montpellier, 18(>8. BOUROS (J.) De pharmacologia Grtecorum veterum iu genere. 8°. Balis Sax., 1829. Bruzelii s (A.) *Taukar om nagra manufac- tur-farg- och medicinal viixters oelliug i Svcrige. 4°. Lund, 1811. Bullock (J. L.) A lecture on the state of pharmacy in England anel its importance to the public; with remarks on the Pharmaceutical So- ciety. 8°. London, 1844. CALENDRiERa l'usage des niembres du Coll6ge de pharmacie et de leurs clevis, pour l'an IX ele l'ere re"publicaine, 1800 et 1801 de l'erechretienne. 32°. Paris, an IX [1801]. Cap (P.-A.) La pharmacie au moyeu age et au dix-neuvieme siecle. 12°. [Paris, 1869.] Caroz (J.) La pharmacie ce qu'elle est, ce qu'elle devrait t'tre. 8°. Paris, 1864. Carreira (J. A.), da Silva Piniieiro (J.) & Moreira (J. J.) Analyse da folha epic o boti- cario Antonio Jose" ele Sousa Piuto pnblicon, e distribnio com a Gazeta de 25 de setembro pro- ximo passado. SJ. Lisboa, 1817. Charlatanismk (Du) pharmaceutique. Let- tre a la Societe ele pharmacie ele Lyon, par mi memhre correspondant ele toutes les soci6t6s en- nemies du charlatanisme. 8°. Lyon, 1835. Chauvel alne. Essai ele deemtologie pharma- ceutique, ou traite de pharmacie professionnelle, pre5c6e!6 d'un historique ele la pharmacie. en France, et suivi de quelques reflexions sur les principes g^n^raux qui doivent scrvir de base a. sa reorganisation. 8°. Saint- Brieuc, 1854. Chiarlone (Q.) Ai Mallaixa (C ) Ensayo sobre la historia ele la farmacia. 8°. Madrid, 1847. -----------. Historia de la farmacia. 2. eel. fol. Madrid, 1865. -----------. Historia critico-literaria ele la farmacia. Conipendiaela y reforinada por D. C. Mallaina parti el estudio de los alumnos ele la facultad. 3. ed. 8/. Madrid, 1875. Imperfect; pp. 89-96, 457-464 wanting. Collier (G. F.) A letter to the presielemt anel censors of the Royal College of Physicians of Loudon. 8°. London, 1837. Croce (G.) La farmae:ia iu prcscnza delle sue riforme. Considerazioni e proposte. 12°. Mi- lano, 1886. [Dahlgren (J. A.)] Hvad beir man tiinka om handelcn meel apotheks-privilegier ? Nagra san- ningar till iippdagande af apothekareyrketsmys- terier. 8 •. Stockholm, 1868. Demarciii (G.) Ceuni statistic^ stille farma- cie de' Regi .Stati iu Terraferraa, non eompreso il Ducato di Genova. 8°. Torino, 1846. Dempwolff (A. F.) * De origine progressu et hodierno statu pharmacite ejusque eniendanda ratioue. 8U. Gottingce, 1807. Deriieims (J.) Quelques mots sur la petition presentee le 7 novembre 1850, par les pharnia- cieus de Paris et des iiepartemens, a M. le minis- tre de l'agriculture et du commerce. 8°. Paris, 1850. -----. The same. 8°. Bordeaux, 1850. Discours prononcd a l'H6tel-de-Ville dans la stance du 14 novembre 1862, de la Societe des sciences industrielles, arts et belles - Icttres ele Paris. [Sur la pharmacie.] 8°. Paris, 1861, Pharmacy (History and condition of). Discourse'(A), wherein the interest of the pa- tient in reference to physick anel physicians is soberly debated, many abuses of the'apotheca- ries in the preparing their medicines are detected, and their unfitness for practice discovered; to- gether with the reasons and advantages of phy- sicians preparing their own medicines. 12°. London, 1669. Discriminator. The apothecary's mirror; or the present state of pharmacy exploded; in a letter to J. H. Sequeira. 8°. London, 1790. van Doeverex (H. F.) Bedeiikingeii op ele ciiculaires van den staatsraad gouverneur der proviucio Zuid-Hollaud, betreffende de genees- kundige attesten bij het visitereu der lotelingen, eu het uitsliiitend gebruik der pharmacopcea pauperum Hollandite meridionalis. 8°. Leyden, 1846. Dubail (P.-E.) R6ponse de . . . a M. Saiut- Genez. 8°. Parts, 1843. -----. La pharmacie au Congres medical. 8°. Parts, 1845. Exgelmann(W.) Bibliothecapharinaceutico- chemica, oder Verzeiehniss derjenigen pharma- zeutisch-chemischen Biicher, welche seit der Mittc des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zur Mitte eles Jahres 1837 in Deutschlaud erschienen sind. 8U. Leipzig, 1838. Eire (D6"partement de 1'). Rapport de la commission nominee par M. le pre"fet pour l'in- sp^ction eles pharmacies et des magasins ele dro- guerie et d'epicerie de l'arroudissement des Au- elelys, compos6e do MM. le docteur Montier, Lepage et Jullien,pharmaciens. 8°. Evreux, l8(>(i. Gutting from: Rap. du Cons. . . . d'hyg. pub. et do salu- brite, Dept. de l'Eure. Fluckiger (F. A. ) Die Frankfurter Liste. Beitrag zur mittelalterlicheu Geschichte der Pharmacie bei Gelegenheit der Pharmacopcea germanica. 8°. Halle, 1873. Frederking (C.) Grundziige der Geschichte der Pharmacie und derjenigen Zweige derNatur- wissenschaft, anf welcheu sie basirt. In zwei Abtheilungen. 8°. Gottingen, 1874. 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Le passe, le present et l'aveuir de la pharmacie en France, on considerations sur les causes de la decadence de la pharmacie, ainsi que de la desuetude du codex, et sur les moyens d'y remedier. 8°. Paris, 1863. Gregory (J.) Review of the proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh, from 1753 to 1804, both inclusive, with respect to separating the practice of medicine from the practice of pharmacy, anel preventing any of their own fellows or licentiates residing in Edin- burgh from keeping an apothecary's shop, or PHARMACY. 38 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (History and condition of). practicing pharmacy by himself, his copartners, or his servants. 4°. Edinburgh, 1804. von Grot (R.) * Ueber die iu der Hippokrati- schen Schriftensammlung enthaltenen pharma- kologischen Kenntnisse. 8°. Dorpat, 1887. H[edin] (S. A.) Pharmacope eller fortekning pa ele fliiste enkla och sammansatta medel, hvil- kas bruk i handboken for den praktiska lakare- vetenskapenartillkannagifvit. [Pharmacopceia, or list of simple and compound remedies which are met with in manuals for practical medical sciences of last year. ] 8°. Stockholm, 1796. -----. The same. Andra uplagan. 8°. Stockholm, 1797. Hureaux. Memoire sur la creation d'une pharmacie centrale mntuelle ou entrepot general des pharmaciens. Emancipation et regeneration de la pharmacie, le travail et l'activite rendus au laboratoire de chaqne pharmacien par l'ecoule- ment assure des produits. 8°. Paris, 1853. -----. Pharmacie ratiounelle. Recueil de memoires et d'observations sur la reforme phar- maceutique et sur le nouveau regime economique de la pharmacie. Doctrine et applications. Luttes et triomphe. 8°. Paris, 1854. -----. A messieurs les membres du corps me- dical. [La reforme pharmaceutique.] 8°. Pa- ris, [n. d.] Izquierdo (P. F.) La exposicion farmaceu- tica nacional de 1882 comentada f£ la vez que descrita. 8°. Madrid, 1883. Kempf (E. F. ) Deutschlands Apotheken- Reform. Deukschrift zur Motivirung der vom Verfasser dem Bundesrathe eingereichten Peti- tion. 8°. Pelplin, 1872. Kohlmann (B. ) Die naturgemiisse Losung der Apothekenfrage. Fiir die Regierungen so wie Reichs- und Laudtagsabgeordnete dargestellt. 8°. [Leipzig], 1872. Labeloxye (C.) De l'organisation de la pharmacie dans les principaux etats de l'Europe. 12°. Paris, 1863. Latour (A. ) Discours d'inauguration du monument eieve elans le jardin botanique de l'Ecole speciale de pharmacie de Paris, rue ele l'Arbalete, a la memoire de trois eieves ele cette 6cole, victimes de leur devouement dans les journees de juillet 1830, prononce le 26 juillet 1831. 8°. Paris, 1831. Le Bidart de Thumaide. Des ameliorations que reclame la legislation pharmaceutique beige. 8°. Liege, 1844. Lucas (C.) Pharmacomastix; or, the office, use, and abuse of apothecaries explained; the present degenerate state of pharmacy, with its manifold corruptions and adulterations consid- ered, and some essays on reforming thereof. Humbly addressed to a member of Parliament, with intent to shew the necessity of amending and continuing a temporary statute for prevent- ing frauds and abuses committed in the making and vending unsound, adulterate, and bad drugs and medicines, now near expiring. 8°. Dublin, 1741. Ludovicus (D.) De pharmacia moderno seculo applicanda dissertationes iii. Huic editioni ac- cessit prseter augmentumet indicem locupletissi- nium etiam praefatio nova Georgi Wolffgang. Wedeli. 16°. Hamburgi, 1688. Mangin (A.) De la liberte de la pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1864. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Cata- logue of pharmacopeias, dispensatories, and med- ical botanies, from the library of the . . . loaned for the exhibition at the centeuuial anniversary of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 8, 1881. MS. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Pharmacy (History and condition of). Massoxe (G. B.) Snl rapporto presentato a nome della commissione di statistica per le spese di farmacia al Congresso medico degli spedali civili. 8°. Genova, 1864. Maynwaringe (E.) Praxis meelicornm an tiqua et nova: The ancient and modern practice of physick examined, stated and compared. The preparation and custody of medicines, as it was the primitive custom with the princes and great patrons of physick, asserted and proved to be the proper charge and grand duty of every physician successively. The new mode of prescribing, and filing recipe's with apothecaries, manifested an imprudent invention and pernicious innovation. Demonstrated from the treble damage and dis- advantages that arise thence: to physician, pa- tient, and the medical science. With enforcing arguments for a return and general conformity to the primitive practice. All objections to the contrary answered and fully cleared. 4°. Lon- don, 1671. Meniere (C.) Notes pour servir a l'histoire de la pharmacie dans les monasteres au ixe siecle. 8°. [Paris, 1866.] Repr. from: Repert. de pharm., 1866, xxii. Messieurs (A) les membres du corps medical. (Lareforme pharmaceutique.) 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Michaelis (G.) The gradual development of pharmacy. 8°. Albany, N. Y., 1886. Montanana. Examen de un practicante boti- cario substitute de el maestro en el despacho de las mediciu as. Recopilado per . . . 16°. Zara- goza, [1728]. Mourgue (E.) Quelques reflexions sur l'etat actuel de la medecine pharmacentique, suivies d'un apercu au sujet de la reorganisation de l'en- seignement dans les ecoles de pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1838. Origin (The), progress, and present state of the various establishments for conducting chem- ical processes, and other medicinal preparations at Apothecaries' Hall. 8°. London, 1823. P. (F. C.) As contestacoes dospharmaceuticos de Lisboa, com o actual physico-mor do reino. 8°. Lisboa, 1835. Parrish (E.) Historical memoirs of the Phila- delphia College of Pharmacy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. Pasquier (V.) Recherches sur l'epoque de la separation ele la pharmacie d'avec la medecine. 8°. Bruxelles, 1874. Repr. from: J. de pbarm. d'Anvers. Pharmacien (Un) de Paris a son ami de pro- vince. 8°. Paris, 1844. Pharmacies tenues par les Sceurs. 8°. [Pa- ris, 1831.] Repr. from: Gaz. d. tribunaux, Par., 1831. Pharmacopceia reformata; or, an essay for the reformation of the London Pharmacopceia, by a set of remarks on the draught for a new one, and on the brief account of the proceedings of the committee appointed by the College of Physicians to thoroughly refor. . their book. In- terspersed with some occasional observatiems on some of the most celebrated modern dispensa- tories and the present state of pharmacy. 8°. London, 1744. Phillippe (A.) Histoiredesapothicaireschez les principaux peuples du monde, depuis les temps les plus recuies jusqu'a nos jours; snivie du tableau de l'etat actuel de la pharmacie en Eu- rope, eu Asie, en Afrique, et en Amerique. 8°. Paris, 1853. -----. The same. Geschichte der Apotheker bei den wichtigsten Volkeru eler Erele . . . Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt unel mit einer Zu- sanimeustell u ng der Ftirderer der Pharmacie alter PHARMACY. 39 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (History and condition of). unci neiier Zeit vermehrt von Dr. Hermann Lud- wig. 2.-Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Jena, 1859. Phillips (R.) Observations on the Edinburgh Pharmacopceia, anel on the dispensatories of Dr. Christison and Dr. A. T. Thomson; to which are added illustrations of the present state of phar- macy in England. 8°. London, 1846. Repr. from: Lond. M. Gaz., 1839^0, xxiv-xxvi; Pbarm. J. &Tr., Lond., 1842-4, ii—iii; and Med.-Cbir. Rev., Lond., 1844-5, n. s., i. See, also, infra, Pbillips. Phoebus (P.) Beitriige zur Wurdigung der heutigeu Lebensverhaltnisse der Pharmacie. 8°. Giessen, 1873. Planchox (J.-E.) La pharmacie a Montpel- lier depuis son origine jusqu'a la fondation des ecoles speciales : discours prononce a hi s6auce solennelle de rentree des facultes et de l'Ecole superieure de pharmacie le 15 novembre 1861. 8°. Montpellier, 18(51. Poelchex (G. F.) * Studien iiber den Einfluss der bedeutendsten medicinischen Systeme lilterer und neuerer Zeit auf die Pharmakologie. Erste Abtheilung. 8°. Dorpat, 1861. Dorpat dissertations, v. 52. Present (The) state of physick and surgery in London, with an estimate of the prizes of all the medicines now in use. In a letter from a mer- chant in London to a dispensary physician, with the physician's answer. 8°. London, 1701. Puech (A.) Les pharmaciens d'autrefois a Nlmes. Etude historiquetl'apivs des documents inedits. 8°. Paris, 1881. Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de Nimes, 1879. Quelques observations sur l'etat de la phar- macie. 8°. Geneve, [1838]. Rapport presente a la Societe des pharmaciens de Marseille par une commission composee de MM. . . . et approuvedanslaseaucedu 16 d6cein- bre 1863. 8°. Marseille, 1863. Reid (D. B.) A letter to the presidents anel fellows of the Royal Colleges of Physicians anel Surgeous, on the present state of practical chem- istry aud pharmacy. 8°. Edinburgh, 1838. Reix (C. F.) * De re pharmaceutica melius ordinauda. 4°. Lipsice, [1807]. Reveil. Rapport fait a la Societe de pharma- cie de Paris sur les produits pharmaceutiques de l'exposition universelle. 8\ Pan's, [1856?] Reynell (R.) A letter to the committee ap- pointed by the College of Physicians to review their pharmacopoeia: containing some remarks on their draught for the reformation of the Lon- don Pharmacopoeia. 8^. London, 1743. Robbins (D. C.) Remarks of. . . upon the last meeting of the American Pharmaceutical As- sociation, which was held in Philadelphia iu Sep- tember, and the Centeuuial Exposition iu connec- tion with pharmacy in the United States. 8°. New York, 187(5. Saint-Genez (P.-T.) A messieurs les phar- maciens. 8°. Paris, 1843. Saxoxy. Medicinisches Bedencken, wie man bey Infections-Zeiten sich so wohl prteservative als curative zu verbal ten habe . . . Nebenst an- gehengtem Berichtc des rechten Gebrauchs, wie auch des Gewichts unci der Taxte derer inhiesigen Apothetken sonderlich fiir die Armen verordne- ten Artzneyen. Deme audi zu Ende der Be- richt von clenen in der churfiirstl. stichsischen Hof-Apothecke bey ereignender Infection verorcl- neten Artzneyen mit angefiiget. 4°. Dressden, 1(580. Schuppe(K. I.) Ofarmatsevticheskom elielie vRossii. [Pharmaceutical affairs in Russia.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Pharmacy (History and condition of). Sociedad farmaceutica espanola. Memoria de la junta general ordinaria, celebrada el dia 30 noviembre 1886. 8°. Barcelona, 1887. Soudan (C.) Lettre adressee a M. le president du Congres pharmaceutique de Reims. 8°. [Nantes, n. d.] Strasburg. Catalogus medicamentorum tarn simplicium quam compositorum in officinis phar- maceutics Argentinentibususualium. fol. [Ar- gentorati, 1725.] Virdung ab Hartung (O. P.) * Pharma- ceutic* recentioris prsestautia. sm.4°. Altdorfii, [1720]. Weissgerber (F.) Observationes ad Theo- criti pharmaceutriam sive idyllium secundum quihus prseter scholia codicis Parisiui, etc., inest longior de Hecates nomine officio atque cultu ex- cursus. 8°. Friburgi in Magno-Ducatu Badensi, 1828. Yvan. Lettre sur la pharmacie en Chine. 8°. Paris, 1847. Ziurek ( O. A. ) Preussens Apotheken-Ver- fassung und deren zu erwartende Reform. Ein Resultat der stattgehabten offiziellen Verhand- lungen nicht besitzender Apotheker. 8°. Ber- lin, 1850. Zustande (Ueber) des Apothekenwesens mit Riicksicht anf das Privilegien-Unwesen und was geschehen muss. Ein Beitrag fiir die volks- wirthschaftlichen Vereine von einem Apotheker. 8°. Coesfeld, 1861. Acland (H. W.) Introductory sessional address de- livereel at the commencement of the forty-fifth session of the School of Pharmacy, October 6, 1866. [Pharmacy; past, present, and future. ] Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1866-7, xvii, 285-291. Also, Reprint.—Apotcksvasen- ilet. [1851-86.] Sundh.-Coll. berat. om Med.-Verk. i ri- ket, Stockholm, 1864-88. — (Apothecaries and drug stores in American cities.] Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 109.—Apterclniii vopros v Rossii. [The phar- maceutical question in Russia.] Med. Vestnik, St. Pe- tersb.. 1864, iv, 236-248. — Beer (J.) DerBegriifApotheke im spaten Mittelalter. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 258.—Bei trag zur Untersuchung der Frage iiber elie Apo- theker-Privilegien. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, iii, 57-65.—Bellogin (A.) La farmacia en sits re- laciones. Med. castellana, Vallad., lfc8C. i, 141; 165; 199; 223.—Bcriidt (A.) Some remarks on pharmacy anel the pharmaceutical profession in Victoria, as compared with the same in Germany, principally with a view to point out the necessity of reform. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1857, ii, 7-12.—Biord (C.) Une pharmacie a. Cliamb6ry au xviie siecle. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxii, 755-760.— Bullock (L.) The state of pharmacy in England. Lan- cet, Lond., 1844, i, 242-244.—Bussy (A.) Delapharmaeie en Allemagne. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1852-3, xx, 287; 316. Also: J. de pbarm. et ehim., Par., 18.":!, xxiii, 81- 113. Also, Reprint. — Cap (P.-A.) De la pharmacie des Grecs et des Romains. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 355; 389. -----. Pharmacy of the Greeks and Romans. Translated from the French bv W. H. Cobb. West, J. M. & S., Louisville, 1851, 3. s., viii, 192-199. -----. La phar- macie chez les Arabes. Gaz. med. dePar., 1868, xxiii, 597: 1869, xxiv, 53; 209; 221; 385. -----. La pharmacie au moyen age et au dix-neuvieme siecle. Ibid., 1869, xxiv, 659; 671.—Cervantes. Titulos profesionales y ofieinas de farmacia. Observador med., Mexico, 1879-80, v, 25; 39; 63.—Chevallier (A.) fitat comparatif tie la phar- macie a, Paris en 1776 et en 1875. J. de ehim. med.. etc., Par., 1875, xlix, 340; 392.— Choiilant (L.) Zur Ge- schichte der Pharmacie im Mittelalter. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1831, xxi, 451-457.—Church (W. S.) Our hospital pharmacopoeia and apothecary's shop. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1884, xx, 279-308. -----. Note on the six gifts of Tbeophilus Philanthropos, or Rob- ert Poole; an appendix to " Our hospital pharmacopoeia and apothecary's shop," vol. xx, p. 279. Ibid., 1885, xxi, 231- 236.—Clans. Skizze der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pharmacie in Russland. Med. Ztg. Russlands. St Peters- burg, 1855, xii, 220; 225; 234; 241. — Coiradi (A.) Gli antichi statuti degli speziali; bra no di stoiia della farma- cia. Ann. univ. di med. e chir , Milano, 1886, eclxxvii, 153; 452.—Coup el'oeil sur l'etat de la pharmacie dans its temps anciens. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 25.—Crolaw. La pharmacie a. bon marche h Lyon. Lyon med., 1873, xii, 209-214.— Ciilin (S.) Chinese drug stores in America. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1887, lix, 593-598. Also, Reprint,— CninuI (Le) de la medecine et de la pharmacie. Scalpel, Liege, 1887-8, xl, 245-248— Dcmarchi (C.) Esercizio PHAKMACY. 40 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (History and condition of). della farmacia in Savoia, prtiticato dalle suore di varii or- dini. Gior._ el. r. Accad. med.-cbir. eli Torino, 1848, 2. s., ii, [56-59. — Diehl (C. L.) Report on the progress of phar- macy. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1858-89, pas- sim.— Domle (J.) Reseiia historica de la farmacia en Yucatan cesdo 1844 hasta 1865, y algunas observaciones sobre la necesidad de que los farmaceuticos tengan una instruccion solida. , Emulacion, Merida, 1873 - 4, i, 237- 243. — Donovan ( M. ) Historical sketch of the dis- memberment of pharmacy from physic. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1867, iv, 396-399: 1868,'v, 491; 494; 518: vi, 523.— Dorvault. Projet do loi sur l'exercice de la phar- macie, niotlifie et elabore par le couseil d'etat en 1846. J. el. conn. mcid. prat. Par., 1850-51, xviii, 123; 154. -----. De l'organisation de la pharmacie en France, consider6e dans ses rapports avec la propagation des sciences d'appli- cation. Union med., Par., 1851, v, 213; 217; 229; 237; 241. Also, Reprint. -----. Voyage pharmaceutique 4 l'expo- sition universelle de Londres. Union med., Par., 1851, v, 593; 597; 605; 609; 617: 1852, vi, 9; 17. Also, Reprint— Fccles (R. G.) Some serious sources of error in studying the course of disease. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 035-640.— Finigc Bemerkungen iiber Apotheker und Apotheken. Allg iued. Ann., Altenb., 1806, 937-944.—Etat de la phar- macie en Rttssie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1865, xxxii, 169.—Fagerlund (L. W.) Ett bidrag till kannedomen om apoteksvasendet i Finland p&, 1500-talet. Finska lak.- siillsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1887, xxix, 660-667.—Ferrand (E.) Vei'tix de la pharmacie fra119ai.se exprinies par les societea pharmaceutiques de France, dans leurs congres annuels ele 1857 k 1870. Cong?m6d. de France, 4. sess. & Lyon, 1872, Par., 1873, 580-609.—Foil tend le (J.) No- tice sur l'organisation de la pharinaeie en Espagne, J. de ehim. mod., etc.. Par., 1829. v, 26-30.—Frage (Zur) der Erhohung dor wissensehaftlichen Anspriiche an die Apo- theker. Plnrni. Ztg., Berl., 1880, xxv, 131; 139; 147; 153; 161; 169; 177—Fristedt (B. F.) Farmakologiska rese- niinnen fran sommaren 1886. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1886-7, xxii, OS-89.—<*arcia (R. P.) Un proyecto ele or- ganization farinact'iitica Farm, espan., Madrid, 1880, xii, 257-202.—<»iacoiiiini. Principes de la pharmacologic italienne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 117; 125; 133; 141.—(Koppert (H. R.) Zur Geschichte tier Pharmacie. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1878, 3. s., xii, 1-9. —Gr. Vor- sohliige zu zweckmassiger Eiurichtung einer Reiseapo- theke. Allg. med. Ann , Altenb., 1811, 2. Abth., 547-560.— Greene (W. A.) Review of contemporary modern phar- macy. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1877, n. s.. xs, 974-977. Alsn: Nashville J. M. & S., 1877, xx. 216-221. Also: N. Oil. M. & S. J.. 1877, v, 300-306. — IIa 111 berg (N. P.) Utclrag ur Beriittelse till k. Suudhets- Collegium om ar 1870 verkstallde apoteksinspektioner. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1871, xxxiii, 103; 143; 211; 249; 300. — Hcnschel (A. W. E. T.) Der Inhalt einer scblcsiselien sogeu. Apotbeke im Aufang des xv. Jahrhunderts. Janus, Bresl., 1817, ii, 152-154.— llollinaini (F.) Annual report on the pro- gress of pharmacy. Read before the American Pharmaceu- tical Association"at its seventeenth annual meeting, held at Chicago, September, 1869. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1869, xvii, 123-283. AIso,Reprint.-----. Pharmacy in Prussia and in the German Empire. Am. J. Pharm., Pbila., 1871, xliii, 336; 389. Also, Reprint. -----. Theprob- lems and future of pharmacy in Germany. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1874, xlvi, 321-330. Also, Reprint. — Holsti (H.) Om den farmaeutiska undervisniugen uton lands. [Phar- maceutical instructions in foreign countries. J 1 inska lak.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1876, xviii, 19-26.—Im- portant action by the Philadelphia County Medical So- ciety, in relation to certain objectionable practices by druLtiists. injurious to the interests of medical practition- ers. 'Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1881, ii, 19. — Iiilioilii- ccion a la historia filosofica de la rhizotomia 6 farmacia antiqua y moderna. Decadas de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1821, ii, 17; 121 —Isensee. Apotheken im Mit- telalter. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vii, 10- 14.—J ark (J.) Zur Yerbesserung des Pharmacie-We- sens. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1843, xii, cols. 649-654.— Jirccck (J.) O lekarnickem spise Mateje z Vysokeho Myta. [A pharmaceutical work by Matthias von Hohen- inouth (1496).] Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohni. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch., Prag, 1883, 38-52.—Jonas (A.) La farmacia en la exposition iuternacionalde Filade.lfia. Semanario farm., Madrid, 1877, v, 321; 369; 409; 417; 425; 433; 457; 465; 474.—Joyncs (L.S.) Curiosities of medical history. The Paris pharmacopoeia of 1758 and its treasures. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1874-5, i, 65; 129. Also, Reprint,— Kane (R.) Observations on the present state of phar- macy in Germany. Dublin Jour. Med. & Chem. Sc., 1837, xi, 358-365. — Klosc (C. L. ) Verinischte Bemerkungen iiber das Apotheker-Wesen. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, liv, 333-390.— Koch I in (J. B.) Ueber das Apo- thekerwesen und dienothweudigeUmgestaltung und Ver- besserun" desselben im Canton Ziirich. Verhandl. d. ver. arztl. Gesellsch. d. Schweiz, Zurich, 1830, iii, 108-141.— Kurtz. Einige und iiber einige Bemerkungen, betref- fend die Reform eler Arzueimittellehre. Med. Argos,Leipz., 1840, iii, 273-303.—Lambert. Note sur uueancienue phar Pharmacy (History and condition of). macopee lyonnaise. Bull, tie pharm. tie Lyon, 1884, 2.8., vi, 85-91. — liaycock (T.) On the new pharmacopoeia, with some preliminary considerations on the past and future conditions of British pharmacy. Pharm. J. &. Tr., Lond., 1858-9, xviii. 312-322. Also, Reprint.—M. Bemerkungen iiber die Stellung der Pharmacie und der Pharmaceuten ge- geniiber der rationelleu Medicin und den Aerzten. Cor.-Bl. d. aerztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1867, iii, 3. — Itl'tjuiie (L. M.) Pharmacy in California. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1873-4, vii, 559-563.—1TIaiwell (J. M.) Report on legislation regulating the practice of pharmacy [in the United States|. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass. 1868, Phila., 1869, xvi, 329-370. Also, Reprint—lTInlbran- chc(A.) Quelques anciens reglemens tie la pharmacie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1851-2, xix, 521-523. — iVIartiii- Barbet. Rapport sur l'inspection des pharmacies, dro- gueries, herboristeries et epiceries du departement delaGi- ronde. Trav. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde 1876, Bor- deaux, 1877, xviii, 182-193.—Mnteovich (A.) De Amelio- ration de la pharmacie a Constantinople. Rev. med.-pharm., Constant., 1888, i, 10-12.—Meniere (C.) Notes pour ser- vir a. l'histoire des pharmaciens d'Angers. Gaz. med. de Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 409-418. Also: J. de ehim. m6d., etc., Par., 1859, 4. s., v, 618-638. — lTIeyer-Ahrens. Kurze Mittheilung iiber die Ziircherischen Apotheken im xvi. uud xvii. Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Pharmacie. Janus, Brest, 1848, iii, 98-110.—lVIialhe. Coup-d'eBil sur le passe et l'avenir de la pharmacie et de la therapeutique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1871-2, Par., 1875, iv, 155-173. — Michaelis ( G.) The gradual development of pharmacy. Albany M. Ann., 1886, vii, 327-341.—lVIirainout. Sur l'organisation de la pharma- cie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1850-51, xviii, 186-188.— ITIoore (W. D.) An outline of the history of pharmacy in Ireland. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1848, vi, 64-102. Also, Re- print.—IVIourgues. Sur l'organisation tie la pharmacie. Aux pharmaciens de France. J. el. conn. meel. prat., Par., 1850-51, xviii, 210-213.—Mulder (G.J.) Apothekersfand. Bijdr. t. geneesk. Staatsreg., Amst., 1842, i, 74; 128. — IV. Ueber die kiinftige Gestaltung des Apothekergewerbes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Berl., 1876, ii, 101.—Nicholsou (E.) Government pharmacy in Intlia. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, viii, 335-342.—Pegiia (C.) Sulla necessity di un codice farmaceutico italiano. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1871, xxvii, 176; 278. — Petition presentee & son excellence le comte de Montalivet, ministre tie l'interieur, [par les pharmaciens de Paris). Bull, de pbarm., Par., 1810, ii, 145-157. Also, Reprint.- Pharmaceutical reform in Ireland. |Edit.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvii, 319.—Phillips (R.) Remarks on the pharmacopceia of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1839. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, xxiv, 686; 758: 1840, xxvi, 271. Also, in his: Obs. on the Edinb. Pharmac, fete], 8°, Lond., 1846, 1-15. [See, also, supra, Phillips.] -----. Illustra- tions of the present stateof pharmacy in England. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1842-3, ii, 315; 396; 528; 651: iii, 108; 244. Also, in his: Obs. on the Edinb. Pharmac'., [etc], 8°, Lond., 1846, [pt. 2], 37-56. [See, also, supra, Phil- lips. ] -----. Remarks on the pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and on Dr. Christison's Dispensatory, or commentary- on the pharmacopoeias of Great Britain. Pharm. J. &. Tr., Lond., 1842-3, ii, 714: 1843-4, iii, 27. Also, in his: Obs. on the Edinb. Pharmac, [etc.], 8°, Loud., 1846, 15: 23. [See, also, supra, Phillips.] -----. London and Edinburgh phar- macopoeias. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1844-5, n. s., i, 204; 489. Also, in his: Obs. on the Edinb. Pharmac., [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1846, [pt. 2), 1-35. [See, also, supra, Phillips.]— Phoebus (P.) Zur Lage der deutschen Pharmacie. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Meel., Berl., 1876, xxiv, 300-329.— Planchon. La pharmacie a Montpellier, depuis sou origiue jusqu'a, la fondation des ecoles speciales. Moiit- pel. med., 1862, viii, 186; 276.—Poehl (A.) Die Pharma- cie auf derPariserWeltausstellung 1878. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1878, xvii, 641; 675; 705; 737.— Prengrueber (A.) Le service pharmaceutique dans le projet de reorganisation du corps medical de colonisa- tion. Alger med., 1878, vi, 33-40.—Raino (F.) Tiisto estado de la farmacia en Espana. Siglomed., Madrid, 1857, iv, 326. — Rauipold (H.) Skarb Evonyma Konrada Ge- snera. Przyczynek do dziejow farmacyi xvi wieku. [K. Gesner's Treasure of Euonynius, contribution to ancient pharmacy of sixteenth century.] Wiadomosci farm , W'ar- szawa, 1888, xv, 164 ; 191.—Redwood (T.) On the British Pharmacopoeia. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 235; 239.— Reh- 111 a■■ 11 (J.) Beschreibung einer kleiuen thibetani schen Hand-Apotheke. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1811 xxxii, 3, 50-92.—Retziu* (A. J.) Fragmentum his tonae pharmaceutices veterum. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1777, 1, 1-48.—Rodriguez (J. S.) La farmacia eu Rusia. Pabellon med., Madrid, 1875, xv, 519-521.—Rooney (P. C. H.) Causes of modern changes iu the art of prescrib- ing. Humboldt M. Arch., St, Louis, 1867, i, 212-215.— RiiHpmi (G.) Stato attuale delle farmacie in Bergamo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, vi, 3. s., 145-148. (Delia Gazz. di farmacia.)-----. Propostadi riforma delle larinacie. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853, iv, 3. s. PHARMACY. 41 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (History and condition of). 433-438: 1854, 3.*s., v. 85-90.— Rznt oka na dzieje i postep farmacyi w Austryi w najnowszym czasie z v. 1883-4. Czasopisniotowarz, Lwow., 1884, xiii, 213; 220; 245 — N. (D, P.) Die Apotheken iu St. Petersburg. Med. Ztg. Russ- lands, St. Petersb.. 1860, xvii, 86-87—S. (F) Zur r rage der Gleichstellung eler Pharmacie mit der Mediciu. Pharm. Ztg., Bunzlau u. Berl., 1880, xxv. 229. — Schaeht. Re- form der pharniaceutischeu Ausbildung. Ibid.. 259-261.— NliaII it be a profession or a trade? (Edit.] Med. Rec N. V , 1875. x, 682.—Soriano (M. S.)etal. Dictamen de la comision nombrada al efecto para estudiar las causas de la ileeaclencia de la profesion farmaeeutica, y la mauera de le- vantarla al raugo que ha tenido y debe tenor. Observador med., Mexico, 1872-4, ii, 272-276.- Sprague (J. H.) An appendix to the critical remarks on the London Pharmaco- pceia of 1815, consisting of such preparations anel coniposi- tiems as are not contained in that work, but which, from the favourable reports concerning their medicinal effects, merit the consideration of the College of Physicians, and the attention of the profession. Lond. M. Keposit., 1824, n. s., i, 18; 98; 210; 207; 382— Nquibb (E. R.) Report of the committee on the pharmacopoeia. Proc Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila.. 1870, 298-340. Als», Reprint,—Statistique pharmaceutique do la Suisse, ficho med., Ncuchat., 1857, i, 108.—Nlrohl (It.) Une pharmacopee domcstique des annees 1501 et l.">!)3. Gaz. meel. tie Strasb., 1886. 4. s., xv, 86-91. — Swiezawski (E.) & Wend ( K. ) Apteki swieckie wnieuaukowem wylqczenie znac/.eniu. [Apothe- caries unskilled iu their art excluded.] Wiadoniosci farm., Warszawa, 1880, vii, 274; 318; 382; 418: 1881, viii, 113; 175; 252: 318; 382: 1882. ix, 61; 131; 192; 258.----------. Podniesienie sie. spoleczne farmaceutow w dawnej Polsce. [Pharmacy of ancient Poland.] Ibid., 1887, xiv, 43; 65; 83; 110.—t'eber den gegenwiirtigen Betrieb und den Zu- stand der Pharmacie in Oesterreich, nebst Andeutungen zur Erzielung einer griindlichen Reform derselben. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 271-274.— Vandamme. Statistique pharmaceutique du departement tlu Nord. J. el. conn. med. prat., Par.. 1837-8, v, 57.—Vidal. Beorganisation de la pharmacie et elevation eiu niveau eles etudes profession- nelles. Cong. med. de France 1872, Par., 1873, iv, 562-580.— Virey (J.-J ) Discours sur l'histoire et les progress des sciences pharmaceutiques. Mem. Acad, tie med., Par., 1828, i, 323-339. — Viscardi (P.) Dello state della farmacia in Lombardia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1853, iv, 3. s., 389-396: 1854,3. s., v, 33-39.—litvoering der wet van den l8'*" Junij 1805 (Staatsblatl No. 59). regelende de voorwaard en tot verkrijging de bevoegdheid van geneeskundige, apotheker, hulp-apotheker, leerting-apotheker en vroed- vrouw. Versl. ... v. h. geneesk. Staatstoez. 1867. Gra- venh., 1868, 347: 1868,331: 1869,507: 1871, 424.—Vives (I.) Algunas consideracioues aee.rca del servicio farmaceutico militar en el ejercito espafiol. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1885, xi, 99; 159—Wallhery-Benson (L.) De l'etat tie la pharmacie aux Etats-fnis; apercu de matiere medicale et tie therapeutique americaines. sttivi tie quelques tommies des preparations les plus usit6es. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1869, xlix, 509; 623: 1870,1,68: 167; 270; 365; 461; 557. Also. Reprint. — Waaowicz ( M. D.) 0 rozwoju i obecnym stanie farniakognozyi. [Evolution and present status of pharmaceutical knowledge,] Czasopismo towarz., Lwow., 1879, viii. 145; 158; 177; 192.— Wasuer- fuhr. Die Apotheken in Elsass-Lothringen und die Nie- derlassungsfreiheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 61-64. -----. Zur Statistikdespharmaceutischen Perso- nals iu Elsass-Lothringen. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1879, iv, 179.—Whitney (W. N.) Ancient Ja- panese and Chinese pharmacology. Sei-i-K\\ai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 1-6 — Wincklcr (F. L ) UeberdieVer- haltnisse tier Landapnthekcr in dem Grossherzogthum Hessen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1829, ix, 228- 240.—Wretlind (E.) Apoteksvasend i Fbrenta States na. fPharmacy in the United States. | Eira, Gtiteborg, 1882. vi, 485; 505—Y'aiulell (D. W.) Female pharmacists. Am. Pract, Louisville. 1884. xxx, 321-327. — Zeisc (H.) Ueber die Apotheken in Schleswig und Holstein in mer- kantilischer unel statistischer Beziebung. mit Riicksicbt auf den Aufsatz des Hrn. Dr. Michaelis iiber diesen Gegenstand. Mitth. a. d. Gel), d. Med., etc, Altona, 1838-9, vi, Hft. 11-12, 1-85. Also, Reprint.—Kucchi (C.) A proposito della riforma delle fai inacie. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1868, 6. s., i. 329-335 —Zustande (Die) der pharmaceutischen Praxis in St. Petersburg. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1860, xvii, 199; 206; 214. Pliariliacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). AEKZTLiCH-PHAKMACEUTisCHECorrespondenz. Erster osterreichischer Central-Anzeiger fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Hrsg., Lud. Fr. Jos. Prsetorius, jr. No. 1, Jan., 1888. fol. Wien. Allgemeiner osterreichischer Apothecker-Ver- ein. Bericht iiber elie am 30. September, 1. mid 2. October 1888 in Briinn abgehalteue sicbenund- Pliarmacy (JournaL- and transactions of societies relating to). zwanziostc General-Versainmhmg. Verfasstvou Anton J. Sicha. 8~. Wien, 1*8*. Allglmltne pharmaceutische Zeitschrift oder elas Xcucste unel Wissenswiirdigste aus elem Ge bide tier Pharmacie unel praktischen Cbemie ... llrso. vonWilibaldArtus. v. 1-11,1843-67. 8 . Weimar. No 3, v. 11 (whole no. 43), latest received, v. 10-11, 1861-7 published in Quedlinburg, by G. Basse; edited by Dr Artus. H Eydam, A. Rebling and others; title: All«e- meine Zeitschrift fiir Pharmacie. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Pharmacie, Phar- makolooic und Toxikologie See Allgemeine pharmaceutische Zeitschrift, [etcl, v. 10-11, 1861-7. Allgemeinek eisterreichisedier Apotheker-Ver- eiu. Bericht iiber die am 21., 2H. unel 29. August 1887 in Salzburg abgehalteue scchsnnelzwanzig- ste Gcueral-Vcrsiimnilnng. 8J. Wien, 1887. Almanaque ele medicina y farmacia. Pnbli- caelo por Pablo Alvarez Delgaelo. v. 2, 6, 1882, 1886. 8°. Madrid. Alumni Association of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. Annual reports of the secretary for the years 1H71-2 to 1873-4 (1.-3.): 1875-6(5.). 8°. New York, 1872-il Alumni Association of the Philadelphia Col- lege of Pharmacy. Annual reports. 1.-24., 1865- 88. 6°. Philadelphia, 1865-88. American Druggist. (New Remedies.) An illustrated monthly journal of pharmacy, chem- istry, and materia meelica. Edited by Fre-el. A. Castle anel Charles Rice. v. 13-18, 1884-9. fol. New York, W. Wood 4' Co. Current. Title of v. 1-12 was: New Remedies. American (The) Druggists' Circular and Chemical Gazette. A practical journal of chem- istry, as applietl to pharmacy, arts, anel sciences; anel general business organ for druggists, chem- ists, aud apothecaries, anel all branches conuecteel with the drug business. Henry Bridgman, editor and proprietor. [Monthly.] v. 1-9, 1857-65. fol. New York. In v. 2 L. V. Newton became editor and proprietor. Continued as: Druggist**' (The) Circular and Chemical Gazette. American (The) Journal of Pharmacy. Pub- lished by authority of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Edited by R. E. Griffith. [Quar- terly.] 2. s., v. 1-18, April, 1K55, to Dee., 1*52; 3. 8., bi-monthly, v. 1-18, Jan., 1853, to Nov., 1870; 4. s., monthly, v. 1-19, 1H71-89. 8°. Philadelphia. Current, v. 13, 2. s., ended Dec, 1847. Editorial changes: v. 2, 2. s., Griffith dropped, Jos. Carson added; v. 4, 2. s.. R. Bridges; v. 12, 2. s., Win. Proctor, jr., added; v. 16, 2. s., Carson tlropped; v. 2, 4. s., Win. Proctor dropped, John M. Maisch added. See Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, for 1. s., Dec., 1825, to Jan., 1835. ------. General index from commencement, Dec., 1825, to Nov., 1870, inclusive. Com- piled by Hans M. Wilder. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. ------. General index from Jan., 1871, to Dec, 1880, inclusive, (v. 43 to52.) Compiled by John M. Maisch, editor. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880. . . American Pharmaceutical Association. Pro- ceedings. 1.-36., 1852-88. 8°. Philadelphia, 1852-88. American (The) Pharmacist. A weekly phar- maceutical journal, devoted to the interests of the retail druggist. Wm. O. Allison, proprietor. [2v. annually.] v. 1-2, Jan. to Dec, 1882. 8°. New York. In Jan., 1883, merged in: Weekly (The) Drug News, forming: Weekly (The) Drug News and American Phar- macist. PFIAKMACY. 42 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Anales tie la Sociedad tie farmacia ele Lima. [By J. G. Zuleta and others. ] [Monthly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Sept. to Nov., 1872. 4°. Lima. Anales de la Sociedad de farmacia ele San- tiago. Ciencias, artes e" industria eiue compreu- den la fisica, [etc.]. Bajo la direccion de Josd Vicente Bustillos i Anjel 2" Vasepiez. [Monthly. ] Nos. 3,6, v. 2, Sept.to Dec, 1864; v. 3-7 ; nos. 1-5, v. 8. Oct., 1866, to May, 1875. 8'- . Santiago de Chile. Want nos. 2-3, v/3;' nos. 1-2, v. 5. Anales de la Sociedad dc farmacia de Santiago de Chile. Perioelico uiensual elestinaelo a servir los inteicses profesionales. v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, July, 1883, to July, 1884. 8-. Santiago. Annalen der Pharmacie. Eine Vereiniguug des Aichivs ties Apotheker-Vereins im uordlichen Teutschland (B. xl), und des Magazins fur Phar- macie und Experimental-Kritik ( B. xxxvii). Hrsg. von Rudolph Brandes, Ph. Lorenz Geiger unel Justus Liebig. [Monthly; 4 v. annually.] v. 1-108, 1832-73. [With 8 suppl. v. anel 5 in- dex v., viz.: v. 1-40, 1832-40; v. 41-76, 1842-50; v. 1-116, 1832-60; v. 117-164 and suppl. v. 1-8, 1861-72.] 8°. Lemgo u. Heidelberg. Want v. 168, 1873. Tn 1834 Brandes dropped; J. B. Trommsdorff added: 1830 by Liebig, Trommsdorff, and E. Merck ; in 1837 Tromnisdorff dropped and F. Mohraddeel; 1838 by Liebig with assistance of Dumas iu Paris and Graham in London: July, 1838, F. Wohler added. In 1840 title became: Annalen tier Chemie unci Pharmacie. In 1842 Dumas and Graham dropped : in 1851 H. Kopp added; in 1871 E. Erlenineyer and .). Volhard added. In 1833-54 published in Heidelberg; in 1855-79, also in Leipzig. Prof. Liebig died April 18, 1873 after that date, title: Liebig's (Justus) Annalen der Chemie. Annals (The) of Chymistry anel Practical Pharmacy. [ Weekly. ] v. 1, Oct. 1, 184-2, to Jan. 27, 1843; nos. 1-2, v. 2, March to April, 1843. 8°. London. v. 2 became monthly. Annals of Pharmacy anel Practical Chem istry; a monthly recorel of British anel foreign materia medica, pharmacy, anel chemistry, theo- retical anel technical. Edited by William Bastick anel William Dickinson, v. 1-3,1852-4. 8°. Lon- don. Ended. Annuaire pharmaceutique, on expos^ analy- tique eles travaux ele pharmacie, physique, [etc ]. Par (). Reveil. v. 1-12, 1863-74. 12°. Paris. Ended, v. 4, 1866, L. Parisel became editor; 9. year C. Mehu became editor. 9. and 10. years, 1871-2, in 1 v. Annuaire de la pharmacie frangaise et 6tran- oerc pour 1875. Par Dr. C. Mehu. Avec supple- ments publics en 1876 et 1877. v. 1. 12°. Paris. A continuation of: Annuaire pharmaceutique. Apotheker (Der). Redactenr: Arthur Cassel- niann, in Homberg. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, 1861- 70. 8C. Wetzlar. Ended. In 1862-6, semi-monthly. In 1865, C. Himmel- niaim became editor. Apotheker - Zeitung. Correspondenz - Blatt fiir Apotheker, Aerzte, Droguisten und Cheiniker. Redaction von M. Biechele unel B. Kohlmann. Wocheutlich. v. 1-5, April 3, 1866, to Dec. 30, 18?0; v. 11-15, 1876-80. fol. Leipzig, Eichstatt, Stuttgart. Title of v. 1-5 was: Apothekcr-Zeitung fiir Mittel- Deutschlaud. In 1881 continued as: DeutNehe Apothe- ker-Zeitung. Archiv ties Apothekervereins im uordlichen Deutschlaud. Fiir die Pharmacie uud deren Hiilfswissenschaften, unter Mitwirkung eler Ver- einsmitglieder und in Verbindung mit Dr. Dnm6- nil uuel Wittino, hrsg. von Dr. Rudolph Brandes. v. 1-39, 1822-31. ao. Schmalkaldeu. A continuation of: PharinacciitiMclie Monatsbliit ter. After v. 9, 1824. published in Lemgo. In 1832 united with: Magazin fiir Pharmacie [etc.], forming: An- nalen dei Pharmacie. Pliariliacy (Journals and transactions of .societies relating to). Archiv for Pharmaci. Redigeret af S. M. Trier, v. 1-46, l«44-89. Also inelex v. to v. 1- 15, 1844-58. 80. Ej^benhavn. Current, v. 4, 1847.'et seq., n. 3.. title: Archiv for Pharmaci og technisk Chemi, and P. Faber added as editor. In 1850 Faber dropped. Archiv tier Pharmacie. Eine Zeitschrift des Apotheker-Vereins iu Norddeutschland. Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung des H. Bley [et al.], von R. Brandes und H. Wackenroder, dann vou H. Lud wigund E. Reichardt. [4 v. anuuallv] 2. Reihe, v. 17-150, 1839-72; 3. Reihe, v. 1-27, 1872-89. 8°. Hannover, 1839-67; Halle, 1H68-87; Berlin, 1888-9. Current. In 1851 subtitle: Zeitschrift des allge- meinen deutschen Apotheker-Vereins, Abtbeilung Nord deutschland. After end of 2. 8., June, 1872, 2 v. annually. -----. Thesame. Autoren-unel Sach-Register zu den Belu. 1-131 (Jahrg. 1822-57). Bearbeitet vou G. C. Wittstein in Miinchen. 1 v. 8°. Han- nover. -----. The same. Gesammt-Verzeichniss eles Inhalts eler Jahrg. 1858-73 (eler ganzen Reihe. v. 143-203) bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Thorns. 1 v. 8-. Halle, 1886. Archiv for Pharmacie og technisk Chemi, med deres Grnnelvidenskaber. Was title, after 1846, v. 3, of: Archiv for Pharmaci. Archives de pharmacie. Recneil pratique dirige* par C. Crinon, avec la collaboration de MM. Bocquillon [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1886-88. 8°. Paris. Endeel. Merged in: Repertoire tie pharmacie. Associazione chimico-farmaceutica fiorentina, fondatanell' anno 1877. Statuto della . . . modi- ficato nell' assemblea generale del 27 aprile 1883. 8C. Firenze, 1884. Associazione farmaceutica italiana. Statute 8°. Roma, 18s7. -----. Atti della prima assemblea generale tenuta a Bologna nel giugno 1888. 8°. Bologna, 1888. Berlinisches Jahrbuch fiir die Pharmacie unel fur die damit verbundenen Wissenschafteu. v. 1-41, 1795-1839. 12°. Berlin. Want v. 40. 1. year is 3. ed.; 3. aud 4. year are 2. ed. Nothing published in 1809-14. v. 24-31, 33-36, are bound in 2 parts. In 1803 a new series commenced, title : IVcues Berlinisches Jahrbuch, [etc.]. In 1815 title became: DciiImcIich Jahrbuch, (etc.). Biblioteca di farmacia, chimica, fisica, medi- cina, chirurgia, terapeutica, storia naturale, ecc. Compilata da Antonio Cattaneo. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] 2. s., v. 1-23, Jan., 1834, to June, 1845. 80. Milano. A continuation of: (Kiornalc di farmacia, chimica e scienze accessorie, which formed 1. s., 1824-33. Continued as: \1111ali di chimica applicata alia medicina, [etc.]. Boletim tic pharmacia do Porto. Redi»ido pela gerencia da Companhia pharmaceutic.! por- tueuse. [Monthly.] v. 1-11, June, 1879-80. 8°. Porto. Current. Boletim tie pharmacia e sciencias accessorias do Porto, redigido por Felix da Fonseca Moura. [Monthly.] v. 3, 1859. 8°. Porto. Boletin del Colegiode farmac<5uticos ele Bar- celona. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Bar- celona. Continued as: I.], 1879-88, Northwestern (The) Pharmacist. Devotccl to the interest and progress of pharmacy. [Monthly.] Nos. 2-3, 5-7, 11-12, v. 1; nos. 1-4, 6, 8, 10, 12, v. 2, June, 1886-8. 8°. Minneapolis, Minn. NfiTES on New Reinetlies. Issued by Lehn & Fink. v. i-2, June, 1888-9. sm. 4°. Neiv York. Current. Notisulad for Liikare och Pharmaceuter, bi- hang till Finska Liikare-Siillskapets Handliu- gcr. [Notices for physicians anel pharmacists. Appendix to Transactions of Finnish Medical Society.] 8U. Helsingfors. Notizkn aus dem Gebiete der practischen Pharmacie und eleren Hiilfswissenschafteu. Vou A. R. L. Voget. [Monthly.] v. 1-23, Oct, 1, 1836, to Dec, 1859. 8. Crefeld. In Jan. 1850, a new series commenced ; L. Kohr, editor. In v. 16, 1852, A. Hoffman added. Nouveaux (Les) remedes. Journal hi men- suel tie chimie mddicale, ele pharmacologic, dc therapeutique et d'hyelrologie. R6dig<5 par G. Barelet [etal.]. v. 1-5,April, 1885-9. 8°. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete in 18 nos., April to Dec. 1885; v 2 commenced Jan., 1886. Ny pharmaceutisk Tideude, reeligeret af Victor L. Scehusen. [Semi-monthly.] v. 16-20, 1884-8. 8 . h'jobenhavn. v 17-20 edited by E. A. Petersen. Oesterkeichische pharmaceutische Gesell schaft. Bericht unel Protokoll iiber die achte ordentl. Gtmeralversaminlung abgehalten zu Wien am 23. und 24. September 1887. 8°. Wien, 1887. Oestekreichische Zeitschrift fiir Pharmacie. Unter Mitwirkung und mit Beitragen von F. Abl, J. Binder [et al.] hrsg. von M. S. Ehrmann. [Semi-monthly.] v. 9-13, 16,1855-62. 8°. Wien. In 1863 continued as: Zeitschrift des allgemeinen osterreichischen Apothekervereins. OuGANULSociettitii farmacistilor din Romania. F«>aie peutru sciiuta, arta si interesele farmaceu- tice. [ Semi-mouth'ly.] Nos. 7, 10, April to May, 188M. 8 . Bucuresci. Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings at its meetings heltl in Harrisburg, Feb. 26, 1878; Reading, June 11,1878; Pitts burgh, June 10,1879. With the constitution, by- laws, anel a list of members. 8°. Harrisburg, Pa., 1879. ------. Proceedings, 1883, with the coustitu tion, by-laws, code of ethics, and a roll of mem- bers. 8°. Harrisburg, Pa., 1883. Peoria (The) Drug Review. Devoted to the interests of the drug, paint, and oil trades. Pub- lished monthly by Colbnrn, Birks & Co. v. 1-2, June, 1887-8. 4°. Peoria, III. Pharmacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Petit moniteur tie la pharniacie. Journal mensuel publiaut tous les renseiguements utiles a la pharmacie eta la nidelecine. C.-A. Philippe, directeur. v. 23-25,1874-6; v. -8-38, 1879-89. 8°. Paris. Current. Want Feb. and Nov., 1874; March. 1875, March. May, anel July, 1876. "Pharmaceut (Der)." Korresponelenzblatt unel offizielles Organ ties deutschen Pharniaccti ten-Vereins. [Semi-monthly.] No. 2, v. 5, Jan. 15, 1888. fol. Neudamm. Pharmackctical Association of the Province of Quebec. Act of incorporation anel by-laws 12°. Montreal, 1871. ------. By-laws, atlopted 22d December, 1882. 12°. Montreal, 1883. PlIARMAKEUTlKON del-iov; cvyypappa nepiodi kov Kara pi/va tudtdopevov vnbYeupyiov N. Za/?. fol. Bunzlau u. Berlin. Current. Want title and index of v. 21, 1876; nos. 1-26, v. 22, 1887 ; title and index of v. 23, 1878; no. 17, v. 25, 1880. After 1885 published only at Berlin. Pharmaceutische Zeitung des Apotheker- vereins im uordlichen Dentschlanil. Hrsg. von Rudolph Brandes. v. (i-10, 1832-6. 8°. Lemgo. Pharmaceutischkr Kalender fiir das Deutsche Reich. Mit Notizkalender zum taglichen Ge- brauch, nebst Hilfsmitteln fiir die pharniaceu- tische Praxis. Mit einer Beilage: Pharmaceu- tisches Jahrbuch. v. 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 17-18,1874-89. 12°. Berlin. Pharmaceutisches Central - Blatt. Redac- tion : W. Knop. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-26, 1830-55. 8°. Leipzig. In 1850-55 title was: C'hcmisch - phariiiaccuti- sches Central-Blatt. Continued in 1856as: Chemisc-hcs Central-Blatt. Pharmaceutisches .Correspoudeuzblatt fiir Sufldeutschlanel. Hrsg. von einem Vereine siiel- deutschcr Apotheker. v. 1-8, 1810-48. 8°. Er- langen. v. 8, 1848, edited by Dr. Theodor Martins. Pharmaceutisk Tidskrift. G. R. Nordgren, secreterare. [ Monthly. ] 1861-5. 5 v. 8°. Stockholm. Pharmacia (A) portugneza. Orgao elos in- teresses ela classe pharmaceutica. Reelactor prin- cipal: Carlos Richter. [Weekly.] v. 1-2, Nov. 7, l88t;-8. fol. & 8D. Porto. Pharmacie (La) de Lyon, journal scientifique et professionuel. Par M. Abonnel. Paralt le 5 et le 20 de chaejue uiois. v. 1, March 5, 1875, to Feb. 20, 1876 ; nos. 25-45, v. 2, March 10, 187(5, to June 10, 1877. fol. Lyon. Pharmacikn (Le) populaire des villes et des ca mpagnes. Organe scientifique et professionuel ele la pharmacie centrale ele Nantes. Directeur- Rt^rant: Felix Martiu. [Monthlv.] v. 1, May, 1884, to May, 1886. 4°. Nantes. " Pharmacist (The ) and Chemical Record. Published by the Chicago College of* Pharmacy. Edited by E. H. Sargent. [Quarterly.] v. 1-18, 1868-85. 8°. Chicago. Ended, v. 2 became monthly. In 1873-8 and 1885 title was: Pharmacist (The). In 1879-84 title was: Pharmacist (The) and Chemist. After v. 2 edited suc- cessively by N. G. Bartlett, A. E. Ebert, H. 1). Garrison, K. H. Cowdry, and Oscar Oldberg. In Jan., 1886, merged in: Western (The) Druggist. Pharmacologische Untersuchungen aus dem Institute fiir experi men telle Pharmakologie der Universitiit Wiirzburg. Hrsg. von M. Jos. Ross- bach. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1882. Pharmacologisches Institut zu Dorpat. Ar- beiten. Hrsg. von R. Robert. 8°. Stuttgart, 1888. Pharmacologisches Lahoratorium zu Mos- kau. Arbeiten. Hrsg. von A. Sokolowskii. 8°. Moskau, 1876. Pharmacologists (Le). Journal scientifique, professionnel et commercial ele la pharmacie, de la m&leoine et de l'art vdterinaire. Paraissant les ler et 15 de chaque mois. Editeur, A\m6 Vingtrinier. v. 1, April, 1875-6. 8°. Lyon. Pharmacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Philadelphia Drug, Oil, and Paint Reporter. E. E. Stokes, manager. No. 8, v. 2, Jan., 1887. fol. Philadelphia. Philadelphia (The) Druggist aud Chemist, Devoted to materia medica, pharmacy, chem- istry, therapeutics, aud the collateral sciences. [Monthly.] C. C. Vanderbeck, editor and pro- prietor, v. 1, 1878. 8°. Philadelphia. In 1879, v. 2, title became: Monthly (The) Review of Medicine and Pharmacy. Physician (The) and Pharmaceutist. Edited by G. J. Fisher. [Quarterly.] v. 1-12; nos. 1-3, v. 13, August, 1868, to March, 1880. 4° & 8°. New York. Want nos. 2, 4, v. 5, 1872-3; no. 1-4. v. 6, 1873-4 ; v. 11 1878. Title of v. 4-12 was: Physician (The) and Pharmaeist. Title of nos. 8-12, v. 12, was: Physician (The) and Pharmacist and the Bulletin of the Medico-Le- gal Society. Title of v. 13 was: Physician (The) and Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society, v. 2-13 edited sue-' cessively by E. H. M. Sell, G. Weskatis, J. Creuse, H. P. Gisborne and George W. Wells. Practicante (El) de farmacia. Rcivistaquince- ual, eledicaela a la defensa de la elase de practi- cantes ele farmacia. v. 1-2 (nos. 1-8), Nov. 15, 1883, to Feb. 28, 1884. fol. Cartagena. Premiere assembled generale ties denx socieHds de pharmacie du Haut- et Bas-Rhin. Seance du 2 aout 1844. 8°. [Mulhouse, 1844.] Progricsso(H) tarmaccntico. Rivista.mensile di ritrovati e scoperte chimico farmaceutiche. Giuseppe Barone, reilattore respousabile. v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8°. Como. Quevenne (T.-A.) Rdponse tie ... a M, Na- tivelle au sujet du prix d6cerne' a M. Homolle, par la Societ.6 de pharniacie ele Paris pour la el6- couverte de la tligitaliue. 8°. Paris, 1845. RECORD (The) of pharmacy and therapeutics. Being an account of improved pharmaceutical preparations, recently introelucetl remedies, anel a catalogue of unadulterated drugs and chemi- cals of the General Apothecaries' Company. 8°. London, 1856. -----. Thesame. No. 2. 8°. London, 1857. -----. Thesame. No. 3. 8°. London, 1858. -----. The same. No. 4. 8°. London, 1858. Repertoire de chimie, pharmacie, matiere pharmaceutique et chimie inelustrielle. Par P.-J. Hensmans. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1827-9. 8°. Lou rain. Repertoire tie pharmacie. Recueil pratique public par A. Lartigue. [Monthly.] v. 1-18, July, 1844, to Juue, 1862; v. 21, July, 1864, to June, 1865; v. 25, July, 1868, to June, 1869. 8°. Paris. -----. The same. N. s. Reklig6 par Eug. Lebaigne avec la collaboration ele MM. Adrian, Delpech [et al.], et une revue de th6rapeutique par M. le Dr. Coustantin Paul. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-16, Jan., 1873-88. 8°. Paris. Current. April 10, 1876, Journal de chimie medicale, [etc. |, united with this journal, and title became: Reper- toire tie pharmacie et Journal de chimie medicale reunis. Iu 1878 become monthly. In v. 10, 1882, Lebaigue dropped and Ch. Thomas became editor. Repertorio ele farmacia. Revista mensual de farmacia, medicina y sus ciencias auxiliares. Redactores: Manuel de Vargas Machnca y Jos6 tie Jesus Rovira. v. 1-6, 1880-85. 8°. Habana. Want numbers for December, 1884; February, May, June, and October, 1885. Repertorium fiir die Pharmacie. Hrsg. von Dr. Adolph Ferdinand Gehlen. v. 1-110, 1815- 51. 12° & 8°. Niirnberg. No. 2, v. 1, death of Gehlen, and Dr. Johann Andreas Buchner became editor, v. 4-11, unter Mitwirkung des Apotheker-Vereins in Baiern hrsg. v. Buchner. v. 12, 1*82. Dr. C. W. G. Kastner added, v. 20,1825, Kastner dropped. 2. s. commenced in 1835 (v. 51 whole ser.). 3. s. commenced PHARMACY'. 50 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). in 1848 (v. 101 whole ser.). v. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100,110 contain, each, an index to the 10 preceding volumes. Continuetl as : Neues Repertorium fiir Pharmacie. Restaurador (El) farmaceutico, perioelico oficial tie la Sociedad farmaceutica tie socorros mutuos v del Colegio tie farmac^uticosde Madrid, bajo la direccion de Don Pedro Calvo Asensio. v. 3-10, 1847-54; v. 14-44, 1858-89. fol. & 8 . Madrid, 1847-54; Barcelona, 1858, et seq. Cnrrent. Want nos. 1-3, v. 7 (1851). In 1858-9 edited by Ramon Ruiz Gomez; in 1860Quinton Chiarlone became editor; in 1871 Juan Texidor y Cos became editor. In 1875, et seq., published semi-monthly. Revista farmaceutica. Orgauo de la Socie- dad nacional de farmacia. [Monthly.] v. 22-27, 1884-89. 8°. Buenos Aires. Want no. 7, v. 25, July, 1887. Revista farmaceutica: supplemento a la Bo- tica. Por Est6bau Sanchez Ocana. 1862; 1864. 8°. Madrid. Revista farmac6ntica y cientifica. Publica- cion meusual de Medina Herniauos. No. 6, v. 12, June, 1883. 4°. Bogota. Revista de pharmacia e sciencias accessorias do Porto, perioelico official elo Centre pharma- ceutic© portuguez: reeligitla por Albano Abilio Audradc. [Monthly.] v. 20, 1876. 8C. Porto. Rivista eli chimica meelica e farmaceutica, tos- sicologia e farmacologia. Diretta da P. Alber- toni e I. Guareschi. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1883-4. 8°. Torino. In Jan., 1885, merged in : Annali di chimica applicata alia niedicina, forming: Annali di chimica raedico-farma- ceutica e di farmacologia. Ruche (Lii) phaniiaceutique. Bulletin men- suel des progres pharmaceutiques, ele la legisla- tion regissaut la pharniacie, et tie la jurispru- dence se rattachant aux intdrets professiounels. M. C.-A. Phillippe, propri«5tairc-gt5rant. 1874-8. 5 v. 8°. Paris. A supplement to: Petit Moniteur tie la pharniacie. In Jan., 1879, united with: Petit Moniteur de la pharmacie. Saint Louis Drug Intelligence. Nos. 3, 6, v. 1, Jan., March, 1887. 4°. St. Louis. Saint Louis Drug-Market Reporter. Pub- lished by Meyer Brothers A. Co. No. 4, v. 6, July 11, 1885; No.' 8, v. 7, Nov. 10,1886. 4°. St. Louis. Saint Louis Druggist. J. A. Peters, eelitor. [Weekly.] Nos. 2-3, v. 1, Sept. 9,16, 1882. 4°. St. Louis. In July, 1884, no. 1, v. 5, continuetl as: National (The) Druggist. Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Pharma- cie. Im Auftrage eles schweizerischeu Apothe- ker-Vereins, hrsg. vou C. \V. Steiu. v. 14-27, 1876-89. 8°. Schaffhausen. Current. In 1S80, v. 18, A. Klunge became editor. In 1884, v. 22, Otto Kaspar became editor. Semanario farmaceutico. Revista cientifica, professional y econ6mica, [etc.]. Dirigida y re- dactada por German Martinez Alvarez [et al.]. v. 1-5, Oct. 6, 1872, to Sept. 23, 1877; v. 11-16, Oct. 1, 1882, to Sept. 30, 1888. s^. Madrid. Sociedad farmac6utica espanola . . . Socie- dad eu comandita por acciones, domiciliada eu Barcelona. 4°. Barcelona, 1882. Societa farmaceutica Biellese. Statute 8C. Biella, 1888. Societa farmaceutica Ticinese. II comitato tlella Societa al lodevole gran consiglio della re- publica e cautone del Ticino. 8°. [Bellinzona, 1887. ] SOCIETY d'emulatiou et de prcvoyance ties pharmaciens du departement de la Haute-Ga- ronue. Proces-verbarl de la se;ance gen6rale tenue a Toulouse le 23 novembre 1851. 8°. Tou- louse, 1851. Pharmacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to.) -----. Compte-rendu eles travaux ties ann6es 1863; 1865-6. S~\ Toulouse, 1864-7. Societe d'emulatiou et ele pievoyance eles pharmaciens de l'Est. Compte-rendu. 185.5-6; 1863; 1. semestre, 1865; 2. semestre, 1865; 2. semestre, 1866; 2. semestre, 1869; 2. semestre, 1872. 8-\ Lyon, 1853-72. Societe d'emulatiou pour les sciences pharma- ceutiques. Notice historique, reglement tie la soci6te, lisle geu6rale eles membres, indication soinmaire des travaux originaux les plus impor- tant (juillet 1838 a aout 184(5). 8°. Paris, 1846. Societe el'6inulation pour les sciences phar- maceutiques. Recueil eles travaux. v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1847. Societe d'emulatiou pour les sciences phar- maceutiques. Meiuoires originaux. v. 3. 8°. Paris, 1858. -----. "Reglement. [With: Extraitdncomp- te-rendu aunuel pour 1856-7, and Extrait du proces-verbal de la stance extraordinaire annu- elle du 23 mars 1858.] 8°. Paris, 1859. Societe libre eles pharmaciens d'Anvers. Re- gleinent. 8\ Anvers, 1838. -----. Extrait eles actes. 8°. Anrers, 1840, Societe libre des pharmaciens tie Paris. Re- glement. 4G. [Paris, an /F(179fi).] -----. S6ance ptiblieiue teuue le 15 juillet 1813. 8^. [Paris, 1813.] Societe libre eles pharmaciens ele Rouen. Bul- letin ties travaux. Annees 1850; 1867. 8°. Rouen, 1851-67. Societe de pharmacie d'Anvers. Reglenient. 8°. Anvers, 1845. Societe (La) tie pharmacie d'Anvers aux phar- maciens beiges. 8°. [Anrers, 186:?.] Societe ele pharmacie ele Bordeaux. Bulletin des travaux. v. 1-28, 1S60-88. 8°. Bordeaux. Want no. 1 of I860; nos. 1-2 of 1861; no. 2 of 1862. 1860- 65, quarterly, 1866 and subseepient, monthly. 1870-71 in 12 nos. August, 1870, to October, 1871, called one number. Societe tie pharmacie tie la Loire-Inferieure. Bulletin eles travaux. 8'-. Nantes, 1866. Societe de pharmacie tie Mciirthe-et-Moselle. Compte-rendu des travaux. 2., 4., 5., 1877-80. 8°. Nancy, 1877-81. Societe de pharmacie ele la Moselle. Prevjet de reglement. 8-. Metz, [1811]. ----—. Seance du 16 d6cembre 1844. 8 . Metz, [1844]. Societe ele pharmacie tie Paris. Conipte rendu de la seance solenuelle tenue a l'Ecole tie pharma- cie le 14 novembre 1860. 8U. Paris, 1860. Societe ele pharmacie du suel ouest. Bulle- tin de la . . . Nos. 103-109 (Jan. to July, 1887). 8 '-'■. Toulouse, 1887. Societe des pharmaciens de l'Avcyron. Bulle- tin no. 3, 1877; no. 9, 1885. Compte rendu. 8°. Rodez, 1878-86. Societe des pharmaciens du Bas-Rhin et Cercle pharmaceutique tin Haut-Rhin. Conipte rendu tie la reunion generale. Seance du 15 sept. 1862. 8-. Colmar, 1862. -----. Proces-verbal de la se^ance tenue a Colmar le 20 mars 1865. 8°. Colmar, 1865. Societe des pharmaciens eles C6tes-dii-Nord. Bulletin des travaux des anu6es 1863 et 1864. 8 . Saint-Iirieuc, 1^64. Societe des pharmaciens du d6partement du Doubs. Compte-rendu ele la seance generale annuelle du 29 niai 1864. sc. Jlenuncou, l^i'A. -----. Bulletin. Annees 1865; l)-66. 8 . Besancou, 1865-6. Societe ties pharmaciens tlu departement de la Seine. Extrait du reglement, 4 \ [Pari*. 1820.] l PHARMACY. 51 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Societe eles pharmaciens ele l'Eure. Bulletin no. 1. Compte-rendu ties s6ances des 20 Septem- ber 1874 et 25 avril 1875. 8°. Evreux, 1875. Societe des pharmaciens du Loiret, no. 3. [Asseniblee g6ue>ale annuelle tenue le 4 juillet 1878.] 8°. Orleans, 1878. Societe des pharmaciens du norel tie la France. Note explicative de la composition tlu diplome. 8°. Lille, 1869. -----. Section de l'arroudissement d'Aves- nes. Compte-rendu tie la reunion annuelle ele 1872. 8C. Landrecies, 1872. Societe des pharmaciens eiu nord de la France et Association de pre\oyauce et de secours mutuels du departement tin Nord. Stances du 26 septembre 1863. 8°. Lille, 1863. Societe des pharmaciens ele l'ouest. Regle- ment gen6ral. 8°. Nantes, 1845. Societe de prevoyance des pharmaciens ele la S'-ine. Assemble geiierale annuelle. 1836; 1864;1867:1871-2. 8°. Paris, 1836-72. Societe de prevoyance entre les pharmaciens du deqiartemeut de la Seine. Observations sur le projet de loi relatif a l'exercice de la pharmacie, presentees par le conseil d'admiuistratiou. 8C. Paris, 1851 [vel subseq.]. Societe de pr6voyauce des pharmaciens tie la Seine. Assennblee gdnerale extraorelinaire. 19 aout 1S6.S. 8°. Paris, [1863]. Societe ele prevoyance et Soci6t6 profes- sionelle des pharmaciens eiu norel tie la France. Compte-rendu ties seances genen-ales et des sean- ces tie sections. Annee 1868. 8-. Lille, 1871. Societe provisoire ele pharmacie ele la Moselle. S6ance gen6rale du 19 mars 1845. 8°. Metz, 1845. -----. Seauce generale du 5 mai 1845. 8°. Metz, [1845]. Societe royale de pharmacie de Bruxelles. Bulletin. 19. annee, 1875; no. 2, 30. annee, 1886; no. 1, 32. annee, 1888. 8°. Bruxelles, 1875-88. South Dakota Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings. 1.-2., 1886-7. 8°. Parker, 1886-7. Southern District Pharmaceutical Associa- tion of Dakota. Proceedings. 1., 1886. 16°. Parker, 1886. Southern Drug and Paint Review. C. H. Williamson, editor. No. 1, v. 1, Dec, 1886. 4°. Savannah, Ga. Southern (The) Druggist. Published monthly for gratuitous distribution. By Jesse R. Jones. No. 2, v. 1, May, 1870. fol. Crystal Springs, Miss. Southern (The) Pharmacist. Edited by Fer- dinand Lascar. [Monthly.] v. 1, nos. 1-4, v. 2, September, 1884, to December, 1885. 4°. Neiv Orleans. Ended. Suddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung. Pharma- ceutisches Wochenblatt aus Wiirttemberg. Hrsg. vou Fried. Kober. No. 28, v. 28, July 19, 1888. fol. Beilbronn a. N. Syndicat ties pharmaciens du departement de la Loire. Bulletin. No. 6, annee 1886. 8°. Saint-Etienne, 1887. Tennessee Pharmacal Gazette. A mouthly review of practical pharmacy. Edited by Beu- jamin Lillard, assisted by J. M. Safford and Thomas Black. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-5, Jan., 1874, to Nov. 17, 1875. 8°. Nashville. No. 1, v. 5, last published, v. 3, Jan. 6, 1875, became weekly, title: Pharmacal (The) Gazette, v. 4 ended Nov. 3, 1875. Texas (The) Druggist. Title of v. 1, and nos. 1-3, v. 2, of: Texas (The) and Southwestern Druggist, 1886-7. Pharmacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Texas (The) aud Southwestern Druggist. A monthly journal of medicine and pharmacy. Official organ of Texas State Pharmaceutical Association, v. 1-3, May, 1886-8. 4°. Waco. Title of v. 1, and nos. 1-3, v. 2, was: Texas (The) Drug- gist. Texas State Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings. 7., 1886. 8°. Waco, 1886. Tijdschrift voor weteuschappelijke Pharma- cie [etc. J. Onder medewerking van onderschei- dene pharmaceuten, geredegeerd door P. J. Haaxman. v. 1-5, 1849-53; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1854- 8; 3. s., v. 1-6, 1859-64; 4. s., v. 1-3, 1865-7. 8°. Voorburg, 1849-53; Graven huge, 1854-7; Go- rinchem, 1858-67. Continued as: IVienw Tijdschrift voor de pharmacie in Nederland. Towarzystwo farmaceutycznego w. m. Warszawie. Sprawozdanie z czynnosci . . . e z obrotu Kassy Wsparcia podupadych farmaceu- tdw z;i rok. 1875-9. 8°. Warszawa, 1876-80. Tribuna pharmaceutica. Organ publico do Instituto pharmaceutico do Rio ele Jaueiro, ele- stinado aos interesses da corporacTio pharmaceu- tica e da sauele publica. Redactor-chefe : A. J. Teixeira de Azevedo. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, Aug., 1874, to July, 1878. 8°. Rio de Janeiro. Union (L') pharmaceutique. Journal de la pharmacie centrale de France. Dorvault, tlirec- teur. [Monthly.] v. 15-30,1874-89. 8°. Paris. Crrrent. In 1880, v. 21, E. Genevoix became editor. Union (L') pharmaceutieiue d'Orient. R6ilac- teur : G. Spagnolo. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 6, Aug. 15 to Sept. 15, 1879. 4°. Constanti- nople. A supplement to : Union (L') medicale de l'Orient. Verdad (La) farmaceutica. Revista profe- sioual, dirigida por el eloctor Florentino Jimeuo. [Monthly.] Nos. 13, 20, 21, v. 2, May 20, Dec. 20, 1886 ; Jan. 20, 1887. 8°. Barcelona. Vermont Pharmaceutical Association. Pro- ceedings. 2., 1871. 8°. Rutland, 1871. Vierteljahresschrift fiir praktische Phar- macie. Hrsg. vou G. C. Wittstein uuter Mit- wirkung der . . . Abl [et al.]. v. 1-22, 1852-73. 8°. Miinchen. Weekblad voor Pharmacie. Onder redactie van L. C. W. Cocx [etal.]. No. 35, v. 1, Nov. 24, 1883; no. 16, v. 2, April 19, 1884. fol. Gro- ningen. Weekly Drug News. A technical and com- mercial journal devoteel to drug, chemical, aud pharmaceutical interests. Editeel by G. Bartho- lomew and H. G. Adam. Nos. 4-6, v. 5, Dec, 1882. fol. New York. In Jan., 1883. united with : American (The) Pharma- cist, forming : Weekly (The) Drug News and American Pharmacist. Weekly (The) Drug News aud American Pharmacist. A newspaper for the retail drug trade. John M. Peters, editor and manager. N. s. [2 v. annually.] v. 6-10, Jan., 1883, to June, 1885. 5 v. 4°. New York. Ended. Formed by the union of: American (The) Pharmacist with: Weekly (The) Drug News. Merged in: Druggists' (The) Circular, [etc.]. Western (The) Druggist. A journal of phar- macy, chemistry, materia medica, aud allied sci- ences. [Monthly.] v. 7-11, 1885-9. 4°. Chicago. Current. Title of v. 1-6 was: Druggist (The). In Jan., 1886, Pharmacist (The), Chicago, merged in this journal. Western Medical Advance and Progress of Pharmacy. An illustrated quarterly journal. Edited by W. H. Lathrop. v. 1-2, June, 1871, to June, 1873. 4°. Detroit. Ended. In Jan., 1879, continued as: medical (The) Advance. PHARMACY. 52 PHAKMACY Pharmacy (Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Wiadomosci farmaceutyczne. Pod redakcja, Jan Mrozowski. [Pharmaceutical knowledge.] [Monthly.] v. 3-16, 1876-89. 8-. Warszawa. Current. In 1885 became semi-monthly. -----. General iudex to v. 1-15, 1874-88. By Kazamierz Wenda. 8°. Warszaiva, 1888. Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Associatiou. Pro- ceedings. 1., 1880. 8. Janesville, 1880. Year Book (The) of the Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, a synopsis of researches anel eliscov- eries in chemicals, oils, etc., during 1873. Con- taining biographical sketches of Baron Liebig, C. H. Leonard, Fisher Howe, and David Hoatllev. Published by William O. Allison. 1 v. 8°. New York. Year Book of Pharmacy and general informa- tion. N. W. King, editor and compiler, v. 1, 1872. sm. 4°. Chicago. Year - book of Pharmacy : comprising ab- stracts of papers relating to pharmacy, materia- medica, therapeutics, anel chemistry, contributed to British and foreign journals from July 1, 1869, to June 30, 1870 ; also, for succeeding years, to June 30, 1888. With the proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference at the sev- enth anel subsequent annual meetings. 8°. Lon- don. Zeitschrift tlesallgemeinen osterreichischen Apotheker-Vereins. Reeligirt von Fr. Klinger. Erscheiut am 1. und 16. eines jeden Monates. v. 6-27, 1868-89. 8°. Wien. Current. Commenced in 1863 as a continuation of: OeKierrcicliiNrhc Zeitschrift fiir Pharmacie. After 1870 published three times a month. "Want years 1-5 (18611-7). Zeitschrift fiir Pharmacie. Hrsg. vom deut- schen Pharniaceutenverein. [Monthly.] v. 4- 12, 1852-60. 8o. Leipzig. v. 9-12 edited by H. Hirzell. Zeitung des noreldeutschen Apotheker-Ver- eins. Wocheutliches Beiblatt des Archivs eler Pharmacie. Reeligirt von A. Overbeck. v. 1-2, 1862-3. 4°. Hannover. Mtiitut towarzystwa aptekarskiego. [Apothecaries' Assoeiation of Lemberg.j Czasopismo towarz., Lwow., 1882, xi. 36-48.— Vierte (Der) intemationale Apotheker- Kongress (zu Petersburg, Aug. 1-13, 1874). Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 542. Pharmacy (Legislation on), by countries. See, also, Drugs (Adulteration of); Metlicines (Legislation relating to); Medicines (Adultera- tions, etc., of); Medicines (Prices, etc., of); Pharmacopeaeias ; Pharmacy (Bistory, etc., of); Physicians (Relations of) to pharmacists; Poi- sons (Sale of, etc.). AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Austria. Nova pharinacopceorum taxa, seu ordo ac pretium omnium medicamentorum, tam simplicium quam compositorum, ehymicorum, atque Galenicorum moelerno tempore in officinis publicis pharmaceutics Viennensibns in Austria magis usualium, juxta normam, dispensatorii pharmaceutic! Austriaco-Viennensis, formata ac praqmrata et ex . . . regio mandato iu publici et aerarii emolumentum traelita et publicata. fol. Viennce Austria; 1744. Text Latin and German. -----. Thesame. NeueApothecker-Tax-Ord- nung, oder der Werth uud Preiss aller, so wohl eiufachen, als zusammgesezten, theils chymisch- theils Galenischeu Artzeneyen, welche in denen Hof-, Feld- unel biirgerlichen Stadt-Wienneri- schen Apothecken bey jetzigeu Zeiten gebriiu chig seynel, [etc.]. fol. Wien, 1744. -----. Taxa meelicamentorum in pharmaco- pcea Austriaco-Provinciali emendata contento- Phai'lliacy (Legislation on). AUSTRIA-HUNGARY—continued. rum pro anno mdeccvii. Taxe eler in der uinge- arbeiteten osteireichischeu Proviuzial-Pharma- copoe enthaltenen Arzneven fur elas Jahr 1807. 12°. Wien, [1807]. -----. Verordnuug des Ministers des Innern vom 28. October 1876, betreffentl die neue c'ister- reichische Arzuei-Taxe. 24c. [Wien, 1877?] Austria. Ministerium des Innern. Arznei- Taxe fiir das Jahr 1884 zur osterreichischen Phar- makopoe vom Jahre 1869 unel zum Anhange der- selben vom Jahre 1878. 8°. Wien, 1884. -----. The same. 1885. Zur osterreichischen Pharmacopoe vom Jahre 1869, und zum Anhange elerselben vom Jahre 1878. 8°. Wien, 1885. Macher (M.) Compeudium der Apotheker- Gesetze unel Verorduuugeu des Kaiserthumes Oestreich, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das Be- diirfniss der Candidaten der Pharniacie. 8 . Wien, 1857. <*vogyNztprek arszabvauva. Taxa medicamentorum. (rvcigvas/.iit, Budapest, 1884, xxiii, 81 ; 97: 115; 130; 14,"); 16.">; ii)6; JS2. I4ou«l* Anvers. 1851. xn 149-166 Also Reprmt.-Dr. ObMerrer. Le picjet de loi sur le cumul. Scalpel, Liege, 18»7-8 xl ''91 30') - PHAKMACY. 53 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Legislation on). BELGIUM—continued. Sauvenr. Academie royale de medecine de Belgique; rapport ele la commission de legislation sur les requetes relatives ii la vente des medicaments en Belgique. Ann Soc. denied, prat, ele laprov. d'Anvers, Maliues, 1854, xii. 41-176. — Venle (De la) des medicaments en Belgique; rapport fait a l'Acade.nie de medecine par la commission ele legislation medicale. composee tie MM. Broeckx, de Hemptiime, de I.ahaye. Fallot, Francois, Lombard, Pas- qtlier, Vleiiiinckx et Sauveur, rapporteur. Ibid., 1853, xi, 403-447. — Vleminrkx. Note sur une question tiek'gisla- tiou medicale, [en ce qui concerne l'exercice de la pharma- cie]. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1882, 3. s., xvi, 201-210. CANADA. Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of Quebec. Quebec pharmacy act of 1875. 12c. Montreal, 1876. Oldright (W.) A sketch of the Ontario pharmacy act of 1869. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870, vi, 440-443. CUBA. Rodriguez (F. F.) Informe aeerca de la pretension de un farmaceutico para e jercer la profesion medica. Trab. Com. de med. leg. e big. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1874, ii, 443-445. DENMARK. Barthoeixus (T.) De visitatione officinarum phiirmaceuticarnm. Program ma 1.-5. 4C. Baf- niiv. 1672-6. Kongrli^e Anordning af 17de Nov. 1882 om de phar- maceutiske Examiner. A.eh.f. Pharm, Kjobenh., 1883, xl, 34-38. FRANCE. Barbette. De la necessite ele creer eles iu- speetenrs-geueraux, t[tii feiaicnt, a l'avenir, les visites prescrites par la loi eiu 21 germinal au XI. 8-. Niort, 1839. [Bogelot. ] Note pour les pharmaciens, parties civileset appelauts contre M. Popelin intim6. 4°. [Parts, 1873.] Buissox (J. A. A.) * Observations sur le code pharmaceutique. 4°. Paris. 1830. Cap [P.-A.] Rapport fait a la Society de pharmacie de Paris et a la Societe tie prevoyance des pharmaciens du departement tie la Seine sur la reorganisation de la pharniacie. 8C. Paris, 1834. Chevallier (J.-B.-A.) Essais sur les recher- ches a faire et les react.ifs a employer elans les visiles des officines tie pharmacie. les magasins dedrogueries etd'epiceries, etc. 8J. Paris, 1862. Commission ceutrale homceopathique. Me- moire a consulter pr^sente a hi cour imp^riale tie Poitiers au sujet eiu proces intente a M. le docteur Moreau par MM. Licand et autres, phar- maciens a Augouleme. 4 . [Paris, 18.")7.] Cour royale tie Renues. Arret correctionnel. 12 mai 1841. Les pharmaciens ele Nantes, appe- lants. Le sieur Bordeau, cafetier a Nantes, ]>r6- venii. 8°. Nantes, 1841. Debauchky(A ) M6moireaelress6 a Messieurs les pharmaciens ele Paris et ele Camhrai, au sujet du projet de loi sur l'exercice ele la pharmacie. 8 . Besancon, [». d. ] Repr. from ■ Rev. med. ele Besancon et de la Franche- Comte. Dupuy (E.) & Ricard(E.) Manuel pratique ele l'inspecteur des pharmacies on repertoire ge- neral ties attributions et eles devoirs des commis- sions tl'iuspectiou coinprenant 1° la legislation pharmaceutique concernant l'exercice de la phar- macie, les prete-iioms, les remedes secrets, l'ex- ercice illegal; 2° eles instructions sur la mauiere de faire les visites chez les pharmaciens, meele- cius, tlroguistes, epiciers, veterinaires, herbo- ristes; 3° eles tableaux synoptiques pour l'essai rapide et pratique eles ineelicameuts et des substances alimentaires; 4° ties modules ele rap- ports ele tons les actes en matiere tl'inspection des pharmacies. 12-. Paris, 1880. Pharmacy (Legislation on). FRANCE —continued. Etat de la jurisprudence sur l'application des lois concernant la pharniacie, et uotammeut tin decret du 18 aout 1810. 8-'. Nantes, [_n. d.] Favrot (C.) Repouse au rapport fait a la Societe tie pharmacie ele Bordeaux sur le libre exercice de la pharmacie par M. Robineau, au nom d'une commission chargee d'examiner cette question. 8°. Paris, 1864. Repr. from: Annee pharm., 4. Fleury (A.) Quelques notes en repouse au programme du Congres medical et sur l'opportu- nite ties reformes projetees. 8°. Paris, 1845. France. Extrait ties registres ele parlemeut [in relation to the sale of drugs by grocers, of which complaint had been maele by the apothe- caries]. 4'~. [Paris, 1704.] -----. Declaratiou du roi, portaut regle- ment pour les professions de la pharmacie et de l'epicerie a Paris. 4L. [Paris, 1777.] Fhaxce. Departement de ^instructionpubliqueet des beaux-arts. Euquetes et elocnmeuts relatifs a l'enseignement superieur. XXVIII. Meelecineet pharmacie; projets ele lois recueillis et publies par A. de Beauchamp. 1789-1803. 8-\ Paris, 1888. [Garxier (A.)] Memoire sur eli verses ques- tions relatives a la reorganisation ele la pharma- cie, presente a M. le miuistre ele l'instructiou publique. 4°. Paris, 1840. Gerard (F.) De la creation de nottvelles chaires d'applicatiou a la Faculte ties sciences de Paris; examen eiu rapport de M. Dumas. Lettre a M. le ministre charge ele modifier les lois exis- tautessur l'exercice ele la pharmacie. 8 . Paris, [1846?] Repr. from: Rev. scient. et industrielle, Par., 1846. Guiikiurt ( N.-J.-B.-G. ) Manuel legal eles pharmaciens et des eieves en pharmacie, on recueil des lois, arretes, reglements et instruc- tions concernant l'enseignement, les etudes et l'exercice de la pharmae'e, et coinprenant le pro- gramme des cours ele l'Ecede de pharmacie de Paris. 12°. Paris, 1852. Hureaux. Memoire sur la creation d'une pharmacie centrale mutuelle on entrepot general eles pharmaciens. Emancipation et regenera- tion de la pharmacie, le travail et l'activite ren- dus au laboratoire de chaque pharmacien par recoulement assure des produits. 8°. Paris, 1853. Latour (A.) Petition et memoire [eles phar- maciens du departement des Hautes-Pyreuees] pour elemander la repression des abus qui com- promettent la pharmacie, et I'ameiioration de la loi qui en tlirige l'exercice. 4°. [Tarbes, 1833, vel subseq. ] [Leloup (J.-A.) Pharmacien tie Liinotns, accuse de faire de la medecine.] 4°. [Paris, 1859.] Lepicard. Quelques consitierations geuerales sur les reformes pharmaceutiques et en particu- lier sur la limitation ties officines. 8°. Paris, 1859. Repr. from.- Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Rouen. 1858-9. Lepre (A.) Observations soumises a la cour royale de Reunes par les pharmaciens de Nantes, appellants d'uu jugement rendu par le tribunal de police correctionnelle de l'arrondissement ele Nantes, le 22 mai 1841. 8°. Nantes, 1841. -----. Deruieres observations soumises a la cour supreme par les pharmaciens de Nantes. 8°. Nantes, 1841. Mangix (A.) De la liberte de la pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1864. Memoire a consulter avaut de modifier les lois existantes sur la pharmacie. Deux projets tie PHARMACY. 54 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Legislation on). FRANCE—continued. discours qui devaient etre prononce.s au coiiseil ties ancieus afin d'obtenir la modification des lois votees par le conseil des ciuq-cents sur la partie de la police qui tieut k la medecine et a la pharmacie, par un ancien representant du peuple. Reeneillis par M. le Dr. Quesneville. 8°. Paris, 1-47. Repr. from: Rev. seient. et industrielle. Moride (E.) Ra[>port de la commission chargee par. la Societe tle3 pharmaciens de l'ouest de resouelre les questions ele pharniacie destiuees au Cougrfes medical. 8°. Nantes, 1845. Observations sur le projet de loi a l'etude relatif a l'exercice de la pharniacie presentees par le couseil el'administration de la Societe de prevoyance entre les pharmaciens du departe- ment de la Seine. 8C. [Paris, 1850, rel subseq.] Pasquier [-Nalixne] (C.) Projet d'organisa- tion medicate. 8°. Charleroi, 1846. Repr. from: J. de pharm. el'Anvers. -----. Repouse au discours de M. J. J. Re- made. 8°. CharUroi, 1847. Pexxes (A.) A messieurs les membres du Congres medical ele Paris. [Lettre sur la phar- macie.] 8°. Paris, 1845. Poirier (A.) fils. Lettres sur l'exercice illegal de la pharmacie. 8 . Poitiers, 1866. Repr. from: J. de la Vienne. Projet tie creation el'une pharmacie ceutrale des pharmaciens. 8°. Paris, 1852. Projet de loi sur l'exercice et la police de la pharmacie. 4l . Paris, 1879. Projet d'ordonnance sur la veute des sub- stances veneneuses. Acaeteniie royale de mede- cine. 4 \ [Paris, n. d.] Reflexions sur l'inutilite des changemens proposes au ministre ele l'interieur, elans l'exer- cice tie la medecine et tie la pharmacie en France. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Roche (S.) Nouveau recueil ele regleinents relatifs a la pharniacie. 8°. Paris, 1881. Societe meelicaleelu ueuviemearrondissement de Paris. Rapport fait a la Societe meelicale sur les eiuestions proposees dans le programme du Cougrt's uiedical de 1845. 8-\ Paris, [1845]. Societe de pharmacie de Bordeaux. 2me rap- port sur la question du libre exercice de la phar- macie a propos de la reponse tie M. Favrot. 8°. [Bordeaux, 1864.] Societe ele pharmacie ele Marseille. Aelresse a Messieurs les membres de la Chambre des Pairs relative au projet ele loi sur l'enseigneuient et les conditions d'etudes ele la pharmacie. 8°. Mar- seille, 1847. TtiRDEUX (A.-J.) Projet ele loi pour l'exercice ele la pharniacie. Rapport fait au cercle des pharmaciens ele Cambrai. 8-\ Cambrai, 1847. Universite ele France. Reglement relatif aux conconrs d'aggregation tlaus les ecoles ele phar- macie. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Adelon. Rapport [sur les abus qui se commettent journellement daus l'exercice de la pharmacie, et sur la uecessite de reformer la legislation sur ce point]. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1840-41, vi, 566; 577; 598; 687: 767.— Bournnl. Rapport sur l'instanee judiciaire contre l'ex- ercice illegal de la pharmacie. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1875. xlix, 485-490.—Brouardel (P.) & Rfgnmild (J.) Projet de loi sur la pharmacie; projet de revision de la l.ii du 21 germinal an xi (11 avril 1803). Nouv. remedes, Par., 1886, ii| 556-562. Also: Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub.de France 1886, Par., 1887, xvi, 337-359. Also: Me- decin clin., Par., 1887, iii, 8-11.—Burckhardt (G.) De l'exercice de la pharmacie par les congregations religieuses. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 86-88.—Bussy. Sur la liberie dans l'exercice de la pharmacie. J. de pharm. et ehim.. Par. 1*63, xii v. 369-381. Also, Reprint. -----. Rapport sur deux petitions relatives a la vente des medica- ments. Rec. <1. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1878, vii, 356-369.—C. (A.) Decisions judi- Pliariliacy (Legislation on). FRANCE—continued. eiaires qui tloivent etre connues des phamiaciens. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1834, x, 722-7::n. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1835, xiii, 224. —Clint in [& Duprc (P.)]. Exercice illegal de la pharmacie: vente de medica ments par la pharmacie etablie pies de la eliuique ophtluil- mologique tie l'Hospice national desQuiiizc-Viugts, il Paris. Deux rapports. Rec. el. trav. Comite consult, d'hvg. pub. de France 1885. Par., 1886, xv, 418-437.—Cluuule (K.) Sur la question de savoir si les medecins autoiises a, deli vrer ties medicaments a leurs malades, en vertti de l'art. 27 de la loi de germinal an xi, sout soumis a la meine inspec tion que les pharmaciens. Gaz. d. blip.. Par., 1882, lv, 137- 139.—[I'onilsinination intervenue contre la femmeGady (de Bavent) pour exercice illegal tie la pharmacie.] Aii- nee med., Caen, 1876, i, 125.—Dt'-cret relatif aux eondi tious k remplir pour obtenir le dipltime de pharmacien de premiere classe. Ibid., 1878, li, 685.—Vcvaux. Som- maire d'un projet tie loi sur l'enseignement, l'exercice et la police de la pharniacie. Monde pharm., Par., 1878, ix. 20E- 207.—Double. Rapport sur la nouvelle loi ties poids et mesures, consideree dans son application a l'exercice de la medecine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1838-1), iii, 981-988.- Duelou (G.) Quelques mots sur le projet de loi preseute par la eominissiou permanente ties pharmaciens de Paris. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1840, xix, 354-358. Also, Reprint. — Dupuy (E.) Fitudehistorique et legale sur les inspections ties pharmacies. Gay., med.-chir tie Toulouse, 18-8, xx. 19 : 27 ; 37 ; 52.—Duruy (V.) Circulaire adressee aux prefets, aux reeteurs, aux tlirecteurs d'ecoles supe- rieures de pharmacie: et d'ecoles preparatoires de medecine et pharniacie, relativement au mode de constatation du stage des aspirants au grade ele pharmacien. Gaz. xl. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 315— Kloy (C.) Le projet de loi sur l'exer- cice de la pharmacie et le rapport ele M. Naquet. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi. 116 ; 176.—Exercice illegal de la pharmacie. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1847, xxxvii, 206-210.— Exercice tie la pharmacie : question important* de la propriete des pharmacies. I bid., 1863, 2. s., xix, 206-214.— •le Fonl-Rcnulx (II.) De l'exercice illegal de la phar- macie. Mouvement med., Par., 1875, xiii, 553; 666; 736.— France. Ordonnance du roi. Organisation ties ecoles de pharmacie. J. d. conn. meel. prat.. Par.. 1840-41, viii, 30-32.—Gnrd. Liherte de la pharmacie pour le medecin. Concours uietl., Par., 1882, iv. 66-69.—Gavarrel (J.) Rapport sur les inspections anuuelles eles pharmacies, epi- ceries et droguenes. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. tie France, Par., 1876, v, 441-459. -----. Petition t'en- dant a obtenir pour les officiers de sante et les pharmaciens tie deuxieme classe l'autorisatiou d'exercer elans tons les departements. Ibid. (1882), 1883, xii, 287-290.—Gnerrier (L.) Le pharmacien n'a pas le droit de modifier une or- donnance de niedec in ; une pareille modification constitue le delittl'exercice illegal tie la meelecino; le pharmacien qui delivre un medicament pour un autre coramet le delit de tromperie sur la nature de la chose vendue, vin de qiiin- quina de Segnin. Union med., Par.. 1871. 3. s., xiii, 91-93. -----. Exereiee illegal de la pharmacie par un titulaire non proprietaire de la pharmacie ; societe anonyme ; man- quement aux prescriptions tie rordonnance royale du 25 avril 1777. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881. 3. s., vi, 71-74. Also: Soc. denied, leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1881-2, vii, 15-18.— Horteloup (E.) riiarmacie; vente d'une ofticine ; veu- deur non pourvu d'un diplome : chose hors de commerce; nullite de la vente. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 163- 166. Also: Soc. de med. leg. tie France. Bull., Par., lsso- 81, vi, 21-24.—Inspection (Sur 1') des pharmacies. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1886, xxvi, 33-52.—Jcannel. Rapport sur le vceu de 1'Association des medecins de la Loire et de la Haute-Loire, relatif k la repression de l'ex- ercice illegal de la medecine et de la pharmacie ele la part des pharmaciens. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1878, x, 267; 275.—Ijarnaudie. Rapport sur le projet tie loi concernant l'exercice et la police de la pharmacie, actuelle- ment k l'6tude au Conseil d'fitat. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Boreleaux, 1881, xxi, 1-20.—I,ereboullct (L.) Les nou- veaux projets de loi sur l'exercice de la pharmacie. Gaz. hebd. de meel., Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 618-620.—I;OCroy (E.) [et al. ] Projet ele loi sur l'exercice de la pharniacie. Bull. Soc. de pharm. tie Boreleaux, 1886, xxvi, 359-381.—I,orenu (A.) Projet de loi sur l'exercice de la medecine et de la pharmacie, avec la collaboration de M. Aug. Darragon, d'apres le systeme d'organisation de la medecine et tie la pharmacie pnblie par le docteur Loreau. Union med.. Par., 1847, i, 147-149. Also, Reprint,—Mayet. De la re- sponsabilite des pharmaciens. Soc de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1881-2, vii, 265-267. [Rap. deDeniange]. L'67-274. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s.,ix, 69-78.—Mich a low- ski. Vceu relatif & la repression tie l'exercice illegal de la medecine et de la pharmacie de la part des pharmaciens. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse. 1876, viii. 153. — lYole sur la vente des medicamens. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxii. 424- 430.—Pharmacien ; annouce dun reniede; insertion clans les journaux ; usurpation du nom d'un m6decin ; con- fnsion intentionnelle; responsabilite.; domniages-interets. [MoniteurjudiciairedeLyon.] Union med. Par. 1*79 3s., PHARMACY. 55 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Legislation on). FRANCE—continued. xxvii, 955.—Projet de loi relatif k l'exercice et k la police de la pharmacie Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1879, xix, 101-108. Also: Bull. d. trav. d. Soc. pharm., Lyon, 1879-80, i, 71-83.—Projet de loi sur l'exercice et la police de la pharmacie. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1882, xxii. 100-122.—Projet (Un) de loi sur la police de la phar- macie. Impartialite med et pharm.. Par., 1881. i, 67; 73.— I{eforme* (Les) de la legislation pharmaceutique. Seal- pel, Liege. 1879-80. xxxii. 315. —Keglement des examens probatoires de pharniacie de la Facnlte mixte de Bordeaux (lre et 2r classes). J. d conn. med. prat., Par., 1882, 3. s., xli\. 77 : 86.—Keglcmciit sur l'exercice de la pharmacie civile. Union pharm. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1879, vi, 2-4. —Kcglement relatif k l'examen de validation de stage exige des camlidats aux grades de pharmaciens de 1" et2' classe. Algermed., 1879, vii, 264.—Taillandier. Rapport fait a la chambre eles deputes sur les petitions des pharmaciens de Paris et des departemens, tendant a obte- nir une nouvelle loi organique de leur profession. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1839-40, vii. 183-185—Tout phar- macien qui delivre ties medicaments composes, sans orelon- nanee du medecin, est passible d'une amende tie 500 francs. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1864, 2. s., v, 189-192.—Tribu- lations el'un pharmacien de province a propos de re- formes. France med., Par., 1863, x. 530; 614 —Vce. Ob- servation sur le projet de loi a l'etude relatif a l'exercice de la pharmacie, present6 par le conseil d'administration de la Societe de prevoyance entre les pharmaciens du de- partement ele la Seine. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1851-2, xix, 548-550. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Baden; Bavaria; Han- over ; Hesse; Mecklenburg-Schwerin; Sax- ony ; Wiirtemberg. Augsburg. Taxa, sive pretium medicamen- torum simplicium, et compositorum, in officinis pharmaceutics Augustanis usualium. fol. [n. p., n. et] Boettger ( H. J. ) Die deutsche Apotheken- reforinbewegung der letzten Jahrzehntein ihrem Zusammeuhange mit der Eutwickeluug tier volks- wirthsclraftlichen Theorien der Neuzeit histo- risch-kritiseh elargestellt. 8°. Bunzlau, 1876. Deutscher Apotheker-Verein. Eutwurf zu einem Gesetze, die Errichtung, Verlegung und den Forthetrieh eler Apotheken betreffend. 8C. Augsburg, 1876. Deutscher Apothekergehilfen-Vereiu. Peti- tion und Gesetzentwurf die Regeluug des Apo- thekergewerbes betreffend. 8-. Berlin, 1872. Germany. Zusammeustellung der im Deut- schen Reiche und eleu Einzelstaaten vereiffent- lichten elie Apotheker herilhrendeu Mediciual- Verordnnngeu unel Erlasse. No. 12, Dec, 18-0; no. 1, Jan., 1881; nos. 3-7, March to Sept., 1881; no. 1, Jan., 1882; nos. 7-11, July to Nov., 1882. 8C. Berlin, 1880-82. Haxdverkauf-Taxe fur Apotheker. ">. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Hak.moxia et disharmonia taxarum, Das ist, Verjjleichung tier osterreichischen, rheinlaneli- schen, ober- unel nieeler-sachsischen Apotheker- Taxe. Mit knrzen Anmerkungen, warum etliche Misshelliokeiten eingeschlichen. Allen Liebba- heru der Mediciu, Wuiiel-Artzuey und Apotheker- Kunst, wie auch Jedens, tier eine Familie hat sehr niitzlich. sm. 43. Eannover u. Wolffen- biittel, 1700. Mextz. Reformatio, uud ernewerte Ordnung tlereu Aiiotecken unel was sich die ordinarii Medici, Chirurgi, Barhierer, unel anelere Angeho- rige in praxi medica in der churfiirstlichen Statt und Ertzstifft Meyntz hiufiii ter zu verhalten : Samt verordnetem Tax unel Aestimation, vvie nemhlich und in was Werth alle Artzneyen elurch die Apotecker hinfiiro verkatifft unel gegehen werelen solleu. Kiirztlich revidirt und von ne- wem wider anftgelegt. Mit gnedigstein Vor- wissen unel Betelch der hohen Obrigkeit. 4°. Meyntz, 1618. Mi iilhauskx. Erneuert- und verbesserte me- dicinal, apotheker, chirurgormn, uutl anelere da- Phai'inacy (Legislation on). GERMANY—continued. hin gehorige Ordnnngen, etc., samt beygefugt- revidirter Taxa, derer in hiesigen privilegirten Apotheken befindlicher Waaren uud Artzneyen, auch selbigen ertheiltes Privilegium, etc. E'ines Hoch Eelleu uud Hoehweiseu Raths der kayser- lichen freyen- und ties heiligen Reichs-Stadt Miihlhausen iu Thiiringen K. K. Zu jedermanus Wissenschaft uud Nachricht von neuem in den Druck gegehen. sm. 4-\ Miihlhausen, 1715. -----• Reyidirte und erueuerte Apotheker- Taxa aller Medicamenten, Materialieu, Spece- reyen uud Waaren, welche man bey denen privi- legirteu uud geschwortien Apothekern iu eler kayserlichen Reiehs-Statlt Miihlhausen zukauft'e nutlet, sm. 4°. Miihlhausen, 171."). Nuremberg;. Verbesserte brandenburgische Apotheker- uud Tax-Ordnuug eles Fiirstenthunis Bnrggraffthums Niirnberg unterhalb Gebiinis. fol. Onolzbach, [174f>]. Sommerfeudt (H.) Beitriige zur Belenchtung der Frage: "Ob Schutz oeler Gewerbefreiheit fiir Apotheker einzufiihron sei?" 8 . Berlin, 1H72. Stkassburg. Apothcker-Tax, oeler Verzeich- niss unel Tax aller Arzneyen, welche sich, auf Befehl eines hochloblicheu" Magistrats getlachter Stadt, in den Apotheken zu Strassburg nach der neuesten Verbesserung befiuelen, unel befinelen sollen. Dem Publico zum Besten offentlich an- gezeigetiu lateinisch-, deutsch-und franziisischeu Sprache. 4°. Strassburg, 1760. Taxa pharmaceutica universalis, oder Apo- thecker - Taxe, bestehenel iu der Augspurger, Brandenburger, Braunschweiger, Fraukfurther, Leipziger, Niirnberger, Prager, Ulmer, Wiener, Wurtemberger. Zu bequemen Gebrauch siimt- lich nebeu eiuander in Tabellen gesetzt, [etc.]. fol. Niirnberg, 1747. Taxa seu pretium tarn simplicium quam com- positorum juxta elispensatorium Wirtenbergicum pneparantlorum et aliorum in officinis pharma- ceuticis usualium medicamentorum maudato clementissimo serenissimi Domini Ducis adorna- tum et statntum. fol. Stuttgardice, 1741. Taxatio seu valor medicamentorum omnium, tarn simplicium, quam compositorum, quse in officina pharmaceutica Isuacensi prostaut. Tax oder Werth aller Arzeneyen, sowohl eiufachen als zusammengesetzten, welche in der Apotheken zu Eisenach zu linden. 8°. Jena, 1681. Triller ( D. W. ) [Pr.] prsemissa exercita- tioue medico-critica [with: Altera et tertia] in legem xvi, § 7. digestorum dc publicauis et vecti- galibus. 4'-. Wittebergce, [1777-8]. Valor sive taxatio medicamentorum tarn sim- plicium quam compositorum, quae iu officinis Francofurtanis prostaut. Tax und Werth aller dcren Artzneyen, welche in den Apotheckeu zu Francfurt anzutreffen und zu finden. 4^. Franckf. a. M., 1628. Wolff (E.) Die Einrichtung, Verwaltung unel Revision der Apotheken iu deu deutschen Buudesstaateu, nebst einer systematischen Zu- sammenstellung der das Apothekenwesen be- treffendeu, in Preussen, Bayern, Konigreich Saehsen, Wiirtemberg, Baden. Hessen, Gr.-H. Sachsen, Mecklenhnrg-Schweriu, und Braun- schweig erlassenen Gesetze, Verorduungeii unel Ministerial-Verfiigungen, so wie Anleitung zur Priifung der Arzueimittel anf Gruud eler Phar- macopoea germanica zum Gebrauch fiir Metli- ciualbeamte, Apotheker, Aerzte, unel Droguisten. 8°. Breslau, 1873. AlljjseineineApotheker-Ordnun;;furdasFiirsteuthuiii Hohenzollera-Sigmaringen, mit der Yerordnung den Ver- kauf giftartiger Substanzen von Kaufleuten uud Kramein PHARMACY. 56 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (Legislation on). GERMANY—continued. betreffend. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz.., 1835, i, 3. Hfr., 19-38— Becker. Fin Apothekergchiilfe als Frau enarzt. Vrtljschr. f. geiichtl. Med., Berl., 1875, n. F., xxii, 43-59. — Bliiwelilco. Ueber Freigebung ties Apo- tliekei Gewerbcs und Aufhebung der Arzneitaxe. Vrtlj- schr. f. geiichtl. it. off. Med., Berl., 1870, xiii, 157-168.— Horner (P.) Die Apothekenffage und die Commission fiir Ordnung des Apotbekenwesens, 10. bis 18. August 1874. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.. Brnschwg., 1875, vii, 609-636.—Burgl. Nochmals die Freigebung des Apothekergewerbes und die Dispensirfreiheit der Aerzte. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1873, xx, 53-56.—Burk. Be- richt iiber die Verhandlungen der vom Reichskanzleramt im Oktober 1874 nach Berlin einberufenen Sachverstaudi- gen-Kommission zur Berathung des Entwurfs einer mo- dificirten, den Verkehr mit Arzneiwaaren betreffenden Verordnung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1875, xiv, 59-61.—Choulant (J. L.) Das Apothe- kerwesen im Verhaltniss zum Staate. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1821,433-442. Also [Rev.]: 1822,145-192. -----. Gutachten iiber Arzneiwaarenhandel. In his: Answ. v. Gutacht. med.-for., 8°, Drestl., 1853, 14-25.—Diez (A.) Ueber den Verkauf vou Geheimmitteln. Ann. el. Staats- arznk., Fr;eib., 1842, vii, 137-151.—Faber. Ueber die Anweisimgen zurAbgabe vou Gift aus den Apotheken. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1841, xi, 41-43. — Flcischhauer. Bekauntmachung, betreffend einige Abanderungen tier Taxe tier Arzneimittel. Ibid., 1870, xl, 269-276. — Fiirstlich Anhalt-Dessauische Ver- ordnung wcgen Verkauf eler Brech- und Purgiimittel aus Apotheken. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1796, ii, 112.— (<< In In- (Ueber die), welche den Einwohnern eines Staats droht, wenu die Apotheken iiber ihren Werth verkauft werden, nebst einem Vorschlage zu deren Ab- wendiing. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1826, xi, 153-187.—C»eNetv.sgebung (Die) im Herzogthume Nassau hinsichtlich des Apothekcrweseiis. Jahrb. d. ges. Staats: aizuk.. Leipz., 1838, iv, 633-660.—Hiinle (G. F.) Ent- wurf einer allgemeinen und bestaudigeu Apothekertaxe. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a, M., 1812, v, 28-64. -----. Entwurf zu einer der Zeit angemessenen Apothe- ker-Ordnung. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Tubing., 1837, ii, 189-262.—HauNsler (F.) Beleuchtung tier von Wede- kind'schen Griinde fiir das Selbstdispeusiren tier Aerzte. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1830, x, 202-219.—In- Ntructiou zur Untersuehung der Apotheken im Kiinig- reiche Bayern. Ibid., 1837, xxxiv, 194-212.—Jack (J.) Leber allgemeine Gewerbefreiheit im Apothekerbetriebe. Allg. med. f.Vntr -Ztg.. Berl., 1842, xi, 133-136—| Kaiwer- lieb - kouigliehe Veiordnung wegen ties l'reises tier Arzueyen in Apotheken.J Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1796, i. 158-160.— Klose (('. L.) Ueber unbesehninkte und besehriinkte Apothekenfreiheit. Ztschr. f. el. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1843, xiv, 25-38. -----. Entwurf einer Apothe- ken-Orduung. (Nebst erlauternden Anmerkungen.) Ibid., 1844, 33. Ergnzngshft., 1-103— Kopp (J. H.) Ueber Apo- thekenvisitationen und iiber einige aiidciv die Apotheken, sowie die polizeiliehe und geiichtliche Chemie betielfende Gegenstande. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. AL, 1808. i, 65-96.—Kriigelslein. Nach welehen (Jrund- siitzen hat die Gesuudheitspolizei bei Ertheilung der 1<>- lauliniss zur Aulegung netier Apotheken zu verfahien? Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1857, lxxiv, 1-29.— ITIurtius (T. W. C.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber einen Aufsatz des Herrn Regierungs- und Medicinalrathes Fischer in Erfurt, das Selbstdispensireu der Landarzte be- treffend. Ibid., 1828, xvi, 411-438.—ITIeincl. Die Apo- theker-Gesetzgebung von Elsass-Lothringen. Arch. f. tiff. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1887, xi, 86-143.—Ncvcrniann. Ernstliehe Bitte an alle Regierungeu, namentlich an die Mecklenburgs, dem furchterlichen Wucherhandel der Apotheker unter sich zu Steiiern und auf die Aulage meh- rerer Apotheken zu sehen. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Tiibiug., 1838. iii, 316-322.—l*rivilegien (Von den) unel andein Rechtsverhaltnissen der Ajiotheker. Jahrb. d. ges. Staats- arznk., Leipz., 183!). v, 6i5-708.—Hichtcr. Ueber den wahrgenommenen Mangel an Apothekergeliiilfen und Lehrlingen. Ann. el. Staatsarznk., Freib., 1843, viii, 739- 7G4.__Saehaen-Weimar: Medicinalordnung, die (Apo- theker-) Gehiilfen und Lehrlinge betreffend. Arch. d. deutsch. Metl.-Gesetzgeb. u. oil. Csnelhtspflg., Erlang., 1858, ii, 329-330—Wellreiber. Ueber das Foitbestehen des Handverkaufes in den Apotheken innerhalb natiir- licber und iK>thweiidigcr Grenzen. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1843, xlvi, 408-418— Siebert (F.) Staat- liche Beschiankung oder Freigebung des Verkaufs tier Arzneiwaaren. Vrtljschr. f. geiichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1872, xvi, 291-301.— Verordnung, die neue Medikamen- tentaxe betreffend. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib., 1842, vii, 358-381.—Veizeichniss der Gifte und tier lieftig wiikentlen Arzneimittel, deren Verkauf den Apothekern un.l Materialisten nuruntc i Beobachtungder Vorschritten nach dem Ausschreiben kurfiirstlichen Ministeriums ties Innern vom 25. Oktober 1823, gestallet ist. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang.. 1824, vii, 453-45,.—Weber. Be leuchtung tier Frage. oh die Beschiaukung der Koukur- Pliarinacy (Legislation on). GERMANY—continued. renz in der Aulage von Apotheken uud die Feststellung einer bestimmten Arzneitaxe in sanitatspolizeilichem In teresse dauernd geboten ist, oder ob event, unter wclcheni Bedingungen die Freigebung des Apotheker-GewerbeH zuliissig erscheint? Vrtljschr. I. geiichtl. u. citf. Med, Berl., 1869, x, 297-374. — von Wedekind. Sc riosa— mein letztes Wort iiber das Selbstdispeusiren tier Aerzte. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1830, xx, 452-455.- Wilflberg (C. F. L.) Welches Verfahien muss in gnl polizirteu Staateu von den Apothekern in Hinsicht alle. eingegangenen uud bereits dispensirten Recepte gelbrdeii werden? Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835, i, :i. Hft., 8-12. —Wiminel (T.) Die Apothekenfrage und die Commission fiir Ordnung ties Apotbekenwesens vou einer anderen Seite betrachtet. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1876, viii, 221-229. ' GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this list, Australia; Canada. Frazku (D.) The pharmacy acts amendment hill of li-83. Lecture on the proposed changes in the pharmacy act of 1S68, anil in the educa- tional system of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 81-. Glasgow, 1883. Great Britain. Parliament. An act to regu- late the sale of arsenic. [5thJune, 1851.] Cap. xiii. s°. Edinburgh, [1851]. -----. House of Lorels. A hill intituled An act to amend the pharmacy act 1868. 19 June, 1871. fol. [London, 1871]. -----. House of Commons. A hill to insti- tute a pharmaceutical society, and to regulate the qualifications of pharmaceutical chemists in Ireland, and to establish certain relations be- tween the pharmaceutical societies of Great Britain and Ireland. 13 May, 1875. fol. [Lou- don, 1875. ] -----. House of Commons. A hill [as amended in committee] to institute a pharmaceutical so- ciety, and to regulate the etualifications of phar- maceutical chemists anel of chemists and drug- gists in Ireland. 21 June, 1&75. fol. [London, 1875.] -----. A hill intituled An act to amend the pharmacy act 1852 anel the pharmacy act 18(18. 28 March, 18*7. fol. [London, 1887.] -----. House of Lords. A hill intituled Au act to amend the pharmacy act 1852, the phar- macy act 1868, and the pharmacy act (1868) amendment act 186. Bill (A) for regulating the qualifications of pharma- ceutical chemists, and for other pin poses in connexion with the practice of pharmacy. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i. 701- 703.—Bouilhon. Reglementation de la phaimacie en Augleterre. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvi, 76-83. HANOVER. Koniglich Haunoverische Verordnung, das Apothe- kerwesen, und den Handel der Apotheker, Fabrikanter., Droguisten und Materialisten mit Arzneien und andern in the Materia medica einschlagenden Waaren betreffend. Ztschr. 1. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1826, 6. Erguzngtjhft., 120-175. PHARMACY. 57 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (Legislation on). HESSE* Hesse. Apotheker-Taxe fiir Kurhessen. 4°, Cassel, 1827. -----. Arzneimittel-Taxe fiir elie Apotheken des Grossherzogthunis Hessen. 8°. Darmstadt, 1884. Bopp. Die Gesetzgebung im Grossherzogthume Hes- sen in Bezug auf das Apothekerwesen. Jahrb. d. ges Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, ifi. 218-240—(Kiewely.jjebuii;; (Die) im Kurfurstenthuni Hessen iiber Apothekerwesen, mit Uiickblicken auf die Geschichte desselhen in Hessen. Ibid., 1839, v, 640-674 —Iturfui'Mtlieh-liessiwelie Ver ordnuug vom 13. September 1827. die Pharmakopbe und die Apothekertaxe betreffend.. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang., 1828, xv, 229-232. ITALY. Aberti. Codice sanitario farmaceutico od ordinamento dell esercizio farmaceutico iu Italia. Progetto eli legge. 8U. Vicenza, 1882. Comiso. Tariffa eli medicaineuti deliherata dalla congregazione eli carita eli Comiso il 7 febbrajo 1886/ 12°. Comiso, 1886. Petizioxe al senato dei farmacisti italiani. 8°. [Roma, n. d.] Tassa de meelicinali seinplici, composti, e spagirici, elisposta con 1' ordine delF alfabetto e pubhlicata dall' . . . Collegio eli meelicina et . . . Compagnia elegli speciali della citta eli Bologna l'anno m.elcci. fol. Bologna, [1701]. Tassa elelle robhe meelicinali tanto semjilici quauto composte ad uso eli questa illustrissima citta di Modana et suo ilistretto. Dall' illustris- sima communita, e dall' eccellentissimo colleg- gio de signori medici con 1' intervento delli eletti del collegio elespetiali, con ogni cautezza e.satta- niente revista, et approvata il presente anno 1677, fol. Modana, 1677. Taxa anui m.dcci seu prtetia Veueta rerum meeliciualium, tam simplicium, tain composi- tarum. fol. [Venetiis, 1701.] Casliglioni (P.) Sul libero esercizio della farmacia. [From: Ann. di meel. pub , maggio 1868. | Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1868, xi. 163; 185. — Dcmarchi [ G. ] Sul libero esercizio farmaceutico in Italia. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1861, 2. s., xiii, 449-491.— <»iauelli (G L.) Sulla liberta dell'esercizio farmaceu- tico considerata di fronte alle esigenze della igiene pub- blica. (lazz. med ital. lomb , Milano, 1868, 6. s., i, 105- 111.— VI argot In (G.) La liberta e la limitazione nell' esercizio della farmacia. Gior. di clin., temp, e med. pubb, Napoli, 1888, xix, 113-129.—Biispini ( G.) Dei mezzi di migliorare la condizioue del farmacista. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1868, 6. s., i, 265; 273.—Slrambio (G.) Su '1 libero esercizio della farmacia. Ibid., 1854, 3. s., v, 93-100. — Touini (F.) Sulla necessita tli discipli- nare 1' esercizio degli erbajuoli, e di toglierel' abuso della vendita illegale di sostanze meelicamentose. Ibid., 1848, 2. s , i, 241-243.—Totli (O.) La liberta. e la limitazione nell' esercizio della farmacia. Farmacia, Roma, 1880-81, ii, 313; 329.— Vidoni (C.) Proposto di un regolamento per impedire la vendita abnsiva dei meelicinali. Ann. univ. di med. Milano, 1865, exeii, 593.—Xuechi (C. ) Sulla pretesa illegality delle visite alle farmacie in Lombardia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1865, 5. a., iv, 225; 257; 271; 280. -----. A proposito ilella reforma delle farmacie. Ibid., 1868, 6. s., i, 329-335. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. Wildberg (C. F. L.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Apothekerwesen, veranlasst durch die gegenwartige Stel- lung der Apotheker im Grossherzogthume Mecklenburg- Schweriu. Jahrb. el. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1839, v, 29-37. NETHERLANDS. van Catz-Smallknburg (F. ) Bedenkingen omtrent de geneesknndige staatsregeling, naar aanleieling van het rapport de commissie tot herziening van dezelve, hepaaldelijk den stantl des apothekers betreffende. 8°. Leyden, 1842. Hdlland. Aelvies omtrent het emelerwijs in de geueeskunst en in ele artsenijbereielkuiist. Outwerp van wet op de examens ter uitoefening der geneesknnst en eler artsenijbereidkunst met memorie van toelichting. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1850. Repr. from: Rapport der commissie, benoemed bij ko- ninklijke besluiten van 25. Julij en 4. Aug. 1848. Pharmacy (Legislation on), NETHERLANDS—continued. -----. Ontwerp van wet, regelende de uit- oefening der artsenijbereielkunst en den handel in geneesmidelelen en inheelkundige werktuigen. No. 4. fol. ['s Gravenhage, 1856-7.] -----. Memorie van toelichting tot het ont- werp van wet regelende de uitoefening der art- senijbereidkunst en elen handel in geneesmid- elelen en iu heelkuudige werktuigen. No. 5. fol. ['s Gravenhage, 1856-7.] -----. Memorie van teielichting tot het ont- werp van wet, regelende het onderzoek naar ele hekwaamheid van aanstaande geneeskunstoefe- naren en apothekers. No. 9. fol. ['» Graven- hage, 1856-7.] •Cohen (L. A.) De gevolgen der wet op de uitoefening der artsenijbereidkunst voor de apothekers. Nederl. Tijel- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867. 2. R., iii, 1. Afd., 369.— Ontwerp van wet, regelende de uitoefening der artsenij- bereidkunst. Ibid., 1862, vi, 388-393. — Vcrkoop van kuakzalversmiddeleu door apothekers. [Dept. Leeuwar- den.J tieiieesk. Courant, Tie], 1882, xxxvi, no. 45.—Wil- leinwc (.1. W.) Iu hoe verre zou men, by gebrek van de apotheek, uit keltler en keuken de vereischte geneesmid- tielon, ook tegen de zwaarste ziekten en kwaalen, zo uit- als inwendig, kunnen bekomen; mits uitzonderende de volgende middelen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, delfzuuren, rhabarber, en ipecacoauna. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Ge- nootsch., Amst., 1788, xiii, 1119-1164. NORWAY. IH art in (G.-F.) Rapport sur l'organisation de la phar- macie eu Norvege. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1838-9, vi, 176-181. Also, Reprint. Also: J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1839, 2. s., v, 278-284. PERU. I-1 Ion. La reforma farmaceutica y informe de la comi- sion de visitas a, los establecimientos de farmacia. Gac. med. de Lima, 1864-5, ix, 265; 277. POLAND. Jnuiuowsky (S.) Czy pomylka aptekarska stala sie przyczyn^ smierci? [Medicolegal case; was death caused by the'mistakeof the apothecary ?| Przegl.lek., Krakow., 1870, ix, 10-13. PORTUGAL. Portugal. Regimento dos precos tlos medi- camentos simplices, preparados, e compostos, assim como se elescrevem na farmacopea geral do reino, feito, e publicado por ordem tie . . . para governo dos boticarios no reino tie Portugal e Al- garves. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1818. -----. Regimento dos precos tlas drogas me- elicinaes, e dos medicaineutos preparaelos, simpli- ces, e compostos, feito, e puhlicaelo por ordem de para governo dos boticarios dos reinos de Portu- gal, Algarves, e seus elominios. oblong 8 . Lis- boa, 1831. Sociedade pharmaceutica Lusitana. Copia ela representacao enderecada pela ... as C6rtes geraes ela nacao portugueza, renovando a sua pretencao contra o pagamento de emolumentos pelas visitas £s hoticas, de novo suscitaelo pelo conselho de sauele publicado Reino. 8°. Lisboa, 1843. for re a (J. D.) Chronologia de todas as leis. alvar&s, decretos, portarias, editaes, etc., relativos aos pharmaeeu- ticos, desde a fundacao da monarchia portugueza. J. Soc. pharm. lusit., Lisboa, 1875, 7. s., i, 135: 1876, 7. s., ii. 114: 1878, 7. s., iv, 81: 1879, 7. s., v, 4: 1880, 8. s.. i, 123: 1881, 8. s., ii, 3.—da Silva (P. J.) O regimento dos medica- mentos passado, presente, e future da pharmacia portu- gueza. Correio med. de Lisb., 1876-8, vi, 124; 135; 152; 163: 225—de Sousa Telle* (J. J.) Relatorio sobre a abolicao do regimento dos precos das hoticas. J. Soc. el. sc. med. de Lisb., 1877, xii, 41-51. PRUSSIA. Kadner (P. T. N.) *De pharmacopoliis rite condendis, administrandis, inspiciendis. 4°. Vratislarice, [1842]. Llxdes (W.) Vollstandige Sammlung aller Gesetze unel Verorduungen, welche in Bezug auf das Apothekenwesen fiir die keiuiglich preus- sischen Staaten erlassen sind. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1843. PHARMACY. 58 PHAUMACV. Pharmacy (Legislation on). PRUSSIA—continued. Prussia. Konigliehe preussische unel churn. braudenburgische Medicinal-Edict unel Ordnung, wie auch erneuerte Apothecker-Taxa, anff Seiner koniglichen Majestat allergnadigsten Verord- nung aufs neue herausgegeben unit publiciret, vou tlero Ceillegio medico. Die 3. Aufl., mit elem frautzosischen und andern Sachen vermehret, wenon die beygefligte Vorretle ausfiihiTiche Nachricht ertheilen wirel. Mit Ihro keinigl. Ma- jestiit allergnadigsten Privilegio. sin. 4°. Ber- 'lin, 1715. -----. Revidirte und erneuerte Taxa, aller auf den Apotheken beunellicher Medicameuten. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1715. -----. Revidirte Ordnung, nach welcher die Apotheker in den koniglichen preussischen Lan- eleu ihr Kunst -Gewerbe hetreihen sollen. 4°. Berlin, 1801. -----. Koniglich-preussische Arznei-Taxe fiir 1804; 1832; 1849; 1853'; l«57-9; 1801-4; 1806- 8; 1*70-74; 1875-80; 1883-5. 4° & 8°. Berlin, 1804-85. -----. Veriintlerungen. eler Arznei-Taxe fiir 1843. 8°. Berlin, [1843]. Seiler (G.) [Pr.] de venditioue medicami- tiniii, quae lit a mercatoribus prtefatus. 4°. Vite- bergce, [1806]. Staas (W.) Die preussischen Apothekerge- Retze mit sammtlichen Erganzungen und Erliiu- ternngen fiir den praktischen Gebrauch zusam- niengestellt. 8". Berlin, is:>8. -----. The.same. 3. Anil. 8C. Berlin, 1870. -----. Die Apotheker - Gesetze nach elent- schem Keichs- unel preussischem Landes-Recht, mit sammtlichen Erganzungen und Erlauterun- gen fiir den praktischen Gehrauch zusammeuge- stellt. Nen bearbeitet von C. Zander. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Strempel ( J. C. F. ) Untersnchungen iiber Arznei-Taxen mit besonelerer Hinsicht auf elie iiltere preussische, hannoversche und anf elie neue preussische Arznei - Taxe. 4°. Rostock, is:?:?. ZriREK (0. A.) Sammlung eler Gesetze unel Verorduungen, welche im preussischen Staatefiir den Verkehr mit Arzneien und Giften in Geltnng begriffen sind. s3. Berlin, IS55. Betrachtungen iiber die koniglich preussische Arz- nei-Taxe von 1849. Von einem Armenarzte. Rhein. Mo- natsc.hr. f. prakt. Aerzte. Koln, 1849. iii, 96-116.—Euleu- berjj (H.) [Das Apothekerwesen in Preussen.l In his: Medicinalwesen in Preussen, roy. 8°, Berl., 1873-4, 443-575. Also, Reprint.—Fiseher. Ueber die Ersparnisse in der Receptor fiir angehende preussische Aerzte. J. d.'pract. Heilk.. Berl., 1828, lxvii, 3. St., 80-93.—Koch (C. K.) Ue- ber die Rechtsverhaltnisse und das Eigenthum der con- cessiouirten Apotheker in Preussen, aus dem Gesichts- punkte des Rechts und des Gemeiuwohls. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1844, xiii, 71-73. — Koltsch (H.) Ein 1'aar VVorle iiber die preussische Arzneitaxe. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1K5H x 359: 368.—Miiller (E.) Die preussische Arz-nei- Tax'e. Med. Ztg, Berl., 1854, xxiii, 115-118. — Pistor. licitra'r zur Reform ties Apotbekenwesens in Preussen. Vrtljselir. f. geiichtl. Med., Berl., 1875, n. F., xxii, 103-119.— N< hue lit (J. E.) Ueber die Piincipien der preussischen Arznei Taxe und den Gevinn ties Apothekers durch elie- selbe. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1849, 282; 294; 3]0 — Seliubert (A.) Sind die Apotheker in Preussen zuruuent^ildlichen Verabreichung von Ai -zneic n verptiich- tet' Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. iitf. Gsiidhts- ptl«■<'>.<' (N.) Die neue russische Arzneitiixe. St. Pe- tersb. med. Ztschr., 1862, ii, 50-56. SAXONY. Saxony. E. e. unel hochweiseu Raths tier Stadt Leipzig fiir elie Apeitheken daselhst aufge- richtete und von Churf. Durchl. zu Sachsen gnii- digst contirmirte Ordnung und Taxa. sm. 4'--. Leipzig, [1689]. -----. Z weiter Nachtrag zur zebu ten Au flage der Arznei-Taxe fiir elas Konigreich Sachsen auf tlas Jahr 1S85. 8-'. [Dresden, 1885.] -----. Z weiter Nachtrag zur fiiuften Auflage der thieriirztlichen Arznei-Taxe fiir das Konig- reich Sachsen auf tlas Jahr 1885. 8°. [Dresden, 1885.] Krause ( W. ) Ueber die erwartete Apotlieker-Ord- nung fiir das Konigreich Sachsen. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1840, iii, 3-24.—Otbelt. Febi'i die Apotheker-Prufuiigen besondersin Sachsen. Ibid., 1842, iv, 145-169—Verord- nuu$; ties Ministeriums des Innern; (Konigreich Sach- sen),'die Priifung eler Apothekergehiilfen bed., vom 18. Februar 1876. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Ktinigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1876, xx, 41 -44. — Vcrordiiuug das Repetiren der Recepte betr. Ibid., 1877, xxii, 65. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. lVIichaclis (G. A.) Ueber die Anlegung neuer Apo- theken in den Herzogthiiinern. Mitth. a. d. Geh. d. Med., etc., Altona, 1838-9, vi, 9.-10. Hit., 78-96. — Zeise ( H. ) Ueber die Apotheken in Schleswig unci Holstein in iner- kantilischer und statistischer Beziehung, mit Riicksicht auf den Aufsatz des Hrn. Dr. Michaelis iiber dieseu Ge- geustand. Ibid., 11.-12. Hft., 1-85. -----. Versuch einer Witlerlegung einiger Einwiirfe, betreffend den im II. unci 12. Hefteeler Mittheilungen erschienenen Aufsatz: Ueber die Apotheken in den Herzogthiimern Schleswig uud Hol- stein vou H. Zeise. Ibid., 1839-10, vii, 9.-10. Hft, 1-32, 1 tab. SERVIA. Servia. Taksa apotekarska. [Standard of prices of drugs.] 4°. Beogradu, 1881. SPAIN. -See, also, in this list, Cuba. Barloliui (M. P.) El ctidigo penal y la legislacion sanitaria eu el ejercicio de la profesion de farmacia. Pro- greso med . Mail rid, 1877, ii, 241 ; 251; 276; 314; 339; 347 — C'. (J.) Dificultades que ha de.veneer todo proyocto viahl" de ordenanzas de farmacia. ('ones)), nit'cl., iladrid, 1878, xiii, 357: 1879, xiv, 10; 17. — Ejereicio tie la farina eia; interrogatorio que la comision nombruda por S. M. para el arreglo de la profesion medica ha tlirigido k t nlo ■ los colegios tie la ensenanza tie la farmacia y & todas las asociaciones do farmaceuticos del Reino. Bol. ele med.. cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1834-5, ii, 535. —On re ia (R. l'.i Un pro'yecto de organizacion farmaceutica. Farm, espah., Madricfl880. xii,257; 273; 289; 305; 337; 353.—Hernando (F.) Restauracion de las ordenanzas de farmacia. Pahellon med.. Madrid, 1874, xiv, 517-520.—Iiiatrucciou aprobada por la junta snprenia tie sanidad para gobierno de los sub- delegatlos de farmacia en las provincias y jiartitlos 6 distri- tos del Reino. An. cl. Tnst. meel. de emulac, Madrid, 1842-3. i.209-221.—de IjinareN y Gomez (J.) Reclama cion contra la ley que exige 25 ahos para recibir el grado tie licenciado eii farmacia. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1836, iii, 23.—Jin* en pro de la coustitucion del cuerpo medico-farmaceutic.o forense. Jurado metl.-farm., Madrid, 1881, ii, 377.—IVuevaw ordenanzas de farmacia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vii, 273-277— Ordcnauxa* para el ejercicio do la profesion de farmacia, coinercin de tlrogas v venta de plantas medicinahs. Especialista. Ma- drid. I860, ii, 151; 166; 182. —Pardo y Karloliui (M.) El codigo penal y la legislacion sanitaria en el ejercicio de la profesion de farmacia. Somanario farm.. Madrid, 1876-7, v, 361; 377.— Proyeeto de ley para el ejereicio de la farmacia. Farm, espaii.. Madrid, 1883, xv. 449; 481 ; 497. Also: Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1883, vii. 463; 480: 494; 510: 528.—Ronquillo (J. O.) Apuntes soluv el ejercicio de l.i farmacia. Pahellon mc'cl., Madrid. 1867. vii, 70; 84; 95; 108; 120.—Seoane (M.) Esposicion tie varios farma- ceuticos tie Leon acercade las visitas ordinariasde hoticas. An. cl. Inst. med. de emulac, Madrid, 1842-3, i. 89-106. SWEDEN. Bet.knkmng og Forslag til Grundsietninger, hvorefter en ny Medicinal-Taxt antages at hurele forfatles. [Prices for apothecaries.] 8U. Chris- tiania. 1,^55. PHARMACY. 59 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (Legislation on). SWEDEN—continued. [Dahlgren (J. A.)] Apotekerietoch allmiin- heten eller huilken nyttaeller skada bar det nu radan ele systemet for apotekareyrkets utofning i Sverige tilIskyndat det Svenska folket ? Huilka forandringar deri har alhniinheten riitt att snart fa geneiniforda? 8°. Stockholm, 1870. Wistuani) (A. T.) Minuesbok lor apothekare etch pharmacevter. En kort anvisning om ele hufvudsakligaste foreskrifter metlicinalforfatt- ningarna innehalla rorande apotheksyrket. 8°. Stockholm, 1854. AI in <'■■ (A.) Oefversigt af de under fir 1869[-1874] till apotheken utdelacle forfattningar. Upsala LSkaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 257: 1870-1, vi, 529: 1872, vii, 632: 1873, viii, 014: 1875-6, xi, 108. -----. Nya medicinal-och laboratioustaxan jeiufdida med aldre taxo'r. Ibid., 1869-70, v, 270; 308. SWITZERLAND. Basel. Neue Apotheker-Taxa eler Stadt Basel. sm. 4°. Basel, 1701. Neiciiatkl (Canton of). Le conseil d.'e'tat de la r6publiqne et canton ele Neuchatel. [Arret6 pour l'aeloption de la secouele Petition ele la Phar- macopee Suisse, et tin poiels decimal dans les pharmacies.] 8°. [Neuchatel, 1872.] -----. Reglement pour les examens des ap- prentis pharmaciens. Le conseil d'etat de la re~- publique et canton de Neuchatel. Le 3 avril 1877. 8°. [Neuchatel, 1877.] TUNIS. Deeret du 6 chaoual 1305 (15 juin 1888), concernant l'exercice de la pharmacie dans la regence tie Tunis. Im- partiable med., Par., 1888, viii, 757. TURKEY. Reglement sur l'exercice de la pharmacie civile. 8°. Constantinople, 1863. Text in French and Turkish. UNITED STATES. Kansas. Prohibitory law, as amended, with opinions of the attorney-general in reference to parts thereof. The pharmacy law, with forms of application, etc. The dentistry law, anel board of health law, with names and atldresses of the various boards. 8°. Topeka, 1885. Michigan. S. A bill to regulate the sale of medicines anel poisons. No. 43. Iutrod. by Sena- tor Benjamin, Jan. 24, 1879. Rep. by committee on public health, Jan. 31, 1879. fol. [Lansing, 1879. ] -----. An act to regulate the practice of phar- macy in the State of Michigan. Approved June 2d, 1885. 8°. [Lansing, 18^5.] New York (City). Report of the executive committee of the Apothecaries' Union of New York City and suburbs, in relation to the elrug- law anel the legal regulation of pharmacy, inclutl- ing address of Dr F. Hoffmann ; copy of the pres- ent New York City drug-law, and tlraft of pro- posed new law. 8°. New York, 1871. New York (State). S. An act to regulate the dispensing and sale of poisons within this State. No. 113. Feb. 3, 1880. Iutrod. by Mr. Astor. fol. [Albany, 1880.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the prac- tice of pharmacy, the licensing of persons to carry on such practice, and the sale of poisons. No. 542. Feb. 17,1882. Iutrod. bv Mr. Parker, fol. [Albany, 1*82.] Pennsylvania. An act to regulate the prac- tice of pharmacy anel sale of poisons, and to pre- vent adulterations iu drugs anel medicinal prep- arations in the city of Philadelphia. Approved April 14, 1872. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1872.] Philadelphia Drug Exchange. Stamp tax on medicinal preparations. Report of the action of the ... in reference to Schedule C of the in- ternal-revenue law as construed by Commissioner Douglass. Oct., 1873. 8°. Philadelphia, 1)573. Pharmacy (Legislation on). UNITED STATES—continued. Stcrges (E. B.) The Druggists' Legal Direc- tory. 8°. Philadelphia, [1870]. Unitf.d States. Congress. H. R. A bill to impose a duty of ten per centum on the sulphate of quinine. 46. Coug., 2. sess. H. R. 5327. In- troel. by Mr. Kelley, March 22, 1880. roy. 8J. [Washington, 18r0.] -----. S. A bill to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the District of Columbia. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 3385. Iutrod. by Mr Faulk- ner, July 27, 1888. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1*88.] -----. An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the District of Columbia. 50. Cong., 2. sess. 11. R. 12498. In S. Feb. 7, 1889. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1889.] United States. Treasury Department. Com- missioner of Internal Revenue. Regulations, in- structions, decisions, etc., relating to the manu- facture, stamping, removal, sale, etc., of medi- cines, anel meelicinal preparations and composi- tion, perfumeries, anel cosmetic articles, under Schedule C, including the most important sec- tions of the law on the subject. United States internal revenue. (Special, No. 145.) 8°. Wash- ington, 1873. Act licensing apothecaries and druggists and regulating the sale of drugs. Rep. Bd. Health South Car., Columbia, 1882, iii, 117-120.—Alabama. An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy, and the sale of poisons in cities and towns of more than 1,000 inhabitants in the State of Ala- bama. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1887, 214-217.— American Pharmaceutical Association. Draft of a law to regulate the practice of pharmacy and the sale of poi- sons, and to prevent the adulteration of drugs and medi- cines. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass. 1869, Phila., 1870, xvii, 51-59. Also, Reprint.—Edes (R. T.) The relations of drug manufacturers to the progress of therapeutics. Boston M. & S. J., 1880, cii, 49-52. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, app., pp. xciii-ci.—Hue*ted (A. B.) Pharmacy laws, anel the benefits derived from them. Tr. M. Soc. N. T.. Syracuse, 1886.571-575.—Kedzie ( R. C. ) Labelling medicines ; report of the State board of health. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing. 1878, x, 23- 26.—Law regulating the business of pharmacy in the State of Nebraska. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 361-363.—Lawrence (W.) Liability of druggists. Cin- cin. Lancet & Obs., 1863, vi, 296-300. — Legislation (The) in regard to prescriptions. [Edit.l Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1879-80, xxii, 475— Lothrop (J. R.) Verdict against an apothecary for an alleged mis- take in putting up a prescription. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1866-7, vi, 85; 117; 343.—Lyster (D. J.) Closure of druggists' stores on the Sabbath. Am. M. Times, N T., 1861, iii, 109—IVew York (State). An act governing the sale of drugs and poisons in the County of Kings, State of New Tork. Approved June 12, 1879. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80. iv, 160-162. -----. An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the State of New York, except in the counties of New York, Kings, anel Erie. (Chap. 361. Passed Ma v 24,1884. As amended Chap. 676, June 24, 1887.) Proc. N. York Pharm. Ass., El- mira, 1887, ix, 191-194.-----. An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy, the licensing of persons to carry on such prac- tice, and the sale of poisons in the County of Erie. (Chap. 207, 1884. with amendments. Chap. 72, of 1886.) Ibid., 195- '>()'> _Pharmacy. Full text of the law on that subject. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1888-9, iv, 518-520.—Pro- posed (The) law for regulating the practice of pharmacy and the sale of poisons in the city and county of New York. [Edit.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi. 565.-Proposed (A) pharmacy law, adopted by the legislative committee of the Nebraska State Pharmaceutical Association. Au act to regulate the practice of pharmacy and sale of poi- sons, and to prevent adulterations in drugs and medicinal preparations in the State of Nebraska. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii. 135-137.—Xquibb (E. R.) Remarks upon the practical working of the U- S. drug law. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1864, xv, 139-150. Also, Reprint. WURTEMBERG. Apothekenfrage (Zur). Drei Gutachten er- stattet vom pharmaceutischen Fiinfer-Ausschuss in Wiirttemberg. 8°. Stuttgart,, 1874. Belianntinachung, betreffend einige Abanderungen der Taxe tier Arzneimittel. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1832-71, i-xli, passim. — JBeltannt- machimg, betreffend eiuigo Abanderungen der Taxe der thierarztlichen Arzneimittel. Ibid., 1852-71, xxii-xli, PHARMACY. GO PIT A KM AC Y. Pliariliacy (Legislation on). WURTEMBERG—continued. pssshn.—Ent wurfeinei revidirtenMedicinaltaxe. Ibid., 1863, xxxiii, 1-8.—Konijjlicli wiirtembergische Verord- nung vom 11. October 1834 iiber elie Hausapothekeu befin- tlen. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1838, iv. 1)<8- 191.—ITIoll (A.) Wiirteiubergs erste Apothekeroitinting und Arznei taxe vom Jahr 1846. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte tier Heilkundein"Wiirtemberg. Med. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1849, xix, 140-143. Pharmacy (Military). See, also, Armies (Midicat organization, etc., of). Alstria. Pharmacopcea austriaco-castrensis. 8'-'. Vienna; 1795. -----. The same. 8°. Viennce, 1800. -----. Commentarii in pharmaceipeeam Aus- triacam militarem novam, in usum medicorum castrensium Austriacorum. Ex Germanica iu linguam Latiuam versi. 8°. Vienna; 1800. -----. Oesterreichische Mililar-Pharmako- poe. 8°. Wien, 1859. -----. The same. 8°. Wien, 1872. -----. Anszug aus der osterreichischen Mili- tar-Pharmakopoe vom Jahre 1872 mit den Heil- formen nach elem osterreichischen Metlicinal-Ge- wichte. 12°. Wien, 1872. -----. Erlauterungen eler neuen osterreichi- schen Militar-Pharmakopoe zum Gebrauche der osterreichischen Feldiirzte. 8°. Wien, 1800. Bernatzik (D. W.) Die osterreichische Mili- tar-Pharmakopoe. 4. Ausg. 8°. Wien, 18(10-61. ----- . Commentar zur osterreichischen Mili- tar-Phariiiakopoe vom Jahre 1873, mit steter Hin- weisung auf die Vorschriften der Landesphar- makopeie unel eler Militiirpharmakoe vom Jahre 1859. 8°. Wien, 1874. Coste. Compendium pharmaceuticum, mili- tarihus Gallorum nosocomiis, in orbe novo boreali atl.seriptum. 16°. Newporti, 1780. Foi:mulary of prescriptions for use in military hospitals. 24°. London, [n. d.] France. Departement de la guerre. Abr6g6 pharmacentique, a I'm sage eles hopitaux mili- taires. 8°. Paris, an II [1794]. -----. Hopitaux militaires. Le conseil de sant6 aux pharmaciens des arm6es et des hopi- taux militaires ele la Rdpublique. Paris, le 3e nivose l'an eleuxieme (1793-4). sm. 4°. [Paris, 1794.] -----. Discussion sur les rapports a e'tablir entre la medecine et la pharmacie dans l'arm6e, en r6ponse aux questions pos6es par M. le miuis- tre de la guerre. [Acad, de meel.] 8°. Paris, 1873. Huszty (Z. G.) Gekronte Preisschrift iiber die Verbesserung der k. k. Feldapotheken und des Studienweseus an der Josephs-Academie zu Wien. 8°. Pressburg, 1795. Marabellus (F.) Apparatus medicaminum nosocomiis ac generatim curationi aegrotorum pauperum maxime accommotlus, exhihito sub tinem operis speciinine seu norma tum pharmaco- pea} pro castrensihus nosocomiis, turn generalis apparatus medicaminum pro omnibus personarum classibus. 1. ed. 8'-. Venetiis, 1799. -----. Thesame. Pro tota Republica. 12°. Brixice, anno VI [1799]. Maublanc (P.) Nouveau mode de recrnte- ment ele la ni6deciue et ele la pharmacie mili- taires. 8:. [Paris, 1871.] Prussia. Pharmacopeea militaris Borussica. 18°. Berolini, 1828. -----. The same. 4. ed. 16°. Berolini, 1868. ROUCHER (C.) Du service ele la pharmacie militaire, son importance, sa situation actuelle, reformes a introduire dans son organisation. 8 \ Paris, 1871. -----. Du corps des pharmaciens militaires, sou role dans les 6tablisseinents hospitaliers aux Pliariliacy (Military). amices actives et pres tie l'administration supe- rieure de la guerre. 8°. Paris, 1873. RussiscHkaiserliche Feld-Pharmakologie. 8°. Stendal, 1802. -----. Russkaja voeunaja pharmakopeja, iz- dannaja po Visoehaitshemu povelieniou voeuno- meditsinskim ucheniui komitetom. [Russian military pharmacopoeia.] roy. 8 . St. Peters- burg, 1866. -----. Katalog medikainentam i aptechuim pripasam ellja postojannich gospitalei, imieou- shich pri aptekie ustroennuiou laboratoriou na 100 boluich v godovoi proportsii. [Medicines anel surgical appliances for military hospitals.] fol. St. Petersb., 1868. Strauss (A. F.) Yereinigte Feltl-Pharmaco- poe mit heigefiigten Tabelleu. Pharmacopoeia castrensis conjuncta, additis tabulis. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1815. Text German and Latin. Sweden. Pharmacopcea in usum nosocomii militaris Holmieusis. 16°. Bolmice, 1834. TORETCH ( E. A. ) Sovremeunyi vzgljad na rttsskujou voennujou i morsknjou farmakopei. [Russian military anel naval pharmacopeeias.] 12°. St. Petersburg, 1888. United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. Directions concerning the man- ner of obtaining and accounting for medical anel hospital supplies for the Army, with a standard supply table. Circular No. 12. ■ Oct. 20, 1862. 8°. Washington, 1862. -----r-. Directions concerning the duties of metlical purveyors aud meelical storekeepers, and the manner of obtaining and accounting for meel- ical and hospital supplies for the Army, with a standarel supply table. (Rev. eel. of circular No. 12, Oct. 20, 1862.) 8°. Washington, 1863. -----. Circular No. 6, May 9, 18(j7. Stand- ard supply table of the meelical department, Uuitetl States Army. 8°. [ Washington, 1867.] -----. Circular No. 1, July 1, 1871. Stand- ard supply table of the meelical department of the United States Army. 8°. [ Washington, 1871.] -----. Staudarel supply table of the medical department of the Uniteel States Army. 1883. 8°. Washington, 1883. -----. Circular No. 3. 1883. [Amendments to stanelard supply table of the medical elepart- ment of the U. S. Army.] 8°. [ Washington, 1883.] Wreden (O.J.) Kurtzer Unterricht vom chi- rurgischen Felel-Kasten, bestehend iu tier Speci- fication einiger Medicamente, elie in einer com- pemliosen Felel - Apotheke konten genommen werden, unel Beyfiigung tier Coinpositionen; wo- bey zugleich das Vornehmste aus der Anatomic, Chirurgie und Medicin gezeiget wirtl, als eine Nachricht wie ein Regiments-Chirurgus im Feltle, Winter-Quartieren oder Garnisonen verfahren konne; nebst desselben Abzeichnung unel Be- schrcibung, denen angehenden Chirurgis zum Besten aufgesetzet. 8°. Bannorer, 1743. Wylie(J.) Pharmacopoeia castrensis rutheua. 8°. Petropoli, 1808. -----. The same. 3. ed. 2 pts. iu 1 v. 8°. Petropoli, 1818. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8'-. Petropoli, 1840. Yarrow (H. C. ) & Rothrock (J. F. ) Sug- gestions for the use of remedies furnished to field- parties. 12°. Washington, 1875. Balland. Bayen et la pharmacie militaire au xviii" sitVle. Rev. scient,, Par., 1887, xxxix, 551-560. — Orysi (R. W.) Court api'1911 sur le service de la pharniacie mili- taireclansl'armeeimperialeetroyaled'Autriche. Gaz. hebel. de 11161I., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 476. — Jeannel (J.) Inteu- tlauce; medecine et pharmacie militaires. Union med Par., 1871, 3. s., xi, 325-329. Also, Eeprint. -----. Re- PHARMACY. 61 PHARMACY. Pliariliacy (Military). marques et conclusions relatives au service de la pharmacie militaire pendant la campagne de 1870-71. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xi, 398-404. -----. Memoire sur un moyen nouveau d'assurerl'approvisionnement pharmaceutique des annees en campagne. Ibid., xii, 505-513. -----. La phar- macie militaire devant l'Academie de medecine. Ibid., 1873, 3. s., xv, 893-896.—K. Du role special du pharmacien militaire. Rev. scient. d. med. d. annees, Par., 1861, vi, 440; 456; 483; 509. — Koucher (C.) Reflexions sur les rapports entre la pharmacie et la medecine militaires. Gaz. med. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i, 20-23. Also, Reprint.— Snlazar. Utilidad de un laboratorio central de farmacia para el cuerpo de sanidad militar. Rev. de sauid. mil. espan., Madrid, 1864, i, 553. — Vorschlage zu einer zeit- geniassen Reform der osterreichischen Militarpharma- kopoe. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1868, ix. 57; 68; 73; 100; 114; 124; 138; 161; 204; 225; 236; 241. —Wahl. La pharmacie centrale ele la deuxieme armee de la Loire. Rec. tie mem. tie meel. . . . mil., Par., 1873, 3. s., xxix, 431-434. Pharmacy (Schools of). See Pharmacy (Education in, etc.). Pliariliacy (Systems and manuals of). See, also, Materia medica (Systems, etc., of); Pharmacology; Pharmacy (Ancient authors on); Pharmacy (Dictionaries of). Andouard (A.) Nouveaux 61ements de phar- macie. 8J. Paris, 1874. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1882. -----. The same. 3. &1. 8°. Paris, 1886. Baume (A.) Elements de pharniacie thebrique et pratique. Coutenant toutes les operations fondamentales de cet art, avec lenr eleSfinition, et une explication de ces operations, parlesprin- cipesde lachymie, [etc.]. 5. M. 8°. Pan's, 1784. -----. The same. Elementi eli farmacia tcorica e pratica. Tradotta elall' ultima edizione francese. 4°. Venezia, 1773. Beckurts ( H. ) & Hirsch ( B. ) Handbuch der praktischen Pharmacie fiir Apotheker, Dro- gisten, Aerzte und Mediciual-Beamto. 1. Bd. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1888. Bhut (B. T.) Pocket practical pharmacy. (The compounder.) 12°. Bombay, 1887. Bouillon - Lagrange (E.-J.-B.) Manuel du pharmacien. 3. pt. 8°. Paris, 1803. Botrgoin (A.-E.) Traitd de pharmacie gah$- nique. 8°. Paris, 1880. Bowen (C.) Hand-book of materia medica, pharmacy and therapeutics. Compileel for the use of students preparing for examination. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Brande (W. T.) A manual of pharmacy. 8°. Loudon, 1825. Branston (T. F.) The pharmaceutist's and druggist's practical receipt book, with a glossary of medical terms. 8°. Philadelphia, 1865. von Bruns (V.) Arznei - Operationeu, oder Darstellung sammtlicher Methoelen der manuel- len Application von Arzneistoff'en. 8°. Tubingen, 1809. Buchner (J. A.) Vollstandiger InbegritT der Pharmacie in ihren Grunellehren und praktischen Theileu. 3 Theilen in 4 v. [v. 1., 2. Aufl.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1822-30. Bucholz ( C. F. ) Theorie und Praxis der pharmaceutisch-chemischen Arbeiten. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig u. Basel, 1812-13. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2. Theil. 8°. Leipzig u. in der Schweiz, 1818. -----. The same. Dritte, von J. W. Doehe- reiner ganzlich unigearbeitete Aufl. 8C. Leipzig u. Basel, 1831. Bustillos (J. V.) Elementos ele farmacia aplicada & la medicina; obra aprobaela i adoptada para la ensenanza por la Universidad de Chile, 8°. Santiago, 1856. Camps y Camps (J.) Lecciones de practica de operaciones farmac6uticas explicadas por el. . . y apuntadas en la clase por Pablo Romeo Garcia. 2. ed. 8°. Madrid, 1873. Pharmacy (Systems and manuals of). Chevallier (A.) Guiele de l'6tudiant en phar- macie. 16°. Paris, 1825. Dorffum (A. F. L.) Neues deutsches Apothe- kerbuch nach der letzten Ausgabe der preussi- schen Pharmacopoe zum gemeinniitzigeu Ge- brauche. 3 v. in 5. 8°. Leipzig, 1801-12. Dorvault (F.-M.) L'officine, ou repertoire general tie pharmacie pratique, coutenant, 1° Le dispensaire pharmaceutique, ou conspectus des pharmacopees legales et particulieres . . . ; 2° La pharmacie, legale, coinprenant la legislation phar- maceutique, ou recucil de lois, deScrets, arret6s et pieces diverses concernaut l'exercice de la phar- macie . . .; 3° L'appendice pharmaceutique, coin- prenant la pharmacie v^teLinaire, la pharmacie homceopathique et un miscellan6e d'articles qui int6ressent la pharmacie pratique; 4° Le tarif general de pharmacie et des branches accessoires, pr6c6el6 du tarif eles manipulations. 2. e5d. 8°. Paris, 1847. -----. The same. 3. eSd. 8°. Paris, 1850. -----. The same. 7. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1867. -----. The same. (Botica.) La oficina de farmacia 6 repertorio universal de farmacia prac- tica . . . hasta el elia por el doctor JoseS ele Pon- tes y Rosales, cou la colaboracion del doctor Rogelio Casas Batista, preceeliilo de un prologo del decano de la facultad de farmacia ele Madrid, Rafael Saez y Palacios. 2. ed. 8°. Madrid, 1879. -----. The same. (Botica.) La oficina de farmacia 6 repertorio universal de farmacia prac- tica redactado para uso de toelos los profesores de ciencias ineldicas en Espana y en Anidrica, segun el plan de la ultima edicion de Dorvault y a la vista de cuantos nuevos 6 importantisimos ela- tos han publicado simultanea y posteriormeute, el compendio de farmacia practica de Deschamps, las ultimas eeliciones del coelex y de la farmaco- pea espanola, el tratado de quimica de Saez Palacios, la flora farinaceutica de Texidor, el tratado de hidrologia medica de Garcia Lopez, la botica de Casaiia y Sanchez OcaQa, y la mayor parte de los annuarios cientificos, espaiioles y extranjeros conocidos hasta el dia por el doctor D. Jos6 de Pontes y Rosales, con la colaboracion del doctor D. Rogelio Casas Batista, precetlido de un prdlogo del tlecano de la facultad de far- macia de Madrid, D. Rafael Saez y Palacios. 3. ed. Nueva tirada. 8°. Madrid, 1884. Falke (J. E. L.) Lehrbuch der Veterinar- Pharmakodynamik. 8°. Leipzig, 1854. In his: Lehrbuch d. ges. Thierarzneiw. 8°. Leipz., 1855, ii, [pt. 41, 1-176. Fennel (A.) Principles of general pharmacy with special reference to systems of weights and measures, specific gravity anel its uses, pharma- ceutical manipulations. Compiled by Charles T. P. Fennel. 8°. Cincinnati, 1886. Ferrand ( E. ) Aide-m6moire de pharmacie. 8°. Paris, 1872. Forshaell (J. H.) Larobok i pharmacien. Organisk pharmaci. 8°. Norrkoping, 1836. Fors Y Cornet (R.) Tratado ele farmacia operatoria, 6 sea farmacia esperimeutal. 2 v. 8°. Barcelona, 1841. Geiger (P. L.) Handbuch eler Pharmacie. 5. Aufl. 7 v. 8°. Beidelberg, 1843. Giordano (A.) Farmacologia, ossia trattato di farmacia teorico e pratico. 4°. Torino, 1833. Godeffroy(R.) Compendium der Pharmacie. Chemisch - pharmaceutische Praparatenkunde, mit Berucksichtigung der Pharmacopoea Aus- triaca, Hungarica, Germanica und der osterrei- chischen Militar-Pharmacopoe, mit erlauternden Illustrationen, nebst Sammlung der wichtigsten Apotheker-Gesetze. 8°. Wien, 1882. The date on covers is 1880. PHARMACY. 62 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Systems and manuals of). Godefroy (J. P.) Prineipes eiementaires de pharmacie, suivis chacun d'un exemple de leur application a une operation de pharmacie gale- nique, ou chimique; ouvrage destine aux jeunes eieves commeucant l'etude de cette profession. s^. Paris, 182f>. Hager (H.) Technik der pharmaceutischen Receptur. 2. Aufl. ties Haudbuchs der pharma- ceutischen Receptirkuust. b°. Lissa, 1862. -----. Manuale pharmaceuticum seu prouip- tuarium, [etc.]. 4. ed. 8°. Lipsice, 1875. -----. Hanelbuch der pharmaceutischen Praxis. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1877-8. -----. The same. Ergnzngsbd. 8°. Berlin, l8?[l]-3. Hammarsten (0.) Kortfattad liirobok i far- maceutisk kemi med sarskild hansyn till svenska farmakopeus preparat jemte handleduiug i titre- ringsanalyseu. Fiirra afdeluingen. 8°. Upsala, [lssii]. Henry (N.-E.) & Guibourt (X.-J.-B.-G.) Pharmacopee raisonnee, ou traite de pharmacie pratique et th6orique. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1828. ------------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bru- xelles, 1838. -----------. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1847. Hermbstadt (S. F.) Katechismustler Apothe- kerkunst; oder die ersten Grunelsiitze der Phar- macie fur Anfanjjer. sm. 8°. Berlin, 17^2. Hughes (R.) A manual of pharmacodynamics. 8°. London, 18(57. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York, Philadelphia Sr London, 1868. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1*70. Huguet (R.) Traits de pharmacie thdorique et pratique, roy. 8°. Paris, 1888. Jammes (L.) Manuel des etudiauts en phar- macie. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1886. de Jesls Maria (J.) Pharmacopeadogmatica medico-chimica e theorico-pratica. Dividiela em duas partes: Xa primeira se tracta das princi- paes partes e operacoens da pharmacologia Ga- lenico-chimica, com as mais particularizadas eompozifoens antigas, e modernas, exaggeradas com as aunotacoens e expurgacoens do melhor methoelo, [etc.]. 2 v. fol. Porto, 1772. Jimenez (M.) Tratado de materia farma- ceutico. 8°. Madrid, 1838. Jonas (L. E.) Vorschule der Apothekerkunst oder Eiufiihrung in elie empirische, praktische und gewerhliche pharmaceutische Lehr^, zum Gebrauch fiir angeheude Apotheker. 3Abt. .16°. Leipzig, 1835. Kane (R. J.) Elements of practical phar- mac v' 8°. Dublin, 1831. Kerpan-poli (C.) Corso di farmacia, com- pendiato per i praticanti. 8°. Gorizia, 1878. Keup(J. B.) Manuale pharmaceuticum, prin- cipiis pharmaciai probatissimis superstructuiu. 8°. Stendalia; 1793. Klever (J. W.) Pharmaceutische Technik. Ein Repetitorium fur junge Pharmaceuten und Handbuch fiirVeteriuaire, Laudwirthe und Vieh- ziichter. 8 . Dorpat, 1864. Kohlmanx (B.) & vox Losecke(A.) Com- pendium sammtlicher Medicameute sowie dei technisch wichtigsten Gifte, Chemikalien, Dro- gnen uud Mineralien nach ihrer Abstammung, Zusammensetzung, Darstellung, und Yerwen- dung. 12°. Leipzig, 1-75. Kurzak (F.) Lehrbuch der Receptirkunde. Fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. 8-. JFte«, 1855 Kusano Genyo. Cho(d)zai Ho. [The dis- penser's manual.] 12°. Tokio, 1883. Japanese text. LANDERER(X.) 'Y.yx^Lpioiov cvvTa^oAoyiar nal (pappaKEVTtKijc yroi didacnaAia Tr,q 'avaypa^c kui Pharmacy (Systems and manuals of). KaraaKfvi/c rdv 'larpiKuv awrayiov. 3. ed. 12'-. 'Atii/nu, 1869. Lescher (F. H.) An introduction to the ele- ments of pharmacy; a guide to the principal points in materia medica, botany, chemistry, pharmacy, and prescriptions. 4. ed. roy. 8 . London, 1873. Lewis (M.) Conhecimento pratico dos medi- cameutos, ou nova pharmacopea, que compre- heude: I. A chymica pharmaceutica. II. Os nomes, descripcao, qualitlades, propriedades, vir- tndes, eloses e usus elos meelicamentos simplices. III. As preparacties e composicoes das pharma- copeas de Lontlres, Etlinburgo, etc. Traducida, correcta e augmeutada ele notas por Caetauo Jose tie Carvalho. 3 v. s°. Lisboa, 1815. Loeseke (J. L. L.) Abhanellung der auserle- sensten Arzeney-Mittel, nach elersel ben Urspruug, Giite, Bestaneltheilen, Maasse uud Art zu wiirken, iugleichen wie tlieselben aus der Apothecke zu verschreiben sinel, zum Nutzen seiner Zuhorer abgefasst. Mit Anmerkungen versehen und mit einer Tabelle vermehret von A. H. Gumpertz. 2. Aufl. 16°. Berlin, 1758. -----. Thesame. Materia medica, oder Ab- hautlluug von den auserlesenen Arzneymitteln nach derselben Ursprung, Giite, Bestandtheilen, Maasse uud Art zu wiirken, nebst Vorschrifteu wie tlieselben aus der Apotheke zu verschreiben sind. 4. Aufl., verbessert von D. Johann Fried- rich Zuckert. 8°. Lucem, 1776. -----. The same. 7. Aufl., von Johann Friedrich Gmelin. 8:. Berlin, 1800. Mace (M.) Traits pratique et raisonne de pharniacie galeuique (cours professe a l'Ecole ele medecine et de pharmacie de Renues). roy. 8°. Rennes, 1879. Manuale eli farmacia pratica per 1' assistente farmacista. Guida per prepararsi facilmente a sostenere gli esami indetti dal miuistero dell' in- terim in base al programma stabilito col r. de- creto 16 agosto 1869, No. 5244, compilata per cura della redazione del Moyimeuto farmaceu- tico. 8°. Roma, 1887. Marin y Sancho (F.) Apuntes de farmacia quimico-organica, arreglados a las lecciones que de esta asignatura da en la facultad de Madrid el doctor Santiago tie Olozaga. 2. ed. 8-. Ma- drid, 1871. Marquart([L.]C.) Lehrbuch der practischen und theoretischen Pharmacie mit besonderer Riicksicht auf angehende Apotheker und Aerzte. 2. Aufl., bearbeitet von Dr. Ernst Hallier uud Prof. Dr. Hermann Ludwig. 3 v. 8°. Mainz, 18(55. Mayne (J.) A dispensatory and therapeu- tical remembrancer. Revised, with the addi- tion of the formulae of the Uuiteel States Phar- macopoeia, etc., by R. Eglesfeld Griffith. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848.' Mohr (F.) & Redwood (T.) Practical phar- macy; the arrangements, apparatus, and manip- ulations of the pharmaceutical shop anil lahora- tory. Eelited, with extensive adtlitions, by William Proctor, jr. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. Morelot (S.) Cours 61enientaire, theorique et pratieiue, ele pharmacie chimique, ou manuel du pharmacien-chimiste, contenant la descrip- tion tie tous les meelicaments usites en meelecme; hi definition des di verses operations pharmaceuto- chimiques; I'inelication de tous les proceeds connus . . . le mode d'exercice pratique relatif a chacun d'eux; l'exposition des vertus, de l'usage, et eles eloses des medicaments, tant magistranx qn'ofncinaux. 2. eel., augmentee . . . par F.-V. Merat. 3v. 8-. Paris, 1814. PHARMACY. 63 PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Systems and manuals of). Morton (\V. J. T.) A manual of pharmacy for the stutleut of veterinary metleciue; contain- ing the substances employed at the Royal Vet- erinary College, with an attempt at their classi- fication, anel the pharmacopteia of that institu- tion. 7. ed. 12-. London, 1868. MCller (F. W.) Deutsehu shiushin yakufu. [German clinical pocket pharmacopoeia. Trans- lated by W. Okochi.] 12°. Tokio, 1881. Japanese text. Mi'kray (J. A.) Apparatus medicaminum tarn simplicium quam praeparatorum et composi- torum in praxeos adjumentum consideratus. 6 v. 8C. Gottinga; 1776-92. -----. The same. 6 v. 8°. Gottingce, 1784- 94. -----. The same. 6 v. in 3. 8°. Venetiis, 1795. Niwa(T.) Seiyakn Zensho. [Complete sys- tem of pharmacy. ] 8°. Tokio, 1881. Japanese text. Oficina (La) de farmacia espanola seguu Dor- vault. Primer-sexto suplemeuto de la seguuda serie anuario farmaceutico-medico reelactado en preseucia de los peri6dicos, formularios y obras mas modernas publicadas eu Espana y el extrau- jero por los Sefiores D. Peelro Espiua y Martinez . . . D. Juan R. Gomez Pamo . . . y D. Autouio Espinay Capo . . . 8pts. 8°. Madrid, 1880-88. Oldberg (O.) An outline of a course of study iu practical pharmacy. 8°. Chicago, 1885. ----- & Wall ( O. A. ) A companion to the United States Pharmacopceia, being a com- mentary on the latest edition of the pharma- copceia, and containing the descriptions, proper- ties, uses, anel doses of all official aud numerous unofficial drugs and preparations in current use in the United States, together with practical hints, working formulas, etc., designed as a ready reference book for pharmacists, physicians, anel students, with over 650 original illustrations. 8-. New York, 1881. Parrish (E.) Au introduction to practical pharmacy, tlesigneel as a text-book for the stu- dent, and as a guide to the physician and phar- maceutist, with many formulas and prescrip- tions. 8\ Philadelphia, 1856. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. -----. The same. A treatise on pharmacy . . . containing the officinal and many unofficinal formulas aud numerous examples of extempora- neous prescriptions. 3. ed. 8C. Philadelphia, 1864. -----. The same. 4. eel., by Thomas S. Wie- gand. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874. -----. The same. 5. ed., enlarged and thor- oughly reviseel by Thomas S. Wiegand. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. Penn (T.) Penn's pharmacology, or medical and chemical compendium. 8J. Sidmouth, 1822. Pf.terskn (E. P. F.) Pharmaceutisk Teknik. En Larebog. 8-\ Kjfibenhavn, 1884. Pharmacopceia chirurgica; or, a manual of chirurgical pharmacy, comprising all the valua- ble formulas of the New London Pharmacopoeia, aud of the several pharmacopoeias appertaining to this branch of science. With notes and ob- servations as well ou the method of compound- ing, as likewise on the properties and use of each, by J. Wilsou. With additional notes and illustrations by Wm. Meade. 1. Am. from the the 3. Lond. eel. 12°. Philadelphia, 1818. Plevani (S.) Manuale pratico di farmacia Galenica e dei nuovi rimedi, compilato da . . . 8°. Milano, 1885. Pharmacy (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. E dei nuovi rimedi. 2. ed. 2 v. 12°. Milano, [n. d.] van Praag (J. L.) Beknopte leiddraad voor het gebruik der iu de pharmacopoea Neerlandica nieuw opgenomene geneesmiddelen. 18°. Ley- den, 1853. Proctor (B. S.) Lectures on practical phar- macy. 8°. London, 1873. Prota-Gi rleo (N.) Trattato di farmacia e nozioui di medicina pratica approvato e premiato dal xii. Congresso medico di Pavia. roy. 8 . Napoli, 1888. Purgotti (S.) Compendio di nozioni farma- ceutiche, ossia raccolta di cognizioni teorico- pratiche per beu preparare, conservare ed appre- stare i farmaci, le quali souo utili al medico, e indispeusabili al farmacista. 2. ed. 8-. Peruqia, 1869. Remington (J. P.) The practice of pharmacy: a treatise on the modes of making and dispens- ing officinal, unofficinal, and extemporaneous preparations, with descriptions of their proper- ties, uses, and doses. 8C. Philadelphia, 1886. Retzius (A. J.) Prima? linear pharmacia) in usum prtelectionum suecico ieliomate eelitae jam latine couverste. 8°. Gottingce, 1771. Ruttee (G. H.) A manual of practical phar- macy and pharmaceutical methods. 8°. London, 1888. 8angiorgio (P.) La farmacia tlescritta sc- condo i moderni principj eli Lavoisier, ecc. 5 v. 8°. Milano, lr>04-6. Scharlau (G. W.) Lehrbuch der Pharmazie unel ihrer Hiilfswissenschaften zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte, Apotheker unel Studirende der Metli- zin. 2 v. 8:. Leipzig, 1837. Schlickxm (O.) Taschenbuch der pharmaceu- tischen RecepturunelDefectur. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Schoman (X.) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen uud speciellen Receptirkunst fiir Aerzte, als Leitfaden zu acatlemischen Vorlesuugen und zum Selbst- studium. Auf dem Grunele der nensten oster- reichischen Pharmacopoe hearbeitet. 8°. Jena, 1856. da Silveira Pinto (A. A.) Pharmacogra- phia do codigo pharmaceutico lusitano. 8\ Coimbra, 1836. -----. Codigo pharmaceutico lusitano, ou tratado de pharmaconomia. No qual s'explicam as regras e preceitos com que se escolhem, cou- servam e preparam os medicamentos ; e se appre- sentam, as virtudes, uses e doses das formulas pharmaceuticas. 3. ed. 8°. Coimbra, 1841. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8C. Porto, 1846. Soubeiran (E.) Manuale eli farmacia teorica e pratica, con tavole volto dal francese col cou- sento dell' autore ed accresciuto di giunte et note ' per cura di G. B. Semlenini. 2 v. 12°. Milano, 1829. -----. The same. Nouveau traite de phar- macie, theorique et pratique. Nouv. ed. 8°. Bruxelles, 1837. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. v.2. 8°. Paris, 1847, -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 2v. roy.8°. Paris, 1853. ----- &. Regnauld (J.) The same. Traite de pharmacie. Neuvieme ed., entitlement re- fondne par J. Regnauld. v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1885. de Sousa Pinto (A.J.) Elementosde phar- macia, chymica, e hotanica. Nova edicao. 12°. Ouro Preio, 1837. Squassini (G.) Manuale pratico di farma- cia . . . per gli assistenti farmacisti. 8°. Torino, 1887. Stewart (F. E.) A compend of pharmacy, based upon Prof. Joseph P. Remington's "Text- book of pharmacy ". 12°. Philadelphia, 1886, PHARMACY. Pharmacy (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. ?Quiz compend? No. 11. 2. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1887. Teyxeira (G.) Guida del farmacista. 12°. Perugia, 1887. Thomson (A. T.) A conspectus of the phar- macopoeias of the London, Eelinburgh, anel Dub- lin colleges of physicians, and of the United States Pharmacopoeia; being a practical com- pendium of materia meelica and pharmacy. 3. Am. ed., etlited by Charles A. Lee. 16°. Neiv York, 1845. -----. The same. 6. Am. ed., much en- larged anel improved. Eeliteel hy Charles A. Lee, from the 13. English ed. 16°. New York, 1852. -----. The same. 7. Am. eel., etlited by Charles A. Lee, from the 13. English ed. 12°. New York; 1862. -----. The same. Conspectus adaptetl to the British Pharmacopoeia of 1885, editeel hy Nestor Tirard. New ed., with an appendix containing notices of the more importaut non-official medi- cines aud preparations. 18°. London, 1887. Virey (J. J.) Traite ele pharmacie, theorique et pratique, v. 2. 8°. Paris, 1811. —----. The same. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1823. Whitla (W.) Elements of pharmacy, ma- teria medica, and therapeutics. 12°. London, 1882. -----. The same. 5. ed. 12°. London, 1889. Wiegand. Seiyakn Gakn. [The science of pharmac y, translateel from the lectures of . . . by Oye Geuto.] 4 v. 8°. Tokio, 1883. Japanese text. Wild (C. A.) Die Pharmacie als Wissenschaft, oeler Theorie unel praktische Grundziige der analytischen Chemie uud Pharmacognosie mit Eiuschluss des wichtigsten der pharmaceut. Praxis fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. 2 pts. in 1 v. I. Analytische Chemie. II. Pharmacognosie des Pflanzen- und Thierreiches. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1843-4. Wills (G. S. V.) Elements of pharmacy, de- signed as a text-book for students preparing for the various examinations in pharmacy. 6. ed. 12 \ London, [1886]. Zambeletti (L.) Manuale teorico-pratico dei medicainenti moderni recentemente scoperti e dei semplici presentemente piu usati in medicina colla succiuta storia di ogni medicamento, i pro- cessi di preparazioue, le sue propriety, ecc: Compilato sulle traccie delle farmacopee e farma- ceutici i piu accreditati, quali G. Ruspini, Dor- vault, Hager, Orosi, Selmi, Bouchardat, Liebig, Della Toree, ecc. Con appendice di varie tavole importanti, descrizione e formole di varii medi- cainenti e prodotti chimici, nonche di un sunto sulle acque minerali, 12°. Milano, 1869. Ziurek (O. A.) Elementar-Handbuch der Pharniacie mit Beriicksichtigung der sammt- lichen deutschen Pharmacopoen und Meelicinal- ordnuugen. 8C. Erlangen, 1859. PhariliakeutiliOll oeAriov. 2,'vyypappa Ttepiodi- kov Kara pfp>a kndiddpevov vtro Teupyiov N. ZafotToa- vov. v. 1-4, 1871-6. 8°. 'A6r/vnoiv. Pharyngeal bursa and its diseases. Als (C. A.) * Ueber die Erkrankungen der Bursa pharyngea. [Bonn.] 8°. Siegburg, 1888. Kafemann (R.) Der Catarrh des Recessus pharyngeus meilius (Bursa pharyngea; Torn- waldt'sche Krankheit), seine Bedeutung und vereinfachte chirurgische Behandlung. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1889. Tornwaldt (G. L.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Bursa pharyngea fiir die Erkennung und Be- PIIAKYNGITIS. Pharyngeal bursa and its diseases. handlung gewisser Nasenrachenraum Krank- heiten. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1885. Bloch (E.) Ueber die Bursa pharvngea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 269-273. — Kroicb (M.) Ein kur zer casuistischer Beitrag zu Tornwaldt's Beohachtungen iiber Erkrankung der Bursa pharyngea. Monatsehr 1' Ohrenh., Berl., 1886, xx, 153; 186; 216. — Gclle. Un cas type de bourse de Luschka. Ann. d. mai. de l'oreille du larynx, etc., Par., 1889, xv, 257-266. - K rimer. Casuis- tische Mittheilungen iiber die Erkrankungen der Bursa pharyngea. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1886, xx, 73; 128— Killian (G.) Ueber die Bursa und Tonsilla pha ryngea; eine eutwicklungsgeschichtliche uud verglei- chend- anatomische Studie. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 618-711, 2 pi.—Lavraml (H.) Erysipeles de la face k repetition dans un cas d'augine de Tornwaldt. J. d. sc. ni6d. ele Lille, 1888. xi, 385-389.—Lehiiiann (C.) Eine grosse angeboreue Cyste der Bursa pharyngea bei einem kleinen Kinde. Arch. klin. chir., Berl., 1888, xxxvii. 221- 226, 1 pi. — Luc. Contribution k l'etude de la maladie de Tornwaldt; (hypersecretion de la glande de Luschka). France med.. Par., 1886. ii, 1433; 1445. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1886), 1887, x, 126-134. — ITIayer. Bursa pharyngea. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westl'Sl. Aerzte. Bonn, 1842, i, 87.—IVIorgaii (E. C.) The bursa pharyngea and its relation to nasopharyngeal diseases. Maryland M J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 353-357. Also, Reprint.—Moure & Charazac. Catarrheetkystedelaboursepharyngienne. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1887, xix, 147; 155.—Range (P.) La maladie de Tornwaldt et la bourse pharyngee. Bull, med., Par., 1889, iii, 51-54.— Schaefler (M.) Bursa pharyngea und Tonsilla pharyngea. Monatsehr. f. Oh- renh!, Berl., 1888, xxii, 207-218. — Schwabach. Ueber die Bursa pharyngea. Arch. f. rnikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxix, 61-74, 2 pi. Also [Ahstr.J: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Berl., 1886, lix, 400.—Sieben- in nun (F.) Der chronische Catarrh des Cavum pharyn- gonasale und die Bursa pharyngea. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1889, xix, 356-366.—Tissier (P.) Etude de la bourse pharyngee ou bourse de Luschka, au point de vue de 1'anatoinie et de la pathologie. Ann. d. mai. tie l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1886, xii, 377; 425. —Torn- waldt (G. L.) Zur Frage tier Bursa pharyngea ii. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1042-1044. Also, Reprint. — Walb (H.) Ueber die Erkrankungen der Bursa pharyngea. In his : Erfahrungen . . . d. Nasen- u. Rachenkraiikh, 8°, Bonn, 1888, 40-78. — Zahn. Ueber Cysten mit Flimmerepithelien im Nasenrachenraum. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xxii, 392-399. Pharyngeal catarrh. See Catarrh (Nasal, etc.). Pharyngeetomy. See Pharynx (Excision of). Pharyngitis. See, also, Angina; Catarrh; Diphtheria; Erysipelas (Pharyngeal); Glottis (CEdema of); "Larynx. (Inflammation of); Pharynx (Acute in- fectious, Phlegmon of'); Pharynx (Syphilitic dis- ease of). Balleyguier ( H. ) * Du traitement de la pharyngite grannleuse par l'ignipuncture. 4°. Paris, 1881. Belin (I.) * Dissertation sur l'angine pha- ryngee ou gutturale. 4°. Paris, 1811. Boussin (T.) * Dissertation sur l'angine gut- turale. 4°. Paris, 1820. Buron(F.-A.) *De la pharyngite chronique. 4°. Paris, 1851. Creguy (N.) * Dissertation m6dico-chirurgi- cale sur l'angine gutturale inflannuatoire. 4°. 1824. Duperie (fi.) * Dissertation sur l'angine gut- turale inflammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1821. Feron(C.-E\) *De l'angine herpdtique. 4°. Paris, 1858. Also, in: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1858, lv, 481- 491. Gaitron (F.-M.) * Sur l'angine gutturale in- flammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1816. van Gils (H. J.) *De synanche vera seu inflammatiouepharyngis. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1815. Hardouin (L.-M.) *8ur l'angine gutturale intlammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1820. Loupiac (H.) *De la pharyngite laterale. LBordeaux.] 4°. Lavaur, [1884]. PHARYNGITIS. 65 PHARYNGITIS. Pharyngitis. Manget(M.-L) * Sur l'angine gutturale. 4°. Paris, 1817. Raphaelian ( M.) * Quelques considerations sur la nature des angiues pharyng6es. 4°. Pa- ris, 1862. Schroeder (J. C.) *De catarrh o pharyngis. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1765]. Seux (V.) *Sur une varied d'angine chro- nique. 4°. Paris, 1837. Adclmann (G. F. B.) Die chronische Entziindung des Pharynx. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1853, ii, 43-46.—As- iiiiis. Ein Wort iiber den Rachencroup. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1839, viii, 175-177.— Bang (O.) Et Par Iagttagelser af Angina granulosa Chomelii. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1858, i, 49.— Beverly (P. F.) On the use of electricity in fol- licular pharyngitis. Ohio M. &. S. J., Columbus, 1877, ii, 412-417.—Black (J. R.) Chronic pharyngitis. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1866. ix, 649-652.—Bon land (P.) Etudes pratiques sur la pharyngite folliculeuse ou granulee. Rev. med.-chir. dePar., 1849. vi, 5-15. Also, Reprint.—Briick (M.) Pharyngitis crouposa; a szivizomzat zsiros ell'aju- lasa thrombus-kepzodessel, hirtelen halal. [Fatty degen- eration of heart, with thrombus; sudden death.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 563.—Cadier. Pharyngite scrofuleuse; cloisonnement et obliteration absolue de l'ori- flce naso-pharyngien par des brides cicatricielles. Ann. d. mai. de loreilie et du larynx, Par., 1885, xi, 3-9.—Caze- nave de la Roche (E.) La pharyngite granuleuse. Cong, internat. de laryngol. 1880, Milan, 1882, i, 135.— Chomel. Angine folliculeuse du pharynx (hypertrophie des follicules du pharynx). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 251.—Christopher (H.) Chronic pharyngitis. St. Louis M. ..t S. J., 1883, xiv, 487-495.— Cohen (J. S.) Sore throat. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxxi, 281; 301.-----. Follicular pharyngitis treated by galvano-cau- tery. Coll. & Clin. Bee., Phila., 1883, iv, 1.—Col les (A.) Scrofulous sore throat. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xvi, 297-299.—Cousin (A.) Sur le traitement de la pharyngite granuleuse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 484-492.—Cruvcilhier. Observation ele stomatite et de pharingo-tesophagite suivies de mort. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 74; 91.— Davis (H. S.) Clergyman's sore throat; chronic follicular pharyngitis. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1879, xviii, 302-309.—Dawosky. Die Behandlung des chro- nischen Raehencatarrhs rait Hollenstein. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1877, xxii, 542-546.—Dechambre (A.) Note sur une forme particuliere d'affection pharyugo-laryngee, con- stituant un des caracteres de la constitution medicale actu- elle. Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 461-Beel. De la nature de l'angine glanduleuse ou folliculeuse. Ann. d. mai. tie l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1875, i, 294-300.—Be Gennaro (L.) Contribute alio studio delle neVrosi ri- flesse d' origiue nasale e degli etfetti della faringite crouica. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1886, vi, 119-130.—Fasano (A.) Analisi patogenica e clinica della faringite catarrale cronica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1882, n. s., iv, 60-72.—Fonlis (D.) The treatment of chronic- pharyngi- tis. Glasgow M. J., 1877, [4. s.], ix, :>21-526.—Fiacukel (B.) Die Behandlung tier Pharyngitis chronica. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 493-497. —Franchi (F.) La galvauo-caustiea nella faringite granulosa. Boll. d. mai. el. orecchio, el. gola e el. naso, Firenze, 1885, iii, 92-96.— Franks (K.) Chronic follicular pharyngitis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, 3. s., lxix, 381-392, 1 pi.—Claillai-d (M.) Efficaeite des preparations arsenicales elans une affection herpetique du pharynx. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 755.—Oelle. De la pharyngite chronique rhuinatismale. Bull. Soc. med.-prat, de Par. (1883), 1885, 51 — Guersant pere. Pharyngite (angine pharyngee); quelques reflexions sur la niarche et le traitement de cette affection. Gaz. d. heip., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 505.—Han man n. Ueber Ra- chencroup. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1844, n. F., iii, 429-478. —Haslund (A.) Angina epiglottica anterior (Michel). Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1882, 2." R., ix, 14-18.— Hering (T.) O przewleklem zapaleniu gardzieli ze szczegolnem uwzglednieniem t. z. pharyngitidis lateralis. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 320;'343. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Bordeaux, 1882, ii, 129-143.—Herz (M.) Ueber chronische Pharyngitis und Lymphadenitis retropharyngealis bei Kindern. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 989; 1016.—Hofmaim (O.) Chronischer Rachenkatarrh ; schlingbeschwerden in Folge von Parese des Gaumensegels ; Heilung durch tlen Induc- tions-Strom. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1869, xiv, 191.— Hooker (W.) Nitrate of silver in inflammations of the throat. Boston M. &. S. J., 1859, lx, 511.—Hoppe. Ra- chenkatarrh mit stinkendem Geruch. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1881, n. F., i, 331-334.—Horiuuig. [Ueber seine Erfolge bei der Behandlung des Rachencroup mit Bella- donna.] Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1867-8, v, 32-35.—Jamison (A.) Haeinorrhagic pharyn- gitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 846. — Kennedy (H.) On the sore throat lately prevalent in Dublin ; with some brief remarks on the treatment. Dublin M. Press, 1863, xlix, 341.—King (J.) Granular pharyngitis. Eclect. M. 5 Pharyngitis. J., Cincin., 1876, xxxvi, 441-444.—Laronde (C.) Obser- vation d'angine tonsillaire et pharyngienne de nature rhu- matismale, avec ramifications vers'la partie superieure des voies aeriennes. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1858, xii, 56-67.—Ijaiegne. Quelques considera- tions sur les angines rhumatismale et catarrhale. Prati- cien, Par., 1879, ii, 127-129. — Liizc. Pharyngite granu- leuse. Union med., Par., 1851, v, 247. — I>oupiac (H.) Traitement de la pharyngite laterale. Gaz. rneel.-chir. de Toulouse, 1884, xvi, 97-100.—Mackenzie (H.) Case of strumous pharyngitis, with dysphagia, simulating malig- nant disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 305.—Mackern (G.) On the treatment of chronic granular pharyngitis by the galvauo-caustic method. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1883, iv, 1-12.—Mackintosh (D.) On the treatment of chronic cases of sore throat by the local application of strong nitric acid. Med. Times 3t>- 547. Also: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1861, iii, 421-423. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de med.. Par.. 1860-61, xxvi, 651-654. — Bnult. Nouvel instrument appel6 pha- ryngoscope. Bull. Acad, tie meel., Par., 1845-6, xi, 133.— Rothninmi. Pharyngoscop. (Modell: H. Windier.) Centr.-Bl. f. chir. u. orthop. Mech., Berl., 1885. i, 10.—Sim- rock (J.) The pharyngoscope. Ain. M. Times, N. Y\, 1861, ii, 393. — Voltolini. Die Pharyngoskopic und ihre Verwerthung fiir die Ohrenheilkuude. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xxi, 45-65. -----. Die Pharyngo- skopie und Rhinoskopie und deren Werth fiir die prak tische Heilkuntle. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 93- 96. Pharyngotomy. See, also, Epiglottis (Cancer, etc., of); CEso phagotomy. Albert (E.) Pharyngotomia subhyoidea zur Entfer- nung eines am linken Arykuorpel, und eines an tlerhin- teren Flache der Epiglottis befindlichen Saikomkuotens. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1037. -----. Eir, Sarcom des Kehldeckels durch die Pharyngotomia subhyoidea geheilt. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck (1877), 1879, viii, 3. Hft., 57. — Kidcii (A.) Pharyngotomie; pharyngee- tomie. Diet, eucycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 42- 60—Cock (E. ) Pharyngotomy. Lancet, Loud., 1856, i, 125. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 135; 188. Also: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1858, 3. s., iv, 217- 230.-----. A second case of pharyngotomy for the removal of a foreign body impacted in the pharynx. Ibid., 1868, 3. s., xiii, 1-8. — ■ versen (A.) Ueber Pharyngotomia sub- hyoidea. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1884-5. xxxi, 610- 658. — Jusli (G.) Pharyngotomia bilateralis wegeu Fremdkbrpers. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, xvii, 158-161.—von Langcnbeck (B.) TJebei Pharyn- gotomia subhyoidea. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1870, xxxix, 93; 103; 115. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1870, vii, 13; 29. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1869-71), 1872, iii, 93-111.—Marcacci (G.) Faringotoinia sottoioielea per epitelioma stratificato faringo-esofageo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1880, ii, 981-992, 2 pi.— Mikulicz. W sprawie techniki operacyjuej przy bocz- nej faryngotomii. [Methotl of operation in lateral pharyn- gotomy.] Przegl. lek., Krakow. 1887, xxvi, 351. — Oba- ll iiski ( A.) W sprawie techniki operacyjuej przy bocz- nej faryngotomii celem wydobycia nowotworciw migdalka. [Method of operation iu lateral pharyngotomy Cor final re- moval of neoplasm of tonsil.] Ibid., 322; 352.—Packard (J. H.) Infra-h.yoid pharyngotouiy. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila.. 1883, i, 22.—af Schultcii.' Ett fall at pharyngoto- mia subhyoidea,jenite exstirpation af en caucerost degeue- rad epiglottis. Finska liik. sallsk hantll., Helsingfors, 1881, xxiii, 147-149. — Trendelenburg. Zur Pharyngotomia subhyoidea. [Larwigotomia suhh. Malgaigne.] Arch. f. klin. Chir., Ber!., 1870, xii, 112-121, 1 pi. —Wheeler (W. I.) Successful removal of a foreign body impacted iu the pharynx by the operation of pharyngotomy, being the first case of the kind in Ireland. Med. Press -3!)5, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. Also lAbstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, u. s., xxxviii. 49. Pharynx. See, also, Deglutition; Eustachian tube; (Esophagus; Palate; Pharyngeal bursa, etc.: Tonsils. Haase (J. G.) Myotomise specimen, quo mtis- culi pharyugis velique palatini ohsenatiouihu* PHAKYNX. 67 PHARYNX. Pharynx. quihuselam illustrati continentur. 4°. Lipsice, 17H4. von Luschka (H.) Der Schlundkopf des Men- schen. 4°. Tubingen, 1868. Merkel (C. L.) Die Funktionen des mensch- lichen Schlund- und Kehlkopfes, hesonders heim Schliugen, Brecheu, Athmen, Singen und Spre- chen. 8°. Leipzig, 1862. Nauwerck ( G. A. F. ) * Studieu iiber die Pharynx-Mucosa. 8°. Balle a. S., 1887. RiiCKERT (J.) Der Pharynx als Sprach-und Schluckapparat. Eine vergleichend anatomi- sche Stuuie. b°. Miinchen, 1882. Suchannek (H.) Beitriige zur normalen und pathologischen Auatomie des Rachengewolbes (Pars nasalis pharyngis). 8°. Jena, 1888. Wrisberg (H. A.) De nervis pharyngis. In: Scriptores neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsice, 1793, iii, 48-60. Also, in his: Comment, med. [etc.]. 8°. QottinqiP 1800, i, 407-434. Arnold (F.) Ueber ein zweites Ganglion am Zungen- Sehlundkopf-Nerven. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb., 1835, v, 175. — Arnozan Sc ITIonrc (E. J.) Pharynx. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 60-98. — Born (G.) Ueber die Derivate der embryonalen Schluudbogen uud Schlundspalten bei Saugethieren. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1882, Bresl., 1883, lx, 102-105. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1883, xxii, 271- 318, 2 pi. — Boulart ( R.) Note sur les poches pharyn- gieunes des ours. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1885, xxi, 535-537. — Bowles (R. L.) Observations upon the mammalian pharynx, with special reference to the epi- glottis. J. Anat. orge (V.) Etude de lamuqueusedela voute du pharynx chez nos animaux domestiques. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1874, lix, 452-455. Also, Re- print.—von Liuschka (H.) Der Muse, pharyngo-palati- nus ties Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xiii, 480-489, 1 pi. ------. Der obere Schniirer des mensch- lichen Schluudkopfes. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1868, 3. R., xxxi, 364-372. — ITIarduel (P.) Pharynx. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1879, xxvii, 106-120.—ITIichel (C.) Das Verhiiltniss der Tuben-Miin- dung zum Gaumensegel am Lebenden betrachtet durch die Xase. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 400.—Moseley (H. N.) On the pharynx of an unknown holothurian of the family dendrochirotas, in which the calcareous skeleton is remarkably developed. Quart. J. Mier. Sc. Loud., 1884, n. s., xxiv, 255-261, 1 pi. — Ollivier & Berard ( A.) Pharynx. Diet, de med., 2. ed.. Par., 1841, xxiv, 193-211.— Passavant (G.) Ueber elie Verschliessung des Schlun- des beim Sprechen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xlvi, 1-31, 3 pi. — Biickert (J.) Zur Morphologic des Pharynx. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1882, xvi, 85; 105.— Smith (E.) On the closure of the throat with the larynx at its upper orifice. Lancet, Lond., 1857. ii, 85. — Tham (P. W. S.) Om muscnlus pharyngo-palatinus hos menni- skan af Prof. H. v. Luschka. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1868-9, iv, 135-137. — Zaufal (E.) Die Plica salpingopharyugea (Wulstfalte). Vorlaufige Mittheiluug. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1879, iv, 217; 227. Pharynx (Abnormities of). See, also, CEsophagus (Abnormities, etc., of). Rosa(V.) Preparato dei muscoli faringei di un asino nel quale osservasi un muscolo sopra- numerario. 8°. [Modena, 1887.] Repr. from: Atti d. Soc. d. naturalisti di Modena, 1887, 3. s., iii. ICroesikc (G.) Ueber einen Fall von Divertikel der Seitenwand des Pharynx in Communication rait tier Tuba Eustaohii. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1884, xcviii, 345-353. — Bendy ( W. C. ) Instances of pharyngeal pouches. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 664.—Bcville. [Un muscle petro- ou salpingho-pharvngieu.] Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1846, xxi, 12.—Fallow (J. W.) Abnormal artery of the pharynx. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv, 437. ------. Five cases of large visible pulsating artery on the posterior wall of the pharynx. Ibid., 1887, cxvi, 302-304. Also, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 372- Pharynx (Abnormities of). 374. Also, transl.: Ann. d. mai. del'oreille, du larynx, etc Par., 1887, xiii, 59-64— II of in ami (E.) Ein dreifach getheilter Pharynx. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl 1885, xi, 489.—Illera (M. D.) Adherencias de la leiigua! Siglo med., Madrid, 1887, xxxiv, 201. Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 742 — Holt. Two cases of congenital malformation of the pharynx and cesophao-us Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1875-6, xxvii, J49-155.—von Kos- tanecki (K.) Zur Kenntniss der Pharynxdivei tikel des Menschen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Diverti- kelbildungen im Nasenrachenraum. Arch. f. path. Anat etc., Berl., 1889, cxvii, 108-150, 2 pi.—Knhn. Ein Fall von totaler Verwachsung des Gaumensegels mit tier hin- teren Rachenwand. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz.. 1879, xiv, 165-174.— Langer (P.) Eine angeborene Bildungsano- malie im Cavum pharyngo-nasale. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh Berl., 1877, xi, 1-7.—Ogle (J. W.) Pouch-like dilatation of the lower part of the pharynx; symptoms in many re- spects resembling those of organic structure. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865-6, xvii, 141, 1 pi— Fertile (O.) Uj gur- dely (diverticulum) az orrgaratiirben. [Diverticulum of pharynx.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 129-137, 1 pi— Bokilansky (C.) Divertikel am Pharynx. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1840, xxx, 222-225.— Bosa (V.) Un muscolo sopranumerario della regione faringea dell' asino. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1887, ii, 132—Sanderson. Pulsating vessel in the pharynx. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 625.-Smith (E.) Obstructed inspiration in the pharynx. Lancet, Lond.. 1858, i, 106.— Viuiont. Vices organiques du pharynx etde l'cesophage. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel., 1806, viii, 69-73 — Voituriez (J.) Vestige cartilaginenx d'un arc pharyn- gien surnumeraire chez I'homme. J. d. sc. med. ele Lille 1888, ii, 271-275.—Watson (M.) Notes of a remarkable case of pharyngeal diverticulum. J. Anat. & Physiol. Lond., 1874-5, ix, 134-136. Pharynx (Abscess of). See Abscess (Pharyngeal, etc.); Artery (Ca- rotid, Ligature of). Pharynx (Acute, infectious phlegmon of). See Pharyngitis (Gangrenous, etc.). Pharynx (Cancer of). See, also, CEsophagus, Palate, Cancer of; Pharynx (Excision of). Hallade (L.) "Contribution a l'eitude du cancer de la partie superieure du pharynx et ele la perforation consecutive de la base eiu crane. 4°. Paris, 1880. Baratoux (J.) Traitement palliatif de l'epithelioma du larynx et du pharynx par la teiuture de Thuya oecideu- talis. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. prat, tie Par.', 1888, 427- 435.—Bennett (R.) Paralysis of the face caused by can cer of the pharynx. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvi, 601.—Carazznni (G.) Tre casi di epitelioma della faringe, tonsilla, piano della bocca e lingua operati e guariti. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, viii, 382- 395.— Cayley. Cancerous ulceration of the pharynx and larynx. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, xxiv, 113.— Corazza (L.) Storia di due cancri, 1' uuo faringo-esofo- geo, 1' altro della laringe. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1869, 5. s.. vii, 143-148.—Cox (J.) A case of cancer of the gullet. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1886, viii, 74.—Bc- marquay. Cancer du pharynx etde Tcesophage. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1866), 1867, 2. s., vii, 362.—Brcyfous (F.) Cancer pharyngo-laryuge. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 304—Burand-Fardel. Cancer de pharynx; ossification dans la substance ruusculaire du cceur. Ibid., 1837, xii, 73-80. — Eder (A.) Carcin. introit. pharyng. In his: Aerztl. Ber., 1883, 8°, Wien, 1884, 25. — Fleury. Polype fongueux ( cancereux ), s'etendant a l'arriere- gorge, a la narine droite penetrant dans la cavite orhi- taire, dans le sinus sphenoidal, et perforant la base du crane apres avoir detruit le corps du spheuolde. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 522. Also: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1863 ), 1864, 2. s., iv, 447-449. — Frankel. Can- croid ties Pharynx. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 10. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1876-7, viii, pt. 1, 12-14.-Oray (H.) Villous and epithelial cancer of the pharynx and oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1854-5, vi, 183.—Oiibler. Merkwiirdige Geschichte eines allmahligentstandenen Scirrhusiu tier Rachenhohle, nebst unglucklichem Ausgang desselben. Verhandl. d. ver. arztl. Gesellsch. d. Schweiz, Zurich, 1830. iii, 54-58.— Ouelliot (O.) Epithelioma du pharynx et des ganglions cervicaux; compression de la trachee; laryngotomie inter- crico-thyroldienne; fracture du cartilage cricoide. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par.. 1880, lv, 266-271. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1880, viii, 1017-1019.—Johnson. Case of malignant ulceration of the pharynx. Lancet, Lond., 1803, i, 605.— Jones (S.) Epithelial cancer of the pharynx, necessi- tating tracheotomy and gastrotomy. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., PHARYNX. 68 PHARYNX. Pharynx (Cancer of). 1859-60, xi, 101-103.—Key. Carcinomatous affection of the pharynx. Lancet, Lond., 1825-6, ix, 619.—Liiegeois (C.) Cancroide de la levre et chlorate de potasse; epithe- lioma du larynx et du pharynx et teinture de thuia. Bull. med. d. Vosges, Rambervillers, 1886-7, i, no. 3, 29-35.— Mackenzie (G. H.) Malignant disease of the pharynx. Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx, 399. — Marcacci ( G. ) Di un epitelioma papillare faringo - esofageo. Gior. inter- naz.d. sc. med., Napoli, 1880, ii, 1080-1086. — Mayor. Tumeur ganglionnaire du cou consecutive & un cancer du pharynx. ~ Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, liii, 438: 467. Also [ Abstr. 1: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 166; 245.— lVIiclinnx. Observation d'un polype cancereux du pha- rynx, extirpe apres la ligature prealable du tronc caroti- dien. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1846-7, vi, 114-122. — Mikulicz (J.) Die seitliche Pharyngotomie behufs Exstirpation maligner Geschwiilste der Tonsil- largegend. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 157; 178.—Peabotly (G. L.) Carcinoma of the pharynx and larynx with diphtheria. Med. Rec, N. V., 1882, xxi, 551. — Poland (A.) Epithelial cancer of pharynx and trachea; impending suffocation; tracheotomy; life pro- longed four months; post mortem appearances. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1850-51,2. s., vii, 317-322. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, ii, 205.-----. Carcinomatous growth between trachea and pharynx, interfering with respiration; difficult tracheotomy; relief; post-mortem ap- pearances. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1850-51, 2. s., vii, 322- 326.—Romberg. Carcinom des Schlundkopfes. Wchn- schr. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, 40.—Shaw. Cancerous ulcer of the pharynx; right nervus vagus destroyed; dissolution of the splenic end of the stomach. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, viii, 172.—Sidlo (T.) Epithelialkrebs im untersten Theile eles Vostibulum pharyngis medium gegen den Wurzeltheil der Zunge und in elen Sin. pyrifor- mis hin wuchernd; Verdrangung der Epiglottis; ganz- licher Mangel subjectiver, sowie runctioneller Storungen; Entfernung mittelst des F>craseurs; Recidive; Tod durch Nachschub der Lungenschwindsucht. Med. Jahrb.,Wien, 1870, xx, 140-144.—Smith (T. G.) Epithelioma of the pharynx involving the larynx, trachea and oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 102-106. Also f Abstr ]; Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 281.— Vollolini. Carcinoma medullare im Eingange des Oesophagus, operirt durch die galvanocaustische Schueideschlinge. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xiv, 513-517.— Weiss (T.) Complications rares dans le cancer du pharynx etde l'amygdale. In his: Mem. sur quelques cas de chir., 8°, Nancy, 1883, 65-74.— Wood (M. A.) Case of cancer in the throat. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1871, i, 196. Pharynx (Diseases of). See, also, Ear (Diseases of, Causation of); Hyoid bone, Nose, Diseases of; Pharyngitis; Throat (Diseases of). Collet (J.) # Etude sur les vegetations ad6- noieles du pharynx nasal. 4°. Lyon, 1886. Koenig ( F.) Die Krankheiten des unteren Theils des Pharynx und Oesophagus. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1880. Mackenzie (M.) A manual of diseases of the throat anel nose, including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso - pharynx. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1880-84. ------. The same. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880-84. ------. The same. v. 2. 8°. London, 1884. ------. Thesame. Trait6 pratique des mala- dies du larynx, du pharynx et de la trachee. Trad, de 1'anglais et annot6 par E.-J. Moure et F. Bertier. v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1882. Mandl (L.-L.) Trait6 pratique des maladies du larynx et du pharynx. 8°. Paris, 1872. Massei (F.) Patologia e terapia della faringe, delle fosse nasali e della lariuge (compresa la technica rinoscopica e laringoscopica), ael uso dei medici e elegli studenti. 2. ed. v. 1. Faringe e fosse nasali. 12°. [Milano, 1888.] Megevand (L.-J.-A.) Contribution a l'etnde anatomo-pathologique des maladies des voies du pharynx. 8°. Geneve, 1887. Nemetschke (F.) *Diss. sistens conspectum morborum pharyngis, in nosocomio generali anni scholast. 1842 primo semestri tractatorum. 8°. Pragce, 1842. , , PHOTIADOS (P. D. ) 'AvaKoivooeic nepi voor)- u&tuv ttiq pivdc, tov Qapvyyoc Kal tov Adpvyyoc. 8°. 'Ei> 'Aftr/vaic, 1884. Pharynx (Diseases of). ROber (E. H.) * Zur Pathologie des Pharynx. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Weber (E. H.) * Beitriige zu tlcn Krankhei- ten des Pharynx. 8°. Leipzig, 18M. Allen (H.) Rhinoscopy and diseases of the pharynx. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2. ii', 401. -----. Pharyngeal irrita- tion. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y., 1882, iv, 94-99. Also: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y.. 1882. iii. 328-333. -----. Two cases of adenoid disease of the root' of the pharynx which ex- hibited unusual features. N. York M. J.. 1886, xliii, 688- 691. Also: Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1886. N. Y., 1887, viii, 4-11. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1886, xxix, 688. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 635.— Brandeis (R. C.) On diseases of the pharynx. Am. Pract,, Louisville, 1873. viii, 212-217. — Bryant (T.) Affections of the pharynx and palate. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1861, 3. s , vii, 22-27.—Bull (L. A.) The- nervous feature of some pharyngeal troubles. J. Ophth.. Otol.. *.t Laryngol., N. Y., 1889, i, 54-57.—4 hap in an (S. H.) My- algia of the pharynx and larynx. X. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 227-229. Also: Tr. Am. Laryagol. Ass. 1887, N. Y., 1888, ix, 136-142.—Cheatham (W.) Adenoid vegetations at the vault of the pharynx; the third or pharyngeal ton- sil. South-West. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, 104-106. -----. Diseases of the nose and pharynx, and their sur- gical treatment. Virginia M. Month.! Richmond, 1888-9. xv, 607-614. Also, Reprint. —Cohen (J. S.) Diseases of the pharynx. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1881, suppl., 264-267.-----. Diseases of the pharynx. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila,, 1885, ii, 390-408.—C'owli'iijj (J.) Cophosis resulting from aelenoitl growths. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1885, xvii, 347-350 —Ba Costa (J. M.) Ulcero-'membranous angina. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1863- 74, n. s., iv, 331-334. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1870. n. s., Ix, 129-132.—Bamaschino. Observations tie mit guet du pharynx chez les typhiques. Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 954. — Biscnssion sur l'angine glanduleuse du pharynx. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. nitjel. de Par., 1885, xxx, 537: 1886, xxxi, 104. — Kllenbogen (W.) Ein Fall von Diphtherie des Pharynx mit gleichzeitigen, symmetriscli ausgebreiteten Hamorrhagieu der Haut uud inncrer Organe. Wien. med. Bl., 1888, xi, 993-996. — Fleisch- niann (L.) Differentialdiagnose acuter mit Rachenaf fectionen beginnender Krankheiten des Kindesalters. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat. 1874. AVien, 1875, 35-58.— Fraenkel (A.) Ueber septische Infection im Gefolge von Eikrankung der Rachenorgane. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xiii, 14 -32. — Glasgow ( AV. C. ) Herpes pharyngis. Arch. Laryngol.. X. Y., 1880, i, 158.— tGleitsniann (J. W.) Hyperplasia of the lymphatic tissue of the pharynx and naso-pharynx. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 62-66.—Cradle (H.) 'On certain diseases of the vault of the pharynx. Chicago il. J. Sc Exam., 1887, liv, 18-25.—4»rucniiig (E.) On the parasitic nature of tonsillar and pharyngeal concretions. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii, 136-138. — CUinsbui-g ( F. ) Pha'tyngo typhus. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1850, i, 155-158.— Hack ( W.) Ueber neutalgische Begleiterschainungen bei Pharynxkrankheiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 610. Also: Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883. Freiburg i. B., 1884, lvi, 302-304. — Hamilton (J. ) Observations on a peculiar modification of sore throat which occasionally affects children. Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1826-7, ii, 325-333. —Han- stein (F. S.) Et luajrkvterdigt Sydonistilf;elde i Svadget. [Remarkable case of disease of pharynx. ] Eyr, Chris- tiania, 1829, iv, 299-306. — Bering ( T. ) Des troubles nerveux qui, compliquent pait'ois les affections du pha- rynx. Rev. mens, de laryngol.. etc.. Par.. 1886. vi, 177-181.— Hervieux. Cas de phar.vngorrhee ou sialorrhee pharyn- gienne a forme intermittente et de nature rhumatismale, guerie par le sulfate de quinine. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1856,1, 442-448. Also: Union med.. Par.. 1856, x, 258.— I u in a n (T.) On sore throat. Brit. M. J.. Lond.; 1861, i, 88.—Jones (H.) Throat dysesthesia, cases aud clinical remarks. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 18C>:s. i, 449. — Knight. Hypertrophy of the adenoid tissue at the vault of the pharynx. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1677, xevi, 225. — dc Koningh. Herpes pharyngis. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1880-81, xxi, 651. — Lincoln (R. P.) Selected cases of hypertrophied glandular tissue of the vault of the pharynx and other hypertrophied tissue of the nasal passages'. Med. Rec" N. Y., 1876, xi, 839.— ■iingen (C.) Typhus faucium et pharyngis. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 174. — :VIackcnzic (J. N.) Pharynx: catarrhal affections; acute catarrhal pharyngitis: etiology. Ref. Handb. M. Sc, N. Y., 1887, v, 634-636.— .Harrolte. Febri-nevralsiies de l'isthrae du gosier et du pharynx simulant ties angines inflaniniatoires et guenea par le sulfate de quinine et les stupetiants. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1874. lxxxvii. 97-i(i7._ ITIcrkwiii'digcr (Ein) Morbus Pharyngis eines Fram n- zimmers. X. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz.,'1787, ix, 515-522. - ITInrrell IT. E.) Rhinal and pharyngeal diseases prac- tically considered. Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas Little Rock 1888, 44-52, — IVorton (A. T. ) Affections of the throat I PHARYNX. Pharynx (Diseases of). and larynx. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 44; 81; 115; 152; 178.— Oppoi/ci. Pharyngealkrankheiten. Spitals-Ztg.,Wien, 1861,33; 57. — Oslcrlag (A.) Retro-pharyngeal catarrh as a cause of habitual headache. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1881-2, viii, 7-9. — Pollock (G.) Diseases of the mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 2. ed., N. Y.,1870, iv. 398-495.—Bice (C. C.) Glandular and con- nective tissue hypertrophies of the lateral walls of the pharynx. N. York M. J.. 1887, xlvi, 321-323. Also: Tr. Am.'Laryngol. Ass. 1887, N. Y,, 1888, ix, 163-169.— Bieken. Ueber Pharyngo - Pyrotechnic Auf Veran- lassung tics Fiirsten vou Metternich, mitgetheilt von Friedrich Jiiger. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu AVien, 1844, i, 81-88. — Rilliet & Barthez. Memoire sur quelques points de lhistoire des angiues et des gan- grenes du pharynx chez l'enfant. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1841, 3. s., xii, 438-459. Also: Ann. tie med. beige, Brux., 1842, i, 1-8.—Robinson (B.) A contribution to the study of adenoid vegetations at the vault of the pharynx.' Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y., 1884, vi, 138- 150. Also: N.York M. J., 1885, xii, 154-159. — Riihle (H.) Ueber Pharynxkrankheiten. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Ver. d. Rhein-Prov., Bonn, 1867, No. 2, 10-12. -----. Ueber Pharynxkrankheiten. Saiuml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1870, No. 6 (Innere Med., Xo. 2), 23-38. Also, transl.: Cliu. Lect. . . . by German authors, Lond., 1876, 442-459.—Bnppius. Vier Falle seltenen Krankseyns des Racbeus, bei Kindern beobachtet. Allg. med. Ann, Leipz., 1822, 1281-1294 — Schrottcr. Ueber mem bran formige Narben im oberen Pharynxraume. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1882, xvi, 141-147.—.*il«'bcr {V.) Perforation du phaivnx. Arch. med. de Strasb., 1835, ii, 249. — Swinburne (R. E.) Adenoid vegetations of the pharyngeal vault, and their relation to middle-ear disease. Meel. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 373-375. — Vergely. De la cephalee posterieure; ses relations avec les maladies du pharynx. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1887), 1888, 466-518. Also: J. denied, de Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 49; 58; 64; 73.— Weber (F. E.) Zur Histologic und Therapie chronischen granulbseu Raehencatarrhs. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl., 1871, v, 61-68. — Weudt (H.) Krankheiten der Nasen- rachenhohle und ties Rachens. Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1874, vii, 1. Theil, 233-323. Also, transl.: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N Y., 1876, vii, 1-108. Pharynx (Diseases of, Treatment of). Spexciler (L.) Du traitement tie la pharyugo- laryngite granuleuse par les inhalations tics gaz provenant eles sources thermales el'Ems. Extrait et traeluit de l'alleinand par W. Redlich. 8W. Bains d'Ems, 1861. Albert (E.) Einige Operationen am Pharynx. In his: Beitr. z. oper. Chir.. 8°, AVien u. Leipz., 1880. 57-60.— Baraiiowski (I.) Uleczalnosc suchot gardlanych i dzielo Dr. Ilei vnga "O ehirurg. leczeniu suchot krtani ". [Cure of pharyngeal phthisis with reference to Dr. He- ryuga's treatment of laryngeal phthisis.] Medycyna, Wawszawa, 1887, xv, 645'; 661—Beehag (A.J.) The treatment of pharyngeal catarrh. Brit. M.J.Lond., 1888, ii, 710-716. — Bitot. De la saignee des veines ranines dans les maladies du pharynx. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1857,2. s., ii, 389-400. — Bourgeois (A.) Des insuffla- tions pharyngiennes. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1881. c, 539-543.—Chevallier (A.) Remede contre le mai ele gorge. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1837, 2. s., iii, 195—Dayton (AV. A.) A new pharyngeal curette. Meel. Rec, N. V., 1885, xxviii, 670.—Bid'ay (P.) De la caute- iisation digitale pharyngienne. Lyon med., 1881, xxxvii, 517; 559. — Foulis (D.) Use of the actual cautery in pharyngeal disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii,'405. -----. The actual cautery in certain forms of pharyngeal disease. Tr. Inteluat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 275.— Oodcmer. De la cauterisation pharyng6e avec le ni- trate acide de mercure dans quelques affections speciales. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847, i, 197-203.—Ouersant (P.) Moyen tres-simple tie praticjuer des irrigations dans le pharynx chez les eufants. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., far.,' 1864, lxvii, 308.—Hartiiiann (A.) Ueber die Ope- ration tier adenoiden Wucherungen unel hypertrophischen Pharynxtonsillen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 111-113.— lleyuiann (P.) Ueber elie Anwendung des Cocain im Larynx. Pharynx, und in der Nase. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885. xxii', 51-53. [Discussion], 77-92. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1884-5), 1886, xvi, 2. Th., 6-16. [Discussion], 1. Th., 49-60.—Jasch- tschenko. Die electrische Behandlung der Hals- und Racheu-Kraukheiten. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 114.—JclcuflTy (Z.) Az orr-es orrgaratiir Kibbliteserol. [On the gargling of the nasal aud pharyngeal space.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1888, xxviii, 450-452. Also [Abstr.], transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 1074.—line's pharyngeal dilator for inspection of the uaso-pharynx (modification of Voltolini's palate hook). J. Laryngol., Lonel., 1887. i, 132.—VI and I (L.) De Tem- pled ties fluides elastiquesdansle traitement ties affections pharyngo-laryngees. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 69 MakYnx. Pharynx (Diseases of Treatment of). 1872, lxxxii, 348-356.—iVIestivier. De la saignee des veines ranines dans les maladies du pharynx. I bid., 1857, Iii, 12; 55.—.?■ icliael (J.) Pharynx dilatator. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. nied. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de laryngol., 151.—Payan. De la cauterisation pharyngee avec le nitrate acide tie mercure dans quelques affections speciales. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1842, xxiii, 109-117.—Roc (J. O.) A novel mode of cleansing the vault of the pharynx. Med. Rec N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 619.—Scott (J.) Surle traitement local des maladies du pharynx et du larynx, et specialement de l'affection folliculeuse. Rev. nied.'-chir. de. Par., 1852, xi, 136-147.—Shuily (E. L.) On the use of galvanism iu chronic diseases of the pharynx. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 1.—Silk (J. F. W.) On position aud methods of anaesthetisation in nasopharyngeal operations. J. Laryn- gol., Lond., 1889, iii, 238-242.—T inn bill I (L.) On the necessity and importance of early treatment of the dis- eases of the nostrils, pharynx, and Eustachian tubes in certain ,orms of deafness. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 449-453.—Whitney (G. F.) A novel mode of cleansing the vault of the pharynx. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 458. Pharynx (Erysipelas of). See Erysipelas (Pharyngeal). Pharynx (Excision of). Agnew (D. H.) Excision of the larynx and pharynx. MedfNews, Phila., 1887,1, 401.—von Langenbeck (B.) Ueber Exstirpatiou eles Pharynx. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiv, 825-839, 1 pi. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1879, viii, 115-129, 1 pi., 2 pts. Also, transl. (Abstr.J: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880, i, 213. Pharynx (Exploration of). See Pharyngoscopy. Pharynx (Fistula of). See Fistula (Cervical). Pharynx (Foreign bodies in). See, also. Leeches (Accidents from); CEsopha- gus (Foreign bodies in); Pharyngotomy. Dedebant (B.) * Essai sur les corps etrangers iutroduits dans le pharynx et l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1814. Sonnier (F.-P.-L.) *Des corps 6trangers ar- retes dans le pharynx et dans l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1831. Adam. Aiguilles et portion d'6tui arretes dans l'ar- riere-bouche et la partie superieure du pharynx d'un enfant de huit mois. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1857, xxx, 376.—Ander- son (J.) Acute laryngitis from lodgment of solid nitrate of silver in pharynx; traeheorJJiny; death. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 176.—Arlaud. Mort par asphyxie determin6e par l'ingestion el'un poisson vivant. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 147.—Atlce (W. F.) Report of a case ol foreign body in the pharynx ; death resulting from failure to recognize its presence and to remove it in time. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 473. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884-6. 3. s., viii, 61-65. — Birkett. Lodgment of a shil- ling in the pharynx anel afterwards swallowed without any ill effects. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 137.—Butlin. OGso- phagotomy performetl for the removal of a foreign body from the gullet. Meel. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, u. s., xxxvii, 278.—Carlylc (D.) Case where a set of teeth with plate remained in the pharynx for ten hours without producing urgent symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 994.— Clarke (J.) Foreign body in lower part of pharynx with formation of abscess and perforation of larynx; tra- cheotomy; death. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 73.— Czermak (J.) Entfernung eines fremden Korpers aus dem Pharynx, unter Beihilfe ties Kehlkopfspiegels. Prag, med. AVclinschr., 1864, 91; 112; 395. ---—. Entfernung eines fremden Korpera aus elem Pharynx unter Beihilfe des Kehlkopfspiegels. Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 81- 83.—Banet. Trois cas d'extraction de corps etrangers dans le pharynx ; observation de phenomenes stethosco- piquespropres & cet etat. Rev. med. franc, etetraug., Par., 1861, i, 650-654.—Bantra (S. H.) A unique accident while swimming. [Small fish entering the mouth.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 245.—Bu Moulin. Accidents morbitles produits par la presence d'un lithobie dans la ca- vite retropharyngienne. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1870, xlviii, 258-270.' Also : Art med., Brux., 1871-2, vii. 21; 34. Also [Rap. de Van Bambekel: Bull. Soc.de med. de Gand, 1870, xxxvii, 454-458. — Bunbar (J. J. M.) A pin spon- taneously expelled after eleven months' retention in the pharynx. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7), 1877, xxvui, 120-122. — Buplouy (('.) Nouveau cas d'asphyxie par Introduction d'un poisson vivant dans le pharynx. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi. 238. — Eitner. Erstickung durch einen lebeudig verschlungeuen Barsch. Wchnschr. PIJAliYNX. 70 PHARYNX. Pharynx (Foreign bodies in). f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1850. 3u.—E ve (P. F.) Death from a foreign body ia piece of bone) cutting from the pharynx into the laiynx. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1849. n. s., v, 73-75. —Faucon. Sur les corps etrangers metalliques introduits dans le pharynx. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, n.s., iii, 158-00. — Foucaud de I'Espagnery. Rateher postiche composant toute la courbure dentaire superieure tombe dans la gorge: etat alarmant, extraction. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 122— Gentile (G.) Estra- zione di un osso dalla parte inferioie della faringe dopo cinque giorni. Morgagni. Napoli. 18-<4, xxvi, 098-700.— <»eoghcgan. Case of impaction of a plate of artificial teeth in the pharynx during a period of five mouths. Dub- lin M. Press & Circ, 1866, i. 245-246.—Grellois. Corps etranger dans le pharynx. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1835, ix, 121-124. [Rap. ele Denonvilliers], 124-126— Hamerlon. Impaction of foreign body in pharynx of a child; removal; lecovery. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 718.—Hbpfhcr. Fall eines in den Schlund geratheuen und daselbst stecken ge- bliebenen fremden Korpers. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, xviii, 439-442.—Koepl (G.) Corps etranger du pha- rynx; extraction; guerison. J. denied., chir. et Pharma- col.. Brux., 1854, xviii, 11-19.—Laidlaw (J.) Case of a needle lodged in the pharynx. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1831, xi, 453.—Iiandi (P.) [Un grosso spillo nella faringe.] Ia his. Clin, chir., 8°, Siena, 1862, 171-173.— Laurent. Corps etranger extrait du pharynx: d' os de mouton. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1834, ix, 150.— Ijecerf. Corps etranger du pharynx. Bull. med. du nord, Lille. 1886. xxv, 447-449.— licdeutu. Corps etrangers de la pat tie infeiieure du pharynx chez un enfant de trois ans; extraction par la bouche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, n. s., iii, 111 - 114. — .fl'Bounell. Impaction of a piu in the throat tor four months. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., I860, n. s., vii, 184. — .Mackenzie. Impaction of a foreign body in the pharvnx. which had been productive of fatal asphyxia. Mouth. J. M. Sci.. Lond. & Edinb., 1851, xiii, 68.-- yiaix. Gros sou dans le pharynx. Repeit. gen. d'airat. et physio], path.. Par., 1827, iv, 112-114 —Unschka. Veidacht einer Vergiftung; Erstickung clinch einen im Schluncle stecken gebliebenen fremden Korper. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1877, exxxvi, 36.— Hathew (R. G.) An awkward accident. Indian M Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii,-250.— Tli I lard, fiuorme morceau tie bceuf bouilli qui st st arrete clans la p.irtie infeiieure du pharynx; mot t par asidiyxie. Bull. Sue. anat. tie Par., 1859, xxxiv, 185-187 — IVIouuot. Extraction d'une piece de cinej francs arietee elans le pharynx. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1845, xvi, 351.—iUonti (A.) Oedem tier obersteu Respirationswege, hervorgerufen elurch elie Entfernung eines tiemdeu Korpers aus dem Cavum pharyngeum. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1865 vii, 3. Hft., 62-00. — Tloiton iT G.i A comb forced into the pharynx behind the uvula and half arches; threat- ened suffocation : removal: recovery. Surg. Penu. Hosp., Phila.. 1880. 332.—Norton. Injury to pharynx by a piece of bone; emphysema: death Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1876. n. s., xxi, 314.—Observations de corps etrangers in- troduits dans le pharynx. J. dc med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1854. xxv, 57-59. — Onofli (A.) A gardtban levci idegen testek c asuistikajahoz. ICase of foreign body in pharynx.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 1888. xxxii, 1319. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Pi esse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 976.— Packard. Hemorrhage from the pharynx, resulting from the partial swallowing of a piece of cartilage. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859. n. s., xxxvii, 377. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62). 1863. n. s., iii, 253.-Paget (J.) A case in which artificial teeth were lodged between the tongue and epiglottis. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1862, i, 58. — Parrish ( I.) Extraction of a thimble from the pterygoid fossa. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1835, xvii, 540.— [Paul.] Fish in the throat. Med. Times &Gaz., Loud., 1874. i, 486. — Pichaucourt. Corps etranger dans le pharynx. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1866-7, iii, 13-16.— Pingault (I.) Account of a case in which a portion.of a living insect was disc barged from the throat by vomiting. Tr. M. Ac Phys. Soc:. Calcutta, 1835-42, viii, pt. 2, pp. clxxxv- clxxxvi. — Piorry. Observation relative a un corps etranger iutroduit clans le pharynx. J. gen. denied., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1822, lxxx, 11-18.—Pollock. Observa- tions on some cases in which artificial teeth were dis- lodged and swallowed or impacted in the pharynx. Lan- cet, Loud., 1809. i, 456; 490. — Bossi. Aiguille enfoucee daiis le pharynx; extraction: reflexions de Morgagni sur l'application de l'aimant, Gaz. el. bop.. Par., 1838, xii, lj(i:i _.c«ia nds (H. B.) Foreign bodies from the throat. N. Vol k Al. J., lsOO. iii, 214-217— See. Plume nietallique fixee dans la paroi du pharynx; extraction; abces con- secntif flu mediastin : administration du chloral; gueri- son. Bull, ft mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, n. s., i, 271- 273.—Singletary ( D. ) A nickel in the pharynx dis lodged alter eight years and two months, louisville M. News 1880, x, 254.'—Skey (F. C.) Foreign body in the pharynx. Lancet. Lund.. 1861, ii. 328.—Noltsien. Leber eine' verschlnckte Oberkiefeiplatte mit 3 kun-thchen Zahnen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878. xv, 255. - «tack- ier. Corps etranger du pharynx; cedeiue de la glottt consccutil: inert subite. Bull. Soc anat. dePar., i860, lv, Pharynx (Foreign bodies in). 526-530." Also: Progress med.. Par., 1881, ix, 337.—Subbo- tic (V.) Pharyngotomia subhyoidea wt gen Fremclkorper. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1886, xxxi. 112.—Tanner. Fall von Extraction eines kiinstlichen Gebisses aus dem Cervi- caltheile ties Schlundes. Ztschr. f. Met!., Chir. u. Gc- burtsh., 1863, n. F., ii, 213-221.—Thevenol (A.) Acci dents insolites causes par un corps etranger du pharynx. Union med., Par., 1880. 3. s., xxx, 3-7. Also, Reprint.— Thomas (E.) Foreign body in the throat ; cessation of respiration and ciidilation: removal of the foreign sub- stance; artificial inflation ; recovery. Med. Times. Lond., 1847-8, xvii, 34.—Thou veniu. Corps etranger nietallique (un sou) retenu dans le pharynx et expulse ft l'aide d'efforts de voniissements combines avec 1'abaissemeut forc6 de la langue. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, n. 8., i, 707.—Tibaldi (A.) Morte di un bambino in causa eliun Basso nelle fauci. [Case.] Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 314—Toler. Case in which a piece of slate was impacted in the pharynx. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxx, 403.— lire. Tobacco-pipe stem in the throat. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 86.—Wallace (W.) Foreign body in pharynx. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. 1883-4, viii, 164-167.— Ward ( O.) Halfpenny impacted in the pharynx for eight months. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1848-50, ii, 50.—Warren. Alarming symptoms caused by the displacement of artificial teeth during etherization. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1860, lxii, 400.—White (P. M.) Fish in the throat. N. York M. Press, 1860, n. s., iii, 41. Pharynx (Ecem o rrhage from). See Pharynx ( Ulceration of). Pharynx (Inflammation of). See Pharyngitis. Pharynx (Leech in). See Leech (Accidents from). Pharynx (Muscles of). See Pharynx. Pharynx (Mycosis of). Gumbinxer (J. M.) *Eine gutartige Mycosis ties Pharynx. 12°. Berlin, 1883. Mendes-Bonito (G.-D.-A.) * De la pharyngo- mycose. 4°. Bordeaux, 1H«7. C'hiari ( O.) De la pharyngo-mycose leptothricea. [ Trad, de 1'allemaiid par M. Natier. ] Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Par., 1887, vii, 559-564.—Damaschino. Muguet primitif du pharynx. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 689-091.—Decker (J.) A- Mcifert. Leber Mycosislepto- thrica pharyngis. Sitzungsb. el. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1888, 26-28—Ferre (G.) Sur un cas de pharyn- gomycose. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 589-59L— (woris (C.) Note sur la morphologic et le traitement du mycosis pharyngien. Rev. tie laryngol., etc., Par.. 1889, ix, 273-277. — Hering (T.) Ueber Pharynxmycosis lepto- thricia. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883-4, vii, 358-371, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freiburg i. B.. 1884, lvi, 306. Also, transl.: Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc. Par., 1884, iv, 264- 278, 1 pi.—Lobrr. Contribution a l'etude de la pbaryu- gomycose. Bull. meel. eiu nord, Lille, 1888. xxvii, 170-173.— Oltuszctvski (W) Przypadek grzybicy gartlzieli wloskowcowej. (Mycosis pharyngis leptothricia.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 83-85.—Semon (F.) My- cosis pharyngis leptothricia. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1883, Loud., 1884, n. s., xiii, 127. — Siebenmann (F.) Ein zweiter Fall von Schinimelmyco.se des Rachendaches. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1880. xxiii, 73-76.—Toeplitz (M.) Ueber Pharyngomycosis leptothricia benigna. N. Yorker med. Presse. 1886-7, iii, 13-21.—Vandcrpoel (S. 0.) Pharyngeal mycosis. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 147. Pharynx (Paralysis of). Botworth (F. H.) Paresis of the constrictor muscles of the pharynx, simulating spasmodic stricture of the tesophagus. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass.. N. Y„ 1883, v, 48- 54. Also: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y. 1883, iv, 192-198.— Hunter (J.) A case of paralysis of the muscles of deglu- tition, cured by an artificial mode of conveying food aud metlicines into the stomach. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. 6c Chir. Knowl., Loud., 1793, i, 182-188.—I.abastide (S ) Para- lysie du pharynx; alimentation par la peptone. Gaz. hebd, d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 526. — I.abbes < E. ) Paralysie pharyngee consecutive k une angine pultaeee Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 139. —Key. Cas rare de paralysie pharyngienne, etc.; guerison a 1 aide de la sonde oesophagienne. Union med. de la t.iionde, Bordeaux 1858 iu, 97-100.—Schiilzenberger. Observation de paralysie pharynfip-ttsopha^i. .me. Pro, -verb. . . . Soc ele metf. de Strasb. 1858-63,. 1m;4 243-251.-Sierra y (arbo. Pard- isis cb- los nmsculos depresores ele la epigltitis ; paresia de lt.s constrictores de la faringe y de los palato-estafilinos • alagia pari los ahmentos s61itlos; curacion por la elcctrici- ih.tl. Anfateatro anat,, Madrid, 1876, iv 360 PHARYNX. 71 PHARYNX. Pharynx (Polypus of). See Laryngotomy, etc.; Nose (Tumors of), [etc]; Pharynx (Tumors of'). Pharynx (Spasm of). Marggraff (A. G.) *De spasniis pharyngis; otlcr: vom Kranipf eles Ober-Schlundes. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1733]. Bigelow (H. J.) Rapid ticking sound in the throat, audible across the room ; involuntary. Boston M. la suite de 1'intioduction dun corps etranger dans le larynx. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxxxix, 61-68.—Lucas (R. C.) Abstract of a clinical lect- ure on syphilitic gumma of the pharynx. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 115-120.—Mackenzie (G. H.) Case of syphilitic ulceration of the pharnyx ; dysphagia; rapid improvement under local aud constitutional treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 340. -----. Case of gummatous tu- mour of the pharynx. Ibid., 1881, ii, 949. —---. 'Note on tertiary syphilis of the pharynx. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xviii, 170-174. — Mackenzie'( H. W. G.) Ou a case of acute tonsillitis in a subject of tertiary syphilis of the pharynx. Lancet, Lond., 1886. ii, 621. — Mackenzie (M.) [On syphilitic diseases of the throat.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869,' l, 494— MrMechnii (J. C.) Carbolic acid in syphilitic ulceration of the throat. Cincin. M. Repert., 1869, ii, 42-44.— Manriac ( C. ) De la svphilose pha- ryngo-nasale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1876, 4. s., v. 16; 30; 66; 100 ; 138; 198; 235; 280; 453 ; 502; 535. Also : Union med., Par.. 1876, 3. s., xxii, 497; 533; 582; 671. -----. Traite- ment de la syphilose pharyngo -nasale. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par.. 1876. xc 97; 150. — Meyer (J.) A unique case of complete pharyngeal stiieture of specific origin. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1879, xvi. 179—Paul (F. T.) Syphilitic stenosis of pharynx. Liverpool M.-C'hir. J. 1885, v, 474.— Purdon (H. S.) A case of syphilitic ulcer- ation of the throat treated with sulphurous acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 447.—Bicord (P.) Considerations pra tiques sur les accidents tertiaires de la syphilis constitu- tion nellc, et en particulier sur les ulcerations de la gorge, et sur leur traitement par l'iodure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1840, xix, 15-22—Bufz (E.) De l'angine syphilitique. J. univ. et hebcl. de med. et chir. prat., Par., J832, viii, 280-312.— Sawyer (J.) Tertiary syphilitic disease of the throat. Birmiugh. M. Rev , 1872, ii, 63. —Tarenetski (A.) Sroshenie m.jagkago nieba s zadneiou stienkoiou glotki. [Syphilis of soft parts of pal- ate and pharynx.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb.. 1880. exxxvii, pt. 2, 1-9. —Van Buren (W. H.) Syphilis af- fecting the throat; chancre and bubo in a patient already suffering from constitutional disease. N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s.. i. 85-87. Pharynx (Tuberculosis of). Chassagnette (L.) * De l'angine ttibereu- leuse. 4°. Paris, 1*80. .Shrris (J.) *De l'angine tubercnleuso. 4°. Paris, 1877. Abercrombie (J.) & day (W.) On three cases of acute- tubercular ulceration of the fauces. Med.-Chir. Tr.. PHARYNX. 72 PHARYNX. Pharynx (Tuberculosis of). Lond.. *1887, lxx, 93-105, 1 pi.—Ariza (R.) Faringitis tuberculosa aguda. An. de otol. y laringol.. AlcaH de Henares, 1886. iv. 224-233. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1886, xix, 561-569.—von.Breuning G.) Scrofulose Krankheiten der Rachenhohle. Med. - chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 381. —Bucquoy. De l'an- gine tuberculeuse; phthisie gutturale. France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 289. Also [with additions]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 449; 465.—De Blois (T. A.) The rapiel fatality of tuberculosis, when involving the pharynx. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii. 392. —De ConcMiis (D.) Su di un casodi tnberceilosi faringea. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1883-4, iii, 150-152— Fraukel (B.) Ueber die Miliar- tuberculose des Pharynx. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 657; 678. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 17: 52; 118. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1877, viii, pt. 2, 1-22.—Gee ( S.) On tuberculous angina faucium. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, xi, 41-45. -----. Tubercu- lar ulceration of fauces. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii,413.—ISouguenheini. Tuberculosemiliairesubaigue du pharynx guerie par les applications d'iodoforme, avec recidive guerie de la meme facon. Union m6d., Par., 1882, 3. s.. xxxiv. 730-738. Also: Bull, etmem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par- (1882). 1883, 2. s.. xix. 176-178. —Ha not (V.) Angine tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 336-340.—Hinkel (F. W.) Report of a case of tubercu- lar ulceration of the pharynx. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 354-359. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1886, 514-519— Homolle (G.) Des scrofu- lides 'graves primitives de la gorge (symptomatologie et diagnostic). Ann. de elermat. et sypb.. Par., 1875-6, vii, 117-139.— Kazanski (A. I.) Sluchai tuberkulez. pora.jenija zeva i glotki. [ Tuoerculous disease of the throat and pharynx.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1884, 56-67.—Kidd (P.) Tubercular ulcera- tion of pharynx; small tumour of larynx (?) tubercular. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1883-4. xxxv, 189.—Krause (H.) Ein Fall von beginnender Pharynxtuberculose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi. 170. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1883-4), 1885, xv, pt. 2, 89-92. [Discussion], pt. 1, 147-150.— liiiblinwki (W.) Ueber Tuberculose des Pharynx mit Krankenvorstellung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.', Berl., 1885, xi, 134— Mahla. Gruzlica. polyku (tubercul. pharyngis). Dwutygodnik med. pub., Krakow., 1877, 355-357.—Millard. Un malade atteint de tubercu- lose miliaire aigue pharyngo-laryiigee; autopsie. Union med.. Par.. 1881. 3. s., xxxiii, 25; 302. Also: Bull, etmem. Soc med. d. Imp. de Par. (1881). 1882, 2. s., xviii, 278; 348.— Schepeleru (V.) Et Tilfalde af Miliartuberkulose i Farynx. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh.. 1879, 2. R., vi, 121-128.— Meet'hi. Eiu Fall von Miliartuberculose des Pharynx. Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1877, xiv, 376.—Hcvcstre. Ulcera- tion de l'amygdale gauche de la luette. ele la base de la lan- gue, de lepiglotte; engorgements ganglionnaires; tuber- culisation miliaire du ponmon; mort. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1872, xlvii, 322. — Taubcr ( B.) Tuberculosis of the pharynx. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver. 1888, 91-94. Also: J. Laryngol., Lond., 1889. iii, 11.—Wagner (B.) Tuberkulose und Papillom des Pharynx. Arch. d. Heilk.. Leipz., 1865, vi, 470-472— Zawcrthal (W. H.) Tubercu- lose du pharynx. Cong, internat, de laryngol. 1880, Milan, 1882, 151-156. Also, transl. : Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 1297; 1365. Pharynx (Tumors of). See, also, Cranium, Nose, Palate, Tonsils, Tumors of. Chatellier. * Des tumeurs ade^ioicles ein pharynx. 4°. Paris, 188C*. —----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1886. Also [Abstr. 1, in: Ann. el. mai. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1886, xii, 12-27. Ferrier (L.-A.) *De FopeSration nouvelle pratiquee par M. Nelaton, ponr les polypes fi- breux de la base du crane. De la tracheotomie dans le cas de croup chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1855. Flour (C.) * Considerations generates sur les turaeurs ele la route pharyngienne. 4°. Paris, 1873. Hahn (I.) 'Verfahren bei eler Exstirpation von Tumoren im Pharynx uud Oesophagus. [Erlangen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1878. Schmidt (A. ) *Ein Fall von autochthonem Teratom der Rachenmundhohle. 8°. Kbnigs- berg,18^X Soustre (P.-C.) * Sur un procetle operatoire destumeurs adenoieles du pharynx nasal. 4r. Paris, 18*8. „ , . AVi'xscHE ( K. T.) * Ueber Retropharyngeal- GcschwiHste. 8-. Leipzig, 18M. Pharynx (Tumors of). Abraham (P. S.) On an anomalous growth bearing pilose skin in the pharynx of a youngwoman. J. Anat. . Sarcoma of the pharynx removed by partial exsection and dislocation of the inferior maxilla. X. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 332.— Larondcllc. Observation d'un polype pharyngieu iiisere sur la partie infeiieure de la paroi laterale gauche du pha- rynx; icrasement lineaire ; guerison. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg.. Brux., 1870, 3. s., iv, 183-189.—I.avrniicl. Vege tat ions adeuoideadu pharynx; accidents dyspueiqttes; ablation : guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. de Lille, 1887, ii, 35-43.—lievret. Xouvellemethode ele lier les polypes de la gorge. J. ele med.. chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1770, xxxiii. 535-558. — Iiincoln (R. P.) Recurrent nasopharyngeal tumor; cine b\ electrolysis. X. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 459.—Liitlle. Tumor of the pharynx removed by the ecraseur. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lemel., 1863, i, 507.—I,od- der. Exstirpatie van een zeer onivaugrijken pharynge- aaltumor; genezing. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. R., xxii, 216.—I^eeweiiberg. Les tumeurs ade- noieles du phar\nx nasal; leur influence sur I'audition, la respiration et Ia phonation ; leur traitement. Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1878, li, 474: 484: 506; 556; 572; 596; 611; 635; 651: 699; 772: 787; 899; 923. Also. Reprint, -----. Les vege- tations adenoieles dans la voute tin pharynx. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 283-290. ---—. Trois myxo-sar- comes dans le pharynx d'une petite fille de cinq ans ; ex- tirpation a l'aidetlu doigt. Cong, internat. de laryngol. 1880, Milan, 1882, i, 156-158. — von I,uschka (H.) Ueber Pa- pillargesehwiilstedesSchlunilkopfes. Arch. I. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, 1, 161-164, 1 pi. — Maclcod |G. B. H.] Tumour of the pharynx : operation; death. Glasgow M. .L, 1880, xiii, 240-242.'—.TicI.e'od (K.) [Sarcomatous tu- mour of the pharvnx.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 146. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1881, ii. 53-56. -----. Case of fibroma of pharvnx : operation. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 576.—Mnrjolin.' Masse tuberculeuse de- veloppee a la partie superieure du pharynx ; coiuinunica- tion avec la cavite cranienne simulant un polype naso- pharyugien ; accroissement rapide ; mort. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par. (I860), 1861, 2. s., i. 247-250.—Mnssol. Cl- j ceration du sourcil; tumeur du pharynx, probablement I PHARYNX. Pharynx (Tumors of). cancereuse. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1875, 1, 141-146.— Meyer (W.) Adenoid vegetations in the vault of the pharynx. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881. iii. 278-282 1 pi.—Monfalcou. Polype du pharynx et de l'cesophage-. Dict. cl. sc. med., Par.. 182(1, xliv, 225-227—Morgan i E C.) A case of glosso-epiglottic myxo-sarcoina ; and a bibliography of pharyngeal tumors. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass.. N. Y., 1883, v, 167-179. Also, Reprint. — Moselig. Ueber einen Fall von Operation eines Rachenpoh pen mit telst (ialvanoeaustik. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1866, xi, 217. — IVelaton. Sur un nouveau procede operatoire em- ploye en un cas de polype fibreux situe- derriere le palais. j Discussion. | Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par. (1848-50). 1851, i. 159-161. —."Vorton (A. T.) Dual fibro-inyxo-sarconia of the pharynx and cheek. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s.. xlvii. 529, 1 pi.—Otto (R.) Ueber einen congeni- taleu behaarteu Racheupolypeu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889, cxv, 242-254.—Paei (A.) Su di un raro polipo fariugeo estirpato colla galvanocaustica. Gior. in- ternaz. el. sc. med., Xapoli. 1879. n. s., i, 596-600.—Peters (G. A.) Notes of four cases of pharyngeal tumor (myxo- sarcoma). Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii. 565-568. — Po- lyak. Entfernung eines Saicoms aus der Racheuhoble mit voraugehender Exstirpation ties Oberkiefers als Aus- hilfsoperation. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1875, xxv, 265- 268. — Porter (W) Three supra epiglottic benign neo- plasms. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 85.—Ranch (J.) Gliickliche Entfernung eines sehr grossen Racheu- polypeu durch die Ligafur. Oesterr. meel. Wchnschr.. Wien, 1845, 261-263—Rcviicllas-t'arrillo y Mould. Constrictor para los pc')li])os ele-la faringe. Rev. eh- mi-el. y cirurg. pract., Madrid, 1878, ii, 23-24. — Kicci (A.) Dei tuinori adenoidi elel faringe cousiderati specialmente sotto il pun to di vista delle loro conseguenze e della loro cura. Gazz. cl. osp.. Milano. 1888, ix, 346; 354; 302. — Robert. Ablation d'un polype flbreux du pharynx par la resection de l'os maxillaire superieur. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par. (1848-50). 1851, i, 397: 430; 478. — Roe (J. O.) Adenoid growths iu the vault of the pharynx : their removal by the galvano-cantery. Med. Rec, ft. Y., 1879, xvi, 243-248. Also, Reprint. -----. A large recurrent papilloma of the pharyux. Illust. Quart. M. i S., N. Y., 1882, i, 69, 1 pi.— Rbser. Eindurch Abdrehung und Abreissung gliicklich operirter Fall eines Schlund-Polypen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1859. xxix, 161-164. — Bo- senbach ( J. ) Ein Fall vou Ruudzcllensai kom eles Schlundes. welches durch die Pharyngotomia subhyoidea entfernt wird. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875. xii, 519: 531.— Rossander. Fall af naso-pharyngealpolvp. Fcirh. v. Sveus. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm. 1808. 91. — Ry- erson (G. S.) On adenoma of the vault of the pharynx. Canada Lancet. Toronto, 1881-2, xiv, 323-325. — Scheff (G.) Retropharyngeal-Exostose. Allg. Wjen. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 235. — Nehmaus ( A. ) Tuberkel-tumor im oberen Theile ties Pharynx. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1860, vii, 397.—Schmid'(H.) Weitere Erfahrungen iiber die buccale Exstirpation basilarer Rachengeschwiilste. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1881. vi, 253; 261;.274.—Schmidt (J. A.) Eine seltene Speekgeschwulst in eler Racheu- hble, die den Tod nach sich zog. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarzuk.. Berl., 1805, xxii,"2. St., 64-86.—Schiiller ( M. ) Ein grdsserer Easerpolyj) aus der Racheuhoble von tier Schadelbasis. Deutsc■he Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1877-8. ix. 266. —Selluh. Einiges iiber Racheupolypeu und ihie Behandlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv. 1777; 1793; 1813. — Smith (H.) Removal of a large till] cms polypus from the pharynx. Lancet. Lond , 1872. i. 147. — Sommerbrodt (J.) Ueber eine Pa- pillargeschwulst im Pharynx. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, li, 136. — Miahmann. (F.) Ein Polyp im Schlunde. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode, 1845-6, iii, 118. — Stimson (L. A.) Sarcoma of the pharynx and secondarily of the neck. IlluSt, Quart. M. Sc S.. N. Y., 1882, i, 85.—Tatuin. Fibrous ♦■uraov of the pharynx attached to the base of the skull. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 138— Tauber (B.) Adenoid vegetations in the vault of the pharynx. Cincin. Lancet *fc Clinic, 1880, u. s., iv, 377- 380.—Taylor (F.) Fatty tumor behind the pharynx. Tr. Path. Soc 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 216-218.—Til- laux. Sobre dos tumores de la faringe. An. d. Circ. med. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1887, x. 135-146, 1 pi.—Veil- turini (E.) Sarcome midollare delle faringe. Ippocra- tico, Fano, 1871, 3. s., xix. 89-91.—Verneuil. De l'extir- pation des tumeurs du pharyux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880. n. s., xii, 502-508. — Vibert. Sur une observation de tumeur tibreuse du pharynx. [Rap. de Duplav.] Ibid., 1879, n. s„ v, 615-617. — Wagner (C. ) Dermoid tumor of the pharynx. Bull. N.York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s.. L 158-161. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec. N. Y., 1881. xx. 70.—Walshain (W.J.) A case of nasopharyn- geal polypus : removal by the ecraseur and actual cautery, after splitting the soft and cutting away the posterior third of the hard palate. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 102.—Water. man (T.) Pharyngeal tumor; extirpation preceded by resection of superior maxilla, Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, n.s., iii,Hid—Weil (0.) GrosseRachengeschwulst, ansge- gangen vom Galleitkern des 2. oder 3. Intervertebralliga- PFIARYXX. 74 PHILIP. Pharynx (Tumors of). ments tier Halswirhelsanle; Exstirpation durch laterale Pharyngotoniic Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1881, ii, 6-15,1 pi.— Weinlechncr. AbgeirrterkastaniengrosserSchilddrii- senkuoten am untersten Ende der hinteren Wand des Schlundkopfes mit consecutiver Erweiterung des Pharynx unci hochgradigen Schlingbeschwerden; die Exstirpation durch einen zwischeu Zungenbein und Kehlkopf gefiihr- ten Schnitt gelaug leieht, doeh die Blutung war hart- nackig; wegeu Laryngosteuose war nachtragliche Laryn- gotomie nothwendig: Tod nach 4 Tagen an Pyaeniie. Aerztl. Ber d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1881), 1882, 231.-----. Fibroser Nasenrachenpolyp; Exstirpation in niehreren Sitzungen nach vorausgegangener Spaltung ties weichen Gamneus und spaterhii: osteoplastische Resec- tion eles Oberkiefers; schliessliche Vereiniguug des Gau- iiii'iidefectes elurch elie Staphyloraphie und Uranoplastik. Ibid. (1885), 1886, 205-208. -----. Exstirpation eines von der rechten Pharynxwandausgehenden exulcerirten Lym- phosarcoms mit temporarer Durchtrennung des Unterkie- ferastes: drei Tage spater heftige arterielle Blutung, welche die Ligatur der Arteria carotis com. erheischte ; Heniiiilegie auf der anderen Seite; Tod 17 Stunden nach der Intel binduug; die Obductiou ergab beginnende Er- weichung der rechten Hirnbemisphare in Folge von Anae- mie, bediugt durch anoniale Gefassverhaltnisse. Ibid., (1886), 1888, 21)8. —Wigand. Leber eine in Hamburg epitlemisoh hei■rschende Angina polyposa. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1802 (Med. Konespbl., 58-62),—von Win- ter (A.) Geschiihte eines ausserst grossen Rachen-Poly- pen, durch die Abbindung ausgerottet; nebst allgemei- nen Bemerkungen iiber die Ausrottung tier Racheu-Poly- pen iiherhaupt. Chiron, Niirnb. u. Sulzbach, 1812-13, iii, 315-331, 1 pi. — Wolfenden (R. N.) A case of angioma of the pharynx. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1271. Also, Reprint.—Zsigmondy. [Geschwulst in der linken Ton- sillennische, verwachsen mit den Gaumenbogen tier linken Seite,entfernt inittelst eles Middledorfschen galvauokaus- tischen Apparates ohiie Xarcosc] Aerztl. Ber. el. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1878, 151-153.—de Znann (H.) Verwijdering van een pharyngeaal fibroid na de Langen- beck'sche osteoplastische resectie van het jukbeen en het liggham derbovenkaak; genezing. Nederl. Tidjschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1874, 2. R., x, 1. Afd., 18-20 Pharynx (Ulceration of). See, also, Pharynx (Syphilitic disease of); Pharynx (Tuberculosis of). Zetterkmanx (L. P.) * Hsemorrhoides ex palato proHuetites. 4°. Erfordice, 1722. Bryk (A.) Beitragezur Aetiologieund den Ausgangen der chronischen Racheiitilcerationen. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1864, xiv, 651; 665; 681. — dial vet. Pharyngite chrouiquetefmineepar hemorrhagic mortelle. Lyonmed., 1870, v, 612-616. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1870), 1871, x, 125-129.—Coole (H.) Upon a form of phagedenic ulceration of the throat, not syphi- litic Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xiii, 438.— Desnos. Note critique et observation sur l'angine scro- fulcusc Union med.. Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv. 205-209. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc med. cl. hop. de Par. (1872), 1873, 2. s., ix, 60-66.—Douglas (J. IL) Ulceration of the epiglottis, pharynx and velum palati. N. Oil. M. News Sc Hosp. Gaz..' 1854-5, i, 6-9. — Dufresnay (G.) Observation sur un ulcere chancreux a la gorge, ancien et rebelle, gueri contre toute esperance, par un moyen fort simple. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxvii, 42-53.—Hodg- hiuson (A.) Haemorrhagesfiomthepharynxand larynx, anel other haemorrhages that simulate these. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 611-613.—Homolle (G.) Des scrofulides graves de la muqueuse bucco-phai vugienne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 179-181.-----. Des scrofulides graves primitives de la gorge (syniptomatologie et diagnostic). Ann. dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1875-6, vii, 54; 117.—Kidd ( P.) Haemorrhages from the pharynx and larynx, and other haemorrhages that simulate these. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 609-611. — Kirkpatrick. [Ulcer in the lower part of the pharynx, productive of symptoms very similar to those of stricture of the eesopbagus.] Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 257-259. — Liebenuann. Note sur les alterations du larynx dans l'angine scrofuleuse. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 209-211. Also: Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1872), 1873, 2. s., ix, 66-70— l,u- banski. De rangine ulcereuse. Lyon med., 1871. viii. 426-431.—I-ucas (J. C.) Case of cancerous ulceration of the throat, simulating syphilis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, i 1878, xiii, 72.—Messemer (E. J.) Ulceration of pharynx and abscess of the pvriform sinus, caused by a foreign body. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1881. xxxi, 127'. — Moore (C. H.) On perforations of the pharynx. Lancet. Lond., 1864, ii, 287. — Paul (C.) De l'angine ulcereuse maligne de nature- scrofuleuse, ou lupus de la gorge. Union med., I Par. 1872 3. s., xiv, 122-130. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1872). 1873. 2. s., ix, 43-55. -----. Nouvelle observation d'angine ulcereuse maligne scrofu- leuse on lupus de la gorge. France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 79.-,. _ Pepper ( W. ) Ulceration of the pharynx open- PharvilX (Ulceration of). ing into*the carotid. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1850-53), 1853, n. s., i, 358 - 362. — Porter ( W.) Recurrent pharyngeal hemorrhage. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii, 511- 513.—Wilks. Idiopathic ulceration of the throat, Lan- cet, Lond., 1859, i, 186. Pharynx (Vegetations of). See Nose (Adenoid tissue, etc., of); Pharynx (Tumors of). Pharynx ( Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Mouth, Neck, Wounds, etc., of. Baker (W. M.) Fatal wound of the ascending phar yngeal artery by a tobacco pipe. St. Barth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1876, xii,'l63-166. — Grimm (J.) ('ocain bei Ver- breunung der Mund Rachen-Hohle. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885, u. F., ii, 429. — Longchamp. Bles- stires par un taureau, plaie dn pharynx, etc. Bull. Soc. de meel. de la Sarthe 1851, Le Mans, 1852, 46-48. Phascolarctos. Voung (A. H.) On the male generative organs of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 305-317, 1 pi. Phaseolus. Dale (W.) Case of poisoning by kidney-beans. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, i, 471. — Davidson (A.) & Steven- son (T.) Poisoning by pois d'Achery (Phaseolus lima- tus, Linn.). Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxii, 435-439 — Forrest (R. W.) Severe illness resulting from the eating of uncooked haricot beans (the beans of Phaseolus vul garis). Glasgow M. J., 1882, xviii, 68. — Mcnozzi (A.) Recherches chimiques sur la germination du Phaseolus vulgaris. [Transl. from: Rendic r. Accad. d. Lincei, 5 felib. 1888.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888, ix, 235-242.— Weller (G.) Symptoms of poisoning after eating scarlet runner beans. Brit, M. J., 1870, i, 359. Pliayre (Thomas) [ -1560?] The regiment of life, whereuuto is ailded a treatise of the pes- tilence, with the booke of children, newly cor- rected and enlarged. 167 1. 16°. [London, E. Whitchurch, 1551.] Black letter. -----. Thesame. 841. sm. 4°. London, E. Allde, 1596. Black letter. -----. The same. Newly correcteel and enlarged. 168 1. sm. 8°. London, A. Veale, [n. d.] Black letter. For Biography, see Aikin (John). Biog. Mem. 8°. London, 1780, 77-79. Pheasants. Murie (J.) Note npon the abnormality of a tail-feather in a male Stemmering's pheasant. 8°. [London, 1865.] Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, 746. Bassi (R.) Sopra la tracheite verminosa dei fagiani (Phasianus colchieus). Gior. eli med. vet., Torino, 1881, xxx, 67-81, 1 pi.—Megnin. Sur le syngamus trachealis et sur la maladie qu'il determine. Compt. reutl. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881. 7. s., ii. 388. -----. Memoire sur 1*6- pizootie actuelle des faisanderies et sur le parasite qui la cause: le Syngamus trachealis (Siebold). Ibid., pt. 2, 45- 67, 2 pi. Also: Rec de m6d. vet., Par., 1882, 6. s., ix 990; 1045, 2 pi. — Shufcldt ( R. W.) Remarks npon the oste- ology of Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Science, Cambridge, 1883] ii, 640-642. -----. Observations upon the osteology of Podasocys montanus. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1883-4, xviii, 86-102, 1 pi. Phelan ( Denis ) [ 1785-1871 ]. A statistical in- quiry into the present state of the medical chari- ties of Ireland; with suggestions for a medical poor-law, by which they may be rendered much more extensively efficient, xxxiii, 325 pp., 11 tab. 8°. Dublin, Bodges S,- Smith, 1835. -----. Observations on the comparative aelvan- tages of affording obstetric attendance on poor women iu lying-in hospitals and in their own homes. 25 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1867. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, xliii, 1867. : For Biography, see Biit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 656. Phelan (Perses). *De pulmonititle. 3 p. ]., 30 pp. 8-. Edinburgi, G. Mudie etfilii, 1798. Phelip (Henri). * De l'ur^throtomie externe situs couducteur et de ses indications multiples PHILIP. 75 PHENfc. Phelip (Henri)—continued. elans les r6trecissements de Purethre. 122 pp. 4C. Lyon, 1886, 1. s., No. 311. -----. Thesame. 122pp. 8G. Paris, Masson, 188V). -----. Observation tic lithotritie rendne possible par l'cmploi dn chlorhydrate de cocaine en injec- tions elans rurethrect la vessie. 8 pp. 8°. Lyon, F. Plan, [1887]. -----. Contribution h l'emploi de la cocaine dans la lithotritie (2e note). 7 pp. 8°. Lyon, F. Plan, 1K8H. Repr. from: Lyon m6d., 1888, lvii. Phelipeau (G.-J.-Valere). *Du sciereme des nottveau-nes et de sou traitement. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 13*, v. 609. Phelippeaiix. Etude pratique sur les frictions et le massage, on guide eiu mddecin masseur. 187 pp. 8°. Paris, 1869. Repr. from: Abeille m6d., Par., 1869, xxvi. -----. Histoire clinique d'un fibronie utenn du poiels de 150 grammes, operation et guerison. Considerations sur quelques faits de gynecologic Discussion, cornmentaires. 75 pp. 8°. Paris, Yre. A Delahaye $ Cie., 1878. Repr. from: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1878, v. Phelippeaiix (Marie-Victor-Adrien). * Disser- tation sur les presentations de la face, a propos d'un cas de repetition de cette presentation sur la meme femme. 156 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1881, No. 1. Phelippon (Francois-Alphonse). *Sur la me- ningitc cerebrale des adultes. 53 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1863, No. 642, 2. s., v. 34. Phelippot (Octave-Dominique). *Resultats tanlifs des eiesarticulations partielles du pied. 164 pp., 12 pi. 4°. Bordeaux, 1885, s. 7, No. 9. Phe I ist' (Georges) [1864- ]. * Contribution a retutle des myomes de la peau et du tissu cellu- lairesous-cntane. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 308 Phellandrium. See, also, Phthisis (Tieatment of). Berthold (A. H.) *De seminis phellandrii aquatici virtutibus meelicis et effectu in corpore sano, cum ejus analysi chemica. 8°. Balce, [1818]. Fischer (T. F.) *De phellandrii aquatici usu medico uovis observationibus periculisque com- probato. 4°. Yitembergce, [1799]. Staxelli(H.) *Dephellanelrioaquatico. 4°. Yratislariw, 1819. Berenguer (D.) Sobre los efectos de la semilia del Phelandrio aquatico en los afectos cronicos de pecho. Bol. tie med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1851, 2. 6p., i, 316; 321.— Cadet de Gnitgicourt (F.) Du phellandre aquatique considere sous le rapport botauique et therapeutique. J. d.conu. m6d. prat., Par., 1852-3, xx, 464-468. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 380-383.—Hutet (P.) fils. Note sur le Phellandrium aquaticum. Gaz. m6d. tie Lyon, 1852, iv, 139.—Eiobatein (D.) On the medicinal powers of the seeds of Phellandrium aquaticum. Am.M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 278-282.—Pcsci (L.) Ricercho sul Phellandrium aqua- ticum. Riv. di ehim. med. epbarm., Torino, 1883, i, 174-182. -----. Ricercho sul fellaudrene. Mem. r. Accael. d. sc.d. Ist. di Bologna, 1884-6, 4. s., vi, 13-22. — Stern. Bemer- kungen iiber den Nutzen ties Semen Phellandrii aquat. in der eitetuden Lungensucht. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wund- arznk., Jena, 1800, ix, 3. St., 125-147. Phelps (A. M.) The treatment of empyema by valvular drainage. 14 pp. 8°. Syracuse,-1880. Repr. from.- Meel. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, and Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1880. -----. Thesame. 12pp. 8°. [n. p., 1881.] Repr.from: Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1880-81, ix. -----. A case of double talipes equino-varus, treatetl by open incision and fixeel extension. 8 pp. 8°. Syracuse, Truair. Smith 56-261- 1832 x, 265-267: 1835-6, xvii, 261-263: 1837-8, xxi, 261 —Statistics of births, marriages, and deaths in the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1874. Rep. Bd. Health Phila., 1-74. 88-218, 6 ch. Also, Repnnt.-Stii le (A) Reminiscences of the College of Physicians ot Philadel- Philadelphia. phia: an address at its centennial lebbration, January 4, 1887. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1887, 3. s., ix, pp. ecclxvii- ccclxxix.—Stockton-Hough (J.) Statistics relating to the births, deaths, marriages, and movement of population in the city of Philadelphia, from January 1,1861, to January 1, 1872. Penn. Month., Phila., 1873, iv,' 599-620. Also, Re- print.—Tabb (J. P.) Statistics of the causes of death in the Philadelphia Hospital, Blockley, during a period of twelve years. [An inaugural thesis.] Am. .1. M. Sc-., Phila., 1844, n.s., viii, 363-374. Also, Reprint— Roth ( VV.) Das Sanitatswesen auf tier Welt Ausstellung zu Philadel- phia, 1876. Cutting from: Wissensch. Beil. d. Leipz. Ztg., 1877,41; 49; 53.—Waring (G. E.), jr. Sewerage and house drainage in Philadelphia. Nat. Bd. Health Bull., Wash., 1881-2, iii (suppl. no. 18), 1-11. Also, Reprint. Philadelphia. Board of Bealth of the City of Philadelphia. The laws of Pennsylvania in re- lation to the board of health and the health laws of the city and county of Philadelphia, the acts of Congress relating to quarantines, health laws, and passenger vessels. Also the several rules anel regulations adopted by the board of health. 133 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Crissy Son, 1872. Repr. from ■ Rep. Bd. Health Phila. (1871), 1872, xii. ----. The same. For 1872. (Comprising sta- tistics of 2,377 cases of small-pox.) 81 pp., 1 pi., 2 diag. 8°. Philadelphia, E. C. Markleu . Philadelphia, 1855. -----. Prospectuses of instruction in practical obstetrics. (Semi-annual.) 14*., 1887; 151., 1888-9. *°. Philadelphia, 1887-8. Philadelphia (The) Medical Advertiser. Pub- lished by Pleasants & Maris, anel distributee! gratuitously to the physicians of the United States. Nos. 2-3, v. 1, 1844-5. 8C. Philadelphia. Annual. Philadelphia Medical Mission and Dispensary, I The story of our work. 2., 1880-*1. 15 pp. 8-- i Philadelphia, Grant, Faires 4- Rodgers. 1881. Philadelphia (The) Medical Museum. Con- ducted I>\ John Redman Coxe. [Quarterly.] v. 1-6, Sept. 17, 1804-9; n. s. ,v. 1, 1810-11. 7 v. Philadelphia (The) Medical [etc.]—cont'd. 8J. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1*1)4-9; J. <,• A. Y Humphreys, 1*10-11. Ended. A subdivision of each number, entitled: ITIcel- ical and Philosophical Register, is, after v. 2, paged sep- rately. Philadelphia (The) Medical and Physical Jour- nal. Collected aud arranged by IJenj. Smith Barton. Publisheel in parts, with supplements, at irregular periotls. v. 1-3, Nov. 1, 1*04, to May, 1809. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad 4-Co. Philadelphia (The) Medical Register anel Di- rectory, with a list of the physicians in Pennsyl- vania*, New Jersey, anel Delaware. Eelited by John H. Packard, William B. Atkinson. For theyears 1868; 2. ed., 1871; 3. ed., 1873; 4. eel., 1875; 5. eel., 1878; 6. ed., 1880. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1*68-80 Philadelphia Medical Society. The act of in- corporation anel laws of the . . . Arranged and copied by order of the society Feb., 1800. 23 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1800. [Also, in: P., v. 391.] -----. The same. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. Maxwell, 1804. -----. Thesame. 20 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. K. Wagner, 1806. -----. The same. 20 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, A. Small, 1811. -----. The same. 29 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, T. 4 W. Bradford, 1817. -----. The same. 26 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1824. -----. Thesame. 23pp. 12°. Philadelphia,!^. -----. First report of the committee on quack medicines. Read on the 15th Dec, 1827. 37 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1828. [Also, in: P., v. 761.] Repr. from: N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1828, v. -----. Report of the committee appointee! Jan. 24, 1829, to take into consideration the propriety of that society expressing their opinion with re- garel to the use of arelent spirits, auel to frame such resolutions as they may deem proper. 33 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Clarke, 1829. [P., v. 1359.] -----. Report of the committee on epidemic chol- era. (Read anel approveel at a special meeting held on the 30th of May, 1832.) 17 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, L. R. Bailey, 1832. [ Also, in : P., v. 837.] -----. Final report on the radical cure of hernia. 48 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, E. G. Dorsey, 1837.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1837, xx. -----. Report of the committee appointed at a meeting held June 27, J859, to take into consiel- eration certain statements made at the last meet- ing of the Metlical Society of the State of Penn- sylvania relative to the application for admission to a representation in the saiel society. 31 pp. * ;. Philadelphia, Collins, 1860. [P., v. 350.]. Philadelphia(The) Medical anel Surgical Jour- nal. Etliteel by an association of physicians. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-6, June, 1852, to June, 1*5*. 8°. Philadelphia, J. J. Thomas. Want nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 20, title aud index, v. 1, 1852-3; nos. 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, v. 2, 1853-4. After August, 1852, no. 6, v. 1, edited by James Bryan, v. 3 commenced July, 1854. v. 4-6, 1855-8. monthly. Philadelphia Meelical Times. A semi-monthly journal of medical and surgical science, v. 2-19, Oct. 2,1871, to April 15, 1889. roy. 8°. Philadel- phia. Title of v. 1, 1870-71, was: Uleilical (The) Times, v, 3-5, 1872-5, were published weekly, v. 6. 1875-6, became fortnightly, Horatio C. Wood, editor. In v. 14, 1883-4. Frank Woodbury became editor. In v 18, 1887-8. W. K. "Waugh became editor. .Medical (The) Chronicle merged in this journal, 1885. After April 15, 1889, united wilh: Medical (The) Register, forming: Tim<-» (The) aud Register. PHILADELPHIA. . 83 PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia (The) Monthly Journal of Medi- cine aud Surgery. Edited by N. R. Smith. [2 v. annually.] v. 1; nos. 1-3, v. 2, June, 1827, to Feb., 1828. 8° Philadelphia, R. H. Small. In March, 1828, merged in: American (The) Journal ofthe Medical Sciences. No. 3, v 2, last published. Philadelphia (The) Monthly Magazine, or Uni- versal Repository of Knowledge and Entertain- ment [etc.]. Nos. 1-3, v. 2, July to Sept., 1798. 168 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Condie. With which is bound: A history of the pestilence com- monly called yellow fever, which almost elesolated Phila- delphia in the months of Aug , Sept., and Oct., 1798. By Thomas Condie and Richard Folwell. 209 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia. Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. Special rules for the management of infants during the hot season, recommended by the ... to the thoughtful attention of the mothers in Philadel- phia. 8 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Collins, 1873. -----. The same. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col- lins, 1874. -----. The same. Aelopted and published for distribution by the board of health of Philadel- phia. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, E. C. Markley 4' Son, 1875. .-----. The same. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Dun- lap 4 Clarke, 1887. -----. Transactions, v. 1-9, 1869-81. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1871-82. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst. Ended. -----. Charter, constitution, auel by-laws. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Allen, Lane The journal of prison discipline anel phi- lanthropy. Published annually. No. 4, v. 1, Oct., 1845; no. 1, v. 6, Jan., 1851; no. 2, v. 10, April, 1855; no. 3, v. 11, July, 1856. N. s., nos. 1-14, 18H2-75 ; no. 18, 1879 ; no. 19,1880. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1845-80. -----. The Pennsylvania system of prison disci- pline triumphant in France. [Being a letter from Paris by Geo. Sumner.] viii, 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Ashmead, 1*47. [P., v. 327.] -----. Report of the committee on the compara- tive health, mortality, length of sentences, etc., of white and colored convicts. 24 pp. 8°. [Phil- adelphia, 1849.] -----. First annual report of the visiting inspec- tors anel prison agent, as ordered to be published. Inclneling a second annual report to the prison society. Together with the speech of A. S. Rob- erts in select council chamber. 15 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, W. S. Young, 1*."6. -----. Annual report of the prison agent, W. J. Mullen. 2., 1855; 7., 1860; 12., 1865. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1*56-66. [12. in: P., v. 327.] -----. Sketch of the principal transactions, from its origin to the present time. 32 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Merrihew 4~ Thompson, 1859. [P., v. 309.] -----. Sketch of the principal transactions, iroih its origin (1776) to the present time. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Chandler, 1864. [P., v. 309.] -----. Some notice of the county prisons and almshouses in Pennsylvania, respectfully ad- dressed to his excellency A. G. Curtin, governor oftheCommonwealth. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Chandler, 1864. [P., v. 309.] -----. The Pennsylvania system of separate con- finement explained and defended. 99 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Chandler, 1867. [P., v. 309.] Philadelphia Society for the Employment aud Instruction of the Poor. Annual reports of managers to the contributors. 30., 1876-7; 32., 1878-9. 8°. Philadelphia. 1877-9. Philadelphia Society for Organizing Charity. Annual reports of the central board of directors to the society. 1.-3., 1879 to 1880-81. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1879-81. Organized Feb. 17, 1879. -----. Hints to visitors. No. 30, Dec, 1879. 3 pp. 8°. [«. p., 1879.] -----. Health hints for the care of children dur- ing the hot season, prepared by the committee on medical charities. Also, special rules for the management of infants. Recommended by the PHILADELPHIA. 84 PHILANDER. Philadelphia Society [etc.]—continued. Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia to the thoughtful attention of mothers, approved by the board of health. 8 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1881.] -----. No. 45, April, 1881. Abstract of the re- port of the assembly committee on the care and education of children, prepared and read by Miss Pendleton, chairman of its sub-committee on compulsory aud industrial education. 4 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1881.] -----. The monthly register of the ... v. 1-10, Nov. 15, 1879-89. 4°. Philadelphia, 1881-5. See, also, Tenth Ward Association. -----. See, also : Hodge (W. H.) The Philaelelphia Society for organizing charitable relief and repressing men- dicancy. 8°. Philadelphia, [1880]. Philadelphia (The) Thomsouian Medical Jour- nal. Edited by J. W. Comfort. [Monthly.] Nos. 1, 6, v. 1, April, Sept., 1853. 8C. Philadelphia. Philadelphia (The) Thotnsonian Sentinel, and Family Journal of Useful Knowledge; devoted to the Thomsouian system of medical practice. Published by John Coates, jr. [Semi-monthly.] v, 5, Sept. 7', 1839, to Oct. 31, 1840; v. 8, Juue, 1843, to June, 1844. 2 v. 8G. Philadelphia. Title of v. 3, 4, was: Philadelphia (The) Botanic Sentinel and Thomsonian Medical Revolutionist, v. 8, 1843-4, was monthly. Philadelphia ( The ) University Journal of Medicine anel Surgery. Title of v. 9-14 of: Eclectic (The) Medical Journal of Philaelelphia. Philadelphia University of Medicine and Sur- gery. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1866-7 (18.); 1869-70(21.). 8°. Philadelphia, 1866-9. -----. Circular after reorganization in 1874. 8 pp. 8\ Philadelphia, 1874. Philadelphian (A). [Essays relating to yel- low fever. First publisheel in the New Jersey Gazette. ] v, 7-42 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1799. Philadelphian (A). Interesting essays, chiefly on the subject of the yellow fever, interspersed with some remarks on the progress of the prepa- rations for a permanent bridge; and occasionally containing a few observations relative to the great cause of geueral humanity. 51 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Budd 4' Bartram, 1802. PlliladelpllOS [pseudon.]. Mesmerism: itspre- tentions stated, and its character defined. In a dialogue between a mesmerist and a Christian ; founded on au actual conversation. To which is adtled an appendix, containing a suitable and earnest address to all true Christians. 24 pp. 12°. London, J. Nesbei $ Co., 1855. Philadelphia [pseudon.]. The moral plague of civil society; or, the pernicious effects of the love of money on the morals of mankind ; exem- plified in the encouragement given to the use of ardent spirits in the United States, with the proper remedy for the cure of the national evil. 16 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, 1821. Philalethes. Arcanum liquoris immortalis ig- nis-aquae, seu alkahest; ab . . . amico suo filio artis, jam philosopho, per interrogationes et re- sponsiones communicatum. In: Wirdig (Sebastiantts). Nova medicina spirituum curiosa scientia, [etc.]. 12°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1707, 213-222. Philalethes(Eudoxus). Libri denatura, causis, et legitima curatioue febris pestilentis Hieronymi Donzellini, in quihus etiam de theriacte natura ac viribus latius disputatur. Apologia per . . edita adversus Thessali Zoili oppugnationes. l p 1 3*> ff' sm. 4°. Venetiis, apud A. Bochinum eifrair'es, 1571. [P., v. 1888,] Philalethes (.Eugeni us). Long livers: a curious history of such persons of both sexes who have lived several ages and grown young again; with the rare secret of rejuvenesceucy of' Arnoldns ele Villa Nova; and a great many approved and in- valuable rules to prolong life; as also how to use and prepare the universal medicine, lxiv, 199 pp., viii. 8^. London, J. Holland, 1722. -----. A vindication of Mr. Ward, from the aspersions aud reflections cast upon him by Dr. Turner's late letter to Dr. Juriu; in which the honesty, integrity, charity, candour, and gener- osity of those worthy gentlemen call'el licensed physicians is impartially examin'd and set forth; also, antimonial and mercurial medicines clear'tl from the dangerous qualities they are charged with, and the use of them recommended as very prevalent iu many obstinate anel deplorable dis- tempers and diseases incident to human bodies. Humbly inscribeil to the Lord Chief Baron Rey- nolds. 31pp. 8°. London, A. Dodd [andothers], 1735. Philalethes Cosmopolita Eireiia;us. Ripley reviv'd : or, an exposition upon Sir George Ripley's hermetico-poetical works. Containing the plainest and most excellent discoveries of the most hidden secrets of the ancient philosophers that were ever yet publisheel. Written by Eire- meus Philalethes, an Englishman, stiling himself citizen of the world. 7 p. 1., 44 pp., 1 1., 389 pp., 11., 12 pp., 3 1., 28 pp., 1 1., 25 pp., 11. 12°. London, W. Cooper, 1678. -----. Enarratio methodica trium Gebri medici- narum in quihus continentur lapidis philosophici vera confectio autore auonymo sub nomine . . . natu Angli, habitatione cosmopolita?. MS. 198 pp. 4°. Amstelodami, apud D. Elsevirium, 1678. -----. Experimenta de praeparatione mercurii sophici ad lapidem per regulum Martis antimo- niatum stellarumque et lunam ex manuscripto philosophi americaui, alias . . . natu Angli, habi- tatione cosmopolite. MS. 4 1. 4C. [».. p., n. d.] Round with his: Enarratio methodica trium Gebri. 4°. Amstelodami, 1678. ---—. Vade-mecum philosophicum sive breve manutluctorium ael canipmn Sophia?, secretions philosophise art ana referens in gratiam eloctrinae filieirum. MS. 19 1. 4°. [n. p., n. cl.] Bound with his: Enarratio methodica trium Gebri. 4°. Amstelodami, 1678. -----. Catalogus librorum editorum authore . . . cosmopolita. MS. 2 1. 4°. [n. p., u. d.] Bound with his: Enarratio methodica trium Gebri. 4°. Amstelodami, 1678. -----. Three tracts ofthe great medicine of phi- losophers for humane anel metalline bodies. I. Intituled, Ars metallorum metamorphoseos. II. Brevis manuductio ad rubinum ceelestem. III. Fons chymicai philosophise. All written iu Latine by Eirenams Philalethes Cosmopolita. Transl. into English for the benefit of the studi- ous, by a lover of art anel them. 13 p. 1.. 1*0 pp. 16 \ London, T. Soivle, 1694. Philander [pseudon.] [Andrew Brown!]. In speculo teipsum contemplare Dr. Black. A looking-glass for the black-baud of doctors. Wherein may he seen the ignorance and malice of these physicians who have clnbbetl under the name of Dr. Black for suppressing by their scrib- lings, and other calumnies, so great a benchte to the world as the new cure of fevers. Contained in a second letter written by Philander to his friend in the countrey, Philomathes. In defence of Dr. Brown. 47 pp. 12'-. Edinburgh, 1692. Philander ( Gulielmus ). Epitome omnium Georgii Agricohe tie mensuris et pouderibus li PHILANDER. 85 PHILIP. PhilancLer (Gulielmus)—continued. brorum. Nuuc ab eoelem revisaetmendisrepur- j gata. 52 pp., 6 1. 24°. Lugduni, J. Tornasius, 1552. Botmd with .- Sokbini s (Arnoldus). De monstris [etc.]. 24°. Parisiis, 1570. PhilanderMisauriis[pseMeio».]. Thehonour of the gout; or, a rational discourse, demon- strating that the gout is one of the greatest blessiugs which can befal mortal man; that all gentlemen who tire weary of it are their own ene- mies ; that those practitioners who offer at the cure are the vainest and most mischievous cheats in nature. By way of letter to au eminent citi- zen, wrote in the heat of a violent paroxysm, and now publish'd for the common good, iv, 53 pp. 8°. London, R. Gosling, 1735. [P., v. 1013.] Philanthropic Farm School, Redhill, Surrey. See Philanthropic Society, London. Philanthropic (The) Index aud Review. Pub- lished in the interests of feeble-mindeel children. By Dr. C. T. Wilbur. [Monthly.] No. 7, v. 5, July, 1886; no. 4, v. 7, April, 1888. fol. Kala- mazoo, Mich. Philanthropic Society, London. Annual re- ports of the committee of management to the members ofthe society. 1.-3., 1788-9 to 1791; 19., 1807; 20., 1808; 29., 1817; 50., 1838. 8° & 12°. London, 17*9-1839. Established 1788. and incorporated in 1806. 1. report for 8 months; 2., for 1!) months ending Dec. 31, 1790. Title of 2. and 3. reads: An address to the public. 19., 20., 29., and 50., reads: An account of [etc.]. -----. An account of the nature and views of, instituted in 1788, for the prevention of crimes, by the admission of the offspring of convicts, and for the reform of criminal poor chilelreu. To which are annexed the laws aud regulations of the society, etc. 22 pp. 12°. London, 1797. -----. Reformation of juvenile offenelers. The Philanthropic Farm-School. 26 pp. 12°. Rei- gate, W. Allingham, 1850. Philanthropist [pseudon.]. A brief account of an ophthalmic institution at Macao, during the years 1827-32. 56 pp. 8°. Canton, 1834. [Also, in: P., v. 221.] Philanthropist ( A) [pseudon. ]. The living iiud the dead: a letter to the people of England, on the state of their church-yards, with prac- ticable suggestions for their improvement. 81 pp. 8°. London, Whiltaker imentales sur la greffe ani- male et sur la r6generation de la rate chez les mammiferes etdes membres chez les salamauelres aquatiques. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, [1867]. Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1867, vii. -----. Sur la regeneration ties membres chez l'axolotl (Siren pisciformis). 2 pp. 4°. Petri's, Gauthier- Pillars, 1867. -----. Physiologic Experiences demontraut tpie les nageoires des poissons ne se regenerent qu'a la condition qu'on laisse tin moins sur place leur partie basilaire. 2 pp. 4°. [n. p., n. cl. ] ----- & Vnlpian (A.) Essai sur l'origine de plusieurs paires des nerfs craniens (3e, 4e, 5e, 6e, 7e, 8e, 9e, et 10e). 7-56 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1853. ------------. Recherches experimentales sur la regeneration des nerfs se5pare?s des centres ner- veux. 76 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot <.,• Cie., 1860. [Also, in: P., v. 789.] -----------. Recherches sur la reunion bout a bout des fibres nerveuses sensitives avec les fibres nerveuses motrices. 4 pp. 4°. Paris, Mallet- Bachelier, [1863]. Repr. from: Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863. ----- -----. Recherches experimentales sur la reunion bout a bout tie nerfs ele fouctions difi'e- rentes. 40 1. 8°. Paris, V. Masson etfils, 180:1 Repr. from : J. dela physiol. de I'homme, Par., 1863, vi, no. 23. . Philipeaux (Raymond). *De la cauterisation sous-cutane'e, consideree surtout comme methode revulsive, elans le traitement de l'amaurose. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*52, No. 182, v. 531. -----. Traite pratique de la cauterisation tl'apres l'enseignement clinique de A. Bonnet, de Lyon. Ouvrage couroune par la Societe des sciences me- | Philipeaux (Raymond)—continued. dicales et naturelles ele Bruxelles. xx, 626 pp. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1*56. -----. Etudes sur l'electricite appliqnee au dia- gnostic et au traitement eles paralysies. 106 pp. 8°. Paris, Bailliere; Lyon, Savy, 1*57. -----. Etudes sur la surdite. Recherches nou- velles sur la perforation artificielle eiu tympan. 125 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils,'1803. -----. Traite de therapeutique tie la coxalgie, avec figures intercaiees elans le texte. iv, 458 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1867. Philipes (Jean-Antoine-Gabriel) [1854- ]. * Constitution medicale de la valiee du Lot dans le departement tie Leit-ct-Garonne et maladies piofessionelles de ce pays (etude ele geographic' medicale). 1 p. 1., 5-76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1**2. No. 265. Philipon (Charles). * Etude sur les tumeurs ele 1'encephale, symptomatologie et diagnostic. 81 pp., 1 1. 4-. Paris, 1873, No. 257. Philipon (D.) * Sur les convulsions des femmes enceintes. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 185, v. 2*7. Philipon (Marius). *Des vers vesiculates et des maladies hvdatiques. 152 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 205. Philipovich (V. M.) Osnovi perkutometrii i palpatometrii kak metodov kliuicheskago izslie- dovauija. [Theory of percussion and palpation as methods of clinical in vestigatiou. ] 35 pp. 8°. Odessa, tipog. liOdessk. Vestnik", 1886. Philipp. Der Regierungsbezirk Konigsberg. Ueber das Sauitiits-, Medicinal- und Veteriniir- Wesen, mit besonelerer Berticksichtigung des Zeitraums 1875-80. iv, 216 pp., 1 1., 5 pi., 1 tab. 8°. Konigsberg, W. Koch, 1880. -----. General-Bericht fiber das Sanitats- und Medicinal-Wesen im Regierungs-Bezirke Lieg- nitz mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Jahre 1883-5. 1 p. 1., 158 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Liegnitz, 0. Beinze, 1886. Philipp (Carolus Antonius) [1815- ]. *De parotitide. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1846]. Philipp (Fridericus) [1834- ]. * An prophy- laxis publica contra phthisin tuberculosam iu- stitueuda sit, ex causis et curatione morbi osten- riitur. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, S. Jacoby, [1*55]. Philipp (GustavusAdolphus) [1827- ]. *De resorptione placentae novis observationibus illus- trata. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1849]. Philipp (Hermann) [1862- ]. * Multiple sarcomatose Geschwulste in der Haut. (Sarcoma molluscum.) 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Bern- stein, 1886. Philipp (Israel Julius) [1811- ]. *De mor- bis cordis organicis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1832]. Philipp (Joseph). *Deelephantiasi. Ip. l.,35 pp 8J Vratislavuv, typ. M. Friedlcender, [1832]. Philipp (Louis) [1863- ]. *Falle von pri- miirem Carcinom der Leber und der Gallenblase mit Abscessbildung. 27 pp. 8". Greifswald, J. Abel, 1888. Philipp (Paul). * Ueber Wiirmediffereuzen tier Brusthalften bei einseitigen Erkrankungen tier Brustorgane. 31 pp. 8 . Berlin, G. Schade, 1879. „ ^. Philipp (Prosper Joh.) [ -1869]. Zur Diag- nostik der Lnngen- und Herzkrankheiten init- telst physicalischer Zeichen. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Auscultation und Percus- sion, xiv, 358 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1836. _____. Die Lehre vou der Erkenntniss und Be- haneilung der Lungen- uud Herzkrankheiten; mit vorziiglicher Hinsicht auf die Auscultation, imiilipp. 88 PHIL1PPOTEAUX. Philipp (Prosper Job.)—continuetl. Percussion und die anderen physicalischen Ex- ploratiousmethe)elen. 2. Aufl. x, 522 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 183*. ------. Bemerkungen fiber das Asthma im Gefolge des chronischen Bronchialkatarrhs. Commentar zu einer Stedle in Laeunec's Lehrbuch eler mittel- baren Auscultation. 13 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Rei- mer, 1854. Repr. from: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 37-41. ------. Die Kenntniss von den Krankheiten ties Herzens im acbtzehnteu Jahrhundert. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte der Mediziu. 112 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1856. See, also, Siclicl (Julius). Allgemeine Grundsatze. 8°. Berlin. 1834. Philipp (Valentinus). * De apoplexia spinali qusedaui. 31 pp. 8°. Regimonti Pr., Samter et Rathke, 1846. Philippar (F.) Traite organographique phy- siologico-agricole sur la carie, le charbou, l'er- got, la rouille et autres maladies du meme genre qui ravagent les cereales. Lu a la Societe ro- yale d'agriculture et des arts de Seineet-Oise. 220 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Versailles, Marliu, 1837. Philippar (Isidore). * De l'emploi tie l'eau froiele, par irrigation continue, dans le traite- ment eles maladies chirurgicales ; suivi ele quel- ques considerations de medecine, chirurgie, accouchement et therapeutique. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*35, No. 56, v. 283. Philippart (Ame). Des emissions sanguines •bins le traitement des maladies aigues. Suivi du rapport. 31, 7 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Man- ceaux, 1883. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., xvii. Philippe (A.) * Sur la dysenteric 23pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 196, v. 107. Philippe (Andre G.) * Description succincte des bevies pernicieuses intermitteutes. vi, 7- 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 28, v. 119. Philippe (Henri) [1801-67]. * Essai sur la gas- tro-enlente folliculeuse, maladie connue sous les nomsdefievremuqueuse, putriele-maligne,aelyna- mique, atatfique, entero-mesenterique, dothiuen- teriqne, gastro-entente intense, typhoi'ele, etc. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 124, v. 224. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1867, xxxiv, 496(P.-L.-B. Caffe). Philippe (Henry). Des maladies des yeux et ele leur traitement par l'emploi des verres com- bines. 31 pp. 8~. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1801. ------. The same. Des maladies des yeux et de leur traitement par la methode du Dr. . . . Trail. de l'anglais. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1*6-'. Philippe (J.-B.-Hippolyte ). * Sur 1'hemopty- sie. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 86, v. 76. Philippe (Jacob-Nicolas-Hnbert). * Sur le tu- bercule, envisage sous le rapport de l'anatomie pathologique, et comme donnant lieu a la phthi- sic tuberculeuse et aux scrofules de Phonnne, compares a la inorve et au farcin dn cheval. 3(5 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*36, No. 107, v. 297. Philippe (Joseph). * Sur le scorbut. viii, 9- 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 119, v. 166. Philippe ( Jules-Augnste-Camille ). * I. Effets d'une veille trop prolongee. II. [etc.]. 42 pp. 4G. Paris, 1839, No. 305, v. 347. Philippe (P.) * De l'iufluence de l'inflamma- tion sur les secretions des membranes mu- queuses. 1* pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 201, v. •.'62. "s>!' Rec ueilIdes documents cfficiels et historiques re- latits a la thur de kousso. s=>. Paris, 1851. Philippo'Hil (Francois-August in). * Contribu- tion a l*e''tudc ele l'epulis. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*86, No. 101. Pllilippeail (Thomas). * Etude sur la pleure- sie primitive des vieillards. 109 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, L~77, No. 266. Pllilippes (Jean). De rexcelleuce de l'homine et de sa uaissance. 7 p. 1., 76 pp. 18°. [n. p.], F. Jaqnin, 1603. Philippi (iEmilius Ferdinandus ). * Experi- inenta nonnulla tie murium respiratione eorum- que hutritione. 28 pp., 1 pi. 4°. [Lipsice], typ. off. Griinensis, [1845]. Philippi (Albert). * Essai sur les synovites ten- elineuses et les kystes periteudineux. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 234. Philippi (Ernest Otto Theodor) [1799- ]. *De ophthalmia scrofulosa. 23 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, fonnis Brueschckianis, [1831]. Philippi (Job. Augustus). SeeHohn (J,oh.) & Philippi (Job. Augustus). *I)iss. med. tie medicamentorum, [etc.], 4°. Lipsiie, [1706], Philippi (Julius)1. * De fissura aui. vi, 16 pp. 8 . Beidelbergce, A. Ossicald, 1832. Philippi (Julius)2. *De aneurysinate sponta- neo. "28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, F. G. Nietack, [1856]. Philippi (Julius)3 [1834- ]. * Ueber den Erstickungstod. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1874]. Philippi (Max). * Eine seltene Cystenbildung itu Abdomen von der rechten Niere ausgeheud. 1* pp., 1 pi. 8°. Marburg, B. Friedrich, 1879. Philippine Islands. See, also, Davao; Samboanga. Codorxiu y Nieto (A.) Topografia medica de las islas Filipinas. 8C. Madrid, 1857. Also [Rev.], in: Siglo med., Madrid, 1858, v, 39. Branrrgard (O.) Anthropologic et philologie aux Philippines. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1887. 3. s., x, 482-515.—IE our rii (H.) Philippines. Diet. encycl. el. se. med , Par., 1887. 2. 8., xxiv. 158-173.—Francia y Poncce dee liceou (B.) Islas Filipinas. Pro\ ecto tie un sanato- rium militar In: Confer, cient. cl. Cuerpo de sanitl. tlela armada, 8°, San Fernando, 1882. i. 22-27.—,Ha«6 Bru. Estudios sobre las endemias tie Filipinas. Uev. ele cieu. med., Barcel., 1883, ix, 355; 451.- lllcpycpr (H.) Die Igorro- tes von Luzon (Philippiiien). Verhandl d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Ant In op , 1883, 377-390.—M011 la 110. Sur les raees des Philippines. Bull. Soe. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1n*4, 3. s., vii, 51-58.—Kabndau (M.) Eudemo patolouia ele Filipinas. Rev. de san. mil.. Madrid, 1887, i, 41-45.—Schadeiibci-j; (A.) Ur- und Mischrassen der I'hilippintn. Cor. 111. cl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop, Miinehcu. etc., 18><4. xv, 109-112. -----. Beitrage zur Ethno»raphie vou Nord- Luzon (Filipinen). Mitth. d. anthrop. (lesellsch. iu Wien, 1888, u. F., viii, 265-271. — Striivc. Photogra- phischer Atlas vou Pliilippinen Schadeln. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1889, 49— Taulirr. Archi- pel des Philippines. Arch, demed. nav., Par., 1877, xxviii, 401-414. Philippoff (A. N.) Bakterii fiziologicheskago organizma. Eksperimentaluoe izsliedovanie. [Bacteria in physiological organisms. Experi- mental researches.] 135 pp. 8°. Moskva, Univ. tipog., 1*8*. Philippon (G. > Cours de zoologie; I'homme et les animaux. Eedige conformement aux nou- veiiux programmes pour les lycees et colleges et ecoles normales primaires. 488 ]>p. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1885. Philippon (Pierre-Jacques-Rene) [1857- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'entorse des cinq dernieres vertebres cervicales. 44 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1*82, No. 243. Phi ippot (S.) * Etude theorique et pratique sur les angines tie uature catarrhale. vi, 7-62 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 68. Philippoto:mx (Edmond). *Deramputation ties amyjjdales dans quelques cas d'angine couen- neuse. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 139. PHILIPPS. 89 PHILLIPPE. Philipps (Georgius). *De articuli cubitalis re- sectione. 27pp. 8°. Bounce, formis F. Kruegeri, [1801]. Pllilipps (Job. Georgius). * De animi atiectioni- bus in pectoris morbis prseter vesaniam. 18 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bounce, J. Lumscher, [1830]. Philippsen (Job.) * De frigore pro remedio chirurgico adhibeudo. 13 pp. 4°. Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 1856. In: StHKIFT. d. Univ. zu Kiel, iii, 1856, vii, med. iii. Philippsohn (Phoebus Mauritius) [1807- ], "De natura medicatrice. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Balce, ex off. Rnffti, [1*28]. Philippson (A.) *Die Phelps'sche Methode der Klumpfussbehandlung. 17 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Bhschfeld, 1887. Pllilippsoil (Mauritius) [1833- ]. * De arte ohstetricia Francisci Miiuriceau. 38 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Berolini, F. G. Nietack, [1*56]. Pllilippsoil (P-) Beitriige zu den Untersu- chungen iiber die Cholera morbus. 213 pp. 12°. Magdeburg, 1831. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 232 pp. 8-. Magdeburg, Creutz, 1831. ------. Anweisnng zur Erkenntniss, Verhiitung unel thiitigen Hiilfsleistung in Betreff der asiati- schen Cholera fiir Prediger, Schullehrer, Amt- leute und Dorf-Vorsteher. 24 pp. 8°. Magde- burg, Creutz, 1831. ------. Podalirius. Zwanglose Hefte, als Beitriige zur Kritik eler iiltern unel nenern Arzueikunde. 1. Hft. 3 p. 1., 152 pp. 8°. Magdeburg, Creutz, 1832. Philippiis frater. Compendio della faculta.de' semplici di tutte quelle cose, che souo piu iu uso nell' arte elella meelicina, con le orelinationi nuovamente fatte da riformatori, poste a' proprii capitoli di detti semplici. Diviso in cinque parti. 1*9 pp., 5 1. 16D. In Fiorenza, 1572. Philips (A.-J.-P.) Electro-dynamisme vital, ou les relations physiologiejues de l'esprit et de la matiere demoutrees par eles experiences entiere- ment nouvelles, et par l'histoire raisonnee du systeme nerveux. xlvii, 383 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1855. ------. Cours theorique et pratique de Braidisme, ou hypuotisme nerveux consieiere elans ses rap- ports avec la psychologic, la physiologie et la pathologie et elans ses applications a la meelecine, a la chirurgie, a la physiologie experimentale, a la medecine legale et a l'eelucation, [etc.]. xii, 180 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4~ fils, 1860. Another copy bound with preceding. ------. Principe des proprietes organoleptiques. Influence reciproepie de la peusee, ele la sensation et eles mouvemeuts ve^etatifs. Memoire In a la Societe medico-psycbologique, suivi tin rap- port fait a la Societe, par M. le Dr. Buchez, et d'une reponse de l'auteur. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 fils, 1862. Repr. from: Ann. m6d. psych., Par., 1862, 3. s., viii. Philips (Simon Jacobus). * Over maltose en hare omzetting tot glucose binnen het dierlijk organismus. 1 p. 1., 98 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Sulpke, 18*1. Philips (W. H.) The testimony of medical ex- perts. 24 pp. 8°. Columbus, O., Cott 4- Bann, 1878. Pliilipsburg. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Philipsnurg:, N. J. The sewerage of Philips- burg, N. J. Report of Carrol Ph. Bassett to the common council, Sept. 25, 1*88. 19 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Newark, Advertiser Printing House, 1888. Pllilipsen (Hans) [ -1576]. See Kurtzcr (Ein) Bericht, wie sich der gemeine Man in Zeiten tier Pestilentz halten sol. sm. 4°. Leipzig, 1566. Pllilipsen (Herald). Fremstilling af 0iets Syg- elonuue til Brug for Lseger og Stnderende. 4 p. ]., xviii, 500 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Kjpbenharn, C. A. Reitzel, 1874. ------. The same. 2. Udgave. 8°. Kjflbenharn, C. A. Reitzel, 1880. ------. Synet og dets Pleie popuhert fremstillet. 1 p. 1., 136 pp. 12-. KjQbenhavn, P. G. Pllilipsen, 1888. Philipson (G Hare). On the investigation of the prevalent diseases of the district, by means of a system of registration. Reael before the Northumberland and Durham Metlical Society. 13 pp., 4 tiib. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, M. 4' M. W. Lambert, 1863. ------. On puerperal tetanus. 4 pp. 8°. F. Richards, [l*r>5]. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii. ------. Case of fibrinous concretion in the pulmo- nary artery. 4 pp. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, M. 4- M. W. Lambert, 1865. ------. Reports on the health and meteeirology of Newcastle anel Gatesheael. 5. & 6. (Sept. to Nov., 1869). So. [Newcastle, 1869.] 5. for 2 months. , Philister (Georges). De l'humorisme an dix- neuvieme siecle. 32pp. 8°. [Paris], De Lache- rardiere, [n. d.] Philites (Constantiuus Anastasiades). *Dede- cremeuto altera hominum a'tatis periodo seu de marasmo senili in specie. 174 pp., 11. 8 . Balce, in. off. Batheana, 1*08. Philites (Silvester Coustantiniades). *Febrium vermiuositrum pathologia. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Gottinga, lit. F. A. Rosenbusch, 1785. For Biography, see Murray (Jo. Andreas). Pllilliniore (W. P. W.) The dictionary of med- ical specialists: being a classified list of London practitioners who chiefly attend to special de- partments of medicine and surgery. With par- ticulars of the principal special hospitals and special departments in general hospitals, viii, 176 pp. 12°. London, C. J. Clark, 1889. Pliillimore( WilliamPhillimorc) [1821- 81]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 1841. Also: Laueet, Lond., 1881, ii, 1072. Phillipp (Joannes). *De sclerosi neonatorum. 27 pp. 8°. Pragce, W. Spinka, 1841. Phillippe (Aclri'en-P.-N.) [1801-58]. *Con- sitierations physiologiques et pathologiques sur les irritations intermittentes. 39 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*21, No. 142, v. 1*6. • -----. Histoire tie la peste noire (1346-1350) d'a- pres des documents inedits et augnientee d'ex- traits empruntes al'ouvrage allemand de Hecker. xvi, 295 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1853. -----. Histoire des apothicaires chez les princi- paux peuples du monde, tlepuis les temps les plus recuie.s jusqu'a nos jours; snivie du tableau de l'etat actuel ele la pharmacie en Europe, en Asie, en Afriqne et en Antique, vii, 452 pp. 8°. Paris. Bailly, Divry 4' Cle., 1853. -----. Thesame. Geschichte eler Apotheker bei den wichtigsten Yolkeru der Erele seit den iilte- sten Zeiten . . . Aus dem Frauzosischen iiber- setzt und mit einer Zusammenstellung der F6r- derer der Pharmacie alter unel neuer Zeit ver- mehrt von Dr. Hermann Ludwig. 2. Aufl. 2 v. in 1. 1122 pp., 2 pi. 8C. Jena, F. Mauke, 1859. Paged consecutively. -----. Histoire de la saignee et des revolutions qu'elle a subies depuis les temps les plus recuies jusqu'a nos jours, accompagnee d'une esquisse historique sur les barbiers. 52 pp. 8°. Vitry, F.-V. Kitsch, 1855. For Biography, see .T. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1857-8, xxv, 406 (P. L. B. Cafle). PHILLIPPO. 90 PHILLIPS. Phillippo (James Cecil). The climate of Ja- maica. *2 pp. 8°. London, J. 4" -J Churchill, 1876. Phillipps (Ambrose Lisle). See Shrewsbury (Earl of). Letter from ... to Am brosc Lisle Phillipps. esq., descriptive of the Estatica of Caldaro aud the Addolorata of Capriana. 2. ed., revised and enlarged. 8°. London, 1842. Phillipps (C. S. March). Horseandmau. xiv, 131 pp. 12°. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 1*69. Phillips (Benjamin) [1805-61]. A series of experiments performeel for the purpose of shew- ing that arteries may be obliterated without ligature, compression, or the knife. 66 pp. 8°". London, Longman [and others], 1832. [Also, in: P., v. 31.] ------. Epielemia, contagion, and infection, with their remedies: an essay; to which is adeled an enquiry into the nature of the motle by which cholera is propagateel. viii, *3 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1832. [P., v. 1262.] ------. Scrofula; its nature, its causes, its preva- lence, and the principles of treatment, v, 379 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, B. Bailliere, 1846. ------. The same. 350 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1846. Phillips (Carolus). * De ventriculi atque alia- rum partium scirrho. 34 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1821. Phillips ( Charles ) [ 1809-71 ]. Amputations dans la contiguite ties membres. 222 pp., 16 pi. 8°. Paris, J.-B Bailliere, 1838. ------. Du strabisme. 126 pp. 8°. Paris, Bru- xelles 4' Liege, Biihnne 4' Plon, i839 [vel subseq.]. ------. La'cliiruigie deMr. Dieffenbach. xvi, 200 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Duncker, 1840. De la tenotomie sous-cutanee, ou des ope- rations qui se pratiquent pour la guerison eles pieds-bots, du torticolis, de la contracture de la main et eles doigts, eles fausses ankyloses angu- laires tin genou, du strabisme, de la myopie, tin begaiement, etc. viii, 416 pp., 12 pi. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1841. -----. De la goutte militaire et de son traite- ment. 16 ]>)>. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer 4' Cie., 1848. Repr. from: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1848, xxv. Dilatation des retrecissements tie l'uretre par la methode eiu elocteur Phillips. Extrait el'une lecon sur le traitement des retrecissements. 2. ed. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1851. [P., v. 447.] Repr. from: J. d. conn. in6d.-chir.. Par. Operations qui se pratiquent sur les or- ganes genito-urinaires. 2. eel. 16 pp., 18 pi. 4°. Paris, B. Vrayef, deSurcy 4' Cie., [1849, relsubseq.]. Repr. from: J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par. Des accidents produits par l'introduction des instruments chirurgicaux elans les voies nri- naires et lie leur traitement. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer, l>-5.*. Repr. from: Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1858, lv. ------. Traite eles malaelies eles voies urinaires. viii, 672 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1860. See, also, Unborn (Hyac.) fitude sur le retr6cisse- raent, [etc.], 8°. Liege, 1859. For Biography, see J. d. conn. m6d. prat, Par., 1872, xxxix, 206-208 (P.-L.-B. Catfe). Phillips (Charles D. F.) Materia medica and therapeutics. (Vegetable kingdom.) viii, 584 pp. 8°. London, J. 4' A. Churchill, 1874. ------. The same. Edited anel adapted to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, by Henry G. Piffard. iv, 323 pp. 8y. New York, W. Wood ales sur le m&lecin philosophe. 4°. Montpellier, 1818. Vink (H.) *Iu Aristotelis dictum, ubi desinit physicus ibi incipit medicus, intiuirens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1765. Virey (J.-J.) Philosophie tie l'histoire natu- relle, ou ph6nomenes de l'organisation des ani- maux et des vegetaux. 16°. Bruxelles, 1835. Webb (E.) The philosophy of medicine, de- duced from analyzing the constitution of man into its legitimate structure and action, etc. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1834. Alva (R.) Necesidad de herinanar la medicina con la filosofia, y ventajas para la profesion y para la ciencia. Espana med., Madrid, 1862, vii, 33-:i5.—Analektcn aus del1 medicinischen Philosophie. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden (1863), Wien, 1864, 295-341.— Aurioles debemos considerar el espiritu medico prdctico? ; Sera esccptico.' ;Sera creyente? Ibid., 1864, xi, 659. — deel Con-al (T.) Historia tie la filosofia medica. Ibid., 1869. xvi, 449; 165.— Dec m en lea (E.) Au sujet de la discussion sur l'esprit scientifique en medecine. Marseille med., 1872, ix. 377- 384.—Devay, Du scepticisme en medecine. Gaz. meel. de Lyon, 1855, vii, 393; 409.— Dowler (B.) Critical and speculative researches on the fundamental principles of subjective! science in connection with metlical and experi- mental investigations, with remarks on the present state of medicine. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1858-9, xv, 39-64. — Dii- puy (P.) Considerations sur la methode. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1865, 3. 8., xx, 65; 83.—Dworzaczka. Rzecz doty- czaca filosofii medycyuy. [On the value of medical phi- losophy.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1857, xxxvii, 82- 149.—Fabre (A.) Du positivisme et de la methode posi- tiviste eu medecine. Marseille med., 1872, ix, 297-317. [See, also, infra, Poncel (E.)] — dc Floury (A.) Essai sur la . philosophie de la medecine. Momt. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 321; 361; 393; 441; 489; 521; 529; 577; 609; 617.—Forget (C.-P.) La philosophie medicale devant rAcaclcmie (de med. de Paris). Gaz. med. tie Strasb., 1855, xv, 98-106. Also, Reprint.—Garrcau. Philosophic medicale; quel- ques reflexions sur la methode en pathologie et en thera- peutique. Gazz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1875. xx, 109- 114.—Gerdy (P.-N.) De la nouvelle nomenclature meeli- cale. Bull. dead, de med., Par., 1854-5. xx. 727-738. Also, in his: Melanges d'anat., etc., 8°, Par., 1875, i, 635-647.— <» lovepr (R. M.) Lectures on the philosophy of medicine. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 441; 493; 545; 597:'l851, i. 1; 35. Also, Reprint. — tGouraud (H.) Philosophie medicale; Broussais. J. d. conn, med.-chir.. Par., 1838-9, vi. 2 pt., 221: 1839-40, vii, 1. pt., 3. — Ouillaumot. Des faits et tie la doctrine. Lettre sur la philosophie medicale. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1864, i, 10; 70.—Hartniami (K.) Von dem Einfiusse der Philosophie in die Them-ie der Heilkunde; eine Kritik ties gegenwiirtigen Zeittieistes in tier Heilkunde. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1805, ii, 19; 33; 49. — Haspel (A.) Philosophic; medicale; tie 1'observa- tion en medecine. Gaz. med. tie Par.. 1860,3. s., xv, 61-63.— Hirschcl (B.) Die Emancipation der Heilkunde von der Philosophie. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1843, v, 129-148.— I guard (C.) Resume de la discussion sur les doctrines philosophiques et niedicales. Marseille med., 1S72, ix. 681-702.—JaiimeH. Introduction a. la philosophie medi- cale. Montpel. med., 1860, v, 1-28.—Jolly. Introduc- tion a l'etude tie la philosophie dans ses rapports avec l'bygieneet la medecine. Bull. Acad.de meel., Par., 1867-88, xxxiii, 918-931. Also: Union med., Par.. 1868, 3. s., vi, 573; 585. Also: France med., Par., I860, xvi, 202; 210: 218. -----. Introduction k l'etude de la philosophie dans ses rapports avec la medecine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1870, xxxv, 85-100. — lieidel. Ueber philosophischen Dogmatisinus und skeptischen Kritieismus im Gebiete der Biologie und Medicin. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk.. 1849. n. F., ii. 33-56.—Kiirnholtz (H.) Reflexions sur la replique en trois articles, tie M. L. Peisse a. M. Lordat. J. Soc. tie med.-prat, de Montpel., 1843, vii, 135-156.— l,alonr(A.) Qu'est-ce que la philosophie medicale. Union meel.. Par., 1859, 2. s., iv, 609: 1860, 2. s., v, 49. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vii, 178-181.— I*e Contre (J.) The philosophy of medicine; an ad- dress. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1849, n. s., v, 257-277. Also, Repiint.—Iieigh (E.) The philosophy of medical science, consitlered with special reference to Dr. Elisha Bartlett's "Essay on the philosophy of medical science". (Boylston prize essay, 1849.) Boston M. & S. J., 1853, xlvi'ii, 69; 89; 115. Also, Reprint. — I-<• Int ( F.) Cadre de la philosophie de rhomme. Ann. med. psych.. Par., 1844, iii, 157-167. — lioos. Ueber Philosophie in Bezug auf Medizin. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. PHILOSOPHY. 94 PHIMOSIS. Philosophy (Medical). M.. 1799, iii, 254-273 — Martin (H. A.) On medical skep- ticism. J. Gynaec. Soc. Bost., 1872, vii, 275; 362. -Mar- tinez (J. ) Un par de observaciones filose'ifico-medicas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1859, vi, 378; 403.— ITIontejo (B.) Filosofia medica. Espafiamed., Madrid, 1862, vii, 59-62.— IViet© Serrano (M.) Loscontrarios en medicina. Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 329. -----. En que consiste el ontologismo medico. Ibid., 1861, viii, 625-627. -----. La logica y la cronologia en las ciencias naturales y especial- mente en meelicina. Ibid., 1872, xix, 130; 208; 272. -----. La doctrina ele lo iuconsciente en sus relaciones con la meelicina. Ibid., 1879, xxvi, 482; 578; 641.—Paaturel. De l'analyse en gendral dans les sciences tnedicales. Montpel.' med., 1864, xii, 151-161.—Peisse (L.) Philo- sophie medicale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1841, 2. s., ix, 113- 119. -----. Ibid., 1843, 2. s., xi, 37; 53; 85. See, also, supra, Kiirnholtz(H.)—Perrone(P.) Spiritodella filosofia medica. Escttlapio, Napoli, 1827, i, 3-20.—Petrequiu (J. S.) Des voies de la metleciue, ou de la m6thode philoso- phique qui convient a. la science et a Part. Ann. Soc.de med. d'Anvers,1862,xxiii, 670-683.—Philosophical med- icine. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1857, x, 78-87. — Piorry. Sur la philosophie metlicale etla nomenclature k propos du traitement ele la variole et de la vaccine. Monit. el. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 235; 243.—Pitet (P.) Dissertation sur quelques points de philosophie medicale et therapeutique. France med., Par., 1867, xiv, 346; 362 ; 386; 394 ; 410 ; 420.— Poirier (E.) Essai de philosophie medicale, 1'animisme ele Stahl et le vitalisme de Barthez. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1860, xxxviii, 160-190. [Rap. de Poelman], 191-199.— Poucel (E.) Adhesion au rapport de M. le Dr. Fabre centre le positivisme. Marseille med., 1872. ix, 491-506.— Reinbold (T.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Speculation und Philosophie zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1843, v, 3-15.—Renouard (V.) Lettres philosophi- ques sur la medecine au xix1,le siecle. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 9; 13; 69; 73; 153; 165; 201; 205; 249; 253; 345; 349; 417; 425, 545 ; 549; 609:1850.iv, 73;85.— Reveillc-Parise. La pratique de la medecine exclut-elle l'6tude ties lettres et de la philosophie? Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1850, xxxviii, 376; 476.—Roche (L.-C.) Qu'entend-on par phi- losophie, histoire et litterature metlicales? La creation dune section de philosophie, d'histoire et de litterature metlicales, a. l'Academie de medecine, serait-elle utile? Union med.. Par.. 1859, 2. s., iv, 465; 608: 2. ed., 1860, v, 193-200. — Sales-Girons. Le positivisme; coup-d'ceil genGral sur ce nouveau systeme k propos de la lettre ci- apres de M. le docteur Garreau. Rev. med. franc, et etrang , Par., 1863, ii, 705-721. -----. Les principes de philosophie medicale de M. Chauffard k propos d'un r6cent article de cet eminent professeur dans le Correspondant. Ibid., 1872. ii, 33-41. -----. Lettre a M. le Dr. Seux, fils, de Marseille, sur la grande question ele l'individualit6 phy- siologique de I'homme, contre les positivistes. Ibid., 513- 520.—Sanchez (J. G.) Dict&meD sobre la obra titulada: Eusayo de medicina general 6 sea de filosofia m6dica. Si- glo nied., Madrid, 1864, xi, 230; 261; 296; 309; 343.—Sau- rel. De linductionetderhypothese. Y a-t-il une rnethode qu'on puisse uommer methode par hypothese? J. Soc. de med.-prat, tie Montpel., 1841, iv, 389-398.—Sedillot (C.) Des rapports de la medecine avec la philosophie; discours. Gaz. nued. de Strasb., 1855, xv, 413-433.-----De revo- lution en m6decine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1879, Ixxxix, 529-535. Also : Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 705-711.—Sell (A.) Realismen i Medicinen. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjebenh., 1885, 4. R., xi, 485; 509. — Seux fils. Lettre it M. le Dr. Sales-Girons . . . sur l'organisation de la matiere et sur la maladie. Marseille med., 1872, ix, 703- 727.—Smith (J. A.) A lecture on medical philosophy. N. York M. 9. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. vi (1 1.), 9-24 pp. 8°. London, W. 4' B. Chambers, 1859. Philothalos [pseudon. ]. The wife's domain. 2. ed. vii, 162pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 187'4. Philotheos Physiologus [ pseudon. ]. A treatise of dreams anel visions, wherein the causes, natures, and uses of nocturnal representations, and the communications both of good and eyil angels, its also tleparted souls, to mankinde are 'theosophically unfolded; that is, according to the* wore! of God and the harmony of created beeings. To which is added a discourse of the causes, natures, and cure of phrensie, matlness or distraction. 6 p. 1., 299 pp. 16°. [n.p.,n. d.] Philotheus. See Theophilus Protospatharius. Philouse (J.-P. ) * Considerations sur les hu- meri hagies uteriues et leur traitement pendant et apres l'ticcouchement. 30 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- liellier, 1831, No. 83. Philouze (F.-A.) *Sur les bains de vapeurs employes a l'hdpital Saint-Louis, considered sous le rapport de leurs effets physiologiques et de leur emploi elans le traitement eles maladies, viii, 9- 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 195, v. 203. Philouze (Jules-Emile). *De la coqueluche. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 252. Philouze (Louis-Hyaciuthe). * Propositions sur les tlvsenteries epid6miques. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 51, v. 283. Philp (Frauciscus Eicardus). * De clavo secalis. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Breivster, 1826. Philpot (Harvey J.) Diabetes mellitus: a sy- nopsis of the pathology, physiology, etiology, incipient and progressive symptoms, causes of death, sugar tests, anel treatment, vi, 112 pp. 8°. London, Sampson [and others], 1884. Philters. Ci.auder (G. ) *De philtris. sm. 4°. Lip- sice, [1661]. Eoeser (G.-H.) De philtrorum agendi niodo et noxis. 4°. [Alidorfii], 1701. Teutscher (J. G.) & Fischer (J. C.) De philtris. 4°. Lipsice, [1711]. Wallich (G. T.) * De mania ex philtro. 4°. Jence, [1670]. Wolff (J. F.) De philtris rite examinandis et dijudicandis. Von Liebes-Triincken. 4"-'. Vittembergce, 1726. Angeli (L.) Perturbazioni di mente, ed effetti singo- lari seguiti dopo la presa di poco sangue meustruo esibito nella cioccolata. Oss. med.-prat, e chir. di val. clin. ital. Iraola, 1793, i, 46-54. Phimosis. See, also, Calculus (Urinary, Causes of); Cir- cumcision; Diabetes (Complicalions, etc., of); Diabetes (Diagnosis, etc., of); Epilepsy (Causa- tion of); Hernia (Anatomy, etc., of); Hernia in ' children; Nervous system (Diseases of); Paral- ysis (Reflex); Paraphimosis; Prepuce (Abnor- mities, etc., of). PHIMOSIS. 95 PHIMOSIS. Phimosis. Amussat (A.) Cas de st6rilite5 chez I'homme cessaut apres la guerison d'un phimosis. 8°. Evreux, 1866. Benzler (A.) "Dephimoseos indole et cura. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Bun (J.) *Du traitement du phimosis. 4°. Paris. 1853. Capdeville (F.) *De la balauo-posthite et du phimosis iiccideutel. 4°. Paris, 1879. Ciiauvin (J.-B.-A.) "Considerations sur le phimosis, et operation de hi circoncision par un procede nouveau. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851. Couderc (E. ) *Du phimosis. 4°. Paris, 1808. Daudirac (C.) *Le phimosis congenital; ac- cidents qu'il provoque; ses tlivers traitements. 4°. Paris, 1874. Fauret (P.) * Traitement tin phimosis par la dilatation. 4°. Montpellier, 1885. Fondreton(M.-A.) *Du phimosis etdu para- phimosis. 4°. Paris, 1843. Foot (J.) Cases of the successful practice of vesicas lotura . . . Also, cases of diseased affec- tions from phymosis; with a description of a new motle of opeatiug for its cure, and a plate ofthe instrument for performing it. Pt. ii. 8°. Lon- don, 1803. Gauillard. * Contribution a l'e'tude eles com- plications eiu phimosis et au traitement ele quel- ques lesions sous-pr^putiales. 4°. Paris, 1888. Giacomini ( C.) Nuovo processo per 1' opera- zione del finiosi secontlo il metodo della circonci- sione. 8~. Torino, 1870. Repr. from: Gazz. d. clin., Torino. Also | Abstr.]. in: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 1124- 1128. Houze (J.-F.-C.) *Du phimosis. 4°. Paris, 1860. Kirchgaesser (A.) * Einige Beobachtuuoen iiber bisher unbekannte Folgezustande vou Phi- mose [Wurtzbnrg. ] 8°. Ratingen, 1883. Lanos(E.-P.) *Du phimosis congenital. 4°. Paris, 1855. Laylavoix (L.) * Des divers modes opeYa- toires eiu phimosis. 4°. Paris, 1881. Leuchert (E. G. A.) * Ueber Phimosis dia- betica, ho. Berlin, [1884]. Martin (H. G.) * De la circoncision; avec un nouvel appareil invents par l'auteur pour faire la circoncision, en motlifiant les proc6d6s de Vitlal (tie Cassis) et de M. Chassaignac ; nouveau proc<5<16 pour faire le debridement tin phimosis congenital. 4°. Paris, 1870. Macriac (C.) Clinique de l'H6pital du Midi. Lecons sur la balauo-posthite et le phimosis symptoinatiques des chaucres infectants. 8°. Paris, 1875. Moeckel (H.) *De periculis iu operanda phimosi obviis. 8°. Lipsice, [1861]. Muller (J. A. P.) *De phimosi et para- ph imosi eorumque curatioue. 4°. Erfordice, [1797]. Normand (E.) * Du phimosis et dc son traite- ment. 4U. Paris, 1876. Ormsby (L. H.) The causes, symptoms and treatment of phimosis anel paraphimosis, with a description of the ancient rite of circumcision. 8\ Dublin, 1885. Prevost (G.-A.) * Considerations sur le phi- mosis et le paraphimosis, et leurs differens pro- cedes opdratoires. 4°. Parts, 1835. Kikdel (B.) * Ueber die Operationen der Phimosis. 8C. Jena, 1876. Rizat (J.-A.) * Du phimosis et de la balano- posthite syphilitiques. 4°. Paris, 1877. Solrdin (T.) * Considerations sur le phimosis congenital. 4°. Paris, 1866. Phimosis. Stephanus (C.) * Ueber Phimosis congenita, 8C. [Bonn], 1870. Vierzigmann (J.) * De phimosi. 4°. [Alt- dorffi, 1695.] Woitlylak (A.) *De phimosi. 8°. Berolini, [1839], Zier (J.) * De phimosi et paraphimosi. 4°. Jence, 1786. Allen (H.) A modification of the operation for phy- mosis. Med. Times, Phila., 1871-2, ii, 427. — Amussat ( A.) Observation d'issue spontanea de calculs vesicaux au devant du scrotum, avec remarques sur le role du phimosis dans l'etiologie de la sterilite. J. itemed, et chir. prat., Par., 1869, xl, 256-258. -----. Traitement du phi- mosis au moyen de la galvano-canstique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii,44; 59. Also: Rev. de therap. med. chir. Par., 1874, xii, 91-96. Also: Abeillemed., Par., 1874, xxxi, 112-114.—Antonicwicz (E.) Operative Behandlung der Phimose trotz specifischerGeschwure. Wien. meel. Presse, 1876, xvii, 1228-1230.—Aschendorf. Heilung einer Phi' mosis congenita. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1824, vi, 164-169.—Atrcsic considerable de l'orifice preputial k la suite d'une operation de phimosis; incision antero-poste- rieure du prepuce; guerison. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par.. 1865, lxviii, 561.—Aubert (P.) De la reunion imme- diate dans l'operation du phimosis compliquant le chancre simple. Lyon med., 1882, xxxix, 301-311.— Barber (R. D.) Irritation from elongated prepuce. Med. & Surg, Reporter, Phila,, 1878, xxxviii, 178-179. — Beard (R. O.) Phimosis as a factor in the diseases of infancy and child- hood. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1885, 100-108.— Beck (B.) Zur Operation der Phimose. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 297-299. — Berend (H. W.) Phi- mosis mitdegenerirter Vorhaut. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir. Ver., Magdeb., 1852, v. 112.—Bergh (R.) Om Phimosis- Operation og Circumcision. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1859, ii, 108.—Bernard (E.) Nouveau cas ele phimosis congenital gueri instantanement au moyen de lapincedilatatrice; ap- plication du meme traitement au phimosis accidental. J. tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1869, xl, 402. Also: Soc. med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1869-72), 1873, ix-xii, 157-162. — Bird (G.) Remarkable effects of phymosis in a child. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 267-269. —Blanks (J. H.) Congenital phymosis, causing reflex nervous phenomena; circum- cision; recovery. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1881, xiv, 113.—Bond (C. J.) Note on the treatment of para- phimosis. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 1108. — Bond ( S. B.) Death after a phimosis operation. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 124.— Bonnafont. Sur le phimosis. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1855-6, xxi, 1076-1079. -----. Nou- veau procede pour pratiquer l'operation du phymosis. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1856, i, 88-90.—Borelli (G. B.) Intoinoad alcune malattiegenito-vescicaliprodotte o simulate dal fimosi congenita, con cenni sull' operazione del fimosi e descrizione di un nuovo stromento per prati- carla secondo il metodo della circoncisione. Rac. di oss. tlin.-patol., Torino, 1851-4, i, 193-208. -----. Instrument pour l'operation du phimosis. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1862), 1863, 2. s., iii, 453-459.—Bonrsier (A.) Symptt'imes et accidents tin phimosis. In his: Lee. de clin. chir. 1885-6, 8°, Par., 1887, 217-235. — Bouteiller (J.) Trois observations de phimosis operes par les divers procedes de M. Vidal; classification de tous les procedes employes Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 67.— Brodrick (H.- C.) On some of the dangers of phymosis. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, ix, 208-215. — Buchanan (M. S.) Phymosis; new method of cure. Glasgow M. J., 1831, iv, 441-443.— [Bushe (G.)] A new method of performing the operation of phymosis. N. York M.-Chir. Bull., 1831, i, 224-226.— Busscliaert. De 1'opCration du phimosis. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1857, ii, 21.—Camcrario (G.) Rag- guaglio di un nuovo isrrumento per operare la fimosi in modo speciale. Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. 1862, xvi, 15; 20, 1 pi. -----. Caso di fimosi congenita con atrofia ed indurimento del prepuzio. Ibid., 19. — Canto. Nuevo tratamiento del fimosis. Gac.de 1. hosp., Valencia, 1882, i, 121; 145.—€ardier (A. H.) Phimosis, local and remote results; treatment. Kansas City M. Index, 1886, vii, 356-359.— Cnsarini (G.) Sul fimosi accidentale. Spallanzani, Modena, 1870, viii, 337-344. — [Case.] Phi- mosis congenital; accidents graves du cote des oiganes gi'iiito-urinaires; operation; traitement hyelrotherapie]ue; guerison. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii. 437. — C'lialot (V.) Sclerose totale du penis consecutive k un phimosis congenital. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. tie Montpel., 1881. iii, 133- 135. -----. De la dilatation rapide progressive dans le traitement du phimosis congenital. Ibid., 1885, vii, 241.— Chapman (N. H.) Some of the nervous affections which are liable to follow neglected congenital phimosis in chil- dren. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 314-317. — Chassai- gnac. Op6ration du phimosis par circoncision; nouveau procede. Bull. gen. de therap., etc. Par., 1849, xxxvii, 269.— Cil (J.) Curacion del fimosis sifilitico. Compiladormed., Barcel., 1867-8, iii, 275-277.—Cloquet (J.) Quelques con- siderations sur l'operation du phimosis. Gaz. d. h6p., Par. )6 PHIMOSIS. PHIMOSIS. Phimosi*. 18'_'!)-30, li, 118. —Colles(W.) An improved method of oper- ating forcongenital phymosis. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1849, vii, 250-252.—C'olucei (V.) Alcune osservazioni sulla fimosi congenita tlei neonati della specie umana. Riv. clin. di Bo- logua, 1872, 2. 8., ii, 80-84, 1 pi.—Comstock (T. G.) Geni- tal reflexes, the result otanabnoimal physical condition of the genital organs known as phimosis. N. Yen k M. Times, 1884-5, xii, 161-167.-Coiiklin f\V. J.) Congenital phimo- sis. Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 97-102— Conradi (Gr C.) Ueber die nachtheiligen Wirkungen der angebobrnen Phi- mosis auf die innern Harnwerkzeuge. Mag. f. d. Wunelarz- neyw., Gdttiiig., 1797, l. 181-185.—Cooper. [Syphilitic phimosis. ] Meel. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., iii, 503.—Cor- dier (A. H.) Phimosis; local anel remote results; treat- ment. Alabama M. &. S. J., Birmingh., 1886, i, .180-183.— Cones (E.) A method of treating phymosis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867. xvi, 273— Crivclli (M.) Sur le bromure d'ethyle et sur son action anesthesique dans l'operation tin phimosis. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1886, ex, 213.—Cruise (F. R.) On the cure of phymosis by sudden dilatation. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvi'ii, 482- 485.—Cullerier. Phimosis. Diet,d. seined., Par., 1820, xii, 322-341.—Darby. Instrument for dilating the pie- puce in phymosis. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, 2. s., xi, 324.— Deltil. Traitement tlu phimosis diabetique par l'eponge preparee. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par.. 1881, 83-85. Also: France med., Par., 1881, ii, 174-176.—Dick (H.) A simplified mode of operating for congenital phimosis Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 565. -----. On the operation for phimosis. Ibid., 1862, n. s., ii, 220.—Diek- son (D. M.) Account of a singular case of obstruction iu the excretion of urine. Ann. Med. 1799, Edinb., 1800, iv, 412-421.—Dow (V. M.) Treatment of natural or congen- ital phymosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1833-4, ix, 395-399.— Driard. Sur 1'operatiou du phimosis. Bull. gen. ele therap., etc. Par.. 1879, xevi. 413.—Dubone. Operation du phimosis. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (ls(ii)), 1870, 2. s., x, 426-434.—Dnbue. Du phimosis consecutif k l'herpes du prepuce chez Ic-s elialie'ticjues. Caz. d. h&p., Par., 1874, xlvii, 8(K!.—Diidulcilotr. Naiskolko sluchaef vliyaniya operatsii phymosis na nuzliskoe bezsilie. [Some cases of operation for phimosis and effect on impotence. J Sovrem. med., Warzawa, 1877, xviii, 70; 86.—Dziewonski. Des divers modes operatoires du phimosis. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1881, xlviii, 594-598.—Englisch (J ) Ue- ber Erkrankungen tier Vorhaut bei Diabetes mellitus. (Phimosis acqttisita diabetica.) Mitth. d. Wien. meel. Doct.-Coll., 1883, ix, 237; 253. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 149; 185; 218; 251. -----. Ueber die Beziehung eler ange- borenen Phimose zur Eutstehung von Hernien. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 889; 929; 961.— Erdmann (C. G.) Ganzlicbe Zerstdrung der Genitalien wegen unter- lassener Operation tier Phimosis oder Vorhautsverenge- rung. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Beil., 1837, xxvi, 162.— Fstebau (R. M.) Fimosis congenito; balano-postitis; tratamientoquinirgico; cutacion. Corresp. med , Madrid, 1875, x, 46. Also: Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 276.— Etiennc (A.) Paraphimosis; emploi de la cocaine Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1885. xvii, 170. — Fano. De l'ope- ration simultanee du paraphimosis et du phimosis; nou- veau procede operatoire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 466.—Fcrgussou. Congenital phymosis in a man aged thirty-five. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 289.—Fernandez (F.) ' Modificacion al procedimiento deGuerin en la opera- cion del fimosis. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1875, x, 26.— Fisher (W. C.) A case of general debility, with marked nervous reflexes, due to an elongated and adherent pre- puce ; circumcision aud recovery. Texas (Jour. Rec. Med., Dallas, 1886-7, iv, 62.—Fleming (C.) Operation for phy- mosis. with a new instrument. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 136.-----. Case ot'acutc inflammatory phymosis. Dub- lin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxv, .497-500.—Fleury (L.) Sur le phimosis congenital, au point de vue meelico-chirurgical. [Resume.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1851-2, xvii, 79. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1851. 3. s., iii, 505-507.—Forster (J. C.) Congenital phvmosis. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1855, n. s., xi, 491.—de Fortimet (D.) Du phymosis comme cause d'incontiuence nocturne d'urine chez les en- fants. Lyon med., 1887, lvi, 75-79.—Foster (O. H.) Con- genital phimosis, with preputial calculus. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 767.—Francon (A.) De l'operation du phimosis chez les diabetiques. Lyon med., 1886, liii, 242-247.— Freeland (J. T.) Phymosis in children. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, ludianap., 1888, xxxix, 153-159. Also: Indiana M. J. Indianap., 1888-9, vii, 88-90.—Frissell (J.) Cases of phimosis. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1878, 387.— Garcia Sisternas (J.) Algunas consideraciones sobre el parafimosis y un nuevo procedimiento para reducirlo. Gao. del. hosp., Valencia, 1882. i, 313-319. Also: Gac.nied. de Sevilla, 1882, iv, 314-317.—Gayrand (E.) Du phimosis gangreneux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1885, vii, 373-375.__Gerard (A.) Observation sur un phimosis extraordinaire. Rev. med. hist, et phil., Par, 1821, v, 448.—Gillet de Grandmont. Application dugalvano- cautere k l'operation du phimosis; nouvelle piuce gal- vanique. France med., Par., 1875, xxii, 229. Also, Re- vrint. Alto: Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1875,49-54.— Phimosis. (Gillette (W. R.) A new method of dilatation by means of sponge tents in cases of phimosis induced by venereal sons. Am. J. Syph. &. Dermat., X. Y., 1873, iv, 104-106.— Girdner (J. H.) A new phimosis-forceps. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 640.—de Goes (D.) Operaeao da phi- mosi pelo processo elo Dr. Deboue. Brazil-raed., Rio ele Jan., 1888, iii, 163-165.—Gosseliii. Operation de phimo- sis, suivie de pertes s6minales nocturnes. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1852, xxiii, 60.—Grant (H. H.) Phimo- sis the cause of convulsions in an infant. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 223.—Greco (D.) Un nuovo pro- cesso perl' operazione della fimosi. Scuola med. napol., 1881, iv, 568; 622.—Griffith (G.deG.) On a new method of curing phymosis. Doctor, Lond., 1876, vi, 215. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1876, ii, 464.— Gritti (R.) Exposition et demonstration d'une nouvelle methode d'operatiou du phi- mosis congenial qu'ou appelle par dedoublement. Cong. med. de toutes les nations 1869, Bologne, 1870, ii, 361.— Giinlner. Harnbeschwerden alter Leute iu Folge von Plumose, ein Beitrag zur Lehre tier Harnorgane. Memora- bilien, Heilbr , 1872, xvii, 337-341.— Guersant. De l'im- perforation du prepuce et tlu phimosis congenital. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1854, xxvii, 5. -----. Quelques remarques sur le phimosis et sou traitement chez les enfauts. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1863. lxv, 172-175.—Hanion (L ) Paraphimosis chez un garcon de douze ans; sterilite des tentatives de reduction; emploi de la glace; mouchetures et cuirasse de bandelettes tie sparadrap ; reduction spon- tanee le dix-septieme jour. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1872, xxxix, 276.—Hargrave (W.) On the operation for phymosis; with reflections on the best mode of performing it. Dublin M. Press, 1847, xviii, 113.—Harriss (J.) Re- port of a case of phimosis. South. M. & S. J., Atlanta, 1852, n. s., viii. 21-23.—Harth (L.) Zur Behandlung tier Phimosis und Paraphimosis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 369; 394.—liar wood (C. W.) Dilatation of phimo- sis. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv, 85.—Heller. Ueber die Operation der Phimosis. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsb., Stuttg., 1849, ii, 62-66. — Henckel (J. F.) Von der allzuengen Voihaut; de phimosi. In his: Abhandl. d. chir. Operat, 8°, Berl., 1771, 3. St., 101-109.—Henry (M. H.) Observations on the clinical features and treat- ment of phimosis in infancy and childhood. Am. J. Obst. N. Y., 1885, xviii, 386-393. -----. On the indications for operative interference in cases of phimosis. Am. J. Syph. & Dermat., N. Y., 1870, i, 118-129.—Hett (G.) On phimosis in infancy. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 396.—Heyfel- der (J. F.) Phimosis congenita seltener Art. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., xiii, 1861, 321.—Heyfelder (J. F.) & Hey- felder (O.) Operation einer angeborenen Phimose nach Ricord. Ibid., 1851, iii, 520.—Hill (B.) The treatment of phimosis without operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 226.—Hollo way (J. M.) Four cases of congenital phi- mosis. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 259-262.— Holmes (T. M.) Phymosis with exaggerated symptoms. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1886-7, n. s., iii, 493.—Horteloup. Une pince pour l'operation du phimosis. France ined., Par., 1878, xxv, 793. —Houston (J.) Observations on natural phymosis and its effects; with a new operation adapted to its removal. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1832, xxxviii, 263-271.—Hue (J.) Phimosis congenital; retrecissements de l'urethre et fistules urinaires perineales multiples; guerison. Union med. de la Seiue-Iuf., Rouen, 1876, xv, 107-111. -----. Un nouveau procede d'op6ration du phimo- sis. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1878, n. s., iv, 682- 687. -----. Note sur l'operation du phimosis par la liga- ture elastique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1879, xevi, 67-72.—Huid (E. P.) Phimosis with lithnria; circum- cision; recovery. Med. & Suig. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 395-397. -----. Phymosis; incoordination of move- ments, with loss of equilibrating power; circumcision; re- covery. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xevi, 68-71.—Hutchi. son (J. C.) Treatment of accidental phimosis by ruptur- ing the mucous membrane of the prepuce. Med.' Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 44.—Hyde (J. N.) Preputial stenosis; its possible complications and consequences. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1877, xxxiv, 295-309.— Ilile (M.) Beitrag zur Phimosenoperation. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1889, viii, 164-168, 1 pi.—I lies (S.) Vilagrahozott fity- niaszor, fitymaporczosodds 6s hugyesdszor esete. [Case of congenital phimosis aud stricture of urethra.J Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1882, xxvi, 741. A Iso. transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1882, xviii, 669.— .latie (M.) Phi- mosis congenita; Operation: Gangran; Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiii, 681.—.lobert. Du phimosis con- genital: examen critique des divers procedes operatoires proposes pour sa guerison. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 397.—Jones (J. B.) Congenital phimosis. Kansas City M. Rec, 18(54, i, 211-215.— Jordan (S. N.) An unusual wound complication incident to an operation for cou»en- ltal phimosis. Atlanta M. & S. J.. 1880-81, xviii, 513 — Jordan (T. F.) The simplest operation for uncompli- cated congenital phymosis. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud. 1856, n.s.,xn, 111.------On congenital phimosis; with sim- ple-operation for its relief. Assoc M. J., Lond 1863 449 — Knrewslii. Phimosis congenita und Hydrocele conge- nita, Bemeikung zu der Notiz von Dr. H. Schmid- "Fol- PHIMOSIS. 97 PHIMOSIS. Phimosis. gezustantle der Phimosis". Centralb. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885 xii, 537-539.—Kelley (S. W.) Congenital phimosis, Cleveland M. Gaz., 1888-9, iv, 160-166.—Kersch (S.) Be- trachtungen iiber die Phimosis; zugleich Einfiihrungs- schrift eines neuen Instrumentes zur Ausfiibrung tier Cir- cumcision. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt, Heilk.. Prag, 1867, xcv, 30-46.—Keyes (W. L.) Operating tor phimosis. Boston M. &S. J., 1878, xcix, 202-204 —KirUsey (E. J.) Treat- ment of phimosis without the aiel of the knife. Nashville J. M. & S., 1861, xx, 98.—Klein. Zwei seltene Falle von Phimosis congenita. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 8.— Kloppert (J. G.) Wi.jze van opeveren tot herstel van de phymosis congenita. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1849, iv, 122- 127.—Klosc (C. \V.) & Paul (.1.) Phimosis und Para- phimosis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1850, i, 343.— Laird (F. F. ) Reflex symptoms of phimosis. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. N. Y., Havana, 1883, xviii, 124-131.— Lancerraux. Endocardite iufectieuse vegetante sur- veuue& la suite d'un phimosis opere eu ville; urethrite, cystite pseudo-ineinbranense: embolics multiples; hemi- p'legie droite ; aphasie niotriee. Union med.. Par., 1888, 3. s., xlvi, 853-858.—l.andc. Note sur un procede opera- toire du phimosis. Mem. et hull. Soc. de meel. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1876, 307-311. Also: Gaz. med. de Bordeaux. 1876, v, 442-444. —li a ne. Congenital phimosis in a lad aged seventeen years; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 636.—Lange. Die neuere Ricord'sche Operationsweise der Phimosis. Med. Ztg., Berl.. 1847, 235— l.arghi (B.) Dilatazione del fimosi per le ctindelette e per il ghiande re- trostante. Gior. el. r. Accad. meel.-chir. di Torino, 1856, 2. s., xxvii, 131-139.—Leguillon. Incontinence d'urine corapliquee de phymosis, guerie par l'operation de la cir- concision. Ann. de la med. physiol., Par., 1834, xxvi, 685- 688.—Levis (R. J.) A new procedure in the operation for phimosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 220. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 680. A Iso: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 71.—Lindner. Phimosis congenita. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kiuderh., Berl.. 1877-8, i, 53.— fiisfrane. Memoire sur plusieurs nouveaux procedes operatoires pour combattrele phimosis, le para- phimosis, et l'exces de longueur du ftein de la verge. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1828, i, 82-90.—Lloyd (R.) Case of phimosis, with retention of eleven calculi in the cavity of the prepuce. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 580.— de I.iica (D.) Nuovo metodo per curare la fimosi. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1858, ii, 30.—L mosis par circoncision. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par. (1848-50), 1851, i, 318-323. -----. Operation du phimosis; serres-fines; complications. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1853, xxvi, 296. -----. Du phimosis; de l'operation qu'il ne- cessite. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1856, 1. 252- 258. -----. Operation du phimosis; serres-fines. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 454, 3 pi.— Vinkliuyzeu. Sur l'operation du phimosis. J. med. de la Neeil.. La Haye, 1844, i, 641-647—Voss. Phimosis congenita. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania, 1888, viii, 77-82.— Ward ( N.) Protracted gonorrhoea; phymosis; division of prepuce iu the ordinary way by longitudinal section; irregular ulcera- tion over the entire surface of the glans penis; removal of prepuce, and rapid recovery. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx, 451.— Warner (F. P.) A case of insomnia from phi- mosis and a complete cure by operation. N. York M. Times, 1888-9, xvi, 46.—Werring (M. T.) Operation af en medfbtlt Phimosis. Norsk Mag. f. Lajgevidensk., Christiana. 1842, v, 199-202.—Wetherill (H. G.) Con- genital phymosis and its consequences. Beiston M. &. S. J., 1885, exii, 52-54.— White (J. C.) Phimosis in new-born children. I bid., 1861-2, Ixv, 121. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv, 228.—Will (J. C. O.) On phimosis. Practitioner, Lond., 1877, 269-274.— Wil- li ard (De I'.) Adherent and contracted prepuce, com- monly called congenital phimosis. Proc Phila, Co. M. Soc. 1882-3, Phila., 1883, v, 116-123. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 669-675. Also, Reprint,—Williams (F. H.) Peculiar case of phymosis; with operation for its relief. Columbus M. J., 1887-8, vi, 305— Wittelshofer (R.) Ein Instrument zur Operation der Phimose. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 804. -----. Ueber Vorkommen, Bedeu- tung und Behandlung der Phimose bei Kindern. Wien. metf Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 153; 193.—Woodcock (J.) [On the treatment of phymosis.] Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iii, 162.—Wordsworth (I. C.) Operation for the relief of phymosis. Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, n. s., 259.— Wyatt. Acute phymosis from syphilitic sores; slough- ing phageda'na, with great destruction of the penis; re- covery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, i, 114.—Yale (L. M.) Phimosis: a report from the surgical section to the New York Academy of Medicine. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 152-164. Also [Abstr.]; Med. Rec. N. Y., 1877, xii, 328.—Zei»sl (M.) Ueber Behandlung der Paraphimose. Wien. med. BL, 1883, vi, 853-855. Plliil (John). Trichina? (pork worms, or flesh worms). How to eletect them, and how to avoiel them. Being a popular account of their habits, modes of propagation, aud means of dissemina- tion. Intended for the use of farmers, butchers, Plliil (John)—continued. pork aealers, and consumers of pork. 20 pp. 12°. Rochester, 1881. Also, Editor of: American (The) Journal of Micro- scopy and Popular Science, New York, 1875-81. Pliioravanti (Leonard). See Fioravanti (Leo- narel). Phipps (Jonathan Wathen). On the treatment of patients after the operation for the cataract, in which are shewn the evils attendant ou long confinement and continuetl bandages; and an opposite practice recommended. In: Wathen (J.) A new and easy method of curing the fistula lacrymalis. fe°. London, 1792, 75-104. Phipps (Thomas) [1785-1832J. Woodward ( E.) Obituary notice of the late Dr. Thomas Phipps, of Quincy, with the appearances on dis- section of his body. Med. Mag., Bost., 1833, i, 231-233. Pliipsoii (T.-L.) Protoctista ou la science de la creation au point de vue de la chimie et de la physiologie. 8 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Tircher, 1861. [P., v. 1619.] Repr. from: J. de rned., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1861, xxxiii. -----. The utilization of minute life; being prac- tical studies on insects, Crustacea, mollusca, worms, polypes, infusoria, and sponges, xix, 282 pp. 8°. London, Groombridge 4' Sons, 1H64. -----. Analysis of a biliary concretion ; and on a new method of preparing biliverdin. 5 pp. 8°. [London, Harrison 4' Sons, 1H67.] Repr. from: J. Chem. Soc, Lond., 1867, ii. -----. Meteors, aerolites, and falling stars, xiv, 240 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Lovell, Reeve 4~ Co., 1867. Also, Editor of: Journal (The) of Medicine and Dosi- metric Therapeutics, Loudon, 1880. Pliipsoii (Wilson Weatherly). Remarks on ventilation, with extracts from official reports on the combination of ventilation and warming. System Van Hecke. 19 pp. 8°. London, C. M. Pollet, 1859. Pliii'aeo (D. J.) *De mauite hydrophobic* his- toria antiquissima, setiologiaet therapia. 31 pp. 8J. Berbipoli, F. E. Thein, 1859. C. Pllisalix (Ce"saire). *De la nephrite intersti- tiellc aigue. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 26. Phiteiuiia. d'Arbalestrier. Extrait d'une lettre ecrite par . . . sur les proprietes ineelicales du phiteuma. Hist. Soc. roy. denied. 1780-81, Par., 1785, iv, 343. Phlebeclasia. See Aneurism by anastomosis, etc.; Varix. Phlebeiiteri*iii. Robin (('.) Rapport k la Societe de biologie par la commission chargee tl'examiner les communications de M. Souley et relatives k la question elesiguee sous le nom de phlebentei isme. Compt. renel. Soc. de biol. 1851, Par., 1852, iii, pt. 2, 1-132. Also, Reprint. Phlebitis. See, also, Amputation (Sequelce, etc., of); Ar- teries (Compression, etc., of); Arteries (Inflam- mation of); Blood-letting (Accidents, etc., of); Ear (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of) ; Fever (Typhoid, Complications, etc., of); Phlegmasia dolens; Puerperal phlebitis; Pyaemia; Scarla- tina. (Complications, etc., of); Varix; Wounds (Dissection of). Amblard(H.) *De la phlelbite aigue' ou in- flammation aigue des veines. 4°. Paris, 1825. Antretter(A.) *Dephlebitiele. 8°. Mona- chii, 1841. Balling (F. A.) Zur Vencncntziindnng. 8. Wiirzburg, 1829. Bamberger (E.-A.) * Essai sur la phltSbite spontane'e non puerp6rale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1849. t3autier (A.) * Quelques reflexions sur la marche de la phl^bite, et sur les consequences pratiques qui eu decoulent. 4;. Paris, 18:52. 99 PHLEBITIS. PHLEBITIS. Phlebitis. Bobillier (T.-J.) *De la phle'bite des mem- bres, et priucipalenient ele son traitement. 4°, Paris, 1857. Bra UN (C.-F.) * Recherches sur la phlelnte. 4°. Strasbourg, 1838. Briere (J.-R.) *Diss. sur la phlebite aigue. 4^. Paris, 1832. Burger (G. J. C.) *De phlebitide qusedam. 8°. Balis, [1845]. Bunny (J.) * De venarum inflammatione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Campy (L.) * Recherches sur la phl6bite. 4°. Montpellier, 1820. Cazenave de Lacaussade (J.-J.-J.) *Dela phlebite en g6ne"ral. 4°. Paris, 1846. Chaudol (A.-H.-J.) * De la phlebite des mem- bres. 4°. Paris, 1873. Clopin(J.-B.) * De la phlebite. 4°. Paris, 1848. Darcy (A.-G.) *Diss. sur laphleSbite trauma- tique, ou inflammation des veines par cause ex- terue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Daser (A.) * De phlebitide. 8°. Monachii, 1833. Devailly (L.) * De la plilabile traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1837. Drouot(A.-A. ) *De la phlebite. 4°. Paris, 1853. Dumbreck (W.) * De venarum inflammatione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1822. Eberling (G.) * Ueber Phlebitis. 8°. Bonn, 1880. Eberstaller (C.) * De phlebitide. 8°. Vin- dobonce, 1832. Feret (E.-A.) * De la ph!6bite traumatique a la suite de la piqure de la lancette. 4°. Paris, 1-C.ti. Floohon (C.-J.-J.) * Essai sur la phlebite traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1834. Florin (P. U.) * Om phlebitis. 8°. Helsing- fors, 1840. Foata (J.) * De la phlebite. 4°. Paris, 1847. Frantz (O. A.) *De phlebitide. 8°. Halce, 1837. Gaillard (A.) * De la phl6bite. 4°. Paris, 1848. Galabru (E.) * De la phle'bite me'dicale des membres au point de vue simplemeut clinique. 4°. Montpellier, 1880. Gaudin (P.-L.) * De la phl6bite traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1833. Goupil de Canteleu (L.-H.) * De la phle"- bite; de ses caracteres anatomiques, de ses svmp- t6mes, de son diagnostic tliffeientiel et de sou traitement. 4°. Paris, 1850. Guttmaxn (F.) * De phlebitide seu iuflam- niatione venarum. 8°. Berolini, 1826. Haas (C.) * De phlebitide, adelita casu phle- bititlis jugularis spontanea. 8°. Gryphiswaldice, 1865. Halbertsma (K. T.) *De phlebitide. 8°. Lugd. Bat., IS57. Hauer (F.) * De phlebitide traumatica ex- terna. 8°. Gryphice, [1844]. Heller (A.) * Ueber die Veneu-Entziindung. [Erlangen.] 8°. Wiirzburg, 1855. Himmelsberger (J. G.) * De phlebitide traumatica, adnexa morbi historia. 8°. Pragce, 1840. Hunter (A.) A probationary essay on phle- bitis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1839. Javerzac ( M.-G. ) * De la phl6bite. 4°. Paris, 1829. Kaehler (J. P. O.) *De phlebitide. 8°. Berolini, [1842]. Karawajen (W.) * De phlebitide traumatica. 8°. Dorpati Liv., 1838. Phlebitis. Krueger (G. A.) * De phlebitide. 8°. Be- rolini, [1842]. Lambert (G.) * De la phleliite et de l'infec- tiou purulente en general. 4°. Paris, 1854. Le Boyek (Y.-M.) *Sur la phle'bite aigue. ' 4°. Paris, 1828. Lodter (J. ) * Phlebitis. 8°. Wirceburqi, 1832. Longuet (L.-B.) *Sur l'inflammation des veines. 4°. Paris, 1815. Loreille - Lesjardins ( M.-C.-V. ) * Sur la phle'bite aigue, ou inflammation aigue des veines. 4°. Paris, 1826. Luciitmans ( P. J. C. ) * De phlebitide. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1835]. Maas (H.) * Ueber die Phlebitis. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1841. Nagel ( K. ) * Die Venenentziindung. 8°. Erlangen, 1839. Neve (P.-L.) * Sur la phleliite. 4°. Paris, 1834. O'Neill (A.-A.) * De la phle'bite. 4°. Paris, 1832. Pinel ( J.-P.-C. ) * Considerations sur les veines et leur inflammation, ou phldbite. 4°. Montpellier, 1826. Pourcelot(L.-E.) * Sur l'inflammation des veines, ou la phl6bite. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828. Reisberg(C) * De phlebitide. 8°. Gryphice, [1836]. Salleron (E.-R. ) * Essai sur la phlelnte traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1834. Salomgn (E. ) * De phlebitide traumatica acuta. 8°. Regimonti, 1839. Sapin (A.) * De phlebitide seu inflammatione venarum. 4°. Leodii, [1827]. Sasse (J. G. G.) * De vasorum sanguifero- rura inflammatione. 8°. Halce, 1797. Schlochauer (V.) * De phlebititle. 8°. Be- rolini, [1836]. Schuerrings (F. J.) * De phlebitidis acutse duabus speciebus, quas observare mihi contigit. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Sedillot (C.) * Phle'bite traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1832. Thumen (G. A. J. H.) *De phlebitide. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Vaugiraud (P.-F.) * De la phlelute en ge'ne'- ral. 4°. Paris, 1835. Walter (A.) *Exenipla qusedain venarum inflammationis cum epicrisi exhibens. 8°. Dor- pati Liv., 1820. Wylimann (J. H.) * Ueber pathogenese und pathologische Anatomie der Phlebitis. 8°. Bern, 1851. Zedet(J.-C.-A.) * De la phbibite. 4°. Paris, 1847. Aikmaii (J.) Notes on two cases of idiopathic phle- bitis. Glasgow M. J., 1874, [4. s.], vi, 456-460.—AIbers (J. F. H.) Etwas iiber das von Zeit zu Zeit haufige Vor- kommen der Phlebitis. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1836, xxiv, 239-247.—Andrews (J.) 1 Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1835, xvi. 106-109.—Aschersoii. Todtlich geworelene Venen-Entzvindung des rechten Armes. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1834, iii, 221.—de Bazas (E. M.) Memoria sobre la fle- bitis. Bol. tie med., cirug. yXarm., Madrid, 1834-5, ii, 393; 405; 417; 443: 1836, iii, 38; 49.—Beandry (G.-O.) Phle- bite traumatique suivie tie la guerison spontanea de varices durant la grossesse. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1875, iv, 388.—Bell (G.) t Successfully treated. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1839, Iii, 335-341. Also, Reprint.—Bouilland (J.) Recherchescliniques pour servir a l'histoire de la phle- biteouinflammationdes veines. Rev. med. franc.et etrang., Par., 1825, ii, 71; 418. —Brescliet (G.) De l'inflamma- tion des veines ou tie la phlebite. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. meel.. Par., 1818, ii, 325: 1819, iii, 317.—Brescliet (G.) & Villcrme (L.-R.) Phlebite. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xii, 341-363.—Broca. [Phlebite du tronc brachio- cephalique.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850. xxv. 104.— Rrodie (B. C.) Fatal case of phlebitis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1827-8 i, 64. -----. Inflammation of the veins. Med. limes, Lond., 1844, x, 1; 23.—Burggraeve. Des phle- PHLEBITIS. 100 IMILKBITIS. Phlebitis. bites metastatiques. Bull. Soc. tie med. de Gnnd, 1857, xxiv, 203-209.—Canstatt (C.) Beitrag zur Pathologie der Phlebitis traumatica uud der Phlebitis puerperalis. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl.. 1840, xxix, 31; 226; 331; 561. — Carusi (A.M.) t Filiatre-sebezio, Napoli, 1842, xxiv, 12. — Chabrely. Cas de phlebite suppuree pri- mitive; autopsie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 74-76.—Channing (W.) t t With remarks on the sup- posed identity of phlebitis and phlegmasia dolens. Med. Commnnicat.' Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1836, v, 46-85. Also, Reprint.—Chapman (N.) t t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1843, n. s„ vi, 13-27.—Cless. Phlebitis. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1840, x, 266-268.—Clo- quet (J.) Observation de phlebite. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827, i, 3.—Com in. Phlebite chronique et ossifica- tion des veines des membres inferieurs. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1841, xvi, 291-296.—Corn■ I (V.) De la phlebite. J. el. conn. med. prat., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 183; 192; 201; 207.—Cotting. Phlebitis; possibly embolus. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 21. Also.- Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1866-74). 1876, vi, 207-209— Crampton (J.) A case of inflammation of the vena cava, iliac, aud femoral veins. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 403-41 l.—Croly (H. G.) Phlebitis of the lower extremities; a secondary com- plication of injuries of the head. Meel. Press &.' Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxix, 144. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 483.—Dasara-Cao (G. B.) Delia flebite trau- matica. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1873, xxxi, 361; 492.—I>el- gado Villadieg© (E.) Flebitis profunda, espontiinea delosautores, en ambasextremidadesinferiores; curacion. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1880, viii, 127; 140 —Demaria (A.) Caso di flebite spontanea, ossia di edema doloroso. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1847, xxix, 306-310.— Donct. Phlebites spontanees; pleuresie concomitante. Bull. Soc.de med. d'Angers (1869), 1870, n. s., lxxii, 56-65.— Duncan (A.), jr. t Cephalic vein, with the appearances on dissection. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1824, i, 439- 454.—Dupre (A.) Observations tie phlebite. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc met!., Par., 1836, iv. 213-220. —Eade, jr. Inflammation of the external jugular vein and veins of the arm, with albuminous urine. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1850, 17.— Fifes, t t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rbein. Med.-Coll. 1836, Koblenz, 1839, 67.—Elliotson. Anasarca phlogistica; phlebitis; application of the nitrate of silver. Loud. M. & S. J., 1835-6, [n. s.j, viii, 670— Fngelmann. Ueber secundare Phlebitis und Eiterablagerung. Mag. f. d. Heilk., Berl., 1841, lviii, 265-287. — Ertlmmin (J. F.) Veneneiterung. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1822, i, 172-178.—Evans (J. W.) An interesting case of supposed phlebitis. Med. Arch., St. Louis. 1N70, iv, 204 206.—Fair- brother (H. C.) Phlebitis. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1884. xlvi, 17-21— Fallot, t Avec inflammation articulaire, et meningocephalite hydrencephalique. J. compl. tlu diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxvii, 309-313.—Fereday. t 1 Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1827, vii, 537-543. — Ferrus. Observations de phlebite, chez un ali6ne paralytique et chez un epileptique. J. d. progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, 2. s., i, 206-222. — Fifield (W. C. B.) Spontaneous phlebitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, ex, 397.— Flebite otturatrice limitata ad una metA laterale del corpo. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1856, 4. s., vi, 212-215.— Forbes (C. F.) t Iliac and femoral vein; appearances after death. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1827, xiii, 293-297.— Forget (C.) Recherches cliniques sur la phlebite, speci- alement sur celle elite spontanee. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. a., ii, 22-27. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1847, i, 163-176. -----. De la phlebite spontanee et de son traite- ment. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc.. Par., 1850, xxxviii, 337- 345.—Fraser. Case of phlebitis simulating phlegmasia dolens; autopsy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, i. 399.— Fremy. Phlebite spontanee de la saphene interne du membre iuferieur gauche. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 345.— (GalNet.) Phlebite suppuree des veines collate- rales tie 1'artere humerale; abces de l'aisselle par ulcera- tion d'une veine affluente; infection putride; autopsie. Bull. Soc. med. tie Reims, 1873, xii, 72-76. — Gatiniol (L.) Phlebite suppurative ; ce que peut une vigoureuse constitution. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 470.—Gibb. Ueber suppurative Phlebitis bei einem wenige Tage alten Kinde. J. cl. Kinderkr., Erlang.. 1856, xxvii, 312.— Graves ( R. J.) & Stokes ( W.) Painful swelling of the left lower extremity; inflammation of the saphena vein; symptoms of intermittent fever. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 28.—Green (J. O.) Phlebitis of the venae emissariaB mastoideae. Am. J. Otol., N. Y., 1879, i, 187- 200.—Greig (J.) On inflammation of the veins. Tr. M. - 26.-Wommerfeldt. Phlebitis spontanea Hosp.-Mc'dd., Kjebenh . 1819 ii, 441-452. - SUihninini (F.) Etwas PHLEBITIS. 101 PHLEBITIS Phlebitis. iiber Phlebitis. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode, 18*1, i 2 pt., 48-54.—Teissier (P.) Recherches sur un point ele l'aiiatomie pathologique de la phlebite. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1840-41, vi, 19-21. (Rap. ele Blandin], 14-19.— Tcssier (J. P.) Expos6 et examen critique des doctrines tie la phlebite et de la resorption purulente. Experience. Par., 1838, ii, 1-12. — Thaer. Phlebitis acutissima aus innern Ursachen entstandeu. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, 713-723.—Thomson (A. T.) t Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 538-542. — Tommasini (G.) Sulla flebite gene- rale. Mem. d. Soc. med -chir. di Bologna, 1844, 2. s., iii, 247-256. — Trapennrd. tt Soc. d. sc. med. tie Gannat. Rap. gen , etc.. 1847. Cusset, 1848, 60-65.—Tripe (J. W.) Report of cases of phlebitis, with remarks on the pathology of that disease. Lancet, Loud., 1848, ii. 638-640. — Vcl- pean. De la phlebite. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827. i, no. 5, 1. -----. Phlebite. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1827, xiv, 502-505.—Versari (C.) Della infiammazione delle vene. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1842, x, 289; 305.—Vol* (R.) Venen- entziiiidung. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1844. x, 297-299.— Walshain (W.J.) Suppurative phlebitis of the vesical, iliac, and femoral veins of the left side following cystitis. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond.. 1879, xxx, 321-323. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1879, i, 665.—Wilson (J.)1 Clinical observations on the present tendency to phlebitis, particularly in young women; with some remarks on anasarca. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, xxii, 96; 135— Wilson (J.)2 Case of gen- eral phlebitis. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1870, i, 367-369.— Wood (J. R.) Suppurative phlebitis dependent upon suppurative synovitis. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s , vi, 13. Phlebitis (Complications and sequelae, of). See, also, Embolism; Pyaemia. Gkeiffenhahn ( F. A. ) * De complicatione phlebitidis cum sanguine coagnlato venosa. 8°. Lipsice, [1-C>0]. Addison. Anomalous effects of phlebitis. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 506.—Arnolt (J. M.) Pathological in- quiry into the secondary effects of inflammation of the veins. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1829, xv, 1-131. — Arnozan (X.) Varices consecutives a une phlebite. J.de med. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 585.—Rarry (W.) Phlebitis with tetanic affection. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828-9, iii, 536— Renoit. Phlebite; infection purulente; guerison. Ann. de la chir. franc et etrang., Par., 1845, xv, 5-11.—Rlandin. Phle- bite traumatique; infection purulente; mort. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1845-6, xiii, 1. pt., 89-92. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, viii, 597-599.—Roissard (A.) Angine phlegmoneuse; phlebite suppuree ties veines du coil; abces metastatiques du pouraou; mort par infection purulente. France med., Par., 188'!. i, 185.—Cambernon. Phlebite traumatique; symptomes de resorption purulente; mort; pus dans les veines enflammees; point d'abces metastati- ques. Bull. Soc anat. de Par.. 1837, 12; 297.—[Cases.] Observations sur des phlebites avec oedeme consecutifs par obturation ties principaux troucs veineux. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1827, xcviii, 70-90.—Charcot (J.-M ) & Rail (B.) Sur la mort subite et la mort rapide a la suite de I'obturation de l'artere pulmonaire par des caillots sanguins, dans les cas de phlegmatia alba dolens et de phlebite obliterante eu general. Gaz. hebd. de meel., Par., 1858, v, 755; 784; 838. Also, Reprint.— Contini (A.) Caso gravissituo di canorena per flebite crurale (fiem- masia bianca dolente). Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 229.—Cruveilhier. Observation de phle- bite, suivie de suppuration et de perforation des veines f6morale, poplitee tibiale, posterieure, peroniere, etc., et communication du pus veiueux avec ties foyers formes au- tour tie ces vaisseaux. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par. 1826, 2. ed., 1841, i, 111-117— Dumont-Pallier. [Obliteration veiueuse k la suite de phlebite; double phlegmatia alba dolens.] Ibid., 1859, xxxiv, 66.—Girdwood (G. P.) Three cases of phlebitis occurring in patients affected with the syphilitic poison. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 619.— Green- how (E. H.) Case of muscular tumours and of phlebitis, with plugging of the superficial veins of both legs, in a patient the subject of constitutional syphilis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1873, vi, 143-147.—Hamilton. Inflammation of the great saphena vein ; pneumonia; purulent deposits in the lungs. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846. i, 504. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1841-50, i, pt. 1, 280.—Kinsbonrg. De la phlebite spontanee consideree comme cause de pyoe- mie. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 102. Aiso.Gaz.m6ti.de Strasb., 1849, ix, 50-54. —141 owe (C. W.) Die Phlebitis im typhtisen Wundprocess. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1852, iii, 414-423. — l>abal. Phlebite gaugreueuse du sinus lateral droit; embolics avautdonue lieu a ties foyers ele gangrene pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, liii, 463-466. — Loiignct. Phlebite variqueuse suivie demholie. Rev. phot. d. lion, de Par., 1873, v, 17; 24, 2 pi.; 49, 1 pi.—ITIsider. Phlebitische Thrombosirung tier lin- ken Vena iliaca; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1886), 1887, 355. — Prestat. I Phlebite des veines iliaque externe et crurale gauches. recueillie chez une femine niorte le trente-cinquieme jour de ses couches.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838, xiii, 97.— I Phlebitis (Complications and sequela; of). Reignier. |Phl6bite adhesive, a la suite de couches.| Ibid.. 1835, ix, 8.—Savory (W. S.) On the relation of phlebitis and thrombosis to pvseuiia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1866, ii. 46-61.—Sinclair (A. D.) Case of suppurative phlebitis, followed by pvneniia and death. Boston M. ee (R.) History of a case of inflammation of the left spermatic vein, and sinuses ofthe uterus, with the appearauces on dissection. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828-9, iii, 409.—Merle. Phl6bite uterine, embolie pulmonaire consecutive. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1869), 1870, ix, 2. pt., 176-178.— Senftleben. Fall von septischer Phlebitis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1858-9), 1860, xii, 47-50 — Sinclair. Phlebitis in consequence of periuterine in- flammation or peritonitis. Boston M. &S. J., 1879, c, 159.— Treatment of uterine phlebitis. Lancet, Lond., 1833-4, i, 525.—Wood (J. R.) Pyemia dependent on suppura- tion in the uterine veins. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vi, 13. Phlebolites, or phleboliths. Bidault (L.-F.) * Recherches sur les concre- tions sanguines des veines. 4°. Paris, 1845. Buerkner(C) * De phlebolithis. 8°. Lip- sice, [1841]. Meister (J. J.) *Nonnulla de phlebolithis. 8°. Halce, 1835. Phoebus (P.) *De concrementis venarum osseis et calculosis. 4°. Berolini, [1832]. Volbeding(E.) * De phlebolithis. 8°. Lip- sice, 1847. Balog (C.) Ein Phlebolith. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1861, xxii, 187-189, 1 pi. — Barry (E. L. H. ) Case of phlebolites treated with nitric acid. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1871-2, vii, 531.—Rarth |Pbl6bolithes.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 139-141. — Chavignez. [Phlebolites trouvees dans une tumeur erectile.J Ibid., 1836, xi, 331.—Ravaine. Examen d'une concretion san- guine extraite de la veine saphene et regardee comme un hematozaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1852, Par., 1853, iv. 127. — Frichsen. Phlebolites and varix. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 482.—Kawamoto (J.) [A case of phlebo- liths.] Tokei M. J., Tokio, 1885, no. 354, Jan. 10.—I^as- saigne. Observations chimiques sur la nature des con- cretions veineuses chez I'homme et les animaux. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1827, iii, 157-160. — L.ee ( R.) On phlebolites or calculi in the veins, and conversion of the coats of veins into calcareous matter. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xv, 304-306. — Legroux. Des polypes veineux, ou de la coagulation du sang dans les veines, et des oblitera- tions spontanees de ces vaisseaux. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1859, vi, 806; 822: 1860, vii, 23; 56; 83.— Lucas (P. B.) On the formation of phlebolites in the veins. Lancet, Lond., 1834-5, i, 650.—Prochnow (J.) Visszerko (phle- bolith) esete. Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1888, xxviii, 375. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 807. — Reid ( J.) Some observations on phlebolites. Edinb. M. .) t Lond M. Reposit,, 1825, xxiv, 56-59.— Relore & Poul- let. Phlegmatia alba dolens. Diet, euevcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1887, 2. 8., xxiv. 287-303. — Rcwces ( \V. P.) On phlegmasia dolens. Am. J. M. Se.. Phila., 1829, v, 66-89.— Riekson. Some observations and examples of phleg- masia dolens, in the puerperal, gravid, and unimpregnated states; and also in the male. Med.-Chir. J., Lond., 1819-20, ii. 116-131—Ouinas (L.) De la phlegmatia alba elolens. Montpel. med., 1887. 2. s., ix, 25; 109; 553: 1888, 2. s., x, 164.—Fichhoru. Phlegmatia alba dolens. Meel. Ann., Heidelb., 1835. i, 385-398.— Fiwenmaim. Untersuchun- gen iiber elie Natur und die Behandlung der Phlegmasia alba. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxii, 88; 436.— van Fldik. Overde witte pijnlijke zwelling bij kraam- vrouwen (phlegmatia alba dolens puerperaruin), bene- vens eene waaniemiiig en volledige geneziug dier ziekte. Pract. Tijdschr. v. tie Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1822, i, 8; 89. -----. Over de witte pijnlijke zwelling. Ibid., 1824, iii, 200-230.—Elliotson. Phlegmasia dolens. Lancet, Lond., 1837-8, i, 567.—Esler (R.) 11 Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 463.— Fiaux. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 66 — Foucart (A.) Phlegmatia alba dolens. France med., Par., 1856, iii, 387. — Fountain (J.) On phlegmasia elolens. X. York J. M., 1845, v, 151-165.—Fox ( W. T. ) Phlegmasia dolens. Tr. Obst. Sm:. Lond. (1860), 1861, ii, 201-221. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 598. Also, transl. [Abstr. |: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1861, viii, 653; 684. — Francis (J. W.) Observations on phlegmasia dolens. N. York M. fePhys. J., 1822, i, 1-12.—Fraser (H.) t Edinb. M. ~— Rlondeau. [Coagulation sanguine intra-vei- neusetreseteiidne; phlegmasia alba dolens. | Hull. Soc anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 502-50o.-RIol. [Phlegmatia alba dolens du cote droit.] Ibid., 181.v xxiii, 96.- Itnttau Phlegmasia dolens (Causes and pathol- ogy of). (F.) Remarks on the pathologv of white leg. Brit. M J., Loud., 1870, i, 49.—de Castella (E.) De la pathogenic et du traitement de la phlegmasia alba. Ann. tie gynec et petliat., Brux., 1840-41. 2. s., i, 195-199.—Champiieys (F. H.) Note on the artificial production of so-called lym phatic varix. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (18s6), 1887, xxviii, 144- 149.—Clark (W.) Pathology of phlegmasia elolens; with a case. Loud. M. Gaz., 1834-5 xv, 870.—C'oe (H.) lie- marks on the put liology of phlegmasia dolens. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1855-6, i, 257: 1858-9, iv, 671. —Ramasehino. Recherches sur les alterations anatomiques de la phlegma- tia alba dolens. Gaz. obst., Par., 1880. ix, 273-278. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1880), 1881, 2. s., xvii, 165-171. 2 pi. Also I Abstr.]: Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 252.— Da vies (J.) Pathology of phlegmasia dolens. Lond. M. Reposit.. 1825, xxiv, 51-56.— Davis (D. D.) Essay on the proximate cause of the elisease called phleg- masia dolens. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 419-460, 3 pi.—Fox (\V. T.) The pathological lesion ol phlegmasia dolens. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1860), 1861. ii, 222-239. -----. The vessels concerned in the production of phlegmasia do- lens. Ibid. (1862), 1863, iv, 144-164.—Hewitt (G.) The left iliac and femoral veins from a case of phlegmasia dolens. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 421. Also: Tr. Path. Soc Loud.. 1857- 8, ix, 59-61.—Home (J. H.) On the proximate and excit ing causes of phlegmasia dolens. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1835, [n.s.], vii, 171-173.—Iiee(R.) Contribution to the pathol- ogy of phlegmasia dolens. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1829, xv, 132; 369. Also, Reprint, ------. Further researches on the pathology of phlegmasia dolens. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1852-3, xxxvi, 281-314. Also [Abstr.l: Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 550.—I*ee (R J.) Phlegmasia dolens; its origin and connection with erysipelas and other infectious diseases. Lancet, Loud., 1872, i, 497.—Mackenzie (F. W.) The pathology and treatment of phlegmasia dolens. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1861-2, i, 181-272. Also, Reprint.— Miller (H. V. M.) The pathology of phlegmasia elolens. South. M. A: S. J , Augusta, 1852, n. s., viii. 5-17— I* in li- lt a m (J. G.) Phlegmasia elolens ; remarks on pathology and treatment. J. Gynac, Soc. Bost,, 1869. i, 155-166.— Pitres. Phlegmatia alba dolens. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 491. —Sen (P.) j La flegmasia alba dolens, debe siempre considerarse como una flebitis crural'! Union med. tie Aragon, Zaragoza, 1880-81, 2. ep., ii, 465; 474; 481; 489; 506.—Widal (F.) Infection puerperale et phlegma- tia alba dolens. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 505-574.— Williams (G.) Cases of peritoneal inflammation suc- ceeded by phlegmatia dolens. Med.-Chir. J. cfe Rev., Lond., 1818, v, 377. Phlegmasia dolens (Complications aud sequekv of). Cosnakd (T.-E.) * VAtide sur quelques mani- festations articulairt's de la phlegmatia alba elo- lens. 4°. Paris, 1878. Vikllk (D.-A.) * De l'bydarthrose daus la phlegmatia alba doleus. 4°. Paris, 1879. Rlachez. [Phlegmatia alba dolens avec: cancer ele l'estomac et phlebite ele la veine cave infeiieure et eles veines iliaque et femorale droites.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 28.— ISoyne (R. G.) Case of gangrene of the leg, from phlegmasia dolens; amputation. Chicago M. J. cfe Exam., 1879, xxxviii, 605-608. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y„ 1879, xv, 403.-Rond (A. K.) A fatal case of double phlegmasia dolens, with remarks on the nature: ofthe disease. Med. Reg., Phila., 1889, v, 247-249.—Rou- chut. Phlegmasia nigra dolens; retrecissement et iu- suffisance des deux orifices du cceur gauche; apoplexie pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 203-211.— Ravies (J.) A case of phlegmasia doleus, which termi- nated in sphacelus of the leg anel foot. Lond. M. Reposit., 1825, xxiii, 451-455.—Runcan (J. M.) Case of phlegma- sia dolens with lymphatic varix. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1881), 1882, xxiii,' 132-140, 2 pi. — Dupuy-Walbauui (L.-E.) Contribution a I'histoire tie riiydarthrose comme complication de la phlegmatia alba dolens. Gaz. obst., Par., 1879, viii, 97-99.—Gnleernii. Flegmasia alba do- lens y atasco pulmonar. Rev. tie med. v cirug. pract., Madrid. 1877, i, 473— Hibberd (J. F ) A case of phleg- masia dolens: sudden death; post-mortem examination. Cincin. Lancet &. Obs., 1865, -viii, 740-742— l,aeiiiice (T.) Phlebite du membre abdominal gauche survenue tarclive- mont apres raccouchement sous l'influence d'une diathese rhumatismale; embolies pulmonaires; mort. J. de m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 18*2, xvi, 187-189.—I.etullc (M.) De l'hydarthrose dans la phlegmatia alba dolens. France med., Par., 1878, xxv, 205-208. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 33-43— Mackenzie (J. N.) Phleg- masia alba elolens; pyaemia; embolic pneumonia. Hosp. Gaz., X. Y., 1878, iv, 408.—lTIinot. Phlegmasia dolens terminating fatally, probably from pyemia. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1828, xcix, 629-631.—Ory (E.) De rhydarthrose dans le cours dc la phlegmatia alba dolens. France med., PHLEGMASIA. 107 PHLEGMON. Phlegmasia dolens (Complications and sequelae of). Par., 1878, xxv, 137. —Overhiser (E. A.) A case of phlegmasia dolens terminating in gangrene of the foot; amputation; cure; recovery. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, 127.—Pornk. Avortement au 4e mois d'une grossesse jusque 1,1 normale; double phlegmatia alba dolens des membres inferieurs; suppuration intra-vascu- laire tlu vaste externe; communication de la bile avec un kyste hydatique du foie, mort des hydatides. Progres nied., Par., 1876, iv, 435. Also: Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1876, 4. s., i, 132-135.—Priiel (F.) Phlegmasia dolens uud spcmtane Kropfheilung. Monatsehr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1840, iii, 43-55.—Renou. Embolie pulmo- naire double k la suite d'une couche, phlegmatia alba do- lens. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1883, x, 415-418.—Rbsch Pleuritis ; Mastitis ; Phlegmasia alba dolens; Genesung. Meel. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1854. xxiv, 125.—Soler (M.) Flegmasia alba elolens: abscesos y an- quilosisconsecutivos; curacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 228.—Stokes. Phlegmasia dolens ; interlobular pneu- monia; purulent cysts in the ventricles of the heart. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1844, xxv, 508.—Tarnier Sc. Vulpiau. [Phlegmatia alba dolens developpee apres raccouchcmcnt; veines feniorales profondes suppurees toute leur etenduet; la saphene dioite aussi remplie de pus ; pas dc caillots. | Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 404-406.—Thomas. Phlegmasia dolens; gangrene; death. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1871-2, iv, 717.—Washington (B. H.) Phlegmasia dolens, puerperal fever and mammary abscess. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1875-6, xiii, 76-79.—Wilson (A. D.) Case of phlegmasia dolens, alternating with pneumonic inflamma- tion. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1823, ii, 334-336. Phlegmasia dolens (Treatment of). Racon (N.C.) Cases of phlegmasia dolens successfully treated with iodine. Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, i, 102.—Brown (M. M.) Rubber bandage in phlegmasia elolens. J. Mat. M., New Lebanon, N. Y., 1883, xxii, 3.—Carson (J. U. L.) Phlegmasia dolens cured by the bisulphite of soda. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 501.—t lark (C. C. P.) Treat- ment of phlegmasia dolens with opium. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1870-71, v, 155. — C'opeman (E.) Cases of phlegmasia dolens treated bv turpentine. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 593-595 —t'righton (R. W.) Sulphate of iron as a local application in phlegmasia dolens. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 466.—Rudley. Case of phlegmasia dolens successfully treated bv the applicatiejn of the bandage. Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1830, iii, 569— Diimin (S. C.) Treatment of a case of phlegmasia alba dolens. Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 455.—«oelet ( A. H.) The success j|f warm water in the treatment of phlegmasia dolens. "Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iv, 425.— Raskin* (E. B:) Case of phlegmasia dolens, treated locally with tinct- ure of iodine; complete cure. West. J. M. <& S., Louis- ville, 1851, 3. s., vii. 4-8. — lloriii^. Acusserliche An- wendung des Jod-Kalium bei Phlegmatia alba dolens. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk.. Tubing., 1845, i, 706-798.—Koch- in a ■■ n. Massage erfolgreich bei Phlegmasia alba dolens. Allg. meel. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1883, Iii, 197.— I,. (G. Y.) Phlegmasia dolens relieved bv cold water. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1853-4, x, 126.—de I,a tour cU.) Phlegmatia alba do- lens combattue et promptement snbjuguee par une couche de collodion. Union med., Par.. 1861, n. s., ix, 101-107. -----. Traitement de la phlegmatia alba dolens, par la son- straction dclapr.au a Faction clei'air. Ibid., 1863, n. s., xviii, 477-480. —ITIciTIeehan (J. C.) The treatment of phleg- masia dolens by elevation of the affected limb. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1881, n. s., vi, 4. [ Discussion ]. 10.— Powers (J. L.) Tobacco in the treatment of phlegmasia albadolens. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1879, vii, 148.— Rosen- berg (O. C.) Beitrag zur Feststellung eles Heil ver fa 11 reus bei der Phlegmasia alba dolens puerperarum Allg. meel. Ann., Leipz., 1822, 708. — Wood (T.) Nitrated silver used in the treatment of phlegmasia dolens. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1853, xiv, 722-724. Phlegmasia dolens (Nonpuerperal). See, also, Fever (Typhoid, Complications, etc., of); Haemorrhoids (Treatment of); Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of); Phlebitis (Crural, etc.). Bernard (F.) * De la phlegmatia alba dolens spontanea elans le coins tie la chlorose. 4°. Paris, 1882. Dabeai x (G.) * Contribution a l'etude de la phlegmatia alba dolens du membre superieur. 4°. Paris, 1883. Mosnay(£.-H.) * Contribution a l'e"tiiele ele la phlegmtitia chez les chlorotiques. 4°. Paris, 1888. von Amnion (F. A.) Fall einer Phlegmasia alba dolens ausserhalb ties Woeheiibett.es mit tddtlichem Aus- gauge. Gem. deiitsche Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1828, ii, 372-383.— Road (H.) Case of swelled leg, occur- Phleg'liiasia dolens (Non-puerperal). ring in a male. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1821, ii, 339- 343.— Rouehut. De la plegmatia alba dolens chez les enfants. Paris med., 1879-80, v, 377. — Rright. Phleg- masia dolens in the male. Lancet, Lond., 1831-2, ii, 637.— de Brim du Bois-IVoir. Phlegmatia alba dolens survenuc chez un hemiplcgique et terminee par gangrene. France med., Par., 1881, ii. 27-29. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. dePar. (1881), 1882, v, 154-157. —Byrd ( W. A.) A case of phlegmasia dolens occurring iu an infant. Rich- mond cfe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xv, 133-139.— Campbell (CD.) Phlegmasia dolens in an elderly per- son. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 105.—4'hrestieii. Ob- servation de phlegmasia alba dolens chez un homtne. [Rap. de M. Capuron.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1843-4, ix, 173-177. — Clark (A.) Milk leg in a male. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1882, ix, 613. —Howler ( B. ) Phleg- masia dolens in the non-puerperal state. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1855-6, xii, 22-24.—RowSe (T. S.) Notes of a case of thrombosis. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 268. — Duncan (M.) Case of phlegmasia elolens with hmpbatic varix. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 883.—Foueart. Etude clinique sur un cas de contusion cie la handle, avec phlegmatia alba dolens double consecutive au traumatisme. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1878, 2. s., xv, 219. — diiraudeau. Phleg- matia alba dolens chez une clilorotic]iie. Fiance med., Par., 1883, ii, 918-920. Also : Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884, vii, 187-190. —«ouraud (X.) Phlegmatia alba dolens, chez un enfant de dix ans, atteinte de phthisie pul- monaire. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1863, xxxviii, 349-352.— Hewson (A.) Milk leg or phlegmasia dolens, following fracture. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, n. s., vi, 10-12.—Holscher (G. P.) Phlegmasia alba dolens bei einem Manne. Haunov. Ann. f. el. ges. Heilk., 1870, v, 336-344.—Holthouse. Case of phlegmasia elolens in the male. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 588.—Ives (A. W.) & Purdy (G. \Y\) Case of phlegmasia elohns in a male. Tr. Phys.-Mecl. Soc. N. Y., 1817, i, 161-100.—Kelly (J.) Phlegmasia dolens occurring in a female and not connectetl with the puerperal state. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1852, xlvi, 480. — Labat. Phlegmatia alba dolens ayant successivement occupe lis deux membres inferieurs chez une chloiotique; embolie pulmonaire; guerison. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 269-271. Also: France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 66.—Lnurencin. Chlorose; phleg- matia alba elolens presence et bilaterale ; mort. Lyon med., 1888, lix, 205-209. — Lawrence ( W.) Case of phleg- masia dolens, caused by inflammation of the veins of the lower extremity, excited by malignant ulceration of the cervix uteri. 'Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 183!), xvi, 58-62.— Lee (H.) Remarks on a ease of painful swelling of both legs, resembling phlegmasia doleus, with extensive ob- struction of both femoral veins, in a phthisical patient. Proc. Roy. M. cfe Chir. Soc. Lond. (1856-7), 1857, i, 14-19.— Lejard. Phlegmatia alba elolens ele la veine jugulaire externe et eles veines du membre superieur gauche, k la periode cacbectique d'une pneumonie caseeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de: Par., 1882, Ivii, 57. Also: Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 674.—Leon. Observation de phlegmatia alba elolens chez une petite fllle de 12ans; abces se develop- pant au niveau de lartieulation coxo-femorale; gueri- son. (la/., med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1862-3, vi, 148.— Liuoli (O.) Di una enormesi uterina susseguita da eclampsia e flemmasia alba dolens. Gior. el. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1857, 2. s., xxix, 3-9.—Lyman (H. M.) Phlegmasia doleus as a symptom of concealed intra- abdominal cancer. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1876, xxxiii, 318-322.—Macartney (J.) A case of phlegmasia dolens in a soldier. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 315.— IHetcalfe (J. T.) Pneumonia, followed hy phlegmasia dolens, in anon-puerperal female ; death by syncope during convalescence, with fatty infiltration of the heart. N. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 193-195.—Morris (J. C.) Case of disease resembling phlegmasia alba in a male patient. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. a., Ivii, 392. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1863-74, n. a., iv, 264— Peseione (G.) Trom- bosi marastica (phlegmatia alba dolens) per cachessia sifili- tica, Boll. el. clin., Milano, 1888, v, 210-215.—Petrali (M. A.) Di una flegmasia alba dolens recidiva. Raccogli- tore med. di Fano, 1850, 2. s., i, 132-137.—Stcudel. Phleg- matia alba dolens bei einem Madcben. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb.arztl.Ver., Stuttg., 1844, xiv, 187— Susewind. Phlegmasia alba dolens bei einem Manne. Gen -Ber. d. k. rhein. Me.l.-Coll. 1838, Cobleuz, 1840, 63.—While (R. B.) Phlegmasia doleus. Texas M. cfe S. Rec, Galveston, 1882, ii, 483-490.—Wood (H. C.) A case of milk-leg in the man. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 84-86. Phlegmon. See Abscess; Boils; Carbuncle; Pustule (Malignant); and under names of regions. Phlegmon (Ischiatic). See Abscess (Gluteal, etc.). Phlegmon (Retro-peritoneal). See Abdomen (Abscess, etc., of). PHLEGON. 108 MONOPHOBIA. Plile^oii Trallianus. Phlegontis Tralliani qua; exstant opuscula, Joannes Meursius recensuit et notas aelelidit. 4 p. 1., 190 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud I. Elzevirium, 16*20. Boundwith: Antic;onus Carystius. Historiarum, [etc.J. 4^. Lugd. Bat, 1619. Phlogiston. See Combustion. Ph logos!*. .See Inflammation. Pli loin is esculenta. See Serpents (Poisonous, Biles, etc., of, Anti- dotes for). Phlorizin. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Barnixi;(A. A. A.) *De phloridzine. 8°. Lei- dce, 1837. Re Riei. Phloridzine and its uses. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862. xxxiv. 39-43.—de Koiiintk. Observations sur les proprietes febrifuges de la phloridzine. Bull. Soc. de meel. tie Gaud, 1836, ii, 70; 85.— Leonhard. Versucbe mit dem Phlondizin. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi, 232.— Quinqunud (O.-E.) Action des glucosides et speciale- ment de la phloriziue sur l'organisme. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 26. PhlorogJnein. Anileer (J.) De la phloroglucine. TJniao med., Rio de Jan., 1885, v, 461-468.—Rappel (A.) Floroglucyuo- wanilina, odczynnik da woluy kwas solny w zawartosci £oladka. [Phloroglucin - vanilline as a test reagent for acidity in contents of stomach.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887, 2. s., vii, 1078-1081. Phlyetena. v 'A0>jiw, 1864, i, 329.—Remy (C.) Phlyctenes de la peau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 661. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 496. Phoea. Tiieodor ( F. ) * Das Gehirn des Seehuudes (Phoca vitulina). 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1887. Repr. from: Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch., Freib. i. B., 18*7. iii. VROLIK (W.) De phocis, speciatitn de phoca vitulina. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1822. Rert. Sur quelques points de l'anatomie du systeme vasculaire chez le phoque. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 18-20.—IVIaekay (J. Y.) The vertebral arteivof the common seal (Phoca vitulina). In: Mem. [etc.] in Aiiat, 8°. Lond. & Eelinb., 1889, 178.-Roscuthal (F.) Ueber die Siunesorgane der Seehuude. Nova acta phys.- meel. Acad. nat. curios., Bonuas, 1825, xii, pt. 2, 673-694, 2 pi. — Thompson (D'A. W.) Ou some bones of a fossil seal from the post-Tertiary elav at Dunbar. J. Anat. cfe Physiol., Loud., 1878-9, xiii, 318-321. Pliocas (Gerasime). * Contribution a l'etude clinique des rapports entre eertaioes inflamma- tions et tumeurs du sein (maladie uoueuse de la mamelle). 107 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 9. Phoerena. C'leland. Notes on the viscera of the porpoise (Pho- cceua communis) and white-beaked dolphin (Delphinus al- birostris). J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1883-4, xviii, 327- 334. Phoeomeliis. See Monsters from defect of limbs. Phoebus (Levi). * De pathologia flatnum eo- rtimque therapia generali. 62 pp. 8,J. Bala?, typ. Franckianis, [1792]. PhoebUS (Philipp.) [180-1-80]. * Animadver- siones nonnulhe iu uormas cranioscopicas, Cam- perianam imprimis et Durerianam. vi (1 1.), 47 pp. 8°. Berolini. typ. G. C. Xauckii, [1827]. _____. Specielle iirztlicbe Receptirkunst, oder Iubep. 8U. Giessen, G. I). Briihl, 1800. -----. Der typische Fruhsommer-Katanh oder elas seigeuannte Heufieber, Heu-Asthma. xvi, 284 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Giessen, J. Bicker, 1802. -----. Beitriige zur Wiirdigung der hentigen Lebensverhaltnisse der Pharmacie. Fiir Aerzte und Apotheker, fiir Staatsmanner und Volks- vertrcter. x, 150 pp. 8°. Giessen, J. Bicker, 1873. 2. erweiterte Bearbeitung der i. J. 1871 veroffentlichten "Bemerkungen iiber die heutigen Lebensverhaltnisse der Parmacie". See, also. C'ornaz (Ch.-Aug.-l5douard). De lexistence du eutan he, etc. 8°. [Neuchatel, I860.]—Mans (G. Th.) Pathologisch-therapeutischcs Repertorium, [ etc. ]. 8°. Leoban, 1836.—[Ploss (ti.)l I'ebersichtiibei die Strove'- schen Mineral wasser, [etc.]. 18°. [Leipzig, n. d.} For Biography, see Arch. f. Pharm., Halle, 1880, 3. R., xvii, 241-252 (F.'Siebert). Phola*. Dubois (R.) Remarques sur la physiologie et l'anato- mie du siphon du Pholas dactvlus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 521-523. Phonation. See, also, Speech; Voice. Brucke (E.) Ueber eine neue Methode der phonetischen Transscription. 8C. Wien, 1803. Jelenffy. Ueberdie Fixation tier Giessbeckeuknorpel wabrend der Phonation. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1X72, xxii, 52; 80.—iTIoore (E. M.) Two cases illustrating the proel notion of vowel anel consonant sounds. Med. Rec., N'. Y., 1872, vii, 49.—Valleix. Du role des fosses nasales dans l'acte tie la phonatiou. Arch. gen. de ni6d., Par., 1835, 2. a., viii, 454-468. Phonograph. Bleyer (J. M) The phonograph in physical diagnosis. with experiments, audits future. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1888 xxxiv, 586.—Fiek (A.) Zur Phonographik. Beitr. ■/.. Physiol. Carl Ludwig z. s. 70. (iebuitst. [etc.J, Leipz., 1887, 23-2*.—Wolf (O.) Versucbe mit dem Edison'schen Puouogritpheu. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., IS79, viii, 12- 17. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., X. Y., 1879, viii, 58-64. Phonometer. I.ueae (A.) Zur Bestininmng eler Hdrscharfe mittelst des^Phonotneters. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1877, xii, 282- 292. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 6. Phonophobia. t'oen (R.) Ueber Phonophobie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg , 1876, xxi, 243. PHOIIMION. 109 THOSPHENES. Pliormion (B.) *Snr le cancer de l'estomac. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 199, v. 243. Phormium tenax. Curl (S. M.) New remedies: Phormium tenax, a New Zealand laxative. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1881, n. s., ii, 281-283.—Monckton (F. A.) Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax), aud its therapeutic value. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 83. Phoronis. Be ii ha in (W. B.) The anatomy of Phoronis australis. Quart. J. Mier. Sc, Lond., 1889-90, xxx, 125-158, 4 pi. Phosphate Sewage Company. The phosphate sewage process for elefecating anel utilizing the sewage of towns. Reports upon a visit of in- spection of the Phosphate Sewage Works at Barking, Dec. 16, 1873. 25 pp. 8°. [London, 1874?] Phosphates. See, also, Calcium (Phosphates of); Iron (Phos- phoric salts of). Anderson (M. F.) Phosphates in uutrition, anel the mineral theory of consumption and al- lied diseases. 12°. London, 1878. -----. The same. Au entirely new aud suc- cessful treatment, as suggesteel by the observa- tions and experiments of ... as practically car- ried out by Charles H. Phillips. 8°. Xew York, 1882. -----. The same. 8-". Xew York, 1883. -----. The same. 8C. Xew York, 1884. -----. The same. 8 . Xeir York, 1885. Bourrel(F.) *Des phosphates au point tie vue chimique et pharmaceutique. £cole de pharmacie. 4°. Montpellier, 1887. Calloud (F.) *Des phosphates. Leur em- ploi pharmacentique etagricole. 4°. Paris, 1874. Fairchild (D. W.) Something I have yearued for. 16°. Xew York, 1880. Koene. Considerations sur les oxy-sels neu- tree inorgauiquesen ge"ne"ralet sur les phosphates, arsenates, phosphites et arse"uitesenparticulier. 8°. Bruxelles. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., x. Ouvrad (L.-V.-R.) * Recherches sur Faction des phosphates alcalius sur quelques oxydes m6- talliepies. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. 4°. Paris, 1888. Shepard(C. U.), jr. Foreign phosphates. 8°. Charleston, S. C, 1879. Yermolow (A. S.) Recherches sur les gise- ments ele phosphate ele chaux fossile en Russie. Avec carte et tableaux analytiques. 8°. St.- Pe'tersbourg, 1873. Anderson (T.) Note on the constitution of the phos- phates of the organic alkalies. Quart. .r.Chem. Soc. Lond., 1849, i, 55-60. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.J: Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1844-50), 1851, ii, 148 —Bertram (J.) Ueber die Ausscheidungder Phosphorsaure bei den Pflauzeuf.es- sern. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1878, xiv, 335-382, 1 pi.— G'arlevaris (P.) Preparazione estemporaneadel fosfuro di calcio o di magnesio ad uso della medicina chirurgica. Gior. di r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1879. xiii, 165-171.— Caspari. Zur therapeutischen Verwerthung eles phos- phorsauren Kalkes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 76.—t'oirre. Du meilleur mode d'administration des phosphates. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 299. —Dia- conow (U.) Entstehungsart tier Phosphate in den Kno- chen und den Muskeln. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1807, v, 673.—Eiles (R. T.) Excretion of the phos- phites and phosphoric acid as connected with mental labor. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1883, x, 488-492.—« re nier (G.j De l'influence des phosphates dans la nutrition. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1873, ii, 67-78.—Griffith (I. W.) On the triple ammonio-magnesian phosphate oc- curring in the urine and other animal liquids. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 151.—Hcgar (A.) Zur "Wiirdigung der phosphorsauren Erden inphysiologischer und therapeu- tischer Hinsicht; mit Beme'rkung von F. W. Beneke. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. el. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1856, ii, 420-463.—Jehl (C.) Observa- tions sur l'emploi des phosphates en medecine. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1876, xxxv, 19-21. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. ele Strasb., 1877, xiii, 38-44— Jolly (L.) Du role biologique des phosphates. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1877, 11- Phosphates. 17. AIso: France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 170; 179. -----. Contribution a l'etude du role physiologique des phos- phates. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1879, 61-68. Also [Abstr.]: France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 323. -----. Distribution des phosphates dans les differents tissus. Ibid., 802; 819. Also, Reprint. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1879), 1880, 172-179. -----. De la fonction primaire des phosphates chez les etres vivants. Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1883, Par., 1884, xii, 735-738.-Jones (H. B.) On the alkaline and earthy phosphates. Med. Times cfc Gaz., Loud., 1852 n. s., iv. 309-311.—1TI nil sen (H. P.) Solutio ad modum Coirre. [Sol. of the phosphates.] Ugeslc. f. Laager, Kjebenh., 1878, 3. R., xxvi, 397-399.—Mahla (P. F.) The preparation of the compound syrup of phosphates or chemical food. Chi- cago M. J., 1859, xvi, 27-29.—Paquelin. Du role phy- siologique des phosphates. J. de therap.. Tar.. 1877, iv, 682; 728; 767.—Paquelin & Jolly. Des pyrophosphates en therapeutique; histoire et physiologie. "Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1877, xciii, 120-130. Also [Abstr. j: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., W7. Uxxv, 410-412.-----. Recherche des principes phosphates dans les excrements humains. Bull, et mem. Soc. do therap. 1880," Par., 1881 2. s., vii, 128-135.—PfaflT. Pebei Bereitung tier Phos- phorsaure aus verschiedenen Arten von Knocheu und den verschiedenen Gehalt derselhen an phospboisaurer Talk- erde. Mitth. a. el. Geb. d. Med., etc., Kiel, 1833, ii, 167- 169. — Polk (C. G.) Organic phosphates. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878, v, 455-460.—Samlras (L.) R61e ties phosphates clans l'organisnie et en particulicr tlu plios phate de fer. Abeille meel., Par., 1864, xxi, 90; 97; 121; 129; 154; 161.—Wynkoop (G. H.) The chemistry, phy- siology and pathology of the phosphates. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1868,' 205-221— Zimniernianii. Ver- sucbe iiber die Bildung tier Tripelphosphat-Krystalle bei der Verwesung thierischer Substanzen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 687-692. -----. Die Tripelphos- phate und die sogenannte naturhistorische Schule. Arch. t. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1846, v, 631-640. Phosphates (The) in nutrition and the mineral theory of consumption anel allied wasting dis- eases; an entirely new aud successful treatment, as suggested by the observations and experi- ments of M. F. Anderson, M. D., as practically carrieel out by Charles H. Phillips. 15 pp. 8°. Xew York, G. F. Xesbitt cf- Co., 1879. The same. 20 pp. 8°. Xew York, G. F. Xesbitt 4- Co., 1882. ----. The same. 20 pp. Xesbitt id., 578-585.-----. Retinoscopie fihosphenique, ou exploration de la retine par ses anneaux uminetix. Ibid., 1851, ii, 258; 298. -----. Recherches sur les anneaux lumineux tie la retine ou phosphenes, dans leurs rapports avec la pathologie et la physiologie de la vision. Bull. Acad. roy. de meel. de Belg.. Brux., 1852-3, xii, 293-302. — Waller (A.) Observations ou various points connected with the physiology of vision, on the luminous spectra excited by pressure on the retina, and their application to the diagnosis of the affections of the retina and its appendages. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1849, lxxi, 337-344. Phosphorescence. See, also, Body (Human, Light from); Breath (Luminous); Fire-flies; Insects (Luminous); Urine (Phosphorescent). Baart de la Faille (J. M.") *De auimalibus phosphorescentibus. 8°. Groningce, 1821. Bartholinus (T. ) De luce animalium libri iii, admiraudis historiis rationibusque novis reierti. sm. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1647. Bergsma (P. A.) #De phosphorescentia per irradiationem. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1854. Boe (A.) *[Hypothese sur les phosphores- cences. Divers essais pour aider a la recherche de la combinaison du phosphore et du carboue. ] [Paris.] 4°. Amiens, 1873. Ehrenberger (B. H.) De amatrice lumen, et scintillas spargente. sm. 4°. Coburgi, [1745]. Heisingek (J. M.) De uoctiluca mercuriali, sive tie luce quam argentum vivum in tenebris fundit, 4°. Gissce, 1716. Negotius (T.) Schediasma physicum quo novum consilium barometra phosphorescentia sive in vacuo sno ael agitationem noctu fulgu- rantia conficiendi, primum in lucem editur. 4°. Yitembergm, 1715. Rivinus (F.) cfe Boehme (J. G.) De noctu lucentibus. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1673]. Wolff (J. L.) Exercitatio physica perpen- dens praejudiciuin, an igues fatui siut spectra? sm. 4°. Gedani, 1733. Atkinson (G. F.) A remarkable case of phosphor- escence in an earth-worm. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, Raleigh, 1887, iv, pt. 2, 89-91, 1 pi.—lie Bellesme (J.) Recherches experimentales sur la phosphorescence tlu lampyre. J. ele 1'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1880, xvi, 121- 169. 'Also: Compt.-rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 318- 321. Also: Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1880, i, 287- 291.—Berruli (S.) Sulla fosforescenza in genere, e piu particoiarmente su quella dei corpi organici. Gior. d. sc. med.. Torino, 1839, v, 257-275.—Chevallier (A.) Phos- phorescence du corps de I'homme apres sa mort. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1838, 2. s., iv, 505-508.—thevieul (E.) Remarques Mir une uoterecente de M. Radziszewski relative a la phosphorescence dc corps organiqucs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxiv,323-325.—Crie (L.) Sur quelques cas uouveaux dc phosphorescence dans les vege- taux. Ibid., 1*81. xciii, 853.— Orelier (E.) Ursachen der Phosphorescenz der leuchtenden Materie. Gesuudh.-Inge- nieur, Berl., 1882, v, 31; 67.—Dubois (R.) Note sur la phosphorescence des poissons. Compt. rend. Soc debiol., Par. 1885, 8. s., ii, 231-233. -----. Fonction photogenique despyrophores. Ibid., 559-562. -----. De l'action de la lumiere emise par les etres vivants sur la retine et sur les plaques au gelatino-bromure. Ibid., 1886, 8. s., iii, 130. 1____. De la fonction photogenique chez les myriapodes. Ibid 518-522. -----. Note sur les myriapodes lumineux. (Reponsek M. Mace.) Ibid., 1887, 8. s., iv, 6-8. -----. Note sur la fonction photogenique chez les Pholaeles. Ibid 564-566. -----. Les vacnohdes. Ibid., pt. 2, 9-16. ____Z Sur la production de la lumiere chez le Pholas dactylus. Ibid., 1888, 8. 8., v, 451-453.-Graves (R. J.) Phosphorescence. In his: " Studies in Physiol. & Med. , 8° Loud., 1863, 47-54.—Heineniann (C.) Zur Anatomie unclPlivsiolo^iederLeucbtorganemexikanischerCucuyo's. Arch f mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1886, xxvii, 29(1-382—Heller (J F ) Ueber das Leuchten im Pflanzen- und Thierreiche. Arch', f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr^, Wien, 1853-4 n F vi 44'81; 121; 161; 201 j 241; lpl.—Henneguy (F.) Phosphorescence. Influence de la lumiere sur la phosphorescence des nocti- luques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, x. s., v, 707.—Hort (W. P.) An application of the philosophy of various terms of matter anel the laws of motion to the ex- planation of the phenomenon of the phosphorescence or luminosity of animals, plants, and gems. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1848-9, v, 728-74:!.—Koberl. Das Leuchten der leben- den und todten Substanzctii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1881, vii, 428-430. - ttiilIiIter (A.) Ueber die, Leuchtorgane von Lampyris. Verhandl. el. phys.-meel. Ge- sellsch. in Wiirzh., 1857,'viii, 1-8.— Iujardin- Beauiui'tz (G.) Sur l'emploi du phosphore en medecine et en particulier dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive, Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1867-8, Par., 1868, 88-115.— IDulacslta (G.) A vilany (phosphor) mint gyogvszer. Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1876, xvi, 213-220.—Du .VI on I in (N.-C.-H.) De Taction physiologique et tberapeutii]uc du phosphore. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1881, 3. s., xv, 940-945.—Eames (H.) On the use of phos- phorus in'certain diseases of the skin. DubliuQ. J. M. Sc., 1872, liii, 1-9. Also, Reprint,— Eichberg (J.) The acid salts of phosphorus. Cincin. Lancet cfe Clinic, lx-9, n. 8., xvii, 565-568. Also: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1889, xlix, Phosphorus. 68-72.—Emerson (N. B.) Phosphorus in the treatment of neuralgia and other neuroses. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. T., 1875, i, 224-243. —Fosforo (II) ele sue principal! applicazioue. Salute, Genova, 1869, iv, 209; 225 —Fried- reich (J. B.) Ueber den Phosphor.| Centr.-Arch. f. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Regcnsbuig. 1817, iv, 153-204.—cGaiiigcc (A.), Priestley (J.) & l.arniutli (L.) On the difference in the poisonous activity of phosphorus in ortho-, meta-,and pyio phosphoric acids. J. Anat. Sc Phys., Lond., 1876-7, xi, 255-272.—<»arducr (R. W.) Phosphorus assimilation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii. 53: 315. -----. Free phos- phorus invariably anel necessarily changed to hypophos- phite before absorption. Ibid.. 1879, xv. 190.—CJnuticr (A.) Sur quelques conibiuaisons oh le phosphore. paiait exister dans un 6tat particulier analogue au phosphore amorphe. Assoc, franc, pout l'avance. el. sc. Compt.-rend., Par., 1872-3, i, 397-407.— 4»o<-deu. Der Phosphor als Fe- brifugum. Arch. f. med. Erfahr.. Heil.. 1811, ii, 108-111.— Oriscom (J. H.) The physiological and dietetic rela- tions of phosphorus. Tr Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1864, xv, 185-202. Also, Reprint,—Oubler (A.) De Taction phv- siologique et des diets therapcutiques du phosphore. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc.. Par.. 1873, lxxxiv. 385; 433.—Cuui- preelit (I.) Two cases of palsy in which phosphorus was successfully employed, with some observations on the use of that remedy. Lond. M. Reposit., 1815, iii, 206.—Maf- fc ml en (T.) Note on phosphorus pills and pill coatings. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1876-7, 3. s., viii, 253-255.—Han- del. Medicinischer Gebrauch des Phosphors. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. VV'undarznk., Jena, 1799, vii, 3. St., 110- 118.—Merrick (S. S.) Phosphorus as a restorative rem- edy. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1876-7, n. s., iv, 770-774.—Hod- maim (F.) Ueber Phosphor-Ermittelung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1859, xxviii, 537-539.—Hornemann (E.) Om Phosphorcts hygieiniskeBetydning. Hyg. Medcl., Kjebenh., 1856-8, i, 3.'Hit,, 35-85.—j. On the medicinal virtues of phosphorus. Lond. M. Rev. cfe Mag., 1799, 1, 74; 187.—Jacobi (A.) Phosphorus in substance as an agent in the new formation of osseous tissue. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 127.—Kissel (A.) Kvopr. opatol.-anat. izmen. v. kostjach molod. jivot. pod vlijan. minimal, dose fosfora. [On pathologo-anatomical changes in the hones of young animals under influence of minimal doses of phosphorus.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1887, v, 607; 623.—Kortnm (C. H. T.) Inncrlicher Gebrauch des Phosphors. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1803, xv, 4. St., 101- 103.—Kuborn (H.) Rapport de la commission a laquelle ont et6 renvoyees les observations presentees par M. le Dr. Felix sur le rapport concernant sou memoire relatif il Taction physiologique et therapeutique du phosphore. Bull. Acad', roy. de med. tie Belg., Brux., 1882, 3. s., xvi, 31-34. [See, also, supra, FClix.]—Labbre(£.) Du phos- phore. Mouvement med.. Par., 1874, xii, 437; 453; 469; 501; 683: 1875, xiii, 50-52.—I.cc orclie. fitude physiolo- gique, clinique et therapeutique du phosphore. Arch, tie physiol. norm, et path.. Par., 1868, i, 571: 1869, 97; 488.— I-icroy (A.) Lettre sur les proprietes m6dicinales du phosphore. Mem. Soc. med. d'enmlat. de Par., (an V), an VI [1798J, i, 170-179— I.oebenstein-I.oebel. Ver- sucbe iiber elie \\ irkung und theiapeutische Beniitzung des Phosphors in lebensgefahrlichen Krankheiten. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1810, n. F., xiii, 54; 167. -----. Ue- ber die differente Wirkung ties Phosphors im Gegensatz mit dem Opium, Moschus und den Naphthen. Ibid., 1811, ii, 379: 1812, i, 84. -----. Die Anwenduiig des Phosphors in Dippelschen Oel aufgeloset bei Krankheiten der Men- schen. J. d. pract, Heilk.. Berl., 1817, xliv, 1. St., 17-83.— Luton (A.) Des propri6tes emmenagogues du phos- phore. Bull. Soc. med. ele Reims, 1868, vi, 71-75.—Mayer. Der Phosphor in seiner Wirkung auf den thierischen Kdr- per als Arzneimittel und als Gift. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1860, xviii, 185-240—Mehu (C.-J.-M.) Sur Thuile phosphoree. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1868, 4. s., viii, 37-42-. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Obs. phar- maceutiques, 8°, Par., [1868], 1-6. Also: Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvi, 118-126. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. tie therap. 1868-9, Par., 1871, ii, 13-15. -----. Sur les differents modes d'administrer le phosphore en nature. Repert. de pharm., Par., 1875, n. s., iii, 321; 353. Also: Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1875, lxxxviii, 356 ; 408.—Meyer (H.) Ueber die Wirkung eles Phos- phors auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1881, xiv, 313-344.— Mi si I he. Notes stir l'absorption du phosphore. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1868-9, Par, 1871, ii, 15-18.- M idy. Proprie- tes medicates de Tether phosphoreux. Ann. clin., Mont- pel., 1810, xxi, 391-397.— Modal. On the oxidation of phosphorus, and the quantity of phosphoric acid excreted by the kidneys in connection with atmospheric, conditions. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 261.—Moffat (T.) Observations on the effects of phosphorus in a case of malignantfever. Lond. M. Rev. & Mag., 1800, v, 203-205.— Moscati (P.) Esame della questione medica se T uso del fosforo dato intemamente posse riguardarsi proflcuo, no- civo, o ei|uivoc<>. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1825, xxxv, 11-16.—Mhller (J.) Ueber eine zweckmassige Form tier Anwendung des Phosphor's zum innerlichen Gebrauche PHOSPHORUS. 113 PHOSPHOKUS. Phosphorus. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1850, i, 267-269.—PVasse. De Taction tlu phosphore sur le sang. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I860, xxxiii, 313. — Paquclin cfe Jolly. Du role biologique de Telement phosphore. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 1. pt., 90-95.—Percy (S. R.) What physiological value has phosphorus as an organismal ele- ment? [Prize essay.] Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.. 1872, xxiii, 606-660. Also, Reprint. -----. What is the com- parative physiological and therapeutic action of free phos- phorus and the hypophosphites? Tr. M. Soc, N Y., Albany. 1876, 100-125. -----. Phosphorus assimilation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 396-397. — Petz (L. ) A phosphoros csoutbartyalobes csontiiszokrdl. [Effect of phosphorus upon the periosteum.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1881, xxv, 612; 635; 654; 687; 711; 732. — Polk (C. G.) Vitalized phosphorus compounds. Nashville J. M. cfe S., 1877, n. s., xx, 106-114. -----. Phosphorus in medicine, South. Clinic, Richmond, 1879-80, ii, 12-15.— Prunier (L.) Phosphore; historique. N. diet, de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, xxvii, 184-188.—Ban vier (L.) Recherches exp6rimentales au sujet de Taction du phos- phore sur les tissus vivants; consielerations sur la patho- genic des transformations graisseuses. Compt. rend. Soo. tie biol. 1866, Par., 1867, 4. s., iii, pt. 2. 257-274. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1867, xxii, 414: 431.—Routh (C. H. F.) On some new preparations of phosphorus, with general re- marks on their value as therapeutical agents. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvii. 461-463. —Sanson (A.) Sur la valeur therapeutique des sels du phosphore. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1874, xxi, 241-244.—von Sc broil (C), jun. Phosphor. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1872, 496-499. — ScL-linltz. Ueber die bisherigen Anflosungsmittel und Vehikel fiir den Phosphor als iunerliches und ausserliches Arznevmittel, und Vorschlag eines neuen. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1809, n. F., x, 270-285.—So 11 inn mi. Der Phosphor und seine Einverleibung. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1887, ix, 61-63.—Some account of the Fire-King and his challenger. [Chabert. ] Boston M. efe S. J.. 1829-30, ii, 625-630.—Squibb (K. R.) Note on the administration of phosphorus. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass. 1876, Phila., 1877, xxiv, 468-481. Also, Reprint.—Taviguot. Du meilleur mode de preparation de l'huile phosphoree; parallelo entre Thnile ancienne et l'huile nouvelle. Rev. tie therap. med.- chir., Par., 1869, xxxvi, 343-345.—Thompson (J. A.) On the medicinal dose of free phosphorus. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 231; 313. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. M. Soo. Lond., 1872-4, i, 187-189. — T ho row good (J. C.) On the medicinal use of phosphorus and its compounds. Practitioner, Loud., 1869, iii, 14-20.—Turk (L.) Du phos- phore et de quelques phosphates, aux points de vue physio- logique, pathologique et therapeutique. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1857, xxiv, 5-11.— Turner (W. M.) Phosphorus as a remedial agent. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, ix, 97-99.—WegncrtG.) DerEinflussdes Phosphors anf den Orgauisraus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lv, 11-45, 3 pi. Also, transl [Abstr.l: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 235. Also [Discussion]: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1872, xii, 129-131. Also [Discussion]: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1869-71), 1872, 2. Th., 174-179.— Wurtz (A.) Sur la densite tie vapeur du perchlorure de phosphore. Assoc, franc, pour Tavance. el. sc. Compt.-rend., Par., 1872-3, i, 426-445.—Ziegler (E.) & Obolonsky (N.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung ties Arseniks und ties Phosphors auf die Le- ber und die Nieren. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Jena, 1888, ii, 291-336, 2 pi. Phosphorus (Accidents from) and as a cause of disease. See, also, Burns; Jaws (Diseases of) from phos- phorus; Matches, etc.; Phosphorus (Toxicology of). Bersu(S.) *Quaedam de eorum morbo, qui in fabricis igniariorum phosphoricorum operantur. 8°. Yratislavice, [1849]. Cnyrim (T. A.) * De necrosi phosphorea. 8°. Wirceburgi, 1856. , Custer (G.) Fort mit den giftigen Phosphor- ziindholzchen! . . . mit besouelerer Beriicksichti- gung der schweizerischen Phosphorzundholz- Intlustrie. 8°. Zurich u. Stuttgart, 1887. Gieke (G. P. F.) *De necrosi phosphori va- poribus effecta. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1857. Haas (A.) Quelques observations de necrose phosphoree des maxillaires. 8°. Paris, 1874. Also [Rap. de Magitot], in: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 562-569. [Discussion], 590-599. Also [Rap. de Magitot], in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 37; 52. Haltenhoff (G.) *De la periostite et de la necrose phosphorique. 8°. Zurich, 1866. 8 Phosphorus (Accidents from) and as a cause of disease. Jagu (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la ne- crose de cause phosphoree. 4°. Paris, 1873. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1874. Kraus (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la ne- crose phosphoree. 4°. Nancy, 18H4. Lindberg ( C. ) *De necrosi phosphorica os- sium. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1858. Molaxder(J.) * Om Fosfornecros. [Upsala.] 8°. Stockholm, 1855. Ohlemann (M.) * Ueber die operative Be- handlung der Phosphornecrose. 8°. Gbttingen, 1873. Porte. * Necrose phosphoree. 4°. Paris, 1869. Roussel (T.) Recherches sur les malatlies eles ouvriers employes a la fabrication des allumettes chimiques, sur les accidents qui resultent du transport et de l'usage de ces allumettes et sur les mesures hygieniques et administratives neces- saires pour assainir cette industrie. 8°. Paris, 1846. Sachs (B. ) *De necrosi phosphorica. 8°. Vratislavice, [1859]. Schulz (V.) * Ueber Phosphornekrose und deren Behaudlung. 8°. Jena, 1877. Albreeht (E.) Die Phosphornekrose. Preuss. Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1861, n. F., iv, 82; 93; 100; 102; 114: 131; 141 ; 146.—A ii*tie. Slight poisoning from the medicinal use of phosphorus. Practitioner, Lond., 1873, xi, 103-106.— Bellini (R.) Della fabbrica di flammiferi di Rimini; della necrosi fosforica; della questione se debba e possa o no sostituirsi al fosforo bianco il rosso, od altro corpo com- bustibile nella confezione dei inede simi; e elel moelo di ren- derc piu che sia possibileminori i tlanui cheelerivano elalla fabricazione e dall' uso loro. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1867, xx, 128; 214; 438. — Bristowe. Report on the manu- factures in which phosphorus is produced or employed, and on the health of the persons engaged in them. Rep. Med. Off. Priv. Council 1862, Lond., 1863, v, 162-205.— Brouardel (P.) Hygiene des ouvriers employes elans les fabriquesd'allumettes chimiques. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 193-210.—Bruns (G. F.) Phosp'hornoe oruert- vienie litsevich kastei. [Effect of phosphorus on workmen in obtaining phosphorus from bones.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 772 ; 804 ; 829: 1881, ii, 525.—Bucquoy. Dela ne- crose phosphoree. France med., Par.. 1874, xxi, 793-795.— Buntzen. Phosphor-Necrosen, efter tie i Freeleriks-Hos- pital gjorte Erfariuger. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenb., 1861, iv 17; 21.—C'azeiM'iive (P.) L'indnstrie du phosphore et des allumettes et la necrose phosphoree. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 289-295. Also [Abstr.]: Province med., Lyon, 1889, iii, 40.—Chevallier (A.) Sur la substitu- tion du phosphore amorphe au phosphore ortlinaire, et indication des moyens k mettre en pratique pour faire cesser le danger d'empoisonnement et soustraire a la ne- crose les ouvriers qui fabi iquent les allumettes chimiques. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1855, 2. s., iii, 124-134. -----. Notice historique et chronologique sur Tinnocuit6 tlu phosphore rouge introduit dans Teconomie animate. Ibid., 1856, 2. s., v, 374-413.—Diez. Erkrankungen durch Phosphorbe- reitung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 52. — Dirnhofer (A.) Phosphornecrose. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 184; 195.—Four- nier (A.) Sc Oilivier (A.) Note sur un cas d'intoxica- tion professionnello par le phosphore, de forme suraigue et sitlerantc. Union med., Par., 1868. 3. s., vi, 97-104. Also : Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1868), 1869, v, 182-189.—<*arin (J.) Des maladies auxquelles donnent lieu les manipulations du phosphore. Gaz. m6d. tie Lyon, 1855, vii, 313-316.—44-040. — Rokitansky. t Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte iu Wien, 1802, xviii, 365. -----. Selbstmonlversuch; Vergiftung mit Phosphor. [Rep. by J. HalbeisJ. Ber. el. na- turw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck (1877), 1879, viii, 2. Hft., 83. — Rommelacre. t Bull. Soc. roy. el. sc. m6d. et nat. ele Brux., 1869. 70-72. -----. Del eropoisonueinent par le phosphore. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1871, 3. s., v, 1043-1121. Also', Reprint.—Routier (A.) Intoxication par le phosphore. France med.. Par., 1879, xxvi, 57; 65.—Rouxeau (A.) Einpoisonneuient par les allumettes phosphorees: guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1882-3. i, 18-20. — Rozsay (J.) t Magy. orv. es term.-vizsg., Pest, 1872, 132-134. — Saenz de Santa Maria (A.) Medicina legal; fosforo. Emulacion, Me- rida, 1877-9, iii, 203-205.—Namlahl (O. T.) Om forgiit ning mod fosfor. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1859, xxi, 257-268. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang , 1863, lxxxv, 114-122. Also, transl: Dublin M. Press, 1859, xiii, 321; 337.—Nc barter. Vergiftung durch Phosphor; mog- liche Concurreuz eiuer natiirlichen Todesursache. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang., 185U, 5. lift., 11-20. — Nchaef- fer (A.J.)l In his: Saiiiml. gericht.siirztl. Gutacht., 8°, Berl., 1848, 287-307. — Schaittcr (.).) Uvvagi nad smier- cia. z otrucia fosforem na podstawie trzech obserwowa- nych przypadkdw. [Ou death from poisoning with phos- phorus: three eases] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1883, xxii, 425-427. — Nchaller. t Gaz. med. tie Strasb., 1859, xix, 176-178. — Nchirt ( M. ) Ueber die Methode tier Mess- ung ties Veneudrucks und die Anwendung der Phos- phorvergiftung airf die Kymographie. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1874, ii, 345-347— Nchraube (O.) Uehersicht neuerer Mittheilungen iiber acute Phos- phorvergiftung. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1867, exxxvi, 209-248.—Schrciber (K.) I. H. versucht, seines Bin- ders E. H.. der bei ihm auf Leiogedinge wohnt, durch Vei- giftung mit Phosphorlatwerge, die cr ihm in sein Trink- Phosphorus (Toxicology of). wasser thut, sich zuentledigen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856, lxxi, 76-103. —Nchrotter, t Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1886), 1888. 38.—Schu- chardt (B.) Ueber die acute Phosphorvergiftung und die gegen dieselbe vorgeschlagenen Gegenmittel. Oesterr. Ztschr. i. pract. Heilk., Wien, 1856, ii, 591-594.—Nchultze. Znsat/.liche Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze des Dr. Kreys- sig. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1885, cti, 299-301.— Nehumacher. t Selbstmord. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 312 ; 324 ; 335. -----. Versuchte Phosphorvergiftung. Friedreich's Bl f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1869, xx, 70-75. -----. t Selbstmord. Ibid., 1870, xxi, 205-208. -----. Ver dacht der Phosphorvergiftung und tier Fruchtabtreibung. Wien. meel. Presse, 1871, xii, 798; 819. -----. Verdacht der Phosphorvergiftung. Ibid.. 1873, xiv. 300; 323.-----. Schwurgerichts-Verhandlung wegen des Verbrechens des versuchteu Meitebelmordesdurch Vergiftungmittels Phos- phors. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1875, n. F., xxiii, 209-224— Nccrctau (A.) Intoxication par le phos- phore. Bull. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1878, xii, 239.—Nel mi (F.) Ricerehe sull' urina di persona avvelenata con fosforo. Gior. internaz el. sc. med., Na- poli, 1879, n. s., i, 646-650. — Nhephard (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1843, i, 435. — Simauovski ( N. P.) t Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1882, ii, 391 -394. — Ninclair (A. J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1886-7, xxxii, 800.-Singer (J.) Zur Symptomatologie eler Phosphorvergiftung. Prag. med Wchnschr.. 1883, viii, 509. — Smoller ( M. ) 1 Wien. Med.-Halle Wien, 1863, iv, 346— Noluitschew- sky. Ueber Phosphorvereiftung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1879. iii, 391-395.—von Starck.' Bei- trage zur Pathologie der Phosphorvergiftung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, xxxv, 481-490. — Ste- venson. Poisoning with phosphorus. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 644.—Stevenson (T.) Acute poisoning by phos- phorus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, 3. s., xxii, 449- 454.—Tbrbk (J.) tt Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1880, xx, 745- 748.—Treiierry (C.) Cases of poisoning with Inciter matches. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix, 385— Tucircrd fils. 1 t J. tie ehim. med., etc., Par., 1859, 4. s., v, 460-468.— Tiingcl (C.) Neunzehn Falle vou Phosphor-Vergiftung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 395; 402; 422. Also: Klin. Mitth. v. d. med. Abth. tl. Allg. Krankenh. in Hamb., 1863, 123-147. -----. t Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1865, xxxviii, 251.— Van Rellinghen. Gastro-hepatite interstitielle surai- gue; empoisonnement par le phosphore; accidents tardifs; autopsie. Ann. Soc. d anat. path, de Brux., 1878-9, xxviii, 200-207. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 209- 211. —Van Gieson (I. J.) Phosphorus poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 113. Also: Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1887), 1888. 119.—Van llasselt (A. Wr M.) Over vergiftiging door lucifers. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1854-5, 3. s., iv, 325-346.—Vermeil. Empoisonnement par le phosphore. Soc. dem6d. leg. ele France. Bull, Par. 1880-81, vi, 358-367. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880. 3 s., iv, 256-265. Also [Ahstr.l : J. ele nied. et pharm. de 1A1 gerie, Alger, 1880, v, 332.—Versuch (Der) einer Vergif- tung mittelst der von den Kopfchen der Ziindholzchen ab- geschabten Schwefel- und Phosphormasse. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Bezirks-Krankenh. Wieden 1855, Wien, 1857, 30.— Vctter (A.) Ueber die acute Phosphorvergiftung und deren Behandlung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1871, lfii. 168-209. Also [Abstr.] : Jahresb. tl. Gesellsch. f. Nat,- u. Heilk. in Drestl., 1870-71, 30-33.—Virchow (It.) Phos- phorvergiftung. Charite-Aun. 1877, Berl., 1879, iv, 785-787. -----. t t Ibid., 1878, Berl., 1880, v, 726— Vohl (H.) Znr acuten Phosphorvergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1865, ii, 329; 336. —Wagner. Zur Casuistik der Phosphorver- giftung. Cor.-111. d. allg iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Wei- mar, 1879. viii, 189-192.—Wagner (E.) Zur Kenntniss tier Phosphorvergiftung. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1862, iii, 359-367. —Wallis (C.) tt Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 340-347.— Warfvinge. t Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1884, 218-221.— Wntcrhouse (F.) Poisouing by phosphorus. B;it. M. J., Loud., 1869, ii, 454.— Will- more (F. W.) tt Ibid., 1878, i, 564— Wittichen. Ue- ber acute und chronische Phosphorvergiftung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. cl. Staatsarznk.,-Erlang., 1867, n. F., xxv, 77- 129.— Woodman (B.) t t Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 386—Worbe. M6moire sur l'enipoisonnement par le phosphore. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. tie Par., 1826, ix, 507-516.—y.anini (G.) Awelenamento produtto dal fosforo. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. »., ii, 11- 14. -----. Sull' awelenamento fosforico. Ibid., 1865, 5. s., iv, 137; 393.—Zaragoza (L. M.) t El estudio, Mexico, 1875-6, i. 23-27.—Zcidlcr (A.) t Ann. d. Char.-Kraukenh. . . . zu Bed., 1860, ix, 1. Hft., 1-6.—Ziliotto (P.) Sopra un attentate suicidio con fosforo. Gior. veueto di sc. med., Venezia, 1864, 3. s., i, 167-178. Phosphorus (Toxicology of Antidotes and treatment in). Bene (J.-C.-H.) * fitnile surtrois cas d'empoi- soimenient par le phosphore trait6s par l'esseuce de t^r6beuthiue. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. PHOSPHORUS. 118 PHOSPHORUS. Pliosphorus (Toxicology of Antidotes and treatment in). Fort (J.) * Des combinaisons chimiques du phosphore et de l'essence de te're'benthine; de- ductions physiologiques et cliniques. [Paris.] 4°. Sceaux, 1881. Mareau (E.) * Intoxication phosphoree, son traitement par l'essence de te're'benthine. 4°. Paris, 1881. Zavadski (A.) * Material dlja uchenija o pro- tivojadijach pri otravlenii phosphoroni. [Anti- dotes in poisoning by phosphorus.] 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1870. Abbene (A.) Su di un caso di venefizio con fosforo curato dal dottore in medicina e chirurgia Luigi Poggio; communicazioneconalcuneosservazioni. Gior. d.r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1860, 2. s., xxxix, 129-136.—Andant (J.-P.-E.) De l'essence de terebenthine comme antidote du phosphore. Bull. g6n. de thesap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxv, 269: 1869, lxxvi, 273. -----. Empoisonnement par la pate phosphor6e d'allumettes chimiques; emploi de l'essence de terebenthine; guerison. Ibid., 1871, lxxxi, 313-319. -----. De l'empoisonnement par le phosphore et de son traitement par l'essence de ter6benthine. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1873, 2. s.:xl, 397-425. Also, Reprint.—Anlouielli cfe Rorsnrelli. Intorno all' efficacia della magnesia cal- cinata nel veneficio col fosforo. Gior. el. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Torino, 1858, 2. s., xxxi, 129-158. — von Bam- berger. Ueber die Antidote bei akuter Pbosphorvergif- tung. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiii, 65; 89. — Bellini (R.) Di un gravissimo caso di awelenamento prodotto dal fosforo, che e terminate felicemente con la cura alcalina. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxviii, 298-306.—Cantilena (P.) Awelenamento acuto per fosforo curato coll' olio es- senziale di terebintina. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1873, 3. s., xviii, 89-99.—C'orrochnno. Nuevas observa- ciones sobre el tratamiento elel euvenenamiento por el f6s- foro. Anliteatro anat., Madrid, 1880, viii, 135; 150. — Curie . Bonn, \887t. Wolfs (J.) *Eiuiges iiber elcn pathol.-auatom. Befttnd in den Orgauen bei eler acuten Phosphor- vergiftung, zusammengestellt nach tlen Obduc- tionsberichten der Jahre 1861-1868 aus tlen Jour- nalen des hies. path. Instituts. sm. 8°. Berlin, [ 1868]. A Ives (J. J.) Sc Jesus (M. V. de). A autopsia do marquez de Castello Melhor e os peritos encarrigados da analyse chimica das visceras. Correiomed. tie Lisb., 1878, vii, 35; 48; 58; 73.—Anten. Empoisonnement par le phos- phore; autopsie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1871, xiii, 171- 175.—Aufreeht (E ) Die diffuse Leberentziinelung nacl. Phosphor. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878-9, xxiii, 331-342— Bauer (J.) Der Stofl'umsatz bei tier Phosphorvergiftung. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen, 1871, vii, 63-85. — Bergeat. Fettbildung bei Phosphorvergiftung. Sitzungsb. cl.'Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen (1887), 1888, iii, 129.—Bernhardt (M.) Die Verandemu gendeaMagens nach Phosphorvergiftung. [Nebst 18 Ver- suchen.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxix, 23- 41—Briyicli (V.) Studi critici sulle alterazioni anatomo patologiche nell' awelenamento acuto per fosforo. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1871, xxvii, 349; 459.—C^azencuvc (P.) Des pheuomeues dexcretion uriuairc sous Tintiuenee du PHOSPHOKUS. 120 PHOTIADES. Phosplioriis (Toxicology of Pathological conditions in). phosphore a. doses coxiqui s; relations ele Texci etion ele l'uree avec la fonction hc'-putiquc. Rev. mens, de med. et chir., Par., 1880, iv, 265; 414—tJcrcn ville. Intoxication par le phosphore; autopsie; expertise chimique sans re- sultat. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1877, xi, 186-190.-CholuiogoroflT (S. S.) Vli.ianie chron. ot- ravl. fosforom na pechen jivotn. [Effect of chronic poison ing by phosphorus upon the liver.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiv, 164-167.—t'ornil (V.) A: Bergeron (G.) Al- teration granulo-graisseuse de Tepithelium ties giaudes de Testomac dans un cas d'empoisonnement par le phosphore. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1801, Par.. 1865, 4. s., i, 56-59.— CorniI (V.) Sc Brault. Recherches histologiques rela- tives a l'etat du foie, du rein et du poumon dans Tempoi- soiinenient par le phosphore et par Tarsenic. J. de Tanat. et jihysiol., etc., Par.. 1882, xviii, 1-15, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1882. 7. s., iv, 2-6. —Ba- il i 11 o (S j Zur pathologischen Anatomie des Riickeuraarks bei Phosphor-Vergiftung; vorl. Mitth. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 133-135. Also,,transl: Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw.. 1880, lxxvi, 893-901. Also, transl.: Voyenuo- metl. J., St. Petersb., 1880, cxxxix, pt. 2, 169-208: 1881, cxl, pt. 2, 1-10.—Dan-son (J.) Poisoning by phosphor paste; autopsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 378.—Debasl. L'estotnac d'une femme qui est morte, enipoisonni'-e par le phosphore. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Unix.. 1875. Bull. No. 24, 52-54. — l>einjanhoflT(N. P.) O vlijanii fosfora na obmien vetshestve. | Metamorphosis of tissue in poisoning bv phosphorus.] Ejened. klin. gaz.. St. Petersb., 1883, iii, 220 : 233, 249; 263 ; 284.—Kbstcin ( W.) Ein Fall von acuter Phosphoi vergiftung, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Icterus bei dcrselben. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1869, x, 379-392.— Ehrle (li.) Phosphor und Fettleber. (Einige Wortezur Abfei,tigiiiiLrdesHrn. Lewin.) DetttscheKlinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 474.— Friedberg (H.) Tod in Folge? von acuter Phos- phorvergiftung; Leichenuntersuchung drei Monate nach tier Beerdigung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxiii, 501-507.— Fritz (E.) [et al] De la steatose dans Tempoisonnement par le phosphore. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1863, ii, 25-47— Oooilhart (J F.) Liver, kidney, and heart, from acase of phosphorus poisoning. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 479. — Habershon (S. O.) Acute poisoning by phosphorus; jaundice; death on the fifth day; fatty degeneration of the liver, kidneys, gastric follicles, pancreas, heart, voluntary muscles, etc. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc Lond. (1864-7), 1867, v, 261-263. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.,, 1867,1,87-101.—Harris. Caseof poisoning by phosphorus paste; death on the fifteenth day ; necropsy. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 972.— Henry (F. P.) Specimens from a case of acute phosphorus poisoning. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 105.— Ileschl. Zur Pathologie der Phosphorvergiftungen. Wien. meel. Presse, 1876, xvii, 539-542— llillicr (P.) Poisoning by phosphorus; death iu six days; jaundice; fatly degeneration of liver and kid- neys. Proc.'Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond. (1864-7), 1867, v, 330. — Hiemaiin, Intoxicatio per phosphorum; Tod; Fehlen jetlwedeu Erbrcehens oder Diarihde; Verlauf unter elem Bilde tier acuten Leberatrophie. Ber. tl. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1882), 1883, 409-411.— Klebs. Zur pathologischen Anatomic der Phosphorver- giftung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 442- 444.—Koch. H delist rapid vorlaufene acute gelbe Leber- atrophie mit Fettdegeueration des Herzens uud beider Miereu als dasResultat einer Legaliuspcetion wegen Phos- phorvergiftung. Meel. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb arztl. Ver., Stnttg., 1801, xxxi. 249-253. —Mob ts (O.) Ueber Icterus bei Phosphor-Vergiftung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Meel.. Leipz., 1869, v, 168-198. — Krcyssig (F.) Ueber die Be- schaffeubeit ties Riickenmarks bei Kaninchen und llttndeu nach Phosphor- und Arsenikvergiftung, nebst I'ntersu- chun^en iiber elie normale Structur desselben. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1885, cii, 286-298. — Krbnig (G.) Die Geuese der chronischen interstitiellen Phosphor-He- patitis. 1 bid., 18&7. ex. 502-548, 2 pi. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1038-1040. — I,anccicaux (E.) fitude sur la elegenerescence graisseuse- des elements actifs du foie. ties reins, et des muscles, de la vie animate dans Tempoisonnement par le phosphore. Union meel.. Par., 1803, 2. s., xix, 50; 67. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. med. d'eimulat. ele Par., 1867, n. s., i, 139-157. — I,eo (H.) Fettbilduug unel Fetttransport bei Phosphorintoxication. Ztschr f. physiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1884-5, ix, 469-490, 1 tab.__ Lewin (G.) Phosphor unci Fettleber. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 418: 497. — Maguan. Stea- tose phosphoree du foie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 387-389. — JTIaschha. Versuchte Vergiftung mit Phosphor; hinzugetretene Brustfell- und Heizbeutelent- ziindung; Tod; nicht nachweisbarer Zusammeuliaug; schwere korperliche Beschadigung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856, n. F., vii, 372-376. Also: Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak., Trag, 1858 ii, 229-232. -----. Zwei Falle von fur Phosphorvergif- tung gehaltener akuter Leberatrophie. Wien. meel.Wchn- Bchr 1877 xxvii. 390-391— ITIelz. Acute Phosphor-Ver giftuii" und Fettleber. Vitljschr. f. gerichtl. u. Off. Med., Pliosphorus (Toxicology of Pathological conditions in). Berl., 1863, xxiii, 102-123.—Jlcynet(P.) Empoisonnement parle phosphore; autopsie. Gaz. med.deLyon. 1865, xvii, 296-298. Also: Mem. et compt. rend Socd.sc.med.de Lyon (1865), 1866, v, 3-8. — Ossiliovszky (J ) I'eher Phos phorvergiftung uud akute gelbe Leberatrophie. Wien meel. Presse, 1872, xiii, 121; 140; 182; 227, 27(1. 294. ----. A heveny majsorvad&s phosphornieigez. azonossaganak bebizonyitasa kdrvegytaui liton. (identity of symptoms in hepatitis and poisoning by phosphorus. | Orvosi lietil. Budapest, 1881, xxv, 533-530.—Overlaeh (M.) Diepseu domenstruirende Mucosa uteri nach akuter Phosphorver gift ting. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1885, xxv. 191- 235, 2 pi. — Parrot ( J. ) Note sur la steatose viseerale que Ton observe a l'etat physiologique chez quelques ani- maux. Arch, tie physiol. norm, et path , Par., 1871-2, iv, 27-40. — Parrot (J.) cfe Dusart (L.) Sur la pathogenie tie la st6ato.se viseerale dans Tintoxication phosphoree. France med., Par.. 1870. xvii, 307. — vou Pantau. Eiu Fall von acuter Phosphorvergiftung mit besonderer Be- zugnahme auf das Zustandekommen des Icterus bei dcr- selben. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1805. xxxiv, 450- 458. — Peabody ( J. L.) A case of acute phosphorus poisoning; tine granular and fatty degeneration of the fiver. Tr. N. Vork Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 54-57.—Pepper (W.) On phosphorus poisoning anil lattv degeneration. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, u. s.,lvii, 347-354. —Pesci (L.) & Nlroppa (C.) Recherches sur 1'urine d'une persnune empoisonnee par le phosphore. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1879, n.s.,i, pt. 1, 646-650. Also, transl: J.d.c.....i. med. prat., Par.. 1879, 3. s., i, 356; 301.—Poilwyssol/Jty (W. W.) juu. Ueber einige noch nicht beschricbeiic pa- thologische Veranderuugen in eler Leber bei acuter Phos- phor- unel Arsenikvergiftung, in Verbindung mit hamato- gen hervorgemfener Zerstorung und Wiederneubildung kleiner Abschnitte des Lebergewebcs St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1888, n. F., v, 211-215. — Bauvier (L.) Des alterations des reins dans Tempoisonnement aigu par le phosphore. J. de Tanat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1867, iv, 221-224. — Buimuel. Phosphorvergiftung und acute gelbe Leberatrophie. Einepathologisch-cheniischeStudie. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb.. 1808, 3. R., xxxiii, 227-241.—Nchiitz (E.) Ueber das Vorke.inmcn von Fett im Harnbei Phosphor-Vergiftung. Prag. meel. Wchnschr., 1882, vii, 3_2— Nchultzen (O.) Sc Kiess (L.) Feber acme Phosphorvergiftung uud acute Leberatrophie. Ann. tl. Char.-Krankenh: . . . zu Berl., 1869, xv, 1-118.—Schu- macher. Moid durch Phosphorvergiftung; Choliimie in Folge acuter gelber Leberatrophie. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. med., Niirnb., 1873, xxiv, 367-375.—Senflleben (H.) Ueber di6 Erscheinungen und den anatomischen Be- fund bei tier Phosphorvergiftung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 520-560.—Sheen (A.) Poisoning by phosphorus: post-mortem examination. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 347—Slailelmaiin (E.) Ueber den Icterus bei tier acuten Phosphorvergiftung. Arch. f. ex per. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz , 1887-8, xxiv, 270-290.—Mlolnikow. Vorgangc in den Leberzelleu, insbesondere bei der Phos- photve-igi flung Arch f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, Suppl.-Bd., 1-27. 2 pi.—Taylor (A. S.)' Case of poisoning with phos- fihoius; death on the sixth day ; fatty degeneration ofthe iver. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1868, 3. s , xiii, 242-254.— Tixicr. Mort par inanition a la suite d'un empoisonne- ment par le phosphore. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1865, xl, 445-448.—Tommasi (C.) Stucli auatomo-patologici sull' avvelenanieiito acuto per fosforo. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1805, iv, 129-138.—Van Bcllinghcii. Gastro-hepatite interstielle suraigue'' due probable-incut k un empoisonne- ment par le phosphore. Ann. Soc d'anat. path, tie Brux., 1879. xxviii, 200-207.—Van lien Bergb. Hepatite sur- aigue ou ati ophie aigue probablement clue a un empoisonne- ment par le phosphore. Presse meel. beige, Brux., 1873-4, xxvi, 129-131. Also: Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1873-4, xxiii. 93-98.— Vigla. Enipoisonuementparle phos- phore : degeneresecnoe graisseuse dos tissus. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 301— Vinhow (11.) Der Zustantl ties Magensbei Phosphorvergiftung. Arch. f. path'. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1804 xxi, 399. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl. a.d. Geb. d. off. Med., 8°, Berl., 1879. ii. 56U: 605. —Voit. "Ueber den Stofl'umsatz bei tier Phosphorvergiftung." Sitzuugsb. d. math,-phvs. Cl. tl. k.-bayer. Akatl. cl. Wissensch. zu Miin- chen, 1871, i,29-37.—Wc'yI (A.) Beitrag zur Veranderung der Leber bei acuter Phosphorvergiftung. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1878, xix, 103-166.—Wyss (().) Ueber tlas Vorkommen von Leucin und Tvrosin bei Phosphorvergif- tung. Schweiz. Ztschr. f Ifeiik.. Be-ru, 1864, iii, 321-325. -----. Beitrag zur Anatomie der Leber bei Phosphorver- giftung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 432-430. Pliotiades (I.) *Nonnulla de generatione. If) pp. 8-. Turici, Ziircher et Furrer, 18:58. [Also, in: V., v. 580.] Pliotiades (Photios Demetrii). * Ueber Veren- gerung ties Kelilkopflumens durch menibranoide PHOTIADES. 121 PHOTOMlCliOGliAPHS. Photiades (Pbotios Demetrii)—continued. Ntirbeu uud durch directe Verwachsung seiner Wiiuelc. 77 pp., 1 pi. 8'-1. Strassburg, B. Sehultz 4- Co., 1870. Imperfect. _____. AmKoivuaeic nepl vocnjudruv rf/c pivot, tov 4 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8^. 'Hi> WOi/vatc, tvtt. A. Kopo/xg?.a, 1884. Photographers. Clarrara-Kanotli. Hygiene des photographies. J. d'hyg., Par., 1879, iv. 529-532.—Duchesne (L.) & iVIichel (E.')"Les photographes; etude d'hygieue professionnelle. Kev d'hy Par., 1883, v. 378-387. Also [Rev.J : Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1887, v, 18-20. Photographic (The) Review of Medicine and Surgery. A bi-monthly illustratiou of inter- esting'cases, accompanied by notes. Editetl by F. F. Maury antl L. A. Duiiring. v. 1-2, Oct., iri7()_7v> so. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co. Ended. Photographs. DiciiKNXE (G.-B.) Album de photographies pathologitiues complementaire du livre intitule: De l'edectrisation localisee. 4 \ Paris. 1802. Hardy (A.) &. de Moxtmk.ta (A.) Clinique photographique de l'hopital Saint-leonis. roy. 8°. Paris, 1808. United States. War Department. Medical De- partment. Photographs of surgical cases and specimens; taken at the Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. 5 v. 4°. Washington, 1800-71. -----. Histories of two hundred anel ninety- six surgical photographs, prepared at the Army Meelical Museum. 8°. Washington, 18615-71. -----. Photographs of pathological speci- mens from United States Ira Harris General Hospital, Albany (N. Y.). 2 v. 4°. -----. Photographs of surgical cases, Ira Harris General Hospital, Albany (N. Y.). 1 v. 4°. -----. Photographs of pathological speci- mens United States Army Medical Museum. 1 v. 4C. -----. Photographs of surgical cases, con- tributed to the United States Army Medical Museum, from Harewood General Hospital. 4 v. 4°. -----. Photographs of surgical cases, contrib- uted to the United States Army Medical Museum, from De Camp General Hospital, Daviel's Islantl, New York Harbor. 20 phot. -----. Photographs of surgical specimens from United States General Hospital, Frederick, Maryland. 4°. Ijarrey (F.-H.) Collection des photographies de chi- rurgie du Muaee m6dical ele l'armee americaine, present6e k TAcatltMiiic impeiiale de medecine le 29 mars 1870. Bull. Acad, de me'-el., Par., 1870, xxxv, 237. Also, Reprint, [Photographs eif inmates of Imbecile Asylum.] 08 phot, iu au album, sm. 4°. [tt. p., n. cl.] Photography. See, also, Eye, Larynx (Photography of). Doxnadieu (A.-L.) La photographic ap- pliqu6e aux sciences biologiques et le physio- graphe universel construit par J.-B. Carpentier. 8°. Lyon, 1884. Waldack (C.) Treatise on photography. 4. eel. 1*2°. Cincinnati, lH>f>. Bereuil (H. W.) Ueber die Benutzung der Lichtbil- der fiir heilwissenschaftiiche Zwecke. Wien. med. Wchn- schr.. 1855, v, 291. -----. Die Photographic unel ibie An- wenching fiir descriptive Mediciu. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1858, xv, 177-179. —Bernard (P.) De quel- ques applications de la photographic k la medecine. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1888, ii, 169; 193, 1 pi.—Buzzard (T.) A physiological hint to photographers. Lancet, Loud., 1878, i, 505. — Conn (H.) Die photographische Rhom- boeiler-Camera speeiell fiir die Aufnahme von Spiegelbil- dern construirt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi. 753- 755. — Duchenne. Photo-autographic ou autographic: sur metal et sur pierre de figures photomicroscopiques du systdme nerveux; specimen sur pierre. Bull. Acad, de Photography. med., Par., 1863-4, xxix, 1008-1012.—Falke. Die Photo- graphic im Diensteder Medicin. Thierarzt, Wetzlar, 1879, xviii, 1. — Henrijenn (F.) Application de la photogra- phic a l'etude del'electrotonus des nerfs. (Communication preliminaire.) Arch, tie biol., Gaud et Leipz., 1888, viii, 111-119, 1 pi. —Hermann ( L.) Phonophotographische Untersnchungen. Arch. i. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1889, xiv, 582-592.—IiUys (J.) Essais de photographic ana- tomique. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1867, xiii, 369. ----- Technique photographique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 562-560, 1 pi.—'Merrill (J.) Photography applied to gynaecology. N. York M. J.. 1885, xii. 270. —Piernol (G. A.) Medical photography. Ibid., 1880, xliii. 728-730. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 097.—Stein (S. T.) Der Heliopiktor, autoniatisch-photo- graphischer Apparat zur Darstellung von mikroskopi scheu, anatomischen unci chirurgischen Abbildungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 551.-----. De la photogra phie du pools et tie la temperature humaine. Presse med beige, Brux., 1874-5, xxvii, 369. -----. Feber die Licbt- hildkunst im Dienste wisseuschaftlicher Forschung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 432; 443; 450.— Ntureinbcrg (C.) Ueber eine neue Anwendung der Photographie zur Herstellttng von Holzschnitten. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1876, lxvi, 394.—Turclietli (O.) Delia fotografia applicata alia medicina. Gazz. nied. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859, ii, 145-147.—Van «icson (R. E.) The ap- plication of photography to medical science, including a direct process to photograph the microscopic field N. York .1. M., I860, 3 s., viii, 17-30. Also, Reprint.— Ver- noi«. Applications de la photogiaphie a la medecine legale; rapport sur une communication de M. Bonrion. Soc. tie med. leg. de Par. Bull., 1868-9, i, 401-413.—While (T. C.) On a simple method of photographing biological subjects. Brit. J. Dent, Sc, Lond., 1886, xxix, 967-971.— Wilcox (R. W.) Medical photography. St. Louis M. A: S J.. 1884, xlvi, 34-36. Photography (Composite). Billing.2. Copied at the Army Medical Museum for the International Exhibition, Phila. 9 photos. 4°. [ Washington, I). G, 1876.] Fritsch (G.) Praktische Gesicbtspnnkte fiir die Verwendung zweier dem Reiseuelen wichti- gen technischen Hiilfsmittel. Das Mikroskop und der photographische Apparat. ^°. [n. p. n. d.] Cutting from. Anleit. zu wissensch. Beob. a. Reisen, 591-625. Gkrlach. Ueber die photographische Dar- stellung von Injections-, Imbibitions- und Blut- korperchen - Praparaten in ihren natiirlichen Farben. f°. [Berlin, 1804.] Iiepr. from: Monatsber. tl. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., 1864, 611-014. Gerlach(J.) Photo-micrographs. Presented to the U. S. Army Medical Museum. 8°. [n. p.,n. d. ] -----. Die Photographie als Hiilfsmittel mi- kroskopiseher Forschuug. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. Girakd (J.) Photo-micrographs. Presented to the V.. S. Army Medical Museum. 2 v. 4°. [//. p., n. d.] PHOTOMICROGRAPHS. 122 PHOTOMETER. Photomicrographs and photomi- crography. -----. La charnbre noire et le microscope. Photomicrographie pratique. 8°. Paris, 1869. Mapdox (R. L.) Photo-micrographs. 6 v. 4°. [n.p., 1867-70. J Malley (A. C.) Micro -photography, incluel- ing a description of the wet colloeliou anel gela- tino-bromide processes, together with the best methods of mounting anel preparing microscopic objects for microphotography. l'i°. London, 1883. Mercer (A. C. ) The indebtedness of pho- tography to micrography. 8°. New York, 1887. Repr. from: Photogr. Times Almanac. Moitessier (A.) La photographie appliqu6e aux recherches inicrographiques. 8°. Paris, 1800. -----. The same. Die Photographie als Hilfsmittel mikroskopischer Forschung. Nach dem Franzosischen, mit Automation ties Verfas- sers deutsch bearbeitet, uud durch zahlreiche Zusatze erweitert von Berthokl Beuecke. 8° Braunschweig, 1868. Neuhauss (K.) Anleitung zur Mikrophoto- graphie fur Aerzte, Botauiker, etc. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Persii (B.) Photomicrographs of Bacillus subtilis. 18°. [Philadelphia, 1886.] von Recklinghausen (F.) & Meyer (P.) Mikro-Photographien nach pathologisch-anato- mischen Priiparateu von . . . photographisch anfgeuonimen iu der mikro-photographischen Anstalt von Jul. Grimm. [1. Hft. J 4°. Strass- burg, 1878. Reiciiardt (O.) it Sturenburg (C.) Lehr- buch der mikroskopischen Photographie iuit Riicksicht auf naturwisseuschaftliche Forschun- gen. 8'-'. Leipzig, 1808. Riciimann (H.) Photomicrographs maele at the museum of the Cincinnati Hospital. 23 pho- tomicrographs. 4°. [n. p., 187:5. ] Seiler (C), Hunt (J. G.), & Richardson (J. G.) Micro-photographs in histology, normal anel pathological. No. 6, v. 1. 4°. Philadelphia, 1870. Stenberg (S.) Om fotografiens anvanduing vid mikroskopisk forskuing. 8°. Stockholm, 1874. Sternberg (G. M.) Photo-micrographs, imp. 4°. Washington, D. C, 1879. -----. Photo-micrographs anel how to make them. Illustrated by forty-seven photographs of microscopic objects, photo-micrographs, re- produced by the heliotype process. 8°. Boston, 1883. Thomson(W.)&Norris(W.F.) Photomicro- graphs by . . . Washington, 1864. 12 photo- graphs. 4'-'. [ Washington, D. C, 1876.] United States. War Department. Medical Department. Photomicrographs prepared at the Army Medical Museum for the International Exhibition of 1876, by Bvt. Lt. Col. J. J. Wood- ward, surgeon U. S. Army. 1 v. 4°. [ Washing- ton, 1870.] Al wood (H. F.) Anew apparatus for photo-microg- raphy. Proc. Am. Soc. Mier., Buffalo, 1884, vii, 176.— Beiieeke ( 11. ) Beitriige zur mikrophotograpbischeii Technik. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1867, iii, 61-80, 1 pi. _____rebel den Werth der mikroskopischen Photo- graphie fiir entwicklungsgesehichtliehe Arbeiten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 396.—Bray (A.) cfe Sulz- berger (R.) La photomicrographie. Hull. Soc. beige de mier Brux., 1886-7, xiii, 59-69.—t'obbold. A new photographic camera, of very simple construction, adapted to a Ross microscope. Month. J. M. Sc.. Lond. cfe Edinb., 1853 xvii 271. — Crookiohniik (KM.) Photo micro- graphic Introduction historieiue el,■ la photo mierographie. In his: Manuel prat, tie bacteriology, [etc. . «\ i.'ar" 1886 935-266 2 pi. Also, Reprint—Culler (L ) Micro- photography with Tolles's A inch objective. Am. J. Sc. Photomicrographs orography. and photomi- & Arts, N. Haven, 1879, 3. s., xviii, 93-98.—DiekeiiNon (F. N.) Micro-photography. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4 Dubl., 1884, ii,.356-360, 1 p'l.—Fayel (C.) Nouveau pro- cede de photomicrographie. Comp. rend. Acad. cl. sc., Par.. 1877, lxxxiv, 343.-----. Mon microscope photo graphique. Mise au point automaticiuc clans mou procede tie photomicrographie. Annee mCd., Caen, 1S77-8, iii, 33- 44. Also, Reprint. — Frnucotte (P.) Resume d'une con- ference sur la microphotographie appliquee k l'histologic, lanatoniie comparee et l'embryologie. Bull. Soc. beige dc mier., Brux., 1886-7. xiii, 24-56, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— Gayer (E. J.) Notes on microphotography. Month. Mier. J., Lond.. 1870, xv, 258-261, 2 pi.— Gray (W. M.) Photo-micrography. Microscope, Detroit, 1888, viii, 172- 175.—Hayes (R. A.) Notes on microphotographie meth- ods. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (Science), Dubl., 1884-8,2. s., iv, 59-61.—Hin ( \V.) I'cber tlas Photographiren von Schnittreihen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch.. Leipz., 1887, 174-178— IIitclieoek (R.) Opticalarrange- ments for photo-micrography, and remarks on magnifica- tion. Am. Month. Mier. J., Wash., 1885, vi, 168-170. Also [Abstr. ]: Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1885, Salem, 1886, xxxiv, 356-359.—fwrael (O.) Ueber Mikrophotographie mit starken Objectivsystemen. Arch, f path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886. cvi,'502-514. 1 pi —Jnniseh (C.) Ueber J. J. Woodward's neueste Mikrophotographien von Amphi- pleura pellucida und Pleurosigma angulatuni. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880, xviii, 200-270, 3 pi. Also, Re- print.—Jewett (C.) Micro-photography. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1876-7, i, 210-215—Johnson (G. J.) Photomicrography. Mier. News, Lond., 1883. iii, 113-121.—It n in (C. H.) Photomicrography. Am. Month. Mier. J., N. Y., 1882, iii, 71.—I.anilois (H.) cfe Thelen (W.) Der Lichtdruck in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Mikro- photographie, unter 15eifiigungvon2 selbstgefertigten pho- totypischen Probcbildern. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 209-274,1 pi.—ITInsin. Tei•wentlung eles Magnesium- lichtes zur Photographic mici oscopischcr Priiparatc. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1865, iii. 433— tloeller (H.) Mikrophotographische Methoden. Ztschr. f. wissen- sch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1888,v, 155-165.—Moreno y Pozo (A.) Prioridad ele la foto-micrografia. Siglo nied., Ma- drid, 1877, xxiv, 167.—Olivier (L.) Application tie la photographie k l'etude des infiniment grands et ties infiui- ment petits. §2, Photographie ties objets microscopieptes. Kev. scient., Par., 1882, xxix, 426-435— Photomicrog- raphy. Brit, cfe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1804, xxxiv,2- 29.—Riildell (J. L.) Match photographs, or camera lucida drawings of microscopic objects for the stereoscope, made by means of the ordinary monocular microscope. N. Oil. M. cfe S. J., 1853-4. x, 320.—Seiler (C.) High powers in microphotography. Phila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi, 249-251.— Stein (S. T.) Zur Technik der mikroskopischen Photo- graphie. Centralbl. f. el. med. Wissench., Berl., 1865, iii, 497-499. -----.' Ueber mikrophotograohische Veigrtisse- rung. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1878, i', 321-325.—Sleng- lein(M.) Der mikrophotographische Apparat. Centralbl. f. Bacterid, u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1888, iii, 442; 471.— Strattou (S. W.) cfe Bmiill (T. J.) A beliostat for photo-micrography. Proc. Am. Soc. Mier., Buffalo, 1*85, viii, 103-107. —Tursini (A.) Apparecchio microt'oto- grafico. Morgagni, Jiapoli, 1886, xxviii, 90-94. — Vinl- lani'H (H.) Sur un appnreil ele photographie micro- scopi(]iie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 404.— Walliuaun (H.) Ueber elie Darstellung mikro- skopisch-anatomiscber Objekte inittelst der Photographic. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1»59, 438; 450; 472.— Wnlnmley (W. H.) Photo-micrography with dry-plates ami lamp- light. Proc. Am. Soc. Mier., Buffalo, 1883, vi, 59-64. -----. Photo-micrographs on gelatine plates for lantern projec- tion. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1885, Salem, 1886, xxxiv, 351-355.—Woodward (J. J.) On photo-micrography, with the highest powers, as practised in the Army Medi- cal Museum. Am. J. Sc. cfe Arts. N. Haven, 1866, 2. s., xiii, 189-195. Also, Reprint. -----. The application of photography to micrometry, with special reference to the micrometry of blood in criminal cases. Phila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi, 457-402. Also, Reprint. -----. Sur la lumiero electrique et la lumiere au magnesium appliquecs a la photo-niicrographie. Bull. Soc. beige tie mier., Brux., 1878, pp. lxi-lxx.—Vvon. Appareil pour la microphotogra- phie. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1885, 5. s., xii, 380-391. Photometer. Buchanan (G.) Report relative to the theory anel application of Prof. Leslie's photometer. rtu. Edinburgh, 1824. Schmidt (F.) & Haensch. Beschreibung und Anleitung zum Gebrauch eles Photometers (D. R. P. 2611)6) nach Prof. Dr. Leonard Weber. 8J. Berlin, [188ft, rel subseq.]. cRariel (C.-M.) Phot emetics; photometric. Diet. cucycl. d. sc. meel., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 421-430. pnOTOPHILTTS. 123 PHRfiNOLOGIE. Photopliilus [pseudon.]. The new Irish bath versus the old Turkish; or pure air versus vapor. Beiug an answer to the errors and misstatements of Drs. Madden and Corrigan. 46 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, W. McGec, 1860. Photophobia. .See, also, Asthenopia. de Momigny (J.-A.) *De la photophobie. 4°. Paris, 1840. Abrahams?. (T.) Hardnekkige photophobie. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1879, 2. R.,xv, 726-728.— Alexander. Hvpera'sthesia retina1. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1868, vi, 43. — Beaver (D. B. D.) Irritable stricture of the urethra in the male, resulting from masturbation, a cause of hyperaesthesia of the retina. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1880, xv, 163-168. — Bctz (F.) Die innerliche Anwendung ties Opiums gegen die Photopho- bie skrophuloser Kinder. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1877, xxii, 297-300.—Blodig (C.) Zur Therapiederscrophulo- sen Lichtscheu. Ztschr. tl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1859, xv, 675-677. -----. Einige naohtraglicho Er- fahrungen iiber die Heilwirkung des Bleies bei serofuloser Lichtscheu. Ibid., 1860, xvi, 231-233. — Carrasco (L.) Dos casos de hiperestesia retiniana (fotof'obia) congenita. Rev. ele meel. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1877, i, 382. — Car- ter (R. B.) Photophobia cure by section of orbicularis at external canthus. Practitioner, Lond., 1869, ii, 16-24.— Castorani (R.) M6rnoire sur la photophobie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1856, iii, 666-669. Also, Reprint.— Uuval. De la photophobie, de son siege, de ses causes et tlu traitement qui lui convient. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1846, xv, 3; 49; 100. — Fano. Emploi favorable ties vesi- catoires panses avec la morphine et appliques audessus du sourcil, dans les cas de photophobie rebelle. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1885-6, vii, 61. -----. La photophobie chez les petits enfants ; traitement de ce symptome. Ibid., 1887-8, viii, 231: 1889-90, ix, 1. — Foir««agrives. Du caractere nevralgique de la photophobie qui complique certaines ophthalmies, notamment l'ophthalmie phlyct6- nulaire. et ele son traitement par le sulfate de quinine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxviii, 69-76.—Fron- miiller. Koniin gegen scrophuldse Lichtscheue. Mo- natsehr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1840, iii, 317.— tfiiauibariui (A.) Sulla fotof'obia degli scrofolosi. Gior. anal, di med., Milano, 1830, xiv, 129-138.—Oayet & Fou- lan. Hypercsthesie retinienne double; traitement hy- droth6rapique; gu6rison. Lyon med., 1869, iii, 448-451. Also: M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc.d. sc. nied.de Lyon (1869), 1870, ix. 282-28.">.—<*erold. Ueber scrofulose Photopho- bie!. Wchnschr. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1846, 290-292.— (>OMNelin. De la valour de la photophobie dans les affec- tionsehs yeux. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1878. li, 026-627.—Hart (E.) Photophobia without vision. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i. 70. — lleidcnrcich. Ueber Lichtscheu und Augenlidkranipf und eine sichere Behanellungsweise der- selben. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Dresd., 1833, iii, 194-205.— Ilii'Nchler (L.) Hyperaesthesia retinas post eclampsiam parturientium. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1874, xxiv, 958- 960. —van Holabeek. De l'einploi de la teinture d'iode dans le traitement de la photophobie. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1854, xix, 423-425. — Hunt (S. B.) Case of chronic ocular hyperesthesia. Buffalo M. J., 1855-6, xi, 645-649.—HutchiiiNon (J.) Clinical lectures on hyperesthesia of the eye. Meel. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1879,' i, 667: ii, 199.—Jones (C. H.) Clinical lectures on a case of photophobia and paraplegia yielding to tonic treatment. Ibid., 333.— Kiiiiih. Observation dephotop- sie p6riodique. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1872, xxxiii, 177-182, 1 pi.—liacazc (H.) Photophobie excessive de- pendant dun cStat nerveux hysterique et guerie par un se- jonr aux eaux thermales de Salazic (Reunion). Union med., Par., 1867, 3. s., i, 40-42. — Lawxoii (G.) On the treatment of photophobia in some troublesome affections of the eye. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1862, n. s., ii, 120.— Mackenzie (W.) Case of intense and long-continued photophobia and blepharospasm relieved bv the inhalation of chloroform. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1857, xl, 175-178.— Minor (J. L.) Duboisia versus atropia for the relief of photophobia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1882-3, ix, 332. —Payan. De l'hydrochlorate tie baryte contre l'oph- thalmie scrofuleuse photophobiquc. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1839, ii, 35-49. - Prael (F.) Lichtscheu. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 193. — Raimbert. Note sur l'eflicacite tie l'inhalation de poudres narcotiques par les fosses nasales, contre la photophobie, le blepharo- spasme et les douleurs periorbital res des maladies des yeux. J. tie med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1868, xlvii, 105-116.—Santos Fernandez (J.) De la fotofobia v su tratamiento. Crtin. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1875, l, 153-156.—Siegeabeck (J. G.) Von einem Licht-scheu- enden Magdlein. Samml. v. Nat. u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1720, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1722, xiii, 224-227.—Thorp (11.) Ophthalmic hyperaesthesia considered in relation to stru mous ophthalmia; with practical remarks on the latter af- fection. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1857, xxiv, 95; 326. Also, Photophobia. transl. [Abstr.] : J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1858, xxxi, 348- 350.—Tommasi. Cas tres-singulier de photophobie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 450.—Vernon (B. J.) In- tolerance of light. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, xiii, 167-177. Photop«ia. Seeondi (R.) Sulla fotopsia da iperemia neuro-parali- tica e della sua guarigione col sali di chiuina. Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1873-4, iii, 145-163. Also: Liguria med., Genova, 1874, xix, 257-268. Phototypes of diplomas bought for $455, in May, 1880, by a representative of the "Philadel- phia Record". 7 pi. 4°. [Philadelphia, n.d.] Photoxylin. Rosenthal (O.) Ueber das Photoxylin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 172-174.—von Wnhl (E.) Pho- toxylin in der chirurgischen Praxis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1887, n. F. iv, 163. Phreas (Joh.) [ -1465]. Aikin (J.) Biographical memoirs of . . . In his: Biogr. Mem., 8°, Lond., 1780, 23-28. Phrenic nerve. See Nerve (Phrenic). Phrenic nerve (Inflammation of). »See Pericarditis (Complications, etc., of). Phrenitis. See Brain (Inflammation of); Delirium. Phrenological (The) Almanac; or annual journal of mental anel moral science. Published under the auspices of the Glasgow Phrenological Society. Edited by D. G. Goyeler. No. 1, for 1842. 72 pp. 8°. Glasgow, J. Goyder 4~ Broth- ers. Phrenological controversy. See Engledue (William Collins). Phrenological (A) guide, designed for stu- dents of their own character. 54 pp. 8°. Xew York, Fowlers 4- Wells, 1840. Phrenological (The) Journal autl Magaziue of Moral Science. Was title of: Phrenological (The) Journal and Miscellany, v. 11-20, 1838-47. Phrenological (The) Journal anel Miscellany. [Quarterly.] v. 1-20, Dec, 1823, to Oct., 1847. 20 v. in 15. 8°. Edinburgh. Ended. Nos. 1-4, edited by Dr. Poole: nos. 5-53, by the proprietors, W. Scott, J. Simpson, Andrew Combe, and George Combe, v. 11-20, 1838-47, are also called v. 1-10, n. s.: title: Phrenological (The) Journal and Magazine of Moral Science, v. 11-13 published at London. Phrenological (The) Journal and Packard's Monthly. See American (The) Phrenological Journal aud Miscellany, old series, v. 50. Phrenological (The) Journal and Science of Health. H. S. Drayton, editor. [Monthly.] No. 3, v. 74, March, 1882. 8°. New York, S. II. Wells 4- Co. Title of v. 1, et seq., was: American (The) Phreno- logical Journal and Miscellany. Phrenological (The) Magazine. A scientific and educational journal. No. 16, v. 2, April, 1881; no. 33, v. 3, Sept., 1882. 8°. London, L. N. Fowler. Phrenological Magazine and New York Liter- ary Eeview. Publisheel monthly, by G. G. Foster. No. 1, v. 1, May, 1835. 48 pp. 8°. Vtica, N. Y. Phrenological (The) Society. Transactions. v. 1. xvi, 448 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, J. An- derson, jr., 1824. Phrenological Society of Washingtou. Pro- ceedings of, relative to two lectures against the science of phrenology, delivered at the Colum- bian College by Dr. Thomas Sewall, in May, 1826. 8 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n. d.] [P., v. 206.] Phrenologie (La). Journal des applications de la physiologie animale a la physiologie sociale PIIRfiNOLOGIE. 124 PHRENOLOGY. Phrenologie (La)—continued. par l'observation txacte. Par Ch. Place [et al.]. Nos. 1, 3, v. 1, April 10, 30, 1837. 4°. Paris. Phrenologie (La) et le crane de Soufflard. 7 pp. 8°. Paris', Beth une 7. Engledue (W. C.) Phreuologictil controversy. Correspoudence between H. Thompson, anel W. C. Engledue. 8-. Portsmouth, 1839. ------. Phrenology. Second letter from . . . to the Rev. Sir H. Thompson. 8°. Portsmouth, 1>39. ------. Phrenology. Third letter from . . . to the Rev. Sir H. Thompson. 8 . Portsmouth, 1839. Exposition de la doctrine physiouomique du docteur Gall, ou nouvelle theorie tlu cerveau, consider comme le siege des facultes intellectu- elles et morales. 8~. Paris, an XII [1804]. Ferrier (A.) Introduction a l'etude pnilo- sophique et pratique ele la phrenologie. 8°. Bruxelles, 1845. Flourens(P.) Phrenology examined. Trausl. from the 2. ed. of 1845, by Charles de Lucena Meigs. 8-. Philadelphia, 1840. See, also, infra, de "WolkofF (S.). ------. De la phrenologie et eles etudes vraies sur le cerveau. 12c. Paris, 1863. Fossati (J.-A.-L.) De la necessite d'etudier une nouvelle doctrine avant ele la jnger; et ap- plication tie ce priucipe a la physiologie intellec- tuelle; discours prononce le 14 Janvier 1827, pour l'ouverture d'un cours de phrenologie donne chez M. le docteur Gall; avec notes. 8°. [Paris], 1827. ------. De l'inflnence de la physiologic intel- lectuelle sur les sciences, la litterature et les arts; discours pour l'ouvertui e d'un cours tie phrenolo- gie, suivi d'un rapport sur laphrenologie en Italie, fait a la Societe phrenologique d'Edimbourg, avec des notes. 8C. Paris, 1828. • —-—. Manuel pratique ele phrenologie, ou physiologie du cerveau d'apres les doctrines de Gall, de Spurzheim, de Combe et des autres phr£- nologistes. 8°. Paris, 1845. Fowler (L. N.) Objections to phrenology cousitlered and answered. 12°. London, [n.d.]. —. Tact and talent. 12°. London, [n.d. ]. Thinkers, authors, speakers, 12°. London, [n. d.]. Phrenology. ------. Utility of phrenology. 12°. London, [n. d.]. ------. Marriage; its history anel ceremonies; with a phrenological and physiological exposi- tion of the functions and qualifications for happy marriages. 19. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1848. ------. Proofs of phrenology. 12°. [London, 1864.] Fowler (O. S.) A lecture on temperance con- sidereel physiologically and phrenolcgically; or the laws of life, anel the principles of the human constitution, asdevelopeel by the sciences of phre- nology and physiology, applied to total absti- nence from all alcoholic anel intoxicating drinks. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1841. ------. The same. Temperauce, founded on phrenology and physiology; or, the laws of life, [etc.]. 24. ed. 8°. New York, 1848. ------. Matrimony; or, phrenology and physi ology applied to the selection of congenial com- panions for life, [etc.]. 61. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1851. ------. Human science; or, phrenology: its principles, proofs, faculties, [etc.]. 8C. Pliila- delphia, [u. d.]. -----A: Fowler (L. N.) Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied . . . Assistetl by Samuel Kirkham. 12°. Xew York, 1837. -------------. The illustrated self-instructor in phrenology and physiology. 8\ Xew York, 1854. Fowler & Wells. A descriptive catalogue of new and standard works on phrenology, physi- ognomy, ethnology, physiology, psychology, hy- giene, magnetism, education, etc. 8°. New York [«. et]. Gall (F. J.) Herinneringen uit de lessen van . . . over de hersenen, als onderseheielene en bepaalde werktuigen vau den gee st, gekouelen te Amsterdam, van den 8sten tot den 18tleu van grasniaanel 1806, opgeteekend door zijnen toe- hoorder M. Stuart. 8°. Amsterdam, 1806. ------. Craniologie, ou d6couvertes nouvelles, concernaut le cerveau, le crane et les organes. Ouvrage tradnitdc 1'allemand. <-;. Paris, 18117. ------. Sistema crauiologico, ossia esposizione della dottriua intorno al cranio. Presentato alia Societa di medicina tratto elal Giornale di fisica ec. del Sig. Delametherie traeluzione. 12°. Ber- gamo, 1808. -----. Manual of phrenology; being an ana- lytical summary of the system of . . . on the facul- ties of man and the functions of the brain. From 4. French ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1835. -----. Works of. Transl. from the French by Winslow Lewis. 6 v. 12°. Boston, 1835. ----- iV Sitrzheim ( G. ) Recherches sur le systemc nerveux en general et celui eiu cer- veau en particulier . . . Memoire presente a l'ln- stittit de France le 14 mars 1808; suivi d'observa- tions sur le rapport qui en a et6 fait a cette com- pagnie par ses connuissaires. 4°. Paris, 1809. ----- -----. Anatomie et physiologie du systemic nerveux en general, et du cerveau en particulier. Avec ties observations sur la possi- bility de reconnoitre plusieurs dispositions intel- lectuelles et morales de I'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs tetes. 4 v. 4°. Paris, 1810-19. -----------. Thesame. Anatomie und Phy- siologie ties Nervensystemes im Allgemeinen, und des Gehirnes insbesondere. 1. Bd. 8°. Paris 1810. -----, VlMONT [ J. ] & BROUSSAIS [ F. J. V.] On the functions of the cerebellum. Transl. from the French by George Combe. Also answers to the objections urged against phrenology by PHRENOLOGY. 12(J PHRENOLOGY. Phrenology. Drs. Roget, Rudolphi, Prichard, and Tiedemann; by George Combe and Dr. A. Combe. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1838. Gai.i.isciie (Das) System der Schadellehre (Crauioscopie) iiber die Fiihigkeiten und Kriifte ties Menschen uud die Verrichtungen des Gehirns nach elen letzten vom Dr. Gall vor seinem Toele gemachten Beobachtungen und nach der zweiten vom Dr. Possati mit der grossten Sorgfalt ver- mehrten unel verbesserten Auflage. Broadside. fol. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Garniek (A.) La psychologie et la phrenolo- gie compares. 8°. Paris, 1839. Gordon (J.) Observations on the structure of the brain, comprising an estimate of the claims of Drs. Gall aud Spurzheim to discovery in the anatomy of that organ. 8°. London, 1817. ------. The same. 8 \ Edinburgh, 1817. Green (J. D.) An aeldress, tlelivereel at the anniversary celebration of the birth of Spurz- heim, and the organization of the Boston Phre- nological Society, December 30,1836. 8°. Boston, 1837. Hamilton (F. H.) Lecture on phrenology. 8°. Rochester, 1841. Hecker (J.) The scientific basis of education demonstrated by an analysis of the temperaments anel of phrenological facts, iu connection with mental phenomena ami the office of the Holy Spirit in the processes of the mind. 8°. Neiv York, 1807. Ukdley (A. E.) Craniognomy; or, the science of character, comprising the substance of twelve lectures. 12°: Philadelphia, 1879. Howe (S. G.) An adelress elelivered at the an- niversary celebration ofthe Boston Phrenological Society, December 28, 1835. 8°. Boston, 1836. ------. A discourse on the social relations of man, delivered before the Boston Phrenological Society. 8C. Boslon, 1837. Hubbard (S.) Chart of phrenology, and the phrenological developments of . . . as given by . . . [Form.] 12°. Buffalo, 1852. Ingalls (W.) A lecture on the subject of: Phrenology not opposed to the principles of religion, nor the precepts of Christianity. 8°. Boston, 1839. ' Inglis (H. D.) A lecture upon the truth, rea- sonableness, anel utility of the doctriues of phre- nology. To which are added observations in reply to an essay on craniology by the Rev. R. W. Hamilton, of Leeds. 8°. London, [n. d.] Johnson (T. B.) Physiological observations on mental susceptibility; the influence of edu- cation on the varieties of the human race and the brute creation; interspersed with illustrative anectlotes and phrenological exemplifications. To which is added an essay on hereditary in- stinct, sympathy and fascination. 12°. London, 1837. Key (A) to phrenology; containing a brief statement of the faculties of the mind, the his- tory and practical uses of phrenology. By a member of the Phrenological Society. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1836. Lacomme ( J.-B.-L. ) * Considerations sur la phrenologie. 4°. Paris, 1833. Lelut (F.) Qu'est-ce que la phrenologie ? ou essai sur la signification et la valeur des systemes de psychologie en general, et de celui de Gall en particulier. 8°. Paris, 1836. Also [Rev.], in: J. hebd. d. progr. tl. sc. med., Par., 1836, ii, 261-289 (Valleix). ______. De l'organe phreuologique de la ele- struction chez les auimaux, ou examen de cette question: Les animaux caruassiers ou feroces ont-ils, a l'endroit des tempos, le cerveau et par 'hrenology. suite le crane plus large proportionnellement a sa longueur que ne Font les animaux d'une na- ture opposee? 8°. Paris, 1838. -----. La phrenologie, son histoire, ses sys- temes et sa condamuation. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1858. Lemercier (N.-L.) Reflexions sur le danger des applications de la coujecturale, doctrine or- thophrenique, lues a l'Academie des sciences. 12°. Paris, 1835. Leune (J. C. F.) De leer van Gall, over de herssenen en schedel. Mit het Hoogduitsch, met aanmerkingen van aneleren door M. Stuart. 8°. Amsterdam, 1804. Mackenzie (Sir G. S.) Illustrations of phre- nology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1820. Manesca (J.) Strictures on phrenological doctrines upou the human intellect, in a letter addressed to Dr. Spurzheim. 8°. Neiv York, 1832. Manual of phrenology: being an analytical summary of the system of Dr. Gall on the facul- ties of man and the functions of the brain. Transl. from the 4. French ed. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1835. Mege (J.-B.) Des principes fondamentaux de la phrenologie appliques a la philosophie. 8°. Paris, 1845. Menestrel (A.-C.-F. ) * De l'influence du systeme de Gall sur l'ideologie. 4°. Paris, 1836. Meyer (G. H.) Die Phrenologie vom wissen- schaftlichen Standpunkte aus beleuchtet. 8°. Tiibingen, 1844. Millon (E.) * Du rapport philosophique des facultes de I'homme d'apres le systeme phreuo- logique, et tie ejuelques objections a ce systeme. 4°. Paris, 1836. Miraglia (B. G.) Della frenologia e della sua applicazione alia eelucazione ed alia giurispru- denza criminale; obbiezioni e risposte. 8°. Na- poli, 1853. Montgomery (J.) An essay on the phrenology ofthe Hindoos and negroes; together with strict- ures thereon, by Corden Thompson. 8°. Lon- don, 1829. Nathan (E.) Weitere Bemerkungen iiber das Wesen und Unwesen der Phrenologie. 8°. [n.p., 1844.] Repr. from: Hamb. lit. u. krit. Bl., 1844, No. 11. Also: Beilagezu: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1844, xxv. See, also, infra. ------. Die Begriindung und das Wesen der Phrenologie. 8°. Dresden, 1852. Noel (R. R.) Grundziige der Phrenologie, oder Anleitung zum Studium dieser Wissenschaft dargestellt in fiinf Vorlesuugen. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1841. ------. The same. Mit Beriicksichtigung der neueren Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Phy- siologie und Psychologie. 2. Aufl. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1847. [North (E.)] The pilgrim's progress in phre- nology. Pt. I, abridged, and Pt. III. Bv Uncle Toby. 8°. New London, 1836. A portion of pt. iii repr. from: New-Lond. Gaz. Observations on phrenology, as affording a systematic view of human nature. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1822. Olcott (T. W.) Address delivered before the Albany Phrenological Society at its meeting in the female academy on the evening of April 2, 1840. 8°. Albany, 1840. Ordinaire (E\) "Propositions sur les prin- cipes et les consequences de la phrenologie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Otto (C.) Phrsenologien eller Galls og Spurz- heims Hjerne og Organlsere i fuldstsendig Over- PHRENOLOGY. 127 PHRENOLOGY. Phrenology. sigt og i sine senere Fremskridt med Bidrag til dens n0iere Kundskab og Stadfaestelse. 8°. Kj0- benhavn, 1825. Patzek (K.) Emboresmerteto tiired6k. [Knowleelge of man.] 8°. Pesten, 1833. Phrenological controversy. Correspondence between the Rev. Sir Henry Thompson, Bart., and W. C. Engledue, M.D. 8°. Portsmouth, 1839. Phrenological (A) guide, designed for stu- dents of their own character. 8°. New York, 1846. Prideaux (T. S.) Strictures, etc. [Reply to H. Watson for publishing an extract from a pri- vate letter iu the Phrenological Journal.] 8°. [Byde, Isle of Wight, 1840.] ----- & Engledue (W. C. ) A new year's gift for the medical profession. Dr. Carpenter anel the autiphreuological physiologists; Messrs. Forbes, Wakley anel Co., the autimesmeric cru- saders. 8°. London, 1847. Quadro frenologico secouelo il sistema del Dr. Spurzheim aggiuntevi nuovo nomenclature di altri autori. 16°. Verona, 1888. Reese (D. M. ) Phrenology known by its fruits, being a brief review of Doctor Brigham's late work, entitled "Observations on the influ- ence of religion upon the health and physical welfare of mankind. 8°. New York, 1836. Report on a memoir of Drs. Gall aud Spurz- heim, relative to the anatomy of the brain, by Tenon, Portal, Sabatier, Piuel, and Cuvier. 8°. [n. p., 1808.] Roget ( P. M. ) Outlines of physiology, with an appendix on phrenology. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Rousmaniere ( H. ) Phrenology. A manual of phrenology, coutaiuiug a sketch ofthe science, the names and definitions of the faculties, and the phrenological character of M. . . . 8°. [■«. p., n. d.] Rusconi (M.) Osservazioni critiche sopra il sistema di Gall, conforme questo sistema trovasi esposto nelle lczioni di freuologia del sigaor Broussais. 8°. [Milano, 1844.] Repr. from: Gior. dell' I. R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arti e biblioteca, viii. Sciieve (G.) Die Phrenologie in einer Vor- lesung. 8°. [Pforzheim, n. d.] -----. Phrenologie und Medizin. Aus mei- nen wissenschaftlichen Begegnissen zu Hamburg. 8 'J. Leipzig, 1851. -----. Katechismus der Phrenologie. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1853. Sewall (T.) An examination of phrenology; in two lectures. Delivered to the students of the Columbian College, District of Columbia, Feb., 1837. 8°. Washington, 1837. -----. The same. 8°. Boston, 1839. Shrimpton (C.) * Considerations sur la phre- nologie. 4°. Paris, 1834. Silliman. Phrenology. 8°. New Haven, 1840. Repr. from: Am. J. Sc. cfe Arts, N. Haven, xxiii, 357. Sim (T.) A synopsis of practical phrenology- Compiled for the use of pupils. 8°. Philomath, Ind., 1839. Simpson (J.) Letter to the editor ofthe Phren- ological Journal on the faculties for mechanical resistance and force; being an attempt to prove that the first is a sixth sense and the seconel an internal faculty related thereto. 8°. [n. p., n.d.] Smith (J. A.) Select discourses on the func- tions of the nervous system in opposition to phrenology, materialism, and atheism; to which is prefixed a lecture on the diversities of the hu- man character arising from physiological pecu- liarities. 8°. New York, 1840. Phrenology. Smith (J. T.) Synopsis of phrenology; di- recteel chiefly to the exhibition of the utility and application of the science to the advancement of social happiness. 8°. Boston, 1838. [Spurzheim (J. G.)] Prospectus of the ana- tomical views of Drs. Gall anel Spurzheim on the brain and nerves, confrontetl with the Edinburgh Review (No. 49, June, 1815, Art. X,) and Dr. Gordon's opinions in his System of human anat- omy and surgery, vol. 1, Edinburgh, 1815. 8°. Edinburgh, [n. d.]. -----. The physiognomical system of Drs. Gall anel Spurzheim, founded on an anatomical and physiological examination of the nervous system in general and ofthe brain in particular, and iutlicatiug the dispositions and manifesta- tions of the mind: being at the same time a book of reference for Dr. Spurzheim's demonstrative lectures. The second edition greatly improved. 8°. London, 1815. -----. Examination of the objections maele in Britain against the doctrines of Gall and Spurz- heim. 8°. Edinburgh, 1817. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Boston, 1833. -----. Observations sur la phrsenologie, ou la conuaissance de I'homme moral et intellectuel, foneiee sur les fouctions du systeme nerveux. 8°. Paris, 1818. -----. Outlines of phrenology; being also a manual of reference for the marked bust. 12°. Boston, 1832. -----. Phrenology, or the doctrine of the mental phenomena. 2 v. 8°. Boston, 1832. -----. Phrenology, in connexion with the study of physiognomy. Illustration of characters. 1. Am. eel. To which is prefixed a biography of the author by Nahum Capen. 8°. Boston, 1833. Staniland ( S. ) Anti-phrenology; an epi- tome of two lectures given before the members of the Fareham Literary Institution. 8°. Fare- ham, 1839. Stone (T.) The evidences against the system of phrenology, being the substance of a paper read at an extraordinary meeting of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. 8°. Edinburgh, 1828. Also [Rev.], in: Lond. M. cfe S. J., 1828, i, 153; 249; 349; 435: 1829, ii, 46; 130 ; 507. -----. Observations on the phrenological de- velopment of Burke, Hare, anel other atrocious murderers; measurements of the heads of the most notorious thieves confined in the Eelinburgh jail and Bridewell, and of various individuals, Euglish, Scotch, and Irish, presenting an exten- sive series of facts subversive of phrenology. Read before the Royal Medical Society of Edin- burgh. 8°. Edinburgh, 1829. -----. A rejoinder to the answer of George Combe, esq., to " Observations on the phrenolog- ical development of Burke, Hare, and other atro- cious murderers". 8°. Edinburgh, 1829. Straton (J.) Contributions to the mathe- matics of phrenology, chiefly intended to aid students. 8°. Aberdeen, 1845. Summary (A) of phrenology to accompany the bust approved by Dr. Spurzheim. 16°. Cam- bridge, 1833. Thompson (H.) Phrenology. [Letter to W. C. Engledue.] 8°. Portsea, 1839. Urban (M.) Phrenologie und Erziehung. Eine piidagogische Studie. 12°. Berlin, [w. d.]. Vimont (J.) Traite de phrenologie humaine etcomparee. 2 v. 4°, with atlas, fol. Paris, 1835. Vrolik (G.) Het leerstelsel van Joseph Gall, geschest en met eigene waarnemingen opgehel- derd. 8°. Amsterdam, 1804, PIIKENOLOGY. 128 PHHEN()L()(JV. Phrenology. Walter (J. (J.) Etwas iiber Herrn Doctor Gall's Hirnsthitilcl-Lehre. Dem Berliner Publi- kum mitgetheilt. 16°. Berlin, 1805. Warne (J. A.) On the harmony between the Scriptures aud phrenology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1830. Weaver (0. S.) Lectures on mental science according to the philosophy of phrenology. 12°. New York, 1854. Weli.ford (B. R.) Remarks on the principles of phrenology. A lecture. 8°. Fredericksburg, 1834. Wins (C.) Discours phrenologiqne sur Napo- leon, roy. 8°. Bruxelles, 1845. de Wolkoff (S.) Quelques consieierations eu reponse a l'examen de la phrenologie tie M. le pro- fesseur P. Flourens. 8J. [Baden], 1846. Wort (Ein) fiber elie Phrenologie. 8°. Leip- zig, 1844. Albert. Die Gall'sche Schadellehre beziiglicb ihrer Anwendung auf die Rechtspflege. Ztschr. f. tl. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1864, lxxxviii, 144-156.—Bell (J.) On phrenology, or the study of the intellectual and moral nature of man. Phila. J-. M. cfe Phys. Sc., 1822, iv. 72-113, 3 pi., 1 tab.—Bernicl & de IVIoiilrgrc. Cranioscopic. Diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1813, vii, 3iio-31». — Bonvicr. Memoire sur la forme generate du ciane, clans ses rapports avec lb d6veloppement de l'intelligence. Bull. Acatl. de m6d., Par., 1838-9, iii, 717.—Caldwell (C.) Phrenology vindicated in a series of remarks, physiological, moral, and critical, on Article VII of the Nov. number. 1834. of the "Christian Examiner", headed " Pretensions of phrenology examined". Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1835, viii, 301-393.—Carmichacl (A.) [Reply to strictures upon Dr. Elliotson's metaphysical and phrenological opinions, as revealed in his essay on the "Physiology of man".] Dublin J. M. Sc., 1838, xiii, 450-458.-Clifl (J. W.) Phre- nology. Atlanta M. &S. J., 1859-60, v, 271; 683.— Coatea (B. H.) Comments on some of the illustrations eleriveel by phrenology from comparative anatomy, with reference to a late review of Dr. Warren's work on the nervous system. Phila. J. M. cfe Phys. Sc., 1823, vii, 58-80.—Combe (A.) The substance of an address to the students of Anderson's University, Glasgow, at the opening of Dr. Wier's first course of lectures on phrenology in that institution, Jan. 7, 1846. Lancet, Loud., 1846, i, 61-64.—Combe (G.) On criticisms upon phrenology; a review reviewed. Ibid., ii, 661: 1847, i. 8. Also: Phrenol. J., Etlinb., 1847. xx, 63- 80. -----. Criticisms upon phrenology. Lancet, Lond., 1847, l, 9-11. -----. Phrenology; Mr.'Combe s rejoinder to Dr. Skae. Ibid., ii, 194-196.—Critical notice of an article on phrenology in the North American Review. Med. Mag., Bost., 1834-5, ii, 241-253.— Dcmaiigcon. Extrait d'un expose analytique du systeme clu Dr. Gall, sur les organes ties fonctions intellectuelles. veelige d'aprgs des notes prises dans deux tie ses cours a Hamhourg et a Al- tona. en decembre 1805. Bull. Fac. de meel. de Par. (1804- 8), 1812, i, 66; 110; 127.—Elliotson. A reply to the attacks on phrenology made timing the current year, antl an ac- count of the present state of that science. Lancet, Lond.. 1831-2, i, 287; 357. — Faure (L.) Reminiscences phre- nologiques k propos du supplicic Lemaire. (ia/.. med. ele l'Algerie, Alger, 1867, xii. 52-56. — Fo*«ati (G.) Per 1' iuaugurazione del gabinetto frenologico nel Museoeivico di Milano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1865, exciv, 205.— Giinther. Einige Kritische Bemerkungen iiber Gall's Phrenologie. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvii, 2. St., 83-93. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Craniologie, nebst Angabe eines von mir aufgefundeneii, bisher noch nicht erwahnten Organs. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1839, ii, 251-255.—Jackson (J. VV.) On the valueof phre- nology in anthropological investigations. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1867, v, 71-78.—Jeanjaqiiet (A.) Ueber Schadelbildung und Phrenologie. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1862, xiii, 243-277.—Lacy (U.) Phrenology and physiology compared. N. Orl. M, cfe S. J., 1856-7, xiii, 746-755.—L.afargue (J.) Appreciation de la doctrine phr6nologique ou des localisations des facultes intellectu- elles et morales au moyen del'anatomie comparee. Arch. gen. de meel.. Par., 1838, 3. s., i, 265; 416: ii, 129.—Ea- Biaure. Examen tie diverses critiques adressees k la phr6- nologie. Experience, Par., 1844, xiv, 97; 113; 129; 145; 193; 209. — 1jeach (W. T.) A lecture on the uses and abuses of phrenology. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1845-6, i, 313-319. — Letter (A) on the metaphysical and phreno- logical opinions of Doctor Elliotson. Dublin J. M. Se., 1838, xiii, 169-201.—Leuret. Observation d'un cas de senti- ment musical tres developpe chez une idiote, suivie de quelques remarques sur la phrenologie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835 2 s iii 1-3— liichtenstadt. Gall's Schadellehre. Med.Con'vers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1830, i, 161-164, 2 pi.—I.ivi (C.) Frenologia forense, ovvero delle frenopatie conside- rate relativamente alia medicina legale. Gazz. med. ital. Phrenology. lomb.. Milano. is" 13, 5. s., ii, 42; 116. 187; 341; 421.- ITIcI.eod (K.) Phrenology. [An address. | Indian M Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 1-7.—iVIiraglind!. r the nature and cure of consumptions. 8°. Lon- don, 1720. Bennett (J. H.) The pathology and treat- ment of pulmonary tuberculosis; anel on the local medication of pharyngeal and laryngeal diseases frequently mistaken for, or associated with, phthisis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1853. -----. Thesame. 2.eel. 8°. Edinburgh, IKVJ. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Benny (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Bekckx (L. J.) *De phthisi pulmonali et ejus cura. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1789. Bernardeau (E.) Histoire dc la phthisie pul- monaire; nouvelles recherches sur l'etiologie et sur le traitement de cette maladie. 8°. Paris, 1845. Bernstein (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8L. Berolini, [1818]. Bertram (C.) *De phthisi. sm. 4°. Lipske, 1623. Besson (E.-M.) *De la tuberculisation dans les poumous, et de ses rapports avec les antics malaelies de l'appareil respiratoire. 4°. Paris, 1846. Bidlot (F.) Etudes sur les diverses especes de phthisie pulmonaire et sur le traitement ap- plicable a cbacuue d'elles. 8°. Paris, 1868. Billengren (D. J.) *Diss. med. in phthisin pulmoualem breviter inquirens. 8°. Londini Gothorum, 1832. Binse (E.-J.-P.) *De la tuberculose pulmo- naire tardive etudiee chez I'homme. 4°. Paris, 1877. Bischoff (I. R.) Grundsiitze zur Erkenntniss unel Behandlung der chronischen Krankheiten. Zweiter und letzter Bel., 1. Lfg.: Die Lungen- schwindsucht. 8°. Wien, 1840. Blanchet (F.) *De la phthisie pulmouaire. 4°. Paris, 1846. Blastos (A.) *De phthisi pulmonum tuber- culosa. 8°. Berolini, 1833. de Boissieu (J.-J.-M.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire en ^ehieial, et sur la phthisie tuberculeuse en particulier. 4-1. Paris, 1815. Bonet (P.-M.-A.-S.) *Dela phthisie pulmo- naire tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1826. Bornmann (C. A.) *Diss. iuaug. med. pro- pouens tabem ab exulceratione pulmonum pro- venientem. 4°. Erfordice, [1713]. van den Bosch (G.) * De phthisie. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1714. Both (C.) A sketch of the theory and cure of phthisis (tuberculous consumption). 8°. Boston, 1864. Bowie(J.) *Dephthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1813. Brady (G. M.) #De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. London, 1824. Bramss(F.) *Deconstitntionephthisica. 8°. Berolini, 1824. de Bredaw (E. G.) *De phthisi. sm. 4°. Erfordia; [1722]. Brehmer (G. A. R. A.) * De legibus ad ini- tium atcjue progressum tuberculosis pulmouuin spectantibus. 8°. Berolini, [1853]. Brehmer ( H. ) Die chronische Lnngen- schwindsucht und Ttiberknlo.se eler Lunge, ilire Ursache und ihre Heilung. .-<-. Berlin, 186'.). PHTHISIS. 131 PHTHISIS. Phthi»i». _____. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1869. _____. Zur Aetiologie und Therapie tier chro- nischen Lungenschwindsucht. Antwort auf elie zwei Antithesen des Dr. V. Mayer. 8°. Berlin, 1874. Brieude. Traite ele la phthisie pulmonaire. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Paris, 1803. Brigham (G. N.) Phthisis pulmonalis; or, tubercular phthisis. 8°. New York 4~ Philadel- phia, 1882. Broen (J.) * De phthisi sive tabe vera. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1682. Broustra (J.-B.) * Propositions sur la phthi- sie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1832. Brown (M.) Consumption, and its spontane- ous cure. 12°. Xewburyport, 1859. Bruce (G.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edin- burqi. 1800. Bruxache (C.-L.-H. ) * Recherches sur la phthisie pulmonaire et sur la fievre typhoide. 4°. Parts, 1844. Brcxeau (M.) *Apercu sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1833. Bruxxer (C. H.) Die Lungenschwindsucht und ihre Behandlung unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung tier klimatischen Kuren. 8-. Stutt- gart, 1875. Buhl (L.) Lungenentziindung, Tuberknlose und Schwindsucht. Zwolf Briefe an einen Freund. 8°. Miinchen, 1872. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Miinchen, 1873. -----. Thesame. Inflammation of the lungs, tuberculosis and consumption. Twelve lectures. Transl. by Ma the w D. Maun and Samuel B. St. John. 8°. Xew York, 1874. Burdach(C. A.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Berolini, [1819]. Burslem (W. M.) Pulmouary consumption aud its treatment. 8°. London, 1852. Burt (S. S.) A clinic on phthisis pulmonalis, acute and chronic; acute miliary tuberculosis; mitral antl tricuspid insufficiency; mitral steno- sis, hydrothorax, hydro-pericartlium, and chronic pneumonia; emphysema. 8°. [//. p., 1883.] Busch (J.-J.) Recherches sur la nature et le traitetueut ele la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Strasbourg, an IX [1801]. Cady (M.-T.) * Des causes et ele la prophy- laxie de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1854. Caxdelle (J.-M.) * Dissertation sur les tu- bercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1837. Caraxt (J.-P.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1816. Carazeses (A. B.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Vindobonce, 1824. Carey (J. K.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1800. Carrere(F.) * Quelques considerations sur la phthisie pulmonaire; unicisme et dualisme. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. de Castel-Branco (P.) * Essai sur la phthi- sie pulmonaire [pneumophymie], ses causes et son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1860. Causit (L.) * Du sourd-muet et de sa exposi- tion a contracter la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1888. Cayeux (A.-J.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1811. Cazenave de la Roche (E.) Reponse a M. le elocteur Chas. T. Williams, M. D., Oxon. F. R. C. P., medecin a Phdpital Brompton (Loudres). 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. The same. Answer to Doctor Chas. Th. Williams, M. D., Oxon. F. R. C. P., physi- cian at Brompton Hospital (London). Transl. from the French by Richard de la Madeleine. 8°, Pau, 1875. Phthisi*. Cazes(F.-L) * Essai sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1824. Celieres (E.) *I. De la marche et de la duree de la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1841. Cerutti (F. P. L.) Collectanea qusedam de phthisi pulmonum tuberculosa. 4°. Lipsice, [1*39]. Chapin (C. V.) What changes has the ac- ceptance of the germ theory made in measures for the prevention ami treatment of consumption ? 8°. Providence, 1888. Charbonnel (C.-N.) *Dumode de produc- tion, de eieveloppement et ele guerisou de tuber- cules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1844. Chartroule (P.) Traite de la phthisie pulmo- naire et de son traitement. 8°. Paris, 1857. Chatelain (L.-C.) *De la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1849. Chavez Villarreal (M.) * La tuberculosis pulmonar se desarrolla con mas frecueucia y es mas favorecida en su evolucion, en los climas en que hay exceso en el oxigeno inspirado^relativa- mente & la cantidad consumida en el organismo. 12°. Lima, 1884. Christy (A.) *De la tuberculose aigue a forme asphyxique. 4°. Paris, 1870. Clark (Sir J.) A treatise on pulmonary con- sumption ; comprehending an inquiry into the causes, nature, prevention, anel treatment of tu- berculous and scrofulous diseases in general. 8°. London, 1835. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1837. -----. The same. 8C. Philadelphia, 1835. Clarke (A.) A lecture on tubercular con- sumption and asthma. 2. ed. 8°.' London, 1831. Clauder(G.) *De phthisi. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1658]. Cleghorn (T.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1793. Clemasius (M.) *De phthisi. sm. 4°. Lip- sice, [1664]. Cnopf ( R. T. ) *Diazoreaktion und Lun geuphthise. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1887. Cocks (J. T.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 1785. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, 308-332. Coegelen a Dortmont (J. L.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1692. Collard (J. B.) *De phthisi pulmonali pro- positiones 4C. Paris, 1803. Combe (P.-T.-A.) *De la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1851. Coni.reve (G. T.) Life versus death. Part 1. On consumption [ with supplements to 20. and 22. editions]. 8°. [n. p., 1856(f)] —----. The same. On consumption of the lungs, or decline, antl the ouly successful treat- ment; showing that formidable disease to he curable in all its stages; also observations on other pulmonary disorders. 24. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1857. -----. The same. With observations on coughs, colds, asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc., etc. New ed. [241. ed.]. 12°. London, 1881. Congreve (H.) Consumption curable. Ob- servations on influenza or catarrh, colds, anel coughs, hooping cough, and asthma; ami the means of curing (that hitherto considered in- curable disortler) pulmonary consumption. Also, hints to the nervous and dispeptic, [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1837. Coninck (F. G. A. J.) * Beschrijving van longontsteking in het algemeen en mededeeling van drie ziektegeschiedeuissen van lijelers aan longontsteking, door den sedirijver behandeld, [Leyden.] 8°. Aarlanderveen, 1858, PHTH ISIS. Phthisi*. Cooke (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1821. Copland ( J. ) The forms, complications, causes, prevention, and treatment of consump- tion and bronchitis; comprising, also, the causes and prevention of scrofula. New ed. 8-:. Lon- don, 1866. Cork(G.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1782. Corsellis (J.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1659. Cotton (U. P.) The nature, symptoms, and treatment of consumption. 8°. London, 1852. -----. The same. On consumption ; its na- ture, symptoms, and treatment. An essay, to which was awarded the Fothergillian gold medal ofthe Medical Society of London. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1858. Coventry (C. B.) Annual address before the Medical Society of the County of Oneida. [On tubercular phthisis.] 8°. Utica, X. Y., 1865. Cronin (D.) Consumption; its curability es- tablished, by reference to numerous cases in the author's practice ; being a letter, iu refutation of the iucurable dogmas of the physician in oreli- uary to the Queen's household, physician extra- ordinary to His Royal Highness Prince Albert, senior consulting physician to the consumptive hospital, [etc.]. 12°. London, 1844. Currie (W.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1770. Curtze (A.) *De pulmonum tuberculosi. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. Czerny (J. G.) * De tuberculosi pulmonum. 8°. Pragce, 1846. Da Costa Paiva (A.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1831. Dalbine. * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1820. Dale (W.) A popular, non-technical, treatise on consumption, with remarks on infection, he- redity, causes, etc. 8°. London, 1884. David (H.) # Dissertation sur la phthisie pul- monaire tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1813. Davis (B.-G.) * Essai sur la phthisie pulmo- naire tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1829. Davis (H. G.) Curability of pulmonary con- sumption. 8°. New York, 1866. Deane (W. G.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Defontenay(C-L) * De la phthisie tubercu- leuse envisagee principalemeut au point tie vue tie l'hygiene et de latherapentiejue. 4 . Paris, 1845. ' Delafield (E.) *Au inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumption. 8°. New York, 1816. Delhoumeau (A.-A.) * De la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1849. Delile (A. R.) * Pulmonary consumption. 8°. New York, 1807. Del Rio (B.) La verite sur la phthisie tuber- culeuse et les maladies tie poitrine; un mot a messieurs les medecins. 32°. Montlucon, 1870. Demaison (A.-I.) * De la phthisie pulmonaire ou pneumophymie, de ses causes et tie son traite- ment. 4°. Paris, 1852. Deshon (H. C.) Cold and consumption; or consumption, its prevention and cure, by colel as a constitutional, and inhalation as a local agent; involving the causes, symptoms, medici- nal treatment, etc.; with a sketch of the anat- omy and physiology of the respiratory organs. 8°. London, 1848. Deveze(J.-B.-L) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4'-. Paris, 1822. De Zutter (C.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Gandari, [1828]. \i\-> PHTHISIS. Phthisis. Dimsdale (W. P.) * De phthisi. 8. Edin- burgi, 1799. Dissertazione sopra la tisichezza pulmonale di un auoniuio frauzese, pubblicata ora per la prima volta elal siguor Domenico Vici, certisico condotto di Monte dell' Olmo, con 1' aggiunta di alcune sue note. 2. ed. 12°. Xapoli, 1781. Dobell (H.) On the true first stage of con- sumption. 8°. London, 1867. -----. On bacillary consumption; its nature and treatment in the true first stage. 8°. Lon- don, 1889. Dolbeau (L.-E.) *De la pneumophymie et des accidents consecutifs, ou de la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°". Paris, 1849. Domerc (A.-P.-M.) *De la phthisie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1853. Dorn (C.J.) * De phthisi tuberculosa. 8°. Monachii, 1837. Dowe (P.) * De phthisi pulmemum tubercu- losa. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Du Cazal (A.-L.-C.) * Essai sur la phthisie tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1837. Duchxovski (lv.-) * O legochnoi chachotke v prakticheskom otnosheuii. [Pulmonary phthisis from a practical point of view. ] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1859. Ducros (L.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1837. Dui.au (G.-E.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1837. Dumayne (F.-B.) * Considerations sur la phthisie pulmonaire et son traitement. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862. Dumoncel (F.-M.) *Dissertation sur les tu- bercules thoraciques. 4°. Paris, 1830. Duncan (A.), sr. Observations on the distin- guishing; symptoms of three eliffcrent species of pulmonary consumption, the catarrhal, the apos- tematous, anel the tuberculous; with some re- marks on the remetlies and regimen best fitted for the prevention, removal, or alleviation of each species. 2. ed. To which is added au ap- pendix e>n the preparation anel use of lactuca- rium, or lettuce-opium. 8°. Edinburgh, 1816. -----. The same, *'-. Edinburgh, 1820. -----. The same. 1. Am. from the 2. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1819. Duparc ( H. M. ) Besmettelijkkeid, voorko- ming en geneeslijkheid der longtering. 8°. Amsterdam, 1888. Dupre de Lisle. Traite des maladies de la poitrine connucs sous le nom de phthisie pulmo- naire, oil 1'ondeA eloppe les causes qui concourent a les proeluire, les accidens qui en rt'siiltcnt et la mauicre tie les traitcr dans les diflVsrens de- gres. 12°. Paris, 1769. Duply (H.) * Tubercules pulmonaires, phthi- sie pulmonaire, causes et diagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1834. Durnerin (M.) * Quelques propositions sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1823. Dusouil (P.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1*29. Eagle (F.) A new theory of pulmonary con- sumption ; its causes, nature, anel prevention. 8°. London, 1*39. East (R.) The two dangerous diseases of England, consumption antl apoplexy; their na- ture, causes and cure. 8 . London, 1*42. Elliot ( T. ) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1809. Eltz (E. C.) * De phthisi pulmonali ulcerosa. 8°._ Schueebergce, [1834] Emery (E.-F.-E.) 'Essai sur les" difltfrentes especestle phthisic pulmonaire, suivi de'quelques propositions sur l'hypocondrie. 4°. Paris, 1810 PHTHISIS. 133 PHTHISIS. Phthisis. Engelhard (J. F.) *Die Lungeusucht in ihren verschiedenen Formen uud Zcitriiumen, mit Wahrnehmungen. 12c. Aarau, 1823. Erici(N.) * De phthisi. 4-. Bafnice, 1688. Erythropilus (H. C.) *De phthisi. 4C. Helmestadii, [1675]. Esci:yer (N. A.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Argentorati, [1783]. Espixheira (M. P.) * Tuberculose pulmouar. 4°. Bahia, 1*71. Euvrard (J.) * Essai sur la phthisie pul- monaire. ■ 4°. Strasbourg, 1832. Evans (J.) Lectures on pulmonary phthisis . . . comprehending the pathology, diagnosis anel treatment ofthe disease, with an appendix. 8°. Dublin, 1844. Eymberts (N.) *De phthisi pulmonari. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1711. Fabricius (T. B.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 12-. Kiliie, 1*502. Farquharson (C.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1*07. Fasano (T.) Discorso della tisichezza. 8°. Napoli, 17*2. Faure-Lai barede (V.-P.) *De la tubercu- lisation pulmonaire et de ses rapports avec les autres maladies de l'appareil respiratoire. 4°. Part's, 1847. Feder (C.) * De phthisi. sm. 4°. Balce Magdeb., 1704. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, ii, 369-394. Ferentzy (M.) * De phthisi pituitosa. 8C. Budce, 1*36. Ferguson (H.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8C. Edinburgi, 1794. Fitch (8. S.) Six lectures on the uses of the lungs, and causes, nreventiou, and cure of pul- monary consumption, asthma, and diseases of the heart; on the laws of longevity, and on the mode of preserving male and female health to an hundreel years. 12u. New York, 1847. ------. The same. Six lectures on the func- tions of the lungs, antl causes, prevention, aud cure of pulmouary consumption, asthma, and diseases ot the heart; on the laws of life, and on the motle of preserving male and female health to an hundred years. Also a treatise on medi- cated inhalation. 24. ed. 8°. New York, 1856. ------. A friendly letter of counsel aud ad- vice to consumptives and other invalids. Also, prescriptions, with special elirections for the cure of chills and fever. *\ [New York, 1857. ] Flan din (J.-L.) * Propositions et observa- tions relatives a diverses maladies comprises sous le titre de phthisie pulmonaire. 4'J. Paris, 1822. Flint (A.) Phthisis; its morbid anatomy, etiology, symptomatic events and complications. fatality and proguosis, treatment and physical diagnosis, iu a series of clinical studies. 8°. Philadelphia, 1875. Fodere (M.-R.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827. Forcheron (V.) "Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire tuberculeuse. 4U. Paris, 1828. Forest (J.-B.-A.) *Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4~\ Paris, 1818. Forestier(M.) 'Contribution a l'etude de la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1*78. France (G. F.) * De phthisi. 4°. Erfordice, 1705. Frank (T. R.) *De phthisi purulenta. 8°. Erlaugie, [1796]. Freligh (M.) A brief treatiso on the pa- thology and cure of consumption. 8°. New- York, 1*51. Phthisis. Frenzl (J. B.) * De tuberculosi pulmonum acuta, aduexa historia morbi synoptica. 8C. [Praga, 1840.] Frey ( W. ) * Klinisch-statistische Untersu- chuugen iiber Lungenschwindsucht. 8°. Zurich, 1888. Frischmuth (J. F. E.) *De phthisi pulmo- num. 8 \ Berolini, 1867. Fitlhan (J.) *Sur la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. 4 . Paris, 1*25. Gaboriau(V. de P.) Lapoitrinaire. Poeme. 8°. Paris, 1870. Galpin (H.-F.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1826. Ganard (C.-P.-A.) *Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire acquise. 8C. Paris, an XI [1803]. Gardner (J.) An account of some discover- ies relative to consumption. 1. The true nature and primary cause of the disease. 2. A method of distinguishing consumption from either dis- eased states resembling it, and mistaken for it. 3. A successful plan of treatment. 8°. London, 1850. ------. The same. Its nature, cause, aud cure. With notices of certain diseases often mistaken for consumption. 2. eel. 8°. London, 1855. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1855. de Garencieres (T.) Anglia; flagellum seu tabes anglica. 16c. [London], 1647. Garimond (E.) Essai historique et critique sur la conuaissance de la phthisie pulmonaire chez les anciens et chez les modernes. 8°. Montpellier, 1851. Gaucher (A.) * De la phthisie granuleuse g-eueralisee. 4°. Paris, 1870. Gelber (J.) * De tuberculosi pulmonum, sive de tuberculosi secundum rationes nosologicas, aetiologicas,therapeuticasconsiderata. 8°. Yra- tislaria; [1866]. Gellerstedt (P. E.) * Bielrag till den tuber- kulosa lungsotens nosographi och pathologie. 6 pts. [Each with different respondent.] 8-. Stockholm, 1844. Gilbert (H.) Pulmonary consumption; its prevention antl cure establisheel on new views of the pathology of the disease. 8C. London, 1842. Girard (P.-E.) * Causes et traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1857. Glas (O.) *In tuberculosin pulmonum seu phthisin pulmonum tuberculosam. 8'-. Bolmice, 1839. Gleichner (A.) *De tuberculosi pulmonum acuta, aeljecto casu iu nosocomio Lipsionsi ob- servato. 8°. Lipsiie, 1857. Gooch (G. H.) "De phthiseos pathologia et semiologia. 8 . Edinburgi, 1832. Gowan (P.) Consumption; its nature, symp- toms, causes, prevention, curability, and treat- ment. 8°. London, 1878. Grabe(M.S.) *De phthisi. 4°. Begiomonti, [1700J. Graff (M.) * De phthisi tuberculosa chronica. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1865]. Grancher (J.) *De l'unite de la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1873. Green (H.) A practical treatise on pulmon- ary tuberculosis. Embracing its history, pathol- ogy, and treatment. 8°. New York, 1804. Gregory (G.) * De phthisi pulmouali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1811. Gretton(H.) *Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1832. Grindle ( W. ) A practical treatise on the pathology aud treatment of pulmonary consump- tion ; also, remarks upon the most effectual treat- ment of all scrofulous diseases, catarrhal afl'cc- PHTHISIS. Phthisis. tions, and chronic bronchitis; dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, etc. 8°. New York, 1859. -----. The same. Also, remarks upon the most effectual treatmeut of other obstinate chronic diseases. 12°. New York, 1867. Gueneau de Musky (N.-F.-O. ) Lecous cliniques sur les causes et sur le traitement de la tuberculisation pulmonaire, faites a l'H6tel-Dieu ( 1859 ). Recueillies par le docteur Wielanel. 8-. Paris, 1860. Also, in his: Clin, med., 8°, Par., 1874, i, 402-508. Gi'NZBURG (L.) Die Lungenschwindsucht, ihre naturgeruasse Behandlung und Yerhiituug. 8°. Wien, 1869. Guradze (J. ) * De pulmonum tuberculosi. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. Guyonnet-Duperat (J.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1812. Haas (A.) * Klinische Beitriige zur Phthisis pulmonum. 8°. Gbttingen, 18*5. Hackl(M.) *De vera phthisi. 8°. Monachii, 1820. Hager (T. ) *De pulmonum tuberculosi acuta. 8°. Kilice, 1853. Hall (J. C.) Hints on the pathology, diagno- sis, prevention, and treatment of thoracic con- sumption. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1*56. Hall (W. W.) Consumption a curable dis- ease, illustrateel in the treatment of one hundred anel fifty cases. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1*45. -----. The same. Observations on the cura- bility of consumption, by a new, safe, and pain- less mode of treatment; illustrateel iu selections from three hundred and ten late cases. 5. eel. 8C. [n. p.], 1847. -----. The same. Throat-ail, bronchitis, consumption ; their causes, symptous, aud cure, in language adapted to common reatlers. 6. eel. 8°. New York, 1851. -----. Consumption. 3. ed. 8°. Neiv York, 1865. Hallilay (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1779. Hambleton (G. W.) What is consumption? 8C. London, 1886. Hambursin (N.-J.) *Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4C. Paris, 1806. Hare (J. ) * De phthisi. 8°. Edinburgi, 1796. Harper ( B. ) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8C. Edinburgi, 1826. Hartel (A. F. G.) #De febris phthisicorum natura et curatione. 8°. Goitingie, [1788]. Harvey (G.) Morbus Anglicus, or a theo- retick and practical eliscourse of consumptions anel hypochondriack melaucholy, comprizing their nature, subject, kinds, causes, signs, prog- nostics, and cures. Likewise, a discourse of spitting of blood, [etc.]. 12°. London, [n. d.]. ------. Thesame. Morbus Anglicus: or the anatomy of consumptions, containing the na- ture, causes, subject, progress, change, signs, prognosticks, preservatives, and several methods of curing all consumptions, coughs, anel spitting of blootl. With remarkable observations touch- ing the same diseases. To which are added some brief discourses of melancholy, madness, aud dis- traction occasionetl by love. Together with cer- tain new remarques, touching the scurvey, and ulcers of the lungs. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1674. Hawors (M. J.) *De phthisi pulmouali tu- berculosa originali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1816. Heck (H. D. *De phthisi pituitosa. 4°. Ar- gentorati, 1*07. Hecker (E.) *Nonnulla de tuberculosis pul- monuiu et astiologia et therapia. 8°. Begimonti Pr., 1800. PHTHISIS. Phthisis. Hexderson (J.) * De phthisi pulmouali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1774. Henry (J.-A.) *De la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1*19. Henrysoxe (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali, a catarrho enta. 8-\ Edinburgi, 1751. Herard cV Cornil ( A.-V. ) De la phthisie pulmonaire; etude anatomo-pathologique et cli- nique. * . Paris, 1867. Herrmann (G. M.) *De phthisi. 4U. Jane, 1759. Hertel (H. O. T.) *Qu;enam ratio inter pul- monum tuberculosin et pulmonum phthisin intcr- cedat? 8°. Berolini, [1863]. Heuser(M.-T.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1812. Hevelius (J.) *De phthisi. 4°. Bala', Mag- deb., [1735]. Hibsch (O. H.) * De pulmonum tuberculosi. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1864]. Hixckeldeyn (J.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Tuberculose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1*68. van Hoey (C.) * De phthisi vera sive pulmo- nali. 4 \ Lugd. Bat., 1741. Hollebeek (P.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1704. Home(F.) *De phthisi. 4°. Edinburgi, 1800. Hopkins (G.) *De phthisi pulmonali. *°. Edinburgi, 1821. Huli.in (P.-M.-L.) *La phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1826. Ickstatt(J.) * Ueber die Lungentuberculose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1*52. Istas(G.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Pa- risiis, 1808. Jackson (G.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8U. Edinburgi, 1794. Jaeger (F. C.) *Zur Casuistik der Miliartu- bcnulose. [Wurtzburg. ] 8. Speyer, 1*70. James (A.) Pulmonary phthisis, its etiology, pathology, anel treatment. 8°. Edinburgh 4' London, 1888. Jaxssens (F. X.) *De phthisi sive tabe uni- versum sumpta, et speciatim de phthisi pulmo- nari. 4°. Z,tit7ft Bat., [1795]. Jappa (P. A.) *Kvoprosu ob izmienenijach v perifericheskich nervach pri tschae'hotkic. [Kclation of peripheric nerves to phthisis.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Jeannet des Longrois. De la pulmonie, tie ses symptomes, ele ses causes, ele ses differences et ele sa cuiation. 3. eel. 12°. Paris, 17*3. -----. The same. Tratado de la phtisis, sus syuiptomas, sus cansas, sus diferencias y cu- racion; tradncido al castellano por Ramon Fer- nandez. *°. Madrid, 1784. Jeanroy (M.-H.-C.) * Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. de JoxetE (C.) * De phthisi sive tabe vera. 4°. Barderovici, 1684. Kalliburcis (P.) * Ueber die Lungenschwind- sucht. 8'-'. Miinchen, 1855. Kean(P.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1*05. Keiler (G. E.) *De tuberculosi acuta pul- inonum. 8-'. Lipsice, 1843. Kentish (R.) *De phthisi pulmonali idio- pathica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1784. Kercselics (M.) *De phthisi. 8C. Vienna, [17*0]. Keuchenius (P. G.) *Spec. med. exhibens momenta quiedani generalia, qtue cemsielciantla veniant eiuoael phthisin pulmonalem. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1806. Kixxis (A.) *De phthisi pulmonali. *-. Edinburgi, 1819. PHTHISIS. 135 PHTHISIS. Phthi»is. Kitchen (J. M. W.) Consumption; its na- ture, causes, prevention, and cure, sm. 4°. New York, 1*85. Knalih (C.) *De phthisi. 4-. Jence, 1664. Kobligk (H. T. E.) * De phthisi pulmonum ulcerosa.. *J. Halce, [1791]. Kommerell (E.) 'Ueber Phthisis und Tu- berculosis. Eine klinische Stuelie. 8^. Leipzig, 1*78. Krebs (J. C. A.) * De phthisi pulmonum vera. * . Berolini, [1*29]. Kremjanski (J. S.) O vodobojazm, chachot ke, antifebnne i velychateluem pulverizatore. [Ou hydrophobia, phthisis, antifebrineaud spray inhalations.] 8°. Moslem, 1887. Krupp(G.) *Dephthisi pulmouali. 8lJ. Jence, / [1807]. Kuen(H.) De phthisi In Agonismata med. Marpurgensia. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1618, 190-196. Lacaix (H.) * Considerations sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4 \ Paris, 1837. Lamau(P.-A.) * De la phthisie etde sou traite- ment. 4C. Paris, 1870. Lang(G.) * De phthisi pulmonali. *°. Edin- burgi, 1819. Langevix (H.) * Sur la nature, les causes et le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Pa- ris, 1837. Lanthois (E.) Theorie nouvelle de la phthisie pulmonaiie, augmentee tie la methode preserva- tive. 2. ed. 8-'. Paris, 1818. Larden (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1801. Larisch (T.) * De phthisi pulmouali. 8°. [ Vindobonce, 1784.] ii«o,in: Eyereu Diss. med. [etc.). 8°. Yiennce, 1792, iv, 209-226 Lawson (L M.) A practical treatise on phthi- sis pulmonalis; embracing its pathology, causes, symptoms, and treatment. 8° Cincinnati, 1861. Leath (J. G.) *De phthisi coeloque phthisi idoneo. *J. Edinburgi, 1820. Lecocq (H.-A.) * De la phthisie pulmonaire ou tie la pneumophymie, avec les divers etats or- ganopathiques qui l'accompagnent le plus onli- nairement. 4J Paris, 1852. Lefebvre (H.-A.) *De la phthisic, couside- ree elans ses causes et elans son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1849. Leguelinel de Lignerolles (E. - A.) * Quel- ques apercus sur la phthisie pulmonaire et son traitement. 4e. Paris, 1831. Leitzen (A. F. E.) *De phthisi pulmouali. 8C. Mon'achii, 1*36. Lejoly-Seno\tlle(C.-L.-L.) *Dulieud'eiec- tion des tubercules pulmonaires, et ele leur traite- ment. 4°. Paris, 1852. Le Molt (F.) *Sur la phthisie pulmonaire 4J. Strasbourg, 1*19. Lenoir (E.-F.) * Quelques considerations ge- nomics sur la nature eles tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1830. Lehet(L.-F.) *Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1837. Leudet(T.E.) "Recherches sur la phthisie aigue chez 1'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1851. Lippold (G. H.) *Nonnulla tie phthisi pul- monum, additis morbi historiis duabus. 8° Gryphice, 1860. Logard (W. M.) Consumption ; its pathology and treatment. To which is appended an essay on the use of alcohol in the treatment of con- sumption. 8C. Philadelphia, 1871 Lombard (H.C.) Lestubercnleset la phthisie maiutenaut et il y a cinquante aus; souvenirs et Phthisis. appreciations d'un vieux praticien. 8 . Lau sanne. 1874. Loy(J.G.) 'De phthisi. 8U. Edinburgi, 1800 LucasiNtiER (R ) 'Tuberculosis pulmonum. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1845. Lurguie (E.) *Sur la tuberculisation pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1*33. Lybbaldus (R.) *De variis tabis speciebus. sm. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1661. Maccabe (P.-F.) * Essai sur uue espece de phthisie pulmonaire tres - frequente en Angle- terre. 4°. Paris, 1820. McCormac (H.) On the nature, treatment, and prevention of pulmonary consumption and incitleutally of scrofula; with a demonstration of the cause of the disease. 8°. London, 1855. M'Dougle (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1801. M'Dowell (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1809. Maes (C. J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Parisiis, 1807. Magaud (P.-J.) *Du mode de production des tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1844. Mairet (A.) * Formes cliuiques de la tuber- culose miliaire du poumon. 8°. Paris, 1878. Mandl (L. [-L. ]) Memoires concernant la pathologie et la therapeutique ties organes tie la respiration. lre partie. Anatomie pathologique de la phthisie tuberculeuse. lre livraison. 8°. Paris, 1855. See, also, infra. Maraoliano (E.) La tisi polmonare e la sua cura. 12°. Genova, 1879. Maiujuet (A.-M. C.) *De la phthisie aigue chez l'aclulte. 4°. Paris, 1856. Marty ( R. ) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Regimontii Pr., [1834]. Marx (M, J.) Abhandluug vou der Schwmd- Lungensucht und den Mitteln wider dieselbe. 12°. Bannorer, 1784. Mawe (T.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Mayer (A.) Recherches sur la nature, les causes et letraitemeut de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1846. von Mayer (C.) Die Lungenschwindsucht, ihreUrsachen und ihre Heilung. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1874. Maynwaring ( E.) Tabidorum narratio ; a treatise of consumptious, scorbutick atrophies, tabes angliea, hectick fevers, phthisicks, sper- matick and venereous wasting, Raelically dem- onstrating their nature aud cures from vital and morbifick causes, eletecting the errours of vulgar doctrine and practice; examinee! by chymical principles and the latest practical discoveries. 16°. London, 1667. Mazeyrie (J.-B.-I.) * Essai sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1821. Menage (M.-A.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1808. Meredith (C.) *An inaugural dissertation on phthisis pulmonalis. 8°. Philadelphia, [1802], Mey (M.) Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Lungenschwindsucht. *-. Leipzig, 1875. Meyer (J. C.) *De phthisi. sm. 4°. Basi- lece, [1678] Meyhoffer (J.) Ueber acute Tuberculose der Lurigen. 8°. Zurich, 1855 Michaelis, Die Krankheiten der Athmungs- organe. Begriff und Ziel eler heutigeu Schwind- suchtslehre in zweilf Vortriigen. 8°. Elberfeld, 1870. Mignotte(J.-A.-A.) * Encore quelques pages sur la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. 4°. Pari*, 1826. PHTHISIS. 13(5 PHTHISIS Phthisis. Mioco.uk (E.) "Propositions sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1829. Mitchell (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1801. Moch (N.) * Recherches sur I etiologie, sur la nature et sur la prophylactique generale tie la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1846. Mcellenthiel (C.-R.) *De phthisi pulmo- nali. 4°. Argentorati, 1785. Mohen (C.-J.) * De la phthisie pulmonaire. 4 ■-. Paris, 1843. Moldau (A. A.) *De pulmonum tuberculosi. 8°. Jence, 1863. Moll (J. P.) *Diss. sistens sciagraphiam phthiseos nosologicam. 4°. Tubingce, [1789]. Moncourrter (J.-F.) * Sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1832. Monnier(J.-M.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4C. Paris, 1*21. Montgomery (J.) * De phthisi pulmonali 8'~. Edinburgi, 1817. Moore (D. M.) On pulmonary consumption. 8°. Baltimore, 1813. Moorhead (J. N.) * De phthisi pulmonali tu- berculosa. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. Morales (R.) *[La dualidad clinica de la tfsis pulmouar.] 8°. Lima, 1878. Morel (F.) 'Considerations sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1821. Mornac (J.-J.) * Sur la phthisie tuberculeuse, avec des propositions sur cette maladie. 4°. Paris, 1809. Morton (J.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1800. Morton (R.) Phthisiologia, seu exercitationes de phthisi tribus libris comprehensae; totumque opus variis historiis illustratum. 8°. Londini, 1689. Also, in his: Opera medica. sm. 4°. Oenevce, 1696, 5 p. 1., 155 pp. Also: sm. 4°. Oenevce, 1727, 7 p. 1.. 155 pp. Also: sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1696, pp. 1-151. Also: 8°. Am- stelodami, 1696, pp. 1-206. Also: 8°. Amstelodami, 1699, 6 p. 1., 206 pp. Also : sm. 4°. Lugduni, 1737, i, 1-155. ------. The same. 18°. Ulmce, 1714. ------. The same. Phthisiologie, oder Ah- handlung vou der Scliwindsueht. Aus dem La- teinischen iibersetzt. 8°. Belmstedt, 17b0. Morton (S. G.) Illustrations of pulmonary consumption, its anatomical characters, causes, symptoms, and treatment. 8°. Philadelphia, 1834. ------. The same. To which are addetl some remarks on the climate of the United States, the West Indies, etc. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1837. .Most (G. F.) * Diss, sistens brevem phthiseos pulmonalis exulceratsedescriptioneni. 12c. Got- tingce, [1817]. Mullek (G. E. L.) * Diss, sistens phthisis pu- rulentaj pulmonum ejusque in corpus humanum effectuum examen. 4°. Jence, [1795]. Munro (A.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1797. Murray (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1777. Murray (J.) A treatise on pulmonary con- sumption; its prevention and remedy. 8°. Lon- don, 1830. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1831. van Muyen (J.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 16*5 Naeghels. * De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Pa- risiis, 1808. Phthisi*. Neboux (J. S ) * Sur la phthisie en general ou les maladies de consomption ; avec uue nou velle methode de classification par ortlres, genres et espects de ces maladies. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804] Niblett (SB) A practical treatise on eon sumption, lung disease, asthma, anel chronic bronchitis. New ed. 8L. [London, 1880.] von Niemeyer (F.) Klinische Vortiagc iiber die Lungeuschwindsucht. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1807 See, also, infra, von Niemeyer (F.). -----. The same. Clinical lectures on pul- monary phthisis. Transl., by permission of the author, from the 2. German ed., by J. L Parke. 8'-\ New York, 1868. -----. The same. Transl., by permission of the author, from the2. German ed., by C. Baeum- ler. 8°. London, 1870. ----- The same. Leccioues clinicas sobre la tisis pulmonar, traducidas por Ricardo Martinez Esteban. 8°. Madrid, 1875. Nodari (G.) Fisiologia della tuberculosi pul- monale, roy. 8°. Padora, 1879. Oehlmeckek (J. J.) * De phthisi. 4°. Tu- bingce, [1765]. Oiulvy (G. J.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8C. Edinburgi, 1804. Oversciiie (A.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1699. Paciimayer (J. B.) * De differentia pneumo- phthiseos tuberculosa, ulcerosa} ac purulenta;. 4°. Monacltii, 1*37. Packe (C.) An explanation of that part of Dr. Boerhaave's aphorisms which treats of the phthisis pulmonalis or the consumption, describ- ing the rise, progress, and method of cure pecu- liar to that disorder. 8C. London, 1754. Pacthod (L.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1*20. Pallais (P.-B.) * Des tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1822. Paxsa (M.) Kurtzer Bericht von der Schwind- sucht, darinneu der Ansitz mancherley Arten, Beschreibuug und Ursachen der Schwindsucht, dessgleichen wanu diese Krauckheit zu curiren, uud von rechter Preservation, Curatiou unel In- hibition derselben, iu 15 Capiteln fleissig erkleret wird. 12°. Leipzig, 1618. Parkin (J.) Phthisis: its cause, nature, aud treatment,.being Part II of the Antidotal treat- ment of disease. 8°. London, [1883], Parola (L.) Della tubercolosi in genere e elella tisi polmonaic in specie. Ricerche storiehe e teorico-pratiche iu risposta ai quesiti 10 stati proposti dalla reale Accadernia medico-chirur- gica di Torino e dalla meilesinia corouati col pre- mio Garbiglietti, ele protomedico. 4-. Torino, 1849. de Paula Souza Tibirica (F.) * Do parasi- tismo em relacao ao diagnostico e tratamento da phtisica pulmonar. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1*85. Paur(D. ) *De phthisi. *<-. Yiennce, [1783], Also, in: Eyerel. Diss. med. [etc.J. 8°. Vienna?, 1790, iii, 06-91. Pears (C.) Observations on the nature antl treatment of consumption ; addressed to patients and families. 8°. London, 1814. Peczely (I.) Die Lungenschwindsucht und behufs Bewahrung vor derselben Instruction zur griindlichen Heilung der acuten und chroui schen Lungencatarrhe. 16 \ Budapest, 1884. Periard ( J.-C.-A. ) * Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1834. Perroud (L.) De la tuberculose, ou de la phthisie pulmonaire, et des autres maladies dites scrofuleuses et tuberculeuses, etudiees speciale- PHTHISIS. 137 PHTHISIS. Phthisis. ment sous le elouble point de vue de la nature et tie la prophylaxie. Memoire couronne par la Societe imperiale ele medecine de Bordeaux daus la seance publique du 25 Janvier 1861. 8°. Pa- ris, 1*61. Perruchet (J.-C. ) * Essai sur la phthisie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1*58. Pertsch ( S. C. ) * De phthisi. 4°. Argen- torati, [16f5]. Petr.eus(H.) * De phthisi. In : Nosoi.. harmonica tlogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mar- purgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 279-297. Pettmann ( P. B. ) * De phthisi pulmonali ejusque pneservatioue. 4°. Jena;, [1751]. Petz (G. S.) * De phthisi. 4°. Altdorffi, 1674. Peyhaud ( G.) * Observations ele phthisies pulmonaires. suivies de quelques propositions sur cette maladie. 4°. Paris, 1832. Pfitzerus (J. P.) * De phthisi. sm. 4°. Ar- gentorati, 1084. PhthisiologiaT a poem, miscellaneously de- scriptive aud didactical; iu four parts. To which are prefixed certain preliminary and phisio-medi- cal observations anel admonitions. 8°. London, 1798. Pidoux. Etudes generales et pratiques sur la phthisie. 8°. Paris, 1*73. Also [Rev.], in: Bull. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1873, vii, 229; 246 (Long). Pissis ( J.-E. ) * Quelques considerations sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1835. van der Plas ( M. ) * De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1816. Poiree (A.) * De la phthisie pulmonaire, ele ses causes et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1859. Polack (V. T. L.) * De consumtione pulmo- num ejusque prodromis et cura. 4°. Lipsice, [1802]. Pollock ( J. E. ) The elements of prognosis in consumption. With indications for the pre- vention and treatment. 8°. London, 1865. Portal (A.) Observations sur la nature et le traitement de la phthisic pulmonaire. Eel. revue et augmented par l'auteur, avec des observations et des remarques par M. Miihry, qui a traeluit (•et ouvrage eu allemand, et avec celles de M. Gaspard Federigo, qui l'a traduit en italien. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1809. -----. The same. Beobachtungen fiber elie Natur uud Behantllung der Lungenschwindsucht. Aus dem Frauzosischen, mit Anmerkungen von Georg Friedr. Miihry. 2 Btle. in 1. 8J. Hanno- ver, 1799-1802. -----. The same. Osservazioui sulla natnra, e sul trattamento del hi tisi polmonare. Tra- dotto tlal francese nell' idioma italiano, ed illus- trate con alcuue annotazioui ec. tlal . . . Gaspare Federigo. 3 v. 12°. Venetia, 1*01. Potter (J. H.) The consumptive's guitle to health; or, the invalid's five questions, anel the doctor's five answers. A comprehensive practi- cal treatise on pulmonary consumption, its pre- ventive and curative treatment, etc.,-atldressed iu popular language to non-medical readers, and incidentally to physicians aud students. 2. eel. *-\ Xew York, 1852. Poussin (L.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire, cousideree en general. 4°. Paris, 1814. Powell (R. D.) On the principal varieties of pulmonary consumption, with practical com- ments on diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. 8°. London, 1872. -----. The same. On consumption and on certain diseases of the lungs and pleura. Being a 2. ed., revised and extended, of " The varieties of pulmonary consumption". 8°. London, 1878. Phthisis. PrinitUe (L.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4-. Paris, 1837. Raiion (C.-L.) * Quelques considerations sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1833. Raulin (J.) Traite de la phthisie pulmonaire, avec la methoele preservative et curative de cette maladie, fondee sur des observations. 8:. Pa- ris, 17*2. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1784. Redfearn (R.) * Tractatus medicus quaidam de phthisi pulmonali cum tnberculis complectens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1791. Reichmann ( J. L. ) * De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Gottingce, [1744]. Reid (J.) A treatise on the origin, progress, prevention, and treatment of consumption. 12°. London, 1*06. Reid (T.) Au essay on the nature ami cure of the phthisis pulmonalis. 8~. London, 17*2. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 17*5. Renault (G.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1814. Reynaert (J.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1815. Reys(P.) * De phthisi pulmouali. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1739. Ribis(D.-M.) * Propositions sur la phthisie ou tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1833. Richard (A.) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse comparee dans I'homme et les autres vertebres eles deux premieres classes du regno animal. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*33. Richter (G. G.) * De phthisi sine ulcere. 4°. Gottingce, [1744]. Rieffel (A. J.) * De phthisi tuberculosa. 4°. Lipsice, 1828. Riepenhausen (J. H.) * De phthiseos hecti- ca'que discrimine et setaceorum utrobique usu. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1754]. Ringelmann (J.) Observationum medicarum de phthisi in collegio pnecipue clinico collec- tarum tlecuria, cum semicentiiria theorematum praeticorum de vomitu et vomitoriis ad mentem Hippocratis. 12°. Wirceburgi, [1777]. Robert ( C. ) * Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1822. Rohden (L.) Beitriige zur Lehre von tier chronischen Lungenschwindsucht. In Form ei- ner Polemik gegen die Arbeiten ties Dr. Brehmer zu Gorberselorf. 8°. Paderborn, 1875. Rozat (G.) * Considerations sur la nature et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire, suivies de quelques propositions medicales. 4°. Paris, 1821. Kube(F.) * Ueber Phthisis tuberculosa. * . Wiirzburg, 1832. Ruddock (E. H.) On consumption : its symp- toms, signs, causes, and preventive anel general treatment. 12°. Reading, Eng., 4' Detroit, Mich., [1869]. Rutter (J.) * De phthisi pulmouali a tuber- culis oriunda. 8\ Edinburgi, 1786. Sachsz(P. J.) De phthisi. 4°. Lipsice, 1649. Sailer (J. B.) *De phthisi puluiouuni qme- dam. 12°. Landishuti, 1816. Saint-Leger (F.) * Essai sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1833. Sallot (L.-F.) * Essai sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Park, 1825. Salvadori (M.) De morbo tisico libri tre. sm. 4°. Trento, 1787. Sarburg (J. E.) *De phthisi pulmonum pi- tuitosa. 8°. Berolini, 1824. Saulpic (M.-S.-F.) *Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1823. Sauzier (E.) * Tubercules pulmonaires, ou phthisie tuberculeuse. 4\ Paris, 1834. PHTHISIS. 138 PHTHISIS. Phthi»is. Schellinx (P. F.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1816. Schlegel (J.) *De phthisi. sm. 4°. Jence, [1667]. Schmidt (P. C. ) *De phthisi seu exulcera- tione pulmonum cum febri hectica. 4°. Jence, [1700]. Schmutter (G. H. ) *De signis et causis phthiseos pulmonum purulentse. 8°. Berolini, [1*20]. Schneiderus (C. V.) & Grassius (S.) * De vera nut lira et recta ratioue curandse phthiseos. 4°. Wittebergce, 1648. Schnitzlein (I. L.) *De tuberculis pulmo- num. 8°. Ratisbonce, 1836. Schopfferus (P.) * De phthisi. sm. 4°. Jence, [1688]. Schroeder. Tractatus medicus de pleumo- niele ejusque speciebus. 4°. Gottingce, 1779. Schuderoff (L. I.) *De phthisi pulmonali ulcerosa. 8°. Jence, [1796]. Schuster (G. F. H.) * Ueber die Lungen- schwinelsucht. sin. 8 . Berlin, [1868]. Schwarz(F.) *De phthisi. 4°. Jence, 1714. Scudamore ( C. ) Pulmonary consumption ; antl on bronchial antl laryngeal disease. 8°. London, 1847. See (G.) De la phtisie bacillaire eles pou- mous 8°. Paris. 1**4. Also [Alistr.]. in: Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s.. xxxviii, 181; 193. Also [Rev], in: Rev. de iiie'd., Par., 188:,, v, 435- 445 (J. Granicher). Also, transl. [Abstr ]: North Car M. J., Wilmington, 1885. xv, 66-72. ------. The same. Bacillary phthisis of the lungs. Translatetl and etlited for English prac- titioners by W. H. Weeltlell. 8°. London, 1885. Seifert (R.) Ueber Tuberkulose tier Luugen nach dem neueren Standpunkte der Medicin. 8°. Wien, 1854. Seip (P. F. W.) *De phthisi nervosa. 4°. Gottingce, [1773]. Seminarius (J. C.) Casus practicus medicus proponens a?gram phthisicam. 4 . Jence, 1664. Senechal (L.-P.) *Du mode de production des tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1845. Seton (G. S.) * De phthisi pulmouali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Shadwell(T. ) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1779. Siedler (C. A.) *De phthisi pulmonum ul- cerosa. 8°. Moguntice, [1818]. Signoret ( A. ) * Reflexions sur la phthisie pulmonaire ou tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1831. Siquot (H.) *Sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1836. Smith (D.) *Diss. practico-medica inaug. de phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1774. Smith (E.) Consumption; its early and reme- diable stages. 8°. London, 1862. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1865. Sotinel (A.-J.) * De la phthisic ganglionnaire chez l'adulte. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Sotteck (A.) *De pulmonum tuberculoseos natura. 8°. Berolini, [1*50]. Southey (H. H.) Observations on pulmonary consumption. 8~\ London, 1814. Spilsbury (G. G.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8° Edinburgi, 1807. Spring (A. F.) De diversis pneumophthiseos speciebus. 8C. Monachii, 1838 Stahl (G. E.) & Feder (C.) #De phthisi. Hahe, 1704. In: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [ etc. ]. 4°. Lausannce, 1757, ii, 369-394. Stapleton (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. *. Edinburgi, 1767. 'hthisis. Staritz (C. T.) *De phthisi pulmouali. 4°. Vitebcrga, [1703]. Starke (R.) *De phthisi pulmouali. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1767. Steinhauer (J. I.) *De phthisi pulmonali. * . Edinburgi, 1799. Stock well (E. H.) Consumption. 8°. Cin- cinnati, Ohio, 1*58. Stonly-Walsh (J.-M.) * Sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1835. Storch (J.) *De phthisi pulmonali sannato- rum, vulgo von der Schleift'er-Kranckheit. 4 . Erfordice, [1719]. Sweetser (W.) A treatise on consumption; embracing an inquiry into the influence exerteel upon it by journeys, voyages, and change of cli- mate, with directions for the consumptive vis- iting the south of Europe, and remarks upon its climate. Adapted for general readers. 8 . Bos- ton, 1836. van Swinderen (A. J.) * De phthisi pulmo- nali. 4~. Lugd. Bat, 1711. Szuszkiewtcz ( A.-M.-F. ) * Quelques consi- derations sur la phthisie pulmonaire chremique chez l'adulte, 4C. Paris, 1852. Tachmintsi (E. J.) * Ueber Schwiudsucht. 8°. Miinchen, 1*56. Tamin-Despalles (O.) Memoire aux Acade- mies de medecine et des sciences sur le pronos- tic, le traitement et la guerison de la phthisie pulmonaire (pueumo-phymie). 8'-. Paris, 1864. Tanchard (J.-B.) * Essai sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830. Terry ( T. ) *De phthisi pulmonum scro- fulosa. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1793. a Tetterode (J.) * De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat , 1646. Thevenot (C.-G.-A.) * Sur la consumption (ou atropine) consider en general. 8°. Paris, an XI [1805]. Thibaut (L.-A.-E.) * Sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1*25. Thoenissen (J.) * De phthisi pulmonali non- nnlla, 8 . Berolini, [1834]. Thompson (E. S.) Two lectures ou phthisis; being the appendix to clinical lectures on pul- monary consumption by the late Theophilus Thompson. 8°. London, 1863. Thompson (T.) Clinical lectures on pulmo- nary consumption. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*54. -----. The same. With additional lectures, by his son, E. Symes Thompson. 8°. London, 1863. Timms (G. W.) Ou consumption; its true nature and successful treatment. 8°. London, 1860. Tinthoff (G.) * De phthisi pulmonum tuber- culosa. 8C. Berolini, [1843]. van den Treek (J.) * De phthisi. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1689. Tullidge (H. H.) An inquiry into the nature of pulmonary consumption, and of the causes which have contributed to its increase. * . New York, 1817. Valdesy Valenzuela (J.) *£ A queafeccion debe darse el nombre de tisis pulmonar en cl estaelo actual ele la ciencia? 8°. Guanabacoa, 1871. Vallois (L.-N.) * Essai sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1835. Verein fiir innere Medizin. Comite zur Sam- melforschung fiber Krankheiten. No. 1. Tuber- culosis (Phthisis) pulmonum mit Beriicksichti- gung der Hereditiit, Contagiositiit, Heilung und des Uebergangs der genuinen Pneumonie in Phthisis. [Circular.] 12°. Berlin, [18*3] PHTHISIS. 139 PHTHISIS. Phthisis. Vialettes (A.) #Etude clinique sur les causes et le traitement de la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. Vibert (C.) * Etudes sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1877. Vici (D.) * Dissertazione sopra la tisichezza pulmonale. 8°. Macerata, 1781. Viol (F. G.) * De phthisi pulmonum. 8°. Berolini, (1*40]. Vitriarius (J. P.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1706. Volland (A.-J.) * De la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1845. van Vollenhoven (J. S. S.) * De tegen- woordige stand van de leer der phthisis. 8°. Leiden, 1873. Waldenburg (L.) Die Tuberculose, die Luu- genschwindsucht unel Scrofulose. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Washington (B. H.) On assimilation, con- sumption, anel scrofula. 8°. Louisrille, 1856. Weber (G. F.) Gruudziige der Consuintions- kraukheiten ties Lungeuorgans oder der Lun- genschwindsuchten und ihrer Behandlung. Ein pat hologi sch - therapeutischer Versuch. 12J. Giessen, 1823. Weber (P. C.) *De macie ac prsesertim phthisi. Londiiiensis, 1777. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, i, 319-324. Weibel (L.) * De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Vindoboncr, [1*37]. Weltin ( G. M.) * Observata quaedam in phthisin pulmonalem. 8°. Tubingce, [1813]. Werner (E. S.) *De phthisi pulmonum ul- cerosa. 8°. Halce, 1806. White (W.) Recherches sur la nature et les moyens curatifs de la phtisie pulmonaire, ou con- somptiou des poumous ; tirees des man user its de feu . . . et publiees par A. Huuter. Ouvrage traduit tie l'auglais, augmente de notes, et orne d'une planche, par A.-A. Tardy. 8°. Londres, 1793. Wichelhausen (E.) *De phthisi pituitosa. 4°. Gottingce, [17KJ]. Also, transl. in: N. Sainml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz., 1787. 17. St., 1-99. Williams (C. J. B.) & Williams (C. T.) Pul- mouary consumption ; its nature, varieties, anel treatment, with an analysis of one thousand cases to exemplify its elnration. 8°. London, 1871. ----- -----. The same. Its etiology, pa- thology, and treatment, with an analysis of 1,000 cases to exemplify its duration anel moeles of ar- rest. 2. ed. enlarged and rewritten. 8°. London, 1887. ----:-------. The same. By C. Theodore Williams, roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. Winter (J. F.) *De phthisi. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1691. Winternutz ( J. G.) * De phthisi. 4°. [Jena, 1737.] Wirth ( G. G. ) * De phthiseos pulmonaris specie unica, nempe tuberculosa. 4°. Tubinc/ce, [1827]. Wolff (JE.) *De inelole et natura phthisis. sm. 8>. Berolini, [1859]. Wolff (M.) * Symbol* ad phthiseos pulmo- nalis historiam stadiorumque illius «rnonogra- phiam. 4°. Vratislavice, [1835]. Yeoman (T. H.) Consumption of the lungs, or decline; the causes, symptoms, and rational treatment. With the means of prevention. Re- vised by a Boston physician. 8°. Boslon, 1850. Young (T.) A practical and historical treatise on consumptive diseases, deduced from original observations, aud collected from authors of all ages. 8°. London, 1815. Phthisis. Zampa (R.) *Dottrina clinica ed anatonnca della tisi pulmouare. 8°. Bologna, 1874. Zehnder (U.) * Ueber die knotige Luugen- schwiudsucht. 8°. Zurich, 1824. von Ziemssen (H.) Pulmonary tuberculosis Its etiology, symptomatology anel therapeutics. Translated by David J. Doherty. 12^. Detroit 1888. Zimmermann (F. C.) * De fegris phthisicis et tabidis recte jndicaudis et curandis. sm. 4 WUtembergce, [1726]. Zinsmeister (T.) * De natura et seele phthi- seos pituitosa;. 8J Landishuti, [1*20]. de Zollikofer (G. J.) * De phthisi tubercu- losa pulmonum. 8°. Gottingce, [1792]. de Aguayo y Ti-illo (J M.) Reflexiones sobre la tisis en general y sobre la tisis pulmonar eu particular. Siglo meet, Madrid, 1872, xix, 514-516. —Aldis (C. J. B.) On too confident prognosis in pulmonary consumption. Meel. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 515.—Archer (B. T. ) An inquiry into the forms of pulmonary consumption, witli remarks on the mode of treatment in each form. Med. Recorder, etc., Phila., 1827. xi, 82-86. —Arnold (A. B. i Phthisis. Tr. M. cfe Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1876, 87- 100. — Aufrecht ( E.) Die kasige Bronchopneumonia (Lungenschwindsucht). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 105; 117; 131. -----. La bronco-pneumonite crouica (tisi polmonale) e la tubercolosi (grauulio). Ann. univ. di metl e chir., Milano, 1876, ecxxxvii, 149; 237; 432.— Baillie. Quelques observations sur une espece tie phthisie particu Here et tres-frequente dans la Grande-Bretagne; trad, de l'anglais par M. E. Martini. N. Jonr. tie nied , chir, pharm., etc.. Par., 1822, xiv, 97-111.— Bang (O. ) Om Svindsot (Tuberculosis pulmonum) og de imod tleu anbe falcde Reiser. Biblioth. f. Larger, Kjabenh., 1«60, 4. R xvi, 1-25.—Bastings. Phthisie et medecine Art nied., Brux., 1869-70, v, 289-294. — Bauer (J ) Phthisische Erkrankungen tier Lunge. Ann. d stadt. allg Krankenh zu Miinchen, 1878, i, 214-217. — Bayle (G.-L.) Memoire sur la phthisie pulmonaire, faisant suite aux "Recher ches" [sur le meme sujet). Iu ii 1 Athtin6e de medecine tie Paris, le27 juin 1812. [From.. Biblioth. meel , 1812.) In. Encycl. d. sc. nied., 41 v., 8°, Par., 1834-46, 7 div. [v.l'2|, 485-500.—--- Phthisie pulmonaire, articleinetlit. Ibid. 611-656. — Beau. De la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861. xxxiv. 317; 329; 346; 365; 369. -----. De la tuberculisation pulmonaire dans ses rapports avec les affections locales des organes respiratoires. Ibid., 1865, xxxviii, 233-235.—Beneke (F. W.) Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Lungentuberkulose Arch. f. wissensch Heilk., Leipz., 1866. n. F., ii, 29; 256. ----- Ueber die veischieclcneii Foiinen der Phthise. Wien. med. Presse, 18S2, xxiii. 1385: 1419. — Bennett (J H.) Phthisis put monalis. Syst. Meel. (Reynolds) Lond., 1871, iii. 537-590 — Bci-cimIm. De febribus phthisicis et phthisi ulcerosa generatim. In his: Operuni postuniorutn, Berol., 1829. i. 145-176. -----. De phthisi pulmonali. Ibid., 177-233.— B iggs (H. M.) The principles of treatment in pulmonary tuberculosis, with some observations on its etiology Buffalo M. \- S. J., 1888-9, xxviii, 633-648.- BI at- U (J , On tubercles antl phthisis. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1844-5 iii, 320-324.—Black (J. R.) Practical remarks on pul ■nonary ecuisuiii;ition. Cincin. Lancet &. Clinic. 1886, n. s.. xvi. 389-393.— Koch me (E.) Einiges iiber Tuberculosis pulmonum. Org. f. d. ges Heilk. Berl., 1860, ix, 193-202.— Boisseau (E ) Tuberculose et phthisie pulmonaire Arch. gen. tie med., Par., 1868, i. 210-223. Also, Reprint. - Bondel. fituele sur les diverses variet6s de la phthisie Cong, med de France (Lyon, 1864) Par , 1865, ii 180-194.— Bonnemaison. De certaines formes de debut ele la phthisie. Gaz. med.-chir. de Tonlouse, 1873, v, 161, 169, 177. — Both ( C. ) Bemerkungen iiber Schwindsucht. Oesterr Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871 xvii. 149-153- Bouchard (C.) Tuberculose et phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1867. iv, 673; 689; 721; 737; 801, 817. Also. Reprint— Brehmer (H.) Zur Aetiologietind Therapie tier Lungentuberculose. Arch f. wissensch. Heilk, Leipz., 1866. n. F, ii, 303-337.—Bridge (N> A peculiar case of phthisis. Meel. Exam., Chicago, 1872, xiii, 67. — Brizuela (.1. F. ) Apuntes sobre la tisis. Genio med. quir., Madrid, 1878, xxiv, 378-380. Also: Emulaciou, Merida. 1878-9, iii, 194-198 — Brodier. Memoire sur la phthisie. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1807 iv 66-93.— Biiilla (A. A.) Desarrollo tie la tisis. Rev tie med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1877, l, 366-370—Burg- graevc. Sur la phthisie tuberculeuse Bull. Acad. roy. ele med. tie Belg., Brux., 1857-8 2 s., i, 487-497 Also Presse med. beige, Brux., 1858, x, 269-272. — Buseh. Unterstichungen iiber die Natur unel Heilart eler Lungen sucht. J. tl. Erfintl., etc. Gotha, 1802, ix, 35. St., 3; 36 St.. 42— t'antani (A.) Tubercolosi polmonare. Mor gagni Napoli, 1868, x, 844-853. ----. Sulla tubercolosi polmonare. Ibid.. 1880, xxii, 641; 721; 83L-C'astellani PHTHISIS. 140 PHTHISIS. Phthisi*. (V.) Osservazioni sulla tisichezza polmonale. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1853, 2. s., xvi, 241 ; 289; 337; 481: xvii, 3; 63; 97. -----. Monografia sulla tisichezza pol- monale. Liguriamed., Genova, 1857, ii, 337: 465: 1858, iii 6- 161; 274: 1859, iv, 113: 233; 393; 521— Castcllus (P. V.) De phthisi. In his: Exercitationesmed., 4°, Tolosae, 1616, 687-789.—Chapmau (C.) Observations on phthisis pul- monalis. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1854-5, vii, 465-470.— Clark (A.) Haemoptisis as a sign of tubercle; curability of consumption; effect of cod-liver oil, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 314. -----. On the arrestment of phthisis; the patbomorphogenesis of tubercle anel haemoptysis. Med. Lire., Loud., 1859, xiv, 181; 205; 217. -----. Lecture on the varieties of phthisis. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1878-9, vii, 57-65. Also: Canada M. cfe S. J., Montreal, 1878-9. vii, 193-207. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1878, xiv, 461; 481. Also [Abstr.]: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iv, 481- 486. —Clark (J.) Tubercular phthisis. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweeclie), Phila., 1845, iv, 489-57H.—Cleland. Stray re- marks on phthisis. Glasgow M. J., 1878, [4. s.J, x, 534- 544.—Coats (J.) On phthisis pulmonalis, especially its relation to tuberculosis. Ibid., 1881, [4. s.J, xv, 254-269.— Colin. Ueber Tuberculose der Lungen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Brest, 1854, v, 455-461.—Colin (L.) Phthisie galo- paute et tuberculisation aigue. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1874, i, 641: ii, 49.—Colomiatti (V.) Sulla tisi pulmo- nale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med , Napoli, 1881, n. s., iii, 9-16, 1 pi.—Cook (J. L.) Phthisis pulmonalis. Tr. Mc- Dowell M. Soc. 1874, Evansville, 1875, 15-20.—Cotton (R. P.) Notes on consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 192; 337: 1872, ii, 239: 1873, ii, 721.—Coxe(E. J.) Tuber- cular consumption. Boston M. fe Obs., 1862, v, 146-157.—Dutreux (E.) La virulence et la specificity de la phthisie pulmo- naire devant rexperinientation et devant la clinique. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1875, Ixi, 185; 297. Also, Reprint.— Eisner ( H. L.) Question V: What are the principal surroundings, climate, occupations, habits, . aud diseases, which impair cellular resistance, and so favor infection and development of consumption ? Question VI: Is the presence of tubercle bacilli in the sputa an indica- tion that the existing lung disease was originally tuber- culosis,- and is their absence proof that the disease, is not consumption? In other words, is there not satisfactory evidence that some cases of pulmonary consumption are non-tubercular at the start, becoming infected afterward; and that other cases remain free, from tubercles throughout Phthisi*. their course? Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1886, Concord, N. H. 1887, iii, 280-291. —Fnfermcdadcs cr6nicas del pecho; tie la tisis pulmonar. Corresp. nied., Madrid, 1869, iv, 1T6 183; 192; 201; 207; 215; 224; 233; 241; 247; 254; 264.- Feltz (V.-T.) Do la phthisie pulmonaire au point tie vue tie 1'anatomie. de la physiologie pathologique et tlu diag nostic. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1865, xxv, 173; 196. Alx">. Reprint. — Ferran. Lettres sur la phthisic. France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 618: 626: 1875, xxii. 34.—Finger. Klinische Mittheilungen. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1861, lxxi, 76. — Flint (A.) Pulmonary tuberculosis. a new and reliable physical sign of excavation: effect of haemoptysis on the progress of the disease; period of oc- currence, with cases happening late in life; dura I ion of the disease; treatmeut by sustaining measures, with pallia- tives; acute phthisis, case of; interesting cases illustra- tive of the foregoing, etc. Buffalo M. J.. 1857-8, xiii, 641- 665.-----. Results of clinical studies relating to phthisis. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1877, xv, 65-87. -----. On pulmo- nary phthisis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1878. xxxix, 155- 159. — Flint (W. H.) Question VII: What precautions should be taken, antl when, to prevent the invasion of tubercle bacilli, and what measures should be employed to fortify enfeebled cells against their attacks? Question VIII: How can the medical profession most witlely diffuse aud inculcate the important truth that con- sumption in children is often the result of parental faults and vices? Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1886, Concord, N. H., 1887, iii, 292-297. — Ford ( W. E. ) Pulmonary con- sumption. Buffalo M. cfe S. J., 1878-9, xviii, 161-173.— Fothergill (J. M.) Pulmonary phthisis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 197-199. —Fox (E. L.) Tuberculous phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 463.—On 11 up (J. A.) Remarks on febris pulmonalis, or phthisis pulmonalis, or pulmonary consumption. In his: Sketches epidemic dis- eases, etc., 8°, Bost, 1815, 378-419.—Gambari (G ) Sulla tise tubercolare del pnlmone. Rendic Accad. meel.-chir. di Ferrara, Bologna, 1844, 33-43. —Gasquet (J. R.) Tuber- culosis and pulmonary consumption. Brit, cfe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.. 1870, xiv, 389-406.—van Gcuns (J.) Waar- neming van phthisis puluionalis in verbantl met de leer tier tuberculosis pulmonum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1859, iii, 357-360.—Gimbcr't. Etude sur l'etio- logie et la nature de la phthisie. Arch. g6n. de med.. Par., 1868, ii, 21; 191.—G irard. Lecons sur la phthisie. Mar- seille m6d., 1878, xv, 7-17 -----. Lecons sur la phthisie. Ibid., 1881, xviii, 217-228. —Gjciir (H.) Meddelelser fra Christiania Sygehus om den chroniske Luugetuberculose. Norsk Mag. f. 'Lapgcvidensk., Christiania, 1866, xx. 330- 358.—Gleitsmann (W.) On the nature and curability of pulmonary phthisis; transl. of a lecture delivered before the German Medical Association of Baltimore. Richmond cfe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1874, xviii, 37-54. Also, Reprint.—Gobee (C.) Het dualisme tier phthisis van het kliniseh staudpunt beschouwd. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, i. 337-345. -----. Tuberkulose en longtering; (overzigt). Ibid., 1873, 2. R., ix. 184-245.— Gola(D.) Stttdj sulla tisi polmonare. Gazz. nied. di Mi- lano, 1847, vi, 233-239.— Graucher (J.) De l'unite ele la phthisie. Cong, period, internal, el. sc. meel. Compt. rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 169-171. -----. Tuberculose pulmo- naire. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1878, 2. s.. v, 1; 507, 6 pi. -----. Leccion sobre la tuberculosis pulmonar. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1882, x, 441-447.— Grancher (J.) cfe Hutinel (V.) Phthisie pulmonaire. Diet, encycl. tl. sc mCd., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 460-814.— Green (T.H.) Lectures on phthisis. Lancet,Lond.. 18H2, i, 813; 1065: ii, 1022: 1883, i, 941: 1884, i, 149; 193.—Griffith (J.) Dissertation on pulmonary consumption. 1791. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey 1766-1859, Newark, 1875, 122-128.—Griggs (A. W.) Pulmonary tuberculosis. Atlanta M. efe S.J., 1873- 4, xi, 191.—Groshauw (G.-P.-F.) Annotations cliniques sur la phthisie pulmonaire d'apres des cas qui ont 6t6 traites a la clinique de 1'ficole de m6deciue de Rotterdam, pendant le cours de 1846-7. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1849, xxiii, 9-63. | Rap. de Onghena |, 64-84. Also, Re- print. — Guilford ( W. ) Remarks on consumption. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1854, xv, 475-481.—Haelewyck. Quelques mots sur la nature de la tuberculose pulmonaire et sur un mode de revulsion naturelle tie cette affection. Arch, beiges de meel. mil., Brux., 1861, xxvii, 117; 182.— Hall (.1. C.) Bed-siele sketches; thoracic consumption. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. a., x, 494; 586; 713; 883. Also, Reprint. — Ilamlcl. Vermischte Bemerkungen, iiber die Lungenschwindsucht, vorzliglich elie. schleiniichter Art. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1801, 1-5.—Ilanot (V.) Phthi- sie pulmonaire. N. diet, de ni6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1879, xxvii, 215-560x,i. -----. Phthisie pulmonaire ou tuberculose pulmonaire. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1879, ii, 448-484.—Hare <•!.) The origin and the medium of operation of pulmonary tubercular matter. Lancet, Loud.. 1842-3, i, 157-160. — Hauflf. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Phthisis tuberculosa. Med. Couvers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1832, iii, 329-336. — Haughton ( R. E. ) Tubercular phthisis, the result of imperfect cell action. Med. In- dep., Detroit, 1857-8, iii, 518; 613; 705— Hedenius (P.) Etiologiskt och anatomiskt om lungsot. L'psala Lakaref. PHTHISIS. 141 PHTHISIS. Phthi»i». FSrh 1887-8, xxiii, 650-666. — Herrero (J.) La tisis putmonal. Siglo med., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 194-199.— Ilirt/. (M.) Recherches cliniques sur la phthisie pulmo- naire. Presse rnetl., Par., 1837, i, 1; 12; 17.—Home (J.) Phthisis pulmonalis. Edinb. M. cfe S. J.. 1838, xlix, 1-27, 2 pi.—Hood (T. B.) Consumption Leavenworth M. Herald, 1867-8, i, 437-410—Huber (G. C.) Observations on the unity of phthisis and tuberculosis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc. Detroit. 1889, xiii, 64-69. Also: Med. News. Phila., 188o! lv, 7. — Hufelnnd (C. W.) Beitriige zu Verhiitung eler Lui'i'-'eiisucht, auf Erfahrung gegriindet. J. d. pract. Heilk., lierl.. 1810, xxx, 1. St., 1: 2. St., L—Hurd (E. P.) Consumption as I have known it. Med. Age, Detroit, 1889, vii, 265-269.—Hutchinson (J.) Diagnosis and treat- ment of pulmonary consumption. Med. Times, Lond. 1850, n.s., i, 141; 194; 250: 1851, n. s., ii, 5.—Jaecoml (S.) Sur'laphtisie pulmonaire. In hw: Lecons de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1885, 270-348.—Jahn (F.) Ueber die Heilopera- tionen tier Natur bei Tuberkelu iiberhaupt und bei Lun- gentuherkeln insbesondere. Mag. f. d. ges. lleilk., Berl., 1829, xxix, 428-463.—Jardon. Considerations pratiques sur la phthisie pulmonaire. [8 eases. | Precise!, trav. Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, 57-130—Johnson (R. L.) Notes on phthisis pulmonalis, etc. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1872, n. s., xiii, 33; 112; 427.—Kanelles (S. J.) 'OAtya rivd fl-epi t>)s v -nvtvtxovtav. Va\r\vo<;, 'ABrivai, 1889,1®, 451-459.—Kennedy (H.) On the views of Niemeyer regarding phthisis. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871. li, 160-113. Also, Reprint. — Hcrsten (P.) cfe Friedrich (E.) Ueber Lungentuberkulose : Uebersicht der wichtigern Beitriige zur Pathologie uud Therapie der- selben wahrend der letzten Jahre. 1. Artikel. die- Jahre 1855-63 betreffend. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz , 1867, cxxxiii, 209-232. — King (A. F. A.) The natural history of pul- monary phthisis. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1878, v, 54; 62. — Kretzchmar (P. H.) Fibrous, ca- tarrhal, and tubercular phthisis. Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1878-9, iii, 299-310.—Kunze (C. F.') Ueber den heutigen Standpunkt der Anatomie, Pathoge- nese und Aetiologie tier Luugenscbwindsucht. zur Orien- tirung fiir praktische Aerzte. Allg. Wien med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 161; 173: 183.—Law*on (L. M.) Remarks on in- flammatory phthisis. Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1858, i, 14- 23.—Learning (J. R.) A newclassificatien of pulmonary phthisis, with practical considerations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879. xv. 426. Also: Boston M. cfe S. J., 1879, c, 573-581.— liCgraiKl (M.) De la phthisie pulmonaire. Uuionin6d., Par., 1879, 3. s.. xxvii, 13; 69; 177; 325; 637; 789; 921; 1045 — fieigh (C.) De phthiseos speciebus et causis. In his: Phthisiologia Lancastriensis, sm. 4°, [Lugduni, 1737], 1-30.—lieuien (H. A.) Pulmonary consumption. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1876, vi, 31^49.— Leudct (T. E.) Acute phthisis in the adult. N. Orl. M. News cfe Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 500: 1855-6, ii, 17; 77.—Ijiebermeister (C.) Ueber Luiigentuberculose. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 19; 58; 98; 138: 179; 238; 273; 297; 517; 544; 564; 597; 606; 618: 827; 847: 911; 1018; 1046; 1059—Liong (J. A.) Consumption. South. J. M. Dowel 1 (W. A.) Remarks on the cure of consumption West. J. M. enpauer (J.) A tiidoveszrdl. [On phthisis.] Orvosi hetil.. Buda- pest, 1880, xxiv. 761: 781 ; 800; 821. —von \ieineyer (F.) Klinische Voitrage iiber Lungeiisch windsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866 iii, 465; 486: 493; 501: 1867, iv, 1; 21;41, 53. [See, also, supra.] — Niemeyer (P.) Grundziige einer hygieinisch unci klinisch gelauterten Lehre von tier Lungenschwindsucht. Memorabilien, Heilbr.. 1875, xx, 1-6. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Hosp.-Tid., Ki benh., 1867, x, 147; 150; 154; 157. — Octerlony (J. A-.) Phthisis: a clinical lecture. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii. 97- 102.—Ol vera (J.) Algunas eonsideraciones sobre la natu raleza y terapeutica de la pulmonia. Observador med Mexico, 1869-70, i, 81-89— Oppolzer. Ueber die ehro nische LuDgentubercnlo.se. Allg. Wien med. Zt<* ls.~>9 iv,66; 73; 82; 89; 97; 113; 129. —Oi-ban. Extracts from a paper on phthisis. Transl. from the French. Meel Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1813-15. v. 277-296 —Patholog- ical (The) characters anel sanabilitvof consumption. Eel inb. M. cfe S. J., 1824, xxi, 160-197. Also: Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1824, vii, 306-356.—Parrish (J.) Observations on pulmonary consumption. X. Am. M. & S. J., Phila , 1829, viii, 274: 1830, ix, 145.—Pearse (W. H.) Some observa- tions on consumption. Med Press cfe Circ, Loud., 1880, n. s., xxx, 213-215. -----. Some observations on consump- tion. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1882, ii, 123; 150; 185.— Peinado (J. tie D.) Sobre la revulsion en la tisis pulmo- nar. Gac. med. de Granada. 1888, vii, 665; 689.—Pepper (W.) Pulmonary phthisis. Med. tate Metlical Society to con- sumptives. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1888-9, iv, 314-319. — vou Wiirden (H. B.) Fthisis efter Dr. H. Brehmers Opfat- telse. Ugesk. f. Lieger, Kjobenh., 1888, 4. R., xviii, 197- 208.—Zakrjcvski (K.j Ob etiologii i profilaktikie tsha- chatki. [Etiology and prophylaxis of phthisis.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1889, clxiv, pt. 3, 337-370.—Zde- kauer. Ueber Lungen-Tuberkulose. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb.. 1854, viii, 189-212.—Zuradelli (C.) Sulle varie forme della tisi polmonare. Ann. univ. eli med., Milano, 1872, ccxxii, 3; 225; 449. Phthisis (Antagonisms of). See Cancer and tubercle; Malaria and phthisis; Phthisis in relation to climate. Phthisis (Cases and statistics of). See, also, Phthisis (Hospitals for); Phthisis in 1'elation to climate. Agard (L.) * Recherches sttttistiques sur la mortality par la phthisie a Paris. 4°. Paris, 1874. Desmaroux (G.) *De la longevity dans la phthisie tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1875. Dettw filer. Bericht iiber zweiundsiebzig seit drei bis neun .lahren vollig geheilte Fiille von Lungenschwindsucht. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1880. Freymuth(G. W.) * Ueber Einfluss eler Tages- niid Jahreszeit auf den Tod durch Lungen- schwindsucht. <"^. Halle, [1872]. PHTHISIS. 143 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Cases and statistics of). Given (O.G.) Consumption among the In- dians ; civilization decreases it; fourteen years of actual service. Cutting from: The Morning Star, Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa., 1887, vii, no. 6. Gleitsmann ( W. ) Statistics of mortality from pulmonary phthisis in the Unitetl States and in Europe. 8C. Baltimore, 1875. Goll (J. L.) * Phthisis pulmonalis casu no- tabiliore et epicrisi illustrata. 4°. Tubingce, [1772]. Kaltschmied (C. F.) [Pr.] de raro phthiseos curattB casu. sm. 4°. Jence, [1761], Krol (G.) * Diss, continens casum morbi tu- berculosis pulmonum cum epicrisi aunexa. 8n. Lugd. Bat, 1852. Leigh (C.) Phthisiologia Laucastrieusis, cui accessit tentamen philosophicum de mineralibus aquis in eoelem comitatu observatis. Editio no- vissima. 4°. Generic, 1727. -----. Thesame. sm. 4°. [Lugduni, 1737.] Lochner (W. J.) * Casus de phthisi plane funesta ex prasgressa hsemoptysi orta; respon- ilente Bcned. Andr. Friesio. sm. 4°. Belmstadii, [1743]. VON Neufforge (J. M.) *Patbe>logie uud Pathogenese desmiliaren Tubercels, nebst einem Beitrag zur Statistik tier Tuberculose nach deti Ergebnissen vou 141 Leicheuertifthungen. 8°. Bonn, [1870]. Pears (C.) Cases of phthisis pulmonalis, suc- cessfully treated, upon the tonic plan ; with in- troductory observations. 8°. [London], 1801. Playter (E.) On causes of consumption; an etiological, statistical report on tubercular pul- mouary phthisis. 8°. Toronto, 1882. Roser (P. F.) * Circa phthisin pulmonalem ulcerosam, adcincta quadam hujus morbi his- toria. 8°. Balce, [1788]. Schultze (J. F. ) *Diss. exhibens ijegrum phthisi laborantem. 4°. Erfurti, [1699]. Somma (L.) Statistica el'infermi eli tisi, e tu- bercolosi pulmonale ricevuti nell' Ospedale degl' incurabili nell' anno 1869, con conclusioue teo- rico-pratiche su tali malattie. 4°. Napoli, 1871. Struve (H.) * Phthisis pulmonalis casu uo- tabiliore et epicrisi illustrata. 4°. Tubingw, [1772]. Tampiek. Dernieres heures de Rachel; lettres qui lui out <5t6 aelresse"es sur sa maladie; examen des diverses m6dications pr6conis6es contre la phthisie pulmonaire. 12°. Paris, 1858. Tronchix. Lettre de . . . sa declaration sur la malaelie de Madame la Dauphine, et proces- verbal de l'ouverture du corps de cette princesse. Avec des reflexions proposees a toutes les facul- ty de rn6decine du royaume. 8°. [Versailles, 1767.] Weber (J. L.) *De phthisi pulmonali gra- vissima post hepatitidem exorta, feliciter debel- lata. 4°. Argentorati, [1779]. Woollcombe ( W. ) Remarks on the fre- quency and fatality of different diseases, par- ticularly on the progressive increase of con- sumption ; with observations on the influence of the seasons on mortality. 8°. London, 1808. Allaire. Phthisie irreguliere manifesto chez l'adulte (exception a la loi tie M. Louis). Rec. tie mem. de med. ••■ «nil., Par., 1862, 3. s., viii, 1-20.—Anderson (M.) Lliuical lectures on cases illustrative of the curability of attacks of tubercular peritonitis and acute phthisis (gallop- ing consumption). Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 303. — Archer (K. ».) Senile phthisis ; cretaceous deposits in the lungs. Dublin J. M. So., 1878, 3. s., lxvi, 439-442.-Armor (S. It.) et Ilallett (A.J) [Two cases of phthisis pulmo- n»»s-l *■ York M. J., 1871, xiii, 166.-168.-d'Assy tl Arpajeau. Sur une phthisie pulmonaire, avec des remarques sm cette maladie. J. de med., chir., pharm.., Phthisis (Cases and statistics of). etc., Par., 1778. xlix, 442; 539.—Barzellotti (G.) Storia di una tisichezza tubercolare scrofolosa dei polmoni infe- licemeute terminata. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1826. xxxix, 13-24. —Bertillon. Etudes statistiques de geo- graphic pathologique. Recherches et rouelusioiis statis- tiques sur la uiortalite, comparee par phthisie pulmonaire dans le canton de Geneve, en Angleterre, en Belgiciue et dans quelques villes tie France, et sur la mortalite phthi- siquedes arniees de terre et des matins. Ann. d'hy. Par., 1862, 2. s., xviii, 102-140.—Bei lulus. Simple note sur trois castle phthisiepulmonaire. Marseillem6d. 1876 xiii, 129-134.—Bird ( F. ) Gliickliche Heilung einer Schleimschwindsucht. Arch. f. med. Eruihr.. Her]., 1821 i, 325-348.—Bird (J.) Casesof phthisis pulmonalis. Tr. M. cfe Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1827, iii, 190-206.—Black (E.) Consumption ofthe lungs, illustrateel by dissection and by practice. Med. Reposit., N. T., 1809-10, 3. hexade, i, 116- 125. — Bockcndahl. Ergebniss der Scuwiiidsuehtsta- tistick ties Vereins in den Jahren 1875-9. Mitth. f. tl. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte 1877-8, Kiel. 1879, 7. Hft., 101 [1879-80],1881,8. Hft., 145— Bodcl |.J.) Waaruemiug van eene genezene longtering. Geneesk. Mag., Levelen, 1806, iv, 2. st., 19-32.—van den Bogaert (E. A. (J.) Phthisie (2 cases). In his: Diss, continens observ. [etc.] 8°, Silvae-Dudis, 1853, 31-46.—de Bordes (C.) Overzigt van 90 gevallen van longontsteking. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1855, v, 211; 221.—Boyd (R.) Vital statistics, and patholigical contributions to pulmonary phthisis. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1844, lxi. 239-294.-----. Ob- servations on the relative frequency of pulmonary tuber- cles in the two sexes; antl on the height and weight of con- sumptive patients. Dublin M. Press, 1844, xi, 407.— Brehmer (H.) Die Phthisismortalitat in Eiderstedt und Angeln. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1876, 132-135. — Brochin (A.) Conferences cliniques stir la phthisie. Courrier med., Par., 1871, xxi, 306.—Buck (A. H.) An inquiry into the mortality of eight hundred policy- holders, who were supposed at the time the policies were is- sued to have a predisposition to consumption either inherit- ed or acquired. Med. Rec, N. T., 1874, ix, 105-108.—Buck (J. R.) Case of tubercular phthisis, with remarks. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1848, 3. s., i, 491-494.—C'allan. Phthisis. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 367. —Camp- bell. [Obscure case.| Tr. M. cfe Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1811, iv, 144-146.—Cappi (E.) La tisi polmonare nelle cliniche dei Prof. Drasche di Vienna e Jaccoud di Parigi; note tera petttiche. Ann. univ. dimed.echir., Milano, 1882, cclix, 373- 382.— [Cases.] Geschichte einer gliioklich geheilten Lun- geusucht. Mat. f. el. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk., Jena, 1800, i, 130-139.—Tuberculosis miliaris. [3 cases.J Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1868, Wien, 1869, 69-72.— Phthisis. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879,ix, 77; 177.—Cauchois. Phthisiepulmonaire; pneumonie enseeuso lobulaire double, avec caverne; absence d'ex- peetoi ation. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 211-213.— Celoni (P.) Della ti-i polmonare in genere e eli due casi di pneumonite caseosa in specie. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1871, xxviii, 561-598.—dimming (\V.) Case of phthisis pulmonalis. Boston M. &. S. J., 1829-30, ii, 49-51.—Char- bonnier (G.) Phthisiepulmonaire; emploi avantageux de l'huile^de fbies de squales. Gaz. tutsil. tie l'Algerie, 1862, vii, 141.—Chalin. Rapport sur la phthisie pulmonaire a l'hopital de la Croix-Rousse. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. in6d. tie Lyon (1867), 1868, vii, 164-167.—Chomel. Phthisie pulmonaire; ph6nomenes remarquables accompa- gnant cette affection arrivee d6,ja. k une epoque tres avancee. [Case.) Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 65.—Cocehi (A.) Tabe. (Phthisis). [Cases.] In his: Consult! med.. 8°, Milano, 1824, 248-277.—Cooke (I E.) Cases of consump- tion. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1824, vii, 675-681.—(or. lezo. Observaciones sobre alguuos casos de tisis termina- tlosporcuraciou. Siglomed.. Madrid, 1877, xxiv, 232; 247.— Corvisarl (L.) Observation de consomption par defaut tie digestion, gu6rie par l'administration eles prises nutri- mentives. Union med., Par., 1854, viii, 627. —Colling (B. E.) Statistics of consumption in Roxbury, Mass. Boston M. cfe S J., 1854, 1, 489; 515: 1854-5, li, 9. Also. Reprint—Cousins (I. W.) Analysis of 303 cases of phthisis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1860, ii, 355.— Crook (J. K.) A contribution to the natural history of pulmonary consumption; embracing the causation and symptomatic events; based on an analysis of fifty-nine cases of the disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 293; 323. — Cuquerella (J.) Tisis pulmonal tuberculosa eonstitnida en su teicer periodo; curacion. Bol. de med.. cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1851, Cpoca 2, SSL-Cul- ler ( E. G.') Cases of chronic catarrhal pneumonia (phthisis pulmonum) with arrest of the disease and subse- quent recovery from the symptoms. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxii, 295-298.—Da Costa (J. M.) An interesting case of phthisis. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1882, ix, 411.—Davis (I. L.) The mortality from pulmonary consumption. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 591.-Davis (W. B.) An inquiry into the mortality from consumption in life insurance; with a consideration of its cause, and suggestions for its abatement. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1875, xxx, 71-96. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Comitis, 1841, 61-79.—Fan verge. Observations sur une phthisie pulmonaire a son plus haut perioclc, consecutive a une p6ripneumonie. J. nc'-n. ele rnetl., chir. et pharm., Par., 1812, xiv. 393-397.—Flint (A.) Clinical report on pulmonary tuberculosis; giving an abridged account of twenty-four cases of arrested tuberculosis, with remarks on the management ofthe disease. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1858, n. s., xxxv, 52-86.—Folet (H.) Note sur un cas tie mort rapide chez un phthisique. Bull. med. tlu nord, Lille, 1869, x, 80-88.— Fol kersma (A. T.) Tubercula pul- monum. In his: Diss, continens, 8°, Groningse, [1853). 34—10.—Forget. Apereju clinique sur la phthisie calcu- leuse primitive (non tuberculeuse). Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1854, xvi, 200-205.—Fouquier. Trois cas de phthi- sie pulmonaire otfrant autant tie variettSs qui peitvent etre considet ees comme ties types tie cette affection: analyse des symptomes qui leur sont propres. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1842, xv, 85.—Frank (J.) Lungenschwindsucht. Ann. el. klin. Inst, au d. k. Univ. zu AVilna, Berl., 1810, i, 119-131.— Gairdner(W.T.) Clinical notes. Edinb. M.J. 1857, ii, 577-581.—. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1886, Concord. N H, 1887, iii, 273-279. — Bout'hartlat. Memoire sur l'etiologie et la prophylaxie de la tuberculisation pulmonaire. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1861, 3. s.,xvi, 468; 524; 568; 729; 759.—Bonrgo- gne p&re. Documents pour servir au traitement preventif de la phthisie pulmonaire. J. tlem6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1869, xlix. 347; 459; 569: 1870, 1, 117; 316; 416: li, 26; 118; 322; 451.—Bowditch (H. I.) Analysis of a corre- spondence on some ofthe causes or antecedents of consump- tion. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1873, iv, 307-388. A Iso, Reprint.—Briquet. Recherchesstatistiques surletiolo- giede la phthisic pulmonaire. Rev. m6d. franc, et titraug., Par., 1842, i, 161-191.—von Itriuin. Die Aspiration, eine baufige Ursache zur Verbreitung der Tuberkulose inner- halb der Lunge. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1885, xxii, 498.— Bruniier (C. H.) Zur Aetiologie der Lungenschwind- sucht. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv, 277-280.— Brycc (P. H.) Some reasons why so many persons die of consumption ; from facts drawn from mortality returns and sanitary laws. Rep. Prov. Bd. Health Ontario 1883, To- ronto, i884, ii, 350-358.—Buchanan (G.l Report on the distribution of phthisis as effected by dampness of soil. Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council 1867, Lond.. 186X, x, 57-110. -----. Dampness of s'lil and phthisis. [Reply to Mr. A. B. Middleton.] Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 108— Ituilclci (T. H.) Intestinal inoculation for typhoid fever and phthisis. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1882, cvi, 117; 188.—Burke (G. W.) Pro- phylaxis, as it relates to phthisis pulmonalis. Proc. Con- nect. M. Soc. 1847. N. Haven, 1867, ii, 108-119. — Burq (V.) De l'influence des poussiek-es professionnelles chez les porcelainiers et les platriers, au point ele vue de la phthisie pulmonaire. Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1880, ii, 419-429. -----. Prophylaxie de la'phthisie; pul- mometre gymno-inhalateur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par.. 1882, 7. s., iii. 121-124.—Byrd (H. L.) Pre- disposition and the bacillus tuberculosis essential factors in the production of consumption of the lungs and air- passages. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1883-4. x, 470- 474. -----. Predisposition a factor of equal value with the bacillus tuberculosis iu the development of consumption of the lungs and air-passages. Med. Rc;c, N. Y., 1884, xxv, 607.—Campa. Etiologia de la tisis; de los sistemas de educacion de los niiios, como causa frecuente de desarrollo de la tisis pulmonal. Cr6n. mritur qute tubercu- losin pulmonum complicationes morbosa' orga- norum gastricorum comitari soleaut. 8°. Balis Sax., [1851]. Gregoire (L.) * De l'auscultation tie la voie aphone chez les tuberculeux. 4°. Paris, 1881. Gros (A.) * Troubles et lesions cardiaques chez les phtisiques. Etude pathogeuique. 4°. Montpellier, 1883. Haas (I.) * Ueber chronische Gangriin oder gangrtinescirende Phthise. 8°. Berlin, 1881. Heftler (L.) * Etude sur les relations dc la phthisie pulmonaire avec les maladies du cecur. 4°. Paris, 1887. Hellberg (G. H. A.) *De morbis phthisi- corum secunelariis. 8°. Berolini, [1832]. Heron (E.) *De l'emphyseme sons-cutane d'origine pulmonaire daus la tuberculose. 4°. Paris, 1881. Herrenschmidt (E.) * De l'emphyseme sons- cutane qu'on observe a la suite de la tuberculisa- tion pulmonaire chez les adultes. 4°. Paris,1802. Hirsciiland (S.) * Ein Fall von lateuter Phtise. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1887. Hirtz (E.) * De l'emphyseme pulmonaire chez les tuberculeux. 4°. Paris, 1878. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Julliard (G.) * Des ulcerations tie la bouche et du pharynx dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1865. Kleyn (E. J. J.) *Qua3dam de vi tubercu- lorum pulmoualium in reliqua organorum cor- poris humani systemata. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1H45. Kyrowitch (D.) * De quelques complications inflammatoires de la phthisie pulmonaire, de leurs effets, et du traitement qu'elles reclament. 4°. Paris, 1852. Lauth (G.) Essai sur la cirrhose tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1888. Lederer (M.) * Ueber das Ulcus rotund., combinirt mit Phthisis pulmonalis. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1878. Le Lievre (M.) * Etude sur l'ulcere de l'esto- mac chez les tuberculeux. 4°. Paris, 1882. Le Mat (F.-Y.-M.) *Des troubles psychiques qui peuveut se presenter dans le cours ele la phthisie pulmonaire chronique. 4°. Paris, 1875. Leroux (P.) * Contribution a l'etude tlu zona chez les tuberculeux. 4°. Paris, 1888. Lescarret (L.) * Essai sur la pathogenie et le traitement des vomissements elans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1885. Lestage (F.) * De la phthisie pulmonaire dans ses rapports avec quelques maladies chro- niques de la moe'lle. 4°. Paris, 1870. Lestocquoy (A.) * Essai sur la phthisie pul- monaire chez les emphysemateux. 4°. Paris, 1883. Lienard. * Contributions a l'etude de la dila- tation tlu cceur droit chez les tuberculeux. 4°. Paris, 1880. Also [Abstr.], in: Paris med., 1887. xii, 177. Lorber (E.) * Etude clinique ties nevralgies et tics points eloulourciix dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. 4°. Nancy, 1879. PHTHISIS. 153 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Complications of). Marfan (B.-J.-A) * Troubles et lesions gastri- ques dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1887. Marucheau (J.-G.) * De l'etat tlu cceur droit dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1887. Mayer (P.) * Ueber elie Behandlung des Fie- bers bei Phthisis pulmonum. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1884. Mazet (A.) * Observation d'une phthisie tu- berculeuse avec ulcerations intestinales et era- physeme sous-inuqueux. Mort survenue au nen- viiMiie jour d'une hydroc6phale aigut:. 4°. Paris, 1819. Moxtigxac. *Des phenomenea elysenteri- formes dans le cours ele la tuberculose. 4°. Paris, 1881. Mora (H.-P.-C.) *De la elyspnee et des trou- bles cardiaques d'origine reflexe chez les tubercu- leux. 4\ Paris, 1881. Moussous (A.-C.) De la mort chez les phti- siques. 8°. Paris, 1886. Muller (A.) * Ueber einen Fall einer phthisi- scheu Psycliose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Niquet (G.) * Des causes de la mort dans la phthisie pulmonaire chronique. 4C. Paris, 1878. Olivier ( C.) * Thrombose et embolie cere- brales elans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1870. Ory(M.) *Du vomissement chez les phthi- siques et de l'application de la cocaine a son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1885. Pachot ( L.-C. ) *Des differentes espeecs el'cedi'ine des membres inferieurs dies les phthi- siques et en particulier de Pceelome cousecutif a la pneumonie chronique perituberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1878. Papellier (H.) * Ueber die Combination der Tuberculose mit dem ruuden Magengeschwiir. 8°. Erlangen, 1854. Pappenheim (E.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Herzkrankheiten auf die Entstehung der Tuber- kulose. 8°. Breslau, 1869. Pierre (E.) * Etude sur quelques points de la phthisie pulmonaire, specialemeut eles sueurs eles phthisiques et ele leur traitement. 4°. Nancy, 1879. Quint ( C. ) * Ueber phthisische Lungen- hautnsteln. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Raulx (A.) *De quelques troubles des func- tions genitales dans la phthisie pulmonaire de la feninie. 4°. Paris, 1877. Raynal (E.-A.-A. ) * Contribution a l'etude des vomissements dans la tuberculose pulmo- naire. 4°. Lille, 1880. Ribes (F.) *De la eliarrhee daus la phthisie; etiologie; pathogenie; traitement. 4°. Paris, 1^77. Rossler (H.) *Zur Diagnostik des Pneumo- thorax im Verlaufe der Phthisis. 8°. Belmstedt, 1887. Rouanet (M.) * Recherches sur la guerison du pneumothorax chez les phthisiques. 4°. Paris, 1883. Rowlatt (W.) * Du cceur dans la tuberculose pulmonaire chronique. 4°. Paris, 1881. Salot (A.) *Des complications laryngees dans la phthisie pulmonaire et de leur traite- ment. 4°. Paris, 1872. Sanchez-Toledo y Hernandez (D.) *Des rapports de l'aeienopathie tuberculeuse de l'ais- selle avec la tuberculose pleuro-pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1887. Schultze (J. F. ) *De phthisi pulmonari lia-inoptycorum. sm. 4U. Francof. ad Yiaclr., [1708], Simonneau. *Des vomissements chez les phthisiques. 4°. Paris, 1881. Phthisis (Complications of). Smith (J. J.) *De phthisi calculosa. 4°. Altorfii, [1803]. Sokolowski(M.-A.-C) * Quelques remarques sur les complications laryngees de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1880. Spexer (C. M.) *Diss. sistens aegrum febri maligna phthisi complicata laborantem. 4°. Gissa-Bassorum, [ 1699]. Swioxtek (L.) * Ueber den Zusammenhang der Phthisis pulmonum mit der scheitleuiormi- gen Verknocherung tier Rippenknorpel. 8\ Strassburg, 1877. Tell (G.) * Dissertaefio, elas couelicties patho- genieas das paralysias que sobreven durante a marcha ela phtisica pulmonar. 8°. Bio de Ja- neiro, 1886. Toussaixt (E.) * Influence du pneumothorax sur la marche de la tuberculisation pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1880. Vigier (A.) * Du pneumothorax dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1873. Vixerta y Rodriguez (E.) * Essai sur les relations de la phthisie pulmonaire avec quelques maladies argues. 4°. Paris, 1887. Werner (E. P.) * Qure tuberculosin comitari soleant complicatioues morbosse. 8°. Lipsice, [1849]. Yhitz (T.-A.) * Semeiologie, physiologie pa- thologique et traitement de la toux dans la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1876. Adam. Case of phthisis, improvement following ab- scess of thyroid gland. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 18S7, n. a., ix, 510.—Adams. Empyema; phthisis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1840-49), 1849, i, 82-87.—Alison (S. S.) Pneumothorax a frequent event in pulmonary consump- tion. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1862, ii, 354.—Audio. fitude anatomo-pathologique sur les h6moptysies termi- nates chez les phthisiques. Gaz. med.-chir. tie Toulouse, 1888, xx, 58; 66. Also: Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1888, xxii, 21-31.—Arnozan (X.) Tuberculose pulmonaire; pneu- monie pleurogtine; dilatation bronehique. J. de lnliel. tie Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 5.—Attimont. Deviation du tronc brachio-cephalique par ties ganglions h vpertrophi6s. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1885-6, iv, 45—A|iullioni] (V.) D6s- ordres gastriques et intestinaux qui surviennent k la phthisie pulmonaire. TbeSrap. couteinp., Par., 1884, iv, 165. -----. Desordres gastriques qui surviennent k la phthisie pulmonaire; action medicinalederac.idearsenieux. Ibid., 209-212. -----. Emploi tlu chlorhydrate de cocaine contre la dysphagie des tuberculeux. Ibid., 817. — Andijje. Observation d'un cas de phtisie aigue a forme suffocanto chez une jeune fllle tie 17 ans. Bull, et m6m. Soc. ele meel. prat, de Par., 1888, 693.—Babinski. Tuberculose pul- monaire; angine et laryngite tuberculeuses ; ulceration tuberculeuse de la levre. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, Ivii, 236-238. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1883, xi, 70.— Balzer (F.)' Tuberculose pulmonaire avec 16sions val- vulaires. Progress m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 376.—von Bam- berger. Lungentuberculose ; abgesackter Pneumotho- rax ; Dextrocardia. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviii, 518. — Barduzzi (D.) Sui possibili rapporti della pyti- riasis versicolor con la tubercolosi polmonare. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. el. sc. meel. n. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. di Siena, 1*87, v, 71.—Barety (A.) Tuberculisation des organes urinaires et ties poumons chez un houime de 63 ans. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 273. -----. Contribution k l'etude ties 16sions du cceur dans la phthisie pulmonaire et, en particulier, de la degenerescence graissense clece viseere consid6r6e comme cause prochaine ele mort dans cette maladie. Nice med., 1878, ii, 65; 99.—Barie (E.) Du zona p6rineo-genital chez les tuberculeux. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. tl. liop. de Par., 1887, 3. s., iv, 240-248. Also, Reprint. Also : Gaz. hebd. ele med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 324-328. -----. Tumeurs multiples sous-cutan6es de la face, tlu corps thyroide, du tronc et des membres chez un homme atteint tie tuberculose pulmonaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. do Par., 1887, 3. s., iv, 293-295.—Barlow (W. F.) Case of fatal haemorrhage from tubercular exca- vation. Lancet, Lond., 1838-9, i. 756.—Baronefl" (P. J.) Ne-plirite cas6euse, chez un homme atteint de phthisie. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 270. — Barr (J.) Severe pleurisy occurring in a phthisical patient; paracentesis thoracis; recovery. Metl. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 530.— Rni-tli. [Masse tuberculeuse, tleveloppee dans la paroi thoracique ayant determine la solution tie continuity d'une cote ; vastc oaverae tuberculeuse au sommet du poumon.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 115— Barth. Tuber- culose pulmonaire aignii k forme asphyxique, granulie du pharynx; mort au 15"" jour; nephrite caseeuse latente du PHTHISIS. 154 PHTHISIS. Phthisi* (Complications of). rein gauche ; mc5uingite ancienne et granulations pass6es tt l'etat fibreux, dans la pie-mere eiieophalique. Ibid., 1879, liv, 157-160. Also: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 690.— Bntrmnii (F.) Pulmonary tuberculosis compli- cated antl obscured by oedema of the glottis; tracheotomy ; value of thcrmonietric observation. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 442. —Bailey (R.) Scrofulous tlisease of joints complicating phthisis. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta, 1880, xxxi, 63-70.—Bealc. Case of phthisis with angular curvature of the spine, and expectoration of cari- ous bone from the lung. Med. Exam., Lond.. 1877, ii, 469.— Bealcy. Case of phthisis, ending in ulceration of adher- ent pleura and consequent general emphysema. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 659. —Bennett (J. H.) On the frequent spontaneous cure of pulmonary consumption, and the in- dications furnished by pathology for its rational treatment. Edinb. M. cfe S. J., 1X45. lxiii,' 406-414. Also, Reprint. -----. Tubercular exudation into Ihe lungs (phthisis pul- monalis); diseased aortic valves; muscular heart sounds ; ulceration in the lungs, checked by cod-liver oil. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1850,'x, 167-109.—Bennett (R.) Phthisis co-existent with emphysema of the lungs and central limited empyema; death by h;emoptysis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 21.—Bernard.' Degene- rescence des reins chez une phthisique. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. do Lyou (1881), 1882, xxi, pt. 2, 76.— Bernard (M. C.) Case of phthisis iu which a large opening formed in the thoracic parietes, communicating with fistulous opening iu the lung. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 358.— Bernhcim. Tuberculose pulmonaire; pneumothorax limite k la base de la cavite pleui ale gauche ; snrvio de quatre mois; tuberculisation meuin^c'-e ultimo. Rev. metl. tie Test, Nancy. 1885, xvii, 305-307. —Bi an eh 5 (G.) Dn caso di tisi polmonare migliorato notevolruento dopo 1' insorgenza di un pneunio-toraco. Riv. clin., Bo- logna. 1884, 3. s., iv, 592-604. Also [Abstr.]: Boll. cl. clin., Napoli, 1884, i, 307. -----. Esito e risultato necroscopico di un caso di tisi polmonare gia guarito dopo 1' insorgenza di un pneuniotorace. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, 321-320.—IS I aether. De la mort rapide chez les phthi- siques par oedemo et congestion pulmonaire. Courrier metl., Par., 1875, xxv, 299.—Blake (E. AV.) Purpura hemorrhagica occurring in the last stage of phthisis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. a., xxvi, 70. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1848-53), 1853, i, 312. — Blocq. Tuberculose pulmonaire conipliqnee tie pyoh6mie. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1885, 116-120. Also: France m6d.. Par., 1885, i, 773-776.-Blomlicld (J. E.) Hypertrophy of the male mammary gland eluriiig phthisis. Practitioner, Lond., 1886, xxxvi,' 336-339.—Bolton (J.) Case of acute tuberculosis and pleuro-pneuraonia. N. York il. Times, 1851-2, i, 293.—Bompar (F.) Etude sur l'atrophie ties muscles tborae-ieptes chez les tuberculeux. J. denied, tie Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 121; 130; 149.—dc Horde* (C.) cfe DiiNweau (J. L.) Jets over cie uitsluitiug van tubercu- losis encmpbysetnapulmonum vesiculare. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1852, ii, 81-85.—Boucand. Trans- formations de la phthisie et une autre affection. Cong. metl. de France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 194-198. — Boucher (L.) Insensibilite pharyngienne et perte du reflexe pha- ryngien chez les tuberculeux. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 671-675.—Bourneville. Tumeur du sternum ; abees tuberculeux; phthisie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 56-59—Bonvier. Matiere graisseuse d'un foie gras de phthisique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1840, v, 393-395.—Bowcn (F.) Empyema and pneumo- thorax, tbe result of pleurisy occurring in a tubercular subject, and terminating fatally. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863-4, xv, 51-54.—BrocUmail (E. F.) Case of chronic tuberculosis, complicated with dengue. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1873, vii, 26-34.—Brousse (A.) cfe Ducamp. LeSsion mitrale et tuberculose pulmonaire. Gaz. hebd. el. sc. metl. de Montpel.. 1889, xi, 277-280.—Browne (A.) Case of phthisis, with pleuro-pulmonary fistula. Metl. Times, Lond., 1846, xiv, 223.—Bucquoy. A bees tuber- culeux multiples; tuberculose pulmonaire; influence du traitement. Bull, et mem. Soc. nied. tl. In")]), tie Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 195-197.—Bndd (G.) Stomach disorders con- nected with tubercular disease of the lung. Med. Times efe Gaz.. Lond., 1858, xvii, 131.—B nee liner (L.) Zum Verhaltniss von Emphysem und Tuberkulose tier Lungeu. Wiirzb. metl. Ztschr., 1861, ii, 83-89.— Bull (E.) Et niindrealiniudeligt Tilfrldeaf Lnngeta;ring metl Empyem. Norsk Mag. f. Ltegevidensk., Christiania, 1883. xiii, 591- 601. —Bury (J.) Chronic phthisis ; latent tuberculosis of brain; meningitis of vertex. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 194.—Camera (G.) Lo pneuiiia-idrotorace nel decorso della tubercolosi pulmonale. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1882, n. s., iv, 1138-1141. —Campbell (J. S.) Perforation of a tuberculous excavation through the walls of the chest. Lancet. Loud., 1845, i, 275.— [Cases.] Perforation tuberculeuse du poumon ; pneunio- hydrothorax. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1838. xiii. 269-273.— Chronic pneumonic phthisis. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1883, 208.-Chronic phthisis, dilated bronchi, emphysema and gangrene; death. Abstr. M. A- S Cases Gen! Hosp. Sick Children, Peudlebury, 1885, Phthisis (Complications of). Manchester, 1886, v, 56.—Phthisis, aneurism in 1, lung, suffocative haemoptysis. Ibid., 56.—Chabert (A.) Tu- berculose pulmonaire et ganglionnaire; hypcrplasie gcj- ueralisee tlu tissu conjonctif. Rec. de nieti'i. de metl. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxiv, 418-432. — Charcot. Pul- monary tuberculosis antl caseous pneumonia. Meel. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 29. — Chomel (A.-F.) Phthisie tuberculeuse conipliqnee d'ascite et d'tedeme ties membres inferieurs ; lesions nnatomiques propres ft ces deux phluiomenes. (iaz. tl. hop., Par., 1843, 2 s.. v, 14. Also, transl. : Med. Exam., Phila., 1843, vi, 37.—ChriMli- hoii (R. ) Case o! empyema and pulmonary tubercles, il- lustrative of the connexion between tubercular deposition and chronic inflammation. Edinb. M. cfe S. J., 1835 xliii, 269-272. — Clark ( A. ) cfe Marshall (P.) Case of hae- morrbagic phthisis. Metl. Times *. Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 718-720.—Corbin. Histoire d'une phthisic avec pneumo- thorax et hydro-thorax qui so sont sueceeles alternative- ment chez une nialade, observee pendant deux ans; men- suration du thorax. J. conipl. du diet. tl. sc. nied., Par., 1832. xiii, 56-72.—Corbin (G. E.) Empyema accompanying phthisis pulaionalis. Renins. J. M., Detroit, 1857-8, v,204- 206. — Corrigan. Phthisis; emphysema. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl. (1840-49), 1849, i, 77-79. — Cotton. Phthisis; fatal haemoptysis from aneurism of a small branch of the pulmonary artery. Med. Times < -<;iovniini (A.) Delle alterazioni del cuore nella tisichezza polmonale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, vi, 105-138. Also: Boll, scient., Pavia, 1887, ix, 1; 33; 65; 97. Also [Abstr.J: Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1886-7, 6. s., v, 53. Also [Abstr.]: Med. tonteiup., Napoli, 1887, iv, 113-120.— Be Kenzi (E.) Sulla causa della degenerazione atliposa del legato nella tisichezza polmonare. N. Lignria med., (lenova, 1874. xix. 49-53. -----. Contributo alio studio delle nevralgie nel corso della tubercolosi pulmonale. Riv. clin. e terap., Na- poli, 1883, v, 572-574.— Dcmiion (E.) Veg6tations polypi- formes du gros intesliii chez un tuberculeux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880. Lv, 489-492. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 287. — DcNplats (H.) Atropine des muscles eiu thorax et de 1 epaule chez les pleurMiques. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1885, vii. 277; 315. — Dcstrcc (E.) Tuberculose pulmonaire; pneumonie consecutive; elevation exception- nelle de la temperature dans les derniers .jours de la vie. Presse metl. beige, Brux., 1878-9, xxxi, 41-43. -----. Tu- berculose pulmonaire; embolies dans le rein et le cerveau, les valvules cardiaques etant saines. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux. Bull., no. 30, 1880-81, 55-58.—Wcvroye. Pyothorax survenu tl la periodeultime d'une phtisie- tuber- culeuse ; quelques consitlerations sur le traitement de la phtisie et de ses complications. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1881, 3. s., xx, 387-404. —Be Witt (G. E.) Phthisis with empyema. Canael. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix, 134. — Dicu- lafoy. La tuberculose pulmonaire et la pneumonic case- euse. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1877, xxiv, 40.5-407. — Di Vestca (A.) Contribuzione clinica circa 1'influenza bene- fica dello pneuniotorace sul decorso della tisi polmonare. Morgagni, Napoli, 1883, xxv, 454-458. — Dmochowski ( Z. ) O wtdrnem cierpieniu migdalkow gardzielowych i gruczolkow woreczko.watych na podstawie.jezyka u suchot- nikow. [On the pains accompanying tonsilitis antl glands around uvula in phthisis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix, 309-318.—llufour. Phthisie tuberculeuse ties pou- mous, des voies genito-urinaires et du foie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1853, xxvi, 452.—Dugiiet. Tuberculisation chroni- PHTHISIS. 155 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Complications of). que des ponmons et de 1 intestin ; typhlite phlegmoneuse; autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par, 1870, 5. s., i, 178-182.-----. De l'embolie pulmonaire comme cause tie mort rapide etimprevuedans le cours tie la phthi- sie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxiv, 469; 493. Also: Bull, et ni6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1881), 1882, 2. s., xviii, pt. 2, 169-178.—Dniiin (T.) Pltitzlicher Tod'bei Lungenschwindsucht, in Folge von Lufteiutritt in tlie Gefiisse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 71-73. [See, also, infra, Vogel ( M.)] -----. Pare uwag o przebiegu zapalenia oplucntvj u suchotnikow. [Some remarks on the course of inflammation of the pleura in phthisis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1886, n. s., vi, 812-817. — Duplay cfe It obi n. Phthisie tuberculeuse; hemorrhagic meuin gee; deweiiereseence particuliere ties glandes bronchiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, 70-72. — Butcher (A. P.) The liver; its condition in pulmonary tuberculosis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, n. s., vi, 484-488. -----. General symptoms antl physical signs of certain chestdiseases which sometimes at tenet pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1861-2,n. s.,vii, 423-429.-----. Death; causes which produce its sudden occurrence in pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1863, n. s., x, 193; 205; 230. -----. A case of pulmonary tuberculosis with extensive tubercular deposits in other parts of the body. Ibid., 1866, n. s., xv, 88-90.—Edwards (W. A.) An unusual association ofelis- eases; phthisis and htemophilia. Univ. M. Mag., Phila , 1888-9, i, 36.—E itclbcrg (A.) Markedly protracted course of suppurative otitis media in three cases of tuberculosis. [Transl. by M. Toeplitz.] Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1888, xvii, 236-239.—Fabre. La phthisie pleuiale. Marseille metl., 1882, xix, 321-338. — Fauvel (C.) cfe Andre (J.) Etudo sur les alterations du larynx dans la tuberculose. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1878, li, 124. — Fa vel ( P.) Sur un cas de tu- berculose osseuse ayant succeeie k une tuberculose pul- monaire guerie. Ibid., 1887, lx, 51. — Fcreol & Graux (G.) Granulie: perforation dime cavercule : eniphyseme generalise; petit abces de voisinage dans un rspace inter- costal; autopsie. Progres metl., Par., 1877, v, 492- 495. — Fernet. Tuberculose pulmonaire; adenopathio tracheo-bronchique; pleuresie diaphragmatique; autop- sie. France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 73-75. — Ferrand. Traitement de l'hemoptysie active du debut de la tubercu- lose. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1880, xlvii, 425- 427.—Finger. Tuberculosis pulmonum mit Aneurysma aorta'. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1858, lx, 14- 17.— Fisehl (J.) Eine seltene Complication der Lungen- phthisie. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 465; 489.— Fisher (II. M.) Caseof phthisis with empyema. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 329. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 129-131. -----. Heart fiom a caseof phthisis, with mitral incompetence. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 103-105.—Flint (A.) Acute phthisis; collapse or atelectasis of the lower lobe of the left lung; au- topsy. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz., 1859-60, vi, 672.— FoiiNNagrivcM. De quelques terminaisons rares tie la phthisie; mort subite par apoplexie dans une caverne pulmonaire; cas tl'hemoptysieconcomitante. Union metl., Par., 1857, xi, 235.—Forcke (H. W.) De tabescentibus ael nares ducentla fluxione super locis nonnullis Hippocratis. In: Brendel (J. G.) Opusc. math, et med., etc., 4&, Gottin- gae, 1775, iii, 157-170.—Fox (W.) Clinical remarks on a case of tubercular consolidation of the lung, complicated with bronchitis. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 747. — Frankcl (E.) Ueber pathologische Veranderungen der Keblkopfmuskelu bei Phthisikern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, lxxi, 261-268, 1 pi. -----. Anatomisches und Klinisches zur Lehre von den Erkrankungen des Nasenrachenraumes uud Gehororganes bei Lungenschwindsucht. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881, x, 113-131. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1881, x, 100-114.—Frazer (W.) Acute vesi- cular emphysema occurring in course ot rapidly-developed phthisis, antl becoming diffused into the cellular tissue of the neck and face; remarks. Dubliu Hosp. Gaz., 1856, iii, 165-167.—Fuller. Emphysemaof the lungin connection with phthisis pulmonalis. "Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 15-17. -----. Phthisis, pneumothorax, bronchitis, antl death. Lancet, Loud., 1864, ii, 120—Gal lard (T.) Me- moire sur l'emphyseme pulmonaire, 6tudie dans ses rap- ports avec les autres affections du poumon, et plus spe- cialeinent avec les tubercules. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1854, ii, 182-209. —Oarcin (C.) L6sions du coeur droit chez les phthisiques. Marseille med., 1878, xv, 336 ; 404; 462.—Garrotl. A caseof phthisis, pleuritis, emphysema, pneumothorax, empyema, and bronchitis, ending in'tleath. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 378.—Gauche (J.-B.) Tuberculose pulmonaire; abefes tie la region prefroutale du cerveau. Progrfes med., Par., 1879, vii, 87.—Gauderou. Pleur6sie purulente droite chez un tuberculeux; empy6me de neces- sit6 ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par., 1876, li, 477-480. Also .- Progres m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 823. — Gerhardt. Lungen- phthise, tuberculose Geschwiite des Magens und Darmes; heilendes tuberculoses Geschwiir ties Kehlkopfes; schrum- pfende, linksseitige Pleuritis, Pnettmopericardie. Si- tzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1881, 90-99.— Gillc-Brcchcmin. Tuberculose pulmonaire; mort ra- pide par hematemese; ulceration tie l'estomac. Bull. Soc. P lit Iii si* (Complications of). anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 452. Also: Progresm6d., Par., 1880, viii, 171. — Gil more (Amelia W. ) The relation of pul- monary disease to insanity. Rep. Proc. Alumnae Ass. Women's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1889, 41-49. — GiniNon (W. G.) Case of phthisis complicated with pneumothorax aud abscess, destroying the costal cartilages. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 367. — Glasgow (W. C.) Laryngeal dis- ease considered in its relation to pulmonary phthisis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City, 1875, 69-78.' -----. Laryn- geal disease, as an element in the prognosis of consumption. St. Louis ('our. Med., 1883, ix, 200-214. — GIvkmoii ( T.) Hemorrhagic phthisis. Boston M. & S. J., 1836-7. xv, 169- 173.—Gootlhait (J. F.) Tubercular phthisis; ulceration of larynx; extreme tubercular disease of liver; large soft spleen; tubercle in tlie- kidneys. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1876, xxvii, 196-199.—Gordon. Phthisis; gastric symp- toms; constipation; suddeu tleath; fatty condition of heartantl liver; extensive ulceration of intestines. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 153.—Gougucnhcim. Apho- nic nerveuse chez une tuberculeuse!; ecartenient perma- nent des cordes vocales inlerieui-es. Ann. el. mai. de l'oreille, tlu larynx, etc., Par., 1883, ix, 253. -----. Apho- nic nerveuse chez un tuberculeux. Ibid., 255. — Gour- r;tml. Phthisie pulmonaire commencante, gucrio a la suite d'une variolo de mauvaiso espece. .1. ele nied., chir., pharin., etc., Par., 1792, xci, 140-148. — Grancher (J.) De la dilatation bronchique chez les tuberculeux. France meel., Par., 1878, xxv, 161-163. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 5. s., vii, 166-168. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. ele Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 19-23. -----. De l'adonopathie axillaire au cours do la tuberculose tlu poumon. Bull, metl., Par., 1887, i, 771-773. Also, transl.: Boll. tl. clin., Milano, 1887, iv, 555-561. — Grapin. [ Tubercles, aud fistula of lung; necrosis of ribs.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1844, xix, 298.— Greenhow. Phthisis : caries of several vertebras and neuralgia of the arms. Med. Times ,fc Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 514.— Gueucau lie iTIussy. Laiyngite et bronchite psoudo-niembianenses; tubeieulcs elans les poumous et les intestins. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838. xiii, 279-283.— Giinzburg ( L. ) Lungentuberkulose mit bosartiger Vereiterung tier Fingerenden. Wien. med. Presse, 1880 xxi, 638. — Guillot (N.) Observation d'emphyseme pul- monaire generalise chez un adulte; tubercules pulmonaires et perforation a la racine tlu poumon gauche. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 566. — Guy ton. De l'influence que certains etats morbides pcuvent exercer sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Rev. tie therap. du midi, Montpel., 1855. ix, 65-69.—Halley (A.) Case of phthisis pulmonalis, accompanied by phenomena of unusual char- acter. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n.s., iii, 456. — llarmau. Phthisie; caverne enorme daus le poumon gauche simu- lant pentlant la vie un pneumothorax; calculs renaux formesexclusivemeutdephosphateammoniaco inamicsien. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1862, xxxvii, 414-419. — Ilaus- halter. Un cas d'anevrysme d'une branche de lartere pulmonaire dans le cours d'une tuberculose pulmonaire. Rev. metl. do Test, Nancy, 1889, xxi, 205-271.—Ilaydcn. Phthisis; tubercular abscess finding exit thiough the in- tercostal space. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1862, xxxiii, 455.— Heitler (M.) Rechtsseitiger Pneumothorax und allge- meines Hautemphysem in Folge von Lungentuberkulose. Wien. metl. Presse, 1873, xiv, 961-964. -----. Nachtrag. Ibid., 1874, xv, 81.— Herard. De l'influence favorable de l'hydro - pneumothorax sur la marche de la tuberculisa- tion pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxi, 1073- 1077. Also: Assoc, franc, pourl'avance. tl. sc. Compt.-rend. 1881, Par., 1882, x, 870-874.—Hiltschcr (J.) Tuberculosis meningum et pulmonum ; spondylarthrocace vertebrarum dorsi sub forma tetani. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 929-932—Hoeh ling (A. A.) Phthisis pueumouica et laryngitis chronica. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 481 .—Hoppe (J.) Tuberkuleise Schwindsuchtelerrechten Lunge bei geheilteni Empyema der linken Brust. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1867, xii, 160. — Horrocks (W. H.) A case of phthisis complicated by empyema; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 1247. — finnan ( T.) Case of phthisis with scrofulous degeneration of the kidneys. Edinb. M. cfe S. J., 1846, lxvi, 13-18. — Jaccoud. De la tuberculose pneumonique. France med., Par., 1889, ii, 917-921.—Jacobs (E. H.) Phthisis; tubercular meningi- tis: optic neuritis; death. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 328.— Janeway (E. G.) Phthisis; jaundice; epileptic or urte- mic convulsions, whieh ? Metl. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 453.— .ledanotr (V. A.) K voprosu ob izmenenii simpatich. nervnoi sistemi pri chachotke. [Changes of the sympa- thetic nervous system in phthisis.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiii, 505-511.—Joal. Des lesions tlu larynx chez les tuberculeux. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1881, cxlvii, 524: cxlviii. 51. — Johnson (G.) Clinical lecture of a case of phthisical perforation of the pleura, with pneumo- thorax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 253. Also, in his: Metl. Lect. & Essays, 8°, Lond., 1887, 466-479. - Kanclles (S.) KAii/i/cr) o-uix(3oAi) ecs ra. nepi /uoAuer/uaTiKOTrcros tt)s 9l8. Corral y Maestro (L.) Apuntcs sobre el contagio ele la tisis pulmonar. 8°. Madrid, 1884. Culllmore (D. H.) Consumptiou as a con- tagious disease; with its treatment according to the new views; to which is prelixetl a trans- lation of Professor Cohnheim's pamphlet, "Die Tuberkulose vom Stanelpunkte der Infections- Lehre". 8°. London, [1880]. Dentsox (C.) The infectiousness of phthisis. 8°. Denver, 1882. Repr. from: Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1882, xii. Drochox (P.) * Modes de contagion de la phthisie pulmonaire dans le mariage. 4°. Paris, 1882. Evers (A. F. C.) * In contagium phthisicum inquireus. 4°. Gottingce, [1782]. Goutte (G.-B.) * La phthisie pulmonaire est- elle coutagieuse? 8°. Paris, an XII [1803]. Groothoff (H.) *Historisch overzicht van de leer tier contagiositeit der phthisis. [Leiden.] 8°. Nijmegen, 1883. Jaffe (L. B.) *De contagio phthisico. 8°. Berolini, [1828]. Kremjaxski (J. S.) Zarazy i tchachotka iii uspechi mikrobuoi etiologiiv borbe sbolezniami i novyi uauchno-objektivnyi i obshedostupnyi sposob raspoznavanija, preduprejelenijai izleche- nija [etc. ]. [Contagion anel phthisis, or progress of development of microbes in the course of the disease, and new scientitico-objective anel gen- erally accessible methods of investigation, pre- vention, and cure.] 8°. Charkoff, 1887. Phthisis (Contagion and transmissibility of). Lajoue (C.) * Recherches exp6rimentales sur la contagion de la tuberculose par les inhalations de crachats ele phthisiques, et sur quelques moyeus prophylactieptes proposes. 4°. Nancy, 1*83. Lentz (V.) * ExpcriineutelleUntersuchuugen iiber tlie Infectiositiit des Blutes uud Urines Tuberkuloser. 8°. Greifswald, 1881. Also, transl. in: J. Soc. d. sc. metl. de Lisb., 1882, xlvi, 171-186. Metzquer (E.) Etude clinique de la phthisie galopante. Preuvcs expcrimcntulcs ele la noii- sp6cificit6 et de la non-inoculabilit6 des pbtbisies. Ouvrage pre~c6el6 d'une pr6face de M. le pro- fesseur Feltz. 8°. Paris, 1874. de Musgrave Clay (C.-R.) * Etude sur la contagiosity de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Parts, 1879. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1870. Pisaxi (A.) Sul contagio della tisichezza pol- monare memoria. 8°. Napoli, 1838. Bitter (H.) * Zur Contagiositiit der Tuberku- lose des Meuschen. 8°. Miinchen, 1881. Roodexberg (M. A.) * Diss, continens non- nulla de qiucstione utrum phthisis sit conta- giosa necne. 8J. Lugd. Bat, 1844. Roustax (A.) * Recherches sur l'inocula- bilit6 tie la phthisie. 8°. Paris, 1807. Salmade (M.) * Dissertation qui tenel a 6ta- blir que la phthisie pulmonaire n'est pas couta- gieuse. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Uherek (C.) * Ueber die Infectiositiit der Exhalationsluft von Phthisikern. 8C. Miinchen, 1881. Ullersperger (J. B.) Die Contagiositiit eler Lungenphthise. Preisschrift . . . vcrfasst unel aus dem Frauzosischen iibersetzt, elann mit Znsatzen vermehrt von . . . 8!. Neuwied u. Leipzig, 1869. Vahle (W.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von eler In- halations-Tuberkulose. 8°. Marburg, 1881. Webb (W. H.) Is phthisis pulmonalis conta- gious, aud does it belong to the zymotic group I 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. ------. Reasons for believing in the conta- giousness of phthisis. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884. Woets (A.) La phthisie pulmonaire peut-elle, daus quelques circoustances,elevcnir coutagieuse? 8°. Bruges, [n. el]. Alvnro (F. M.) jEs 6 no contagiosa la tisis? Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 1; 9.—Arnonld (J.) La conta- gion de la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1882, 6. s., iv, 535; 545; 558.—Baas (J. H.) Bemerkungen zur Frage von der Contagiositiit der Lungentuberculose und iiber die Behandlung der letzteren. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 153; 164.—Bnieoiics (E. M.) Metlios practicos para evitar la trasmisibilidad ele la tisis pulmo- nar. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1889, xii, 77-85.—Bassi (TJ. ) Stato attuale della questione sulla contagiosity della tisi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1883, iv, 177; 193; 201. Also: Osservatore metl., Palermo, 1883, 3. s., xiii, 103-120.—Kennel (J. H.) On the contagion of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 704-706.—Berti ( G. ) In- torno alia possibility di processi tisiogeni congeniti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1882, 6. a., x, 29-35.—B[er- lolet] ( R. M. ) The transmissibility of tuberculosis. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 153 ; 171.—Bettoli (U.) Me- moria sulla pretesa qualita- contagiosa della tisi. Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Parma. 1812, xi, 3-29— Bluuiberg (K ) K zarazitel. sushenoi mokroti chachotoch. [Con tagiousness of the sputa in phthisis.] Uchcn. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1885, ii, 267-273.—Bohm (F.) Ist Lungenphthisis eine Infectionskraukheit? Aerztl. Int.- Bl., Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 139— Boi»»cnu (E.) Histo- rique de la contagion de la phthisie pulmonaire. Rec. tie mem. de med____mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxii, 353-380.— Booth (D. S.) Contagiousness of consumption. Tr. South. 111. M. Ass., Du Quoin, 1879, i, 15-30.—Bon yer (L.) fils. Observation de tuberculose pulmonaire etosseuso provenant par contagion, d'une tuberculose pulmonaire. Union m6d., Par., 1885, 3. s., xxxix, 423-425.-Bowdlitch (H. I.) Is consumption ever contagious, or communicated from one person to another in any manner ? Boston M. cfe PHTHISIS. Plitliisis (Contagion and transmissibility of). S. J.. 1864, lxx, 329-340. Also, Reprint.—Brousse (A.) Contagion tie la phtisie pulmonaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1885, vii, 471-473.—Bru»a»fo (L.) Tubercolosi miliare per contagione diretta dall' uomo ad una cagna. Indipendente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 121-130.— Build (\V.) On the nature and mode ofthe propagation of phthisis. Lancet, Loud., 1867, ii, 451. — BuisNou. Deux observations dc phthisie par contagion presnui6e. (Avec discussion.) .1. ele m6d.deBordeaux, 1852, x, 172-174.—Ca- deac dz. iVIalet. Recherches experimeutales sur la trans- mission de la tuberculose par les voies respiratoires. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1887, cv, 1190-1192.—(avian (A.) Document pour servir k I'histoire de la contagion de la phthi- sie pulmonaire. Montpel. ni6d., 1869, xxii, 97-116.-----. De la contagion delaphthisie pulnionaire. Ibid., 1883,1, 58-70.— Caucanas le fils. Examen des principaux faits relatifs k la contagion de la phthisie pulmonaire, et aux moyens propres a en ccarter les atteiutes. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1815, xxxviii, 273-311.—Chauvcau (A.) Applicatiou tie la connaissance ties conditions dc l'infection a l'etude tie la contagion de la phthisie pulmonaire; demonstration dc la virulence de la tuberculose par les effets de l'ingestion de la matiere tuberculeuse dans les voies digestives; corol- laires relatifs a l'livgiene priv6e et k l'hygiene publiquo. Bull. Acatl. de metl.. Par., 1867-8, xxxiii, 1007-1024. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1868, 2. s., v, 753-756.------. Sur la contagion de la tuberculose. Lyon metl., 1870, iv, 321- 324. ------. Transmissibilite de la tuberculose. Gaz. hebd. dem6d., Par., 1872. 2. s., ix, 215-219.—Classen (F. L.) On the contagiousness of phthisis and the treatment of the eliseaso by pneumatic differentiation. Albany M. Ann., 1886, vii, 131-140.—Cogshall (B.) Consumption; is it a contagious disease ? What can be done to prevent its ravages ? Physician cfe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii. 241-253. Also: Proc. . . . San. Convent. Battle Creek 1881, Lansing, 1882, 142-151. Also: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881, Lansing. 1882, ix, 142-151. Also, Reprint. ------. Is tubercular cousuniplion a contagious antl parasitic dis- ease? Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1882, Bost., 1883, viii, 164-176. Also, Reprint.—Commons (W.) The conta- gion of phthisis. Indiana J. M., Indiauap., 1870-71, i, 129- 135.—Condie. (D. F.) Consumption: is it contagious? Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxii, 119-123.—Conta- giousness (The) of consumption. Proc Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 188), n. s., ii, no. 2, 71-73.—Cook (J. S.) Is phthisis contagious ? Tr. M. Soc. X. Jersey, Newark, 1878, 387.—Cornell (W. M.) Is consumption ever con- tagious, or communicated from one person to another in any manner.' Lull'alo M. cfe S. J., 1863-4. iii, 461-465.— Corradi (A.) Del contagio della tisi polmonare rispetto alia storia ed all' igiene pubblica. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1882, eclxi, 324-337. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1882, iv, 736-743. Also, transl. [Abstr.): Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1882, iv, 195. Also, transl. [Ab- str.] : Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1883, xv, 213-217. ------. Sur les resultats de l'enquete sur la transmissibilite de la phthisie pulmonaire. Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de demog. Compt. rend., La Have, 1884, i, 199-206. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Deutsche Vitl'jsclir. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 218-220.—Cotton (R. P.) On the nature and mode of the propagation of phthisis. Lancet, Loud., 1867, ii, 550.—Crisp (E.) On tu- berculous affections in man and in the lower animals, in re- lation to their supposed zymotic nature. St. Andrew's M. Grail. Ass. Tr. 1867, Lond., 1868, i, 110-132.—Culliiuore (D. H.) A case of acute phthisis from direct contagion iu a dog. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 768— Cuiiaii (W.) Iufec- tivc phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 899— Curi'ie(D. A.) Contagiousness of consumption. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1»7K, L'21—Dale (W.) Phthisis and infection. Lancet, Lond.. 1X81, ii, 1108. ------. Phthisis and infection. Ibid., 1882, i, 249. ------. On pulmonary consumption and infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1280.—Davies (H.) On the contagiousness of pulmonary consumption. Ibid., 1882, ii, 238.—Delon (A.) Un cas frappant de contagion de la tuberculose. Montpel. med., 1887, 2. s., viii, 33-36.— Deuteraios (A.) Kai jraAci' b\iya Tivd koAAtjtikottjtos rijs 0io-€U)-s. TaATji-os, 'Aflfji/ai, 1880, A', 348-352.—I>i ITIut- lei (E.) Sulla trasmissibilita della tubercolosi per mezzo del suelore dei tisici. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1888, xii, 293-307. — Dorolca (L.) Risposta ad unelici quesiti inviatigli dall' Accademia medico-cerusica sulla contagio- sity o non contagiosity della tisichezza. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1849, iii, 27-47, 1 pi. [Relat. di A. Martiui], 48-51. — Drysdale (C.) Cases hearing on the question of the contagion of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 99. — Drysdale (C. R. ) Phthisis pulmonalis in husband and wife; possible case of contagion. Ibid., 1889, ii, 604. — Duma*. Enquete sur la transmission de la phthisie. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. tie Montpel., 1885, vii, 147-149. — Dmiin ( T.) O zapobieganiu i leczeniu suchot plucnych z puuktu widzenia teoryi pasorzytniczej. [Prevention and treatment of phthisis from the point of view ofthe parasitical theory.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 18H3, 2. s., iii, 819; 845; 868.—Butcher (A. P.) The transmissi- ) phthisis. Phthisis (Contatjion and transmissibility of)- bility of pulmonary tuberculosis. Cincin. M. Report., 1870, iii, 118-124 —Eber*. AnsteckbarkeitderLuiigeiischwiiiel- sucht. Wchnschr. f. d. gi's. Heilk., Berl., 1833, 49-53.— Evans (T. W.) Non-bacilli and contagion of phthisis. Co- lu nib us M. J., 1884-5, iii, 70-72.— Faivie (E.) Contagion tie la tuberculose par lis voies digestives. Lyon med., 1869, i, 8-13.—Fleming (G.) The transmissibility of tubercu- losis. Brit, cfe For. M. - Chir. Rev., Loud., i*74, liv, 461- 486. Also, transl. : Gazz. med. ital., prov. veuete, Padova, 1875, xviii, 3; 9; 17; 25.—Flick (L. F.) The contagious- ness of phthisis (tubercular pulmonitis). Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1888, xx, 164-186, 2 plans. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. M. Times, 1887-8, xviii, 649.—Frage (Zur) von der Verbreitung und TJebertragbarkeit iter Lungenschwindsucht. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 569. — «alante di Api-ino (E. ) Sc: la tisi tu- bercolaro sia contagiosa. Compania nied., Caserta, 1872-3, ii, 6; 25. — Giampietro (V.) Sulle contagiosity della tisi. Salute, Genova, 1877, xii, 110-113. — Goss (I.J. M.) Is phthisis pulmonalis contagious? South. M. cfe S. J., Augusta, 1856, n. s., xii, 461-465.—CJreenley (T. B.) Is consumption contagious? South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1879, ix, 1-5.—Griffin ( T.) Is phthisis transmissible! Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iii, 367.—Giinzburg (L.) Ansteckungs- kraft; Erblichkeit; Heiluug tier Lungentuberkulose. Go- sundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1884, ix, 161.—HarlNen (F. A.) Ist die Tuberculose anstcckend? Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, xlix, 574.—Iloldcn (E.) Is consumption contagious? Am. J.M. Sc, Phila., 1878, n.s., eli, 145-161.— Is consumption contagious? Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1861, iv, 681-683. Also: Cleveland M. Gaz., 1861, iii, 681-683.— Is consumption contagious? [Rev.] Birmingh. M. Rev., 1881, n.s., iv, 97-107. — Is consumption infectious? At- lanta M. cfe S. J., 1855-6, i, 462— Janeway (E. G.) Pos- sible contagion of phthisis. Arch. Mcei.. N. Y., 1882, viii, 219-225.—.lohannesscn (A.) llistoriske Strobemtcrk- ninger om Ftisens Kontagiositet. [Historical observation at random ou the contagiousness of phthisis.] Norsk Mag. f. Lajgevidensk., Christiania, 1886, 4. R., i, 440-449.— Kelly (B.) Is consumption contagious? Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 24.—Keuipf (E. J.) The contagiousness of phthisis. Louisville M. News, 1884, xvii, 177-179.—Klcbs. Ueber tlie Entstehung tier Tuberculose und ihre Verbreitung im Keirper. Arch. Lpath. Anat., etc, Berl., 1868, xliv, 242-296, 1 pi.—Knight (F. I.) The con- tagiousness of tubercular disease of the lungs, with a report of one case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1887, ix, 505-507.— Kriieh (A.) Une consequence resultant de la connais- sance tie la contagiosite de la tuberculose. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. deLi6ge, 1882, xxi, 288-290.—1.. (M.) Ou the con- tagiousness of tubercle. [Rev.] Am. J. M.Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiii, 467-482. Also, transl.: Rev. internat. el. sc. biol., Par., 1883, xi, 97-120. — beaming (J. R.) Is con- sumption communicable? N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 593.—Lee (R.) The infection of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 793.—Ceudet (E.) Les effets, au point de vue de la propagation de la tuberculose pulmonaire, de l'adinission dans les hopitaux g6n6raux d'individus atteints de cette maladie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886, cii, 301- 304. Also: Fiance m6d., Par., 1886, i, 233-235.—Llanos (B.) Memoria sobre la nulidad del contagio de la tisis. D6cadas med.-quir., Madrid, 1821, i. 145; 185.—Ijongslnff (G. B.) Phthisis, bronchitis, and pneumonia; are they epidemic diseases? Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, n. s., ii, 119-128,2 tab. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 665.—Lopez (M.) Mas sobre el contagio de la tisis tuberculosa. Siglo ibed., Madrid, 1857, iv, 27. — Luczkicwicz. W sprawie zarazliwosci suchot plu- cnych. [Cause of contagiousness of phthisis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv, 188; 204.—ITIcAldowic (A. M.) Phthisis as an infectious disease. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 825.—M'Caskey (G. W.) The coinmunicability of pul- monary tubercular consumption. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1884, xxx, 269-27.-,. Also: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1884-5, iv, 236-241. — Mackenzie ( G. H. ) The infection of phthisis and its bearings upon treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 870. — iMeiTIechnn (J. C.) Is phthisis a conta- gious disease? Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, xvi, 635-639. [Discussion], 643-645.—IVIammi (B.) La tisi polmonale e ella contagiosa? Gazz. meel. ital. lomb., Milano, 1864, 5. s., iii, 71.—Mays (T. J.) The non-contagiousness of pulmo- nary tuberculosis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 145-154. Also, Reprint.—Jtleisscn (E.) Eine Infections- krankheit des Menschen. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., 1887, xiv, 58-82.— Tleibacli. Ueber die Geschichte tier Lehre der Contagiosity der Luugeuschwiudsucht. Jahresb. el. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1884-5, 65-79.—IVIeuuicr (L.) Notes pour servir k I'histoire de la contagion ele- hi phthisie. Praticien, Par., 1887, x, 505; 517; 529. — lYIilroy(G.) Is consumption contagious? Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1«75, ii, 593-595. — Montane. Apuntcs bistc'u ic-os y criticos sobre el contagio de la tisis. An. r. Acad, ele cien. m6d. . . . de la Habaua, 1875-6, xii, 39-47. — IVIoi-iez ( R. ) Contagion de la tuherculope. Montpel. med., 1874, xxxiii, 199-214. —Mossa. Ist die PHTHISIS. 161 PHTniSIS. Phthisis (Contagion and transmissibility of). Schwindsucht ansteckend? Ztschr. f. homeiop. Klin., Leipz., 1879, xxviii, 17. —Murrell. Case of phthisis, probably of contagious origin. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 802.— dc ITIuynck (J.) A la memoire tie Josse Van Lorn: De la contagionabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire, fond6e princi- palement sur des faits pratiques. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand 1850, xxv, 137-176: 1851, xxviii, 193-244. [Rap.de Colsoli], 1852, xxix, 195-232.—Ogston (F.) A clinical ob- servation in support of the theory of the contagiousness of pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 219.— Ollivier (A.) Note sur la contagiosity de la tuberculose pulmonaire chez les enfants. Union m6d., Par., 1885, 3. s., xxxix, 865-870.—Parker (W. T.) Concerning the com- municahility of phthisis. " Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1884-5, xi, 254-257.—Petersen (J.) Lungesvindsotensog Ttiberkulosens omtvistede Kontagiositet og Iuokulabilitet. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1869, xii, 161-165.—Petresco. Sur la contagion de la tuberculose par les crachat s; moyens de la prevenir. Cong. p. l'etude tie la tuberculose 1888, Par., 1889, i, 333-338.—Pietri (M.) La tubercolosi 6contagiosa? Spallanzani, Modena, 1876, xiv, 56-58.—P iron di. Deux observations de phthisie pulmonaire transmiso par con- tagion. Marseille m6d., 1869, vi, 1018-1020.—Pirric (W.) Address on the infectiveness of tubercle, with special reference to tubercular consumption. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 171-173.—Poels (J.) & IVolen (W.) Das Contagium der Lungonseuche. Fortschr. tl. Meel., Berl., 1886, iv, 217- 229. Also: Rundschau a.d.Geb.tl.Thiermed.u. vergleich. Path., Osterwieck, 1886, ii, 155; 163.—Porter (W.) The portagiousness of phthisis. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1887-8, vii, 338-342. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 320-322, Also: Med. Reg., Phila , 1888, iii, 152-154.— Polain. De la transmission de la phtisie entre epoux, Rev. de med., Par., 1885, v, 499-508.—Poulet (V.) Essai de l'application du coefficient de la mortalite k l'etude de la contagion de la phthisie. Concours med., Par., 1882, iv, 566-570.—Question (The) of the specific contagion of phthisis. Louisville M. News, 1883, xv, 283-285.—Quin- tan (F. J. B.) A case of apparent phthisical infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 248.—Keich (H.) Die Tuber- culose, eine Infectionskrankheit. Mitth. d. Ver. tl. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1878, vi, 234-237. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 551-553. — Robertson ( J.) Is phthisis pulmonalis contagious? Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1886, n. s., viii, 452-466. [Discussion], 495-504.— Robertson (R.) Family history in relation to contagion iu phthisis pulmonalis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 624- 626.—Rohdcn (L.) Die Uebertragbarkeit der Phthisis vom Ehemann auf die Ehefrau. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1875, xxvii, 57; 65.—Rniz y Jar a (M.) Aclaraciones sobre el contagio de la tisis. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 74.—Salazar (M.) El contagio y la herencia en la tuber- culosis pulmonar. Bol. de med. y cirug., Madrid, 1889, vii, 65-77. — Sawyer (A.) Is phthisis contagious? Boston M. cfe S. J., 1862-3, lxvii, 498-500.—Schuitzler (J.) Zur Frage der Kontagiosi tat der Lungentuberkulose. Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 1281; 1538—W[erretj (R.) jEs contagiosa la tisis? Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 525.— Seux p6re. Note sur la contagion de la phthisie pul- monaire. [Avec discussion.] Marseille med., 1869, vi, 308; 507. — Sheild. Report on the communicability of phthisis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 167. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 415.—Sirtori (C.) Sulla tisi tubercolare, con riguardospecialmente alia sua natura con- tagiosa. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. s., vii, 433; 443; 453. — Skerritt (E. M.) Clinical evidence against the contagiousness of phthisis. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1883, i, 48-70— Sklotovski (P. 0.) Neskolk. slov. o zarazitel. chachotki i ejalechenii. [On contagious phthisis and its treatment.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. meet Obsh., Tiliis, 1888-9, xxv, 494-509.—Smith (R. S.) The proofs of the existence of a phthisical contagion. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1883, i, 1-47.—Sokolowski (A.) O suchotach pluc- nych przymiotowych. [Contagiousness of phthisis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1882,2. s., ii, 221 ; 247 ; 273 ; 288; 308.-----. O zarazliwosci suchot plucnych ze stanowiska klinicznego. [ On contagiousness of phthisis in clinics. J Ibid., 1883, 2. s., iii, 559; 587. -----. Jeszcze raz w kwestyi zarazli- wosci, zapobiegania i leczenia suchot plucnych. [Con- tagiousness, prevention, antl treatment of phthisis. ] Ibid., 990; 1004.—Stair (U. P.) Is consumption an infectious disease? J. Am-M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 425.—Ntevcns (C. W.) Is phthisis contagious? Boston M. cfe S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 168.—Struve (H.) Die Phthisis vom Stand- pnukt der Infectionslehre. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 349-351.—Tail (L.) Consumption; is it con- tagious? [Case.] Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxii, 419. —Thar. Contagiositiit der Lungenschwindsucht. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., BejJ., 1833, 53.—Thompson (R._ E.) The infection of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, '26-728.—Thomson (J.) Case of acute phthisis with large cavities in an infant nursed by a phthisical mother. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1887-8, xiii, 216-218. Also: Edinb. M J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 326-328. — Thorowgood (J. C.) ine communicability of consumption. Brit. M. J., Lopd., 11 Phthisis (Contagion and transmissibility of). 1885, i, 889— Toussaint (H.) Contribution k l'etude de la transmission tie la tuberculose. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 754-756.—Trudeau (E. L.) An exper- imental research upon the infectiousness of non-bacillary phthisis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1885, n. s., xc, 381-365.— Tyndall (J.) On tubercular disease; in a letter in the Times, 22d April. San. Jour., Glasg., 1882-3, n. s., vi, 83.—Valliu (E.) Le lait des vaches phthisiques peut-il transraettre la tuberculose ? Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 1, 2. s., 15-50. -----. Rapport sur la contagion ele la tubercu- lose et sa prophylaxie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par., 1884, 4. s., i, 262-288. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 482; 500. -----. Rapport sur l'ehquete concernant la contagion de la phthisie. Bull, et m6m. Soc. meel. d. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 72-120.— Yanbiervlict (L.) Un mot sur la contagiosite de la phthisie. Observateur, Courtrai, 1853, iii, 55. — Van Ilolsbcck (H.) Considerations sur la transmissibilite de la phthisie pulmonaire. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1856, viii, 245-247. — ViiIcmin [J.-A.] De la propagation de la phthisie. Gaz. hebd. tie metl., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 260- 266. Also, Reprint. Also: France med., Par., 1869, xvi, 233; 244; 251; 282; 292.—Warloiuoiit. La contagio- Bite eiu tubercule et ses consequences cliniques. Bull. Acad. roy. de ni6d. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., xvii, 1006- 1016.—Webb (W. H.) Is phthisis pulmonalis contagious, and does it belong to the zymotic group? Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1878, n. s., lxxv, 426-434.-----. Reasons for believing iu the contagiousness of phthisis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1883-4, vi, 347-362. Also: Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 171-178. Also: Cincin. M. News, 1884, n. s., xiii, 443- 456. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884, xi, 201-207. -----. Facts serving to prove the contagiousness of tuberculosis; with results of experiments with germ traps used in tletect- ing tubercle-bacilli in the air of places of public resort, and a description of apparatus. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 471; 491: 18S5, xiii, L—Weber (H.) On the commu- nicability of consumption from husband to wife. Tr. Clin. Soi'. Loud., 1874, vii, 144-154. Also, Reprint. — von Wehile (L.) Ueber die Infectiositat der Lutt iu Riiumen, welche von Phthisikern bewohnt Werden. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 177; 190.—Weiclisclbnum (A.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber lnhalations-Tuber- kulose. Centralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 338-342.—Wernich (A.) Wann steckt Lungenschwind- sucht an? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 354; 370. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1878-9), 1880, x, pt. 2, 94-112.—Whittaker (J. T.) The contagion of consumption. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 90-94.—Wil- liams (C. T.) The contagion of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 618-621.—Windrif. Sur la contagion de la phthisie pulmonaire. Rev. deth6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1867, xxxv, 9-11.—¥eo (I. B.) Clinical lecture on the con- tagiousness of pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 895-898.—Young (A. G.) Consumption as an in- fectious disease. Rep. Bd. Health Maine 1888, Augusta, 1889, iv, 192-221.—Zappulla (V.) Brevi considerazioni sulla contagiosity della tisi pulmonale. Salute, Genova, 1872, vii, 529-537.—Zasetski (N. A.) K voprosu o zara- zitelnosti chachotki. [The contagiousness of phthisis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 797.—Kawatlzki (W.) O zakazuem poehodzeniu i przeciwgnilnem leczeniu suchot plucnych. [On the infectious origin and antiseptic treat- ment of phthisis pulinonalis.] Kron. lek., Warzawa, 1887, viii, 363; 415. Phthisis (Curability of). See, also, Phthisis (Diagnosis, etc., of); Phthi- sis (Treatment of). Audouin (A.-V.) * Essai sur les tuberculeux au point de vue de la curability. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1880. Boudet (C.-E.) * Recherches sur la guerison naturelle ou spontanee de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1843. Breventani (U.) Sul quesito se e come sia guaribile la tisichezza pulmonare. 4°. Bologna, 1849. Bureaud-Riofrey (A.-M.) Curability de la phthisie et des scrofules, appuyee sur des preu- ves autheutiques. 8°. Paris, 1847. Coschwitz (G. D.) [Pr.] de phthiseos incu- rabilitate. sm. 4°. [Balce Magdeb., 1720.] Fatigati (A. S.) De la curabilidad de la tisis pulmonar y tratamiento racional para obteuerla, obra escrita en presenciade los recientes trabajos sobre la materia de Fonssagrives, Jaccoud, Char- cot, Virchow, Robin, Litten, Bouchard, y otros inuchos. 8°. Madrid, 1885i. PHTHISIS. uu phthisis. Phthisis (Curability of). Jaccoud (H.) Curability et traitement de la phthisie puluionaire. Lecons faites a la Faculte" de meYlecine. 8°. Paris, 1881. -----. The same. The curability and treat- ment of pulmonary phthisis. Transl. and edited by Montagu Lubbock. 8°. London, 1885. -----. Thesame. 8C. New York, 1885. Also [Rev.], in: J. de ni6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, i, 339-344. Also [Rev.], in : France m6d., Par., 1881, xxviii, 593-598 (Labadie-Lagrave). Joly (L.-J.-S.) De la phthisie pulmonaire et de sa curability. 8°. Paris, 1881. Also, transl. in: Ensayo m6d., Caracas, 1883-4, i, 23; 29; 34; 54; 66; 73; 84; 99; 107; 128; 149; 167; 174; 181; 197; 203. Le Couppey. Note sur la curabilit6 de la phthisie; lue a l'Institut national. 8°. Paris, 1849. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1849, xxix, 139. Lobethal (J.) Bewijs dat ele longtering kan genezen worden door aanwendiug eener nieuwe geiieeswijze. Voor geneeskuneligen en hulpbe- hoevenelen. 18°. Amsterdam, [n. d.]. M'Dowell (W. A.) A demonstration of the curability of pulmonary consumption, in all its stages. Comprising an inquiry into the nature, causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of tuberculous diseases in general. 8°. Louisrille, 1843. -----. Answer to a review of his treatise on consumption, by Dr. Y[andell]. 8°. [Louisville, 1844.] -----. Reply to Dr. Yanelell's rejoinder in a controversy relative to the cure of consumption. 8°. Louisville, 1844. See, also, infra, Yandell (L. P.). Rastrk (A.) * Sur la curability de la phthisie pulmonaire et son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1809. Rose (J. S.) Consumption curable. A prac- tical treatise to prove consumption a mauagcable disease; with cases successfully treatetl, under a new mode in this country. 12°. Philadelphia, 1841. Teulon (£.) *De la curability de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Montpellier, 1804. Ullersperger (J. B.) Die Frage iiber die Heilbarkeit der Lungcnphthiseu, historisch, pa- thologist und therapeutisch untersucht. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1867. Aguado y ITIorari (F.) Mis ultimas reflexiones sobre la curabilidad de la tisis caseosa. Contestacion al Si'. Gallego. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 818-824.— Anderson (T. McC.) Clinical lectures on cases illus- trative of the curability of attacks of tubercular perito- nitis and acute phthisis (galloping consumption). Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 413; 451. -----. Further observations on the curability of attacks of galloping consumption, with an illustrative case. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiii, 76-79. -----. On the curability of attacks of acute phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i', 266-269.—Bennett (J. II.) On the fro- qnent spontaneous cure of pulmonary consumption, and the indications furnisheel bv pathology for its rational treatment. Edinb. M. cfe S. J., 1845, lxi'ii, 406-414. -----. Exemples de la curabilite de la phthisie puluionaire. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 511-515. — Both (C.) Paper on "pulmonary phthisis and its curability". Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 116.—Boudet (E.) Ricerche sulla guarigione naturale o spontanea tlella tisi pulmo- nale. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1843, 3. s., iv, 371-381.— Boutet. Observation de phthysie pulmonaire au 2m0 degre, suivie tie gu6rison. J. de ni6d., chir. et pharm. tie Toulouse, 1859, 3. s., iv, 105-108 —Bowditch (V. Y.) A case of phthisis with numerous bacilli; complete arrest of the disease. Boston M. efe S. J., 1885, cxiii, 558. Also, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Asm., Chicago, 1885, v, 654- 656.—Brnulio del Busto. Algo mas sobre la cura- bilidael de las tisis. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 663- 665.—Bryan (L. D.) History, treatment, antl recovery of a case of phthisis pulmonalis. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1881-2, i, 289-292. — Buxton (H. W.) Curability and treatment of phthisis. Publ. Mass. Eclect. M. Soc, Bost., 1860-72, i, 442-458.—Caslan (A.) De la curabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire. Montpel. m6d., 1881, xlvi, 377-401.— Uastellvi (F.) Algunas observaciones sobre la curabili- Phthisis (Curability of). dad ele la tisis. Siglo mod., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 356; 580.— t'oriveaud (A.) De- la curabilite dc la phthisic pulmo- naire et de sou antagouisiue avec les maladies arthri- tiques. Deux observations. In his: Obs. et hit. d'un m6d. de campagne, 8'-', Par., 1880, 91-113. — t'liiliiiN (C. L.) In hoe verre kan eene lonateeriug geneeslyk zyn, en uit welke tekencn is zy als zodanig te keunen ! llanelel. v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1780, v, 1-110.—(Cutter (J. A.) The tleath of a cured case of tuberculosis put monalis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 446-453. — Desnos. De la curabilite de la phthisic: pulmonaire. Cong. med. tie France, Par., 1863, i, 254- 261. Also, Reprint.— Evans (G. A.) The curability of pulmonary phthisis. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 348- 352.—Faure. Curabilite de la phthisic; observalion tie broncbite tuberculeuse (1" degre) du sommet du poumon gauche; gu6rison. Gaz. med. ele 1'Algetic, Alger, 1858 iii, 117-119.—Flint (A.) The self limited duration of pulmonary phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 305-307.— Forget. De la curabilite et du traitement rationnel de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxiv, 11; 177. Also: Ann. de niCd. beige, Brux., 1848, i, 299: ii, 13. -----. Phthisie pulmonaire gu6rie; nonobstaut les progres tie la cachexie tuberculeuse. Bull. g6n. do th6rap., etc, Par., 1860, lix, 533-538.—Geddinjjs (W. H.) Successful cases of pulmonary phthisis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 369; 394. — CJl'i y Ortega (15.) Algunas observaciones sobre la curabilidad de la lisis. Siglo ni6tl., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 501. — (CSourdiu. Sur la curabilite tie la phthisie pulmonaire. [Resume.] Cong. m6tl. ele France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 122-128. — Hurl- but (J. E.) Consumption; its curability. Chicago M. Times, 1870, ii, 405-410. — Heitler (M.) Ueber Heilbar- keit der Lungenschwindsucht und iiber Kombinatiou tier Tuberkulose mit anderen Krankheiten. Wien. Kiinik, 1880, vi, 269-286. — James (M. L) Consumption; the question of its curability and its treatment. [With cases.] Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1879, 471-507. — Knott (L. D.) A case: of phthisis pulmonalis cured. Mod. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 489-491. — Kurlow. Ueber die Heilbarkeit tier Lungentuberculose; eine expcrinieutelle und pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888-9, xliv, 437-460, 3 pi.— ■jachapcllc (S.) Gu6rit-on la phthisie? Par quels moyens? Uniou iiiCd. du Canada, Montreal, 1877, vi, 481; 529.—Ijandowski (E.) L'institut saiiitaire de Musta- pha-Superieur; la curabilite de la phthisie; importance du traitement moral; la diete lact6e. Gaz. med. del'Alg6- rie, Alger, 1879, xxiv, 135-137.—I.aii«;e. Ein Beitrag zu den Erfahiungen iiber tlie sogenannte Heilbarkeit tier Lungen-Tuberkeln, so wie zur Lehre vom Selhstmorde. Metl. Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv, 189.—Lcronx (C.) De la cura- bilite de la phthisie. J. tl. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1880, 3. s., ii, 151; 257.—Logan (W. M.) Curability of consump- tion. Cincin. M. News, 1883, n. s., xii, 231-241.—lTIcl'as- key (G. W.) Curability of pulmonary phthisis. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1886-7, vi, 25-34.—McDowell (W. A.) Some physiological evidences of the curability of tubercu- lar consumption. K. York J. M., 1848, x, 32-49.—itln- clure (W.) G, x, 3.—Belfield (W. T.) Some observations on the clini- cal and pathological distinctions between phthisis and tu- berculosis. Chicago M. J. efe. Exam., 1878, xxxvi, 1-12.— Bennett (J. H.) Practical remarks on the physical di- agnosis of phthisis. Edinb. M. J., 1855-6, i, 577; 789. Also, Reprint.—Biaeli (A.) Ueber Puis- und Respirationsfre- quenz bei Lungentuberculose. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 101-139.— Bird ( F.) Ueber die Diagnose der Schlcim- schwindsucht. J. el. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1825, lxi. 3. s., 97- 108.—Bistacei (P.) Del diagnostico eliffereuziale tra il primo grado della tubercolosi polmonare e la bronchitide cronica. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1865, xv, 97-127.—Blocq (P.) Le foie chez les tuberculeux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 233-240.—Boileau. The correlations of temperature, pulse, and respiration in phthisis. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1868, Lond., 1870, x, 289-295.—Bourdon (H.) Recherches clini- ques sur quelques signes propres k caract6riser le debut de la phthisie pulmonaire. Actes Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1852, ii, 1-38. Also, Reprint.—Boiineniaiwoii. De cer- taines formes dc d6but de la phthisie. In his: Essais de clin. metl., 8°, Toulouse, 1874, 95-122. —Bourgade (A.) Recherches pour servir au diagnostic du premier degr6 ele la phthisie pulmonaire. Arch. g6n. de mGd., Par., 1858, ii, 531- 553.—Bowditch (H. I.) Cases of anomalous development of tubercles, commencing at the base of the lung and gradu- ally extending upward, with the physical signs of pneu- monia. Analysis of the cases: diagnosis, progress, path- ology, etc. Seael before the Boston Society for Medical Observation, Feb. 20, 1855. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1855, iv, 1-30. Also, Reprint.—Brieger (0.) Ueber die Func- tionen des Magens bei Phthisis pulmonum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 269-272. Also, Reprint.— von Brunn. Ueber die Neigung des Phthisikers zur Eikaltung. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1873, xviii, 153-160.— Buck (J. R.) On the diagnosis of phthisis pulmonaliR. West, J. M. cfe S., Louisville, 1844, 2. s., ii, 93-99—Buc- quoy. De la pleur6sie aigue comme ph6nom6ne initial tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1874, 2. s., xi, 476. Also: Abeille med., Par., 1874, xxxi, 345-347.— Budin (P.) Phthisie pulmonaire; auscultation. Pro- gres metl.. Par., 1874, ii, 293; 311; 329.—Cnstcllicr. Ob- servation sur une phthisie pulnionaire qui s'est masquee iusqu'a. sa fin, sous l'apparence tl'un spasme convulsif de l'estomac, et de vomissemens idiopathiques. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1803, v, 389-399— Cli a I met (B.) Quelques-mots sur la percussion thoracique dans la tu- berculose pulmonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, Ivii, 348.— Chalot. Du dcScubitis; sa valeur s6m6iotique dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Montpel. m6d., 1877, xxxix, 211; 299. — Clioniel. Tubercules pulmonaires; diffieull6 du diagnostic. Gaz. d. hop., 1845, 2. 8., vii, 281.—Clacius (G.) Von einer Reichs-Grafin, deren itare Kranokhoit von denen Herren Medicis gantz verkehrt tractiret wonleu, wovon sie einen garstigen schwindsiichtigeB Husten, mit einer grossen Engbriistigkeit, und hectischen Wesen be- kommen. In his: Consilia metl., 4°, Franck. u. Leipz., 1739, 4-9.—Colin (L.) De la valeur de la respiration sac- cad6e comme signe ele d6but de la tuberculisation pulmo- naire. Rec. de mem. de metl. . . . mil., Par., Ifr61, 3. s., v, 433-444.—Concato (L.) Dei segni tliagnostici fisici nella tubercolosi polmonare incipiente. Eb. d. clin. di Bo- logna, 1863, ii, 273; 281; 289; 297; 305; 313; 321; 329; 337; 345; 353. Also [Abstr.]: Morgagni, Napoli, 1863, v, 884- 903.—Condie (D. F.) On spurious consumption. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., Ixxii, 389-392.- < on I*, w right (A. H.) A review of the semeiologv of phthisis pulmonalis. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1870, iv, 05-73. —Cooine* (M. F.) Some thoughts on phthisis, with special reference to the value of laryngeal symptoms in diagnosis. Arch. Laryn- gol., N. Y., 1882, iii, 225-231. Also, Keprint.—Corbin (E.) Note snr un cas curieux d'a fleet ion multiple d it pou- mon, pour servir k I'histoire de la mensuration thoracique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1844, 2. s., xii, 702-706.—Cotlou (It P.) Clinical lectures on the physical diagnosis of phthisis. PHTHISIS. 165 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Diagnosis and symptoms of). Loud. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s.. viii, 846; 903 \ 942 ; 991; 1038; 1089. AIso, Reprint. -----■ Observations on the form and move- ment of the chest in phthisis. Lond. J. M., 1851, iii, 616- 620 —Crandall (C. R.) Diagnosis of consumption during the first staue. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 704-707. A Iso. Re- print.— Crook (J. K.) Unusual forms of phthisis. Ibid., 1885 xii 687. —Dobell (H.) The true first stage of con- sumption. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1867, i, 189-190. —Doughty (W. H.) The diagnosis (physical and differential) of phthi- sis pulmonalis; a clinical lecture, delivered at the City Hospital, Feb. 6. 1861. before the attending class of the Medical College of Georgia of 1860-61. South. M. cfe S. J., 1861, xvii, 113-132— Duncan (P. M.) Observations on a case'of general tuberculosis, with especial reference to the physical diagnosis of the lung affection. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, 157.—Durrant (C. M.) Observations on the value of some of the diagnostic signs of incipient phthisis, and on the remedial management of the disease generally. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 418— Dutchcr (A. P.) Thomp- son's gingival margin, a sign of pulmonary tuberculosis, with cases illustrating the same, Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, iv, 369-372. -----. The pulse, its value as a diagnostic sign of pulmonary tuberculosis; with cases illustrating the same. Ibid'., 1860-61,v, 297-300. -----. Cough and expectoration ; their importance as symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, with remarks on the diagnostic value of a microscopic examination of the sputum. Ibid., v, 557-561. -----. Hectic fever: a symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis; its diagnosis. Ibid., 1861, vi, 169-173. -----. The kidneys and urine: their condition in pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 548-552. Also: Cincin. Lancet .fe Obs., 1867, x, 454-462. -----. Physical signs of pulmonary tuber- culosis : their practical value as means of diagnosis. Metl. feSurg. Reporter, Phila., 1861-2, vii, 333-337. -----. Vom- iting, a symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1862, viii, 288-291. -----. Dyspnoea: a symptom of phthisis. Ibid., 1862-3, ix, 3-6. -----. Emaciation: a symptom of phthisis. Ibid., 35. -----. General reniatks on the diag- nosis antl prognosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 225; 259. -----. The pre-tubercular stage of pulmon- ary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1863, x, 20; 37. Also [with addi- tions]: Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1866, ix, 329-339. -----. The physical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. Cincin. M. Report., 1869, ii, 289-299. -----. Vomiting: a symptom of phthisis. Ibid., 1870, iii, 259-267.-----. The diagnosis and prognosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1871, iv, 299-307. -----. Pain: a symptom of pulmonary tuberculo- sis. Cincin. M. News, 1872, i, 153-159. -----. 'The pre-tu- bercular stage of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1873, ii, 437-447.—Edwards (G. N.) On the value of palpa- tion in the diagnosis of tubercular disease of the lungs. St. Iiatth. Hosp. Rep , Lond., 1866, ii, 216-219, 1 pi.— ENrhcrich. Zur Diagnosis nnd Prophylaxis phthisi- scher Anlage. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte! Erlang., 1841, ii, 641; 673.—Eskridge (J. T.) The pre-ph> steal sign stage of phthisis pulmonalis. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 163-170. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1881-2, Phila., 1882, iv, 34-43.—Evans (J. T.) Comparison ofthe symp- toms of acute antl chronic consumption. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1845, i, 127-130.-Fabrc (A.) Les phthisies latentes et larvees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 83 ; 108.-----. La fausse phthisie des hysti-riques. J. el. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1883, 3. s., v, 66-68. —Ferrand. Les indications du vomissement chez les phthisiques. Union m6d., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 650; 662.—Finn. Statistics of decumbency in tuberculosis of the lung. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1860, xxix, 477-479—Fischer (F.) Laryngologische Bemerkungen zur Diagnose der tuberkulosen Lungenphthise. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1057-1059.—Fischl (J.) Ueber einige Erscheinungen der beginneriden Lungen- phthise. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 135; 156. -----. Einige Bemerkungen zur Diagnose tier Lungenphthise in den ersten Stadien tier Erkrar.kung. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1876, iv, 81-98.—Flint (A.') Clinical lecture, on the diagnosis of pulmo-tttberculosis. Buffalo M.J., 1848-9, iv, 587-603. -----. On the physical diagnosis of pulmonary phthisis. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1885, xxxi. 1-12.—Foss (R. W.) Hectic fever in phthisis pul- monalis. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 434.—Fothergill (A.) An instance of a fatal pulmonary consumption with- out any evident hectic fever. Mem.M. Soc. Lond., 1795, 'v' l33-139- — Fournet. Des signes propres k faire re- connaitre la phthisie pulmonaire dans sa premiere periode. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1837-8, ii, 566. —Fox (E. L.) Practical difficulties in the diagnosis of acute phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 612-614.—Fox ( W.) Analy- sis of observations on the temperature, pulse, and respi- ration, in phthisis anel acute tuberculization of the lungs. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1873, lvi, 399-480. Also: Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond. (1871-5), 1875, vii, 179-183.- Ga I ton (F.) efe Ha homed (F. A.) An inquiry into the physiognomy of phthisis by the method of "composite portraiture". Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1881, 3. s., xxv, 4c5-495, 1 1., 4 pi— Gauiba (O.) Sulla diagnosi della tubercolosi polmonare incipiente. Gazz. med. di Roma, 188j, xi, 313-317. —Gamier (P.) Du myoideme; nou- veau signe de la phthisie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., Phthisis (Diagnosis and symptoms of). 1872, 3. s., xiii, 255-259. — Gerhardt (C. ) Ueber Lun genphthisen und Korpergewichtscurven. Deutsche meel. Wcbuscbr., Berl., 1879, v, 379. Also: Veroffentl. d. Ge- sellsch: t. Heilk. in Berl. Padiat. Sect., 1879, 187-190.- Gluzinski (W. A.) O rozpozuawaiiiu jam w ruiazszu plucnym. (Diagnosisof cavity of thelungs. 1 Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1885, xxiv, 417; 427; 445.-Grancher (J.) Sur quelques signes ele la tuberculose pulnionaire a son dehut. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1882, liii, 55-61.-----. De la valeur des respirations anomales dans le diagnostic tlu tl6but de la tuberculose pulmonaire commune. Gaz. hebd. do med.' Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 392-394. Also: Union med., Par., 1882. 3. s., xxxiv, 793; 829. Also: Bull, etmem. Soc. ni6d. d. hop tie Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s., xix, pt. 2, 108-116. Also [Abstr. |: France med., Par., 1882, i, 829-832. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1882, lv, 538. Also [ Abstr. J; Tribune med., Par., 1882, xiv, 305-307. Also [Abstr.]: Praticien, Par., 1882, iv, 307.-----. Diagnostic pr^cocede la phthisie pulmonaire; auscultation et bacilles. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par., 1884, 4. s., i, 136-142.-----. Diagnostic prfecoce de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt. rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, ii. Sect, tie m6d., 41-43.—Gregoirc. De la pectori- loquie .iphono chez les tuberculeux.. Paris m6d., 1882, vii, 61.—Gregory (J. C.) Caseof phthisis pulmonalis, with uncommon symptoms, occurring tluring convalescence from fever. Editib. M. cfe S. J., 1835/xliii, 265-268.—Grundics (O.) Mittheilungen iiber Diazo-Reaction bei Phthisis pul- monum. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1884, viii. 364-367.— Gruzdetr ( S. S. ) Ob izmien. jelud. soka u chachotoch. [Changes of gastric juice in phthisis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1889, x, 349; 372. — Gubler (A.) De la rougeur des pom- mettes comme signe d'inflammation pulmonaire. M6moire lu k la Soci6te mfedicale ties hopitaux de Paris. Union m6d., Par., 1857, xi, 199; 209; 215. Also, Reprint.—Gue- neau de .11 ussy. Des premiers signes de la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. el. hop.. Par., 1867, xl, 61. — Guy (W. A.) Observations on the pulse in phthisis pulmonalis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1839, iv, 369-380. — IIJibei-lion (S. H.) Vomiting in phthisis, with special reference to the association of this symptom with left apex-disease. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, xxiv, 131-140.— Hansen (F. A.) Two well-known symptoms of phthisis; remarks on their explanation. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 586. — Hastings (C.) On the signs of pulmonary tuber- cles ; bv one of the editors. Midland M. cfe S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i, 25; 153. — Heitler (M.) Ueber die Erscheinungen der beginnendeu Lungenschwindsucht. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 1666-1670. -----. Ueber tlie Prognose bei Lungenschwindsucht. Wien. ined. "Wchn- schr., 1878, xxviii, 447; 475; 511. — Ileitzmann (L.) A case of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis with the differen- tial diagnosis between tubercular and specific phthisis. Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. Y. Post Grad. M. School cfe Hosp., N. Y., 1885-6, i, 52-56.—Hildebrand (C. H.) Zur Kennt- niss eler Magenverdauung bei Phthisikern. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 292-294. Also, Reprint — Hii'scli ( M. ) Zur Diaenostik des Initialstadiums tier Phthise mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung tier Broncho- phonie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1888, ix, 319-321.— Hirtz. Note sur le resultat de la mensuration de quinze phthisiques examin6s k la Piti6 par M. Piorry. Presse m6d.. Par., 1837, i, 414.—Horn (E.) Einige Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen iiber tlie Scbwicrigkeit der Unter- scheidung der Phthisis pulmonalis purulenta von tier pitttitosa. Arch. f. metl. Erfahr., Berl., 1810, xii, 141-165.— Hudson (E. D.), jr. The physical examination of weak chests and differential eliagnosis of the several forms of early phthisis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885. xxvii, 505-510. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M. [1884-5], 1886, [2. s.), v, 267-289. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. cfe S. J., 1885, cxii, 503-506. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 589.—Hughes (EL M.) On the physical diagnosis of incipient phthisis. [4 cases.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1839, iv, 352-368. Also, Reprint, -----. On the location of pulmonary phthisis and its relation to diagnosis. Ibid., 1842, vii, 233-260. — Hutchinson (J. ) On the form of dyspepsia which often precedes anil atteuds phthisis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond.. 1855, n. 8., x, 383; 433. — Imbert- Gourbeyre (A.) Note sur la respiration saccadee et continue, consider^ comme signe de la phthisie commen- cante. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 689. -----. Note sur la pretendue decouverte de M. Beau, au sujet de l'arthral- gie des phthisiques. Ibid., 1856, iv, 833.-----. Reponse k M. Beau, an snjet de l'arthralgie des phthisiques, et ex- amen critique d'tine autre decouverte de cet auteur. Ibid., 1019-1050. — Iinniermann. Ueber tlie Function des Magens bei Phthisis tuberculosa. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1889, 219-229. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1889, xxx, 937; 993.—Jackson. Correspondence between the physical signs and the pulmonary lesions in phthisis. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1863, lxix, 95.—Johnson (G. W.) Non-consumption of fats by phthisical patients. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 40.— Kirkes (W. S.) On arterial murmurs in incipient phthisis Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 503. — I,amine ( W. H.) Differential diagnosis between dilatation of the bronchial PHTHISIS. 166 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Diagnosis and symptoms of). tubes and phthisis pulmonalis. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xviii, 479-487. — Laramee (J.-A.) Quelques notes sur la percussion et l'auscultation dans la phthisie. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1886, xv, 481-483— Lanre (J.) pere. Fievre du phthisique. Lyon med., 1879, xxxi, 609-618.— I.ancton (L. M.) Practical observations on the diagno- sis of phthisis pulmonalis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1854, 89-109. -----. Remarks on the precursory stage of phthisis. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xviii, 707-719.— ■ ..eared (A.) Lecture on the early diagnosis of phthisis antl its difficulties. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 587. — l^ediad (H. A.) Phthisis without sputa. Ibid., 1882, i, 328. — Icemen (H. A.) The eaily symptoms and signs of phthisis pulmonalis. Tr. Colorado Ter'ritor. M. Soc, Denver, 1874-5, 52-62.—von Cicbig(G.) DiePulscurven bei phthisischer Anlage. Veroffentl. el. Gesellsch. f. Heilk. in Berl. Balneol. Sect., 1882, vii, 18-26. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 248-250.—Me Vail (D. C.) The cause of the wavv or interrupted breath-sound of incipient phthisis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1883, i, 902.—lTIain (J. S.) Remarks on the premonitory stage of phthisis and its importance in relation to treatment. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xvii, 184-187.—Malcolm (A. G.) Some experiments on the proportion of carbonic acid exhaled in phthisis pul- monalis. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xviii, 320-329.—Marcet (W.) On the inoculation of animals as a means of diagno- sis in tubercular phthisis. [18 cases.l Med.-chir. Tr., Lond., 1867, 1, 439-458, 1 tab., 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond. (1864-7), 1867,v, 324-327.-----. On the nutrition of muscular and pulmonary tissue in health anil in phthisis. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 150; 206.— ill arte I (E.) Diagnostic prticoce de la phtisie pulmonaire par l'examen tlu larynx. Rev. internat. tl. sc. tn6d., Par., 1887, iv, 165-174.—Mays (T. J.) On the prolonged expira- tion of incipient phthisis. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 570. — Meissen. Zur Kenntniss der mensch- lichen Phthise, Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, ii, 1009; 1021; 1033; 1045; 1057; 1069; 1081.—Mogez (J. M.) Con- sideraciones sobre la tisis; importancia que tiene la pre- disposicion hereditaria; pruebas contrarias al contagio; causas que aumentan la frequencia ele su desarrollo. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 106; 130.—Money (A.) On reflex actions, knee-jerks, and muscular irritability in typhoid fever, phthisis, and other continuous fevers. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 842. — Moritz (S.) Unterbrochener Win- trich'scher Sehallwechsel; ein Beitrag znr Cavernendiag- nostik. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xx, 348-362.—Murri (A.) Controversia intorno alia diagnosi di tubercolosi nella tisi polmonare. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1880, 2. s., x, 21-24. — IV. (A.) Del diagn6stico de la tu- berculosis pulmonal en sus relaciones con el servicio mili- tar. Rev. balear tie med., farm, y vet., Palma de Mallor- ca, 1887, iii, 97-107. — Namias (G.) Sulla eliagnosi della tisichezza pulmonare e le recenti sperienze che risguardauo la generazione di essa. Gior. veneto eli sc. metl., Venezia, 1868, 3. s., ix, 180-190.—Octerlony (.1. A.) Second stage of phthisis. Med. Herald, Louisville. 1880-81, ii, 197-202. -----. Third stage of phthisis. Ibid., 245-250.—Pages. Sur les alterations de la voix dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., viii, 656-658. — Park (R.) A conspectus of the different forms of consumption; in- tended as an aitl to differential diagnosis. Chicago M. J. efe Exam., 1878, xxxvii, 228-246. Also, Reprint.—Pepper (W.) The early symptoms of phthisis and their treatment; a clinical lecture." Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 451-453. -----. The varieties of pulmonary phthisis; diagnosis of the early stage of the alveolar catarrh and the importance of prompt treatment. North Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1882, x, 129-139.—Peter (M.) Remarques sur les points douloureux du thorax dans leurs rapporta avec la tuberculisation pulmonaire. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1870, 3. s., xii, 491-495. Also, transl.: Bos- ton M. cfe S. J., 1871, lxxxv, 269. -----. De la douleur des pneumo-gastriques a la region du cou comme signe de l'adenopathie bronchique dans la phthisie pulmonaire. France ined., Par., 1877, xxiv, 658. Also ■ Abeille m6d., Par., 1877, xxxiv. 457. -----. Pouls veineux du dos ele la main k la periode ultime ele certains cas ele phthi- sie pulmonaire febrile. Bull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 159-166. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Siglo med., Ma- drid', 1879, xxvi, 397 —Pollock. Physical signs of phthi- sis; analysis of eighty cases. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, 387.— Porter (W.) Phthisis, its symptoms and diagnosis. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1877, n. s., xiv, 136-143. —'■—. Chest mensuration in phthisis. Ibid., 1879, xxxvi, 436-441.— Potain. De la tuberculisation pulmonaire; difficultedu diagnostic. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1878, li, 41-43. Pouchet (A.-G.) Sur une substance sucree retiree des poumons et des crachats des phtisiques. Compt. rend. Acatl d. sc, Par., 1883, xevi, 1601-1603.— Putegnat. Un mot k pro- pos tie la respiration saccadee comme signe tlu premier decrre tie la phthisie pulmonaire. J. de mod., tie chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1859, xxix, 18-20.— 4|uinlan (F. J. B ) A remarkable case of increase of weight in pretubercnlar phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883. ii. 1123.—Ranking (W H.) On the diagnosis of incipient tuberculization of the lun»s. Prov. M. AS. J Loud., 1844, 74-76.—Keuz Phthisis (Diagnosis and symptoms of). (W. T.) Ein Fall von Lungentuberkulose init excossiveni Hamatoidin-Auswurf. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iir/.tl Ver., Stuttg., 1864, xxxiv, 12; 17.— Keuss (L.-M.) De la phthisie latente. J. de therap., Par., 1882, ix, 450-454.— R[ichardso]n [ W. R.] Report of a case of phthisis pul- monalis, in which the usual physical signs of that disease were absent. Maine M. cfe S. Reporter, Portland, 1858-9, i, 482-485. —Kiepenhausen (J. H.) De phthiseos hec- ticreque disci inline et setaceorum utrobique usu. In: Brendel (J. G.) Opusc math, et med., etc., 4°, GeittingiB, 1775, iii, 111-136.—Roe (H.) Phthisis; unusual fetor of breath. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 623.—Roger (H.) De la valeur sem6iotiqne tie la respiration saccach'e, [Rap. sur un mCmoire de Colin.] Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s, xii, 36-42.—Rosenthal (C.) Ueber tlas Labfernient, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Production freier Salzsaure bei Phthisikern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 907-910.— Russell (J.) Fever and bronchitis as early signs of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1865 i, 81-83.—Schacflcr(M) Zur Diagnose der Lungen-Tuberculose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 306; 322; 339.—Schurtz (F.) Einiges iiber Sitz unel Kennzeichen eler Tuberculosis ptilni. incipiens. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 143; 174; 202; 232.—Schwarz(A.) Ueber den Fioberverlaui bei Phthi- sis pulmonalis. Verhandl. tl. phys.-meel. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1876, n. F., ix, 176-227,1 tab.—Seller (C.) Seunc remarks on the eliagnosis and treatment of incipient phthi- sis. Phila. M. Times, 1880, x, 496-498. Also, Reprint.— Shepherd (A. B.) On some points in the diagnosis of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 10; 51.—Sigrist (V. F.) K voprosu o znachenii brouchijalnich krovotechenii v etio- logii iegochnich zabolievanii. [Bronchial lnemorrhage as an etiological sign in phthisis.J Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 298-300.—Smith (E ) Rate of hourly pulsation and respiration in phthisis, and its relations to sleep, food, sun- light, etc. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1856, xxxix, 151-193, 4 tab. Also: Brit, cfe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1856, xvii, 475-508.—Smith (R. C.) On the detection of the bacilli of tubercle in the breath of consumptive patients. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 105.—Speer (S. T.) On the patho- logical signification of some of the early auscultatory signs of pulmonary consumption, considered with reference to the presence of tubercle. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlvii, 1027-1031.—Stachiewicz (T.) Die Prognose der Lun- genschwindsucht. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 1572; 1609; 1639; 1672; 1708.—Sticker (G.) Die semio- tische Bedeutung ties Freuericq-Thompson'schen Zahn- fleischsaumes in der tubercslosen Phthise. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 618-620.—Tait (L.) On the myoidema of phthisis. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Iii, 316-353.—Thaon (L.) Consid6rations sur la fifevre dans la tuberculose pulnionaire. Nice-m6d., 1876-7, i, 150- 161.—Thompson (E. S.) Indigestion in early phthisis. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1864, i, 555-557.—Thompson (T.) Ob- servations on some alleged signs of incipient phthisis. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 828-832. Also, Reprint. -----. Observations on the prolonged expiratory murmur as a sign of incipient phthisis. Med.-Chir. Tr. 1849-50, Loud., 1850, xxxiii, 343-350. Also, Reprint.— Trastonr (E.) Du d6veloppement imprevu ties tuber- cules et de la phthisie. J. de la sect, tie mGtl. Soc. acatl. Loire-lnf., Nantes, 1863. xxxix, 221-254. — True (H.) Etudes sur le thorax de I'homme tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1885, xlix, 285; 354.—Urban (J.) Pneumo-Phthisis cya- notica; ein Beitrag zur 1 Magnose der Lungenschwindsucht in ihren verschiedenen Formen. J. tl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1827, lxiv, 2. St., 100: lxv, 4. St., 96.—V. (D. A.) Apuntes clinicos de un caso tie error de tliagn6stico entre la tisis y la caquexia paltidica; disfagia al parecer, dependiente del paludismo; curaci6n. Jurado nied.-farm., Madrid, 1883, iv, 371: 1884,v, 3.—Vigilant! (A.) Del valore diagnos tico di alcuni segni razionali e sensibili della tuberculosi polmonare, e nuova conferma suit efheacia dell' olio di le- gato di merluzzo nella cura della medesima. Sperimentale:, Firenze, 1858, 4. 8., ii, 223-226.—Villeiuin (I.-A.) De la phthisie et des maladies qui la simulent dans la serie zoolo- gique. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1866, 2. s., iii, 664; 679.— Wade (F. W.) On some sources of fallacy in the diagno- sis of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 697 ; 730.—Wal- den burg (L.) Zur Lehre von den Reibungsgerauschen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Fieberverlatif bei Phthisis und Tuberculose und iiber Intestiualphthise. Charity- Ann. 1878, Berl., 1880, v, 327-339.—Whittaker (J. T.) Phthisis. Clinic, Cincin., 1877, xii, 277-279. - Williams (0. T.) Case of contraction of a tinkling cavity in chronic phthisis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1877, x, 113-115.—Will- iams (E.) On the growth cf the phthisical. Med. Press cfe Circ, Loud., 1876, n. s., xxii, 336— Zapatero (G.) Consideraciones sobre el diagnostico de la tisis aguda. Fraternidadmed., Vallad., 1879-80, i, 68-72— Ziemssen. Lungen-Tuberculose, -Syphilisoder -Carcinom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 219-221. Phthisis (Heredity in). Aguiar (J.) * . . . sur la phthisie pulmonaire hereMitaire. 8'-'. Paris, an XI [1803]. 67 PHTHISIS. PHTHISIS. 1 Phthisis (Heredity in). Bodson* (J.-F.-M.) *Dissertation sur la na- ture et la prophylactiqne de la phthisie h6r6di- taire. 4. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Desplans (Y>.) *Du r61e tie I'herdilite" dans l'etiologie ele la phtisie pulnionaire. 4°. Lyon, 1888. Freund (H.) *Historia phthiseos pulmona- lis hereditaria3. 8°. Berolini, [1820]. Hage (I. J.) *Iets over tie he$r<5diteit der phthisis. 8°. Leiden, 1882. Muller (A.) *Statistische Beitriige zur Be- leuchtnng der Hereditatsverhaltnisse bei der Lungenschwindsucht. 8°. Bern, 1876. Plicot (A.) *Des regies tlu traitement tie la phthisie he're^litaire. 4°. Paris, 1857. Ashida (J.) The result of an examination into he- reditary pulmonary consumption, and its effect upon mar- riage. [Transl. by N. Okisu from Chfigai-Iji-Shimpo, no. 206, Oct, 25, 1888.1 Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1889, viii, 3- 9.—Barnes (R.) Ought consumptives to marry? Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1871, i, 191. — Bennett ( W. A. ) Is phthisis hereditary? Buffalo M. )S 0VJLtaTtCJ)O-C:U)(; Ttov frvev- novtov. Ta.kj)vo<;, 'A0t)v. -----. Statements of income anel expenditure for the years 1883-5. MS. 4°. [London, 1881-6.] North London Hospital for Consumption antl Diseases of the Chest, London antl Hampatead. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 7., 1867; 8., 1868; 12., 1871; 13., 1872; 16., 1875; 17., 1870; 20., 1879; 22., 1881; 24., 1883; 27., 1886. 8°. London, 1868-87. -----. By-laws, aud rules and regulations, as revised anel prepareel by a committee ap- pointed at a special meeting of the governors, held July 20, 1883. 8°. London, 1883. -----. [Circular of the committee soliciting contributions.] obi. 16°. [London, 1886?] -----. Statement of income and expendi- ture for the year 1886. 4°. [London, 1887.] -----. [Circular letter of the committee to benevolent persons, soliciting a contribution in aid of the building fund of the new hospital.] 4°. [London, n. d.] -----. [Circular letter of the committee, calling the attention of the public to the need of funds to finish the new hospital. With a list of donations.] 8°. [London, n. d.] Orlebar (E. E.) Afternoon tea with con- sumptive patients; or, Saint Catherine's Home, Veutnor, Isle of Wight, [being a brief account of the home]. 8°. Vent nor, 1884. Riant (A.) L'hopital de Villepinte pour le traitement des phthisiques. 8°. Paris, 1885. Rompler's (Dr.) neue Heilanstalt fur Lun- genkrauke, zu Gorbersdorf in Seblesien, Bahn- statiou Friedland, Regierungs-Bezirk Breslau. roy. 8°. Waldenburg i. Schl., 1881. Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Lonelon, E. C. Aunual reports of the council. 4., 1817-18; 21., 1834-5; 34., 1847; 43., 1856; 44., 1857; 51., 1864; 53.-55., 1866-8; 57.-75., 1870-88. 8°. London, 1818-89. -----. Hospital diet table. Daily allowance. fol. [London, 1868.] -----. [Collection of blank forms, by-laws, etc., in use at the hospital.] v. s. [London, 1868-188-.] -----. A few facts concerniug the .. . June, 1878. 8°. [London, 1878.] -----. The same. 4°. [London, 1882.] -----. [Circular relating to the extension scheme agreed upon in 1875. March, 1883.] 8°. [London, 1883.] -----. Its origin and progress. 1814-1883. 18°. [London, 1883.] -----. Abstract of receipts and expentliture for 1883; 1885. 8°. [London, 1884-6.] -----. [Appeal for further donations aud subscriptions.] 12°. [London, n. cl.] -----. Laws respecting the qualifications and rights of governors. 8°. [London, n. cl.] -----■. [Report of the building committee, and appeal for £10,000, to complete the extension of the hospital.] fol. [London, n. d.] Royal National Hospital for Consumption aud Diseases of the Chest, Ventuor, Undereliff, Isle of Wight. Annual reports of the boarei of man- agement, anel the medical reports. 2.-16., 1870- 84; 19., 1887. 12°. Loudon, 1871-88. -----. The National Cottage Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Ventnor, Undereliff, Isle of Wight. [Appeal of the gen- PHTHISIS. 169 PHTHISIS. Phthisi* (Hospitals for). eral committee. Prospectus, laws, etc.] 12°. London, 1869. ._____. [Description of the hospital, and ap- peal for donations.] 24°. London, [187-]. ._____. General statement concerning the in- stitution, with regulations as to admission of pa- tients. 8C. [London, 1873.] _____. Report of the speech of the Lord Bishop of Winchester in behalf of the hospital at the biennial festival. 8°. [London, n. d.] -----. Rules to be observed by patients. By order of the general committee, fol. [London, n. d.] Saint Catherine's Home, Ventnor, Isle of Wioht. A little home. [Circular and appeal for donations and subscriptions.] 8°. [Ventnor, 1881.] Repr. from: "Our Work at Home and Abroad", for Nov., 1881. ----- Annual reports of the committee. 1.- 5., 1879-85. 12°. Ventnor, [1881-6]. Santa F£ Sanitarium, a convalescent home for consumptives. An appeal for the establishment of a sanitarium for pulmonary sufferers. 8°. Cleeeland, 1881. Berlheraml (A.) Les hopitaux pour les phtisiques sur la plage mediterrau6enne. Gaz. med. ele l'Algerie, Al- ger, 1879, xxiv, 14-16.—Gayc (H.) L'hibernation des phthisiques des hopitaux an point de vue clinique. Pan med., 1878, ii, 177-180.—(Gibbons (H.) Suggestions in regard to a State hospital for consumptives. Rep. Bd. Health Calif. 1876-7, Sacramento, 1877, iv, 63-65.—Hatch (F. W.) Report of special committee on hospital for con- sumptives. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1880, x, 144- 147.—Hiltell (J. S.) A hospital for consumptives. Pa- cific M. cfe S. J., San Fran., 1879, xxii, 498-504.—Hospital for consumption and diseases of the chest, at Brompton. Lond.J.M., 1851,iii,751-759.—Kretzsclimnr(P.H.) Dr. Brehmer's model sanitarium for the treatment of phthisi- cal patients in Goerbersdorf. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 321-327. -----. Institutions for the treatment of pulmonary consumption in the United States. Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 257-262.—Liisberg (J.) Om Kuranstalterne for Brystsvage i Gorbersdorf og Falkeu- stein. [Cure-institutions for phthisical patients in Gor- bersdorf and Falkenstein.] Ugesk. f. Laager, Kjebenh., 1887, 4. R., xvi, 337 ; 369.—Maurin (E.) L'hospitalisation ties phthisiques. J. d'hyg., Par., 1878, iii, 489.—il'Oinel- las (E.) Hospieio de tisicos en la isla tie Madera. Gac. med. de Lima, 1856-7, i, no. 16, 7-9.—Riant (A.) Les hopitaux speciaux pour phtisiques. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1885, 3. s., xiv, 314-331. Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). See, also, Lungs (Cavities, etc., in); Phthisis (Complications of'); Tubercle; Tubercle (Bacil- lus of); Tuberculosis. Addison (W.) On healthy and diseased struct- ure, and the true principles of treatment for the cure of disease, especially consumption aud scrof- ula, founded on microscopical analysis. 8°. London, 1849. Azimont (J.-M.) * Nature des lesions essen- tielles de la phthisie pulmonaire. (Notice histo- rique.) 4°. Pan's, 1868. Bergonier (A.-L.-P.) * Consid6rations sur la formation des tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Pa- ris, 1834. Bijnen (P. J. W.) *Het dualisme van de phthisis. 8°. Leiden, 1867. Bonorden (F. H.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 8°. [Berolini, 1823.] Burger (C.) * Ueber das Verhaltniss der Bronchial- unel Lungenblutungen zur Lungen- schwindsucht. sm. 8°. Tiibingen, 1864. Bukgl (L. F.) * Die Lungenschwindsucht in pathologischer Beziehung betrachtet. 8°. Miin- chen, 1X57. Comte (J.-F.-S.) *Du mode de production des tubercules pulmonaires. 8°. Paris, 1843. Couhsieres (A.) *De la phthisie caseeuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). Cozzi (P. A.) Ricerche sopra i tubercoli pol- monari si crudi che fusi. Memoria del . . . 8°. Pisa, 1844. Craanen (H. O.) * De tuberculis pulmonali- bus, phthiseos causis. 4°. Barderrici, [1791]. Damscu (O.) * Ueber die pathologisch-anato- mischtai Processe in den Lungen bei Fiitterungs- tuberculose. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Duchassaing de Fonbressin (P.) * Du mode de production des tubercules pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1844. Fallot (S.-[L.-]L.) Philosophie medicale. Conjectures sur l'6tiologie des tubercules pulmo- naires. 8°. Bruxelles, 1858. Heine (J.) * Anatomisch-pathologische Frag- meute iiber Phtisis tuberculosa, sm. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1827. Jollet (E.-A.) * Sur l'etiologie et la nature de la phthisic pulmonaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826. Jones (J.) On tuberculosis; a practical ex- amination ofthe action of local inflammation iu cachectic subjects in the production of tubercular consumption. 8°. London, 1865. See, also, infra. Kantejviirow(M.) * De tuberculis. 8°. Dor- pati, 1835. Katzenstein (P.) * De pleurae et pulmonum in tuberculosi mutatiouibus. 8°. Berolini, [1847]. Ley (H.) * De natura intima phthiseos pul- monalis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Lombard (H.-C.) Les tubercules et la phthi- sie mainteuant et il y a cinquante aus ; souvenirs et appr6ciations d'un vieux praticicn. 8°. Lau- sanne, 1874. Louis (P.-C.-A.) Recherches anatomico-patho- logiques sur la phthisie. Pr6c6ele5es du rappeirt fait a l'Acad6inie royale de meSdecine, par MM. Bourdois, Royer-Collard et Chomel. 8°. Paris, 1825. Also [Rev.], in: Rev. m6d. franc;, et 6trang., Par., 1825, iii, 474-489. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8C. Paris, 1843. -----. The same. Pathological researches on phthisis. Transl. from the French, with in- troduction, notes, additions, and an essay on treatment. By Charles Cowan. 8°. Washing- ton, 1836. -----. The same. Revised anel altered by Henry I. Bowditch. 8°. Boston, 1830. -----. The same. Researches on phthisis, anatomical, pathological, and therapeutical. 2. ed. Transl. by W. H. Walshe. 8G. London, 1844 ; reprinted, 1846. -----. Examen de l'examen de M. Broussais, relativement a la phthisie et a l'affection typho- ide. 8°. Paris, 1834. Luys (J.-B.) * Etudes d'histologie pathologi- que sur le mode d'apparition et Involution ties tubercules dans le tissu pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1857. Mandl (L.) Anatomie pathologique de la phthisiepulmonaire. 8°. [Paris, 1855.] Masson (C.) * Essai sur l'histologie du tuber- cule pulmonaire. 4U. Paris, 1860. Minier (P.-J.) * H n'y a pas tie phthisie sans inflammation prealable. 4°. Paris, 1832. Molliere (H.) Sur un cas de phthisie cons6- cutive a une hdmoptysie (phthisis ab hemoptoe). Interpretation du phdnomene. 8°. Lyon, 1882. Morton (S. G.) Illustrations of pulmonary consumption, its anatomical characters, causes, symptoms, and treatment. 8°. Philadelphia, 1834. Nkubert (G.) *Ein Beitrag zur Blutunter- suchung, speeiell bei der Phthisis pulmonum uud dem Carciuoin. 8°. Dorpat, 1889. PTiTRlSIS. 170 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). Nierhaus (J. H.) *De phthiseos pulmonum tuberculosa' pathologia. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Olivieri(C) Che sonno i microbi nella tisi? 8°. Messina, 1884. Orth (J.) Aetiologisches und Anatoruisches iiber Lunginschwindsucht. 4°. Berlin, 1887. Papillon (E.-E.) "Pathogenie des affections confondues sous le nom de tuberculisation pul- monaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1802. van Pesiu (H.-C.) * Etudes historiques sur la tuberculose pnlmouaire au poiut de vne ana- tomo-pathologique. 4°. Montpellier, 1880. Pessel (A.) *De natura phthisis pulmonalis tuberculosa?. 8°. Budce, [1835]. Poten(W.) * Experimeiitelle ITntersuchungen iiber Lungenschwindsucht und Tuberculose. 12°. Llelmstedt, 1883. Provost (J.-J.-M.-M.) * Essai sur la nature tlu tubercule pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1835. Richard (A.) * Essai snr la phthisie pulmo- naire tuberculeuse, compar6e dans I'homme ct les autres vert6bre\s des deux premieres classes tlu regne animal. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. Riefel (A.) * Beitrag zur Histologie tier Lun- gentuberkulose des Menschen und des Riutles. 8°. Tiibingen, 1874. Roland (F.) * Recherches expetimeutales sur la fievre ele r6sorptiou des phthisiques. 4°. Lyon, 1884. Rudolphi (M.) * Observatioues aliquot de tuberculis pulmonum, accedit historia hujns morbi cum sectione catlaveris. 8°. Rostochii, 1828. Schacher (P. G.) Programma quo incisio phthisici continetur cadaveris. Lipsice, 1730. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1757, ii, 395-402. Schaf.ffer (R.) * Die Verbreitung der Tuber- culose iu den Lungen. 8C. Berlin, 1884. Schauenburg (H.) *De cachexia tubercu- losa et pseudoplasmatis qiue iu pulmonibus inde oriuntur. 8°. Berolini, 1843. Schoonbeek (H. C.) *Qtia respontletur ad qmestionem, nnrn tubercnla pulmonum ab inflam- matione oriantur. 8°. Groningce, [1835]. Schott (F. J.) * Anatomia pathologica phthi- sis pulmonum. 8-''. Jence, 1853. Schroder (G. D.) * De tuberculorum in pul- monibus ortu, ejusque causis. 8°. Drusiburgi, 1845. Snellen van Volleniioven (J. S.) *De tegenwoordige stand van de leer der phthisis. 8°. Leiden, 1873. Staub (C.) * Essai sur l'etiologie des tuber- cules pulmonaires. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835. Staude (J. C. F.) *De tuberculorum pul- monalium genesi atque natura. 8°. Jence, [1836], Tyndale (J. H.) The present status of the pathology of consumption and tuberculosis. 8°. New York, 1878. Virchow(R.) Ueber die Verschiedenheit von Phthise unel Tuberkulose. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Voinot (M.) * Recherche snr les causes du siege des tubercules aux sommets des poumous dans la phthisie pulmonaire de I'homme adulte. 4°. Paris, 1873. Abercroinbie (J.) Outline of an inquiry on the pathol- ogy of consumptive diseases. Edinb. M.cfeS. J., 1821. xvii, •>c7- 18''" xviii 1. A Iso. Reprint.—Addison (T.) On the pathology of phthisis. Guys Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1845, 2. s., iii 1-38, 5 pi.—Addison (W.) Experimental and practi- cal researches on the structure and function of blood i-or- Duscles- on inflammation; and on the origin and nature of tubercles in the lungs. Tr. Prov. M .V S. Ass., Lond., 1842-3, xi 933-30(5 5 pi. Also. Reprint —Agnailo ITIorari (D. f')" Un trinnfo clinico debitlo alas docti mas del dualismo en la tisis. Siglo metl.. Madrid, 1875, xxii, 470-472.—An- Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). gear (J. J. M.) Consumption a nerve disease. St. Louis M. &.S. J., 1880, n. s., xxxviii, 311-314.—Aslihiirst (J.), jr. Phthisical vomica in base of right lung. Am. J. M. Si-., Phila., 1863, n. s., xlvi, 128. Also: Proc. Path. Sice. Phila. (1800-6), 1867, ii, 125.—Angicr (eviJiOvi.Kr)<; e/>e9e.'er€a>e;. Va\7)vb^, 'Adrjvai, 1879, B , 231; 1880, P 69; 91; 109— Clark (A.) On embolic phthi- sis aud tubercle. Med. Puss & Circ, Dubl., 1866, ii, PHTHISIS. 171 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). Oil- 633. -----. Destruction of one lung bv inflammatory phthisis. Med. Rec., N. V., 1875, x, 1-3— Colton (F. P.') Graiuilarphthisis. N. York J. M.. 1850. |2.J s., v, 175-176.— Concetti (L.) Sulla naturae guaribilitadella tisi polmo- nare, Gazz. meel. di Roma, 1882, viii, 145; 157; 169; 181 ; ](i;{._<'oi'iiil (A.-V.) Les recherches r6centes sur la phthisic pulmonaire. Rev. scient., Par.. 1873, 2. s., xi, 877-880. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Metl. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1873. i, 661-666. -----. Note sur la pigmentation noire eles cellules goantes dans les tubercules flbreux du poumon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 307.—Craigie (D.) Two cases of tubercular deposi- tion of the lungs, terminating fatally without proceeding to softening. Edinb. M. & S. J.. 1835, xliii, 273-279.— Crnveilhier. Note sur les principaux modes ele gueri- son des tubercules pulmonaires, et plus particulitSrement sur les tubercules de cicatrisation. Bull. Soc, auat. tie Par., 1839, xiv. 12 ; 16 — Cummins (W.J.) Remarks ou the new views regarding pulmonary phthisis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lv, 493-499. —Dana (I. T.) The pathology of pulmonary phthisis. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1880, vii, pt.'l, 132-147. Also, Reprint.—Dc Gioranni (A.) Nnove indagini fisio-patologiehe sulla tisi polmonale. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e left. Rendic., Milano, 1879, 2. s., xii, 12; 103.—Delaharpe (J.) rnteisuchung eiuer koh- lenhaltigen, tuborkuldsen Lunge. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Meet, Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich, 1853. ix, 221-229.— Discussion on the anatomical relations of pulmonary phthisis to tubercle of the lung. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, xxiv, 284-388. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 412; 501 ; 555. Also [Abstr.] : Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 285; 308; 422; 448.—Dis- cussion on the pathology of phthisis pulmonalis. Glas- gow M. J., 1881, xv, 249-303. Also, Reprint,—Dittrich (F.) Das Verhaltniss der Erweiterung tier Lungenzellen 7,nr Luugentuberculose. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt. HeilU., Prag. 1851. iii, 37-50.—Draper (W. IL) Pathology of pulmonary phthisis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870-1, v, 399- 402. [Discussion], 457; 496.—Drysdale (C. R.) Au essay on some disputed points in the nature and antece- dent's of phthisis. St. Andrew's M. Grail. Ass. Tr. 1867. Lond., 1868, i, 133-142.—Dulcliei- (A. P.) Pathology of pulmonary tuberculosis. Meel. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, n. s.', vi, 397; 419 -----. The blood; its condition in pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., 1862, n. s., viii, 29-35. -----. Absorption of the tubercular matter. Cincin. M. Report,, 1871, iv, 5-11 -----. The nature of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid.. 488; 539.-----. The blood ; its con- dition in pulmonary tuberculosis. Cincin. M. News, 1873, ii, 16-24.— Dutertre. Cas probable de tuberculose bron- ehique ; les tubercules ayant attaqu6 les ai teres qui accom- pagnent les bronchos, cette invasion aurait amene la de- struction tlu tisstt ties bronchioles et des vesioules pulmo- naires. Bull. Soc. anat, tie Par.. 1881, lvi, 162-166. Also: Progres nied.. Par., 1881, ix, 683— Fichmann. Giebt es eine Phthisis pituitosa I Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Ge- burtsh., Magdeb., 1856, x, 267-287.—Flint (A.) Pulmo- nary tuberculosis. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1870-71, v, 424-427. [Discussion], 457; 496. -----. Self-limitation iu cases of phthisis. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1879, i, 225-239. -----. The self-limited duration of pulmonary phthisis. Am. AL Weekly, N. Y., 1882, xv, 944-949. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 617.—Fonssagri ves. Du role que joue l'el6ment inflammatoire dans le developpement et la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1861-2, xxvii, 373-375.—Foster (J. F.) Case of phthisis pulmonalis, with total destruction of one lung. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1864, Lond., 1866, vi, 560-562.— Fowler (J. K.) The lobar arrangement of the lesions of phthisis, and its relation to diagnosis and prognosis. Prac- titioner, Loud., 1887, xxxix, 265-277. —Fox (W.) Discus- siem on the anatomical relations of pulmonary phthisis to tubercle of the lung. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, xxiv, 284-388, 4 pi. Also [Abstr.] : Lancet, Lond., 1873. i, 412- 416. A too [Abstr.]: Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1873, i, 308.— von Frndeuek (C.) Bemerkungen iiber das Verhalten der Lungeutuherculose zur strumosen Anscbwellung der Schilddruse in Karnten. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, i, 410: ii, 1; 89.— Fuchs (C. H.) Luugentuberculose. In his: Ber. ii. tl. med. Klin, zu Getting., 8°, 1853-4, 89-99.—Gabbclt (H. S.) Pulmonary phthisis and bacilli. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxx, 376-386.—Gairdner (W. T.) Case of phthisis chiefly of the left lung ; retraction of the border of the lung ; visible pulsation of the pulmonary artery ; post-mortem. Glas- gow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, 399-402.—Galbucci (N.) Os- servazioni microscopiche sui processi tisiogeni. Raceo- gbtore metl., Forli, 1886, ii, 346-353. — balder (F. W.) Morbid anatomy of phthisis. Loud. M. (ia/,.. 1838, xxxii, 570; 600. — Gallico (E.) Della tisi polmonare caseosa considerata come forma di scrofolosi e come processo mor- boso secondario. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1879, xxn, 179; 187—Gendiin. Lemons sur la phthisie; anatomiepathologique. Gaz.tl. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s.,ii, 49; 61; 73; 86; 101; 125— Gigliarelli (R.) Vecchie teorie Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). confermate da fatti nuovi. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1883, xxxi, 783 ; 893.—(f.oflTart (L.) Considerations anatomo- pathologiques sur la tuberculose pulmonaire. Ann. Soc, med.-chir. do Lie'-ge, 1862, i, 197-203.—Gotti (A.) Tisi sar- coniatosaneliavallo. (iior.dianat,, fisiol. e patol.d.animali, Pisa, 1872, iv, 296-313.—Grancher (J.) Tuberculose pul- monaire. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1878, 2. s., v, 1-38, 4 pi. -----. Tuberculose pulmonaire et scrofule. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 913-917. Also: Bull, et me-m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1880), 1881, xvii, 307-312.— Green (T. H.) Notes on the pathologv of pulmonary phthisis. Metl. Times cfe Gaz.. Lond., 1872, ii, 402; 457: 1874, ii, 600; 654: 1875, i, 4 ; 57; 112; 168. Also, Reprint [with additions].—Greene. Encysted tubercles in the lungs. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1848,"vi, 208-210. — Green- field (W. S.) Phthisis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, n. s., vi, 266-284. — Grcenhow (E. H.) Lungs from a case of chronic phthisis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xxi, 68-71. —----. Lungs from a case of cured phthisis ; death from capillary bronchitis; cavities lined with false membrane in both lungs ; proliferation of inter- lobular connective tissue, antl great thickening of the pleura. I bid., 1871-2, xxiii, 49-50. — Grciner. Sektion eines an tier Ltmgensuoht verstorbenen Knaben. Allg. metl. Ann., Altenb., 1803, 189. — Guersent. Phthisic pulmonaire; hemoptysio ; autopsie. Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 195.— Guillot (N.) Description ties vaisseauxparticu liers qui naissent dans les poumons tuberculeux et qui deviennent au millieu de ces organes les conduits d'une cir dilation nouvelle. Experience, Par., 1837-8, i, 515-554. Also, Reprint. — Guitcras (J.) Fibroid phthisis and bronchiectasis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 85-88.—Hall (C. R.) On the mode of development of tubercle! in the lungs in chronic phthisis; its connexion with fatty degeneration of the epithelium of the air vesi- cles, and its early manifestation by fatty epithelial cells in the sputa. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1855, xv, 477: xvi, 465: 1856, xvii, 449. Also [Abstr.] : Stetho- scope, Richmond, 1855, v, 545-569, 4 pi. — Ilaller (C.) Die Entwickluiigsfoimen der Lungciituberculose. Metl. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1841, xxxvi, 1-9.— Hamilton. Tubercular inliltration of the lung. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1844, xxv, 515 — llnrtiiiaim (P. J.) Ana- tome pneri tabidi. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1690, Norimb., 1691, tlecuria 2, ix, 20-27. Also, transl.: Auserl. med. chir.-. . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. el. Naturf., Niirnb., 1770, xix, 13-20.—Ilnughlon (R. E.) Tubercular phthi- sis; the result of imperfect cell action. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1858, i, 385-399. — Ha vage. Retrecissement de l'arteh'e pulmonaiio; tuberculose. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 292-295.—llayein. Deux poumous et les ple- vres sont fareis tie tubercules miliaires. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 93.—Heller (J. F.) Harn mit Hy- drathinsaure und harnsaurem Natron bei Pneumonie au einem tuberkuleisen Individuum. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1844, i, 24-29. — Herbert. Tuberculose pulmonaire chez un enfant ele 10 mois. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par., 1868, xliii, 218.—Howard (R. P.) Ob- jections to some ofthe recent views upon the pathology of tubercle and pulmonary consumption. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1874-5, iii, 97-107. — Hutchinson (J. U.) Clinical lecture on the inflammatory origin of phthisis. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 181. .lalin. Sur les pioce- des que la natuie suit dans laguerison des tubercules, sp6- cialeinent de ceux tlu poumon. J. compl. du diet. el. sc. mCd., Par., 1829, xxxv, 18-33. -----. Leichonotiming eines Phthisikers. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1831, ii, 258- 262.—James (A.) Nutrition and growth in connexion with pulmonary phthisis. Tr. M. - Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1884-5, u. s., iv, 250-269, 3 diag. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 297-312, 2 eliag. — Janewny (E. G.) Aneu- rism as a cause of phthisis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 304 —.leaner (W.) The anatomical relations of pulmo- nary phthisis to tubercle of the lung. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1873, i, 325-329.—Jones (J.) On iuflammatiou as au ex- citing cause of tuberculosis. Metl. Mirror, Lond., 1865, ii, '02-21'' — Kennedy (H.) On the views of Niemeyer re- garding phthisis. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, li, 106-113.- Kiclcl (P.) On the distribution of the tubercle bacilli in the- lesions of phthisis Meel.-Chir. Tr. 1884-5, Loud., 1885, lxviii, 87-114, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. A Chir. Soc. Lond., 1882-5, n. s., i, 301-326. Also [Ab- str.]: Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 107; 155. Also [ Abstr. | : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 1193. -----. On basic tuber- culous phthisis. Lancet, Loud., 1886, ii, 615; 66o.—Kie- mauii. Tuberculosis chronica apicum puhuonuni: mtil tratio tuberculosa lob. inferioris siuist.; granulare Tu- berculose und disseminirte Tuberculose, Infiltrate im iibrigen Lungenpai cnchym ; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- ausL Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 292-294.-----. Tuberculosis chronica pulmoimm ; vegetationes glob, cor- dis; embolia cerebri; Tod. Ibid., 374.—Kingston (P. N.) Researches on some points of the pathology ut pul- monary tubercles. Med.-Chir. Tr. 1836, Lond., 1837, xx 305-335. — Knoevenagel. Beitriige zur lokalen PHTHISIS. 172 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). Entwiekelung phthisischer Zustande in den Lungen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1878, clxxviii, 185-195. — Koin- mcrell (E.) Ueber Phthisis und Tuberculosis. De-ut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878, xxii, 148-199.— Kostjurin (S. D.) K patologicheskoi anatomii tcha- chotki. [Pathological anatomy of phthisis.] Voyenno-ined. J., St. Petersb., 1879, cxxxv'i, pt. 2, 1-6. Also [Abstr.]: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 313. -----. Oh izmienenijach podjeludochno jeliezi u tchachotochuich. [Changes in the pancreas in phthisis.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1880, i, 783.—Kroczak (F.) Die Epithelien tier Respirationsorgane in ihrem Verhaltuisse zur tuberculiisen Infection. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1886, xxi, 97; 109.— Kuiize. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 388-391. — de La Berge (L.) Quelques con- siderations sur l'affection tuberculeuse du poumon J. d. conn. nied.-chir., Par., 1837-8, v, pt. 1, 3; 89— Lnnge. Miliargranulationen der Lungen unter typhtisen Erschei- nungen . . . Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Brest, 1851, ii, 424.— Law. Tubercular phthisis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1841-50, i. 112-114.-----. Acute phthisis. Ibid., 169-171.— Lawson (G. L. L.) A suggestion why pneumonia antl phthisis usually select different and definite localities in the lung for their origin. Australas. M. Gaz., Syelney, 1886-7, vi, 301. — Lcdibcrder. Phthisie au troisidme degre; pneumonie secondaire; autopsie; ossification pul- monaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 70.—Lceson. Phthisis anel pneumo-thorax; metallic, respiration; au- topsy. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vi, 58.— Lentil in* (R.) Anatome juvenis tabe confecti. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1684, Norimb., 1685, tlecuria 2, iii, 396- 40(1. Also, transl.: Anserl. med.-chir.-... Abhaudl. tl. rom.- kais. A kail. el. Naturf., Niirnb., 1764, xiii, 341-345.— Levin (A. M.) Xablouden nail fosfornym obniienom u tschacho- toe-h. | Phosphoric excretion in phthisis.] Vrach. St. Pe- tersb., 1888, ix, 876-880.—Lorey (J. B.) [Fall von Miliar- tuberculose. ] Jahresb. ii. il. Verwalt. d. Med. -Wes., tl. Krankenanst. . . . tl. Stadt Frankf. (1865), 1868, ix, 20-22.— Lays. Li-volution de la maticMe tuberculeuse dans les poumous. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 99-101.— Lyon (I. W.) The pathology of phthisis pulmonalis. Proc. Connect, M. Soc, N. Haven, 1872-5, 2. s., iv, 311- 320 — McCormnc (H.) A word on phthisis. Dublin M. Press, 1852, xxviii, 357. -----. The crucial test in regard to the oriiiin of phthisis in tubercle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 571. — McElroy (Z. ('.) On some points in the pathological histology of so .culled phthisis pulmonalis. or consumption. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1880, xxxix, 223- 229. Also, Reprint.—Macgibbon (D.) Three cases of phthisis, in which the more rare form of miliary tubercles existed, with the post mortem results. N. Orl.M. i< oliu < i (G.) Osser- vazioni anatomico-patologicho sulla formazioue de' tuber- coli polmonari. Filiatre-Sebezio, Napoli, 1844. xxvii, 217- 246. — Ormerod (E. L.) Superficial softening with slight extravasation of blood in the brain; pulmonary phthisis. Lancet Lond.. 1847, i, 30.—Osier (W.) Pneumonic phthisis. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 295-297.— Pathologic (Zur) der Phthise. Ber. A. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1864. Wien, 1865. 201-204.—Pavone (A.) Sguardo alio stato attuale della questione del bacillo tubercolare e Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). della patogenesi della tisi. Morgagni, Napoli. 1885. xxvii, 453; 514. — Peacock (T. E.) Remarks on the different forms of pulmonary consumption. St, Thomas's Hosp Rep Lond., 1870, n. s., i, 19-88, 1 1., 1 pi.—Pcarse (\V. II.) Consumption viewed in relation to evolution anil molecular energy. Med. Press cfe Circ. Lond., 1884, n. s . xxxvii 442; 466; 489; 513; 534; 556— Pepper (W.) Tuberculosis of lungs, bronchial glantls, and abdomen. Proc l'alli. Soc Phila. (1866-70), 1871, iii, 27-30. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867. n. s., liv, 143-145.-----. Tubercular disease of lungs, extreme aortic disease with peculiar murmur. Proc. Path. Soc Phila. (1866-70), 1871, iii, 74. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., Ivii, 398. -----. Portion of lung from a case of pulmonary phthisis, with cavities (branch ice- taticO; ha'inoptysis; death from asphyxia; enormous clot of blood in a large cavity in right lower lobe. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1874-5), 1876, v, 125. —Perry (A. W.) Pulmonary phthisis and pulmonary tuberculosis. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1879-80, viii, 490-493. — Peslalozzn ( F. ) La predilezione dei tubercoli per gli apici pol- monari. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1885, lvi, 612-620.— Phillips ( D. B.) Speculations on tho nature of tuber- cular consumption. Med. Exam., Phila., 1853, ix, 37-41.— Pidoux. Introduction k une doctrine nouvelle tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Union nied., Par.. 1865, 2. s., xxvi, 3; 67: 116; 163; 213; 261; 308. — Porter (W.) Phthisis, its pathology and causes. St. Louis M. &S. J., 1877, n. s., xiv, 57-C6.-----. lsphthisisself-limiting ? Ibid., 1879, xxxvii, 563-573. [Discussion], Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. (1879), 1880, ii, 212-216. — Posadsky ( S. ) Die Veranderiiiigen der quergestreiften Muskeln boi den Schwindsiichtigen. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1881, xix, 17-19.- Powell (R. D.) Lung antl portion of intestines, from a case of chronic phthisis. Tr. Path. S.>c Lond., 1867-8, xix, 79. -----. Case of chronic tubercular disease of the lungs illustrating one motle of production of thickening of the pleura. Ibid., 1868-9, xx, 59-61. -----. Varieties of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 170. -----. On exca- vation ofthe lung in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 2.— Pozzi ( S. ) RCcidive tie cause interne (phthisic-aigue) d'une ancienne affection osseuse. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1874, xlix, 773-775.—Piirkhauer (H.) Die neuere Lehre von der Lungenschwindsucht und tier Tuberkulose, Aerztl. Mitth. a, Baden, Karlsruhe, 1870, xxiv, 45; 53.— Quain (R.) Tuberculosis in a Bosjesman girl. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, ii, 182. -----. Arrest of phthisis in the third stage of the disease. Ibid., 1850-52, iii, 50-54.— Raciborski. Tubercules pulmonaires circouscrits. Bull. Acad, de mod.. Par., 1840-41, vi, 715. — Kampold. Ueber Granulationen und Tuberkeln in den Lungen, ihre Ablageruugsweise, ihr Verhaltniss zu andern Krankheiten, und ihre Heilbarkeit. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1843, ix, 67; 207; 362. — Bayer (P.) Fragment d'une Ctude compara- tive tie la phthisie pulmonaire chez I'homme et chez les animaux. Arch, de mod. comp. (Rayer), Par.. 1843, i, 189- 219.—HindflciNch. Die chronische Luiigentiiberculose. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiii, 43-79.— Rischawy ( W.) Entwicklung der Tuberkulose mit besonelerer Riicksicht auf die Lungentuberkulose. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 566; 577; 590; 602; 625.- Bobert. Tisis; escuelas unitaria y dualista. Independ. meel., Barcel., 1874-5, vi, 2; 29.—Robinson (P. G.) The pathology of pulmonary phthisis. St, Louis M. .fc S. J., 1871, n. s., viii, 320-336. Also: Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 113-119.—Bochoux. Sur la contracture dependant tie rheSniorrhagie ccrebrale et sur la formation ties tubercules pulmonaires. Arch. gen. tie m6d., Par., 1843, 4. s., iii, 481-486.— Bochoux (J.-A.) Des tuber- cules pulmonaires. Bull. d. sc mod., Par., 1829, xviii, 253-269. -----. Du mode tie developpement eles tubercules pulmonaires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1832, vi, 485.— Bogec (C.) Essai sur la curabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire, ou re- cherches anatomico - pathologiqttes sur la transformation des tubercules et la cicatrisation ties excavations tuberci* leuses ties poumous Arch. gen. tie mCil , Par., 1839, 3. s., v, 191; 289; 460. — Rostan. Quelques remarques sur la marche do la phthisie pulmonaire et sur les lesions cada- vGriques tie cette affection. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s , ix, 303. — Sakurai (I.) [Remarkable- post-mortem ap- pearance in phthisis.] I.ji Shinbuu, Tokio, 1880. no. 32, Oct. 15.—Sanchez Ilcrrero (A.) Proe-esos pitlmonares tisiogenos y patogenia dc; la tuberculosis. Correo med. castellano, Salamanca, 1884, i, 78-85. — Schrocilcr van der Kolk i.T. L. C.) Over den oorsprong en ele- vorniing van tubercula pulmonum. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1852-3, 3. s.. ii, 1-45, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—von Sehriilter (L.) Tuberkulose der Lunge, Rechtslage des Ilerzeus; Tod; Schwielenbilduug in Pleura unci Lunge. Pest. nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv. 8U4-806. — Sebas- tian (A. A.) De origine, incremento et exitu phthisis pulmonum observationes anatomical. Tijdschr. v. nat Geschied. en Physiol., 1835, ii, 166-217, 1 pi. Also, Re- print,—Sciler (C.) On the pathology of phthisis pulmo- milis and its laryngeal complications. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 525-530.—Seuise (T.) Sul concetto mo PHTHISIS. 173 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). derno della tisi. Movimento, Napoli, 1883, xv. 153-169.— Shattuck. Tuberculous disease at base of lung. Bos- ton M. cfe S. J., 1855, liii, 230. — Sieveking ( E. H.) On the seat of pulmonary tubercle. Brit, & For. M. - Chir. Rev., Lond., 1853, xi, 518-522.—Sizer (N. B.) Pathology of pulmonary phthisis. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 311-318. —Slavjansky (K.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie der .Schwindsucht, Arch. f. path. Anat. etc., Berl., 1868, xliv, 480-481. Also, transl: Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1868, viii, 379. — Niiiith ( E. ) On the nature of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 635. _____. On thenatureof phthisis pulmonalis, and especially of its first or pre-tubercular stage. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila'., 1862, n. s., xliii, 77-89.—Smith (L.) Specimens of patho- logical changes that began in bronchitis and ended in tu- berculosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 36.—Smith (Q. C.) Phthisis, aneurosis. South. Pract,, Nashville, 1880, ii, 170- 173.—Soulier. Phthisie granuleuse. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1864), 1865, iv, 135-146.— So ■■ I hey (R.) Varieties of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1873, i, 137; 581.—von Stosch. Beitrag zur Pathologie der Zehrkrankheiten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, 95; 122; 135.—Straub (M.) Over den bouw der phthisis long met het ongewapend oog gezieu. Nederl. mil geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1883, vii, 241: 1884. viii, 187 — Struve (H.) Ueber die Pathogenese der Phthisis. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 1117; 1129; 114L— Suilakoir (M.) K voprosu oh otnosheuii jazvennago protsessa v legkich k bugorchatim jazvam kishechnika. [Relation of ulcerous process in the lungs to tubercular ulcers in the intestine.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1880, exxxix, pt. 3, 231-273.—Teissier pore. Sur le rap- port ties lesionsdel'artdre pulmonaire avec la phthisie pul- monaire. Ann. Soc tie med. tie Lyon, 1879, 2. s.. xxvii, pt. 2, 3-6. -----. Des hemorrhagies bronchiques dans leurs rapports avec la phthisie pulmonaire. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee, tl. sc. Compt.-rend. 1879, Par., 1880, viii, 892- 898.—Thompson (R. E.) On the auto-infection of the lungs as a cause of tubercle. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 38. -----. The condition of the costal cartilages in phthisis. . Brit. M. J., Loud., 1877, i, 41.—Thompson (T.) On pul- monary consumption as a local tlisease. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 3-6. -----. On consumption as a constitutional affection. Ibid., 45-47.—Tigri (A.) Sulla natura dei tubercoli del polmone. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1850, exxxiv, 5, 1 pi.—Timermans (G.) Tubercolosi polmo- nare. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1873, 3. s., xiii, 266-281.—Traube. Miliartuberkulose beider Lungen. tlie Tuberkelu in ziemlich geringer Menge. Ann. d. Char.- Krankenh. . . . zu Berl., 1863, x, 2. Hit., 185-193.— True (H.) fltudes sur le thorax de I'homme tuberculeux. Lyon metl., 1885, xlix, 285; 354. Also: Mem. et compt-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1885), 1886. xxv, 81-110.—Turn- bull (J.) Tubercular tlisease of the lungs; cavities lined with false membrane; pneumonia. Edinb. M. cfe S J., 1846, lxvi, 12.—Turner (C. W.) On tubercular disease of the lungs. Midland M. cfe S. Reporter, Worcester, 1831-2, iii, 95-103.—Tyiulale (J. H.) The present status of the pathology of phthisis pulmonalis. St. Louis M. cfe S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 113; 250, 334; 445. -----. The localized and diffused connective tissue processes in the lungs, and their relations to pulmonary phthisis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, vii, 107-118. Also, Reprint. —Tyson (J.) Two cases of phthisis; cavities in lung; cheesy deposits. Proc Path. Soc Phila. (1866-70), 1871, iii, 191. Also. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 429. -----. Pneumonic fihthisis of right lung; miliary tuberculosis of the left ung as a sequel. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 172. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1871-3), 1874, iv, 147.—Valcnti (A.) Le forme anatomiche del tubercolo polmonare poste a ris- contto delle sue forme cliniche; contribuzione alio studio della tubercolosi. Arch, di metl., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1870, ii, 5; 73; 137; 201, 1 pl.; 276; 337— Valleix. Conside- rations sur les lesions anatomiques et sur la curabilite tie la phthisie pulnaonaire. Arch. gen. de metl., Par., 1841, 3. s., x. 133; 279.—Vander Poel (S. O.) Pathology of phthisis. [Abstr.] Metl. Ann., Albany, 1881, ii, 161-166.— Vergara (A.) Del desarrollo de los tuberculos i de la tisis. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1867, xxix, 369-426.— Voisin. Infiltration tuberculeuse miliaire g6n6ralis6e dans les deux poumons; adherences tlu pi'ricareie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 128—Volkauier (J. G.) Cadaveris virilis dissecti historia. Misc. Acad. nat. cu- rios. 1675-6, Francof. et Lips., 1688, vi-vii, 94-98. Also, transl: Anserl. med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. tl. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Nurnb., 1759, vi, 106-111.—Vulpian. Brouchite suft'ocante; tubercules perces d'un petit trou cen- tral. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 176.—Wall (J.) Specimen of phthisical cavity in right lung, with notes. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1868, xiv,' 497: 1869, xlvii, 238. A Iso: Tr. Cork M. cfe S. Soc, Dubl., 1867-8, 9: 1868-9, 5.—Wal- ther (F. A.) Gedrangte geschichtliche Darstellung des todtlieheu Verlaul's einer Phthisis pultn. ulcerosa, nebst Sectionsbericht uud eiuigen Beniorkungeu iiber die Natur und den innern Zusammenhaag der hierbey vorkominen- Phthisis (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). den wichtigsten Erscheinungen. Ephem. tl. Heilk., Bamb., 1813, vi, 128; 163— Wendt (E. C.) Chronic pueu- mouia, phthisis, and miliary tuberculosis in the light of recent discoveries. Med. Rec, N. V., 1884, xxvi, 679.— Wcpfcrus (J. J.) Grandines pulmonum aliarumque partium cum phthisi. Misc. Acad, nat, curios. 1690, No- rinib., 1691, decuria 2, ix, 431-451. — Whitall. Lung- cavity friction-sound synchronous with heart's action Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 92— Williams (C. J. li.) The anatomical relation of pulmonary phthisis to tubercle Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 555-568.—Wood (H. C.) Phthisis Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii, 151. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1864, n. s., xlvii, 429.—Zampa (R.) Della tubercolosi microscopia del pulmone. Bull. tl. sc med. di Bologna, 1880, 6. s.. v, 400-418, 1 pi— Zaubzer (O.) Studien zur Lehre von der entziindlichen und der infectiosen Phthise. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1876-7), 1881, 804-826, 1 pi.—Ziegler (E.) Ue- ber Tuberculose und Schwindsucht. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz , 1878, No. 151 (Innere Meel., No. 50), 1269-1314.— Ziegler (G. J.) Anamtatosis. its consequences, preven tion, and treatment. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1852, xlvi, 429; 453. Phthisis (Prevention of). (See Phthisis (Causes, etc., of). Phthisis (Sputa of). See, also, Tubercle (Bacillus of); Phthisis (Contagion, etc., of). Cochez (A.) * De la recherche du bacille ele la tuberculose elans les protluits d'expectoration. 4°. Paris, 1883. Also [Abstr.], in: Union mod., Par., 1883, 3. 8., xxxvi, 893; 917. Daremberg (G.) *De l'expectoration dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1870. Kaatzer (P.) Die Technik der Sputum-Un tersuchnngauf'Tuberkel-Bacilleu. 2. Aufl. 1:2^, Wiesbaden, 1884. Liciitenberg (C. I.) * De diagnosi sputorutu in phthisi. sm. 4°. Wlttenbergce, [1796]. Peters (H.) Die Untersuchung des Auswurfs auf Tuberkelbacillen. 12°. Leipzig, 1880. Sauvage (F.) * De la valeur eliagnostique ele la presence des bacilles de Koch dans les crachats. 4C. Paris, 1883. Zikopoulos (T.) *Zur Lungenparenchyra- Expectoration bei Phthisis tuberculosa. 8°. It'urzburg, 1886. ftalllioi-n. Pathological and clinical observations on the foetid grains or tubercles, mixed with the sputa of con- sumptive persons. Med. cfe Phys. J., Lond., 1806, xv, 30- 32.—Oalmer cfe Fraentzel. Ueber das Verhalten der Tuberkelbacillen im Auswurf wahrend des Verlaufs tier Lungenschwiudsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1882. xix, 679-681.—Bliltai (A.) A kopetekben talalhato tiidoh&m- r61, s azoknak a tudoben niegjelen6se korismei ert6kertil. [On the sputa in phthisis, as an important diagnostic symptom.J Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1878, xxii, 748; 772.— It roc hi u. De la valeur s6m6iotique de l'expectoration dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 1041-1043.—Brown (F. J.) The diagnosis of phthi- sis by the microscope. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, i, 302.— V. (E.) Du diagnostic ele la tuberculose par la recherche des bacilles dans les crachats. J. de th6rap.. Par., 1883, x, 502-507.—Canstatt (C.) Ueber microscopische Cha- racter der tuberculosen Sputa. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1841, ii, 417-424.—Clark (A.) Speci- mens of tuberculous expectoration. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1854-5, vi, 74-84.—Coehez (A.) De la recherche tlu ba- cille de la tuberculose dans les crachats. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 362-367.—Crandall (C. R.) The aid of the microscope in the diagnosis of con- sumption. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1886, ix, pt. 1, 91_98.—Cutter (E.) Diagnosis of consumption by means of the microscope, with reference to life insurance. Med.- Leg. J., N. Y., 1886-7, iv, 20-36. Also, Reprint—Oeri- vaux (A.) Expectoration in phthisis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 431-442.—»e To ma (P.) Sulla virulenza dello sputo tnbercolare. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1886, eclxxvii, 39. — Dettweilcr. Ueber ein Taschenflaschchen fiir Hustende. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 216-219.—Drysdale (C. R.) The dried spu- tum hypothesis of the cause of phthisis pulmonalis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliv, 239.—Dutchcr (A. P.) The microscope; its value as a means of diagnosis in pulmonary tuberculosis; illustrated with cases. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, vii, 217-220. -----. Cough PHTHISIS. 174 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Sputa of). and expectoration ; their diagnostic value as symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, with remarks on the importance of a microscopical examination of the sputum. Cincin. M. News, 1872, i. 9-21. — K.xpectornlioii suppos6e des vaisseaux puliiicinaiies. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1774, v, 539-548. —Fenwiek (S.) On the detection of lung-tissue in the expectoration of persons affecteel with phthisis. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1865-6, xlix, 209-219. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1868, ii, 723; 759. Also | Abstr.]: Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1864-7, v, 214. —Fies. singer. Le bacille tie la tuberculose dans les produits d'expectoration (technique et valeur diagnostiejue). Rev. m6d. del'est, Nancy, 1884, xvi, 430; 467; 501— Formad (H. F.) The bacillus tuberculosis and the etiology of tu- berculosis ; is consumption contagious ? Mar\ land M. J.. Bait., 1883-4, x, 685; 705; 845; 865; 885; 905.— Foxwell (A.) The varieties of the expectoration in pulmonary phthisis; their signification anel treatment. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1886, xix, 11; 120.—Friinltel (B.) Die Farbung des Koch'schen Bacillus und seine seniiotische Bedeutung fiir die Krankheiten tier Respirationsorgane. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv, 3X2.—vou Frisch (H.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Tuberkelbacillen in den Sputis. Wien. metl. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 1437; 1469.—Fusscll (M. H.) Diagnostic value of tubercle bacilli iu sputa. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1887, Phila., 1888, viii, 90-100. Also [Abstr.]: Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 339-342.—Gab- bett (H. S.) The diagnostic value of the discovery of Koch's bacilli in sputum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, SOS- SOS.—CJafFky. Ein Beitrag zum Verhalten tier Tuberkel- bacillen im Sputum. Mitth. a. el. k. Gsnelhtsamte, Berl., 1884, ii, 126-130.—G[obce (C.)J Kan men tuberculosis ptilmonum incipiens uit de sputa erkennen ? Kliniek, Utrecht, 1846, ii, 105-117. -----. Voorloopige aanteeke- ningen omtrent het voorkomen van elastieke vezels in de sputa van tuberculeuse borstlijders. |6 cases.] Ibid., 1847, iii, 480: iv, 241— Oradlc (H.) cfe Woltmanu (H.) The diagnosis of consumption by means of the microscope. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 184-186.—Grancher (J.) \ dc Gennes. Sur la disinfection des crachoirs des tu- berculeux. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 193-198. Also | Abstr. ]: Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xix, 357-359.— (hillmaiin (P.) Ueber den Nachweis der Tuberkelba- cillen uud ihr Vorkommen in den phthisischen Sputis, mit Demonstrationen von Praparaten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, xix, 790. Also: Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii, 213-217.— Handford (H.) The disinfection of phthisical sputum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 440.—tfassail (A. H.) On the disposal of the sputa in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 162.—Heini (L.) Die Untersuchung des Auswurfes auf Tuberkelba- cillen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 133.— llciurieh (C. B.) Brief aau de redactie. (Omtrent het voorkomen van clastikelongvozels in tie sputa van tubercu- leuse lijeleis.) Kliniek, Utrecht, 1846, ii, 581-583. [See, also, supra, Gobee. ] — Heiller (M.) Ueber elie diagnostische und prognostische Bedeutung der Tuberkelbacillen im Aus- wurfe. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 1269 ; 1297.— Ilutehinsoii (J.H.) Phthisis diagnosticated by aid ofthe microscopic examination of the sputa. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1866-70), 1871, iii, 17(1. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871. n. s., lxi, 15:!.—Kai-st (S. M.) Otchachotoch- nich palochkach v mokrote. [On the phthisical bacillus in sputa.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1884, Nov., 38-60.—K.eyt (A. T.) The detection aud sem- eiological value of yellow elastic tissue in sputum. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1872, 129-158, 1 pi.—I,ober. De la sem6iologie des crachats ; du bacille tuberculeux. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1884, xxiii, 255-265.—lTIacdonald (J. D.) On the microscopical characters ofthe sputum in phthisis. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr. 1872-3, Lond., 1874, vi, 69-74, 2 pi.—ITIcKcddie (G. D.) Note on the examination of sputa for the bacilli of phthisis. Proc. N.-W. Prov. cfe Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1883, ii, 2.—Malassez (L.) AVignal (W.) Persistence de la puissance pathogenique des bacilles elans les crachats dess6ches des phthisiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 650.—May. Beitrag zum quautitativen Vorkommen tier Tuberkel-Bacillen im Sputum und dessen Bedeutung fiir die Prognose. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 441-443. — .Hosier. Ueber Infection der Darinschleimhaut nach Verse liliicken tubercultiser Sputa bei Idioten. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 747.—IVocard. Recherche du bacille de Koch dans les produits de l'expectoration des bceufs phthisiques; appli- cation au diagnostic des cas tlouteux. Arch, vet., Par., 1XX4 ix, 441-446. Also, transl: Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1884-5, viii, 258-203.—Pacini (F.) Suipretesicorpuscoli tubercolari trovati ela Gruby negli sputi tlei tisici. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1846, cxix, 329-336.—Petri. Zur Farbung des Koch'schen Bacillus in Sputis, sowie iiber das gleiche Verhalten einiger Pilzzellen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 739.—Pfeifler (A.) Ueber die Re- gelmassi"keitdes Vorkomniens von Tuberkelbacillen im Auswurfschwindsiichtiger. Ibid., 32.—Philip (R. W.) On an improved method for the detection of the tubercle bacillus in sputum. Edinb. M. J., 1886-7, xxxii, 409-411.— Phthisis (Sputa of). Primavcra (G.) Descrizione mintita particolareggiata di quanto occorre per la ricerca do' bacilli tubercohiri negli espettorati, preeeduta da un cenuo sul valore clinico de' meelesinii. Med. coutemp., Milano, 1884, i, 18-21.—Kieh- ardson (J. C.) On the detection of pulmonary elastic tissue in the sputum of phthisis. Tr. M. Soc N\ Y., Al- bany, 1871, 220-225. Abo, Reprint. Als<> [Abstr.] : Med. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 2X5.— Kiegel (F.) Ueber das Verhalten ties Sputuius boi cliabetiseher Lungenphthise. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1883, iv, 209-212.—Kind- fleiseh. Eine einfache Methode zur Authuduiig von Tu- berkelbacillen im Sputum. Wien. mod. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1644.— Kumy. Noch ein soltener Fall von ausgeworfeneir Pulmonar-Substanz. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1X12, xi, 689-692— Sehill. Ueber elen Nachweis von Tuberkel- bacillen im Sputum. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 15.—Sehill (E.) &, Fischer (B.) Ueber dio Deselection ties Auswurfs tier Phthisiker. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsntlhtsainte, Berl., 1884, ii, 131-146.—Schroeder van der Kolk (J. L. C.) Over het aanwozen van veei krach- tige long-vezelen, in sputa van phthisici, als een zeker teeken van het bestaan eener vomica. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1845-6, 2. s., i, 401-434, 1 pi.—See (G.) Du diagnostic des phtisies pulmonaires douteuses par la presence des bacilles dans les crachats. Bull. Acatl. de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xii, 1396i-1420. (Discussion], 1429; 1496: 1884, 2. s., xiii, 94; 118. Also [Abstr.]: France med., Par., 1883, ii, 842; 855; 868. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Progr6s med., Par., 1883, xi, 986-989. Also [Abstr.]: Tribune med., Par., 1883, xv, 592-596. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884,1, 65-67.—Sircna (S.) cfe Pernice (B.) Sulla trasmissi- bilita della tubercolosi per mezzo degli sputi dei tisici. Gazz. tl. osp , Milano, 1885, vi, 194-196. -----. Sulla tras- missibilittl della tubercolosi per mezzo degli sputi tlei tisici; esperienze. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1885-6, ix, 79- 108, 1 pi.—Smith (T.) The diagnostic and prognostic value ofthe bacillus tuberculosis iu the sputum of pulmo- nary diseases. Metl. Ann., Albany, 1884, v, 193-198. -----. Method of demonstrating the presence of the tubercle ba- cillus in sputum. Ibid., 233-236.—von Sokolowski (A.) cfe fire ill" (F.) Ueber das Vorkommen von elastischen Fasern im Auswurf tier Lungenschwindsuchtigeu. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 66; 76; 88.-Steelc (A. J.) The clinical significance of elastic tissue in sputa. St. Louis M. cfeS. J., 1872, n. s., ix, 403-406.—Tappeiner. De l'iiiooulation de la phthisie miliaire aigue par i'inspira- tion de crachats dilues tie phthisiques. Nice-med., 1877-8, ii, 107-109.—Thompson (T.) The application of the microscrope to the diagnosis of pulmonary consumption. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 36.—Troup (F.) The diagnosis of early phthisis by the microscope. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv,' 1-7.—Tru'deau (E. L.) A case illustrating the value of the tubercle bacillus as an aid to an early diag nosis in phthisis. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 464.— Vn. silcff(E. V.) K vopr. o legochno - kojnich poterjae h u chachotoch. [On the loss of lung tissue in phthisis. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 802; 824.—Wargunin (W.I O zarazitelnosti bugorchatki, pri vdichanijach raspileunoi mokroti chachotochnich. [Contagion from sputa of phthi- sical patient.] Ibid., 1882, iii, 81. -----. Ueber die bei Hunden durch Inhalation der Sputa phthisischer Iudi- vitlueu unci anderer organischer Substanzen erzeugten Luugenerkrankungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1884, xevi, 366-413, 3 pi.—Zenkerileh (Z. C.) K voprosu o kolichestve tuberkulez. bacilli v mokrote bolnich bugor- chatkoi. [Quantity of bacilli in the mucus of tubercular patients.l Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiii, 3-17. Phthisis (Statistics of). See Phthisis (Cases, etc., of). Phthisis (Surgical operations during). Leroux (C.) *Des amputations et des r6- sectious chez les phthisiques. 4°. Paris, 1880. Abo [Abstr.], in: J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1880, xlviii, 201; 267; 273; 282; 305; 315. Batnand (J.) Contribution k l'etude de la contre-in- dication ties operations gynecologiques chez les tubercu- leuses. (Service de M. J. Cheron.) Rev. m6d.-chir. tl. mai. d. femmes, Par., 1887, ix, 645-650.—flcrruti (G.) Sulle in- dicazione operatorie nei tisici. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 654.—Deroti (C.) Dangers et opportuuite de l'inter- vention chirurgicale chez les tuberculeux. Presse mod. beige, Brux., 1888, xl, 265-268.—Marsh (H.) Operations on phthisical patients with remarks on operations performetl during the pyrexia of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1883, i, 1121.—Mai-tin (it.) Contribution a l'etude de la ques- tion eles amputations chez les phtisiques. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1883, iii. 33-39.—Mascarcl. Obser- vations de deux cas de phthisie pulmonaire arr6t6e par deux op6rations graves. France m6d., Par., 1876, xxiii, 421.— Oilier. Un malatle atteint de phthisie pulmonaire et ayant cependant subi avec succes une resection du coude. 75 PHTHISIS. PHTHISTS. 1 Phthisis (Surgical operations during). Lyon m6d., 1884, xiv, 291-294—Savory. Cases of ampu- tation in lower third of forearm in advanced pulmouary phthisis ; good recovery from the operation, and improve- ment of pulmonary symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 273. I* III iii sis (Symptoms of). See Phthisis (Diagnosis, etc., of). Phthisis (Temperature in). Bagneris (I.) *Des temperatures morbitles locales dans les diverses periotles ele la tubercu- lose pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1870. Biliiaut ( M. ) * Etude sur la temperature thins la phthisie pulnionaire. 4°. Paris, 1872. Favre (. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1873. Sarda (G.) * Contribution a l'etude des tem- peratures pdriphcriepies et particulierement ties temperatures morbitles locales dans la tubercu- lose pulmonaire chronique. 4°. Montpellier, 1882. Schwarz (A.) * Ueber den Fieberverlauf bei Phthisis pulmonalis. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1&76. Shiltoff (A.) * Termometrija i eja znachenie ve legochuoits chachotkie. [Thermometry aud its importance in phthisis.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1809. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1869, civ, pt. 2, 95-114. Unger ( M. ) * Ueber afebrile Phthise. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1884. Addison (W.) On the partial heats which are some- times manifested in consumptive patients. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 389. — Bcltelheim ( K. ) Bemerkungen iiber einige Eigeuthiinilichkeitiii des Fiebers im Beginue phthisischer Zustande. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1872, x, 466-477.—Bicbion ( F. ) Contribution k l'etude de la temperature de la paroi thoracique chez les phthisiques. Rev. mens, tie med. et de chir., Par., 1880, iv, 526-533. -----. Note sur rhyperthermie cutanee tie la paroi thoracique et du bras chez les phthisiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881,7. s., ii, 58-61. Also.- Gaz. med.de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 150. — Finlayson (J.) On the temperature of children in phthisis and tuberculosis. Glasgow M. J., 1869-70, ii, [4. s J, 1; 324. — I,cbert (H.) Veriinderungen der Korperwiirme im Laufe der Tubercu- lose-. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Meet, Leipz., 1873, xi, 43-95. -----. Ueber Temperaturveranderuiigen bei Tuberku- liisen. Vorgetragen in tier Sitzunsr der medicinischen Sec- tion den 20. August 1872. Verhandl. d. schweiz. Naturf. Gesellsch. 1872. Freib., 1873, lv, 244-257. [Discussion], lil-64.—IHcA Irion ie (A. M.) On the difference between the- axillary temperatures ou the two sides in phthisis; with 81)0 observations. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 269-271.—Osjle. Pulmonary phthisis, with high tem- perature unaffected by quinine. Ibid., 1873, ii. 577.— Peter. Les temperatures morbitles locales; tempera- tures locales dans la phthisie pulmonaire-. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 918-944.—Kedard (P.) De la temperature de la peau du thorax et de la temperature comparee des aiselles dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 294-297.— Keeve (J.C.) The thermometer in tuberculosis. Cincin. J. M., 1866, i, 336-340. - Ringer ( S. ) Elevation de la chaleur organique chez le phthisique. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1866, ii, 193-200.—Rogers (G.) High tem- perature in acute pulmonary phthisis; sudden delirium following the use of salicylate of soda. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, n, 654.—Rollet (F.) Note sur l'antipvrine chez les tuberculeux. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. ele Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, 144-150.—Temperature in acute tuberculosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875. x, 599.—Tempera- liire (The) in phthisis antl tuberculosis. Brit, cfe For. M.-Chir.Rev., Lond., 1877, lx, 253-269.—Williams (C. T.) Phthisis (Temperature in). On the temperature of phthisis pulmonalis and on the various conditions influencing it. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond 1874-5 lviii, 67-108, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Ro'v. M. cfe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1871-5, vii, 299-302. -----. The tempera- ture of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1875, i, 241. Plitliisis (Transmissibility of). See Phthisis (Contagion, etc., of). Phthisis (Treatment of). See, also, Blood (Transfusion of); Bronchia (Injections into); Ergotism; Guaiac; Inhala- tion; Lippspringe; Lungs (Cavities, etc., in); Phthisis (Causes, etc., of); Phthisis (Curability of); Phthisis in relation to climate; Schinznach. Alabone (E. W. ) Consumption : its cure by an entirely new remedy. Illustrated by fifty cases. 3. ed. 8°. [London], 1878. -----. The same. The cure of consumption (aud other diseases of the chest) by ;m entirely now remedy. Illustrated by numerous cases. 8. eel. 8°. [London, 1888.] Alavoink (J.) * Traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. 4°. Paris, 1882. Alvim (J. R.) *Qual 6 o melhor tratamento da phtisica pulmonar? 8°. Pah ia, 1870. Anderson (M. F.) The phosphates in nutri- tion antl the mineral theory of consumption anel alleged wasting diseases; an entirely new and successful treatment, its suggested by the obser- vations and experiments of . . . as practically carried out by Charles H. Phillips. 8°. New York, 1883. Axgelot (J.-B.-T. ) * Consitlerations sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1821. Armack (J. D.) *De nouuullis phthisi pul- monali mctlctidi methodis. 4°. Jence, [1784]. Arthuis (A.) *Des principaux traitements de la phthisie pulnionaire. 4°. Paris, 1868. Asmus (J. B.) *De telse accidentalis tubercu- losa; pathogenesi et curatione. 8°. Berolini, [1833]. -----. Ueber die Heilwirkungen des Chinins in der Lungenschwiudsucht. 8°. Konigsberg, 1842. Auerkcht. Die Lungenschwindsucht mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Behauillung der- selben. 8°. Magdeburg, 1887. Ballais ( G. ) * Traitement de la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1849. Bastings (A.) Die Ltiugenschwiudsucht und ihre Heilung durch Electricitiit. Aus dem Fran- zrosischen ubertragen von Dr. Silberinaun. 8°. Erlangen, 1866. Bazin (A.) * Essai d'une m6thode de traite- ment de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Nancy, 1877. Becker (J. H.) * Diss, inaug. exhibens qutes- tionem: An phthisi pulmonali exulceratte con- veniant remeelia tonica? 8°. Bostochii, [1793]. Beddoes (T.) A letter to Erasmus Darwin, M. D., on a new method of treating pulmonary consumption, and some other eliseases hitherto found incurable. 8°. Bristol, [1793]. -----. Observations on the medical and do- mestic management of the consumptive; on the powers of Digitalis purpurea; and on the cure of schrophnla. 8°. London, 1801. -----. The same. 8 \ Troy, 1803. Bell (J.) Observations on the treatment of some forms of incipient phthisis. 8°. Glasgoiv, 1844. Bonnafox-Demalet (J.) Traite? sur la nature et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1804. Both (C.) A new and effective method of treating consumption (phthisis pulmonalis) through artificial calcification, with explanatory cases and drawings. 8°. Boston, 1868. PHTHISIS. 17G PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of). -----. Dr. C. Both's method for the radical arrest of tuberculosis of the lungs by artificial calcification. Transl. by the author, from the "Oestcrreichische Zeitschrift fiir praktische Heilkunde", March 3, 1871. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] -----. Consumption and its treatment in all its forms. 8°. Boston, 1873. Bouyer (L.) Considerations nouvelles sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire et sa cura- bility. 8°. Paris, 1875. Boyer (J.) Guerison de la phthisie pulmo- naire et de la brouchite chronique a l'aide d'un traitement nouveau. 5. ed. 8°. Paris, 1865. -----. The same. 7. 66.., cousiderablemeut augmente'e. 8°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. 19. 60.., suivie d'observa- tions. 8°. Paris, 1886. Brehmer (H.) Die Therapie der chronischen Lungenschwiudsucht. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1889. Bremond ( E. ) fils. Nouvelles methodes de traitement de la phthisie pulmouaire. 8°. [Pa- ris, 1887.] Brown (W. H.) Synoptical account of the effect of certain medicines applied iu the treat- ment of asthma antl consumption on the princi- ple of endosmosis. 8°. London, 1844. Brute (C.) * Etude clinique sur les elifferentes formes et les complications tie la phthisie pulmo- naire au point de vue du traitement. 4°. Paris, 1808. Campbell (J. S.) Observations on tubercu- lous consumption; containing new views on the nature, pathology, antl cure of that disease, be- ing an attempt to founel its treatment on rational principles, deeluctetl from physiology and con- firnieil by extensive application. 8°. London, 1841. Casus segritudinis a Jacobo Ottonis propositus et perscriptus ael Johannem Freitagium, [cum responsione ejusdem et de nova phthisin curandi ratione consilium]. 12°. Groningce, 1632. Caussade (C.) * Apercu critique de la valeur tie certains moyens m6dicamenteux reputes speci- fiques de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1866. Cazeneuve (V. ) Observations cliniques et considerations generates sur la guerison et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Lille, 1847. [Congreve (G. T.)] Life versus death. Part I. On consumption; with suppl. to 20. ed., and suppl. to 22. ed. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Congreve (H.) Consumption curable. Ob- servations on influenza or catarrh, colds and coughs, hooping cough and asthma, and the means of curing that hitherto incurable disorder, pulmonary consumption, etc. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1837. Cornell (W. M.) Consumption curable, and its treatment. 16°. Boston, 1850. Crichton (A.) Practical observations on the treatment and cure of several varieties of pulmo- nary consumption, and on the effects of the va- pour of boiling tar in that disease. 8°. London, 1823. Cullen ( G. ) *Diss. qusedam de phthisi cu- randa complectens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1824. Dahn (F.) *De remediis antiphthisicis. 8°. Berolini, [1837]. Dardonville (H.) Recherches pratiques sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 1° Refutation de sa pre$- tendue incurability; 2° Observations de phlhisies gueries; 3° Dangers et abus de la methode (16- bilitante dans le traitement de cette maladie. 8°. Paris, [1825?]. Phthisis (Treatment of). Dehenne (S.-F.-J.) * Considerations snr la phthisie puluionaire, et principalement sur le traitement ele cette affection. 4°. Paris, 1840. Dkmkurat (J.-L.-A.) *Du traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, I8f>2. Desbons (A.) *Du traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1855. Dettweiler (P.) Die Behandlung eler Lun- genschwindsucht in geschlosseuen He'ilanstalten mit besonderer Beziehung auf Falkenstcin L T. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1884. See, also, infra, Dix (T. L.), Kretzschmar (P. H.), and Rohtlen (L.). Also [Rev. of 1. ed.], in: Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 537-539 (J. Schnitzler). Dieterich (J. W.) *De perniciosis remediis iu phthisi. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1720]. Drewry (G. O.) Consumption and wasting diseases successfully treateel by "hydrated oil", with cases showing the immeeliate increase in weight producetl by it. 4. ed. 16°. London, [1877]. -----. The same. 5. ed. 16°. London, [n.d.]. Duhrssen. Ueber die hauptsiichlichsten Vor- giiuge und Betlingungen unter ilinin elie Heilung der Lungenschwindsucht zu Stande kommt. 8°. Stuttgart, 1876. Efficacy (On the) of chlorodyne in consump- tion as introeluced by Dr. Collis Browne. 12°. [London, n. d.] Faure (P.) * Du traitement pr6servatif et curatif de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1847. FIlleau (A.) & Leon-Petit. Bulletin du la- boratoire ele recherches exp^rimentales et clini- ques sur le traitement de la phtisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1886. ---------:—. The same. Sur le traitement aseptique de la phtisie pulmonaire. F^vrier 1887. 8°. Paris, 1887. -----------. Bulletin de la phtisie pulmo- naire. Revue trimestrielle des recherches exp6- rimentales cliniques et therapeutiques de la tu- berculose. 2. annee, no. 3, novembre 1887. 8°. Paris, 1887. ----- -----. The same. 3. annee, no. 4, mars 1888. 8°. Paris, 1887. ----- -----. The same. 3. annee, no. 5, juiu 1888. 8°. Paris, 1887. Fonssagrives (J.-B.) Therapeutique de la phthisie pulmouaire basde sur les intlications, on l'art de prolonger la vie des phthisiques par les ressourcescombineesdel'hygiene etde la matiere medicale. 8°. Paris, I860. Fromentel (E.) * Traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire, precede de quelques considerations sur le mecanisme de sa guerison. 4°. Paris, 1846. Geiger (H. J.) *De remediis quibusdam ael versus phthisin pulmonalem ulcerosam summe laudatis, aeljuucta analysi chemica corticis al- cornoque. 8°. Beidelbergce, 1817. Godbold (N.) A treatise ou the nature and cure of consumption ; containing certificates antl accountsof many extraordinary cures perfornueil. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1787. -----. The same. Humbly addressed to the consideration ofthe public, the 6. ed., in which is introduced a poem addressed to Mr. Godbold, by the Rev. Mr. Willis, occasioned by a cure per- formed (by the vegetable balsam) on a gentle- woman of his family, in a consumption, and sev- eral others within his observation. 8°. London, 1789. Goljachovski (A.) Nieskolko sluchaev pre- duprejdenijai liecbenija tuberkuleznoi tshachot- PHTHISIS. 177 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of). ki. [Seime cases of prevention and treatment of tubercular phthisis.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 18»9. Also, in: Vestnik obsh. hig. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1889, ii, pt. 4, 1-12, 1 tab. G6mez de la Mat a (F.) Terapeutica mo- derna ele la tisis pulmonar; estudio y descripcion de los tratamientos recomendados en los ultimos alios. 8°. Madrid, 1889. Gourdin (A.-H.-C.) * Dn traitement de la tu- berculose. 4°. Paris, 1861. Grenet (J.) *Sur les divers traitcmcnts de la tuberculisation pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1861. Griffith (M.) Practical observations on the cure of hectic and slow fevers, anel the pulmo- nary consumption. 8°. London, 1776. .-----. The same. A new ed. 8°. London, 1795. -----. The same. A new ed. 8°. London, 1799. Hall (W. W.) Observations on the curability of consumption; by a new, safe, and painless mode of treatment; illustratedin selections from three hundred and ten late cases. 5. ed. 8°. [». v.], 1847. Hartsen (F. A.) Raadgevingen voor tering- achtigen eu voor hunue vrienden, ja, voor iede- reen! Beneveus eenige losse gedachten en een stukje over een nieuwe hypothese vau Charles Darwin. 8°. Gorinchem, [n. d. ]. Hautkfeuille (F.) * Du traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. 8°. Paris, 1852. Helmershausen (S. G. F.) * Brevis lustratio medicamentorum autiphtisicorum cum adversa- riis uonnullis physico-chemicis. 4°. Erlangce, 11783]- Also, in: Delius (N. F.) Adversaria. Fasc. iv. 4°. Erlamjcv, 1785, [no. 2]. Hofmann(K.) *Die Luftrohren- wieLungen- Schwintlsucht ist heilbar. 8°. Miinchen, 1839. Howe (J. M.) To consumptives. Informa- tion respecting the practice of F. H. Ramailge. Containing an account of several cases in relation to this practice in which it has been beneficial iu this country, with other corroborative testimony. 12u. .Vetc York, 1846. -----. The same. Consumption curable. Information [etc.]. sm. 8°. New York, 1856. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1867. Jackson (J. C.) Consumption; how to pre- vent it, anel how to cure it. 8°. Boslon, 1862. Jacobus (A.) Kritische Beitriige zur Behand- lung der Lungenschwindsucht. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Jasinski (R.) Welches Heilverfahren liefert bei der chronischen Lungenschwindsucht die besten Resultate? Vortrag gehalten 1879 auf tier fiinften Versammlung galizischer Aerzte. Nach dem Polnischen frei bearbeitet, mil Berich- tigungen und Zusiitzeu versehen von Dr. J. Sclmltze. 8°. Breslau, 1880. Joncour (L.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement et de Phygiene de la phthisie pulmo- naire. 4°. Paris, 1878. Julliot (F.-C.) *Traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1849. Kinneweel (L.-E.) *Sur l'etiologie et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Pa- ris, 1859. Knauthe. Wie die Alten die Lungenschwiud- sucht behandelten. 8°. Wien, [n.d.]. Lasescuras-Lepine (C.) * Du traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. 4°. Paris, 1848. Latour (J.-R.-J.-A.) Dn traitement pr6- servatif et curatif de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1840. * 12 'hthisis (Treatment of'). Le Couppey. Comment on peut guerir la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1847. Lemenager (P.-A.-A.) *Sur la phthisie pulmonaire et principalement sur le traitement de cette affection. 4°. Paris, 1862. Little (R.) A treatise on the prevention antl cure of pulmonary consumption. 8°. London, 1836. Lobethal (J.) Proof that consumption is curable, with a tlemonstration of a new healing method of chronic catarrh, bronchial and tu- bercular consumption, etc. [From the German, transl. and augmented by Dr. R. Rohland.] 8°. New York, 1875. Luijten (A.) Verhaudeling over het wezen eu de behaneleling der longtering. 8°. Tiel, 1857. McNeil (D.) Treatise oh the cure of con- sumption at the North. 8°. New York, 1859. May (W.) Essay on pulmonary consumptions, including the histories of several remarkable instances of recovery from the most alarming stages of the disorder, by an improved method of treatment. 8°. Plymouth, [1792].. Melville ( H. ) The modern treatment of pulmonary consumption anel other diseases of the respiratory organs, being suggestions to in- valids on the most rational method of cure. 12°. New York, 1859. Murray (J.) A treatise on pulmonary con- sumption ; its prevention and remedy. 8°. London, 1830. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1831. Nisbet (W) An inquiry into the history, na- ture, anil elifferent modes of treatment hitherto pursued in the cure of scrofula, pulmonary con- sumption, and cancer. 2. eel. To which is added an appendix containing a letter to a cele- brateel professor of Edinburgh, on the peculiar principles adopted by the author in their treat- ment, aud the necessity for a circumscribed line of practice, in order to be successful. 8°. Lon- don, 1800. van Oldenborgii (G. D.) * De vi quam opificia habent iu phthisin pulmonum. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1844. Palmedo (U. ) Beitrag zur Heilung der Lungenschwindsucht, in wesentlichem Zusam- menhange mit der sogeuanuten Speckcur und der von Ramadge empfohleuen Heilmethode. 8°. Berlin, 1840. Pascal (J.-J.) De la nature et du traitement des alterations pulmonaires. Guerison de la phthisie. 8°. Paris, 1839. Phosphates (The) iu nutrition aud the min- eral theory of consumption and allied wasting diseases, an entirely new anel successful treat- ment, as suggested by the observations and ex- periments of M. F. Anderson, as practically car- ried out by Charles H. Phillips. 8°. New York, 1879. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1882. -----. The same. 8 '. New York, 1883. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1884. -----. The same. 8°. Neiv York, 1885. de Pietra Santa (P.) Traitement rationnel de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1875. Also [Rap. di V. Peyrani], in: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1877, 3. s., xxii, 135-141. ------. Un medicament-aliment nouveau. 18°. Macon, [1879, vel subseq.]. Rafinesque (C. S.) The pulmist, or introduc- tion to the art of curing aud preventing the con- sumption or chronic phthisis', a medical essay, including a new and better distinction of its causes, kinds, remedies, diets, aud other pecu- liarities. 12°. Philadelphia, 1829. PHTHISIS. 178 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of). -----. The same. Le puhuiste, ou introduc- tion a l'art de guerir et de pr6venir la consomp- tion ou la phthisie chronique (traduit de 1'an- glais). 8°. Paris, 1833. Ramadge ( F. H. ) Consumption curable. The manner in which nature and remedial art operate in effecting a healing process in cases of consumption, and by which the development of tubercles may be prevented. From the 3. Lond. ed. 12°. New York, [1839?]. See, also, supra, Howe (J. M.). ------. Consumption curable; and the man- ner in which nature as Avell as remedial art op- erates in effecting a healing process iu cases of consumption; explained and illustrated by nu- merous remarkable and interesting cases, to which is added a mode of treatment, by which the development of tubercles may be prevented in persons liable thereto, from hereditary predis- position, or a bad state of the system induced by various causes. 1. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. 8°. New York, 1839. ------. The same. Traite sur la nature et le traitement de la consomption pulmonaire; ou- vrage enrichi d'un grand nombre d'observations interessantes sur l'emploi d'un nouveau procede mecanique. Trad, de l'anglais, par H. Lebeau. 8°. Bruxelles, 1836. ------. The same. Die Lungenschwiudsucht ist heilbar, oder Entwickelung des Prozesses, den Natur und Kunst einzuschlageu haben, urn diese Krankheit zu heilen, nebst Empfehlung einer neuen und einfachen Heilmethode. Aus dem Englischen von Dr. C. Hohnbaum. 6°. Hildburghausen, 1835. ------. The same. Die Lungenschwindsucht heilbar! Enthaltend die Mittel, wodurch Natur und iirztliche Kunst die Heilung der Schwind- sucht bewirken; erklaret und erlautert durch zahlreiche, merkwiirdige und interessaute Fiille. Nebst Vorschriften, urn der Entwickelung von Tuberkeln vorzubeugen, welche bei den Personeu sich bilden, die diesem Uebel, wegen erblicher Anlange, oder wegen krankhaften Gesundheits- zustandes am hiiufigsten unterworfen sind. Nach der 2. Orig.-Ausg. bearbeitet von Dr. A. Schulze. 8°. Quedlinburg u. Leipzig, 1836. ------. The curability of consumption; being the reprint of a series of papers, presenting the most prominent and important practical points in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment ofthe disease. 12°. London, 1850. ------. The same. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1854. ------. The same. 12. thousand. 12°. Lon- don, 1861. Robinson (N.) A new method of treating con- sumptions; wherein all the decays incident to human bodies are mechanically accounted for. With some consitlerations, touching the differ- ence between consumptions and those decays that naturally attend old age. To which are added, arguments in defence of the possibility of curing ulcers of the lungs; as also reasons demon- strating that the irregular discharges of all the evacuations in consumptions, arise from the re- sistance of the heart not decaying in a simple proportion to the resistance of the other parts. [2. pt.] 8°. London, 1727. Rose (J. S.) Consumption curable. A prac- tical treatise to prove consumption a managea- ble disease. With cases successfully treated, un- der a new mode, in this country. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1841. Roujon(J.-J.-A.) *De la therapeutique de la phthisie ou consomption pulmonaire. Proposi- tions d'acconchements et de medecine. 4°. Pa- ris, 1837. Phthisis (Treatment of). Salone (E.-N.) * Des aiffercnts traitements preconises contre la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1855. Sanders (J.) Treatise on pulmonary con- sumption, in which a new view of the principles of its treatment is supported by original obser- vations ou every period of the disease. To which is added an inquiry, proving that the medicinal properties of the tligitalis, or fox-glove, are dia- metrically opposite to what they are believed to be. 8°. Edinburgh, 1808. Sastre y Dominguez (F.) Estndios espe- ciales sobre las causas v la curacion tie la tisis pulmonal. 8°. Madrid, 1869. Schieferdecker (C. C.) The curability of consumption demonstrated, aud the applicability of the celebrated remedies of Julius Lobe thai, M. D., of Breslau, Prussia, fully established, and particularly elucidated to physicians. 8°. New York, 1864. Schnepp (B.) Traitement efficace par le ga- lazyme des affections catarrhales, de la phthisie et des consomptions en general. 8°. Paris, 1865. Schreck (J.-I.) * Quelques observations sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1808. Schwartz (J.-C.) * Vera theoria et rationalis therapia phthiseos. sm. 4°. Erf or dia,[17 41]. Schwarze(C. F. C.) *De phthisis purulent* confirmatseincommodislevandis. 12°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1809]. Seiler (J.) Memoire sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire par la dilatation artificielle du thorax. 8°. Geneve, 1855. ------. La guerison de la phthisie par la di- latation artificielle de la poitrine, au moyen d'un nouveau procede eiectro-galvanique decouvert par ... 8°. Bruxelles, 1856. ------. Notice sur le traitement de la maladie de poitrine et sur les moyeus de s'en preserver. 2. ed. 8°. Genere, 1858. Serrano Fatigati (A.) De la curabilidad de la tisis pulmonar y tratamiento racional para obtenerla; obra escrita en presencia de los re- cientes trabajes sobre la materia de Fonssagrives, Jaccoud, Charcot, Virchow, Robin, Litten, Bou- chard, y otros muchos. 8°. Madrid, 1882. Sikker Hjelp for Sviudsottige. Forklaring over det, man nu forstaaer under Navn af Svindsott, hvad den egentliger, hvor den urig- tig bliver kaldet saaledes, hvorledes den fore- bygges, helbredes og lindres. Oversat af H. C. Lund. [Sure help for consumptives. Explana- tion of what is understood by phthisis, what it properly is, why it is called so, and how to prevent, cure,and mitigate it.] 12°. Ej0benham, 1820. Simmons (S. F.) Practical observations on the treatment of consumptions. 8°. London, 1780. Smyth (J. C.) An account of the effects of swinging, employed as a remedy iu the pulmo- nary consumption anel hectic fever; with an in- troeiuctory letter to Sir Joseph Banks. 8°. Lon- don, 1787. VON Sokolowski (A.) Beitriige zur Lehre von der Behandlung der chronischen Lungen- schwindsucht. 8°. Berlin, 1877. See, also, infra. Stern (P.) Medical advice to the consump- tive and asthmatic people of England ; wherein the present method of treating elisorders of the lungs is shewn to be futile anel fundamentally wrong, and a new aud easy method of cure, pro- posed by . . . 8°. London, 1767. ------. The same. 3. ed. [With app.] 8°. London, 1767. PHTHISIS. 179 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of'). _____. Thesame. 14. ed. 8°. London, 1774. _____. The same. 16. ed. 8°. London, 1776. Taffin ( G. ) * Traitement general de la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1874. Taussio (G.) Cenuo critico sulla cura della tisc polmonare, preceduto da alcune consielera- zioui patologiche; memoria. 8°. Firenze,.1845. Repr. from: Gazz. toscana d. sc. med.-fls., anno iii, nos. 18, 19. Ten minutes' advice to the consumptive. By a physician. 18°. London, 1833. Thompson (C. T.) On the treatment of con- sumption, with notices of successful and unsuc- cessful cases. 8C. London, 1867. Turnbull (J.) A report on the progress of improvement in the treatment of consumption and other pulmonary and laryngeal diseases, and ou some new remedial means. 8°. London, 1853. •-----. The same. Au inquiry into the cura- bility of consumption, the prevention, and the progress of improvement iu the treatment. 3. ed. 8C. London, 1859. Varenuch (N. ) * Vzgljad na izlechimost bugorchatosti legkich voobsche i tak nazyvae- mye tsielebnye protsessy legochnych bugorkov. [View on the difficulty of treatmeut of phthisis of lungs in general, and on the so-called healing process of tuberculosis.] 8 >. St. Petersburg, 1859. Volland(A.) Die Behandlung der Lungeu- schwiudsucht im Hochgebirge und iiber das Zu- standekommen von Eruiihrungsstorungen in den Lungenspitzen, welche die Disposition zur pri- miiren tuberkulosen Erkrankung derselben dar- stelleu. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. Weaver (J.) A practical treatise on the cure of pulmonary consumption with medicinal, die- tetic, and hygienic remedies. 8°. London, 1887. Wergo (C.) * Ueber das Wesen und die Be- handlung der Lungenschwiudsucht. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1836. Whitfield. The cure of consumption aud other chronic diseases. 8°. London, 1850. Wilson (A. P.) Handbuch iiber Blutflusse, Lungeusncht und Ruhr, nebst Versuchen iiber die Wirkungsart des Opiums und Tabaks auf ileu thierischen Organismus. Fiir Deutsche mit Zusiitzen herausgegeben von D. Gottlieb Wil- helm Topelmanu. 8°. Leipzig, 1812. « Wilson (E. A.) Consumption curable. A recipe for the cure of consumption, asthma, scrofula, bronchitis, etc., published for the benefit of consumptive sufferers. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Windmaissinger ( M. ) *De remediis anti- phthisicis novissimo sevo commendatis. 8°. Monachii, 1841. WObken (J. H.) *De usu venae sectionis in phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Jence, [1800]. Adair (J. M.) The history of three cases of phthisis pulmonalis, treated by cuprum vitriolatum, and conium maculatum; two of which terminated favorably. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1793, decuria 2, vii, 473-480. — Adol- pKiiN (J.) The rational treatment of tubercular consump- tion. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1872, viii, 513-523.—Alexan- der (R. G.) Practical notes on the treatment of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 760.—Aljbizki (I.) Sluch. tcha- cbot. liech. po sposobu Prof. Kremjanskago. [Phthisis treated by themethodofKierajanski.] Med.Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxix, 72-75. Also [Abstr.], transl: Lancet, Lond., 1*88, i, 569. — Alines (H.) Reflexions sur le traitement de la phthisie k propos de la discussion sur la tuberculose au Congres international. Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii, 34; 78; 108.—Alvaro (F. M.) Nuevo remedio contra la tisis. Siglomed., Madrid, 1857, iv, 181.—Alvin (J.) Sur un traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxvi, 626-629. — Anderson (McC.) Ad- dress on the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Glas- gow M. J., 1883, [4. s.], xix, 81-94. — Anuilphy (B. S.) On "closed establishments" for the cure of phthisis; a Phthisi*. (Treatment of). lecture introductory to the post -graduate course for 1889 in the Hahnemann Hospital, of Chicago. Clinique, Chi- cago, 1889, x, 81-89. —Atkinson ( F. P. ) The treat- ment of phthisis. Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx, 716.— Barella. Rapport de la commission qui a exarain6 le travail tie M. Warnant, sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belcr., Brux. 1883, 3. s., xvii, 956-973.—Ba'rtel*. Zur Behandlung der Lungenschwindsucht. Mitth. f. el. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1875, v, 60-90. — Bartenstein (A.) Pre- ceptes fondamentaux tir6s des experiences faites clans le traitement do la phthisie tuberculeuse. J. ele meet, chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1847. v, 13-15. — Bartholow (R.) On the treatment of certain forms of phthisis pulmonalis by rest, and the internal administration of atropia. Am. J'. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 436-446. Also: Clinic. Cincin., 1877, xii, 221; 233; 245. -----. On the treatment of the various forms of consumption. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1879, xxxiv, 51-61. Also: Month. Rev. M. & Pharm., Phila., 1880, iii, 65-69. -----. Clinical lecture on the treatment of the various forms of consumption. Metl. News cfe Abstr., Phila., 1880, xxxviii, 257-263. Also, transl: Lecciones clin., etc., Sevilla, 1879-80, ii, 193-202.—Bales (J.) Phthisis; prognosis and treatment. St. Louis M. A S. J., 1877, n. s„ xiv, 282-284.—de Beaufort (A.) Du traite- ment de la tuberculose. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc.. Par., 1868, lxxv, 315; 362. Also, Reprint. — Behandlin^ af Lungesvindsot. Diskussionen. Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1886, 64; 74; 86; 95; 106.-Behier. Traite- ment de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. gCn. de thCrap., etc., Par., 1874, lxxxvii, 433: 1875, lxxxix, 193.—Bennett (J. H.) On the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. cfe Edinb., 1850, x, 232; 401, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. The pathology and general treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efe Edinb., 1852, xiv, 56-70. -----. Du traitement de la phthisie pul- monaire. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 337; 385; 438. -----. On the treatment of pulmonary con- sumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 356-358.— Ber- therand ( A. ) A propos de deux nouveaux modes de guerison de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie. Alger, 1887, xxxii, 50-52. — Betkowski (N.) Niekt6re uwagi nad terapia gruzlicy, mianowicie przeci%glej. [On the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. | fam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1859, xii, 178-231. — Be- toldi (I.) Perch6 la cura della tisi polmonare ulcerosa si e cercata indaruo, e non si trovera. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1862, clxxx, 319.—Kigelow (H. R.) The treatment of consumption. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1881-2,. i, 49-51. —Bird ( F.) Ueber den Werth des Essigs in der Schwindsucht. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1821, i, 349-354. — Bird (S. D ) A review of the modern treatment of pulmonary consumption. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1868, xiii, 369-379. -----. On some phases in the history of the treatment of pulmonary phthisis during the last twenty-five years. Ibid., 1886, n. s., viii, 394-409.—Both (C.) Bemerkungen iiber Schwind- sucht. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871, xvii, 149-153. [See, also, supra.] -----. On the cure of tuber culosis of the lungs by inducing calcification. Med. Rec, N. T., 1877, xii, 100-103. Also, in his: Method for treating tubercular consumption, 8°, N. V., 1877, 1-10. -----. A few remarks on, and cases of, successful calci- fication of tuberculosis of the lungs. Med. Rec, N. V., 1877, xii, 451-453. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Method for treating tubercular consumption, 8°, N. V., 1877, 11-18. -----. On the treatment of phthisis. Med. Rec„ N. V., 1878. xiii, 389-391. -----. On the treatment of tubercular consumption. Ibid., 1880, xvii, 200-203.— Bottini (G. D.) Sulla curazione della tisi col cloruro di sodio. Liguria med., Genova, 1857, ii, 241-269.— Boudet ( E. ) Recherches sur la gutirison naturelle ou spontanee de la phthisie pulmonaire. Rev. mCd. franc. et etrang., Par., 1843, iii, 22-34. — Bowditch (V. Y.) Two cases of phthisis treated by intra-pulmonary injec- tions. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1889, exx, 455-458.—Brain- well ( B. ) Phthisis; its treatment by iutra-laryngeal injections of menthol and olive oil. Stud. clin. metl., Edinb., 1889-90, i, 72-74. —Brefeld. Ueber die Heilung der Lungensucht. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1802, 113- 117. — Brehmer (H.) Zur Therapie der chronischen Tuberculose der Lunge. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford, d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1860, iv, 430-444. -----. Zur Therapie der chronischen Lungen- schwindsucht. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1862, n. P., i,' 80-89. -----. Zur Therapie der Lungen- schwindsucht. [6 cases.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 66; 75; 98; 231: 1863, xv, 111. -----. Zur Therapie tier chronischen Tuberculose. [8 cases. 1 Ibid., 1866, xviii, 127; 139.—Briiilon (W.) Clinical remarks on the cure of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 4.—Broeckx (C.) Observation de guerison de phthisie pulmonaire confirmee. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1861, xxii, 495-501. [Rap. de Koyen], 502-504.—Bruen (E. T.) A few suggestions on the treatment of pulmonary phthisis, with remarks on the use of thymol. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 102- 106.— Bi'iignatelli (E.) Studi sperimentali sulla PHTHISIS. ISO PHTHISIS. Phthisi* (Treatment of). terapia della tubercolosi. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1884, v, 554-556.—Brunton (T. L.) On the action and use of cer- tain remedies employed in bronchitis and phthisis. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879^-81, v, 246-255—Buchner (H.) Zur Therapie der Lungenschwindsucht. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1883, iv, 401-406. [See. also, infra, Stintzing (R.).] -----. Zur atiologischen Therapie der Lungen- schwindsucht. Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 221; 233.—Campbell (J.) General observations on the na- ture and treatment of tubercular consumption. Glasgow M. Exam., 1831-2, i, 49; 73— Campbell (J. S.) On the use of alkalies in consumption. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 607.— Canfield (W. B.) The more recent treatment of pul- monary phthisis. [Abstr.] Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 261.— Cartwright (S. A.) The treatment of pul- monary consumption. N. Orl. M. cfe S. J., 1857-8, xiv, 289- 297.—^attell (T.) Administration of remedial agents in phthisis, in combination with proteine compounds. Lan- cet, Lond., 1851, ii, 55.—Cazals. Nouveau moyen pro- pos6 contre la phthisie pulmonaire. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1813, xxxi, 171-182.—Cazaux (M.) Sur les diverses nie- thoeles de traitement ele la phtisie pulmouaire. Bull. Soc. de meel. prat, de Par., 1889, 533-547. Also : Gaz. med.-chir. tie Toulouse, 1889, xxi, 153; 161. —Chambers (T. K.) Clinical lecture on the treatment of pulmonary consump- tion. Med. Circ, Lond., 1862, xx, 384; 401. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, i, 511-515—Chartcris. Clinical lect- uie on the treatment of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 229.—Che vers (N.) Observations on the treatment of phthisis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, xxviii, 782-787. — Cho- domiHki (K ) Przyczynek do leczenia gruzlicy pluenej. (Treatment of phthisis pulmonalis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1884. 2. s, iv, 573-579— Claiborne (J. H.) Incipient phthisis pulmonalis and its treatment. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1881-2, viii, 266-277.—Claimy (W. R.) Anal- ysis of the blood in phthisis pulmonalis ; its treatment with sulphuric acid aud digitalis, and muriate antl carbonate of soda; and on free carbon in arterial blood. Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, ii, 72-74.—Cogrossi (C. F.) Lettera in risposta ad un quesito medico -pi atico, se si possa, e si debba cavar sangue ad un tisicic In: Rac. d' opusc scient. efilol.. 16°, Venezia, 1737, xiv, 2(17-288.—Cohen (S. S.) Recent ad- vances in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 381-386. —Consumptive (The) curers of New York. By an invalid M. 1). Ohio M. cfe S. J., Columbus, 1855-6, viii, 112-116.—Conli (P.) Osserva- zioni sulla cura della tisi. Indipeutlente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 577 ; 601.—County (J.) M6utoire sur le traitement do la phthisic par les preparations alcalines, joiutes k line temperature 61ev£e et charg6e tie vapettrs ammouiacalcs. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1844, 4. s., vi, 431-454. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1845, i, 216-232.—Costes. De la saign6e dans la phthisie pulmonaire. (Avec discussion.) J. denied, tie Bordeaux, 1851, ix, 226; 295.—Cotton (R. P.) The "specific treatment" of consumption. Notes on the action of certain saltsof phosphorus on phthisis. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvi, 163. -----. On the action of certain substances upon phthisis. Ibid., 1859, n. 8., xviii, 543: n. 8., xix, 626: 1860, i, 594: ii. 474: 1861, i, 382: ii, 7; 604: 1862, i, 531: ii, 220: 1863, i, 81; 558. -----. On the therapeutics of consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, i, 683-685. -----. Phthisis and physic Practitioner, Lond., 1869, iii, 91-96.—Coxe (E. J.) ' Practical remarks on pulmonary consumption, with the details of a case suc- cessfully treated. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1859-60, lxi, 436; 477; 522.—Davidson (W.) A case of pulmonary con- sumption, attended with haemorrhage, speedily cured by a limited use of liquids. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1794, de- cuiia 2, viii. 395-399.—Behove. Traitement de la phthi- sie. Semaine med., Par, 1K83, 2. s., iii, 205; 221; 229. Also: Tribune metl., Par., 1883, xv,406; 423; 435; 449; 460.— Delaunuy (G.) Sur le traitement de la phthisie. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 1880, vi, 335-341.-----. Traitement de la phthisie. J. tl. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1880, xlviii, 321; 331; 347; 356; 364. Also. Reprint.—Deming (W.) Pointsin thetreatmentofphtbi- sis pulmonalis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1882, n. s., ii, 35-39.— De Benzi (E.) Sulla cura della tubercolosi. Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix, 775.—Dcsguin (V.) Le traitemcut de la phthisie pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1887, xlviii, 315-354— Detiweiler (P.) Die ratiouelle Therapie der Lungenschwiudsucht in Gorbers- dorf. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 357; 370; 381; 404. See. also, infra, Dix (T. L.)] -----. Zur Phthisiotherapie er Gegenwart. Ibid.. 1877, xiv, 511; 528; 560. -----. Ein antikritischer Gang. Antwort an Dr. Rohdeu. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 357; 373; 389; 405. -----. Die Therapie der Phthisis. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1887, vi, 13-43. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 298. Also [Abstr.J: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1887, xxii, 566. Also [Abstr.): Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl , 1887, viii, 36«.—Didama (11. D.) What for consumption, and why'* Med. Ann., Al- bany, 1881, ii, 105-]aborde. Phthisie pulmonaire: medica- ments oxygtinants, huile de foie de morue, etc. Abeille nied., Par., 1874, xxxi, 50. — Lantlonzy (L. ) Moyen facile, rapide et inoffensif d'aneter la toux quinteuse de certains phthisiques. Progress nied., Par., 1880, viii, 965.— Landowski (E.) Traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire a Alger. Assoc, franc, pom l'avanee. tl.se. Compt.-rend. 1880, Par., 1881, ix, 886-889.—Lange (G.) Zur Therapie tier chronischen Tuberculose. [3cases.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 269-272. -----. Ueber Behandlung der chryniscbenLungenschwindsucht. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1870, xv, 6; 33.-----. ZurBehandlungder Lungenschwind- sucht. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Metl., Leipz., 1874, i, 71- 74. — I.anymore ( J. C.) Remarks on the antecedents antl treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, i, 231-233.— I.aiioaille de Lachcze. Emploi tic la suggestion hypnotique dans un cas de tuberculisation pulmonaire. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. tie la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1887, xi. 118-122.—I,anz (J.) UeberHeilungder Phthisis tuberculosa pulmonum. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Zurich, 1851, vii, 423.—de Ieared (A.) On the treatment of phthisis by the hot-air bath. Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii, 587; 646. — I>egros (V. ) Etude sur le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. ele med. d'Anvers, 1870, xxxi, 13; 57; 113; 168; 225; 281.—licpiili Chioti (G.) Ricerche sperimentali per la diagnosi e terapia della tisi pulmonale. Morgagni, Napoli, 1882, xxiv, 497-500. — Cepine (R.) Du traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire par la transfusion de sang d'agneau. Gaz. med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, 421.—l>ewin (G.) Ein Mittel gegen Lungenschwindsucht!? Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Berl., 1861, xxx, 665-668.—L.eyden cfe Fraentzel. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse tier Sammelforschung betreffs Heilung der Lungenphthise Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1884, viii, 580-591.—J^ieeaga (E.) The treatment of pul monary tuberculosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi. 95-97.— leittlefJ.) On the means most generally useful for reliev ing the cough, sweating, antl dyspepsia of chronic phthisis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 5-7. — I^offler (A.)] Zur Be- handlung tier Lungenphthise. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1878, xiii, 435.—M'Dowell (W. A.) Remarks on the cure of consumption. West. J. M. cfe S., Louisville, 1844, 2. s., i, 21-23.—M ael lire (W.) Observations on the symptoms and treatment of consumption. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833-4, xiii, 113- 116. Also, in his: Collect. Med. Chir. [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1845, 99-115.—iTIaragliano (E.) Lacuradella tisi polmonare. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1877, xl, 139-163. — Marchal. Note sommaire sur les medications offensives dans le traite- ment de la phthisie pulmonaire. Cong. m6d. internat. de Par. [1867], 1868, 469-476.—deMarmon (P.) Treatment of phthisis. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1870, v, 54-58. — Martell (S.) Zur Therapie der Lungentuberkulose. Wien. metl Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 55; 636; 678. — Mascarel. Du traitement des tuberculeux. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc, Par., 1879, xevi, 29-32. — Masson (D. T.) An old High land form of massage popularly practised for the preven- tion of consumption. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1889, i, 8-1—May (W.) An account of the successful termination of a case attended with symptoms of phthisis pulmonalis; with remarks on the treatment of. that disease. Lond. M. J., 1788, ix, 208-285.-----. Farther remarksonthetreatmentof phthisis pulmonalis. Ibid., 1790, xi, 255-265. Also, transl.: J. tie med., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1791, lxxxvii, 187-203.— Mays (T. J.) The external therapeutics of pulmonary consumption. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 267-272. -----. The external therapeutics and the dietetics of pnl monary consumption. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, ix, 361- 367. Also, Reprint. -----. The external therapeutics of pulmonary consumption. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 200-204. Also, Reprint. -----. The external therapeutics of pulmonary consumption; a retrospect of twenty cases treated by this method. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 396-401. -----. Incipient pulmonary consumption audits external treatment, with an illustrative case. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 52-54.-----. The treatment of pulmonary consumption, with a report of forty cases. Med. News, Phila,, 1887, li, 499-502. Also, Reprint. -----. Apex ex- pansion versuspure airin pulmonary consumption. Mary land M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 361-367. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1888, Hi, 257-262. Also: Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., lviii, 295-300. -----. Pulmonary consumption as treated in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. Med. cfe Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 195-197. — Meissen. Ueber Lungen-Schwindsucht und deren Behandlung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, v, 295; 307; 319; 331.—Miller (J. P.) Phthisis; its successful treatment. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1884, xvii, 137-142. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii, 657-660.—Minerbi (C.) La cura della tisi considerata da un nuovo punto di vista. Bull. d. sc. metl. di Bologna, 1887, 6. s., xix, 157-216. Also, Reprint.— Moniu. Du traitement et de la curabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire. Cong. med. de France 1864, Par., 18(55, ii, 147-155. — Mordhorst (C.) Der Einfluss tiefer In spirationen auf die Heilung der Lungenschwindsucht. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 145; 155; 161.—Mor- rill (S. C.) The treatment of phthisis. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Manchester, 1884, 139-141.—Muller (D.) Zur Therapie der Tuberculose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880. vi, 253.—Mulvany (J.) The rational treat ment of consumption. Med. Press cfe Circ, Dubl., 1868, n. s., iii, 370; 394: 416; 434.—Muntendnm (S.) Over het gebruik der chinine in phthisis pulmonalis. Nederl. Weckbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1853, iii, 209; 219: 1856, vi, PHTHISIS. 182 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of'). 413; 423.—Musser (J. H.) The treatment of the final stages of phthisis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv, 46-51. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 445-448.—IVasse. Gegen die Schwindsucht. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1818, ii, 241-411. -----. Von der Kur der Lungentnberkeln. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1824, ii. 101-120. Also, transl: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. meio-e(o<;. raATjras, A0r)vai, 1888, IH', 337; 360; 377; 424; 439; 449; 470.—Papillaud (L.) Reflexions sur le traitement de la phthisie ii propos de la discussion sur la tu- berculose au Congress international. Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii, 34; 78; 108. Also, Reprint.—Pa roil itti (A.) La pietra infernale nella cura della tuberculosi pol- monare. Gazz. meel. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1858-9, i, 371-373.—Peipers. Kurze Mittheiluug iiber einige bei Lungenschwindsucht gebrauchte Mittel. Charity - Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 301-306.—Penzoldt. Die Therapie der Phthisis. Verhandl. tl. Cong. f. innerl. Med., Wiesb., 1887, vi, 43; 75. — Feier. Phthisie pulmonaire; traite- ment ties accidents qui surviennent du cot6 du tube tli- gestif, dans le cours de cette malailie. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1870, xii, 102-106.—Petersen (J.) Engelske Ftisishospitaler og Ftisisterapi. Ugesk. f. Laager, Kje- benh., 1875, 3. R., xix, 28; 41; 65.—Petteruti (G.) I tisici alia Solfatara; osseivazioni cliniche sopra alcuni animalati dell' Ospedale degl' Incurabili nella Solfatara di Pozzuoli. Ann. clin. el. osp. incur., Napoli, 1876, i, 303: 1878, iii, 3; 81; 86, 1 tab. Also, Reprint.-----. Cura della tisi pulmonale. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1885, ii, 1; 69.—Pick (J.) Aluminium gegen Lungentuberkulose. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 581-583.—Pidoux. Therapeuti- que comparee de la phthisie. Union med., Par., 1869, vii, 690; 713; 739; 814 ; 946; 958.—Pogacnik (A.) Zur Thera- pie der Tuberculose. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1870, xv, 329; 338.—Polausky. In Roznau gemachte Erfahrungen be- ziiglich der Behandlung tier Tuberculose. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1855, i. 457-459. ---—. Die causale Behandlung der hektiscben Tuberculose. Ibid., 1864, x, 125; 149; 171; 229—Polk (C. G.) Treatment of phthisis. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1877, n. s., ii, 216-237.—Pol- lock (J. E.) Lectures on the prognosis anel treatment of certain varieties of consumption. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 56; 529; 558; 672: ii, 66.-----. Croonian lect- ures on modern theories and treatment of phthisis. Ibid., 1883, i, 261; 320 ; 378 ; 431; 577; 605.—Pol veri (Delle) vege- tali ed animali ne' rappoi ti colla tisi. Salute, Genova, 1879, xiv, 291-295.—Porter (W.) Phthisis; its treatment and prognosis. St. Louis AL cfe S. J., 1877, n. s., xiv, 195-202. -----. Objective points in the treatment of phthisis. Med. Herald, Louisville. 1880-81, ii, 389-395. Also [Abstr.]: Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic,'1880, n. s., v, 499.—Powers (F.) Remarks on the treatment of pulmonary phthisis. N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6, v, 486-494.— Quinlan (I. J. B.) On the treatment of pretubercular antl of advanced phthisis pulmonalis by the mullein plant. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. nied. Compt.-rend. 1884, Co- penh., 1886, ii, Sect, de med., 43-46.—Keichert (M.) Ueber eine neue ortliche Behandlung der chrotiischen Luu- gentuberculose und der chronischen Bronchitis. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, xxxvii, 465-486.— Reuteriuan (C.) Om behandlingen af tuberculosis pulmonum. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1851, xiii, 215-218.—Ki- bas Perdigo (M.) Valor de los purgantes en el trata- miento de la tuberculosis pulmonar. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1887, x, 135; 164; 202.—Roberts (E.) Further observations on the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1813-15, v, 463-468.— Robinson (B.) On modern methods of treating pul- monary phthisis, and what we should expect from them. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 113-116. -----. Modern meth- | oils of treatment of pulmonary phthisis. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 533-536. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1885, xvi, 321-330.—Roelants (J. M. A.) Observations de dilatation remarquable de la cavite pectorale, an moyen de- l'appareil respirateur du docteur Ramadge, dans ties cas de phthisie pulmonaire, suivis de gu6rison. Ann. Soc. Phthisis (Treatment of). med.-chir. de Bruges, 1841, ii, 158-175.—Rohden (L.) Beitrage zur rationellen Phthiseotherapie. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 137; 149 ; 185; 217; 233; 245 ; 261 ; 301; 317. -----. Noch ein kritischer Gang gegen P. Dctt weiler. Ibid., 481; 493. -----. Zur Phthistherapie; Altes und Neues von einer Friihlingsreise. Ibid., 1883, ix. 353; 369; 384;405; 417. [See, also,m/m,Vollaud.|—Rosenberg (A.) Zur Behandlung der Kehlkopf- und Liiugentuliercu lose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 466-470. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, pt.2, 143-150.—vou Ruck (K.) The management of pulmo- nary phthisis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 505- 513."—Rush (B.) Thoughts upon the cause and cure of the pulmonary consumption. In his: Meel. Inq. cfe Obs., 2. ed., 8°. Phila., 1805, i, 199-214.—Salinade. Quelle est la m6thode que Ton doit prejferer dans le traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 646-648.—Sanders (J.) On the treatment of phthisis. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1824, i, 256-260.—Saundby(K.) The treatment of consumption. Practitioner, Loud., 1881, xxvii, 249-264.—Sch n itzlcr (J.) Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Therapie tier Kehlkopf- und Lungentuberkulose. AVien. meel. Presse, 1884, xxv, 457; 557;' 630; 657; 693; 82t. —Sclioull (K.) Ou traitement tie la tuberculose pulmouaiie. Gaz. hebd. de iu6d., Par., 1887, 2. »., xxiv, 776-778.— Schultz (O. T.) Incipient phthisis pulmonum; treatment by arsenic and atropia. Med. Herald, Louis- ville, 1880, ii, 154-156.—Wee (G.) Considerations g6u6ralea sur le traitement antivirulent de la phthisie. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1884, cvii. 49-56.—Seiler (C.) Some remarks ou the diagnosis and treatment of incipient phthi- sis. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1879-80, Phila., 1880, ii, 101- 103.—Sezary efe Anne. Du traitement de la diarrh6e des tuberculeux par l'acide lactique. Lyon m6d., 1888, lviii, 598-601.—Silvestrini (G.) Proposta di un nuovo metodo eli cura della tubercolosi polmonare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 482.—Kinion (M.) Quelques remarepies pratiques sur le traitement de la phthisie tuberculeuse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1843, xxiv, 250-259.— Smith (E.) The principles of treatment of chronic phthisis pulmonalis. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birmingh., 1857, i, 76-128, 1 col'd pi., 3 tab. -----. On the curable stage of phthisis. Edinb. M. J., 1856-7, ii, 683-694. -----. Chemical, physiological, and practical considerations, iu the treatment of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, ii. 982-985. -----. Some practical questions in the treatment of phthisis. Ibid.. 1860, ii, 769-772.—Sodcrbauin (P.) Den nyaste behandlingsmetoden for lungsot. [Treatment of phthisis.] Eira, Giiteborg, 1879, iii, 714-725.—vou Soko- Iowshi (A.) Study.ja kliniczne nad leczeniem suchot plucn vch. [Clinical studies on the treatment of phthisis] Meelyc-vna, Warszawa, 1876, iv, 217; 233; 249; 265; 445; 461; 477; 605; 621; 637; 653; 669. Also, transl. in his: Beitr. z. Lehre v. d. Behandlung d. chronischen Lungen- schwindsucht, 8°, Berl., 1877, 1-79. -----. Orokowauiu w suchotach plucnych. [On the treatment of phthisis.] Medycyna, AVarszawa, 1878, vi, 84; 97.-----. O niektorych waznych powiklaniach suchot plucnych. [Treatment of phthisis. J Ibid., 1879, vii, 721; 737; 801; 817.—Solly (S. E.) Phthisis pul,monalis; the basis for its therapeutics. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1888, iii, 353-364.—Sor- goni (A.) Esercitazioni patologico-pratiche sui verii priucipii, che direggono 1' esercizio dell' arte salutare; la tisi e la tuberculosi. Ippocratico, Fano, 1865, 3. 8., vii, 491-510— Spencer (W. H.) Cases illustrating the anti- septic and antipyi cl ie- treatment of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 185-187.—Spender (J. K.) On some points in the medicinal treatmeut of chronic pulmouary consump- tion. Med. Times A Gaz., Loud., 1864, i, 147— Spcuglcr (L.) Ueber die Behandlung der Luugentuberculose mit harusaurem Ammonium. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Metl., Jena, 1851, ii, 362-368.—Stachiewicz (T.)' Lecze- nie suchot plucnych sposohem Dra. H. Brehmera na pod- stawie wlasnych doswiadczeii. [Treatment of phthisis by Brehmer's method as based upon personal experience.] Wiadomosci lek., Lw6w, 1887, i, 289-297.—Stem (B.) Anwendung von Ozonwasser bei tuberkuliisen Pro/.esseu tier Lunge. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1888, ix, 565.— Stewart (J. A.) Remedy foi phthisis pulmonalis. Nash- ville J. M. cfe S., 1866, n. s., i, 94-96.—Stiutzing (R.) Zu H. Buchner's Therapie der Lungenschwindsucht. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Meel., Leipz., 1883, iv, 513-516. — van Stipriaan Liiiiscius (J. M.) AVaarneming eener ge- lukkig geuezeue longtering. T7rwoccpaTT)c;, Rotterd., 1824, vi, 114-120.—Stokes (AV.) Cure of phthisis pulmonalis. Dublin J. M. n for a cure in all such cases; the whole illus- trated by a distinct account of the regimen of diet observed by the olelest men now living in that country, especially of one iu the Islauei of Jura who in his youth recovered a decayed con- stitution, aud tho' confined to a sharp air antl a moist climate, yet, by the mere force of temper- ance, arrived to the age of 119, anel enjoyed his health aud senses to the last; to which is pre- fixeel the etlitor's case, which gave rise to the publication of this letter. 8°. London, [1747, vel subseq.]. Logan(W.) * Deregiminephthisicornm. 8°. Edinburgi, 1770. Matthes (C. T.) *De vi naturae medicatrice in phthisi. 4°. Lipsice, [1839J. Mordhorst (C.) Ursache, Vorbeugung und Behandlung der Lnugenschwindsucht. Nebst eineni Anhaug: "Weshalb erkrankeu die Be- wohner eles Hochlandes nie an eler Lungen- schwindsucht?" 8°. Berlin, 1874. Richardson (B. W.) The hygienic treatment of pulmonary consumption. 8°. London, 1857. Also [Abstr.'], in: J. Rub. Health, Lond., 1856, ii. 258-286. Also [Abstr.], in: Asclepiad, Lond., 1885, ii, 97-126. Also [Abstr.], in: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1885, xv, 193-201. Also [Abstr.], in • Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. Y., 1886-7. xxx, 79-95. de Salazar (M.) Higiene de la tisis con ar- reglo & la nueva doctrina parasitoria, y precieliela de uu pre'dogo per el Dr. Benito Alcina y Ranee. 12°. Cadiz, 1887. Schneckenberg (E.) Die Lungenschwind- sucht und ihre arzneilose Behandlung. Ein Malm- uud Trostwort Gesundeu uuel Kraukeu gewidmet. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Steiger (C. F.) * Beitriige zur klimatischen Phthisio-Therapie. 8°. Wiirzburg, [1887]. Thomson (W.) A consumptive voyage to the medical society. 8°. Melbourne, 1870. Thorowgood (J. C.) On change of air in the prevention anel cure of pulmonary phthisis. 8°. London, 1804. Tyndale (J. H.) Home antl climatic treat- ment of pulmonary consumption on the basis of modern doctrines. 8°. New York, 1882. Wark (D.) Of the .Swedish movement cure iu consumption. 8°. Albany, 18G8. -Weber (H.) Croonian lectures on the hygi- enic and climatic treatment of the chronic pul- monary phthisis, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons. 12°. London, 188:,. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1h8.">. Also, in: Brit. M.J. Loud., 1885, i, 517; 575; 641; 688; 725, ------. The same. Traitement tie la phthisie par I'hygiene et le climat. Conferences faites au College royal des mddecins de Londres. Re- cueillies et traduites par le Dr. Brachet. 12 . Paris, [1880]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bor- deaux, 1886, vii, 358; 378. Also, transl. in: Ejem. jour. prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1886, ii, no. 4-5,1-82. Anderson (M'C.) On the climatic treatment of con- sumption, with special reference to a visit to Davos I'latz. Glasgow M. J., 1880, |4. s.-], xiii, 265-272.—Bagshawe (F.) Au address on the climatic treatment of consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883. ii. 158-160—Bakewel I (R. H.) On the climates of Australia, New Zealaud, aud the West Indies iu lung diseases. Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xxi, 94- 100— Beimel (J. H.) Ou the treatment of puliuonarv Phthi«i« (Treatment of, Hygienic and climatic). consumption by hygiene, climate, and medicine. Lancet Lond , 1806. ii. 321 ;'350; 406; 433: 462; 487. Also, Re pi int. - Beimel! (R.) Cases of phthisis treated bv rest ami diet only. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 65.— Berkarl (LB.) "Rest" in the treatment of consumption ofthe lungs. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 552-554.—Blair (W.) Hints on the medicinal effects of living with cows, in pul- monary consumption. Metl. efe Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iii, 14.—Blake (J.) Cases showing the influence of living in the open air in the treatment of phthisis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1863, n. s., xlvi, 323-330. -----. On the open-ail treatment of consumption. Brit. AL J., Lond., 1876, i, 687 — Bowditch (H. I.) Open-air travel as a etirer anil pre- venter of consumption, as seen in the history of a New England family. Metl. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 343-345.— Brum (E. T.) The relative importance of different cli- matic elements in the treatment of phthisis. Ibid., 1888, liii, 405-408.—B u x ton (I.) Cases of pulmonary consump- tion, treated by regulated temperature. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1811, vii, 384-394.—Carrie re (E.) Lettre surle traite ment ele la phthisie par le displacement eles malades. Rev. med. franc et etrang., Par., 1858, i, 26-31.—Caslcllani (V.) Del regime igienico e curativo della tubercolosi pol- monale. Liguria med., Genova, 1863, viii, 49; 97—Ca/.f. uave fie la Koehc. Du traitement tie la phthisie par les fenetres ouvertes. Bull, et niCm. Soc. de med. prat. de- Par., 1889, 280-282.—Climate and travel in the treatment and cure of consumption; Pan and Pisa. Med. t. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xv, 193-201. Also, transl. [Abstr j: Gaz. m6d. tie l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1880, xxxi, 107.—Hall (O. R.) On the curative processes in chronic pulmonary tubercle, antl the local conditions which promote or oppose them. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1856, xvii, 449-475.— Harvey (A.) Notes of a case of phthisis, illustrative of observations made! by Dr. Flint, in the third edition of his Treatise on the principles and practice of medicine, regarding the most successful treat- ment of that disease, at p. 290, as to out-of-door life; p. 291, as to hunting and sporting; p. 292, as to resolution and energy; and specially pp. 293-5, as to alcohol and whiskey. Arch." Med., N. T., 1879-80, ii, 220— Hemming (F. W.) Hints to consumptives. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1860-61, vi, 208.—Holdlcn (E.) Ostracism for consumption. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 107-115.—Hudson (E. D ), jr. The results of the homo treatment of phthisis con- trasted with those of changed resilience anel travel. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1885, N. Y., 1886, ii, 132-150. Also: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 61; 115. Also, Reprint.—Jenkin- son (J.) On rest in phthisis pulmonalis. Med. &. Phys. J., Lond., 1809, xxii, 91-93.—Jennings (S. K.) An ac- count ofthe effects of labor in the cure of pulmonary con- sumption. Phila. M. Museum, 1804-5, i, 194-197. —Kaslii- ■■I lira Neitoku. [Treatment of phthisis by forcible res piration.| Koi Gcppo, Tokei, Feb. 28, 1883. — Kretzsch- inai' (P. II ) Public health resorts versus institutions for the treatment of bacillary phthisis. Tr. Am. Climat. PHTHISIS. 185 Phthisis. Phthisis (Treatment of, Hygienic and climatic). Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 69-83. Also: Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 361-367. Also, Reprint. — IjadendorflT (A.) Ueber die Griindung von Volkssanatorien fiir Phthisiker. Deut- sche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, i, 283. Also, Reprint— Latour (A ) De l'influence ties exerciescs physiques et intellectuels thins le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. d. med.-piat., Par., 1840,ii, 30.—Lincoln (N.S.) Climatology of pulmonary phthisis. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Culumh., Wash., 1874 i 31-34.—Lindsay (J. A.) The climatic treatment of phthisis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884. lxxvii, 110-120.—Little (J ) Works on phthisis, and ou change of climate in its treatment. [Rev] Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, 1, 355- 371.—Loomis (A. L.) Climatic treatment of pulmonary phthisis. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1878, xxix, 124-137. Also: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iv, 5-13. -----. Evergreen forests as a therapeutic agent in pulmonary.phthisis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv. 109-120. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 88-91— iTl'IVaughtan (J.) The lone sea voyage as a remedy in phthisis pulmonalis. Tr. Perthshire M. Ass. 1879-81, Perth, 1882, i, 75-81 — Tlalm- berg (M.) Om lungsotens klimatiska he-handling. Eira, (iiitehorg. 1885, ix, 33; 67. —Martiny. Des cures d'air dans, la phthisie pulmonaire. Arch. meel. belies, Brux., 1879. 3. s., xv, 173-182.—iTIascarcl (J.) Du traitement hygienique des tuberculeux. Bull. 26n. de therap , etc., Par., 1878, xcv, 509-511. —Mays (T. J.) The external therapeutics of pulmonary consumption. Med. News, Phila., 1884. xliv, 267-272.-----. The external therapeu- tics and the dietetics of pulmonary consumption. The- rap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 361-367. -----. Apex expan- sion versus pure air in pulmonary consumption. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1888, x, 325-329.—iVlumford (S. E.) A plea for consumptives. St. Louis M. cfe S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 64-08.—Pearse (W. H.) On change of air in relation to some types of consumption. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1886, n.' s.. xiii, 21-23.—Peter. Du traitement hygieniquo de la phthisie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1878, xcv, 433; 481; 529: 1879, xevi, 49; 97; 241; 289; 344; 385; 433; 481; 529: xcvii, 1. Also: Medecin, Par., 1879, v, nos. 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8. Also: Scalpel, Liege, 1878-9. xxxi, 175; 182; 194; 202; 206; 266; 272; 278; 310; 316: 18711-80, xxxii, 3; 12; 25.—Planat (F.) Les moyens accessoires du traitement cliniatologique k Nice. Nice-med., 1870-80, iv, 54; 106.— Piatt (I. IL) Suggestions regarding the management of phthisical patients at health resorts. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 121-126.—Poggio (R. H.) La tisis puhnonal y el cambio de clima. Siglo meel., Madrid, 1864, xi, 5; 33; 69.—Kidlou (J.) Remarks on exercise without fatigue in the treatment of pulmonary tuber- culosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 7. — Kush (B.) An account of the successful use of opium, cordial drinks, antl animal food, in two cases of pulmonary con- sumption. Phila. M. Museum. 1804-5, i, 318-322—Schrei- ber (J.) Ueber Sauatorien fiir Phthisiker. Wien. med. Presse, 1808, ix, 379-382. Also [Abstr.]: Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1868, viii, 148. -----. O sushchnosti klimato-terapevticheskago laicheniya chak- hotoebnikh. [On the cliuiato-therapeutie treatment of phthisis.) Vrach. Vaitlom., St. Petersb., 1876, i. nos. 77; 78; 80; 82: 86: 89. -----. Behandlung tier Lungenphthise durch I'eberwinterung im Hochgebirge. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 1370; 1405.—Mhaltuck (F. C.) The home treatment of phthisis. NT. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 344- 350. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1885, N. Y., 1886, ii, 65-78.—Sneden (W. C.) Treatment of phthi- sis by displaced air. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 649.— Sorgius. Le traitement ele la phthisie par le climat d'al- titucle. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1885, 4. s., xiv, 25-30. — Thoan (L.) La phthisie pulmonaire, trait6e sur la plage mediterraneenne et sur les montagnes. J. de therap. Par., 1877, iv, 801; 847. Also, transl. [Abstr.|: Ugesk. f. La'ger, Kjc>beiih., 1879, 3. R., xxvii, 367-377. Also, transl |Abstr.J: Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1879, viii, 141- 156. ----. Les voyages en mer et les poitrinaires. Nice- nie.il., 1884-5, ix. 33; 49. -Thomas (R. H.) Home treat- ment of phthisis as influenced by the bacillus theory. Tr. M. cfe Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1886, 165-181.—Timer- mails. Quelle est l'infiuence tie l'air de la montagne et de 1 air maritime dans le traitement tie la phthisie pul- nionaire ! Cong. med. de toutes les nations, Bologne 1870, n, !86-189.-Tookcr (R. N.) Localized bodily move- ments; their value as an aid in the treatment of tuber culosis. Chicago M. J.. 1866, xxiii, 539-550. —Trudeaii (E. L.) Environment in its relation to the progress of bacterial invasion in tuberculosis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. Phila., 1887, iv, 131-136.-Tyndale (J. H ) Climatic and home treatment of pulmonary phthisis in Europe. St Louts Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 527-533. -----. Therapeutic enects of moderate altitudes in pulmonary consumption. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880. xviii, 220. -----. Home treatment ot pulmonary consumption by systematic antisepsis and counter-irritation. South. Clinic', Richmond, 1883, vi, 31- 43. Also, Reprint.—Ume. Des cures d'air dans la phthi- sie pulnionaire. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1879, 3. s. xv 182-187. - Vnidevogel. Over de hygienische beha'nde' Phthisis (Treatment of, Hygienic and climatic). ling der phthisis en tuberculosis. Geneesk. Courant Tiel 1881, xxxv, nos. 50-52.—Weber (H.) On the treatment of phthisis by prolonged residence in elevated regions Metl - Chir. Tr. 1868-9, Lond., 1809, Iii, 225-264. Also, Reprint.— Williams (H.) The climatic treatment of phthisis. Boston M. efe S. J., 1885, cxiii, 313-317. —Williams (T.) Case of phthisis treated by residence at high altitudes. Med. Press cfe Circ, Loud., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 328. Phthisis (Treatment of, Surgical). See, also, Lungs (Cavities, etc., in). Levin (S.M.) *Omiestnomlccheniilegochnoi tschachotki vpryskivaniem lekarstvennych ve- schestv' v parenchimu legkich. [Local treatment of phthisis by meausof injectiemsof medicaments into the parenchyma of the lungs.] 8°. Koina, 1888. Bacchini (L.) Contribuzione alia cura chirurgica delle caverne polmonari. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1883, ix, 121-125. Also: Imparziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 349-356 — Biss (C. Y.) On the treatment of pus-secreting basic cavities ofthe lung by the method of paracentesis antl free drainage. Med.-Chir.'Tr., Lond., 1884, Ixvii, 217-232. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. cfe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1882-5, n. s., i, 254-261. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 746-749. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i. 1045-1047. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud.. 1884, i, 982.— Bosisio (P.) Una nota alia memoria elel Dott. Forlanini "A contribuzione tlella terapia chirurgica della tisi, ecc". Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 826. —von It num. Ueber den Einflnss operativer Eingritfe auf elen Verlau filer Lun- gentuberkulose. Deutsche Med.-Zfg., Berl., 1889, x, 469.— Bull (E.) Ueber operative Erbffnung von Limgenka- vernen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18«4, xxi, 672-675. —For- lanini. A contribuzione della terapia chirurgica della tisi; ablazione elel polmone? pneuniotorace artificial!'? Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 537; 585; 601; 609; 617; 625; 641; 657; 665; 689; 705. [ See, also, supra, Bosisio (P.)l— (> oil lee (R. J.) Lectures on the surgical treatment of pulmonary cavities. Lancet, Loud., 1887, i, 457; 511; 666; 714.— Oouguenheim. Traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les injections intra-parenchymateusi's tie bichlorure d'hydrargyre. Bull, et mem. Soc. imSd. tl. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 9-16.—Gwilym. Castration as a remedy in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 566.—Harris (J. D.) A case illustrating the value of surgical treat- ment of pulmonary cavities. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 994.—Hastings (J.) & Storks (R.) A case of tubercu- lous excavation of the left lung, treated hy perforation of the cavity through the walls of the chest. Lond M. Gaz., 1844-5, xxxv, 378-385. Also, Reprint. —Maragliano (E.) Caverna polmonare; iniezioui endotoraciche ; guari- gione. Salute, Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 9. Also: Gazz. med. ital , prov. veuete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 81.—iVIarlel (E.) Contribution k l'etude du traitement chirurgical ties cavernes pulmonaires. Rev. bibliog. univ. d. sc in6d., Par., 1885, ii, 65-78.—JVapier (A. D. L.) Thoracentesis in phthisis. Lancet, Loud., 1878, ii, 727.—PVasse (F.) Chirnrgische Hiilfe fiir Tuberkulos-Schwindsuchtige. Metl. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1844, iii. 146- 151. -----. Die operative Hiilfe in tier Schwindsucht mit Lungentuberkeln. Ibid., 1845, iv, 210; 242. — Pepper (W.) A further contribution to the local treatment of pulmonary cavities. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi, 239-259. Also, Reprint— Porcher (F. P.) Exploratory puncture of a vomica iu the lung, with view to its cure by injecting a solution of carbolic acid. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1882-3, ix, 333-336.—Bick I in (E.) Le traite- ment antiparasitaire de la tuberculose; chirurgie pulnio- naire antiseptique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1883, (i. s., v, 451- 453.—Bobinson (B.) On the utility to patients suffer- ing from pulmonary phthisis of intrapulinonary injec- tions. Med. Rec, N*. Y., 1885, xxvii, 29-34.—Sedziak (J.) Wstrzykiwania miazszowe kreozotu w siichotach plucnych. [Iiitrapareuchyniatous injections of creosote in treatment of phthisis] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s , viii, 634; 659; 683.—Sinclair (T.) The surgical treatment of tubercular consumption, and some ofthe tubercular af- fections frequently associated therewith. Dublin J. M- S(',., 1887, lxxxiii, 497-511. — Sokolowski (A.) Pare slow o leczeniu miejscowem jam suchotniczych (cavenue). [On the local treatment of cavities.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1882, x, 415-418. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl , 1882, viii, 397-400.—Oiommerfeldl (O.) Et Tilfielde af Pneiiinocentese paa en ftisisk Kaverne. Hosp.-Tid., Kj benh., 1882, 2. R., ix, 357-361—True (H.) Des injec- tions intra-parenchymateuses elans la tuberculose pulmo- naire. Lyon med., 1885, xlix, 5-8. Also: Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc'd. sc. meel. de Lyou (1885), 1886, xxv, pt 2, 68-74.— 'White (J. B.) Eleveu cases of phthisis treated by intra- pulinonary injections of carbolized iodine. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 593-596. -----. The treatment of consump- tion by intra pulmonary injections; report of a case of re- PHTHISIS. 186 PHTHISIS. Phthi«i« (Treatment of, Surgical). covery. Ibid., xxx, 536-540. -----. Parenchymatous in- jections of carbolized iodine into a phthisical lung. Phila. M. Times, 1880-7, xvii, 263.—Worthington (IL) Treat- ment of pulmonary basic cavities. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1882-3,13. sess., 149-154.— Wmiderlieli (F. W.) The surgical treatment of lung cavities N. York M J., 1885, xii, 35-37. Phthisis (Treatment of) with alcohol. Sanborn (G. D.) Letters upon the effects of alcohol its a preventive to tubercular formations antl deposits. 8°. Bochester, 1856. Bell (J.) On the effects ofthe use of alcoholic liquors in tubercular disease, or in constitutions predisposed to such tlisease. (The dissertation to which the Fiske fund prize was awarded, June 1, 1859.) Am. J. M. Se:., Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxviii, 407-436. — €ushing ( T. ) Alcoholic treatment of tuberculosis. Buffalo M. J., 1857-8, xiii, 532-536. — Davis (N. S.) What influence are alcoholic liquids capable of exerting, either in prevent ing or curing tubercular disease of the lungs? Northwest. M. et S. J., Chicago, 1856, xiii, 406-422. -----. On the influence of al- coholic drinks on the development and progress of pul- monary tuberculosis. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1860, xiii, 565-576. AZso [Abstr.]: Chicago M. Exam., 1861, ii, 65-70.— Butcher (A. P.) Alcoholic stimulants: their influence in preventing the developing of pulmonary tuberculosis ignored. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, n.s., viii, 157; 187. — Flint (A.) The management of pulmonary tuberculosis, with special reference to the employment of alcoholic stimulants. Tr. N. York Acatl. M., 1857-63, ii, 353-423. Also [Discussion]: Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1852-6, ii, 136-142.—IIuber (L.) The rational uses of al- cohol iu pulmonary phthisis. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 419-422.—Leudet (T.-E.) De l'influence des boissons alcooliques dans la phthisie puhnonaire. Cong. med. de France (Lyou, 1864), Par., 1865. ii, 128-132. Also, in his: Clinique iii6d., 8°, Par., 1874, 582-597.— ■Cooker (J. I.) Alcoholic drinks in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. "iEgrescit modeudo." Cincin. Lancet cfe'Obs., 1859, ii, 538-541.—Nation (J. K.) Alcohol and the fats in the treatment of phthisis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, it, 429. - Tri pier (A.) De l'eau-de-vie daus la phthisic. Bull.g6n.de therap., etc., Par., 1864, lxvii, 27-32. — Virginia doctor. Alcohol in consumption, by a . . . South. Cliuic, Richmond, 1879-80, ii, 251. Phthisis (Treatment of) by alimentation. Billiottet (J.-M.) * Dissertation sur la phthi- sie pulmouaire, et sur l'emploi du lait elans le traitement ele cette maladie. 4°. Paris, 1806. Davis (J. B. ) *De phthisi pulmonum, et speciatini eleeliteta, phthisicis maxime accommo- data. 8°. Edinburgi, 1808. de Gardane ( J.-J. ) "An sagou phthisicis? Pneses P. J. Malouiu. 4°. [Paris, 1766.] Katzknberger ( H. ) * Die Uebererniihrung bei Phthise (nebst Versuchen an Gesunden). 8°. Erlangen, lh8»i. Kleinpaul ( D. A. A.) * Quantum valeaut piuguia alimenta ael sanandam pulmounm tuber- culosa? »°. Lipsice, [1856]. Masson (J.) *De l'importance ele l'alimenta- tiou daus la phthisic 4°. Paris, 1878. Mente (C.) *De phthisis curatione per lac. sm. 4°. Belmastadi, [1687]. Nasaroff ( D. A.) * Usilenuoe kormlenie chachotochuych nijasnymi poroshkami po spo- sobu Debova. [Overfeeeling iu phthisis by pow- dered meat, according to Debove's method.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Peters (H. (I. A.) *De tuberculoseos pulmo- nalis prophylaxi et cura diabetica. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1841. Roberts (C. J.) * Diss, quaedam ele eliteta et rcoimine phthisicoruni complectens. 8°. Edin- burgi, l.vjo. She (G.) Du regime alimentaire. Traitement hygitmique eles maladies. 8°. Paris, 1887. Also [Rev.], in: Biblioth. f. Lseger, Kje>benh., 1888, xviii, 86-105. Simon (C. P.) *Du petit lait, et du lait dans la phthisie pulnionaire. 4 . Paris, 1870. Thomas (A.-T.) * De Futility therapeutique de l'alimeutation daus la phthisic a la peri ode de ramollissement et de suppuration. 4-. Stras- bourg, 18t>2. Phthisis (Treatment of) by alimentation. Wentz (P.) * Die IJoberernahruncr bei der Lungenschwindsucht. 8°. Greifmrald, 188',. Bermond. De taction th6rapeutie|ue du sang dans la phthisie pulmonaire. J. de therap., Par., 1881, viii, 725-728. — Bi-oe-a (A.) A Wins (A.) Recherches sur la sur-aliiueutation envisagee surtout dans le traitement tie la phthisie pulmouaire. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc. Par. 1883, cv. 289; 350; 393; 441; 495; 541. Also [Abstr.]: J. tie therap.. Paf.. 1883, x. 801; 881. — < luiiiipouilloii. Des moyens propres k alimenter les phthisiques. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 45 ; 50.—Chevillard. Observa- tion sur une phthisie gu6rie par l'usage du lait tie I'enime. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1784, lxi, 132—Chof- fart. De la peptone phosphatee dans les accidents con- somptifs tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 989. Alsn Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. metl. tie Boi deaux, 1882, iii, 165.— Cliofle. La phthisie et le koumys. J. de therap., Par., 1870 iii, 925-930.—Cohen (S. S.) On the value of a proper respiratory diet in phthisis. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 119- 121. — Cutter ( E.) The Salisbury plan of treatment of consumption. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80,-vi, 6S2''"-690. -----.The Salisbury plans in consumption; production in animals; rationale and treatmeut. Tr. Am M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi, 339-408, 3 pi. -----. Food versus bacilli in con- sumption. An open letter from ... to his son. John Ashburton Cutter, with answer. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1888-9, xv, 614-633. Also, Reprint. — Dam- ■iia■■ ii. Ueber elie Beziehuugeu tier Zucker- und Starke- mehlkost zur Pathologie und Therapie der Luugeuschwiud- sucht. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1881, I, 49; 61; 73.— D am on i' (.7. A.) An oleaginous element indispensable in phthisis. Atlanta M. cfe S. J.. 1855-6, i, 28.—Drbove (M.) Du traitement dc la phthisie pulmonaire par tali- mentation forcee. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc.. Par., 1881, ei, 425-432. Also: Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 841; 855. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc. 11161L d. hop. de Par. (1881), 1882, 2. s., xviii, 270-276. Also: Therap. con- temp., Par., 1882, ii, 49-55. — Deny. Du traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire par l'aliinentation artificielle et la sur-alimentation. Semaine nitkl., Par., 1882, ii. 185.— Desuos. De quelques inconv6nients ou accitlents de l'ali- meutation forcCe chez les phthisiques etdes moyens de les conjurer. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s.. xxxiii, 171-177. [Discussion], 533; 937. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc. meSd. tl. hop. tie Par. (1881), 1882, 2. s., xviii, 343-348. • [Dis- cussion] (1882), 1883, 2. 8., xix, 15; 103. Also: Therap contemp., Par., 1882, ii, 97-106. Also [Abstr.]: (la/., hebd. de m6d., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 849.—Dobell (H.) Ou the assimilation of fat in consumption. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 288: 1865, i, 620: ii, 534 ; 561 : 1866, ii, 542.—Dock (C.) The utility of koumys in consumption. Med. Bull., Phila., 1881, iii, 181.—Dujardin-Beaumetz. De l'aliinenta- tion artificielle chez les phthisiques. Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 949-952. Also.- Bull, et mem. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. de Par. (1881), 1882, 2. a., xviii, 326-329. Also: Abeitle med., Par., 1882, xxxix, 18-20. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1881, ci, 381-384. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et m6m. Soc. de therap. 1881, Par., 1882, 2. s., viii, 230-232.—Km all-. Reflexions surl'usage du lait tie femme dans les phtbisies pulmonaires. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1785, lxiii, 484-491.—Ferrand (A.) De l'ali- meutation artificielle ties phthisiques. Union m6d., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 121-123. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc-. med. d. hop. tie Par. (1881), 1882, 2. 8., xviii, 331-334.—Hidalgo (W.) El koumys empleado en las tisis pulmonar. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1876, iv, 333; 396.—I. (T.) Rum aud milk in phthisis. Med. T'imes cfe Gaz., Lond., 1873. i, 149.—Jagielski (V. A.) Koumiss in the treat- ment of phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 124—J inlet (A.) Medication pepto-phosphatee dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. J. de iue.il. de Boreleaux, 1886-7, xvi (suppl.), no. 52. Also: Franco med., Par., 1887, i, 627-020. — Kar- ner (M.) Ueber Molken und Molkenktir-Anstalteii in ihrer Beziehung zur Lungentuberkulose. Wien. med, Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 644-647.—Kennedy (H.) Remarks on Salisbury's views relating to the treatmeut of phthisis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, lxxiii, 87-93.—Kinkcad (R. J.) Phthisis pulmonalis and its treatment by pancreatic emul- sion of fat. Med. Press cfe Circ, Dubl., 1868, v, 178-180. -----. Fuither experience in the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis, etc.. by pancreatic emulsion. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, 134; 177. -----. Probable evidence as to the value of pancreatic emulsion of fat iu tubercular consumption. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 539-546, 2 tab.—Kurlotl (M. G.) Usvoenie i obmien azotistich vetshestve pri kormlenii chachotoch. po spos. Debove a. [Nitrogenous materials: their value in the feeding of con- sumptives, according to Debove's method.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1885, vi, 587; 611.—liabastide (S.) L'alimeu- tation chez les phthisiques. Union mCtl., Par., 1882, 3. 8., xxxiii, 595-597— [Ijanjjowi.] Neue Methode zur Hei- lung der Lungenschwiudsucht mittelst verstarkter Ernah- rung der Kranken. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Pe- tersb., 1887, xxvi, 369-372.—tester (E. C.) Extract of malt and phosphorous compounds in the treatment of phthisis. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1877-8, xvii, 373-370.—Tlil- PHTHISIS. 187 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by alimentation. lard (H. B.) The therapeutics of pulmonary consump- tion by Debove's method of super-alimentation, and by Bergeon's method. N. "York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 95-98 — IMontefiisco (G.) Sulla efticacia della emulsione pan- creatica nella cura della tisi polmonare; considerazioui fisiologiche e terapeutiche. Farm, mod., Napoli, 1880, iii, 321-336.—IVazarre (A.) Alimentacion artificial ele los tisicos. An. il. Circ. m6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1883-4, vii, 238-244.—Norton (E. Q.) "The cause of consump- tion" and its "cure by the Salisbury method of diet". Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 530-542.—Pci- per (E.) Die Ueberernahrung bei der Luugeuscbwind- sucht. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, xxxvii, 377-404.—PelIctan (J.) L'alitneiitation dans la tuber- culose. J. ile microg.. Par., 1882, vi, 322; 386; 503. —Pen- nel (P.) De l'alimentation artificielle. chez les phthisiques. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1882, cii, 185-202.—Po- gacznili. Milch, Molke, Kumys dei Tuberculose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1873, xviii, 222— Polk (C. G.) Treat- ment of tubercular phthisis, especially by vitalized phos- phates; glycciiteof kephaline. Virginia M. Mouth., Rich- nioud, 1877-8, iv, 505-510—Rcguault (G.) Del'avantage tlu regime niaigre, dans le traitement tie la phthisie pul- mouaire. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1879, xlvi, 653: 1880, xlvii, 6; 37; 69. -----. Nouvelles considerations sur l'application du rcSginie maigre au traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. Ibid., xlvii, 537; 563.—Robert. Traite- ment de la tuberculose par les preparations de peptone de Chapoteaut; amelioration. France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, 419.—Rush (B.) An account of the successful use of opium, cordial drinks, and animal food, in two cases of pul- monary consumption. Med. cfe Phys. J., Lond., 1808, xix, 47-51.—Salisbury (J. H.) Consumption; drinks, food, bathing, exercise, clothing, and treatment in consumption. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 421-426. Also [Abstr.]: Meel. Gaz., N. Y., 1881, viii, 365.— Sellnepp. Die Behandlung der katarrhalischeu Lungen-Leielen, der Phthisis und Auszehrungs-Krankheiteu iiberhaupt mit- telst Galazyme. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1865, xii, 422.— Schreiber (J.) Die Behandlung tier Luugenscliwind- sucht durch kunstliche Ernahrung; nach Beobachtungen in den Pariser Spitalern. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 299; 334.—Shurly (E. L.) On albumen in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Buffalo M. cfe S. J., 1876-7, xvi, 283 ; 327.' Also, Reprint.—Smith (A. H.) Cases illus- trating the use of enemata of defibrinated blood in phthi- His. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1881, xix, 262.—Sokolowski (A.) Leczenie elvjetetyczne suchotnikow. [Cure of phthisis by diet.] Medycyna, "Warszawa, 1877, v, 373-379.—StallI- bcrg(E.) Ueber die Behandlung der Lungenphthise mit Kumys. Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 604; 628; 652.— Thierry-lVIieg. De la cure de pctit-lait et tie ses indi- cations dans le traitement de la phthisie. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1863, lxiv, 289-293. —Thompson (R. E.) On Dr. Salisbury's method of treating phthisis. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond. 1879-80, vi, 837-842.—Tisis pulmonar: su tratamiento por la came cruda y una pocion alcoholi/.ada. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1869, iv, 121-123.— Voitov (A.) Terapevt. znachenie intensiv. pitanija pri tuherkuleze. [Therapeutical value of hyper-alimentation in tuberculosis.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk., Moskva, 1885, 6-17. Phthisis (Treatment of) ivith antimonials or emetics. Bornwasser (D. C.) *De usu vomitoriornm in phthisi pulmonali. 4^. Jence, [1795]. Crigan (A.) # De nauseosi et modo ejus ael- miuistrationis in phthisi curanda. 8°. Edin- burgi, 180:5. Froelich (J. H. L.) * De usu emeticorum in phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Lipsice, [1824]. Miguet (L.) *Du traitement ele la phthisie pulmonaire par le tartre stibie*. 4°. Paris, 1865. Nogaro (H.) * De la medication stibi6e dans la phthisie pulmouaire. 4°. Paris, 1876. Ragot (C. E.) On the employment of tartar-emetic in phthisis, antl of mercury in the vomiting which occurs during pregnancy. Dublin M. Press, 1847, xvii, 276.— Rarbariu. [Sur les heureux effets tie l'usage de l'ipe- cacuauha dans le traitement de la phthisie; methode tie Reid.] Bull. Fac. de med. de Par. (1804-8), 1812, i (1. an- nexe), 157.—Rernardeau (E.) De l'emploi du tartre sti- bie a doses tres-refractees dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. gen. tie th6rap., etc., Par., 1846, xxxi, 281-283.—Rricheteau. De l'emploi du tartre stibie elans le traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. Ibid., 1854, xlvi, 97-102.—Fargeaud (A.) Le tartre stibie applique au traitement des affections broncho-pulmonaires et des mani- festations diverses tie la phthisie. J. Soc. dc med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienue, Limoges, 1888, xii, 163-169.— fr errier (A.) Observation temoignant que le tartre sti- bie k haute dose ne saurait etre administre impuuement k Phthisis (Treatment of) with antimonials or emetics. tons les phthisiques. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., I860, lix, 505-510. -----. Un mot encode sur l'emploi de l'enietique a dose rasorienne dans le traitement de la phthi- sie pulmouaire. Lettre k M. le docteur Fonssagrives. Ibid., 1861, lx, 131-136.—Fonssagrives. Du traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire k marche fetuile par le tartre stibie k doses rasoriennes longtemps continuees. Ibid., 1860, lix, 5; 49. -----. Des conditions propres a assurer les bous effets tlu tartre stibie dans les phthisies pulmo- naires a forme febrile. Ibid., 561-566. -----. R6ponse k la lettre [de M. Ferrier sur l'emploi de l'6m6tique dans le traiteiuentdelaphtbisiepulmonairel. Ibid., 1861, lx, 136.— Sharkey (P.) On the use of emetics in pulmonary con- sumption. Dublin M. efe Phys. Essays, 1807-8, i, 153-100. Phthisi* (Treatment of) ivith arsenic. Rkcken (W.) * Zur Buchner'schen Arsenbe- handlung bei Tuberculose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Buchner (H.) Zu den Mittheilungen von Dr. Stin- tzing iiber Anwendung von Arsenik bei Luugentubercu- lose. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 373 — C'eiiui ((i. N.) Altri fatti cotnprovanti la utilita dell'arseuico nella tisi. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1853, viii, 48-56.— t'ersoy. Remarques cliniques sur les effets de l'arseuic elans la phthisie pulmouaire. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 78; 373. -----. Des preparations arse- nicales qu'il convient surtout d'employer dans la phthisie pulmouaire; tie leur motle il'emploi; traitement prophy- lactique de la phthisie pulnionaire. Ibid., 1870, Ixxvili, 312-320. Also: Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1875, vii, 49- 53.—Coup d'cail sur la medication arsenicale; son emploi dans le catarrhe pulmonaire chronique et la phthisie. Hull gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvii, 529-535.— DemuHi. Casuistische Beitrage zur Behaiidluug der Lungeiituberculose mit Arsenik. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- cben, 1884, xxxi, 87-90.—Floy (C.) L'arsenisatiou syste- matique daus le traitement de la tuberculose pulmouaire et la theorie de Buchner. Union med., Par., 1884. 3. s., xxxvii, 49-52.—Isnard (C.) Action de l'arseuic dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 551-558.—Jacob! (A.) Arsenic aud digitalis in phthisis. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Syracuse, 1884, 207-215. Also: Med. Rec. N. V., 1884, xxv, 199-201.—Kempner. Ueber elie Behandlung der Phthisie mit Arsen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 86^90. [Discussion], 120; 136.—von liangenbeck. Mittheilungen iiber den Ein- fluss tier Arsenikbehaudlung auf Gelenktuberculose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 235.— I.enrcd (A.) On the use of arsenic in phthisis. Metl. Tinn-.s a Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 61. —Leyden (E.) Ueber die Ar- seniktberapiederLungeutuberctilose. Charit6-Ann. 1882, Berl., 1884, ix, 164-178.—Moutard-Martin (E.) De la valeur tie l'arseuic dans le traitement de laphthisie. [Rap. de Herard.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1867-8, xxxiii, 983-997. Also: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxv, 385-406. -Nona t. Therapeutical use of arsenic in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1870. i, 446. — Pigeolet. Tuberculose pul- monaire; eles effets de l'acide arsenieux dans cette diathese pathologique. .1. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1863, xxxvii, 137-140—Rendu (J.) Etude experimentale et eomparee sur l'arsenic et l'huile de foie de niorue dans le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Lyon med., 1878, xxvii, 515; 555; 587, 2 tab.: xxviii, 14, 2 tab.; 49. Also, Reprint. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, 3-41, 10 tab.—Sanger. Arseni- cal treatment of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 776.— Stintzing. [Anwendung von Arsenik bei Tuberculose der Lungen.] Aerztl. InL-Bl., Miinchen. 1883, xxx, 331. See, also, supra, Buchner (H.)] — Thierfelder. Ueber ie Unzulassigkeit der innerlichen Anwendung des Arse- niks in Krankheiten und iiber die Unwirksamkeit des Schwefelarseniks in der Lungenschwindsucht. Metl. Ar- gos, Leipz., 1842, iv, 238-241.—Thorowgood. Phthisis treated with arseniate of soda. Med. Rec, N. T., 1882, xxii, 205. — Trousseau. Traitement de la phthisie pul- monaire par les cigarettes arseuicales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 40. Phthisis (Treatment of) by bacteria. Rassols-Priin. Cu casode tuberculosis tratado por la bacteroterapia. Gac m6d. catal., Barcel., 1887, x, 102- 105.—Fernandez Osuna (G. F.) Ensayo de bacterio- terapia en un caso de tuberculosis pulmonar. Gac. med. de Granada, 1886, v, 321-325.—IMariani (J. M.) La bac- teroterapia en la tuberculosis pulniouar. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1889, xxiv, 281-288.—Salama (C.) Applicazione di un teutativo di batterioterapia nella cura della tubercolosi polmonare. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. metl., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 675-679.—Stachiewicas (T.) O wartosci leczniczej wziewari "Bacterium termo" w gruz- licy pluc. [Value of inhalation of bacterium termo in the treatment of phthisis.] Wiadomosci lek., Lw6w, 1886, i, 97_100. — Wells (A. P.) Five casesof pulmonary phthisis treated by the "bacterium termo "spray. Brit. M. J. Loud., 1886, ii, 1211. PHTHISIS. 188 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by benzoate of sodium. See Phthisis (Treatment of) by inhalations, etc. Phthisis (Treatment of) by chlorate of potassium. Flint (A.) Clinical report on the treatment of phthisis by the chlorate of potassa. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1861, u! s.. xiii, 321-330.—Fountain (E. J.) Treatment of phthisis by the chlorate of potash; with observations on oxygen and ozone as therapeutic agents. Am. M. Month., N.'V.. 1860, xiv, 101-180. Also. Reprint.—Gay (C. C. F.) Chlorate of potash in phthisis: notes of three eases treated with chlorate of potash in the Buffalo (ieneral Hospital. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1860, xiv, 431. — Oimbrrt. De l'emploi du chlorate tie potasse dans certaines formes de la phthisie pulmouaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i, 117; 143; 158; 169; 183. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc-. tie therap. 1871-2, Par., 1875, iv, 80-95.—Hark in (A.) On the use of chlorate of potassa in the treatment of consumption and scrofula. Dublin Q, J. M. Sc, 1861, xxxii. 338-344—Par- tenheiuier (J. R.) Chlorate of potassa in the treatmeut of pulmonary phthisis. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 579-581. Phthisis (Treatment of) by chlorine, iodine, or iodoform. Abklsberg (E.) * Chlorium antiphthisicum. 8°. Pestiiii, [18:51]. Chartroule (P.) De l'emploi direct de l'ioele par dans le traitement ele la phthisie pulmonaire. 8 . Paris, 1851. Chevallier (J.-B.-A.) De l'emploi tlu chlore contre la phthisie pulmonaire; ct ele 1'usage tics chlorous d'oxides. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Delannou(F. ) *De l'emploi ilespr6parations iodtn's elans le traitement de la pneumophymie. 4°. Paris, 1852. Gannal (J.-N.) Dn chlore et ele son emploi contre la phthisie. Memoires et observations renfermant l'historique ele la tlecouverte de Tac- tion curative du chlore flans la phthisie pul- monaire, et la description ties moyens propres a aelministrer avec avantage ce non vel agent therapeutii|tie. PieVeel£s et suivis de considera- tions sur les diverses modifications que le chlore doit suhir pour etre appliqu6 sans elanger it avec effieacite' au traitement tics maladies tie poitrine par A. Chevallier. 8°. Pruxelles, 1829. See, also, infra. -----. The same. Two memoirs on the suc- cessful inhalation of diluted chlorine iu the early singes e>f pulmonary consumption, as a remedy capable of prolonging life, antl of alleviating the distressing symptoms iu the more advanced stages of that complaint; with cases illustrating the method of administering the gas, and shew- ing its beneficial effects. Transl. from the French by Wm. Horatio Potter. 8°. London, 1830. -----. Du chlore employ^ comme remede contre la phthisic pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, ]832. Vesoijx (A.) *De l'emploi ele l'iodure tie po- tassium chez les phthisiques. 4°. Lyon, 1883. Ailnot. Traitement palliatif de la phthisie pulnionaire par h s frictions et les inhalations iodees. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1807, xxxv, 91. — Auciaux (IL) Des effets du traitement iode dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1853, v. 389; 397. — Rayle. Note sur l'emploi du chlore contre la phthisie pulmonaire. Rev. med. franc, et.etrang.. Par., 1829. iv, 225-230.—Kernheini (S.) Du traitement de la phthisic pulnionaire par les injec- tions .sous-cutaiieesd'iodoforme. Parismed.. 1887. xii, 309.— Itoiii'iferoiM. De l'emploi du chlore gazenx dans les af lections chrouiques de la poitrine et specialement dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Tr. meel., Par., 1833, xi, 145-165.— Bouyer (P.) Revendication en faveur de l'iode clans le traitement de la phthisie, k propos du travail tie M. Pitoux sur la theiapeutique comparee tie cette maladie. Union metl., Par , 1809. 3. s., vii, 861-864.—Carrier re (E.) Trai- tement de la phthisie pulmonaire- par les inspirations diode. Ibid., 1851. v, 51.—Chartroule (P.) De l'emploi de la vapeur d'iotle dans le traitement de la phthisie pul- monaire. fExtr.] Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1850-51, xvi, 81. ------. Sur l'emploi direct de l'iode pur dans le traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. [Rap. de Fallois.l Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1850-7. xvi, 78- Phthisis (Treatment of) by chlorine, iodine, or iodoform. 83. [Dismission], 83: 279: 1857-8, 2. s., i, 137; 170; 375; 425; 498; 615; 607.—Cottereau. De l'emploi clu chlore ga/.e-ux daus le traitemeut cie la phthisie pulmouaire. Arch gen. de med., Par.. 1830, xxiv, 347-387. Also, Ke print. ------. ('as reinarquable de phthisie pulmonaire traitee par le chlore gazetix. J. univ. et hebd. de med. el chir. prat., Par., 1831, ii, 459-4-0.— Dnvezac (I.) Note sur le gavago et les inhalations iodoforinces chez les phthisicpies. Mem. et bull. Soc. de meel. if chir. dc Bordeaux (1882), 1883, 420-4.17. Also: J. cie med. tie Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 238-240. — DcfuiNNcnux. Ob- servation do phthisie pulmouaire; emploi de la viipeur d'iode. Ann. Soc:. de in6d. de (land, 1842, x, 281-287 [Rap. de Beytller], 295-297.— Di Vesica (A.) II iodo- form io nella tisi tlei polmoni e sua influenza sul ricambio inateriale. Morgagni, Napoli, lh84, xxvi, 293-306.— Di'i'Mthfeld. Iodoform in phthisis. Brit. M J., Lond. 1882, ii, 169.—Diibouehet. De l'einploi du gaz de chloric dans lo traitement tie la phthisic pulmonaire. Clinique. Par., 1829, i, 258-260. — Franehini (E.) 11 iodoformio nella cura della tisi polmonare. Gior. di med. mil.. Roma, 1884, xxxii, 002; 702; 784.—Gannal (.I.-N.) Sur l'emploi tin chlore contre la phthisie pulmonaire. J. ciimpl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1828, xxxi, 227-238. Also: llygie. Brux., 1829, vi, 185-203. [See, also, supra.]—tiinc (J.) Ti sis; el trataniientoicidicei-einpfricoantelameilicacion ratio- nal. Espana med., Madrid, 1860, v, 97. — CSnoechi ((J.' Del iodoformio per inalazione e per la via stomacale nella cura della tubercolosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v. 251- 253.—llililrelh (CO.) On ciniicifugaand iodine in phthi- sis pulmonalis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1842, u. s., iv, 281- 289. ------. Ciuiicifuiia and iodine in incipient plitliisis. Ibid., 1843, n s., v. 247.— Joly. Des inhalations d'iotle dans la phthisie pulmouaire. .1. ih- meel.. chir. ct pharma- col., Brux., 1858, xxvi, 539-542. —ile Tlaceilo (L.) Tra- tamiento ih- una vomica muy antigua por cl uso de los va- pores de iodo ; curacion coinpleta del enfermo, clebida, en nuestro eutender, solo k esta niedicacion. Espana iu6d., Madrid, 186], vi, 787-79L—iHacorio. Eftieacite ties in- halations de vapours d'iode daus un cas tie phthisiepul- monaire. J. tie ehim. nied., etc., Par., 1851, 3. s , vii. 076- 680.—lVlailliot (L.) Du traitement de la phthisic pulmo- naire par les inspirations tie vapeurs iodees. Gaz. il. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 54.— ITIalet (A.) Des preparations iodees en g6n6ral. et tie l'iodure de calcium en particulier, appliquees a la therapeutique de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxv, 145-155.—1T16I- ler(AL) Eiuige Versucbe vou internet' Behandlung der Lungentuberkulose mit Jodoforui. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1676-1080.—.Ilojwiwovics vou lTloinvar (G.| Sal/.dampfe, ein wirksames rnlerstiitzungs-Mitlel der Schafmolke bei Rehaiidlung eler Tuberi-ule.se. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Wien, 1858, iv, 401-466. — Nole sur l'application du chloie au traitement de la phthisie et des catarrhes pulmonaires. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, iii, 79-81.— IMiyiiialodou* ( Hepi ) e/>0icrt-a>s, ko.1 iSion; Tttpl tj)5 i>epa7recas au-rfjs 6id Tijs eieTJTi'orje; tuiv arp-iov tov KaOapov ioSiov. 'larpiKri MeAieTexa, 'AiHjvai, 1853-4, i, 481-501.—Piorry. Du traitemeut icicle dans la pneumo- phymie (phthisie pulmonaire). Monit. tl. hop., Par., 1853, i, 2.14; 242. ------. Du traitement de la phthisic pulmo- uaire par les aspirations d'iodepur. Union med., Par., 1854, viii, 45; 50; 58. Also: Rev. med.-chir. de Par.. 1854, xv, 65-78. Also [Abstr. | : Gaz. tl. hop , Par., 1854, xxvii, 70. ———. Phthisie pulmonaire double; bons effets obtenus par les respirations de vapeur d'iode. Ibid., 1861, xxxiv, 135.— I'otlier. De l'emploi du chlore dans la phthisie pulnionaire. Clinique, Par., 1829, i, 53. — Kan •come (A.) The influence of iodoform ou the body-weight in phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 8—Scuilamorc (C.) An ac- count of cases of consumption treated by iodine inhala- tion, with the iodine formula. Laucet, Lond., 1830-31, ii, 189-191. ------. Inhalation of iodine and ionium in tuber- cular plitliisis. Ibid., 1840-41. ii, 225-228. ------. On the inhalation of iodine and the treatment of consumption. Ibid., 492-494. — Minion. De l'emploi de l'ioele dans le traitement de la phthisic- pulmonaire; inhalations iodees; iodiomctre. Union meel., Par., 1861, 2. s., ix, 524-527.— Smith (R. S.) Note on the utility of iodoform in the treatment of phthisis, and its occasional toxic cllects. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1883, i. 218-223. ------. On the use of iodoform in the treatment of tubercular phthisis. Cong. period, internat. tl. sc. metl. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copeiih., 18-6, ii, Sect, de metl.. 46-60. — Soilerbauin. Lungsots behandling med joil inandniug. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1867, xxix, 446-419. — Sormani (G.) Risullati notevoli otte nuti colle iualazioni di joelofortuio nella tubercolosi polmo- nare. R. Ist. Lomb di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1883, 2. s., xvi, 776-779. — Toulmouehe (A.) De l'cmplni du chlore dans le traitement de la phthisic pulmonaire. Arch. gen. de med , Par., 1834 2. s., iv, 576-598.— Vapori (Dei) d'iodio ne' tubeicoli polmouari e nelle bronchiti lente. Etl'etn.d. sc. nied., Milano, 1836. i, 153; 304—White (J. B.) Eleven cases of piithisis treated by infra-pulmonary injec- tions of carbolized iodine. Med. Rec, N. V., 1880 xxix, PHTHISIS. 189 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by chlorine, iodine, or iodoform. 593-596. Also, Reprint. -----. Presentation of a phthi- sical lung showing the local effect of intra-pulmouary in- jections of carbolized iodine. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1887, ii, 208-211. Phthisis (Treatment of) with cod-Ucer oil. [Baknet (G. J.)] Essay on the loiliile of starch, as a substitute for coil liver oil, in the treatment of pulmonary phthisis. 8°. New York, 1857. Baujard (A.-A.) * De l'huile ele foie de nio- rne et de son emploi elans le traitemeut de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1801. Perrin (M.-C.) * De l'huile de foie ele niorue, et de ses effets, dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1851. Also [Abstr.|, in: Rev. med.-chir. ele Par., 1851, x, 70-82. Alexander (F. S.) Anwendung des Leberthrans gegen Lungenschwindsucht. J. tl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvi, 6. St., 3-1L—Asmus (,T. B.) Was haben wir von dem Iodkalium und dem Oleum jeeoris aselli bei tier Be- hanellung der tuberculosen Schwindsucht zu erwarten? Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 101.—lie Beck (O.) La prepara- tion et ties caracteres tlu savon calcaire a l'huile de foie tie niorue. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxx, 265- 271.—Bernard (P.) Phthisis pulmonaire chez un arthri- tique, gueri par le vin a 1'extrait de foie de morue. Mar- seille ni6d., 1883, xx, 37-39— Bow«litch (H. 1.) Caseof tubercular disease treated by cod liver oil; cure of cavi- ties after two and a half years. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1855-6, liii, 442-444. — Burrows. Efficacy of cod liver oil iu arresting the symptoms of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 202-204.—C'hampouillon. De l'emploi de l'huile de foie de niorue dans le traitement de la phthi-ic pulnionaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 177. — van den ('orpul. Nouveau mode de traitement de la phthisie tuberculeuse, au moyen de l'huile de foie de morue saponifiec par la chaux.' Ibid., 1870, 493; 497. Also: Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1870-71, xxxviii, 819; 844. Also: Bull. g6u. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxx. 200-210.—von Dieyer (C.) Ueber den Gebrauch- ties Oleum jeeoris aselli in der Tu- berculosis. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 118.—Duclos. De l'emploi de l'huile tie foie tie morue aux diverses p6riodes de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1850, xxxviii, 391; 488. — Ely (J. W. C.) Cases of supposed phthisis pulmonalis treated with cod-liver oil. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxii, 88-96.—Foster (B. W.) On the use of ether and ether- ized cod-liver oil in the treatment of phthisis. Brit M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 543; 570. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 7; 29. — Oarelli (G.) Del trattamento della tisi polmonare colle preparazioni eli iodio e specialmente coll' olio di fegato di mei luzzo. Rac. di oss. clin.-patol., Torino, 1853, 43-58. — Orecnhow (E. H.) On the employment of cod-liver oil in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 502; 542: 1855, i, 151; 181. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bull. g6n. do therap., etc., Par., 1856, 1, 12; 105.—llaeser (H.) Ueber die Anwendung des Oleum jeeoris aselli gegen Lungentuborkeln. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvi, 1. St., 103-106: lxxxvii, 2. St., 106-108.— Home (J. H.) Report of a case of confirmed phthisis cured; with observations on the use of cod-liver oil in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 395. — Iluile (Del') de foie de morue contre la phthisie pulmonaire. Observa- teur, Courtrai, 1851, i, 109-115— Kennedy (H.) Cursory observations on the treatment of phthisis by the cod-liver oil; and specially on the use of Uva tirsi in that disease. Dublin M. Press, 1860,2. s.,i, 285-289.—de l.aplaguc (J.) Encore un mot sur les indications et contre-indications de l'huile de foie de morue dans le traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii. 455. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1858-9, xxvi, 535-537.—Levick (J. J.) Notes of cases of phthisis pulmonalis treated in the Pennsylvania Hospital; with remarks on cod-liver oil and its uses in tubercular disease-. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xx, 21-38. — Quelques considerations sur le mode d'action de l'huile de foie de morue dans la phthisie pulmonaire, et sur le meillettr procede de preparation de cette substance. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvi, 193-198.—Quelques remarques snr la substitution ties huiles vegetables et animates, et en particulier tie l'huile iodee, a- l'huile de foie tie morue dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire - un mot sur la valeur de l'liuile de pieds tie brenf. Ibid., 1852, xliii. 11-18.—Quelques (De) contre-indications de l'huile de foie de morue et de la possibility de lui substituer dans certains cas l'huile de pieds de bteuf. Ibid., 193-197. — Ross. Cod-liver oil iu commencing phthisis. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1850-51, vii, 177— Seudmore (C.) Some remarks on the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis; and especially on the use of cod- liver oil in that disease. Lond, M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., 876- I Phthisis (Treatment of) with cod-liver oil. 879.—Thorowgood (J. C.) Case of phthisis treated by phosphorated cod liver oil. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 569.— Ware ( C. E. ) Resolution of tubercle under the use of cod liver oil. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiii. 107- 110. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1848-53), 1853, i, 171-174. — William* (C. J. B.) On the use aud administration of cod-liver oil iu pulmonary consumption. Lond. J. M., 1849, 1-18. Also, Reprint.— Yandell (D. W.) Six cases of phthisis pulmonalis treated by cod liver oil. Nashville J. M. A S.. 1851, i, 11-25. Also': West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1851, 3. s., vii, 344-358—Vouug (J.) Cod-liver oil in phthisis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1849, n. s., xvii, 235-237. Phthisis (Treatment of) by compressed or rarefied air. Glorig (M.) * Ueber tleu Einfliiss eler Lnft- dichtigkeit auf Lungenschwiudsucht. 8°. Ber- lin, [1873]. Klee (L.-A.) 'Traitement de la tuberculisa- tion des poumous par l'atmiatrie pulmonaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1848. Taylor (G. H.) The treatment of consump- tion by the compressed air-hath; embracing a « sketch of the cause antl pathology of pulmonary affectious, anil the proper hygiene to be observed for their cure. 8°. New York, 1858. Brehmer (H.) Die Behandlung der chronischen Lun- genschwindsucht vermittelst der komprimirten Luft nud des Hohenklimas. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 577; 603: 1870, xi, 437; 461; 487; 507; 533.—Brown (I). R.) The treatment of pulmonary phthisis by I he pneumatic cabi- net, with a report of cases. Boston M. A S. J., 1887, cxvii, 545-548.—Cohen (S. S.) Inhalation of compressed air as an aid to nutrition in the treatment of pulmonary con- sumption. Tr. M.Soc. Penn., Phila., 1886, xviii, 115-121.— Devay (F.) Du bain d'air compriuie dans les affect ions graves des organes respiratoires, et particulicrement dans la phthisic pulmonaire. C.az. hebd. ele meel., Par., 1853-4, i, 152-155. Also, Reprint.—Itlccller. Delapneumolherapie dans la phthisie pulnionaire. Art med., Brux., 1881, xvii, 132; 148 —Otis (E. O.) The treatment of phthisis by in- halation of antiseptics through compressed air-vapor; re- port of eight cases. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1887, cxvi, 028.— KobiKon (J. A.) The comparative value of gaseous eno- mata and pneumatic differentiation in the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. PeoriaM. Month., 1887-8, viii, 89-91 — Schreiber (J.) Die Behandlung tier Liingeiischwind- sucht veiinittelst eler komprimirteii Luft und des Hohen- klimas. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 673; 697; 751; 826; 848.—Serrct (R.) La aeroterapia en la tisis pulinonal. Siglo med., Madrid, 1877, xxiv, 436; 501.— Thaon (L.) Traitement pneiiniatique de la phthisie. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 665-667.—Williams (H. F.) Pneumatic dif- ferentiation. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 370-374. — Wood (W. B.) Report of a caseof tubercular phthisis treated with the pneumatic cabinet." Ibid., 1887, xlvi, 547. Also, Reprint. Phthisis ( Treatment of) with creosote, carbolic acid, petroleum, etc. Bra vet (H.) * Des effets de la creosote dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1878. Crichton (A.) An account of some experi- ments made with the vapour of boiling tar, in the cure of pulmonary consumption. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1817. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgh, 1817. Filleau (A.) De l'emploi de l'acide pheSnique en injections hypoelermitptes dans le traitemeut de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Paris, 1880. Frels (G.) * Ueber die Anwendung eles Kreo- sots in der Pneuniophthise. 8°. Wiirzburg, 183(1. Hastings (J.) Pulmonary consumption suc- cessfully treated with naphtha. 8°. London, 1843. Hocken (E. O.) A practical enquiry iuto the value of medicinal naphtha in tubercular phthi- sis. 8°. London, 1844. Hugues (J.-L.) * Quelques consielerations sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire par la creosote vraie. 4°. Paris, 1877. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. PHTHISIS. 190 PHTHISIS. Phthisi* (Treatment of) with creosote, carbolic acid, petroleum, etc. Ingo (V.) La tisi polmonare e 1'acido fenico; guarigione pel Dr. Luigi Carti', con ragionamenti ed osservazioni eliuiche. 8°. Caltagirone} 1884. Lesguillon (L.-F.-G.) * De l'atmosphere cre"- osot6e et de la creosote dans le traitement de la phthisic pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1888. Mignox (li.) *De la fievre dans la phthisie clironique et de sou traitement par la creosote. 4 . Paris, 1888. Naxxixgs (J. P.) *Over de aanwending van het kteosootbij longtubercttlose. [Leyden.] 8°. Rotterdam, [1888]. Poslavski (I.) * K raspozuavaniju i lecheniju kreozotom bugorchatago zabolievanija legkich. [Treatment by creosote of tuberculosis of luugs.] 8'\ St. Petersburg, 1888. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1888, clxii, pt. 1, 19; 155; 213. Alonso de PVavas (A.) Tratamiento de la tisis pul- monar por el dcido fenico. Clinica tie Malaga, 1880, i, 106; 197.—Audreesen (A.) Ueber den inneren Gebrauch des Kreosots und parenchymatose Kreosotiniectionen bei Tuberculose der Lungen. St. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1889, n. F., vi,213— Rang (F.L.) Observationes nieili* practica circa usum olei aspbalti in phthisi. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1779, ii, 292-308.—Benson (C.) Cases of phthisis treated with naphtha. Dublin M. Press, 1845, xiv, 1-3.— Itonrliaril (C.) A <» imberl. Note sur l'emploi de la creosote vraie dans le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 486; 504; 522. Also (Abstr,]: Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1877, xciii, 289-294.—Bourgct. Traitement iutensif de la tubercu- lose pulmonaire par le guayacol et la creosote tie hetre. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1889, xix, 298-300.—de Itoyer (H.-C.) Note relative au traitemeut de la tuber- culose pulnionaire par la creosote. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1880), 1881, 122-131. Also: France m6d., Par., Par., 1880, xxvii, 561; 571.—vou Bruim. Einige weitere Bemerkungen zur Kreosotbehandlung eler Luugentubercu- lose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 146-148— Busehu- jetl' (V. T.) K vopr. of lecheu. tschachotki kreozotom. (On the epiestion of treatment of phthisis by creosote.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1887. viii, 981; 1003.—C'alderon y lVlartinez (L. J.) Un nuovo casoele tisis pulmonar case- osa curada pen- el ilcido fenico. Siglo med., Madrid, 1877, xxiv, 72-74.—t'zarnceki. Cieosot in der Behandlung der Lungenphthise. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 537.—Driver. Zur Kreosottherapie der Lungen- tuberculosc. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 713.— Eichelbery. Kreosot bei Lungensucht. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Meel. Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837, 118. Also: Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 483-485.—Flint (A.) Creosote in the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis, with re- ports of ten cases, by R. Maury. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 617-620. Also '[ Absti\J: Coll. cfe Clin. Rec, Phila., 1889, x, 30-32.—Fournier (<;.) De la creosota de haya en el tratamiento tie la tisis pulmonar y tie las afecciones catai rales ele las vias respiiatorias. Independ. ni6d., Bared., 1879-80, xv, 219-252.—Fraentzel (O.) Ueber einige therapeutische Gesichtspunkte bei der Behandlung von Lungenschwindsiichtigen im Krankeuhause sowie iiber die Anwendung ties Creosots bei Phthisikern. Cha- rit6-Ann. 1877, Berl., 1879, iv, 278-287. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 256. -----. Ueber elen Ge- brauch ch-s Kreosots bei Luugentuberculose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 277. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1887, viii, 371.—Frunze. Kreosot gegen Lungenschwinelsucht. Metl. Ann., Heidelb., 1841, vii, 319.— C»iml>erl. Expose, des rCsultats obtenus dans le traite- ment de la phthisie' pulmouaireparla creosote vraie. Cong. p6riod. internat. el. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v. 205-211—CJuttmanii (P.) Dieantiseptische Wir- kung des Kreosots und seine Empfehlung gegen Lungen- schwindsucht. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xiii, 488- 494. —Hamilton (G.) Is peat reek an antidote to phthi- sis. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 803-807.—Hamilton (R.) The local treatment of phthisis by carbolic acid. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1882, ii, 10.—Hastings (J.) Remarks on tuber- culous consumption, and its treatment with naphtha; with experiments and cases. Lancet, Lond.. 1842-3, ii, 149-152.— Heussiier. Heilung einer Lungenschwindsucht durch Kreosot. Gen.-Ber. tl k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837,117.—Hirschfelder (J.) Ueber subkutane Karbol injectionen bei Phthisis pulmonum. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 1571. — Holm (E.) Zur Kreosot-Therapie bei Lungentuberculose. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 211- 216. — llopmaiin (C. M.) Kurze Bemerkung zu der Frage grosser Kreosotdosen bei Kehlkopf- und Lungen- schwindsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 985. — Kaatzer (P.) Zur Kreosotbehandlung der bacillaren Phthisis, iftid.,1888, xxv, 214-216.—fieferstein. Ueber Phthisis (Treatment of) ivith creosote, carbolic acid,petroleum, etc. Kreosot-Verordnung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 419-421. — Korjcnevski (O. V.) K vopr. o lechen. tsha- chotki neftjou. [Treatment of phthisis by naphtha.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 350-353. -Krocker. Die Behandlung der Lungentuberkeln durch Naphtha. Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect., 1845, 9. — l.abus. t t Applicazione della nafta nei tisici. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1846, v, 77-79: 1847, vi, 41. —I.e Blanc (C.) Ueber die ortliche Behaudlung der Phthisis pulmonalis init- telst Carbolsiiure. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1871. xvi, 105- 171. — l.ublinwki ( W. ) Zur Kreosotbelianilluug tier Lungen- und Keblkopftuberculose. Deutsche metl. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 829. Also, Reprint, —itl arret (W.) On the inhalation of an aqueous "Solution of carbolic acid under the form of spray for the treatment of phthisis. Practitioner, Loud., 1868,' i, 265-274.—JTIay (G. P.) Cases of pulmonary consumption in which naphtha was employed without success. Lancet, Loud., 1844,1,473-475.—Milton (M.) Clinical evidence of the value of petroleum in phthi- sis. Med. Rec, N. V., 1882, xxi, 532.—IVcwcomb (J. E.) A clinical note on the use of creosote in phthisis. Ibid., 1889, xxxvi, 145. — Fageiistecher. Eine durch Theer- dampfe geheilte Lungenschwinsucht. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1827, lxv, 5. St., 46-51— Fetrrquiu. Experiences comparatives sur l'emploi therapeutique de la kr6osote et de l'eau degoudron dans le catanhe pulmonaire chronique et dans la phthisie k divers degres. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 705-711. Also, Reprint. — Folk (C. G.) Petroleum in phthisis. [Extr. from forthcoming work tin "Tuberculosis, scrofulosis antl allied eliseases ".] Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 946-948.—Bampbld. Kreosot gegen Lungen-Phtbisis. J. d. prakt. Heilk., Berl., 1836, Ixxxii, 5. St., 31-38.—Bobinson (B.) Creasote as a remedy in phthisis pulmonalis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1888. iii, 365-394. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, n. s., xcvii, 1-15.—Kodais (P.) La creo- sote dans la phthisie. Union niCd., Par., 1889, 3. s., xlvii, 797-804.—Bosenbuseh (L.) Creosotin.jectionen bei Lun- gentuberculose. Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 87. -----. Die ortliche Behandlung der Luugentuberculose durch parenchymatoseKreosotinjectionen. 26iej.,865; 910; 952.— Rosenthal (J.) Ueber die Anwendung des Kreosots bei Tuberculose in Form eines Mineralwassers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 640; 667.—Bothe (C. G.) Ueber die ortlicbe Behandlung der Phthisis pulmonalis und der Diphtheritis inittelst Carbolsiiure. Ibid., 1870, vii, 278; 290. — Sahli (H.) Ueber den Ersatz des Buchenholz- theerkreosotes iu der Behandlung der Phthise durch Guaiacol. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1887, xvii, 616-622.—Sal y Lima (R.) leido f6nico v tisis. Anfi- teatro anat., Madrid, 1876, iv, 163. — Schetelig. Ueber eine neue Methode der Kreosotbehandlung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1889, x, 185.—Schnitzler (J.) Subku- tane Injektionen von Karbolsaure gegen Phthisie und Tuberkulose. AVien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 1061-1063.— Sedziak (J.) O leczeniu suchot plucnych kreozotem. [Treatment of phthisis by creosote.l Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 132; 156.—Siebold. De aspbalti olei in phthisi usu observationum triga. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1795, iii, 219-227. —Smith (R. S.) Two cases of phthisis treated by means of subcutaneous antl intra-pul- iuonary injections of carbolate of camphor. Bristol M.- Chir. j., 1888, vi, 185-194.—Smith (S. M.) On a case of phthisis treated hy the inhalation of creosote. Austral. M. J.,Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 293-295.—Kommerbrodt (J.) Ueber die Behandlung der Lungentubeie-ulose mit Kreosot. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 258; 910. Also. Wien. med. Bl., 1887, x, 473-476. -----. Zur Behandlung der Lungentuberculose mit Kreosot. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 298-301. — Spenuler ( L. ) Ueber die Be- handlung der Phthisis mit Naphtha. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1847, iii, 1-6.—Stbhr (E.) 11 Von dem thci apc-u- tischen Gebrauch des Kreosots in der Pneumophthisie. Hanuov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1846, n. F., vi, 74-82 — Turban (C.) Kreosot gegen Lungentuberkulose. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1887, xii, 165-168. Also . Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii, 26. — Van der Vloet ( A.) Note sur le traitement tie la tuberculose pulmonaire par la creosote. Ann. Soc. tie m6d: de Gand, 1888. lxvii, 133-151.— Vazquez y ITIon (M.) Tratamiento de la tisis pulmonar por el Acido fenico. Pahellon in6tl., Madrid, 1875, xv, 147; 159; 185. — Wilson (D.) Employment of naptha as a remedial agent in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1843, i, 250-253.—Wolfe (J. R.) On the use of phenic acid for the cure of phthisis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 572. Phthisis ( Treatment of) with digitalis. Kinolake (R.) Cases and observations on the medicinal efficacy of Digitalis purpurea in phthisis pulmonalis, with speculations on its modus operandi, and on analogous remedies. 8°. [Bristol, n. d.] PHTHISIS. 191 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) with digitalis. Rand (I.) Observations on phthisis pulmo- nalis, and the use of the Digitalis purpurea in the treatment of that disease; with practical re- marks on the use of the tepid bath. 8°. Boston, 1804. Bayle. Sur l'emploi de la digitale contre la phthisie pulmonaire. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1835, i, 170-180.—" Bookworm." Medical reminiscences con- cerning the use of digitalis in consumption, etc. Loud. M. Rev. & Mag., 1800-1, v, 302-305.—Bree (R.) [Digi- talis in phthisis.] Med. cfe Phys. J., Lond., 1799, ii, 314 ; 430.—Drake (N.) [Digitalis in pulmonary consump- tion.1 Ibid., 1800, iv, 521-539.—Faure (A.) De l'efflca- cite de la teinture de digitale k haute dose elans certains cas ele phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxiv, 445-447.—Forget. Traitement de la phthisie par la teinture de digitale a haute dose; empoi- sonnement; mort. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1848, viii, 289- 295.—Heron (W.) Two cases of phthisis pulmonalis successfully treated with digitalis. Meel. cfe Phys. J., Lond., 1802, viii, 82-86.—Laudun (A.) Reflexions et observations sur la phthisie pulmonaire et sur les effets de la digitale pourpree. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1810, xxiii, 172-200.—Magennis (J.) Observations on the effects of the Digitalis purpurea in the cure of phthisis pulmonalis. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1801, v, 201-216.—ITIossman (G.) Critical and practical remarks on the use of digitalis in pulmonary consumption, antl on the theory of catarrh, etc. Lond. M. Rev. cfe Mag., 1801, vi. 164-169 —Segaud. Observations sur les effets de la digitale k fleur pourpree dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel., 1804, iv. 37-45.—Sibergundi. Beobachtung einer Phthisis purulenta, welche durch den Gebrauch tier Digitalis purpurea gliicklich geheilt worden ist. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hainni, 1825, x, 1. St., 114-128.—Smith (S. B.) Caseof incipient phthi- sis, in which digitalis was successfully employed. N. Am. M. cfe S. J., Phila,, 1828, v, 261-264.—Spenee (J.) A case of pulmonary consumption cured by the use of the Digitalis purpurea. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1802, v, 13-17. -----. Practical remarks on the use of digitalis in con- sumption. Ibid., 17-21. Phthisis ( Treatment of) with eucalyptus. Habert (E.) *De la valeur therapeutique ties injections hypodermiques d'eucalyptol et d'iodoforme dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. 4°. Nancy, 1887. Pons (T.-E.) * Quelques considerations sur le traitement de la tuberculose puluionaire. In- jections hypodermiques d'eucalyptol. 4°. Paris, i888. Ball. Du traitement de la phtisie pulmonaire par des injections hypodermiques d'eucalyptol. Bull. Acatl. de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xvii, 341-343.—Bouveret (L.) cfe Pechadre (A.) Les injections sous-cutanees d'euca- lyptol dans le traitement des phlhisies. Lyon metl., 1887, liv, 213, 3 diag; 247; 283.—Guiffart. Injections hypo- dermiques d'eucalyptol dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 885-891.—I.aplanc (E.) Les injections sous-cutanees d'eucalyptol dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Marseille m6d., 1887, xxiv, 321-324.—Bobson (A. W. M.) The treat- ment of phthisis by means of the eucalyptus atmosphere. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 1204. Phthisis (Treatment of) by external ap- plications, counter-irritants, inunction, strapping, etc. Bartholomaeus (P. C. T.) * Diss, inaug. meel. sistens cogitata de usu ulcernm artificialium in phthisi pulmonali. 8°. Jence, [1796]. Chatelet (Y.) De la phthisie pulmouaire, de son etiologie et particnlierement ele l'influence des re>ulsifs naturelset artihciels sur sa marche. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Renault (E\) * Des pointes de feu et des hemop- tysies consecutives a leur emploi dans le traite- ment de la phtisie pulmonaire. 4°. Lyon, 1880. J ' Eigaud(J.) *Du traitement des points de cote chez les tuberculeux par les applications de collodion. 4°. Paris, 1883. Beaver (D. B. D.) The use of blisters in the treatment ol phthisis. _ Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 1-3.—Belouino (P.) Suite d'une observation de com- pression dans le cas de pneumopathie tuberculeuse, donn6e dans un precedent numero du Bulletin clinique. Bull. Phthisis (Treatment of) by external ap- plications, counter - irritants, inunction, strapping, etc. clin., Par., 1836-7, ii, 80-84. [See, also, infra, Piorry (P. A.)]—Bennewitz. Der Alkohol als Fomentation gegen die Luugensiicbt. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1845, 381-385.— Berger. Speckeinreibungen, Milch und Bleizucker gegen Lungeiischwindsucht und anelere chro- nische Brustkrankheiten. [2 cases.] Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 53-55.—von dem Buseh (G.) Heilsarae Wir- kungen der Brechweiusteinsalbe in zwei Fallen iter Phthi- sis pituitosa. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1826, lxiii, 3. St., 83-94.—Costes. Conference sur ce sujet: Des exutoires contie la phthisie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1851, ix. 434 ; 505.—Bail verguc pere. Des rcsultats immediats eles r6vulsifs et particnlierement des v6sicatoires dans la phtisie pulmouaire. M6deciu, Par., 1881, vii, no. 31, 1-3.— Dewees (H. P.) The causes of pulmonary consump- tion, antl its treatment by superficial or endei niic applica- tions and the inhalation of the nutrient elements of the blood and tissues. Am. M. Month.. N. Y., 1859, xi, 356; 421.—Buplan. Observation sur unephthisie guerie par le cautere. J. ele m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1775, xliii, 505-515.—von <* a ray. Ueber tlie Anwendung kal ter Umschlage iu der Lungenphthise. Oesterr. med. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1845, 417-420.—C3 reeve (G.) Moxa in eene eloor bloedspuwiug veroorzaakte phthysis, met goed gevolg aangewend. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1839-40, ii, 656.— Cuerin (J.) Traitement tie la tuberculose pulnionaire par la cauterisation ponctuee ; allaitement artiticiel. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1878. 2. s., vii, 949-952. -----. La cauterisation ponctuee dans le traite-ment de la tubercu- lose pulnionaire. Union 11161L, Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiv, 197- 199.—Hall (M.) On the use of alcoholic lotions in phthi- sis pulmonalis. Lancet, Loud., 1844, i, 121. Also: Boston M. cfe S. J.. 1844, xxx, 349-351. — I.aid ( Du ) en frictions dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1836, xi, 239-243.—Cowenhardt. Be- statigter Nutzen der Speckeinreibungen gegen Phthisis pulmonalis. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840. 340- 343.—lyohmeyer. Resultate, welche von den Militair- Aerzten bei Anwendung der Speckeinreibungen gegen Lungenschwindsuchtgewonneu worden sind. Med. Ztg., Bert, 1838, vii, 155.—McCrea (J.) On strapping the chest in phthisis. Lancet, Loud., 1874, ii, 76.—ITlarliu- IVoiiel. Des cauteres comme moyen de gu6rison de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. m6d. du Pantheon de Par. (1864), 1865, 19.—Piorry (P.-A.) R6sultats avanta- geux de la compression ties parois tboraciques dans les cas de pneumopathie tuberculeuse circonscrite. Bull, clin., Par., 1836-7, ii, 1-9. [See, also, supra, B61ouino (P.)] Also .- Ann.de med. beige, Brux., 1836, iii, 30-36. Kouault. M6moire sur le traitement et la curabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire par les caustiques. Union ni6d.. Par., 185S, xii, 545; 559— Schlegel (J. H. G.) Der Brenncylineler, ein Rettmigsmittel in der eiternden Lungensucht. J. tl. prakt. Heilk., Berl., 1822, liv, 2. St., 3-19.—Spender (J. K.) Strapping the chest in the treatment of chronic pul- monary consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 599. Phthisis (Treatment of) with glycerin. Blacker. Emploi ties glycerines m6dicameuteuses dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Courrier m6d., Par., 1878, xxviii, 185; 195. Also, transl. [Abstr.]; Rev. ele med., Par., 1879-81, i, 150.—Brosier (A.) On the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis by glycerine antl Indian hemp. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 46.—Cotton (R. P.) Notes on the use of glycerine in consumption. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1857, xiv, 641.—Crawcour (J. L.) Glyce- rine in tuberculosis. N. Orl. M. News cfe Hosp. Gaz., 1855-6, ii, 22-26. Phthisis (Treatment of) with hydrocyanic acid. Magendie (F.) Recherches physiologiques et cliniques sur l'emploi de l'acide prussique ou hydrocyanique dans le traitement des maladies de poitrine et particulierement dans celui de la phthisie pulmonaire. 12°. Paris, 1819. -----. The same. Physiological aud chem- ical researches on the use of the prussic or hydro- cyanic acid in the treatment of diseases of the breast, and particularly in phthisis pulmonalis. Transl. from the French, with notes, etc., by James G. Percival. 8°. Neiv Haren, 1820. • Basselt (R.) On the effects of prussic acid in pulmo- nary consumption. Eclect. Report, Phila., 1820, x, 244- 246.—Forget. Du traitement de la phthisiepulmonaire par l'acide hydrocyanique. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1839, xvi, 263-269.—IVancrede (J. G.) Observations on the use of prussic acitl in phthisis pulmonalis. Phila. J. M. cfe Phys. Sc, 1821, ii, 66-76. PHTHISIS. 192 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by hydrofluoric acid. Audollent (P.) * J5tude critique sur l'emploi de l'acide fluorliydriqne dans les affections pul- monaires. 4°. Paris, 1888. Garcin. Etude sur la valeur tlu traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les inhalations d'acide fluorliyelrique. 8°. Paris, 1889. Gilbert (V.) Etutle sur les diverges medica- tions de la tuberculose pulmouaire et en particu- lier sur lo traitement par les inhalations d'acide fluorliydriqne. 8°. Genere, 1880. Gilliard (H.) *Du traitement tie la tuber- culose pulmouaire par les inhalations d'acide fluorhydrique. 4°. Paris, 1888. Bardet. Traitement therapeutique de la tuberculose par les inhalations fluorhydriqucs. Bull, et mem. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1888, 94 -Behandliugeii (Om) af lungtuberkulos medelst inandning af fluorvate. Eira, Stockholm, 1889, xiii, 187-193.—Desplats (H.) Du traite- ment tie la phthisie pulnionaire par les inhalations d'acide fluorbydrique. J. d. sc. med. tie Lille, 1888, ii, 385-389.— CSager (K.) Fluorhydrogensav-belcg/.eselt crteke tiido- vesznei. [Value of hydrofluoric arid inhalations in phthi- sis.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 953-959. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 594- 597. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bulla- pest, 1888, xxiv, 709-711—Gautrelet (E.) Recherches sur Paction therapeutique tie l'acide, fluorhydrique dans le traitement de la tuberculose. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1889, 153-163. Also: Pratique m6d., Par., 1889, iii, 50; 62.—Goctz (E.) Note sur Paction de l'acide fluorhy- drique dans le traitement de la tuberculose pulmouaire. Rev. nied. de la Suisse Uom., Geneve, 1888, viii, 465-479.— cKrancher (J.) A Chnutnrd (P.) Influence des va peurs d'acide fluorliydriqne sur Its bacilles tuberculeux. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii, 267-273. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par.. 1888. 8. s., v, 515-520. Also : Union med., Par., 1888, 3. s., xiv, 885-889. Also: Tribune nied., Par., 1888, xx, 328-332.—Hastings (J.) The effects of fluoric anel oxalicacids in phthisis Lancet, Loud., 3855, i, 31-33.— Ilerard. Rapport sorties memoires de M. le Dr. Seller et de M. le Dr. Garcin, relatifs a Paction de l'acide fluorhydrique dans le traitement tie la phtisie pulmonaire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xviii, 020-644.—Jar- javay (O.) Sur la technique du traitement de la tubercu- lose pulmonaire par les inhalations de vapours fluorhy- driqucs. Bull. gen. de thCrap., etc., Par., 1888, cxiv, 211- 224.—iVIongardi (R.) L' acido flnoridrico e la tuberco- losi. Raccoglilorc med., Forli, 1889,5. s , vii, 281-287. Also, Reprint.—Folyrik (L.) Fluorhydrogensav-bel6gzesek crteke tiiiltivesznel. (Value of inhalations of hydrofluoric acid in phthisis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889, xxxiii, 65; 79. Also, transl: Wien. metl. Presse, 1889, xxx, 177; 215; 255—Tisne. Note sur le traitement de la tuberculose pul- monaire par les inhalations d'acide fliiorhydrique. France med.. Par., 1889, ii, 953; 966.—Trudcau (E. L.) Hydro- fluoric acid as a destructive agent to the tubercle bacillus. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 486-490. Phthisis (Treatment of) with hypophos- phites. de Bremon (L.) Phthisis pulmonalis antl its treatment with hypophosphites. 8°. New York, 1880. Churchill (J. F.) De la cause immediate et du traitemeut speScifique de la phthisie pulmo- naire et des maladies tuberculeuses. 8°. Paris, 1858. -----. The same. Treatise on the immedi- ate cause and the specific treatment of pulmo- nary phthisis, antl tubercular diseases. Transl. from the French bv a physician. 8°. Neiv York, 1859. -----. The same. With appendix. 8°. New York, [1859?]. -----. The same. 2. ed. With appendix. K-. New York, 1860. -----. The same. 3. Am. ed. 8°. New York, 1860. -----. The same. 4. Am. ed. With appen- dix. 8°. New York, 1861. -----. Du moyen ele provenir la phthisie par l'emploi des hypophosphites. 8°. Paris, 1859. -----. The same. Ou the prevention of con- sumption by the use ofthe hypophosphites. 8°. Paiis, 1859. Phthisis (Treatment of) with hypophos- phites. -----. Consumption anel tuberculosis; their proximate cause and specific treatment by the hypophosphites npon the principles of stuechio- logical medicines. With an appendix on the local treatment of respiratory diseases of specific stcechiological inhalants. 8°. London, 1*75. -----. Letters toa patienton consumption and its cure by the hypophosphites. 8°. London, 1888. Fellows (J. 1.) The various forms of phthi- sis in which the syrup of hypophosphites (Fel- lows') is beneficial. [For the medical profes- sion.] Part VI. 12°. London, 1886. Gardner (E. W.) Hydriodic acid; its chem- ical character, history, incompatibles, condition, doses, etc. Hypophosphites anel phosphates chemically compared. History e>f three selected typical cases of phthisis, first stage, intermedi- ate'-, seconel stage, cureel by hypophosphites. 8°. [New York, 1880. J Holm (H.) *Over het gebruik der hypophos- phiteu bij tuberculose der longen. 8°. Utrecht, 1800. McArthur (J. A.) Consumption and tuber- culosis. Notes on their treatment by the hypo- phosphites. 2. ed. 12°. Boston, 1880. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Boston, 1881. Thorowgood (J. C.) On consumption and its treatment by the hypophosphites. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1868. Bennett (J. R.) Results of some trials of the hypo- phosphites in the treatment of phthisis. Metl. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 438; 467; 489. — Benobele. Quel- ques mots sur le traitemeut de la phthisie [millionaire par les hypophosphites alcalius. Arch, beiges de m6d. mil., Brux., 1859, xxiv, 339-343.—Blanchini (L.) Alcnnicasi di tubercolosi polmonale sanati feliccinenteinediaute 1' uso dell' ipofostito di soda e dell' olio di fegato di merluzzo. Imparziale, Firenze, 1868, viii, 264; 323. — de Bremon (L.) Three cases of phthisis pulmonalis treated suc- cessfully with hypophosphites. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn.; 1881-2, i, 356- 360. — Carreilo ( M. R.) Los hipofosfltos eu presenoia de la tisis. Siglo iu6d., Madrid, 1858, v, 204. — Churchill (J. F.) On the proxi- mate cause of consumption and its specific treatment by the hypophosphites. Meel. Circ, Loud., 1862, xx, 111; 183; 221; 239; 256; 273; 292; 311; 348; 382; 400: xxi, 22; 57; 75; 451; 469: 1863, xxii, 3; 17; 32. — C'oghill (J. G. S.) The hypophosphites in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 311 ; 344.—Cotton (R. P.) Further experiments on the use of the alkaline hypophosphites in consumption. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1868, ii, 555.—Bechambre (A.) Traitemeut de la phthisie pulnionaire par les hypophosphites alcalins; uouvellesexp6riences. Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1858, v, 585; 601; 666. — van Esselien. Sur lemploi des hypophos- phites alcalins dans le traitement de la phthisie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1863, xxxi, 139-144.—Forninn (S. R.) Ou the use of hypophosphites of soda in lime anil phthisis. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1858-9, n. s., i, 108-111.— Oamberini (P.) Ipofosfito di soda nella cura della tisi pulmonare. Bull. d. sc. metl. eli Bologna, 1858, 4. s., x, 54- 56.—CSrellet. Cases of phthisis pulmonalis treated with hypophosphite of soda. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i 88. — Mo- rales (R. A.) Historia ele una tisis modificada ventajosa- niente por los hipofosfltos. Espana m6d., Madrid, 1859, iv, 311. — ill ore no Lopez (V.) Tisis pulinonar; sus peri- odos; hipotostitos. Independ. m6el., Banel., 1870-71, ii, 114; 137; 148.—ltlorse (W. II.) Shall we continue to use hypophosphites? Nashville J. M. cfe S., 1887, 2. s., xxxix, 465-468.—Quain (R.) Ou the use of the hypophosphites of soda and lime in the treatment of phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 267-269.—Santero. Del hipofosfito ele sosa en la terap6utica de la tisis pulmonal. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858, v, 121-124. — Smith (t^. O.) The real and compara- tive value of the hypophosphites in the treatment of pul- monary consumption. Pacific M. efe S. J., San Fran., 1870, xxii, 117-122. —Stcincr ( L. H.) Tuberculosis and the medicinal hypophosphites. Am. M. Mouth., N. .¥., 1858, ix, 333-337. —Thorowgood (J. C.) On the use of the hypophosphites of soda anil lime in the treatment of con- sumption. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1865, ii, 562; 607. Also, Reprint.-----. Cases illustrating the use ofthe hypophos- phites in pulmonary disease. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxix, 494.-----.•Observations on the use of hy- pophosphites in the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 11. — Vintraa (A.) On the value of the hypophosphites of lime and sotla in the treat- ment of phtbisia. Lancet, Load., 1863, ii, 273. PHTHISIS. 193 PHTR1SIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by inhalations and local applications. See, also, Phthisis (Treatment of, Surgical); Phthisis (Treatment of) by bacteria; Phthisis (Treatment of) with chlorine, etc. Coppin (R.) * Contribution a I'e'tuile me'dicale de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les inhalations d'acide sulfureux. 4°. Paris, 1888. Dewees (H. P.) Pulmonary consumption aud its treatment by inhalation of the nutrient ele- ments of the blood and tissues and superficial or enelermic applications. 8°. New York, 1»59. De Wolfe (S.) Consumption and kindred dis- eases and their treatment by inhalation. 8°. New York, [n. d.]. Dupont (M.) * Traitement de la tuberculose pulnionaire par les inhalations d'acide carbo- nique. 4°. Paris, 1882. Filleau (A.) & Leon-Petit. Sur le traite- meut aseptique de la phtisie pulmonaire. 8°. [Paris], 1887. Gray (E. B.) Medicated air and vapor in con- sumption anctcatarrhaleliseases. 8°. Neiv York, [1886]. de Lostalot-Bachoue (J.-J.) *Du vapora- rium ; son utilitd daus le traitement de la phthi- sie pulmouaire. 4°. Paris, 1868. Ludewig (M.) * Beitrag zur Behandlung der Lungenschwiudsucht durch Natrium benzoicum. 8°. Jena, 1880. Mouton (E.) Des diverses me'thoeles d'anti- sepsie daus le traitement de la tuberculose pul- monaire. 8-. Paris, 1888. Muhry (G. F.) *De aeris fixi inspirati usu iu phthisi pulmonali. 4°. Gottingce, [1796], Pancoast (S.) An original treatise on the cura- bility of consumption by medical inhalation and aeljunct remedies, agreeably to the new pathologi- cal doctrines and curative treatment as founded anel solely employ eel by... 12°. Philadelphia, 1855. Pradere de Moine (J.) La ele'couverte de la guerison rapide de la tuberculose pulmonaire est un fait acquis. La phthisie vaincue par l'inha- latenr dentaire permanent, invisible. 3. 6d. 8°. Lyon $• Paris, 1886. Read [A. L.] Essai sur les effets salutaires du sejour des enables dans la phthisie. 12°. Londres, [17(57]. Sanborn (G. D.) On the inhalation of cold medicated vapours in phthisis pulmonalis; and the use of showeriug syringes in laryngeal and catarrhal diseases. 8°. New York, 185c. Sandras(L.) Traitement etgn6risoudu croup et de la phthisie par les inspirations anti-micro- biques et me'dicamenteuses. 4°. Paris, 1884. Scudamore (C.) Cases illustrative of the ef- ficacy of various metlicines administered by in- halation in pulmonary consumption; iu certaiu morbid states ofthe trachea and bronchial tubes attended with distressing cough, anel in asthma. 8°. London, 1830. -----. Thesame. Cases illustrating and con- firming the remedial power of the inhalation of iodine aud conium in tubercular phthisis aud various disordered states of the lungs and air passages. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1834. Steinbruck (A.) Die Stickstoffgas - Inhala- tionen zu Neu-Ragoczi bei Halle a. S., das sou- veraine Heilmittel der chronischen Lungen- scliwiuelsucht. 8°. Halle a. S., 1875. Triller (D. W.) [Pr.] tie nova nitida phthi- sicos curandi methodo per vetera olida pecorum stabula. 4C. Wittebergce, [1775]. Weigert (L.) Die Heissluft-Behandlung der Lungentuberkulose. Bakteriologische und klini- sche Beobachtungen unter Abdruck eines Vor- trages iiber das gleiche Thema von Dr. Ernst Kohlschutter. 8°. Berlin, 1889. 13 Phthisi* (Treatment of) by inhalations and local applications. The same. De nieuwe geneeswijze der tering in populairen vorm beschreven en met uitlegging van het daarbij aangewende toestel tot inademing van tot hooge temperatuur ver- hittelucht. Vertaald door J. Nord. 8°. Amster- dam, 1889. -----. Thesame. Consumption and its cure. A popular treatise on the new method of treating consumption through inhalation of superheatetl dry air. Translation from the original by Robert Briscoe Earee. 8°. New York, 1889. Ansdell (G.) Report on the estimation of carbolic acid vapour in ward room air. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 398.—Anton■ u (I.) Tratamentul tuberculozei pulmonale prin inhalatiuni practicate cu inhalatorul Prof. Dr. Pe- trescu. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1889, ix, 157-161. — Beehag (A.-J.) Le menthol dans la phthisie laryng6e et pulmo- naire et dans d'autres maladies. Ann. d. mai. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1888, xiv, 458-469.—BiroukofT (A. A.) K liechen. tschachotki leg. ozonom. [Treatment of phthisis by ozone.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 543; 565.—Bowie (A.) The inhalatory treatment of phthisis by means of superheated air. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 540. — Briigelmann (W.) Ueber den Heilwerth der Stickstoff-Inhalationen bei Lungenschwindsucht. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 241; 253.—Canio (G.) Die Behandlung der Lungentuberculose mit Borax. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1887, xxv, 769— C!art- wright (S. A.) The case of the strong-minded woman from Boston, in a sugar-house, with bronchitis, etc., illus- trating the therapeutic power of the vapor of boiling cane- juice. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1854-5, li, 229-236. -----. The case of a lady in a sugar-house, with aphonic, hemor- rhagic, tubercular phthisis in the softening stage. Ibid., 269-277. [See, also, infra, Hoyt (G.)]—€ heron (I.) De 1'ari-et de la destruction du poumon tlans la phthisie chro- nique par l'inhalation des vapeurs des essences oxyg6n6es. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 822.—Chevan- dier. Des inhalations et des bains de vapeur th6reben- thin6econtre lecatarrhe et la phthisie pulmouaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1865), 1866, v, 102- 118. — Clanny (W. R.) Cure of phthisis pulmonalis by the inhalation of carburetted hydrogen gas. Lancet, Lond., 1836-7, ii, 186.-€omet (R.) De las inhalaciones de benzoatode sosa en la tisis. Encicl. m6d.-farm., Barcel., 1880, iv, 73; 81; 89.—Cornell (W. M.) Inhalation and other treatment in phthisis. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1854, 1, 392-395. — Cossy (J.) M6moire sur le traitemeut de la phthisie par les preparations alcaliues, jointes a une tempe- rature 61evee et chargCe de vapeurs ammoniacales. Arch. gen. tie med., Par., 1844, iii, 431-454.—Creutzwieser. Gliiokliche Heilung einer Phthisis purulenta pulmonum bei einem Jiinglinge, durch Einathmen der Diiuste des auf gliihenden Eiseu geschmolzeuen frischen Wachses. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, xxii, 329-335.—Crocq. Note sur les inhalations de poussiere de charbon appliquees au traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1862, 2. s., v, 784-799, 1 pi. [Discus- sion], 1863, 2. s., vi, 429; 764: 1864, 2. s., vii, 125; 228; 381.— C'ullimore (D. H.) Sulphurous acid vapour in the treat- ment of consumption. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 257.—Bariex. Traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les inhalations et les injections hypoder- miques d'acide sutfureux. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1888, cxiv, 145-162. — De Bomiiiicis ( N. ) L' anilina, 1' acido pirogallico, la benzina, il cloruro di cal- cio nella cura della tisi bacillare. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1889, xi, 3.—Belon (A.) Un phtisique gu6ri par des inhalations d'anhydride sulfureux. Montpel. med., 1888, 2. s., x, 116-122. — Besmartis (T.) De las fumiga- ciones de las hojas de cafiamo (Cannabis sativa) en el ttata- miento de la tisis. Siglo med., Madrid, 1861, viii, 503.— Besmnrtis (T.) cfe de Vitray (B.) Nuevas prepara- ciones del pino contra la tisis. Ibid., 632.—Biskuasion iiber Inhalationen von Natr. benzoicum gegen Phthise, in dem naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischeu V ereine m Inns- bruck. Wien. med. Presse,-1879, xx, 1444. — Bochiuan (A.) Nov. sposob. (antiparasit.) liechenia tchacbotki. Newmethod (antiparasitic) of treatment of phthisis.] Mej- dunar. Klin., St. Petersb., 1888, vii, no. 5, l-20.-Brasche. Ueber die Behandlung der Phthisis mit Inhalationen von benzoesaurem Natron. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 1303; 1334; 1355.—Burant (G.) Pulmonary tuberculosis; its antiseptic treatment. Am. Pract. cfe News, Louis- ville, 1887, n. s., iii, 225; 257.-Burrant (P.) Du traite- ment antiseptique des maladies de l'appareil respiratoire et en particulier de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 1247.-Evann (G. A.) The local treatment of pulmonary phthisis hy means of a new_ in- strument. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 264-269.-Fantini (F.) Eflicacia della calce nebulizzata contro la tisi. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 33-36.-Feletti (R.) Sulla cura della tisi polmonare col benzoato di sodio. Riv. clin., PHTHISIS. 194 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by inhalations and local applications. Bologna, 1880, 2. s., x, 24.—Fieber (F.) Ein Fall von chronischer Lungentuberkulose, behaudelt mit Inhalation fliissigen Staubes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1862, xii, 631.— Finkler (D.) Zur Behandlung der menschlicheu Tuber- culose mit Natron benzoicum. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1880, i, 81-84.—Forlanini (C.) Storia di un casu di tisi polmonare curato colle iniezioni paronchimatosc. Morgagni, Milano, 1889, xxxi, 325-352.—Giraiiilel. (Les inhalations de poussiere de chaux vive dans la phthisie.) Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1867, pp. xxvii-xxx.—Goadby (H.) Tuberculosis: its causes, and indications for its treatment; inhalation. Penius. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1855-6, iii, 241-247. — Coin. Inhala- tions du gaz acide carbonique dans le traitement de la phtbisic; signe nouveau d'auscultation pour reconnaitre la pi esence des tubercules latents; stethoscope differentiel. [Rap. tie Grisolle.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1850-51, xvi, 56-os.—Grosneich (A.) II benzoato di sodio e la tisi pol- monale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1879, 8. s., i, 454.— Giinthcr. Die Fundamentalbedingung der Iuhalations- therapie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 539.—Giinzburg (L.) Acidum tannicum gegen Lungen- tuberkulose. Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 1009.—Gutt- niami (P.) Ueber Inhalationen von benzoesaurem Na- tron bei Lungenschwindsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 724-727. [Discussion], 762-764, Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1879-80), 1881, xi, pt. 2, 12-21. [Dis- cussion], pt. 1, 17; 26. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 1626-1628. [Discussion], 1880, xxi, 15-18. Also\Ab- str.] : Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 11. Also, transl. [of article only 1: Anflteatro anat., Madrid, 1880, viii, 201-203.—Gwynne(C. N.) The treatment of phthisis put monaris by antiseptics. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 419-421.—Hack ley (CE.) On the use of oxygen gas in cases of phthisis pulmonalis. N. York M. J., 1869, ix, 597-604.—Hamilton (R.) The local treatment of phthisis by carbolic acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881,ii, 10.— Hastings (C.) Remarks on the curability of pulmonary consumption, particularly as regards the treatment of the disease by inhalation. Midland M. & S. Reporter, Wor- cester, 1830-31, ii, 363-388.—Hawksley (T.) Parasiti- cides in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. ,T., Lond., 1885, i, 1153.—Hope (S. W.) Inhalation in phthisis. Ibid., 1881, ii, 81.—Honiaon (J.) A case of phthisis pulmonalis completely cured, from the patient breathing mephitic air. Ann. Metl. 1797, Edinb., 1798, ii, 324-330.—Hoyt (G.) Observations on Dr. Cartwright's sugar-house cure of consumption. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1854-5, li, 438-440.—Hue (F.) cfe Bin ere (S.) Traite- ment de la tuberculose pulmonaire par inhalation des va- peurs d'une solution aqueuse d'acide picrique a l'ebullitioii. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 312.—Hugcn- sehmidt (A. C.) Sulphurettetl hydrogen inhalations as a method of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. Metl. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 512-514.—Inhalation of benzoate: of soda in phthisis. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S80, i, 23-25. [See, also, infra, Teo (I. B.)]— Jacubnsch (IL) Ueber inhalationen bei Lungenschwindsucht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 537-539.—James (M.L.) Treatment of consumption indicated by the discoveries of Koch and others of its parasitic origin. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1882-3, ix, 79-83. Also, Reprint.—von Kaczo- rowski. Die Anwendung der kalten Luft bei Phthisi- kern ; eine Erklarung zur Richtigstellung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 550. — Blebs (E.) Ueber die Wirkung des Natron beuz. uud tier Magnesia benz. bei Tu- berculose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 2— Koh n (J.) Zur Geschichte desNatriuin benzoicum; Inhalations! he-ra- pie bei Luugentuberculose. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerztein Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1880, vi, 1-5.—Kortum (C. G. T.) Nutzen des eingeathmeten hepatischen Gas in tier Lungensucht; Wir- kung dieses Gas im warmen Bade. J. d. pract. Arznk. it. Wuudarznk., Jena, 1797, iv, 399-403.—Km 11 (E.) Die Heilung der Lungenschwinelsucht durch Einathniungen feuchtwarmer Luft von bestimmter gleichbleibender Tem- peratur. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 787; 813: 1889, xxvi, 607-611.—Lahuscn. Beitrag zur Phthiseotherapie mittelst des Krull'schen Apparates. Ibid., 1889, xxvi, 501.—Lashkevitch (V. G.) Mestnoe lech, legochnoi chachotki. [Local treatment of phthisis.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 351; 367.—Lazarus (J.) Ueber die neuesten Vorschlage in der Inhalationstherapie beiLungen- schwindsucht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 153-155. Also, Reprint.—Lebert (H.) Du s6jour prolong6 dans les ecuries a vaches, dans le traitement de la tuberculose. [Extr. du Traite clinique et pratique de la phthisie pulmonaire et des maladies tuherculeuses des divers organes, 8°, Paris.] Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1879, xlvi, 571-573. — Little (P. W.) On the methoel of preparing and administering mercurial gas in phthisis pulmonalis. Phila. M. Museum, 1809, vi, 202- 270.—M'Aldowie (A. M.) The inhalation of terebene in phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 666.—Maeaulay (S.) Treatment of phthisis by inhalation. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 826. — Mackenzie ( G. H.) The antiseptic Phthisis (Treatment of) by inhalations and local applications. treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1880, i, 13. -----. Case of acute phthisis treated by the continuous topical medication of the lungs. Lancet, Loud., 1881, i, 775. -----. The continuous local medica- tion of the lungs in phthisis. Practitioner, Lond., 1KH2, xxix, 94-103.—McIVamara (L. J.) Respiratory thera- peutics in the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. Gaillard'a M. J., N.T., 1887, xliv, 11-16.—Mailer. Zur Behanillimg der Tuberculos. pnlin. mit Natron benzoicum. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 300.—lYIceller (A.) Du traitemeut de la phthisie pulmo- naire par les inhalations de benzoate dc soude. .L d. sc. med. tie Louvain, 1879, iv, 665-670.—Moreno (E.) El tratamiento" de la tuberculosis pulmonar por las aguas Bulfurosas. An. Soc. I'span. de hidrol. med., Madrid, 1888, vii, 123-128.—Morgan (J. E.) Parasiticides in the treat- ment of pulmonary phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 1038.— rriosso (U.) cfe Bondelli (A.) Ueber Einath- mung auf 200° erhitzter Luft mittels des von Dr. Wcigcrl zur Heilung der Phthisisconstruirten Apparates. Deut- sche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 535-537—Miiliry (G. F.) Beitrag zur Geschichte der Anwendung der fixen Luft durch Inspiration in der Lungensucht. J. cl. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1797, iv. 247-271.—Muller (D.) Ueber die Heilung der Lungentuberculose durch Einathmen von benzoesaurem Natron. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1880, li, 157-160.—Nasse (F.) Die Gerberei- Gescbafte iu ihrer Wirkung gegen die Tuberkel-Schwind- sucht. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i, 294-304.—Oxygen gas in phthisis. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1873, viii, 594.— Paul (C.) Traitement eles affections bronchiques par les inhalations ammoniacales; cure il l'etable tie la phthisic pulmouaire. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. tie th6rap., Par., 1881, 2. s., viii, 121-123.—Pearson ( K ) Some account of the effects of the vapor of vitriolic aether in cases of phthisis pulmonalis. Med. Facts s du traite- ment classique; amelioration rapide et considerable par le chlorhydro-phosphate de chaux. Union ni6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., xvii, 30. Also: France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 125.—Bespiney. Remarques sur le traitement dela pre- miere periode tic la phthisie pulmonaire par le saccharoie u'6cailles tl'hnitre. Bull. g6n. tie th6rap., etc., Par., 1860, lviii, 407-413.—Halter (L.) Ueber die Immunitat von Kalkofenarbeitern gegen Lungenschwindsucht mit thera- peutischen Vorschlagen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 726; 751; 767.—Joss will (J.-H.) Lettre sur l'influence des composes insolubles de chaux dans le developpement de la phthisie tuberculeuse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 956.—Klingberg. Nogle Iagtagelser over Virk- ningen af Sulphuretum calcis i begyndende hvindsot. I Effect of sulphuret of calcium in incipient phthisis. ] Nyt Biblioth. f. Lteger, Kj benh., 1818, iii, 30-43— Knee I and (S.) Phosphate of lime in phthisis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852 n. s., xxiv, 117-120.—Mouchot (A.) Tuberculose (pneumophymie) chez une jeune title de 16 ans; emploi du PHTHISIS. 196 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) ivith lime salts. phosphate de chaux; guerison. Union m6d., Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 942-944. — IMormet. Phthisie pulmonaire au 1" degr6 chez une jeune fille de 17 ans, k tempera- ment strumeux; antecedents de phthisie dans la fa- mille; hemoptysies multiples ; amaigrissemeut; frequents acce.s tl'oppression; signes d'auscultation et tie percussion non douteux; emploi de la solution Odet pendant trois mois; amelioration considerable. Marseille m6d., 1875, xii, 55-58.—Pautier (T.) De l'influence du phosphate de chaux dans la phthisie pnlmonaire. Union ui6d., Par., 1878, 3. a., xxvi, 19.—Boussc. De l'influence de la chaux sur la phthisic. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 359.— Sawyer (J.) Therapeutic notes, with especial reference to the treatment of phthisis by chloride of calcium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 845. -----. Note upon the medicinal treatmeut of pulmonary consumption, with especial refer- ence to the value of chloride of calcium. In his: Contrib. to Pract. Med., 8°, Birmingh., 1886, 38-43.-Schlesier (W.) Gliicklich geheilter Fall von purulenter Lungen- sucht durch den innern Gebrauch des Chlorkalks. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 683-685.—Tirifahy. Sur l'emploi de l'hypophosphite de chaux dans la phthisic tuberculeuse pulmonaire. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1865, xii, 97-109— Whilhcrle (C. B.) Sulphide of calcium in pulmonary phthisis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 12. Phthisis (Treatment of) with mercurials. Miquel (P.) & Rueff (A.) Traitement ele la tuberculose pulmonaire par les pulverisations biiodo-mercuriqnes et technique des pulverisa- tions. 8-. Paris, 1888. Chambers (R.) Mercury in incipient phthisis. [2 cases ] Proc. M. & S. J., Lond., 1840-41, i, 133; 149.— DochniRiui (A.) Liecheuie legoch. chachotki kalomel. [Treatment of phthisis by calomel.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, vi. 588; 602; 615. Also, transl: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 415-419. Also, transl: Ann. di ehim. e eli farm., Milano, 1888, 4. s., viii, 341-349.—Hamm (J.) A case of phthisis pulmonalis successfully treated with mercury, etc. Phila. M. Museum, 1808, v, 105-109.— Kalloeh (P. C.) On the use of bichloride of mercury in phthisis. Med. News, Phila., 1885. xlvi, 291-293.— M'Bowell (M.) An account of the efficacy of a saliva- tion in curiug pulmonary consumption. Phila. M. Mu- seum, 1805-6. ii, 399-401.—Munk (W.) Cases and obser- vations illustrative of the mercurial treatment of some forms of incipient phthisis pulmonalis. Loud. M. Gaz., 1840-41, xxvii, 112; 156; 191.—Murawieff (A.) Heilung einer Lungenschwindsucht vermittelst grauer Quecksil- bersalbe. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1854, xi, 25- 27.—Bush (B.) An account ofthe salutary effects of a salivation, and also of tonic remedies, in pulmonary con- sumption. Med. Reposit,, N. Y., 1802, v, 5-10.—Taylor (J. S.) Incipient phthisis pnlmoualis; mercurial treat- ment antl recovery. Missouri M. efe S. J.. St. Louis, 1845, i, 132.—Walton (W.) History of several cases of phthisis pulmonalis treated with mercury. Phila. M. Museum, 1805-6, ii, 6-15. Also: Med. & Phys. J., Loud., 1807, xviii, 324-331.—Whittaker (T.) An account of pulmonary consumption cured by a salivation. Phila. M. Museum, 1808, iv, 12-15. Phthisis (Treatment of) by mineral waters, baths, etc. Balbirxie (J.) The water-cure in consump- tion ; a demonstration of its curability. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1855. Boudaxt. De la phthisie pulmonaire aux eauxeliiMont-Dore. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1871. Bourdais de la Moissdxniehk (E.) * Sur le traitement par l'hydrothe'rapie ele la phthisic pulmonaire a marche chronique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Cazexave de la Roche (E\) De Paction therapeutique des Eaux-Bonnea dans la phthisie pulnionaire. 8°. Paris, 1860. Also [Rap. ele H. Bourdon], in: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1859-60, vi, 460-169. -----. Les Eaux-Bonnes dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 8°. Quimper, 1878. Dumoclix (M.-F.-A.) Des conditions pathogeS- niques de la phthisie au point tie vue de son traite- ment par les eaux min6rales. 8°. Paris, 1865. Farina (J.-F.) Le climat de Menton, son in- fluence sur le traitement tie la phthisic pulmo- naire. 12 '■''. Paris, 1879. Feraud (P.) *Des indications et des contre- indications des eaux tberuiales sulfureuses d'A- Phtliisis ( Treatment of) by mineral waters, baths, etc.. me"lie-les-Bains daus la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Part's, 18*0. Fleckles (L.) l'liifende Blicke auf die vor- ziiglichsten Krankheitsanlagen zu langwicrigcn Leiden, in prophylaetischer unel eliiiletischer Be- ziehuug, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Brunnen- und Molkenkuren, und die Heilung der Schwind- sucht. 8°. Stuttgart, 18:15. Herbecq ( G. ) * De l'emploi rationnel do l'eau froide dans le traitement de hi phthisie pul- mouaire a marche chronique. 4°. Paris, 1K79. Humbert (C. F. G.) *An phthisi ultimum gradum nondum assecuta) aqiue Cautcsienses, vulgo de Cauteres? 4°. Parisiis, 1700. James (C.) Du choix des eaux mindrales dans le traitement des maladies de poitrine. 8°. Pa- ris, 1853. Karnkr (M.) Ueber Stahlquellen, Molken und climatischo Einlliisse als die wichtigsten und wirksamsten licilmittel bei tuberculoser Anlage unel chronischer Lnugenschwinelsucht. Ein Bei- trag zur Therapie eler Luugentuberculose, unel zur Kenntniss und Wiirdignng eles Curortes Sternberg inBohmen,alsCurortiiirBrustkranke. 8°. Prag, 1858. -----. The same. 8°. Prag, 1802. Shew (J.) Consumption: its prevention and cure by the water treatment; witb advice con- cerning hemorrhage from the luugs, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, and sore throat. 8°. New York, 1851. -----. The same. 12°. New York, 1*55. Souplet(E.) * De l'emploi du bain tiede dans quelt]ues maladies de poitrine et en particulier dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1873. Also [Abstr], in: Arch. g6n. tie m6d., Par., 1873, 6. s., xxii, 549-567. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 373-376. Wixternitz ( W.) Zur Pathologie und Hytlro- therapie tier Lungenphthise. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1887. Allanl. Du traitement de la phthisie pulnionaire par les eaux tie l'Auvergne. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. Compt.-rend., 1862-3, ix, 406-458.—B. (P. I).) Estudio so- bre laphthisis y accion que en ella ejercen lasaquas thermo- minerales de 1'uebla. Estudio, Mexico, 1875, i, 7; 32; 79; 109; 175; 177.—Berjf. Die Luugeuscbwindsuchtundihre balneotherapeutische Behandlung. Deutsche nied. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1880, vi, 174-180. Also, Reprint. — Blan- ch ant (C.) Clinique hydrotherapique; recherches pra- tiques sur la phthisie pulmonaire a marche chronique. Marseille med., 1871, viii, 43-48.—Boudant. Du traite- tnent tie la phthisie par les eaux minerales. Cong. metl. de France 1864, Par., 1H65, ii, 199-206. -----. De la phthisie pulmonaire aux eaux du Mont-Dore. Lyon med., 1871,vii, 439-446. — Brugnoli (<1.) Come ed in quali circostanze le sorgenti termo-minerali di Porretta possono tomato giovevoli nella cura della tisi pulmonale, proposta eel av- vertenze. Me in. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologua, 1874, 3. s., v, 4S5-500.—('auuolie. Du traitemeut tie la phthisie pulmonaire par les eaux sulfureuses et eu particulier par celles ele, Cautcrcts. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1882, cii, 305; 366. — Cazaux (M.) Naturalc/.u de la tisis pul- monar y su tratamiento por las aguas minerales. Encicl. m6d.-farm., Parcel., 1882, vi, 434; 450. -----. L'eau flea Eaux-Bonnes dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par. Compt.-rend., 1887, xxxii, 39-48.— Biseussion sur le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire par les eaux minerales. Ibid.,,1857-8, iv, 50; 113; 234; 243; 290.—Biseussion sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmo- naire par les eaux sulfureuses. Ibid., 1863-4, x, 74; 116; 147; 229; 235; 260; 455. Also [Abstr. ]; Rev. m6d. franc, ct etrang.. Par., 1864, i, 524; 577; 641. —Bovertic(L.G.) Om badens verkan emot lungsot. [Hydrotherapy in phthisis.] Eira, Ge'iteboig, 1877, i, 73-87. ---—. Lunu-sigtigesbehanil- ling meel bad. [Phthisis treated by baths! | Ibid., 1878. ii, 275-277.—Buhourcau (E.) La phtisie pulmonaire et les eauxdeCanterets. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. ct ele-climatol. Compt. rend. 1886, Par., 1887, i. 250-254. Also: Rev. nied. et scient. d'hydrol., Toulouse, 1887, iv, 89-100.— Burand- Fardel ( M. ) Du traitement de la phthisie puluionaire par les eaux min6rales. Bull. g6u. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1859, lvi, 545-552.-----. Les indications ties eaux minerales dans le traitement ele la phthisie pulmouaire. I bid., 1874, lxxxvi, 241-247.—Eboli (C.) Tisicapulmouarebrouchitcs PHTHISIS. 197 PHTHISIS. Phthisis ( Treatment of) by mineral waters, baths, etc. chronicas tratadas pela hydrotherapia: jtiizo de G. Ria; contestaeao do . . . Gaz. med. daBahia, 1878, 2. s., iii, 319; 367; 402, 1 tab. — Emend, Du traitement de la phthisie par les eaux du Mont-Dore. Bull. gen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1878. xciv, 365-369. — Ferrand. La therapeutique tie la phthisie pulmonaire eu 1878-9; cures climatologiques et liydi iatiques. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix, 1049- lor)4'. —Fleury (L.) Phthisiepulmonaire au troisieme de- gre; phthisie laiyngee; paralysie du membre superieur droit; vomissementsincoereibles ; mort imminente; traite- ment hydrotberapique; guerison relative et prolongation de l'existence pendant deux ans; mort accidentelle par le cholera. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux., 1863, xxxii, 144-157. -----. Tuberculisation au 2e degre; fievre continue avec exacerbations: sueurs nocturnes; diarrhee; traitement hydrotherapique; guerison. Ibid., 202-205. -----. Tu- berculisation pnlmonaire a la p6riode de ramollissement; an6mie et debilite generale profondes; diarrhee, sueurs nocturnes; traitement hydrotherapiepie ; guerison. Ibid., 205-209.—<3ijjot-!"iiinrd (L.) De la fievre des phthisiques dans ses rapports avec la medication hydro-sulfureuse. Ann, Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. Compt.'-rend., 1868-9, xv, 386- 404. Also, Reprint. -----. La phthisie pulmonaire, effets de l'eau silicatee-sulfureuse de Mahourat (Cauterets) dans cette maladie. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. tie Par. Compt.- rend., 1X73-4. xix, 91-165. Also, Reprint. -----. Des effets ele l'eau silicatee sulfureuse de Mahourat dans la phthisie. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. Compt.- rend., 1873-4, xix, 154-165.'—Grim a ml (A.) Du degre d'utilite ties eaux minerales dans le traitement tie la phtisie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1857, xi, 303; 306; 314. — Gnrnrnu lie iTIussy. De l'emploi de l'eau de la Bourboule dans certaim s formes de phthisie pnlmonaire. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1867, Ixxii, 145-152.— Gumplowicz (M.) Kilka sl6w o hidroterapii suchot plucnych. [On the hydrotherapic treatment of phthisis.] Przegl. lek., Krakow', 1882, xxi, 271; 287; 301; 317. -----. Zur Hydrotherapie der Lungenschwindsucht. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1883, i, 209-219. — Burner (M.) Ueber den Nutzen gewisser Stahlquellen bei tubercultiser Aulage und beginnender Lungensucht. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt! Heilk., Prag, 1857, lvi, 112-122.—beared (A.) On the treatment of phthisis by the hot-air bath. Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii, 587; 046.—Eeeudet (L.) Des effets imme- diats et eioignes ties Eaux-Bonnes dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmouaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 225; 230; 234; 246.-----. De la fievre ties phthisiques; est-elle tine contre-mdication absolu tie l'usage des Eaux-Bounes. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par. Compt.-rend., 1868-9, xv, 359-371. [Rap. de Tillot], 372-380. |Discussion], 386- 404. -----. The Eaux-Bonnes and pulmonary phthisis. Practitioner, Lond., 1873, xi, 107-116. —■---. De la phthisie pulmonaire et de son traitement par les Eaux-Bonnes. Marseille med., 1876, xiii, 347-355.—Mangold. Zum Ge- brauche der Sauerlingebei Tuberkulose. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 490. — .VEaiizancquc (M.) Aguas minerales m&s convenientes en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis. An. Soc. espan. tie hidrol. m6d., Madrid, 1881-2, iv, 469-477. Also: Encicl. meel.-farm., Barcel.. 1882, vi, 354-; 370. — IVIascarel (J.) Traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire par les eaux du Mont-Dore. [Rap. de Desnos. J Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. dePar. Compt.-rend., 1862-3,ix, 127-150.-----. Nouvelles recherches sur l'actiou curative des eaux tlu Mont-Dore dans la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. med. dePar., 1864, 3. s., xix, 218; 283; 336; 361; 421; 609; G21; 651.— Niepce pere. De la curabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire par les eaux minerales. Nice-med., 1877-8, ii, 158; 215. — Obersteiuer (B.) Praktische Beitriige zur Wirksamkeit tlei Mineralquellen in tier Schwindsucht uud insbesonderehitler Lungenschwindsucht. Oesterr. Ztschr. f._ prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1855, i (Beilage), 1-17. — Patis- sier (P.) [De l'emploi des eaux niin6rales naturelles dans le traitement de la phthisie tuberculeuse.] Ann. Soc d'hy- drol. med. de Par. Compt.-rend., 1857-8, iv, 50-110. Also, Reprint. — Peter [M.] Phthisie pulmonaire; de la con- gestion pulmonaire chez les tuberculeux et tie son traite- ment par Thydrotherapie. J. de m6d. et chir. prat.. Par., 1870, xii, 199-201.-----. [Hydrotherapie chez les tubercu- leux.] In his: Lecons de clin. med., 8°, Par., 1879, ii, 502- 509. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1880, vi, 125-127.—Pidoux. Les Eaux- Bonnes conipar6es dans le traitement de la phthisie primi- tivement locale et de la phthisie priniitivement gene- rale, paralieie avec les eaux minerales arscniquees. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1879, xi, 121-125. — Putc- gnat (E.) Relation humoristique tl'une excursion medi- cale a. Schinznach; recherches sur la valeur eles eaux sulfiirees naturelles elans le traitement de la phthisie pul- monaire. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1869, xlviii, 22; 123. Also, Reprint.—Biehelot (G.) Observa- tion de tuberculose pulmonaire oommencante avec altera- tion grave de la same generale, heureusement enray6epar la cure thermale du Mont-Dore. Union med., Par.,'l872, 3. s., xiii, 734; 749. -----. Quelques considerations pratiques sur le traitement do la phthisie pulmonaire au Mont-Dore. Phthisi* ( Treatment of) by mineral waters, baths, etc. Ibid., 1877, 3. s„ xxiii, 841-848. — Senac-Lagi-auge. Des phthisiesconstitutionnellesetdelcui-traitement par les eaux sulfureuses de Cauterets. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. do Par. Compt.-rend., 1882-3, xxviii, 466-489. [Discus- sion], 495-502. -----. L'etiologie constitutionnelle de la phthisic recherchee dans ses formes et leurcuratiou aux eaux sulfureuses, uotamment les eaux sulfureuses de Cau- terets. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1886, ex, 304; 363- 411— Smolcriski (S.) O hydroterapii suchot plucnych! [Hydrotherapy in phthisis pulmonalis.] Przegl. lek. Krakow., 1887, xxvi, 461; 475; 511; 523. — von Noko- lowski ( A.) Ueber Anwendung tier kalten Doucheu uud Abreibungen bei Behandlung der chrontscben Lungen- schwindsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 564; 577; 621; 635. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bull. g6n. de therap etc.. Par., 1877, xcii, 345-349. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Gaz! med. de TAlgerie, Alger, 1878, xxiii, 5-7.—Williams (C. T.) Pyrexia in phthisis treated by cold baths. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 46.—Winterniiz (XV.) Die Aufgabeu der Hydrotherapie bei der Lungenphthise. Wien. metl. Presse, 1880, xxi, 502. Also: Wien. Klinik, 1881, vii, 79- 101. Also: Mitth. tl. Ver. el. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1882, viii, 57-90. -----. Du traitement hydrotherapique de la phtisie. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. etde'climatol. Compt.- rend. 1886, Par., 1887, i, 329. — Woodbury (F.) On the rational treatment of pulmonary consumption. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 693-703. Phthisis (Treatment of) by oxygen. See Phthisis (Treatment of) by inhalations, etc. Phthisis (Treatment of) by rectal gaseous injection. Morel (F. M. ) * Etude critique sur les in- jections rectales gazeuses daus le traitement de la tuberculose pulmouaire. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. Motheau (U.) * Traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les injections iutestinales de gaz carbonique charg6 de vapeurs meclicainenteuses. 4°. Paris, 1887. Pailliart (C.) * Traitement de la tuberculose par les lavements gazeux d'acide sulfhyilriqne. 4°. Lyon, 1888. Acosta (E.) Tratamiento ele la tuberculosis por las in- yeccioues rectales. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habaua, 1887, xiii, 494-496.—Berjjeon (L.) Resultat de la m6thode des lavements gazeux clans les affections tuberculeuses ties voies respiratoiressup6rieures: phthisie laryng6e, ulcdres du larynx. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 609-611.-----. Sur Taction physiologique ties lavements gaseux. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1812. -----. De la 1116- thode des lavements gazeux. Aun. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1887, lxvi, 156-168. -----. Die "Lavements gazeux"; Be- handlung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 522; 537; 549. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii, 121; 145; 169.—Bracken (H. M.) The administration of gase- ous enemata simplified. Metl. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 514.— Brc inner (A. T.) Treatmentof phthisis by gaseous ene- mata. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1888, xxiii, 212-216.—Brown (A. P.) Sulphuretted hydrogen gas in phthisis pulmona- lis. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1887-8, v, 209-212.— ISrueu (E. T.) Bergeon's method of treating phthisis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1887, ii, 143-156. Also: Med. News, Phila"., 1887, li, 2-7. —Buch ( M.) En enkel apparat for inblasning i rectum af kolsyrasvafvelviite vid lungsot. Res. Appareil si tuple pour les insufflations d'acide carbonique et ele Thydrog6ne sulfur6 dans le rectum pour la tuberculose des poumous. Finskalak.-siillsk. hantll., Hel- sinfors, 1888, xxx, 477-482. — Christopher. Phthisis treated by the Bergeon method. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887, xviii', 547. — Clark (J. E.) The use of sulphuretted hydrogen in phthisis. Metl. Age, Detroit, 1887, v, 171-173.— Cohen (J. S.) Administration of gaseous enemata. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1887, Phila,, 1888, viii, 68-70. -----. The treatment of affections of the respiratory passages and of blood-poisoning by gaseous enemata. A clinical demonstration before the members of the Philadel- phia County Metlical Society, at the German Hospital of Philadelphia, March 30, 1887. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1,365-367. Also, Reprint. — Besplats. Traitement tie la phthisie par la methode des lavements gazeux. "J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1887, ix, 121-126. — Brysdale (A.) Treatment of phthisis by gaseous enemata. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 143.—Ferna udez Osuua (G. F.) De las iuyecciones rectales gaseosas en el trata- miento de algunas enfermedades ele las vias respiratorias. especialmente de la tuberculosis pulmonar. (iac. meel. dc Granada, 1888, vi, 1; 65; 97; 129; 161.—Ilanriot A ICi- chet (C.) De l'61iraiuatiou de Tackle carbonique dans les injections rectales de ce gaz. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Phthisis. 198 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by rectal gaseous injection. Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 307-312. — Hays (G. D. ) The treat- ment of pulmonary diseases by gaseous enemata. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 91-95.—Henry (F. P.) Results of treat- ment of phthisis by gaseous enemata. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 334. — Herd man (XV. J.) Ber'geon's method of treating chronic diseases of the lungs by medicated gaseous enemata. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1887, 106- 129.—Hutchinson (R. C.) & Adams (C. F.) Effects of Bergeon's treatment on the urine of phthisical patients. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 759-761.—Jenkins (J. O.) A simple Bergeon's apparatus. Cincin. Lancet cfe Clinic, 1887, xviii, 725. — Kellogg (J. H.) A new form of ap- paratus for administering gaseous enemata. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 428-430. — Kinnicutt (F. P. ) Clinical notes on Dr. Bergeon's treatment of chronic dis- ease of the lung and air passages by medicated gaseous enemata. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1887, cxvii, 35.—de Lamal. leree. Action des injections rectales gazeuses dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt.-rend., Par., 1887-8, 39-43—Maccallum (H. A.) The rectal treatment of phthisis. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 94.—Mareaii (E.) Traitement de la tuberculose pulmo- naire par les injections rectales gazeuses. Pratique m6d., Par., 1887, i, 15-20. Also : Clinique, Brux., 1887, i, 244-247.— Maxwell (A.) Treatment of phthisis pulmonalis by enema of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1887, xxxviii, 44-54.—lTIenenu (J.) Etudes cli- niques sur l'emploi des injections gazeuses dans le traite- ment de la- phthisie pulmonaire. J. tie m6d. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 488; 494; 506.—Oliven (M.) Ueber die Be- handlung von Phthisikern mit Rectalinjectionen von fliissi- ger Kohlensaure. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 100- 102.—Parham (F. W.) A report on cases treated by the gaseous enemata of Bergeon. N.Orl. M. &S. J., 1887-8, n.s., xv, 112-122.—Parker (C. A.) A practical test iu the treat- ment of pulmonary phthisis by gaseous enemata. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1886-7, ii, 503-505.—Pavai Vajua (G.) A Bergeon-f61e szensavgaz-befecskendezesek erte- k6tol tiidoveszes betegeknel. [On the value of Bergeon's carbonic acid gas injections into the rectum in phthisical patients.l Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 1589-1597.— Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1887, v, 673-687. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 1-4— Pepper (W.) & Griffith (J. P. C.) The treatment of phthisis by gaseous enemata. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1887, ii, 167-177. Also: Meel. News, Phila,, 1887, li, 10-12. Also, Reprint.— Pritchard (0.) The Bergeon treatment of consump- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 605. — Booth (A. G. ) A report of ten cases of phthisis treated with gaseous ene- mata. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvii, 51-53.—Bothzicgel (A.) Ueber die Behandlung der tuberculosen Lungen- phthisie und anderer Krankheiten tier Respiratiousorgaue mittelst der sogeuannten " Exhalationen' . Wien. metl. Bl., 1887. x, 1097; 1138; 1166; 1202; 1391; 1420; 1452; 1484; 1516; 1547.—Shattuck(F.C.) cfe Jackson (H.) Six cases of phthisis, antl one of chronic bronchitis with emphysema and asthma, treated by rectal gaseous enemata. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila.. 1887, ii, 157-165. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 7-10.—Spillinann (P.) cfe Parisot (P.) De la valeur therapeutique ties injections gazeuses rectales d'acide carbonique et d'acide suit'hydrique dans la tuber- culose pulmonaire. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1887, xix, 106-110.—Statz. Ueber die Resultate der Bergeon'schen Methode bei tier Behandlung von Lungenschwindsucht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 707-709.— Stern (M. J.) Gaseous enemata in tuberculosis. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 388 - 392. — Townsend ( F. ) — Pritchard (E. W.) Guaiacum in phthisis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud.. 1855, n. s., xi, 418— Quinlau (F. J. B.) A note upon the use of the mullein plant iu the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 149. -----. The mullein treatment of phthisis. Ibid., 1884, ii, 1013. -----. On the treatment of pretuber- PHTHISIS. 199 PHTHISIS. Phthisis (Treatment of) by vegetable remedies. cular and of advanced phthisis pulmonalis by the mullein plant. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, lxxviii, 193-197. Also, Re- print— Bapport fait a la Soci6t6 de medecine pratique, sur uu remede (Talcornoque) nouvellement propose contre la phthisic pulmonaire. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1815, xxxvii, 367: xxxviii, 91.—Bichardson (J. B.) Mullein leaves in phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 907.—Bosenberg (A.) Zur Behandlung tier Kehlkopf- und Lungentubercit lose mit Menthol. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 358. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 473- 47:1.—Sandras (S.) Xouvelles observations des bons effets de l'emploi des semences du Phellandrium aquaticum dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmouaire. Bull. gen. tie the- rap., etc, Par., 1850, xxxviii, 241-249.—Selig. Einige neuere Erfahrungen iiber den Nutzen ties Wasserfenchels in der Schwindsucht. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1799, vii, 22-36.—Spengler. Die Katntsehuklat- werge gegen Tuberkulose. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 61.—Staats (B. P.) Ergot in phthisis pulmonalis. Am M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xi. 99.—Stevens (J.) Iron wood in consumption; with comments. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1861, xviii, 188-193.—Valentin. Usage de la bousse- role ou raisin d'ours, Arbutus uva ursi, dans le traitement tie la phthisie pulmouaire. Hist. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Montpel., 1808, xvii, 247-253.—Valleix. Note sur le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire par les semences tlu Phellandrium aquaticum. Bull. g'6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1850, xxxviii, 106; ].">.'!.—Yeo (I. B.) Chaulmoogra oil in phthisis. [9 cases.] Practitioner, Lond., 1879, xxii, 241- 247. Phthisis (Urine in). Cailleret (C.) * Etude clinique sur l'albu- miuiirie dans la phthisie pulmonaire, consid^r6e au point de vue du prouostic. 4°. Paris, 1881. Munot (J.-V.) * Contribution a l'e"tuele tie l'61i- iniiiation ele Puree dans la phthisie pulnionaire. 4°. Paris, 1881. Piedallu (N.) *De l'albuminurie chez les phthisiques. 4°. Paris, 1878. Raxty (J.-B.-J.) * Essai sur les variations ele Puree dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. 4°. Lyon, 1882. Bailey (F.) Observations on the state of the urine in incipient phthisis. Lond. M. cfe S. J., 1829. ii, 532.—Bol- ton (G. A.) Notes on some cases of albuminuria occur- ring in the course of pulmonary phthisis. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1885, ii, 184-180—Be Benzi (E.) II fosfato di calce m-lle orine eli i tisici. N. Liguria med., Genova, 1872, xvii. 153-155.—Petri. Das Verhalten eles Harns Schwintlsiie-htiger gegen Oiazobenzolsulfosiiuie. Ztschr. f. klip. Meel., Berl., 1883, vi, 472-477.—Senator (H.) Ue- ber die Kalkausscheidung im Harn bei Liingenschwind- sucht. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1882, vii, 387-409.—Stokvis (B. J.) Ueber die Ausscheidung der Phosphorsiiure im Harne der Lungenschwindsiichtigen. Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 416; 433; 447. -----. Rapport sur l'eli- mination de l'acide phosphorique par Turine dans la phthi- sie pulmouaire. Cong, period, internat. el. sc. med. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 1880, vi, 217-268.—Williams (C. T.) The relations of phthisis and albuminuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1224; 1277. Phthisis in relation to age. Audouin (P.) * De la phthisie aigue chez les vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1879. Cocatrice (G.) * De la tuberculisation aigue chez le vieillard. 4°. Paris, 1800. Gilbert (G.) * De la tuberculose pulmonaire chronique chez le vieillard. 4°. Paris, 1885. Jardix (A.M.) *De la phthisie puluionaire chez lt-.s vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1871. Ollivier (A.) Note sur la contagiosity de la tuberculose pulmonaire chez les enfants. 8°. Paris, 1885. Pauquinot (.J.-B.-M.) * Essai sur la predis- position a la phthisie pulmonaire, consid6r6e chez les entails, et sur les moyens de pr6venir ses fu- nestcs effets. 4°. Paris, 1833. Roederer (J. (i.) [Pr.] de phthisi infantum pulmouariaobservationibus. sui. 4°. Gottinnce [1758]. J ' Ruelle (H.-L.) * Etude clinique sur la tu- berculose pulmonaire des vieillards. 4°. Paris, Phthisis in relation to age. 8icard(H.-J.-A.) * De l'influence climateSrique sur la tuberculisation pulmonaire. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1861. Souchet (E.) * Etude sur la phthisie pulmo- naire de*. vieillards. 4°. Montpellier, 1884. BaehtiaroflT (A.) Chachotka na schkolnoi skame. [Phthisis iu schools. 1 Zdorovje, St. Petersb., 1885, xii, no. 4. — Bagiusky (A.) Ueber inflltrirte Tuberculose der Lungen bei Kiudern. Arch. f. Kinderb., Stuttg.. 1883- 4, v, 81-100. Also, transl: Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1884. ii, 55; 223.—Bastings (A.) Guerison d'un cas grave de phthisie chez une jeune fille tie httit ans et demi, par electrisation methodique des muscles de la respiration. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1879, lxviii, 117; 239.—Cadet lie Oassicourt. Tuberculose d'adultechez un enfant de 16 mois; vaste caverne, perforation d'une grosse bronche et d'une branche importante de Tartere pulmonaire; mort par hemorrhagic pulmonaire. Rev. mens. tl. mai. de Tenf., Par., 1886, iv, 262-265—Champouillou. De l'in- fluence elimateriquc sur lamarche delatuberculisation pul- monaire. Gaz. d. hc>p., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 189.—Christison (R.) Caseof tubercles in the lungs in extreme old age. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1835, xliii, 268— Cleveland (XV. F.) Case of phthisis, with pneumothorax and empyema, in an infant aged seven months. Metl. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1854, viii, 58.—Colquhoun (D.) Senile, phthisis. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1888, x, 7-12.—Crisp (E.) Miliary tubercle of the lungs in an infant aged three months. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1877-8, xxix, 34.—Breyfus-Brisac. Rapport sur la candidature tie M. Tapret au title de membre adjoint tie la Societe anatomique. [Tuberculose pulmonaire aigue chez un nouveau-h6.J Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 463.—Buer (E. L.) A case of pulmonary- phthisis in an infant six months of age. Metl. News, Phila, 1882, xl, 350. — Finlayson (J.) On the tempera- ture of children in phthisis and tuberculosis. Glasgow M. J., 1869-70, [n. s.], ii, 1-30. Also, Reprint.—Griffiths (J. J.) Acute phthisis in a young child, with very extensive deposits of tubercle in the lungs and lymphatic system. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1888), 1889,' 82.—«uersnnt p6re. Tuberculisation pulmonaire chez Teufant; symp- tomes; duree ; traitement. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 206.— Ouersent cfe Baudelocque. Observations de phthisie pulnionaire chez les enfans. Ibid., 1834, viii, 409; 426; 429.—Herz ( M. ) Ueber Lungentuberkulose im Kindesalter, ihre Symptomatologie, Diagnose und Thera- pie. Klin. Zeit-u. Streitfragen, Wien, 1888, ii, 305-335.— Jaeobi. Pulmonary consumption in young persons. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 219-221.— Lenf (A. H. P.) Pulmonary tuberculosis, with extensive excava- tion, in an infant of six months. Cincin. M. News, 1883, n. s., xii, 520-522. Also: Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1883-4, viii, 28.—iVlichael (I.) Ueber einige Eigentiitimlichkeiten tier Lungentuberculose im Kindes- alter. Jahrb. f. Kinderb., Leipz., 1884, n. F., xxii, 30-51.— Ormerod (J. A.) Phthisical cavity with pneumothorax in an infant of six months. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1887-8, xxxix, 00.—Palmer (A. B.) Pulmonary tuberculosis in children, with report of cases. Renins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1856-7, iv, 351-357.—Parrot. Cavernes pulmo- naires chez un petit enfant de deux ans; ganglions ni6- senteriques, ulcerations intestinales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 131 —Phthisis. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1883, Pendelbury, Manchester, 1881, iii, 35-37. — Potain. Tuberculose chez/les vieillards. Praticien, Par., 1884, vii, 65-68.—Simon (M.) Considera- tions pratiques sur la phthisie tuberculeuse a une epoque avanceedelavie. Bull, gen.detherap., etc., Par., 1845, xxix, 161-168.—Smart (XV. R. E.) Observations on pulmonary phthisis at different periods of age. Statist. Rep. Health Navy 1866, Loud., 1868, [App.J, 72-105.—Walker (J.) Phttiisis in children. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brook- lyn, 1879-80, iv, 297-301. — Wessingcr (J. A.) Bronchi- tic phthisis in a child; recovery. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, 221-223.—Williams (J. J.) Infantile phthisis. Am. J., Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 977.—Wiirzburg (A.) Ueber den Einfluss ties Alters und des Gescblechts auf die Sterb- lichkeit an Lungenschwindsucht; statistischer Beitrag zur Klarstellung der Entwicklungs- und Verbreitungs- Bedingungen dieser Krankheit. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsntlhts- amte, Bert, 1844, ii, 89-125.-Wyss (O.) Die Lungen- schwindsucht. Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tubing., 1878, iii, 2. Hft., 784-822. Phthisis in animals. See Tuberculosis in animals. Phthisis and amenorrhea. Boudarel. * De la suppression des regies chez les phthisiques. 4°. Paris, 187!!. Putegnat. Dans la phthisie pulmonaire, les regies 6tant sunprimees, doit-on appliquer dessangsuesilia vulve aux6poquesnienstruelles? J. de m6d., chir. et pharma col., Brux., 1844, ii, 451.—Shearinaii (W.) Ou the con- PHTHISIS. 200 PHTHISIS. Phthisis and amenorrhcea. nection that subsists in certain cases between anienorrheea and phthisis pulmonalis, as cause and effect. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1810, vi, 75-80. Phthisis and cancer. See Cancer and tubercle. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. See, also, Altitude; Health resorts; Phthisis (Cases, etc., of); Phthisis (Treatment of, Hygie- nic, etc.). A Iso, under names of countries and places, especially, Aiken; Algeria; Andes; Arizona; Asheville; Australia; Bahia; Berlin; Bormio; Brighton; Cairo; California (Health resorts, etc.,of); Central America; Colorado; Cuba; Dartmoor; Davos; Denver; Douay; Egypt; Engadine; Florida; Punchal; Gorbersdorf; Groningen ; Hebrides ; Honnef; Houston; Howrah ; Iceland ; India ; Italy ( Health resorts, etc., of); Kreuth; Lima; Lisbon; Lissa; Madeira; Malaga; Malta ; Manitou; Martinique; Melbourne; Mentone; Minne- sota; Mogador; Montpellier; Nervi; New Mexico; Nice; Norway; Pau; Pensacola; Pyrenees; Rio-de-Janeiro; Saint Augustine; Sandwich Islands ; Savannah; Sestri - Le- vante; Sicily; Solfatara (Lake of); South America ; Switzerland ; Teneriffe ; Tennes- see ; Texas; Venice; Ventnor; Viareggio; Worthing; Wurtzburg. Adam. Notizen zur Frage von tier relativen Immunitat eler Gebirgsbevolkerung gegen Lun- geuschwinelsucht. 8°. [Glatz, n. et] Repr. from: Verhandl. des xii. schlesischen Badertages. Bassols y Prim (A.) Climatoterapia espafiola en la tisis pulmonar 6 estuelio de los eliversos puntos que en Espaiia, Islas Baleares y Canarias pueelen utilizarse como sanatorios para los tisicos. Con una carta-introelucci6n por el Dr. Rafael Roilriguez Meiidez. Obra laureada por la real Academia de medicina y cirugia de Barcelona con el preinio extraordinario "Gari". 8C. Barce- lona, 1888. Bennet (J. H.) On the treatment of pulmo- nary consumption by hygiene, climate, and medi- cine. 8°. London, 1866. -----. The same. In its connection with modern doctriues. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1871. -----. The same. 8°. Neio York, 1872. Biermann (A. ) Hochgebirge und Lungen- schwiudsucht. Ein Beitrag zur Climatotherapie. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Buaun (J.) Systeinatisches Lehrbuch eler Balneotherapie mit Berucksichtigung der kli- matischen Therapie der Lungenphthise. 8°. Berlin, 1808. Chassaniol (B.-C.) *De l'influence des cli- mats chauds et de la navigation sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1858. Delmas (P.-L.) *De l'influence des voyages snr la phthisie pulmonaire (pneumophymie). 4°. Paris, 1858. Derby (G.) Geographical distribution of con- sumption iu Massachusetts. 8°. Boston, 1867. Douglas (M.) Grand Canary as a health re- sort for consumptives anel others. 12°. London, 1887. Dupoy (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur la phthisie pulmonaire, observee a bord des pontons, au deficit de Chatham, en Angleterre, pendant une captivity tie plusieurs ann6es. 4°. Paris, 1817. East (R.) The two dangerous diseases of Eng- land, consumption and apoplexy, their nature, causes, aud cure. 8°. London, 1842. [Fisher (C. H.)] Consumption in Rhode Isl- and. 8°. [n.p., 1881.] Repr. from: 29. Registration report R. I. 8°. Provi- dence, 1881. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. Gleisberg (P.) Klima and Tuberkulose, eine hygieinische Skizze als Programin bei der Wie- ilereroffnnug eles klimatischcn Kurortes Anna's Hof zu Gohrisch, bei Ktinigstein in tier sachsi- scheu Schweiz gelegen. 8°. Dresden, 1H74. Guilbert (C.-A.) * De la phthisic pulmonaire, daus ses rapports avec l'altituele et avec les races, au Perou et en Bolivie. Du soroche ou mai des montagnes. 4°. Paris, \802. Heydrich (C. F.) * De salutari vi qnarund.im regionum ad Rhenum inferiorem sitarum, phthi- sin, e tuberculis pulmonum oriundam, pi a'caventli et coercendi. 4C. Bonnai, [I8'>,r>]. Holden (E.) Banishment from home in the treatment of consumption; remarks based upon personal observations at the principal resorts for consumptives, both of this country and of Europe. 8°. Newark, N. J., 1872. JacobY (P.) * Phthisie et altitudes. 4 . Pa- ris, 1888. Jacubasch (H.) Lungenschwindsucht uud Heihenklima. Beitriige zur Aetiologie und The- rapie der Tuberkulose. 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. Kuchenmeister (G. F. H.) Ueber das Vor- kommen eler Lungenschwiudsucht (Phthisis pul- monum) nach Hohe, geographischer Lage, geo- logischer Beschaffenheit eles orflichen Uuter- grundes und vorwaltender Beschaftignng der Bewohner iu einigen Ortschaften Sachsens. 4°. Dresden, 1869. Lee (E.) Notices sur Hyeres et Cannes, sui- vies d'observatious sur l'influence du climat dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 8U. Paris, 1857. ------. The effect of climate ou tuberculous disease, being (with aelditions) the essay for which the Fiske fund prize was awarded. Willi an appendix of corroborative observations anel notices of several places of winter resort. 8°. London, 1858. See, also, infra. Letellier (S.-G.) * Quelques consieleratiems sur les climats chauds, et particnlierement l'lfcalie et la Sicile, dans le traitemeut de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1876. Lindsay (J. A.) The climatic treatment of consumption. A contribution to medical cli- matology. 8°. London, 1887. Maclimont (R.) Remarks on the importance of detectiug pulmonary consumption in its incipi- ent stage, chiefly consideretl in relation to change of climate, embracing the result of some years' experience of the climates of Madeira, Rome, Nice, Mentone, etc., in affections of the chest. 8°. London, 1861. Repr. [with additions] from: Brit. J. Hoinceop., Lond., 1861, xix. [See, also, infra.) Madden (W. H.) Thoughts ou pulmonary consumption; with an appenelix on the climate of Torquay. 12°. London, 1849. Mansford (J. G.) Au inquiry into the influ- ence of situation on pulmonary consumption, anel on the duration of life. Illustrated by statistical reports. 8°. London, 1818. Mess (P. M.) Brieven over zuidelijk Frank- rijk en Italie als verblijf voor borstlijders. 8°. Rotterdam, 1857. Millard (H. B.) The climate ami statistics of consumption. 8°. New York, 1861. Mohr (C.) * De regionibus ad curam phthi- seos pulmonalis climaticam aptis. 4. Kilice, 1867. Muller (E.) Die Verbreitung der Lungen- schwindsucht in der Schweiz. 4°. Winferthur, 1876. van Overbeek de Mf.i.ier(G.) * Over elen iuvloeel van zeereizen eu het verblijf in warnie PHTHISIS. 201 PHTHISIS. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. luchtstreken op de ontwikkeliug en het verloop van tuberculosis pulmonum. [Leitlen.] 8°. Gravenhage, lw65. Also, in: Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. ele Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1866, iv, 97-1UH. Parkin (J.) Climate anel phthisis; or the in- fluence of climate in the production anel preven- tion of phthisis. 8°. London, 1875. de Pietra Santa (P.) Du climat d'Alger daus les affections chrouiques de la poitrine. Rapport fait a la suite d'une mission mt5tlicale eu Algerie et presente a S. Exc. le ministre de l'Alg6rie et ties colonies. 4°. Paris, 1860. -----. Les climats tlu midi de la France. La Corse et la station d'Ajaccio; mission scientitique ay;int pour objet r l'inflneuce ties climats sur lis affections chrouiques dc la poitrine. Se- cond rapport a S. Exc. le ministre d'etat. 8C. Paris, 1864. Ramdohr (H. A.) Arcachon, Biarritz, Pan, Amelie-les-Bains und Hyeres als Wiuterstatiouen fiir Lungenkranke. Nach Reiseeiudriickeu ge- schilelert. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Rullmann. On the therapeutic influence of the southern climatic sanatoria, particularly with reference to chronic tuberculosis of the lungs. [Transl. from the Wiirzb. meel. Ztschr., 1861, ii, by W. D. Moore.] 8°. London, 1861. See, also, infra. Schmitz (J.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Ge- schlechtes uud des Lebeusalters auf tlie Schwiud- suchtssterblichkeit mit besouderer Beriicksichti- gung der Verhiiltnisse tier Stadt Bonn. 8°. Bonn, 1884. Schtangeev (B. T.) Lechenie legochnoi cha- chotki v Jalte. Opit statist, i klin. obrabotki 1000 istorii boliezni. [Treatment of pulmouary phthisis in Jalta. Statistical anel clinical notes of 1000 cases.] 8-\ St. Petersburg, 1880. Thomson (W.) A third analysis of the statis- tics of phthisis in Victoria, completing the series, to which are prefixed remarks on one of the modern modes of medical treatment. 8°. Mel- bourne, 1876. -----. The germ theory of phthisis verifieel and illustrated by the increase of phthisis in Victoria. 8°. Melbourne, 1882. Thorowgood (J. C.) On change of air in the prevention anel cure of pulmonary phthisis; sec- ond edition, revised aud enlarged, with a chapter on the diet aud regimen of the phthisical. 8°. London, 1865. See, also, infra. -----. The same. The climatic treatment of consumption and chronic lung diseases. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1868. Thurstan (E. P.) The Canaries for consump- tives. 12°. London, 1889. Villarreal (M. C.) * La tuberculeisis pulmo- nar se desarrolla con mda frecuencia y es ma's favorecitla eu su evoluciou, eu los climas en que hayexeso euel oxigeno inspirado, relativamente & la cantidatl cousumida eu el organismo. 12°. Lima, 1884. Wutzer (A.) *De cceli panormitaui salubri- tate in morbis pulmonum curandis. 8-. Bero- lini, [1862]. Adam. Zur Frage von der rtlativen Immuuitat der GebirgsbeveUkerung gegen Lungenschwindsucht. Bres- lau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1884. vi, 205; 221.—Alcina (B.) Los climas maritimos y la navegacion en cl tratamiento hi- gienico de la tisis tuberculosa. Actas . . . Cong, region. de cien. med. 1879, Cddiz, 1882, 359-306.—A Icoclt (S.) The influence of altitude on phthisis. Laucet, Lond., 1887, i, 567.—Allan (F.J.) The influences ofhigh alti- tudes in the treatment of phthisis pulmonalis. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, 1882, ii, 97-100.—Allbntt (C.) On tbe treatment of phthisis at Davos am Platz. Laucet, Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. Lond., 1878, i, 824.—Amburger (G.) TJeber die Ge- sund heitsreisen unserer Phthisiker. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1886, n. F., iii, 193-196.—Anderson (McC.) On the climatic treatment of consumption, with special reference to a visit to Davos Platz. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiii, 265-272.—Andrews . (E.) Climatic relations of cancer and consumption. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 424-426.—Astle* (H. E.) Some remarks upon tlie South Australian climates and their influence upou phthisis. Tr. Intercolon. M. Cong. Anstralas. 1887, Ade- laide, 1888, i, 56-60. — Baker ( H. B. ) Meteorological conditions, diseases ofthe lungs, etc.; relations of certain meteorological conditions to tliseases of lungs and air pas- sages as shown by statistical and other evidence. No. 290. Eep. Bel. Health Mich. 1887-8, Lansing, 1888, xvi, 143- 169.—Bel I ina (L.) Iufluencia del clinia tie M6xico sobre la tuberculosis pulmonar. Gac. med. de Mexico, 18?8, xiii, 172; 197; 240; 266.—Bcnnct (J. H.) Introduction to a discussion on the influence of mountain air in the treat- ment of pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 42-44.—B'ergerel (L.-E.-F.) La phthisie pul monaire elans les petites localites. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1867, 2 s., xxviii, 312-331. Also, Reprint.—Bertillon. Etudes statistiques de geographic pathologique; recherches et conclusions statistiques sur la mortalittj comparee par phthisie pulmonaire dans le canton de Geneve, eu Augle- terre, en Beluique et dans quelques villes de France, et sur la mortalit6 phthisique des arm6es de terre et des ma rins. Ibid., 1862, 2. 8., xviii, 102-140. Also, Reprint.— Bird (S. D.) Climate and consumption. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1870, xv, 110-125. Also, Reprint. -----. On the influence of the Australasian climates on imported phthisis. Ibid., 1878, xxiii, 34-40.—Bizzell (XV. D.) Climate of the United States, considered with reference to consumption aud pneumonia. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Mont- gomery, 1875, 149-194.—Blennerhassett (H.) On the extremely rare occurrence of consumption in Dingle and its neighborhood. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1841, xix, 220-233.— Bockendahl. ErgebnissderSchwindsuchtstatistik des Vereius in den Jabren 1875, 76 uud 77. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1879, 101-109. -----. Die Ver- breitung der Schwindsucht in Schleswig-Holstein, vergli- cheiimitderjeuigendesStaates. Ibid., 1884, 77-86.—Bohm (F.) DieLnngenphthisisim OrteGeldersheim. Aerztl. Int. Bl., Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 357.—Bonnet de iVIalherbe. Duchoix d'un climatd'hi ver dans le traitement des affections chrouiques de la poitrine, et specialement de la phthisie pulmonale. Union med.. Par., 1860, 2. s., viii, 97 ; 113 ; 119; 129.—Booth (J. P.) The Mojave desert for the climatic treatment of consumption. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1889, 226-233.—Bowditch (H. I.) Topographical distri- bution antl local origin of consumption in Massachusetts. Med. Commuuicat. "Mass. M. Soc. 1861-6, Bost., 1866, x, 59-154, 1 map, 4 diag.—Bowditch (V. Y.) The com- parative importance of different climatic attributes in the treatmeut of pulmonary consumption. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 44-49.—Brann. Merkwiirdiger Ursprung der Phthisis in Nordamerika. Ztschr. f. d, Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1844, xlxii, 72-75. — Brockmann. Der Oberharz, ein Schutz- und Heilort fiir tuberculose Lungenschwiudsiicht. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1843, n. F., iii, 507-557.—Brownrijjg (J.) Climato- therapy of phthisis pulnionalis. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1879, xii, 169-179.—Biiitii (E. T.) The relative importance of different climatic elements iu the treatment of phthisis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 36-43.— Builla (A ) Desarrollo de la tisis en Gijon. Independ. med., Barcel., 1876-7, viii, 393-395.—Burnett (W. J.) A consideration of some of the relations of climate to tuber- cular tlisease. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1853, xlvii, 149-156.— Itmq (V.) Phthisie pulmouaire ; influence de l'atmos pliere marine ; cas remarquable traite avec succe-s par les voyages sur mer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 02.— C'liri'ieri'f' (E.) De la climatologie etde la phthisie k pro- pos dun journal humoristique compose et publi6 par un me-eleeiii phthisique. Union med., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxii, !I41-(I4<).—Carrillo (I.) La tisis y el clima de nuestras provincias. Rev. med., Rio dc Jan'., 1877-8, xiv, 314-318.— Carson (XV.) The climatology of consumption. Clinic, Cincin., 1873, iv, 1 ; 13— Carstcn (B.) De la phthisie dans les colonies et les climats tropicaux. Cong, internat tie med. d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 243-249.—Cazalas. Influence ties climats dans le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Fnic.u med.. Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 928-931.- Cederstroin. Diskussion om inflytande at vestkustena sommarklimat pa sjukdomar i respirationsorganerna. Forh Svens. Liik.-Sal'lsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1869, 253- 261.—Chaille (S. E.) The climato-therapy of, and the American mountain sanitarium for, consumption. N. Orl M. cfe S. J., 187r,-6, n. s., iii, 794-806. Also, Reprint — I'hartcris (M ) The climatic treatment of phthisis in the State of Colorado. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1006; 1059.- Chodounsky (K.) Klimatische Behandlung tier chro- nischen Lungentuberculose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 188a, xxx 95; 118; 143; 217; 231.—Clark (Sir A.) Remarks PHTHISIS. 202 PHTHISIS. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. on the peril incurred in Alpine winter climates of renal complications in phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 8.— ('less (G.) Die Lungenschwindsucht in Stuttgart. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1879, xlix, 249; 265; 273.—Climats (Des) d'hiver et de leur influence thcrapc utiquc sur la phthisie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1877, xciii, 353-358.—t'olfgiovc (J. B.) Frequency of consumption in different parts of the United States. Boston M. & S. J., 1856, liv, 69-72.—Comparative (On the) advantages of southern climates in cases of pulmo- nary consumption. Lancet, Lond., 1829, ii, 517-520.— Corradi (A.) Patologia ; proposta di uuo studio gene- rale sulla tisi polmonale in Italia. R. 1st. Lomb di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1868, 2. s., i, 303-308.—von Corval. Ein Beitrag zur Beurtheilungder Einwirkuug der Heiheu- lage auf die Entwickelung der Phthisis. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1874, vi, 51-57.— Cotton (R. P.) Consumption and climate. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 67.—Creighlon (C.) An unconsidered factorinthemountain cure of phthisis. Ibid., 1887, i, 822.— Cullimorc (1). II.) Iceland and consumption. Lancet, Loud., 1879. ii, 295.-Dahl (L.) Til Oplysning om Luuge- svindsot i Norge. [Prevalence of phthisis in Norway.] Norsk Mag. f. L»gevidensk., Christiania. 1879, 3. R , ix, 281; 417, 1 tab.—Dmemberg (C.) efe Oniraud. La phthisie et les climats d'hiver. Gaz. med. de- l'Algerie, Alger, 1879, xxiv, 2-4.—Davis (W. B.) An inquiry into the mortality from consumption in life insurance. Tr. Ohio M. Soc'., Cincin., 1875, xxx, 71-96. Also, Reprint.— Davy (R. B.) Lessons taught by the climatic treatment of tuberculosis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887, n. s , xviii, 163-168. -----. Some of the advantages offered to con- sumptives by the climate of San Diego. Ibid., 1888, n. s., xxi, 451-454.—Delamiay (G.) La phthisie est une ma- ladie des pays chauds. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee. tl. sc. Compt.-rentt. 1878, Par., 1879, vii, 1020-1022.—Deli guy (L.) De l'antimicrobiose tie l'air des altitudes au point de vue de la prophylaxie et du traitement de la phthisie ba- cillaire ties poumous. Union m6d., Par., 1886, 3. s., xii, 649-654. -----. Della profilassi e elel trattameiito della tisi iiolmonare coi climi di niontagna. Riv. ital. di tcrap. e ig., Jiacenza, f887, vii, 7; 37.—Denison (C.) The influence of high altitudes on the progress of phthisis. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. 1876, Phila., 1877, 387-423. -----. Experience of consumptives in Colorado, and some of the aero-hygie- nics of elevation above the sea; with conclusions. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1879, xxx, 155-176. -----. Dry- ness and elevation the most important elements in the climatic treatment of phthisis. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 283; 309. ——c-. The preferable climate for phthisis; or the comparative importance of eliflcerent climatic at- tributes in the arrest of chronic pulmonary diseases. Tr. Internat. M. Com:., ix, Wash., 1887, v, 28-45, 1 map. Also. Reprint. Also [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1888, ii, 703-707. — Dit-m ( \V. ) Studie iiber die Aetiologie der Liiugensuelit in Wiirzburg. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1880. n. F., xiv, 159-250'. Also, Reprint.— Donaldson (F.) City air and city life injuri- ous to consumptives. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 241; 264.— Doughty ( W. H. ) An essay on the adaptation of climate to the consumptive, for a permanent residence; embracing an examination of the climate of certain locali- ties of frequent resort; and also, an investigation of the degree of adaptedness of the Pacific climates of the United States. South. M. efe S. J., Aususta, 1859, n. s., xv, 291; 363; 435: 507; 723: 795: 1860, n. s., xvi, 81; 161.—Dovertie (L.G.) Om lungsotens frequensi Sverige. (Ou frequency of phthisis in Sweden ] Eira, Goteborg, 1879, iii, 6; 33.— Draudt (K.) Ueber die Behandlung der Phthisiker iu Gorbersdorf. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx. 128- 147.—Drysilale (C. R.) An examination of the effect of residence in Alpine regions, and of different climates, in the prevention or cure of consumption. St. Andrew's M. Grail. Ass. Tr., Lond., 1868, ii, 102-115. -----. Alpine heights and marine climates in the treatment of consump- tion. Brit, M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 626-628. -----. Case of phthisis pulmonalis very greatly benefited by a year's residence in Davos. Ibid., 1888, ii, 420. — Diihrssen. Zur Frage der Behandlung der Lungenschwindsucht in den siidlichen klimatischen Wintcrkurorten und den Hoheukurorten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 26; 66; 78.—Dujnt (C.) De l'influence des climats sm la production et le traitement des affections tuber- culeiises. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 65-70.— Diitehi'i' (A. P.) Climate and cold: their influence in producing pulmonary consumption. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1860, n. s., iii, 329-334. -----. Climate and locality; their influence in mitigating pulmonary tuberculosis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1869, xx, 41-44.—E wart (J ) Serofula, tuberculosis, aud phthisis in India. Med. Times cfe Gaz.. Lond., 1881, i, 643-646. Also: Tr. Epidem- iol. Soc. Lond. (1880-81), 1882. iv, pt. 4. 597-607.—Faber (C. B) On the influences of sea-voyages on the human body and their value in the treatment of consumption. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xvi, 210; 382: xvii, 23.—Feeny 'hthisi* in relation to climate and local- ities. (M. H.) The Alpine cure; Les Avants, a winter resort. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 991. —Fetiillet. Du climat d'Alger daus ses rapports avec la phthisie. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger. 1870, xv, 143.—Fife (J.) Tlie climate of Tehama County, with special reference to the climate of the coast range in pulmonary affections. Tr. M Soc Calif., San Fran., 1888, 155-158.—Fisher (C. II.) Sta- tistics of consumption in Rhode Island. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, N. H., 1886, xi, 41-50. —Fisk (S. A.) Du Colorado comme station pour les maladies tie consomption. Arch, roum de mCtl. et chir., Par., 18K7-8, i, 447-471. -----. A study of the climate of Colorado as applied to the arrest and cure of pulmonary disease. Tr. Am.Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 11-22. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 57-62. Also: Boston M. cfe S. JJ., 1889, exxi, 173-177.—Fonssagrives. De l'influeuce des cli- mats chauds ct de T atmosphere maiitime sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Union 11161L, Par., 1857, xi. 137.— Forget. Influence des climats chauds sur la phthisic. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1860, vii, 376.—Fundeiiberg (G. B.) The influence of climate upon pulmonary con- sumption. Pittsburgh M. J., 1882, ii, 35-41. —«Sn- laiiin ( M. ) O bugorchatkie. [Geographical distribu- tion of phthisis.] Vestnik sutleb. nied., etc., St. Petersb., 1883, iii, pt. 3, 153-166.—Oarimond (E.) Statistique des hopitaux de Montpellier au point de vue de l'influence du climat sur le developpement et la marche de la phthisic pulmonaire. Montpel. ni£d., 1859. ii, 105-127.—(Marnier. De l'influence de l'air niacin sur la phthisie pulmonaire d'apres la statistique otticielle de la mortality dans les hopitaux maritimes. Bull. Acatl. de m6il., Par., 1S57-8, xxiii, 1147-1153.—f»atschell (H. P.) Comparative in fluenee of certain localities on health, particularly in the production of consumption. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1880-81, xviii, 393-411.—Oauster (F.) Ueber den Eiufluss des Hoheuklimas auf elie Tuberculose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 158; 172; 184; 196.—Oeddings (W. H.) Re port of the results in thirty-one cases of phthisis treated at Aiken, S. C, during theseason 1878-9. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1879, xvi, 460-466. Also, Reprint. -----. A plea for mod eratelv cold climates in the treatment of consumption, with special reference to Aiken, S. C. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 1-6.—(iii I les (M.) Etude sur l'influence tie l'air marinchez les tuberculeux al'hopitalduPharo. Marseille med., 1888, xxv, 93-101.—Glasgow (W. C.) Climatic treatment of consumption. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xv, 193-201.—GleiUniann (XV.) On altitude and climate in the treatment of pulmonary phthisis. Tr. M. cfe Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait,, 1875, lxxvii, 200-2j)9. Also, Reprint.— Gould (A. A.) Climatology of consumption. Boston M. efe S. J.. 1863, lxix, 109: 1865, Ixxi, 449. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. Med. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, App., 43; 137.—Ceonrnml (H.) De Taction ties differents climats dans le tmitemeut de la phthisie puluionaire. Bull. Soc. m6tl. d'ennilat. de Par. (1866-72), 1868-74, ii, 431-445. [Discussion], 461-467. Also: Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 809-821. -----. Deuxi^me note sur Taction des diffe- rents climats dans le traitement tie la phthisie pulmonaire. Ibid., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 410-420.—«rellety (L.) Du climat de Nice, particuli^rement au point de vue de la phthisie. J. Soc. de 11161L et de pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, 1878-9, iii, 261; 278: 1880, iv, 9.-----. Du climat ele Nice et ties maladies traitCes dans cette ville, principalement de la phthisie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1878-80, ix, 150; 159— Orimshaw (T. W.) On the prevalence and distribution ofphthisisauel other diseases of the respiratory organs in Ireland. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v," 314-339, 1 diag., 3 maps.—Guil- lermet. Comparaison eiu climat de Davos aveccelui ilea stations du littoral franejais dans le traitement de la phthi- sie pulmonaire. J. denied, de Par., 1882, ii, 379; 409.—tJu- revieh (V. S.) O vlijanii vozrasta i pola na smertnost ot chachotki v Peterburge. [Effect of age and sex upon the mortality of phthisis in St. Petersburg.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1885, vi, 298-301.—H. (W.) Extracts from a letter on the influence of the atmosphere of Ostend, and of sim- ilar climates, in cases of consumption. N. Eng. J. M & S., Bost., 1819, viii, 32-35.—Hart (J. A.) Colorado for consumptives. Med. Ann., Albany, 1884, v, 231.—Havi- land (A.) Geographical distribution of phthisis (iu fe- male's) in England and Wales. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 5. 1 map. -----. The geographical distribution of phthisis. Ibid., 1872, ii. 377.—Herres (S.) Climate in consump tion. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 529-536.—Hi cits (O.) Rutherford County as a resort for phthisical patients North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1885, xvi, 208-211.—High (The) altitude treatment of phthisis. (From a special correspondent.) Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 93; 333; 543.- Ilirtz. Quelques considerations tie climatologie k propos de la phthisie pulmouaire. J. de th6rap., Par., 1874, i, 401; 441.—Homann. ApercudeTextention de lamaladietu berculeuse en Norv6ge. Cong. m6d. internat. de Par (1867), 1868, 158-162.—Horres (S.) Climate in consump- tion. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 529-536.—Horsey (C. W.) Remarks on the climate of Florida. Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1874, 11. s., lxvii, 382-388.—Houati1. La faille, PHTHISIS. 203 PHTHISIS. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. la circonference thoracique et Tangle xiphoidien des Fla- mandsetdes Wallons; rapports de ces trois caracteres avec la tuberculose pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1887-8, vi, 278-304, 1 map — Huber (L.) Remarks on sending phthisical patients to the Rocky Mountain re- gions. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 861-863. _____. The climatic treatment of pulmonary consumption in the dry elevated regions of the Rocky Mountains. Ibid., 1889, lx, 227-229.—Huntt (H.) Observations on a change of climate in pulmonary consumption. N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1826, i, 282-292. Also, Reprint.—Hurd (E.P.) Consumption in New England. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii, 292; 316; 481: cix, 265.—[Influence of climate on tubercular disease.] N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 801-831.—Investigacion de las causas que tan fre- quente ban liecho en Chile, en los liltimos alios, la tisis pulmonar e indicacion de las medidas hiji6nicas que con- vendria emplear para removerlas. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1861, xix, 721-743, 1 pi.—Johnson (H. A.) Consumption in the Northwestern States. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1878, xxxvi, 133-143.—Jones (H. J.) Sea voy- ages in phthisis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 55.'); 637.—Jones (T.) A plea for cold climates in the treat- ment of pulmonary consumption ; Minnesota as a health resort. N. York M. J., 1879, xxx, 269-300. Also, Re- print.—Journe. Recherches statistiques sur la phthisie en Italie; rapport de la commission de topographic. Bull. Acad, denied.. Par., 1838-9, iii, 542.—Ken worthy (C. J.) On climate in the prevention and cure of pulmonary consumption, with special reference to the peninsula of Florida. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 337; 479. -----. Cli- mate in the causation and cure of pulmonary consumption ; with references to the climatology antl mortality of Flor- ida. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1881, xxxii, 385; 481: 1882, xxxiii, 14.—Kisch (E. H.) Ueber Hohenclima und Im- niiinitatderBerghohen gegen Lungenschwintlsucht. Cur- salon, Wien, 1876, x, No. 21, p. 2; No. 22, p. 1; No. 24, p. 2. — Knight (F. I.) On the selection of a climate for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Boston M. efe S. J., 1888, cxviii, 343-346. -----. Indications and contra- indications for altitude in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 50-54. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 582-584. — Kramer. Ueber den Einfluss des Alpenklimas auf Lungenphthisen; ein Beitrag aus der Badesaison 1841. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1842, iii, 177-183.— Kitchenmeister (G. F. H.) Die hochgelegenen Pla- teaus als Sanatorien fiir Schwiudsiichtige; zugleich ein Auf'- ruf an unsere Collegen, die Frage iiber Vorkommen und Fehlen tier Schwindsucht je nach verschiedenen Hohen- lagen und iiber grossere Salubritat des Winteraufeuthaltes auf Gebirgen oder am Meeresstrande statistisch zur Ent- scheidung zu bringen, sowie ein paar Worte iiber Kouigs- wart als Schwindsuchtsasyl. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1868, xiv, 441; 461; 477; 537; 559; 577; 613 ; 629; 6S9; 705. -----. Ueber das Hohenklima als Sanato- rium fiir Tuberculose. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Dresd.. 1868-9, ii, 99-101. — Kunze (C. F.) Wodurch wirken Hohencurorte giinstig auf Lungen- schwindsucht? Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1874, i, 1-3.— Lriniii (C. F.) Tiltager Udbredningen af Lungesvindsot i Norge? Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk-, Christiania, 1887, 4. R., ii, 667-693. — l,atonr (C.) De l'influence des climats chauds sur la marche de la phthi- sie pulmonaire. Union m6d., Par., 1857, xi, 173.—I-an re (J.) De Tinflnence des climats chauds et temp6rcs sur la phthisie. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1857, ix, 380-385.—I.eatli (H.) The climatic treatment of pulmonary and other dis- eases, with special reference to South Africa and sea travel. Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xxi, 161; 258. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 714; 752.— learning (J. R.) The philosophy of climatic treatment of chest dis- eases. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1887, ii, 335- 342.—Le Blanc (F.) La phthisie et le climat d'Alger. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee. d. sc. Compt. rend. 1881, Par., 1882, x, 855-861.—I>ee (E.) On the effect of climate on tuberculous disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxiii, 337-382. Also, Reprint. -----. On the influence of climate in the prevention anel cure of chronic tubercu- lar phthisis. Med. Press cfe Circ, Dubl., 1867, iv, 49; 78. Also, Reprint.—Lee (E. A.) Is consumption indig- enous to Colorado? Tr. Colorado M. Soc., Denver, 1886, 16-22.—Lehmaim (J.) Die Schwindsuchtsterblichkeit in Kopenhagen. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1882, xiv, 570-582. -----. Dodeligheden af Lungesvindsot i de danske Byer i Forhold til den levende Befolkning i de forskellige Aldersklasser og Kion. [Mor- tality of phthisis in Danish cities with relation to popula- tion, age, and sexes.l Hosp.-Tid., Kj'.benh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 1029; 1057. Also, transl. : Ergnzngshft. z. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1883-5, i, 71-88, 1 diag.—lie Roy de Mericourt (A.) Considerations sur l'influence ele l'air niarin etde la navigation dans le traitement ele la phthisie, a Toccasion du livre de M. Schnepp sur le climat de TlSgvpte. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1863, ii, 409; 446.—Levieux (J.- P lit hi si* in relation to climate and local- ities. B.-C.) De la phthisie pulmonaire au p6nitencier Saint- Jean. In his: Etudes ele med. et d'hyg. pub., 8°, Par., 1874, 189- 222.—von Liebig (G.) Die Heilergebnisse bei Lungen- schwindsucht auf Madeira und einiges iiber die Anlage zur Schwindsucht. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 125; 144.—Lindsay (J. A.) Climate as a thera- peutic agent in phthisis ; with an account of the chief san- atoria for phthisis at home anel abroad. Lancet, Lond., 1887. i, 871-873. — Livi (C.) De' viaggi e delle stazione marittime nella cura della tise polmonare. Atti tl. r. Ac- cad. de' flsiocrit. di Siena, 1870, 2. s., vii, 3-33.— liletget (T.) Del clima de Panticosa con relacion k la tuberculo sis. Independ. m6d., Parcel., 1885-6, xvii, 205-208.—Lo- bato. Estudio de la tuberculosis en Mexico. Observa- dor med.. Mexico, 1879-80, v, 284 ; 299. — Logan (T. M.) Climatology and consumption. Rep. Bd. Health Calif. 1874-5, Sacramento, 1875, iii, 93-99.— Loomis (A. L.) The Adirondack region as a therapeutical agent in the treatment of pulmonary phthisis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Sy- racuse, 1879, 403-428. Also : Med. Rec., N. Y., 1879, xv, 385; 409. Also, Reprint.— Louis. Instruction snr T&tude de la phthisie consid6ree dans les divers climats. (Lite au noin d'une commission.) Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1836|-7], i, 312-318. Also: Presse ui6d., Par., 1837, i, 109-111.—Lowe (J.) The treatment of consumption by residence at high altitudes. Lancet, Lond., t888, ii, 513. Also.- Manitoba, Northwest and Brit. Columbia Lancet, Winnipeg, 1888-9. ii, 33-35.—Iinnd (A.) Svindsottens udbredning i Norge. [Diffusion of phthisis in Norway.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegovi- elensk., Christiania, 1875, 3. R., v, 523-561.—M'Cashey (G. W.) Geographical pathology of consumption. Tr. Indiana M- Soc, Indianap., 1885, xxxv, 68-77. Also, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 8; 67; 121. Also : Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1885-6, v, 177-186.—MacDonald (J. J.) Phthisis. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. 1880-81, Denver, 1881, 109- 113.—Maclaren (R.) On a long sea voyage in phthisis pulmonalis. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1871, xlvii, 193-202. Also, Reprint.—MacLimont (R.) On the im- portance of an early and coirect diagnosis in diseases of the chest, and the choice of a winter climate in these affections. Brit. J. Homoeop., Lond., 1861. xix, 429-443. —Man te- gazza (P.) Un felice pensiero igienico da portarsi sulla clima dell' Abetone. Medico di Casa, Milano, 1874, ii, 33- 35.—Marcet (AV) Quelques considerations au sujet de Tinflnence des climats sur la phthisie. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne. 1878, xii, 261-267. -----. Ou the influence of altitude with reference to the treatment of pulmonary disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 539- 541.—Marniisse. Recherches statistiques sur la phthi- sie pulmouaire considered comme cause tie decfes dans la ville de Bordeaux. Cong. m6d. internat. de Par. (1867), 1868, i, 110-115. — Martinenq. De l'influence de l'air marin snr la phthisie pulmouaire. Cong. m6d. de France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 207-211. — Matthews ( XV. ) The study of consumption among the Indians; a reply to Dr. Thomas J. Mays, of Philadelphia. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 127.—Mattocks (B.) Report on consumption in Minnesota. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1882, xiv, 239-250.—Mays (T. J.) A study of pulmonary consump- tion in the city of Philadelphia. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7. iv, 213-217. -----. Does pulmonary consumption tend to exterminate the American Indian? N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 508-510. -----. Does pulmonary consumptiou tend to exterminate the American Indian l A reply to Dr. Washington Matthews. Ibid., xlvi, 259.—van Meer- dervoort (J. L. C. P.) De longtering; opmerkingen be- treffende het ontstaan van longtering (longtuberculose). Tijdschr. v. Gezoudhl., Gravenh., 1868, ii, 129; 161: 1869, iiii 33.—Merbach. Ueber das Vorkommen der tuberkii- 16sen Lungenschwindsucht iin Konigreich Sachsen. Jah- resb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll., etc., Leipz., 1878, viii, 178-196.— Milroy (W. F.) The aetiology and course of pulmonary consumption as iufluenced by the climate and soil of east- ern Nebraska. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1886-7, 210-221. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887. xxxii, 563-566.— Miquel. Zur Statistik der Lungen Schwindsucht und deren Ursachen im Lauddrosteibezirk Osnabriick, beson- ders im Kreise Meppen. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Keiln, 1879, viii, 44-48.—Morgan (J. E.) On the non-prevalence of pulmonary consumption in the Hebrides and along the northwestern coast of Scotland. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1860, xxvi, 483-500.--de Mourn (J.) Apontamentos para servirem de base ao es- tudo das estacoes climatericas brazileiras mais aconselha- das para o tratamento da phthisicapulmonar. Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 1881, i, 603: 1882, ii, 9; 119; 202.-Niles (H. D.) Climatic treatment of consumption. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 122-124. — Ol vera (J.) Unos cuantos peusamientos sobre la tisis tuberculosa pulmonar en Me- xico. Observadormed., Mexico, 1876, iv, 45-54— Onimus. Du traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire; des sanato- riums; des avantages des climats temperes. Gaz.ined.de Par., 1888, 7. s., v, 581; 593.—Ory (E.) Des climats utiles aux phthisiques. France med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 821-823.— Otis (E. O.) Hints to physicians sending their consump- PHTHISIS. 204 PHTHISIS. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. tive patients to Colorado. Boston M. efe S. J., 1887, cxvii, 569-572. [Discussion], 579-581—Palmer (A. B.) Cli- mate and consumption. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Ar- bor, 1872-3, iii, 321-332.—Paoli (L.-A.) Le Mexique et les altitudes, au poiut de vue de la phthisie pulmouaire. In his: Les accidents de l'organisnie et leurs soins, [etc], 8°, Par., 1884, 395-441.—Pearse (W. H.) Geography of Devonshire antl consumption. Meel. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxviii, 173; 348.—Pepper (W.) A contribu- tion to the climatological study of consumption in Penn- sylvania. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 617, 1 map; 645; 679. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1886, N. Y., 18X7, iii, 88-163, 2 diag., 1 map, 2 tab.—Petteruti (G.) I tisici alia Solfatara. Ann. clin. d. osp. incnr., Napoli, 1876, n. s.. i, 303: 1878, n. s., iii, 3; 81, 1 tab.—Phillips (G. W.) Gleanings from Uncle Sam's farm; a description of the climate of certain regions and localities as to their effect upon tuberculous disease. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1879, ix, 105-117.—de Pictra Santa (P.) In- fluencedespays cbaudssurla marchede la tuberculisation. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1856, ii, 591: 1857, i, 21; 133. -----. Influence de l'air ties Pyr6n6es sur la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. iu6d. de Par., 1866, 3. s., xxi, 42; 58.— Pinkertou (A. W. P.) Phthisis and climate. Edinb. M. J., 1837-8, iii, 488-496.—Poggio (R. H.) La tisis pul- monal y el cambio tie clima. Siglo ui6d., Madrid., 1863, x, 546; 704; 771.—Pohl. Ueber Immunitat tier Lungen- phthisemit speciellerRiicksicht auf Aussee in Steiermark. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., 1871, Wien, 1872, i, pt. 2, 167-196.— Pouget. De l'influence et tie Taction de Tatmospbdre maritime clans le traitement prophylactique etcuratifde la phthisie pulmouaire. Union m6d., Par., 1855, ix, 65; 73; 89; 134.—Puzin. Le climat algtjrien et la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. nied. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1866, xi, 13- 15. Also: Bull. Soc. d. sc. . . . d'Alger, 1867, iv, 254-259. -----. De Tinflnence de l'air maritime sur la phthisie pul- monaire. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1867, xii, 7.— Ueport on the prevalence of phthisis in Victoria. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1877, xxii, 358-366. Also, Re- print.—Bey (H.) Statistique de la phthisie a Rio Janeiro. Ann. Brasil. de meel., Rio ele Jan., 1876-7, xxviii, 363-372, 1 tab. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 2. s , 1, 215-224.— Koehard (J.) De Tinflnence de la navigation et des pays chauds sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire, en repouse k cette question: Determiner par ties faits precis, le degr6 d'inflnence que les changements ele lieux, tels que ^emigration dans ties pays chauds et les voyages sur mer, exercent sur la marche tie la tuberculisation pulmonaire. Mem. Acad, de meet. 1854-5, Par., 1856, xx, 75-168. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1856, iii. 162; 364; 380; 491. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1856, 2. s., vi, 257. -----. De Tinflnence de la navigation et des pays chauds sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1857, iv, 679-684. -----. Influence ties climats chauds sur la phthisie. Ibid., 1860, vii, 423.—Kohden. Bemerkungen iiber meteorologist-he Reaction bei Phthisis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 198; 210. —Boot (J. XV.) Personal experience of a physician with phthisis; effect of removal from Pennsylvania to Southern California. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1886, i, 257-259.—Both- well (P.D.) Altitude in health-resorts for consumptives. Denver M. Times, 1888-9, viii, 1-10. — Koyal (The) Hos- pital for Consumptives, and the climate of Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 118; 149.—Bull. maun. Ueber die therapeutische Bedeutung eler siid- lichen klimatischen Kurorte, namentlich in Beziehung auf cronische Lungentuberculose. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1861, ii, 16-38. [See, also, supra.]—Saunders (J. B.) Sugges- tions respecting the influence of altitude on pulmonary tu- berculosis. Richmond cfe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xvi, 161-169.—Sauter (A.) Die Ursachen des seltenenVor- kommens der knotigen Lungensucht im Pinzgaue des Her- zogthums Salzburg. Med. Jabr.b. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1839, xxix, 57-61.—."Sawyer (W. B.) A study of Riverside climate, with suggestions as to its adaptability for cases of pulmonary plitliisis. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1887, ii, 81-89.—Mclinepp. Geographie medi- cale; la phthisie est uue maladie ubiquitaire, mais elie de- vient rare k certaines altitudes, comme aux Eaux-Biuines. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1865, i, 641: ii, 64.—Schwind- suchtstatistik (Die) des Jahres 1875 in Schleswig Hoi- stein. Mitth. f. el. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1877, 127-152. — Ncobell (T. E.) Sea-voyages in phthisis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 613.—Shurly (E. L.) A report on the origin antl geographical distribution of phthisis pulmonalis for the State of Michigan. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii. 541-545. A Iso, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1885, N. Y, 1886, ii, 91-101. — Minions (M.) Climate in its relations to the production, progress, amelio- ration, and cure of consumption. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1872, n. s., lxiii, X2-96. — Simpson (W.J.) The dis- tribution of phthisis iu the eleven northern counties of Scotland, as ascertained by statistics extending over a period of twenty-two years. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1883-4, v,'86-98, 1 map. Also: San. Jour., Glasg., Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. 1883-4, n. s., vii, 225-233.—Singleton (J.) The influence of climate on phthisis especially as to residence iu high altitudes. [With discussion.] Austral. M.J., Melbourne, 1877, xxii, 264-267. — Siviale. La phthisie pulmonaire dans les circonscriptions de Col6a et d'Oueil-el-Aleug. Gaz. m6d. tie TAlg6rie. Alger, 1875, xx, 65-68.—Mmith (G. C.) Where shall we send our consumptives? Nashville J. M. cfe S., 1875, n. s., xv, 65-72.—Smith (R.) Consump- tion in the Highlands and islands to the west of Scotland. Edinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii, 606-610. -----. On the causes of phthisis in the Hebrides and West Highlands. Ibid., 1070-1077. — Snow (J. M.) The influence of high alti- tudes upon pulmonary consumption. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 663-666.—Sttderberg (O.) Beright van eene long- teering, die voortkomt uit de legging van de plaats. Geneesk. Verhandel. a. de k. Sweetl. Acad. (Sandifort) 1739-53, Leiden, 1775, i, 337-345. Also, transl. in: Meel., Chir. & Anat. Cases, 8°, Lond., 1758, 216-223. — SokoloflT (M.) O smertnosti ot bugorchatoi chakhotki legkikh voobshcho v' Rossi i v' chastuosti v'Tobolskoi gubernoi. [Mortality from tubercular phthisis in Russia generally, and especi- ally in the province of Tobolsk.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1861, i, 219; 232; 242; 251.—Solly (S. E.) Inva- lids suited for treatment at Colorado Springs. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 23-35 —Sorgius. Le traite- ment tie la phthisie par le climat d'altitude. Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1884-5, xxii, 35-54. — Sormaui (G.) Tisi e tubercolosi in Italia. Ann. univ. eli med. e chir., Milano, 1881, cclv, 445-456. Also: Salute: Ig. pop., Genova, 1883, 2. s.. xvii, 81; 89.—Stoekwell (F.) Influence of dry- ness of soil on phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 973.— Mutton (T.) On the effects of temperature in pulmonary consumption. Med. cfe Phys. J., Lond., 1815, xxxiv, 89-97. -----. On the influence of climate in pulmonary con- sumption. Ibid., 1817, xxxvii, 456-466. —Taylor (H. C.) The ocean as a health resort in phthisis. Metl. Chron., Manchester, 1885, ii, 365-369. — Tessier (X.) History of a case illustrating the effects of a cold climate in pulmo- nary consumption. N. York M. efe Phys. J., 1828, viii, 523- 525.—Th a on (L.) La phthisie pulmonaire, trait6e sur la plage mediterraneenne et sur les montagnes. J. de the- rap., Par., 1877, iv, 801; 847. Also: Cong, period, internat. d. sc m6d. Compt.-rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 573-589. -----. Les voyages en mer et les poitrinaires. Nice-mtsd., 1884-5, ix, 33; 49. — Thomson (W.) Consumption in Australia; a review. Med. cfe Surg. Rev., Melbourne, 1863-4, i, 329-345. Also, Reprint.—Thorowgood (J. C.) On change of air in the prevention and cure of pulmonary phthisis. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1864, i, 206; 257; 324. See, also, supra. -----. Sea-voyages in phthisis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1872, ii, 581.—Thurstan (P.) The Cana- ries for consumption. San. Rec, Loud,, 1888-9, n. s., x, 319; 357; 417.— Timerinnus (G.) Relazione sulla proposta di uno studio generale intorno alia tisi polmonare in Italia. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di metl. di Torino, 1868, 3. s., vi, 24-51.— Trudenu (E. L.) Environment in its relation to the progress of bacterial invasion in tuberculosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., xciv, 118-123. ----. An environ ment experiment repeated, 1888. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1888, v, 91-95. —von Tymowski. Ueber den Werth der klimatischen Behandlung der Lungenkranken, mit Beriicksichtigung der Bacillen-Theorie. Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 1344-1347. — Tyndale (J. H.) In- fluence of altitudes on consumptives. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, i, 245-271. Also, Reprint. -----. The con- stituents of a suitable climate for the various forms of pulmonary cousnmptitm. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, ix, 293-304. Also, Reprint. -----. The climatic treatment of pulmonary consumption; representing the opinions of the profession in reference to climatology and consumption. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 624; 645; 679; 706.-----. On the relative importance of elevation, dryness, and equa- bility of temperature in the climatic treatment of put mou'ary consumption. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1883, x, 201- 234. —-----. 'i he selection of a suitable climate for the various forms of pulmonary consumption. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxii, 517; 546.—Tyson (W. J.) The high al titude treatment of phthisis. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, iii, 27.—(Jghetti (G. B.) Dei rapporti fra il clima e la tisi polmonare. Idrologia, Firenze, 1881, iii, 41-46. Also, Reprint. — [Ihliiiami. De la climatoth6rapie elans la phthisic. J. ele med. et de pharm. ele l'Algerie, Alger, 1878-9, iii, 261; 296: 1879-80, iv, 46; 78. —Ulleispciycr. De la tuberculose pulnionaire en Baviere. Cong. med. internat. tie Par. (1867), 1868, i, 121-148. — lerhacghe. De la rarete comparative tie la phthisie pulnionaire sur les bords tie la mer. Bull. Acael. roy. ele nuM. ele Belg., Brux., 1857-8,2. s., i, 591-601. A Iso, Reprint.—Veron (E.) Cura- bilidad de la tisis hereditaria por las climas tie altitud. An. tl. Circ med. argent, Buenos Aires, 1886, ix, 379; 437; 483; 540.—Vogt (A.) Vortrag iiber den Eiufluss eles Ge- birgsklima's auf die Lungenschwindsucht. Cor. - Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1876, vi, 710-715.—Wallace (J.) Observations ou the influence of tropical climates on con suiuptive habits, chiefly with reference to the seamen, etc., PHTHISIS. 205 PHTHISIS. Phthisis in relation to climate and local- ities. of his majesty's navy. Lond. M. cfe Phys. J., 1831, n. s., x, 198-202.—Weber (H.) On the influence of the Alpine climates on pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 41; 58; 148.-----. Ou the treatment of phthisis by prolonged residence in elevated regions. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1869, Iii, 225-264. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., I860, i, 712-714. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 518; 640. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. cfe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1867-71, vi, 182-185. -----. Croonian lectures on the hygienic and climatic treatment of chronic pul- monary phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 464; 508; 603; 693; 737. Also [Abstr.]: Meel. limes A Gaz., Lond., 1885, i 337; 371.—What can Minnesota do for consumptives! Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 84-86.—White (H. P.) Open air, or out-door life, in the prevention and treatment of phthisis pulmonalis, with especial reference to the climate of the Sandwich Islands. Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, 272-278. — Wight (E. M.) A people without consumption, and some account of their country; the Cumberland table-land. South. Pract., Nash villi!, 1884, vi. 49-61. —Williams (C. T.) On the effects of warm climates in the treatment of pulmonary consumption, as exemplified by an analysis of 251 cases. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1871-2; lv, 233-261. Also [Abstr.]: Proc Roy. M. A Chir. Soc. Lond., 1871-5, vii, 65-69. Also, transl: Mar- seille med., 1874, xi, 412; 456; 589; 662. -----. Lettsomian lectures on the influence of climate in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 38; 95; 186; 219. A Iso, Reprint.-----. Cases of phthisis treated at high altitudes. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 191; 233.-----. The curability of phthisis at high altitudes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 975. -----. The treatment of phthisis by resilience at high altitudes. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, ii, 164-185. -----. Cases of phthisis treated by residence at high altitudes. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 1-9. -----. On the results of the treat- ment of pulmonary consumption by residence at high altitudes, as exemplified by an an ah sis of 141 cases. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1888, "lxxi, 297-330. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-K, n. s., ii, 380-393. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 1009.—Will- iams (H.) The climatic treatment of phthisis. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 313-317. Also, Reprint. Also: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1886, xvii, 41-55 —Wilson (J. C.) Re- marks on the climate-treatment of pulmonary consump- tion. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 232-237.—Wilson (T. W.) On tubercular disease in the East. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854, ii, 182-198. —Wise (A. T.) The treat- ment of pulmonary consumption at high altitudes. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 990. -----. Some remarks on the climate of the Swiss Alps, with pulmonary cases treated at six thousand feet. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., ix., Wash., 1887, v, 125-132. — Wood (L. H.) Phthisis pulmonalis; how affected by the climate of Colorado, and what, are proper cases to be sent here. Denver M. Times. 1883-4, iii, 368: 1884-5, iv, 1; 33. Also, Reprint.—Worrell (T. F.) Chief causes of phthisis in New England. Tr. Illi- nois M. Soc, Chicago, 1873, xxiii, 199-210.— Zapater (J. M.) Influencia del clima del valle de Janja, en la eufer- medad tie la tisis pulmonar tuberculosa. Gac. m6d., Lima, 1876, ii, 145; 157; 163; 169— Zcdovski. K voprosu o klimaticheskom lechenii tchachotki. |Influenceof climate in phthisis. 1 Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1880, v, 1366; 1387. Phthisis and gout or rheumatism. Latil (V.) * fitude sur la phthisie puluionaire chez les arthritiques. 4°. Paris, 1879. Also [Abstr.], in: J. d. sc nied. de Lille, 1880, ii, 260; 310. Powell (O. C.) * Essai sur le pseudo-rhuina- tisirte articulaire daus le cours de la diathese tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1874. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1874. Beau (J.-H.-S.) Note sur Tarthralgie ties phthisiques. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864, iii, 33-35.— ■Mack (J. G.) Acute rheumatism and phthisis. Lan- cet, Lend., 1883, ii, 494.—Corivcaud (A.) De l'antago- nisme de la phthisie pulmonaire et de la goutte; deux obsei vations. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux. 1877, 404-420. Also : Bordeaux med., 1877, vi, 200; 266.—Dix (T. L.) On the correlation of alcohol, rheuma- tism and phthisis. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 182-185.— Garrotl, On the simultaneous progress of gout and phthisis. Proc. Westminster M. Soc, Lond., 1848-9, 13- 15. — Boussan. Tuberculose pulmonaire; rhumatisme nouetix; pericardite hemorrhagique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 187. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 578. —Thornton (G. B.) Tuberculosis, rheumatic synovitis. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, ix, 161- 163. ... Phthisis and malaria. See Malaria and phthisis. Phthisis and occupations. Consumption iu the army. A collection of articles antl correspondence. 8°. [London], 1885. Repr. from: United Service Gaz. Gaucher (P.) * La phthisie pulmonaire dans l'arine'e francaise. 4°. Paris, 1875. d'Hotel (G.) * Do 1'iuflueuce des professions se"dentaires snr le d6veloppcmeut de la tubercu- lose pulmonaire a gauche. 4 . Paris, 1879. Landouzy (G.) * Considerations sur la tu- berculose pulmonaire dans l'arnnie. 4e. Paris, 1882. Lausies (£.) *De la phthisie daus l'arine'e. 4°. Paris, 1872. Lawson (R.) The mortality among troops in the United Kingelom from consumption. 1 gal- ley sheet. [ London, 1885.] Ledermann (G.) * Sur la phthisie profession- nelle. 4°. Paris, 1884. McCormac (H.) Theory of consumption ; let- ter to the Imperial Academy of Medicine, pub- lished in "L'Union medicale" aud "Gazette eles hopitaux", with comments on the mortality among the Guards, and a reply to the Westmin- ster Review, followed by twenty .aphorisms in respect of health anel healthy respiration. 12°. London, 1858. Mercapier (C) *Sur la frequence, les for- mes, les causes de la phthisie dans l'arme$e. 4°. Paris, 1855. Alcock (N.) An essay on the nature and variation of destructive lung disease included under the head of "pul- monary consumption ", as seen among soldiers, and the hygienic conditions under which they occur. Army M. Rep. 1872, Lond., 1874, xiv, 399-416, 6 tab.—de Aragao (A. C. T.) Aprecia^ao d'algumas eausas que podem con- tribuir para a f requencia da tisica nos alumnos do real col- legio militar. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1866, xvii, 312- 314.—Bacr (A.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Phthisis in den Gefangnissen. Ztschr. f. klin. Metl., Berl., 1883, vi, 511-526.—Benoiston dcG'hatcauneuf. De l'influence de certaines professions sur le d6veloppement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1831, vi, 5-48. Also, Re- print.—Chancellor (C. W.) Impure air and unhealthy occupations as predisposing causes of pulmonary consump- tion. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord,'N. H., 1886, xi, 67-72. — Chatin. De la phthisie des tisseurs et des devideuses il l'Hopital de la Croix-Rousse k Lyon. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. so. med. de Lyon (1867), 1868, vii, 107- 119. — Dcsayre. Influence des professions sur le t!6ve- loppement des tubercules. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bor- deaux, 1862, vii, 97; 145.—Fontcret. De la phthisie pulmo- naire chez les ouvriers de fabrique de Lyon. Lyon meel., 1870, iv, 73-92.—Francois (V.) Sur l'irnmunite eles houil- leurs pour la phthisie pulmonaire. Bull. Acatl. roy. de metl. tie Belg., Brux., 1856-7, xvi, 555. [Discussion], 561.—Goilc- Iier (O.-P.) M6moire sur cette question, proposee par le conseil de sant6 des armees: Rechercher les causes du fre- quent developpement de la phthisie pulmonaire parnii les soldats, et les moyens de pr&venir et de traiter plus ettica- ceineut cette maladie. Rec. de mem. ele meet. . . . mil., Par., 1845, lix, 1-114.—Hamlin (A. C.) Consumption as affected by seafaring pursuits. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp. Serv. 1875, Wash., 1876, 187-190.—James (A.) Pulmonary phthisis in connection with occupation and with other diseases. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 938, 1 diag., . J15.—liawson (R.) Remarks on the mortality among the troops serving in the United Kingdom from con- sumption. J. Statist. So«. Lond., 1887,1, 458-494.—Ijcach (A. L.) The influence of close confinement in prisons on the production of phthisis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 403-411.—licvy (A.) Ueber die Aetiologie der Lungentuberculose in Gefiingnissen. Arch. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Stiassb., 1887, xi, 33-37.—Lombard (H. C.) De l'iiiflueiice eles professions sur la phthisie pulmonaire. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xi, 5-76. Also, Reprint.—lTIeCor- mac (H.) Sur la cause et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 231. Also: Union med., Par., 1858, xii, 228. [See, also, supra.)— Mar- vaud (A.) lStude etiologique, statistique et critique sur la phthisie dans l'annee. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 110- 213. Also, Reprint. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Gac. de sanitl. mil., Madrid, 1880, vi, 253; 285; 458; 521.— lTIass- regeln gegen die Lungensucht in der deutschen Annee. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1883, xvii, 108-110.—ITlendes (J. C.) Hygiene; a tisica pulmonar e a sua frequencia na guarni- caode Lisboa. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1861, xii, 97; 115; 135.—Noble (D.) On the influence of the factory system in the development of pulmonary consumption. J. Statist. PHTHISIS. 206 PHTHISIS. Phthisi* and occupations. Soc. Lond., 1842, v, 274-280.—Perroud. De la phthisie des mariniers daus le departement du Rhone et sp6ciale- nient&Lyon. Assoc. fran§. pour l'avanee. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1874, Par.. 1875, iii, 950.—Prussian army regula- tions on consumption. San. Engiu., N. Y., 1883, viii, 465.— Pulmonary consumption in the British army. Brit. cfe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1876, Ivii, 333-344 —Russel (C. P.) Table of deaths from phthisis in N. Y. City, showing relative mortality of various professions. Meet Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 93.—Smith (E.) Remarks on the etiology of phthisis. Meel. Times, Lonel., 1851, n. s., ii, 420; 585; 641: iii, 37; 638: 1852, n. s., iv, 186; 237.— Thompson (T.) The degree of liability to phthisis in the population of clothing districts. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 11. — Tisichezza (La) polmonare nei soldati. Salute, Genova, 1875, x, 499-505. — Tosi ( F. ) Delia fre- tjuenza della tisi polmonare nell' esercito italiano in con- fronto ad altri eserciti, ed alia popolazione civile. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1872, 2. s., ii, 33-38, 2 pi. Also, Reprint — Warlomont (R.) Rapport sur l'examen des homines envoyes en observation k l'hopital militaire de Louvain, pour faiblesse de complexion avec predisposition a la tuber- culose pulmonaire. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1885, 3. s., xxviii, 217-237.—Welch (F. H.) Thenature and varieties of destructive lung disease included under the term pul- monary consumption, as seen among soldiers, antl the hygienic conditions under which they occur. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1872, Lond., 1874, xiv, 275-398, 2 pi.—Ziffcr (E.) Die Ursachen der haufigen Fiille von Lungenschwiudsucht in der Artuee, nebst Vorschlagen zur Abschaffung dersel- ben. Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 490; 522; 601; 667; 696. Phthisis and pregnancy. Bahuaud (J.) *De l'influence de la grossesse ct tie l'accouchement sur le developpement et la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1803. Caresme (A.-A.) * Recherches cliniques rela- tives a l'iufluence de la grossesse sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1866. Coillot (A.) *De l'influence de la grossesse et ele 1'eStat puerperal sur la marche de la phthi- sie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1858. Delsoiuller (A.) * Essai sur l'influence de la grossesse et de l'allaitement sur la phthisie pulmouaire. 4°. Paris, 1866. Gaulard (L.) * De l'iufluence tie la grossesse sur la tuberculose. 4°. Paris, 1880. Lass^gue (P.) * De l'influence de la grossesse et de l'6tat puerperal sur la marche de la phthi- sie. 4°. Paris, 1856. Ortega (J.) De l'influence qu'exerceut la grossesse, l'accouchement et l'allaitement sur la phthisie pulmonaire et r^ciproquement. 4°. Paris, 1876. Pacull (J.-V.) * Essai sur les rapports r<5- ciproques ele la grossesse et de la phthisie. 4°. Paris, 1865. Petiau (F.-A.-G.) *£tnelesur la phtisie daus ses rapports avec P accouchement, la grossesse et la lactation. 4°. Paris, 1885. Succow(G. C. F.) [Pr.] iuest historia phthi- seos pulmonalis pnrulent.e in foemina gravida ortse et post partum sponte sauatse. 4°. Jence, 1822. Warren (E.) The influence of pregnancy on the development of tubercles. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. See, infra, for original article with different title. Zollitsch (M.) * Ueber Complication von Lungentuberkulose mit Schwangerschaft. 8°. Miinchen, 1868. Dechambre (A.) Influence de la grossesse sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 639. —Denucc ( M. ) Accouchement pr6- matured de deux foetus mort-nes pendant l'agonie d'une fern me tuberculeuse; examen des organes g6nitaux. J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, x, 263. — Dubreuilh (C.) Influence de la grossesse, de l'accouchement, et de l'allaitement, sur le d6veloppement et la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1851, ii, 649; 722: 1852, i, 23; 85. ' Also: Ann. tie med. beige, Brux., 1852, i, 2P ; 366: ii, 98. Also [Rap. de Grisolle]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1851-2, xvii, 14_25. — Butcher ( A. P.) Pregnancy ; its influence on the development and progress of pulmonary tuberculo sis. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1863, vi, 20-25. — Orisollc Phthisis and pregnancy. (A.) De l'inflneuce que la grossesse et la phthisie pulmo- naire cxercent reciproquement Tune sur rautre. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1850, 4. s., xxii, 41-52.—(.ucniot. (Ed6me g6n6ralis6 chez une femme enceinte atteintc de tuberculose. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1876, iv, 178.— Ilervieux (E.) De l'influence tie la grossesse sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire; quelques mots sur la question de l'h6redite dans cette derni^re maladie. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 38.—Horn (E.) Erfahrungen iiber dieNaturund Behandlung der Phthisis puerperalis. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1804, vi. 86-125.—Leber! (A.) De l'influence de la grossesse et ties couches sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Nice-m6d., 1877-8. ii, 125-130.— Letulle (M.) H6morrhagies puerp6rales multiples dans un cas de tuberculose pulmonaire; avortement au troi- siemo mois; injections sous-cutanees d'ergotine et d'ether; tamponnements prolong6s. Paris m6d., 1879, v, 280-285. Also : Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, 4-11.—Mattci. Multipare: influence des grossesses sur la tuberculisation pulmonaire, les moyens hygi6niques pour la tuberculose sont encore plus efticaces que les moyens therapeutiques; bont6 du climat de la Corse; les tubercules pulmonaires, loin d'affaiblir la fecoudit6, semblent l'accroltre; h6mo- ptysie aux 6poques catam6niales pendant la grossesse; la douleur des varices alternant avec les douleurs thora- ciques; effets des preparations iod6es sur la toux des femmes grosses; accouchement heureux pour la m6re et pour l'enfant; phthisie d6clar6e et mort de la femme un an apres les couches ; les signes rationnels en disent sou- vent plus que les signes physiques pour le diagnostic de cette malauie k son debut. Courner med., Par., 1868, xviii, 18.—Robert (A.) Influence de la grossesse sur la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. Union m6d., Par., 1847, i, 140.—Stone (A. J.) Details of a case bearing upon the question of the influence of pregnancy upon tuberculosis. N. YorkM. J., 1871, xiv, 507-512.—Thomas (T. G.) Phthisis proving fatal" during pregnancy. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 238.—Tott (C. A.) Einfluss der Schwangerschaft und Entbindung auf den Verlust der Phthisis. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxx, 223- 225.—Warren (E.) Does pregnancy accelerate or retard the development of tubercles of the lungs in persons pre- disposed to this disease? IFiske fund prize.] Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. 8., xxxiv, 87-118. Phthisis and scrofula. See, also, Scrofula ; Scrofula and tubercle. Humberston (J.) # De phthisi scrofulosa pul- monum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1793. Pique (J.-F.) * Essai sur l'etiologie des tu- bercules pulmonaires compared a celle des scro- fules, suivi de quelques considerations thera- peutiques. 4°. Paris, 1837. Thilo (A.) * Ueber die HiLufigkeit scrophu- loser Erkraukungen bei phthisischer Familien- anlage. 4°. Kiel, 1875. Rartolozzi (D.) Consigli al popolo a preservarsi dalla scrofola e dalla tisi e statistiche relative. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1877, 3. s., xxii, 498-503.—Bel- man (T.) Scrofula in its relation to pulmonary phthisis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 188-193.—Herard cfe Cor- nil. De la phthisie dans ses rapports avec la scrofule. Union med., Par., 1866, 2. 8., xxxii, 197 ; 227.—Lee (C. A.) Consumption and scrofula. Am. M. Gaz. cfe J. Health, N. Y., 1857, viii, 513-519.— Parrish (J.) Observations upon the connexion between external scrofula aud pulmo- nary consumption. N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1830, x, 129-135.—Ritscher (E.) Etwas zur Phthisis scrofulosa. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxxviii, 439-467. — Sangalli. Delia scrofola ne' suoi rapporti colla tuberco- losi. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. elett. Rendic.. Milano, 1865, ii, 195-204.—Thaon (L.) La tuberculose dans ses rapports avec la scrofule. Progres m6d., Par., 1878, vi, 21-23.— Washington (B. H.) Assimilation, consumption, and scrofula. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1856, x, 108: 1857, xiii, 476. Phthisis llirea. Jachelli. Osservazioui comprovanti la virtu, accessi- fuga della Phillyrea latifolia W. e sue preparazioni. Ren- dic. Accad._ med.-chir. di Ferrara, Venezia, 1846,119-128.— Zigarelli (S.) Sulla virtit antiperiodica della flllirea e fillirina. .Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1866, xx, 43-46. Phyllis amara. See Herpes (Treatment of). Ph> llocactus. Kunze (R. E.) Phyllocactus grandis (Lemaire); his- tory, botanical description, and therapeutical application. Tr. Eclect. M. Soc. N. Y. 1877, [Albany], 1878, x, 73-79. Pli> llopoda. Claus (C.) Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation und Entwickelung von Branchipus und Artemia, nebst vergleichenden Bemerkungen iiber andere Phyllopoden. Arb. a. tl. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1885-6, vi, 267-370, 12 pi. Phylloxera. Congres international phyllox6rique fa Bor- deaux (Gironde). Compte-rendu g6ne"ral dj . . . Du 9 au 16 octobre 1881. 8°. Bordeaux $■ Paris, 1882. Gastine (G.) & Couanon (G.) Emploi du sulfure de carbone contre le phyllox6ra. Public avec la collaboration de L. Gastine. 8°. Paris, 1884. Victoria. An act to enable the governor in council to prohibit the importation of diseased grape-vines and grape-vine cuttings. No. cccclvii. [Sept. 16,1873. ] 4°. [Melbourne, 1873.] -----. An act for the eradication of diseases in vines. No. dxcv. [Jan. 18,1878. ] 4C. [Mel- bourne, 1878.] Raudrimont (A.) Cours de chimie agricole. Lecon du 17 juillet 1874, sur le phylloxera. M6m. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux, 1875, x, 355-389. -----. ExptSri- ences faites sur des rameaux de vigne immergea dans de l'eau tenant divers produits en dissolution. Ibid., 391- 418.—Costa (A.) Rapporto sulla malattia delle viti cau- sata dalla fillossera. Atti r. Ist. d' incorrag. a. sc nat. . . . eli Napoli, 1876, 2. s., xiii, 61-132, 2 pi. [with an appendix at end of vol.].—Maury. Note sur le phylloxera. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1877, 2.8., xxv, 256-263.—Planchon (J.-E.) Le phylloxera en Europe et en AnnSrique. Rev. d. deux montles, Par., 1874, 3. p6riode, i, 544-566. Phymosis. See Phimosis. Physalis. Plummcr (J. T.) Physalis. Nashville J. M. & S., 1858, xv, 449-153. Physalis pelagica. Rennclt (G.) On the Physalis pelagica. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, viii, 677-682, 1 pi. Physconia. See Abdomen (Tumors of); Obesity; Spleen (Tumors of). Physeter. Murie (J.) Ou deformity of the lower jaw iu the cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus, Linn.). 8°. [London, 1865.] Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, 390-396. PHYSIATRISCHE. 200 PHYSICIAN. Physiatrische Blatter. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der physikalisch-diatetischen Heilme- thoden iu zwanglosen Heften hrsg. von H. Lah- mann. Nos. 1-3, 1888-9. 8°. Stuttgart. Current. Physiatrische Blatter. Vierteljahrsschriftfiir Nataiheilkunde und zur Mitarbeit bei den no- thigen Reformen auf den Gebieten der Krank- heitslehre (Aetiologie und .Pathologie), der Heil- kunde (Therapie) und der Gesundheitsverhal- tungslehre (Hygiene). Hrsg. von Wilhelm Mei- nert. v. 1,1867. 8°. Dresden. A new series of: IVaturarzt (Der). Physic and physicians: a medical sketch-book: exhibiting the public and private life of the most celebrated meelical men of former days; with memoirs of eminent living London physicians and surgeons. 2 v. xi, 360 pp., port.; ii, 393 pp., port. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1839. -----. The same. 2 v. xii, 13-209 pp.; vi, 7-208 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, G. B. Zieber $ Co., 1845. Physical degeneracy of the American people [etc.]. See "E." Physical degeneracy [etc.]. Physical (A) elictionary, expounding such words as, being terms of art or otherwise derived from the Greek and Latin, are dark to the English reader. This dictionary is of use in the reading of all other books of this nature in the English tongue. 7 1. fol. London, P. Cole, 1655. Bound with: Riverius (Lazarus). The practice of physick, [etc.]. fol. [London, 1655.] Physical (A) dictionary, or an interpretation of such crabbed words and terms of art as are de- ri ved from the Greek or Latiu, and used iu phy- sick, anatomy, chirurgery, and chemistry; with a definition of most diseases incident to the botly of man; and a description of the marks and characters used by doctors in their receipts. Pub- lished for the more perfect understanding of Mr. Tomlinson's translation of Rhsenodaeus dispensa- tory, aud whatever other books of physick and surgery are extant in the English tongue. This dictionary will be as useful and sufficient to all our late English practitioners in physick, or chirurgery (especially such as are not scholars) as any dictionary of ten shillings price. Ap- proved by several doctors, surgeons, and apothe- caries; and recommended by them in an epistle to all English practitioners in physick and chi- rurgerie. 28 1. 4°. London, J. Garfield, 1657. Bound with: de Renou (Jean). A meelical dispensatory, |etc.]. 4°. London, 1657. Physical (A) dissertation on drowning. See Physician (A). A physical [etc.]. Physical culture: a manual of home exercise, showing with correct illustrations the best exer- cises for the development of the form and the maintenance of health and strength. 2. ed. 72 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, A. J. Reach benhavn. In 1798, title becomes: Bibliothek for Physik, Me- dicin og Oekonomie. In 1801, title becomes: Nyt Biblio- thek | etc. ]; 1799-1804, edited by C. G. Rafn; in 1805, Herholdt, Biborg and 0rsted added. 14 Physician (A). On the employment of trained nurses among the laboring poor, considered chiefly in relation to sanitary reform and the arts of life. 32 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1860. Physician (A). The greatest of our social evils: prostitution, as it now exists in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dublin ; an enquiry into the cause, and means of reformation, basedon statistical documents, viii, 344 pp. 12°. London, H. Bailliere, 1857 Physician ( A ). The hygiene of the sewing maehine; a brief inquiry into the causes of dis- orders arising from the use of machines, with some suggestions as [to] how they may be avoided. 40 pp., 3 pi. 12°. Baltimore, Turnbull Bros., 1874. Physician (A). Mechanical treatment of chol- era. 11 pp. 8°. London, J. Chwchill 4' Sons, 1866. Physician (A). A new method of curing the small-pox, [etc.]. See Closs (John Frederic). Physician (A). Notes on Dr. Chapman's lect- ures, iu the University of Pennsylvania, with an appendix, containing a few remarks on Asiatic cholera and yellow fever. 131 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, W. S. Young, 1845. Physician (A). A physical dissertation ou drowning: in which submersion, commonly call'd drowning, is shewn to be a long time consistent with the continuance of life, from a variety of unexceptionable tho' surprising facts, related by the most eminent and judicious authors, and con- firm'd by incontestable evidence; which facts are reconcil'd and accounted for, from the strict- est laws of the animal ceconomy. To which is subjoined, the proper measures for recovery aud relief; the obligations we lie under to practice them are clearly suggested, and strongly en- fore'd; intended for the good ot mankind, by re- storing life to many persons who are errone- ously supposed to be irretrievably drowned. Recommended particularly to the consideration of the navy and army, who have frequent op- portunities of practicing the methods recom- mended. With an appendix, containing some methods for the recovery of those who hang themselves, and of children supposed to be boru dead. 80 pp., 1 pi. 12°. London, J. Bobinson, 1746. -----. The same. 2. ed. 80 pp. 12°. London, 1747. -----. Thesame. 69pp. 12°. Dublin, P. Wilson, 1747. [P.,v. 750.] Physician (A). A rational view of the spas- modic cholera, chiefly with regard to the best means of preventing it. 36 pp. 12°. Boston, Clapp # Hull, [1832?]. Physician (A). Remarks on the employment of females as practitioners in midwifery. 22 pp. 8°. Boston, Cummings Sr Billiard, 1820. Physician (A). Sermons to the sick and studi- ous on temperance and exercise. With a dedica- tion to Dr. Cadogan. vii, 9-80 pp. 16°. Lon- don, E. $ C. Dilly, 1772. Physician (A). A temperance method of treat- ing epidemic cholera. (Written by request.) 20 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1849. Physician (A) in the West Indies. An essay on the more common West-India diseases; and the remedies which that country itself produces; to which are added, some hints on the manage- ment, etc., of negroes. By a physician in the West Indies. 3 p. 1., vi, 7-75 pp. 8°. London, T. Becket $ P. A. De Hondt, 1764. Physician (The) Editors: A. O'Leary, and Mrs. H. B. O'Leary. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, Jan., 1872, to Dec., 1873. 8°. Neiv York Sr Boston. Ended. After July, 1873, published in Boston. PHYSICIAN. 21 Physician (The) and Bulletin of the Medico- Legal Society. "Was title of v. 13 of: Physician (The) and Pharma- ceutist. 1880. Physician (The) and patient. A monthly jour- nal of health and hygiene. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, April to July, 1880. 8°. Boston,'G. L. Austin 6. ------. Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy, s . Philadelphia, 1857. ------. Valedictory address to the anatomical class of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. Aldex(E.) An address, delivered before the Dartmouth Meelical Society, on their first anni- versary, Dec. 28, 1*19. 8°.* Boston, [1819]. Allen (J. A.) Introductory adtlress to the third session ofthe College of Medicine anil Sur- gery, of the University of Michigan. 2. ed. 8°. Detroit, 1852. ------. Professional success. Valedictory to the graduates of Rush Medical College. 8°. [Chicago, 1861.] Allen (J. M.) Address to the graduates of the medical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philaelelphia, 1855. Anderson1 (R. S.) Valedictory address to the class of graduates of the Missouri Medical Col- lege . . . March 6, 1872. 8°. St. Louis, 1872. PHYSICIANS. Physician*. Annan (S.) An address deliveretl to the grad- uates of Washington Metlical College, Baltimore, at the annual commencement. 8°. Baltimore, 1834. Antisell (T.) Valedictory atldress to the graduating class of tlie metlical department of Georgetown College. 8 . Washington, 1H59. Armor (S. G.) Valedictory lecture deliveretl to the students of the Metlical College of Ohio. 8°. Cincinnati, 1857. Ashhurst(J.), jr. Valedictory adelress. Uni- versity of Pennsylvania (medical department). 8°. Philadelphia, 1870. Atlee (W. L.) Valedictory address to the graduates of the medical department of Pennsyl- vania College. iS,;'. Philadelphia, 1847. Bache (F.) Valedictory atldress to the gradu- ates of Jefferson Meelical College of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*53. ------. Valeelictory adtlress to the graduates of Jefferson Meelical College of Philaelelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Bailey (R. W.) An address delivered at the annual commencement of the Berkshire Medical Institution, Pittsfield. 8°. Pittsfield, 1825. Baldwin (W. O.) Physic and physicians. The annual adelress delivered before- the Ala- bama State Medical Associatiou. 8C. Mont- gomery, 1*50. ------. The same. 12c. Cambridge, 1866. Barbotu (T.) An address to the class of med- ical graduates of the University of the State of Missouri. 8 . Saint Louis, 1849. Bard (S.) A discourse upon the duties of a physician, with some sentiments, on the useful- ness aud necessity of a public hospital. 8°. Neiv York, 1769. Barnard (D. D.) An aelelress to the class erf graeluates of the Albany Meelical College. 8 . Albany, 1840. Barnes (J.) Valeelictory address to the class of graduates of the Missouri Meelical College. 8°. St. Louis, 1858. Barstow (G.) Introductory atldress deliveretl at the opening ofthe medical department of the University of the Pacific, at San Francisco, Cali- fornia. 8°. San Francisco, 1*59. Bartol (C. A.) The relation of the medical profession to the ministry: a eliscourse ... on occasion ofthe death of D*r. George C. Shattuck. 8°. Boston, 1854. Battus(J.) Disputatio medica, quae adstruit voluntatem medici habendam esse pro effectu. Dass ein redlicher und geruffener Art/.t, wann er seinen Fleiss :mgewanelt, in seinem Gewisseu konneruhigsein, [etc.]. sin.4°. Rostochii, 1732. Bauga (P. F.) v Tableau des connaissances necessaires a un jeune m6decin, elans les premiers tern ps surtout ele l'exercice ele son art. 4°. Paris, an MI [1804]. Beadle (E. R.) The sacredness of the medical profession. A sermon. 8D. Philadelphia, 1865. Beck (C. J.) Reele bei eleracademischen Feier des funfzigjahrigen Amts-Jubilaums des Herrn Joseph Ignaz Sehuiderer. 4-. Freiburg i. Breis- gau, 1829. Bedell (G. T.) The therapeutical influence of high character in a physician: an address. 8°. Cleveland, O., 1876. Bell (J.) •Medical heroism. Aelelress before the Philaelelphia County Medical Society. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Bellows (H. W.) Address before the "Col- lege of Physicians anel Surgeons". 8°. New York, 1867. Berard (F.-J.) Discours sur le courage me'di- eal. 8\ Montpellier, 1822. PHYSICIANS. 211 PHYSICIANS. Physicians. Akrgk (W.) Der Weg der Natur, oder der be- rufene und uuberufene Arzt. 8°. Arnstadt, 1832. Bf.sser (L.) Die Aerzte in der Concurrenz und was da Noth thut. 8°. Gbttingen, 1855. Bessler (J. B.) *De aegrotis visendis. 8°. Erlangce, 1819. Bigelow (H. J.) Science and success. A vale- dictory address delivered to the medical gradu- ates of Harvard University. 8°. Boston, 1*59. Bigelow (J.) A poem on professional life, de- livered by appointment of the Society of Phi Beta Kappa. 8°. Boston, 1811. Bikker(L.) *De natura humana quae medi- corum est. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1757]. Binaut(C) Du denouement meYlical; discours pronouc^, a la rentree solennelle ele l'Ecole de m6decine de Lille, le 5 d6cembre 1861. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Bird (R. M.) Valedictory address delivered before the graduates of Pennsylvania Medical College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. Bittinger (J. B.) The true mission of the physician. An aeldress. 8°. Cleveland, 1856. Bleidxer(J. H.) * De loquehe usu medico. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1737]. Blin (A.-N.-R.) "Essai sur les connaissances et les qualites ne"cessaires pour exercer la m6de- cineavechonneuretsucces. 4°. Paris, an XLII [1805]. Bliss (A. A.) An address delivered before the medical department ofthe Western Reserve Col- lege. With the valedictory address, by Prof. St. John. 8°. Cleveland, 1847. Boardman (Ii. A.) The claims of religion upon meelical men. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. Bodine (J. M.) Valeelictory address to the class of medical graduates of the Kentucky School of Medicine. 12°. Louisville, 1866. -----. The physician as a public educator. Introductory address. 8°. Louisville, 1872. Boehmer ( G. L. ) Argumentuin juris cauo- nici de nieelicorum aniinae et corporis in sanan- dis tegris conjunctione. sm. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1736]. Boerhaave (A. K.) Sermo academicus de iis qua? virum medicum perficiunt et exoruant. 16°. Lugd. Bat, 1752. Boerhaave(H.) Sermo academicus dehonore medici, servitnte. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1731]. Boerner (F.) De medico reipublicaeconserva- tore legumque custode. sm. 4C. Lipsice, [1754]. Bohn (J.) De officio medici duplici, clinici nimirum ac forensis, hoc est qua ratione ille se gerere debeat penes infirmos pariter ac in foro, ut medici eruditi, prudentis ac ingenui nomen utrinque tueatur. 4°. Lipsice, 1704. Boillet (C.) Malades et mMecins. 8°. Paris, 1872. Boling (W. M.) Valedictory address to the graduating class of the medical department of Pennsylvania University. 8°. [n. p.], 1850. Bond (T. E.) Address before the graeluates of Washington University of Baltimore. 8°. Balti- more, 1851. Bornemann. Ueber die Vorbildung des Arztes fiir seinen Beruf, nebst Entwurf einer Studienordnung fiir den praktischen Arzt. 8°. Neuwied, 1889. Bosseck (H. O.) [De medico ut bono viro.] fol. Lipsice, 1747. Brachet (J.-L.) Refutation de l'opinion qui accuse les medecins d'ath&sme et de materia- lisme. 8°. Lyon, 1834. Brackett (C. A.) Some of the opportunities, responsibilities, and encouragements of life. An address delivered before the Massachusetts Den- tal Society. 8U. Boston, 1883, Physicians. Bright (W. C.) Valedictory address to the graduating class of 1868 in the medical depart- ment of the University of Nashville. 8°. Nash- ville, 1868. Brisbane (J.) *De iis qme medico ad artem beneexercendamadessedebeut. 4°. Edinburai, 1750. Brodie (B. C.) An introductory discourse on the duties aud conduct of medical students and practitioners. 8°. London, 1843. Brown (R. T.) Annual aelelress to the students of the Indiana Medical College. 8°. Lndia- napolis, 1871. Browne (T.) Religio medici, cum annota- tionibus. 16°. Argentorati, 1665. -----. The same. 16°. Argentorati, 1677. -----. The same. With annotations never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein. Also observations by SirK. Digby, now newly added. 8. ed. 18°. London, 1682. Brun-Sechaud (J.-B.-P.) Des interets mo- ranx et materiels de la profession m6dicale. 8°. Limoges, 1859. -----. Etudes comple^nentaires relatives aux interets nioraux et niateriels de la profession in&licale. 8°. Limoges, 1860. Bryan (J.) The medical profession and its claims. 8°. New York, 1859. Bullitt (H. M.) Introductory lecture, ad- dressed to the class of the Kentucky School of Medicine. 8°. Louisville, 1853. -----. Introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the session of the medical department of the University of Louisville. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1867. Buncken (C.) Speculum optimi et perfecti medici, ex conditionibus in studioso artis medicae, in tyrone medico ad praxin jam accessuro, iu medico ael aegrum praesentem jam adhibito. 4°. Gissce, 1651. Buntsch (A. G.) *De temperamentorum morumque convenientia et usu medico, sm. 4°. Erfordice, [1725]. Burr (H.) The annual address to the candi- dates for the tlegree of doctor in medicine in the medical institution of Yale College. 8°. New Haven, 1864. Caldwell (C.) Thoughts on the education, qualifications, and duties of the physicians of the United States. A valedictory address. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1849. Carson (J.) Medical commencement ofthe University of Pennsylvania . . . valedictory ad- dress. 8°. Philadelphia, 1860. Caselius (F. G.) * De religiosorum sanitate tuendaetrestituenda. sm. 4°. Erfordice, [1721]. Castell(P.) Optimus medicus, in quo con- ditiones perfectissimi medici exponuntur. In: Conringius (H.) Introductio in univeraam artem medicam, etc. sm. 4°. Halcv et Lipsim, 1726, pt. 2, 17-68. a Castro (R.) Medicus-politicus: sivedeoffi- ciismedico-politicis tractatus, quatuor distinctus libris. In quibus non solum bonorum medico- rum mores ae virtutes exprimuntur, malorum vero fraudes et imposturae deteguntur, [etc.]. 4°. Bamburgi, 1614. Cathell (D. W.) The physician himself, aud what he should add to his scientific acquirements. 8°. Baltimore, 1883. -----. The same. Boeik on the physician himself and things that eoncern his reputation and success. 8G. Philadalphia, 1889. Caucanas(H.) * Reflexions sur les qualites indispensables pour l'e"tude et l'exercice de l'art de gu6rir. 4°. Paris, 1817. Chaineux(P. I.) * De medico praxin ineunte ejusque elotibusaelipisceudis. 4°. Leodii, [1828], PHYSICIANS. 212 PHYSICIANS. Physicians. Cheevers (N.) The physician's calling. 8°. Calcutta, 1804. Chew (S.) Valedictory discourse, delivered at the annual commencement of the school of medicine, in the University of Maryland. 8°. Baltimore, 1862. Clark (A.) The claims of the medical profes- sion. The annual address delivered before the New York State Medical Society, 1853. 8°. Al- bany, 1853. -----. Thesame. Revised ed. 8°. Albany, 1853. Clark (R. W.) The sources of a physician's power. An aeldress. 8°. Albany, 1863. Colahan (S. J.) On the admission to the practice of medicine and the dispensing of drugs. 8°. Albany, 1867. Collin (A.) *Des qualit£s du m6decin. 4°. Paris, 1832. Coschitz (G. D.) [Pr.] de fide medici. 4°. [Halce Magdeb., 1726.] -----& Stahl (J. E.) Requisita a medico ad praxin felicem summe necessaria. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1718]. Coventry (C. B.) Address to the graduates of the medical institution of Geneva College. &-. Utica, 1842. -----. A lecture introductory to the course on obstetrics in Geneva Medical College. 8°. Genera, 1843. Crausius (R. W.) [Pr.] de iis quae ad evaxv- uoavvnv medici requiruntur. 4°. [Jence, 1702. ] -----. [Pr.]deturba medicorum. 4°. Jence, [1709]. -----. [Pr. ] de necessariis medici practici requisitis. 4°. Jence, [1709]. -----. [Pr.] de medico artifice. 4°. Jence, [1712]. Crawcour (J. L.) Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Xew Orleans School of Medicine. 8°. New Orleans, 1866. Crawford (S. P.) The physician and his profession. An address. 8 . Nashville, 1858. Critchett (G.) An introductory lecture de- livered at the Loudon Hospital Medical College. 8°. London, 1859. Crosby (A. B.) Enthusiasm the condition of professional success. A valedictory address. 8°. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1872. Cruveiliiier (J.) Des devoirs et de la mor- tality du meklecin. 8°. Paris, 1837. Cushixg (B. T.) Address on the progress and dignity of the medical profession. [Starling Meelical College commencement.] 8°. Columbus, 1849. Da Costa (J. M.) The higher professional life: valedictory address. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. Darrach (W.) Charge to the graduates of the medical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, [1851]. Davis (N. S.) Valedictory address to the graduating class in Rush Medical College. 8°. Chicago, 1853. Deane (C. T.) Valedictory delivered at To- lantl Medical College. 8-\ San Francisco, 1871. Dehxe (J.) *De praerogtitiva veteranorum praeticorum. 4U. Halce Magdeb., [1712]. Delacoux Deroseau (J.-L.-A.) Simples re- flexions sur les devoirs du nnMecin consid6re" comme homme. 4°. Paris, 1835. De Morgan (C.) Introductory address deliv- ered at the Middlesex Hospital. 8°. London, 1*56. D'Espixe (M.) * Essai sur cette question: Comment un m6decin doit-il penser? Comment tloit-il agir? 4°. Paris, 1833. Physicians. Detharding (G. ) Disp. de facie divina me- dicorum. Resp. Job. Sehumachero. sm. 4°. Harnice, [1733]. Deutsch (M.) "Medicus. *\ liudcv, 1833. Dialogo do perfeicaei e partes que son neces- sarias ao bom medico. Dirigido ao muito alto e serenisimo principe rey Don Sebastian primeiro deste nome. [MS.] 4°. Em Lisboa, 1562. Dickson (S. II.) Introductory lecture deliv- ered at the opening of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina. 8°. Charleston, 183H. -----. Valedictory address delivered before the graduating class of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1862. Didama (H. D.) The model physician. A valedictory address. 8°. Syracuse, N. Y., 1875. Drake (D.) An introductory lecture on the necessity antl value of professional industry. 8°. Lexington, Eg., 1823. Draper (j. W.) The historical influence of the medical profession. 8°. New York, 1863. Dryander ( J. ) Von rechtem christlichem Branch eles Artzes und der heylsamen Artzeney. 16°. Franckfurt, [1543]. Dudley (E. L.) Valedictory atldress to the medical class of Transylvania University. 8'. Lexington, Ky., 1849. Dupuy (B.) * Au praestat medicum iliversas exercere medeudi methodos'! Pneses, J. D'Arcet. 4°. [Paris, 1767.] Eckoi.dt (C. G.) De nonnullis iisque praeci- pes vitiis prudent! meelico setlulo vitandis spec. primum. [Ad elisp. proponit Chr. S.Weiss.] 4°. Lipsice, [1800]. -----. The same. Spec, secundum. 4°. Lipsice, [1801]. Edelmann (M. G.) * Diss, quae sistit, explicat et applicat dictum Aristotelis physico-medicum: ubi desinit physicus, ibi incipit medicus. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1732]. Edinburgh Meelical Missionary Society. Ad- dresses to medical stutlents, delivered at the in- stance of the . . . 1855-6. sm. 8 . Edinburgh, 1856. Enriqi ez (H.J.) Retrato del perfecto medico. 8°. Salamanca, 1595. Exke (C. F.) [Pr.] super quodam Jo. Bodini loco de medicorum dignitate. sm. 4'-. Lipsice, 1777. Essay (Au) upon the duty of physicians and patients, the dignity of medicine, and the pru- dentials of practice. In two dialogues. 8°. London, 1715. Evans (J.) Adelress to the graduating class of Rush Metlical College, ou the nature, utility, and obligations of the medical profession. 8°. Chicago, 1850. Feletti (A.) II medico e la societa. 12°. Bologna, 1870. Fleck (A.) *Ieleam boui medici castrensis inaug. hac diss, adumbratam . . . proponit. 4-. Altorft Noric, 1721. Flint (A.) The reciprocal duties and obliga- tions of the meelical profession and the public ; introductory lecture. 8°. Chicago, 1*44. Ford (J. P.) The difficulties, duties, and re- warels of the physician. An address. 8°. Nash- ville, 1*50. Foroeot (J.-A.) 'Reflexions sur lam^decine et les devoirs dn me"decin. 4°. Paris, 1*33. Foster (S. C.) The physician's knowledge: an oratiein. 8°. New York, 1863. Frazer (E. S.) Valeelictory aeldress to the class of graduates of the Missouri Medical Col- lege. **-. St. Louis, Mo., 18.77. Friendly aeldress to the medical profession. [On the benefits conferred by the Christian PHYSICIANS. 213 PHYSICIANS. Phvsicians. physician, anel appeal to medical men to become such.] 8 . Edinburgh, 1858. Fromholdus (T.) *De contidentia in iuedi- cum: vom Vertraueu auf den Artzt. 4°. Erfor- dice, [1720]. G. (H.) Le bon meclecin de campagne. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. Galateo(P-) De'medici. 12°. Pisa, 1819. Garoz (J.-B.-C.) * Considerations g6n6rales sur les quality's morales du m&lecin, suivies du traitement moral dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1835. Gaubius (H. D.) Sermo academicus de regi- mine mentis quod medicorum est . . . 1747. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1747. ______. Thesame. Ed. altera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1767. ------. The same. On the passions; or, a philosophical discourse concerning the duty aud office of physicians in the management antl cure of disorders of the mind . . . Transl. by J. Taprell. 8°. London, [n. d.]. ------. Sermo academicus alter de regimiue mentis quod medicorum est. . . 1763. Eel. altera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1769. ------. The same. Von der Regierung des Geistcs, welche den Aerzten zukommt. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Gazola (J.) El mundo enganado de los falsos medicos. Obra posthuma, traducida fielmente del toscauo. 12°. Sevilla, 1729. Geoffroy (E.-F.) * Quaestio medica, an me- dicus, philosophns mechauico-chymicus? In his: Tract, de mat. meel. 8°. Paris, 1741, i, 91-106. vanGeuns(M.) Oratio de humanitate, vir- tute medici praestantissima, cum filium suum Stephanum Joannem van Geuns . . . publico et solenui ritu meelicinae doctorem crearet. 4°. Hardervici Gelrorum, [1790]. Gibbons (H.), sr. Valeelictory address to the graduating class of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. ------. Introductory lecture to the summer course of 1849 in the Philadelphia College of Medicine. 8G. Philadelphia, 1849. Gibson (W.) Valedictory address to the class of medical graduates of the University of Penn- sylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1846. Gilbert (D.) Valedictory address to the grad- uates of the medica] elepartmeut of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1852. ------. Valedictory address to the graduates ofthe medical tlepartment of Pennsylvania Col- lege. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Godding (W. W.) & Cissel (W. W. L.) Ad- dresses delivered at the sixty-fourth annual commencement of the National Medical College (meelical department of the Columbian Univer- sity), March 17, 1886. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1880. Godmax (J. D.) Professional reputation. An oration. 8°. Philadelphia, 1826. Goodell (W.) The valedictory address to the graduating class of the medical tlepartment of the University of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1878. Goodeve (H. H.) General introductory lect- ure addressed to the students of the Calcutta Medical College. 8°. Calcutta, 1848. Great Britaix. Secretary of Stale for the Home Department Baronetcies conferred on physicians, etc. Return to an address of the House of Com- mons, dated Aug. 14, 1883, for "return of names aud residences of physicians and surgeons who, in each year since 1850, have received the honour of baronetcies or knighthoods", fol. [London, 1883.] 'hysicians. Gregori(G.) * De medici taciturnitate. sm. 4°. Regiomonti, [1703]. Gregory (J.) Observations on the duties aud offices of a physiciau, and on the method of pro- secuting enquiries in philosophy. 8°. London, 1770. -----. The same. Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physiciau. A new eel, 8°. London, 1772. -----. The same. Revised and corrected by James Gregory. 12°. Edinburgh < McSherry (R.) Valeelictory address to the graelnating class of the medical department of the University of Maryland. 8°. Baltimore, 1*63. Marvin (J. B.) The aim and purpose of the meelical man. 12°. Louisville, [1886]. Marx (K. F. H.) Akesieis. Blicke indie ethi- scheu Beziehungen tier Mediciu. 8 . (Ibttiiiqen, 1844. -----. The same. The moral aspects of metlical life, consisting ofthe "Akesios" of Pro- fessor K. F. H. Marx. Transl. from the German, with biographical notices antl illustrative re- marks, by James Mackness. 8°. London, 1846. -----. Mittheilungen fiber Zwecke, Leielen, und Freuden eler Aerzte. Geschichtliches und Gedachtes. 8°. Giittingen, 1*67. -----. Aerztlicher Katechisinus. Ueber die Aufortlerungen an tlie Aerzte. 8°. Stuttgart, 1876. Maturi (R.) Galateo del medico. 16°. Na- poli, 1*73. Maul(W. C.) Aelelress of . . . and valedictory of Prof. Lunsford P. Yandell, jr., at the com- mencement ofthe University of Louisville med- ical department. 8C. Louisville, 1869. Meads (O.) An aelelress to the class of gradu- ates of the Albany Meelical College. 8U. Albany, 1*55. Medical (The) profession; its aims and its objects. By a surgeon. 8°. London, 1861. Medicus affiictus, oeler der wohl-geplagte Meelicus, tlas ist : impassionirte Beschreibung tlerer Vertlriesslichkeiten, Beschwerungen und Plagen, welche ein gewissenhaffter Artzt von unilanckbaren Patieuten und andern uube- scheielenen Lenten zu erdulden und zu vertragen. Allen Lieblnibern tier heilsammen Kunst zur Nachricht, Warming und Trost ktirtzlich, doch grundlich entworflen von C. T. A. S. M. L. 12°. Budissin, 171*. Medicus politicus, dat is, onderwijs aan een jonger medicus, wegens die politike streeken, welke in ele praktijk eler medicijnen ingesloopen zijn. 12°. Amsterdam, 1700. Meigs (C. D.) Introductory lecture. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*50. -----. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Metlical College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*5J. -----. The vocation of the medical scholar in society. Introductory lecture to the class of midwifery, etc., in the Jefferson Medical Col- lege, delivered Wednesday, October 9, 1854. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. -----. Charge to the graduating class of Jefferson Medical College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. Meigs (J. A.) Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Philaelelphia College of Medicine, 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. -----. Valedictory address to the graduating class of Jefferson Medical College, 8°. Phila- delphia, 1870. Meissel (G. F.) * De medico minus duro om- nium durissimo. 4°. Vitembergce, [1745]. Mendeniiall (G.) Introductory adelress at the opening of the sixth session of the Miami PHYSICIANS. 216 PHYSICIANS. Physicians. Medical College of Cincinnati, on: Professional success. 8°. Cincinnati, 1865. Menessier (F.-V.-C.) Mission du meMeciu dans la society. 8°. Montpellier, 1850. Mextz (J. G.) Religionem medicorum esse optimam paucis asserit. 4°. Longosalissce, [1755]. Meyer (J.) *De medici prudentia. 8°. Landishuti, 1820. Millikin (D.) The extra-professional work of physicians. 8°. Cincinnati, 1884. Mitchell (J. K.) The value of a great meel- ical reputation, with suggestions for its attain- ment ; a lecture. 8°. Philadelphia, 1834. -----. On the usefulness of the medical pro- fession beyond the limits of the profession. A lecture. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. -----. Charge to the graelnates of Jefferson Medical College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. -----. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College ... 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. Mitchell (T. D.) The pains antl pleasures of a medical life, being an introductory to a course of lectures ou materia medica and therapeutics. 8°. Lexington, Ky., 1839. -----. The good physician ; being an intro- ductory lecture. 8°. Lexington, Ky., 1842. -----. Valedictory to the graduating class of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1852. -----. Professor Mitchell's farewell to the graduating class of Jefferson Medical College, 8C. Philadelphia, 1861. Monfalcon (J.-B.) * De l'influence que l'age exerce sur l'habilet6 du naexlecin. 4°. Paris, 1818. Mott (V.) Address before the graduates of 1860 of the University Medical College of New York. 8C. New York, 1860. de Mouchy (F. G.) * De medico optimo na- turae et observatore, et imitatore. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1774]. Matter (T. D.) Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 8 . Philadelphia, 1851. Muller (T. A.) * De conscieutia medica. sm. 4°. [Halce, 1724.] Munaret (J. M. P.) Du uie\lecin de cam- pagne et de ses malades, mceurs et science, v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1837. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1840. Murphy (J. A.) An introductory address de- livered to the students of the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati. 8°. Cincinnati, 1855. Mcssey (R. D.) An adelress read to the med- ical class at Dartmouth College. 8°. Hanover, N. H, 1818. -----. The trials and rewards of the medical profession ; an introductory lecture. 8°. Cin- cinnati, 1853. Nasse (C. F.) Von der Stellung der Aerzte im Staate. 8°. Leipzig, 1823. Naude (G.) Quaestio quarta iatrophilologica. An liceat medico fallere aegrotum ? 12°. Romte, 1635. Neefe (J. C. A.) * De medico platonico. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1759]. Neill (J. ) Valedictory address before the medical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. Neumann(H.) Die analytische Medicin. 8°. Breslau, 1847. Nicolai (J. T.) * De medicorum meritis in Augustanam confessionem. 4°. Vitembergce, [1730]. Norton (S. A.) A valedictory address deliv- ered before the class graduating Feb. 29, 1872, Physicians. from the Miami Metlical College of Cincinnati. 8°. Cincinnati, [1872]. Oberxdorffer (J.) De veri et falsi medici aguitione. Tractatus brevis in theoremattun forma conscriptus. 4°. Lavingce, 1500. -----. The same. 4°. Lavingce, 1600. Oliver (G. P.) Openiug adelress of the Metl- ico-Chirurgical Society of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. Ordronaux (J.) A valedictory aeldress de- livered before the medical class of the University of Vermont. 8°. Neiv York, 1865. Paget (J.) Inaugural address at the opening of the new buildings of the Leeds' School of Medicine. 8°. L.eeds, 1865. Pallen (M. M.) An address to the graduates of the St. Louis Metlical College. 8°. St. Louis, 1864. Pancoast (J.) Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. -----. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1855. -----. Valedictory address to the graduating class of Jefferson Meelical College of Philadel- phia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1865. -----. Valedictory address to the graelnating class of Jefferson Medical College. 8U. Phila- delphia, 1872. Pathiot (L.) *An peregrinatio medico utilis ? In : Sigwart (G. F.) Quiest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingm, 1789, i, 179-184. Patin (C.) Quod medicus debeat esse tvoIv- pa&r/c. 4°. Venetiis, 1684. Patterson (H. S.) Valedictory aeldress de- livered before the graduates of the meelical de- partment of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1844. -----. Valeelictory address to the graduating class ofthe meelical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. Paul (J. L.) Valedictory address delivered at the Madras Medical College, at the close of the session 1861-2. 8°. Madras, 1862. Peabody (A. P.) What the physician should be. An aeldress delivered at the commencement of the medical school of Harvard Universitv. 8°. Cambridge, 1870. Pease (C.) Atldress delivered before the grad- uating class in the medical department of the University of Vermont. 16°. Burlington, 1856. Peaslee (E. R.) Comparative intellectual stauding of the medical profession. An intro- ductory address. 8°. Concord, 1851. -----. The moral character of the medical profession. An address. 8°. New York, 1852. Petit (M.-A.) Essai sur la me'elecine du cceur, auquel on a joint les principaux discours pro- nonces a l'ouverture des cours el'anatomie, d'ope"- rations et de chirurgie clinique, de l'H6tel-Dieu de Lyon. 2. 6el. 8°. Paris, 1828. Pierce (G. F.) An adelress to the graduating class of the Medical College of Georgia. 8°. Augusta, 1844. Pitcher (Z.) An address to the first gradu- ates ofthe medical department ofthe University of Michigan. 8°. Detroit, 1851. Platner ( E. ) [ Pr. ] de libertate, magno medicorum bono. 4°. Lipsiw, 1816. Plaz (A. G.) [Pr.] ele scrupulositate medica. 4°. Lipsice, [1772]. -----. [Pr. ] de medicae vitae commodis et iu- commoelis. 4°. Lipsice, [1781]. Ploucquet (W. G.) Der Arzt, oder fiber die Ausbildung, die Stuelien, Pflichten, Sitten, uud elie Klugheit des Arztes. 8\ Tiibingen, 1797. PHYSICIANS. Physicians. Poerner (C. G.) * De officiis medici quate nus felicitatem ejus promovent, commeutatio posterior. 4C. Lipsice, [1753]. Pope (C. A.) An address to the graduates of the medical elepartment of the St. Louis Univer- sity. 8°. St. Louis, 1852. -----. Valedictory address to the graduating class ofthe St. Louis Medical College. 8°. St. Louis, 1860. Powell (T. S.) A colloquy on the duties and elements of a physician. 12°. Atlanta, 1860. Priem (J. M.) Monita qiuedam medicis ju- nioribus counter acclimata, ue a vero medendi tramite aberreut. 8°. Monachii, 1837. Purefoy (T. ) The physiciau; his tempta- tions, trials, duties, and privileges. 8°. Dublin, 1840. Quintard (C. T.) Au address delivered he- fore the graduating class of the Medical College of Georgia. 8J. Augusta, 1851. -----. The true physiciau. An atldress to the graeluating class of the Memphis Meelical Cedlege. 8°. Memphis, 1852. Ramsbotham (F. H.) Introductory adtlress delivered at the London Hospital Meelical Col- lege. 8°. London, 1861. Rand (B. H.) Valedictory address to the grad- uates of the medical department of Pennsylva- nia College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861. -----. Valedictory address to the graduates of the Jefferson Medical College. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1800. Ravel (C.) Malice, rudesse, durete' de quel- ques homines de l'art envers leurs malades. 8°. Paris, 1873. Reese (J. J.) Valedictory aeldress to the grad- uates of the medical department of Pennsylvania College. e°. Philadelphia, 1854. Reinhard (J. G.) Oratiunculam medicam, de quaestione : An sit doctus medicus felici prae- ferenelus? representat. 4C. Lipsice, 1653. Reis (F. A.) *De officio medici in itiuere principis. 4°. Altorfii, 1740. Remington (I.) Address before the Philadel- phia County Medical Society. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861. Richter (C. F.) * De medici officio diss, quarta. sm. 4~. Lipsice, [1699]. Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] de medico morientis aelspectum magis quam mortui fugiente. 4°. Gottingw, 1759. Richter (H. W.) *De medici ex omni parte perfecti imagine. 4°. Lipsice, [1798]. Rochlitz (J. T. H.) * Ue medico naturae do- mino, sm. 4°. Belmstadii, [1KJ0], Rogers (L.) Introductory lecture before the medical class of the University of Louisville. 81-. Louisville, 1850. Roler (E. O. F.) Introductory address before the students of the Chicago Medical College. 8°. Chicago, 1881. Roosa (D. B. St. J.) The coming medical man. 8°. New York, 1874. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1875. -----. The relations of the medical profes- sion to the state. 8°. Neiv York, 1879. Rudder (W.) The complete physician. An address pronounced before the graduates of the Albany Medical College. 8°. Albany, 1861. Rush (W.) Valedictory address to the grad- uates of the meelical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. Schaeffer (G. C.) Valedictory address to the graduating class of the meelical department of Georgetown College. 8°. Washington, 1858. PHYSICIANS. Physicians. sYheffel (C. S.) [Pr.] de usu silentii me- dico, sm. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, [1748]. Schiese (J. M.) * Medicus fortunatus. sm. 4°. Regiomonti, [1714]. Schnkider (G. S.) Das Amt und die Eigen- schaften eines Medici-Physici. 4°. Friedrich- stadt, 1772. Schroeder (H.) *De medico nimis timido. 4\ Belmstadii, 1733. Schutzenberger (C.) Du nieYlecin: eles con- ditions morales de son developpement. 8'-'. Strasbourg, 1863. de Schultz (A. O. L.) *De medici ael reni- publicam relatione. 8°. [Dorpat], 1812. Schwenken (C. G.) Ob man sich einem juu- gen Medico sicher anvertrauen konne? 4 . Leipzig, [1748]. Sewall (T.) A charge delivered to the grad- uating class ofthe Columbian College, D. C. 8 . [ Washington, 1827. ] Seymour (W. P.) The two ways: an aelelress to the graelnating class of Castletou Meelical College. 8°. Rutland, 1858. Shattuck (G. C.) An address deliveretl at the annual commencement ofthe Metlical School of Harvard University. 8°. Boston, 1801. -----. The medical profession anel society. The annual discourse before the Massachusetts Medical Society, May 30, 1866. 8 \ Boston, 1866. Siber ( J. V. ) *De medico naturae adjutore. sm. 4J. Fitembergce, [1702]. Simon (J.) *De eliguitate medici deque eo quern in humaui generis societate medicus obti- net loco. 8°. Berolini, [1820]. Simpson (J. Y.) Remarks on the conduct and duties of young physicians; addressed to the Edinburgh medical graduates of 1842. 8°. Ed- inburgh, 1842. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1*48. -----. Physicians and physic: three aeldres- ses. I. On the duties of young physicians. II. On the prospects of young physicians. III. On the modern advancement of physic. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1856. Sinclair (E.) Address to the graduates of the Medical College of Georgia. 8°. Augusta, 1838. Singleton (J. W.) An address delivered be- fore the eighth graduating class of the medical department of the University of Nashville. 8°. Nashville, 1859. Smith (F. G.) Valedictory aelelress to the graeluates of the medical elepartment of Pennsyl- vania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. Smith (H. H.) The metlical, literary, and so- cial influence of the alumni of the metlical de- partment of the university. An introductory lecture. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. Smith (N. R.) An address pronounced before the medical graduates of the University of Mary- land. 8°. Baltimore, 1828. Soliscus (J. I.) Metlicameutum non irokvxp"- arov, sed nayxpWTov (alias universiile dictum) revelat, elegisque latinis decantat. 12°. [n.p., n. d.] de Souza Amado (J.) Cautela com os medi- cos ou observacoes e exemplos sobre a conveui encia e necessidade de nao convidar nunca senao os medicos religiosos e de regeitar sempre os me- dicos impios. 8\ Lisboa, 1858. Spurgin (J.) The physician for all; his phi- losophy, his experience, and his mission. 8° London, 1855. Stahl (G. E.) [Pr.] de dissensu medicorum. 4. [Halce Magdeb., 1703.] PHYSICIANS. Physicians. ------. [Pr ] de visitatione aegrorum. 4 . [Balce Magdeb., 1703.] ------. [Pr.] de temeritate, timiditate, modes- tia et moderatioue medica. 4°. [Balce Magdeb., 1706.] Steixer (L. H.) Annual oration before the medical anel chirurgical faculty of Maryland. [The character of the model physician.] 8°. Baltimore, 1874. Steixmetz (C. C.) * De justa medici timidi- tate. 4°. Lipsice, [1785]. Stentzel (C. G.) [Pr.] de calumniatoribus medicorum. 4°. [ Vit ember cjce, 1735. ] ------. [ Pr. ] tie medico sibi semper constante. 4°. [ Yitembergce, 1742. ] Stephan (A. C.) *De voto castitatis medico, oeler medicinischer lTnterricht vom Geliibele der Keuschheit. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1736]. Stepiianovits (T.) *De officiis medici. 8°. Budce, 1835. Stevens (A. H.) An address to the class of graduates of the College of Physicians antl Sur- geons of the University of the State of New York, delivered March 11, 1847. 8°. New York, 1*47. Stewart (F. C.) Anniversary aelelress to the New York Medical and Surgical Society. 8°. Neiv York, 1846. Stiles (R. C.) A valedictory adtlress eleliv- ered before the medical class of the University of Vermont. 8°. Burlington, 1860. Stille (A.) Valeelictory aelelress to the gratl- uates of the medical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. Stock (G. N.) *De temperantia medicorum. sm. 4°. Altorjii Noricorum, [1725]. Storer (D. H.) An aelelress delivered at the first meelical commencement of the Massachusetts Meelical College, March 7, 1855. 8°. Boston, 1855. -----. An introductory lecture before the medical class of 1855-6 of Harvard University. 8°. Boston, 1855. Sziller (J. L.) *Diss. sistens diversa officia medici. 8°. Yiennce, 1*34. Taschke (G. F.) * De meelici officio diss. quinta, sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1700]. Tappan (H. P.) The mutual responsibilities of physicians anel the community, being an ael- dress to the graelnating class of the Medical Col- lege of the University of Michigan. 8°. Detroit, 1856. Teichmeyer ( H. F. ) [ Pr. ] tie medico bene valente. 4°. [Jence, 1729.] Teutscher (J. G.) De medico meudace. 4°. Lipsice, [1709]. Thomas (A. R.) Valeelictory address to the graduates ofthe Hahnemann Meelical College of Philaelelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1872. Thomassen a Thuessink (E. J.) Oratio de eo, quoel medicus in arte facieuda inprirais agat. 8°. Gronincpe, 1798. Thompson (J. H.) & Keene (P. F.) Ad- dresses deliveretl at the twenty-first commence- ment of the medical elepartment of Georgetown College, March 10, 1870. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1870. Ticknor (L.) The annual aelelress to the can- didates for degrees and licenses in the medical institution of Yale College. 8\ New Haven, 1841. Todd (A.) A valedictory address to the grad- uating class of Missouri Medical College, March 4, 1881. *\ [St. Louis], 1**1. Triller (J. M.) * De officio meelici praesenti- bus contra-indicationibus. 4°. Altclorffi, [10*9]. ------. The same. 16°. Jence, 1701. PHYSICIANS. Physicians. Trhncurianus (C. A.) De concordia medico- rum elisputatio exoterica. Ad Vencishiuni La- vinium ab Ottenfeld. 16°. [Lausannw], 1585. Tucker (H. H.) The true physician. An ad- dress. 8G. Augusta, 1807. Tctiiill (F.) First years of practice. An ad- dress. 8°. New York, 1*55. Tyler (G.) Valedictory adelress elelivereel at the commencement of the National Metlical Col- lege, Washington, D. C. 8°. Washington, 1*53. United States. Congress. Senate. Report [to accompany bill S. 304] to compensate physicians for services rendereil under an ortler of the court of the northern district of Alabama. 49. Cong., 1. sess. Rep. No. 424. By Mr. Pike. April 7, 1886. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1886.] Verdelhax des Moles (J.) *An quo praestan- tior in praxi medicus, eo et vaticinii genio magis praeditus? In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Quaes, med. Par. 4°. Tubing., 1789, i, 254-258. Vink (H.) * Diss, iuaug. in Aristotelis dictum: Ubi desinit physicus, ibi incipit medicus, inqui- rens. 4°. Lugd.. Bat, 1765. Volz (R.) Aerztliche Briefe. Besprechungen iiber die Stellung der Aerzte im Staate. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1869. Walker (G. B.) The medical profession— what it is not, aud what it is. 8°. [n.p.], 1875. Wallace (E.) Charge to the graeluating class of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. Ware (J.) An introductory lecture delivered before the medical class in Harvard University. 8°. Boston, 1833. -----. Success in the medical profession. An introductory lecture. 8°. Boston, 1851. -----. Farewell atldress delivered to the medical graduates of Harvard University, March 12, 1856. 8°. Boston, 1856. Watson (J.) The true physician. An anni- versary discourse. 8°. New York, 1860. Webster (J.) Address to the graduates of Geneva Medical College. 8°. Jiochester, 1841. -----. Address to the graduates of Geneva Meelical College. 8°. Geneva, N. Y., 1844. Wedel (G. W.) [Pr. jdefortuna medici. sm. 4°. Jence, [1686]. Weist (J. R.) The evolution of a doctor. The annual atldress before the Alumni Association of Jefferson Metlical College. 8°. Richmond, Ind., 1883. Welling (J. C.) [et al.] Addresses delivered at the fiftieth annual commencement of the Na- tional Meelical College. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1872. -----. Addresses delivered at the fifty-eighth annual commencement of the National Meelical College. 8°. Washington, 1880. Wkniaminoff ( P.) * Diss, medicum homici- dam adumbrans. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1764. [Wescott (R.)] Duties of physicians as san- itarians. 8°. [Elizabeth], 1886. West (C.) The profession of medicine, its study and practice, its eluties and rewards. An adtlress. 8°. London, 1850. Westphal (A.) Famam istam calamitosam: novi medici, nova ccemeteria; a metlicis juniori- bus depellit. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, [1743]. -----. De medicis non semper salutis humanae vindicibus ac custotlibus. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, [1773]. White (J. P.) Charge to the graeluating class, dilivercd at the conunencement in the medical department of the University of Buffalo. 8°. [Buffalo], 1*67. PHYSICIANS. 219 PHYSICIANS. Physicians. Wiltbank (J.) Valedictory address to the graeluating class of the medical elepartment of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. _____. Aeldress to the graduates of the medi- cal department of Pennsylvania College. *J. Philadelphia, 1850. Winki.er (T. C.) Dokter en patient. 32°. 's-Bertogenbosch, [ 1885]. Witt (P.) *De tempestivo medici silentio et intempestivo. 4°. Yitebergce, [1780]. Wood (G. B.) Aelelress to the medical gradu- ates of the University of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. -----. Introductory lecture to the ceiurse of materia medica in the Unive-rsity of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. -----. Introductory lecture to the course of materia medica in tlie University of Pennsylvania. * . Philadelphia, 1*47. -----. An adtlress to the class of metlical graduates of the University of Pennsylvania, 8°. Philadelphia, 185(5. Wright (M. B.) A lecture deliveretl to the students of the Metlical College of Ohio. 8°. Cincinnati, 1841. Yandell (L. P.) An address on the improve- ment of the medical profession. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1841. See, also, supra, Maul. Young (X.) Valedictory aeldress to the graelu- ating class of the meelical department of George- terwn College. 8°. Washington, 1857. Zeuner (T.) *Diss. sistens requisita medici conscientiosi. 4°. Erfordice, 1724. Address to students, 1881-2: "How to get on in prac- tice '. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 348-352. —A Ibcrtus. Les etoiles doubles de la ni6decine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 1; 61; 121: 169; 217; 277: 637; 717: 1882, 6. s., iv, 33; 85; 637; 653.—Allen (N.) Influence of medical men. N. Eng. M. Month.. Newtown, Conn., 1882-3, ii, 54t;-550. Also. Reprint.—Allinan (G.J.) [The duty of the medical graduate regarding- the cultivation of physical truth.] Edinb. M. J., 1861-2.vii, 217-227. Also, Reprint— Allsehiil. Aerztestand und Hygiene; Glossen zur so- zialen Stelluug chir Aerzte. Wien. nied. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 783; 816; 848; 879; 913; 944.—d'Ardcime. Rapport pre- sente ft l'Association des ineeleeinsde Toulouse sur laques- tion de la creation d'un ordre des medecins. Gaz. ni6d.- chir. de Toulouse, 1885. xvii. 2*1-284: 1886, xviii, 3 — Art (The) of rising in phvsii'. Med. Critic & Psvch. J., Lond., 1861, i, 303-310. — Aslcgiano (G.) I medici in comedia. Osservatore, Torino, 1*74. x. 65; 81; 97; 129.—Bailey (S.) The country doctor. Louisvile M. News, 1883, xv, 273- 276.—Baker (J. M.) The relation ofthe medical profes- sion to modern science'. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1884, xiv, 20-34. — Ittual • Dulaurier. Etude sta- le projet de creation tl'uii ordre des m6decius. J. tie nied. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 348-353. — Bartholin (T.) Les medecins poetes de . . . Traduction de A. Mon- nanteuil. Rev. de lit. meel., Par., 1877, ii, 213; 229; 245; 261; 277; 361: 1878, iii, 3: 29: 53: 109; 137; 221; 277; 305; 333. 362; 389; 443; 471.—Beangrand (E.) Hygiene des medecins. J. d. conn. meel. prat., Par., 1872, xxxix, 257; 273; 289; 3()5. - Beckwith (J. G.) The medical profes- sion; its dignity and grandeur. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. 1860-63, N. Haven, 1863, n. 8., i, 221-244. - Bell ( T. S. ) The duties and responsibilities of the physician. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1874, x, 257-278. — Ben'avente (M.) El medico dehe ser un niodelo de tolerancia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1859, vi, 345. — Bernard (P.-M.) La femme du meilecin. Union meel., Par., 1861, 2. s., x, 1; 161: 289; 353; 407. — Bci-nliai'di (A. ) sen. Die Praktik in praxi, ein Wort itlier aiztlielie, Gescliafts- und Buchfiihruug. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Therap.. Eilenburg, 1865-8, vii. 462-481. Also, Reprint, under title: Die arztliche Gescliafts- und Buch- fiiliriing. — Berriiti ( G.) Sull' anelamento del Collegio Iter gli orfani e ligli poveri tlei meelici italiaui. Iudipen- cli-iite, Torino. 1S77, xxviii. 401; 417. ---—. Proposta per la Istituzione di un comitato perinancnte di difesa profes- sionale. Ibid., 433: 449 -Bidwell (W. D.) The bright and dark sides of a physician's life. Kansas M. J., To- peka, 1889. i, 155-157. —Black (J. R.) The promotion of meelical culture and self-protection bv a new otder of fel- lowship. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1877, n. s., xx, 1052-1057. Also. Reprint. — Bombaugh ( C. C.) The place of the physician in literature. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1884, v, 253-257. — Boiirgnignon. Les lotah's des medecins; les medecius eu dehors tie la profession. Mem. Soc. de Physicians. med. tie Slrasb. (1879-80), 1881, xvii, 111-120. — Bowles (R. L.) The general practitioner of medicine; htaposition and education. [Extr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 106- 168. — Boyer de IVIontpcllier (L. ) Du role ele la m6- decine et des ni6decins elans la societe: dc leur influence sur le progies et la civilisation. Diet, encvcl. cl. sc. nnM., Par., 1877, v, 607-625. — Bi-ann. Unvertriiglichkeit des arztlie-hen Standes mit dem eles Klerlkus in fruheren Jahr- huudeiten. Ann. d. Staatsarznk,, Freib., 1844, ix, 143- 146.—Bro wnson (W. G.) The country doctor; address. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1882-3, ii, 430-444. Also: Proc. Connect. M. Soc., Hartford, 1883, n. s., ii, no. 4, 46-55. —Bruce (W.) Papers on medical economy, etc. Med. Press \-. Circ:., Lond., 1888, n. s., xiv, 425. — Bunt- ing (R. 11.) The doctor as portrayed in fiction. Poly- cliuic, Phila., 1888-9. vi, 193-203. Also .- North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1889, xxiii, 100-116. — Camplx-ll ( IL F. ) The difficulties anasalle. Assurance mutuelle des medecins contre la maladie; rapport k l'Association des m6decinsdelaGironde. Gaz. hebd. it. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 133; 145.— Lcbensvcrsichcruiig (Die) tier Aerzte. Cor.-Bl. d. Allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1878, vii, 66- 70. — Iichmami (L.) Der Lebensversicherungsverein fiir deutsche Aerzte. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 215 —lTIartins (G.) Der Pensionsverein fiir Wittwen unel Waisen bayerischer Aerzte und die Lebensversiche- rungsgesellschaften; eine Paralelle, zugleich ein Mahnruf. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1881, xxviii, 439-443.—.Uedical Sickness, Annuity, and Life Assurance Society. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1884, ii, 1205-1207.—ITIedical Sickness, Annuity, and Life Assurance Society. Ibid., 1887, ii, 372-376 - ITIeil- ical Sickness, Annuity, and Life Assurance Friendly So cietv: fifth report ofthe committee to the members, for the year ending June 30th. 1888. I bid., 1888, ii. 245-247.— Tin ■■ a ret. Supplique au president de la Re-publique, en faveur de la cr6ation d'une maison et d'une caisse de re- traite pour les m6decins vieux et infirmes. Union mCtl., Par.. 1852, vi, 235-237. Also, Reprint. - rVatlherny (K.) Entwurf zur Organisirung eines Peusioninstitutes fur Wittwen und Waisen von Aerzten, Wundarzten und Apothekern. Ztschr. f. Nat. u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oeden- burg. 1857, viii, 361.— IVathan. Die Central Hilfskasse fiir die Aerzte Deutschlands. Aerztl. Ceutr.-Anz., Hamb., 1889. No. 17. — IVothwendige VeranderungenderStatuteu der Spar- und Unterstutzungskasse des allgemeinen arzt- lichen Vereins von Thiiringen behufs ErlangungderRecbte einer juristischen Person fiir tlieselbe. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen. Weimar, 1879, viii. 193-196.— Perdrix (R.) Des associations des medecins clans les d6- partemeiis Gaz. m6d. de Par.. 1844, 2. s.. xii. 489-493.— Petition relative k une pension a accorder k la faraille des medecins mortsde maladie contagieuse dans l'exercice de leurs functions. Tribune ni6d., Par.. 1878, xi, 603.— Peu (ITn) d'historiqne a propos de l'Association g6n6rale des medecins de France. Paris m6d., 1875-6, i, 8; 33.— Pfeufer (C.) Entwurf zu einem Unterstiitzungs-Vereine fiir die Wittwen der Aerzte. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1835, xxix, 83-116.—Plan zu einer Wittweu-Unter- stiitzungs-Anstalt fiir Aerzte. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, lxxxiv, St. 2, 115-118.—Progetto (II) di legge per la pensione alle vedove ed ai figli dei medici e chirurghi morti nella curadei colerosi. Gior. d.r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1868, 3. s.. vi, 63.—Projet d'une association g6n6rale des medecins tie France par 1 extension k tous les d6parteraents de lAssociation ties medecins de la Seine. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1858, xxxi. 85. —Projet el'eHablissement d'une caisse de prevoyance. en faveur eles tn6decins, de leurs veuves et de leurs orphelins. Gaz. m6d. beige, Brux.. 1845, iii, 2; 6: 16; 57; 61; 97; 105- 1846, iv,63-65.-de Bnnse (F.) Projet d'institution de soci6t6s m6dicalea d assurances mutuelles en cas de d6ce-s. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1881. 6. s.. iii, 261; 278—Reglamento de la Sociedad filantropica de profesores de ciencias rae-dicas. Alumno mCd., Madrid. 1881-2, ii, 4 — Report of the committee on plan lor relief of widows aud orphans of medical men. Tr Am. M. Ass., Phila.. 1869. xx, 101-107. — Schiitzenberger (C.) Discours prononces aux reunions annuelles de f'As- PIlvsiciaiis (Aidsocieties, life-insurance, pensions, etc., for). sociation de prevoyance des medecins du Bas-Rhin, 1872, 1873. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1872, xxxi, 38-41: 1873, xxxii, 193-195, 1 pi.—Selberg. Die Fiirsorge fiir iuvalide Aerzte, Arzt-Wittwen uud Waisen in der Provinz Bran- denburg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv. 410. Also, Reprint.—Senx. Association g6n6rale eles mcdccitis de France. Marseille m6d., 1875, xii, 235-212 Nmnil- wood (C.) On the formation of a medical hcne-vnlcnt society, or an annuity fund. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1801, ii, 488.—Societa mutua per soccorsi ai dottori di medicina o di chirurgia, approvata con r. patenti del 27 agosto 1839. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1850, 2. s., vii, 481- 496.—Societe de protection des victimesdi i devoir ml'd ical. Proces-verbal de la seance du bureau de la ... du 7 mars 1889. Concours med., Par.. 1889, xi, 193-199.—Statuts tie la caisse de pensions tlu corps medical beige (medecins, pharmaciens et m6decins-v6t6rinaires). Ibid., 1883, v, 568-573.—Ntrohmayer. Antrag auf corporativen Bei- tritt zum Wittwen- und Waisen-Unterstiitzungs-Institnte des osterr. Aerzte-Vereinsverbandes. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1887, Graz, 1888. xxiv, 143-148.— Todeschini (C.) Sul mutuo soccorso e sul modo di at- tuarlo fra il corpo sanitario italiano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1863, clxxxvi, 347.—Trolard. Sur un projet d'assurances entre m6decins, lit a l'assembl^e g6n6rale'du 6 avril 1878. Alger med., 1878, vi, 161; 229. -----. Rap- port sur un projet d'assurances entre medecins, lu k l'as- sembl6e gen6rale du 6 avril 1878. Tribune m6d., Par., 1878, xi, 493; 507; 519; 531. -----. Projet ele caisse de re- traite pour les membres de l'Association des m6decins de France. Alger m6d., 1887. xv, 245-262. -----. Projet d'assurances mutuelles sur la vie entre m6decins. Ibid., 1879, vii, 177-183.— Tscherepnin (N. P.) Projekt us- tava Vspomogatelno-sberegatelnoi kassi litse vracebnajou zvanija. [Statutes of a loan and savings bank for the ben- efit of physicians.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii, 850. Also, transl.: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 17.— Uebersiehl der arztlichen Unterstiitzungs- und Witt- wen-Kasseu im deutschen Reiche. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Leipz., 1880, ix, 147-154.—Verbatim report of the annual meeting of the Royal Medical Benevolent Col- lege of May 29. 1879. (Decision of governors.) Med. Press efe Circ. Lond., 1879, xxvii, 464-467. Also, Reprint.—Ver- dalle (G.) Quelques reflexions & propos de la reconnais- sance de l'Association g6n6rale de pr6voyance et tie se- cours mutuels des m6decins en France comme 6tablisse- mentd'utilitec publique. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1878, vii, 86; 102.— Vogel. Die Grossh.-Sachsische Pensions-und Unterstiitzungsanstalt fiir Wittwen unel Waisen von Me- dicinalpersimen Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 313-322.—Wnrlomont. Des devoirs de l'fitat envers les veuves et les orphelins des m6decins. morts victimes de leur d6vouement pendant les Cpid6mies de cholera. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1865, viii, 761- 771.—Wiinstedt (W.) Om Uuderstettelsesforeniugeu for danske Laegers traengende Euker og forajldrelose Born. [Relief association for widows of Danish physicians and orphan children] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh!, 1877, xxiv, 105-109.- U itlacil (A.) Ueber die arztliche Selbsthilfe durch das Vereinsleben. Mitth. d Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1886. xii, 85-88—X. Meditsinskija i farma- tsevticheskijaobskestva vzaimnago vspomoschestvovanija v Rossii. [Medical and pharmaceutical mutual relief as- sociations in Russia.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1861, i, 278; 299; 319; 338; 382. Physicians (Condition and social stand- ing of). See Biography (Medical); Medicine (Bistory of); and under names of countries. Physicians (Contracts with). See, also, Dispensaries. Budget! (J. B.) The principles of health assurance. Pub. Health, Lond., 1874. ii. 102: 211-Thorspccken. Dienatiirliche Basis fiir Honorarvertrage mit Ki.enkeucas- sen. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Leipz., 1884, xi, 315-320. Physicians (Controversies of) with sur- geons. See, also, Medicine and surgery (Relations of). Abgenothigte Beantwortung der von cinigeu Medicis wider die Chirurgos mit vielen aufge- biirdeteri Uubilligkeitenherausgegebenen Schrif- ten, in einem Scbreiben entworfen vou einem un- partheyischen Liebbaber der medicin- und cbi- rurgiscben Wissenschafften. 4°. [n. p.], 1758. Andry (N.) Cleon a r:udoxe, tonchant ia pr6- 6tniueuce de la medecine sur la chirurgie. 12°. Paris, 1738. See, also, infra, des Rosiers. 25 PHYSICIANS. PHYSICIANS. Physicians (Controversies of) with sur- geons. -----. Lettre a M. Le Vacber de la Fentrie, eloyen de la Facult6 de in6decine de Paris. 8-. Paris, 1779. Desroziers. Repouse ii la lettre de M. . . . a tin ami tie province. 12°. [«. p., n. d.] Probably by Quesnay; has also been ascribed to Pro- cope Couteaux. -----. Response a l'6crit intitule": C16on a Eudoxe, toucbant la prominence pretendue eles medecins sur les chirurgiens. Adresseo a M. Au- dry ele Boisregard. 4°. [w. p., n. d.] Entretiexs familiers de deux garcons apoti- quaires, sur la nieklccine g<5ii6ralement prise. 24-. [La Baye, 1748.] Hecquet (P.) Le brigandage dc la cbirurgie, on la rneMecine opprimee par le brigandage ele la chirurgie, et le brigandage tie la pbarmacie. Pts. I efe 2. 16°. Utrecht, 17:38. de La Mettrie (J.-O.) Politique du mtSde- cin de Maclnavel, ou cbemin de la fortune ouvert aux me'decius. Ouvrage re"eluit eu forme de con- seils, par le docteur Fum-Ho-Hain, et traduit sur l'original chinois, par un nouveau maitre es arts de S. Cosme. le partie, qui contient les por- traits des plus celebres me"decins de Pe"kiu. 12°. Amsterdam, [1746]. -----. Ouvrage tie P6nelope, ou Macbiavel eu medecine. 2 v. 16°. Berlin, 1748. -----. Tbe same. Supplement, a la fin du- quel se trouve une cle\ 16°. Berlin, 17bO. Petit [A.] Lettre de M. . . . chirurgien jur6 de Paris, etc., a M. Astruc, docteur en me- decine de Montpellier, etc. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Quesnay (F.) Memoire ou l'on fait voir, en quoi peut cousister la preeminence de la m£de- ciue sur la chirurgie. 4°. [Paris, 1736.] -----. Reponse de . . . maitre chirurgien d'Orieans, au medecin auteur du Baillon. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] -----. Reponse d'un chirurgien a la lettre inserec dans le "Mercure de France" du mois d'aout dernier [1736], et adressee aux auteurs des "Observations sur les ecrits modernes". 12°. [n. p., n. cl. ] Reponse d'un chirurgien de S. Cosme a la pre- miere lettre de M. Astruc, au sujet tlu memoire des chirurgiens, sur les maladies ven^rieunes. 4-. [ Paris, 1737.] Bnrlovr (J W) The war of the doctors, surgeons, and barbers of Paris in the 17th century. Irish Hosp. Gaz.. Dubl., 1875, iii, 166; 181.—Episode (Un) de la que- relle des tntidecins et des chirurgiens de Montpellier au xviii" siecle. Me-nioire an roi pour les conseillers et me- decins de sa majeste, chancelier. doyen et professeurs en I Universite de m6decine de Montpellier, et pour le corps de ses docteurs en ladite universit6, contre les maitres chirurgiens de la nieine ville. Montpel. niGtl , 1877 xxxix, 276-280.-i»lontanier(H.) Querelle.s des ine-elei-iuset des chirurgiens au dix-septieme siecle. Gaz. d. ho]).. Par., 1864, xxxvii, 17, 29— Moriaot ile* l.amleN. Disserta- tion dans lequelle on prottve que le vrai medeciu scait la chirurgie, quoiqu'il ne la pratique pas, et que sans etre accoucheur, il est instruit de tout ce qui concerne les ac- couchemens. In: Puzos Trait6 des accouch., 4°, Par.. 1759, pp. xvii-lii. Physicians (Diseases and longevity of). Baier (J. J.) * De longsevitate medicorum, Y. Altdorfi, [1705]. Gussmann(E. ) * StatietischeUntersuchungen iiber die Mortalitats-Verhaltnisse im arztlichen Stiinde. 8°. Tubingen, 1865. Lange (J. H.) "De morbis medicorum. 4°. Rintelli, [1732]. Stebler (F. A. F.) [Pr.] optima, seu non annorum, sed virtutum nnmero computata me- tl ici setas tleducata. sm. 4°. lngolstadii, [1736], Werther(M. G. C.) * De pal'lore medicorum. 4\ Erfurti, 1709. 15 Physicians (Diseases and longevity of). Alleged (The) higher rate of mortality in the medical profession. [Edit.) Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 157.—Bladt (M. C. F. C.) Gjennemsnitslevealde- ren i den danske Ltegestaud i indevterende Aarhundrede. [Average duration of life iu Danish physicians.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., 1879, 3. R., xxvii,'35!).— Casper (J. L.) Ueber die wahrseheinliche Lebensdauer im iirztli- chen Stande. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, 1-9. Also, transl.: Abeille. Brux., 1834, ii, 179-181. Also, transl: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xi, 375-384. -----. Ueber tlie wahrseheinliche Lebensdauer der Aerzte. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1851, 33-43.— Charpignon. Lon- g6vit6 ties m6decins k Orl6aus. Mem. Soc. d'a«-ric. . . tl'Orleans. 1879, xxi, 129-132. — Ooinpeling. Tegen- woordige leveusduur tier medici in Nederland. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, 2. R., xviii, 888-893.— Dn ISoi* (F.) Nouvelles recherches sur la longevity des medecins. Gaz. tl. he>p., Par., 1835, ix, 401. —G. Ueber die Mortalitatder Aerzte. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1806, 839-846.—«uy (W. A.) On the duration of life among medical men. J. Statist. Soc Lond., 1854, xvii, 15- 23 — von Heekcr. Beitrag zur Mortalitatsstatistik der Aerzte. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 283.—Hy- Sjief-iM' des m6decins. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 270-272. — Hygiene des me-decins; mortality des inCdeiins tie la marine. Ibid., 371. — Ingerslcv (V. ) Lidt om Mitldellevetiden for de danske Lteger. [Average duration of life of Danish physicians.] Biblioth. f. Lieger, Kjobenh., 1869, 5. R., xviii, 149-153.—Longevity of med- ical men. [Edit.] Louisville M. News, 1877, iv, 254.— ITlajer (C.) Die Sterblichkeit der Aerzte in Bayern wah- rend der Jahre 1864 bis 1883 incl. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- chen, 1884. xxxi, 301.—,Tlni-mi**«'. Recherches statis- tie|itesetpathologiquessui- les deedschez les medecins. Bor- deaux m6d.. 1878, vii, 9; 17; 41 : 49; 57; 73.-----. Lamor- talit6 des medecins. Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1880, ii, 370-374.—Tlai-liu* (C.) Mortalitatsstatistik der Aerzte in Mittelfranken. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1881, xxviii, 191-194.—IVIenges (P.) Statistik der Lebens- und Gesuntlheits-Verhaltnisse in Nassau im Allgemeinen und eleijenigen tier Aerzte im Besonderen. Mitth. d. Ver. nas- sau. Aerzte, AVeilburg, 1854-5, 1-29. Also, Reprint.—IVel- won (F. G. P.) On the rate of mortality in the medical pro- fession. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1852, xv, 193-22?.—IVieu- wciiliui* (A. J. D.) De levenskans der geneeskundigen. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1887, xii, no. 7, 8.—O'Connor (B.) Facts versus figures relative to the mortality of the medical profession; a criticism of Dr. Ogle's paper at the Medical and Chirurgical Society of Loudon. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii, 120.—Ogle (J. W.) Statistics of mortality in the medical profession. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1885-6, lxix, 217-237. [See. also, supra, O'Connor (B.)] Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Sot;. Lond., 1885-6, n. a., ii, 43-49. A too [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 201-203. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 205.-Porter (I. G.) On the practice of medicine, as conducive to health antl longevity. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1876, 114-118. — Visual qualifications of candidates for the public services. Meel. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 194.—Zeeman (J.) Over den leveusduur der geneeskundigen. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1856, vi, 21; 31; 51; 61. Physicians (Duties and obligations of). See, also, Consultations; Ethics (Medical); Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of); Malpractice (Law, etc., of); Oath (Physician's); Patents; Registration of births, etc.; Sacred embryology; Statistics ( Vital, Legislation relating to); Syph- ilis (Jurisprudence of); Wills (Jurisprudence of). Aerzti.iche (Der) Stand und das Publikum. Eine Darlegimg tier beide-rseitigen uud gegensei'- tigen Pflichtcu. 8°. Miinchen, 187;"). van B. (S.) Betoog dat bet vcroorloven van tie burgerpraktyk aan de officieren van gezemdheid zoude ziju regtvaardig, billijk en het algemeen ten nuttc. Door een officier van gezondbeid. 8°. Deren ter, 1857. Benedictus (A.) De medici atque ;egn offi cio, apborisinoruin sive collectionum liber i. In his: |Omnium a vertice ad calcem morborum signa, t'tc.l 8°. [Basilea;, 15391 1115-1130. [Bocchet. ] Memoire des m6decins de Lyon sur la responsabihte' medicale1, a l'occasion du proces ele M. Tbouret-Noroy. 8°. Lyon, 18.M. Brouardel (P.) Le secret medical. Hono- raues, manage, assurances sur la vie, d6claration ele naissance, expertise, teSmoignage, etc. 12'-'. Paris, 1887 [188(>], Bcdan (F.-D.) * Essai sur cette question d'economie mtklicale: "Couvient-il qu'uu ma- MlYNICIANti. 22(> PHYSICIANS. Piivsicians (Duties and obligations of). lade soit instruit de sa situation?" 8~. Paris, an XII [1803]. Bckky ( C. ) *Medicum inculpatum eistit. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1699. Chardon (C. B.) Des devoirs du medeciu. 8 . Paris, 1852. Coupe (A.-A.) *Du secret medical au point de vue moral, professionnel et criminel. 4°. Paris, 1875. Crevoisier (L.) * Etude m6dico-16gale sur le secret metlical. 8°. Berne, 1878. Leaking (T. H.) Annual address before the Norfolk District Medical Society, 1878. Some of the minor duties of the medical profession to the public and to each other. 8°. Weymouth, 1878. Dechambre (A.) Le medecin. Devoirs pri- v6s et publics, leurs rapports avec la jurispru- dence et l'organisation metlicales. 12°. Paris, 1883. De Ghjannis Gianquinto (J.) De medici se- creto circa vitia matrimonii reelhibitoria ad con- veutuni florentinum. 8°. Pisis, 1869. -----. The same. Del segreto del meelicu circa i vizi redibitorii del matrimonio. Tradottsi dal latino da S. De' Giudici. 8°. Pisa, 1871. Delfau(F.) D6ontologie medicale. Devoirs et droits ties medecius vis-a-vis de l'autorite, tie leurs confreres et du public. 8°. Paris, 1868. See, also, infra. Dkthardinu (G.) Trigam qusestionum de casibus fortuitis funestis in praxi clinica subji- ciet. Resp. filio Georgio Augusto Detharding. sm. 4C. Bavnice, [1734]. Devenson ( S. M. ) K voprosu ob ugolovneii otvietstvennosti vracha. [The professional re- sponsibility of the physician.] sm. 8°. Odessa, 1888. Dind (E.) * De la responsabilite et des erreurs professionuel lea en m6elecine. 8°. Lausanne, 1887. Favreau (P.-C.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude du secret professionnel eu medecine nieutale. 4°. Paris, 1888. Fournie (E.) Des rapports des medecins et ties pharmaciens avec les soeietes de secours mutuels. 8°. Paris, 1861. Frank (J. P.) De civis medici iu republica couditioue atque officiis ex lege prsecipuis erutis. 8°. Ticini, 1785. Also, in his: Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Lipsice, 1790,33-83. -----. Discursus iuauguralis de instituendo ad praxini medico professionis medicinae aileun- tl;c causa. In his: Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1787, Ii, 9-26. ------. Discursus academicus. In his: Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1790, viii, 323- 339. Gilman (C. R.) The relations of the medical to the legal profession. 8°. New York, 1856. Hilscher (S. P.) [Pr.] de medicorum iu- gressu ad infirinos pcrquam necessario. 4°. Jence, [1731]. Jager (J.) *De vinculo juris inter medicum et tegrotantem. 8°. Amstelodami, 1850. Janitsch (G. G.) Quantum liceat medico igno- rantia, errore et malitia aegri in ejusdem salutem uti. 4°. Lipsice, [1718]. Lav aux (A.) *Dn secret en medecine dans ses rapports avec la jurisprudence. 4°. Paris, 1807. Luciani (C.) II segreto professionale medico rispetto alia legge e alia societa. 8~\ Siena, 1887. Mason (A.) Social ethics as connected with the business of the physiciau. The mutual du- ties of physicians and society: being the annual atldress. rt°. Lowell, 1840. Physicians (I>uties and obligations of). Memoire a consulter. | Letter, from a com mission composed of MM. Bigot, Mirault, Du- mont, Farge, Daviers, relative to concealment of a supposed case of infanticide. ] 4 Angers, 1850. Muteau (C.) Du secret professionnel, de son etendue et de la responsabilite' qu'il cntralne d'apres la loi et la jurisprudence. Traite" theo- rique et pratique a l'usage eles avocats, avoids, notaires, ministres du culte, medecins, chirur- giens, sages femmes et de toutes autres pcrsouncs tie posit aires, par etat ou profession des secrets qu'ou leur couhe. 8°. Paris, 1870. Patin (, E. ) *Quelques-uu8 ties principaux devoirs et des principaux droits eiu meilecin. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Pendlebury (J.) An aeldress on the duties of metlical men tow arils their patients and towards each other. Manchester, October 3, 1836. 8'J. London, 1836. Plaz (A. G.) [Pr. ] ele juribus medicorum pnefatus. sm. 4°, Lipsice, [1776]. ------. [Pr. J de licentia medica. 4°. Lipsiw, [1782]. Relations (The) of the medical profession to the state. 8°. New York, 1879. Sachs (F.) * De officio et jure nieelicoruui. 4°. Argentorati, [1706]. Sandifort (E.) Oratio de officio medici per- quam difficili, a multis pessime neglecto. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1783]. Sattler (M. W.) * Theses de jure et privile- ges medicorum. 4°. Basilece, 1609. Sava (K.) Sui pregi e tloveri del metlico. 8°. Milano, 1845. Serieyx (J.-B.-M.-G.-G.) *Du secret medi- cal. Ce qu'il est. Ce qu'il devrait etre au point de vue de la contagion et de l'avortement. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. Simon (M.) Deontologie medicale, ou des de- voirs et des droits des medecins dans l'etat actuel de la civilisation. 8°. Paris, 1845. Smith (J. M.) A discourse on the public du- ties of medical men. 8°. New York, 1846. Societe tie medecine de Lyon. Rapport sur une question de responsabilite metlicale, fait a la Societe ele meelecine de Lyon. 8°. Lyon, ]837. Steomann (J. J.) *De abstincntia medici al> tegrotis famam et vitam nonnuneiuani consci- vantc, wie sich elie Medici bissweilen mit Nutzen tier Kranken enthalten. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1722]. Tenting (H.-P.) *Des devoirs du medeciu. 4°. Paris, 1848. Thouvenel (P.-S.) * Essai sur les tlcvoirs publics et particuliers tlu medeciu, et sur Its con- naissauces qui lui sont necessaires pour les tem- pi ir. 4°. Paris, 1806. Triller (D. W.) [Pr.] praemissa exercitatione medico-critica ad illustrantlum ambiguum quon- dam et obscurum Hippocratis locum ex libro pr;c- ceptiouum de probi medici officio in conservantla potius, quam immutanda liittura. 4°. Witte- bergce, [1772]. Vietoris (D.) *De officio medici in foro po- litico versantis in genere. 4°. Jence, [1763]. WALD.se hmiedt (W. H.) Dissertatio acade- mica, qua tlisquiritur au meelicis impuueoccidere liceat? Resp. Christiauo Volprecht. Y. Kilice, 1704. Wolssel (G.) *De obligatione nieelicoruui. 4°. Erfordice, [1002]. A. Vom Verhalten tier Aerzte gegen unheilbare Kranke nnd Sterbeude. Allg. med. Ann.. Altenb 1806, 537-546- Aei-zlliehen ( Zur ) Gebiihreiit'rage. Petition eler Ge- richtsarzte Bolnueus an den Justiz Minister. Bl. f. Med.- Oese-t/.gc-b. ii. tiff. Gsndhtspflg.. Wien, 1*70. i!i-.".2 -l|jiin. yo i J. M.) Del secreto eu nieelicina y de la couducta del PHYSICIANS. 227 PHYSICIANS Piivsicians (Duties and obligations of). medico en e.ste y en los demas casos arduos de su profesion. Siglo nied.. Madrid, 1855, ii, 177; 185. - [Andral (P. )1 Question tie responsabilit6 m6dicale. Union nie.d. Par., 1862, 2. s., xv, 49-55. -----. Conditions dans lesquelles un medeciu peut etre tenu d'obtemperer aux requisitions de l'autorite publique. Soc. de med. leg. de Par. Bull., 1868-9, i, 232-236. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1869, 2. s., xxxi, 456- 460.—Anfrajj*- wegen zweyerCasuum eonscientiasfurden Arzt. |1. Dai filer Arzt in einigen Fallen das Lebeu seiner Kranken absichtlich verkiirzen? 2. Darf der Arzt gewisse ih in auyertraute Geheimnisse offenbaren?] N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1793, xv, 138-144.—Arnold (R. D.) The reciprocal duty of physicians anel of the public towards each other. Proc. M. Soc. Georgia, Savannah, 1851, 3-30.— Atchison ( T. A. ) Faculty valeelictory of the medical ile-pai tnient of the University of Nashville! and Vauderbilt University. Nashville J. M". cfe S., 1876, 2. s., xvii, 111-123. Also. Reprint. — Avenilano CL.) Responsabilitlad del medico en el ejercicio de su profesion. Clou, med., Lima, 1884, i, 347; 386; 424. —B. (B.) Die Stellung der Aerzte im Staate. Ztschr. f. cl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1824, viii, 384-409.—Bacher. Des secrets en medecine. J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1789, lxxviii, 5-43. — Barat- Dnlaurier (A.) Le secret professionuel et le discours de M. Bruno-Lacombe k la seance de rentrtSe de la cour et du tribunal de Bordeaux. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 146-150 -----. Le secret professhjnnel et les certi Meats tie deces reclames par les compagnies d'assurances sur la vie. Ibid., 1886-7, xvi, 17-23. - Bayle. Responsabilite; secret. Rapport de la commission no. 8. Actes Cong. med. tie France 1845, Par., 1846, 150-170.—Becker e Gio- anuis Oianqninlo (G.) Il secrete elel medico nella legislazione, e la tendenza di reforma nella odierna dottrma di giuriste. Imparziale, Firenze, 1869, ix, 98-106. —Del- feau (F.) Des devoirs et eles droits eles medecins Rec el. actes tlu Comite nu§d. d. Bouches-du-Rhone. Marseille, 1867, vii, 10-84. [See, also, supra.} — Delgado(C) Mocion acerca del secreto medico. An. r. Acad, tie cien. med- . . . de la Habana. 1886-7, xxiii, 417-425.—De Benzi. Anonymi Salernitani de adventu medici ad tcgiotum libellus. Ren die. Accad. med.-chii. di Napoli. 1851, v, 113-119.— Dcver- gie >fc Oery. Des devoirs imposes aux medecins, sages iemnies, ofticiers de sante. par les art. 55, 56, 57 du code Napoleon et 346 tlu code pe-nal. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1870 2. s., xxxiii, 223-239. —Devoirs (Des) tlu medecin dans les enquetes judieiaires et ailuiinistratives. Arch. g6n tie med., Par., 1845, 4. a., ix, 120-126.—Diday (P.) Que doit faire le medecin consulte sur l'aptitiule au manage, d'ein de ses clients? Gaz. med. de Lyon 1863, xv. 5. ----- Des limites du secret medical. Ibid., 1864, xvi, 213-215. ----- Respousabilit6 du medecin devant le nonrrissoii et devant la noun-ice. Ibid.. 1868, xx, 274-276. | Discussion] 277. ;j00. -----. Cas special de secret medical. [Repouse a M. leDr Jullien.] Lyon med.. 1881, xxxviii 599-601 - Didol (A.) Quelques mots sur le secret en niedecine. Mem Acad, roy de meel. ele Belg., Brux. 1849. n pt. 1, 70-103 Also : Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1849-50, ix. 566-597 Also: J. denied., chir et pharmacol., Brux. 1851, xii, 73 , 180. Also : Gaz. med. de Lyon 1851 iii, 45 . 65 -----. Sur le secret et sur la responsabilite des meileciiis [Rap tie Belleford.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med de Belg. Brux., 1854-5, xiv, 502-511.—Dodson (N. M ) The duties of medical men to their profession, the public and them selves. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee 1884, xviii .>8- 66.- Doppelstellung (Die) als Arzt und Staatsarzt ■ fromme Wiinsche eines Physikus Mitth. il badisch aei ztl. Ver . Karlsruhe, 1856 x, 33-37. -Dubois tl Amiens Responsabilite medicale. Tribunal d'Evieux J hebd il progr. d. sc. et inst. med . Par.. 1834, i, 27-30-Dnbrae Le see-ret medical Ann d'hvg- Par 1888 3 s xx 208-217 - Dumas (I ) Du secret dans la meclec-inc-pra- tiijue. J Soc de meel.-prat, de Montpel., 1813, vn, 81-94.- PHYSICIANS. 22n. de therap., etc., Par., 1850, xxxviii, 88; 135; 233.— Foucart (A.) Condamnation d'un ni6decin pour refus de visite k un malade; appel; r6forme du jugement par la cour imp6nale. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 549 -Gar- cia Perez. Responsibilidade dos medicos. J. Soc. cl. sc med. de Lisb., 1840, xi, 29-36. — Gamier (F.) Reve- lation du secret professionnel. Lyon metl., 1870, v. 68 — <»oix (A.) Note sur les devoirs du medecin chi6tien an- pies des mourants. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1889, i, 377- 382.—tivaves (E. E.) Some of the risks and responsibili ties of the profession. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Con- cord, 1878.77-90. — Gr[ciner?]. Einige Bemerkungen uberdieBebandlungweiblicherKranken. Allg med Ann., Altenb , 1810, 447-458.-----. Ueber Beratlisclilagiuigen tier Aerzte am Krankenbette. und gemeiuschaftlicln- Be- handlung eines Kranken. Ibid., 1811, 939-947 -«uerin (J.) De l'intervention eiu corps m6dical dans la situation actuelle; programme de m6tleciue sociale Gaz. m6d de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 183-185. Also. Reprint.— Hecht. Des droits et des devoirs eiu ni6decin. Rev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1887, xix, 678-691.—Hcdrich. Ueber Competenz der Civil- uud nanientlich der Bezirksarzte, Militarpflich tigeu Gesundheitszeugnisse auszustellen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1827, xiv, 32-47. - Heiskell ( C. W.) The legal responsibilities and rights of physicians and surgeons. Med. & Surg. Month , Memphis, 1866, i, 15-24.—lie mar (H.) Le secret medical au point de vue ilelarevelationdescrimesetdestl^lits. Soc:. denied, leg.de Par. Bull, 1868-9, i, 146-196. [Discussion], 349-383 Also Ann d'hyg., Par., 1869, 2. s., xxxi, 187-237. |Discussion] 1870, 2. s., xxxiii, 188-223. -----. Privilege du medecin pour les frais de la deruifere maladie. Soc. de m6d I6g de France. Bull., Par., 1875-6, iv, 526-533 -----. Note sur les obligations imposees aux mfedecins en ce qui concerue les declarations de naissance. Ann. d'hyg , Par., 1876 xiv, 309-317. — Hidalgo Carpio (L ) Secreto ni6dico Gac. med de M6xico, 1866, ii, 298-301. ——. Moral medica. Porvenir, Mexico, 1870, ii, 1-15. — Ilofmauu. Ueberdie Stellung des Arztes vor Gericht bei dem offentlichen und tunudlichen Verfahren. Ztschr. f. d Staatsarznk . Er- lang., 1850, lx, 155-161. — Homicide secundum artem [ Allowing a monster to bleed to death by leaving the um bilical cord nnligated. | Phila. M. Thues,1883-4 xiv 324- van Hoof (J.) Des devoirs du m6decin. Gaz. med beige, Brux., 1845, iii, 53; 58; 66; 72; 85; 117; 121, 124 134. — Horteloup (E.) Medecin; secret professionnel; refus de prestation de serment comme t6nioin ; condamna- tion. Ann. il hyg , Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 160. — Hoyos ( F C.) Secreto medico Observador tn6d.. Mexico 1869-71 i, 25-30.—11 ufeland <"0. W. ) Von elem Rechte des Arztes iiber Leben und Tod. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl . 1823, lvi, 1. St., 3-28. — isnard. Rapport dune commis sion nominee pour 1 examen d' une question tie responsabilite medicale a 1'occasion dun jugement rendu le 25 janvier 1867 par le Tribunal de 1" instance de Metz Exposed trav. de la Soc. tl. sc med. de la Moselle 1866, Metz, 1867 1-81 — 1st es bei einer guten methcinischen Polizei zu lassig, tlass sich fremde Zahn und Leichdoruarzte iiffent lich attsschreiben und ihre Hiilfe pomphaft aukiindigeu Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang. 1826, xii 410-416.- Jahn (G. A.) Ueberdie Nothwendigkeit der Theilnahnie des Arztes an den gerichtlichen Gegenstande seines Faches betrefl'endeu Untersuchuugeu nebst zwei erlauternden Fallen. Ibid, vi, 125-152.—J ullien (L.) Cas special de secret medical; lettre a M le Dr. Diday, [avec s£ reponsej Lyon metl. 1881, xxxviii 597-599 Also. J de m6d. de Par 1882. ii. 63-69. -Jutet (IE.) Estce un devoir pour le medeciu de reveler a la .justice un crime dout il surpreud I accomplissement sur la personne- de sou malade ? Lyon med. 1870 v. 586-590. — Kami auf die Beibrmguug eines Ansteckungsstoffes die Stratvorschrift iiber Vergiftung angewendet werden? Bl. f. gerichtl Anthrop., Niirnb, 1857, viii, Hft. 4, 64-69 -Kaulfmaini (T W.) Auch eine Stimme iiber die Vertheiluugdei Aer/.te und die arztliche > Physicians (Duties and obligations of). Besorguug armer Krauker mit besonderer Riicksicht mil das Grossherzogthum Baden. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk Erlang., 1846, Iii, 327-340—Kunstfehler (Ueber tlie) tier ausubenden Mediziualpersonen Bl. I nerichtl. Anthrop., Ausbach, 1854, v. Hft. 6, 27-41.— I.iii^litou ( W.) Oii the duties of physicians. Tr. N Hampshire M. Soc. Manchester, 1859, 52-62. — I/amli' (P.-L.) Le secret me dical et les compagnies d'assurances sur la vie. Gaz. m6tl tie Bordeaux, 1874, iii, 169-175 — C a tour (A.) Responaa- bilit6 medicale. Gaz. nied. de Lyon. 1856, viii, 301-308. -----. Sur la conduite k tenir par le medecin consulte sur la sante d'un client, a 1'occasion du mariage. Union med Par., 1862, 2. s., xvi, 561; 609: 1863. xvii, 225. ----- Dn see-ret medical. Ibid.. 1864, 2. s.. xxii, 161-164.—I.egrnml du Saulle. Des dons manuels in articulo mollis; le mCdecin peut-il se charger de remettre k un tiers des ob jets qu'il aurait recus d'un mourant' Gaz. d. hop., Par, 1865, xxxviii, 569. -----. Le niedecin peut-il recevoir tl un mourant un pli cachet6 on ties objets elestiu6s k une per- sonne tierce? J. tie nied.de Boreleaux 1884-5, xiv, 317- 319. Also: Scalpel, Li6ge, 1884-5, xxxvii 297. Also: Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1885. lviii, 105-107. — I.ehre (Zur) vou tier Zurechnung des arztlichen Heilverfahreus. Bl. f. go richtl. Anthrop.. Ansbach, 1853, iv, 1. Hft.. 10-20. — I,6ff- ler (A.) Referat iiber die Mittel zur Abhilfe ties nut arztlichen Recepten getriebenen Missbrauehes. Mitth tl. Wien. med. Doct.-Ooll.. 1879, v. 57-63. — l.omnx (W.) Responsibility of physicians and the objects and duties of the Indiana State Medical Society. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1871, 97-111— Lyman (O. E.) Some notes ou a doctor's liability. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1880-81, xviii, 769-776. — lVIandruzzato (S.) Galateo pegli ammalati. Rac. di op. med. mod. ital.. Bologna. 1828, vii, 216-226. — de IVIartiguy ( C P.-C.) De la nc)ii-responsabilit6 ties mecieefns A un. d'hyg., Par. 1829. ii, 222-227—ITIalhia- son c. Keed. Alleged libel and slander by medical otti cor; privileged communications. Local. Gov. Chron. Lontl., 1881, 431 — iTlathieu (J.) Du secret m6dical Lyon med., 1870, vi, 57-60 - iTIalthyftseus ( J.-F.) De Taction des medecins, comme partie civile. Ann. Soc. de^ m6d. d'Anvers, 1849 39-46 — lVlauriac ( E.) Le secret medical dans ses rapports avec la declaration ties cleces J de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 397. — iVIcnnpiiiM. Ueber Discretion bei Mittheilung von Krankengi sclui li ten. Berl. nied. Centr.-Ztg., 1839 viii, 481-486.—Vleriiiiu (H. C ) Professional atmosphere and morals; or, patents antl secrets vs. a liberal profession Dental Cosmos Phila., 1889 xxxi 413-435 - iTIclz (C. A.) Steht es dem Arzte als Staatsbiirger zu, Duelle, Mordthaten, contagiose Krankheiten anzuzeigen ? Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang . 1836, xxxi 431 - 442 - IVIczger ( G. ) Ueber die Verprlichtung der Aerzte, unter dem Siegel der arzt- lichen Versehwiegenheit anvertraute Verbrechen Beliufs der gerichtlichen Untersuchung zur Auzeige zu briugen. Ann d ges. Staatsarznk. Tubing, 1836, i, 182-205.— lTIilam (J W ) Some remarks on the relations and duties of the physician to the public Tr. Indiana M. Soc Indianap., 1886 xxxvi. 31-37. — iTIilligan (F. H.) The limit of the surgeon s responsibility. Tr. Minnesota M Soc. St, Paul 1876 114-120 Also: Med , Magdeb., 1708. ] Barat-Uulanrier (A.) Rapports entre medecins et pharmaciens. J. de meel tie Bordeaux, 1886-7. xvi. 541- 544— Black wel I (E. T.) A remedy against duplicating prescriptions. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 140—Chaude (E.) Notesur 1 exercice de lapharmacie par les inedecins. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1879.3 s.,i. 169-171. Also- Soc. denied. 16g. de Fiance. Bull.. Par., 1880 vi, 145-147 —t'leemanii ( R. A. ) Report on the respective duties of the druggist and physician, made to the Philadelphia County Medical Society". January 12, 1881. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81. xi, 409.—College (The) of Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and the druggists. Canada M. J. Montreal, 18IJ9-70, vi. 523-526. — Conjoint (A) scheme for doctors and chemists. Med. Times &■ Gaz . Loud., 1879. ii, 48 — Cuddy (J. W. C.) The relationship existing between physician anel druu'ii'ist. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y. 1883, xxxv ISI. — DiNpeiisirl'reibeit i Die) eler Aerzte. Aerztl. Int.- I'.l.. Miine-hen, H77. xxiv 121 -123. - Downes (R. J.) On the propriety of impounding original prescriptions. Med. Press &. Circ. Lond., 1878, n. s.. xxvi, 119. — Dumbeck fV.H.) Pharmacistsveisusphysicians. PeoriaM. Month., 1881-2. ii, 251-254. - Ede* ( R. T. ) The relation of drug manufacturers to the progress of therapeutics. Boston M. , to March, 1880. 8°. Philadelphia. A continuation of: lVIedicatio localis. Physician's (Tin) Monitor. A concise reper- tory of useful information for the medical practi- tioner, with the reprint of the code of ethics of the American Meelical Association. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1870, 1872; nos. 3-4', v. 2, 1873-4; nos. 5-6, v. 3, 1875-6; nos. 7-8, v. 4, 1*77-8; no. 9, v. 5, 1879; no. 1, v. 12, 1883; no. 1, v. 13, 1885. 8°. New York, IT. A. Townsend cy Adams Physician's (The) prescription book; contain- ing list of terms, phrases, contractions, anel ab- breviations useel in prescriptions, with explana- tory notes, also the grammatical construction of prescriptions, etc. To which is added a key con- taining the. prescriptions in au unabbreviated form, with a literal translation, intended for the use eif medical and pharmaceutical students. 1. Am. from the 10. Lond. ed. 288 pp. 16°. Phil- adelphia, Lindsay $■ Blackiston, 1852. Physicians' registry of births and deaths; con- taining also a copy of the registration act, with the forms of returns. 10 pp., 105 1. 8°. Phila- delphia, W. G. Perry 4- Erety, 1852. Physicians' (The) and Surgeons' Investigator. [Homoeopathic] A monthly journal devoted to the best interests of the profession. Edited by the faculty ofthe College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Buffalo, N. Y. Editors: S. AV. Wet- more and S. N. Bray ton. v. 1-10, 1880-89. 8\ Buffalo, N. Y. Current v 2 by Brayton and A. A. Htibbell. In v. 4 J. J. Gayuor added. "Physicians (The) and surgeons ofthe United States." Review. 8 pp. 8°. Columbus, O., Colt <$■ Baiin, 1878. Physick (H. H.) Concerning angels and spirits, its seen by . . . in the year 1838. 24 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1846. Physick (Philip Syng) [1768-1837]. * De apo- plexiti. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1792. -----. Notes ou the lectures of. . . taken during the winter of 1808 and 1809 bv Jeihn Todd. MS. 284 pp. 4°. [Philadelphia, 1809.] -----. Abstracts from lectures on surgery deliv- ered in the University of Pennsylvania, A. D. 1818-19. 320 pp. MS. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1810.] See, also, IVIitscherlich (CarolusGustavus). Bericht iiber Dr. Physick s Behandlung der Coxarthrocace |etc.|. 8° [Berlin, 1831, vel subseq.] For Biography, see Bell (J.) Biography. In: Guoss (S D ) Lives of eminent American physicians. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1861, 351-459.—Brief (A) review of Dr Horner's neurological notice of Dr. Philip Syng Physick. 8° Phila- delphia, 1838.—Horner (W. K.') Nec'rologirnl notice of Dr. Philip Syng Physick; delivered before the American Philosophical Society, May 4. 1838. H°. Philadelphia. 1838.- Mereilitli (\V.) [etal.].' A comprehensive minute com- memorative of . . 8° Philadelphia, 1838 See, also. Am J. M. Sc, Phila, 1839, xxiv. 93-128. port. (J Kandolph). A Iso, Reprint. Also.Ann. univ. di med Milano, 1867. ccii. 565-570 (C.Fumagalli). Also: Eclect J. M., Phila. 1837-8 ii, 469-478 (W. E. Horner). Also, Re print. Also .- Louisville J. M. & S., 1838, i, 75-113 (C Cald- well) Aigo, Reprint. Also: Maryland M. cfe S. J.. Bait., 1840, i, 142-146 (S Collins). Also: Med Exam. Phila. 1839, ii, 261-284 (J. Randolph). Also. Reprint For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr). Physick is a jest, a whim, an humour, a fancy, a mere fashion, even full as much as dress e>r dancing. To which is aelded, a discourse eir let- ter on the degree of doctor, in this profession. xxvi, 35 pp. 12°. Loudon, T Cooper, 17'19. [Also, in ■ P., v. Ifc7-1.1 PHYSIC-NUT. 232 PHYSICS. Pliy*ic-iiut. See Curcas purgans. Physico-Hydriatic Establishment at Vehles. iSee Rickli's (Arnold) Physico-Hydriatic Estab- lishment. Physico-ITIedical Association of Ohio. Trans- actions. 2., 1870. 56 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, [1870]. The printed cover forms the title-page. Physico-ITIedical Society of New Orleans. Keport of the committee on the epidemic of 1820. 16, v pp., 1 1., 4 tab. 8°. Neiv Orleans, C. W. Duhy, 1821. [P., v. 747.] Physico-Medical Society ofthe State of New York. Transactions, v. 1. 23 p. 1., 446 pp. 8°. New York, Collins 4- Co., 1817. Physics. See, also, Acoustics; Crystals, etc.; Elec- tricity ; Evaporation; Fluids; Force; Heat; Matter; Natural history, etc. ; Optics. Ackkkm ANN (J. F.) De incognito apud veteres instrumeutorum physicorum usu. 4°. Kilonii, [1760]. Albekti (M.) Physices propositioues et posi- tiones fnnelamentales ad veram cognitionem 111a- crocosmi et microcosmicollimantes. 4°. Bala', 1721. Alexander Aphrodiseus. Super nonnullis physicis qutestionibus solutionum liber. Item Plittarchi Cherouei amatorise uarrationes. Angelo Politiauo interprete. 4°. Basilece, 1520. Allen (W.) The substance of an adelress to the students at Guy's Hospital, at the close ofj the lectures on experimental philosophy. 8C.« London, 1826. American (The) Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Benjamin Sillimau. [Quarterly; 2 v. annually.] v. 28-50, Jan., 1835-45. 8°. New Haren. After July, 1838, B. Silliman, jr., added; v. 50 is general index to v. i-49. -----. The same. 2. s. Couducteel by Prof. Sillimau, B. Silliman, jr., and James D. Dana. [Bi-monthly; 2v. annually.] v. 1-50, Jan., 1846, to Dec, 1870. 8°. New Haren. Professor Silliman retired in 1864. v. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 contain each a 10-volume index. -----. The same. 3. s. Edited by Prof. Jas. D. Dana, B. Silliman, jr., Asa Gray [et al.]. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-38, Jan., 1871, to Dec, 1889. 8°. New Haven. In Jan., 1880, v. 19, 3. s., title became: American (The) Journal of Science, v. 10, 20, 30 contain each a 10- volume index. Amthor (W. H.) De cansarum generibns, in quantum subpbysictim catlnnt. 8°. Jence, 1656. Analysis of Mr. George Glover's course of lectures on natural philosophy, qualifying for Surgeons' Hall, commencing on Tuesday, May 5, 1846. Broad sheet. Jjondon, 1846. Andkews (T.) On the continuity of the gas- eons antl liquid states of matter. Bakerian lect- ure. [Abstr.] 8°. London, 1870. liepr. from .- Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1869, xviii. [See, also, infra.] Armstrong (W. G.) Address [to the British Association]. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Aukelj(F.) La questione degli elementi primi della materia secondo le moderne teorie della fisica e elella chimica. 81-. Mantova ^('amerino, 1879. Ayn (G. H.) & Troeger (J. C. ) De mira- bili corporis non durabilisduratione. 4°. Lipsice, [1717]. Bachstrohm (J. F.) Nova sestus marini theoria ex principiis physico-mathematicis de- tecta et dilncidata. Cui accedit examen acus magnetica- spiralis, qnte a declinatione et inclina- Pliysio*. tione libera esse creditur, institutum. 16°. Lugd. Bat, 1734. Baker (T.) The principles and practice of statics and dynamics, embracing a clear develop- ment of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and pneu- matics. 12'-\ London, 1867. Bautholinis i;C) De terra, acre et igni; in- stitutio physica snecincta, cum pr.cmiss.'i ele- mentornm theoria generali. 24°. (rryphiswaldiie, 1624. -----. Enchiridion physicum. 12°. Argen- tina;, 1625. Bartiioi.inus (C.), jr. Thesium philosophi- carumdisputatioprima. sm.4°. Hafnice, [1696]. Bartlett (W. H. C.) Elements of natural philosophy. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1850-52. CONTENTS. v. 1. Mechanics. 2. Acoustics and optics. Bentzien (H.) * Ueber die Influenz eines electriscben Massenpunktes auf einen Keirper, der von einer durch Rotation entstandenen Fres- nel'scben Elasticitats-Oberllache begreuzt ist. roy. 8°. Greifswald, 1881. Bernoulli (J.) *Dissertatio tie gravitate a'theris. 12°. Amstelcedami, [1683]. Biot(J.-B.) Pr6cis el^mentaire de physique experimentale. 3. ed. 2 v. 8U. Paris, 1824. Birkholz (A. M.) *Qusestiones qmedani phy- sical chemise generalis, elenuitionibus explicata'. 4°. Lipsice, [1771]. Black (S.) *De ascensu vaporum spoutaneo. 8°. Edinburgi, 1780. Blakiston (P.) A lecture on the importance of a knowledge of physical science to the mem- bers of all professions, being introductory to a course of lectures on the application of acoustics totheeliscovery of chest eliseases. 12°. London, [n.d.]. Boecler(J. F.) Positiones ex physica cu- riosa depromptse. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1711]. Boerhaave (H.) Sermo academicus, ele com- paranelo certo in physicis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1715. Bohn (J.) cfe Siegfried (H.) Diss, chym.- phys. vii, de comminutioue atque attenuatione. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1683]. Bonucci (F. ) Gl' imponderabili o nuovo esame dei mutamenti dinamici dell' universe 12°. Firenze, 1856. Borelli (G. A.) De motionibus naturalibus a gravitate penelentibus. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1686]. Bose (G. M.) Otia Wittembergensia critico- physica. De Keplero, Newtoni iira'cursore: Lip- sia Ptolenueo iguota, et tabula Peutingeriana: porcellana, saccharo, cochenilbi veterum: elode- caele librorum rariorum: siphone in vacuo: ana- tomia ranae in vacuo extinctte, et vivae. 4°. Wittembergce, [1739]. Boutigny (P.-H.) Nouvelle branche de phy- sieiue, ou i5tudes sur les corps a l'etat spheroidal. 2. ed. 8'■-. Paris, 1847. Boylk (R.) Certain physiological essays aud other tracts; written at ilistaut times, and on several occasions . . . The seconel eelition. 4U. London, 1669. With preliminary title-page, "Of absolute rest in bodies". -----. The same. Tentamiua quaddam phy- siologica diversis teinporibus et occasioniluis conscripta, cum ejnsdem historia fluiditatis et firmitatis. Ex auglico translate. 18°. Am- stelodami, 1667. -----. Paraeloxa hydrostatica novis experi- mentis . . . evicta. 16". Boterodami, 1670. -----. Tractatus de qualitatibus rerum cos- mic is; suspicionibuscosmicis; temperieregionum sub-marinarum, [etc.]; access, tractatus tres, de PHYSICS. 233 PHYSICS. Physics. saisediue maris, de motu intestino, particnla- rum iuquiescentibus solidis. Nova cxperiinenta pneuniatica respirationum spectantia. 16°. Lon- dini, 1672. -----. Experimenta nova circa conserva- tionem corpornm in vacuo Boyliano. 16°. Lon- dini, 1676. Brame (C.) Extraits du Congres de Tours. Sciences pli v.siques et niathematiques. Questions ix, xii et xiii. 8°. Tours, 1848. Bhisse (C.) fe Axdri-:(C.) Cours de physique a l'usage eles clews ele la classe tie mathemati- qnes speciales. roy. sJ. Paris, 1873. Bkisson (M.-J.) Trailed elementaire, ou prin- cipes de physique fondes snr les connoissances les plus certaines, taut anciennes que modernes, et confirme's ])ar lYxperience. 2. eel. v. 1. 8°. Paris, an f [171)7]. -----. Elemeiis on principes physico-chy- uiiques, destines a servir de suite aux principes de physique; a l'usage ties Ecoles centrales. 8°. Parts, 1800. Brooke (C.) The elements of natural philoso- phy ; or an introduction to the study of the physi- cal sciences. Based on the treatise by the late Geilding Bird. The 6. ed., anel 3. by the present author. 8°. London, 1867. Browne (E.) Introductory lecture to a course of natural philosophy. 8°. London, 1832. Bryson (A.) Two addresses delivered before the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1861. Repr. from : Roy. Scot. Soc. Arts, 1861, vi. Bt'DDE (A.) *De statu sphteroidali. 8°. [Bounce], 1864. Cardaxi (H. [or J.]) De su Militate libri xxi. 12°. Lugduni, 1580. Cai'CHY ( A. ) Sept lecons de physique g6- ni'iale. Avec appendices snr l'impossibilite' du nombre actuellement infini; l'antiquite ele I'homme; la science elans ses rapports avec la foi, par l'ablie^ Moigne. 16°. Paris, 1868. Chakleton (AY".) Pbysiologia Epicuro-Gas- senelo-Charltoniana, or a fabrick of science nat- ural, npon the hypothesis of atoms, foundetl by Epicurus, repaireel by Petrus Gassendus. 1. pt. fol. London, 1654. Ciermans(J.) Discipline mathematical tratli- tte. roy. 8°. [Lovanii, 1645.] Clare (M.) The motion of fluids, natural and artificial; in particular that of the air and water: in a familiar manner proposed anel proved by evident aud conclusive experiments, to which are addeel many useful remarks. Done with such plainness and perspicuity, that they may be understood by the unlearned, for whose sake is annexed a short explanation of such uncommon terms which in treating of this subject could not, without affectation, be avoided. With plain draughts of such experiments anel machines, which, by description only, might not readily be comprehended. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1747. Clarke (F. \V.) The coustants of nature. Parti. Specific gravities; boiling and melting points; and chemical formula?. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1873. -----. The same. First supplement to Part I. 8°. Washington, 1876. -----. Thesame. Parti. A table of specific gravity for solids aud liquids. New ed. 8 \ Washington, 1888. -----. The same. Part II. A table of spe- cific heats for solids and liquids. 8°. Washing- ton, 1876. The same. Part III. Tables of ex- pansion by beat for solids and liquids. 8 . Washington, 1876. Physics. -----. The same. Part V. A recalculation of the atomic weights. s°. Washington, 1882. Clericus (J.) Physica, sive ele rebus corporeis libri quinque, in quihus, prtetnissis potissimis corporearum naturarum phssnomeuis et proprie- tatibus, veterum et recentiorum de eorum causis celeberritme conjectural traduutur. 12u. Am- stelodami, 1696. Dalton (J. S.) The book of philosophical ex- periments, illustrating the principal tacts and curious phenomena of electricity, galvanism, magnetism, optics, chemistry, heat, [etc.]. 8-. [New York, n. d.] Daniell (A.) A textbook ofthe principles of physics. 8°. London, 1884. Daubexy (C.) An introduction to the atomic theory. 2. ed. 8°. Oxford, 1850. Des Cartes (R.) Speciinina philosophise, seu dissertatio ele methoelo recte regentbe rationis, et veritatis in scientiis investigantke : dioptrice et meteora. Ex gallico translata. sm. 4°. Amstelo- dami, 1644. Deschanel (A. P.) Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Transl. and editeel by .1. D. Everett. 8°. London, 1872. -----. The same. roy. 8°. Neiv York, 1873... Description' of a new apparatus for taking the specific gravity of floating boelies, etc. 12°. [Edinburgh, n. d.] Detharding (G. A.) filius. Dubia qusedam physica vexata eorundemque evolutiouem sub- mittit. sm. 4C. Bostochii, [1737]. Dewar (D.) A new theory of nature: con- taining observations on weather, tides, capillary attraction, evaporation, and sunspots. 12°. Lon- don, [1882]. Dewhi-rst (H. W.) An oration on the im- portant advantages tlerivable from philosophical instruction. 8°. London. 1835. Digby (Sir K.) Of bodies, and of man's soul. With two discourses, ofthe powder of sympathy antl of the vegetation of plants. 4°. London, 1669. Dircks (H.) Perpetuum mobile; or, a history of the search for self-motive power from the 13th te> the 19th century. 8«. London, 1870. Doerinu(D. O.) Objetoy metodo de la fisica. Confereucia. 8°. Cordoba, 1876. Draper (J. W.) Scientific memoirs, being ex- perimental contributions to a knowledge of ra- eliant energy. 8°. New York, 1878. Drechsel (J. F.) cV Heixichen (J. A.) De progressu naturali corpornm ex fluido iu solidum. 4°. [Lipsice, 1717.] Dubois- De-Saixt-Sigismond (C.-J.) * Essai de physique. 4°. Paris, 1814. Dufieix (J.-E.) *Dynamiede la nature, et ses applications. 4°. Paris, 1845. Durand de Lunel (F.-A.) Theorie eSlectrieiue du froiel, de la chaleur et de la lumiere (tloctrine tie l'unitd des forces physiques) avec availt-pro- pos sur Taction physiologique de l'tSlectricite. 8'-. Paris, 1803. [Dutkns (L.)] Recherches sur l'origine eles decernvertes attributes aux modernes, oil Ton dernontre que uos plus celebres philosophes out puise la plupart de leurs counoissauces dans les ouvrages des anciens, et que plusieurs veritt\s importantes sur la religion out 6t6 connues des sages du paganisme. 8°. Paris, 1766. Dutrochet (H.) Recherches physiques sur la force epipolietue. 8\ Paris, 1842. -----. Thesame. 2. partie. 8°. Paris, 1843 Ehrenherger (B. H.) De fonte Heronis du- plici. sm. 4°. Coburgi, [1745]. Encke (F.) Collegii physici disputatorn dis- pntatioqnarta. De atomis. 4°. Servestas, 1687. PHYSICS. 234 PHYSICS. Physics. Kii.max (G. A.) *Rationisqine inter volumina corporis ejusdem, solidi, liquescentis, liquidi, in- tercedit specimen. 4°. Berolini, 1820. Ertsel (D.) Dissertatio in qua snninia syste- matis dyuamici in physica discipliua capita ex- ponuntnr, et peusitantur. 4:. (iottingce, 1805. [d'Kspauxet (J.)] Enchyridion pbysicse re- stituta'; or the summary of physicks recovered. Wherein the true harmony of nature isexplained, ami many errours ofthe ancient philosophers, by canons antl certain demonstrations, are clearly evidenced antl evinced. 16°. London, 1651. Essay (An) on the great effects of even lan- guid anel unheeded motion. Whereunto is an- nexed an experimental discourse of some little observed courses of the insalubrity anel salubrity ofthe air, anel its effects. 12°. London, 1685. Ferguson (J.) Analysis of a course of lect- ures on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, electricity, anel astronomy. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1769. Fevkrlin (C. F.) De corporum naturalium poris. 4°. Altorfi, 1713. Fischer (E. G. ) *De disciplinarum physi- carum notionibus, fiuibus legitimis, et nexn syste- matico. [Halle.] 8°. Berolini, [1797]. Foerstbr(W.) Metronomische Beitriige No. 1, mit Hiilfstafeln, zur Berechnung von Volumen- und Gewichts-Bestimmungen, mit Riicksicht auf die Schwankungen der Dichtigkeit eles Wassers unel eler Luft, unel auf die unter elem Einfluss tier Warnie stattfindenelen Veranelerungen tier Di- mensioneu der zu messeuden und zu wiigenden Keirper. 4°. Berlin, [_n. d.]. Fowler (R.) A second physiological attempt to unravel some of the perplexities of the Berk- ley an hypothesis. 16°. [Salisbury, n. d.] Frick (J.) Physical technics; or, practical instructions for making experiments in physics, and the construction of physical apparatus with the most limited means. Transl. by John D. Easter. 8°. Philadelphia, 1862. Fiuetzsch (M. F.) * Dubinin physicum quoael sonutn in campana vulgo creditum extricatum sistit. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1689]. Frxccirs ( C. B. ) De asceusu fluidorum in tubis capillaribus commentationem Is et ID prsemisit. 4°. Lipsice, [1773]. Gakenholtz (A. C.) Deliciae physicse seu ex- perimeuta physica et mechanica quae pro illus- tratione phamomenorum naturalium curiosis autlitoribusexhibere solet. 4°. Belmstadii, 1708. Ganot (A.) Cours de physique ptirement ex- p6rimentale. 4. ed. 12°. Part's, 1868. -----. The same. Elementary treatise on physics, experimental antl applied. Transl. aud edited by E. Atkinson. 3. eel. 8°. Neiv York, 1808. -----. The same. For the use of colleges and schools. 4. ed. 12°. New York, 1869. Gaudix (A.) Recherches sur le groupement des atoms dans les molecules, et sur les causes les plus intimes des formes cristallines. 8°. Pa- ris, 1847. Grhler (J. C.) De potioribus stueliorum im- pedimentis. 4°. [Lipsice, 1784.] General (A) index to the contents of fourteen popular treatises ou natural philosophy. For the use of students, teachers, and artisans. By a Massachusetts teacher. 8°. New York, 1872. Gerino (J.) De apta tuborum in aquaeducti- bus crassitie ad snstinendum pressiones aqua? contenta', post vernuni examen mathematicas lectiones continuaturus, prsefatus est. 4°. Misence, 1727. Glanvil [or Glaxvilla] (B.) Incipit pro- hemium de proprietatibus rerum fratrisBartholo- Physic*. mei Anglici de ordine fratrum minorum. fol. [n.p., n. d.] ------. The same. fol. Argentine, 1491. ------. The same. [Transl. into English by J. Trevisa?] fol. Londini, 1535. Glenn (J.) The mysteries of nature revealed, or the iudentity of light, heat, and electricity fully established, [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1816.' GeiooEVE (T. M.) The elements of mechanism. Designed for students of applied mechanics. 2. ed., illustrated. 12°. New York, 1872. Grove. (W. R.) A lecture on the progress of physical science since the opening of the London Institution. [With a bibliographical list of the books and papers noticed iu the lecture.] h . London, 1842. Grund (F. J.) Elements of natural philosophy, with practical exercises, for the use of schools. 8°. Boston, 1832. vox Giericke ( O. ) Experinienta nova (ut vocantur) Mageleburgica tie vacuo spatio. Pri- mum a Gaspare Schotto e Societate Jesn, et Herbipolitante Academiae matheseos professore, nunc vero ab ipso auctore perfectins edita, va- riisque aliis experiments aucta. Quihus acces- serunt simul certa qiuedam de aeris pondere circa terrain; ele virtutibus mnndanis, et systemate mundi planetario; sicut et de stellis fixis, ac spatio illo immenso, quod tam intra quam extra cas funditur. fol. Amstelodami, 1672. Hahx (J. D.) *De efficacia mixtionisin mu- tautlis corporum voluminibns. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1751. Hamberger (A. F. ) "Adscensus vapornm causas contra eruditorum dubia defendet. 4'J. Jence, 1743. Hamburger (G. E. ) De experimento, ab Hugenio, pro causa giavitatis explicanda, in- vento. 4°. Jence, [1723]. Han (B.) 'Ettt&c problematum physicornm. 4°. Jence, [1613]. Hardt (F. C.) &, Preiss (C. R.) Porositatis omnibus in corporibus adsertio. 4°. Lipsice, [ 1693]. Hare (R.) On specific gravity. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Harrington (R.) Some experiments and ob- servations ou Sig. Volta's electrical pile . . . also, observations on Dr. Herschel's paper on light and heat ... 8°. Carlisle $■ London, 1801. Hartsoeker(N.) Conjectures physiques. 4°. Amsterdam, 1706. Haubold (G. G.) & Berringer (C. F.) De Eethere. 4°. Lipsice, [1748]. Hauy (R. J.) Traite elementaire de physique. 2. e"d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1806. Also, in: Excycl. tl. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 5. div., [v. 2). Heer(M.) Disputatio physica dequalitatibns occtiltis iu geuere. 4°. Lipsice, [1661]. Helmholtz (H. L. F.) Populiire wissenschaft- liche Vortriigo. 2 Hfte. 8°. Braunschweig, 1871. ------. Thesame. Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects. Transl. by E. Atkinson, with an introduction by Prof. Tyndall. 8 . London, 1873. -----. Thesame. 8°. New York, 1881. Herzberg (C. F. G.) *De constitution!' cor- porum physica, qualis nostra tetiite est ejusque causis probabilities. 4 . Jence, [1793]. Hessler (J. F.) & Pisko (F. J.) Lehrbuch der techiuschen Physik. 3. Aufl. 2 v. b°. Wien, 1800. Hoffheim (E. B.) # De extensione corporibus non essentiale; respondens Johannes Ehrhartus. sm. 1". Lipsice, 1702. Hoffmann (F. ) Demonstrationes physic* ctiriosie, experimentis et observationibus mecha- pnYSICS. 235 PHYSICS. Physics. nicis ac chyniicis illustrata?. 4°. Halce, Magdeb., 1700. Hooke (R. ) The posthumous works of . . . containing his Cutlerian lectures and other dis- courses, read at the meetings of the illustrious Koyal Society. Published by Richard Waller. fol. London, 1705. Horstmaxx (A.) Leber die Be/.iehungen zwischen elem Molcculargowicht undspecifischen Gewicht elastiscb-fliissiger Kiirper. 8 . Beidcl- berg, 1867. Huenerer (L. ) *De natura terne. 4°. Argentorati, 1616. Hunt(R.) Elementary physics; an introduc- tion to the study of natural philosophy. 8 '. London, 1851. Hfszti (S.) * Philosophise experimentalis axio- matical diss, prima de corporibns, illeirumqne principiis et affectionibus. sm. 4°. Balce Mag- deb., 1695. Keill (J.) Introductio ael veram physicam, seu lectiones physica?. 3. ed. 8^. Oxonice, 1715. Kolb (J. F.) De extensione corporum cujus portiouem priorem . . . submittit. 4°. Argen- torati, [1770]. Kotelnikow (P.) *Exponuutur formuhe analytical quihus perturbatio motus gyratorii tert;e determinatur. 4°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1832. Krafft (G. W.) Cogitationes in experimenta etsententiasele vaporum ethalituum generatieme ac elevatione. 4°. Tubingce, 1745. -----. De vera experimentoruin physicorum constitutione. Resp. Jeihannes Jacobus Bamer et Johannes Ulricus Moegling. 4°. Tubingce, 1749. -----. De prtecipuis experimentoruin physi- corum scriptoribns. Resp. Lutlovicus Atbunus Kolb, Jacobus Bernhardus Schertlin et Davieles Fretlericus Schlegel. 4°. Tubingce, 1753. Ktpffer (A.-T.) Recherches exp6rimentales snr l'e"lasticit6 ties in6tanx, faites aTObservatoire physitpie central de Russie. v. 1. 4°. St.-Pe- tersbourg, i860. Labix (H.) * Prima ele motn corporum natu- ralium disputatio. sm. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1700]. Lardner (D.) A discourse on the aelvantages of natural philosophy anel astronomy, as part of a general antl preifessiemal eelucation, being an introductory lecture. 8°. London, 1829. Lechel ( J. ) De qualitatibus primis. 4°. Belmestadi, [1658]. Lehxf. (G.) * De principiis corporum natura- liuni. 4°. Lipsice, 1652. Leitersperger (J. A.) Dissertatio philoso- phies qusestiones quasdam physicas perlustrans. 4°. Argentorati, [1709]. Lemenant des Chexais (M.-J.) * Observa- tions sur Tensemble des pheriomfenes considers (bins la matiere inorganique, organique et orga- nist'. 4°. Paris, 1844. Liebkxthal ( E. ) * Untersuchungen fiber die Attraction zweier homogener Keirper. 4°. tlreifswald, 1880. vox Liebermeister (C.) * De fluxione col- laterali. 8^. Gri/phiswaldicc, [1856]. Loomis (W. I.) Discovery of the origin of gravitation, aud the majestic motive force which genera ted the diurnal and yearly revolutions of the heavenly bodies. 2 p'ts. 8°. New York, 1866. Macllax (G. M.) Elements of somatology; a treatise on the general properties of matter. 12°. New York, 1859. MAeviCAR (J. G.) The first lines of science simplified, and the structure of molecules at- tempted. 8-. Edinburgh, 1800. Physics. Malvieux (P. L.) Propositiones aliqueit sta- tica-. 4C. Erlangce, [1751]. Mansill (R.) The new law of gravitation, and new system of natural science. 8 . Bock Island, 1873. Muller (J.) Lehrbuch eler kosmischen Phy- sik. Zugleich als dritter Band zu sammtlichen Aurlagen von Miiller-Pouillet's Lehrbuch eler Physik. 3. Aufl. 8°; atlas, 4°. Braunschweig, 1872. Muller (J. F.) De cor pore raro et den so. 4°. Serrestw, [1687]. Muller (J. H.) Oratio de utilissima physical tractatione. 4°. [Norimbergce, 1706.] MtjRLiNG (J. M. ) Prima corporis pbysici principia. 4°. Wittebergce, [1754]. van Musschenbroek (P.) Essai de physique avec une description dc nouvelles sortes tie ma- chines pneumatiques et un recueil d'exp6riences par J[ean] v[an] M[usschenbroek]. Trad, tlu hollautlais par Pierre Massuet. 1 v. in 2. 4°. Leyden, 1739. Neumann (N. H.) * Argumeuta atque obser- vationes adversus theoritim catoptricam et diop- tricam. 8°. Berolini, [1850]. New (A) treatise of natural philosophy free'd from the intricacies ofthe schoeils, aelorned with inauy curious experiments both medicinal ami chymical, as also with several observations use- ful for the health of the body. 16°. London, 1087. Nichol (J. P.) A cyclopseelia of the physical sciences, comprising acoustics, astronomy, dyna- mics, [etc.]. 2. eel., revised. 8°. London, 1860. Oersted (H. C.) Recherches sur Tidentite" des forces chimiques et electriques. Trael. tie Talleiuandpar Mr. Marcel De Serres. 8°. Paris, 1813. OHEIM (J. P.) & NATHUSIUS (E.) Theses physica? de qualitatibus occultis in genere. 4°. [Lipsice], 1651. Ostens (G.) * De elementis corpornm. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1728. Pascal ( B. ) Traitez tie l'^quilibre des li- queurs, et ele la pesanteur de la masse tie l'air [etc]. 8°. Paris, 1673. Pascal (E.) * Sur les propri6te\s des corps. 4C. Paris, 1863. Pekel (M. H.) * De uecessaria motus et po- tus combinatioue. 4°. Bafnice, [1730]. Pelletan (P.) * Sur les geSneralitds de la physique et sur le plan a suivre elans Tenseigne- ment ele cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. Pepper (I. H.) Cyclopaedic science simpli- fied. 8°. London, 1869. Pfeiffer (J.) De primis qualitatibus ele- mentorum, quatenns cousielerantur in perfecte mixtis. 4°. Lipsice,, 1629. Pfeilsticker ( A. ) Das Kinet-Systom oder die Elimination der Repulsivkriifte uutl iiber haupt ties Kraftbegriffsaus tier Molekularpbysik. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Materie. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1873. Pfotexiiaier (C. J.) * De igne, fluiditatis caussa. 4°. Lipsice, [1779]. Pickering (E. C.) Elements of physical man- ipulation. 8 . New York, 1873. Pilgrain (L.) * Des densitds des corps sedieles etliquides; el^termiuatiou et usages. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1886. Ploucquet (G.) *De principiis dynamicis. 4°. Tubingce, 1780. Poixsot (L.) Eleinens de statique, snivis de deux memoires snr la theorie des momens et des aires, et sur Tapplicatiou ele cette theorie au sys- teme dn monde. 5. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1830. PHYSICS. 236 PHYSICS. Physics. della Porta (G. B.) I tre libri de spiritali. sm. 4C. Napoli, 1606. Pouillet. Elements de physique experimen- t-ale et tie mdteorologie. 4. 6d. 2 v. 8'. Paris, 1844. Proctor (R. A.) Light science for leisure hours. A series of familiar essays on scientific subjects, natural phenomena, etc. 8°. New York, 1871. Profe (G.) De analysi ad physicam appli- cata. 4°. Hamburgi, 1750. Pynciion (T. R.) The chemical forces heat, light, antl electricity. An introduction to chem- ical physics. 8~. Hartford, 1870. Quetelet (A.) Positions de physique. 2. exl. 3. v. 16°. Bruxelles, 1834. Rammelsuerg (J. G.) De gravitate .specifica metallorum statice et hydrostatice explorata. 4°. Francofurti, [1743]. Reimann (E.) * Die Hohenbestimmuug der StiTiischnuppen. 8°. Breslau, 1870. liKisciiA^ER (H. F.) efe Schmid (C. L.) Varite cogitationes tie rebus physicis atque mathemati- cis, partim novte, partim jucundae, partim utiles. 4°. Jence, [1738]. Ri.isseisen (J. D.) * Dissertatio philosophica qmi'stiones quastlam physicas delibans. 4°. Ar- gentorati, [1714]. Richters (E.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen eler Fenerbestandigheit tier Thoue. [Leipsic] 8\ Breslau, 1868. RoBEinseix (R.) * De luce, calore, atque vi electrica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1797. Rogers (H. R.) New and original theories of the great physical forces. 8°. [New York], 1878. Sanderson (R.) Physicas sciential compen- dium. 16°. Oxonice, 1690. Se heibkl (J. E.) De adfrictu solielorum in motu constitutorum. 4°. Balce, 1758. Sciiellixg (F. W. J.) Eiuleitung zu seinem Entwurf eines Systems eler Naturphilosophie. Oder : Ueber den Begriff der speculativen Physik und elie innere Organisation eines Systems dieser YVissenschaft. 8°. Jena it. Leipzig, 1799. St iierffer (P. C.) Brevis theoria motus corporum projectorum in medio non resisteute, viribus centralibus agentibus in ratione reciproca tluplicata distantiarum, exposita. 4°. Vienna?, [1760]. Scheuxeman (H.) * De element!s. 4°. Wirce- burgi, 1594. Schmidius (J. F.) * Disput. physica tie cor- pore snblnnari transpirabili. Respondens Frie- dericus Kletzsch. sm. 4C. Lipsice, [1701]. Schmidt (F.) *De mistione. 4°. [Lipsice, 11. 17.] Schmidt (J. A.) & Gebauer (M.) De sectis physicoriiin in genere. 4°. Jence, [1676]. Scholtz (E. J.) De figura gntta) cadeutis in aere resisteute disquisitiones nonnullae. 4°. Vratislariw, [182(i], Sciiweikakd {.).) Dissertatio physica, rare- factionein condcnsationeinque examinans. 4°. Argentorati, [1710]. Segner (J. A.) * Indicit pnemissa viriutn motriciutn theoria generali. 4°. Gottingoe, [1746]. -----. [Pr.] de celeritate qua liqnidnm in quavis ejusdem tubi parte Unit. 4-'. Gottingce, [1746]. -----. [Pr.] in contemplationibus bytlrau- licis. 4°. Gottingce, [1746]. -----. fPr.] motum liquidorum per tubeis ulterins considerat. 4°. Gottingce, [1746]. -----. [Pr.] ele natura fluidorum quibtistlatu theorematibus. 4°. Gottingce, [1750]. Physics. -----. [Pr.] ele natura fluidorum qmetlam anti'cetlentibus adtlit. 4°. Gottingce, [1750]. -----. [Pr. ] superficies fluidorum convexas evolvit. 4°. Gottingce, [1750]. -----. [Pr.] theoriatn machime cnjusdain hyelraulicie pra'inittit. 4°. Gottingce, [1750]. -----. [Pr.] computatio format atque virinm machinaa hydraulicje nuper tlescri[it:e. 4 . [»». p., 1750.] Serrano (M. N.) Filosofia de la naturaleza, 8°. Madrid, 1884. Silliman (B.) Principles of physics, or natu- ral philosophy ; designed for the use of colleges anel schools. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. Simon (J.) De primis corpornm naturalium principiis. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1616. Somerville (Mrs.) The connectiou of the physical sciences. 12°. Philadelphia, 1834. Spallanzani. Fisica animale e vegetabile, esposta in dissertazioni colla giunta di due scritti sullo stesso argomento del. . . Bonnet indiretti all' autore. 2 v. 16°. Venezia, 1782. Sperlings (J.) De physica lugente. 4°. Witlebergce, [1634]. Spentefx (F. G.) *Amolitio vis inertia? et vis repulsivte, vulgo inter principia motus et quietis corpornm sed falso relatarum. 12°. Ilamice, [1770]. Staxnius (F. C.) Collegii physici disputa- torii disputatio sexta: ele atomis tertia. 4U. Scrrestce, [1687]. Storr (G. C.) * De physica ael majorem sim- plicitatem reelucenda. 4°. Tubingce, [1765]. Struensee (J. F.) * De incongrui corporis motus insalubritate. 4°. Balce, [1757]. Stubenrauch (J. R.) Collegii physici elispu- tatorii tlisputatio quinta: ele atomis secunda. 4°. Servestcr, [1687]. Sturm (J. C.) Physica electiva sive hypo- i.hetica. Tonius primus partem physicse genera- lem complexus et speciatim usum totius hujus scientite primarium singulari cura demonstrans. Accessit hujus ipsins usus ampfius inculcandi causa, viri perillusttis et generosissimi theoso- phia3 sive cognitionis de deo naturalis specimen mathematica methoelo couceptum. 4°. Norim- bergce, 1697. -----. Ad virum celeberrimum Henricum Morum Cantabrigiensem epistola qua ele ipsins principiei hylarcbico seu spiritu natura- et fami- liari moelernis hydrostaticis aeris gravitatione et elatere, occasione controversia? circa experi- menta qmi'datn iu parte prima Collegii curiosi ad causas naturales revocata nobis obortHe, libere sepositoque omni tum prsejuelicio tum partium studio disseritur. 4°. Norimbergce, 1715. Sussmilch (J. P.) De cohaesione et attractione corporum. 4°. Jence, [1732]. Swan (W.) On certain phenomena of capil- lary attraction exhibited by chloroform, the fixeel oils, anel other liquids; with an inquiry into some of the causes which modify the form ofthe mutual surface of two immiscible liquids in contact with the walls eif the vessel in which they are contained. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Pepr.from.- Lond., Edinb. efe Dubl. Pbil. Mag. & J. M. Sc, 1848, xxxiii. Tellkampf (A.) Historian criticae variarum opinionuiu qua; circa corporum formam fluidam aut firmam hucusque in lucem prodiere, adum- bratio. 4°. Gottingoe, 1821. de Tertiis (J.) De curiositatibus physicis fractal us. In quo natura stramentornin ftena- teorum et qualitates oeloris, et effluviorum ele- nientorumque mutatio, et pnetipue aeris exami- nantur. l(i°. Medioburgi, 1686. PHYSICS. 237 PHYSICS. Physics. Thompson (C. O.) The scope and method of physical science in the common school. 8°. '[n. p., ■«-. el] Thomsen (J.) Indbydelsesskrift til Kj0ben- havns Universitets Fest i Anledning af H. Maj. Konfjens F0dselsdag den 8d< April 1887. Heri: Om Mtiterieus Euhed. [Unity of matter.] 4°. Kjobenharn, 1887. Thomson (Sir W.) & Tait (P. G.) Treatise on natural philosophy. 2 v. 8°. Oxford, 1867. Tomlixson (C.) Pneumatics for the use of beginners. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1866. Tratado de las fuentes intermilentes, y de la causa de sus fluxos y supresiones : de la natu- raleza, y uso de el siphon, o cautimplora: y si este tuvo parte en el artificio tie los organos hydraulicos, y en alguntis oraculos ele la gentili- dael. Dialogo entre el doctor D. Peelro A., y el Lie D. Juan B. Escrito por un monge tie la Congregacion de San Benito de Valladolid. 8<-. Santiago, 1781. URSO. Libellusdeprimaruiii qualitatuniaica- uis eteffectibus. 16°. Oxonice, 1590. Valextixus (M. B.) Historia pbysices experi- mentalis. 4°. Gissce Bassorum, 1688. Verdries (J. M.) * De vacuo in vacuo. 4C. Gissce Bassorum, 1698. -----. Physica, sive in natura) scieutiam in- troducto in usum auditorii sui atlvenatii. 4°. Gissie, 1728. ViNK (H.) Specimen mathematico-physicum inaugurate tie percussioue fluidorum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1765. Vogelits (C.) cfe Eimmardus (G. C.) De physica telluris rotunelitate. 4°. Jence, 1658. Voigt (L. C.) * De vi corporum primitiva. 4°. Erlangce, [1775]. Valextixe (M. B.) De origine et progressu pbysices experimentalis, 1687. In his ■ Declamationum panegyricarum Seicas. 4°. Francof ad Mcenum, 1701, 69-90. Wagxer (C. L.) * Beitriige zur Lehre der Iiupontlerabilieu mit Bemerkungen fiber elie elektro-chemische Theorie. 8°. Tubingen, 1833. Wallace (W. C.) An attempt to show that light, heat, electricity, and magnetism are effects of the law of gravitation. 8°. New York, 1854. Weber (W.) PHYSIOGNOMY. Pliysikalisch-inedicinische Gesellschaft in Wiirzburg. Verhandlungen. Bd. 1-10, 1850- 60; n. F., Bd. 1-22, 1868-89. 21 v. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1850-89. For Verhandlungen for years 1860-66, see Wiirzbur- ger inedicinische Zeitschrift. -----. Sitzungsberichte. 1865, 1866, 1868, 1870, 1881-8. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1865-88. -----. Verzeichniss der Bibliothek. 127 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1869. Physikalisch-mediciiiisclie Societiit zu Erlangen. Abhandlungen. 1. v. 4°. Frankf. a. M., F. U'ilnians, 1810. -----. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. 1. v. 8°. Erlangen, 1858-9. -----. Verhandlungen. Hft. 1-2, 1865-70. 8°. Erlangen, 1867-70. -----. Sitzungsberichte. v. 3-20, 1870-88. 8°. Erlangen, 1871-89. 18884) published at Miinchen. PhysikatS - Zeitung-. Vereius Organ fiir Pbysikats - Beamte. Redacteur: Dr. Wiener. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1; nos. 1-6, v. 2, July, 1875, to March 15, 1876. fol. Culm a. W., C. Brandt. Physio-Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati. Announcement for the spriug session of 1877. 2 1. 12°. [Cincinnati, 1877.] Organized in 1876. In 1879 vras i e-orgauized and received a new charter as the American Eclectic Medical College, which see for continuation -----. [Annual announcement for the session of 1878-9(3.).] 12 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1878.] Physiognomy. See, also, Chiromancy; Crime and criminals (Natural history, etc., of); Face (Semeiologj of); Insane (Physiognomy of); Nose; Pain; Tem- perament. Acker.mann (F.) *De prosoposcopia medica. 4°. Lipsice, [1748]. Adamantius Sophista. Adamantii physiogno- mouicon libri duo per Janum Cornarium latiue conscripti . . . Adamantii etiam exemplar grse- cum est adjectum. 16°. Basilece, 1544. See, also, Physionomie (La) [etc.] Agrippa (L.) Discorso . . sopra la natura, et complessione bumaua. In: Della Pokta (Gio. Baptista). Delia fisioiiomiadell' huomo. 4°. Venetia, 1644, 561-570, 2 I. Bakroilhet (P.) * Essai sur les signes que presente la face dans les maladies. 4U. Paris, 1809. Baughan (R.) The handbook of physiognomy. 8°. London, 1885. Baumgartner (K. H.) Kranken-Physiogno- mik. 2. Aufl. 8-. Stuttgart, 1842. Baumgarten-C'rusius (A. M.) *Fragmenta physiognomices medicae. 8°. Halce, 1833. de la Belliere della Niolla ( M. C. ) La fisouomia con ragionamenti 6 lo specchio per ve- dere le passioni di ciascheduno. 16°. Parigi, 1664. Belot (J.) Famili&res instructions pour ap- prendre les sciences de chiromance et physiono- mie. Dans lesquelles se trouvent des pins ad- mirables secrets des sciences divinatrices, pro- pres particulierement pour ceux qui font profes- sion des exercices militaires, judicature, arts li- btSraux, et par icelles leur donner le parfait de la memoire selon la doctrine de R. Lulle. Avec un traicte des divinations, augures et songes. 16°. Paris, 1624. Benson (E.) Die charakteristischen Parallel- keipfe eles Johann Baptista della Porta, worin die Aehnlichkeit von Menschen mit gewissen Thieren dargestellt wird. Fiir Physiognomeu, Zeichner und Liebhaber satyrischer Zeichnungen. 16°. Leipzig, [n.d.]. Beust (C. G.) * Analecta ad semioticeii faciei. bc. Berolini, [1819], Physiognomy. Blanchin (P.-J.) * Essai sur la physiogno- mouie, ou considerations sur les eli vers moyens qu'on a successivement employes pour juger du moral par le physique de I'homme. 4°. Paris, 1815. Boneschi (L.) * Fisionomia uuiana e sua uti- lita nella meelicina. 8°. Padova, 1856. Brown (R.) *Au essay on the truth of phy- siognomy, and its application to medicine. 8° Philadelphia, 1807. ----- The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1808. Cabuciiet (F.) * Essai snr l'expression de la face elans l'etat ele sante et ele maladie. 8 Paris, an X [1802]. Camper (P.) Dissertation sur les vanetes naturelles qui caracterisent la physionomie ties homines des divers climats et des differens ages, suivie ele reflexions sur la beaute, parhculiere- ment sur celle de la tete, avec une maniere nou velle ele dessiuer toute sorte de tete avec la plus grande exactitutle. Traeluit du hollanelois par H.-J. Jansen; on y a joint une elissertation, eiu meme auteur, sur la meilleure forme des souliers. 4°. Paris, 1791. -----. Thesame. Dissertation physique sur les differences r6elles que presentent les traits dn visage chez les homines de tlitf6rents pays et ele differents ages; sur le beau qui caracterise les statues antiques et les pierres grav6es. Suivie de la proposition d'une nouvelle methode pour dessiuer toutes sortes ele tetes humaiues avec hi plus grande surety. Publi6e apres le eleces tie l'auteur par sou fils Adrieu Gilles Camper. Tra- duite du hollandois par Denis Bernard Quatre- mere DTsjouval. 4°. Utrecht, 1791. -----. Thesame. Ueber den natiirlicheu Un- terschied der Gesichtsziige in Menschen verschie- dener Gegenden unel verschieelenen Alters; iiber das Scheme antiker Bildsaulen und geschnitte- ner Steine; nebst Darstellung einer neuen Art, albrlei Menschenkopfe mit Sicherheit zu zeich- neu. Nach des Verfassers Totle herausgegeben von seinem Sohne Adrian Gilles Camper. Ueber- esetzt von S. Th. Sommerring. 4°. Berlin, 1792. Cohen (G. ) Noses: illustrations by Fritz Braun. 12°. London $• Manchester, 1883. Corfe (G.) The physiognomy of diseases, 4°. London, 1849. Delabigne-Deschamps (J.-M.-R. ) * Signes tires ele l'inspection tie la face dans les maladies aigui:sc6rebrales, thoraciquesetabdomiuales. 4°. Paris, 1813. Duciienne (G.-B.) Mecauisme de la physio- nomie humaine, ou analyse electro-pbysiologique de l'expression des passions. 2 v., text and atlas. roy. 8°. Paris, 1862. Also [Ahstr.], in: Arch, gen de med., Par., 1862, i, 29; 152. Eefenberger (J.) *De physiognomia ut signo in morbis. 8°. Vindobonce, [1833]. Engel(J.) Das Knochengeriiste ties mensch- 1 i chen Ant 1 itzes. E i n physiognomischer Beitrag. 8°. Wien, 1850. Foerster (R.) Die Physioguomik der Grie- chen. 8°. Kiel, 1884. Freund (I.) * De physiognomia pathologica. 8°. Pragce, [1843]. Funccius (C. B.) De physiognomia et opere physiognomico Lavaterianodissent, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1777]. Gaurici (P.) De symmetriis, liueamentis et physieignomia, ejusque speciebus, etc. in: ab Indagine (J.) Introductiones apotelesmaticas. 12°. Aug. Treboc., 1563, 317-384. Ghirardelli (C.) Cefalogia fisonomica divisa in dieci eleche, dove conforme k documenti d' Aris- totile e d' altri nlosofi naturali, con brevi discorsi, PHYSIOGNOMY. 24( Physiognomy. e ililigenti osscrvationi si esaminano le fisinomie di cento teste humane che lutagliate si vedono iu quest' opera, dalle quali per piii segni e couget- ture si elimostrauo varie inclinatiemi di huomiui, e donue. Aggiontivi altretanti sonctti di diversi eccellenti poeti, et academic!, ne' quali le prefate tisonomie leggia drameute racolgonsi. 4°. Bologna, 1630. Goclenius (R.) Physiognomica et chiromau- tica specialia; access, experimenta et observa- tiones cbiromantie'se, cum speciali judicio, hacte- nus a nemiue vis*. 12-. Balis Sax. et Bam- burcji, 1651-2. Grill (V. J.) *Facies hominum animaj specu- lum. 4°. Wirceburgi, [1738]. GrENSBfRG (F.) *Tentamen physiognomic* pathologic* spccialis. 4°. Yratislacice, 1841. Hach (L. C.) Ideen iiber Natur und Wesen, Umfang, Hiilfsmittel, Werth unel Gebrauch, Geschichte unel Literatur des physiognomischen Studiums, oeler eler aiissern Menschenkunde. 8°. Marburg, 1832. Hanin (J.-L.) *Est-il possible d'acquerir la conuaissance de la maladie par la simple conside- ration eles signes, pris tie la physionomie et ele la maniere tl'etre du malatle en general'! 4°. Paris, 1800. de Hartleib ( O. ) * De physioguomonia medica, ethica atque intellectual^ 8 . Monachii, 1831. Helvetius ( J. F. ) Amphitheatrum physio- gnomiaj medicum. Rtinder Schauplatz tier artze- neyschen Gesicht-Kunst. Ist eine Verhantle- lung, der edeleii Gesicht-Kunst, durch eusser- liches Auschauen tier Zeicben, nicht allein die innerlichen Gemiiths-Bewegungen eless Men- schen, somlern auch zugleich nach jetles eigenen angebornen Arth insbesoneler seiner Leibes- Gelirechen unel Kranckheiten so mit elenselben iibereinkommen, zu erkenuen: Noch zum Feber- fluss auch dessen eigeu Natur ubereinkonimenelo Geness Mittel,aussdereusserlicbeiiBezeichnung, durch Liuien, Farben, Formen, Gerucb, Ge- schmack, und Wohnplatz, alles harmonirende, auss vieleu in einem iibereinkommende, zu erkenuen, und also tlie volkommene Genesnng, auss Simplicibus, oder einfachen Gewiichsen, beyzubriugen. 24°. Beydelberg, 1660. -----. The same. Dat is: Schouw-plaets der meeiicinale gesicht-konst. Sijnele een ver- handelinge van de eelele gesicht-konst, eloor 't uyterlijcke aenschouwen van de tekenen, omme uiet alleeu tie innerlijcke, bewegingen ties men- schen gemoets, tuaer oock te gelijck naer ytlers eygen aengeboren aerdt iu't bysonder, sijn li- cbamelijcke gebreecken entle kranckbeelen, elie daer meele overeenktmien, te erkenuen; ende ten overvloet noch der selver eygen uatuyr over- eenkomeude genees-niieldel uyt de uytterlijcke beteeckenissen, door liniameuten, couleureu, formen, reuck, smaeck eutle woon-plaets, alles harmonierenele uyt veelen in eenen overeen- komende, uyt te vinden, ende alsoo ele volkomeue genesinge uyt siini)licibus, of simpele gewasseu by te brengeu. Overgeset uyt het Hotighduyts, door J. B. Notaris. 16°. 's Gravenhage, 1664. -----. Microscopium physiognomite metli- ciini, id est, tractatus tie physiognomia, cujusope non solum animi motus simul ac corporis delectus interni, sed et congrua iis remetlia noscuntur per externorum lineamentorum, formaruin, colorum, otlorum, saporum, domiciliornm ac signatura- rnm intuitum, qui harmonicam hominis constitu- tioneni et meilicandi notitiam ex simplicibus intlii at. 12°. Amstelodami, 1676. HfiCHS'iTURTREFLiCHSTES cliiromantisch- und physionomisches Klee-Blat, bestehend aus drev PUYKIOUNOMY. Physiognomy. herrlichen Tractaten und zwjit erstlich des kunstberiihmtesten Ronphyle- Hand - Wahrsa- gung; zum andern NiclasSpadons Schauplatz der Curiositaten; und tlanndrit tens Johann Sigmund Eltzhollzens Anthropometrie oder Mc.ss-Kunst ties meuschlichen Korpers, wilchen wegen Gleich- heit der Materie Dominici de Rubeis physiono- mische Tafeln, Cardaui Metoposcopie mid Mc- lampus von den Mahlern des meuschlichen Corpers miteingeriickt . . . eroffnet und gewied- met elurch J. G. D. T. 16°. Niirnberg, 1695. Husciike (E.) *Mimices et physiognomices fragmentum physiologicum. 4'-'. Jence, [1821]. Indagine (J.) Chiromantia. End dit boec lcert van tlrie naturlike consten als chiromantia; itstrologianaturalis; phisiognomia. fol. Utrecht, 15116. -----. The same. La chiromauce et phisi- ognoinie par le regartl des membres tie l'homiiic. Le tout mis en francois par Antoine du Moulin. 18°. Botien, 1638. -----. lntroductiones apotelesmatica? in physiognomiam, complexioues hominum, astro- logiaui naturalem, naturas planetarum, cum periaxiomatibus defaciebus signorum et canoni- bus de a?gritudinibus hominum; omnia nusquam fere ejusmodi tractata compendio; quibus ob similem materiam accessit Guilielmi Grattivoli Bergomatis opuscula: De niemoria reparantla, augenda conservanda: De prsedictione mornni naturarumque hominum: De mutatione tem- porum, ejusque signis perpetuis. Et Pomponii Gaurici Neapolitani tractatus: De symmetriis, lineamentis et physiognomia, ejusque speciebus, etc. 12°. Augustce Trebocorum, 1663. Infinita naturaj secretaquibuslibet hominibus contingentia, praavitlenda, cavenda ac prose- queuela declarant in hoc libro conteuta: Physio- nomia sunimi Aristotelis. Physiouomia Michaelis Scoti. Physiouomia Coclitis. Chyromantiaejus- dem cum approbatioue Achilini. fol. Papice, 1515. Ingebern (J.) Chiromantia, Metoposcopia et Physioguomia curioso-practica, oder kurze An- weisuug, wie man aus den vier Haupt-Linien in der Hand, wie auch auss den Adern auff tier Hand, von dess Menschen Gesunelheit und Kranckheit, Gliick uud Ungliick miitbmasslich jutliciren euler urtheilen kan. Sambt einer ganz neuen, unel hiebevor von keinem uoch nie in Druck gegebeuen Abmessung tier Liuie Honoris, wie auch der Adern auff denen Hiindeu, darans man Gesunelheit unel Krankheit und elergleichen ersehen kan. Ki°. Franckf. a. M., 1692. Ingegneri (G.) Fisioueunia naturale, nella quale con ragioni tolte dalla filosofia, dalla medi- cina, et dall' anatomia, si dimostra, come dalle parti elel corpo humano, per la sua naturale com- plessione, si possa agevolmente conjetturare quali siauo 1' inclinationi de gl' huomini. 4°. Padova, 1623. See, also, infra, della Porta (J. B.). Kijkjes door venster, deur eu dak iu het bin- uenste van elen mensch. De kunst om uit tlen schedel, het gelaat, de handen, houding, gang en gebaren, ja zelfs uit het schrift, het karakter vtin iemaudte leeren keunen. 2. ed. 8 . Zwolle, 1872. Kind (CM.) * Analectaadsemioticenphysio- gnomicam. 8°. Lipsice, [1824]. Kleekamm (F. E.) * De facie morborum inter- prete. 8°. Berolini, [1818]. KeippEL (I.) *De faciei in nonnullis morbis mutationibus. h^. Berolini, [1829]. Lagrange (F.) * Considerations sur la physio- nomie et les alterations qu'elle subit dans les maladies. 4U. Pans, 1869. PHYSIOGNOMY. 241 PHYSIOGNOMY. Physiognomy. Langet ( C ) * Sur les degradations de la physionomie par l'effet eles passions et des mala- dies organiques des visceres. 4°. Paris, 1813. Lautier (A.) * Considerations sur la face au point de vue du diagnostic. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Lavater (J. C. C.) Essays on physiognomy, designed to promote the knowledge and the love of mankind. Transl. from the French, by H. Hunter. 3 v. in 5. 4°. London, 1789-98. -----. The same. Transl. into English by Thomas Holcroft. To which are added one hun- dred physiognomonical rules; a posthumous work by Mr. Lavater; and memoirs of the life ofthe author, compiled principally from the life of Lavater by G. Gessner. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1840. -----. The same. Abridged from Mr. Hol- croft's translation. 12°. London, 1825. Lavater (Le) des dames, ou l'art de connat- tre les femmes sur leur physionomie. 7. ed. 16°. Bruxelles, 182o. Lavenaz (C.-M.) Sur l'expression de la face humaine, consieieree dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1815. Leurs (E,) *Sur l'expression de la face dans les maladies chroniques des organes conteuus dans la triple cavite eiu crane, de la poitrine et de l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1813. Lordat(J.) Essai sur l'iconologie medicale, ou sur les rapports d'utilite qui existent eutre l'art dn dessin et l'etude de la medecine. 8°. Montpellier, 1833. McQuillen (J. H.) The anatomy antl physi- ology of expression, antl the human teeth in their relations to mastication, speech, appearance. Two addresses. 8°. Philadelphia, 1864. Mantegazza (P.) La physionomie et l'expres- sion eles sentiments. 8°. Paris, 1885. May [Mey] (P.) Chiromantia medica. Mitt einem Anhang von den Zeichen auff den Nagleu der Finger. Nebens einem Tractatelein von tier Physiognomia medica. 18°. Graven-Baag, 1667. -----. The same. Anjezo vermehret unel durch Erfahrung noch deutlicher gemacht. 16°. Dressden, 1670. -----. The same. Chiromantia et physio- gnomia medica . . . Wie auch dessen noch nie in DruckgekomtneneChiromantiacuriosa, [etc.]. 16°. Dresden it. Leipzig, 1691. -----. The same. 12°. Dressden u. Leipzig, 1712. Mayrhofer (J. K.) Physiognomik in Bezie- hung auf Anthropologic und Psychologie. 8C. Miinchen, 1851. Melampus. Divination par les palpitations qui se font en divers endroicts du corps humaiu, addressee au roi Ptolomee par . . . et niise en francais par Henry ele Boyvin du Vauroiiy. In: Physionomie (La) [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1635, 201- 274. Merbitzius (J. V.) * De varietate faciei hu- man*, discursus physicus. Appentlicis loco ac- ceelunt carmina figurata Rabani Mauri, sm. 4°. Dresden, 1676. Morel (D.) * De signis morborum, quae ex faciei habitu petuntur. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. Mouton ( E. ) La physionomie compare ; traite de l'expression dans I'homme, daus la na- ture et dans l'art. 8°. Paris. 1885. Muller (F. A. H. J.) Ueber das Gesichts- Aeussere nach seiner Fiille, Farbe und Tempera- tur im krankhaften Znstande des inenschlichen Organismus. 8°. Tubingen, 1833. Neser (C.) * De la physiognomique cofiside- ree sous les rapports physiologiques et patholo- giques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1842. 16 Physiognomy. Nisle ([J. F. G.] L.) * De quibusdam mor- bis e facie dignoscendis aphorismi. 8°. Bero- lini, [1827]. Pernety (A.-J.) Discours sur la physiono- mie etles avantagesdes connoissances physiono- miques. 8°. Berlin, 1769. -----. La connoissance de I'homme moral par celle de I'homme physique. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, 177(i-7. Petit (C.) * Considerations sur la face et ses alterations elans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1874. Petit-Bregnat (R.) * Du facies consider comme element de diagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1872. Petrus Padubalnensis. [On physiognomy.] In: Regimen sanitatis, [etc.]. MS. 4°. [n.d., 1295.] Peuschel(C. A.) Abhanellungder Physiogno- mie, Metoposcopie und Chiromautie, mit einer Vorrede, darinnen die Gewissheit der Weissa- gungen aus dem Gesichte, der Stirn unel elen Hanelen griiudlich dargethan wird, welcher am Ende noch einige Betrachtungen und Anweisun- gen zu weissagen beygefiigt worden, die zur blos- sen Belustigung dieuen. 12°. Leipzig, 1769. Phemel (C. G.) * De morborum signis ex fa- cie petendis. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. Physionomie (La), ou des indices que la na- ture a mis au corps huniain par ou l'on peut ei Be- handlung der Kinderkrankheiten. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii, 253; 265.—BoiirgfN (J.) Esquisseil'un meSmoire sur la physiognomie. J. g6n. de iu6d.. chir et pharm., Par., an'xi [1803]. xviii. 129-143. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1805-10, ix, Ergnzngsbd., ill: 431. -----. Essai sur l'application ele la science phy- sioguomouique k la m6decine. J gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1816, lvi. 3-25.—Caballero (F. G.) Del aspecto fisionoinonico, consieleraelo como f'enonieno de gran valor en la ciencia del diagnostico. Bol. de metl.. cirug. v farm., Madrid, 1852, 2. Op., ii, 9; 17, 33; 41.— C a liter r- wood (H.) Expression of emotions on the human coun- tenance. Internat. Rev., N. Y., 1879, vii, 195.— Chan*- Bier, Oiiaml \ Duval. Bappoi tsurun systemede phy- sionomie. base sur 1 'anatomie cemipar6e du cerveau. Kee. period. Soc. denied, de Par., 1S02. xiii. 400-400.—C'leland. Ou the element of symbolic correlation in expression. J Anat. cfe Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 481-497.—Cor fee (O.) The: physiognomy of diseases, or semeiotics in their assim- ilative characters. Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, 432; 549; 570; 589; 627; 648: 1847-8, xvii, 17; 112; 152; 194: 212; 253; 273; 292; 329; 391; 406; 423; 443; 1848, xviii, 5; 49; 70; 105; 122, 135; 152; 166; 219; 234; 285; 302. -----. Observations on a new method of illustrating diseases bv phvsiognomic portraits. Med. Times" & Gaz.'. Lond.. l"867, ii, 127; 252; 317; 396; 453; 513; 593; II Damrrou (II.) Ueber die Grundlage eler Mimik und Physiognomik als freier Beitrag zur Anthropologic und Psychiatric Allg. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat., etc., Berl., IsOO, xvii. 385-452— Double (F.-J.) Sur les inductions semelotiqiies que Ton peut dCduire de la consideration de la face. J. gen. de med.. chir. et pharm . Par., 1MJ7 xxx, 151; 381: 1808, xxxi. 31: 129; 4(78: xxxii. 135: 252. —Kmerry (C.) Le sembianze degli animali Gior. internaz. el sc. med., Napoli, 1879. n. s., i, 95-104. —<»aird- nepr (\V. T.) The phvsiognomv of disease, lit. I'inla\- son (J.) Clin. Diagnosis, 8°, Phila., 1878, 25-52.—Gambn PHYSIOGNOMY. 243 PHYSIOLOGTSCHES. Physiognomy. (A* Contribute alio studio della expressione flsionomica tlei muscoli facciali dell' uomo. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. eli Torino, 1880, 3. s., xxviii, 352-389,1 pi.—4.1 i roi a mi (G.) Sull" importanza dello studio delle umaue fisioiioniie e va- lore dei principal! segni delle meclesime. Gior. med. di Roma, 1868, iv, 057; 705— Ciratarolo (W.) Ueber die Bestimmung der Sitten und Karaktere der Menschen nach Beschaffenheit des Gesichtes und anderer Theile des Kor- pers. Aus dem Lateiuischen iibersetzt von F. A. Vering, Mitgetheilt und mit einem Vorwort.begleitet vou A. M. Vering. Ztschr. f. el. Anthrop., Leipz., 1826, 2. Hft., 248- 305— Hacltell (S.) The chronology of physiognomy. Transl. from Hackell's History of the pseudo-sciences, vol. vii, 4to ed. [A burlesque.] 'Midland M. cfe S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i, 173-183.—Hamilton (A. McL.) The facial expression of certain abnormal mental states. Rich- mond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1875, xix, 625-631.— Herlimi* (B.) Vom Missbrauch der physiognomiae, eutgegengesetzt dem griindlichen Bericht von der physiog- nomia" Herrn Philippi Mavens. In his: Consilium sani- tatis, etc., 12°, Coburg, 1682, 327-384.—Hon in«. Ueber die, semiotische Bedeutung der anssern Nase, eiu Beitrag zur patliologischen Physiognomik. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., P.i'i-1.. 1834, iii, 56; 89.—K[niie (E.)] Physiog- nomy of disease. Med. Indep., Detroit. 1856, i, 271: 1856-7, h\ 7'i._IjaiiillMer. O virajenii otshushenii u cheloveka. [On the expression of sensations in man.) Soobsh. i pro- tok. S. Peterb. med. Obsh., 1884, i, pt. 2, 96-118—I,ay- cock (T.) Clinical lectures on the physiognomical diag- nosis of disease. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 1 ; 51; 101; 151; 185; 205: 287; 341; 449; 499; 551; 635.—Uleynert (T.) Mechanik der Physiognomik. Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 1365; 1400; i438; 1471. Also: AVien. med. Bl., 1887, x, 1293; 1325; 1357.—Most (G. F.) Einiges iiber die pathologische Phvsiouuomik. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1826, i, 66-86.—I\i*lo( L.) Ueber Physiognomik im Allge- meinen, nebst Beitriiuen zur patliologischen Phvsioguo- raik. Ibid., 1827. iv, 561-009.—."\'oyi>* (I. P.) Cranial and facial protuberances. Phrenol. J.. X. T.. 1889, lxxxviii, 89.—Otloiii (G.) Delia prosoposcopia medica elel bam- bino. Gazz. meel. ital., prov. veuete, Padova, 1863, vi, 189.—Pasqnaligo (G. C.) Verity ed importanza della prosoposi. Gazz. med. eli Torino. 1885, xxxvi, 484-498.— Paul (H. J.) Die Veranderttngen in tier Physiognomie nnil den Geberdeu kranker Kinder. J. f. Kinderkr., Er- lang., 1858, xxx, 65-91— Physiognomic (Die). Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1857, viii, 5. Hft., 3-27.—Pi- drrit (T.) Die Muskeln und Mienen des nienschlichen Antlitzes im Allgemeinen und ties Auges ins Besoudere; ein Versuch, die Miinik und Physiognomik wissenschafft- lich zu hegriinden. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1861, xviii. 205-263.-----. Des principes rationnels de la niimique et de la physiognomonique. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 2. pt., 165-171. -----. La physionomie ele la bouche. Rev. scient., Par., 1888, 3. s., xii, 142-148—Kanney (A. L.) The human face; its modifications in health and disease, anil its value as a guiele in diagnosis. X. York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 561-595. Also, Repiint. Also: Chicago M. J. cfe Exam., 1881, xiii, 77-111.— Rosenthal. Grundziige zur kiinftigen Bearbeitung ei- ner wissenschaftlichen Physiognomik." Arch. f. el. Phv- siol., Halle, 1811, x, 298-318.—Sanccdo (A.) Fisiogn'o- monica medica 6 signos constitutivos del profesor. Rev. med., Guadalajara, 1871-2, i, 25; 34; 50; 70.—Schau"- hausen (H.) Die Physiognomik. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1887-8, xvii, 309-338.—Whipham (T.) Ab- stract of a clinical lecture on the expression of the face and the external appearance, as an aid to diagnosis and treatment, Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 45. Pliysiologia, of natuurkundige outleding van bet meuschelyke lickaam, waarin deszelfs maak- sel, working, enz. verklaart wordt. Zynde ge- trokken nit de schriften van vele geleerele man- nen, als Boerhave, Malpighius, Kuysch, Mor- gague, Haller, doch inzonelerheit uit de werken eu jaarlyksche lessen van den hooggeleerden heere B. S. Albinus, professor in de Hoge Schole tot Leiden, vi, 636 pp., 35 1. 8°. Amsterdam, K. van Tongerlo, 1758. Physiological (A) discussion between A. P. W. Philip, M. D., and several meelical gentlemen. ■SO pp. 8°. London, TV. Thome, [1820]. Repr. from: Med.-Chir. J., Lond., for April, 1820. Physiological (The) effects of alcoholic drinks, from the British and Foreign Meelical Review of Dr. Forbes; with documents aud records of the Massachusetts Temperance Society, illustrating the origin of the temperance reformation, and its progress in the State of Massachusetts, xi, 196 pp. 8°. Boston, 1848. Physiological (A) enquiry into the process of labour, anel an attempt to ascertain the deter- mining cause of it. 1 p. l,,60pp. 8°. Dublin, B. Moncrieffe, 1770. Physiological experiments as applied to diges- tion, alimentation, and nutrition, together with matter of the highest importance to practition- ers. 32 pp. .8°. New York, 1885. Physiological fallacies. First series, viii, 212 pp. 8°. London, Williams Sr Norgate, 1882. Physiological Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Collected papers, 1873-9. (For private circulation.) 8°. [Boston, 1880.] -----. The same. II., 1880-86. 8°. [Boston, 1887.] Physiological Laboratory, University College, Loudon. Collected papers. Nos. 1-3, 1874-5 to 1877-8. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] No. 1, 1874-5, also in P., v. 1489. Physiological Society of London. Proceed- ings, 1883-8. 8°. London. Bound with: J. Physiol.. Lond. Physiological Temperance Society of the Med- ical Institute of Louisville. Proceedings. 16 pp. s°. Louisville, 1842. Heading-title, 2. leaf, is: " First annual bulletin of the Physiologico-Medical (The) Recorder antl Surgical Journal. Editeel antl published by Jo- seph Brown and E. H. Stockwell. [Monthly.] v. 17 (u. s., v. 1), Jan. to Dec, 1849 1 v. 336 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Ohio. See, also, Bolanico-ITIcilical (The) Recorder, v. 6-17, 1837-52. See. also, Physo-lVIedical (The) Recorder and Surgical Journal, v. 18, 1850. Physiologie (La) du fumeur. 128 pp., 1 pi. 18°. Paris, E. Bourdin, [1840, vel subseq.]. Bound with: Salubeeeima (De) potione cahue. fete.]. 18°. Romce, 1671. Physiologie hnmoristique de la generation. See Pangloss. Physiologisch Lahoratorium der Universiteit te Leielen. Onderzoekingen, uitgegeven eloor Dr. A. Hcynsius. v. 1-6. 8°. Leiden, 1869-84. Physiologisch Lahoratorium der Utrecht'sche Hoogeschool. Onderzoekingen. v. 2, 1849-50; v. 5, 1H52-3; v. 7, 1854-5: v. 7 (8?), 1855-6; 2. reeke, v. 1-3, 18(57-70: 3. reeke, v. 1-11, 1871-89. 8C. Utrecht, 1850-89. 1867-89 uitgegeven door F. C. Donders en Th. W. Engel- mann. Physiologische Anstalt zu Leipzig. Arbeiten. 1866-77. 11 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1867-78. Continued in: Archiv fur Physiologie, Leipzig. Physiologische Anstalt der Uni versitat Wiirz- burg. Bericht iiber die wahrentl der Sommer- semester 1*53 und 1854 angestellten Versuche. Von A. Kolliker und H. Muller. 8°. Cutting from: Verhandl. el. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb.,'l854, v. -----. Zweiter Bericht iiber die im Jahr 1854-55 angestellten Versuche. Von A. Kolliker und H. Miiller. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1856. Repr. from,: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1855-6, vi. Physiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Ver- handlungen. No. 1, March, 1876; no. 5, Dec, 1*77; no. 10, June, 1883; nos. 18 & 19, Aug., 1883 ; nos. 2 & 3, Nov., 1883. 8°. Berlin, 1876-84. Repr. from: Arch. f. Physiol., Berl.; Arb. a. d. spec. physiol. Abtb. d. physiol. Inst. el. Univ., Berl., 1883. -------. See, also : Physiologische Gesellschaft zn Berlin. Verhand- lungen, 1875-87. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz.. 1877-87. passim. Physiologisches Institut zu Breslau. Stu- elien. Hrsg. von K. B. Reichert. iv, 160 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Leipzig, 1858. -----. Studien. Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. R. Heiden- hain. 1.-4. Hft. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkopfu. Hartel, 1861-8, PllYSlOLOGISCHES. 244 PHY SIX) LOGY. Physiologisches Institut zu Jena. Drittes Prograiuin. 20 pp. 8°. Jena, F. Frommann, 1847. Physiologisches Institut der Universitat Ber- lin. Arbeiten aus der speeiell physiologischeu Abtheilung. Geleitet von Hugo Kronecker Jahrgang 1883. 8°. [Berlin, 1884.] Repr. from: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz.; Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl. ; Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.; Fo'rtschr. d. Phys., Berl. Physiologisches Institut der Universitat Halle. Unteisuchungen. Hrsg. von Julius Bern- stein. 1. Hft. 136 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Halle, M. Niemeyer, 1888. Physiologisches Institut der Universitat Hei- delberg. Unteisuchungen. Hrsg. von W. Kiiline. Bde. 1-4. 8°. Heidelberg, 1877-82. Physiologisches Laboratorium in Wiirzburg. Unteisuchungen. 1. Thl., hrsg. von Albert von Bezold. 2. Thl., hrsg. von Richard Gscheidlen. 368 pp., 8 lith. pi. ; 328 pp., 5 lith. pi. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1867-9. Physiologisches Laboratorium der Wiirz- bui ger Hochschule. Arbeiten. Hrsg. von A. Fick. 1.-4. Lfg. 416 pp., 16 pi. 8°. Wiirzburg, Slab el, 1872-8. Physiologist (The). A popular domestic jour- nal designed to explain and illustrate the laws of physical culture, [etc.]. By C. W. Gleason and A. O'Leary. No. for Nov. 1, 1869. 8 pp. fol. Louisville, Ky. An advertisement. Physiologist (The) and Family Physiciau. Organ of the New York Physiological Society. Sara B. Chase, editor. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, April, 1878, to Dec, 1881. fol. New York. v. 1 complete in 8 nos., April to Nov., 1878. Nothing published from Dec, 1878, to March, 1879. Physiology. Src, also, Age; Anatomy; Anatomy (Gen- eral, etc.); Biology; Blood; Body (Human); Carbon; Chemistry (Animal); Death; Defe- cation ; Digestion; Electro-physiology; Em- bryology ; Endosmosis, etc. ; Excretion ; Fer- mentation; Fibre; Fluids, etc. (Animal); Force (Vital); Function; Generation; Gly- cogen; Growth; Heat (Animal); Heat (Ef- fects of), etc.; Histology ; Iatro-mechanism; Infants; Irritability ; Irritants, etc.; Life; Locomotion; Mechanics (Animal); Move- ment, etc. (Organic); Muscles; Nervous sys- tem ; Nutrition; Organicism; Oxidation pro- cess in the body; Pathology; Periodicity, etc.; Protoplasm; Psychology (Physiological); Res- piration; Secretion; Sex; Tissue (Metamor- phosis of). Acland (H. W.) Relations of physiology and medicine. An address. 12°. Oxford $• London, 1865. Allen (N.) Normal standard of physiology. Broadsiele. Lowell, 1885. Repr. from: Morning Times, Lowell, March 24, 1885. Bkaunis (H.) Les principes de la physio- logie. Lecon d'onverture. 8°. Paris, 1875. Bernard (C.) De la physiologie generate. 8°. Paris, 1872. Bonnet (C.) Considerations sur les corps or- ganises, oil l'ou traite de leur origine, tie leur developpement, ele leur reproduction, etc., oh l'on a rassembte en abr6g6 tout ce que I'histoire uatnrelle oifre de plus certain et de pins inte- ressant sur ce sujet. 2. ed. 2v.ini. 8C. Am- sterdam, 1768. Bordenave (T.) Essai sur la physiologie, ou physique du corps liumain. 3. ed. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Paris, 1778. -----. The same. 2 v. iu 1. 8J. Paris, 1787. Physiology. Bouillaud (J. B.) Dissertation sur les gene- ralities ele la physiologie, et sur le plan a suivie dans l'enseignement de cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. Bourdel(A.) De la mauiere d'envisager la physiologie. 8°. Montpellier, 1855. Repr. from: Gaz. m6el. de Montpel. Bourdon (I.) Principes de physiologie medi- cale. 8°. Paris, 1828. Also (Rev.], in: J. hebd. de nied., Par., 1829, iv, 594: 1830, vi, 570. 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Wagner ( R. ) Ueber das Verhaltuiss der Physiologie zu den physikalischen Wissensehaf- ten und zur praktischen Medicin, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den Zweck und die Bedeutung eler physiologischen Institute. 8°. Gbttingen, 1842. Weber (G.) *De schemate physiologic mere scientiticc. 4°. Argentorati, 1811. Wight (W. L.) Observations on vegetable and animal physiology. 8°. Petersburg, 1843. Wilbrand (J. B.) Was ist Physiologie f und wie ist tliese Wissenschaft zu behandeln f 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1827. Wilhelmy(L.) Zur physikalischen Begrun- dung der Physiologie und Psychologie. 8U. Heidelberg, 1852. PHYSIOLOGY. 24<; PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology. Wolfe (M.) Prize paper on physiology and histology. 8°. Cincinnati, 1882. Adelon. Physiologie. Diet. dem6d., 2. ed., Par., 1841, xxiv, 377-386. — Allchin (W. H.) A lecture on the phy- sical hasis of physiology. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 197-201.— Allen '(N.) Normal standard of physiology. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, 1884-5, iv. 251-255. ' Also, Reprint. ------. Physiology in its more puhlic relations. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1885. xiv, 24-37. Also, Reprint.—Bar- theleuiy (A.-J.-C.) Du role de la physiologie dans hi nie- decine moderne. Arch, de nied. nav.. Par., 1870, xiii, 81- 102. Also, Reprint.—Reale (L. S.) Lecture introductory to the course of physiology. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lontl., 1868, ii, 470-472.—Bennett (J. H.) An address delivered in the section of physiology at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 237 .— Bernard (C.) Le probl6me tie la physiologie ge- nerale. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1867, Ixxii, 874-892.— Blake (J.) On the connection between physiological ac- tion and chemical constitution. J. Physiol., Lond., 1884-5, v. 35-44. — Bloiidleaii ( C.) Une nouvelle physiologic. Monit. scient., Par., 1874, 3. s., iv, 291; 691. — Bocci (B.) Una parola di fisiologo al clinico. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1882, xlix, 135-149.—Bottani (A.) Considerazioni medico- fisiologiche. Gior.veneto di sc. med..Venezia, 1852.v, 212; 488.—Bracliet & Fouilhoux. Physiologie. In: Encycl. d.sc. med., 41 v., 8°, Par., 1834-46,1. div., [v. 5].— Briuton (W.) A lecture introductory to the course of physiology at St. Thomas' Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, 425; 456.— Brown-Meqnard. On the importance of the applica- tion of physiology to the practice of medicine and surgery. A lecture. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1865, xxxix, 421-436. Also, Reprint.—Bruit ton (T. L.) The Croonian lectures on the relationship het ween chemical structure and physiological action. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1274; 1333; 1389; 1450: ii, 4; 64. Also [Ahstr.j: Med. Press cfe Circ. Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii. 614; 635: 659: xlviii, 4.------. On the connection be- tween chemical constitution and physiological action. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 326-329.—Bu'dde (V.) Om den kon- stante Faktor i Roherts's Methode; eu Opgierelse med Worm-Miiller. Ugesk. f. La±ger, Kjebenh., 1888, 4. R., xvii, 29; 57; 85.—Chievitz (J. H.) Cellekaernedeling og Beftuutning. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1889, 3. R., vii, 553; 577.—Christ in ni (A.) Die Beziehungen der Physiologie zur Hygiene; das Leben des Menschen iu der Natur und in der Cultur. Ber. ii. d. allg. deutsche Ausst. a. d. Gel), tl. Hyg. u. d. Rettungsw. 1882-3, Bresl., 1885. i, 3-16.—t'rous y Cascllaa. La flsiologia organici.sta ante la espi-neiii-ia y la filosofia ortodoxa. Arch. meel. valenc, Valencia. 1881-2, i-ii, 2; 36; 82; 100; 146; 193.—Bavins (J.) Ge-n- eral principles of physiology. Lond. M. et S. J., 1828, i, 42. — van Been (I. ) Over den omvang tier physiolo- gische weteuschap en over de waarneming als het eonige midelel om haar te beoefenen. Ann. Acad. [Necrl. J 1851-2, Lugd.-Bat., 1855, 153-179. Also, Reprint, — Dr- war (H.) The influence of chemical laws on the phenom- ena of physiology. Edinb. M. cfe S. J., 1821, xvii, 479-495. Also, Reprint. — Dumas. De l'importance des 6tudes physiologiques glec ii la ires des corps en general, et stir les granulations dites vitales. Marseille nied.. 1873, x, 261-271 —«»avarret (J.) Forces. § 1. Phy- siologie. Diet, ene-ye-1. cl. sc-. med., Par., 1879. 4. s., iii, 418- 482. — Gray ( E. W. ) The relation of physiology to the practice of medicine. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1*75, xxv, 153-166 — Greenfield ( W. S ) The relations of physi- ology and pathology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884. ii, 257-259.— Cruerin (-J. ) Lettre sur les rapports de la niedecine et de la chirurgie avec la physiologie. Gaz. ni6d. ele Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii, 43-50.—Hat-ser (H.) Ueber die Stellung der Physiologie zur piaktischen Medicin, und iiber die Stellungdes Archiv's insbesondero. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1844, vi, 1-12— Ilarel (A.) Etudes physiologiques des bases rationnelles de la physiologie. Clinique, Tar., 1830, ii, 29-32.—Hermann (L.) On the regulatory fuue- Physiology. tions ofthe organism. Med. Times \- Gaz., Lond. 1879. i, 249- 251. — .In n sen (J. n. ) De physiologie in hareii invloed op tie heelkunile gesc-hetst. Ann Acad. [Nei'il ) 1849-50, Lugd.-Bat.. 18.">4, 233-2.'.:>. - Knox ( K. ) On the physiological anatomy and physiology of man. Meel. Times,'Loud., 1844, x, 342; 363.------ Lectures ou phy- siological anatomy, the special physiology of man. am! on the anatomy of tissues, morbid' anel healthy. Ibid. 184.".. xii. 7. 21;'33; 55; 74; 136; 150; 239.-Kill I liter (II.) & .MilMei- (A.) Bericht iiber die with rend tier Summer semester 1853 und 1854 in der physiologischen Anstalt der Universitat Wiirzburg angestellten Versuche. Verhantll. il. phys.-nied. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 185-1-5, v, 213-230.— Kohlrausch. Physiologie in ihrer Aiiweniluiig auf Chirurgie. Haitdworterb. el. Pli\ siol., Brnsehug., 1846-5(1 iii, 2. Abth., 366-411. - Kiiline ( H. ) Die orgauischen Anpassungsmejchanisineu in ihren Beziehungen zur Heil kuude. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 187s, xiii, 38: 5U; 02 8ti. — liat'inirr. Les elements ph\ siologique-c Gaz. iiie'-el. ele Nantes, 1883-4. ii, 89-93. ■.ihiiimiii. Der physiolo gische Versuch und die tlierapeutische Eifahrung Ile-ul sche Klinik, Berl., 1857. ix, 139, 149; 158; '207; 217; 227.- l.eonliardt (J. S.) Physiological evolution. Proc Ne- braska M. Soc.. Lincoln, 1885. 175-193. — Lucinni < I. ) Le primeeniistionifisiologiche. Gior.iiiternaz.il sc. nied.. Napoli. 1880. ii, 5-18. Also, transl.: Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien, 1882, iii, 206-220. ------. Die Physiologie und Social wissenschaft. Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med ti. metl. Geog., Leipz., 1881, iv, 225; 311—l.udwig (C.) Die Auf gabe der pbysikaliseheu Physiologie. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1855, v, 745. — Ijiissniia (F.) Della flsiologia come base alia patologia ed alia terapia, e piu specialmente della flsiologia cie' meilicainenti. Gazz. meel. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1861, 4. s., iv. 345; 353.— Martinez (J.) Lige-ros apuntea de fisica-tisiologia general aplicables a la de la e-spe cie hu- mana. Espana nied., Madrid, 186(1, v, 358-360 — Martini. Biologia del dot tore Luigi Forni, cmnpeneliata nelle- le/.ioni di flsiologia. Kac. di op. med. mod. ital . Bologna. 1829, viii, 241-268. — Maudslev ( IL ) An address on inedie-al physiology. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1872, ii, 163-167.— Tiny. field (G.'A. J.) Physiology. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1858, xv, 147-150.—Medici (M.) (Delia utilita e della hellezzii dello studio della lisiologia.| In: Opusc. scient, 4°, Bo- logna, 1823, iv, 349-361. — Medicine anil physiology. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 257. —Pfliiger (E. F. W.) Die Physiologie und ihre Zukiinft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1877. xv, 361-365.-----. Wesen und Autgaben tier Physiologic-. Ibid., 1878, xviii, 427-442. Also. Reprint. — Physiology: its place in general edit cation. J. Pub Health. Bond.. 1858. iv, 23-31. Piorry. Physiologie. Diet. tl. sc. med., Par.. 1820. xiii. 230- 306'. — Preyer ( W. ) Les forces des corps vivants. Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiii, 586-592. ------. Ueber die walire Aufgabe der Physiologie. Deutsche- Rundschau, Berl., 1886, xiii, 38-51. Also, transl.: Pop. Sc-. Month., N. V., 1886-7, xxx, 821-829— Piirhync (.1. E.) Ueber den Begriff eler Physiologie, ihre Beziehung zu den iibrigen Naturwissenschaften, uud zu aneleru wissensehaftlicheii uud Kuust-Gebieten, die Methoelen ihrer Lehre und Praxis, iiber die Bildung zum Physiologen, iiber Errichtung physio- logischer Institute. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1852, xxxiii, [2. pt.]. 1-19. Also. Reprint. — Purser (J. M.) An address on the study of physiology in relation to medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880. ii, 709-771.—Pye- Wmitli (P. II.) The study of\ physiology. Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. Y., 1879-80, xvi. 43-56. —Kedfern (P.) Ad- dress on physiology. Med. Rec. N. V.. 1884, xxvi, 113- 119.—Rehmke. i'eher Physiologie und Kautianismus. Tagebl. tl. Versaminl deutsch. Nalurf. u. Aerzte, Eise- nach. 1882. lv. 98-106 —Keiuke (J.) Das fundamental Problem eler Physiologie. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., 1882, viii, 44-01. —Reynolds (J. R.) The objects and scientific position of physiology. Brit, cfe For M.-Chir. Lev, Lond., 1855, xv, 301: xvi, 107.—Kibes (F.) pen-. Article extrait d'un m6moire snr quelques points de physio- logie appliques a la connaissauce de la pathologie et de la therapeutique. Rev. meel. franc;, et etrang., Par., 1829, ii, 177-223. Also, Reprint.—Kichet ( C.) L'etude de la physiologie. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1883, lvi, 1081. ------. La physiologie et la niedecine. Rev. scient.. Par., 1888, xii, 353; 420.—Kolleston (G ) Address iu physiology. Lan cet, Lond., 1868, ii, 176-184. Also: Brit. M.'j., Lond., 1868, ii, 155-163. Also, in his: Scient. Papers cfe Addr., 8°, Ox- ford. 1884, ii, 693-728.— Rouse! (C. ) La physiologie generale. Rev. scient., Par.. 1880 2. s.. xviii, 1101-1107.— Roux (W.) Der Kampf eler Te-ili! im Organismiis. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1881, i, 241-251 —Ma|es-«irons. La medce ine et son influence sur notre tennis par la physio logic Rev nidi, frauij. ei Strang., Par., 1877, ii, 545-551 — Sanderson (J. B.) Public lecture ou the study of ph\ si ology, its relal ion to other studies, and its use asa prepaia tion for that of medicine. Lancet, Loud., 1883, ii, 069-072 — Savory IW. S.) On the study of human physiology Lancet, Lond., 1862. i. 1. 29. ------. Note of an instance of the value- of physiology in the practice of surgery. Ibid., 1883, i, 991. — tttliuafiiiausen (H.) Ueber den Zusatn- ii.euhaiig eli-r Natur- und Lebenserscheinungen. In his: PHYSIOLOGY. 247 PHYSIOLOGY. Plivsioloay. Anthrop. Studien, 8°, Bonn, 1885, 236-252-Schiflf (M ) De la physiologie medicale. Lyon med 18.0. v, o4(,-;.al - Schiiller (M.) Ueber die practische IVerwendharkeit neuerer Errungenschaften der Physiolcigie- Deutsche Klinik, 1873, xxv, H7-120.-SchwBrt* (O.) Die Physio- Wie als wissenschaftlicbe Grunellago der Heilkunde. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kolu. 1848 » ]u4- 112 —Schwarz ( E. ) Ueber embryonale Zelltheilung. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien (1888), 1889 n F. 3. Hft., 30-73, 2 pi.—Sharpey (W.) Address introductory to a course of lectures on anatomy and physi- ology. Lancet, Lond., 1836-7, i, 82-88. -----. Address in physiology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 162-171.-Sorel (A ) La physiologie humaine suppose les principes de la scolastique et les faits positifs del'observation moderne. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1877, i, 257-263.-Stras- burser (E.) Der Unterschied zwischen Lhier uud Pfianze. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., 1882, viii, 79-91.— Tiseratedt (R.) Om fysiologious uppgitt. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 91-105. -----. Om fysiologien sasom medicinskt laroatune. |On physiology as a part of medical education.J Ibid., 1887, xlix, 1-15-Tnmaia (L.I.) Oznacheniidvijenijadljajizni nischichorganizmov. [Influence of motion and rest upon life] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 345-346.—Valenti y Vivo. El estudio de la flsiologia y la medicina. Iudepend. med., Barcel., 1869-70, i, no. 23, 4.—Vierordt (C.) Ueber den gegen- wartigen Standpunkt und die Aufgabe der Physiologie. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1849. viii, 297-316.—Vogel (J.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigeu Standpunkt der Physiologie und den Einfluss dieser Disciplin. sowie ihrer Hulfswisseu- Bchaften, nanientlich der niikrosko]iischen und chemischeu Untersuchung, auf die Mediciu. Arch. f. d ges. Med., Jena, 1840-41, i, 161-188.—Walwhe (W. H.) Physiology versus metaphysics. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1884-5, xxv, 249-258.—Waters (A. T. H.) On certain mutual rela- tions of physiology, pathology, and the practice of medi- cine. Brit. M. J.'. Lond., 1864. i, 1: 29; 89; 115; 144; 227; 259; 279.—Whittalter (J. T.) The relation of physi- ology to practice. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1872, xxvii, 241-251. Also: Clinic, Cinciu., 1872, iii, 37; 75. -----. The influence of the study of physiology upon the charac- ter of the physician. Ibid., 1873, v, 157-162.—Wunder- lich. Das Verhaltniss der physiologischen Medicin zur arztlichen Praxis. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1845, iv, 1-13. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). See, also, Anatomy (Essays, etc., on). Abernethy (J.) Au inquiry into the proba- bility anel rationality of Mr. Hunter's theory of life. 8°. London, 1*14. Also, in his: Introductory lecture . . . delivered . . . in 1814 antl 1815. 8°. London, 1815, 1-95. Also, in: Ibid., new ed. 8°. London, 1819, 1-79. Also, in his: Physiol. lect. addressed to the College of Surgeons. 8°. London, 1825, 1-79. -----. Introductory lectures, exhibiting some of Mr. Hunter's opinions respecting life anel dis- eases. 8°. London, 1815. -----. The same. New ed. 8°. London, 1819. 1823. The same. New ed. 8°. London, Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr. Hunter's physiology, and of his researches in comparative anatomy. 8°. London, 1817. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1822. -----. Physiological lectures; aelelresseel to the College of Surgeons. 8°. London, 1825. Adair (J. M.) A philosophical and medical sketch of the natural history ofthe human body and mind. To which is subjoined an essay on the difficulties of obtaining medical knowledge, intended for the information and amusement of those who are, or are not, of the medical profes- sion. 8°. Bath, 1787. Albinus (F. B.) De natura hominis libellus. Accedit supellex anatomica Bern. Siegf. Albini. «J. Lugd. Bat., 1775. Allen (N.) Physical development, or the laws governing the human system. 8°. Boston, 188*. Amagat ( A.-L. ) *Caracteres communs et differentiels des animaux et des vegetaux infe- rieurs. 4°. Paris, 1878. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). Arnold (F.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der Kraft zur Materie in den thierischen Organismen. 4°. Heidelberg, 1854. Ashby (H.) Notes on physiology. 4. ed. 12° London, 1884. -----. The same. 5. ed. 16°. London, 1889. Baader (F.) Beytrage zur Elementar-Phisio- logie. 16°. Hamburg, 1797. Baart de la Faille (J.) Theses physiologicae. ■ sin. 8°. Groningce, [1816]. Bakker (G.) De natura hominis, liber ele- meutarius. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Groningce, 1827. Ball (I.) An analytical view of the animal economy. Calculated for the students of metli- cine as well as private gentlemen; interspersed with many allegories, aud -moral reflections, [etc.]. 16°. Neiv York, 1808. -----. The same. 2. ed. 16°. New York, 1808. -----. The same. 3. ed., with large adeli- tions. 16°. New York, 1808. Ballidn (P.) * Considerations sur la valeur eles causes auxquelles les auteur3 ont rattache? la production et l'enchalnement des pheSnomenes physiologiques. 4°. Paris, 1862. Baly (W.) Proof sheet of translation of Miil- ler's Physiology, with note by Dr. Sharpey. 8°. [London, n. d.] -----& Kirkes (W. S.) Recent advances in the physiology of motion, the senses, generation, and development. Being a supplement to the second volume of Prof. Miiller's "Elements of physiology". 8°. London, 1848. den Bandt ( H. ) * Spec. med. iuaug. ex- hibens quaestionum nonuullarum syllogen. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1815. Barbaroux (J.-A.) * Recherches physiol- ogicjues applique'es a la nnSdeciue et a la chi- rurgie, on dynamisnie organique. 4°. Paris, 1847. Barrows (E. P.) The harmony of creation, aud the subordination of the physical part of it to the moral. An address. 8°. Hudson, 1847. Batten (W.) An essay on the functions of life; comprising demonstration of a supreme function in the organism of man; new views on the physiology of the true capillary system: on respiration; the blood; animal heat; muscular motion, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1839. Battisti(B.) Exercitatio physiologica. 12°. CEniponti, 1776. Baudet-Dulary. Essai sur les harmonies physiologiques. 8°. Paris, 1844. Baumann (E.) Ueber die synthetischen Pro- cesse im Thierkorper. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Baumgartner (K. H.) Grundziige zur Phy- siologie und zur allgemeinen Krankheits- und Heiluugslehre. 8°. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, 1837. -----. The same. Lehre vou den Gegeusazeu in den Kraften im lebenden thierischen Korper. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1842. -----. Der Mensch. Lebensprozesse, Scho- pfung und Bestimmung. 8°. Freiburg, 1856. Beneke (F. W.) Physiologische Vortrage. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Oldenburg, 1856. Bergics (R. C.) * De variis corporis humani secretis et excretis. 8°. Berolini, [1851]. Bernstein (J.) Ueber die Krafte der leben- den Materie. 4°. Halle, [n. d.]. Berthold (A. A.) Beitrage zur Anatomie, Zootomie und Physiologie. 8°. Gottingen, 1831. Bird (R.) Physiological essays; drink-crav- ing, differences in men, idiosyncrasy, and the origin of disease. 8°. London, H70. PHYSIOLOGY. 248 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). Birkholz (A. M. ) * Qurestiones quaedam physico-medicae. 4°. Lipsice, [1771]. -----. Auspiciis jubilseis Ant. Guil. Plazii Qusestionuni physico-chemico-medicarum speci- men tertinm exhibuit. Defensurus cum Benja- min Gotthelf Knothe. 4°. Lipsice, [1778]. CONTENTS. Prologus. De necessaria teruarii naturae cognitione. 1. De frigoris in corpore animali natura, etc. 2. De elasticitatis anitnalis natura, etc. 3. De nisus motusque animalis natura, etc, Bize (J.-B.) * Simplifications physiologiques. 4°. Paris, 1852. Bleuland (J.) Oratio, de vitse fructu, quo animalibus praestant homines, e corporis etiam fabricatione conspicuo. 8°. [Traj. ad Bhenum, 1817.] > Blumberg (J.) * Ueber die vitalen Eigen- schaften isolirter Organe. 8°. Dorpat, 1889. Blumberg (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Schwere auf Kreislauf und Athmung. 8°. Ko- nigsberg in Pr., 1885. Also JRev. by L. Hermann]: Arch. f. d. ges. Pnysiol., Bonn, 1885-6, xxxvii, 467-478. Bonsdorff (E. J.) * Allmanna physiologiska betraktelser tifver begreppen lif och organism. 8°. Helsingfors, 1836. B[ordenave (T.)] Essai sur la physiologie. 12°. Amsterdam, 1756. Brass (A.) Beitriige zur Zellphysiologie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1884. Breard (J.-B.-I.) 'Programme d'un essai snr 1'unite' et sur l'activit6 propre de l'organisme humain vivant dans la sante5 et dans la maladie. 4°. Paris, 1832. Brodie(B. C.) Physiological researches. 8°. London, 1H51. Repr. from : Phil. Tr., Lond., 1811-12. Brown (T.) Observations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin. 8°. Edinburgh, 1798. Buchan (A. P.) Bionomia. Opinions con- cerning life and health; introductory to a course of lectures on the physiology of sentient beings. 8°. London, 1811. Bvchanan (A.) Classification of the func- tions of the human body, anel the principles on which it rests. 8°. London, 1867. Buchner (L.) Physiologische Bilder. 1. Bd. [All published.] 12°'. Leipzig, 1861. Buisson (M.-F.-R.) * Essai sur la division la plus naturelle des phe"nomenes physiologiques considers chez I'homme. 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. -----. The same. Avec un precis historique sur M. F.-X. Bichat. S°. Paris, an AT [1802]. Also [Abstr.], in: ExcYtiL. d. sc.mejd. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 1. div., [v. 4], 121-214. Burdach (C.) * Cogitationes in physiologiam geueralem. [ Gottingen. ] sm. 4°. Berolini, 1818. Bywater (J.) Physiological fragments; or, sketches of various subjects intimately connect- eel with the study of physiology. 8°. London, 1819. Cabanis (P.-J.-G.) Rapports du physique et du moral de I'homme. Pre'cedeSs el'une table ana- ly tique par M. le comte Destutt de Tracy. Nouv. e\l., augnientee d'une notice sur la vie de l'au- teur. 3 v. 12°. Paris, 1824. v. 1 wanting. -----. Thesame. Nouv. 6d.,contenant 1'ex- trait raisonne' de Destutt Tracy, la table alpba- b^tique ct analytique de Sue, une notice bio- graphique sur Cabanis et un essai sur les prin- cipes et les limites de la science; des rapports tlu physique et du moral, par le Dr. Cerse. 12°. Paris, 1843. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). -----. The same. 2 v. 12^. Paris, IKY). Caldani (L. M. A.) Riflcssioni fisiologiche sopra due elissertazioni del Signor Claudio Nicolo LeCat. 12°. Venezia, 1767. Capadoce (A.) Coninicntatio de ultima ra- tione uniouis priucipiorum partium organicarnin: An ex doctrina mechanica sive dynamica sit ex plicauda. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1818. Carson (J.) Essays, physiological and prac- tical. 8°. Liverpool, 1822.' Carls (C. G.) Von den Naturreichen, ihren Leben unel ihrer Verwandtschaft. 4°. Dresden, [1818]. Ckrise (L.-A.-P.) ffiuvres du docteur . . . onuses el'un portrait de l'auteur, et prec&lees d'une notice sur sa vie. 2 v. 8C. Paris, 1872. Child (G. W.) Essays on physiological sub- jects. 8°. London, 1868. -----. Thesame. 2.ed. 12°. London, 1869. Cleland (J.) Evolution, expression, and sen- sation, cell life and pathology. 12°. Glasgow, 1881. Colas (E.) Lettre d'un medecin de campagne, R-. Paris, 1830. Collignon (C.) An inquiry into the struct- ure of the human body relative to its supposed influence on the morals of mankind. 8°. Cam- bridge, 1764-5. Coctanceau. Revision des nouvelles doc- trines chimico-physiologiques, suivie d'exp^ri- ences relatives i la respiration. 8°. Paris, 1821. Coytkux (F.) Etudes sur la physiologie. roy. 8°. Paris, 1875. Crocq. De la penetration ties particules so- lides a travels les tissus de l'e"conomie animale. Memoire en reponse a la question suivaute: Ap- precier et d6finir le fait de la penetration des par- ticules solides a travers les tissus ele l'economie anamale, et determiner les rapports dans lestiuels eel actc se trouve avec celui de l'absorptiou. Me- me>ire coure)nu6. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1858?] von Cyon (E.) Gesammelte physiologische Arbeiten. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Czermak(J. N.) Physiologische Studien. ii. & iii. Abth. 8°. [ Wien, 1855.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1855. -----. Mittheilungen aus dem physiologi- schen Privatlaboratorium. 1. Hft. 8°. Wien, 1864. Daehne (J. G.) Consensus fluidarum et soli- darum corporis humani partium exemplis illus- trattir. 4°. Lipsiat, [1779] Danilkwsky (A.) efe Danilewsky (B.) Phi- ziologichcskii sbornik. 8°. Charkoff, 1888. Davy ( J. ) Physiological researches. 8°. London, 1863. Debreyne (P.-J.-C.) Essai sur la theologie morale cousideree dans ses rapports avec la phy- sieilogie et la m6decine, ouvrage spe'cialement destine au clerg6. 5. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1868. De Kay (J. E.) *De erroris scaturigine in experiments physiologicis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1h19. Delaunay (G.) Etudes de biologie compared bashes sur la nutrition et Involution. 2e partie. Physiologie. 8°. Paris, 1W79. Deppe (J. J.) * De spirituum existentia, quid- ditate, elifferentia, et usu in corpore humano. sm. 4°. Erfurti, [1734]. Diesterweg (A. ) Kritische Beitrage zur Physiologie uud Pathologie, mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung des Lehrbnchs der spcciclleu Pathologie unel Therapie des Prof. Dr. von Nie- meyer. 3 Hefte. h°. Frankf. a. M., 1800-9. -----. Kritische Beitrage zurPhysiologie und Pathologie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der medicinischen Facultat zu Berlin unel der in der- selben befindlichen Parteien. 1. Anti-Virchow. PHYSIOLOGY. 249 PHYSIOLOGY. Pli 'h v*iology (Essays and miscellanies on). •2. bfrdeutschcKreislauf. 3. Ueber tlie An wen- dune der Wellenlehre auf die Lehre vom kleinen Kreislauf. 4. Ein Wort an Emile Dn Bois-Rey- monel. *°. Frankf. a. M., 1*75. van Doevkrkn (J. A.) * Spec. meel. maug. continens collectanea quicdani medica varii argu- ment. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1796. Dy. 8 . London, 1861. Hunter ( W. ) Medical commentaries. Part I. Containing a plain and direct answer to Pro- fessor Monro, jr.; interspersed with remarks on the structure, functions, and eliseases of several parts of the human body. 43. London, 1702. -----. The same. With supplement. 2. ed. 4^. London, 1777. -----. A supplement to the first part of Medical commentaries. 4°. London, 1764. Huxley (T. H.) Animal automatism, and other essays, viz.: Science and culture; elemen- tary instruction in physiology; the border terri- tory between animals and plants; universities, actual and ideal. 8°. New York, 18*1. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). Jacobi ( M. C.) * Idea- qiuoelam ad animan- tium physiologiam spectantes. 4°. Erfordice, [1797]. Jacobus (A.) * Cogitationes de vita rerum naturalium. 8°. Colonice, [1*511. James (A.) Physiological anel clinical studies. 8°. Edinburgh, 18*8. James ( L.-M.) Observations physiologiques et psycologiques sur I'homme. 2 v. in 1. *°. Paris, l*2">-(>. Jeffreys (J.) Views upon the statics of the human chest, animal heat, antl determinations of blood to the heael. 8°. London, 1843. Jenty (C. N.) A course of anatomico-physio- logical lectures on the humau structure and animal ceconomy; interspersed with various critical notes ... To which are prefixed two essays on the arts of dissecting, injecting, antl making anatomical preparations. 2 v. 8C. Lon- don, 1757. Jones (J. ) Investigations, chemical and physiological, relative to certain American ver- tebrata. 4J. Washington, 1*56. de Jonge (B.) * De medico phisico et phisico meelico, sive tie legum naturalium vi et ratione corpori animali, atque iuprimis humano, adpli- canelis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1810. Keratry. Inductions morales et physiolo- giques. 3. eel. 12°. Paris, 1841. Kleucke (P. F. H.) Neue physiologische Ab- handlungen auf selbststandige Beobachtungen gegriindet. 8°. Leipzig, 1843. vander Kolk (H. W.) * Observationes varii argument!. 8°. Groningce, [1793]. Kratkoe ponjatiego tshelo vieke. [ Short essay on man.] 8°. [n. p.], 1833. Krimer ( J. F. W. ) Physiologische Unter- suchnngen. 8°. Leipzig, 1820. Lacour (A.) * Propositions de physiologie et tie pathologie. 4°. Paris, 1829. Lallemand (F.) Observations pathologiques propres a 6clairer plusieurs points de physiologie. 2. <5d. 8°. Paris, 1825. Lauer (G. A.) Gesundheit, Krankheit, Tod. 8°. Berlin, 1865. Laymann ( J. B. ) Physiologische Untersu- chuugen. Anwendung der Induction auf die Nervenphysick. 8'-. Coblenz, 1839. Le Bon (G.) La vie; physiologie humaine ap- pliquee a l'hygiene et a la m6decine. 8:. Paris, 1874. Lecerf ( C. ) * De ceconomia animali. 4°. Jence, [1714]. Lehre (Die) von tier Eiuheit des nienschlichen Wesens unel die Gegensatze in der moderneu Physiologie im Anschluss an die Veranderungen des Kincles bei der Geburt. 4°. Berlin, 1871. Leo (E. H.) * Die Mechanik im Orgauismus. 8 . Jena, 1864. Leonhardi (J. G.) De vi suctionis in corpore humano. 4°. Vittebergce, [1782]. Lewes ( G. H. ) The physiology of common life. 2 v. 16c. Leipzig, 1860. Lewis (T. R.) In memoriam. Physiological antl pathological researches, being a reprint e>f the principal scientific writings of the late . . . Arranged and edited by Sir William Aitken, G. E. Dobson, and A. E. Brown. 4°. London, 18*8. Liegard (A.-A.-L.) Deux problemes de phy- siologie. 8°. Caen, 1865. Lordat (J.) Preuve ele l'insenescence du sens intime de I'homme, et application de cette vi- rile a la determination du dynamisme hinnain, a la comparaison de ce dynamisme avec celui des animaux, et a l'appreciatiou des resultats de cer- taines vivisections. Lecons tiroes du cours tie PHYSIOLOGY. 251 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). physiologic, t'a'it elans l'anude 1843-4. 8C. Mout- peilier 4' Paris, 1844. de Loruvel ( A. -L. ) Notice physiologique, suivie d'un appendice. 8°. Besancon, 1841. Lussana (F. ) Opuscoli fisiologici. Fasc. 1 A: 2 in 1 v. *\ Padora, 1873-5. M'Call (E. L.) *An inaugural essay on the mutual subserviencies of the different parts of the boily, and the power e>f one part to perform the function of another. 8°. Philadelphia, 1806. McIlvai.ne ( R. R. ) A synoptical history of the intellectual powers of man and what he has accomplished by them. Demonstrating by com- parison his superiority over all other animals. A lecture introductory to a course ou physiology. Reported by J. A. Thacker, M. D. 8°. Cincin- nati, 1861. Mackall (L.), jr. Outlines of a new system of physiology. 8°. Washington, 1848. -----. Notes ou Carpenter's Human physiol- ogy, containing some original views of the econ- omy of nature. 8° Washington, 1*52. M'Kendrick (J. G.) The future of physio- logical research. Aelelress. 8C. Edinburgh, 1876. Magill ( A. T. ) An introductory lecture to physiology. 8~. Charlottesville, 1833. Malacarne ([M.] V. [G.]) I sistemi e la re- ciproca influenza loro indagati da . . . 4°. Pa- dova, 1803. de Man (M. J.) * De natura hominis quatenns sanitatis pnesentis est custos, abseutis vinelex. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1754. Matteucci (C.) Fenomeni fisico-chimici dei corpi viventi. 8°. Pisa, 1844. -----. The same. Lecons sur les pherio- rnenes physiques des corps vivants. fid. frau- caise, sur la 2. eel. italienne. 8°. Paris, 1847. -----. The same. Lectures on the physical phenomena of living beings. Transl. under the superintendence of Jonathan Pereira. 8°. Lon- don, 1847. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. [de Mai pertuis (P.-L.-M.)] Dissertation physique ^ 1'occasion du negre blanc. 12°. Leyde, 1741. Medical publications. Harvard Medical School. 8°. [Boston], 1887. Mehliss (C. W.) Ueber Virilescenz und Re- juvenescenz thierischer Korper. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der regelwielrigen Metamorphose orgauischer Korper. 8°. Leipzig, 1838. de Meis (A. C.) Lettere fisiologiche. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Middleton (C.) Oratio de novo physiedogi* explicanihe munere. 4°. London, 1732. Miller (H.) * An inaugural thesis on the relation between the sanguiferous and nervous systems. 8°. Lexington, 1822. Mojon(B. ) Leggi fisiologiche. 2. ed. 8'-\ Genova, 1810. -----. Thesame. 3. eel. 8°. Milano, 1821. -----. The same. Lois physiologiques. Trad, de l'italien, avec des additions et ties notes, parle baron Michel. 8°. Paris, 1834. Molksciiott (J.) Der Kreislauf des Lebens. Physiologische Antwejrten auf Liebig's chemische Ih-iefe. sm. 8U. Mainz, 1852. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 12°. Mainz, 1863. -----. Thesame. 5. Aufl. 2v. 8C. Mainz, 1877-8. Want all after p. 288 of v. 2. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 2 v. *°. Gies- sen, 18*7. -----. The same. La circulation de la vie. Lettres sur la physiologie en r6pouse aux lettres sur la chimie, de Liebig. Trad, par E. Cazelles. 2 v. in 1. 12". Pan's, 1867. 'hysiology (Essays and miscellanies on). -----. Physiologisches Skizzeubuch. 8°. Giessen, 1861. -----. Zur Erforschung ties Lebens. Rede beim Antritt der Professur fiir Physiologie an der Hochschule zu Turin. 12°. Giessen, 1862. ---—. The same. Del metodo nella investi- gazione della vita; prima prolusione al corso di flsiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita di To- rino. 8°. Torino, 1862. -----. Die Einheit ties Lebens. Vortrag bei der Wieelereroffnung der Vorlesuugen iiber Phy- siedogie an der Turiner Hochschule am 23. No- vember 18(53 gehalteu. 12°. Giessen, [1803]. -----. Die Grenzen des Menschen. Vortrag bei eler Wiedereroffuung der Vorlesuugen fiber Physiologie an der Turiner Hochschule. 16°. Giessen, 1863. Pp. 51-55 missing. -----. The same. Dei liniiti della natura umana. Seconda prolusione al corso di flsiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita eli Torino. 12°. Torino, 1864. -----. Natur- und Heilkunde. Vortrag bei tier Wiedereroffnung tier Vorlesungen iiber Phy- siologic au tier Turiner Hochschule gehalten am 28. Neivember 1864. 12°. Giessen, [1864]. -----. Eine physiologische Senelung. In der Turiner Gesellschaft fiir wissenschaftliche und litterarische Vorlesungen am 21. Miirz 1864 vor- getragen. 12°. Giessen, 1864. -----. The same. Eene physiologische zen- ding . . . uit het Hoogduitsch vertaaltl door Lupus. 8°. Botterdam, 1864. -----. The same. Un ambasciata fisiologica esposta nella Societa Torinese per letture sciem tifiche e letterarie, il di 21 marzo 18(54. 8 . Bot- terdam, 1804. -----. L' unita della vita. Terza prolusione al corso di flsiologia sperimentale nella R. Uni- versita di Torino. 12°. Torino, 1864. -----. Fisiologia e medicina. Quarta prolu- sione al corso eli flsiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita eli Torino. 12°. Torino, 1865. -----. Patologia e flsiologia. Quinta prolu- sione al corso eli fisiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita di Torino. 12°. Torino # Firenze, 1800. -----. The same. Pathologie unel Physio- logie. 12°. Giessen, 1866. -----. Della causalita nella biologia; sesta prolusione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita di Torino. 8'-'. Torino $ Fi- renze, 1867. -----. The same. Ursache unel Wirkung in der Lehre vom Leben. Sechster Vortrag zur Wieelereroffnung der Vorlesungen iiber Physio- logie an eler Turiner Hochschule. sm.8°. Gies- sen, 1867. -----. Von der Selbststeurung im Leben des Menschen. Rede zur Wiedereroffuung der Turi- ner Hochschule am 16. November 1870 gehalteu. 12°. Giessen, [1870]. -----. Dell' indole della fisiologia. Parole d' introduzioue al corso eli fisiologia sperimentale nell' Universita di Torino, pronuuziate il dl 12 dicembre 1875. 8°. Boma, Torino $■ Firenze, 1876. -----. La fisiedogia e le scienze sorelle. Pro- lusione al corso tli fisiologia sperimentale nella Sapienza di Roma, pronunziata il dl 11 gennaio 1879. 8°. Roma, Torino $ Firenze, 1879. -----. Licht und Leben. Rede, beim Au- tritt des offentlichen Lehramts zur Erforschung der Natur tics Menschen, an der Ziiricher Hoch- schule gesprochen am 21. Juni 1856. 12°. Gies- sen, 1879. -----. Veder nascere. Prolusione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale. 8°. Torino $ Roma, 1880. PHYSIOLOGY. 252 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). Monro ( A. ), jr. Observations, anatomical antl physiological, wherein Dr. Huutei's claim to some discoveries is examined. 8°. Edinburgh, 1758. Moorehead (J.) * De theoriarum physiologi- carum certit inline, observationes quasdam com- plectens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Morel (J.) * Propositions de physiologie et tie pathologie. 4°. Paris, 1824. Morisseau ( L.-F. ) * Coup el'ceil physiolo- gique sur certains r&sultats de l'organisation. 4°. Paris, 1832. Mortimer (C.) * De ingressu humorum in corpus humanum. Lugd. Bat., 1724. In: Haller. Disp. anat [c-tc.|. 4°. Gottingcv, 1748, iii, 620-1364. Also, in: de Obekkamp (F.J.) Collect, diss. 4°. Francof. a. AL, 1767, i, 313-342. Moscatelli (A.) Riflessioni fisiologico-patho- logiehe con alcune importanti note. i2°. Bo- logna, 1828. Muller (J.) *Diss. sisteus commeutarios de phoronomia animalium. 4°. 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Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vii, 353; 367.—Da I ton (J. C.) On the rapidity and extent of the physical anel chemical changes in tlie interior of the boe'ly. Head March 16, 1859. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1857- 63, ii, 51-76.—Den nig (A.) Spectralanalytisihe Messun- gen tier Saue-rstotfzelirung der Gewebe in gesunden unel kranken Zustanden. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1883, xix, 483-500. — Dewar (H.) The influence of chemical laws on the phenomena of physiology. Ediub. M. cfe S. .1., 1821, xvii, 479-495. Also, Reprint. — Donhoff. Beitrage zur Physiologie. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1876, 455- 461. — Dowlei- ( B.) Contributions to physiology. N. Oil. M. &S. J., 1849-50, vi, 321-342. Also, Reprint.—Fngcliiiami (T. W.) Bijdragen tot de alge- meene physiologie van spieren en zentiwen. Onderzoek. ged. iu h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogeseh., 1870, iii, 155; 374. — Fioreptti (F.) Rivista fisiologica contempt) ranea. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1870, 6 s.. iii, 9:17; 25; 33; 41; 49. -----. Studj fisiologici. Ibid.. 273; 281; 289; 305: 313; 321; 329. — Fudakowaki (11.) Otlczyt wstepny do wykladu fizyologii w szkole gl6\vu(-.j Wars- zawskiej. [Introductory to the course of physiology in the High-School of Warsaw'] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1864, li, 205-236.— Citareia Diaz (F.) La zoontisis fisiolo- gica y su teoria experimental. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1886, PHYSIOLOGY. 255 PHYSIOLOGY. Pli vsiolog'y (Essays and miscellanies on). xxxiii, 786; 802.—Gautier (A.) La structure eles corps et leurs propri6tes physiologiques. Rev. scient., Par., 1885, xxxv, 1-5. — Giudice. Rapporto sul libro del Dott. E. Bernard di Parthenay, intitolato: Nouvelle doctrine phy- siologique, nella seduta del 20 luglio 1877. Giorn. d. r. Accad. di med. eli Torino, 1877, 3. s., xxi, 142; 171.—Gold- scheidcr (A.) Ueberparaeloxe Wielerstaiielseiiiptinihing. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. n. Wien, 1889-90, iii, 90.— (ai-andis (V.) Mutamento nel ricambio materiale per influenza del lavoro, del digittno e della temperatura. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. a., xxxiv, 683-688.— Griuianx (E.) De la synthase des pi ineipes azotes de lorganisrae. J. do Tanat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1880, xvi, 192-205.—Hallsten (K) Studieri vafnailselenientens fy- siologi. (C. r. fitudes sur la physiologie des elements des tissus. (Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1885, xvii, no. 29, 1: 1886, xviii. no. 1,1.—Halford (G. B.) Three facts iu phy- siology, and their meaning. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862, i', 667.—Hamilton (R.) The identity of life in its earliest manifestations. Lancet, Loud., 1871, ii, 674: 708.— Hermann (L.) Ueber regulatorische Einriehtungen im Orgauismus. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1878. viii, 417-423 —Horvath (A.) De l'influence du inouvement et du repos dans les phenomenes tie la vie. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vii, 588; 611.—Jade. Zur Kenntniss der synthetischen Vorgiinge im Thierktirper. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1877-8, ii, 47-64— J a si row (J.) Eye-inindedness and ear-mindedness. Pop. Se-. M nth., N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 597-608.—Johnson (G.) Ou certain physical phenomena connected with the circulation, res- piration, secretion, and nutrition. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 7; 44.—Kalliblll'tSOS (P.) IIeipdp.aTa 7repl cvepyeias ttjs 8epiiOT))Tos eni t£>v irepiora^Tiiceii' Kwrfatiav tov ■ncmiKOv ', Berl., 1811,1233- 1240— .Tlialhe. Recherehessurladigestion, l'assimilation it 1 oxydation organique on vitale. Vichy m6d., 1879, ii, 397 ; 413.—;TIom.so (A.) Applications du ve'rt de methyle pour i-onuaitre la reaction chiuiiqtie et la mort des cellules [Transl. from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. Lincei 1888 419.1 Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888, x, 29-39.- U iii ler (G. E.) 'hyfciology (Essays and miscellanies on). cfe Well n in a n n'(F) Ueber die psychologischen Grund- lageu der Vergleiehung gehobener Gewichte. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1889, xiv, 37-112. — .Win Iii (M.) Nowa metoda oznaczania utlenienia flzyjologicznegu i o wplywie na sprawe te chorob i trucizn.' (Physiological oxydation, and its influence on function ami disease.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1883, lxxix, 625-658.— North (E.) Desultory outlines of animal life. N. Eng. J. M. efe S., Boat., 1826, xv, 1; 146.—©esterlen. Physioloiiisedie und pathologische Fragmente. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1843, xiii, 25; 33.—O'Beilly (J.) The connection of the nervous centres of animal and organic life, with the results of vivisection. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y., 1859, x, 490-498. Also, Reprint. -----. The anat- omy and physiology of the placenta ; the connection of the nervous centres of animal and organic life. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y., I860, xi, 251-274. Also, Reprint. — Paine ( M. ) Metlical and physiological commentaries. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1840-41, xxiii, 73; 88; 106.-----. Contributions iu physiology; note to the "Institutes of Medicine"; §350, Prof. Liebig's Physiology. Ibid., 1848-9, xxxix, 281-285. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Med. & Physiol. Comment., 8°, New York, 1840-48, iii.—Park (J.'It.) An inquiry into the influence of corporeal impressions in producing change of function in the living hotly. J. Sc. efe Arts, 1817 [Am. eel.], N. Y., 1818. iv, 13-30.—Philip (A. P. W.) Physiological correspondence. Med.-Chir. .1 . Loud., 1819- 20,'ii, 657-692.—[Physiological (A) discussion between A. P. W. Philip and several medical gentlemen.] Ibid., 657-692. Also, Reprint.—Piotrowski (G.) O tamowa- niu czynnosci fizyjologiczuyeli w ttstroju zwierze,cym. [On disturbances of physiological functions in animal organ- ism.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1889, xxviii, 349; 364.—Poel- nian (C.) Du travail fonctionnet chez I'homme. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. tie Belg., Brux., 1870, 2. s., xxix, 469-476.— Powell (T.) New theories concerning the construction and action of the muscular and nervous elements. Metl. Index, Kansas City, 1886, vii, 12-21.—Proost (A.) Les recenls travaux tie l'ecole physiologique de Munich concer- nant la combustion organique. -J. d. sc. mid. de Louvain, 1876. i, 482; 583.—Bankc (.T.) Kohlenstoff-und Stick- stofl'- Aussc-.lieidung ties ruhenden Menschen. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1862, 311-380.— Bcgnard (P.) & Blanchard (R.) Note sur les gaz du sang et l'influence du systeme nerveux sur la coloration de la peau chez les sauriens. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. (1880), Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 277. Also: Gaz. med. tie Par., 1880, 6. s , ii. 453.—Beicherl (O. li.) Ueber elie Bewe- gungsersc-Iii-inungen an den Seheinfussen der Polythala- mien, insbesondere iiber tlie sogenannle Kdrnchenhewe- gung und iiber elas angebliche Ziisammenfliessen der Scheinfiisse'. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz., 1862, 638-654.—Bibes (F.) pere. D'un memoire sur quelques points de physiologie appliques a la con- naissance de la pathologie et de la thcrapcutiqui'. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1829, ii, 177-223— Bobin (C.) Sur la propriete ties tissus. France med., Par., 1869, xvi, t: 10; 18; 25; 35; 50; 57; 105; 169; 178; 186; 193; 211; 217; 220; 243; 249; 274.—Bobin (E\) Influence tie la puis- sance respiratoire et de 1'intensite de l'hematose, sur la dis- position des solides et des liquifies a la putrefaction et, en general, sur leurs proprietes. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Al- ger, 1880, xxv, 62; 78; 87.—Boschlanb (A.) Physiolo- gische Fragmente. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M., 1805, viii, 359: 1807-9, x, 5.—Rutherford (W.) Course of physiology. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 533- 535.—S. Des lois du mouvement organique. Presse, med. beige. Brux., 1854-5, vii, 13; 29; 37; 93; 101; 109.—,»iai- rhenof (I.) Ozuachenii tak nazivaeinwikh rastitelnikh aktof v' zhibotnoi zhirni. [Importance of certain vegeta- tive functions to animal life.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1861, i, 237; 253. — SchaaffhaiiNen (11.) Ueber die Krafterzeugung im thierischen Kdrper. In his: Anthrop. Studien. 8°, Bonn, 1885, 402-410.—Nrhiniedeberg (O.) Ueber Spaltungenund Synthesen im Thierkcirper. Arch r. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1881, xiv. 379-392.— Megalaw d'Etchepare. Note sur quelques points de physiologic-. J. de physiol. exper.. Par., 1824, iv, 284-293.— Nliarpey. Anatoniy'and physiology. Lancet, Loud., 1840- 41, i,73; 142; 281; 425J489.—Soiiimerbrodt. Die reflecto- rise.hen Beziehungen zwischen Lunge, Herz und Gefiissen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii, 897.— Valentin (G.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Breclinngs- verlialtnisse der Thiergewebe. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1879, xix, 78-105: 1879-80, xx, 283-314.-----. Dieme- chanischeu und die optischen Dichtigkciten eles Blutes, der Galle und der Milch, und der Wasserverdunniingeii derselben. Ibid., 1880-81, xxii, 559-579.—Vetter. Leber das rein Physikalische unel seine Grenzenini Orgauismus. J.d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, lxxxiv, 1. St., 65-97— Vilalo (F. J.) Autonomia de los e.lementos celulares eu los or- ganismos compuestos, division lei trabajo flsioldgico y unidad en el plan de la orgauizacion ; discurso. An. Acad. y lab. de cien. med. de Cataluna, Barcel., 1878, no. 6, 17- 40._AVhittaker (J. T.) Some contributions of physiol- ogy to practical medicine. Cincin. M. Repert., 1870, iii, 501-515— Wiiidischmanii (K. J.) Ueber den einzig PHYSIOLOGY. 256 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Essays and miscellanies on). moglichen und einzig richtigen Gesichtspuukt aller Natur- forschung; ne-bst tier A nkiiudigung einer Schrift iiber die Mechanik tier Natur. Aich. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1800, iv, 290-305. — Woodward (A.) Cellular physiology and pathology. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, New Haven, 1868-71, 2. s., iii, 455-466. Also, Reprint. Physiology (History and literature of). [Including older works.] See, also, Medicine (Systems, etc., of). Alleaume (J.-L.) An propria meelici scieutia icconomiae animalis cognitiof Resp. Joannes Deseenient. 4°. Parisiis, 1757. Alliot de Mussay (J.-B.-F. ) An spiritus sint ab aere diversi? 4°. [Parisiis, 171.').] ab Altomari (D. A.) De alteratione, concoc- tione, eligestione, praeparationc ac purgatione, ex Hippocratis et Galeni sententia methodus. 18°. Venetiis, 1547. ------. De alteratioue, concoctione, diges- tione, praeparatione, ac purgatione ex Hippocra- tis. et Galeni sententia methodus. In his: Nonnulla opuscula, etc. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1570, ft'. 14-53. Also, in his: Opera omnia, fol. Venetiis, 1574, ff. 7-25. ------. Trinni qiuesitoruiu noutlom in Galeni doctrina elilncidatornnt coinpenelium . . . se- ciuielum. Qneid natnralis spiritus in Galeni eloc- trina itelniittatnr: et non oninino abolentlns sit, nt quibuselam visum fuit . . . In his: Nonnulla opuscula, etc. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1570, ff. 80-87. Ayrer (A. F.) *De qiiibnsdam pliysiologia; Cartesiani eapitibus. sin. 4:. Gottingce, [1701]. Barilius (J.) Physiologica humana ct patho- logiti; per tabulas synopticas, ex Hippocratis ct Galeni geuio; accessit eliajta sanorum generalis, cum sumnia tie sectis niedicortim. fol. Cadomi, 1653. Becker (J. H.) *De uatnni corporis humani. V. Halce Magdeb., [173(5]. le Begik de Prksle (A.-G.) MJtruin in pliysiologia, cognitiones physica; certa; sola? sint aelmittenila; ? 4^. Parisiis, 1759. Bkiir (G. H.) Pliysiologia medica, tlas ist: richtige unel umstiindliche Beschreibung tics menschlichen Leibcs; elarinnen alle tlcsselben Theile nebst desseu naturlichen'unilorelentlichen Verrichtungen, Nutzen unel Wiirckungen, denen Studiosis Medieiua; unel Chirurgi.e insonelerheit zu lieb, in teutscber Sprache, aus denen besten physiologischen, auatomischeu, unel andern Au- thoribus, zugleich auch eigeuer Untersuchung untl Nachforschung, abgehandelt werelen. 4°. Strassburg, 1736. Bellini (L.) Opuscula. 4°. Pistorii, 1695. ------. Thesame. In quibus pra^cipue agitur de motu cordis in et extra uterum; ovo; ovi acre et respiratione; ele motu bilis et liquidormn om- nium per corpeira animalium ; ele fermentis et glandulis, etc. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 169(5. ------. Thesame. Aucta consideratioue nova ele natura et motlo respirationis, editionibus prtecedentibus non atljuncta. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1737. A Bergen (C. A.) Pentas observationum anatom.-physiologicarum ... 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1743. In: Hallee. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1751, vi, 103-117. Berger (J. G.) Pliysiologia medica, sive de natura humana liber bipartitus. 4°. Vitem- bergce, 1701. Bernard (C.) Notice surlcs travaux d'anato- mie et ele physiologie. 4C. Paris, [187,0]. ------. Kapport sur les progres et la marche de la physiologie g6n6rale en France, roy. 8 . Paris, 1867. Physiology (History and literature of). Bert (P.) Revue des travaux d'anatoinie et tie physiologie, publics en France pendant l'aun6e 1864/ 8-. Caen, 1^65. Beyres (P.) * Physiologic conspectus anato- mico-mechanicus, pro prima Apolliuari laurca consequenda propuguaudus. 4°. Perpiniani, 1751. Boerhaave (H.) ^vatoloymi/, seu ceconomiii animalis ; aeueis tabulis illustrata. 4; Londini, 1741. Bohn (J.) Exercitationes physiologica;. 1. De appetitu. Resp. J. A. Hermann. 2. Dc masticiitione et deglutitioue. Resp. A. Ncpita. 3. De chylificatione. Resp. E. Mtschke. 4. De chyli ab alvinis fa;cibus secretione. Resp. A. Klauuig. 5. De chyli motu. Resp. J. Wolff. 6. De epatis et lienis orticiei. Resp. C. Stcmpel. 7. De sanguilicatione. Resp. H. YVarnatius. h, De pulmouuin et respirationis usu. Resp. (J. Wolff. 9. De circulatione sanguinis. Resp. G. Schmidt. 10. De sanguine. Resp. J. E. Oldeu- borch. 11. De sero seu lympha. Resp. J. A. Lim- precht. 12. De nntritione. Resp. G. Heintke. 13. De mime secretioue. Resp. C. Oelnub. 4°. Lipsice, [1668]. ------. Circulus ajiatoniico-physiologicus seu teconomia corporis animalis, hoc est, cogitata, functionum animalnm iiotissiniaruin formalita- tem et causas concernentia. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1686. Borbdx (M.) FInnien vitale quatuor liqni- dorum elissertationibus, chyli nempe, sanguinis, bilis, et lymphie, illuel constituentium elucida- tum, quibus iustar aura; snppetias ferentis quinta, tie instrumentis respirationis eorinuque nsibus atljuncta supetadditur. sm. 4°. Ccesar- Augnstce, 173(5. vax dex Bosch (I. J.) * De vivis humani corporis solidis. sin. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1757. Bono (G.) Compenelio di una analisi eb-lla nioelerna elottrina hsiologica e saggi sopra alt re odierne dottrine. 8°. Torino, 1830. Bowditch (H. P.) Reports on ph^sieilogy. 8°. [Boston, 1873-6.] See, also, infra. Boyle (R.) Teutamina ejuaidain physiologica diversis temporibns et occasionibus conscripta. Cum ejuselem historia fluiditatis et lirmitatis. Ex anglicoiu latinum sermonem translata. 18°. Amstelodami, 1667. Broc (P.-P.) 'Appreciation des progres que l'auatomie pathologique et la pathologie out fait faire a la physiologie. 4°. Strasbourg, 18157. a Broeckhuysen ( B. ) fficonomia corporis animalis sive cogitationes succinctse de niente, ctupore, et utriusque conjunctioue, juxta metho- duin philosophic Cartesiautc eleducta;. 4°. Amstelcedami, 1683. [Browne (J.)] An essay towards the form- ing a true' idea of fundamentals in physick, upon the mechanism and structure of the blood. Whereby the art will be reduced into a narrower compass, and the method that nature has chalk'el out to the inquisitive physiciau, freed from the many difficulties that have hitherto render'd it obscure. 12°. London, 1709. Buchting (A.) Bibliotheca anatomica et physiologica, oeler Verzeichniss aller auf dem Gebiete tier Anatomie und Physiologie in den letzten '20 Jahren, 1848-67, im deutschen Buch- handel erschienenen Biicher unel Zeitschriften. 12°. Nordhausen, 1868. Camerarics (E.) * I. De spiritibus animali- bus statuque eorum naturali ac p. n. occasioue experimeuti Bellino-Bohuiani. II. [etc.]. 12'-. Tubingce, 1694. PHYSIOLOGY. 257 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (History and literature of). Ciiaillou (J.) Recherche de l'origine et du mouvementdu sang, du cceur et de ces vaisseaux,' du lait, des fievres intermittentes et des hu- ineurs. Nouv. e"d. 18°. Paris, 1687. _____. The same. 12°. Paris, 1699. Charleton (G.) Exercitationes physico- anatomica; de ceconomia animali, novis iu medi- cina hypothesibus superstructa, et mechanice explicata. 32°. Amstelcedami, 1659. -----. The same. 2. ed. 18°. Lugd. Bat., 1678. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1678. -----. The same. Ed. novissima. 16°. Hagce- Coniitum, 1681. Christiaxi (G. L.) Institutiones pliysiologia; cum prsemissa introelnctione in universam niedi- cinain; pradectionibus academicis accommo- date. 8°. Lipsice, 1752. Cockburn (G.) OEconomia corporis animalis; juxta eelitionem Londinensem, de anno 1695, recusa. 18°. Augustce Yindelicorum, 1696. Coquereau (C. J. L.) *An ceconomiam ani- malem inter et vegetalem analogia? Proponebat Antonius Laurentius de Jussieu. 4°. [Paris, 1770.] Coschwitz (G. D.) Organismus et mechanis- nms in homine vivo obvius et stabilitus, seu hominis vivi consitleratio physiologica, ex veris natura' principiis eruta, ael mechauismi et orga- nismi leges oreline coucinuo eleducta, methodo plana ac demonstrativa exposita, praecipue in usum auditorii sui edita, et reliquis meelicime, tarn theoreticae quam practica; partibus, funtla- menti loco, praemissa. 4°. Lipsice, 1725. [Craanen(T.)] CEconomia animalis ad circu- lationem sanguinis breviter elclineata. Iu duas partes distribnta. Item generatio hominis ex legibns mechanicis. 12°. Gottdce, 1685. Daniel (J. ) Consideratio physiologica oc- currentium quorunclam in nuper-eilitis epistolis duabus F. J. Burrhi, de cerebro et oculis, ad D. T. Bartholinum scriptis. sm. 4°. Kiloni, [1669]. De Henaut (G.) Clypeus, quo tela in Pec- queti cor, a clarissimo viro Carolo le Noble, col- lega suo, conjecta infriguntur et eluduntur. 16°. Rothomagi, 1655. [Deidier (A.)] [Pliysiologia tribus elisserta- tionibus compreheusa; quam propugnabunt Jean Wyss et Jean - Baptiste Chomel. ] 12°. [Monspeiii, 1708.] Delavaud. Physiologie d'Hippocrate, extraite de ses eeuvres, commencant par la traeluction libre de son trait6 eles airs, des eaux et eles lieux sur la version de Foe'se, accompagnee de notes th6ori-pratiques, et pr6ce"dee d'un prdcis intro- ductif a la doctrine de ce me'decin, et a une nou- velle philosophie m6dicale de I'homme vivant. 8°. Paris, 1?02. Delils (H. F.) Theoria etfo'cundus in meeli- cina usus principiij Sensationem sequitur motus sensationi proportlouatus. sm. 4°. Erlangce, Demelun (V.) *Apercu sur Y6volution de la physiologie. 8°. Toulouse, 1876. Deusixgius ( A. ) Exercitationes physico- anatomicie tie nutrimenti in corpore elaboratione. Ubi de chylincatione et chyli motu ; sanguifica- tioue ; depuratione alimenti; itemque spiritibus, quibus aeljecta appendix in quaexamini ac jndi- cio aliorum subjiciuntur varia de chyli motu, et nutrimenti in corpore elaboratione, nee non de admiranda anatome nobiliss. viri D. Ludovici de Bils. 16°. Groningce, 1660. .-----• Sylva-caedua jacens; seu disquisi- tiones auti-Sylviauad ulteriores, quarum, I. De 17 Physiology (History and literature of). spirituum animalium geuesi, motu et usu. II. De usu lienis et glandularum. Addita est disser- tatio de natura. 16°. Groningce, 1665. Dieterichs (L. M.) Tentamen et examen medicum cum viro-juvene nobilissimo Johanne Alberto de Selpert d. ii. Febr. mdccxlv. haben- dum indicit praefaturas de thesi Boerhaaviaua: funetio lege mechanica fit et per earn tantum explicari potest. 4°. Ratisponce, [1745]. Doellinger ( I. ) Von elen Fortschritten, welche die Physiologie seit Haller gemacht hat. 4°. Miinchen, [1824]. Doute(P.) *An nuentium in corpore magna potential Prop. Mich. Luel. Vernage. 4°. [Parisiis, 1716.] Du Bois-Reymond (E.) Der physiologische "Unterricht sonst und jetzt. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Duboux (E.) *£tude sur la physiologie tie Descartes. 4°. Paris, 1871. Duchanoy (C. F.) *An actio sine spiritu ? 4°. [Paris, 1773.] Dufieu (J.-F.) Traite? de physiologie, dans lequel, apres avoir 6tabli ties theses sur le nie"- chanisnie tie nos fonctions, on donne une expli- cation cotirte des phenomenes du corps humain. 2 v. 12°. Lyon, 1763. Dutal (L. F.) An subtilis materia cum aere juncta ae-gruin sanat et corpusanimae domicilium couservat? 4°. [Parisiis, 1700.] Eble (B.) Versuch einer pragmatischen Ge- schichte eler Anatomie und Physiologie vom Jahre 1800-1825. 8°. Wien, 1836. Eilerts (J.) * De principio corporis humani automatico. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1749. Fabricius ab Aquapendenle (H.) Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica . . . cum praefatione J. Bohnii. fol. Lipsice, 1687. -----. The same. Cum praefatione Bernardi Siegfried Albini. Ed. novissima. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1737. Flemyng (M.) An introduction to physiol- ogy, being a course of lectures upon the most important parts of the animal ceconomy. 8?. London, 1759. Forstex (R.) * Diss. acad. queestiones se- lectas physiologicas exhibens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1774]. [ Franciscus ab Hertodt (M.) ] Contem- platio super sanguinis et spiritus hominum ael atrophiam senilem deflectentium renovatione, additis remeeliis ex triplici regno depromptis, huic intentioni dicatis. 16°. Bagce Com itum, 1712. Free (J.) Stadia physiologica duo ; or two stages in physiology ; exhibiting all along the opinions of the best writers both in anatomy and ceconomy, disposed iu a regular and natural order, antl accompanied with a variety of obser- vations entirely new. 8°. London, 1762. Freitag (J.) Disputatio medica calidi innati essentiam juxta veteris meelicina; et philosophiae decreta cxplicans, opposita neotericorum et no- vatorum paradoxis. Resp. C. Walthero. 12°. Groningce, 1632. Gakeniiolz (C.) Programma de principiis mechanicis physiologia; applicantlis lectiouibus physiologicisrite praemissuiu. 4°. Helmestadii, 1703. Galen (C.) Opus de usu partium corporis humani, magna cura ad exemplaris graeci yeri- tatem castigatum, universo hominum generi ap- prime necessarium. Nicolao Regio Calabro in- terprete. 4°. Parisiis, 1528. -----. The same. De usu partium corporis humani .libri xvii. magna cura ad exemplaris gneci veritatem castigati, universe) hominum generi apprime necessarii, Nicolao Regio Gala- PHYSIOLOGY. 258 PTTYSIOLOGY. Physiology (History and literature of). bro interprete. Ejusdem, dc diebus decretoriis libri iii. de morborum temporibus, lib. unus, de generalibiis morborum temporibus, lib. unus incerto interpret!'. De purgantium medica- minum facultate, ele his quos purgare oporteat, quibusque medicamentis et quo tempore, de ptisana, interprete Joanne Pollto. De renum affectus dignotione et medicatione, Christophoro Heyl Wissbadensi interprete. fol. Basilew, 1533. -----. The same. Libri xvii. Nicolao Regio Calabro interprete, ex plurium Graecorum ex- emplarium collatione castigatioresquam unquam aliis. 24°. Lugduni, 1550. -----. The same. De l'usage des parties du corps humain, libres xvii. Trad, du grec en francois. 12°. Lyon, 1566. Gallini ( S. ) Saggio d' osservazione con- cernenti li nuovi progressi della fisica del corpo umano. 4°. Padova, 1792. -----. Nuovo saggio d' osservazioni fisiolo- giche. 8Q. Padova, 1807. Gerike (P.) Diss. med. de studio novitatis in anatomia et physiologia. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1724]. Gerlacii (H. A.) *De actione et reactione in corpore humani tequali conservanda. 4°. Er- fordice, [1741]. Gluge. Sur les progres que l'anatomie et la physiologie humaine ont faits dans les tlerniers temps en Belgique. 8°. Bruxelles, 1849. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de meel. de Belg., Brux., xvi, no. 12. Guerix de Manners (H.) R6snme5 des travaux de la me'decine physiologique elans le cours de l'ann6e 1824. 8°. 'Paris, 1825. Repr. from: Bull. univ. d. sc. de l'indust., nos. 2-4, 1825. Hayl (P.) Physiologia de corpore animato et operationibus vitalibus quatuor elissertationibus inauguralibus exposita, cum annexis ex universa philosophia positionibus. 4°. Fuldce, [1756]. Hegardt (C. ) Compenelium physiologiae anatomicis demonstrationibus illustratae. 4°. IjOndini Gothorum, [1741]. Hoffmann (F. ) Fundamenta physiologia; sive positiones statum corporis humani vivi et sani delineantes, ex solidis physico-mechanicis et anatomicis principiis deductae. 8°. Balce Magdeb., 1746. Hoffmann (P. D.) *De elasticitatis effec- tibus in machina humana. Balce Magdeb., 1738. In: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1748, iii, 655-675. Hofmann (A. F.) *De rebus physiologicis novte hypotheses. 4°, Erfordice, 1731. Hofmaxn (C.) Tractatus de usu lienis, cere- bri, et de ichoribus; adnexo insimnl Fraucisci de le Boe collegio practico, experientia medica undequaque refertissimo. Omnia et singula auc- tius, correctius, limatius edita. 16°. Lipsice, 1682. ab Hogelande (C.) Cogitationes, quibus Dei existentia, item animae spiritalitas, et possibilis cum corpore unio, tlemonstratur, nee non, brevis historia cecouomiae corporis animalis proponitur, atque mechanice explicatur. His acceelit trac- tatus de prsedestinatione. 18°. Lugd. Bat., 1676. Houth (P. F.) *Tentamen de succis corporis humani accuratius definiendis et orelinandis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1778. Howarth (A.) De l'influence du repos, et du inouvemcnt, dans les ph6nomenes de la vie. Ob- servations sur le r61c joue par M. Paul Bert dans cette question. 8°. Paris, 1878. *hy*iology (History and literature of). Hurtado de Mexdiha ( L. ), Marquis de Mondejar. Signe se un coloquio elel . . . con cl doctor Berualdino Montana de Monserrate . . . de la generacion nasciameuto, y mucrtc del hombre. In: Montana de Monseriiate (B.) Libro ele la unatho- mie elel hombre [etc.]. fol. Yalladolid, 1551, lx xiv. Jossius (N.) Tractatus novtis et jucuudus de voluptate et dolore, de risu et fletu, somno et vigilia, deque fame et siti; cui accesserunt Autonii Laurentii Politiani, tie risu ejusque causis et effectis, dilucide ac philosophice trac- tatis, libri duo. 16°. Francofurti, 1603. Jumelin (J. B.) *An functionis cujuslibet causa multiplex? 4°. [Paris, 1773.] Keill (J.) Essays on several parts of the animal ceconomy. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1717. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1738. -----. Tentamina medico-physica, ad quas- dani qua;stiones, quae ceconomiam animalem spec- taut, accommodata. 8°. Londini, 1718. -----. Thesame. Tentaminamedico-physica quinque. 1. De sanguinis quantitate. 2. De velocitate sanguinis. 3. Do vi cordis sanguinem per totuni corpus propellcntc. 4. De secretione animali. 5. De motu musculari, quibus acceelit medicina statica Britannica, complectens 1, tabu- las perspirationem excretionemque per singulos menses e;xhibentes,2, observatioues unius, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1730. -----. Medicina statica Britannica. 8°. Londini, 1718. -----. The same. Medicina statica Britan- nica; being the aphorisms of Dr. Keil, explained anel compared with the foregoing aphorisms of Sanctorius. In: Sanctorius. Medicina statica, [etc.]. 2. eel. 8°. Londini, 1720,329-344. Also, in: Ibid., 3. ed. 8°. Londini, 1723, 321-344. Also, in: Ibid., 4. ed. 8°. Londini, 1728, 321-344. Kieser (D. G.) [Pr.] iuest oratio de fructibus atque emolumentis in historia tum uni versali tum speciali ex physiologia capessendis. 4°. Jence, [1828]. Kircher (A.) Physiologia Kircheriana experi- mentalis, qua gumma argumentorum multitudine et validate naturali um rerum scientia per experi- menta . . . comprobatur atque stabilitur. Quam . . . extraxit et redegit Joannes Stephanus Kest- lerus. fol. Amsteladami, 1680. Klopsch (C. I.) Prolegomena ad historiam physiologia; in schola Berrhaaviana. Scripsit ct . . . publice defendet assumto socio Carolo Har- peck. 4°. Vratislavice, [1859]. Koiin (H.) De principatu partium in corpore animalium seutentias Aristotelicae repugnentes exponens atque examinans. 4°. Jence, 1663. Kuss (E.) * Appreciation ge"nerale des pro- gres tie la physiologie depuis Bichat. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1846. Kupffersciimid (J.) * De machina humana ejusque conservatione. sm. 4°. Basilece, 1715. LAXce) (G. J.) *De physiologia vetcriim. 8°. Boterodami, 1833. Lecerf (C. ) *De eeconomia animali. 4°. Jence, [1714]. Le Clerqc (J.) * De laboratorio natura; et artis. 4°. Erfordice, [1721]. Ledesma(A.) *Dehomoiosi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1731. van Lkeuwenhokk (A. ) Arcana naturae. sm. 4°. Belphis Bcttavornm, 1695. Lemnifs (L.) De miraculis occultis natura', libri iiii. Item de vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte iustitueuda, liber unus. 12°. Antverpice, 1581. PHYSIOLOGY. 259 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (History and. literature of). -----. The same. Illi ejuidem jam postre- mum emendati, et aliquot capitibus aucti; hie vero nunquam antehac editus. 18°. Francofurti, 1628. -----. The same. The secret miracles of na- ture; in four books, learnedly and moderately treating of generation and the parts thereof; the soul, and its immortality; of plants and liv- ing creatures; of diseases, their symptoms and cures . . . Whereunto is adeleel one book contain- ing philosophical and prudential rules how man shall become excellent in all couelitions, whether high or low, and lead his life with health of body and mind, [etc.]. fol. London, 1658. Leutscher (J. G.) *Diss. sistens cmaypacpiav physiologia; verae medicae. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1711]. Lieutaud (J.) Elementa physiologia^, juxta solertiora, novissimaque physicorum experi- menta, et accuratiores anatomicorum observa- tioues concinnata. 8°. Amstelodami, 1849. Lixsing (P.) Tentamen et examen medicum institutisticum per quaestiones juxta mentem ve- tcrum et recentiorum breviter dilucidatum an. 1699 in . . . Universitate (Euipontana publicae disputatioui submissum, hinc adelitis qnibus- dam necessariis. Erlangae anno 1701 noviter edi- tum, nunc . . . adauctum et illustratum Joanne Francisco Low. 12°. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1710. Lobsteix (J. G. C. F. M.) Memoria physio- logica, impressa em Paris no anno de 1623, ver- tida ela lingua latiua em vulgar . . . por A. F. Braga. 8°. Porto, 1826. Loncq (G. J.) * De physiologia veterum. 8°. Roterodami, 1833. Magirfs (J.) Physiologia; peripateticae libri sex, cum commentariis. sm. 8°. Witebergce, 1607. -----. The same. Accessit Caspari Bartho- lini Enchiridion metaphysicum. 7. ed. 8°. [n. p.], 1618. van Makuji (M.) *Quo usque motus fluido- ruin, et catene quaedam animalium et plantarum functiones consentiunt. 4°. Groningce, 1773. Mauroy (J. L.) *An physiologia; basis nie- chanice? 4J. [Parisiis, 1744.] Mayow (J.) De motu musculari et spiritibus animalibus. Obiter de motn cerebri nee non de usu lienis et pancreatis. Tractatus quartus. Inhis: Tractatus quinqne med.-phys. 8°. Oxonii, 1674, pt. 2, 1-106. -----. Traduction eles ceuvres chimiques et physiologiques du . . . par Leop. Leelru et H.-C. Gaubert. 8-. Paris, 1840. Mazinus (J. B.) Institutiones medico-mecha- nicae. fol. Bruicv, 1739. Meletius. De natura structuraque hominis opus. Polemonis Atheniensis: Naturae signorum interpretatio. Hippocratis de hominis structura. Dioclis ad Antigonum regem: De tuenda valetu- dine epistola. Melampi de nevis corporis trac- tatus. Omnia haec non prius edita, Nicolao Pe- treio Corcyraeo interprete. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1552. -----. The same. Uepl rfjq vov avdpuirov ica- ratT/cet^f. Tractatus de natura hominis. fol. [Rostock, 1833?] Cutting from: Patrol. Gr., lxiv. Memoires sur les parties sensibles et irritables du corps animal; tome troisieme, contenant les experiences de plusieurs anatomistes d'Alle- magne, de France, d'Angleterre et d'ltalie. Ou- vrage qui sert de suite aux memoires de M. de Haller. 16°. Lausanne, 1760. Meyer (I.) *De Joannis Christiani Reilii in physiologia dignitate. 8°. Vratislavice, [1857]. Physiology (History and literature of). Michelitz (A.) Scrutinium hypotheseos spi- rituum animalium. Prague, 1782. In: Scriftoues neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsice 1793,m,209-239. Also, in.- Klinkosch (J. T.) Diss, med! select. Prag. 4°. Pragce et Dresdce, 1793, ii, 339-368. Morasch (J. A.) Nucleus physiologicus seu institutionum medicarum liber 1. Brevi et sin- gulari methodo juxta veterum et ncotericorum mentem, ad disccntium commodum expositus, chymico-mechanice decisus. Defendentibus . . . Joanne Baptista Neff, et Georgio Henrico Freisin- ger. 16°. Eustadii, 1711. Morgagni (J. B.) Nova institutionum medi- carum idea. 4°. Patavii, 1712. ------. The same. Nova institutionum medi- carum idea medicum perfectissimum adumbrans. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1740. Mortimer (C.) *De ingressu humorum in corpus humanum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1724. In: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc. j. 4°. Gottingce, 1748,iii, 620-654. Also, in: deOberkamf (F. J.) Collect, diss. 4°. Francof. a. M., 1767, i, 313-342. Mueller (P. S.) * Leges naturae tensionem et laxitatem fibrarum totius corporis humani in- ter se semper esse proportionales stabiliet. sm. 4°. Halce, 1757. von Muralt (J.) Vade mecum anatomicum, sive clavis medici uae, pan dens experimenta de humoribus, partibuset spiritibus. 24°. Tigurii, 1677. Nardius (J.) Noctes geniales. Annus pri- mus. [Opus posthumum, a filio Philippo edi- tum.] sin. 4°. Bononice, 1(>.">(>. Nicholls (F.) De natura et usu partium hu- mani corporis similarium. In: Lawkence (T.) F. Nichollsii. . . vita [etc.]. 4°. Londini, 1780. Nollius (H.) Verae pbysices compentlium no- vum. 12°. Steinfurti, 1616. Osann (E.) Ieleen zur Bearbeitung einer Ge- schichte der Physiologie. 8°. Berlin, 1815. Overkamp (H.) Nader verklaringe over de onttlekte doorwaassenning. In een dertig-jaarige ondervinding ontdekt op de weegschaal van S. Sanctorius. 4°. Amsterdam, 1694. Papafava(R.) Syrinx physiologica. 4°. Pa- tavii, 1636. Paulus (A. C.) * Positiones physiologica; de homine. sm. 4°. WittebergcB, [1691]. Perlicius (J.D.) *De naturarum diversarum indagine medica, sub schemate systematis diver- sarum machiuarum inter se connexarum feliciter instituenda. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1728. Pfeiffer (S. A.) Physiologia in nuce. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, [ 1697]. Pitcairn (A. ) Dissertatio de legibus histo- ria; naturali s. [Acriticism on R.Sibbald.] 12°. Edinburgi, 1696. -----. De ceconomia animali. In his: Opera omnia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1737, 20-51. Pivatus (A.) Syntagma praelectionum in Pa- tavino Archilyceo. 4°. Venetiis, 1688. Plaz (M. A. G.) & Schleusxer (G. F.) *De corporis humani machina divinae sapieutiae ac providentiae teste. 4°. Lipsice, 1725. POUJOL (F.-A.-A.) * Appreciation des progres que la physique et la chimie on fait faire a la physiologie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837. Problemes d'Aristote . . . et autres filozofes et m6decins selon la composition du corps hu- main. Avec ceux de Marc Antoine Zimara. Item, les solutions d'Alexandre Aphrodisie sus plusieurs questions physicales. 8°. Lion, 1554. Probst (C. A. C.) *De mutationibus corpo- ris humani naturalibus ab ortu, usque adobitum. 4°. - Helmcestadii, [1744]. PHYSIOLOGY. 260 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (History and literature of). Rameaux (J.-F.) * Appreciation des progres que l'auatomie et la physiologie comparers ont fait faire a la physiologie humaine. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1837. Rexaldinus(C.) Pagina, summatim exhibens ea, de quibus in suis praelectionibus est acturus, dum labente anno Aristotelis primum et secun- dum tie anima subtilissimos libros interpraetabi- tur. Prolegomena in quibus, 1. explicatur quae sit horum librorum cum praecedentibus connexio, et quern in physiologia locum hoc opus ele anima, obtineat, 2. quae subjecta materies, 3. quae tan- dem divisio. 4°. Patavini, 1689. -----. The same. Pagina, summatim exhi- bens ea, de quibus ipse in suis praelectionibus est acturus, dum labente anno Aristotelis subtilissi- mum opus de physico audito interpraetabitur. Prolegomena in quibus 1. explicatur operis de physico auditu inscriptio, 2. cpiae ejus subjecta materia, 3. qnis ordo, hoc est, quem locum in physiologia obtineat, quae tandem divisio. 4°. Patavii, 1690. Reuss (F. A.) Ergo spirituum animalium hy- pothesi carere possunt physiologi specimen in- augurale physiologico-metlicum. 8°. Pragw, [1783], Also, in: Klinkosch (J. T.) Diss. nied. select. Prag. 4°. Praga: et Dresdce, 1793, ii, 369-383. Rhodium ( F. A.) *De usu sensus et motus in negotio vitae et sanitatis. 4°. Argentorati, [1734]. Ridley (H.) The anatomy of the brain . . . To which is annexeel a particular account of ani- mal functions and muscular motion. 8°. Lon- don, 1695. -----. The same. Anatomia cerebri, com- plectens ejus mechanismum ct physiologiam. Cui annexum est examen accuratum functionum animalium et motus muscularis. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1725. -----. The same. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1750. Robinson (B.) A treatise of the animal cecon- omy. 8°. Dublin, 1732. -----. A dissertation on the food anel dis- charges of human bodies. 8°. London, 1748. Roux Burdigalus (A.) *Utrum ex unico sys- temate legum deduci possint omnia phoenomena ceconomiae animalis? 4°. Parisiis, 1760. Rudberg (J.) *De legibus microcosmicis. sm. 4°. Upsalice, [1750]. Rudius (E.) * De usu totius corporis humani. 8°. Venetiis, 1588 Sanctorius (S.) Opera omnia quatuor tomis distincta. 4 v. 4°. Venetiis, 1660. SciiECKius (J.) De causacontinente. Eotlem interprete, Alexanelri Aphrodisiaei tie mixtione libellus. 12°. Tubingce, 1540. Sciiuckmann (J. H.) * Centuria thesium ana- tomico-physiologicarum. sm. 4°. Griphiswal- dice, [1726]. Schwedler (J. C.) Dissertatio praeliminaris de naturali hominis ceconomia quatenus doc- trime ele affectibus et necessario et utiliter prae- mittcnda est. Resp. Johannes Tobias Vopellius. 4°. Lipsice, [1697]. Senner (J. C.) *De reciproco atque mecha- nico sanguinis et fluitli nervei ad motum impulsu. Oder: dass das Blut und der Nerven-Safft die BeweguugenimCorpcrverursache. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1731]. S[ibbald] (R.) A letter to Dr. Archibald Pitcairn. 8:. Edinburgh, 1709. See, also, supra, Pitcairn (A.)' Siegfrid (J. C.) * De motus corporis humani natura usu et abusu. 4°. Jence, [1715]. Silvestre (J. B.) * De symphysi. sm. 4-. Lugd. Bat, 1733. Physiology (History and literature of). de Stair. Physiologia nova experimentalis iu qua generales notioues Aristotelis, Epicuri, et Cartesii supplentur, errores detcguntur if cmen- dantur, atque clane distincta*. ct speciales causa; praecipuorum experimeutoruni, aliorumque phce- nomeuun naturalium aperiuntur, ex evidentibus principiis quae nemo antehac perspexit et pro- secutusest, nuper latinitate clonata. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1080. Steiiel (B.) * Dc solielorum attritioue ct dis- sipatione. sm. 4°. Basilece, 1715. Stentzel (C. G.) * De anima animalis secre- tionis ignarisissima breviter et strictim. 4°. [Vittembergce, 1746.] Stoeiir (F. C.) * Institutionum medicarum liber primus, physiologicus. 4°. Heidelbergce, 1742. Sylvius ( J. ) In Hippocratis et Galeni phy- siologia; partem anatomicam isagoge. fol. Pa- risiis, 1555. Varus (A.) *De elementis, eorumque niis- tione. In: Scherbius (P.) Theses med. [etc.]. 16°. Lipsice, 1814, i, 20-29. Vieussens (R.) Tractatus duo. Primus ele remotis et proximis mixti principiis in ordine ad corpus hniuanum spectatis. .Secundiis tie natura, elifferentiis, subjectis, contlitionibus it ctttisis fcrmentationis, in etuo pr;t'i;ipua, qme iu ipsa fernicntatioue observatur, phenomena expli- ciintur. 4°. Lugduni, 1715. ------. Traite nouveau des liqueurs du corps humain. v. 2, 1. 6el. 4°. Toulouse, 1715. Virna (S.) Terpaf quaestionum illustrium an- thropologico-xihysicarum. 4°. Wittebergce, [1659]. de Wachendorff (E. J.) * De natura solielo- rum et fluidorum, eorumque mutua actione in. variis setatibus. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1724. Walrus (J.) Epistola; duae: de motu chyli, et sanguinis, ad Thomam Bartbolinum. 5. eel. In: Bartholinus (Thomas). Anatomia, [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1651, 529-576. Wfdel (G. W.) Physiologia medica, quatuor se'etionibus distincta. sm. 4°. Jence, 1080. -----. Physiologia reformata. 4°. Jen ce, 1686. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Jence, 1704. Weidenheim (J. C.) *De studio novitatis in anatomia et physiologia. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1724]. Weisbach (M. A.) * Adelitamenta ad historiam physiologia;. 8°. Balis Scixonum, 1864. Werber (W. J. A.) Entwicklungsgesckichte der Physiologie und Medizin. 8°. Stuttgart u. Leipzig, 1835. Willis (T. ) Diatribae duae meilico-philoso- phicas, quarum prior agit de fermentatione, sive de motu intestino particularum in quovis cor- pore, altera de febribus, sive tie motu earundem in sanguine animalium. His accessit dissertatio cpistolica de urinis. 12°. Londini, 1659. ------. De anima brutornm qua* hominis vitalis ac sensitivaest, exercitationes dua', prior physiologica ejusdem naturam, partes, potcntias et affectiones tradit; altera pathologica morbus qui ipsatn et sedem ejus primariam, nempe cere- brum et nervosum genus afficiunt, explicttt; eorumque therapeiasinstituit. 4°. Geneva;,100r>. Wikdig (S.) Nova medicina spirituum, curi- osa scientia et doctrina, unanimiter hucusque neglecta, et a nemine merito exculta, medicis tamen et physicis utilissima: Worinnen erstlich, der Siiirituum naturliche Constitution, Leben, Gesundheit, Temperamenta, Ingcuia, Calidum in- natum, die Kriifte der Phantasie, Idea;, tier Ge- stirne Eintiiissc, fieTepipvxacjLQ elerer Dinge Magne- tismi, Sympathiae, unel Antipathia*, qualitatcs hactenus occulta;, seusibus tamen mauifesta;, und PHYSIOLOGY. 261 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (History and literature of). andcre verborgene unel wunderbare Dinge mehr zu fiuden; hiernechst wirel auch elentlich und verniinftig eler Spirituum kriinckliche und wieler- natiirliche [praeternaturalis] Disposition, und Ursachen, nicht wenigir auch elie Curen, elurch die oder vou tier Natur selbst, elurch guten Duct, durch sonderbare Geheimnisse, per Palingene- siam. Magnetismum, seu Sympatheismuni Trans- plantationes, Amuleta, etc., gewicseu und erklii- ret; verteutscht von L. (Jhristoph Helwig. [2 books in 1.] 16°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1707. Yates (G. D.) Observations on the claims of the moelerns to some discoveries in chemistry and physiology. 8°. London, 1798. Albini (G-.)" Rendiconto dell'istituto fisiologico della R. Universita di Napoli, dall' epoea della sua fondazione fino al prineipio dell' anno scolastico 1863-4. Morgagni, Napoli, 1863, v, 809-838,1 pi.—Bernard (C.) Du progres tlaus les sciences physiologioues. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1865, lviii, 640-663. Also, transl.: Gazz. metl. ital. lonih., Milano, 1865. 5. s., iv, 317; 373; 381; 397; 413. -----. Physiologie generate. Rev. scient.. Par., 1876, 2. s., x, 385; 443; 466; 494; "80.—Bernstein (J.) Entwicklung und Standpunkt tier Physiologie. Deutsche Rev.. Berl., 1882. vii, 186-189.—Bishop (J.) On some of the prin- cipal attempts to reduce the phenomena of the human hody to an exact science. Lancet, Lond.. 1852, ii, 372-374.— Blix (M.) Om fysiologiens utveckling och niirvarande stallning; installationsforelasning. | Development of phy- siology and its present standpoint. ] Upsala Lakaref. Forh.,' 188C-7, xxii, 151-169.—Rowditeh (H. P.) Report on physiology. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1873, lxxxviii, 60; 66: lxxxix, 61; 79: 1874, xc, 59: xci, 56; 81: 187.">. xcii, 67; 97: xciii, 65; 106: 1876, xci v. 67; 92: xcv, 71; 103: 1877, xevi, 72; 107: xcvii, 65; 106: 1878, xcviii. 593; 631. [See, also, supra.]—Broeckx (C.) Bibliographic dim ouvrage tin docteur Descuret intitule: Les merveilles du corps huniain. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1856, xvii, 373-386. Also, Ke- print. — Cardanus (H.) De nomine. In his: Opera omnia, fol., Lugduni, 1663, iii, 146-175. — Critique de revolution contemporaine tie la physiologie, selou M. le professeur Claude Bernard. Rev. m6d. franc, et Strang., Par., 1876, i, 801-809. — Donaldson (F.) Bernard's re- rent discoveries in physiology. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1851, n. s., xxii, 30; 337.—Eckstein (F.) A n6tnetorszdgi elettani (physiologicus) iskolarul es aniiak elveirol. [Phy- siology in Germany; former theories antl present status.] Orvosi Tar, Pest, 1842, ii, 209; 241.—Erastus (T.) De va- pore disputatio. In his: Varia opuscula. fol., Francof. ad M., 1590, 74-85. —Poster (M.) [The story of the share which the country in which we have this year assembled has taken in the past in building up our science of physio- logy.] Tr. Internat. M. Cong. 7 sess., Lond., 1881, i, 201-218. Also, transl.: Rev. scient., Par., 1881, 3. s., ii, 234-244.— ■Ian no ver (A.) Bericht iiber die Leistttngeniu tier scan- ilmavischeuLiteraturim Gebiete tier Anatomie und Physio- logie in den Jahren 1841-3. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Berl., 1844,1-49. Also, Reprint.—Ilarless. Ueber denjetzigen Stand der Medizin sammt Physiologie'. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aer/.tr. 1842, Mainz, 1843. xx, 286-290. — Hermann. Ueber die Er- rungenschaften der Physiologie in den letzten 40 Jahren. Tagebl. tl. Versaimnl. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Baden-Ba- den, 1879, Iii, 83-93. Also: Med.-chir.Centralbl.; Wien, 1880, xv, 122; 155; 147. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 415; 435.—||oliiii;i'eii (F.) Om physiologien, den physi- ologiska institutionerna och physiologerua i vara dagar. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1867-8, iii, 8-42.—Huizinga (D.) De ontwikkeling der nieuwere physiologie. Ann. Acad. Neerl. 1869-70, Hagae-Comitis et Lugd. Bat.. 1874, 165-183.— Janet (P.) Schopenhauer et la physiologie fran9ai.se; Cabanis etBichat. Rev. tl. deux mondes, Par., 1880, xxxix, 35-59.—.lone* (,T. W.) Peroration to my reminiscences of fifty years' struggle, in the footsteps of William Harvey, to search out crucial facts in physiology. Lancet, Lond., 1886. ii, 162.—Ijasegne (C.) L'ecole physiologique alle- niande. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1858, 5. s., xii, 600-611. Also, in his: Etudes med., 8°, Par., 1884, i, 253-269.— I>i*ts of titles of works antl papers of physiological in- ters r published in the year 1878 antl 1881.' J. Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, i (Suppl.), 1-62: 1880-82, iii (Suppl.), 1-75— *;,von (C-) De revolution generale de la physiologie. Marseille nied., 1883, xx, 264-281. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxii, 520-525. — I.owe (B. T.) Notes on the recent progress of physiology. St. Andrew's M. Grail. Ass. Tr. 1872-3, Lond., 1874,'vi, 94-106. —Marev. Du concours des diflerentes nations dans les ilec.utvertes physiologiques. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt. !t »-18J9' An,st'< 188". vi, 159-166.—Mendelssohn (M.) efc, Richet (C.) Revue des travaux slaves tie- physiologie pour 1 annee 1885. Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 1886, ii, 108- 136. Also. Reprint. — IVIororhovets (L. Z.) Kratkii obzor rabot po phiziologii za 1883 g. Med. Obozr., Mosk., Physiology (History and literature of). 1884, xxiii, 921-94*8. -----. Kratkii obzor rabot po fi/i..logii za 1884 g. Ibid., 1885, xxiv, 1094-1113. — Palaek (<'.) Physiologie des sechszehnten Jabrhunderts. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 405; 413. —Piper (G. O.) Vou den physiologischen Vorbegriff'en der Chinesen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1842. 455-467.— Puceiaiiti (G.) Delle principali seoperte ilegli italiaui nella fisiologia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1860. 4. s., v, 18- 33— Raise-Delor me. Histoire et litterature de la physiologie. Diet, de med., 2. eel., Par., 1841, xxiv, 386- 420.—Recent advances in physiology. Brit. & For. M.- Chir. Rev., Lond., 1874, Iiii, '269-293. —Redfern (P.) Progress in physiological science. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 212-216.— Rogersins (J.) De pneumatosi. sive de quarta corporis humani concoctione. eerebrique vasis ac ventriculis elaborata. In his: Analec-ta inatiguralia, 12°, Londini, 1664, 83-499. — Rnlheriord ( W.) Recent ad- vances in anatomy and physiology. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1873, ii, 391-393.-----. Introductory lecture on the pieseut aspects of physiology. Lancet, Loud., 1874, ii, 683-689.— Sales -eli irons. Esquisse historique de la physiologie comme science de la definition de I'homme. Rev. med. franv et etrang., Par., 1878, lviii, 65-72.—Scliaafriiniisen (H.) Ueber tlie Fortschritte der Naturwisseiischafteu, insbesondere der Physiologie. In his: Anthrop. Studien, 8°, Bonn, 1885, 20-35.— Second (L.-A.) Histoire et syste- matisation gen6rale de la physiologie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, pt. 2, 31-45. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1850 3. s., v, 464; 504. —Sewall (H.) Some aspects of modern physiology. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1882, iv, 148-154.—Stirling (W.) Report on physiology. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1873-4, viii, 179-216: 1874-5, ix, 208-248.—Van Riervliet. De l'etat actuel tie la physiologie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. ele Bruges, 1842, iii, 29-44.—Vigna (C.) Sulle recenti dottrine fisio- logiche. Gazz. meet ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1858-9, i, 197; 221; 253; 281; 321; 345; 353; 369: 401; 409; 425: 1859, ii, 9; 49; 91; 97; 137; 194: 1860, iii, 41; 57. Physiology (Laboratories of). See Laboratories; Physiology (Periodicals, etc., in relation to). Physiology (Periodicals, transactions of societies, and reports of laboratories re- lating to). See, also, Anatomy (Journals of). Academe royale de Prusse. Memoires de 1' . . . concernant l'anatomie, la physiologie, la physitjue, I'histoire naturelle, la botanique, la min6ralogie, etc.; avec un choix des memoires tie chimie et tie philosophie speculative. 9 v. in 10. 12°. Avignon 4- Paris, 1768-74. American (The) Journal of Physiology. Ed- ited by D. H. Fernandes and H. Erichsen. [Monthly.] v. 1, Oct., 1882, to Nov., 1883. 8°. Indianapolis, hid. Nos. 6, 7, pp. 77-116, v. 1, never issued. American Physiological Society. Annual re- ports, 1.-3., 1837-9. 12°. Boston. American Physiological Society. Constitu- tion anil list of members. 18°. [Baltimore, 1887.] Anales de la Sociedad nsioldgica escolar. Revista mensual. Director: B. Cespedes Santa Cruz. Nos. i-8, v. 1, April to Nov., 1877. 8U. Madrid. Annales de l'anatomie et de la physiologie pa- tbologiques, publi6es par J.-B. Pign6. Paralt le 5 de chaque mois. Nos. 1-9, 1*42-6. 8°. Paris. Annales de la me'elecine physiologique, par F.-J.-V. Broussais. v. 1-26, 1822-34. 8°. Paris. Annals of anatomy and physiology. Con- ducted by John Goodsir. Nos. 1-3. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1850-53. Ended. Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Iu Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. von Joh. F. Meckel, v. 1-6, 1826-32. 8°. Leipzig. Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Fort- setzuug des von Reil, Reil u. Autenrieth, J. F. Meckel, Joh. Muller, Reichert u. Du Bois-Rey- moud herausgegebenen Archives. Hrsg. von W. His, W. Braune uud Emil Du Bois-Reymoud. v. 1-13, 1877-H9. 8°. Leipzig. PHYSIOLOGY. 262 PHYNIOLOCIY. Physiology (Periodicals, transactions of societies, and reports of laboratories re- lating to). Archiv fiir Anatomie, Physiologie und wis- scnschaftliche Medicin, in Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. von Joh. Muller. Jahrg. 1834-76. 43 v. 8°. Berlin u. Leipzig. Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie der Menschen und der Thiere. Hrsg. von Dr. E. F. Piliiger, v. 1-46, 1868-89. 8°. Bonn. -----. The same. Register zum i.-xxx. Bande. 8°. Bonn, 1885. Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Phy- siologie unel fiir klinische Medicin. Hrsg. von R. Virchow und B. Reinhardt. v. 1-118, 1847- 89. 8°. Berlin. Archiv fiir die Physiologie. Von D. Joh. Christ. Reil. v. 1-12, 1795-1815. 8°. Balle. Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Hrsg. von W. Roser und C. A. Wunderlich. Jahrg. 1- 15, 1842-56. 14 v. N. F. v. 1-3, 1857-9. 8°. Stuttgart. Archiv fiir physiologische und pathologische Chemie und Mikroskopie in ihrer Anwentluug auf tlie praktische Mediciu. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Gelehrten eles In- und Auslandes, als Fortsetzung eler von Simon gegriiudeten Zeit- schrift, hrsg. und red. von J. F. Heller. Jahrg. 1844-7; n. F.. 1852-4. 6 v. 8-'. Wien. Suspended from Dec, 1847, to Jan., 1852. Archives tie physiologie normale et patholo- giepie, par Brown-Sequard, Charcot et Vulpian. v. 1-5, 1868-73; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1874-82; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1883-7; 4. s., v. 1-2, 1888; 5. s., v. 1, 1889. 8°. Paris. Archives de physiologie, de theSrapeutique et d'hygiene, sous la direction de M. Bouchardat. 2 v. 1854. 8°. Paris. Beitrage zur Anatomie und'Physiologie. Von C. Eckhard. v. 1-11, 1858-85. 4°. Giessen. Beitrage zur patliologischen Anatomie und Physiologie. Hrsg. von E. Ziegler unel C. Nau- werck. v. 1-2, 1886-8. 8°. Jena. Beitrage zur Physiologie. Carl Ludwig zu scinem siebzigsteu Geburtstage gewidmet von seiuen Schiilern. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Beitrage zur physiologischen und patholo- gischen Chemie und Mikroskopie in ihrer An- wendung auf elie praktische Meelizin, unter Mit- wirkung der Mitgiieder des Vereins fiir physiolo- gische unel pathologische Chemie und anderer Gelehrten hrsg. von Franz Simon, v. 1, 1843-4. 8°. Berlin. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie unel Physiologie in den Jahren 1856-71. Als be- sondere Abtheilung der Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin hrsg. von J. Henle und G. Meissner. 16 v. 8°. Leipzig u. Beidelberg, 1857-72. Carparelli (A.) Progetto di un nuovo insti- tuto fisiologico con 1' acquario annesso nella R. University di Catania, roy. 8°. Catania, 1888. Carolinisches medico-chirurgisches Institut in Stockholm. Mittheilungen vom physiologi- schen Laboratorium. Hft. 1-2,1882; Hft. 3,1884. 8;. Stockholm, 1882-4. Centralblatt fiir Physiologie. Unter Mit- wirkung der physiologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin hrsg. von S. Exner und J. Gad. v. 1-3, 1887-9. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien. Deutsches Archiv fiir die Physiologie. In Verbindung mit Albers, Auteurieth [ et al. ] hrsg. von J. F. Meckel. 8 v. 1815-23. 8°. Balle u. Berlin. Faculte de medecine de Paris. Les travaux du Laboratoire de physiologie de la . . . v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1885. Physiology (Periodicals^ transactions of societies, and reports of laboratories re- lating to). Gesellschaft fiir Morphologie unel Physiolo- gie in Miinchen. Sitzungsberichte. v. 1-3, 18H5- 7; Hft. 1-2, v. 4, 1888. 8-\ Miinchen. Giornale eli anatomia e fisiologia patologica, pubblicato inPaviailal professore G. Sangalli. v. 1-4, 1864-7. 8C. Pavia, 1864-5; Milano, 1866-7. Giornale eli anatomia, fisiologia e patologia degli animali. Compilato da L. Lombardini o P. Oreste con 1' aiuto dei professori A. Cristin, S. Falconio, G. Generali. Si pubblii a per fasciculi bimestrali. v. 1-21, 1869-89. 8°. Pisa. Harvard University. Medical School (Boston). Physiological Laboratory. Harvard Medical School, Boston. Collected papers, 1873-86. 8°. [Boston, 1880-87.] Hollandisciik Beitrage zu den anatomischen unel physiologisehen Wissensehaften, hrsg. vou J. van Deem, F. C. Donelers unel Jac. Moleschott. 1 v. in 3 nos. 1846-8. 8°. Diisseldorf u. Utrecht. Institut fiir Physiologie und Histologic Un- tersuchungen. Hrsg. von A. Rollett. 1.-3. Hft. 8°. Leipzig, 1,870-73. Jahrbuch fiir Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindcsalters. Unter tier Redaction von G. Ritter vou Rittershain. v. 1, 1868. 8°. Prag. Jahresbericht iiber tlie Leistungen nnd Fortschritte in der Anatomie unci Physiologie. Hrsg. von R. Virchow und A. Hirsch. Bericlite fur die Jahre 1873-88. 8°. Berlin, 1874-89. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte tier Anatomie und Physiologie. Hrsg. von Fr. Hof- mann uud G. Schwalbe. v. 1-16, 1872-88. 8°. Leipzig, 1873-89. Current. Jenaische Annalen fiir Physiologie und Medi- cin. In Verbinelung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. von O. Domrich, A. J. F. Feirster, E. Martin, F. Ried, M. J. Schleiden, E. Schmid, A. Siebcrt, Professoren an der Universitat Jena. v. 1-2, 1849-51. 8°. Jena. Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de I'homme et tics ani- maux. Publi6 par M. Charles-Philippe Robin. v. 1-25, 1864-89. 8°. Paris. Journal (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. Conducted by G. M. Humphry and W. Turner. v. 1-24, 1866-89. 8°. Cambridge 5. While professedly a new edition, this work is nearly iilentical with the following. -----&■ Fouilhoux. Physiologie. 8°. Pa- ris, 1840. Forms v. 5, Encyclop6die ties sciences medicates. --------------. The same. Trait6 tie physio- logie. 8°. Paris, 1855. Brass (A.) Grundriss der Anatomic, Physio- logie und Entwickcluugsgeschichte tics Men- schen. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Brubaker (A. P.) A compend of human phys- iology ; especially adapted for the use of medical students. 4. eel. 12°. Philadelphia, 1888. Quiz-Compend, No. 4. Brucke (E.) Vorlesungen iiber Physiologie. 1. Bd. 8°. Wien, 1874. BrCggemann (A. F.) Physiologische Vorle- sungen. 8°. Magdeburg, 1835. PHYSIOLOGY. 265 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Budge (J.)" Memoranda der speciellen Phy- siologie des Menschen. !»-'. Weimar, 1848. —-—. The same. 4. Aufl. 12°. Weimar, 185.'. _____. The same. Specielle Physiologie des Menschen. 7. Aufl. 8^. Weimar, 1857. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der speciellen Physiologie des Menschen. 8. Aufl. ^ Leipzig, 1862. -----. Compendium tier Physiologie des Men- schen. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig,'1870. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, is?:.. -----. The same. Compendium de physio- logie humaine. Trad, de l'allemand par E. Vin- cent. 12°. Paris, 1874. Burdach (K. F.) Die Physiologie, bearbeitet von . . . 8°. Leipzig, 1810. ------. Die Physiedogie als Erfahrnugswissen- schaft. Mit Beitriigcn von Karl Ernst von Baer und Heinrich Rathkc, H. F. Meyer, unel Anderen. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig 1826-40. ------. The same. Zweite Anflage, mit Bei- triigen von Ernst Meyer, Heinrich Rathke, G. Valentin, Karl Theodor von Siebold, Albert Halm, unci Ludwig Moser. v. 1-3. 8°. Leipzig, 1835-8. Cabell (J. L.) Syllabus of the lectures on physiology and histology, including the outlines of comparative anatomy, delivered at the Uni- versity of Virginia. 8°. Univ. of Virginia, 1853. Cadiat(0.) Cours de physiologie profess^ a la Facult6 de meMecine tie Paris (1882-3). Phy- siologie gi5ne"rale, g6ne"ration, organes des sens. 8°. Paris, 1883. Caldant (L. M. A.) Institutioues physiolo- gies. 8°. Patavii, 1773. -----. The same. 2. eel. 8°. Lipsice, 1785. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8-. Venetiis, 1786. Carpenter (W. B.) Principles of human phy- siology, with their chief applications to pathol- ogy, hygiene, aud forensic medicine. 8-'. Lon- don, 1842. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London. 1846. —;---. The same. Edited by Henry Power. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1869. -----. The same. With notes and additions by Meredith Clymer. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1813. ------. The same. 3. Am. from the last Lond. eel. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. ------. The same. A new Am. from the last Lond. ed., by Francis G. Smith. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1855. ------. The same. Edited by Francis G. Smith. New Am. from the last Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. -----. The same. A new Am. from the 8. English eel., with notes and additions by Francis G. Smith. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. -----. A manual of physiology, including physiological anatomy. 12°. London, 1846. -----. The same. Elements of physiology, including physiological anatomy. 8°. 'Philadel- phia, 184(j. Carus (C. G.) System der Physiologie urn- fassend tlas Allgemeine tier Physiologie, die phy- siologische Geschichte der Menschheit, die d'es Menschen unci die der einzeluen orgauischen Systeme im Menschen, fiir Naturforscher und Aerzte. 3 pts. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1838- 40. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leip- zig, 1847-9. Chapman (H. C.) Treatise on human physiol- ogy, roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Cleland (J.) Animal physiology, the struct- ure anel functions of the human body. 12°. London 6es dans la nature, daus I'animal etdans I'homme. 8°. Paris, 1848. Domling (J. J.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. 2v.ini. 8°. Gbttingen, 1802-3. Donders (F. C.) Physiologie des Menschen. Deutsche Originalausgabe vom Verfasser rcvidirt und vervollstandigt und aus dem Hollandischen iibersetzt von Fr. Willi. Theile. v. 1. 8°. Leip- zig, 185(5. Draper (J. W.) Human physiology, statisti- cal and dynamical ; or the conditions antl course of the life of man. 8°. New York, 1856. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8C. New York, 1870. Dumas (C.-L.) Principes de physiologie, ou introduction a la science experimentale, philo- sophique ct medicale de I'homme vivant. 4 v. 8°. Paris, an VIII [1800]-«/t AY [1803]. -----. The same. Principios ele fisiologia, [etc.]. Trad, por J. V. Carrasco. 4 v. sm. 4°. Madrid, 1803-14. Dunglison (R.) Human physiology. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1832. ------. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1836. ------. The same. 5. ed. 2 v. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1844. PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. 8. ed. 2 v. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1856. Edwards (H. M.) Outlines of anatomy and physiology. Translated from the French by J, F. "\V. Laiie. 8°. Boston, 1841. Elliotson ( J. ) Human physiology. With which is incorporated much of the elementary part of the Institutiones physiologic* of J. F. Blumenbach. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1840. Another copy has two title-pa<;rs, the lirst dated 1835, the second 1840. Esciikicut (D. F.) Haandbog i Physiologieu. 2 Dcelcn. 8°. Kjcpbenhavn, 1834-41. Falconar (M.) A syllabus of a course of lect- ures ou physiology. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Faught(L. A.) An index of physiology. 12°. [Philadelphia], 1881. Fick (A.) Compendium der Physiologie ties Menschen mit Eiuschluss tier Eutwickelungsgc- schichte. 8°. Wien, 18(50. Fletcher (J.) Syllabus of a course of lect- ures on the institutions of medicine or physiol- ogy. 8:. [London, n. d.] -----. Rudiments of physiology; in three parts. 8°. Edinburgh, 1836. Flint (A.), jr. The physiology of man; de- signed to represent the existing state of physio- logical science, as applied to the functions of the human body : Introduction; the blood ; circula- tion; respiration, v. 1. 8-\ New York, 1800. -----. Thesame. v.2. Alimentation; diges- tion ; absorption ; lymph and chyle. 8°. New York, 1867. -----. The same. v. 3. Secretion; excretion; ductless glands; nutrition; animal heat; move- ments ; voice and speech. 8°. New York, 1870. -----. The same. v. 4. Nervous system. 8 . New York, 1872. -----. The same. v. 5 (with a general index to the five volumes). Contents: Special senses; generation. 8°. New York, 1874. -----. A text-book of human physiology. R°. New York, 1876. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1881. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. New York, 1888. I Fodere (F. E.) Essai ele physiologie positive, applique* sptScialeniont a la medecine pratique. 3 v. ri°. Avignon, 1806. Foster (M.) A text book of physiology. 8°. London, 1877. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8'-. London, 1878. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1883. -----. The same. 5. ed. 2 v. 8°. London, 1888. -----. The same. From 3. and revised Eng- lish eel., with notes and additions by Edward T. Reichert. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880. -----. The same. 3. Am. from the 4. English ed. With extensive notes and additions, by Ed- ward T. Reichert. 83. Philadelphia, 188"). ----- & Langley (J. N.) A course of ele- mentary practical physiology. 3. ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1878. -----------. A course of elementary practi- cal physiology. 5. ed. 8J. London, 1884. --------:---. The same. Cours 61ementaire et pratique de physiologic gejntfrale. Traduit sur la cinquieme Edition nnglaise et annote' par F. Prieur. 8°. Paris, 1886. Foulton (J.) A manual of physiology. 8°. Toronto, 1868. Fourcault (A.) Lois de l'organisnie vivant, ou applicittion des lois physico-chimiques a la physiologie; pnSeddees de recherches sur les causes physiques des phenomenes d'attraction et PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). de repulsion, consideies dans les mol6cules et dans les masses de la matiere. 2 v. 8U. Paris, 1820. -----. The same. Nouveaux principes ele physiologie, ou lois de Torgauisme consiih'ro.s dans leurs rapports avec les lois physiques ct chimiques. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1844. Frankel (L.) Die specielle Physiologie. Kin knrzgefasstes Handbuch fiir angencnele, prak- tische Aerzte und Wundarzte. 8°. Berlin, 1830. -----. Compendium tier Physiologie eles Menschen ... 8°. Berlin, 1844. Frankel (M.) Taschenbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. 12°. Erlangen, 1847. Fredericq (L.) & Nuel (J.-P.) Elements de physiologie humaine a l'usage ties tStudiants en ni6decine. 2 pts. 8y. Gand, 1883. Funke (O.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1855-7. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 1. Bd. [1-21 Bo- gen]. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. -----. The same. 6. neu bearbeitete Aufl. von A. Gruenhagen. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1876-80. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 1. Lfg. 8°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, 1884. [Gallixi (S.)] Nuovi elementi della fisica del .corpo umano. 8°. Padova, 1808-9. -----. Compendium operis pro tertia vice editi anno 1825, cui tituluscst: Nova clenicnta physica? corporis humani. 8°. Patavii, 1827. Garzella (A.) Compenelio delle conferenze di anatomia e fisiologia elementari. 8\ Pisa, 1887. Gerdy (P.-N.) Physiologie m6dicale ditlac- tique et critique. Pt. 1, v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1832. Gordon (J.) Outlines of lectures on human physiology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1817. de Grimaud (J.-C.-M.-G.) Cours complet de physiologie; ouyrageposthume. 2v. 8°. Paris, 1818. -----. The same. Public? par Dr. Lanthois. 2. 6tl. 8°. Paris, 1824. Guenther (A. F.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. (Abth. 2-4 von Bd. 2 . . . fortge- setzt von Dr. Otto Funke.) 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1845-53. Haller (A. ) Prima? linese physiologia? in usum pradectionum academicarum, aucta? et emendata?. 12°. Gottingce, 1751. -----. The same. 12°. Venetiis, 1754. -----. The same. Ad etlitionem tertio auc- tam et emendatam expresste. 8°. Edinburgi, 1767. -----. The sama. 4. ed. 12°. Lausannce, 1771. -----. The same. First lines of physiology. Transl. from the Latin. Printed under the in- spection of William Cullen. 8°. Edinburgh, 1779. -----. The same. First lines of physiology. ... To which is added a translation of the in- dex composed for the inspection of Dr. William Cullen. 8°. Edinburgh, 1801. -----. Thesame. First lines of physiology. Trausl. from the 3. Latin ed. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Troy, 1803. -----. The same. Grundriss der Physiolo- gie fiir Vorlesungen. Nach der vierten latei- nischen, mit den Verbesserungen uud Zusiitzen des Herrn . . . Wrisberg vernichrten Ausgabe, von neuem iibersetzt uud mit Anmerkungen verseheu durch Herrn . . . Sommering, mit tinigen Anmer- kungen begleitet und besorgt von P. F. Meckel. 8 \ Berlin, 1788. -----. The same. Grundriss der Physiolo- gie . . . Umgearbeitet von Heinrich Maiia von PHYSIOLOGY. 267 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Leveling. 1.-2. Theil [in 2 v.]. 8°. Erlangen, 1795. -----. Physiology; being a course of lectures upon the visceral anatomy and vital economy of human bodies. 2 v. 8°. London, 1754. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. London, 1772. -----. Elementa physiologia? corporis hu- mani. 8 v. in 4.' 4°. Tom. i-v: Lausannce, 1757- 63. Tom. vi-viii: Berne, 1764-6. -----. The same. 8 v. 4°. Lausannce, 1757-78. v. 6-8, 2. eel. -----. The same. De partium corporis hu- mani pra?cipuarum fabrica et functionibus, opus quinquagintaannorum. 8v. 8°. Bemceet Lau- sannce, 1778. . -----. The same. Auctarium ad Albert! Halleri elementa physiologia? corporis humani excerptum ex novaeditione et adoptatum veteri. Fasc. i-v. 4°. Lipsice et Francofurti, 1780. -----. The same. Anfangsgriiude der Phy- siologie des menschlichen Korpers. Aus dem Lateiuischen iibersetzt und hrsg. von Johann Saml. Halle. 8 v. 8°. Berlin u. Leipzig, 1759- 76. Hamberger (G. E.) Physiologia medica seu de actiouibus corporis humani sani, doctrina principiis physicis a se etlitis. 4C. Jence, 1751. Hamilton (G.) Elements of physiology. In two parts. 12°. New York, 1849. Handbuch der Physiologie, bearb. von H. Au- bert [etal.]. Hrsg. von L. Hermann. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1879-82. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo k phiziolo- gii, obrabotaunoe Aubertom, [et, al.]. Izdannoe L. Hermanuome. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Handworterbuch der Physiologie, mit Riick- sicht auf physiologische Pathologie. In Ver- bindung mit mehren Gelehrten hrsg. von Ru- dolph Wagner. 1.-28. Lfg. in 4 v. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1842-53. Hergexrother (J.) System der allgemeinen Heilungslehre. [Subtitle of v. 1: Allgeineine Physiologie uud Psychologie. Allgemeiue soma- tische und psvehische Pathologie.] 2 v. in 1. 8°. Wiirzburg,' 1827-8. Hermann (L.) Grundriss der Physiologie des Menschen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1867. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin,1872. -----. The same. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Physiologie. 7. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1882. -----. Thesame. Lehrbuch der Physiologie. 9. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1889. -----. Thesame. Elements of human phy- siology, transl. from the 5. ed. by A. Gamgee. 8°. London, 1875. -----. The same. Transl. and edited from the 6. ed. by Arthur Gamgee. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1878. Humans (H. S.) Grondbeginselen van eene algemeene physiologie, of natuurkunde van den mensch. 8°. Dordrecht, 1820. Hildebraxdt (F.) Lehrbuch der Physiolo- gie. 4. Ausg. 8°. Erlangen, 1809. Hilles (M. W.) The essentials of physiology. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1876. Hobson (B.) [A treatise on human physiol- ogy, collected from various physiological works. 1 8°. Canton, 1851. Chinese text. Hood (S.) Analytic physiology. 8°. Liver- pool, 1822. -----• Thesame. Analytic physiology, treat- ing ofthe cure of nervous diseases by external applications to the spine. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1829. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Hutin (P.) Manual of the physiology of man ; or, a concise description ofthe phenomena of his organization. Transl. from the French, with notes, by Joseph Togno. 8°. Philadelphia, 1828. Ideler (K. W.) Anthropologic fiir Aerzte. 8°. Berlin u. Landsberg a. d. W., 1827. Jacopi (G.) Elementi di fisiologia e notomia comparativa. 8C. Pavia, 1809-11. Jadelot (J. N.) Physica hominis sani, seu explicatiofunctionum corporis humani. 8°. Vin- dobonce, 1782. Jager (G.) Die menschliche Arbeitskraft. 4°. Miinchen, 1878. Jama (R.) Physiologie nach Prof. Briicke. Bearbeitet von Dr. ... 8°. Wien, 1871. Kirkes (W. S.) Hand-book of physiology. Assisted by James Paget. 8°. London, 1848. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. -----. The same. A new and revised Am. from the last Lond. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1857. -----. The same. 7. ed., edited by W. Mor- rant Baker. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. -----. The same. A new Am. from the 8. English ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. -----. The same. Edited, with notes, by W. M. B;t,ker, and V. D. Harris. 11. ed. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1885. Kolb (C.) Grundriss der Physiologie des Menschen. 16°. Stuttgart, 1864. Kcrschner (G.) Grundriss der allgemeinen Physiologie. Nach dem Tocle des Verfassers aus- gegeben und mit einem Vorwort von R. Wagner begleitet. 8°. Eisenach, 1843. Kuss (E.) Cours de physiologie professe" a la Faeulte" de medecine de Strasbourg, re'dige' par le docteur Mathias Duval. 12°. Paris, 1872. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1873. -----. The same. 3. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1876. -----. The same. A course of lectures on physiology. Trausl. from the 2. ed., by Robert Amory. 8°. Boston, 1875. -----. The same. 8°. Boston, 1876. -----. The same. A manual of physiology. Transl. from the 2. ed., by Robert Amory. 12°. London, 1875. -----. The same. Madr/fiara cpvcno?\.oy'cac Kara. ttjv 6i6dxvv T°v Kadr/ynrov . . . Merdcppacjig . . . vno T. N. 'Al-eTiov £7re8-61. Lt ssana (F.) Fisiologia umana applicata alia nieileiiua. 4 v. 8°. Padova, 1878-81. M'Kkndrick (J. G.) Outlines of physiology in its relations to man. 8°. Glasgow, 1878 -----. A text-book of physiology. Includ- ing histology by Philipp Stohr. v. 1. General physiology. * 8°. Glasgow, 1888. Magendie (F.) Precis Elementaire de phy- siologie. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1816-17. -----. The same. 2. €d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1825. -----. The same. 3. c?d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1833. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1836. -----. The same. A summary of physi- ology. Transl. from the French by John Re- vere. 8 ;. Baltimore, 1822. -----. The same. An elementary compen- dium of physiology. Transl. from the French by E. Milligan, M. D. Revised and corrected by a physician of Philadelphia. With an appendix. 8°. 'Philadelphia, 1824. -----. The same. An elementary treatise on human physiology, on the basis ofthe Precis ei6meutaire de physiologie. Transl ... by John Revere. 8-. New York, 1844. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Physiolo- gie. Aus dem Frauzosischen iibersetzt von D. Hofacker. 2. Ausg. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Tiibingen, 1820. -----. Phe"nomfenes physiques de la vie. Le- cons professe'es au College ele Frauce. 4 v. 8C. Paris, 1812. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. Veirlcsungen iiber tlie physikalischen Erscheinungen tics Lebens. Mit Magendie's Hinzuziehung und llntcrstiit/.ung aus dem Frauzosischen iibersetzt von Dr. Has witz. 2 v. in 1. [A transl. of the first. 2 v. of preci'diug. ] 8^. Kiiln, 1837. Mapother (E. D.) A manual of physiology and of the principles of disease. 2. eel. 12^. Dublin <$' London, 1864. Marshall (J.) Outlines of physiology, human and comparative, v. 2. 8°. London, 18(17. -----. The same. With additions by Francis G. Smith. 8°. Philadelphia, 1808. Martini (L.) Elementa physiologia^. 8J. Augustce Taurinorum, 1821. Matsuyama Neiji. Tinschiu Sciri. [Human physiology.] 3v. 8-. Tokio, 1879. Japanese text. . Mayo (H.) Outlines of human physiology. 8°. London, 1827. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1829. Mercer (J.) Syllabus of lectures on anatomy anel physiology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1841. Meyer (J. C. H.) Grundriss der Physiologie ties menschlichen Korpers zum Behuf seiner Vorlesungen entworfen. 8°. Berlin, 1805. Mills (T. W.) Outlines of lectures on physi- ology, with au introductory chapter on general biology, and an appendix containing laboratory exercises iu practical physiology. 8°. Montreal, 1880. Muller (J.) Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen fiir Vorlesungen. 2 v. 8°. Coblenz, 1834-40. -----. Thesame. 2v. 8°. Coblenz, 1840-44. 1. Bd. is 4. Aufl. -----. The same. Elements of physiology. Trausl. from the German, with notes, by William Baly. 8<-\ London, 1837 [-8]. -----. Thesame. 2. eel. 2 v. 8 . London, 1840-43. -----. The same. Transl. from the German. Arranged from the 2. Loud. ed. by John Bell. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. -----. The same. Manuel dc physiologie. Trad, ele l'allemanel sur la derniere 6d., avec des additions, par A.-J.-L. Jourdan. 2. ed., revue et annott'c par E. Littr6. 2 v. 8°. Parts, 1851. Munk (I.) Physiologie tier Menschen unel der Slingethiere. 8°. Berlin, 1881. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Nagamatsu Tokai. Seiri Gaku. [The science of physiology.] 2 v. 8°. Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. Nuovi elementi della fisica del corpo umano. 2 v. 8°. Padova, 1820. Oliver (D.) First lines of physiology; de- signed for the use of students of medicine. 8°. Boston, 1835. -----. The same. 8 . Philadelphia, 1840. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . Philadelphia, 1841. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. Bost»i,\844. Paladino (G.) Istituzioue di fisiologia. 2. ed. 2 v. 8 . Napoli, 18<>. Paxum (P. L.) Haandbog i menneskets phy- siologi. 5 v. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1865-72. Peaslee (E. R.) A synopsis of the course of lectures on general anel human physiology in the New Hampshire Medical Institution (Dart- mouth College). 8°. Hanover, 1848. Pevrani (C.) Guida alio studio della fisiolo- gia per uso degli studenti di medicina. 8°. Parma, 1877. PHYSIOLOGY'. 269 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Physiologia, of natuurkuudige outleding van het meuschclykc lichaam, waarindeszelf's maak- sel, werking, enz. verklaart wordt. Zynde ge- trokkeu uit de schriften van vele gcleerde mau- nen, als Boerhave, Malpighius, Ruysch, Morga- gnc, Haller, doch inzouderheit uit ele werkeu en jaarlyksche lessen van deu hooggeleerden heere 15. S. Albinus, professor in de Hoge Schole tot Leiden. 8°. Amsterdam, 1758. Pilley (J. J.) efe Goodfellow (J.) Practi- cal physiology; a concise guide to the practical study of physiology and histology. 8°. London, 1888. Power (K.) Elements of human physiology. sm. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1885. Preyer (W.) El6meuts de physiologie ge'ne'- rale. Trad, de l'allemand . . . par Jules Soury. 8°. Paris, 1884. Prochaska (G.) Lehrsatze aus der Physiolo- gie des Menschen. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1802. Rahmer (S.) Physiologie, oder die Lehre von den Lebeusvorgiingen im meuschlichen und tie- rischen Korper. 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. Ranke (J.) Grundziige der Physiologie des Menschen, mit Riicksicht auf die Gesundheits- pth-ge und das praktische Bediirfniss des Arztes. 8°. Leipzig. 1868. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Leip- zig, 1872. Reese (J. J.) Au analysis of physiology, be- ing a condensed view of its most important facts and doctrines. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1852. Renzone (R.) Manuale di fisiologia umana per gli studenti di medicina. 8°. Napoli, 1874. -----. The same. Per i medici pratici e per gli studenti in medicina. 4. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1889. Richerand (A.) Nouveaux elements de phy- siologie. 2. M. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1802. -----. The same. 5. eel. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1811. The same. 8. e"d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, The same. 9. e?d. v. 1. 8°. Paris, Thesame. 10. c?d., revue, corrigee et augmentee par l'auteur, et par Beiard aine\ 3 v. 8C. Paris, 1833. -----. The same. The elements of physi- ology. Transl. from the French by R. Kerrison. 8C. London, 1803. -----. The same. Transl. from the French by G. J. M. De Lys. 5. eel. With notes and a copious appendix by James Copeland. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1829. _-----• The same. Containing an explana- tion of the functions of the human body; in which the modern improvements in chemistry, galvanism, and other sciences are applied to ex- plain the actions of the animal economy. Transl. from the French ... by Robert Kerrison. 8°. Philadelphia, 1808. -----. The same. From the 5. Lond. ed. Transl by G. J. M. De Lys. With notes by N. Chapman. 8C. Philadelphia, 1813. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1818. -----. The same. 8C. Philadelphia, 1821. -----. The same. The translation corrected and the late improvements added bv John D. Goelman. 8C. Philadelphia, 1823. —----. The; same. From the last Lond. ed., with notes and a copious appendix by James Copeland. 8°. New York, 1825. 1820. 1825. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Robertson ( J. McG. ) An elementary text- book of physiology. Adapted to the require- ments of the science and art examinations in animal physiology. 12°. London, 1888. Roget (P. M.) Outlines of physiology, with an appendix on phrenology. 1. Am. ed 8° Philadelphia, 1839. ROUZE (J.-L.-M.) Nouvelle physiologie medi- cale, ou simple, exposition de la maniere dont se forment, vivent et meurent les appareils de I'homme. 8°. Paris, 1819. Rudolph (K. A.) Lectures on physiology. [MS. notes taken by A. C. L. Barkow, Berlin, 1816-17.] lv. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] German script. Grundriss der Physiologie. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, 1821-8. Rutherford (W.) A text-book of physiology. 8C. Edinburgh, 1880. Sanderson (J. B.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on physiology. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1879. Sandras (C.-M.-S.) * Generality's et plan d'un cours de physiologie. 8°. Paris, 1831. Saumarez (R.) A new system of physiology comprehending the laws by which animated be- ings in general, and the human species in par- ticular, are governed, in their several states of health and disease. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1799. -----. The same. New eel. 2 v. in 1. 8°. London, 1813. Schiff (J. M.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. 8°. Lahr, 1858-9. Mttskel- und Nervenphysiologie. Sebastian (A. A.) Elementa physiologia? specialis corporis humani. 8°. Groniuga;, 1838. -----. Algemeene natuurkunde van den meusch. Uit het Latijn vertaald door J. B. Dompeling. Met een voorbericht van Dr. F. S. Alexander. 8°. Groningen, 1840. Setchenoff (I.) Fiziologijanervnoi sistemy. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1866. Sewall (H.) A topical synopsis of lectures on animal physiology. Pt. 1. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1882. Shea (J.) A manual of animal physiology, for the use of non-medical students, with an ap- pendix of questions from various examination papers, including those for the B. A. London for the last ten years. 8°. London, 1863. Siegmund ( F. ) Aus der Wcrkstiitte ties meuschlichen und thierischen Organismus. Eine populiire Physiologie fiir gebildete Leser aller Stiinde. 8°. Wien, 1882. Skeete (T.) Syllabus of a course of lectures upon the animal ceconomy. 8°. London, 1788. Sobernheim (J. F.) Elemente eler allge- meinen Physiologie. 8°. Berlin, 1844. Steele (J. D.) Fourteen weeks in human physiology. 8°. New York <$• Chicago, 1874. Steiner (J.) Gruudriss der Physiologie des Menschen fiir Stntlirende und Aerzte. 8°. Leip- zig, 1878. -----. Thesame. 2.Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1883. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig. 1888. Stirling (W.) Outlines of practical physi- ology, being a manual for the physiological laboratory, including chemical aud experimental physiology, with reference to practical medicine. 8°. London, 1888. -----. The same. 8°. London $• Philadel- phia, 1888. Thomson (A.) Syllabus of lectures on physi- ology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1835. Tiedemann (F.) Physiologie des Menschen. 3 v. 8°. Darmstadt, 1830-36. v. 2 wanting. PHYSIOLOGY. 270 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. Traite' complet de physio- logie de I'homme. Trad, de l'allemand par A.- J.-L. Jourdan. 2 pts. in I v. [Translation of v. 1 only.] 8°. Paris, 1831. Also, transl. (v. 1 only) in: Liverpool M. Gaz., Lond., 1833, i, 1; 49: 97; 145; 193; 241; 289; 337; 385; 441; 489; 545. Also, Reprint. Tigerstedt (R.) Handledning for nyborjare vid praktiska ofuingar i fysiologi. Allnian nerv- och muskelfysiologi. [Directions for beginners in practical exercises in physiology.] 8°. Stock- holm, [1883]. Todd (R. B.) & Bowman (W.) The physio- logical anatomy and physiology of man. 2 v. 8°. London, 1845. ------------. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. London, 1856. ------------. The same. A new eel. by the last-named author. Pts. 1 & 2. 8°. London, 1866-71. Tommasi (S.) Istituzioni di fisiologia. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Torino, 1852-3. Unzer (J. A.) The principles of physiology ; antl a dissertation on the functions of the nerv- ous system, by George Prochaska. Transl. aud edited by Thomas Laycock. 8°. London, 1851. Valentin (G.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. 2 v. 8°. Braunschwe'u/, 1844. -----. The same 2. Aufl. 2*v. (3 Abth.) in 3. 8°. Braunschweig, 1847-50. -----. Nachtriige zur zweiten Auflage vom Lehrbuche tier Physiologie des Menschen. 8°. Braunschweig, 1851. -----. Grundriss der Physiologie eles Men- schen. 8°. Braunschweig, 1846. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Braunschweig, 1850. -----. Thesame. 4.Aufl. 8°. Braunschweig, 1855. -----. Thesame. A text-book of physiology. Transl. and edited from the 3. German ed., by William Briutou. 8°. London, [1853]. Yentosa (T.) Elemeutos de fisiologia puestos en 6rden. 12°. Madrid, 1818. Viault (F.) & Jolyet (F. ) Traite? 61eSmen- taire de physiologie humaine. Avec la collabo- ration de MM. Bergonni6 et Ferre\ 8°. Paris, 1889. Vierordt (K.) Grundriss der Physiologie des Menschen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Tubingen, 1862. -----. Thesame. 5.Aufl. 8°. Tubingen,1877. Wagner (R.) Icones physiologica?. Tabula? physiologiam et geueseos historiam illustrantes, imprimis ad compendia physiologia; atque ana- tomia? comparata? accommodata. 3 fasc. in 1 v. imp. fol. Leipzig, 1839. -----. Thesame. Erlauterungstafeln zur Phy- siologie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Durch- gehends neu bearbeitet unel hrsg. von Alexander Ecker. fol. Leipzig, 1854. -----. Lehrbuch der speziellcn Physiologie. 3 Biicher bound in 1. 8°. Leipzig, []838-]42. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. von Otto Funke. 8°. Leipzig, 1854. -----. The same. Traite? de physiologie. Histoire de la generation et du chSveloppement. Trad, de l'allemand par Adolphe Habets. 8°. Bruxelles, 1841. Is a translation of book one only. -----. The same. Elements of physiology for the use of students, and with especial refer- ence to the wants of practitioners. Transl. from the German, with additions, by R. Willis. 8°. London, 1841. Has title-page dated 1844, preceding part 3. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1844. Physiology (Systems and manuals of). Walther (P. F.) Physiologie tics Menschen mit durchgangiger Riicksicht auf tlie compara- tive Physiologie der Thiere. Zu akademischen Vorlesungen bearbeitet. 2 y. 8°. Landshut, 1807-8. Wilbrand (J. B.) Physiologie des Menschen. 8°. Giessen, 1815. Wilder (B. G.) Questions upon a course of forty lectures in human physiology for the use of the candidates for graduation at the Meelical School of Maine. 8°. [n. p., 187',.] Windt(W.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. roy. 8°. Erlangen, 1865. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1868. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. roy. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1873. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1878. Yeo (G. F.) A manual of physiology for the use of junior students of medicine. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1887. -----. The same. Manual of physiology. A text-book for students of medicine. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1884. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1886. -----. The same. 3. Am. from 2. Eng. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1888. Ypey (A.) Handleiding tot de phijsiologie, ofte tot ele kennis, van het maaksel en van ele werking, der deelen, uit welke het menschelijk lichaam is tezamen gesteld. 8°. te Amsterdam, 1809. Cours de physiologie gen6rale de la Facult6 des sci- ences. Monit. tl. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 409; 449; 473; 505; 572; 601; 625; 1089; 1105; 1210. — Davies (J.) General principles of physiology. Lond. M. Reposit., 1827, [3.] a., v, 295; 371; 459: 1828, [3.] s., vi, 15; 213; 387; 483.— Du- val (M.) Cours auxiliaire tie physiologie a la Faculte tie niedecine de Paris. {Contents: l.letjon: Introduction a la physiologie. 2. leijon : Le systeme nerveux et la sensibilite. 3.-4. lecons: Sensibilit6, impression, conduction. 5.-6. le- cons: R6ception centrale. 7.-9. leejons: Du toucher. 10. leijon: Sens de l'olfaction. 11. leejon: Du sens du gout. 12. lecon: Du sens de l'oule.] Tribune m6d., Par., 1879, xi, 565; 609: 1880, xii, 1; 13; 37; 61; 85; 169; 181; 205; 229; 253; 289; 337: 1881, xiii, 253.—Fletcher. Notes of lectures on physiology. Lond. M. & S. J., 1836-7, \x], 461; 493; 525; 557;'589; 621; 653; 685; 717: 749; 781; 813; 845; 877; 909; 941.—Graves. Lectures on physiology, or the institutes of medicine. Ibid., 1834-5, vi, 577; 609; 641; 705; 737 ; 769; 801.—Lord at. Cours de physiologie. J. d. sc. me,d. de Montpel., 1834, i, 8; 46; 73; 181; 253: ii, 1; 257; 301; 329; 361. —Magendie (F.) Physiology; lect- ures on the tissues of the human body as applied to the explanation of vital phenomena. Delivered at the college of France in 1834. Lancet, Lond., 1834-5, i, 49; 81; 113; 145; 193; 225; 273: 305; 337; 369; 401; 441; 473; 505; 537; 633; 665; 697; 729; 761 ; 792 ; 841; 873. — Vogel ( L.) Probeblatter eines Systems der Physiologie. Allg. nied. Ann., Altenb., 1816, 189; 289. Physiology (Teaching of). See, also, Laboratories; Physiology (Experi- mental). Beaunis ( H. ) Programme du cours comple- mentaire de physiologie fait a la Faculty de me- decine de Strasbourg (semestre d'tSte' 1869). 8°. Paris, 1872. Berard ( P.-H. ) * Dissertation sur les gene'- ralit^s de la physiologie, sur le plan et la me- thode qu'il conviendrait de suivre dans l'ensei- gnement de cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. -----. Cours de physiologie, fait a la Faculty de medecine de Paris. 2 pts. of v. 4 in 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1848-55. Bouillaud(J.-B.) * Dissertation sur les gene- rality de la physiologie, et sur le plan a suivre dans l'enseignement de cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. Also, in: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1831, iii, 437-487. PHYSIOLOGY. . 271 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Teaching of). Bouvier ( S.-H.-Y. ) * Dissertation sur les g6u6ralit6s de la physiologie et sur le plan a suivre dans l'enseignement de cette science 4°. Part's, 1831. Chrestien (A.-T.-F.) Que doit etre l'ensei- gnement de la physiologie dans une faculte" de medecine? 8C. Montpellier, 1859. Cooke (T.) Tablets of anatomy and physiol- ogy, being a synopsis of demonstrations given in the Westminster Hospital Meelical School in the years 1871, '72, '73, 74, and '75. With ail ap- pendix containing most of the new discoveries of importance, made known up to the date of pub- lication. Physiology complete. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1878. Goipil(J.-M.-A.) *Plan raisonue d'un cours de physiologic. 4-\ Strasbourg, 1834. Hermann (L.) Der Einfluss eler Descendonz- lehre auf die Physiologie. Die Yorbildung fiir das Universitatsstudiuni, insbesondere das mecli- cinische. Zwei Rectoratsreden. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. James ( J. B.) Aids to practical physiology. 12°. London, 1884. Lectire notes on human physiology ; for sci- ence students and candidates for examinations. sm. 8-\ Oxford, [1881]. Lepelletier de la Sarthe (A.) * Sur les gene- ralities de la physiologie, et sur l'ordre a suivre dans son enseignement. 4J. Paris, 1831. Lordat (J.) Conseils sur la mauiere d'etudier la physiologie del'homuie. 8°. Montpellier, 1813. Macbirnie (J. M. ) The student's guide to the examinations in physiology, aud handy book of reference for general readers. 8°. Glasgow, [1877]. Murche (Y. T.) Animal physiology. A spe- cific subject of instruction in public elementary schools. Blackie's elementary text-books. 12c. London, [1884]. Piorry (P.-A. ) *Sur les generalitcs ele la physiologie, et sur le plan a suivre dans l'ensei- gnement de cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. Pye-Smith (P. H.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on physiology. 8°. London, 1885. Requin (A.-P.) * Generalites de la physiolo- gie, plan et methode a suivre daus l'euseignemeut de cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. Sanderson (J. B.) University college course of practical exercises in physiology. With the co-operation of F. J. M. Page, W. North, and Aug. Waller. 8°. Philadelphia, 1882. Sandras(C.-M.-S.) * Generalites et plan d'un cours de physiologie. 8°. Paris, 1831. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to provide for the study of physiology, and the effect of intoxicating, narcotic, and poisonous sub- stances upon life, health, and welfare, by the pupils in the public schools of the Territories antl the District of Columbia. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1484. Feb. 11, 1884. Rep. Apr. 25, 1884, by Mr. Blair, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] -----. The same. 49. Cong., 1. sess. Dec. 8,1885. Introd. by Mr. Blair, roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1885.] -----. A bill to provide for the study of physiology and hygiene, and the effects of intoxi- cating, narcotic, and poisonous substances upon the life, health, and welfare, by the pupils in the public schools of the Territories and of the Dis- trict of Columbia, and in the military and naval academies. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 797. Dec. 21, 188."). Introd. by Mr. Blair, roy. 8°. [ Washinq- ton, 188-,.] 3 J Yelpe au (A.) * Generalites sur la physiolo- gie et sur la marche a suivre dans l'enseignement de cette science. 4°. Paris, 1831. Physiology (Teaching of). Arloing (S.) L'enseignement et les progres tie la physiologic. Rev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiii, 737-743. — Reel a r8, 208-219.—Dastre (A.) La chaire de physiologic de la Sorbonne. Rev. scient., Par., 1887, xl, 737; 779.—Cierdy. De la physiologie, et de la mauiere de proeeder a 'etudel de cette science. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1821, ix, 290-3U7. - Inauguration des demonstrations pratiques de physiologie a la Nouvelle Ecole pratique (ancien college Rollin). -Tribune nied., Par.. 1880. xiii, 217-221— I, a borne. L'enseignement de la physiologie a la Faculte de Paris; erreurs et ignorance du' "Progres medical". Ibid., 1884, xvi, 25; 49 — liaiiueslcr (E.) Ou the teaching of physiology as a branch of general educa- tion. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1869, Lond., 1870, 376-379 — Laycock (T.) The teaching of physiology in medical schools and asylums. Brit. M. J., Loinl., 1871, i, 382. — Lindsay (Kate). Is the study «f physiology as taught in schools ilemotalizing to woman? Detroit Lancet, 18S2-3, vi, 49-52.—iTIeigs (J. A.) [Some remarks on the methods of studying aud teaching physiology.] N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila.. 1859, iii, 577-611. Also, Reprint.— Physiologic und Hygiene an der Universitat, Berlin. Deutsche nied. "Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 54. — Royrr- Collard (H.) Enseignement, cours de physiologic gene- rale et compartie, par M. de Blaiuville. J. hebd. dc metl., Par., 1829, ii. 500; iii, 19; 56; 205; 462. - Windy (The) of physiology in a veterinary school. Boston M. ct S. J., 1883, cviii, 453. —Teaching physiology in the public schools. By a teacher. Pop. Sc. Month., N. T., 1888, xxxiii, 509-520.—Watson (E.) A short account of work done in a summer course of practical physiology. Glasgow M. J., 1874, [4. s.J, vi, 364-370. Physiology (Comparative). See, also, Biology; Physiology (Vegetable). Anikieff (P. A.) Uchebnikanatomii ifiziologii cheloveka i jivotnich, s kratkim ocherk. jizuetlie- jat. rastenii. 3. rev. ed. [Manual of human aud animal anatomy and physiology, with a short essay on vegetable food. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 18rtf>. Beclard (J.) Traite elementaire de physiolo- gie humaine, comprenant les principales notions de la physiologie comparee. 5. ed. 8°. Paris, 1800. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. 2pts. 8°. Paris, 18-80-84. Bell (F. J.) Comparative anatomy and physi- ology. 12°. Philadelphia, 1885. Beraud (J.-B.) Manuel de physiologie de I'homme et des principaux vertebres. Kevu par M. Ch. Eobiu. 8°. Paris, 1853. -----. The same. 2. ed. Tome ler. 12°. Paris, 185G. Bert (P.) Legons d'anatomie et de physiolo- gie animales. 8°. Paris, 188(5 [1885]. Blumenbach (J. F.) Specimen physiologia; compar;it;e inter animantia calidi et frigidi san- guinis. 4°. Gottingce, 1787. -----. Specimen physiologic comparatic inter animantia calidi sanguinis vivipara et ovipara. 4U. Gottingce, 1789. Bruckmuller (A.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie fiir Thierarzte. Hrsg. von Dr. St. Polansky. 8°. Wien, 1885. Campana. Eecherches d'anatomie, tie physio- logie et d'organogenie, pour la determination eles lois de la genese et de revolution ties especeN animales. Premier memoire: Physiologic de la respiration chez les oiseaux, anatomie de l'ap- pareil pneumatique-pulmonairc, des faux dia- phragraes, des sereuses et de I'intestin chez le poulet, 4°. Paris, 1875. Carpenter ("W. B.) Priuciples of general and comparative physiology, intended as an intro- duction to the study of human physiology, and as a guide to the philosophical pursuit of natural history. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1841. -----. Animal physiology. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1848. PHYSIOLOGY. 272 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Comparative). ----- Principles of comparative physiology. A new Am., from the 4. aud revised Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Colin (G.) Traite de physiologie compare des animaux, cousideree dans ses rapports avec les sciences naturelles, la medeciue, la zootechnie et l'economie rurale. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1871-3 [Nov., 1872]. Cornay (J.-E.) Principes de physiologie et elements de morphogenie generale, ou traite ele la distribution des materiaux de formation dans les especcs naturelles. 12°. Paris, 1853. -----. Principes de physiologie et exposition de la loi divine d'harmonie, ou traite de la dis- tribution legale des especes daus la nature. 12°. Paris, 1802. Coultas (11.) The plant, au illustration of the organic life ofthe animal. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. Duges (A.) Traite de physiologie comparee de I'homme et des animaux. 3 v. 8°. Montpellier 6r Paris, 1838-9. Dutrochet (R.-J.-H.) L'agent immediat du mouvement vital devoiie dans sa nature et dans son mode d'action, chez les vegetaux et chez les animaux. 8C. Paris 4' Londres, 1826. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1827. See, also, supra, Ageut (L') [etc.]. -----. Recherches anatomiques et physio- logiques sur la structure intime des animaux et ties vegetaux et sur leur motilite. 8°. Paris. 1824. -----. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire aua- tomiqne et physiologique des vegetaux et ties animaux. 2 v. et atlas. 8°. Paris, 1837. Forbes (J.) A lecture on the comparative physiology of plants anel animals. 8°. Chiches- ter, 1837. Repr. from: Chichester Magazine. Fiiedericq (L.) La lutte pour l'existence chez les animaux marins. Recherches de physiologie comparee executees aux laboratoires de Roscoff et de Bauyuls. 12°. Paris, 1889. Furneaux (W. S.) Animal physiology. 12°. London, 1888. Hetsixgek (C F.) Grundziige der vcrglei- chentlcn Physiologie mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die nutzbaren Haus-Saugethiere. 8°. Leip- zig, 1831. Kahleyss (J. G. B. ) * De vegetabilium et animalium differentiis. 8°. Halce, [1802]. Kkukenberg (C. F. W. ) Vergleichend- physiologische Studien. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen. 5 Abth. 8°. Heidelberg, 1880-81. -----. Thesame. 2. Reihe. 1.-3. Abth. 8°. Heidelberg, 1882. -----. Vergleichcntl-physiologische Vortrage. 8°. Heidelberg, 1882-5. Martin (G.) De similibus animalibus et ani- malium calore libri duo. 8°. Londini, 1740. Meckel (F.) Abhandluugen aus der mensch- lichen und vergleichendeu Anatomie und Phy- siologie. 12°. Halle, 1806. Merck (J. A.) De coinparatione plantarum et animalium. 8°. Berolini, [178(1]. de la Metiikrie. Vues physiologiques sur l'organisation animale et vegetale. 12J. Am- sterdam, 1780. Muller (.1.) Zur vergleicbenelen Physiologie des Gesichtssinnes des Menschen und der Thiere, nebst eineni Versuch iiber die Beweguugen der Augeu nnd iiber den menschlichen Blick. 83. Leipzig, 1820. de Xecker (N.-J.) Physiologie des corps or- ganises, ou examen analytique ties animaux et des vegetaux compares ensemble, a tlcssein de deinontier la chaiue de continuite qui unit les Physiology (Comparative). ditierens regnes tie la nature. Edition francoise du livre publie en latin a Manheiin, sous le titre de Physiologie des mousses par . . . 12°. Bouillon, 1775. Panizza (B.) Osservazioue antropo-zootomico- fisiologiche. fol. Pavia, 1830. Parallele de la conelition et des facultcs ele I'homme avec la condition et les facultcs des au- tres animaux ; contenant des observations cri- tiques sur l'usage qu'il fait des faculte.s qui lui sout propres, et les avantages qu'il en pourroit re- tirer pourrendresa conditionmeilleure. Ouvrage traduit de l'auglois, sur la 4. ed., par Mr. J.-B. Robiuet. 12°. Bouillon, 1769. de Quatrefages (A.) Physiologie comparee; metamorphoses tie I'homme et des auimaux. 12°. Paris, 1802. Robertson (W. H.) Two lectures on the cir- culation, respiration, antl motle of nutrition in animals and plants; with a short account ofthe mode of growth in monocotyletlinous anel dico- tyletliuous stems, and an investigation into the mutual relation which subsists between these classes of animated nature. Delivered before the Chesterfield Literary and Philosophical Society. 8°. London, 1832. Roget (P. M.) Animal anel vegetable physi- ology, considered, with reference to natural the- ology. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. Schmidt-Mulheim (A.) Grundriss tier spe- ciellen Physiologie der Haussaugethiere fiir Thierarzte und Landwirthe. 2. Halfte. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Selby (W. F.) Analogy between plants and animals. 8°. Philadeli>hia, 1806. Simson (T.) An inquiry how far the vital and animal actions of the more perfect animals can be accounted for, independent of the brain. In five essays, being the substance of the Chandos lectures for the year 1739, and some subsequent years. 8C. Edinburgh, 1752. Spallanzani (L.) Fisica animale e vegeta- ble, esposta in elissertazioni colla giunta di el tie scritti sullo stessei argomento del . . . Bonnet in- diretti all' autore. 3 v. lb°. Venezia, 1782. -----. The same. Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables. Transl. from the Italian. To which are added two letters from Mr. Bonnet to the author, and (to each volume of this translation) an appen- dix, the first containing a paper written by Mr. Hunter, aud the experiments of Dr. Stevens ou digestion; the second, a translation of a memoir of Mr. Demours, and Mr. Debraw's paper on the fecundation of bees. 2 v. 8°. London, 1784. -----. Tracts on the nature of animals and vegetables. [Translation.] 8°. Edinburgh, 1799. -----. Tracts on the natural history of ani- mals and vegetables, translated from the original Italian, by John Graham Dalycll, esq., advocate, with physiological illustrations; by the trans- lator. 2. ed. 2 v. 8J. Edinburgh, 1803. Same as preceding, with many additions. -----. The same. Opuscules de physique animale et vegetale. Augmentes tie ses experi- ences sur la digestion tie I'homme et des animaux, traduits tie l'italien par Jean Senebier. On y a joint plusieurs lettres relatives a ces opuscules ecrites a Mr. l'abbe Spallanzani par Mr. Charles Bonnet et par d'autres naturalistes celebrcs. 2 v. 8°. Pavie 4' Paris, 1787. , Stokes (G.) *De analogia incrementi in ani- malibus et plantis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1797. von Tiianiioffer(L.) Grundziige der verglei- chendeu Physiologie und Histologie. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1885. PHYSIOLOGY. • 273 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Comparative). Wyman (J.) Twelve lectures on comparative physiology, delivered before the Lowell Institute, in Boston^ January aud February, 1849. [From : Boston Dailv Evening Traveller.] 8°. Boston, 1840. -----. The same. 8C. New York, 1849. Arnold (C.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Physiologie. Mitth. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bern (1880), 1881, 2. pt., 151-192.—Brandt (K.) Leber Syniliio.se von Algen und Thieren. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz.,1883,445-454.—JJi-o«ii (F I) Unzer's question: Do true insentient animals exist i Brit. M. J., Loud, 1866, i, 519-521.—Cnrlct (G.) Quel- ques reflexions sur la physiologie comparee. Rev. in- ternat. d. sc, Par., 1878, i, 609-612.—Darwin (F.) Lesana- logiesdelavie vegefaleet delavie animale. Ibid., 557; 620; 705__Donirr (B.) Contributions to comparative anat- omy and physiology. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1860-61, xvii, 609; 772": 1861, xviii, 67; 390.— Foylinla (G.) Sulle attitu- dini fisiologiche comparative elel bue chianino e del bite mncco pisano. Gior. di anat.. tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1879,287-296.—Ilcyiisins (A.) Over hit tegenwoor- dig standpunt der physiologie en liaar verband met de ge- neeskunde. Ann. Acad. Neerl. 1866-7, Lugd. Bat., 1871, 53-78. — I>oi»el. Determination de la transpiration pul- mouaire et cntanee dans l'espece bovine. Bull. med. tlu nord, Lille, 1849-53, ii, 43-48- Prtligrcw (J. B.) On the physiology of the circulation iu plants, in the lower animals, and'in man. Edinb. M. J.. 1872-3, xviii, 1; 97; 193; 289; 385; 481 ; 577; 673; 769; 865; 961.-----. A lect- ure on the relations of plants and animals to inorganic- mat- ter, and on the interaction of the vital ami phvsieal forees. Lancet, Lond., 1873,ii, 691-696. Also, Reprint.—Kawpail (M.) tin the physiology of health aud disease, as applied to vegetables and animals, but more especially to man. Metl. Times, Lond., 1843-4. ix, 1; 15; 30; 43; 57; 71; 99; 113; 127; 157; 185; 210; 258; 314; 365; 427; 479.— Kl'- guard (P.) &. Blanchard (I!.) Recherches sur la phy- siologic ties animaux a sang froiel : de la puissance masse tc- rienne chez les crocodiliens. Compt. rend. Soc. dehiol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 317-319.-----------.2enote: Chimie du sang i-hez le caiman a museau de brochet et chez le croco- dile a. casque. Ibid., 332-335.------------. 3enote: Du role du foramen dc Panizza chez les crocodiliens. Ibid., 355-358.— Ken be I (J.) TJeber den Stand und die Pffege tier Physiologie in unseren Tagen. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Aluni'h'cn, 1847, i, 1-7.—Sanson (A.) Memoire sur la theorie tin d6veloppement preeoce des animaux tlomes- tiques. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1872, viii, 113- 159, 2 pi.—Savory (W. S.j On the relation ofthe vege- table and animal to the inorganic kingdom. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 553; 579. -----. On motion in plants and an- imals. Ibid.. 1862, ii, 79; 107.—von Tolttnyi. Vom Einflusse der vergleichenden Physiologie uud Pathologie auf die Medicin. Verhandl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1842, i, 137-156.—Tuiiias (L.) Ueber die Be- deutung der Bewegung fiir das Leben der niederen Orna- iiismin. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 149-152.— Virey (J.-J.) Considerations sur les rapports de Paction ties alimens ties niedicamens et des poisons sur differens animaux. J. univ. d. sc. nied.. Par., 1817, vi, 26-37.— Whitman (C. 0.) The seat of formative and regenera- tive energy. J. Morphol., Bost., 1888, ii, 27-49. Physiology (Experimental). See, also, Cadaver (Experiments on); Decapi- tation; Epilepsy (Artificial production of); Ex- periments; Fistula (Gastric); Frog; Germs (Investigation of); Graphic method; Labora- tories; Medicine (Experimental); Medicines (Physiological action, etc., of); Myograph; Pa- thology (Experimental); Physiology (Period- icals, etc., relating to); Poisons; Temperature (Regulation of); Vivisection. Anrep (V. K.) Shornik rahot, proizvedeunich v lahoratorii V. K. Anrepa. Vipusk 1, 1885-6. [Investigations made in the Laboratory of V. K. - Anrep. Pt. 1, 1885-6.] 8°. Charkoff, 1886. Bernard (C.) Lecons de physiologie experi- mentale, appliquee a la medecine. 2 v. 8°. Part's, 1855. -----. Introduction a l'etude de la medecine exptSri men tale. 8°. Paris, 1865. -----. La science expe"rimentale. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1878. Bert (P.) Recherches experimentales pour servir a I'histoire de la vitalite" propre des tissus animaux. 4°. Paris, 1866. 18 Physiology (Experimental). de Briche (J.) Le pendule, ou indication et examen d'un ph^nomene physiologique depen- dant de la voloute. 12°. Paris, 1838. Bufalini (G.) Reneliconto delle ricerche spe- rimentali eseguite nel gahiuetto fisiologico della r. Universita di Siena. (Anuo 1878-9, secondo quadrimestre.) 8°. Siena, 1879. Castan (A.) *Appr6cier les services que la physiologie exp6rimontale a rendus et peut ren- dre a la pathologie interne. 4°. Montpellier, 1860. Catalogue ties instruments de pr6cision pour la physiologie et la ru6ilecino construits par Charles Verdin. 8°. Paris, [1888]. Coste (J.-J.-M.-C-V.) De l'ohservation et ele l'exp6rieuce en physiologie; du laboratoire. 8°. Paris, 1869. Curzio (P.) Dell' emetostato e di sua effici- enza nonche ele' vantaggi e degli usi del mede- simo. Breva memoria letta nel vii. Congresso degli scienziati italiaui. 8°. Napoli, 1845. Cyon (E.) Methodik der physiologischen Ex- pcrimente unel Vivisectionen. Mit Atlas. 2 v. roy. 8°. Giessen u. St. Petersburg, 1876. Fornara (D.) Sugli esperimenti hiologici. 8°. Genova, 1884. Handbook for the physiological laboratory, by E. Klein, J. Burdon Sanderson, Michael Fos- ter, aud T. Lauder Brunton. Edited by J. Bur- don Sanderson. 2 v. 8°. London, 1873. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. Harris (B. D.) & Power (d'A.) .Manual for the physiological laboratory. 4. ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1888. von Haurowitz (H.) Organicheskoe razvitie chelovieka po novieshim izsliedovauijam nauki. (PerevodsNiemetskago.) [Development of man, according to recent investigations. Transl. from the German.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. Levillain (F.) * Essai critique sur les pro- gres realises par la physiologie exp6rimentale et la methode amitomo-clinique dans l'etude des fonctions du cerveau. 4°. Paris, 1884. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1884. Ludwig (C. F. W.) Rede beim Beginn tier Vorlesungen in der neuen physiologischen An- stalt zu Leipzig. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Marey (E\-J.) Physiologie exp6riuientale. Travaux du laboratoire. Annee 1875. Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. 8°. Paris, 1876. -----. The same. Annees 1878-9. 8°. Pa- ris, 1H80. Moleschott (J.) Zur Erforschung des Le- bens. Rede beim Antritt der Professor fiir Phy- siologie an der Hochschule zu Turin. Gehalteu am 16. December 1861. 12°. Giessen, 1862. -----. The same. Del metodo nella investi- gazione della vita, [etc.]. 8C. Torino, 1802. Muller (J. A.) *De vulueribus ductuutn ex- cretoriorum decolorum. 8°. Tubingce, [1819]. Onimus. Des erreurs qui ont pu etre commises dans les experiences physiologiques par l'emploi de l'eiectricite. 8°. Paris, 1877. Pettenkoffer (M.) Ueber einen neuen Res- pirations-Apparat. 4°. Miinchen, 1861. Repr. from.- Abhandl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. II Cl. IX. ii Abth. Philipeaux (J.-M.) Etudes experimentales sur la greffe animale et sur la regeneration de la rate chez les mamniif c>res et des membres chez les salamandres aquatiques. 8°. Paris, [1868], Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1868, vii (Zool.). Physiological experiments as applied to di- gestion, alimentation, and nutrition, together with matter of the highest importance to practi- tioners. 8°. New York, [1885]. PHYSIOLOGY. 2 Physiology (Experimental). Queen (J. \V.) & Co. Catalogue of instru- ments of precision, for use in physiology and medicine. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. Rabuteau (A.-P.-A.) *£tuele experimentale sur les effets physiologiques des fluorures et des composes metalliques en general. 4°. Paris, 1867. Roever (G.) Kritische und experimentelle Untersuchung des Nerveueinflnsses auf die Er- weiterung und Verengerung tier Blutgefiisse . . . Preisschrift. 8°. Rostock, 1869. Sohg (F. L. A.) *Experimenta physiologica et medica. 8°. Wirceburgi, [1798]. Teixeira de Souza (J. E.) Influencia das experieucias physiologicas sobre o progresso da meelicina pratica. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1879. Vulpian (A.) Eludes experimeutales: 1°, Sur la teuelance a l'attitude normale chez les asteries; 2°, Sur la physiologie de developpement; 3°, Sur les niouvements de rotation determines par les lesions de diverses parties de l'encephale. 8°. [Paris, 1862.] See, also, infra. Wilgenrotii (M. R.) *Pericula nonnulla in animalibus violenter necatis facta. 8°. Bero- lini, [1833]. Albini (G.) Elenco degli apparecchi, maccbine, istru- menti, tableaux, libri ec. dell' Istituto fisiologico. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1863, v, 835-838.—d'Ai-Nonval (A.) Appa reil pour inscrire la quantite d'oxygene absorb6e par un etre vivant. Compt. rentl. Soc. ele- biol., Par., 1887, 8. s , iv, 43.—Bernard (C.) Pancreatic secretion. Charleston M. J. cfe Rev., 1852, vii, 49-56. -----. De la diversit6 des animaux sounds a 1'experimentatiou de la variabilit6 des conditions organiques dans lesquelles iis s'offrent a l'expe- rimentateur. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1865, ii, 497-500.—Bowditch (H. P.) Physiological apparatus in use at. the Harvarel Medical School. J. Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, ii, 202-205.—Brown-Sequard (C.-E.) Note sur la dur6e de la vie des grenouilles en automne et en biver, apres l'extirpation tie la moelle allongcSe et ele quel- ques autres portions du centre nerveux cCr6bro-rachidien. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1847, xxiv, 363; 849: xxv, 389; 482; 508. Also, Reprint. -----. Experimental re- searches applied to phvsiology and pathology. Metl. Exam., Phila., 1852, n. s'., viii, 481; 549; 617; 698. Also, Reprint. -----. Experimental and clinical researches applied to physiology and pathology. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1856-7, lv, 337; 377; 421; 457: 1857. lvi, 54; 112; 155; 174; 216; 271; 338; 433; 473: 1857-8, Ivii, 12; 151; 212; 255. — It run 3 on ( T. L.) A simple method of demon- strating the effect of heat and poisons upon the heart of tho frog. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1875-6, x, 602.—Car. pen ter (W. B.) Sir Charles Bell and physiological ex- perimentation. Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1882, n. 8., xxxi, 468-475. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1882, xxi, 178-18.').— Cespedcs (B.) La fisiologia experimental en Espana. An. Soc. fisiol. escolar, Madrid, 1877, i, 34-37. — G'haillc (S. E.) On experimental physiology. N. Orl. M. cfe S. J., 1860-61, xvii, 761-771. — da Costa Simoes (A. A.) 0 registrador Chauveau no laboratorio de physiologia experi- mental em Coimbra. Coimbra med., 1885, v, 72; 83, 1 pi.— CybiiNki. Ometodachbadaniafizyjologicznego. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1885, xxiv, 581; 597.—Dalton (J.C.) The experimental method in medical science. [Cartwright lect- ures.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 85; 113; 141. Also, Keprint. Also: Metl. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 89; 117; 145; 180. — Dastre (A.) Op6ration de Thiry; fistule cbol6- cysto jejunale; fistule uretero-rectale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.,' Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 463-466. —Davy (J.) An ac- count of some experiments on tlifferent parts of the human body. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1828-9, iii, pt. 2, 549- 565. A Iso, Reprint.—Dawson (C.) A new dog-holding apparatus. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1887, iv, 51-53,1 pi.—Devergie (A.) Del'experimentation physiologique dans l'expertise medico-16gale. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1866. 2. s., xxvi, 168-232.—Bowler (B.) Contributions to physiology. N. Orl. M. cfe S. J., 1849-50, vi, 321-342. Also, Reprint. [See, also, infra, Musgrave (H. B.)] -----. Con- tributions to experimental physiology. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1852-3, ix, r>8; 121.—Duval (M.) Relation succincted'ex- periences pbysioloniquesfaitesal'ficolede medecine navale ae Brest snir'dt's supplicies, presentee au Congres medical international. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1867, 2. s., iv, 725-729.-----. Rapport, au nom d'une commission, sur le dernier examen et rautopsie du chien presente a la Societe de biologie par le Dr. E. Dupuv. Compt. rentl. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 371 - 374. — Elli* ( F. W.) De- scription of a piston recorder for air connections. J. Phy- siol., Lond., 1886, vii, 309-313,1 pi.-----. The liquid piston PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Experimental). recorder and the n-gistration of its movements hy means of photography. Ibid., 314. -----. Deseriptiouof asimpH. fled clock-work apparatus for graphic- expe-riiucuts. Hos- ton M. cfe S. J., 1887, cxvii, 57. — E wnld ( J. R.) Einei Stereoscopcamera fiir lehensgrosse Aufnahmen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1888-9, xliv, 346-351,1 pi.—Fick (A.) Eine Verbesserung des Blutwellenzeichners. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882-3. xxx, 597-601.—von l-'leiNchl (E.) Das Chronautogiapliimu. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, 131-133.—Foiirnic (E\) Claude Bernard et la me- thode experimentale. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1882, i, 1; 37; 73; 109; 145; 181; 217; 253. — Fredericq (L.) Proced6 op6ratoire nouveau pour l'etude physio- logique des organes thoraciques. Arch, de biol., (laud, 1885, vi, 111-113.—Fubini (S.) Introduzione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale dell' Universitadi Palermo. Osser- vatore, Torino, 1882, xviii, 49-57.—«alton (P.) Exhibi- tion of instruments (1) for testing perception of differeuceH of tint, and (2) for determining reaction time. J. Anthrnp. Inst., Lond., 1889-90, xix, 27-29. — Giannuzzi ((1. ) Ricerche eseguite nel gabinetto di fisiologia della r. Uni- versita di Siena. Atti d. r. Accad. ele' fisiocrit. di Siena. Cl. d. sc. fis., 1870,2. s.,vii, 35-60— Gramleaii (L.) Note sur la bascule physiologique et ses applications. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxv, 455-457.—Griitzncr (P.) Ein einfacher Zoitmarkirungsapparat. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1887, xii, 290-293.—Ouerin (J.) Ex- pos6 d'un nouveau systeme d'appareils propres a realiser {'occlusion pneumati'que a la surface du corps humain. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1866, lxiii, 767- 771.—Hall (M.) Experiments in physiology as a question of medical ethics. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 58-60.— Heidi n- hain (R.) Ein mechanischer Tetanomotor fiir Vivi- sectionen. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiero, Frank, a. M., 1858, iv, 124-133. — Henle (J.) Versucho und Beobachtungen an einem Enthaupteten. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1852, n. F., ii, 299-312,1 pi.—J aequo ■net. De 1'experimentatiou en physiologie. Montpel. metl., 1858, i, 55; 256. — Janet ( P.) La methode experi- mentale et la physiologie. Rev. el. deux mondes, Par., 1866, lxii, 908-936.—Jones (H. B.) Ou the rapidity ofthe passage of crystalloid substances into the vascular audnon- vascular textures of the body. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, i, 490.—Jones (J.) Physical, chemical, antl physio- logical investigations upon the vital phenomena, structure, anil offices of the solids and fluids of animals. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1856, n. s., xxxii, 13-63.— Kaatschcnko (N.) Methode zur genauen Reconstruction kleinerer tnakrosko- piscberGegenstande. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgrsch., Leipz., 1886, 388-393, 1 pi. — von Kries (J. ) cfe Mcwall (H.) Ueber tlie Summirung tintermaximaler Reize in Muskeln und Nervon. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1881, 66- 77. — Kronecker. Ueber die Aspiration von Blut und Luft. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi, 182-184.- Laborde. De 1'experimentatiou physiologique comnio foudement de la therapeutique rationnelle et de la me- thode experimentale dans ce cas. [Extr.J Assoc, f'rauc. pour 1'aviince. d. sc Compt. rend. 1872, Par., 1873, i, 1025.—Ijevasclieff (S. V.) K metodike nalqjenija fistul. [Method of establishing fistulse.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1883, iii, 52-58. Also, transl.: Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882-3, xxx, 535-543— Lining (J.) Ex- tracts from two letters, giving an account of statical ex- periments made several times a day upon himself, for one whole year accompanied with meteorological observations; to which are subjoined six general tables, deduced from the whole year's course. Phil. Tr. 1732-44 (abridged), Lond., 1747,' ix, 475-488: (1743-50), 1756, x, 1350-1355.- I.oiigct (F.-A.) Sur lis troubles qui surviennent dans l'equilibration, la statiou et la locomotion des aniniaux apres la section des parties molles de la nuquo. Bull. Acad. tie. metl., Par., 1844-5, x, 1014-1024. Also. Reprint.— Tit Donncll (R.) What has experimental physiology done for the advancement of the pract ice of surgery ? Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1877, n. s., xxiv, 486-493. Also, Re- print, 1878: Also, Reprint, 1882.—de IVIaredo Pinto (J. F.) Resumo das preleccoes de physiologia experimental fietas na Universidade de Coimbra pelo . . . [Extr. da Rev. Acad. | J. Soc. el. se. med. de Lisb., 1845, xxii, 9; 157; 275. — iTI'Kcndrick (J. G.) On an apparatus for maintaining artificial respiration in physiological experi- ments. Edinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii, 626, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Address to tho department of anatomy and physi- ology on the future of physiological research. Rep. Brit. Ass.'Adv. Sc. 1876, Lond., 1877, xlvi, 126-148.-----Note on a simple form of Lippmann's capillary electrometer useful to physiologists. J. Anat. cfe Physiol., Lond., 1882-3, xvii, 345-348.—Ulalaswcz (L.) [Sur quelques nouveaux appareils.] Compt. rend. Soc. le biol.. Par., 1885, 8. s., n, 277: 1886. 8. 3., iii, 349. Also: Arch, tie phvsiol. norm, ct path., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 257-280.—itlarey (E.-J.) -La pliotochronographie et ses applications a 1 analyse des pheuomeuos physiologiques. Arch, tie phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1889, 5. s., i, 508-517. — ?Ios*o. Nuovo ap- parecchio di Pettenkofer e Voit nell Universita di Torino. Gior. tl. r. Acca.tl di med. di Toriuo, 1881, 3. s., xxix, 314- 318. — ITlusgravc (H. B.) Observations oa Dr. Dowh-r s PHYSIOLOGY. 275 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Experimental). -xiKi-iment on tho Saurian of Louisiana. West. Lancet, Cincin 1850, xi, 285-287. - Parra ( P.) Considera- eWines 'sobre el nietodo en fisiologia. Gac. med., Mejico, 1886 xxi 277; 306; 335. —Paul (C. ) Remarque sur la balance avec cylindre enregistreur. Compt rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 548.-Pettenkofer (M.) Description of apparatus for testing the results of PT sniration and respiration in the Physiological Institute TMunioh Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1864, 235-239— I'evraui (C.) Prolusione al corso di fisiologia speri- mentale nella r. Universita di Parma, letta il 18 novem- bre 1872 Gior. el. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1872, 3. s., xii 514-540. — Plliiger (E.) Ueber elie Wirkung der Wassorstrahlpumpe und die zweckmiissige Eiuncbtung ties Exsiccators. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1885-6, xxxviii 311.-----.UebereinigeEinnchtungentierQueck- silberlu'ftpumpe, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf tlie Gewin- nunsr der Carbonate aus eingescbmolzenen Kohren. I bid., 1888-9 xliv, 5-9,1 pi.—Poole (T. W.) Some fallacies of (G.) I progr...,., indirizzo della medicina. Gior. internaz. tl. sc. med., Na- poli 1880, ii, 113-128.—von Regeczy (E. N.) Beitrage zurFiltrationslehre. Arch.f.d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882-3, xxx 544-595, 1 diag— Regnard (P.) Sur un diffusio- eraphe. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 14- 16. _ Rene (A.) I. Modification a la pince cardiogra- phique de Marey; cardiographe a poids. II. Modification au tambour & levier de Marey; tambour a, levier rectifi- able. Ibid., 1887, 8. s., iv, 177-181. — [Reviews. On the value of experimental physiology.] Brit. J. Homoeop., Lond., 1883, xii, 35-46. —Richardson (B. W.) On ex- perimentation on animals tor the knowledge and cure of disease. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 5-7.—Rogers (RE.) Experiments upon the blood, together with some new facts in regard to animal and vegetable structures, illustrative of many of the most important phenomena of organic life; among them respiration, animal heat, venous circulation, secretion, and nutrition. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836, xvin, 277-301. Also, Reprint. —Rutherford (W.) Lectures ou experimental physiology. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 1; 75; 183; 295; 437; 563; 705: ii, 665; 739; 841: 1872, l, 69; 210; 673.—Ryder (J. A.) Holman's new compri-ssoriuin and moist chamber. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1880, 3. s., lxxx, 121-123.—Salisburg (J. H.) Physiological observa- tions and experiments, connected with food, pulse, respira- tion, urine, feces, and saliva; made by and on thirteen medical gentlemen of the Biological Society of Charity Hospital Medical College, during a period of sixteen con- secutive days. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, u. s., 1, 413-417. -----. Physiological experiments connected with the silent, talking, and passive movement pulse, and the silent respiration. Ibid., 1866, n. s., Iii, 92-97. —Smith (R. M.) Lectures on experimental physiology. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 527: 1879, xl, 111; 309; 375; 507: xii,45.—Tarchanoff(J.{&Parchoinenkoflf (J.) Ueber die graphische Darstellung der Schwankungen ties Galvanometerzeigers auf photographischem Wege. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl, 352-359, 1 pi.— Tigersledt (R.) Om de fysiologiska institutionerna i mellersta Europa. Hygiea, 'Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 211- 232,11 diag.—Turner (J.) Novel experiments on arteries and their contents. [Abstr. of: A register of experiments, anatomical, physiological, and pathological, performed on living animals'.] Lancet, Lond., 1838-9, ii, 294-299.— Voit (C.) Beschreibung eines Apparates zur Unter- suchung der gasformigen Ausscheidungen des Thierkor- pers. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1875, ix, 532-586, 3 pi.— Vulpian (A.) Recherches exp6rim en tales sur Ia ten- dance a l'attitnde normale chez les Asteries. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol. 1861, Par., 1862, 3. s.,iii,pt. 1,189-196. [See,also, snpra.] -----. Experiences relatives a la physiologie du developpement: I. Developpement des erabryons de gre- nouille apres l'ablation de la tete. II. Essais de produc- tion de monstres dicephales et de monstres diures. III. Influence des lesions du systeme nerveux central sur le developpement. Ibid., 219-233. [See, also, supra.]-----. Mouvements de rotation observes chez les tetards tie gre- nouille a la suite de lesions pratiquees sur le centre nerveux; examen critique des diverses explications propos6es au su- jet des mouvements de rotation que l'on determine ainsi. Ibid., 233-245. [See, also, supra.] — Warner ( F.) The study of nerve-muscular movements; apparatus for their automatic enumeration. J. Physiol., Lond., 1886, vii, 316- - 318, 1 pi.—Weber (E.) cfe Weber (E. H.) Experimenta physiologica in Theatro anatomico Lipsiensi facta. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845, cxvi, 225-233. — Worm- ITIiiller efe Nehroeter (J. F.) Fernere Bemerkungen bet re lis eles Koberts'schen Mnltiplicators. Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl, 282-310.—Yco (G. F.) Arris and Gale lectures on the relation of experimental physiol- ogy to practical medicine. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 939; 977; 1021: ii, 1; 131; 173. Physiology (Pathological). See Pathology. Physiology (Popular). See, also, Anatomy (Popular); Generation, etc. (Popular treatises on); Hygiene; Medicine (Popular). Acland (H. W.) Note on teaching physiology in the higher schools. 12°. Oxford & London, 1858. Alcott (W. A.) An aelelress delivered before the American Physiological Society. 8°. Boston, 1837. -----. The laws of health: or sequel to " The house I live in". 8°. Boston, 1859. -----. Das Haus in elem ich wohne. Erklit- rung der Bauart und tier Verrichtuugen eles menschlichen Korpers. Fiir den Familienge- brauch. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Barnes (T.) The substance of a lecture on the structure and physiology of man. 8°. Car- lisle, 1838. Bennett (J. H.) Physiology as a branch of general education and of natural science of students in arts. An address. 8°. Edinburgh, 1869. Beron (P.) Physico-physiologie, ou applica- tion de la physique a l'explication de la vie et de la reproduction, suivie d'un appendice sur I'homme avaot la naissance, pendant la vie et apres la mort. 8°. Paris, 1864. Extr. from: Physique simplifiee. Bird (F. W.) Physiological reform. An ael- dress. 12°. Boston, 1837. Bourdon (I.) Lettres a Camille sur la phy- siologie de I'homme : Exposition precise des ph6- nomeues de la vie, avec planches d'apres le sys- teme de Gall. 16°. Bruxelles, 1834. -----. The same. Lettres a Camille sur la physiologie. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1843. Burdach (C. F.) Anthropologie fiir das ge- bildete Publicum. 8°. Stuttgart, 1837. -----. The same. Umgearbeitet und hrsg. von dessen Sohne Ernst Burdach. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1847. Bushnan (J. S.) The principles of animal and vegetable physiology; a popular treatise on the functions and phenomena of organic life. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. C. (W.) & P. (C. F.) Physiologie de l'espece humaine. 24°. Paris, 1844. Coates (R.) Syllabus of a course of popular lectures on physiology. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. -----. First lines of physiology ... for the use of common schools, [etc.]. 6. ed., with an appentlix. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. Combe (A.) The principles of physiology ap- plied to the preservation of health and to the improvement of physical and mental education. 12°. New York, 1834. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1837. -----. The same. From the 7. Edinb. ed. 12°. New York, 1843. Combe (G.) The constitution of man consid- ered iu relation to external objects. With an additional chapter on the harmony between phre- nology and revelation, by Joseph A. Warne. 9. Am. ed. 8°. Boston, 1839. -----. The same. 8°. Hartford, 1849. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1851. , „ -----. On teaching physiology and its ap- plication in common schools. *°. Edinburgh, I857- , ^ x. • t Comings (B. N.) Class-book of physiology; for the use of schools and families. 8°. New York 1853. __!___. 'The same. 2. ed.} with an appendix. 8°. Memphis, 1860. PHYSIOLOGY. 27 Physiology (Popular). Comte (J.-A.) Physiologie pour les colleges et les gens du monde. 4°. Paris, 1834. Conversations on the auimal economy. By a physician. 2 v. 12°. London, 1827. Courteney (L. T.) Travels in the interior, or the wonderful adventures of Luke aud Belinda. Etlited by a Loudon physiciau. 8°. London, 1887. Draper (J. W.) A text-book on physiology. For the use of schools antl colleges. Being an abridgement of the author's larger work ou human physiology. 8°. New York, 1866. Eschricht (D. F.) Das physische Leben in populairen Vortragen dargestellt. 2. Ausg. 8°. Berlin, 1856. Esrey (W. P.) A treatise on anatomy and physiology. 8°. Philadelphia, 1851. Foster ( M. ) Science primers. Physiology. 16°. New York, 1874. Fothergill (J. M.) Animal physiology for Bchools; in three parts. 16°. London, 1881. Fowler (I.) Der Liebling des Hauses (das Kind) und seine Erhaltung. Drei Vorlesungen iiber Verdauung, Blutumlauf uud Athmung. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Fowler (0. S.) Physiology, auimal and men- tal ; applied to the preservation and restoration of health of boely, and power of mind. 5. etl. 12°. New York, 1849. Funke (O.) Lehrbuch der Physiologie. 5. Aufl. 1. Bel. [1.-21. Bogen]. b°. Leipzig, 1870. Galet. Le corps de I'homme, ou l'auatomie et la physiologie humaines, mises a la port6e de toutes les classes de la soci6te\ 4 v. 4°. Paris, 1835-41. Garnet (T.) Popular lectures ou zoonomia, or the laws of auimal life, in health aud disease. 4°. London, 1804. Gluge(G.) Encyclope'die populaire. Physio- logie. 12°. Bruxelles, [1850]. Goadby (H.) A text-book of vegetable and animal physiology. Designed for the use of schools, seminaries, antl colleges in the Uniteel States, roy. 8°. New York, 1858. Griscom (J. H.) Animal mechanism and phy- siology ; being a plain anel familiar exposition ofthe structure and functions of the human sys- tem. Designed for the use of families and schools. 12°. New York, 1840. -----. The same. 16°. New York, 1855. Guyot-Daubks. Curiosity's physiologiques. Les honnnes-phe'uonienes; force, agilite", adresse. Hercules, coureurs, sauteurs, nageurs, plongeurs, gynmastes, 6quilibristes, tlisloques, jongleurs, avaleurs do sabres, tireurs. roy. 8°. Paris, 1886. Hamilton (F. H.) The essentials of physi- ology anel hygiene, a text-book to accompany White's physiological manikin, prepareel under the authority of the State of New York, by Francis Delafield aud T. Mitchell Prudden. 8°. Neiv York, 1886. Harless (E.) Populare Vorlesungen aus dem Gebiet der Physiologie und Psychologie. sm. 8°. Braunschweig, 1851. Haskell (B.) A lecture, introductory to the first course of lectures ou popular physiology, instituted by the American Physiological Soci- ety, October 10, 1837. 8°. Boston, 1838. Hayward (G.) Outlines of human physiol- ogy ; designed for the use of the higher classes in common schools. 8°. Boston, 1834. Hildebrand (F. G. K.) Die Wunder eler Zeu- gung. Eine populare Physiologie. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. physiology. Physiology (Popular). Hixton (J.) Physiology for practical use. With an introductiou by E. L. Youmans. 8° New York, 1874. Hooker (W.) Human physiology: designed for colleges and the higher classes in schools, and for general reading. 8°. New York, 1854. Hotze (C. L.) First lessons in physiology: for use in the common schools. 8°. St. Lo?iis 1875. Human (The) body and its structure; with hints on health. 12°. London, [188^]. Hutchison (J. C.) A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institut ions and geueral readers. 8°. New York, 1870. Huxley (T. H.) Lessons in elementary physi- ology. 8°. London, 1866. —--- & Youmans (W. J.) The elements of physiology and hygiene; a text-book for educa- tional institutions. Revised ed. 8°. New York, 1876. Jarvis (E.) Practical physiology for the use of schools anel families. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. -----. Primary physiology, for schools. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. Kemp (T. L.) The natural history of creation. 12°. London,1852. Lambert (T. S.) Popular anatomy and physi- ology, adapted to the use of stutlents aud gene- ral readers. 8°. New York, 1850. Lardner (D.) Animal physiology for schools. 8°. London, 1858. Lectures delivered to the employe's of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, by H. N. Martin anel H. .Si wall, W. T. Sedgwick and W. K. Brooks. For free distribution among the em- ployes of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- pany. 8C. Baltimore, 1882. Lee (C. A.) Human physiology, for the use of elementary schools. 11. eel. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Lewes (G. H.) The physiology of common life. 2 v. 16°. Leipzig, 1866. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1867. M'Kendi;ick(J. G.) Animal physiology. 12°. London <$• Edinburgh, 1876. -----. Combe Trust Health Lectures for the People. No. 1. Waste anel repair. 8°. Glas- gow § Edinburgh, 1881. Mann (R. J.) A guide to the knowledge of life, vegetable and animal; being a comprehen- sive manual of physiology, viewed in relation to the maintenance of health. 4. ed. 16°. Lon- don, [1856]. -----. The same. Revised and corrected. 8°. New York, 1860. Marchal de Calvi ( C.-J. ) Physiologie de I'homme a l'usage ties gens du monde. 12°. Paris, 1841. Martin (H. N.) The human body An ac- count of its structure and activities, antl the con- ditions of its healthy working. 8°. New York, 1881. Meyer (G. H.) Der Mensch als lebendiger Organisinus. Ein Hiilfsbuch fiir Lehrer, Se- minare und hohere Lehranstalten, sowie zuin Selbstunterricht fiir Jedermann. 8°. Stuttgart, 1877. Moxlau (J.) Nociones de fisiologia 6 higienc con las nociones de anatomia humana correspon- dientes; obra escrita para uso de la juveutud escolar, y estudio de la asignatnra establecida en el plan vigente de cstuelios tie segunda ense- iianza, y revisada por Pedro Felipe Monlau. 3. ed. 12&. Madrid, 1872. Nichols (T. L.) Human physiology, the basis of sanitary and social science. 12 . London, [1872]. PHYSIOLOGY. 277 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Popular). f'UYSiOLoiiY for practical use. By various writers. Edited by James Hinton. 2 v. 12°. London, 1872. Reynolds (E.) On the importance of a knowl- edge of the principles of physiology, to parents and teachers. 8°. Boston, 1833. Rohatzsch (R. H.) Des Menschen Keirper- lehen im gesunelen Zustande, oeler Versuch einer gemeiufasslichen und eiufachen Darstelluug tier Elemeute der Physiologie, fiir Anfanger im medizinischen Studium, Lehrer an Real- und Biirgersclnilen uud Gebildete aller Stiinde. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. G. H. von Schubert. 8°. Nbrdlingen, 1842. Small (E.) Anatomy antl physiology rendered attractive, and the laws of health made plain, in conversations between a physiciau anel his chiltlren. Designed for schools anel families, and for general reaeling. 8°. Boston, 1864. Small books on great subjects. No. II. On the connection between physiology and intel- lectual science. From the 2. Lond. ed. 16° Philadelphia, 1846. Taylor (Jane). Physiology for children. 32°. New York, 1847. -----. Wouklst know thyself! or the out- lines of human physiology. 12°. New York, [1858]. Vlachonuloff (D. K.) Anatomija i fiziolo- gija chelovieka. V objemie kursa jeuskich gin- inazii, institutov, uchitelskich semiuarii i gorod- skich uchilisch. [Anatomy anel physiology of man. Text-book for course in gymnasiums, for female institutes, seminaries, and city schools.] 16°. Moskva, 1888. Wilder (B. G.) What young people should know. The reproductive function in man and the lower animals. 8°. Boston, [1875]. Wilkinson (J. J. G.) The human body and its connection with man, illustrated by the prin- cipal organs. 8°. Philadelphia, 1851. Fothergill (J. M.) The physiologist in the house- hold. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond.', 1880, n. s., xxx, 43; 67; 88.—Huxley (T. H.) On elementarv instruction in phvs- iology. Pop. Se. Month., N. Y., 1877, xi, 668-672.—Spil- man (C. H.) A popular physiological fallacy. Cincin. M. Repert., 1870, iii, 489-495. Physiology (Vegetable). See, also, Chlorophyll; Generation in plants; Monsters (Vegetable); Physiology (Compara- tive). Agardh (J. G) De cellula vegetabili fibrillis tenuissimis coutexta. 4°. Lundce, 1852. Arrangements of vegetable tissues antl or- gans, analyses of natural orders, and other tables, for the use of students of botany. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1846. Autenrieth (H. F.) Disquisitio quaestionis acaderuicae de discrimine sexuali jam in semini- bus plautarum elioicarum appareute praBmio regio ornata; adelitis quibusdam de sexu plan- tarum argumentis generalibus. 4°. Tubingce, 1821. Backer (G.) *Diss. botanico med. inaug. de radicum plantarum physiologia, earunique vir- tutibus medicis, plantarum physiologia illus- trandis. 8 \ Amstelodami, 1829. Baintner (F.) * De pra3cipuis basibus vege- taliilium salinis. 8°. Pestini, [1830]. Barrois (T.) * Role ties inscctes dans la fe^con- dation des v6ge"taux. 8°. Paris, 1886. Bell (G.) *De physiologia plantarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1777. Also, in: Smelue. Thesaurus med. [etc.1. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, iii, 471-495. Boehmer (G. R.) [Pr. ] commoda qtuc arbores a cortice accipiunt. 4°. [Wittebergee, 1773.] Physiology (Vegetable). Bosc (J.) Traite elementaire de physique vegetale appliquee a l'agriculture. 8°. Paris, 1824. ' Bose (C.) & Bose (G. M.) *De motu planta- rum sensus aemulo. sm. 4°. Lipsice. [1728]. Bose (E. G.) * De radicum in plantis ortu et directione. 4°. [Lipsice, 1754.] Bremer (P.) *Somnus plantarum. 8°. Up- salice, 1755. In: Linnaeus. Amcenitates acad. [etc. I. 8°. Luad. Bat, 1760, iv, 333-350. Brown (R.) A brief account of microscopical observations made in the months of June, July, and August, 1827, on the particles contained in the pollen of plants; and on the general exist- ence of active molecules in organic and inorgauic bodies. 8°. [London, 1828.] Brunetti (S.) *Sui fenomeni dei vegetabili. 8°. Venezia, 1858. Brunn (J. G.) *De vasis plantarum. 8°. Halce, [1800]. Byczkowski (H. ) *Das Verhaltniss der Pflanzen zur Atmosphare. 8°. [Dorpat], 1846. Camerarius (R. J.) De sexu plantarum. In: Valentini (M. B.) Polychresta exotica, etc. 4°. Francof. ad Moenum, 1700, 225-268. de Candolle (A.-P.) Orgauographie v6g6- tale, ou description raisonn6e ties organes des plantes, pour servir de suite et de developpement a la theorie elementaire de la botanique, et d*in- troductiou a la physiologie vegetale et a la de- scription des families; avec 60 planches en taille- douce. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1827. See, also, infra, Vegetahle [etc.]. Cauvet (D.) Anatomie et physiologie ve~g6- tales, pale"ontologie v6g6tale, g6ographie bota- nique. 8°. Paris, 1885. Chatln (A.) * Quelques considerations sur les theories de l'accroissement par couches con- centriques des arbres munis d'une veritable ecorce (arbres dicotyies). 8°. Paris, 1840. -----. * Anatomie comparee vegetale appli- quee a la classification. Traduction de l'organi- sation interieure ou des parties cachees des vege- taux, par celles placees a leur surface. 4°. Pa- ris, 1840. -----. fitudes de physiologie vegetale, faites au moyen de l'acide arsenieux. Memoire lu a l'Academie des sciences le 6 Janvier 1845. 8°. Paris, 1845. Chlebodarow (A.) *Zur Frage: Woher nimmt die Pflanze ihren Stickstoff? 8°. [Dor- pat], 1855. Cohn (F.) Beitrage znr Biologie der Pflan- zen. v. 1-2; 1. Hft., v. 3. 8°. Breslau, 1870- 79. Colvill (W.) On the circumstances under which germs or shrubs are produced in trees and woody shrubs. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Eelinh. J. Nat. cfe Geograph. Sc. Cornaz (C.-A.-E.) De l'existence de latex chez quelques erables. 8°. Neuchatel, 1879. Crie (L.) *Les origines de la vie. Essai sur la flore primordiale: organisation; developpe- ment; affinites; tlistribution geologique et geo- graphique. 4°. Paris, 1883. Also, in: Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1883, xi, 289- 338. Darwin (C. R.) Insectivorous plants. 8°. New York, 1875. Deiman (J. R.) «fe van Troostwyk (A. P.) Verhandeling over het nut van den groei der boomen en planteu, tot zuivering der lucht. 8°. Amsterdam, 1780. Detmer (W.) Beitrage zur Theorie des Wur- zeldrucks. 8°. Jena, 1877. PHYSIOLOGY. 27S PHYSIOLOGY. Phy*iology (Vegetable). Detroit (E.) *De orgauismo deque planta- rum animaliuinque organismi differentiis. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Digby (K.) De plantarum vegetatione. 12°. Amstelodami, 1663. Dippel (L.) Beitrage zur vegctabilischen Zelleubildung. 4°. Leipzig, 1858. Draper (J. W.) A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants. With an appendix. 4°. New York, 1844. Edlich (F.) Ueber elie Bilelung der Farren- weelcl, nebst einleiteneler Darstelluug eler Ent- stehung des Indivitluums aus der Sporenzelle. roy. 4°. Dresden, [1866]. Engelmann (G.) *De antholysi prodromus. 8 . Francof. ad Mcenum, 1832. Eschenbach (J. F.) Diatribe epistolaris nec- tariorum usum exhibeus. 4°. [Lipsice, 1776.] ------. Diatribe de physiologia seminum. 4°. Lipsice, [1777]. Feburier. Observations sur la physiologie vegetale et sur le systeme physiologique de M. AiibcrtDupetit-Thouars. 8°. Versailles, [1818]. Fee (A.-L.-A.) * Examen ele la theorie des rapports botauico-chimiques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. ------. *De la reproductiou des vegetaux. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. Fermond ( C. ) * Theorie mecanique de la floraisou. Du role que jouent les periauthes dans l'acte tie la fecondatiou et ele quelques procedes employes par la nature pour assurer la feconda- tiou tie certaines especes vegetales. 4°. Paris, 1859. Frank (A. B.) * Ueber die Entstchnng der Intercellularraume der Pflanzon. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. -----. Beitrage zur Pflanzenphysiologie. 8"-'. Leipzig, 1868. Franon (H.) * These de physiologie vegetale ct syntheses tie pharmacie et tie chimie. 4°. Paris, 1845. Fromberg (P. F. H.) *De connexione inter plantarum vitam et partes constituentes. 8C. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1847. Frommann (C.) Beobachtungen iiber Struc- tur und Bewegungserscheinungen ties Proto- pl.tsma der Pflanzcnzellen. 8°. Jen tt, 1880. (Gardner (D. P.) An introductory lecture on the chemical relations of plants to animals. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. Gehler (J. C.) De usu macerationis semi- num in plantarum vegetatione. 4°. Lipsice, [1763]. Gerard (R.) L'anatomie comparee vegetale appliquee k la classification. I. Histoire. II. Points acquis et points controverses. III. Re- cherches personnelles (sur les pomacees). IV. Conclusions. 4°. Paris, 1884. Girou de Buzareingues (L. F. C.) Suite des experiences sur la generation des plantes. 8°. [Paris, n. el] Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1831. ------. Experiences sur la generation des plantes. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1833. ------. Memoire sur Involution ties plantes et sur l'accroissement en grosseur des exogenes. 8\ Paris, 1833. Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat, Par.,---, xxx. [See, also, infra.] ------. Memoires sur l'ordre de distribution des fibres daus le corps central de la tige. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1833. ------. Memoire sur l'origine et la formation del'ecorce. 8?. [Paris, 1834.] Repr. from: Ann. d. &>. nat., Par., 1834. Physiology (Vegetable). -----. Precis elementaire de physiologie agricole. 8°. Paris, 1840. Godefroy (F.-F.) *Sur la formation ties substances vegetales. 4°. Strasbourg, 1818. Goeppert(H. R.) *De plantarum nutritiono. 8°. Berolini, [1825]. von Goethe (J. W.) Essay on the meta- morphosis of plants; trausl. by Emily M. Cox, with explanatory notes by Maxwell T. Masters. [German eel., 1790.J 8°. [London, 1863.] Repr. from: J. of Botany, Dec, 1863. Good (J. M.) Anniversary oration . . . De- fore the Medical Society of London, on the gen- eral structure and physiology of plants compared with those of animals, and the mutual converti- bility of their organic elements. 8°. London, 1808. Graeberg (J. M.) *Fuudamentum fructifi- cationis. 8°. Upsalice, 1762. In: LinNjEUS. Amcenitates acad. [etc.]. s°. Lugd. Bat, 1764, vi, 279-304. Gray (A.) Introduction to structural and systematic botany and vegetable physiology, being a fifth antl revised edition of the botanical text-book. 8°. New York, 1800. Grew (N.) The anatomy of plants. With au itlea of a philosophical history of plants, and several other lectures reatl before the Royal So- ciety. [2. ed.] fol. [London], 1682. Also, transl., in part, in: Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1677, Vratislav. et Bregse, 1678, viii, 287, 1 pi.: 1678-9, Norinih., 1693, ix-x (app.), 99, 6 pi., 219, 10 pi. Guersent (L.-B.) * Quels sont les caractercs ties proprietes vitales elans les vegetaux ? 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Guillaumet (A.) * De la respiration vegetale. 4°. Paris, 1872. Hallier (E.) De geometricis plantarum ra- tionibns. 8°. Jence, 1860. Hanstein (J.) Botanische Abhandlung aus dem Gebiet tier Morphologie und Physiologie. 2 v. 8°. Bonn, 1870. Haugke (M.) De seusu plantarum. 4 . Lipsice, [1672]. Hensolt (L.) * Das Tcmperatnr-Minimum unel Maximum fiir die Ergriindung ciuiger Cul- tnrpflanzen. 8°. Ingolsludt, 18«0. Hkrail (J.) * Organes reproduefcurs ct for- mation ele l'oeuf chez les phandrogames. 4°. Paris, 1889. Another edition of this thesis appeared, identical in all other respects, with the title: Developpement des organes [etc.]. Hertel (J. G.) * De plantarum transpira- tionc. 4°. Lipsice, [1735]. Hess ( H. ) * Ueber die Aualogie in Form unel Wirkung tier Pflanzen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1851. Hill (J.) The sleep of plants, and cause of motion in the sensitive plant explained. In a letter to C. Linuams. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1757. Hofmeister (W.) Handbuch der physiolo- gischen Botanik. v. 1 & 4. 8°. Leipzig, 1865- 7. Hogden (J. T.) Vegetable physiology. Au aeldress before the Missouri State Horticultu- ral Society, January, 1864. 8'. [St. Louis], 1864. Hope (T. C.) * De plautarum motibus et vita 8°. Edinburgi, 1787. Huie (R.) * De plantarum generatione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1815. Huisgkn (F.) # Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklung eler Placeuten. 8°. Bonn, 1873. Hunter (J.) Memoranda on vegetation. 4 . London, 1860. PHYSIOLOGY. 279 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Vegetable). Ingen-Housz (J.) Experiences sur les vege- taux, spe'cialemeut sur la propriety qu'ils posse- dent a un haut degre, soit el'ameiiorer l'air quand iis sont au soleil, soit de le corrompre la unit, ou lorsqu'ils sout a l'ombre; auxquelles on a joint une methode nouvelle de juger du degre tie salu- brite de 1'atmosphcre. Traduit de l'anglois par l'autenr. 8°. Paris, 1780. Jablonski (P. E.) *De conditionibus vege- tatioui ncccssariis. 8°. Berolini, [1832]. Jacobson (H. J.) * Ueber einige Pflauzen- fette. 8°. Konigsberg, 1887. Jadin (F.) * Les organes secreteurs des vege- taux et la matiere medicale. 4°. Montpellier, 1888. Jak6 (J.) Adatok a stapeliak szovettanalmz. [Contribution to structure of stapelia.] 8°. Lugoson, 1882. Jampert (C. F.) Specimen physiologne plan- tarum i. quo dubia contra vasorum in plantis probabilitatem propouuntur. 4°. Halce, 1755. Kassner (G.) * Ueber das Mark ciniger Holz- pflauzen. 8°. Breslau, 1884. Kesselmeyer (J.) * De quorundani vegeta- bilium priucipio nutrieute. 4°. Argentorati, 1759. Also, in: "Wittwer (P. L.) Delect, diss. med. [etc.], 8°. Norimb., 1777, i, 100-128. Knight (T. A.) A selection from the physio- logical and horticultural papers, published in the transactions of the Royal anel Horticultural Societies. 8°. London, 1841. Krauch (C.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ungeformten Fermeute in tlen Pflauzen. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Kunisch (H.) * Ueber die todtliche Ein- wirkuugniedererTemperaturen auf die Pflauzen. 8°. Breslau, [1880]. Kuntze(0.) Die Schutzmittel der Pflauzen gegen Thiere und Wetterungunst unel die Frage vom salzfreien Urmeer. Studien fiber Phyto- phylaxis unel Phytogeogenesis. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. de Lanessan (J.-L.) Manuel d'histoire natu- relle medicale. 3 v. 12-. Paris, 1879-82. Lees(E.) The affinities of plants with man and animals, their analogies antl associations. A lecture . . . with additional uotes antl illustra- tions. 8°. London, 1834. Leske (N. G.) & Reiniger (E. S.1 De gene- ratione vegetabilium. 4'. Lipsice, [1773]. Lestiboudois (F. J.) *Diss. botauo-med. de viribus plantarum. 4°. Duaci, 1783. Lixdley ( J. ) Aphorismes de physiologie vegetale et tie botanique, suivis du tableau eles alliances des plantes, et tie l'aualyse artificielle tics ordres, traduits tie l'auglais, et precedes d'une introduction par P.-A. Cap. 8°. Paris, 1838. Lubbock (J.) La vie des plantes. Ouvrage traduit et annote par M. Edmond Bordage. 8°. Paris, 1889. Ludwig (C. G.) [Pr.] de elaboratione suc- corum plantarum iu universum. Pts. 1-3. 4°. [Lipsiw, 1768.] -----. Dc sexu plantarum. Resp. C. F. Haase. 4°. Lipsice, 1737. Macvicar. Vegetable morphology; its gen- eral principles. 8". Edinburgh, I860. Repr. from: Edinb. N. Phil. J., I860, Oct. Marciiaxd (E.) Composition des cendres vegetales. 8°. Le Bavre, 1800. Marzell (H.) * Ueber einige durch Pilze verursachte Zersetzungsprozesse des Holzes. 8°. Miinchen, 1882. Me yen (F. J. F.) A report on the progress of vegetable physiology during the year 1837. Physiology (Vegetable). Transl. from the German, by William Francis. 8°. London, 1839. de Mirbel & Payen. Organographie et phy- siologie vegetale. Memoire sur la composition et la structure de plusieurs organismes des plantes. Lu dans la seance du 3 fevrier 1845. 4°. Paris, 1849. von Mohl ( H. ) Principles of the anatomy antl physiology of the vegetable cell. Transl. by Arthur Heufrey. 8°. London, 1852. Moride (E.) *F,tudes physiologiques de la plante sous les rapports chimiques et physiques. 4°. Paris, 1843. Muspratt (J. S.) On the chemistry of vege- tation. 8°. Glasgow, [1846]. Ormandy (M.) Adatok a Mirabilis jalappa tomlosedenyeiuek ismeretehez. [Contribution to knowledge of tubular vessels of Mirabilis ja- lappa.] 8°. Kolozsvdrt, 1881. Palm (L. H.) * Ueber das Winden der Pflan- zeu. 12°. Tubingen, [1827]. Pfeffer (W.) Botanische Abhanellungen aus elem Gebiet der Morphologie unel Physiologie von Johannes Hanstein. 4. Hft. 8°. Bonn, 1871. -----. Physiologische Untersuchungen. In- halt: Uutersuchungen fiber Reizbarkeit der Pflauzen. Untersuchungen fiber Oefl'nen uud Schliessen der Bliithen. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Plateau (M.) *£tude sur la partition et la marche des faisceaux foliaires dans la tige tlu Physalis alkekengi au point de vue de la germi- nation des feuilles dans cette plante et quelques autres solauees. 4°. Paris, 1883. Plaz ( A. G. ) * Historiam radicum exponit. 4°. Lipsice, [1733]. -----. De plantarum seminibus. 4°. Lipsios, [1736]. -----. De plantarum caule. 4°. Lipsice, [1745]. -----. De flore plantarum. 4°. Lipsice, [1749]. -----. [Pr.] de plantarum facultatibus ex ipsarumcharactereneutiquam coguoscendis. 4°. Lipsiw, [1762]. ----- J'. P. from: Attid.r. Accad. d. Lincei. 1883,3.8., xiv.] Ibid., 1883, vii, 519-526.—Broughton (J.) On a certain excretion of carbonic acid bv living plants. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1870, clix, pt.2, 015-626— Biickman (J.) On plants iu relation to animals. Ve tei inarian, Lond., 1879, Iii. 556; 633; 716; 786; 865: 1880, Iiii. 28; 92: 163; 233; 301; 388; 467; 536; 683; 770; 838: 1881,liv, 13; 84; 162; 225; 307; 370; 443; 528; 602; 672; 762; 815: 1882, lv, 15: 79; 151; 223; 299; 379; 451; 553; 595.; 666; 757; 859: 1883,lvi. 12; 88; 160; 236; 310; 377; 449; 535; 595; 005; 735: 1884, Ivii, 8; 76; 141; 213; 293; 365; 437; 509; 581; 001.—Hiiiiillil J.) Vege- table pathology. Science, N. Y., 1X82, iii, 28-31.—Cam- eron (C. A.) Preliminary note on the absorption of sele- nium by plants. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1878-80, ii, 231-233.—Cartwright (S. A.) Report on the locality of plants, or the law of the vegetable kingdom, giving to some plants peculiar or superior properties, in certain lo- calities, not possessed by the same plants elsewheie, antl the application of this law to the cane and cotton plants. N. Orl. M. cfe S. J„ 1853-4, x, 1-12.—Camel (T.l De la variahilite dans les plantes. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884, v, 345-374.—Cauvct. De l'excretion des matierea non assimilables par les v6getaux. Rec. de 1116111. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1865, 3. s, xiv,-268-276. -----. Note sur la direction des racines. Ibid.. 1876,4xxxii, 383-388.— CelakovNky (L.) Neue Beitrage zur Foliolartheorie des Ovulums. Abhantll. el. math.-naturw. Cl. d. k. bolnn. Gesellsch. tl. Wissensch., Prag, 1885, 6. F., xii, no. 8, 1-42, 2 pi.—Ceron (S.) El aire con relacion & sus functiones en la vida vegetal. Bol. de med. nav., San Fernando, 1882, v, 76; 129—Champion (P.) cfe Pellet (H ) De la substitution eles alcalis dans les etres vivants (animaux et plantes); lois des equivalents chimiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1875, Par., 1876, 6. s., ii, 302-304.—Cha- tin (A.) Sur l'existence tie veritables fibres corticalos dans le corps ligueux de quelques v6getaux. Ibid., 1^4, Par., 1865, 4. s.. i, 181.-----. D6veloppement, structure et fractions des tissus de l'anthere. Ibid., 1865, Par., 1866, 4. s., ii, 95-110. -----. La respiration ties vegetaux eu de- hors des organismes vivants. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 14;i9. — Chevallier (A.) De Faction ele divers produits gazeux sur les vegetaux. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1873, xl, 285-302.—Cieaielwki (T.) Untersuchungen iiber die Abwartskrhmmung tier Wurzel. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanz., Brest, 1870-75. i, 2. Hft,, 1-30, 1 pi.—Colin (F.) Ueber die Function tier Blasen von Aldrovanda und iTtri- cularia. Ibid., 3. Hft., 70-92, 1 pi. -----. Die Entwicke- lungsgeschichte tier Gattung Volvox. Ibid., 93-116, 1 pi. ----. Contractile Gewebe im Pfianzenreiche. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit., Bresl., 1862, xxxix, 1- *8- -----• Bemerkungen iiber die Organisation einiger Schwarmzellen. Beitr. z. Biol. tl. Pflanz., Brest, 1870-7, 11 101-121. ----. Der Zellenstaat. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., lxxx, 7. Hft., 02-80.-Come* (H.) Influence de la lumieresurlatranspirationdesplantes. (Extrait.) Compt. Physiology (Vegetable). rend. Acatl. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 335.—Corcnwinder [B] La veritable respiration ties veg6taux. [Rev. cfe Ab- str. (by Alglave'0-] Rev. scient.. Par., 1874. 2.8., xiv, 98- L)4. Also, transl.: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1874-5, vi, 60- 72.—Cox (C. F.) The epidermal organs of plants: their morphology and physiology. Am. Month. Mier. J., N. Y., 1881, ii, 103; 125.—Cnboni (<;.) Recherches sur la forma- tion de raniidon dans les feuilles de la vigne. [Transl. from: Riv. di viticolt, ed euol. ital., 1885, ix, fase-. 1 J Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1886, vii. 209-225.—Cn gin i (G.) Note sur Taction de Tether et du chlorot'orme sur les or- ganes irritables ties plantes. Ibid., 1882, i, 77-79.—Cun- ningham (I). D.) On the phenomena of gaseous evolu- tion from the flowers • f Ottelia alismoides. Scient. mem. med. off. India 18X0. Calcutta, 1887, pt. 2, 39-46, 3pi. -----. On the phenomena of propagation of movement in Mimosa pudica. Ibid., 1887, Calcutta, 1888, pt. 3. 83-138.—Czer- 111 a li (J. J.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Rotaiions- beweguiig in elen Pflanzenzellen. Verhandl. cl. k. k. otanii|iic. Paris] Ibid., 1882, x, 385 ; 510,-Lawes (J. B.) & Oilberl (J. H.) On the present position of the question of the sources of nitrogen of vegetation, with sonic new results, and pre- liminary notice of new lines of investigation. Proc-. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1887, xliii, 108-116. — l.iebwcher (G.) Die Erscheinungen tier Vererbung bei einem Kreuzungspro- dukte zweier Varietiiten vou Hordeum sativum. Je- naische- Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1889, n. F., xvi, 215-232.— l.iiiOMHicrr (G.) Influence de l'oxyde de carbone sur la germination. Lyon med., 1888, rviii,' 305-307. — liintncr (C. J.) Ueber die chemische Natur tier vegetabilischeu Diastase: Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit des Herrn E. Hirschfeld. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl, 311-314.—Ijoew (O.) Sind Arsenverbindungen Gift fiir pflanzlicheo Protoplasma ; Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii, 111-113. — End wig (F.) Die verschiedenen Bliiten formen an Pflauzen der namlichen Art; Rel'ciat iiber PHYSIOLOGY. 283 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology (Vegetable). eiiii*geneuere Arbeiten. Biol Centraibl.. Erlang., 1884-5,iv, 225-234. ------. Einige neue Beispielo langer Lebonsfahig- keit von Samen und Rhizomen; hricfliclie Mittheilungen von Dr. F. Miitler. Ibid., 1886-7, vi, 513. — Jlnd-cod (J.) Nouvelles recherches sur ia fertilisation de quelques plantes phan6roganies. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1887, vii, 131-166, 1 pl._l?IcNab (W. R.) Experiments on the movements of water in plants. (PartL) Tr. Uov Irish Acad. (Science), Dubl., 1872-5, xxv 343-367, 8 pi. -Marcano (V.) Presen cia de un vibrion en el interiordel grano deniaiz que germiua asi como en el tallo y hojas de est a planta ; nueva teoria sobre el fenomeno de la. genuinacion. Union m6d., Cara- cas, 1882, ii, 114-116. — ITIarti ns (C.) Les plantes gritu- pantes d'apres M. Darwin. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1876, xviii, 925-931.— Itlassart (J.) Recherches sur les organismes inferieurs. 1. La loi de Weber v6rifl6e pour Th61iotropisme du champignon. Bull. Acad. rov. tl. sc. tie Belg., Brux., 1888, 3. s., xvi, 590-601.— lHattirolo (O.) Contribution a la biologie des htipatiques; mouvements hygroscopiques dans le thallus ties hepatiques marchan- ti'ees. [From: Malpighia, v. 2, fasc. 5-6.j Arch. ital. tie biol.. Turin. 1889, xi, 344-308,2 pi.—.Mayer (A.) Ueber Sauerstott'abscheiiluug aus Prianzentlieilcn bei Abwesen- heit vou Kolilensiiure. Verhandl. il. naturb.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1875, n. F., i, 165-168. — III enzc (O.) Zur Kenntniss der tiiglichen Assimilation der Kohlehydiate. Ber. ii. tl Sitz. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, 1XX7. 49-82 — Mer (E.) A C'ornn (M.) De l'absorption des matieres colorantes par les radicelles des plantes. Compt. rend. Soc. d. biol. 1878. Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 204-207. — lTIoreau. Developpenient rapide dune tige tie renoncule (Renoncules aeris) separee de la souche et mise dans un vase plein d'eau. Ibid. (1876), 1877, 6. s., iii, [1. pt.], 191. — ITIor- ren (15.) Le role des ferments dans la nutrition des plantes. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. tie Belg.. Brux., 1876, 2. s., xiii, 1019-1049.—Miiller (H.) Die biologische Be- deutung tier Blumenfarben. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1883-4, iii, 97-105. Also, transl.: Rev. internat. tl.se. biol., Par., 1883, xi. .32-53.—lVIullcr-IIctllingen (J.) Ueber galvanische Erscheinungen an keimenden Samen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1888. xxxi, 193-214.—Nasse (D.) Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Warnie auf die Staubgefassbewegungen einiger Pfianzen. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1815, xii, 258-284.—Olivier (L.) Sur la canalisation des cellules et la continuite tlu protoplasma chez les vegtitaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 264-266.—Ott (I.) The action of drugs on plant- growth. J. Neiv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y.. 1882, vii, 712-717.— Pa«'l>e van 'I'rooslwjlt (A.) Proeven, aanduidende den hoogeu graad van gevoeligheid. welke voorwerpen uit het plantenrijk hebben voor electi ieke ontladingen. Ge- nees-, heel-. . . Verhandel. v. h. k. nederl. Inst. v. We- tensch., etc., Amst., 1825, 12.—Pellet (H.) DeTexistence de Tamuioniaque dans les vegetaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 876-879. — Peter (A.) Vererbung der elterlicheu Merkmaleauf pflaiizliche Bastarde. Sitzungsb. d.Gesellsch. f. Morphol.u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1885, i, 15- 18.—Plate (L.) Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Rota- torien. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., 1885, u. F., xii, 1- 120, 3 pi. — Prantl ( K.) Bemerkungen iiber die Ver- wandschaftsverhaltuisse der Gefasskryptogamen und den Ursprung der Phanerogamen. Verhandl. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Whrzb., 1875, n. F., ix, X4. — Preusse (C.) Ueber tlas angebliche Vorkommen von Brenzcatechin in Pfianzen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1878-9, ii, 324-328—Pringshcim (N.) Ueber die Sauerstoffabgabe der Pflauzen im Mikrospectrum. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol , Bonn, 1885-0, xxxviii, 142-153.-----. Ueber die Abhangig- keit der Assimilation griiner Zellen von ihrer Sauerstoff- atinuug, und den Ort, wo der im Assimilatiousakte tier Pflanzenzelle gebildete Sauerstoff ertsteht. [From: Si- tzungsb. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl. Phys.- math. Kl., 1887, 28. July.J Biol. Centra'bl., Erlang., 1887, vii, 513; 562.—Quinqunud. Nouvelles etudes d'anato- mie et de physiologie vegetales. Compt. rentl. Soc de biol. 1867, Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, 33-59. — Kanwrnhoff (N. W. P.) De tegenwoordige richting en beteekenis der plantenphysiologie uit de geschieih nis toegelicht. Ann. Acad. 1871-2, Lugd. Bat., 1875, 113-134. -----. Sur les pre- miers phenomenes de la germination ties spores des cryp- togames. Arch, neerl. d. se. exactes, etc., Harlem, 1879, xiv, 347-369, 1 pi. — Begnard ( P.) Note sur la tension qui existe dans les tissus de certains vegetaux. Compt. rend. See-, de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 666. — Regnard (P.) A. lioye (P.) Description d'un appareil pour l'etude de 1 absorption par les raciues ties vegetaux. Ibid., 1884, 8. s., l, pt. 2, 534.—Reichert (0. B.) Ueber die Saftstro- mung (Rotation, Circulation) tier Pflanzenzellen mit Riick- sicht auf die Contractilitatsfrage. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1866, 417-463. — Reinke (J.) Kreisen galvanische Strdme in lebenden Pflanzenzellen? Arch. t. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-2, xxvii, 140-151.— RitthaiiMcn (H.) DieEiweisskbrper tier Pflanzensamen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1877, xv, 269-288 —Rohr- beck (H.) Ueber storende Einfliisse auf das Constant- halten der Temperatur bei Vegetationsapparaten und iiber einem neuen Thermostaten. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Physiology (Vegetable). Berl., 1887, xiii, 1089-1091. Also, Reprint, — Rostafins- ki (J. ) O przeobrazeuiu i zmianie pokoleu w swiecie roslinnym. [Metamorphosis and alterations produced in plants ] Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. w Krakow., 1876, iii, 135-159.— Machs (J.') Ueber die An- ordnung tier Zellen in jhngsten Pflanzentheilen. Ver- handl. tl. phys.-med. Cesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1877, n. F., xi, 219-242, 1 i>l.—Sali*bnry (J. H.) Influence of the poi- son of the Northern rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) on plants. N. York M. J., 1854, n. s., xiii, 337-339—Salo- mon ( (t. ) Ueber die Bildung von Xaiithinkdrpern iu keimenden Pflauzen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1881, 166-168—Sanderson (J. B.) The electrical phenomena which accompany irritation of the leaf of Dionaaa mu- scipula. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, xxi, 495. Also: Phvsiol. Lab., Univ. Coll., Lond. Collected papers, 1874-5. [no. 1], pt. 2, 1-3. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. d. meel. Wisseusch., Berl., 1873, xi, 833-835. — Sander- noii (J. B. ) efc Page (F. J. M.) On the mechanical effects and on the disturbance consequent on excitation of the leaf of Dionsca muscipula. [From: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1876, xxiv.] Physiol. Lab., Univ. Coll., Lond. Collected papers, 1876, no. 2, pt, 6, 1-24. -----. On the electromotive properties of the leaf of Dionsea in the ex- cited and unexcited states. Second paper. Phil. Tr. 18X8, Lond., 1889, clxxix, 417-449, 2 pi.—Savastnno (L.) Hv- pertrophie des cones a. bourgeons (maladie de la loupe du CaroiibierK Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1885, c, 131- l:s:s. — Nchimper (A. F. W.) Die Wechselbeziehungeu zwischen Pflauzen und Ameisen im tropischen Amerika. [From: Botan. Mitth. aus den Tropen, Jena, Hft. 1, rev. by Ludwig. ] Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1888-9, viii, 321- 330.—Schnetzler (J.-B.) Sur le mouvement de rotation tin protoplasma vegetal. Bull. Soc. vaudoise tl. sc. nat,, Lausanne, 1888-9, xxiv, 83-88.—Srhorlcr (B.) Untersu- chungen iiber die Zellkerne in den starUeliihrenden Zellen der Hiilzer. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena. 1883, u. F., ix, 329-357. — Schullz ( C.-H.) Observations niicro- scopiques sur la circulation tlu sue propre dans la ch61i- doiue et dans plusieurs autres plantes, et sur T assimila- tion tie la substance alimentairedans les vegetaux en gene- ral. J. com pi. tlu diet. tl. sc. med., Par.. 1823. xvi, 208- 225.—Scott (D. H.) The development of articulated lati- ciferous vessels. Quart, J. Mier. Sc, Loud., 1882, n. s., xxii, 136-153, 1 pi.— Seller ( W.) Examination of the views adopted by Liebig on tho nutrition of plants. Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1845, xxxix, 50-68. Also, Reprint.— Smith (G. M.) Vegetable assimilation. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1866-9, iif. 366-374. Also, Reprint. — Smith (W.J.) Zur Kenntniss der sch wefelhaltigen Verbindun- gen der Cruciferen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1887-8, xii, 419-433.—Solomc. Observations sur la tem- perature interne des vegetaux, compar6o a celle tie Tat- tnosphere. Rec. period. Soc. tie med. de Par., 1802, xii, 282-291.—Soilwedcl (F.) FreieZellbildungim Embryo- sack der Angiospernii'ii, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eler hierbei stattrindeiiden Vorgiinge der Kerntheilung. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., 1881-2, n. F., viii, 341-380, 3 pi.—.""iIjiIII (E.) Pllanzen und Schnecken. Biologische Studie iiber dice Schutzmittel der Pflauzen gegen Schne- ckenfrass. Ibid., 1888, n. F., xv, 557-684. — Stockton- Hough (J.) On the relationship between developmeut anel the.sexual condition in plants. Am. Naturalist, Salem, 1874, viii, 19-30. Also, Reprint—Tain in a nn (li.) Ueber tlie Schicksale ties Schwefels beim Keinien der Erbseu. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 416-419.— Tiippeiner. Die Gase des Verdauungsschlauches der Ptlanzenfresser. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1883, xix, 228-279.—Tcmplin (L.J.) Leaves and their functions. Kansas City Rev. of Sc. efc Indust., 1878-9, ii, 683-686. Also: Month. J. Sc, Loud., 1879, 3. s., i, 406-411.— Thcorin (P. G. E.) Nagra rein om afsdndring af vats- kor i vaxtens knoppar och trail dess uuga blad. [On se- cretions of moisture in buds of plants, aud also iu young leaves.] Gbteborgs k. Vetensk. o. Vitterhets Samh. Handl., 1878, Hft. xvi, 1-18, 1 pi— Tollard. Lettre sur ditferens points de physiologie veg6tale. Mem. Soc. med. demulat, de Par. (an vii), an viii [1800], iii, 283-292 — T re lib (M.) Quelques recherches sur le role du noyau dans la division des cellules vegetales. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1879, xix, 1-35, 4 pi. -----. Notice sur les noyaux des cellules vegetales. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1880,'i, 393-404, 1 pi.—Treub (M.) & .Tlei- link (J.-F.-A.) Notice sur le developpement du sac ein bryontiaire dans quelques angiospermes. Arch, neerl. d. sc' exactes, etc, Harlem, 1880, xv, 452-457. 2 pi.—Trevi- ranus (tL R.) Versuche und Beobachtungen ubcr den Einfluss des galvanischen Agens und einiger chemischen Mittel auf das vegetabilische Lebou. Norel. Arch. f. Nat u. Arzneiw., Kopenh , 1799-1801, i, 240-305.—Treviranus (L. C.) Ueber den eigenen Saft der Gewachse. seine Be- hiilter, seine Bewegungen und seine Bestimmung. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb., 1824, i, 147-180. -----. Etwas iiber tlie wassrigen Absonderungen blattriger Pflanzentheile. Ibid., Darmstadt, 1829, iii, 72-78. -----■ Entwickelt sich Licht und Warnie beim Leben der tiewachse? Ibid., 257-208.—Vegetable physiology. Brit. & For. M. Rev., PHYSIOLOGY. 284 PI1YSOSTIGMA. Physiology (Vegetable). Lond., 1837, iv, 1-30. Also, in: Essays on Physiol, efc Hyg., 8°, Phila., 1838, 139-172.—Villar y lTIarcia* (J. J.) Asimiluciou i>or los vegetales. Correo nied. castellano, Salamanca, 1884. i, 05 ; 289.—Vines (S. H.) On the chem ical aspect of vegetable physiology. J. Chem. Soc, Loud., 1878, xxxiii, 375-388—Vochling (H.) Ueber Theilbar- keit im Pflanzenreich und elie Wirkung inuerer und aus- serer Krafte auf Organbilduug an Pflanzentluilen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877, xv, 153-190—de Tries (H.) Sur la fonction ties matieres resiimuses elans les plantes. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem. 1882, xvii, 59-82.—Trolik (D. G.) Die gleiehformige Wirkung der Natur in der Hervorbringung tier Pflauzenkorper; aus dem Hollandischen iibersetzt von J. A. Schmidt. Arch. f. d. Phvsiol.. Halle, 1802-5, vi, 432-451.—Weis- niaiin (A.) liotauisehe Beweise fiir eine Vererbung er- worbener Eigenseliaften. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1888- 9, viii, 65; 97. —Weyl (T.) Apparat zur Beobachtung unel Messung tier Sauerstoff-Ausscheitluug griiner Ge- wiichse. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1882-3. xxx, 374- 378.—Williamson (C. W.) The primeval ancestors of existing vegetation anel their bearing on the doctrine of evolution; resume of Ave lectures, e\elivered at the Royal Institution Jan. and Feb., 1883. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1*82-3, 3. s., xiii, 594; 618; 638; 693; 794. Also, transl: Lev. internat, d. sc. biol., Par., 1883, xii, 230-252.—Wil- son (W. P.) Respiration of plants. Am. J. Sc,., N. Ha- ven, 1882, 3. s., xxiii, 423-42*,.—van Wi«Melingh (('.) Contribution it la connaissance du collenchyme. Arch. neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem, 1*S2, xvii, 23-58, 2 pi. -----. Sur la paroi eles cellules sub6reuses. Ibid., 1888, xxii, 253-298, 2 pi— Worlinami. Ueber die Wirkung der Warme auf das Liingen waehsthum vou Pttanzonteilen. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1884, iv, 65-71. Physiology (The) of health: beino- a view of sonic of flic more important functions of the hu- man hotly; with a few practical observations on their management. 2 p. 1., 59 pp., 1*2 1. 12°. London, T. Cradock, 1841. Physiology for practical use. By various writ- ers. Etlited by James Hinton. 2 v. viii, 269 pp.; viii, 236 pp. 12J. London, H. S. King i,' Co., 1874. Physio - Medical College, Cincinnati. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1856-7 (21.); 1857-8 (22.). 8°. Cincinnati, 1856-7. Chartered March 3, 1839. Physio-Medical College of Indiana, at Indi- anapolis. Annual announcements for the ses- sions of 1875-6 (3.); 1876-7 (4.); 187-8-1) to 1885-6 (6.-13.); 15., 1887-8. 8-. Indianapolis, 1875- 87. Organized 1873. -----. Announcement of the practitioner's course in the Physio-Metrical College of Indiana. Ses- sion 1884. 4 pp. 8°. Indianapolis, [1884]. Physio-Medical (The) Journal. Edited and published by the Physio-Medical Journal Pub- lishing Company. [Monthly.] v. 3-15, 1877-89. 8C. Indianapolis. Current. Title of v. 1-2. 1875-0. was: I»liy*io-Mcdi- cal (The) Journal and Reform Advocate, v. 4-14 edited by (leorge Hasty. After Dec, 1888. suspended until July, 1889. Physio-Medical (The) Journal and Reform Advocate. Etlitetl and published by the journal committee appointed by the Indiana State Physio-Metlical Convention held June, 1874. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1875-6. 8°. Indianapolis. In v. 3,' 1877, title became: Physio-lVlcuical (The) Journal. Physio-Medical (The) Recorder, or impartial advocate of sanative medicine and the principles which govern the physio-medical practice. Ed- ited anel publisheel by A. Curtis. [Monthly.] v. 18-38, Sept. 15, 1852, to Dec, 1874. 8°. Cin- cinnati. Want title anel index of v. 19, 1853-4; nos. 6, 7, 9, v. 21, June, Julv, Sept., 1856; nos. 1. 4-12, v. 23. Jan.. April to Dec, 185s'; v. 25. 1S60; title and index of v. 33. 1869; nos. 6. 7. v. 37, June, July, 187:!. and title and index of v. 37; no. 12, v 38. Dec... 1874, and title and index of v. 38: and all since Jan. 1875. Title of v. 6-17 1837-52, was: Kotan- ico-.Heriieal (Tin) Recorder, v. 19 is Nov., 1853, to Dec, 1854: v. 21) is Jan, to Dec, 1855; v. 26 is Jan., 1861, to Dec. 1862. Suspended from Jan.. 1861, to Feb., 1862. In Physio-Medical (The) Recorder—continued. 1855, v. 20, William H.Cook became editor and proprietor. In Jan., 1880, united with: CinciniiHli (The) Meilicai Uazelte, forming: Cincinnati (The) Medical Gazette aud Recorder. Physio-Medical Society of Indiana. Trans- actions. 6, 1868; 8.-9., 1870-71. 8°. [v. p.] Physio-medical i»m. See Medicine (Botanic, etc.). Physionomie (La), on eles indices que la na- ture a mis au corps huniain par oil Ton pent elc- couvrir les intents et les inclinations d'un chacun. Avec un traitt6 de la divination par les palpita- tions, et un autre par les marques naturelles. Lo tout traduit tlu one d'Adainantius et tie MeS- lainpe, par Henry tie Boyvin du Vauroiiy. 7 p. 1., 282 pp. 16°. Paris, T. du Pray, 16:15. Physique gene'rale, matiere, chaleur et humeri! par Le Simple. See Simple (Le) [pseudon ]. Physique generale, etc. Physique (La) el'uzage; coutenant, avec un dis- cours general sur la medecine, la description tin corps huniain par Mr. Arherius. Puis l'explica- tion des maladies, et ele leurs remedes, tiiee des principes de la nii'chauique, et ele la philosophic tie Mr. Descartes, par Mrs. d'Orlix et Plempius. 4 p. 1., 7:'» pp. 16'-'. Paris, P. Aubovin <\- P. d'Ar- bisse, 1664. Physischc Abhandlung von der miitterlichen Pflicht ties Selbststillens und ihreni Einfluss anf das Wohl ties Staats. Nach tier Vorschrift ties Herrn D. Tissots unel anelerer beriihmter Aerzte. 80 pp. 12°. Augsburg, E. Kletts Wittwen. Frunck, 1788. Physo-Medical (The) Recorder antl Surgical Journal. Edited antl published bv E. H. Stock- well. [Monthly.] v. 18, Jan. to Dec, 1850. 8J. Cincinnati, See, also, Physiologico-lTIcdical (The) Recorder and Surgical Journal, v. 17. 1849; also l»lij wo-tlcilicnl (The) and Surgical Journal, v. 19-20, 1851-2. Physo-Medical (The) and Surgical Journal. Etlited and published by E. H. Stockwell. [Monthly.] v. 19, 1851; no. 2, v. 20 (u. s., no. 2, v. 4), Feb., 1852. 8°. Cincinnati. See, also, Physo-lVIcilical (The) Kecorderand Surgi- cal Journal, v. 18, 1850. IMiysomHra. cS'ee Uterus (Gases in). Physopathic Medical College, Cincinnati. An- nual announcement for the session of 1851- 2. H pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Marshall j- Lang try, 1851. List of students and graduates for the year 1850-51. Chartered in March. 1823, under the name of the ''Liter- ary and Botanico Meelical College of the State of Ohio'. In 1851 the literary and medical departments were sepa- rated and the above title was adopted. List of students antl graduates for the year 1850-51 in announcement for subsequent year. Pliysopliorn. Ciniin (C.) Ueber Halistemma tergestinum n. sp., nt-b-ct Bemerkungen iiber den feinern Ban tier Physopho- ritlen. Arb. a. tl. zool. Inst. el. Univ. Wien, 1878, i, 1-56, 4 pi. Plivsowtigllia andphysostigmine. See, also, Atropine (Physiological, etc., effects of); Calabarine; Eserine; Tetanus (Treatment of). Collet (R.) * Feve de Calabar, histoire na- turelle, physiologique, pharmaceutique et toxi- cologique. 4°. Montpellier, 1887. Fabricius (W.) *Die Calabarbohneund ihre therapeutische Verwerthung in der Augeuueil- kunde. 8°. Miinchen, 1877. Eraser (T. R.) On the moth of the esere or ordeal-bean of Old Calabar. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1864.] Repr. from: Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist.. May, 1864. PHYSOSTIGMA. 285 PIIYSOSTIGMA. Pliysostig'liia nnd physostigmine. Lenz (K.) * Versuche iiber tlie Einwirkung tier Calabarbohue auf den Blutkreislauf. 8°. Ziirich, 1865. Lopes (J.-C), jeuue. * Etude sur la feve du Calabar. 4U. Paris, 1864. Mathoket (L.-J.) *De la feve tlu Calabar. 4e. Paris, 1804. Navarko (F. tie P.) * fitude sur la feve de Calabar. 4°. Paris, 1800. Papowa(A.) * Unteisuckuiigen iiber tlie Wir- kung ties Physostigmins. 8°. Bern, 1877. Petr.ikevitch (M.) *0 Kalabarskome bobie i phizostigminie. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1866. Roeber (H.) * Ueber elie Wirkungen eles Ca- labarextractes auf Herz und Riickeumark. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1808]. Ruete(B.) * Ueber die Calabar-Bohne. 8J. Leipzig, 1865. Schoeman (O. ) * Ueber die Wirkuug ties Physostigmins auf die Pupille. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. Also, in: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880, 334-347. Teich (N.) * Chemische Untersuchung der Calabarbohue mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eles in derselben enthaltenen Alkaloids. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1807. Tison (fi.-E.-A.) * Histoire de la feve de Ca- labar. 4 \ Paris, 1873. Vee (A.-A.) 'Recherches chimiques et phy- siologiques sur la feve du Calabar. 4°. Paris, 1865. Weiss (K.) * Ueber tlie Calabarbohue. 8°. Bergzabern, 1866. Westek.mann (W.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungen der Calabarbohne. 8°. Dorpat, 1867. AI ber*. Versuche mit der Calabarbohne unci mit deren Bestandtheilen. ♦Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., Bonn, 1865, 52.—Alexander (\V.) The Calabar bean in acute traumatic tetanus and strych- nia poisoning. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, [4. s.], i, 40-51.— Allium! (J. D.) Physiological and therapeutical notes on physostigmina. Vet. J. cfe Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1886, xxii, 1-5.—Alms (H.) Die sensible und motorische Peripheile in ihrem Verhalten gegen die Kiirper tier Physostigmingruppe einerseits uud der Atropin-Cocain- gruppe andererseits. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1888, 416- 423.—Apery (P.) L'extrait de feve tie Calabar et les pre- scriptions medicale-s. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1886-7, xxix, 65-69.—Arnstein (C.) cfe SiistNchiiisky (P.) Ueber tlie Wirkung des Calabar auf die hemmenden und heschleunigendeii Herznerven. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v, 625-628.----------. Odaiistvii Kalabara na serdechnie nervi. [On the effect of Calabar bean on the cardiac nerves.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1808, viii, 391; 415; 428; 439-Kni I Ion (H.) / /- >81— Bennett (J. II.) The antagonism between ex- tract of Calabar bean and strychnine. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 18,4. n.805.—von Bc3©ld(A.)even et I, a horde. Recherches exp6rimentales sur Taction phy- siologiqne de Teserine alcaloi'de de la feve du Calabar. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, pt. 2, 63-79.—Eiiiigen. Vergiftung durch Calabar-Bohne. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1864, vi, 244-246.—Lombroao (C.) La lava di Calabar per uso interno. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1863, vi, 417. — liOlar ( H.) De la feve de Calabar. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1864, 2. s., v, 387- 401. — liiiciuw (F.) Ueber tlie druckvermindernde Wir- kung des Extractum fabas Calabriensis. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv, 581-583—Ulacteaiirin (IT. N.) Remarks on a caseof heightened reflex action treated by Calabar bean. Edinb. M. J., 1865-6, xi, 318- 323.—ITIa'ginis (H.) Die methodische Calabar-Behand- lung bei Asthenopia accommodativa. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1874, xii, 303-310.—Manz (W.) Ueber Calabarwirkuug bei dipbtheritischen Accommodations- Lahmungen. Ibid., 1870, viii, 245-256.—iVIasehka (W.) Ueber die Wirkung von Extractum Fabie Calabaris. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1883, xx, 227. — IVlattioli (G. B.) Sull' uso della lava del Calabar. Gazz. metl. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1865, viii, 428. -----. Risposta agii appunti cri- tici del Dott. Pasqualigo sull' uso della fava del Cala- bar. Ibid., 1866, ix, 69-71.—de ITIello (J.-J.) Recher- ches sur Taction de l'extrait ou de la teinture de feve du Calabar sur les animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1865, Par., 1866, 4. s., ii, 87. — lTIettenheiiiier. Wir- kuug der Kalabar-Bohne. Memorabilien, Heilbr.. 1864, ix, 175.—lTIiinio (W.) Suggestions as to the use of Cala- bar bean in cholera asiatica. Edinb. M. J., 1871-2, xvii, 327-329. -----. On various therapeutic uses of Calabar bean; especially in tic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 549. -----. Calabar bean as a lactagogue. 2 bid., 1876, ii, 554.— IVnniieley (T.) On the Calabar bean ; its action, prepara- tion, aud use. Laucet, Loud., 1863, ii, 476 ; 503; 530; 588 ; 616. Also, Reprint.—Ogle (I. W.) Observation on some ofthe effects ofthe application of Calabar—"ortleal bean "— to the eye. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1863, 613-615.—Orlowski (A.) Pbysostygtnina cechy jej i otrzymywanie. [Physo- stigmine, aud how it is obtained.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873, xiv, 273-271!.—Papi (C.) Sulla fava del Calabar ; ricerche sperimentali. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1868, 6. s., i, 1; 9; 19; 35; 41; 57.—Pasqualigo (P.) Intorno all' articolo del Dott. G. B. Mattioli: " SulT uso della fava del Calabar". Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1866, ix, 56.—Plant (W. T.) The ordeal bean of Calabar. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869-70, iv, 315-318.—Poehl (A.) Ueber die Alkaloide der Calabarbohne. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Rnss- land, St. Petersb., 1878, xvii, 386-391.—Pogliani (L.) Intorno alia fava tie) fisostigma velenoso del Calabar. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1866, xiv, 417 ; 449.—Quaglino (A.) SulT azione miotica o costrittiva pupillare della fava elel Calabar (Calabar beau). Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1863, 5. s., ii, 415; 433.—Bead (R. B.) Calabar bean in idiopathic tetanus. Practitioner, Lond., 1879, xxii, 192- 195.—Ringer (S.) cfe llluricll (W.) On the use of phy- sostigma in some nervous affections. Lancet, Loud., 1877, ii, 912; 950— BoberiMon (D. A.) On the Calabar bean as a new agent in ophthalmic medicine. Edinb. M. J,, 1862-3. viii, 815-820. Also, Reprint. Also: Boston M. efe S. J., 1863, lxviii, 179-185. -----. Note on the Calabar bean. Edinb. M. J., 1862-3, viii, 1115-1119. -----. On the effects ofthe Calabar bean on the eye. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1863-5, iv, 38-40.—Rogow (J.) Ueber die Wir- kung ties Extractes der Calabarbohne und des Nicotin auf die Iris. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1867, 3. R., xxix, 1-34.—Rossbach (M. J.) Der Antagonismus in der Wirkung des Atropin und Physostigmin auf die Speichelsecretion und die Gesetze des physiologischen Antagonismus. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1874, n. F., vii, 20-32. Also: Pharmakol. Unter- such., Wiirzb., 1873-4, i, 243-254.—Rossbach (M. J.) & Frohlich (C.) Untersuchungen uberdiephysiologischen Wirkungen des Atropin und Physostigmin auf Pupille und Herz. Verhandl. el. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb. (1873-4), 1874, n. F., v, 1-79. [See, also, supra, Harnack (E.)] Also: Pharmakol. Untersuch.. Wiirzb., 1873-4, i, 3-81.— Physostigma and physostigmine. Ruete (B.) Versuche liber die Calabar Bohno. Arch. tl. Heilk., Leipz., 1864, v, 174-179.—Scalzi (F.) Sulla fava del Caiabar. Gior. med. di Roma, 1865, i, 257-275— Nee. La feve de Calabar. Union m6d., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiii, 388; 580.—Si in i (A.) L' estratto della fava del Calabar negli inflltramenti purulenti della cornea. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1873, xxxii, 22-25. -----. SulT uso della calabarrina nelle malattieoculari. Imparziale, Firenze, 1877, xvii, 330; 364— Nmith (F.) cfe Rutherford (C.) On the action of physostigmine on the horse. Vet. J. cfe Ann. Comp. Tath., Lond., 1888, xxvi, 241-246.—Tachau (J.) Versuche iiber dio Wirkung des Calabarbohneiiextractes; mit einer Nachschriftvon A. Fick. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1H65, vi, 09-7*.—Vee (A.) cfe I-even (Al.) De Talcaloide de la feve du Calabar et experiences physiologiques avec ce mime alcaloi'de. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1864, Par., 1865, 4. s., i, 160. ----- -----. Experiences comparatives avec l'extrait de la feve de Calabai- et Talcaloide 6seriue. Ibid., 161.—Wndgymar (A.) Chemical analysis of tho Cala- bar bean. St. Louis AI. Reporter, 1866-7, i, 49-51.—War- loniont. La feve de Calabai-, ses propri6t6s physiolo- giques et ses applications a la therapeutique oculaire. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. tie Belg., Brux., 1863, 2. s., vi, 790-823. Also: Ann. d'ocul.. Brux., 1863, 1, 77M06. Also, Reprint. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1863, 1, 97-106. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Boston M. cfe S. J., 1863-4, lxix, 509-517.— Watson (E.) On the physiological actions of the ordeal beau of Calabar, and on its antagonism to tetanus and strychnia poisoning. Edinb. M. J., 1866-7, xii, 999-1024. Also, transl: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1867, 2. s., iv, 758; 790; 810.—Weber (A.) Ueber Calabar und seine thera- peutische Verwendung. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1876, xxii, 4 Abth., 215-232.—Wells (J. S.) Effects of the solution of Calabar bean on the accommodation of the eye, aud on the pupil. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 500-503.—Wil- limns (S. W. D.) The Physostigma venenosum in epilepsy and progressive, paralysis of the insane. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, viii, 75-81.—Wirkung der Bohne von Physo- stygma venenosum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 1042.—Workman (C. J.) Six cases of paralysis of the apparatus of accommodation, showing the action of the Calabar bean. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1863-5, iv, 112- 120.—Wright (W.) Calabar bean. Canada M. J, Mon- treal, 1868-9, v, 337-351.—Zehendcr (W.) Ueber den Ge- brauch ties Calabar-Bohneu-Extractes bei Hornhautflsteln. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1868, vi, 35-38. -----. Versuche iiber den Einfluss des von Merck in Darmstadt krystallinisch dargestellten salicylsauren Phy- sostigmin auf Pupillenweite und Accommodation. Ibid., Stuttg., 1880, xviii, 239-248. Phytolacca. See, also, Breast (Inflammation, etc., of); Can- cer, Fever (Malarial), Treatment of. Dubue. Memoire sur lc Phytolacca decanelra de Linn6, ou phytolaque. 8°. Rouen, 183\. Repr. from: PrCcis anal. d. trav. de TAcatl. d. sc, belles lettres et arts de Rouen, 1831. Shultz (B.) An inaugural botanico-metlical dissertation on the Phytolacca decandra of Lin- naeus. 8°. Philadelphia, 179"). Alexander. Poke-root in tumors. Med. efe Surg Re- porter, Phila., 1870, xxii, 422.—Barry (W. H.) On Phy- tolacca decandra in scrofula and phthisis pulmonalis. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1877, iv, 61.—Bartholow (R.) A con- tribution to our knowledge of Phytolacca decandra, and of Grindelia robusta. Clinic, Cincin., 1877, xiii, 292-294. Also: J. Nerv. cfe Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1877, ii, 689-694.— Coseera (N.) Contributo alio studio chimicc-tossico-hro- matologico sulla Phytolacca decandra, L. Orosi, Firenze, 1887, x, 77-94. Also: Riv. ital. di terap. eel ig., Piacenza, 1887, vii, 73; 114. Also: Gior. med. tl. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1887, xxxv, 178-197. Also: Boll, farm., Roma, 1887, xxvi, 33; 65.—Firman (F. W.) Phytolacca decandra and its use in mammitis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, 21-23.—Cnthrie (A.) Poisoning by poke- root. J. Am. Ass , Chicago, 1887, ix, 125. — Hay ward (G.) On the medical properties of thePh vtohici a decandra. N. Eng. J. M. efe S., Bost., 1817, vi, 315-321. Halo (Su- sumu). [Phytolacca japonica.] Tokei M. J.. Tokio, 1886, no. 436, Aug. 7.—Kunze (R. E.) Phytolacca decandra (Linnaeus). Tr. Eclect. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1878-9, xii, 76-82.—L.e. Mauvage. Note sur le Phytolacca de- candra. Rec. de rneiu. tie med. . . . mil., Par., 1826, xix, 257-269.—Macon (W. H.) Phytolacca decandra in arrest- ing threatened mammary abscess. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876-7, iii, 13.—Ulcrrcll (A.) Phytolacca de- candra: gargat, or poke-weed. Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. 1877-8, N. Y., 1879, 450-460.—Rota (L.) DelT azione della fitolaccasu T economiaanimale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Mi- lano, 1852, 3. s., iii, 253.—Tidd (C. H.) Phytolacca decan- dra: its properties and uses. Clinic, Cincin., 1873, v. 253- 255. -----. Some further thoughts on the uses of " Phy- tolacca decandra". South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1874, iv, 85- 87.—Vanderhoof (H. N.) Phytolacca in glandular af- PHYTOLACCA. 287 PIA. Phytolacca. fections. Chicago M. Times, 1875, vii, 299.—Westerfield (W. C.) The therapeutical properties of Phytolacca de- candra, or common poke; an inaugural thesis. St. Louis M. cfe S. J , 1859, xvii, 200-205. -----. On1 Phytolacca de- canrira. Chicago M. J. cfe Exam.. 1881, xiii, 353-356.— Williams (J. VV. R.) My experience with Phytolacca. Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta, 1884, vi, 50-54. Phytolacca (Toxicology of). C'raig (A. G.) Case of poisoning by Indian poke-root. Richmond cfe Louisville M. J., Louisviile, 1869, viii, 237.— Butcher (A. P.) Poke-root poisoning; two cases. Cin- cin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1859, ii, 350-352.—Fluiniaiii (J.) Awelenamento di tie individui con la radice di titolacca. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. s~, ii, 251.—Garnett (R. E.) A case of poke-root poisoning. Louisville M. News, 1881, xii, 65.—Cribbs (O. C.) Poke-root poisoning. Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1859, ii, 594.— Griggs (A. VV. ) Phytolacca decandra, modus operandi and therapeutic value of; with a case of poisoning by the tincture of the root, Atlanta M. cfe S. J.. 1866-7, viib, 193.—Morris (A. W.) A case of poisoning by Phytolacca decandra Meel. efe Snrg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 505. — Musgrove (W. C.) Poisoning by Phytolaccae radix (poke-root); lour cases. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1858, n. s., xiv, 230.— IViiIli (A.) Indole venefica delle ratlici di Rumex verti- cillata L. e della Phytolacca decandra W. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1828, xlvi, 56-63. — Pavesi (C.) DelT azione tossica della fltolacca decandra. Indipendente, Torino, 1875, xxvi, 487-489. — Rampazzo (L.) Vene- ficio ipostenicoper fitolacca. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1867, x, 221-222.—Ten-ill (G. F.) A case of death from pokeberries. Stethoscope cfe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 134.—Toldo (G.) Veneficio per fito- lacca. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1875, xviii, 85. Phytostcrin. Hesse (0.) Ueber Phytosterin und Cholesterin. Ann. d. Chem., Leipz., 1878, exci, 175-179. — Paschkis (H.) Ueber das Vorkommen des Phvtosterins. Ztschr. f. phy- siol. Chem., Strassb., 1883-4, viii, 356. Pia [Philippe-Nicolas] [1721-99]. Detail des succes de l'etablissement que la ville de Paris a fait en faveur des personnes noye^es, avec les diff6rentes instructions qui y sont relatives, et la maniere dont on doit faire usage des objets con- tenus dans la bolte ou se trouvent re"unis les principaux secours qu'on doit administrer aux novels. On y a joint une notice chronologiqne des differents ouvrages publies sur cette matiere depuis 1700. 108 pp. 16°. Amsterdam $ Paris, Lottin, 1773. -----. The same. 3., 4., 5., 6., & 7.pts., 1774-81. LWith] Premier supplement. 6 v. 16°. Paris, Lottin, 1775-82. ---;—. Precis des succes de l'etablissement que la ville de Paris a fait en faveur des personnes noyeSes; huitieme partie pour servir de supple- ment aux sept brochures in-12°, publi6es succes- sivement chaque annee, sous le titre de: Detail des succes obtenus sur les noye"s, etc. 128 pp., 1 pi. 16°. Paris, My on Vaine 6r fils, 1789. -----&Gardanne. Avisos interesantos sobre as mortes apparentes: recopilados da colleccao da Sociedade humana de Inglaterra, das obras de . . . 30 pp. 16°. Lisboa, 1790. Pia Fondazione Carlo Olivotti. See Venice. Ospitale civile di Venezia. Pia Istitnzione per la cura climatica gratuita a fanciulli gracili alunni delle scuole elemen- tari comunali di Milano. Rendiconto. 7., 1887. 13 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano, C. Rebeschini e Cie., 1868. Piacenza. Dalla chirurgia di maestro Gugli- elnio Saliceto. l_nW'' Discorsi di chirurgia, etc. 12°. Venezia, 1840, Piacenza. Regolamento di polizia urbana. 51 pp. 8°. Piacenza, A. Del-Manio, 1867. -----. Regolamento di polizia ed igiene. 61 pp. roy. 8°. Piacenza, tipog. del giornale La Liberia, 1885. ---;—. Progetto di nuovo regolamento pel ser- vizio fnnebre e pel cimitero. 23 pp. 8°. Pia- cenza, Marchesotit e Cie., 1886. Piacenza. See Education (Medical), etc., Hospitals (De- scriptions, etc., of), by localities; Medicine (Clin- ical, Cases of). Piacliaud (E.-G.-Louis). * Des deviations ele l'uterus a l'etat de vacuite. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 76, v. 531. -----. Memoire sur l'insertion du placenta sur le segment inferieur de l'uterus d'apres sept cas observes. 20 pp. 8°. Neuchatel, C. Leidecker, 1857. Repr. from: l5cho med., Neuchat., 1857, i. Piacliaud (F.) Memoire et observations snr les tumeurs fibro-calcaires de l'uterus. 30 pp. 8°. Geneve, J.-G. Fick, 1653. [P., v. 1(547 & Ki58. ] Repr. from: Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. de Geneve, 1853, i. -----. Des fractures dejambe. 27 pp. 8°. Lau- sanne, L. Corbaz $■ Cie., 1870. -----. Des polypes de l'uterus et de certaines tie- generescences fongueuses du col de la matrice. 19 pp. 8°. Lausanne, L. Corbaz $■ Cie., 1874. -----. Emploi des anesthesiques pendant l'ac- couchement naturel. 32 pp. 8°. Geneve, Bale, Lyon, H. George, 1878. Piaggio (Eugene) [1857- ]. * Sur une nou- velle theorie du phenomene respiratoire de Cheyue-Stokes. 66 pp., 1 1. 4°. Pan's, 1884, No. 205. Piales-Daxtrez ( J. -B.-M.-Victor). * De l'eclainpsie, ou convulsions puerperales. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 156, v. 286. Pialla (Auguste-Laurent). * I. Etablir le dia- gnostic, decrire le traitement de l'ecthyina, II, [etc.]. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 59, v. 365. Pialoux(A.-Pierre}[1855- ]. 'Contribution a l'etude du pemphigus. 1 p. 1., 43 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882, 4. s., No. 8. Pia mater. Bergen (C. A.) *De structura pise inatris. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1736. In : Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.). 4°. Oottingce,Vl¥l,\i, 833-840. Graetz (J. H.) Epistola anatomica, proble- matica septima. De pia matre ejusque processi- bus. Resp. F. Ruyschii. 4°. Amstelcedami, 1718. K.rauspe (F.) Ueber die reflectorische Beinflussting tier Piaarterien. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lix, 472-490.—Ricgel (F.) efc Jolly (F.) Ueber die Vcrande- rungen eler Piagefasse in Folge von Reizung seusibler Nerven. Ibid., 1871, Iii, 218-230.—Tuke (J. B.) Noteon the anatomy of the pia mater. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Editib., 1881-2, i, 118-122, 2 pi. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 1068-1072, 2 pi. Pia mater (P/iseases of). Camerarius (A.) * De apospasmate pise ina- tris. Tubingce, 1722. Resp. T. F. Faber. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 197-210. Hauchecorne (O.) *Ein Beitrag zur patlio- logischen Histologie der Pia mater und der klei- neren Gefasse eler Centralorgane. 8°. Berlin, [1882]. Redier (J.-M.) * Quelques observations d'af- fectiou tuberculeuse aigue de la pie-mere chez des adultes. 4°. Paris, 1885. A i'iidt (R.) Ein Cancroid der Pia mater. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1870, li, 495-506, 1 pi.—Arnold (J.) Ein Myxosarcoma telangiectodes cysticum tier Pia mater eler linken Grosshirnhemisphare. Ibid., 1870, li, 441-457, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 77.—Bail larger. Tumeurvariqueuse desvaisseaux tie la pie-mere plongeant dans l'epaisseur de l'hemisphere cerCbral droit. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1844, iii, 458-462.—Chambard (E.) Carcin6meepith61ioi'deprimi- tif ele la pie-mere. Encephale, Par., 1881, i, 75-84, I pi. -----. Nouveau cas de carcinomes epithelioides primitifs et multiples de la pie-mere. Ibid., 214-218, 1 pi.—Colo- miatti (V. F.) Di un papilloma infettante della pia madre cerebrale. Gior. el. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1874, 3. s., xvi, 107-127, 2 pi.—Eppinger (H.) Endothe- liom der Meninx pia mit Metastasen in der Pleura, den Lungen und dem Perikard. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., IMA. 288 IM BURET. Pia mater (Diseases of). Prag, 1875. cxxvi, 17-35.—Finger. Krebs der Pia eles Riickenmarks. Ibid., 1858, lx, 12.—Foerstcr (A.) Cho- lesteatom der Pia mater; Hamatom tier Dura mater. Wiirzb. nied. Ztschr., 1862,iii, 195.—Hanoi (V.) Gliome tie la pie-mere chez uuejeune femme syphilitique; attatjue epileptiforme avec elevation de la temperature; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1881 lvi, 26-34.—Hay em (G.) CHo-sarcomes de la pie-mere: compression et obliteration ties arteres sylviennes; ramollissement cerebral consecu- tif: autopsie. Arch, de physiol. nurni. et path., Par., ii, 1869, 126-131.—Holt (L. E.) A cyst of tlie pia mater in a chilli fifteen months old. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1887, xiv, 105-167.—Ilovvilen (J. C.) Case of senile de- mentia ; death from coma; brain -shrink in g; sanguineous effusion into arachnoid sac, resulting from rupture of mili- ary aneurisms in pia mater. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1874-5, xx, 587. 1 pi.—Jones (C. H.) Observations on inflamma- tory and certain other changes in the minute, vessels ofthe pia mater. Meel. Rec. N. Y.. 18*8, xxxiv, 197-"_'iim.— l,v- corche (E.) Epaississemcnt, aspect blanchatre et lai- teux de la pie-mere, avec plaques calcaires dans une por- tion de pie-mere de rhemispherc gauche chez une femme de 58 ans, maniaque, n'aynnt presente aucun symptomede paralvsie generale. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol. 1855, Par., 1850, 'ii, 2. s., pt. 1, 57-60.—Miraglia (B. G.) Intorno alia priorita di alcune sue osserva/.ioni di anatomia, fisi- ologia e patologia del cervello. (Su linfiltramento sieroso della pia rnadre.) Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1873. 3. s., xiv, 333-339.—Ogle (J. W) A cyst formed amongst the meshes of the pia mater of the brain, which produced absorption of the- convolutions of the surface. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 1-3. -----. Arachnoid membrane and pia mater very vascular and greatly thick- ened, antl. having peculiar bodies attached to their inner surface. Ibid., 1865-6, xvii, 5.—Parrot (J.) Sur un cas de Uptime de la pie-mere ccrebrale. Arch, dec physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 443-447.—Saiulifort (E.) De pi;e matris aliarumque partium ossiflcatione. In his: Obs. anat.-pathol., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1779, iii, 42-52.—Sehulz (R.) Primares Sarcom der Pia mater des Riickenmarks in seiner gau/.en Liinge. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1885, xvi, 592-598. 1 pi. ,l|jii [Abstr.]: Tagebl. tl. Versamml. deut- scher Naturf. tt. Aerzte, 1884, 357.—Szekacs (B.) Az agvkcreg daganatanak egv esete. [Tumor of pia mater. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1881, xxv, 745-749.—Tiingel (C.) Idiopathische Entziindung der Pia mater. Klin. Mitth. v. el. need. Abth. d. allg. Krankenh. in Hamb., 1861, 64-68.— Wrany (A.) A- IVeuretter (T.) Choleosteatoma der I'ia mate r iiber elem Tuber corporis callosi bei einem fiinf Jiihre alten Mack-hen. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien, 1872, iii, 22. Plan. .See Frambcesia; Syphiloids. Pia ii de Nerac. See Syphiloids. Plana (Aitilio). Delle malattie del naso e delle fosse nasali. 213 pp., 2 1. 8°. Fossombrone, F. Monacelli, 1881. Pinna (Gian Pietro). Osservazioui comparative intorno alia struttura delle ultime diraniazioni delle arterie pulmonari. Contribuzione alia conoscenza della struttura e della funzione dell' organo eli Jacobson. 12 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Bologna, 1881). Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., i. Piana (Gio. Pellegrino) & Ballotta (Giusep- pe). Progetto premiato al coucorso del nuovo ospedale di Lugo in Romagna, pubblicato a cura della Commissione Cassa-Fabbrica. 2 p. 1., 142 pp.,ll.,6pl. roy.8°. Bologna,N.Zanichelli, 1882. ------ ------. II cbolera e la tenda ospedaliera elel sistema di costruzione Toilet di Parigi. 29 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1884. Plane, See Corsica (Mineral waters of). Pianieri (Giovanni) [1509- ]. Sr hi v a ril ■ (A.) Biografia tie' medici illustri Bresciani. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1836, lxxix, 241-251. Pianists. Halle & Thillaye. Rapport sur un proc&le* meVanique, an moyen duqucl M. Delacroix a sup- ply a Taction des tendons extenseurs eles deux mains paralyses, chez un musicien pianiste at- tache au Theatre italien de Sa Majesty l'lmpera- trice. Ce proc&16 fait le sujet d'un memoire Pianists. pre"sent6 ct lu a la Soeit^do laFacult6de m6elo- cine dans sa seance du 19 aout 1813, par J.-F. Delacroix el'OrI6ans. 12°. [Paris, 1813.] Howard (W.) Note on pianists'cramp. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 672. Pianka (Julius [Ferdinand]) [1818- ]. *De baryecoite causis nonnulla. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Xietackianis, [1842]. Piante (Lucien-Armand-Gabricl). * Etude snr la geneseetle traitement eles abecs tlu seiu. 130 pp. 4°. Lyon, lHSr>, No. 282. Piailtieri (Federieo). Elementi di mctlicina legale. 1 p. 1., 117 pp., 11. 8°. Napoli, Car- rozza, 1803. [P., v. 1144.] Piard (P.-A.-J.) * Considerations gdnerales sur lis hyelropisies. 25 op. 4°. Paris, 1817. No. 10(3, v. 132. Piarlia'inia. See Blood (Fatty, etc.). Piascclti (J.-Albert). * Hygiene tie la classe ou vriere du Havre an point ele vue de l'alcoolisnie. (JO pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 190. Piat (fimile). * Traitement du croup. 49 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1807, No. 106. Piatt (Jacob W.) Kentucky Court of Appeals. Martha E. Piatt, executrix of Jacob W. Piatt, deceased, versus John H. Piatt, et al. Appeal from Boone Circuit Court. Argument for plaintiff, Johnston & Carroll, of counsel for plaintiff. [Competency of testator.] b'-'. Cincinnati, [18,")7]. Piattelli (R.) I bagni mariui e nota preven- tive sull' acqua terrno-niinerale tlella Ficoncella. 39 pp., 21. 8°. Civita Vecchia, A. Strambi, 1876. Piatti (Franciscus) * In lepram .Scandiuavicani ejusque causas, auimiitlversioues. 20 pp. 8°. Ticini Regii, Bizzoni, 1842. Piattini (Ferelinanelo). Fognsitura autoniatica e perenne per mezzo dell' aria compressa e tlella sifonatnra tlei bottiui . .. Stutliod'applicazione alia citta eli Toriuo. 28, 8 pp., 1 map. fol. To- rino, Camilla , No. 211. Picard (Emile). *Des perf rations spontan6cs dc restomac et de leurs causes, viii, 9-58 pp., I 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1873, No. 12. Picard (Frederic). Sydenham; savie; ses ceu- vrcs, 1624-89. Etuele historique. xiv, 132 pp., portr. 8°. Paris, Lecrosnier $ Babe; London, Williams <$■ Norgate, 1889. Picard (Georges-Marcel). * Sarcoceleet phthisie ranc6reuse. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 265. ------. The same. 46 pp., 1 1. 8^. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1875. Picard (Germain). *I. Determiner si la luxa- tion est une complication grave do la tumeur blanche. Quelles sont les consequences de la tiuneur blanche, et quel en est le pronostic? II. [etc.]. 76 pp. 4'-. Paris, 1845, No. 7, v. 436. Picard (Henri). *De l'acide cyanhyilrique. 90 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 51. ------. Note sur les inflammations et abefes de la prostate. 68 pp. 8". Paris, A. Delahaye, 1875. ------. Traits des maladies de la prostate, iv, 400 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1877. 19 Picard (Henri)—continued. ------. Traite ties maladies de Purethre. x, 600 pp. 8". Paris, J.-B. Bailliere nie aigue. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 104, v. 180. Picard (Jean-BaptistcRose)". * Considerations sur les tievres intermittentes eu general, vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 36, v. 230. Picard (Jean-Louis). *Sur la diete dans le traitemeut des malatlies aigue's. viii, 9-31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 57, v. 145. Picard (Jean-Paul). Des inflexions de l'uterus a l'etat ele vacuite. 168 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1802. ------. *Des inflexions tie l'uterus a l'etat tie va- cuite. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1802, No. 58. This thesis contains only the conclusions of preceding. See, also, Virchow (Rudolf). La syphilis constitution- nelle. 8*°. Paris, 1860. -----. La pathologic cellulaire [etch 8°. Paris, 1861. Picard (Joannes Franciscus). *De peritonitide acuta. 24 pp. 4°. Leodii, P. J. Collardin, 1821. [P., v. 1299.] Picard (Joseph). Quelques observations tie cholera chez les femmes enceintes, recucillics pendant Pepidemie de Seiultzmatt, aout et scp- teinbre 1855. 14 pp. 8 . Strasbourg, G. Silb r- mann, 1855. [P., v. 200.] Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Strasl)., 1855, v. -----. *De la presence tie Puree elans le sang ct de sa diffusion elans l'organisnie a l'etat physio- logique et a l'etat pathologique. 1 p. 1., 96 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856, No. 375, v. 22. -----. *De l'inflammation. 76 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1862, v. 33. Concours. Picard (Jules). *I. Etablir le tliagnostic et le traitemeut de Pimpetigo. II. [etc.]. 30 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 28, v. 394. Picard (Jules-Aelolphe). *De la perinephric primitive. 42 pp. 4C. Pan's, 1860, No. 200. Picard (L.-E.) *Sur la gastro-enterite, avec symptomes d'adynamie et d'ataxio. vi, 7-36 pp. 4l. Paris, 1828, No. 173, v. 218. Picard (Louis). *I. Des symptomes de la ne- phrite. II. [ etc. ]. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 165, v. 488. PICARD. 2!)0 PIO HARD. Picard (Louis-Hubert). * Considerations hy- gieniques sur le ciisernement eles troupes. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843, No. 113, v. 9. Picard ( Louis- Marie-Fr6d6ric) [1858- ]. * Thomas Sydenham, sa vie et ses ceuvres. [Pa- ris.] xiv, 132 pp., port. 4°. Dijon, 1889, No. 178. Picard (P.) Recherches sur divers problemes ele physiologie animale. [Communications preala- liles.] 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, Mougin- Busand, 1878. -----. Clauele Bernard. Lecon d'onverture du cours tie physiologie, faite le 20 mars 1879. 31 pp. 8°. Lyon, Mongin-Rusand, 1879. Picard (Pierre-Benoist). * Sur quelques carac- teres eiu crane consieieres chez I'homme et la grenouille. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 126. Picardat ( Alexandre-Aelolphe). * Recherches sur les anomalies cougenitales tlu canal de Pure- thre. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 91, v. 623. Picardy. Deflandre (J.-F.-E.) * Essai sur Phygiene ties campagnes de la Picartlie. 4°. Paris, 1853. Picart (Augustin-Lonis). *Sur la peritonitc 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 9, v. 82. Picas (Wenceslao) [ -1871]. Pi y IVIolist (E.) [ Necrologia del Dr. "Wenceslao Picas. Diario tie Barcelona.] Independ. m^d., Barcel., 1870-71, ii, 69-72. Picaild (Andre). * Des eruptions cutauees con- secutives aux lesions traumatiques. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 181. Picaild (Charles). * Considerations generales sur l'influence de la puberte, tie la premiere men- struation et du mariage, sur la sante tie la jeune fille. vi, 7-24 pp! 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 160, v. 202. Picaild (Francois). *De l'emploi des emissions sanguines en general, dans le traitement des maladies aigue's iuflammatoires. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 251, v. 463. Piccardi (Michael Friderich). Zwo anatomi- sehe unel chirnrgische Beobachtungen. 8 pp. 12°. Kopenhagen, J. R. Thiele, [1776]. -----. Bemerkning om en S0nelerbraikket Panele- huule. [Fracture of frontal sinus. ] 8 pp. 12-. Kitjibenhavn, J. R. Thiele, [1777]. -----. Bemerkuing om en Urinfistel. 8 pp. 12°. KiQbenhavn, J. R. Thiele, [1779]. -----. Bemerkning om eu Nervefeber. 20 pp. 12°. Ki0benhavn, J. R. Thiele, [1780]. Piccardt (Jacobus Joannes). *De venenis et antidotis. 2 p. 1., 46 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat, G. Wishoff, 1764. [Also, in: P., v. 57.] Piccartlis (Michael). Oratio acatlemica qua Altorfinaui Norimbergeusinni Academiani metu luis per coutagium invecta; tlilabeutem, cum bono et propitio Deo revocavit restituitque. 12 1. sm. 4°. Altorfi, apud C. Agricolam, [1612]. -----. Oratio academica de praestantia cogni- tionis. 141. sm.4°. AItorfii, C. Agricola, [1613]. Picclliili (Luigi). Appunti clinici sulle loca- lizzazioui cerebrali delle meningiti e meningo- encefaliti. 20 pp. 12°. Napoli, M. de Rubertis, 1885. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1885, i. -----. Contributo alio stutlio delle nefriti mico- tiche. 42 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, L.Vallardi, 1885. Repr. from: Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvi. -----. Neoformazione di tessuto osseo nel pol- mone. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, E. Detken, 1886. Rejir. from,: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885,vii. PicciiiO (Sebastiano). Relazione sul cholera in Bassignana. 19 pp. 12°. Alessandria, 1807. ■ Piccinardu* (Seraphinus) [1634- ]. Patinus(C) [Biography.] In his: LyceumPatavin. 4°. Patavii, 1682,126-129,1 pi. Piccinini (Ettore). Sec IVejeri (Luigi). Sulla chirurgia conservatrice. 8°. [n.p., 1807.] Picciliini (Jacopo). Sopra strane complicazioni e successioui morbose. Lett era al professore V. L. Brera. 13 pp. 8°. Neviso, F. Andreola, 1i«25. Repr. from: Gior. sulle sc. e lettere d. prov. venete, No. xliii. Piccioili (A.) *I. De Paction tics matieres ani- males snr les sels ele mercure II. [etc.]. 71pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 138, v. 332. Piccioni (Antoine). Hospice Saint-Nicolas. Etat tie la question: Apres 218 ans de debuts, batira-t-on le nouvel hospice de Bastia? 100 pp. 8°. Bastia, Fabiani, 18(55. Picco (Joannes Aloysius). *I. Do partium ani- malium generali compositione, etc. 16 pp. 4°. Augustce Taurinorum, vidua Poniba etjilii, [1817]. [P.', v. 943.] Piccollioiiiini ( Archangolus ) [1526-1605]. Anatomicae prtelectiones explicantes iniriiicam corporis humani fabricam, et qute animal vires, quibus corporis partibus tauquam instruinentis, ael suas obeuutlas actiones utantur, sicuti tota auima, tota corpore. 5 p. 1., 414 pp., 7 1. fol. Bomce, B. Bonfadini, 1586. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Piccolos (Nicolas) [1792-186.5].' Cnflc (P.-L.-B.) Necrologie. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1805, xxxii, 190. Piccoili (G.) La questione dellafognatura. In eiccasione elel concorso pel posto d' ingegnere capo dell' ufficio tecnico di Sanremo. 31 pp. 8\ Sanremo, Arbuffo cj'- Vachieri, 1885. Picccco (Giuseppe). Delia influenza dcllarisaia sulla salubrita dell' aria nei diversi luoghi e nei limitrofie delle relative leggi igieniche a tutela ilegli operai e delle popolazioni con alcune dedu- zioui intorno all' origiue, sede e natura delle feb- bri intermittenti dei reumatisini, ecc. Memoria premiata dall' Accadernia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. 132 pp., 1 1. 8°. Venezia, tip. eli G. Cecchini, 1859. Picliancourt (Arthur - Auguste) [1857- ]. * Etude snr la pathogenie des abces fetides. 62 pp. 4C. Paris, 1882, No. 377. Pichard (A). See Fournicr (Alfred). Du sarcocele syphilitique. 8°. Paris, 1875. Pichard (Amand). '*Duphagedenismetertiaire. [Paris.] 2 1., 103 pp., 1 1. 4°. Saint-L6, J. Delamare, 1879, No. 187. Pichard (Francois- Louis) [1797- ]. Dc la lethargie et des signes qui distinguent la mort reYlle de la mort apparente. 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, llautecceur-Martinet, 1830. [P., v. 1789.] -----. Maladies des femmes. Des abus de la cauterisation et de la resection du col dans les malaeliesdelamatrice. 191pp., ltab. 8°. Pa- ris, Germer-Bailliere, 1846. -----. Maladies des femmes. Traitemeut ration- nel et pratique des ulcerations du col tie la ma- trice. 297 pp., 8pi. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1847. -----. Maladies des femmes. Des ulcerations ct, des ulceres du col ele la matrice et de leur traite- ment. viii, 480 pp., 8 1., 8 pi., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1848. Is a reprint of the two preceding titles. Pichard (Jean-Marie) [1781-1837]. *Sur les phenomenes ele la puberte, coushierees dans Pau- tre sexe. 51 pp. 4U. Paris, 1811, No. 118, v. Mi. For Biography, see Rougicr ( L.-A.) J5loge de J.-M. Pichard. 8°. Lyon, 1836. Pichard (Joannes Baptista Alexius). *Diss. med. tic respiratione difticili. 1 p. 1., 34 pp. 4 . Monspelii, J. Martel, 1757. [P., v. 1282 & 1397.] PIOHATTY DE CROISSALNTE. 291 PICHON. Pichatty «le Croissainte. See Brief (A) journal of what passed in the city of Mar- seilles [etc.], 8°.' London, 1721. Picliaild (Joseph-Atlolphe). * Observations et reflexions sur 36 cas tie fievre intermittente inve- teree traites par Pacitle arsenieux, aux lies du Salut(Guyanefraucaise). 43 pp. 4°. Montpel- lier, Boehm 4-fils, 1864. [P., v. 47.] Pichc (Gabriel). * Quelques consitlerations sur le cliarbon et le coaltar saponin^, et de lour tip- plication dans le traitement ties plaics. x, 11-45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 75. Picliegru (Charles) [1761-1804]. Zwei Fundscheine, die Besichtigung und Section der Leiehe des strangulirt gefuudeneu Generals Pichegru be- treffend; nebst Chaussier's Bemerkungen und Vor wort und Anmerkungen vou A. Henke. Ztschr. f. tl. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1826, 6. Ergnzugshft., 31-49. Picliciiot (Arthur). *De Pidiotie et tie ses rap- ports avccl'alienationinentale. 80 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1833, No. 11. Piclicral (Albin-Numa). * Essai sur la nature tie l'erysipele medical. 66 pp., 1 1., 1 ch. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 54. Piclierry (Jean-Baptiste). *I. Des paupieres et eles sourcils. II. [etc.]. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 1, v. 394. Pichery ( J.-L. ) Gymnastique de Popposant, uniquenient fondee sur l'anatomie et la physio- logie tie I'homme. 240 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 fils, [1870]. Piclicry (Jacques - Francois - Joseph -Maurice). *Sur la peripueunionie simple et conipliqnee. vi, 7-52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 335, v. 118. Piclievin (Roland). *Des alius tie la castration chez la femme. 120 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 271. Pichi. Christy (T.) Piche (Fabiana imhricata). Inhis:~Rew Coininerc. Plants cfe Drugs, Lond., 1889, no. 11, 18-21.—Dc I nine re (H. S.) Fluid extract of pichi in vesical catarrh. Mid. Rec, N. T., 1887, xxxii, 623.—Egasse (E.) Des uimveaux diuretiques vt'getaux: Piche., neurs tie feve, Cliiniaphila umhellata. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1889. cxvi, 342-360.—« rec n (P.) The therapeutic value of pichi (Fabiana imhricata). Therap. Gaz., Detroit 1888, 3. s., iv, :!()K-.r!7(l.—lie lVIcnant ties ChesnaiM. Besul- tats favorahles obtenus par l'emploi du pichi chez deux mahidcs. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1888, 324-327.— l,iiiioiiNiii. Sur le pichi du Chili. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1886, 2. s., xiii, 73-78.—Rushy (H. H.) The new Chilian drug "pichi". Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 810-813. Pic III (Josephus Bojslav). *De morbillis. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pragw, A. Spinka, 1842. Piclilaii (A.) *K simptomatologii ospy, na os- uovauii nabloudenii, proizvedennych vo vremja ospennoi epidemii v Moskve 1872-3 g. [Symp- tomatology of small-pox, based upon observa- tions collected during the times of small-pox epielemics in Moscow, 1872-3.] 119pp., 11., 1 tab. H°. Moskva, Univ. tipog., 1876. Piciller (Christoph. Frider.) *De machime hu- mana} vitiisprtecordiaaffligeutibus. 28 pp. sm. 4 \ Tubingce, lit J. C. Reisii vidua;, [1726]. Pichler (Christophorus Godofredus). Anaemia llieeiiftice et practice perlustrata. 16 pp. 4°. Tubingce, typ. Bauhof- et Franckianis, [1756]. . *Diss. sistens divinum Hippocratis in morbis epidemicis maliguis. 24 pp. 4°. Tu- bingce, typ.. Bauhof- et Franckianis, [1758]. Pichler (Joannes Fridericus). *De oleorum ungninosornm usu in morborum medela. 47 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, J. H. Heilz, [1781]. Pichler (Joh. Friedrich Christian) [1754-1807]. Methodus formulas medicas conscribendi, in usum prselectionum academicarnm. 119 pp. 12°. Argentorati, A. Koenig, 1785. -—. Memoire sur les maladies contagieuses, dans lequel on examine: Qnelles sont parmi les maladies, soit aigues, soit chrouiques, celles qu'on Piciller (Joh. Friedrich Christian)—continued. doit regarder comme vralment contagieuses; par quels moyens chacune dc ces maladies se commu- nique d'un individu a un autre; et quels sout les procedes les plus surs pour arreter les progres de ces differentes contagions 1 3 p. ]., 141 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strasbourg, [Lorenz portes par ce pays elans l'exercice des functions, daus la lougdvite, elans les predis- positions aux maladies? II. [etc.]. 50 pp. 4C. Paris, 1839, No. 102, v. 347. Picliot (Amedee) [1796- ]. The life and la- beinrs of Sir Charles Bell, xviii (1 1.), 250 pp. 12°. London, P. Bentley, 1800. See, also, Warren (Samuel). Souvenirs d'un ni6decin, etc. 12°. Paris, IS.". Picliot (F.-L.) * Etude clinique sur le cancer du corps et de la cavite de l'uterus. 150 pp., 1 1. 4 . Paris, 1876, No. 276. Picliot (Felix-Augnste). *Surle traitement eles anus contre-nature. vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 190, v. 253. Picliot (Jacques-Francois). * Sur la regenera- tion des os. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 24, v . 108. PicllOt-Chailipflciiry ( Rene-Jacques-Fran- cois). * Sur l'epistaxis. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 80, v. 231. Picht(LCarolus]Ferdinandns)[1807- ]. *De gitstus et olfactns nexu, pnesertim argument is pathologicis et experimeutis illustrate 31 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Berolini, typ. Bruschckianis, [1829]. [Also, in: P., v. 1548.] Picllt(Friedrich). * Chondrom ties weichen CJau- mens. 24 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Gottingen, E. A. Buth, 1876. Picllt (Joannes Henricus). *Diss. historiam peripneumoniae vera? cum aliis morbis compli- cate ejusque explicationem exhibens. 3 p. 1., 20 pp., 3 1. 4°. Balce Magdeb., lit Stephanianis, [1769]. Picliiirim beans. Zeizcll (P.) Verhandeling van het nut der Brasili- ansclie hoonen. pecuris, of pechurims, genoemd, tegen den louden loop. Geneesk. Verhandel. a. de k. Sweed. Acad. (Saudifort), Leiden, 1775, ii, 440-457. Pic ins (Franciscus). See iVIomlino [or iTlondini) .,S' L','','l,v- Moral, and Medical, &, Lond., 1807, iv, it . T ,,,<-li,«'* and their adulterations. I Keport of ,S?o ■ ",. ytlcal Sauitary Commission.] Lancet, Lond., looj, 1, 132-135. Pico (Franciscus Joannes). * De nevralgia. 23 1>1>. 8. Patavii, typ. Seminarii, 1825. Picoline. Andcrxon (T.) On the constitution and properties of ftm !"'.-''. .£i?e.T ?oPnio base from coal-tar- l'r. Roy. Soc. Edit h | I844-H1. 1845-9, xvi, 123-136. Alto : Edinb. N Phil. #w ' iXll' »?; 291- Al*0' ^Print.-fficlisncr dc «t?lp« «iV^ ■ !**',*• ,Ac,tion pliysioloRique de la picoline et i- logum seu epitomen ob oculos posita; id quod prior editio non habebat. Quibus accednnt, an- tea non irnpressa, succesivarum lectionuni ix dia- logi, lectu et utilia et jucunda tractantes. Pia- terea, conviviortun libri iii conjungentes quoipie utile dulci. 7 p. 1., 287 pp., Hi 1. 8°. Basilece, [B. Petri, 1554]. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 62 ff. 18°. Parisiis, [Martinus Juvenis, 1555.] lion nd with: Sai.kkxum [School of J. De conservanela, [etc.]. 18°. [Parisiis, 1555.J -----. Thesame. Parisiis, B.de Marnef,[n. d.]. In: SALEltNUM [School of']. De conservanela, [etc.]. WJ. [Parisiis, 1580, 301-475, 6 1.] -----. Sanitatis tuendaj methodus carmine ele- giaco conscri)>ta; prophylatia, hoe est de se- cunda vale-tudiue tuenda, Dioclis Caristii . . . Hippocratis Coi cpistola ad rcgein Ptolemauun tie vera hominis formatione et ainissa? sanitatis recuperalioue, per Ant. Cotlruin I'teeum Flo- rentiuum carmine heroico versa; Arnoldi Cata- lani regimen pro sanitate couservantla. 102 pp., 5 1. 12°. Basilece, B. Petri, 1561. -----. Von Zernichten Artzten. Clarer Bericht ob elie Christen von elen jiidischen Artzten vertrew- lich Artzney gebrauclien meigeu. Und wie elie jetzlenffig Artzney eles Weschcns erstlich erdacht unnd wie die fiir Nutz bringe. Sampt einer De- claration eles lietriegens so elie Marckt Artzt untl die Heiligenschender, tlie vou den biisseu tadlen an alien Orten sich gebrauclien. 4 p. 1., 48 ff. 16°. [Ensisheim, 1557.] -----. Kei nicelicie totins compeudiosa traditio, Aviceume, Galeni, Hippocratis, aliorniuque op- timorum autorum suff'ragiis, tanta autoris dili- gentia in unum couscripta, ut plane nihil quod ratioualem medieinam concernit, neglect um vi- deatur. 8 p. 1., 142 pp., 4 1. 12°. Basilece, II. Petri, 1558. -----. Meelicime tain simplices quam composi- ta', jul omnes ferine corporis humaui prater na- ! turam atfectus, ex Hippocrate, Galeuo, Aviccnna, 95 PIDERIT. PICTORIUS. PictOl'lUS (Georgius)—continued. Acgineta, et aliis . . . cum Arnoldi Catalani, de conferentibus et nocentibus membris principali- bns humani corporis, tractatus appendice, lectu cuilibet rationali medico dignissima. Accessit (uorpoipeiov sive leporarium, animalium quadru- petlarum et avium naturas ac proprietates conti- nens: eodem autore. Una cum Constantini Afri- cani ejustlem argnmento libello : et Oppiani de piscibus tractatu, scholiis Georgii Pictorii illus- trate. 128 pp., 4 1., 57 pp., 1 1. 12°. Basilew, [B. Petri, 1560]. .-----. De iustituendis pueris. Quibus prtecep- toribus committenda sit ingenuorum puerorum indoles, quibusve artibus instituenda, ut recto cum pro corporis informetur habitu, tum etiam ad mentis veram traducatur condecentiam, isa- goge. Cum brevi atlmodum mathesi, qua ra- tione vel labefactans, vel deperdita restauretur fielelissilua musaruui genitrix memoria. Annexo tlrainate satis jucunclo ele sene quodam turpi amore impedito, et honesta uxore elcsolata. 90 pp., 31. 18°. Basilece, B. Petri, [1564]. -----. Separati sermoues aphoristica brevitate in omnes ferine prseter naturain atfectus, ex sum- mis metlicae professionis autoribus, per ... sic in unmn conscripti, ut non solum in re medica primis tyronibus commotio esse queant, setl etiam in arte pcrfectis utiles haberi videantur. 11 p. 1., 212 pp. 16°. [Basilece, B. Petri, 1562.] -----. Physicaruinquaestionuni centuriae ties, non minus utiles quam jucuudae, ex doctissiniornm virorum promptuariis cum suis solutionibus couscripta?. His accedunt quoruudam magno- runi autorum errores per eundem . . . notati. HavToivuTaov contra quorundam philosophorum opiuiones, quis verus Deus, untie Gentiles Dii, ex quibus humani corporis fabrica, quae humoriim ([tialitates, quibus horis quilibet eorum domine- tur, quos habeant sapores, quae sint anni partes, hominis complexioues, qualiter morbis hoinini contingentibus obviandum, una cnm ecclesiaa ad Christum treuodia. Atljecti tres dialogi, quo- rum primus de ira refrenanda, secundus de vera nobilitate, tcrtius tie ebrietatis turpitudine. 14 p. 1., 354 pp., 7 1. 16°. Basilece, [1568]. -----. De illorum daemonum qui sublnnari col- limitio versantur, ortu, nominibus, officiis, illu- sionibus, potestate, vaticiniis, miraculis, et qui- bus mediis in fugam compelhintur, isagoge, uu- perrime in unum collecta. Quibus accedit de speciebus magite ceremonialis, quam Goetiam vo- cant, epitome, eodem Ptetorio collectore. Et an Saga} vel mulieres quas expiatrices nomiuamus, ignis mulcta sint damuandae resolutio. 87 pp., 4 1. 16°. [Basilece, ex off. B. Petrina, 1571.] Bound with the following. -----. Sermonum convivialium apprime utilium, libri x, deque ebrietate lusus quidam. Item ele subluuarium daunonum ortu, natura, illusioni- hus, etc., et quomodo pelleudi sint, isagoge. Una cum epitome de magiaa caeremonialis seu Goetiae speciebus. Quibus annexa est resolutio, utrum Sagte iguis mulcta damnandae sint. Praeterea ele pharmacaudi comprobata ratione libri ii, per Theodoricum Ulseninm carmine conscripti, et per eundem Pictorium scholiis illustrati. His accedit quoque Q. Sereni Samonici libellus tie omnium morborum cura, metrica oratione con- scriptus, et ejusdem Pictorii coinmeutariis expla- natus. 15 p. 1., 222 pp., 17 1. 16°. Basilece, [ex off. B. Petrina, 1571]. - See, also, Macer (iEmilus). De herbarum virtutibus. 16°. Basilem, 1559— UUenius (Theodoricus). De phar- niacandi comprobata ratione libri ii. 12°. Basilece, [1559?]. Picture (A) of the present state of the Royal College of Physicians of London; containing Picture (A) [etc.]—continued. memoirs, biographical, critical, and literary, of all the resident members of that learned body, and of the heads of the metlical boards; with some other distinguished professional characters ; to which is subjoined an appeneiix, or account of the different medical institutions of the metrop- olis, scientific and charitable, with their present establishments, xi, 548, Ixvii pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Neely 4' Jones, 1817. Picture-writing*. Ball (V.) On Nicobarese ideographs. .T. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1880-81, x, 103-105, 1 pi. - Bollai-rl (W.) Introduction to the palaeography of America ; or, observa- tions on ancient picture and figurative writing in the New World ; on the fictitious writing in North America; ou the quipu of the Peruvians, and examination of spurious quipus. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. (1K63-4), 1865, i, 169- 194. -----. Some account of the astronomy of the red man of the New World ; including the "telescopic device" of the mound builders of the United States ; another exam- ination of the stone zodiac of the Aztecs; their method of obtaining a meridian line, etc.; astronomy of Central America, with recent discovery of the Maya ; hieroglyphic alphabet; the stone lunar calendars of the t'hibchas of Bogota and probable use of the Gnomon there; the re eently discovered gold calendar of the Peruvians and tele- scope tube; their gnomons, etc. Ibid., 210-280, 2 pi. -----. Maya hieroglyphic alphabet of Yucatan. Ibid. (1865-6), 1866, ii, 46-54. -----. Examination of Central American hieroglyphs of Yucatan, including the Dresden Codex, the Guatemalieu of Paris, and the Troano of Ma- drid ; the hieroglyphs of Palenques, Capon, Nicaragua, Veraguas, and New Granada ; by the recently discovered Maya alphabet. Ibid. (1867-9), 1870, iii, 288-314. -----. On ancient Peruvian graphic records. Ibid., 351-358.— Holilen (E. S.) Studies in Central American picture- writing. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1879-80. Wash., 1881, i, 207-245, 9 pi— ITIallery (G.) On the pictographs of the North American Indians. Ibid. 1882-3, Wash., 1886, iv, 1-256, 83 pi.—Seemanu (B.) On the resemblauce of in- scriptions found on ancient British rocks with those of Central America. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Loud. (1865-6), 1866, ii, 277-282, 1 pi.—Thomas (C.) Notes on certain Maya and Mexican manuscripts. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1881-2, Wash., 1884, iii, pp. xxx. PlCUS (Joh. Franciscus) Mirandulce [1469-1533], Opus aureum de auro tum aestimando, turn con- ticiendo, tum utendo, ad coujugem. In: Theatrum chemicum. 4°. Argentorati, 1659, ii, 312-377. See, also, C'olumba (Gerardus). De febris pestileutiis [etcl. 4°. Messance, 1596. Pidaiisat (A.-Victor). * I. De la lymphangite uterine. II. [etc.]. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 128, v. 422. Pidduck (Isaac). The identity of the Asiatic, Russian, and English cholera; its cause, symp- toms, prevention, and cure. 11 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Wilson, 1831. [-----.] Proposed national medical estahlisment for the government of the medical body, antl for the guardianship of the health aud lives of the community. By Medicus. 11pp. 8°. London, Mackintosh, 1848. [P., v. 60.] -----. Dietetic medicine; or, the osteo-phosphate of lime autl iron, as a nutrient of the osseous structure, aud the iodide of caloium as an altera- tive and an antitlote to metallic poisems. 16 pp. 8°. London, W. Ostell, 1862. Piderit (Jo. Rueleilphus Auteinius). See Schleger (Theod. August.) [Pr.| de epidemia antea chronica [etc.]. 4°. Cassellis, [1773]. Piderit (Joannes Carolus Henricus) [1797- ]. * De exploratioue thoracis ad morbos pectoris in- fernos cognoscendos. 51 pp. 8°. Berolini, T. Briischke, [1820]. Piderit (Karl). Das Buch fur junge Mutter und treue Wiirterinucn. Vorschriften iiber Haltung uudPflege der Kinder in den ersten Lebensjahren. 4. Aufl. Neu bearbeitet uud hrsg. von F. E. Cla- sen. xvi, 141 pp. 16°. Bielefeld u. Leipzig, Vel- hagen it. Biasing, 1885. PIDERIT. 296 PIKDAGNKL. Piderit (Philippus Jacobus) [1753-1817]. *De motlo quo venena ut medicamenta salutaria agunt. 66 pp., 2 1. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, ex off. Miilleriana, [1773]. -----. Pharmacia rationalis. 3. ed. 7 p. 1., 406 pp., 1 1. 8°. Cassellis, in off. J. J. Cramcri, 1791. -----. Versuch einer Darstelluug tier auslaneli- scheu Arzneymittel, in Riicksicht ihrer Ent- oder Cnentbehrlichkeit. 92 pp. 8°. Kassel u. Mar- burg, J. C. Krieger, 1810. Piderit (Theoelor). Mimik unel Physiognomik. 2. Aufl. xii, 212 pp., 40 pi. 8 \ 'Detmold, B. Denecke, 1886. Pidgin (Charles F.) History of the bureau of statistics of labor of Massachusetts, antl of labor legislation in that State from 1836 to 1876. Pre- pared for the bureau, as a contribution to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, in 1876. 101 pp. 8°. Boston, Wright 4- Potter, 1876. -----. Practical statistics: a handbook for the use of the statistician at work, students in col- leges andacatleniics, agents, census enumerators, etc. vi (1 1.), 201 pp^ 8°. Boston, The W. E. Sy in the Comp., 1888. Pidoil (Joseph-Charles). * Sur la tumeur et la fistule lacrymales. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, Nei. SI, v. 165. PUloux (Franciscus). De febre purpurea. 4 p. 1., 101 pp. sm. 4U. Augnstoriti Pietonum,J. Thoreau el J. Fleuiiciu, [1656]' M.CD.LVI. Pidoux (Hermann) [1HW-82]. *Sur les lois tie la force m6dicatrice. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 36, v. 283. -----. Du prognostic de la pleure'sie latente et des indications tie la thoracentese. 33 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Martinet, 1850. Repr. from: Actes Soc. meSd.' el. hop. de Par., 1850. -----. Les vrais principes ele la matiere ni6dicalo et ele la therapeutique. Lettre adressee a MM. les professeurs de la Faculte" tie medecine tie Paris, a 1'occasion dclachaire vacantede matiere m6dicale et de therapeutique. 103 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, Bechet jeune, 1853. [P., v. 478; iyo2; 1654; 1668. ] -----. De la necessitiS du spiritualisme pour re glmerer les sciences m6dicales; Descartes et Ba- con. 100 pp. 8 . Paris, F. Malteste 4' Cie., 1857. -----. Etudes sur le vitalisme organique. La fievre puerp6rale. 142 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, F.. Malteste 4- Cie., 1858. [Also, in: P., v. 1345; 1667.] Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1858, xii. -----. Qu'est-ce que le rhumatisme? Question examinee tlevant la Societe d'hydrologie ni6di- cile tie Paris. 65 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bail- liere, 1861. [Also, in : P., v. 1662.] Repr. from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med., Par., 1861, vii. -----. Rapport g6neral a M. le ministre dc l'agri- culture, eiu commerce et des travaux publics sur le service medical ties eaux minerales tie la France pendant l'anne'e 1863, fait au nom ele la commis- sion permanente des eaux minerales de l'Acadd- mie imp6riale tie metlecine. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1866. -----. Etudes g6neSrales et pratiques sur la phthi- sic, xvi, 582 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1873. -----. Apercu sur les cures preventives des mala- dies de poitriue par les eaux inin6rales d'Eaux- Bonnes. 40 pp. 8D. Quimper, A. de Kerangai, [1877]. See. also. Oerlillon (Louis-Adolphe). Philosophie me licale apropos des id6alites. 8°. Paris. 1857.—Ga- balila i(i. J.-L.-Frederic). De l'cnseigneiiicnt de la the- rapeutique a l'ecole de Paris. (Examen du traite [etc..].) h°. Paris. 1857.—Trousseau (A.) & Pidoux (II.) Traite de therapeutique, [etc.]. 8J. Paris. 1S36-9. ----- -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1S41. ----- Pidoux (Hermann)—continued. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1847.---------- The same. 9. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1875-7.----------. The same. Treatise on therapeutics, [etc.|. v. 1. S°. \,-„, York: 1H80. ----- -----. Tin- same. Complement an traite de thi'rapeutique, [etc.|. 8°. Paris, 1880. For Biography, see J. de metl. de Bordeaux, 1882-3 xii 58-61 (A. Curiveatul). PiCilll (Frederic-Auguste). *De l'angine couen- ncuse ou diphthdritc. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 183"> No. 92, v. 284. Pieces historiqucs sur la peste de Marseille et d'une partie tie la Provence, en 1720, 17-J1 et 1722, trouvees dans les archives de rilotcl-tle- Ville, elans celles de la prefecture, au buieau tie l'administrafion sanitaire, et dans le cabinet des nianuscrits de la Bibliotbeque tie Marseille, pu- bliees eu 1820, a 1'occasion ele l'anu6e sdculairede la peste; avec le portrait tie Mgn. ele Belsnuce, et un facsimile ele son ecriture. 2 v. 420 pp., 11.; 416 pp., port. 8°. Marseille, C. Carnaud, 1820. Pieces int6rcss;intes sur la me'tlecine et la phy- sique, savoir: 1. Le regime pythagoricien, pour vivre en parfaite saut6 jusqu'a une extreme vicil- lesse [par A. Cocchi]. 2. Discours sur I'histoire naturelle [par A. Cocchi]. 3. Description du corps huniain [par Pontonoo]. 4. Dissertations sur les forces tie l'imagination. 5. Les diftcrens systemes sur la gdn6ration [parChristophe Man- tellassi]. 6. Mesure et calcul ties douleurs et desplaisirs. 7. Discourssurlasympathie. Tratl. de Cocchi, et autres ceSlebres nieSdecius. 3 p. 1., 371 pp. 12°. Paris, Lamy, 1782. Piccliiiud (Adolphe). * Essai sur lesph6nomiiies morbitles tie la pression intra-oculaire. 148 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 57. -----. Essai snr les cataractes traumatiques. Memoirecouroune' parlaSoci6te metlico-chirurgi- cale tie Liege. 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, A Dela- haye, 1876. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1876, xv. -----. Pour servir tic petition a l'Asscmblee Na- tionale, rapport sur l'nsurpation de titres m6di- caux et secondairement sur le charlatanisme et l'exercice ill6gal de la m6decine. 24 pp. 8J. Paris, B. Lauivcreyns, 1878. Also, Co-Editor of: Journal d'ophthahnologie, Paris, 1872. Piecliaud (Timothee). *De la ponction et de l'iucisibn dans les maladies articulaires. 144 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1880, No. 7. -----. * Que doit-on entenelre par l'expression de choc traumatique ? 91pp. 4 J. Paris, 1880. Concours. -----. * Traitement du cancer du rectum. 181 pp. 4C'. Paris, Tolmer cS' Cie., 1883. Concours. Piecq (Carolus) [1820- ]. * Physiologica quae- dain ele moveneli facultate tehe eel hilar is con trac- tilis, elastica), ercctilis ac muscularis. 36 pp., 2 1. 12°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, 1843. Pieczyiiski (Th6ophile). * Sur la fievre puer- ile rale epielemiique. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 87, v. 308. Pied (Jean-Francois). *I. Etablirle prognostic tics inflammations ele la muqueuse gastro-intes- tinale. II. [etc.]. 65 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 75, v. 394. Pied (Louis). *Sur la p6ripneumonie simple ou inflammatoire. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, an IX [1801], v. 3. Pied (Louis-Joseph-Edouard). * De l'iode et ties preparations ioelees an point de vue physiologique ct therapeutique. 3s pp. 4 . Paris, 1868, No. 3. Picdagliel. Memoire sur le vomissement, con- sitlerd elans l'etat sain et thins les maladies cance- reuse.s de l'estomac. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 8°. Paris, Metjuignon-Marris, 1821. [Also, in : P., v. 813.] PIEDAGNEL. 297 PIEPER. Piedajfiiel—continued. .-----. Recherches anatomiqucs et physiologiques sur l'emphyseme du poumon; memoire lu a l'Acad6inie tie iu6tleeine le 10 fcvrier 1829. 36 pp 8°. Paris, Me'qnignon-Marvis, 1829. [Also, in: P., v. 1524 ] Piedagncl (Alexandre). Les ambulauces de Paris pendant lo siege, 1870-71. 2. e"el. 106 pp. 12*°. Paris, I). Jouaust, 1872. Picdagnel (H.) * Quelques observations re- marquables. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 250, v. 211. Piedallu (J.-B.) * Cousid6ratious sur les affec- tions charbonneuses et leur traitement. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 349, v. 316. Piedallu (Noel). *De l'albuminurie chez les phthisiques. 50 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 8f>. Piedallu (Pascal)1. #Quel est la nature de la fievre jauu'c, et quels sont ses rapports avec le tvphns* II. [etc.]. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 167, v. 436. Piedallu (Pascal)2. * Fractures en Vdu tibia; complications; traitement. [Paris.] 47 pp. 4°. Blois, 1870, No. 79. Piedfer (Jules-Eugene). * De l'aneSvrysme de la crosse tie l'aorte. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 58, v. 449. Piedmont. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Piedmont, Virginia. Payne (A. S.) On the epidemics of Piedmont. Vir- ginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xii, 273-282. Piediioel (Jh.-A.) * Propositions sur la physio- logie, la medeciue et la chirurgie. vi, 7-12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 71, v. 121. Piednoel (Joseph-Ireue'e). *Des ulceres des fosses nasales. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 130, v. 609. Pieddye (Charles-Marc). *»Sur la fievre ty- phoide. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 206, v. 244. Piedpreillier(Ferdinand) [1864- ]. 'Con- tribution a l'etude des maladies de l'urethre chez la femme. Ur6throceles vaginales. 62 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 9. Picdra. See Hair (Diseases of). Piedra (Ricardo). * De la paralysie saturnine. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 467. Piedvaclie (Henri). * Etude sur les injections narcotiqucs sous-cutanees. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1805, No. 17. -----. Observations on the contagion of enteric fever. Transl. and abridged by permission from the French ... by Alexantler Collie, viii (1 1.), 29 pp. rt->. London, Smith .)'■ Elder, 1879. See, also, tie Stoi-ck (Antoine). fitudes de therapeu- tique experimentale. 8°. Paris, 1887. Piedvaclie (Joseph). * Quelques considerations sur les causes et le traitement des hydropisies. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 147, v. 225. Piegadi (Alessandro). All' . . . dottore Leopol- tlo Kubini per aver depresse le cateratto agli oc- elli di Albetta Bosocovich Piegadi, versi ed iscri- zioni del prete ... 20 pp. 4°. Venezia, A. San- tini, 1828. Piegru (Alexandre). * Quelques considerations snr la composition anatomique, la fonction et la signification du nerf trisplanchnique daus la se>ie des animaux. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 79, v. 449. Piehl (Franz) [1846- ]. *Zur Casuistik tier Ischias. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1873]. ------. Aus dem Gebiete eler Magenkrankheiten. Nach einem Vortrage, gehalteu im Verein fur Pielll (Franz)—continued. Natur- und Heilkunde zu Dresden am 10. Miirz 1883. 26 pp. 8°. Dresden, 1882-3. Repr. from: Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd. (1882-3), 1883. Piekeuia (F.) Gespannenverwachtiugen. Een woord over den niilitairen geneeskundigen dieust. 46 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. L. Beijers, 1876. Piel (Alexandre) fils. * Des luxations scapulo- humeraires en arriere et en dehors. 62 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, No. 232, 2. s., v. 17. Piel (Alexandre-Pierre Louis). * Sur l'avantage tie l'emploi de l'onguent mercuriel contre la syphilis, mis eu parallele avec celni de la liqueur tie Van-Swieteu. 1 p. l.,22pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1-22, v. 50 Piel-Desruisseaux(Paul-D6sir6). *!)<> la fie- vre jaune a la Martinique, en 1839, 1840 et 1841. 46 pp. Y . Paris, 1843, No. 26, v. 407. Pielsticker (Theodorus). * De diphtheritide, adtlita morbi historia. 31 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. Bache, 180."). c. Pielz (Job. Georgius). De memoria memorahili. 32 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Brandenburgerianis, [1699]. Pieilitz (Christianus Gotthelf). * De lucmop- tysi. 27 pp. 4°. Vilembergce, lit. Tzschiedrichii, [1798]. For Biography, see Kreysig (Frid. Ludovic). PieiiitZ (Ernst Gottlob) [1777-1853]. De animi motilnis ut causis, symptoniatibus et remediis morborum mentis humaiue particula i. 58 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. G. Ackirniauni, [1,807]. For Biography, see Plainer (Ernestus). See, also, Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1854, xi, 408-476 (Dietrich). Pienitz (Joannes Carolus). * De frictionis unc- tiouisque usu therapentico et diaetetico. 20 pp., 1 1. 4-. Vitebergce, lit. C. B. Grcessleri, [1806]. For Biography, see Sciler (Guilielmus). Pieilit'A (Mauritius). 'Qtuedaui ele nosocomii quo auimo a'grotantibus cura aelhibetur institu- tione optima. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Staritii, [1825]. For Biography, see liiiehn (Car. Gott.). Pienkowski de Suche-Kowuaty (C.-M.) * De la nevralgie en general. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 120, v. 488. PieilS (Francisco). Tractatus tie febribus in ge- nere et specie ex veterum ac receutiorum scriptis perpensus: seu febris heautontimorumenos. 6 p. 1., 279, 285 pp., 7 1., 1 pi. 12°. Neomagi Batavo- rum, ex off. It. Smetii, 1669. Picpciibrillg (Georg Heinrich) [1763-1806]. *Abhandlung iiber tlie Wirkung tier Luftstiure, nebst zwey aneleren Aufsiitzen. 24 pp. 4°. Er- furt, J. C. Coding, [1792]. Pieper (Carl). Schweninicanale oiler Abfuhrf Eine Frage und Abstinnnung vor tier Versaiuni- lung deutscher Naturforscher und Aertze. Mit saehlichcn Krliiuteruugen. v (1 1.), 96 pp. 8°. Dresden, Bach, 1869. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. vi (1 1.), 96 pp. 8°. Dresden, Bach, 1869. ------. Die Mediciner unel Verwaltnngsbeheirden in eler Stiitltereiuigungsfrage. Eiu Nachweis tier Unriehtigkeiteu in den Rechnungen und Priiiuissen des Chalybaus- und des Vircheiw'schen Berichtes sowie eler Entstellungen in den Vorla- gen eles Berliner Magistrals, xii, 138 pp. 8°. Dresden, L. Wolf, 1874. Pieper (Christoph Frietlrich Wilhelm) [1860- ]. ■' rcber Lymphangiectasia colli congenita. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Balle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer u. Comp., 1887. Pieper (Emil Matthias Je>h.) [1843- ]. * Ueber Cystenbilduugen und Hydronephrose bewegli- cher Niereu. 32 pp. 8C. Berlin, G. Lange, [1867]. PIEPER. 298 PIERIUS VALERIANUS. Pieper (F. A.) * Theorie, Technik und Statistik aniiseptischen Wundhehauelluug. 43 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. X. Becher, 1876. Pieper (FridericusGuilelmus)1 [1806- ]. *De f'ebris intermittentis inelole et curatione, cum ob- scrviitioue octanaj adjuncta. 32 pp. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Unger, [1831]. Pieper (Frielericus Guilelmtis)2. * De phantas- matibus nervi optici. 27 pp. 8,J. Balis Sax., typ. Ploetzianis, [1857], c. Pieper ( Otto )[ 1846- ]. *Fuuf Fiille vou Meningitis tuberculosa. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1872]. Pieper (Philipp Anton) [1798-1851]. * De viri- bus corporis humani mechanicis. 36 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Brueschckianis, [1821]. ------. Die Kinder-Praxis im Fiudelhause und in dem Hospitale fur kranke Kinder zu Paris. Kri- tische mit eigeneu Erfahruugen veruiischte Be- merkungen. viii, 349 pp. 8°. Gbttingen, Diete- rich, 1831. Pieper (Richard) [1855- ]. * Ueber einige me- tainese Hyilioxylamiuilerivate. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg, 1882. Pieper (Robert Alexander). * Izsliedovanie tvo- roga, snietany i prostokvashi s Peterburgskago rynka. [Examinatiou of cheese, sour cream, ami sour milk in the market of St. Petersburg.] 29 pp. sm. 8°. St. Petersburg, typ. S. Volpjanskago, 1889. Piepers (Jacobus Marius). * Diss, continens ob- servatioues nonnullas e cliuicoclar. Simon. Tho- mas. 4 p. 1., 54 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat, D. Xoot- hoven van Goor, 1853. Pic pi ll (The"odore-Emile). * Quehiues r6flexions sur les ulc6ratious simples du col tie l'uterus. 30 yip. 4J. Paris, 1856, No. 92, v. 595. Picraggi (Joseph-Louis). * Reflexions prati- ques sur la fievre typho'iele. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1845, No. 138, v. 11. Picraguoli (Enrico). Sui uialati di febbre ti- foide ammi'ssi nello spedale di Cortona durante 1' anno 1885. Cousidenizioui mediche statistiche c igieniche. 24 pp. 8°. Firenze, Coppini S,'■ Boc- coni, 1880. ------. Le polmonitee il parasitismo. Patologia, igiene e terapia delle diverse forme di polmouite. 1(18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pistoia, fiat. Bracali, 188,8. Pieraiitoni (Giovanni). Delia colera ricorsa iu Pescara nel settembre elel 1805. Relazione del ... 44 pp. 8-'. Chieti, A. Velta, 1865. [P., v. 1111.] Pierart (Hippolyte-Ernest). * De l'inertie ele la matrice, ou faiblesse, diminution, cess.ition, trou- bles divers ties contractions ut6rines peudant l'ac- couchemeut. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 83. Pierazxilli (Giuseppe). Della difterite nel co- niune di Poutedera. 51 pp. 8°. Pontedera, Bi- stort, 1873. Pierce (G. A.) Case of ovarian tumor treated by electricity. Reported by A. Van Derveer. 3 pp. 8 . [New York, 1878.] Repr. from: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, v. Pierce (George E.) An atldress to the graduat- ing class of the Medical College of Georgia. 11 pp. 8-\ Augusta, Ga., 1844. ------. A plea for stability antl permaneuce iu in- stitutions of learning; delivered before the trus- tees, officers, anil students ofthe Clevelantl Meel- ical College, February 26, 1845. 16 pp. 8°. Cleveland, Youuglove, 1845. Pierce (Jeremiah Ihtrritt) [1790-1862]. Obituary notice. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 240. Pierce (R. V.) The people's common sense med- ical aelviser in plain English; or meelicine simpli- fied. 11. ed. viii, 922 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Buffalo, 1883. Pierce (R. V.)—continuetl. ■------. Asthma or phthisic. A new, rational, antl successful treatment. Pt. 14. 71 pp. 12c Buffalo, N. Y., [1884]. Pierce (.Thomas Pollard). *Do hydrope ana- sarca. 1 p. 1., 4 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, A. At/7/ cum sociis, 1792. [P., v. 1538.] Pierce (William). Practical observations upon stoves anel grates generally; with suggestions shewing the importance antl necessity of ventila- tion in connection with warming in relation to health, etc. 40 pp. 8°. [London, 1859, vel sub- seq.] [P., v. 1487.] Pierce (William S.) The relative morals of city and country. 10 pp. 8J. [Philadelphia, 1H75.] Repr. from: Penn Month., Phila., 1875, vi. Pierd'tiouy (A.) L' igiene della vista e le ma- lattie contagiose dell' occhio nelle scuole; note e proposte. 27 pp. 12°. Milano, E. Sonzoqno, 1879. ------. Cause della cecita, e moeli eli prevenirla. 74 pp. 12°. Milano, E. Sonzogno, 1886. Nos. 34 and 35 of: Igiene (L') popolare. Pierer (Joh. Friederich) [1767-1832], * De noxis ex ante acta sexus sequioris vita elelicatiori ac molliori in graviditateni partum et puerpcritnn redunelantibus. 31 pp. 4°. Jence, ex off. Fiekel- scherrio-Stranckinanniana, [1788], ------. Meeliziuisches Realworterbuch zum Hantl- gebrauch practischer Aerzte unel Wunelarztc unel zu belehreueler Nachweisung fiir gebildete Perso- nen aller Stiinele. Erste Abtheilung. Anatomic unel Physiologie. [With 2. title:] Anatomisch- physiologisches Realworterbuch zu umfasscntler Kenntniss eler korperlichen unel geistigen Natur des Menschen im gesunden Zustantle, hrsg. von ... 8 v. 8■-. Altenburg, 1816-29. In v. 4-7, inclusive, the name of Ludwig Choulant ap- pears on title-page as assistant editor. Also, Editor of: Allgeineine medizinische Aniiah-ii des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1K_!0-:so.—Allye- nieine medicinische Zeitung, Altenburg, 1831. For Biography, see Grnncr (Christ. Gothfridus). Pierei'US (Georgius Petrus) [1646-85]. Do natta dissertatiuucula medica. 5 p. 1., 70 pp. 18'■'. Argentorati, lit. J. W. Tideinanni, 1069. Bound with: Gans (Joannes Ludovicus). Coralliorura historia. 18°. Francofurti. lliliii. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoveu. Pierets (Pet. Andr.) *De Incnioptysi, 1781. In: LOUVAIN Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, ii, 102-121. Pierili (Emile). * Contribution a l'etude tie l'amblyopie congemitale sans lesions appr^ciables a l'ophthalmoscope. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 129. Pierin (Le"on). L'6pith61ioma de l'amygdale; observations et inflexions. 38 i>p. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 239. PierillS (Nicolaus). *De idea caloris humani vera. 49 pp., 2 1. 4U. Lugd. Bat, G. Potuliet, 1762. Pierius Valerianus (Joannes) [1477-1558]. Hieroglyphica, sive de sacris TEgyptiorum alia- rumetue gentium literis, comnientariorum libri lviii, duobus aliis ab erutlitissimo viro anncxis. Accesserunt loco auctarti, hieroglyphicorum col- lectanea ex veteribus et recentioribus auctoribus descripta, et in sex libros online alphabetic!* digesta; item Horapollinis hieroglyphieonuu li- bri duo ex postrema Davidis Hii'schelii correc- tione. Pneterea ejusdem Pierii declamatiuncula pro barbis sacerdotum; tie iufelicitate literato- nun libri duo; tlenitpie antiquitatutn Belluneu- siuni sermones quatuor. Editio ad novissimas Germauiai composita, quibus et anuotationes atl marginem atque uecessarios indices debet. 32 p. 1., 760 pp., 28 1., port. 4°. Francof. ad M., siinipt C. Kirchneri, 1078. ------. Hieroglyphiciirum collectanea, ex veteri- bus et neotericis descripta, iu sex libros, ordine PI^RIUS VALERIANIC. 299 PIERRON. Pierius Valerianus (Joannes)—continued. alplutbetico digesta, et nunc primum Joaunis Pieiii Valeriani, et eruditi anonymi sexagiuta hieroglyphicorum librisaddita. 248 pp., 41., 123 pp. 4°. Francofurti, sumpt. C. Kirchneri, 1078. Bound with preceding. Pierlot. Note sur la val6riane et sur le valeria- nate d'ammoniaque. 11 pp., 3 pi. 8-. [Part's, Hennuyer, 1857, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1764.] Pierlot (L6on). *De la pile au bichromate ele potasse. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1873. [P., v. 1710.] Ecole de pharmacie. Pieruiariili (Guido). La visione dei colori e le sue alterazioni studiate in rapporto al servizio ferroviario. Memoria. 117 pp., 1 1. 8°. Fi- renze, M. Cellini <)'■ Comp., 1880. Pieruie (Georges). *Du corps vitr6 apres son prolapsus. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 372. Pierola. See de la Fuente Pierola (Geronimo). Pierot (Jacobus). *De mutlar sive Calotropi gigantea R. Br. 4 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat, apud B. W. Bazenberg et socios, 1839. Pierotti (Francesco). Relazione del colera a Spezia reelatta per incarico avutoue dalla giuuta municipale dal Dott. . . . 1884. 24 pp. 8°. Spe- zia, eredi Argiroffo, 1884. Pieroil (Claude-Marie-Martial). * Sur les perfo- rations spontanees eles intestins, et le traitement qui leur convient. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 159, v. 280. Pierqiliu de Oembloux (Claude-Charles) [1799-1863], Recherches stiiT'h6mac61iuose. 50 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel nine, 1821. -----. Coup-cl'ceil snr la grammatoscopie. 42 pp. 8°. Marseille, Ye. Boche, 1825. Repr. from: Ohservateur d. sc. med., 1825, ix. -----. Reflexions philosophiques et me"elico-le"- gales sur les maladies intellectuelles tin sommeil. 2. ed. 84 pp. 8°: Part's, 1829. [P., v. 912.] -----. De l'arithnnStique politiepue de la folie, ou considerations gene~rales sur la folie, envisaged dans ses rapports avec l'ignorance, les crimes et la population des diverses regions du globe. 2. 6d. 90 pp. 12°. Paris, cVEn-rat, 1831. Repr. from: Ann. d. travaux d. soeietes tie statistique. -----. Traits ele la folie tics animaux, tie ses rap- ports avec celle tie I'homme et les legislations actuelles, precede d'un discours sur l'encyclop6- die de la folie et suivi d'un essai sur l'art de pro- duire la folie a voloute. Revu par Georges et Frederic Cuvier, Magendie, Schuoell, Mathey, Hazard, etc. 2 v. xvi, 527 pp., 8 pi.; 423 pp. 8 . Paris, Be'chet jeune (et autres), 1839. -----. Histoire naturelle tlu Berri et reflexions philosophiques sur un adamitle aile". 11 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Chdteauroux, [1845, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 456. ] -----. Des corsets sous le rapport tie l'hygiene et de la cosmetique. 33 pp. 8°. [Bourges, P. A. Manceron, n. d.] [P., v. 1657.] Pierra (L.) "Propositions sur la deiivrance apres l'accouchement. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829^ No. 1, v. 221. Pierre (Armand). * Contribution a l'etuele des tumeurs du quatrieme veutricnle. 1 p. 1., iii, 90 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 40. Xancy, 1882,1. s., No. 156. Pierre (Edouard)1. Editor of: Irion item- (Le) therapeutique, Paris, 1873-4. Pierre (Edouard)2. * Quelques considerations sur la presence des larves ele la Lucilia homini- vorax dans les cavites des fosses nasales. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, Nei. 355. Pierre ( Etienue ). * Etude sur quelques points de la phthisie pulmonaire, specialement eles sueurs eles phthisiques et de leur traitement. 1 p. 1., 80 pp. 4°. Nancy, 1879, 1. s., No. 81. Pierre (Gustave). * Etude clinique sur les pro- dromes ele l'acces epileptique. 63 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1880. No. 364. Pierre (Isidore). Resume tie quelques lecons faites a la Faculte ties scieuces tie Caen sur les substances alimeutaires. 106 pp. 12^. Caen, Buhottr, 1854. Pierre (Louis). * Sur le panaris. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 114, v. 63. Pierre (Mile. Marie) [1850- ]. * Contribution a l'etude sur 1'impaludi.snie-diathese. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 207. de la Pierre [alias Peters] (Petrus). * De tli- arrhoea. 7 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat, apud viduam et heretics J. Elsevirii, 1679. Pierre (Simou). *De l'anaplastie faciale, et de la rhiiioplastie eu particulier. 120 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1851, No. 139, v. 513. Pierre enchatouuee extraite par la taille pre- rectale avec emploi du lithotome double d'Amus- sat. 4 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Martinet, n. d.] Repr. from: J. de metl. et chir. prat., Par., 1859, xxx. Pierre-Brime. Chevallier. Rapport sur l'eau de Pierre - Brune ( Haute - Vienne ). Bull. Acad, tie nied., Par., 1873, 2. s., ii, 1204. Piei'refbiiinoli (O.) Sulgenio delle malattie che hanno domi- nato nella citta. e comune di Pietrasanta nel 1852; conside- razioni cliniche-patologiche. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1853, 2. s., xvi, 513-533. de Pietra Santa (Prosper). De l'euseigue- ment medical en Toscane et eu France. 39 pp. 8°. Paris, E. de Soye, 1852. -----. The same. 2. ed., suivie des apprecia- tions et articles critiques du Dr. A. Dechambre. 62 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1853. [Also, in: P., v. 1656.] -----. Des visites medicales preventives contre le choiera-morbus. Du General Boarei e*f Health etdu registrar-general. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, Mo- atte,', .1853.] [P., v. 1770.] Repr. from: Rev. med. franej. et etrang., Par., 1853, ii. -----. Mazas. fitudcs snr l'emprisonnemeut cel- lulaire. 31pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1853. [P., v. 780.] -----. Thesame. Et la folie peuitentiaire. 3. ed. 1 p. 1., x, 11-148 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1858. -----. Influence des pays chauds sur la marche de la tuberculisation. 33 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer- Bailliere, 1857. [P., v. 1768.] -----. Du climat d'Alger dans les affections chrouiques de la poitrine. Rapport fait a la suite d'une mission medicale en Algerie et pre- sente a S. Ex. le ministre de l'Algerie et des colo- nies. 1 p. 1., 128 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 fils, 1860. -----. The same. The climate of Algiers in reference to the chronic affections of the chest. Being a report of a medical mission to Algeria, presented to the minister of Algeria and the col- onies. [Transl. from the French.] 61 pp. 8°. London, B. Bailliere, 1862. -----. Chemins de fer et saute publique. Hy- giene des voyageurs et eles employes. 314 pp. 12°. Parts, L. Bachette $ Cie., 1861. -----. Les Eaux-Bonnes ( Basses-Pyrenees ) en 1860. Lettre deuxieme: L'ozonometrie. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste4- Cie., 1861. Repr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1861, 2. s., x. —----. Thesame. Eu 1862. Lettre quatrifeme: Effets physiologiques et therapeutiques. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste 4- Cie., 1863. Repr. from: Union med.. Par., 1863, 2. s., xvii. -----. Influence des chemius ele fer sur la sante publique. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Bachette 4" Cie., 1864. [Also, in: P., v. 1812.] Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxi. -----. Les climats tlu midi ele la France. La Corse et la station d'Ajaccio; mission scientifi- que ayant pour objet d'etudier l'influence ties cli- mats sur les affections chrouiques tie la poitrine. Second rapport a S. Exc. le ministre d'etat. 1 p. 1., 251 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1864. [P., v. 1801.] -----. Essai dficlimatologie. 255pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, Gras, 1864. [P., v. 44.] Concours. -----. The same, viii, 368 pp. 8°. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1865. —----. fipieiemie choierique de 1865. Rapport In a la Societe medico-chirurgicale de Paris et pu- blie par decision de la societe. 31pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ale de Paris. 16 pp., 4 pi. roy. 8°. [Pa- ris, Crapelet, 1851.] [P., v. 1827.] PiggOtt (A. S.). Go-Editor of: American (The) Journal of Dental Sci- ence, Baltimore, 1853-60; 1867-69. PiggOtt (G. West). Ueber Blutarmuth und deren sympathische Storungen in eler Leber, im Magen unel im Nervensysteme. Aus dem Englischen vein Franz Handel. 1 p. 1., 112 pp. 8°. Weimar, B. F. Voigt, 1859. PiggOtt (Solomon). Suicide and its antidotes, a series of anecdotes and actual narratives, with suggestions on mental distress, xxiv, 388 pp. 12c. London, J. Robins dei suoi dei ivati in rapporto alia loro costituzione chimica. Ann. di ehim. e tli farm., Milano, 1888,4. s., viii, 81- 106. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1889, xi, 26- 41.—Cory (R.) Jaborandi. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 275.— Conlinlio (A.) O jaborandi como eminenagogoederiva- tive) intestinal. Ann. Brasil. demetl., Rio ele Jan., 1882-3, xxxiv, 182-185.—Coutinho (S.) Note sur un nouveau m6dicament diaphoretique et sialagogue : le "jaborandi" du Bresil. J. de therap., Par., 1874, i, 161-165. [See, also, infra, Gubler(A.)J Also [Abstr.]: Report, ele pharm., Par., 1874, n. s., ii. 171.—Craig (W.) Note on jaborandi. Edinb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi, 598-603. Also, Reprint.—Cuo- mo (A.) Sull' uso del jaborandi e delh} pilocarpina in alcune malattie dei bambini. Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1883, i, 16-25.—Curse lima n n (H.) Ueber Pilocarpinnm muriaticum. Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1876-7), 1877, viii, pt. 1, 100-113. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 353-357.—Cuzzi(A.) Contribuzione alio studio ostetrico del cloridrato di pilocarpina. Osservatore, To- rino. 1878, xiv, 641; 657. -----. Due nuovi f'atti clinici Bull' uso del cloridrato di pilocarpina per provocate il parte prematura. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1879, i, 22-35.—Czei— nicki. Contribution k l'etude ties proprietes therape-u- tiques du jahorandi. Rec.de mem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxxii, 64-70. — Da ioccln (J. M.) Clinical lecture on secondary syphilis and Bright's disease cured by jaborandi. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iii, 233-236. -----. Jaborandi in the removal of the effusion ol' Bright's disease anel pleurisy. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1880, iii, 284- 286.— Weill in e (R.) Zur Anweudiing des Pilorcarpinum muriaticum im Kindesalter. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1877, i, 3-7. -----. Das Pilocarpin bei Scharlach und Diph- theritic ; femere Rcitragv zur Wirkung dos Pilocarpinnm muriaticum im Kineli-salter. Jahrb. I. Kinderh., Leipz., 1880-81, xvi, 337-387.—Dc Benzi (E.) Sulla produzione del sudore in varie malattie e sugli efFetti della pilocar- pina. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 188:!, v, 225-229. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 188.1, u. s., v, 640-648.— BewauctiM (G.) Jaborandi e pilocarpina. Osservatore. Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 458; 487; 511; 533.— Dobrovolski (E. N.) Pilokarpine kake ekbolicheskoe sredstvo. [Pilo- carpine as an ecbolic] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1879, xix, 73 ; 87; 96; 104.— Domiuguez (M.) El jaborandi. Gac. meel. de Mexico, 1875, x, 361-376.— Dor (ll.) Notice sur le chlorhydrate de pilocarpine. Lyon mtid., 1878, xxviii, 117-120. Also : Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, 53-56. [Discussion], pt. 2, 62.—Dowse (T. S.) On the value of jaborandi and Gelseniinium semperviiens as therapeutic agents. Med. Press cfe Circ, Loud., 1876, n. s., xxi, 435; 455.— Dranclit', Pilocarpus and pilocarpine. Untersuchuugen iiber die Wirksamkeit der Serronia iabo- randi. Mitth. tl. Wien. meel. Doe-t.-Colt, 1874-5, i.'197- 199.—Druelle (E.) Note pour servir a l'bistoire thera- peutique ele la pilocarpine. Bull. nied. tin nord, Lille, 1882, xxi, 308-329. — Duchesne. Einpoisonnenicnt, par le nitrate de pilocarpine. Bull et im'-ne. Soc. de therap 1878, Par., 1879, 2. s.. v, 88.— Dnhice.Ua (G.) A seisa- vas pilocarpin has/.narol, s nehany megjegv/.e'is a heveny veselobrol. [On effect of Piloe-arpinuiii muriaticum anil some words on nephritis.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 437-440. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir! Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 24.— Dupont. Duchlnrhy. drate de pilocarpine. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1X79,3. s., xv, 169-173. — Dupre (L.) Le jaborandi et la pilocar- pine. Montpel. med. 1881, xlvi, 499-513, 1 tab. — von Diiyse (1>.) La pilocarpine; son action physiologique, son emploi dans la therapeutioue oculaire. Ann. Soc. tie med. tie Gand, 1879, Ivii, 220-249,2 pi.—File I in a mi (R.) Ueber Pilocarpin und seiue Wirkung. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Vctei inark., Wien, 1883, lix, 193-208. Also: Ber. ii. d. Veteriniirw. im Kdnigr. Sachs. 18x3, Dresd., 1884, xxviii, 111-114.— Egea. Observaciones de pilocar- pina. Gac. nied. de Mexico, 1879, xiv, 97-102. — Ellen- berger. Ueber die Wirkung eles Pilocarpin bei Pl'crclcn. Ber. ii. d. Veterinarw. im Kiinigr. Sachs. 1882, Dresd., 1883, xxvii, 127-130. ---- . Ergebnisse von Experimenten mit Pilocarpin. Jahresb. tl. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1882-3,65-67.—Elsenberg (A.) Zmiany Slinianek pod wply wem pilokarpiny. [ Action of pilocarpine ou sali- vary glands.J Gaz. lek'., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 873- 878/—Exqurrtlo (P.) Del jaborandi. Rev. de med. y cirug. pnict., Madrid, 1877, i, 421; 439. -----. Ensayos so- bre la accion do la pilocarpina. Gac. med. de Cataluiia, Barcel., 1878, i, 347-351.—Eywolein (O.) Jaborandi und Heiserkeit. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1877, xliv, 289.— Falchi (F.) Dell'azione del cloridrato di pilocarpina sull' ampiezza d' estensione dell' acconiodamento dopo passato 1' effetto miotico nell' iride. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 484-498. Also: Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1885, xxi, 225-232. — Fel«eiireieli (T.) Beitrage zur Anwendung des Pilocarpinum niuriaticum. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 593. — Fereol. Note sur le jaborandi (du Dr. Coutinho). J. dc therap., Par., 1875, ii, 45-48. — Ferri (P.) ll Pilocarpus pinnatus. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1880, 2. s., x. 111: 1881, 3. s., i, 257.—Fcser. Versuche iiber die Wirkung des Pilocar- pin bei Rindern. Jahresb. d. k. Centr.-Thierarzneisch. in Miinchen 1886-7, Leipz., 1888, 127-155.— Fowler (ll. W.) Jaborandi. Louisville M. News, 1882. xiv, 103.— Fracnkel (A.) Zur Lehre von der physiologischen und therapeutischen Wirkung des Tilocarpinuni muriaticum, Charite-Ann.1870, Berl., 1878, iii, 272-2X3, 1 ch.—Printed! (R. F.) Om jaborandi. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 314-322. — Froniniiller (G), sen. rebcr Jaborandi. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1876, xxi. 151-158. -----. Nochmal das Pilocarpin. Ibid., 1877, xxii, 206-211. -----. Einiges iiber Pilocaipin. Ibid., 1880, xxv, 529-536. -----. Hem- ■niung der Pilocarpinwirkung durch Homatropin. Ibid., 1882, n. F., ii, 272-274.—Fubini (S.) Annotazioni sopra la saliva parotidea e sopra il sudore; esperienze fatte sull' uomo estratto del jaborandi. Osservatore, Torino, 1878, xiv, 577: 594.—FiicIim (E.) Ueber die Verwendung des Pilocarpins in Augenkrankheiten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 998; 1013.—Oalabiu (A. L.) The physio- logical effect of pilocarpine in conjunction with the admin- istration of chloroform. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 729.— <»alezow«ki. De Taction de l'eserine et de la pilocar- pine sur l'teil. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 155; 222; 257.—Galippe cfe Bocliefonlainc. Note sur Taction comparee ele lecorce et de la feuille du jahorandi. Gaz. med. de Par., 1875, 4. s., iv, 92.-----------. Note sur la determination du principe actif du jaborandi. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1X75, Par., 1876, 6. s'., ii. [1. pt.], 83.— hau- lier (O.) Pilokarpin. Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kjobenh., 1886, xvi, 291-305.—<»<-nie (P.) De la valeur therapeutique du jaborandi et tie Ia pilocarpine. Concours med.. Par., 1882, iv, 62-66.—<»illet de 4»i-nnii';;<-iiMoliii. Ein Beitrag zur Wir- kung des Jaborandi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 522.—cKi-HMMCt (J.) Du jaborandi dans les cpancheiiicntB plenrctiques; etude clinique. J. de therap., Par., 1876, iii, 245-253.—cWi-ct'ii (.1.) On some therapeutical applications ot pilocarpine. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1881, iii, 302- 305.—fireene (F. V.) Report ou jaborandi. San. & M. Rep. U. S. Navy 1873-4, Wash., 1875, 653-670. [See, also, supra.] -----. Jaborandi. Phila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi, 49-56. -----. Note in regard to the contents ofthe article on jaborandi, in Langgard's " Diceimiariu de medicina do- niestica". I bid., 1876-7, vii, 537-539.— vii, 433-436—Klein Witch ter U-..) Mittheilungen iiber die Verwendung des Pilocarpi- num muriaticum in tier Geburtshilf'e. Wien. nied. Presse 1879, xx, 401; 470; 540-Konigshofer (O.) Ueber Ja- borandi und Pilocarpin, hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf das Pilocarpus and pilocarpine. Auge. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Cassel, 1878, xvi, 257- 265. Also, transl. [by Dr. Wm. Dickinson] : St. Louis M. efe S.J, 1878, xxxv, 280-284.—KoNter (M.) Pilocarpinum muriaticum zur Eiuleitung tier kiinstlichen Friiugeburt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi,686.—Koaegarlen (\V.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Pilocarpins auf die Schleimhaut der Paukenhohle. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1886-7, xvi, 114-119. Also, transl.: Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1888, xvii, 95- 101. — Kretzschiuar (P. H.) Jahorandi and its active principle, pilocarpine. Hosp. Gaz, N. Y, 1878, iii, 374-376. -----. Notes on jaborandi antl pilocarpine. Ibid., iv, 186-190.—Kroner. Erfahrungen iiber Pilocarpin vor und im Geburtsbegiune. Arch. f. Gynaek, Berl, 1879-80, xv, 92-106.—Kurz (E.) Eine Beobachtung iiber die Wirkuug des Pilocarpin. Memorabilien, Heilbr, 1877, xxii, 504. — Landesberg (M.) On the therapeutic use of jaborandi and muriate of pilocarpine in eye diseases. Arch. Ophth, N. Y, 1879, viii, 118-126. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Augenh, Wiesb, 1879, viii, 248-262. -----. Accidents from the use of jaborandi and pilocarpine in diseases of the eye. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1881-2, Phila, 1882, iv, 190.—de JLanessan (J.-L.) Sur le jaborandi. Bull. gen. de th6rap, etc. Par, 1877, xciii, 264; 305.—I.angley (J. N.) The action of jaborandi on the heart. J. Anat. efe Physiol, Lond, 1875-6, x, 187-201. -----. Preliminary no- tice of experiments on the physiological action of jaborandi. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1875, i, 241. -----. The action of pilo- carpin on the sub-maxillary gland of the dog. J. Anat. cfe Physiol, Loud, 1876-7, xi, 173-180.—Leannois (M.) De Taction aesthesiogene de la pilocarpine. J. de therap. Par, 1880, vii, 241-246.—I,elniiami (L.) Het Pilocarpi- num muriaticum voor het vroegtijdig opwekken der baring als een ondoelmatig middel hevonden. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst!, 1878, 2. R, xiv, 581-585.—Lerch (A.), jr. Zur Anwenduug des Pilocarpins in tier Geburtshilfe. Mitth. tl. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll, 1879, v, 257-264 : 1880, vi, 133-139.—Liewin. Ueber tlie Wirkung des Pilocarpins im Allgemeinen und auf die syphilitischen Processe im Besonderen. Charite-Ann 1878, Berl, 1880, v, 489-562.— Liewiriski (M.) Ofizyjologicznemprzeciwdzialaniupilo- carpine- i atropiny na slinianki podzuchwowe. [Physiolog- ical antagonism with reference to submaxillary gland.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw, 1882, lxxviii, 345-366.— Ie«y. den. Ueber die Wirkung des Pilocarpins. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1876-7), 1877, viii, pt. 1. [Discussion], 79-83; pt. 2, 143-160. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1877, xiv, 385; 404. [Discussion], 622. Also, transl.: Bull. gen. detherap, etc. Par, 1878, xciv, 63-66.—L,osch (A.) Ueber Pilocarpinum muriaticum. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl, Leipz, 1877-8, xxi, 259-267. —liohrinch (R.) Ueber die Wirkungen ties Jaborandi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1875, xii, 233.—Luchsinger (B.) Die Wirkungen von Pilocarpin und Atropin auf die Schweissdriisen der Katze; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom doppelseitigen Antagonismus zweier Gifte. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1877, xv, 482-492.—liiis- lana (F.) SulT azione ilelT iaborandi e della pilocarpina nell' eliminare T urea e T arsenico dall' organismo. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1879, xliv, 561-571. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1880, xxiii, 13.—l-yon (S. B.) Pilocarpine in the convulsive attacks of hystero- epilepsy, and in maniacal excitement. J. Nerv. efe Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1889, xvi, 254-256.—Machiavelli (P.) Lo jaborandi del Brasile e lo yaguarundi del Paraguay. Gazz. med. ital. lomb, Milano, 1875, 7. s, ii, 137-140. -----. Nuovo contributo alia storia dello jaborandi. Ibid., 177- 181.—M'Keowu (W. A.) Observations ou pilocarpine. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1882, lxxiii, 398-407.—M a gnus (H.) Zur Kenntniss tier Wirkung subcutaner Einspritzungen von Pilocarpin. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1888, ii, 63.—Man- zini (G.) Sui caratteri che valgano a distiuguere il vero jaborandi. Spallanzani, Modena. 1875, xiii, 249-255.—Ma- ragliano (E.) DelT azione della pilocarpina sul cuore. Salute: Italia med, Genova, 1883, 2. 8, xvii, 147.—ITlass- ■uann(F.) Pilocarpin als wehenerregendes Mittel. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak, Leipz, 1878, ii, 193-196. — Merkel. Herba jaborandi, das neue Diaphoreticum. Aerztl. Int.- Bl, Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 155-157.— Merach. K voprosu o dieistvii pilokarpina na beremeuuuiou matktt. [Effect of pilocarpine on pregnant uterus.] Vrach. Vaidom, St. Petersb, 1879, iv, 819.—Micliou. Deux observations de pleuresie; effets remarquablcs du jaborandi. Tribune med. Par, 1876, viii, 374-376.—Mi ngea (G ) Pilocarpine as a galactogogue. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1887, ix, 188. — Miillef. Zur Anwendung des Pilocarpins und Physostigmins in tier Tierheilkunde. Tagebl. d. Ver- san'iml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, 226- 228—Moral. Pilocarpine et atropine; action de ces sub- stances sur la fonction glycogenique. Lyon med, 1883, xiii, 545-550. -----. Sur Tantagonisine de Tatropiue et de la pilocarpine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1883, 7. s, v 518.—Morton. Some experiments on the action of pilocarpine. Glasgow M. J, 1879, [4. s.], xii, 68-72 — Muller (P.) Ueber die Wirkung ties Pilocarpin auf den Uterus. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb, 1880, n. F, xiv, 1-8, 1 pi— IVawrocki (F.) Kilka slow o dzialaniu pilocarpini muriatici na ustroj z wierzezy. [Action of Pilocarpinum muriaticum upon animal organ- PILOCAKPUS. 31*2 PILOCARPI'S. Pilocarpus and pilocarpine. isms. | Medycyua, Warszawa, 1878, vi, 51. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f.' d'. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1878, xvi, 97-99.— IVieolini (B.) Un' osservazione clinica sull' uso ostetrico della pilocarpina. Ann. di ostet, Milano, 1879. i, 95-98.— IVowilzky (W.) Ueher den Werth des Pilocarpinum muriaticum zur Einleitung der kiinstlichen Friihgoburt unel bei Eclani))sie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1880, v, 199: 207.—Oehiue (W.) Ueber Jaborandi. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med.. Leipz, 1875, ii, 133-130. —Ohm* (E.) I'e-bcr Pilocarpinum niuriaticum. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1878, iii. 50-53.—Ory (E.) Pilocarpine. N. diet, de m6d. et chir. prat. Par, 1880, xxviii, 10-21.— Pawquali. SulT azione ccbolica della pilocarpina. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1879, v, fasc. 1, 61-80.—Peuzoldt (F.) Zur Wirkung des Jaborandi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1875, xii, 234-236.—Petithan. Essai du jaborandi. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. tie Liege, 1877, xvi, 513-518. Also: Arch. . med. beiges. Brux, 1877, 3. s, xii, 241-247.—Peti-ewei! (Z.) Actiunea antagonista a pilocarpine! si a atropine!. Progresul med. ronian, Bucuresci, 1880, ii, 10. -----. Ci- teva exiierimente astt])ra actiuneifiziologice a pilocarpine!. Ibid., 34-37. -----. Effectele ohtiuute prin infuziune de jahoramlfi. preparatii din 4 grame pentru 100 gr. ap&. 'ibid,, 58-60. — Petrina (T.) Ueber Pulsverlangsamung und Arhythmie nach kleiuen Dosen von Pilocarpinum muriaticum. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1878, xxi, 416-430, 1 pi.—Petrovsky (I.) O jaborandi i ego daiistvii na organism. [On jaborandi and its action on the organism.] Sovrem. med, Warszawa, 1876, xvii, 199; 217. Also: Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb, 1876, xvi, 203-205.— PhillipM (J.) On the value of pilocarpine in pregnancy, labour, and the lying-in state. [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1888), 1889, xxx, 354-403. — Piermarini (F.) L' jaborandi in medicina. Bull. tl. se-. med. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s, xx, 203-220. — Pigeolet. Contributions k Tetiule des effets therapeutiques de la pilocarpine; la pilocarpine au Congres medical d'Amsterdam, en 1879. J. de m6d, chir. et pharmacol, Brux, 1881, lxxiii, 117; 216: 305. Also, Reprint.— Pi I icier. Ueher tlie Wir- kung des Jaborandi. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1875, v, 395-397. — Plnnchoti. Sur les caracteres ct Torigine botanique du jaborandi. J. tie pharm. et ehim. Par., 1875, xxi, 295-305.—Poelil (A.) Ueber Pilocarpin. Tagebl. d. Versainml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Batlen- Badeii, 1879. Hi, 190. Also: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1879. iv, 416. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1879, xxiv, 468.—Poll I in a ■■ n (J.) Ueber die Wirkungen ties Pilo- carpin. Meel. chir. Cor.-Bl. f. deutsch-am. Aerzte. Buf- falo, 1883, i, No. 3, 1-4. — Prenti*» (D. W.) Change in the color of the hair from the us* of pilocarpin. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 718. -----. Change in the color of the hair, from the white hair of old age to black, produced by jaborandi. 'Therap. Gaz, Detroit, 1889, xiii, 238. Also, Reprint. — Pnrjewz (S.), jun. Ueber die Wirkungsweise und den therapeutischen Werth des Ja- borandi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1875, xii, 466 ; 479. -----. Weiteres iiber die Wirkungsweise und den therapeu- tischi'ii Werth des Jaborandi. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz, 1876, xvii, 515-535. -----. A hatoanyagok kolcsiinds aiitagonisiniistiiol kiilonos teklntettil a sosavos pilocarpinum es k6nsavas atropinumva. [Antagonism of action between pilocarpine and atropine.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1879, xxiii, 1057; 1081. Also, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1880, xvi, 269; 313; 336.—Qui ill a- Vii He (E.) Relazione di un caso comprovaute T azione; eeliolica del cloridrato di pilocarpina. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 75-80.—Kabulean (A.) Contribution a l'etude tlu jaborandi, nouvel agent sudorinque et sialago- gue. Bull. Soc. tie pharm. de Bordeaux, 1874, xiv, 71-74. Also: J. tie chiiu. med, etc. Par, 1874, xlviii, 317; 363. Also: Union nied.. Par, 1874, 3. s, xxvii, 584-587. Also: Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par, 1875, C. s, i, 165-168. -----. Sur le priucipeactif du jaborandi. Monde pharm. Par, 1874. iv, 74. Also: Union pharm. Par, 1874. xv, 135. Also: Union metl. Par, 1*74. 3. s, xxvii, 758.—Rncra (R.) SulT uso della pilocarpina. Gior.divet.mil, Ddine, 1888, i, 336.—Kampoldi (11.) SulT uso della pilocarpina nella terapia oculare. Ann. di ottal, Milano, 1878, vii, 375-378. -----. 1.1 jaborandi ela pilocarpina, sostanzeeste- siogeniehe. Gazz. med. ital. lomb, Milano. 1880, 8. s, ii, 129.—Kainiefl (S. B.) lets over Pilocarpinum muriati- cum. Nederl. 'Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1877, 2. R, xiii, 617.—Bnwori (H.) Un cas d'hydrosadenite diffuse produit par Toinploi de la pilocarpine. Tr. Internat. M. Cong, 7. sess, Lond, 1881, iii, 146-149. Also,transl..- Gazz. med. di Roma, 1881, vii, 245-247.—Rendu. Note sur les effets de Tadministration du jaborandi dans quelques cas de nephrite. J. de therap., Par, 1875, ii, X57-808.—Ren- nard (K.) Ueber Jaborandi. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russ- laiid, St. Petersb, 1875, xiv, 1-7.—Biegel (F.) Ueber die therapeutische Anwendung des Jaborandi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1875, xii, 69; 83. -----. Ueber Jahorandi. Ibid., 621; 636. — Biemwlagli. Jaborandi et chlorhy- drate de pilocarpine. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux, 1880. 3. 8, xvii, 133-139.—Binger (S.) Two cases of belladonna poisoning treated by jaborandi; recovery. Lancet, Lond, 1876, i, 346.—Binger (S.) & Gould (A. P.) Onjabo- Pi locarpus and pilocarpine. randi. Ibid., 1875, i, 157-159. Also: Practitioner Lond 1874, xiii. 387-391.—Ringer (S.) & tliin.ll (\V.) (hi jahorandi. Brit. M. J, Lond.. 1875, i. 513.___________. On the antagonism between piloe-arpiue and extract of A nia- nitanuiscaria. J. Physiol, Loud, 1879, ii, 135-144.—Robin (A.) Etudes physiologiques et therapeutiques sur le jabo- randi. J. de therap., Par., 1874, i, 881; 930: 1875 ii 11- 178; 255; 292; 339; 503; 545; 584; 635; 668; 702.'—^___! Dujaborandi, de son action phvsiologique el thcrapciitiquc! [Rap. de TubleretC. Paul.] Bull, etmem. Soc- ele therap 1874, Par, 1875, 2. s, i, 132-147. -----. Action du jaborandi sur les voies digestives. Gaz. mod. de Par.. lK7."i, 1. s, iv, 142. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1875, Par, 1876. 6. s, ii, 97-103. -----. Note additionnelle sur le .jaborandi. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1875, Par, 1876, 6. s, ii, 149-151.— RoblcN (S.) Alguuos apuntes sobre el enipleo teiape'-u- tico del jaborandi. Mem. Soc. mijtl.-farin.deToluoa, 1875-6, i, 136-140. Also: An. A soc. Larrey, Mexico, 1870, ii, 51- 53.—de Rode (L.) Dujaborandi.' J. d. sc. mid. de-Lou- vain, 1876. i, 119-128.—Roudot (E.) Pilocarpine; appli- cations recentes, suivies ele succes (angines et croup, elss- pepsies pancreatiques. albuininuries et uremic, polyurias, pleuresie, maladies cutanees). Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. nie'-el. do Bordeaux. 1880-81, i, 679-681.—Rook (C. W.) Jaborandi. St. Louis M. tt S. J, 1884, xlvi, 314-318. -----. Jaborandi asagalaetagogtie. J. Am.M. Ass.. Chicago, 1885, iv, 238.— RoNenbaeh (O.) Ueber die Wirkung des Jaborandi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1875, xii, 315. — RoMenkrauz. Beitrag zur physiologischen Wirkung des Pilorarpiiiuni niuriaticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl, 1877, iii, 100. -----. Contraindication des Pilocarpiiium muriati- cum. Ibid., 452. — Roviila ( C. L. ) Intorno all' azi- one dell' iaborandi. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete. Pa- dova, 1875, xviii, 149. Also: Osservatore. Torino, 1875, xi, 193-196.—Manger (M.) Stuelien und Erfahrungen iiber tlas Pilocarpin in der Geburtshiilfe. Arch. f. Gynaek, Berl, 1879, xiv, 43-101, 4 tab. —NakowNki (P.)' Ueber Jaborandi als schweiss- untl speiehel-treibendes Mittel. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1875, xvi, 1042; 1(174— Sautnu- gelo Till Mela (G.) Influenza del cloridrato eli pilocar- pina sulla secrezione del succo gastrico net cani. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s, xxxi, 612-616. Also: Riv. di ehim. med. e farm, Torino, 1883, i, 382-385.—Na- sezki (N.) Beitrage zum klinischen Gebrauch eles Pilo- carpinum niuriaticum. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1879, iv, 41-43.—Sehnuln (F.) Funfzehn Falle vou Wehen- schwiiche, behantlelt mit Pilocarpin. Wien. med. Wchn- schr, 1878, xxviii, 1241; 1270; 1317.—Sehiller (M.) A Pilocarpium muriaticum hatitsdrol. [. . . therapeutically.] Oyogydszat, Budapest, 1878, xviii, 685; 701. Also, Ke- piint.—Welllegel (J.) Manoinetrische Untersuohungeii iiber tlie lieeintlussmig des intraociiliiren Druckes durili I'ilocarpin. Arch. f. exper. Path. it. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1885-6, x\, 271-290—S('limi-med. J, St. Petersb, 1879, i;xxxiv, 540-571.—Zaubzer (().) Zur Wirkuug des Pilocarpiuin inurialicum. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 77-81.— Ziele^viez. Pilocarpinum muriaticum iu tier Kinder- praxis, nebst einer Modification der Aiiwenilungsweise dieses Mittels. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1877-8, i, 211-219. Pilocarpus and pilocarpine (Toxicology of). Foster (P.) A case of fatal poisoning from jaborandi. Louisville M. Xcws. 1882, xiv, 68.—Fronmiiller. Pilo- rarpiiivergiftung; Atropin als Gegen gift, tlesgleichen Ho- matropm. Memorabilien, Heilbr, 1882, n. F, ii, 12-14.— Szihlai (K.) Pilokarpinisinus. AVien. med. Wchnschr., 1881. xxxi, 996-998.—Valentin (G.) Bullion,etrisch-toxi- koliigisclieUiile-rsiichungen. Pilocarpin. Arch. f. exper. Rath. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1880-81, xiii, 287-303.— Wi- clierliiewicz ( B. ) Przypadek otrucia pilokarpinem i kilka uwag nael dzialaniem tego srodka. [Case of poison- ing by pilocarpine.] Wiadomosci lek, Lwow, 1888, ii, 194- Pilon (Geoi'oes). *Des kystcsilermoi'desilu con. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 1 1. 4°. Nancy, N. Collin, 1883. 1. s., No. 170. Pilo-nirial sinus. Hodge*. Pilo-nidal sinus. Boston M. & S. J, 1880, Ciii, 485; 493; 544. Pilot (Joannes Henricns). "Theses nietlica' ele malignitate niorborum. 5 p. 1., 5.3 pp., 3 1. 32°. Friburgi Brisgoice, 1073, Pilot p. 8°. Vratislavice, typ. Grassii, Barthii et socii, [1835]. Piltz (Fridericus Guilelmus) [1811-2- ]. *De tamia humana. 64 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Jor- danianis, 1831. [Also, in: P.. v. 107.] Piltz (Max). * Ueber elen Stiel eler Ovarienge- schwiilste und seine Behandlung nach tier Ova- riotomie. 30pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1879. c. Pilveil (Y.-M.-Aristitle). * I.)e l'lin-hite consecu- tive au passage d'instriiineuts dans le canal de l'urethre. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 24. Pilz (Bernardus). *De acidulis Koitscheusibus in Styria inferiori. 32 pp. 8°. J'iudobouce, E. Bagenauer, 1830. Pilz (Carolus Christiamis) [1839- ]. * De ar- terne carotidis utriusque ligatura. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1^05], Pilz (Josef) [1818-66], Lehrbuch tier Augen- heilkunde. xvii, 1024 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Prag, K. Andre, 1859. -----. Compendium tier operativen Augenheil- kunele. Nach seincm Lehrbuch eler Augenheil- kunde. 3 p. 1., 202 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Prag, E. Andre, 1860. -----. The same. Diagnostiseh-therapeutisches Compendium der Augenkrankheiten. Nach soi- nem Lehrbnche tier Augenheilkunde bearbeitet. ix, 374 pp., 2 pi. 8U. Prag, E. Andre, 1862. Pilz (Josephus Franciscus). *Diss. sistens ob- servatioues circa hernias incarciratas. 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prague, fil. T. Baase, 1814. Pimbet (Denis) [1858- ]. * De la hernie ob- turatrice. 232 pp. 4°. Paris. 18*2, No. 376. PililbiolllS [alias «le Elllft'lli crtlis] (Aunibal Dominicus). .Synopsis pnelrctionum tie morbis a cortle infra quorum pnestantiores meditatione complectetur allabontis litterarij hujus anni cur- ricnlo. 2 1. 4°. [Patavii, typ.'P. M. Framboiti, n. d.] [P., v. 1234.] Pimento. Costa (M.) Um novo revulsivo; considcrrcoes sobre um artigo ilo Sr. Dr. Couturier. Progiesso nied, Kio de Jan, 1877-8, ii, 190.— Couturier (E.) Dn nouveau re- vulsif. Union med. Par.. 1877, 3. s, xxiv, 935. Pillllico and Westminster Institute for Diseases of Women and Children. [Notice of the estab- lishment, and appeal to the public for aid in its behalf, with a letter from G. dc Gorrequer Griffith, showing the importance and necessity of the institution iu this locality.] 2 pp. 4°. London, 1866. Repr. from: Lond. Mirror, June 30, 1866. Pinipinella. Hahxiscii (J. A.) Meditationes botanico- medicai ele plauta quadam Marchia'- propria, pini- pinella nigra, epuibus demonstratur illam in 14 PINAIID. I'lM PI NELLA. Pimpinella. multis morbis insignem possidere virtu tern et enicaeiam. 4°. Lipsice, 1758. Hii.tiiEN (L. H. L.) *De Pimpinella saxi- fraga. 4°. Giesscv, [1726]. 4»rand (Le) boucage; Pimpinella magna. Lev. tie therap. med.-chir. Par, 1863, xxxi. 237-239.—Ninith (J.- C.) De l'emploi therapeutitjue tie la racine du petit bou- cage (Pimpinella saxifraga) dans ditferentes maladies, Ibid., 1861, xxix, 512-514. Pill (Prick of Death from). V ■■ n liinglin me (D.) Case of extensive suppuration and death, succeeding the prick of a pin. Glasgow M. J, 1829, ii, 21-24—Boiinjj (J. M.) Punctured wound of heel, with pin, death on fifth day. Atlanta AL & S. J, 1S72, ix1', 218-221.—Hobart (S. H.) [Case of sudden death from the wound of a pin.] Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850. xxi, 473-475.—I'ole (T.) An account of a remarkable spas- modic alfcction from the puncture of a pin, cured by liberal use of laudanum, with antimonial wine. Mem. M. Soc. Lond, 1789, ii, 373-385. Pill (Jean-Baptiste-Cesar-Joseph ). *Quelques preceptes sur l'hygiene des enfans. vi, 7-28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817,'No. 8, v. 129. Pill (Noel-Mathieu). * Sur l'apoplexie. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 144, v. 123. Pin (Paul). * Etude sur la lnenorrhagie au point de vue pathogenique et therapeutique. 51 pp. 4U. Montpellier, Boehm $ fils, 1800, No. 103. (;. PiflU y Pefiuela. (Kamon). Topografia me'dica tie la Isla tie Cuba. 321 pp., 1 1. 8°. Babana, El Tiempo, 1855. Pinash. .See Nose (Larrce, etc., in). Pillar (Bertrandus). * Tentamen tie visione. 24 pp. 8-. Monspelii, J. Martel, 1785. [P., v. 1091.] PiiieZBMS (Severinus) [ -1619]. Opusculuni physiologuni, anatomicum, cpvaiKuc vere admi- randuin, librisque tluobus tlistinctum; tractans analytice notas pri mo iutegritatis et corrup- tions virginum, deinde graviditatem et partuin naturalem mulierum in quo ossa pubis et ilium distrain, diliicide elocetur. 23, 141 pp., 1 pi. 16°. Francofurti, ex off. Z. Palthenii, 1591). -----. The same. De virginitatis notis, gravidi- tate et partu. Ludov. Bonaeiolus de eonforma- tione ltctus. Accedunt alia. 3 p. 1., 183, 272 pp., 20 1, 3 pi. 24°. Lugd. Bat., apud F. Hegerum et Haskium, 1634. CONTENTS. De feetus formatione. Lud. Bonaeiolus. De origine partium eaiumque in utero conformatione. Felix Platerus. De septo cordis pervio observatio. P. Gassendi. -----. The same. 2 p. 1., 183, 310 pp., 20 1., 5 pi. 24°. Lugd. Bat., F. Heger, 1641. Contains, in addition: De notis virginitatis. Melchior Sehezius. Second title-page is dated 1640. -----. The same. 182, 328 pp., 5 1. 24°. Lugd. Bat., F. Moycert, 1650. -----. The same. 394 pp., 18 1., 3 pi., 1 tab. 24:. Amstelodami, J. Ravenstein, 1663. -----. The same. Wahre Kennzeichen von den Geheimnissen der Jungferschaft; wie und auf was Art uud Weise solche eigentlich zu erkenuen, ob sie nemlich corrumpiret oeler nicht. Desglei- chen umstandlicheNachricht von tier Schwiiuge- rungselbsten und nennmonatlichen Gebnrt; wie auch von dem Unsprung und Aufang tier Theile otler Clieder, wie solche im Mutterleibe formirt und gebildet werden. Samt Petri Gassendi Trac- tat, von eler Scheidewand des Herzens, welche die beyden Herzkammern unterseheidet, unel wie solche ihre Dnrchgiinge babe. Hin und wieder mit unterschiedenen Figuren und einem vollstiintligen Kcgistcr versehen. Aus dem La- teinischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt von Christoph Hellwig. 1 p. 1., 352 pp., 6 1. 12°. Erfurt u. Leipzig, J. F. Weber, 1759. On title-page is ascribed to Pinasus and Sebizius. PillSKUS (Severinus)—continued. -----. Hebammen-Buchs dritter Theil, in wel- chein vou dem vierdten Theil der weiblichen (ie- biihrmutter, von der Zeit der Bildung tless Kinds in Mutterleib, wann sich dasselbige zu regon be- ginne, wie es in demselben wachse uud zunenmie, gehandeltwirt. Mit angeheugtein Bericht. \vas fiir ein sonderbahr uud wunderlich Werek tless Allmiichtigen sey die Geburt tless Menschen, auss dem Leib seiner Mutter auft'diese Welt, und wie dasselbige zugehe. Beneben schoiien Observa- tionibus und Historien, darauss tlas obige alles warhatftiglich erwiesen, unel mit beygeiiigten Abbilduugen iu Kupfferstiicken erklliret, und vor Augen gestellt wirdt. Mehrertheils tins ties . . . anatoniischeuTractat soerin lateiiiischcrSpraach beschrieben in tlasTeutsche ubergesetzt, unel uuih Gleichheit eler Matericn willen, den zweyen vor- heu-gehendeu Theilen dieses Hebammen Bucks zur Erleuterungaiigeheiigt. (i7pp.,21. 4°. Franck- furt a. M., P. He-vet, 1048. Bound with: MEHCiitn s ([Jerome] Scipio). La com- mare dell ... 4°. Leipzig, 1652. Piliail'C (Petrus Josephus). * De febre, quit", sub fiue decimi et initio unilecimi Kei]>ublica3 tinni, epidemice grassabatur atl oras iiiunis Exoua1 Pa- risiorum, per vallem cui vulgo nomen a vice Maisse, in sub-pra'1'ectura Stamiiensi, ex parti- tione Sequame-et-ffisia'. 58 pp. 4U. Parisiis, an. XII [1803], No. 150, v. E. Pinuli (Vinceuzo) [1K12-75]. Memorie sul'cho- lerti, tratte da un' opera inedita. 79 pp. 8°. Padova, M. Giammartini, 1884. Pillared (Atlolphe). * Nouvelles recherches tic pelvim6trie et de pclvigraphie sur la forme et les diami'tres ant6ro-posterieiirs tie 100 bassins vi- cies, repr^sent^s tie grandeur naturelle. 63 pp., 100 pi. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 236. —'■----. The same. Les vices ele conformation tlu biissin egtiidies au point de vue de la forme et ties diametres ant6ro-poste>ieurs; recherches nou- velles tie pelvimetrie et de pelvigraphie, acconi- pague^esde 100 planches repi^sentant 100 bassins de grandeur naturelle, appartenant au Muscc Diqiaul, au Mus6e eles Hopitaux, au Musee de la Matt^rnite? et a la (ittlerie d'anthropologie tin Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. 63 pp., 100 pi. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1874. -----. * Des contre-indications de la version dans la presentation ele l'epaule et ties moyens qui peuveut remplaeer cette operation. 140 pp. 9°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4~ fils, 1875. Concours. -----. *De Paction compartV du chloroforme, du chloral, ele l'opium et tie la morphine chez la femme en travail. 268 pp. 8^. Paris, O. Doin, 1878. Concours. -----. Trait6 eiu palper abdomiual au point de vue obstetrical et de la version par mano'iivres externcs . . . pr6cet!6 d'une preface de . . . P:i- jot. xvi, 5-266 pp. 8°. Paris, B. Lauwerei/ns, 1878. -----. Thesame. 2. 6d. xvi, 392 pp. V. Pa- ris, G. Steinheil, 1880. -----. The same. Tratado del tacto abdominal bajo el punto tie vista de la obstetricia y tie la version por maniobras externas. Vertitla al eastellano por Riiitrtlo Martinez Est6ban. 1- 136+ pp. 8°. Madrid, V. Saiz, 1880. Imperfect; all after p. 136 wanting. -----. The same, 3. 6tl. 202 pp., 1 1. 8°. Al- eala de Benares, F. Garcia, 1883. -----. Le basiotribe Tarnier. 66 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1885. -----. De la rupture premature^ des membranes de l'ceuf humain. 42pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, \88{\. See. also, do* Santos (R.) Clinique obstetricale. v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1886. ( 1 PINARD. 315 PINE. Pinard (Adolphe) efe Pinard (D6sirt5). De la o-iugivite des femnies enceintes et de son traite- ment. 26 pp. 8°. Paris, O.-Doin, 1877. Final tl (D6sir6). See I* in a ml (Adolphe) efc Pinard (Desir6). De la ■ ■iimiyite ele.s femmes enceintes et do son traitemeut. 8°. Paris, 1S77. Pinard ( Edouard-Francois-Marie ) [1861- ]. * Quelques consid6rations sur l'hygiene eles na- vires employes coinnie transports pour la Nou- velle-Cal6donie. 56 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887, No. 27. Pinard (Henry). *Dela pseudo-lie vie hystdri- que. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 229. Pinard (J.) "Exposition abregde de quelques observations cliniques, faites a l'tle ele Bour- bon, vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 100, v. 90. Pinard (Jules). *Des arthropathies rhumatis- niales de rallaitement. 40 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878, No. 464. Pinard (Louis-Georges). *I. Des symptmnestle I'ovarite. II. [etc.]. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 205, v. 394. Pinand (A.-Guilhanme). * Quelques cousid6ra- tions sur la physiologie pathologique et l'hygiene tie l'appareil uterin. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1800, No. 169. Pinanlt (Hippolyte-Armand). *Consid6rations cliiiiquessnrlathoracentese. 50pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 190, v. 546. Pinault (J.-M.-J.-T.) [ -1867]. *Sur le can- cer du rectum et sur l'extirpation tie la partie in- feuieuredecetintestin. 66 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1829, No. 167, v. 226. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1867, xxxiv, 335 (P.-L.-B. Caffe). Pincliard(Abel). *De l'accouchement prema- ture artiticiel. 36 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Strasbourg, 1803. No. 716, 2. s., v. 37. Pincliand (Georges). * Des thyroidites dans la convalescence ele la tievre typhoide. 37 pp., 1 1. 4 . Paris, 1881, No. 14. Pincliand (Lovinski). * Considerations sur certaines luxations de la clavicule. 36 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1852, 2. s., No. 244, v. 18. PinclieilOt (F.-Fre'de'ric). *Sur les agens the"- rapeutiques connus sous le nom de revnlsifs. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 17, v. 294. Pincier (Joh.) [1556-1664]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Pilickard (F.) The sanitary braee, a simple mechanical invention intended to force the clo- sure ofthe mouth during sleep, and thereby ab- solutely compel the nose to perform all that na- ture designeel in the act of breathing. 23 rip. 8°. .Veto Orleans, 1869, v. 351. Pilickard (George) [1768-1835]. * De catarrho. 1 p. 1., 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. et J. Hon- koop, 1792. [P., v. 1479.] -----. Notes on the West Indies; written during the expedition under the command of the late General Sir Ralph Abercromby; including ob- servations on the Island of Barbadoes, and the settlements captured by the British troops upon the coast of Guiana; likewise remarks relating to the Creoles anel slaves of the western colonies, anel the Indians of South America, with occa- sional hints regarding the seasoning or yellow fever of hot climates. 3 v. 8°. London, Long- man, Burst [and others], 1806. -----. Thesame. Notes on the West Indies, in- cluding observations relative to the Creoles and slaves ofthe western colonies anel the Indiaus of South America, interspersed with remarks upon the seasoning or yellow fever of hot climates. 2. ed., with additional letters from Martinique, Pilickard (George)—continued. Jamaica, anel St. Domingo. 2 v. xxiii, 537 pp.; xvi, 534 pp., 8 1. 8°. London, Baldwin <)'■ Co., 1816. -----. Cases of hydrophobia. 38 pp. 8'. Lon- don, 1819. See, also, Astaalini (Paul). Observations on the dis- ease called plague, [etc.]. 8°. Xew York, 1806. Pilicker (Christian Friderich). Dedubio medi- cameutorum effectu. 9 1. 4°. Lipsice, typ. C. Gunlheri, [1689]. -----. * De hamtorrhoidibus. 7 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1691. See, also, INtcriiiaim (Andreas). CurioseGedancken. 16°. Dresd. u. Leipz.. 1701. Pinckneya pubens. See Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Pincksollil ( Benedictus) [1813- ]. *De calculis urinariis. 39 pp. 8°. Berolini, [typ. M. Friedlcenderi], 1830. PillCOfts (Peter) [1816-72]. *De ebrictate. 4 p 1., (52 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. IV. van Lcenwen, 1837. -----. Experiences of a civilian in Eastern mili- tary hospitals, with observations on the English, French, antl other medical departments, antl the organization of military medical schoeils anel hos- pitals. 4 p. 1., 202 pp. 8°. London, Williams 4 Norgate, 1857. For Biography, see Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 384. Also: Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 165. Pincoil (C.-P.-F.) * Sur l'utilit6de rallaitement maternel, les inconveriiens qui rcsulteut de l'iiu- possibilit6 d'allaiter, ou de la negligence de ce precepte, et sur l'&lucation des enfans a la mamelle. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 80, v. 62. Pincns (Abrahamus) [1832- ]. * De typho, singnlari typhi abtloiuinalis ratione habita. 47 pp. 12°. Berolini, G. Lange, 1859. Pincns (Josephus). *Experimenta de vi nervi vagi et sympathici ad vasa, secretiouem, nutri- tionem tractusintestinalisetreuum. 40 pp. 8°. Vratislavice, B. Lindner, 1856. c. -----. Die Krankheiten ties menschlichen Haares und die Haar-Pilege. viii, 124 pp. 8°. Berlin, Denicke, [1874, vel subseq.]. -----. The same. The hair; its treatment in health, weakness, and tlisease. viii, 70 pp. 12°. London, Chatto 4' Windus, 1882. Pincus (Oscar) [1859- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Staphyloma cornea? congenitum. 30 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg, Bartung, 1887. c. Pincns (Salomon).' * De efth reseentiis salium in muris tedium sa-pe reperiundis, de lapidibus cal- cariis et nostra; ct vicinarum regionum nee non de creta alba analyses qmedain chemi etc. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Rei/imontii Pr., E. J. Dalkowski, 1845. Pinozow. See. Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Pindar(Peter) [pseudon.]. SeeWolcott(John). Pillders (Wilhelm) [I8(i5- ]. * Ueber Der- moidcysten ties vorderen Mediastinums. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach, Wwe., 1887. c. Pilldray (E.-J.) * These sur rameuorrhe'e, prt§- ce\16e de quelques cousielerations ge5ne>ales sur la menstruation. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 170, v. 242. Pilldray (Lebnartl-Charles-Emile) [185/- ]. * La tievre typhoide au quartier d'artillerie de marine a Noumea. Etiologie, prophylaxie. 81 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887, No. 44. Pine. See Pinus. I PIXfi. 316 PINEL. Pine, dit Pinet (Jacques-Antoine). * Essai sur la goutte saturnine. 50 pp., 11. 4C. Part's, 1874, No. 402. Pilicail. Memoire sur le danger des inhumat ions pre'cipitces, et sur la neVessittf d'un reglement, pour mettre les citoyens & l'abri tlu mallienr d'etre enterrds vivans. 136 pp., 1 1. 8°. Xiort, P. Elks, 1776. Pilicail (Andre?) [1858- ]. * ArteTio-scir'mse et-nephrite interstitielle consieI<5r6cs dans leurs rapports. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 65. Pincail (Arthur). * Etude sur les opanchements ties bourses sereuses sous-cutanees. 40 pp. 4'. Paris, 1866, No. 117. Pincail ( E. ) Conseils aux femmes atteiutes d'alfections de la matrice. 5. 6d. 144 pp. sm. 8°. Paris, A. Coecoz, 1868. Pincail (Emmanuel-Joseph-Marie). *De quel- ques accidents nevropathiques a distixnee obser- ves tartlivement a la suite tie 16sions des nerfs. 75 pp., 2 1. 4°. Part's, 1877, No. 366. Pilicail (Ernest-Victor). * Des abces en g6n6ral, et de leur traitement par la cauterisation au moyen du uitrate d'argent. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 180, v. 635. Pincail (Jules). * Quelques considerations sur un motle de traitement tie la tlysenterie eSpideS- mique. 57 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 652, 2. s., v. 34. Pineau (M.-.I.) * Du sommeil et des mdtlica- inents hypnotiques proprement dits. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 31. Pincau (Marie-Joseph). *I. Dans quels cas et comment pratiqne-t-on la disarticulation des os m6tatarsiens'\ II. [etc.]. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 124, v. 332. Pincail (Octave). * Quelques considerations sur les reinfections syphilitiques, prCceldeVs ele 1'tStude de la nature et ties caracteres ele la syphi- lis, viii, 9-53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 61. Pineau (Pierre-Henri). * Sur l'6tranglement tie I'intestin par le pdritoine. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 252, v. 236. Pineda (A.-M.) * De l'bemorrhagie dans l'ope- ration tie la taille pdrineale chez I'homme. 1 p. 1., 52 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 383. de PiliedllS (M.) Tractatus tie febribus qua- rum principalis origo procetlit a spiritibus, ut clare demonstrator in aeljuncta dissertatione, uncle quasi omnes morbi oriuntur? Cum cura et fegimine uti et de affeetione hysterica; acce- elit de eminentiis et prserogativis animae, necnon de morte Adami. 1 p. 1.,88 pp. 12°. Amstelce- dami, 1743. Pinel ( Auguste-Charles). * De l'asthme. Re- cherches sur la pathog6nie de cette affection, consieieree principalement au point de vue de ses rapports avec I'histoire physiologique et pa- thologique eles nerfs pneumo - gastriques. 122 pp. 4°. Paris. 1858, No. 273, v. 623. Pinel (C.-H.-Philippe). * Considerations gene- rales sur l'anatomie, la physiologie et les affec- tions morbitles du nerf grand sympathique. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 238, v. 623. Pinel (Ch.-Ph.) Notice sur le traitement tlu cholera elans une division eiu Bureau de Bienfai- sance compare au traitemeut du cholera dans les hopitaux civils de Paris. 31 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1866. ] Pinel (Desire). * Contribution k l'etude de la greffe dentaire. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 290. Pinel (E.) * De la susceptibilite des organes a contracter lis maladies el'aprt^s leurs rappeirts avec lis corps exterieurs. 48 pp. 4°, Paris, 18-14. No. 239, v. 189. Piucl (J.-V.-F.) * Quelques generalites sur l'an<$- vrisine vrai, ou tumeur par elilatation art6rielle. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 416, v. 54. Pineal gland. See, also, Epilepsy; Insanity (Pathology, etc., of). Gi nz (J. G.) [Pr.] indicit, ac simul lapillos glandulse pinealis in quinque mente alienatis in- ventus proponit. 4°. Lipsice, 1753. Hacemanx (G.) * Ueber elen Bau des Cona- rium. ^°. Gbttingen, 1872. Also, in: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Lei])/.., 1872, 429-454, 1 pi. Lkgros (J.) * Etude sur la glande pineale et ses clivers etats pathologiques. 4°. Paris, 1873. Lcschka (H.) Der Hirnanhang und die Steiss- elriise eles Menschen. 4°. Berlin, 1860. Peytotjkeau ( S.-A. ) *La glande pineale et le troisieme ceil des vertebres. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. Also [Rev.], in: Gaz. hebd. cl. sc. nied. de Bordeaux, 1887, viii, 397; 406. Ekixhold (H.) * Ein Fall von Tumor der Zir- beldriise. Beobachtung aus tier medicinischen Klinik zu Freiburg i. B.- 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Stalpart van dkr "Wikl (C.) Steen in de pijnappelklier en saadt-vateu gevonden. In his: Hond. seld/.. aanmerk. 12°. Amst., 1682, 43-48. Also, transl. in his: Obs. rar. med. anat. chir. 12°. Lugd. Bat, 1687, 53-61. Vogkl (K.) *Von tier Bedeutung der Hirn- anliange. 8°. [Wiirzburg], 1828. Wolff (G. J.) *Diss. sistens qiuestiones medicus varii argumenti. [De conario et acer- vulo cerebri.] 4°. Hardervici, [1791]. Angerli (L.) Glandola pineale tartarosa. Oss. med.- prat. e chir. di val. clin. ital., Imola, 1793, i, 27-29.—Biz- zozero (G.) Sul parenchima della ghiandola pineale. R. Ist. Lorali. di se. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1868, 2. s., i, 588-594. Also, in: Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1868, 6. s., i, 257. -----. Sulla struttura del parenchima della ghiandola pineale umana. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Remiic, Milano, 1871,2. s., iv, 324-326. -----. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Banes der Ziibi-ldiiise. Vorlaufige Mit- theilung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix, 722-724.— Blanc (G.) Case of a tumor found in the situation of the pineal gland. Tr. Soe. Improve. M. & Chir. Knowl., Loud., 1800, ii. 198. — Blanquinque (P.) Tumeur de la glande pinCale; Epanchement abondant; hernies du cerveau k leavers la dure-mere. Gaz. hebd. de me.il., Par., 1871. 2. a., viii, 532. — C ion in i (A.) Sulla struttura delia ghiandola pineale. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio Emilia, 1886, xii, 364-369, 1 pi. -----. La ghian- dola pineale e il terzo occhio dei vertebrati. Ibid., 1888-9, xiv, 65-80. — <«>:■■« (J.) An adenoid sarcoma with carti- lage originating in the pineal gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7). 1887. xxxviii, 44-52.—Faivre. Observations sur le coiiarium. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i, pt. 2, 195-200. — Friedreich (N. ) Psammoma kystomatosum ha-moi-rhagieum tier Glandula pinealis in Combination mit MidiillarsarUom. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 165-167, 1 pi. — Granel. La glande pineale; anatomie comparee et fonctions. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. de Montpel., 1«87, ix, 361-365. —King (E.) A stone in the glandula! pinealis. Phil. Tr., Lond.. 1700, iii, 157.—von Vlilialltovii •» ( V.) Entwickelung der Zirbeldriise. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1874, xii, 241.—IVieden. Fall -von Tumor (Hydrops cystiens) glandulie pinealis. Centralbl. f. Xe-ivenli., Coblenz 1S7!) ii, 169-171.—Schmidt (P.) Eni.rmitas glandula- ]iiiiealis. Med. Ztg., Berl.. 1837, vi, 33. —Nchiiepf. Miotic-; alte- ration de la glande phnSale. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, pt. 1, 167-169. — Schultzc. Etwei- J chung der Glandula pinealis und Kuurpt-1 in der Lunge. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1848. xvii, 108.— *Imm« i (G.) Enlarge- ment of the pineal gland and sclerosis of the brain, in a ease- of chronic epilepsy, with amentiaanel aphasia. Edinb. I M. J., 1875-6, xxi. 297-299. — Minion ( E.) Hemorrhagie de- la glande pin6ale. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1859, xxxiv, 306.—Mfaiiley |S. S.) Dropsy of the pineal gland. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1837-8. i. 9.15.—Turner (C.) Spindle-cell sar- coma of the pineal body containing glandular and carci- nomatous structures. 1'r. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 27-35. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 429. — Wei- gert (C.) Teratom der Zirbeldriise. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 212-219, 1 pi. Pineapple. Kocssix de Montabourg ( P.) * An ananas alimentum medicamentum? 4\ Parisiis, 17.>1. PINEL. 317 PINEL DE GOLLEVILLE. Pinel (Jean-Louis). * Sur l'h6patite, ou inflam- mation du foie. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 287, v. 117. -----. Observations medicates et questions phy- siologico-pathologieiues presentees a M. le Prof. Broussais. vii, 76 pp. 8°. Paris, 1823. Pinel (Jean-Pierre-Casimir) [1799-1866]. Con- sielerations sur les veiues etleur inflammation ou phlebite. 20 pp. 4°. Mont»cllier, J. Martel nine, 1826, No. 54. [P., v. 1331.] -----. Du traitement ele l'ali6nation mentale ai- gue, en general, et principalement par les bains tiedes prolonged et les arrosements contiuus d'eau fralche sur la tete. 160 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1856. Repr. from: M6ni. Acad, denied., Par., 1856, xx. -----. De l'isolement des alienes sous le rapport bygi6nique, pathologique et 16gal. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson 4'fi^s> 1861. Repr. from: J. de m6d. ment., Par., 1861, i. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1866, xxxiii, 559 (Caffe). Also: J. de nied. ment., Par., 1867, vii, 26-31. Pinel (Marie-Etieune). * De l'h6morrhagie pul- mouaire et de Phemoptysie en rapport avec les lesions du cerveau. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 150. Pinel (Philippe) [1745-1826]. Trait6 imklico- philosophique sur l'ali6nation mentale, ou la ma- nie. lvi, 318 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, Richard, Caille 4' Ravier, an IX [1801]. -----. The same. 2. e5d., entitlement refondue et trfes-augmentee. xxxii, 496 pp., 1 tab., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1809. -----. The same. A treatise on insanity, in which are contained the principles of a new and more practical nosology of maniacal disorders than has yet been offered to the public, exempli- fied by numerous and accurate historical rela- tions of cases, from the author's public and pri- vate practice: with plates illustrative of the craniology of maniacs and idiots. Transl. from the French, by D. D. Davis, lv, 228 pp. 8°. Sheffield, Cadell 4- Davies, 1806. -----. The same. Philosophisch-medicinische Abhandlung fiber Geistesverirruugen oder Ma- de. Aus dem Frauzosischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Mich. Wagner. 1, iv, 458 pp., 1 1., 1 tab., 2 pi. 8°. Wien, C. Schaumburg u. Comp., 1801. -----. La m6decine clinique, rendue plus precise et plus exacte par 1'application de 1'analyse, ou recueil et resultat d'observations sur les maladies aigues, faites k la Salpetriere. xl, 432 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Paris, Brosson, Gabon 4" Cie., 1802. -----. The same. 2. ed. xxxii, 478 pp., 2 tab. 8C. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, an XII [1804]. -----. The same. 3. e"d., revue, corrig6e et aug- inentde. xxiv, 552 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1815. -----. Nosographie philosophique, ou la methode de l'analyse appliqude a la medecine. 2. 6d. 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, an XI [1803]. -----. The same. 4. tSd. 2 v. 1 p. 1., cxxxvi, 354 pp., port.; 1 p. 1., 576 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1810. -----. Thesame. 6.6d. 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1818. -----. Eesultats d'observations et construction des tables pour servir k determiner le degre de probability de la guerison des alienes. 37 pp., I tab. 4°. Paris, Baudouiu, 1808. -----. Lettres de Pinel, precedes d'une notice plus etendue sur sa vie, par son neveu le Dr. Casimir Pinel. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1859. Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1858, v: 1859, vi. See, also, Castel (A.-Ludovico). Analyse critique et impartiale de la nosographie philosophique de Ph. Pinel. Pinel (Philippe)—continued. 8°. Paris, an VII [1799|.—Choi-ret (J.-F.) Recherches sur la pathogenie, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, an XIII [1805].— Cuvicr (Georges-Chretien-Leopold-Dagobert). Rapport sur un mCmoire de MM. Gall et Spurzheim. 4°. Paris, 1808.—lTIagcndie (Francois). Memoire sur le vomisse- ment, [etc.], 12°. Paris, 1813.—Sciiielaigne (L.-R.) * Philippe Pinel et son ceuvre au point de vue de la mede- cine mentale. 4°. Paris, 1888. For Biography, see Eloge de Philippe Pinel, prononce au nomdela Soci6te m6dico-psychologique. Ann. med.- psych., Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 185-193 (A. Ritti). Also : Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1827, xiii, 623-628. Also: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1827, xxix, 289-304 (J. Briche- teau). Also: J. Psych. M., Lond.. 1860, xiii, 184-205 (C. Pinel). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1827, xii, 262-264. Also: Meet. Times, Lond., 1845, xii, 227; 305; 448; 469 (E. Pari- set). Also: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1828, i, 180-223 (E. Pariset). Also: Ibid., 224-231 (Esquirol). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc., 231.—tialeric medicale, No. 28. -----. See, also: Charvet (S.) * Esquisse d'une etude sur Philippe Pinel, professeur a, l'Ecole de medecine de Paris, m6decin en chef de la Salpetriere. (Bio- graphie, travaux.) 4°. Montpellier, 1881, No. 47. [Plate representing statue erected to the memory of Philippe Pinel, at Paris.] Med.-Leg. J., 1ST. Y., 1885-6, iii, no. 3. -----, Fournier, [de Pescay (Framjois)] & Vaidy. Die gesammte Fieberlehre, oder die Erkenntniss und die Kur der Fieber. Aus dem Frauzosischen der Herren . . . deutsch bear- beitet von J. K. Renard und F. J. Wittmanu. Nebst einer Abhandlung fiber iirztliche Gelehr- samkeit, von Percy; als Einleitung. 400, 232 pp. 8°. Pesth, Hartleben, 1820. Repr. from: Auserl. med.-pract. Abhandl. d. franz. Litt. -----& Lei'OllX (Jean-Jacques). Ecole de m6- decine de Paris. Clinique d'inoculation. Rap- port fait a l'Ecole de medecine de Paris, sur la clinique d'inoculation. 38 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. [Paris, an VII, 1799.] [P., v. 1461.] Pinel ( Scipion ). * Recherches sur quelques points de l'ali6nation mentale. viii, 9-45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 295, v. 153. ___ -----. The same, viii, 9-44 pp. 4°. Paris, Di- dotjeune, 1819. [P., v. 1847.] -----. Considerations sur les maladies dites fievres essentielles. 22 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1820.] -----. Recherches d'anatomie pathologique sur l'endurcissement du systeme nerveux. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1822. -----. Physiologie de I'homme alit^mS, appliquee k l'analyse de I'homme social, vii, 458 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvier 4' E. Le Bouvier, 1833. -----. Trait6 complet du regime sanitaire des alienes, ou manuel des etablissemeus qui leur sont consacres. Avec des planches explicatives, exe- cutees sur le modele des constructions que l'ad- ministration des hopitaux a fait eiever a la Sal- petriere d'apres les plans de M. Huv6. 1 p. 1., vi, 322 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Paris, Mauprivez, 1836. -----. Traite? de pathologie cer6brale ou des ma- ladies du cerveau; nouvelles recherches sur sa structure, ses fonctions, ses alterations, et sur leur traitement therapeutique, moral et hygitS- nique. xii, 564 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvier, 1844. Pinel (Zach. Narc.) * Propositiones de peri- pneumonia. 11 pp. 4°. Parisiis, 1808, No. 102, v. 72. Pinel De Golleville (M.-J.) * Quelques con- siderations therapeutiques sur Paction du quin- quina dans les fievres intermittentes. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 97, v. 308. -----. Considerations gene"rales sur I'histoire de la medecine et sur le traitement des maladies chroniques et des maladies nerveuses. 126 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvier, 1842. PINEL-GPANDCHAMP. 318 PINI. Pinel - Giaiidchanip (Felix) [1798-1866]. 'Propositions sur diverses parties de l'art ele guerir. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 13, v. 197. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1869, xxxvi, 79 (Caffe). Pinel - lUaisoimciivc (Gustave-Charles-Lu- cien). * Contribution k l'etude des indications tie l'iridectomic tlans la cataracte. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 106. Pinelli (Orazio). Pagine sparse. Almanacco tl' igiene. Decorato con medaglie dei benemeriti della salute pubblica, ecc. 48 pp., 4 1. 8°. Ve- nezia, Ferrari, Kirchmayr 4' Scozzi, 1888. de Pineo (Moses). *De dysenteria vera. 9 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1685. du Piliet (Antoine). See iVlatthioli (Pierre-Andre). Les com in en tai res sur les six livres des simples de Pedacius Dioscoride [etc.]. fol. Lyon, 1561. Piliet (Camille). * De l'etat de nos counaissances sur raffection ourlienne ou oreillons. 115 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 425. Piliet (F.) #De Faction locale du nitrate d'ar- gent; de ses applications therapeutiques. 60 yip. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 139. Pinet (J.-Andre). * Sur l'ophthalmie. 28 pp. 4-\ Paris, 1820, No. 115, v. 224. Pinet (Jacques-Etienne-Pierre-Napoieon). * Es- sai physiologique sur la femme. 26 pp. 4°. Petri's, 1833, No. 51, v. 258. Pinctte (Jacob) [1862- ]. * Ueber das spe- cifische Volumen von Phenolen und Phenolae- theren bei ihren Siedepunkten. 37 pp. 8°. Kiin igsberg, 1886. Piii£rnt (Camille). * Du catarrhe chronique de la vessie et de son traitement. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 128, v. 609. Piilgand (Fortuue-fitienne). *Des indications ct contre-indications de l'ovariotomie. 95 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1803, No. 658, 2. s., v. 34. Pin^aillt (Delphin). * Les animaux gel6s sout- ils susc-eptibles d'etre rappeies a la vie i? vi, 7-21 pp. 4 . Paris, 1811, No. 99, v. 85. Pin^atllt (P.-P.) * Sur l'heredite des maladies. 2-2 lip. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 145, v. 208. Pingel (Carolus Guilelmus) [1836- ]. * De pulsus dignitate. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1861]. Pingeon (N.-A.) Esquisse des progres reels de la medecine depuis 1800. 1 p. 1., 172 pp. 8°. Dijon, V. Lagier, 1833. -----. Precis analytiquedestravaux de la Societe medicale de Dijon pour l'auuee 1833. iii, 260 pp. ^'. Dijon, Douillier, 1837. Pingcoii (N.-A.-C.) * Sur la paralysie. 76 pp. 4^. Paris, 1819, No. 216, v. 151. Pinglcr (G.) Der einfache uud diphtheritische Croup uud seiue erfolgreiche Behandlung mit Wasser durch die Tracheotomie, dargestellt, nach eignen zahlreichen Erfahruugen. viii, 1 p. 1., 237 pp. 8°. Frankf. a. M., B. Keller, 1868. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. viii, 207 pp. 8J. Beidelberg, C. Winter, 1879. -----. Die ratiouelle Anwendung des kalten unci temperirten Wassersbei Schwangern, Kreisenden und Wochuerinen dargestellt nach zahlreichen eigenen Erfahrungen. vii, 103 pp. 8°. Giessen, E. Roth, 1877. -----. Die Syphilis. Ihr Wesen und griindliche Heilung auf kfirzestem Wege. 2. Aufl. vii, 144 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. B. Steinitz, 1889. Pingrenoii (F.-S.-Joseph). "Considerations sur laheinieetraugiee. 17 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F.- G. Levrault, 1823. -----. Quelques remarques et observations rela- tives aux fractures du crane, suivies d'un cas de fracture indirecte du corps de la premiere verte- bra lombaire et d'une observation de flexion permanente, par refoulement, de l'os radius chez Pin^renoii (F.-S.-Joseph)—continued. l'atlulte. 47 pp. 8°. Strasbourg, Vvc. Berger- Levrault, 1844. -----. The same. 2. ed. 86 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Aubry4~ Cie.,,1860. -----. Relation sous le point de vue ele l'hygiene publique de la marche eiu cholera dans la subdi- vision deMostaganem, province d'Oran (Algerie), depuis son invasion jusqu'a sa teriniuaison en 1851, accompagnee tie notes relatives a la mortal it6 tlans l'armee. 49 pp., 7 1. 8°. Paris, A. Aubry 4 Cie., 1802. Pingnet (Claude-Etienne-Alexandre). *Des re- • trecissements du rectum; appreciation des di- verses methodes therapeutiques. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 17. Pinguet (Henri). Guide au uouvel etablisse- ment thermal tie Bourbon-l'Archambault, suivi de la derniere aualyse des eaux. 20 pp. 8°. Bourbon-VAicliambciiilt, Gilte-Marcus, 1880. Pinguet (Jean - Charles). *Sur le catarrhe pulnionaire aigu. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 123, v. 123. Pinheiro (Affonso). Co-Editor of: Amines da Academia de medicina do Rio de Janeiro, 1885. Pinheiro cl'AInieida (Joao) [1802- 08]. [Marques (J. A.)] Obituario. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1868, xix, 177. Pinlieiro dc Freitas Soares (Jose). See de Sousa Pinto (Antonio JosC). Memoriasobre a administracao do mercurio, etc. 8°. Lisboa, 1814. Pini (Ciirtenio). Dati statistici dall' anno 1869 al 1887. Sulle visite mediche nelle malattie venero-sifilitiche in relazione alia questione igienica. 6 pp., 1 tab. roy. 8°. Firenze, successors Le Monnier, 1887. Pini (Ernestus Augustus). *Genuina calculi renal is genesis. 34 pp. 4°. Belnisladii, typ. rid. P. D. Schuorrii, [1756]. [Also, in: P., v. 620.] Pini (Gaetauo) [1846-87], Relazione della com- missione igienica per la deviazioue del Naviglio interno. 53 pp. 8C. Milano, G. Civelli, 1870. -----. Pio Istituto dei rachitici in Milano. Relazione sanitaria e ammiuistrativa per 1' anno 1876 (2). 30 pp., 1 pi., 1 tab. 8°. Milano, E. Lombarda, 1877. -----. Una questione d' igiene pedagogica. 27 pp. 12°. Milano, E. Sonzogno, 1879. -----. L' acqua potabile a Milano. Leacquedel Brembo. 11 Gozzo. Note critiche. 31 pp., 1 map. 4°. Milano, G. Civelli, 1881. -----. II nuovo istituto pei rachitici in Milauo; discorso inaugurale. 17 pp. 8°. Milano, E. Civelli, 1881. Repr. from: Rivista della beneflc. pubblica e delle istit. eli previienza, Oct., 1881. -----. Pro aqua. 181 pp.. 1 1. sm. 8°. Milano, G. Civelli, 18&1. -----. La cremation en Italic et a l'etranger tie 1774 jusqu'a nos jours. 187 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Milan, U. Hoepli, 1885. -----. Della prostituzioue e dei provvedimenti recentemente proposti o adottati a tutela della morale e dell' igiene in Italia ed all' estero. 45 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Milano, G. Civelli, 1887. See, also, Annuario delle scienze mediehe [etc.). 8°. Milano, 1871-8. - Bifli (Serafino), Pini (Gaetano) efe Tambnrini (A.) "Relazione dcdla commission!-.'' etc. 8°. Genova, [1878].—Maragliano (Edoardo). Igiene populate-, etc. 8°. Firenze, 1*72— Mchivardi (P.) efc l»ini ((iaetano). Studio idrologico sulle acque ferrugi- uose di Orczza. 12°. Milano, ]87,">. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 789. -----, L,olli (Luigi) & Giaclii (Giovanni). Istituto ortopedico Rizzedi a Bologna. Rela- zione. iv, 23 pp., 51., 9 pi. 4°. [Bologna, Regia Tipog., 1883?] PINK. 319 PINOLINI. Pink (Hermann) [1849- ]. * Beitrage zur Lehre vom Diabetes mellitus insonderheit zur Lehre vou der Glycogenbildung. 31 pp. 8°. Konigsberg, Lougrien pid6niie ele cholera observ6e k Paris en 1832, et principalement k l'hospice de la Salpetriere. 43 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1832, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 491.] Repr. from: J. univ. et hebd.de ru6d.et chir. prat., Par., 1832, ix. -----. Memoire sur l'etat de la rate dans les fievres intermittentes. 50 pp. 8°. [Paris], Everat, [1832, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 485.] -----. * Quelle partal'iuflammation clans la pro duction eles maladies dites organiques? 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833. Concours. -----. Clinique medicale de l'h6pital de la Piti6 (service de la Faculte de medicine) et de l'hospice de la Salpetriere en 1832. iii, 490 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1833. -----. Polyhyperhemie; plethora sanguine. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Saintin, [1835, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 914.] -----. * Sur les habitations privees. 157 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, Moessard, 1837. [P., v. 132; 1695.] Concours. -----. Traite de diagnostic et de s6m6iologie. 2. 6d. xiv, pp. 1-634+. roy. 8°. Bruxelles, 1837. Imperfect. -----. Thesame. 3 v. 8J. Paris, Pourchet pere, 1840. -----. De I'h6reclit6 dans les maladies, iv, 174 pp. 8°. Paris, Bury, 1840. -----. The same. Ueber die Erblichkeit bei Krankheiten. Uebersetzt und mit mehrern Zu- siitzen und Anmerkungen versehen, von Joh. Chr. Fleck, xvi, 203 pp. 8°. Weimar, B. F. Voigt, 1841. .-----. Traits de medecine pratique et de patho- logie iatrique ou medicale, cours profess^ k la Faculty de meclecine de Paris. 8 v. 8°. Atlas, 42 pi. Paris, Pourchet 4" J.-B. Bailliere, 1841-51. _____. The same. Table alphabetique eles ma- tieres, par MM. A. Chevallier fils et Bailliard. 55 pp. 8° Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1852. [P., v. 1786.] Piorry (Pierre-Adolphe)—continued. -----. Ueber tlie Krankheiten tier Luftwego. Aus dem Frauzosischen von G. Krupp. iv, l>21 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. E. Kollmann, 1844. -----. Ueber die Krankheiten ties Dannkanals. Aus dem Frauzosischen von Dr. G. Km pp. iv, 580 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. E. Kollmann, 1811 i. -----. De la folie et du deiire consitb'i es au point de vue de leur identity et de leur nomenclature. Reflexions faisant suite a la discussion sur la doctrine orgauo-pathologique. 23 pp. 8J. Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1855. Repr. from: Bull. Acatl. de mead., Par., 1855, xx. -----. De la doctrine des etats organo-pathiquos, de la nomenclature orgauo-pathologique. Dis- cours prononces a l'Acadeniie impdrittle tie in6tle- cine, a 1'occasion d'un memoire sur le traitcinent tie la variole. xvi, 100 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere, 1855. Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1855, xix. -----. Expose aualytique ties principaux travaux d'anatomie, ele physiologie, d'hygiene, de chi- rurgie, de m6deciue pratique et tie litterature philosophique de . . . a l'appui de sa candida- ture a l'Acadeniie ties sciences. 1(58 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1856. [P., v. 1723.] -----. De la fievre puerperale. Discours pro- nonce a l'Acad6mie imp6riale de m6decine, dans la seance du 27 avril 1858. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1858. Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de meet, Par., 1858, xxiii. -----. Discours sur l'orgauicisine, le vitaliNine et le psychisme' prononces a l'Acadeniie impeiiule de medecine a 1'occasion d'une discussion sur Taction du perchlorure de fer dans les heuiorrhu- gies, suivis d'allocutions faites sur la torn be tie M. Dumeril et sur celle tie M. Fouipiier, el tie fragments poetiques sur le materialisme et le spiritualisme, sur l'&ine ou psychatome et sur l'avenir de l'humanite. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ' ulielmus) —continued. Georgii Marggravii. I. Tractatus topographicus et meteorologicus Bra- silia;, cum observatione eclipsis Solaris. II. Commentarius de Brasiliensium et Chilensium in- dole ac lingua [etc.]. Jacobi Bontii. I. De conservanila valetudine. II. Methodus niedendi. III. Observatioues in cadaveribus. IV. Nuta- in (Jarciam ab Orta. V. Historia animalium. VI. Historia plantarum. ------. Historia medica Brasilise. Novam edi- tionem curavit et prtefatus Josephus de Vering. vi, 157 pp. 8L. Vindobonce, 1817. Forms ithe lirst part of his: Historia naturalis, [etc.]? fol. Lugd. Bat., 1648. See.also. Itonlin* (Jacob). Piso (GulicImuskV iVIai-k- gracf ( Georgius ). Oost- en West-Inilisehe Warandc, [etc.], 12°. Amsterdam, 1694. Piso (Hoinobonus) [ -1748]. Ultioantiquita- tis iu sanguinis circulationein. 107 pp., 2 1. 8°. Cremona', ex typ. L. Ferrarii, 1690. ------. Dissertatio ele usu vesicantium in febri maligna. 5 p. 1., 65 pp., 3 1. 12°. Cremonce, typ. L. Ferrarii, 1694. ------. Methodus niedendi. Accessit nova in sanguinis circuitionem inquisitio. 432 pp., 8 1. 4°. Patavii, typ. J. B. Conzatti, 1726. ------. De regimine magnorum auxilioruin in curatiouibus morborum tlissertationes qnatuor. De offensionibus medici operosi dissertatio singu- laris. 6 p. 1., 475 pp., 5 1. 4°. Patavii, typ. J. B. Conzatti, 1735. ------. Empyema ex plenritide cum dolore de- scenilente feliciter superatum inter gravia labo- rantis errata. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1736, xiii, 353-370. ------. Spicilegium curationum morborum cum singnlarum auiraadversionibus. Accessit disser- tatio ele iuconstantia niedicinae. 5 p. 1., 245 pp., 2 1. 4°. Patavii, typ. J. B. Conzatti, 1742. Bound with his: Methodus niedendi. 4°. Patavii, 1726. Piso (Nicolaus) [1527- ]. De cognosceneliset curandis pnec-ipue intends humani corporis mor- bis libri tres: ex nionunientis classicorura nieeli- coruui, turn veternni tnm vel recentiuni collecti. Accessit et tie febribus liber unus. 7 p. 1., 477 pp., 6 1., port. fol. Francofurti, apud A. Weche- lum, 1580. -----. The same. 15 p. 1., 968 pp., 14 1. 16°. Francofnrdi, apud hairedes A. Wecheli, 15H5. ------. The same. Et ejusdem tie febribus liber unus. Accessit pradatio Hermanni Boerhaave. Ed. novissima. 12 p. 1., 424 pp., port. 4°. Lugd. Bat., ff Visser, 1736. The third book is absent from this edition. ------. Thesame. Accessit pradatio Hermanni Boerhaave. 2 v. in 1. xxviii, 742, 832 pp., 451. 8°. Lipsim, J. P. Krausius, 1766. For Portrait, see Col lie tion van Kaathoven. Piso-Bormc (G.) Osservazioni anatomiche- tisiologiche interno alia presenzadi fibre musco- lari liscie uelle vessichettc pulmonali dei verte- brati. 34 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. ho, [„. p.y ls(i4?] Repr. from: Arch. p. la zoolog., 1' anat., etc., Modena, 1864, iii, fast-,. 2. Pison (J.-V.-Hilaire). *Du d61ire en g6n6ral, et de ses eliverses formes. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 44, v. 463. Pison (V.)[1859- ]. *De]'asvra6triefronto- racia,leilaiisP6pilepsie. 69pp. 4U. Paris, 1888, No. 352. Pisssi vy (Edouard). * Traitement du croup chez les onfants. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 186(5, No. 240. Pissier (V.-P.) *Sur l'angine tonsillaire. 17 pp. 4\ Paris, 1814, No. 178, v. 106. Pissin [Eugen Raym. ?] Reform der Schutz- pocken-Impfuug durch die Vaccination direct von Kiihen in ihrer praktischen Bedeutung. viii, 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. Kiilin, 1868. ------. Die beste Methode tier Sckutzpocken- Impfung. iv, 179pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1874. ------. Bericht iiber die vierzehnjiihrige [1865-78] Wirksamkeit ties Impf-Institutes fiir animale Vaccination, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf tlie ailgenieinc Ausiuhrbarkeit durch den Staat. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Bempel, 1879. ------. Animale Lvmphe und Herpes tonsurans. 8 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sitteufeld, [1880]. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv. PissillillS (Sebastianus) Lucensis. De cordis pal- pitationc cognoscenda, et curantla libri duo. 193 pp., 111. 12°. Francofurti, apud C. Marniiim et heredes J. Aubrii, 1609. Pissis (Jiiseph-Etienne). * Quelques considera- tions sur la phthisie pulnionaire. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, lH:r>, No. 219, v. 288. Pissis (Pierre). * Sur les accouchemeus manuels, ou que la main seule peut terminer. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 65, v. 192. Pissling (Wilhelm Franz). Gesuudheitslebre fiir tlas Volk. Kurz dargestellt. Hrsg. vom Ver- eine zur Verbreitung von Druekschrilten fiir Volksbildung. vi, 1HJ pp. 16°. Wien, Prandel n. Meyer, 1856. Pissoil, (C.-E.-F.) *I. Comment reconnaltre si l'huile volatile de fleurs d'orangers a ct6 falsitice par l'alcool ou par l'huile vohitile d'orangettcs? II. [etc.]. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 8, v. 33-2. Pissot (Antoine-Augustin). *>Sur le catarrhe pulmonaire. vi, 7-13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 136, v. 105. Pissot (Ldon). *De la suture de I'intestin gau- greu6 tlans lahernieedrangl6e. 86 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 116. Pissot (Paul). *Des troubles auditifs tlans le mai ele Bright. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 123. Pissot (Pierre-Entile) [1859- ]. *Du traite- ment ni6thodique du t^tanospar laf<>ve ele Citla- bar ou son princijie iitdif, l'6s6rine. 44 pp. 1 \ Paris, 1885, No. 82. Pistelli (Eniidio). Di alcuni mczzi da atloprarsi per evitare il colera. Parole :il pojiolo. 14 pp. 12°. Camajore, tipog. Beneclelti, 1884. Pistelli(Ermenegildo \laria). Osservazioni sulle risaje dello state Luccbese. 14 pp. 8°. Lucca, Baroni, 1843. [P., v. 1110.] Pistocclii (F. S.) [1809-77]. Cenno liecrologieo. Bull. tl. sc. med. tli Bologna, 1877, 5. s., xxiii, 79. Pistoia. Regolamento el' igiene pubblica pel territorio esterno del couinne tli Pistoia. 15 pp. 8°. Pistoia, frat. Braeali, 1884. ------. 7^/e'. Spcdali riunili di Pistoia. Statuto e regolamento. 94,4 pp.,11. 8°. Pistoia,frat. Bra- eoli, 1885. » Pistol. See Fire-arms. Pistol (Rudolf). Aerztliche Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung ties vom Apotheker unci Chem. Dr. Joh. Lamatsch dargestellten Pepsins, iv, 23 pp. 8°. Wien, L. C. Zamarski, C. Dittmarsch u. Comp., 1857. Pistollct (Gabriel). *Sur une scarlatine angi- neuse qui a regn6 6pitlemiquement a Langres tlans le courant de Fan IX (1801). 63 pp. 8°. Paris, an X [1802], v. 13. Pistor (C. Ch. Friedrich). *Das Soolbad zu Carlshafen, in mediciuischer Hinsicht geschil- dert. 24 pp. 8°. Marburg, C. L. PfeilA8~>6. c. Pistor (Carl). Die Lehre von der Gesuudheit und Krankheit eles Menschen. Fiir alle Statute PISTOR. 330 PITCAIIJX. Pistor (Carl)—continued. bearbeitet. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Leipzig, Voigt u. Giin- ther, 1864-6. Pistor (Carolus [Fridericus]) [1827- ]. #De calculis biliiiriis, et morbis qui ex illis possuut oriri. 42 pp., 11. 8-. Gryphice, E. Bache, [1851]. Pistor ([Carolus Fridericus] Mauritius). *De Inxatione scapulas iufraclaviculari, additis morbi historiis duabus. 30 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, [1859], Pistor (Gotthelf). *De metrorrhagiis. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1849]. Pistor (M.) Geueral-Bericht iiber tlas tiffent- licbe Gesundheitswesen im Regierungs-Bezirk Oppeln fiir die Jahre 1871 bis 1875. 73 pp., 2 plans, 3 tab. 4°. Oppeln, W. Clar, 1870. -----. Die Verbreitung eler Cholera im Regie- rungs-Bezirk Oppeln in clem Zeitraum vou 1831 bis 1874. Mit 4 graphischen Darstelluugen uud 25 Karten in einem Atlas, fol. Berlin, C. Bey- man n, 1870. In : Germany. Berichte der Cholera-Kommission. 4. Hft. 4°. Berlin, 1879, 139-287. -----. The same. Wahrend der Jahre 1876 bis 1880. 68pp.,3plans. 4°. Oppeln, W. Clar, 1882. -----. Das oftentliche Gesundheitswesen und seine Ut lierwtichung in der Stadt Berlin. Hier- zu ein Anhang fiir die Stadt Charlottenburg. Ge- neral- Bericht. 4., 1883-5. x, 562 pp., 3 diag., 2'plans. 4°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1887. -----. Die Behandlung Verungliickter bis znr Anknuft des Arztes. Anweisung fiir Nichtarzte znr ersten Hilfsleistung. Neuer Abdruck. 1 broadside folded in 12°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 18K8. Also, Co-Editor of: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir tiffeutliche Gesundheitspflege, Braunschweig, 1886. Pistoris [i. e., Beckers] (Symon) [1453 or 4- 1523]. Positio tie morbo franco, in aluio gymna- sio Lypcensi disputanda. [1498.] In: Fuchs (C. H.) Die iiltest. Sehrift. ii. tl. Lnstseuche in Deutschland. 8°. Gbttingen, 1843, 127-130. -----. Dctlaratio defensiva cujusdam positiouis ele malo franco nuper per doctorein Symonem Pistoris disputatie. 8 1. 8°. Datum Lyptzk anuc 31 quingeiitesimo die mensis Januarii tercio [1500]. Also, in: Fuchs (C. H.) Dice altest. Sehrift. ii. d. Lust- seuche iu Ueutschlanel. 8°. Gbttingen, 1843, 155-168. -----. Confutatio conflatorum circa positiouein quandam extraneam et puerilem doctoris Martini Millerstadt de malo franco nuper ventilatam gymuasio Lipczensi anuo 1501. In: Fuchs (C. H.) Die altest. Sehrift. ii. d. Lustseuche in Deutschlaud. 8°. Gbttingen, 1843, 219-240. See, also, PollichiuM (M.) Responsio Martini Mel- lerstadt [etc.]. 4°. [Lipsia; 1501.] For Biography, see Fiic-Iim (C. H.) Die altest. Sehrift. ii. d. Lustseuche in Deutschland. 8°. Gbttingen, 1843, 398-401. Pistoiius (('. C. F.). See Wiii'lU'inliei-i;. Handbuch tier in tlem Ktinig- reitlei- Win tle-mberg jie-lteuden Gesetze, etc. 8°. Stuttgart, 1841. PistorillS (Christianus Fridemannns). *De causis vitiorum auditus. 23 pp. 4°. Balce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Bendelii, [1752]. Pistorius (Christianus Ludovicus). * De artis obstetrieiye studio, medicis quam maxime neces- sario. 24 pp., 1 1. 4°. Vitebei'gce, lit. C. B. Graessleri, [1811]. For Biography, see Klcltcn (Georgius Ernestus). PistorillS (Guilielmus). * De laryngo-tracheo- tomia adhibita ad corpuscnla aliena removenda. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jence, A. Neuenhcihn, 1853. Pistorius (Hugo [Carl Ludwig]) [1856- ]. * Beitrage zur Pathologie der acuten Arsenikver- giftung. [Marburg.] 1 p. 1., 33 pp., 1 pi. 8U. Leipzig, J. II. Hirschfeld, 1882. Pistorius (Joh.) * Ueber die Anwendung des Druckverbandes bei Netzhautabldsuug. 31 pp. 8°. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner, 1877. Pistorius (Joh.) [1544-1607]. Consilium anti- podagrieum, sive disscrtatiuncula brcvis dc arthritide, morbo pertinucissinio, molestissimo ac doloriiico . . . D;ts ist: Kurtzer und gi iintl- liche.r Bericht, von tier sehr beschwerlicltcn nnd unleidlichen schuiertzhatlten Kraucklieit tier Glieder-Sucht, Zipperlein oder Podagra, wie mans uenuet, [etc.]. 5 p. 1., 88 pp. sm. 4-. Halberstadt, B. Prcetorius, 1659. Pistoya(Gio.). See Jasolino (Giulio). De' remeilj naturali e-hc sono nell'isoladi Pitheeusa, [etc.]. 8°. Napoli, 1751. Pistvan. von Fodor. (C.) Schhimmbad Pistyan (Pos- tyen) in Ungarn mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der "Massage " Heilmethode. 12". Wien, 1888. WellM (Sir T. S.) Notes on a visit to Pisty&n. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 945. Pitachc (Eugene). * Contribution k l'£tude de l'iniiltratiou d'uriue. 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 488. Pitaucier. * Considerations mt'dicales sur l'uti- lit6 des di verses injections nomnides clysteres. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 246, v. 263. Pitar (Jacinto). * Sobre la transfusion ele san- gre desfibrinada. 12 pp. 8°. Lima, J. E. Solis, 1872. Pitard (Jean) [1228-131.5]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Pitat (Jules-Auguste). * Recherches sur la na- ture chimique et les effets physiologiques tie l'huile grasse retiree du seigle ergotc. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Thunot 4- Cie., 1857. [P., v. 1702; 1723; 1841.] l5cole de pharmacie. Pitavy (Marie-Antoine). * Etude sur une epi- clemiie tie diphth6rie. 44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 213. Pitcairn (Archibald) [1652-1713]. Oratio, qna ostenelitur medicinain ab omni philosophoruin secta esse liberam. 32 pp. 4^. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzerier, 1692. -----. The samt;. 23 pp. 12°. Edinburgi, J. Reid, 1696. Bound with his: Dissertatio de legibus, etc. 12°. Edin- burgi, 1696. -----. Dissertatio de, legibus historhe naturalis. [A criticism of R. Sibbald.] 94 pp., 1 1. 12°. Edinburgi, J. Reid, 1696. -----. Dissertationes medica-,. 140 pp. sm. 4°. Roterodami, R. Leers, 1701. [P., v. 81.] COXTKNTS. 1. Oratio qua osteuditur medieinam ab omni philosojiho- runi secta esse liberam. Theoria morborum ot- ill i, Lugd. Hat., 1692. 2. De i-inulatione sanguinis per vasa minima, Lugd. Bat., 1693. 3. De causis diversse molis qua fluit sanguis jier ptilnio- nem natis et non natis, 1693. 4. De motu quo cibiin ventriculorediguutur ad formam sanguini reflciendo idoneam, 1693. 5. Soliitioproblematis de inveutoribus, edita Edinburgi, 1688; rursus et anetior edita Lugd. Bat.. 1693. 6. De eirculatioue sanguinis in animalibus gen it is et 11011 genitis, 1693. 7. Dec curatione febrium quae per evacuationes iustitui- tnr, 1695. 8. De opera quam prasstant corpora saliave acida dicta vel alcalica, in curatione morboruui. —■■---. The same. Subjuncta est Thomte Boeri ad Archibalduni Pitcarnium epistola, qua 11- spondetur libello Astrucii Franci. 3 p. 1., 257 pp. 4°. Edinburgi, R. Freebairn, 1713. Contains five additional treatises. -----. Opuscula medica: quorum multa nunc primum prodeuut. 3. ed., Edinburgensi anetior. P1TCAIRK. 331 PITHA. Pitcaii'ii (Archibald) —continued. 1 p. 1., 283 pp., 1 1. 4°. Roterodami, Fritsch et Biihm, 1714. ------. The same. Opuscula medica, qua? juxta nltiuiam Roterodanienseui editiouem pliirimum auctain, nunc primum in Italia prodeunt. 5 p. 1., 3-14 pp. 12°. Venetiis, J. B. Eecurti, 1716. ------. The same. The works of . . . wherein are discovered the true foundation and principles of the art of physic; with cases anel observations upon most distempers aud medicines. Done from the Latin original. "With some account of the author's life prefixed. There is also added his method of curing the small-pox, writteu in the year 1704. 15 p. 1., 275 pp. 8°. London, E. Curll [and others], 1715. ------. Elementa medicinae physico-mathematica, libris dnobus . . . delineata. Nunc primum iu lucem edita. 20 p. 1., 285 pp., 9 1. 8°. Londini, tl. Innys, 1717. ------. The same. Item opuscula medica, qui- bus postrenio adjectus est, ratiociniorum mecha- uicornm in medicina usus vintlicatus per Chris- tianuin Strom. 3 p. 1., xviii, 122 pp.; 1 p. 1., 152 pp. 4C. Neapoli, imp. B. Gessari, 1721. ------. The same, xxiv, 247 pp. 4°. Venetiis, apud A. Bortoli, 17-33. ------. The same. The philosophical and mathe- matical elements of physick. In two books; the first containing the theory, the second the prac- tice. Trausl. from the correct est impression of the Latin, and compared with ihe best manu- scripts, some of which were transcribed from the original, xxxii, 368 pp. 8°. London, A. Bell 4' J. Osborn, 1718. ------. Opera omnia medica. Editio novissima. 19 p. 1., 410 pp.; 31 pp., 8 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1737. CONTEXTS. I. Elementa medieintB physico-mathematica. Libri duo quorum prior theoriam, post praxim exhibet. II. Oratio, qua ostenditur medieinam ab omni philo- losophoruni secta esse liberam. III. Theoria morborum oculi. IV. Dissert, de circulatioue sanguinis per vasa mi- nima. V. Dissert, de causis diversiB molis, qua fluit san- guis per pulmoneiu, natis et non natis. VI. Dissert, de motu, quo cibi in ventriculo redigttn- tur ad formam sanguiui retieiendo idoneam. VII. Solutio problematis tie inventoribus. VIII. Dissert, de circulat. sanguinis in animalib. geni- tis et non gonitis. IX. Dissert, de curatione febrium, quae per evacua- tiones instituitur. X. Dissert, brevis de opera, quam pnestaut corpora aeida vel alcalica, in curatione morborum. XI. Observatioues qua;dani tie tluxit meiistrno. XII. De ingressu morbi, qui venerea lues vulgo appel- lator. XIII. Devariolis. XIV. De divisioue morborum. XV. De- aft'ectione scorbutica. XVI. Dissert, de legibus historic naturalia. XVII. Epistolaad Arehib. I'ite-aru. XVIII. Poemata seleeta. ------. See, also : Account of the reparation of Dr. Pitcairne's monu- ment iu the Grayfriais churchyard at Edinburgh, with a list of medical practitioners residing in Edinburgh, who agreed to pay each an equal share of the expe-nce of that reparation. December 2f>, 1800. 8°. [Edinburgh, IMiO.]— AclaniM (Joseph). Observations on the cancerous breast, [ete.l. 8°. London, 1801.—A polio stations, or the art of curing fevers by the statics, invented by Dr. Pit- cairn, and pulilisb'd hy him in Latin, now made English by a well-wisher to the 'mathematics. 16°. Edinburgh, 1695.—Bellini (Laurentius). Opuscula aliquot .. . 4°. Pistoria, 1695. -----. The same. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1737.— Brown (A.) The epilogue to the five papers lately past betwixt the two physicians, Dr. O. and Dr. E., containing some remarks, pleasant and profitable, concerning that de- bate, and the usefulness of vomiting and purging in levers. 16°. Edinburgh, 1699.—[Eizat (Edward).1 Apollomathe- matieus . . according to the principles of . . . 12°. [n. p.], Pi'.i.Y—J. (J.) A reply to Dr. Oliphant's refutation of the short answer, etc. 16°. Edinburgh, 1702. — .tlon- Pitcairii (Archibald)—continued. crief (John). The poor man's physician. 3. ed. 12°. Edinburgh 1731. -----. The same. 12°. Edinburgh, 1716. — Oliphant (C.) A short discourse to prove the usefulness of vomiting in fevers by plaiu reasoning, and the authority of the best physicians, ancient and modern. 16°. Edinburgh, 1699. ----'-. An answer to the pretended retntation of Dr. Olvpliant's defence. 16°. Edinburgh, 1699.— Herniation (A) of Dr. Olvpliant's defence of his short discourse of the usefulness of vomitiiK' in levels. l(i°. Edinburgh, 1699. — Refutation ( A ) of the short answer to the examination of Dr. I'itcairn's dissertations. l(i°. Edinburgh, 1702. — S(ibbal«l] (Sir II. ) A letter, etc. 8°. Edinb.. 1709. Pitcairn (David) [1749-1809]. Biographical memoirs. Med. cfe Phys. J., Lond., 1809. xxi, 4s9-495. Also: Eclect. Kepett., Phila., 1813, iii, 242-218.— Tli moil'. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1810, vi, 126. Pitcairn (Georgius Kincaid). *I)iss. qiuedam de ambustionibus, et de combustione spontanea complectens. 4 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Ballantyne et sociij 1830. [Also, in: P., v. 1014; 1514.] Pitcairn (Hugh). Address delivered by the president of the Pennsylvania Homoeopathic Medical Society, at the twenty-fourth annual session, held in Philadelphia, September 18, 1888. 29 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Pitcairn (Jacobus). *De anasarca. 4 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Aberm thy it Walker, 1819. ------. A probationary essay on retention of nriue. 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bay, Gall ied. 44 pp. '* 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 541. Pitoy (Henry-Frederic). * Essai sur la pathoge- nie et la nature del'6rvsipele. 76 pp. 4°. Nancy, 1873, No. 300. Pitrat(A.) * Du rhumatisme artieulaire aigu, lie.vre rhumatismale, ses localisations pleuralcs et pulmonaires. 7-^ pp. 4°. Lyon, 1884, 1. s., N«». 211. Pit Reathly. Ileaton (C. \W) On the composition of the Pit Reathly mineral waters. (The oldest medicinal waters in Scotland.) Lancet, Lond., 1X7(1, i, 599. Pitres (Jean-Albert) [1848- ]. * Recherches sur les lesions du centre ovale des hemispheres Pi tres (Jean-Alfred)—continued. iitehraux etudiees an point de vue ties localisa- tions c6r6brales. [Paris.] 154 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Versailles, 1877, No. 191. ------. *Des hypertrophies et ties dilatations cardiaquesintlcqiendantes des lesionsvalvulaires. 139 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere 4~ Cie., 1878. Concours. ------. Clitoridian crises in progressive locomotor ataxia. Transl. from " Le Progres medica I, Sept. 13, 1884," for the Medical Abstract. 6 1. 8°. [New York, n. el] Repr. from: N. York M. Abst., 1884, iv. Pitsch (Guilelmus). *De coxarthrocace. 28 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, 1852. Pitsch (Jacobus Henricus). * Controversias de exauthematuui auctorum ortu nuper motas expendit. 40 pp. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., e typog. Winteriano, [1769]. Pitsch (Jo. Samuel.) *Detnssicouvulsiva, oder: vom Husten, woinit eiu allgemeiner Krampf verbunelen. 29 pp., 11. 4°. Balce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Billigeri, [1732]. Pitsch (Sigismundus Caspar). * De sudoris pe- dum, imprimis habitualis, noxia suppressione. 28 pp. 4°. Balce, ex off. Tranipiuna, [1762], Pitsch (Wenceslaus Adalb.) 'Diss, sistens con- spectum ruethodorum in scabie curanda. 24 pp. 8°. Pragce, 1835. Pitschaft (J[oh.] A[ugust]) [1783-1848]. Un- terricht iiber elie weibliche Epochc, tlie Schwan- gerschaft,das Wochenbett, unci uberdiephysische Erziehung der Kinder in den ersten Jahren. 83 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Mohr u. Zimmer, 1812. PitSChel (Fridericus Lebegott) [1714-85]. *De axungia articulorum. 32 pp., 1 pi. 4U. Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, [1740]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1751, vi, 407-437. ------. De hydrocephalo interno. Lipsice, 1741. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1757, i, 191-196. For Biography, see Walther (Aug. Frid.). PitSChhe (Hugo). * Zwerchfell-Leber-Heruie. 15 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wiirzburg, Staid, 1872. Repr. from: Verhandl. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1872, n. F., iii. Pitschpatsch (Adolf) [1855- ]. * Fiber inotorisehe Reizerscheinungen bei cerebraler Hemiplegie. 2 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, F. W. Jungfer, 1877. Pitt (J.). See Plenck (Joseph-Jacques). Clemens de l'art ties accouchemens. 8°. Lyon, 1792. Pitt (Robert). The craft antl frauds of physick expos'd, the very low prices of the best med- icines discover'd, the costly preparations now in greatest esteem condt3mn'd, and the too frequent use of physick prov'd destructive to health. With instructions to prevent being cheatetl and destroy'd by the prevailing practice. 9 p. 1., 192 pp. 12°. London, T. Childe, 1702. -----. The same. 2. ed. 11 p. 1., 203 pp., 4 1. 8°. London, T. Childe, 1703. ------. The antidote; or, the preservative of health and life, and the restorative of physick to its sincerity and perfection. The useful and pernicious metlicines; the natural and artiticial cures; the natural antl artificial deaths are clis- tinguish'd. And the necessity asserted of reviv- ing the former constant practice of physicians preparing antl improving their most valued med- icines, and the apothecaries delivering in their shops the common general remedies. 23 p. 1., 270 pp. 12°. London, J. Nutt, 1704. ------. The frauds and villanies of the common prat tiec of physick, from the excesses of the apothecaries ignorance of diseases, of the bad- ness of their medicines, of their quantities, and PITT. 333 PITUITA. Pitt (Robert)—continued. the great prices of the little doses, necessary to support their numbers; aud from the deficiencies of the industry and knowledge of all diseases and medicines,* and of the diligence and honesty of the physicians corrupted by them, demon- strated to be curable by the college-dispensary. 15 p. 1., 234 pp. 12°. London, E. Brewster, 1705. Pitta (Antonio de Luz). *De la reunion imme- diate et de ses avantages. vi, 7-47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 161, v. 242. Pitta (Nicolaus C.) *De cejeli effectu iu genus humanum. 3 p. 1., 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1812. [Also, in: P., v. 861.] Forms pt. 1 of the following. .------. Treatise on the influence of climate on the human species, and on the varieties of meu re- sulting from it; including an account of the criteria of intelligence which the form of the head presents; and a sketch of a rational system of physiognomy as founded on physiology, ii, 91 pp., 6 pi. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1812. Pittaluga (E.) Igiene pubblica nella citt& e nella campagna. Parte prima. Igiene nella citta. 31 pp. 8°. Genova, A. Ciminago, 1884. ------. II colera. Consigli agli operaj. 15 pp. 8°. [Genova, A. Ciminago, 1887, vel subseq.] Pitta I'd (Simon Rood) [ -1861]. Annual re- ports of the medical officer of health, to the vestry of St. George-in-the-East. 1., 1856-7; 3., 1858-9. 8°. London, 1857-9. See, also. Great Britain. General Board of Health. Health of the metropolis. Weekly returns, v. 1. roy. 8°. London. 1858. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 410; 437 (R. Owen). Pittier (Jos. Ludovicus). *De arthritide. 58 pp. 8°. Landshuti, F. S. Storno, [1820]. Pitti-Ferrandi (Francois-Marie). *Sur les effluves. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 69. [Pittis (W.)] Some memoirs of the life of John Radclifi'e, interspersed with several original let- ters; his two speeches in Parliament, and a true copy of his last will and testament. 2. ed. 4 p. 1., 107 pp. 12°. London, E. Curll, 1715. -----. The same. Dr. Radclifte's life and letters, with a copy of his last will and testament. 4. ed. 3 p. 1., 134 pp. 16°. Dublin, P. Dugan, 1724. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. London, A. Bettesworth [and others], 1736. Pitton de Touriiefort (Joseph) [1657- 1708J. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Pittsburgh. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of), Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Diphtheria (History of); Education (Medical), etc., Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities. Cray (C.) The present and prospective sanitarv con- dition of Pittsburgh, Pa. Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Penn. 1886, Harrisburg, 1887, ii, 380-384.—Phillip* (F. C.) The impurities of our water supply. Pittsburgh M. J., 1882, ii, 11-14.—Snively (W.) Public health report for year 1884 [Pittsburgh]. Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Penn. 1885, Har- risburg, 1886, i, 164-169. Pittsburgh. Board of Health of the City of Pitts- burgh Annual reports to the select and common council, for the years 1853; 1871-9; 1882. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1854-83. ------. Reports of deaths in Pittsburgh. [Week- ly.] Dec. 8, 1883, to Sept. 13, 1884; Oct. 25 to Nov. 15; Dec. 6, 13, 27, 1884. 18°. [Pittsburgh, 1883-4.] ------. Circular to physicians [on the mortality from small-pox in the Municipal Hospital, and when treated at home. With the statistics for Pittsburgh. Board of Health ofthe City of Pittsburgh—continued. theyears 1875-78; 81-82]. 1 sheet. 8°. Pitts- burgh^ 1884. ------. Mortality report for the month of June, 1883. 3 sheets. Hectograph copy. fol. Pitts- burgh, 1883. ------. Report of deaths for the 1. qr. of 1884. 1 sheet. MS. 4°. [Pittsburgh, 1884.] Pittsburgh. Bureau of Health. Code of laws and manual governing the bureau of health, 1889. 191 pp. 18°. Pittsburgh, W. P. Bennett, 1880. The bureau of health was created as a bureau of the department of public safety, in accordance with an act of assembly, approved June 14, 1887. Pittsburgh College of Pharmacy. Prospectus for the session of 1886-7(9.). 17 pp. 8°. Pitts- burgh, Best 4- Co., 1886. Pittsburgh Female College. Annual catalogue, for the year 1874-5(20.). 83 pp. 8°. Pittsburgh, S. B. Johnstone 4- Co., 1875. Pittsburgh Infirmary. Annual reports of the board of visitors, under the care of the Iusti- tutiou of Protestant Deaconesses, to the sub- scribers. 5., 1854; 8., 1857; 19., 1868. 8°. Pitts- burgh, 1855-69. Pittsburgh Medical Institute. Annual an- nouncement for the session of 1851 (1.). 7 pp. 8°. Pittsburgh, L. Harper, 1850. Preparatory school. Not chartered. Pittsburgh (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal devoted to medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Thos. J. Gallaherand Robt. C. Gallaher, editors and proprietors, v. 1-3, Dec, 1880, to Dec, 1883. 8°. Pittsburgh, Pa. Ended. In nos. 1-2, v. 1, Charles S. Shaw associate edi- tor, v. 2 commenced Jan., 1882. Pittsburgh (The) Medical Review. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Editors and publishers: X. O. Werder [et al.]. v. 1-3, Dec, 1886, to 1889. 8°. Pittsburgh. Current, v. 2 commenced Jan., 1888. Pittsfield. Annual reports of the water com- missioners, superintendent of water works, chief engineer, commissioners of main drains, etc., anel prudential committee, of the Pittsfield Fire Dis- trict, for the years 1867-8 to 1874-5. 8°. Pitts- field, 1868-75. -----. Reports to the board of commissioners of sidewalks, common sewers and main drains, in the fire district of the town of Pittsfield, con- taining a general plan for the drainage of said district, a tabular statement of the sizes of pro- posed sewers, and a form of agreement for the construction of sewers, by J. C. Chesbrough, civ. eng. 27 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, Chickering 4~ Axtell, 1870. ------. Annual report of the selectmen of the town of Pittsfield, for the year 1872-3. 24 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, W. B. Phillips, 1873. Contains rep. of boarei of health. ------. Report ofthe board of water commissioners [on the necessity of increasing the water supply, Dec. 17, 1874]. 8 pp. 8°. [Pittsfield, 1874.] Pittsfield. Board of Health. Annual report to the selectmen of the town, for the year 1869-70. 20 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, Chickering <)'• Axtell, 1870. ------. Board of health regulations, May 1, 1875. 21. 8°. [Pittsfield, 1875.] Pittsfield. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., by local- ities— United States; Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Whittemore (A.), ir. History of the Pittsfield Aque- duct Company. Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire 1884-5, Concord, 1885, iv, 214-219. Pituita. See Mucus. PITUITARY. 334 PITYRIASIS. Pituitary body. See, also, Amaurosis (Causes of). Atche (G.) *De la glande pituitaire et de ses maladies. 4°. Poitiers, 1873. Vogel (K.) * Vou der Bedeutuug der Hirnan- bange. HJ. [ Wiirzburg], 1828. C'hnter ((1.) On the pituitary gland. Prov. M. cfe S. J., Lond., 1S45, :!!I0.— Diii-n}. licitiii^e zur Entwick- lnnsrsiiese.hielite des Hirnanhanges. Oeiitralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 113-115.—Harvey (J. R.) Sudden and complete amaurosis; scrofulous tumor com- pressing the optic nerves; absciss of pituitary gland; earies of body of sphenoid bone. Dublin Q. J. M.Sc, 1855, xx, 220-222— Hcillunil. Hypertrophie af glandula pi- tuitaria och deraf beroende blindhet. Ars-Iicriitt. om Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Arb.. Stockholm, 1833,20-23.—Hewlop (T. P.) Case of hypertrophy with abscess of the pituitary body. Dublin Q. j. M. So., 1848, vi, 466-469.—Hoffmann (C. E. M.) Grosser sarromatoser Tumor in der Pituitar- gegend. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 551- 556, 1 pi.—Krimer (W.) Seltene Veranderung des Hirn- anhanges. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1821, Iii, 6. St.. 46-56.— Lnnccrcaux, Une tumeur de la base du cerveau de- veloppeo dans le corps pituitaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxxiv, 105-107.—I-iittre (A.) Observation sur la glande pituitaire d'un homme. [From: M6m. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1707.] Rec. de mem., Dijon, 1754, ii, 481-490.— liOeb (M.) cfe Arnold (J.) Adeneim der glandula pitui- taria. Areh. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1873, Ivii, 172-183, 1 pi.— Tlirliel (M.) Pathology of the pituitary body. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1860, xv, 145-175. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: South. M. «fc S. J., Augusta, 1860, n. s., xvi, 344-352.—lYouriiljan (J.) Cancer dela glande pituitaire et du corps de los sphenoi'do; symptomes n6vralgiques variCs; autopsie. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople. 1879-80, xxii, 9; 15.—Orr (R. S.) On tlisease ofthe pitui- tary gland. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1852, lxxvii, 251-265.— 1'ereniCMeliko. Ueber den Bau des Hiruanhangs. (Ynlralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1866, iv, 753-756.— ■tn llike (II.) Ueber tlie Entstehung tier Glandula pitni- taiia. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Meel.. Berl., 1838, 482-485. -----. Naciitragliche Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze iiber die Entstehung der Glandula pituitaria. Ibid., 1839, 227-232.—Knyer (P.) Observations sur les maladies de l'appeudice sus-sph6noIdal (glande pituitaire) tlu cerveau. Arch. g£n. dem6d., Par., 1823, iii, 350-367.— Mcott (R.) An instance of cancerous disease of tlie pitui- tary gland, as exemplitied in tlie case1 of the late Dr. James Orr, of Dunson. Glasgow M. J., 1853-4, [2. s.], i, 417-425.— Niiiioii (E.) Vaisaeaux lymphatiques de la pituitaire chez l'hoiutiie. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., I860, 3. s., i, pt. 1, 227-230.—von Sfosch. Entai tuug tier Glan- dula pituitaria und Ilirnhohleu-Wasse;rsucht bei eineni Knaben. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833,404-408.— Wagner (E.) TuberkelderGlandulapituitaria. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1862, iii, 381.—Ward (J.) Case ol amaurosis produced by enlargement ol the pituitary gland. Loud. M. Reposit., 1823, xx, 217. Pituitary body (Cancer of). l/t'.grntlre. Chute; plaie & la region frontale droite; eucc phaloide des nerfs nioteurs oculaires eomiuuns et de la glande pituitaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838, xiii, 330-336. Pituitary membrane. See Nose (Mucous membrane of). Pituret (P.-F.-A.) *Sur l'intlainmation aigue tin pericarde (pericardite aigue). 20 pp. 4C. Paris, 1834, No. 285, v. 278. Pituri. Bancroft (J.) Queensland. Pituri and du- hoisia. 8°. Brisbane, 1877. -----. Further remarks on the Pituri group of plants. 8°. Brisbane, 1878. ■Bancroft (J.) The pituri poison. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1876, xxi, 368-370.—Fraxer (T. R.) The pituri poison of Australia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1878-80 x, 200-202.—von Vlueller. The pituri poison. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1877, xxii, 80.— Vim in y (J. P.) Pituri. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 106.—Ringer (S.) The action of pituri on man. Ibid., 290.—Ringer (S.) & Tlmi-rll (W.) On pituri. J. Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, i, 377-383. ----- -----. A few further experiments with pituria. Ibid., 1879-80, ii, 132-134. Pityriasis. s"ee, also, Eyelashes (Abnormal, etc.). Audiquier (E.) * Sur le pityriasis versicolor. 4°. Paris, 1866. Belliol (J.-A.) * Essai sur les avantages tie l'iode dans le traitement de la dartre furfuracee, Pityriasis. prec6d6 ele quelques r6flexions grineralcs sur cet to affection de la peau. 4'. Paris, 182^. Chinchole (F.) * De la nat uic parasitaire tlu pityriasis capitis et de l'alopecie cons6cutive 4°. Paris, 1874. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1874. Giraud(J.-A.-L.) * Du pityriasis. 4°. Paris, 1855. Metton (A.) * Etude sur le pityriasis ros6. 4°. Paris, 1877. Mimx (P.) * Du pityriasis. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860. Richaud (A.) * Etude sur le pityriasis pilaris. 4°. Paris, 1877. Schixdler (B.) * De pityriasi versicolors 4 . Balis Sax., 1851. Vastel (M.-A.) *Qu'est-ce que le pityriasis? fiuumdrer ses varie'tds; dtahlir ses causes; tl6- crire sa marche et ses syuipt6mes en g6n6ral. 4°. Paris, 1840. Wencelius (O.) *Du pityriasis versicolor. 4Q. Strasbourg, 1863. de Btiirmnnn. Du pityriasis. Progress mtkl., Par., 1877, v, 685; 707.—Bonvier. Pityriasis general simulant la pellagre et coiucidant avec un cancer eiu rein gauche-. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 5*3. — Itricrre ile Boimnout (A.) Observations dephelides hopatiques gueries par la methode ectrotique. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, iv, 264-266.—Burke (R. W.) Tropical pity- riasis. Vet. J. efc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1889, xxviii, 397-399. — ('aziiiiivc. Pityriasis; pityriasis capitis; pityriasis rubra; complication d'eczema, siegeant derriere les oreilles; traitement par les amers, les purgatifs, les bains alcalins et les bains cie vapeur: guerison. Ann. d. mai. tie la peau, etc., Par., 1844-5, ii, 301. -----. Maladies de la peau ; du pityriasis capitis. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 426; 449.—Cei-ani (F.) Di una pityriasis nigra da trofoneurosi. Gazz. med.di Roma, 1888, xiv, 459; 555.— Cumin (W. ) Pityriasis. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweeilie), Phila., 1845, iii, 538-540.— Devergic (A.) Pityriasis pi- laris, maladie de peau non decrite par les dermatologistes. Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1856, iii, 197-201. Also [Abstr. 1: Union mod., Par., 1856, x, 206. Also [Abstr. ]: Bull. Soc meel. tl. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864, iii, 83.— Uuehesne- I>upiirc. Du pityriasis et de son traitement. Rev. do therap. med.-chir., Par., 1863, xxxi, 5-9.— Bull ring (L. A.) Pityriasis maculata et circinata. Am. J. M. Se:., Phila.. 1880, n. s., lxxx. 359-377. Also, Reprint. [Discus- sion]: Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1880, Phila., 1881, iv, 51-55.— FaniMworth (P. J.) Case of pityriasis nigra, lioston M. ,V S. J., 1*62-3, Ixvii, 432.— Fox (G. H.) Mote on the development of trichophytosis cruris. J. Cutaii. cfe Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1882-3, i, l.'l pi.—Fox (T. C.) On the dis- ease of the skin named pityriasis maculata et circinata. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 485. -----. On pityriasis circiu6 (Horand) and pityriasis circine it imtrgine (Vidal). Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885, xviii, 241-247. —Fox (W. T.) Case of Devergie's pityriasis pilaris. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1870- 71), 1871, xxii, 313. —Fox (\V. X.) cfe Farquhar (T.) Pityriasis versicolor. In their: On certain endemic skin antl other diseases of India [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1876, 67, [App.], 35; 263.—Oamberini (P.) Del cloasma o pitiriasis ver- sicolor. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1855, 4. s., iv, 101- 112.—fSeiinna (A. M.) Un caso di pitiriasi nera o me- lasma assai diffusa, per diatesi pellagrosa Gior. ital. tl. raal. ven., Milano, 1886, xxi, 42-45. — «;< rin-Koze. Pi- tyriasis circine, survenu pendant le cours de la maladie constitutionnelle arthritique. Rec. tl. trav. Sue. m6d. d'obs. de Par., 1859-63, ii. 390-400.—Oossclin. Sur revo- lution et les transformations tlu champignon du pityriasis, Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 309.—Guibout (E.) Du pityriasis. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1877, 1, 266; 292.— dull (W.) On the parasitical vegetable nature of pity- riasis versicolor [ microsporon furfur., Robin. 1. 'Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1856, 3. s., ii, 191-195.— Hardy (A. ) Du pityriasis et de ses varietes. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1854, xxvii, 421. -----. Pityriasis. N. diet, de med. et chir. •prat., Par.. 1880, xxviii, 30-42.— HerHliey. The follow- ing case of cutaneous tlisease is, il not anomalous, at least quite rare. Tr. Nebraska M. Soc. 1874-6, Lincoln, 1877, 93-95.—Horn ml. Notes pour servir a I'histoire tlu pity- riasis circine. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1875-6, vii, 352-367. — Horn ( E.) Beschreibuug eines ausserst b6s- artigen Herpes farinaceus. N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1809, x, 298-310. — Hublc (M.) Recherches sur le pityri- asis versicolor, sa transmissibilite et ses consequences en medecine judiciaire. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1886, xx, 417-432. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1886, Iiii, 234; 242.—lluterhiiiNoii. Case illustrating contagion between tiuea tonsurans in a child and pityriasis versicolor in a PITYRIASIS. 335 PITZNER. pityriasis, young adult. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861-2, xiii, 257.— JamicNon (W. A.) Pityriasis maculata et circinata; 2 cases. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1882, i, 817.— Johnson (A. H.) Remarks on the symptomatology, setiology.and treatment of pityriasis versicolor. Charleston M.J. efc Rev., 1851, vi, 514- 517 — Kinnicr (D. F.) A case of pityriasis maculata et circinata. J. Cutan. cfe Ven. Dis., N. V„ 1885, iii, 102-104.— l.ailU'i'. Tricophytie; erytherae et herpes circinne syco- sis- eruptionsepideriiio-phytiijues; le pityriasis versicolor. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 177; 193. — l.ivoi*. Pity- riasis general. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1842. xvii, 110.— Malassez (L.) Note sur le champignon du pityriasis simple. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1874, 2. s., i, 451-464, 1 pi.-----• Sur le pityriasis capitis et l'alopecio pityriasique. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 382.— VI mini no (L.) Sopra una forma di pitiriasi circinnata-sinlitica-tar- diva. Ingrassia, Palermo, 1885, i, 355-301.—lVIichelncci (A.) Deliapitiriasis parasitaria edel mugbetto. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1868, v, 329-349.— iVIartineau (L.) Du traitement du pityriasis capitis par les solutions chlo- ralees. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1876, xc, 49-52, Also: Courrier med., Par., 1876, xxvi, 43. Also: France med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 107. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1876, Par., 1877, 2. s., iii, 3-10. —Oatiuau (E. L.) Case of pityriasis maculata et circinata in an insane sub- ject. Arch. Dermat,, N. T., 1881, vii, 290-292. —Ory (E.) Traitements du pityriasis. France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 324. — Payne (J. F.) Microsporon furfur in pityriasis of the scalp. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 922. — Piattelli (R.) La solforazione nella pityriasis versicolor. Iiidipen- dente, Torino, 1876, xxvii, 592.—Pignot (A.) Pityriasis. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. metl.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xxv, 461-487.— Pityriasis alias scurviness. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 85— Ritchie (J.) Note ou the treatmeut of pity- riasis versicolor. Edinb. M. J., 1876-7, xxii, 604. - Riv- inglon ( AV. ) Note on a case of pityriasis versicolor treated with cyanide of potassium. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1871, n. s., xi, 47. — Robson (A. W. M.) Pityria- sis versicolor treated by means of Goa powder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 610.—Schilling (P.) Pitiriasi speciale osservata in un bambino di 2 mesi. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1875, i, 43.—Startin. Pityriasis versicolor a contagious disease. Meel. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 630.— Ntoequnrt ( A.) The internal use of ohrysophanic acid in pityriasis simplex. St. LouisM. efeS. J., 1889, l,vi, 218.— Tiiltiiza»ii (K.) [Hydrate of chloral in pityriasis.] To- kei Zasshi, Osaca, March 15, 1880. — Thompson ( H. ) Microscopic specimens of the vegetable fungus found in two cases of pityriasis versicolor. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1855-6, vii, 397, l'pl. —Tott (C. A.) Ein Fall vom Ueber- gange der Hunderaude auf zwei Kinder, unter der Form einer Kleienflechte (Herpes fdrinosum). Arch. f. med. Er- fahr., Berl., 1828, i, 445.—II nu a (P. G.) Pityriasis versi- color im Gesiehte. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1880, vii, 168-170. — Vanzi ( L.) Istoria d' una pityriasis acuta vinta co i preparati arsenicali. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1864, xii, 898-902.— Veiel. Pityriasis. (Simplex, partialis, versicolor.) [5 cases.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 198. — Villa! (E.) Du pityriasis. Progres nied., Par., 1877, v, 685; 707. -----. Du pityriasis circine et margine; description de son mycoderme, le microsporon anomceon (microsporon dispar). Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iii, 133-138. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1882, 2. s., iii, 22-28, 1 pi.—White (J. C.) Pityriasis versicolor. Boston M. & S. J., 1862, lxvi, 57-63. Pityriasis rubra. Cahn ( C. ) * Ueber Pityriasis rubra. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1884. Moixgeard (A.) * Etude sur le pityriasis rose? de Gibert. 4°. Paris, 1880. Nicolas (L.-J.) * Du pityriasis ros6, ou de la roseole squameuse. 4°. Paris, 1880. Anatomie (Zur) der Pityriasis rosea. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 300. — Ay res (G. B.) Case of pity- riasis rubra. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1884, ii, 297.— Bartlnzzi ( D.) Roseola pitiriaca (pityriasis rosea di Gibert). Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1889, xxiv, 27- 36.—Realty (W.) A caseof pityriasis rubra. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v, 94-99.' Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1887, 3. s., lxxxiv, 8-12. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1389.—IteIn end (G.) Ueber Pityriasis rosea (Gi- bert) ; Pityriasis maculata et circinita (Ba'zin). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 552; 569. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii, pt. 2, 220-238. Also, Utilise'. [Abstr.]: Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 488-494.-----. liemirkungen zu dem Aufsatz des Herrn Dr. Wevl iiber Pityriasis rosea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 529.— Renson (J. H.) On general elermatitis, or pit yriasis rubra. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc., 1870, xlix, 451-454.—Resn'ier (K.) Ob- servations pour servir a. I'histoire clinique du pityriasis ru- bra pilaire (pityriasis pilaris de Devergie et de Richaud). Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 253, 3 pi.; 398; 485.-----. Pityriasis rose de Gibert; examen histologique. Ibid., 2. s., x, 338.—Blanc (H. W.) Two cases of pityri- Pityriasi* rubra. asis rosea. N. Orl. M. cfe S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 696-700.— Rlaneard (M. J. T. J.) Case of pityriasis rubra acuta. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 921.—Roeek (C.) Pityriasis rosea. Norsk Mag. f. Lregevideusk., Christiania, 1888, 4. R., iii, 813-823.-----. Ein Fall von Pityriasis pilaris. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1889, viii, 97-116.—Rrocq (L.) Etude critique et clinique sur le pityriasis rubra. Arch. gen. de meel.. Par., 1884, i, 550: ii, 58; 167. -----. Note sur la plaque primitive dn pityriasis rose de Gibert. Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1887, 2. s., viii, 615-(i2+.—Ruck. A case of acute pityriasis. N. York J. M., 1847, viii. 319.— Byers (J. W.) Notes of a case of pityriasis rubra in as- sociation with ichthyosis. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1880, ii, 374.—Cole (T.) A case of pityriasis rubra. Prac- titioner. Lond., 1884, xxxii, 36. — Bcmit»eh ( W.) Eiu Fall von Pityriasis rubra. St, Petersb. nied. Wchnschr., 1885, n. V., ii, 85; 93— Diihi-ing (L. A.) Clinical lecture on pityriasis rubra. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 181-184.— ElNCiihcrg(A.) Pityriasis.rubrauniversalis. Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1887, 2. s., vii, 221; 249. Also, transl. [Ahstr.j: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1887, xiv, 727-735. — Fagge ( C. H.) Eczema squamosum universale, seu pityriasis rubra, Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, 3. 8., xiii. 208-212.— Pell (W.) Case of pityriasis rubra? recovery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 1019. — Ferrari (G.) Pitiriasis rubra cronica curata colle infezione ipoderiniche di acqua tie Le- vico Forte. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1871, i, 72.— Pleisehmann (L.) Zur Lehre von der Pityriasis rubra universalis. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1877, iv, 201.— Fox (G. H.) Py tiriasis rubra. Arch. Dermat., N. V., 1874-5, i, 296-300.—Fox (F.) Pityriasis rubra and pityria- sis pilaris. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 487-489. -----. Successful treatment of pityriasis rubra. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 294.—Gairdner (W. T.) Pityriasis rubra acuta recurring during seventeen years; febrile move- ment: influence of this on nails. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 359.—Ciallerani (F.) Un caso di dermite esfogliativa o pitiriasi rossa di Hebra. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1881, xvi, 257-260. — von Hebra (F.) 1 t Aerztl. Per. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wieu (1876), 1877, 267-270.—He- bra (H.) Ueber Pityriasis rubra universalis. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1876, iii, 508-525, 1 pi—Hintou (R. K.) Notes on the successful treatment of three cases of pityria- sis rubra. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 585.—Hyde (J. N.) Pityriasis rubra. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xiii, 113- 121.—Jaequet. Note sur deux cas de pityriasis rose obser- ves chez des sujets atteints tie dilatation gastrique. France med., Par., 1886, i, 781-783. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1886), 1887, x, 81-85.—M'«hie (J.) On pityriasis rubra acuta, a rare form of skin disease. Glasgow M. J.. 1857-8, [2. s.J, v. 421: 1860-61, 12. s.], viii, 227.—JTIoore (N.) t St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, 125-129.—Morrow (P. A.) Pityriasis rubra, with vesicular lesions. J. Cutan. cfe Veil. Dis'., N. Y., 1886, iv, 176-178.-----. Pityriasis rubra, with pustular lesions occurring in a psoriatic patieut. J. Cutan. cfe Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1887, v, 439-441.—Pur- don (H. S.) Pityriasis rubra. Metl. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1872, i, 473.— von Rinecker. Ueber Pityriasis rubra. Sitzuugsb. d. phys.-metl. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1882, 122; 129. —Rona (S.) Atlatakorptiz6 borlab (pityriasisrubra) tan&hoz. [Theory of. . . ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 858; 883. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix, 1002.-----. Dermatitis exfolia- tiva s. pityriasis rubra. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 777; 811.—Saurel (L.) Observation tie pityriasis rubra, bientot suivi d'aliemation mentale. Rev., tie therap. tlu midi, Montpel., 1852, iii, 369-373. — Schwiminer ( E. ) Pityriasis rubra. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix', 1043. -----. A pityriasis rubra universalis korisme,- j6hez. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 377-383. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 513; 537.—Spender (J. K.) Pityriasis rubra. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 722. — Weyl (A. ) Zur Frage eler Selbststandigkeiteler Pityriasis rosea (Gibert). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 495. (See, also, supra, Behrend(G.)l — Wood (H.L.) An allied'form of pityriasis rubra. Med. Pec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 629. — Woodbury ( F. ) Brief note on two cases of primary, diffuse, exfoliative derma- titis (pityriasis rubra?). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 81-83. Pitzcr (Geo. C.) Alcohol as a food, a medicine, a poison, and as a luxury, pp. 46-61. 8°. St. Louis, 1883. Reprint from the electroplates of the author's forthcom- ing work on Direct medication. -----. Electricity as a remedial agent. 15 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., 1885. Also, Editor of: American (The) Medical Journal, St. Louis, 1874-85. Pitzner (Christianus). *De necessitate sangui- nis mittenili in nounullis hydropis speciebus quam vulgo opinantur, longe frequentiore ? 23 pp. 4°. Landishuti, F. S. Storno, 1822. PLTZNER. 336 PLACE. Pitzncr (Christianus)—continued. ------. Amtliche Vertheidigung der Stadt Lauds- hut gegen tlie Dr. [Xaver] Beruhuberischen An- schwiirzungeu ihrer Gesuudheit und Sittlichkeit. 29 pp. 12°. [Landshut], J. Thomann, 1824. Pitzner (Friederich). *De vano vemesectionum prof'usiorum metu. 20 pp. 4°. Frisingce, 1828. ------. Darstellung ties zergliederten Geliirnes iu eiu uud zwanzig Figuren auf Stein gezeichnet. 2. Ausg. viii, 9-24 pp., 20 pi. 4°. Landshut, J. Thomann, 1835. Pitzner (GodohilfnsAlbertus) [1818- ]. *De inflammatione circumscripta et nonnullis dege- nerationibus veutriculi cognosccndis. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1843]. Pitzorno (Giacomo). Anatomia elel perineo dell' uonio. 54 pp., 4 1., 3 pi. 8°. Sassari, G. Dessi, 1875. Pi lira. Mendoza (P.) Observaciones climatoltigicas del de- partamento de Piura. Gac. med., Lima, 1876, ii, 365-367. Pilissan (Ch.) *De quelques accidents de l'atre-- sie coug6uitale du prepuce et de leur traitement. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 334. Piussan (Pierre-Romaiue). * Sur la castration. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 215, v. 196. Pilltti (Arnaldo). Ricerche fatte uel laboratorio tli chimica farmaceutica della R. Universita di Sassari. 1887-8. 40 pp. 8°. Sassari, L. Manca, 1888. See, also, Societa fiorentina tl' igiene. Dei migliori metodi eli elisinfezione contro il cholera. 12°. Firenze, 1884. Pilltti (Herrmann Wilhelm). * Ueber elie scrophu- leisen Hautkraukheiten. x, 112 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gotha, Fngclhard-Beyher, 1836. Pilltti (Wilhelm). * Ueber die Behandlung des Tetanus mittelst ties Aetherismus. [Wiirzburg. ] 31 pp. 8°. Gotha, Engelhard-Reyhcr, 1848. Pivain (LtSon-Aklric). *Sur la section tlu ten- don d'Achille, et de quelques autres teudous comme moyen curatif des pieds-bots. 27 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 212, v. 313. Pivati (Augustinus) [1644- ]. Patin (C.) [Biography.] In his: Lyceum Patavin. 4°. Patavii, 1682, 135-137, lpl. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Pivatti (Gio. Francesco). Della elettricita me- dica ; lettera al Francesco Maria Zanotti. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1748, xxxviii, pp. i-xxxiii. ------. Riflessioni fisiche sopra la medicina elet-, trica. 166'pp. roy. 8°. Venezia, L. Basegcjio, 1749. Pivandran [1850- ]. *De la syphilis des amyo-dales. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 338. von Pivenot (Rudolph). Der Schwefel. Ein von amerikanischen Aerzteu angewandtes neues Heilmittel gegen die Cholera. 10 pp. 8°. Wien, U. Klopf, sr., u. A. Eurich, 1840. Pivent ( J.-B.-Alfred ). *De la meningo-encd- phalite tuberculeuse (fi&vre ce>6brale des en- fants). 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 105, v. 531. Pivctcau ( FJie). * Etude sur la typhlite. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 89. Pivioil (Edmond). Etude snr le regime de Py- thagore; le vege'tarisme et ses avantages. 21f> pp. 8°. Paris, O. Berthier, 1887k Pivion (Jean-Marie-Edmond ) [1850- ]. * Etude sur les troubles de Fintelligence, des penchants, de la sensibility et de la motility chez lesepileptiejues. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, Nei. 377. Piwk© (Theophilus [ Heuricus Leopoldus ] ) [1818- ]. #Qusedain de gastromalacia obser- vationes. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1842]. Piwowarski (Carl) [1851- ]. * Ueber Pem- phigus foliaceus. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1877. Pi y Sllilcr (D. Jaime). Memoria sobre la fisio- logia patoldgica tie la ataxia locomotriz, tabes dorsal is, esclerosis posterieir de hi meSelula. 48-4- pp. 8°. Barcelona, Ramirez y Ca., 1877. Imperfect; all after p. 48 wanting. Pix. Elbers (L.) * De pice liquida. sm. 8°. Bero- lini, [1832]. Quki.malz(S.T.) [Pr.] infusuin picis liqukke aquosum expcnelit. 4°. [Lipsice, 1745.] Pizarro (Francisco Z.) * Estudio sobre cl mai de Bright. 96 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, Stillen, 4 Laass, 1884. Pizarro y Jimenez (Manuel) Anuario tie higiene piiblica. Exposicion tie las principales tareas y progresos de esta cieucia en el alio de 1862. 'xvi, 304 pp. 8°. Sevilla, 1803. Also, Editor of: Oaccta medica de Sevilla, 1879-83. Pize (Paul-Louis). Considerations sur les ano- malies cardiaques et vasculaires qui peuvent cau- ser la cyanose. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 14*, v. 564. Pizler (Andreas) De affectibus soporosis et catalepsi ex epitome praxeos clinicae Georgii Wolffgangi Weelelii. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, lit. Krebsianis, [1708]. [Also, in: P., v. 1865.] Pizziglielli ( Gaetano ). Accadernia medico- chirurgico-Giuseppina, con un prospetto elel corpo sanitario austriaco, e dello spedale mili- tare di Vienna, xii, 78 pp., 2 1. 8°. Vienna, 1837. Pizzuto (Paulo) [ -1684]. See Iiigraasias (Joannes Philippus). Constitutiones, capitula, etc. sm. 4°. Panormi, 1657. PjankofT (G.) *Kvoprosu o regeneratsii gi- pertrolibrovannoi gladkoi myshechnoi tkani. [Regeneration . . . smooth muscular fibre.] 27 pi)., 1 1., 1 1)1. 8°. St. Petersburg, B. Lciferenlz, 1888. Pjaskovski (Nicolas). *Materiali k vopr. ob otnoshenii autropometrii k sanitar. izslietlov. v voiskach. [Anthropometric tests in sanitary in- vestigations in the army.] 43 pp. 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1886. Pjatigorsk. Heyfelder. Die Ourperiode 1884 in Pjatigorsk. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 23'■ 31.—Wlevor- tHoflT (I. P.) I'jatigorje i ego mineral, vody. [Pjatigorsk antl its mineral waters.] Vestnik. obsh. big. sitdeh. i prakt. metl., St. Petersb., 1889, ii, pt. 2, 81-114. le Pia (Andreas). * De hajmoptysi. 29 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1741. [P., v. 990.] Pia (Joh. Alexander). *De pleuritide. 1 p. 1., 13 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Kallemier, 1727. Plaat (Christianus Georgius). *Di.ss. exhibens symptomatologiam febris puerperalis. 4 p. 1., 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, J. Bbmelingh, 1836. Plaat (Gerardus Guilielmus Alexander). * Spec. med. continens brevem historiam plurinm mor- borum, hoc anno in clinice C. Pruys v. tl. Hoeven observatorum. 3 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., B. W. Bazeuberg et socios, 1843. v:m derPlaats(Volkert) * Spec. med. sistens observationem chirurgicam de manu avulsa. 2 p. 1., 34 pp. 8°. Leovardice, D. v. cl. Sluis, 1804. Placci (Giuseppe Benedetto). Saggio sulla rea- zioue vitale. 45 pp. 8°. Bologna, 1838. [P., v. 1453.] Placciiis (Joh.) * De dolore capitis. 5 1. 4°.' Jence, typ. Steinmannianis, 1629. Place. An hypothetical notion ofthe plague; and some out-of-the-way thoughts about it; shewing: I. What the pestilential matter origi- nally is, and whence. II. What the infective particles and their quality is. III. The nature of infection and contagion. IV. Methods of physical opposition grounded upon it. V. Re- flections on the absurdities of puhlick manage- PLACE. 337 PLACENTA. Place—continued. ment in it, as to shutting up houses, death carts, aud infirmaries. 40 pp. 8°. London, W. Tay- lor, 1721. [Also, in: P., v. 1363.] Place (E.-L.-A.) *Du diagnostic de quelques maladies de poitrine. 20 pp. 4°. Parts, 1830, No. 296, v. 237. Place (F.-M.-Ch.) Souvenirs el'un meYlecin; hy- giene, physique et morale. 439 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles <)'• Leipzig, -'• Schnee <>■ Cie., 1857. Place (Franciscus). * De vera diabetis caussa in elcfeetu assimilations qmerenda. 27 pp. 4°. Cicttingcr, J. C. Dieterich, [1784]. Place (Franciscus [Petrus]) [1808- ]. *De usu cortieis radicis granati. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. T. Starckii, [1825]. Place (N.-Didier). * De l'61ectricit6 statique tlans le traitement tie l'heuniplcgie ele cause certS- brale. 08 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 239. Place (Thomas) [1842- ]. * De contractie- golf tier willekeurige spieren. 1 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8-\ Utrecht, P. IV. van de Weijer, 1867. ------. Sur la vitesse avec laquelle l'irritation se propago dans les nerfs moteurs tie I'homme. 15 pp. 8°. [La Baye, 1871.] Repr. from: Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes, La Have, 1871, vi. ------. De elescendente-leer. Inwijdiugsrede uit- gesprokeu bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleer- aarsambt in ele physiologie aan het Athenaeum illust re te Amsterdam den 2den October 1871. 47 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, C. G. van der Post, 1871. Placenta. See, also, Blood (Circulation of, Fatal); Deci- dua; Foetus (Nutrition of); Fcetus (Relation of) to mother; Labor. Allez (P.) * Du placenta et de ses anomalies. 4°. Paris, 1880. Aschern (H.) * Ueber den Sitz tier Placenta iu den Muttertrompeten. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1841. Balthasar (J. B.) * De commercio uterum inter et placentam fcetusque nutritione. sm. 4°. Gryph iswaldice, [ 1771 ]. Bang (J.) Partus secunelus vel placental pro- pulsio. sm. 4°. Bafnice, [1765]. Berthier(L.) *I. [etc.] II. Quel est le mode de connexion du placenta avec l'uterus ? III. [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1838. Besser (L.) * De placentae structura ejusque ratione physiologica. 8°. Jence, [1845]. Bosch (J. H.) * Num placentam inter ct ute- rum gravidum vera vasorum atl.sit anastomosis. 1787. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1790, iv, 17-20. Bi/stamante (F.-E.) * Etudessur le placenta. 4C. Paris, 1868. vax Cauwenberghe ( C. ) Sur l'anatomie physiologique et la pathologie du placenta. 8°. Gand, 1871. Chambrelent (J.) Recherches sur le passage des eSlemieuts figures a travels le placenta, sui- vies de considerations sur la variole fcetale et la vaccination congemitale. 8°. Paris, 1882. van Cleefp (G. M.) * De usu placentae hu- mana', comparatione ejusdam cum animalium placentis illustrato. 8°. Traj. ad'Rhenum, [1819]. Coelen (F. P. H.) * De placenta. [Leiden. ] 8-. Harlemi, 1846. Colucci (V.) Sulla vera natura glandolare della porzionematernadella placenta nelladonna e negli animali. 4°. Bologna, 1880. Davidsohn (H.) * Ueber den Sitz der Pla- centa. 8°. Marburg, 1879. Daumerie (F. J. M.) "De secundinis huma- nis. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1772. De Prez (E. J.) *Over de placenta. [Lei- den.] 8°. Rotterdam, 1857. 22 Placenta. Deschamps (M.-H.) * De l'existence desvais- seaux ut6ro-placentaires. 4°. [ Paris], 1837. EGELixt;(F.) *De placenta. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1818. Fleischmann (A.) Mittelblatt und Amnion derKatze. liabilitationsschrift. 8°. Erlangen, 1887. Frommel (R.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Placenta von Myotus muriuus. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelung eler discoitlaleu Placenta. fol. Wiesbaden, 1888. Godet (R.) * Recherches sur la structure in- time tlu placenta du lapin. [Bern.] 8°. Neuve- ville, 1877. Goldberg (N.) * O stroenii zrielago dietskago miesta. [Structure of the placenta.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1808. Graetz (A. H.) Epistolaanatomica. De va- sorum sanguineortim extremitatibus, placentae uterime manimarumque structura, etc. Resp. Fred. Ruyschii. 4°. Amstelceclanii, 1704. Heinigke (C. G. G.) * De functione placentae. 4°. Jence, [1825]. Heins ( C. C. H. ) *De placentae humanae structura et usu. 4°. Gottinga:, [1829]. Heintze (V.) *K voprosu o stroenie otpa- lanshich obolochek i platseuti. [On the forma- tion of the decidtta antl placenta.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1875. Hennig ( C. ) Stuelien iiber elen Ban eler menschlichen Placenta uud iiber ihr Erkranken. 8°. Leipzig, 1872. Herissant (F. D. ) Quaestio medica, an se- enndime fcetui pulmonum praestent officia? Pro- pouebat Franciscus Bidault. 4°. [Parisiis], 1743. In: Halleb. Disp. anat. |etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1750, v, 521-527. Also, in: Sin wart (G. F.) Qua'st. med. Paris. 4°. Tubingce, 178!), i, 62-67. Hiffelsiieim &■ Laboulbene. Note sur un placeuta, recueilli dans le service de M. Rayer. 8°. [Paris, n.d.] Hoboken (N.) Anatomia secundinae humanae. Cum annexo spicilegio epistolarum, rem potissi- mum generatoriam referentium. 12°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1669. ------. Anatomia secundinae humanae repe- tita, aucta, roborata . . . quaB praeter novissime observatam naturam ac constitutiouem, uni- versae secuutlinae illitts, ac partium singularum usum quoque et utilitatem docet. Praemittuntur litene Henr. Evssouii, cum autoris responsioni- bus. 12°. Uitrajccti, 1675. ------. Anatomia secundinae vitulina), trigiuta octo figuris, propria autoris mauu delineatis, illustrata; quae pra3ter observatam naturam et constitutiouem, uuiverste secuueliine illius, ac piirtium singularum usum quoque et utilitatem tlocet. Pneuiittuntur litene Thorn. Barlholini, cum itutoris ad eundem responsionibus. 12°. Uitrajccti, 1675. Hoffmann (C. A.) * De hepate uterino. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1735]. Hyrtl' (J.) Die Bulbi der Placeutar-Arterien. 4°. Wien, 1869. ------. Die Blutgefasse der menschlichen Nachgeburt in normaleu uud abnormen Verhiilt- nisseu. fol. Wien, 1870. Jackson (J.) The spleen a permanent pla- centa; the placenta a temporary spleeu. 8°. London, 1843. Jeffray (J.) *Qu;edam de placenta propo- nens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1786. Kranz (J. A.) *De proccssibus placentas in partu vitalibus. 4°. Monachii, 1829. Kruger ( R.) * Die Beziehungen der Ent- wickelung der menschlichen Nachgeburtsorgane PLACENTA. 338 PLACENTA. Placenta. zu denjenigen der Frucht. [Rostock.] 8°. Schwerin, 1877. KUck (J. W. L.) *De semiologia placentae. 8°. Halce, 1791. Rumpel (Q.) *De solutione placentas. 4°. Jence, [1789]. Lacaille ( E. ) * De l'insertion du placenta dans ses rapports avec la dure?e de la grossesse, l'epoque de la rupture des membranes et le de- veloppement du foetus. 4°. Paris, 1883. Lefour ( J.-R. ) 'Contribution k l'6tude du placenta. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Lemser (H.) * Die physiologische Losung des Mutterkuchens nach Beobachtungen und Experi- menten. 8°. Giessen, 1865. Michaelis (G. P.) * Diss, sistens observatioues circa placentas ac funiculi umbilicalis vasa ab- sorbentia. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1790]. Millet (G.) * Recherches sur quelques points d'anatomie, de physiologie et de pathologie pla- centaire. 4°. Paris, 1861. Moeller ( R. ) * Quales secundinarum et foetuum pondera inter se rationes habeant. 8°. Rudolphopoli, 1858. C. Nitabuch (Raissa). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der menschlichen Placenta. 8°. Bern, 1887. Nizon (T.) *An uterina placenta radix? 4°. [Paris], 1771. Oberdick (G.) * Ist die Placenta durchgiingig fur Mikroorganismeu ? 8°. Gbttingen, 1888. O'Reilly (J.) The nervous and vascular con- nection between the mother and foetus in utero. 8°. New York, 1864. -----. The same. (Revised and enlarged.) 8°. New York, 1864. de Prez (E. J. ) * Over de placenta. 8°. Rotterdam, 1857. Radford (T.) On the structure of the human placenta, and its connections with the uterus, etc. 8°. Manchester, 1832. Reuss (A. C.) Novae quaedam observationes circa structuram vasorum in placenta humana et peculiarem hujus cum utero nexum. 4°. Tu- bingce, 1784. Richter (F.) * Ueber die Placenta, ihre Lo- sung und Wegnahme. 8°. Erlangen, 1835. Sandberg (J. G.) *Diss. exhibens animad- versiones in placenta recentiorum, inprimis Gooel- wini, de respirationis utilitate. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1792. Scheulen (L.) * Placentae humanae physio- logia et pathologia. 8&. Bounce, 1833. Schreger(B. N. G.) De functione placentae uterinae. 8°. Erlangce, 1799. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Verhandel.enWaarn. t. Bevord. d. Genees-, Heel-, Verlos- en Sch«ik., Leyden, 1803, i, 101-104. Schroeder VAN der Kolk (J. L. C.) Waarne- mingen over het maaksel van de menschelijke placenta en over haren bloeds-omloop. 4C. Am- sterdam, 1851. Repr. from: Verhandel. d. eerste klasse v. K.-Nederl. Inst., 3. R., 4. Deel. Schultze (B. S.) Das Nahelblaschen ein con- stantes Gebilde in der Nachgeburt des ausgetra- genen Kindes. 4°. Leipzig, 1861. Shippen (G.) * De placentae cum utero nexu. 8-. Edinburgi, 1761. Tiling (M.) *De placenta uteri; disquisitio anatomica, novis in medicina hypothesibus illus- trata. 16°. Rinthelii, 1672. Turner (W.) Lectures on the comparative anatomy of the placenta. 8°. Edinburgh, 1876. Wulff (L.) * Ueber concentrische Eihautdu- plicaturen auf der Placenta. 8°. Marburg, 1884. Zinsstag(W.) * Beitrage zum Mechanismus der physiologischen Losung der Placenta. [Basel.] 8°. Leipzig, 1888. Placenta. Adams (F.) On the constrtiction of the placenta, and the mode of communication between the mother ami the foetus in utero. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., v, 155 • I'M i^7 378; 421: 1849, n. a., viii, 150. Also, Reprint.—Ahlfeld (F.) Znr Anatomie der Placenta; die Sehultze.-'ache I'ulte. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gviiaek. Klin, zu (iies- sen 1881-2, 8°, Leipz., 1883, 21.—Auvard (A.) Dinien- sions de l'oeuf et insertion du placenta. In his- Trav d'obst., Par., 1888, ii, 368-377. -----. Forme tin placenta- vaisseaux erratiques. Ibid., 426-441.—Knir (C.-E.) Re' cherches sur la connexion vasculaire entre la mere et. son fruit, dans les mammiferes. J. compl. tlu diet. tl. sc med Par., 1828, xxxii, 302-322.—Barkow. Ueber die Fuuc- tionen der Placenta. Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Ver- and. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect., Brest, 1838, 16-18.—Beauregard efc Bon- ■art. Note sur la placentation des ruminants. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1885, xxi, 93-99,1 pi.—Bell (J.) On the position of the placenta. Lond. M. Gaz., IK40-41, xxvii, 546.—van Beneden (E.) Les placentas discoides! Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 729-732.— Bernard (C.) Sur une nouvelle fonction du placenta. J. de laphysiol. tie I'homme, Par., 1859, ii, 31-41, 1 pi. Also- transl. [Abstr.]: Am. M. Month., N. \\, 18.'!), xi, 276-282.— Bidder (E.) Zur Histologic der Nachgeburt. Beitr. z Gyniik. u. Geburtsk., Tubing., 1867, ii, 167-187, 1 pi.—Iti. MchoflT (T. L. W.) Ueber das Vorkommen eines e-i^cn thiimlichen Blut und Hamatoidin enthaltendeu Rente Is an der Placenta der Fischotter (Lutra vulgaris). Sitziiiigsh d. k.-bayer. Akad. tl. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1865, i, 213- 225, 2 pi.—Bloch (L.) Ueber den Bau der menschlichep Placenta. Beitr. z. path. Anat., u. z. allg. Path., Jena 1889, iv, 557-592, 5 pl.-Bloxnm (W.) Ou the structure- ofthe human placenta, and its connection with the uterus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1840, xxiii, 224-236.—Bonnniy (C.) Recherches sur les vaisseaux utero-placentaircs. Gaz. med. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 193-199.—Boulart (R.) Note sur le plaeenta du cerf frontal (Panolia frontalis). Bull. Soc. pbilomat. de Par., 1878-9, 7. s., iii, 144-146. -----. Note sur le placenta tlu Cervus mexicanus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 422.—Breschet (G.) Re- cherches anatomico-physiologiques et chimiques sur la matiere colorante du placenta de quelques animaux. Re- pert, gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 18'J9-30, viii, 115- 121. A Iso, Reprint. Also: Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 309-312. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. d. organ. Phys., Eisenach, 1828-33, iii, 571-579.—Burchard. Ueber den Sitz und die Verbindung ties Mutterkuchens mit der Gebarmutter. Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect., Brest, 1840, 16. -----. Vortrag iiber die Verbindung der Placenta mit dem Uterus. Ibid., 1846, 6.—Canby (J.) Monography of a singular defect of secundines, with a view to prove that the placenta performs a pulmonary function for the foetus. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1818, xix, 183.—Carmichael (H.) On the position of the placenta or afterbirth in the womb during pregnancy, and on the manner the latter organ ex- pands therein, as also of its subsequent contractions in the process of parturition. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1838-9, xiv, 445- 480. -----. Upon the position of the placenta in the womb, and upon the dilatations and contractions of this latter or- gan during gestation and parturition. Dublin M. Press, 1839, ii, 86-91. -----. Position of the placenta. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840^11, xxvii, 53-58. -----. On the position of the afterbirth in the womb, and on the manner of ascertaining it by inspection of the secundines. Ibid., 275-280.-- Cliumpiiey* (F. H.) Note on the relation between the implantation of the placenta and the insertion ofthe cord. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1887), 1888, xxix, 337-345.—CJlia- lellier (H.) Etude sur un point de l'anatomie du pla- centa chez les feinelles du rat blauc. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1886, i. 488-491.—Colucci (V.) Sulla vera natura glandolare della porzione materna della pla- centa nella donna e negli animali. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1886, 4. s., vii, 133-158, 3 pi.—Coxe (J. R.) Some observations of the subject of the mode of con- nection between the mother and ftetus in utero. N Am. M. &. S. J., Phila., 1829, viii, I3-y:s.—t'reighton (C.) On the formation of the placenta in the guinea-pig. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1877-8, xii, 534, 2 pi.: 1878-9, xiii, 173, 1 pi.—C'ii in in (W.) The connexion of the human placenta and uterus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839-40, xxv, 94.—Dairy ai- ple (J.) On the structure and functions of the human Slacenta. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1842, xxv, 21-29, 1 pi.— >alton (J. C.) Anatomy of the placenta. Am. M. Month., N. T., 1858, x, 1-14.' Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1857-63, ii, 33-50— Del ©re (A.) Note sur la disposition des vaisseaux plaeentaires. Ann. de gy- nec. Par., 1880, xiii, 186-189. — Delore (X.) Etude de la circulation maternelle dans le plaeenta. Ibid., 1874, i, 405-417, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i. |pt. 1.1, 116. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii. 105. -----. Placenta. Diet, encycl. d. sc. metl., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxv, 489-.'41.— Doherty (R.) Observations in reply t" a paper published by Mr. H. Carmichael on the position of the placenta, etc.; in which also an attempt is made to point out the circum- PLACENTA. 339 PLACENTA. Placenta. stances which determine the situation of its attachment, and to account for the occurrence of placenta prtevia. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1839, xv, 343-364. -----. Situation ofthe placenta. Loud. M. Gaz., 1840-41, xxvii, 351-358.—Dole- ri* (A.) & <|iiiiiquanil. Recherches sur le sang foetal, le sang du cordon ombilical, le sang placentaire: parallels entre le sang de la mere et celui du feet us. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1888, iii, 531-546.—Dubois (A.) Deux ordres vasculaires distincts dans le placenta. J. denied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1791, lxxxvii, 397-403.—Dubois (P.) Du placenta. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 49.— Dmiioiit (A.) Suivie et developpement tlu placenta apr6s la disparition de l'embryon. J. d. se. med. de Lou- vain, 1880, v, 61-64.—Duncan (J. M.) Proof of the free intercommunication of the blood caverns of the placenta. Edinb. M. J., 1873, xviii, 601-605.—Duval (M.) Sur le placenta ties oiseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 54-56. -----. Sur les premieres phases du developpement du placenta du cobaye. Ibid., 1887, 8. s., iv, 148-150. -----. Sur les premieres phases tlu deve- loppement du placenta du lapin. Ibid., 425-427. -----. Les placentas el isctndes en general, & propos du placenta des rongeurs. Ibid., 1888, 8. s., v, 675.—F bei I. Ueber die Verhaltung von Placentarresten nach rechtzeitigen Gebtir- ten. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1873-4, iii, 57-70.— Eisner (J. G.) Mira vasorum secundinte humanae textura. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1670, i, 129, 1 pi. Also, transl..- Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. roin.- kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1755, i, 93,1 pi.—Ercolani (G. B.) Sul processo formativo della porzione glandulare o materna della placenta. Mem. Accad. tl. sc. el. Ist. di Bologna, 1869, 2. s., ix, 363^32, 6 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1869-70, 23-43. -----. Sulla parte che hanno le glandole otrieolari dell' utero . nella formazioue della porzione materna della placenta e nella nutrizione dei feti nell'alvomaterno. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1872-3, 106-110.-----. Sull' unit& del tipo anatomico della placenta nei mammiferi e nell' umana specie e sull' unita tisiologica tlella nutrizione dei feti in tutti i vertebrati. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1876, 3. s., vii, 271-346, 5 pi. Also, Reprint.-----. Sulle errate apparenze macroscopiche che hanno impedito fino ad ora tli conoscere 1' intima struttura della placenta umana e suit unita del tipo anatomico della placenta nei mammiferi e nella donna. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1876-7, i. 420-441. Also: Bull. d. sc. med.di Bologna, 1877, 5. s., xxiii, 360-37S. -----. Nuove ricerche sulla placenta nei pesci cartilaginosi e nei mammiferi e delle sue appli- cazioui alia tassonomia zoologicae all' antropogenia. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1879, 3. s., x, 601-984, 11 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1880, 6. s., v, 66-73. -----. Nuove ricerche di anatomia normale e patologica sulla placenta dei mammiferi e della donna; Lettere tre. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1882, 4. s., iv, 707-782, 3 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. debiol., Turin, 1883-4, iv, 179-192.— F wart (J. C.) The fecundity antl placentation of the Shanghai River deer. J. Anat.'& Physiol., Lond., 1877-8, xii, 225-228.—Fehling (H.) Beitrage zur Physiologic des placentaren Stoffver- kehrs. Arch. f. Gyna'ek., Berl., 1877, xi, 523-557.—Foh- ni a a a (V.) Ueber die Saugadern im Fruchtkuchen und Nabelstrang eles Menschen. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb. u. Leipz., 1831, iv, 276-282, 1 pi.—Fritcau. Quelques rapprochemens sur la circulation de la m6re a l'enfant. J. g6n. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1814, li, 3-23.—Froiu- niel. Ueber Entwicklung der Placenta. Verhandl. el. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1888, ii. 205-270.— Oarroil (A. H.) Note on the placenta of the hippopota- mus. [From: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1872, 821.] In his: Collect, Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1881, 120.—Goodsir (J.) The structure of the human placenta. In: Goodsir (J.) & Goodsir (H. D. S.) Anat. efc Path. Observ., 8°, Edinb., 1845, 50-63, 1 pi. Also, in his: Anat. Mem., 8°, Edinb., 1868, ii, 445-460, 2 pl.-Ousserow. Ueber den normalen Sitz der Placenta. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864-5), 1866, xviii, 263-273. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1866, xxvii, 90-100.—Hegar. Die Placenta materna am Ende der Schwangerschaft. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1867, xxix, 1-12, 1 pi.—Heinricius (G.) Ueber die Entwickelung und Structurder Placenta beim Hunde. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1889, xxxiii, 419-439, 2 pi.— Heinz (R.) Untersuchungen iiber den Bau unci die Entwickelung der menschlichen Placenta. Arch. f. 'jyuaek., Berl., 1888, xxxiii, 413-142, 2 pi.— Hcnnig (C.) Beitrage zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathologie der Placenta. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1873, clx, 188-199.— ■lenning. Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Placenta. Arch. f. Gyniik., Berl., 1878, xiii, 307.—Hicks (J. B.) lhe anatomy of the human placenta. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1872), 1873, xiv, 149-189, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: J. Anat. efe Physiol., Lond., 1872-3, vi, 405-410. -----. On the anatomy of the human placenta. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond., 1873-4, i, 663; 1874-5, ii, 17—Holl (M.) Ueber die Blutgefasse tier menschlichen Nachgeburt. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1881, Ixxxm, 219-260,2 pi.—Home (E.) On the placenta. Phil. Plaeenta. Tr. [1821-2], Lond., 1822, 401-406, 5 pi. -----. On the ex- istence of nerves in the placenta. Ibid. [1824-5], Lond., 1825, 66-80, 2 pi—Hiiter (C. C.) Mutterkuchen, abwei- chende Structur desselben. Encycl. Worterb. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1840, xxiv, 275-328.-----. Die Mutter- kuchenreste. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, ix, 96 ; 180; 266.—Hunter (J.) On the structure of the placenta. In his: Obs. on certain parts of the auimal ceconomy, 4°, Lond., 1786, 127-139, 1 pi. Also: Ibid., 8°, Lond., 1837, 60-73. Also: Ibid., 8°, Phila., 1840, 93-103.— Jassinsky (P.) O stroenii dietskago miesta. [On the structure of the placenta.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1867, vii, 1; 9; 17. Also, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xl, 341-352, 1 pi.— Joly (N.) Ftude sur le placenta de l'al (Bradypus tridactylus, Linne). Compt. rentl. Acad. d. sc, Par.', 1878, lxxxvii, 283-287.—Jon I in. Recherches anatomiques sur la membrane lamineuse, l'etat du chorion et la circulation dans le placenta k terme. Arch. gen. de metl.. Par., 1865, ii, 22-38. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1864-5, xxx, 837-840.—Kaineiicfl (V.) Mikroskopicheskea izslaidovauie krovenosnikh putei matochnoi chasti poslaida. [Microscopic examination of the blood-vessels of the placenta.] Metl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1864, iv, 89; 104; 112; 121; 129.—Kastschenko (N.) Das menschliche Chorionepithel und dessen Rolle bei der Histogenese der Placenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch.. Leipz., 1885, 451-480. 1 pi—Knox (J.) Some remarks on the placental tufts described by Weber, and on their distribution anel supposed functions. Lond. M Gaz., 1840-41, xxvii, 209-213.—Kolliker (A.) Ueber die Placenta der Gattung Tragulus. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesells.ch. in Wiirzb., 1876, x, 74-83, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.— Laiigliaim (T.) Zur Kenntniss tier menschlichen Pla- centa. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1870, i, 317-334, 1 pi. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die menschliche Placenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1877, 188-267, 2 pi.—Lanlanie. Sur la nature de la ntioforniarion pla- centaire et l'unite de composition du placenta. Compt. ' rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, e, 651-653. -----. Sur une nouvelle espe.ee d'elenient anatomique; la cellule placen- taire de quelques rongeurs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 130-132. Also: Gaz. med.-chir. de Tou- louse, 1885, xvii, 59. -----. Sur le processus vaso-formatif qui preside k l'ediflcation ele la zone fonctiounelle du pla- centa maternel dans le cobaye. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 506-509.—I>auth (E.-A.) fils. Consi- derations anatomiques et physiologiques sur la connexion du placenta avec l'uterus, sur les communications vascu- laires entre ces deux organes, et le mode de circulation des fluides. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826, i, 75-79.—Fee (R.) On the structure of the human pla- centa and its connexion with the uterus. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1831-2, 57-66, 2 pi. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, ii, 113- 117.—Fee (R. G.) The placenta, its anatomy and physi- ology. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1872-4, Lond., 1875, vii, 40.—Lewis (W. B.) Development of the placenta. Med. Rec. N T., 1869-70, iv, 521.—Ley (H.) Observations on the structure of the placenta. Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, ii, 366-372. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1833. xii, 287-294.—Fic- berkiihn (N.) Der griine Saum der Hundeplacenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1889, 196-212, 1 pi.—ITIackness (G. O. C.) On the relative weights of the placenta and child. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 716- 724.—lVlalvoz (E.) Sur la transmission intraplacentaire ties mieroorganisiiios. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1888, ii, 121-132.—itlarclial (E.) Placenta. N. diet, denied. et chir. prat., Par., 1880. xxviii, 43-76.—ITIarcy (H. O.) The placental development in mammals; a unity of ana- tomical and physiological moelality in all vertebrates. Ann. Anat. «fc Surg'., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1882, vi, 195-205. Also, Reprint. -----. Placental development. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash.. 1887, ii, 490-496. Also, Reprint.—JTIa- siiiM (J.) De la gen6se du placenta chez le lapin. Arch. de biol., Gand «fc Leipz., 1889, ix, 83-121, 4 pi—ITIasque- Iin (H.) 4. Ah Held (F.) Placenta dimidiata seu bipartita. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marb., 1885-6, 8°, Leipz., 1887, iii, 13-17.—Andrews (C. N) De- velopment ot the placenta in the Fallopian tube. Tr. Illi- nois M. Soc, Chicago, 1853, iii, 75-82. Also: Northwest. M. s chez la menie femme, et refle- xions. J. demed., chir. etpharmacol:, Brux.,1868. xlvii, 414- 417.—Elbert. Fallvon jiedoppelter Placenta bei ein fachem Kinde und einfacher Nabelschuur. N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., 1841. x, 352-354.—Fasbcndcr. Vorzeigung einer Placenta, welche er 40 Tage' nach Ausstossuug eines fiinf-monatlichen Fotus manuell ausdem Pterusentfernte. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1868-9, xxii, 64. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiv, 178. — Ferrin ( S. A.) Twins with one pla- centa, two cords and one set of membranes. Chicago M. J., 1866, xxiii, 449. — Finned. Three placentas in one. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862. iv, 108. — Fournier. Obser- vation sur un placenta renferme daus uu kiste, adhCraut k la niatrice, et sur plusieurs circonstances peu communes, qui se sout rencontrees dans un accouchement. Actes Soc. de nie,d., chir. et pharm., Brux., 1797, i, pt. 2, 192-198.— Garrigues (H. J.) An unusual relation between the placenta and the membranes. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 256-260. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 92-97. — (Gilbert. Placenta from whose surface proceed an outer complete sack and also an internal one in which the foetus lay. Detroit Laucet, 1879-80, n. s., iii, 204.— Grougiicnliciiii. Placenta unique commund,deux foetus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 7-11. — Cueniot. Sur un placenta double dans un cas de grossesse simple. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xx, 564-568.— Hal- der (A.) Waaruemiug van twee bijzondere placentae bij tweeliugen. Geneesk. Mengeling., Amst., 1820-24, ii, 3. St., 130-132. — Hall (J.) Tumor connecting the fmtus with the womb. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, xxiv, 402-404.— Hnrtmann (G.) Persistirende Vasa omphalo-mesaraica in Nachgehurten reifer Kinder. Monatsehr. f. Gebmisk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiii, 193-196, 1 pi. — Hill. Caseof abnormal placenta. Med. Ohrou., Montreal, 1855-6, iii, 8. — Ilodgkin efc Cooper (Sir A.) History of an unusually-formed placenta, and imperfect foetus, and of similar examples of monstrous productions ; with an ac- count of the structure of the placenta and foetus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 218-240, 3 pi— Hbring. Fall einer monstroseu Nachgeburt. Med. Cor.-151. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1838, viii, 318.— Hob I. Die doppelto Placeuta bei einfacher Nabelschnur und ihre Entstehiinu. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 317-319, 3 tig. — Hone'l. Memoire sur les adherences du placenta ou des enveloppos ft. certaines parties du corps du foetus. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1857, Par., 1858, 2. s., iv, pt. 2, 55-62. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1858, 3. s., xiii, 32-34.—II ii ter (C.C.) Nach- geburt, Fehler ele-rselben. Encycl. Worterb. d. metl. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1840, xxiv, 439-494. -----. Fehler des Mut- terkuchens. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxxi, 2(14-216.—laggard (W. W.) Anomalies of the placeuta. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1889, xxii, 650-652. — Johnson (D.) Ca.se of de-formed foetus with the placenta adherent to it, the intestines uncovered and presenting, with a description of the delivery. Tr. Obst, Soc Lond. (1871), 1872, xiii, 53.— Jobnson (J. R.) Abnormal placenta. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1855-6, i, 519.—Kennedy (E.) Portion of placenta thrown off 111 pregnancy. Brit. M J., Lond., 1872, ii, 161.— Krukcnbcrg (G.) Ueber die Entstehung der Placenta miirgiuata. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1885-6, xxvii, 453-459.— Knstner(0.) Die Anatomie und Bedeutung tier Placenta niargmata. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, Ivii, 232-236.—Leatbrop (W. H.) Placenta two mouths in advance of foetus. Med. Rec, N. i-, 1885, xxviii. 540.— Lawrence (A. E. A.) Rare pla- centa-. Tr. Bristol Med.-Chir. Soc. 1874-8, Lond., 1878, i, 81. — Leibby ( A.) A peculiar case. Maine M. .V S. Re- Plaeenta (Abnormities of). porter, Portland, 1858-9, i, 481. — Lovejoy (O. S.) Two placentas for one child. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1888, xvi, 183.— l^ngco! (P.) Pr6sentation d'un placenta tri-gemel- laire. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1887, 252-257. -----. Placenta double dans une grossesse simple-. J. elemed.de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 503.—Lyeli (J.) On a case of modified battledore-placenta, with con- comitant necessary haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1849. ii, 554. — Tlnucler (J. ) Cas d'un foetus trouv6 au milieu d'une mole. Rev. med. franc-, et etrang., Par., 1830, ii, 92-94. — lVIcnde ( L.) Zwilliugsgeburt, bei der die, von der ties ersteren Kindes getrennte, Nachgeburt des zweiten vor diesem, zur Welt kam. Beob. u. Betnerk. a. d. Ge- burtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Giitting., 1826, iii, 296-308.— itlerle. Placenta double avec un seul cordon. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1868), 1869, viii, 109.— Montgomery (W. F.) Case in which the whole of the lower extremity antl the side of the pelvis were de- ficient at birth, owing to cohesion of the placenta with the body of the child. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxii, 68; 257.— iVIouret. Grossesse double; placenta commun; mort de 1'un des foetus longtemps avant la delivrance. J. de m6d. de Lyon, 1847, 2. s., i, 442-446.—MnHer (l<\) Vorlauflge Anzeige iiber ein merkwiirdiges Verhalten einer Pia- centarbildung. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1849, v, 275. — von d'Outreponl. Ueber den Sitz der Placenta in den Fallopischen Rohren. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1842, xii, 168-193.—Pagan (J. M.) On development of the placenta within the Fallopian tube. Month. J. M. Sc, Loud, efc Edinb., 1845, v, 813-818.— Pascalis (F.) Formation and growth of a foetus in the mass of an enlarged placenta, and without the membranes. Metl. Reposit., N. Y., 1813, n. s., i, 383-387. — Peabody (J. H.) Double placenta; death from heart clot. Proc Nebraska M. Soc, Omaha, 1873, 26-29.—Puejac (A.) Pla- centa et cordon ombilical anorraaux. Gaz. obst.. Par., 1877, vi, 373-375.— BibemonI-Dcssaignes (A.) Des placentas multiples dans les grossesses simples. Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1887, xxvii, 12-52. — BicbnrdMon. Placenta dimidiata. Boston M. e morbis placenttw univcrsim, et tic placeutitide ej usque sequelis in specie. 8°. Groningcje, [ 1844 ]. Paul (J.) *Patbologia placental 8°. Bero- lini, [1846]. Rossier (G. ) * Klinische unel histologische Uutersuchungen iiber elie Iufarcte der Placenta. [Basel.] 8°. Leipzig, 1888. Rouhaud (A.) * Des leSsions dn placenta elaus l'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1887. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 433- 441. Ruffey (M.-A.-D.) *Des maladies du pla- centa. 4°. Paris, 18W3. Schlesinger (E. ) * Ueber das Myxom des Chorion. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Schulz (F. C.) *De placenta? inflammatione. 8°. Berolini, [18b3] Seyler (0. J.) * De placent.e uterinae morbis. 4°. Lipsice, [1709]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sanncv, 1758, iv, 339-352. van Son (H. C.) *De morbis placentae. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1840. Troll (H.) *De placentae morbis. 8°. Bero- lini, [183:>]. Wilde (F. A.) *De cognoscenelis et curandis placentae morbis libri quatuor. 8^. Berolini, 18.13. Zinowieff (G.) * Etude sur l'bistologie patho- logique du placenta abortif. 4°. Paris, 1887. Also, in: N. Arch, el'obst. et de gynec., Par., 1887, ii, 244; 296; 321. Also, transl.: An. de obst., ginecopat. y peeliat., Madrid, 1887, 2. ep., vii, 257; 289; 321; 353. Abegg. Hepatisatio partialis placentas. Verhandl. el. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864-5), 1866, xviii, 261. Also : Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1866, xxvii, 88.—Ackt'i'iiinnn, Der weisse Infarct der Pla- i-enta. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1884, xevi, 439- 152.—Andrew* (G. P.) Place-ntal hvpersemia. Detroit Lancet, 1878, n. s., i, 179-182.—A lUiiiNoii (A.) Caseof diseased placenta, morbidly adherent to the uterus, with hour-glass contraction of that urgan. San Francisco M. Press," 1860, i, 20-22.—AtkinNon (E. C.) Case of diseased placenta and umbilical curd. Iowa M. J., Keokuk, 1853- 4, i, 267-269.—Auvard. Tumeur placentaire de nature fibro-vasculaire comprise dans l'6paisseur menie du tissu du placeuta it prese-ntant un volume Equivalent k une pe- tite noix. Bull, et nu'-ni. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par. (1887), 1888, iii, 261-264. Also, in his: Trav.' d'obst.. I'ar., 1889, i, 327-330.—Barnes (K.) The diseases of the placenta. Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1854, xiv, 21: 1855, xv, 156: 1856, xvii, 138.—Bouwquct (F.) Des maladies tlu placenta ft des membranes au point de vue de l'avorterneut. Marseille med., 1873, x, 461-18D.—Briitlitt (J.-L.) Des maladies du placenta et de leur influence' sur la vie- du foe- tus. J. gen. denied., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, cii, 10-60. Also [Abstr.]: J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, xlix, 100- 112.—IIremnor (J.) On diseased states of the plaeenta as influencing tin- process of parturition. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1849, Ixxii, 56-75—t'iccoue (V.) Intorno ad alcuni accidenti niorbosi tlella placenta; quattro stone cliniche. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 430- 432.—Com) n. Patholoe.ii-du placenta. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. el> Bruges, 1846, vii. 289-292.—Hepaul. Deux pla- centas malade-s. Bull. Soe-. anat. de Bar., 1840, xv, 397. -----. Placenta presentaut diil'erente-s lesions et appai te- nant a une femme qui a cu des attaques d'cclampsic dans quatre couches siu-ce-ssives. J. el. sages-feiiiinis, Par., 1876-7, ii, 33.— I>i-uilt (It.) On degeneration of the pla- centa at the end ol pregnancy. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1853, xxxvi, 99-112, 1 pi.— Duncan (M.) Diseased pla- centa. Month. J.|.M. Sc, Loud. >V Kelinb., 1851, xix, 409- 471. — Dupin efc C'liiibaud. Sarcome fascicule tlu pla- centa. Gaz. d. hop. de- Toulouse, 1889, iii, 73.—Durozirz (P.) Placenta: granulationscretacEes; adherence; angio- sclerose; souffle placentaire. Union med., Par., 1888, 3. s., xiv, 369; 394.—Krrolani (G. B.) Delle malattie della placenta; memoria. Mini. Accad. el. seel. Ist. di Bologua, 1869-70, 2. 8., x, 491-554, 7 pi. Also, Reprint. Also, trausl.: Arch, de tocol.. Par., 1876, iii, 193; 263; 390; 529. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. lust, di Bologna, 1870, Plai'Cllta (Diseases of). 16-20. Also [Abstr.]: Riv. clin. eli Bologna, 1871, 2.8. i 194; 249. Also, transl. f Abstr. | : Deutsche Klinik, Berl.! 1872, xxiv, 375.—Feriioiucnow. Zur Pathologic der Placenta. Arch. f. Gynaek., Be-rl., 1880, xv, 343-360, 4 pi.— Ferwtlcr (F. S.) Caso di placenta pressoche- cartilaghicii tenacemente atlcrcuto, di cui venue etfettuato il distacco col metodo del Prof. B. Mojoii; con alcuni corolla rj rela- tivi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1830, lvi, 36-44.— Filz- Patrick (\V. H.) Case of putrid placenta, with full- grown female child. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1857, i, 262.— Foi'Micr. Repeated miscarriages from dise-ase-el ]ilaceiita. Boston M. efc S. J., 1877, xcvii, 344.—Oai-flurr. Diseased plaeenta. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 252. —Iinii-i- gm'w (H. J.) Missed abortion; sclerosis of the-plaeenta. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 690. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 963. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 257.—[Gervais.] Note sur un cas patlmlogiepie du placenta. Bordeaux med., 1877, vi, 114-116.—leiici-Nii (A.) Deber die Krankheiten des 'Eies und der Placenta. Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Boil. (1815-6), 1847, ii, 126-169.—Orccnc (Jeauuette B.) On waxv ilcgctiera- tion of the plaeenta. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 279- 289, 1 pi.—OriNOlle A-. Caseaiix. Hemorrhagies entre le placenta et le- chorion; avortemeut A sept mois de la gros- sesse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1833, 2. ed., 1849, viii, 160- 102.—Hardy. Note sur des tubercules dans le placenta et dans Interns, chez une femme phthisique. Arch. g6n. denied., Par., 1834, 2. s., v, 244.— Ileitzuiauu (C.) Waxy degeneration ofthe- placenta. Med. Rec, X. V., 1879, xvi, 91.—yon IliWIniaiiii (G.) Sichnrer Nachweis der soge- nannten Uterininilch beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1882, viii, 258-286, 1 pi.— Under. Placentar-Diphtheritis von einem septisch inflcirteu Ka- ninchen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1876, Berl., 1877, v, pt. 1, 41. — Hurt (li.) Diseased placentas. St. Louis M. efcS. J., 1881, xl, 668-073.— .Ioik-m (II.) Speci- men of degenerated placenta. Tr. Path. Soe-. Lontl., 1K52- 3, iv, 238-241, 1 pi —Kilian (F. M.) Eine Krankheitdes Mutterkuchens. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1850, xxvii, 1. Hft., 35-64.—liriegcr. Zur Hyperplasie der Placenta. Verhandl. d. Gescllse-h. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864), 1865, xvii, 91-102.—Ituslnrr (O.) Zur Anatomie des weissen Infarctes der Placenta. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886, cvi, 342-353.—Kyi I (J. B.) Beitrag zu den Krankheiten der Plaeenta. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii, 27-44.—Laroclic (Maria). Degcnereseeucepartielli' tlu placenta. J. d. sages-femnies, Par., 1889, xvii, 195.— I.ealee (C. A.) Dege-neratiems of the placenta as a cause of the death of the child. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1874-6, 2. s., ii, 390-407. Also, Reprint.—Leinde (C.) Diseased antl ad- herent placenta. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, St. Paul, 1871, v, 133.— liiibar. Placenta pathologique. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. el. sc. med. tie Lyon (1869), 1870, ix, pt. 2, 310. Also: Lyon metl , 1870, iv, 46. -----. Deux placentas patholo- gfques. Mem. etcompt.-reud. Soc. d.sc. med. de Lyon (1870), 1871, x, pt. 2, 18-20.— 'IcCliulocL. Diseased placenta. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1802, xxxiv, 195.—iHackay. Indu- ration of the placenta. Prov. M. efc S. J., Loud., 1848, 187. -----. A singularly small and diseased placenta. Ibid., 1850, 491.—ITIaicr. Ueber Bindegewebsentwickelnug iu der Placenta. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1869, xiv, 305-326. — lTIai'Mhall (J.) Disease of the plac;enta. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1866), 1867, viii, 137-139. — itlason (P. H.) Fibrous degeneration of the plae-e-nta. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880-81, ii, 390-394. — Meckel. Ueber die Verhartuugeu tier Placenta und des Eies vor der Placenta- bildung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1852-3, vii, 35.—.Tliller (H.) A caseof abnormal placenta and death from post-partum lnetnorrhage. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1871, vi, 205-207.—Molinier. Obliteration du placenta; avortemeut trigeiuellaire. Compt. rend. Soc.de med. . . . de Toulouse. 1879, lxxix, 44. — ITIordret ( A.) Recherches sur les affections morbides et anormales du placenta. Mouit. tl. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 1233: 1855, iii, 2; 17; 27; 33; 84; 98. — >en Ilia nil. Sclerose der Placenta. Kb- nigsb. metl. Jahrb., 1859-60, ii, 248-255, ii— Niiolini (li. B.) Contribuzione alio studio dell' eziologia ih-11' hvelram uios e tlella patologia della placenta. Ann. univ. diiiinl e chir., Milano, 1882. eclxi, 59-78, 1 pi. — O'Carrell (fc Gynec, Phila., 1888, i, 247-251. — l>ro<-bowuicU. Ausgebrcitete. placentarc, Sinusthrombose bei Cierus bicornis. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Be-rl., 1881, xvii, 317-326, 1 pi.—Kobiu (C.) Note sur les alterations du placenta. Arch, ge'-n. ele med., Par., 1854, i, 705-717. Also, Reprint. — Kogcrx. Specimen of placeuta diseased in its cut ire periphery. Med. Rec X. V., 1872, vii, 37.—Rowticr (G.) Klinise-he und histologische Uutersuchungen iiber die Infarcte tier Placeuta. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1888, xxxiii, 400-412, 1 pi. — Simpson (J. Y'.) Diseases ofthe placenta-. In bis.- Works [Dis. of Women 1, 8J, Edinb., 1871, i, 134 157.—Slavjausky. Zur PLACENTA. 345 PLACENTA. Placenta (Fatty degeneration of). months' gestation. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, viii, 17. —Du- iiioiit-l'nllit'i-. Un placenta de grossesse triple, pr6- sentant 1'alteration generalement appel6e graisseuse, dans une iiartio ele- son etendue. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 238.—Ellix (C.) Fibroid and fattv degeneration of the placenta. Boston M. efe S. J., 1858-9, lix. 396. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1856-9), 1859, iii, 292.— Ford. Fatty degeneration of placenta. St. Louis M. >fe S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 474—ISoodell (W.) Case of fattv de- generation of the placenta. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1869-70, ii, 532-535. Also: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. 1869-71, N. Y., 1872, i, 95-97.—Goxchler (A.) Die fettige Degeneration tier Placenta. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag, 1875, iii, 176-179.—Hart (Le B.) Fattv degeneration of placenta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870-71, v, '545.—Hayes (T. C.) t Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1874), 1875, xvi, 175.—HclflTt. Die so- gcnannte fettige Ent'artung der Placenta. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1855, v, 189-193. —.Inn-obi (Mary P.) Fatty degeneration of the placenta. Me-d. Re-e-., N. Y., 1879, xvi, 162— Kemper (A. C.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s.. lix, 574— Le Oilx-rder. Note sur la degenerescence libro-graisseuse du idacenta. Union med., Par.. 1887, 3. s., xliii, 849-854.—Tlei ten* (J.) Observation de ilegenCrescence graisseuse ilu placenta. Ann. Soc. de meel. d'Anvers, 1855, xvi, 275-279.—lllorris (J. C.) Fatty degeneration of placenta as a cause- of abortion. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, n. s., iii, 125-127.—Beamy (T.'A.) Spe-e-imen of fatty placenta. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1879, xii. 780-785.—Reynold!* (J. P.) Fatty degeneration ofthe placenta; successive miscarriages. Boston M. ..V S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 41.—Savery (W.) Abortion consequent on fatty degeneration of the placenta. Am. .1. Obst., X. V., 1877, x, 335-339.—Stadler (VV.) Fatty degeneration of the placenta. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Fort Worth, 1884-5, ii, 618. Placenta (Htmiatoma of). See Placenta (Haemorrhage into, etc.). Placenta (Diseases of). Lehre von den Erkrankungen tier Placenta. [Thrombosis sinuum placenta.| Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1873, v, 360- 366. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (187'') 1873 47-53. -----. Ueber sogenannte Indurationen der "liaccu'tii. Arch. f. Gynaek., Herb, 1873, v, 404.— Npirgelberg (O.) Erfahrungen und Bemerkungen iiber die Stiii iingcn eles Nachgeburtsgeschaftes. Wiirzb. nied. Ztschr., 1861, ii, 39-59. — Wpillman (W.) A remarkable case of fcetatiou. [Cartilaginous plaeenta.] Charleston M. J. •£• Rev., 1852, vii, 157-159. — Su-in. Ueber die Krankheiten tier Placenta. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Weimar, 1830, v, 209-236.—Storer (H. R.) t Pre- mature labor; putrid child. Boston M. \- S. J., 1856, liv, |->0 —Tnit (L.) Note on a diseased placenta. Tr. Obst. Soe. Bond. (1875), 1876, xvii, 326-339, 4 pi. — Tau»zky. Waxy degeneration of tho placenta. Me-d. Bee-., N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 331.—Tyson (J. L.) Pre-natal chatou. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 705.—Vollkoiunien. Placental-- Wassersucht. Gen. Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1843, Ko- blenz, 1845, 105. — Vneeiuo. Gangrene partielle du pla- centa; naissance d'un enfant vivant et k tonne. Gaz. tl. hop. de l'empire ottoman. Constant., 1887-8, i, no. 18. 3.— Walker. Placenta, with the history of concealed hem- orrhage. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x". 614. Also.- Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 254. — Ward (O.) Dis- eased placentae. Tr. Path. Soe-. Lond.. 1850-51, iii, 142. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 577. — Whittaker ( J. T. ) The morbid anatomy of the placenta. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1870-71, iii, 191-300. Also, Reprint. — Wicdow (\V.) Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen Albuminuric und Placentarerkrankung. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. it. Gvnak., Stuttg., 1888, xiv, 387-404. — Wilde. Ueber die Krank- heiten der Placenta. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1833, ii, 49.-----. Diagnose tier Krankheiten der Placenta. Ibid., 172-174.— Wittcke. Krankheiten tier Placenta. N Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., 1840, viii, 236-242. Placenta (Encysted). Agaate. Observation sur un placenta enkiste. J. de metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1760, xiii, 369-372. —Bar- i-elo (L.) Enquistamiento de la placenta antes elel parto. Rev. med.. Beige.tii, 1876-8, iv, 329. — Rriiulon (J. ) A note- on encysteel placenta. Glasgow M. J., 1872-3, [4. s.], v, 481-483—ClinK-llicr. Enchatonneme.nt inconiple-t du placenta-, delivrauceartificielle precoce; guerison. France med., Par., 1882, ii, 373-377. Also: Bull. Se.c. clin.de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 218-223.— DupnU. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Eiusackung dei Naehge-bnrt. X. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen. 1848, ii, 385-387. — 4»uilbermond. Qnelquea reflexions sur Part des aci-tuii-heineus. .J. dementi., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1774, xiii. 240-252.-----. Reponse & M. Langier. Ibid., 1775, xliii, 256-271. -----. Re-plique-a M. Laugier. Ibid., 1776, xiv, 155-167.— Tangier. Sur quel- epies accoiicheinens. Ibid., 1774, xii, 150-101. -----. Re- ponse- a M. Guilhermond. Ibid., xiii, 457-469. -----. Replii|tie aM.Guilhermeind. Ibid.. 1775, xlix, 70-87.—Ijc- lnl. Observation sur un placenta cukvste. J. tie 11161I., chir., pharm., ote-.., Par.. 1804, vii, 502-500.—Pluwkal (F. S.) Eingesackte Placenta. Oesterr. meel. Wchnschr., Wien, 1846, 967. — Sou ville lils. Observation sur un arrien--laix enkyste. J. de metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1777, xlviii, 423-426. Placenta (Extraction of). See Forceps (Placental). Placenta (Fatty degeneration of). Bnllotta (G.) Degenerazione adiposa della placenta. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1866, v, 5-7.—BarniN (R.) On fatty degeneration of the placenta, and the influence of this dis- ease in producing abortion, tleath of the fietus, hemor- rhage, and premature labour. Med.-Chir. Tr., Bond , 1851, xxxiv, 183, 2 pi: 1853, xxxvi, 143, 1 pi.— Kay lex (H. B.) A ease of fatty placenta. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 446. Also: Tr. Brooklyn Path. Soe. 1885-6, N. V., 1887. 49-51.— KoiMliniere. Case of so-called fattv degeneration ofthe plaeenta, tilth time in same patient. St. Louis Cour. Metl., 1880, iv, 86-8!).—Krunton (J.) Case of extreme dropsy, fatty degeneration, and friability of the placenta. Tr. Obst. Soe:. Lond. (1875), 1876, xvii, 175.—Byrne (J. A.) Fatty antl hydatigenous degeneration of the idacenta. Dublin (). J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 464-470.—C'orwe. Fatty tie- generation ofthe placenta resulting in abortion ; fietus re- tained two months after its death. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, n. s., iii, 398.—C'oni-iilino (<;.) Feto pa- piraeeo e trasformazione fibro-grassosa- tlei tessuto della placenta corrispoudente (gravielauza getnellare). Ann. di ostct., Milano, 1885, vii, 321-334.—Cowan (J. M.) On the so-called fatty degeneration of the- placenta. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1854, Ixxxi, 254-275, 5 cuts — DickiiiNon. Ovum, with arrest of development from fatty degeiu-ration of the placenta. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 515—Uegene- reNt-enee (De la) graisseuse du placenta et ele- linlliieiice ele cette maladie dans la production de l'a\ orteinent, tie la mort ein fietus, des hemorrhagies etde laie-oueheiiii-iit pre- mature. Union metl., Par., 1853, vii, 35. — Ilukiilc (.1. S.) Complete fatty degeneration of tho placenta at seven Placenta (Hcvmorrhage into or from). See, also, Haemorrhage (Uterine) in pregnancy, etc.; Placenta (Detachment of) before delivery. Verdier (A.) * Kecherches sur l'apoplexie placeutaire et sur les b.e'uiatouie.s tlu placenta. 4'-\ Paris, 1808. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1808. Vogel (J. A. G.) * Dc lncnieirrliagia plaecn- taria interna vel, quam Cruveilliier elicit, apo- plexia placentae. 4°. Jence, [1843]. Baillv. Sur la pathogenie ties caillots apoplectiques du placenta. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii. 342 : 365; 378 — Bindley. An atrophied placenta containing apoplectic clots after abortion. Prov. M. efe S. J., Lond., 1851, 153.— Cock (T. F.) Case of placentary apoplexy. N. York M. Times, 1854, iii, 394-396.—Dnnyaii. Hemorrhagic inter- ute'ro-placentaire. Bull. Sue-., de chir. tie I'ar., 1854-5, v, 250.—Deliiiui*. Apoplexie placentaire; accouchement premature; mort tlu fietus deux jours apres sa naissance; guerison tie la mere. J. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel., 1840, ii, 4J1-468.—Depaul. [Une fausse couche. un cail- lot h6morrhagique, entre lis deux fettillets de la membrane caduque.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 90. -----. Hemorrhagic placentaire. Ibid., 1854, xxix, 237.—Be- ville. | Hemorrhagic entre la surface ftetale du plaeenta etTanmios.] 7Wrf.,1843, xviii, 263.— Ouboi* (P.) Apo- ph'.xie-. du placenta; consequences qu'elle entraine rela- tivement au devcloppeinent tlu foetus. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1841, xvi, 123.— Dupouy (M.) Apoplexie placentaire; hemorrhagic pendant le travail; accouchement premature. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse. 1878, x, 97.—Elkingtou (F.) Diseased 7>lacenta containing an apoplectic clfusioii. Prov. M. efe S. J.. Lond., 1849, 301. —Fano. Apoplexie placen- taire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 141.—liery. Placenta offrant tie noinbreux noyaux apoplectiques a di verses pel iodes. Ibid., 1862, xxxvii, 109.—IlillelslieiiiiN eV liaboulbeuc. Note sur un placenta recueilli dans le service de M. Rayer et otfrant siniultanement les lesions de lapeiple-xie placentaire et de l'oblitGration tibreuse des villosites. (la/,, mod. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 550-552. Also .- Compt. rend. Soe-. do biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i, pt. 2, 77- 86—.1 arquct (E.) Contribution k l'etude des hematomes du placenta. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path.. Par., 1873, v, 446-457, 2 pi. Also (Abstr.]: Lyon nied., 1873, xiv, 361.— Jaggaril (VV. W.) A placenta, showing velamentous insertion ofthe umbilical cord antl remains of an extensive haemorrhage into the parenchyma of the organ. Obst. Gaz., Cincin.. 1887, x, 69-71.—Klebs. Einige Priiparate B von Ha'iiiatoni der Placenta. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864-5), 1866, xviii, 196-199.—Mori mid (W. W.) Practical midwifery ; apoplexy of the placenta. Boston M. efe S. J., 1846, xxxiv, 109-115.—Parker. lutra- uterine fietal hemorrhage. Edinb. M. J., 1862-3, viii, 867- 871.—Parker. Placental apoplexy and shortened funis. Med. Itec, N. V., 1882, xxii, 74 — Keiguier. t Bull. Soc. PLACENTA. 346 PLACZK0WSK1. Placenta (Hemorrhage into or from). anat. de Par., 1835, x, 12.—Bigaut. Hemorrhagica du placenta. Ibid., 1870, xiv, 384.— Sidney (J.) New cause of basmorrhage from the idacenta. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii, 20. — Miuith (A. H.) Apoplectic ida- centa. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1872, v, 339.—Smith (P. C.) Apoplexy of the placenta. Glasgow M. J., 1887, xxviii, 230. Plaeenta (Hypertrophy of). See Placenta (Cysts, etc., of). Placenta (Inflammation of). Bkrgiiaus (G.) * De placentae inflammatione. 8°. Berolini, [1849]. Bickhxuach (P.) * Ueber elie entziiuellicheu Krankheiten der Placenta. 8°. Jena, 1887. Geoffroy de Montreuil (P.) * De la pla- centitis. 4°. Paris, lHf>8. Gr^eper (J. C. A.) * Ueber elie Eutziiueluug der Placenta, sm. 8°. Halle, 1840. Kokllxkr (M.) * De placeuta; iuflammatioue. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Depaul. Maladie du placenta. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1841, xvi, 73.—Gils. Observation de placentitis Arch, de tocol., Par., 1875, ii, 368-372. Also: Gaz. hebd. de meel., Par., 1875, 2. s.. xii, 310-312.—Ilegar (A.) efe IVIaier (R.) Dieinterstitielle Placentitis und ihr Einfluss auf Schwangerschaft unci Geburt. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxviii, 387-399, 1 pi.—van Ilengel (J. F.) Twee gevallen van placentitis bij eene eu ilezelfde vrouw. N. Arch. v. bin.-enbuitenl. Geneesk., Zwolle, 1847, ii, 298-301. -----. Geval van placentitis. Ibid., 1848, iii, 140-143. Also: Neilcrl.Ti.jtlsehr.v. Verlosk., Utrecht, 1849, iii, 100-103.—Unix-1- (P. J.) Geval van placenta-ontste- king. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1851, n. R., iii, 220.— i.ninberl. Placentitis intermittens. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1838. Coblenz, 1840. 72. Also: Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Perl., 1841, 578 — ■>niuui. Fall af placentitis. Forh. v. Svens. Liik.-Siillsk. Sannuank. 1860-61, Stockholm, 1862, 113— l.andini (D.) Storia d' una placentite suppurata. N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1829, iii, 159-205. Also, transl..- Lond. M. 'Gaz., 1837-8, xxi, 937-940. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. Ii6]>., Par., 1838, xii, 75.—Ijiiiupe. Placentitis. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 981-983.—lVlaltei (A.) La placentite existe-t-elle? La pratieiue elit oui it la th6orie elitnon; k laquelle eles deux faut-il croire? Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 390.—Pulegnat. Observation tie pla- centite. Sommaire tl. tra\r. de la Soc. d. sc. med. de la Mo- selle-, Metz, 1830-38, 97. -----. Ue la placentite. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brnx., 1867, xiv, 28-35.—Bo- gerw. Peripheral plae-int it is. Me-il. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 508.—Miuipmon (el. Y.) Pathologie al observations on the diseases of the plaeenta. Part 1. Ceingestion and inflam- mation. Edinb. M. et S. J., 1836, xiv,'265-311. Also, Re- print. Also: Lond. M. \- S. J., 1836, i, 673; 709; 739; 769; 811. Also, transl.: J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1837, xvi. 675; 1838, xvii, 113. Also, transl. |Abstr.l: Analekt. f. Frau- enkr., Leipz., 1840, ii, 503-518.—Stratford (S. J.) On in flammation of the placenta. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, ii, 782. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1829-30, ii, pt. 1, 42— Wardner (H.) Peripheral placentitis. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1873, xiv, 64. Placenta (Management of). See Labor (Third stage of, etc.). Placenta (Ossification of). See Placenta (Caleijication, etc., of). Placenta (Retained). See Labor (Complicated, etc.) from adherent, etc., placenta; Placenta (Adherent, etc.). Placenta (Syphilis of). Gascard(A.) * La syphilis placentaire. 4°. Paris, I88i>. Debray. Syphilis placentaire'. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1887, xxxix, 153-155.—Ei-eoliini (G. B.) Sulle al- terazioni patologiche portate dalla sililiele- nella placenta umana. Bull. d. sc. nied. di Bologna, 18«3, 6. s., xi. 217- 272, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Frankel (E.) Ueber Placen- tarsyphilis; ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Placenta. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1873, v. 1-54, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. —lien- nig (C.) Ueber Syphilis placentaris. Ibid., 1873-4, vi, 141. — Ilervieux (E. ) Placentite syphilitique. Bull. Acad, tli-med., Par.. 1879, 2. s., viii, 880-890. Also: Arch. de tocol., Par., 1879, vi, 513-519.—liCbert. Placentas provenant de femmes syphilitiques Compt. rend. Soe-.de biol. 1849, Par., 185u. i,"pt. 1, 127— liubac. Cas de pla- centa double etde plae-e-nla syphilitique-. Lyon med., 1870, iv, 471-473.—Mackenzie (F. W.) Syphilitic disease of the placenta. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854,1017.—.Vlazade. Placenta (Syphilis of). Presentation d'un placenta pretend ii syphilitique. Lyon med., 1870, iv, 618. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl.' sc. med. de Lyon (1870), 1871, x, 25.—Pedieini (M.) Nuovi, ricerche sulla sifilide placentare. Progrcsso med. Napoli 1887, 1. 67; 114; 152; 241; 293; 502; 539; 561; 705, 4 pi.— MlavjniiHky (K.) Endometritis placentaris gummosa. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1871, cix, 130-133.— Nlorer (H. R.) Patient syphilitic; child healthy; pia ceiita diseased. Boston M. efe S. J., 1850, liv, 437.—/iIle* (R.) Studien iiber Erkrankungen tier Placenta und ele-i Nabelschuur bediugt durch Syphilis. Mitth. a. tl. ge- burtsh. -gyniik. Klin! zu Tubing., 1884-5, i, Hft. 2,1-143,4 pi. Placenta in multiple births. Hueter (C. C.) Der einfache Muttcrkucbcn der Zwillinge. 4°. Marburg u. Leipzig, is 15.* Blot. [Un delivre de grossesse gemellaire.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 255. -----. [Un d61ivro ele gros- sesse double, form6 par une masse unique.] Ibid., 1856, xxxi, 105-107. -----. Plaeenta de grossesse gemellaire. Ibid., 1857, xxxiii, 5. — Bi-nehel. Memoire sur la com- munication vasculaire ties placenta, dans le cas de grossesse multiple. J. gen.de metl., chir. et pharm., Par.,'1822, lxxix, 3-22. Also, transl. .- .1. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1823-4, iv, 595-613.—Degnillc. Plaeenta d'une grossesse triple. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv. 41.— Hubbard (S.) [et al.) One afterbirth for twins of the same gender. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1887, xv, 226.—Ijailemand (1'.) Com- munication entre deux placenta rtiiinis en une seule masse, dans quelques cas de grossesse-double. In his: ()l>s. path., 8°, Par., 1825, 34-39— Oulliwnite (W.) Placenta of a double ovum. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1882), 1883, xxiv, 3.— Merliatz (F.) Die Gefassverbindungcn tier Placenta- kreisliiufe einiger Zwillinge, ihre Entwickelung und ihre Folgen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884, xxiv, 337: 1885 6, xxvii, 1, 4 pi.—Spooner (E. A.) Compound placenta of twins. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869. n. s., Ivii, 402. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1866-70), 1871, iii, 78. Placenta prceria. See Feaetus (Death of); Labor (Complicated, etc.) from placentaprcevia; Placenta (Detachment of), etc. Placental murmurs. See Auscultation (Obstetric). Placentia. See Piacenza, Italy. Placeiitimis (Jacobus). *De vena quae in morbis particularium partium corporis sit salu- tarius incidentla. 8 p. 1., 13G pp. 4°. Patavii, J. M auf re, 1756. Placentitis. See Placenta (Inflammation of). Placer (Josephus) [1803- ] *De cataracta et nonuullis earn extrahendi methodis. 21) pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Bruschckianis, [1828]. Placlietsky (Franciscus Q.) * De herniaruiii operatione radicali sec[uudum] Bounet. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pragce, C. Gerzabek, 1839. Placllte (Siegniuud). * Beitrag zur doppelsci- tigen Ellbogeugelenkresoction. 32 pp. 8W. Wiirzburg, J. M. Richter, 1885. Placittis (Sextus) Papyriensis. De metlica- mentis ex auimalibus, libellus. Ant. Miisa3 ail Miecenatem suum, tie bona valetudine cou- servauda instructio. Item, tractatus utilissi- mus de natura et usu lactis, D. llieronyini Aco- romboui Eugubii. Omnia nunc receus edita. 54 1.' 4°. Ad finem: [Norimbergce, apud J. Pe- trel um, 1538]. Bound with: Avekkhoes. Collectaneorumde re medica, sectiones tres. 4°. Lugduni, 1537. -----. The same. Liber de medicina ex auima- libus, liabrieli' Humelbergio interprete. In: Medice artis principes, etc. fol. [Paris], 1567, ii, col. 684-697. Attributed erroneously to Sextus Platonicus. PlacotoillllS (Joannes). See Eobanim (Elius) Hessvs. De tuenda bona vale- tudine. 12°. Francofurti, [1556]. -----. Thesame. 16°. Francoforti, 1564. PlaczkowKki (Witold) [1851-82]. .Horir-s.cjewMki (E.) [Necrology.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1882, 2. s., ii, 145-148. PLAETSCHKE. 347 PLAIGNAUD. Plaetschke (Casparus Theodoras) [1810- ]. * De euibryulcia. 40 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietaekianis, [1834]. Plage (E.) Studien iiber Krankenhiiuser mit Anwendung tier daraus gewonnenen Resultate auf tlas Programm unel elie Vorarbeiten ties neu- zucrbauenelen Krankenhauses in Wiesbaden. If, pp., 5 pi. fol. Berlin, Ernst cy Korn, 1873. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Bauwcsen, 1873, xxiii. Plagemami (C. F.). See Troiiiinsdorn'' (Johan Bartholomeus). Larobok uti pliarmaoeutiska, [etc.I. 8°. Stockholm, 1802. Plagemailli (Heinrich). *Laryngo-Typhoid. 31 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Thein, 1870. c Plagge (Beruharel). * Ueber einen Fall von paratloxein Puis. 33 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf u. Sohn, 1880. Plagge (Miirtin Wilhelm) [1794-184.")]. 'Speci- men medicum detussis convulsivte seelee^t natura. 19 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starekii, 1815. •-----. Topographisch-meelicinischeBeschreibung tier Schwefelquelle bei Beutheini und tier dabei errichteten Badeanstait.- 1 p. 1., 71 pp. 16°. Miinster, Coppenrathe, 1822. -----. Plaatselijke en geneeskundigebeschrijving der zwavelbrem bij Beutheim en vau het daarbij opgerigte baelhuis. 6li pp., 1 pl.,1 1. 12°. Am- sterdam, van Arum, 1824. -----. Das Cholera - Fieber, gewohnlich epide- mische oder asiatische Cholera, auch Cholera morbus, genaunt. x, 419 pp. 8°. Banover, Hahn, 1832. -----. Neue (prophylaktische) Heilrnethotle ties sogenannten Nervenfiebers (Typhus eutericus). 63 pp. 8°. Giessen, J. Richer, 1841. -----. Hauelbuch der Phariuakodynamik fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und Studireuile. Nach eleu neuesteuErfahrungen tics lu-und Auslaueles wie auch nach eigeuer dreissigjahriger Erfahruug am Krankctibette. xii, (J80 pp. 8'. Braun- schweig, F. Yieiveg u. Sohn, 1847. Plagge (Theoelorich)1. Der Tod auf Marsohen iu der Hitze. Eiu Beitrag zur Aetiologie. 36 pp. 8°. Worms, D. Schmidt, 1856. -----. Die Quellen ties Irrsinns unel tier Selbst- morde. Eiue psychiatrische Skizze. 1 p. 1., 102 pp., 1 1. 8G. Neuwied, J. H. Heuser, 1861. ---—. Der Mciisch uud seine psychische Erhal- tung. Medicinische Briefe fiir weitcrc Lesekreise. 8. Aufl. viii, 153 pp. 12. Neuwied u. Leipzig, J. H. Heuser, [1863, vel subseq.]. -----. Rathgeber fiir den gesiindenund kranken Soldaten. 2,4 pp. 16°. Neuwied u. Leipzig, J. H. Beuser, 1804. -----. Die Nervenschwiiche und die Hysterie. Ein Wort an Eltern, Lehrcr, Lehrerinnen und Aerzte. iv, 42 pp. sm. 8 '. Neuwied u. Leipzig, J. B. Beuser, [1864]. Plagge (Thcoilorich)2. * Ueber Nephritis bei Maseru. 32pp., 11. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Darm- stadt, C. IV. Leske, 1885. Plagge (Wenceslaus) [1854- ]. *Ein Fall von teitaler Exstirpation tics Larynx. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1875]. Plagge (Wenceslaus [Heuricus] ) [1826- . J. *De ratione ialoris organici in morbis variis nouuulla. 31pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1852]. Plagiarism. [Curette.] Mr. Henrv Thomas Buckle in a new role. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1874, xv, 195-198. — Paine (M.) Medical and physiological commentaries. [Review.] Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond,, 1841, xi, 382-401.—Plagiarisms. Med. Exam., Chicago. 1874, xv, 413.—Plagiarisms from Chanmng's life of Milton, in Dr. Forbes' "British and loreign Medical Review". Unfounded charge of pla- giarism against Dr. Carpenter. Lancet, Loud., 1841-2, i, 301-303. — [Plagiarisms in: "The practice of medi- cine, or a treatise on special pathologv and therapeutics," by \V. W. B.] X. Oil. M. & S. J., 1847-8, iv, 749-752.- Koinniceaiiu. Mare plagiatoriu! [Dr. Romuiceanu's Plagiarism. astounding plagiarism.] Progresul med. roman, Bucu- resci, 1882, iv, 142-144. -SewalI (W.) Singular coinci- dence. Boston M. & S. J., 1830-31, iii, pt. 1, 52-55.—[X.Y. 'I..\ [Reply to certain strictures upon " Duniilison's Pi ac tice of Medicine", originally published in the' New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.] South. M. .V S. J., An" usta, 1848, n. s., iv. 439-447.—Verneuil. Accusation de pla- giat. [Rapport.] Bull. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1857-8, viii, 535-539. Plagiofctoma. Blauchard (R.) Sur les fonctions de la glande digi- tiforme ou stiperanale ties plagiostomes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1882, xcv, 1005-1007. PlaglieiiX (E.) *Qnelques considerations sur une epiddniie d'orcillons observed a Kochefort (1885). 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 184. Plague. See Pest, etc. Plague (Cattle). See Cattle-plague. Plague (The) of beggars: a dissuasive from in- discriminate almsgiving. By a London physi- cian. 3. ed. 15 pp. 16°. London, H. Hensltaw, 1868. [Also, in: P., v. 497.] Plague (The) no contagious disease; or, the in- fectiem ofthe plague seldom, if ever, communi- cated by touching of persons infected, or of goods brought from infectetl places; but the productive cause of the plague a fault of the air, and the air the principal cause of spreading the infection. Proved from facts, with some hints for the pre- vention anel cure of the plague. 70 pp. 8'. London, J. Milan, 1744. [Also, in : P., v. 607; 1236.] Plague (The) as it concerns England. From official and other sources. 63 pp. 12°. London, Bardwicke Jj- Bogue, 1879. Plague (The). Containing: I. An account of tlie plague of Athens from the great historian Thucidieles, who hatl it -himself. II. The same in verse by Mr. Creech, from the Latin of Lu- cretius. III. The same paraphraz'tl in verse by Dr. Sprat. IV. An account of the plague now raging at Messina, from the London Gazette, July 30, 1743. V. Abstracts of the acts of Par- liament conceruing the plague, and performing quarantine. VI. The proclamation of July 12, 1743, for ships to perforin quarantine that come from infectetl places; containing the order of council of the 7th of the same month for that purpose. VII. The additional proclamation of the 21st of July, 1743. 61pp. 12°. London, F. Cogan, 1743. Plague (The) of Marseilles: a poem. By a per- son of quality. 30 pp. 12°. London, J. Bate- man, 1721. Bound with : SPRAT (T.) The plague of ^Athens. 12°. London, 1703. * Plagwitz (Carolus). *De resectioue epiphy- sium. 32 pp. 8°. Yratislavicc, E. Klein, 1850. Plaiclier (Alexautler). *Diss, sistens de fungo oculi ejusque extirpatione observationem, cum epicrisi. 2 p. 1., 20 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Beidelbergce, typ. J. B. Wiesen, [1780]. • Plaidoyer pour le citoyen Lanefranque, mede- cin en chef tie l'hospice de Bicetre, contre la citoyenne Penicand, son 6pouse. 08 pp. 4°. [Paris, Demonville, 171)7, vel subseq.] Plaies (Des) d'armes a feu; communications faites a l'Acaele^mie nationale dc m6eleciue par MM. les docteurs Baudeus, Roux, Malgaigue, Amussat, Blandin, Piorry, Velpeau, Huguicr, Jobe.rt (de Lamballe), Begin, Rouchoux, l)e- vergie. 248 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1849. Plaignaud (Pierre -Eugeue). *Des causes ou circonstances qui mkessitent le niinistere ele la main pour terminer Faccouchemeut. 26 pp. 4U. Paris, 1834, No. 243, v. 276. PLAIN. 348 PLANCHE. Plain directions for accidents, emergencies, and poisons. By a fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 80. thousand. Distributed to iis policy holelers by the Mutual Life Insur- ance Coinpany e>f New York. 126 pp. 12J. [New York, S. W. Green, 1875.] ------. The same. DO. thousand. 126 pp. 12°. [Xew York, S. IV. Green, n. d.] ------. The same. 120. thousand. 144 pp. 12°. [New York, S. W. Green, u. ex.] ------. The same. 180. thousand. 144 pp. 12°. [.Wir York, n. d.] Plain directions for the care of the sick, and recipes for sick people. By a fellow of the Col- lege of Physicians of Philadelphia, and physician to several of the charitable institutions of the same city. 60. thousand. 64 pp. sm. 8W. New York, S. W. Green, [1875]. ------. Thesame. Enlarged ed. 72 pp. 8°. [Neiv York, 1875.] ------. The same. Enlarged ed. 120. thousand. 72 pp. 12°. [New York, S. IV. Green, 1875.] ------. The same. 130. thousand. 72 pp. 12°. [New York, S. W. Green, 1875.] Plain (A) exposition of the only practical and sure system for the prevention of tlisease ever offered to the public. Prospectus of the Man- hattan Anti Sewer Gas Company. 15 pp. sm. •P. New York, P. F. McBreen, 1883. Plain facts about the working womeu [of New York] by Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, Hon. David Dudley Fielel [anil others]. 16 pp. 8°. New York, 1879. Plain (A) anel rational account ofthe nature auel effects of animal magnetism; in a series of letters, with notes aud au appeutlix. By the eelitor. 51 pp. 8d. London, W. tf J. Stratford, 1790. Plain (A) statement of facts. Dr. John C. Hupp before the "Medical Society of the city of Wheel- ing antl county of Ohio". At the last moment he confesses, before the bejard of censors, a heinous offence. 20 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1879.] Plain (A) statement of facts relative to Sir Eyre Coote; containing the official corresponelence anel documents conuecteel with his case; and the proceedings-of the military board appointed for its investigation. 84 pp. 8°. London, 1816. Bound with: Pinckard (George). Cases of hydrophobia. 8°. London, 1819. Plaimloux (Etienne). See Oiraril (Gaspard). Reflexions sur la non-existence du virus rabique, etc. 8°. Lyon & Paris, 1827. Plaisance (J.-Henri). * Etude nosographique sur le rhumatisme articulaire chronique primitif. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 265, v. 623. Plaisailt (Ernest). 'Contribution al'dtudedes anevrysmes tie l'aorte; de l'an6vrysme art6rio- veineux de l'aorte p6ricardique et de l'oreillette tlroite.. 42 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 152. Plaisailt (Pierre-Louis). * Essai sur la spl6nite aigue', suivi tie quelques observations. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 4'J. Strasbourg, 1829, v. 60. PlaistOW Dispensary. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers, for the year 1883-4. 2 sheets. 4°. [Plaistow, 1884.] Plai'te (G.-M.) Nouveaux moyens de prophy- laxie infaillible ties-simples et inoffeusifs, appli- cables chez la femme au moyen d'un nouvcl in- strument contre les maladies v6n6"riennes et contre la syphilis, et explication theorique des formes et des phenomenes ele la syphilis par un soul virus agissaut comme lis ferments, v, 7-171 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1865. Plaix (F61ix-Ferr6ol). *Sur le catarrhe aigu de la vessie. 19 pp. 4C. Paris, 1822, No. 88, v. 172. Plainbeck (Christian [Friedrich]) [1856- ]. "Eiu Beitrag zur Statistik uud Verbreitung der Plainbeck (Christian [Friedrich])—continued. Tuberkulose im Alter von 16-90 Jahren. 26 pp., 9 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1885. Plan (A) for erecting a health city ou the south- west Gulf coast of Florida. Papers antl let lets concerning the climate of Tampa Bay and I'niul Pinellas, Florida, by W. C. Van Bibber, .). M. Toner, Jas. C. Wilsou, et al. 32 pp., 1 1. 8U. Baltimore, 1885. Plan (A) for extirpating the venereal disease; in a letter from Mr. P. to Lord B. 35 pp. 8°. London, J. Freeman, 1761. Plan (A) for layiug sewer, water, antl gas pipes, so that connections may be made with them, without disturbing the street pavements. [By J. Silsbv.] 8 pp., 3 plans. 8U. New York, G. F. Nesbitt <$• Co., 1800. Plan of the medical arrangements of an English army corps. Strength: 36,000 meu, 12,900 horses, 90 guns, 280 carts, anel 1,153 wagons. 1 broadside fol. [n.p., 1884.] Issued with January number of Midland Medical Mis- cellany [1884]. Plan (A) of a newLonelon pharmacopceia, [etc.]. See Royal College of Physicians, London. Plan ele l'organisation eiu granel College de Lyon, elit lTnstitut des sciences it arts utiles a hi societ6. 15 pp. 8°. [Lyon, 1792.] [P., v. 1672.] Plan for the organization of a homeopathic publication society. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1864. Repr. from: Am. Homoeop. Rev., N. Y., 1864. Planaria. Schulze (F. F. ) *De planariarum viveneli ratione et structura penitiori nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. SelenUn (E.) Die Keimbliitter eler Planarien. Si- tzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1881, 13. lift., 37-40. Planarido. Graff. Rhabdocoelidenmonographie. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1883-4, iii, 134; 165; 109. [Planat.] Recherches physiologiques et thera- peutiques sur la picrotoxine; applications au traitement de l'6pilepsie. 32 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1875]. Repr. from: J. do th6rap., Par., 1875, ii. PI .lliut (Felix). * Des affinitds eleetives en phy- siologie pathologique. 43 pp. 4 . Paris, 1857, No. 102, v. 609. Planat (P.) Cours de construction civile. Pre- miere partie: Chauffage et ventilation des lieux habites. Ip. 1.,608pp. 4°. Paris, Ditcher $ Cie., 1880. Planch (Franciscus). Historia' medicas iiitirnio- rum omnium a niorte liberatorum, cum observa- tion ibus in cadaveribus tlissectis atlnotatis. 76"i pp. MS. fol. [n. p.,n. ex.] Plancliais (Joseph). * Contribution historique a l'etude du zona. 63 pp., 1 1. 4U. Paris, 1881, No. 85. Planchard (£tienne-Noel) [i860- ]. *De l'anemie dite pernicieuse progressive. 96 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 83. Planclie (Atlrien). * Des affections siVrf'tantes du cuir chevelu chez les enfants. 45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, J. Mattel aine, 1865, No. 73. c. ------. *Exposer et appreeier l'6tat actuel tie hi science sur la nature et le traitement ties mala- dies syphilitiques. 151 pp. 4°. Montpellier, P. Grollier, 1868. Concours. ------. * AppreScier l'influence des travaux mo- dernes snr la conuaissance de la tievre; exposcr les applications therapeutiques resultant tie cette etude. vii, 88 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, G. Coulet, 1872. Concours. PLANCHE. 349 PLANER, Planclic (Adrien)—continued. ._____. Biilaruc-les-Baius au point de vue de ses indications thdrapeutiques. 2. 6d., revue et augment6e d'un chapitre sur les contre-indica- tions. xx, 236 pp. 8■-'. Montpellier napol., Napoli, 1817, xxv, 561.—Kobi-rtm (M. J.) Elastic tension therapeutically utilized in adhesive and medicated plas- ters. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1882, xxi, 348. Also, Reprint. —Un- zickcr (J. S.) Report on plasters, by the sect inn nn pharmacy, to the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1870, xiii, 121. — Wilt linger. Empfehluuf diseases tluring a voyage at sea, with an appendix con- taining useful remarks and observations by H. W. Buttner. Transl. from the German by C. A. P. viii, 120 pp. 8°. Bremen, F. C. Dubbers, 1847. Plate (Erich Otto) [1861- ]. * Mittheilungen iiber Sclerodermic 38 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a. S., Plbtz, 1886. Plateariiis (Joannes). See Mcrapion (Joannes) filius. Practica. Necessarium ac per utile opus, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1530. Plateariiis [Matthams]. De siniplici medi- cina secundum . . . dictus circa instaus. In: Nicola us Propositus. Dispensariuui, etc. 4°. Lugduni, 1537, ff. 70-96. See, also, "Vicolanw PraepoMitus. Incipit antidota- rium. In: Mesue (J.) Mesue cum additionibus, [etc.J. fol. Yeneiiis. 1489-91. -----. Thesame. Mesue cum ex- positione Mondini [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1495. -----. The same. Ibid. fol. Venetiis, 1502. -----.Thesame. Ibid. fol. Lugd. Bat, 1510. -----. Thesame. In: Mesue (J.) Opera, fol. Lugd., 1525. Also in other editions of Mesue. PLATEAU. 353 PLATER. IH-i trail (Alphonse-Gnstave). * Sur le tremble- inent. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 169. Plateau (Isidore). * fitutle sur les epanchements articulaires syphilitiques. 73 pp. 4G. Paris, 1877, No. 438. Plateau (Joseph - Antoine - Ferdinand) [1801-83]. Ivan der Meiisbriisghe (G.)] INotice sur] Joseph- Antoine-Ferdinand Plateau. Annuaire Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1885, li, 391-478, port. [Also, Reprint.] Plateau (Maurice). * fituile stir la partition et la marche des faisceaux foliaires daus la tige tlu Physalis alkekengi au point de vue tie la gemi- nation ilcs feuilles dans cette plante- et quelques autres solan&a. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 6. ficole sup. de pharm. Platen (Karl) * Ueber das Epithelium der Blase. [Greifswald.] 38 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Stralsund, W. Dittmer, 1867. von Platen ( Otto ). * Ueber den Einfluss des Liclites auf elen Stoffwechsel. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1875. Plater (Felix) [1536-1614]. De corporis humani structura et usu libri iii, tabulis methoelice ex- plicate iconibus accurate illustrati. 3 p. 1., 197 pp., 1 p. 1., 50 ff., 50 pi. [plate and text ou either side of leaf], fol. [Basilece], ex off. Fro- beniana, 1583. ______. The same. Qui libri cum operi practico recens ab eodem autore edito plurimnm inser- viant, denuo suut publicati. 3 p. 1., 197 pp., 50 ff., 50 pi. [plate anel text on either side of leaf]. fol. Basilece, L. Konig, 1603. ------. De febribus liiier; genera, cansas, et eu- ratioues febrinm tribns capitibus propoueus. Pr*flxis tabulis tribns, ortliuem et method inn singiilorum capituin elemoustrantibus. Adjuno% tis insuper historiis viginti, curationes febrium piiccipuorum generuni, morborumque quorun- dam felires comitari subsequique solitorum, de- scribeutibus. 3 p. 1., 3 tabs., 354 pp. 12°. Francofurti, A. Wechel [and others], 1597. ------. De mulierum partibus geuerationis dicatis, icones, una cum explicationibus, ipsarum deli- neationeni accurate osteudeiites. Item tabula?, structuram usiimque methodice describentes. In: Gyn^ciouum. 8°. Basilece, 1586, i. [10 1. preced- ing p. 1.] Also, in: Gyn^eciohum [etcJ. fol. Argentina!, 1597. [121. piecedingp. 1.] ------. Praxeos seu de cogneisceudis, prasdicenelis, pnecavendis, curanelisque affectibus homini in- coinitiodantibus tractatus. Singula illaruin syiuptomata, in generibus, morbos eorumque cansas, in causis, etcuram in curatione propoueus. Omnia metheulo nova, seel facili et perspicua, liactenusque tliu tlesitlerata, elescripta, nee solum veterum ueotericorumque, sed et propriis obser- vatiouibus ac remediis innumeris referta. v. 1 &. 2 only. 7 p. 1., 679 pp., 12 1.; 7 p. 1., 972 pp., 10 1. 8°. Basilece, typ. C. Waldkirchii, 1602-3. CONTENTS. v. 1. Tractatus tie functionum Itesionibus, libris dnobus agens: quorum primus seusuum: secitntlns motuum lae- siones. v. 2. De doloribus, libro uno, qui tertius totius est operis, agens. ------. The same. 3 v. 16°. Basilece, typ. C. Waldkirchii, 1609. —;—-. Thesame. Praxeos medicseopus, quinque libris adornatum et in tres tomos distiuctum. Methodo nova, sed facili et perspicua, diuque hactenus desiderata, consignatnm ; turn veterum et neotericorum, tum propriis observationibus ac remediis infinitis, refertum. Tertia hac editione novis aliquibus affectibus, observatiouibus et remediis, locupletatum, et ab iunumeris niendis emeudatum a . . . Huic accessit, ejusdem quues- tionum medicarum paradoxarum et endoxarum 23 Plater (Felix)—continued. centuria posthuma; opera primum Thomas Pla- teri, d. Felicis fratris edita, nuuc ab eodem nep. Th. fil. revisa et recusa. 3. ed. 3 v. in 1. 4°. Basilece, E. Ecinig, 1656. Double columns; each column paged separately. ------. Thesame. Praxeos medica'torn i tres, no- vis alieiuibus affectibus, observationibus et reme- diis loctipletati, et ab innunieris meudis repur- gati a Felice Platero nepote. 4. eel., cui accessit prasfatio Emauuelis Kouig. 3 v. 4°. Basilece, imp. E. et J. Ii. Thurnislorum, fratruin, 1736. ------. Observatiouum in hominis affectibus pie- risque, corpori et animo, functionum ltjesioue, dolore, aliave molestia et vitio iucommodauti- bus, libri tres. Ael praxeos illius tractatus tres, quorum primus functionum kesiones, secuntlus dolores, tertius vitia continet, accoiuruodati. In quibus eo online, diversorum affectuum sub generibus hisce comprehensorum, progressus, eventus, curationes, uti ab authore hsec obser- vata tractataque fueruut historice describuntur. 24 p. 1., 845 pp. 8°. Basilece, L. Konig, 1614. ------. Thesame. Observationum libri tres toti- dem praxeos ejus tractatibus, indole et methodo respondeute; atque, affectuuni corporis et animi plurimorum turn historias fide ac sedtilo obser- vatas, turn curationes feliciterpryestitasgraphice enarrantes. Tertia nunc vice typis muudati, ac prseter uietlicamentorum 'AvaneipaAaiucjiv, et iudi- cem rerum fructuosissimum, secunda etlitione, adjecta; ab innumeris mendis, in prioribus dua- btis, pnetermissis, repurgati. Nova insuper, Fel. Plateri, Fel. Fr. nep. selectiorum observatiouum mantissa, loctipletati. Opera et studio Fraucisci Plateri. 19 p. 1., 894 pp., 50 1. 16°. Basilece, J. L. Koenig, 1680. ------. Quajstionum medicarum paradoxarum et eneloxarum, juxta partes meelicinse dispositarum, centuria posthuma, opera Thoinse Plateri nuuc prituum edita. 7 p. 1., 277 pp., 4 1. 12°. Basi- lece, imp. L. Regis, 1625. ------. The same. Opera primum Thomae Plateri edita, nunc studio et labore Felicis Plateri Th. til. revisa et, recusa. 3 p. 1., 190 pp., 2 1. 4°. Basilece, E. Konig, 1656. Double columns; each column paged separately. Bound with his: Praxeos medicaj opus, etc. 4°. Ba- silece, 1656. -----. De origine partium earumque in utero conformatione. In: PiNjEUS (Severinus). De virginitatis, [etc.]. 24°. Lugd. Bat, 1639, 241-270. -----. The same. In: Ibid. 24°. Lugd. Bat, 1641, 241-270. .-----. The same. In: Ibid. 24°. Lugd. Bat, 1650, 233-261. -----. The same. In: Ibid. 24°. Amstelodami, 1663. .------. Observatiouum selectiorum ediariisipsi us pract. passim excerptarum, aliaque, et quidem vulgariore methodo conciuuatarum, mantissa; prima nunc vice prelo commissa, ac jure fiBtus posthumi in lucem edita. Opera et studio Fran- cisci Plateri. 114 pp., 3 1. 16°. Basilew, typ. et imp. J. L. Konig et J. Brandmylleri, 1680. Another copy bound with his: Observatiouum, etc. 16°. Basilece, 1680. . See, also, Bond (Theophilus). Corps de medecine [etc.]. v. 3. 4°. Geneve, 1679.—Frolich (Joa. Hen.) & Obermeycr (M. Germanus). 2j)|H€io>ti«:^ e/>oi0eia [etc. |. 4°. Basilece, 1612. — Miescher (F.) Die medizinische Facnltat in Basel [etc.]. 8°. Basel. 1860. — Snlinon (William). Iatrica: seu praxis niedendi [etc.]. 4°. Lon- don, 1684. Plater (Felix) fil. [1605-71]. See Plater (Felix). Praxeos medica} opus [etc. J. 4°. Basilece, 1656. -----. The same. 4°. Basilece, 1736. _____. Quaistionummedicarum. 4°. Basilece, 1656. -----. Observatiouum, libri tres. 16°. Basilew, 1680. PLATERUS. 354 PLATNER, Platerus ( Franciscus ) [ 1645 -1711 ]. * Bigre musarum . . . sive dissertatio physico-medica de tarantismo affectuquemnullus elomat Alcides frustra Podalyrius oppuguat atque Machaon ip- siusque Apollinis Pythii pharetra archiatrus . . . 21 1. 4°. Basilece, ex typ. Deckeriana, [1669]. See, also, Pinter (Felix). Quaestionum medicarum paradoxarum . . . centuria posthuma. 12°. Basilece, 1625. -----. Praxeos medicte opus [etc.]. 4°. Basilece, 1656. -----. Observationum libri ties [etc.]. 16°. Basilece, 1680. Plates illustrative of the circulation of the blood, and the effects of oxygen air on the blood, as explained iu a work calletl Medical extracts [etc.] [by Robert John Thornton]. 2 col. pi., 2 outline pi. fol. London, Robinsons, 1795. Bound with: Vicq d'Azyk. Trait6 d'anatomie et de siologie. fol. Paris, 1786. educed copies of these plates will be found in Thorn- ton (R. J.) Medical extracts, etc. Plath (Carolus Henricus) [1829- ]. *De iu- vaginatione neonatorum. 40 pp., 1 pi., 2 1. 4°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1855]. Plath (Eugen). * Ueber die Ruptur des Uterus. 18 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Kohl u. Becker, 1886. Plath (Gottfried). * Ueber 3 -Aethyl-a-Stilb- azol und einige seiner Derivate. 73 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1889. Plath (Gustav). * Ueber die sogenannten hyp- notischen Zustiinde bei Thieren. 39 pp. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1876. Plath (Wilhelm). *De tubo intestinali, ejusque in uoniiullis morbis vi et dignitate. vi, 7-40 pp. 8°. Balm, ex off. Gebaueria, [1826]. ------. Lehrbuch tier Geburtshiilfe fiir Hebam- men. Preisschrift. viii, 280 pp., 22 pi. 8°. Bamburg, Boffmann it. Campe, 1840. ------. Aus den Papieren eines alteren Arztes. viii, 296 pp., 1 pi., 1 tab. 8°. Bamburg, W. Ma like Sbhne, 1868. ------. Briefe eines Arztes an eine juuge Mutter. 6. Aufl. von Aug. Rossmanu. xAri, 333 pp. 12°. Braunschweig, F. Vieieeg it. Sohn, 1887. See. also, Nihwcisifer-Sciilcl (F. G.) efc Plath (G.) Prolusionesitd chemiam medicam, [etc.]. 8°. Halce, [1820]. Platina (Bartholomams [or Baptista)]. De ho- nesta voluptate, et valitutline liber primus. 891. 4°. [ Venetiis, P. Mocenico, 1475.] Imperfect. Platinum. See, also, Asthma (Treatment of). Alexander (H.) * Ueber hydroxylaminehal- tige Platinbasen. 8°. Konigsberg, 1887. Herbelin (M.-A.) Preparation de Pepongey de platine. 8°. [Nantes, 1867-76?] Jung (G.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Platins und seine Auwenelung in Krankheiten. sm. 8°. Tiibingen, 1841. Wilm (T.) *Zur Chemie der Platiumetalle. 8C. St. Petersburg, 1882. Cliabaneaii (F.) Resumen de laspropiedadesprinci- pals del platiuo, y usos epie de el pneden nacerse. Mem. r. Acad. med. de Madrid, 1797, i, 183-188.—Hoefer (F.) Observations et experiences sur l'emploi du platine en nie-decine. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 760-763.— IIot'iiM-iMiei' ( F.) Ueber die physiologische "Wirkung der Platinbasen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz.. 1882-3, xvi, 393-439.—Kane (It. J.) On the iodide of platinum and its saline combinations. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1832, i, 304-313. -----. Remarks on the com- position ofthe iodide of platinum. Ibid., 1833, iii, 211-213. -----. On some ce impounds formed by the action of chloride of platinum and chloride of tin. Ibid.. 1834, v, 1-8.— Keblcr (F.) Ueber elie Wirkungen der Platinverbin- dungen auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878, ix, 137-151.—ltlacano (V.) Sobre un sulfocianato de platino. Escuela med., Caracas, 1875-6,ii, 326-328.—Nietvnrt. [Supposedpoison- ing from inhaling platinatiling.-*.] X. York J. M., 1846, vii, 360.—Turner (E.) Experimentson tbeapplicationof Pro- fessor Deebereiner's recent discovery, to eudiometrv. Ed- inb. Phil. J., 1824, xi, 99; 311. Also', Reprint.— Ple'iNchl. Ueber die Wirksamkeit einiger Platinpraparate auf den thierischen Organismus. Oesten1. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1842, 169-171. Platimis (Petrus). *De partu difticili. 14 pp. 4°. Bostochi, typ. J. J. Adleri, [1726]. For Biography, see liiiml (Daniel). PI at nailer (Mauritius). *De infantum ence- phalitiele et hydrocephalo acuto. vi, 7-32 pp. 8°. Vratislavice, G. T. Korn, [1831]. Platner (Ernestus) [1744-1818]. * De vi corporis in memoria specimen secundum pathologiani .ail cognoscendas memoria) vicissitudines nect-ssariam sistens. 3 p. 1., 54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Breitkopfia, [1767]. For Spec. 1, see IMntncr (Ernestus) e\: Knehler (J. S.). -----. Anima quo seusu crescere dicatur prolu- sio. xiv pp., 11. 4C. [Lipsice, ex off. Breitkopfia, 1768.] -----. Briefe eines Arztes an seinen Fremiti iiber den menschlichen Korper. 2 v. xxx (1 1.), 477 pp., 11.; lxxviii (1 1.), 469 pp., 11. 16°. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1770-71. -----. Supplementa in Jo. Z. Platneri institu- tioues chirurgise. xxxii, 299 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Lipsice, J. G. Dyck, 1773. -----. The same. Zusiitze zu seines Vaters Ein- leitung iii tlie Chirurgie. 1. Theil. xix (1 1.), 278 pp., 5 pi. 12°. Leipzig, Dyck, 1776. -----. Thesame. xix,278pp.,5pi. 8°. Leipzig, Dyck, 1776 Bound with: Platnek (J. Z.) Griindliche Einleitung [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1770. Another copy bound with: Platnek (J. Z.) Griindliche Einleitung, etc. 12°. Leip- zig, 1757. -----. Historia literario-chirurgica lithotomiae mulierum. xxiv pp. 4°. Lipsiai, ex off. Breit- kopfia, [1770]. -----. Pahcophysiologia tie inspiratione principii vitalis. xviii pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Langenhem. haered. et Klanbarthi, [1780]. -----. [Pr.] pnemissaexercitatiunculalitteraria, ' in qua denionstratur vulgarem de fluido nervco senteutiam non antiquam esse, sed novam. [Cum vita caudidati Francisci Joannis Mertlick.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1786.] -----. Adversus sepultnram in tetlibus sacris oratio. xxv pp. 4°. Lipsice, apud Sommerum, [1788]. -----. [Pr.] praemissse sunt dubitationes qmntlam de imperio cordis in venas. [Cum vita caudidati Joaunis Pauli Seigling.] xviii pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, [1788]. -----. [Pr.] dubitationes qiuedam super Boer- haavii atque Halleri decretis de nutritione. [Cum vita canelidati Georgi Dauielis .Schueh.] xx pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1788.] -----. [Pr.] secretio humorum ex Stahliame dis- ciplinse principiis illustrata. [Cum vita caudi- dati Caroli Christiani Friderici Meuz.] xviii pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Solbrigia, 1788.] -----. [Pr.] partium corporis humani genera definiuntur. Specimen I. Detiuitiones vasorum. [Cum vita caudidati J. G. Wolf.] 12 pp. 4°. Lipsice, 1789. -----. Thesame. II. Instrumentorumsecernen- digeuera. [CumvitaC. F. T. Idler.] 12pp. 4°. Lipsiai, 1789. -----. The same. II. Pars altera. Instrument* secerneudi glantlulosa. [Cum vita P. P. Ilaer- ing. ] 12 pp. 4°. Lipsice, 1790. -----. [Pr.] pliysiologia- tlefinitionem suam_hre- vi ter illustrat et asserit. [Cum vita candidati Christfredi Guilielmi Volkhcm.] xvi pp. 4 . [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1789.] -----. [Pr.] physiologia) partitionem suam pro- ponit et illustrat. [Cum vita caudidati Caroli Henrici Grossmann.] xiv pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1789.] -----. De causis consensus nervorum physiologi- cis. Lipsice, 1790. In: Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsice, 1792, ii, 266-270. PLATlTBE. 355 PLATNEK. Platlii-T (Ernestus)—continued. -----. [Pr.] tie natura animi quoad physiolo- giam. fCum vita caudidati Car. Aug. Andree.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1790.] -----. [Pr.]de causis consensus nervorum phy- siologies. [Cum vita canditlati Salomonis Con- stantim Titius.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1790.] -----. [Pr,] spes immortalitatis animorum per rationes physiologicas confirmata. [Cum vita caudidati Christian. Frideric. August. Schroeer.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsice, 1791.] -----. [ IV. ] vineliciarium sententiarum proba- bilium pet systematis condendi festiuatiouem de physiologia rejectarum. I. Fermenta. [Cum vita caudidati Pauli Friderici Gotthelfii Ohle- mann.] xi; pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubar- thia], 1791. -----. The some. II. Calidum innatum. [Cum vita caudidati Caroli Leopoldi Henuing.] xiv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1791.] -----. Thesame. [Pr.]III. Parenchyma. [Cum vita Candidati Augustii Ludovici Rumpelt.] xii pp. 4°. [Liimte, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1792.] -----. Thesame. [Pr.]IV. Appetitusnaturalis. [Cum vita caudidati Gottlobi Guilielmi Klos. ] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1792.] -----. Thesame. [Pr.] V. Principatushepatis. [Cum vita caudidati Joannis Augusti Schmidt.] 14 pp. 4°, [Lipsiw, 1793.] -----. Pancgyrin medicam inelicit. [ Cum vita caudidati Carnli Augusti Ferelinandi Rumpelt.] viii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Richteri, 1793.] -----. [Pr._j 1. An ridiculum sit animi setlem in- t|tiirere ? [Cum vita caudidati Fridericii Augusti Wagner.] n.'pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Richteri- ana, 1795.] -----. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Fri- derici Ernesti Adolphi Teichert.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1796.] -----. Vermischte Aufsiitze iiber medicinische Gegenstande. iv, 185 pp. 16°. Leipzig, 1796. -----. [Pr. ] uiedicime studium octo semestribus descriptum. I. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Friderici TraugottiSchiitz.] xiv pp. 4°. [Lip- sice, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1797.] -----. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Fri- derici Gottlobi Vetter.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1797.] -----. Thesame. III. [Cum vita candidati Jo- annis Caroli Friderici Leon. J xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1797.] -----. The same. IV. [Cum vita candidati Ben- jaminiFurchtegottiZiegler.] xii pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1708.] -----. The same. V. [Cum vita candidati An- drae Nitsch. ] xii pp. 4°. [ Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1798.] -----. The same. VI. [Cum vita candidati Ca- roli Friderici Nicolai.] xiv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1799.] -----. The same. VII. [Cum vita candidati Jacobi Friderici Bassenge.] xiii pp. 4°. Lip- siw, ex off. Klaubarthia, [1799]. —;—. Thesame. IX. [CumvitacandidatiChris- tiam Friderici Schwajgricheu.] xiv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1799.] —-—. [Pr.] quaestiones medicina) forensis. I. I >e amentia occulta. [Cum vita caudidati Theo- donNeuhof.] xiii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klau- barthia, 1797.] ■—. The same. II. De amentia occulta alia observatio qmedam. [Cum vita candidati Ca- roli Henrici Stoelzel.] xi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off Klaubarthia, 1797.] ——. Thesame. III. De amentia dubia. [Cum vita candidati Friderici Gottlobi Schirmer. ] xii Pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1797.] Platner (Ernestus)—continued. -----. The same. IV. Melancholia) curatio nun- quam tuta. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Fri- derici Guilielmi Seegert.] xi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1798. -----. The same. V. De inanibus amentia? pro- banda) argumentis ad defensores. [Cum vita candidati Christiani Theophili Wendler. ] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1798. -----. The same. VI. De partu undecimestri observatio. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Au- gusti Mauritii Wohlrab.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1798. -----. The same. VII. De venia setatis observa- tio. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Friderici Con- stants.] xiii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubar- thia], 1800. -----. The same. VIII. [Memoriam Rudolphi Ferdinandi L. B. de eSilverstein-Piluikau . . . indicunt trium superiorum ordinum acatl. Lips. d'ecani [etc.].] x pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klau- barthia, 1799.] -----. The same. VIII. De excusatione amen- tia' observatio. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Leberechti Gotlorici Krebel. ] xii pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1800. -----. The same. IX. De excandescentia furi- bunda observatio. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Friderici Ranelhan.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1800.] -----. Thesame. X. Vulnerum, qua? in congres- sione et conllictu hunt, a'stiinandorum cautiones. [Cum vita canelidati Francisci Friderici Roeber.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1800.] -----. The same. XI. De judiciis medicorum publicorum. [Cum vita candidati Joaunis Gui- lielmi Schlegel.] xv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1801. -----. The same. XII. De excusatione aetatis observatio. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Au- gusti Tittmann.] xv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1801. -----. The same. XIII. De judiciis medicorum publicorum observatio alia quasdam. [Cum vita canditlati Joannis Friderici Augusti Eisfeld. ] xiv pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1801. -----. The same. XIV. De lipothymia parturi- entium, quantum ael excusationem infanticidii. [Cum vita candidati Theophili Tilesius.] xvpp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1801. -----. The same. XV. Ainentise probanda) argu- menta vere ac falso suspecta. I. De fatuitate. [Cum vitis caudidatorum Francisci Friderici Gottolobi Eggert, Valentini Traugotti Orthobii Polack, Christiani Traugotti Lang, Joannis Fri- derici Lorbeer, Joaunis Theophili Guilielmi De- mian.] xxii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1802.] -----. The same. XVI. De judiciis metlicorum publicorum iii. [Cum vitis caudidatorum Caroli Georgii Heun, Caroli Georgii Isaac, Joannis Chris- tiani Guilielmi Keller, xix pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1802.] -----. The same. XVIII. Infanticidii excusandi argumenta falso suspecta. I. [Cum vita candi- dati Caroli Augusti Mueller. ] x pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1802. ] -----. The same. XIX. Amentia) probanda? ar- gumenta vere ac falso suspecta. III. De fatui- tate opinata. [Cum vita candidati Friderici Gui- lielmi Brevel.] xvpp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klau- barthia, 1802.] -----. The same. XX. De judiciis medicorum puhlicorum observatio alia quae/dam. [Cum vitis caudidatorum Ernesti Godofredi Krikov, Chris- tiani Godofredi Senkeisen.] xiii pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1803. ] PLATNER. 356 PLATNK1I. Platner (Ernestus)—continued. -----. The same. XXI. An collegiis medicorum non liceat ultra corpus delicti prouuntiare (?). [Cum vitis caudidatorum Caroli Friderici Gui- lielmi Schmidt, Caroli Augusti Kuhl, Christiani Dauielis Sachs.] xv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1800.] -----. The same. XXII. De veneficio, inprimis per arsenicum, paradoxa qtuedam. [Cum vitis candidatorum Joaunis Godofredi Loehn, Joannis Caroli Meyer, Friderici Christiani Adaini Doe- ring. ] 18 pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1804.] -----. The same. XXIII. De veneficio per arse- nicum observatio qiuedam. [Cum vita candidati Joaunis. Christiani Godofredi Joerg.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1&05. -----. The same. XXIV. De veneficio per ar- senicum alia observatio quastlam. [Cum vita candidati Christiani Adolphi Wendler.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1805. -----. The same. XXV. De melancholia senili occulta observatio. [Cum vitis candidatorum Joaunis Christiani Augusti Heiuroth, Joannis Augusti Guilielmi Ilisch.] xvpp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1806.] -----. Thesame. XXVI. De dubia mortis causa quantum ad iufanticitlium. ixpp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1806. -----. The same. XXVII. De inanibus cleiueu- tia) erga medicos spurios excusauda? argumeutis. Ael latores leguin et judices. [Cum vitis caudi- datorum Joannis Christiani Gottlobi Frank, Ca- roli Ferdinandi Graef, Christiani Gottlobi To- bias.] xviii pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubar- thia, 1807.] -----. The same. XXVIII. II. [Cum vita can- didati Joannis Caroli Gehler.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, ex off. Klaubarthia, 1807.] -----. The same. XXIX. De vita foetus non ani- mata, quantum ad infanticielium. [Cum vitis candidatorum Ernesti Pieniz, Christiani Edu- ardi Pohl, Friderici Phillipi Ritteric, Christiani Augusti Souuenkalb.] xx pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1809. -----. The same. XXX. De ameutia vinolenta. [Cum vita candidati Traugotti Guilielmi Gus- tavi Benedict.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1809. -----. The same. XXXI. De discrimiue laesio- num necessario, et fortuito lethalium paradoxa qtuedam. [Cum vita canditlati Henrici Eduardi Otto.] xvpp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1810. -----. Thesame. XXXII. De excusatione fatui- tatis pra?cipue gentilis ac puerilis. [Cum vita candidati Gottlobi Traugotti Rudolph.] x pp. 4°. [Lipsiw], 1810. -----. The same. XXXIII. De excusatione fa- tuitatis. II. De fatuitate puerili. [Cum vita candidati Ernesti Friderici Guilielmi Streit. ] xv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1810. -----. Thesame. XXXIV. De excusatione fatui- tatis. III. De fatuitate puerili. II. [Cum vita canditlati Adolphi Melchior.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1810. -----. The same. XXXV. Deprecatio pro cri- mine infanticidii. I. [Cum vita candidati Gui- lielmi Ludovici Randhan.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lip- sice, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1811. -----. The same. XXXVI. II. [Cum vita can- didati Friderici Augusti Benjaminis Puchelt.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1811. -----. The same. XXXVII. III. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Ludovici Augusti Goepel.] xiv pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex of. Klaubarthia], 1811. -----. Thesame. XXXVIII. De fatuitatefebrili observatio quantum ad factionem testamenti. Plainer (Ernestus)—continued. [Cum vita Ludovici Mauritii Mai.] xviii pp. \\ [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1811. -----. The same. XXXIX. Deprecatio pin cri- mine infanticidii. IV. [Cum vita caudidati Georgii Luelovici Guilielmi Knitter.] xiv pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1812. ----—. The same. XL. De eclampsia parturicu- tiuui, quantum ad suspicionem infanticidii, nar- ratio quaedam. [Cum vita caudidati Ernesti Guilielmi Christiani Schmidt.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1812. . -----. The same. XLI. Deprecatio pro crimine infanticidii. V. [Cum vitis candidatorum Fri- derici Feruandini Wockaz, Christiani Conradi Weiss.] xxii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubar- thia], 1814. -----. Tho same. XLII. Publico curanthe vale- tudinis praesidia, in civitate, jure pleno tlcsitlc- rari ostenditur. [Cum vita Eruesti Frider. Au- gusti Baumann.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Klaubarthia], 1814. -----. Thesame. XLIII. Quiel ditferat interani- nmni et mentem quantum ad signa amentia). [Cum vitis candidatorum ^Emilii Caroli Ernesti Reiniger, Friderici Leonhardi Schrag.] xx pp. 4°. Lipsiw, 1817. -----. [Pr.] de libertate, maguo medicorum bono. [Cum vita candidati Luelolphi Herrmauni Uu- ger. ] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsice, 1816.] -----. Untersuchungen iiber einige Hauptcapitel der gerichtlichen Arznei-Wissenschaft durch bei- geftigte zahlreiche Gutachteu tier Leipziger tuedi- cinischen Facultiit erliiutert. Aus dem Lateini- schen ilbersezt unel geordnet herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Ernst Heelrich. xxiv, 494 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, bei P. G. Rummer, 1820. -----. Opuscula academica sive eollectio eiua)8- tituium medicinae forensis, psychicae, public a), aliarumque, quas auctor per quinquaginta au- nos acatlemico more tractavit. Post mortem auc- toris edidit C. G. Neumann, xxxiv, 634 pp. 8'-\ Berolini, in bibliop. Flittneriano, 1824. For Biography, see Plaz (Autonius Guilielnius). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. -----&Hebenstreit(Ern.Benj. Gottlieb.) De principio vitali sententia. 3 p. 1., xxix pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Loeperia, [1777], -----& Kaeliler (Jo. Sigfried.) De vi corporis in memoria specimen primum cerebri in appre- hendenelis et retinenelis ideis ofticium sistens. 2 p. 1., 50 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Breitkopfia, [1767]. For Spec, ii, see Platner (Ernestus). Platlier (Ernestus Fedorus). *De diabete nieh lito cum lithiasi comparaiulo. 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 11. 8°. Lipsiw, lit. G. Baackii, 1835. Platlier (Ernst Alexaneler). Ueber elie Natur unel elen Nutzen der Galle: eine chemisch-pliy- siologische Abhandlung. iv, 129 pp. 8\ Hei- delberg, J. Groos, 1845. See.'also, Boimnmoii ([E.] F.) Die Galle im gesitnden [etc.]. 8^. Wien, 1847. Platner (Fridericus). Brevis commentatio tie vita Joh. Zacharia) Platueri. 41. 4°. [Lipsiw], 1749. Platner (Gustav). Die Struktur und Beweguug der Samenfaden bei den einheimischen Lungen- schneckeu. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Gbttingen, Van- denhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1885. Platner (Joh. Zacharias). Meelitationes in eeco- nomiam generationis animalium. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. I. Titii, [1715]. -----. * De affectibus capitis ex htemorrhagiiH molientibus. 44 pp. 4°. Balw Magdeb., tifp. C. Benckelii, [1716]. -----. De generatione metallorum. Resp.L'^'d Gottlob Diet/.e. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lipsiw, lit A. M. Schedii, [1717]. PLATNER. 357 PLATT. Platner (Joh. Zacharias)—continued. ______. * De medico, directore niotuum vitalium. 36 pp., 6 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1717]'. ______. De fistula lacrymali. Resp. Heuricus Godofredi Heylauel. 1 p. 1., 48 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. I. Titii, [1724]. ______. [Pr.] ele morbo campano Horatii. [Cum vita caudidati Joan. Georg. Rupp.] 6 1. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1732.] [Pr.] de morbo ev8ovcjia£6vTov /cat evepyov- gevuv. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Gottlieb. Hey- len.] 4 1. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemi- ana, 1732.] ____, [Pr. ] de Magno Hundt, tabularum anato- micarum, ut videtur, autore. [Cum vita candi- dati Joau. Christoph. Pohl.] 61. sm. 4°. [Lip- siw, lit, J. C. Langenhemii, 1734.] [Pr.]ele arte obstetricia veterum. [Cum vita cautlidati Joaunis Valentini Harttramfft.] 16 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Langenhemianis, [1735]. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T.) Syllogeop. min. [etc.]. 8°. Lipsice, 1795, i, 1-14. -----. Anatomicas exercitationes in foeminae ca- davere indicit. 3 1. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Lan- genliemianis, [1736]. [Pr.] de musculo digastrico maxillae in- ferioris. [Cum vita canditlati Christ. Gottlieb Luetwig.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemiana, 1737.] -----. Foeminae cadaver publice in theatro ana- tomico . . . indicit et de curatione roi) dnooKEnap- viouov iu calva disserit. x pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Langenhemianis,'1737.] De ossium conformatione et colore. 8 pp. Lipsiw, 1738. In: Haller. Disp. anat. select, [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1751, vi, 241-248. [Pr. ] aquam fontanam salubriorem caete- ris esse ostendit. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Chris- tophoriHomeroch.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1738.] -----. [Pr. ] tie risu a splene. [Cum vita candi- dati Justi Godofredi Gunz.] 16 pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, lit. Langenhemianis, 1738.] [Also, in: P., v. 59.] -----. [Pr. ] de motu ligament! ciliaris in oculo. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Augusti Langguth.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1738.] -----. [Pr.] de pallore per atlversam valetudi- neni qua)sito. [Cum vita candidati Wolffgaugi Sigismundi Muller.] xii pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, [1739]. [Pr.] medicos ele insaniset furiosis audie- tlendos esse osteutlit. [Cum vita caudidati Eric, Kuesch.] xxiv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemiana, 1740.] [Pr.] de somno infantum ex agitatione motuque cunarum. [Cum vita cantlidati Joannis Ehrenfredi Thebes.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1740.] -----. [Pr.] de somno in cubiculis percalefactis. [ Cum vita candidati Samneli Kretzschmar. ] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsice, lit. Bittorffianis, 1741.] [Pr.] tie vulneribus superciliis illatis, cur ctecitatem adferant? Ad locum Hippocratis in Coacis praenotionibus, elisserit. [Cum vita can- didati Dn. Johaunis Christiani Mentz.] xx pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1741.] -----. [Pr. ] de noxis ex cohibita suppuratione in nonnullisoculorum morbis. [Cum vita candidati Christiani Ferdin. Zweigel. ] xvi pp. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1742.] [Pr.] de iis, qui ex tuberculis gibherosi fiuut. [Cum vita candidati Ernesti Friderici Haacke.] xii pp., 1 pi. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Lan genhemiana, [1744]. Platner (Joh. Zacharias)—continued. -----. [Pr.] de fascia infirmitatem adjuvante. [Cum ejus vita cantlidati Joh. Benj. Boehmer.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Langenhemianis, 1745.] [Pr.] de curatione infirmorum articulo- rnm per stillicidium. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Ehrenfr. Geisler.] viii pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemia, 1746. ] Institutiones chirurgia? rationalis tum medica) turn manualis in usum eliscentium. Ac- cedunt in hac Veneta editione dissertationes dna) ejusdem auctoris, olim jam editae, scilicet, de chi- rurgia artis medica) parente, et de fistula lacry- mali. 6 p. 1., 623 pp., 8 pi. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. J. B. Albritii Bieronymi filii, 1747. -----. The same. Editio altera cum appenelice nonnullorum medicamentorum compositorum. 7 p. 1., 944 pp., 6 pi., 8 1. 8°. Lipsiw, in off. Fritschia, 17F>8. -----. The same. Editio novissima. Recensuit notasque aeljecit Carolus Christianus Krause. 7 p. 1., 854 pp., 91., 6 pi., port. 8°. Lipsiw, C. Fritsch, 1783. See, also, supra, Platner (Ernestus). Supplementa in [ete.l. [Pr.] de pestiferis aquarnm putrescen- tium exspirationibus. [Cum vita cantlidati Ni- colai Lung.] xii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Langen- hemiis, 1747.] -----. Opuscula. 2 v. iu 1. 10 p. 1., 383 pp., port.; 4 p. 1., 253 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Lipsiw, in off. Weidmanniana, 1749. CONTENTS. . v. 1. Dissertationes. v. 2. Prolusiones. Griinelliche Einleitung iu die Chirurgie, oder kurze Auweisung, alle Krankheiten, so de- nen Chirurgis vorkommen, theils mit innerlichen uud iiusserlichen Medicamenten, theils durch Operatiouen zu curiren. Mit Anhang einiger zusammengesetzten Arzneymittel. 2 Theile. 7 1., 647 pp.; 2 1., 530 pp., 1*1 1., 6 pi. 12°. Leip- zig, C. Fritsch, 1757. ----. The same, vi (2 1.), 988 pp., 9 1., 6 pi. 8°. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1770. The same. Einleitung in die Wundarzt- ney. Neueste Ausgabe iibersehen und vermehrt von Carl Christian Krause. 1. Theil. 6 p. 1., 607 pp., port.; 609-1114 pp., 9 1. 8°. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1786. Title-page says: '' Mit sechs Kupfertafeln ", but no platea except the portrait appear in this copy. -----. Ars medendi singulis morbis accommo- data. 7 p. 1., 530 pp., 21 1. 8°. Lipsiw, C. Fritsch, 1765. For Biography, see Albertns (Michael). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. efc Men of Sc, p. 123. See, also: Rwhmer (J. B.) Celebri exemplo viri Joan. Zach. Platneri . . . orationem anniversariam die xix Decembris anni mdccxlviii [etc.]. 4°. [Lipsice, 1748.]—Muller (Gottfridus Polycarpus). Meditationesin iBconoiniam gene- rationis, [etc.].' 4°. Lipsice, [1715].—Plainer (¥.) Bre- vis commentatio de vita Joh. Zacharia) Platneri. 4°. Lip- sice, 1749. Plainer (Mauritius Eduardus). *De ulceribus sanandis. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. Elwerti, 1845. Platonieiis (Sextus). See Placitus (Sextus). PlatoniS quartorum cum commeuto Hebuhabes Hamed: explicatus ab Hestole, libri i-iv. In: Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1660, v, 101-185. Platonow (Sergius). * Ueber die diagnostischa Bedeutung der Pneumoniecoccen. 39 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stiirtz, 1884. Piatt ( A. H. ) A lecture before the Thomso- nian Medical Society of the State of New York, June 11,1839. 21pp. 8°. Ponghkeepsie, [1839]. Also, Co-Editor of: Poughkeepsie (The) Thomso- nian, 1838-40. PLATT. 358 PLAYFAIR. Piatt (Charles). An inquiry into the efficacy of oxygene, in the cure of syphilis. To which are subjoined a few general observations on its ap- plication in various other disorders. 99 pp. 8°. London, J. Mawnian, 1802. [P., v. 634.] Piatt (Isaac Hull). The physics aud physiolog- ical action of pneumatic differentiation. 17 pp. 12c. [New York], 1886. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv. ------. Suggestions regarding the management of phthisical patients at health resorts. 11 pp. 12°. Detroit, G. S. Davis, 1888. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, xii. See, also, Pneumatic differentiation. 8°. [New York, 1886.] Piatt (S. H.) Responsibility in parentage; or, the influences of heredity. 14 pp. 12°. Brook- lyn, [1872, vel subseq.]. Piatt (Walter B.) A three months' surgical service at Bay View Hospital, Baltimore, Mel. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Baltimore, Thomas $ Evans, 1885. Repr. from: Tr. M. efc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1885, lxxxvii. ------. The climate of St. Moritz, Upper Enga- eline, Switzerland. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1888. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Clin. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv. See, also, Cltzmann (Robert). Pyuria; or pus in the urine, etc. 12°. New York, 1884. Plattenliardt (Lucas Albertus). *De alvo luemorrhousa. 2 p. 1., 3-24 pp. sm. 4°. Tu- bingw, typ. J. C. Reifii viduce, 1721. Plattensce. See Balatony (Lake). Plattfaut (Eberhard). * Zur operativen Be- handlung der Blaseu-Mastdarm-Fisteln beim Maune. 22 pp. • 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1884. Plattfaut (Wilhelm). * Beitrage zur patholo- gischeu Anatomie der Knocheiiverletzuugen im Kniegelenk durch Kleingevvehrprojectile. 22 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1879. C. Plattsburgh, New York. Lunatic Asylum for Northern New York. Memorial ofthe boards of health of the towu and village of Plattsburgh, March 1,1887. 13 pp. 8°. [Plattsburgh, 1887.] -----. The lunatic asylum. An unanswerable argument in favor of Plattsburgh. Memorial to the legislature of the boards of health of the town and village of Plattsburgh. Gutting from: Morning Telegraph, March 7, 1887. Platycnemia. See Tibia. PI at y sin a myoides. Barileleben (K.) Ueber die Innervirung des Pla- tystua myoides (M. subcutaneus colli) des Menschen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz., 1879, n. F., vi, Suppl.- Hft. 2, 128. Platysoiniis. Young (I.) Ou the affinities of Platysomns and allied genera. Quart. J. Geol. Soe:. Lond., 1866,' xxii, 301-317, 2 pi. Platz (A. W. Th.) Prospect der Idiotesn-Anstalt in Riga. Januar 1865. 21. 4°. [Riga, 1865.] Platz (Abraham. Christophorus). Disp. II. De metallorum trausmutatione et imprimis do chry- sopeeia oder Goldmachen. 7 1. 4°. Lipsiw, typ. viduce J. Wittigctu, [1673]. Platz (B.) Der Mensch, sein Ursprung, seine Rassen uud sein Alter, xxvi, 798 pp. roy. 8°. Wiirzburg it. Wien, L. Woerl, [1887]. Platz (Heinrich). *Casuistischer Beitrag zur Symptomatologie der Magenkrankheiteu. 21 pp. • 8^. Giessen, C. von Mituchow, 1887. C. Platz (Josephus). *De dejectione portionis in- testinorum per alvum, non semper mortifera. 38 pp. 8°. Tubingw, typ. C. B. Reissii et C.A. Kust- neri, [1821], Platz (Therese). Die Heilpflege und Erziehung zuriickgebliebener, schwachsinniger uud idioti- Platz (Therese)—continued. scher Kiuder. 1 p. 1., 166 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Rich- ter, 1880. Platzer (Joh.) *Zur innerlichen Atiwenduujj; der Salicylsaure insbesouelere beim Typhus. [Wurtzburg.] 59 pp. 8°. Miinchen, F. Slraub, 1887. Plaiiclllid (Bienveuu). *De la coineielence des tistules vesico et recto-vaginales. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 278. Plauen. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by local- ities; Measles (Epidemics of). PlanSS11 ( fimile ). * Quelques considerations sur les diatheses. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 278. Plant (Hugo Carl). Das organisirto Contagiuin tier Schafpocken unel tlie Mitigation derselben nach Toussaint's Manier. 35 pp. 8 \ Leipzig, Dege, 1883. Vortrage fiir Thierarzte, 5. a., No. 8, 266-297. ------. Ueber Desinfection tier Viehstiille. 22 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Voigt, 1884. ------. Farmings- Methoden zum Nachweis tier fiiulnisserregenden unel pathogenen Mikroorga- nismen. Zusammengestellt von ... 1 broad- side fol. [folded in 8°]. Leipzig, B. Voigt, 1884. Plant (Jacob). * Untersuchungen iiber die Riickwirkung der Borsaure auf die Nieren iu ihrer Anwendung als Antisepticum. 30 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. Rbhrl, 1889. Plantz ([Joannes Augustus] Carolus) [ 1825- ]. *De cholera asiatiea. 27 pp.,21. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1854]. Playfair (James). A method of constructing vapor baths, so as to render them of small ex- pence, and of commodious use, in private fami- lies, with a design and description of a con- venient hot water bath. 19 pp., 5 pi. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1783. [Also, in: P., v. 597.] Playfair (John) [1748-1819]. Dissertation sec- ond. Exhibiting a general view of the progress of mathematical anel physical science, since the revival of letters in Europe. Pt. 1. 3-197 pp. 8". [Edinburgh, 1818?] Bound with: Stewart (Dugald). "Dissertation first." 8°. Edinburgh, 1818. ------. The same. Pt. 2. 133 pp. 8°. [Edin- burgh, 1819?] Bound with: Bbande (William Thomas). Diss, third. Exhibiting a general view of the progress of chemical philosophy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Playfair (Sir Lyon) [1819- ]. On the chem- ical principles involved in the manufactures of the exhibition as iudicatiug the necessity of in- dustrial instruction, pp. 159-208. 8°. London, D. Bogue, [1852]. Being No. 5 of: Lectures on the results of the exhibi- tion, delivered before the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. ------. On the food of man in relation to his use- ful work. 54 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Edmonston ij(' Douglas, 1865. [Also, in : P., v. 592; 1485.] ------. The cattle plague iu its relation to past epidemics and to the present attack. 63 pp. 12-. Edinburgh, Edmonston Sf Douglas, 1866, v. 497. Repr. from : North Brit. Rev., 1865, with additions. ------. On primary and technical education. Two lectures. 52 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Edmonston o' Douglas, 1870. ------. Association for Promoting the Extension of the Contagious Diseases Act, of 1866, to the Civil Population ofthe United Kingdom. Motion for repeal of the contagious diseases acts. Speech of ... in the House of Commons, May 24, 1870, during the sitting with closetl doors. (Author- ized edition), with a letter from a clergyman at I Devonport. 16 pp. 8°. London, J. Walton, 1870. 59 PLAZ. PLAYFAIR. Playfair (Sir Lyon)—continued. ____1 On teaching universities and examining boards. 2. ed. 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Edmons- ton . L. de Baro, 1644. _____. The same. Item Arantii tie humano foetu libellus. Item Gregorii Nymmani ele vita feetus in utero dissertatio. 2 p. 1., 184 pp.; 50 pp. ; 3 p. 1., 84 pp. 16°. Lugd. Bat., E. Lopez D. Baro, 1664. Pie (Pouce-Hubert). *Dn fer, des principales preparations ferrugineuses employees eu mede- cine. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 84, v. 499. Plea (A) in behalf of law and order. How a vil- lage trustee can destroy a village. 32 pp. 8°. A'eic York, 1-79. Plea (A) for hospitals. [On the necessity of a new hospital in the citv of New York.] 21 pp. 8°. New York, Baker, Godwin cf Co., 1851. Pleasance (Joh.) *De anasarca. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1781. Pleasanton (Alfred J.) On the influence of the blue color of the sky in developing animal and vegetable life. 8. ed. 24 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1871. -----. Thesame. The influence of the blue ray ofthe sunlight and ofthe blue colour of the sky, in developing animal anel vegetable life; in ar- resting tlisease, and in restoring health in acute and chronic disorders to human anel elomestic animals, as illustrateel by the experiments of . . . aud others between the years 1861 anel 1876. Addressee! to the Pliiladelphia Society for Pro- moting Agriculture. [2. ed.] iv, 185 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Claxton [and others], 1876. Pleasants (H. R.). See While (P. S.) efe Pleasants (H. R.) The war of four thousand years, etc. 12°. Philadelphia, 1846. Pleasants County. Sec West Virginia. Pleasure. See, also, Luxury. Bkktiiikr (J.-M.-F.) * Considerations physio- logiques et metlicales sur le plaisir. 4°. Paris, 18-21. Dickson (S. H.) Pleasure. Quart. J. Psych. M., N.Y., 186!), iii, 97-110.—Thacker (J. A.) Pleasure. Ibid., 446-464. Pleasure-boats. Gkkat Britain. Local Government Board. Model by-laws issued for the use of sanitary au- thorities. No. XII. Pleasure boats aud vessels. 8°. London, 1879. [Plecli (Aurelius).] Truskawiec zaklad zdro- jowokapieloAvy. Sprawozdanie lekarza zdro- jowego zar. 1886. [Watering place of Truska- wiec. Report by the physicians of the springs, for 1886.] 44 pp. 12u. Przemys'l, naklctd. autora, 1887. Plechtige herdenking van Linnaeus' leven en werUen. 12 pp. 8°. [«.;>., ]H78.] Hound with : Oitdkmans(C. A. J. A.) Kede, fete.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1878. Flecker (Joannes Gottlieb.) *De sensibus in- teruis morborum causis. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. [Lipsiw], ex off. Lanc/euhemia, [1772]. For Biography, see dndwig (Christ. Gott.). Plecilll (Joannes). *De mechanismo musculo- rum abtloniiiialium. 2 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Balw Magdeb., typ. J. C. Billigeri, [1736]. Plellll (Albert). *Fiinf und dreissig Fiille von Schailel-Fraitur. Eiu Beitrag zur pathologi- sehen Anatomie derselben. 59 pp., 21. 8°. Kiel, Sch m id I u. Elan nig, 1886. -----. Ein neuer Fall von Polymyositis acuta mit Ausgang in Heilung. 8 pp. ' 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, [1889]. Repr. from: Deutsche metl. "Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv. Plellll (Ferdinand) [1850- ]. * Ueber tlie Methode der U bestimmung mittels unterbro- migsaurem Natron und e ine nene Modification derselben. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Imucjc, [1875]. Plellll (Friedrich) [1862- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre vom chronischen Hydrocephalus. 18 pp., 3 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1887. PleierilS (Cornelius). Medicus criticus astro- logus, ex veteribus iatroniathematieis productns. 237 pp. 16°. Noribergw, S. Halbmayeri, 1(527. le Pleijjny (Theobald). See Lepleignius (Tlieo- bahlus). PlcindoilX (Alex.) Deux discours sur la vac- cine, prononces en seances particulieres tlu comite central de vaccine tlu tlepartement eiu Card. 63 pp. 8°. Nismes, Gaudefils, 1817. Plciselil (Adolphus Mart.) [1787-1867]. *De s]tlenitide. 5 p. 1.,88 pp. 8°. Pragw, typ. viduw Sonuner, 1815. -----. Ueber die Nothweneligkeit, Fiirsorge zu treffeii,elasseleiTeidenden Menscliheittler nothige Betlarf an Chinarinden und an den elaraus berei- teten chemischen Priiparaten auch in tier Folge sicher gestellt werele. 62 pp. 8°. Wien, C. GerohVs Sohn, 1857. See. also. I>eo (FranzC.) &Pleiscliel (Adolph). Merk- wurdifje Krankheitsjji'schichte [eto.J. 8°. Prag, 1826. For Biography, see? Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1867, xiii,' 708; 716. Also: Wien. med. Wehuschr., 1867, xvii, 1387. Pleissner (Hugo). * Nonnulla de ossifleatione in femoris inferiore epiphyse. 22 pp. 8°. Lipsice, lyp. Bcerii et Herinaniii, 1861. [P., v. 112.] Pleinpilis (Vopiscus Fortunatus) [1601-71]. Fundamenta medicinse ail schohc acribologiam aptata. Editio altera recoguita, interpolata, aucta. Accessit Danielis Vermostii breve apolo- gcma pro authore adversus tlicteria et ineptias cujusdam unndvpov. 4 p. 1., 383 pp., 1 pi. fol. Lovanii, typ. ac sumpl. viduw J. Zegers, 1644. -----. Ophtbalmographia., she tractatio ele ocnlo. Ed. altera, cui prteteT alia accessere affectionum ocnlarium curationes. 7 p. 1., 240 pp. fol. Lovanii, sumpt. B. Nempcei, 1648. Bound with preceding. -----. The same. 3. eel., cui pricier alia acces- sere Gerardi Gutischovii animadversiones in ophthalmographiam ad casque responsio. 1 p. 1., 299 pp., 4 1,1 pi. fol. Lorauii, typ. ac sumpt. II. Nempcei, 1659. -----. De togatorum valctudiue tuenda com- mentatio. 9 p. 1., 338 pp., 13 1. sm. 4°. Bruxel- lis, F. Foppens, 1670. See. also, van der liimlen (Joannes Antonides). Maniiibii-tio ad meilieinani. In: Comunciis (II.) Intro- duetio, [etc.]. sm.4°. Halm et Lipsice, 17'J(i.—I»liysiqiie (La) d'uzage, etc. 10°. Paris, l(iU4. von Pleneiz (Josephus) [1751-85]. *Decalore animali, additis ex universa medicina thesibus centum. 123 pp., 11. 8°. Viennw,J. Kurzbbck, [1773]. von Pleneiz (Marcus Antouius) [1705-86]. Opera, medico -physica. in quatuor tractatus di- gest;!, quorum primus contagii ntorboruni ideam PLENCIZ. von Pleneiz (Marcus Antonius)—continued. novam una cum additamentodeluebovina, anno 1761 epielemice grassante, sistit. Secundus tie variolis, tertius de scarlatina, quarttw de terras motu, sed praicipue illo horribili agit, qui prima Novembris anno 1755 Europam, Africam, et Americam conquassabat. 4 pts. in 1 v. 8 p. 1., 255 pp., 1 1.; 285 pp., 1 1.; 221 pp., 1 1.; 128 pp. 8-. Vindobonw, J. T. Trattncr, 1762. ------. Tractatus ele scarlatina. In: Wasseiibekg. Op. min. meel. et diss. 8°. Vindob., 1775, ii, 188-290. von Plenek [or Pleiik] (Joseph Jakob) [1738- 1807]. Methodus nova et facilis argeutum vivum tegris venerea labe infectis exhibendi. Accedit hypothesis nova de actioue metalli hujus iu vias salivales. 7 p. l.,70pp. 12°. Vindobonw, heredis ■ E. Bernhardt, 1766. Bound with: Tissot (S. A. D.) Abhandlung von der letch 12°. Leipzig, 1769. ------. The same. A new antl easy method of giving mercury to those affected with the ve- nereal disease; to which is aeldeil a new theory of the action of this metal on the salivary glands; trausl. from the Latin by Wm. Saunelers. xii, 55 pp. 8°. London, E. *i* (Carolus Artnrus [1592- ]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Plessiliailll (Frederic) [1762-1800]. La me- decine puerperale. ou ties accidens de la mater- nity, xii, 244 pp.', 1 I. 12°. Paris, 1797. Plessner (Michael) [1813- ]. *De physio- gnomicapathologica. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Natorffianis, [1837]. Plessy (E.) Memoire sur une nouvelle serie d'acitlcs tlu soufre. 13 pp. 8°. Paris, Rachelier, 1847. [P., v. 1734.] Repr. from: Ann. de ehim. et phys., Par., 1847, 3. s., xx. Piet (Charles). *Sur l'ivresse par les liqueurs spiritueuses. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 94, v. 180. Piet (Leon). * Contribution a l'etude de l'iuflu- ence de la grossesse sur les corps thyroieles. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 271. Pletain (Joannes Baptista). *De doloris theo- ria. 1787. In: Lou vain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 26-30. Plethora. See, also, Bloodletting; Congestion. Bens (M. L.) *Degenuiuis plethoras effecti- bus in corpus humanum. 4°. Halw Magdeb., 1747. Bergmann (J. J. G.) *Diss. sistens plethora) naturam, cansas, effectns et curationem. 4°. Jence, [1779]. Bt)UTi, Leiden, 1858, 14-30.—Heisaler (L.) Zur Lehre von der Plethora. Arb. a. d. path. Inst, zu .Miiochen, Stuttg., 1886, 322-340.—Hogg (S.) Remarks un plethora. West. J. M. & S., Louisville-, 1841, 2. s., i, 1-13—llolin- baum. Zur Lehre von tier Pletheira. Beitr. z. prakt. Hi-ilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 225-235.—Kinulake. On general and local plethora. Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1827, iii, 234-239.— Iiiilon (A.) P16thore. N. diet, denied, et chir. prat., Par,, 1880, xxviii, 128-146.—Pidoux. Etudes sur la pie- thore. J. demed., Par., 1846, iv, 289; 326; 357.—Slieglitz ( J.) Ueber die Lehre von Plethora und iiber den auf sie sich beziehenden Theil der Chyli- und Sanguification; Anwendung auf die Diatetik. In his: Path. Untersuch., Hannover, 1832, i, 45-98. Plethysniograph. See, also, Nervous system (Vaso-motor). Bowditch (H. P.) A new form of plethysmo- grapli. 8 -'. [Salem, 1879.] Repr. from: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts, efc Sc, Salem, 1879, n. s., vi. von Basch (S.) Die Deutung tier plethysmographi- Reben Curve. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1881, 446-454, 1 pi.— Holmgren (F.) Pletysmogratiskaundersokuingaraf A. Meis.so. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 446-476.— Kroneclter (II.) Die Beziehung zwischen Therniome- trie und Hethysmonietrie. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 336-340. Pletnics (Emericus). * De ouania, vitio latis- sime tlisseminato. vi, 7-f>r> pp. 8u. Peslini, J. T. Trattner, [1821]. [P., v. 1309.] Piette (Carolus). * De delirio tremente. 33 pp. H"-■. Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 1840. Plettner (Carolus Fritl.) [1798-1*31]. * De gas- tromalacia. 44 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1827]. Plettner (Gustav Atlolph Ludwig). * Beit rag znr Kenntniss tier tiefgelegenen (subfascialen) Lipome. [Halle.] 38 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Breit- koff u. Bdrtel, 1880. Pletzer(Adolph). * Ueber Wasserbehandlung im Fieber. 2 1., 46 pp., 31. H°. Bonn, C. Gcorg 1,188.3. Pletzer (H.) Ein Fallvon Graviditas oxtrante- ruia mit Ausgang in beginnende Lithnpiidion- Biltlung; Tod durch Peritonitis und Dannein- klemmung zwischen Gesch wulst undBauchwand nach l^jiihrigem Bestehen der Schwangerschaft. 8 pp. rt°. [Berlin, 1807.] Repr. from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1867, xxix. -----. Die kiinstliche Eruahruug der Kinder. 48 pp. 8°. Bremen, G. Rauchfuss, 1878. Pletzer (Heinrich) [1864- ]. * Zur Behand- lung tier queren Kniescheibeubriiche elurch die Knochennaht. 49 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 18^8. Pleura. See, also, Chest; Lungs. Hahtmann (F.) * Additamentum ad dijudi- candani pleuraruni in respirautlo inter se ratio- nein. 8°. [Dorpat], 1856. PLEURA. 365 PLEUEA. Pleura. Walter (A.) *Kvoprosu o stroenii grudnoi plevy. [Structure of pleura.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1870. Ackermann. Die Blutgefasse in den Pseudoliga- menten tier Pleura und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Lungen- kreislauf. Fortschr. cl. meel., Berl., 1889, vii, 261-264.— Bardelebeu. Ueber die Beziehuug der Musculi infra- costales zu pleuritischen Exsudaten und die hypothetische Entwickelung von Muskelgewebe in dieseu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1847, i, 486-491.— Hizzozero (G.) Stti luifatici della pleura umana. Osservatore, Torino, 1877, xiii, 65.—Bonders (F. C.) Luchtdruk in de borst- vliesholte. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenhage, 1850-51, 2. s., vi, 491-499.__Breyfoiia (F.) Du vide intrapleural; k pro- pos d'une lecon de M. le professeur Pitres. Therap. con- temp., Par., 1882, ii, 374-376.—Bnmonlpnllier. Ph6- nouuMies reflexes [dus a] une irritation de la plevre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1H81, 7. s., ii, 293.— Dybkowsky. Ueber Aufsaugung und Absouderungiler Plettrawaud. Arb. a. el. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1866), 1867, i, 40-67, 1 pi.—Einthovcn (W.) Douders' intra- thoracale drukkingen de gasspanuiugen in depleura-holte. Feestbundel a. F. C. Donders, etc, Amst., 1888, 370-393, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1888-9, xliv, 152-174, lpl.—Fleiuer (W.) Ueber die Resorption corpuseularer Elemente durch Lungen und Pleura. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1888, cxii, 97-135; 282-316,1 pi.— Fredericq (S.) Du vide pleural chez les nouveau-u6s. (Communication prtjliminaire.) Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1886, Ixv, 318-324.—Ocrhardt (C.) Bestimmung derunteren Grenze des Pleuralsackes am Lebenden. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1839, n. F., iii, 489-493.—CSodlee (R. J.) Some points in connection with the anatomy of the pleura anel the treatment of empya-ma. Ann. Anat. .fc Surg., Brooklyn, N. T., 1883, viii] 3-18.—Isaacs (C. E.) On the extent of the pleura above the clavicle. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1851-63. ii, 3-19. Also, Reprint.— Keibel (F.) Netzbeutelbildungen in der Brusthohle. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 234-237.—von l^iebig (G.) Wirkung der saugenden Spannung im Pleuraraume auf tlie Cirkulation. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1885, i, 31-37.—Panscli (A.) Ueber die uuteren und oberen Pleuragrenzen. Aruh. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1881, 111-121.—Rokitansky (C.) Duplicatur der Costalpleura. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1835, n. F., viii, 306.—.*iobnermann (F.) pdre. II n'y a pas de vide pleural. Art med., Brux., 1881-2, xvii, 384: 1882-3, xviii, 17.—See (M.) Plevres; anatomie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par , 1888, 2. s., xxvi, 130-134.—de Souza (A.) Sur la presence d'unos pleural chez les cobayes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 675. P le ii ra {Abscess of). [Including peripleu- ritic abscess.] See, also, Empyema. C'hito) iiciiii pere. Observation d'un abces iuterieur, de la poitrine, aecompagne des symptomes de la phtisie, et d'un deplacement notable de l'6pine du doset des epaules; le tout termini heureusement par l'evacuation naturelle de l'abces par le fondement. Hist. Acatl. roy. d. sc. 1731, Amst., 1735, Mem., 724-737. Also : Collect. Acad. tl. mem., etc, Par.. 1784, vii, 153-156.—Oant;olplie (M.) efe IiC- clcrc (K.) Abc&s pleuraux ayant donue lieu a une symptomatologie particuliere; pleurotomie; ri'se-ctinii cos tale. Rev. de med., Par., 1888, viii. 577-583.— l.e-niiiixtie (P.) Abces sous-pleural; sclerose du poumon ; cancer de 1'estoinac. J. Soc. de metl. et pharm. tie la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1885, ix, 98-101.—.Vlarkham. Remains of a pleural abscess. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1857-8, ix, 51.— Martin (P.) Giebt es eine genuine Peripleuritis, und hat die fiir dieselbe aufgestellte Symptomatologie iiber- haupt eineu praktischen Werth fiir Diagnose und Be- handlung der peripleuritischen Abscesso? Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, ix, 585-589. —Kichel. Des abces pleuraux. Ga/. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 721. -----. Phy- siologie pathologique des abces pleuraux et examen des divers pnxedes pour leur traitement chirurgical. Union ni6d., Par., 1872, xiv, 3.s., 241 ; 255; 265. Also: Bull. Acatl. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., i, 739-763. — Tomaselli ( S.) Supra un caso di ascesso plenrale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 669-674. Pleura {Adhesions of). Cavailles (P.) *Des adherences pleurales gdncValisces considerees cornuie cause d'hyper- trophie cardiaque. 4°. Paris, 1880. Chkvaliek (V.) * Des adherences pleurales et notamment eles adherences phreho-costales dans la pleuresie avec epanchement. 4°. Lyon, 1882. Elemyng (M.) Adhesions or accretions of the lungs to the pleura, and their efl'ects on respira- tion considered, both with respect to theory and Pleura {Adhesions of). practise, iu a letter to Dr. Geo. Baker. 8°. Lon- don, 1762. -----. The same. 2. ed., to which is now adtleel, a vindication thereof from some misrepre- sentations. 8°. London, 17ti:i. Mayer (G.) * De plenne aelhaesionibus, iis im- primis quaj in tuberculosi pulmonum iuveniun- tur. 8°. Bonnw, 1846. Seidelin (P. S.) * De accretione pulmonum cum pleura. 8°. Bavniw, [1691]. Thuvien (A.) *Des adhereuces pleurales. 4°. Paris, 1884. C!ourbis. Observation de pleuresie avec adherences. Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, 2. pt., 69- 73.— Dorrmice (G.) Adhesions in the chest. Boston M. efe S. J., 1835. xi. 15.—Bumen■ I (L.) Note sur les adhe- rences de la plevre. Cong. med. de France, Par., 1863. i, 288.—Oouzec. Observations d'adherenees generales et imm6diates ele tous les organes contenus dans lapoitriue. Ann. Soc. de meel.de Gand, 1836, ii, 184-196.— Je»*np(A. J.) Extensive pleural adhesions without symptoms. Med. ei'eboullet. Du pronostie de la pleuresie h6morrhagiiiue. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par., 1888-9,3.s., v,522-530.—I.eionx (J.-J.) Observa- tion sur une mort subite caus6e par un coup de sang dans la poitrine. J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1805, ix, 132-138.—ITIichu. Observation suivie tie inflexions sur un 6panchement de sang presume consecutif, dans la cavite tlroite de la poitrine. Rev. m6d. hist, et phil., Par., 1821, vi, 108-114. — Potain. Pleur6sie traumatique; epanchement de sang dans la plevre avec pneumothorax. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii, 490-493.—Sche- telig. Ueber hamorrhagische Pleuraergiisso. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamnil. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freiburg i. B., 1884, lvi, 160.—Tbaden (A.) Erguss von Blut und Ctaylus in die rechte Pleurahohle. Doutschevs Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876-7, xix, 313-317.—Troquart (R.) Sur les epanehements htjmorrhagiques de la plevre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 544-546. Also: Metn. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1887, 243-251.— TrouMNtnu. Lecon sur les epanehements de sang dans la cavit6 pleurale. Mouit. d. sc. meel. et pharm., Par., I860, 2. s., ii, 849; 865.—Villagran (J. B.) Observacion PLEURA. 366 PLEURA. Pleura (Blood in). euriosa de heinatotorax. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1866, ii, 120-122. — Wbilelieaid ( \V.) Traumatic hemothorax from an incised wound of the thorax; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i. 567. Pleura {Cancer of). See, also, Breast (Tumors of, Cancerous, Compli- cations, etc., of); Lungs (Cancer, etc., of); Ribs (Excision of). Arnault de la Menardiere (M.) *Etutle clinique sur les manifestations canee'reuses de la plevre. 4°. Paris, 1874. Faijler (J.) * Ueber Pleuritis ha'tnorrhagica e carcinomate pleurae. [ Wurtzburg. ] 8°. Ebingen, 1881. Fraextzel (O.) Maligne Neubilduugen in eler Pleura. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1875, iv, 477-480. Also, transl. in: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), X. Y.. 1876, iv, 771-775. Leplat (V.) * Etude sur le cancer pleuro- pulmouaire au point de vue cliuietue et anatomo- pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1888. Vinet ( P. ) * Du cancer de la plevre. 4°. Paris, 1884. A i-nozan. Cancer de la plfrvre cons6cutif a des cysto- carcinoines de l'utthus et des ovaires, Progres med., Par., 1879, vii. 708.—A>roi I on (P.) Cancer ele lapldvre. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 607-611. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1885, 2. s., ii, 7(i.—Barlow. Carcinoma of pleura, completely surrounding a branch of the pulmonary artery in two situations. Lancet, Lond., 1804. i, n. s., 124.— ICni-th. Cancer tlu poumon et de la pldvre; epanche- ment pleural hemorrhagique. Union metl., Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 558. Also: Bull. Soc. med. tl. hop. do Par. (1858- 61), 1861, iv, 548-550.-Bohmc (M.) Primares Sarco- Carciuom tier Pleura. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1880, lxxxi, 181-184, lpl.—Bonaniy. Cancer dela plevre. Bull. Soc. anat. de .Nantes 1880, Par., 1881, iv, 18-20.— Cbarcelay. Masse encephalolde voluminouse dans la plevre tlroite; apoplexie pulmonaire' presqno gem rale- k gauche. Bull. Soe-,. anat. ue Par., 1837, xii, 58-62.—Vontn (J.) A caso of primary cancer ot the' pleura. Glasgow M. J.. 1889, [5.] s., xxxii, 15-22. —Collier (W.) Case of primary malignant disease of the pleura. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 945.—DarolleM. Cancer primitif de la plevre, propage'- au poumon: generalisation. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1874, xlix, 439-443. — Demangc ( E\ ) Cancer col- loide primitif de la plevre. Rev. med. tie l'ost, Nancy, 1879, xi, 108-114—Ilernschinsky ( S. F. ) Primares Sareom tier Pleura. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888. xiv, 52. Also, Reprint.—Dienlafoy. Cancer pri- mitif de la plevre; pleuresie htimorrhagiijue. Bull, et mem. Soc. meel. d. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 36-39.— ■>■■ til (A.) Note sur un cas tie cancer primitif de la plevre et du pl-ricarele. Gaz. med. de Par., 1887, 7. s., iv, 325; 313. — Knurl. Cancer of the pleura and effusion in a ease of latent carcinoma of the spine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885. ii, 917.—PourcMtie. Cancer tie la plevre consecutif a, un cancer du sein. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 309-312.—Gordon. Sarcoma of the' pleura. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.. 1874, ii, 128— doriloii (S. ) Scrofulous tubercle' in the cerebellum and lungs; cancerous degen- eration of the pleura. Dublin <}. J. M. Sc., 1863, xxxvi, 209-211.— Inoii^nenheini. Pleuresie hemorrhagique ; cancer'de la plevre. Bull, et mem. Soc m6d. el. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 161-164. — Oreeniah (It. W.) A case of primary sarcoma of the pleura. J. Anat. efe Phy- siol., Lond., 1882-3, xvii, 333-338, 1 pi—Ifache. Tu- meur encephalolde qui a paru s'etre developpcc dans la cavite de la plevre droite. Bull. Soc. anat. tie- Par., 1834, ix, 190. -----. Observation d'une tumeur encephalolde de la plevre-. [Case-.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1836[- 7], i, 134. — Ili-rzotf. Markschwamm in der rechten Brusthdhle. Wcbusehr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 783- 785. — Ilofmokl. Ueber ein circa mannskopfgrosses sog. Endothelsarkom, vou tier rechten Pleura eines 7jahri- gi-n Knabeu ausgehend. Arch. f. Kinderh.. Stuttg., 1885- ii. vii, 81-86. — liiflT(W. T.) Pleuritic effusion, and ma- lignant disease. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 4. — KreiiNer. Caieinoma pleura'. Metl. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirltcmh. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1807, xxxvii, 281. — l.cchiirc. [Cancer dc la plevre consecutif k une pleuresie- eh; longiie durec] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, tie Brux., 1877, xxvi. 153-155. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1877, xxix, 218.—lu- pine ( R. ) Carcinome primitif de la plevre chez un enfant. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv. 331-333. -----. Sur la dissemination du cancer k la surface de la sere-use pleurale. Gaz. meel. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, lil'O.— I,cube. Bemerkungen iiber einen Fall von Sarcom der Pleura. Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-nied. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887, 115-118. Also: iV'ien. med. Bl., 1888, xi, 8-10.—.llader. Pleuritis carcinomatosa; Carcinoma ven- Pleura {Cancer of). triculi et venarum : Emboli multipl. in pulmonibtts; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankiuaust. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1871), 1873, 180.— Tint-met. Tumeurs encephaioi'tlcs dc la plevre droite; rapport. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850 xxv, 376-386.—Pendleton (F. M.) Report of a case- of cancer of the pleura. Peoria M. Month., 1888-0, ix, 253- 256.—Pitt (G. N.) Primary cancer of pleura. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1887-8, xxxix. 56-61. Also [Abstr. ] : Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 976.—Keverdin. Cancer du sein it des plevres. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi. 19. —Killer. Ein Fallvon Pleura-Krebs. Wien. med. Wchnse-hr., 1857, vii, 196-108. — KoiiMtan. Cancer do la plevre et tlu pe- ricarde. Bull. Sue-, anat. tie Par., 1886, lxi, 460-471. Also: Progres meel.. Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 1036.—Navard. Pleu- resie hemorrhagique caucerenso primitive (epithelioma metatypiqne). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, 4. s., liv, 74-79.' Also: Progres metl., Par., 1879, vii, 605-607.—Uu- vcrriebl. Zur Symptomatologie tier krebsigen Pleura- ergiisse-, nebst Demonstration eines neuen Punctions-Appa- rate-s. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1881, Brest, 1882, lix, 72-76. Also: Breslau. Aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 138.— Vidal. Pleurite; mort ; deux ganglions bron- chiques iufiltres de matiere i ane-en-use. Bull. Soo. anat. tie Par., 1852, xxvii, 96-98. — tVe*l (S.) Cancer of the right pleura, following cancer of the- right mamma suc- cessfully removed two years before. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 227-230. —Wiedei-Nheim. Encephaloid ties linken Cavum pleura- und Hvpoehemelrium. Meel. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., I860, xxx, 325-327.— Woodward (J. J.) Histological remarks upon a sec- ondary cancer of the pleura. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1858, n. s., xxxvi, 334-341. Pleura {Diseases of). See, also, Empyema; Hydrothorax; Pleu- risy. Frakxtzhl (O. M. V. ) Krankheiten der Pleura. In: Handb. tl. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1875, iv, 2. Hlft., 305-480. Also, transl. in: Cycl. Pract. M. (Zie-ms- sen), N. Y., 1876, iv, 589-775. Haeckel (H.) * Ueher Affectionen der Pleura hei Erkrankungen der weihlichen Sexualorgane. [Strashurg.] 8°. Wien, 1883. Marciiesaxo (U.) Sulla septicemia pleurale. Storie cliniche e considerazioni. 8°. Palermo, 1885. Sexger (F.) * De affectionihus morhosis pleu- ra;. 8°. Monachii, 1836. Weiss ( C. ) * Die pathischen Secrete tier Pleura. 8J. Miinchen, 1841. Wintricii ( M. A. ) Die Krankheiten eler Pleura. In: Handb. tl. spec. Path. u. Therap. (Virchow), Er- lang. u. Stuttg., 1855, v, 225-336. Rowditcli (I-I. B.) The danger of washing out the pleural cavity. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 619.—Briirn (E. T.) Inflammation of the lymphatics of the pulmonary pleura. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 359. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 110.—I>i« It minoii. Adipose tissue from the pleura. Tr. Path. Soe-. Bond., 1863, xiv. 26.— Dnjardin-Benumetz (G.) Tiaite-me-nt ties mala- dies ele- la plevre. In his: Lecons de clin. therap., etc., 2. s., 8°, Par.. 1881, 557-644. — Fernet (C.) Plevre; pa- thologie. X. diet, de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1880, xxviii, 241-285.— IJnrland (G. M.) Diseases of the pleura. Cycl. Pract, M. < Zieinsseii), N. Y., 1881 (suppl., 271- 278). — Ilervonet. Sur la pathogenic des ph-urnpa- thies. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1885-6, iv, 116-119— HcncIiI (R.) Entdeckung von Vegetationen auf eler Pleura und dem Pericardium. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1851, i, 349-352.—Knuders (J.) Zur Casuistik der Pleura-Erkrankungen. Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 439; 475; 559; 594; 647.—I.uiiye. Entartung der Pleura. Memo- rabilien, Heilbr., 1805, x, 239. I.cumin:; (J. li.) Phy- sical signs of interpleural pathological processes. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii. 401-407. Also, lie-print. -----. In- terpleural pat)iole>gie-a] products; their cause, significance, and specific relationship to pulmonary phthisis. Me-d. Rec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 525-528.—I„ei< litciiwlern (O.) Die Krankheiten der Pleura. Handb. el. Kinilcrkr. (Ger- hard!), Tithing., 1878, iii, 2. Hft., 863-972. —l-epine. De la propagation tlu cancer et du tubercule a la surface- de la serettse pleurale, et particulierement a la plevre diaphrag- matique. Compt.-rend. Soc. tie biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 274-276.—I,ewiii*ki. Ueber die sogenaunte halbsei- tige Schrumpfung eles Brustkastens, nebst Bemerkungen iiber eine neue Methode zur Resorption nicht eitriger Pleu- rae] giisse. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1887, cix, 121- 143.— I'oii ond. Sur la gutSrison des granulations tuber- culeuses ties plevres. Mem.Soc.tl.8c.med.dc Lvon(1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 1, 160-170. [Discussion], pt. 2, 178. Also: Lyon m6d., 1874, xv, 97-101.—Purjesz (S.) Zur Differen- PLEURA. 367 PLEURA. Pleura {Diseases of). tialdiagnose der Pleuraerkrankungen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1883. xxxiii, 616-628.—Robinson (B.) The physical signs of intrapleural pathological proc- esses; a reply to Dr. Learning's paper. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 24-26. — Bokitan«ky (C.) Cartilaginescenz der Pleuradiaphragmatiea linker Seite, nebst eineni freien Concremente in dieser Brusthiihle. Med. Jahrb. el. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, xiv, n. F., 116.—Milcock (A. Q.) Fibroid thickening of right pleura (of syphilitic ori- gin ?). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 141.—Teevan. Fat in the pleura. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863, xiv, 31.— Van den O'orput. Tuberculisation tie la plevre. Ann. Sue-, d'anat. path, de Brux., 1808, xiv, 20.—Wagner (E.) Beitrage zur pathologiscben Anatomie der Pleura. Arch. el. HeiFk., Leipz., 1870, xi, 43-02, 1 pi.—Wicbinnnn (J. E.) ISesehreibung eines seltenen Brustgeschvviirs, das durch die Paracentesis gehi'ilet worden. [From .- Getting. gel. Anz.. 1773, St. 17.] In his: Kleino med. Schriften, 8°, Wien, 1801, 67-73.—Widal (F.) Plevres; pathologie. Diet, encvel. il. sc. me.d., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxvi, 134-142.— Knnker. Erkrankungen des Brustfelles. Charit6-Anu., Berl., 1878, iii, 230-237. Pleura (Ecchymosis of). Degranges. Quelques mots sur les ecchymoses pleu- rales; leur presence est-elle constante dans les morts ame- nees par un genre de suffocation? Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 520.— liimaii. Ueber tlie foreusische Bedeutung der sogenannten puiiktfdrmigenEcchymosen unter der Pleura uud dem seriisen Ueberzuge anderer Organe. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1861, xix, 73-102. Pleura (Effusions in). See, also, Auscultation of respiratory organs; Chest (Paracentesis of); Empyema; Hydro- pneumothorax; Hydrothorax; Pectoriloquy (Aphonic); Phthisis (Diagnosis, etc., of); Pleura (Blood in); Pleurisy (Complications, etc., of); Pleurisy (Bwmorrhagic); Pyopneumothorax; Ribs (Excision of). Alric (L.) * Quelques considerations sur cer- tains Epanehements pleurtStiques. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1870. Bizos (J.-M.-F.-H.) * De l'epanchemeut pleu- retique chrouique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1800. Castaing (F.-E.) *Des epanehements dans les plevres. 4°. Paris, 1847. Choquet (J.-B.-E.) *Des Epanehements tie liquides dans les plevres. 4°. Paris, 1854. Coxan (M.- V.) * Propositions sur les epauche- mens qui se font dans l'interieur de la poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1810. Fedeli (C.) Sul valore dei fenomeni ohiettivi elel copioso essuelato pleuritico specialmente in relazione alle inelicazioni della toraceutesi; con- tribute clinico sperimentale. 12°. Pisa, 1888. Foxtaneau (P.-A.) *Des Epanehements tho- raciqnes. 4°. Paris, 1850. Hennigson (H.) * De variis in cavum pleura? effusionibus et tie paracentesi thoracica. 8°. Regbnontii Pr., [1843]. Kuhl (A. W.) * Ueher Pleuraexsudate. 4°. Kiel, 1873. Lambilliotte (G.-E.-J.) * Quelques cousiehS- rations sur les epanehements pleurEtieiues [Lille.] 4°. Douai, 1881. Levy (F. ) *Oin ser0se Exsudater i Pleura- huleu og disses operative Behandling. 8°. Kj0- benhavn, 1870. Marcovitz ( A.) * Etude sur les differentes cspeces d'6panchements pleur6tiques et sur leur traitement metlical et chirurgical. 4°. Paris, 1804. h Morel (J.-C.-A.) * Essai sur les epanchemens dans les plevres. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830. Regnault(C.-J.) * These snr les Epanchemens tlans la cavitE ele la poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1813. Sciimitz (C.) *Die pleuritischen Exsudate und ihre Behandlung. 8°. Balle, 1873. Sokoloff (D.) *K voprosu o proischojdenii ekssudativm eli plevritov. [Origin of pleuritic exudations.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Also, in: Arch. klin. vnutren. boliez. Botkina, St. Pe- tersb., 1888, xii, 26-77. Pleura (Effusions in). Barbc (D.) Pleurisies avec Epanehements. Arch. ' gen. de m6d., Par., 1885, i, 534-547.— It u it lie (L.) Ana- lyse d'un liquide pleuretique. Arch, de med. et phaim. mil., Par., 1887, ix, 488-491. Also: J. tie pharm. et ehim., Par., 1887, 5. s., xv, 545-549. — Bernutz. Cas extraor- dinaire d'epanchement pleuretique trouve purulent lors d'une premiere ponction et purement sereux lors de la seconde. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 593.— Bianchelli (G.) Contribuzione alio studio elegli essudati pleuritici. Gazz. med: ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1875, xviii, 33; 41; 51; 57.—Bird (W. V.) Observations on pleuritic accumu- lations. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1868, i, 190. Also, in his: Contrib. to Pract. Med., 8°, Lond., 1868, 23-27.— Biseini (F.) Di vari casi di empiemi e d' altri di essudati pleuri- tici siero-librinosi abbondanti. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1884, x, 37; 40; 61.—Brierley (J. B.) On the diagnosis and treatment of pleuritic effusion, with cases. Me-d. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 538; 564. — Broadbent ( W. H.) Some points in the clinical history of effusion into the pleural cavity. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 231- 237. -----. Clinical lecture on cases of effusion into the pleural cavity. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 925; 971.— t'nntlcla (P.) Dorrames oscuros tie la pleura, su diag- nostico y tratamiento. Siglo med., Madrid, 1883, xxx, 22.— G'hurton (T.) A second case of pleural effusion contain- ing numerous crystals of cholesterine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 396. — C'ortella ( L.) Pleurite essudativa conse- eutiva atliff usioue eli sarcoma; osservazioni termometriche; necriise-eipia. Gazz. el. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 266-208. — D'Amia (V.) Contributo clinico sui versamenti endo- pleurici. Ann. clin. tl. osp. incur.,' Napoli, 1887, xii, 136- 152. — Dntvitoii (W. J. G.) Report of a case of chronic pleuritic effusion. Pacific M. eV S. J., San Fran., 1886, xxix, 716-719. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1887, 308-311.—Dwiglit (T.) Frozen sections through a thorax with pleuritic effusion. Boston M. & S. J., 1882, cvi, 177.— Elirlich (P.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie und Histologic pleuritischer Exsudate. Charitfe-Ann., Berl., 1882, vii, 199-230. — Eichhor«t (H.) Ueber das Vorkommen vou Zitcker und zuckerbildenden Substanzen in pleuritischen Kxsudaten. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1881. iii, 537-552.— Ferbcr (A.) Ueber experimentelle Uiiti-rsuihuiigi-ii iiber pleuritische Exsudate. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Befortl. d. ges. Naturw. zu Math., 1875, 45-54. — Ferrcira de A rim jo. Nota sobre um casode derramameuto pleu- ritico. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1874-6, ii, 83-87.—13airli- ner ( W. T.) Pleuritic effusion. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 453.—Galignani (A.) Fisiologia e cura meccanica degli essudati pleurici. Coll. san. piacentino, Piacenza, 1878,195-219.—ISendrin. Des epanehements thoraciipies, et particuliereinent des epanehements chrouiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 217; 234. -----. Epanehements thoraciques. Ibid., 1851, 3. s., iii, 297; 313.—Gilbert (A.) efc I>ion (G.) lie la recherche des micro-organismes dans les eypanchements pleuraux. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur. Par., 1888, ii, 662-669.—Iii ax (J.) Ueber die bei pleuritischen Exsudaten ausgeschieelenen Harnmengen. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 475-477. — Goodhnrt (J. F.) On the natural historv and treatment of pleuritic effusion. Brit. M. J., Lond.," 1877, vii, 795-798. — Guttinanii (P.) Indigobildende Substanz in einem Pleuraexsudat. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1097.— Iladdon (J.) Pleural effusion, its diagnosis and treatment. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxiii, 385-390. — Hall (F. de H.) A ease of pleuritic effusion. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 181- 187. Also [Abstr.J: Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 734.—Henry (F. P.) On some of the causes determining the nature of the effusion in inflammation of the visceral pleura, with remarks upon the prophylactic treatment of empyema. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 81-89. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 209-228.—Hicks (J. M.) Pleu- ritic effusion. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, viii, 1>08. — Houston ( T. F.) A case of pleuritic effusion. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1881, xi, 203. — Kinnicutt. Pleuritic fluid resembling pus, but containing no pus- corpuscles. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 360. — Krau- licli. tt Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1861, lxxix, 101-107.—KraiiN (L. G.) Zur Casuistik der pleuritischen Exsudate. Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 354; 362; 380. — Kiinstler (J.) v t'liiarnttini (E.) Sul live-lie tlei liquidi endopleui iei, e sulla senie-iutica dello spazio costo- frenico. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1889, x, 257; 329.—Potain. Hauteur dun epanchement pleuretique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879. Iii, 1042. -----. Des fluxions pleuro-pulmonaires reflexes d'origine ut6ro-ovarienne. Assoc, franc pour l'avanee. cl. sc. Compt.-rend. 1883, Par., 1884, xii, 803-809.—Powell (R. D.) Clinical lect- ures on cases of pleuritic effusion. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1882, ii, 489; 601; 686.—Prioleau. Etude sur la forme des epanehements pleuretiques; monies d'6pauclie- ments obtenus par des injections de cin- elans la plevre-. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 148- 156. — Bnyinondand (G.) Note sur un cas d'epaiiche- ment pleuretique. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la llaute- Vieuni-, Limoges. 1882, vi, 177-179. —Bendn. Du dia- gnostic de la ipiantit6 des epanehements ph'uraux. France med., Par., 1889, i, 697-701.—Rodman (W. B.) Report of two cases of pleuritic effusion. Med. Rec. N. V., 1877, xii, 124.—Rowenbacb (O.) Experimentelle I*ntersuehun- gen iiber die Einwirkuug von Raumbeschrankungen in der Pleurahdhle auf den Kreislaufsapparat und namentlich auf den Blutelruck, nebst Beobachtungen iiber Pulsus para- doxus (ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Wirkung grosser pleuritischer Ergiisse). Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1880, cv, 215-242.—Snneerotte (C.) De la frequence et de la gravite des epanehements pleuretie|iie>s dans l'armee. Gaz. med. de Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 587-5S9.—Wnnnier (J.- J.-D.) Quelques observations iVepunchemcnts pleure- tiques, suivies lie remarques sur la thoiaeentese. Report. Soc. tie med. de Boom, 1848, i, 3-16. — Mlterritt (K. M.) On cases of pleuritic effusion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 137-139. — Mlrauch (C.) Ueber den Nachweis eler Be- weglichkeit pleuritischer Exsudate beim Lagewechsel. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1889, cxvi, 457-408.— Million. Cases of pleuritic effusion. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1870, ii, 65.—!Syiiiiiij;toii (J.) Notes on the position of the fluid in cases of pleuritic effusion. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1885-6, n. s., v, 61-65. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 834-N37.—Taylor (It. N.) A case of pleuritic effu- sion. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 205-207. — Tom- in a-i (S.) Delhi ph-uritc essudativa. Morgagni, Napoli, 1880, xxii, 400-501— Trail be (L.) Zur Lehre vom pleu- ritischen Exsudat. VerhaiuU. el. Berl. metl. Gesellsch. (1871-3), 1874, iv, pt. 1, 49-56. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr,, 1872, ix, 77. Also, in his: Ge-s. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 39-46. -----. Zur Lehre von der Resorption pleuritischer Exsudate, rait Bemerkungen iiber die Ursa- cheu des Tiefstaudes des Zwerchfelles auf der gesttnden Seite in Fallen von unifanglicben Pleuraexsudaten. In his\: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 326-328. -----. 1 lie Drtick verhaltnisse beim pleuritischen Exsudate. Ibid., 328.—Vigot (A.) Quelques mots sur les epanehe- ments pleuretiques. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1884, Ivii, 954 ; 970; 979; 904; 1004.—Wardell (J. K.) Remarks ou pleuritic effusion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 577; 614; 640; 678; 703: 735. -----. Pleuritic, serous, and purulent effusions. In his: Contrib. Path, efc Pract. Med., 8°, Loud., 1885, 249- 321. —Water* (A. T. H.) Clinical lecture on pleuritic effusion. Lancet. Lond., 1876, i, 199-201. -----. Pleuritic effusion (clinical lecture). In his: Contrib. Clin. & Pract. Med., 8°, Lond., 1887. 119-130. — Wibin. Epanchement pleuretique insidieux a gauche-; mort rapide. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1884, 3. s., xxvi, 252-255. — Wilwoii. Pleu- ritic effusion; autopsy. Laucet, Loud., 1853, n. s., ii, 232. Pleura (Effusions in, Complications and sequelce of). See, also, Pleurisy (Complications, etc., of); Pleurisy (Sudden death in). Gouttieke-Cacheka. *Des pleur6sies cloi- sonnees. 4°. Paris, 1884. Peax (E.) *Contrihution a l'6tuele ties elcTor- niationsdes parois thoraciqiiesdaus les epanehe- ments pleuretiques. 4°. Paris, 1879. Kkxaud (A.) *De la dysphagie dans les epanehements pleur6tiques. 4C. Nancy, 1880. Barbe. Evacuation spontanee d'un 6pancheinent pleu- r6tii|ue- par une plaiedo peiitrine. France med., Par., 1886, i, 61-63. — Beaumont (W. M.) Three cases of pleural effusion with very few subjective symptoms. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1884, i, 663.—Bocyeliold (E.) Hydrops adiposus pleurae. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 347-349.—B rnen (E. T.) Sacculated pleural effusion, probably attributable to acute miliary tuberculosis or sarcoma. Me-d. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 169. — Buffet. Note pour servir a l'etude des epanehements pleuretiques compliquant les kvstestle l'ovairc Norman die metl., Rouen, 1889, iv, 17- 24.—l'b iii-pcii tic ■'. Pleuresie eukystee. Bull. Soc anat. tie Par., 186y, xliv, 122. —Fernet. Du d6placenient reel Pleura (Effusions in, Complications and sequela; of). et tlu displacement apparent eiu ceeur dans les epanehe- ments pleuraux. Bull. Soc. clin. ih- Par. (187«). 1879, ii, 23-26.—Foot (A. W.) Kni-jsle-.l pleurisy. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 502. — Frnnek (1<\) fipancheinent en- kyste de la plevre simulant elans sa mart-he et ses symp- tomes une caverne tin poumon; autopsie. Bordeaux med., 1873, ii, 3.—Franco (I).) Vasto essudato plettritico che durava da 4 aimi; guartgione. Scuola med. napol., 1882, v, 177-181.—Onirdner (W. T.) Pleurisy with effusion (left side), and displacement of mediastinum, etc, auti- pyretic action of quinine; question of paracentesis thora- cis; gradual absorption of fluid and recover v of patient. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiv, 241-244.—I.erliairdl (C.) Ple-u- racxsudat und Lungenphthise. Wien. meel. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 1051-1056.—James (A.) Obliicration ofthe intercostal spaces. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 318.— Kicmann. Exsudatum pleuriticum sinistrutu; Gan- giiena pulmonis sinistra-; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wieu (1880), 1881, 364-367. -----. Exsudatum pleuriticum sinist.; Ulcus vintriculi vetus, subsequente peritouit. supp. chronic, circumscripta; Tod. Ibid. (1882), 1883, 447. — liandonzy. fipanche- meuts pleuraux et tuberculose. liaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, Ivii, 1001-1003.—Laiiflongne. Observation d'une epan- chement pleuretique vide ii travel's les brunches; guerison. J. ele nied. de Bordeaux, I860, 2. s., v, 105-113.—Lelon;;. Pleur6sie enkystee. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 430.— licudet (E.) Des pleuresies enkyst6es; ties acci- dents gangreneux et liGmorrhagiques consecutifs. In his: Clin, metl., 1874, 192-210.—I-it ten (M.) Ueber die Ent- wicklung akuter Miliartuberkulose nach stiirinischer Re- sorption oder kiiustlicher Entleerung pleuritischer Ex- sudate. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1133; 1163.— Eiockridge (J. E.) A case of incapsulated pleuritic effusion. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1873, iii, 65-71.— Mailer. Exsudatum bilater. pleurit.; die secondare Re- traction der beiden Thoraxseiten als wahrseheinliche Hauptursache des letalen Ausganges. Ber. tl. k. k. Kran- kenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879, 376.— lTIa^ri (G.) Riassorbimento completo tli un essudato plettritico in 36 ore. Raccoglitore med.,Forii, 1880, 4. s., xiii, 56-58.—lTIareheui (L.) Annotazioni pratiche fatte sopra un caso di pleurite ambilaterale ad essudato siero fibrinoso peico abbondaute. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Pia- cenza, 1880-81, ii, 4; 33.—O'Ferrall (J. M.) Pleuritic effusion with displacement of the heart; cure by mercury; signs of expansion of lung; question of paracentesis. Dub- lin Hosp. (ia/,., 1845, i, 130. — Perret (S.) Pleuresie a grand 6paiicht liient du debut tie la tuberculose. In his: Clin. meel. eh- l'Hotel-Dieu de Lyon, 8°, Par., 1887, 174- 196. —Plenritiwelics Exsudat der rechten Brusthohle, Thrombose tier linken Drossel- und Achselblutadern. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1863, Wien, 1864, 117.— Potain. Epanchement pleuretique et congestion pul- monaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 987.— Saint- Philippe (R.) Quelques reflexions k propos de la pleu- rCsie; relation d'un cas de pleuresie enkystee du sominet, ayant determine ties nettement eles "phenomenes pseudo- cavitaires ", ct suivie de gu6rison. M (L.-E.) * Des vibrations thontci- ques dans les Epanehements pleuretiques. 4°. Part's, 1S7(>. Kkell (M.) * Ueber die diaguostische Bedeu- tung der Stiuunvibrationen bei Pleuritis exsuda- tiva. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1878. Also, in: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1878, xii, n. F., 237-208. Laisne (A.-L.) * De quelques maladies simu- lant les epanehements pleuraux et ameuant ties erreurs de diagnostic inevitables. 4°. Paris, 1808. Leroix (D.) * Considerations et observations stir le diagnostic tie quelques epaucheineus tie poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1825. Micridis (P.-P.) * £tude sur le diagnostic des Epanehements pleuraux. 4°. Paris, 1858. Ramey (G.) * Recherches sur les courbes de la niatite elans les epanehements liquides de la plevre. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884. Rkisz (C.) Diaguosen af det tibrin0se pleuri- tiske Exstulat. Inelhydelsesskrift til Kj0benh. Uuiv. Fest i Auletluing af H. M. Kougens F0d- selstlag den 8. Apr. 1884. 4°. KjQbenhavn, 1884. .Sieur(C) * De la percussion metalliquecom- binee a l'auscultatiou dans le eliagnostic des epanehements liquides de la plevre. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1883. Vachez (H.) *Del'absence de dyspnee elans les epanehements pleuretiques. 4'-'. Paris, 1882. Ageno (L.) Sui rumori tli soffregamento pleuritice>. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1882, 2. s., xvi. 169-171.—Ail- ken (L.) Note on the diagnosis of the nature of pleuritic effusions. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1877, 847.—Baccclli (G.) ' Sulla trasmissione elei suoni attraverso i liquieli endopleu- rici iii ditlerente natura. Seconda contribuzione alia diag- | nosi differenziale. elei versameuti. Gazz. med. di Iioma, 1877, iii, 193; 205; 229; 241.—Brancaccio (F.) Sulla trasmissione tlei suoni attraverso i different! liquidi endo- pleurici. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1885, ii, 1-13, 69-85.— C'aworati (F.) Del soffiei caratteristicn dello spaneliinento pleuritico, non e emfondibile co'l soffit) tubario tlella epatiz- zazione pulmonale-. Gazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 277-280.—Cockle. Effusion into the right pleura; subsequent development of unusual phenomena; difficulty of diagnosis; probable semi-malignant disease- of chest and abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii, n. s.,478.— OamoiNcaii (H.) Recherches cliniques sur plusieurs points tlu dia- gnostic eles 6pancheineiits pleuretiques. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1834, iii, 129; 408.—Dieulafoy (G.) Du dia- gnostic et du traitement des epanehements de la plevre ?ar aspiration pueumatique sous-cutanee-. Gaz. d. hop., 'ar., 1870, xliii, 194. - Ellis (C.) The curved line of pleuritic effusion. Boston M. & S. J., 1876, xcv, 689- 697. -----. Chest expansion in pleurisy. [Discussion.] Ibid., 1879, c, 196. — F.-F. D6viation 'laterale tin ster- num daus les epanehements pleuretiques; le signe du fordeau. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 154.— I»arlaii icolo-Amst ti (V.) Sull'uso dell' idroeleiratodi pilocarpina nei versamt uli eiiilnph-iirici. Kiv. ital. di tei-ap. eel ig., Piacenza, 1887, vii, 213-210.— Pascalc (G.; Le- iniezioni intrapleural! e le crisi epilet tiche. Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix, 238-256. Also, lie- print.— Peter. Pleuresie aigue: f-panrhe-ment conside- rable: indications et contre-iniiicatioiin ele- la thoraccntcsc. Gaz. tl. ho]).. Par.. 1887, lx 1079. — Pcttcrnti (G. ) La cura secca nella pleurite essudativa cronica. Movimento, Napoli, 1879, 2. a., xi, 639-647.—Pimser. Ueberdie uiirst- Kui- be-i ph-uritischen Exsutlateii. Allg. iiiil.-iiiv.ll. Ztg., Wie-n. 1871, xii, 225; 238; 241; 251; 260; 269. —Kccamier efc TcNwier. I)e-ux cas d'Cpauchement pleure! ii|iie irailes par l'electi-o puncture. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1813, 2. s , v, 142. Also: Ann. tic med. bilge-, Brux., 1843, ii, 6-9.— Kivii (A.) Della compression!- del torace tlal lato sano come mezzo curative degli essudati pleuritici. Riv. clin. tli Bologna, 1875, 2. s., v, 1-5— KobiiiNon (T.) Rapid absorption of a pleuritic, effusion by treatment with common salt, anil cuttingoft'liquids. Biit. M. J.. Loud., 1883, ii, 1234. Also: Retrosp. Metl., Loud.. 1881 Ixwix, 198. Also: Denver M. Times, 1884-5, iv, 112.—Tawwi (F.) Contributo alia cura tlei versamenti pleuritici colle- iniezioni ipode-rmiebe tli pilocarpina. Gior. interna/ el sc. med., Napoli, 1879, n. s., i, 743-753. — Vcranlini (F.) Intorno alia meceanica, complessione del torace- dal lato sano ne' copiosi essudati siero-flbrinosi delle pleure. Gugliflmo da ,-aliceto. Pia- cenza, 1881-2, iii, 121-129. 1 )il. [See, also, supra, Albe-rtaz/.i (S.))—Wane. Treatment of pleuritic effusion b\ diure- sis. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 411.— Warwinwky (•!• W-) Bemerkensweither Fall von Pleuritis acuta mil rasch er- folgender profuser Exsudation in die Brusthiilile-, in wel chen elurch die bet droheniler Erstiekungsgefahr unter- nommene Paracentese tlas Leben tier Kranken eilialle-n wurde. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1849, vi, 337; 318. Pleura (Effusions in, Treatment of) by puncture, or incision. Sec, also, Chest (Paracentesis of); Pleurisy (Sudden death in); Pleurisy (Treatment of). Arxould (.J.) Remarques sur la pleuresie siijfue et en particulier sur sem traitement paries ponctious. 8'-'. Paris, 1880. P LB UK A. 371 PLEURA. Pleura (Effusions in, Treatment of) by puncture, or incision. Bokchmann (B.) *Zur Aspirationstherapie tier incomplicirteu Pleuritis serotihrinosa. 8°. Berlin, [1882]. Carne-R< >ss (J.) Ohse.r vations upon the memos of treatment of pleurisy with effusion, with special reference to the therapeutic value of thoracentesis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1882. Conitzer (L.) * Ueher elie operative Behand- lung der pleuritischen Exsudate im Kindesalter mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der eitrigen. S'\ Balle a. S., 1888. Dela ye (J.-E.) *De la thoracentese suivie ties cautdrisations ponctu6es daus la pleurdsie fran che. 4-. Bordeaux, 1884. Dieulafoy (G.) De la thoracentese par as- piration dans la pleuresie aigue. 8'-'. Paris, 1878. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1878, x, 185-189. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879 ii 111-113. Also, transl. in: Med. Press efe Circ. Lonil., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 530; 552: xxxii, 26; 46; 72; 98; 149' Federigiii (S.) Sulla cura chirurgica delle plenrili essudative. <8°. Pisa, 18-5. Forsten (G.) *Om pleuritis exsuelatoria och behaudlingen af elenna sjuktlom pa operativ vag. 8°. Belsingfors, [1S47]. Gallet (A.) * La plenrotomie antiseptique et l'op6ration el'Esthender. 8°. Bruxelles, 1889. veix Gizycki (O.) * Die operative Behand- lung der Pleuritis his Trousseau. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Goduboff (N. F.) Schema peikazanii k ope- rativnomu liecheniou plevriticheskichvyshotov. [The operative treatment of pleuritic exuda- tions.] 8°. Moskva, 1888. Gourichon (L.) *l)u traitement ele la pleu- resie par la pemction et les pointes ele feu. 4°. Paris, 1884. Hesse (G.) * Beitrag znr operativen Behand- lung pleuritischer Exsutlate1. 8°. Greifswald, 188:,. Hcesker (C.) * Ueber operative Behandlung vou exsudativer Pleuritis. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. Jiiri.Lii': (A.) * Contributions a l'c'tude tlu traitemeut chirurgical ties f'pa.ncheinents pleu- retiipies. 4'J. Montpellier, lsso. Landgraf (W.) * Beitriige znr Casuistik eler operativen Behandlung pleuritischer Exsudate. 8°. Berlin, [18?")]. Le Couedie (J.-M.) * De la plenrotomie an- tiseptique. 4°. Paris, 18^5. Lehmann (R.) * Probepunction unel Punc- tion bei Pleuritis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Lichtiieim (L.) Ueber elie operative Behand- lung pleuritischer Exsutlate. In: Samml. klin. Vor tr., No. 43, Leipz., 1872 [Chir., No. 14, 247-270]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Atlanta M. efe S. J., 1872-3, x, 649-657. Meunier (J,-A.-A.) * Traiteiiii'iits chirurgi- caux ties collections de liquides qui se foruieut dans le thorax. 4°. Paris, 18(il. Muhlhaus ( A. ) * Ueber Probepunktionen und Punktionen bei Pleuritis exsudativa ; Sta- tistik tier seit 1^72 bis jetzt im Julius-flospitale zu Wiirzburg bei Pleuritis exsudativa zur Aus- fiihrnng gekommenen Probepunktionen und Punktionen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1882. Naunyx (B.) Kurzer Leitfadeu fiir die Punc- tiou der Pleura- und Peritonealergusse. 8°. Strassburg, 1889. Neidert (K.) * Ueber die Bedeutung des specifischeu Gewichtes von Pleuratranssudateu in Bezug auf die Prognose bei operati ver Behand- lung. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Miinchen, 1879. Also, in : Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1879, xxvi, 453; 463. Pleura (Effusions in, Treatment of) by puncture, or incision. Oeri (R.) * Die Thoracocentese durch Hohl- nadelstich und Aspiration bei sereiser und eitri- ger Pleuritis. Fiinf und siebzig Beobachtungen, gesammelt auf der medicinischen Klinik zu Basel 1874-6. 8°. Stuttgart, 1876. Paetz(A.) * Die Thoracocentese bei Pleuri- tis. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Pailhas (G.) 'Contribution a i'6tuele ele la pleuresie iuterlobaire suppuree ; symptomes, tli- aguostic, traitement (pueumotomie). 4°. Paris, 1889. Pfeil (A.) * Ist tlie operative Behandlung der Pleuraexsudate Gemeiugut tier Aerzte ge- wordeu? [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Bersfeld, 1880. PORRITT (N.) The operative treatmeut of in- tra-thoracic effusion. [Fothergilliau gohl med- al.] 8°. London, [1883]. Ranke (K.) * Ueber Putiktions-Fliissigkei- ten. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Rosenthal (E.) * Ueber die Punktion pleu- ritischer Exsutlate. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1881. Scherer (C.) * Ueber die operative Behand- lung tier Pleuritis. 8°. Ulm, 1878. Schreyer (A.) * Ueber den Erfolg tier Be- handlung pleuritischer Exsudate durch Puuc- tion. 8°. Berlin, [1883]. STe'iHR (H.) * Beitrage zur Beurtheilung des therapeutischen Werthes tier Punction bei sero- fibrinoser Pleuritis. 8°. Erlangen, 1883. Trousseau. De la pleurdsie; des pouctions tie la poitrine ; lecons cliniques . . . publiees par H. Legrand du Saulle. 8°. Paris, 1855. Wagner (S.) * Ueher die Bestimuiung tier Qualitiit pleuritischer Exsutlate durch Probe- pnnktion. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1880. Wixiger (C.) * Mittheilungen iiber tlie Re- sultate tier Thoracocentese einfach-sertiser pleu- ritischer Exsutlate aus der medicinischen Klinik zu Basel iu deu Jahren 1876-8(5. 8°. Luzern, 1887. Alvin. De la ponction evacuatrice suivie de la caute- risation ponctuee dans le traitement ele la pleuresie aigue. Loire nied., St.-fitienne, 1884, iii, 278-282. — Aufrecht. Die therapie tier Pleuritis insbesondcrc die Thorakocen- tcse. In his: Path. Mitth., 8°, Magdeb., 1883, ii, 77-87.— Auger. Pleuresie aigue gauche avec displacement du cceur chez une femme; atteinte d'une affection cardiaque ; thoracentese; guerison. Union nied. de la Seine-lnf., Rouen, 1877, xvi, 83-86. — Baxil (M. M.) Should the pleural cavity be washed out; Med. Chrou., Manchester, 1887, vi, 371-381.—Bcjjbic (J. W.) On paracentesis tho- i-iicis in the treatment of pleural effusions, acute and chronic. Edinb. M. J., 1865-6, xi. 1076-1104. Also, in: Select, from the works of [etal, 8°, Lond., 1882, 205-239.— Hei-niird (C.) Observation de pleuresie aigue, trait6e par la thoracentese et terniiuee par la mort. Bull. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par. (1856-8), 1864, iii, 230-242.—Biedert ( F.) Ueber Behandlung tier Pleuritis mit besonderer Riicksicht auf vorziinehmende operative Eingriffe. Ta- gebl. el. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, Ivii, 354-356.—Itliniibcig (P. M.) Ob operat. le- chenii pleviit. eksudat. [On the operative treatment of pleuritic exudations.l Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1888, no. 46, 79-107, 1 pi.—Boena (H.) Epanchement pleuretique con- siderable, accidents asphyxiipies; thoracentese; amelio- ration. Pre-sse med. beige, Brux., 1855, vii, 2.i8: 246; 253.— Bowditch (H. J.) The aspirator in pleural effusion. Boston M. efe S. J., 1884, cxi, 572. — Braranell (J. P.) An abstract of 24 cases of serous pleural effusion treated by pneumatic aspiration, with remarks. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 909-916. — Brainier. Doppelseitiger Brustschuitt. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 461.— Csesar (J.) Seven consecutive cases of pleurisy with effusion ; paracentesis. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 540.—Cap- pellani ( S. ) Copioso essudato pleurico: toracentesi. Gior. di clin. e terap., Messina, 1882, i, 241-251.—Card a- relli. Sull' opportunity tlella pleurotomia. Progresso med., Napoli, 1888. ii, 533-535.— Caassidou. Pleuroto- uiie antiseptique precoce et sans lavage. Alger nied., 1884, xii, 33-35.—Cayla. Traitement de la pleuresie avec epanchement par la ponction evacuatrice et la cauteri- sation ponctuee. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mod. de Bordeaux, 1883 iii 78-80.—von Corval. Die Pneumatotherapie nach pleuritischem Exsudate. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. PLEURA. 372 PLEUKA. Pleura (Effusions in, Treatment of) by puncture, or incision. Med., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 56-64. — Crcspi (G.) efe lTIorini (V.) [Diciotto casi di pleurototuia per pleurite pnrulenta; 8 casi tli toracoplastica.J Bull. d. Soc. Lanci- siana d. osp. di Roma, 1887, vii, 13-20. — Davezac. Epanchement pleuretique chez une feunne de cent quatre ans; thoracentese; mort. Mern. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 472-474.—Davis (S. P.) A new instrument for draining the pleural cavity; with re- port of a case. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., i878, xxxix, 333.—Dawion (W. J. G.) Report of a case of chronic pleuritic effusion; thoracentesis by aspiration, five opera- tions, removing one gallon of serous fluid. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1886, xxix, 716-719.—Debove (M.) De la transformation ties epanehements pleuraux k la suite de la thoracentese. Union m6d.. Par.. 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 1001- 1005. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s., xix, 76-79. — Demetrencu ( X.) Injectiunile intrapleurale de aer sterilisat, nou trataraent alexsudatelnr pleuretice consecutive tuberculosel. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1888, viii, 179-185.—Desplats (H.) Dangers d'une evacu- ation trop rapide ou trop complete des epanehements pleuraux. J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1888, xii, 1-5. -----. Traitement des pleuresies purulentes par les ponctious r6p6t6es a courts intervalles. Ibid., 97-107.—Dieulafoy. Pleur6sies ponctionn6es. Arch. g6n. de m6el., Par., 1886, ii, 149-157.—Discussion (La) aTAcademie de medecine sur la thoracentese tlans le traitement de la plettr6sie. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1872, ii, 161-168.—Dis- cussion on pleuritic effusions and their treatment by tapping. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1882, ii, 104-123.—Dunin (TJ O operacyjnem leczeniu wysiekow oplucnej. [Ope- rative treatment of exsudates of pleura.] Gaz. lek., War- szawa. 1883, 2. s., iii, 279; 301; 320; 359; 377.—Eichberg. The early evacuation of fluid accumulations in the pleura. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1883, n. s., xi, 506-508.—Farge. Pleuresie; thoracentese; guerison. Bull. Soc. tie med. d'Angers (1863), 1865, ii. s., i, 45-51.—Fcderici (Z.) La puntura esplorativa negli spandimenti pleurici. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1881, 8. s., iii, 381; 391; 401.— Flakier (D.) Ausspiilluug der Pleurahohle unter Able- sung ties Drucks. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bouh, 1880, i, 545-549.—Fialay. Case of pleural effusion; paracentesis. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii, 386: 1882, i, 356.— Florand. Empyeme pulsatile; pleurotomie antisepti- que; guerison. France med., Par., 1885, i, 158-161. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1885, ix, 217-223.—Forno (E.) Un caso di pleurite essudativa; toracentesi coll' aspiratore del Potain; guarigione completa. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 469-472. — Frantzcl ( O.) Ueber die An- wendung von Probepunktionen bei der Diagnose unel bei tier operativen Behandlung pleuritischer Exsuelate. Ver- handld. Cong, f.innere Med., Wiesb., 1882,1,200-202. Also: Charite-Anu., 1881, Berl., 1883, viii, 289-300. -----. Ueber operative Behandlung tier Pleuraexsudate. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Metl., Wiesb., 1886, v, 9-57. Also [Abstr.]: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xi, 313. — Fiirbi-ingcr. Klinische Beobachtungen fiber den Werth der Punctious- methoden bei seroser Pleuritis unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Exsudatelrucks; nebst Bemerkungen iiber einen neuen eiufachen Apparat zur Thoracocentese. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 225; 251; 276. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1888), 1889, xix, pt. 2, 58-85.— Gairdner. Pleurisy with great effusion; paracentesis thoracis. Glasgow M-. J., 1881, xvi, 213. — Cialassi (L.) Caso di versamento pleuritico abboudante guarito per mezzo della thoracocentesi. Arch, di nied., chir. eel ig., Roma, 1870, ii, 231.—Ooltdaimner. Ueber die Punction von Pleura-Ergiissen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1879-80), 1881, xi, pt. 2, 147-168. [Discussion], pt. 1, 102- 105. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 265; 284. iDiscussion], 332. -----. MittheilungzurPleura-Puuction. 5erl. klin. AVchnschr., 1881, xviii, 272. Also- Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii, 50-59.-----. Zur Aspiration pleuritischer Exsudate. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 694.—Groves (A.) The, operative treatment of fluid effusions in the chest. Canatt. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix, 233-236. — Guelliot (O.) Pleuresie gauche avec epanchement; thoracentese; pblebites ilia- ques, embolies pulmonaires et mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1882, 6. s., iv, 419.—Gueneau de lTIussy (N.-F.-O.) De la thoracocentese dans les epanehements pleuraux anciens. In his: Clin, med., 8°, Par., 1874, i, 657-672.—Gugliel- nietti. Pleuresie; thoracente-se; mort. Paris med.", 1882, vii, 229-233. — Hache. De la pleurotomie antiseptique avec un setil lavage. Rev. de chir., Par., 1883, iii, 33-56.— Hriiiioii (J.D.) Pleuresie; p6ricardite; operation de l'empyeme; guerison. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1848-9, i, 11. — Hein. Pleuritis sinistra; Entleerttng ties Exsu- dates in tier Menge von 5 Litem durch Thoracocentese; Genesung. Ber. el. k. k. Kraukenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1882), 1883. 445.—Hernandez Briz. Un no- table caso de derrame pleuritico del lado derceho; tora- centesis aspiradora; curacion. Bol. de nied. y cirug., Madrid, 1886, iv, 139-144.—Hciibner (O.) Ueber die operative Behaudlung der nichteitrigen Pleuritis. Berl. Pleurisy (Effusions in, Treatment of) by puncture, or incision. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 99.—II In vac von Bcrlit. wall. Ueber die Behandlung grosserer fibriiio-scidser pleuritischer Exsudate inittelst Punction. Allg Wien med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 53; 61; 78; 86; 108; 116; 126.— Hofinokl (J.) Ueber operative Behandlung tier serti- seu, e iterigen und blutigen Eigiisse in die Brusthiihle Wien. Klinik, 1883, ix, 237-272. Also [Abstr.] : Mitth tl Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1883, ix, 265-267. -----. Klinisohe Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Pleura und der Lungen. Klin Zeit- u. Streitfragen, Wien, 1889, iii, 171-208.—Holme* )W. H.) Aspiration of thft chest in pleurisy. I'roc. Connect. M. Soc., Hartford, 1883, n. s., ii, no. 4, i22-135.— Huertas (F.) Conferencias sobre la pleurotomia. Pol. denied, y cirug., Madrid, 1885, iii, 1; 43; 65.— liunit-i-. in a a n (H.) Zur Frage der operativen Behandlung sero- ser und eitriger pleuritischer Exsudate. Deutsche' metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887,xiii, 169-17J. —I vtinoir. K'opcra- tivnomu lecheniyu plevriticheskikh eksudatov. [Surgical treatment of pleuritic exudations.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1876, 375-394.—Jaccoud. Des indications de la thoracentese dans la pleuresie aigue. Semaine m6d., Par., 1887, vii, 57.—JaiobHon (W.lf. A.) Abstract of two clinical lectures on the pleuritic effusions and paracentesis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 608.—.loaen (W. M.) Case of pleuritic effusion; paracentesis three- times; necropsy. Ibid., 1878, i, 821. — Katzcnltach (W. H.) A report of six cases of pleuritic effusion treated by aspiration. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 146-152.— lii'brrl. Ueber die operative Behandlung tier Brustfell- entziiudung. Berl. klin. Wchuschr., 1873, x, 545; ..59; 569; 597; 608.—l.cclerc efe Tillier. Kyste hvdatiquc de la plevre; p\ opueumothorax secoudaire traite par ties injec- tions de liquides antiseptitjues dans la cavite pleurale; accitlents nerveux cons6cutifs au traitement. Lyon med., 1889, lxii, 37-48.—Eie Ciendrc (P.) La pleurotomie anti- septique faite par le medecin. Union metl., Par., 18K5, 3. »., xxxix, 1089-1097. — lTIader (J.) Sehr massige-s seroses pleuritisches Exsudat; Heilung mit stalker Ile:- eiutrachtigung des Thorax; Argument fiir die Wichtig- keit tier Punctio thoracis. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rutlolph-Siftung in Wien (1884), 1885, 359. -----. Ueber operative Behandlung pleuritischer Exsudate. Ibid. (1885), 1886, 285-294. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1887, xxii, 315; 326. Also: Wien. metl. Bl., 1887, x, 142; 174. -----. Massiges pleuritisches Exsudat; Punction; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886,380. -----. Exsudatum pleuriticum sero- sum ; punctio thoracis : gebessert entlassen. Ibid. (1*K7), 1888, 312.—ltlichel. Pleurotomie dans un cas de plain du poitrine par arme k feu ; guerison. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1886, 3. s., xxx, 73-82. -----. Pleuresie aigue; thoracentese; guerison. Ibid., 1888, 3. s., xxxiv, 147-149.— lVIignot. Considerations sur le traitemeut de la pleur6sie et l'abus de la thoracocentese. Soc. d. sc. med. de Ganuat, Compt. rend., 1876, xxx, 80-85.—IVIoizard. Observation d'un nouveau cas tie pleurotomie antiseptique, sans lavages ulterieurs de la plevre, suivis d'une guerison rapide. J. tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1884, lv, 398-400. ----. Obser- vation de pleurotomie antiseptique precoce, suivie dun setil lavage; guerison en six semaines. France m6d., Par., 1885, i. 577-579. Also, in: Bull. Soc. din. de Par., 1885, 77- 80—iTIortoa (T. G.) The treatment of pleural effusions by paracentesis thoracis. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1880, i, 222-227.—IVimier 6 daus la cavite tho- racique. J. d. sc. m6d. tie Lille, 1883, v. 58-61.—Carpen- ter (W. G.) Case of fatal pleuritis, apparently the effect of the presence in the right pleura of a piece of ivory, con- sisting of four artificial teeth, which had been swallowed 13 years before. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1842, vii, 353- 358.—Little. Two drainage-tubes in the pleural cavity eighteen months. N. York M. J., 1884, xl. 498— liuschka (H.) Asearielen im linken Pleuiasacke. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853, vi, 410-412.—iTIenoeal (R.) tJuer- po extrano de la pleura. Rev. tie cien. nied., Habana, 1888, no. 46, 9.—IVIiiller. Spnlwiirmer iu tier Pleura- hohle; Pneumothorax; Tod. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1872, xvii, 448-451.—Paton (J.) Calcareous masses found in the pleural cavity. Glasgow M. J.. 1885, xxiii, 328-332.— Paulicki. Milben iu den Luftsacken einer Goldfasan- henne. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 993. — War- drop (J.) Dissection of an albuminous concretion which was found in the cavity of the thorax, loosely adhering to the pleura pulmonalis; with some observations on the dis- eases of the serous and synovial membranes. Edinb. M. efe S. J , 1813. ix, 11-14, 1 pi.—Weir (R. F.) Removal of a foreign body from the pleural cavity. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 491. Pleura (Fungi in). Orlb. Mycosis septica bei einem Neugeborenen. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1872, xiii, 265-271, 1 pi. Pleura (Gangrene of). See Lungs (Gangrene of); Pleurisy (Gangre- nous). Pleura (Hcvmorrhage into). See Pleura (Blood in). Pleura (Hernia of). Fowler (G. R.) Hernia of the pleura into the neck. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1889, 112-114. Also : Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1889, ix. 321-325.—CJrateloup. Observations sur une hernie de la plevre. J. de ni6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1780, Iiii, 416-424. Pleura (Hydatids in). See, also, Liver (Bydatids in). Duetsch(H. A. P.) * Ein Fall vou Echinococ- cusblasen im Pleuiasacke elurch elie Operation zur Heilung gebracht. 4°. Kiel, 1869. Arzela. Ciste da echinococco nella cavite pleurica destra. ripiena di essuelato speciale, con mancanza del polmone currispondente. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1882, iii, 435-437.— Carou. Hydatide tie la plevre droite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 455-457.—Canssanel. Kyste hydatique ouvert elans la plevre; pleuresie consecutive; mort. Alger m6el., 1876, iv, 135-1.(7. — Oallard (T. ) Kystes hydatiques de la plevre droite; deg6uerescence ?articulie're des ganglions p6ri-h6patiques. Union m6d., ar., 1863, 2. s., xvii, 375-379. Also : Bull. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 367-372. — Genouville. Volumineux kyste hydatique de la plevre droite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 56-59.—CJroom (H. T.) Hydatid cyst of right pleura; evacuation. Laucet, Lond., 1884, i, 846.—Kirkes (W. S.) Hydatid cyst in the pleura. t PLUCK A. 374 PLLTKISY. Pleura (Hydatids in). Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., ii, 10-12.—von Lesser (L.) Linksseitiuer peripleuritiseher Ecbinoeoeeus mit retro mammareni Durchbruch. Deutsehe nied.Wchnschr.,Berl., 1881, vii, 5-7.—Roger (H.) Quelques considerations sur h' diagnostic, et le traitement des hydatides tlu poumon et ih- la plevre chez les enfants: deux observations. Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s., xii, 308; 328. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par. (1861-3), 1864. v. 147-158. Pleura (Inflammation of). See Hydrothorax; Pleurisy. Pleura (Oil in). Ilattield. Oil from the cavity ofthe pleura. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1857-s. ix. 32-34. Pleura (Ossification in). See. also, Empyema (Complications, etc., of). Posselt (C. H. W.) De pleime ossiticatioue. 4J. Beidelbergw, 1839. Beer (H.) Arthritis: Verknochernng der Pleura, der Aorta, eler Milzcapsel; Tuberculosis der Xiere-n. Oesterr. meel. We-hnschr., Wien. 1813, 762-764. —Bernard (neiiiot. Tumeur gazousede lapievre. Bull. Soc. anat. eh- Par.. 1861, xxxvi, 107.—Hamburger (H. J.) Ein Tumor an der Pleura diaphraginatioa einer Kuh und eine Bemeikung iiber das Pigment von Melanosarcomen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1889. cxvii. 427-429.—Hofmokl. Demonstration eines seltenon Priiparates von einem Myxo- sarkeim eler linke-n Pleura Wien. med. Presse. 1883, xxiv, 642. —Iiahler (0.) Ein Fall vou intrathoracischeiu Tu- ' mor. Prag.uietl. Wchnschr.. 1882. vii. 241; 253. [See, also, supra. Eppinger.] — Kreu»er. Tumor pleura'. Med. Cor.-Bl. el. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1868. xxxviii, 325.__iTIantovani (G. I.) Cisti dennoitle composta della pleura. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, ix, 105-121, 1 pi—Osier (W.) Small fibroid thickenings on visceral layer. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1877-8, vi, 115.— I»'ur*cr. Cysts in the cavity of the right pleura. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1873, lvi, 65-67.—Saundby (R.) Three cases of sarcoma of the pleura. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1889, xxv, Pleura (Tumors of). , 34; 95.—Schreibcr (A.) Zwei Falle von Tumor pleura mit Ditichwucherung des Iutercostalraums nnd Aultre-le-n der Xeiibihlung unter der Haut als fiihlbarer Tumor. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1882, xxxi, 207-209.— Nlorer. Large fibro-nucleated tumor filling the left pleural cavity ; small growths of the same kind in the lungs. Boston M. efe S. J., 1858, lviii. 182-184. .li.vo.Extr. Pec. Post. Soc M. Improve. (1856-8). 1859, iii, 201-201- Turner ( K. ('.) A lobulate el lamellar fibroma on the ph-iira. Tr. Path. Soe-. Lond., 1882 3. xxxiv, 19.—Villard. Kyste ilerinolde tleveloppe sur la plevre. Bull. Soe-,. anat. tie Par., 1869, xliv, 2lii \Vei« lixellmiiin (A.) Diffuses Fibrosarcoin tier Pleura dextra. des Mediastinum und Pericard. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst, Rudolph Stil'tung in Wien (1887), 1888, 386.—Whithall (S. G.) Blood sac in cavity of left pleura; history. Med. Rec, N. V., 1871-2, vi, 279. Pleura (Wounds of). See Chest ( Wounds, etc., of). Pleural cavity (Fistula of). See Fistula (Pulmonary, etc.). Pleurisy. See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications, etc., of); Auscultation of respiratory organs; Chest (Paracentesis of); Chest ( Wounds, etc., of); Em- pyema; Hydrothorax; Influenza, Liver (Ab- scess of), Liver (Hydatids of), Complications, etc. of; Lungs (Cavities, etc., in); Pericarditis (Com - plications, etc., of); Peripleuritis; Phthisis (Diagnosis, etc., of); Pneumonia; Pneumonia, Rheumatism (Complications, etc., of). Ahond (J.) *Dela pleurdsie purulente com- paree a la pleurdsie ttibercnlcii.se. 4 . Paris,1870. Albinus (J. 8.) *De pleurititlc. 4-'. Jence, k;:5h. Andrieux(N.-J.) * Essai snr la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Axsai.oxi (J.-C.) *De la pleurdsie aigue sim- ple. 4°. Paris, 1837. Archambault (J.-B.-H.-T. ) * Essai stir la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1829. Arnold (T.) * De pleuritiele. 8-\ Edinburgi, 1766. Arnoldt (J. F.) *De pleuritiele. siu. 4 . Erfurti, [17:i:i]. Augier (J.-A.) *De la pleurite, pleurdsie on inflammation tic la plevre. 4°. Paris, 1847. Ausfkld (J. C.) * De pleuritiele. 4 . Jemv, [1081]. Axt(.I. C.) *De pleuritiele. 4°. Ilelmestaid, [1669]. Bauer (L.L.) * De pleuritiele vera. 4°. Jenw, [1759]. Bailleil (L.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1827. Baldingf.k (E. (J.) [Pr.] pra'inissa est con- troversia ele sctle pleurititlis. 4 . Jenw, 1770. -----. [Pr.] praMiiittitur ele seile pleurititlis coutioversia continuata. 4'. Jente, 1771. -----• [P1'] pramiittitur spicilegiuui elcseilc pleurititlis. 4°. Jence, [1772]. Baxon (B.-H.-T.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- resie. 4 -'. Paris, 1828. Barbgt (G.) * Dissertation sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4 '. Paris, 18:55. Battaille (V.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4\ Paris, 1823. Bayxe (A.) *De pleuritiele. 4U. Edinburgi, 1749. Bazire (H.-C.) * Dissertation sur la pleuresie. 4C. Paris, 1824. Beauciief (J.) * De la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 18W3. Beer (J. A.) *De pleurititlc. 4-. [Lipsice], 1696. Belleharde (D.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- resie aigiie. 4°. Paris, \822. Bf.knkt (T.) * De pleuritiele. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1726]. PLEURISY. 375 PLEURISY. Pleurisy. Bertet (J.-H.-H.) * Causes, diagnostic et traitement compares de la pleurdsie et tie la pneumonic aigues. 4°. Paris, 1830. Berthelot (J.-M.) * Essai sur la pleurdsie. 40. Paris, 1825. Beyer (J. F.) Theses med. inaug. casuni tie pleuritide examiuantes. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1687. Blachier (L.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1834. Blaimoxt (J. J.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Leoclii, 1819. Blanc (J.-J.-M.) 'Quelques cousitldratious sur la pleuresie aigue et sur son traiteincnt, sui- vies de l'exposition d'un nouveau procetld pour la ddsarticulatiou mdtatarso-pbalaugienne du gros ortcil. 4°. Paris, 1837. Bloxdeau (A. T.) *De pleuritiele. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1810. Boerhaave (H.) Traitd de la pleurdsie . . . Avec un discours prdlimiuaire, par M.Paul. 12°. Paris, 1763. Bohx (J.) * De pleuritide vera. sm. 4°. Lip- siw, [1666]. Boisset (J.-J.-O.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1?35. Boiteux(L.) *De la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1845. Bokx (G. C.) * De sede pleurititlis verae. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1799]. Boulet (C. ) 'Tentamen de pleuritiele et peripneumonia, spectatis ut essentialibns et fjymptomaticis. 4°. Parisiis, an XIII [1805]. Boyron (C.-N.) * Dissertation niedico-cbirur- gicale sur la pleurdsie, et quelques maladies qui peuvent en etre la suite. 4C. Part's, 1814. BozDKCif (W.) * Diss, sistens conspectum ca- BUinn memoratu eligniorum pleurititlis in clinico meelico Prageusi anno schol. 1838, tractatorum. 8°. Pragw, 1840. Brault(F.-K.) *De la pleurdsie dans l'arrude. 4°. Paris, 1850. Brolsse(P.) *De la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1835. de Bkoux (C.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1814. de Buciiwald (J.) *De pleuritiele atque peripneumonia. 4°. Bafnice, [1700]. Buckley (G.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Edin- burgi, 1747. Burnet (C.) * Cousitldratious gdndrales sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835. Bfssy. (A.) * Essai snr la pleurdsie. 4°. Pa- ris, 18:!2. Calexius (P. J.) * De pleuritide. sm. 4°. [n.p.], 1656. van Campen (C.) Collectanea therapeutica de pleuritide ct apoplexia . . . decas i. 12°. Breclce, 1691. Carlier (L.-V.) * Dissertation sur la pleurd- sie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Castelhon (J.-A.) 'Des plenrdsies secon- daires. 4°. Paris, 1854. Caules (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur la pleurd- sie. 4°. Paris, 1809. Ciiahdon (J.-R.) 'Dissertation sur la pleu- resie. 4°. Paris, 1816. Charlet (J.-M.-N.) * Dissertation sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1814. Ciiauoxceuil-Lacomre (J.) * Essai sur la pleuresie. 4°. Paris, 1810. Chesseret (C.) * Contribution a l'dtude ties plenrdsies uidtapneumoniqucs et plus particu- lierenicnt tie leur varidtd sdro-fibrineuse. 4°. Paris, 188{). CiiiBRET (P.) * Quelques cousitldratious sur la pleurdsie simple, primitive. 4°. Strasbourg, 1808. Pleurisy. Clarke (M.) * De pleuritide. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1720. Cocquelle (J.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1714. Cohen (M. II.) * De pleuritiele. 8°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1793]. Colin (P.) * De la pleurdsie tranche chez les vieillards. 4°. Nancy, 1881. Collignon (A.) * De la pleuresie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1854. Coupard (P.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Cramer (J. B.) * Disp. ajgrnni pleuritide la- borautem exhibens. 4°. Altdorfft, [16821. Crooke (C.) * De pleuritiele. 4°. Edinburgi, 1753. Cummixg (J.) * Tentamen de pleuritide. 8°. Glast/uw, 1793. Cure (A.) * De la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1831. Cuyper(J.) * De pleuritide. 8. 1795. In: Lou vain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 470. Damoiseau (L.-H.-C.) * Du diagnostic et du traitement tie la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1845. Debavay (J.-J.-D.) * Considerations sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Delaigue (A.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1816. Delaporte (L.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1811. Deletter (L.) *De pleuritide vera. 4°. Pa- risiis, an. A7//[1805]. Dexiz (E.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1836. Diiers (V.) *De la pleurdsie aigue et chro- nique ties dpanchemeuts pleurdtiques. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1866. Dieulafoy (G.) Du diagnostic et eiu traite- ment des dpanchements aigus et chrouiques ele la plevre par aspiration. 8°. Paris, 1872. Dommanget ( N.-F. ) * Considerations gdnd- rales snr les phlegmasies de la plevre, et sur leurs moeles de terminaison. 4°. Paris, 1822. Dop(M.) * Dela pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1829. Dove (G.) *De pleuritiele. 8°. Edinburgi, 1771. Ducastaing (A.-A.) * Dissertation sur la pleurdsie ct la pneumonie aigues. 4°. Paris, 1823. DUCIIESNAY DE LA HUHKRDIERE (J.-B.) * Stir la pleuresie. 4°. Paris, 1812. Dupont(M. ) [Dupom - Vircux]. * Notes et rdflexions sur quelques points de la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1872. Dupoux ( L.-A. ) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Duran (F.-P.-E.) * Considerations gdndrales sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1837. Dusanter (A.-T.) * Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. aigue, consieldrde elans son dtat de sinipli- ci te. 4°. Paris, 1816. Dutour(M.-A.) *De la pleurdsie aignii. 4°. Paris, 1837. Duviviers ( P.-N. ) 'Considerations sur la pleurdsie clans I'dtat aigu et spdcialement elans I'dtat chronique. 4U. Strasbourg, 1820. Ellert (F. C.) *De pleuritiilum partitioue iu primis quoad febrium iis conjunctarnm elift'e- rentias, aualecta. 4°. Gottingce, [1769]. Also, in: ScHReEiiER Opusc.med. [etch 8°. Yorimb., 1778, i, 93-134. Endtz(S.) 'Akademisch proefschrift, bevat- tende twee zicktegevalleu, door den schrijvei- waargenomen in het Caeciliae-Gasthuis te Ley- den. 8°. Leyden, 1856. Entier (J.-C.-H.) 'Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1821. Human (F.) * Ueber Verlaufuntl Behandlung der Pleuritis exsudativa. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1800]. PLEURISY. 376 PLvirjRIKY. Pleurisy. Est ande (J.-L.) 'Dissertation sur la pleurd- sie inll.immatoire. 4°. Montpellier,an f I [1708], Faber (W.) *De pleuritide vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1760. Fallot (A. L.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1775. Favre (C.-K.) 'Dissertation sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1810. Fertigxe (F.) 'Dissertatio medica de pleu- ritide. 4°. Paris, 1809. Fichot (P.-L.) * Essai sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1811. Findekeller (D. A.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Fitembergw, 1702. Fleschut(L) * De la pleurdsie. 4U. Paris, 1815. Fleuriot(C) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1824. Forgeront ( E. ) * Cousitldratious sur la marche naturelle et le traitement ele la pleu- rdsie a frigore. 4°. Paris, 1881. Fraentzel (O.) Pleuritis. In: Handb. tl. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1875, iv, 2. Hlft., 307-440. Also, transl. in: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziems- sen), N. Y., 1876, iv, 589-732. Frasseto (P.-S.) 'Dissertation sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1833. Fricaii) (C.-N.) 'Sur la pleurdsie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1827. Friedrich (E.) *De pleuritide. 8°. Lipsice, 1850. Gallice (P.) * Sur la pleurdsie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1821. Garnier(J.-C) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1813. Gerber (O.) *De pleuritide. 8°. Berolini, [1851]. Gillerdon (M.) * De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1712. Girxt(H.) * De pleuritide. 4°. Wittebergw, 17-27. Girot(J.) 'Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Goltz (J. G.) De pleuritide. 4°. Pegiomonti, [1707]. Gormaxx (J. A.) * De morbo laterali acuto, pleuritis dicto. 4°. Wittenbergw, [1695]. Gory(P.-G.-F.) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Pa- ris, 18->4. Ooi'JiY (A.) *De la pleurdsie suraigue a forme typhoide. 4°. Paris, 1881. Graas (J. G.) * De pleuritide. sm. 4°. Er- furti, [1709]. Graksius (S.) A Tarxovius (J.) Exercitatio metlica tie pleuritide. sm. 4°. [ Wittebergw, 1649. ] Grosser ( J. G. ) *De pleuritide vera. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1718]. Guillie (S.) *Sur la pleurdsie et la pdri- pneumonie intlammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1807. Gt ischard (A.) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Pa- ris, 18\1. vox Guttceit (H. L.) Die Pleuritis. 8°. Bamburg, 1851. Hallf.\yaard(H.) * De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1749. Handelius ( G. ) * De pleuritide. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1671]. Hasler(J.) * De pleuritide. 4°. [n.p., 1783.] Hauzey (V.) * De pleuritide vera. 4°. Pa- risiis, an. XII [1804]. Helleu. *De la x>leurdsie franche, primitive et inflamniatoire chez les vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1884. Heraud (L.) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1808. Hf.rzim; (M.) *De pleuritide et empyemate. 8-. Berolini, [1853]. Pleurisy. Hessler (J.) *De pleurititlc. 8°. Wirei- bnrgi, 1823. Hilchen (J. P.) 'Diss, a-giiini pleuritidi' la- borantcin exhibens. 4:. Altdovffi, [1003], vax Hoevex (C.) *De pleuritide. sm. 1 , Uitrajccti, 1663. Hoffmann (J. H.) *De plcuritidum siccarnni differentia indole etsetle. 1 . Marburgi, [1763]. Honold (E. C.) *De vera vera' pleurititlis sede. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1722]. Imbert (J.-C.) 'Sur la pleurdsie essentielle. 4°. Paris, 1820. Jauraxd (I.) 'Contribution a l'dtude clini- que de la pleurdsie ties vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1881. .Iausion de i.'Esclausade ( M.-A.-P.-J.-A.) * Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 18-J5. Jkffray (J.) On pleurisy. 8°. Glasgow, 1830. Jobbe-Duval (A.) * Etude sur la pleurdsie et la thermomdtrie pleurale. 4°. Paris, 1875. Jollivet (P.-P.-A.) *De la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1849. Jouf.t(L.) 'Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Pa- ris, 1821. Kercksig(.I. P.) *De pleuritide. 4 . Liu/ti. Bat, [1718]. Kiesewetter (J. A.) *De plenritidis natura et cura, cum annexisquibusdam thesibusex uui- versa fere arte tlepromptis. siu. 4°. Erfordice, [1685]. Kolscii ( M. ) * De pleuritide. 4°. Witte- bergw, [1668]. Koester (D. C.) * De pleuritide. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1690]. Kracht (H.) 'Experimentelle •und statisti- sche Untersuchungen iiber tlie Ursachen tier Brnstfellentziiudung. 8°. Greifswald, 1888, Krause (F.) * Ueber die Brust fellentziinduug und deren Complicationen. 8°. Berlin, 1868. KRIEGER (F. II.) *De pleuritide testiva ra- rius occurrente. 4°. Fitembergw, [1752]. Also, in: Halleii. Disp. ad rnorb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau sauna; 1757, ii, 207-224. Lahadie (L.-E.) * De la pleurdsie. 4°. Pa- ris, 1854. Laband (M.) * Spec, inang. tie locis iu pleu- ritide affectis. 8°. Balw, 1796. Lacassagxe (P.-N.) * Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1828. Lachappelle (A.) * Essai sur la pdripleurite. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. van Laer (L. 11.) *De pleuritide Vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1817. Lafisse (C.) 'An quae pleuritielis, eadem rheumatismi acuti ineloles, eadem curatio'! Prai- ses J. A. Coutavoz. 4°. [Paris, 1769.] vax Lakervell (J.) *De i>leuritide. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1709. Lammers (J. C.) *De pleuritiele vera et pleu- ropneumonia. 4°. Goltingw, [1744]. Also, in: Bkendel. Opusc. med. [etc.]. 4°. Ocettingce, 1769, ii, 45-71. Lamoureux (A.-M.) * Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4". Paris, 18\>6. Lamofreux (J.-B.) 'Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1822. Laplace (J.-P.) 'Sur la pleurdsie aigue. YJ. Paris, 1836. La Rochf. (J. F. M.) *De pleuritiele vera. 4°. Argenlorati, [1779]. Latappy (J.-P.) * Sur la pleurdsie aiguti. 4°. Paris, 1828. Lavetizox (J.-G.) 'Sur la pleurdsie simple ou inflainniittoire. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Lebrun (H.) *De la pleurdsie simple, ou pnrement iullaimnatoire. 4U. Paris, 1815. PLEUKISY. 377 PLKUTilSY. 'Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Pa- De pleuritide. 4°. Jence, *De pleuritiele. 4°. Lugd. Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. 4'-'. Pleurisy. Lebrun (T.-A.) ris, 1809. Le Cerf (C. > [1714]. Leemaxs(F. T.) Bat, 1762. Lefebure (V.) Paris, 1827. Lefevre (P.) *De la pleurdsie aigue. Paris, 1845. Lemardeley (A.-L.) *De la pleurite adhd- sive. 4°. Paris, 1874. Lemeur (F.-C.-J.) * De la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1845 Lenoir (F.) *De la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1854. Leonhardt (F.) * De pleuritide. 8°. Bero- lini, [1865]. Leveillie (A.-T.-A.) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4 . Paris, 1816. Levi (P.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1084. Lhelgoual'ch (L.-T.-M.) 'Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1836. van der Linden (J. A.) Scomphus pleuriti- cus. Hipn. v. Epid. t. I. 3. Conimeutarius. In his: Selecta med. [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1656, 439- 484. Lothus ( G. j * De pleuritiele. 4°. Witte- bergw, 1048. Love (C.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1743]. Loyde (S.) 'De pleuritiele. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1697. Masclaxis (J.) "Contribution a l'dtude eles plenrdsies seeondaires consecutives a l'inflamma- tion de la paroi thoracique. 4°. Paris, 1881. Maugenest(B.) * Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1824. Meisius (D.), jun. De pleuritide. 4°. Jenw, 1604. Melipotius (N.) * De pleuritiele. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1684. Menu ( J.) * De pleuritide vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1782. Merlaxd (M.-H.-A.) 'Sur le diagnostic et le traitement de la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1823. Metivier (F.-A. ) *Sur la pleurdsie. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Montagnac ( L. ) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1834. ' . van Moorsel (F.) * De pleuritide vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1772. Mortehax (H.-J.) * Tractatus de pleuritide. 4°. Parisiis, an. X777[1805]. Moutard-Martin (R.) 'Etude snr les plen- rdsies hdiuori'hagiques ndo-membraneuse, tuber- culeuse et cancdreuse. 4". Paris, 1878. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Mouyane (P.) * Snr la pleurdsie simple. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1804]. Muller (J. C. A.) *De sede et indole pleuri- titlis. sm. 4°. Gissce, [1754]. Nette ([T. F.] C.) * De pleuritide exsudativa acuta. 8^. Balis Sax., [1864]. de Neuiville (J. F. ) *De pleuritide vera • atque spuria. 4°. Jence, [1751]. Nivelox (J.-A.-P.) 'Snr la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1832. Palazo(P.-J.) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Pan's, 1837. Panxetier Dufrene (A.-A.-F.) * Sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1812. Pegrimard(D. J.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Pa- risiis, an. XIII [1805]. Perrin (A.) * Des causes, des symptomes et du diagnostic tie la pleurite. 4°. Paris, 1848. De pleuritide. 4°. Ki- Resp. Geor. Pleurisy. Petersen (H. F.) lonii, [n. d.]. Petrous (H.) *De pleuritide Molther. In his: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mar- purgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 260-279" Pezold (J. C.) *l)e pleuritide et peripneu- monia, qua tli versa? tie his aiitorum seiiteutiie expenduntur. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1699]. Philippeau ( T. ) 'Etude sur la pleurdsie primitive ties vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1877. Pinsten (G. B.) *De pleuritide Bat, 1741. Pinto i V.) 'Delapleurdsie. Y-\ Pla (J. A.) * De pleuritide. 4^. 1727. Plaxtevigxe (J.-C.) 'Cousitldratious sur la pleurdsie aignii. 4°. Paris, 1815. Poirsox (M.-J.-J.-B.-N.) *Sur la pleuresie. 4°. Paris, 1814. De pleuritide. 8°. Bero- 4°. Lugd. Paris, 1849. Lugd. Bat, * Sur la pleurdsie simple. De pleuritide vera. 8°. Paris, Traj. ad . Balw, POSCIIMANN (J.) lini, 1850. Foui.aix (A.-P.) 4°. Paris, 1818. Proudfit ( J. ) Philadelphia, 1790. Raabex (J. J.) A: Amman (G. C.) Exercitatio metlica casum practicum exponens. 41-'. Jenw, 1656. Ravin ( J.-T.-V. ) * Sur la pleurdsie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1825. Rayet (E.) 'Sur la pleurdsie. 4° 1809. Redart (H.) *De pleuritide. 4 . Rhenum, 1731. Reichenau (A.) *De pleuritiele. 8^ [1835]. Renault (C.-J.-H.) 'Sur la pleuresie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1831. Rialan (C.) 'Quelques consieldratious sur la pleurdsie aigue tranche et sur son traitement particnlierement par les onctions inercurielles, unies aux purgatifs et aux diuretiqnes. 4°. Paris, 1882. Richters (A.) *De pleuritide vera acuta. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Ris (H. ) *De pleuritiele. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1708. Robert De Mebee (J.-L.-D.) 'Sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1812. Roeseler (J.) * De pleuritide opposita potis- sinium novis sententiis Johannis Baptistte ab Helinont. 4°. Belmestadi, 1654. Roesexbosch (H.), jr. * De pleuritiele sm. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1689. Rohault ( L.-J. ) 'Sur la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1835. Rose r ( L. ) *De pleuritide. Y. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1088. Rousseau (T.) 'Essai sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1835. Rouzee (J. J. ) ' De pleuritide vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1799. >Saalmax(J.) *De pleuritiele. 4°. Argento- rati, 1668. Sadeler(.L) *Dc pleuritiele vera. 1779. In: Louvaix Diss. X". Lovanii, 1795, ii, 21. Salle (L.-M.) * Sur la pleurdsie, ses varidtds, ses complications et ses diffdrencos d'avec les maladies qui lui sont analogues. 4°. Paris, 1814. Sancet (F.-J.-H.) 'Contribution a l'dtuele de la pleurdsie; du moment oil peut apparaitre I'epancbement elans la pleurdsie tranche aigue. 4'. Paris. 1882. Sauvage (N.) 'Essai sur la pleurite aigue. 4". Strasbourg, 1828. PLEURISY. 378 PLEURISY. Pleurisy. Schad (J. D.) *Diss. tradens historiam et curam pleuritici. 4'-'. Giessw Bassorum, 1696. ■ScHAFFERUS (C.) * De pleuritide. 4°. Jena; 1663. Sunlegel (J. J.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Er- furt i, [1690]. SeiiMiD (C. R.) 'Pleuritis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1840. Schmidt (G. ) 'Ueher die Entziindung eles Brustfelles. 8°. Rostock, 1851. SenoLL van Ec.moxd (A.) *De uatura mem- branarnni scrosarum in gencre, et ele auateimia pathologica pleurte inflammata'. 8°. Barlemi, 1835. Schott (O. P. ) 'De pleuritide. sm. 4°. Altorfii Noricorum, [1724]. SciiwicxcK (F. T.j "Pleuritide. 8°. Francof. ad Manitm, 1855. Skmkau (P.) 'Pleuritis traumatica (ohne Vulneration). 8°. Breslau, [1873], Serraxd (R.) 'Etude clinique sur les rap- ports entre la congestion pulmonaire et hi pleu- rdsie. aigue avec dpanchement. 4°. Paris, 1878. Serrikre-Dupre (A.) * Snr la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1819. Siiafi'ner (G.) * Sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1827. Sommer (J. G.) *De pleuritide. 4°. Jenw, 1661. Soulie (P.-J.-D. ) 'Cousitldratious sur la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1822. Spaeth (F. X.) 'Observatioues medicae de morborum const itutione, atljecto pleuritidis de- cursu peculiari. 12 . Monachii, 1816. Spruyt(L.) * De pleuritide. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1824. Stack ( G. R. ) * De pleuritide. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1771. Stokhausen (A. F. W.) *De pleuritide ex- quisita. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1723]. Strack (C.) Nova theoria pleuritielis verte, et reel a eitlem medentli ratio experiment is demon- strata. 8°. Moc/nntiw, 1786. -----. The same. 8°. Ticini, 1788. -----. The same. Neue Bemerkungen iiber den Seitenstich und desselben beste Kurart. Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt vou F. A. Weber. 16°. Beidelberg, 17^7. Strexg (J.) *De pleuritide, atlnexis historiis morbi clinicis. 8°. Pragce, 1842. Suerus (J.-M.) 'Propositions sur la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1807. Tattarinoff (A.) * De pleuritiele vera, singu- lari casu illustrata. 4°, Gottingce, [1768]. Teiciimeyer (A. H. L.) 'Diss, inaug. sis- tens Pleuritidem veram. 4°. Jence, [1752]. Thiesset (A.-P.) 'Sur la pleurdsie. 4 -. Paris, 1812. Tietze(G.) *De pleuritide vera. 4°. Uitra- jccti, 1683. Tisox (F.-C.-J. ) *Sur la pleurdsie. 4C. Paris, 1821. Tittmaxx (F. F.) * De mechanismo ven;e azy- ga3 pleuritidis causa. 4°. Fitembergw, [1724]. Triller (D. W.) Succincta eommentatie) ele pleuritide ejusque curatione; adjectis simul x singularibus pleuriticorum historiis. 8°. Fran- cof. ad Manitm, 1740. -----. The same. Disputatio de pleuritide aestiva. 3. eel. Yeneta. 8°. Fenetiis, 1769. UCKE (C. G.) *De siugularibus quibusdam ad peripneumoniam et pleuritidem spectautibus. 4°. Balw Magdeb., 1753. IJtsch (J.) *De pleuritide. 8-. Berolini, [1849]. Valtat(C-M.-L.) 'Dela pleurdsie aigue.- 4 Paris, 1818. Pleurisy. Veciiner (A.) De pleuritide gcuuina. In: Agoxismata med. Marptirgonsia. 4°. Marvurai Cattorum, 1618, 297-329. Ventre (J.-J.) 'Sur la pleurdsie aigue, et quelques mots sur l'hydrothorax qui l'accom- pagne. 4U. Paris, 1827. Verbist (J. G.) * De pleuritide genuina sim- plici. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1816. Verdeaux(A.) 'Delapleurdsie. 4 . Paris, 1835. Verna (J. B.) Princeps morborum acutorum, pleuritis; tractatus novissimus et singularis in vi partes coniprehensus juxta Hippocratis men- tem et recentiorum theses ad praxim metlicam summopere necessarins. 4°. Venetiis, 1713. VlCTOR(B.) 'Dela pleurite. 4°. Paris, 1848. Vuillet(P.-F.) * Sur la pleurdsie aigtiti. 4U. Paris, 1828. Wachter (C.) 'Historia et cura pleuritici. 4°. Erfurti, [1701]. van der Waeyen (O.) * De pleuritide. 4°. Uitrajccti, 1674. Walhuys (H.) *De pleuritiele. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1710. Ward (T.) *De pleurititlc. 8°. Edinburgi, 1822. Wedding (D. B. P.) * De pleuritide vera. 4°. Traj. ad Elicit tint, 1753. Wedemeyer (P. II.) * De pleuritide veinali et .'estiva. 4°. Gottingce, [1756]. Also, in: Bkendei.. Opusc. med. [etc.]. sm. 4°. Got- tingce, 1775, iii, 171-189. VVkndt (Y.) * Observatioues ele pleuritide et peripneumonia. 4°. Gottingce, [1762]. Wesenerus (W. C.) * De agra pleuritica. sm. 4°. Jence, [1674]. van der Willigen (A.) * De pleuritide. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1837. Windhauer (J. H. M.) 'Diss, sistens casmn de pleuritide. sm. 4°. Erfordice, [1741]. Wormbser(J.) 'De pleuritide. 4°. Giessw, 1676. Wuyts(J.) * De pleuritide vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1810. Alcaide y lllanco (J.) Observacion tie unaplenresia limitaela a las poreiones terminales inferiores dereehas. Gac. meel. de Sevilla, 1880, ii, 299-301.—Alison (W. P.) Notice of cases of pleurisy and pneumonia. Month. J. M. Se., Lond. & Edinb., 1850, xi, 157-172. Also, Reprint.—An- Htie (l'\ E.) Pleurisy. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1871, iii, 921-950.—Apjohn. On pleuritis. Dublin M. Press, 1839. i, 66-69.—Ai-houM (J.) Remarques stir la pleuresie aigue et en particulier sur son traitement par les ponctions. Rec. denietn. de metl. ... mil., Par., 1880,3. s., xxxvi, 1-52.— van Berchciti (H.) t t Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, Brux., 1840. 366-374. Also: Arch, de la med. helge, Brux., 1840, iii, 151-158.—Billroth (T.) Ueber absi-edireude Peripleuritis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1802, ii, 133-141.— Bouiiemaiitoii. Delapleur6sie aigue. Gaz. meil.-cliir. de Toulouse, 1S73, v, 150; 157; 165; 173; 181. Also, in his: Essais de clin. nied., 8°, Toulouse, 1874, 230-281. -----. Stir quelques points tie I'histoire de la pleurtisie. (Iaz. nnStl.- chir. de Toulouse, 1875, vii, 161; 169.—Bosi (L.) Sulla pleuritide. In his: Lez. tli patol., s°, Pisa, 1872, 385-413.— Boytl (R.) Twenty-four eases of hydrothorax and twelve of pleuritis. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1843, lx, 135-144.—Burl (S. S.) Pleurisy. N. York M. J., 1HK7, xiv, 459-463. Also, Reprint. Also': Post-Graeluate, N. Y., 1887-8, ii. 301-311.— II ii tie. Pleuienie.seehey)roduiteexperimentaleiiientehez un olii<'ii ; dosage de l'acide carlmiiiquc exhale; poiels des materiaux solides tlu sang. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1882, 7. s., iv. 590—G'aiiwtatt (C.) t t In his: Klin. Riickbl. u. Abhandl., 8°, Erlang., 1851, 2. pt,, 113-115 — C'anlalaiiK'MHa (I.) Le oscillazioni tlella pressione in- trapleuiica nelle pleuriti e durante il decorsei tli una tora eentesi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1887, 6. s., xx, 5-28.— fiiMterlliiM tP. V.) De pleuritide. In his: Exercita- tiones nied., 4°, Tolosae, 1616, 3(15-532.—C'haikovMki (I.) K vopr. ob etioloftii plevrita. I'rotok. zasaid. guber. zemsk. vrach. sovcta . . . Kursk, 1886, iii. 91-106. Also: Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1886, iv, 155; 174— I'liaiiilMi* (T. K.) On pleurisy. Lancet, Lond., 1862, ii. 277.—Clio- m«l. Pleuresie. llict. de m6d., 2. ed.. Par., 1842. xxv, 0- 55. -----. L»e la pleuresie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1X40,2. s., viii, 9; 25. — 4'livoHlck. Beobachtungen iiber Pleuritis. Wchn- bl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1805, 49; 05; 81; PLEURISY. 379 PLEURISY. Pleurisy. 89; 97; 105; 113; 121; 129; 145; 153; 161; 193; 201; 215; 231; 239—Clark (A.) A lecture on inflammation of the pleura. Hosp. Gaz., N. T., 1879, vi. 449-451. -----. Lum- le-ian lectures on some points in tho natural history of primitive elrv pleurisies. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 549; 599, 1 pi.: 649. Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1885, i, 633; 683; 727. Also: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 275; 304- 321- 316; 390; 414.—C'ratz (,I.) Feber Pleuritis. Med. Jahrb. f. tl. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1851. ix, 323- ;t48.—Dainelli (L.) Sulle ph-uriti 6 versainenti pleuri- tici osservate nella la sezione di medieina dello spedale tli- visiouaiio di Firenze. Gior. tli metl. mil., Firenze, 1871, xix. 23-33.— O'AUoeco (O.) Etiologia della pleurite es- snilal iva primaria o di tpiella apparentemeute primaria, con aleune eonsiderazioni terapeutielie. Progresso nied., Na- peili, 1887, i, 880-889.—Davezac. Trois cas de pleuresie!. Mem. et bull. Soc. de nied. et chir. de Bordeaux (1883), 1884, 1 !)_•>:>. — Onvier*. Morbid anatomy ; diagnosis anil treat- ment of pleuritis. Lancet, Loud'., 1830, ii; 42-45.—Be Kcnzi (!",.) Etiologia tlella pleurite. Moi-gagni, Napoli, 1888 xxx, 27-31 . — BtewplatM (H.) Nature ele- la pli-uresii-. J. il! sc. nil-el. ele Lille, 1889, i, 577-585.— Dienlafoy. De la pleuresie. Gaz. tl. nop., Par., 1881, liv, 545.—Donald- son (1\) The influence of lung retractility in pleurisy and pneumo-thorax. Tr. M. efc Chir. Fae. Maryland, Bait., 1884, 195-207. — Don kin (H. B.) The anteceelents of pleu- risy. Westniinst. Hosp. Rep., Lonel., 1888, iv, 13-26.— Dramche. Pleuritis. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1870), 1871, 108. — Buniii (T.) Ohseivations sur les rapports epii existent entre la pleu- resie et la tuberculose au point de vue tliniepie. Gaz. hebd. ele nitid., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 295-297.—Buplan. Observations sur deux pleuresies. J. de ni6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1775, xliii, 19-28. — Fcnoglio (I. ) Ascesso subfrenico e successiva pleurite. Riv. clin. e te- rap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 613-621. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1888. v, 5-14. Fernet (C.) efc d'Heilly (E.) Pleuresie'. N. diet, de tied, et chir. prat., Par., 1880, xxviii, 146- 238. — Fiweher (D.) Historia pleuritidis mense Aprili epidemia- Ka-siiiarckii in Hungaria observata. Samml. v. Nat..- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1718, Bresl., 1719, iv. 984- 987._Fokker (A. P.) t Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1874, x, 1. Afd., 181-185. — Forget. TJne lecon sur la pleuresie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1856, xxix, 509. — Frieiliiiaun (L.) t t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 5S6-58S.—I.illies (H. C.) A simple case of pleurisy; the interpretation of disease. lancet, Loud., 1887, i, i 180.— l.ii-uril. De la pleuresie. Marseille med., 1884, xxi, 662- 668.—ISoicoeeliea (S.) Pleuresiaconderramepuruleuto, consecutiva & la escarlatina y tratado por la toracentesis. An. de obst, ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1881, 2. ep., i, 145-151.—Gonraiid (X.) De la pleuresie. France med., Par., 1869, xvi. 197; 202; 221—<»nbler. Observation de pleur6sie. Compt. rend. Soc. ele- biol. 1850, Par., 1851. pt. 1, ii, 201.—Hardy. Pleiir6sie traumatique. Gaz.d. bop., Par., 1881, liv, 1011. -----. De la pleuresie. Praticien, Par., 1882,v, 581.— Henoch (E.) Klinische-Mi! theilnugen iiber Pleuritis. Berl. klin. Wchiisehr., 1882, xix, 457-460. Also: Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii, pt. 2, 113-122.— Heyfeldcr. Ueber schleiohende Pleuritis. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1834, x, 473-488.—Hill ton (S. A.) Pleuritis, with special reference to eases requiring thorai e nti-sis. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1882, xxv, 148-151.— Ilii-Ni hlei- (A.) Az 1883-4 taneuben eszlelt mellhar- tyalob esetek, tekintettel az ele'ibbi 6vekben tett kiliodai tapasztalntokva. [Cases of pleuritis observed in the clinic in the year 1883-4.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 589; 621; 725. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 529; 549. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Meel.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1887, xxii, 448; 460. — Ho- ■nolle(G.) Des pleuresies et tie leur traitement. Rev. tl. sc. med., Par., 1880, xv, 306; 721: xvi, 325. - JnintN (A.) Pleurisy antl pleuritic effusion from the anatomie-o- physiologieal standpoint. Edinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv, 223-230.—Jeaiiton. Plenrtjsies observees dans le service lie M. le Prof. Dieulafoy, a l'hopital Neckcr en 1887. A i th. gen. de med., Par., 1888, ii, 532-549. — Johnson ( G. ) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 479. Also, in his: Med. Lect. efc Essays, 8^, Lond., 1887, 425-430. -----. Abstract of a clinical lecture on cases of pleurisy. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 834.—Koch (T.) Entzunduiig'dos Brustfells, des Pet-i- und Eiieleicardiums uud ties Aortenbogens. Me-d. Ztg. Rnsslands, St. Petersb., 1849, vi, 401-404. — KovalKzky (F.) t t Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, xx, 889-892.—Lan- cereanx (E.) Des pleurites en general et de la pleurite a frigore eu particulier. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee. tl. sc. Conipt.-rend. 1878, I'ar., 1879, vii, 984-987.-----. PleuriSsie a frigore et pleurites. Union med.. Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 685: 709.—Lnnde (L.) Mortal in- ele- la pleuresie a l'hopi- tal Saint-Andre ih- Bordeaux, tie 1801 a 1872. Gaz. med. de Bordeaux, 1872-3, i, 319-321. — Landouzy (L. ) De la pleuresie tli to a, frigore; manifestation de tuberculosi', Rev. de med , Par., 1886, vi, 611-021. — LaMch (J.) Bei- triige zur Lehre von tier Pleuritis, deren Bohaiiillnng und Folgezustanden. Schmidt's Jahrb., Lei])/.., 1876 clxxi, 145: 1879, clxxxiii, 28: 1883, excvii, 65. — La*< i;ne ( C. ) Les pleuresies. In his: Etudes med., 8U, Par., 1884, ii, Pleurisy. 577-585. — Latia (M. R.) Lo spostamento degli essudati pleurici in rapporto ai movimenti respiratori profoudi. Kassegnatli sc. meel., Modena, 1888, iii, 409-418. — Law (K.)_ Pleurisy. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1845, iii, 074-587. — Lazaro Aflradaa (C.) Dos pleuresias. Gac, de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1881, vii, 505-508.— beaming (J. R.) Paper ou pleuritis. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1866-9, iii, 442-451. | Discussion] (1869-71), 1872, iv, 48-59.— Legrnnd (II.) Pleuresies observees dans le service tie M. Dieulafoy. Arch. gen. tie med., Par., 1887, ii. 275-309.— Lilly (II. W.) t Fatal North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1880, v, 144-147.—Lombard (H.-C.) Pleuresies soignees dans l'Hopital general do. 1834 a 1846 et dans l'Hopital can- tonal de 1855 a 1874. Bull. Soe. me.il. do la Suisse- Bom., Lausanne, 1876. x, 275-282. [See, also, infra, Kevillioel. ] — Loomis (A. L.) Sero-tibrinouspleurisy. Metl. Bee... X. Y.. 1881, xix, 29; 57. — Louis. Pleuresies observees k l'hopital de la Pitie. Clinique, Par., 1830, iii, 17-19.— Maillot. Consitlerations pratiques sur quelques obser- vations de pleuresie et de pneumonie aignSs. Exposed. trav. tie la Soc. tl. sc med. tie la Moselle, Metz, 1844-5, 30- 49.—Muriel (K.) La nature tie la pleuresie. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 699. — Martin (L.-A. ) Pleuresies aigui'- et chronique. Gaz. med. tie Montpel., 1841-2, ii, no. 16. — Mason (A. L.) t t Boston M. &. S. J., 1877, xcvii, 753-757. -----. Au analysis of two bun dred cases of primary pleurisy. Meet, efc'Surg. Rep. Host. City Hosp., 1882. 3. s'., 295-339. — Mesaard ( L. ) Note. clinique sur les rapports de la pleuresie et tie la tubercu lose. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. mCd. de Bordeaux, 1*87, viii, 383- 386— Morehend. t t Tr. M. efc Phys. Soe-, Bombay, 1843, vi. 82-86.—IVicholm (J. T. G.) 1 t Boston M. &S. j., 1877, xevi, 142.—IVorcom (F.B.) A caseof sub -acute pleurisy. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1860, xviii, 488-491. — I'tpptr (VV.) Ten cases of pleurisy and their treatment. Meel. Gaz., N Y., 1880, vii, 525-529. — l'icaid (E.) Contribution a 1'6- tude tie la pleuresie. Rev. de therap. nnSd.-chir.. Par., 1878, xiv, 197-201. — Fine! ,V Brielieleaii. Pleuresie. Diet. tl. sc. med., Par., 1820, xliii. 185-215.—4{niii«|iiaiid. De la pleuresie a forme ^typhoide. Paris nieil.. 1S8I, vi, 145-147.—Kevilliod. A'propo.sde la statistiepte ele M. le Dr. H. C. Lombard sur ia mortality tie la pleuresie k l'Hopital cantonal de Geneve. Bull. Soc. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1876, x, 282-294. — ISicyel (K.) Ueber Pcripleuritii). Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz , 1877, xix, 551-566— Roiiziei'-Jolly ( A.) Observations de pleuresies, pour servir a I'histoire generale tleees malaelie-s. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1856-7, iv, 373-377. — Mailer (II.) On pleurisy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 25; 52.—Mean. tor (H.) Ueber Pleuritis im liefolge von Untei leibsatt'ec- tiouen, nameutlich von subphrenischen Abscesseu. Cha- ritC Ann. 1882, Berl., 1884, ix, 311-332. — ."•)<-rail ni ( A. ) Contribuzione all' etiologia tlella pleurite acuta primaria. Progresso med., Napoli, 1888, ii, 221-232. Also, Reprint.— Skoda efcPfraiij; (A ) Pleuritis. Oesterr. med. Wchn- schr., Wien. 1845, 74.—Solon (M.) Pleurlisie aigui' sim- ple tin cote droit, marche rapide; uecropsio. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1843. 2. s., v, 415. — SoimUi «i;i;cr. Ple'itritische Notizen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1873, iii, 89-95.— Tabary. Observation sur une pleuresie syniptomatique. J. de- med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1772, xxxvii, 308-311.— Thibierge (G.) Memoire sur les modifications du bruit respiratoire dans la pleuresie, la marche de l'intlammatioii de la plevre, et sa terminaison par syncope mortelle. Arch. g6n. de med.. Par., 1852, 4. s„ xxviii, 305-318. Also, Re- print.—Tiiiiermaiis (G.) Pleurite-. Gior. d. r. Accad. tli med. di Torino, 1873, 3. s., xiii, 326; 359; 425: 462.—Trail be (L ) Ein Fall von Pleuritis uud Peritonitis tuberculosa, durch kiisige Massen im linken Pleurasack vei iirsae-ht. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 393- 396.—Ursinns (-T.) De pleuritide et peripneumonia, In: Warenius (IL) Nosologia. 8°, Lipsia-, 1605. 107-117.—de Veer ( T. ) Pleuritis. In his: Diss. med. inaug., 8', Lugd Bat., 1849, 15-19.—Vergely (P.) Observations de pleuresie-. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1878-9, viii, 464; 475; 48S; 512. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. tie mCd. et chir. de Bor- deaux, 1879, 250-307.—Vows. (Itliopatisk akut Pleurit.) Norsk Mag. f. La-govidonsk., Christiania, 1880, x, 175; 237.— Viilpian (A.) Pleuresie traiimatiqiie, avec frac- ture de e-e'iles; point de cote violent: leger epanohemeiit; gu6rison. /»i his: Clin med. de l'hop. de la (Ihaiite, 8°, Par., 1879, 373-375.—Weber. Memoire sur la pleuresie. J. univ. el hebd. tie metl. et de chir. prat,, Par., 1831, iv, 249- 261.— WcicliNclbamii (A.) Zusamnienfassender histo- rischer Bericht iiber die Aetiologie tier acuten Lungen- und Rippinfellentziindiingen. Centralbl. f. Bacterid, u. Parasite-nk., Jena. 1887, i, 553: 587.—West (H. S.) Sub- acute pleurisy, ii. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Au- burn 1854, 57-60.—Widal (V.) Pleuresie-. Diet, enc.vcl. el. sc. med , Par., 1888, 2. s., xxvi, 12-123. —| Williamm (C. J. B.)l Pleurisy. Syst, Pract. M. (Twee-die). Lond., 1840, iii, 108-129. Also: Ibid., Phila., 1841, iii, 171-204. Pleurisy (Complications and sequela: of). See, also, Amaurosis (Cases of); Embolism (Pulmonary); Empyema; Hydrothorax; Pa- PLEURISY. 38( Pleurisy (Complications and sequela of). ralysis (Causes of); Phthisis; Phthisis (Causes, etc.,of); Pleura (Adhesions of); Pleura (Can eer in); Pleura (Effusions in. Complications, etc., of); Pleurisy (Sudden death in); Pneumonia; Pneu- mothorax. Barbk. *De l'erili'iiie ele la paroi tlioracique daus les pieinewsies non purulentes. 4 . Paris, 18.84. Bernard (C.-C.-.I.) * Essai snr plusieurs cas d'atrophie tics muscles tlu thorax chez les pleure- tiques. 4°. Lille, 1883. Boismake (J.-B.-V. ) * Dissertation sur la pleure'sie gastrique ou bilieuse. 4°. Paris, 181K Cayron (U.) *Sur iiiielijnes modifications tlans l'appareil respiratoire consecutives a la pleurdsie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1877. CoULLOMB (C.) *Des le'sions consdentives a la pleure'sie ancienne. 4°. Paris, l8?'2. Denaxce (C.) "Contribution i l'etude de la septice'niie pleurale; nouvelle iudicatiou de pleu- rotomie. 4°. Paris, 1877. Dubois (G.) *Kesolntio casus pleuritici enni met.u pleuropneumonia?, sm. 4-. Upsalice, 1749. Eynaud (P.-L.) * Quelques observations sur la pleuresie avec epanchement. 4°. Paris, 1853. Flejiming (P.) * Ueber die Hauiigkeit tier Combination vou Pleuritis und Tuberkulose unel tlas Abhiiugigkeitsverhaltniss beider Krankhei- ten vou eiuantler. [Erlangen.] 8-. Weimar, 1870. Gardin (J.) *De l'cedeme dans la pleuresie. 4°. Paris, 1877. Gouyou-Beauciiemps (J.-A.) *Note sur la paralysie du muscle grand denteie, a propos d'un cas oir cette affectiem est survenue cemse'ciitive- nient a une pleuresie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1870. GReis (H.-R.L.) *De la jiropagation eles in- flaiuiiiations tie la plevre au peritoiue et vice- versa. 4°. Lille, 1883. Haralambie (D.) *De la pleuresie re"cidi- vante. Sa localisation RA (A.) "Etude clinique sur quelques complications tie la pleuresie. 4°. Paris, 1874. Pagliaro (V.) Tesi eli concorso per la con- dotta meelica eli Borgetto. [Uncasodi pregressa pleurite con consecntiva periianlite, e endo- arterite dell' artcria pulmonale.] 8°. Mistretta, 1880. Pellis (C.) * Sur lepauchement tl la suite de la pleuresie. 4-. Paris, 1820. Relnhard (Y. G. M.) "De quibustlani exsu- dati pleuritici exitibus. 8J. Lipsice, [1856]. Rexailt (L.-F.) "Sur la pleuresie bilieuse ou gastrique. 4 . Paris, l>lf>. Rochs (H.) * Eiu melirfach coniplieirter Fall von Pleuritis. 8 . Berlin, [18715]. PLEURISY. Pleurisy (Complications and sequela- of). Savoye (P.) * Fne observation il'oste'ophi, tes costaux pleuretiques. 4C. Paris, 1872. Steixbikmer (G.) "De scoliosi ex pleuritide orta. 80. Gottingce, [1838]. Tkolley (D.-G.) "D'une forme tie pleuresie qu'on pourrait appeler pleuresie geiatiiieu.se ct qui n'est autre chose quedortt'tli'iui' de la jilevrc et ties fausses membranes organise,i's. 4 \ Paris, 1873. Tuetel (F.) "Observatioues clinica* de pleu- ritide ejusque. sequelis. 8J. Gryphice, L*n>9. Vautrix (('.) "Deux complications rares do la pleuresie aigue (peritonitis et apoplexie). -P. Paris, 1872. Zt kciier (C.) "Zwei Fiille von Pleuritis syphilitica deformans. [Bern.] 8°. Zug, 1.-8"). Aldix ((". J. B.) Cases of pleurisy with effusion into the left siele- of chest, and displacement of the heart. Med. Times, Loud., 1849, xx, 26.—A aural. TTne vaste fausse meiubrane developpee dans la cavite de la plevre: elie- est tres-epaisse et "presente dans son centre une lai'Lie- i-a\ ite renfermant plusieurs oners d'un liquitle scro-sanguinolent. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par.,1830, xi, 2115.—Arniiiux. Pleu- rite & droite, albiiminurii- aigui'-, eolampsie tireiuique. Rev. nied. de Toulouse, 1875, ix, 10-12.—A*hlock (J. H.) A ease of pleuritis, complicated with perityphlitis. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 451—Bar« iiult. Pleuritis exsudativa. Jahresb. ii. il. Verwalt. tl. Meel.W'es., d. Krankenaust. . . . tl. Stadt Frankf. ( 1800), 1803, iv. 93.— Bailey (li.) Case of pleurisy, attended with violent action of the heart. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1849, iv, 4'-'(i-4_'8—Ballet (G.) Pleurdsie; eschare au sacrum; int'-iiingite aseeiielaute ichoreuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., ]X7!I, liv. 44-40. Also: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 504.— Bnrby. Considerations sur quelques points de I'histoire et du traitement de la pleur6sie avec epanelicnient a pro- pos de l'observation de deux collections pleuretiques ou- vertes k l'exterieur, entre les cotes. Expose- d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. med. tie la Moselle, Metz, 1X40-7, 66-93. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 1005.—Barker (T. A.) Cases illustrating some difficulties in the diagnosis of pleuritic effusion. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1x51, xxxiv, 131-142.—Barr (J.) Case of acute pleurisy; perforation of the lung; empyema-pneumothorax; measles; death. Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 561.—Barth (H.) Pleim'sie seche tuberculeuse, avec neo-inembranes epaisses corapri niant lis poumous; gene de la circulation eardio-piihno- naire; accidents asphyxiques rappelant eeux de l'asystolie. France uu'-il., Par., 1879, xxvi, 177. Also: Bull. Stic. clin. de Par. (1X7!)), 1880, iii, 22-25.—Barzilai (C.) Essudato pleinie-eietestro; nlcerazione tlella pleura; pneumoniti peri- feiie lie; oligoemia; periostite pericranica plastica; neo- ])lasnia. (la/./., med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1875, xviii, j!)4.—Bebicr. Pleuresie,: hyilroperioardie; ponction du pf-ricarde. Onion nied., Par.. 1854, viii, 278. Also: Bull. Soc. nied. d. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1863, ii, 222-225.- Berlioz (L.-J.) Observation sur une pleuresie tenninee par plusieurs metastases extraordinaires. J. geu. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1822. lxxviii, 34-48. —Bernabei (C.) Di un caso di pleurite acuta guarito prontaniente- al siguito di un pneumo-torace traumatico. Bull. tl. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. metl. in Siena, 1884, ii, 202-2D6.—Beullac. Ketrecisse- ment du cote, droit de la poitrine, suite d'une pleuresie chronique; pectoriloquio evidente entre la clavicule et le bortl tlu muscle trapeze du inenie cote; hypocondrie et suicide. J. conipl. du diet. tl. sc. med., Par., 1822, xiii, 97- 103.— Bigelow (J.) Inflammation of the pleura with unusual effusion of lymph. M. Eng. J. M. efc S., Bost., 1813, ii, 266-208.—Binet (P.) Pleuresies avec Epanchement observees dans le- service de M. Dieulafoy. Arch., gen. de med., Par., 1884, i, 403-425.—Bird (W. V".) Observations on pleuritic accumulations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, i, 190.— Blaekadcr (A. B.) Some of the sequela; of plenrisy. Canada M. Ret;., Montreal, 1877, vii, 07-71.— Itlocq. Pleu resie rliuinatismale prearthropathiqiie France metl., Par., 1885, ii. 934-937. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par.. Ixx5, ix, 183-180. — Bompard (E.) Observation de pleu- resie iivi'i: pe-ritonite purulente enkystee sus-hepatique; autoi)sie'. (la/., framj.de m6il. et pharm, Par., 1887, iii, no. 39, 5-8.—Bouillaud. Pleuresie du cote droit avec Epanchement dans les deux tiers posterieura tie la poitrine, da tant de quatorze jours ; complication de phenomenes ty plioi'des; cas grave; guerison en tiois jours. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 293. — Kowililth (V. T.) Com- parative results in ninety cases of pleurisy, with special reference to the development of phthisis pulmonalis. Me-d. Mews. Phila., 1889, lv, 63-07 —B re bant. Pleurite et pe- ritonite- suraigues simultauees par epanchement de pus pieive iiantd'1111 abcessitue dans TiSpaisseurdudiapbragiiie; eiieriseiii. Bull. Soc. med. tie Reims, lxfiK-9. vii, 59-65.— Brinton. Double pleurisy and ])iie-umonia treated by diaphoretics, brandy, beef-tea. and tisb ; recovery. Lancet. Loud., 1857, i, 170 — Brochin. Accidents asphyxiquefl 81 PLEUEISY. PLEURISY. Pleurisy (Complications and sequelceof). formidables'survenus pendant le cours d'une pleuresie avec epanchement modere. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 313.—Brouardel. Note sur la pneumonie interstitielle qui accemipague la pleuresie et les indications qui en res- sortent au point de vue de la thoracentese. Union nied., Par., 1872,3.s., xiv, 510-514.—Bncqnoy. Vomique ; tu- berculisation consecutive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, Iiii, l(lill).— Bhcliner. Ueber die mit Polycholie und Galleu- stornngeii veibundenen Pleuresieen. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1837, iv, 44-52.—Burghart (G. H.) Pur- pura rubra pleuritidi superveniens letalis. Med. Siles. Sat., Wratisl., 1737, ii, 38-42.—C'amballero (F. G.) Ob- servacion de una coleccion sero-purulenta procedente tie una pleuresia; curacion. Bol. tie metl., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1850, 3. s., v, 123; 142; 148; 156; 161; 172; 182; 1X7.—Cantieri (A.) Diuu caso di pleurite ulcerativacon empiema e cousecutivo ascesso del fegato. Boll. d. sez. tl. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. iisioerit. di Siena, 1888, vi, 10-20. — Capozzi (D.) Pleurite essudativa, catarro bron- chiale bronchiettasia, nefrite, epatite intersti/.iale. Boll. tl. clin. Napoli, 1884, i, 4-6. — Carcaga (A.) Observa- cion tie un caso de pleuresia aguda con derrame puru euto, desarrollado en el curso de una afeccion organica del co- razon, v curado per medio de la paracentesis del torax. Gac. med., Mexico, 1889, xxiv, 126-130.—Car«ill. Pleu- risy with effusion; tleath; absence of kidney- Prov. M. efc S. J., Loud., 1842-3, v, 158—Carter (A. H.) ' Noteson thedi- agnosis and treatment of pleurisy with effusion. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1877, vi, 182-191.—Caruso (G.) Storie cliniche e considerazioni su tre casi di pleurite essudaliva. Pisani. Palermo, 1884,v, 281-303. Also, Reprint.—[Cases.] Caseof acute pleurisy; sloughing of lung; abscess in mediastinum ; pericarditis ; jaundice. Metl. Times rtent daus les signes physiques ele la pleurdsie. 4-. Paris, 1877. Canu (L.) * £tude sur les phdnomenes pseudo- caverneux observds elaus la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1870. Carnat (G.) * De quelques sigues de la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1874. Chaffey (A.) * Etude sur certains points du diagnostic dc la pleurdsie gdudralisde avec dpau- cbemeut. 4°. Paris, 1874. Chambor (M.) * Conservation des vibrations thoraciques elans les pleurdsies avec dpauche- uient. 4 . Paris, 1886. Chanut (fi.) "Contribution a l'dtude du souffle anipborique et caveraeux daus la pleurd- sie 4C. Paris, 1883. Christiani (A.) * Des symptfimes et du tlia- guostic th' la ph'-urdsie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. Ellekt (F. C.) * De pleuritiduni partitione, in primis quoad fedirium iis conjuuctaruni ditferen- tias, analecta. 4°. Gottingce, [1769]. Ferber (A.) *Die physicalischen Syniptome der Pleuritis exsudativa. Eine klinisch-experi- meutelle Stutiie. 4°. Marburg, 1875. Fremont (V.) * De la pleurdsie a signes pseu- tlo-cavitaires. 4°. Paris, 1885. Giberton-Dureuil (F.) * Considdratious a propos de la tempdrature dans la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1876. PLEURISY. 384 PLEUKISY. Pleurisy (Diagnosis and symptoms of). Giralih.s (J.-A.-C.) " Sin le diagnostic ele la pleurdsie, precede tic. quelques cousitldratious sur l'auscultation et la percussion tie la poitrine. 4 ■■'. Paris, 1830. Giraux (H.) * Des bruits anomaux de la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, 1875. Hue (J.-A.) * Des signes physiques dela pleu- rdsie et de leur valeur sduidiologique. 4°. Paris, 1880. Hi'iDEPOHLE (F.) * Ueber deu Fieberverlauf bei Pleuritis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1883. Joanny (J.-R.-G.) * Du prognostic dloignd tie la pleuresie (pleurdsie et tuberculose). 4°. Paris, 1881. Latkille (M.-G.) * De la vousstire tlu thorax chez les pleurdtiques; nouveau inotle devalua- tion clinique. 4°. Bordeaux, 1881. Lazerat (F.) * Quelques uiots sur hi tempe- rature fdbrile dans la pleurdsie. 4°. Bordeaux, 1883. LtTNi>GREx(J. G.) * Symptomatologien i pleu- ritis. 8°. Lund, 1858. Mendovsse (F.) * Consitldrations sur le dia- gneistic ties tumeurs qui peuvent simuler la pleu- rdsie. 4°. Paris, \872. Meuvret (T.-V.) * fituele sur la pleurdsie, particnlierement sur ses phdnomencs physiques. 4-. Paris, 1803. Moine (C.) * Quelques recbercbes sur les motlitiiiitions tie forme et tie dimension du thorax dans hi. pleurdsie ;iigui:. 4°. Paris, 1872. Molisset (F.) * Dc la sensation tie Hot dans les dpancheuients pleuraux. 4°. Lyon, 1887. Netter (L.) * Des signes pbysiques tie la pleure'sie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837. Odin (J.) * De l'abscnce eles bruits mdtal- liq ties dans certaines plenrdsies a vet: fistules brou- cbit|iies ou cutandes. 4°. Nancy, 1874. Pascal(J.-P.-I5.) * Quehiues observations pra- tiques sur les tlift'drences priucipales de la peri- pneuinonie et de la pleurdsie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817. Pinte (C.-F.-A.) * fitablir le diagnostic et le prontisl ic tie la pleurdsie aigue et chronique. 4°. Paris, 1841. Poi'Eseo (N.) * fitude clinique sur la sympto- matologie et le tliagnostic de la pleurdsie seche. 4 . Paris, 1873. KiejHTER (G. G.) [Pr.] praemissa hrevi elisqui- sitionede viis sputi pleuriticoruin. 4°. Gottingce, [1744]. Roux (M.) * De l'inspection de la poitrine tlans la pleurdsie et elans la phthisie pulmouaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865. Szafkaxiscz-Grodecki (C.) Essai sur les symptomes de diffdrentes formes de la pleurdsie. Tri 1 mt acatlemique. 8°. Berne, 1839. Thierry-Mieg (J.-J.) * Des lignes de niveau elans la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 18f><>. Vassilesco (P.) * fitude snr epielques-uns ties signes stdthoscopiques de la pleurdsie 4 . Pa- ris. 1881. Waechtler (J. S.) *De pleuritidis vera" et peripneumoniae differentiis. 4 . Balce Magdeb., 17-25. Zeising (H. F.) * De natura febris in pleuri- titlc. 8' . Lipsiw, 1857. Relz (F.) Ueber das pleuritische Lederknarren. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1867, xii, 113-115.—Bouilly. Re- cherches sur les rapports qui existent entre les signes tie la pleuresie et la quantit6 tie r6panchemeiit. Arch. gen. dc metl., Par., 1876, i, 273; 447; 576.—Broutirilel. Dia- gnostic tie la pleuresie; frottement, rah- de- dcplisscmeut; congestion et apoplexie pulmonaires du e-ote oppose a l'tSpanchement; complications; mensuration de l'epauche- ment; vibrations thoraciques. Courrier m6d., Par., 1874, xxiv, 42-45. Also: J. d. conn. metl. prat, Par., 1874, xii, 17- 19.—Chanut. Du souffle cavemeux de lapleurtjsie, sitnu- Pleui*ix»y (Diagnosis and symptoms of). lant laphlhVsie. Paris oicel., 1884, ix," 61-63.—Colin (L.) Valeur stimeiotiqim et pronostiquc du frottement tlans la pleuresie; traitement de cette affection par reiiit-iii|un a haute dose. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 9:!.— 4'oii.-irexae (./.) Sur quelques cas de pleuresie et le signe du son tlu pio- fesseur Pities. ..Mom. et bull. Soc. dt.....-el. ct chir. th: Bordeaux (1885), 1886. 424-442. Also: J. de- med. de Bor- deaux, 1885-6, xv, 201; 2J3.— I)c Miiiet (V.) Des symp- tomes physiques ties pleuresies. Clinique, Brux., 1887, i, 125; 141.—Dnpny (P.) Pronostic de la pleuresie. Mem, et bull. Soe. tie nied. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1877, 40-45.— Finlay (D. W.) Clinical lecture on cases illustrating some points in the diagnosis and treatment of pleuritic effusion. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 561-564. — Fremont. De la iileuresie k signes pseudo-cavitaircs. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Gaunat. Compt. rend., Par., 1887, xii, 22-25.—CJal- I aril ( T.) Diabete; pleuresie intercurrent!) (son hytlro- aerique); respiration pseudo-amphoriquc avccpectoriloquie incomplete; observation suivie tie inflexions sur les change- inents de niveau tlu liquide tlans la pleure,sie. Rec. tl. trav. Soc. nied. d'obs. de Par., 1853, i, 90-111.—Occ. Difficulties in the diagnosis of some kinels of pleurisy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1875, xi, 274.—<»ei'liarrit (C.) Diag- nostische Bemerkungen iiber Pleuritis und Pneumothorax. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1876, iii, 167-169. -----. Ueber pleuritische Bewegungserscheinungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 467-469. Also: Ver- hantll. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1887, xvii, 126- 134. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 777-780— gevidensk., Christiania, 1887, 4. R., ii, 768-775.—lupine (It.) Contribution k l'6tudo des vibrations thoraciques tlans lapleur6sie. Lyon m6d., 1879, xxxi, 501-505.— I.oniw. Pleurdsie aigue eiu cot6 gauche, s'accompagnant d'un ca- ractere amphorique de la voix et de la respiration elans le- tiers sup6rieur gauche pendant un inois environ; conser- vation du frtjtnissement vibratoire, bien qu'affaibli; d6- veloppe'ment des signes physiques de tubercules pulino- naires elans le poumon droit; convalescence incomplete. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 253-255. — IU at hie u (A.) Quelques remarques sur les frottements pleuretiipies. France mtkl., Par., 1882, ii, 14-16— iVIomierel. Plusieurs cas tie pleuresie; du souffle tubaiie consielcre comme l'un ties signes de cette affection. Gaz. d. hop., Par.,1842, 2. s., iv, 603-605.—IVotta (11.) Note sur le developpement d'un son clair, comme nit'-talliefue (hvdro-a6rique) dans le fours des 6panchetnents plourctiques. Arch. gen.denied., Par., 1850, 4. s., xxii, 423-437— O'Ferrall. Pleuritis simulat- ing pericarditis. Dublin (}. J. M. Sc, 1848, vi, 207.- Pep- per (W.) Latent pleurisy. North Car. M. J., Wilming- ton, 1880, vi. 123-130.— Peter (M.) De la pleuresie; va- leur diagnostique, pronostique et therapeutique des cour- bes de Damoiseau. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 13-15. Also: Courrier ineil., Par., 1869, xix, 186. -----. Recher- ches sur la temperature des parois thoraciques dans lea cae PLEU1MSY. 385 PLEURISY. Pleurisy (Sudden death in). Holzberg (R.) * Ueber plotzlichen Tod bei Pleuritis exsudativa. 8J. Balle a. S., 1888. Negrie (G.-F.) *Dela mort subite dans la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1864. Blachcz. Dela mort subite dans la pleur6sie chro- nique. Union m6d., Par., 1862, 2. s., xiii, 213-219. Also: Bull. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 173-180.— Broadbent (W. H.) A case of right pleurisy with ef- fusion; sudden death. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1878, xi, 140. Also : Boston M. & S. J., 1879, c, 326.—Comby (J.) Pleu- r6sie droite; thoracentese le neuvie.me jour (deux litres de s6rosit6); mort subite le qnatorzieme jour par thrombose dans le ventricule droit et embolie pulmonaire gauche. France m6d., Par., 1880, xxvii, 434. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 82-85.—Daga. Do la mort subite dans la plour6sie avec epanchement. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 466.—Dujarclin-Bcaumetz. Note sur un cas de mort subite tlans le cours d'une pleuresie aigue. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1873. 4. s., ii, 179. Also .- France uitkl., Par., 1873, xx, 226-228. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de the- rap., 1871-2, Par., 1875, iv, 136-141. — Dutrienx. Pleu- rdsie; mort subite; autopsie. Arch. med. bilges, Unix., 1870, xii, 9-12.—Foot (A. W.) Sudden tleath in ph urisy. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1883, 3. s., lxxv, 289-294.-Ilayea- Torn (O.) Die nachste Ursache des plotzlichen Teules im Verlauf der Pleuritis, sowie nach der Entleerung pleu- ritischer oder intraabdominaler Exsudate (oder Tumoren). Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1888, cxi, 486-497. — von Haselberg. Schneller Tod bei Pleuritis im Zeitraume der anscheinenden Reconvalescenz. Prov. San.-Ber. tl. k. Metl.-Coll. v. Pommern 1835, Stettin, 1836, 41. — Hervi- eux. Pleuresie gauche; marche insidieuse; formation rapide de l'epanchement; mort subite. Union med., Par., 1855, ix, 256. Also : Bull. Soc. med. el. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1863, ii, 375-378.—Hnidiez. Des causes imm6diates ele mort subite dans la pleur6sie. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1866-8, 2. s., vii-ix, 24; 69. — Hutchinson (J.) Sud- den death in acute pleurisy -with effusion. Clin. Lect. efc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 86-88. — I,ei« lileiintern (O.) Die plotzlichen Todesfalle bei pleuritischen Exsudaten; auf Grund zweier eigener und der in der Literatur nieder- gelegten Beobachtungen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 18*0, xxv, 325-388.— Lorb (M.) Plbtzlicher Tod bei linksseitigem Pleuraexsudate, nebst epikritischen Be- merkungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 603-605.—IVIoore (J. W.) Pleural effusion causing sud- den death. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, lxxiv, 79-81. — Re- nault. Mort subite dans un cas de pleuresie aigue avec epanchement consitl6rablo dans le cote droit dela poitrine. Union m6d., Par., 1871,3. s., xii, 291-293.—Weber. Ueber plotzliche Todesfalle und iiber bedrohliche Zufalle von Collaps hei pleuritischen Exsudaten. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. tl. Aerzte im Reg.-Bez. Merseburg, 1880, 15-18. — Weill (E.) De la mort subite elans la pleuresie. Rev.de nied., Par., 1887, vii, 33-63. — Werner. Serose reclitsscitige Pleuritis; wahrend scheinbarer Reconvalescenz plotz- licher Collaps und Tod ; fettige Degeneration des rechten Herzens ; grosser Embolus in tier Pulmonalis. Med. Cor.- Bl. el. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1880, 1, 273. Pleurisy (Diagnosis and symptoms of). de pleur6sie*aigue. Rev. ni6d. franc, et 6trang.. Par., 1878, i 609-616.—Pidoux. Du prognostic de la pleur6sie la- tente ot tics indications de la thoracentese. Actes Soc. med d hop. de Par., 1849-50, i, 89-121. Also: Bull. Soc. med! d. hop. de Par. (1849-52), 1861, i, 98-103. Also, Re- pi-int.—Pitres. De la voussure tlu thorax et du "signe du cordeau" chez les pleuretiques. M6m. et bull. Soc. tie med. et chir. de Bordeaux 11885), 1886, 19-31. [See, also, supra, Davezac (J.)]—Potain. Diagnostic et traitement do la pleuresie sereuse. Semaine metl., Par., 1883, 2. s., iii, 305-307.—Bedard (P.) Temperature de la peau du thorax k l'etat physiologique et dans la pneumonie et la plcur6sie aigues; recherches avec les appareils thermo-elec- triques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1880, 7. s., ii, 300- 302. Also: Tribune m6d., Par., 1880, xiii, 536.—Bevil- lout (V.) De la douleur et de la fievre dans la pleurdsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 577.—Bosanelli (C.) Di alcuni segni stetoscopici della pleurite e della loro fisica iuterpretazione. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1864, vii, 1; 9.—Sainton (H.) Observation pour servir k I'histoire du tympanisme sous-claviculaire dans la pleu- r6sie. France med., Par., 1882, i, 241-243.—Saloinoiiscn ( L. W. ) Dyb Halsphlegmone og Pleuritis, Tintement nil'tallique. ' Hosp.-Tid.. Kjebenh., 1858, i, 21; 25.— Huh- arute pleurisy; symptoms referred to the abdomen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, x, 571. — 'thibierjje (G.) Me- moire sur les modifications du bruit respiratoire dans la pleur6sie, la marche de l'intiammation ele la plevre, et sa terminaison par syncope mortelle. Arch. gen. tie metl., Par., 1852, 4. s., xxviii, 305-318. — Trail he (L.) Schmerz bei Pleuritis. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., 8°, Berl., 1878, iii, 329. — Tro««at (F.) Ver- getures multiples du thorax et des nieinbres dans un cas de pleuresie tuberculeuse. Lyon med., 1885, xlix, 298-303. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. m6d. tie Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, pt. 2, 60-65.—Trousseau. Sur le bruit de frottement dans la pleurdsie. Union m6d., Par., 1859, 2. s.. ii, 589-591. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. dePar., 1858- 61, iv, 300-310. -----. Souffle et voix amphorique eu ties cas de pleuresie simple. France metl., Par., 1863, x. 570- 573.—Valleix. Considerations nouvelles sur le diagnos- tic de la pleuresie. Monit. d. hop.. Par., 1853, i, 115; 275.— Vcrgely (P.) De l'6gophonie et tlu souffle amphorique dans un cas de pleurdsie si^ohe, chez un malade atteint de cancer ties ganglions peribronchiques k droite et de cancer du foie a marche rapide. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 73; 81; 90.—Woillez (E.-J.) Recherches cliniques sur l'emploi d'un nouveau procede de mensuration dans la pleuresie. Rec. d. trav. Soc metl. tl'obs. de Par., 1857-8, i, 1-90. Also, Reprint. -----. Moyen nouveau d'utiliser la mensuration dans la pleuresie. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. bop. de Par. (1871), 1872, 2. s., viii, 79-86. Also: Union metl., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiii, 506-511. Pleurisy (Pathology of). Delacou (E.) *De la pleurdsie ardolaire et tie l'infiltration 03ddn1ateu.se des fausscs mem- branes pleurales. 4°. Paris, 1875. Suadicani (E.) * Peripleuritielis specimen. 4°. Eiliw, 180'). Barth. [Poumon recouvert de fansses membranes.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxviii, 72. — Blaehez. La nature de la pleuresie. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 662-665.—Bonoine (A.) Pleuro-pericar- dite e raeningite cerebro-spinale siero ribrinosa, prodotto da un microrganismo simile al diploeocco pneumonico. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii. 837-846. —Da Costa (J. M.) Pleurisy; pathological specimen. Metl. .fc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xiv, 287.—Ferrario (E.) Dolore gravissimo al capo e all' ipocondrio destro; autossia che rivela una pleurite doppia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3. s., i, 209-211—Fuchs (C. H.) Pleuritis. In his: Ber. ii. tl. med. Klin, zu Gotting. 1853-4, 8°. 1855, 100-109.—Orei- ner. Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1812, 839-841.—Kelsch (A.) & Vaillard (L.) Recherches sur les lesions anatomo-pathologiques et la nature de la pleurdsie. Arch, tie physiol. norm, it path., Par 1886, 3. s., viii. 162-222. 1 pf — ITIaule (J.) Case of pleuritic inflammation, with appearances on dissection. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1810, vi, 437.-lTIe.hu (C.) fitude sur les liquides 6panches tlans la plevre. Arch. .gen. de med., Par. 1872, i, 641: ii, 56. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur les liquides pathologiques de la cavite pleurale. Ibid., 18io, l 176-191.—Popham. Pleuritis with effusion; tu- bercular deposit in the apex of each lung and in the false membrane. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, x, 190.—Sibson. Injected specimens of lung affected with pleuritis. Tr. Path Soc. Lond., 1848-50, ii, 180-182. Also, in his: Collect, ^Vorks, 8°, Lond., 1881, iv, 351-353. Pleurisy (Sudden death in). Davy (E\-D.) * De la mort subite dans la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1871. Grandgury (J.) * De la mort subite dans la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1872. 25 Pleurisy (Treatment of). See, also, Pleura (Effusions in, Treatment of). Albrecht (H.) * Historia litis de vena) sec- tione in pleuritide. 8°. Berolini, [1846]. Bramwell (B.) The treatment of pleurisy and empyema. 8°. Edinburgh 4'- London, 1889. BRISSOTUS ( P. ) Apologetica diceptatio, in qua docetur per quae loca sanguis mitti debeat in viscerum inflammationibus, praesertimin pleu- ritide. Editio nova, Renato Moreau . . . illus- trata, qui SialeS-iv de missione sanguinis in pleu- ritide subjunxit. 12°. Parisiis, 1622. Chevalier (P.) * An incipienti pleuritidi ali- quando emeticum ? Praises T. li. Gasuier. [ 174:'>. ] In: Sig wart. Quaest. med. Par. 8°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 276-281. Clouard (A.) * Du traitement de la pleurd- sie franche aigue par la diete lactde. 4°. Paris, 1888. Corson (J. W.) On the treatment of pleu- risy ; with an appendix of cases, showing the value of combinations of croton oil, ether, and iodine, as counter-irritants in other diseases. 12°. New York, 1874. See, also, infra. Corti (M.) Qusestio de phlobotomia in pleu- resi. Ex Hippocratis et; Galeni seutentia contra conmiunem niedendi modum quam in gymnasio PLEURISY. 386 PLEURISY. Pleurisy (Treatment of). Pataviuo diligenter examinavit. 18°. Yenetiis, 1534. -----. De venae sectione quum in aliis affec- tibus, turn vel maxime in pleuritide liber. 8°. Lugduni, 1538. See, also, infra, Turini (A.). Delaporte (J. J.) "An incipienti pleuritidi aliquando emeticum ? 4°. [Paris, 1773.] Garland (G. M.) The modern treatment of pleurisy aud pneumonia. 12°. Detroit, 1887. de Gouyon. * Contribution a l'dtude du traitement de la pleurdsie franche aigue. 4°. Paris, 1882. Homen (E. A.) * Den variga lungsacksin- flammationens operativa behandling. 8°. Hel- singfors, 1879. Jarry (A.) * Etudes des rdvulsifs et en parti- culier du vdsicatoire dans le traitement de la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1876. Levy (E. M.) * De partitione pleuritidis se- cundum methodum medendi rationalem. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1789]. Linderholm (H.) * De veuaesectionis usu et ab usu in pleuritide. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, [1777], Maschke (G. T.) *Diss. qua historia litis de loco venseseetionis in pleuritide saeculo xvi in- priinis habitae ventilatur. 8°. Balw, [1793], Moreau (K.) De missioue sanguinis in pleu- ritide, nbi demonstratur ex eiua corporis parte detractus ille fuerit a duobus annorum millibus, ex omnium pene medicorum graecorum, latino- rum, arabum, barbarorum exacta enuineratioue, juxta temporum quibus floruere seriem instituta. Aeijuncta est Pet. Brissoti . . . vita. 12°. Pa- risiis, 1622. -----. The same. 12°. Balw, 1742. Oertel (K. L. E.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der friihzeitigen Operatioueu seroser pleuritischer Exsudate. 8°. Balle, 1889. Schulze (J. H. W.) * De suspectaopii opein pleuritide curanda. 4°. Wittebergw, [1774]. Thriverus (H.) De missioDe sanguinis in pleuritide ac aliis phlegmonis tarn externis quam internis omnibus, cum Petro Brissoto et Leonardo Fucbsio disceptatio ael medicos Parisieuses. Ejusdem commentarius de victu ab arthriticis morbis vinelicante, ubi quam male diris illis cru- ciittibtis sit a neotericis hactenus provisuin, osten- ditur, ac aliis quam plurimi vivendi errores, alibi communes obiter corriguntur. 4°. Lovanii, 1532. Trlncavellius (V.) De vena in pleuritide, caBterisqueinternorum innauimationibus secanda ruelimentum. 12°. Patarii, 1563. Turini (A.) De vena in curatione pleuri- tidos iucidenda, [ad Matthaeum Curtinm epistola eruditissima]. 4°. [Pataviw], 1528. -----. De curatione pleurititlis per venae sec- tionem. Addita est doctissinia ejusdem epistola ad Matthaeum Curtinm. Atljecta insuper est ejusdem de cceua et prauelio utilis disceptatio ael Clementem Septiniuni. 4°. Lugduni, 1537. -----. Responsiones contra Matthaeum Cur- tium de loco incidendae venae in morbo costali. 4°. [Bononiw, 1543.] Wagner (H. E. O.) * Curationem pleuritidis cujustlam, et propositiones nonnullas chemico- medicas submittit. 4°. Erlangw, 1780. WeberCE.) * Delapleurdsie aigue chez l'adulte cousiddrde principalement au point de vue du traitemeut. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Wipacher (D.), jun. Genuina ratio cur pleu- ritide vera saeviente venae sectio affecti lateris alias derivatoria dicta praeoptanda sit, libro singulari comnlexa. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 17r>6. Abay (H.) Zur Casuistik der operativen Behandlung der Pleuritis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 525- Pleurisy (Treatment of). 528.—Albers. Erinnermig an den Gebrauch der warmen Bader in der Pleuresie. J. d. pract. Arznk. n. Wundarznk. Berl., 1808, 2. R., xxvii, 1. Afd., 117-123.—Anderson (I). E.) Asclepias tuberosa in treatmeut of pleurisy. Eclect. M. J.. Cincin., 1880, xl, 253. — Andrenelli (V.') La com- pressione in un essudato pleuritico. Osservatore, Torino 1888, xxxix, 516-519.—Angel lTloyn. Tratamiento de la pleuresia. Rev. de clin. mCd., Barcel., 1882, i, 125; 159; 188.—Aufrecht. Zur Behandlung der Pleuritis und ties Empyems. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 151-153.— Bang(0.) Om Behandlingeu af Pleuritis. Hosp.-Tid. Kjebenh., 1876, 2. R., iii, 721-723.—Baudclocquc. Qua- tre observations de pleur6sies gueries par le calomel ad- rainistr6 suivant la m6thodede Law, apr6s avoir resist e aux saigneesetau tartre stibi6 k dose controstimulante et vomi- tive. Rev. m6d. frauc. et etrang., Par., 1848, iii, 341-350.— Baumes. Reflexions sur l'emploi de la saignee dans les differens temps de la pleuresie. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1780, liv, 42-60.—Behier. De la pleur6sie et la therapeutique de cette maladie. Moniteur. J. de med., etc.. Par., 1877, ii, 93. — Besnier (J.) De l'emploi du vesicatoire dans la pleur6sie aigue; indica- tion ; modes d'action; valeur de ce moyen de traitement. J. tie therap., Par., 1876, iii, 365; 412; 455; 494.—Bie- gariski (W.) O leczeniu zapalenia ophtcnej przetworam salicylowem. [Treatment ot pleuritis hy salicylic acid.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix, 631; 655.—Bird (J. S.) Treatment of pleurisy. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxxi, 167-169.—Bonainy. Du vesicatoire dans la pleuresie. Bull. gen. de the rap., etc., Par., 1881, ci, 523-528. — Bouchut. Traitement de la pleurttsie aigue par le jaborandi et la pilocarpine. Paris m6d., 1880, 2. s., v, 153-156. -----. Traitement de la iileuresie par le jaborandi. Ibid., 1881, 2. s., vi, 169.—Brodowski (W.) O kilku wazmejszych kwestyach leczemia zapalenia pluc dotyczacych. f On the important question of the- treatment of pleuritis.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1861, xiv, 137-204.—Bruen (E. T.) The treatment of pleurisy. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 264.—Burresi (P.) Sulla cura della pleurite. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1878, xxi, 33-37. Also: Sperimentale, Firenze, 1878, xii, 22-26.—Cardan (J.) De oxymelitis usu in pleuritidi. In his: Opera omnia, [etc.], fol., Lugduni, 1663, vii, 271- 274.—[Case.] Pleuresia yugulada; tratamiento dosime,- trico; curaciou. Rev. de m6d. dosimet., Madrid, 1879-80, ii 160.—Christian (E. P.) Cantharidal vesicants in pneu- monia, pleurisy, etc. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1888,156- 162.—Comby (J.) Pleur6sie droite aigue; traitement par la cafe-ine; gu6rison rapide. France med., Par., 1889, i, 458- 461. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1889. xxxix, 150.—Corson (J. W.) On the general treatment of pleurisy antl the use of croton oil paint as a substitute for fly-blisters. Med. Rec, N. T., 1874, ix, 622-626. [ See, also, supra. ] — Be- change. Traitement delapleurdsie; vesicatoires; thora- centese. Arch. med. beiges, Brux.. 1876, 3. s., x, 249-259.— Berasse. Un cas de pleuresie traite par la di6te lactee. Ibid., 1879, 3. s., xvi, 33-35. — Bespincy. Note sur le traitement du rhumatisme etde la pleuresie. Hull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 457-462.—Bien la foy. Du traitement de la pleuresie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1881, liv, 657- 659.—Discussion sur le traitement tie la pleuresie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de meel. et de chir. tie Bordeaux, 1877, 7-12.— Brzcvriecki (J.) Przyczynek do wlasciwego leczenia pierwotnych ostrych zapalen ophtcnej za pomoca. salicy- lanu sodu lub salolu. [Treatment of primary acute pleuri- tis by salicylate of soda with salol.] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1887, xv, 713; 734; 756. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxiv, 205-207. Also, transl, [Abstr.]: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1888, ix, 241-243- Duboue. Note sur l'emploi et les bons effets du tannin thins la pleuresie, et notamment dans la pleuresie chroni- que purulente. Gaz. hebd. de metl., I'ar., 1872, 2. s., ix, 837-842.— Edwards (A.R. ) On local abstraction of blood in pneumonia and pleurisy by wet cupping; anil on some other methods of treatment of pulmonary alb e tious. Indian M. J., Lahore, 1888, viii, 204-214, 6 ch. —Kloy (t\) Le traitement de la pleuresie par le lait. 4-:;:i. ------. Cases of chronic pleurisy. Buffalo M. J., 1854-5, x, 1-23.—Gintrae (H.) Pleuresie chronique; souffle caverneux ; gargouillement; pectoriloquie. Mem. et bull. Soc. metl.-chir. d. bop. de Bordeaux, 1868, iii, 127-134. —■lejfelder. Pleuritis chronica. Med. Ann., Heidelb., \Kis, iv. 215—llohn- bauin (C.) Ueber die chronische Knlziinelungdes Lrust- i'ells (Pleuritis chronica) und die dainit verbumlenen Ver- wachsungeu derselben. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1820, i, 22-43.—Hope (.1.) Notes on the treatment of chronic pleu- risy, with effusion. Duhlin M. Press, 1841, vi, 15U-I54. Also: Metl. Chir. Rev., Lond., 1841, xxxv, 295-302— K0011 (CE.) Latent pleurisy. Detroit Rev. Med. efc Pharm.. 1*70. xi, 614.—Liewtaa (J.) Chronic pleurisy; paracentesis; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 271.—de ■■•isjt (J.) Pleuritis chronica. In his: Obs iput'dani med., etc., 8°, Lugd. Bat.. 1X44, 19-24. — .Tlalinnten. Krouisk pleuritis. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Saiuinank.. Stockholm, 1857, 187-190.—.Vlelia. Pleuresie aigue tie- venue chronique; guerison par Hotline tie potassium. Arch. med. beiges, Brux.. 1882, 3.8.. xxii, 296-300.-.\ij«'« (A.) Cases of chronic pleuritis. Buffalo M. J., lr.'n-e, PLEURISY. 389 PLEUK1SY. Pleurisy (Chronic and latent). xiii 330-337.—Osier. Chronic pleurisy; flattening of sides of chest. Canada M. efc S. J., Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 109-111.—Pasteur (W.) Lung from a case of chronic pleurisv. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii, 94.—Per- repied (E\) Notes sur quelques castle pleuresie-chronique traiteSa par les eaux du Mont-Dore. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1885, xxx, 385-405. Also [Rap. do Royer] : Ibid.. 274-286. [Discussion], 286-290. Also, Repriut.— Potain. Troubles sympathiqlies des lesions gastriques dans un cas de pleuresie chronique anterieure. Tribune med., Par., 1883, xv, 127-129.—Ripley (J. H.) A case of chronic pleurisy producing double displacement of the heart and bronchiectasis of the crippled lung. Louisville M. News, 1879, vii, 282-284.—Robinson (B.) Chronic locali/.eel pleurisy (r.); chronic interstitial pneumonia (right upper lobe); acute catarrhal pneumonia (light, mid- dle, and lower lobes); emphysema, acute oedema and con- gestion (left lung); partial cardiac hypertrophy; chronic diffuse nephritis. Med. Rec., N. Y, 1879, xvi, 113.— Schmidt (P.) Ueber die Pleuritis subinflammatoria oc- culta. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1831, xxxiv, 537-569.— Spineux. Dela pleuresie chronique. Soc. nied. d'Aiui- eus. Bull. (1868), 1869, viii, 62-74.—Stille (A.) On a case of latent pleurisy, and on a case of latent valvular disease of tbe heart. Med. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 69.—Cbach y Jancr (I.) Pleuresia cronica; terminaeion favorable por v6mitos purulentes. Rev. d. cien. med., Barcel., 1879, v, 26-31.—Wackerhageii (G.) Chronic pleurisy; em- pyema and kindred diseases; thoracentesis; caseof pyo- thorax. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1883-4, viii, 1-4.—Weir (AV.) Chronic pleurisy, with fistulous tlis- charge from the chest. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efc Edinb., 1845, v, 435.—Westmoreland (T.) Chronic, pleurisy. Nashville J. M. efc S, 1881. n. s., xxviii, 67. — Willard (De F.) Chronic tnbercular pleurisv, with large effusion. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv. 699'. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1874-5), 1876, v, 122.—Wood (H. C.),,jr. A caseof chronic pleurisy and bronchorrhcea; cumulative action of digitalis; recovery. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 25. Pleurisy (Diaphragmatic). See, also, Diaphragm (Diseases of). Boillet (P.-D.-C.) *De la pleurdsie dia- phragmatique. 4°. Paris, 1855. Deloire (J.-A.-V. ) *De la pleurdsie dia- phragmatique. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Dubois (P.) *£tude cliuiqne sur quelques cas de pleurdsie diaphragmatique. 4°. Paris, 1876. Hermil (Ai. ) *Sur la pleurdsie diaphrag- matique. 4f. Paris, 1879. Heurtaut (P.-J.-B.-M. ) *De la pleurdsie diaphragmatique. 4°. Paris, 1846. Laport(G.-£.-F.) * Dela pleurdsie diaphrag- matique. 4°. Paris, 1869. Lasxe (A.-E.) * Pleurdsie diaphragmatique et pdlvi-pdritouite. 4°. Paris, 1887. Mejansac (J.-M.-A.) *De la pleurdsie dia- phragniatiiiue. 4°. Paris, 1H">5. Robin (E.-P.-M.) *De la pleuresie diaphrag- matique. 4-. Paris, 1^71. Aulas. Observation de plenrtisie diaphragmatique double. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1884, iii, 177-179.—Ber- lin bei (C.) Modificazioni plessimetriche dello spazio semilunare nella pleurite diat'rammatica. Boll. tl. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 244-246. — Iloiicliut. De la pleuresie diapliragmatique. Paris me.il, 1880, 2. s., v, 433-435.—Bmen (E. T.) Notes on some cases of diaphragmatic pleurisy. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1886, i, 79-88. Also [Abstr.]:, Med. Rec, N.Y., 1886, xxx, 23. — Coudret. Observation de pleuresie susdiaphragmatique, avec epanchement, guerie par d'abondantes evacuations sanguines et le muse k haute dose. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxvi, 79-83.—C'ruveilhier. [Un foyer purulent eukyst6 si6- geant sur la plevre diaphragmatique.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 35-38.-Donaldson (F.), jr. A study of diaphragmatic pleurisy. Am. J. M. Sc.,' Phila., 1886, n. s., xci, 484-497. Also, Reprint. — Fiessinger. La pleuresie diaphragmatique aigue (primitive et benigne). Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1885, xvii, 332; 362; 398.— t.ueiu un de lHiissy (N'.-F.-O.) Eludes sur la pleuresie diaphragmatique. Arch. g6n. tie, med., Par., 1853, ii, 271-284. Also, in his. Clinique med., 8°, Par., 1874, i, 640-656. -----. 1 Ieuresie diaphragmatique causee par tin refroidissement chez une femme profondement atteinte d'anemie. J. de med. et chi,-. prat., Par, 1869, 2. s, xl, 57-60 -Ilabeishon (b. U.) Pain in the side; pleurisy on the diaphragm. Guy s Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1870, 3. s, xv, 509-517. — Hen- rot (H.) Pleuresie diaphragmatique; paralvsie tlu pou- nion. Bull. Soc. med. tie Reims (1875), 1876, xiv, 20-24.— Jaccoud. Pleuresie diaphragmatique s6che. Gaz. d. Pleurisy (Diaphragmatic). hop. Par, 1887, lx, 163-165—.lacubaseh. Ein Fallvon Pleuritis diaphragmatica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1883, xx, 631. — JaniiNlicvski (J.I.) Sluchai diafragmat. plevrita. Ejeued. klin. gaz, St. Petersb., lt-84, iv, 331-336.— Join (lain. Plettropathie diaphragmatique; mauvais eft'et de la saignee locale; vomilil's coup sur coup; gueri- son. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. tie Bruges, 1840, i, 160-164. Also: Arch, tie la med. beige, Brux, 1840, iii, 91-95.— I,e- courtoiti. Pleur6sie enkystCe diaphiagmatiepie. Bull. Soc anat. de Par, 1871, xlvi, 16-18. — 1TI a re bant (A.) Observation d'un cas de pleuresiodiaphragniatique offraut, dans son debut, les symptomes d'une gastralgie compli- qu6e de n6vralgie dorso-intercostale. J. tie metl, chir. et Pharmacol, Brux, 1865, xl, 524-529. — IH a rrotte. Pleu- resie diaphragmatique avec epanchement ; pneumonie; guerison. J. univ. et lie bd. de med. et chir. prat. Par, 1832, ix, 71-76.—Mei»enbelder (E. W.) Diaphragmatic pleurisy. Quart. Tr. Lam aster City efc Co. M. Soc, 1880- 81, i, 126-136.—.VIonod (E.) Pleuresie diaphragmatique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. tie Boreleaux, 1880-81, i, 751.— Morales (R.) Pleuresia diafragmatica. Monitor me,d, Lima, 1885, i, 239-244.—Moraud. Pleim-sie diaphragma- tique compliquee de pneui.....lie it de cirrhose tlu foie ; au- topsie. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1864, xxxvii, 406. — Peter. Pleuresie diaphragmatique; doubles signes dela pleurdsie diaphragmatique gauche. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., I'ar, 1874, xiv, 299. -----. Pleuresie diapliragmatique tnecon- nue chez un tuberculeux ; symptomes attributes a. une pneu- monie caseeuse. Gaz. d. bop. Par, 1875, xlviii, 1065; 1075. — Pi tres. Pleur6sie diaphragmatique cons6cutive a tine p6iitonite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1875, 1, 72.— Reuiszov (V. J.) Pleuritis diaphragmatica. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh, Tiflis, 1886, xxiii, 119-126.— Robert. Pleuresia diafragmatica. Rev. de cien. mod., Barcel, 1881, vii, 3-6. — Stone ( W. H.) Cases of dia- phragmatic pleurisy. Meel. Times efc Gaz, Loud, 1857, n. s, xv, 497; 523.—Vermely (P.) Pleuresie diaphragma- tique sans fievre, sans tlyspnee; nioit subite par apoplexie pnlmonaire. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux, 1873, 183-191. Also . Bordeaux med, 1873, ii, 241. Pleurisy (Encysted). See Pleura (Effusions in, Complications, etc., of). Pleurisy (Gangrenous). Leriche. * Etude sur les pleurdsies gangrd-. neuses et sur les pleurdsies fdtides. 4°. Paris, 1878. Barth (H.) Phlegmon gangr6neux sous-pleural avec emphyseme spontane, simulant une gangrene pleuro-pul- moiiaire. France med , Par, 1880, xxvii, 506. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 85-89. — t'liavignez. Gangrene tie la plevre et du sommet eiu poumon gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1837, xii, 18-25. — Chvostek (F.) Ein Fall von primarer put rider Pleuritis. Wien. meel. Bl, 1880, iii, 1136; 1161. — Cousowich. Quelques con- siderations sur la pleuresie gangreneuse. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient. Constantinople, 1872-3, xvi. 25-28. — Mayem (G.) efc Granx. Gangrene de lapievre; broncho - pneu- monie; perforation pleuro-pulmouaiie; empyeme; pneu- monie dissecante avec elimination de la plus grande partie de la plevre viseerale. du cote- droit; infection putride. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1874, xlix, 313; 372. Also: Pro- gres med. Par, 1874, ii, 440-442.—Kiemann. Pleuritis ichorosa sinistra e bronchiectasia gangrienosa lob. inferio- ris pulmonis sinistra}; pneumonia lobularis dextra; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1881), 1882, 348-350.—ITIalherbc. Observation de pleu- resie terminee par gangrene. J. de la sect, tie niCd. Soc. acatl. Loire-Inf, Nantes, 1857, xxxiii, 177-185.—Millard. Pleurtisie avec gangrene, ponction, puis empvenie, issue de lambeaux pulmonaires; gu6rison. Rev. med.-phot. tl. hop. de Par, 1875, vii, 113-119. Also: Union nied. Par, 1875, ii, 570; 591.—Moore (W.) Cases of pleurisy with fetid effusion, simulating gangrene. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xxxix, 279-283. —Muller (E.) Ein Fall von Pleu- ritis putrida. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver, Stuttg, 1882, Iii, 275. — Prevost (J.-L.) Note relative a trois cas tie pleur6sie gangi6neuse, dont deux suivis de gu6risou. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom, Lausanne, 1876, x, 161-177, 1 pi.— Kendu. Pleuresie purulente primitive merit gangreneuse : gangrene pulmonaire conse- cutive. Bull, et m6m. Soc. metl. tl. hop. de Pat. (1879), 1880, 2 s, xvi, 234-238.—Wagner (W.). Fall von putrider Pleuritis mit Abstossung eines Stiickes gangranosen Luu- gengewebes aus der Operationswunde; Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1880, xvii, 511-513— Zaunini (L.) Es- sudato pleuiico sinistra; gangrena polmonale; gangrena pleurica ; icoremia; due toracentesi; guarigione completa. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 207-210. Pleurisy (Hemorrhagic). See, also, Pleura (Blood in). Goerlitz (J.) * Zur Diagnostik der hamor- rbaoisclien Pleuritis. 8°. Berlin, 1881. PLEURISY. Pleurisy (Hemorrhagic). Maxiieon (E.) *Considdrations sur Its pleu- resies hdmorrhagiques et leur suppuration. 4°. Paris, 1880. Moutard-Martin (R.) Etude sur les pleurd- sies hduiorrbagiques, ndomembraneuse, tubercu- leuse et cancdreuse. 8°. Paris, 1878. -----. The same. 4°. Paris, 1878. Nolais (F.) * Etude sur les pleurdsies hdmor- rhagiques. 4°. Paris, 1882. Biota (P.) M6raoire sur la pleurdsie secondaire, con- secutive aux inflammations du sein ou de l'aisselle. Arch. gen. de mod., Par, 1850, 4. s, xxii, 385-422.—Cbouppe (H.) Note sur deux cas de pleur6sies hCmorrhagiques pri- mitives. Gaz. hebd. de mod. Par, 1874, xxi, 245-248.— Churtou. Double haemorrhagic pleurisy; degenera- tion of cells with formation of cholesteriue; subsequent empyema on right side; operation antl recovery; followed bv empyema on left side; operation, septicaemia and death. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1881-2, xv. 19-26. Also [Abstr.]: Lan- cet. Loud, 1881. ii. 795. Also j Abstr.]: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1881. ii, 745. A Iso [ Abstr. ]: Med. Press efe Circ, Lond, 1881, u. s, xxxii, 380—t'raiiilall (C R.) Chronic pleuritis, with excessive sanguinolent effusion. Boston M. efc S. J, 1884, ex. 580. — Dalla Kosa (E.) Pleurite ad essudato icoroso. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1868, vii, 179-182.—Dieulafoy. Des pleuresies hdmorrhagiques, a propos d'un malade actuelle- ment dans mon service. Gaz. hebd. de mod. Par, 1885, 2. s, xxii, 269; 285; 321 , 339: 370— Dra«che. Pleuritis si- nistra hemorrhagica; Thoracocentesis; Heilung. Ber.d. k k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1870), 1871, 181-183.—Freudenberger(J.) Pleuritis haemorrhagica; Auseang in Genesung mit starker Thoraxeinziehung. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 377 — Crarei (It. J.) Ha-iiiorrbagic pleurisy. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1838-9, xiv, 374-376. — Henry (F. P.) An aid to the diagnosis of hem- on bagic pleurisy. Med. News, Phila, 1888, Iii, 408.-----. Pleurisy, with large hemorrhagic effusion. Ibid., 705-707.— ■lyndinaii (J. G.) A ease- of latent pleuritis; hemor- rhagic exudation ; repeatcel aspiratieins; recovery. Clinic, Cincin, 1877, xii, 15. Kiemann. Pleuritis bsemorrha- gii-a dextra; Thoracocentesis; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 367-369.— Men riot. Observation de pleurdsie hemorrhagique. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1868, xii, 74. Also: Re-c. tl. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par, 1866-70, 2. s, ii. 196-210—Moutard- Martin (R.) Anatomie pathologique de la pleurCsie hemorrhagique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1878, Iiii, 80. -----. Pleuresie h6morrhagique chez un homme de 74 ans, gu6rie apr6s une seule ponction. Bull, et m6m. Soc. metl. d. hop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s, xx, pt. 2, 77-81. Also: Union med. Par, 1884, 3. s, xxxvii, 597-602.—IVoth- nagel ( H. ) Pleuritis bamiorrhagica tuberculosa, with purpura hemorrhagica. Med. News, Phila, 1885, xlvii, 113-115.—Porral (A.) Pleur6sie hCmorrhagique; opera- tion de l'empyeiue; mort; d^gagement de gaz hydrogene sulfure k l'ouvertnre du thorax. J. hebd. de mod. Par, 1829, iii, 215-219.—Kendu (H.) Pleuresie hemorrhagique dans le cours d'une nephrite interstitielle. France mod. Par, 1886, ii, 1073-1079.-Sorel. Observations de pleure- sie li6morrhagii|iee. Arch, tie med. et pharm. mil. Par, 1885, v, 1-7.— Tbibaudet. Pleuresie tuberculeuse he- morrhagique k marche infectieuse; pe-ritonite- tubercu- leuse. J. d. sc. metl. tie Lille, 1888, ii, 225-228.—Troisier. Sur un cas de pleuresie heinorrhagiqui- primitive- terminee par guerison. Bull, et m6in. Soc. m6d. el. hop. tie Par, 1888, 3. s,v, 409-414. Also: Gaz. hebd. domed. Par, 1888. 2. s, xxv, 680— Zahn (F. W.) Ueber einen Fall von doppel- seitiger Pleuritis ha'tnorrhagica nach Thrombose tier Vena azygos Arch. f. path. Anat, etc, Berl, 1885, cii, 345-360.— von ZicniMsen. Pleuritis haemorrhagica; Ausgang in Genesung mit starker Thoraxeinziehung. Soininersera. (Ein) in tl. Klin, von Ziemssen zu Miinchen (1879), 1883, 107-110. -----. Pleuritis ha'inoiThagica sin.; Aneurysma s. Endarteritis deformans Aortae (?). Ibid., 130. Pleurisy (Interlobar). (;catteri (C.) Contributo alio studio della pleurite iulralobare. ll>°. Begcjio nell' Emilia, 1888. Martinelli (L.) * De la pleurdsie interlobaire aigue; sa teruiinaison par vomique. 4°. Paris, 1887). Martinez Mesa (F.-U.) * Contribution a l'dtude de la pleurdsie interlobaire suppurde. 4C. Paris, 1879. Perrier (F.) * Etude sur la pleurdsie interlo- baire suppurde. 4°. Paris, 1878. ■lardy. Pleur6sie purulente interlobaire droite; vo- mique. Progres med. Par, 1882, x, 297-299 Also: Se- maine nied. Par, 1882, ii, 37. Also, transl.: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1882, xlvi, 589-591. PLKCKISY. Pleurisy (Intermittent). Augulo (J.) Observacion ele- una pleuresia interim tente terciaua curada con el uso de sulfate de quinine Cron. de 1. hosp, Madrid, 1855, iii, 206-208.—Clemen* iT ) Febris intermittens pleuritica, bei einem jungen Made lien in tier Entwickeluugsperiode wahrend drci~aiifeiiiaii8. Also.inhis: Opera pratica. fol. Patavii, 1681, 481 541. Schroeder (F.) * De plica Germanic. 8-. Jence, [1844]. Siuweiger (J.) * Essai sur la plique polo- naise. 4°. Paris, 1837. Skalski (J. B.) * De plica polonica. 8°. Yratislarias, [1830]. Slayvczynski (A. C.) *De plica polonica. 8U. Jence, 1853. Stabel (G. F.) *De plica polonica. Resp. S. Mackius. 4. Balce Magdeb., [1724]. Also, in: Hallek. Disp. atl niorb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 253-277. Stanelli (R.) *De plica* polonica' natura atque indole t"J. Berolini, [1847]. von Steinki'hl (W.) *Der Weichselzopf in Deutschland. 4J. Wiirzburg, 1817. von Studzieniecki (F.) Die Coruification und die Lues corniticativa (Plica polonica). - ■■ Wien, 1854. Tardif (A.-A.) * Sur la plique polonoise. 4 . Strasbourg, 1812. Taijbe (C. E.) *De plica polonica. 4. Helm stadieiisis, 1658. Tksse (T.-A.-J. ) * Cousid6rations sur la plique. 4C. Paris, 1820. Toussaint (J.-C.) * Essai sur le trichoma. 4°. Paris, 1827. PLICA. 393 PLICA. Pliea polonica. Traub(J.) * De trichomate. 8°. Jenw, [1847]. ab Trembecki (O.) * De plica polonica. 8°. Yindobonw, 1829. Vater (A.) [Pr.] de plica polonica rarissima. 4U. [Wittenbeigw, 1749.] Also, in: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sanno?, 1757, i, 250. Vaultkix (J.-B.-A.) * Considerations sur la plique polonoise. 4°. Strasbourg, 1811. Vicat (P.-R.) M6moire sur la plique polo- noise, sm. 8°. Lausanne, 1775. Witkowski (F.) * De plica polonica. 8°. Berolini, [1862]. Wolframm (J. G.) Versuch iiber tlie hochst- walirscheinlichen Ursacheu und Entstehuug des Weichselzopfes, nebst einer sicheru Heilung desselbeu, bestiitigt durch einige Krankenge- schichten, voran ciuige Vorschliige elie medizi- nische Polizey uud Ausrottung eler Pockeu be- treffend. 16°. Breslau, 1804. Wollermann (T.) * Ueber Plica polonica. sm. S°. Berlin, [1868]. Wolski (H.-M.) * Essai sur le trichoma. 4°. Paris, 1837. Zanko(J.) * De plica polonica. 8°. Pestini, [1834]. Adauiowicz. Trichoma (plicapolonica). Amtl-. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1857, Bonn, 1859, xxxiii, 221. -----. Kilka sl6w do history i koltumi i teoryi o nim J. Franka. [Notes on the history of plica polonica by . . .] Para. Towarz. Lek, Warszaw, 1870, lxiii, 282: lxiv, 19.—Aiidrcjeff (N. A.) Koltun ze sta- nowiska histologii i poszukiwari eloswiadczaliiych. [Ex- perimental researches on the histological relations of plica polonica.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1875, iii, 49; 97; 113; 225; 321; 401; 417; 449; 497. -----. O koltunie i tak zwa- nym koltunowym stanie. [Plica anel the so-called plica diathesis] Ibid., 1876, iv, 55; 85; 118; 137; 206. -----. Sovromennoe sostoyanie voprosu o kottunai. [Present state of the question of plica.] Sovrem. med, Warszawa, 1876, xvii, 135; 150; 166; 184. -----. Patologo-phiziologi- cheskaya sushchnost koltuna. [Nature of plica.] Ibid., 202; 218; 235; 251; 267. -----. K' istorii razvitiya koltu- noviilnikh obrazovanii. [Plica.] Ibid., 1877, xviii, 391- 394.—Aulioi'iiius (S. S.) Ex plica amissa steatoraa. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1691, Norimb, 1692, 2. decuria, x, 40-47, 1 pi.—A pinus (S. J.) De plica- casu spontaneoet innoxio. Acta Acad. nat. curios, Norimb, 1733, iii, 329.— [Kanm.j Beitrag zur Pathologie des Weichselzopfes. Mag. d. Heilk, Berl, 1843, Ixi, 3-41.—Beigel (H.) Spe- cimens of plica polonica. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1865-6, xvii, 418-421, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1866, xxxv, 885.-----. Second case of plica polonica in England. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1866-7, xviii, 267-269. Also: Med. Times efc Gaz, Lond, 1867, i. 509. -----. Ist Unreinlichkeit elie Ursache der Plica? Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg, Berl, 1866, xxxv, 153-155. -----. Noch ein Wort iiber die Plica polonica. I bid., 225-227.—Bern rit. Eine Plica polonica. J. d. pract. Heilk, Berl, 1830, lxx. 3. St, 3-15.—Bock. Weichselzopf und der Gebrauch des Cu- prum ammoniato muriaticum. San. Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Posen (1830), 1832, 30.—Brandt. O koltunie. [On plica polonica.] Pam. Lek. Warszaw, 1829, ii, 413-444.— Bri'in. Notions sur la plique polonaise. Actes Soc. de med, chir. et pharm, Brux, 1797, i, 117-123— Billion. Sur la plique. M6ni. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par. (an v), an vi [1.798], i, 248.— [ Cases. ] Zufallige Heilung ties Weichselzopfes ilurch den Merkur. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wuntlarznk, Jena, 1800, x, 1. St, 121-125.—Fall eines Weichselzopfes. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk, Berl, 1823, xiv, 347-351.—Vier Falle von Weichselzopf. Ibid., 1824, xvi, 78-85.—Falle von Weichselzopf bei Kindern. Ibid., 1825, xviii, 443-453.-Chledowski (A. T.) Uwagi nad roz- prawq. Or. Weese o koltunie. [Remarks on Dr. Weese'a article on plica polonica.] Pain. Lek, Warszaw, 1828, i, 248-260.—C'homel. Sur le trichoma. Clin. d. hop. Par, 1827, i, 3.—4'oheu. Bemerkungen aus der Praxis iiber den Weichselzopf. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk, Berl, 1833,1145; 1170.—C'olii'ii(H.M.) Zur Plicafrage. Wien. metl. Wchnschr, 1864, xiv, 755.—C'oii-igiiii (D. J.) Plica polonica. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweeelie). Lond, 1834, iii, 400- 403. Also: Ibid., Phila, 1845, iii, 587-500. — Davissoii. Sur la plique polonoise. [From: .lour. el. savants, 1688.] Collect, acad. de niem, etc, Dijon, 1766, vii, 4.—Df four. Case of plica polonica. Med. efc Phys. J, Lond, 1806, xvi. 235. — Demler. Ueber Trichoma. Org. f. tl. ges. Heilk, Aachen, 1853, ii, 142-145. — DrpiUon»lti. Me- moire sur la plii|iie- polonaise; discussion. Lvon med, 1860, ii, 47-50. Also: Mem. it compt..rentl. Soc. tl. sc. med. th- Lyon (I860), 1870, ix, 91-94.— Bieil. Klinische Plica polonica. Kasuistik der Plica. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1858, viii, 49; 69; 84, 553; 570; 587: 1859, ix, 3; 116; 303; 643; 659. -----. Sprawozdanie Komisyi w Towarzystwie Nanko- w6ni Ki akowskiem zawiazan6j w celu zbadania choroby koltuneni zwane.j. [Report of the committee appointed by the Cracow Academy to investigate the endemic disease ot plica polonica.] Przegl. lek, Krakow, 1862, i, nos. 9; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20. -----. Zur Streitfrage des Weich- selzopfes. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1863, xiii, 737; 753: 1864, xiv, 49.— Fehr (J. M.) Plica ex vuluere capitis. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1683, Norimb, 1698, 2. decuria, ii, 1. Also, transl. .- Collect, acad. de m6m, etc, Dijon, 1755, iii, 528.—Flei-kles (L.) Fallvon Plica mit Blutun- ge-ii aus den Kopthaaren. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr, Wien, 1841, 433-435. — a Fonsecu (R.) Pro plica polo- nica seu capillorum inviscatione. In his: Consult, med, fol, Venetiis, 1619, 1-15.— Frank (J.) Plica. Acta Inst. clin. c:es. Univ. Vilnensis, Lipsiaj, 1812, 29-40.— Fritsch. Der Weichselzopf ein Kunstproduct. Wchn- schr. f. tl. ges. Heilk, Berl, 1845, 725-728. -----. Weieb selzopf. Med. Ztg, Berl, 1857, xxvi. 177.-----. Pliea polonica. Preuss. Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1862, n. F, v, 363.— Gatlownki (L.-J.) Sur une plique polonaise observee sur une parisienne. Bull. Fac. tie mt'^d. ele Par, 1818-0, vi, 36-45.—Oasc (J.-C.) MCinoire sur la plique polonaise; ouvrage couronn6. Prix Soc. de med. de Par, 1817, 173- 288. -----. Second memoire sur la plique polonaise. Ibid., 289-311. -----. Encore un mot sur la plique polonaise, lu k la Soci6t6 de medecine de Paris. J. ge.n. tie iue.el, chir. et pharm. Par, 1818, lxv, 289-301— Oeiold. Ueber deu Weichselzopf. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh, Halle, 1836-7. i. 327-331. —CJockel (E.) De plica polemica. In his: Gallicinium med.-pract, 4°, Ulmae, 17u0. 431-437.— Grocr. t Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1873, xiv, 4()4—CSrosch- ner. Kneichenwucherung in Folge eines abge-sebnittenen Weichselzopfes. Metl. Ztg, Berl, 1834, iii, 123.—(Siiciin- burg. Ueber Epiphyten auf Weichselzopfen. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med, Berl, 1845, 34-42, 1 pi. — Gumpert, Ueber den Ursprung der Plica polo- nica. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl, 1838, li, 153-174.—ISut- achtlicher Bericlit des Ober-Collegii Medici et Sanita- tis iiber die Mittel der Verbreitung des Weichselzoptes Grenzen zu setzen. Meel. Ephem. v. Berl, 1799-1800, i, pt. 4, 71-81.—Hill-lei. Weichselzopf. Med. Ztg, Berl, 1854, xxiii, 2. — Hamburger (E.) Ueber die Irrlehre von der Plica polonica. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Bresl.. 1858, ix, 161-279. A Iso, Reprint. -----. Zur Weii-hselzopifrage. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1861, xiii. 447-449. — llaiiipci* (C.) Plica polonica, geheilt durch das Iwoniczer Mine ralwasser. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr, Wien, 1846, 1567- 71.— Hai'tniituii. Kritische Uiiti-isuihung iiber den Weichselzopf, auf Beobiichtung gegiiinelct. J. tl. pract. Heilk, Berl, 1819, xlix, 1. St, 3-57.—Hell wig (J.) Pli- ca polonica. In his: Obs. phys.-uied, 4', Aug. Vintlel, 1680, 134-138. — IIenning. ' Weichselzopf in Deutsch land. Arch. f. med. Erfahr, Berl, 1823. ii, 201-204. — Herr- mann (G. E.) De plica polonica. Primitia-. phys.-null . etc, Lesnae, 1750, i, 168-187. — Herzog. Weichselzopf. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Bresl, 1857. viii, 212-210. — vou Hessling ( T. ) Einige Notizen iiber den Weichsel- zopf. Illust. metl. Ztg, Miinchen, 1852, i, 255-259, 1 pi.— Hoefle (M. A.) Untersuchung eines Weichselzopfes. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Metl, Jena, 1851, ii, 272.— Hoist. Weichselzopf in Teutschland. J. cl. pract. Arznk. u. Wuntlarznk, Jena, 1799, vii, 4. St, 147. — Houel. Plique polonaise. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1857, xxxii. 239.—Jacques. Note sur la plique polonaise. J. de nied, chir, pharm, etc. Par, 1814, xxxi, 339-342.— Jourdan. Plique. Diet. d. sc. med. Par, 1820, xliii, 226-285.—Kaczkowski (K.) Uwagi nad choroby koltu- nonti. [Remarks on plica polonica.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw, 1844, xii, 237-244. -----. t Ibid.. 1847, xviii, 268-274. — Kaposi (M.) [Kohn (M.)] Weichselzopf. Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Therap. (Virchow), Erlang. u. Stuttg, 1876, iii, 2. Abth, 52-59. Also, Reprint.—Kerck- liofl's (J. R. L. ) De poolsche vlecht. TirjroKpaTjje;, Rotterd, 1817, iii, 131-142. Also, transl.: Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond, 1817-20, vi, 27-37. — Koniienianii ( F. C.) Lues coruificativa oder Plica polonica > Eiu praktischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Weichselzopfes. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk, Berl, 1858, vii, 321: 1859, viii, 1.— Kowalewski ( K. ) Researches and observations on plica polonica. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1838-9, xiv, 282-304. Also. Repriut.—Kraus (G.) Plica polonica hei einem 2 Jahre til ten Knaben. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh, Wien, 1855-6, i, 415-418.—Kiirlzin. Observations remarquables tie plique polonaise. Gaz. med. de Par, 1834, 2. s, ii, 519.— Krister. Mediciuische Policey; einige Ideen zur Ge- schichte und Heilung des Weichs'elzopfs. M6d. Ephem. v. Berl.. 1790-1800, i, pt. 4, 35-57.—de La Fontaine (F. L.) Ueber den WeichseRsopf. In his: Ohir.-med. Abhandl, 8°, Bresl. u. Leipz, 1702, 1-101, 7 pi. -----. Lettre sur la plique polonaise. ,1. gen. de meel, chir. etpharm., Par, 1809, xxxiv, 161-172— Ijalonrcey. Memoire sur la plique polonaise. Ibid., 1818. lxiv, 209-3ls.— I.audeutte. Observation sur une plique polonoise. J. tie metl, chir, pharm.. etc, Par, 1761, xv, 330-335.—lii'levre (G. W.) Observations on the PLICA. 394 I'LIENINGER. Plica polonica. nature and origin of the disease called plica polonica. Lond. M. Gaz, 1834-5, xv, 333; 364. — I.essing. Ist der Weichselzopf wirklich eine urspriinglich deutsehe Krank- heit ? Eine historische Sluelie. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk, Berl, 1839, 641-648. — l.essing ( F. ) Plica polouica. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3. xiii, .«». kalski (V.) De la plique polonaise, elans l'etat actne-l nselurables obtenues par l'in- terveution chirurgicale dans les re^cidi ves tie tu- meurs maligues. 78 pp. 4C. Paris, 1888, No. 5. -----. The same. 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1888. Plicque (Alfred-Edwards). *£tiidesiirleineYaii- isme ties mouvements intra-ocnlaiivs el thtSorie tie l'accommodation. 88 pp. 4U. Paris, 1808, No. 171. Plieiiingen. See Fever (Typhus, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. VOll Plieilillger (Carl Gustav Theotlor) [1HJ0- 80)]. * Diss, sistens animadversiones iu natu- ram et cuiiim morborum paralyticoruni, etui transutlatione in cerebrum et metltillain spina- lein oriuntur. 1823. In: Webek. Samml. med.-prakt. Diss, [etc]. 8°. Tubingen, 1829. v, 88-163. -----. Beschreibuug vou Stuttgart, hauptsach- lich nach seinen naturwissenschatt lichen und metlicinise-lien Verhiiltnissen. Eine Festgabe tier Statlt-Gemeindc Stuttgart zur Begriissung tier deutschen Xaturforscher und Aerzte lui il.rct PLIENINGER. 395 PLITT. VOli Plieninger (Carl Gustav Theotlor)—cont. zwolften Versammluug im September 1834. 3 p. 1., 125 pp., 1 pi-, 1 plan, 1 ch., 1 tab. 4C. Stutt- gart, C. Boffmann, 1834. Illuminated title-page. See, also, Kiilil (John). Der menschliche Korper in sei- nem Verhiiitnisse zur aussereu Natur. 8°. Stuttgart, 1838. For Biography, see Med. Cor.-Bl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver, Stuttg, 1886, lvi, 293-296. Plieilillgei* (Theodorus) [1756-1H40]. * Diss. tie pnecipuis deliriorum causis eorumque metlela generalia quaedani exhibens. 69 pp. 4°. Siutt- gardice, Cotta, [1782]. Pliestaes (Carlo). Compendio di patologia generale. 221, iii pp. 32°. Napoli, Cassella, Capobianco <$• Comp., 1876. PlillOll (Gnstave-Aelolphe). *De la menopause (agecritique). 35pp. 4°. Peim,1859,No.94,v.635. Plimpton (Richard Tayler). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Naphtochiuous. 43 pp. 8°. Mar- burg, P. Friedrich, 1880. C. PliiiatiiS (J.) *Nablouelenija uad lichora- elochnime sostqjauieme pri vozvratuoi gorjachke. [On the febrile stage in remittent fever.] 30, xx pp., 1 tab. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1868. Pliniaii Society. Abstract of the proceedings from its first meetiug, Jan. 14, 1823, to July 25, 1826. 47 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1826. ------. Laws. 23pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1825. [P., v. 115.] Plinilis(CajusSccundus) [A. D. 23-79]. Historian naturalis libri xxxvii. Quibus accessere novus index animalium, miueraliuni, vegetabilium sy- nonymicus, noniinumque et rerum quoad cetera enodatio. habita alphabetici ordiuis ratione, e notis Gallicae editionis Ajasson de Grandsagne. Quarum anctores exstitere ad zoosophiam, ut plu- rimum G. Cuvier passim vero, et in iis quae zooso- phiam non erant, Doe", E. Dolo, Fee, L. Foui'lie" [et al.]. 4 v. in 2. *-. Lipsiw, J. A. Barth, 1835-6. In: Nova scriptorum |etc.j. 8°. Parisiis, 1835-6, vii, xii, xv [etc.]. ------. The same. The natural history of Pliny, trausl. with copious notes antl illustrations by John Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 v. 12°. Lon- don, G. Bohn, 1855-6-7. This edition contains the entire thirty-seven books. ------. Thesame. CaiusPliniusSccuuelusNatur- geschichte. Uebersetzt und erlautert von Ph. H. Kiilb. [35. Biindchen, 37. Buch.] In: B5mische Prosaiker in neuen Uebersetzungen. 12°. Stuttgart, 1856. No. 215, 4249-4380. See, also, Hofiiiaim (Casp.) Variarura lectionum [etc.]. 16°. Lipsice, 1619.—IIor»tiu»(Gregorius). Tracta- tus descorbuto, etc. 4°. Oiessce Bassorum, 1609.—ISonw- nfiis (Balduinus). De hominis piimordiis, etc. 12°. Lovanii, 1559.—Kowegnert (L)en) van den bevruchten vrouwen. 16°. Campen, |1540|. -----. The same. 16°. Leijden, [1555].—Minion Jnnnensis. Opusculum cui nomen clavis sanation is [etc.]. fol. [Venetiis, 1514.] ------. See, also: Collinutius (P.) De interpretatione simpli- cium qme sunt apud Plinium, calumniis Leoni- ceni respontlens. In: Vera (De) herbarum cognitione. fol. Argentorati, 1532, 89-116. The above is title as given on title-page of " De vera", [etc.]. The article begins: "Adversus Nic. Leouice uum Pliiiiotuastigen defensio ". Leonicenus (N.) De Plinii et plurium alio- ruin in medicina erroribus liber, sin. 4°. Fer- ruriw, 1492. ------. De falsaquarnndam herbarum inscrip- tione a Plinio. In: Vera (De) herbarum cognitione. fol. Argentorati, 1532, 44-89. Segxer (J. A.) [Pr.]defontePliuianoprimo. 4°. Gottingw, [1737]. Tkillek (D. W.) [Pr.] quaedani simul com- mentatus in difficilem Plinii locum lib. vii, cap. 50 de morbo per sapientiam mori. 4°. [ Vitem- bergw, 1757.] Pli ll ins (Cajns Secundus)—continued. K igelo w (J.) On the death of Pliny the elder. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts efe Sc, Cambridge efe Bost, 1858, n. 8, vi, pt. 2, 223-227. Also, Keprint. Also, in his: Modern in- quiries [etc.]. -8°. Boston, 1867, 111-118. Plillius (Secuudus Junior) [Pseudo-Plinius; Pli- niiis Valerianus]. De re metlica libri v accura- titts reeogniti, et (nothis ac pseuelepigraphis se- motis) ab iunumeris mendarum millibus, title vetustissimi codicis repurgati. In: Re (De) meelica [etc.]. fol. Basilece, 1528, 13-98. Also, in: MKDICI antiqui omnes qui latinis litteris diverso- rtun morboruiii genera et remedia persecuti sunt, etc. fol. Venetiis, 1547, ff. 164-211. ------. De febribus liber. In: Febhibus (De) opus sane aureum, [etc. 1. fol. Ve- netiis, 1576, 184-187. See, also, Ciinz (Jnstus Godofredus). *De auctore operis de re medica [etc.]. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1736]. Plilisky (P. A.) Dieta(obraz jizni)na Kavkazs- kich vodiich; obshetlostupnoe gigienichcskoe nastiivlenie i kratkii putevotlitel. [Diet (ac- cording to habit) iu the use of Caucasian waters ; general hygienic instructions, aud guiele.] iv, 97, ii pp. 18°. St. Petersburg, A. S. Surorina, 1887. Plillta (Joannes Maximilianus). * Historia epi- demiu' variolosa' Erlangensis anni 1790. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangw, A. E. Junge, 1792. Plique (Marcel). *De la lyp6mauie comme symptome de la paralysie gEnerale. 1 p. 1., (il pp., 1 1. 4°. Nancy, 1885, 1. s., No. 216. Pliski (Nikolas). O kleptomanii (vrojtlennoi naklouuosti k vorovstvy). 49 pp. 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1884. Plisson (Auguste-Arthur) \ -1832]. Bloxdeau (A.) Notice ne~crologique sur M. Plisson. 8°. [Paris, 1832.] Pliss©H(Francois-Eilouard). * Sur les asphyxies, avec quelques reflexions sur la respiration. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 82, v. 137. ------. The same. Essai historique et therapeu- tique snr les asphyxies, avec quelques reflexions sur la respiration. 2. 6el. xvi, 576 pp. 18°. Paris, F.-M. Maurice, 1826. ------. Sypbiliographie, ou manuel ele"uientaire historique, descriptif et pratique de la maladie ve"neneune, coutenant: 1°. Line elescriptiou soiniuaire des parties gEuitales externes de I'homme et de la femme ; 2°. L'histoire, les pr6- scrvatifs, les sympt6mes, la marche, les efl'ets varies et les complications ele la syphilis ou maladie \cn6rienue; 3°. L'exposition detail- I6e des m6thodes curatives que rexpErieuce a d6montrees les plus propres a triompher tie cette hideuse infection, soit rEcente, soit \nx6t6r6e. 1 p. 1., xxiv, 473 pp. 12°. Paris, F.-M. Maurice, 1825. Plisson (Marie-Prudence) [1727-88]. REdexions critiques sur les 6crits qu'a produit la question de la ldgitimite ties naissances tardives; suivies d'une dissertation sur les hommes marins. v, iii pp. 8°. Paris, Ve. Duchesne, 1765. Plitt (Christianus Adolphus) [1822- ]. *De hydrophobia. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1846]. Plitt (Heinrich Bernharelt). * De temperamento- ruin doctrinae principiis. 2 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jenw, typ. Schlotterianis, [1830]. ------. Die Wahrheit in der Hydropathie und ihr Verhaltniss zur rationellen Heilkunde. Dargelegt fiir Aerzte und wissenschaftlich gebildete Nicht- iirzte. 2 v. xvi, 312 pp.; viii, 318 pp. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, Arnold, 1845-7. Plitt (Ludwig August). * Einige vergleichende Bemerkungen iiber die Influenza der Menschen und der Pferde. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1862. c. PLITT. 391 Plit'Aiier (Vincentius Jos.) *Diss. sistens histo- rias sinopticas intoxicationis ex acido sulfurico (aelnexa epicrisi) in clinico medico Pragensi anno sehol. 1839 tractates. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pragw, J. Spumy, 1840. PlizillS (Joh. Stcphanus). * De hydrope. 111. 1°. Erfitrti, typ. J. B. Groschii, [1712] Pljascllkevitcll (Konstantin). * Primieneuie siernoi kisloty k ilezinfektsii vygrebnych neclii- stot. [Sulphuric acitl for disinfecting offensive offal.] 83 pp., 1 diag. 8°. St. Petersburg, R. Lafcreutz, 1888. Ploch (Magnus) [1857- ]. * Elf Fiille kiinst- licher Friihgeburt bei Beckenenge. 47 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg in Pr., M. Lied the, 1888. Plock. See Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), by lo- calities; Medicine (Clinica 1, Cases of). Plock (Julius) [1810- ]. *De hy.latidibus nonnulla. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Fried laen- derianis,[ 1836]. Plocq (Emile). *Diss. snr le catarrhe pulmo- naire chronique, suivie tie quelques propositions sur le traitement de cette maladie. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 89, v. 156. von Ploderl (Francis Xaver Georg). *lTeber den Kaiserschnitt. 24 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Zancjl, 1819. -----. The same. *De hysterotomia. 24 pp. 8". Landishuli, J. Thomann, 1820. Plo«»III (Joh. Carolus). *De signis quae praebet percttssio in tuberculosi pulmonum incipiente. 19 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, apud Kemink ct filium, 1846. Plonies (W.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von tier Staar- operatiou. [.Strasburg.] 138 pp. 8°. Frankf. a. M., Eiinipf u. Reis, 1879. Plolni (Lazarus). *De arte formulas couciu- naudi. 2 p. 1., 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pesthini, J. Beimel, 1833, No. 17. [Also, in: P., v. 1322.] Plolir (Joh. Andreas). Disp. phys. ele saporibus eorumque ilifferentiis. 21 1. 4\ Lipsice, lit. Brandenburgerianis, [1698]. Ploinuim (Andreas). * De paradoxis sensuum. 19 1. 4 . Kiloni, lit. J. Reumanni, [1685]. Ploillb ( C.-E.-Prosper ). *De la pourriture d'hopital. 32 pp. 4\ Paris, 1854, No. 42, v. 564. I*Ioiii Ime res. See, also, Dyspepsia (Treatment of). Bottentuit. • The waters of Plombieres (Vosges). 16°. London, 1888. Coup d'ceil sur Plombieres, par un voyageur, en 1820. 8°. Paris, 1820. Duval (V.) Deux mots de repouse a M. Turck. 16'-'. Paris, 1850. Etablissement thermal tie Plombieres-les- Bains, Vosges. Propriete de l'Etat. 16°. Mire- court, [11. d.]. Grosjp;an (M.-A.) Precis sur les eaux mine- rales de Plombieres . . . Suivi ti'une notice sur les eaux ferrugiuo-gazeuses ele Bussang; et de leur analyse receute, par M. Barruel. 8°. Pa- ris, 1820. ' Henry (F.-O.) & Lhkritier (S.-D.)- Hydro- logie tie Plombieres, ou nouvelles recherches sur le rendemeut, la temperature et la composition chimique des sources tie Plombieres. 8°. Paris, 1855. Le Box (J.) Abrege de la propriete des eaux de Plombieres. Reiiuprime' surl'edition tie 1576, avec une preface et un glossaire-intlex par Louis Jouve. 16c. fJpinal, 1869. Leclere (C.) Des eaux minerales tie Plom- bieres et de leur emploi daus le traitement eles PLOMP.lfcKKS. Plombieres. maladies chrouiques tin tube digestif. 80m Paris, 1800. Lhkritier (S.-D.) Eaux tie Plombieres. Cli- nique medicale. Du rhumatisme, ct tie son traitemeut par les eaux therino-niiiit'iales ele Plombieres. le annee. 8°. I'ctris, 1M53. -----. Eaux ele Plombieres. ('Unique medi- cale. Des paralysies (hemipiegic, paraplegic, irritation spinale, myeiite) et de leur traitciiienl par les eaux thermo-minerales de Plombieres. 2'' annee. 8°. Paris, 1854. Martinet (J.-F.) Traite des maladies chroui- ques et des moyens les plus efficaces de les guerir qui sont les difterentes manieres d'user ties eaux tie Plombieres; avec une topographic plivsico- metlicale eiu departement des Vosges, elans lequel ces eaux minerales sont situees. 8°. Paris, 1.-103. Michel (F.-J.-X.) *Snr l'emploi tics eaux minerales tie Plombieres et de Luxeuil elans le traitement de quelques maladies chrouiques. 4°. Paris, 1823. Musset ( G.-H. ) Etudes physiologiques et therapeutiques snr les eaux thermalcs tie Plom- bieres. 4°. Paris, 1852. Plombieres et ses thermes. Guide ele l'etran- ger aux eaux de Plombieres et ses environs (Vosges); publie sous le patronage tlu conseil d'aelmiuistration de la Compagnie anonyme ties thermes de Plombieres. 16°. Nancy, 1880. Titot (P. A.) * Naturae et usus thennarum plumbariarum Lothariugite, brevis descriptio. 4°. Basilece, [1706]. Also, in: Fasc. diss. med. select. (Zwingerus). 12°. Basil, 1710, 528-576. Turck (L.) Precis du mode d'action tics eaux minerales ele Plombieres dans le traitemeut des maladies chrouiques. 8°. Plombieres, 1828. See, also, supra, Duval (V.). -----. The same. *Dn mode d'action des eaux minero-tbcrmales tie Plombieres. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1834. Same as preceding, with additional cases. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8 -'. Paris, 1847. -----. Eaux de Plombieres. Montaigne. Les chemises el'Isabeau de Baviere. Une faute tin pharmacien Kouvroy, sou ecole. Le Dr. Lhdri- tier, ses doctrines et le livre rouge. 8°. Paris, 1861. Guersaiit. Notice sur les eaux ele Plombieres. Arch. gen. de med.. Par.. 1838, 3. s., i, 194-209.—Henry (F.-O.) Analvse de l'eau des ditf6rentes sources qui alimeiitent l'etablissement elePlombieres. [Rap.] Bull. Acad.de 11161I., Par., 1854-5, xx, 1248-1254.—Humbert (E.) Eaux 1111116- rales ele; Plombieres. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1850, iv, 787.— .lulier (P.) eSc l.efort (J.) Etudes sur les eaux mine- rales et theimales de Plombieres, comprenant: 1", des con- siderations g6n6rales sur l'origine gejologique des sources minerales de Test de la France, l'historique, le captiige, ramenagement des eaux tie Plombieres: 2", les proprietes physiques et chimiques, l'analyse et la composition ties eaux niin6rales de cette station ihermale. Ann. Sue. d'hy- drol. me.il. tie Par., 1860-61, vii, 471-687, 2 maps. Also, lie- print— I.miyer (J.-C.) Observations pratiques sur les eaux minerales tie Plombieres et sur l'iode. Ann. dela med. physiol., Par., 1830, xvii, 507-538.—Petreqii in (J.- E.) Note sur 1'usage ties eaux mineirales ih- Ploiiibieres dans les maladies ties veux. Ann. el'ocul., Brux. 1839, ii, 22-31—Peyrnml (G.') Considerations pratiques sur les proprietes des eaux thermales de Plombieres. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Lyon, 1842, i, 165-191.—Roliirrnu (A.) Plombi6res (eaux minerales de). Diet, encycl. d. sc. in6d., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxi, 176-187. Plombieres et ses thermes. Guide de l'6t ranger aux eaux de Plombieres et ses environs (Vosges); publie sous le patrouage du couseil d'atlmiuistra- tion de la Compagnie anonyme ties thermes tie Plombieres. 84 pp., 1 pi., 1 map. 16^. Nancy, Berger-Lerrault $• Cie., 1880. PLC) MER. 397 PLOUCQUET. Plomer (Jacobus). * De iliaca pa.ssione. Ip. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Glasguw, It. et A. Foulis, 1769. Plomgren (Carolus Antlreas). *Decalceauri fulininaute. 2 p. L, 26 pp. 4°. Upsaliw, J. Ednian, [1769]. Ploiisk. See Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Plonski (Mauritius) [1828- ]. *De ompha- lorrhagia idiopathica. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, S. Jacoby, [1855]. Ploo (Joachimus). *De apoplexia sanguinea, uiemoratu digua, adnexa historia morbi clinica synoptica. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pragw, J. Spumy, [1838]. Plooster (Cornelius). *Diss. brevem exhibens conspectum proprietatum cainphorae. 1 p. 1., 46 pp. 8-\ Lugd. Bat., L. Berdingh etfilius, 1839. Ploss (Hermann Heinrich) [1819-85]. * De ge- ncsi psychosium in puerperio. 35 pp. 8°. Lip- sice, typ. Staritzii, 1846. c. -----. Anweisung zur Pflege uud Wartuug tier Kiutler in den ersten Lebeusjahren fiir Mutter, Warterinnen uud Zieheltern. x, 45 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, [1851]. ------. Ueber tlie das Gesclilechtsverhaltuiss der KinelerbedingendenUrsachen. 40pp., 1 eh. 8 . Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1859. Repr. from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., IS.'iS, xii. -----. Ueber die Frequeuz der geburtshiilfliehen Operatiouen. 37 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 1804. [P., v. 312.] Repr. from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenk., Berl., 1864, xxiii. -----. Vorliiufige Mittheilungen iiber die Cho- lera-Epielemie ties Jahres 1866 in den rings um Leipzig liegenden Ortschaften. 23 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, J. Elinkhardt, [1866]. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Mag- deb. u. Leipz., 1866, v. ------. Ueber die Ursachen der epidemischen Ver- breitung der Chelera. Nach Beobachtungen, au- gestellt iu der Umgegend von Leipzig im Jahre 1800. 34 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Ferber u. Seydel, 1808. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Mag- deb. u. Leipz., 1868. vii. Bound with preceding. -----. Ueber die Lage und Stellung der Fran wahrend der Geburt bei verschiedenen Volkern. EiueanthropologischeStndie. 47 pp. 8'-'. Leip- zig, Yeit ii. Comp., 1872. -----. Eiuladung zum Besuche der Struve'schen Miueralwasser-Austalt zu Leipzig. 4 pp. sm. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Birschfeld, 1872. -----. JJas Kind iu Brauch uud Sitte tier Veilker. Anthropologiscbe Studien. 2 v. xii, 324, ii, 294 pp., 1 1. 8°. Stuttgart, A. Auerbach, 1876. -----. Dr. Struve's kunstliche Mineralwiisser auf der I. balneologischen Ausstellung zu Frankfurt a. M. Zur sechzigjahrigen Jubelfeier eler Dres- deuerMutteraustalt. 34 pp., 10 ch. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Yogel, 1881. ------. Ueber das Gesuudheitswesen und seine Re- gelung im Deutschen Reiche. iv (1 1.), 91 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Grabner, 1882. -----. Zur Geschichte, Verbreitung uud Methode der Frucht-Abtreibung. Culturgeschichtlich- metlicinische Skizze. iv, 47 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Yeit it. Comp., 1883. ------. Geschichtliches und Ethuologisches iiber Knabenbeschneidung. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. L. Birschfeld, 1885. Repr. from: Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1885, viii. ------. Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde. Anthropologische Studien. 2. Aufl. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers bearbeitet und herausgege- ben von Max Bartels. xx, 3 p. 1., 576 pp., 4 pi.; loss (Hermann Heinrich)—continued. viii, 719 pp., 3 pi. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, T. Grieben, 1887. ----. Uebersieht iiber die Struve'schen Mineral- wiisser in ihren wichtigsten Bestandtheileu und dereu Hcilwerthzahlen. (Nach P. Phobus und H. E. Richter.) 11 pp. 18°. [Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, n. d.] Also, Editor of: Zeitschrift fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe, Leipzig, 1866-8. See, also, Protich (H.) efe PIomn (H.) Medicinisch- chirurgische Eneyclopailie fiir praktische Aerzte. 4 v. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1854-6. Ploss (Octavianus) [1695-1751J. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. PlOSZ (Hermann). See Ploss (Hermann Hein- rich). PlOSZ (Lajos). Beavato ervosi ertekezes az el- merevedesrol(catalepsisrol). [Introductory med- ical essay on catalepsy. ] 28 pp. 8°. Pesten, Lan- derer, 1832. [P., v. 1321.] Plotli (Jeremias Samuel) [ -1808]. * De pro- xima febrium causa. 36 pp. 4°. Gottingce, H. M. Grape, [1790]. Plotke (Ludwig). * Ueber das Verhalten tier Augen im Schlafe. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, F. W. Jung fer, 1879. Plotnikow (Victor). * Untersuchungen iiber tlie Vasa vasorum. 31pp. 8°. Dorpat, II. Laak- mann, 1884. Plots (Hermann). See Ploss (Hermann Hein- rich). Ploiicquet (Godofred.) [1716-90]. De corpo- rum organisatorum generatioue, disquisitio phi- losophica. 60 pp. 4°. Stutgardiw, J. B. Mezler, 1749. [Also, in: P., v. 619.] ------. De principiis dynamicis. [Disp.] 32 pp. 4°. Tubingce, typ. Euesianis, [1780]. Ploiicquet (Wilhelm Gottfried) [1741-1*14], * Diss, sisteus a:tates humanas earumque jura. Resp. G. E. J. Uhlantl. Tubingw, 1778. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1789, vii, 381-434. ------. Warnuug an tlas Publikum fiir einem in mauchen Brauuteweinen enthaltenen Gift samt den Mitteln es zu eutdeken uud auszuscheiden. 52 pp. 16°. Tiibingen, J. F. Beerbrandt, 1780. ------. Skizze tier Lehre von der menschlichen Natur. Zum Gebrauch akademischer Vorlesun gen. 1 p. 1., 284 pp. 12°. Tubingen, J. F. Beer brandt, 1782. ------. Coninieutariusmetlicusin processus crimi- nales super homicidio, infanttcidio et embryoc- tonia. 6 p. 1., 368 pp. 8°. Argentorati, A. Koe- nig, 1786. ------. Von der unblutigen Abnehmuug der Glie- eler 60 pp., 2 1. 12°. Tubingen, J. E. Heer- brandt, 17n6. ------. Abhandlung iiber tlie gewaltsame Toeles- arten. Als e-iu Beitrag zu der mediziuischen Rechtsgclahrtheit. 2., aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzte, uud sehr vermehrte Aufl. xvi (1 1.), 415 pp. 12 \ Tubingen, J. F. Heerbrandl, 1788. ------. Nova pulmouum docimasia. Resp. Fri- dericus Brotbek. Tubingce, 1782. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1790, viii, 205-241. ------. Delineatio systematis nosologici laturse accommodati. 4 v. in 2. 12°. Tubingw, J. F. Beerbrandt, 1791-3. ------. Deglutitio difificilis, impedita. Dyseata- brosis, dysphagia. 16 pp. sm. 4°. [Tubingw, 1792?] Repr. from his: Initio, bibliotheca?. 4°. Tubingce, 1794, ii. ------. Initia bibliothecae medico-practicse et chi- rurgicse realis sive repertorii medieinae practicse et chirurgiae. 8 v. 4°. Tubingce, J. G. Cotta, 1793-97. PLOIICQUET. 398 PLU.MIUNG. Ploiicquet (Wilhelm Gottfried)—continued. ------. Der Arzt, oder iiber elie Ausbileluug, elie Studien, Pflichteu, Sitten, und die Klugheit eles Arztes. viii, 208 pp. 8:. Tubingen, J. G.Cotta, 1797. ------. System der Nosologie imUmrisse. xx, 284 pp. 8^. Tubingen, J. F. Beerbrandt, 1797. ------. Bibliotheca medico-practica et chirurgica realis recentior, sive contiuuatio et supplements initioruiu bibliothecae [etc.]. 4 v. 4°. Tubin- gw, J. G. Cotta, 1799-1803. ------. Literatura meelica digesta sive reperto- rium medicinas practica?, chirurgia} atque rei ob- stetrician. 4 v. in 2. 4°. Tubingw, J. G. Cotta, 1808-9. ------. Thesame. Contiuuatio et supplementum i, x, 226pp. 4°. Tubingw [lit. Schrainmianis], 1813. See. also. Series formularum medicarum secundum, ete. 12°. Tubinga'. 1811. For Fortrait. see Collection—van Kaathoven. ------. See, also: Hnrtog (J. F. C.) Einige Zusatze zu Plouctjuet's Initia [etc.] Bibl. med. pract. et chirurg., T. i-vi. Nr. May. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1795, xvii. 250: 1796, xviii, 268; 353: 1797, xix, 18. ------& Bauer (Christi. Luelov.) De cephalal- gia methodo naturae acconimodata in species di- gesta. Tubingw, 1787. In: Script, neurol. minores seleeti. 4°. Lipsice, 1793, iii, 294-321. Ploiivier (Eelouard-Auguste). * I. Exposer les complications tie l'aftection calculeitse chez l'a- dulte etle vieillard; appr.ecier leur influence sur le choix de l'operation et l'epoqne a laquelle il couvieudra de la pratiqner. II. [etc.]. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 149, v. 348. Ploiivier (Henry). *Des phenomenes ct eles signes qui suivent la mort du feetns elans le sein ele sa mere, surtout a une epoque avancdc ele la grossesse. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 39,v. 531. Plouviez (D.) Quelques iddes de philosophie medicale. 96 pp. 8°. Paris, Moquetfy Cie., 1834. [P., v. 48-f; 498.] ------. Quelques mots sur l'etherisation en mede- cine, sur les moyens de remedier aux accidents dont elie est susceptible, etc. 45 pp. 8'. [Lille, Leleux, 1848, vel subseq.] [P., v. 474.] ------. Causeries snr la therapeutique generale. 39 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, J.-B. Tircher, 1?55. Repr. from: J. de me-d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1854, xix. Ploiiviez (Emile-Francois-Ailolphe). *Sur la suette. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 129. Plouzane ( Edouard - Francois ) [1859- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'hygiene pratique ties troupes europeennes en campagne elans les pays intertropicaux Haut-Senegal et Haut-Niger. 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887, No. 89. Plowden ( Guilielmus ). De cholera morbo. 1784. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, 138. -----. An caro renascitur? 1784. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, 126. Pill (Alfred). * Conseils aux meres sur l'hygiene de la premiere enfance. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 161. Pluclioil (Rene). *De l'opium des fumeurs. 65 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1887, No. 411. Pluclter (Albert). * Ueber Hemiatrophie tier Zunge. 47 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Bonitas ■ Bauer, 1888. Pluemecke. ( Carolus ). *De resectione ge- nu. 24 pp. 8°. Gryphiswaldiw, F. G. Kunike, 1862. C. Pluemicke (Guilelmus Caecilius) [1821- ]. *De hsemorrhagia hereditaria. 30 pp., 1 1. 8. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1845]. Pluggc (P. C.) Overzicht van de wisselende chemische sauienstelling en pharmacody namische waarde van eenige belangrijke geneesniiddelen. Uitgegeven door ileNeelerlauelsclic Maatschappij tot Bevordering eler Geneesknnst. vii, 113 pp., 20 tab. 8°. Amsterdam, F. run Rossen, 1887). PlllllOVSfey (Franciscus). "Diss, sistensmodum infantem ueonatum natura} convenienter edu- candi. 38pp., 11. 8-. Budw, [1836]. [P., v. 1328.] Pillill (Franz Wilhelm). * Ueber elen Ausschluss wichtiger Organe aus elem Kreislaufe. 66 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Thein, 188'). Pillill (P.) *Om Brokincarceration. 1 p. 1., 200 pp. 8°. Ejtjihenharn, G. E. C. Gad, 1866. Plum pits (Toxicology of). Sefcrowitz. Cj'an-Vergiftung durchPflattmenkerne. Wien. med. Bl., 1882, v, 391. Plumbago europoea. Dcville. Observations et exp6riences sur les effets de la dentelaire (Plumbago europasa). Tr. m6d., Par., 1830, ii, 164-173. Pllllllbc (Samuel). A practical treatise on dis- eases of the skiu, comprehending an account of such facts as have been recorded on these sub- jects, with origiual observations; the whole ar- ranged with a view to illustrate the constitu- tional causes of these eliseases, as well as their local characters, xx, 392 pp., 2 pi., 1 tab. « . London, F. $ G. Underwood, 1824. ------. Thesame. Including the substance of an essay on these subjects to which the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons awarded the Jacksonian prize. 3. ed. xxxi, 470 pp., 1 tab., 2 pi. 8°. London, J. Nimmo, 1829. -----. The same. 4. ed. xx, 607 pp., 4 pi. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert 4" Piper, 1837. ------. The same. From the last Lond. eel. 396 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Baswell, Barrington 4- Baswell, 1837. ------. An essay on ringworm of the scalp, scalleil head, antl other forms of porrigo. 2. eel. viii, 75 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, T. $■ G. Underwood, 1827. ------. A popular anel impartial estimate of the present value of vaccination as a security against small-pox, and of the danger of encouraging or tolerating the inoculation of the latter. 99 pp. 8°. London, A. Hancock, 1830. Plumber (The) antl Sanitary Engineer. Public health, drainage, water supply, ventilation, beat- ing, aud lightiug. Chas. F. Win gate, editor. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, Dec., 1877, to Nov. 15, 1880. 4°. New York. After May, 1879, no. 6, v. 2, became semi-monthly. Con- tinued as: Sanitary (The) Engineer. Plumbers and plumbing. See, also, Engineering (Sanitary); Latrines, etc.; Sewers, etc.; Sinks ; Traps; Water- closets. Plunkett (H. M.) Women, plumbers, and doctors; or household sanitation, showing that if women and plumbers do their whole sanitary duty there will be comparatively little occasion for the services of the doctors. 12c. New York, 1885. Burrall ( F. A. ) The exemption of plumbers from zymotic diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1**2, xxii, 428. Also: San. Rec, Lond., 1882-3, n. a., iv, 254 — Kidlon (J. ¥.) Plumbers and zymotic diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 501.— Vallin ( E. ) La profession de plombier en Angleterre et en Araerique. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1883, v, 793-800. Plumbers' (The) Trade Journal. The official organ of the Master Plumbers'Association. Hugh Hastings, jr., editor. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1, Nov. 15, 1881, to July 15, 1882. fol. New York. Plumbing problems; or questions, answers, aud descriptions relating to house drainage and plumbing, from the Sanitary Engineer, xiv, 17- 244 pp. 8°. New York, 1885. PLUMBUM. 399 PLYMOUTH. Plumbum. See Lead. Plume (Carl). * Ein Fall von Eventration. 13 pp., 1 pi. 8~. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1»83. Plliuieau (F.-M.-Aristide). *De la hlennor- rhagie urelhrale chez I'lionime, et priucipale- ment de ses causes ct tie son traitemeut. 52 pp. 4 . Paris, 187A, No. 192, v. ; 14. Pllimer (J. G.) The people's guide to medical electricity, galvanism, magnetism, etc. 30 pp. l(i°. London, [1874]. Plllllier (John C.) The mechanics, mechanical anatomy, and mechanical distortions of the bony structure of the human foot; also, the mechan- ical affections ofthe human foot, [etc.]. 3 p. 1., 12pp. (131.); 23, 12, 12 pp., G 1. 8°. Portland 4 Boston, 1860-61. .-----. Mechanical appliances in treatment of talipes. 5 pp., 5 1. 8C. [n. p., 1862?] Repr. from: Miller (James). The practice of surgery. 4. ed. from last Edinb. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. Pluiuerel (Charles-L6opoltl)1. * Snr la tievre typhoide. 16 pp. 4-. Paris, 1831, No. 180, v. 243. Pluiuerel (Charles-Leopold)2. * Emploi thdra- peutique eiu chloroforme. 31 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1865, No. 177. PIuinert (Armiuius Kuelolfus). *De prosopal- gia.. 23 pp. 8°. Pragw, C. Gerzabck, 1814. Pllllliert (Josephus). *Diss. sistens notutu tligua circa metrophlebitideiii puerperalcin, ad- nexa morbi historia synoptica. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 1 1. 8-"1. Pragw, typ. Jiliorum T. Baase, [1838], Pllllllllier (Joaunes). *De uocivis etfectibus reniediorum evacuantiuni. 1 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud fratres Murray, 1792. [P., v. 1479.] Pllllllllier (John Thomas) [1807-65], Obituary notice. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1865, n. s., viii, 384-389. Pllllllllier (Swaby). *De scarlatina angiuosa. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Neil I, 1821. [Also, in: P., v. 1072.] Pllllliptre (llenricus). *De Carolinis thenuis. 48 pp., 31. 4s Balw Magdeb., typ. C. A. Zeitleri, [1705]. Erroneously dated 1695. -----. *The same. Vulgo vom Carls Bade. 47 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., typ. C. A. Zeit- leri, 1705. Pllllliptre (James). The plague stayed: a scriptural view of pestilence, particularly of that dreadful pestilence the small-pox, with con- sitlerations on the newly-discovereel remedy by inoculation with the vaccine or cow-pock; in two sermons, preached before tlie University t)f Cambridge, Feb. 24 and March 3, 1805. With copious uotes anel illustrations. 1 p. 1., 77 pp. 8°. Cambridge, F. Bodson, 1805. Plum* (Dried, Poisoning by). Kjoiiiliuiil. Om forgisrade sviskon. [On poisonous dried plums.] Vetensk.-Handl. f. Lak. o. Faltsk., Stock- holm, 1795, ii, 2. pt., 56. PI ll instead District. See London. Plumstead District. Pliiuket (J. D.) Vital statistics in Tennessee. A report. 31 pp. 8°. [Nashville, 1887).] .^Vr- f™m: Kep. Bd. Health Tennessee, Nashville, 188a, n. —----. Bovine tuberculosis, a fruitful source of human disease and death. 13 pp. 8-]. [Nash- ville, 1885.] , %• from: Rep. Bd. Health Tennessee, Nashville, 1885, n. Plllllket (Patricius). * Quaedam tie aere mephi- tico complectens. lp.l.,45pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1779. Pllinkett (H. M.) Women, plumbers, and doc- tors; or household sanitation, showing that if women aud plumbers do their whole sanitary duty there will be comparatively little occasion for the services of tlie doctors. 248 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1885. Pluscky (Wilhelmus). "De hamiarrliagia na- rium. 31pp. 8--. Viennw, typ. Ghelenianis, 1777. Pllislievski (I.) *K patologicheskoi anatomii proizvolnyeh myshts skeleta i diafragmy pri tifack. [Pathological auatomy of voluutary muscles and of the diaphragm in typhus.] 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, E. Arnholda, 1883. Pluskitl (Leopoldus). *De visu. 2 p. 1., 48 pp., 1 1. 8C. Viennw, J. Thorn, [1778]. PluturcllUS Chwronensis. Adversus eos tpii Pla- tonem repiiehendunt, iiuoel elixerit pottini per pulmonem penctrare, ex septimo convivalium qmestionuin disputatio, J ano Cornario interprete. [Contains also: Ex Plutarchi libro elestoiciscon- trarietatibtts, ubi proPlatonecontra Chrysippum hiec verba habentur, Jano Cornario interprete.] In: Adamantiis Sophista. [Adamantii physiognomo- nicon libri eluo per Jauuin Cornaiiuui latine conscripti [etc.].] 16°. liasilecv. 1544, 128-139. See, also, Coriiariuw [Hagenbut] (Janus), lie utri- usquealimenti, [etc.J. 16°. Basilece, 1544. Pluyaild (Pierre-Joseph) [1855- ]. * Etude ties reflexes tendineux dans la fievre typhoide. 1 p. 1., 74 pp. 4:. Paris, 1883, No. 72. See, also, Voimiii (Aug.) Conferences cliniipies sur les maladies mentales. 8°. Paris, 1881. Plliyette (Edouard) [1855- ]. *Apercu his- torique sur l'insertiou vicieuse du placenta. 99 pp. 4 \ Paris, 1883, No. 84. Plymouth, England. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of); Fever ( Typhoid, Bistory, etc., of); Hospitals (Naral, etc.), by localities. Blaxall (F. H.) Pe'.port to the Local Govern- ment Boarei on the sanitary condition of Ply- mouth. Feb. 11, 1879. fol. [London, 1879.] Huxha.m (J.) Observatioues tie acre et mor- bis epideniicis, ab anno mdccxxviii ad finein anni mdccxxxvii, Plymuthi facta1; his accedit opusculum de morbo colico Damuouiensi. 2. etl. 8°. Londini, 1752. -----. The same. Observations on the air aud epidemical diseases, matle tit Plymouth from the year 1728 to the eutl of the year 1737. To which is adeieel a short treatise eiu the Devonshire colick. v. 1. Trausl. from the Latiu. 8L. Lon- don, 177>8. -----. The same. 8C. London, 1759. -----. Observatiouum de aere et morbis epi- deniicis volumen alteram; ab anni nimirum initio 1738 ad cxitiiin usque 1748. 8°. Londini, 1752. KlacUinore ( E.) Reports on the diseases of Ply- mouth. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1829, xxxi, 266: xxxii, 1; 314: 1830, xxxiii, 1.—Hamilton (W.) Remarks on the vital statistics of the borough of Plymouth for the year ended on the 30th of June. 1850. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, xlvi, 528; 508; 611: 665.—JVIrrri field (J.) Meteorology and eli- mate of Plymouth, licit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 347-349.— Mtvain (1\) An address on Plymouth asahealth resort, together with some remarks on the contagious diseases act. Ibid., '1887, ii, 170. Plymouth, Massachusetts. Annual report of the Free Public Library aud News-Rooms com- mittee, together with the treasurer's financial stateineut, librarian's report aud statistical ta- bles, list of additions to the library, names of donors, etc. Presented to the town council. 9., 1885. 48 pp. 8°. Plymouth, L. W. N. Keys, 1880. Annual report of the water commissioners ofthe town of Plymouth. 34., 1888. 20 pp. 8°. Plymouth, Avery 3., 1882-4. 8°. Plymouth, Smith, [1883-5]. Plympton. iVIassachiisetts. Annual report ofthe hoard of health ofthe tnwn of Plympton for the year 1850, by the commis- sion. Rep. gen. plan for promotion pub. 6. Blanchy (C.-A.) 'Considerations generates sur la peSripnenmonie simple. 4°. Paris, 1810. Bleuler ( R. ) 'Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Pneumonie. 8°. Zurich, 1865. Blondy (P.) 'Dissertation sur la pdripneu- nionie, d'apres les regies de l'analyse. 4°. Paris, 1810. Boer(G.) *De variis pneumoniae speciebus. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Bonnesieur (A.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Bonnet (L.-H.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1821. Bonneville (G.-J.) * Dela pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1834. 26 Pneumonia. Boraud (V.-A.) 'Apercu sur la pneumonie aux dift'tSreuts ages de la vie. 4°. Paris, 1847. Borman (J. W.) *De peripneumonia. 4°. Erfordiw, [1769]. Bouchel (I. A.) 'Diss, tie pneumonia vera acuta. 4°. Gandavi, 1822. Boucher (C.-F.) 'Propositions sur la pneu- mouie. 4°. Paris, 1825. Boulla(J.-D.) 'Dissertation surlape'ripneu- mouie simple ou inflammatoire. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Boullie(J.) 'Dela pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Bouresche (J.-D.-J.-M.) * Essai sur la pneu- monie aigue, avec quelques observations recueil- lies sur cette maladie. 4°. Paris, 1824. BOURGARD (J.-M.) *De pleuripiieuniouitide. 4°. Argentorati, [1754]. Bourrelly (J.-P.) 'Dissertation surlap6ri- pueumonie inflammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1817. Boi venot(J.-F.-M.-C-L.) 'Dissertation sur la pueumouie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1821. Boxill (G.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1800. Braeckman (P.) *De pneumonia acuta sim- plici. 4°. Gandavi, [1829], Brechot (A.-J.) 'Essai sur quelques propo- sitions relatives a la theorie et au traitement de la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837. Breheret (A.) 'Dissertation inaugnrale sur la pnenmonie aigue ou fluxion tie poitrine con- siel<5r6e elans son 6tat de simplicit6. 4°. Paris, 1812. Bricard (P.) * Essai sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Broese (R.) *De pneumouia, additis morbi historiis. 8°. Gryphiswaldiw, 1803. Brooke (T.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1803. Bros (P.) 'Dissertation sur la p6ripneu- monie. 4°. Paris, 1807. Broutin De Ferque (L.-A.) 'Essai sur la pnenmtinie. 4°. Paris, 1817. Brown (R.) * De peripneumonia notha. 8°. Edinburgi, 1795. de Bruyn (.J. P.) * De pneumonia acuta. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1842. Buhl (L.) Lungenentziindung, Tuberkulose und Schwindsucht. Zwolf Briefe au einen Freund. 8°. Miinchen, 1872. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Miinchen, 1873. -----. The same. Inflammation of the luugs; tuberculosis, and consumption. Twelve lectures. Transl. by Mathew D. Mann and Samuel B. St. John. 8°. Neiv York, 1874. Bt)SGEN(M.) 'Die Pneumonie (Lungenent- ziintlung)und ihre Behandlung. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Weilburg, 1851. Buisson-Delajourdaniere (J.) 'Essai sur la p6ripneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1814. Burkens (J.) * Een experimented onderzoek over het ontstaan van longontsteking. 8°. Leiden, 1878. Buyn (C.) *De peripneumonia vera. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1736]. Campmas (B.) * Essai sur la pneumonie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1822. Camus (L.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1824. Carnier(C) * De peripneumonia vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1761. Carrere (J.-A.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1832. Catel (P.-F.) * Dissertation sur la penpneu- monie. 4°. Paris, 1811. PNEUMONIA. 405 Pneumonia. Caudron (P.-A.) 'Dissertation sur la peri- pneumouie inflammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1815. Cazaud (M.) * De la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1826. Chabrol (G.) * Dissertation sur laperipneu- monie aigue on fluxion de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1823. Chaigneau (F.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1821. Chamant (M.) * Dissertation sur la pe"ripnen- monie. 4°. Paris, 1806. Charlesworth (B.) ' De peripneumonia iu- flammatoria vera. 8°. Edinburgi, 1769. Charrier (L.-P.) 'Dissertation sur la p6ri- pueumonie. 4°. Paris, 1815. Charyau (F. ) ' Dissertation sur la pneu- monie simple. 4C. Paris, 1812. Chasseloup (M.) 'Essai sur la pe"ripneu- monie, ou phlegmasie du poumon. 4°. Paris, 1813. Chatklain (L.-H. ) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1835. Chirol (F.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1824. Chollet ( L.-N.-A. ) 'Dissertation snr la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1831. Clairat (C) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Claudet (A.-D.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigin". 4°. Pans, 1831. Clemenceau (P.-B.) 'Propositions sur la bronchile ct la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1835. Com ans (A.) *De peripneumonia vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1727J. Comte (P.) Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue, suivie el'observatious sur cette malaelie. 4°. Paris, 1827. Cottin(J.) 'Essai sur "la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1837. Couhard (R.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigui;. 4°. Paris, 1831. Deberxat (J.) 'Essai sur l'inflammation aigue eiu poumon. 4°. Paris, 1837. Deiiuitmuids (E.-J-(L) 'Dissertation sur la pdripneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1812. Dejaeghere (G.) 'Dissertation sur la peSri- pneuinonic. 4°. Paris, 18\0. Delaine (L.) * Essai sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 181U. Delamarre ( L.-M.-C. ) 'Essai sur la p6ri- pneuinonie. 4°. Paris, 1814. Delan ( E. ) 'Essai sur la peripneumonie simple. 4°. Paris, 1800. Delarociie (E.-P.-P.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonic aigui1. 4°. Paris, 1833. Denis (X.-J.) * Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1821. Dent (G.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Deronge (A. H.) * De peripneumonia sini- plici seu inflanunatoria. 4 . Lovanii, [1820]. Descrambes (M.) 'Inflammations du tissu pulmonaire. 4J. Paris, 1837. Devos (F. ) 'De peripneumonia. 4°. Pa- risiis, 1814. Dlauhy (A.) * De pneumonia adultorum se- cundum observatioues in iiosocomio Prageusi collectas. 8". [n.p., 1844.] Douillard (M.-J.-F.) ' De la fluxion ele poi- trine ct tie la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1803. Dresde (F. G.) [Pr.] ele peripneumonia in- primis nervosa ineditationes repctit.e. Pt. 2. sm. 4°. Yiiebergw, [1800]. See, also, infra. Kreyssij:. Drever (T. ) * De pneumonia. 8J. Edin- burgi, 1798. PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia. Druesnk (F.-D.-J.) 'Considerations sur les vari6t6s syinptomatiques dc la pneumonic tibri- neuse. 4°. Paris, 1880. Dubois (A.-H.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4J. Paris, 1-S19. Ducos (A.-11.) 'Dissertation sur la pneuino- nie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Durand (E\) * Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1827. Ebert (E.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Pwrolini [1864]. Eckard (F.) * De pleuropneumonia, sm. 4 . Erfordice, [1721]. Egger ( J. X. ) De pneumonia. 8°. Mona- chii, 1841. EilRT (J. (!.) Observatioues tie pneumonia et fluxu nienstriio aberrantc 4 '. Lipsiw, [1*40], Eklund (F.) Bitlrag till utredning af fragau om tlen kroiiptisa ])neumoniens verkliga. orsaker och prol'ylax. [ Croupous pneumonia, causes antl prophylaxis.] 8°. Stockholm, 1880. Emerson (A. L.) De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1794. Farquiiawsox (G.) ' Dc peripneumoniiivera. sm. 4°. Edinburgi, [1749]. Faugkron (J.) 'Dissertation sur la pneii- mouie aigue. 4C. Paris, \821. Fauvelle. * Formes cliniques tie la pneu- monie. 4°. Paris, 188{>. Feri.ut ( F.-A.) * Dissertiition sur la peri- pneunionic, ou inflammation tlu poumon. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1807,]. Fiers (C.) * Dissertiition sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, l«30. Filiiol (J.) 'Dissertation sur la penpneu- monie simple,, dislinguce ties autres phlegmasies de la poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1807. Fillion ( M.-F.-M. ) 'Dissertation sur la peripneumonie. 4 . Paris, 1812. Finn (J.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Fisse (L. P. A.) * De peripneumonia vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1817. Flindt(N.) Den almindelijje croup0.se l'neu- ineinis Stilling blantlt Inl't'ctionssygtloiiimeiie. 12°. KjQbenharn, 1882. Fock (L. C. E. E.) 'Diss, sistens peripneu- monia' explicaticnem. -S . Traj. ad Rhenum, 1839. Folkmann (J.) 'Naturgescbiclite und Be- handlung der Lungeneutziindung. .-^. Krltuigcn, 1847. FeiRSYTHE (J.) *De pneumonia, h-'. Edin- burgi, 1782. Foureau de Beauregard (G.) *De la pneu- monie, comme complications dans les maladies aigues et. chrouiques. 4°. Paris, 187,1. France (E.-F.-C.-S.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonic aigue. 4°. Paris, 1827. FRAxeiEUR (X. L.) *l)e pneumonia acuta. 4°. Gandari, [1830]. Funcke (A.J.) 'Ueber elie Lungeneutziin- dung. 4°. [Giessen, 1801.] Ft-ziK.it (P.-A.) * Sur la pneumonie aignii. 4°. Paris, 1827,. Galiani (M.) Sulla pnenmonite empale. Considerazioni cliniche. H". Roma, 1873. Also, in: Lucania nied , I'otenza, 1S74, ii. 74; LJ6. Callus (A.) Fastis tic, ))cste, peripneumonia pestilcntiali cum sputo sanguinis, febie pestilen- tiali. ac tie quibusdam symptomatibus. in qnin- que fasciculus digesttis. fol. Pai.riw, 1566. Galwey(S. J.) *Dc pneumonia. ^ . Edin- burgi, 1801. Garde (T.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. PNEUMONIA. 403 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia. Gauche (V.-P.) 'Propositions sur la pneu- monie, tieduites de quelques faits de clinique. 4°. Paris, 1827. Gauzence (P.-P.-C.-A.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1834. Gay(G.-B.) * Sur la peripneumonie. 4°. Pa- ris, 1819. Gay-Bellile (A.) 'Des symptdmes et du traitement de la pneumonie aigue simple aux divers ages. 4°. Paris, 1859. Geoffroy (J.-B.) 'Dissertation sur la peri- pneumouie inflammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1819. Gifford (G.) * De peripneumonia notha. sm. 4°. Edinburgi, 1751. Gilby (G.) *De pneumonia vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1784. Giraud(A.-R-) 'Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1835. Giraud (C.-F.-A.) 'Essai sur la peripneu- monie. 4°. Paris, 1807. Girod(G.) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1791. Uomor ( D.) *De peripneumonia, sm. 4°. Jenw, [1733]. Goerig (F.) * De variis pneumoniae speciebus. 8°. Berolini, [1856]. Guarro (F.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigne. 4°. Paris, 1829. Hannes (G.) 'De pneumonia crouposa. 8°. Hal is, 1866. Hartshorne (H.) Pneumonia; its mortality and treatment. A statistical anel rational in- quiry. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1888. Haubois (J.-B.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828. Hauregard (E.) 'Etudes cliniques sur di- verses varie"te"s ele pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1867. Hawthorn (G.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1819. Hubert (N.-A.) *Sur la peripneumonie sim- ple, ou fluxion de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1820. Hecht(E.) 'Nonnulla de variis pneumonias speciebus. 8°. Begimonti Pr., [1842]. Heim (J. C.) *De peripneumonia. 4°. Jenw, 1666. Heinsius (C. C. F.) *De pneumonia impri- niisque sthenica. 4°. Lipsiw, [1814]. Heiss (L.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Monachii, 1857. Hemphill (S.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1804. Heybrock (P.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Am- stelwdaini, 1848. Hoffmann (J. C.) *De peripneumonia. 4°. Argentorati, 1811. Holzmuller (F. A. ) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Vitebergw, [1807]. Huart (E.-A.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue sim- ple. 4°. Paris, 1834. Huhn(G.) *Deperipneumonia. 8m.4°. Hel- mestadi, 1644. Hyvernat (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la pneumonie. (Resolution Iente et lesions post- pneumoniques.) 4°. Lyon, 1882. Ingham (C.) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. Jaccoud (S.) Klinicheskija lektsii o razlich- nych formach pnevmonii i posledstvijach. S primechan. M. I. Affanassieft'. (Lecons de cli- P'^ n^dicale faites a i'hfipital de la Pitie, 1884-7.) [. . . on the different forms of pneu- monia aud sequehe. With observations by Affa- nassieff. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Jackson (J.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1800. Pneumonia. Jamet (P.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1829. Jeandet (F.-P.) * Propositions relatives a la peripneumonie. 4°. Parts, 1814. J eyes (S.) ' De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburai, 1821. Jones (E.) 'On pneumonia, or pulmonary state of fever. 8°. Philadelphia, 1796. Jouanneau (J.-B.-H.-F.) 'Sur la peripneu- monie inflammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1811. Judrin (J.-M.-F.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1824. Juergensen (T.) Croupose Pneumonie, Ka- tarrhalpueumonie, hypostatische Vorgiinge in der Lunge und embolische Pneumonie. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen). 8°. Leipzig, 1874, v, 3-256. Also, transl. in: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziems- sen). 8°. New York, 1875, v, 4-182. Kellett (R.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1812. Kelly (B.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1819. Kennedy (H.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1799. Kennedy (J.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1813. Ker (C.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1787. Kerambrun (J.-M.-D.) 'De la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1845. Kerebel (L.-G.-M.) * Contribution a l'etude des pneumonies au cours de certaines constitu- tions mediealessaisonnieres. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888. Kicker (A.) * De pneumouitide legitima. 8°. Yindobona;, [1819]. Kitz (G.-F.) * Sur la peripneumonie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Klinkert (H.) Anteekeningen over long-en borst-vlies ontsteking. 8C. Utrecht, 1871. Knobloch (A. F.) * De pueumouia. 8°. Be- rolini, [1844]. Komissopulos (J. G.) 'Ein klinischer Bei- trag zu Buhl's zwolf Briefe iiber genuine De- squamativ - Pneumonie. [Halle- Wittenberg.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1888. Kowalski(J.) * De la pneumonie. 4°. Pa- ris, 1852. Kreysig (F. L.) De peripneumonia nervosa seu maligna commentatio. 8°. Lipsiw, 1796. -----. [Pr. ] de peripneumonia, inprimis ner- vosa, meditatioues repetitaj. Pts. i-xvi. sm. 4°. Vitebergw, 1800-2. Wants Part iv. For Part ii see, supra, Dresde. Kunze (C.) * De pueumouia acuta. 8°. Be- rolini, [1852]. Lacabanne ( D.-J. ) * Sur la pneumonie ai- gue. 4°. Paris, 1836. Lachapelle (G.) 'Nature et traitement de la pneumouie iibrineuse. 4°. Montpellier, 1885. Lagane (J.-B.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1829. Lallemant (C.-H.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue, consideree dans son etat de simplicite. 4°. Pa- ris, 1829. Lammasch (F.) *De peripneumonia notha Sydenhami. 8°. Vindobonw, 1835. Lamothe (J.-R.) * Sur la pneumonie dans son etat aigu simple. 4°. Paris, 1822. Landrey (P.-X.) *De la pneumonie aigue chez l'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1858. Langevin (P.-L.) * Essai sur la pneumouite aigue (peripneumonie, Hippocrate; pneumonie, Aretee). Paris, 1835. Langgaard (C.) * Studier over den croup0se Pneumoni, sserlig over Hjerne-Symptomerne og deres Aarsager. [. . . especially on brain-symp- toms and their causes.] 8°. Kjpbenhavn, 1885. PNEUMONIA. 404 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia. Laperche (L.-P.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1822. Larre(G.-F.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1828. Laugier (J.-F.) 'Etude snr la pneumonie fibrineuse. 4°. Montpellier, 1868. Laurens (A.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Lavieillk (F.-A.) * Sur la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1822. Lebocey (J.-M.) 'Sur la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1824. Lecacheur (H.) * Sur l'inflammation aigue du poumon. 4°. Paris, 1832. Ledentu (M.-A.) 'Sur la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Leger (C.-F.) 'Des differeutes varietes dela pneumouie. 4°. Paris, 1847. Lehmann (J. C.) * De peripneumonia, sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1098]. Leignel (L.-O.-J.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Lklouet (D.-L.) * De la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1864. Lemillier (P.-M.) * Sur la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Lenoir (G.-S.-A.) # De la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1845. L'Estocq (J. P.) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Groningw, 1715. Leuxis (P.) * De peripneumonia. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, .363-390. < Levkille (A.-B.) * .Sur la pneumouie aigue simple. 4°. Petri's, 1828. Levittoux (11.) *De la pneumonie aigui'. 4°. Petri's, 1851. Liioest (G. J. M.) * De pneumonia acuta. 4°. Leodii, [1830]. de Lima Leitao (A.-J.) 'Dissertation sur la peripneumonie simple ou iuflannnatoire. 4°. Paris, 1814. Lindig (M.) * De peripneumonia vera acuta. 12c. Landishuti, 1816. Lojewski (C.-O.) * Sur la pneumonie aigue simple. 4D. Paris, 1843. Lombard (J.-B.) *De la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1836. Lucas (H.) * Sur la pneumonic 4°. Paris, 1828. Lyon (G.) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. M'Cammon (J.) * De pneumonia. 8'-. Edin- burgi, 1800. McCreery (H.) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1807. Mt Gikfert (H.) * De pneumonia. 8'J. Edin- burgi, 1811. Macrobin (J.) * De puliuemitide. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1827. Macwhirter (T.) * Dc pneumeinia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1800. Madin (G. N.) * De peripneumonia acuta in- flammatoria. 4°. [Monspeliensi, 1784.] M.enius (L.) De peripneumonia. 4°. Jenw, [1619]. Marbot (J.-H.) 'Sur la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Part's, 1835. Marchaxd (J.-N.) *De la peripneumonie et de la pleuresie. 4°. Paris, 1809. Marcon (J.-B.-A.) 'Propositions sur les in- flammations des poumons et ties plevres. 4°. Parts, 1^30. Martin Deslongschamps (J.-P.-P.) 'Sur la peripueumonie, ou fluxion tie poitrine. daus son 6tat tie simplicite. 4 '. Parts, 1815. Martinez (B.) 'Sur la pneunionie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1828. Pneumonia. Mathev (J.-B.) 'Sur la pneumouie aigue, ou fluxion de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1824. Maton (J.) * De peripneumonia vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1732]. Matter (V.) 'Sur la peripneumonie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Mauget (F. L. C.) 'Propositiones de peri- pneumonia simplici et implicita. 4°. Parisiis 1808. Maurer (J.-C.) Essai sur la peripneumonie aigue simple. 8°. Colmar, 1831. Mauthner(L.) *De peripneumonia notha Syelenhaini. .8°. Viennw, [n. d.]. Maysonnade. 'Essai sur la peripneumouie. 4°. Paris, 1818. Merck (C.) * Die croupose Pneumonie. 8°. Miinchen, 1850. Meriwether ( C. ) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1792. Mesch (G. C. M.) *De peripneumonia. 8'. Erlangw, [1809]. Messaxt (P.) 'Sur la pleuro-pneumouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1834. Michel (A.) 'Considerations sur la pneumo- nie, d'apres les experiences de M. Magendie. 4°. Paris, 1838. de Milde (M.) * De peripneumonia utraque. sm. 4t;. Lugd. Bat., [1722]. Moli.xeus (R.) *De peripneumonia notha. 8°. Berolini, [1825]. Molle. * Sur l'inflammation essentielle ele poitrine, ou peripneumonie. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Monteort (F.) 'Tentanien med. -practieiun circa banc qu;cstionem : Quid in peripneumoni- cis morbis conferat anni eliathesis, quid in illis ex vesicantibus sperandum ? 8°. Monspelii, 1789. Montme.ja (P.-R.) * Quelques considerations sur l'etat aigu tie l'iuflammation du poumon. 4°. Paris, 1823. Moorhead (R.) *De pneumonia. 8C. Edin- burgi, 1821. Moreau (J.-F.) ' Sur la peripneumonie sim- ple. 4-. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Morix (C.) * Sur la pdripneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1818. de Moscicki (A. H.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. Moseley (J.) * De peripneumonia vera. 8°. Edinburgi, 1780. Munich (J. F) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Halw ad Salam, [1772]. Neufville (T.) 'De pneumoniae et sedis ejus historia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1776. Nim.md (R.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. Odeph (F.-X.) 'Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1H36. Odye ( F. - H. - F. ) * Dc la pneumonie inflaiii- mateiire, cousitle>ree elans sa simplicity, ses signes, ses differences avec les autres alicctions tie la poitrine, sa cure et ses tliverses terminaisons. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Oeltze (G. O.) * De pneumoniae sthenicce in asthenicam transitu. 8°. Berolini, [1843]. Offret (L.-M.-A.-J.) 'Etude sur la nature et le traitement tie la pneumonie lobaire aigue. 4°. Bordeaux, 1880. Olive (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur la pneumouie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1824. Ollivier (J.-B.-J.) * Essai sur la peripneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1830. ab Opmeer (T. P.) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1621. Otto (C. J. A.) *De peripneumonia. 4C. Erfordiw, [1738]. PNEUMONIA. 405 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia. Owen (R. B.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1823. Papke (J. A.) *De peripneumonia. 4°. Helinstadi, 1676. Passement (F.) * Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1827. DE Pastau (J. A. H. E.) ' De pneumonia no- tha. 8°. Regimontii Pr., [1840]. Pegat (E.-P.) *De la pneumonie aigue, et du traitement de cette maladie par les emissions sanguines. 4°. Montpellier, 1837. Pkllissiere (A.) * Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1823. Penn (A. D.) * Spec, continens nonnullas ob- servationes practicas circa pneumoniam veram iuflammatoriam et pleurodynem. [Leiden.] 4°. Ylissingw, [1831]. Petit (P.-L) * Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1827. Petrous ( H. ) * De peripneumonia. Resp. Joh. Molther. In his: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mar- purgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 297-308. Pfeiffer (W.) * Ueber interstitielle Pneumo- nia 8U. Kiel, 1882. Phelan (P.) 'Depulmonitide. 8°. Edinburgi, 1798. Philbrick (W.) *De la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1835. Picard (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur la pneumo- nie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1823. Pichery (J.-F.-J.-M.) 'Dissertation sur la peripneumonie simple et conipliqnee. 4°. Paris, 1815. Pied(L.) 'Dissertation sur la peripneumonie simple ou inflammatoire. 8°. Paris, an LX [1803]. Pinel (Z.N.) 'Propositiones de peripneu- monia. 4°. Parisiis, 1808. Plenderleath (D.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1807. Poissonnier (M. ) 'Considerations sur la pneumonie aigue simple, chez l'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1831. Porrat (H.-J. ) *De la pneumonie inflam- matoire et de la pneumonie catarrhale aigues, considers au point tie vue clinique. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. Prallet(L.) 'Dissertation sur la peripneu- monie et la pleuresie, considers dans leur etat de simplicite. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Prevost-Lavaud (F.) *De la pneumonie en general. 4°. Paris, 1847. Procot ( N.-F.) * Dissertation sur la peri- pneumonie, ou fluxion de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1818. Rainey(D.) *De peripneumonia vera. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1764]. Ra vault (D.-P.) * Sur hi pneumonie dans son etat aigu simple. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827. Reignaud (P.-E.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1832. Remusat (J.-M.) 'Dissertation sur la peri- pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1819. Reverchon (F.-A.-V.) 'Dissertation sur la peripneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1819. Richard (J.-M.) 'Quelques propositions sur la pleuresie et la pneumonie aigues. 4C. Paris, 1837. 6 ' Ridgway(T. H.) *De pneumonia. 4°. Edin- burgi, 1820. Kioche (T.-C.-A.) ' Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1831. Riou (C.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue, consitieree dans son etat de simplicite. 4°. Parts, 1820. Pneumonia. Robinson (S.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1807. Robison (J.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1799. Roua ui.t-Champglen (A.) * Dissertation sur la peripneumonie simple ou inflammatoire. 4°. Paris, 1807. Rousset (J.-M.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie daus I'homme, avec quelques considera- tions sur la pneumouie daus le cheval. 4->. Paris, 1829. leRoy(A.) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1711. Royaards (A.) *De peripneumonia vera. 4C Traj. ad Rhenum, 1745. Sabouraud ( F.-J.-B. ) 'Propositions sur la pneumonie aignii. 4°. Paris, 1833. Salomone-Marint) (S.) Pedmonite fibrinosa. In his: Stutlj di clin. med. 8°. Palermo, 1887, i (app.), 33-43. Samanos (T.) * Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigui:. 4C. Paris, 1824. Sanitary Commission. J. Report of a com- mittee of the associate medical members of the Sanitary Commission on the subject of pneu- monia. 8°. New York, 1862. -----. The same. 8°. Washington, 1862. Schmitt (F. C.) *De peripneumonia nervosa analecta pathologica. 8C. Erlangw, [1797]. Schreyer (J.-M.-J.-P.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1835. Schrodter (C.) De pleuripneuuionia disser- tatio meelica, in qua statuitur veram sedein pe- ripneumoniae esse utrumque, pleuritidis vero alterutruin tantum latus pulmonum; quae sen- tentia rationibus, Hippocratisque auctoritate im- primis stabilitur. 4°. Wittenbergw, 1679. Schutzenberger (C.) Pneumonie. In his: Fragments d'eatudes path, et clin. 8°. Paris, 1879, 626-696. Scott (J.) * Diss. med. inaug. de pneumonia. 4-. Parisiis, 1820. Seidenbusch ( E. ) *De pneumonia. 8°. Monachii, 1837. Selby (G. D.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1810. Seller (E. A.) De pneumonia acuta. 8°. Berolini, [1856]. Sentex (C.-J.-A.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Seure (N.-A.-A.) 'Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Seutix (L.) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Lucid. Bat., 1816. Shattuck ( F. C. ) Croupous pueumouia. In: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1881 (suppl., 281- 292). Shearman (G.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1807. Shepherd (J.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1776. Smith (F.) *De inflammatione pneumonica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1788. Smith (R.) 'De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Socquet (J.-A.) 'Essai sur la pneumonie. 4^. Paris, 1832. Sommer (E.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Lipsice, [1839]. Soulacroix ( J. ) * Essai sur la peripneu- monie. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Steed (G.) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1825. Stenhouse (J.) *De peripneumonia vera. 8°. Edinburgi, 1762. Stone (T.) * De pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. PNEUMONIA. 406 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia. Stukges (O.) The natural history and rela- tions of pneumonia; a clinical study. 8°. London, 1876. Sursois (E.-C.) 'Essai snr la peripneumonie, on fluxion tie poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1813. Tavenet (A.) 'Dissertation sur la peripneu- monie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1820. Tayleur (G.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1795. Tenzler (C. J.) *De pneumonia animaelver- siones clinicte. 8°. Lipsice, [1851]. Thevexot (J.-F.-M. ele St.-B.) 'Essai sur la peripneumonie, on inflammation eiu poumon. 4°. Paris, 1816. Thomann (J.N.) Theoria peripneumonia'. 12°. [Herbipoli, 1788.] Thomas ( T. ) 'Disp. med. inaug.de pneu- monia stheuica. 8°. Philadelphia, 1792. Trautwein (J. L. J.) *De pneumonia crou- posa. sm.»8°. Berolini, [1866]. Traverse (G. M.) 'Sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1834. Unverricht (H.) "Studien iiber die Lun- genentzilndung. 8°. Breslau, [1877]. Vehse ( C. E. ) *De pneumonia. 4°. Vite- bergw, [1808]. Veumast (P. F.) * Ueber Pneumonia fibriuosa und deren Behandlung. [Freiburg i. B. ] 8°. Amsterdam, 1888. Vinchon (L.-M.) *De la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Pan's, 1837. Vischerus ( H. ) * De peripneumonia. 4°. Basilew, [1619]. Wallart (P.-J.-G.) 'Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1821. Wendt (F.) * Observatioues tie pleuritiele et peripneumonia. 4°. Gottingw, [1762], Wetzel (C. L.) *De pueumouia. 8°. Bero- lini, [1861]. Williams (T.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1819. Wolf (I.) *De pneumonia. 8°. Pragw, 1844. Wunderlich (C.) * Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Pneumonie. 8°. Tubingen, 1858. Ybert (R.-P.) * Dissertation snr la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1831. Akcrly (S.) Pneumonia. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1815, ii, u. s., 67. — Alexander (R. G.) Pneumonia. Lancet, Loud., 1887, i, 977. — Armstrong (J. W.) Pneumonia. Indiana M. Reporter, Evausville, 1880 i, 447-451.— Asse- lin (J.) Des tlifl'ereutes formes de pneunionie. Gaz. med. tie Montr6al, 1887, i, 63-68.—Aufrccht (E.) Die genuine Luugenentzundung und die Buhl'sehe Desquamativ- Pneumouie. Wien. nied. Presse, 1875, xvi, 1162; 1193; 1224. Also: Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 187.">, ii, 361; 373.— Baas (J. H.) Ueher die primiire Pneumonie. Deutsehe Klinik. Berl., 1874, xxvi, 201; 209; 217; 225; 233; 337; 347; 354; 363— Batlhnm (C.) Prac- tieal observations ou the pneumonic diseases of the poor. Eilinh. M. efe S. J., 1805, i, 166-170.—Bailey (VV.) Pneu- monia. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879, i, 1-4. — Barth (H.) Pneumonie. Diet, encvcl. tl. sc. metl., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxvi, 227-353.— Beall (E. J.) [The essentiality of croupous pneumonia.] Texas M. efe S. Rec, Galveston, 1881, i, 425-437.—Bcmiss (S. M.) Observations on pneu- monia. N. Orl. M. efe S. J.. 1878, vi, n. s., 1-24, 2 charts.— Benito (J. D.) Fragmentos sobre el estudio de la pul- monia y su tratamiento. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1886, vi', 439; 557: 1887, vii, 97; 193.—Bernhardt (A.) Ueher die Pneumonien-Lehre tier Gegenwart; ein Bei- trag zu einem Capitel einer erfahrungswisseuschaftlichen Therapie. Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk., Berl., 1851, iv, 353- 522.—Bcriihcim (H.) Lecons sur la pneumonie. Con- siderations cliniques et therapeutiques. In his: Lecons clin. med., 8°, Par., 1877, 17-125. -----. De la pneumonie abortive ou febricnle pneumonique. M6m. Soc. de nied. de Nancy (annee 1876-7), 1878. 38-47. [Discussion], xxiv- xxix. — Bernstein. Ein alter Practiker iiber Pneumo- nie und Pleuritis. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1854, vi, 306- 308. — Bigelovr (H. R.) The nature and treatment of pneumonia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1881-2, viii, 121-125.— Blackwell (E. T.) Pneumonia; complex in its origin and nature. Med. tfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, ivii, 133-137.—Bohn. Ueber einige Punkte aus der heutigen Lehre vou der crouposen Pneumonie. Deutsche nied. Pneumonia. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 885; 912. Also, Reprint— Boiling (G.) Om den uruposa pneumonitis ftirlopn Eira, Gdtehorg, 1880, iv, 129-135. - Boniiciuaison. Quelques reflexions sur les formes cliniques de la pneu- monie aigue. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 18K0, xiv, 129; 161.— Bosi (L.) Della pueumonitide. In his: Lez. di natol 8°, Pisa, 1872, 269-327. - Botkin (S. P.) Krupnoz. vos- pal. legkieh. [Croupous pneumonia.] Kjened. klin. .—Delafield (F.) Pneumonia. Detroit Lancet, 1879- 80, n. s., iii, 385-390. -----. Pneumonia. Lancet, Loud., 1883, i, 134.—Diaz Benito (J.) Fragmentos sobre el studio do la pnlmonia y su tratamiento. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid. 1885-6, vi, 439-456.— Discussion (The) of the extent and characteristics of the prevailing form of pneumonia. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1878-9, i, 54-58._ Also: Phila. M. Times, 1879. ix, 359-363.—Dis- cussion on acute pueumouia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 167. —Discussion on pneumonia. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885). 1886, ii, 128-219. — Discussion on pne'imonia. Bull. N. York Acad. M.. 1862-6. ii, 515-529.—Douglas (G.) Pneumonia. N. York M. efe S. J., 1880-81, vii, 137- 139.—Dulacska (G.) A croupos tiidblobr61 s a lefoyasa alatt elofordul6 rendelleness6gekrol. [On croupous pneu- monia. J Gydgyas/.at, Budapest, 1881, xxi, 1; 17; 385.— Duncalfe (H.) On some of the varieties and complica- tions of pneumonia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 167-169.— Dutcher (A. P.) A lecture on pneumonitis. Med. &■ Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1869, xx, 437; 457. — Escherich. Bemerkungen iiber Lungenentziindung. Med. Cor.-Bl. haver. Aerzte, Erlang., 1847, viii, 577; 599.—Fantini (F.) Sulla pneumonite. Imparziale, Firenze, 1861-2, ii, 398; 431; 4.').").—Farquharson (R.) On some forms of pneu- PNEUMONIA. 407 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia. monia. Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvi, 988-1005. Also, Reprint.— Fernet (C.) De la pneumonie tranche aigue, de son evo- lution et de sa crise. Arch. gen. tie ni6d., Par., 1881, ii, 5; 155 — Ferrand. De la fluxion de poitrine et de la pneu- monie. Union med.. Par.. 1866, 2. s.. xxxii, 644-651. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par. [(1860-66), 1867], n. s., i, 554-562.__Fleury (C.-M.) La pneumonie est-elle une af- fection saisonniere? Loire med., St.-fitienne, 1885, iv, 113- 119 1 tab.—Flint (A.) Letter containing a brief notice of certain strictures on his report to the Buffalo Medical Association on pneumonia, by Dr. Geo. N. Burwell. Buf- falo M. J., 1855-6, xi, 513-519. -----. Augmented weight of solidified lung in pneumonia; circumstances distinguish- ing this from other inflammations; treatment of the disease when it extends over an entire lung. Am. M. Times. N. Y., 1861, ii, 157-159. -----. Pneumonia; its prevailing type; etiology and treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 128 [Discussion], 129; 155. -----. Clinical lecture on pneumonia. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 157-159. -----. Acute lobar pneuniouia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 277- 279.—Fox (F.) On the nature of pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 376-378.—Fox (W.) Pneumonia (acute). Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1871, iii, 606-750.—Fraen- kel (A.) Die genuine Pneumouie. Verhandl. tl. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1884, iii, 17. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, v, 370-372. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1884, vii, 552-554. — Frankel (H.) Nervose Pneumonie. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg., 1836, v, 865-867.— Fresa (A.) Studiocritico-clinico sulla pulmonite empale. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1884, xxxii, 865; 1057.—Fulton (J.) Clinical lecture on acute lobar pneumonia. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1885-6, v, 85; 113.—Gait (J.) The nature of pneumonia; is pneumonia a fever with inflammatory consolidation of the lungs as its local manifestation? Louisville M. News, 1885, xx, 49.— Garcin. Lespneumonies nerveuses. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878. li, 1171; 1186; 1194. — Garden (J. B.) Pneumonia. Stethoscope, Richmond, 1855, v, 3-7.—Garland (G. M.) Acute lobular pleuro-pneumonia. Boston M. efc S. J., 1882, cvi, 319-321. — Gnsparini (L.) Alcune riflessioni sulla pneumonite crupale acutagenuina. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1882, 8. s., iv, 405-408.-----. Delia polmonite cru- pale genuina. Ibid., 1887, 8. s„ vii, 385; 396; 407.—Gaus- ter(M.) Ueber Pneumonia und Pleuritis typica. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 238. — Geikie ( W. P. ) Croupous pneumonia, as found in various parts of the Dominion of Canada. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 168-172. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1887-8, xx, 133-136.—Ger- hard (W. W.) Lectures on pneumonia. Med. Exam., Phila., 1839, ii, 235; 293.-----. Lecture on pneumoniaand delirium tremens. Ibid., 1840, iii, 46-52. -----. Lecture on pneumonia. Ibid., 1840, iii, 93-98.—Gibbons (H.) A few thoughts on pneumonia, or pneumonitis, and its treat- ment. Pacific M. efe S. J., San Fran., 1875, xviii, 1-8. — Gilbert (S. D.) Acute pneumonia. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1886, n. s., iii, no. 3, 90-102.—Gildemees- ter (J. P.) efe Hoyack (E. F.) Jets over pneumonie. Neelerl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1852, ii, 71-75.— Giles (G. M. ) Report on some observations in connec- tion with pneumonia as observed on the Punjab frontier. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1883, xviii, 235; 272—Gill (H. Z. ) Pneumonia, embracing the anatomy, general and minute, of the lungs, and the tetiology, semeiology, pathol- ogy and pathological anatomy of the disease and its treat- ment. Med. Arch.. St. Louis, 1869, iii, 293-305. — Gil- lies (J. T.) Pneumonia. Canada M. so- bennosti krupoznago vospal. legkich. [Croupous pueu- monia.| Metl. pribav. k morsk. sborniku. St. Petersb., 1885, 326-346. — Keene (S. S.) Croupous and catarrhal pneumonia. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1883, Providence, 1884, iii, pt. 1, 39-52.—Knauthe (T.) Zur Lehre vou der crouposen Pneumonie. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1883-4, cc, 177-192.—Knight (C. F.) Lecture on acute croupous pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 207.—Kortingi (F.) Ueber Lungenentziindung. Reai-Euevcl. tl. ges. Heilk., AVien u. Leipz., 1881, viii, 348-400. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1881, xvii, 801; 821; 841; 861.—Konacz (C.) Pleuropneumonia. Inhis: Diss, sistens lustrationes, [etc.], 8°, Pragae, 1839, 18-24.—Kyriakos (P. G.) Ilepi nvivixovia<;. 'larpixr) MeAitrixa, 'AiJijivai, 1856-7, iv. 28-39.— Iiagout. De la pneumonie au congr6s m6dical tie Berlin, et a la Soci6t6 de m6deciue de Gannat. Soc tl. sc metl. de Gannat. Compt. rend., Par., 1815, xxxix, 46-56.—I.amo- renux (E. W.) Pleuro-pneumonia, with effects aud treat- ment. Physician efe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1879, i, 174- 176.— Lahge (E. W.) Pneumonia. In his: Beob. am Krankenhette, etc, Konigsb., 1850, 1-139.— danger (L.) Zur Frage iiber die Einbeit eles pneumonischen Giftes und iiber Pneumotyphus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 801; 841.—Lee (E. A.) Croupous pneumonia. St. Louis Cour. Meel., 1882, vii, 97-107. Also: Med. Herald, Louis- ville, 1881-2, iii, 500-506.—Lcpiue (R.) Pneumonie lo- haire aigue, pneumouie fibrineuse, pneumonie croupale, pneumonite, peripneumonie, etc. N. diet, de nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1880, xxviii, 381-520.— r.ewin (P. A.) Deu kruposa Pueumonien och eless Hehaudling. Hygie;a, Stockholm, 1876, xxxviii, 1-6 — l.ockie ( S. ) On the nature and treatment of pneumonia. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 323; 416.—Lowenntaiuni. Zur Casuistik der Pneumonie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 187J, xi, 257.—Logan (J.) A consideration of the pathology and treatment of pneumonia. Stethoscope e Blasi (L.) Ricerche sperimentali sul pneumococco. Riv. internaz. di metl. echir., Napoli, 1885, ii, 257-270, 1 pi. Emmerich (R.) Pneuinoniecoccen in der Zwischendecken-Fulluug als Ursache einer Pneumonie-Epitlemie. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1884, ii, 117-144. Also [Abstr.]: Fort- schr. d. Med., Berl, 1884, ii, 153-159. Also [Abstr. |: Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 181. — Fnlichi (G.) Contributo alio studio degli pneiimococchi. Sperinieutiile, Fireuze, 1886, lviii, 266-277. — Finkler. Leber Strepto- coccen-Pneumonie. Verhantll. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1889, 411-413.—Foa (P.) & Kattoue (G.) Osser- vazioni ed esperimenti sul pneumococco. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 79-84. Also: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 1884-5, vi, 366-371. Also: Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1885, xxi, 33-37. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. tl. osp., Milano. 1885. vi, 93.—Fraeukel (A.) Die Mikro- cocten der Pneumonie'. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1885- 6, x, 426-449, 1 pi. -----. Weitere Beitriige zur Lehre von den Mikrococcenilergenuinenfibriuiisen Pneumonic. Ibid., 1886, xi, 437-458, 2 pi.—Friedlacnder (C.) Ueber die Schizomyceten bei tier acuteu ttbrosen Pneumonie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxvii, 319-324, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 189- 1UI- -----• Die Mikrokokken der Pneumonie. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1883, i, 715, 1 pi.: 1884, ii, 333. -----. De- monstration tier Pneumouiecoccen. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Bed., 1883, ix, 706-708.—Oabbi (U.) Sull' artrite sperimentale da virus pneumonico (microbio capsu- lato del Frankel). Sperimentale, Firenze, 1889, lxiii. 489; 5?7—Giles (G. M.) On the micro-organisms of pneumonia. Collect. Invest. Rec, Lond., 1884, ii, 106-117.—(.Siinriiicri (. Breining-Storm ( H. A. ) Bidrag til den krup0se Pueumouis Statistik. 8°. KjQbenhavn, 1888. Chanseaux (A.) * Recherches statistiques sur la mortality de la pneumouie a Paris, suivant les saisons. 4°. Paris, 1877. Epting (C. H.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Pneumonie. 8°. Tubingen, 1847. Feldhaisen (J.) * Einige Mittheilungen iiber die vom 1. April 1^77 bis zum 1. April 1879 in der medicinischen Klinik in Gottingeu beobachteten crouposen Pneumonieen. 8°. Gottingeu, 1879. vox Franque (A.) *Statistische Zusammen- stellungen iiber das Vorkommen der Pneumonie in den verschiedenen Lebensaltern und Jahres- zeiteu mit Beriicksichtigung der Seite der Er- krankuiig unel der Sterblichkeit. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 187)7). Fricke (E.) * Untersuchungen iiber der fibri- neise Pleuro-Pneumonie nach den im koniglichen Ernst-August-Hospital zu Gottingeu vom 1. April 1879 bis zum 1. April 18*6 beobachtenden Fal- len. 8°. Stendal, [1880]. Finck (R.) * Statistische Zusammenstellung von Pneumonieen zu Grcifswaltl wii.li rend 10 Jahren. 8°. Greifswald, 1808. Herrmann (C.) *Die Lungenentziindungen in der Garnison Germersheim 1854-79. [Wurtz- burg.] 8°. Miinchen, 1880. Homburger ( L. ) * Untersuchungen iiber crouptise Pneumonie augestellt an dem Material tier medicinischen Klinik zu Strassburg vom Winter 1877-8. t°. Strassburg, 1879. Huss (M.) Om Lunginflammationens, statis- tiska forhallantleu och behandliug, enligt erfa- renhet henitad fran Seraphimer-Lazarettct i Stockholm under sexton ar fran och med ar 1840 till och ar 1855. 8°. Stockholm. [1800]. Also [Rev.], in- Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1860,iii, 129; 134. JfJRGENSEN (T. H.) Croupbse Pneumonie; Beobachtungen aus der Tiibiiiger Polikliuik. 8°. Tubingen, 1883. Pneumonia (Cases and statistics of). Koerixg (C.) *De pneumonia crouposa, ad- ditii enumerationc 383 casuuin. 8°. Gryphis- waldiw, 1863. Menetrier (P.-E.) * Grippe et pneumonie en 188G. 4°. Paris, 1887. Michigan. State Board of Bealth. Diagrams exhibiting the relation between sickness and deaths from pneumonia, and the average rela- tion to humidity, etc., 1878-84. Designed by Henry D. Baker. 4°. [Lansing, 1885.] Paillet (V.-F.) *Huit fails principaux sur la p6ripueuumuie putride sporaelique. 1 . Paris, 1820. vox Pfeufer. Pneumonie; Beobachtungen aus der Dr. von Pfeufer'schen Klinik, Winteisc- mester 185(5-7. Mitgetheilt vom Dr. Mctzger. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Pulvermacher (B.) * Ein Beitrag zur Sta- tistik eler Pneumonie und des Gelenkrheuma- tismus in Berlin. 8°. Berlin, 1»82. Reyskr (J. W.) * Diss, med exhibens casum laborantis peripneumonia. 4°. Gissce, 1(575, Rietz (A. O.) Statistik tier in tier Klinik und Polikliuik zu Jena vom Jahre 1862 bis inc-1. 18(57 behandelten Pneumonieen. 8°. Jena, 1808. Rovighi (A.) La mortality per tifoe pneu- monite nell' ospedale di Modena tlal l85Ual l^'.i. Studio statistics, fol. Modena, 1889. Rychner (O.) * Ueber die in elen Jahren 1H73- 82im Biirger-Spital Basel beobachteten crou]iiisen Pneumonien. 8°. Basel, 1884. Saffre (M.) *De la pneumonie observde au port tie Lorient. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Samter (E. O.) * Statistische Uutersuchun- gen iiber die genuine crouptise Pneumonie nach Beobachtungen in der kgl. med. Klinik zu Bres- lau vom November 1874 bis August 1881. 8-. Breslau, [1881]. Sandra (J.) *Spec. inaug. historiam peri- pneumonias verse, et hnjus morbi complicati cum couditione putrida casum sistens. 4°. Lngd. Bat., 1789. Schaefer (R.). * Beitrag zur Statistik der crouposen Pneumonie. 8°. Balle a. S., 1887). Schiel (H.) *Zur Statistik der Pneumouie. 8°. Kiel, 1883. Schlesinger (H.) *Zur Statistik der genui- nen fibrinogen Pneumonie. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Schroder (C.) * Zur Statistik der crouposen Pneumonie, 8°. Kiel, 1882. Stecher (C.) *Statistische Verhiiitnisse tier akuten primiiren Pneumonie, bearbeitet nach umoniti curate-, nell' anno 1874-5. Speriinentale, Fireuze, 1876. xxxvii, 361-366. Also: Gazz. metl. ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1876, xix, 171.— Burrows (G.) Clinical lecture on cases of pneumonia, Loud AL Gaz.. 1845, n. s., i, 266-270.—Bin-well (G. N.) Historiesof two cases of sthenic pneumonia. Buffalo M. J., 1855-6, xi, 417-433. — Cade fils. Maladies des voies aerieniics te-r- minees en quelques hen res par la mort. J. univ. et he-bel. de m6tl. et chir. prat., Par., 1832, vi, 385-388.—Campbell (P. W.) Cases of pneumonia, occurring in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1861, ii. 147- 149. — CaiiMtatt (C.) Pleuropneumonia. [20 cases.] In his: Klin. Riickbl. u. Abhandl.. 8°, Erlang., 1851, pt. 2, 55-104.—Caiitnni. Uu caso tli pneumonite acuta. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 548-559.—Carcuat. Observation dime peripneumonie qu'on pourrait appeler virginale. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1817, lxi, 150-154.— t'arlseu (J.) Alraindelige Bennerkninger vedrerenile den danske Dedelighedsstatistik og specielle statistiske Oplysniuger angaaeude den krup so Pneumoni. Hosp.- Tid'., Kjobenh., 1886, 3. R., iv. 122; 152. -----. Den "kru- p- se '' Pneumoni og Medicinalstatistiken. Ibid., 529-533.— Castagnon. Inflexions sur la fievre catarrhale, a propos iT'uue observation de pneunionie. Pau nied., 1877, i, 51-53 — t'ayol. Observations sur divers cas tie fluxions de poitrine. Clinique. Par., 1830, ii, 330-334.—Chamber- lain (C. W.) Pneumonia in Connecticut. N. Lug. M. Month., Newtown. Conn., 1882-3, ii, 403-407. —C banning (W.) tt Boston M. efe S. J, 1856, liv, 389-393.—Chew (S. C.) Notes on pneumonia, with cases. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1877, i, 37-48. Also, Reprint. — Choinel ( A. F.) Pneumonies et pleuresies. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 195; 205. Also, transl: Med. Exam., Phila., 1843, vi, 193-197. -----. Pleuro-pneumonie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 74; 81. -----. Pleuro-pneunionie. Ibid., 433. -----. Lecons clinii|iies sur la pneumonie. Ibid.. 1850, 3. s., ii, 53; 65; 82— Chvostek (F.) Studien fiber die primare croupose Pneunionie- auf Giundlage vou 220 Beobachtungen. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1807. xiii, 497; 541: 585; 621; 644; 673; 709; 745; 781; 813; 869; 957; 969.— Ciccone (V.) Pulmoniti sini- plici. Ippocratico, Fano, 1871, 3. s., xx, 65-77. — Cita- relli. Gagliardissimapleuio-pneuiuonitecon istranariso- luzione. Bull. d. sc. med. tli Bologua, 1836, 2. s., i, 19-23.— Coco (D.) Considerazioni clinico-terapeutiche sulla pneu- monite. Morgagni, Napoli, 1865, vii, 457; 542.— Coe (H.) t Atlanta M. efe S. J.. 1860-61, vi. 263. — Colin. Luugen- entziintluiigen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1854, v, 447- 455.—Colquhouu (D.) Some cases of pneumonia. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 529-535.—Copello (J.) Historia tie una gravisima pulmonia. Gac. m6d., * Lima, 1876, ii, 401-406.—CordelI (E. F.) Some facts and observations deduced from an analysis of 158 cases of pneumonia occurring at the Baltimore Infirmary during the ten years ending 1869. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1882-3, ix, 245-247.—Cornil. Les pneumonies de cot hi ver. J. el. conn. med. prat,, Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 81; 89; 129.— Corson (H.) Pneumonia. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 57; 173; 259; 421— Courtin. Observation de pneumonic, avec quelques reflexions sur le debut, la marche, la duree de l'aflectiou. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 600.—Cratz. Bericht iiber 36 Fiille von Lungeu- entziindung, welche von Mai 1851 bis Juni 1858, im Hospital tier Garnison Diez behaudelt wurtlen. Cor.-Bl. tl. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1858, 49-56—Craw- ford (D. G.) Notes on thirty cases of pneumonia oc- curring in the XVth Sikhs at Delhi, in 1882-3-4. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1885, xx, 33-42.—Crispo-Manunta (A.) Nan azione clinica. Spallanzani, Modena, 1875, xiii, 452-458.—Crocq. Pneumouie; notes de clinique. Bor- deaux med., 1875, iv, 277; 285; 294; 304.—Crone (E. B.) Acute croupous pneumonia. [ A series of forty-eight cases] Times efe Register, Phila., 1889, xx, 463.—Daga. Pleuropneumonie ties deux tiers inferieurs tlu cot6 gauche; expectoration tie nombreuses conditions htmioplastiques raiuitiees; vcutouses scarifl6es: tartre stibie: bicarbonate de sonde: guerison. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1864. xxxvii, 290.— von Bali I. Cobcr einige Fiille von croupiiser Pneumo- nie. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1857, iv, 1. Hft., 60-72. —Dan- cer (J.) Pneumonia. Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1871-2, ii, 161-166. -Daurergne pe.re. Une pratique de qua- PNEUMONIA. 412 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Cases and statistics of). iante ans au sujet de la pneumonie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869. lxxvi, 339; 385: 481.—Davenport (T. D.) Pneumonia. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1876, 73- 77.—Darin (N. S.) The prevalence of pneumonia in Chi- cago in 1882; itsehief causes antl characte-ristie-s. Chicago M.J. efc Exani., 1883. xlvi, 449-459.—Dn vim W. II.) Pneu- monia. Chicago M. Times, 1870. ii, 387-391 —Delafield (F.) Report on pneumonia. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y., 1876, v efe vi, 713-715.—Deri (Z.) Adat a croupos tiieltilobnak a szokottol elte.ro rdvidebb lelblvasarol 6s litk^bb.jdrulekos Mntalmiir6l. |('ruupoiis pneumonia with rapid ameutl- inent.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1884. xxviii. 87-89; 111.— Deltwcilcr \- Wetter. Zui Statistik der Zeistoiungs- prenesse- mi e-hionisch i-utziiuileteii Lungeinjewcbe. Dent- schemed. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, i v, 121.—DiiiMtl t F.) Die Lungenentziindung in elem letzten Quinquennium (1857- 61) im Krankenhause auf tier Wiedeu. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1862, viii. 705; 727: 785; 1005—van DommelHen. t Pract. Tijtlschr. v. tie Geneesk., (iorin- eliem, 1856. u. s., ii, 265-270 — Doubleday (K. T.) A summary of two hundred antl fifty-two cases of lobar j pueumouia; being the cases treated iu the Xew York Hos- pital from April, 1877, to January, 1885. Med. Rec, N. | Y., 1885, xxvii, 343-345. —Dow (J. K.) Case e.f pleuro- peripneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 474 —D ranch e. Pneumonia. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst, Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1868), 1869, 109. — Diifnn (A. B.) Clinical lecture on a fatal caseof pneumonia. Med.Exam , Lond., 1876, i, 321.—Duke (J.) Notes on cases of pneumonia on the N. W. frontier. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1875, x, 177; 208. — Dulacmka ( G.) Gyors legzes tiidolobban. [Cases of pneumonia, successfully treated.] Gyogya- szat, Budapest, 1887, xvii 33; 78.1 — Duncan (J. F.) t Dublin M. Press, 1848. xx, 81-84. — DunglaH. Ob- servation tie deux pneumonies survenues a plusieurs an- nees d'iutervalle dont la premiere a eh'-truit le pemiuon gauche, et la seconde entraine la mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. s.. xl, 149.—Dupau. Cas remarqliable, de pneu- monie. Gaz. il. hop., Par., 1856. xxix, 535. — Unwloii (J. A.) Clinical lecture on pneumonia. Edinb. M. J., 1857-8, iii, 703-712. — Kt-ki-i't. Die tuberculose Pneumouie im 22. Infanterie-Regiinent. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1876, x, 185; 193; 201.—Eger (C.) Om Forholdet mellem Tyfus og Pneumoni i Norge. Norsk Mag. f. La'gevidensk., Christia- nia, 1870, xxiv, -100-445.—Fuipereur. Observations sur une affection de poitrine, faites a Saint-Saturuin, prfesd'Apt en Provence, pendant les annees 1769. 1770, 1771, 1772. J. de m6d., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1772, xxxviii, 236-255.— Fnoft ( D. C. ) Report of a case of pneumonia of ten weeks' duration. N. York J. M., 1850, v, 328.—Fnraudo Ortellft (R.) Pleuro-pneumonia con ilerraine, curaci6n. Sentido cat61., Barcel., 1882, iv, 224-230.—Federici (C.) t Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1870. ix. 113-120.—Finny (J. M.) t t Dublin J. M. Sc., 1874, lviii, 471-485 — Flindt (N.) Ori- enterende Bennerkniuger med Hensyn til den akute kru- ptlo| ego me-ningita. [Statistics of croupous inflammation of lungs, and on the etiology of meningitis compli- cating tin- same.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxix, 331-343. — Iumaii (T.) Report of cases of pneumonia during the year 1853. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1857. 767.— Jaccoud. Sur deux cas de pneumonie franche aigue. France med., Par., 1889, ii. 989-993. Also: Courrier m6d., PNEUMONIA. 413 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Cases and statistics of). Par., 1889, xxxix, 301-303.— Jecker. Algunas observa- ciones sobre casos graves de pleuropneumonia. Period. Acad, ele med. de Megico, 1837-8, ii, 251 ; 298; 329; 463.— Jeftftop (C. M.) Pnciiinouia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1875, x, 232; 259.—Jo huso n (G.) Clinical iecture on pneumonia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 145. _____Clinical lecture on acute pneumonia. Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 666-668.—Jones (C. H.) Cases of sthe- nic pneumonia; asthenic pleurisy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 408. -----. A record of thirty-two cases of pneu- monia. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1861, xxvii, 201-216.-----. Casos of pneumonia, with clinical remarks. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, ii, 118. -----. Clinical lecture on four cases of pueumouia. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1881, ii, 29-32. — Jones (J. ) Observations on diseases of the respiratory system; investigations on the prevalence and fatality of pneumonia in the Confederate army during the American civil war, 1861-65, with practi- cal observations ou the relative value of the various modes of treating pueumouia. In his: Med. &. Surg. Mem., N. Orl., 1876, i, 649-747—Julicl-Renoy (E.) Pneumonie lobaire suppuree au septieine jour (chez un alcoolique?). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 542-544. Also : Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 363.—Kallevig. Oversigt over tie paa Rigshospitalet i Aaret 1840 behaudlede Pnenmonier. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk.,Christiania, 1842, v, 259-302.— Kaiubouroglou (V.) Observations ele pneumonies croupales, pendant l'hiver 1879-80. Gaz. metl. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1880-81, xxiii, 5; 13.—Karsay (L.) Ta- pasztalati adatok a tiidolobrol. [Pneumonia in my expe- rience.] Orvosi T&r, Pest, 1845, ii, 225 : 244.—Kelemen (M.) A vendor tiidolobrol.. [Case of wandcrine; pneumo- nia.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, xx,787-792.—Kennedy (H.) Remarks on some points connected with pneumonia. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1854, xvii, 348-355.—Kind (J.) Case of pueunionia, with observations. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1821, xvii, 400-406.—Klinger. Ueber das Vorkommen der entziindlichen Luuge-nkrankheiten iu Bayern. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1874, xxi, 325; 339. Also, Reprint.— Knoeveungel. Beitrage zur Statistik und Aetiologie der Luugeuentziindungen iin Militar. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1882, xi, 1; 59.—Korauyi (F.) Adat a rostonyas tiidolob kortan&hoz. [Case of croupous pneu- monia.'] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 293; 349.— Koftciakicwich. Observations de plenro-pneumouies. Kec. d. trav. Soc. me-d. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1842. 83- 90. Kovalftzky (K.) Kdzlemenyek az aradmegyei kozkorhtizbol. [Inflammation of the substance of the lungs.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, xx, 867787L— Krobicki (T.) Przypadek smierci pozornej ze stezeniem jakohy posmiertneni. [Case of apparent death in croupous pneumonia.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1880, xix, 248. — Kiichler (H.) t-t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 38.— de La Harpe (J.) De la mortalite ties pneumonies dans les hopitaux de Paris, comparer a celle de l'Hopital de Lausanne. Bull. Soc. ni6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1868, Iii], 87-94. -----. Statistique des pneumonies k l'Hopital de Lausanne. Ibid., 268-279. -----. Hopital Cantonal; troisieme notice statistique sur les pneumo- nies observees dans cet titablisseuient de 1853 k 1862. Ibid., 1869, iii, 233; 312.—La marque. Histoire ele la constitution medicale de l'automne 1786. ettle l'annee 1787 ; suivie de la elescription des pleuro-peripueumonies ob- servees k Poitiers. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1790, lxxxiii, 169-205.—Lancereaux (E.) etBeannron. Etude sur quelques cas ele pneumouie observes a l'hopital ilelaPitie.au printempsde l'annee 1886. Arch, g6n.demed., Par., 1886, ii. 257-287.—Langc. Bemerkenswerther Fall von Pneumonie. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1865, x, 242-244.— Lebcau. Observation ele- pleuro-pneumonie du cote gauche. Presse med. beige-, Unix., 1850, ii, 121.—Le Jean. Tableau ties pleuro-peripneuinoiiies qui tint regnls peudant les moisdemars et avril 1780, dans l'Hopital militaire de Phalsbourg. J. tie metl. mil., Par., 1784. iii, 309-336.—Le- maiMtre. Relevede 35 observations de pneumonies. Bull. Sue. tie med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vieune, Limoges, 1855, 83-89. — Leonard (P.) Pueunionia in the navy. Lancet, Loud., 1854, i, 38.—Libicratos (P. E.) Avo Trepin-noeTeie; ivtiiSovs irvevfiovias ii> nit araSiio tt)<; irvta&ovs e5ir)e9>jr die, rheumat ische Lungenentziiuduug. Med. Ztg. Russlauds, St. Petersb., 1849, vi, 1; 9; 17.—Jakowski (M.) Przyczynek do ctyjulogii ostrego zapalenia pluc. [Etiol- ogy of acute pneumonia.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix," 584-589.—.lunikowski. Zapalenie pluc urazowe czy z Innej przyczyny powstate? [Pneumonia—traumatic?] Dwutygodnik med. pub., Krakow, 1879, iii, 11-13.—J oil ye (F. W.) Case of acute pneumonia following external vio- lence. Lancet, Loud., 1888, i. 1190.—Kaurin (E.) Nogle I agt tagelser til Belysniugaf Pin-nine miens .Etiologi. Norsk Mag. f. Licgeviele-nsk., Christiania, ls78, viii, 535-545.— Kii-ftebeu (O.) Ein Fall von se cundiinr Pneumonie in Folge einer Zerrung des Laryngeus superior. Wien. med. Presse, 1888, xxix, 1362-1364'— Klein (E.) The etiology of acute croupous pneumonia (human) aud of pleuro-pneu- PNEUMONIA. 417 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Causes of). monia (cattle). Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1884, Lond., 1885, 173-182. -----. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie tier crou- posen Pneumouie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1889, v, 625-632.—Kohnhorn. Zur Aetiologie tier Lungen-Eutziindung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1881, n. F., xxxv, 81-100. -----. Zur Aetiologie der Lun- fenentziinduug; ein Wort der Abwehr [gegen von Kranz], bid., 1883, n. F., xxxviii, 162-166.—von Kranz. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Lungenentzunduug. Ibid., 1882, n. F., xxxvii, 108-112. [See, also, supra. Kohuhom.]— Kuby. Tod durch Lungenentziiuduug nach gewaltsamer Ein wirkuug auf die Brust, mit Obergutachten des Medizi- nal-Coniit6s. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1880, xxxi. 81-88. -----. Tod durch Luugenentziindung in Folge gewaltsamer Einwirkung auf den Brustkorb. Ibid., 8H-91.—I^agout. Note sur ia pneumouie herp6tique. Union m£d., Par., 1879, 3. s., xix. 88. -----. Observations de pneumonies rhumatismales. Soc. d. sc. nie,d. de Gan- nat. Compt. rend., 1876, xxx, 51-55. -----. Contribution k l'etude du refroidissemeut comme cause de la pneumonie. Ibid., Par., 1885, xxxix, 88-93.— Langgaard (C.) Bi- drag til Belysningen af den krupose Pueumonis wtiologiske Stilling. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 342-349.— Lapicrre (A.) Pneumonie traumatique, sans fracture de cote. France m6d., Par., 1878, xxv, 273.—Lcbedinski (V.A.) K vopr. ob etiologii krup. pneumon. Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1886, ii, 103-110.—I^e Dentu. Pneumonie trauniatique sans fracture de cote. Franco med., Par., 1878, xxv, 273. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 104.—lielli (A.) Di una pleuro-pneumo- nite suppurativa suguita da morte; determinazione della causa; parere medice legale. Riv. sper. tli f'reniat., Reg- gio-Emilia, 1879, v, fasc"2, 194-201. —I-evashoff (S.) K vopr. ob ctiolog. krnpnoz. pnevmonii. [Etiology of croup- ous pneumonia.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 109; 131; 152; 173— Linden (K. E.) Atmosferiska forh&llandens inflyttande pa uppkomsten af ros, lungin- flammationer och katarrher. Res. De l'influence des con- ditions atuiospheriques sur la frequence ele l'6rvsipele, des pneumonies et des bronchites. Finska liik.-sallsk. hanell. Helsingfors, 1888, xxx, 517; 573. Also, transl. : Ztschr. f. khu. Med., Berl., 1889, xvi, 447-495.—Kongstafl (G. B.) Memorandum of the incidence of fatal pneumonia. Col- lect. Invest. Rec, Lond., 1884, ii. 102-105.— Lorenz. Zur Aetiologie tier genuinen crouposen Pneumonie. Aerztl. Int.-BI., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 429-431—:TI a llicrbe. De la pneumonie nietastatique; dela guerison de cette mala- die. In his: Etudes clin., 8°, Nantes, 1875, fasc 1, 13-21.— ITIarajjIiano (K.) Sulla natura etinlogica tlella pulnio- nitefibrinosa. Salute, Italia med., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 281-283.— 'larniglia (V.) La etiologia tlella polmonite. Scuola metl. napol.. 1883, vi, 169; 225; 289.—ITlaschka (J.) Misshandlung mit nachgefolgter tddtlicher Luugen- entziindung; Naehweisung des ursachliohen Zusamtnen- hanges. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 205-210. -----. Tod eines vierjabrigen Knaben durch Pneumonie, angeb- lich bedingt durch Wiirgen von Seite des Vaters; nicht nacbweisbarer Zusammenhang. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1878, xxiii, 307. -----. Tod eines 17jahrigen blinden Miid- chen, angeblich bedingt durch Einsperrung und Vernach- lassigung von Seite ihrer Eltern; nicht mit Bestimmtheit nae-liwcisbarerursachlieher Zusammenhaug. Ibid., 318.— iTIiiMMalonijo (R.) De l'etiologie des processus pneu- motiiepies aigus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 350- 356. Also j Progres med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 94-96.— mechanical influence of an aneurism causing catarrhal pneumonia. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 178.—Mcltzer (S.J.) Ueber die mechanise-he-n Verhaltnisse beider Ent- stehung der Pneumonie. Meel. Monatsehr., N. T., 1889, i, 77-79. Also, Reprint.—Mendelsohn (M.) Die infec- tiose Natur der Pneumonie. Ztschr. f. klin. Metl., Berl., 1883-4, vii, 178-223, 1 pi.— ITIercier. Rapports de la pneu- monie avec le rhumatisme. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1870, iv, 23-26— IVIoclliiianu. Zur Aetiologie der crouposen Pneumonie. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1879, xvi, 155; 170. — lTIorchead ( C. ) Delirium tremens complicated with pneumonia; great portion of the right lung in a state of hepatization. Tr. M. efe Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1843, vi, 86. -----. Pneumonia coming on insidiously during a course of excessive drink- ing; extensive hepatization" of both lungs. Ibid., 87. -—-. Pleuro-pneumonia; chronic grey and red hepa- tization of the light lung terminating in gangrene. Ibid., 87- -----• Cholera, collapse from, recovered followed liv pneumonia and pericarditis. Ibid.. 88. -----. A clinical report on the cases of pneumonia treated in the clinical ward of the Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Hospital during the six years from 1848 to 1853. Ibid. (1853-4), 1855, n. s., u,l-44. Also, Reprint. — Murri (A.) Di una perizia per pneumonite contusiva. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- Emilia, 1888-9, xiv, pt. 2, 86-110.—Napier (A.) Case of purulent pneumonia due to the presence of a foreign body (a piece of the pith of the elder) in a bronchus. Glasgow M. J., 1885, [4. 8.]. xxiii, ll-17.-IVaunyii (B.) Ueber pnmaren nnd secundaren Infect am Beispiele der Lobar- pneumonie. Mitth. a. d. metl. Klin, zu Konigsb., Leipz., 1888, 1-3.—Ocfttcrreichcr (F.) Zur Kasuistik der em- 27 Pneumonia (Causes of). bolischeu Pneumonie. Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 1505- 1509.—Oppolzer. Zur Aetiologie der Pueumonie, Be- schaffenheit ties Pulses bei derselben; einiges iiber deren Behandlung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 417-419.— Palamideasi (T.) efe iVIodigliauo (E.) Sull' etiologia della polmonite fibrinosa. Riv. internaz. di me-d. e chir., Napoli, 1886, iv, 621.—Platania (V.) Contributo alio studio tlella etiologia della pneumonite. Gior. internaz. d. .sc. med., Napoli, 1889, n. s., xi, 344-354.—Pocls (J.) efc IMoleit (W.) Die Mikrokokken der Pneumonie des Men- schen und der Luugenseuche der Rinder. Centralbl. f. el. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 129.—Politos (N. M.) Tiva. enl Ti)<; aiTtoAoyias t»)s nvevnovlas. 'H Kara. Verardini Xpijeris TJje; iireKa.Kovdi>r)t; itrl irvev^oviiov. I'aAjji/be;, 'AOijyai, 1886, IE', 292; 310.—Porter (A.) Acute pneumonia in famine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 291; 360.— Potsdamcr (J. B.) Bronchitis and pneumonia of rheu- matic origin. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1884, xvi, 274- 278.—Pruddcn (T. M.) efe IVorthrup (W. P.) Studies on the etiology of the pneumonia complicating diphtheria in children. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, xcvii, 562-579, 4 pi. Also, Reprint.—Purjeniz (Z.) Atiidolob kdroktana. [Etiology of pneumonia.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1884, xxviii, i8l; 209; 242; 270; 297; 328; 360; 443; 476. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 564; 588; 605; 629. Also, transl: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, xxxv, 301-354, 3 diag— Raynaud (M.) D'une vari6t6 de pneumonie (pneumonie purulente tl tove-rs multiples) propre k l'intoxicatiim alcoolique sur- aigue. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix, 857-864.—Red- din$i(A.J.) Traumatic pneumonia. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1876.'iv, 529— Reybertdc Saint-Claude. Observation de pneumonie rhumatismale. Montpel. ni6d., 1878. xl, 540- 544. — Riebc. Aetiologische Betrachtungen iiber das Auftreten der crouposen Pneumonie in der Garuison Posen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1884, n. F., xii,126; 323.— Riescll (A.) Die Aetiologie der crouposen Pneumonie. Ibid.. 1883, n. F., xxxviii, 308: xxxix, 83; 284.—Rizzo iTIatera (S.) Un caso tli pneumonite traumatica. Indi- pendente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 562-567.—Sachs (T.) Ue- ber Pneumonie nach Staarextractionen. Ber. tl. naturw. nied. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1883-4, xiv, 44-55, 2 diag.—San- ders (E.) The geographical and climatic relations of pneumonia; a statistical study. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiv, 82-102.—Sail new (1. A. M. T.) Vagus- pneumonie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1879, xv, 73-75.— Sell ou (J.) Untersuchungen iiber Vagus- pnetunonie. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1885, iii, 483-492.— Schiitzenbcrgcr. De l'6tiologie de la pneumonie et de la pneunionie rhumatismale. Gaz. me,d. de Strasb., 1857, xvii, 256-261.—Seibert (A.) The influence of meteoro- logical conditions upon the causation of croupous pneu- monia. [Abstr.] Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiii, 108-118. ----. Witterung und croupose Pneumo- nie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 273; 292. -----. Witterung und fibrinose Pneumonie. [Trausl.] Ibid., 1886. xxiii, 269-272. [Sec, also, supra, Caspar (R.)J -----. Erwiderung zur Frage iiber "Witterung und Pneumonie. Ibid., 1887, xxiv, 805. -----. Die Aetiologie der fibri- ne'ise'ii Pneumonie. Med. Monatsehr., N. V., 1889, i, 57- 69. — Me■ ele-1 (A.) Ueber die Aetiologie und Therapie der akuten Luugenentziindung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1888, ix, 1083; 1095. —Seraftni (A.) Su la etio- logia e patogenesi della pulmonite fibrinosa. Riv. in- ternaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1886, iv, 388; 544, 1 pi. -----. Sulla causa della febbre nella polmonite fibrinosa generata dal microrganisnio di Friedlaender. Gior. inter- naz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1887, iv, 290-312.—Seitz (C.) Die crouptise Pneumonie uud die meteorologischen Verhalt- nisse von Miinchen in den letzten 20 Jahren. Aerztl. Int.- Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 367-369.—Shakespeare (E. O.) Embolic pneumonia concurrent with disease of the heart. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 91.—Shaw (A. B.) Vaso-motor perturbation in the etiedogv of pueumouia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xvi, 22-28.—Shibley (J. S.) Clinical study in etiology of pneumonia. Tr. M. Soc. Ar- kansas, Little Rock, 1879, iv, 57-62. [Discussion], 12; 21. Also: Arkansas M. Mouth.. Little Rock, 1880-81, i, 114- 121. —Skoda. Entstehungsursachen der Pneumonie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 343.—Smith (J. L.) Em- bolic pneumonia; thrombosis of the umbilical vein. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 527.—Squire (W.) Pneumonia, considered in certain etiological relations and with refer- ence to epidemiology anel preventive medicine. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1878, xx, 143-156.—Steiner (J.) Ueber den N. vagus und seine Beziehung zur Pneumonie. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Hamburg, 1876, 125— StekloflT (A. I.) Material k etiologii krup. pnev- monii. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1886-7, xxiii, 336-347.—Sternberg (G. M.) The etiology of croupous pneumonia. Med. Rec, N. V., 1889, xxxv, 281; 309. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila.. 1889, 53-80. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1889 i, 370; 420; 474.—Sturges (0 ) On the etiology of pneumonia. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1870, Lond., 1871, v, 135-147. -----. Abstract of a clinical lecture on a fatal case of pneumonia after an accident. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 300. -----. Can pneumonia oc- 1VNKU MONIA. 418 PNEUMONIA. Piieiimoiiia (Causes of). cur as the direct result of external violence? Lancet, Lond., 1886. i, 780-782. -----. Etiology of pneumonia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 200-202.—Sturgis (O.) efe Coup- land (S.) Collective investigation committee; memoran- dum on acute pneumonia, especially with regard to its etiology and epidemic prevalence. Ibid., 1882, i, 439. Also, Reprint. — Tarkovski (I. V.) K vopr. o roli travmy v etiolog. krupoz. puevmonii. [ Traumatic in- fluences in producing croupous pneumonia.] Protok. /a- said. Kavkazsk. ineiL Obsh., Tiflis, 1887-8, xxiv, 56-73.— Taylor ( H. L. ) Pneumonia crouposa "a frigore". Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1888, v, 227-230.—Thomas (W. R.) Clinical remarks on gouty pneumonia. Lancet, Loud., 1885, ii, 376.—Thoresen. Mine Erfaringer om Lungebe- ttendelsens Aarsager. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1871, 3. R., i, 65-83.—Towne (S. R.) A considera- tion of tbe etiology of croupous-pneumonia. Omaha Clinic, 1889, ii, 109-114.—Trail be (LA Zur Aetiologie der Pneu- monie. Inhis: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, ii, pt. 2,897-899.—Variot. Pneumonie flbrineuse survenue dans le cours d'une leucocyth6mie. France m6d., Par., 1882, ii, 265-269. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 192-197.—Vetlesen (H. J.) Er den kroupose Pneu- moni udelukkende at betragte som en Infektionssygdom eller kan den ogsaa skvldes andre og specielt refrigerato- riske Aarsagsforholde^ [Is croupous pneumonia to be in- cluded among infectious diseases, or can its etiology be traced to other causes, especially to colds?] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevielensk., Christiania, 1888, 4. R., iii, 545-564. — Villar(L.) Neumoniaalcohdlica. Monitor m6d., Lima, 1885, i, 166; 214— Voskresenftki (N.) K etiologii krup. pneumonii. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 476-478. — Waibel. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Lun- genentziindung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 476-478. -----. Ein statistischer Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Lungenentziindung (Pneumonia fibrinosa). Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 710-715. -----. Zur Aetiologie der Lungenentziindung. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 300-302.— Wallace (J.) Observations ou pneumo- nic inflammation, occurring after immersion of the body in water. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1829, iii, 127-133.—Ward (J.) Un some points in the etiology of pueunionia and bronchi- tis. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 487-489.—Weichselbauui (A.) Ueber die Aetiologie der acuten Lungen- uud Rippon- felleutziindungen. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1886, n. F., i, 483- 554, 2 pi.—Welch (G. T.) A case of pneumonia caused by capillary bronchitis, ending in recovery. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1883, 362-364.—Wise (A. T.) A case of pneumonia, occurring at a cold high altitude. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 925.—Wolf (W.) Ueber die Aetiologie der acuten, primaren, fibrinosen Pneumonie. Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 1771-1774. Pneumonia (Complications andsequelce of). See, also, Brain (Diseases of, Causes of); Chest (Paracentesis of); Heart (Clot, etc., of); Jaun- dice (Causes, etc., of); Lungs (Abscess of); Lungs (Gangrene of); Phlegmasia dolens (Non- puerperal) ; Phthisis (Causes, etc., of); Pleurisy; Pneumonia (Bilious); Pneumonia in old age. Barillier (J.-P.) *Du deiire daus la pneu- monie. 4°. Paris, 185(5. Bourguet (J.) *£tude sur la parapl6gie dans la pueumouie. 4°. Montpellier, 1884. Constaxcix (A.) * Etude sur la elilatation tlu cceur droit consecutive a la pneumonie franche aigue. 4°. Paris, 1884. Drozxix (M.) * Doppclseitige Spitzeninfiltra- tion unelEndocarelitis maligna. 8°. Berlin, [1878]. DiJRR (R.) * Ueber Lungenschrumpfung als Nachkrankheit von crouposer Pneumonie. 8°. Tubingen, 1882. Dujol (H.) * Etude clinique de la pneumonie fibriueuse chez les emphys6mateux. 4°. Paris, 1876. Duquesxel (J.-C.-M.) * Dissertation sur la pneumonia aigue simple, et sur sa complication avec la gastro-enterite. 4°. Paris, 1821. Ebhardt (J.) * Ueber die seltneren Ausgange der kruposen Pneumonie. 8°. Kiel, 1885. Guillon. * De la pleurdsie purulente dans la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1883. Hohmaxn (K. W.) *Ucber Milzschwellung bei Lungenentziindung. 8'-. Giessen, 1888. Hulsmeyer (C.) *Ein Fall vou transitori- scher Aphasie unel Hemiplegie bei Pneumouie. 8°. Neuhaldensleben, 1885. Pneumonia (Complications and sequela; of). Jakel (J.) *Diss. sistens historian! synopti- cam plciiro-peripneuiuonitidis cum exitu in by- dro-thoracem it apoplexiam, ailuexa epicrisi 8°. Pragw, [1836]. Jarriand ( E.-A.-L. ) *De la pueumouie comme complication. 4°. Paris, 1856. Jurgexsen ( T. ) Interstitielle Pneunionie; Cirrhose unel Bronchiektasie. In: Handb. el. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1878 (Suppl.-Bd.), 309-380. Kees(A.) * Ueber croupei.se Pncuuionie neben acuter Nephritis. 8°. Tiibingen, 1882. Laxdouzy (C.) *Sur iiuelques complications dela peripneumonie. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1807>], Massonie (A.) "fituele sur quelques formes rares de cavernes pulmonaires consecutives a la pneunionie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1870. Mayer (T. E.) * Pneumonia tuberculis com- plicata. 8U. Monachii, 1840. Meyen (G.) * Ueber Icterus als Complication der crouposen Pneumonie. 8°. Greifswald, 1881. Moreau (P.-A.) *Du deiire dans la pneu- mouie. 4°. Paris, 1864. Perez (R.) *De l'ictere dans la pneumouie. 4°. Paris, 1881. Perlis (V.) *De la pyok6mie consecutive a la pneumonie franche. 4°. Paris, 1887. Piciit( J. H.) * Diss, historiam peripneumonia? vcraj cum aliis morbis complicala- ejusque expli- cationem exhibens. 4°. Bala', [1769]. Reiifiscii (A.) * Ueber elie Feirtdauer eler Entziindungen bei acuter librinoser Pneinnonie nach eri'olgter Krisis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18b7. Riel (P.) *De la pneumonie tuberculeuse lobaire. 4°. Lyon, 1888. SandrA (J.) *Spec. med. inaug. historiam peripneumoniae verse, et hujus morbi complicati cum conditione putrida casum, sistens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1789. Scileffer (H.) *De la m6ningite compli- quant la pneumonie. 4°. Nancy, 1878. Schnier (H.) * Ueber Psychose im Verlauf von Pneumonie. 8°. Greifswald, 1873. Servain (G.) * Des abces du poumon dans la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1869. Surugue (E.) * De la meningite compliquant la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1875. Valette. * Des coagulations veineuses dans la pneumonie et de leurs consequences. 4°. Paris, 1881. Also [Abstr.], in: Paris med., 1881, vi, 169-171. Verneuil (G.) * De la congestion et de l'in- flammation des meninges cerebrales et spiualcs dans la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1873. Wilberg (R.) * Acute Nephritis bei Pneu- monie. 8°. Berlin, 1887,. Addition (T.) Observations on pneumonia and its consequences. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1843, 2. s., i, 365- 402, 7 pi— Aitkcii (W.) Cases and observations illus- trating inflammatory effusions.into the substance ofthe lungs, particularly as modified by contagious fevers. Edinb. M. & S. J.,' 1849, lxxi, 1-46, 3 pi. Also, Reprmt.- Alberti (A.) Su un caso tli pneumonite con acuto decu- bito. Spallanzani, Modena, 1881, 2. s., x, 393-396.-Alox- andcr (F. S.) Vergrooting van milt en lever, als waar- schijnlijk medewerkende tot den doodelijken uitgang eoner longontsteking. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geueesk., Gorinchem, 1837, iv (Suppl.), 21-25.—All<-n (R.W.) Case or pneumonia, terminating by metastasis to the brain. Miir.v- land M. Recorder, Bait., i829-30, i, 396-398.—Alivia (M.) 11 valore dell' ittero nel decorso della pneumonite ci uposa. Gazz. d. osp.. Milauo, 1889, x, 426; 434; 442; 450; 4.'.8.— Andrew. Notes on a case of pneumonia and pyienua, with abscesses in the brain and liver. St. Barth. Hosp. Pep., Lond., 188::, xix, 309-311.— Apollonio (C.) Pneu- monite lobare preceduta da otite interna suppurativa m im nefritiee). Ga-/./.. tl. osp., Milano, 1889. x, 391.—Ai'iijfnlnn (U.) Observation de spleno-pneumonie et jilcuiesu: a epanchement. Gnz. hebd. d. sc. metl. de Borde-nux 1888, ix, 152; 160— Attimonl. Deformation tie la poitrine consecutive a une pneumonic tuberculeuse. Gaz. med. de PNEUMONIA. 419 PNEUMONIA. Pueunionia (Complications and sequelce of). Xantes, 1885-6, iv, 38.—Aufrecht. Ulcerose Pneumonie. Inhis: Path. Mitt., 8°, Magdeb., 1881, 89-98.—d'Auriol. Pneumonie avec d61ire; mort; reflexions. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1875, ix, 353-357. . Also: Abeille med., Par., 1876, xxxiii, 17-19.—Ayer (J. B.) Two attacks of asthenic pneumonia; the first followed by parotitis; the second by typhoid symptoms. Boston M. efe S. J., 1885, cxii, 521. [Discussioul, 528.—von Bamberger. Ueber Icterus bei Pueumouie. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 304.— Banks (J. S.) Puerperal pleuropneumonia; pus in the sinuses of the uterus. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi, 370.—Barbanti (P.) La pleurite a essudato liquido nelia pneumonite. Riforma med., Roma, 1888, iv, 1766; 1772.—Bareggi (C.) Pneumonite crupale destra con delirio; caduta dall' alto sul cranio; commozione cere- brate; inorte dopo tre giorni; lesioni polmonali ed ence- faliche riscontrate all' autossia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880, i, 214-221. — Bares. Observation de pneumonie, cotupli'qu6e de deiire et de remittance. J. de m6d., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1860, 3. s., v, 109-111.—Barlow (T.) Pneumonia in an alcoholic subject; necrosis of a portion of lung; endocarditis; renal and splenic embol- isms; basic meningitis and retinal haemorrhages. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1881, i, 187.—Barr (J.) Case of double pneumonia, pleurisy, and gastric catarrh ; recovery. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1886. n. s.. xii, 263. Also: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1887, vii, 169-177.—Barth (H.) De lamtiiiingite pneumonique. Union ra6d., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 1021-1029.—Barth (H.) efe Poulin (A.) Contri- bution ii l'6tude de la meningite compliquant la pneumonie, avec quatre observations. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1879, 2. 8., xvi, 310-316.— Barthelemy. Vaste pneumonie; h6patisation grise de tout le poumon droit; hypertrophie consid6rable du veutricule gauche; aortite chronique g6n6- ralisee; n6phrite tnixte. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1879, liv, 772-774. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1880, viii, 591.— Bax. Pneumonie a marche rapide suivie d'endocardite aigue, de rhumatisme tie l'articulation de l'epaule et enfin tie manunite double. Gaz. ra6d. de Picardie, Amiens, 1889, vii, 215; 249.—Beattie (J. A.) Complete suppurative destruction of lung after pneumonia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1878, lxv, 78-80.—Beatty (L. K.) A case of pneumonia followed by empyema, with operation. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888-^9, xx, 447.—Beau. Pneumonie mobile com- pliquee au quatorziiiuie jour d'une variole maligne; mort le dix-neuvi&ine jour. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 282.— Heliicr. Pleuro-pneumonie chez un tuberculeux. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiii, 472; 494.—Belcasio ( G.) Storia d' una grave peripneumonia puerperale con anasarca, ascite, idrotorace. Gior. anat. di med., Milano, 1828, ix, 35-43.—Bergeon. Caillot forme pendant la vie dans 1'arte.re pulmonaire d'un homme atteint de pneumonie; mort rapide. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1866-7, vi, 291-293.—Bergcr (I.) Verfolgungs- wahn in Folge von Pneumonie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1885, xxi, 341-344. Also: Gydgy&szat, Buda- pest, 1885, xxv, 273-275. — Bemabei ( C. ) Esempio tli precocissima complicazione meningitica nella polmo- nite. Boll. tl. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, iii, 308-313.—Bettelhcini (K.) Pneumouie mit acuter Spinallahmung. Wien. metl. Bl., 1888, xi, 65-68.— Bet- toli ( U.) Storia tl' una peripneumonia terminata in un modo straordinario. Gior. tl. Soc. med.-chir. di Parma, 1807, ii, 254-257. — Bezanron (J.) Broncho-pneumonie grippaie et endocardite ulcereuse a pneumonocoques; re- trecissement mitral ancieu, et traces de vieux infarctus tlaus les reins et la rate; ulcere rond de l'estomac d'origine probablement embolique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 253-255. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 621.— Bhattacharjee (H. M.) Purpura htemorrhagicaoccur- ring during the course of pneumonia. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1888, xxiii, 271. —Bineau. Pleuro-pneumonie aigue; Epanchement sero-puruleut dans la plevre gauche, communiquant avec un abces de la mamelle; empyeime naturel; guerison. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1830, vi, 271- 278. — Blackader (A. D.) Two cases of pneumonia; probable explanation of cerebral symptoms. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1880-81, ix, 82-87. — Blunt. A case of pleuro-pneumonia followed by gangrene of lung and ab- scess; resection of rib; drainage of lung abscess; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 622.—Bonnet. Note sur trois cas de pneumonie compliquee d'ictere avec alteration du foie-. Rev. mens, denied, etchir., Par., 1878, ii, 662-667.—Bouil- land. Observation de pneumouie centrale du poumon gauche au 2' degre, avec coincidence d'endocardite, suivie de quelques considerations sur la pneumdnie centrale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 67. - Bowman (E. B.) Case of pleurisy and double pneumonia; recovery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1847, i, 308-310.—Brandicourt. Cas ele pleuro- pneumonie terminee par un abces k la region lombaire. Soc med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1861), 1862, i, 70-74.—Breche- ■••in ( L.) Case of abscess of the brain following pneu- monia. Boston M. efc S. J., 1881, cv, 39. — Bromine (U.) Pneumonia, Pericarditis, Gastritis, Duodenitis; Section. Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls-Hosp. in St. Peterab. (1841;, Pneiiinonia (Complications and sequelae of). 1843,171-174. - B roes vau Dor t (T.) Pyopneumothorax na pneumonie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884, 2. R., xx, 870-873. — Brookhousc (J. O. ) Pneumonia followed by abscess of lung treated by tapping and drain- age; death. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 1111. — Brimon. Alcoolisme; pneumonie gauche suppuree; meningite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 325-328. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 33. — Bruyelle. Pneumonie k resolution Iente; gueMsou. Bull. Soc. anat. clin. de Lille, 1886, i, 182-185. — Ituel. Pneumonie aigue tlu poumon gauche; mort en trente^ six hemes environ; induration tu- berculeuse circonscrite i droite; terminaisons remarqua- bles d'une enterocolite avec ulcerations, d'une pleurite et d'une peritonite aigues. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 61- 63.—Bull (E.) Tilfaddeaf krupds Pneumoni og Nefrit, behandlet antipyretisk med koldeBad; Helbredelse. Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1883, 44-49. — Burk- hardt. Eigenthiimliches Exauthem nach einer Pneu- monie. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xxvi, 204-206.— Burrows. Doublepleuro-pueumonia; pericarditis; con- siderable effusion into the pericardium ; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 366.—BuMcaglione(T.) Delle pneumonie popolari, e loro moltiformi complicazioui gastriche, biliose e vermiuose state osservate nel 1796, con note giusta le moderne teoriche. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1841, xi, 113- 172. — Cadet de Gassicourt. Maladies k symptomes obscurs ou trompeurs; broncho-pneumonie pseudo-lobaire suraigue avec symptomes mtiningitiques, simulant le debut de la mGningite et plus tard la pneumonie lobaire a forme c6r6brale; pleurtjsie purulente meconnue. Rev. mens. d. mal.derenf.,Par., 18K5,iii, 1-9.—Cammcrcr. Zur Frage der Dienstbeschadigung bei Pneumonie uud Tuberkulose. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl,, 1884, xiii, 435-438.— C'ardarelli (A.) Broucho-pulmonite con infiltramento esteso del lobo superiore e porzione del medio, possibile caseificazione centrale, enfisema pulmonare e sinistra; aderenze pleuriche. Riv. clin. tl. Univ. di Napoli, 1884, v, 69-71. — Carre. De la parapl6gie dans la pneumonie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1888, 2. s„ xxv, 54; 85; 453; 472.— Carrieu. Aphasie avec hemiplegie daus le cours d'une pneumonie; difference de temp6rature dans les eleux cot6s flu corps. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. ele Montpel., 1882, iv, 313; 325.— (Cases.1 Pneumonie des dritten Grades, Pleuritis mit Erguss in tlie Brusthohle, Milzabscess; Section. Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls-Hosp. in St. Petersb. (1840), 1843, 120- 128. — Neumonia cronica que termino en una vomica perif6rica. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1856, iii, 11.—Pneumonia sinistra cum bronchititle polyposa, hypertrophia cordis, albuminuria et hydrope. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1867, Wien, 1868,104-106.—Pneumonia, empyema, anel peri- carditis. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 581.—Casorali (F.) Pleuropneumonitide destraacutissima; coincidenza di irri- tazioue gastro-epatica ed enterica; caso grave; progresso dell' inflammazione polmonare in extensione e in grado sino alia 5a giornata di malattia; iu 7a giornata segni razionali, in 8a segni fisici locali del regresso della medesiraa, in 9a giornata tli malattia e di enra apiressia; in soggetto di anni 65. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1844, iii, 117-122. — Ccnas. Pneumonie tranche; manie transitoire; guerison. Lyon med., 1882, xxxix, 383; 419. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1882), 1883, xxii, pt. 2, 13-22.— Chevalley (J.-E.) Observation de pleuro-pneumonie avec epanchement thoracique, suivie de gu6rison. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 61. — Chomel. Pneunionie grave des deux cotes, compliquee d'ent6rite; gu6rison; consid6rations sur quelques points du diagnostic de la pneumouie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 37.-----. Pneumonie de mauvais caractere; gangrene du poumon; mort. Ibid., 1848, 2. s., x, 563. — ( liurtoii (T.) A case of gangrenous pneumonia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, i, 622.— Cimbali ( F.) Pultuonite fibrinosa e meningite pneu- monica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 146; 154. — Coen (E.) Contributo alio studio dell' iudurimento polmonare quale esito della pneumonite cruposa. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1885, 6. s., xv, 217-235, 2 pi. — Collard. Obser- vation dune pneumonie aigue, accompagn6e et suivie de gastrite. Expose} el. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. tie la Mo- selle, Metz, 1849-50, 220-227. — Comegys. Uraemic com- plications in pneumonia. Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic, 1880, iv, 237.—dc Coninck. Pleuropneumonie compliquCe de m6trite gangrCneuse. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1879, 135-140. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 123-125.—Constant (T.) Pneumonies du sommet accom- pagn6es de symptomes c6rebraux. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 263.—Coruil. Pneumonie aigue compliqu6e de ph6nomeues ataxo-advnamiques et d'ictere; guejrison. Rec. d. trav. Soc. m6d. dobs, de Par., 1859-63, ii, 594-610. -----. Pneumonie parenchyinateuse aigue ent6e sur une pneumonie interstitielle chronique; erysipele erratique; phl6bite; vaginalite suppur6e; autopsie. ibid., 746-758.— Coudret. Observations de pneumonies graves, gueries par de copieuses evacuations sanguines aidees des revul- sifs, et apres l'apparition tlans l'une d'un enorme abces sous l'aisselle et daus l'autre d'uu anthrax. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxvii, 55-61. — Coupland PNEUMONIA. 42 Pneiiinonia (Complications and sequela; of). (S.) Chronic lobar pneumonia; grey induration; gangrene and secondary suppuration in lower lobe of lung. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1879, xxx, 224-231,1 pi.—Conty. Pneu- monie. endocardite v6g6taute, embolie de 1'artiM'e iliaque primitive. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1876, li, 207-215. Also: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 530-532. -----. Pneumouie, p6ricardite purulente. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 442-445. Also: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 843.—Crisp. Pleuro-pneumonia; haemoptysis eighteen months before death ; a puckered cavity near to the apex of the lnng filled with bony deposit. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1874-5. xxvi, 14—Crokcr (P. A.) efe Newman (F. J.) Pleuro-pneu- monia; empyema; trombosis of thigh. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1883, n. s., v, 267.—Cm-run (W.) A clinical note on croupous pneumonia and gangrene of the lung in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 281-287.—Czau- dema (C.) Ein Fall von linksseitiger Pneumonie mit Uebcrgang in Abscessbildung; Eutleernng des Eiters durch die Luftwege; Erscheinungen tier Lungeuschwind- suclit; Genesung.' Meel.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 552. — Da Costa (I. M. ) Signs of vomica following pleuropneumonia. Med. efe Surir. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvii, 166. — Davidson ( W.) Peripneumonia, with ab- scess of the lungs. Month. Arch. M. Sc, Lond., 1834, i, 97-105. — Debray ( F.) Pneumonie et meningite g6n6- ralisee. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1888, xl, 217-219. — Degranges (IC.) Pneumonie aigue et d'un seul cot^\ chez un buveui; d61ire violent au quatri^me jour; tartre stibi6 k dose mod6r6e, ra61ang6 avec l'extrait de quinquina et l'opium; usage d'aliments, de vin, de caf6; gu6rison pronipte. U/nion med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1859, iv, 201-210. -----. Observations de trois pleuro-pueumonies aigues li6es concurremment tl une affection intermitteute eholerique sur deux enfants en has &ge et sur leur p6re. Ibid., 1862, vii, 600-607. — Dejeriue (J.) efe Babiuxky (J.) Note sur un cas de pneumonie tuberculeuse pseudo- lobaire avec absence ele bacilles dans rexpectoration. Rev. de nied., I'ar., 1884, iv, 174-179. — Delafield ( F.) Some of the conditions under which pneumonia proves fatal. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x. 561-567. -----. Acute lobar pneumonia with the formation of organized inflammatory products within the air passages aud vesicles. Ibid., 1884, xxv, 398-400.—Drri (Z.) Adat a croupos tiidolobnak a szukottdl elterii rovidebb lefoly&s£r61 es ritkabb j&rul6kos b&utalnuiiol. [On aborting croupous pneumonia, and on rarer complications of this disease. 1 Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1884, xxviii, 87; 111. Also, transl..- Pest, med.-chir. Piesse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 223.—Desplats (H.) Pneu- monie massive suppur6e: iileuresie purulente; p6ricar- dite; mort subite. J. d. sc. med. du Lille, 1889, i, 1-7.— Dietl. Zapalenie pluc chroniczne; napatly zimniczne; s/.ybkie rozdzielenie wypocin stwardnialych. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1862, i, No. 6. [Chronic pneumonia, at first inter- mittent fever; rapid dispersion of pleuritic exudation.] — Dillard (C. T.) Pneumonia, purpura hemorrhagica, and death. N. York M. Press, 1859, ii. 694.—Diller (1.) A case of gangrene of the lung complicating croupous pneu- monia. Meel. .fc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1887, Ivii, 671. — Drnsche. Ueber Icterus bei Pneumonie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 365-372. -----. Pleuropneumonie mit dem Ausgange in Lungenabscess und Pneumo-Pyothorax, der Letztere die Brustwaud durchbrechend; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph Stiftung in Wien (1868), 1869, 277-283.— Dubois. Observation de pneumonic chez un h^morraphile. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii. 773. — Duffey. Pleurogenic pneumonia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, Ixxii, 351-357.— Dnffln. Case of septic pneumonia, with thrombosis of uterine veins, inferior vena cava, and right- femoral vein, etc. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 123. — Dulac. Pleuro-pneumonie droite; variole intercurrente; i-panche- ment sauguiu elans le pericarde. Union med., Par., 1*54, viii, 396.—Duncan (R. B.) Pneumonia of the h It lung, followetl by abscess; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1878, xxiii,' 1»7-189.—Dun-tint (C. M.) Pneumonia with secretion of air in the cavitv of the pleura; recovery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, xxviii, 258-261. — Dutcher (A. P.) Pneumonia aud its incidental complications. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1861, iv, 10-13. — Edson ( B.) A case of pneumonia with delayed resolution; abscess opening ex- ternally: recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 421.— Edwards ( W. A. ) Acute croupous pneumonia, com- plicated by pneumothorax. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, 1,163. — Elliott (C.) Pleuropneumonia; empyema; as- caritles: bronchitis pertussis: recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 476. — Eloy ( C. ) Des causes de la mort dans la pneumonie; d'apres une communication du Dr. A. Coomis. Union med.. Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 398-400.— Eisner (H. L. ) Pneumonia with empyema; radical operation; recovery. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1886-7, xxvi, 542- 546.—Emery. Pneume>nie', ictere grave; degeneiese-eiice graisseuse eiu rein. Bull. Sex-, anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 117.— EugliMch (J.) Zwei Falle von Nephritis acuta mit HaniverlialtungalsKomplikatiou tier Pneunionie. Wieu. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 703; 726. — Escolar. Pleuro- PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Complications and sequela; of). neumonia aguda con tuberculosis incipiente, tcrminada por gangrena humeda tie las ostroniielailes inferiorcg. Siglo metl., Madrid, 1868, xv, 85.—Escolar (S.) Hepatol pneumonitis aguda; curacion por el metodo eclectie-o al dia 11 de enfermedad. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1845, 2. s., vi. 321.— Ewkridge (J. T. )' Some cases of pneumonia in the adult simulating meuiugitis. 1'inc Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1882-3, Phila., 1883, v, 69. — Fabi-e (P.) Pneumouie et 6ruptiou d'herpe.s facial et pharyu- gien. Soc. d. sc. m6d. tie Gannat. Compt. rend. 1H83- 4, Par., 1884, xxxviii, 120-125. Also: Gaz. metl. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 291. -----. Rechute puis recidive de pneu monie. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1888, 7. s., v. 460. -- Fnvre (A.) Pneumonie du sominet droit: hGniiplejgie gauche; suppression du pouls tie la radiale elroite. Courrier meel., Par., 1886, xxxvi, 252-255. Also. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1886, vi, 285-290.—Feirens (A.) Pneu monie suivie de fle.vre tvpliolde. Anu. de med. bel"c Brux., 1836, iii, 200-202.—Fe ris (B.) Sur un cas de pneu- monie gauche avec Eruption consid6rable d'herp6s non critique sur la face. Progres med., Par., 1885, 2 s., ii, 169.—Fernet. Pneumonie franche aigui'- accompagnAe d'herp^s aigus multiples (herpes de la gorge, du ne/,, de la paroi thoracique, dun doigt, des parties genitales). France med.. Par., 1882, i, 373-376. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. dc Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 54-58.—Firkct(C) Contribution a let ude tie la mtiningite latente eliez les pneumoniques. Ann. Sue. med.-chir. de Liege, 1880, xix, 345, 1 tab., 402; 436. ----. Nouvelle contribution k l'6tude de la mfeningite chez les pneumoniques. Ibid., 1883, xxii, 118; 155. — Fleury. [Pleuro-pneumonie a, marche latente; peiicardite.] Hull. Soc. anat. lie Par., 1838, xiii, 163.—Flint (A.) Pleuro- fmeumonitis complicated with pericarditis, marked byde- irium. Buffalo M. J., 1849-50, v, 505-514. -----. Case nf pueunionia associated with pericarditis. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, 145-147. —Foa (P.) efe Battonc (G.) Still' ascesso polmonare in seguito a pneumonite fibrinosa. (la/./,. tl. cliu., Torino, 1885, xxi. 65.—Forssman efe Estlaneler. Gangran i nedraextremiteten efterpneumoni. Finska liik.- sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1870, xii, 273.—Franck (F.-A.) Pneumonie aigue lobaire; otite aigue intercurrente; acci- dents nerveux. Bordeaux nied., 1873, ii. 370-378.—Fras- cari (C.) Istoria di pleuro-pneumonite con entiseuia generale per schiacciameuto tlei torace. Ippocratico, Fano, 1865, vii, 547-552.— Frciiilciibei'g. Kail finer Pneumonia acuta, wozu sich wahrend ties Ve-ilaufs De- lirium tremens gesellte. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1828, i, 129-135.— Frisetii (G.) Storia di peripneumonia con predoniinio debitico peirtata a guarigione. (5ior. . . tl. Soc. med.-chir. tli Torino, 1844, xxi, 419-421.— Fi-iiliIich (C.) Fall von ditfuser Lungengaugrau in Folge von Pneu- monie. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 271.— Gachde (F.) Ein Fall vou Pneumonie mit nachfolgen- tlem Empyem ; Operation; perihepatitischer Abscess; plbtzlicher Tod. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 134- 137.—Galliard (L.) Decubitus aigu survenant au neit- vieme jour d'une pneumonie franche; 61imiuation tie resehare; k l'autopsie, pneumonie guerie. France m6d., Par., 1881, xxviii, 64-68. -----. Hyperthermic 6phe- mere (42"7) au debut d'une pneumonie' iranche, deferves- cence le onzieme jour; le quinzieme jour, phli-uinasia alba dolens. Ibid., 1888, i, 184; 194.—Garcia Caballero (F.) Pneiimo-hepatitis pareuquimatosa en supuracion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1883, xxx, 777-780.—Garrido (V.) Breves apuntes sobre algunas complicaciones poco commies tie la pneumonia. Rev. tie metl. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1881, ix, 355; 392; 437. — Gasparini (L.) Ileo-tifo e polmonite empale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1888, xlvii [xlviii], 295-297. —Gayraud. Pleuro-pneumonie a gauche; epancheruent purulent; pouctions multiples; trajets fistuleux persistants; guerison; observation et reflexions. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. tie Montpel., 1879, i, 318: 1880, ii, 6; 15.—Gerhard (W. W.) Lecture oil pneumonia; pathological anatomy of pueunionia; pneu- mothorax; pericarditis; endocarditis; fatty liver. Med. Exam., Phila., 1840, iii, 27-32. -----. Case of pneumonia, endocarditis, pericarditis, and meningitis; remarks ou tlie pathology and treatment of pneumonia. Ibid., 677-679.— Gerhardt (C.) Ueber Milzschwellung bei Lungen entziindung. Charite-Ann. issts, Berl., 1888, xiii, 23*- 241.—Gibson (G. A.) Cerebral hiemorrhagc as a sequel to pneumonia. Biimingh. M. Rev., 1884, xv, 200-205, 1 diag.—Gintrae. Pneumonie et l-humatisnieteriniue par suppuration. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1856, 2. s., i, 160- 162.—de Giovanni (A.) Pneumonite e. nefrite. R. 1st. Lomb. tli sc. e left. Rendic , Milano, 1872, v, 914-916- Gobee (C.) Pneumouie van de bovenste kwab der leg- ter long, under de verschijnselen van arachnitisoptrcileiiile. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. tie Geneesk., Gorinch'-m, 1856, n._s., ii, 449-452.—Goos. Acute Manic nach Lungeneiit/.uii- dung. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1871, xxiii, 130.— Gordon (S.) Asthenic pueunionia; recovery; seconel attack altei au interval of twelve months; dcath'froiu fibrinous deposi- tion iu the heait. Dublin tlosp. (Iaz., 1858, n. s., v, 193- 196.—Gracicltc. Oe parotidites dans la pueumouie. R«v. PNEUMONIA. 421 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Complications and sequela; of). m6d. de Toulouse, 1885, xix, 321-338.—de Grand maison (F ) Pneumouie et endocardite veg6tante. Bull. Soe-. anat. de Par.. 1886, lxi, 323. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., jv 78:;.—Grasset (J.) Lecons cliniques sur les pyrexies pneumoniques, et sp6cialemeut sur la fi6vre pneumoty- pholde (pneumotyphus), et sur la fifevre pneumopaludeenue (pneumomalaria)'. Montpel. metl., 1887, 2. s., viii, 5; 101. Also, Reprint.—Greenley (T. B.) Retarded convalescence in pneumonia; three cases. Louisville M. News, 1882, xiv, 30(;f__(Jrimshaw. Pneumonia of the left lung, compli- cated with jaundice. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 180.— Grisolle. Du deiire dans la pneumouie. Union med., Par., 1848, ii, 33.—Grohe (M.) Complication der Pneu- monia crouposa mit Meningitis cerebro-spiualis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 8; 18.—Guersaut pere. Pneunionie lobulaire partielle; acces d'eclainpsie; coquelu- che; autopsie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 333.— Guerterbock (L.) Pleuro-pueumonia; effusion into the left cavity of the pleura ; displacement of the heart; stimulation of the secretions; delirium tremens; para- centesis of the thorax ; diminution of the effusion. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 119-121.—Gulliver (G.) Two cases of ulcerative endocarditis, following an attack of acute pneu- monia. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1883, n. s., xii, 55-60. -----. Case of gangrene of lung consecutive to acute pneumonia; treatment by drainage; death from pulmonary haemorrhage. Ibid., 1884, Lond., 1886, n. s., xiv, 201-206.—Gunning (A. T.) Case of pneumonia and empyema of right side, with bronchitis and partial pneu- monia of left side. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866, xi, 165-171.—Habcrshou. Case of pne-; monia, followed by pneumo-thorax. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Loud.* 1875, vi, 98.— Ilallez. Pneunionie interstitielle; induration melanique d'un pouniou tuberculeux. Bull. med. tlu nord, Lille, 1873, xiii, 110-115.—Hamilton (F. H.) Embolism of the femo- ral artery, following acute lobar pneumonia ; gangrene of the leg. N.York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 63— Hamilton (G.) Symptoms indicating pleuro-pneumonia, with perforation of the lung. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1834, xiii. 292-297.— Hardy. De la mort rapide dans la pneunionie. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1883, 6. s., v, 1-3. Also : Courrier nied., Par., 1883, xxxiii, 57-59. -----. Broncho-pneumonie et tubercu- lose commencante; mort. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 33.—Harris. A case of pneumonia in a drunkard, fol- lowed by furious delirium and death. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii. 433.—Hart (A.) Pleuropneumonia, with displace- ment ofthe heart. N. Orl. M. News efe Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 456.—Heaton. Case of pneumonia; enlargement of gall-bladder ; paracentesis ; recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1878, l, 383.—Hein. Pneumonia sinistra, Pneumopyothorax sinister ex abscessu pulmonis; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1881), 1882, 343.— Heitler (M.) Liuksseitige Pneumonie, Exsudat derselben Seite; Lungengangran mit Pneumothorax. Wien. metl. Piesse, 1874, xv, 154. -----. Rechtsseitiger Pneumothorax aus unbestimmter Ursache; Heilung ohne pleuritisches Exsudat. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 461-464.- ■IcIIiiiiiiIi (K.) Zur Kasuistik tier crouposen Pneumo- nie. Pneumonia; Endocarditis; Embolia; Hemiplegia. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1888, ii, 1739.—Henrot (H.) Pneunionie, ledfeme de la glotte. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims (1875), 1876, xiv, 108-113.—Henry (F. P.) A caso presenting specimens of chronic catarrhal pneumonia; abscess ofthe right kidney ; tubercular ulceration of the ileum: disease of left hip joint. Tr-. Path. Soc. Phila. (1875-6), 1877, vi, 87-94. —Ileriug. Lungenentzundung und ein besonderer Metaschenial ismus derselben. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, i, 125-129.—Herr. Pneumo- nie; Pyainie. Aer/.tl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1861, xv, 121— Hervcy (R.) Embolie de l'artere femorale gauche surveuuo chez un sujet atteint de pneumouie et d'ath^rome de la partie superieure de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 216-219.—Hester (A.) Phreno- pneiimonitis; autopsy. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1855-6, xii, 149-151. —HeiiHiiigeri-. Croupose Pneumonie, complicirt nu! Meningitis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, ii;j9._lleymanii. Pneumonie ; fievre pernicieuse ; mort, Gaz. il. hop.. Par., 1864, xxxvii, 374— Higgin- bolham. Ein Fallvon lobularer sphace.leiser Pneumo- nic St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1869, xvii, 37.—Hirst (B. C.) A case of prenatal, and a case of postnatal, pneumo- nia. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Hi, 314.—Holt (L. E.) Primary croupous pneumonia, complicated hy purulent pleurisy, antl terminating in gangrene. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1888), 1889, 106-108— Iloltz. Heilung einer chron. Congestiv-Pneumonie durch Selbstschropfung der Lunge. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 613.— i"?"'1 ,'D' W' C') Empyema following pneumonia. lit W Brit M' J" LoDU'' 1888- *• 1051.—Huchard (B.) Emphyseme sous-cutane dans le cours d'une pneu- monie franche; influence de l'iuipaludisine snr l'elemeut pneiimonique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par. 1889, 3. s., vi, 207-213.-lluyl.es (C. H.) A case of suppurative- pne umo hepatitis, st. Louis M. Gnrayo (E.) Gastro-hepato-neumonitis aguda-, paso de la neumonia al estado crdnico; abscesos del pulmon. Siglo metl., Madrid, 1865, xii, 503-505.— Jnccoud (S.) Sur un cas de. fieWre intermittente aceom- pagnee pueumonique. In his: Lee. ele cliu. med. 1884-5. 8°, Par., 1886, 637-654. -----. Sur l'infection purulente suite tie pneumonic. Ibid., 1885-6, 8°, Par., 1887, 117-141. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886, cii, 1143-1146. Also: Fiance med., Par., 1886, i, 758-761. -----. Sur l'iu- fectiou tuberculeuse suite de pneumonie. Inhis: Lec.de clin. m6d. 1885-6, 8°, I'ar., 1887, 100-116. -----. Pneumo- uie et p6ricardite; n6phrite, broncho-pneumonie et eutlo- cardite survenues a la suite d'un refroidissement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 557 ; 574. -----. Tuberculose pneu- monique. In his: Let}, de clin. med. 1886-7, 8°. Par., 1888, 104-143. -----. Pneumonie insterstitielle chez uu sujet tuberculeux; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 83.— Jackson ( T. C. ) Case of phlegmonous inflammation of the arm, supervening on pleuro-pneumonia. Laucet, Lond., 1849, ii, 423. — Jadioux. Pneumonie avec ph6- nom&nes ataxiques; autopsie; meningite aigue concomi- tante. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1845, 2. s., vii, 275.—Jameson (EL G.) Caseof pneumonia, with bilious symptoms, suc- ceeded by irritation of the brain, and terminating in phrenitis. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait., 1831, ii, 111-115.— Jaroshevski (S.) Osloj. krupoz. pnevmonii ostrymi psichoz. [Croupous pneumonia complicated with acute psychosis.) Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxi, 964-968.— Jobard. Note sur deux cas de pneumonie avec herpes. France med., Par., 1883, ii, 361-364. Also: Bull. Soc clin. de Par. (1883). 1884, vii, 134-136. — Johannidos (P. K. ) Me?/u/3pai'we5ts S(.dpa\p.a 6p6ov ivrepov, eiAeos, fjTOi e^e-ros KOTrpavu)8r}<;. ey^eipijejo?, Qdvaros etc ffvevp-ovta.*; fjiera. itnrd ifxepas. Ta\rivbs, 'Ae^cai, 1886, IE', 97-100.—Johnson (R. E.) Two cases (brothers) of acute pneumonia complicated by retention of urine. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 1302.— Johnston (W. W.) Cheesy pueumouia with cheesy pleurisv, parietal fistula?, necrosis and vertebra*. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1875, ii, 18-22.—Jones (C. H.) Two cases of pneumonia, complicated by nephritis. Lan- cet, Louil., 1870, ii, 14. -----. Pneumonia, with copious haemoptysis, treated by ergot; speedy recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 859.—Jourdan. Pneumonieetdouleursar- ticulaires; mort rapide; autopsie. Rev.med.de Toulouse, 1868, ii, 49-54.—Joutskevitch (I.) Sluch. osloj. krupoz. vospalen.legkago meningitom. [Acute croupous pneumo- nia followed by meningitis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 745; 790.—Juhel-Kenoy (E.) Pneumonie lobairesuppu- r6eau septieme jour (chez un alcoolique >.)■ Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 542-544.—Kay (T. W.) Acute catarrhal pueunionia with its tendency to tubercular degeneration. Practitioner, Lancaster, 1883, i, 16-18.—Keating (J. M.) Cerebral pneumonia, with remarks on the reduction of high temperature; and on diet. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1886, iii, 76-86.—Kelly (E.) Case of pneumonia in right lung followed by empyema, with subsequent pleurisy with effusion, of left side\ recovery. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1885, n. s., xxxv, 49-53. — Kennedy ( H.) Pneumonia; enlarged kidneys. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, 1, 221.— Kernig. Ueber einen Fall von Pneumonie mit Peri- cardialexsudat. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875-6, n. F., v, 151. — Kerr (J.) Case of pneumonia followed by unusual sequela;. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 984.— Kerr (W.) Remarks on collapse occurring during the treat- ment of acute pneumonic diseases. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1840, Iiii, 366-371. — Kicmann. Pneumonia dextra j meningitis seroso-puruleuta diffusa; cicatrices prteputii et cutis in inguine dextra; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 357. ---—. Pleuropneumonia bilateralis; Iufarctus lienissubseque'ute gangrama; pylephlebitis, abscessus hepatis; peritonitis; Tod. Ibid. (1882), 1883, 440-443. -----. Bronchitis acuta sequente pneumonia catarrhal, etpleuritid. dupl. iuduratio pulm. dext. lob. inferioris; hypertrophia exceutrica ven- triculi dextri; Tod. Ibid. (1883), 1884, 317. -----. Pneu- monia suppurativa; Tod. Ibid., 318. -----. Eechtsseitige Pleuropneumonie, pneumouischer Herd im linken Unter- lappen, fettige Degeneration des Herzens und ein alterer Defect an einer Aortenklappe; acuter uud chronischer Milztumor; Lebercirrhose; triibe Schwellung tier Niereu; Pachymeningitis chronica; Icterus; Tod. Ibid. (1885). 1886, 375-377—Kittson (E.G.) Pneumonia complicated with parotitis; fourteen days' illness; fatal termination. Canada M. &. S. J., Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 433-438.— Knight (F. I.) Case of catarrhal pneumonia following whooping-cough, accompanied by an amount of ulceration and loss of substance in the soft palate and pharynx. Boston M. efc S. J., 1875. xiii, 549-553. — Korczyriski. Zapalenie pluc pierwotue z naciekiem surowiczym. [Pri- 22 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Complications and sequela; of). PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Complications and sequela; of). niary serous infiltration in pneumonia. ] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1882,x, 165; 185;205. — Konni-z (G.E.) Pneumonia tubercula vetusta et recentia pulmonum et intestinorum. In his: *Diss. sisteushistoriassynopticas [etc.], 8°, Pragae, 1839. 7-11. — Larhazr. Pneumonie; terminaison par gangrene; mort. Union in6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1856, i, 184.— Laget ( E. ) Hydro-pneumo-thorax conse- cutif il une pneumonie- terminee par suppuration. Mar- seille m6d., 1869, vi, 51-53.—Lagout. Broncho-pneumo- nie herp6tique. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend. 1883-4, Par., 1884, xxxviii, 116-120.— Lancereanx (E.) De l'infection par produits septiques engeudr6s au sein de l'organisme, Apropos ele deux cas de pneunionie chro- nique avec foyers metastatiques elans plusieurs organes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1863, 3. s., xviii, 3; 27: 89; 139. Also, Reprint.—Lande. Pneumonie; thrombose; mort subite par embolie. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1871, v-vi, 153. — Landgraf. Ueber Kehl- koptaffectionen im Verlauf der fibriuiisen Pneumonie. Charite-Ann. 1885-6, Berl., 1887, xii, 244-247. — Jiang. Diagnos: Pneumonia bilateralis, stadio hepatisationis rubrae, cum delirio potatorum complicate. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1839, i, 315-318. — Langlet. Pneumonie droite; necrose du maxillaire. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 372-374. -----. Pneumonie; endo-p6ricardite suppuree; autopsie. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims (1876), 1877, xv, 133- 139. — Lapponi ( G. ) Pneumonite acuta apirettica in soggetto uremico. Raccoglitore med., F'orli, 1887, 5. s., iii, 7-17. — Laveran (A.) De la meningite comme com- plication de la pneumonie. Gaz. hebel. de med., Par., 1875, 2. s., xii, 723-725. A Iso, transl. [Abstr.]: Gior. el. r. Accad. di med. eli Torino, 1875, 3.S., xviii, 593-600.—Ii aw. Pleu- ropneumonia, pericarditis, and exopericarditis. Dublin M. Press, 1864, li, 214-216. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvii, 460-462. — Lebrecht. Eine aus vernach- lassigter Lungenentziindung entstandeue und geheilte Lungcnliihniung. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1821, i, 286-296.—Le Clerc (R.) Pleuro-pneumonie tuberculeuse; tentative de suicide; ouverture tie la pleivre; emphyse-me g6uCralis6, sans pneumothorax. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 612. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 424.— Legi-and (A.) Observation d'un cas d'einphysfeme. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 366. Also, transl: West. J. M. efe S., Louisville, 1855, [4.] s., iii, 27-33. — Legroux. Pleuro-pneumonie avec r6cidives; symptomes tie tievre tierce; angine ced6mateuse; autopsie. J. d. conn, med.- chir., Par., 1839-40, vii, [1. pt.], 93-96.—Lipini' (R.) Sur l'existenee de troubles vaso-moteurs des metnbres dans quelques affections lebriles et sp6cialement dans la pneu- monie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1867, Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, pt. 2. 133-147. — Lt'i-oux {('.) Pneunionie chez un alcoolie|ue, quelques jours apres signes d'epauchement pleuretique; ponction; h^mateniCse; mort par rupture d'une dilatation an6vrysmale dans la bionehe gauche. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 929.—Lesigne. Pneumonie, svpbilis, fievre intermittente sur un meme sujet. Annee ii'ieil., Caen, 1878-9, iv, 177-181.—Leudet (T.-E.) Des re- cidives de la pneumonie. Inhis: Clin, me-d. de l'Hotel- Dieu ele^ Ronen, 8°, Par., 1874, 598-606.—Lewis (J. Y.) Report of a case of double pneumonia followed by abscess of left lung, resulting in recovery. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1889, xx, 103. — Lcwiiiiion. Zur Casuistik der Cerebral-Pneumonie. Jahrb. f. Kiuderh., Leipz., 1872-3, n. F., vi, 306-312. —Leyden (E.) Ueber die Ausgiinge tier Pneumonie, iusbesondere die verzogerte Resolution. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi. 285; 304. —de Tiigt (J.) •CEdema pulmonum; peripneumonia notha. [4 cases.] In his: Observatioues epiaedam rnedicae, etc., 8°, Lugd.-Bat., 1844, 30-44.—Iiittle (J.) Caseof acute lobar pneumonia and chronic Bright's disease. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 384-388. Also : Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888, 3. s., lxxxvi, 143.—liivierato (P. E.) Sopra un caso di para- plegia in seguito a polmonite fibrinosa. Lavori el. Ist. di clin. med. tl. r. Univ. di Genova (1886-7), 1888, 228-241.— Lloyd (G. J.) A case of great desquamation ofthe skin after an attack of acute pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 329.—Lobcl. Pneumonia exulcerans abscessus ptilm. ingens; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wieu (1867), 1868, 248. — Lowcustamm. Pleuro-pneumonia dextra c peritonite abscende.ute sequeu- teque pyaemia. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, xi, 62. -----. Zur Pneumonia cerebralis. Ibid., 218.—Loomis (A. L.) Heart-clot in pneumonia. N. YorkM. J., 1879, xxix, 371-374.-----. Causes of death in acute pneumonia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 701-705.—Looten S: Depoorter. Pneumonie flbrineuse; p6ricardite chronique saus signes d'auscultation appreciates pendant la vie. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1876, xv, 108-112— Lorenzana (E. A.) In- termitente larvada eu el curso de una pneumonia. G6nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1884, xxx, 285.—Lorey (J. B.) Pnou- monie complicirt mit Delirium tremens; Heilung. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1864). 1867, viii, 23.—Luc (H.) Gangrene momi- fiante du pietl gauche survenue dans la convalesce-nce d'une pneumonie; atherorae de l'aorte; embolie de la fe- morale, infarctusdu rein gauche; albuminuric. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1880, lv, 252-256. Also: Progres med., Par.! 1880. viii, 996. -----. Note^ sur un cas d'hemiplegic gauche surveuu dans le cours d'uue pneumonic tlroite chez mm femme atteinte d'athCromasie diffuse. France med. Par 1884, i, 601-604. Also: Bull. Soe-. clin. de Par., 1884, viiij 63-66. — Lucas (W. B.) Pneumonia; malaria the proba- ble cause of the large mortality. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri St. Louis, 1888, 324-326.— Luigi (C.) Pneumonite- con delirium tremens e seguito da alcuno reflessioni generali sulla indicaziono del salasso nella pneumonite. caso com- municato dal D. Yeggetti. Bull. tl. sc. metl. tli Bologna, 1862, 4. s., xvii, 161-187.—liiiyckx. Piieumonite, nieuin gitc, emissions sanguines, frictions mereurielles; gul-iisem. Arch, de lamed, beige, Brux., 1843, xi, 43-40.—Mac Bride Case of pleuropneumonia, ending in thoracic absce-ss, opening externally: recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1872-a^ [4. s.]. v, 261. — McDowel (I?. G.) Cases and observa- tions illustrative of the connection between certain forms of pueumouia antl renal tlisease. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1856, xxi, 322-335.—i?I ader. Pneumonie, complicirt mit acuter Nephritis, im Lbsungsstadium Auftreten eitriger Menin- gitis; Tod. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 386. -----. Pneumouie mit itnge- wohulich langer Losung; gebessert. Ibid. (1881), 1H82, 342. -----. Pneumouie bilat. mit sehr langsamer Losung; Heilung. Ibid. (1886), 1887, 333. — Mahon (J.) Pneu- monia with complications. Indian Lancet, Lahore, 1861, iii, 179.—Mairet (A.) Folie tie la convalescence de la pneumonie. Montpel. m6d., 1887, 2. s., ix, 541-553. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1887, i, 595-598.—Majer. Intermittens nach Pneumonia. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1858, xxviii, 87. ----. Intermittens und Txphna nach Pneumonie. Ibid., 94-95. — Malhcrbe. litudes cliniques et anatomiques sur la formation des caillots ibina le systeme circulatoire, sous l'influence de la pueiunonie; caillots dans les sinus c6r6braux, dans les piieunionies compliqu6es de d61ire. J. de la sect, tie m6d. Soc. acr.il. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1843, xix, 121; 205.-Manzieri (G.) Sopra un caso singolare di febbre intermittente di proha- bile natura isterica consecutiva a pneumonite niigrante. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii, 542-550, 1 diag. — Miiia- gliano (E.) Bronco-polmonite acuta; edema; idroemicu; rash; cura idroterapica. In his: Note- di clin. med., 8°, Genova, 1880, 17-24. -----. Polmonite dell' apicesinist.ro; peiicardite essudativa. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 348. -----. Alcune complicazioni rare della polmonite fibrinosa. Riforma med., Napoli, 1886, ii, 598; 604. -----. Polmonite fibrinosa, trombosi della vena gin- gulare: sparteinae catfeina; ipertrofia del polmoue. Ibid., 1887, iii, 452. —Marchiafava (E.) Sopra due esiti rari tlella polmonite fibrinosa acuta. Riv. clin., Bologua, 1882, 3. s., ii, 439-454, 1 pi. Also: Bull. tl. r. Accad. meet di Roma, 1882, viii, 45-61.-----. Unnuovocasoil'iiidurimenlii pulmonale consecutivo alia pulmonite fibrinosa acuta, Ibid., 92-94. -----. Sopra una rara complicazione tlella polmonite crouposa. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 81. — Marion (H. C.) Pneumonia; pleurisy; pneuino- empyema; permanent opening for four months; recovery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1874, xc, 617-619. —Marsh (J. E.) Capillary bronchitis with lobular pneumonia. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6. vi, 506-511. — Martorelli. Storia tl' una bronchio-polmonia calcolosa. Gior. tl. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xv, 529-539. — Marly (J. A.) Perinettmonia simple y aguda del lado ile-reclio, combatida con las evacuaciones generally de sangre y el tartaro estiviado a altas dosis; complicacion con el delirio de los boi i-aches ; curacion con el vino de Bor- deaux. Bol. tie nied., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1846.3. s., i, 145-148.— Masini ((). ) Una rara complicanza della polmonite fibrinosa. Riforma med., Napoli, 1886, ii, 640.— Matheson (A.) Pneumonia complicated with remittent fever. Charleston M. J. efe Rev., 1848, ii, 152-154.— Maurer (J. S.) Pleuro-pneumonia; followed hy effusion in pleura empyaama, pleural fistula, and caries of rib. Med. Bull., Phila., 1881, iii, 105. — Maygrier. Pneu- monie caseeuse pseudo-lobaire tlu poumon droit; our l'avanee. el. sc Compt.-rend. 1881, Par., 1882, x, 845-8-19.—Sharp (J.) efe Thompson (J. H.) A case of pyaemia consecutive to pneumonia. Kansas City M. Rec,'1887, iv, 121-124— Shattuck (G. C.) Pneumonia fatal in eight days, without well-marked Byniptoms; hypertrophy of heart; disease of the kid- Pneiiinonia (Complications and sequelce of). neys. Boston M. efe S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 364. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61 ), 1862, iv, 164.— Skoda. Ueber Stuhlverstopfung bei Pneumouie. Alier Wieu. metl. Ztg., 1873, xviii, 518; 529— Smerdon (C. Wj Case- of peripneumonia, which terminated fatally in arteri- tis; with observations and dissections of oilier cases Med. efc Phys. J., Loud., 1821, xlvi, 529-535.—Mmolci-iM i Pleuropneumonia, Meningitis. Memorabilien Hcillu- 1862, vii, 129-136.—Snellen (Iv.) Pneumonia; giuigriena pulmonum: empyema; rib-resectie; erysipelas faciei; dood. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880, xxii| 651-654.—Sokoloefl (\ ) Sluch. fibrin, pnevmonii s osloj! nen. [Fibrinous pueunionia with many complications'] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxx, 112-115.—Mokor. Pne-ii- monie migrant!- infectieuse a forme double. I™ mani- festation a droite: pneumonie flbrineuse. IP manifesta- tion k gauche: pneunio-typhus, crachatscouleur de rouille coutenant des pneumococcus; gu6rison. Hull. Soc. tl. 11161I. et uat. de Jassy, 1887, i, 49-61.—Spehl. Pneunionie droite pass6e a re-solution ; pneumouie gauche oonsoeu- tive; peiicardite purulente ; autopsie. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1879, 209-216. Also: Presse m6d. boh'e, Brux., 1878-9, xxxi, 225-227 —Speranza (0.) Polmomte terminata in gangrena. Rac. di op med. mod. ital.. Uu logna, 1827, v. 251-257.—Spillmaun (P.) (C. C.) * De jieripneumouia febris symp- tomate. 4°. Lipsiw, 1797. Perlia (R.) * Ficberlose Pneumonie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1882. Pe)STEL (A.-J.-D.-A.) * Essai sur les signes fliagnostiques ele la peripneumonie et tie la phthisie pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1824. Reichel (J.) * Physikalische Diagnostik der Pneumonic. 8°. Miinchen, 1861. Riesell ( A. ) * Untersuchungen iiber den Stickstofi'umsatz in einem Falle von Pneumonie. 8°. Leipzig, [1809]. Roche (L.) * De la crise et eles sympt6nies critiques dc la fievre pueuniouique. 41-'. Paris, 1881. ReicHER (J.-C.) * Parallele tlilT6rentiel eutre la pneumonie franche et la bronchio-pneumonie chez les enfants. 4~. Le Mans, 1875. von Schrotter (L.) Ueber die Tempera- tursverhiiltnisse bei eler crouposen Pneumonie. 8?. Wien, [1868]. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1868, lviii. Valentin (M.) * Essai sur le pronostic des pneumonies lobaires. 4°. Nancy, 1879. Vitoux (A.) * Du son tympanique et du rale crepitant tlans la pneunionie. 4°. Nancy, 1887. Also [Abstr.], in: Rev. nnSd. de Test, Nancy, 1887, xix, 601-603. Vulpian (A.) Pleuro-pneumonie; heSmopty- sics aboutlantes aut6rieures; guerison rapide^ absence ele signes ele tuberculose. In his: Clin. m6d. tie l'bop. de la Charit6. 8°. Paris, 1879. 360-364. Wintrich (M. A.) Ueber die Verwantllnng eler physikalischen Zeichen bei tier crouposen lobiircn Lungenentziindung. H . Erlangen, 1843. Abbot. Pneumonia without expectoration. Boston M. A. S. J., 1866-7, lxxv, 425.—Addison. Observations on the diagnosis of pneumonia. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, 57-67.—Algei-i (G.) Sopra un caso di pneumo- nite acuta in un' alieuata con abbassamento uotevole della temperatnra. Arch. ital. per le mai. nerv., Milano, 1885, xxii, 158-469, 1 diag.—Auntie. Sphygmographic charac- ters of the pulse in very mild uncomplicated pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 485.—Armaingaud. Courbes tbermographiques de pneumonies. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1871, xvi, 188-202, 6 diag. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. tie metl. de Bordeaux (1871), 1872, 38-54, 6 diag.—Aapland (A.) Pneumonia liable to be mistaken for fever. Lond. M. Gaz., 1837, xx. 553.—Aubtr (A.) La fiebre pneum6nica. An. de cien. m6d., Madrid, 1877, iv, 225,- 253; 287.—Baelz (E.) Das Nervensystem bei fibrinoser Pneumonic Mitth. a. tl. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio, 1887-8, i, 185-199.—Baeumler (C.) Ueber das Auftiele-n und elie- Bedeutung des tympanitischen Per- cussions-Schalles in tier Pneumonie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1865-6, 1, 145-174.—Banks (J. T.) Pneumonia iu which a musical bruit was heard in the subclavian and earotiel arteries. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1851, xii, 77-80.—Bardenhewer (E.) Ueber das Verhalten des Pulses hei der krouposen Pneumonie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877. xiv, 597-600.—Bartholon (R.) "The chlorides" iu pneumonia. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1864, vii, 523-526. — Baudelocque. Pneumonie lobaire de la partie sup6rieure du poumon gauche, simu- lant une affection c6rebrale; mort au bout de 48 heures. Clin. d. hop. d. enfauts, Par., 1842, ii, 97-103.—Belugou (A.) De la valeur pronostique du pouls en egard a celle de la temperature dans quelques terminaisons de la pneu- monie. Montpel. med., 1878, xl, 214-226.—Bennett (J. H.) Absence of chlorides from the urine, diagnostic of the on- ward progress of pneumonia; critical diarrhoea in that disease. Month. J. M. Sc, Loud, et Edinb., 1854, xix, 481-484 —Beruheiui. Du son tympanique dans la pneumonie. Union m6d., Par., 1886. 3. s., xiii, 541-545. Also : Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii. 616-618.— Betz (F.) Die Palpation als diaguostisches Mittel j bei Eutziindungeu der Lungeuspitzen. Memorabilien, | Pneiiinonia (Diagnosis and semeiology of). Heilbr., 1884, n. F., iv, 20.—Biegnriski (W.) O roko- waniu w zapaleniu pluc wloknikuwein. [Prognosis of croupous pneumonia.] Medvcyna, Warszawa, 1886, xiv 505; 551; 567; 588.—Bohme (A.) Ueber Sputa in der cruposen Pneumonie. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1808 xx 197; 209; 225.— Boling (W. M.) Account of a physical sign of pneumonia of the apex of the lungs. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1847, u. s., xiv, 125: 1848. n. s., xvi, 509. -----. New symptoms of pneumonia. Ibid., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 278.—Bouchard. Sur le frisson dela pneunionie. Prance me-d.. Par., 1879, xxvi, 404 Also: Bull. Soc. clin. ele- Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 72— Brneu (E. T.) Pueumouia with unusual phvsical signs. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 25H. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 80.—[C:nM'».j A case of pneumonia, accompanied bv transient albuminu- ria. Buffalo M. J., 1852-3, viii, 613-618.—De la rougeur des pommettes comme signe d'inflaramation pulmouaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 217.—Vocal fremitus in cases of solidification of lung, and the delineation of the inter- lobar fissure on the chest by percussion in lobar pneu- monitis. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz., 1858-9, v, 757.— Two cases of pneumonia with almost no elevation of tem- perature. Ciucin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1878, i, 269-271.— Clemen* (A.) Pleuropneumouie mit ungewohnlichcr Krise. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 344.—Countable (J.) Case of persistent and alarming hiccough in pneu monia. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 264.—t'orivenud. Note sur un cas de pneumonie aigue a courbe thermique para- doxale. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 285.—C'roe-e (R.) Ein Beitrag zur Defervescenz der croupiiseu Pneu- monie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 554-570.—Baly(F. H.) Caseof acute pneiiinonia with unusually high temperature: recovery. Bril. M. J., Lond.. 1880, i, 968.—Bentonine [etal.]. Anomalie-elans les signes et les symptAmes tie la pneumonie. Se>c. el. se-. m£d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1864, xviii, 16-21.—1>ill- mar. Du souffle metallique dans la pneumonie. Bull. Soc. med. du Haut-Rhin, Strasb., 1861-4, ii, 224-226.- Dramche. Ueber das Verhalten und tlie proguostisclie Bedeutung des Herpes bei der Lungen-Entziiudung. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1859, v, 827-829.- Duckworth (D.) On the prognostic value of herpes labialis iu pneiiinonia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 187:i, xv, 23-26.—Duniaz. Observation de pneumonie aigue droite; abscence de rftlea crepitants et d'expectoratiou color6e. Bull. Soc. m6d. de Chatnb6ry. 1874, 73-75.— Duncnn (J. F.) Apparent phthisis; real pneumonia; diagnosis; inconsistent but successful treatment. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xx, 21-24.—Butcher (A. P.) General symptoms and physical signs of pneumonia. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864, n. s., xi, 349-351.—Byes. Se-lieiu- toel, durch Lungenentziindung herbeigefiihrt. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1866, iii, 29-31.— EphraiiiiMohn. Ueber die Volumen-Zunahmedes Tho- rax in der Lungenentziindung. Deutsche Klinik, ileil., 1857, ix, 71.—Eskridge (J. T.) Some cases of pneumo- nia in the adult simulating meningitis. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 326. Also.- Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1883, iv, 33- 35.—Errard (E.) Des Eruptions miliaires et scarlatini- formes dans l'etat puerperal et dans la pneunionie. J. de nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1880, li, 307-313.—dc la Fano«a (E. P.) Sintomas biliosos en la pulmonia. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1881, vii, 229; 314: 333; 361.—Fearnsidc (H.) On the occurrence of expansion ofthe chest in the coutse of pneumonia, with some remarks upou the relative frequency of inflammation of different parts of the lungs. Metl. Times efe Ga/... Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 338-340. -----. On the earliest phvsical signs of pueunionia. Ibid., 1866, i, 89.— Fienninger (C.) De la valeur pronostique du pouls et tie la temperature tlans la pneumonie. Lyon med., 1889, lx. 583; 634. — Flint (A.) Pneumonia; physical examination of pulmonary cavities. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1*61, ii, 222- 224.— Fraenktl (A.) Drei Fiille von Pneumonie mitepi- kritischer Harnstoffausscheidung. Charite-Ann. 1875, Berl., 1877, ii, 320-332.—CJarcin (C.) Quelques considera- tions k propos de la tempera t ore te.brile dans la pneumonii'. Marseille med., 1876, xiii, 654: 1877, xiv, 13; 92; 267; 406; 462; 525. — Oeinnler ( H. T. ) Ueber die proguostisclie Bedeutung des Herpes bei der Pneunionie. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1861, ii, 115-138. — de-Oiovanni (A.)^ Osserva- zioni cliniche sul cuore nella pneumonite. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 201; 209.—lira ven (R. J.) Bruit de soufflet and throbbing of the chest iu in- flammation of the lungs. Dublin J. M.efeChem.Se., 18:S4-5, vi, 51-55. — Crrhant (N.) Sur les variations produitea dans l'exhalation de l'acide carbonique par l'inflammation tie la muqueuse pulmonaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. a., ii, 309. — Grinmhaw (T. W.) Thermometric observations ou pneumonia. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvii, 335-354. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1869, i.264.—Gabler. Concretionsramifi6estibrim-usestrouv6ea dans les crachats des malades atteiuts de pueumouie lo- baire. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1855, Par., 1856,2. s., ii, ]>t. 1, 61— Gubler (A.) Dela rougeur des pommettes comine sigued'iuflammatiou pulmonaire. Frauccmtid., Par., 1857, PNEUMONIA. 427 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Diagnosis and semeiology iv 162; 170; 179; 19L—Guiterns (J.) Pneumonia of the apex, with unusual physical signs. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8 viii 235.—Hafffer. Zur Prognose tier Pneumouie. Cnr.-lil. f.' schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1876, vi, 222-225.— Iliiiily. Des signes k l'aide desquels on peut tliagnos- tiquer le passage tie la pneumonie de la secoutle a la troi- sieine periode. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 953.—Hnuff. ilnerewolinliehe ('risen der Pneumonie. Med. Convers.- Bl.rHildburgh., 1832, iii, 405-407.— Hoppe (F.) Ueher tlie Stimmvibratioiien ties 'thorax bei Pneunionie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1854, viii, 250-259. — Horn (E.) Neuere Beobachtungen iiber ecbte und uervose Lungen- eutziinilungen. Arch 1. metl. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, i. :ui- 348.—Huff (W. J.) Suddeu fall of temperature iu a case of pneumonia. Physician efe tSurg , Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii, 225.—Imberl-Oourbeyre ( A.) Note sur le vo- missement daus la pneumonic, consider^ sous le rapport tlu diagnostic et du prognostic. Gaz. med. de Par., 1854, 3. a., ix, 610-612.—Jackson (F. W.) The significance of the crepitant rale. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 501. — von Jaksch (R.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Spiralen in den Sputis von Pneumonikern. Ceutralbl.f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1883, iv, 497. — Jenner (J. E.) Lobar pneumonia simu- lating meningitis. Cauad. Pract., Toronto, 1885, x, 39-43.— Johnntou ( H. M. ) Case of expectoration of tubular lymph casts of trunks of the bronchial tubes with their ramifications, expectorated bv a patient suffering nniler a combination of pneumonia and bronchitis. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi, 248.—Johnston (T.G.) Acute pueu- mouia unattended by cough or expectoration. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870-71, vii, 155. — Joussct. Des crises et des jours critiques dans la pneumonie. J. d. conn, med.- chir., Par., 1848, xxxi, 49; 91. — Jiirgensen. Ueber genuine Pneunionie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1884, xix, 518. — K u in*. Observation dune pneumonii: qui a pt-6sent6 les signessteHioscopiques plusieurs hemes avant les autres symptomes locaux. Ann. Soc. de med. d'An- vers, 1864, xxv, 471-474. —I.amaestre. Dequelquea phe- nomenes svmpathiques dans la pneumonie. Union med., Par., 1857, xi, 391; 395.—Lauggaard (C.) Studier over den krupose Pneumoni,s;eiligt over Hjernesymptomerneog deres Aarsager. [Rev. byE. Israel.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1885, 3. R., iii, 737-748.—de l.ntour (R.) Du diagnostic t-tiologique de la pneunionie au moyen de la mensuration thermique; deeluctious therapeutiques; observations cliui- ques. Union med., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxvi, 633; 669; 726.— liebert. Ueber die Veriinderungen tier Korperwaimein tier primitiven, acuten Pneumonie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1872, ix, 1-65. — Ijemoiue (G.) Con- tribution a. l'etude des temptiratures basses daus la pneu- nionie. Province med., Lyon, 1887, ii, 646-649.—Lepiue (R.) Sur la toxicite des urines chez les piicuuioniqucs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 301. — l.ie- geom. A propos d'un cas ele pneunionie tranche- sans ex- pectoration depuis led6butde la maladie jusqu'a. la resolu- tion complete. Mouvement mod., Par., 1878, xvi, 94-97.— Ijoeweuhard. Ueber tlie patbognomonisehen Zeichen der Krankheiten und zunachst iiber tlie der Lungenent- ziindung. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, lxx, 6. St., 3-47: lxxi, 1. St., 51-90.—iVIackey (E.) Case of broncho-pneu- monia with high temperatures, lowered by warm bathing. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 617. - UlciXeil ('T. K. ) Pleuro- pneumonia, with persistent hiccough. X. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1866-7, xix, 625. — 1TIandern (II.) Prognostic value of herpes labialis in pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 502.— Marrotte. De la fievre synoque peiipiieiiuionique. Arch. gen. detu6d.. Par., 1855, ii, 1; 160 — tlarnhall (W. S.) High temperature iu acute pneumonia: 105° to 110° F.; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii. 185.—IVIastroviti (B.) Singulto nella pneumonite empale. Med. contcinp., Napoli, 1885, ii, 514-525.—Mazzotti (L.) Un caso di pneu- monite acuta fibrinosa senza febbre. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1882, 6. s., x, 147-150. Also.- Gazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 18-2, 8. s., iv, 475.—Metcalfe (J. T.) Caseof mi- liary tubercle and pneumonia; absence of cough and pain in an unusual degree. N. York M. Times, 1851-2. i, 264-266.— Melzquer (E.) Existe-t-il des signes a l'aide desquels on pent diagnostiquer le passage de la pneumonie de la se- conde k hi troisieme periode? Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 885.—Million. Sur l'importance diagnostique et pro- gnostique d'un rale special dans la pleuro-pneumonie aiguii. Ann. Soc, de med. tie St.-Etieuneet de la Loire (1872-5), 1876, v, 630-644.—lHonti (L.) L' orina nella pneumonite; ricerche semeiottiche. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1863,2. s., xxi, 161; 448. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1863, 5. s., ii, 49: 57.—lHulrenny (J.) Hiccup as a symptom of pleuritis and pleuro-pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1854, i, 332.—Pal (J.) Zur Kenntniss tier subaku- teniiitei-stitiellen Pneumonie. Wien. med. Wchuschr., 1888, xxxviii, 9; 42. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu. 1888, xxiii, 471; 484—Parkes (E. A.) Case of acute sthenic pneumonia left without treatment; observations on the temperature of the body, and on the urinary excretion. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., I860, i, 184-187.'—Pepper (W.) Remarks on scrofulous inflammation of the lung Pneiiinonia (Diagnosis and semeiology of). and pulmonary condensation, particularly in reference to the occasional similarity of the accompanying physi- cal signs to those of tubercular phthisis. Am. ,f. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. a., xxiii, 299-313. — Picchini (L.) Sul valore diagnostico e pronostico delle artropatie nella pleuro-pneumonite. Ateneo med. parmense. Parma, 1888, ii, 175-198. — Potain. Le diagnostic ditferentiel de la broncho-pneuniouie et de la pneumonie congestive. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1887. i. 609. Also: Gaz. m6d. dePicarelie, Amiens, 1888, vi, 5-7.—Puteguat. Considerations cliniques sur le diagnostic de la pneumonie ataxique. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1851, xii, 131-135.—Bnpisardi (O.) Cenni sul metodo diagnostico e hrevi considerazioni su alcuni casi tli pulmonite. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 120-125.—Bedard (P.) Tempe- rature de la peau du thorax k l'etat physiologique et tlans la pneumouie et la pleuresie aigues; recherches avec les appareils thermo-electriques. Compt. rentl. Soc. tie biol. 1880, Par., 1881,7. s„ ii, 300-302. Also: Gaz. metl. de Par., 1880, 6. s.. ii, 574. — Bedtenbacher (W.) Beob- achtungen am Harne bei Lungenentziindungen. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1850, i, 373-378.— Benaut. Diagnostic de la fausse pneumonie franche tu- berculeuse. Province nied., Lyon, 1887, ii, 373-379.—Be- yes (A. \V.) Pneumonia catarral; puntos neumonicoa repedidos; setenta iliaa de fiebre: vacilacion eu el diagnos- tico ; principio brusco, simulanelo una angina ; curacion completa. tjron. nie-d.-quir. de la Habana. 1884, x, 516; 548. — Beynaud. Note sur l'herpes labialis elans la pneumonie franche des enfants. Loire med., St.-Etieuue, 1885, iv, 284-289.—Beynolds (E. S.) Fibrinous bronchia] casts in the sputum of acute croupous pneumonia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1889, ii, 997.—Boger (G.-H.) ^ 4;nnine (L.) Toxicite- de l'urine tlans Ia pneumonie. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1889, ix, 346; 403. Also [Abstr.): Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1889, lxii, 656. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rentl. Sue-, de biol., Par., 1889, 9. a., i. 257-260.-----------. Les matieres ex- tractives et la toxicity tie l'urine dans la pneumonie. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 328.—Boss (J. P.) On the respiratory function in pneumonia: report of cases. ChicagoM. J., 1866, xxiii, 109-113.—Bouxeau. Pneumonie de la base du poumon droit; difficult e- eiuepre- sente parfois le diagnostic de cette maladie. J. ele la sect. tie tu6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1849, xxv, 218-232.— Builenko (T. I.) O sostoj. kolien. refleks. pri tifach i krupoz. pneumonii. [The knee phenomenon in typhoid and croupous pneumonia.] Ejeneel. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 240; 260; 278; 311.—Snenger (A.) Ueber die Fibringerinusel uud Curschmann'scheu Spiralen im Spu- tum tier Pneumouiker. Festschr. z. Eroffn. tl. n. allg. Krankenh. zu Hamb.-Eppeudorf, Hamb., 1889, 160-171.— Male (R. A.) A case of chronic aud latent pleuro-pneu- monia, in which nearly all the functional signs were ab- sent. Med. Exam., Phila., 1841, iv, 501.—Scheube (P..) Die Harnsaureausscheidung und Sedimentbildung bei cronposer Pneunionie. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 185-207. Also, in: [Wunderlich (Schiiler von). Gra- tulationsschrift], 8°, Leipz., [1876], 179-201. — Schiitz. Die Prognose bei der Pneumonie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1874, i, 247; 255.—Schuyler (\V. D.) The prognosis of acute lobar pneumonia. X. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 206; 541; 709: xlvi, 72; 178.—Schwartz (E.) Diegefiihrlichen Symptomeder crouptisen Pneumonie und deren Behandlung. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1865, xii, 47.—Sibergumli. Die Verscbiedenheit zwischen Pneu- monia uud Pleuritis acuta, nach ihren ortlichen, iitiologi- scheu uud therapeutischen Verhiiltnisseu; als Grundlage fiir die richtigere Bestimmuug und Beschrankung des Ge- brauches des Brechweinsteins, in grossen Gabeu, gegen ent- ziindliche Brustaffektioneu. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. .Meel. u. Chir., Hamm, 1825, ix, 3. St., 47-127. — Silvenlrini (G.) Alcune considerazioni sul decorso della febbre nella pneu- monite acuta cruposa. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1883, 3. .«., iii, 298-309, 9 diag. — Skoda. Ueber Prognose bei Pneu- monie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1862, vii, 336-338. -----. Zur Diagnostik tier Pneumonie. Ibid., 386; 393. Also: Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1863, viii, 36-40.-----. Diflerential- Diagnose zwischen Pneumonie und Tuberculose. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1862, vii, 402. -----. Die Schwere der Pneu monie im Beginne beurtheilt. Ibid., 1863, viii, 297.— Smith (L.) Pneumonia; its distinction from collapse of lung. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866-7, i, 363. — Smith ( W.) Peculiarity in the urine of acute pneumonia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, lxxiii, 227-229.-Sturges (O.) Clinical lect- ure on the diagnosis of lung inflammations. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 339; 373. — Syern ( IL W.) Five cases of pneumonia without physical signs of lung consolidation. Westminst. Hosp. Rep'., Loud., 1886, ii, 177-181— Symp- p.on (E. M.) The diagnosis of acute pneumonia. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1889, xliii, 9-12. — Theile. Pneumonia spuria. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 192. — Thomas (J. C.) Pneumonia presenting unusual symptoms. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 173.—Thomas (L.) Ueber die Teinperaturverhaltnisse bei croupdser Pneumonie. Arch. el. Heilk., Leipz., 1864, v, 30-56, 3 tab. -----. Ueber PNEUMONIA. 42! Pneiiinonia (Diagnosis and semeiology of). die Lehre von den kritischen Tagen in der crouposen Pneumonie. Ibid., 1865, vi, 118-135, 1 tab. ——-. Ein Fall von Abortiv-Pneumonie mit Herpes analis. Memora- bilien, Heilbr., 1874, xix, 401-405. — Traube (L.) Linke Lunge in ihrer ganzen Ausdehnung grau hepatisirt; fi- brino - se roses Exsudat im Pericardium ; Bemerkungen iiber den balbmondformigen Raum und iiber den Vocalfre- mitus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1868, v, 509. -----. Von der abnornien Respiiations-Frequenz und deren Bedingun- gen bei crouposer Pneumonie. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, ii, pt. 1, 53-96. -----. Pneumonia dextra superior von ungewohnlich kurzer Dauer; wah- rend der Pneumonie trotz holier Temperatur niedrige Pnlafrequenz; wahrscheinlicher Gruntl elieses Contrastes. CbariteAnn. 1874, Berl., 1875, i, 250-252. -----. Pleuro- pneumonie durch iibermassige Anstrengung des Respira- tions-Apparates und nachfolgenele starke Abkiihlung des- selben entstanden. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878. iii, 141-143. -----. Ein Fall von Pneumonia dextra inferior, bei welchem am vierten Tage der Krank- heit trotz volligen Mangels von Fieber tlie Expectoration exquisit ziegelfarbiger Sputabeobachtet wirtl. Ibid., 281. -----. Ein Fall von Pneumonie, ausgezeichnet durch abnorm hohe Pulsfrequeuz, bei einem 72jahrigen Greise. Ibid., 300-302. -----. Rechtsseitige chronische Pneu- monie mit ubelriechendem dreischichtigen Auswurfe, in welchem keine Pfrdpfe zu ffndeu sind. Ibid., 409-411.— Trousseau. Des difficulty du diagnostic dans certains eas de pneumouie. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 469. — Tyson (W. J.) A case of pneumonia, with remarks on the physical signs of the tlisease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii,' 1015. Also: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881, xiv, 97- 100. — Valentin ( M.) Contribution a l'etude de la dou- leur de cot6 dans la pneumonie lobaire. Rev. m6tl. tie Test, Nancy, 1880, xii, 513-522.—Van Oye (R.) Note sur un caractere sp6cial de l'urine dans la pneumonie. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1859-60, x, 81-86. Also: Ann. Soe-. med.-chir. de Brugea, 1858, 2. a., vi, 373-379. — Vergoly. Du bruit tie pot fele dans la pneumonie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de nie-d. et chir. de Bor- deaux, 1875, 65-77.—Wagner (E.) Beitrag zur Kenutnisa der subacuteu und chronischen Pneumonien. Deutsches Arch. 1. klin. Med., Leipz., 1881!, xxxiii, 441-469. -----. Zur Kenntniss tier Pneumonie. Ibid., 1887-8, xiii, 405- 414. — Weber ( F. ) Auswurf eines bedeutenden, baum- artig verastelten f'aserstoftigen Exsudates bei Pneumo- nie. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1848, xiii, 536-538. — 'Will- iams (T.) On the uncertainty of the sputum as a eliag- nostic feature in pueumouia. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 224- 226. — Winsey ( XV.) A case of pueunionia. with pro- longed high temperature. Maryland M. ,(., Bait., 1888, xix, 241-243.— Wuu. Toulouse, 1870. Frieul.-ender (C.) Experiments nonnulla tie pneumonia histologica, atltli lis oliscrviitiiiiii bus tie normali pulmonuiii cpithelio. 8°. Httlis Sax., [1872]. -----. Tlie same. Untersticlinngen iiber Lungenentziiuelung, nebst Bcincrkungen iiber tlas Lungencpithel. 8 . Berlin, 1873. Gpexther (H. F. ) *De pneumonia hypo- statica. 8°. Lipsice, 1847. Hamilton (D. J.) On the pathology of bron- chitis, catarrhal pnetuuouia, tubercle, antl allied lesions of the human lung. 8°. London, 1883. Massalonho (R.) Patolugia tlella pneumonite acuta, etiologia, patogenesi, sintomi, conipliea- zioni, esiti e forme, con prefazione del. . . Achille de Giovanni. 8C. Verona, 1888. Naudin (L.-S.-E.) *I. Des differences entre le sang huniain a l'6tat normal et le sang ties in- dividua atteints tie pneumonie. II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1841. Planten (H. J.) *De desquamatieve pneu- monie. 8°. Utrecht, [1875]. Sorel (F.) * Considerations sur l'infl.anima- tion tuberculoide du poumon chez l'adulte. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866. Voznesenski ( M. ) *K patologicheskoi ana- tomii krupoznago vospalenija legkich. (Gisto- logicheskoe izsliedovanie.) [Pathological anat- omy of croupous pneumonia. Histological re- searches.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1883. Aldriilge. Fever followed by pneumonia, with an absence of the usual microscopical characters ofthe latter disease. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, ix, 196.—Allen (H.) [Svnopsis of autopsies; 21 cases. | Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1865, n. s.. xlix. 140. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-6). 1867, ii, 167.—Bnchfelil (R.) Ein Fall von crou- poser Pneumouie; einfache oder mehrfache Infection'! Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 17; 25.—Barth. Pneunionie; expectoration sero-albu- mineuse; epanchement pleuretitnie; autopsie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 261.—lie Bnrthez (E.) Communica- tion sur quelques points tie l'anatoinie pathologique tie la pneumonie. Actes Soc. nied. tl. hop. de Par., 1852, ii, 133- 153. Also [Abstr., with discussion]: Unionm6d., Par., 1X51, v, 473; 607. A Iso [ A bstr.]: Bull. Soc. nied. d. hop. de Par. (1849-52), 1861, i, 229-236. [Discussion], 264-267.— Bayer (O.) Ueber die Versuche, croupose Entziindungen tier Respiratiousorgaue kiinstlich zu erzeugen, und iiber die Specintat diestir Processe tiberbaupt. Arch. el. Heilk., Leipz., 1868, ix. 85-96.—Beechini (S.) Sulla natura della pneumonite cruposa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, Iiii, 596-609.—Berne (J.) Pneumonic massive. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par.. 1879, liv, 273-275.—Bclz (F.) Ueber graue und rothe Hepatisation. .Tenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Metl., 1851, ii, 98-107.—Bollinger (O.) Zur Kenntniss derdesquamativenundkasigenPneumouie. Aieh.f.exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1873, i, 376-380.—Brown (15.) The nature and action of the causes of tlysputea in pneu- monia, otherwise than hepatization, and their specific treatmeut. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1880-81, vii, 173-184.—Bndd. Pneumonia; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 96.—C'n merer. Krankheits'- und Sektionsge- schichten zweier Falle von Pneumonia gangrenosa und centralis. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1859, xxix, 41-43.—4'nmnenoii. Pneumonie casee-use lobaire. Bull. Soc. anat. tic Par., 1869, xliv, 495-198.— CaiiHli (L.) & /ampettai (E.) Sulla pneumonite cru- pale acuta; studio sperimentale. Riv. clin., Bologna. 1884, 3. s., iv, 40-52.—C'nlon (R.) Remarks on the pathology of pneumonia and pleuro-pneumonia; with notes on eighty- five cases. Lancet, Loud., 1884, ii, 135-138. Also: Liver- pool M.-Chir. J.. 1884, iv, 376-391.—Chamber* (J. W.) The etiologv and pathology of croupous pneumonia. Med. Chron., Bait, 1883-4, ii, 117-121.—Chiatovitch (X.) K PNEUMONIA. 429 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). vopr. ob azot. metamorfoze pri krupoz.pneumonii. [Nitro- genous metamorphosis in croupous pneumonia.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 384-392.—Cook (E. P.) Is croupous pneumonia a local disease, or a general zy- motic fever? Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1882, xxxii, 243-252. — Cornil (V.) Anatomic pathologique des tli- verses esp6ces tie pneumonie aigue ou chronique. (iaz. d. h6p. Par., 1865, xxxviii, 426; 430. A Iso: Rec. d. trav. Soc. metl. d'obs. de Par., 1865-6, 2. s., i, 95-116—Cox (vV. H.) Expeiiineuteelebijilrage tot tie pathologische anatomie der longontsteking. Feesthundel a. F. C. Doudei s, etc., Amst., 1888 529-546, 4 pi. Also, transl.: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, v, 401-416, 2 pi.—Cutler (S. S.) Ill ness and autopsy of Dr. J. H. Beech. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1878, i, 231.—Da Costa (J.) An inquiry into the pathological anatomy of acute pneumonia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. '1855, n. s., xxx, 295-311, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— Dclnlicld (F.) The pathology ot broncho-pneumonia. Huston M. efc S. J., 1884, cxi. 484-487. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv, 534-537. [Discussion], 552-554. — Del- barrc. Pneumonie cast§euse: dissection des brunches et ties vaisseaux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 151-153.— De Vincentiis (V.) Nota clinica sulla natura unica tlella pubnonite. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 610-618.— Dorset (J. S.) Is lobar pneumonia an essential fever! Gaillard's M. J. N., Y., 1886, xiii, 246-248. — Dreschfeld (J.) Experimental researches on the pathology of pneu- monia. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i. 47^49. — Dnplny (A.) Pneumouie droite, h6patisation grise: ramollissement par- ticulier du parenchyme pulnionaire. Arch. g6u. de metl., Par., 1833, 2. s., i," 161-163.—Ellis (C.) The action of causes of depression in the production of structural change; the pathological anatomy of pneumonia. Boston M. efe S. J., 1865, Ixxii, 229. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v (app.), 182-184. —Fernet (C.) De la pneu- nionie aigue et de la u6vrite du pneumogastrique; patho- genie de la pneumonie. France ni6d., Par., 1878, xxv, 173 ; 181. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1878). 1879, ii, 56-70. [Dis- cussion], 89-92.— Firket (C.) Etude auatomique de l'in- fection pneumonique. Ann. Soe. med.-chir. tie Lie.ge, 1883, xxii, 192; 237.— Flint (A.) Pneumonic fever; grounds for considering acute pneumonia an essential fever, antl not purely a local inflammation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 433-435. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1877,138-147.— Forget. Note sur la pneunionie flbrineuse. Union m6d., Par., 1858, xii, 210. — Fricdlitiiilei- (C.) Experimental- unteisuchungen iiber chronische Pneumonie und Lungen- schwindsucht. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1876, lxviii, 325-363, 1 pi.—Fuchs (C. H.) tl [Section.] Inhis: Ber. ii. tl. metl. Klin, zu Gotting. 1853-4, 8°, 1855, 74-87.— FunmcII (M. H.) Specimens from a case of pueunionia. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila, (1883-5), 1886, xii, 197- 199. — Ga- baleia. [ Pneumonie aigui; et pneumonie chronique. ] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 261.— Gentilhomme. Pneumouie et tubercule. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1869, 42-52 —Green (T. H.) Interstitial pneumonia. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond., 1872, xxiii, 39-42. — Guiteras (J.) Pneu- monia of the apex, with unusual phvsical signs. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 79.— Hardy. De la nature lie la pneumonic Union m6d., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 1033-1038.—Hart (II. F.) Pneumonia. St. Louis Eclect. M. J., 1X76, iii. 271-275. — Hcidenreich. Pneumonie; tlieilweise- Hepatisation, thi-ilue-isi-s Emphysem der Lun- tti-n._ Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1842, 353-362.— Hciller (M) Klinischer Beitrag zu meinen histologi- bcIicii Stuelien iilicr genuine Pneumonie: Gehtdas genuine pueumonische Infiltrat die kasige Metamorphose ein? Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 905; 936.-----. Histologische Studien iiber genuine ciouptise Pneumonie. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1874, 249-256 —Heller (J. F.) Blut mit und ohne Galle-nfarbstoff ( Bilipbaien ) bei Pneumonien. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1844, i, 1-4.—Hen- derson (W.) On the anatomy of pneumonia. Lond. efe Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, 'i, 708-722, 1 pi. —Hoene (J.) Luszcza.ee zapaleuie pluc (pneumonia desquamativa). Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1875, xviii, 305; 321.—Hughes (H. M.) Analysis of fit'tv-four cadaveric inspections of fatal pneumonia. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1848,2. »., vi, 1-16.— Ilulinel (V.) ic Proust (L.) Etude sur la pneunionie dissequante. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1882, ii, 532-573.— Johnson (J.) Fatal case of pneumonic inflammation; with an account of the appearances on dissection. Lond. M. Reposit., 1827, 13.] s., v, 104-107. Koranyi (F.) efc Babes (V.) Adat a rostonyis tiidiilob k6rtanahoz. (Pathology of fibrinous pneumonia.] Orvosi hetil., Butla- pest, 1884, xxviii, 293; 349. Also, transl..- Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 389; 437. — Kiihn (A.) Zur Aetiologie unel patliologischen Anatomie endemischer Pneumonien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 552-554.— Lafaurif. Pneumonie de la totalite eiu poumon droit avec abces pulmonaire. [Rap. tie Martin.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1844, xix, 233-246. — Lnndouzy. De la nature dela pneumonie. Semainemed., Par., 1882, ii, 181.—Lan< iiois. Note sur un cas tie pneiimotyphoide, avec autopsie et examen histologique. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc. tl. sc. Pneiiinonia (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). med. de Lyon (1882), 1883, xxii, pt. 2, 177-184. — L.ebert (H.) De l'anatomie pathologique et de la pathogenie de la pneumonie tliss6minee et chronique et des tubercules pul- monaires. Gaz. med. de Par., 1867, xxii, 350; 386; 446.— liCbert (H.) efc Wyss ( O. ) Beitrage zur Experimental- Patlmlogieder heerdartigeu, umschriebenen, disseminirten Lungeuentziindung, sowie der Uebertragung tier soge- nannten Tuberkulose, anderer entziindlicher und ver- schiedener neoplastischer Produkte vom Menschen auf Thiere. (Nebst 45 Experimenten.] Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc.. Berl., 1867, xl, 142; 532. — l.eubuscher (R.) Mit- theilungen iiber Pneumonie, namentlich iiber tlie Bedeutung der rothen Hepatisation und eitrigen Infiltration. Deut- sche Klinik, Beil., 1855, vii. 526-530.—I.ery (E.) Beitrage zur Histologic tier kasigen Pneumonie. Arch. f. Heilk., Leipz., 1877, xviii, 142-158. — l.owe iiMniiun. Zur Kasuistik der Pneumonie. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1876, xi, 257; 422.— Lorey (J. B.) Recbtseitige Pneumo- nic; Section. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. tl. Metl.-Wes.. tl. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1857), 1859, i, 94.— ITJcGuire ( F. A. ) Acute croupous pneumonia; a local inflammatory affection only. Chicago M. Rev., 1882, v, 36-39. -----. Is pneumonia an acute specific fever? Metl. Standard. Chicago, 1887, ii, 166-168.—Maier (R.) Anato- mische Notizen zur Pneumonia scrofulosa lobularis uud miliaris. Inhis: Aus elem pathol.-anat. Inst, zu Freib., 8°, 1865, 7-20—lVIassalongo (R.) Contribution a l'etude experimentale de la pneumonie et de la broncho-pneumonie. Arch, tie physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1885, 3. s., vi,526-552.— lVloreheari (C.) Notes on the pathology of pneumonia and hepatitis. Proc. Roy. M. efc Chir. Soc. Lond. (1864-7), 1867, v, 175-178. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1869-70, xv, 1003-1010.— Nauwerck (('.) Giebt es eine genuine, lohare, tubercu- lose Desquamativpneumonie? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1883, ix, 261.—Osier (W.) Pneumonia of the up- per lobe ofthe right lung; extensive meningeal inflamma- tion. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep. (1877), 1878, i, 33. -----. Notes on the morbid anatomy of pneumonia. Can- ada M. &S. J., Montreal, 1884-5, xiii, 596-605. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 188-196. —Pain- poukes (P.) SKArjpeoeTis tou ttvcv/jlovos (spleno-pneunionia). ToA^i/os, 'AOrivai, 1883, I', 243.—Pnthology of pneumonia. Brit, & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1877, lix, 62-73.—Pep. per ( W.) Double pneumonitis. Med. Times, Phila., 1*71-2, ii, 216. —Piorry. M6moire sur la pneumonie hy- postatique. ou engoueiuent pulmonaire. Tr. m6d., Par., 1833, xi. 173; 297.—Popoff(J.) Experimente iiber Lun- genentziindung. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1871, 553-556.— Possy (E. A.) A caseof pneumonia in its third stage; post-mortem. West. J. M. efc S., Louisville, 1853, 3. s., xii, 395-399.—Prus. Notesurlesil-ge-delapneumonie. Rev. m6d. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1845, i, 478-496.—Ki'innk (R.) Pneumonie. In his: Diag. u. path. Untersuch., 8°, Berl., 1845, 19; 75; 137.—Benaut (J.) Note sur un cas tie pneumonie tuberculeuse lobaire il granulations fibreuses et eonfluentes. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1875, 1, 241-243.— Billiet & Barthez. Pneumonie lobulaire g6n6ralis6e au premier et au deuxieme degre; dilatation ties bronches en vacuoles. In their: Maladies ties enfans. Affections tie poitrine. Pt, 1. Pueumouie, 8°, Par., 1838, 208-224. Also, transl: Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona, 1840-41, viii, Hft. 3-4, 29-37.—Bobert (A.) Pneumonie d'allure batartle chez un syphilitique; lesions circonscrites de l'autre poumon (gommes?). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 138-141. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 733. -----. Pneumonie; hepatisation grise totale et uniforme tlu poumon droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 548- 550. Also: Programed., Par., 1881, ix, 344.—Kochonx (I. A.) L'epatizzazione della polmonite acuta studiata col microscopic Ateneo, Milano, 1846, i, 279-287.—Roki- tansky. Hepatisatio rubra et griseo-rubra totius fere pulmonis sinistii, et lobularis pulmonis dextri; pleuritis sinistra. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 150.—Schuyler (Wr. D.) The pathology of acute lobar pneumonia from a new standpoint, N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 123; 205; 231; 256; 377; 399; 485; 512; 594.—Shore (T. W.) Notes on the pathology of acute lobar pneumonia. Practitioner, Loud., 1886, xxxvi, 321-335.—Sotnitschewsky. Ueber die Zusamraensetzung des Lungengewebes bei croupbser Pneunionie, Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem , Strassb., 1880, iv, 217-221.—Sturges (O.) The pathology ofthe pneumonic lung. Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1873, li, 461-476. ---—. A note of the mode of production of crepitant rhou- chus. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 828-830.—Takaia (K.) tAutopsv of a case of pleuropneumonia.] Tokei Zasshi, Isaca, March 25, 1880.—Targioni (E.) Ricerche sulla natura della pneumonite cruposa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, Iiii, 158-164.—Tarkovski (I. V.) K patol. i etiol. flbriuoz. pnevmonii. Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1888, 53-132.— Thomayer (J.) Pneumouie desquamative. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., xvii, 483-485.—Thomson (W. H.) The elimination theory of pneumonia. Bull. N. York Acatl. M. (If62-6), 1866, ii, 532-542. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1866-7, i, 77-79.—Trasbot & Cornil (V.) Etude sur les alterations anatomiques de la pneumonie chez le PNEUMONIA. 430 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Pathology and pathological anatomy of). cheval et chez le chien, compares k celles de la pneumo- nic chez I'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1865, Par., 1866, 4. s., ii, 132-136.—Traube (L.) Zur Lehre von der hypostatischen Pneumonie. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 286.-----. Zur Lehre von der sero- sen Pneumonie. Ibid., 313-315.-----. Die haniorrhagische Pneumonie alter Leute fiihrt leicht zur Necrose des Lun- genparenchyms. Ibid., 319.—Tyndale (J. H.) Croup- ous pneumonia and its relation to pulmonary phthisis. Boston M. efc S. J., 1879, ci, 907-911. -----. The pathology of so-called "desquamative pneumonia". St. Louis Cour. Meel., 1880, iv, 317-323.—Tyson (J.) Lungs from acute catarrhal pneumonia with secondary miliary tuberculosis of the pleura. Phila. M. Times. 1873-4, iv, 651. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1874-5), 1876, v, 120-122.—Valenti y Vivo (I.) j Hasta qu6 punto es conocitla la fisiologia pa- tologica de la pulmonia aguda, primitiva, franca, y cuAl ea su naturaleza probable? Compilador med., Barcel., 1868-9, iv, 189-193.—Vanderpoel (S. O.) Suggestions relative to the pathology of pneumonia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Al- bany, 1865, 55-61. Also, Reprint.—Veraguth (C.) Ue- ber Veranderungen des Lungenepithels bei kunstlich her- vorgerufeuen pneumonischen Prozessen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1880, lxxxii, 238-260, 1 pi. Also, Re- print.—Waterhouse (J. S.) Physiology of the lungs, and pathology of pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1841, ii, 265- 267.—Waters (A. T. H.) Observations on the morbid anatomy, and early physical signs of pneumonia. Proc. Roy. M. efc Chir. 'Soc. Lond. (1864-7), 1867, v, 117-122.— Wedemeycr. Todtliche Lunsenentziiiiilung; in eler Leiehe tlie Erscheinungen einer vor liingerer Zeit hervor- ge-gangenen heftigen Herzentziindnng. Mag. f. d. ges. lie-ilk., Berl., 1825, xix, 269.—Weichselbauni (A.) Ue- ber Aetiologie und pathologische Anatomie der akuten Luugenentzundiiiinin. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 1301; 1339: 1367. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 775.—Willis. Case of pneumonia, with solid casts ofthe bronchial lubes. Tr.'Path. Soc. Lond., 1854-5, vi, 68-70.—Williams (T.) On the minutje pathology of pneiiinonia. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, i, 643. -----. On the pathology of pneumonia. Ibid., ii, 12-14.—Wislocki. t'zy zapalenie pluc. powodujace smierc, bylo nastepstweni obicia lub nie? [Was pneumonia the cause of tleath, or was it the result of maltreatment?] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1866, i, 341; 353.—Zehetmayer. Untersuchungen iiber Pneunionie und tuberculose Inlillration. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1845, i, 53-72.—Zimmer- man ■■ (G.) Zur pathologist-hen Physiologie der Pneu- monie. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1854, iv, 97-146. Pneiiinonia (Statistics of). See Pneumonia (Cases, etc., of). Pneiiinonia (Symptoms of). See Pneumonia (Diagnosis, etc., of). Pneiiinonia (Treatment of). See, also, Bloodletting. Alliot (F.-F.) An hyemali peripneumoniae vente sectio, gye/iovmov^ Resp. M. Sauvalle. 4°. [Paris, 1691.] Altmaxn (G.) *Die wichtigsten Kurmetho- den eler Pneunionie iu ihrem Zusammenliaug init den jeweils iiber das Wesen eler Pneumonie herrschenden medicinischen Anschanung. 8°. Strassburg, 1887. Alvarenga (P. F. da C.) Theories de Taction therapeutique du tartre stibi6 tlans la pneumo- nie. 8°. Lisbonne, 1881. See, also, infra. Aubin(C.-L.-F.) * Considerations sur le trai- temeut de la pneumonie observed au bagne de Toulon en 1872. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Balaman (L.) * Quelques consitlerations sur le traitemeut de la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1876. Bauaduc. * Essai critique sur le traitement de la pneumonie franche. 4°. Paris, 1874. Baumgartnkr (K. H.) Neue Behandlungs- ^vei8e der Lungenentziindung untl anderer Brustkrankheiten; nebst einer Darstellnng der Abortivmethode. 8°. Stuttgart, 187)0. Bennett (J. H.) The restorative treatment of pneumonia. 8°. Edinburgh, 1865. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1866. Blachet (C. J.) *De curatione pneumoniae simplicis. 8°, Lundce, 1842. Pneiiinonia (Treatment of). Bodin (L.) ' * Considerations sur l'emploi du tartre stibie a haute dose dans le traitement de la pneumonie aigue. 4 \ Paris, 1832. Bonamy (E.-P.) * Etude sur quelques-uus des effets des antimoniaux et ties alcooliques dans le traitement des phlegmasies du poumon. 4° Paris, 1869. Brault (L.) * Observations de pneumonies traitees par le tartrate de potasse et d'antimoine. 4°. Paris, 1827. Burghardt (C.) *De tartari emetici in pec- toris inflammationibus usu. 8■-'. Berolini, [1824]. Casanova (J.-B.) Considerations sur les principales methoeles employees dans le traite- ment ele la pneumouie. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Chanel (C.-F.-C.) * De la pneumonie, de ses diverses formes, et ein traitement ejui leur con- vient. 4°. Paris, 1827). Chaveriat (J.-M.) * Observations et rdfle- xions sur l'emploi du tartre stibie a hautes eloses daus le traitement de la pneumouie. 4°. Paris, 1833. Cogueuqniot ( C.) * Du traitement de la pneumonie par la digitale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1804. Coste (A.-J.) * Traitement de la pneunionie chez l'adulte. 4C. Paris, 1865. Czmuchalek (W. E.) Obscrvationes inedico- practicte virtutem tartari emetici, juxta metho- dum celeberrimi Peschier, in pneumouitide adhi- biti, demonstrates. 8°. Pragw, 1832. Dagneau-De-Jumigny (P.-I.) * Dissertation sur le traitement tie la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1828. Darnis (G.-J.-F.) * Traitement de la pneu- monic aignii. 4°. Paris, 1850. Dietl (J.) Der Aderlass in der Lungenent- ziindung. ft°. Wien, 1849. See, also, infra, Dreyer (A.), Malin (C. E. F.), & Miil- ler(C. J. C.). Dornaletche (F.-X. ) * Dissertation sur l'emploi tie la saignee elans le traitement de la peripneumonie simple. 4°. Paris, 1812. Drewien ((>.) * De usu venaesectionis in pneu- monia. 8°. Gryphiswaldice, 1861. DuBURCiUET ( P.-F.) * Considerations prati- ques sur l'emploi tlu tartre stibie dans les inflam- mations pulmonaires. 4°. Paris, 1830. Dufaur ( P. - A. - A. ) * Considerations the- rapeutiques sur l'inflammation aigue du paren- chyme pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1836. Duhamel (R.-J.-L.) * Essai sur la pneumonie aigue, accompagne de quelques observations sur son traitement par le tartre stibie a hautes doses. 4°. Paris, 1830. Dupont (A.) * Etude sur la pneumonie; ses formes et son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1868. Dupont (J.-B.-F.) * Traitement de la pneu- monite aux differents ages. 4 . Paris, 1849. Eveilhe (J.-C.-A.) * Essai sur le traitement de la pneumonie aigue simple. 4°. Paris, 1833. Fehlau (C. F.) *De peripneumonia; cura- tione veteri et nova. 4°. Jence, [1806]. Ferriot (G.-F.) *Sur l'emploi de l'enieiique a hautes doses dans le traitement de la pneumo- nie aigue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. Freund ( M. ) * De dignitate therapeutica venaesectionis in pneumonia; disquisitieme phy- siologica de ejus efl'ectibus praemissa. 8U. Vra- tislaviw, [1857]. Gardies (L.) *De la meilication par l'alcool dans la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1877. Gazin (A.) *De l'alcool dans les pneumonies adynamiques. 4°. Paris, 1874. Givaudan (P.-B.) * Du traitement de la pneu- monie aigue, par l'tSmetique a hautes doses. 4°. Paris, 1830. * PNEUMONIA. 431 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Treatment of). Glover (R. M.) Acute pneumonia not a fatal disease; its therapeutics. 8°. [London, 1862.] Goumy (C) * Du traitemeut de la pneumonie par les bains froids. 4°. Lyon, 1884. Grandjean (A.-N.) * Sur l'emploi de 1'oxide blanc d'antimoine dans le traitement de la pneu- monie aigue et du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Grasso (H.) *De pneumoniae curandae me- thodis nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, [1850]. Grillot (N.-J.) *Des dangers qui peuvent suivre l'emploi du tartre stibie a haute dose daus le traitement de la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1828. Grisolle (A.) Traite pratique tie la pneumo- nie aux tlifl'erens ages, et dans ses rapports, avec les autres maladies aigues et chrouiques. 8>°. Paris, 1841. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1864. Guerin (P.-B.-J.) *Sur le traitement de la pneumonie et de la pleuresie aigues. 4°. Paris, 1838. Guionnet (G.-A.) * Essai sur l'emploi du tartre stibie a hautes doses dans le traitement de la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Hahl (B. G.) *Grunddrageu af lunginflatn- matiouens tilare och nyare behantlling. 8°. Bel- singfors, 1857. Hanot (V.) * Du traitement de la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1880. Heun (C. G.) De pneumoniae theoria ateiue curatione secundum systema iucitatiouis. 4°. Lipsiw, [1802]. Hoepner (K.) * Ueber Salicylbehautllung bei Pneumonien. 8°. Berlin, [1881]. Horn (A.-F.-E.) Ueber die Erkenntniss und Heilung der Pneumonie. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1802. Huss (M.) Om lunginflammationens, statis- tiska ftirhallanden och behanelling, enligt er- farenhet hemtad fran Seraphimer-Lazarettet i Stockholm under sexton ar fran och metl ar 1840 till och ar 1855. 8". Stockholm, [I860]. -----. The same. Die Behandlung eler Lun- genentziindung und ihre statistischen Verhalt- nisse . . . Uebersetzt von Dr. Joh. Anger. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Jahn (F.) * Ueber die Wirkung uud Anwen- dung des Brechweinsteins, in grossen Dosen bey Lungen-Entziindungen. 8°. Culmbach, 1838. Jallet (A.-A.) * Considerations sur le traite- ment de la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1854. Jaques (G.-A.) &. Guilbert(C.-T.-G.) Thesis in haic verba, ergo peripneumoniae putridae voiui- toria. 1752. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1757, ii, 242-246. Jolly (F.) *De la pneumonie aigue et de son traitement par la nouvelle methode des saignees coup sur coup. 4°. Paris, 1836. Juzanx (B.-A.) "Des bons effets tie l'atlmi- nistratiou du tartre stibie a haute tlosc, dans le traitement ele la pneumonie; travail base sur les observations recueillies au Val-de-Grace. 4°. Paris, 1849. Kapp (F. W.) * Ueber die friihere untl jetzige Behandlung der Pneumonie. 8°. Bonn, 1872. Kissel (C) Die direkte Kunstheilung der Pneumonieen. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Erlangen, 1852. Kleynhoff (C F.) *De placitis nonnullis, turn veterum tum recentiorum, circa curam peripneumoniae! verte. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1785. Kocher(T.) Behandlung der crouposen Pneu- monie mit Veratrum-Priiparaten. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1866. Kohlhardt (C G.) *De therapia pneumo- nia). 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Pneumonia (Treatment of). Krausse (A. F.) De venisections saepius iu peripneumonia repetitae usu eximio, singulari casu comprobato. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb:, [1753]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, ii, 247-276. Lafaye-Etourneau (L.) *De l'emploi de la saignee et du tartre stibie tlans le traitemeut de la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Lasmezas (C.-F.) * Sur l'usage de la saignee dans le traitement de la peripneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1810. Lauciiert (G. A.) *Iuhalatioues a-theris sulph. et chloroformi ad pneumoniam sanandam. 8°. Berolini, [18521. Le Beuf (J.) * Etuele critique sur l'expecta- tiou dans la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1870. Lebram (M.) * De remediis antipneumonicis. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. Leclerc (V.-J.-A.) *Des progres tie la mede- cine et de leur influence sur le traitement de la pneumonie aigue". 4°. Paris, 1834. Lefebvre (H.-A.) * Des saignees dans la pneumonie. 4°. Chdteauroux, 1883. Legros (A.-M.) * De la digitale dans le traite- ment tie la pneumonie et de la pleuresie chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1867. Lehmann (F. O.) * De venaesectione in pneu- monia. 8°. Lipsiw, 1854. Lepelletier dp: la Sarthe (A.) * Quels sout les resultats du tartre stibie a haute dose dans le traitement do la pneumonie et du rhuma- tisme? 4°. Paris, 1835. Leroy (A.-V.-L.-A.) An in inflammationibus pulmonorum etiam cum sputo cruento aliquando emeticum? 4°. [Paris, 1774.] Levan (A.-H.) * Du tartre stibie a haute dose, dans la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1852. Liebmann (F.) * De venaesectionibus in pneu- monia aeihibendis. 8°. Berolini, [1853]. Louis (P.-C.-A.) Recherches sur les effets tie la saignee tlans quelques malatlies inflarnma- toires, ot sur Paction de l'emetique et des vesi- catoires dans la pneumonie. 8°. Paris, 1835. -----. The same. Researches on the effects of blood-letting in some inflammatory diseases, and on the influence of tartarized antimony and vesication in pneumonitis. Transl. by C. G. Putnam, with preface and appendix by James Jackson. 8°. Boston, 1836. Major (C. J.) * Ueber die Behandlung der acuten crouposen Pneumonie mit kiihlen Badern. 8°. Basel, 1869. Mangexot (R.) * Quelques reflexions sur le choix des medicaments dans le traitement de la pneumonie, consieieree surtout au point de vue des formes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. Marechal (L.-A.) * Observations sur la pneu- monie traitee par les vomitifs. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831. Mathelin (G.-J.-C.) "Quelques observations de pneumonies traitees par les saignees coup sur coup. 4°. Paris, 1883. Mayer (C. J.) * De legitimo salubrique spu- torum in pneumonia motleramine. 8°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1809]. Millet-Lacombe (G.) * De la veratrine dans la pneumonie. 4°. Paris, 1870. Molenaar (D.) * Bijdrage over pneumonie en hare behandeling. 8°. Leyden, 1863. Morin (F.-A.-F.) * A propos du traitement de la pneumonie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Munier (A.) * Des indications dans le traite- ment de la pleuro-pneumonie primitive chez l'adulte. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Nicol (J.-D.) * Dela methode antipyretique dans le traitement de la pneumonie. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1868. PNEUMONIA. 432 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Treatment of). Nole (A.-F.-L.) *Sur la therapeutique de l'inflammation aigue du poumon. 4°. Parts, 1833. Pascal (P.) * Observations sur l'emploi tlu tartre stibie a haute dose dans le traitement des maladies aigues, et specialement dans celui de la pneumonie. 4 . Paris, 1833. Patin (C.-A.) * Sur l'emploi des antimoniaux insolubles dans le traitemeut de la peripneumo- nie. 4°. Paris, 1833. Also | Abstr.], in: Bull. gen. de thferap., etc., Par., 1833, iv, 325-333. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. meel. de Par., 1833, 2. s.. i, 441-447. Petrovski (I.) * Kriticheskii ocherk razvitija sovremennago uchenija o krovopuskanii v vos- palenii legkich. [Critical sketch of present views as to phlebotomy iu pneumonia.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1865. Poncet (E.) * Conipte rendu de quatre cents observations relatives au traitement tie la pneu- monie. 4°. Paris, 1859. Pons (G.) * Essai sur la nature, les formes et le traitement rationnel de la pneumonie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Poyet (F.) *Du traitement de la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1847. Remy (L.) *De l'emploi du tartre stibie dans le traitement de la pneumonie aigue. 4°. Paris, 187)0. Rienderhoff (F.) * De venasectionis utili- tate in pneiiinonia genuina. 8°. Lugd. Bat., [187,2]. Rincheval (P.-A.) * De l'avantage des emis- sions sanguines repetees coup sur coup elans le traitement de la pneumouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1837. Robert (B.) Uso del alcohol en el tratamiento de la puhnonia. 2. ed. 8°. Sevilla, 1885. See, also, infra. Roby (J.-F.-E.) # Etude sur le traitement de la pneumonic par le tartre stibie. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. Romain. Essai sur la maniere de traiter les peripuetimonics bilieuses, les rhumes pituiteux et autres affections catarrales ; suivi de quelques observations sur ces maladies et sur les eruptions dartreiises. 24°. Verdun, 1779. Rose (C.-H.) * Quelques considerations sur la puciinionie ; son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1854. Rubritius (J.) *Diss. pratico-med. .sistens pneumonias methodo Ritscheriana tractatas. 8°. [Pragw, 1844.] Salomon (M. ) * Symbohe ad therapiam pneumonias pertinentes, quibus comparationes quaedani statistical adjectae sunt. sm. 8°. Bero- lini, 180)0. Santiard (P.) * De l'expectatiou tlans la peri- pneumonie tranche. 4°. Paris, 1862. eSAVARDAN ( A. ) * Considerations generales sur les inflammations des ponmons. 4°. Paris, 1822. Savin (P.-A.-X.) 'Dissertation sur la pueu- mouie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1831. Schmidt (T. F.) *De veratrino ejusque usu in pneumoniis. 8°. Begimonti Pr., 1857. Schoenemann (B.) * De resinae veratri viri- dis effectu in pneumonia. 8°. Gryphiswaldiw, 1807. Scholvin (E. M.) *De sacchari saturni in pneumonia usu. 8U. [Dorpat], 1830. Schreber (D. G. M.) * De tartari stibiati in inflammationibusorganoruni respirationis effectu atque usu. 4C. Lipsiw, [1833]. Schrotter (L.) Ueber die Wirkung des Tar- tarus emeticus und des Chiniiium bisulfuricum auf elie Tenipevraturverhaltnis.se bei der croupo- sen Pneumonie. 8-. Wien, [1870]. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Mat'n.-naturw. Cl., 1870, lxii. Pneumonia (Treatment of). Schwarz(F.) Joel,ein Specilicum gegen crou- pose Pneumonic. 8 . Berlin, 1881. Also [Abstr.], in: Doutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. 1881, vii, 13-19. Sehrwald (E.) * Ueber die pcrcutane Injec- tion von Fliissigkeiten in die Trachea, deren Ver- breitung in tier Lunge untl Wirkung auf Lunge untl Gesainnitorganisnius. Vorbercitentler Bei- trag zu einer eingreifeneleren, ortlichcn Behand- lung tier chronischen Lungenkraukheiten. 8°. Leipzig. 1886. Seidel (O.) * Der Atlcrlass in der crouposen Pneumonic historisch dargestellt. sm. 8". Ber- lin, [1809]. Seit/. (A.) * Ueber die Behandlung tier Lun- gt'iientziindung mit Digitalis. 8". Marburg, 1802. Stanton (S.) * Ueber elie Behandlung der crouposen Pneumonie mit Chinin-Iuhalation. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1873. Struck (H.) * De pneumoniae curatione. 8°, Berolini, [1854]. Sundu s (J.) * De epispasticorum usu in pneumonia. 4°. Lundw, [1794]. Thoulouse (P.-Z.) * Traitement de la pneu- monic aigue. 4°. Paris, 1850. Touvin (J.-F.-G.) * Diagnostic et traitement de la pneumouie elans les differens ages. 4°. Paris, 1836. Vormann (E.) * Nonnulla de pneumoniae the- rapia, adjectis nonnullis hujus morbi casibus. 8°. Gryphice, 1858. Voss (P. G.) * De pneumonia} tractatione. 8°. Lipsiw, 1851. Walcher (M.-P.) * De l'expectation dans la pneumonie primitive franche. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. Waller (M.) * Beitrage zur Behandlung der crouposen Pneumonie. 8C. Erlangen, 1877. Weinhold (C. A.) * De pareseos et methodi parcticae dignitate teutamen, ad contratlictionea tollendas, super inflammationi imprimis pneii- inonia} a debilitate ortic, methodi niedendi ortas. 4°. Vitebergw, [1805]. Wittich (M.) Die acute Pneumonie und ihre sichcre Heilung mit Qnecksilberchloriir, ohne Blutentziehung. 8°. Erlangen, 1850. Wundeklich (L.) *De pneumoniae therapia. 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Zuckermann (J.) *Die Behandlung der Pneumonia potatorum mit besouderer Beriick- sichtigung eles Kalium bromatum. sm. 8°. Ber- lin, [1872]. Alcuni (Di) recenti scritte sul salassonella pneumonite. Gazz. metl. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1869, xii, 289; 297; 305; 313; 385; 393.—Alexander (W. W.) Veratrum vi- ride as a remedial agent in pneiiinonia. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila,, 1876, xxxiv, 322.—Alexandre. Observa- tion interessante tie pneumonie aigue traitee avec sucuds par l'emetique k hautes doses. Soe. mCd. d'Amiens. Bull. (1878-9), 1880, xviii-xix, 212-214. — Alix. Du traitement tie la pneumonie. Bull. g6n. tie thgrap., etc., Pur., 1881, ci, 469-479. -----. Du traitement de la pneumonie. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1886, xx, 33; 86.—Alley (W. B.) A few thoughts on the use antl curative power of Ve-iutrum vi- ride in acute pneumonia and rheumatism. Tr. M. Sen-. N. Y., Syracuse, 1880, 372-377.—Alt (F.) Ueber die Behand- lung der crouposen Pneumonie mit Veratrin. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1871-2, ix, 129-149, 1 tab.—Al- vareuga (P. F. da C.) Trataniento tin pleiiro-pulnionite agutla pela iperueuunha. Gaz. metl. tie Lisb., 1873, xxi, 613-615. -----. Theorias da acijao therapeutiea do tartaio stibiado na pneumonia. Ibid., 1880, xxviii, 193 ; 205; 217; 229; 241; 253; 265. [See, also, supra.] — Ames ( S. ) On the treatment of pneumonia. Is. Orl. M. & S. J., 1853-4, x, 417-441, 1 tab. Also, Reprint.—Ancelon (E.-A.) Con- siderations pratiques sur l'adininistration tlu tartre stibie. a haute dose dans les pneumonies aigues. Union m6il., Par., 1847, i, 366. -----. De l'emploi du tartre stibie dans les pneumonies aigues an point ele vue pratique-. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1855, ii, 30!I-:S17.— Angeloni (P.) Alcune osservazioni pratiehe intorno alia cura della pneu- monite. Ippocratico, Fauo, 1863, iv, 402-410.—Anne (F.) PNEUMONIA. 433 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Treatment of). Ueber den Nutzen eles Brechweinsteins in Entziindungen iler Brustorgane. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1844 v 122; 134.—Arigo (S.) Sulla cura tlella polmonite colle injezione ipotlermiche di calomelano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb. Milano, 1874, 7. s., i, 321. Also, in his: Alcuni scrit. di med. e chir., 8°, Lotli, 1885, 71-76— Armcnter. Trata- miento tie la pneumonia, Rev. de cien. metl., Barcel., 1875, i 145; 193.—Armstrong (J. M.) The rational treat- ment of pneumonia. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1882, xiii. 130- 135 — Arregui (P.) Observaciones tie pulmonias tratadas por la ipecaiuana. Siglo med., Madrid, 1854, i, 259.— Ancheiiforandt (T.) Pneumonie nach Einathmung von .Iodoform. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 107.—AtkinNon (F. P.) The treatment of pneumonia by quinine. Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxv, 262.—Atliin- hoii (M. (') Tin- management of ]meiiinonia. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1884-5, xvii, 227-229.—A udhoui (V.) Considerations sur le traitement de la pneumonie idiopa- thique franche et simple. Therap. contemp., Par., 1881, i, g5_72. _____. Nouvelles considerations sur le traitement de la pneunionie. Ibid., 1882, ii, 33-37.—Baeeelli (.) Treatment of pneumonia. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1881, xi, 289-291.—Greffier (L.) NAcessite du traitement antiphlogistique an dAbut tie la pneunionieet ilelapleurAsieaigucs. France metl., Par., 1889, ii, 977-981.—Griiliu (K.) Quinine in pneumonia. Canada Lancet, 1875-6. viii. 12H-130.—Griswold (It. \V~.) Some- what on the treatment of lung fever. Am. Pract. efe News, Louisville, 1889, n. s., vii, 33-37. — Grohncrt (F.) Del tratamiento de la neumonia aguda. Rev. med. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1874-5, iii, 8; 43 ; 89.—Gros (L.) De l'em- ploi de l'alcool dans le traitement de la pneumonic et de la broiicliii-piit'iimoiiie en particulier chez les enfants. Union med.. Par., 1869. 3. s., viii, 172; 182. Also, Reprint.— Gualdi. La cura dello Schwarz nella pulmonite. Bull. d. r. Accad. nied. di Roma, 1884, x, 35-54. — Gituzburg (L.) Betrachtungen iiber tlie Pneunionie und ihre Be- handlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1863, xiii, 356-358. -----. Ueber die hydratiscbe Behandlung tier Pneumonie. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 41; 79.—Gucrseut. Pleu- ro-pneumonie du cotA gauche; emissions sanguines insuf- fisautes ; emploi tie 1 AmAtique a haute dose ; guerison. Arch. gAn. de mAd., Par., 1827, xv, 12-16. -----. Anasar- que ; pneumonia double ; Amissions sanguines au debut, puis eiuAtique k haute dose; guArison ; rougeole, recielive de la pneumonie qui, plus lAgAre cette fois, cAde k une sai- gnAe et & l'application d'un vAsicatoire. Ibid., 16-21. —---. Pleuro-pneumonie gauche, persistance des symp- tomes malgrA les Amissions sanguines locales et gAnArales; emploi du tartre stibiA a haute dose ; guArison rapide. Ibid., 21-26.—Guiomiet (G.-A.) Methode contre-stimu- lante: emploi de remetique a haute' dose. J. hebd. tie med., Par., 1830, vi, 417-423. — Gil lining (R. H.) Blood- letting in pneumonia. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soe-,. Edinb., 1883-4, n. s.. iii, 176-179. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1883-4, xxix, 1104- 1107.—Ilabershon (S. O.) On the treatment of pleuro- pneumonia, as illustrated by several cases in Guy s Hos- pital. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond.. 1857, xv, 548; 573.— Halltcrt (J. E.) Ergot in the treatment of pneumonia. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1877, x, 113-115.—Hale (J.) On the treatment of pneumonia. Am. Pract., Louis- ville, 1870. ii, 15-19.—Hamclius. La pneumonic it ses indications thArapeutiques d'apres l'Acole allemande. Arch. mAd. beiges, Brux., 1865, 2. s., i, 321; 330.— Ha- iiioii. Note sur le traitement de la pneumonie; deux mots a ce propos sur la mAdication alcaline. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1860. xxxiii, 46. — Hard (A.) On the use of vera- trum viride in pneumonia. Iowa M. J., 1853-4, i, 291.— Hardy. Du traitement tie la pneumonie par les Amis- sions sanguines. Rev. de thArap. mAd.-chir., Par., 1876, xliii, 561; 589. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 1129-1131. -----. Pneumonie, traitAe par le tartre BtibiA a haute dose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 562; 578. -----. Pleuropneumonie gauche; pneumonie lobaire; saignees coup sur coup; guArison. Cottrrier mAd., Par., 1883, xxxiii, 84.—Harriss (J.) Treatmentof pneumonia. Savannah J. M., 1859-60, ii, 224-234. — Hasbrouck (M. C.) Cases of pneumonia typhoides; with remarks on the use of acetate plumbi, in this affection. N. York J. M., 1848, [2.1 s., i, 24-28.—Hastings (J.) Two cases of pneumonia successfullv treated by bromide of ammonia. Pacific, M. & S. J., San Fran., 1864-5, vii, 90-92.—Hedges (W. B.) Treatment of pneumonic fever. Tr. Ohio'Al. Soc, Columbus, 1882, xxxvii, 243-252. Also: Columbus AI. J., 1882, i, 49-57.—Heekhout. Pneumonie grave; Amis- P neumonia (Treatment of). sions sanguines, tartre stibie-: guerison. J. el. sc. mAd do Louvain, 1876, i, 033-638.—Ilc«clc (A.) Behunilluug der Luilgen-Entzuiidmig duivli elie Wasser-IIeilnietheide" v. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen. 1849, iv, 65-71— Henderson! Pneumonia: under homieopathic, allopathii- ami dietetic treatment. Brit. .1. Homo-eip., Lond., 1852, x, 629; (i.VJ. Also, Reprint.—Herard. Meinoiie sur l'emploi tin lar- tre stibiA a haute dose elans le traitement de la pneumo- nie, spAcialli-ineuit chez les enfants. Union med Par 1847, i, 526; 530; 533; 537 ; 542— Hereford (J. W.)' Bligl tering in pneumonia. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila.. Ihsii xiii, 217. — Hermann (A.) Zur Behandlung der Pneu- monie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1873, xviii, 58ii ■ 587- 5%. 604; 613; 621; 629: 1874, xix, 3; 12; 27; 36.—Hrrr. Ue- ber tlie Behandlung der Pneumonie mit Schwt felather. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver.. Karlsruhe, 1855, ix, 61-66.— Herrick (S. S.) Early blistering in pueunionia and pleurisy. Rie-hmund efe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1872, xiii, 513-520. — lleusinger. Ueber den Gebrauch der Digitalis purpurea in der Pneumonie. Deutsche Klinik Berl., 1853, v, 261-204.-Hihl.crd (J. F.) General blood- letting iu the treatmentof inllanimatioii; including a re- ply to a late paper upon the subject bv Prof. Ln'wson. Cincin. Laucet et Obs, 1860, n. s., iii, 201-231. — Hill/,, Digitale. N. diet, tie mAd. et chir. prat,. Par., 1869, xi, 544-552. Also: Bull. gAn. tie- therap., efe-,. Par., 1869, lxxvii, 289-298. Also, transl: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1869, xv, 653; 667.— Hoclisliidlci'. Uo- ber Behandlung der Lnngenentzuuilung. Mitth. il. ba- disch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1855, ix, 69-74. — Hodge (J. A.) Pneumonia; its treatment. Indiana ,\1. Ke. porter, Evansville, 1880, i, 544 -549.— Hodges. Three cases of pleuro-pneumonia; chloroform treatment. Lan- cet, Lond., 1869. l, 494-496. — Holmes ( VV. F.) Two cases of pneumonia illustrating the comparative efficacy of mercurv and tartar emetic iu the treatment of that dis- ease. Charleston Al. J. efe Rev., 1819, iv, 176-179.—Holme- sted [et al.]. Five cases illustrating the treatment of pneumonia, with brief clinical remarks. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., I860, ii, 79. — Holt ( L. E.) Does quinine abort pneiiinonia? Tr. M. Soc. M. Y., Syracuse, 1885,106- 111. Also: N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 217-219. Also, Re- print. — Holtzapple ( G. E. ) The uses and effects of oxygen gas and nux vomica in the treatment of pneumonia. Ibid., 1887, xlvi, 264-267.— Howard (C. C.) Treatment of pneumonia. South. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1856, n. s,, xii. 590-593.—Hue.y (G. J.) Quinine in the treatment of pneu- monia. N. Orl. M. efeS. J., 1875-6, n. s., iii, 48-50.—IIlife- land (C. W. ) Erinnerung an den Gebrauch des Anti- tnonium stattdes zu sehruberband uehnie-nile-n GebrauiliH des Mercnrs bei entziindlichen Brustalli-ktionen. J. tl. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1822, lv, 4. St., 45-56. — Hummel (Al.) Zur Behandlungder Pneuiuouie. Wien. nied. Presse, 1873, xiv, 140; 166. — Humphreys ( B. F.) Veratrum viride iu pneumonia. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1880, n. s., xxv, 241-248. — Huss. Pneumonie au troisiAme degrA; camphre; emulsiou terebinthiiiee; guArisou. Gaz. mAd. de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 79. — Husson. Observations de pAripneumonie guArie par l'application d'un sAtim. An- nuaire mAd.-chir. tl. hop. dePar., 1819, i, 242-244.—Iuver- uizzi (G.) Dell' uso del salasso nella pneumonite. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1868, x, 356-365. — Jaeeoud. Des indict lions de la saignAe dans le traitement tie la pneumonie. Bull. gAn. de thArap., etc., Tar., 1867, Ixxii, 438-449.----•. De la mAdication tonique daus le traitement tie la pneu- raonie. Ibid., 481-487.—Jacobi (Mary P.) The indica- tion for quinine in pneumonia. X. York M. J., 1887. xiv, 589; 620. J acq not ( II. ) Observations de pneumonie maligne du cote droit; administration du niiisc; parotidite terminAe par suppuration; guArison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 443.—.lames (S. E.) The antipyretic treat- ment of pneumonia. Am. J. AL Se., Phila., 1877, n. »., lxxiv, 54-66. — Jamicson (J. T.) Pleuro-pneumonia; bleeding in the recumbent position. Rutfalo M. J., 1857-8, xiii, 197-201. — Jamison ( A. ) After-history »f pimu- monia the guide to its treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 1380.—Jansen (A.) De l'efficacite du chlorofornie dans le traitement de la pneumonie. [Rap. de Du Moulin.| Bull. Soc. demAd.deGand, 1867,xxxiv, 164; 171. -----. Be l'efhYacite de 1'hydrate de chloral dans la pneumonie. Bull. mAd. du nord, Lille, 1873, xiii, 301 -307. —Jones (B. R.) On the treatment of pneiiinonia. N. Oil. M. efe S. J., 1850-51, vii, 179-18).—loues ( H ) Notes of a clinical lect- ure on cases of lung inflammat inn treated by opium. Lan- cet, Lond., 1870, ii, 535.—Jones (II. M.) Remarks on ni- trate of potash in acute pneiiinonia. Dublin Q. J. AI. Sc, 1873, lvi, 37-42.—Johnson. The treatment ol'pneumonia illustrateel by some recent cases. Lancet, Lond.. 1877, i, 9; 49. — Joly (A.) Du traitement de la pneumonie aiguo ties adultes par la digitale et 1 ale-ool, d'apres les observa- tions de M. le raAdecin principal Alix. Rev. med. de Ton louse, 1879, xiii, 165; 2(14. — Jourdaiu (C.) Pneumonie en troisieme degrA: vomitifs; vAsicatoires; sulfate de quinine; guerison. Bull. Soc. ele in Ad. de Gaud, 1840, vi, 106-109. — .Toux (A.) Sur le traitement tie la pneumiuiie franche. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 525-527. — Jiir- gensen ( T. H. ) Grundsatze fiir die Behandlungder PNEUMONIA. 437 PNEUMONIA. Pneiiinonia (Treatment of). croupSsen Pneumonie. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1876, No. 45 (Inn. Med., No. 16, 323-350). Also, transl: Clin. Lect. . . . by German authors, Lond., 1876, 314-348.-----. Therapie tier crouposen Pneumouie. Wieu. med. BL, 1883, vi 229- 262. — Karbc. Lungenentziindung; Eisen. Ztschr. f. Erfahrugsblk., Eileub., 1848, ii, 355. — Kauf- mniiu (J.) efe de Btiry (W.) TJeber die Einwirkung Priessnitz'scher Einwickelungen auf den Blutdruck bei crouposer Pneumouie uud diffuser Nephritis; nach Unter- suchungen mit dem Sphygmomanometer v. Basch's. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 557-563. Also: Ztschr. f. The- rap. ni.Einbzhng.d. Elect.-u. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1888, vi, 114; 121. —Kenner (R. C.) The treatment of croupous pneumonia. Am. Pract. efe News, Louisville, 1889, n. s., viii, 99-103.— Kieinauu. Puis-, Respirations- und Tempera- tiuniessungen bei Behandlung der crouposen Pneumonie mit Tincturaveratri viridis. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1868, xcix, 72-103.—King (E. W.) On the treatment of pneumonia. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1880, xxiii, 143-148.— Kirchberg (E.) Observations de pneumonie, traitAes par l'association de f ergotine, du quinquina et des rAvulsifs. J de mAd. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1889, 3. s.. iii, 5-26. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 662; 715; 734. —Kloppcrt (L. A.) lets over het gewijzigtl gebruik van den tartar emeticus in groote giften bij acute en slepende longont- stekingen. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1844, i, 274-3u3. — Koiuy- ner. Des vAsicatoires dans la pneumonie. Bull. gAn. de thArap., etc., Par., 1880, xcix, 76-79.—Konnemann (C.) Zur Behandlung tier Pneumonieen. Org. f. el. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1856, v, 215-232.—Kowalski (11.) O dzialaniu i skutkach chlorku apomortinu w /.apale-niu pluc. [Apo- morphine in pneumonia; 5 cases.) Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1881, xx, 506-508.—Krauss. Ueber die- Wirksamkeit ties Brechweinsteins in grossen Gaben bei Brustentziinduugen, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf seine Anwendung hei den intercurrirenden Pneumonieen der Phthisiker. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1833, ii, 161; 165; 169.—Kreider (G. N.) Tepid baths in the treatment of pneumonia. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1889, xxxix, 101-106. Also: Aled. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi. 260. Also, Reprint.—Kruger-IlaiiMCU. Ueber tlas Heilverfabren bei Pneumonien. Meel. Argos, Leipz., 1842, iv, 341-359.— liachapelle (S.) Quelques considArations sur la thAra- peutique au sujet de la medication alcoolique dans la pneu- monie. Uniou med. du Canada, Montreal, 1878, vii, 241; 289.—liackner (J. N.) Ueber die Anwendung des Ader- lasses bei Lungeneutzundungen. Oesterr. med. Wchn- seln-., AVien, 1848. 545; 649.— trades. De l'emploi du tartre stibiA k haute dose daus le traitement de la pneu- monie aigue. Rev. mAd. franc, et Atrang., Par., 1830, iv, 181-218.—Leados (A.) De l'emploi du tartrate antimoniA de potasse dans le traitemeut des pneumonies. J. de mAd., Brux., 1830, ii, 394-398.—I. aen nee (A.) Observation sur l'emploi de 1'AmAtique k haute elose, dans le traitement de la peripneumonie aigue. J. de la sect, de mAd. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1825, i, 127-172. — Lambiotte. Fait constatant l'efticacite de 1'AmAtique a hautes doses tlans la pneumonie, suivi de quelques considArations sur ce iuAdieaniint. Ann. tie mAd. beige, Brux., 1836, ii, 129.— Latz. Der Aelerlass iu der Lungenentziindung. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 239; 245. — Lava (G.) Sull'indi- rizzo in genere della terapia e sulla cura della pneumonite franca in ispecie. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1883, iii, 13; 51; 83. -----. L'indagiue terapeutica mo- derna etl il concetto geuerico sulla flogosi in rapporto ad una presunta azione dell' ipecacuana ad alta dose nella pneumonite acuta franca. Ibid., 1885, v, 222-238. — Law- son (L. M.) Remarks on the treatment of inflammation, with special reference to pneumonia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., I860, n. s., xxxix, 17-42. Also, Reprint. -----. [Reply to Dr. Hibbenl.] Cincin. Lancet <& Obs., 1860, iii, 298-306. — Laycock (T.) Clinical lecture on the treatment of some common forms of pneumonia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861. i, 593-596.—Lebert. Vor- trage iiber die Behandlung tier acuten, primitiven, diffn- seu Pneumonie. (Gehalten im Summer 1871. ) Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 413; 425; 451; 473; 515. —;—. Ueber Blutentziebungen bei tier Behandlung eler primitiven Lungenentziindung ; noch nachtraglich einige Remerkungen. Ibid.. 1872, ix, 323. — Lcderle. Ueber Behandlung tier Lungenentziindung mit Chlorofoi-m-Inha- lationen. Alitth. tl. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1855, ix, 53-58.-I.ec (E. A.) Treatment of croupous pneumo- nia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, vii, 97-107. Also: Month. Rev AI. & Pharm., Phila., 1882, v, 521-524. — Legendre (r .-L.) Quelques mots sur le traitement de la pneumonie looulaire, chez les enfants, par l'emploi reuni tie la saignAe l a im™ltifs' AlCh- g6n' de m6d'' Par'' 1844' 4' s'- v> VI-j ,'-----' De 'expectation dans la pneumonie franche. Ibid 1859, ii, 2.83-301. Also, transl. [Rev.]: Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1859, ii, 157. - I,cgrand (A.) De l'emploi du tartre stibiA .a doses Alevce-s dans le traitement tie la pneu- monia Bull. gAn. de thArap., etc.. Par., 1837, xii, 82-89. ; — • De 1'AmAtique a haute dose dans le traitement de a pleuiopneumonie. Ibid., 1838, xiv, 371-377. _____. Sul- fa valeur de rexpectation dans le traitement tie la pneu- monic aigue. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1802 54-61. Pneumonia (Treatment of). Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 525. — Legroux. Plusieurs cas de pneumonie traitAs par les saignAes n-po- tAes; exposA de cette methode de traitement. Ibid., 1841, 2. s., iii, 339 —I.f iiiareliand. De l'emploi simultanA de la saignAe et du kermAs minAral dans la pneumonie. J. d. conn. mAd.-chir., Par., 1837-8, v, pt. 2,45-53.—lieniassoii (T.) ConsidArations cliniques sur l'emploi du tartre sliliiA k haute dose, dans quelques cas de pneumonie. J. univ. et hebd. de mAd. et chir. prat., Par., 1831, iv, 411-443.— I.eule (F. D.) Case of pneumonia characterized by obscure symptoms, rational and physical; prostration of vital power; beneficial effect of general eleph-liou. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1858, xi, 297-300. — I.Cpiue ( R.) Du traitement local de la pneumonii- librine-uso par les injec- tions intra-parenchymateuses. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 446-448. Also : France mAd., Par., 1885. ii, 1173. -----. Pneumonie grave; injection intru-parent:uy- mateuse d'une solution d'iodure de sodium ; defervescence prAcoce. Rev. de in Ad., Par., 1885, v, 1057-1061.— I ididct (E.) Du traitement ele la pneumonie par l'acetate tie plomb k haute dose, Bull. gAn. tie thArap., etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 385-394.—Lerrnt-Pcrrotoii. Observation sur une Sneumonie traitAe avec sttccAs par le tartre stibiA. J. gen. eniAd., chir. et pharm., Par., 1826, xcvii, 17-25. — Levy (M.) Pleuro-pneumonie, datant de sept jours; enlevie en trois jours par trois saignAes AvaluAes ai 40 onces. Arch. mAd. do Strasb., 1836, iii, 270-273. -----. Pneumonie; saignAes gAnArales et locales; tartre stibie; vAsicatoire; guArison. Ibid., 279-282. — Lewis (J.M.) Report on treatmentof pneumonia. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Colum- bus, 1872, v, 37-41.—Lieberkiihn. Bcstiitigter Nutzen der Tissot'schen Methode bei einer epiele'iiiisch-gallicbten Pneumonie. J. d. prakt. Heilk., Berl., 1823, Ivii, 4. St., 99-106. — von Liebig. Behandlung der chronischen katarrhalischen Pneumonie mit erhdhtem Lufttlruck. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 473-475. — Limousin. Sulfate de quinine et digitale tlans la pneumonie. Union mAd., Par., 1875,3. s., xx, 547; 595.— Lelagostera y Mala (F.) Del empleo tie los calomelanos en las pulmonias re- fractarias 6 inaccesibles it los usuales niedios de trata- miento. Compilador mAd., Barcel., 1867-8, iii, 25; 49.— Lorey (J. B.) Zwei F'aile von Heilung der Pneumonie durch innere uud aussere Anwendung des Quecksilbers. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. Metl.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1858), 1860, ii, 61-65. -----. Beijugend- lichen Individuen, mit coustitutionell gesunden Lungen, ist in dem ersten Stadium der Pneumonie die Aderliisse nicht allein zulassig, sondern sie ist auch im Stande, das Riickschreiten der Entziindung zu bewirken und den Ein- tritt der Hepatisation zu verhliten. [1 Fall.) Ibid. (1860), 1863, iv, 45-47.-----. Ueber Aderlasse in dem ersten Sta- dium tier Pneumonie bei jugendlichen Individuen, mit coustitutionell gesunden Lungen. Ibid., 47. — de Luce (L.) A proposdela niAthodeexpectantedans letraite-meut tie la pneunionie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 475.—l.ueck ( A. W. ) Pneumonia and its treatment. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 197-199. — I,urotte. Du traitement des phlegmasies aigues du poumon par le calo- mel et le tartre stibiA. Gaz. mAd. de Par., 1831, ii, 359- 362.—liussana (F.) Osservazioni pratiche sull' uso del salasso nelle pnenmoniti. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1880, xxiii, 227; 235.—lUacario (M.) Du traite- ment de la pneumonie. Rev. mAd. franc, et Atrang., Par., 1883, i, 547; 582.—McBride (A.) Quinine in pneumonia. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1861, iv, 480-482. — M'G'ail ( A.) Observations on the use of tartar emetic in pneumonia. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 585-596. — Mcl'rcady (W. B.) Dietetic treatment of pneumonia. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 252. — M'< ulloch (T. C.) Blood-letting as a remedy in the treatmeut of eclampsia puerperalis and acute pneumonia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 174- 177. — KIcFarland (J. P.) Veratrum viride in pneu- monia. Nashville J. M. & S., 1880, n. s., xxv, 57-63.— Mcltiiincy (J. W. ) Treatment of pneumonia. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1879-80, xi, 3. — McManus (J.) The use of large doses of calomel in pneumonia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 260. — McNutt ( W. F.) Treatment of pneumonitis or croupous pneumonia. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1880-81, ix. 385-389. Also, Reprint.— IHndisou (R. L.) The abortive treatment of pneumo- nia. Stethoscope efe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1854. iv, 63-67. — Malin ( C. E. F.) Stibium oxydatum album ablutum empfohlen in Lungenentzundungen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, lxxxv, 1. St., 124-127.-----. Soil in der Lungenentziindung zur Atler gelassen werden, oder nicht? Bemerkungen veranlasst durch die unten angefuhrte Sehrift des Herrn Dr. J. Dietl [Der Aderlass in der Lun- genentziindung; klinisch und physiologisch erortert von Dr. Joseph Dietl, Wien 1849]. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 193-195.— Manson (O. F.) Pneumonia cut short. Vir- ginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xii, 85-96. —Maragliano (E.) II bagno freddo nella cura tlella polmonite. Salute: Italia med., Geneva, 1881,2. s.. xv, 217; 242; 249.—Mare- scha(. Peripneumonie traitee par le tartre stibie a haute dose-. J. tie la sect de med Soc acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1825, i, 183-188. — Marie (L.) De l'alcool daus la pni-u- uiouie. Union med.. Par., 1870, 3. s., x, 659. —Martin PNEUMONIA. 438 PNEUMONIA. P ne ii monia (Treatment of). (YV. L.) Blistering in pneumonia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 128. —Marline (G. R.) A new plan of treatmeut for pneumonia. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1888, Con- cord, N. H., 1889, v, 470-473. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1889, xiii, 412. — Mascarel (J.) Memoire sur le traitemeut de la pneumonie ties vieillarels par les emissions sanguines et le tartre stibiA k haute dose. Gaz. mAd. de Par., 1840, 2. s , viii, 625; 646.—Mathey. De l'emploi de l'AniAtique a hautes doses daus la pleuro-pneumonie. Bull. gen. de thArap., etc., Par., 1839, xvii, 80-84.— Maxwell (G. T.) The value of quinine in pneumonia. Med. et Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 737-740. —Mays (T. J.) The therapeutic action of aconite in croupous pneumonia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 217-221. —Meacher ( W.) On the value of ergot in the treatment of pneu- monia. Chicago M. J. efe Exam., 1880, xl, 260-262.—Men- dini. Pneuiuoniti trattate colle cantaridi. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1845, cxv, 287-298.—Mertens (J.) Quel- ques inflexions k propos de la mAthode expectante dans la pneumonie. Ann. Soc. de mAd. d'Anvers, 1860, xvii, 30- 35. — Metcalfe (J. T.) Remarks on the treatmeut of pneumonia. N. York M. Times, 1854-5, iv, 265-274.— Meyer (C. A.) Abstractionen iiber Pneumonie, der land- lichen Praxis entnommen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv. 277; 289.—Meynier (P.) Lettre sur l'emploi du tartre stibiA dans le traitement des pneumonies. Gaz. med. de Par., 1832. iii, 541.—Michel (A.) Nouvelle sArie d'observations sur le traitement des pAripneumonies par l'oxide blanc d'antimoine. Ibid., 1835, 2. s., iii, 204.— Micheuer (E.) The lancet vs. veratria in pneumonia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 549. —Miguel. Ueber die Anwendung des Tartarus emeticus in der Pneu- monie und Pleuresie. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1826, ii, 391-395.—Millet (A.) Du kermes et de la digitalis k doses progressivement croissantes dans le traitement de la pneumonie. Bull. gAn. de thArap., etc., Par., 1859, Ivii, 506- 512.—Minot (F.) On the treatment of acute pneumonia. Boston M. efe S. J., 1884, ex. 169-172. — Mitt ler (I.) Cuprum sulfnricum ein unschiitzbares Mittel in der Pneu- monie. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1856, vii, 323.—Mobley (J. C.) Treatment of pneumonia. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvii, 8.—Moult (J.) The treatment of pneumonia. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1878, i, 387-389.—Moll ic re (H.) cpa7rina tt}s fipoyyonvevpLOvias t£iv iraiStov 8ia tou io)SiOv\ov Kakovs. raArp/69, 'Afloat, 1886, IE', 81-83.—y.ubcr efc Ilirtz. De l'indication du vAratrura viride dans la pneumonic. Bull. gAn. de therap., etc., Par., 1859, lxxvi, 168-474. Pneumonia in animals. See, also, Cattle (Diseases of); Cattle (Pleuro- pneumonia of). [Clark ( B. )] Inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia, or pneumonitis. 4°. [n.p., 11. d.] Fahrner (P.) * Adumbratio pevipueiiinoni.e pecorum maligna? exsudativte. 8°. Monachii, 1830. Tubbi (G.) Sulla polnionea tie'bovini; isirn- zioni teorico-pratiche ad uso del popolo. 12°. Bassano, 1847. Aubrion (C.) De la pneumouie chez I'homme et chez le cheval. Arch. gAn. de mAd., Par., 1869, ii, 696-701.— Bass (E.) Die Behandlung der iufectiosen Lungenent- zundung der Kiilber. Thiermed. Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1888-9, iii, 209.—Benjamin (H.) Essai clinique sur la pneunionie infectieuse du cheval. Rec. de mAd. vAt.. Par., 1888, 7. s., v, 213-230. -Cadeac. Contribntiou a l'etiolo- gie de la pneumonie contagiense ttu cheval. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1889, 9. 8., i, 310-319.—Caguat (L.) Sur la pneumonie coutagieuse du cheval. Arch, vet., Par., 1884, ix, 841-853— CtarniI efc Chantcmessc. Etiologie tie la pneumonie coutagieuse ties pores. Compl. rend. Acad. el. sc, Tar., 1887, cv, 1281-1285.—Courtin (J.) Note pour servir a I'histoire de la pneumonie parasitaire chez le chien. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 552.—Crisp (E.) Pueunionia in birds. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7), 1877, xxviii, 455.—Eletti (G.) Storia tli una pleuro-pneu- mon'ite iu un cavallo frenata da principio c.o'l salasso e viuta con 1' opio. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. s., v, 112-114.—Galticr (V.) De la pneumonie lobulaiie ties solipAdes. J. tie mAd. vAt. et zootech., Lyon, 1879, 3. s., iv 245-263. -----. Nouvelles preuves tie la transniissibi- lit'e de la pneumo-entArite aux diverses espAces animales de la ferme. Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cvm, 822- 824 Also: J. de mAd. vet. et zootech., Lyou, 1889, 3. s., xiv, 225-228.—IIilgcndorf (F.) & Paulicki (A.) Pneu- monia caseosa bei einem Affen (Cercopithecus pygery- ttnus). Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xlvin, ,>27r 529 —Paulicki (A.) Ueber verkasende Pneumonie bei Al- ien. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar. 1872, xiii, 49; 73— Percivall (C. F.) The pathology of pneumouie inflammations in the lower animals. Med. Chron., Bait., 1883-4, ii, 121-123 — Pcrroncito (E.) 11 pneumococco elel cavallo, o meglio, il bacterium pneumoniae croupose equi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 174-176-Pcuch. Note sur la pneumonie gangrAneiise du cheval. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. mAd. de Lyon (1877), 18,8, xvn. 2. pt., 204-207. Also: Lyon mAd., 1878, xxvii, 73-76.-l»utz. Seuchenhafte lobare (croupose) Pneumonie der 1 terete; Pneumonia crouposa (contagiosa?). Centralbf. t. ihier- meel., Stuttg., 1884, i, 177-185.-Bouget (J.-F.) Note sur PNEUMONIA. 442 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia in animals. une pAripneunionie maligne regnant epizootitiueinent k Septfoutaines. Echo mAd., Neuchat,, f857, i, 75.—Sie- damgrolzliy. Leber iufektidse Pneumonie bei Pferden. Tageld. tl. Versaiuml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eise- nach, 1882, lv, 232-236.—Swobotln (G.) Etwas iiber Pne-unionie ties Pfertles. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien. 1848, lxvi, col. 49-56.—Violet (T.) La pneumonie ordinaire, sporadique et non coutagieuse, existe- t elie dans l'cspeee bovine? J. de mAd. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1880, 3. s., v, 57-69. —Wood (C. M.) Pneumonia and ruptured diaphragm in a horse. Boston M. efe S. J., 1850, 1, 197-199. Pneumonia in infants and children. See, also, Pneumonia (Congenital); Pneumo- nia (Double). Bader (A.) *De la pneumonie dans la pre- miere enfance. 4°. Paris, 1854. Baginsky (A.) Practische Beitrage zur Kin- elerheilkuntle. 1. Heft. Pneunionie unel Pleu- ritis. 8°. Tubingen, 1880. Bergeron (L.) * De la peripneumonie con- siel6ree chez les enfans. 4°. Paris, 1828. Boicm r (E.) * Etudes sur la pneumouie eles nouveau-neset enfants a la niamelle. 4°. Paris, 184:?. Bressand (P.-Z.) * Essiii sur la pneumonie tics enfans. 4°. Paris, 1827. Carbon de la Carriers (G.-C.-D.-M.) * De l'existenee ele la pneumonie lobaire chez les en- fants eiu premier age. 4°. Paris, 1886. Cazauvieilh (E.) * De la pneumonie lobu- laire ties enfants a la mamelle. 4°. Paris, 1854. Chartkntier (C.) * Quelques mots sur les moyens tie traitement employes contre la pneu- nionii' chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1860. Corne (C.-I.-E.) * De la pneumouie chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1848. Damaschixo (F.-T.) * Des diffeSrentes formes ele la pneumonie aigue chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1807. Dklaporte (E\) * Contribution a 1'eStuele tie la pneumonie lobaire chez les enfauts. 4°. Paris, 1880. Diel (C.) * De pueumouia infantum. 8°. Bounce, 1863. Fischbach (J. P.) * De pneumonia infantum. 8°. Wireeburgi, 1865. Gokhz (A.) * Quelques particularite's de la pneumonia lobaire chez les enfauts. 4°. Paris, 1873. Gruttner (A.) * De pneumonia lobari infan- tum et de temperatune differentiis in ea observa- tis. 8°. Gryphice, 1859. Guignebert (P.-J.-F.) * De la pneumouie lo- bulaire chez les enfauts. 4°. Paris, 1857. Julikn (L.-J.) * Quelques considerations sur la pneunionie dans la premiere enfance. 4°. Paris, 18-2.4. Kakself.r (G. G.) * De pneumonia infantium. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Koettnttz ([F.] A.) * Beitrage zur Pneumei- nie im Kintlesalter. 8°. Balle a. S., 1882. Kkapsk (G. A.) * Einiges iiber Pueumouie bei Kintlern. sm. 4°. Leipzig, [18(58]. Krell (K.) * Die Pueumouie beim Kinde, beim Erwachseneu und beim Greise, ihre Ueber- cinstiminungen und ihre Differeuzeu. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1867. Krembs(H.) *Depueumoniis infantium. 8°. Gryphice, 187)8. Kriesch (C.) * De pneumonia neonatorum. 8°. Pragw, 1842. Lacour (P.) * De I'hydrotlnSrapie dans la broucho-pneumonie ties enfants. 4°. Paris, 1884. Leger (V.) * Sur la pneumouie des enfans. 4°. Paris, 1823. Lemaire (H.-E.-A.) * De la pleur&sie aigue dans l'eufauce. 4\ Paris, 1868. Plieilllioilia in infants and children. Liman (F.) * De pueunionia infantium. 8°. Berolini, [1820]. Mueller (C. M.) * De pneumonia inLintiuni. 4°. Lipsiw, [1843]. Rabitz (K.) * Ueber dfe Pneumonic tier Kiu- tler. 8-. Berlin, [1874]. Keilhe (H.) * De la pneumonic et ele la pleu- rdsie chez les enfans. 4°. Paris, 1806. Rilliet & Bartiiez. Maladies tics enfants. Affectious de poitrine. Premiere partie. Pneu- monie. 8°. Paris, 1838. -----. The same. A treatise on the pneu- monia of children. Transl. from Hie French by S. Parkman. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. -----. Thesame. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*41. Roccas (A.-J.-B.) *De la hroncuo-piieumo- uie (pneunionie catarrhale), forme de pneumonie plus sp6ciale a l'enfance et a la vieillesse. 4". Paris, 1850. Rocher (J.-C.) * Para 11 ele diftigrcntiel entre la pneumonie franche et la broucliio-pneuiuonie chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1877). Rolland (L.) * De la pneumouie chez les eu- fants. 4°. Paris, 1855. ROUCOLLES (J.-L.-M.-M.) * Pneumonie lobu- laire des enfans. 4°. Paris, 1831. Sachse (R.) *De pneumonia neonatorum. 8°. Berolini, 1835. Saubost. * Accidents cer«5braux au deMnit tle la pneumonic chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1884. Schmidt (C. C.) *De pneumonia infantum lobulari. 8°. Lipsiw, [n. d.]. Skifert ( P. ) Die Bronchiopneumonie eler Neugebornen uud Stiuglinge, eine nosologisch- therapentische Monographie. 8°. Berlin, 1837. Sorel (A ) * De la broucho-pneumouie cbez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1864. Warnatz (E. C. H.) * Beitriige zur Lehre von der primaren crouposen Pneumouie im Kindesalter. 8°. Leipzig, [1869]. Ziemssen (H.) Pleuritis unel Pneumonie im Kintlesalter. 8". Berlin, 18(52. A Iso [ Rev.], in: Jahrb. f. Kinderbeilk., Wien, 1861-2, v, 35-38. A It'xniiiltT (J. B.) On the pueunionia of infants. St. Louis M. ,v S. J., 1855, xiii, 193-200.—Ai-gutin»lii (P. M.) () die-istvii mitipirinapri krupozuoi pneumonii diete.i. [Antipyrin in croupous pueumouia of children.1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 696; 716.—Asliby (U.) A clinical lecture on croupous pneumonia in children. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1882, i, 297; 351.—AmmcIIii (J.) Pneumo- nic infantile. Gaz. mAd. tie Montreal, 1887, i, 11-16.— Badgley (F.) On the pneumonia of newly-born children. Montreal M. Gaz., 1844-5, i, 10-13. — ItayinnLy (A.) Ueber Pneunionie im Kindesalter. Deutsche meel. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1880. vi, 573; 586. Also: Veroffentl. tl. Ge- sellsch. f. Heilk. in Berl. Padiat. Section (1880), 1881, iv, 55-69.—Buizer (F.) Note sur l'Atat festal dans la broucho- pueunionie des enfants. Gaz. mAd. de Par., 1878, 5. s., vii, 102-104.—Bartbez. Recherches cliniques surla valeur de l'expectation elans le traitemeut de la pneumonie chez les enfants. Bull. gAn. de thArap., etc., Par., 1862, lxii, 368- 374. -----. Des rAsultats obteuus, al'bopital Saiute-EuuA- nie, par l'expectation dans le traitement dt! la pneumouie des enfants. [Rap. de Blache.] Bull. Acad, tie mAd., Par., 1864-5, xxx, 21-41.—Barlhcz (E.) efe Billicl. MAnioire sur quelques points tie I'histoire tie la bronoho-pneuiuouie chez les enfants. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 453; 459; 463; 466. Also, transl: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1851, xvii, 329-350.-----------. MAnioire sur queltiues parties tie I'histoire de la broucbite et de la broncho-pneu- monie cbez les enfants. Arch. gAn. de med., Par., 1851, 4. s, xxvii, 129; 272. Also, Reprint.----------. MAmoii'e sur la broncbo-pueumonie vAsiculaire chez les infants. Rev. mAd.-chir. tie Par., 1852, xi, 129; 193. — Bftqniiil (A.) De l'iufluence des Amissions sanguines et des vesica- toirAs appliquAs sur la poitrine tlans la pneunionie simple uu compliquAe des enfants. Arch. gAn. demAd., Pur.. 1839, 3. s.,iv, 437-472.—Behandlung (Ueber tlie) der genuinen Lungenentzundung bei Kintlern. J. f. Kinderkr.. Erlang., 1862. xxxix, 94-97. — Bemerkenaweriher Fall einer Pneumonia metastatica (post morbillos). Jahrb. tl. Kin- derh.. Wien, 1857-8, i, 178-182— Blackwell (E T.) Ca- tarrhal pneumonia in infants and older children. Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 885-889.— Blaxi. Studio clinico sulla febbre proporziouata pueumouica nei bambiui. [With dis- PNE0MOKIA. 443 PKEUMOKIA. Pneumonia in infants and'children. mission.1 Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877-8, iii, fasc. 3, 6- 2()._Bouchiit. De la pneumonie granuleuse et tubercu- leuse ; vesicules tubercnleuses daus les poumons. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 313. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1860, xxxv, 288-292. -----. Deux types bien tlis- tincts de la pneumonie tlu jeune &ge. Rev. de thArap. inAd.- chir., Par., 1876, xliii, 337. -----. Du traitement de la pneu- monic, catarrhale chez les enfants. Gaz. uiAd.-cbir. de Tou- louse, 1878, x, 133; 141. Also [Abstr.]; Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1878, ii, 193.—Bouvier. Del opportuniteet tie 1'eflieacitA de la medication vomitive par 1'ipAcacuanha, dans certains cas de pneumonie secondaire chez les enfauts. Bull. gAn. de therap., etc., Par., 1863, lxiv, 470-472.—Buch. Ueber Pneunionie bei Kindern. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1870, xxxix, 641.—Calloch. Syuoque pAripneumouique chez un enfant de dix ans; rAcidive dans la quinzaine. J. tie la sect, de med. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1865, xii, 26-33.— Catarrhal pueunionia. Abstr. M. & S. Oases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1882, Pendlebury, Manchester, 1883, ii, 20-28.—Celoni (P.) Di alcune particolarita tlella pul- ni'ouite crouposa nella eta infantile. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1882,1, 145; 244— Conltliu (W. J.) Peculiar features of pneumonia in voting children. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 225-227.-'C©nstuut (T.) Recherches sur le traitement de la pneumonie ties eufaus. Bull. gen. de thArap.. etc., Par., 1833, v, 75-82. -----. Nouveaux faits relatifs k l'emploi de l'oxyde blanc d'antimoine elans la pneumonic des enfans. Ibid, 1836, x, 205-212.—Cori- reaud (A.) Note complAmentaire sur l'inversion de la combe thermique dans certaines pneumonies infantiles. J. de mAd. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 391-394.—Costilhes (H.) Muguet complique de pueumouie lobaire; mort. Clin. tl. hop. d. enfants, Par.. 1842, ii, 361-364.—Cruveil- hier. [Pneumonie chez un enfant mort vingt-quatre heures aprAs sa naissance.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1831, 2. Ad., 1850, vi, 48—Cuming (T.) Observations on the peripneumonia of children. Tr. Ass. Kinu's efe Queen's Coll. Phys. Ireland, Dubl., 1828, v, 28-70.—Cutler (E.G.) A case of croupous pneumonia occurring in a child with serious initial disease; recovery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1883, fix, 78.—Cutts (W. H.) A case of pneumonia in a boy, running on rapidly to hepatization. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1860. v. 28-30.—Day (W. H.) Case of croupous pneumonia in a child, treated successfully by the cold bath. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 725-727.'—'■—. Acute pleuro-pneumonia in a child, terminating in gangrene of the right lung. Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxv, 98-103.— Descroizillew. Traitemeut de la pueumonie franche aigue chez les infants. Gaz. mAd. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 97-100. — D'Ftipine (A.) Observations sur la pneu- monie tranche infantile. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. Wash., 1887, fii, 559-567, 1 pi. Also: Rev. de mAd., Par., 1888, viii, 97-109.—vou Dusch (T.) Ueber croupose oder flbrinose Pneumouie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihres Vor- kommens im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1888, n. F., xxviii, 312-343.— Edgar (W. S.) Infantile pneumonia. St. Louis M. efe S. J..'1869, n. s., vi, 310-316.— FarquharMou. Some peculiarities of pneumonia iu early life. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1872-4, i, 154.— Fifield (VV. C. B.) Pneumonia in children. Boston M. &S. J., 1882, cvi, 472. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1880-82), 1883, viii, 169-171.—Finlayson (J.) Clinical lecture on a case of pueunionia with cerebral symptoms and subsequent arthritic complications. Arch. Peiliat., Phila., 1885, ii, 82- 88.—Fleischnianii (L.) Zur chronischen Spitzenpneu- mouie der Kinder. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 674-676.— Freyer. Zwei Falle von Pneumonie bei Kintleru mit kalteni Wasser und Chinin behandelt. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 560. — Fried leben. Beob- achtungsresultate iiber Pneumonie der Kinder. Arcb. f. pkysiol. Heilk., Stuttg , 1847, vi, 9; 167— Froebeliu* ( W.) Ein statistischer Beitrag zur Aetiolojde der eatar- rhalischen Pneumonie der Neugeborenen und Sauglinsre. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1880-81, ii, 464-476. General hypertrophy of brain, catarrhal pneumonia. Abstr. M. efe S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1883, Pendlebury, Manchester, 1884, iii, 71. — Gerhard (W. W.) On the pneumonia of children. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1834, xiv, 328: 1834-5, xv, 87. -----. Pneumonia of children. Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841, iii, 243-245.— Gibb. Lobar pueunionia of the whole of the left lung, and disseminated earnification, with emphvsema of the right lung, in an infant. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 67. — Grancher. Spleno-pneumonie chez l'enfant. Bull. mAd., Par., 1888, ii, 1395. Also: France mAd., Par., 1888, ii, 1506-1513. — Groa. Observation tie pneu- monie tuberculeuse cbez un enfant tie six mois. Alger mAd., 1877, v, 133-135.—Guaita (R.) Un caso tli pleuro- pneumonite in un bambino; considerazioni e deduzioni pratiche. Riv. ital. tli terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1881, i, 273- 287.-----. Della freqnenza tlella pneumonite lobare nei bambini al di sotto dei due anni di vita. Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1887, v, 113-124. — Guersaut pere. Pleuro- pneumonie aigue; quelques inflexions sur le diagnostic de cette affection dans l'enfance; emploi du kermAs. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 217. -----. De la pneumonie dans l'enfance et de son traitement; Apanchement pleuretique Pneiiinonia in infants and children. ouvert k 1'extArieur. Union mAd., Par., 1847, i, 327; 338. — Guibert ( T.) Observations sur la pneumonie chez les enfans en has age. Rev. mAd. franc, et Atrang., Par., 1829, i, 221-225. — Hauff. Zur Lehre von der Bronchitis und Bronchopneumouie tier Kinder. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1853, xxiii, 213-215. —Ilauncr. Pneumonien. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1861-2, v, 142-150. — Hellstrdm (T.) Ueber die lobare Pneumonie der Kinder. Ibid., Leipz., 1889, n. F., xxix, 33-76. — Hennig ( C. ) Pneumonia; emphysema pulmonum. Ibid., Wien, 1859-60, iii, 52.—Henoch. Ue- ber Pneumonie tier Kinder. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 111-115. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1865-6), 1867, 297-299.—Hervieux (C.) De l'emploi des ventouses scarifiAes dans le traitement desdiverses formes tie la pneumonie chez les jeunes enfans. Union nied., Par., 1853,vii, 86; 89; 93. Also, transl.- J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1853, xxi, 1-14.—Holt (L. E.) Pneumonia in young chil- elreu. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 174; 201. Also, Re- print. -----. Broncho-pneumonia in a child, with unusu- ally high temperature. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 637. ---—. Cerebral symptoms iu the pneumonia of children. Med. Rec, N. Y.', 1888, xxxiii, 385-387. Also, Reprint. Also: N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 584-586. — lint-hard (H.) La pneumonie cArAbrale des enfants. Rev. mens. d. mai. de l'enf., Par., 1885, iii, 258-270. — Jecker. Sobre la neumonia de los ninos. PeriAd. Acad, de med. de MAgico, 1836-7, i, 345: 1837-8, ii, 19. — Jcfleriss (W. R. S.) Case of acute broncho-pneumonia in a child, ter- minating fatally within four days. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1875, i, 251.—Jepson ( S. L.) Pyopneumotho- rax following acute pleuro-pneumonia in a child aged thirteen years. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 773-780.— JuraHZ ( A.) Zur Statistik der croupdseu Pneumonie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des kiudlichen Alters. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 197; 213. Also, transl.: Me- dyeyna, Warszawa. 1874, ii, 197; 213; 229. -Karika (A.) KAiisavas rAzAleg kisdedek tiiddlobja ellen. [Sulphate of copper in pneumonia of infants.] Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1877, xvii, 145; 161.—Heating (J. M.) Croupous pneu- monia in children. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 568-572.—Keinpe (J. A.) & Gee. Cases of apex pneu- monia: Hospital for Sick Children, Great Oruioud street. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1877, ii, 386.—Kenner (R. C.) The treatmentof catarrhal pneumoniain children. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1888-9, viii, 166-170. — von Kiwisch (F. ) Die Pneumonie der Neugebornen. [4 cases.] Med.flahrb.el. k.k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1840, xxx, 534-546.—Kluge(C.) LiiugenentziindungderNeu<:ebore- nen. [2 cases.] Med. Ztg., Berl., 1835, iv, 133-135.—14reu- Ber. Bemerkungen iiber die Pneumonie der Kinder. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1843, ii, 450-456.—de I,a Bcrge (L.) Recherches sur la pneumouie lobulaire ob- servee k l'hopital des enfants malades de Paris. J. hebd. d. progr. tl. sc. et inst. mAd., Par., 1834, ii, 414: iii, 5; 41; 70.— Lawrence (H. C. ) Right lobar pneumonia in a child. Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1878, n. s., xxv, 171.— Ijecadre (A.-A.) Observation d'une pneumonie avec tous les symptomes d'une asphyxie chez un enfant non- veau-nA. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1832, xii, 621-626. — l.eoii- hardi. Ein Fall lobiirer Pneumonie mit Erscheinungen des Hydrocephaloids bei einem 4jiihrigen Knaben, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Hydrocephaloid, das Vorkommen und Verhalten der lobaren Pneumonie bei Kindern, iiber die Wirkung eler Digitalis und den Herpes labialis in der Pneumonie. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1859, xi, 381-383.— lupine. Noyaux caseeux avec une pneumonie lobaire chez un enfaut non tuberculeux. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1869, xliv. 182.— IiC Body. Pneumouie septique des nouveaux-nAs. J. mAd. quot., Par., no. 175, 1884, ii, 2.— liittle (J.) Acute lobar pneumonia and chronic Bright's disease in a boy aged four years. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 68.—I.orey. Tod eines kiaftigeu 3jahrigen Madchens an Lungenentziiuduug. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. MAd.- Wes., tl. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1858), 1860, ii, 55. -----. Fall von Lungenentziiuduug bei einem 2- jahrigen Madcheu, nachdem entziindlicbes Fieber und die Erscheinungen einer drohenden Hirnhautentziindung vorhergegangen waren. Ibid., 57.—Uleigs (J. F.) Cases of obscure pneumonia in children. Med. Exam., Phila., 1851, n. s., vii, 1-17. Also.- Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1850-53), 1853, n. s., i, 5-20. — lTlora. A propos d'une pneunionie infantile traitAe et guArie par l'eau-de-vie. Courrier nied., Par., 1882. xxxii, 261. — Muller. Die neuere Therapie der infantilen Pneumonieen. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1867, xlix, 155-187.—rVance (H. C.) Analysis of forty-four cases of croupous pneumonia. Abstr. M. efe S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1883, Pendlebury, Manchester, 1884, iii 86-97.—IVath. Zur Pneumonic tier Kinder und ihrer Behandlung. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb. u. Leipz., 1857, xi, 19-33.—Neumonia (La) en los ninos. Bol. med. y cirug. tie Jaen, 1879-80, i, 105-107. — IVichol (T ) On tlie catarrhal pneumonia of childhood. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884-5, vi, 86-100.—Patton (A.) Acute inflammation of the lungs in young children nnder six veai's of asre. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883. l, 139-141.— Pepper (W.) A case of double croupous pneumonia in PNEUMONIA. 444 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia in infants and children. a child, with remarks on antipyretic treatment. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 1-3. — Phillip* ( D. ) The symptoms, diaguosis, and treatment of pneumonia in children. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 432-435. — Plant (W. T.) Pneumonia in children. Detroit Lancet, 1882-3, n. s., vi, 145-149. — Bautenberg. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Pneumouie im Kiudesultei-. Jahrb. f. Kinderb., Leipz., 1874-5, viii, 105-108. —Reislaiul. Zur Casuistik tier sog. Gehirnpneumonien tier Kinder. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1873, xviii, 395-400. — Bice (B.) Cases of pneu- monia in children. Prov. M. efe S. J., Lond., 1851, 433.— Billiet efc Bartliez. Ueber tlie Pneumouie tier Kin- der. I. Beitrage zur Pathologie der Luugeu-Entzi'tntlung der Kinder. (Aus: Maladies des enfants, Affectious de poitrine, Premiere partie, Paris, 1838, entlelmt von Dr. C. A. Tott.) N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1840, viii, 182- 201.—Bitscher (E. H. B.) Ueber die Brustkrankheit der Kinder (Pneumonia infantilis). Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xxxi, 115-140. Also [Abstr!] : Ztschr. il. prakt. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Munchon, 1831-2, i, 233-239.— Roger (II.) Traitement de la bronchio-pueuuionie ties enfants it ses deuxieme ettroisiAniepAiiinles. Bull.gen.de therap , etc., Par., 1870, lxxviii, 145-151.—Bute (E.) Quel- ques recherches sur la pneumonie des enfants. J. tl. conn. med. chir., Par., 1835-0, iii, 101-108.—Sahmeu (H.) Zur Lehre von tier Pneumouie der Kinder. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1865, ix, 129-144.—Meheef (J.) Einige Fiille von ceunplicirter croupdser Pneumonie- im friihesten Kindes- alter. Med. CoiC-Bl. il. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1884, liv, 297-304. — Sell uItx (O. T.) A case of croupous pneumonia in an infant nine weeks old. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1884, xxix, 338-340.—Si I ber man n (O.) Ueber septische Pneumonie tier Neugeborenen und Sauglinge. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1883-4, xxxiv. 334- 351. — SlavyniiMki ( K.) K' patologii katarraluago vo- spaleniya legkikh ii novrozhdenuikb igrudnikh daitei. [Ou Hie pathology of catarrhal inflammation of the luugs iu children.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1867, vii, 403 ; 411.— Nmilh (Q. C.) The moist girdle for pulmonic inflammation of children. Pacific M. efe S. J., San Fran., 1877-8, xx, 356.— Sprague (G.) Reflections on the general diagnosis of dis- ease's of infants, with some remarks on the treatmeut of in- fantile pneumonia. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1844-5, iii, 349- 356. — Ninrr (L.) Croupous pueumouia; acute pleurisy ; clinical lecture. Arch. Pediat.. Jersey City, 1884, i, 149- 160.—Steffcn (A.) Ueber Streifenpneumonie. Jahrb. f. Kinderb., Leipz.. 1874-5, n. F., viii, 255-287. — Steiner. Die lobulare Pneumonie der Kinder. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1862, lxxv, 1-30. Also, Reprint. -----. Die Ursache n der cerebral en Symptome bei der sogenannten Gehirnpneumonie der Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1X0K-9, u. F., ii, 357-365.—Steiner efc IVcui cutler. Pa- diatrisclie Mittheilungen aus dem Franz Josef 's-Kinderspi- tale zu Prag. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1864, lxxxii, 30-45.—Sleiuitz (J.) Die acuten Pneumonieen ties Kiml. sailers. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv, 1161; 1173.—MteplieiiMon (W.) Clinical observations on pueunionia. [Kcuses. j Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 612,2charts; 805. Also, Reprint.—Mtierlin. Ueber die Behandlung der catarrbalischen Pneumonie der Sauglinge mit Ammo- nium carbonicum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 309.— Stocquart (A.) Du traitement de la pneumonie infantile par les injections hypodermiques de sulphate neutred'atro- pine; observations de neuf cas de guArison rapide et cer- taine par ce moyen. Arch, de med. et chir. prat., Brux., 1889. iii, 97-102.—Thomas (L.) Croupose Pneumonie. Handb. el. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tubing, 1878, iii, 2. Hft, 592-728.—Tordeus. Pneumonie k rechute cbez un enfant de sept mois. J. de mAd., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1877, lxiv, 525-531.—Tonnsentl (C. W.) Acute lobar pneu- monia in children. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi, 148; 213. .1 Iso. Reprint.—Trossat (F.) Une ApidAmie de pneumo- nie- chez des enfants. Lyon mAd., 1887, lvi, 540-544.— TrouMgeau (A.) De la pneumouie chez les enfauts. J. tie mAd., Par., 1844, ii, 97-107. Also: Ann. tie mAd. beige, Brux.. 1X44, ii, 97-104. -----. De la pneu monie catarrhale, et tie- la pneumouie lobaire de l'enfant. Union mAd., 1851, v, 455. -----. Du catarrhe pAripneumonique des enfants. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 309. — Trousseau ( A.) i- I^asegue ( C.) De quelques signes stAtboscopiquea, tlans leurs rapports avec la pneumonie des nouvcau-nes. Arch. gAn. de med., Par, 1850, iii, 129-14). Also, in his: Etudes mAd., 8°, Par., 1884, ii, 948-960. Also, transl .- J. f. Kinderkr., Erlanir., 1851, xvi, 227-239. — Tyrrell (G. G.) Blisters in the pneumonia of infants. Pacific M, efc S. J., San Fran., 1871-2, v, 401-410.- Valleix. ConsidAra- tions pratiques sur la pneumonie des enfants. Bull. gen. de thArap., etc., Par., 1849. xxxvi, 97-103.—Verevkin (S.I.) Sluch. intermitir. puevmouii u rebenka s obrazov. legoch. abscessa. [Intermiflent pneumonia in a child from the formation of an abscess of Inns;.] Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxv, 1011-1022.—Viura y Carrera*. Neumonia en ei uiiio preceditla tie los sin'tomas propios de la meningitis. Gac. mAd. de Catalufia, Barcel., 1879, ii, 394-398. — War- Mt'liauer. Ueber die catarrhalise-he Epidemic Erwach- seuer uud Sauglinge, namentlich iiber Bioiicho-Pneumo- uie, welche vom Mai bis October des J. 1856 in Kiakau ge- Plieililionia in infants and children. herrschthat. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1857, iii, 201; 22S. — Walxton (E.) On the lobular pneumonia of children. Glasgow M. J., 1853-4, [2.) s., i, 274-288.—Weber (L.) The theiupeufic value, of the hot lnustard-balli in pneu mouia in children. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1878, xi, 333-340 Also, Reprint. — West (C.) Clinical and pathological report on the pneumoniaof children iis it prevails among the poor in London. Brit, .fc For. M. Rev., Loud., 1843, xv, 543 572. Also, Keprint.—West (S. B.) An essay on pneumonia of children. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1849-50, 09-72.— Willxhire (W. II.) Historic data, etc., in refer- ence to some points of infantile pathology. No. 1. Pneu- monia. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lonil., 1853 xii, 514- 529.— Wysw (O.) Die Catarrhalpnciinioiiie. llantlb. il. Kinderkr. (Gerhaidt), Tubing., 1878, iii, 2. lift., 729-783. Pneumonia in old age. See, also, Age (Old, Diseases of). Bkrgk-Ijox (G.) * Recherches sur la pneumo- nic des vieillards (pneumonic lobaire- aiouii). 4°. Paris, 1806. Bisseix (C.) * Recherches sur e|iielt|iies symp- tomes ele la pneumouie chez les vieillards. 1°. Paris, 1853. Caulus, dit Caylus (B.) * Quelques consitle- rations cliniques sur la pneumouie tlu vieillartl. 4°. Paris, 1874. Cavasse (A.) * Dela pneumonie interstitielle eiu seiuimet eles poumous chez les vie-illarels. I \ Paris, 18B8. Charltox (E.) * De la pneumouie chez les vieillarels. 4U. Paris, 1845. -----. The same. 9. Leseure (C.-F.-A.) * Consitl6rations et obser- vatioues sur la pneumonie bilieuse et sur son trai- tement. 4°. Paris, 1831. Martin (F.) * Sur la pneumouie bilieuse. 4°. Paris, 1811. Meyer (C. A.) *De pneumonia biliosa.. 4°. Lipsiw, [1H41]. Moreau (L.-A.) * Snr la p6ripnenmonie com- pliquee d'affection bilieuse. 4°. Paris, 1K2:5. Morgenroth (T.) * De pneumonitide biliosa. 8°. Barutha, 18130. Petazzi (J.) * De pneumonitide biliosa. 8°. Ticini liegii, 1843. Pomyers (F.-M.) * Essai sur la pleuro-pneu- monie aigue, compliquee avec ties symptomes d'affection bilieuse, sp6cialement consielerde sous le rapport du traitement qu'elle reclame elaus cet 6tat ele complication. 4°. Paris, 1819. Pyot (J.-J.-R.) Essai sur la peripneumonie bilieuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1818. Salzmann (L.) *De pneumonia biliosa. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1867]. Allen (R. N.) An essav on pneumonia biliosa. Marv- land M. Recorder, Bait., '1829, i, 589-617.—Baldinger (E.G.) Ueber eine gallichte Lungenentziindung. N.Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1793, xv, 165-170.—Rettelheiin (K.) Ue ber Pneumonia biliosa. Wien. med. Presse, 1872\ xiii, 1106. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre von der "Pneumonia biliosa". Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1882-3, xxxii, 591- 604.—Hordes-Pages. Fluxion de poitrine intiamma- toire, bilieuse; symptomes cboleriques; mort apres neuf jours de maladie; autopsie. J. Soc. de med.-prat, de Mont- pel., 1843, viii, 223-225.—Carrer (G.) Di una peiuiciosa pneumonica a tipo quotidiano tloppio, con tempeiatura iui- ziale a 45°. 1. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete-, Padova, 1881, xxiv, 435-437.—Cartwright (S. A.) Pneiiinonia biliosa. Am. M. Recorder, Phila.,'1826, x, 41-83.— Itelvnux (P.) Observation ele pneumonie aigue du poumon droit, ayant pris la forme de fievre intermittente peruicieuse piieuinoniqiie (Alibert, Grisolle), pneumonie intermittent!' (Munge.llaz). Presse med. beige, Brux., 1852, iv. 205.—Uiirr (G. E. F.) Rheumatisch -gustriscbe Liingi-ne.-iitziinelung mit Seiten- stich und uervbsem Nebencharacter. Schweiz. Zlschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk.. Heilbr.. 1837, ii, 107-112.—Fnuchier (J.- F.) Histoire tie la maladie qui a regne a Videmban et k Taradeau (arrondissement de Draguignau, departement tlu Var) pendant les mois de Janvier, leviier et mars 1807. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. tie Montpel., 1807, x, 149; 225; 309.—Faster. Observations et inflexions sur la pneu- monie bilieuse. Gaz. m6d. tie Par., 1830, i, 369; 405.— Fuzee-Aublet. Observation sur une peripneumonie bilieuse et putride, terminer par un depot critique. .T. de med. mil., Par., 1785, iv, 181-187.—«»nllcrcux. Obse-r vations relatives k la premiere question tlu plan de travail de la Soci6t6 academiquedem6decine: Feut-on, avec Stol, admettre ties peripueumonies bilieuses? J. g6n. tie metl., chir. et pharm., Par., 1815. iiii, 233-246.—Garvin (I. P.) Remarks on pneumonia biliosa. South. M. efc S. J., Au- gusta, 1836-7, i, 536-544.—Uoeflen (H. A.) Von dem Wesen tier gallichten Lungeneiitzundung (Pneumonia el Pleuresia. biliosa). J. d. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1822, lv, 3. St., 68-84.—Ilendershott ( J.) The " cold plague ". Med. Counselor, Columbus, 1856, ii, 221-223.—Iliggason (.J.) Observations on the bilious pneumonia, of Fayette County, Tennessee. Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1835, viii, 393-407.—Jameson (H. G.) Remarkable case of pneu- monia biliosa, Maryland M. Recorder, Bait., 1829, i, 699- 701.—Janssen (H. A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss vou epide- miscben Auftreten der Pueunionia biliosa. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, xxxv, 355-381.—Johnson (S. P.) Bilious pneumonia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1873, xxix, 113.—I.,e t'lercq (H. P.) Drie waaruciningen van peripneumonia biliosa. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Amst., 1846, n. s., v, 454.—lietli (J.-B.) Considerations pratiques sur un cas de fievre bilieuse inflammatoire, avec PNEUMONIA. 449 PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia (Bilious). peripneumonie et pericardite, observe tlans les salles de clinique de M. le professeur Cavol. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1829, ii, 264-281. — Luckie (W. F.) Some account of the pneumonia biliosa. as it occurred in Hinds County Mississippi, in the winter and spring of 1831. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1831, viii, 354-357. — Martin-Solon. De la pneumonie bilieuse et de son traitement. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxv, 12-19.—.Tlistler. Note sur uue epidemie de pleuro-pneumonies bilieuses. Gaz med de Par., 1832, iii, 597.—Potain. Pneumouie bilieuse. Praticien, Par., 1883, vi, 614-617.—Potter (N.) Remarks on pneumonia biliosa. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 18''1 iv 403-419. -----• Observations on pneumonia bilio- sa" 'Bait. M. & S. J. & Rev., 1833, i, 261-276.—Pratt (F. H.) Case of bilious pneumonia. Ohio M. efc S. J., Colum- bus, 1848-9, i, 506-508.—Rivers (J. D.) Cold plague or malignant bilious pneumonia. Med. Exam., Phila., 1847, n. s., iii, 267-272.—Santero. Pleuro-neumonia catarral- bileosa-atdxica. Aspiracion med., Madrid, 1867-8, i. 23.— Traube(L.) Ein Fall von Pneumonia biliosa mit phieni- tischen Erscheinungen, die am 5. Tage der Krankheit ein- trcten unel nach der am 7. Tage erfolgten Krise foitdauern. In his. Ces. Heitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 293-297.—Verrier (E.) Pneunionie bilieii.se. Medeciu prat.. Par., 1882, iii, 473-475.—Volger. Beschreibunu-einer gallichten Peripneumonie. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1785, vii, 215-219.—Watkins (J. D.) Pneumonia biliosa and typhoides. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Albany, 1859, 144-152.— /.ipp. Lungen-Entziindung mit Gallsucht. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1825, lxi, Suppl.-Hft., 59-63. Pneumonia (Gaseous). Bkkthiek (A.) * De la nature et tie la marche clinitine ele la pneumonie case"euse lobaire aigue chez les adultes. (Broncho-pneumouie tubercu- leuse aigue pseudo-lobaire.) 4°. Paris, 1880. Ciaudo (J.) * De la pueumouie case"euse. 4°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. H \ Paris, 1868. Colomiatti (V. F.) Contribuzione alio studio del carcinoma e della pneumonite caseosa. 8°. Torino, lb77. Lepine(R.) * De la pneumonie cas6euse. 8°. Paris, 1872. Tourrie (G.) * Considerations sur la pneu- monie caseeuse cons6cutive a une pneumonie non re'solue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Bonier. Pneumoniekformecaseeuse. Courriermed., Par., 1875, xxv, 115.—Buhl (L.) Die kasige Pueumouie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1873, xiii, 573-576. -----. Croupose und kasige Pneumonie. Mitth. a. d. path. Inst. zu Miinchen, Stuttg., 1878,174-194—Rulleau (A.) Pneu- nuuiie caseeuse; mort subite. Progres med , Par., 1877, v, 58!).—C'arpcnlier. Pneumonie flbrineuse termin6epar l'etat caseeux. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1876-7, xxix, 33- 35.—C'eloni (P.) Della tisi polmonare in genere e di due casi di pneumonite caseosa in specie. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1871, xxviii, 561-598.—Charcot. Note sur la pneu- monie caseeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877. Iii, 476. Also: Progrfes med., Par., 1877, v, 947.—t'houppe (H.) Contribution k I'histoire clinique de la pneumonie caseeuse lobaire aigue chez les adultes. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1874, ii, 5; 171.—Condie (D. F.) Tubercular pneumonia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 365-369.—Dieula- foy. La tuberculose pulmonaire et la pneumonie caseeuse. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 389; 405.—Oi- rurd. Pneumonie caseeuse. Mem. et bull. Soc,. med.- chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1868, iii, 155-160— Hardy. Pneumouie caseeuse et tubercules. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1879, Hi, 266.—Henderson. Case of pneumonia and acute tubercular infiltration affecting the upper lobe of the left lung. Lond. efc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iii, 323- 328.—Joh ne (A.) Die kasige Pneumonie, speeiell die sojien. kasige Hiittenrauchpnenmonie oder Hiittenrauch- tuberkulose des Rindes. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1883, i, 679-691.—Kasige (Die) Pneumonie uud die Tuberku- lose. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1877, xviii, 1; 25; 49: 73; 145; 219; 241; 265.— Keyt (A. T.) Caseous pneumonia, in its relationshiptotuberculosis. Tr. OhioM. Soc, Dayton, 1873, 99-119.—Kramer (F.) Caseous pneumonia with enlarge- ment of bronchial and cervical glands. Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vii, 85-87.—Manchester (H. T.) & Hobson (J. M.) Caseous pneumonia of the entire lung. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 660. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 115-120.—Maygrier (C.) Pneumonie case- ,S,?e du Poum<>n droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 372-374. -----. Pneumonie pseudo-lobaire caseeuse du poumon gauche, le droit etant sain. Progres med.. Par., 1877, v, 532.—Porak. Tuberculisation pulnionaire aigue determinant de la pneumonie interstitielle et caseeuse; lnsnflisance mitrale; mort subite apres deux mois et demi de maladie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 689-694.— Stevens (E. B.) Caseous pneumonia; a case. Cincin. 29 Pneiiinonia (Caseous). Lancet efc Obs., 1871, xiv, 579-583.—Traube (L.) Eine Bemerkung uber das Verhaltniss der tuberculosen (kasi- gen) Pneumonie zu den orgauischen Herz-Krankheiten. Allg. Centr.-Ztg., 1864, xxxiii, 813. -----. Ein Fall von acut verlaufeuei- tuberkuloser (kasiger) Pueumouie mit rasch tddtlichem Ausgang. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 475. Also, in his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, ii, pt. 2, 807-814. -----. Fall von subactifver- lauf ender kasiger Pneumonie. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 383-385.—Vergcly. Examen d'un poumon atteintd'unepneumonie ditecaseeuse. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1868, iii, 160- 169. Pneumonia (Catarrhal or lobular). See, also, Pneumonia in infants, etc. Bakody (T.) Die katarrhalische Pneumonie vom patbologisch-bistologischen Standpunctc. 8-. [Leipzig, 1873. ] Basset (L.) * De la pneumonie lobulaire chez l'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1emnirc. Observatiiuiii pour servir a I'histoire de la pneumonie contagieuse. Nor- mandie metl., Rouen, 1885-6, i, 311-314.—I^croux (C.) Sur un cas tie pneumonie infectieuse. J. tl. conn. in6d. prat,, Par., 1884, li, 113 f_ Considerations sur la pneumonite qui a regne k Paris coiijointement avec la grippe, et sur son traitement. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1837, xiii, 1)3-139.—Scarpari (»•) Intorno alia presuuta infettivita della pneumonite r'rnP;a, Ann. univ. di metl. e chir., Milano, 1881, ce.lv, >>-l-5::8.—Schell (W.) Epidemic pneumonia in Owen Pneumonia (Contagious, endemic, epi- demic, and infectious). County, Indiana, Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1880-7, v 277- 279— Sch.....I (G.) Weitere Beitrage des Vorkommens coutagioser Pneumonieen. Med. chir. Centralbl. Wien 1878, xiii,410. [See.also, sxtpra, L.]— Schmid( H.) Ueber ein epidemisches Auftreten von Pueunionia crouposa Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883,xx,346-349.—Schmidtmann (L.I.) Geschichte einer achteu Lungenentzuiidung, die im Jahre 1795, in uud um Melle im Hochstift Osnabriick und in einem Theil der Graftschaft Raveusberg epidemisch geherrscht hat. J. d. pract, Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Jena, 1797, iii, 3. St., 441-527j — Sec retail (L.) Pneumonie infeciieuse. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1885, v, 163-171.—See (G.) Des pneumonies infectieuses. Union med., Par. 1882 3. s., xxxiii, 917; 930; 941. -----. Sur les pneumonies in- fectieuses et parasitaires. France metl., Par., 1884. ii, 1745- 1747.—Senator (H.) Eine Ilaiisepidemie von (infectidser) Pneumonie, Charite-Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 324-329.— Wen (It (A.) Beitrag zur epideiuischen Pneunionie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx. 580-582—Slade-King (E.) Some account of pneumonia (infectious) at Dolton in the spring months of 1883. Practitioner, Loud., 1884, xxxii, 305-311.—Smith (C. H.) Illustrations of the infections nature of acute pneumonia. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 208.—Smith (H. H.) Epidemic of pnenmonia in Phila- delphia. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. (1878), 1879, i, 85. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1879, ix, 531-533.—Smith (M.) An ac- count of a malignant epidemic which prevailed in the county of Westchester (N. Y.) in the summer of 1812. Am. M. rocida (A.) Della pneumonia da malaria, e di talunealtie forme subordinate a questa. Arch, di med^ chir. eel ig., Roma, 1870, ii, 289-296. — Kadakotr (A.) K kazuistike vozvratnoi krupoznoi puevmonii (pueunionia recurrens). Metl. Obozr., Mosk , 1884, xxi, 1067-1069.— Rodman (W. B.) Endemic of pythogenic or miasma- tic-infectious pneumonia, with illustrative cases. Am. J. M.Sc. Phila., 1876. U.S., clxi, 76-84 Rouxeau (C.) Quel- ques considerations sur la fievre intermittente pernicieuse pneumonique. J. de la sect, de med. Soe. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1851, xxvii, 156-172. Also: Rev. med.-chir. de Par., NEUMONIA. 456 PNEUMOTHORAX. Pneiiinonia (Malarial and intermittent). 1851, x, 321-332. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1852, xliii, 505-509. -----. Observation de fievre intermittente pneumonique. J. de la sect, de metl. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1857, xxxiii, 346-358.— Mchonheit (R.) Ein Fall von Pneumonia intermittens tertiana. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1856, vii, 280-282.—Schbnlein. Pneumonie, eigenthiim- lich complicirt mit Intermittens; Genesung. Inhis: Klin. Vortr. in d. Char.-Krankenh. zu Berl., 8°, Berl., 1842,102-104. Also: Ibid., 1843, 102-104. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 59. — Soenens. Fievre intermittente pernicieuse pneumonique. Arch. belg. de m6d. mil., Brux., 1857, xix, 188-191.—Taylor (W. W.) Malarial pneumonia. Missis- sippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1883, iii, 337-341.—Ter- reil (A.J.) Pneumonia treated by quinine. VirginiaClin. Rec, Richmond, 1872-3, ii, 459. — Toii (C.) Accesso per- nicioso di forma algido-comatosa intercorso ad una pleuro- pneumonite. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. s., ii, 61; 79; 102 ; 132.—Ubach (J.) Un caso notable de pneu- monia intermitente. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1879, iii, 401. Also : Gac. med. de Sevilla, 1880, ii, 21-23.—Vander Meersrh. Cas de pneumonie intermittente. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1866, xxxiii, 141-149. (Rap. de Maesl, 149-154. [Discussion], 229-249. — Znlabardo (J.) Caso notable de calentura perniciosa de forma pneum6nica. G6- nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 397-399. Pneumonia (Massive). See Pneumonia (Abnormal, etc.). Pneumonia (Rheumatic). See Pneumonia (Causes of). Pneiiinonia (Syphilitic). C'aulnui (A.) Polmonite interstiziale di natura sifili- tica; fatti nervosi anche sifilitici. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1886, vii, 58-60. —Greenfield ( W. S.) Syph- ilitic (?) pneumonia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1876, xxvii, 43-46, 1 pi. — Hertz ( H.) Ein Fall von Aneurysma uud Pneumonia syphilitica. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1873, Ivii, 421-436. — Kopp (C.) Syphilis tier Tra- chea und tier Bronchien; Pneumonia syphilitica; zwei Beobachtungen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1882-3, xxxii, 303-314, 1 pi. — 1VI oxon ( W. ) Peculiar pneumonia in a syphilitic subject. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870-71, xxii, 38-41.—O'Connor. Syphilitic pneu- monia. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 238. — Pauchon (A.) Probablement deux exemples de syphilis pulmonaire. Mar- seille med., 1874, xi, 131. — PertilelT. Sluc.hai siphiliti- cheskoi pneumonii. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 376-378.—Sacharjin (G.) Die syphilitische Pneumo- nie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 35-37.—Sotov (A.) Sluchai pneumoniae syphilitica?; vizdorovlenie posle vti- ranii unguenti grisei. Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1883, xxii, 8.—Syphilitic pneumonia. N. York M. Press, 1860, n.s., iii, 277.—von Szontagh (F.) Ein Fall von " weisser syphilitischer Pneumonie " bei einem 5£jiibringen Knaben. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1888, n. F., xxviii, 172-174. Pneumonia (Traumatic). See Pneumonia (Causes of). Pneumonia (Typhoid). See Pneumonia (Adynamic, etc.). Pneumonia (Wandering). Bragin. Sluchai polzu. kroup. pnevm (pneumonia crouposa migrans). Voyenno-san. tlielo, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 57. — Brieger (L.) Ueber Wanderpneumonie. Cha- rit6-Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 159-170.—Bruzelius. Pneu- monia migrans. Forh. Svens. Liik. - Sallsk. Sammank. 1873, Stockholm, 1873, 22. — Caspar!. Pneumonia mi- grans. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 669.— Fischl (J.) Ueber Pneumonia migrans. Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1872, cxiv, 112-122. — Hoe'rschel- mann. Ueber Pneumonia crouposa untl Pneumonia migrans; ein Fall von Pneumonia migrans verbunden mit Erysipelas faciei. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 660 - 663. — Karametsas ( G. ) Ilveu/uoi'ia irKavriTLs. 'Ao-K\rjin6i, Atfijvai, 1870, ix, 168-176.— Kuessner ( B.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der wandernden Pneumonie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 101; 117.—Orel (A. P.) Sluch. hlujda. krup. pneumonii. (pneumonia crou- posa migrans). Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, vi, 11; 26.— Perlesz (E.) Pneumonia migrans esete kis gyermekn61, gy6gyul&s. | ... in a little child; recovery.] Gy6gydszat, Budapest, 1878, xviii, 309; 319. — Reisz (C.) &. Lerinon (F.) Pneumonia migrans kompliceret med Pyoperikar- dium; Punktur af Perikardiet metl Aspiration. Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenh., 1879, 2. R., vi, 509; 521. —Terray (P.) Adat vaudor tiidolob utan fejlodott tiidotalyog koroktaml,- hoz. [Etiology of pulmonary abscess appearing in the course of pneumonia migrans.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887 xxxi, 1209; 1264. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 817; 833; 853. — Lnruh. PlieillllOllia (Wandering). Ein Fall von Pneumonia migrans. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1880, n. F., xv, 475— IVnldenbui'K (L.I Ein Kail von wandernder Pneumouie. I'.erl. klin. Wchnschr. 1870 vii, 494. PlieillllOllia (On). 36 pp. 8°. London, W. Dary <*' Son, 1850. Repr. from: Brit. J. Homepop., Lond., 1851, ix. Piiemiioperieai'riiiiiii. See Pericarditis; Pericardium (Gas in). Pneiimopyothorax. See Pyopneumothorax. Piieiimorrliagia. -See Haemoptysis; Lungs ( Bcemorrhage into, etc.). Pneumoseope. Oabrichevski (G. N.) Pnevmoskop. Med. Obozr., 1889, xxxi, 77-86. Pneumothorax. .See, also, Chest (Paracentesis of, Complications, etc., of); Chest ( Wounds, etc., of); Emphysema; Emphysema (Complications, etc., of); Emphy- sema (Pulmonary); Gases en the body; Hydro- pneumothorax; Hydrothorax; Lungs ( Rupt- ure of); Phthisis (Complications of); Pyopneu- mothorax; Ribs (Fracture of). Adlek (E.) * Die Heilung ernes Pneumotho- rax bei vorgeschrittener Lungeuphtise. 8°. Frei- burg i. B., 1871). Albersheim (J.) * Ein Fall von geheiltem Pneumothorax bei Lungentuberculose, mit Be- merkungen iiber Prognose und Therapie ties phthisischeu Pneumothorax. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 1888. Augry (C.-A.) *Du pneumothorax cause? par la rupture tie veSsicules emphysemateuses au coura tie l'emphyseme pulmonaire chronique. 4°. Pa- ris, 1887. Bahr (H.) * Statistische Beitriige zum Pneu- mothorax. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1883. Baerensprung ( H. ) *Znr operativen Be- handlung ties Pneumothorax. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Baumel (G.) *Ein Fall von Pneumothorax mit serosem Exudat. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1879. Bender ( F. ) * De pueumatothorace. 8°. Wireeburgi, 1849. Berthe (L.-E.-J.) *Sur le pneumothorax. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. Billqvist (C. G. L.) # Nagra Fall af Pneu- mothorax iakttagna under Tjeustgeiring pa kongl. Seraphimer-Lazarettet. 8°. Lund, 1857. Boll (A.) * Ueber Differential-Diagnose eles circumscripten Pneumothorax und des acuteu Emphysems. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1872. Bonnarme (P.) * Contribution a 1'eStude du pneumothorax (de la transposition du cceur daus cette affection). 4°. Paris, 1876. Bouffare ( L. ) * Contribution a l'eStude tlu pneumothorax de cause interne et de sou pro- nostic. 4°. Paris, 1887. Boursot ( E. ) * Contribution a 1'tStude des signes tlu pneumothorax. 4C. Paris, 1883. Breiderhoff(A.) * De pneumothorace. 8J. Bonnw, 1861. Bruciiausen (J.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Gryphiw, [1^44]. Clemanceau (A.) * Dissertation sur le pneu- mothorax. 4°. Paris, 1824. Coudrin. * Contribution a l'eStude de l'anato- mie pathologique du pneumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1882. Dechend (H.) * Pneumothoracis monogra- phia, addita una de hoc morbo observatione. 8°. Balw, [1844]. Deilmann (G. ) * De pneumothorace. 8°. Balis, 1866. PNEUMOTHORAX. 457 PNEUMOTHORAX. Pneumothorax. Delosea(R.) * De pneumothorace. 8°. Bero- lini, [1851]. Dkvillik.ks (A.) *Du pneumothorax deter- mine par la rupture de la plevre et tl'une v6si- ciileaerienneemphys6mateuse. 4°. Paris, 1826. Ehrenburg (G.) * Ueber Pneumothorax. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1842. Fallot (A.) * Essai sur le pneumothorax. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Fiebiger (I.) * De pneumothorace, adnexis inorboruni historiis synopticis. 8°. Pragw, 1842. Fraentzel (O.) Pneumothorax. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1875, iv, 452-476. Also, in: Cycl. Pract. M (Ziemssen), N. T., 1876, iv, 744-771. Francke (P.) * De pneumothorace, addita historia'morbi. 8°. Gryphice, 1857. Fkom.m (C. A.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Be- rolini,[1849]. Fi'kst(B.) *Zur Lungenfistel beim Pneumo- thorax. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1883. Gerard (A.-J.-I) * Causes, signes et termi- uaisons tlu pneumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1865. Handjian (G.) * Contribution a l'etude du pneumothorax partiel. 4°. Paris, 1888. Hartwig (F.) *De pneumothorace, adelita nimbi historia una. 8°. Gryphiswaldiw, 1861. Heller (E.) *De pneumothorace. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Hennig (M.) * Ueber Pneumothorax. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1877. Hetsch (R.) *Eiu Fall von geheiltem Pneu- mothorax. 8°. Greifswald, 1868. Hotte (J. J.) * Die pathologisch-anatomi- schen Verhiiitnisse eles Pneumothorax, nebst zwei Kraukeugeschichten. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1848. Huart(G.) *Dupueumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1871. Hurwitz (J.) *Der Pneumothorax. 8°. Leipzig, 18156. Hwasser (I.) *Om pneumothorax, l.delen, utgifven af forfattaren Pehr Gustaf Victor Pal- lin. 8°. Upsala, [1848]. Ihlefeldt (G.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Balis Sax., 1664. Itard ( J.-E.-M.-G.) "Sur le pneumothorax, ou les congestions gazeuses qui se forment dans la poitrine. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Kellenberger (C. R.) * Ueber die plotzliche Verriickuug des Colon transversum zwischen Leber und Zwerchfell unter elen Erscheinungen eles Pneumothorax circutuscriptus. 8°. Er- langen, 1861. Klostermann (J. C. A.) * De pneumothorace. 8°. Berolini, 1865. Koechling (T.) 'De pneumothorace. 8°. Bonnw, 1854. Koerfgen (L.) * Ueber die anatomischen Causalmomente des Pneumothorax. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1879. Kuentzelmann (F.) * De pneumothorace. 8°. Lipsiw, 1850. Kuettner (L. E.) * Zur Prognose des Pneu- mothorax. 8°. Leipzig, 1866. Kuntze (P.) * Ueber Pneumothorax. 8°. Balle, 1873. Lakon (F.-L.) * Dn pneumothorax, ses causes, son diagnostic. 4°. Montpellier, 1874. Landgraf ( H. ) * Ueber Pneumothorax. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Bayreuth, 1883. Lemaire (P.-A.-E. ) *Sur le pneumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1837. Lentz(M.) *Ueber Pneumothorax bei Kin- deru. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Priim, 1880. Loehlein (E. L. C.) *De tensionis gasorum in pueumothorace rationibus. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. 'iieiimothorax. Marais (M.-A.) * Recherches sur les bruits anomaux du pneumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1847. Mattes (M.) * Ueber Pneumothorax. 8 . Wiirzburg, 1879. Mechain (E.-A.) * Considerations sur quel- ques cas de pneumothorax double. 4°. Paris, 1878. Meyer (M.) "Zur Casuistik ties geheilten Pneumothorax. 4C. Kiel, 1878. Michalsky (C. O.) * Nonnulla tie pneumo- thorace. 8°. Jenw, 1863. Moses (S.) *De pneumothorace nonnulla. 4°. Berolini, [1863]. Muennich(E.) * De pneumothorace. stn.8 . Berlin, [1859]. Natorp(P.) *Doppelseitiger Pneumotheirax in Folge vicariirenelen Emphysems. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1882. Neuen (C.) * De pneumothorace. 8°. Bero- lini, [1855]. Neuroth (F. [C. P,]) *Zur Casuistik nnd Statistik des Pneumothorax. 8C. Marburg, 1876. Noeldechen (C. H. G.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Berolini, [1864]. Ostmann([C.] A.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Berolini, 1865. Pernet ( V. ) * Contribution au traitement du pneumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1878. Perrachon (C.-J.) *Snr un meScanisme par- ticulier tie la disparition du pneumothorax par perforation et les indicatious qu'il fouruit au prouostic et au traitement. 4C. Paris, 1883. Pinthkr (A. F.) * Nonnulla de pneumotho- race. 8°. Lipsice, 1859. Proelss (F. E.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Lipsiw, 187)7. Protzer (I. G.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. Proust (A.) *Du pneumothorax essentiel ou pneumothorax sans perforation. 4°. Paris, 1862. Ravier (G.-J.) * De la persistance d'un epan- chement purement sereux tlans un hydro-pneu- mothorax ancien. 4°. Paris, 1878. Raynal(P.-A.) * Etude sur le pneumothorax. 4C. Montpellier, 1876. Robbers (H.) * Ueber Pneumothorax. 8°. Balle, [1873]. Rumpf (F.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Pneu- mothorax. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1849. Saussier (A.-F.) * Recherches sur le pneu- mothorax et les maladies qui le inodtiisent, les perforations pulmonaires en particulier. I. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1841. Schultz (F.) *De pneumothorace. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1865]. See (A.) "Quelques considerations sur une varied de pneumothorax traumatique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Tanquerey(A.-F.) *Du pneumothorax. 4°. Paris, 1837. Thenee (H. G.) * Observationes clinicse de pneumeithorace. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1865]. Thomas (B.-M. ) *Du pneumothorax par cause interne. 4°. Paris, 1868. Venot (J.-B.) * Considerations sur le pneu- mothorax. 4°. Paris, 1824. Viedebantt (C. G.) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. Vieuille (E.) *Du pneumothorax et de la possibility du pneumothorax sans suppuration de la plevre. 4C. Paris, 1876. Wach ( F. T. ) *De pneumothorace. 8°. Pragw, 1846. Weber (J.) *De pneumothorace. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1865]. Wiese (C.) * Beitrage zur Lehre vom Pneu- mothorax. [Geittingen.] 8C. Belmstedl, 1884. PNEUMOTHORAX. 458 PNEUMOTHORAX. Pneumothorax. Abeille. Vaste pneumo-thorax du cot6 droit; guerison spontanee. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1867, 3. s., xxii, 7-9.— Ailanm (J. F. A.) A case of pneumothorax. Boston M. Ac S. .1., 1886, cxv, 397.—Alexander (G.) Case of pneu- mothorax. Edinh. M. efe S. J., 1826, xxv, 294-296.—Ale- xandrc. Sur un cas de pneumothorax. Bull, etmem. Soc. dc med. prat, de Par.. 1888, 342-345.—Anitiie (F. E.) Pneumothorax. Syst. Med. (Reynolds'). Lond., 1871, iii, 954-958.—ArchnugclNki (X. Si.) Sluchai pneumotho- raeis, okonchivsbiisja vi/.dorovleniem. Med. prihav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1882, Nov., 65-68. Also, transl: St. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 25.—Au- qnier (E.) Du role des teusions et des pressions intra- thoraciques tlans le pneumothorax traumatique. Gaz. hebd. d.sc. m6d.de Montpel., 1882, iv, 557; 598; 609; 617.— Banks (J. T.) Pneumothorax with effusion; recovery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xvii, 318-325.—Barker. Clin- ical lecture on a case of. pneumothorax. Loud. M. Gaz., 1843-4, xxxiii, 161-164.—Bernard (C.) Observation de pneumothorax. Compt rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, l.pt.. 189.—Bernheim (H.) Contribution & I'histoire du pneumothorax de cause tuberculeuse. Rev. m6d. de 1'est, Nancy, 1875, iii, 3-14. -----. Considerations cliniques et therapeutiques sur le pneumothorax. Inhis: Lecous clin.metl., 8°, Par., 1877, 126-152.—Biach (A.) ZurAetio- logie ties Pneumothorax. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 6; 37; 60; 142; 168; 406; 431. -----. Ueber Heilung ties Pneumothorax. Mitth. tl. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1883, ix, 282; 301.—Bieganski (W.) Przy- czynek do etiologii odiny piersiowej. [Etiology of pneu- mothorax.] Medyoyna, Warszawaj 1885, xiii, 741-745.— Biermer (A.) Zur Heilungsgeschichte und Diagnose des Pneumothorax. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1860, i, 384-403. -----. Ueber Pneumothorax. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern, 1863, ii. 101-162.—Bigelow (J.) Remarks on pneu- mothorax, with cases, and an experimental inquiry into the causes of the metallic sounds heard in that elisease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxiii, 45-59—Biondi. Tie casi di pni'iiinoe.oiace. Boll. d. clin., Milauo, 1888, v, 529- 538.—Bjorustrdiu (F.) Om tie metallislta ljuden i pneu- mothorax. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1872. vii, 4-10.— Blondean. Pneumothorax consfecutive k uue pl»ui-6sie aigue. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxvi, 30-32.—Boc- cardi (G.) Ricerche sperimentali sullo pneuniotorace. Movimento, Napoli, 1880, 2. s., ii, 19-27, 1 tab.—Bocks- bummer. Zwei Falle von Pneumothorax. Med. Cor.- Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868. xxxviii, 189- 191.—Bodenheimer. Fall vou Pneumothorax trauma- tica. Bed. klin. Wchnschr., 1865, ii, 354.—Bojasinski. Odma piersiowa (pneumothorax) skutkiem rozedmy pluc (emphysema pulmonum). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1876, xx, 322-326.—Bouveret (L.) Sur le pneumothorax suffo- cant; pathogenie; traitement par l'etablissemeut d'une fis- tule thoracique permanente. Lyon med., 1888, lix, 609- 618.—Boji-i-. Pneumothorax de nature tuberculeuse; ponction; guerison. Bull.Soc.de med.de Koueu (1888), 1889, 2. s.. ii, 50-55.—Breuer. Pneumothorax. Med.- chir. Rundschau, Wien, 1870. xi, 76-80.- Kiut-ii (E. T.) Percussion as a means of diagnosis of pneumothorax. Med. News, Phila., 1K8X, Iiii, 601.—Briinnicbe (A.) Til Opklaring af nogle omtvistede Puukter i Lieren om Pneu- mothorax. Hosp.-Metl., Kjobenh., 1856, 2. R., i, 526-561. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Dublin Hosp. Gaz , 1856, n. s., iii, 109; 122; 153.—Buequoy. Pneumothorax; tuberculisa- tion pulmonaire presumee. Rec. tl. trav. Soc. mtkl. d'obs. de Par., 1859-63, ii, 54-70—Bucquoy (J.) Des conditions de developpement du pneumothorax. Praticieu, Par., 1878-9, i, 235-238. -----. Du pneumothorax, sans commu- nication tie la plevre avec l'air ext6rieur, consecutif a la tho- racocentese par aspiration. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1879, 2. s , xvi, 789-791. -----. Du pneumothorax; traitement. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1879, xlvi, 645-64!). —Bull (V. E.) Et tilfalde af reciilivereude diffus pneumothorax; to gange helbredelsc. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1877, ix, no. 11, 1-7.— Bnnge (G.) Wie ist die Resorption der Luft aus der Pleurahohle zu erkliiren ? Arch. f. Physiol. Leipz., 1886. Suppl.-Bd., 184. — Burci (C.) efe Ga'lligo (I.) Sopra un casostranissimo di pneumo-toraeueele, estra- splancmco. Imparziale, Firenze, 1866. vi, 262-267.__Bur- rows efe Kir ken. t Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s.,v. 12; 277.—von dem Busch (G.) Pneumothorax untl Pleuritis bei einem jungen Kinde. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlaug., 1858, xxx, 167.— Biillin (H. T.) Notes of three cases of air in the cavity of the pleura as the result of injury. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, xi, 255-260.—Carrard. Deux cas de pneumothorax suivis de guerison. Bull. Soc. m6d. tie la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1869, iii, 213-218.— Case of pneumothorax, caused by a fracture of the clavicle. Med. Exam., Phila., 1838, i, 274—C'attani (Giuseppina). Sulla pneumonite catarrale da pneuniotorace. Atti r. Accad. med. di Roma (1886-7), 1887, 2. s., iii, 25-32, 1 pi.—Cayley. A case of traumatic pneumothorax from swallowing a fishbone; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 828. — t'bavoix (A.) Pyopneumothorax par fonte d'un noyau caseeux soiis-pleural; autopsie. Bordeaux med., 1877, vi, 10-12—t'boniel. Pneumothorax. Diet. de m6d., 2. ed., Par., 1842, xxv, 233-247. — Church (fl. Pneumothorax. M.) Notes on an interesting case of pneumothorax. Ed- inb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi, 1107-1111.—Clark (A.) Pneu- mothorax. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vi, 20. —Clark (F. LeG.) Emphysema and pneumothorax. St. Thomas'h Hosp. Rep. 1883, Lond., 1884, n. 8., xiii, 9. — Coats (,I.) Sudden dyspnoea from pneumothorax in case of compara- tive health previously; sudden death. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiv, 416. -----. Case of pneumothorax occurring in apatieut the subject of phthisis, with subsequent improve- ment in the symptoms of the latter. Ibid., 1883, xx, '.'(»(;- 209. — Cole ( T. ) A case of fistulous pneumothorax. Lancet, Loud., 1874, ii, 340-341. — Cot-nils (P.) Ein Fall vou Pneumothorax mit par distance liiirharen Her/.tduen. Deutsche, med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1885, xi, 412. — Corri- gan. Pneumothorax. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 436.—Cossy (A.) Sur le pneumothorax eiigendre par des gaz prtivenant du tube digestif. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1879, ii, 526-535. Also, Reprint. — Cotton efc Alison. Cases illustrating the manner in which the heart is dis- placed in pneumothorax. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 218.—Crawford (J.) Idiopathic pneumothorax, following diffuse inflammation of the arm ; death. Brit.- Am. J. M. efe Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1847-8, iii, 225.—Cur- ling* Caseof traumatic pneumothorax; paracentesis; re-- eovery. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 459.—t'/.au- dernn (0.) Tuberculosis pulmonum; plot/.lich eiujje- tretene Translocation ties Herzens nach leehts in Folge vein linksseitigeiu Pneumothorax ; Tod nach 14 Tagen. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 462.—Da Costa (J. M.) Pneumothorax, with perforation of the lung substance. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864-5, xii, 447-449. -----. Clinical lecture on the terminations of pneumothorax; especially on its termination in recovery. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 593.—I>avy (J.) Observations on air found in the pleura, in a case of pneumothorax ; with experiments on the absorption of different kinds of air introduced into the pleura. Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1823, 496-516. Also, Reprint. Also, inhis: Researches Phys. efe Anat., 8°, Loud., 1839, i, 249-281. -----. Further particulars of a case of pneu. mato-thorax. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1824, 257-265. — Del- grange (L.) Observation de pneumothorax a la suite d'ettorts. J. d. sc. med. de Lillet 1880, ii, 623-626. — Des- maroux (G.) Pneumothorax idiopathique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lyii, 804. — Drasche [A.] Luugen- branel; Pneumothorax; Anwendung vou Carbolsaure; Ten!. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wieu (1869). 1870, 203-207. —Dressier. Beitrag znr Kennt- niss der beim Pneumothorax im Brustfellsackeeiugesi-hloH senen Luft. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1864, 261.—Dubois (J.) Quelques reflexions a propos d'un cas de guerison tie pneumo-hydrothorax. Soc. nie.d. d'Amiens. Bull. (1863), 1864, iii, 58-66.— Duchek. Beobachtungen iiber Pneumo- thorax. [28 cases.] Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1865, x, 241); 266; 273; 282: 290; 298; 306; 314; 325; 335; 343; 352; 367; 372; 381.— Dug net. Note sur un castle pneumothorax double. France nied., Par., 1878, xxv, 385-388. -----. Du pneumothorax. Praticieu, Par., 1885, viii, 234-236. — Dularska (G.) A legmellrol; pneumothorax. Gy6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1879, xix, 385; 417.—F-igner (A.) Ue- ber Pneumothorax subphrenicus, nebst einem Fall dessel- ben. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1886. xxi, 397; 409; 421, 433.—Ewald (C. A.) Ueber ein leichtes Verfahren den Gasgehalt der Luft eines Pneumothorax untl dam it das Verhalten der Perforatioiisoffuung zu bestimmeu. Charite- Ann. 1875, Berl., 1877, ii, 167-177.—E wart. On pneumo- thorax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1098.—Fairfax)!) ) A case of pneumothorax with metallic tinkling. Itich- raond M. J., 1868, v, 115.—Fall (Ein) von Pneumothorax traumaticus ohne pleuritisi-hes Exsudat, complicirt mit Pericarditis. Ber. ii. d. stiielt. Krankeuh. zu Allerheili- gen in Bresl., 1864, 86-91.—Feletti (R.) Contribuzione sperimentale alio studio del cambiatuento di suouo del Biermer. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1888, (i. 8., xxii, 319-325.—Fischer. Traumatischer Pneumothorax; Hei- luug durch Thoracentese. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Winnenelen, 1881, xxxii, 314-316—Flint (A.), sr. Pneumothorax. Buffalo M. J., 1856-7, xii, 668-673. -----. Pneumothorax. Am. Clin. Lect., N. Y., 1875, i, 63-81. Also, Reprint. — Forster ( K.) Ein seltuer Fall von geheiltem Pneumothotax. Deutsches Arch. f. klin Med., Leipz., 1868-9, v, 545-547. — Fracntzel ( O. ) Ein Fall von doppelseitigem Pneumothorax. Charite-Ann. 1877, Beth, 1879, iv, 287-294. — Francesco ( M. ) Un casu di falso pneuniotorace. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 626-629. — Fuchs (C. H.) Pneumothorax bei tuhei- kulosen Lnugeu; Leir.henoffnung. Heidelb. klin. Ann, 1833, ix, 86-90.—Gabb (D. H.) Recurrent pneumoileo- rax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 178 —<»airdner < W. T.) Cases of pneumothorax, with remarkable latency of history and symptoms. Glasgow M. J., 1867-8,14.] s , ii, 191- 196. -----. Pneumothorax. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 605- 608.—Galliard (L.) Pneumothorax simple, sans epan- chement liquide; guerison en quatre semaines. France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1617-1622. Also: Conrrier med.. Par., 1887, xxxvii, 446-448. Also: Bull. Soc. cliu. de Par. (18(<7), 1888, xi, 123-128. -----. Du pneumothorax simple, sans liquide, et de sa curabilite. Arch. g6u. de med., Par., 1888, PNEUMOTHORAX. 459 PNEUMOTHORAX. Pneumothorax. i, 275; 441. A Iso. Reprint.—Gamier (A.) Observation tie pneumothorax survenu saus 16sion pulmonaire ante rieure; guerison. Bull Soc. tie med. de la Sarthe 1878, Le Mans, 1879, 13-1M.—Gergaud. Note sur uu cas de pneumothorax; ponction de la poitrine; guerison. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1884-5, iii, 166. — Gilbert (A.) Note sur les vergelures du thorax. Arch. gen. tic med., Par.. 1887, i, 685-691.—Gimbert. Pneumothorax, vei uetures de la licau du cote e.ppose. France med., Par., 1886, ii, 9n5- 908. Also: Bull. Soc. din. de Par. (1886), 1887, x, 108- 113. — Gordon ( S. ) Cases of pneumothorax. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, u. s., v, 69-71.—Graves (R. J.) On the accumulation of air iu the' cavity of the pleura, and in the peritoneal cavity, and on eniphvsema after profuse hemor- rhage. Dublin J.M.efcCheni.Sc, 1833-4, iv, 309-320.-----. On effusion of air within the chest m iiitiummation of the lungs Ibid., 1834-5, vi, 49-51.—Giiusburg (F.) Ueber Pneumothorax. Ztschr. f. klin. Med. Bresl.. 1852, iii. 1- ""> —Hall (F. de H.) Ou cases of pneumothorax in persons apparently healthy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. (1886-7). 1887, xx, 153-161.—Hamilton ( G. ) Case of pneumothorax iu which paracentesis was performed. Lond. M. Gaz., 1832-3, xi, 398-4(10. — Hardy. Pneumothorax avec transposition dii cieur, cons6cutif a la rupture, dans la plevre, dune exca- vation tuberculeuse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix. 361; 379.—Harris (V. D.) Cases of spontaneous pneumo- thorax. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., Ir87, xxiii, 33-44.— Hasse(C.E.) Pneumothorax. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 349-351. —Hayden. t Dublin J. M. Sc. 1877, lxiv, 336.—Haydcn (A.M.! Pneumothorax. Cincin. Lancet &. Clinic, 1884, n. s , xiii, 98-100.—Heddaeus (J.) Pneumothorax, pleuritisches Exsudat, Thoraxtistelbil- dung; Nachbehandlnng mit Lamiuaria-Bougics; Besse- rung; Tod. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 551-556.— Henschen (S. E.) Till ditfeientialdiaguosen mellan partiel pneumotorax och kaverna. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1887-8, xxiii, 424-427.—Hillairet. Pneumotho- rax provoques par la rupture de vesicule-s pulmonaires biuphyse-mateuses. Abeille metl.. Par.. 1873, xxx, 233.— II oil I beck ( F.) Operativnoe letchenie pri pneumotho- rax. Protok. zasaitl. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt, 1879, xvi, 70-75. Also, transl: St P.-te-rsb. nu-d. Wchn- schr., 1879, iv, 165-167. — Houghton (J.) Account of a remarkable case of pneumothorax. Dublin J. M. efc Chem. Sc, 1832, i, 313: 1833, iii, 200.-----. Pneu- mothorax. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Loud., 1834, iii, 451-468. Also: Ibid., Phila., 1845, iii, 637-653.—Hughes ( H. M.) On pneumothorax. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843-4, xxxiii, 433; 465; 497; 529. -----. t t Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1852-3, 2. s., viii, 1 -29. — Jaccoud ( S.) Du pneumothorax sans perforation. Gaz. hebd. de nied.. Par., 1864-5, 2. s., i, 65; 81. -----. Sur le pneumothorax partiel; sur le faux pneumothorax et labels sous-phre- nique. In his: Leijous de clin. nied., 8°, Par., 18-5. 195- 237. -----. Pneumothorax traumatique. Ibid., 1886-7, 8°, Par., 1888, 193-205. —Jackson. Pneumothorax with effusion; the physical signs being strongly marked, and the symptoms comparatively but little so. Boston M. efc S. J.,' 1860-61, lxiii, 224; 483. — Jadelot. Pneumotho- rax chez un sujet affects de phthisie pulmonaire; mort; quelques consitlerations sur cette maladie dans l'enfame. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1S44, 2. s., vi, 469; 482.—Jausseus. Observation d'un pneumothorax traumatique. suite tl une grande chute. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. tie Bruges, 1849, x, 157-162.—Johnson (G.) A case of sudden perforative pneumothorax, with rapid and complete recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882. xv, 159-162. Also: Lancet,' Lond., 1882, i. 350. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, i, 343.—John- son (J.) Caseof pneumothorax; operation; appearances on dissection. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1828-9, iii, 286-291.—Ken- nedy (H.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz , 1860, n. s., vii, 152 — Knight(F L.) Recovery from pneumothorax, occurring in a case of incipient phthisis, without pleuritic effusion. Boston M. efc S. J., 1869, lxxx, 389-393.—ItubasoflT (P. I.) Materiali k voprosu o flsicheskich uslovijaeh patolog. i terapii pneumothoracis. Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1882, xxi, 698; 716: 746; 766; 783; 796; 813. - Larscu. Pneumothorax; Udpumpning af Luft; Incision; Ded. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevideusk., Christiania, 1876, vi, 761- 766.—I.ces. Pneumothorax in a child two years of age-; fatty liver and tubercular deposition. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiii, 167. — Leegendrc. Pneumothorax du cot6 gauche, provenant d'une perforation pulmonaire de nature tuberculeuse; cicatrisation de la perforation ; guerison du pneumothorax. Union metl.. Par., 1855, ix, 94. Also: Bull. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1862, ii, 339-341.— Little (VV. S.) Case of pneumothorax without perfora- tion, rapidly consecutive on simple hyperacute pleurisy. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 296-312.-liObcl [G-.] Pneumothorax. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stif- tung in Wien (1869). 1870, 98-100. -----. Linksseitiger Pneumothorax; Tod. 1 bid., 207-209.-----. Linksseitiger Pneumothorax ; interessante acustische Phanomeiie tla- hei; Tod. Ibid., 209-211. -----. ft Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wieu (1870), 1871, 148. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1871, xii, 1269. - Lyman, t t Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 58C - 587. — Lyon. Pneumothe.rax Pneumothorax. with embolism of the pulmonary artery. Ibid., 1878, xcviii, 843.—lVIacdonnld (A.) Three cases of pneumo- thorax occurring as an early symptom of pulmonary dis- ease.. Edinb. M. J., 1876-7, xxii', 712-727. Also, Reprint.- ■tieDowel. Adhesion of the pericardium; pneumotho- rax. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1852, xiv, 221. -----. On au unusual form of pneumothorax. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1850, n. s., iii, 227-229.—Mader (J.) Pneumothorax mit con- stant serosem pleuralem Ergusse; wiederholte Punctio thoracis; gebessert entlassen. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst, Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1887), 1888, 317.—lTlailliot. [Tintement nietallique; diagnostic ties cavernes pulmo- naires et du pneumothorax. | Bull. Soc auat. tie I'ar, 1849, xxiv 278-282. - ITIalcoin. t Uubliu Hosp. Gaz., 1845, i, 155.— iTIalherbe. Observation de pneumothorax, consecutif a une pneumonie lobulaiie, terminee par abces ouvert daus la plevre. J. tie la sect, de ui6d. Soe. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1855, n. s., xxxi, 98-106 -----. Un cas siugulier d'h\dropneumo-thorax. In his: Etudes cliu., 8°, Nantes, 1883, fasc. 2, 29-33. — IMalinewski (A.) Odma piersiowa prawostrouna (pneumothorax) w prze- biegu kokluszu u dziecka. [Pneumothorax with pertussis iu children.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1884, 2. s., iv, 717-721.— lTIareehal (A.) Observations tie pneumothorax, n-e-onnu par le bourdonnenient amphorique, et sans communication lie liSpanchenient aeriforme avec l'air exterieur. J. hebd. de med., Pur., 1829, ii, 116-122— itlargerie (A.-11.) Sur un nouveau procede el'analyse des gaz coutenus a l'inle- rieur de la plevre dans le pneumo-thorax. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, l, 393.—iTIarion (H. E.) Pneumothorax, with autopsy, in a subject with extreme retro-lateral curvature ofthe spine. Boston M. efc S. J., 1888, cxviii, 544-546.— ITIartinenu. Traitement du pneumothorax. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1874. Par., 1875, 2. ».. i, 117-123.— iTIastorilli (G.) Sullo pneuniotorace. Morgagni. Na- poli, 1867, ix, 357-364.—ltlathieu (A.) [Ju cas de pneu mothorax ferine. Progres m6tl., Par., 1884, xii. 107-1(19.— iVIaznud. Pneumothorax, survenaut an 8U" jour d'une pleuresie simple. .Soc med. d' Amiens. Bull. (1880-81), 1882, xx-xxi, 178-180. -----. Pneumothorax consecutif a une pleuresie chronique purulente. Ibid., 181-183.—lTIazcl (A.) Pneumo-thorax. Montpel. .n6d., 1861. vi, 91-93.— :TIeckel. Surde l'air r6pandu rainasse dans la cavite- du thorax, qui arretoit la respiration, et qui a caus6 la mort. [Transl from: M6m. tie l'Acad. roy. d. sc de Berl., 1759, xv.) Collect, acad. tl. 1116m.. etc., Par., 1770, ix, 421, 1 pi — ITIeigs (J. F.) History of a case of pneumothorax, with recovery. Med. Exam., Phila., 1856, n. s., xii, 641-649.— lVIcnezes (P.) Observacao de um caso tie pneumothorax; morte. Rev. metl., Rio de Jan., 1874-6, ii, 99 —iHeola ('•'.) Dello pnenmatorace traumatico. Morgagni, Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 518-529.—Iflilcent (A.) Du mode tie production du tintement metalliepie, du souffle amphorique, et de quelques autres pheinomenes encore mai connus du pueunie.thoiax. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1849, v, 323: vi, 65 — .Tlohr (B.) Pneumothorax in Folge von Perforation der Pleura iiber einem obertliichlich gelagerten erweiterieu Brouchus- zweige, nach vorausgegangenen Erscheinungen chroni- scher Bronchitis u. (naclifolgender) exsudativer Pleuritis. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 197-199.—iTIoizard. Pneumothorax et autisepsie pleurale. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1888, 3. s., v, 348-355. Also: Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par.. 1888, 2. s„ xxv, 522-524.—Mo 1111 ere I. Sur le pneumothorax et les ph6nomeiies acoustiques aux- quels il doune lieu. Arch. gen. tie med., Par., 1851, 4. s., xxv, 257-281.—iVloritz (E.) Ein Fall von Pneumothorax mit gliicklichem Ausgang. St. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 343-347.—lVIoty. Contribution a l'etude du pneu- mothorax tuberculeux. Gaz. tl. blip., Par., 1884, Ivii, 147 ; 162.—iVIiihlig. Ein Fall von abgesacktem Pneumothorax mit Emphysema cutaneuiu. Wchnbl. tl. k. k. Gesellsch.. el. Aerzte in Wien. 1856, ii, 123-127.—IVamias (G.) Pneu- niotorace siuistro, per perforazione di una caverua polmo- nare tuberculosa, con legiera pleurite sinistra e pneumonite inferiore destra; diagnosi in vita. Gior. veneto eli sc. med., Venezia, 1867, 3. s., vi, 608-621.— rVaumanu (M.) Pneumothorax und grosse Gabeii Opium. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, ill, 554-556. -----. Beobachtungen iiber Pneumothorax. Ibid.. 1854, vi, 286; 296. -----. Extrapleuraler Pueiiniothorax. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1861, u. F. iv, 26-29.—Nichol (T.) On pneumothorax in children. Homceop. J. Obst., N. V , 1889, xi, 201-207 — Nicholson (F. C.) Two cases of pueiiniothorax. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1875, xvii, 66-74.-IVoble (D.) Some particulars of treatment in a case of pneumothorax. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1873, ii, 425.—Oatnian (I. E ) Pneu- mothorax with effusion ; post mortem, etc. Northwest. M. efc S. J., Chicago, 1853, x, 155-157.—O'Fcrrall. Pneu- mothorax. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1844, xxv, 491. —von Op- polzer. t Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 428.-----. Klinische Vorlesungen iiber Pneumothorax. Wien. med. Presse-. 1870, xi, 609; 632; 649; 674. — Orlebar (H. (!.) Somecases of pneumothorax ; their results and treatment; together with a description of a canula. with a valvular attachment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii. 998.—Harks (L.), jr. Pneumothorax. Boston M. efc S. J., 1859, lx, 501-504. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, PNEUMOTHORAX. 460 PNEUMOTHORAX. Pneu mot liorax. * iv, 29-32.—Peacock, t Autopsy. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond.. 1880. u. s., xxx, 520.—Peter. Temperatures mor- bitles, locales et geuerales, dans un cas tl hydropneumo- thorax lubi-ie ule ux. Bull. Soc clin. de Par'. (1878), 1879, ii, 216-222.—Peter (M.) Pneumothorax enkyste. Fiance in6d.. Par., 1875, xxii, 649.—Petters. Emphysema cuta- ueiim und partieller Pneumothorax bei einem Tubercu- losen. [Autopsy.] Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1859, lxii, 12-19.—Pollock. Perforation of the lung, pneumothorax, and effusion into the pleura from the burst- ing of two small tuberculous cavities, in a chilel three-anel- a-half years of age. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862-3, xiv, 17-19.—Poole (R.) A case of pneumothorax from per- foration. Dublin J. M. efc Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 185-189.— Potain. Des injections intra-pleurales d'air st6rilise dans le traitement ties 6panchements cons6cutifs au pneu- mothorax. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 451. — Powell (R. D.) Lung showing perforation from a case of pneumo- thorax. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867-8, xix, 77-79. -----. On tubercular pneumothorax. Proc. Roy. M. efc Chir. Soc Lond., 1867-71, vi, 79.—Prioleau (L.) t' Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 115-121. Also: J. de med.de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 306.—Puchelt (F. A. B.) Pneumothorax. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1835. i, 567-576.—ft. Czy odma piersiowa (pneumothorax) czy wzelecie zoladka? [How to explain pneumothorax, how the swelling of the abdomen?] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1878, xxiv, 273-280.— Kadek (J.) Odma pluc obustronna (pneumothorax am- bilateralis). Przegl.lek., Krakow, 1878, xvii,273.—Kam- skill. Two cases of pneumothorax treated by aspiration. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 259. — Rayer. Observations tie pneumothorax. Arch. g6n. ele med., Par., 1828, xvii, 345- 360. — Ken nil It (A.) Pneumothorax d6termine par une cause peu conutte. Union med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 905- 90K. — Reynaud Du pneumothorax; de sa plus grande frequence a gauche qu'a tlroite. J. hebd. tie m6d., Par., 1830, vii, 81-84.— Reynolds (E. S.) Pneumothorax consecutive to idiopathic emphysema. Metl. Chron., Man- chester, 1889-90, xi, 24-27. — Rhedcr. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie eles Pneumothorax. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 380-382. — Ricker (E.) Spoutauer Pneumotho- rax; Paracenthese; giinstigerVerlauf. Wien.med. Wchn- schr., 1860, x. 437-439. Also, transl: Union m6d., Par., 1863, 2. s., xvii, 489. — Riegel ( 1. ) Zur Diagnose ties Pneumothorax. Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 709- 713. — Robertson ( W. ) t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efc Edinb., 1850, x. 296-299. — Hodsajrwski (D. K.) In- teresnii sluchai pneuraoserothuraiis. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1*85, vi, 403-406. Also, transl .- St. Petersb. metl. Wchn- schr., 1886, n. F., iii, 339-342. -----. Analiz 34 sluch. pnevmotoraksa po dannim terap. klin. v Kieve za 40-liet. eja sushestrov. (1844-1885 g ). Univ. Izviestija. Kieff, 1886, xxvi, 3. pt., 1-81. — Roe (H.) Case of left pneumo- thorax from an opening in the right lung. Metl. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 367.—Roger (H.) Du pneumothorax dans l'enfance; causes, prouostic et traitement; observa- tion de guerison temporaire d'un pneumothorax tubercu- leux. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxvii, 119; 168.—Ro- senthal (M.) Zur Kasuistik und Heilungsgeschichte ties Pneumothorax. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 38; 49; 73.— Boner (W.) Der offene Pneumothorax. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi. 113-115.—Ross (J. P.) A case of pneumo-hydro-thorax of traumatic origin. Peoria M. Month., 1880-81, i, 192-194. — Huge (C.) Pneumothorax bei einem Neugeboruen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1877, ii. 31-33.—Ruppert (H.) Przypadek othny piersiowej lewostronnej powstalej w nastepstwie przedziii- rawienia Sciany przelyku przez owrzodzenie rakowate. [ Pneumothorax; carcinoma and perforation of oesophagus; purulent pleuritis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 18.84, 2. s., iv, 479-487. — Russell. Case of pneumothorax occurring at the very commencement of tubercular deposit in the lung. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, i, 302-304. — Saussier. Nouvel exemple de pneumothorax traumatique et reflexions sur cette maladie. Experience, Par., 1842, ix, 257-259.—Max- lorph. Pneumothorax traumatique, gn6ri par I'evacua- tion du gaz sans liquides 6panches. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1882, 3. s., Iiii, 408-410.—Schrotter (L.) Hei- lung von Pneumothorax bei Tuberkulose ohne pleur. Ex- sudat. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. el. Aerzte in Wien, 1865, 33-38. Also, transl : Imparziale. Firenze, 1876, xvi, 364- 371. — Schuh. Einige Worte iiber den Pneumothorax iu chirurgischerBeziehung. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1842, i, 511-526. — Mchuppert (M.) Pneumothorax asso- ciated with emphysema of the common cellular tissue; thoracocentesis. N. Orl. M. Times, 1861, i, 89-94. — Se- c re I a ■■ (L.) Note sur un cas tie pneumothorax idiopatbique avec epanchement purulent secondaire et operation suivie de guerison. Bull. Soc meel. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1876, x, 333-342. — Wee (G.) Un casdepneumothoraxferme. Courrier me-d., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 72-74.—Sehrwald (E.) Zum Atheiinneehanisiiius bei offenem Pneumothorax. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 689-692.— Seifert (O.) Ueber Pneumothorax. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Lei])/... 1883, xxxiii, 157-176. — Mennlor (H.) Zur Kenntniss und Behaudluug ties Pneumothoi ax mit und ohne Fliissigkeitserguss, nebst Bemerkungen iiber opera- Pnenmothorax. tive Entleerung von Empyemen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med. Be-rl.. 1880-81, ii, 231-254. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii. 17-21 Also [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 743.—.Ne- vcstre. Deux cas de pneumothorax chez des enfants de- seize mois. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 351-360. Also: Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 507; 519. Also: Arch, de tocol., I'ar., 1*80, xiii, 832- 844.—Nkoiln. Ueber Pneumothorax. Allg. Wie-n. meel Ztg., 1857, ii, 113: 119; 125; 131. -----. Ueber Pneumo- thorax. Wien. meel. Presse, 1866, vii, 1202 ; 1232 ; 1256.— Standthartncr efc Leoebel. t t Aer/.tl. Ber. el. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1873), 1874, 74.—Ntcd'cn (A.) Kin seltener Fall von Pneumothorax. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv. 193-205. -----. Zur Casuistik des Pneumothorax im kiudlichen Alter. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1800, iii, 457- 460.—Mtephanidcs (E.) Ein seltener Fall von Pm-uinee- thorax. Wien. med. Wchuschr., 18*2, xxxii, 996-998.— Stohr ( P. ) Ueber Tonsilien bei Pneumothorax. Si- tzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1884, 25-35.— Thnon. Vergetures sur le thorax chez un malade atteint de pneumothorax. France med.. Par., 1880, xxvii, 803. Also: Bull. Si.cclin.dePat. (1880), 1881,iv, 154.—Thomp- son (H.) Caseof pneumothorax, with musical murium in the pleura. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vii, 70. ——. t Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 389. Also, inhis: Clin. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1880, 47-54. -----. t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872. ii, 273-275. Also, in his: Clin. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1880, 55-63.— Thomson (A. T.) t Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 129-131 — Thorbuni (J.) Cases of idiopathic pneumothorax, with remarkable absence of bad symptoms; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860. i, 413.—Thorowgood. t Autopsy. Med. Press A- Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 224— Todd (R. B.) Clinical lecture on a case of pneumothorax, with tubercu- lar consolidation of part ofthe right lung. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlvii, 177 ; 309.—Townsend (E. R.) A remarkable caseof pneumothorax, without perforation. Tr. Cork M. efc S. Soc, Dubl., 1865-6, 65-72. A Uo: Dubliu Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xiii, 202-209.—Trail be (L.) Ein Fall von Pneumothorax traumaticus. Inhis: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, ii, 1. pt., 351-353. -----. Ueber Pneumothorax. Ibid., 2. pt., 900. -----. Zur Lehre vom Pneumothorax. Ibid., 1878, iii, 342-351.—Treymann (M.) Pneumothorax. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1882. vii, 127-129.—Tiingel (C.) [Pneumothorax] mit Necrose ties Lungengewebes ausge- zeichnet. Klin. Mitth. v. d. med. Abth. d. allg. Krankenh. in Hamb. (1859), 1861, 52-56.—Turner (G. R.) Pneumo- thorax and hydropneumothorax, following fracture of the ribs. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 479.—(Jsiglio (C.) Pneunio- torace coil spantlimento tubercolosi) nella sinistra cavita del torace. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1838, lxxxvii, 257- 295.—Vnllin (K.) Observation de pneumothorax, con- secutif k un abces lobulaire tlu poumon; terminaison spon- tanee par guerison complete. France med.. Par.. 1877, xxiv, 435. — Vnriot (G.) Du bruit de glou-glou provoqutS daus certains cas de pneumothorax par les mouvements alternatifs ele flexion et tie redresseiiient du tionc. Rev. de med., Par., 1882, ii, 424-438.—Vetlesen (H. J.) Et Tilfselde af diffus peisistereude Pueinnotorax. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1882, xii, 654-661. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1882, iii, 369-373. -----. Mere om "et Tilfaelde af diffus persisterende Pueu- motorax". Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1884, xiv, 310-318.—Vinay (C.) Du pneumothorax simple. Lyon med., 1887, liv, 143-153.—Vogel (A.) Rasche Genesung vou eineni Pneumothorax. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1866-7, ii, 244-253.— Waunebroucq. Pneumothorax par perforation spontau6e de la plevre, sans e-pauchtmient liquide; guerison. Bull. med. du nord de la France, Lille, 1864, 149-156.—Weil (A.) Die ver- schiedenen Formen des Pneumothorax. Tagebl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Hi, 271-274. -----. Zur Lehre vom Pneumothorax, experi- mentelle untl klinische Untersuchungen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1879-80, xxv, 1: 1881, xxix, 364: 1882, xxxi, 86; 243. Also, Reprint. -----. Weitere Mitthei- lungen iiber Pneumothorax. Deutse-lie-s Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886-7, xl, 1-30.—Weil (A.) efc Tliomn (R.) Zur Pathologie des Hydrothorax uud Pneumothorax. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1879, lxxv, 483-515, 1 pi.—Weiss (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie ties Pueiiniothorax. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wieu, 1883, ix, 213-216.—West (S.) t t St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1877, xiii, 215-219. -----. Two cases of pneumothorax of the right side. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1878-9, xxx. 236-23*. -----. Chronic excavation of the lung, terminating in localiseel pneumothorax, with extensive opening into the lung. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1880-81, xxxii, 21-23.-----. Complete recovery from idiopathic pneumothorax, without effusion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1244. Also .- Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xvii, 56-59. -----. A contribution to the pathology of pneumothorax. Lancet, Lond., 1884. i,791-793. -----. 11 Tr.Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 227-239. ----:- A clinical lecture on pneumothorax. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliv, 212; 233. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*87, ii, 393-400. Also : Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 353-360. -----. Recurrent pneumothorax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*89, PNEUMOTHORAX. 461 FODOLIA. P n e u 111 o tho rax. i( 69.__Whittaker. Case of hsemato-pneumo-thorax re- lieved by the aspirator. Clinic, Cincin., 1876, x, 193.—Wi- dal (V.') Pneumothorax. Diet, encycl. d. sc. ni6d., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxvi, 353-369.— Wilks (S.) Simple pneumo- thorax, with complete recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii 770. — Williams (C. J. B.) Pneumothorax. Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1841, iii, 129-134. Also: Ibid., Phila., 1841, iii, 204-211.—von Ziemssen. Pneu- mothorax. Sommersem. [1879] in d. Klin, von Ziemssen zu Miinchen, 1883, 20-23. Pnoometer. von Liiebig (G.) Das Pnoometer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 293. Poblacion y Fernandez (Antonio). His- toria in&lica de la guerra ele Africa. 2. eel. 236 pp. 8°. Madrid, C. Bailly-Bailliere, 1866. ------. Historia de la medicina militar espanola. Primera parte. 2 p. 1., 370 pp., 2 1. roy. 8'-. San Sebastian, A. Baroja, 1877. Pocard-Kerviler (Stanislas). * Des kystes liytlatiques ela foie et en particulier de leur dia- gnostic et de leur traitement. 72 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 101. Pocasset murder. See Insanity (Beligious). Poccar (Maurit. Adolf. Eduard.) *De febre venosa gastrica. 31pp. 8°. Martisburgi, formis F. Kobitzschii, [1824]. Poce (Mario). Gli avvelenameuti, sunto di tos- sicologia. Elephantine sheet, folded. [Roma, n. d.] Poclie (Charles). * Contribution a l'eltude ties anomalies des cloisons cardiaques. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 253. -----. The same. 75 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1875. Poche (Ignatius). * De eucephalomalacia flava. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Viennw, [1839]. Pocheboillie (J.-B.-J.) * Quelques propositions ele m6elecine et tie chirurgie. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837), No. 173, v. 287. Pocliet (Rene"-Victor). * De l'influence des tem- ptSrainens sur les malatlies, et de leurs diversities suivant les ages, les sexes, les habitudes et le climat. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 152, v. 92. Pocliettino (G.) I microbi o fermenti figurati. 41 pp. 8°. Roma, E. Loeschner 4' Comp., 1885. -----. I microbi. v, 183 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Roma, 18*7. de Poclihammer (Edmundus). *Dearticn- lis arte incitlenelis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835]. Pochliaiiimcr (Eugen) [1845- ]. * Ueber zwei Mastdarmgeschwtilste von seltenerem Vor- kommen. 31 pp. sm. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1867]. See, also, Bigelow (Henry Jacob). Mechanismus der Luxationen und Fracturen im Hiiftgelenk. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Pocli!iaimiicr(G. F.) Russische Dampf bailer als Heilmittel durch Erfolge bewiihrt, nebst ei- ner Anleitung zur Erbauung und innern Einrich- tuug derselben durch drei Kupfertafelnerliiutert. Mit einer kurzen Anweisung zum Gebrauche der riissischen Dampf bader von Dr. J. G. Schmidt. 152 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, Nauck, 1824. Pochon (Henri). * Les accidents secondares de la syphilis sont-ils contagieux ? Qu'est-ce que la plaque nmqueuse? 78 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1858, No. 185, v. 623. Pochoy (J.) * Recherches expennieutales sur les centres de temp6rature. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1H70, No. 120. Pockels (A.) *Nonnulla de sarcina Goodsirii. 29 pp. 8°. Wireeburgi, F. E. Thein, 1848. Pockels (Carl Friedrich). Versuch einer Cha- rakteristik tics weiblichen Geschlechts. Ein Sit- teugemahlde des Menschen, des Zeitalters und Pockels (Carl Friedrich)—continued. des geselligen Lebens. 4 v. 12°. Bannover* C. Ritscher, 1797-1801. Pocket (The) anatomist: being a summary de- scription ofthe muscles; with a tabular view of the arteries and nerves. Concordant with "The Dublin dissector" and "Harrison on the arter- ies". 63 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, J. Kay, jr., . 32 pp. 8°. Padova, 183(5. Repr. from.- Commentarii di med. del G. F. Sponzia. Agosto, 1836. Podrez (A.) Chirurgicheski.ja boliezni moche- vych i polovych organeiv. chast 1. Boliezni ure- try. [Surgical diseases of urinary and sexual organs. Pt. 1. Diseases of urethra.] x, 224, vi, 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Charkov, I. M. Yarshavchika, 1887. Podwyssotki (Valerian) [1822- ]. * Ana- tomische Untersuchungen iiber die Zungentlrii- sen ties Menschen und der Silugethiere. 144 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mctttiesen, 1878. -----. Ob okonchanii poperechno-polosatych myshts v koje guby. [Termination of trans- versal striated muscles iu skin of lips.] 5 pp., 1 pi. M°. Kieff, G. T. Korchak-Xoritskago, 1880. -----. O vozrojtlenii tkani otdeljavutshich jelez posle ranenii. [Regeneration of glandular tissue in wounds.] 7 pp. 8U. Kieff, G. T. Korchak- Xoritskago, 1886. -----. Vozrojdeuie nechenochnoi tkani n mleko- pitajoutshich jivotnyeh. Iz Laboratorii prof. Ziegler'a v Tubingene. [Partial regeneration of tissue in liver in mammalia.] ii, 122 pp., 1 1- 8°. Kieff, E. J. Fedoror, 1886. -----. Pharmakognos. rastitel. vetshestve, prin- jat. russk. pharmakop. i vnov predlag. s izlojen. osnov vrach. ich znachenija. Lektsii . . . Izda- nieknigo. A. A. Dubrovitcha. [Pharmacognosy of the vegetable substances employed in the Russian pharmacopoa anel proposed anew for medicinal uses as a basis of their relative im- portance.] vi, 254 pp., 1 1. 8J. Kazan, Y. M. Kluchinkov, 1886. -----. Zadatchi i znatchenie obshei patologii v rjadu meditsinskich nauk. [Problems and im- portance of general pathology as a branch of medical science. ] 17 pp. 8°. Kieff, Univ., 1887. Podwyssotki (Wladimir) Sohn [18.77- ]■ Kefyr, kaukasisches Gahrungsferment und Ge- | triiuk aus Kuhmilch. Seine Geschichte, Litera- PODWYSSOTKI. 463 POETI. Podwyssotki (Wladimir)—continued. tur, Zubereitung, Zusammeusetzung, sowie phy- siologische und therapeutische Bedeutung. Aus tleni'Russischen nach der dritten Auflage iiber- setzt von Moritz Sehulz. xi, 73 pp. 8-. St. Petersburg, C. Bicker, 1884. Poe (Edgar Allan) [1811-49]. .Vlnudsley (H.) Edgar Allan Poe. [Remarks on his character and writings.] J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1859-60, vi, 3'8-369.— Monin (E.) Essai medical sur Edgar Poe. p'raticien, Par., 1881, iv, 253-257. Poebing ( Fridericus Etlniunilus Theodoras ). * Hydrocephali acuti sanati historia cum epi- crisi. viii, 9-32 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. E. An- draei, [1842]. Poeckel (Georgius Quiriuus). Tractatio juridi- cal tie crimine partus abacti, von Abtreibuug der Geburth. 48 pp. sm. 4°. Balw Salicw, apud J. C. Hendelium, 1749. Pdckli (Josephus). * De regimine infantum neo- natorum. In: de Wasserberg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Yin- dob., 1775, ii, 291-323. Poelil (Alexander). Mittheilungen aus dem aualvtisch-chemischen Laboratorium. 26 pp. 8 . "St. Petersburg, Rbttger, 1877. Repr. from: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii. '------. * Untersuchuug tier Blatter von Pilocarpus officinalis (Jaborandi) in pharniacognostischer untl chemischer Beziehung. [Dorpat.] 61pp., 2 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, Rbttger u. Schneider, 1880. ------. * Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bildung ties Peptons ausserhalb ties Verdauuugsapparates unel iiber die Riickverwaudlung des Peptons iu Eiweiss. [Dorpat.] 108 pp. 8J. St. Peters- burg, C. Rbttger, 1882. Pdlilma.illl (Fritz). * Statistische uud klinische Beobachtungen iiber die genuine croupose Pueu- mouie. 1 1., 33 diag., 1 tab. HJ. Erlangen, Junge u. Sohn, 1888. Poll I mail ll (R.) Repetitorium tier Chemie fiir Stuilieienile. 2. Theil. Organische Chemie (Che- mie tier Kohlenstoffverbinelungen). viii, 215 pp. 12°. Leipzig, S. Birzel, 1889. Poelin (Hans) [1*46- ]. * Beschreibung eines Fiilles von Dermoidcyste des Mediastinum anti- i um. 40 pp. sm. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1871]. Poel (Jacobus Abrahamus). *De cupri ejusque prteparatorum vi iu corpus hominum et anima- lium. [Utrecht.] x, 88 pp. 8°. Amstelodami, J. Muller et soc, 1835. Poclctiau (Gustav Friedrich). * Studien iiber tlen Eintliiss eler bedeutendsten meelicinischen Systeme alterer und neuerer Zeit auf die Phar- makologie. 1. Abtheilung. 107 pp., 1 1. 8J. Dorpat, C. Schnlz, 1861. ------. Gerichtsarztliche Gutachteu verfasst uud erstattet. . . 240 pp. 8°. Riga, E. Bruhns, 1868. Poelcliau (Haraldus Frieler.) *Diss. sistens nietliotli exs|»ectantis adumbrationera brevem. 4,i pp. hj. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. J. C. Schu- mttnui, [1*28]. Poelchen f Richard) [1855- ]. *Die Fascien tier Axelbeihle. 25 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, B. S. Hermann, [1879]. ------. Katechismus fiir die freiwilligen Kranken- triiger tier Kriegervereine. Im Auftrage des Chefs des Danziger Kriegervereius und Vor- sitzenden des iii. Bezirks Deutschen Krieger- bundes. 121. 8°. Danzig, Wedel, 1887. van Poelgeest (Nicolaus). *De drpocpia. 60 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat, T. Baak, 1712. Pdlluiami (Hermann). * Ueber die Principien bei Schieloperationen. 17 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Sell in id it. Klaunig, 1888. Pod man (Charles) [1815-74]. Plateau (F.) Notice sur Charles Poelman. Annuaire Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1875, xii, 299-318. Poelt (Ludovicus). * De chemite in physiologicia prtestantia. 35 pp. 8°. Patavii, typ. Seminarii, [1830], Poeilitz (Fridericus Augustus). *De animi functionum imbecillitate senili e corpore solo derivanda. 34 pp. 4°. Vitebergw, lit. C. P. Meltzeri, [1800]. For Biography, see It och mer (Geo. Rudolph). PocilSgen (Eugen). *Das subcutaue Emphy- si'iu nachContiuuitatstrennuugen des Digestions- tractus, insbesondere ties Magens. 72 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg, B. Schnltz u. Comp., 1879. -----. Die motorischeu Verrichtuugen des mensch- lichen Magens und ihre Storungen mit Ausschluss der Lehre vom Erbrechen. Mit einem Vorwort von Kussmaul. xiii, 167 pp. 8°. Strassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1882. Poeppl (Aloisius). *De opificiorum in homi- num sanitatem influxu. 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, D. C. Wolf, 1832. Poerner (Carolus Guilielmus) [ 1732-96 ]. De officiis medici quatenus felicitatem ejus promo- vent, commentatio posterior. 16 pp. 4°. Lip- siw, ex off. Langenhemiana, [1753]. ------. * Experimenta de albuminis ovorum et seri sanguinis con venientia ad declaraudam nutri- tiouis rationem. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, [1754]. [Also, in : P., v. 619.] For Biography, see Quelmalz (Samuel Theodorus). Poerner (Christian Friederich). *De cutieulae totius corporis desquamatione post praegiissam inflammationem. 38 pp. 4°. Erfordiw, stanno Nonniano, [1767]. -----. Kurze Nachricht von dem Gesundbrunnen zu Stekuitz. 5 p. 1., 43 pp. 16°. Leipzig u. Prag, 1770. Poersch (Gustavus Adolphus) [1802- ]. *De oculi exstirpatione, variis methodis et instru- meutis in ea adhibeudis. vi, 7-23 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Jenw, typ. Schreiberi et soc., [1827]. For Biography, see Stark (Joann Christianus). Poesche (Theoelor). Die Arier. Eiu Beitrag zur historischen Authropologie. viii, 238 pp. 8°. Jena, B. Costenoble, 1878. Poeschel (Aquilinus Rob.) * De facie ut signo in morbis acutis. 31 pp. 8°. Vindobonw, J. P. Sollinger, [1827]. Poeschmann (Joh.) [1775-1844]. DerSchloss- brunnen zu Karlsbad, literarisch, geschichtlieh, physikalisch, cbemisch uud medizinisch darge- stellt, nebst vielen, auch andere wichtige Gegen- stande dieses Heilortes betreffenden Bemerkun- gen. 1. Theil. xii, 163 pp., 21 tab., 2 pi. 8°. Prag, C. W. Enders, 1826. PoCte (Pierre-Thomas). * Parallele entre la doc- trine des anciens et celle des modernes, sur les fractures en g6ne"ral. 1 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1809, v. 45. Poeti (Maurizio). Delle cagioni che ritardarono e ritartlano il progresso dell' omeopatia. 36 pp. 8°. Torino, G. Bocca, 1838. [P., v. 1452.] ------. Risposta al saggio d' analisi sull' omeo- patia del dottore Quaglia, 31 pp. 8°. Torino, frat. Favale, 1839. [P., v. 1459.] ------. Lettera all Dott. Dansi sopra la proposi- zione elel Dott. Caramelli fatta al Congresso scien- tiiico di Firenze quali siano i fatti positivi e fonela- mentali della meelicina. 37 pp. 8°. Torino, frat. Favale, 1842. [P., v. 1452; 1456.] ------. Rettificazioni alio scritto del professore Griffa contro 1' omeopatia. 23 pp. 8°. Torino, G. Bocca, 1842. [P., v. 1453.] ------. Dell' abuso del salasso e dei danni cagio- nati dal medesimo. 101 pp. 8°. Genova, Fa- ziola, 1846. [P., v. 1452.] See, also, Criffa (Michele Sebastiano). Brevi cenni in risposta ai dottori Peachier, Poeti, etc. 8°. Lucca, 1843. POETRY. 464 POGGI ALU. Poetry (Medical). See Medicine (Anecdotes, etc., of). Poelsclike (Otto). "Beitrage zur Diagnostik und Proguostik der Amblyopien durch die Ge- sichtsfeldpriifnng. 59 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1878. ------. * Die Verwerthung der Gesichtsfeldprii- fung fiir die Diagnostik und Proguostik tier Amblyopien. 99 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Dorpat, Schna- kenburg, 1886. Poetscliki (Hans Nie.) * Einiges iiber die The- rapie bei Ovariencysten. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. h . Miinchen, C. Wolf u. Sohn, 1874. Poett (Joseph). Observations on psellismus, or stammering, with accompanying cases of cure. 59 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Blundell, 1828. ------. Observations ou impediments iu speech, illustrateel with several cases of cure. 3. ed. 72 pp. H°. London, T. Bichardson, [1832]. ------. The same. A practical treatise on stam- mering and nervous affections of speech, illus- trated with several cases of cure, authenticated by persons of distinction, and metlical authori- ties. 4. ed. v, 7-115 pp. 8°. London, S. Bigh- ley, 1833. [Also, in: P., v. 1529.] ------. The same. A practical treatise on ner- vous impediments of speech, stammering, and debility ofthe vocal organs, etc. With remarks on the irrational and injudicious surgical opera- tions pursued for the removal of these nervous affections, and observations on the different modes of cure heretofore adopted by others. 5. etl. 1 p. l.,99pp. 12°. London, Calkin$• Budd, 1842. Poetzscll ( Luelovicus). "De typho abdomi- nal i. iv, 5-31 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, typ. Staritzii, L1830]. Also, Go-Editor of: Progreso (El) dental de la Habana, 1880. Poeymiro (Jean-Theodore). * I. Quelle est la valeur se"m6iologique de la paralysie croisee, et tie la paralysie borne"e au poignet? II. [etc.]. 24 pp. 4°. * Paris, 1843, No. 23, v. 408. Poey-UToguez (Louis-Dominique). * Etude sur les grosses heruies inguinales. 62 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 25 bis, 1885-6. Pofi. Falci (S.) Topografla medica di Pofi. Bull. d. sc. meel. di Bologna, 1855, 4. s., iii, 241; 350 ; 415. ----. Sulle malattie che hanno regnato in Pofi negli ultimi due mesi del 1854 a tutto il dicembre 1855. Ibid., 1857, 4. s., viii. 5; 85. -----. Sulle diverse malattie e coustituzioni atmosfe- riche che si son viste reguare in Pofi (Provincia di Cam- pagna) durante 1' estate del 1857 a tutto 1' inverno 1858. Ibid., 1858, 4. s., x, 106; 163. -----. Thesame. 1861sinoa quella del 1862. Ibid., 1863, 4. s., xix, 5-30. Pugacnik (Anton). Die Tuberkulose in Wien. Eine populare, die Verhiuderung und Heilung der Tuberkulose bezweckende Sehrift. 4. Aufl. 65 pp. 8°. Wien, Teufen, 1882. Pogge (Carolus [Fridericus]) [1839- ]. *De prolapsu funiculi umbilicalis. 31 pp. 8°. Be- rolini, G. Lange, [1862]. Poggendorff(Jolm Christian) [1796-1877]. Editor of: Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Leipzig, 1837-77. Also, of: Beibliitler zu elen Annalen der Phy- sik untl Chemie, Leipzig, 1877. Also, Co-Editor of: Hand- worterbueh der reinen untl angewandten Chemie. 10 v. 8°. Braunschweig, 1842-64. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Poggeildorff (Robert) [1861- ]. * Ueber Exstirpatio recti. 29 pp. 8'-'. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1885. Poggi (Alfonso). Osservazioni cliniche, intorno all influenza dell' orina sui tessuti. 35 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini 1869. Repr. from: Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1868, 4. s., xii. -----efe Magnien. Note sur Taction toxique de la delphine. 12 pp. 8°. [Nancy, V. Raybois, 1866.] Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de Stanislas, Nancy, 1866. de Poincy (F.-A.-R.) * Etudesur la syphilis infantile hereditaire et acquise. 54 pp., 21. 4°. Paris, 1877. No. 3. Poingt(E.) [1854- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du traitement des fistules a l'anus; drainage de la fistule. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 158. Poinsett (Joel R.) Discourse on the objects antl importance of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, established at Wash- ington, 1840. 52 pp. 8°. Washington, P. Force, 1841. [Also, in: P., v. 337.] Poinsot (Alexandre) *De la bardane. 22 pp. 4G. Paris, C. Marechal, 1872. [P., v. 1707.] ficole de pharmacie. Poinsot (Antoine). *I. Des caracteres anato- miques des diabetes. II. [etc.]. 39pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1840, No. 99, v. 365. Poinsot (Georges-Charles) [1849-88]. * De la conservation dans le traitement des fractures compliquees. [Paris.] 438 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1872, No. 501. -----. The same. 434 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1873. -----. De l'iutervention chirurgicale dans les luxations compliquees eiu coude-pied; ouvrage couronne par la Societe tie chirurgie de Paris. iii. 309 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Ve. A. Delahaye, 1877. -----. Contribution a I'histoire clinique ties tu- meurs tlu testieule. 27 pp. 8°. Paris, Ve. A. Delahaye 4- Cie., 1878. -----. De la tracheotomie par le thermo-cautere. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, Ve. A. Delahaye 4- Cie., 1878. -----. Etudes cliniques sur l'osteosarcome des membres. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, Ve. A. Delahaye 4" Cie., 1878. For Biography see Rev. dechir., Par., 1889, ix, 182-184. Poinsot (Joseph-Claude). *I. Decrirela syphi- litle squanieuse, etablir ses causes, sa marche; faire connaitre ses varietes. II. [etc.]. 22 pp. 4 \ Paris. 1839, No. 297, v. 348. Poinsot (Louis) [1777-1859]. Eiemensde stati- que, suivis de deux memoires sur la theorie des momens et des aires, et sur l'application de cette theorie au systeme du monde. 5. ed. xvi, 412 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, Bachelier, 1830. Poinsot (P.-foaie). *Dela fonction glycogeni- que du foie, precedee d'une introduction snrl'or- gauicisme. 128 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 216. Point .Barrow. Simpson (J.) Results of thermometrical ob- servations matle at the "Plover's" wintering- place, Point Barrow. 8°. [n. p., 11. d.] Repr. from: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1857. Pointe (Jacques-Pierre) [1791-1860]. *Des fis- tules en general. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 133 bis, v. 91. -----. Notice historique sur les medecins du Grand H6tel-Dieu de Lyon. 54 pp. 8°. Lyon, T. Pitrat, 1826. -----. Observations sur les maladies auxquelles sont Bujets les ouvriers employes tlans la manu- facture royale de tabacs, a Lyon. 42 pp. 8 . Lyon, G. Bossary, 1828. [Also, in: P., v. 1682.] -----. Faits de medecine pratique observes k l'Hotel-Dien de Lyon. 20 pp. 8°. [Paris, Be- thune, 1833.] [P., v. 1682.] Repr. from: Tr. med., Par., 1833, xii. Pointe (Jacques-Pierre)—continued. -----. Observations et reflections sur six cas tie suicides arrives dans 1'arrondisscmciit tie Crtf- niieux, pendant les trois premiers trimestres tie 1833. 8 pp. 8°. Lyon, Pitrat, [1833]. Repr. from: Gaz. du Lyonnais, Nov. 21. Bound with his.- Observations sur les maladies, etc. 8°. Lyon, 1828. -----. Del grippe che percorse la Francia nel 1837. (Trad, cou annotazioni elel Dott. Boninei.) 39pp. 8°. Torino, A. Fontana, 1839. [P., v.448.] Repr..from: Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1839, ii. -----. Histoire topographique et medicale du grand H6tel-Dieu de Lyon, dans laquelle sont traitees la pin part des questions qui se ratta- chent a l'organisation des h6pitaux en general. xix, 444 pp., 4 pi. roy. 8°. Lyon, Saryjeuue, 1842. -----. Loisirs medicaux et litteraires, recueil d'eioges historiques, relations medicales tie vo- yages, annotations diverses, etc. Documents pour servir a I'histoire de Lyon. 2 p. 1., ix, 16- 619 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1844. -----. Hygifene des colleges, comprenant I'his- toire medicale du College royal de Lyon, xxi, 442 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1846. -----. De l'enseignement clinique. 3 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Lyon, L. Boitel, 1850. For Biography, see Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1861, xiii, 24U- 255 (P. Iliday). Pointer (John). A rational account of the ' weather. Shewing the signs of its several changes and alterations, together with the phil- osophical reasons of them. Collected, not only from common observations, but chiefly from some of the most approved authors, the most cele- brated philosophers, and the most judicious nat- uralists of this and former ages. To which are added, three essays towards accounting for I. A continued course of wet years. II. The cause of au aurora borealis. III. Thecause ofthe plague. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., xxvi, 25-224 pp. 8°. London, A. Ward, 1738. Pointis (Alfred). * De l'hemorrhagie uterine pendant la grossesse, pendant l'accouchemeut et apres l'expulsion du foetus. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 157, v. 298. Pointis (B.) * Sur les varices, I'ulcere variqueux et les tumeurs variqueuses. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, an Z/[1803], v. 33. Pointis (J.-A.-B.-Anthelme). * Sur le rhuma- tisme. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 47, v. 249. Pointinayr (Jos.) *De cholera. 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, M. Lindauer, 1837. Point Pinelos. Van Bibber (W. C.) The climates of Point Tinelos, Florida; and of Coronado Beach, California. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv, 121-130. Poirat-Duval. See PareuUDuchatelet (A.-J.-B.) De la prostitu- tion dans la ville de Paris. 3. ed. 2. v. 8°. Paris, 1857. Poireault [1859- ]. *De la contusiou du rein. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 396. Poiree (Alfred). *De la phthisie pulmonaire, de ses causes et de son traitement. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 3. Poiret (Jean-Louis-Marie) [1755-1834]. See Chauint'toii (Francois-Pierre), Poircl [Jean- Louis-Marie] & de Chamberet (J.-B.-J.-A.-T.) Flore medicale [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1833-41. Poirier. *Sur le traitement de la variole. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 172. Poirier (Abel). * Etudes sur les sources mine- rales du Loudunais. Ill pp. 4°. Paris, E. Thu- not 4- Cie., 1857. [P., v. 1702; 1841.] iScole de pharmacie. -----. Lettres sur l'exercice illegal de la phar- macie. 12 pp. 8°. Poitiers, A. Dupri, 18(iG. [P., v. 1769.] Repr. from: J. de la Vienne. POIRIER. 469 POISONS. Poirier (Alexis). Des epidemies de fievre ty- phoide dans les campagnes. Etiologie et pro- phylaxie. Memoire couronne. 71 pp. 8°. Gand, L. Bebbelynck, 1866. Poirier (Alfred). * Contribution a l'etude de la maladie d'Addison. 64 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 248. Poirier (Erienne). * De la pyoemie, ou infection purulente, envisagee specialemeut au point de vue de l'auatomie pathologique. 103 pp. 8°. Gand, L. Bebbelynck, 1857. _____. Note sur un ens de chromhidrose ventrale. 3 pp. 8°. [Gand, 1864.] Repr. from: Ann. Soc. de med. deGand, 1864, xiii. -----. Le vacciu animal et le vaccin Jeunerien. 83 pp. 8°. Gand, 1870. [P., v. 1873.] Repr. from: Ann. Soc. de med. tie Gand, 1870, xlviii. Poirier (H.) * Considerations generales sur les proprietes anatomiques du tissu cellulaire ap- pliquees a la pathologie. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. Ill, v. 251. Poirier (Leon) [1856- ]. *De l'appareil de Scott tlans le traitement des tumeurs blanches. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 124'. Poirier (Paul) [18.53- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs du sein chez I'homme (tu- bercules, sarcomes, epitheiiomes, carciuomes). Etude clinique du cancer. 1 p. 1., 110 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 345. -----. Du developpement eles membres. 167 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4" Bouzeau, 1886. Poirier (S.) * De la gastro-enterite aigue et ele ses divers traitemens. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 18-22, No. 42, v. 171. Poirier de La Gilberderie (Ach.) *Sur l'hemorrhagie cer^brale. 57 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 58, v. 239. Poirier -Dulavoiier ( L. - Adolphe ). *De l'edampsie pendant la grossesse, pendant le travail, et apres l'accouchement. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 128, v. 579. Poirier-Dulavouer (V.-Constant). *De la chlorose. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 51, v. 488. Poirier de Narcay [1859- ]. *De l'ascite congenitale. 105 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 294. Poirot (Francois-Mausuy). * Sur les eaux mine- rales de Houcheloup. 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834, v. 66. Poirot (Francois). *De l'empoisonnement aigu par le phosphore. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 132. Poirre (L.-J.-Gustave ). *Des inflammations sub-aigues et chroniques du tissu cellulaire peri- uteriu. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 40, v. 609. Poirson (A. B.) *De hytlrothorace primario. ' 2(5 pp. 4°. Parisiis, an X1L (1804), No. 203, v. 48. Poirson (A.-F.) * Consitlerations sur les moyens iParreter les hemorrhagies k la suite eles plaies. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII (1804), No. 319, v. 51. Poirson ( Albert-Antoine ). * Contribution a l'etude des plaies ele la cornee au point ele vue du pronostic et des responsabilites judiciaires. 50 pp. 4°. Lyon, A. Waltener 4- Cie., 1883, 1. s., No. 186. Poirson (Charles-Victor). *I. De la quantite d'nrine sous le point de vue semeiologique; de la coloration de ce liquide sous le meme point de vue. II. [etc. ]. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 209, v. 332. Poirson (Claude-Armand). *I. Tracer les ca- racteres des plantes de la famille des polygonees; indiquer les medicaments fouruis par cette fa- mille .. . II. [etc.]. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 158, v. 332. Poirson (Francois-Alexis) [1779-1846]. Begin. Discours prononee sur la tombe tie M. Fran- cois-Alexis Poirson. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1846-7, xii, Poirson (Hub.-Quirin-Franklin). *Sur la me-- nespausie. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827, v. 56. Poirson (Marie-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas). * Sur hi pleuresie. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 125, v. 105. Poiseuillc (Jean-Leonard-Marie) [1799-1869]. * Recherches sur la force du cceur aortique. vi, 7-45 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 166, v. 218. -----. Thesame. vi, 7-44 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, Didot lejeune, 1828. [P., v. 1592; 1847.] -----. Recherches sur les causes du mouvement du saug dans les veines. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, 'Bil- liard, [1831]. Repr. from: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1830, i: 1831, iii. -----. Recherches sur les causes du mouvement du sang elans les vaisseaux capillaires. 80 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Paris, [1835]. -----. Recherches sur les causes du mouvement du sang elans les vaisseaux capillaires. [Rev.] 5 pp. 8°. [Paris, P. Benouard, 1836.] [P., v. 803.] Repr. from: Ann. el. sc. nat., Par., 1836. ----- Ventilation des navires. 6 pp. 4°. [Pa- ris, Bachelier, 1845.] [P., v. 495; 1720.] Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xxi. -----. Rapport sur divers modes d'embaume- ment presentes par MM. Dupre, Gaunal et .Suc- quet. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. [Also,, in: P., v. 460; 1734.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1847, xii. ------. Recherches sur hi respiration. 5 pp. 4°. Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, [1855]. Repr. from: Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xl. ------. Rapport sur un nouveau spirometre de M. Guillet, seance du 2 decembre 1856. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Martinet, [1856]. [P., v. 793.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de me,d. de Par., 1856, xxii. -----. Sur la pression du sang dans le systeme arteriel. 6 pp. 8°. [Paris, L. Martinet, I860.] [P., v. 799.] Repr. from: Gaz. hehd. de me.il., Par., 1860, vii. See, also, Robert efe Civiale. Rapport fails kl'Aca- d6mie de medecine dans sa stance du 30 juillet 1850 . . . sur ties instruments ele chirurgie en gutta-percha. 8°. Paris, 1850. For Biography, see J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1870-71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 62-64 (P.-L.-B. Caffe). -----& Lefort (J.) De l'existence du glycose dans l'organisme animal. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1858. [P., v. 1818.] Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1858, v. Poison of serpents. See Serpents (Poisonous, Bites, etc., of). Poisoning. See Criminals ( Menial condition, etc., of); Glass (Powdered, etc.); Poisons; Toxicology. Poisoning (Treatment of). See Poisons (Antidotes, etc., of). Poison-ivy. See Rhus. Poisons. See, also, Arrow-poison; Pood as a cause of disease; Heart (Effects of drugs on); Miasm; Muscle (Influence of drugs on); CEsophagus (Ligature of); Ptomaines; Toxicology; Ven- oms ; Virus; and under names of drugs. Basinek (A.) *Die Vergiftung mit Rauun- kelol, Anemonin unel Cardol in Beziehung zu der Cantharidinvergiflung. 8°. Dorpat, 1881. vox BAt.MHAtHK (A. J. G.) *De venenis irri- tantibus anorganicis. 8°. Traj. ad Bit en u in, 1845. -----. The same. 8°. Amstelodami, 1845. Bernard (C.) Lecons sur les effets des sub- stiincestoxiquesetmedicamenteuses. 8°. Paris, 1857. poisoxs. 470 POISONS, Poisons. Bezezixski (E.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss tier Oxydation im Organisinus bei Krankheiten untl Vergiftungeu. «°. Bern, 1883. Bonnefin ( F.-W. ) * Recherches exp6rimen- tales sur Taction convulsivante des principaux poisons. 4°. Paris, 1851. Decroix (E. A. L. J.) 'Diss, med., sub hac verborum serie: De venenis in genere, et specia- tim ele plerisque. 4°. Duaci, 1781. Ducachet (H. W.) * An inaugural essay on the actions of poisons. 8°. Xew York, 1817. Falck (F. A.) Der Antagonismus der Gifte. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1879, No. 159 (Innere Med., No. 54, 1391-1410). Feitelberg (J.) * Ueber elen Einfluss einiger Gifte anf die Alkalescenz des Blutes. 8°: Dor- pat, 188;}. Filomexa (F. M.) Saggio critico e filosofico su i veleni, con un applicazione alia lue venerea ed al vajuolo. 8°. Napoli, 1804. Fornara (D.) Studj" sperimentali sopra 1' a- zione dell' Upas Antiar e del veleno del rospo, fatti nel Museo zoologico della r. Universita di Bologna, sm. 8°. Genova, 1872. Gmelix (J. F.) Allgemeine Geschichte eler Pflanzengifte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Niirnberg, 1803. ------. Allgemeine Geschichte der thierischen und mineralischen Gifte. Mit einer Vorrede von Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. 12°. Erfurt 1811. J ' Guarda (G.) Storie e considerazioni patolo- gico-terapeutiche sopra alcuni casi di veueficii diversi. 8°. Padova, 1839. Gugliki.mixetti (E.) *Wirken Blei und Qnecksilber als centrale oder periphere Gifte? 8°. Bern, 1886. Haupt (A.) Nonnulla de venenorum effectibus in corpus hominum et animalium sanum. 8° Halce, 1838. IIeher (P.) * Experiences sur la circulation iu sang dans ties organes isoles. Introduction a ane etude sur les effets des substances toxiques par la methode ties circulations artificielles. 8°. Bruxelles, 1873. Heise (A. G.) * De venenorum actione in or- gauismum animalem. 8°. Gottingce, [1805]. HexxeguY (L.-F.) * Etude physiologique sur Paction ties poisons. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Holland (J. W.) The urine, the common poisons, and the milk. Memoranda, chemical and microscopical, for laboratory use. 3 ed obi. 12c. Philadelphia, 1889. Lechler (T.) Ueber die angebliche Nicht- Aufnahme der narcotischen Gifte durch die Lymphgefasse. 8°. Bostock, 1847. Maryland. Board of Bealth of the State of Maryland. [Circular letter and series of inqui- ries of the committee of the ... to the profes- sion, on the subject of tlie improper use of poi- sonous drugs.] July, 1875. 8° & 4°. [Balti- more, 1875.] Mead (R.) A mechanical account of poisons, in several essays. 8°. London, 1702. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1708. ------. The same. 3. ed., with large addi- tions. 8. London, 1745. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1736. ------. The same. 4. ed., corrected. 8°. London, 1747. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8C. Dublin, 1729. ------. Thesame. Mechanica expositio vene- norum. Acceelit tractatus de imperio .solis ac luute in corpora humana, et morbis uude ori- undis. 16°. Francofurti ad Mwnum, 1763. ------. The same. Exposi tio mechanica vene- norum, constans aliquot dissertatiouibus ad Poison*. qiiartam etlitionein anni 1747 ox auglico in lati- num cem versa. In his: Opera med. 3. ed. 12°. (lottiiH/tr 1748 ii l- 222. Also, in his.Opera med., fig. illust le-te- I l > ' ,v,.„ poli, 1752, 101-162, 2 pi. L J " ------• The same. Examen venenorum me- chanicum in vana tentamina distributum. Nova editio multis atlditamentis locupletata. A. (J. Lorry interprete. Inhis: Opera ad editiones anglicas, [etc.l. l'»° Pari. m«, 1751, xvi, 1-172, 4 pi. ' Mentzel(J. C.) *De venenis. sm. 1 Fran- cof. ad Viadr., [1682]. Meynier(M.-L.-G.) * Recherches sur Paction toxique tie quelques esseuces. 4°. Paris 1KV) Mikuletzky(D.) *Deveneuis. 12^. Patctrii' 1836. Morawitzky (S.) O narkotichtskich i neko- torych drugich jadovitych veshestvach, npotre- bljaemych naselemiem Ferganskoi obliisti. [ Nur- cotics and other poisons used in Ferghana 1 8 Kazan, 1886. Repr. from: Trudi Obsh. Estestvois. pri Imp. Kazan. Univ., xv, 2. pt. Morgan (J.) & Addisox (T.) Au essay on the operation of poisouous agents upon the living body. 8°. London, 1829. Neumann (E. F. C.) *De venenis, quas di- cuntur narcotica, experimenta qtiaidani physio- logica. 8°. Regio inonti Pr., 1855. Passavant-(J. C.) *Venena metallica duos effectus tliversos habent. sm. 4°. Tubingw, 1810. Piderit (P. J.) *De modo, quo venena ut medicamenta salutaria agunt. 4°. Marburcji Caltorum, [1773]. ReisENBAUM (F.) * Uutersuchungen iiber tleu Kohlehydratbestand des tliierischeu Orgauismus nach Vergiftung mit Arsen, Phosphor, Strychnin, Morphin, Chloroform. 8°. Dorpat, 1879. SqHKREK (J. J.) * Versuch iiber die Wirkung einiger Gifte auf verschiedene Thierklasseu als Beitrag zu einer vergleicheuilen Pharmacodyna- mik. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1838. Schiavo ( S.) Disquisitiones analytical de venenorum actione in humanum orgauisnium. 8°. Vicetiw, 1836. Steimmig (J. P.) *De remediis suspectis et venenatis. 4°. Erlang as, [1767]. Triphyllodacnus (VV. ) Gifftiager, das ist: Vou Ursach, Reyniguug, Bewahrung nnd Cur pes- tilentzischer Lufft, fiiruenier Artzten Rath und Bedencken, mit augehencktem Uuterschietl tier Schiiler Paracelsi untl Galeni, in der Cur gemelter Kranckheyt. Dessgleichen wider allerley Gitt't, so dem Menschen in Speiss und Tranck beyge- bracht werelen mag, wider elie Biss und Sticli der gifftigen Thier, auch wider gifftigeu Brand, krefftige, heylsame, uuud bewerte Artzneyen, auss elen Schriffteu der hochgelehrten uud weit- beriiiu|)ten Artzten: Dioscoridis Auazarbtei; Fer- dinaueli Ponzetti ; Hieronymi Cardani; Conradi Gesueri; Theophrasti Paracelsi; IoaunisMoibani, und anelereu mehr vertiert, zusamen gezogen unel in ein Ordnung gebracht, vor nie in Teutsch ge- sehen^ 12°. Franckf, 1567. Action (Sur 1') in time des poisons absorbers. Bull. Soc. ra6d. d'emulat. dePar., 1867, n.s., i, 431-440.—An i-«-|» (V.) O neobehod. proizvod. phisiolog. opitovpri expert i/.e- ob ot- ravlenii rastitel. jadami, i niekotor. ukaz. dlja proizvod. takovich. [On the necessity of physiological experimenta in expert examination into poisonings by vegetable poiilns, and some instructions how to conduct them.J Vestnik sudeb. med., etc., St. Petersb., 1886, iii, 2.pt., 13-32. Also: Shorn, rabot, proizved. lab. Anrepa, Charkoff, 1886, i. 118- 142.—Arnd. Vortrag des Herrn Dr. . . . iiber die schad- licheEinwirkung, welche tliebekaunten metallischen Gifte auf ilen Orgauismus ausiiben, wenn sie in Dunstform der Atmospharebeigemengtsind. Verhantll. d. Ver. f. Staats- arzneiw. in Berl., Erlang., 1855, i, 47-53. - UHlty (J.) Leilrage zur Kemituiss tier Wirkung der gahloi-raigen Giite. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886, cvi, 148-165.- POISONS. 471 POISONS. Poison*. Bert ( P-) Note sur la resistance considerable que pre- sented les animaux nouveau-nes il Taction de certains poi- sons Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. I860, Par., 1870. 5. s., i, 263 — Biachoff (I. B.) Ueber Vergiftungen, nebsteinigen Versuehcii an Thieren, welche in den physiologischen Vor- lesungen an der k. k. Josephs-Academie mit Blausiiure, Cvankalinm und Arsenik angestellt wurden. Metl. Jahrb. d k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1843, xiii, 174; 2!)8.—Blake (j ) Observations and experiments on the mode in which various poisonous agents act on the animal body. Edinb. M efc S. J., 1840, Iiii, 35-49. Also, in his: Physiol. Essays, etc 8° Edinb., 11840], 1-15. Also, Reprint.-----. On the action of poisons. Edinb. M. <& S. J., 1841, lvi, 412-423. Also.inhis: Physiol. Essays, etc., 8°, Edinb., [1841], 1-14. Also Reprint. -----. On the action of poisons. Am. J. M.Sc.,Phila., 1849, n.s., xviii, 97-106.— Bochefoutaine. Action physiologique du poison des Mois. Compt. rend. Soc. debio'l., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 132-135. [See, also, infra, Hennegny (L.-F.)] -----. Action physiologique ties sues ele Tarbre xe et de la liane vol-voi qui servent ii la pre- paration des poisons des Mois. Ibid., 545-548.—Bochin (R ) Ueber toxische Darmepit..elexfoliation. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1883, xcii, 556. — Rordier (A.) La geographic medicale et la therapeutique; action des substances toxiques suivant les races. J. de therap., Par., 1880, vii, 937-941.—Brierc de Boismont. Expediences toxicologiqnes sur une substance inconniie. Gaz. metl. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 278. — B iodic ( Sir B. C.) Experi- ments and observations on the different modes in which death ia produced bv certain vegetable poisons. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1811, ci, 178-208. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1815, xii, 156-198. -----. Further experiments and observations on the action of poisons on the animal system. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1812, cii, 205-227. Also, transl..- Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1815, xii, 223-254.—Broiiardel. Intoxi- cations par produits jmirnelleinent absorbes a petite dose. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1882, 3. s., viii, 504-514.—Brown (A.C.) efc Fras'er (T. R.) On the changes produced by direct chemical addition on the physiological action of certain poi- sons. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1866-9, vi, 229-232—Cogs- well (C.) On the local action of poisons. Lancet, Loud., 1852, ii, 488-491. Also, Reprint. — t'nrtiss ( R. J.) The physieilogical tripod of poisons. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 222-228. — Davies ( E.) Popular errors about poisons. Proc. Lit. efc Phil. Soc. Liverp., 1876-7, xxxi, 229-244.— Deli lie (A. R.) Dissertation ou the effects of a Java poi- son called the Upas; on the Nux vomica, the Faba Saucti Ignatii or indica, the Strychnos potatorum, antl the Po- momede Vontac, poisons of the same kind with the Upas. N. York M. efc Phil. J. efc Rev., 1810, ii, 177-196. — Des- martis ( T.) Del uso me,dico del venenos. Siglo metl., Madrid, 1861, viii, 533-535.— Discussion sur la compari- son ties tlifferentes especes animales soumises a un meme p*oison. Bull, etmem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1867-8, i, pp. xx-xxii. — Dubois (R ) Note sur quelques experiences faites au laboratoire tie physiologie maritime du Havre pour determiner Taction toxique compar6e de la strychnine, du curare, du chloroforme et de l'alcool chez les actiuies. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv. 304-307. -----. Note sur le mode el'action ele certains poisons tlans le cas de tremblement d'oiigine toxique; equivalents phy- siologiques. Ibid., 485-488. — Easton (J.-A.) General observations on the elimination, catalysis antl conn ter-ac tion of poisons; with especial reference to syphilis antl lead. Glasgow M. J., 185X-9, 13.] s., vi, 137-155. Also, Reprint. ----. General observations on the elimination, catalysis and counter-action of poisons; with especial reference to oxaluria antl ague. GlasgowM. J., 1858-9, [3.] s.,vi, 257-275. Also, Reprint. — Em inert. Ueber die Wirkungsart der Gifte. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1814, xxxix, 2. St., 53-62. ----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Wirkungsart und chemische Zusanimensetzung der Gifte. Deutsches A reh. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1815, i, 176-187.—Falck (C. P.) Ex- perimentelle Studien zur Beschaffung tier Temporattir- curven tier acuten Intoxicationem A. Die an Huntlen gewonuenen Curven. (Nebst 5 Versucheu.) B. Die an Kaninchen gewonuenen Curven. (Nebst 3 Versuchen mit salzsaurein Brucin; 3 V. mit salzs. Thebaiin; 4V.m. salzs. Codei'n: 4 V. m. schwefels. Morphin; 4 V. m. Nicotin; und 3 V. m. Pikrotoxin.) Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1870, xlix, 457-504,2 pi,—Falck (F. A.) Experimentelle Studien zur Beschaffung der Teniperaturcurven eler acuten Intoxi- cationen. Ibid., li, 519-552, 4 pi.—von Froschancr (J.) Ueher einige toxicologische Experiment e. Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver.in Wien, 1874-5, iii, 113-116.—Fubini (S.) efc Russo Gilibcrti (A.) Esperienze comparative frail grado di veleuosita delT acido fenico, del tnuol naturale, del timol ciniene e della resorcina. Gior. tl. r. Accad. tli med. di To- rino, 1882,3. s., xxx, 650-065.— Gallard(T.) De lamina- tion ties poisons. In his: Notes et obs. de m6d. leg.. et hyg., 83, Par., 1875, 91-93.—Koltz (F.) Ueber die Aufsaug'ung und Fortfiihrung von Giften nach Untei brechung des Blut- kreislaufs. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 147.— Hahnemann (S.) Was sind Gifte ? Was sind Arzneien ? J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundaraik., Berl., 1806, xxiv, 3. St., 40-57.—Heller (J. F.) Ueber die Ausseheidung ge- wisser Gifte. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Poisons. Wien, 1852, v, 201-207.—Hennegny (L.-F.) Observation relative k une note de M. Boehefontaine sur Taction phy- siologique du poison des Mois. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 153.—Hermann (L.) Ueber die Wirkungsweise einer Gruppe von Giften. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1866, 27-40. -----. Ueber eine Bedingung des Zustandekommens von Vergif- tungen. Ibid., 1867, 64-73.—Hoppe (J.) Die spoutane Erholnng der Nerven und Muskeln vergifteter Thiere nach der Section. Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 18">H, xxvii, 689-691.—Husemann (T.) Weitere Studien iiber weniger bekannte Gifte. Arch. tl. Pharm., Halle, 1877, vii, 214-234. — Hwass (T.) Krampgiftemas utbrediiing inom vaxtriket. [Tbe diffusion ot poisons in the vege- table kingdom.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1878, xiii, 255- 262.—Jandontch (A.) Bemerkungen zur tabellari- schen Cebersiebt tier vorziiglichsten giftig wirkeuden Stoffe und tier Haupt- und stellvertretenden Gegeumit- tel der Pharmacopoea austriaca, editio V. Pharm. Post, Wien, 1879, xii, 196-199. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 350.—Karewski (F.) Ueber einige Herzgifte. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 295.—Klinger (C.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Teniperaturverhaltuisse bei acuten Vergiftungen und gewaltsamen Todesarten. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1878, xxix. 140-152.—Kolliker (A.) Phy- siologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung einiger Gifte. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1856, x, 3-77. Also, Reprint.—liarrey. Memoire sur les effets des sub- stances veneneuses vegetales, introtluites dans l'estomac, ou depos6es dans le tissu cellulaire au moyen d'une solu- tion de continuite, de la peau. Tr. ine,d., Par., 1830, ii, 173- 204.—diina (S.) Toxicophagia; leiatomicaou thermica. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac. de med. do Rio de Jan., 1886-7, iii, 99-116.—I.iisscm (F.) Experimentelle Studien iiber die Vergiftung durch Kohlenoxyd, Methan und Aethvlen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1885, ix, 397- 428.—1TIarsack (B.) Remarks on poisons as used by the medical professiou and abused by the public. [Extr. from an address delivered at the annual meeting of the South Eastern Branch.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 86.—Mass- in a n n (B.) Zur Chloroform- und Veratrinvergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 453.—Meyer (H.) Ue- ber das neue, von Herrn Dr. Jagor aus Malacca mitge- brachte Gift. Arch. f. Auat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1866, 284.—Moursou (J.) Recherches cli- niques sur la complication palud6enne dans quelques in- toxications, maladies miasmatiques, virulentes, intoxica- tions putrides et par les metaux. Arch, de ni6d. nav., Par., 1887, xlvii, 432: xlviii, 56; 213; 253; 363; 422: 1888, , xlix, 107; 190; 270; 386; 419: 1,126; 195; 303; 383.—Mur- ray (W.) On the self-elimination of poisons. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, ii, 437-440.—Nasse. Von dem psychischen Ursprung der Gifte. Ztschr. f. el. Anthrop., Leipz., 1825, iii, 1. Heft, 70-79. — rVawrocki (F.) Ueber schweisser- regende Gifte. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 257-261.—Nnssbanin (H.) Przyczynek do kwestyi o antagonizmie trucizin i fizyjologicznem dziala- niu niektorvch trucizn na slinianke. podzuchwowa. [On the physiological antagonism of the effect of poisons.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1880, lxxvi, 631-671.—Oberstei- ner (H.) Die Intoxikationspsychosen. Wien. Klinik, 1886, xii, 33-52. Also, transl: Clin, di Vienna, Napoli, 1886, iii, 281-299.— Odling ( W.) On the action of poi- sons and on the nature of "arsenical poisouing. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlvii, 716; 756. — Ollirier (A.) efc Berge- ron (G.) Recherches sur les alterations des elements anatomiques des tissus organises sous l'influence de quel- ques poisons. J. de la physiol. de I'homme, Par., 1863, vi, 29-48.—Orfila (L.) Absorption des poisons. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 118. -----. De T elimination des poi- sons. Ibid., 149-151.—Pellacani (P.) SulT azione tos- sica delle diluzioni acquose degli organi freschi. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1880-81, vi, 2. pt., 169-172.— von Pom mer. Ueber elie Wirkung giftiger Pflanzen- siiureu auf die lebendige Blutmasse. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1828, ii, 203; 219; 234; 254. — Popow ( N.) Ueber die Veranderungen im Riiekenmarke nach Vergif- tung mit Arseu und Blei. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 311-313.— Pringle (G.) The exclusion of strych- nia and arsenic from all pi eparations now in common use. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1884-5, xvii, 45.—Pugliatti (G.) Contribuzione alio studio dell' azioue flsiologica di alcune sostanze tossiche (stricnina, cloralio e curare). Ann. tli ehim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1884, lxxviii, 142; 203. — Radkofer. Ueber fischvergiftende Pfianzen. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phvs. Cl. el. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. zu Miinchen, 1886, xvi, 379-416.—Ricbet (C.) Lecons sur la chaleur auimale; les poisons et la tempera- ture. Rev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxvii, 10; 44; 75— Kin. ger (S.) An experimental investigation to ascertain in what manner soluble oxalates arrest function, and some remarks on the action of poisons antl their antidotes. Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxiv, 81-88.-Koger (G.-H) Influence du jefine sur la resistance des animaux a quel- ques alcaloitles toxiques. Compt. rend. Soc. elebiol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 166.-Koviglii (A.) efc Suiitnii (G.) Sur POISONS. 475 Poisons. les convulsions 6pileptiques par les poisons; recherches critico-exp6riinentales. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882-3, ii, 279-284.—Salisbury (J. H.) An account of some ex- periments and observations on the influence' of poisons aud medicinal agents upon plants. N. York J. M., 1854, n. s., xii, 9-15.—Scalsei (F.) Progressi ed avvenire nell' in- segnamento della farmacologia e tossicologia sperimentale. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1884, x, 253-258.—Selltitx (E.) Ue- ber die Wirkungen einiger Gifte auf die autimiatischeu Beweguugen des Magens. Tagebl. d. Versainml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii, 158-160.—Schultz. Ueber die Benutzung der Friichte und Saamen giftiger Pfianzen als Heilmittel. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, lxx, 5. St., 89-112.—Sibson (F.) Remarks on the action of narcotic poisons; the effects of chloroform, and the stages of insensibility produced by it; treatment of cases of poisoning by the vapour. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, xii, 267- 271. Also, in his: Collect. Works, 8°, Lond., 1881, iv, 369- 378.— Nteinheim. Von der Wirkung der Gifte. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., 1863, xxiv, 370-397.—Stolnikow. Ueber tlie Bedeutung der Hydroxylgruppe (HO) in einigen Giften. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1883-4, viii, 235-281.—Taylor (A.S.) On the transference of poisons from the blood to the alimentary canal. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1860, 3. s.,vi, 397-403. —---. Tamassia on the effect of certain poisons on the temperature of the body. Lond. M. Rec, 1878, vi, 1.—Thompson (W. H.) The distinc- tions between a virus and a poison. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 130; 159; 170.—ron Tschiscb (W.) Ueber Veranderungen des Riickeniuarkes bei Vergiftung mit Morphiuru, Atropin, Silbernitrat untl Kaliumbromid. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1885, c, 147-170, 1 pi.— Valentin (G.) Einiges iiber Giftwirkungen im luftver- diinnten Raume. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1882, xvi, 143-147.—tie Variyny (A.) Notes sur Taction de l'eau douce, tie la ehaleuret de quelques poisous sur le Beroe ovatus. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 61-63.—Virey (J.-J.) Sur la diversite d'ac- tion des poisons, suivant la diversite des orgauismes. Rev. med. franc. et6trang., Par., 1831, iii, 5-28. Also, Reprint.— Vital! (D.) Stuelio tossicologico sull' atropina e sulla da- turina. Orvosi, Firenze, 1880, iii, 259; 289; 325. Also: Gu- glielmodaSaliceto, Piacenza, 1880-81,ii,67; 102; 137; 177.— Vulpian (A.) Recherches toxico-physiologiques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1858, 3. a., xiii, 825-828. Also: Compt. rend. Sen-, de biol. 1858, Par., 1859, 2. s., v, 113-128. -----. Re- marques sur Topinion emise par MM. Jacubowitsch etRou- danowsky relativement k Taction de certain poisons stir les elements anatomiques du systeme nerveux central. Ibid., 1864, Par., 1865, 4. s., i, 185-187. -----. Etudes de pathologie experimentale sur Taction physiologique des substances toxiques et medieamenteuses. Progres metl., Par., 1875, iii, 173; 185; 205; 229: 249; 305; 317; 337; 350. —----. Etude physiologique des poisons. Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1879, iv, 385; 481: 1880, v, 97: 1881, vi, 193; 289; 385: vii, 97.—Wates (W.) On the tissue upon which the remote action of poisons is exerted. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1842-3, xxxii, 468; 491.--Wyman. [Some observa- tions on the immunity of animals of certain colors from the action of poison.] Boston M. efc S. J., 1871, lxxxv, 107.— Yung (E.) De l'absorption et de Telimination des poisons chez les cephalopodes. Compt. reud. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 238. -----. Sur Taction des poisons chez les ce- phalopodes. Ibid., 306-308.— Ziliotto (P.) L'azione del veleno. Gazz. meel. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1866, ix, 189-194. Poisons (Antidotes, antagonism, and treatment of). Bj5iu.ingson (C. J.) *De notione autidoti una cum generali expositione rerum, quae hoc nomine signantur. 8°. Upsaliw, [1838]. A Bra (H.) De curandis venenis per medica- menta simplicia et facile parabilia, libri duo. 16°. Leovardiw, 1616. Carles (J.) * Des coutre-poi.sons. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1887. Chaussier (H.) Contre-poisons, ou moyens reconuus les plus efficaces tlans les eliiierens cas d'einpoisouuement, mis a la port6e ties personnes ^trangeres a l'art de gu6rir; suivis de l'indica- tion des secours a douner aux noyes, aux as- phyxias, aux enfans naissans, et aux persounes uiordues par des animaux enrages et serpens; a celles piqu6es par des insectes venimeux; et des precautions a prendre dans les cas de mort ap- parente. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1818. Delaurier. Indication d'un nonveau mode de traitement ties empoisonnements. Brochure utile aux me'decins et autres personnes d6vouees a l'humanite\ 8°. Paris, 1865. POISONS. Poisons (Antidotes, antagonism, and treatment of). Dunijlison. Chiudoku Rioho. [The treat- ment ot" poisoning. Trausl. hy Shiujm Rioven 1 8U. Tokio, 1873. 'J Japanese text. Fauleau ( L. ) *Av.antages de 1'can dans l'empoisonnement par les substances nunc*rules 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Gmklin(G. G.) *Detheriaca. 4°. Tubingw [1720], Goeppert (11. R.) Ueber die cheinisclnn Ge- geugifte, zum Gebrauche fiir Aerzte, Wundaxzle und Pharmaceuteu, so wie fiir acadcniische Vor- lesuugen. 2. Ausg. 8°. Breslau, 1843. Helwig (J. F.) *De venenis eorundemqiie antidoti. 4°. Wittenbergw, [1700]. Klawe(H.) Skorowidz srodkow zaradczycli w wvpadkach otrucia. [Antidotes in poisoning.] 24°. Warszawa, 1887. Kohler (R.) Handbuch der speciellen Thera- pie, einschliesslich eler Behanelluug der Vergif- tungen. 8°. Tubingen, 1855. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Tiibingen, 1867-8. de La Garza (R.) * Quelques considerations generates sur l'empoisonnement, propres a dinger I'homme de l'art dans lacouduite qu'il doit tenir aupres des malades, comme me'decin et comme medecin ldgiste. 4°. Paris, 1831. Murrell (W.) What to doin cases of poi- soning. 2. ed. 24°. Detroit, Mich., 1882. -----. Thesame. 4.ed. 18°. London, 1884. -----. Thesame. 5.ed. 18°. London, 1887. -----. Thesame. 6.ed. 18°. London, 1889. Also, in: Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 12; 37; 56; 85; 110; 137; 157; 180; 201; 228; 254; 277; 302. Navier (P.-T.) Contre-poisons de l'arsenic, dn sublime" eorrosif,du verd-ele-griset du plomb. Suivis de trois dissertations intitubSes: 1. Re- cherches m^dico-chymiques sur diffe>eus moyens de tlissoudre le mercure, etc. 2. Exposition tie differens moyens el'unir le mercure au fer. 3. Nouvelles observations sur I'ether, etc. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1777. NlKANDER. QgpiaKa. "AXef-icpdpfiaKa. 'Epur)- veia roi) avuviipov cvyypacj>euq elq 6gpiam. I,x6Aia dtacpdpwv ovyypatpeuv etc dTie^icpappaaa. sm. 4°. Coloniw, 1530. ------. Alexipharmaca. Jo. Gorrao ... in- terprete. Ejusdem interprets in Alexipharmaca pnefatio, oninem ele veueuis disputationem sum- matim complectens, et aunotationes. 12°. Pari- siis, 1549. Greek anel Latin text. ------. The same. Alexipharmaca seu de veuenis in potu cibove homini tlatis eorumque remetliis carmen. Cum scholiis graecis et Eu- tecuii Sophistic paraphrasi grteca. Ex libris scriptis euienilavit auimadversiouibusque et pa- raphrasi latina illustravit Jo. Gottlob Schneider. 8°. Halw, 1792. ------. Onpiam. [Also:] ' kleS-icpcipuana. In- terprete Jo. Gorraeo. 4°. Parisiis, 1557. ------. The same. Les ceuvres de . . . tra- duictes en vers francois. Ensemble, deux livres des venius, auseiuels il est amplement discouru des bestes venimeuses, th£riaques, poisons et contrepoisons, par Jaques Grevin de Clermont en Beauvjiisis. 4°. Anvers, 1567. ------. The same. Joannes Gorrhaeus latinis versibus reddidit, Italicis vero qui nunc primum in lucem prodeunt Ant. Mar. Salvinius. Acce- dunt variantes codicum lectiones, selectse adno- tationes, et gr.ira Eutecni Sophistae metaphra- sis ex codicibus mediceae, et Vindobon. biblio- theca' descripta ac nondtim edita curante Ang. Mar. Baudinio. 8°. Florentiw, 1764. POISONS. 473 POISONS. Poisons (Antidotes, antagonism, and treatment of). Orfila (P.[-M.-J.-B.]) Secours adonner aux personnes euipoisouuees ou asphyxiees, suivis eles moyens propres a reconnaltre les poisons et les vins frelates, et a distinguer la mort reelle de la mort apparente. 12°. Paris, 1818. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 16°. Paris, 1821. -----. The same. 3. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1825. -----. The same. A popular treatise on the remedies to be employed in cases of poisoning and apparent death . . . Transl. by William Price. 8°. London, 1818. -----. The same. Directions for the treat- ment of persons who have taken poison, and those in a state of apparent death. Transl. from the French by R. H. Black. With an ap- pendix ou suspended animation and the means of prevention. 12°. London, 1818. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 12°. Balti- more, 1819. -----. The same. Rettungsverfahren bei Vergiftungen und im Scheintode . . . iibersetzt von P. G. Brosse. 12°. Berlin, 1819. -----. The same. A practical treatise on poisons and asphyxies, adapted to general use. Followed by directions for the treatment of burns and for the distinction of real from ap- parent death. Transl. from the French, with notes and additions, by J. G. Stevenson. With an appendix, containing the principles of med- ical jurisprudence and chemical anel anatomical considerations, addressed to physicians. 12°. Boston, 1826. Piccardt (J. J.) *De venenis et antidotis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1764. Pr^evotiusCJ.) De venenis et alexipharmacis compendiosa tractatio. 24°. Lugduni, 1659. Scharff (L. B.) Antidotus prophylactica, das ist, sichere Bewahrungs-Mittel wieder itzt einschleichende Gifft-Mischer, aus theologischen, politischen, medicin-, physical- und oecouomi- schen Griinden wohlmeinend vorgestellet. 12°. Erfurth, 1698. Slescovius ( S.) Incomparabilis thesaurus alexitericus; in quo scilicet remedia selecta, diu etmultum probata, necnon facile cuivis parabilia, contra omnis generis veneua mortifera, tarn in- tus sumpta quam extriusecus illata, proponnu- tur, non solum medicis et philosophis, verum etiam omni hominum generi, maxime veroprinci- pibns, maguatibus, divitibus, et qui inimicos habeut, ac denique omnibus aliis, cujuscunque mrtunae, aut conditionis hominibus, casu aliquo iufelici, inscitiave intoxicatis, ad expugnautla venena utilis, semperque in manibus habendus. 16°. Brunsbergw, 1621. Tanner (T. H. ) Memoranda on poisons. From the last Lond. ed. 16°. Philadelphia, 1864. -----. The same. 4. Am. ed. 16°. Phila- delphia, 1879. -----. Thesame. 6.ed. 18°. Philadelphia, 1888. Thomson (A. T.) Anleitung zur Erkenntniss und Behandlung der Vergiftungen. Nebst der chemischen Analyse und dem Sektiousbefnnele. In alphabetischer Ordnung. Nach dem Engli- scheu von . . . Bearbeitet von Dr. Alexander Reumont. 12°. Aachen, 1846. Tittmann (D. G.) *De medicina emetica et purgante post iram veneno. 4°. Halw Magdeb., [1721]. Trapp. Pervyja posobyja pri otravlenii s ukazaniem na protivojadija. [First help in poi- soning by indication of antidotes.] fol. St. Petersburg, 1887. Ursincs (J. C.) *De venenis et bezoardicis. 4°. Jenw, [1682]. Poisons (Antidotes, antagonism, and treatment of). Wendt (J.) Die Hiilfe bey Vergiftungen und bey den verschiedenen Arten des Scheintodes. 2. eel. 8°. Breslau, 1827). Barnes (H.) Ou chronic accidental poisoning. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1880, xxv. 175-184.—Barri efc Petroz. Resultat de quelques experiences snr l'emploi tie la ven- touse dans Tempoisoniiement par l'absorption sous-cuta- ni'i'._ J. de ehim. metl., etc., Par., 1825, i, 478-482.—Bel- lini (R.) Du soufre comme antidote chiniit]iie contre fjuelques empoisonnements aigus par les metaux. Cong. m6d. de toutes les nations, 2. sess., 1869, Bologno, 1870. i, 395. -----. Di un medicamento da introdursi nella teia- peutica tossicologica. Sperimentale, Firenze. 1875, xxxvi, 237-248.—Bcrti (A.) Sui veleni e sugli antidoti. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1860, iii, 153.—Itinn- cbt-tti (G.) Di alcuni casi eli awelenamento curati se- condo i principii della dottrina medica italiana. Ibid., 1859, ii, 22-24.—Bianchetti (V.) Sette casi di awelena- mento curati sulla scorta della dottrina medica italiana. Ibid., 1858, i, 213-215.—It oh in (R.) Ueber Wiederbele- bung nach Vergiftungen. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1874, xii, 321-323.— Boisragon (T. T. G.) Treat- ment of poisoning with narcotic substances. Lancet, Lond., 1839-40, i, 879-881.—Boncharilnt. Notice sur lea principaux contre-poisons et sur la therapeutique des em- poisonnements. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 27-32.— Chevallier (A.) Sur les empoisonnements par les acides concentres, et sur les premiers secours a donner. J. de ehim. nied., etc., Par., 1840, 2. s., vi, 28-33. Also, Reprint.— Desro*iiers (H.-E.) Les poisons et leurs antidotes; pre- miers soins k donner aux empoisonnes. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1889, n. s., iii, 169-173.—Dieulafoy (G.) Dn role de Inspiration dans les maladies ele l'estomac et dans les empoisonnements. Bull. g£n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 145-149.—Browte. Therapetitik der Vergiftungen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 407-409.— EhnIoii (J. A.) General observations on the elimination, catalysis and counter-action of poisons, with especial refer- ence to syphilis and lead. Glasgow M. J., 1858-9, [3.1 s., vi, 137-155. Also, Reprint. -----. General observations on the elimination, catalysis, and counter-action of poi- sons, with especial reference to oxaluria and ague. Glas- gow M. J., 1858-9, [3.J s., vi, 257-275. Also, Reprint.— Falk (F.) Zur Lehre von der antagonistischen Wirkuug giftiger Substanzen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1877, iii, 47-54.—Friedrich (H.) Hydratisches Schwe- feleisen mit Magnesia eiu Gegengift gegen metallisehe Gifte. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi, 129; 135; 139.—Froh- lich (C.) Historische und experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vou dem physiologischen Antagonismus in tier Wir- kung der Gifte. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1874, n. F., vi, 190-236. 'Also, Reprint. Also: Pharmakol. Untersuch., Wiirzb., 1873-4, i, 196-242—Gu- bier (A.) Antidote. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1866, v, 314-322.—Hahnemann (S.) Gegenmittel einiger he- roischen Gewiichssubstanzen. J. tl. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1797, v, 3-21.—van HasM-lt (A. W. M.) Over tegengiften. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenhage, 1846-7, 2. s., ii, 305-321.—Jaekson (S.) On the method of extracting poisons from the stomach. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 294-298.—Jeanne! (J.) Etude sur une formule ele contrepoison officinal multiple. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xliii, 444-462. Also: Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1875-6, iv, 29-47. Also: Med. contemp., Par., 1876, xviii, 201; 217: 226. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. roy. de pharm., Brux., 1875. xix, 181-183.—Ijangley (J. N.) On the antagonism of poisons. J. Physiol., Lond., 1880-81, iii, 11-21. —L.e Thiere (G.) Seconrs contre les empoisonnements et autres accidents. Inhis: Etudes med., 8°, Par., 1869, 12-69. — I,iicli*iiiger (B.) Zur Lehre vom wechselseitigen Antagonismus zvveier Gifte. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1878, xviii, 587.—f«UN»ana (F.) L' emetico piu opportuno nei casi di veneficio per so- stanze inoatenizzanti. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1879, xxii, 283-288.—iVIarzutlini (G. B.) Nove casi d' awelenamento ipostenico ; guarigione cogli stimoli. Ibid., 1861, iv, 200; 207. —Michaelis. Eiu neues Anti- dotum gegen vegetabilische Gifte. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iii, 341.—lTIiquel (J.-F.) Sur un moyen qui est certes le plus sur et le. plus facile pour remedier promptement k un empoisonnement par ingestion. In his: Tribut & la chir. prat, [etc.], 8°, Tours, 1870, 89.—Orfila (L.) Des contre-poisons et en particulier du protochloruie d'etain prone eu 1845 par M. Poumet dans Tint.oxication mercurielle. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 338; 342. -----. Traitement de Tempoisonnement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 266; 275.—Polli (G.) Si danno o no contravveleni chemici ? Ann. di ehim. applic. a. meel., Milano, 1851, 3. s., xii, 5-24. [See, also, infra, Rossi (L. M.)]—Poumet (J.- V.) Recherches et experimentation sur le proto-chlorure d'6tain consid6r6 comme contre-poison du deuto-chlorure de mercure. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1845, xxxiv, 181; 408. Also, Reprint. (See, also, supra, Orfila (L.)]—Primi soccorsi agli av\ elenati. Salute, Genova, 1865-6, i, 241-250.—Keese (J. J.) The antagonism of poisons. 2. Antagonism of POISONS. 474 POISONS. Poisons (Antidotes, antagonism, and treatment of). morphia and atropia; 3. Antagonism of strychnia and prussic aeid, tobacco, morphia, etc. Am. J. M.Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 373-386.—Rossbach (M.J.) . Cazac. Reflexions pratiques a propos tie 1'or- donuance du 29 octnbre 1846, sur la vente des substances ve"n6neuses. *°. Toulouse, 1864. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Soc. de med.... ele Toulouso 1864, no. 4. Chevallier (J.-B.-A.) & Boys de Loi uy (.(.- L.-C.) Essais sur les moyens a mettre en usage dans le but de rendre moins fr6quent le crime d'empoisonnement. 8°. Paris, 1835. Also, in: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835, xiv, 399-407. Also, transl. in: Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 114-116. Flux (W.) The law to regulate the stile of poison within Great Britain. h'~. London, 1869. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on the sale of poisons, etc., bill (H. L.); together with the proceedings ofthe committee, minutes of evidence, and index, fol. [London, 1857.] -----. House of Commons. Drugging of ani- mals. A bill [as amended iu committee] to make the administration of poisonous elrugs anel coni- pouuels to horses and other animals a punishable offence. July 5, 1875. fol. [London, 1875.] Hjelt (O. E. A.) Om handelu med gifter, jemte forslag till dess orduaude i Finland. 8°. Belsingfors, 1870. Manchester anel Salfortl Sanitary Association. Minute of committee on the indiscriminate sale of poisons. 8 . Manchester, 1857. Netherlands. Koninklijk besluit van 23 Julij 1872 (Staatsblad no. 82), houdeude natlere aanwijzing van de geneesmieldeleu, bedoeld in het vierde lid van art. 9 der wet van 1 Jnnij 1865 (Staatsblad no. 60). Beschikking van den Minister van binneulandsche Zaken van 15 Julij 1872, houdeude nadere vaststelling der lijsten van vergiften en geneesmiddelen bedoeld in ele artt. 7 en 30 der wet van 1 Jnnij 1865 (Staatsblad no. 61). Rapport der Commissie over tie zamenstelliug van deze lijsten gehoord. 8°. 7s Gravenhage, 1872. Victoria. An act for regulating the sale and use of poisons. No. dlix. [ 22nd Dec, 1876. ] 4°. [Melbourne, 1876. ] Althaus (J.) Physicians' prescriptions and the sale of poisons act. Brit.M.J., Lond., 1878, i, 150— Amended schedule of poisonsunder the pharmacy act, 180K. Rep. Metl. Off. Privy Council, with app., 1869, Lond., 1870, xii, 191.— Baden': Verordnung, den Verkauf von giftigen Stoffen, insbesondere zu nicht arzneilicheu Zwecken betreffend. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetzb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Erlang., 1858, ii, 361. — Baker (R.) & Deiuiug ( W.) Report of committee on sale of medicines and poisons. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1881, n. s., ii. no. 2, 31.— Barfod (H. P. B.) Forebyggelsen af Foigiftniiigcr veil Forvexling af Medikamenter. Ugesk. f. Lager, Kje- benh., 1884,4. R., x, 309.—Beaugrmid. [Arsenic] Hy- giene publique. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med., Par., 1867, vi, 246-256.—Bill regulating the sale of poisons in Arkansas. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1881, i, 288.— B ussy. Rapport sur la vente des substances ven6neuse». Bull. Acad, tie metl., Par., 1847-8, xiii, 1395-1411. Also Reprint.—tlanwse (S.) De la vente des substances veufc- neuses. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1868, 2. s., xxix, 371-381.— llhaude (E.) Vente eles preparations arsenicaks dans les pharmacies. Soc. de med. leg. tie Par. Bull., 1868-9, i, 327-347.—Chevallier (A.) Sur la coloration ties poi- sons. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1836, 2. s., ii, 600-605.— Davallon (J.) Observations sur l'ordonnance royale du 29 octobre 1846, relative a la vente des substances veue- neuses et petition adress6e par les pharmaciens du de- partement du Rhone a M. le ministre de l'agriculture et du commerce, pour en obtenir la revision. J. do med. de Lyon, 1847, 2. s., i, 51-60.—Da Venezia (P.) Delia ven- dita abusiva di medicine e spocialmente di preparati vene- fici. Gior. veneto di sc med., Venezia, 1871, 3. s., xv, 338-344. — Dispensing ( The) of poisons for medicines; a false charge of murder; remarks on the case of the Queen against Dure & Spry. Loud. M. (iaz., 1848, xln, 8K8-897. Also, Reprint. — Kin lull run;; (Leber die) des Phosphorbreies statt der arseuichten Satire (des ^f18?6" Arseuiks) zum Tddten schadlicher Thiere und das Verbot POISONS. Poison* (Sale of and laws relating to). des Vei kaufs der arsenichten Saure elurch die Apotheker. Med. Ztg., Reil., 1849, xviii, 155.—Extrait d'un rapport fait k la Societe de pharniacie tie Pin is, dans sa stance du 6 Janvier 1847, smToi'doimance rovale du 29octiibre, rela- tive k la vente eles substances veneneuses. Union m6d., Par., 1817, i, 118. — Fiirstlich Signiaiing'sche Verordnung voni 19.October 1836. Den Anbatt vou GiftpHanzeu be treffend Jahrb. tl. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, iii, 153-355— :iiiioii. fltutle experimentale sur la polarisation ties tissus animaux. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 634-636. — Lommel (E.) Ein I'olarisationsapparat ans Magnesiumplatiuesaniir. Sitzungsb. d. phys. unel. Sue' zu Erlang., 1880-81, xiii. 31-:iti. —Plliiser. I'olarisropo. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. Coinpt.-rend. 1KN0, Milan, 1H81, vi, 177-179.—Rosenberg (E.) Practical instruction in the use of the Mitscherlich polaristrohonieter. New Remedies, N. T., 1881, x, 163; 226. Also, Reprint. Polders. See Marshes. Pole (Alexander). Notes on food and diet in re- lation to health. With plates and a practical analysis of fooel. 2. ed. viii, 9-126, 88 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Glasgow, T. Murray 4' Son, 1868. Pole (Thomas). The anatomical instructor; or au illustration ofthe modern and most approved methods of preparing and preserving the dif- ferent parts of the human body and of quad- rupeds, by injection, corrosion, maceration, dis- tention, articulation, modelling, etc. lxxx (61.), 304 pp., 61., 10 pi. 8°. London, Couchman 4 Fry, 1790. -----. The same. New ed. xxiv, 202 pp., 10 pi. 8°. London, J. Callow [and others], 1813. -----. Au anatomical description of a double uterus antl vagina. 6 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Lon- don, 1792. Pole (William). Metropolitan water supply. Report on the application of the constant service system in the city of Norwich, to the secretary, railway elepartment, boarei of traele, Dec. 28, 1870. 11 pp. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre 4 W. Spottiswoode, 1871.] -----. Report on the application of the constant service system in Manchester, to the under-secre- tary, home elepartment. 14 pp. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre 4~ W. Spottiswoode, [1871]. -----. Further data on aerial navigation. 10 pp. 8~. London, 1885. Repr. from: Inst. Civ. Eng. Abstr. Papers in For, Trans, efe Period., Lond., lxxxi. ------. Water-supply. Being one ofthe series of lectures elelivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers. Session 1884-5. 48 pp. 8U. Lon- don, 1885. Polecat. See Hydrophobia in animals, etc. Poleck (Theoelor). Dr. Scheidemann und die wissensckaftliche Kritik. Eine Beleuchtungiler Sckeielemaun'schen Sehrift: "Die Minenkrank- heit, ihre wahre Ursache, Verhutung und He- handlung". Fiir Iugenieur-Officiere uud Aerzte. 44 pp., 1 tab., 1 ch. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, 1867. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der chemischen Vi'ianderungen fliessender Gewilsser. Einla- dungsschriftzurHabilitationsrede in der kleinen Aula der Universitat am 6. Miirz. 1 p. 1., 71 pp., 1 tab., 1 chart. 8°. Breslau, Maruschke u. Be- rendt, 1869. Poiek (Th.) Chemische Analyse eler Thermen von Warmbrunn am Fusse ties Riesengebirges in Schlesien. 19 pp. 8°. Breslau, Maruschke u. Berendt, 1885. Poleiiianii(ErdwienusBernhardus). *Diss. sis- tens cngitata qusedam de contagiis, cum historia febris scarlatinas contagiosa}. 32 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. Prageri et soc, [1800]. Poleinann (Joachim). Novum lumen medicum, in welchem die vortnlliche unel hochnotige Lehre des hochbegabten Philosophi Helinontii, von POLEMANN. 479 POLICE. Polemann (Joachim)—continued. dem hohen Geheimuiis des Sulphuris philosopho- rum. Aus getreuen wolmeinendem Gemiithe gegen die Unwissenden untl Irrenden wie auch aus mitleideudem Hertzen gegen den Krancken. 2 o. 1., 182 pp. 24°. Amsterdam, H. Betkius, 1659. _____. Thesame. 2 p. 1., 245 pp. 18°. Amster- dam, W. Welmson, 1699. _____. The same. Novum lumen medicum, de mysterio sulphuris philosophorum. In: Theatrum chemicum. 12°. Argentorati, 1661, vi, 600-674. Polenio Atheniensis. Naturae siguorum inter- pretatio. In ■ Meletiub. De natura structuraque hominis opus etc. sm. 4°. Yenetiis, 1552, 147-179. _____. Fisonomia di . . . trad, di greco in latino dall' Carlo Montecuccoli, con annotationi del medemo; et poscia di latino fatta volgare dal Co. Francesco suofratello. 40 pp. 4°. Padova, P. P. Tozzi, 1623. Bound with: dblla Porta (Gio. Battista). Della fiso- nomia dell' huomo. 3. ed. 4°. Padova, 1622. See, also, della Porta (Gio. Battista). Della fisono- mia dell'huomo [etc.]. 4°. Yenetia, 1644. Polentz (Martinus Christophorus). * De medi- camentis cardiacis. Von Hertzstarckungen. 23 pp. 4°. Helmwstadii, typ. P. D. Schnorrii, [ 1729]. Polemis (Giovannus). Sopra 1' aurora boreale comparsa il di 16 dicembre, 1' anno 1737. 28 pp. 4^. Yenezia, P. Basaglia, 1738 Bound with: Patin (C.) Lyceum Patavinum, [etc.J. 4°. Patavii, 1682. Polenz ([Carolus] Paulns) [1830- ]. *De laryngitiele exsudativa. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Deckerianis, [1851]. Pole tilt (Michael). *Materialy k voprosu ob elastichnosti arterialnych stenok. [On elasticity of arterial wall.] 34 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8°. St. Petersburg, I. P. Skorochdova, 1884. Poletti (F.). See liOmbroso (C.) L' uomo delinquente, [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. Roma, Torino & Firenze, 1878. Poletti (Ferdinando) [ -1837]. Istruzioui per le levatrici che devono loro servir di guida nell' esame p^r essere abilitate ad esercitare 1' oste- tricia. 147 pp. 8°. Ferrara, eredi di G. Rinaldi, 1808. Poletti ( Lionello ). Intorno il magnetizzarsi degli aghi nel sistema nervoso degli animali vivi. 7 pp. 12°. Bologna, [L. A. Pagani, 1831]. Repr. from: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1831, iii. -----. Su la condizione delle arterie nei verte- brati e sopratutto nell' uomo. Esperienze ed osservazioni. 49 pp. 12°. Bologna, Nobili 4~ Comp., 1833. Polettini (Caesar). * Specimen nounullarum auimadversionum circa cutis fabricam, func- tiones, et morbos. 35 pp. 8°. Ticini Regii, P. Bizzoni, 1831. Polex (Joannes Christianus). *De epilepsia uterina. 24 pp. 4°. Jenw, ex off. Marggrafianw viduw, [1764]. Polguere (Daniel) [1860- ]. # Des infections secondares. Leurs localisations pulmonaires au cours de la fievre typhoide et de la pneumonie. 104 pp. 8°. Paris, 1888, No. 77. Poll ( G. B.) Allopatia od omeopatia? ossia medicina antica o medicina nuova? confront! storico-critici. 71 pp. 12°. Brescia, Gilberti, 1S64. [P., y. 1455 ; 1456.] -----. Le fistole in qualunque parte del corpo sono tutte radicalmente guarite col nuovo me- todo antisettico interno detto septipathia e senza alcuna operazione. 64 pp. 1^°. Genova, 1888. -----. L' isopathia nella terapeutica moderna. 2. ed. sulla 1. in lingua portoghese. 15 pp. 8°. Genova, 1888. Poli (Giuseppe Saverio) [1746-1825]. Breve ra- gionamento intorno all' eccellenza dello studio della natura, ed a' sodi vantaggi, che da quello si possono ritrarre; premesso al corso di fisica spe- rimentale, destiuato a farsi nel regio ospedale degl' Incurabili. xx pp. 8°. Napoli, stamperia . reale, 1780. -----. Pel felice ristabilimento delle altezze reali dall' innesto del vajuolo. Canto di . . . xviii pp., 11. 4°. [Napoli, 1780, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1117.] —'-----. Breve saggio sulla calamita e sulla sua virtu metlicinale. vi (1 1.), 74 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Palermo, reale stamperia, 1811. Poli (Oreste). Editor of: Rivista settimanale di medicina e chirurgia, Pisa, 1879. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. AUSTRALIA. Victoria. Ford (F. T. "W.) Vital statistics of the police force of the colony of Victoria. (1856-65, inclusive; Oct., 1868, to Dec, 1877.) Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866, xi, 193-196: 1870, xv, 1-3: 1872, xvii, 143-147: 1874, xix, 302-305: 1876, xxi, 36-39: 1877, xxii, 380-383. BELGIUM. Brussels. Police. Bruxelles, 1876 to 1887-8. Ville de Bruxelles. Rap. . . . par le college des bourgmestre [etc.], 1877, 25- 27; 1878, 25-28; 1879, 25-28; 1880, 23-26; 1881, 49-51; 1882, 27-36; 1883, 29-32; 1884, 42-45; 1885, 38-41: 1886, 40-43; 1887, 47-52; 1888, 43-45, 1 tab. — Stntialiqnv des affaires jugees par le tribunal de simple police de Bruxelles, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Ibid., 1877, 126; 1878, 150; 1879, 146; 1880, 1 tab.; 1881, 1 tab.; 1882, 1 tab.; 1883, 1 tab.; 1884, 1 tab.; 1885, 1 tab.; 1886, 1 tab.; 1887, 1 tab.; 1888, 1 tab. CANADA. Montreal. Montreal. Annual reports of the chief of po- lice for the years 1879-85. 8°. Montreal, 1880-86. GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Report from the select committee on po- lice and sanitary regulations, with an appendix. June 9, 1882. fol. [London, 1882.] -----. Special report from the select commit- tee on police and sanitary regulations, with the proceedings of the committee. July 4, 1884. fol. London, 1884. -----. Special report from the select commit- tee on police and sanitary regulations; together with the proceedings of the committee and an appendix. July 30, 1885. fol. London, 1885. -----. Special report from the select commit- tee on police and sanitary regulations; with the proceedings of the committee. June 2,1886. fol, London, [1886]. -----. Special report from the select commit- tee on police and sanitary regulations bills; with the proceedings of the committee. Aug., 1889. fol. London, 1889. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Report and returns as to crimes, offences, and contraventions within the limits of the police of the city of Edinburgh. Prepared for the magistrates anel cemncil by the superin- tendent of police, for the year 1869-70. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1870. Tait (W.) Report of the sickness amongst the Edin- burgh police, as compared with that of the members of the yearly benefit societies in Edinburgh for 1845. North. J. M., Edinb., 1846, iv, 193-211. Also, Reprint. Glasgow. Glasgow. City of Glasgow police. Criminal returns by the chief constable to the board of po- lice, for the year 1870. 8°. Glasgow, 1871. rOLICE. 480 POLICE. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Liverpool. Liverpool. Watch committee for the borough of Liverpool. Reports of the police establish. ment, and the state of crime, with tabular re- turns for the years 1868-9; 1869-70. 8°. Liver- pool, 1869-70. London. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Report from the select committee ou the police of the metropolis. 8°. London, 1834. Great Britain. Secretary of Slate for the Borne Department. Report of the chief surgeon on the health of the metropolitan police force during the year 1880. fol. London, 1881. Great Britain. Commissioner of Police ofthe Metropolis. Report for the year 1886. fol. Lon- don, 1887. Health of the metropolitan police. Med. Times efe Gaz.. Lond., 1871, ii, 231. Scotland. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. A bill for regulating the police and sani- tary administration of towns and populous places, and for facilitating the union of police and mu- nicipal administration in burghs in Scotland. April 3, 1H84. fol. London, 1884. -----. House of Lorels. Report from the se- lect committee of the House of Lords on the burgh police and health (Scotland) bill [H. L.] ; together with the proceetlings ofthe ceimmittee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Sess. 1884-5. July 20, 1887). fol. London, 1885. -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland). [H. L.] A bill intituled An act for regulating the police antl sanitary administration of towns and populous places, and for facilitating the union of the police and municipal administration in burghs in Scotland. March 9, 1886. fol. London, 1886. -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland) bill. [H. L. ] Amendments to be moved in com- mittee by the Lortl Balfour, of Burley. April 5, 1886. fol. [London, 1886.] -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland) bill. [H.L.] Amendments to be moved in com- mittee by the Lord Blantyre. April 7,1886. fol. [London, 1886.] -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland) bill. [H. L.] Amendments to be moved in com- mittee. April 8, 1886. fol. [London, 1886.] -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland). [H. L. ] Arrangement of clauses. A bill [as amended in committee] intituled An act for reg- ulating the police and sanitary administration of towns and populous places, aud for facilitating the union of police and municipal administra- tion in burghs in Scotland. April 9, 1886. fol. [London, 1886.] -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland) bill [ H. L. ] [as amended in committee ]. Amendments to be moved on report by the Lord Stewart, of Gailies. April 10, 1886. fol. [Lon- don, 1886.] -----. Burgh police and health (Scotland) bill [ H. L. ] [ as amended in committee]. Amendments to be moved on report by the Lortl Ramsey. April 12, 1886. fol. [London, 1886.] -----. Report from the select committee on burgh police antl health (Scotland) bill; with the proceedings of the committee. July 23, 1888. fol. London, [1888]. • Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES. Albany. Albany. Board of Police Commissioners. An- nual reports to the common council. 6.-8., 1876- 7 to 1878-9; 10., 1880-81; 14., 1884-5; 17., 1887-8. 8°. Albany, 1878-89. New York (State). Communication from the governor, transmitting annual report ofthe board of police of the capital police district to the as- sembly, for the year 1867-8. 8°. [Albany, 1869.] Allentown. Police department, Allentown, Pa., 1881. Mayor's message .. . city of Allentown, 1882, 12-22. Baltimore. Baltimore. Board of Police Commissioners. Biennial reports to the general assembly of Mary- laud, for the years 1870-75 ; 1880-87. 8°. Balti- more, 1872-88. Bangor. Report of the city marshal, Bangor, Maine, 1866-7, 1872-3 ; 1877-8; 1882-3. City of Bangor. Mayor's aeldr.. .. Rep. elep., 1867, 57; 1868, 57; 1869, 88; 1870,' 67; 1871, 78; 1872, 20-22; 1873, 49; 1878, 141-146; 1879, 150-153; 1880, 15:1-157; 1881, 151-154; 1882, 171-175; 1883, 174-178. Bay City. Bay City. Board of Police Commissioners. An- nual reports to the common council. 3.-7., 1884- 5 to 1888-9. 8°. [Bay City, 1885-9.] Boston. Boston. Board of Police Commissioners. An- nual reports to the city council. 1.-7., 1878-9 to 1884-5. 8°. Boston, 1879-85. Boston. Board of Police for the City of Boston. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 1.- 4., 1885 to 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1886-9. Boston. Chief of Police. Annual report to the mayor and city council, for the year 1873. 8°. Boston, 1874. 0 Bridgeport. Bridgeport. Board of Police Commissioners. Annual reports of the chief of police to the com- missioners, for the years 1887-8; 1888-9. 8°. Bridgeport, 1888-9. Brookline. Report of the chief of police, Brookline, 1881-2. Rep. Town Off. Brookline, 1882, 21-28. Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Department of Police and Excise. Annual reports to the mavor and common coun- cil, for the years 1885-8. ' 8°. Brooklyn, 1886-9. Report of the department of police and excise of the city of Brooklyn, 1876-8; 1881-2. Hoc. addr. Com. Coun- cil.' Brooklvn, 1877, 143-245 ; 1878, 441-501; 1879, 289-372 ; 1883, 163-173. Burlington, Lowa. Report of the chief of police, Burlington, Iowa, 1879- 80 ; 1881-2 : 1882-3. Mayor's message &. rep. . . . Burling- ton, Iowa, 1880, 63-65; 1882, 67-69; 1883, 64-66. Burlington, Vermont. Report ofthe chief of police, Burlington, 1871-2. Rep. City Gov. Burlington, Vt., 1872, 81-83. California. See, in this list, Los Angeles; San Francisco. Cambridge. Cambridge. Annual reports of the chief of police to the mayor and city couucil, for the years 1883-4 to 1887-8. 8°. Cambridge, 1885-9. Report of the chief of police, Cambridge, Mass., 1880- 1. City of Cambridge [Mass.], Mayor's addr. & ann. rep., 1882, 166-173. POLICE. 481 POLICE. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES—continued. Charleston. Report of chief of police, Charleston, 1871-5. Mayor's rep [etc.] Charleston, 1872, 89-99; 1873,93-116; 1874,19- 23; 1875, 79-87; 1876, 93-105, 1 tab. Chattanooga. Report of the police commission, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1883-4 ; 1888. Rep. Mayor [etc.] Chattanooga, Tenn., 1885, 62-64; 1889, 110-112. Chelsea. Report of the chief of police, Chelsea, 1886-8. Rep. Chelsea [Mass.] city gov., 1887, 109-116; 1888, 49-61; 1889, 61-74. Chicago. Chicago. Department of Police. Annual re- ports ofthe general superintendent of police of the city of Chicago to the city council, for the years 1875-85; 1887; 1888. 8°. Chicago, 1876- 89. Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Non-Partisan Board of Police Commissioners. Annual reports of the . . . and police department. 1.-3., 1886-8. 8°. Cincin- nati, 1887-9. Cleveland. Cleveland. Board of Police Commissioners. Annual reports to the common council. 15.-17., 1886-8. 8°. Cleveland, 1887-9. Cohoes. Report of the captain of the city police force, Cohoes, N. Y., 1879, 1881. Dep. rep. Cohoes, N. Y., 1880, 37; 1882, 36. Columbus. Columbus, Ohio. Board of Police Commission- ers. Annual report to the city council for the year 1888-9. 8°. Columbus, 1889. Report of the board of police commissioners, Colum- bus, 1880-81. City of Columbus. Rep. various dep., 1881, 77-100. Connecticut. See, in this list, Bridgeport; New Haven; New London. Davenport. Report of chief of police. Davenport, Iowa, 1887-8, 1888-9. Rep. city off. Davenport, Iowa, 1888, 9-11; 1889, 9-11. Delaware. See, in this list, Wilmington. Detroit. Detroit. Board of Commissioners of the Metro- politan Police. Annual reports to the common council. 3., 1867-8; 5.-8., 1869-70 to 1872-3; 10.. 1874-5; 11., 1875-6; 13.-24., 1877-8 to 1888-9. 8°. Detroit, 1868-89. District of Columbia. R eport of the major of police, District of Columbia, 1879-80, 1883-4. Rep. Com. Dist. Colunib., Wash.. 1880, 138-154; 1884,67-87. Dubuque. City marshal's report, Dubuque, 1888-9. Rep. fcitv off.] Dubuque, 1889, 24-27. East Saginaw. East Saginaw. Police Department. Annual reports of the chief of police to the board of po- lice commissioners. 13.-16., 1885-8. 8°. East Saginaw, 1886-9. Elgin. City marshal's report. Elgin, Dl., 1879-80. City clerk's rep. Statement. . . Elgin, III ... & rep. city off. 1880, 24- 31 Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES—continued. Erie. Report of chief of police, Erie, Pa., 1880. Message of . . . mayor of Erie, Pa., 1881, 45-49. Georgia. See, in this list, Savannah. Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids. Board of Police and Fire Com- missioners. Annual reports. 1.-6., 1883-4 to 1888-9. 8°. Grand Rapids, 1884-9. Hyde Park. Police report, Hyde Park, Mass., 1881-2. Rep. . . . Hyde Park [Mass.] with rep. of off., 1882, 9. Illinois. See, in this list, Chicago; Elgin; Peoria; Quincy; Rock Island. Indiana. See, in this list, Indianapolis; Richmond. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners. Annual report to the mayor and city council. 1., 1883. 8C. Lndianapolis, 1884. Iowa. See, in this list, Burlington; Davenport; Du- buque. Jersey City. Jersey City. Board of Police Commissioners. Annual report to the board of aldermen, for the year 1886-7. 8°. Jersey City, 1888. Kalamazoo. Report ofthe city marshal, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1884-5. Rep. Kalamazoo [Mich.], [Kalamazoo, 1885], 64. Kentucky. See, in this list, Louisville. Los Angeles. Los Angeles. Department of Police. Sum- mary of arrests made from Jan. to Sept., 1889. MS. fol. [Los Angeles, le89.] Police report, Los Angeles, 1879. Los Angeles muni- cip. rep., 1880, 51. Louisville. Louisville. Chief of Police. Annual report to the general council of the city for the year 1868. 8°. Louisville, 1869. Report of the chief of police, Louisville, 1875; 1877; 1880; 1886-7. Louisville municip. rep., 1876, 365-379; 1877, 259-268; 1878, 305-311; 1881, 301-311; 1883, 389-410; 1886, 233-258; 1886, 199-210; 1887, 263-277; 1888, 267-286. — Re- port of the chief of police and health officer, Louisville, 1878. Ibid., 1879, 283-327. Lynchburg. Report of committee on police, Lynchburg, 1879-80, 1881-2. Rep. . . . council Lynchburg, 1880, 50; 1881, 46; 1882, 49. Maine. See, in this list, Bangor; Portland. Maryland. See, in this list, Baltimore. Massachusetts. See, in this list, Boston; Brookline; Cam- bridge; Chelsea; Hyde Park; Salem; Wal- tham; Webster; Worcester. Memphis. Memphis. Board of Police and Fire Commis- sioners. Biennial reports of the president of fire POLICE. ■482 pol i ci-:. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES—continued. and police commissioners of the taxing district (Memphis), Shelby County, Tennessee, to the governor of the State, for the years 1879-80; 1882-3 and 1883-4; 1886-8. b°. Memphis, 1880- 89. -----. Annual reports of the chief of police to the board, for the years 1881-2 to 1884-5, 1886- 8. H°. Memphis, 1882-9. Report of chief of police, taxing district, Shelby County, Tennessee, 1882-4. Rep. pres. com. taxing dist., Shelby Co., Tenn., Memphis, 1884, 47. Michigan. See, in this list, Bay City; Detroit; East Saginaw; Grand Rapids; Kalamazoo. Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Police Department. Annual re- ports of the chief of police to the common coun- cil, for the years 1884-5 to 1888-9. 8°. 'Milwau- kee, 1885-9. Missouri. See, in this list, Saint Joseph; Saint Louis. Nebraska. See, in this list, Omaha. Newark. Newark. Board of Police Commissioners. An- nual report to the common council, for the year 1888. 8°. Newark, 1889. New Haven. New Haven. Police Department Annual re- pints to the mayor and board of police commis- sioners, for the years 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. New Haren, 1886 9. Report of chief of police, New Haven, 1869-70. Ann. book, New Haven, 1870, 45-56.—Report of the police de- partment, New Haven, 1872,1874, 1879-80. City year-book, New Haven, 1873, 249-262; 1875, 256-270; 1881, 177-190. New Jersey. See, in this list, Jersey City; Newark; Pater- son; Trenton. New London. Report of police committee, New London, 1883-4. Rep. com. council [etc.] New London, 1884, 95. New York (City). New York ( City ). Police Department. Re- organization of the surgical elepartment of the police. Mayor's office, July 10,1855. 8°. [New York, 1855.] ------. Annual reports of the board of com- missioners of the metropolitan police to the leg- islature, for the years 1862-3, 1863-4, 1866-7, 1868-9. 8'-'. Albany, 1864-70. ------. Annual reports to the mayor of the city. 1., 1870-71; 2., 1871-2. 8°. New York, 1871-3. ------. Annual reports to the mayor of the city, for the years 1885-8. 8°. New York, 1886-9. New York (State). See, in this list, Albany; Brooklyn; Cohoes; New York ( City); Poughkeepsie; Yonkers. New York (Stale ). An act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to establish a metropolitan police district, and to provide for the government thereof. Passed April 15, 1857"; April 10, 1860; April 25, 1864. 8°. New York, 1864. Norfolk. Report of chief of police, Norfolk, Va., 1879-80, 1880- 81 18*7-8. Messages mayors Norfolk, Va., & municip. rep., 1880, 97-101; 1881, 115-120; 1888, 105-109. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES—continued. Ohio. See, in this list, Cincinnati; Cleveland; Co- lumbus. Omaha. Omaha. Board of Fire and Police Comm issioners. Annual report of the chief of police to tho mayor and the board. 1., 1888. 8°. Omaha, 1889. Paterson. Report of the chief of police, Paterson, N..!., 1885-6; 1886-7; 1887-8. Rep. city off. Paterson, N. J., 1886, 137- 152 ; 1887, 113-128 ; 1888, 120-141. Pennsylvania. S&e, in this list, Allentown; Erie; Philadel- phia; Scranton; Williamsport. Peoria. Report of superintendent of police, Peoria, HI., 1888. City clerk's rep. Statement. . . Peoria, 111., 1889, 55-57. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Report of the physical exami- nation of men upon the police force of Philadel- phia, and those who were applicants for appoint- ment; also, of the sanitary condition of the station houses, and facts relating to the metlical service of the police department, by M. S. French, acting police surgeon. From April 2 to Dec. 6, 1884. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Portland. Report of city marshal, Portland, 1857-8. Rep. dep. Portland, 1858, 69-76.—Report ofthe city marshal, Port land, 1871-2; 1872-3. City of Portland. Mayor's addr. & rep. dep., 1872, 1-4; 1873, 54-58.—Report ol citv marshal, Portland, 1873-4; 1874-5; 1875-6; 1876-7; 1877-8: 1878-9; 1879-80; 1880-81; 1881-2; 1882-3; 1883-4; 1884-5; 1885-6; 1886-7; 1887-8; 1888-9. City of Portland. Auditor's rep., [etc.], 1874, [sig. P.], 93-96; 1875, [sig. 5J, 101-104; 1876, [Appendix], 131-134; 1877, [Appendix], 147-151; 1878, [Ap- pendix], 192-196; 1879, [Appendix], 211-215; 1880, [Appen- dix], 219-224; 1881, [Appendix], 148-153; 1882, [Appendix], 118-123; 1883, [Appendixl, 141-146; 1884, [Appendix], 128- 138: 1885, [Appendix], 148-156; 1886, [Appendix], 154-165; 1887, [Appendix], 125-134; 1888, [Appendix], 165-172; 1889, [Appendixl, 113-121. Poughkeepsie. Report of police board, Poughkeepsie, 1886: 1887; 1888. City of Poughkeepsie. Rep. dep., 1887, 53-58; 1888, 75-80; 1889, 25-30. Quincy. Report of the chief of police, Quincy, 111., 1877-8 Mayor's message, et rep. city off. Quincy, 111., 1878, 33-49. Richmond, Indiana. Chief of police's report, Richmond, Intl., 1880-81 > 1882-3. City of Richmond, Ind. Rep. city off., 1881, 27; 1883, 29. Richmond, Virginia. Richmond. Board of Police Commissioners. Annual reports of the chief of police to the mayor of the city, for the years 1882-3; 18*4-8. 8°. Richmond, 1883-9. Rock Island. Report of the city marshal, Rock Island, HI., 1884-5; 1887-8. Rep. city off. Rock Island, 111., 1885, 17; 1886, 17; 1887, 18; 1888, 21. Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph. Police Department. Annual reports of secretary to board of police commis- sioners. 1., 1887-8; 2., 1888-9. 8°. Saint Joseph, 1888-9. Saint Louis. Saint Louis. Board of Police Commissioners. Reports on the physical condition t>f the polite force of St. Louis,'made to the board by Gee>. POLICE. 483 POLIN1EKE. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES—continued. Hoinan, medical examiner. April 3 and Nov. 12, 1888. 8°. [St. Louis, 1888.] Report of the board of police commissioners. St. Louis, 1878-9. Mayor's message efc doc, St. Louis, 1879, 1-10, 3 tab. [sig. 26]. Salem. Salem, Mass. Annual reports of the city marshal to the city council for the years 1886-7; 1887-8. 8°. Salem, 1888-9. San Antonio. Police department, San Antonio, Tex., 1887-8. Mes- sage mayor San Antonio, 1888, 59-62. San Francisco. San Francisco. Chief of Police. Annual re- ports of the chief of police of the city and county of San Francisco to the board of supervisors, for the years 1877-8 to 1882-3; 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. San Francisco, 1878-88. Report of chief of police, San Francisco, 1870-71. San Fran, municip. rep., 1871, 80-101. Savannah. Report of the chief of police, Savannah, 1869-70; 1881; 1888. Rep. mayor Savannah, 1870, 67-69; 1871,39-49; 1873, 52-58; 1874,28-30; 1875, 33-35; 1876, 33; 1877, 37-40; 1878, 45-47; 1879, 45-47; 1880, 38; 1881, 41-43; 1882, 67-72; 1889, 56-59. Scranton. Report of chief of police, Scranton, Pa., 1886-7. Mayor's message .'. . Scranton, 1887, 66-74. South Carolina. See, in this list, Charleston. Tennessee. See, in this list, Chattanooga; Memphis. Texas. See, in this list, San Antonio. Trenton. Report of the chief of police Trenton, N. J., 1887-8. Rep. city off. Trenton, N. J., 1888, 45-52. Vermont. See, in this list, Burlington. Virginia. See, in this list, Lynchburg; Norfolk; Rich- mond. Waltham. Police report, "Waltham, Mass., 1884. Rep. town off. Waltham, 1885, 35-39. Webster. Police, Webster, Mass., 1878-9; 1880-81. Rep. town off. Webster, [Mass.], 1879, 51; 1880, 54; 1881, 44. West Virginia. See, in this list3 Wheeling. Wheeling. Wheeling. Annual report of the board of police and fire commissioners. 3., 1888. 8°. Wheeling, 1889. Williamsport. Report of the chief of police, Williamsport, Pa., 1888. Mayor s message . . . Williamsport, Pa., 1889, 43-49. Wilmington. Wilmington. Del. Police Department. An- nual report of the chief of police to the mayor of the city. 1., 1888-9. 8°. Wilmington, 1889. Wisconsin. See, in this list, Milwaukee. Police (Reports and statistics of), by lo- calities. UNITED STATES—continued. Worcester. Report of the city marshal, Worcester, 1877-8; 1878-9. City doc. Addr. mayors Worcester, with rep dep., 1879. 238-242; [1880], 404-413. Yonkers. Report of the board of police, Yonkers, New York, 1882-3. City of Yonkers. Rep. dep., N. Y., 1884, 95-106. Police (Medical). See Hygiene (Public); Medicine (State). Police (La) des moeurs. Lettres adress^es au journal " La Lanterne" par un ex-agent des moeurs et un m6decin. viii, 92 pp. 8°. Paris, 1879. Police (La) des moeurs jugee par les hygienistes partisans de ce systeme. 58 pp. 8°. Neuchatel, J. Attinger, [1874, vel subseq.]. Polich (Joannes Gustavus.) *De pedum oetle- matibus. 24 pp., 11. 4°. Vitebergw, lit. Tzschie- drichii, [1803]. For Biography, see Vogt (Traugott. Carolus Augustus). Policlironie ( C.-A. ) * Etude experimentale sur Faction therapeutique et physiologique de l'ipe'cacuana et de son alcaloide. 2 p. 1., 100 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 412. ------. The same. 100 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1874. [Also, in: P., v. 1459.] Policy (The) ofthe medical profession. 64 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Liverpool, J. Walmsley, 1855. [P., v. 527.] Polidori (Luigi Eustachio). Opuscoli spettanti alia tisica animale e alia pratica medica. v, 169 pp. 12°. Livorno, T. Masie Comp., 1789. [Also, in: P., v. 429.] ------. Memoria sopra un tifo contagioso curato da esso per ordine del governo toscauo. 119 pp. 8°. Pisa, R. Prosperi, 1798. Polikier (Heinrich). * Ueber die Condensa- tions-Producte von* Formaldehyd mit Harnstoff und Sulfoharnstoff. 16 pp. 8°. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1888. Polikliuik zu Freiburg i. B. Jahres-Bericht. 2., 1887. Zusammengestellt von Dr. F. Wesener. 49 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr, 1888. Polikliuik fiir Kinder- und Frauen-Krankhei- ten (Kinder-Heilanstalt). See Kinder-Heilan- stalt zu Miinchen. Polikliuik fiir Kinder zu Leipzig von Dr. C. Hennig, Dirigenten der Anstalt. Jahresberichte. 1.-2., 1855-6 to 1856-7. 4°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1856-7. Polill (Henry). Etude critique sur la physiolo- gie du sommeil, ses principaux rapports avec le soinmeil provoque". 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 452. ------. The same. Essai de physiologie sur le sommeil. 78 pp. 8°. Paris, Lave"rine 4" Cie., 1875. Polin (John H.) [1800-67J. Obituary notice. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1867, n. s., iv, 492-495. de Poliniere ( Augustin-Pierre-Isidore) [1790- 1856]. * Sur la puberty, vi, 7-39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 157, v. 112, 113. -----. Etudes cliniques sur les emissions san- guines artificielles. Ouvrage qui a remporte" le prix, propose? par la Societe acadeSmique de me- decine de Marseille, 1826. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 408,409- 824 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere. 1827. ------. Considerations sur la salubrite de l'H6tel- Dieu et PHospice de charite de Lyon, viii, 232 pp., 2 maps. 8°. Lyon, L. rerrin, 1853. See, also, Monfalcon (Jean-Baptiste) efe de Poli- niere (A.-P.-I.) Hygiene de la ville de Lyon, [etc.). POL1NIBRE. 48 de Poliiiiere (Augustiu-Pierre-Isidore)—cont. 8°. Paris. 1X45. ----—-----. Traite de la saluhrite dans lesgrandi'svilles. [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1846.—Troll it't. Po- Iinie"'re efe Bolti'.x. Rapport sur le cholera-morbus tie Paris. 8°. Lyon, 1832. For Biography, see Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1857, 2. s., v, 38-68 (P. Diday). Also: Gaz. metl. de Lyon, 1857, ix, pp. 45; 69 (P. Diday). Also, Reprint. Poliomyelitis. See Spinal cord (Inflammation of). Poliomyelitis (Anterior). See Paralysis ; Paralysis (Anterior, Spinal). Politiili (Giuseppe). Sopra alcune ielee di Sal- vatore Tommasi, lettera al Giuseppe Bnonomo. 32 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1452.] Repr. from: Gior. il Severino bimestre di luglio e agosto 1859. Politique (La) et la medecine des eaux. Simple discours par un medecin-inspecteur revoque. 22 pp. 8°. Montlucon, A. Herbin, 1881. Politkowski (Theoelorus). * De pyogenia seu formatione puris. 2 p. 1., 38 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apudfratres Murray, 1781. [P., v. 1475.] Politzer (Adam) [1835- ]. Die Beleuch- tungsbilder des Trommelfells im gesunden untl kranken Zustande. Klinische Beitrage zur Er- kenntniss und Behandlungder Ohren-Krankhei- ten. vi(l 1.), 143pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wien, W. Brau- miiller, 1865. -----. The same. The membrana tympani in health antl disease. Clinical contributions to the diagnosis antl treatment of diseases of the ear, with supplement. Transl. by A. Mathew- sou and H. G. Newton, viii, 183 pp., 2 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1869. -----. Ueber die Wahl der Adstringentien bei eitrigen Ohrenkatarrhen. 18 pp. 8°. Wien, J. Lowen thai, 1866. Repr. from : Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii. -----. Ueber die giinstigeu Resultate der durch Luftdruck erzeugten Rupturen dtinnen Trommel- felluarben. 14 pp. 8C. Wien, 1868. Repr. from: "Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix. -----. Ueber bewegliche Exsudate in der Trom- melhohle. 10 pp. 8°. Wien, 1869. Repr. from: Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x. -----. Ueber ein Verfahren zum Offenhalten kiiustlicher Perforationsoffnungen im Trommel- fell.', 6 pp. 8°.. Wien, 1869. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix. -----. Ueber Trommelfellnarben. 8 pp. 8°. Wien, [1871]. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi -----. Ueber tranmatische Trommelfellrupturen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die forensische Praxis. 10 pp. 8°. Wim, 1872. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii. -----. Ueber die Anwendung des Tromuielhoh- len-Katheters. 12 pp. 8°. Wien, 1873. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii. -----. Zehn Waneltafeln zur Anatomie eles Ge- hororgans zum Gebrauche fiir Vorlesungen und zum Studium der Anatomie des Ohres. Heraus- gegeben von . . . Nach den Originalien des Autors in Lithographic ausgefuhrt von G. Schle- singer. 10 pi. fol. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1873. -----. 1. a) Zur Anatomie eles Gehororganes; b) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Mittelohraffektionen. K. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte. Sitzung vom 16. Oktober 1874. 5-7 pp. 8°. Wien, 1874. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1874, xxiv. -----. Ueber Entfernung beweglicher Exsudate aus der Trommelhohle. 4 pp. 8°. Wien, 1874. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1874, xxiv. -----. Zur Therapie der mit adenoiden Vegeta- tionen im Rachenraiimecomplicirten Erkrankun- gen ties Mittelohres. ,-' pp. 8°. irie«, 1875. Repr. from: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx. POLI, Politzer (Adam)—continued. -----. Ueber die Anwendung ties Paukenrtihr- cheus. 10 pp. 8°. Wien, 1.^75. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1875, xxv. -----. Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde fiir prac- tische Aerzte und Studirende. 2 v., pagetl con- secutively, xii, ix, 878 pp. 8°. Stuttgart. F. Enke, 1878-82. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. x, 570pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1887. -----. Thesame. A text-book of the diseases of the ear and adjacent organs. Transl. and edited by James Patterson Cassells. 800 pp. H°. Phila- delphia, B. C. Lea's Son, 1883. -----. Die anatomische untl histologischc Zir- gliederung des menschlichen Gehororgans im normalen und kranken Zustande. Fiir Anatu- men, Ohrenarzte uud Studirende. x, 245 pp. H\ Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1889. Also, Co-Editor of: Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde, Wiirz- burg, Leipzig, 1864. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Politzer (Leopoldus). *Diss. sistens disquisi- tionem psychopathise memorabilis. 28 pp. 8°. Vindobonw, C. Veberreuter, 1839. Politzer (Leopold Max) [1814-88]. Die Ent- stehung derGefahr im Krankheitsverlaufe. Mil, besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Diagnose tier Gefahr, ihrer Prophylaxe untl Therapie. xx (1 1.), 395 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1878. Also, Co-Editor of: Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde [etc.J, Wien, 1857-68. For Biography, see Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1888, xxxiii, 271 (C. Hochsinger). Also: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1888-9, x, 159. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1888, n. F., xxviii, 254-256 (Widerhofer). Politzer's air-bag. Mitchell (H. E.) A modification of Politzer'sair-bag. Tr. M. York M. Ass. 1886, Concord, N. H., 1887, iii, 207. Polizeiliclie Vorschriften die Bordelle uud offentlichen Madchen betreffend. Mit eiiieiii Anhange. 24, 4 pp. 18°. Neustadt, J. Wagner, 1859. Polizei-Verordming betreffend das Banwe- sen in elen Stadten ties Regierungs-Bezirks Mer- seburg mit Ausnahme tier Stadt Halle a. S. vom 31. Miirz 1884. Anitliche Ausgabe mit Anmer- kungen und einem Anhange en thai tend Ausziige aus einschlagigen Gesetzen, etc. vi, 7-70, xxv pp. 12°. Merseburg, F. Stollberg, 1884. Polizia economico-medica delle vettovaglie. 1 p. 1., 270 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano, F. Sonzogno, 1806. [P., v. 129.] Polizu (G. A..) Mica chirurgie cu notice practice in binele bolnavului. 156 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bucu- resti, J. Romanov 4" Comp., [1859]. PoljakoflT ( M. ) *Materialy k farmakologii iodoforma. 76 pp., 2 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, K I. Kuna, 1884. Polk (Charles G. ) An essay on the chemical, physiological, and therapeutical value of the orgauismal phosphorus compounds of auimal brain, and the germinal portion of cereals. 2, 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880. Polk (William M.). Are the tubes and ovaries to be sacrificed in all cases of salpingitis? 11 pp. 8°. [New York, 1887.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, N. Y., 1887, xii. See, also, Knapp (H.) Cocaine and its use in ophthal- mic and general surgery. 8°. New York dk London, 1885. Polko (Ignatius) [1801- ]. *Experimeuta nonnulla de nervorum faciei functionibus. 39 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. F. Starckii, [1824]. Polkoff(M.) * K ucheniou o sosudodvigateluich nervach. [On the vasomotor nerves.] 42 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1874. vail de Poll (Gulielmus Gerardus ). * De eo epiod veniat in hiereelitatis petitioncm. 1 p. Im 24 pp., 1 1. 4C. Lugd. Bat., apud S- et J. Lueht- mans, 1783. [P., v. 1009.] POLL. 485 POLLL van de Poll ( Hugo ). * De partibus, quae in homine olfactu inserviunt. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 4 1. 40. Lugd. Bat., A. Kalleieier, 1735. See, also, de Visscher ( Jacobus ). Het Roonhuysi- aansc'h gebeim, in de vroedkunde ontdekt. 8°. Leiden, 1754. van de Poll (Isbrandus). * De hydrope. 15 pp. 4-\ Bauleroiici, J. Moojen, 1743. Poll ( Nicolaus). De cura morbi gallici per lig- num guaycanum, libellus. 1535. In: LlliER de morbo gallico, etc. 12°. Venetiis, 1535, 8 1. Also, in: Luisinus (A.) Aphtodisiacus. Ed. emend. fol Luqd. Bat., 1728, 241-246. A Iso, in: " Mokbi gallici ", [etc] 4°. Basilece, 1536, 217-226. Also, in: Ibid, 8°. Lugduni, 1536, 201-210. van de Poll (Petrus). * De praerogativis vitse houestsB. 2 o. 1., 26 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luehtmans, 1779. [P., v. 1008. ] Poll (Robert) [1345- ]. * Ueber die Verhaltuug der Nachgeburt. 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1869]. Pollacci ( Egidio ). Alterazioni e falsificazioui tlei vini. 35 pp. 8°. Milano,-frat. Dumolard, 1883. Pollacliy. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Pollack (Artnr). See Pepper (Augustus J.) Grundziige der chirurgi- schen Pathologie [etc.]. 16°. Leipzig, 1887.—Treves (F.) Darniolistruction, [etc.]. 16°. Leipzig, 1888.—Tripier (R.) efe Bouveret (L.) Die Kaltwasserbehaudlung des Typhus. 16°. Leipzig, 1889. Pollack (Ludwig). * Ueber Meningitis tuber- culosa mit aphatischer Sprachstorung. 31 pp. Erlangen, Junge u. Sohn, 1888. Pollack (Oswald). * Ein Fall von acuter Bul- barparalyse. 26 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1884. Pollak (Aloysius). * Diss, sistens ptomatolo- giain. 44 pp. 8°. Ticini Regii, Bizzoni, 1841. Pollak (Hermannus). * De variis auctorum me- thodis tamiam solium et latam e corpore humano vivoexpellendi. 35 pp. 8°. Pesthini,typ. Tratt- iter-Kdrolyianis, 1832. [P., v. 1320.] Pollak (J.). See Winternitz (Wilhelm). Zur Pathologie und Hy- drotherapie der Cholera. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1887. Polland ([Georgius Christeiphorus Godofredus] Fridericus) [1838- ]. * De placenta previa. 27 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratruin Sch lesinger, [1853]. Pollard (A.) Pollard and Miukler's obstetrical supporter: a description of its application, use, and beneficial effects, as connected with the nat- ural parts anel organs iu the process of parturi- tion. Embracing also a description of the mus- cles concerned in the mechanism of labor, xvi, 15-132 pp. 12°. Keeseville, N. Y., J. F. Morgan, 1819. Pollard (Biltonj. -See Whitehead (Walter) efc Pollard (Bilton). The surgical treatmentof tumours, [etc. J. 8°. London, [1883]. Pollard (Edward A.) Southern history ofthe war. The first year of the war. Reprinted fi om the Richmond corrected ed. 1 p. 1., 389 pp., I map, 4 port. 8°.< New York, C. B. Richardson, 1864. -----. The same. The second year of the war. 386 pp., i map, 5 port. 8°. New York, C. B. Rich- ardson, 1864. -----. The same. The third year of the war. 391 pp. 8°. New York, C. B. 'Richardson, 1865. Pollard (J.). Ace Ellin (Thomas). Answer to the resolution passed r.^L 1 main drainage committee, [etc.]. 8°. London, \1866]. Pollatschek (Arnold). Die Bestimmung klei- iieiZuckermeugenimHarne. 5pp. 8°. Berlin, Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1888, xiv. Pollatschek (Arnold)—continued. -----. Der Alkohol in der Diiit des Diabetes mel- litus. 20 pp. 8°. Wien, M. Perles, 1889. Pollail (Alexander). Ueber die Krankheiten der Venen. iv, 61 pp. 8°. Erlangen, J. A. Bil- pert, 1830. Pollail (Paulus Ludovicus Fridericus). * Diss. sistens intumesceutias ventris s:epe gravielitatem meutientes. 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Wireeburgi, F. E. Nitribitt, [1799]. Polle (A.) Die Nerven-Verbreitung in den weib- licheu Genitalien bei Menschen und Saugetkie- ren. 20 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Gottingeu, E. A. Huth, 1865. Pollen. See Hay-fever. von Polleuburg (Jos. Poll). * Die Diphte- ritis. viii, 9-36 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. E. Thein, 1841. Poller (Georg Thomas). * Ueber den Harubla- senstich im Damme. 48 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Kuustmann, 1813. Pollet (Albert-Engene-Alfred). * Essai sur l'in- fection purulente et son traitement pr6ventif. 80 pp. 4°. Lille, 1880, No. 15. Pollet (C.) Rapport adressd k M. le pr6fet du Nord sur les malatlies contagieuses et e"pizooti- ques parties dans le departement du Nord, pen- dant l'annee 1888. 56 pp. 8°. Lille, L. Danel, 1889. Pollet (Joseph). * Sur l'hygiene des nouvelles accouchees. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 132, v. 14*. Pollet (L.-B.-J.-N.) * I. Des complications du cancer. II. [etc.]. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 60, v. 379. Pollet (L6on). * Du croup. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 291, v. 531. Polli (Giovanni) [ 1812-80]. Ricerche ed espe- rimenti intorno alia formazione della cotenna nel saugue ed al suo valore siutomatico nelle malat- tie. 200 pp. 8°. Milano, 1843. ------. Dello stato della fibrina elel sangue nelle iufiammazioni. 50 pp. 8°. Milano, 1845. c. ------. Di un nuovo metodo d' analisi del sangue ad uso principalmente de' clinici. 32 pp. 8°. Milano, 1845. [P., v. 87.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845, cxv. ------. Degli effetti della sottrazione di sangue nell' umano organismo. 200 pp. 8°. Milano, 1847. [P., v. 1419.] ------. Esperienze sull' ozone dell' aria atmosfe- rica. 11pp. 8°. Milano, 1850. [P., v. 87.] Repr. from: Ann. di ehim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1850, 3. s., x, and: Ann. univ. dimed., Milano, 1850, exxxiv. ------. Experiences sur Paction dn curare. 18 pp. 8°. Lugan, Veladini 4" Cie., 1861. ------. Extrait des m6moires italiens. Delle ma- lattie da fermeuto morbifico e del loro tratta- mento e saggio farmacologico sui solfiti e gli iposolfiti medicinali. 20 pp. 8°. Milan, J. Ber- nardoni, 1861. ------. Saggio farmacologico sui solfiti e gli ipo- solfiti medicinali. 26 pp. 8°. Milano, 1861. ------. Sulle malattie da fermento morbifico e sul loro trattamento. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 4°. Milano, G. B. di Giova.ini,, 1861. Repr. from: Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett., [etc.], Mi- lano, 1861-3, viii. ------. The same. Memoria seconda. (Parte cli- nica.) 97 pp. 4°. Milano, G. Bernardino di Giovanni, 1864. Repr. from: Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett, [etc.], Mi- lano, 1864, 3. s., x. ------. Sulla dose terapeutica dei solfiti. 12 pp. 8°. Milano, 1862. Repr. from: Ann. di ehim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1862, 3. s., xxxiv. POLLI. 486 pollock. Polli (Giovanni)—continued. -----. Des ferments morbitles et de leur neutra- lisation par les sulfites alcalins. Compte-rendu de 70 experiences faites sur des animaux. Ex- trait de l'italien, par le Dr. E. Janssens. 36 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Manceaux, 1864. Repr. from: Ann. de med. v6t., Brux., 1864, xiii. -----. De la therapie sulfitique ties maladies dues a un ferment morbide. 7 pp. 12°. [Paris, J. Bonaventure, 1867.] Repr. from: Cong. m6d. internat. de Par., 1867, i. -----. Observations on the treatment of zymotic diseases by the administration of sulphites. 14 pp. sm. 4°. Milan, Bernardoni, 1868. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii. -----. Sur un remede prophylactique et curatif eles fievres dues au miasme palustre. 5 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Manceaux, [1871]. Repr. from: J.de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1871, Iiii. -----. Sulla profilassi e sulla cura del tifo bo- vino. 8 pp. 8°. Milano, Bernardoni, 1871. Repr. from: R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1871, iv, fasc. x. -----. Sulla influenza delle materie minerali nei processinutrividell'organismo umano. Memoria del . . . Letta nell' adunanza del 29 dicembre 1870 del Reale istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. 11 pp. fol. Milano, Bernardoni, 1871. Repr. from: Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Cl. di lett., sc. matemat. e nat., Milano, 1870-73, 3. s., iii. -----. Des maladies par ferment morbifique, et de leur traitement par les sulfites alcalins et ter- reux. Pathogenie et therapeutique. Analyse et notes du Dr. Prosper de Pietra Santa. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1873. Repr. from: Union meid., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv. -----. I progressi della dottrina delle malattie zimotiche e del loro trattamento coi preparati soltitici. 26pp. 8C. [Milano, Bernardoni, 1874.] Repr. from: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1874, 2. s., vii, fasc. 4. -----. Maladies par ferment morbifique. Des proprie'te's antifermentatives de Pacitle borique et ele ses applications k la therapeutique. 34 pp. 8°. Paris, Ve. A. Delahaye 4- Cie., 1877. -----. Istruzione intorno al modo di applicare la terapia solfitica nelle epizoozie e principalmente nell' afta epizootica (taglione), nella febbre car- bonchiosa (antrace), e nel tifo bovino (peste bo- vina). 14 pp. 8°. Milano, frat. Bechiedei, 1879. Also, Editor of: Annali di chimica applicata alia medicina [etc.], Milano, 1845-80. See, also, Jansaena (Eugdne). Des maladies dues k un ferment morbide. 8°. Bruxelles, 1864.—Pigliacelli (Lnifji). II solfo e 1' acido solforoso nel vajuolo. 8°. AH- lano, 1872. — Troubetzkoy (P. 1 Sull' eucalipto. 8°. Intra, 1876. For Biography, see Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1880, eeli, 554-556. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1884, 8. a., vi. 213; 223; 233; 243; 253; 263; 273; 283; 333; 363 (G. Strambio). Also: R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. elett. Ren- dic, Milano, 1884, 2. s., xvii, 357; 423. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Polli (Pietro). (Alimenti nervosi e stimolanti.) Caffe e surrogati, te, cioccolatte, zafferano, pepi ed altri stimolanti. 335 pp. 8°. Milano, frat. Dumolard, 1885. Imperfect. Pollich (Joannes). *Deincrementoossium. 33 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, [1723]. Pollich [von Mellerstadt] (Martin) [1450?- 1513]. Defensio Leoniceniana nuper edita in felici studio Lipczensi. [1499.] In: Fuchs (C. H.) Die altesten Schriftsteller, [etc.]. 8°. Gbttingen, 1843, 131-154. -----. Castigationes in Alabandicas declara- tions D. S. Pistoris nuper editae in felici gymna- sio Liptzensi anno 1500. In: Fuchs (C. H.) Die .altesten Schriftsteller, [etc.], 8°. Gottingen, 1843, 169-218. Pollich (Martin)—continued. -----. Responsio Martini Mellerstadt in super- atlditos errores .Simonis Pistoris in medicina atl honorem almi gyumasii Lipcensis. 38 1. 4^, [Lipsice, 1501.] On sig. aii: Confutatio conflatorum circa posit ionem quandam extraneam et puerilem doctoris Martini Meller- stadt de malo franco nuper ventilatam gyranasio Lipc/.esi anno mccccci. Also, in: Fuchs (C. H.) Die altesten Sohriltstillor [etc.]. 8°. Gottintjen, 1843, 241-288. See, also, ITIondmo [or iTIoiitlini | da Ijiizzi. Ana- thomia Muudini emendata per doctorem Mellerstat. 4°, [n.p., n. d.] For Biography, see Boerner (F.) De vita et nieiiliH Martini Pollichii. Mellerstadii, prirai in Academia Vitem- bergensi rectoris magnifici et professoris medicina) com- mentatio. In his: NOCTE8 Guelphicas. 8°. Rostochii tt ' Wismarice, 1755, pp. 81-109.—Fuchs (C. H.) Die altesten Schriftsteller, [etc.]. 8^. Gottingen, 1843, 401-407. Pollinger (Franz.) * Syphilis, ihre Formen untl Heilmethode. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf it. Sohn, 1855. Pollio (Lucas). * De insomniis. 71. 4°. Lip- siw, G. Liger,'1626. Pollitz (Hermann). * Beitrage zur Differential- Diagnose zwischen Typhus abdominalis untl acuter Miliartnberculose. 21 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, A. Memminger, 1887. Pollius Ferwerda (Auke). * Bijdrage tot tie statistiek der einduitkomsteu na gewrichtsre- secties bij tuberculeuse aandoeningen. 2 p. 1., 107 pp. 8°. Leiden, P. Somerwil, 1882. Pollmarus (Christophorus Fridericus). Diss. med.-chir. de gangraena et sphacelo, per atpr/peoiv nal Tcpotpvlat-iv chirurgico-pharmaceuticain tol- lendis et curandis. 27 1. 4°. Jenw, typ. Nie- sianis, 1671. Pollnow (Hermann) [1849- ]. *Der Hy- drops sanguinolentus foetus und sein Verhaltniss zur hereditiiren Syphilis. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Haack, [1874], Pollnow (Isaacus) [1809- ]. *De morbo Brightii. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Friedlaeti- derianis, [1836]. Pollock (Allan). A botanical index to all tlie medicinal plants, barks, roots, seeds, and Hewers usually kept by druggists, arranged in alpha- betical order, with their officinal antl common names. 137 pp. 8°. New York, A. Pollock, 1872. Pollock (C. Fred.) The normal and pathological histology of the human eye and eyelids, xxiv, 160 pp., 106 1., 100 pi. 12°. London, J. 4 A. Churchill, 1886. -----. Leprosy as a cause of blindness, with notes of forty-one cases. 2 p. 1., 88 pp. 12°. London, J. 4 A. Churchill, 1889. Pollock (George David). Address of. . . presi- dent of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Soci- ety of London, at the annual meeting, March 1, 1887. 34 pp. 8°. London, Adlard 4[ Son, 1887. -----. Address of . . . president of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, at the annual meeting, March 1, 1888. 41 pp. 8°. London, Adlard 4" Son, 1888. Pollock (James Edward). The elements of prognosis in consumption. With indications for the prevention and treatment, viii, 432 pp. 8. London, Longmans [and others], 1865. ----- & Chishollll (James). Medical hand- book of life assurance, for the use of meelical ami other officers of companies, xii, 13-216 pp. 8°. London, Cassell 4~ Co., limited, 1889. Pollock (Julius). Notes on rheumatism. 2. ed. viii, 9-115 pp. 16°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1879. Pollock (Thomas). On the direct relation ex- isting between the colour of bodies and their ac- tion upon the galvanometer. 8 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, Stewart lypis eorumque elifterentiis ab aliis pseueloplasmatibus. 8U. Traj. ad Rhe- num, 1834. Gerdy(P.-N.) *Des polypes et de leur traite- ment. 4°. Paris, 1833. ------. The same. 8D. Paris, 18:Y3. Also, in his: Melanges d'anat., [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1875, ii, 589-719. Grahn (G. F. G.) *De polyporum curatione. sm. 4°. Vitebergw, [1812]. Klug (J. C. F.) * Historia iustrumentorum ad polyporum extirpatiouem. 8°. Halw, [1797]. Kolb (A.) *De polypis hominum. sm. 4°. Augustce Yinclel., 1827. Manfredi ( G. ) * Histoire ge"uerale des po- lypes. 4°. Paris, 1*40. Roell (C. A. F. A.) *De discrimine ortu et curatitme polyporum. 4°. Vimariw, [1837]. Schacher (P. G.) *De polypis. Lipsiw,, 1721. In: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1757, ii, 655-658. Schmidt (E.) *De polyporum exstirpatioue. 4°. Berolini, [1829]. Wagner (J. N.) * Ueber die Polypen der Stirnhohle, der Nase, Racheuhoble, des Schlun- des, der Highmorsheihle, des iiusseren Gehorgan- ges, der Blase, der Harnrohre, des Mastilarmes, der Vagiua untl des Uterus. 8°. Erlangen, 1833. Welsch (J. M.) *De polypis. 4°. Francof. ad Yiadr., [1695]. Zieller (C.) *Sur les polypes en ge"n6ral et sur les polypes ut6rins en particulier. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1811. Baratonx (J.) Nouveau polypotome. Ann. el. mai. de l'oreille et tlu larynx, Par., 1880, vi, 47-50.—Bichat (X.) Reflexions et observations sur la cure des polypes. J. tie chir. (Dcsault), Par., 1792, iv, 261-289. -----. Descrip- tion dun procekle nouveau pour la ligature des polypes. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. tie Par. (an vi/, an vii fi799], u, 333-339.—Billroth (T.) Zur Anatomie tier Schleim- polypen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1855, ix, 302-305, 1 pi.—Borel. Sur un instrument pour la ligature des tumeurs polypeuses du nez et du vagin. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1804, iii, 317-328, 1 pi.—Bresehet (G) Polype. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1842, xxv, 540- 554.—Bull (N.) Om Anvendelsen af de ved Laxeflskeri med Fluekroge brugelige Snore til Underbiuding af Poly- per [Ligature of polypi by means of the cord used with the hook in salmon fishing.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevideusk., Polytrichum. Bonnafoux (J.-B.) Sur les proprietes emmeuagogue et aperitives du polytric ou perce-mousse. Rev. med. franc, et 6trang., Par'., 1831, ii, 405-420—Wood ( W.) Oh the Polytrichum juniperinum as a diuretic. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1854, n. s., xxvii, 267. Polyuria. See Diabetes insipidus; Kidney (Atrophy, etc., of); Polydipsia. Polyxcniis. Heathcote (F. G.) On some points of the anatomy of Polyxeuus lagurus. Quart. J. Mier. Sc, Lond., 1889-90, xxx, 97-106, 1 pi. Polyzoa. See Molluscoidea. Folza (Joseph). *De dolore capitis. In: Eyerel. Diss. med. [etc.]. 8°. Yiennce, 1789, ii, 173-207. Polzer (Theodorus). * De aelpetitu tleleto. In: de Wassebmerg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Yin- dob., 1775, iii, 56-98. Polzin(Eiich)[18G0- ]. * KlinischerVerlauf, Feilgeu und Aetiologie des Herpes zoster. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Haack, 1884. Polzill (Max). *Die operative Behandlung der Hiiftgelenksentziindung. [Wurtzburg.] 59 pp. 8'"'. Becklinghausen, F. Drecker, 1884. POLZIN. 490 POMET. Polzin. Beyer (F. W.) Ueber die Mineralqnellen des Louisen- liiieles be-i Polzin (in Pommern). Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 237-240.—Pitsch. Mittheilungen iiber die Mineralquellen in und bei Polizin in Pommern nnd beson- derN iiber das dasedbst befindliche Armenbad. Med. Ztg., Bell., 1838, vii, 247. Poina (Angelo). Dizionario anatomico-medico- legale, compilato sulle tratte tlei migliori autori. 2 p. ]., 400 pp. 8°. Padova, 1834. Pomsi (Josephus Felix). *Demenena. 1 p. l.,22 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. fratrum Levrault, an. A7[1803]. Pomade. W. (E.) D'un nouveau recipient pour la conservation et l'emploi des pommades elites ophthalmiques. Ann. d'ocul.. Brux., 1873, lxix, 119-121. Pomara (Benedetto). II primo caso tli spleno- toiniii in Sicilia. 35 pp. 8°. Messina, Bibera, 1887. Pomarance. Regolamento el' igiene approvato 3, jam vero recoguita, descripta, figurisque ligno incisisaucta. 5 p. 1., 163 pp., 21 pi. 16°. Bam- burgi, sumpt. Z. Bertelii et hwredum M. Weyrau- chii, 1682. Pomper (Abraham) [1852- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Oxyuris vermicularis. 29 pp., I 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1877]. Pompholyx. See, also, Pemphigus. Addison. Pompholyx in a girl aged seventeen, exist- ing since biith; relief from treatment. Lancet, Loud., 1858, i. 314.—Burger. Ein Fall von Pompholyx beuijjna! Mag. f. d. ges Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvii, 183-180*.—t'nne of pompholyx diutinus. Lond. M. Reposit., 1817. vii, 210.— Cottle (E. W.) The influence of temperature on the dc- curreuce of pompholyx of the hands. Laucet, Lond., 1877, i, 528.—Fox (T.) Mr. Hutchinson's "cheiro pompholyx". Ibid., 1876, i, 563. -----. On the skin - affection lately described as dysidrosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877. ii. 7iw. Also: Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1878, iv, 42-46—HiiUliin- noii (J.) Cheiro-pompholyx; notes of a clinical le 1 tine. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 630. -----. Cheiro-pompholyx. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 54.—Jackson (G. T.) A case of dysidrosis of the face. [Sudamina or pompholyx.] .1, Uutan. efc Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1886, iv, 1-5, 1 pi.—Joiiem (K. MacN.) Cheiro-pompholyx ( card specimen ). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1880-81, xxxii, 272. — Kenzo Mitzumn. [On pompholyx.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokei, 1884. no. 97, April 10.—l/iveing (R.) Cheiro-pompholyx and dysid- rosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 843.—iHcITIurrtiy (W.) Cheiro-pompholyx. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 303. — IWayd (J. W.) A caseof pompholyx diutinus. Lond. M. Reposit., 1814, ii, 453-457.—Owen (E.) Cheiro pompholyx. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i. 1131.—RobiiiHon (A. R.) Pompholyx. Arch. Dermat., N. Y.. 1876-7, iii, 2s9-;ui:s. Also, Reprint.-----. Note on pompholyx. Arch. Drrinat., N. Y., 1878, iv, 127-129.—Shcrwiu (H.) Caseof pompho- lyx diutinus. Eelinb. M. efcS. J., 1827, xxvii, 58-61.—Sinilli (W. G.) On recurrent vesicular disease of the hands; i. e., on the skin affections described as cheiro-pompholyx (Hutchinson), dvsidrosis (Tilbury Fox), poiupholvx (A. Robinson). Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxx, 390-403.—Slnhl. Brandiger Pompholyx auf dem Riicken eines Kindes. .1. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1869, Hi, 151.—Startin. Case ut' acute syphilitic pompholix. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, (I.— Suggett (W. L.) Pompholyx solitarius gangrinosa. Louisville M. News, 1885, xix, 50.—Tay (W.) Cheiro- pompholyx. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 7.—Thin (G.) Remarks on a skin affection lately observed and desriibeil as dysidrosis, cheiro-pompholyx, and pompholyx. Ibid., 1877, ii, 760-762.—Tweedy (J.) A contribution to the controversy respecting cheiro-pompholyx and dysidrosis. Ibid., 921. Poinpill (G.) II maresciallo duca di Saltlanba e 1' antiomiopatia, o difesa espositiva della dot- trina di Hahnemann in risposta al discorso di anonimo professore. 181 pp. 8°. Roma, (1. Menicanti, 1864. [P., v. 1454.] Also, Editor of: Rivista omiopatica, Spoleto, 1856. Poinpilio. Panificazione rationale, iv, 126 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Boepli, 18H7. Pomponiie ( Louis-Alexauelre ). * Considera- tions sur l'hygiene des aliened. 70 pp., 1 1. 4^. Paris, 1882, No. 72. Pomsel (Fridericus Erdmann). *De gangrama nosocomiali. v, 23 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, typ. G. Sta- rilzii, [1847]. Pomyers (F. M. ) *Sur la pleuro-pneiiinonie aignii, compliquee avec des symptdmes d'affection bilieuse, sp6cialement cousideree sous le rapport du traitement qu'elle reclame dans cet etat ele complication, vi, 7-22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 97, v. 147. Pona (Francesco) [1594-1664]. Physicus anuu- lus, hoc est medica? artis breviarium. 2 p. 1., «1 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Veronw, Merulus, 1638. -----. Trattato de' veleni e lor cura. 3 p. 1., 96 pp. sm. 4°. Verona, B. Merlo, 1643. -----. Prudentia medica. 131 pp., 4 1. 16°. Venetiis, F. Baba, 1650. -----. II gran contagio di Verona nel millesei- centoe trenta. 120 pp. 4-. Verona, frat. Merli, 1727. PONA. 493 PONFICK. Pona (Francesco)—continued. _____. La remora, overo de' mezi naturali per curare e fermare la pestilenza; breve trattato. 56 pp. 4°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1727. Bound with preceding. Ponape. Finsch (O.) Ueber die Bewohner von Ponap6 (ostl. Carolinen); nach eigenen Beobachtungen und Erkundi- guugen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1880, xii, 301-332, 1 pi. Ponce [de] Santa Cruz (Antonio). Exactis- siui* disputationes tie pulsibus, quibus Galeni et Avicennse doctrina philosophice perpenditur. 4 p. 1., 142 pp. fol. Matriti, apud T. Juntani, 1622. Bound with : Savonarola (J. M.) Practica major [etc. ]. fol. Venetiis, 1560. .-----. Philosophia Hippocratica. 6p. 1., 190 pp. fol. Matriti, apud T. Juntam, 1622. Boundwith: Savonarola (J. M.) Practica major [etc.J. fol. Venetiis, 1560. -----. Opuscula medica et philosophica quae continent: 1. Disputationes in primam prinii Avicennas. 2. De Hippocratica philosophia. 3. De pulsibus. 4. Eruditissiini viri tloctoris Al- phonsi de Sauctacruce, din desideratum, modo filii sui opera in lucem etlitum: De melancholia inscriptum libellum. 7 1., 305 pp., I 1. 4°. Matriti, apud T. Juntam, 1624. Another copy bound with: Savonarola (J. M.) Practica major [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1560. -----. De impedimentis magnorum auxiliornrn in morborum curatione, lib. iii. Secundis curis etuendatiores e museo Petri a Castro. 8 p. 1., 451 pp., 1 1. 18°. Patavii, typ. P. Frambotfi, 1652. See, also, Leicetua (Fortunius). De anima subjecto corpori nil tribuente, deque seminis vita, et efficientia primaria in formatione foetus [etc.]. 4°. Patavii, 1631. Ponceau (Theodore). * Observations et refle- xions sur quelques points de m&lecine. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 104, v. 206. Poncelet (D. D). See Vottem (F ), Poncelet (D.D.) efc Raikem (Ant.) Notice sur la maladie . . . k laquelle a succombti V. Foh- mann [1837]. 8°. [Paris, 1837?] Poncet (Antouin). De l'osteite au point de vue ele l'accroissement des os. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. [P., v. 801.] Repr. from.- Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix. -----. *De l'ictere h^matique traumatique. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 285. -----. *De l'hematocele peri-uterine. 196 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere 4~ Cie., 1878. Concours. -----. De l'influence des excitations g6ne"siques sur la marche et les complications des plaies. 22 pp. 8°. Paris, 1882. -----. Note sur l'anesthe*sie rectale. 16 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1884. Repr. from-. Lyon med., 1884, xlvi. -----. Tumeurs des os. In: Encycl. internat. de chir. [Ashhurst], Par., 1885, iv, 369-394. Also, transl. in: Internat. Encycl. Surg. [Ash- hurst], K. T., 1886, vi, 973-1000. —:---. Des necessit6s actuelles de la ehirurgie. La nouvelle salle d'operations a l'Hotel-Dieu de Lyon. 15 pp. 8°. Lyon, Vitte 4 Perrussel, 1889. Repr. from: Province med., Lyon, 1889, iv. -----. Expose? des titres scientifiques [pour la chaire de medecine operatoire], 48 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1882. Poncet (D.-G.) * Sur la hlennorrhagie. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1821, v. 50. Poncet (Ernest). * Compte-rendu de quatre cents observations relatives au traitement de la pneumonie. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 70, v. 635. Poncet (F.) "Quelques considerations sur la dysenteric k la colonie penitentiaire d'Ostwald. Poncet (F.)—continued. 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 504, 2. serie, v. 27. Also, Co-Editor of: Archives d'ophtalmologie, Paris, 1880-81. See, also, Perrin ( Maurice Constantin ). Atlas eles maladies profondes de l'ejeil, [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1879. Poncet (J.-C.-A.) * Sur les qualites et l'emploi hygi6nique du vin. vi, 7-32 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [180b], No. 511, v. 57. Poncet (P.) * Sur les abces eu general. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 26. Poncet (P.-J.) *Sur les plaies eu general. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 204, v. 48. Poncet de Dyon (M.-E.) * Considerations sur le traitement tie l'hemoptvsie. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 20. Ponchet (A.-R.-Am&l<5e). *Sur l'inflammation ele la corn6e. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 12, v. 306. Ponchet (J.-B.) *Sur les phenomenes princi- paux de la puberty cousider6e elaus la femme, et sur la prophylactique eles maladies particulieres & cette epoepie ele la vie. vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805], No. 543, v. 59. Ponchou. Trois ovariotomies pratiqu6es avec succes. Observations et reflexions cliniques. 31 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Manceaux, 1880. Repr. from: J. de metl., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1880, lxxi. Ponclioil (Dionysius). "An a valvulis iutesti- lioruin chyini progressions determinatio? Praises Petrus Bercher. In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Qusest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 301-308. Poncin (Lncien). * De la simulation tie l'incon- tineuced'urinedansl'armee. 51pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 227. Poncy (Eug.-A.). See Port (Aristide-Josepb-Auguste). Lecons sur les centres nerveux [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1878. Pondeveaux (J.-A.-J.-Leon). * Hygiene des habitations priv6es. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 140. Pondicherry. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Lequerr^ (J.-F.-R.) * Quelques considera- tions sur Pondicherv et ses habitants. 4°. Paris, 1837. Pollet. Consid6rations sur l'etat sanitaire de Pontli- chery pendant l'ann6e 1877. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1880, xxxiii, 216; 294. — Huillet. Contributions a la geographic medicale, Pondich6ry. Ibid., 1868, ix, 5; 81. Pomlroiii (Andreas). *De gangrteua. 16 pp. 4°. Parisiis, 1813, No. 81, v. 97. Ponds. See Malaria, etc.; Nuisances. Pond's improved sphygmograph. 10 pp. 8°. Rutland, Tuttle 4~ Co., [1877]. Pond's perfectetl sphygmograph. 'Simple, portable, practical." 31pp. 8°. Detroit, Michi- gan, Parke, Davis v 1.it€to-£)v. Ibid., 1879, A', 65-71. Also, transl.: Rev. de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1879, v, 112-118. Also, transl.: Gac. med. de Cataluna, Barcel., 1879, ii, 487-491. Also transl.: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, Iiii. 147-149.—Pa- l-isais (N. P.) efc Tetzis (J.-A.) La maladie I'lidemique des enfants k Hydra appelee Tzanaki. In their: De 1 ile d'Hydra, etc., 8°, Par., 1882, 33-64. — Stephanos. Le ponos de Spetza et el'Hydra. Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 750; 813 — Xnntho* (M. G.) McAc'tj) n-epi t^s iv'YSpa voaov " Terovdici ". raAiji/os, 'ASyvai, 1882, Z', 238-240.—XanthoH (M. N.) Ilepi To-avateiov, vo0—Romberg. Ein Fall von Blut- erguss in der Varolsbriicke. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842, 6-10,1 pi.—Russell (J.) Sanguineous effusion into the pons Varolii; partial recovery ; death from effusion into one ventricle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 611.—Ne- nac. Hemorrhagie de la protuberance annulaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 206-210.—Mpnnlon. Ex- travasation into pons Varolii. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 609.—Spitzka (E. C.) Provisional communication re- garding a case of pons hemorrhage, with descending de- generation of the stratum intermedium. Am. J. Neurol. •fc Psychiat., N. Y., 1883, ii, 500-504.- Thomas (W. R.) On apoplexy of the pons. Laucet, Lond., 1878, ii, 618.— Tolcdnno. Albuuiiuurie; mort par hi'-iimn liagie- dans la protuberance. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par.. 187."i. 1, 070-673.— Troisier. Hemorrhagie de la protuberance. Ibid. (1869), 1870, xliv, 197 [413].— Weber (H.) t ... with left hemiplegia; haemorrhage and softening in the right side of the lions Varolii. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 13.—Wilks. Symptoms like those of poisoning by opium; pupils con- traded; autopsy ; apoplexy of the pons Varolii. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1863, i, 213.—Wilson (W. R.) A case of hemorrhage into the pons. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 529. Pons Varolii (Tubercle of). Blain. Tubercule de la protuberance n'ayant donn6 lieu pendant la vie k aucun symptome appreciable. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii,'598.—Bruns (L.) Ein Fall von Ponstuberkel. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1886, v, 151; 169.—C'anlnni. Un cas de tumeur cerebral*-; tuubercle tlu pont de Varole. Lyon m6d., 1874, xvii. 407-417.—D'Es- pine (A.) Abies tuberculeux et tubercules crus multiples tin pont ele Varole. Kev. m6d. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1886, vi, 371-379.—Destruge. Tuberculo uniontradoen la pi'otuberaneia anular, y deducciones fisioi6gicas que puelieran hacerce de. este caso patul6gic.o. Gac. m6d. de Lima, 1860-61, v, 93-95.—Pereol. Phthisie pulmonaire; hemipl6gie alterne incomplete; paralysie de la sixukue paire gauche ; inaction coujugu6e du muscle droit interne tie l'eeil droit; tubercule confluent de la protuberance an- nulaire. Union med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 597-602. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1873), 1874, 2. s., x, 124.—Fleischmann (L.) Tuberculose De- generation der Varols-Briicke; Hiimorrhagieu iu der Lun- genpleura. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1870-71, n. F., iv, 283-286. — Galliard (L.) Tubercule volumineux de la protuberance. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 654-658. Also : Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 486.—Godelier. Ob- servation d'un tubercule volumineux d6velopp6 dans la protuberance annulaire. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1850, x, 289-298. Also: M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb.. 1850-55, ii, 58-70.—Goupil. Tubercules de la protuberance auini- laire; phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 401. —Green (P. H.) Headache-: convulsions; paralysis; large tubercle in the centre of the pons Vaiolii and in the crus cerebri. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1840-41, i, 183 —.1 ones (B.) Tuberculous deposits in the pons Vaiolii and cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1846-8, i, 41.—Klett (T.) Tuberkelablagerung in tier Pons Varo- lii. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1864, ix, 277. — Kiistliii (0.) Ein Fall von Tuberkulose der Varol'schen Briicke. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1856, xxvi, 361- 364.—Mader. Tuberkel im Pons Varoli; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1882), 1883, 366.—Mahot. Tubercule d6velopp6 dans la protuberance annulaire. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acatl. Loire-Inf, Nantes, 1844, xx, 257-263.—von ?1 milliner. Hirntuber- kelim Pons, mit Pleuroperiiarditis tuberculosa. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wieu, 1855, i, 473-477 — IVonat. Tubercules developp6s dans la protuberance ce- rebrate. Tr. rn6d., Par., 1832, x, 334-338. — Nothnagel. Remarks on a case of tubercular tumour at the base of the pons. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1884. i, 687-689.—Pen- zoldt (F.) Zwangsbewegung nach riic k warts bei einein median gelegenen Ponstuberkel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 545-547.— Reimer. Tuberkel in der linken Hiilfte der Pons. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1877, n. F., xi, 13-16.—Simm. Praparat eines an einem solitari'ii Pons-Tuberkel versturbenen Kindes. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1883, Bresl., 1884, lxi, 19—Stein (J.) Chronische p.imare Tuberculose der Varol's-Briieke. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1863, viii, 198-203.—Tubercule d6velopp6 dans la protuberance annulaire. France med., Par., 1855, ii, 296. Pons Varolii (Tumors of'). See, also, Medulla oblongata (Tumors of). Bkedow ( J. ) * De tumore tuherculoso in ponte Varolii et infiltratione tuberculosa ganglii Gusseri. 8°. Vratislaviw, 1855. Simon (A.) * Znr Casuistik der Tumoren ties Pons. 8°. Berlin, [1877]. PONS. 497 PONT A. Ponw Varolii (Tumors of). Trip (C. U. J.) * Een geval van tumor in den pons Varolii. 8°. Groningen, J879. Adams (W.) Cholesteatomatous tumour of the brain. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1850-52, iii, 44.—Andrew (J.) Tu- mour of pons antl of upper part of medulla oblongata. Ibid., 1869-70, xxi, 3.—Ashby (H.) Case of glioma ofthe pons, paralysis of right sixth and seventh nerves, and hemiplegia. Metl. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 114.— Bauhaui (H. F.) Case of glioma of the pons Varolii. Laucet, Lond., 1884, ii, 587.—Bernhardt. Ueber einen Pall vim Ponstumor. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 143.—Bonuzzi (P.) -Due casi singolari di tuinore. del ponto di Varolii). Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 159; 170, 1 pi.—Bourceret. Une tumeur de la protuberance aunulaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 448-450.—Clandele. Tumeur de la protuberance, de nature syphilitique. Ibid. (1869), 1870, xliv, 528. — C'uiitniii (A.) Dn caso di tumore cerebrate (tuberculo nel poute). Morgagni, Napoli, 1874, xvi, 29-57. Also, Ke- print.— Carre. Affection cancereuse tie la protuberance annulaire du cerveau. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1834, ix, 106-115.—Cn»e of medullary sarcoma of the puns Varolii. Med. Times et Gaz., Lond." 1861, ii, 668. — ('auchois. Tumeur de la protuberance; hemiplegie droite ; paralysie du moteuroculaire externe gauche; paresie incomplete du muscle adducteur droit. Bull, de la Soe. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 258.— Uorporandy. Observation d'hemiple- gie alterne, produite par uue tumeur de la protuberance. Gaz. med tie Lyon, 1863, xv, 58-60.—t'ramlell (T. V.) Glioma of pous Varolii. Phila. M. Times, 1878-9, ix, 313.— Dechambre (A.) Cancer de la protuberance cerebrate. Bull, din., Par., 1835-6, i, 11-15. — ] Fredet (E.) ] Cysti- cerque de la protuberance annulaire; mort subite. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 1154.—Gibncy (V. P.) Caseof tumour of the pons Varolii. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. 8., lxx, 142-144.—Glioma of pons Varolii. Abstr. M. efc S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1883, Pendlebury, Manchester, 1884, iii, 64. — Ilabershon (S. O.) Tuber- cular mass in the pons Varolii, exteneling to the floor of the fourth ventricle; similar masses in the cerebellum ; tu- bercle in the lungs, intestine, mesenteric glands, suprare- nal capsule, etc. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1875, 3. s., xx, 324-330.—Henoch. Sarcoma des Pons Varoli. Cha- rite Aim. 1878, I'.e-rl., 1X80, v, 461-465.—Hun (H.) Glio- matous hypertrophy of the pons. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 386-388. Also, Reprint.—Jackson (J. H.) Tu- mour of pons Varolii; acute illness like tubercular menin- gitis. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond, 1874, i, 151-1 3.—Jacobi (Mary P.) Case of probable tumor of the pons. J. Neiv. efe Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1889, xvi, 115-129. Also [Abstr.]; Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 759. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iiii, 708— Jancway (E. G.) Tumor of the pons Varolii (glioma mucosum). N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 66. Also: Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 23.— Jones (R.) Tumour of left side of pons Varolii with hyperpyrexia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 821.—1£lim- ine 11 (H.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Glioiue des Pons und der Medulla oblongata. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1880-81, ii, 282-296, 1 pl.-I.adnine. Des tumeurs de la protuberance annulaire. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1865, ii, 129; 278.—ljanger(L.) Tumor der Pons Varoli. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, 515-518. -----. Haselnussgrosser Tu- berkel in der rechten Halfte des Pons Varolii. Ibid., 518- 520 l.nskiewicz-Fricdensfeld (A.J.) Przypadek nowotworu w okolicy mostu Varola. Powiklanie zboczen nerwowych ze szczegolnego rodzaju objawami psychic- zuemi. [Tumor in region of pons Varolii; nervous com- plication presenting peculiar psych ital phenomena. ] Przegl.lek., Krakow., 1878. xvii, 169; 187; 252; 261.—l„au- tenbach (B. F.) Tumor of the left side of the pons: involvement of the fever or heat centre. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 30. — lTlacgregor (A.) Tumour of the pons Varolii. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 1079.—Marot. Tumeur de la protuberance annulaire; hemiplegie et hemianes- thesie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1875, 1, 189-195. Also: Rev. m6d.-phot. d. hop. tie Par., 1875, vii, 103-109.—Miles (F. T.) Tumor of the pons Varolii. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1881, vi, 196-199. —Mills (C. K.) Tumour of the pons Varolii; convulsions, vomiting, rotatory movements to- wards the left; final haemorrhage into the medulla oblon- gata. Brain, Lond., 1879-80. ii, 5.i2-554. -----. Tumor of the pons Varolii, with conjugate deviation of the eyes and rotation of the head. J. Neiv. efe Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1881, n. «. vi, 470-481.—Money (A.) Gliomatous enlargement of the pons Varolii in children. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1883, lxvi, 283-292, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Roy. M. efe Llnr. Soc. Lond., 1882-5, n. s., i, 128-131. Also [Abstr.l: Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 820. — Moxon. Two cases of tu- mour of the pons Varolii. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867-8, xix 20-22. - Peabody (G. L.) Tumor of pons and me- milla. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 590.—Pepper (W.) & t rniidell (T. V.) Glioma of pons Varolii. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878-9), 1880, ix, 136-138. - Putnam (J. J.) ,otne ot «lio,na of the pons Varolii. Boston M. efe S. J., iwS.cv'ii, 437.-Kieder (H.) Tumor pontis. Ann. d. stain, allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1880-84), 1889, iv, 122.— Kosenthal. Ueber einen Fall von Siphilom des Pons, 32 Poll!!* Varolii (Tumors of). nebst Untersuchungen iiber ha'lbseitige Hirnanasthesie und Siunesstdrungen. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte in Wien, 1877-8, 47-49. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 54.—Schcuthaucr (G.) Knochen im Pons Varolii durch Encephalitis hervorgebracht, bei einer 21 Jahre alten Tagldhneriu. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1867), 1868, 293— Schniidl-Kinipler (H.) Ein Fall von Pons-Gliom. (Beitrag zur Frage der Nuclear- Lahmungen und der Entstehung der Stauungspapille.) Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1887, xviii, 152-170. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1888, xvii, 397-416. — MpilzUa (E. C.) Neuroglioma of the pons and oblongata. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 364-306.—Suty (C.) Cysticerque de la pro- tuberance annulaire chez un jeune homme de 22 ans; mort subite; autopsie. Uuion med., Par., 1875, 3. s., xix, 877- 880.—Tumour of pons and cerebellum. Abstr. M. efc S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children 1883, Pendlebury, Man- chester, 1884, iii, 62.—Weidler (F.) Encephaloid of the pons Varolii and medulla oblongata. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1869, xii, 513-517.—Whitcomb (G. H.) Glioma of pons Varolii and medulla oblongata occurring in a child of eight years. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 97-101.— Wilks. Tumor on the pons Varolii. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 26-28. Pons y Codiliacli (Antonio). Guia practica parti el uso ele las aguas minerales de San Diego de los baiios de la isla de Cuba. 2 p. 1., ix, 100 pp , 21., lpl. sm. 4°. Habana, imp. del Gobierno, 187)3. -----. Tratado completo tedrico-praetico del v6- mito 6 nebre amarilla, fundado en la pr&ctica tlei antor, e ilustraelo con la critica tie las obras y medicaciones mas generalmeute admitidas. Obra premiada en el concurso de 1867 por el Ateneo Catalan de Barcelona. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 272 pp. ; viii, 9-310, x pp. 8°. Habana, A. Pego, 1868. Ponsacco. See Fever (Typhus, Bistory, etc., of), by local- Hies. de PollSlird. Pratique de me*decine, sur ces maladies opiuiatres, dont le principe est un vice vt5n6rien ele'guise', et sur la maladie venerieune, 6videute, cached on masqu6e, atin de la guerir sans etre prive" de vaquer a ses affaires, ni tlu commerce de la society. 2. tSd. 64 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1779. -----. The same. Precis de m6decine pratique, sur la maladie venerienue, eSvidente, cacb6e ou masquee, et sur ces maladies chrouieiues, opiniA- tri>s et cutan6es, telles qne les dartres, la gale, la lepre, la teigne, etc., qui out resisted a leurs remede's ordinaires. Nouv. tSd., augment6e . . . d'un avant-propos sur les libelles r^pandus contre cet ouvrage 64 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, [1781]. Poiisard (L -A.-E.-Anguste). * Sur les prejugds en metlecine et sur leurs dangers. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 89, v. 172. Ponsai't (G.-B.) Traite" m^tbodiquede la goutte et dn rhumatisme, ou 1'on enseigne d'apres l'experience les vrais moyens de se de^livrer et se preserver de ces maladies, xxiv (2 1.), 541 pp. 16°. Paris, Desventes-de-la-Doue, 1770. Pons-CaylllS (Charles-M.-J.) * Sur les affec- tions e]ui reelament l'emploi de l'ein6tique. viii, 9-28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 157, v. 202. Poiiselet (Augustus). * De iodio. 82 pp. 4°. Gctndce, J. N. Boudin, [1828]. [P., v. 959; 1380.] PonsigilOll (Gustave). * De la pepsine. 26 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, C. Marechal, 1872. [P., v. 1708.] ficole tie pharmacie. Ponsin (L.-J.-A.) * Sur le diagnostic eles priu- cipales tumeurs de l'aine. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 144, v. 252. Pont (Gaston). * Des hygromas professionnels sus-rotulieus. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 385. Pont (Paul). * Quelques consid6rations sur le cceur des tuberculeux et des cancereux. 47 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 57. Ponta ( Alexander ). * De ophthalmitide inter milites exercitns belgici grassante. xii, 52 pp. 8°. Traj. adRhennm, O. I. vanPaddenburg, [1820]. PONTA. 498 PONTON. Ponta (Gioachiuo). II trionfo della vaccinia. Poema. 5 p. 1., 256 pp., 1 1. 8'. Parma, tipi Bodoniani, 1H10. Poiltallie (M.-J.) * Propositions sur le rhuma- tisme mnsculaire. 15 pp. 4U. Paris, 1825, No. 105, v. 193. Pont-a-Mousson. .See, also, Education (Medical), etc., by local- ities. IVIaugras. Constitution m6teorologique tie l'ann6e 1784, avec le tableau des maladies quiont r6gn6 a l'hopital de Pont-A-Mousson elans le cours de cette aun6e. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxvii, 3-31. Pontani ( Beruhard ). * Ueber die Leituugs- fiihigkeit der Saltpetersaure und ihrer Gemische mit Schwefelsaure und Ziukvitriol fiir die Elec- tricitat. 30 pp. 8°. Bonn, F. Kriiger, 1868. c. Pontanier ( J.-M.-R.) *Sur les avantages de l'allaitement maternel. 27 pp. 8°. Paris, an X, [1802], v. 5. Pontaims (Joh.) [ -1572]. Einfeltiger und gar kurtzer Bericht, was man in dem schweren Pestilentzleufften gebrauclien sol, beydes zur Preservation und Curatiou. Das erste Tractet- lein, dermaleins zu Weymar in gefehrlichen au- fallenden Sterbensleuffteu gestelt, und vielen gu- ten Freunden mitgeteilet. Jetzo mit Fleis (soviel davou hat erlanget werden kounen) zusammen gebracht, uud meuuiglichen zu Trost publiciret, weiljetzigerzeit hiu und wieder solche Pestilentz- seuchen sich vermerckeu lassen, durch elen Hoff- untl Stadt-Medicum zu Arnstittlt Johann Vuitti- chium Vinariensem. 15 1. 4°. Leipzig, 17)87). -----. The same. [With continuation:] Fidget nun das antler Tractiitlein von der Pest, an einen guten vertrauten Freund geschrieben. 361. 4°. Leipzig, H. Steinman, 1587. Bound with: Rantzau (Heinrich). De conservanda valetudine, [etc.]. 4°. Lipsice, 1587. ------. The same. 11 1. 4°. Leipzig, 1594. Incomplete; 4 1. wanting at end. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Ponte (Jules). *Des effets physiologiques et pathologiquesdufroid. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 195. Ponte (M. M.) La primera operacion de ovario- tomia en Caracas. 21 pp. 8°. Caracas, A. Bo- the, 1880. Also, Co-Editor of: Gaceta cientifica tie Venezuela, Caracas, 1877-8. Ponte de Piave. Regolamento d' igiene del comune di Ponte de Piave, provincia tli Treviso. 44 pp. 12°. Oderzo, G. B. Bianchi, 1886. Pontedera (Province of Pisa). Regolamento tli pubblica igiene. 24 pp. 8°. Pontedera, Bis- tori, 1886. Pontefract General Dispensary. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers. 72., 1883-4; 73., 1884-5. 2; 2 1. 4°. Pontefract, B. Bolmes, 1884-5. Pontefract urban sanitary authority. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the Pontefract urban sanitary authority, by Geo. Paul Atkinson. 2., 1879. 21. fol. [Pontefract, "Express" Office, 1880.] Ponten (Otto). See Hwanser (Israel). "Om bleksot." 8°. Upsala, 1844. , de Pontes y Rosales (Jostf). See Dorvault. ( Botica. ) La oficina de farmacia, [etc.]. 2. eel. 8°. Madrid, 1879.—Oficina (La) de far- macia espanola segttn Dorvault. Primer-sexto suplemento [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1880-88. Pontet (Alfred). * Contribution k l'etude de la syphilis infantile acquise. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 497. Pontevfcs. .See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Pont-Gihaiiri. <»obl. [Columbus, Cott 4- Hann, 1881.] ' Repr. from: Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1881-2, i. ------. Re-amputation for neuralgic stumn 5 pp. 12°. [Attica, 1887,.] L' Repr. from: Med. Compend, Attica, Ohio, 1885, ii ------. The physical or immetliale cause of the death of Christ. 8 pp. 8°. [Yonkers, N. Y n. d.] Also Editor of: Oliio (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal, Columbus, 1876-8. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Pooley (Thomas Rickett) [1843- ]. Sympa- thetic ophthalmia. 18 pp. 8°. Neiv York D Appleton 4- Co., 1870. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1870, xii. ------. A case of wound of the sclera treated by suture, with remarks. 7 pp. 8°. [New York 1873.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1873-9, ii. ------. Three cases of ear disease. 10 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1874. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1874, xix. ------. An ordinary strabismus operation fol- lowed by tendinitis, perforation ofthe sclerotic, detachment of the retiua, recovery. 4 pp. 8". [New York, 1*75.] Repr. from: Arch. Ophth. efe Otol., N. Y., 1874-5, iv. ------. Three cases of foreign bodies iu the eye. 10 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1875. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc N. Y., 1875. —. Convergent strabismus. 29 pp. 8°. Xew York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1*77. In: Am. Clin. Lect., N. Y., 1877, iii. -----. Irido-choroiditis in the puerperal state. 9 pp. 8°. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1877. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N.Y., Albany, 1877. -----. Ischaerniaof the retina. 8 pp. 8°. [Syra- cuse, 1878.] Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1878. -----. Contribution to the pathology of the temporal bone. 7 pp. *°. Xew Bedford, 1 */'.». Repr. from: Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. 1875-81, Bust., 1881, ii. Sulphate of eserine in the treatment of acute glaucoma. 5 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1879. Repr.from: Arch. Med., N. Y." 1879, i. ------. Cases of rupture of the choroid. 13 pp. 8°. Syracuse, Trttair, Smith 4' Bruce, 1883. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1883. See, also, Contributions to ophthalmology. 8°. Xew York, |1873]. Poolo-Condor. Iti-eT-mainl (P.) Indications sur la topographie medi- cale du poste de Poulo-Condor. Arch, tie metl. nav., Par., 1879, xxxii, 419-440.—Viaud. L'ile de Poiilo-Coudore, topographie medicale et rapport sur la situation present*. Ibid., 1864, i, 80-88, 1 map. Poonah. Hunter (R. H. S.) On the topography of Poonah, em- bracing a historical report of the diseases iu H. M.'s 2d or Queen's Royal Regt. for the year 1835. Iudia J. M. & Phys. Sc, Calcutta, 1836, n. s., i. 233-235.—Kerr (M.) Sanitary notes in Pooua. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi, 181.' Poor (Cajetanus). Theoria sensuuin cum pro- priis, tum probatissimorum nostra} attitis philo- sophorum rationibus, ac experimentis illustrata, et confirmata. 7 p. 1., 376 pp.,2 pi. 8°. Pestini, F. A. Royer, 1781. Poor (Imre). Editor of: Gyogyaazat, Budapest, 1861. POOR. 501 POOH. Poor. .See, also, Charities (Medical, etc.); Habita- tions for the poor, etc.; Hygiene ( Public, lie- ports on); Statistics. Baker (T. B. L.) The poor; what we have done anel what we ought to tlo for them ; a lect- ure. 4°. Stroud, 1870. Repr. from: Stroud News. Bitter (The) cry of outcast Lonelon. An in- quiry iuto the condition of the abject poor. 16°. [London, 1883.] Boston. Annual reports of the overseers of the poor ofthe city of Boston to the mayor anel city council. 1.-23., 1*64 to 1886-7. 8b. Bos- ton, 1865-87. Brougham (H.) A letter to Sir Samuel Rom- illy upon the abuse of charities. 8°. Lonelon, 1818. Chauncy (C.) Tho idle-poor secluded from the bread of charity by the Christian law; a ser- mon. 12°. Boston, 1752. Count Rumford's essays on the management of the poor, and industrial occupation for soleliers in barracks, are so applicable to the present times that no apology can be necessary for their repub- lication. 12°. London, 1*51. Hamilton(R.) An atldress to the inhabitants of Aberdeen, ou the management of the poor; with statements of the income anel expenditure ofthe united fund, from 1813 to 1821, inclusive. 8C. Aberdeen, 1822. Industrial Aiel Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, Boston. Auuual reports ofthe man- agers to the contributors. 17., 1851-2; 20.-24., 1*54-5 to 1858-9; 26.-50., 1860-61 to 1*84-5. *c. Boston, 1852-85. -----. Economical hints, prepared for the . . . 12°. Boston, 1879. London alms antl London pauperism. Re- printed from the London Quarterly Review, by the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. 8°. New York, 1877. Misere (De la) et ties moyens a employer pour la faire cesser. 8°. Paris, [1850]. New York (State). Annual reports of the socretary of state in relation to the statistics of the poor, to the legislature, for the years 1866-7; 1870-71. 8°. [Albany, 1*67-71.] New York Society for the Prevention of Pau- perism. Report of a committee on the subject of pauperism. 8°. New York, 1818. Nichol (W.) Proposal for the development of the principle of assurance as an instrument for the gradual extinction of pauperism antl for the permanent improvement of the condition of the industrious classes. 8°. Edinburgh, 1847. Ray (I.) What shall Philadelphia tlo for its paupers? 8°. [Philadelphia, 1873.] Repr. from: Penn Month., April, 1873. Stallard (J. H.) Pauperism, charity, antl poor-laws. Being an inquiry into the present state of the poorer classes in the metropolis, the resources antl effects of charity, and the influence of the poor-law system of relief; with sugges- tions for au improved administration. Read be- fore the Social Science Association February 17th, October 1st, and December 21st, 1868. 8°. Lon- don, [1808], TejiuviLEFF (A.) *Du soulagement des pau- vres. 8°. Dorpat, 1833. Treatment (On the) of indigence and pauper- ism. MS. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] -----. The same. London pauperism. MS. Y\ [u. p., ii. d.] Cordweiif (G.) A national means of inducing eco- nomic self provision throughout the operative classes. St. .Andrew's M. Gratl. Ass. Tr. 1807, Lond.. 1868. i, 222-227.— de tlm U-h j <|«- Cuaa (L.) El paupcrismo y la mendi- tidad cousidcrados moral y cientincaniintc Sintidocatdl., Poor. Barcel., 1881, iii. 152; 168; 226; 236; 272; 287; 303; 354; 365; 511; 529.—Pauper (The) abstract. Kep. Bd. Lunacv, etc., Mass. 1886, Bost., 1887, viii, 1-68.— l>aii|M i-ixiii atid crime. Rep. Bureau Statist. Labor, Bost., Is77 viii, lhfc- 228.—Richardson (B. W.) Homeless and nomadio populations; their sanitary condition and inspection. Asclepiad, Lond., 1885, ii, 2(14-219.—Sanitary (On the) and social conditions of the English poor. By a practis- ing physician. J. Pub. Health efe San. Lev., Lond., 1855, i, 8; 117.—Nuppli mt'iit to the. board's report. Tho out- door poor of Massachusetts, 1878-86. Rep. Bd. Lunacy, etc., Mass. 1886, Bost., 1887, viii, pp. cli-clx. Poor (Diseases of). See, also, Charities (Medical, etc.); Hospitals (Reports of). Buchwald (J. C.) * De cura pauperum. 8°. Viennw, 1837. Lebri;n (A.-F.) * Quelques consiel6rationssur la misere elans ses rapports avec la medecine. 4°. Paris, 1865. Massachusetts. Annual report concerning the sick State peior of Massachusetts. 8.-10., 1872 to 1873-4. 8C. Boston, 1873-5. Pe'itsits (C.) #De pauperum aegrorum cura. 8°. Pestini, [1830]. Reitz (J. A.) *De morbis pauperum. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1752. Alison (W. P.) On the effect of poverty and privation on the public health. Tr. Nat. Ass. Prohiot. Social Sc. 1858, Lond., 1859, 434-443.—Oeutzcr. Ueber die Krank- heiten der Armen. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wieu, 1854, i, 101-110.—Dufourg. Considerations gene- rales sur les maladies qui after tent le plus commuuement la classe indigente. Expos6 tl. trav. de la Soc. tl. sc. med. de la Moselle. Metz, 1838-41. 35-45. — Eaitou (J. A.) Poverty in relation to disease. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1860, Loud., 1861, 655-659.—Haller (A.) Ueber die Krankheiten der Armen; Skizze aus dem Tagebuche eines Armenarztes. Med. Jahrb. d k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1840, xxxii, 353-362.—Holmes (T.) On the med- ical charge of the poor. Proc. VV. Loud. Med.-Chir. Soc, Loud., 1884, i, 73-82.—Lenret. Statistique des malades indigens. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1836, xvi, 404-410. —Lub- bock (J.) The social and religious condition of the lower races of man ; an address to the vrorkingmen of Liverpool. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1869, 341-362. — Mart-Nka. Note sur l'influence de la mis6re sur les classes pauvres. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1846, xii, 118-122— Mortality iu metropolitan pauper schools. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 88; 134. Poor (Medical care of). See Charities (Medical, etc.). Poor Law Meelical Officers' Association. Poor law medical reform, 1868. Report of the aggre- gate meeting of metropolitan and provincial poor law medical officers, helel at the Free- masons' Tavern on June 24, 1868, W. J. Clement, esq., in the chair. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. [London, Nicholls Bros. 1868.] Repr. from: Poor Law Chronicle, June 7, 1868. Formed, in 1868, by the union of the Poor Law Medical Reform Association with the Metropolitan Poor Law Meelical Officers' Association. -----. Inquiry into out-patient hospital adminis- tration. Report of the sub-committee on special hospitals. [Signed: J. E. Polleck, M. D., chair- man; J. Clapton, M. D., aud others.] 17 pp. 8°. London, 1870. -----. Report of a sub-committee appointed to consider the means by which the abuses of the out-patient elepartment of general hospitals may best be remedied. [A. Meatlows, chairman ; F. Anstie, and others. ] 12 pp. 8°. London, 1870. -----. Report of the sub-committee on poor law dispensaries, in relation to the general question of remeelying the abuses of the out-patient ele- partment of the public hospitals anel dispensaries of the metropolis. [Spencer Wells, chairman ; Thos. Hawksly, and others.] 8 pp. 8°. London, [ W. W. Head], 1870. -----. Reports of the committee and sub-commit- tee appointed to inquire into the subject of out- patient hospital administration in the metropolis. 54 pp. 8°. London, 1871. • 502 POOR-LAWS. Poor Law Medical Reform Association. Evi- dence on poor law medical relief, taken before the select committee of the House of Commons, on poor relief (England), in 1861. With remarks by Richard Griffin, chairman of the Poor Law Medical Reform Association, cxvii, 63 pp. 8°. Weymouth, J. Sherren, 1.862. In 1868, united with the metropolitan Poor Law Medical Officers' Association, forming the Poor Law Medical Officers' Association. Poore (Charles T.) Pseudo-hypertrophic muscu- lar paralysis, with an analysis of cases. 30 pp. 8~\ New York; D. Appleton «f Co., 1875. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1875, xxi. ------. A case of pseudo-hypertrophic muscular paralysis. 6 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4 Co., 1876. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1876, xxiii. ------. Exsection of the hip-joint. 24 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1877. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1877, xxv. ------. Exsection of the knee-joint for anchylosis at a right angle. 7 pp. 8°. New York, D. Ap- pleton 4- Co., 1878. Repr. from.- N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii. ------. Osteotomy for deformities of the legs. 13 pp. 8 . New York, Trow, 1878. Repr. from: Med. Rec, K. Y., 1878, xiv. ------. Osteotomy and osteoclasis for deformities of the lower extremities, x, 187 pp., 5 pi. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1884. Poore (George Vivian). A text-book of elec- tricity in medicine and surgery, xii, 291 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder 4- Co.] 1876. ------. Introductory address, delivered at Uni- versity College, Loudon. 16 pp. 8°. Andover. 1881. ' ------. Our duty in relation to health. 1 p. 1 81 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1884. Internat. Health Exh. Handb., [No. 16]. ------. Thrift in its relation to health; or, the right use of refuse. 38 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1884. Internat. Health Exh. Lect., no. 29. ------. London (ancient and modern) from the sanitary and medical point of view, vi, 7-128 pp., 3 pi. 12°. London, Cassell 4- Co., limited, 1889. Pooree. -See Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), by local- ities; Juggernaut. Poor-laws and poor houses. See, also, under names of places. Chipman (S.) Report of an examination of poor-houses, jails, etc., in the State of New York and in the counties of Berkshire, Massachusetts! Litchfield, Connecticut, anel Bennington, Ver- mont, etc. 4. ed. 8°. Albany, ls;s<; Dennis ( W. W. ) The "poor rate". An ad- dress. 8°. London, 1871. ------. The readjustment of the incidence of the " poor rate ". 8°. London, 1871. Garvey ( M. A. ) Metropolitan poverty and poor's rates. A lecture. 12°. London, 1869. Glen (W. C.) The general consolidated and other orders of the poor law commissioners and poor law boards; with -explanatory notes eluci- dating the orders, tables of statutes, cases, and index to the orelers and notes. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1808. Great Britain. Report from His Majesty's commissioners for inquiring into the administra- tion antl practical operation of the poor laws. [With a supplement.] 8». London, 1834. Great Britain. Poor Law Commissioners. To the guardians of the poor of the several unions named in the schedule hereunto annexed; to the I Poor-laws and poor-houses. church wardens and overseers of the several parishes and places comprised within the said unions; to the clerk or chirks to the justices of the petty sessions; aud to all whom it may con- cern. [Rescinding every order, whether general or special, heretofore issued by the poor law com- missioners.] fol. London, 1*847. ------. Report of the poor law commission- ers for the relief of the poor in the parishes of st Marylebone and St. Paucras. With appendix fol. London, 1847. ------. Aunual reports of the poor law board for England and Wales to the Queen's most Exc. Majesty. 2., 1848-9; 3., 1849-50; 5.-23 1851-2 to 1869-70. 8°. London, 1850-71. ------. Poor rates and pauperism. Returns "of comparative statement of the number of paupers of all classes (except lunatic, paupers in asylums, and vagrants) in receipt of relief", [etc.], during the years 1856-7: 1863-4 to 1870-71. fol. [London, 1857-71.] ,------• Poor rates antl pauperism. Returns (iu part) of comparative statement "of the num- ber of paupers of all classes (except lunatic pau- pers in asylums, and vagrants) in receipt of re- lief", [etc.]. Returns (D). Annual poor rate return for the years 1864-5; 1867-8; 1H69-70 fol. [London, 1865-70.] ------. Vagrancy. Reports on vagrancy made to the presitlen.t of the poor law board, by poor law inspectors. 8°. London, 1866. ------. Poor rates and pauperism. Returns (in part) of comparative statement "of the num- ber of paupers of all classes (except lunatic pau- pers iu asylums, and vagrants) in receipt of re- lief", [etc.]. Returns (C). In maintenance anel out-door relief, for the half years ending Michael- mas, 1866; Lady-day, 1868; Michaelmas, 1869; Michaelmas, 1870; Lady-day, 1871. fol. [Lon- don, 1866-71.] ------. Paddington Workhouse. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated July 9, 1H66, for copy "of the evidence taken in the recent poor law inquiry at Paddington, anel the report of Mr. Farnall thereupon", fol. [London, 1866.] ------. Provincial Workhouses. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 28 Nov., 1867, for copies "of a letter dated the Kith day of August, 1866, and addressed by (he poor law board to their medical officer, Dr. Edward Smith, instructing him to visit five or six work- houses in each of the poor law inspectors'dis- tricts (not including the metropolis), and to report upon the sufficiency of the existing ar- rangements for the care and treatment of the sick poor in such workhouses"; "And, of the re- port of Dr. Edward Smith, dated the 15th day of April, 1867, aud made in pursuance of the above- mentioned instructions, after visiting forty-eight workhouses, situated in various parts of England and Wales, together with the appendix to sucli report, containing Dr. Smith's observations- 011 each of the workhouses in question", fol. [London, 1867.] ------. Poor law (in-door poor). Return to an order of the House of Commons, datetl 20 July, 1868, for returns "of the undermentioned particulars, viz: 1. Of the number of in-door poor in the workhouse on the 1st day of July, 1867, and the 1st day of Jan., 1868. 2. Of the in-tloor poor on the workhou.se medical relief book on the 1st day of July, 1867, and the 1st day of Jan., 1868". [According to special classifica- tion.] fol. [London, 1868. J ------. Poor rates (Parliamentary boroughs). Return to an order of the House of Commons, POOR-LAWS. 503 POPE. Poor-1 aux and poor houses. dated 18 Feb., 1869, for, return "showing, with respect to the several Parliamentary boroughs in Euglaml antl Wales having a population of 20,000 and upwartls, the several parishes or townships wholly or partly within the borough, the date of the first poor rate made after the 25th tlay of December, 1867. the total amount of the rate to be collected, the amount actually collected . . . anel the number of tenants at weekly rents whose rates are by arrangement paid through their laneilorels". 18 Feb., 1869. fol. [London, 1869.] -----. Poor law unions. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 2 March, 1-69, for return "of the number of parishes in each poor law union antl incorporation iu Euglaml and Wales". "And, with reference to single parishes not in uniou, as well as to unions aud incorporations^ statement of the area, popula- tion, and gross estimated rental of each ... 22 March, 1869. fol. [London, 1869.] -----. Re-minute of poor law board on charity antl poor law relief. The poor law board aud the metropolitan guardians, fol. [London, 1870.] -----. Poor law. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dateel 12 April, 1870, for "Copies of the report of J. J. Henley, esq., poor law inspector to the poor law boarei, on the hoard- ing out of pauper children in Scotland". "Anel, of reports of poor law inspectors to the poor law board on the boarding out of pauper children in certain unions in Euglaml." fol. [London, 1870.] -----. Poor rates. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dateel 19 May, 1871, for return, "according to the annexeel form, of the parishes in each union in Devon, Leicester, Nor- folk, Northumberland, Sussex, anel Worcester, that in 1852 paid 6d., or less than 6d., on the £, for relief of the poor, together with the corre- sponding rate in 1868; also, the rate for the same years in the parishes of the respective unions (if any) whose population iu 1861 exceeded 2,000 persons. 23 June, 1871. fol. [London, 1871.] Grkat Britain. Secretary of State for the Borne Department. Analytical digest of the [poor law] commissioners reports, in continuation of digest printed iu 1832. fol. London, 18:55. -----. Annual reports of the poor law com- missioners for England and Wales, to Her Maj- esty's principal secretary- of .state for the home department. 1.-6., 18.14-5 to 1839-40; 9., 1842-3; 11., 1841-5. 8°. London, 1M35-45. -----. Auuual reports of the boarei of super- vision for the relief of the poor, and of public health, in Scotland. To Her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department. (Presented to both Houses 0( Parliament by command of Her Majesty.) 1.-20., 1845-6 to 1864-5; 23., 1867-8,; 24., 1868-9; 35.-40., 1879-80; to 1884-5. fol. 8°. Edinburgh, 1847-85. Hill(F.)' The administration of the English poor law. 8°. London, 1865. Letchworth (W. P.) Plans for poor-houses. 8°. [n.p., 1879.] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Charities, N. Y., 1879, xii. Massachusetts. Board of State Charities. Instructions antl explanations relating to the re- turns required by law from overseers of the poor in the citie3 and towns of Massachusetts; to- gether with a summary of the law in regard to Stat3 paupers. Sept., 1866. 8°. Boston, 1866. Massachusetts. Overseers of the Poor. Ab- stract ofthe returns ofthe overseers of the poor in Massachusetts, prepared hy the secretary of the Commonwealth, for the years 1839; 1840-41 to 1854-5; 1856-7. 8°. Boston, 1840-57. Poor-laws and poor-houses. Massachusetts. State Almshouse, at Tewks- bury. Annual reports of the trustees to the gov- ernor and council. 1.-32., 1854 to 1884-5. 8 . Boston, 1855-86. New York State Charities Aid Association. Local visiting committee for the Westchester County Poor House, State of New York. Atl- dress reael at the opening meeting, Tarrytown, N. Y., with constitution and by-laws. Organ- ized Jan. 9, 1872. 8°. New York, 1872. Poor Law Chronicle, a journal of inter-com- munication for the officers administering the poor law iu England and Wales. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 75, 80-81, 84-85, 89-90, v. 4. 4°. London, 1869-70. Thomson (J.) Letter to the lord advocate, on the impolicy of the law of parochial settle- ment, comprehending a scheme for succouring the poor of Scotland, which may be applicable to the poor of the United Kingdom. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1845. Hygiene eler Armenbauser. Jahresb. el. Landes Med.- Coll., etc., 1874, Leipz., 1876, 81-83.—Lambert (J.) The poor-law medical officers' memorial. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 793.—Poor-I.aw Medical Officers' Association. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874. i, 528-530.—Poor-law medical relief. Med.-Chir. Rev.. Lond., 1842, n. s., xxxvi, 324-358.—Ten- ure (The) of office of poor-law medical officers. |Edit ] Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1883. n..s., xxxv. 387.—Wright (A. R.) Hereditary evils; the care of the helpless de- pendents of the State. Tr. Homreop. M. Soc. N. Y. 1880-81, Havana, 1882, xvi, 135-143. Also: Homoeop. Times, N. Y., 1880-81, viii, 265-268. de Poorter (Sebastianus). *De asthmate idio- pathico. 14 pp. 4°. Gandavi, M. A. Mahne, 1828. [P.,v. 959.] Poortindltur. ffloi-eliead (C.) Memorandum on the sanitarium at Poorundhur. Tr. M. efc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv, 208-214.—Pluiuptre (F. H.) ' Report on the sanitarium of Poorundhur. Ibid. (1860), 1861, n. s., vi [app.], pp. xl-xlvii.—Shepherd (W. A.) Annual re- port of the sanitarium, Poorundhur, ending 31st December, 1860. Ibid. (1861), 1862, n. s., vii, 45-83. Pop (G. F.). Co Editor of: Geiiceskundig Tijdschrift voor de Zeeinagt, .'s Gravenhage, 1862-71. ----- & Key [ Henri -Joseph -Adolphe -Felix ]. Etudes sur L. Rouppe, notice biographiqne, analyse critique du trait6 De morbis uavigan- tium. 55 pp. 8°. Paris, 1865. Repr. from: Arch, de miSd. nav., Par., 1865, iii. Pope Innocent Xl% balsam. Ooritz (J. A.) Von dem Balsamo Pabsts Innocentii XI. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1721, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1723, xviii, 629. Pope Urban VIII's pills. tidritx, (J. A.) Von den Pilulis Pabsts Urbani VIII. Saiuinl. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1721, Leipz. u. Budis- sin, 1723, xviii, 523-525. Pope ( Alfred C. ) The homoeopathic system of medicine; its theory anel results examined anel compareel with those of other methods of treat- ment. 56 pp. 8°. London, B. Turner 4'Co., 1861. -----. The cattle plague; its pathology antl treat- ment. Writh an analysis of two huudred and two cases treateel homceopathically within anel around the city of York. 2. ed. 23 pp. 8°. London, B. Turner 4- Co., 1866. [P., v. 377.] -----. The drift of modern medicine; an address delivered at the annual assembly of the British Homoeopathic Society, June 30, 1869. x, 11-45 pp. 8°. London, B. Turner 4- Co., 1869. ------. Landmarks of progress iu the history of homoeopathy during eighteen hundred and sixty- nine. 15 pp. 8°. London, B. Turner 4'Co., 1870. Repr. from: Month. Homoeop. Rev., Lond.. 1870, xiv. -----. A meelical handbook for mothers; or, hints for the management of health, and the treat- ment of the disortlers common during pregnancy POPE. 504 POPLITEAL. Pope (Alfred C.)—continued. anel infancy, xi, 244 pp. 8°. London, H. Tur- ner 4' Co., 1873. -----. Ou the climate of Davos am Platz, Switz- erland, in the treatment of consumption. 24 pp. 8-. London, E. Gould 4~ Son, 1879. -----. Notes on the position anel progress of ho- meeopathy in the United States of America. '^4 pp. 8°. London, E. Gould 4- Son, 1879. Also, Co-Editor of: Monthly (The) Hornteopathic Re- view, Loudon, 1864-87. Pope (Augustus Russell) [1819-58]. A tribute to I he memory of Dr. Chauncey Booth. A sermon. 24 pp. 8°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols 4' Co., 1858. Pope (B. A.) Opium as a tonic and alterative; with remarks upon the hypodermic use of the sulphate of morphia aud its use in the debility ami amaurosis consequent upon onanism. 14 pp. 8°. [New Orleans, 1879.] Repr. from: N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1878-9, n. s., vi. See, also, Bt'ini** (S. M.), Bickham (C.J.) efc Pope (B. A.) Memorandaof cases [etc.]. 8°. New Orleans, 1867. Pope (Benjamin F.) Petition to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled. [Praying that his title to his office may be confirmed.] 6 pp., 1 1. 8L. [ Washington, 1882, vel subset/.] See, also, United States. Congress. Senate. Report of the committee on military affairs, to which was referred tlie hill (S. 81) to confirm tlie title of Benjamin F. Pope to his office of assistant surgeon in the United States Army. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] Pope (C. Augusta). See Pope (Emily F.), Call (Emma L.) efc Pope (C. Augusta). The practice of medicine, [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1881. Pope (Charles A.) [1818-70]. Introductory lect- ure deliveretl before the class of the medical department of the St. Louis University. 22 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Chambers & Knapp, 1847. -----. Congenital inversion of the bladeler. 1 plate with description. 4°. St. Louis, 1848. -----. An adelress to the graduates of the med- ical elepartment ofthe St. Louis University. 27 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1852. [Also, in: P., v. 544.] -----. The topical uses of water in surgery. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. iostes secondaireH tlans la syphilis. 41pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 181. Popliain (John). Sleep and dreaming. A lect- ure. 56 pp. 12°. Dublin, Hodges 4 Smith, 187)4. [P., v. 1189.] Popliillat (V.-P.-F.) *I. Quels sont les phtmo- menes qui resnltent de l'immersiou prolonged dans un bain chaud. II. [etc.]. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 286, v. 332. Poping!! (Hajo). * De inflammatione ventri- culi. 19 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat, C. Wishoff, [1724]. Popis (F61ix). * Les euelemiesintertropiealesan point de vue tie l'uuit6 miasmatique. 40 pp. 4 . Paris, 1871, No. 27. Popke (Ludwig Otto August) [1858- ]. *Zur Casuistik und Therapie tier inveterirten und lia- bituellen Schulterluxationen. 28 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Halle a. S., Plbtz, 1882. Popken (F. A. L.) Historia epidemiae mjilignse anno 1826 Jeverae observatas couscripta. x, 11- 78 pp. 8°. Bremw et Lipsia; G. Kaiser; Gronin- gce, J Boemelingh, 1827. Also, in: Fuank (J.) Delect, opusc. [etc.]. 8°. Xoro- eomi. 1828, iii, 61-125. Popken (Gralf). * Der Uterusprolaps und seine Operatiousniethoden. 34 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1889. Poplar District. See London. Poplar District. Poplar Hospital for Accidents, London, E. Rule's for the Poplar Hospital antl Dispensary, near (lie East India Dock entrance, East India Road. 12 pp. 12°. London, J. Bradbury, 1872. Established 1855. -----. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the governors and subscribers. 19.- 30., 1873-84. 8°. London, 1874-85. -----. Financial account for the year 1886. 2 sheets. 8°. [London, 1887.] Poplar and Stepney Sick Asylum District, Lon- don. Report ofthe managers, from the opening, Aug. 7, 1871, to March 31, 1877. 1. 64 pp. H". [London, Whitehead, Morris 4' Lowe, 1877.] Popliteal region. See, also, Artery (Popliteal). Kolliker ( T.) Znr topofiraphischen Anatomie der Vasapoplitea. Centralbl. f.Chir.. Leipz., 1W2, ix, 4K!)-491.- Sfliwartz (E.) Poplitee. N. diet, denied el chir. prat., Par., 1880, xxix, 84-117.—Teatut (L.) & Jaboiila) (M.) Poplitee (region). Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Pur., 1888,2. s., xxvi, 644-697. Popliteal region (Tumors and diseases of)- See, also, Aneurisms (Popliteal). Baudouin (C.-C.) *Des kystes synovia iix teneliueux de la region poplitee. 4°. Paris, 1855. Burguet (G.) *Du diagnostic different id des tumeurs du creux poplit6. 4°. Paris, 1854. Cosskka'hC.-F.) * Etude sur Its tumeurs fibro- plastiques tie la partie inferieure interne de la cuisse et de la region poplitee. 4°. Paris, 1869. POPLITEAL. 505 POPLITEAL. Popliteal region (Tumors and diseases of). Jammes (F.) * Consitlerations sur les tumeurs de la region poplitee, au point de vue de dia- gnostic. 4°. Paris, 1855. Lkgras (C.) * Des kystes dos bourses syno- vialcs tendinenses du creux popliteS. 4C. Paris, 1873 LoxtiY (F.) * Sur le diagnostic tics tumeurs tie la region poplitee. 4°. Paris, 1852. Maike (A.) * Des tumeurs synoviales du creux poplite et eles bourses se"reuses tie la patte d'oie. 4°. Montpellier, 1874. Marlier (L.) * Sur les abces du creux poplite. 4°. Paris, 1876. Olivier (L.-P.) * Contribution k l'etude des tumeurs tlu creux poplite" et en particulier des tumeurs eiu sciatique et ties veines juinelles. 4 . Paris, 1884. Olivier (N.) * Essai sur le diagnostic diff'6- rentiei des tumeurs du creux poplite'. 4 . Paris, 1855. Trelaun-Bascou. * Diagnostic et traitement ties tumeurs du creux poplite". 4°. Montpellier, 1864. Bellamy. Cystic sarcoma in the popliteal space; re- moval. Lancet. Lonil., 1878, i, 567..— Bertheraiitl (A.) Tuiiieur ind6termin6e du creux poplite: developpement obscur; elements complexes; an6vrisme faux cons6cutif; amputation de la euisse; guerison par premiere intention; examen de la tumeur. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1862, vii, 7-9. — Bntlin (H. T.) Round-celled sarcoma with hyaline degeneration (cylindroma) of the popliteal space. Tr. Path. Sue. Loud., 1880-el, xxxii, 210. 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 642. — C'nlvo y iVIartin (J.) Un tumorcito en la region poplitea. Gac. nii-il., Madrid, 1845, i, 137-140. — Cortijo y Values (F.) Plceras escrofulosas en la region poplitea. Ibid., 1847, iii, 163. — C'reiis (J.) Quisle sanguineo de la region poplitea; sarcoma; amputacion del muslo; curacinn. Kev. ile nied. y cirug. pratt., Madrid, 1883, xiii, 241 -252.— B'Ambro«io (A.) Su di un caso di carcinoma di vec- chie cicatrici per scottatura e del cbeloide. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1877, n. s., ii, 85-108, 2 pi. -----. Igroma popliteo. Ibid., 1878, n. s., iii, 3!)7. 410. Also: Movimento. Napoli, 1878, x, 513-523.—Davie. Popliteal growths. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 536.—Bel Vecchio (S.) Igroma popliteo guarito con 1' iniezione di acqua fenicata al 4%. Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Napoli, 1889. n. s., xi, 113-126. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1889, vi, 203- 210. — Dettpres. Nevrome arnyliliniiiue sous-cutan6. Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 15. -----. Cancer encepha- lolde du creux poplitti; generalisation; appaivnce d'abc^s. France med., Par., 1883, ii, 181-184.—Bobie (\V. M.) Bursal swelling in popliteal space: evacuation of contents; blistering; cure. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efe Edinb.. 1853, xvii, 418.—Bun ii (H. P.) Bursal tumour in popliteal re- gion. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 404.—Durham. Tumor in the popliteal space. Brit. M. J., Lond., 187o, i, 181 — Eder (A.) Sarcoma in region, fossae poplit. sin.; vein Prof, von Pitha operirt. In his: Aerztl. Ber. 1875, 8?, Wien, 1876, 191.-Fere (C. ) Kyste tendiiienx tlu creux poplite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv 444. Also: Progress nied.. I'ar., 1880, viii, 133.— Ferrnnt (C.) Deux cas de fistule* peri-osseu3es, de la region poplitee; tie la necessite d'une operation radicale, pour la cm a tion de ces suites d'afl'eitions. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1877, xliv, 480.—Fevrier (C.) Note sur un cas de, kyste du creux poplitti. Gaz. med. de Par., 1889. 7. s., vi, 137.—Fifield (VV. C. B.) Cyst of the popliteal space, communicating with the knee-joint, and descending by gradual distention to the calf of the leg. Boston M.efc S. J., 1873, Ixxxviii, 127.— Forget. Tumeur flbreuse tie la region poplitee. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1853-4, iv, 275.- Foucher (E.) Me- moire sur les kystes tie la region poplitee. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1856, ii, 313; 425. .Uso. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1850, iv, 1158; 1173; 1181; 1189— Gciin-KoM-. Tumeur fibro-plastique du jarret. Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 213-216.—Ooaselin. Tumeur du creux poplite; dithcultes du diagnostic. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 314- 316.—Grade. Abc6s froid du creux poplite; hemorrha- gic. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1879, 3. s., xvi, 500-504.— Groan. Cystic tumor of the ham. Med. efc Surg. Re- porter. Phila., 1868, xix, 374.—Gruget. Sarcome tlu creux poplite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1880, Par., 1881, iv. 41. Also: J. tie med. de lonest, Nantes, 1881, xv, 09.—Hart (E.) Cysts at the back of tlie knee .joint, simulating aneu- rism ; diagnosis; treatment by injection: cure Med. Times efe (in/,., Lond., 1802, i,' 377!—Hernandez (A.) Tumorvoluiiiinosotledifie.il diagnostico en la legion peipli- tea. [Sarcoma.] Rev. de med. y cirug. piact" Madrid, Popliteal region (Tumors and diseases of). 1877, i, 501; 513.— Hervouret. Tumeur sarcomateuse du ereux poplite. Bull. Soc.anat. dePar., 1874, xlix, 257.— Hill (0.) Case of cystic sarcoma of the popliteal space. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, lis Hilton. Tumor in the pop- liteal region ; malignant K Lonil. M. tia/.., 1851, n. s., xii, 441- 444.—Hortelonp (I*.) Kyste tie. la region poplitee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I860, xxxiii, 209.—Krouleiu (R. U.) Ein Osteophyt der Fossa poplitea; Tlie Folge eines Aneurysuia traumaticuni A. popliteic, nicht die. Ursache. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.. Tubing., 1888-9, iv, 615-620, 1 pi. — l.mo- yeniie. Kyste volumineux du creux poplite gueri par la cauterisation au nitrate d'argent. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 390. — l-imiiiin- ( W. ) Fibrous cysts in the ham containing thie-k viscid fluid. Lond. M.Gaz., 1837-8, xxii, 74-76. — Iii- Bee. Kyste synovial tin creux poplite; ex- tirpation antist'ptit|Uf;'gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 883. — lie Benin. Tumeur du creux poplite eonsti- tuee par une bernie de la synoviale. J. denied, et chir. prat., Par., 1878, xlix, 13. — l.citiaiHti-c. Sarcome. tin creux poplitti. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1873, xlviii, 213- 215. — Ijiegeois. Kystes multiples du creux poplite. Ibid., 1859, xxxiv, 315. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 238-240. — l.iNlou (R. ) Case of erectile tumour in the popliteal space, and its re- moval. Laucet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 27-29. — JVIendez (R.) Flemou popliteo. Rev. de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1877, i, 441. — illillot-Carpciitier (G.) Cancer epithe- lial du creux poplite; amputation de la euisse; guerison; valeur des injections sou s-cutaneesd'ether dans la syncope. Bull. med. del'Aisue 1882-3, St.-Quentin, 1887, 58-6L Also: Union med., Par., 1883. 3. s., xxxv, 862.—lTliner. Bursa; in the popliteal space! Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1861-2, i, 75- 79. — itliquel (J.-K.) Observation d'un kyste hydatique qui me senible digne d'attention. [In abdomen and pop- liteal space.] Inhis: Tribute la chir. prat, [etc J, 8°, Tours, 1870, 305-311.—lTIorel-Iiavallef-c (A.) Sai■i-ometlucreiix poplite. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1*83, lviii. 154. Also: Progres meel., Par., 1883, xi, 771— More*9. 4°. Boston. Current. Title of v. 1-16 and nos. 1-3, v. 17, was: Boa. ton (The) Journal of Chemistry. I'optllar (The) Science Review. A quarterly miscellany of entertaining and instructive arti- cles on scientific subjects. Edited by James Samuelson. v. 1-5, Oct., 1K61, to Dec, 1876; n. s., v. 1-5, 1877-81. 8G. London. v. 4 complete in 5 nos., ending with Oct., 1865; v. 5 com- menced Jan., 1866. v. 3-15 edited by H. Lawson; v. 1-5, n. s., by W. S. Dallas. Popular tracts on homoeopathy. 24 1. 12°. London, H. Turner, [n. d.]. CONTENTS. No. 1. Alarming uncertainty in the medical art. No. 2. HomeBopathy, or the law of cure. No. 3. Objections urged against homieopathy. No. 4. The practical test of homoeopathy. No. 5. The do-nothing theory. No. 6. The theory of imagination. No. 7. The advantages of homoeopathy. No. 8. The opposition to homieopathy. No. 9. The small dose of homoeopathy. No. 10. The arithmetical difficulty. Nos. 11 efe 12. Homoeopathy in acute diseases. Popular (A) treatise on vegetable physiology. Published under the auspices of the Society for the Promotion of Popular Instruction, viii, 9- 300 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, Lea # Blanchard, 1812. Population and overpopulation. See, also, Conception ( Prevention of); Habi- tations; Hygiene (Municipal, etc.), by localities; Sociology; Statistics (Medical, etc.); and un- der names of countries and places. Allen (N.) Population; its law of increase. 8°. Lowell, 1870. ------. Lessons on population, suggested hy Grecian and Roman history. 8°. Boston, 1871. Repr. from: Congregational Quarterly, Oct., 1871. Besant (Annie). The law of population; its couseciuences, and its bearing upon human con- duct and morals. 12°. London, [n. d.]. ------. Thesame. 12°. New York, 1878. Bevkkovh us [van Rrvekwyck] (J.) Ln- leydinge lot tie Hollandtsche genees-miildelen. Ofte kort bericht, dat elck landt ghenoegh heeft POPULATION. 509 POKATI. Population and overpopulation. tot ondcrhoudt van het leven, ende de gesondt- hcyelt eler inwoouders. 4°. Amsterdam, 1656. Drysdale (C. R.) Overpopulation consid- ered as a prominent cause of misery and early death. 1 galley-sheet, [ii. p., n. d.] Evekett (A. H.) Nouvelles id6es sur la po- pulation, avec des remarques sur les theories de Malthus et de Godwin; ouvrage traduit sur Perdi- tion anglaise publie"e k Boston, en 1823, avec une nouvelle preface de l'auteur, par C.-J. Ferry. 8U. Paris, 1826. Ichenhaeuser (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Uebcr- volkerungsfrage. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Langguth (G. A.) [Pr.] ele incrementis fu- turi populi. 4°. [Wittembergensi, 1764.] Leudesdorp (M.) Nachrichten iiber tlie Ge- sundheitszustande in verschiedenen Hafenplii- tzcu. Auf Veranlassung eler Deputation fur Handel und Schifffahrt. 5. Hft. 4°. Hamburg, [1872], -----. The same. 6. Hft. 4°. Hamburg, [n.d.]. . ------. Thesame. Auf Veranlassung der De- putation fiir Handel uud Schifffahrt unter Mit- wirkung eles statistischen Bureaus der Steuer- Deputation zusammengestellt. 11. Hft. 4°. Hamburg, 1877. Malthus (T. R.) An essay on the priuciple of population; or, a view of its past antl present effects ou human happiness; with au inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions. 2 v. 8°. London, 1826. Malthusian (The). A crusade against pov- erty. A monthly journal. Organ of the Mal- thusian League. W. H. Reynolds, secretary. v. 9-11, 1887-9. 4°. London. Current. Means (On the) of retaining the population within any required limits. 8°. London, 1820. New (A) theory of population, deduced from the general law of animal fertility; with an in- troduction by R. I. Thrall. 12-'. New York, 1853. Repr. from.- Westminster Review, 1852. Owen (R. D.) Moral physiology; or, a brief antl plain treatise on the population ejuestion. 12°. London, 1844. Population fallacies: a defence of the Mal- thusian or true theory of society. Iu reply to tho "Weekly Dispatch", "Times", and others. By a graeluate of medicine. 10-. London, 1867. Sadler (M. T.) The law of population: a treatise, in six books; in disproof of the super- fecundity of human beings, anel developing the real priuciple of their increase. 8°. London, 1830. Taddei ( G. ) L' aumento eli popolazioue e subordinate) a' leggi iisiche determinate e inva- riahili. Memoria letta all' I. e R. Accaelemia elei Gcorgofili di Fireuze. 8°. [Firenze, 1846.] Reprint from v. 24 of the Atti. Yolkmann (L.) Die Losung der socialen Frage durch die Frau, nebst Angabe eines na- tiirlichen Mittels zur Beschraukung der Nach- kommeuschaft. Fiir Aerzte und Geburtshelfer. 8°. Neuwied, 1889. Allen (N.) Theliiwofhumanincrea.se; or, population based on physiology and psychology. Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y., 18C8, ii, 209-200. Also, Reprint. -----. The physiological laws of human increase. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1870, xxi, 383-407. Also, Reprint. -----. The true law of population, based on physiology antl psychology. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1873, n. s., xv, 111.-----. The true law of population based upon physiology. Ibid., xvi, 7. -----. The law of human increase. ' Pop. Sc. Month., N. T., 1882-3, xxii, 39-48.—Andrcc. Les effets eiu militarisme. Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1881, viii, 241 - 270. — Are the operations of sanitary science Population and overpopulation. likely to result in the evils of overpopulation and defi- cient food supplies? [Edit.] San. Jour, for Scotland Glasg., 1870-8, i, 370-372.— Atkinson (F. P.) Over population-, effects produced by it, and the remedies pro- posed. Edinb.M. J., 1877-8, xxiii, 232-239. -----. Overpop- ulation and its proposed treatment by lessening the birth- rate. Ibid., 1880-81, xxvi, 227-231. -----. A refutation of Malthusian arguments. Ibid., 1881-2, xxvii, 255-265.— Connexion (The) between public health aud activity in the trades connected with building. Builder, Loud. 1874 xxxii, 602-604. — Itryadale (O.-R.) De l'accroissement trop rapide de la population en Angleterre et en France. •Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1880, ii, 64-73. Also [Abstr. ]: Art med., Brux., 1878, xiv, 241-244. -----. La doctrine de Malthus. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 5. s., vii, 531. -----. Die Bevolkerungsfrage. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 457; 470.—Duiiinit. Influence de l'im- migration de la population des campagnes dans les villes. Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1877, Ge- neve, 1878, v, 530-549, 1 pl.-Farr (W.) Density or prox- imity of population; its advantages antl disadvantages. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1878. Loud., 1879, 530-535. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1879, xxiii, 76-80.—Fleury (S.) Lettre sur le nialthusianisme. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1871, xliv, 153.—Klose (C. L.) Ueber die Besorgnisso, welche die iramer steigende Bevolkerung der civilisii ten Staaten in den neuern Zeiten erregt hat. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1828, xv, 1-18. -----. Ueber die iu der neuesteu Zeit vorgeschlagenen Verhutungsmittel der Uebervolke- rung. Ibid., xvi, 395-410.— ITIettenhcimcr (C.) Ueher den sogenannten Neo-Malthusianismus. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1883, n. F., iii, 6; 65; 129.—Panthel. Der Neo- Malthusianismus. Ibid., 1881, n. F., i, 81-90.—Physical (The) and chemical limits to population. J. Sc, Loud., 1884, 3. s., vi, 121-126.—Storer (H. R.) On the decrease of the rate of increase of population now obtaining in Europe anel America. Am J. Sc. efe Arts, N. Haven, 1867, 2. s., xliii, 141-155. Also, Reprint.—Trompco (B.) Dell' opportunity di conservare le tradizione mediche a fine di ovviaie ai pericoli degli eccessi elei novatori. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1862, 2. s., xliv, 3-14. Also, Re- print.—tie Ujfalvy. De la migration des peuples en ge- neral. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1876, Budapest, 1877, viii, 587.—Vacher. La doctrine de Malthus. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 5. s., i, 564.—Verhurst (P.-F.) Memoire sur la loi d'accroissement de la population. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1846, xxi, 116-132.—Welling (J. C.) The law of Malthus. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1888, i, 1-23.— Whittle (E.) The population question. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, n. s., viii, 75. Population fallacies: a elefence ofthe Malthu- sian or true theory of society. In reply to the "Weekly Dispatch", "Times", and others. By a graduate of medicine. 2. ed. 31 pp. 16°. London, E. Truelove, 1867. Populus (L.) * Sur l'allaitement. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 328, v. 118. Populus (Paul-£mile). *Du thrombus de la vulve et du vagin pendant la grossesse et l'ac- couchement. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 246, v. 609. Populus. lVIorse (W. H.) Populus. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1882, n. s., iii, 245; 373. Poqiiilloii (Jeau-Baptiste-Louis). "De la ni6- nopause, ou de Page elit critique chez la femme. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 169, v. 449. Porak (Charles). * Considerations snr 1'ictere ties nouveau-nes et sur le moment oil il faut pra- tiquer la ligature du corelon ombilical. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, [1878], No. 239. ------. De l'absorption des medicaments par le placenta ct de leur elimination par l'urine des enfants nouveau-ne5s. 98 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1878. ------. * De l'influence reciproque de la grossesse ct des maladies du cceur. 1 p. 1., 151 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880. Concours. See, also, Fournicr (Alfred). Lesions tertiaires de l'anus, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1875. Porati (Antonio) [ -1819]. Sinonimia chimi- co-fannaceutica che comprende i nomi italiani e latini delle sostanze attualmeute usate in medi- cina, aggiuntavi la stenografia chimica moderna. 3 p. 1., 218 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Maspero, 1816. [P., v. 1854.] POIIAY-KOSCHITZ. 510 POKENCEIMI ALUS. Poray-Koschitz (W.). See Schperk (Edouard). Recherches statistiques sur la syphilis, [etc. J. 8°. Paris, 1875. Porcacclli (Tommaso) [circa 1530-85]. Fune- rali antichi di diversi popoli, et uationi; forma, ordine, et pompa di sepolture, eli essequie, di con- secrationi antiche et d' altre. Descritti iu ilia- logo. 3 p. 1., 109 pp. 4°. Venezia, S. Galigiiaui, 1574. Porcelain (Worlcers in). Boudet (G.) Recherches sur ies malaelies des pom>- lainiers. J. Soc. denied, et pharm. de la Haute-Vieniio, Limoges, 1885, ix, 33; 71; 85; 104.—Cause (De la) des dan- gers inh6rents k la profession de poi celainier. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1881, liv, 851.—Ulcere simple de l'estomac chez les tourneurs en porcelaine. Ibid., 553. Porcellana. Brooks (W. K.) efe Wilson (E. B.) The first zoea of porcellana. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1881-2, ii, 58-64, 2 pi. Porcliaire [1860- ]. * Tuberculose consecu- tive au retrecissement cancereux de l'cesophage (iuauitiation). 52 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 222. Porchat (Albert). *De l'ictere chez les non- veau-n6s. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 35, v. 579. [Also, in: P., v. 796.] Poreher ( Francis Peyre ) [ 1824- ]. The meeliciual, poisonous, aud elietetic properties of the cryptogamic plants of the United States, being a report to the American Medical Associa- tion. 126 pp. 8°. New York, Baker, Godwin 4- Co., 1854. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., N. T., 1854, vii. -----. Prize essay . . . February, 1860. Illus- trations of disease with the microscope. Clini- cal investigations, aided by the microscope, and by chemical reagents; with microscopical obser- vations of pathological specimens, medical and surgical, obtained in Charleston, S. C. A con- tribution intended to disclose the minute history of the diseases prevailing in this latituele, and to assist future students. Pt. 1. 133 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Charleston, Evans 4* Coggswell, 1861. -----. Resources of the Southern fields and for- ests, medical, economical, and agricultural. Be- ing also a medical botany of the Confetlerate States; with practical information on the useful properties of the trees, plants, and shrubs. Pre- pared aud published by order of the surgeon- general, Richmond, Va. xxv, 601 pp. 8°. Charleston, Evans 4* Cogswell, 1863. -----. Thesame. New ed. Revised and largely nuginented. 373 pp. 8°. Charleston, Walker, Evans 4" Cogswell, 1869. -----. Yellow fever in Charleston, 1871, with remarks upon its treatment. President's address before South Carolina Medical Association. 30 pp. 8°. Charleston, S. C, Walker, Evans 4- Cogs- well, 1872. Repr. from: Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1872. -----. Explanation of a simple method for the diagnosis of organic valvular diseases of the heart. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1880.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxx. -----. Report of nine cases (second series) of pleuritic effusion, with removal of nine hundred and six ounces of fluid. Also one of paracentesis in abscess ofthe liver; a pint and a half of pus evacuated, with recovery. 7 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1885. Repr. from: Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1885. -----. Report of ten cases of pleuritic effusion with aspiration of the chest. Fourth series. With a case of injection of carbolized iodine into a lung cavity. 5 pp. 8°. [Charleston. 1888.] Repr. from: Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1888. Poreher (Francis Peyre)—continuetl -----. Fifteen cases of hydrothorax (sixth se- ries). 6 pp. 8°. [Charleston, 1889.] Repr. from: Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, liss'.l. Also, Co-Editor of: Charleston (The) Medical Jour- nal and Review, 1850-55; 1873-7. Poreher (Marcel-Alexandre-Jacques). * De la maladie eles tailleurs de pierres. 27 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F. C. Eeitz, 1866. Poreher (P.) * Sur la greuouillette. 40 pp. 8' Paris, an XI (1803), v. 35. Poreher (Victor-Charles-Marie). * Essai sur le goitre daus ses relations avec les fonctions ute- rines. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 65. Poreher (W. Peyre). Cases from practice, in tliseases of the throat anel nose. Reael before the South Carolina Medical Association. 8 pp. «°. [Charleston, 1888.] Porcheret (F.-Theodore). *Sur la peritonite. vi, 7-30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 55, v. 130. Porchester. Stevens (H.) Report on the sanitary state of Porchester. Nov., 1872. fol. London, 1872. [Porehon (A.)] Nouveau traitte du pourpre, de la rougeole et petite verole, tie leur nature et de leurs remedes. Avec un traitte de la douleur uephretique, de la pierre des reins et tie la vessie, des remedes qui soulagent, ejui s'opposent a sa formation et qui contribuent le plus a sa gueri- son. 5 p. 1., 287 pp. 18°. Paris, M. Villery, 1688. Porcupine (Peter), pseud. [William Cob- bett]. Editor of: Bush-Leight (The), New York, 1800. Porcupine. Boeckh (C. J. A) De spinis hystricum. 4°. Berolini, 1834. Pordage (Joh.). Portraitin: Collection van Kaathoven.—Collection of Portr. of Phys. et Men of Sc, 194 and 216. Porda^e (Samuel). See Willi* (Thomas). An assay of the pathology of the brain [etc.]. fol. London, 1681. Poreau (Alfri'tl-Eilouard). * Recherches sur les causes des vomissements des femmes enceintes. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 222, v. 595. Poree (Emmanuel-Rambert) [1863- ] *l5tude analy tique des symptomes ele la dysenterie aigui', epidemie observee k Toulon du mois de mai au mois ele novembre 1887. 88 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 53. Poree (Henri) & Livaehe (Ach.) Traite theorique et pratiepie eles manufactures et ate- liers dangereux, insalubres ou incommodes (eta- blissemeuts classes); conditions de leur autori- sation et de leur exploitation, obligations et re- sponsabilite de l'industriel k regard eles voisins. vii, 697 pp. 8°. Paris, Marchal 4 Billard, 1887. Porencephalitis. See, also, Brain (Abnormities of). ' Kundrat (H.) Die Porencephalie, eiue ana- tomische Studie. 8°. Graz, 1882. Roger (O.) * Ueber die Porencephalie. 8°. Erlangen, 1866. Schultze (F.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den angebornen Hirndefecten (Porencephalie). 8°. Heidelberg, 1886. Vogel (R.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Hirn- manteldefecte ( Porencephalie). 8°. Dorpat, 1889. Andral (G.) Observations sur I'atrophie des hemi- spheres cerebraux. In his: Clinique iu6d., 8°, Par., 1840,v, 596-611.— Audry. Les porencephalies. Rev. de med., Par., 1888, viii, 462; 553.—Bianchi (L.) Difetto pnrence- falicei in individuo emiplegieo dall' infanzia e con arresto di sviluppo degli arti del lato einiplegico. Psichiatria. Na- poli, 1884-5. ii, 97-112. Also [Abstr. 1: Riv. sper. eli freniat., Keggio-Emilia, 1883, ix, pt. 2, 218. Also, transl. [Ahstr.j: POKENCEPHALUS. 511 POKETTA. Porencephalus. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1884, iii, 370.—Biuswanger (O ) Ueber eine Missbilduug des Gehirns. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxvii, 427-476, 2 pi. -----. Ueber einen Fall von Porencephalie. Ibid., 1885, cii, 13-25, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1886, v, 483.— BrcMchet (G.) Note sur deux enfans nouveau-nes, hydro- cephalus et nianquantde cerveau. J. de physiol. exper., I'ar., 1822, ii, 269-276. -----. Note sur des enfans uouveau- n6s chez lesquels l'enc6phale offrait un developpement iinparfait. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1823, ii, 457-466.— Brotlowski (W.) [Porencephalia.! Medyoyna, War- szawa, 1878, vi, 393. Also: Pam. Towarz. Lek. "Warszaw., 1878 lxxiv, 636. Also, transl.: Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. ... el. ges. Med., Berl., 1879, xiii, 254.—Brucii (E. T.) Case of porencephalus. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii. 303.— It run It (E; N.) A case of porencephalus, with speci- men. Ibid., 301-303. Also: J. Nerv. efc Ment. Dis., N.Y., 1888, xv, 208-212. Also: Polyclinic, Phila., 1887-8, v, 304- ^06.—C'aznlis. Hydroctiphalie avec disparit ion de la plus grande partie du cerveau et integrite tlu eervelet, de la protuberance et de la moelle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1831, 2. ed., 1850, vi, 107-109. Also, in: Cruveilhier (J.) Anat. path, du corps huniain, fol., Par.. 1829-35, i, 15 livr., pi. 4.—Cruveilhier (J.) Auenc6phalie hydnicephulique chez un enfant k petite tete. Inhis: Anat. path, du corps huniain, fol., Par., 1829-35, i, 15. livr., pi. 4.— Deschamps. [Sur un vice de conformation cong6uial tlu cerveau.) tlaz. med.de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 630. Also, transl.: Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1834, i, 74.—Ferraro (P.) Osservazioui auatonio-patologiche e considerazioni cliniche sopra tre casi di porencefalia, con un appendice sulla importanza degli antichi focolai caseosi obsoleti. Riv. internaz. tli med. e chir., Napoli, 1886, iv, 254 ; 317; 377 ; 460, 4 pi.—Ferrier (D.) The brain of a criminal lunatic. Brain, Lond., 1882- 3, v, 62-73.—Frigerio (L.) Emiparesi, emianestesia sensoriale, emiatrofia sinistra da lesioue della zona motrice destra (porencefalia), diminuzione della sensibility coinuue a destra da lesioue delle circonvoluzioni del lobo quadran- golare ciuistro in una epilettica. Atti d. Soc. freniat. ital. 1886, Milano, 1887. v, 82-92. Also: Ann. univ. di metl. echir., Milano, 1887, cclxxix, 46-52, 1 pi.—Frijlinck (T. E.) Eeu geval van porencephalie. Psvchiat. Bl., Utrecht, 1888, vi, 70-75, 1 pi.—Ouerment. Idiotie par atrophic tie la presque totalite ele l'heinisph6re droit du cerveau; trans- formation de cet hemisphere eu cellulosile dans lesmailles de laquelle etait deposee une grande quantite de s6rosit6 ; induration et tlisposition rameuse tie quelques fibres cere- brales. In: Cruveilhier (J.) Anat. path, du corps hu- niain, fob. Par., 1829-35, i, 5. livr., pi. 4. -----. Idiotie ahsolue; absence du lobe moyen gauche et commuuication du ventricule lateral avec la cavity de l'arachiiolde exte- rieure; deformation du eervelet; atrophie de won hemi- sphere gauche. Ibid., 5. livr., pi. 5.—Headington. [Boy 11 years of age ; hemiplegia; amaurosis; duration of tlisease two years.] In: Abercrombie (J.) Pract. efc Path. Researches on Diseases of the Brain, 4. ed., 12°, Edinb., 1845, 447. Also, transl. in: Abercrombie (J.) Des mala- dies de l'eucepbale [etc.], 3. ed., 12°, Brux., 1837, 405. Also, transl. in: Abercrombie (J.) Ueher die Krank- heiten des Gehirns [etc.], 8°, Bonn, 1821, 244. — He- noch (E.) Eiu Fall vou Atrophia cerebri. "Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842. 657-664, 1 pi. — Hcwchl (K.) Gehirndefect und Hydrocephalus. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxi, 59-74. -----. Eiu ueuer Fall von-Porencephalie. Ibid., 1861, Ixxii, 102-104, 1 pi. -----. Neue Falle von Porencephalie. Ibid., 1868, c, 40- 45, 1 pi.—Heubner. [Ueber cerebrate Kinderlahinung.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 737.—Iliigel (F. S.) Partieller Mangel der rechten Grosshirnhemisphare. Metl. Jahrb.d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1847, lx, 1-12.— Hu- giieniii. lEin Fall doppelter Porencephalie bei einem im 8. Monate durch Abortus geborenen Fotus.] Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1878, Suppl.-Bd., 70.— Jalan . 4°. Paris, 1836, No. lOrt, v. 297. Poret ( P.-B. ) * Sur les abces produits par l'in- flammation aigue. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1807, No. 55, v. 67. Poretta. Maunoir (E.) * La Porrette et Monte-Catini. 8°. Florence, 1848. POR ETTA. 512 PORroiiATI. Poretla. -----. Kesum6 des rapports publics par MM. Paolini ct Maluccelli, snr la clinique des thermes de hi Porrette et de Monte-Catini. 8°. Florence, 1848. Paolini (M.) Intorno 1' efficacia delle acque termali della Porretta coutro la sterility delle domic, fol. Bologna, 1851. -----. Dell' azione iisiologica in genere delle acque termali di Porretta. fol. Bologna, 1854. Qva: infirmitates curat aqua et balneum de Porecla. In: Guy ob Chauliac. Cyrurgia [etc.]. fol. Yenetiis, 1490, 74-78. Bertoloni (G.) Della sostanza albuminoide che si riscontia in alcune tlelle acque solforose della Porretta de- scrizione. Mem. Accad. el. sc. d. Ist. eli Bologna, 1867, 2. s., vii, 101-105, 1 pi. — Brugnoli (G.) Delle terme Por- rettane. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1874, Bologna, 1875, vi, 352-363. Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bulofjua, 1875, . 5. s., xix, 305-320. -----. Solfidrometria delle acque mine- rali di Porretta. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s., xix, 321-328. — tenurenti (M.-A.) Analyse eles eaux tie Poreeta. [From: Mem. Acad. tl. sc. de Boiogne.] Collect. acad. il. mem., etc. Partie franc., Par., 1773, x, 481-489.— Paolini (M.) Sulle acque termali della Porretta. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1842, 3. s., i, 221-303. -----. Intorno 1' e fticacia delle acque termali della Porretta contro le malat- tie cronicbe della pelle. Ibid., 1845,3. s., vii, 209-236.—Ra- vaglia ( G.) Nuove osservazioni sull'uso ed efficacia delle acque della Porretta. Spallanzani, Modena, 1882,2. 8., xi, 628-630. Also: Raccoglitore metl., Forh, 1883, xix, 303- 311. Porez (Auguste). * Des tumeurs addne/ieles du sein. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 240, v. 623. Porge (Ulysse-Pierre). * Sur l'ophthalmite. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 184, v. 274. Porges ( G. ) Specilische Wirkungsweise und pbysiologische Analysen der Carlsbader Heil- quellen. xii, 268 pp. 8°. Dessau, Gebr. Katz, 187)3. -----. Thesame. Carlsbad, ses eaux thermales; analyse physiologique de leurs proprietes cura- tives et tie leur action specifique sur le corps humain. xxxi, 244 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here 4-fils, 187)8. [P., v. 1448.] -----. Balneologische Zeitfragen. 36 pp. 8°. Prag, F. Bohlicek, 1856. ------. The mineral waters of Carlsbad consid- ered from a homceopathic point of view for physicians and patients. 2 p. 1., 162 pp. 12°. Prague, T. Haase Sons, 1864. Porges (Gabriel). * De cholera morbo. vi, 7- 80 pp. 8°. Pragw, 1836. Porges (S.) Die Ruelolfsquelle in Marieubad und deren besonelere Bedeutung fiir die Beband- lung der Krankheiten des Harnsystems. viii, 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Pork. See, also, Ham (Poisoning by); Hogs (Diseases of); Meats (Diseased, etc.); Sausage; Trichina. Fischer (J. A.) Antiquissimuni frueuda) car- nis usum planum facit atque comprobat, simul porciuam ab insimnlata malitia ista viudicans, quotl nempe anceps hoc cibarii genus ad lepraiu corpora piaecipitet. sin. 4°. Erfordice, [1721]. M'Adoo (W.) An appeal to the people in re- gartl to the use of swiue llesh as food. 8°. Brook- ville, 1867). Pork ; or the dangers of pork-eating exposed. (Health TractNo. 7.) 12°. Battle Creek, Mich., [n. d.]. Anhalt. Untersuchung ties Schweinefleisches auf Fiuuen. Mod.-Gesetzgeb., Berl., If 80, vi, 475.—Berkhnii. Ergebuisse der ruikroskopisehen Untersuchung des Sehweinefleisches. 11. &2. reports.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxv, 1-12: 1868, xlii, 352-358. — Bimnell (G. P.) Swine's flesh as food; some inquiry into the notion that swine's flesh as food induces the tlisease called scro- fula in the human system. Med. & Surg Reporter, Phila , 1867, xxii, 245. — Bowditch (H. I.) Raw pork as an ali- ment. Boston M. efc S. J., 1856-7, lv, 497-502. — Chotteau (L.) La viaude de pore et le microscope. Siecle med., Par., 1881, ii. 201-207. — I>avi» ( E. W. S.) Brawn poi- Pork. soiling. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 559.— Delpech. De la ladrerie du pore, au point tie vue de riiygiene privec et publique. [Extrait.] Bull. Acad, de nied.. Par., 1862-3, xxviii, 354-367.—Dupuy (W. R.) Caseof poixuiiingfrom pork. Med. Exam., Phila., 1839, ii, 66.-En leaker;; (H.) Die Ergebnisse derneueren Untersuchungen eles Si hweine- fleisches. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 188(1, xliv, 150-161.—Fleming (A.) On the nieasle of tho pig, and on the \vliiile;sieiueness, as food for man, of measly pork. Dublin {}. J. M. Sc, 1857, xxiii, 100-106. Also, Keprint,— de Giokz (L.) Conseil d'lngiene superieur ele la lion- grie; importation des viandes de pore ele rAmeiique. J. d'hyg., Par., 1879, iv, 313. — <»uardia (l.-M.) La la- drerie du pore dans l'antiquit6. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1*05, 2. s., xxiii, 420-461.—Haeker. Wahre Ursache des Ver- botes des Schweiuefleisches bei deu Jutlen. Metl. Argus, Leipz., 1843, v, 371-373.—ITIcOi vitt (J.) Observations on the deleterious effects occasionally produced by pork. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1836, xlvi, 293-305. — Mackey ( E.) Symptoms of irritant poisoning from pork brawn. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 533.—ITlaznre (J.) Resultatcn van het microscopisch onderzoek van vai keiiHvlee.sili. Tijd- schr. v. veeartseni.jk. en veeteelt, Amst., 1882, xii, 106.— Osier (W.) efc Clement (A. W.) An investigation into the parasites in the pork supply of Montreal. Canada M. efc S. J., Montreal, 1882-3, xi, 325-336. Also, Reprint,— Pepper ( W.) A case of severe inflammation of the stomach and intestines, produced by pork, with autopsy. Metl. Exam., Phila., 1838, i, 5. - Kololl ( F. ) Ueber ei- geutbiiiuliche Knotchen im Schweinefleisch. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xliii, 524-528, 3 pi.—Marnier (J.) Erkrankungen nach dem Genussvon Sehweiiiellei.se li, Trichinen? Ibid., 1864, xxix, 215-221.—Verein eler Flei- scher in Nordhausen zur mikroskopiHihen Cutersurhung des Schweinefleisches. Ibid., 1865, xxxiv, 625-627—Vir- chow (R. ) Ueber Coneretiouen im Schweinefleisch, welche wahrscbeinlich aus Guanin bestehen. Ibid., 1866, xxxv, 358.— W. Raw pork as an article of diet. Boston M. efc S. J., 1857, lvi, 23. Pork; or the dangers of pork eating exposed. (Health Tract No. 7.) 16 pp. 12c. Battle Creek, Mich., [n. d.]. Porla. H wasser (I. ) * Underrattelser for brunns- giister vid Porla. 2 pts. [Advices to visitors of the springs of Porla.] 8°. Upsala, 1849. Wettekgken (C.) Iakttagelser roiandePorla brunu och ties verkningar samt rati for kurgiister. [Notes on Porla springs anil their effect, with ad- vice for patients.] 8°. Stockholm, [n. d.]. BlixiM.G.) Porla halsobrunn 1885. [Mineral springs of Porla.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1886, xxi, 274-2*5.-----. Rapport fran Porla Brunns och Badaustalt lor ar 1886. Ibid., 1880-7, xxii, 170-175. Pornogrsiplie (Le), ou ideSes d'un honnete homme, [etc.]. SeeRetif delaBretonne (Nico- las-Edme). Pornot (J.-F.-Alfred). * Des causes et du traite- ment tie l'hemorrhagie ce>6brale. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 258, v. 609. Porockovschikoff (A. A.). See PopoflT (M. A.) Izkusstvo ozdorov lenija gorodov. v. 1. 8°. Moskva, 1887. Poros. See Pest (Bistory, etc., of), by localities. Porpita. 4Jonn (H. W.) & Beyer (H. G.) The nervous system of porpita. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1881-3, ii, 433-445, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. Porpoise. See, also, Brain (Comparative anatomy of). Cunningham (D. J.) The spinal nervous system of the porpoise and dolphin. J. Anat. efc Physiol., Loud., 1876-7, xi, 209-228, 1 pi— Howew (G. B.) On some points in the anatomy of the porpoise (Pbocana communis). Ibid., 1879-80, xiv, 407-474, 1 pi. — Ijandwehr ( H. A.) Ueber den Eiweisskorper (tibriuogeue Substauz) der Vesi- cula seminalis der Meerschweinchen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1880, xxiii, 538-541. — Macltey (J. Y.) The arteries of I he head antl neck and the i ete mirabile ol the porpoise (Phocasna communis). In: Mem. [etc.) in Anat., 8°, Loud. & Edinb., 1889, 61-71, 1 pi.—Sibson (F.) On the blow-hole of the porpoise. Phil. Tr., Lond., l>-46-8, 117-123, 1 pi. Also, in his: Collect. Works, 8°, Lond., 1881, i, 324-337. Porporati (Michelangelo). Osservazioni clini- che c considerazioni intorno alle tavole statis- POLU'ORATI. 513 POlillO. Porporati (Michelangelo)—continued. ticlie mediche deH'anuo lHSOdel Manicomio di To- rino. 132 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Torino, E.Botta, 1881. Poi'QHCt (L.-A.) *Des pr6sentations du tronc. 94 pp., 1 1- 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 104. Porquet (Marc-Hippolyte). *I. Du traitement et de la nature de la pericardite. II. [etc.]. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 245, v. 380. Porr (V.) * Ueber einen Fall von Ataxie locomo- trice progressive. 32 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1874. Porral (Auguste). * Considerations et observa- tions sur les maladies de l'encephale. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 286, v. 237. Porras Macliaca. See Pelaez (Agustin). Disertacion acerca del verda- tlero eardcter y metodo cnrativo de las heridas de annas tie fuego, [etc.]. ' 16°. Madrid, 1797. de Porras ( M muel ). Anatomia galenico-nio- tierna. 1 frontispiece, 31 p. 1., 616 pp., 20 pi., port. 8°. Madrid, B. Peralta, 1716. -----. Medula ele cirngia, y examen ele cirujanos, corregitla y anadido. 4. ed. 11 p. 1., 212 pp. 12°. Madrid, P. J. Alonso y Padilla, [1741]. Por rat ( Hilaire-Jean ) *De la pneunionie in- flammatoire et dela pneumonie catarrhale aigues, conside^es au point de vue clinique. 72 pp., 4 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Cristin 4- Cie., 1864, v. 43. Porre (Pierre Joseph). * Sur la fistule lacrymale. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 35, v. 283. Porree. See Drelinciirtins (Carolus). La 16gende du Gascon, [etc.]. 18°. Leide, [1663]. de Porres (Manuel). See de Porras (Manuel). Porretta. See Poretta. Porrigo. See, also, Favus; Impetigo (Contagious, etc.); Tinea. Dick (W.) A short treatise on tho external characters, nature, anel treatment of the elifferent forms of porrigo, or scalleel heael anel ringworm. 8°. Glasgow, 1838. Also [Abstr.], in: Lond. M. Gaz., 1837-8, xxi, 328; 414 ; 494. Duchexe (C.-J.) * Dissertation sur lagourme ou rache. 4°. Paris, 1820. Macilwain (G.) Clinical observations on the constitutional origin of the various forms of por- rigo, commonly known by the names of scald- heael, tinea, ring-worm, etc.; with elirections for the more scientific and successful management of this usually obstinate class of diseases by a treatment consisting of an appropriate modifica- tion of these principles first particularly pro- mulgated by Mr. Abemethy. 8°. London, 1833. Mendelssohn (A.) *De porrigine lupinosa. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. MC'ehr(F. J.) *De achoribus. 12°. Budw, [17811]. Oetinger (F. C.) *Problema practicnm, an achorum insitio, imitando variolarum insitionem, pro curandis pueritiae morbis rebellibus tuto ten- tari possit? Resp. Sainuele Theophilo Gmelin. sm. 4°. Tubingw, [1762]. Oi.denbourg (J. A. F.) * De porrigine. 4°. Gottingw, [1762]. Plumbe (S.) An essay on ringworm of the scalp, scalled head, and other forms of porrigo. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1827. Trichet (A.-F.-E.-J.) *Etablir le diagnostic du porrigo scutulata. 4°. Parts, 1843. Willan (R.) A practical treatise on porrigo or scalled head, and on impetigo, the humid or running tetter. Etlited by Ashby Smith. 4°. London, 1814. Corrigan. Porrigo or scalled head ; description of the fungus. Lublin Hosp. Gaz., 1845-6, ii, 1-5. [See, also, in- fra, Williams(P.H.)]—Davidson (H. G.) t Stethoscope 33 Porrigo. efe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852,ii, 133.— Dunn (R.W.) On porrigo. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 576.—D11 riant (C. M.) Practical observations on the porrigo scutulata, or ringworm of the scalp. Loud. M. Gaz., 1839-40. xxv, 740-743. — Letciiiieur. Note sur le porrigo scutulata, k propos de l'herpes tonsurant. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1852, xxviii, 317-322.—i?I. (F.-V.) Porrigo. Diet. tl. sc. med., Par., 1820, xliv, 333. — Ulac- eoruiac ( H. ) Treatment of porrigo, tinea favosa, etc. Practitioner, Lond., 1875, 261-263. — ITIaeilwain (G. ) Porrigo dependent, ou constitutional causes. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833-4, xiii, 560-562. -----. Influence of diet on por- rigo. Ibid., 629-631. — lVlursimia ( C. L. ) Ton einem hartnackigen Hautausschlage eines achtjahrigen Kindes, welcher von dem sogenannten Milchschorf (Crusta lactea) iibrig geblieben war, unel nun, grostentheils durch aussere Mittel, gliicklich gebeilet wurde; und dann etwas vom Milchschorf iiberhaupt. In his: Med.-chir. Beob., 12°, Berl., 1783, ii, 107-126.—IVaiiiiiaiin (M.) Ueber den Kopf- grind (Tinea s. Porrigo capitis). Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxii, 431-437. — Nysten. Achores. Diet. tl. sc.m6d.,Par., 1812, i, 115-125.—Petit. Gournie ou rathe. Ibid., 1817, xix, 34-38. — Piogey. Du sillon dans la gale et quelques observations sur le porrigo scutulata. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850. Par., 1851, ii, 175. — Kemali (K.) Zur Kenntniss von der pflanzlichen Natur eler Porrigo lupinosa W. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 73.-----. Mum cardine und Favus (Porrigo lupinosa). In his: Diag. u. path. Untersuch., 8°, Berl."; 1845, 193-215.—Roots. Case of porrigo lupinosa. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1M36, i, 237-247.—Sejournet. Des gourmes iuf'antiles et prin- cipalement de leur etiologie. Rev. mens. d. mal.de lent'., Par., 1889, vii, 97; 156; 209. — Spilsbury (E. A.) Some observations on porrigo larvalis. Lond. M. Reposit., 1818, ix, 193-196.—Startler. Beobachtung von Porrigo larva- lis, nebst anhanglicher Bemerkung iiber den Einfluss der acuten Exantheme auf chroni.sche Krankheiten. J. f. Ge- burtsb., Leipz., 1835, xiv, 345-351. — Therapeias (Ilepi) Ttav xpovitav e£av9rifiaTU)V, Kal LSiws tou a\o)pos, tou exe^e/uaTOs icai tou Krjpiov napa. tois in)7rioa, vtrb tov KaSij-yrjToG Kvpiov MioSvepov (Mothner) tv 'Biivvji. 'IaTpucrj MeAiertra, 'Ai>i)i/ai, 1854-5, ii, 38.—Thiry. Porrigo favosa generalia. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1878, 158-166, 1 pi. — Thom- son (A. T.) Porrigo. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1835, iv, 621-627. Also: Phila., 1845, iii, 653-659.—Tronx- seau ( A.) Des cas dans lesquels il convient de guerir les gourmes. J. de med., Par., 1845, iii, 289; 321; 353. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1845, iv, 121; 236; 4U2. Also: Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 293; 308; 4J5; 458; 557.—White (W.) Observations on a species of por- rigo affecting the scalp in circular red patches. Med. & Ph.vs. J-, Lond., 1809, xxi, 132. —[ Wieger.] Observa- tion d'un porrigo scutulata g6n6ralisee. Gaz. med. ele Strasb., 1861, xxi, 104-107.—Williams (P. H.) Observa- tions on porrigo, with reference to some recent statements made bv Dr. Corrigan. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1845, 420- 422.—Wilson (W. J. E.) Porrigo. Lancet, Lond., 1840, i, 795. Porrigo decalvans. See Alopecia. Poi'l'itt (Norman). The operative treatment of iutra-thoracic effusion. [Fothergilliau prize es- say.] x (1 1.), 307 pp. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, [1883]. Porro (Carlo). Dell' origine del contagio ve- nereo. Brevi cenni. 40 pp. 8°. Pavia, L. Lan- doni, 1836. Porro (Edoardo) [1842- ]. II hiennio 1869-70 alia Maternita. di Milano. Rendiconto clinico, osservazioni pratiche e note critiche. 344 pp., 2 1. 8°. Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1872. -----. Pelvi distocica per vizio congenito di formazione e per influenza rachitica, distacco parziale tlella vagina dall' utero, cambiamento consecutivo di presentazione. Generality sul meccanismo di deformazione della parete an- teriore del bacino ed indicazioni che ne derivano. Relazione e studi. 78 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1873. Delia amputazione utero-ovarica come complemento di taglio cesareo. 83 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1876. Relazione annuale statistica, 1884 [e 1885], sulle contlizioni sanitarie della citt& di Cremona, presentata alia giunta comuuale. 80 pp., 1 tab.; !J1 pp., 8 1., 1 tab. 12°. Cremona, [1884-6]. ----. Progetti e proposte per 1' Ospedale n mag- giore e per 1' ospizio provinciale degli esposti e PORRO. 514 PORTA. Porro (Edoardo)—continued. delle partorienti in Milano. 56 pp., 1 map. 8 \ Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1885. -----. Note d' igiene pubblica. 89 pp. 8°. Cre- mona, 1887. -----. Estirpazione di tumore endopelvico cau- sante grave distocia. 48 pp. 8°. Milano, frat. Rechiedei, 1888. Porro (Francesco). Elementi di meteorologia appiicabili all' igiene. 58 pp. 12°. Milano, E. Sonzogno, 1883. Igiene popolare, N. 28-29. Porro's operation. See Caesarean section ivith excision of uterus; Uterus (Excision of) and appendages. Porsch ( Petrus ). Dissertatio Fridericiana ele prestere nuperrimo, von dem neulichen grausa- men Sturm und Ungewitter. 16 pp. 4°. Kiliw, lit. B. Reutheri, [1704]. Porschberger (Carol. Theophilus). *Diss. med. hist, de vestigiis circuli sanguinis apud Hippocratem. 46 pp. 4°. Vitembergw, ex off. Schlomachiana, [1731]. Porsche (Arminius R.) * De cystis ossium. 23 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. A. Neuenhahni, 1853. c. Porson (Louis). * Etude sur les troubles tro- phiques cons6cutifs aux lesions traumatiques des nerfs. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 251. du Port (Fraugois) [circa 1540-1624]. Medica decas, in singula lihrorum capita commentariis illustrata. 3 p. 1., 462 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lutetiw I'cirisiorum, M. Mondiere, 1613. -----. Thesame. [Without the commentaries. ] 267 pp. 10°. Nyorti, J. Moussat, 1624. -----. The same. La d6cade de m6decine, ou le ni6decin des riches et ties pauvres. Expliquant les signes, les causes, et les remeeles des mala- elies. Compos6 en vers latins. Nouvellement mis en vers francois par Mr. du Four. 4 p. 1., 493 pp., 7 1. 12°. Paris, L. d'Boury, 1694. Title-page and text in Latin and French. Port (Heinrich). See Weber (Hermann). The treatment of disease by climate. In: Handb. of gen. therap. [von Ziemssen]. 8°. London, 1885, iv, 1-239. Port (Henry). The terrible effects of vaccination and re-vaccination (so calletl), one of the great causes of disease, suffering, and death, small- pox in particular; supported by evidence from the first annual report of the Birmingham metl- ical officer of health, which sheweth that out of the 794 small-pox cases reported for the year 1873, 713 had been vaccinated, and out of 122 deaths, 81 had been vaccinated. 12-f- pp. 12°. Birmingham, W. T. Parsons 4' Son, [1K74]. Port (Julius) [1834- ]. *Mittheilung einiger seltener Sectiousbefunde vou Greisen. 29 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Knbrr, [187>8]. -----. Studien zur Kriegsverbaudlehre. 48 pp. 8°. Miinchen, G. Franz, 1867. -----. Bericht iiber tlie Cholera-Epidemie 1873-4 iu der Garnison Miinchen, veroffentlicht vom Miinchener militiiraztlichen Verein fiir Aetio- logie. 13 pp., 3 pi. 8°. [Miiuchen, 1875.] Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1875, xi. -----. Ueber epidemiologische Beobachtungen in Caserneu. Vortrag, gehalten in der inilitararzt- lichen Section der 50. Naturforscher-Versamm- lung. 30 pp. H°. Miinchen, J. A. Finstcrlin, 187H. -----. Ueber Morbitlitats- Statistik. 14 pp. 4°. Miinchen, M. Bieger, 1883. -----. Taschenbuch der feldarztlichen Improvi- sationstechnik. Vom internationalen Comite des rothen Kreuzes gekreinte Preisschrift. xi, 304 pp. 12°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1884. Port Socief y ofthe City of Boston aud its Vicinity. Annual reports e>f the boarei of managers to the society at the anniversary meetings. 3., 1831-2; Port Society of the City of Boslon [etc.]—cont'd 7., 1835-6; 11., Iri39-lil; 15., 1843-4; 18., lK|(i-7; 22., 1850-51; 24., 18f,2-3; 26. (?). 1855-6. 8°. Bos- ton, 1832-56. Organized Nov., 1828, and incorporated Feb. 27, 1829. Reports for 1832-3 to 1834-5 weii' not published. In Marchi 1867, unite d with the Mennu'ii'* Aid Society under the title of: Boston Port and Seamen's Aid Society, which see for continuation. della Porta (Giovanni Battista) [1536-16 5]. Magiae naturalis, sive de miraculis rerum natu- ralium libri iv. 283 ff., 51. 24°. Lugduni, apud G. Rovillium, 1561. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 307 ff., 7 1. 24°. Co- loniw, apud J. Birckmannum et W. Riclivuintnn, 1562. -----. The same. Magiae naturalis libri viginti, in quibus scientiarum naturalium divitiie ct de- liciae demonstrantur, jam de novo, ab omnibus meudis repurgati, in lucem prodierunt. 18 p. 1., 669 pp. 12°. Francofurti, A. Wecheli heredes [et al.], 1597. -----. The same. Natural magick in twenty books. 1. Of the causes of wonderful things. 2. Ofthe generation of animals. 3. Of the pro- duction of new plants. 4. Of increasing house- hold-stuff. 5. Of changing metals. 6. Of coun- terfeiting gold. 7. Of the wontlers of the load- stoue. 8. Of strange cures. 9. Of beautifying women. 10. Of elestillatiou. 11. Of perfuming. 12. Of artificial fires. 13. Of tempering stool. 14. Of cookery. 15. Of fishing, fowling, hunting, etc. 16. Of invisible writing. 17. Of strange glasses. 18. Of statick experiments. 19. Of pneumatick experiments. 20. Of the chaos. Wherein are set forth all the riches and delights of the natural sciences. 2 p. 1., 409 pp., 3 1. imp. 8°. London, J. Wright, 1669. -----. De refractione, optices parte, libri novem. 2 p. 1., 230 pp., 2 1. 4°. Neapoli, apud J. J. Car- linum et A. Pacem, 1593. -----. De humana physiognomonia libri iiii; qui ab extimis, qua? in hominum corporibus con- spiciuutur signis, ita eorum naturas, mores et consilia (egregiis ad vivum expressis iconibus) demonstrant, ut intimos animi recessns penetrare videantur. Omnibus omnium ordiuum studiosia lectu utiles, maximeque jucundi. Nunc ab in- numeris mendis, quibus passim neapolitana scatebat editio, emeudati, primumque in Germa- nia in lucem editi. 7 p. 1., 534 pp., 291., port. 8°. Banoviw, apud G. Antonium, 1593. -----. Thesame. 1 p. 1., 272 pp. fol. [Banau, 1593.] Title-page wanting. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 534 pp., 29 1., port. 8°. Ursellis, typ. C. Sudorii, 1601. -----. The same. 5 p. 1., 402 pp., 21 1. 12°. Francofurti, apud N. Boffmannum, 1618. -----. The same. Della fisonomia dell' huomo libri sei, tradotti di latino in volgare, e dall' is- tesso auttore accresciuti eli figure, e di passi ne- cessarii k diverse parti dell' opera; et hora in questa terza et ultima editione migliorati in phi tli mille luoghi, che nella stampa tli Napoli si leggevano scorrettissimi, et aggiontavi la fisono- mia naturale di Monsignor Giovanni Ingegneri. 3. ed. 7 p. 1., 222 ff. 4G. Padora, P. Paolo, 1622. -----. The same. Aggiontavi la nsionennia na- turale di. . . Giovanni Ingeguieri, l'oleirone, e la celeste dello stesso Porta. In questa qninta et ultima impressione migliorati in piu di due mila luoghi, che si leggevano scorettissimi, et aggiontavi il discorso di Livio Agrippa sopra to natura, e complessione humana, et il discurso tie nei di Lodovico Settali. 5. oil. 5 p. 1., 570 pp., 2 1. 4°. Venetia, C. Tomasiui, 1644. -----. Ctxdcstis physioguomonia- libri sex, untie quia facile ex humani vultus extiiua inspectione, PORTA. 515 PORTAL. della Porta (Giovanni Battista)—continued. poterit ex conjectura futura praesagire. In qui- bus etiam astrologia refellitur, et inanis et ima- ginaria elemonstratur. 1 p. 1., 191 pp. 4°. Neapoli, J. B. Subtilis, 1603. Imperfect. _____. The same. Delia celeste fisonomia libri sci, nei quali ributtata la vanity dell' astrologia giudiciaria, si da- maniera di essattameute cono- scere per via tlelle cause naturali tutto quello, che 1' aspetto, la presenza, et le fattezze de gl' hu- omini possono fisicatneute significare, e proniet- tere; opera nuova, e pieua tli dotta curiosity. 5 p. 1., 147 pp. 4°. Padova, per P. P. Tozzi, 1622. Bound with his: Delia fisonomia dell' huomo. 4°. Pa- dova, 1622. -----. I tre libri de' spiritali. 98 pp. sm 4°. Napoli, G. J. Carlino, 1606. See, also, Sal a (Angelus). Processus de auro potabili [etc.]. 16°. Argentorati, 1630. Porta (Luigi) [1800-75]. Delle alterazioni pato- logiche delle arterie per la legatura e la torsione, esperienze ed osservazioni. x, 439 pp., 13 pi. fol. Milano, G. Bernardoni di Gio, 1845. -----. Esame anatomico del sistema arterioso dell' arto inferiore ventidue anui dopo la lega- turadell' arteria femorale per anenrisma. 12 pp., 1 pi. 4°. [Milano, Bernardoni, 1847.] Repr. from: Gior. d. I. R. Ist. Lomb. d. sc, lett. ed arti, Milano, n. s., i. -----. Delle malattie e delle operazioni della ghiautiola tlroidea. 2 p. 1., 164 pp., 4 pi. fol. Milano, G. Bernardoni di Gio, 1849. -----. Delle ferite delle arterie. 43 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Milano, G. Bernardoni di Gio, 1852. c. Repr. from: Gior. d. I. R. Ist. Lomb. d. sc, lett. edarti, Milan.', 1852, n. s., iii. -----. Dei tumori follicolari sebacei. Memoria letta all' I. R. Istituto Lombardo eli scienze, let- tere ed arti. 70 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Milano, G. B. di Giovanni, 1856. -----. The same. [Continuation.] 40 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Milano, 1859. Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1859, clxviii. -----. Delia litotrizia. xii, 400 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Milano, G. Bernardoni, 1859. -----. The same. Die Blasensteinzertriimme- ruug. Deutsche vermehrte Ausgabe vqn Her- mann Bemme. xvii, 226 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1864. -----. Delle lussazioni delle vertebre. 51 pp. 4°. [Milano, Bernardoni, 1864.] Repr. from: Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Cl. di lett. e sc. matemat. e nat., Milano, 1863-71, x. -----. Dell' autoplastica; memoria. 112 pp. 4°. Milano, G. Bernardoni, 1866. —;—. Dei recenti progressi della chirurgia ita- liana, relazione al ministro dell' istruzione pub- blica. Ill pp. 8°. Milano, G. Bernardoni, 1867. -----. Delia varice aneurismatica ; memoria. 39 pp. fol. Milano, Bernardoni, 1867. Repr. from: Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. Cl. d. lett. e sc. mate- mat, e nat., Milano, 1865-7, x. -----. Dello strappameuto iucruento delle grandi arterie. 17 pp. 4°. Milano, G. Bernardoni, 1870. Repr. from: Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. d. sc. e lett. Cl. di lett. e sc. matemat. e nat., Milano, 1870, xi. -----. Consumazione purulenta di un emisfero del cervello senza perturhazione di funzioni. 11 pp. 8°. Milano, Bernardoni, 1873. Repr. from: R. Ist. Lomb. d. sc. e lett. Rendic., Milano, 1873, 2. s., vi. —---. Dell' innesto epidermico delle piaghe. 29 pp. 4°. [Milano, Bernardoni, 1874.] Repr. from : Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Cl. di lett. e sc. matemat. e nat. 1873-6, Milano, 1877, xiii. See also, max.Van Hlons (Oscar). De l'autoplastie [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1867. For Biography, see Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1876, xxxvi, 211; 251; 261 (G. Albertini). Porta (Marc. Beat. Ludov. Jac.) *De sternuta- tione. 34 pp., 11. 4°. Basilew, E. Thurneysen, [1755]. Portafax (Xavier). * Quelques considerations sur la dissolution de la pierre dans la vessie. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 261. Portage. ftlapham (E.) Remarks on a recently discovered mineral spring at Portage, Kalamazoo County, Mich.; to- gether with the qualitative analysis thereof, in compari- son with some European springs of celebrity. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 656-660. Portal (Antoiue) [1742-1832]. * Diss, generales luxationum complectens notiones; sedprgeprimis novae machines elescriptionem tradens, huicque praecaeteris praestantiam ael perfectam membro- rnm reductionem asserens. 1 p. 1., 11 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Monspelii, apud viduamJ. Martel, 1764. [P., v.1397.] -----. Precis de chirurgie pratique, contenant I'histoire des maladies chirurgicales, etlaraauiere la plus en usage de les traiter; avec des observa- tions et remarques critiques sur diffe~rens points. 2 v. xxx, 326, 29 pp., 16 pi.; 327-860 pp. 8°. Paris, Vincent, 1768. -----. The same. Lehrbegriff der praktischen Wundarzneykunsfc. Aus elem Frauzosischen mit Anmerkungen. 2 v. xvi, 392 pp.; 2 p. 1., 362 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1792-3. -----. Histoire de l'anatomie et de la chirurgie, contenant l'origine et les progres de ces sciences; avec un tableau chronologique ties priucipales eleScouvertes, et un catalogue des ouvragesel'ana- tomie et de chirurgie, des meSmoires academiques, des dissertatious ins6r6es dans les journaux, et de la plupart ties theses qui ont 6t6 soutenues dans les facultcs de m6decine tie l'Europe, 6 v. in 7. 8°. Paris, P.-F. Didot lejeune, 1770-73. Title of v. 6 (in 2 pts.) is: Tableau chronologique des ouvrages et des principales decouvertes d'anatomie et de chirurgie, par ordre des matieres, pour servir ele table et ele supplement k I'histoire de ces deux sciences, [etc.]. -----. Rapport fait par ordre de l'Acad6mie des sciences, snr les effets des vapeurs me~phitiques dans le corps tie I'homme, et principalement sur la vapeur du charbon; avec un pr6cis des moyens les plus efficaces pour rappellera la vie ceux qui ont e5te5 suffoqu6s. 3. 6d., k laquelle on a ajoute": 1° Uu extrait de ce que 1'on a eScrit de plus im- ' portant sur la cause de la mort des noyes, et sur les moyens de les rappeller k la vie; 2° Des re- marques sur la m6thode la plus avantageuse d'appeller a la vie quelques enfants qui parois- sent morts en naissant. xvi, 92 pp. 16°. Pa- ris, Vincent, 1775. [Also, in: P., v. 1637.] -----. Tlie same. 3. e"d. xvi, 92 pp. 16°. Metz, J. Antoine, 1776. [P., v. 1279.] -----. Thesame. Bericht iiber die mephitisshen Dampfe und vorziiglich des Kohlendampfs auf den menschlichen Korper, nebst einer kurzen Nachricht von den wiirksamsten Mitteln Erstickte wieder zum Leben zu bringen. 3 p. 1., 85 pp. 16°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, J. G. Fleischer, 1778. -----. Observations sur les effets des vapeurs me"phitiques dans I'homme, sur les noyes, sur les enfans qui paroissent morts en naissant, et sur la rage. Avec un precis du traitement le mieux eprouv6 en pareils cas. 6. etl., a laquelle on a joint des observations sur les effets de plusieurs poisons daus le corps de I'homme, et sur les me>- yens d'en empecher les suites funestes. xv, viii, 492 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, imp. royale, 1787. A much enlarged edition of the preceding work. -----. Observations sur la nature et sur le traite- ment de la rage, suivies d'un pre"cis historique et critique des divers remedes qui ont 6t6 employe's jusqu'ici contre cette maladie. ix (1 1.), 130 pp., 1 1. 16°. Yverdon, 1779. [P., v. 1637.] PORTAL. 516 PORTAL. Portal (Antoine)—continued. ------. Thesame. Bemerkungen fiber die Natur und Heilung der Wuth vom Biss toller Thiere. Nebst einer kurzen litterarischeu Anzeige der fiber diese Materie erschienenen Schriften und der bis jetzt wider diese Krankheit vorgeschlagenen Mittel. Aus dem Frauzosischen. 4 p. 1., 206 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. S. Heinsius, 1782. ------. Instruction sur les trai temens des asphixies par le mephitisme; des noy^s, ties personnes qui ont 6te mordues par des animaux enrages, des en- fans qui paroissent morts en naissant, des per- sonnes qui ont 6te empoisounees; de celles qui ont 6t6 r6duites k l'6tat d'asphixie par le froid; avec des observations sur les causes de ces acci- dens, et sur les signes de la mort reelle pour la tlistinguer ele celle qui n'est qu'apparente. 153 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, Regent 4' Bernard, an IV [1796]. ------. The same. 103 pp., 21. 12°. Commercy, Denis, an V [1797]. ------. The same. Nouv. e"d. xii, 136 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-J. Marcel, an XIII [1805]. ------. Observations sur la nature et sur le traite- ment du rachitisme, ou des courbures de la colonne vert6brale, et de celles des extr6mite"s sup^rieures et infe'rieures. viii, 388 pp. 8°. Paris, Merlin, 1797. ------. The same. Beobachtungen fiber elie Na- tur und elie Behandlungsart der Rachitis, oder der Kriimmungen eles Riickgrathes der obern und untern Extremitaten. xvi, 232 pp. 8°. Weissenfels it. Leipzig, F. Several u. Comp., 1798. ------. The same. Osservazione sulla natura e sul trattamento della rachitiele, ovvero delle curvature, della colonna vertebrale e tli quelle dell' estreinit& superiori eel iuferiori. Trael. dall' originale fraucese coll' aggiunta di alcune illustrazioni ed annotazioui, e della dissertazione di E. J. B. Bovillon Lagrance sopra il sciroppo mercuriale detto di Belet. e della lettera del suel- detto Sig. Portal al medesimo Lagrance sopra lo stesso sciroppo. xxiv, 359 pp. 8°. Venezia, G. Pasquali, 1802. ------. Me'moires sur la nature et le traitement de plusieurs malaelies, avec le pr6cis des experiences sur les auimaux vivans, d'un cours de physiologie pathologique. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Bertrand,an IX [1800]-lbl9. Tome quatrienie, contenant des observations et des re- marques sur plusieurs maladies du ciBur, sur les inflam- mations des membranes, le vomissement, les antidotes ou contie-poisons, et sur quelques autres points d'anatomie medicale. , ------. The same. 5 v. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1800-25. ------. Cours d'anatomie medicale, on e"16mens de l'anatomie de I'homme, avec ties remarques physiologiques et pathologiques, et les re'sultats de l'observation sur le siege et la nature des maladies, d'apres l'ouverture des corps. 5 v. 8°. Paris, Baudouin, an XII, 1804. ------. The same. 5 v. 4°. Paris, Baudouin, an XII, 1804. ------. Considerations sur la nature et le traite- ment de quelques maladies h6r6ditaires ou de famille. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, Baudouin, 1808. ------. Thesame. 3. eel., augmented de plusieurs observations de I'auteur, de celles ileM. Mazzoni, et de celles de M. Joseph Adams, xii, 101 pp. 8°. Paris, Crochard [and others], 1814. ------. Observations sur la nature et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. Edition revue et augmented par I'auteur, avec des observations et des remarques par Georg Friedr. Miihry, qui a traduit cet ouvrage en allemantl, et avec celles de M. Gaspare! FeMe'rigo, qui la traduit en italien. 2 v. xlvii, 571, 564 pp. ^°. Pan's, L. Collin, 1809. Portal (Antoine)—continued. ------. Thesame. Beobachtungen iiber die Natur und Behandlung der Lungenschwindsucht. Aus dem Franzosischen mit Anmerkungen vou Georg Friedr. Miihry. 2 v. in 1. xii, 330 pp.: iv, :2lH pp. 8°. Hannover, Gebr. Balm, 1799-1 Nt-J. ------. The same. Osservazioni sulla natura, e sul trattamento della tisi polmonare. Trad. dal. francese nell' idioma italiano, eel illustrate) cou alcune annotazioui ec. tlal Gaspare Federigo. 3v. 12°. Venezia, 1801. ------. Observations sur la nature et le traitement de l'apoplexie, et sur les moyens tie la prevenir. xxiv, 478 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Crochard, 1HH. ------. Observations sur la nature et le traitement des malaelies du foie. xx, 646 pp. 8°. Paris, Longchamps, 1813. ------. Observations sur la nature etle traitement de l'hvdropisie. 2 v. xvi, 435, 378 pp. 8°. Paris,'J. B. Bailliere, 1824. ------. Ohservat ions sur la nature et le traitement de l'epilepsie. xxii (1 1.), 472 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1827. See, also, Cuvier (Georges-Ltkipold-Chretieu-Frt'iiNJric- Dagobert). Rapport sur un nnSmoire de MM. Gall ut Spurzheim letcj. 4°. Paris, 1808.— (Jay (Jean-Autoine). Vues sur le caractere et le traitement de l'apoplexie [etc. J. 8°. Paris. 1807.—I.ioiilnncl (Joseph). Historia ana- tomico-mediea[etc.j. 2 v. 4°. Parisiis, 1767.-----.The same. Anatomie historique et pratique [etc.]. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1776-7. For Biography, see Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 221 (P.- J. Cabaret). Also: Gaz. nied. de Par., 1832, iii, 447-450: 1888, 2. s., vi, 337-344. Also: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1835, iv, 5-28 (Pariset). Also: Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1832. iii, 152-155 (Pariset). Also: ICev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1870, [xviiij, 250-252 (P.-J. Cabaret). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven — Col- lection of Portr. (Libr.).—Collection of Portr. of I'hjs. efc Men of Sc, 221. ------. See, also : Nanula (A.) Lettera al chiarissimo Ab. Alles- santlre Casano. 8°. Palermo, 1839. Portal (Paul) [ -1703] La pratique des ac- couchemens souteuue d'un grand nonibre d'ob- servations. 9 p. 1., 368 pp., port., 5 pi. 8°. Paris, G. Martin, 1685. ------. The same. De practyk tier vroeel'meis- ters, en vroed'vrouwen, of de wyse van een vrouws te helpen in naar kinderbaren; be- kragtigt met een groot. getal aanmerkingen; uit de Franse in de Nederdnytse tale overgeset. 10 p. 1., 342 pp., 4 1., port., 7 pi. 8°. Amster- dam, T. ten Boom, lti90. ------. Thesame. The compleat practice of men and women mitlwives, or the true manner of as- sisting a woman in child-hearing; illustrated with a considerable number of observations. Transl. from the original. 8 p. 1.. 245 pp., 11.,2 pi. ' 8°. London, S. Crouch 4- F. Taylor, 1705. ------. The same, v (5. 1.), 267 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Johnson, 1763. For Biography, see Rev. med. de Toulouse", 1881, xv, 275- 281 (Molinier). Foi- Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Portal (Placido) [1793-1843]. Osservazioni so- pra il ferro speculare vulcanico trovato nell' Etna. 10 pp. 8°. [Napoli, 1818.] ------. Storia di due casi d' allacciatura el' arterie, una alia femorale, 1' altra all' iliaca esterua. 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, 1839. ------. Intorno un ascesso al fegate guarito colla incisione. 32 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1M40. ------. Sull'ernie; osservazioni. 126 pp., 11. H • Napoli, 1842. ------. See, also: Pugliatti (C.) Cenno critico sulle opere me- dico-chirurgicue di . . . 8°. Palermo, 1838. For Biography, see Boston M. efc S. J., 1845, xxxiii, 253- 257. POETAL. Poi'tal (Ulysse). * Quelques rdflexions sur deux cas de maladie de Graves. 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [P., v. 48.] Portal system. See, also, Liver; Portal i'e?in. Prkiss(B.) Die neuere Physiologie in ihrem Eintlusse auf elie nahere Kenntniss des Pfort- adtTsystenisim gesunden unel kranken Zustande. 8°. Breslau, 1844. Baraldi. Ricerca delle val vole nel sistema della vena porta presso i mammiferi. Gior. el. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 356-366.— lHillington (J.) Re- marks on the portal circulation. N. York Lancet, 1842, i, 349—Poreher (F. P.) Clinical lecture on the portal sys- tem; its anatomical and physiological relations to thera- peutics, and to affections of the stomach, intestines, liver, and spleen. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 425-427.—Rus- sell (J. A.) Two cases of persistent communication be- tween the umbilical and portal veins iu the human subject. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1873-4, viii, 149.—Willis (K.) On the signification and ends of the portal circulation. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 627-629. Also, Keprint. Portal vein. See, also, Blood of portal rein. Ayrek (J. G.) * De vena portae. 4°. Altdorfi, 1867. Brongxiart (J.) *Consid6rations sur la tlyscrasie veineuse, pre'ceSde'es ele la traduction eiu traits tie Stahl, intitule' : De vena porta}, porta nialornm hypochondriaco-splenetico-snffocativo- hysterico - colico - hemorrhoidariorum. ( Halle, KJ9H.) 4°. Parts, I860. Finelius (H. C. F.) *Desystemate porta- rum. 8°. Gryphiw, [1842]. Froelich (S.) * Delineatio sciagraphica vense portae. 4°. Upsaliw, [1796]. Fuchs (J. M.) *De vena porta?, sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1717]. Gad (J.) * Studien iiber Beziehungen des Blutstromsinder Pfortader zum Blutstrom in der Lebcrarterie. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Gaetke (J. P.) *De vena portae porta ma- lorum hypochondriaco - splenetico - suffocativo- hysterico- colico - ha?morrhoidarioruni. 4°. Re- cusa Balce Magdeb., 1726. See, also, infra, Stahl (G. E.). Hoch (C. G. L.) *De mutua ratione, quae venam porta? atque cor, una cum arteriis, inter- cede. 4°. Dresdw, [1820]. HeEXLEix (C.) *Descriptio anatomica sys- tematis vena; portarum in homine et epuibusdam brntis. imp. fol. Magontiaci, 1808. Saltzmann (J.) * Theses anatomico physio- logica? ile vena porta?. 4°. Argentorati, 1717. In: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1748, iii, 181-215. Schaffner (J. C.) * De vena porta?, porta salutis. 4°. Balw Magdeb., 1742. Stahl (G. E.) #Devena porta?, porta malo- rum hypochondriaco -splenetico-suffocativo-hys- terii't)-colico-ha?morrhoidariorum. Annexis pro- pempticis de historia metlica practica, et de casi- bus medico-practicis. sm. 4°. Balw ad Salam, 17.-> 1. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1748, iii, 131-180. See, also, supra, Gaetke (J. P.). Walther (A. F.) [Pr.] de vena porta? exer- citationes anatomica?. Pts. 1 & 2. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, 1739-40.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1748, iii, 207-225. Oiacomini (C.) Sopra di un' ampia comunicazione tra la vena porta e le veue iliache elestre. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1873, 3. s., xiv, 587-621, 2pi.— Henke (W.) Hypothese iiber die Entwicklung eler Pfortader. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1868, 3. R., xxxi, 132-135.— LLeudet. Veine porte dont la disposition est fort (urieuse. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par., 1853. xxviii, 246. - Rathke ( H.) Ueber elie Bildung der Pfortader unel den Lebervenen der Siiugethiere. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1830, 434-438. — Sappey (C.) Recher- PORTAL. Portal vein. dies snr quelques veines portes accessoires, sur la part que prend l'uue de ces veines a la derivation du sang de la veine porte lorsqu'il ne trouve plus dans le foie un libre passage, et sur le role que joue ce couraut d6riv6 dans la production des varices et des tumours variqueuses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., Is60, 3. s., i. pt. 2, 3-14. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 489-492. Portal vein (Diseases and injuries of). See, also, Liver (Cirrhosis of), Liver (Abscess of), Complications, etc., of. Bertholdi (J. J.) * Dissertatio exhihenspri- mas lineas nosologicas morborum vena? portae. 8°. Yindobonw, [1877]. C'ase of rupture of the vena portae from a fall. Lancet, Lond., 1824-5, v, 348.—Coleman (J. S.) Report of a case of rupture of the portal vein. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fran., 1880-81, xxiii. 111. — Colson. Observation sur une tumeur anevrismale de la veine porte. (Avec inflexions par le Dr. eJacotot.) [From: Ann. Soc. tie med. de Louvain.] Bi- blioth. med., Brux., 1825, ii, 189-197.—Frisson (A.) Ob- servation d'ossification de la veine-porte. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 420.—Hedencns (P.) Nya~pr£eparater fr&n pathologiska instil utionen. Ventrikel med fibros kriifta och godartade hvperplastiska svulster samt krafta i vena porta. Upsala Lakaref. Ftirh., 1870-71, vi, 312-315.— Ilurxtlial ( F. T.) Aneurismal condition of the right vaginal branch of the vena portarum, and accompanying branch of the hepatic artery. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1850-51, iii, 415-417.—Spaeth (E.) Carcinom im Innern der Veuen ties Pfortaelergebietes. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxv, 432-449.—Tommasi (S.) Un caso di peritonite e sclerosi della vena porta. Morgagni, Na- poli, 1880, xxii, 487-489. — van Tright (J. ) Poortader eurcinoom bij het rund. Ti.jd.schr. v. veeartsenijk. en vee- teelt, Amst., 1884, xiii, 10-12.— Wcstener. Versuch eines Beitrags zu tier Lehre von den Krankheiten des Pfortader- Systems. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1829, lxviii, 2. St., 31-67. Portal vein (Inflammation and obstruc- tion of). See, also, Appendix vermiformis (Diseases of, etc.); Duodenum (Ulcers, etc., of); Embolism (Mesenteric, etc.); Pancreas (Abscess of). Auriol (L.) * Contribution k l'etude de la thrombose cachectique de la veine porte. 4°. Paris, 1883. BAejzYNSKi (A.) *Devena? portarum inflam- matione. 8°. Turici, 1K38. Ernous(L.-E.) *Desobliterations dela veine porte. 4°. Paris, 1880. Findeisen (R.) * Ueher carcinomatose Throm- bose der Pfortader. 8°. Jena, 1863. Gexdron (F.) *Etuele sur la pylephl6bite suppurative. 4°. Paris, 1883. Hoffmann (A.) * Ueber Thrombose und Em- bolie der Pfortader. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1K72]. von Jan (H.) * Ueber Pfortadereutziiudung. 8°. Erlangen, 1866. Kaether (A.) *De vena? portarum inflam- matione. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Land (A. A.) *Over poortader-thrombose. 8°. Leyden, 1860. Lange (G.) * Ueber Verstopfuug der Pfort- ader. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Langwagen (A. L.) *De vena? portarum in- flammatione, seu pylephlebitide. 8°. Lipsiw, 1855. Ledieu (P.-T.) * Contribution k l'6tude de la pyl6phl6bite suppurative. 4°. Paris, 1879. Lempke (H.) *Ein Fall von Pylephlebitis. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Mathieu (J. C. F.) * Ueber Pylephlebitis. 8°. Bonn, 1868. Messow (F.) *De inflammatione vena? por- tarum seu pylephlebitide. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Moos (S.) Untersuchungen und Beobachtun- gen iiber den Einfluss tier Pfortaderentziindung auf die Bildung eler Galle und des Zuckers in eler Leber. 8°. Leipzig u. Beidelberg, 1859. Nachtigal (G.) * Nonnulla de verne porta- rum thromboseos a?tiologia ct symptomatologia, pra?missa morbi historia. 8°. Gryphiw, 1857. PORTAL. 518 PORTAL Portal rein (Inflammation and obstruc- tion of). Pippow (R. ) * Ueher die Obturation tier Pfortader. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1868]. Reuter (H.) * Ueber Entziindung der Pfort- ader. 8°. Erlangen, 1851. Sander (C. C.) *De vente portarum inflam- matione. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Schemel (C.) *Eiu Fall von carcinomatoser Pfortaeler-Thronibose. 4°. Kiel, 1868. Strehler (U. J.) * Ueber Pylephlebitis sup- purativa. a°. Zurich, 1879. Wolff (W. T.) * Ueber Verengerung und Tbrombose der Lebervenen. 8°. Balle, 1875. Ziegler (O. H.) *Devena? porta? obstruc- tione. 8°. Begimonti Pr., I860. Italfour (G. W.) Varicose dilatation and thrombosis of portal vein. Edinb. M. J., 1868-9, xiv, 589-5(18.—Bar- clay efc Iloll. Ascites dependent upon obstruction of the vena portse by coagula. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., ii, 36.—Barth. Une obliteration ancienne de la veine- porte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 354.—Beck- hans. Entziindung tier Pfortader. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 11848, 287.—Bcrnheim. Contribution k I'histoire de la pylephlebite .suppuree; consecutive k la suppuration du ca;cum ou del'iippi'iidice ileo-ca'cal. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1874, i, 33; 70 Itolliiijjcr (O.) Eudophlebitis verrucosa der Pfortader bei iu Pferde. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lv, 279-283, 1 pi.—Borie. Inflammation dela veine-portehtipatique; hepatite et spl6- nito; fistule uretro-rectale. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1829, iv, 45.—Botkin. Krankheitsgeschichte eines Falles einer Pfortaderthrombose. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 449^57.—Bonrceret efc Lossy. Cancer du canal choltjdoque, thrombose tie la veine porte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 347.—Brrithaupt. Vollkom- niene Vereiterung der Vena portarum. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 215-217.—Brodowski. Zakrzep zyly wrotnej (thrombosis venaB portas). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1866, i, 1-6.— Bnhl. Eiu Fall von ulcerative!' Pylephlebitis; Bildung der Eiterkorper. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xxi, 480-485, 1 pi—Bull (E.) Pylephlebitis suppu- rativa. Norsk Mag. f. La-gevideusk., Christiania, 1874, 3. R., iv, 428-432.—LhanflTard (A.) Pylephlebite suppuree, de cause inconnue. Bull. Soc. auat. ile Par., 1879, liv, 587- 591. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 408.—L'hvostek (F.) Thrombose der Pfortader (3 Falle) Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 853; 878. -----. Lebercirrhose; linkssei- tige Pneumonie; e.itrige Pericarditis ; Stauungstbrom- bose tier Pfortader; wahrend eles ganzen Verlaufes kein Ascites; leichter Ikterus. Ibid., 948-950. -----. Koiu- pression der Vena portarum. Ibid., 1047. -----. Tuber- kulose der Lymphdriisen der Porta hepatis mit Kompres- sion der Pfortader, etc. Ibid., 1118-1120. -----. Eiu Fall vou Thrombose der Pfortader mit eiterahnlichem Zerfalle des Gerinnsels (Pylephlebitis suppurativa), hervorgegan- gen aus einem sehr kleiuen runden Magengesch wiire; Peri- tonitis. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1868, xiv, 773; 825; 853; 873. -----. Ein Fall von vollstandiger Ob- turation des Stanunes der Pfortader durch einen aus Mark- schwamm bestehenden Thrombus, ausgegangen von einem Markschwamm des Magens. Wien.med. Presse, 1874, xv, 1153; 1185; 1233. -----. Beitrag zur Pylephlebitis suppu- lativa. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1878, xxxiii, 347; 398; 367. -----. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Pylephlebitis suppura- tiva. Wien. med. Bl., 1881. iv, 545; '583.—(Iiiihiin (T.) Pfortaderentziinduni;; Pylephlebitis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 131.—tolquhoun (D.) Case of suppura- tive pylephlebitis and tile er of the vermiform appendix. Lancet, Loud., 1887, ii, 6U6.—L'ontesse. Phlebite suppu- rative de la veine porte, avec tlestruction de la v6sicule biliaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 244.—Li-ni- gie (D.) Account of an instance of occlusion and obstruc- tion of the cavity of the vena porta?; with remarks on its probable cause, and its effects. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1850, lxxiii, 412-425. — Da Costa. Obstructed portal vein. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864, ii, 222.—Dahl. Pyle- phlebitis suppurativa fremkaldt veil et fnninieel Legeine. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1881, 2. R., viii, 21-27—Oespaigne (G.) Pylephlebite suppurative, abces metastatiques, ite- rations du duodenum. Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1886. lxi, 403^07. Also: Progres med, Par., 1686, 2. s , iv, 865.— Uemprez. [Obliteration complete de la veine porte h6- patique.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 123.—Bick- iiihoii. Obstruction of the portal veiu with consequent atrophy of the liver. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862-3, xiv, 63 — Donkin (A. S.) Death from pressure of gall-stones on the vena porta. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 396. Also, transl.: Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1869. i, 663-666.— Bnbini (A.) Suppurazione del tronco della vena porta, nonche di tntte le sue diramazioni intestinali ed epatiche. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1843, ii, 249-251.— Diijnrdin- Beaumetz. Reflexions sur un cas de pyleph!6bite. Poi'tal vein (Inflammation and obstruc- tion of). Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1872, xiv, 657; 675.—Bnplny (A.) Ob- literation ele' la veine porte- ascites; veines sous-togiinien- teuses tcndant k etablir une circulation collaterale simple. mentaire. J. hebd. de med.. Par., 1830, vi, 403-408 - l>u- raiiil-Karihl (R.) Pylephlebite adhesive; at heroine do tronc porte; impaludisnie , lisiems aneiennes de la rate Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 38(1-384. Also: Pro.'tt-.s med., Far., 1884, xii, 312—Kllis. Inflammation of'the portal vein; numerous abscesses in the liver; eneerniniiH enlargement of that organ; autopsy. Huston M. \- S. J., 1873, lxxxviii. 121-123—Faut-onnenii-DiirifNiM'. Memoire sur l'inflammation du systeme vemeux abili.nii ual. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1839, 2. s. vii, 724-729. —Fob il'.i efc Snlvioli (G.) Sullo stringimeiito della vena poita. Soc. med.-chir. in Modena. Resoc, 1877. 3-7. Also: Spat lanzani, Modena, 1877, xv, 206-209.—Follin. [Koie ties volumineux; des abces tr6s nomlireux; la veine-porte presente tous les signes d'une violente inflammation. | Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 453. — Frantzel. Ein Fall von Pylephlebitis, nebst diatinostisehi'ii Heinei-. kungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 3; 13. —Frank. Ein Fall von Pylephlebitis. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1809, x, 25-28.—Frey. Fall von Eiitziinduug der Vena p,.i ta rum. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1844, x, 302-307. — Fron- in ill ler. Eiterige Pylephlebitis. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1878, xxiii, 193-195.— Garelli (G.) Sulla diagnosi dif- ferenziale della flebite della vemi-porta; cenni patnlu- gici. Rac. tli oss. clin.-patol., Torino, 1851-4, i, 158-169 — (»in true (E.) Ossification; obliteration dela veine-porte. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1842-3, viii. 859-862. -----. Ob- servations et recherches surl'obliteration dela vcine-portr. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1856, 2. s., i. 1; 61 ; 132. Also [Rap. de Malherbe]: J. tie la sect, lie med. Soc. acad. Loire-Int., Nantes, 1856, xxxii, 169-178.—Gordon. Phlebitis of the portal vein. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliv, 418-420.— ■Ieschi (R.) Ueber den Collateral-Kreislauf bei Oblite- ration des Pfortaderstammes. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1851, ii, 731-737.—Ilesti-r (A.) Pus in the vena portae. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1846-7. iii, 603-606.— Hildreth (J. L.) A case' of pylephlebitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, cv, 391-393.—Ilillairet (J.-B.-S.) Observa- tions de phl6bite de la veine-porte. Union metl., Par., 1849, iii, 258 ; 261; 267— Hutchison (J. C.) Thrombosis of portal vein. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870-71, v, 88.—Iilcler. Ueber die Stockuugen im Pfortaeler-.Svstem. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 69; 75; 81; 85.—Isaacs (C. E.) Case- of portal phlebitis. N. York M. Teiues, 1852-3, ii, 161-163. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877, ii, 246-248.- eelackson. Ascites in connection with acute inflamma- tion ofthe vena porta. Boston M. efc S. J., 1858-9, lix, 278. -----. Obstruction of the vena porta; with encephaloid matter. Ibid., 1861, lxiv, 95. Also: Extr. Rec. Heist. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv, 180 — Jennt-r {Sir W.) Clinical lecture on a case of ascites from obstruction of the portal vein. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 1-3. —Ki'lsnll (U.) Fatty Tines; obstruction of vena porta;. Army M. Dip. Rep.* 1878, Lond., 1880, xx, 275.—Kesteven (W. li.) A case of portal phlebitis, and cases ot jaundice. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 1088-1092.—Key (E. A.) Fall af febria intermitteus och pleuritis sinistra samt utbretld snialtauile thrombosis i vemi-portaesystemet (suppurativ pyletlebitis) med abcesser i mjelten, lefvern, ventrikelvaggarne och ligamentum hepatoduodeuale. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1862, xxiv, 257-274.—Kicmann. Pylephlebitis. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankeuaust. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1866), 1867, 208. -----. Pylephlebitis suppurativa; Tod. Ibid. (1879), 1880, 435. -----. Pylephlebitis suppurativa; peritonitis; atro- phia process, vermiform. ; morbus Brightii chronicus; tuberculosis absoluta apic. pulm.; exsudat. plourit. sin.; marasmus; Tod. Ibid. (1882), 1883, 480. — Blob (J.) Zur Lehre von der Pylephlebitis. Oesterr. Ztschr. f- prakt. Heilk., Wieiu, 1868, xiv, 37; 57.—I.aache (S.) Pylephle- bitis suppurativa i Here lleiiseeuder optraideude som en akut Infektioiissy^iloni. nied Ciljxaugspunkt tra Ventrikel- sliiuhintlen og eleielelig filling i Lobet af 16 Dage. Norsk Mag. f. Licgevidensk., Christiania, 1886, 4. R., i, 749-762. Also, transl. [Abstr.!: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, vii, 817-820 —Legy (J. W.) Cancerous ulcer of the stom- ach ; "suppurative'' thrombosis of the portal vein. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873-4, xxv, 123-127.— Leudet (T.-E.) Recherches sur la phlebite de la veine porte. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1853, i, 145-159. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 462-465. -----. De la pyle- phlebite suppurative cous6cutive k ties maladies du foie et eles voies biliaires. Inhis: Clin. med. de l'Hotel-Dieu ele Rouen, 8°, Par., 1874, 1-34. — Leyden (E.) Falle von Pfortaderthrombose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 129- 132. — Little (J.) Thrombosis of vena porta:; hyper- trophy of spleen. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 128.— Loomis. Obscure case of portal phlebitis; localized gastritis. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 190.—Lyons. As- cites; thrombosis of vena porta}. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv, 457-460.— flalinsten. Fall af erysipelas och throrob- bildning i vena porta;. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sam- mank., Stockholm, 1859, 211. Also: Hygiea, Stockholm, PORTAL. 519 PORT BLAIR. Portal vein (Inflammation and obstruc- tion of). 1859, xxi, 612.—Marrotte. Nouvelles observations sur l'infiamniatiou de la veine porte. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1850, vii, 135-139. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. ».', ii, 170.—Martineau. Phl6bite de la veine porte; infarct'us h6morrhagiques du foie; insuthsance et retre- cissement de l'orifice aortique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1862, xxxvii, 450-455.—lTIesnet. Phlebite tie la veine porte. Ibid., 1868, xliii, 344.—ITIeyer. Entziindung und Eiterung der Pfortader. [Case.] Med. Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv 215.—Meyer (G. H.) Stockungen im Pfortadersys- teiii. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1844, iii, 120-126.— Michel (J.) Pyl6phl6bite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, 3. s., ix, 791-795.—Mo (G.) Comunicazioue sopra un caso di trombosi della vena porta. Osservatore, Torino, 1875, xi, 85-87.—Mohr. Eiter und anderweitige als Ausgange der Entziindung zu betrachteude Veranderungen in sammt- lichen zum System der Vena portae gehorigen Venen, sowie im Stamme tier Vena portae selbst und in den Verzwei- gungen derselben in der Substauz der Leber, iu letzterer unter der Form von Leberabscessen. Berl. med. Centr.- Ztg., 1840, ix, 561-565. — Monueret. Observation de phl6bite oblit6rante de la veine porte. Uniem med., Berl., 1849, iii, 49. —---. Dilatation considerable des conduits hGpatiques du lobe gauche du foie; hypersecretion; re- tention du mucus dans ces conduits; phlebite partielle de la veine-porte; pyohemie consecutive. Ibid., 242.— Moor head. Case of fatal haematemesis, caused by calcification and thrombosis of the portal vein. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866-7, xviii, 61-64.— Moses (I.) Case of inflammation of the portal vein. N. York J. M., 1849, n. s., ii, 52. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877, ii, 244.—Niess. Beitrag zur Diagnose der Pfort- aderentzundung. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1846, xii, 384- 399. —Oppolzer. Haematemesis in Folge vou Obtura- tion der Vena lienalis und portie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1861, vii, 886-888.—Osier (W.) Pylephle- bitis. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 318-321. -----. Case of obliteration of the portal vein (pylephlebitis adhe- Biva). J. Anat. efe Physiol., Lond., 1881-2, xvi, 208-216 — Ott (A.) Zur Casuistik der Pylephlebitis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 133-135.—Payne (J. F.) Thrombo- sis of portal vein ; haernorrhagic infarctus in lungs, with obstruction of vessels. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xxi, 228-230.—Peacock (T. B.) Neatly entire obstruction of the portal and splenic veins, with atrophy of the liver. Ibid., 1872-3, xxiv, 122.—Peters (J. C.) Report on phle- bitis of the splenic vein and vena porta. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877, ii, 268-279.—Portal phlebitis; pyasmia of the liver; suppurative hepatic phlebitis; er- ratic, or suppurative, intermittent fever. [9cases.J Ibid., 244-258.—Pozzi. Compression du canal choledoque et de la veine porte, par des ganglions hvpertrophi6s. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, xiv, 277-281.—Quenu (E.) Pyle- phlebite suppurative consecutive k des calculs biliaires. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 5. s., vii, 627; 640.—Baikem. Observations, reflexions et apercus sur quelques affections morbides de la veine porte, et notamment sur l'inflamma- tion, l'oblit6ration et l'ossificatiou de ce tronc vascnlaire. M6m. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1848, i, pt. 2, 38-82,1 pi. AZso[Abstr.J: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. tie Belg., Brux., 1843-4, iii, 170-179. Also, transl.:' Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1850, lxxiii, 350-388.—Beede. Case of acute jaundice, with pylephlebitis of the vena portae. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 68.— Bt-ynaud. Des obstacles k la circulation du sang, dans le- tronc tie la veine porte et de leurs effets anatomique et pathologique. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, iv, 137-163.—Roberts (W. C.) Report on the diagnostic signs of portal phlebitis. N. York J. M., 1849, ii, 317-325. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877. ii, 258-266.— Rosego. Zakrzep i zapalenie zyly wrotn6j (pvlephle- bitis). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1867, ii, 517-522. — Boss- bach (T.) Ein Fall von Pylethrombose mit puriformem Zerf'all des Thrombus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 244—Sales-CSirons. Observations et recherches sur 1 obliteration de la veine-porte, et sur les rapports de cette lesion avec le volume tlu foie et la s6cr6tion de la bile. Key. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1856, i, 456-467.—Schoen- lein (J. L.) Perienteritis; inflammatio venae portarum. In his: Klin. Vortr. iu dem Charite-Krankenh. zu Berl., 3. Aufl., 8°, Berl., 1848, 284-301. — Schiippel. Ueber Peripylephlebitis syphilitica bei Neugeborenen. Arch. a. Heilk., Leipz., 1870, xi, 74-82.—Smith (A. A.) Throm- bosis of portal and splenic veins; rapid filling of the peri- toneal cavity; general peritonitis. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 16-18.-Smith (F. L. E. ) Et Par Tilfaelde af Ilirombedannelse i Portaaren. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1861, iv, 161; 165— .Smolensk! (S.) Trzy przypadki na- stepstw organiczonego przewlocznego zapalenia otrzewny l thanki podotrzewnowej. [Three cases of peripylephle- bitis. | Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1880, lxxvi, 1- 32~Solowieff (A.) Veranderungen in der Leber unter tlem Einflusse kiiustlicher Verstopfung eler Pfortader. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lxii, 195-200 — Sonnenfeld (A.) Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Pylephle- bitis suppurativa. Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 1257- Portal vein (Inflammation and obstruc- tion of). 1261. Also: Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stif- tung in Wien (1885), 1886, 397-400.—Ntcenberg (VV.) Et Tilfaelde af Portaarebetamdelse. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1858, i, 46-49. — von Stonela ( E.) Die Pylephlebitis, bearbeitet nach den beziiglichen, an Prof. Oppolzer's Klinik gitltigeu Ansichten. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wieu, 1867, xiii, 865: 903; 913. — Strain bio (G.) Di una cronica infiammazione della vena cava e delle sue piu grosse ramiflcazioni. Gior. anal, di med., Milano, 1828, x, 299-303.—Sturges ( O.) Pylephlebitis; rigors simulating ague. Lancet, Lond., 1880,' ii, 215.—Tappei- ner (H.) Ueber den Zustand des Blutstroms nach Unter- bindung der Pfortader. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1872), 1873, vii, 11-64.—Tliijssen (E. H. G.) Ontsteking der poortader. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. tl. Geneesk., Arnhera, 1852, iii, pt. 2, 105-117.—Thomas. Zwei Falle von Entziindung tier Pfortader. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1853, v, 302-304— Thrombosis of the por- tal vein. Bellevue efe Char. Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1870, 361- 363. — Timinski ( S. L.) Pylephlebitis suppurativa. Protok. zasaid. Duuaburg. med. Obsh., 1884, i, 47-53.— Toinmasi (C.) Trombosi primitiva della vena porta; rammollimento del trombo; embolismo; tocolai metasta- tici nel fegato. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1864, xiii, 462- 467. — Traube ( L.) Ein Fallvon Pylephlebitis, nebst diagnostischen Bemerkungen. Inhis: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, ii, pt. 2, 867-881. — Van Pcle- gham. Ascite occasionn6e par un thrombus de la veine porte; gu6rison. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1869, 2. s., x, 200; 241.—Virchow. Ein Fall von Varix anastomoticus zwischen V. lienalis und azygos bei partieller Verstopfung und Verknochernng der Pfortader untl bei schwerem, durch Gallensteine bedingtem Icterus. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1857, vii, 21.—Waller (.7.) Die Entziindung der Pfortader, Inflammatio venae poitae, Pylephlebitis. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1846, i, 385; 453.—Ward (J.) Caseof tumour within tlie trunk of the vena porta, completely obstruct- ing the circulation throujrh this vessel, etc. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xx, 307. — West (S.) A caseof thrombo- sis of the vena portae, leading to cirrhosis of the liver, after thrombosis of the vena cava; with secondary acute nephritis and acute abscess in the right lumbar region. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. 1877-8, xxix, 107-112. — Winge (E.) Lever med suppurativ Pyleflebitis foraarsaget ved Perfo- ration af V. porta med en Fiskeben. Norsk Mag. f. Laege- vidensk., Christiania, 1880, 3. R., x, 14. Also, transl.: Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 11. Portal vein (Ligature of). See Liver. Portalier (A.) Eau minerale d'Alet. (Conva- lesceuces, dyspepsies, migraines, chlorose, delii- lite generale, etat nerveux.) Analyse des ob- servations theoriques et pratiques faites sur l'emploi de cette ean, suivie des appreciations de la Gazette des bfipitaux, de la France medi- cale, de l'Abeille medicare, et de la Revue des sciences. 30 pp. 16°. Paris, I860. Portalier (Edouard). * Essai sur l'ali mentation tlu soldat. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 175. Portalier (J.-B.-Aime). * De la cirrhose du foie. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 161, v. 609. Portalier (Paul). *Des troubles trophiques de la periode praeataxique du tabes specifique; etude cliuique. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 324. Portallier (Jacques-Gustave). *De l'hydar- tbrose et de son traitement. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 203, v. 546. Poi'talupi (Fr.-Gio.-LuigiJ. .Storia ragionata dell' enorme tumore del Luigi Tctleschi di Verona estirpato nel giorno 26 giugno 1823. 41 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Venezia, S. Lazzaro, 1823. Port-au-Prince. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc, of), by local- ities. Portaz ( Paul-Jean-Baptiste-Francois-Marie). * Contribution a l'etude de la folie a eleux (folie sinmltanee). 52 pp., 11. 4°. Lille, 1885, No. 12. Port Blair. Annual sanitary and metlical re- port on the settlement of Port Blair, Antlamans, for the year 1869. 46 pp. fol. I Port Blah; 1870.] POKT BLAIR. 520 PORTER. Port Blair. Knmack (A. C.) Annual sanatory report of the set- tlement Port Blair, for the year 1800. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1862-3, viii, 70-78.—Richards (V.) Medical notes on the convict settlement, Port Blair. Ibid., 1873-4, xvi, 614-625. Port Byron. Wilson (O. S.) The sanitary condition of Port Byron, N. T. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v, 382-386, 1 map. Port Chester. Brown (C. C.) Report on the sanitary inspection of the village of Port Chester, Westchester Co., N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y., Troy, 1888, 94-99, 1 plan. Port-Cros. Annrqiiin (F.) Le sanatorium elei Pile de Port-Cros en 1886. [From : Rap. d'inspection m6d.] Arch, de med. it pharm. mil., Par., 1886, viii. 283; 372. — Reoeser (P.) Les eaux de Bagaud et de Port-Cros. I bid., vii, 369-375. Porte. * Necrose phosphoree. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 88. Porte (Alphonse). *Des eruptions artificielles provoquees par les preparations balsamiques. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 137. Porte (Jean-Charles). *Le climat ele la Savoie sous le rapport hygiehique et meelical. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 220. Portel (Leon-Feiix-Auguste) [1H62- ]. "Con- tribution au traitemeut eles fractures des mem- lircs par les appareils en zinc lamine du tlocteur V. Raoult-Deslonchamps. 57 pp., 1 1., 2 charts. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888-9, No. 1. Portela (Ireneo) [1802-61]. Biograflca. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Ayres, 1876-7, xiii, 413-415. Port Elizabeth. Gamble (J. G.) The waterworks of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. In: Waterworks, [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1883, 40-57. Portella (Francisco Pires Machado). *De l'ure"- throtomie endoscopique. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 134. ter Porten (Henricus). | Riography.J In: Scheffel (C. S.) Vitae professo- rum nietficinae in Acad. Gryphiswald., 4°, 1756, 14-18. von der Porten (Max) [1850- ]. *Uuter- suchuugeu iiber Teratome tier Gans. 32 pp. 8C. Berlin, Thormann u. Goetsch, [1873]. c. von der Porten (S.) *De cataractae extrac- tioue, adjecta nova extrabendi ratione. 36 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Balis, formis Platzianis, [1829, vel subseq.]. Portengen (Jan Willem). *Jets over de be- haueleliug van necrotische en gaugreneuze lede- inaten. 89 pp., 1 1. 8°. Amsterdam, [gebr. Tuin- ziug], 1884. Portensrlilag - Ledermayer ( Joseph ) [ 1742-1834]. * Ue edncatione physica infantum. 3 p. 1., 120 pp. 4°. Vindobonw, typ. viduw G. L. Schultzii, 1765. ------. Ueber elen Wasserkopf. Ein Beytrag zu eiuer Monographic dieser Krankheit. Nebst eiuem Anbang, verschieelene Anmerkungen, eiuige Leicheuofthungen, und einen Aufsatz iiber die Kuhpocke enthaltend. viii, 568 pp., 12 1. 80. Wien, A. Strauss, 1812. Porter. Bookof men, women, and babies. The laws of God applied to obtaining, rearing, and developing the natural, healthful, and beautiful in humanity, forming a compendium of baby conventions, prize babies, species of beauty; marriage in its varied relations; conception, generation, parturition, transmission; choice of lovers, husbands, wives; temperaments for pairs; influences of clime, season, aliment, and tlress on health anel energy; beauty of features increased, weaknesses strengthened, defects supplied, faculties legitimately used, laws of exercise, Porter—continued. grace, growth, posture, sleep, and every practical instruction for promoting happiness ami beauti- ful babies! viii, 199 pp. 8°. Xew York; Peivitt 4" Davenport, l*f>f). Porter (Charles Burnham) [1840- ]. See Richardson (William Lambert) & Porter (Charles Burnham). Two cases of congenital dislocation of the knee-joint. 8°. Boston, 1878. Porter (Charles H.) [1834- ]. Medico-legal contributions ou arsenic: containing report sofa number of cases of arsenical poisoning, together with an account of the methods employed in their chemical examination. 58 pp. 8\ Albany, C. Van Benthiiijsen, 1802. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 18G2. ------. A statement of the case of the people against Elisha B. Fero. 48 pp. 8°. Xew York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1870. Repr. from: J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1870, iv. Porter (Charles S.) Man is the divinely consti- tuted guardian of man. A discourse preached before the Howard Benevolent Society Dec. 21, 1854. 18 pp. 8°. Boston, S. K. Whipple 4 Co., 187>7). Porter (David). Statement of a theory of life,, founded on observations and experiments. 1 p. 1., 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Brownsville, Penn., W.Jaekinaii, 1829. Porter (David R.) [1838- ]. Co-Editor of: Kansas City (The) Medical Journal, 1874. Porter (Dwigbt). Report upon a sanitary in- spection of certain tenement-house districts of Boston, vi, 76 pp., 2 pi., 8 plans, 2 diag. 8 '. Boston, Bockwell 4' Churchill, 1889. See, also, United States. Department of the Interior. Census Office. Tenth census ofthe United States, June 1, 1880. v.16, pt. 1. 4°. Washington, 1881-5. Porter (Eliphalet). A discourse delivered before tbe Humane Society of the Common wealth of Massachusetts, at their semi-annual meeting, June 8, 1802. 46 pp. 8°. Boston, B. Sprague, 1802. Porter (Eugene H.). Editor of: C'hironian (The), New York, 1884-5. Porter (Sir George Hornidge) [1822- ]. Con- tributions to operative surgery. 17 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Dublin, M. B. Gill, 1860. [P., v. 1622.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, I860, xxx. -----. Lithotrity and its after-treatment. 11 pp., I pi. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1867. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii. ------. Surgical reports. 11 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1867. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii. ------. Surgical reports. 16 pp., lpl. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1873." Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lv. For Biography, see Med. Hist. Meatb Hosp., Dubl., 1888, 209-211, port. Porter (George L.) A xanthic oxide calculus from the kidney. 11pp. 8°. [Xactown, Conn., 1881.] Repr. from,: N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Couu., 1881-2, i. ------. Sickness a factor of political economy. Cost of sickness to the individual anel the state. Annual aeldress delivered before the Connecticut Meelical Society. 28 pp. 8°. [Danbury, Conn., 1889.] Repr. from: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1888-9, viii. [Porter (Henry H.)] The catechism of health; or, plain anel simple rules for the preservation of the health anel vigour of the constitution from infancy to old age. Ladies' ed. x, 7-19."> pp. 16°. Philadelphia, 1831. ------. An account of the origin, symptoms, and cure of the influenza or epidemic catarrh; with PORTER. 521 PORTH. B. Porter. ., iv, 433. Proc. [Porter (Henry H.)]—continued. some hints respecting common colds aud incipient pulmonary consumption. 80 pp. 8'-\ Philadel phia, B. B. Porter, 1832. See, also. Porter's Health Almanac Porter (Horace P.) The common nervous trouble of old soldiers. 1 broadside. 4°. Gneida, Kans., 1888 Porter (J. B.) [1804-68]. Bennett (M. B. ) Memoir ot J. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1872-5, 2. Porter (J. Hampden). See Briuton (John H. ) efc Porter (J. Hampden). History of the organization of the Medical Department of the U.'S. Army. MS. obi. 4°. [n. p., 1864.) Porter (Jacob). See Leabarraqne (Antoine Germain). Instructions and observatinns coni-eming tlie use of the chlorides of soda, |etc]. 8,J. Xew Baven, 1S2S1. -----. the same. 3. ed'. 8°. Xew Haven, 1840. -----. Method of using the chlorides of soda, [etc.]. 8°. Xew llaven, 1830. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Northampton, 1833. Porter (Jasper). *De phrencsi vera. 1 p. 1., 41 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auldet Smellie, 1769. Porter ( Joshua Henry ) [ -1880]. Excision of the head of the right humerus for caries, the result of au injury. 4 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1875. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix. The surgeon's pocket-book: being an essay on the best treatment of the wounded in war, for which a prize was awarded by Her Majesty the Queen of Prussia and Empress of Germany iu the year 1874. Specially adapted for the public medical services, ix, 291 pp. 12°. London, C. Griffin 4 Co., 1875. —. The same. 2. eel. xviii, 319 pp. 16°. London, C. Griffin 4" Co., 1-80, -----. Thesame. 3. eel. Revised and edited by Brigade-Surgeon C. H. Y. Godwin, xx, 2f>7 pp., 1 pi. 12°. London, C. Griffin <)'• Co., 1887. -----. Thesame. xx, 257 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Phila- delphia, P Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 1887. -----. Some remarks ou excision of the elbow- joint; with two cases. 7 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1870. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876, lxii. -----. On some forms of extemporaneous con- veyances for sick anel wounded in peace and war. 16 pp. 8°. London, Harrison 4" Sons, 1878. For Biography, see Brit. M. J.. Lonel., 1880, i, 106. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 111. Also: Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1880, i, 79. Porter (Noah) [1811- ]. Professor David Paige Smith. A memorial discourse. 24 pp., port. 8°. [New York, 1881.] See, also, Waite ( Morrison R.) efc Porter ( Noah ). Address at the unveiling of the Joseph Henry statue, [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1884. Porter (P. Brynberg). Report of two thousand cases of disease in children treated at the Demilt Dispensary, New York. 30 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1878. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xi. Also, Co-Editor of: BonIoii (The) Medical and Surgi- cal Journal, 1880. Porter (Philip). (Jo-Editor of: ITIeilical (The) Advance, Cincinnati, l*x:S-4. Alsn, Editor of: American Homoeopathic Jour- nal of" (Jyna eolog.\ anil Obsteti iis, Ann Arbor, 1885. Also, Editor of'.■ Ilomu'opalliie (The) Journal of Obstetrics, [etc.], New York, 1SS6-7. Porter (Robert). humano. In: de Oberkamp (F. J.) Collect, diss Francof. a. J/., 1767, i, 275-288. Porter (Robert. Massengill) [1818-80]. Li.ndslky (J. B.) An atldress on the life and character of Robert M. Porter, deliveied at Nash- ville, Nov. 8, 1856. 8°. Nashville, l8f,(i. -----. The same. 8°. Nashville, 1857. De natura vasorum in corpore [etc.]. 4°. Porter (Robert P.). See United States. Department of the Interior. Census Office. Tenth census of the United States, v. 7. 4°. Washington, 1884. Porter (Samuel). Editor of: American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, 1855-61. Porter ( Wilfred W.) [1826-85]. Pease (li. \V.) Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syra- cuse, 1886, 630-032. Porter (William). Aphonia; its causes and treatment. 16 pp. 8°. [SI. Louis], 1870. Repr. from: St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1876, n. s., xiii. ------. Syphilitic phthisis. 7 pp. 8'-'. [St. Louis, 1877.] Repr. from: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1877. Tubercular-laryngitis. 8 pp. 8-\ [St. Louis, 1878.] Repr. from: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1878. Porter (William Henry)' [1790-1861]. Observa- tions ou the surgical pathology of the larynx and trachea, chietly with a view to illustrate the att'ections of those organs which may reiiuire the operation of bronchotomy; including remarks on croup, cyuanche laryngea, foreign bodies in the wind-pipe, wounds, etc. viii, 283 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, Bodges 4~ M'Arthur, 1820. ------. Thesame. 2. eel. viii, 280 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Sherwood, Gilbert 4' Piper, 1837. Also, Co-Editor of: Journal (The) of Comparative Medicine and Surgery, New York, 1882-3. For Biography, see Dublin M. Press, 1861, xiv, 316. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiii, 253-255. Also: Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Dubl., 1888, 196-201. Porter (William Heury)2. A practical treatise on renal diseases and urinary analysis, xiii, 349 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1887. See, also, Satterthwaitc (Thomas Edward) efc Por- ter (William Henry). Observations in one hundred cases of carcinoma. 8°. Xew York, 1879. Porter (William Ogilvie). Meelical scieuce and ethicks; au introductory lecture, ilelivered at the Bristol Medical School. 30 pp. 8°. Bristol, W. Strong, 1837. Porter. See, also, Beer. Porter, and its adulterations. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 108; 153; 277. Porter (Analysis of). A linen ( A. ) Porterunelersokning. [Analysis of porter.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 514-517. -----. Porterundersokningar. [Analysis of porter.] Ibid., 1881-2, xvii, 280. Porteret (L6on). *£tude sur le pronostic ties troubles tie rhiimeur vitree. 77 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1886, 1. s., No. 320. ------. The same. 77 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1886. Porterfield (William). A treatise on the eye. The manner antl phenomena of vision. 2 v. 450, xxxv, 434 pp., 8 pi. 8C. Edinburgh, G. Hamilton <$• J. Balfour, 1759. Porterie. 'Contribution k l'etude ties abaisse- ments de temperature, de l'influence tics foyers inflammatoires sur la marche de la temperature de quelques maladies algides. 42 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1880, No. 274. Porter*. f.oiiibroHO (C.) efc Congnet (D.) Studio medico le- gale antropologico, sui tumori professional! dei facchini. Movimento, Napoli, 1879, 2. s., i, 397-412. Porter's Health Almanac for 1832. ' Heury H. Porter, proprietor. 80 pp. sm. 4°. Philadel- phia, 1832. Port Garaud. Dnpin. Le projet du Port-Garaud an point de vue ile l'hygieue. Gaz. d. bop. de Toulouse, 1888, ii, 97; 105. Portll (Theod. Ludov. Guil. Victor). *De ac- comodatione oculorum. 16 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, C. W. Yollrath, [lo53]. C. PORTIEK. 522 PORTLAND. Portier (Franciscus). * An tliversis leinpera- mentis diversus rerum non naturalium usus? Praises: CleriadusVachier. 4 pp. 4°. Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1763. -----. *An febri malignae vesicantia? Praes.: Antouius Garniar. 4 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. vid. Ouillau, 1764.] Portier (Jean-Kaymond). * I. fitablir le dia- gnostic de la syphilide pustnleuse. II. [etc.]. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 263, v. 380. Portier de la Houssiniere (Franciscus). See Onilbert (Ludovicus Claudius). *An sua sit cuique aetati peculiaris evacuatio? 4°. Parisiis, 1764. Portigliotto (Carlo Giuseppe Gerenzano). See Gerenzano Portigliotto (Carlo Giuseppe). Portio dura. See Nerve (Facial). Fortius (Franciscus). See Portiua (Lucas Antonius). Opera omnia, [etc.]. 2 v. in 1. 4°. Neapoli, 1736. Fortius (Lucas Antouius) [1639-1723]. Opera omnia, medica, philosophica, et mathematica in unuui collecta, atque ad meliorem commodio- remqne formam retlacta. Cura ac studio Fran- cisci Portii. 2 v. in 1. xii, 391 pp.; 1 p. 1., 370 pp. 4°. Neapoli, C. Elia, 1736. CONTENTS. v. 1. Erasistratus, sive tie sanguinis raissione. Apolo- gia Galeni, Opuscula, et fragmenta varia, Dissertationes varia>.. In Hippocratis librum de veteri medicina .. . para- ph rasis. v. 2. De militis in castris sanitate tuenda. De motu corporum, et de uounullis foutibus uaturalibus. Lettere, e discorsi accademici. Del sorgimento de' licori nelle fls- tole aperte tl' ambidue 1' estremi. -----. De militis in castris sanitate tuenda. Etlitio novissima prioribus longe correctior. Ac- cessit Johann. Valentin. Willii tractatus tie mor- bis castrensibus, curante Joanne Christophoro Rieger. 13 p. 1., 195 pp., 1 pi.; 7 1., 105 pp. 8°. Bagw Comitum, P. Gosse, 1739. ■-----. The same. 13 p. 1., 195 pp.; 7 1., 105 pp., 1 pi. 8'-\ Lugd. Bat., B. Jongelyn et P. a Kas- trop, 1741. -----. The same. La m6decine militaire, ou l'art de conserver la saute" des soldats dans les camps; ouvrage tres-utile, non-seulement aux militaires, mais encore a toutes sortes de per- sonues. Trad, par M. [Eidous]. xxix (1 1.), 395 pp., 2 1., 3 pi. 16°. Paris, Briasson, 1744. -----. Thesame. The soldier's vademecum; or, the method of curing the diseases anel preserving the health of soleliers: I. In camps. II. In garri- sons. III. During marches. IV. Iu all the dif- ferent countries of Europe. Translatetl from the Latin; to which is addetl a treatise on the same subject, translated from Frederic Hoffmann. Also an essay on the diseases of sailors, x, 264 pp., 3 pi. 12°. London, B. Dodsley, 1747. See. also, Hippoe rates. De veteri medicina . . . para- phrasis, [etc.]. 12°. [ Ullrajecti, 1703.J Fortius (Siinou) [1497-1554]. De coloribus ocu- lorum. 57 pp. 8°. Florentiw, apud L. Torren- tinum, 1550. -----. De dolore. 66 pp. 8°. Florentiw, apud L. Torrentinum, 1551. -----. De puella germanica, qu* fere biennium vixerat sine cibo potuque. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Florentiw, apud L. Torrentinum, 1551. Port Jervis. Kuiehling (E.) Report on pollution of water supply of Port Jervis. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887, vii, 64-71, 2 pi. -----. Report ou the proposed use of an abandoned cemetery for the erection of a school-house in the village of Port Jervis, N. Y. Ibid., 1887, Troy, 1888, 109-118, i diag. Portland, Maine. Auditor's annual reports of the receipts and expenditures of the city of Port- laud. With the mayor's address, and annual Portland, Maine—con finned. reports ofthe several departments, made to the city council, for the years 1857-8; 1871-2 to 1888-9. 8 . Portland, 187)8-89. Contains reports of the board of health, city marshal, city physician, commissioner of parks, commissioner of streets, overseers of the poor, and superintendent of sewers. ------. Annual repents of the school committee to the city of Portland [including the school for the deaf], for the years 1876-7 +n 1879-80. 8 Portland, Me., 1877-80. ------. Keports of deaths in Portland (weekly). Dec. 8, 1883, to Jan. 3, 1885. 18°. [ Portland, 1883-5.] Portland, Maine. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Police (Beports and statistics of), by localities. Acts ofthe legislature, and ordinances ofthe city coun- cil, relating to the Portland Water Company. City of Port- land. Mayor's addr. efe rep. dep., 1873. 3-16 [sin. it]. Also: City of Portland. Auditor's rep. [etc.], 1874, 29-36 [sig. B].—Barker (J.) An account of febrile diseases, as they appeared in Portland and its vicinity in Aug. and Sept!, 1801. Med. Reposit.. N. Y., 1S03. vi, 18-24. — Fouler (T. A.) Sanitary condition of Portland. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1866-8, 209-217.—ii. (L.-J.), no. 13. Berard (A.), no. 12. Berard (P.), no. 11. Bichat (Z), no. 4. Blandin (F.P.), no. 8. Bouilland, no. 10. Bover (Alex.), no. 6. Bri'schet (G.), no. 7. Cliomel, no. 18. Civiale (J.), no. 17. Oloquet (J.), no. 16. Corvisart (J.-K.), no. 14. Cruveilhier, no. 15. Cullerier, no. 19. Delpecb, no. 23. Des Genettes, no. 22. Double, no. 26. Dubois (A.), no. 20. Dubois (P.), no. 25. Dunieril (C), no. 24. Dupuytren (G.), no. 21. Esqui'rol (J.-E. JX), no. 27. Ferrus (J.), no. 28. Gendriu. no. 29. Guibourt (G.), no. 31. Hahnemann (S.), no. 32. Jadelot, no. 34. Jobort (de Lara balle), no. 33. Laeuuec, no. 35. Lallemand. no. 38. Larrey (J.-D.), no. 36. Leroy-d'fitiolles, no. 39. Lisfranc (J.), no. 37. Lugol, no. 40. Magendie (F.), no. 42. Malgaigne (J.-F.), no. 44. Marjolin (J.-N.), no. 41. Moreau, no. 43. Ollivier d'Angers, no. 46. Orfila (M.-J.-B.), no. 45. Parmentier, no. 47. Pelletier (J.), no. 48. Piorry (P.-A.), no. 49. Rayer, no. 54. Richard (A.), no. 52. Ricberand (B.-A.), no. 51. Ricord (P.), no. 55. Rostan, no. 53. Roux (P.-J.), no. 50. Sanson (L.-J.), no. 56. Segalas, no. 57. Troussais (A.), no. 5?. Velpeau (A.-A.-L.-M.), no. 59. Gei-dy (W. P.N.), no. 30. Portraits of the professors in the medical depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania and in the Jefferson Medical College. 2 v. 14 pi. 4°. Philadelphia, V. F. Barrison, 1846. Port Richmond. <>nr-6. -----. Investii/aciones acerca delasantigiie- dades de la isla ile Puerto Rico (Borinquen). 8°. Babana, 1876. Porto Rico. Bello y EapiiioNn. Gi'scliichtliche, geographische und statistische tfemerkungen iiber Puerto Rico. Ztschr f. Ethu., Berl., 1S72, iv, 36-41 — ■■eilkmiriigcn (Zur) Statistik der Insel Portorico. Hamb. Mag. tl. ausl. Lit d ges. Heilk., etc., 1834, xxviii, 1-8. —Krng (L.) Indian! sche Alterthiimer in Porto Rico. Ztschr'. i. Ethn. Berl 1876, viii, 428-436.—liieingn (E.) Estado tie la cirugiii en Puerto Rico. Arch ile la cirug., Barcel., 1877 i. 7 ,'-82 — TIiimoii (O. T.) The antiquities of Porte. liico. 1'ie.c Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1876. Salem, 1877, xxv, 2i»4-29!t.— floyil (I G.) Puerto-Rico. Espana med., Madrid, 1861, vi, 472 620.— Salicrnp (P. J.) [Description of the city ot Sail Juan, of Porto Rico, and its sanitary condition.J Nut Bd Health Bull., Wash., 1880-81, ii, 646". Also, transl.: Arch de med. nav., Par., 1881, xxxvi, 278-286. Port Royal. See Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), by local- ities; Martinique. Port Said. Francois (J.-B.) * Port-Said, son hygiene et sa constitution medicale 4°. Paris, 1H74. Vauvrny. Contributions k la geographie ineelicale. Port-Said. Arch, de med. nav., Par., lK7:t, xx, 161-190. Port Sanilac. See Fever (Typhoid, Bistory, etc., of), by local- ities. PortsniOUtll, England. Annual reports of the metlical officer of health antl public analyst to the urban sanitary authority, with quarterly antl yearly tables of deaths, etc., for the years 1880, 1881, 1884. fol. Portsmouth, 1881-7). 1880 and 1881 by Walter J. Sykes. Portsmouth, England. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Rawlinson (R.) Report to the General hoard of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, tlraiuage, auel supply of water, anel the sanitary condition of the inhabitants ofthe bor- ough of Portsmouth, in the county of Hampshire. 8°. London, 1H50. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a further inquiry intei the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, antl the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the parish of Portsmouth. 8°. London, 1851. Angell (L.) The drainage of the borough of Ports- mouth. Proc. Ass. Municip. efc San. Eugiu. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, iv, 142-150.—Boulnois (H. P.) The drainage of Portsmouth. Ibid.. 1886-7, Lond., 1887, xiii, 126-132. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Spalding (L.) Bills of mortality for Ports- mouth, N. H., for the years 1804, 1808,1801), lrtll. 4°. [ Portsmouth, 1805-12.] Spalding (L.) Bill of mortality for Portsmouth (N. H.) for 1803. Metl Reposit., N. Y.,' 1804, vii, 308. -----. Bill of mortalitv for Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for A. D. 1810 and 1811. N. York M. & Phil. J. efc Rev., 1811, iii, 115; 303. Also: Meel.-Phys. J., Loud., 1812, xxviii, 32. Also [Abstr.]: N. Eng. J. M. efc S, Bost., 1812, i, 321.-----. Bill of mortality for Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for A. D. 1809. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y., 1814, iii, 129.- Thumtoii (J.) Bill of mortality for Portsmouth, N. H., for A. D. 1818. N. Eng. J. M. »., 1853, 2. s., xiii, 111; 177; 235.—Cartailliac (E.) Notes sur l'archeolo- gie pr6bistorique en Portugal, d'apres les travaux de MM. Pereira da Costa, Ribeiro JDelgado, etc. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1881, 3. s., iv, 281-307.—lTIoran (B.) Re- port of the Portuguese census of 1877. Rep. Consuls U. S. on commerce, etc., "Wash., 1881, no. 10, 282-284.—Pery (G.-A.) Mouvement de la population en Portugal. Ann. de demog. internat., Par., 1877, i, 497-516.—Poli (B.) Extracto das observacoes medicas sobre Portugal, feitas no verao 1838, e lidas & Soc. med.-fys. tie Florenca. Tra- duccao do italiano. J. Soc. el. sc. med. de Lisb., 1839, x, 299-311.—de Son«aeSilva (J.J.) Cousideracoes Acerca de algumas causas que julgo produzirem a insalubridade que se tern manifestaelo em maior gran e as especialielades que teem affectado, as doencas que mais teem reintlo. Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1858, vi, 45-47.—Viamia (C.) Esta- tisticas medicas; da sua utilidade e necessidaele no nosso paiz ; meios de as obter. Ibid., 1853-4, i, 211; 227 ; 243. Portugal (Mineral waters of). [Tavares (F.)] Instruccoes e cautelas prac- ticas sobre a naturesa, differentes especies, vir- tndes em geral, e uso legitimo das aguas mine- raes, principalmente de Caldas; com a noticia daquellas, que sao conhecidas em cada huma das Provincias do Reino de Portugal, e o methoelo ele preparar as aguas artiiiciaes. 12°. Coimbra, 1810. Beer (J.) Die Mineralquellen Portugals. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 150; 161.—de C'ai-vnlho (F.) Re- latorio sobre as aguas mineraes. J. Sue-. <1. sc. med. de Lisb., 1867, 2. s., xxxi, 242; 270.— I.ourcnco (A. V.) Re- latorio sobre as aguas mineraes. Ibid., 308; 334; 362. Also: Escholiaste med., Lisb., 18G7, xviii, 296; 315; 333.— de Soina Pinto (A. J.) Golpe de vista sobre as agoas miueraes nativas e artiflciaes. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1848, 2. s., iii, 141-159. Portus (Antouius). De peste libri tres. De morbillis liber unus. Recenter recogniti et co- piosi us aucti. 5 p. 1., 268 pp., 7 1. 4°. Romw, apud D. Basam, 1589. Portz (Heuricus Josephus) [1811- ]. *De prima tuberculorum formatione et sede; historia tuberculorum peritonan adjecta. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1836]. de Porta (Petrus). *De fermentatione et effer- vescentia in corpore humano. 10 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1688. Porvenir (El). Periddico de la Sociedad tilo- i^trica y de beneficencia de los alumnos de la Escuela de medicina. v. 1-5, May, 1869-73. 8°. Mexico. Porvenir (El). Was title of nos. 1-12, v. 1, of: Porvenir (El) medico. Porvenir (El) de las ciencias, periodico de medi- cina y ciencias. Director: Miguel de Torre. Se publica los miercoles y sabados. Nos. 1-30, v. 1, Feb. 3 to May 19, 1877. fol. Madrid. Porvenir (El) nieelico. Periodico de los in- tereses materiales, morales y cientificos de las chases medicas. Director: Enrique Sueuder. v. 1, Feb. 5 to Dec. 31, 1853. fol. Madrid. Want no. 1, v. 1, Feb. 5, 1853. Title of nos. 1-12, v. 1, was: Porvenir (El). Oct. 5, 1856, continued as: Es- pana (La) medica. Porvenir (El) de la veterinaria. Periodico cieutifico y defensor de estas clases. Dirigido por Eugenio F. Isasmendi. [Three times a month.] Nos. 28-110 (v. 2-4), Jan. 10, 1**4, to March 30, 1886. 8°. Madrid. Want nos. 31, 37, 93. Continued as: lTIedicina (La) veterinaria. Porzio (Lucantonio). See Portius (Lucas An- - tonins). Porzio (Simone). See Portius (Simon). Posada (Aureliano). *Des causes de la dysen- teric 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 48. Posadski (S. V.) Prakt. vidoizmien. ucheta uglekisloti v vozduche, pri oprediel. eja po spo- sobu Pettenkofer-Nagorskago. [Calculations of quantity of carbonic acid gas contained in the air according to the analysis and method of Pettenkofer-Nagorski.] 43 pp. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1886. Posadski (Stephan). * Patologo-anatomiches- kijaizmeneuijasetchatki pri nekotorych obshich zabolevanijach. [Pathologo-anatomical changes of retina in certain general tliseases. ] 27 pp., 1 pi. *c. St. Petersburg, tipog. Minist. Putei Soob., 1882. Posajni (V.) *0 gazoobmiene u golodajush sobtik. [Gas secretion in the huugry dog.] 99 pp., 3 tab., 1 pi. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1886. Posca (Carolus). * De nephritide amyloidea, ad- juucta historia morbi. 34 pp. 8°. Gryphiswal- diw, F. G. Kunike, 1867. Poscll (Karl). Beschreibung einer neuen, sehr bequemen Maschine, das Fussbette genannt, zur Heilung des Schienbeinbruches. 13 p. 1., 49 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Wien, J. Kurzbock, 1774. Bound with: Tode (J. C.) Vom Tripper -[etc.]. 12°. Kopenhagen u. Leipzig, 1774. Poschitz. Kachler (J.) Analyse des Poschitzer Sauerbrunnens. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1875, iii, 330-332. Poscliinanil (Joannes) [1819- ]. *De pleu- ritide. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. fralrum Schlesinger, [1850]. Posen. Generalberichte iiber das Medicinal- untl Sanitatswesen im Regieruugsbezirk Posen fiir die Jahre 1881-5, erstattet von B. Gemmel. 4°. Posen, 1883-7. Posen. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), Fever (Relapsing, Bistory, etc, of'), Fever (Ty- phus, Bistory, etc, of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc), by local- ities ; Measles (Epidemics of). Cohn. Die Sterblichkeits-Verhaltnisse in der Stadt Posen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. tl. off. Med., Berl., 1869, x, 270-296.—Lent. Gutachten der wissenschaftlichen De- putation fiir das Medicinalwesen, betreffend das Project der Canalisation eler Stadt Posen mit Abf'uhr der Canal- stoffe in elie Watthe, vom 9. April 1879. Besprochen von . . . Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1880, ix, 57-69. Posen (Grand Duchy of). Sanitiits-Bericht des kouigl. Medizinal-Collegiums zu Posen fiir das erste Semester 1830. Refereut: Dr. Luttinger. 64 pp. fol. Posen, W. Decker u. Comp., 1832. -----. General-Bericht des koniglichen Medizi- nal-Collegii des Grossherzogthums Posen iiber das zweite Semester 1830. Referent: Dr. Cohen. 67 pp. fol. Posen, W. Decker u. Comp., 1832. POSEWITZ. Posf'Witz (Joh. Fridericus Siegismund) [1766- 1 *().>]. * Lumbricum teretcm, tamiain ascarieles et frithurides non esse vermes corpori animan- tium connatos, sed in iel potius inferri, ostendere stuelet. 12 pp. 4°. Vitebergw, A. C. Charisius, [1788]. -----. * Seniiologiam aphtharum acute idiopathi- carum ct symptomaticaruiu . . . defendit. 24 pp. 4°. Wittebergw, ex off. A. C. Charisii, [1790]. -----. De arteriis majoribus, secunelum natura? leges, per superficiem corporis humani externam, excurreutibus, vel saltim, ad eandem, imigis mi- nusve accedentibus, pars prima. 16 pp. 4°. Giessw, lit. Braunianis, [1795]. -----. Physiologie der Pulsaderu eles menschli- chen Korpers, nebst einer vorausgeschicktcii Be- schreibung eles Herzens, unel einer tabellari- schenllcbersicht tier beyden arterioscn Systeme. Erster Theil. xxii, 267 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. G. Feind, 1795. For Biography, see rViirnberger (Christian Fride- rich). Posewitz (Samuel). *De scorbuto. 29 pp. *'. Vindobonw, A. Strauss, 1826. Posewitz (Theoelor). * Ueber Transfusion bei Nachgeburtsbltitungen. 19 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1873. Posey County. See Indiana. Position and posture (Effects of). See, also, Body (Human, Attitude, etc, of); Decubitus; Labor (Posture of the woman in); Pulse. Ansiaux (N.-J.-V.) De l'influence tie la posi- tion dans les malaelies chirurgicales. 8°. LUge, 1852. Constantin (A.-J.) * Sur l'hyponarthecie et son applicatiou au traitement tie nombreuses af- fections du membre abdominal. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839. Desgrand (H.) * Dissertation sur la situatiou considered elaus ses rapports avec la ni6elecine pratique. 4°. Paris, 1824. Gros-Gurin (F.-M.) * Quelques considera- tions sur l'iufluence de la position dans les mala- dies non-chirnrgicales. 4°. Paris, 1857. Nicomede (G.) * De l'influence tie la deSclivite" sur les causes et le traitement ties maladies in- ternes. 4°. Paris, 1874. Vrolik (G.) * De homine ad statum gressum- que erectum per corporis fabricam disposito. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1795. Aveling (J. 11.) The influence of posture on women. Obst. J. Gr. Brit, Lond., 1874-5, ii, 481; 609: 1875-6, iii, 145: 1876-7, iv, 705; 777: 1877-8, v, 1; 633: 1878-9, vi, 201. Also, Reprint. — Ballet (G.) Note sur la valeur dia- gnostique de l'attitude che/. certains malades. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1887, 3. s., iv, 337-339.— Bowles (R. L.) Position in accident and disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, i, 625.—Billiard (W. N.) Observa- tions on the steadiness of the hand and on static equilib- rium. Boston M. et S. J., 1888, cxix, 595-603.—Campbell (H. F.) The genu-pectoral posture; its value in impelled uterine reduction and iu the prolonged nausea aud vomit- ing of pregnancy. Tr. Am. Gynec. Sue'. 1885, N. Y., 1886, x, 238-313.—Dastre (A.) efc Pamponkis (S.) Influ- ence du balancement stifles mouvements dela respiration et sur la position des visceres. Arch, de physiol. norm. etpath., Par., 1888, 4 a., ii. 277-297— Donaldson (S.J.) Bodily posture in gynecology. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii,'481-502.—Diichenn'e. Etude physiologique sur la courbure lombo-saorceet l'inclinaison du bassin pendant la station verticale k l'aide de l'experimentatiou 61ecfro- phvsiologique et de l'observation clinique; memoire lu il fa Soci6t6 de medecine de la Seine-en octobre 1866. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1866, 6. s., viii, 534-547. Also, Re- print.—Duncan (J. M.) Clinical lecture on painful sit- ting Me-d. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 619-621. Also, in his: Clin. Lect. Dis. Women, 8°, Lond., 1879, 81-94.- Fauvelle. Recherches sur les conditions statiques et dvnamiques de la station bipede chez I'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 792-813.—Hermann (A.) Die Sitzeinrichtungen iu Sihule und Haus und ihr Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Jugend, insbesondere auf S POSNKU. Position and posture (Effects of). deren Wnchs und Haltung. Monatsbl. f. tiff. Gsndhts- prig., Brnschwg., 1879, ii, 97; 113; 129.—Hinsdale (G.) The station of man, considered physiologie ally and clini- rally. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., xiii'i, 478-485.— ■jisler (J.) An address on the influence of position upon local circulation. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1879, i, 923 926__ IVIasse. De l'influence des attitudes des membres sur leurs articulations au point de vue tlierapeuti(|iu>. Mont- pel. nied., 1877, xxxix, 25-57. — Poller ( \V. W.) The gynecic uses and value of the genu-pectoral posture. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii, 221-227— Bichardson (B. W.) On pulse tracings antl cardiac sounds with tho body inverted. Asclepiaif, Lond.. 1880, iii, 31-39.—Mini in (A.-L.) De la position dans le traitement ties malaelies. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1879, viii, 193-200— Spender (J. K.) A stntlv of metlical posture. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1883, i, 184-195.—Mlocliinger (T.) Ueber die Wichtigkeit der Mittellage der (iliedmassen in der Be- handlung chirurgischer Krankheiten. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1856, vi, 299 — Thomson (A.) The influence of posture on the form of the articular surfaces of the tibia and astragalus in the different races of man and the higher apes. -I Anat. efc Physiol.. Loud., 1888-9, xxiii, 616-639.— Tsibnlski (N\) O vlijanii polojenija tiela na davlenie krovi, pulsi i dichanie. [Influence of posture on pulse and respiration.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1879, exxxv, Aug., 173-200.—Upright (The) attitude of mankind. J. Sc, Lond. 1884, 3. s., vi. 134-139.—Warner (F.) Studies of postures indicative of the condition of mind, as illus- trated in works of art. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1884, n. 8., xxx, 30-37. Positive medication. A pamphlet on alkatrits, alkametric granules, alkadermic pellets, [etc.]. Also npon alkassayed fluids. 4 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Detroit, Mich., F. Stearns 4~ Co., [1886, vel subseq.]. Poslavski (I.) *K raspoznavaniju i lecheniju kreozotom bugorchatago zabolievanija legkich. [Diagnosisof phthisis, and its treatment by creo- sote.] 88 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, iipog. E. Ev- dokimova, 1888. Posnanski (Davides) [1819- ]. *De apo- logia intermittentium. 31pp. 8C. Berolini,typ. Nietackianis, [1845]. Posner (Carl). Ueher Litholyse. 7 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1888.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv. See, also, Bernard (Claude). Vorlesungen iiber den Diabetes, [etc.J. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Posner (Caspar). Methodi cognoscendi et cu- randi atlfectus particulares capitis, Hippoerati- cis, Paracelsicis ael Harvejanis principiis illus- trate. Dissertatio prima, de dolore capitis. 42 pp. sm. 4°. Jenw, stanno Steinmanniano, If52. -----. YeveavdpunoMyia, sive geuerationis huma- nae operum naturalium maximi secundum varias veterum, recentiorum atque novissimorum opi- nion es ac observationes descriptio, succinct is tabulis in usum lectionum acatlemicarum ador- nata. 361. fol. Jenw, sumt. T. Oehrlingii, 1692. Bound with: Eisenmann (Georg. Henr.) Tabulae ana- tomieaa quatuor uteri duplicis, [etc.]. fol. Argentorati, 1752. -----. Curieiser Tractat von denen Missgebur- then, erster und aneler Theil, aus dem Lateini- schen ins Deutsche iibersetzet von M. M. 80 pp. 16°. Dressden it. Leipzig, J. C. Miethen, 1702. Posner (Ed. Wilh.) Medicina pastoralis et rura- lis. Ein Hanel- uud Hiilfsbuch fur Seelsorger, Aerzte, Lehrer uud Menschenfreunde. Nach dem neuesten Stantlpunkte der Wissenschaft und Erfahrung und nach den besten Quellen bear- beitet. xiv (1 1.), 718 pp. 8°. Glogau, C. Flem- ming, 1844. -----. Das Weib und das Kind in alien ihren Le- hensverhaltnissen, in Gesundheit wie in Krank- heit, in leiblicher wie in geistiger Beziehung. Ein belehrendes und unterhaltendes Hilfs- untl Handbuch fiir Jungfrauen, Frauen uud. Mutter. vi (1 1.), 376 pp. 8°. Glogau, C. Flemming, [1847]. Posner (Guilelmus) [1815- ]. *De spongia officinali in vaginam applicanda. 17 pp., 1 pl-i 1 1. 4°. Vratislavice, typ. Guentherianw, [1838J- POSNER. 529 POST. Posner (Johannes Caspar). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. efc Men of Se., 134. Posner (Louis) [1815-68]. Die Lehre von den acuten Kraukheitsformen. x, 494 pp. 12°. Leip- zig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1847). _____. Eucyclopadisches Handbuch tier Brun- nen- und Baderkunele. 2 v. in 1. vi, 600 pp.; 3 p. 1., 169 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. W. Hayn, 1853. CONTENTS. v. 1. Lexikographische Darstellnng der wichtigsten Kurorte Europa's. v. 2. Grundriss der allgemeinen Balneologie und Kur- Methotlik (mit Einschluss tier Seebiider, Molken-, Wasser-, Traubenkuren, etc.). .-----. Skizzen aus Bad Oeynhausen. (Rehme.) 37 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1858. -----. Briefe iiber das Bad Elsttr im sachsischen Voigtlande. 11., 104 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 186,4. -----. Handbuch der klinischen Arzneimittel- lehre. xx, 799 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1866. -----. The same. Manuale tli dottrina clinica dei rimedi. 1. versione italiana dal tedesco, sull' ultima edizione del autore pel professore Giu- seppe Ria. xvi, 623 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Jovene, 1869. Also, Editor of: Uledicinischer Almanach, Berlin, 1850-64. Also, Co-Editor of: Allgemeine mediciniscbe Central-Zeitung, Berlin, 1851-63. Also, Editor of: Ber- liner klinische Wochenschrift, 1864-7. See, alio, Burrows (George). Beobachtungen iiber die Krankheiten des eerebralen Blutkreislaufes, [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig u. Wien, 1847. For Biography, see Berl. klin. Wchn?chr., 1868, v, 406 (W.). -----& Simon (Carl Eduard). Handbuch der speciellen Arznei-Verordnungslehre. Mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Arzneimit- tel sowie der 6. Ausgabe der preuss. und tier 5. der osterr. Pharmacopoe. 2. unveranderte Aufl. vii, 495 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1855. -----■-----. The same. Hanelbuch eler allge- meinen und speciellen Arzneiverordnungs Lehre. Mit besonelerer Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Arzneimittel sowie der 7. Ausgabe tier preussi- schen, tier 5. der osterreichischen und eler neue- sti'ii llearbeitungen der bayerischen unel hanno- verschen Pharmakopoe. 5. Aufl. x, 704 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1864. Posology. See Medicines (Administration, etc., of). Posonyi (Joauues). * De helmiuthis intestina- libns hominis. vi, 7-52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pestini, J. T. Trattner, 1820. [P., v. 1308.] Possart (A.) Alphabetisches Repertorium zur Charakteristik der homoopatischen Arzneien. Ein Handbuch zum schuellen unel sicheren Auf- tinden der fiir jeden einzelnen Fall passenden Arzneimittel, nach Priifungen, an Gesunden untl nach den bisberigen Erfahrungen am Kranken- bette. Erstes Heft. 128 pp. 8°. Sonclershau- sen, F. A. Eupel, 1852. -----. Homoopatische Arznei mittel lehre aller iu deu Jahren 1850-57 gepriiften Mittel. 3 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Nordhausen, A. Biichting, 1858[-6:?]. 1. pt, comprises 1850-57; 2. pt., 1858-9: 3. pt., by G. O Kleinert, 1860-62. Also. Co-Editor of: Homoopathisehe Arzneimittel- lehre, [etc.], Nordhausen, 1850-62. Posse (Joauues Augustus). *De cognoscendis et sanandis scrofulis. 31 pp. [diploma inserted]. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., F. A. Grunri, [1784]. Posse (Nils). Medical gymnastics. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, T. R. Marvin 4' Son, 1887. Posselius (Joh.), jr. Disp. med. catholicarum ii. de temperamentis, vulgo complexiouibus dictis. 6 1. 4°. Belmstadii, J. Lucius, 1588. 34 Posseit (Carl). *Die chirurgische Abtheilung und Klinik des Hrn. Professor v. Rothmund im allgemeinen Krankenhause Miiuchen 1. d. I., Etatsjahr 1860-61. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Rei- mer, 1863. Repr. from: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv. -----. Zur Litteratur der periostealen Osteoplas- tic Habilifations-Schrift. 79 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, J. G. Weiss, 1864. Posseit (Carolus Fridericus) [1780-1804]. * Diss. sistens tentamina circa anatomiam forticulae au- ricularise Linn. 34 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jenw, lit. Etz- dorfii etsoc, [1800]. For Biography, see Gruner (Christ. Godofr.). Posseit (Chr. Henr. Wilh.) De pleura: ossifica- tione. 1 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Beidelbergw, G. Reichard, 1839. Posseit (Godofredus). Biga qmestionum pneu- maticarum, quae spectant ad recentiores contro- versias tarn generaliores de spiritibus quam specialiores de Deo. 7 1. 4°. Fitembergw, typ. vid. Gerdesianw, [1714]. Posseit (17.). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Possenie (Francois-Pierre-Marie). * Recherches sur le traitement de la hernie ombilicale e"tran- glee. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 40. Possession. See Hysteria (Epidemic); Insanity; Demon- ology, etc. Possession (La) de Jeanne Fery, religieuse pro- fes.se du couvent des Soeurs Noires de la ville de Mous (1584). [First published, Paris, 1586.] v, 109 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye °. Beirout, 1876. Arabic text. ------. [Ornithology.] 96pp. 8°. Beirout, 1882. Arabic text. Post (Janus). * De signis ex lingua petendis. 2 p. 1., 77 pp. 8°. Lugd.-Bat, C. G. Menzel, [1843]. Post (Jotham). * An inaugural dissertation, to tlisprove the existence of muscular fibres in the vessels. (Columbia College, N. York.) 29 pp. 8°. New York, T. 4- J. Swords, 1793. Post 1,Julius). * Ueber tlrei isomere Bromsulfo- sauren aus krystallisirtem Bromtoluol und diesen eutsprechende Sulfhydrate. 42 pp. 8°. Gbt- tingen, E. A. Huth, 1870. c. Post (Minturn) [1808-69]. See Raciborski (A.) An elementary treatise on aus- cultation, [etc.J. 8°. New York. 1839. For Biography, see Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. 1871, Albany, 1872, 350 (G. S. Winston). Post (S[arah] E.) The negative pulse of the veins. 18 pp. 16°. New York, Trow, 1883. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii. Post (Wright) [1766-1828J. Mott (V.) A biographical memoir of Wright Post, M. D. Delivered as an introductory lect- ure. 8°. New York, 1829. Smith (J. A.) Eulogium on the late Wright Post, delivered in the chapel of Columbia College at the request ofthe Metlical Society ofthe City and County of New York, on Wednesday, Octo- ber 8, 1828. 8°. New York; 1828. Postal (The) Microscopical Society. A classified list of objects shown from its commencement to the eud ofthe 4th year, June, 1877. viii, 31 np 4°. [London], 1878. Postel (A.-J.-D.-A.) * Sur les signes diagnosti- tpies de la peripneumonie et de la phthisie pul- monaire. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, H21, No. 32, v. 184. Postel (Ch.-Emile). * Des polypes nasopharyn- giens. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 208. Postel (H.) * Nonnulla de febri h vdrocephalica. 23 pp. 4°. Kiliw, C. F. Mohr, 1824. van Postel (Joannes Jacobus). * De podagra. 1785. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, 332-337. Postel (Joh.) Stiagraphiavirium imaginationis. 13 1. 4°. Rostochii, prelo J. Richelii, [1682]. Postel ( Louis-Eugene ). * Considerations phy- siologiques et metlicales sur la sociabilite et lea svsteiiiesp^nitentiaires. 42pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 89, v. 609. Postel (N.-Charles). * Considerations physiolo- giques sur la vieillesse, et application ties regies de l'hygiene a cet Age. vi, 7-47 pp. 4C. Paris, 1819, No. 48, v. 145. Postel (Pierre-Thomas). * Considerations toxi- cologiques sur l'emploi du sucre dans lis empoi- sonnemens par I'acAtate tie cuivre. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 219, v. 254. Post-Graduate (The). The journal of the New York Post-Graduate Metlical School anel Hospital. Etlited by W. O. Moore and Seneca I). Powell. LQuarterly.] No. 4, v. 2, July, 1.^7; v. 3-4, 1888-9. 8°/ New York. Current. Title of v. 1 and nos. 1-3, v. 2, tviis: Quar- terly Bulletin of the Clinical Society of the Kew York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago. Annual announcement for the session of 1HH7. 15 pp. sm. 4°. Chicago, Jameson 4 Morse Com- pany, 1887. Post-graduate school. See Education (Medical), etc. Posthitis (Joannes) [1537-97]. See Seiflelius (Bruno). Liber morborum incurahilium causas [etc.J. 12°. Francof., 15U3. -----. The same. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1662. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. efc Men of Sc, 29. Postliilina (Suardus). * Waarnemingen uit ile heolkimdige kliniek van het Xosocomium icaili- micum te Leiden, geelurende tleu cursus lH>2-3. 2 p. 1., 79 pp. 8°. Leiden, Gebr. vander Eoelc, 1863. Postlllinilis (Gerardus). * Editio libri pramo- tionuui Hippocratis. xxiii, 80 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, B. R. Roelfsema, [1850]. PostlllllllllS (Gerhartlus). * De liquore fetali amnios vulgo dicto; cum tribuscasibus, deticieute prorsus hoc liquore, parturientium in Nosocomio academico observatis. 1 p. 1., 33 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, I. Oomkens, [1819]. PostlllllllllS (Jan), Fz. * Spec, exhibens obser- vatioues quasdam tie potu, pin'sertim aqua?. 1 p. 1., 25 pp., 3 1. 8°. Groningce, A. Reneman, 1828. Postliumus (St. Paulus). See C'olloquia collegialia in 6 Episteln [etc.]. 12°. Wittenberg, 18(50. Postiglione (Prospero). Memoria patologico- pratica sulla natura del go/.zo e sulla facile ma- niera di curarlo. vii, 48 pp. 4°. Napoli, A. Garruccio, 1812. [P., v. 1136.] PostiIt (Egor). *Materialy k toksikologii ci- cutte virosse i etiologii toksicheskago vospalenija jeludka i kishek elcmashnich jivotnych. [Toxi- cology of cicuta virosa and etiology of toxical inflammation of stomach and intestines in do- mestic animals.] 31pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, K. I. Kuna, 1883. POSTIS. 531 POTASSIUM. de Postis (Louis). * Quelles sont les fonctions des v6g6taux dans lesquelles la physique apporte le plus de lumiere? 80 pp. 8°. Montpellier, P. Grollier, 1844. [P., v. 128.] Concours. Postmen. Lewis (W.) Reports on the health of the London nostraen 1855,1856, and 1857. J. Pub. Health efc San. Rev., Lond.. 1856, ii, 102: 1857, iii, 37: 1858, iv, 49. -----. On the bealth of the London postmen. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. So- cial Sc. 1862, Lond., 1863, 581-586. Post-mortem examination. See, also, Anatomy (Methods, etc., of); An- atomy (Pathological, Observations, etc., of); Ca- daver ; Morgue. Janeway (E. G.) Post-mortem examinations in rela- tion to public health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1879, Bost., 1880, v, 75-83.—Lyman (H. M.) The Mutual Au- topsy Society of Paris. Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1879, xxxix, 373. Postnikoff(I. M.) Polovvi appetit so vsiomi ego posliedstvijami. [The sexual appetite and tiic consequences of its abuse.] 464, viii pp. 16°. Moskva, tip. F. Johanson, 1889. Postiiikoff(N. V.) O kumyse ego svoistvach i dcistvii na chelovecheskii organizm. [Kumyss, its peculiarities and effect on animal organism.] 54 pp., 11. 8°. Samara, gub. tipog., 1887. Postolka (August). See ToMcnno (Anton) & Postolka (August). Hand- buch der Thierseuchen-Gesetzgebung [etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1S88. Posture. eSVi; Position, etc. Posvjatsliaetsja Professora Venceslaus Leo- pold Grnber. [Deelicated to the memory of Prof. Wenceslaus Leopold Gruher.] 22 pp., port. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1882. Potain (Andre"-Jacqnes). * Sur les fractures du crane et sur l'operation du trypan. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 3, v. 95. -----. *De la paralysie considered comme symp- t6uie ties 16sions de l'encephale, setilemeut sous le rapport de la nie'decine proprement dite. vi, 7-65 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 108, v. 206. Potain (C.) * Des lesions des ganglions lympha- tiques visceraux. 81 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1.-60. [Also, in: P., v. 1661.] Concours. Potain (Pierre - Carl - Edouard) [ 1825- ]. * Quelques recherches sur les bruits vasculaires auorinaux qui suivent les hemorrhagies. 50 pp. 4 \ Paris, 1853, No. s, v. 546. Potamianos (Xicolaos G.) * Beitrage zum Si- tus viscerum iuversus. 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1879]. Potamogale. Allman (G. J.) On the characters and affini- ties of Potamogale, a genus of insectivorous mam- mals. 4°. [London, 1863? ] Repr. from: Tr. Zool. Soc. Lond., vi, pt. 1. Potash and liquor potassw. See, also, Belladonna; Caustics; Lye. Bukckas (J. D.) *De alcali fixi vegetabilis et miueralis differentia. 4°. Balw ad Salam, [1770]. Lewis(W.) Experiments and observations on American potashes. 8°. London, 1767. Peissel (C. G.) *De usu medico-chirurgico kalmracumnxoruiutumvolatilis. 4°. Vitebergw, [1810]. Pesier(E.) * Recherches sur les potasses du commerce. Moyen dereconnaitre leur falsifica- tion par la soutle. 4°. Paris, 1844. -----• The same. Des potasses. Moyen fa- cile et commercial de reconnaltre la quantity de soude qu'elles contiennent a l'aide du natrometre. o ■ Valenciennes, 1845. Repr. from-. Mem. Soc. d'agric. de Valenciennes. Potash and liquor potassa^. Rosenstiel (L. N.) *De genesi et ortu salis alkali fixi vegetabilis. 4°. Argentorati, [1771]. Stephens (T.) The method and plain process for making,pot-ash, equal, if not superior, to the best foreign pot-ash. 4°. London, [1753]. Agnolesi (P.) Metodo generale per isolare 1' idrato d1 ossido di potassio ed alcuni elei suoi composti. elalle ma- terie organiche nelle ricerche chimico-legale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1870, xxvi, 160-167.—Breus (K.) Tuberkulose Ulzeration des Pharynx, Oesophagus und des Magens nach Kalilaugenveriitziing. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 258. — Brug (G. A.) Letter from Strassburg. (Swallowing of caustic potash by mistake.) Boston M. & S. J., 1876, xcv, 481-483.—Dehn (A.) Ueber die Ausschei- dungder Kalisalze. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 353-368. — Oentwcli. Vergiftung durch Aetzkali- Lauge. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1857, xxvi, 229.—Oay-fjiissac. Essai des potasses du commerce. Ann. tie ehim. et phys., Par., 1828, xxxix, 337-368. Also, Reprint.—Henry (O.) Nouvelles expediences pour l'essai ties potasses du com- merce, et appareil dit potassimetre propose pour l'effectuer. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1845, 3. s., vii, 214-222. Also, Reprint.—lVIader. Intoxication mit in Nussbranntwein gelostem Lungenstein; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 363. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 132. — Moeli. Vergiftung mit einer Losung von Kali causticum; Tod in der 17. Woche. Arch. d. Heilk., LeJipz., 1878, xix, 183- 187.—Parkei (E. A.) The action of liquor potassae on the urine, in health. Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1853, xi, 258-273. -----. The action of liquor potassas on the urine in some chronic diseases. Ibid., 1854, xiv, 498- 506.—Seyelel (C.) Ueber den forensischen Nachweis der Kali-Vergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xliii, 273-282.—Weinlechiier (J.) Vergiftung mit Laugenessenz in selbstmorderischer Absicht, hoch- gradige Dysphagie, Durchbohrung des Oesophagus ober der Cardia an einer exulcerirten Stelle bei Gelegenheit eines auscheinend anstandslos vor sich gehenden Cathe- terismus. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1875), 1876, 373. -----. Selbstmordversuch durch Schnitt und Trinken von Laugenessenz; Tod an Pleuropneumonie mit Bildung gangranoser Abscesse. Ibid. (1876), 1877, 338. Potassium and its salts in general. See, also, Heart (Effects of drugs on). Hennicke (G.) * Ueber tlie Wirkung einiger neutraler Kaliumverbinduugen auf die Herz- thatigkeit und die Form der Pulswelle beim Hunde. 8°. Greifswald 1877. Hering (A.) * Ueber die Wirkungen der Ka- lisalze im Allgemeinen unel des Kali uitricum im Speciellen auf den thierischen resp. menschlichen Organismus. [Jena.] 8°. Spandau, lb75. M^UANDON (L.) * Action physiologique et therapeutique des sels de potasse. 4°. Paris, 1868. Serullas (G.-S.) Observations physico-chi- miques sur les alliages du potassium et du sodium avec d'autres metaux; propriety's nouvelles de ces alliages servant, a expliqucr le phenomene de l'inflammation spontanee du pyrophore, et la cause ties mouvemens du camphre sur l'eau. 8°. Metz,.1820. -----. Second m6moire sur les alliages du potassium, et sur ^existence tie l'arseuic elans les preparations antimoniales usitees eu nie'decine. 8°. Metz, 1821. Taurenes (E.) * Des sels de potassium a acides mineranx employes en pharmacie. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1887. Abl. Ueber Kali und Natron. Ztschr. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1856, vii, 147; 164.—Alexander. Arzneiexanthem nach Gebrauch von Tartarus boraxatus. Vrtlisc.hr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1884, xi, 110-115. — Bar- rallier (A.) Potasse et ses composes. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1880, xxix, 155-202.—Basliam (VV. R.) The therapeutic value of some salts of potash in re- ducing or modifying the amount of uric acid in renal cal- culus aud allied urinarv disortlers. Practitioner, Lond., 1870, v, 257-266.—Bellini (R.) Sul clorato, sul hroraato e sullo iotlato di potassa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1871, xxvii, 45-48.—Blake (J.) On the physiological action of the salts of potassium rubidium and caesium. J. Physiol., Lond., 1884-5, v, 124-126.—Bochefontaine. Note sur quelques experiences relatives a l'etude des effets physio- logiques de la soude, de la potasse et leurs sels. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. a., v, 78-82.—Bouchar- POTASSIUM. 532 POTASSIUM. JPotassiiiiii. ■liit & Cooper ( S.) Experiences sur Taction pbysio- le>niei_ue' comparee des chlorure, bromure et iodine du peitassinin. Arch. gen. tie med.. Par., 1846, suppl.. 361- 378. — Bouilhou. Des sels tie potasse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxx, 29-224. — Buch heim (R.) Ueber die Wirkuug der Kaliutnsalze. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1875, iii. 252-259.—Bniigc (G.) Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der Fleischbruhe nnd der Kalisalze. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1871, iv, 234-282. -----. Ueber das Verhalteii der Kalisalze im Blute. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1879, iii, 63-69.— Rrandean (L.) Experiences sur Taction physiologique des sels de potassium, de sodium et de rubidium injectes dans les veines. J. de Tanat. et physiol., etc , Par.. 1864, i, 378-385.—Lnbortle (J.-V.) Etude comparative de Tac- tion physiologique des chlorates de potasse et de sonde, des bromures de potassium et de sodium ; deductions rela- tives h l'emploi therapeutique compar6 de ces substances. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1874, lxxxvii, 247; 318; 351.—Pietro (C.i efe OreNie (M.) Intorno ai metodi di preparazione dell' ioduro di potassio e di sodio, e del bro- niuro di potassio. Pubb. d. r. Ist. di studi sup. ... in Fi- renze. Sez. di med. e chir., 1876, i, 219-223. — Bichet (C.) De Taction physiologique des sels de lithium, de potassium et de rubidium. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 707-710.—Ringer (S.) On the mutual antago- nism between lime anel potash salts, in toxic doses. J. Physiol., Lond., 1884-5, v, 247-254.—Binger (S.) efc lTIur- rell (W.) Concerning the effects on frogs of arrest of the circulation, and an explanation of the action of pot- ash salts on the animal body. Ibid., 1878. i, 72-85—See (G.I Des sels de_ potasse. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 14-18.—Sitzianleo (O.) Opyty nad opriskivaniem v krov rastvoroo coley kalia. [Experiments upon injections itito the blood of the salts of potash.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1867, v, 313; 325; 340; 348; 368. Potassium (Acetate of). Dreyhaupt (C. J.) * De sale medio, ex alcali mincrali et aceto vini; seu, sic dicta, terra fo- liuta tartari crystallisata. 4°. Bardervici, [1778]. iVIarrotte. De l'emploi de Tac6tate neutre de potasse dans les tlincrises gastro-intestinales aigues et chroniques. Bull, g6n.de therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxv, 433-44:!. — Kich- nrtlnon (J. G.) Slides of microscopic objects mounted in a saturated solution of acetate of potash. Med. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 382.—Tyson (J.) A saturated solution of acetate of potash as a preservative fluid for microscopic preparations of animal and vegetable tissues. Ibid., 345. Potassium (Arseniate and arsenite of). See, also, Arsenic (Chemistry, etc., of). J en ne (B.) Empoisonuement de sept chevaux par 1 'ars6- nitede potasse. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xii, 393-405.—Te il- lative d'empoisonnement parl'arsehiiate de potasse. J. tie ehim. m6d., etc., Par., 1845, 3. s., i, 524-528—Weymann (M. F.) A few experiments with liquor potasii arse-nil is. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886. 3. s., ii, 448-450— Zabailin (J.) Ovliyaniimnishyakovistokistagokalinametaiiiorplinz taila. [Effects of arsenite of potassium on the metamorpho- sis of tissues.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1861, i, 117-120. Potassium (Bichromate of). See, also, Syphilis (Treatment of). Frache (R.) * Contribution a l'e'tnde phy- siologique et th6rapeutique tlu bichromate ele po- tasse. 4C. Nancy, 1886. Drysdale (A.) Bichromate of potash, an attempt to ascertain its sphere of action. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond. 1886, n. s., xii, 357; 378.—Dumoutiers. De l'elimination du bichromate de potasse. Progres med , Par., 1884, xii, 599. — Fr<-f an infant with the bichiornate of potash. N. Yoik J. M., 1853, n. s., xi 355-357.—D('court efe Chevallier. Memoire sur Irs ac- cidents qui atteigneiit les ouvriers qui t ravaillent le bichro- mate de potasse. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1863, 2. s., xx, 8.1-95._ lie (A. G.) Porajenie nosovoi polosti rabocliieh, pritgo- tovliajoutschichdvucbromokisloekali. [Affections of nasal cavity in workmen in manufactories of bichromate of po- tassium.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. g Kazani, 1883, vii, 25- 57: 89.—Oesenius (W.) Todtliche Vergiftung d'uich doppeltcbroiusaures Kali. Deutsche ineel Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 511.—Groth (P.) En Forgiftning med tvekromsurt Kali. [Poisoning by bichromate of potash.] Ugesk. f. Lteger, Kjobenh., 1879, xxviii, 176.—Ilenth- cote (G ) ("ase showing the poisonous effects of bichro- mate of potash. Lancet, Loud., 1854, i, 152.—Jaillard (P.-F.) De la toxicologic tlu bichromate de potasse. (iaz. med. de Strasb., 1861, xxi, 64-71.—Johnson (M.) Poi- soning by bichromate of potash. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 447.—Kiemann. Vergiftung mit chrotn' saurem Kali; Genesung. Ber. tl. k. k. Kiaiikenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1886), 1887. 290.—Hieser. Ver- giftung mit doppelt-chromsaurein Kali. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1S80, 1, 299— KlimeNch (J.) Ein Fall von Selbstvergiftung mit Kaliiinibichromat. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 732.—Knight. Poison- ing by bichromate of potassium. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1885, u. s., xl, 532.—McC'rorie (A.) Case of chrome poisoning. Glasgow M. J., 1881, xv, 37".— ITI'liachlan (W. A.) Accidental poisoning with bichro- mate of potash. Ibid., xvi, 31-33.—lTlacnivcn (E. 0.) Ou a case of poisoning with bichromate of potash. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 496. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1883, xix, 373- 376. — IVIasichka. Vergiftung mit chromsanrem Kali. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt. Heilk., Leipz. u. Prag, 1877, ex xxvi, 37.—Pelikan (E.) Das doppeltchromsaure Kali (ISiehrei- mas kalicus s. potasste) in Bezug auf gerichtliche Medicin und Sanitiits-Polizei. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1854, xi, 153; 161.—Richardson (B. W.) On disease from bichromate of potassa (bichromate disease). Laucet, Lonil., 1882, i, 397.—Ruttan (R. F.) & Ijiifleur (II. A.) On a caseof poisoning bv bichromate of potash. Montreal M. J., 1888, xvii, 81-89—Schrader. Vergiftung elurch doppelt chromsaures Kali, behufs Provocation des Abortus. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1866, n. F., v, 113-143.- Stewart (J.) Suicide by swallowing bichromate of po- tassium. Brit. M. J., Lon'd., 1888, ii, 420— Taylor (A. S.) Case of poisoning by the bichromate of potash ; recovery after four months. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lonil.. 1850-51. 2. s., vii, 214-217.—Thouiayer (J.) Vergiftung mit ilonpilt- cbromsaurem Kali. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (188H, 1883, 104-107. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1884, xix. 279.— Viilpian. Sur 1'action toxique et sur l'emploi therapeutique eiu birhroniatc de potasse. >J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1881!. .">. s., viii, 215; 321. —Wn I It- er (A. D.) A case of poisoning with bichromate of pot- ash. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 464.—Warwick (R. A.) A case of poisoning by bichromate of potash. Ibid., 1880, i, 167.—Waugh (J.) Two cases of poisoning by bichro- mate of potash. Tbid., 1885, ii, 1135.—Whitney (W. N.) A ease of poisoning by potassium bichromate'. Sei i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 227-229.—Wilson (G.) Case of poisoning bv the bichromate of potash. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843-4, xxxiii, 734-736. Potaswill ill (Bitartrateof). See Potassium (Tartrate of). Potassium (Bromide of). See, also, Bromine, etc.; Chorea, Convulsions, Delirium tremens, Diabetes, Diarrhoea in chil- dren, Epilepsy, Gonorrhoea, Insanity, Preg- nancy (Yomiting in), Puerperal convulsions, Tetanus, Treatment of. Ambukger(G.) * Zur Kritik der schlafmachen- deu WirkuugdesUromkalium. 8°. Dorpat,1872. Amory (K.) Experiments upon the physio- logical action of bromide of potassium antl am- monium (its determined on man and the lower animals). Hc. Boston, 1809. See, also, infra, Clarke (E. H.) efe Amory (R.). Bobiehke & Hekbelix. Note sur. hi purifica- tion du bromure tie potassium. 8°. [Nantes, 18(17-76?] Carles (A.) "Considerations sur la medica- tion par le bromure de potassium. 4°. Paris, 1872. rOTASSIUM. 533 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Bromide of). Clarke (E. H.) . Graf (0.) * De kalii bromati efticacitnte in- ternaexperimentisillustrata. 4°. Lipsice, [1^40]. Huette (C.) * Recherches sur les proprieties physiologiques et therapeutiques du bromure ele potassium. Recherches sur les proprietes physio- logiques ele I'ether iodhydrique; inductions tbtS- rapentiques. Etudes cliniques sur les dimensions respectives des trous d'eutr^e et ele sortie, tlans les plaies d'armes a fen (niedecine legale). 4°. Paris, 187)0. Also fAbstr.], in: Gaz. med. de Par., 185(1, 3. s., v, 432- 4.1fi. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, 19-30. Huette (G.) * Bromure de potassium; 6tude historique. 4°. Paris, 1878. ------. Thesame. Histoire therapeutique du bromure de potassium. *°. Paris, 1878. Katz (F. T.) Ein Beitrag zur WUrdigung tier Wirkuug des Bromkalium. Preisgekrtinte Ab- handlung. 8°. Tubingen, 1871. Krosz (G.) * Ueber elie physiologische Wir- kung eles Bromkalium. 4°. Kiel, 1877). Also, in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876, vi, 1-48. Maeff (I.) * O phiziologicheskome tlieistvii bromistago kalija. [Physiological effects of bro- miile of potassium.] 8^. St. Petersburg, 1808. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1868, cii, 6. pt., 13-64. Marchand (R.) * Etude physiologique et the- rapeutique sur le bromure de potassium. 4°. i'ar ix, lH>8. Mathiku ( N.-J. ) * Etude physiologique et therapeutique sur le bromure ele potassium. 4C. Paris, 18fi8. Pottier (C.-A.-A.) "[Contribution k l'etude therapeutique du bromure de potassium.] 4°. Paris, 1870. Ramks (J.-B.) "Etude sui les effets anesthe"- siqucs et therapeutiques tlu bromure de potas- sium. 4°. Paris, 1850. 4fcfo|Abstr.],i»; Rev. meel.-chir.dePar., 1850,vii,257-269. SSaib-Mehmed. "Du bromure ele potassium (physiologic et therapeutique). 4°. Paris, 1869. Salson (F.-A.) "Du bromure de potassium et tic son antagonisme avec la strychuiue. 4°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1868. Schouten (G. J. G. J.) * Over de physiologi- sche working van broomkalium. Kc. Leicleit.1870. Also, in: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Leidsche Hoogesch., 1870, ii, 1-62. Also, transl. in: Arch. el. Heilk., Leipz , 1871, xii, 97-120. Zakpffel(E.) De Faction physiologique et therapeutique eiu bromure de potassium. 4°. Paris, 1869. Attain* (W. A.) The use of bromide of potassium hypodermiiully. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1877-8. xv, 335.— Adrian. Recherches surlebromuredepotassium an point ile vue de sa compositiou et de sa preparation a l'etat pur. '•nil. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 15-19. Also. Li-print.—Agoslini (C.) Sulla influenza del broniuro di potassio nella eliiiiiuazione dell' urea. Sperimentale Fi- renze, 1888, lxi, 467-480.—Alley lit' (J. S. li.) Bromide of Potassium (Bromide of), potassium, with some remarks as to its use in cerebro- spinal meningitis and infantilediarrhoa. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1873, ix, 213-220. -AiigriN.ini (G. ) I] brouiuro di potassa nellenevrosied in alire alle/.inni elel more. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1877. 2. s.. vii, 75-79. — AiiKtie ( F. E.) The dose of bromide of potassium. Practitioner. Lond., 1871, vi, 126. -----. The English standpoint, respecting the value of bromide of potassium. Ibid., 1874, xii, 19-28.— Bailey ( F. K. ) Bromide of potassium. Meel & Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1874, xxxi, 201-203. — Bannister ( H. M.) Notee on bromide mania, antl the supposed compensa- tory action of epileptic attacks. Am. .1. Neurol, efe Psy- chiat., N. Y., 1882, l, 369-373. — Barr (W. P.) Bromide of potassium. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1875, v, 11-14.— Bartholow (R.) Experimental investigations into the actions and uses of the bromide of potassium. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1865, viii. 658-673. Also, Reprint.—Beg- bic ( J.) Notice of some of the therapeutic effects of the bromide of potassium. Edinb. M. J., 1865-6, xii, 481-492.— liehrend (H.) On the action of bromide of potassium in inducing sleep. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 61)7. — Bel fort Duarte. Bromureto tin potassio; accao physiologica e therapeutica. Rev. meel, Rio de Jan., 1877, iv, 115. [See, also, infra, Souza.] ■— Bellini ( R. ) Del bromato eh po- tassa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1868, xxi, 406-412. — Ben- zeugcr (V.) Odieyst vie bromistago kalia. [Of the action of bromide of potassium.] Moskov. med. Gaz.. 1867, no. 36. 330-332. — Besuier (E.) Sur deux applications nou- velles du bromure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1874, lxxxvii, 224-228.—Bonnier (.1.) De l'em- ploi du bromure de potassium clans l'epilepsie et dans un cas de meningite tuberculeuse. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 137; 145.—Bill (J. H.) Experimental researches into the action aud therapeutic value of bromide of potas- sium. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. a., lvi, 17-31. —Binz. Die therapeutiscbe Verwendung des Bromkalium. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., 1873, xxv, 441-444. Also, transl.: Prac- titieiuer, Lond., 1874, xii, 6-18. — Bjornalroin ( F. J.) Bromkalium. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1866-7, ii, 28-33. — Boettger. Ueber den Missbrauch des Bromkaliunis. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1878, xxxv, 329-334.— Bonnefoii. Sur les caraet&res distinctifsdu bromure et de l'iodure de potassium Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1867, Ixxii, 125-127.—Bowtlilch (H. P.) Bromide of po- tassium. Boston M. efe S. J.. 1868-9, lxxix, 177-184— Bro- mide of potassium. [Discussion.] Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila.. 1867, xvi, 484-486. — Brosius. Ueber Bromkali.seinen Gebrauch und Missbrauch. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1880, xxii. 81; 97—Browne (.1. C.) The actions of the bromide of potassium upon the nervous system. Edinb. M. J., 1864-5, x, 1085-1104.—Burr (D. G.) 'Cases illustrating the use of bromide of potassium in drachm doses. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1868, n. s., v, 495-498.—Car. lucci (C.) Sul broniuro di potassio. Ippocratico, Fano, 1868, xiii, 168-177.—Case in which bromide of potassium was pushed to its full extent. Brit. M J., Lond., 1869, ii, 415.—Caspar!. Ueber ibis Bromkalium. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 420— Catlett (G. C.) Bromide of po- tassium as a certain palliative- in all diseases characterized by reflex phenomena. Humboldt M. Arch., St. Louis, 1868, ii, 466-469—Cersoy. Du bromure de potassium tlans les maladies nerveuses ele. la grossesse'. Bull. gen. ele therap., etc., Par.. 1868, lxxiv, 416-118. — Chittenden (R. H.I efc Culbert ("W. L.) Influence of potassium and ammonium bromides on metabolism. Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts efe Sc , N. Haven, 1885-8, vii, 153-165. Also: Stud. Lab. Physiol.Chem. 1884-5, N. Haven, 1885, 145-157.—Clarke (J. L.) Action of bromide of potassium. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1869, ii, 464.— Coomes (M. F.) Local use of bromide of potassium. Louisville M. News, 1876, i. 30-32.— Debout. Note sur les proprietes hypnotiques du bromure de potassium. Bull. gen. deth6rap.', etc., Par., 1864, Ixvii, 97-108. — Oelasi- auve. Du bromure de potassium dans les affections uer- veuses, surtout convulsives. J. de m6d. ment., Par., 1870 x 327-347. — Dickson (J.) Bromide of potassium. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1878-9, iv, 216-224.— Dioiut (J.) Documents pour servir k I'histoire du bromine de potas- sium. Ann. metl.-psych.. Par., 1873. 5. s., x, 197-209.— Elstun (W. J.) Bromide of potassium. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1871, 157-159.—Enlenburg (A.) Expe- rimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Kalinin bromatuni. Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 1867, iv, 280. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1867-8), 1871, ii, 32.—Eulenburg (A.) efc tiultninnii (P.) Ueber die physiologische Wirkuug des Bromkalium. Vorlaufige Mitth'eilung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1867, v. 337-340.-----------. UeberdiephysiologischeWirkuugdesBromkalium. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xii, 91-109. Also, Reprint.— FaliereH. Monographie chimique et pharmaceutique du bromure de potassium. [ Rap. de Poggiale. ] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1871, xxxvi, 826-835. Also: Rec. de mem. tie med. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvii. 440-447. — Faunlleroy (A. il.) Bromide of potassium. Richmond M. J., 1868. v, 1-15.—Ferrand. De I'utilite du bromure de potassium pour combattre les spasmes locaux et re- flexes. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxiv, 228-233.— Geucuil (A.) Du bromure de potassium dans les epis- POTASSIUM. 53, Potassium (Bromide of). taxis, les hfimorrhagics ut6rines et le coryza. Union m6d., Par., 1875, 3. s., xx, 675-677.—Gigon. Do la preparation du bromure de potassium pur; ties causes d'impurote du bromure de potassium eiu commerce. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1879, 96-99. Also: France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 394. —Gray (G. D.) Bromide of potassium. At- lanta M. & S. J., 1873-4, xi, 232. — Gubler (A.) De la puissance sedative du bromure ele potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1864, Ixvii, 5; 49. — Hale (lv M.) Pathogenesis of kali bromatum (bromide of po- tassium). Am. Observer, Detroit, 1870, vii, 85; 241; 274. Also, Reprint. — Hammond (W. A.) On some of the effects ofthe bromide of potassium,* when administered in larire doses. Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1869, iii, 46-61.— Hitzig (E.) Zur Physiologie tier Wirkung ties Kalium bromatum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 205. — Hub- bell (C. H.) On some of the uses of bromide of potassium. Boston M. efc S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 425-429. —Johnson (W. O.) On some of the effects of bromide of potassium. Ibid., 1867-8, lxxvii, 497. — Kelp (W.) Bromkalium. Cor.-Bl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1868, xv, 137. Continued in: Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psy- chiat., Neuwied, 1869, xvi, 238. — Kloepfel (F.) Ueber Bromkali-Missbrauch. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 53; 62. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1881, xvi, 77; 102; 127. A Iso [ Abstr. ]: Irrenfreuud, Heilbr., 1880, xxii, 65-71. [See, also, supra, Brosins.] — I^aborde (J.- V.) Recherches experimentales sur Taction physiologique et therapeutique des composes do potassium et du bromure de potassium, en particulier. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1868, i, 420-442. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, 167-194. Also: Gaz. meel. de Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiv, 515; 553; 590; 693.—Laborde (W.) Premiere note sur Taction physiologique du bromure de potassium 6tablie par Texperimentation sur les animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1867, Par., 1809, 4. s., iv, 43-46.— Laufi'iiaiui' (K.) Adatok a bromkalium hypnoticus hatAsahoz. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, xx, 625-631.— I^eiflesdorf. Ueber die Anwendung des Bromkaliums bei Epilepsie und Psychosen. Wien. mod. Presse, 1871, xii, 1273-1278. — LeWizky ( P.) O daiistvii bromistago potassiya na nervnuyu sistemu. [ Effect of bromide of potassium on the nervous system.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 389; 397; 405; 413; 421; 433. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xiv, 183-197. — I.ibciali (P. L.) II bromuro di potassio nelle malattie nervose. Arch. ital. per le mai. nerv., Mi- lano, 1865, ii, 184-190. — Luithlen. Vortrag iiber Brom- kalium. Med. Cor.-Bl. el. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1872, xiii, 265-268. — Lutz. Einige Bemerkungen zur Wirkung des Bromkalium. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 212. — ITI'Donald (J.) A case of severe cerebral concussion in which the bromide of potassium in laige doses averted death. Glasgow M. J., 1883, xx, 431-435.— IVIaillet. Resultat de quelques experiences concernant Taction du bromure de potassium sur les animaux. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1837, 2. s., iii, 225-228. — lVIare- chal (A.) Du meilleur mode d'administration du bromure de potassium. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 102.—Martin- Damonrette efc Fel vet. fitude experimentale sur Tac- tion physiologique du bromure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1867, lxxiii, 241; 289. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc de therap. 1867-8, Par., 1868, 23-71.—iVIelchiorj (G.) Efficacia anafrodisiacadel bromuro di potassio. Let- tera al Dott. A. Scarenzio. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1863, clxxxiii, 575. Also, Reprint.—lVlickle (W. I.) Notes on potassic bromide. Practitioner, Loud., 1874, iii, 419- 430.— IVIoore (K. P ) Bromide of potassium. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1872. xxiii, 60-64. Also: Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1872-3, x, 103.—Morton (W. D.) Bromide of potas- sium in inflammatory diseases of the female sexual organs. Richmond ic Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1869, viii, 401- 405.—Woulard-lVIartiii (E.) Note sur quelques appli- cations de bromure de peitassium a la mtidecine des petits enfants. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 391- 399. [Rap. de Barthez.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1870, xxxv, 47-50. — Favesi (C.) Bromuro tli potassio clora- liato. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1879-80, i, 146- 149.—Pavlovski (A.) Bromistuii kalii v epilepsiya i v dushevnuikh bolaeznyakb. [Bromide of potassium in epi- lepsy aud diseases affecting the mind.] Med. Sbornik Tiflis, 1871, xiii, 2. pt., 125-157. — Percy (S. R.) The ac tion of bromide of potassium in inducing sleep. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1864, ix, 76.—Fetit (F.-L.) D'un nouveau mode d'administration du bromure de potassium. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 451. — Feyraud. Reflexions sur l'emploi therapeutique tlu bromure de potassium pur. Abeille med., Par., 1872, xxix, 75. -----. Emploi du bro- mure ele potassium pulveris6 comme caustique et anesthe- sique dans le traitement des tumeurs maligues ulcer6s. Gaz. med. de Bordeaux, 1874, iii, 228. -----. Des proprie- tes caustiques du bromure de potassium ; de son emploi comme medicament externe. Assoc, franc;, pour l'avanee. el. sc. Compt.-rend. 1876, Par., 1877, v, 850-857. -----. De 1 emploi externe du bromure de potassium. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1879, 331-338. — Forter (I. G.) On the therapeutic properties of bromide of po- Potassium. Potassium (Bromide of). tassium in the latter stages of typhus fever, in hysteri 1 in infantile convulsions, etc. Aiii.J. M. Sc. Phila l.stii n. s., lviii, 43-47. — Frals (01.11 IF.] Bromurelo lii'i potassio. J. de pharm. e sc. access, do Lisb., 1874 xxvii 31-36. — Purser (J. M.) On the physiological action „f bromide of potassium. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvii 321-335.—Babuteau. Des variations de Tur6e soils Tin fluence du bromure de potassium ; contributions a Tetude des effets physiologiques et do Termination de ce medica- ment. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 177-179.'— Raggi (A.) Delia cura sintomatica di alcune malattie nervose col bromuro di potassio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1871, 5. s., xi, 416-431. — Bagland (A. M.) The bromide of potassium. N. Orl. M. A. S. J., 1873-1, u. s. j 812-817.—Beamy (T. A.) Bromide of potash wiili eases' Cincin. M. Repert., 1869, ii, 22-24. — Reynolds (,l. K,j On the therapeutic uses of bromide of potassium. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1868, i, 5-17. Also : Canada M. J., Mont- real, 1869, v, 395-405.—Rieard. Encore un succes a en- registrer au profit du bromure tie potassium. Union me-d Par., 1869. 3. s., viii, 417.—Rossi (U.) efc Agostini (Cj DelT azione del bromuro tli potassio sui centti nervosi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1888, lxii, 27-30.—Rola (A.) I hro- muri di potassio e di sodio nella pratica meelica, Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1869, 6. s., ii, 345. — RonsNcau! De Taction du bromure de potassium dans la gotitto it le rhumatisme. Bull. Soc. 11161I. ele TYonne 1879, Auxerre 1880, xx, 74-98.—Ryan (M. R.) Cases illustrating the ef- ficacy of bromide of potassium in hysteria and epilepsy. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 1321 — Scarenzio (A.) Sulla propriety anafrodisiaca del bromuro di potassio. Ann. univ. dimed., Milano. 1861, clxxvi, 588. — Mecliulxe (B.) Einfluss des Bromkalium auf den Stiiffweehsul. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1883, xix, 301-312.—Megiiin (K. C.) On the use of a feebly alkaline water as a velne-h- for the administration of the iodide and bromide of potassium etc. Arch. Metl., N. Y., 1881, vi, 34-40. Also, in his- Op. min., [etc.], 8°, N. V., 1884, 529-533.—Nieveltinst (E. H.) A word concerning the use of br. mide. of potassium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, i, 450.—Holtier. Action du bro- mure de potassium sur la s6cr6tion urinaire. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1878, 3. s., xiv, 122-125—[Sondahl.| Ue- ber den Nutzen des Bromkaliums in der Kinderheilpflee'e. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1868, li, 298-302.—Souza. Kela- torio sobre a memoria do Sr. Dr. Belfort; da accao do bro- muretodepotassio. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1877, iv, 127.— Stille (G.) Zur Anwendung des Bromkaliums. Memo- rabilien, Heilbr.. 1878, xxiii, 162-168. — Taylor (L. G.) Tolerance of hydrate of chloral and bromide of potassium. Kansis City M. Rec, 1886, iii, 295. — Tireau. Uu hro mure de potassium et de sa purification. Bull. Soc. ile med. d'Anger* (1867),1868, n. s., Ixx, 80-87.—Turnbiill (J.) On the use ofthe bromide of potassium in the treatment of some nervous affections, with cases. Liverpool M. fc S. Rep., 1868, ii, 9-21. Also, Reprint,— Ullersperger (X B.) Der pathologisch-therapetitische Unni.ss des Potassium- Bromids. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 26; 37; 44. -----. Dn bromure de potassium et specialement du son emploi dans les maladies du systeime nerveux. Ann. Soc, med.-chir. de Liege, 1872, xi,' 373; 424; 485: 1873, xii, 23; 160; 200; 269; 369; 391. Also, transl: Anflteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 249: 1874, ii. 15; 52; 99; 176; 190; 271: 1876, iv, 36; 69: 131; 212; 307; 339; 356: 1877, v, 23.- Voisiu (A.) De l'emploi du bromure de potassium dans les maladies nerveuses. [97 cases and 10 cases in " Ob- servations de maladies diverses ".] Mem. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1875, xxxi, 1-258. Also, Reprint. — Whitehead (W. R.) The effects on the cerebral circulation of large doses of bromide of potassium. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lx, 381-384. — William* (S. W. II.) On the action of the bromide of potassium. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 88.—Wood (H. C), jr. Physiological ac- tion of the bromide of potassium. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 770.—Ifandcll (D. W.) A clinical lecture on the usen of the bromide of potassium in surgery. Louisville M. News, 1876, ii, 28-30.- Yandell (L. P.) Remarks on the therapeutic value of bromide of potassium. West. J. M., Indianap., 1869, iv, 592-596. Potassium (Bromide of Accidents from, and toxicology of). Cougombles (J.-M.) * Des accidents et eles contre-indications du bromure de potassium. 4 . Paris, 1879. Blackader. Remarkable bromide eruption. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 221.—Broman (C. B.) Poisoning by bromideof potassium. Boston M. efc S. J., 1868-9, lxxix, 23—Carrington (R. E.) A case of skin eruption, due to bromism. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xviii, 28-30, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1884. ii, 778. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M.J., Lond., 1884, ii, 802.—€arafy. Case; of bromide eruption. Lancet, Loud., 1881, i, 735.—€hol- ■neley. [Cutaneous eruption from the administration of bromide of potassium.] Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 18C9, ii, 695. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 633.—Crocker (H. K.) Bromideof potassium eruption in an infant. 'Tr. POTASSIUM. 535 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Bromide of Accidents from, and toxicology of). Path. Soc. Lond., 1877-8. xxix, 252, 1 pi. -----. Bromide of potassium eruption. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 2r,t i pi.—Darezac. Cas el'accident survenu a la suite d'une dose assez faible ele bromure de potassium. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1878, 252; 264.— Doyon (M.) Note sur Taccumulation du bromure de po- tassium dans Torganisme. Lyon m6d., 1889, lx, 479-4£2.— Onckworth (D.) On the treatment of acneiform rash, line to bromide of potassium while continuing the. remedy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1879, xv, 15.—Duncan (P. T.) Poisoning by bromide of potassium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 616.—Fenger (C.) Supposed poisoning by bromide of potassium: an autopsy lecture. Chicago M. Rev., 1882, v, 40-43.—Fox (C.) Bromide eruption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 971.—Fox (T.) Skin eruption in a child, caused by bromideof potassium taken by the mother. Lancet, Lond.,' 1874, ii, 656.—Gamberini (P.) Storia di eritema polimorfo essndatlvo tli origine nerveo-centrale e bromica; osservato nella clinica dermo-sifilopatica. Riv. internaz. eli med. e chir., Napoli, 1884, i, 157-162. Also, transl: France med., Par., 1884. ii, 1277-1283.—Graham (J. E.) Skin eruption produced by the bromide of potas- sium. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1889, xiv, 407-409.—Orel- lely. Des accidents cutaneis produits par le bromure de potassium. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele therap., Par., 1887, 2. s., xiv. 31-35. Also, Repiint. -----. Dangers du bromure de potassium et du chloral. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1887, ii, 257- 262.—Guttmann (P.) Bromreactiou des Inhalts von Ac- uepusteln nach laugein Bromkaliumgeb.rauch in einem Falle von Agoraphobia. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl.. 1878, lxxiv, 541.—Hall (C. H.) The toxic effects of bromide of potassium. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1879, xxx, 157- 162. Also: Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1879-80, xi, 169-171.—Ilameau. Intoxication parle bromure de po- tassium. Mem. et bull. Soc. m6d.-cbir. d. hop. de Bor- deaux, 1868, iii, 103-111.—Haiuer (J. W.) Poisoned by potassium bromide. Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 259- 261.—HorrocltafP.) Bromide rash simulating erythema nodosum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 272.-----. Unusual bromide rash. Ibid., 273.—[Jacobi (A.)] Bro- mide of potassium followed by an eruption. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 507.—I^ees (D. B.) Peculiar eruption after the use of bromide of potassium (with coloured illus- tration). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7). 1877, xxviii, 247, 1 pi.—liiibben ( K. H.) Ueber Vergiftungen durch Bromkalium. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1874-5, xxxi, 394-400.— Morton (J.) On certaiu risks attending the use of bromide of potassium. Glasgow M. J., 1872-3, 5. s., v, 239-242.—Murphy (S. F.) Case of bromide of potassium eruption in a suckling infant, to whose mother the drug was being administered for epilepsy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1888, xxi, 293-295.—Neumann' (I.) Ueber die krankhaften Erscheinungen, welche iu Folge des in- neren Gebrauches von Bromkali an der Haut des Men- schen entstehen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 124; 1107.—Parker (R. W.) An eruption, caused by bromide of potassium. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1878-9, xii, 199.— Pinsker. Mittheilungen iiber einen selteuen Fall von Bromkali-Exanthem mit Demonstration des Kranken. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 380—Robison (J. A.) Bromide eruption occurring in an infant. Metl. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 223.—Sangster (A.) Bromide eruption. Meel. Times efe Gaz., Lond":, 1885, i, 312.—Schwarz (J.) Bromkali-Exanthem. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 860; 889.—Seguin (E. C.) On a peculiar cutaneous lesion (ulcus elevatum) occurring during the use of bromide of potassium. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882, viii, 149-157. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Op. min., letc], 8°, N. Y., 1884, 629-635.—Tay (W.) efc Mackenzie (S.) Bromide of po- tassium eruption in aehilel, with microscopical examination. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 400-404, 1 pi. —Van Uarlingen (A.) Maculo-papular eruption, due to bro- mide of potassium. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 466.—Veill (T.) Ueber Bromkalium-Acre. Vrtlj schr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1874, i, 17-28.—Webster (I>.) A caseof syphilitic disease of the labyrinth, with poison- ing by bromide of potassium. Planet, N. Y., 188.!, i. 25 — Wood (T. O.) Some of the ill effects of bromide of potas- sium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 435. Potassium (Carbazotate of). ftonzee. Recherches sur l'emploi du carbazotate de potasse comme febrifuge. Arch, de med. mil., Brux., 1850, v, 245-256. Potassium (Carbonateof). Klingf.r (C. F.) *De anthrakokali ejusque usu medico collectanea et observationes. 4°. Lipsiw, [1KW].. Rkbkntrost (J. G.) Sal tartari volatile co- agulatnm. sm. 4°. inttenbergw, [1683]. It I ii ■■<■ (G.) On the effects of large doses of mild veg- etable alkali, or potassa rarbonata, iu gravel, with re- markson its administration, particularly on the advantage Potassium (Carbonate of). of combining it with opium ; together with some general observations on the powers of opium. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. efc Chir. Knowl., Lond., 1812, iii, 338-359.— Gibbn (O. C.) Ou the use of bicarbonate of potassa as a coudimeut. West. Lancet, Cincin.. 1857, xviii, 336-339. — I, a ugc. Kali carbonicum gegen Peritonitis, etc. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1852, iv. 495-497— fflartin-Damourette efc Hyatles. Des effets nutritifs du bicarbonate de potasse a doses moderees. J. detherap.. Par., 1880, vii, 561-568.— ITIaseagni. SurTusage du carbonate de potasse. Bull. Fac denied, ih-Par. (1812-13), 1814, iii, 411-418.—Thomp- son (R. E.) The effects of carbonate of potash on the urine. Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1864, xxxiv, 507- 512. Potassium (Carbonate of, Toxicology of'). Detrar (A.) Case of poisoning with carbonate of pot- ash. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1828, xxx, 309-314.—Espagne (A.) Reflexions cliniques sur Tempoisonnement par les alcalins il propos d'une observation d'ingestion acciden- telle de carbonate de potasse. Montpel. med., 1866, xvii, 327-350.—History of two cases of poisoning by the sub- carbonate of potash, with the examination of the bodies, post mortem. Lond. M. Reposit., 1817, vii, 118-120. Potassium (Chlorate and chloride of). See, also, Abortion (Prevention, etc., of); Can- cer (Treatment of); Chlorides, etc; Diphtheria (Treatment of ); Hemoglobinuria; Phthisis (Treatment of). Isambert (£.) * Etudes chimiques, physiolo- giques et cliniques sur l'emploi th6rapeutique du chlorate ele potasse, sp6cialement elans les affections coueuneuses. 4°. Paris, 18f>6. -----. The same. Etudes chimiques, phy- siologiques et cliniques sur l'emploi therapeu- tique du chlorate de potasse, specialement dans les affections diputhe'ritiques. 8°. Paris, 187)6. Milon (M.) *De Paction th6rapeutique dn chlorate de potasse. 4°. Paris, 1858. Panas (J.-A.) * Quelques observations ajou- t6es a I'histoire du chlorate de potasse. 4°. Paris, 1856. Podkopaeff (F.) * Sravnitelnoedieistvie na jivotnii organizm chloristagokalija i chloristago natrija. [Effects of chlorate of sodium and chlo- rate of potassium.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1865. Also [Abstr.], in: Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v, 504-506. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 505-517. [See, also, infra, Gutt- mann (P.)j ' Solari (L.-J.-M.) * Etudes sur le mode d'ac- tion du chlorate de potasse, et ses effets thera- peutiques dans quelques maladies. 4G. Paris, 1857. Bellini (R.) Del clorato di potassa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1868, xxi, 205; 340; 394.—Bcnavente. TJtili- dad del clorato de potasa parael diagnostico y tratamiento de los accidentes de la denticion en los ninos Siglo med., Madrid, 1861, viii, 321.—Borginon (G.) Du chlorate, de potassiunietdeTactionantizymiqueen therapeutique. J. tl. sc. nied. de Louvain, 1879, iv, 433-447.—Brantley (A. H.) Chlorate of potassa. Is it a parturifacient? Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta, 1871, i, 526-528.— Brenner (F.) Ueber tlie Wirkung eles Kali chloricum bei seiner interuen Anwendung. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 1252; 1284; 1312.—Bruce. On the influence of chlorate of pot- ash on the foetus. Edinb. M. J., 1865-6, xi, 669-672.— Buron, sen. Aettsserliche Anwendung des chlorsauren Kali bei offenem Carcinom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 61. -----. Nachtrag in Bezug auf die Notiz, betref- fend elie ausserliehe Anwendung des Kali chloricum. Ibid., 106. — Coghill (J. G. S. ) Chlorate of potash. Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. 9. sess.. Wash., 1887, iii, 23- 34. — Cook ( W. ) Is chlorate of potash so innocent a remedy that it may be indiscriminately administered? Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 449. [-See, also, infra, Osborn (H.)]— CJraig ( W.) Chlorate of potassa in the treat- ment of ovarian disease. Ediub. M. J., 1865-6, xi, 427- 430— Belize. Nouvel emploi du chlorate de potasse. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1880, 3. s., xvii, 227-230.—Be- than. De Taction therapeutique du chlorate de potasse; nouveau mode d'administration. Union m6d., Par, 1857, xi, 274.—de Bios Peinado (J.) Contribuci6n al estudio terapeutico del clorato potasico. Gac. med. tie Granada, 1888, vii, 567-571.—Bodge (L. P.) Chlorate of potassa. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, Minneap., 1872, iv, 55-59. Also: Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, 1871-2, ii. 444-448.—Falck (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Chloratwirkung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1889, xiv, 304-344.—Fehling POTASSIUM. 53fi POTASSIUM. Pota**iiilll (Chlorate and chloride of). (H.) Zum Verhalten des chlorsauren Kali hei seinem Durchtritte durch die Placenta. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1880, xvi. 286-289. — Felder (W. L.) Remarks on the uses of chlorate of potash South. M. efc S. J., Augusta, 1858, [2.] s., xiv, 227-230. —Fountain (E. J.) The medical propel tie's and therapeutic effects of the chlorate of pot- ash ; ha-mato-thorax, from a wound of an intercostal artery; successfully treated by this remedy. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 1-27. ------. Report of cases of phthisis, scrofula, antl other diseases treated by the chlorate of potash, with remarks on its mode of adm initiation and the importance of using a preparation free from impurity. Am.M. Month. efcN. V. Bow, 1861, xv, 86-97.—Oalasso (A.) Sugli ef- fetti fisiologici e terapeutici del clorato di potassa. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1857, i, 525-534. — Ciainbni'iiii ( A. ) Di alcuni usi terapeutici del clorato di potassa. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1858, clxiv, 482. — Grimsdalc ( T. F.) Memoranda on the use of chlorate of potash in pregnancy. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1857, i, 248-253. Also, transl.: Abeille med.. Bar., 1857. xiv, 285— Onltmann (P.) Experimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungen der Kali- und Natron-Salze. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1865, ii, 344; 355; 367. ------. Ueber die physiologische Wirkuug der Kali- uud Natronsalze mit Riicksicht auf die Untersuchungen des flrn. Dr. Podeopaew in Petersburg. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxv, 450-469. — Hammer (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Vergiftung mit chlorsatt rem Kali. Prag. nied.Wchnsc.hr., 1888, xiii, 275.—Ilehner (O.) Ex- periments on the chemical action of chlorate of potash on the system. Analyst, Lond., 1878. iii, 236-240 (sic), 1 tab — Iliiinmcl (M.) Ueber das Kaliutn chloricum. Allg.- Wien.med. Ztg., 1878, xxiii,227; 251; 260 Hutchinson. Clinical report on someof the uses of the chlorate of potash. Med. Times efc liaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xiii, 172-174.—Hut- eh in no n (J.) & Jackson (J.H.) Effects of large eloses of chlorate of potash on young children. Ibid., 1861, i, 302.— lMambert. Note sur Taction physiologique et thera- peutique du chlorate de potasse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. s, xi, 395; 411; 432. Also: Compt. rend. Soc.de biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, pt. 2, 1-22. ------. Nouvelles ex- periences sur Taction physiologique, toxique et therapeu- tique du chlorate de potasse. Compt. rend. Soe.. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 161-188. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1875, 4. s., iv, 199; 432; 510; 537.—Jacobi (A.) The reme- dial and fatal effects of chlorate of potassa. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1879, 365-375. Also: Med. Bee., N. Y., 1879, xv, 241-244. —Jewett (11. O.) Chlorate of potassa; iis abuses. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1884), 1885, i, 500-503.— Klinbert. Over chloras kalicus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesli.. Amst., 1882, 2. li.. xviii. 113-124.—faster (W. H.) Chlorate of potassa. N. Orl. M. efc S J.. 1806-7, xix, 589- 600.—I^ee (B.) Therapeutic action of chlorate of potas- sium. Med. Bull., Phila., 1882, iv, 102. — I,ec (C. A.) Re- marks on the experiments ofthe late Professor Tnlly, on the effects of chlorate of potassa. Am. M. I imes, N. Y.. 1861, iii, 3-5.—lTIain (J. S.) Chlorate of potash as a theiapeu- tic agent. Glasgow M. J., 1883, [4.J s., xix,-277-280. — von Ulcring (J.) Le chlorate de potasse, ses proprietes phy- siolneiques, toxiques et therapeutiques. M6m.Soc.de med. di' Strasb., 1884-5, xxii. 55-04. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1885, 4. s., xiv, 41-44. Also: Rev. med.. Louvain, 1885, iv, 104-170.—©sborn (II.) Is the chlorate of potash so inno- cent a remedy that it may be indiscriminately adminis- tered ? Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 363. [See, also, supra, Cooke (W.)]—Pattce (A. F.) Potassium chloride. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 91.—Percy (S. R.) Chlorate of po. tassa. Am. M. Times, N.Y., 1861. iii, 381-386.—Peters (S ) Chlorate of potassa in serous effusions. Tr. M. Soc N Y., Albany, 1870, 227-231. —K. (C.) Chlorsaures Kali als Gurgel wasser. Cesunilhe it, Frankf. a. M., 1881, vi, 129.__ Knbow, Einnahme einer starkeu Dosis Kalitim chlori- cum ohne schadlicbe Folgeerscheinungen. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 199—Babuteau. Recher- ches sur le mode d'eMimination et sur les proprietes biolo- giques du perchlorate de potassium; emploi dc ce sel contre les fievres intermittentes; ni le perchlorate de potassium, ni le sulfate de quinine ne dimiuuent Turee: diminution considerable tie Turee sous Tintluence tie l'arseuic; elimi- nation de divers chlorates it L:\. Tr. Am. Gynee. Sue, i'hila . 1888. xiii, 413-422.--Minilb (S H.) Observa- tions on chlorate of potassa. Am. M 'limes, N. Y., IKtil, ii, 366.—Thompson (J. W.) On some of the uses of chlorate ol potassa. Med efc Surg Kipeiiter, Phila., 1861, u.s.,vi. 125-127.—Tally (\V.) I liloi ileofpolassa. Boston M. &S.J., 1832. vi, 325; 341.—dc Valle (A. (i.) Chloniio de potassa c sous modernas applicacoe-s Escholiaste med., List).. 1856, vii, 315; 361; 37s. -----. Sobre o chlorate de potassa. Ibid., 1857, viii, 601-604.— Vee (A.) Incmnpa- tibilite du chloiate de potasse avec l'iodure de pouts- sium. Bull. gen. de tn6rap., etc., Par., 1866, lxxi, 403.— Weatherly (J. S.) On some ofthe medicinal properiies and therapeutical applicatioi s of chlorate of potassa. At- lanta M. & S. J., 1856-7, ii, 517. -----. Chlorate of potassa. Ibid., 1857-8, iii, 575.—Zitckc (J. X.) Chlorate of potas sium. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 169-172. Potassium (Chlorate and chloride of Toxicology of). Afanasjeff (V.) * 0 patologo-anatom. izmen. v tkanjiich jivotnago eirganizma pri otravlt-nii clilornovat. kali. [Pathologo-anatonrical alter- ations in the tissues in poisoning By chlorate of potassium.] 8°. St. Petersburg, I8f7). Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1885, cliv, pt. 2, 71; 109, 1 tab., 1 diag. Chataing (H. ) *Etutle meSelico-legale snr I'enipoisonnement par le chlorate tie potasse,. 4U. Lyon, 1887. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1887. Hermanns (F.) * Toxikologische Stuilieii iiber Kaliuni- und Natriumehlorid. 8°. Marburg, [1872]. Weinert (E.) * Zur Casuistik der Vergiftun- geu mit chlorsauri'in Kali. 8°. Balle a. S., 1887). Baginsky (A.) Ueber toxisehe Wirkungen des Kali chloricum. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 188(1. j, 100-109.— Baibii & Bmlatour. Empoisonnement pai lean de javclle ; emploi tie la magnesie comme antidote. J. de chiin. mid., etc., Par., 1844, 2. s., x, 249.—Barlow (Adelia). Poison by chloias potassii. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1880, xl, 518-520.—Benkd (L.) M6rgez6si chlnrsavas kaliuni- mal. [Ci.se of poisoning by chlorate of potassa. | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1882, 1029-1032. Also, transl: Pest.i.....I. chir. Presse. Budapest. 1882, xviii, 909. — Bergstrnad (A.) Fall af klorsyradt kali-forgiftning med tliiillig ntgiing. Hygiea, Stockholm, 188S, 1, 221-228. — Itolin. Tdiltlie he Vergiftung durch chlorsaures Kalinin; (Verbrauch von etwa 60 G. in 36 Stunden; Tod innerhalb zweier Tage). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 485-487. — Kroc- sieke (F. W.) efc Mchndewald. Wieder ein Fall vod Kalium-chloricuni-Vergiftuug. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx. 649.— Brouardcl (I*.) & I.'Hole. Intoxica- tion par le chlorate ele potasse; mort de quatre enfants; (affaire tie la sup6rieure de Saint-Saturnin-du Port d'Ku- vaux); exercice illegal de la medeeine et ele la pharniacie. Ann. el'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s., vi, 232-259.—Croft (T. C.) Fatal poisoning from chlorate uf potash, (iaillard's i\l..)., N. Y., 1883, xxxvi, 15-17.— Uiscassioii iiber die' Ve-rgif- tungen mit Kali chloricum. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. el. Aerzte in Wieu, 1880-81, 38-11. Also : Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 1167-1169.—Ferris (A. M.) Case of fatal poisoning from chlorate of potassa. Pacific M. efc S. .J., San Fran., 1873-4, xvi, 18-20.—Fowler (G. B.) Poisoning by potas- sium chlorate. Tr. AI. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1884, 321-327. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 321-326. <»«'s*iiins (W.) Vergiftung mit Kali chloricum; Heilung. Deutsehe meel. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882. viii, 512.—CJoldschmiill. Vergiftung durch Kali chloricum. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v. 6. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1883, xix, 53.—Orollemimd (W.) Empoisoniiement par Iu chlorate de potasse. Rev. meel. de Test, Nancy, 1882, xiv, 513-521.—Hill (H. G.) Poisoning bv chloiate of potash. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 635 — llofnu i< i (J.) Eiu Beitrag zur Casuistik der Vergiftungen nut cblorsaurein Kali. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 18-0, vi, 505; 517. [See, also, infra, Wegscheider (H.)]—lngals (E.) Is chlo- rate of potassium in ordinary eloses ever poisonous? Chi- chago M. J. efc Exam., 1883, xlvi, 245. — Jones (S. 11.) Poisoning by chlorate or potassium. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 513.—KostileflT(B.) Dva sluch. umishlen. samootrav. bertollet. soliu. [Two cases of premeditated suicide by poisoning with chlorate potassa. 1 Med. Obozr., >Iosk., 1886, xxv, 759-763.—liacassagne (A.) Affaire T. . . . desservaut a la Chapelle-de-la-Toui (Isere); empoi- souuemeut par le chlorate tie potasse d'une title enceinte POTASSIUM. 537 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Chlorate and chloride of, Toxicology of). de cinq mois; la chambre des mises en accusation renvoie l'accus6 T. . . . devant laCourd'assisesdeTIsere sousl'ac- cusation detentatived'avortement; condainiiation. Arch. de Tanthrop. crim., Par.. 1887, ii, 359-383.— Ic. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1866-74), 1876, vi (app.). 97- 101.—Hindi* (W.) Poisoning by thecyanideof potassium. Med. 'Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 482— Hotmail n (E.) Zur Kenntniss eler Befunde nach Cyankalium-Vergiftung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1876, xxvi,'1097; 1121. -----. Zur Kasuistik der Cyankaliumvergiftung. Ibid., 1880, xxx, 9; 40; 64.—Horntdge (T. K.) Case of poisoning by cyanide of potassium. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1859, n. s., xviii, 80.—HuNcmann (T.) Vergiftung durch Cyankalium mit giinstiyem Ausgange. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 129 — Jacquemin (E.) Recherche toxicologique du cyanure de potassium en presence des cyanures doubles non toxiques. Rev. med. del'est, Nancy, 1875, iii, 138-142.— Jones (J.) Poisonous effects of cyanide of potassium. N. Orl. M. & S. J.. 1877, iv, 774-794. Also, Reprint— K non (G. B.) Fall af cyankalium-fiirgiftning. Eira, Goteborg, 1883, vii. 107-110.—liacassagne (A.) efe Hugouiicnq. Du cyanure ele potassium au point de vue m6dieo-16gal et toxicologique. Arch, de Tanthrop. crim., Par., 1888, iii, 81-101. — l.afnrgne (E.) Trois cas d'empoisonnement. Union nitsd. de la Gironde, Bordeaux 1862, vii, 469-477.— I.etheby (H.) Report of two cases of poisoning by cya- nide of potassium and cyanide of silver. Med. Times, Lord., 1851, n. s., iii, 41-43.—Martin (A.) Zum Process Ebergenvi-Chorinsky. [Nach den Acten mitgetheilt.] Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 297; 305; 353; 377.— MnNchka (J.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den Vergiftungen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1867, xevi, 30-32. -----. Vergiftung mit Cyankalium. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 822-824.—Mauriac (E.) Note sur un cas d'empoisonnement par le cyanure de potassium; grave re- sponsabilite du pharmacien. M6m. et bull. Soc. ele med. etchir.de Bordeaux, 1874, 348-352. Also: Gaz. med.de Bordeaux, 1874, iii, 241; 324— Milford (F.) Case of poisoning by cyanide of potassium. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1870-71, i, 22-24.—Milner (M. A.) A case of poisoning. South. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1854, n. s., x, 717. — van de Moer (A.) Ziekteverslag van eene pogiug tot vergiftiug met cyankalium, voorgekomen bij een soldaat van het Koloniaal-Werfdepot te Hardei wijk. Nederl mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1882, vi, 9- 15. — Moloney. Poisoning by cyanide of potassium. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 497. — Mon- ger! (L.) Observation d'un empoisonnement par le cya- nure de potassium. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantino- ple, 1862-3, vi, 193-195. -----. Empoisonnement par le cyanure de potassium. Ibid., 1863-4, vii, 42-44. Also, transl: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1863, vi, 144-146.—Moore (N.) Cyanide of potassium poisoning. Tr. Path. Sue-. Loud., 1881-2, xxxiii, 140. — Moreau. Emploi du lavage de l'estomac dans Tempoisonnement par le cyanure tie potassium. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 550. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et ehir. de Bordeaux (1884), 1885, 194-196.—Mueller-Warnek. Eiu Fall von schwerer Cyankaliumvergiftung init A usgang in Genesung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 57-59.— POTASSIUM. 538 POTASSIUM. Pota*«iuill (Cyanide of, Toxicology of'). l\cwth (A. H.) A case of poisoning by cyanide of po- tassium, with necropsy. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud.. 1877, i, 335.—Ord. Poisoning by cyanide of potassium; recov- ery. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1174.—Orfila. Note sur les effets toxiques du cyanure de potassium administre en lave- ment. J. tie ehim. m6d., etc.. Par., 1834, x, 23. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xi, 240. -----. Memoire sur le cyanure tie potassium. J. de ehim. med, etc.. Par., 1843, 2. s., ix, 84-98.—Otttliofl*. Zur Theorie der Cyankalium- wirkung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb , 1881, xxxii, 194-200.—Perry. Poisoning by cyanide of potas- sium. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 94 — Plnlil. Ein Fallvon Cyankalitim-Vcrgiftuiig. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1887, xvi, 482-489. —Piachand. Rapport m6dico-16gal sur un cas iTiiiipoiseinni'iniut par le cyanure depotassium. Bull. Soc. meel. ele- la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1868, ii, 310. — Pincim. Vergiftung mit Cyankalium; Nachweis des t^ittes in den Leichent heileu acht Tage nach dem Tod. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878, n F., xxix, 49-54.— Post (J. A.) Caso of poisoning by cyanide of potassium ; post-mortem. N. York M. ,1., 1876, xxiii, 403. — Qnintin. Ein Fall von schwerer Vergiftung mit Cyan- kalium ; Ausganein Genesung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1885, xxii, 120.—Romm (G.) Poisoning hy cyanide of po- tassium. Med. Times. Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 390.—Sang (W.) Case of accidental poisoning hy means of cyanide of potassium. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 500-508 — Schauenatein (A.) Die forensiscbe Bedeutung des Cyankaliums. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1859, xv, 1-4.—Scholz (F.) Ein Fall vou Cyan- kali-Vergiftung ohne tddtlichen Ausnang. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 1529; 1548. — Sliapleigh (E. B.) A case of suicide by cyanide of potassium. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, u.'s.. lviii, 421. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1863-74), 1874, n. s., iv, 290. — Southby (E. R.) Poisoning by cyanide of potassium. Chem. News, Lond., 1861, iii, 260.—Souwers (G. F.) A caseof peculiar poison- ing by cyanide of potassium. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 345. —Stearns (H. P.) Poisoning by the cyanide of po- tassium ; recovery. Am. -I. M. Sc. Phila , 1869, n. s , lviii, 408.—Nfevenson (W. F.) Two cases of poisoning by cyanide of potassium. Lancet, Loud., 1871, i, 806.—Sui- cide by cyanide of potassium. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1878-87, i, no. 10, 394.—Tardien (A.) efe Roussin (T.) Empoisonnement; suicide par une dose enorme de cyanure de potassium. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1868, 2. s., xxix, 358-370.—Taylor (A. S.) Case of poisoning by cyanide of potassium; recovery; effects of the iron antidote. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, 3. s., xiii, 239-242. — de Valconrt. Einpoisonnement par le cyanure de potas- sium. Union mi5d., Par., 1875, 3. s., xx, 621 — Vergif- tung (Eine) mit Cyankalium. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe. 1861, xv, 137-140.—W. Case of poisoning by cyanide of potassium. Boston M. efe S. J., 1866. lxxiv, 311- 313.—Ware (C. E.) Poisoning by the cvanide of potas- sium. I bid.. 1856-7, lv. 387. Also.- Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1856-9, ii, 38.—Wasaam (A. M.) A case of poisoning by cyanide of potassium. Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vii, 87.—Wcidner. Vergiftung durch Kali hydro-cyani- cum. Ausz. a. il. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect., Bresl., 1844, 16-18. Also: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 433-435. Also: Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1845, 657-660 —Wimmcr (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Vergiftungen mit Cyankalium. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1865, i, 50: 1806, ii, 2; 18; 46 — Ai liner (E.) Nach 4 Monaten aufgefundene Leiehe; Nachweis der Cyauka- linm-Vergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1881, n. F., xxxv, 193-200. Potassium (Ferrocyanide of). von Czarlinski(E.) EinigeUntersuchungen iiber die Resorptionsyesehwiniiigkeit, untl tlie Au- fenthaltsdauer des Kaliunieiseucyaniir im thieri- schen Korper an Kaninchen. 8°. Greifswald, 1867. Alle. Gerichtsarztliches Gutachten iiber eine ange- schuldigte Vergiftung durch eisenblausaures Kali. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1843, xliii, 299-303.— 1'habry (L.) Note sur quelques propri6t6s du bleu de Prusse soluble. J. tie Tanat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1882, xviii, 503-509.—dauMMail. fitudes cliniques sur Thydro- ferrocyauate de potasse, envisage comme febrifuge. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1854, n. s., vi, 1; 33.—von .Tiering. Ueber die Wirkung des Ferricyan- kalium auf Bint. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1883-4, viii, 186-189.—Newcomer (S. F.) Ferrocyanide of potassium; prussiate of potassium. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs.. 1862, v, 73-78.—Regnault (J.) et Hayem (G.) fitude clinique sur le ferrocvanure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1878, xciv, 241-257, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1878, 2. s.. vii. 262- 264.—Smart (B.) Remarks on the medicinal properties and effects of prussiate of potash ; or ferrocyanate of po- tassa. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1834-5, xv, 362-366.—Towne (J. W.) Ferrocyanide of potassium. Pub. Maas. Eclect M. Soc, Bost., 1861-72, i, 360-365. Potassium (Iodide of). See, also, Aneurism (Treatment of); Emmena- gogues; Hydrocephalus (Acute, Treatmentof); Iodine; Lactation (Prevention of); Lead- poisoning, Meningitis, Syphilis, Treatment of Allihn (F. H. G. R.) *De, kali hydriodici effectibus atque usu. 8°. Halce, [1838], Berthet. Moyen dedoser la purete dos iodines de potassium du commerce. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Repr. from: Rev. scient. et industr. du Dr. Quesneville. 1846, viii. BUchner ( G. ) * Ueber Ausscheidung vein Jodkali elurch den Hani und Speiihel im tieber- freien Zustand uud im Fieber. 8°. Darmstadt, 1885. Desprez ( A. ) * Nouvelles recherches sur l'eiimination de l'iodure de potassium par les urines. 4°. Lyon, 1884. Faille (A.) *De l'emploi du carbonate d'am- mouiaque comme adjuvant de l'iodure de potas- sium. 4°. Paris, 1879. Girault (L.-J.) * Apercu de quelques propri- 6te"s des iodures tie potassium et tie sodium mises eu parallele. Observations pratiques snr la pre- paration de ces sels. 4°. Paris, 1841. Heubel (E.) * Pbarmakologiscbe Untersu- chungen iiber das Verhalten verscbiedeuer Kiir- per-Organe zur Iodkalium-Resorption. 8°. [Dor- pat], 1865. Hottermann (J.) * Experiments nonnulla de vi et effectu kali jodati iu digestionem et uu- tritionem feliuin. 8°. [Dorpat], 1H51. Joubin (A.) *Sur l'iodure de potassium au point de vue de ses effets physiologiques et pa- thogtSniques, de son action therapeutique et tie son r61e tlans le traitement ele la syphilis. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 257-263. Lecceur (J.-S.) * De l'iodure de potassium consider dans son emploi en therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1846. Lomet (X.) "Considerations sur les effets physiologiques et pathologigues de l'iodure tie potassium. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Mage (E\) * De l'iodure depotassium. 4°. Montpellier, 1889. Melsens (L.-H.-F.) Memoire sur l'emploi tie l'iodure de potassium, pour combattre les affec- tions saturnines, mercurielles, et les accidents conseScutifs de la syphilis. 8°. Bruxelles, l867>. Romanoff (T.) *Kvoprosuo patologo-ana- tomicbeskich izmienenijach schitovielnoi i niekn- torychdrugichjelezpri vuutrennem upotreblenii iodistago kalija i ioelistagei natrija. [Ou the pa- thologo-anatomical changes in thyroid anel other glands tluriug internal use of iodide of potassium anel iodiele of soelium.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1889. Sartisson (F.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier Iodkalium-Wirkung. 8°. Dorpat, 1866. Stahl (H. E. A.) "Nonnulla tie jotleto kalico. 8°. Rostochii, 1840. Strauch (L.) "Meletemata de kalio jotlato. 8°. [Dorpat], 1852. Stubenrauch (H.) *De kali liydrojodico et ejus effectu in aninialibus observato. 8°. Bero- lini, [1845]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Med. Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv, 49-51. Vincent (A.) "Recherches sur l'eliminatinn de l'iodure de potassium par les uriues. 4°. Lyon, 1883. Adamkiewiez (A.) Die Ausscheidungswege ilea Jodkaliuni8 beim Menschen. Charite-Ann. 1876, Berl., 1878, iii, 381-389. — Arcnri ( A.) Dell' uso del joduro di potassio e tli sodio per inie/.ione ipeidermica. Gaz/,. tl. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 445.—de Beaufort (A.) Deux applica- tions pen connues tie l'iodure de potassium. Hull. yen. ile therap., etc, Par., 186s, lxxiv, 78-81. —Beck (J. K.) Io- dide' of potassium. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, ludiauap., 1875, POTASSIUM. 539 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Todide of). 95-107.— Beitriige zur Toxicologic, und Pliarinakody- namik des .Todkaliums; Ergebnisse der von den DDrr. Arneth, E. Pelikan und N. Zdekauer veranstalteten Ex- perimente. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 337; 345. — Bellinghain ( O'B. ) Observations on the therapeutic effects of hydriodate of potass. Dublin M. Press, 1840, iii, 301-304. — Bellini (R.) Dello iodato di potassa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1868. xxi, 412-421.— Be- rn n^er (L.) fils. Proc6de peu connu pour preparer l'io- ilure de potassium. l5cho metl., Xeuch&t., 1858, ii, 54.— BeNiiier ( E.) A propos des injections sous-cutanees d'iodure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1884. cvi, 74. — Bienfait (J.) De l'emploi de la solution d'iodure de potassium en injections dans les cavites suppu- rantes. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1853-4, i, 521-523. -----. Nouvelle' uote sur l'emploi de la solution d'iodure de po- tassium en injections dans les foyers de suppuration re belle ou grave: empy&me secondaire k une scarlatiue et coin- pliqu6 d'albununurie ; kyste hydatique du foie suppur6 et compliquede pneumonie; gu6rison dans les deux cas. Ibid., I860, vii, 198; 241. — Binz ( C. ) Die Zerleguug des Jod- kaliums im Orgauismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874. lxii, 124-131.—BogolcpoflT. Zur Frage der physio- logischen Wirkung des Jodkalium. Arb. a. tl. pharmacol. Lab. zu Moskau, 1876, i, 125-142. — lions effets obtenus par l'emploi de l'iodure de potassium dans les affections du cerveau et de la moelle. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxviii, 129-135. — Buchhcim (It.) Ueber die Wir- kung des Jodkaliums. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1874-5, iii, 104-117.— Bullock (H.) Cases illustrating the effects of the hvdrioel.ite of potass. Edinb. M. &S. J., 1837, xlvii, 154-160.—Clnracciolo (G.) Rifles- sioui intorno all' assorbimento del joduro potassico per via endermica. Morgagni, Napoli. 1876. xviii, 841-843.— Carter (W.) The effect ot iodide of potassium on the elimination of lime salts. Liverpool M. efe S. Rep., 1871, v, 15-18. — Castey (W. B.) Remarks on the iodide of po- tassium, with cases. N. York J. M. efe S., 1840, iii, 320- 325.—Caslaiu. Recherche de l'iode daus les urines des malades soumis aux frictions par la pommade d'iodure de potassium ioduree. Bull. gen. de therap . etc., Par., 1861, lxi, 266-270. — Danger (Du) que presente l'ingestion de l'ioduredepotassium, surtout lorsqu'il renferme de l'iodate. Art med., Brux., 1879-80, xv, 187. Also: J. de pharm., Anvers, 1880, xxxvi, 105. Also: Bull. Soc.de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1881. xxi. 48. — Delfiz. Quelques considera- tions sur les proprietes medicales de la pommade avec l'hydriodate de potasse. J. de physiol. exp6r., Par., 1825, v, 393-404. — Die!rich (L.) Zur Pharmakodynamik des Jods, namentlich des Jodkali. J. tl. Chir. it. Augenh., Berl., 1840, xxix, 355-399.—Eh ler* (E.) Om Jodkaliums TJdskillelse gennem Urinen veil store Doscr. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1889, 3. R., vii, 1-12. — Falck (C. P.) Unter- Biichungen iiber das Verhalten eles Jodkalium zum thieri- schen Organismus. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tubing., 1845, i, 852-860. — Ferrari ( M.) Annota/.ioni intorno 1'uso esterno ed interno dell' joduro potassico. Gazz. metl. eli Milano, 1844, iii, 417.—Fournier. Action de l'iodurede potassium sur lorgauisme; indications et contre-indica- tions. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 189.— Fnbini ( S.) Influenza del joduro di potassio sulla quantity di urea emessa colle orine; esperienze fatte sull' uomo in condi- zioni di salute. Osservatore, Torino, 18S1, xvii, 529-532.— Fnbini ( S.) efe Fiore ( G. M.) Influenza del iotluro tli potassio. Ibid., 1879, xv, 641-643.—UngIio (G.) Se 1' or- ganismo animale decomponga il joduro di potassio. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1887, lx, 18-30'. —CJilles de la Ton- rette. Note sur les injections sous-cutanees d'mduro de potassium. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 853-857. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1883, xi, 5— Gin- geot. Fails pour servir k I'histoire therapeutique de l'iodure de potassium. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par., 1865-6, 2. s., i, 39-42. Also [Abstr.] : (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 133. — Glendenning (J.) Observa- tions on the curative properties of hydriodate of potass in periostitis and chronic articular rheumatism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834-5, xv, 833; 866.—Graydon (A.) Tolerance of iodide of potassium. Med. efe Surg. Re-porter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 288. — Gregory ( W.) On the preparation of the hy- driodate of potash. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1831, xxxvi, 368- 370.—IIanlF(T.) Zur Wirkungsweise ties Kali jodatum. Meel. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1844, i, 309.—Henoch. TherapeutischeMittheilnngenuberilasKalihydrojodicum. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1846, 245; 266.—Hoppe (J.) Ueber die Wirkung des Jodkali auf die Kopfschleim- haute. Med. Ztg., Berl.. 1858, i, 153. — Hudniit ( F. P.) Peculiar action of potassium iodide in a case of syphilitic rhinitis. Brooklyn M. J., 1889, iii, 290.— Jacloioii (G. T.) Iodide of potassium. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 372-379. Also, Reprint.—Jones (C. H.) Some observations on the diuretic action of iodide of potassium. Arch. Med., Lond., 1857-9. i, 181-187.—Kammerer (H.) Ueber die arzneili- che Wirkungsweise des Jodkaliums und des Sublimats. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lix. 459-472. -----. Ueberdie Zerleguug des Jodkaliums im Organismus. Ibid., lx,526. -----. Zur Erkliirung der arzneilichen Wirkungs- weise des Jodkaliums. Ibid., 1875, lxiii, 279-282. — Kelly Potassium (Iodide of). (B.) On the use aud the abuse ofthe iodide of potassium, and other articles of the materia medica. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859. xi, 447-451. -----. The power ofthe iodide ot po- tassium in expediting mercurial salivation. Buffalo M. J., 1859-60, xv, 586-588.—Ijiidicke. Ueber das Kali hydro- iodicum. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, 101-103.—ITIacdon- nell (G. B.) Remarks on the therapeutic effects of the hydriodate of potass in rheumatism and other diseases. Madras Q. M. J., 1844, vi, 353-362. — lVI'Swceny (J. P.) Iodide of potassium antl carbonate of ammonia in thetreat- nient of syphilis, internal aneurism, and chronic rheuma- tism. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1874, i, 39 —ITIacvicar (J. G.) On the cause of the prophylactic and therapeutic value of table salt, iodide, of potassium, etc. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 417-427— iVIalachowski (E.) Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Nebenwirkungeu des Jod (Jodkali). Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 162-165. — iHitiifredonia (G.) Su lapomata eli ioduro eli potassio. Rendic. Accad. med.- chir. eli Napoli, 1865, xix, 153. — iVIclsens. R6sum6 de deux memoires sur l'emploi de l'iodure de potassium. pour combattre les affections saturninesmerctinelles et les accidents const-cutifs tie la syphilis. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg.. Brux., 1866, 2. s., ix, 533-560. [Rap. de Hairion], 362-368.—iVIenn (M. M.) Apuntes sobre la po- mada de yoduro de potasio. Estudio, M6xico, 1875-6, i, 64-66. — de iTIeric (V.) Iodide of potassium in large doses. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 406. — JMeurer. Einige Worte fiir Diejenigen, welche die innere Anwendung des Jodkali in Gahen zu 5-8 Gran fiirchten. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1839, i, 34^36.—IVIicrciidorflT. Einige kurze Be- merkungen iiber die Heilkrafte des Kali hydrojodici. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 493-498.—Morris (F. H.) On iodide of potassium as an antilactescent. Lancet, Lond.. 1864, ii, 179.—IVainiait (G.) Sull' ahuso del joduro di potassio notato dall' Hebra ne' morbi cutanei e sulle alterazioni morbose elementari. tiior. veneto di sc.med., Venezia, 1862, 2. s., xix, 437-445. — Neman..... Ueber die Wirksamkeit des Kali hvdroiodicuiu. Meel. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 193-195.—©ke (W. S.) On the the- rapeutic powers of the iodide of potassium. Prov. M J., Lond., 1844, 39; 54. — O'Kielly (J.) On the effects consequent on the administration of iodide of potassium, illustrated hy cases. N. York M. Gaz. efe J. Health, 1854, v. 7-13.—Panien. Note sur l'emploi de l'iodure tie po- tassium a doses inf6rieures et fiactionn6es contre la sy- philis et les scrofules. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 267.— Parona (E.) Le iniezioni ipodermiche di ioduro potas- sico. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 539-541—Payan. De quelques applications sp6oiales de l'iodure de potassium. Rev. med. franc, et etrang , Par., 1850, i, 588-603.—I'nyen (A.) Iodure de potassium ; inactions compar6es et, essais des iodures, bromines et chlorures alcalins. Ann. du cou- serv. d. arts et metiers, Par.. 1865-6, vi, 230-252. Also: Gaz. med.de Par., 1865, 3. s., xx, 581-584.—Pickett (E.) On the use of the iodide of potassium. N. Oil. M. J., 1844-5, i, 168-176.—von Pommer-Fsche. Bemerkungen iiber tlie Wirkung lies Jodkaliums. AVchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 597-60L — Babuteau. Incompatibilite de l'iodure de potassium et du sulfate de quinine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 1. — Kan- tlolph (N. A.) A note on the behavior of hydrobromic acid and of potassium iodide in the uigestive tract. Poly- clinic, Phila., 1883-4, i, 165-167.—Kiehelot (G.) De l'a's- sociation de l'iodure de potassium avec le sirop deforces d'oranges am&res. Union m£d., Par., 1860, 2. s., v, 392 ; 439—Bicord. Etudes sur faction pathogenique de l'io- dure de potassium, pour servir k regler l'administration de ce remade. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1842, xxiii, 161-169.—Riordon (J.) Remarks on the ioditle of potas- sium, with cases. South. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1848, u. s., iv, 193-201.— Romi'i (G.) Osservazioni sulla presenza dell' iodato eli potassa nell' ioduro potassico elel commercio, e so- pra i diversi reatti vi, che servonoariscontrarlo. Gazz. meel. ital. teller, tosc, Firenze, 1857, 3. s., iii, 365.—Roods (H. C.J Iodide of potassium in large doses. Lancet, Loud., 1860, ii 479.—RozNnhegyi (A.) Kis6rleti adatok az iblauy 6s hamanyiblag hatastan&hoz. [Experiments to ascertain the effect of combination of iodine and potash.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1878, xxii, 548 ; 652 ; 676; 693 ; 714— ManioiloflT (S.) 0 vlijan. iodistago kalija na azotistyi obmeu veshe- stve. [Effect of ioditle of potassium on nitrogenous me- tamorphosis, j Shorn, rabot, proizved. lab. Anrepa, Char- koff, 1886, i, 27-33.—Scharlau. Ueberdie Wirkung ties Jodkaliums und Bromnatriums. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842, 433-436.—Schering (E.) Ueber Fa- brikation von Jodkalium. Ztschr. d. alig. osterr. Apoth.- Ver., Wien, 1879, xvii, 81-84. — See (G.) Comment l'io- dure de potassium agit sur le cceur. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 483 ; 501. -----. De l'iodure de potassium, type des rn6dicaments cardiaques les plus com- plets. Tribune med., Par., 1889, xxi, 55.—Segnin (E. 0 ) On the use of a feebly alkaline water as a vehicle for the administration of the iodide and bromide of potassium, etc. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1881, vi, 34-40. -----. Con- cerning large doses of iodide of potassium. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 27. — Sieveking (E. H.) On some of the modes of action of iodide of potassium. Brit. M. J., POTASSIUM. 540 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Iodide of) Lond., 1*57. i, 192-194. Also [Abstr. ] : Lancet, Loud., 1857, j 34n.—Si«Non (R. S.) Iotlideof potassium in large doses. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 382; 506.—Mini Ih (T.) & Smith (II.) On the preparation of pure iodide of potassium. Pharm. J. efe Tr., Lond., 1843-4, iii, 14-20. Also, Reprint.— Switzcr (B. W.) Fracture by ointment. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1868, iii. 10. Also: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1868. ii, 352. — Thiranlt (O.-J.) Pommade d'hy- driniliitc de potasse a la glycerine. Ann. Soc. de m6d.de St. Etienue et de la Loire (1857-60), 1861, i, 497-499.— TouimaHi. Risultanienti analitici degli esperimenti in- torno alle frizioni della pomata di ioduro potassico semplice e iodurato. Morgagni, Napoli, 1867, ix, 194-196—Tott (<:. A.) Das Kali hydrojodicum, bei complic.irter Dyscrasie und Pseudosyphiiis erprobt. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., ltd!, vi, 156.—Trasbot. Sur Taction de l'iodurede potassium. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par.. 1889, 2. s., xxii, 348-353— Tur- ner (K ) On the formation ofthe hydriodate of potassa. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1825. xxiv, 20-23.'—Van Ruren (A.) On the use of the hvdrindate of potassa. N. York J. M , 1847, viii, 208. —Vial. Sur le titrage de l'iodure tie potas- sium. Arch, denied, et pharm. mil., Par., 1884. iv, 436- 438. —Walker (G. E.) On the influence of ioilide of po- tassium over salts of mercury iu presence of the various organic substances in the animal economy. Liverpool M. efe S. Rep., 1870, iv, 160. — Weinke (tV C.) Ueber eine merkwiirdige Wirkung des Jodkali. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1842. 964-967.—Wylie (W. G.) A sub- stitute for iodide of potassium. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 454—Xink (0.) Observations pratiques sur l'emploi ih' 1'hyeli■ioilate de potasse en medecine. J. compl. du diet. d. sc.'iiuil., Par., 1823, xvii, 209-216. Potassium (Iodide of Accidents from, and toxicology of). See, also, Hydroa ; Rheumatism (Treatment of) by iodide of potassium. Aladaxe (j.) Notice en reponse a une bro- chure repandue elans le public, toucliant la mort de M. Jubert, maitre de pension a Greuelle. 8°. Paris, 1H47. Bonnassies (H.-fi.) # Des effets pathog6- niqui's de l'iodure de potassium. 4°. Paris, 187)7. Girtanner (G. A.) * Das Kalium jodatum in seiner Beziehuiie; zum Jotlisniusconstitutionalis. ttJ. IVurzburg, 1861. Lettre a M. le rtSdacteur ele l'Union me'dicale, toucliant la mort de M. X. [Jubert], maitre de pension a Greuelle ; re~ponse de M. le re"ilaeteur, avec adhesion tie la part ele trente-cinq m6de- cins; le tout suivi de plusieurs lettres adress6es a M. le Dr. Duinont, par MM. les professeurs Chevallier Orfila, Piorry, Rostan, etc. 8°. Pa- ris, I847. Petitjkan (H.) * Accidents du c6t6 de la peau et ties ninqueuses d6termine'spar l'adminis- tration tie l'iodure tie potassium. 4°. Paris, 1879. Allan. Two cases of severe coryza, etc., induced by the administration of small quantities of iodide of potas- sium. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1874, ii, 405.—Atkinson (I. E.) May iodide of potassium excite Bright's disease ( Am. .1. M. 'Se-., Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxii, 17-30. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1881, xxxii, 145-164.—Bnl- kiinyi (K.) Egy ritk&bban eloforduld kiiteg jodkali ada- gohisa utdu. [Skin eruption after a dose of ioditle of po- tassium.] Gy6gy.lszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 313.—Ber- ■■ ar«l (P.) De la conjonctivite rapporteo k Taction patho- genique de l'iodure de potassium. Gaz. m<5d. de Par., 1843, 2. s., \i. 511.— Beanicr (E.) Un cas d'eruption bulleuse due ii Tiexlure de potassium; tin cas d'eruption anthracoide dfte au uiiine agent. Aun. tie dermat. et syph., Par., 1882, 2. s., iii, 108-172.—Bonnewyn (H.) Empoisonnements la suite de l'emploi de l'iodure de potassium. _ Duckworth (D.) & Harris (V.) Microscopical exam- ination of some pustules removed from thee buck of tlie hand in a caseof iodide of potassium eruption. Tr. Path Soc. Lond., 1879, xxx. 476.—Fonrnier (A.) Du purpura iodique (iodisme petechial). Rev. mens, ih- meel ct chir Par., 1877, i, 653-664.—Fox (T.) Two cases of severe iotlideof potassium eruption. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. 1877-8 xi, 40-48, 1 pi.—von Franqne (J. B.) Veigil'tung mit Jodkali. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb 1859, 747.—Haul und. Sjseldnere Former af Jodkaliums' exantem. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 18K7, 3. R, v, 145-153.— ■Iuchard (H.) Sur certains accidents produits par I'io- dure de potassium. Bull, et 111(111. Soc. de therap. Par 18S5, 2. s.. xii, 72-77.—Hutchinson (J.) A case of iodide of potassium eruption. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1889, i, 1 I., 2 pl— Hyde (J. N.) A contribution to tho study of the bul- lous eruption induced by the ingestion of the iodide of po- tassium. Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1879, v, 333; 371. Aho, Reprint. -----. Note relative to the bullous eruption oc- enning after ingestion of the iodide of potassium. J. Cu- tan. efe Ven. Dis., N Y., 1886, iv. 353-359. Also [Abstr.]; Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., Bost, 1886, 27-30— Lindsay (J. A.) A case of a remarkable eruption following the ad- ministration of ioeliele* of potassium. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1884, i, 602.— Lloyd (J.) Acute urticaria from a sinm|h dose of iodide of potassium. Ibid., 1881, i, 804. — ,»I<-. Ganghey (J. D.) A case' in which there existed great intolerance of iodide of potassium. Med. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 396.—Mackenzie (S.) Fatal purpura from iodide of potassium. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1888-9, i, 169, 1 pl.—lTIalecot (A.) Observation d'accidents leger dusilTadniiuistration del'ioiluiedepotassium. Praticien, Par., 1880, iii, 125.—iVIecklenburg. Acute Jodkalium- Vergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1866, iii, 262.—ITIer- cier (A.) Exautheme produit par l'iodure de potassium. Uniou iu6d., Par., 1X60, 2. s.. v, 285.—moon (S.) Doppelt- horen in Folge einer Jodkaliumkiir. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881-2. xi, 52. — Pcllizznri (C ) Di alcune eru zioni cutanee dovute all' azione patogenica dell' ioduro di potassio. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xiv, 127-153.— Phillips (D. P.) Tetanic symptoms from the use of iodide of potassium. Med. Exam., Phila., 1853, ix, 291.— Rieder (H.) Ueber einen besonderen Fall vou Jodisiiins acutus bei interner Darreichung von Jodkalium. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 18^7, xxxiv, 73-76.—Rodet (A.) Essai sur les accidents qui peuvent resulter de l'emploi de Tioilure de potassium et sur les moyens les plus propres il les prevenir. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s, ii, 904; 922; 946. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1847. iv, 230; 353: 1848, i, 62.—Shaller (J. M.) Delirium caused by iodide of potassium. Cincin Lancet & Clinic, 1880, n. s.,'v, 26.— Shimonek (F.) Death produced, probably, by a small dose of potassium iodide. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvii, 557.—Stock well. Pustular eruption while taking iodide of potassium. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1869, ii, 655.—Tnlnnion (C.) Sur une Eruption cutan6e, simu- lant Terytheme, noueux, due k Tioilure de potassium. France mod., Par., 1884, i, 77: 90.—Taylor (R. W.) Ur- ticarial eruption, elue to ioelide of potassium. J. Cutan. efe Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1886, iv, 341. -----. Dermatitis tube- rosa of iodic origin; the so-called acne anthracoide iodopo- tassique. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., Bost., 1888, xii, 68-71. Also, transl: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. 1888, vii, 1218-1227.—Thin (G.) The nature of iodide of po- tassium eruption. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1879, lxii. 189-196, lpl.— Van Hnrlingeu (A.) Bullous eruption, due to iodide of potassium. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvii, 89-91.—VasileflT (V. V.) Sluchainoe otravlenie iodistim kali. [Case, of poisoning by iodide of potassium.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1880,' iv, 1644.— Weist (J. R.) Alarming symptoms resulting from eight grains of potassium ioditle. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1882, xxvi, 197 —Westmoreland (W. F.) Case of vesicular erup- tion from the administration of iodide of potassium. At- lanta M. efe S. J., 1855-6, i, 463. — Wilson (J. H.) Pur- pura hsemorrhagica from iodide of potassium. Brit. M- J., Lond., 1889, i. 470.—Wolf (F.) Eine pemphigiuose Form dor elodkali-Iutoxication mit toiltlichem Ausgang. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 578-581. Potassium (Iodobromideof). Bibaud (.T.-G.) Liqueurd'iodo-bromuredepotassium decoloree. Union med. du Canada, Montr6al, 1873, ii, 97- 99. Potassium (Iodohydrargyrate of). Chamiing (W.) On the iodohydrargyrate of potas- sium; its chemical history and therapeutical uses. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833-4, xiii, 388-403.—Oarden (T J ) Observations on iodo hyelrargvrate- of potassium. Si it ho scope & Virg. M. Ga/.., Richmond, 1852, ii. 259-26: llil- ili-eth (C. C.) Observations on the iodohydrargyrate of potassium. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1840, xxvi, 312-322. POTASSIUM. 541 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Nitrate of). See, also, Nitre; Rheumatism (Treatment of) by nitrate of potassium. Becker (D. D.) *De nitro. 4°. Erfordiw, 1753. Cours revolutionnaire tie la fabrication du salpctre et tie la poudre. Histoire naturelle, et priucipales proprietes du uitre ou salpetre. 4°. Paris, 1794. Eight pamphlets relating to saltpetre antl its use in the manufacture of gunpowder. De Klettenberg (R. S.) *Diss. exhibens nitruin prsecipuorum morborum methoilo metho- dica conscriptoruni medelam. 8°. [Altorf, 1716 ] Furstenberg (F.) * Ueber Kali uitricmu, seine physiologischen Eigeuschaften, therapeu- tische Wirkung und Auweiiduiig von grossen Dosen, besonders beim acuten Geleukrheumatis- niiis. ■~;0. Greifswald, 1871. Hahdkk (C.) De nitri indeque elaborate!' pa- nacea} alcalime solutivse natura et usu in niedi- cina. In: Fasc. diss. metl. select. (Zvingerus). 12°. Basil, 1710, 162-221. Hark (R.) Memoir on the explosiveuess of nitre, with a view to elucidate its agency in the tremendous explosion of July, 1847), in New York. 4°. Washington, 1849. Mutzek (F.) *De nitro. 8 . Vindobonw, [177(i]. Also, in: ve Wassekberg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Vindob., 1776, iv, 433-454. Seegers (T. C.) *De exiniio nitratis potas- 88B tlepurati iu ascitide et anasarca usu. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1834. Selig (J. T. V.) *De moderando usu uitri in febribus putrielis et malignis. 4°. Erlangw, [1772]. Seutter (J. G.) *De usu nitri tlepurati am- plissimo. 4W. Francof. ad Viadr., [1747], Sirotixix(V. N.) *K voprosu o vlijanii solei kalija na serdtse i kroveobrashenie. [On the effect of nitrate of potassa on heart antl circula- tion.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1884. Bennet (H.) On large doses of nitrate of potassa. Lancet, Lond., 1844. i, 637-639.—Bonaecioli (T.) Supra gli straordinarj effetti, che si osservarono in due armenti tli giovani bovine dietro somministrazione della bevanda nitrata. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara, 1846-9, 70- 77.—Brenschedt. Beitrag zur Heilwirkung des Salpe- ters. Ztse-hr. f. wissensch. Therap., Berl., 1853, i, 585- 591.—Butter (J.) On the effects of nitre. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1818, xiv, 34-39. — Chatin (A.) Sur la presence gentirale du nitrate tie potasse dans les plantes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 101-103.—Craig (B. F.) Report on nitrification, presented to the Smithso- nian Institution in 18f>8. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1861, 305-318.—Duckworth (D.) On nitre-paper fumi- gation as an expectorant. Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xx, 321-323.— .tones (H. M.) Nitrate of potash and quinine as febrifuges. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1873, i, 224—l-alanne. Qui'le]iie-s observations tendaut k prouver l'efficacit6 du nitrate' ile potasse, donu6 a haute dose, contre l'ascite et l'aiiasanpie chroniques, avec quelques remarques qui seront tleduites de ces cas tie pratique, soit sur l'nsage du nitrate de potasse comme moyen therapeutique, soit sur les hy- dropisies. Ann. tie la med. physiol.. Par., 1824, v, 409- 167. — lTIairet(A.) & Combemale. Recherches sur Taction physiologique tin nitrate de potasse et sur le meca- nismede cette action. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1887, 8. s.. iv. 57; 63. Also: Montpel. med., 1887, 2. s., viii, 209- 2H.—.Tlartius (C.) Das Salpeterpapier; eine pharraa- Ueijei" iselie Skizze. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 28-31.— Nickels. Einiges iiber die Wirkung des Kali nitricum. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1844, v, 705-714.— I'esci (L.) Azione dell azotito di potassio sopra il cloruro ferrii o. Anu. di ehim. e di farm., Milano, 1888, 4. s., vii, 305-307.—Rabutean. Recherches sur les propri6tes et le mode d'elimination des azotites ele sodium et ele potas- sium. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 116-119.— Reichert (E. T.) On the physiological action of potas- sium nitrite; with a note on the physiological action on man, by S. Weir Mitchell. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxx, 158-180.—Ross (W. M.) On the use of nitre in fever. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1820, xvi, 310-312.—Samuel Potassium (Nitrate of). (S.) Ueber das Kali nitricum als Auuphlogisticum. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xl, 225.—Stahl (G. E.) Fragmenta quadam ad historiam naturalem nitri perti- nentia. Inhis: Obs. chym.-phvs.-med. [etc.], 16°, Francof. et Lips., 1697[-8], 393-448. —---. De usu nitri medico polychresto. Ibid., 449-480. — Traube (L.) Ueberdie Einwirkung des Kali nitricum auf die Herzthatigkeit. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol.. Berl., 1871, i, 383-386.— Vanoye ( R.) Effets de l'atlministratiou du nitrate tie potasse a tres-haute dose. Ann. Soc. meel. d'emulat. dela Flandre occid., Roulers, 1848, 537-540.—Wright (C. \V.) Explosions produced by the composition of saltpetre. West. Lnncet, Cincin., 1850, xi, 647-649. — Kimmer- ■na■■ u. Versuche zur Feststellung des Unterschiedes in der Wirkung ties Kali nitricum und des Natrum nitricum. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 524-530. Potassium (Nitrate of, Toxicology of). Bailey ( F. K.) Cases in toxicology. I. Nitrate of potash. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1872, xxvi, 75.— Cameron (C. A.) On the poisonous properties of borax and nitre. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxiv, 386-388. Also, Reprint.—[Cases.] Trois cas d'empoisonnement par le nitrate de potasse. Rev.de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1854, xxii, 203-205.—Empoisonnement par le nitrate de potasse. J. de ehim. m6d., etc.. Par., 1858, 4. s., iv. 32; 613.—Empoisonnement par le sel de nitre. Ibid., 1859, 4. s., v, 458-460.—Cassidy (J. J.) Poisoning by salpetre. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1876-7, ix, 108.—Chevallier [et al.]. Purgation a l'aide du sel de nitre, imprudence dun malade: mort d'un sergent de ville, pour avoir fait usage de 30 grammes de ce sel. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1861, 2. s., xvi, 400-419. — Cross (A.) Poisoning by nitrate of potash. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 500.—Bavies (D. D.) A case of poisoning byr nitre. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1857, n. s., xv, 484. — Deutsch. Vergiftung durch Salpeter. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 233.—Falconer (W.) Case of a man who took by mistake two ounces of nitre instead of Glauber's salt. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 527-529.— Gillard (W.) Two ounces of potassre nitras taken in mistake for Epsom salts. Prov. M. efe S. J., Lond., 1846, 382. — Kleinhaas. Vergiftung durch Salpeter. Gen.- Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1842, Koblenz, 1845, 166.— Ijaflize. Observation sur un empoisonnement caus6 par une trop grande dose de nitre, avec des recherches sur l'nsage interne de ce medicament. J de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1787, lxxi, 401-417.— Ijittlejohn (H. D.) A case of poisoning with nitrate of potash, with hints as to the conduct of medical practitioners in cases of suspected poisoning. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1884-5, n. 8., iv. 23-32, 1 pl. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 102- 107, 1 pl.—iTIacswiuey. Case of poisoning hy nitrate of potash. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 3.—Sell mi tz (A.) Vergiftung durch Einathmen rauchender Salpeter- same,. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 428.—Snowden (J. W.) Fatal poisoning by nitrate of potassa. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1855, viii, 117.—Souville. Ob- servation sur une mort causae par une forte tlose ele nitre, suivie de l'ouverture du cadavre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1787,lxxiii, 19-21.—Thompson (J. A.) Acci- elental poisoning with the nitrate of potash. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1878, i, 402.—Villa (G.) Gastritis ex nimia nitri copia uno haustu sumpti. Gior. fis. med., Pavia, 1793, iv, 216-220. Also, transl: Ital. med.-chir. Biblioth.. Leipz., 1796, ii, St. 2, 210-213.—Wi I Its efe Taylor (A. S.) Case in which a large quantity of nitrate of potash was takcti medicinally; elimination of this salt bv the urine. Guy's Hosp. Rep, Lond., 1863, 3. s., ix, 173-179.—Wilson (G.) Case of poisoning by nitrate of potash; recovery from a large dose. Lonil. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vi, 856.—Wolstcu- holine (R. H.) Case of poisoning by nitrate of potash; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 304. — Wood (It.) Poisoning by nitrate of potash. Ibid., 1877, ii, 520. Also : Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 415. Potassium (Oxalate of Toxicology of). Chevallier (A.) Homicide par negligence; inatten- tion ; erreur dans la livraison d un medicament par un pharmacien; oxalate tie potasse vendu pour du sulfate, Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1850, xliii, 162-170.— J ach sou (J.) Poisoning with binoxalate of potass. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, xxvii, 480. — lVIagonty. Observation d'un empoisonne- ment par l'oxalate acide de potasse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 275. Also: Notice d. trav. Soc. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1839, 72-76.—ill ou ton. Empoisonnement par l'oxalate de potasse; mort en six heures. Union med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 472-474. — Schmiedel. Ttidt- liche Vergiftung mit Kleesalz. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1882, xxxiii, 121-127. —Stevenson ( T.) Case of poisoning by binoxalate of potash. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 416.—Webb (F. C.) Case ot poisoning by the binoxalate of potash. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1859, n. s., xix, 378. — Worms (J.) Cas d'empoisonnement par le quadroxalate de potasse ; traite- ment par le bicarbonate de soude; gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxix, 30. POTASSTOI. 542 POTASSIUM. Potassium (Oxide of). See Potash, etc. Potassium (Permanganate of). See, also, Diphtheria, Gonorrheoea, Treatment of; Menstruation (Disordered, etc.); Serpents (Poisonous, Bites of, Aitlidofcs, etc., of). Madamet (A.) *Sur l'emploi therapeutique du permanganate de potasse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Mounier (G.-A.) * Du permanganate ele potasse et ele ses propri6tes desinfectantes. 4°. Paris, 1878. Souloumiac (E\) * Quelques mots sur le per- manganate ele potasse. 4°. Nancy, 1876. Badstiibner. Kurzer Beitrag zur Anwendung ties Kali hypermanganicum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866. iii, 243.—Bartholow (K.) Permanganate of potassium; its action and uses. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv. 566-570. Also, Reprint. —Bidwcll (W. D.) Toxic effect from permanganate of potassium. Boston M. efe S. J., 1886, cxv, 147.—Blache. Rapport sur une note de M. Castex, rela- tive k l'emploi du permanganate de potasse, comme agent de disinfection. Bull. Acael. de metl., Par., 1862-3, xxviii, 821-830.—CoNinao-Dumcuez. Du permanganate" de potasse; de ses applications therapeutiques. Bull. gehi. de therap., etc.. Par., 1865, lxix, 433-442—Girdwood (G. P.) Some of the useful applications of the- permanga- nate of potash. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 269.—Oosselin. A pi opos du permanganate de potasse comme desinfectant. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1864, xxiv, 102-105.—Hall (C. B.) On the, use of permanganate of potassa in the treat- mentof typhus fever and putrid sore throat. Canada M. •I., Montreal, 1864-5, i, 551-554.—Movent. Etude sur le permanganate de potasse, considers comme emmeuagogue et tonique utero-ovarien. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1889, lxxxvii, 69; 111.— Hiillmaun. Biitler von Kalihypermanganii'.iini. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1884-5, vi, 17s. — Kerr (A. F.) Potassium permanganate as an emmt-migogue: three cases. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xv. 310-312— KrasnoglyadoflT (E.) Ob repotreblenie kali hypermauganici v gaspitalyakh. [On the use of per- manganate of potash in hospitals.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1866, no. 1, pt. 3, 6-8.—I.alien. Quelques applications nouvelles du cam616on min6ral aux essais chimiques. Ann. Sue. m6d.-chir. de Liege, 1875, xiv. 455-461, 1 pl. : 1876, xv, 57; 105; 254; 336; 391.—Lex. Ein okonomischer Vor- schlag fiir die Verordnung des Kali hypermanganicum. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 12.—IiVoff(LM.) Kali h\ periiian'ranicum, kak emenagogum. Med. Obozr., Mosk 1887. xxviii, 581-588— Montgomery (E.) Therapeutie. virtues of permanganate of potassa. Humboldt M. Arch., St. Louis, 1868, ii, 193-195. -----. On some of the medicinal uses of permanganate of potash. St. Louis M. Reporter, 1868-9, iii, 672-675.—Pavesi (C.) Del permanganate di Sotassa e sue propriety come sorgente di ozono. Guglielmo a Saliceto. Piacenza, 1884, vi, 210-212.—Pinkus. Ceber- mangansaures Kali zur Beseitigung des anhaftenden Lei- cheugeruchs nach Sektionen. Kdnigsh. med. Jahrb., 1862, iii, 101-103.—Ploss (H.) Das iibermangansaure Kali bei ubelriechenden Geschwiiren, Oziina, Fussschweissen und als Ersatz fiir Chlorwasohungen zur Disinfection. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1862, n. F., i, 187-193.— Rand (B. H.) On permanganate of potassa. Med. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 23.—Beveil (O.) Du permanganate de potasse, et de son emploi comme disinfectant. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1864, 1, 21-29— Sicnrd. Emploi du per- manganate de potasse tlans le traitement du cancer utferin, dans les collections purulentes flHides pour eulever an pus sa fetielile, etc. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 257.— Sternberg (G. M.) The germicide power of potassium permanganate. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 30-35.— Stoddard (.J. P.) Observations on the use of the per- manganate of potassa. Tr. M. Soc. Mich., Lansing, 1875, 327-335.— Vroz (I.) Permanganate of potassium in chronic malarial a (lections. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 582.—Vul- pinn. Etudes experimentales relatives k Taction que peut exercer le permanganate de potasse sur les venins, les virus et les maladies zvinotiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1882, xciv, 613-617. Also: France med., Par., 1882, i, 385-3S.-. Also. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1882, 5. s., vi, 100-104. — Williams (A. M.) Permanganate of potassa in the treatment, of certain female diseases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 74. Potassium (Phosphate of). Ranhe (J.) TJeber erraiidende "Wirkungen des saue- ren phosphorsaueren Kalis. Centralbl. f. d. med, Wis- sensch., Berl., 1865, iii, 577. * Potassium (Picrate of). Walter. TJeber Kali picronitricum als Bandwurmmit- tel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxvi, 221. Potassium (Salicylate of). Donnelly (M.) The'salicylate of potash in acute rheumatism and elyspepsia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 258. -----. Salicylate of potassa in acute rheumatism and dyspepsia. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii, 151-158. Potassium (Salts of). See Anthrakokali; Meat-extract, etc.; Po- tassium. Potassium (Silicate of). Begnault (J.) Sur les proprietes et la preparation tlu silicate de potasse destine aux usages chirurgicaux. Union pharm.. Par., 1874, xv, 130-134. Also: R6pert.de pharm., Par., 1874, n. s., ii, 225-230. Potassium (Sulphate of). Sec, also, Croup (Treatment of). Bayard (H.) Rapport medico-legal sur tin cas tie mort rapide attribuee k l'adniinistration dn sulfate de po- tasse, et analyse chimique par M. Chevallier. Ann. d'hvg- Par.. 1842. xxvii. 397-427. Also, Reprint.—Beck (T.'li.j Notices of the history and properties of sulphate of potash. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1844. n. s., vii, 88-95 —Bourgeois. Quelques considerations sur l'usage du sulfure dp potasse dans le croup. J. g6n. de nied., chir. et pharm., I'ar , 1819, Ixvii, 340-356. -----. R6ponse k quelques eilijeelinus qui lui out 6te aelress6es relativement k ses considerations sur le sulfure de potasse. Ibid., 1821, lxxiv, 352-302.—B ussy & Bnisnet. Action de l'acide tartrique sur le sulfate neutre de potasse. J. tie pharm. et ehim., Par., 1865, 4. s.. ii, 5-20. Also, Reprint.—Chevallier (A.) Des accidents determines par le sulfate de potasse. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1872, 3. s., xxxviii, 137.— Chevallier (A;) &. Gobley. Recherches sur la composition du sulfate de potasse vendu dans le commerce, k 1'occasion des accidents clout son usage a 6te suivi dans quelques cas. Ibid., 1843, xxix, 138-162.—Penny (F.) On the composition and phosphor- escence of plate-sulphate of potash. Lond., Edinb. efe Dubl. Phil. Mag., Loud., 1855, 4. s., x, 401-406. Also, Reprint.— ITnterrieht, aus dem Moniteur universel, iiber die Art, das Schwefelkali oder Schwefelnatrum gegen die hautige Braune, den Keichhusten uud den Katarrh anziiwendeii; nebst Dr. .T. A. Albers Bemerkungen iiber die alkalische Schwefelleber als Heilmittel gegen den Croup. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzburg, 1812, ii, 133-144. Potassium (Sulphocyanide of). Berkuzier (J.-A.) * Recherches experimen- tales sur le sulfocyanure de potassium et le sul- focyanuri' el'ammonium. 4°. Nancy, 1880, Albertoni (P.) Ricerca del solfocianuro potassico nella saliva dei neonati. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 18e3, xvi, 376.—Bellini (R.) Dello awelena- mento prodotto dal solfocianuro tli potassio. Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1863, xi, 409-422.—Oubreuil & l.<«io*. Experiences sur Taction du sulfocyanure de potassium. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1867, Par.', 1869, 4. s., iv, 87-91.— Iiiissana (F.) Sulla presenza del solfocianuro potassico nelle salive. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1864, 5. s., iii, 341-343. [See, also, infra, Oehl (E.)]—Oehl (E.) Sulla presenza del solfocianuro potassico nelle salive parotidee. Ibid., 1864, 5. s., iii, 320; 374.—Ollivier efe Bergeron. Action du sulfocyanure de potassium sur la fibre mnscu- laire et sur le sang. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 22. — Setschenow. Einiges iiber die Ver- giftung mit Schwefelcyankalium. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl., 1858, xiv, 356-370. Potassium (Sulphuret of). Martin (P.-P.) *De kali sulphurati in or- ganismum animalem efficacia experiments illus- trata. 8°. Berolini, [1830]. Orfila. Memoire sur l'empoisonnement par l'iode et par le foie de soufre, consiel6r6 sous le rapport medicolegal. J. de ehim. med., etc., Par., 1842, 2. s., viii, 607-617. Potassium (Tartrate of). Akolutii (C. G. E.) *De kali tartarico-acido- boracico. 4°. Jenw, [1801]. Corvinus(F. H.) * Analecta de tartaro. 4°. Argentorati, [1780]. Also, in: Wittwku. Delect, diss. med. 8°. Norimb., 1781, iv, 211-251. Dove (W. T.) Tartarologia brevis; or a short account of several excellent medicines lately dis- covered in the argol or tartar, etc. 8'-'. London, 1766. Fabricius (J. G. A.) * De arcanei tartari ejus- que volatilisatione. sm. 4°. Erfordiw, [1743]. Hartmann (E.) * Ueber die Darstellung eines reineren Weiusteins. 8°. Tiibingen, 1832. POTASSIUM. 543 POTATO. Potassium (Tartrate of). Nothwendiger Bericht von tless wolgeliiuter- ten weissen Weinstein-Pnlversreebtem Gebrauch, unel wie dasselbige ohne sondern Kosten zu ver- fertigen. Auff Aulass Herrn M. Ludovici Wolff- barts ... in Truck aussgangener widerholter Sehrifft so er Experimentum Cremoris tartari oiler wabrhaffte Beschreibnng dess Weinstein- Snltz, was nemblich elessen Kraft't untl Wiirckung seye sc. genenuet. Auss oberkeitliebem gross- giinstigeui Aubefehlen von dess. Heyl. Reichs Statt Heylbronn verortlneteu Physicis gestelet untl jetlermanuiglich zur Nachrichtung gedruckt. 524°. Heylbronn, 1632. Poutet. Notice sur l'emploi d'un tartri-me- tre, ou moyen d'apprecier la quantit6 ele creme ele tartre dans le tartre brut du commerce. 8°. Marseille, 1823. Soubeiran (E.) * Recherches analitiquessur la creme de tartre soluble par l'acide borique. 4°. Paris, 1824. See, also, infra, Lartigne (F.). Worthington (R.) *De natura et usu tar- tari. 8°. Edinburgi, 1778. ZeidleRus a Rosenberg (G.) *De arcano tartari vel saleessentialiviui. 4°. Jenw, [1730]. Allen (A. H.) Notes on cream of tartar. Analvst, Lond., 1880, v, 114-118. — Bussy l'- cher kranke Kartoffeln aus Ansbach uud aus (ireiYrnstcin (k. Landgerichts Ebermaunstadt) in alien Statlien der Krankheit zur Vorlage gehracht warden. Alb' nnd Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 641-644.— Happon sur la maladie des pommes tie terre, par une coihiuissiem com- posee de MM. E. Legrand, Cazalas et Scoutetten. Kxpose d. trav. tie la Soc. d. sc. med. ele la Moselle 1845, Metz, 1846, 39-51.—Raymond (G.) Le Peronospora intestans et la maladie des pommes de terre. M6m. Soe. el. se\ nat. et meel. de Seine-it Oise 1874-82, Versailles, 1883, xii, 236- 241, 1 pl— lie (A.) On the potato disease. Lancet Lond., 1845, ii, 648-650.— Wanl (II. M.) Illustrations of the structure and life-history of l'h\ tophthora infestans, the fungus causing the potato disease'. Quart. J. Mier' Sc, Lond., 1886-7, n. a., xxvii, 417-425, 2 pl. Potato-fly. See Lytta. Potato-spirit. Krauss (C.) *De spirituosis e tuberibus so- lani coufectis 8°. Berolini, [ 18:15]. Brockhans. Studien am Menschen iiber die Giftig- keit der Verunreinigungen eles Kartoffelbranntweius; nach eigenen Versucheu. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn 1882, i, 146-161. Potato-sugar. von tiering. Enthalt der Kartoffelzucker gesund- heitsschadliche Stoffe? Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. tiff. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg., 1882, xiv, 325-335. Potecllin (Anatolius). *Oklefkach steklovid- uago tela. [On the cells of the vitreous botly.] 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, Obsh. Polza, 1879. Potel (Charles). *Sur le traitemeut des frac- tures par coups tie feu. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1771, No. 158. Potel (F.-J.) * Considerations nie"ilico-chirurgi- cales sur la teigne et sur son traitement. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII f 1804], No. 234, v. 49. Potel (Guillaume). [Discours des maladies epi- dtSmiques adveuues en ceste ville tie Paris 6s annexes 1596 et 1597, et 6s annees 1600 et 1(107. Comme aussi en l'annee 1G19. Ensemble une loiiaiige a MM ele la police, sur I'establi.s.seinent do la Maison tie la sant6 en l'an 1606.] 128 pp. 12°. [Paris, N. Ccillenient, 1623.] Imperfect; want title-page and pp. 1-11. Bound with the following. -----. Traicte? tie la peste aelvenue en ceste ville tie Paris, Fan mil 1596, 1606, 1619 et 1623, avec les remedes. 4 p. 1., 55 pp. 12°. Paris, N. Callemont, 1624. Apparently incomplete. Contains only the account of the plague of 1623. Potel (Hans). * Ueber elie Wirkung tier subcu- tanen Inject iemen von Extractum secalis cornuti aquosum bei Gefasserkrankungcn. 21 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, F. IV. Eiutike, 1871. Potel (J.-N.-Ainand). *I. Dc la diarrheY. sous le point ele vue se^ne'iologique. II. [etc.]. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 221, v. 380. Potel (Jean). * Des Epanehements pleurdtiques, et considerations sur l'operation de l'euipyeiiie. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 167, v. 449. Potel (L6ou). *Comparaison tics symptomes de l'hydrocele et tie Hematocele tie latuniquevagi- uale et du cancer enceSphaloiele tlu testicnle. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 471. Potempa (Augustus). *De oleo jeeoris aselli. 40 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, typ. Staritzii, [1837]. Poteil (Wilhelm). * Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber Lungenschwindsucht und Tuber- culose. 51 pp. 12°. Belmstedt, J. C. Schmidt, 1883. Potenciano y Salvador (Juan J.) Com- pendio teorico-practico de las enfermedades de la inujer con la aplicacion de la hidroterapia enlas cronicas. xiv, 256 pp. 8°. Madrid, Moya y Plaza, 1877. POTENTILLA. 545 POTOTSKI. Potentilla. See, also, Diphtheria (Treatment of). Nestler (C. G.) * Commentatio botanico- inedica de potentilla necnon de plantis huicce generi affiuibus et iu usum medicum tractis. 4°. Parisiis, 1816. Poterel-Maisonneuve (P.M.) *Sur l'as- phyxie, et spdcialement sur celle des uouveau- nes. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1804],~No. 364, v. 52. Poterin du Motel (Eugene). * I. Qu'est-ce que le pityriasis? Enume"rer ses vari6t6s, 6tablir ses causes, de"crire sa marche et ses sympt6mes en general. II. [etc.]. 27pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 242, v. 380. Poterius (Guido). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Poterius (Petrus). Insigues curationes et sin- gnlares observatioues centum. 158 pp., 41. 16°. Coloniw Agrippinw, M. Schmitz, 1616. ■-----. The same. In quibus varia morborum genera eorumque propria et appositissima re- media therapeuticaque ratio explicantur. Ac- cesserunt Henrici Coruelii Agrippa', contra pes- tem autidoton hand vulgare, itemque consilium contra eliarrheeam. 191 pp. 16°. Coloniw Agrip- pinw, M. Smitz, 1625. -----. The same. Centuria secuuda. 1 p. 1., 235 pp. 16°. Coloniw, M. Smitz, 1625. Bound with preceding. -----. Libri duo de febribus; insignium cura- tionum et singularium observatiouum centuria? tres, et pharmacopcea spagirica. 3 p. 1., 122 (3 1.), 77 (8 1.), 103, 86, 5 (1.), 308 pp., 6 1., port. 4°. Bononiw, typ. J. Montii, [1643]. -----. Opera omnia medica et cbemica. Aeljecta est. . . dissertatio Petri Guissonii ... tie tribns principiis chemicis et nova recentiorum uiedeneli methodo. 6 p. 1., 24, 752pp., 16 1. 8°. Franco- furti, TV. R. Stockius, 1666. -----. Thesame. Cum anuotationibus et aelelita- mentis utilissimis pariter ac curiosis Frederici Hoffmanni tilii. Accessit nova eloctriua de febri- bus, ex principiis mechanicis solitle deducta. 6 p. 1., 882 pp., 13 1., port. 4°. Francof. ad M., imp. F. Knochii, 1698. -----. The same. 620 pp. 4°. Venetiis, ex typ. Balleoniana, 1741. See, also, Eitner (Joh. Christophorus). Manes Pote- riam, i. e. Petri Poterii. . . inventa chymica, [etc.J. 4°. Francofurti, [16891. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Potesde Campos (Antonio-Joaquim). *I. De la stoiuatite erytkdmateuse. II. [etc.]. 21pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 350, v. 365. Potey (Pierre-Nicolas). *Re"suin6 snr les acci- dents de la grossesse; traitement qui leur con- vient. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 10, v. 3u6. Potgieter (A.) Onderzoek naar de oorzaken, elen aarel en de kenmerken tier kraamvrouwen- koorts. xviii, 412 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Leyden, J. C. Cyfveer, 1828. -----. Bijdrage tot de geregtelijke geneeskunde. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Leiden, J. C. Cyf- reer, 1K14. See also, Ott (Franz Andreas). Theoretisch-practisch liandboek, [etc.]. obi. 8°. Rotterdam, 183C—von Zim- nierinann (Joh. Georg). Over de ondervinding in tie geneeskunde. Vertaald uit Hoogduitsch, [etc.]. 2 v. 8°. Leiden, 1832-3. Potlieau (Anselme). * Etude sur la valeur se"- meiologique de la menorrhagie ou exageration flu flux menstruel. 107 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 134. ——-. Thesame. 107pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, Potherat (E.) [1859- ]. * Contribution au diagnostic et au traitement chirurgical des | 35 Potherat (E.)—continued. kystes hydatiques du foie. 120 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 148. -----. The same. 123 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1889. PotliS (Heinrich). * Beitrage zur Casuistik eler Embolie bei offenem Foramen ovale. 31 pp. 8°. Giessen, Briihl, 1887. c. Potier (A.-J.) * Sur l'emploi du sulfate de qui- nine et du sulfate de cincbouine tlans le traite- ment des fievres intermittentes. vi, 7-37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 134, v. 167. Potier (Frederic-Theodore). * Sur la peritonite puerp^rale. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 76, v. Potier (Jean-Jules-Ame'de'e). * De l'erysipele. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 21, v. 436. P'otier (Louis-Thomas). * I. Etablir le diagnos- tic, d^crire le traitemeut de l'impetigo granulata. II. [etc.]. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 159, v. 394. Potier (M.-L.-Ferdinand). * De Paction physio- logique et therapeutique des Eaux-Bonnes. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 54, v. 546. Potier-Duplissy. Co-Editor of: Echo (I/) du Val-de Grace, Paris, 1848-9. Potiez (Ludovicus). *Degastralgia. 38 pp. 4°. Gandavi, P. J. VanRyckegem, [1829]. [P., v. 959; 1381.] ' Potiez (Pierre-Joseph). * Propositions sur l'em- ploi du quinquina, et sur le traitement des fievres intermittentes. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 117, v. 63. Potill (Edouard). * L'habitus dans les maladies tlites scrofuleuses. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 258. Potill (Lambert-Napoleon). * De la rage ou hy- drophobic. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 253, v. 301. Potiquet (Albert) [1849- ]. * De ralbumi- uurie dans la cirrhose atrophique. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 403. Potjan (Heinrich), * Ueber Pseudohypertropbia musculorum bei Erwachsenen. 32pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, P. Seheiner, 1880. Potjail (Joannes Theodorus) [1825- ]. * De metrorrhagia inter puerperium recentissimum. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, E. Schlesinger, [1H45]. PotjailS (Heinrich) [1853- ]. * Ueber Kno- ehenneubilduug im menschlichen Ange. 22 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1879. c. Potocki (J.) [ 1860- ]. * Des meSthoelcs d'em- bryotomie. Des instruments destin6s a pratiquer I'embryotomie rachidienne, et en particulier de l'embryotome rachidien du professeur Taruier. 328 pj>., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Parts, 1888, No. 291. Potocnik (Josef). Statistischer Sauitats-Be- richt eler k. k. Kriegs-Marine fiir das Jahr 1878. Im Anftrage des k. k. Reichs-Kriegs-Ministeri- ums (Marine-Section). 9 pp. roy. 8°. Wien, W. von Braumiiller u. Sohn, 1880. Potojeff (A. V.) Sanitarnoe izsliedovanie fa- brichnichzavedeuiiBogorodskagouiezela. Chast I. Izdanie Moskovsk. gubern. zemstva. [Sani- tary investigation of the manufacturing estab- lishments of the Bogorodski district. Part I. Issueel by the Moscow government assembly.] 1 v. 200 pp. 8°. Moskva, I. N. Kushner $ Co., 1887). de Potor (Michel-Eelgard). * Des acces perni- cieux eles fievres intermittentes. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 44, v. 499. PotOt (Angely). * Sur le panaris, vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 19, v. 95. PotOtski (S.) * Pojasnichno-kresttsovoe splete- nie (plexus lumbo-sacralis) otnoshenie ego k ner- vam nichnei konechnosti i taza. [The lumbo- sacral plexus; its relation to final terminus of POTOTSKI. 546 POTT. Pototski (S.)—continued. nerves in pelvis.] 90 pp., 3 1., 3 pl. 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, D. Udeloff, 1887. Potozhnik (Antonius Franc. Xav.) *De ho- minis ajtatibus. 60 pp. 8°. Patavii, apud V. Creseinium, 1834. [P., v. 946.] Potsdam. Bericht iiber den Stand und die Ver- waltung des Sanitats- und Veterinarwesens im Regierungsbezirk Potsdam in den Jahren 1869 bis 1874. Von Dr. C. Kanzow. 1 p. 1., 151 pp. 8°. Potsdam, E. Doring, 1876. ------. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen im Re- gieruugsbezirk Potsdam in den Jahren 1875 bis 1880. Von Dr. C. Kanzow. iv, 187 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1882. ------. Bericht iiber das Sanitiitswesen des Re- gierungsbezirks Potsdam in den Jahren le81 und 1882. Erstattet von Dr. C. Kanzow. iv, 170 pp. 8 -. Potsdam, W. 0. Link, 1884. Potsdam. See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., of); Fever (Ma- larial, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. Wald (H.) Statistische Nachrichten iiber deu Regierungs-Bezirk Potsdam. 8°. Potsdam, 1864. Orafe (C. F.) Ueber Potsdam's Heilquellen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1823, v, 1-11. -----. Ueber Pots- dam's Mineralbaeler. Ibid., 1825, vii, 259.—Knanff(M.) I)ie Kanalisation der Kesidenzstadt Potsdam. Gesundh.- Ingenieur, Berl., 1885, viii, 693: Miinchen, 1886, ix, 546. Pott (Augustus Fridericus). * De auripigmento. 84 pp. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., lit. S. Orbani, [1720]. [Also, in: P., v. 1386.] Pott (Carl Wilhelm). * De caniphorae circum- specto usu medico. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Balw Mag- deb., typ. J. C. Bendelii, [1722]. Pott (Hermann Richard) [1844- ]. * Ueber die (Jefahren und Nachtheile der intrauterineu Injectioueu. Ip. l.,38pp., 11. 8°. Balle, Lipke, [1870]. ------. Quaestiones de symptomatibus meningiti- dis tuberculosa? puerorum, adjnncta nonnullorum exemplorum enarratione. 35 pp. 8°. Balis Sax., formis Karrasianis, [1876]. ------. Ueber die Einwirkung verschiedener Au- tiseptica auf die Schutzpockenlymphe. 10 pn., 4 ch. 8°. [Stuttgart, 1883.] Repr. from .- Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1882-3, iv. See, also. Kuessncr (Bernh.) efc Pott (Hermann Ri- chard). Die acuten. Infectionskrankheiten. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1882. Pott (Joh. Albertns Guilielmus). De ratione ho- minum e phthisi defunctorum ad eos homines, qui ex aliis morbis obiernnt in urbe Grouingana per annos 1838, 1839 et 1840; ut et de aeris vi et efficacitate in eos morbos, tabularum statistica- rum ope demoustrata. viii, 16, 111 pp. 4°. Gro- ningce, P. van Zweeden, 1842. Pott (Joh. Henricus) [1692-1777]. * De sulphuri- bus metallorum. 43 pp. 4°. Balw Magdeb., typ. G. J. Lehmanni, [1716]. ------. Chymische Untersuchungen, welche fiir- nehmlich vou tier Lithogeognosia oder Erkant- niss und Bearbeituug der gemeinen einfacheren Steine und Erden, ingleichen von Feuer uud Licht haneleln. 3 p. 1., 88 pp. 4°. Potsdamm, C. F. Voss, 1746. [P., v. 777.] Pott (Jul. Ludovic. Guilielmus) [1777- ]. *No- tatioues quaedam de asthmate spastico. 18 pp. 4°. Jenw, ex off. Schlotteriana, [1800]. For Biography, see Gruner (Christ. Goth.). Pott (Laurentius Philippus Justus). Commenta- tio de corporis feminse gravidas mutationibus us- que cum integra ipsius inter graviditatem vale- tueline recte conciliandis. vi, 68 pp. 4°. Got- tincjw, B. Dieterich, 1815. Pott (Percival) [1713-88]. A treatise on ruptures. xxx, 232 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, C. Hitch $ L. Hawes, 1756 Pott (Percival)—continued. ------. Thesame. 4. eel. xvii, 172 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Hawes, Clarke $• Collins, 1775. [P., v. 613.] ------. An account of a pa it icular kind of rupture frequeutly attendant upon new-boru children; auel sometimes met with in adults; viz., that in which the intestine, or omentum, is found in the same cavity, and in contact with the testicle. vi, 41 pp. 8°. London, C. Bitch <)'■ L. Bawes 1757. [Also, in: P., v. 556; 1557.] ------. The same. 2r eel. 41 pp. 8°. London, L. Bawes [and others], 1765. ------. The same. 3. ed. 41 pp. 8°. London, L. Baiees [and others], 1775. [P., v. 613.] ------. Observations on that disorderof the corner of the eye commonly called fistula lachrymalis. vii, 84 pp. 8°. London, Bitch $• Hawes, 1756. [Also, in: P., v. 657.] ------. The same. 3. ed. vii, 67 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Hawes [and others], 1769. Bound with his: Some few general remarks on fract- ures [etc.]. 8°. London, 1769. ------. The same. 5. eel. vii, 67 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Bawes [and others], 1775. [P., v. 610.] ------. Observations on the nature anel conse- queuces of wouuds and contusions of the head, fractures of the skull, concussions of the brain, etc. xxxii, 182 pp. 8°. London, C. Bitch Sf L. Bawes, 1760. ------. Practical remarks on the hydrocele, or watry rupture, and some other diseases of the testicle, it's coats, and vessels (illustrated with cases); being a supplement to a general treatise on ruptures, published in the year mdcclvi. vii (2 1.), 223 pp. 8°. London, C. Bitch cf L. Bawes, 1762. ------. The same. 2. eel. vii, 2 p. 1., 327 pp. 8°. London, L. Bawes [and others], 1767. ------. Observations on the nature anil conse- quences of those injuries to which the head is liable from external violence. 2 p. 1., 126 pp. 8°. London, L. Bawes [and others], 1768. ------. Remarks ou the disease commouly called a fistula in ano. xi, 115 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, L. Bawes [and others], 1765. ------. The same. 2. ed. xi, 115 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, L. Banes [and others], 1767. Bound with his.- Some few general remarks on fract- ures, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1769. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. x, 128 pp. 8°. London, L. Bawes [and others], 1771. ------. The same. 4. ed. x, 11-128 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Loudon, Bawes [and others], 1775. ------. An account of the method of obtaining a perfect or raelical cure of the hydrocele, or watry rupture, by means of a setou. 42 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, L. Bawes [and others], 1771. ------. Thesame. 3. eel. 43 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lon- don, L. Bawes [and others], 1775. ------. Chirurgical observations relative to the cataract, the polypus of the nose, the cancer of the scrotum, the different kinds of ruptures, and the mortification of the toes anel feet, xi, 208 pp. 8°. London, Bawes [and others], 1775. [Also, in: P., v. 1162.] ------. Thesame. Chirurgische Beobachtungen. Aus dem Englischeu iibersetzt. xvi, 173 pp. 12°. Berlin, 1776. ------. Some few general remarks on fractures and dislocations. 1 p. 1., 126 pp., 2pl. 8°. Lon- don, L. Bawes [and others], 1769. ------. The same. Nouvelle methode de trailer les fractures et les luxations. Avec la description des nouvelles attelles de M. Sharp, pour le traite- ment des fractures tie la jambe. Ouvrage trail. de l'auglois, et augmente" de notes, par M. Lassus. Nouv. 6el. Ip. 1., 192 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Paris, Meipiignon Va%n6, 1788. POTT. 547 POTTER. Pott (Percival)—continued. _____ The same. Nuovo metodo di curare le fratture, ele lussazioni, opera del . . . traduzione italiana sulla versione fraucese del Sig. Lassus. 160 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Venezia, L. E. Giammaria, _____\ The chirurgical works of.. . 2 v. 508,493 pp., 11 pl. 8°. Dublin, J. Williams, 1778. _ The same. A new ed. 3 v. 8°. London, T. Lowndes [and others], 1783. ._____. The same. A new ed., with his last cor- rections ; to which are added a short account of the life of the author, a method of curing the hydrocele by injection, and occasional notes and observations by James Earle. 3 v. 8°. London, J. Johnson [and others], 1790. _____. The same. 3 v. 8°. London, Wood Sr Lines, 1808. ____. The same. 1. Am. from the last Lond. ed. 2v. xxvii, 28-437, 433 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Webster, 1819. _____. The same. CEuvres chirurgicales, trad. de l'anglois sur la 2. 6d. par M. . . . 2 v. xvi, 493 pp.; .552 pp. 8°. Paris, P.-F. Didotjeune, 1777. .----. Remarks on that kind of palsy of the lower limbs which is frequently fouud to accom- pany a curvature of the spine, and is supposed to be caused by it. Together with its method of cure. To which are added observations on the necessity aud propriety of amputation in certain cases, and under certain circumstances. 84 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1779. [Also, in: P., v. 549; 613; 711.] The same. Aanmerkiugen en geneezing over dat soort van lammigheid der onderste lede- maaten, welke dikwerf eene kromheid der rugge- graat vergezeld, en onelersteltl wordt daar door veroorzaakt te zyn. Waar agter gevoegd zyn waarneemingen over de versterving der teeuen en voeten. Vertaald en met aanteekeningen vermeerderd door M. S. du Pui. viii, 10-81 pp. 8C. Leyden, Corn, de Pecker, 1779. [P., v. 771.] The same. Remarques sur cette espece de paralysie des extreniit6s inf6rieures que 1'on trouve souvent accouipagnee de la courbure de l'6pine du dos, qui est suppos6e en etre la cause; avec la methode de la gu6rir. Suivie tie plu- sieurs observations sur la n^cessite" et les avan- tages tie l'amputatiou daus certaines circou- stauces. Ouvrage trael. ele l'auglais, avec des observations et des additions. Par M. Beeren- broek. 99 pp. 8°. Paris, Meqitignon, 1783. Farther remarks ou the useless state of the lower limbs, in consequence of a curvature ofthe spine: being a supplement to a former treatise on that subject. 64 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Lon- don, J. Johnson, 1782. [Also, in: P., v. 549; 613.] See, also, Kirk I ami (Thomas). Observations upon Mr. Pott's general remarks on fractures, [etc.]. 12°. Lon- don, 1770. -----. An appendix to the observations upon Mr. Pott's general remarks on fractures. 8°. London, 1771. For Biography, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1859, xv, 215; 226; 235. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. -----. See, also: Wyman (H. C.) Percival Pott and some of his les- sons. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1882, v, 234-237. Pott (Robert). Vergleichende Untersuchung iiber die Mengenverhaltnisse der durch Respiration und Perspiration ansgeschiedenen Kohlenssiure bei verschiedenen Thierspecies in gleichen Zeit- raumen, nebst einigen Versuchen iiber Kohlen- saureausscheidung desselben Thieres unter ver- schiedenen physiologischen Bedingungen. Ha- bilitationsschrift. [Jena.] 88 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkopfu. Bartel, 1875. —;---. Untersuchungen fiber die Stoffvertheilung in verschiedenen Culturpflanzen mit besonderer Pott (Robert)—continued. Riicksicht auf ihren Nahrwerth. 50 pp. 8°. Jena, B. Dufft, 1876. Samml. physiol. Abhandl. (Preyer), Jena, 1876, i, Hft.2. Potter (Alonzo). Tho drinking usages of society. An address. 24 pp. sm. 8°. New York, 1871. Potter (George E.) My experience with the Ninth International Medical Congress; its pe- culiar ways and methods illustrated. 19 pp. 8°. Johnstown, Penn., 1888. Potter (Horatio). The importance of liberal tastes aud good intellectual habits as a provision for pure and permanent enjoyment; being an in- troductory lecture deliveretl ou the 5th Decem- ber, 1837, before the Young Men's Association of Troy. 29 pp. 8°. Troy, N. Y., Tuttle, Belcher j Burton, 1837. [P., v. 424.] Potter (J. F.) Letter to Prof. R. D. Mussey. [Refutation of charges.] 14 pp. 8C. Cincinnati, J. A. 3. Also, Editor of: Syracuse (I he) Medical and Surgical -Journal, 1854-5. Also, Co-kditor of: American (The) Meelical and Surgical Journal, < mem- nati, 1855-6.—American (The) Meelical Journal, St. Louis, 1873-4. POTTER. 548 POTTKKS. Potter (Samuel 0. Lewis). The logical basis of the high potency question. Abstr. of a paper read before the Milwaukee Academy of Medicine, April, 1879. 25 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1879.] Repr. from: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1879, xiv. Another copy bound with: Pottek (S. O. L.) efe Sher- man (L.) Papers on the Milwaukee test. 8°. [Milwaukee], 1880. ------. High potency criticism. 7 pp. 8°. [Phil- adelphia, 1^79.] Repr. from: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1879, xiv. Another copy bound with : Potter (S. O. L.) efe Sherman (L.) Papers on the Milwaukee test. 8°. [Milwaukee], 1880. ------. Munchausen microscopy. Comments ou the work of a microcrith. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., 18791] Bound with: Pottek (S. 0. L.) & Sherman (L.) Papers on the Milwaukee test. 8°. [Milwaukee], 1880. —. The Milwaukee test. 8 pp. 8°. [New York, 1879.] Repr. from: N. Am. J. Homoeop., N. Y., 1879, x. Bound with: Potter (S. O. L.) & Sherman (L.) Papers on the Milwaukee test. 8°. [Milwaukee], 1880. Signs of the times. Read before the Wis- consin State Homoeopathic Medical .Society June 14, 1880. 5 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1880.] Another copy bound ivith: Potter (S. O. L.) efe Sherman (L.) Papers on the Milwaukee test. 8°. [Milwaukee], 1880. -----. An iudex of comparative therapeutics, with tables of differential tliagnosis; a pro- nouncing elose-list, in the genitive case; a list of ineelicines used in homoeopathic practice, memo- randa concerning clinical thermometry, incom- patibility of metlicines, ethics, obstetrics, poisons, anaesthetics, fees, asphyxia, urinary examina- tions, homoeopathic pharmacology and nomen- clature, etc. vi (1 1.), 279 pp. 12°. Chicago, Duncan Bros., 1880. Thesame. 2. ed. vi (1 1.), 279 pp. 12°. Chicago, Duncan Bros., 1882. Speech and its defects: considereel physio- leigically, pathologically, historically, and reme- dially. Lea prize thesis of Jefferson Meelical Cedlege. vii, 9-117 pp. sm. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son iy Co., 1882. ?Quiz-compends? No. 6. A compentl on materia meelica anel therapeutics, with especial reference to the physiological actions of drugs. For the use of medical, dental, aud pharmaceuti- cal students anel practitioners. Based on the sixthtleceuuialrevision of theU. S. Pharmacopoeia and inclutling many uuofflcinal remedies, viii, 9-141 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son •». xxxiv. 214-229. ------. On the diseases prevalent amonK potters. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1871. l-o""- 1872, 472-480. Also, Reprint.------Diseases incideni > the manufacture of potter v. P»rit. M. J., Loud., '*'»•'■• 488.—Gobley. Recherches sur la potene detain et us pOTTEKS. 549 POUCHET. etama-'i's Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1868, xxxiii, 940- i|;-(l Also: Anu. d'hyg., Par., 1869, 2. a., xxxi, 237-248.— llciNf. Die Krankheiten dtJr Arlieiter in elen Ziegel- steinfaliriken. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., ]8li0 xvii, 20-32.—Jeannel. Communication relative aux 6tnmages et k la poterie d'etain. Trav. du Conseil il'livg. puh. dela Gironile, Bordeaux, 1865-6, ix, 408-415.— Rapport sur les derniers perfectionuenients apport6s dans In vernissage des poteries communes. Rec. tl. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1870, v, 426- 428.—Schlegel (J. H. G.) Gutachteu iiber die "Verwen- dung tier Silberglatte zur Topferglasur. Ztschr. f d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1826, xii. 209-211.—War man (D.) The diseases of potters, their causes aud prevention. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, Trenton, 1887, xi, 97-116. Pottery. See, also, Cooking, etc ; Lead - poisoning (Causes of). Maddock (T.) & Sons. Sanitary earthen- ware. Pottery, obi. 32°. New York. [n. cl.]. Arlidge (J- T.) The sanitary aspects of the pottery manufacture. [Abstr.] Pub. Health, Lond., 1889-90, ii, 175._I>iibrisay. Poteries veri]iss6es au plomb; pro- testation des fabricants de poteries de Bourg (Ain) et de Vallauris (Alpes-Maritimes) contre rinterdictiou dont leurs produits servaient l'objet elans la ville de Saint- fitienne k la suite d'analyses effectives par le bureau d'hygiene de cette ville. Rec. tl. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1887, Par., 1888, xvii, 345-352.— Ilni'tl (C. F ) Notes on the manufacture of pottery among savage races. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1879, xiii, 78_93,—|,epfevi'c (A.) De la necessite d'6tablir une sur- veillance sur la fabrication des poteries communes vernis- s6es au plomb. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1861, 2. s., xv, 175-183. Also, Reprint. Potthast (Joh.) [1854- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntniss ties Eiweissumsatzes im thierischen Orgauismus. [Leipzig.] 52 pp., 11. 8°. Miin- ster, B. Theissing, 1887. Pottlioff(Friedr. Guilielmus). " De orificio uteri in versione foetus vi mechanica non nisi seite cauteque dilataudo. 31 pp. 12°. Marburgi, typ. Kriegeri, 1^12. Pottlioflf (Gnstavus) [1820- ]. *Deveusesec- tioue. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackia- nis, [184:1]. Potthoff (Heuricus Guilelmus) [1805- ]. *Diss. sistens descriptionem casus rarissimi spinambifidam totalem et cedumnam vertebralem antrorsum insiguitcr enrvatam exhibentis. 16 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Berolini, typ. Brueschkianis, 1827. [Also, in: P., v. 1602.] Pottien (Harley). *Ein Fall von carcinoma- toser Degeneration einer dermoitlen Ovarialcyste. 27) pp. 8°., Jena, B. Engau, 1887. Pottier (A.) * Quelques propositions relatives a l'art ties accouchemens. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 41, v. 184. Pottier (Achille) [1862- ]. *Du traitement ele la sunlite" consecutive a l'otite moyenue purulente. 58 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 196. Pottier (AiKlre-Simon-FreMe"ric). * De l'erysi- pele. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 53, v. 205. Pottier (Cesar-Auguste-Alexandre). "[Contri- bution a l'etude therapeutique du bromure ele potassium.] 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 131. Pottier (Pascal-Marie). *Sur le regime des femmes en couche. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII (1807)), No. 409, v. 54. Pottier (Paul). *Etutle sur les alienes persecu- tion's. 110 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 319. PottOil (Francois-Ferdinanel-Ariste) [1810- ]. * M6nioire snr la constitution atmospberique de la ville de Lyon et ele ses faubourgs; son in- fluence sur la sante des habitans. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 220, v. 288. -----. De la prostitution et tie la syphilis dans les graudes villes, elans la ville de Lyon en par- ticulier; de leurs causes, de leur influence sur la sante, les habitudes et le bien-etre ele la popula- tion; des moyens ele remedier a ces fieaiix. Ou- vrage qui a remporte, en 1841, leprix propose par Potton (Francois-Ferdinanel-Ariste)—cont'd. la Societe ele medecine de Lyon, xvi, 289 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1842. -----. Eloge historique du docteur P.-J. Nichet. 30 pp. 12°. Lyon, L. Perrin, 1H51. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1851, 2. s., i. -----. Le elocteur Pruuelle, sa vie et ses travaux. Notice historique lue clans la seance publique de la Societe de medecine tie Lyon. 77 pp. 8°. Lyon, M. Savy, 1855. [P., v. 1672.] -----. Notice historique sur la vie et les travaux de Jean-Louis Brachet. 56 pp. 12°. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1859. [Also, in: P., v. 1672.] -----. Recherches historiques sur les services publics rendus par la Societe de medecine ele Lyon. 24 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1863. -----. Etudes historiques et critiques sur la vie, les travaux de Symphorien Champieret particn- lierement sur ses ceuvres medicales. 254-305 pp. 8°. [Lyon, 1863.] Cutting. See, also, von Hutteii (Ulrich). Livre sur la mala- die f'raricaise et sur les proprietes du hois de gayac. 8°. Lyon, 1865. For Biography, see Ann. Soc.de med. deLyon, 1872, 2. s., xx, 27-49 (P. Diday). Also: Lyon med., 1872, ix, 366-386. Potts (Jonathan) [ 1747-81]. * De febribus inter- mittentibus, potentissimum tertianis. vii, 37 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, J. Dunlap, 1771. For Biography, see IVeill (Edward D.) Biographical sketch of Dr. Jon. Potts, with extracts from his corre- spondence. 8°. Albany, 1863. Potts (William A. L.) [1834-78]. Aros (C.) A sketch of the life of the late Dr. Wm. A. L. Potts, of Ashwood, La. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louis- ville, 1879, xi, 49-51. Potts (WilliamS.) No humbug; but to put down humbug. The cholera, or pestileuce, in Asia a Chinese humbug. The cause discovered aud written out in a plain way. 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Eaton, Ohio, 1855. c. Pott's disease. See Spine (Diseases of). Pott's fracture. See Fibula (Fracture of). Pott's gangrene. See Gangrene (Senile). Potu (Paul) Contribution a l'etude de la con- jouctivite diphtheritique. 59 pp., 11. 4°. Pa- ris, 1883, No. 186. Poucel. De l'influence de la congestion chro- nique du foie dans la geuese ties malaelies. v, 121 pp. 8°. Marseille, Barlatier-Feissat &■ Ms, 1883. Place, publisher, and date on cover: Paris, A. Delahaye & E. Lecrosnier, 1884. Poucel (Eugene). * Dela retention du placenta. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 293. Pouch (Christian. Frieler.) *De asthmate. 1 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Balw, formis Ploetzianis, [1835]. Pouchaill (Henri). * Propositions sur quelques applications tie la statistique a la tievre typhoide. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 337, v. 316. Pouche (Emile). * Quelques considerations sur les amyotrophies d'origine spinale. 59 pp. 4C. Paris, 1874, No. 133. Pouchet (A.-Gabriel). * Contribution a la con- naissauce des matieres extractives de l'urine. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 134. -----. * Des transformations des matieres albumi- uoi'eles dans l'economie. .108 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880. Concours. ----. * Proprietes generales des aldehydes. 1 p. 1., 136 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1883. Concours. See, also, f^egrand dn Sanlle (Henri), Berryer (Georges) & Pouchet (Gabriel). Trait6 tie medecine legale, [etc.]. 2. eel. 8°. Paris, 1886. POUCHET. 550 POUGHKEEPS1K. Pouchet (Albert). * Quelques considerations sur l'ictere des femmes enceintes. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 87. Pouchet (Charles-Henry-Georges). *Des colo- rations de l'epiderme. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 36. Pouchet ( Feiix-Archimede ) [1800-72]. *Sur I'histoire naturelle et medicale de la famille des solanees. 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 281, v. 212. -----. Theorie positive de l'ovulation spontanee it ele la feconelation des mammiferes et de Pes- pece humaine, basee sur l'observation de toute la serie animale; avec atlas, xxxi, 479 pp., 1 tab. *'-\ 15 pp., 20 pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. -----. Histoire naturelle et agricole du hanneton it ele sa larve, ou traite de leurs moeurs, de leurs iiegats, et des moyens de borner leurs ravages. 71 pp. 8°. Bourn, B. Bevoire, 1853. [P., v. 472. ] -----. Nouvelles experiences sur la generation spontanee et la resistance vitale. xv, 256 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, V. Masson 4- fils, 1864. -----. Experiences sur la congelation des ani- maux. 42 pp. 8°. Bouen, C. F. Lapierre 4" Cie., 180)7). ------. The universe, or the infinitely great and the infinitely little. Transl. from the French. xx, 810 pp. 8°. London, Blackie 4- Son, 1870. See, also, Flenry (Louis-Joseph-D6sire). H6t6rogenie, ou trait6 de la generation spontan6e, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1859.—Pennetier (Georges). L'origine de la vie. 2. ed. 16°. Paris, 1868. For Biography, see Union m6d. de la Seine-Inf., Kouen, 1873, xii, 30-32. -----, Joly (N.) & lllusset (Ch.) Experiences sur l'heterogeuie executees elans 1'interieur des glaciers de la Maladetta (Espague-Pyreuees). 3 pp. 4°. Paris, Rinou 4- Maulde, [1863]. Repr. from: Monit. scient., Par., 1863, v. Pouchet (Georges). De la pluralite* des races humaines. Essai anthropologique. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 234 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, V. Masson 4~fils, 1864. -----. The same. The plurality of the human race. Transl. antl editeel, from the 2. ed., by Hugh J. C. Beavan. xiv, 158 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 186)4. -----. Prtlcis d'histologie humaine d'apres les travaux ele l'ecole fraucaise. vii, 379 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson 4'fit8* 1864. -----. Theses presentees a la Faculte ties sci- ences de Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur es sciences naturelles. 1. De l'encephale eles edentes. 2. Questions proposees par la faculte. 80 pp., 1 1., 6 pl. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 310. -----. L'euseignement superieur ties sciences a Paris. 35 pp. 8°. [Parts, 1871.] -----. Sur les rapides changements de coloration provoques experinieutalenieut chez les poissons. 4 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871. -----. Charles Robin, sa vie et son teuvre. clxxxiv pp., 1 1., port. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1887. Also, Editor of: Journal de l'anatomie et de la phy- siologie normales et pathologiques, [etc.], Paris, 1876. See, also, Chevalier (Arthur). L'6tudiaut micro- graphe. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1865. ----- & Beauregard (H.) Traite d'osteolo- gie comparee. xviii, 461 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1889. Pouchet (Pierre) [1859- ]. *Des exostoses eburueesde l'orbite. 59 pp., 11. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887, No. 105. Poucliicou. Oobley. Rapport snr les eaux dites sources de Pou- chicou (Aveyronj. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 88. Poudra(L.) *Lerocou. 41pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pellier, Serre 4~ Ricome, 1886, No. 391. iScole de pharmacie. Poiidrette. Pakknt-Duchatklet (A.-J.-B.) Recherches pour decouvrir la cause et la nature d'accitlens tres graves d6veloppe\s en mer, a borel el'un lifiti- ment charge tie poiidrette. 8\ Paris, [1821 J. de Sussex (S.) Notice sur la valeur agricole et l'application des engrais-poudrette concen- tres. 8°. Montmartre, 1H49. Engler (C.) Die Herstellung von Poiidrette und Am moniaksalzen nach Buhl und Keller zu Freiburg i. II Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1883, viii, 49; 65. — Tiede TJeber die Danziger Rieselt'elder, die Danziger Sunerplios phatfabrik und die Bereitung der Poiidrette aus Fakaliin. verhandl. d. internat. Ver. gegen Verunreinig. tl. Fliisse etc., 1877, Berl. u. Leipz., 1878, 47-67. Pouey (Eugene). * Essai sur le diagnostic dif- fered tiel entre la nevrite et la nevralgie. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 147. Pouey (Henri) [1859- ]. * Recherches sur les microbes du pus blennorrhagique. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 262. Pouey (Isidore). * Quelques considerations sur la goutte saturnine. 73 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877/No. 423. Pougens ( M.-J.-F.-Alexandre). Dictionnaire de medecine-pratique et de chirurgie, mis a la portee de tout de moutle, ou moyens les plus simples, les plus modernes et les mieux eprouves, de traiter toutes les iufirmites humaines. 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1., xii (1 1.), 781(11.), 32 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, J. Martel jenne, 1813-14. -----. Petite verole chez plus de tleux cents intli- vidus vaccines, observee a Millau, en 1817. 71 pp. 12°. Millau, Cerceletjeuue, 1817. P©ugjet(Aric-Joseph-Paul)[1853- ]. *Dela chftte des ongles dans les affections nerveuses, et, en particulier, dans l'ataxie locomotrice. 60 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 246. Pouget (Arinand). * Considerations philosophi- ques sur l'art ele guerir. vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 98, v. 206. Pouget (Auguste). * Considerations sur les eli- vers traitements appliques aux differents etats patholeigiques que 1'on designe commuueuient sous le nom de fievre typhoide. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 205, v. 609. Pouget (Claude-Cyprien). * I. Faire I'histoire des principales complications de l'ophthahnie, II. [etc.]. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 184, v. 365. Pouget (J.-M.-C.-Fernand). *De divers acci- dents lies aux maladies du foie, dont plusieurs inteit'sseut la chirurgie. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 402. Pouget (Jean-Joseph-Augustin). * Considera- tions sur I'utilite d'une application rigoureuse de la philosophie a la science medicale. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 122, v. 173. Poilget (Victor-Charles-Marie-Isidore). * I. De la phtvriase. II. [etc.]. 24 pp. 4°. Parts, 1841, No. 91, v. 380. Poughkeepsie. Annual reports of the several departments of the city government, for the years 1886-8. 8°. Poughkeepsie, 1887-9. Contains reports of the almshouse commissioners, board of health, police board, and water commissioners. -----. Annual report of the water commissioners to the common council. 20., 1888. 24 pp. 8°. Poughkeepsie, Lansing, Van Eeuren4' Brown, 1889. Poughkeepsie. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, etc), Police (Reports and statistics of), by localities. Report of the almshouse commissioners, Poughkeep- sie, 1886, 1887, 1888. City of Poughkeepsie. Kep. dep., 1887, 125-136; 1888, 149-160; 1889, 79-90. — Report ot the water commissioners, Poughkeepsie-, 1886,1887,1888. Ibid., 101-124; 1888, 125-146; 1889, 55-78. POUGHKEEPSIE. 551 PCULAIN. Poughkeepsie Homoeopathic Medical and Sur- gical Dispensary. Annual report of the physi- cians anel surgeons to the board of directors. 2., 1866-7. 16 pp. 8°. Poughkeepsie, S. P. Beer- utance 4 Son, 1867. Poughkeepsie Orphan House anel Home for the Friendless. Auuual reports of the managers, at the anniversary meetings. 18.-26., 1874-5 to 1880-81. 8°. Poughkeepsie, 1.875-81. Poughkeepsie Society of Natural Science. Proceedings from Oct. 1, "1878, to July, 1879. 54 pp. 8°. [n. p., u. d.] Poughkeepsie (The) Thomsouian: a semi- monthly family journal of health. Devoted ex- clusively to the support and dissemination of the Thomsonian system of medicine. Edited anel publisheel by A. H. Piatt aud Thomas Lapham. v. 1-9, May 12,1838, to June 15,1*47. 4°. Pough- keepsie, N. V. Title of v. 1, 1838-9, was: Thomsonian (The), v. 3- 7t 1840-45, Lapham sole editor: v. 8-9, 1841-7, by Abial Gardner. Continued as: Neiv York (The) Thomsonian. Poilgliet (Francis Volcv). * Clinical observa- tions on diphtheria. 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4' Enox, 1859. [Also, in : P., v. 882.] Poilgliet (P.-F.-Armautl). * Etude sur le noyer coniiuun et sur son emploi en therapeutique. viii, 9-102 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 36. Pougliy (Louis-Edouarel). *De l'asphyxie en general et de l'asphyxie par submersion en particulier. 62 pp., 1 1. 4-. Montpellier, 1877, No. 45. Pontiles. de Crozant (L.) De l'emploi des eaux mine- rales de Pougues, dans le traitement ele quelques affections chrouiques de l'estomac et des organes genito-urinaires. 8°. Paris, 1.846. Eaux minerales tie Pougues, bains et douches. 8°. Paris, 1838. Stablissement des eaux minerales de Pou- gues pres de Nevers (Nievre). 8°. [Paris, 1853, vel subseq.] Janicot (J.) fitutle bibliographique et cri- tique sur les eaux de Pougues. 3. fasc. 8°. Pa- ris, 1879-81. Logerais. Observations metlicales sur les eaux minerales de Pougues. 8°. Paris, 1867. Martin (H.) Essai sur les eaux de Pougues. Observatious couceruant leurs proprietes inedi- cinales dans plusieurs affections chroniques, et en particulier dans la gastralgie. 8°. Paris, 1840. Notice medical sur les eaux minerales tie Pou- gues. 8°. Paris, 187)6. ------. Thesame. Medical notice of the min- eral waters of Pougues, alkaline, gaseous, ferru- ginous and iodised. 8°. London, 1858. Koubaud (F.) Eaux minerales de Pougues. Troubles de la digestion ; malaelies des voies uri- naires. 8°. Paris, [1863]. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1865. A Iso [Abstr. 1, in: Union m6d., Par., 1863, 2. s., xviii, 231; 267; 294. ------. Pougues, ses eaux minerales, ses en- virons. 3. ed. 12°. Paris, [1866]. Chevallier (A.) Rapport sur lean de Pougues. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 712. — I.atour (A.) No- tice medicale sur les eaux minerales de Pougues. Union med Par., 1856, x, 299 — Tl arti ■■ (H.) Analyse des eaux !.,o o2ugnes" Rev ""',1- frauV' et Strang., Par., 1830, ii, 123-225. — Pi'opi'iele* (Sur les) therapeutiqui's de l'eau (le Pougues Kiiiut-Lejier; observations cliniques. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1887, viii, 171; 219.—Ron- bnnd (F.) Rapport sur le service medical de l'etablisse- ment hydro-mineral tie Pougues; annee 1866. France ui6d., Par., 1867, xiv, 51; 61; 77; 83; 93: 110; 141; 148. Also, Reprint. — Veo (J. B.) Pougues-les-Eaux. Med. limes efe Gaz., Lond., 1880, i, 578. Pouilh (Augustin). *I. Des symptflmes de la phlebite II. [etc.]. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 233, v. 380. Pouillat (Adolphe-Pierre). * Du kermes et du soufre dore d'antimoine. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871. [P., v. 1708.] iScole de pharmacie. Poilillaude (Ernest) [1861- ]. * fituele clinique sur les phlegmons et abces profonds de la region temporale. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 349. Poilillet (Claude-Servais-Matthias) [1791-1868], Elements tie physique experimentale ettle la me- teorologie. 4. eid. 475 pp., roy. 8°; with atlas, 32 pl., obi. 4°. Bruxelles, 1840. ------. Thesame. Ouvrage aelopte par le couseil royal tie l'lustruction publique, pour l'enseigne- ment de la physique daus les etablissements de l'Uuiversite. 4. ed. 2 v. vii, 832 pp., 17 pl.; 766 pp., 1 1., 2 tab.,15pl. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1844. See, also, Edwards (W. Frederic). On the influence of physical agents on life [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838. Poilillet (Th.) *De la blennorrhea chez I'hom- me ; essai critique sur ses divers modes de trai- tement. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 272. ------. La spermatorrhea 1 p. 1., 259 pp. 12°. Paris, I've. A. Delahaye 4' Cie., 1877. Des ecoulements blennorrhagiques conta- gieux, aigus et chroniques, de I'homme et de la femme, par l'urethre, la vulve, le vagin et le rec- tum. De leurs accidents et tie leurs complica- tions, suivis d'une etude sur les ecoulements blancs non contagieux par les organes genitaux chez les deux sexes, x, 420 pp. 12°. Paris, Vve. A. Delahaye c|- Cie., 1879. Etude medico-psychologique sur l'ona- nisme chez I'homme, precedeed'une introtluction sur les autres abus genitaux. 300 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, A. Delahaye 4' E. Lecrosnier, 1883. Etude medico-philosophique sur les formes, les causes, les sigues, les consequences et le traitemeut de l'onanisme chez la femme. 4.ed. 220 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4-E-Le- crosnier, 1884. Poilillot (J.-Henri). *Sur les retrecissements ele l'uterus. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 146. Poilillot (Rene). *Dunaphtol camphre et de sou emploi en chirurgie. [Paris. ] 56 pp. 4°. Versailles, 1889, No. 343. Poujade (Albert). * Des fractures de la rotule. 1 1., 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866, 2. s., No. 918. Poujade (Arthur). * Du cholera dans la Co- chinchine francaise. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 27. Poujol(F.-A.-Aug.) Essai ele therapeutique, ba- se'e sur la methoele aualytique, suivi d'une notice sur le cholera-morbus et ses methodes curatives, et d'un coup-d'ceil sur l'emploi des antiphlogisti- ques. 469pp»,ll. 8°. Paris,Deville-Cctvellin, 1832. ------. * Appreciation ties progres que la phy- sique et la chimie ont fait faire a la physiologie. 66 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1837. [Also, in: P., v. 1711.J Concours. Dictionnaire de medecine-pratique et des sciences qui lui servent de fontlements. Conte- nant, outre les articles obliges d'anatomie, tie physiologie, d'hygiene, d'etiologie, de setneiolo- gie, de pathologie, de therapeutique, et de ma- tiere medicale, la definition ties mots qui doivent en rendre le sens intelligible h tous les lecteurs. Publie par M. l'abbe Migne. Tome unique, pp. 9-1104. fol. Paris, J.-P. Migne, 1857. Paged by column. Two columns to the page. de Poill (Jules). * Recherches sur le traitemeut de l'hepatite circouscrite suppuree. 57 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 74. Pouiain (A.) * Souvenirs d'un sejour a Sainte- Marie de Madagascar. 93 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1886, 1. s., No. 348. POULAIN. 552 POULSEN. Poulaill (A-P.) * Sur la pleuresie simple. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 151, v. 140. Poulaill (Edouard). * De la dystocie par ob- liqnite anterieure eiu col. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 296. Poulaill (Jacobus). *De hiemoptysi. 28 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1722. Poulaill (L.-M.) * Sur la crepitation des gaines tendiiienses, suivie tie queltpies propeisitions tie medecine. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 160, v. 286. Poulaill (Louis-Victor). Etude sur I'accommo- tlatiou de l'ceil. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1876. ------. * De l'epistaxis dans ses rapports avec la cirrhose. 66 pp. 4°. Lille, 1877, No. 1. Poulard (P.-F.) Apercu tie la theorie medicale ties somnambules. 92 pp. 8°. Paris 4' Lyon, 1853. Poulard (S.) Manuel tlu service eles Impitaux a l'usage ties cantlidats aux emplois el'offieier d'administration dans la reserve et elans l'armee territoriale. 307 pp. 8°. Paris, B. Charles-La- ra nzelle, 1888. Poulat (J.-L.) 'Dissertation sur le panaris. 1 l.,12 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F.-G. Let-remit, 1817. Poillet (Alfred). * Du r61e tie la circulation eles os dans la production de l'osteomyeiite des am- putes. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 410. ------. Traite des corps etrangers en chirurgie. Voies naturelles; pharynx et cesophage; esto- mac; intestin; rectum; voies respiratoires; organes genito-urinaires de I'homme et tie la femme; conduit auditif; fosses nasales; con- duits glandulaires. 784 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1879. ------. The same. A treatise on foreign bodies in surgical practice. 2 v. ix, 271 pp.; vi, 320 pp. 8]->. London, S. Low, Marston, Searle 4" Riv- incjton, 1881. ------. The same. 2 v. ix, 271 pp.; vi, 320 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1880. ------& Bousquet (H.) Traite ele pathologie externe. 3 v. roy. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1885. Poulet (Francois-Victor). * Diagnostic eliffereu- 1 id tie la fievre cerebrale et de la fievre typhoide. 5(5 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 74, v. 514. Poillet. (J.-B.-Auguste). *I. Enumererlescircon- stances propres a faire renoncer a la lithotritie; distiuguer celles qui dependent de la pierre de celles qui tienneut plus particnlierement a des troubles fonctionuels et a des lesions organiques de l'urethre ou ele la vessie. II. [etc.]. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 388, v. 348. Poulet (V.) Recherches statistiques sur la mor- tality a Plaucher-les-Mines k uu siecle d'inter- valle. 48 pp., 7 tab. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1873, 4. s., ii. ------. Recherches experimentales sur le principe du sue gastrique. Memoire presente a l'Acade- niie ties sciences. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, M. 1)6- cembre, 1882. ------. Traitement de la cirrhose du foie par l'hip- purate de chaux. 35 pp. 12°. Paris, M. D6- ceinbre, 1886. Poulin (Andre). *EtutIe sur les atrophies vis- cerales consecutives aux inflammation's chro- niques ties sereuses, en particulier ele I'atrophie dn poumon et ele la pneumonie interstitielle elans la pleuresie chronique, de I'atrophie et de la cirrhose du foie tlaus la peritonite chronique perihepatique. 138 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 488. Poulin (Edme-Charles). * Sur les cas qui reda- meiit l'amputation eles membres, et sur les acci- deus qui peuvententraver la guerison delaplaie resultant de cette operation. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 106, v. 206. Pouliot. * Sur le rhumatisme. 1.8 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1807, No. 95, v. 68. Pouliot ( Fernand ). * De la cystite tlu col, tie ses tli vers modes de traitement et en particulier ties instillations au nitrate d'argent. 1112 pp 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 212. Pouliot (Gustavo). * Ponction ve.sicale hypn- gastrique, rapports tie la paroi anterieure tie la vessie. 128 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 110. ------. The same. 128 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1868. Poilliol (Jacques-Theodore). *Snr l'iclero. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 218, v. 263. Pouliot (Ludovic-Jean). * Sur le mai vertebral rhuniatismal. 40 pp. 4 . Paris, 1S67, No. 217. Poullain (J.-B.-Isidore). *Des metlccins pliy- siologistes, et ele leur doctrine, x, 11-52 pp. 4° Paris, 1826, No. 54, v. 198. Poullain (Noe'l-Charles-Duclos). *Sur l'insen- sible transpiration. 16 pp. 4C. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 138. Poullain (Theodore). *Sur l'expression tie l'ceil elans les passions et elans les maladies, viii, 9-40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 90, v. 103. Poilllaill-Dllbourg (Ambroise-.Ican). *Snr le psoitis et l'cedeme du cerveau. 31 pp. P. Paris, 1838, No. 371, v. 3152. Poullet ( Jules ). * Recherches snr les caillots tlu cceur. xvi, 17-70 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Mont- pellier, Gras, 1866, No. 19. [P., v. 51.] ------. *De l'hydrocephalie feetale tlans ses rap- ports avec la grossesse et l'accouchemeut. 1 p. 1., 137 pp. 4-. Paris, 1880. Concours. ------. *Des tliverses especes de forceps, leurs avantages et leurs inconv6nients. 1 p. 1., 228 pp. 4°. Lyon, Pitrat nine, 1883. ------. Des applications obliques tie forceps. Forceps angulaire. 24 pp. 8°. Lyon, title 4 Perrussel, 1887. Poullet - l> 11 pa re ( J. ) * Sur les dartres. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 507, v. 57. Poulletier ( Louis-Antoine ). *I. Exposer les causes, decrire les symptomes, et faire connaltre le traitement del'eczemades oreilles. II. [etc.], 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 350, v. 333. Poulletier de la Salle (Frangois- Paul-Lyon) [1719-87]. Vicq-d'Azyr. lSloge . . . Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1789, x, pp. xxii-xxxv. Poulliu (Franciscus Salesius Daniel). * An Ver- saliarum aer salutaris? Praises Lutlovico Maria Pousse. [1743.] In: Sigwart(G. F.) Queest. med. Paris. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, k 93-100. ------. *Au sanitas a debito partium tono? Prseses Andrea Cant well. [1742.] In: Sigwart(G. F.) Quaest. med. Paris. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 26C-276. Poulliot (Charles-Victor). * Quelques consitle- rations a propos d'une observation tl'hydropueu- mothorax, avec tintement nietallique, sans com- munication avec l'exterieur. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 379, v. 317. Pouloux (Francois). * Contribution a I'histoire medicale du lanrier-rose (son emploi dans les malaelies organiques du ctcur). 58 pp., 1 I. 4°. Paris, 18-8, No. 169. Poulouzat. See dc P11 >•««"■ jjiir (Jacques-Maxime-Paul). Rapport des cures operees a Bayonne, [etc.]. 12°. Bayonne, 1784. Poulsen (Jacob Peter) [1831- ]. Iagttagel- ser angaaende Hjerneapoplexiens pathologiske Auatomi og Genese. 1 p. 1., 257 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ejfibenhavn, P. G. Philipsen, 1863. Poulsen (Kr.) * Om Fascierne og de interfasci- ale Rum pa Halsen. 1 p. 1., 57 pp., 11., 2 pl. 4°. KjQbenhavn, K. Sch0nborg, 1884. POULSEN. 553 POUPELARD. Poulsen (V.-A.) Microchimie vegetale, guide pour les recherches pbyto-histologiques a I'usage des etudiants. Trael. d'apres le texte allemand par J.-Paul Lachtnann. Etlition francaise, con- sitierableinent augmentee (en collaboration avec I'auteur). xix, 120 pp. 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1883. ______Vore usynlige Fjender. En almdnfattelig Skililring af Bakterierne og deres Forhold til Forraadnelse, (ia'iing og smitsomnie Sygtlomme. [Our invisible enemies. General description of bacteria and their relation to putrefaction, fermentation, and contagious diseases.] 5 p. 1., 194 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Ej0benhavn, C. Steen <)'■ Sons, 1884. Poulson (Fredk. T.) The procedure of a sani- tary inspector in relation to the abatement of nuisances. 12 pp. 12°. London, Maries, 1884. Poultice. See Cataplasms. Poultier (Alexandre). *Sur la retention d'nrine par paralysie tie la vessie. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1897, No. 54, v. 66. Poilltuey (Samuel). See Rush (Benjamin). Notes from a course of lectures [etc.]. MS. 12°. Philadelphia, 1786. PoilltOli (Edward B.). See Wcisniami (August). Essay upon heredity, [etc.]. 8°. Oxford, 1889. Poultou. Lee (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewer- age, drainage, and supply of water, and the san- itary condition of the inhabitants of the town- ships of Poultou, Bare, and Torrisholme, in the county of Lancaster. 8°. London, 1851. Poiiltoii-eum-Seaeoiiib. Rawlixson (R.) Report to tlie General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, anel supply of water, anel the sanitary contlition of the inhabitants of the town- ship of Poulton-cnni-Seacombe, in the parish of Wallasey, hundred of Wirrall and county of Chester. 8 . London, 1851. ------. Report to the General Board of Health, on a further inquiry as to the boundaries which may be most advantageously adopted for the pur- poses ofthe public health act, 1848, iu the town- ship of Poulton-cum-Seacombe, in the parish of Wallasey, hundred of Wirral antl county of Ches- ter. 8°. London, 1852 Poultry. See Birds (Diseases of). Poumarede(J.-A.). Paris, 1810, No. 35, v. 79. Poupinel de Valance (Theodeu-e-Andre). * Sur le retrecissement eiu canal de l'uretre. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 18:52, No. 152, v. 252. Poupinel de Valence (E.-Charles). 'Quel- ques considerations sur l'asthme. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 70. Poupon (L.-Is.-Henri). * Des pseudo-etrangle- ments par peritonite primitive. 175 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 62. -----. The same. 171 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1886. -----. Des conditions de salubrite et de securite des ouvriers ties grands chautiers publics. 112 pp. 8lJ. Paris, P. Mouillot, 1889. Poupon (Thomas-Henri). * Sur la direction a imprimer a l'etude de la niedecine et tie la chi- rurgie pratique, pour en aplanir les dithculteset rentlre l'6ducation ties eifeves plus complete. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 52, v. 408. Pouppe-Dcsportes. SeeDesportes ([Jean- Baptiste-Ren6] Pouppe). Pouquet (Alfred). See Bazin (Antoine-Pierre-Ernest). Lecons th6ori- ques et cliniques sur les affections cutanees parasitaires [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1858. Pouquet (Pierre-Antoine-Alfred) [1833- ]. * Considerations pratiques sur la tracheotomie dans le cas de croup. 87 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 127. Pouqueville (Franciscus Carolus Hugo Lau- rentius) [1770-1838]. * De febre adeno-nervosa seu de peste orientali. 48 pp. 8'-. Parisiis, an. XI [1803], v. 32. Potirat (Marc-Aubin). *De l'ankylose recti- ligne du coude. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861. No. 123. Pourcelot. De l'enteroptose. 50 pp.,' 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. Pourcelot (Charles)'. * De la fievre typhoiele. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 96, v. 488. Pourcelot (Charles)2. * Recherches experi- mentales sur le mode de formation tie l'hemor- rhagie dans l'infarctus embolique du poumon. 62 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1884, 1. s., No. 206. Pourcelot (Charles-Phil.) * Dissertation rela- tive a la vaccine. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 182, v. 107. Pourcelot (Louis-Edmond). * Sur l'inflamma- tion des veines ou la phlebite. Ip. 1., 15 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1828, v. 57. Pourcelot (M.-R.-C.) * Considerations .sur la nephrite. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [lfc05], No. 487, v. 56. Pourcelot (Pierre). *Del'enteroptose. 50 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 235. Pourcelot (Victor). 'Caracteres differentiels ties tumeurs de l'aine. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 57, v. 476. Poiirclie (J.-B.-Albert). * Quelques mots sur l'intermittence, avec observations pratiques et considerations sur diverses maladies a type in- termittent. 98 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 152. Pourcher (Andre-Alphonse). 'Considerations sur la grossesse. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, \8\7 \„ 144, v. 463. Pourcher (Charles). *l)e la ligature tie l'hu- merale a sa partie superieure elans les hemor- rhagies de la main. [Paris.] 38 pp. I . Saint- Germain, 1870, No. 151. Pourcher (J.-J.-B.) 'Surl'erysipele. de la face et tlu cuir chevelu. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827 No. 149, v. 208. Pourcher-Ducros (Jean-Baptiste). vSur l'emploi des saugsues en medecine. 19 pp. 1. Paris, 1814, No. 164, v. 106. Pourchet (Leopold). * Essai sur les hemor- rhagies uterines considers hors l'etat de gros- sesse. 1 p. 1., 17 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1832, v. 03 Pourcy (E.-J.) * Sur l'abstineuce. vi, 7-27 pp. 4^. Paris, 1819, No. 285, v. 153. Pouret ( Pierre-Louis-Raoul). * Sur la eieii- vrance. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 104, v. 240. Poill'ial (Augustin-Rene.). 'Sur l'liygione ties troupes de terre en temps de paix et en sante. vi, 7-27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 254, v. 211. Pouriau ( A.-F. ) Climatologie tie la Saulsaie (Aiu). Resume de neuf annees d'observations. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, Lieber 4' Faraguet, 1859. Repr. from,: Ann. Soc. d'agric, d'liist. nat. et d. arts utiles de Lyon, 1859. Pourieux (Louis-Etienne). * Recherches sur la frequence ties fistules a l'anus, otites et jianaris chez les tuberculeux. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*74, No. 483. Pourrat [1858- ]. *Des troubles urinaires compliquant les tumeurs fibreuses de l'uterus, 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 73. Pourrat ( Jean - Baptiste - Claude ) [1824-61]. 'Considerations anatomiques et pathologie]ties sur la conjonctive. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 113, v. 499. For Biography, see Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1861, xv, 116-125. Pourrat (Marc-Antoine). * I. De la nature de la dysenterie. II. [etc.]. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 33, v. 348. Pourreyron ( Jean-Baptiste ). *I. Des perfo- rations eiu canal gastro-intestinal; et ele leurs caracteres anatomiques, suivant la difference ties causes qui les ont produites. II. [etc.]. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 130, v. 333. de Pourtales (Louis-Francois) [1824-80]. See Agassiz (Alexander) & de Pour In leu (L.-F.) Zoological results of the Hassler expedition, [etc.J. 4°. Cambridge, 1874. Poiirtanel (Pierre-Jerome). * Du renverseinent ele l'uterus chez la vache. [Toulouse.] 55 pp. 8°. Castres, 1876. [P., v. 1412.] Pourteyron (Paul). 'Etude comparative sur l'anatomie et la pathologie eles eleux reius. 8.1 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 294. Pous ( Bonifacius Mogge ) til. *De multiplici emeticorum in meelicina ageneli ratione atque usu. 1 p. 1., 131 pp., 5 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., B. W. Bazenberg, jun., 1817. Pousalgues (A.-V.) * Sur la elyseuterie. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 20, v. 95. Pousse (Ludovicus Maria). See Fiuot (Kayuiondus Jacobus). An tnmorum exter norum suppuratio, [etc.]. 4°. [Paris, 1732. J—d'Onslrc (Franciscus Ludovicus Thomas). *An sanis noceat quo- tidianusevcfiarwiv siiupliciuinusus? 4°. [Parisiis, 1757.J— Poullin (Franciscus Salesius Daniel). An Versaliaruin aer salutaris? In: Sigwart (G. F.) Quajst. med. Paris. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 93-100. Pousset (Ernest) [1855- ]. * Quelques con- siderations sur la contusion de la jambe. 52 pp. 4'-". Paris, 1883, No. 348. Poussie (Emile) [1851- ]. 'Etude sur la pellagre. 101 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 58. 55 POVEKZ. POUSSIE. Poii^ie (J.-B.) [1800-73]. Caffe. NC'crologic. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1873, xl, 380. Poussie (Jean-Autoine). 'Reflexions snr l'hy- giene qui convient aux femmes arrivees a l'fige de retour. 15 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel, 1813. PoussieleSTue (A.-L.) 'Propositions sur divers sujets ele medecine legale, de medecine pratique et de chirurgie. 14 pp. 4U. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 224, v. 48. Poussigue (J.-Henri). * De l'hemorrhagie ute- rine pendant les trois derniers mois tie la gros- sesse et le travail. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 209, v. 500. Poussin (Alexandre). * Etude sur le pansement ouate dans les plaies penetrantes des articula- tions. 3ii pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 419. Poussin (Louis). * Sur la phthisic pulmonaire, cousideree en geueral. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 195, v. 107. POUSSOII (Alfred). *De l'intervention chirurgi- cale dans le traitement et le diagnostic des tumeurs tie la vessie dans les deux sexes. 187 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 335. -----. De la couduite a tenir dans le traitement des calculs euchatonnes. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, M. Dtcembre, [1886]. Repr. from: Ann. d. mai. d. org. g6nito-urin., Par., 1885, iii. -----. De l'osteoclasie. 362 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1886. -----. Traitement chirurgical de l'exstrophie de la vessie; exposition, comparaison, appreciation des methodes et procedes operatoires. Memoire recompense par la Societe tie chirurgie. iii, 156 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. Also, Co-Editor of: Aunales de la polyclinique de Bordeaux, 1889. Pouteau (Claude) [1725-75]. Melanges de chi- rurgie. xii, 526 pp., 5 pl., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, G. Regnault, 1760. -----. La taille au niveau. Memoire sur la lithotomie par l'appareil lateral, circonstances et dependances, avec addition ele eiuelques nou- veaux instruments pour cette operation. 1 p. 1., 116 pp., 2 pl. 8U. Avignon, 1765. [Also, in: P., v. 707.] -----. CEuvres posthumes. 3 v. 8°. Paris, P.-D. Pierres, 1783. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Poutet (Jean-Joseph-Etienne) [1779- ]. In- struction pour reconnaltre la falsification de l'huile d'olive par celle de graines. Redigee d'apres le vceu de M. le ministre tie Pinterieur et de MM. les membres dn comite consultatif des arts et manufactures, viii, 32 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Marseille, Dubie, 1819. [P., v. 1816.] -----. Notice sur l'emploi el'un tartri-metre, au moyen d'apprecier la quantite de creme de tartre dans le tartre brut du commerce. 23 pp. 8°. Marseille, Achard, 1823. [P., v. 1685.] Pouthier (Eugene). 'Etiologie et traitement de l'impaludisme. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 419. Pouthier (Jules-Charles). 'Des signes de la grossesse gemellaire. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 164, v. 595. Poutier (Frederic-Augustin). 'Sur la gastrite chronique. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 199, v. 161. Poutier (Jh.-P.) 'Sur la fievre jaune des An- tilles, vi, 7-36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 158, v. 182. Poutier (L.-C.) 'Sur les diverses methodes d'opererlacataracte. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 229, v. 48. Poutrain (Napoleon). *De morbis epidemicis in genere. 1 p. 1., 14 pp., 1 1. 40. Tornaci, Dosson- Carle, 1826. [Also, in: P., v. 957; 1379.] Pouvreau (Emmanuel). *La rougeole dans les garnisons. [Bordeaux.] 56 pp., 5 diag. 4°. Rochefort, 1884, s. 6, No. 32. Potix (Joseph-Zephirin). * I. Faire connaltre les formes sous lesquelles les syphilides se pre- senteut chez les enfants nouveau-ne's; exposer leurs divers nioeles ele traitement. II. [etc.]. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 145, v. 348. Pouydefoat (Onesime). De I'inspectorat eles eaux minerales. Necessite de eette institution; ameliorations dont elie est susceptible. 57 pp. 8J. Paris, ve. A. Delahaye 4- Cie., 1876. Pou/.aire. Traite ties eaux minerales de Bala- ruc, contenant l'origine et la decouverte de ces eaux, leur nature et leur analyse, leurs proprie- tes, et la maniere d'en user; avec certain nombre tl'observations de guerisons merveilleuses op6- rees tout recemment par ces memes eaux. 64 pp. 12°. Montpellier, A.-F. Rochard 1771. Pouzerques (Louis). * De I'ulcere tuberculeux delalangue. 45pp., lpl. 4°. Petm, 1873, No.229. Pouzet (Joseph). *Du varicocele. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 58, v. 609. Pouzet (Jules). *De la p6rityphlite. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 26. Pouzet (L.-H.-Julieu). *I. Etablir le diagnos- tic et le traitemeut de rcczenia aigu. II. [etc.], 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1K19, No. 342, v. 348. Pouzet (Lucien). *l)e l'6pid6mie de fievreex- anthematique compliquee qui a sevi eu etc I847, sur les enfants de l'Hospice ele la Charite tie Lyon. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 75, v. 476. Pouzet (Marcel). *Des retrecissements fibreux de I'intestin grele. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 367. Pouzet (P.-Albert). *De la keratite. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 83, v. 546. Pouzet (Paul). * Etuele clinique sur deux cas de goutte observes a l'hospice de Bicetre. 87 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 58. -----. The same. Contribution a. l'etude ele la goutte. 87 pp. 8°. Paris, I've. A. Delahaye 4' Cie., 1878. Pouzet (Rene-Charles). *I. De la metro-peri- tonite puerperale franchement inflammatoire, sous le point de vue de la symptomatologie. II. [etc.]. 33 pp. 4°. Pai-is, 1839, No. 369, v. 348. Pouzin (A.-M.) 'Quelques propositions snr les maladies mentales et leur traitement. vi, 7-17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No 109, v. 251. Pouzin (Fulcrand). Co-Editor of: Ephemerides metlicales de Montpel- lier, 1826-8. [Pouzin (H.-R.)] [Lettre] a Vauquelin. 7 pp. 12°. [Paris, J. Pinard, 1826.] [P., v. 1677.] Pouzol (Theodore). 'Essai sur Pictere. 124 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 167. Povarin (Michael). 'Kvoprosu o vlijanii sua na myshetchnnjou silu cheloveka. [Influence of sleep on muscular strength of man.] 40 pp., 1 1. 4°. St. Petersburg, Deklerona 4- Evdokimova, 1883. Povegliano. Ammonizione della commissione sanitaria municipale eli Povegliano Veronese. Per la temuta invasione elel cholera morbus nel 1884. Mezzi piu diretti per prevenire la pella- gra. [Ferretti, dott. Lodovico ] 12 pp. 8°. Verona, G. Annichini, 1888. Poverty. See Charities (Medical, etc.); Habitations for the poor, etc; Poor; Poor (Diseases of). Poverz (Alexander). 'O phiziologicheskome dieistvii akonitina. [Physiological action of aconitine.] 28 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1866. POVOLNI. 556 POWELL. Povolni (Josephus). *De secali cornuto. 22 [>p. 8v-. Budw, typ. Reg. Scient. Univ. Bung., 1834. Povomlra (Carolus Eberhardus). * De ischiade nervosa, atlnexa morbi historia. 40 pp. 8°. Vratislavice, typ. Kupferianis, [1820]. Pow (James Brough). The new patent in aid of sanitary science relating to the sewage of towns, the best remedial means for the purification of rivers, in dealing with mines, paper-mills, anel other manufacturiug works, with suggestions for abetter method of filtration of potable water for the use of cities. 28 pp., 1 ch. 8°. London, Winter 4- Bailey, [1872]. Powder. See Burns by gunpowder; Cosmetics; Explo- sives; Fulminating powder; Gunpowder. Powell «fc Lealand. Catalogue of optical instruments. 10 pp., 3 pl. 16°. London, Na- pier, 1871. ------------. The same. 6 pp., 4 pl. 8C. Lon- don, Napier, 1875. ------------. The same. 6 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Lon- don, Napier, 1880. Powell (Aaron M.) State regulation of vice. Regulation efforts in America. The Geneva Cemgress. 127 pp. 8°. New York, Wood 4' Bol- brook, 1878. Powell (Baden) [1796-1860]. See Pcreira (Jonathan). Lectures on polarized light, [etc.]. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1854. Powell (Charles). A treatise on the nature, causes, antl cure of the endemic or yellow fever of tropical climates, as it occurs in the West Inelies, to which Europeans are more particu- larly subject on their first arrival. Fouutled on principle, and illustrateel by the writings of, and cases from, various authors of different periods. 2 p. l.,56pp. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1814, v. 31. Powell (E.). Co-Editor of: Chicago (The) MedicalJournal, 1859. Powell (Franciscus). 'Qusedam de assimil.i- tione ciborum complectens. 16 pp. h°. Edin- burgi, P. Neill, 1823. Powell (Geo. Denniston). The practice of metl- ical electricity, showing the most approved ap- paratus, their methods of use, anel rules for the treatment of nervous diseases, more especially paralysis aud neuralgia. 2. ed. xiv, 189 pp. 12°. Dublin, Fannin 4' Co., 1872. Powell (George T.) Foundations and founda- tion walls, for all classes of buildings, pile elriv- ing, building stones and bricks, pier aud wall construction, mortars, limes, cements, concretes, stuccos ... to which is adeleel a treatise on foundations, with practical illustrations of the method of isolated piers, as followed iu Chicago, by Frederick Bauman. vii, 8-166 pp. 8°. New York, W. T. Comstock, 1884. PowelI (John Wesley) [1834- ]. Exploration of the Colorado River ofthe West anel its tribu- taries. Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871. anel 1872, under the direction ofthe Secretarj 01'the Smith- sonian Institution. Report of . . . xi, 291 pp., 72 pl., 2 maps. 4°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1875. ------. Report on the methoels of surveying the public domain, to the Secretary of the Interior, at the request of the National Academy of Sci- ences. 16 pp. 8°. Washington, 1878. ------. Report on the lands of the ariel region of the Uniteel States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah. 2. ed. xv, 195 pp., 4 maps', 1 plan. 4°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1879. ------. Sketch of the mythology of the North American Inelians. pp. 19-56. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1881. Cutting fram: Rep. Bureau Ethnol., Wash., 1881, i. Powell (John Wesley)—continued. ------. On limitations to the use of some anthrop- ologic data. pp. 73-86. h-\ Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1.-81. Cutting from: Rep. Bureau Ethnol., Wash., 188], ii. ------. On the evolution of language, as exhibited iu the specialization of thegrammatic processes, the differentiation ofthe parts of speech, and the integration of the sentence; from a study of In- dian languages, pp. 1-16. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1881. Cutting from: Rep. Bureau Ethnol., AVash., 1881, i. ------. Wyandot government. A short study of tribal society, pp. 59-69. 8°. Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1881. Cutting from: Rep. Bureau Ethnol., "Wash., 1881, i, 59-69. Also, Editor of: Abstract of Transactions of the An- thropological Society of Washington, D. C, 1881. See, also, Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Eth- nology. .Annual reports. 1.-5., 1879-80 to 1883-4. 8°. Washington. 1881-7.—United Stalcx. Department of the Interior. United States geographical and geological sur- vey of the Rocky Mountain region. 8° efc 4°. Washington, 1877-84. Powell (James W.) The eye: its imperfections and their prevention: comprising a familiar de- scription of the anatomy and physiology, of the organ of vision; rules for the preservation, im- provement, and restoration of sight, with re- marks on near sight antl aged sight; on optics, antl the use and abuse of spectacles, with direc- tions for their selection, xiv, 15-139 pp., 2 1. 8°. New York, 1847. ------. The same. The eye; its diseases and their cure. 3. ed. xx, 21-156 pp. 8°. New York, 1849. Powell (Llewellyn). An address to the medical class of the Kentucky School of Medicine, deliv- ered at the opening of its second session, Nov. 4, 1851. Published by request of the class. 16 pp. 8°. Louisville, Barney 4~ Hughes, 1851. Powell (Ludovicus). 'Derheumatismo. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1823. Powell (N. A.) Later antiseptics in private sur- gical practice. 15 pp. 12°. [Toronto, 1884.] Repr. from: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix. ------. Preferable methods of fixation in the treat- ment of simple anel of compound fractures of the leg. 25 pp. 16°. Toronto, 1889. Repr. from: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1888-9, xxi. Powell (Nathaniel). *De dyspepsia. 3 p. l.,32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Mudie etfilii, 1798. Powell (Osbornc-Capel). 'Essai sur le pseutlo- rhumatisme articulaire dans le cours de la dia- these tuberculeuse. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 229. ------. Thesame. 49pp. 8°. Paris,A.Delahaye, 1874. Powell (Richard) [1766-1834]. Observations on the bile and its diseases, and on the ceconomy of the liver . . . the Gulstonian lecture of the vear 1799. 2 p. 1., 180 pp. 8°. London, F. F' Pradincs (Andre). * Etude sur 1'accouchemeut premature artificiel. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, Nn 'lit Pr%cordiiuii. Pichler (C.F.) * Demachinae humana-. vitiis praecordia affligentibus. sm. 4°. Tubingw, [1726], Praeger (Joannes Carolus Godofredus). *In meuorrhceye pathologiam inquirens. 15 pp. 4°. Vitebergw, lit. Tzschiedrichii, [1801]. For Biography, see Kreysig (Frid. Ludovic). Praeger (Joannes Simon). For Biography, see I.angguth (Georg Aug.). Praehler (Joh. Gothofredus). * De calculis vesi- cas urinaria}cysticis. 46pp., 1 pl. sm. 4°. Ar- gentorati, ex typ. Eiirsneriana, [1774]. Prael (Fridericus Antouius). *De mutua, quae capiti et animo cum orgauis genitalibus inter- cedit, sympathia; de ejusque causis in univer- sum, nonnulla exhibens. 1 p. 1., 47 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gottingce, typ. J. C. Baieri, 1818. Propositus (Nicolaus). See Nicolaus Prae- positus Salernitanus. Praessar. Der Mariensprudel im Bade Neuen- ahr. vi, 103 pp. 8°. Bonn, T. Babicht, 1861. -----. Das Miueralbael Neuenahr im Ahrthale. 84 pp. 12°. Ahrweiler, P. Plachner, 1868. Praetel (ArminiusMeinhardus)[1829- ]. *De neuralgia nervi quinti. 27 pp., 21. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1855]. Praetorius (Benjamin). See ltlylius (Jacobus). *De dracone volante et igne fatuo. 4°. Lipsice, [1653]. Praetorius (Carolus [Henricus]) [1815- ]. *De chlorosi. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nie- tackianis, [1840]. Praetorius (Christian Ludwig). Editor of: IVIedicinisch-chirurgisches Central- blatt, Wien, 1876. See, also, Oesterreiehischer Medicinal-Schematis- mus. 12°. Wien, 1880-88. Praetorius (Daniel). Diss. med. ile varice. 43 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. Krebsianis, [1699]. -----. *De catarrhis, sive morbis ex seri san- guinis motu et decubitu p. n. ortis. 35 pp. 4°. Wittenbergw, typ. C. Fincelii, [1701]. Praetorius (Fridericus Christophorus). *De scarifatione oculorum. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Titianis, [1728]. For Biography, see Elliniiller (Michael Ernst). ----- &■ Ehrlicll (Joannes Gottlieb.) Ten ta- men physicum de nubium fulmiuearum genesi. 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Zeidlerianis, [1728]. Praetorius (Joannes). See Loescher (Valentinns Ernestus) efe Praetor (Jo- annes). Antisthenes, sive suspiciones, [etc.]. 4°. Vitem- bergce, [1698]. Praetorius (Joannes Fridericus). * De vomica pulmouum. 16 pp. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., lit. C. Zeitleri, [1693]. Praetorius (Nicolaus Friderich Wilhelm). * De saliva. 16 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. et G. J. Wishoff, 1742. Praetorius (Otto) [1859- ]. * Ueber Dipso- manie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. Baack, 1882. Praevotius (Joannis) [1585-1631]. Medicina pauperum ac ejusdem de venenis ac eornndem alexipharmacis opusculum. [ Annexio census venenorum eorundemque alexipharmacorum.] 377 pp. 32°. Francofurti, sumpt. J. Beyeri, 1641. -----. The same. Cum censu venenorum et alexipharmacorum quibus accessit de medica- mentorum materia tractatus. 3 p. 1., 718 pp., 7 1. 16°. Lugduni, sumpt. P. Ravaud, 1643. -----. Thesame. Medicina pauperum mira serie continens remedia ad segrotos cujuscunque gene- ris persanandos aptissima, facile parabilia, ex- temporanea, et nullius, vel perexigui sumptus. Huic pauperum thesauro adjuugiturejustlem auc- toris libellus aureus de veuenis. 5 p. 1., 393 pp., 14 1. 24°. Mediolani, imp. Altobelli Pisani, 1646. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 332 pp., 8 1. 24°. Lug- duni, P. Frambotti, 1660. PRAEVOTIUS. 561 Praevotius (Joannis)—continued. -----. De venenis eorumque alexipharmacis tractatio brevis. 74 pp. 32°. Mediolani, imp. Altobelli Pisani, 1646. Bound with his: Medicina pauperum [etc.]. 32°. Medio- lani, 1646. -----. The same. De venenis et alexipharmacis compendiosa tractatio. 70 pp. 24°. Lugduni, P. Frambotti, 1659. Bound ivith his: Medicina pauperum |etc.]. 24°. Lug- duni, 1660. -----. Tractatus: De remediorum cum simpli- cium tum compositorum materia: cui annexa est Joannis Stephani, medici veneti, Cosmetice. Medicina pauperum, sive de remediis facile para- bilibus. De venenis et alexipharmacis. De sig- nis. De compositione medicamentorum. Se- lectiora remedia. 45 p. I., 1170 (2 1.), 200 pp., 6 1. 16°. Hanoviw, apud W. R. Stockinm, 1666. See, also, Fabriciu* ab Aquapendente (Hieronymus). De formatione ovi et pulli tractatus [etc.]. fol. Patavii, 1621. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Prageinann (Nicolai). Commentatio de fide, qua' medicis apuel ictos est, ad Joannem Ber- tramum Hygonem. 15 pp. 4°. Jenw, apud C. D. Wertherum, 1720. Prager (C. J.) Das preussische Militax-Medi- cinal-Wese'ii in seiner gegenwartigen Gestalt. Mit Erganzungsheft. xl, 1157, xii, 254 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1864-5. -----. Das preussische Militar Medizinalwesen in systeniatischer Darstelluug. 2. Aufl. 2 v. xxxv, 1163 pp., 2 tab., xxv, 1185 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1875. Prager (Fritz). * Beitrag zur Makroglossie. [Jeua.] 28 pp. 8°. Marburg, Kahlu. Scliirling, 1888. C. Prager (Joseph). * Ueber Febris intermittens mit Cerebralsymptomen. 20 pp. 8°. Miinchen, E. Miihlthaler, 1869. Prager medicinische Facultat. Sammlung ge- riehtsarztlicher Gntachten. Zusammengestellt und hrsg. in Vollmacht tier Facultat von von Maschka. 299 pp., 2 1. 8°. Prag, K. Andre, 1853. -----. The same. 2. und 3. Folge. In 1 v. 351 (21.), 352 pp. 8°. Prag, K. Andre, 1858-67. -----. The same. 4. Folge der iu den Jahren 1853, 1858 und 1867 erschienenen gerichtsarzt- lichen Gutachten. viii, 344 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. L. Birschfeld, 1873. Prager medicinische Monatsschrift fiir Homoo- pathie, Balneotherapie untl Hydropathie. Was title after v. 2, 1854, of: Prager Monatsschrift fiir theoretische nnd praktische Hoindopathie. Prager medicinische Wochen sehrift. Correspon- denzblatt der deutschen Aerzte Bohmens. Re- daction : Gottfried Ritter, Edwin Klebs, Friedr. Ganghofner [et al.]. v. 1-14, 1876-89. 8° & 4°. Prag. Current. A continuation [4. year] of: Aerztliches Correspondenzblatt fiir Bohmen. v. 3, 1878, became 4°. v. 5, 1880 [et seq.], by Ganghofner and Otto Kahler. Prager mediziuische Wochen sehrift. Organ des Vereines praktischer Aerzte. Hrsg. u. red. vou Jos. Kaulich [etal.]. Nos. 1-52, Jan. 8 to Dec. 30, 1864. imp. 4°. Prag. Ended. Prager Monatsschrift fiir theoretische und prak- tische Homoopathie. Hrsg. und red. von Dr. Altschul. v. 1-13, 1853-65. 8°. Prag. Want v. 3, 4, 1855-6. After v. 2, 1854, title became: Prager medicinische Monatsschrift fiir Homoopathie, Balneotherapie und Hydropathie. Prague. Bericht ties engeren Fachkomites iiber tlie Errichtnngeines neuen Wasserwerkes fiir tlie kgl. Hauptstadt Prag. 1 p. 1., 95 pp., 6 pl. 8°, \Prag, 1877?] Pit A<1 UK. Prague—continued. -----. Bericht tier weiteren Wasserversorgungs- commission an den Rath der kiinigl. Ilaupistatlt Prag. xxxi pp. 4°. Prag, IV. Xagel, 187 ,. -----. The same. Zweiter Bericht. 37 pit. 4^ Prag, W. Nagel, 1879. Prague. See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for); Children (Bospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of); Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc, of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, Bistory, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, Bistory, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, His- tory, etc, of), Foundlings, etc (Description, etc, of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), Hospitals (Military), Idiots (Asylums, etc., for), Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc, of), by localities; Measles (Epidemics of); Medicine (Clinical, Cases of); Medicine (His- tory, etc., of), by nations, etc.; Prostitution (His- tory, etc , of), by localities. Hain (A.) Medizinische prager Ephenieriilen von den Jahren 1803 nnd 1804. 16°. Prag, 1807. Kaiserlich-konigliche Stern warte zn Prag. Astronomische, magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen an der'k. k. Sternwarte zu Prag. Hrsg. von Carl Hornsteiu. 33.-35. (1872-4); 37. (1876); 38. (1877). 4°. Prag, 1873-8. von Krombholz (J. V.) Topographisclics Taschenbuch von Prag, zunachst fiir Naturfor- scher und Aerzte. 12°. Prag, 1837. Scrinci (J. A.) Griindliche Untersuch- und Beschreibung des Theodor-Baads, welches eine halbe Meile vou eler Haupt-Stadt Praag entfernet ist, auf den Weeg nacher Keinigs-Saal. Hi'. Prag, [1739]. Stelzig (F. A.) Versuch einer medizinischen Topographie von Prag. 2 v. 8°. Prag, 18-24. -----. Antikritik iiber elie iu eler Inusbrucker medicinisch-chirurgischeu Zeitung vom Jahre 1825 Nr. 10 befindliche Rezension des Werkes: Versuch einer medicinischen Topographie von Prag, etc. 8°. Prag, 1825. Treitz (W.) * Diss, sistens conspectnm mor- borum anno 1844 in clinico Prageusi observato- rum. 8°. Pragw, 1846. Eppingepr (H.) Mittheilungen aus dem pathologiscb- anatoniischen Institut zu Prag: Reorganisation des gan- zen Instituts. Vrtljschr. f. el. prakt. Heilk., Leip/,., 1875, exxv, 1: exxxvi, 1, 1 pl.—von Hnxner. Das nudici- nische Wien und Prag; eine historische Skizze. I'rag. med. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 174-176. — Kahlert (C. VV.) Witterungs- und Krankheitsconstitution in der konigl. Hauptstadt Prag im Jahre 1832. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz., 1832-3, i, 289; 305. -----. Witte- rungs- und Krankheitsconstitution zu Prag. Januar his [September] 1833. Ibid., 1833-4, iii, 70; 81; 216. -----. Witterungs- und Krankheitsconstitution zu Prag, October 1833 [-December 1834]. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 325; 545; 686. -----. Witterungs- und Kranklieits- constitution zu Prag, Januar [-December] 1835. Ibid., 1836, iii, 98; 183.—Kostlivy (S.) TJeber die Tempera!ur von Prag. Abhandl. tl. math.-naturw. Cl. tl. k. bohtu. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. 1887-8, I'rag, 1888, 7. F.. ii. 1- 32.—Kraft. Bericht iiber die in Folge der Uebersch wem- mung vom 1. und 2. Februar 1862 in Prag beobachteten Kiankheitszustande. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt, Heilk., I'rag, 1862, lxxv, 141-152.—Me I it*ch (J.) Tabi'llarisi'lies Ver- zeiebniss der Getrauten, Getauften, und Zwillinge von 1616 und eler Gestorbenen von 1696 bis 178* Juni, gezogen aus elen Kirchenbiichern der Kleinseitner St. Kiklas ehe- maligen St. Wenzel-Pfarrey in Prag. Arch. f. tl. Ge- burtsh. Jena, 1790, ii, 4. St., 1-16, 2tab.—Netolitzlty (A.) Die Verunreinigung des Kuttenberger- und Kleinarka- Baches. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 66; 75; 86.—Pop- per (M.) Versuch einer medicinischen Topographie' vou exxii, 1,1 pl. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Epidemieen Prag. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1874, ex xi, 1: in Prag im xixten Jahrhundert. Allg. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol., Stuttg., 1875, ii, 241-297.-----. Beitrage zur mediciuischen Statistik von Prag. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. I'rag, 1877, exxxiv, 103: exxxv, 25. —Pribram (A.) efe Popper (M.) Untersuchungen iiber die Sterblichkeit in i'rag. Ibid., exxxv, 55-72, 1 tab. — Killer ((}.) Die Murtalitat Prags im ersten Halbjalm- 1878. Prag. med. Wc.hnsihr., 1878, iii, 312-315. -----. Mortalitatsstatistik Prags im Jahre 1878 mit Beriicksichtigung der beiden Halbjahre. PRAGUE. 563 PKANDT. Prague. Ibid., 1879, iv, 47-50. — Witterungs- und Krankheits- constitution zu Prag; Januar - December 1836. Beitr. %. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1837, iv, 265-296. — Soyka (J.) Zur 4ssauiruug Prags. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 517: 1886, xi, 3; 29; 42; 83; 101; 489: 1888, xiii, 164. Also, Reprint, in part. — Weiss ( M. ) Die Zweitheilung der Prager Universitat und die Verhaltnisse der beiden niedi- zinischen Facultaten. N. Yorker med. Presse, 1888, vi, 55-61. Prague (Sewerage and water supply of). Altschul (T.) Ueber Wasserversorgnng der Stiidte im Allgemeinen uud die geplante Was- serversorgung Prags im Besonderen. Nach einem im Vereine deutscher Aerzte in Prag gehalteneu Vortrage. 8°. Prag, 1889. Bericht der weiteren Wasserversorgungscom- niission an den Rath der konigl. Hauptstadt Prag. 4°. Prag, 1877. -----. The same. Zweiter Bericht. 4°. Prag, 1879. Gloeckner (J.) Die wirkliche Bedeutung der Versuche zur Eiufiihrung eler pneumatischen Canalisation zu Prag. 8°. Prag, 1869. Krej6i (J.) Separat-Votum betreffend die Wasserversorgung vou Prag. fol. [Prag, 1879.] Belohoubek (A.) Untersuchungen des Moldauwas- sers. Sitzungsber. d. k. bobm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. 1876, Prag, 1877, 27-42.—Debatte (Die) iiber die Wasser- versorgung der Stadt Prag iin Prager Geineinderathe. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 217-219. — Outachten des stadt. Gesuudheitsrathes. iiber die projektirte Was- serversorgung der k. Hauptstadt Prag. Ibid., 1881, vi, 455; 465.—Popper (M.) Die kiinftige Wasserversorgung der Stadt Prag. Ibid., 1876, i, 976-987. -----. Zur alteren Canalisation von Prag. Ibid., 1877, ii, 593-597. -----. Prag in seinen Beziehungen zur offentlichen Gesundheits- pflege. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1878, cxxxviii, Beilage, 1-18. -----. Referat iiber elie Einsctzuug einer Enqitete behufs Erforschung der in der Stadt Prag beste- henden sanitaren Uebelstande. Erstattet elurch elie Sub- commission, bestehend aus den Herrn . . . Alois Novak, Moses Popper und Franz Batka. M. Popper, Referent. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 166. -----. Ueber die Projekte zur Wasserleitung Prags. Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 1513. — K. Die Wasserversorgungsfrage in Prag. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 183-185. — Bella (A.) Ueber die Entwicklung und den gegeuwaitigen Stand der Canalisationsfrage in Prag; mit schliesslichiT Ski/.ziruug eler beider letzten hieftir ausgescbrieben gewe senen Preisconcurrenz eingelangten Projecte. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1886, x, 199; 223; 244; 269: 2!)4.— IVnNserversorgungsfrage (Die) in Prag. Oesteir. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1882, vi, 10. Prague. Statistische Commission der konigl. Hauptstadt Prag und Vororten. Statistisehes Hautllmch der koniglichen Hauptstadt Prag und der Vororte Karolinenthal, Smichow, kgl. Wein- berge und Zizkow fiir die Jahre 1881; 1887); 1886. Herausgegeben von der statistischen Commission der kgl. Hauptstadt Prag sammt Vororten, unter Redaction des Directors des stadt. statistischen Bureau's Jos. Erben. 1. allg. Th. N. F. 1., 4., 5. Jahrg. Deutsche Ausg. 8°. Prag, 1882-8. -----. Wochen berichte iiber die Sterbefalle in Prag und den Vororten. Vom stadtischen sta- tistischen Bureau in Prag. No. 31, Aug. 4,1883; No. 50, Dec. 15, 1888. fol. Prag, 18*3-8. ■----. Annuaires statistiques de la ville capitale de Prague et des communes-faubourgs Karlin (Karolinenthal), Smichov, Viuohrady (Wein- berge) et Zizkov pour 1885; 1886. Publi6 par le comite" de statistique de Prague et communes- faubourgs et re'dige' par le directeur du bureau communal de statistique le professeur Josef Er- ben. N.s. 4., 5. annees. fid. allemande. 1. pt. coutenant des faits gtm6raux. 8°. Prague, 1888. Prahec (Joachim-Charles). * Sur l'ophthalmie. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 75, v. 199. Pl'alll (Jan Hendrik Fasmer). *De invloed der zwervende zenuw op de hartsbeweging. 1 p. 1., ~8 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Utrecht, P. W. ran de Weijer, 1868. Fl Hill (Michael). * Zur Statistik der Luxationen ?QQrtGel6nke- 26 PP'» X h 8°- breslau, R. Reid, Pralil (Peter). * Ueber die Perl gesch wiilste, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihres Vorkommens im Felsenbein. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1867]. Praktische Anweisung, die in gerichtlichen Fallen vorkommenden chemischen Untersuchun- gen auzustellen. Hrsg vein Otto Bernhard Kiihn. Second title-page of: Kiilin (Otto Bernhard). Prak- tische Chemie fiir Staatsiirzte. Praktische (Der) Arzt. Eine Monatsschrift. Hrsg. von Dr. Adolf Herr. v. 1-30, 1860-89. 8°. Wetzlar. Current. Dr. A. Herr died Jan. 27, 1883, and Wilhelm Herr became editor. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber tleu Missbrauch der Tabacksrauchklystiere bei eingesperrten Brii- chen ; iiber die Amputation, und iiber verschie- deue andre mediciuisch - chirurgische Gegen- stande. x p. 1., 1 1., 172 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. G. Jacobdei; 1801. Praktische Chemie fur Staatsarzte. See Kiihn (Otto Bernhard). Praktische Regeln fiir Hebammen. 16 pp. 12°. Reval, F. Wassermann, [1884]. Praktische (Der) und wohlerfahrene Bruch- arzt, oder Anweisung, alle Arten von Bruchscha- den, als: Leisten-, Schenkel-, Nabel- unel Bauch- briiche richtig zu erkenneu, zu behandeln, den dabei drohenden Lebensgefahren vorzubeugen, und eine raogliche Heilung herbeizufiihren ; nebst Vorschrift, sich gegen diese Gebreehen zu schii- tzen. Ein Noth- und Hiilfsbiichlein fiir Nicht- arzte. iv, 5-53 pp. sm. 8°. Quedlinburg u. Leip- zig, Ernst, [n. d.]. Praktischer Filhrer fiir das Nordseebad Bor- kum. Mit Fahrplanen, Fluthtabelle, Taxen, Ver- halttingsmassregeln, Einwohner-Verzeichniss, ei- nem Plane des Baeles unel einer Uebersiehtskarte der ostfriesischen Kiiste. 5. Jahrg., 1887. xv, 76, 50 pp., 2 maps. 32°. Emden, W. Schwalbe, [1887]. The same. Sowie der ganzen Insel und einer Uebersiehtskarte der ostfriesischen Kiiste. 6. Jahrg., Saison 1888. xviii, 74 (1 1.), 64 pp., 2 maps. 32°. Emden, W. Schwalbe, 1888. Praktischer Unterricht der Hebammenkunst fiir elie Hebammen. xx, 436 pp. 16°. Wirzburg, F. X. Rienner, 1779. Praktiserende (De) Geneesheer. Eedacteur: G. H. Rissik. Uitgevers: Altmann & Roosen- burg. Verschijnt maandelijks. v. 1-5, July, 1868-73; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1874-8; 3. s., v. 1-5, 1879- 83; 4. s., v. 1-5, 1884-8; 5. s., v. 1, 1889. 8°. 's Bertogenbosch. Current. Index to 1874-8 accompanies. Prallet (Laurent). * Sur la peripneumonie et la pleur6sie, consider6es tlans leur 6tat de simpli- cit6. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII[ 1805], No. 471, v. 56. Pram an n ([Henricus Gtiilelmus] Adolphus) [ 1804- ]. * De puris indole et genesi. 27 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1828]. Pramberg (Joh. Bernhard) [1788- ]. * Qua ratioue meelicina empirica et rationalis ad disci- plinae emolumentum ojitiiue conjuugi possint? Resp. Daniele Scharffenberg. 2 p. 1., 116 pp., 11. 8°. Londini Gothorum, Berling, 1817. De ligandarum torquendarumque arte- riarum ratione et usu commeutariolum chirurgi- cum. Pro summis in medicina houoribus . . , submitteut Olof Andr. Ohlsson, Fredr. Heun. Bunth, Carol. Freder. Kjellberg. 80 pp. 8°. Lundw, typ. Berlingianis, 1830. De retroflexione uteri a retroversione dis- tinguenda et dignoscenda. Respondente Chris- tiano Eugstedt. 53 pp. 8°. Lundw, typ. Ber- lingianis, 1846. Prandt (Adamus Ignatius). * De vesicantibus. 45 pp. 8C. Viennw, M. T. Schulz, [1768]. PPANGE. 564 PKATMJUN. Prance (Augustus Diedericus). *Decamphora3 virtute anthelmiutica. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Got- tingce. Ut. Bagerianis, [1759]. Prange (C. Guilelmus). * De chlorosi. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, [1848]. Prange (Christianus). De locustis, immenso agmine aerem nostrum implentibus, et quid por- tendere putentur. 65 pp. 4°. Jenw, imp. S. Schmidii, [1693]. Prange(Gnstavns). *Deelecapitatione. 20pp. 8°. Gryphiw, F. Bache, 1868. c. Prantl (K.) Traduccion aumentada del curso de botanica; editada para el uso de los estueli- antes de la Universidael Mayor de San Carlos, por Jorje Hieronymus. Entrega primera: Botanica general. 105 pp. 8°. Cordoba, [it. d.]. See, also. Jorge (Hieronymus). Revista del sistema natural de los vegetales. 8°. Cbdorba, 1877. Prasch (Joann. Nepom.) * De corporis humani post mortem mutationibus. 16 pp. 8°. Mona- chii, G. Jaquet, 1K56. Prasky (Nicolaus Aloysius). * Synopsis nosolo- gic^ epischesium et apoplanesium juxta Sweeli- anri 'larpacgv disposita. 77 pp., 11. 8°. Pragw, typ. Archiepiscopalibus, 1831. Praslin case. Biechy (M.-E.) De l'empoisonnement du due de Praslin. Examen du traitement anti-toxique. La tloctrine francaise et la doctrine italienne. 4°. Schlestadt, 1847. Affaire Praslin. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1847, xv, ]f>7-164.—Asttassinat de Mine, la duchesse de Praslin; de> la maniere dont le crime a du s'accomplir, et des causes dc la mort de la victime ; question medico-ltigale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 447.—Diwcnwwioii medico-legale relative k l'empoisonnement du due de Praslin. Arch. g6n.demed.,Par., 1847, iii, 126-138.—Kmpoisonncment de M. le due de Praslin; autopsie': details autbentiqnes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 431; 439.—Oriila efc Tardieu (A.) Relation m6dicei-legale de l'assassinat de Mme. la duchesse de Praslin et dn suicide de l'accuse. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1847, xxxviii, 367-412. Praslow (J.) Der Staat Californien in medici- nisch-geographischer Hinsicht. 66 pp. 8°. Gbt- tingen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1857. Prasse ([Carolus] Heuricus [Guilelmus]) [1823- ]. *De tetauo traumatico. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1847]. Prasse (Fedor [Ernst Wilhelm]) [1860- ]. * Casuistischer Beitrag zum Harnrohrenschuitt. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Niethe, [1882]. Prassler (Christophorus). * De ophthalmia a'gvptica. 17 pp. 8°. Tubingw, ex off. G. Bdhr, 1*35. Prast (Carl) [1855- ]. * Das Zittern bei Pa- ralysis agitans und multipler Hirn- und Riicken- markssklerose in diagnostischer Hinsicht. 32 pp. 8C. Berlin, G. Lange, 1880. Prat (Charles). * Contribution a l'etude des her- nies musculaires. Considerations sur la hernie du jambier anterieur. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 126. Prat (J) * Snr la polypharmacie, ou Pinutilite' de plusieurs m6dicamens dans les maladies. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 10, v. 95. Prat (J.-M.) * Consid6rations sur les tumeurs graisseuses en general et les lip6mes en particu- lier. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1858, No. 427. Prat (Jean). * Du panaris. 102 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 108, v. 24. Prat (Jean-Marie). * I. Des hemorrhagies du sys- teme cutau6 et eiu tissu cellulaire. II. [etc.]. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 394, v. 348. Prat (P.-L.) * Propositions sur l'usage m6dicinal du fer. 25 pp. 8°. Paris, an XII( 1804), v. 40. Prat (eStephanus). * Essai sur la se'nmiologie dos fractures de la base du crane, particnlierement ties ecoulements sanguins et sdreux par les voies na- turelles. 53 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 35. Pratbernon (C.-F.-N.) * Ksquisse d'un" m6- thenle nosologique. 23 pp., 1 tab. 1'. nis 1814, No. 14H, v. 105. [Also, in: P., v. 164 ] ' Pratensis (Gaspar). De febre, quam lenti lias, vel puuticula, vocant tractatus. 2 p. 1., >(i 1. sm. 4°. Patavii, apud L. Pasquatum, l.V.H. Pratensis [a Pratis] (Jason) [i486- 7)9]. Libri tluo tie uteris. 64 1. 4°. Anlverpi . M. Hillenius, 1524. -----. The same. De uteris libri duo, in quibus opulentissimam simul ac lautissimain natura limn rerum et historiarum supellectilem invenies. 7 p. 1., 297 pp. 24°. Amshlwdaini, J. Blur, 167)7. -----. De arceuda sterilitate, et progignentlis liberis, liber unus. 5 p. 1., 216 pp. l(iu. Am- stelwdaml, J. Blcev, 1657. Another copy, with which is bound his: De pariente it partu liber. 16°. Amstelcedami, 1657. -----. De pariente et partu. 1 p. 1., 110 pp., 11. 16°. Amstelwdami, J. Blcev, l7. Another copy bound with his: De arcenda sterilitatc et progignendis liberis. Liber unus. 18'. Amstelcedami 1657. -----. De tuenda sanitate libri quatuor. 7 p. 1., 110 pp. sm. 4°. Antrerpin', ex off. M. Billenij, 1538. -----. De cerebri morbis : hoc est, omnibus ferine (quoniam a cerebro male atl'ecto omnes fere qui corpus humanum infestant, morbi oriuntur) cu- randis liber, non tarn medicis quam stutliosis omnibus (quibus magna in primiscerebri habentla ratio est) apprime utilis: .secundum veteriun Grajcorum, Latinorum. et Arabum, nee non recen- teium praecepta, magno jutlicio etarteconscriptus, et nuuc primum in lucem eelitus. Cujus capita post pradiniinarem epistolam reeensentur. 14 p. 1., 340 pp., 1 1. 16°. Basilece, per B. Petri, [1549]. See, also, Rosegaert (Den) van den bevrucliten vrouwen. 16°. Campen, [circa 1540). -----. The same. 16°. Leijden, [circa 15551. Prater (Htiratio). Experimental inquiries in chemical physiology. Part I. On tlie blood. With au appenelix, cemtainiug remarks on the nature and treatment of the cholera asphyxia. xv, 304 pp. 8°. London, S. Bighley, 1832. -----. On the injurious effects of mineral poisons in the practice of metlicine, comprising an epitome anel commentary on the system of Luigi Cornaro for attaining olei age, and on the new system of mi'dicine of F. V. Raspail, [etc.]. xii, 96 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood 4' Co., 1846. Prates (Fiileneio-Nepomuceno). * De l'ntilit6 de la botanique eu in6deciue. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 100, v. 408. Prati Attilio & Tempesti. Etude ele zoologie medicale sur la linguatule, a l'occasion ele deux cas de mort causee par la p6n6tration d'un poisson vivant elans les voies aeriennes. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fils, 1886. Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied.de Montpel., 1880, ii. Pratiche per 1' espurgo elei luoghi e degli oggetti che hanno servito a colerosi. 8 pp. 8'\ Firenze, A. De-Clementh, 1865. Praticien (Le). Journal hebdomadaire tie medecine. R6dacteur in chef: Docteur E. Bar- rere. Paraissant le lundi. (Annies 1-12), v. 1- 11, Dec. 16. 1878, to 1889. 8-. Paris. Current. Want nos. 2-3, annee 1, Dec. 23, 30, 1878. Annees 1-2, Dec. 16, 1878, to Dec. 2i), 1879. formed v. 1. v. 2 commenced Jan. 3, 1880. In 18x_' X. Gorecki added as editor. Pratilli (G.) Sulla natura funzionale del centre) respiratorio; ricerche sperimentali. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bologna, tipi Fava 4' Caragnani, 1874. [P-, v. 797.] Repr. from: Gior. la Rivista clin., 1874. Pratique (La) medicale. Journal hebdomadaire de m6decine et de chirurgie pratiques, publie PRATIQUE. 565 PRAY A Z. Pratique (La) medicale—continued. sous la directiou ties docteurs J. Baratoux, F. Jouin et A. Malecot. v. 1-3, Feb. 15, 1887, to 1H^9. 8°. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete in 46 nos., Feb. to Dec, 1887; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1888. a Pratis (Jason). See Pratensis (Jason). Prat-IUarca (Leon). * De la polydactylie. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 62. Prato (Auselmo). Osservazioni sull' uso del salasso. 3 p. 1., 263 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Pirotta, 1812. -----. Memoria coronata dall' Accadernia Napo- leone il 18 maggio 1813 e pubblicata con un elis- corso preliminareda Giacomo Franceschi. [Indi- care quali cangiamenti abbiano introdotti nella medicina i sistemi di Brown, e elel controstimo- lo: quali sieno i tlanui e i vantaggi tlei metlesi- mi; e sotto quali rapporti possano essere insieme couciliabili nell' esercizio della pratica. ] 154 pp. 8°. Lucca, F. Bertini, [1813]. PratolongO (Pietro). La dosimetria e 1' ecletti- cismo in medicina. 19 pp. 8°. Livorno, P. Vannini 4' figlio, 1884. Prats Gran (Feelerico). Manual de falsifica- cioues bajo el punto de vista farmaceutico. xvi, 397 pp., 1 1. 8C. Barcelona, F. Marti y Canto, 1874. -----. Los medicamentos gal6nicos. Estudio comparativo sobre los mismos bajo el punto ele vista ele la'uniformidad ele composicion ele cada uno de ellos. 88 pp. 8°. Barcelona, L. Tasso, 1881. Also, Editorof: Laboratorio (El), Barcelona, 1880-81. Pratt (Carolus Edvartlus). *De ophthalmia purulenta. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1815. Pratt (E. H.) Introductory lecture to the six- teenth session of Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, Culver, Page, Hoyne 4~ Co., 1875. -----. Orificial surgery and its application to the treatment of chronic diseases. 139 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 12°. Chicago, W. T. Eeener, 1887. Pratt (Ellis). Chirurgus methodicus, or the young chirurgion's conductor through the laby- rinth ofthe meist difficult cures occurring in his whole art; and whereby he is distinguished from empiricks antl quack-salvers. Being a supple- ment to Brugis's Vade mecum. 3 p. 1., 78 pp. 12°. London, T. Sawbridge, 1689. Bound with: Brugis (Thomas). Vade mecum [etc.l. 12°. London, 1689. L Pratt (Eugene B.) [ -1884]. E. (W. II.) Obituary. Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii, 336. Pratt (Foster). A study of the 10th census. The increase of insanity in the United States, its causes and sources. 18 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kalamazoo, Mwh., B. B. Everard if Co., 1883. Pratt (Henry) [181»0-77]. Paddock (F." K.) The case of the late Henry Pratt. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xcvii, 639-642. Pratt (L.). Editor of: American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, 1809. ' Pratt (R. H). Co-Editor of: Red Man (The), Carlisle, 1888. Pratt (S. Clesson). 1 Jydrokonion, or catarrh and its complications; comprising the causes, symp- toms, and treatment by medical hydrokonia; with notes on diseases and treatment of the eye and ear; the cause antl cure of stammering; the Atinistenan treatment of deafness; new theory ot the electrical relations of mind and body, in health and disease, etc. 127 pp., port. 8°. Bos- ton, the author, 1865. Pratt (William). A physician's sermon to young men. 32 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tin'dull $ Cox, [1872]. J ——■ The same. 48 pp. 8°. New York, M. L. Bolbrookf Co., [n. d.]. Prattville. . *,"itn Report on diseases of Prattville and vicinity. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Mobile, 1870, 241-252. Pratus (Joseph Maria). * I. Ex auatome. De musculi structura in genere. II. [etc.]. 11pp. sm. 4°. Augustw Taurinorum, J. D. Verani, [17481 [P., v. 979.] 'L J -----. *I. Ex botanica. De succis concretis. Acacia, manna, et opium. II. [etc.]. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Augustw Taurinorum, J. D. Verani, 1748. [P., v. 979.] Pratx (Theophile). *De I'ulcere simple de la jambe et de son traitement. 73 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1878, No. 24. PratZ (Eduard). * Ueber einige im Grundwasser lebende Thiere. Beitrag zur Kenntniss eler unter- irelischen Crustaceen. 64 pp., 4 pl. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1866. Praud (J.) *Sur l'hydrophobie. 57 pp. 8°. Paris, 1802, v. 15. -----. The same. 57 pp. 8°. Paris, Brasseur aine, 1802. [P., v. 1635.] P ran ll (Jacobus). *De cougrua purgantium quorundam ad morbos applicatione. 32 pp. 4°. Argentorati, S. Kursner, [1737]. de Praunsperger (Alexius). *De empye- mate. 2 p. 1., 4o pp. 8°. Vindobonw, J. 'E. Akkermann, [1819]. Prauserns (M. Theophilus). Disp. phys. de intluratioue corporum, in specie vero ossium. Respondente: Samuele Hartmann. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. I. Titii, 1705. Prausnitz (Meyer Simon). . * Cholera indica titfectorum historise quinque notatu digme. 29 pp., 1 1. 12°. Berolini, Nietackianis, [1832]. [P., v. 164.] Prausnitz (Otto) [1840- ]. 'Degangrama nosocomials 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, 1867. Pravaz (Charles-Gabriel) [1791-1853]. * Re- cherches pour servir a I'histoire de la phthisie larynge"e. 65 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 56, v. 184. -----. Methode nouvelle pour le traitement eles d6viations de la colonne vert6brale; prec&lee d'un examen critique des divers moyens em- ployes par les orthop6"distes modernes. 1 p. 1., 217 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, Gabon 4- Cie., 1827. -----. [Note snr de nouveaux moyens de r^tablir la regularite" dn thorax: dans les cas de d6viation lat6rale du rachis.] 3-16 pp., 1 pl. 4°. [Paris, 1KS4 I] Repr. from: M6m. Acad, de med., Par., 1833-4, iv, 201- 214, 1 pl. Title-page missing. —-—. M6moire sur l'application de la gymnas- tique an traitement des atfections lymphatiques et nerveuses, et au redressement ties difforrnites. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1837. [P., v. 132.] -----. Memoire sur l'emploi du bain d'air com- print associ6 a la gymnastique tlans le traite- ment du rachitisme, ties atfections strumeuses et des surdites catarrhales. 67 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Locquin <(■ Cie., 1840. Repr. from: Exp6rience, Par., 1840, v. Memoire sur la r^alite" de l'art orthop4 diepie et ses relations necessaires avec l'organo- plastie. 76 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Lyon, Marie, 1845. Repr. from: J. de meed, de Lyon, 1844, vii. Traite" theorique et pratique des luxations conge"nitales du femur, suivi d'un appendice sur la prophylaxie des luxations spontanees. viii, 264, 23 pp., 2 1., 6 pl. 4°. Lyon, G. Dorier, 1847. PRAVAZ. 566 PIIECIITLKIN. Pravaz (Charles-Gabriel)—continued. -----. Essai sur l'emploi m6dical de l'air cotn- prim6. xi, 377 pp. 8°. Lyon, C. Savy, 1850. -----. Notice on the Orthopaedic and Pneumatic Institution of Lyons. 8 pp. 8°. [Lyons, Pitral, n. d.] -----. Notice sur l'Institut orthop6dique de Lyon. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lyon, C. Jaillet, [n. d.]. See, also, Institut orthopeklique de Paris, pour le traite- ment des difformites de la tailleet des membres, [etc.]. 4°. [Paris, n. d.] For Biography, see ITIunaret. ^loge histoiique de Charles-Gabriel Pravaz, lu a l'Association des medecins du Rhone dans la stance generale annuelle du 18 mai 1854. 8°. Lyon, 1854. See, also, Ann. Sue. de m6d. de Lyon, 1854, 2. s., ii, 251-271 (Rouvier). Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 357-359 (R. Marjolin). Also: Gaz. mesd. de Lynn, 1854, vi, 217-230 (Rongier). Also, Reprint. Also: Mem. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1857, iv, 715-722 (Marjolin). Pravaz ( Jean -Charles -Theodore ). *Sur le traitement eles anevrystues par les injections ele perchlorure ele fer (m6thode Pravaz). 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 82, v. 609. -----. Essai sur les deviations laterales de la colon ne vert6brale. 96 pp. 4°. Amsterdam, C. G. Van Der Post, 1862. Repr. from: M6m. Soc. nied.-chir. d'Amst., 1862, ii. -----. De l'emploi et du motle d'action ele l'air comprint elans le traitement des elifforiniteSs tlu thorax. 30 pp. 8°. Lyon, J.-P. Meg ret, 1863. [l\, v. 1672.] -----. De la curabilite" des luxations cong6nitales tlu femur. 23 pp., 3 pl. 1. 8°. Lyon, A. Ving- trinier, 1864. -----. Des indications du redressement brusque et ties tractions lentes dans le traitement de l'ankylose de lahanche. 14 pp. 8°. Lyon, imp. d'A. Vingtrinier, 1865. Pravaz (Joseph). De la pe"rityphlite et de son traitement. 150 pp. 8°. Lyon, J. Gallet, 1888. Pravia. tie Alnrcon (J.) Provincia de Oviedo. Subdelegacion de medicina del partido de Pravia. Concejo de grade). Estado demonstrative del niimero de los enfennos asistidos eu el concejo en los seis pi imeros meses tie este ano ele 1859, etc. Espana med., Madrid, 1859, iv, 550: 1860, v, 132. PrawitZ (Eugen) [1847- ]. * Zur Resection ties Hiiftgelenks wegeu Caries. 30 pp. «u. Ber- lin, G. Schade (O. Francke), [1879]. Praxagoras. KtJHN (C. G.) [ Pr. ] de Praxagora Coo. I-III. 4°. [Lipsiw, 1820.] Also, in his: Opus acad. med. et philol. 8°. Lipsice, 1828, ii, 128-149. Praxeos Mayemianas. See de Mayerne (- mineo a graviditate oriundis mutationibns, et hinc, non aliunde derivandis symptomatibus nonnullis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1777]. Kuhn (J. G. F.) *De causis uterum impneg- natum disteneientibus. 4°. Wittenbergw, 1768. Laehk (B. H.) *De mutationibns genitalium muliebrium hrevi post conceptiouem, atldita dis- qnisitione anatomica virginis statim post coition defunctie instituta. 8°. Balis, [1843]. Lagarde(J.B. ) *De la grossesse, consider sous ses rapports anatomiques et physiologiques. 4°. Paris, 1820. Lampe (H. N.) * Ueber den Positionswechsel des Kindes wahrend der Schwangerschaft. 8°. Balle, 1867. Lazzati (P.) Di alcuni cambiamenti che av- vengouo nell' atteggiamento del feto nell' utero durante la gravielanza ed il parto. 8°. Milano, 1867. Lkchien (J.-.T.-M.) * De la grossesse dans sea rapports physiologiques et pathologiques. 4°. Paris, 1847. Leroy (A.) Essai sur I'histoire naturelle de la grossesse et tie l'accouchement. 8°. Geneve 4- Paris, 1787. Lussaud (J.-E.) * Considerations generales medico-hygieniques et physiologiques sur la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1806. Morgan (W.) The signs and concomitant de- rangements of pregnancy; their pathology and treatment; to which is aeldeel a chapter on de- livery, the selection of a nurse, anel the manage- ment of the lying-in chamber. 1. eel. 18°. London, 1877. Moulinex (L.) *Del'inflneuce dela grossesse sur l'innervation. 4°. Paris, 1860. Otterburg [Otterbourg] (S. J.) Physio- logisch-pathologischer Versuch iiber die allge- meinen Einwirkungen der Schwangerschaft auf elen Organismus. 8°. Miinchen, 1835. Pajot. Memorial obstetrical. 8°. Paris,1887. Text to, and with: Witkowski (G.-J.) Anatomie icono- clastique. La grossesse a tenne. fol. Paris, [1887]. -----. The progress of gestation; a synopsis of practical obstetrics. Transl. by R. Milne Murray. 8°. London, [1887]. Piette (J.-G.) * Dissertation sur les eh an ge- ments qui arrivent aux femmes pendant et apres la gestation. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. PREGNANCY. 569 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy. PiNiEUs (S.) De integritatis et corruptions virginium notis: graviditate item et partu natu- rali mulierum, opuscula. 16°. Lugd. Bat, 1650. Plet (L.) * Contribution a l'etude tie l'influ- ence de la grossesse sur les corps thyroides. 4°. Paris, 1881. Pourcher ( A. - A. ) * Considerations sur la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1847. Rapatel (F.-P.) * De la femme, dans l'etat de grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1827. Raygeris (C.) *De fluidorum catholicorum feetusmotu. 4°. Altdorffi, 1695. Regnauld (J.) *Des modifications de quel- ques fluides de l'econoruie pendant la gestation. 4°. Paris, 1847. Reinhard (L. ) * Ueber den Einfluss ties Puerperiums auf Thoraxform und Luugencapa- citiit. 8°. Marburg, 1867). Richter (A. J.) De graviditate, ejus vi morbo- rum et profligandoruui v-t provocaniloruin, nee non ele eornm asstimatioue et cura, commentatio. 8°. Confluentibus, 1834. Ries ( E.) *Klinisch-experimentelle Unter- suchuugeri iiber Schwangerschaftsniere. 8°. Strassburg, 1888. Ristelhueber ( M.-A.-J. ) *De la gestation consieieree par rapport a la femme. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1810. Rohring ( C. ) * Der Einfluss der Schwan- gerschaft auf den Gesammt-Orgauismus des menschlichen Weibes. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Bam- berg, 1869. Roelants (J. M. A.) *De natura humana, gravidarum saluti prospiciente. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1827). Rymarkiewicz (K. A. ) *De mutatiouibus organismi muliebris, quas praster orgaiia sexua- lia graviditate efficiuutur. 8°. Berolini, [1850]. von 8aexinger ( J.) Gefrierdurchschnitt ei- ner Kreiseuden. imp. fol. Tubingen, 1888. Schultze (B. S.) Untersuchungen iiber elen Weclisel eler Lage und Stellung ties Kindes in den letzten Wochen der Schwangerschaft. (Zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Doctorjubilaums des Dr. C. A. S. Schultze.) fol. Leipzig, 1868. Shnguerdius (A.) Discursus de ostento do- lano. 18°. Amstelcedami, 1662. Wagner (G.) Commentatio de feminarum in graviditate mutationibus, necuou tie causis, qui- bus fiat, ut integra earnm valetutlo cum hisce mutationibus consistat. 8°. Brunsrigw, 1816. Winter ( G. ) Zwei Medianschnitte durch Gebarende. Eine anatomische Studie. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Witkowski (G.-J.) Anatomie iconoclastique; atlas compiementaire de tous les ouvrages trai- tant de l'anatoinie et tie la physiologie humaines, compose de plauches tiecoupees, coloriees et superposees. La grossesse a terme. 1 superposed pl. fol. Paris, [1887]. For text, see Pajot. Bandl. Ueber das Verhalten des Uterus nnd Cervix in der Schwangerschaft nnd wahrend der Geburt. Arch. f. Gynaek., Bert., 1877, xii, 334-349.—Bar (P.) Recherches snr le rhythme de la respiration pendant la grossesse et racconchement. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1880, xiv, 419-445.— Barbour (A. H. F.) Note on Saexinger's anel Winter's sections. Eelinb. M.J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 1091-1095.—Barnes (R.) On the risk to life of first and subsequent pregnan- cies. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1859), 1860, i, 311-314. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 618. -----. Remarks on some physiologico-pathologicat phenomena of the circula- tion in pregnant women. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 603- 606. -----. Om Svangei'skabet betragtet som et patologisk Experiment. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1877, 2. li., iv, 81; 115. -----. An address ou the analogies of menstruation and pn-eiiiiuicv and labour, in some of their phvsiological and pathological relations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 455- 4a7. — B«-i-ge»eio ( L.) Influenza della gravidan/.a sull' organo elel i-i-spim in condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche, studiata speriiuentalmeute e clinicamente. Ann.diostet., I Pregnancy. Milano, 1879, i, 20*9; 257; 354; 430; 482, 1 tab.—Biriibaum (F. H. G.) Die Veranderungen des Scheidentbeiles iu den letzten Monateu der Schwangerschaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iii, 414-455.—Blanc y Benet. Dela grave- dad como agente etiologico, higienico y terap6utico eu la nui.jer. Gac. iu6d. catal., Barcel., 1882, ii, 709-724.—Bit. t'ltt'i'. Zur Lehre von eler Schwangerschaft. Rhein. Mo- niitsrh. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kbln, 1848, ii, 129; 209; 273.— C'iilz.ii (L.) Ueber den Meohauisiuus der Schwanger- schaft. [From: Atti dell' Accad. di Padova, v. 1-2, vom 11. Weigi'l.J Arch. f.d. Physiol., Halle, 1807, vii, 341-401, 7pl — ColiusK'iii. Ueber Pradilectionszeiten der Schwanger- schaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1879, xv, 220-236. -----. Ueber Pradilectionszeiten der Schwangerschaft und Sterili- tat. Ibid., 1881, xviii, 41-43.—CoidcN (A.-E.) Evolutions intra-uteriues. Gaz. de gynec., Par., 1885-6, i, 149-151.— Cuzzi (A.) La durata dell' emorragia menstrua in rap- porto collo sviluppo del feto a termine e colla gravidan/.a multipla. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1882, 3. s., ii, 257, 2 tab.; 343. -----. Contributo alio studio della tromba tli Fallop- pio durante la gravidanza. Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix, 333-338. — Dalton (J. C), jr. On the corpus luteuin of menstruation antl pregnancy. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Pliila., 1851, iv, 549-644, 4 pl. Also, Reprint. — Dcpaul. Sur l'influence do l'age tie la fennne sur la grossesse. J. d. sages-fennnes, Par., 1873-5, i, 98.—Desberger (A.) Ueber den tief'ern Stand des Uterus im zehuteu Monathe der Schwangerschaft. Med.-chir. Ztg., Iunsb., 1830, iv, 381- 383.—Desormcaux [et al.]. Grossesse. Diet, de 11161I., 2. ed., Par., 1836, xiv, 325-398.—Dolirn. Ueber die Form der Thoraxbasis bei Schwangeren und Wochneriuueu. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versaraml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1864, Giessen, 1865, xxxix, 235-237.— Dolcris (A.) Sur l'influence de l'hyperthermie sur les f'emelles en gestation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 508-513. — Duncan (M.) On the statics of pregnancy. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1855, lxxxii, 45-62,2 pl. Also, Reprint.—Dumas. Des considerations sur les rapports entre la physiologie des femmes enceintes et leur pathologie. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1855, 3. s., x, 3; 54. — Edlefsen ((J.) Ueber den Einfluss der Schwangerschaft auf das Wachsthum und des Wachsthums auf Zahl und Gewicht der Jungen, nach Beobachtungen am Meerschweiuchen. Arb. a. d. Kieler physiol. Inst. (1868), 1869, 131-153. — Fasbender (H. ) Beobachtungen iiber Situs- und Positionswechsel der Kinder in den letzten Monaten tier Schwangerschaft. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. n.*Gynak., Berl., 1870-72, i, 41-128. Also, Reprint—Fielde (A. M.) Facts and superstitions concerning pregnancy and parturition, at Swatow, China. Med. Mews, Phila., 1889, lv, 204. — Fliigel. Einfluss der Schwangerschaft auf die Empfanglichkeit fiir eiftige Gase. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1865, xii, 37. — Franken. hauser. Ueber einige Verhaltnisse. die Einfluss auf die starkere oder sehwachere Entwickelung der Frucht wah- rend eler Schwangerschaft haben. "Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1858-9), 1860, xii, 10-19.—Fiirsl ((J.) Morphium bei Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Saugenden. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 191; 220.—Goth (M.) A testsiilv ingadozasairol aterhesseg alatt es a gyerniekagv- ban. [Varying weightof body during pregnancy. | Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1881, xxv, 209; 235; 255; 303; 349.—Hag- gard (W. D.) Some reflections on the peculiar physio- logical condition of the pregnant and puerperal woman. Alabama M. efc S. J., Birmingham, 1887, ii, 1-7.—van Halen. Essai sur l'influence de la grossesse et de l'etat puerperal sur l'organisme ele la femme. Ann. Soc. de m6d. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Malines, 1850, viii, 5-26.— Hannover (A.) Undersogelse om den Alder, i hvilken .eEgteskab happigst indgaaes i forskjellige Lande. [Re searches as to the age at which pregnancy occurs tuost frequently in different countries.] Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjobenh.; 1851, 3. R., ix, 424-431.—Helbich (A.) O zapa- trzenia sie. niewiast brzemiennych. [Considerations ou the pregnancy of women.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1843, x, 159-194.—Helfft. Die statischeu Phanomene in der Schwangerschaft; nach englischen Quellen. Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1855, v, 265-272.— Hicks (J. B.) Why does the uterus contract during preg- nancy ? Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 765.—Johnston (G. W.) Certain facts regarding fertility, utero-gestatiou, parturi- tion, and the puerperium in the so called "lower "or "la- boring" classes. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1888, xxi, 449-465.— Joubert(L) Della gravidezza. In his: La prima parte de gli errori pop., etc., 4°, Fiorenza, 1592, 88-131.—Kel- ler. Demonstration zweier Gefrierschnitle Schwangerer bezw. Gebarender., Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1889, xvi, 200-202.—Kempf (E. J.) Fifty aphorisms in pregnancy. Am. Pract. efc News, Louisville, 1888, n. s., v, 97-100. Also, Reprint.—Krause (E.) efc Fclsenreich. Ueber Spannungsverhaltnisse der Bauchhaut bei Gravi tlitiit Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1879, xv, 179-186, 1 pl- Kiichenmeister. Eine Controverse iiber den Lehrsatz: In der Schwangerschaft vergrossert sich elie Unterleibs- liohle auf Kosten der Brusthohle. Nach Experitneiiten mit Hutchinson's Spirometer, vor und nach der Eutbm- dung augestellt, Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1849, ii 114-119.—Labs (H.) Fruchtaxendruck oder allgemei- PREGNANCY. 570 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy. ner liihaltsilrucl*? Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iii, 195- 200. -----. Zur Kenntniss der Wirkungen der Lage- anderuugen tier Frucht inuerhalb ties Fruchtwassers. Sehrift. d. Gesellsch. z. Keford. tl. ges. Naturw. zu Marb., Cassel, 1872-4, x, 433-447.—I.egrand du Nun lie. De I'iiiH ueucc eh' la grossesse sur les facultcs inti-llcctucllcs et morales de la femme. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, ile Par., 1865, 38-44.— leitziiiami. Schwangerschaft unil Physio- logie des weiblichen Organismus iiberbaupt. Handwiir- terb. d. Physiol., Brnschwg.. 1846-50, iii, 1. Abth., 12-141.— ■iOebel (A.) Der Kurgebrauch mit Miueralwassern wahrend der Graviditat. Frauenarzt. Berl., 1888, iii, 292; 351 : 393. Also, Reprint.—fjonibardini (L.) Sull'utero di cavalla nei primi mesi della gravitlanza; osservazioiie anatomiche. Gior. di anat., fisiol e patol. d. animali. Pisa, 1885, xvii, 181, 2 pl.; 301.—iTIarc. Grossesse. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1817, xix, 370-546.— Tlartinelli. Consi- derations ana1onio-])hysinlogie|ues et piatiqucs sur la gros- sesse et sur l'aiiiMie lii'iuent. Union nied., Par., 1867, 3. s., i, 279-281. Also [Rap. de Devilliers] : Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 835-841.—Mattel. De l'innueuce que peut exercer la grossesse sur les facultes intellectuelles tie la femme et en particulier sur la responsibilite ties actes de cclles-ci. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1865, 24-31. -----. IV la souffrance de l'uterus pendant la grossesse chez la femme. Cong. ni6d. internat. de Par. (1867), 1868, 588-595.— VI urn I. Gestation. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1817, xviii, 324-329.— Neumann. Der Einfluss der Schwangerschaft und des Wochetibetts auf das Gemiith der Frauen. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1831, xi, 234; 437.—Ogle (T.) The case of a young woman who poisoned herself in the first month of bier pregnancy ; to which is ailih d an account of the appearances after death, by the late John Hunter. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. efc Chir. Knowl. 1795- 9, Lund., 1800, ii, 63-69. Also, in: Hunter (J.) Obs. on certain parts of the animal oecouomy, [etc.], 8°, Loud., 1837. 55-59.—Pajot. De la grossesse, des en-curs aux- quelles elie expose. Medecin Par.. 1884, x, no. 29, 5; no. 30, 5. Also : Impartiality med. et pharm.. Par., 1884, iv, 358.— Paten ho (F.) Zur Lehre von der physiologischen Thrombose der Uteiusgefasse wahrend der Schwanger- schaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1879, xiv, 422-429, 1 pl.— Pinard (A.) Grossesse. Diet, encycl. d. so. m6d., Par., 18>6, 4. 8., xi, 14-194.—Pol h (W. M.) The relation ofthe pelvic viscera at the full term of pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 523. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 126.—Beil. Ueber das polarische Auseiuander- weichen tier urspiiiiiglichen Naturkrafte in derGebarraut- ter zur Zeit der Schwangerschaft, und deren Umtauschuug zur Zeit der Geburt, als Beytrag zur Physiologie tier Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1807, vii, 402-501.— Biecke. Sections-Befund bei einer, kurze Zeit vor dem Tode Gesehwangerten. Med. Ztg., Berl.. 1839, viii, 109.— von Bitgen. Ueber die normalen Fruchtnestgebilile. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1848, xxiv, 355-385.— Bunge (M.) Uiitersuc hung iiber den Ein- fluss der gesteigerten miitterlichen Teniperatur in tier Schwangerschaft auf tlas Leben der Frucht. Arch. f. Gy- naek ., Berl., 1877, xii, 16-38.—gacchi (P.) Gravitlanza regolare. Bull. d. Comit. med. cri-iuoneso, Cremona, 1883, iii, 181-195.—Sehalz (F.) Ueber typische Schwanger- scbaftswehen. Verhauill. el. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1886, i, 311-318. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek.,'Berl., 1886-7. xxix, 65-71. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 928.— Sclilee (Marie). Ueber die Dehnung der Bauchwand wahrend der Schwangerschaft. [Bern.] Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1886, xiii, 1-14. Also, Reprint.— dc Sinety (L.) Del'ovaire pendant la grossesse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxv, 345-347. —Smith (T. C.) Oe elusion of the os uteri during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii. 472-480.—Stapler (II.) Do la grossesse. Union med., Par.. 1882. 3. s., xxxiv, 1014: 1883, 3. s., xxxv. 3; 78; 161.—Ntai'k (J. C.) Merkwiirdiger Fall einer im acliten Monat verstorbenen Schwaiigern, nebst Bescbreibnng ihrer Leiehe und des in der Gebiirmut- ter gel'uiulenen Kindes. N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena, 1804. iii, 1. St., 1-42— Stockton-Hough (J.) An inquiry concerning the relative influence of the sex of the fetus in uttro, on the mental, physical, physiological, path- ological, and developmental condition of the mother dur- ing testation, lactation, and subsequently. Am. J. Obst., N V.. 1884. xvii. 113: 248; 502; 606. Also, Reprint.— Mlollz. GreisMsse X. elict. denied, et chir. prat., Par., 1873. xviii, 1-132.—'Feutlei (R.) Ueber Wranderungen der Sen.sibilitat tier Bauchhaut wahrend der Schwanger- schaft, Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen. 1882. xviii, 247-252. Also, Keprint.—Thevenot (A.) Du role des muscles utero-pelviens pendant la grossesse et pendant le travail. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1882. 2. s., xix, 70-75. Also: Arch, ele- tocol., Par., 1882, ix, 151-160. Also: Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 809-873.—Valera y Giuieuez (T.) Algo sobre tl enibai;izei y el parto. Siglo med., Ma- drid, 1877. xxiv, 485-487.—%'ejas (P.) Mitlhe iluugen iiber den Puis untl elievitali' Luugeiicapaeitat bei Schwangeren, Kreissenden und AVochnerinnen. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz.. 1880, No. 269 (Gyniik., Xo. 75), 1941-1954.—'Will- shire (A.) On the influence of childbcaring on the mus- P rei; nancy. cular development on women. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1869-711. 1872, ii, 237-245.—Zinimermauu ((J.) Ueher die VcraiiiliTnng der organisch-cbeinischeu Vorgiinge im weiblichen Korper zur Zeit des Eut.woliueus. Wchnschr f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1846, 213; 238. Pregnancy (Abnormities of). See, also, Chloasma; Conception (Abnormi- ties, etc, of); Hydrorrhcea; Hymen (Imperfo- rate); Labor (Complicated, etc.) from imperforate hymen; Ovariotomy (Double); Pregnancy (Ab- dominal); Pregnancy (Cervical); Pregnancy (Duration, dc, of); Pregnancy (Ex Ira-uterine); Pregnancy (Interstitial, etc); Pregnancy (Men- sir nation during); Pregnancy (Molar); Preg- nancy (Ovarian); Pregnancy (Protracted); Preg- nancy (Tubal); Pregnancy ( Vaginal); Superfce- tation; Uterus (Pregnant, Displacements, etc., of). Dietz (C.) * Zur Casuistik eler Nebenbevrn- scliwangerschaft. 8°. Giessen, 1888. Galle (G.) * Ueber Nebenbornsclnvanger- scbaft. 8°. Breslau, [1887)]. Juda (M.) * Over de abnorinale voortbewe- ging van bet menschen ei. 8°. Utrecht, 18(!7. Koexig (F. A.) * De aeiuis ex utero gravida- rum et parturientium profluentibus. 4J. Balw, [1709] Kolaczek (J.) * Ein Beitrag zur Scbwanger- scliaft in einem verkiinimerten Nebenborue tier Gebiirmutter. 8°. Breslau, [187:5]. Landa (G.) * Considerations sur un cas tl'ex- pulsion partielle de la catluque pendant la gros- sesse non d'avortemeut. 4°. Paris, 1883. Wyman (J.) On some unusual modes of gesta- tion. 8°. Boston, 1867. Repr. from: Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1867. Aasheim (A. N.) Rarum gravididatis phaenomenou observatum. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1792, iii, 23-32.— Bergeret. Pronostic d'avortemeut dans un cas tie per- foration de 1'eBiif au ejuatrieme niois de la gestation; la grossesse se prolouge ijuatre mois au dela. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1859, xxxii, 127.—ISi-oers (II. J.) Ii ta over sum- lninge' storing™ in het vi jfele tijelperk der baring. Nederl, Tijelse hr. v. Heel- en Veiiosk.', Utrecht, 1860-61, xi, 509- 533.— Broivn (J. 1ST.) Protrusion of the membranes from the- vulva weeks before confinement? Pacific M. .t S. J., San Iran., 1872 xv, 246.—Clinlard (F.),jr. Extrusion of fetal membranes at seventh month, with subsequent re- traction. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xix, 037-639. Also: Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, 331. Also: Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1886, ix, 192-194.—Chrestieu (A.-T.) Gros- sesse inc.onipl6tenie.nt caract6risee et accompagnee de bat- temeuts singuliers. Gaz. med.de Montpel., 1840-41, i, no. 17, 3. — Cleveland (W. F.) Deciduous membrane of pregnancy, probably from the uniinpregnateil half of a double uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1884), 1885. xxvi, 117.—Corcoran (W. J.) A peculiar case of pregnancy. Tr. Brooklyn Path. Soc. 1885-6, N. Y.. 1887, 180-182.— Crowell(J.) Some anomalies in pregnane y. Boslon M. & S. J., 1878, xcix, 456-460.—l>avics (H.) A copiousdis- charge of a watery fluid during pregnancy, not followed by premature labour. Med. Q. Rev., Leind., 1834, ii, 179- 181. — Oolei'is (J.-A.) Caduque i'xpuls6e ]iciielant la gros- sesse sans avoitement cons6culif. (,'omjit. reiid.Soc.de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 188.—Fen wielt (11. M.) Au unusual case of pregnancy. [ Extensive discharge of ropy gelatinous matter during labor.J Lancet. Lond., 1883, ii, 947.—Galle (G.) Ein Kail von Graviditat im linken Horn eines IT terns bic.ornis. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1885, ix, 598-000.—Geisse. Zwillings- und Moleuschwaiiger- schaft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 294.— tie Gorriquer Griffith (G.) A case of rupture of the amuial sac at about the sixth month of pregnancy: no un- toward interruption in the process of gestation: completion of the full time; delivery; birth of a living child Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liv, 289. Also: Med. Circ, Lonil., 1864, xxv, 375.—Grass! (E.) Deliarotturadell sacco amniotico durante la gravitlanza. Imparziale, Fireuze, 1878, xviii.707; 747: 1879, xix, 4 -Grctscher dc Wandelburg (A.) D'une. grossesse apr6s une longue absence, prcsumec des regies. In his: Mem. de med. et chir., #°. Par., 18M. 93.— llariley (R.) Case of abnormal gestation. . Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1860), 1861, ii, 307-313.—Hardy. Three re- markable cases of pregnancy with a blighted ovum. Dub- lin M. Press. 1864, li, 217.—Harris (A.) Membrane ex- pelled from uterus a few days before delivery at full term. Tr. Obst. Sen'. Lond. (1864),'1865, vii, 47-51, l'pl. — Ilniri- sou. Case of abnormal pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. T., PREGNANCY. 571 PEEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Abnormities of). 1878 xi, 810-812. Also: Tr. N. York Obst, Soc. (1876-8). 1879', i, 428-430.—Heugel (J. F. V.) Waaruemiug eeuer afvloeijiug van het vruchtwater in de eerste maanden der zwangerschap met aaneengroeijiug der deeleu van de vrucht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. 1843-5, Utrecht, 1849, i, 28-33.—Himmelfarb (G.) Ueber Nebenboru- schwangerscbaft. Munohen. metl. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, "8'i ■ 302 — Hoffmann. Schwangerschaft ohne Kiudes- bewegung. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1844, 189- 191 .Jilofmaiin (E.) Schwangerschaft in einem rudi- nientiiien Horn eines zweihbrnigen Uterus. Sitzunasb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. iu Wien, 1888, i, 45.—Hurt. Loss of liquor ainnii. St. Louis M. ^ S. J., 1881, xii, 499- 506.—JaMisch (R-) Eiu Fall von Schwangerschaft in eiuem rudinientaren Gebarmutterhorn ; Verblutungstod; Transmigratio seminis extrauterina. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1873, lviii, 18*-2<>2, 1 pl.—Kalteubach. Ueber einen Fall von Graviditat im rudimentareu Nebenhorn eines Uterus unicornis. Wien. med. Bl., 1883. vi, 1557- 1559. Also, transl: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 402- 404 —Kappelhoff (C. B. A.) Waarneming eener ver- lossing waar zich twee vochtblazen te gelijk voordeden. Neelerl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht, 1851, iv, 243-248 — Kaincr (M.) Ein Beitrag zu den vorkomnieiiilen Ab- uormitaten in der Schwangerschaft. Wieu. meel. Wchn- Bcbr., 1872, xxii, 1256.—de Koning (A.) Waarneming van eene onvermoede zwaugerheid en verlossiug. Pract. Tijdschr. v. ele Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1824, iii, 81-85.— Leiisehka (H.) Schwangerschaft iu elem rechten rueli- nieutaren Home eines Uterus unicornis mit einem Corpus lnteum verum im Eierstocke der entgegengesetzten Seite. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1863, xxii, 31_39.— Ii yds ton (G. F.) Pregnancy occurring shortly " after an instrumental delivery. West. M. Reporter, Chi- cago, 1883, v. 40— Hadurowicz (M.) Wyparcie niart- wego kawalka mecherza no odprowadzeniu odohvlon6,j macicy ciezaru6j. [ Expulsion of shreds from bladder during anteflexion ot pregnant uterus]. Przegl. lek., Kra- kow., 1877, xvi, 581; 593; 605.—Marie (L.) Grossesse et parturition iusolites. Union med.. Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 558.— Unity n (T. D.) Letter on case of prolapsed mem- branes. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 483. — ITIa- schka. Angebliche Vergiftung; Berstung eines ruili- nientiir eutwickelten linken graviden Uterushornes; Tod (lurch Verblutung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1882, vii, 477.— Massen (V. N.) Beremennost zacat. roga odnor. matki. IPremiancy in an accessory horn of a unicorn uterus.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1888, ii, 897-902.— Ifliiller (P.) Ein Fall von wiederholter totaler Umdre- huug des Kindes um seine Querachse im letzten Schwau- gerschaftsmonate. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1865, vi, 141- 150.—ITlunde (P. F.) Case of pregnancy in one horn of a double uterus, with successive miscarriages. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 168. — IVIutru. Douleurs accidentelles prises pour ties douleurs d'accouchemeut & cinq mois de grossesse; administration inopportune tie l'ergot ele soigle; rupture de la poche amniotique daus un point ne corre- spondant pas a l'orificeut6rin; 6coulement lent et continuel des eaux pendant trois mois; mort du foetus; continuation de la grossesse; accouchement par la version trois rnois apres ces accitlents; foetus dans un 6tat de putrefaction tres-avanc6e; mort de la femme, occasionn6e par une affec- tion cauc6reuse de l'ut6rus, cinq mois apr^s l'accouche- ment. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1844-5, v, 163.—Osiander (F. B. ) Schwangerschaft von fiinf und vierzig Wochen, mit periodischeu Wehen; und endliche Entbiuduug ohne Wehen durch die WendungdesKiudes. Ann. d. Entbind.- Lehranst. a. d. Univ. zuGotting., 1801-4, ii, 82-94.—[Par- rish (J.)] Rupture of a sac in utero at the sixth month of pregnancy. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1851, iv, 53-55. — Pease (G. M.) Post-climacteric pregnancy. Tr. Pacific Homoeop. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1874-6, i, 181. — Perfetti (G.) Di un caso di gravidanza uterina fuori dell' addome. Bull. d. sc. med. tli Bologna, 1843, 3. s., iii, 228-231.—Pierard (F.) Cas remarquable de grossesse placentaire. [From: Ann. de gynec., janv. 1843. ] Ann. de med. beige. Brux., 1842, iv, 257-259. — Playfair (W. S.) Detachment of uterine decidua without interruption to pregnancy. Obst. J. Gr. B.it., Lond., 1879-80, vii, 584.— Pope (H. 0.) Notes of a case of gestation in one horn of a uterus bicornis unicollis; with notes of the specimen by W. S. A. Griffith. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 70-72—Pregnancy of a placenta without a foetus. Lan- cet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 45. — de Kensis (F.) Storia di un raro esempio tli gravidanza in donna adulta di eta; bam- bina di sviluppo, con riflessione relative. Ateneo, Milano, 1846, i, 86; 137. — Reynolds. Absorption of the foetus. Med. Pvec, N. Y., 1866-7, i, 553. — Rice < A. B.) Rapid child bearing. Am. Homoeop., K. Y., 1881-2, vii, 206.— Bitgen. Beschreibung einer Vorrichtung zum genauen Zeichnep merkwiirdig gestalteter schwangerer Personen. Beob. u. Bemerk. a. tl. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Got- ting., 1825, ii, 27-37, 1 pl. — Rosen burger ( A.) Sechs Falle von Uterus unicornis, darunter einer mit Schwanger- schaft in einem verkiimmerten Nebenhorne; mit einer Vorbemerkung von Dr. A. Kussmaul. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1862, xix, 186-202.—Ross (H.) Pregnancy (Abnormities of). Grossesse triple dans un uterus double. Medecin, Par., 1879, v, no. 43, 2.—Sanger. Ueber Schwangerschaft im rudimentareu Nebenhorn bei Uterus duplex. Centralbl. f. Gynaek., Leipz., 1883, vii, 324. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1882), 1883, 13. — Scanzoui (F. W.) Ein Fall von Schwangerschaft in einem rudinientaren Uterus-Horn mit wahrscheinlicher Wanderung des Eies aus dem rechten Eierstocke in das linke Uterus-Horn. Beitr.z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., 1854, i, 1-14, 2 pl.— da -*iilva Lima ( J. F.) Caso de gravitlez com integri- daele da membrana hymen. Gaz. meel. de Bahia, 1879, 2. s., iv, 397-399.—Sn'oep (J. P.) Serie van abnormalo zwangerschappen bij elezelfde vrouw. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1875, 2. R., xi, 513-519. — Stebbina (G. S.) A case of pregnancy in a uterus bilocularis. Bos- ton M. efe S. J., 1887, cxvi, 444-446. — Werth. Retention einer ausgetragenen Frucht in dem unvollkommen eut- wickelten Borne eines Uterus bicornis. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1881, xvii, 281-297. — Wiener (M.) Schwanger- schaft im rechten ( rudimentareu ?) Home eines Uterus bicornis; Retention des reifen Fotus; Exstirpation des schwangeren Homes. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1885, xxvi, 234-257. Also [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1885, Bresl., 1886, lxiii, 8-11. — Wolff (.I.) Eine 49jahrige Frau stillt ein Kind 21 Jahre nach tier letzten Geburt. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn. 1842-3, ii, 289. — Woman (A) with child notwithstanding a coales- cence of the vagina uteri. Phil. Tr. 1700, *4. ea., Lond., 1731, iii, 216. Pregnancy (Abnormities of) in relation to age of mother. See Pregnancy (Early, etc.). Pregnancy (Accidents during). See Ensiform cartilage; Genitals (Female, Dis- charges from) ; Hernia in pregnancy. Pregnancy (Blood in). See Blood in pregnancy. Pregnancy (Bloodletting in). See Bloodletting in pregnancy. Pregnancy (Calendar of). See Pregnancy (Duration, etc., of). Pregnancy (Complications of). See, also, Abdomen (Abscess, etc, of), Albu- minuria, Amaurosis, in pregnancy, etc.; Am- nion (Dropsy of); Anaemia, Ascites, in preg- nancy; Bladder (Displacements of); Bronchi- tis, Chlorosis, Cholera (Asiatic), Chorea, in pregnancy; Color-blindness; Condyloma; Con- stipation in pregnancy ; Cornea ( Inflammation of); Death (Sudden, etc.), Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Dysentery, in pregnancy, etc; Ear (Diseases of, Causation of); Epilepsy in pregnancy, etc ; Eye ( Diseases of, Causation of); Fever (Malarial), Fever (Typhoid), Fever (Typhus), in pregnancy, etc.; Fever (Yellow, Complications, etc., of); Foe- tus (Death of); Genitals (Female, (Edema of); Genitals (Female, Parasites of); Genitals (Fe- male, Tumors of); Glanders inpregnancy; Glau- coma; Goitre, Haemoptysis, Haemorrhoids, Heart (Diseases of), in pregnancy, etc.; Hemera- ldpia, etc.; Hernia, Herpes, in pregnancy ; Hy- drorrhea; Hystero-epilepsy; Influenza (Com- plications, etc., of) ; Intestines (Obstruction of), Jaundice, in pregnancy, etc.; Joints (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of); Kidney (Diseases of) in pregnancy ; Labor (Accidents iu); Labor (Prema- ture, Induction of); Labor (Premature, Induction of, Cases, etc., of); Lead-poisoning, Liver (Dis- eases of), Lungs (Diseases of), Measles, Men- ingitis, Mouth (Inflammation of), inpregnancy, etc.; Obstetrics (Systems, etc., of); CEsophagus (Paralysis of); Ovary (Tumors of), Paralysis, in pregnancy, etc.; Perimetritis, etc.; Peritonitis in pregnancy; Phthisis and pregnancy; Pleurisy, Pneumonia, in pregnancy; Pregnancy (Extra- uterine); Pregnancy (Influence of) upon disease; Pregnancy ( Medication during ); Pregnancy ( Vomiting in); Pregnancy ( Wounds, etc., during); Pregnancy and cancer; Pregnancy in relation to PlfKC NANCY. 572 Pltl'Xi NANCY P re g n a n c y (Complications of). diseases of the nervous system, etc ; Puerperal apo- plexy; Puerperal convulsions; Puerperal dis- cuses; Puerperal erysipelas; Tuerpeialneuralgia; Purpura in pregnancy; Pustule (Malignant), Retinitis (Albumin,trie, etc), in pregnancy; Rheu- matism (Puerperal), etc.; Sacro-iliac junction (Diseases of); Salivation in pregnancy; Skin {Discoloration, etc, of); Skin (Diseases of), Small-pox, inpregnancy; Syphilis (Congenital, etc.); Syphilis, Teeth (Diseases of), Tetanus! in pregnancy; Urine (Retention of) in women; Uterus (Cancer of) complicated with pregnancy; Uterus (Dropsy of); Uterus (Pregnant, Dis- placements, etc, of); Uterus (Tumor of) coexist- ing with pregnancy; Vagina (Cancer of); Varix in pregnancy. Ackermaxx (J. F.) Ueber die Krankheiten tier irauenzi miner. 12°. Koblentz, 1788. Axcelet ( fi. ) Des vegetations vulvo-anales ties leuiines enceintes. 8°. Paris, i860. Barbot (F. ) *Des principaux 'troubles lonctionuels pendant la grossesse. 4°. Paris 18:)7. Barlemoxt (E.) * Essai sur certaines modifi- cations tie la nutrition pendant la grossesse. 4° Paris, I860. Bkrg (J. H.) *De morbis gravidarum eo- rumque vi in graviditateni et in paitum 8° Berolini, [1858]. ?0KxM?i- J-) Abhaiullungen und Versuche geburtsliiltiichen luhalts zur Begriindung einer naturgemassen Entbiiidungsnietheiile und Be- handlung tier Schwangern, tier Woehnerinnen untl ueugebolmien Kintler, nach den an der of- fentlichen Entbindnngsscbule am Wiener allo-e- uienien (Jebahrhause geinachten Erfahrungen und gesainmelten Beobachtuniren. 2 v in 3 ' 8^. Wien, 1791-1806. ° l Borrmanx (H. C. J.) *De morbis internorum organorum acutis cum graviditate complicatis 8°. Berolini, 1866. Bossaxd(B.) * Dissertation snr les signes de Ja grossesse? et sur quelques maladies qui sur- V/// (1804i1X feU11"eS e,lceilltes- 4°. Parts, an Brehier ( V.-I. ) *De la chloro-andinie des teuinies enceintes. 41-. Paris. 1851. Bkide(G.-F.) * Essai 8iirlesldsionsmt5caniques de la gestatiou. 4°. Strasbourg, 1820 Brdusse (A.-A.) *De l'etat chlorotique des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1862 Chabory (£.) *Des troubles fouctionnels peutlaut la grossesse. 4°. Paris 1855. Chalot(C.-D.) * De la cachexie seVeuse chez les femmes enceintes et les nouvelles accoucbees. 4°. Paris, 1858. Chambers (T. K.) Corpulence or excess of rat during pregnancy; a letter to Dr. Lee 8° London, 1852. Chambox de Moxtaux (X. ) Des maladies de la grossesse. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1755. ~\7rTr^ J.5e 8a'"e- 2' Cd- 2 V> 8°- Paris, an VII [1799]. ' Friia\ V*' 1 °f b'S: Maladies des femmes. 8°. Paris, ------. Thesame. Der Arzt fiir Schwaugere oiler Beschreibung und Heilung der Krankheiten' Avelche vor der Schwangerschaft hergeheu, und sie begleiten. Aus dem Frauzosischen. 8° Bremen, 1792. Chevela(F. ) *De la grossesse considered comme cause de maladies. 4°. Paris, 1«74. Christoff Bizas (J.) *De l'influence de quelques malaelies aiguiis sur la grossesse et l'etat puerperal. 4U. Montpellier, 1885. Pregnancy (Complications of). Ciurchill VF.) Observations on the diseases incident to pregnancy and child-bed. 8° Dub- lin, 1840. Also [Rev.], in: Boston M. & S. J., 1841, xxiii, 249. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia', 1-40 Courrejol (L. ) *Des accidents graviel,,- cardiaques et ele leurs indications obstetrical.■* 4U. Paris, 1881. Dammann (B. W. ) *D.r Einfluss einiger Erkrankungen der Schwangern iu Bezug mii! das Absterbeu der Leibesfrucbt. 81-. Wiirzburi, 1866. ■' Dexxisox (E. B.) *De morbis e graviditas penelentibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1866. Dittmaxx(D.) *De affectibus gravidarum. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1708], IXlckex (J. H.) *Dc morbis acutis gravi- darum. V . Beidelbergw, [1684]. Dukax (A.) * Considerations pratiques stir les troubles fouctionnels dela grossesse. 4U Paris 1861. ' ' Edwards (G.) *De morbis gravidarum. 8° Lugd. Bat., 177;l. Fhanquet (G.) * De l'influeuce ele la grossesse sur le developpement et revolution des abces du sein. 4°. Paris, 1880. Frdge (L.) Etude tie pathogenie sur quelques troubles de la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1808. Gaxdais (H.) * Des ph6uomene.s sympatliiqnes efc des maladies qui surviennent queiquefois peu- tlaut la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1837. Georgi (W.; * Typhus, Pneumonie unel Ne- phritis in ihrem Einflusse auf die Schwanger- schaft, 8U. Strassburg, 1877. Goldschmidt (A.) Om nogleacute Infections- sygdommes Hyppighed under Svangerskabet og Indflydelse paa elette. [ Frequency of acute in- fectious diseases during pregnancy and their influence upon it.] 8°. Kjt/>benhaen, 1879. Goldschmidt ( S.) * Acute Erkrankungen iu der Schwangerschaft. 8-'. Leipzig, 1869. Haemers (E.) *Del'(EdemedauH la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1870. Haver (J. C.) * De praecipuis mulieruin gra- vidarum et puerperarum affectionibus. 4°. Luqd. Bat., 1788. * Hussian (R. F.) Die Pathologie unel Therapie der Schwangern, Gebarendeu, Woehnerinnen untl neugebornen Kineler. Nach elen besten Werkcn und neuesten Gruudsatzen mit vorziiglicher Be- riicksichtigung tier Boer'schen Erfahrungen fiir angehentle Geburtshelfer. K-. Wien, 1827. Forms v. 2 of his: Handb. tl. Geburtsh. 8°. Wien, 1827. Jacob (G.) * Essai pathogemique sur les rap- ports de la grossesse avec lis maladies de l'ap- pareil circnlatoire. 4°. Montpellier, 1879. Koehler (J. P. R.) * Ueber das Vorkommen acuter und chronischer Krankheiten wahrenel der Dauer der Schwangerschaft. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1888. Kraiss (C.) * Ueber elen Einfluss akuter unel chronischer Krankheiten auf den Verlauf der Schwangerschaft. 8°. Tubingen, 1872. de La Motte [G.-M.] Traite complet des ac- coucbemens naturels, non naturels, et contre na- ture, explique's dans un grand nombre d'observa- tions et tie reflexions sur l'art d'accoucher. 4"-'. Paris, 1722. -----. The same. 4°. La Baye, 172(5. . The same. L'on y enseigne aussi les moyens tie reme'dier a tous les accideus qui arri- yent dans la grossesse, et apri-s l'accouehcnient, a qnoy l'on a aussi ajoute un supplement ct un appendice contenant plusieurs nouvelles obser- vations et reHexious sur le meine sujet, Nouv. ed. 4°. Leiden, 1729. PREGNANCY. 573 PEEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Complications of). -----. The same. Nouv. ed., augmentee ele beaucoup de remarques interessantes, et mise en meilleur orelre. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1765. -----. The same. Tractat von Krankheiten Bchwangerer und gebahrender Weibs-Persohnen Anjetzo aber zum Erstenmahl auss dem Frantziisischen in das Teutscbe iibersetzt und mit einigen Anmerckungen vermehrt durch Johann Gottfried Scheid. 4°. Strasburg, 1732. -----. Thesame. A general treatise of mid- wifery; illustrated with upAvards of four hun- dred curious observations . . . Transl. into Eng- lish by Thomas Tomkyns. 8°. London, 1746. Lataud (C.-J.-B.) * Essai sur quelques affec- tions synipathiques tie la gestation. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1821. Lauth (C.-G.) *De la cachexie sereuse, ties enceintes et des accouchees. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)2 Leake (J.) Practical observations on the child-bed fever; also on the nature aud treat- ment of uterine haemorrhages, convulsions, antl such other acute disea.ses as are most fatal to women during the state of pregnancy. 8°. Lon- don, [1772]. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8U. London, 1774. -----. The same. 6. ed. v. 2. 8°. Lon- don, 1787. Lecky (G. ) *De morbis e gravitlitate pen- elentibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1787. vanLeenhof(G. J.) *De morbis gravidarum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1742]. Lehfkldt (J.) * Beitriige zur Complication acuter Krankheiten mit Schwangerschaft. 8°. Berlin, [1884]. Levrat (F.-M.-P.) Monographie de l'auasar- que, ou recherches theoriques et pratiques sur cette maladie, envisagee dans ses rapports avec la grossesse; precedee de quelques uotious sur le phvsique et le moral de la femme. 8°. Lyon, 1817. Lutzelberger ( C. H. T. ) *De qnibusdam gravidarum symptomatibus, pnecipue de varici- l>us atque ii'ileniate pedum. 4°. Jenw, [1791]. Madluxg (A.) * Ueber Coinplicationen tier Schwangerschaft untl Geburt mit Lungenkrank- heiten. 8 . Balle, 1875. Maxxixgham (SirR.) Aphorismata medica; quibus, tain bona quani mala, valetudomulierum, praecipue utero gerentium a conceptu usque ael puefperum.depingitur . . . Accesseruut morbos dignoscendi methodus certissima nude curationes enicacissimae colliguntur, et consilium apprime necessarium in dubiapraesertini re, quo tuto sem- per sanguis mittatur. 12°. Londini, 177)0. Mauriceau (F.) Traite ties maladies eles femmes grosses, et ele celles qui sont. accouchees, [etc.] 3. eel. 4°. Paris, 1081. -----. Thesame. Derniere eel., corrigee par I'auteur. 4°. Paris, 1683. -----. The same. 6. ed., corrigee par I'au- teur, et augmentee tie plusieurs nouvelles figures, et de beaucoup d'observations tres-consieierables, avec eles aphorismes qui contiennent tous les principaux preceptesde l'art. 2 v. 4°. Paris, 1721-8. -----. The same. 7. 6d. 2 v. 4°. Paris, 1738-40. -----. The same. De mulierum prsegnan- tium, parturientium, et puerperarum morbis, tractatus, [etc.] 4°. Parisiis, 1681. -----. The same. Tractat von Krauckheiteu schwangerer unel gebarender Wei bspersoneu . . . aus elem Frantziisischen in das Teutscbe iiber- setzet, 4°. Basel, 1680. -----. The same. Der schwangern und kreissenden Weibs-Personen allerbeste Hiilffleis- Prc-j?nancy (Complications of). tung. Das ist : Wahrer untl gruudlicher Be- richt, \vietlenenselbeu,niitgutem und fiiglichem Vortheil, in ihrein sowol natiirlichen, als uuter- weilen auch wider elie Natur lauffenelen Kindba- ben, gliicklich beyzustehen. Ingleichem, was vor bewiibrte untl htichstdienliche Mittel denen nougebornen Kintlern, in ihren Uupasslichkeiten, zu gebrauclien ; untl elann, was es vor eine eigent- liche Beschaffenheit mit denen gewidmeten Glie- dern undTheilen tier Weibs-Personen babe. Ein denen Wund-Aerzten sebr niitzliches, wie ancb alien Hebammen, zu Begreiffung ties Kindlia- benskunst, hockst-nothwendigesWerk. Erstes- mals in frauzosischer Spracbe . . . Nachmals aber, von einem Liebhaber der Arzney-Kunst, ins Teutscbe iibersetzet, untl zum Druck befbr- elert. 12°. Niirnberg, 1681. -----. The same. Tractaet van de siektens der swangere vrouwen en der gene die eerst ge- baert hebben .. . Uit het Frans vertaelt. sm. 4 '. Amsterdam, [1683]. -----. The same. Uit bet Frans vertaelt, 2. eel., vermeerdert met eeuige verhandelingen, over de voornaamste onttlekkingen, welke zeelert F. Mauriceau in tie verloskuutle geelaan zyn. Door Petrus Camper, sin. 4°. Amsterdam, 1759. -----. The same. Trattato delle malattie delle elonne gravide e delle infantate ... 4°. Cologni, 1684. -----. The same. Con molte belle e nuove figure. Opera utile a' chirurghi, e necessaria a tutte le mammane per imparare la pratica de' parti. 4°. Genevra, 1727. -----. Thesame. The accomplisht midwife, treating of the tliseases of women with chiltl, auel in child-bed As also, the best directions how to help them in natural and unnatural labours; with fit remedies for the several in- dispositions of new born babes. Illustrated with elivers fair figures, newly anel very correctly en- graven in copper. A work much more perfect than any yet extant in English; being very necessary for all teeming-women, as also for all physicians, chirurgeans, and midwives that practise this art . . . Transl., anel enlargeel with some marginal notes, by Hugh Chamberlen. 8'-'. 8°. London, 1673. -----. Thesame. Thediseasesof women with chiltl, antl in child-beel; as also the best means of helping them in natural anel unnatural la- - hours . . . Transl. by Hugh Chamberlen. 6. ed. 8C. London, 1727. -----. Observations sur la grossesse et l'ac- couchement des femmes, et sur leurs maladies et celles ties enfans nonveau-nez. En chacune des- eiuelles les causes et les raisons eles principaux 6venemens sont eiecrites et expliquees. 8°. Paris, 1695. -----. The same. 4°. Paris, 1715. -----. Dernieres observations sur les mala- dies ties femmes grosses et accouchees. 4°. I'aiis, 1715. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 4°. Paris, 1728. vax Meegen (A. G.) *De morborum origine in graviditate. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1835. Meier (J. C. F. I.) *De affectibus gravida- rum. 4°. Balw Salicw, [1779]. Mercier (A.-F.) * Etude sur l'arthrite sur- venue pendant le cours de la grossesse (psendo- rhumatisme de la grossesse). [Paris.] 4 *. Le Mans, 1883. Meurer (T.) * De vi atque potestate gravidi- tatis in morbis. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Moss (W.) An essay on the management, nursing, and diseases of chiklren from the birth; and on the treatment and diseases of pregnant PREGNANCY. 574 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Complications of). antl lying-in women, Avith remarks on the domes- tic practice of medicine. 2. ed. 8°. Egham, 1794. Mursixxa (C. L.) Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Schwangern, Gebiirenden und Woehnerinnen. 2 v. 12°. Berlin, 1784-6. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2 v. in 1. 6°. Berlin, 1792. Muts (J.) *De morbis gravidarum, et puer- perarum. 1766. In ■. Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, i, 86-100. Overweg (M. G.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Intermittens, ties Ileotyphus, Typhus exanthe- maticus untl recurrens auf elie .Schwangerschaft. 8°. Berlin, [1877]. Peschek (C. A.) *De gravidarum affectioni- bus earumque cura. 4°. Lipsice, 1784. Petraeus (A.) Curiose Gedancken von tier Liisternheit tier schwangern Weiber und vom Brechen, D. Bernhard Albini von tier Entziickung oder Hinfallung. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1701. Pic (J.-M.-G.) 'Dissertation sur les accielens qui peuvent survenir a la femme pendant la grossesse, et sur les moyens hygieniques propres a les prevenir. 4°. Paris, 1829. Potey (P.-N.) 'Resume sur les accidents de la grossesse; traitement qui leur couvient. 4°. Paris, 1837. Pott (L. P. J.) Commentatio de corporis fe- niina' gravidas mutatiouibus, iisque cum iutegra ipsins inter graviditatem valetudine recte con- ciliandis. 4°. Gottingw, 1815. Prod'Homme (H.) * Des epanehements sereux pendant la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1863. Raulin (J.) Traite eles malaelies eles femmes en couche, avec methode de les guerir. 12°. Paris, 1771. —---. The same. Tratado de las enferme- dades ele las mugeres parielas, con el metoelo de curarlas. Traelucido elel frances al castellano por el lie. D. Felipe Lopez Somoza. 2. ed. 12°. Madrid, [1790?]. Reiss (K.) *Der Hangebauch bei Schwan- geren. 8°. Berlin, [1870]. Richter (G. F.) 'De gravidarum varicibus. Lipsice, 1781. In: Weiz (G. A.) Neue Ansz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1781, xiv, 172-188. Redeem (J.) * De hyilrometra cum graviditate conjuneto. 8°. Patctrii, 1824. Rxjmeyn (A.) *De praecipuis gravidarum morbis. 8°. Goudw, 1843. de Saixt-Romes (C.-P.-H.-E.) *De l'influ- ence de quelques maladies sur la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Schixdler (C.-A.) *De la diminution de l'albumine tlu sang pendant la grossesse et de l'bydropisie cousecutive conn tie sous le nom de cachexie sereuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865. Schmidtmuller (J. A.) Die Krankheiten der Schwangereu und Gebiirenden enthaltend. 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1809. Forms v. 1 of his: Handb. d. med. Geburtsh. [etc.]. 8C. Frankf. a. M., 1809. Sixger (J.) *De graviditatis molestiis. 8°. Pragw, 1841. (»tech (C. H.) * De purpura puerperarum. sm. 4°. Erfordice, [1720]. Tanner (T. H.) On the signs and diseases of pregnaucy. 8°. London, 1860. -----. The same. From the 2. and enlarged Loud. eel. n°. Philadelphia, 1868. Thamm (J. G.) * Valetudiuarium gravidarum. sm. 4C. Lipsiw, 1696. TheCs (H.) * Considerations generales sur les principaux accideus de la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1832. Pregnancy (Complications of). Verneuil ( B. ) * Des maladies pendant Ia grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1848. Vidal (P.) *De quihusdam mulierum prag- nautium affectibus. 8J. Monspelii, 1789. Weber ( C. M.) * De gravidarum morbis. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1756]. Wegelin (J. (J.) *De periculo gravidarum ex febribus. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1763]. Weidmann (J. P.) Memoria casus rari in gymeceis praecipue aduotandi; cum uteri antica facie onienti margo ex aliqua parte coaluerat; praegnans facta, medium graviditatis non asse- cuta inopinato nioritur. fol. Mogontiaci, 18\8. Wolff (V.) *De hydremia gravidarum. 8°. Berolini, [ ls57]. Wohbertz (C.) 'Nonnulla tie gravidi status affectionibus. *°. Berolini, [1829]. Zielexziger (B.) ' De nexu pathologico, quo organa chylopoetica cum genitalibus inter gravi- ditatem teneautur. 8°. Berolini, 1846. Ahlfelfl (F.) Acutes Lnngenoilem iu tier Schwanger- schaft bei bestehender Mitralstenose. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marb. 1885-6, 8°, Leipz,., 1887, iii, 83-86.— Ancelet (E.) Des vegetations viifvo. anales des femmes enceintes. Gaz. med. tie Lyon, 1800, xii, 111.—Ancke (R.) Ein Fall von Nachtblindheit nach Blutverllisten bei einer Schwangeren. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1886, x, 37-39.—Anvnrd (A ) Adipose et puerp6ralite. In his: Trav. d'obst.. Par., 1888, ii, 3-6.— Bailey (H. F.) Acute epigastric pain in pregnancy as- sociated with albuminuria. Lancet, Lund., 1889, ii. 541.— Bake (H. A.) Verhandeling over de ontsteeking-korst op het hloed der zwangere vrouwen. Verhandel. en Waarn. t. Bevord. d. Genees-, Heel-, Verbis- en Scheik., Leyden, 1803, i, 105-113. — BallanlyiM- (A.) Caseof unusual illness in the seventh month of pregnancy. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii, 214-217.—Burnt'* (K.) On the relations of pregnancy to general pathology. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1876, Bost.; 1877, i, 137-167.— BiUtcn (J.M.) Pregnancy, with accidental haemorrhage; ditticult to control anel difficult in the diagnosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii. 537. — Bemiet (J. H.) On hemorrhage and excessive sickness during pregnancy; and on abortion, in connection with inflammation of the uterus and of its cervix. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1881, ii, 39-41—Berllieraiid (A.) Des v6g6tations des parties ano-genitales de la teniine, pendant et apres la grossesse. Gaz. med. ele l'Algerie, Alger, 1862, vii, 17-19.—Berlrand (A.) Observatiem sur une op6ration cesarienne spontan6e, due a la gangrene. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1818-19, vi, 321-345. — Bevill (C.) Peri-uterine cellulitis; pregnancy; double utiins; abortion at the fifth month; recovery. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xvi, 302-305.—Blanc (E.) 'Cystite gravidique aigue d6velopp6e au quatrieiue mois et denii de la grnsse-sse. N. Arch, d'obst. et tie gynec, Par., 1887, ii, no. 4, 21-M.— Boer (L. J.) Ueber die Idiosynkrasie der Schwangern,' in praktischer Riicksicht. In his: Abhandl. u. Versuche, etc., 8^, Wien, 1791, i, 1. pt., 99-138. — Bouchacourl. Angine pseudo-iuemhraneuse; accouchement; autopsie'. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1849, i, 261-2G4. — Bourgeois (L.-X.) De l'influence des maladies de la femme pendant la grossesse sur la constitution et la saut6 de l'eiil'ant. Mem. Acacl-.de med., Par., 1861, xxv. 321-444.—Briefer (L.) TJeber die Complication einiger acuten Krankheiten mit Schwangerschaft. Charite-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 143-166. -----. Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier Beziehiiiigi-n von hamorrhagischer Diathese und Schwangerschaft. Ibid., 1886, Berl., 1888, xiii, 203-210. — Browne. False membrane in the vagina in pregnancy. Maryland M. el, Bait., 1884-5, xi, 215.—Butlin (P.) Note sur uncas singu- lier de thrombus du vagiu pendant la grossesse. Progi 6s med.. Par., 1887, 2. s., v, 437. Also: Union med.. Par., 18«7, 3. s., xliii, 945-947. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1887, xv, 299. -----. De la douleur ovarique chez les feiiiiiies enceintes. Progres nied., Par., 1879, vii, 157. — Busey ( S. C. ) Cystocolpocele complicating pregnancy. Tr. Wash. Obst. efe Gynec. Soc. 1885-7, [Wash.. 1889], i, 117- 120.—Byrne (J. A.) Large vesical calculus expelled by the natural efforts, by a woman iu the seventh month of pregnancy. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxv, 186-188. — I'ampii. Patologia del embarazo; neurosis proteiforme; complicaciones; estado f'ebrii intercurrente, su iufliiencia inmediata sobre la inarcha de la gestaciiiu. Crou. nied., Valencia, 1884-5, viii, 325-329.—Cauvy. Sur une observa- tion de cystite silrvenue au debut de la grossesse. [Rap. de Terrillon.] Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 18wi, u. s., vi, 276-278— Cavallini (D.) Vulvo-vaginite follico- lare complicantc la gravidanza. Rassegna di sc. med., Mo- dena, 1886, i, 548.—Cerchiari (G.) Eutero-peritonite in donna gravida. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologua, 1847, 3. 8., xii, 352-355.—Chnilly-Honore. Des maladies dont le tissu de l'uterus peut etre affecte, envisagees sous le point de vue »75 PREGNANCY. PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Complications of). de l'accouchement. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1847, xxxii, 117; 214. — C'hanning. Sudden enlargement of the abdomen during pregnancy; death, a few days after. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 335-340.—Charles (N.) Priuiipareau 8euioisde la grossesse; auasarque ties prononcee; absence d'albumine dans les urines; accidents dyspneiques mortels, attribues a l'liremie; extraction de d'i'iix enfants morts. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1887, viii, 73-75.— Christian (E. P.) Cases of gestation and parturition complicated with uterine disease. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1857, v, 233-239. — C lark (E.) A study of some of the rectal disorders of pregnant women. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1887-8, xxvii, 193-201.—Cockle. Large encysted urinary calculus in a priinipara, probably inducing premature labor; craniotomy; death by metro-peritonitis. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 229.—Collmaiin. Seltene Reflexerschei- nung bei Schwangerschaft. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 463. —Cooke (J. E.) Remarks on some of the diseases incident to a state of pregnancy. Trausylv. J. M., Lex- ington, Ky., 1833, vi, 47-60.—Cooke (L. R.) Persistence of pregnancy during and after uterine phlebitis. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 575. — Corcoran (W. J.) A peculiar case of pregnancy. X. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 555. — Crandall (R. O.) An essay ou the depraved general health sometimes occurring before par- turition, and its consequences. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Auburn. 1854. viii, 66-70. — Cyr. Rap- ports des coliques hepatiques avec la grossesse' et l'ac- couchement. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 695; 711.—Dance. Observations sur quelques accidens sur- venus au commencement de la grossesse et paraissant dependre dun 6tat morbide de l'uterus et des produits de la conception. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1827, iii, 70-78.—D'Ancona (G.) La macera/.ione del feto nei suoi rapporti con la gravidanza, col parto e col puerperio. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, viii, 34; 171; 247.—Davis (H.) A case of ascites and anasarca, with renal derangement in a young priinipara; premature deli very of adecomposed child of about six months' growth; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1868, ii, 40.—Decristoforis (M.) Malattie del circolo e del respire) per 1' azioue mec- eanica della gravidanza. Ann. univ. tli med., Milano, 1863, clxxxv, 49-162.—Defontaine. Grossesse avec douleurs abdominales extremement vives; vomissements et impossi- bility presque absolue de l'alrmentation; amelioration. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1881, ii, 115.—Delore. Fievre puerpe- raleavautraccouchement. Mem. Soc. tl. sc. med de Lyon, 1S70, ix, 86-91.—Depaul. Eventration acquise ; treizieme accouchement; enfant mort pendant le travail. J. tl. sages- fenimes. Par., 1881, ix, 329.—Devilliers jeune. Obser- vation d'une grossesse tres-compliquee et avec hydropisie de matrice proprement elite. J. gen4 de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1812, xliii, 208-277. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: N. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1812, iv, 2*1-286. — D'Hooghe. De l'influence des maladies zymotiques sur la grossesse, la parturition, et ses suites. Ann. Soc. tie med. d'Anvers, 1875, xxxvi,70 ; 178; 303 ; 369: 1876. xxxvii, 133.—Duncan (J. M.) On diabetes insipidus in pregnancy and labour. [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix, 308-316 — Durocher (Maria J. M.) Um caso de contracijoes teta- nias elo utero, no 7° para o 8" mez da prenhez. Ann. Brasil. demed., Rio de Jan., 1881-2, xxxiii, 434-438.—Earle (C. VV.) Cirrhosis ofthe pancreas; pregnancy; emacia- tion ; death. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, ix', 191-193.— El sagger. Ueber die Asphyxie der Schwangern aus mechauischer Ursache. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Vor., Stuttg., 1843, xiii, 350-352. —Emmet (B. McE.) Disorders of pregnancy. Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. Y. Post-Grad. M. School & Hosp., N. Y., 1885-0, i, 249-256. [Discussion], 280-286.—Evans (J.) The history of an un- common swelling of the lower extremities in a pregnant woman, terminating favorably immediately after an abor- tion. Med. Comment., Lond.,' 1786, x, 302-304.—Fare (J.) Grossesse; rejet d'un precedent placenta. Abeille med., Par., 1884, xii, 267.—Fernet. Grossesse avec douleurs abdominales extremement vives : vomissements et impossi- bility presque absolue ele l'alimentation; amelioration. Medecin prat.. Par., 1881, ii, 85. Also: Marseille nied., 1881, xviii, 88.—Field (H. M.) Concealed pregnancy, complicating uterine disease. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 177-184.—Fischel (W.) Ueber Peptonurie in tier Schwangerschaft. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 473.—Fi-aser (X. S.) A case of oedema ofthe vulva dur- ing the last month of pregnane'v. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1888-9. i, 59.— Fremiti (M. B.) Ein in tier Schwangerschaft entstandener, sehr grosser Abscess in der Scheide der graden Bauchmuskeln untl drei For- men Baiich-Sack-Wassersucht; der Hydrops peritonaei, omenti, vagina; musculorum rectorun'i. Klin. Beitr. z. txynaek., Bresl.. 1862-5, i, 140-259. — Fritsch ( H.) Bemerkungen zur Pathologie uud Physiologie des Cir- iiilationsapparates bei Schwangeren ' und Woehnerin- nen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1875, viii, 373 - 401. - berard (C.) Remarques pratiques sur les atfections tie 1 uterus, pendant la gestation et les parturitions prema- tures. Tr. med., Par., 1833, xiii, 297-319.—Gerbaiid. I nmipare ; accidents gravido - cardiaques pendant la Pregnancy (Complicatvms of). grossesse et apres l'accouchement; guerison. Montpel. meel., 1883, 1, 313-316.—Geschichte (Eine) zum Beweis der traurigeu Folsen der Vereitelung eler Befruchtung. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1823, lvi, 1. St., 78-99.—Gonzalez Rey (J.) Hipertrofia transitoria del ve>ntriculo izquierdo durante el embarazo. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1886, viii, 97- 102.—Gray (H. V.) Catarrhus gravidus. Richmond efe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1874, xvii, 30-35.—Griffith (W. S. A.) Dropsy of pregnancy; dropsy of the foetus in connection with dropsy of the mother, aiid its importance in the question of induction of labour in such cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 68.— Grynfeltt (J.) Thrombus de la vulve et du vagiu. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 481-484.—Gueniot. Des grossesses compliquees etde leur traitement. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc. Par., 1866, lxxi, 253; 353; 449. Also, Reprint. — Harlin. Ueber die Asphyxie der Schwangern aus mechauischer Ursache. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1844, xiv, 299-301.— Handfield-JTones (M.) An unusual condi- tion of the uterus in the early months of pregnancy. Ed- inb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 790-796.—Harris (R. P.) Do close adhesions between the uterus and abdominal wall, the uterus, or its appendages, and adjacent parts within the pelvis, and between the uterus and omentum, com- plicate subsequent gestation and parturition? Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 487-501. Also: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. (1880), 1881, 15-28.—Harris (S. N.) Observations on some of the opinions generally received among med- ical men. Charleston M. J. efe Rev., 1852, vii, 750-761.— Herve (P.) Note sur quelques phenomenes insolites de la grossesse. J. de med. de Par., 1889, xvi. 181.—Hilde- braiidt (M.) Spontane Venenbiutung alsconcomitirende Erscbeinung am Ende der Schwangerschaft. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 495.—Hofmeier (r.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom Einfluss acut fieberhafter Erkrankungen auf die Schwangerschaft. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1885, xi, 349-357.—Hofmeister. Soheidehpol.yp bei Schwangerschaft. Gen.-Ber. d.k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 18:;2, Koblenz, 1833,190.—Hogg (F. R.) Complications of pre.-.- nancy. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 597.—Hut-hard (H.) Coliques hepatiques et coliques nephretiques tie la grossesse et de l'accoucbement. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 616; 649.—Illowy (H.) A case in obstetrics. Obsi. Gaz., Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 49-58.— Influence de la fievre typhoiele et de la syphilis sur la grossesse. Paris m6d., 1879-8'', v, pt. 2, 266.—Ingle. A case of leucocytosis of pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 334. — Isla y Bo- lumburu. Influeucia de las enfermedades febriles eu la gestaci6n. Arch, tie obst. y ginec, Madrid. 1888, i, 101- 107.—Jackson. Relaxation ofthe ligaments of the pel- vis during pregnancy. Boston M. efe S. J., 1876, xciv, 364. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. [1874-9), 1880, vii, 52.—Jacobaeus (M.) Sur un etf'et extraordinaire de la fievre daus une femme grosse. Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 186.—.laggard (W. W.) Disorders of pregnancy. Syst. Pract M. (Pepper), Phila., 1886, iv, 405-431.—Jerzykowski (S.) Przyczynek do powiklan wad sercowyoh z cia^, porodem i pologieui. [ Complica- tions of the circulatory apparatus in pregnant and par- turient women. ] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1880, xxviii, 1; 11.—Johannovsky (V.) Ein casuistischer Beitrag zur Indication des kiinstlichen Abort bei fieberhaften Er- krankungsfallen wahrend der Schwangerschaft. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880. v, 33— Kaltenbach (R.) Ueber Albuminuric und Erkrankungen tier Harnorgane in der Fortptlanzungsperiode. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iii, 1-37. Also, Reprint. — Kastagree (A. C.) Biliary coma in the sixth month of pregnancy. Indiau M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 365.— Kelly (J. E.) The influence of pregnancy iu the development of lithiasis. Tr. Internat. M. Coug.l Wash., 1887, ii, 451-456. — Kemp ( W. F. A. ) Ou digestive affections during pregnancy. Marylaud M. J., Bait., 1880-81, vii, 391-395.—King (A. F. A.) A new explanation of the renal troubles, eclampsia, and other pathological phenomena of pregnancy and labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 225; 347. AZso, Reprint.—Itiriilyn (A.) Perimetritis in der Schwangerschaft; Abortus; dif- fuse Peritonitis im Puerperium; Genesung. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1885, xxi, 605; 625; 645.—Kiwisch (F. A.) Zur Pathologie der Schwangerschaft. Beitr. z. Geburtsk., Wiirzb., 1848, ii, 67-86.—Kiebs (E.) Multi- ple Leberzellen-Thrombose; ein Beitrag zur Entstehung schwerer Krankheitszustande in der Graviditat. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1888, iii, 1-30, 2 pl — Klotz(H.) Beitrage zur Pathologie der Schwangerschaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1886-7, xxix, 448-475.—Kreys- sig. Krankheitsgeschichte einerFrau, voruud nach ihrer Niederkunft. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1805, 1; 17. - Iiaforgue. Des grossesses douloureuses. Kev.med.de Toulouse, 1870, iv, 265; 276. — Iialesque. Grossesse; syphilis; erysipele ambulant; accouchement premature; guerison. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 506. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 143-149.—I. au re. Thy- roidite chez une femme en couches; mort subite. Mem. Soc. el. sc. med. de Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 2, 22-28.— Lietulle (M.) Recherches sur l'etat du cceur des femmes enceintes ou recemment accouchtSes; de la dilatation du PREGNANCY. 576 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Complications of). cii'iir dans la grossesse et les suites elo couches. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1881, cxlvii, 257-275. — Leyden ( E.) Ueber Hydrops und Albuminuric eler Schwangern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 212; 229; 244. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 137-139. Also, transl: Riv. veneta disc, meel., Venezia, 1886, v, 280-284.— liOiuer. Ueber einen Fall von Eiudickung eles Frucht- wassers mit gleichzeitigerErnahrungsstorungiles Kindes. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1887. xi, 537-539.— Lowe (T. A. H.) (Edema in pregnancy. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1885, xiv, 213. — iTI'Lane (J. W.) The diseases of preg- nancy : albuminuria. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882. xlvi, 1; 225.—Mader. Allgemeines Oedem bei einer im 6. Monate Schwangeren ohne nachweisbare Ursache; Entlassnng. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1884), 1885, 292. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu, 1886, xxi, 303.—MarchiouucNchi (O.) Maremma e puerpere. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1885, xxxvi, 437-448.— lTlarin Pcrujo (A.) Caracter de las dispepsias en las embarazadas. Actas . .. Cong, ginec. espan., Madrid, 1888, i. 83-90.— Martin (A.) Metritis in pieiiiianiy. N. Orl. M. News efe Hosp. Gaz., 1856-7, iii, 654— Martiuctti (A.) Minaccia tli morte per accesso dispuuico in donna gravida tuberculosa. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1X86, viii, 107-113.— Menard (A.) Memoire sur cette quest ion: "Quelles sont les maladies que la grossesse fait naitre; celles qu'elle gue- rit; celles dont elie ne fait que suspendre mom en tan 6 ment la marche ?" Tr. med., Par., 1831, iv, 160; 307.—de Mignot (P.) Reaction sympathique de l'uterus; influence favo- rable de la grossesse sur la terminaison de quelques inala^ dies graves. [From: Bull. med. de Bordeaux, f6vrier 1844. | Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1844, i, 217-224. — Mo- nod (C.) Gonflement tsnorme des seins chez une femme enceinte. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 738.—More. Du rachitisme propter graviditatem et ile ses consequences. France med., Par., 1881, ii, 470- 474. — Morilhan (A.) Memoire sur cette question: "Quelles sont les maladies que la grossesse fait naitre, celles quelle guerit et celles dont ello ne faitque suspendre inonii'iitanement la marche?" Tr. med., Par., 1831, v, 5; 150--iTlusgruve (A.) History of a singular case of ten- dency to plethora, more particularly during the periods of gestation anil the puerperal state; illustrating the single advantage to be derived from a decided and reiterated use of the lancet iu cases of this description. Lond. M. Reposit., ]8'25, xxiii, 89-109. Also, transl.: J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a, M., 1825-6, v, 681-696.-IVcuiiiaiiii. Ceber die haiiptsachlicbsten Ursachen tier grosseu Sterblie hkeit der Schwange n>n. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl.. 1834, i, 3. lift., 62-00.—I\il*<-n. Pregnancy with almost complete occlusion of the vagina. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 18X7, xx, 637.— Oettinger (J.) Tnssis nervosa, comes habitualis graviditatis; kaszel nerwowy towarzysz kaztlorazuwey ciazy. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1863, ii, 67— Ollivier (A.') Influencede la grossesse sur le d6veloppement des maladies organiques du cceur; pathogenie de l'heiuiplegie puerpe- rale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, pt. 2, 195-209. Also, in his : Etudes de, path, et clin. m6d., 8°, Par., 1887, 89-134.—Osiander (F. B.) Resultate von Bemerkungen iiber krankliche und widernatiirliche Zu- falle von und wahrend der Schwangerschaft. In his: Denkwrdgktn. f. d. Heilk. u. Geburtsh., 8°, Gottiug., 1795, ii, 394-408. — Packard (F. A.) Case of diabetes niellitus dependent upou pregnancy. Univ. M. Ma"-., Phila., 1888-9,i. 229.—Parviu (T.) 'Cough in pregnancy. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 603. — Pearson (G.) Ob- servations ou the effects of variolous infection on pregnant women. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1794, 2. decade, ix, 213- 256. Also, Reprint. — Peter (M.) Ce qu'il faut penser de l'anemie des femmes enceintes; an6miques par qualite, plethoriques par quantite : congestions viscerales par ple- thore d'un sang, iueme moins riche en globules ; peut-on pre voir l'eclampsie'? France med, Par., 1873, xxi, 241. -----. Grossesse et seruinurie. Ibid.. 1875, xxii, 9-11.— Petit (L.) Considerations pratiques sur la pletbore et la fastralgie chez les fenimes enceintes. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. e Bruges, 1840, i, 31-36. Also: Arch, dela rued, beige, Brux., 1840, i, 334-338. — Pilat. Hematemese avant le travail; accouchement provoque ; presentation de l'epaule gauche; version podalique; enfant vivant. J. tl. sages-femmes, Par., 1882, x, 19. — Prentiss (D. W.) Spurious labour pains at fifth month; accompanied by convulsions. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., Ivii,415-418.—Price (J.) On the importance of local treatment in congestion antl in- flammation ofthe cervix uteri in pregnancy. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1881, xiii, pt. 2, 604-610. — Puejac (A.) Odetne et suite ele couches anormales. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1874, iii, 53. — Raimann (J. A.) De pathologia stran- guria in gravidis. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1730, ii, 288-295. —Richardson (J.) Reflex lesions of the mouth associated with pregnancy. Dental Regist., <;in- cin., 1882, xxxvi, 471-474. -----. Excessive thirst, and po- lyuria occurring during pregnancy. Boston M. &S. J., 1881, civ, 24X. —Richclot(G.) Note sur un cas tres grave d'epis- taxis pendant la grossesse. Union m6d., Par., 1847. i, 179.— von Ritgen. Ueber die Riickwartsbildung der wahrend der Schwangerschaft im Uterus entstandenen Blutsinus. I Pregnancy (Complications of). N. Ztschr. f. tiVburtsk., Berl., 1848, xxiv, 419-426.— Runge (M.) Die acuten Infectionskraukheiten iu atio- logischer Be/.ielmng zur Schwangerschaftsuiitcrhrechung. Samml. klin. Vorir., Leipz.. 1879, No. 174, [(iyniikologie No 51,1367-1384[.—Sanger (M.) Tod iu der Schwangerschaft unter Erscheinungen stattgefunilencr Verblutung: totale, chronische Adhasivperiearditis ; relative Anaiuie; Herz- paralyse. Arch. f. Gynaek., I'.iM'l., 1879. xiv, 410-415.— Schlce (Marie). Ueber die Dchnung der Hauchwand wiihrend der Schwangerschaft. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u Gynak., Stuttg., 1886, xiii, 1-15, 1 pl. — Schultz (O. T.) Graves's disease, pregnancy, croupous pneumonia, hast- ened labor at the beginning of the ninth month ; death from paralysis of heart. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 5-7. — Schuster (G.) De cardialgia ictorica, in fie- niina gravida s;epius recurrente, post partum tleinum per- fecte sublata. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744. vii, 141-144. — Senna (F.) La gravidanza in rapporto colle cardiopatie organiche : tesi di laurea. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1885, vi, 698; 70S; 730; 754; 762; 770; 778.—Shaw. Warty growths around the vagina aud anus of a pregnant woman. Lancet, Loud., 1860, ii, 632.—Shearman (.J. II.) On the cause of disorder iu pregnancy. N. York J. ,M. 1845, v, 328-333. —Shepherd (M.) Puerperal fever pre- vious to labour. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxiii, 273.—Shoemaker (G. E.) Reflex cough from pregnancy. Polyclinic, Phila., 1887-8, v, 366. Also: Med. efe Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 737.—von Siebold (E.) Ka- tarrhalisches Fieber in der Schwangerschaft, welches in Peripneumonie iiberzueehen drohete, sehr schnell erfolgte Geburt und Psorophthahnie des neugeboruen Kindes. Ann. d. klin. Schule an el. Entbind.-Anst. zu Wiirzb., Leipz., 1806, i, 1. Hit., 156-161. -----. Pleuritis rheuinatica untl Vomitus cruentus in der Schwangerschaft, durch ei- gene Thatigkeit der Natur vollendete, aber, wegen zu frit- hen Abgangs ties Fruchtwassers und grosser Sensibilitat der Gebarenden in den ersten Perioden, zienilich schraerz- hafte Geburt. Ibid., 179-183.—Snyers. Observations d'accidents graves compliquant la grossesse. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1863, ii, 295-298.—Sou they (R.) Old peritoneal adhesions interfering with the rise of the uterus into the abdomen at the fourth month of pregnancy ; cys- titis; retention of urine; distension of the bladder; slouch- ing; perforation; death from general peritonitis. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 610.-----. Clinical lecture on pregnancy; nephritis. Ibid., 1883, i, 47.—Stalpart van der Wiirl (C.) Een swangere vrouw, geduyrende eeu, eu deselvige kinder dragt, nesieu on veertig maal ter atler gelaten. In his: Heinel. seldz. aanmerk., 12°, Amst., 1682, 207-215 — Stegmniiii. Innere Entziindung in Schwangeisi-luift. Arcb. f. med. Erfahr., Berl , 1828, i, 125-128.—Stevens iL. T.) A case of mitral stenosis complicated by pregnancy, presenting an asthma of probable utero-rerlex origin. St. Louis Polvclin., 1889, i, 29-34. Also: Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1889, xix, 484-^86.—Stone (I. S.) Case of albumi- nuria in pregnancy, with dilatation of the heart, followed by hemiplegia; use of Veratrum viride; recovery. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 27-30. -----. The rational treatment of gastric disturbance duriny ^sta- tion. Detroit Rev. Med. efe Pharm., 1867, ii,485^87.-Slur- ti'vaiil (L. P.) The cardiac complications of gestation Tr. Am. Inst. Homeeop., Phila., 1888, xii, 357-360. ,11m; Honueop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, x, 483^86. — Suckling (C. B.) Spasm ofthe gravid uterus. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 116.—Swan (C. W.) Mammary abscess during pregnancy. Boston M. efe S. J., 1877, xevi, 15-17.— S way ne (J. G.) (langrene of the thigh during the seventh month of pregnancy. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1883), 1884, xxv, 215-218.—von Swiecicki. Hematomo vulvaire du volume du poiug daus la grossesse. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 548— Teillais. De quelques he- morrhagies occulaires pendant la grossesse-. J. de med. ile l'ouest. Nantes, 1886, xx, 158-163. — Terrillon. Cystite snrvenant au d6but de la grossesse et paraissant lice a cet etat,. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 184-196 — Thibierge. Des vegetations des parties geni- tales pendant la urossi'sse. Gaz. hebd. denied., I'ar., 1861, viii, 84; 100 —Thiriou (E.) Sur les accidents qui ac- compaguent l'auasarque des femmes enceintes. | Rap. tie Didot.J Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1851-2, xi, 456-472. [Discussion], 472: 1852-3, xii, 157.—Thomas (T. G.) Pregnancy, with laceration and hypertrophy e.f the cervix uteri. Meil. Gaz., N. Y., 1883, x, 183-185.—Thom- son (11.) Uel>cr Peptonuria in der Schwangerschal't unel im Wocheiibi'ttc Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz.. 1**9. xv, 899. — Turchetti (O.) Stato apoplettiforme iu una gravida complicate! da anasarca e tla esantenia petecchiah', curato felicemente con rimedii ipostenizzanti previo il parto artiticiale. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1841, viii, 101-.06.— Twiss (E.) Grave diseases of pregnancy; illustrated by clinical reports. Detroit Lancet, 1882-3, vi, 55-58.— Ulsamer. Oeeleina pedum. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1x45, xvii, 33.—Vcrrier. Sur l'influence de la pneu- monie etde la pleuresie sur la grossesse et les suites des couches. [Rap. de Hubert.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1868,3. s., ii, 340-347.—Voorhces (S. R.) Hy- steralgia during gestation. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1880-81, iii, PREGNANCY. 577 PREGNANCY. P re £'nancy (Complications of). 619-021.—Wallace (J.) Acute metritis occurring in the seventh month of pregnancy during rheumatic fever. Brit. iM. J., Lonil.. 1873, ii, 261.—Warren (J. S.) Thehystero- neurosis of the stomach in pregnancy and its management. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 18X1, 231-240. -----. The hy- stero-neurosis of the stomach in pregnancy. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 339-341— Warren-tJurruu (J.) The irri- table head of pivniianiy. Meel. Press & Circ, Lond., 1870, n s ix, 162.— Waugh (W.) Leucorrheea of pregnancy. Med", efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 7.—Wcgsrhci- alerii. Ueber Uebelkeit, Erbrechen und Stuhlvorsteipfung der Schwangern. Verhandl. el. Gesellsch. I. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1844-5), 1846, i, 50-55. — We in ban m (S.) Drei Fiille von chronischi'in Morbus Bright ii in Folge vou Schwaiigerschaft. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xiii, 363-377. — Winiker. ISeiuerkungen iiber I'ebi'lseyn uud Krankheiten tier Schwangern und Wiiebneriiuieii. Arch. f mid. Erfahr., Berl., 1X04, vi. 215: N. Arch. f. med. Er- fahr., Iieil., 1805, n. F., i, 145.—Woodward (B.) On the relations of ulcerations of the urethra in pregnant females to stomatitis materui and vomitings during gestation. Mi'd. .fe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859-60, n. s., iii, 114.— Ximmrriiianu. Ueber ldiosynkrasien bei sebwaugern. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M.,. 1813-15, i, 453-459. Pregnancy (Diagnosis of). See Ovary (Tumors of, Diagnosis, 'etc., of); Pregnancy (Signs, etc., of). Pregnancy (Diseases of). See Pregnancy (Complications of). Pregnancy (Duration and calendars of). See, also, Foetus (Jurisprudence, etc,-of); Le- gitimacy, etc; Pregnancy (Protracted). [Bakbeudu BoriiG.] Recherches sur la tin rat- tle la grossesse, et le termo tie raccoiicheiiieiit. 8°. Amsterdam, 1765. le Bas (J.) Question importante: Peut-on el6- terminer tin tenue pr6fix pour l'aecouchement'! 1-2°. Paris, 1764. Berthold (A. A.) Ueber tlas Ge.setz tier Schwangerschaftsdauer. 4'-'. Gbttingen, 1844. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Compt. lend. Acatl. d. sc, Par., 1X44, xviii, 1003-1007. Campa (F. tie P.) Calendario ile la piefiez 6 higiene ele la mtiger en ciuta. 12^. Valencia, 1874. Clay (C.) Observations on the term of utero- gestation; with a view of correcting the opinions generally entertained in respect to protracted gestation, etc. 8'-'. London, 187>7>. (.'(isiTEus (J.) De humani e.oneeptns forma- tione ac partus tempore. 8'\ Papier, 1604. Dedouli\(A.) Kalendarberemeunosti. [Cal- 1'iiilar of pregnancy.] sm. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. l)i:sitKi;t;Ei:. Schwangerschaft-Kaleneler fiir Aerzte, Gehiirtslielfer untl llebainiiien, so wie auch fiir Frauen, welche ihivNieili'ikunft berech- iieii wollen. 12'■'. Berlin, 1827. Dietz (.1. F. G.) * De tempornin in gravidi- tat eet partu a'stimatione. 4°. Gottingce, [17.77]. Also, in: Roedekior (J. G.) Opusc. med. 4J. Oottingee, 1763,31-71). A Iso [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc |. 12°. frankf. u. Leipz., 1782. xv, 20-22. En miller (M. E.) [Pr.J tie qmestione: An generi humano ajque certuni .statutum sit tempiis parientli ac aliis animalibus? 4°. [Lipsiw, 1728.] Fabkotus(C. A.) Exercitationes duaa tie tem- pore partus humani et tie numero puerperii. 4°. Ccitevw, 1629. Fapre (R.) * Des naissances precoces et des naissances tardives. 4'. Montpellier, 183.5. Gaston (P.) * Nouvelles recherches sur la duree ele la grossesse, ses rapports avec la con- ception, l'ovulation et la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1877). Gatta (C.) Di una strana pregnezza tli mesi ventidue; dissertazione medico-fisica indirizzata all' Ignazio Maria Como. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. o filol. 16°. Venezia. 1736, xiii, 439-493. 37 Pregnancy (Duration and calendars of). Glasson (N.) *De graviditatis tempore ac partulms, qui dienntur pnecocibus et serotinis. 12°. Petropoli, 187)4. Glusing (G.) *Znr Frage der Schwauger- schaftsdjiuer. 8'. Wiirzburg, 1888. von Holst (J. ) Conceptionstermin untl Sehwaugerschaftsdauer. 8°. Dorpat u. Fellin, 1881. Lacahsagne (A.) Sche"ma dn dtSveloppement tlu proeluit ele la conception et calendrier tie la grossesse. 1 pasteboard chart in envelope. Pa- ris, [1886]. Le Boucher (C.-A.) *Du role tie la mede- cine 16gale tlans la dur6e de la gestation au point tie vue tlu droit civil. 4°. Paris, 1877). Medical (The) evidence relative', to the dura- tion of human pregnancy, as given in the Gard- ner peerage cause, before the committee for privi- leges of the House of Lords in 1*25-6. With introductory remarks and notes by Robert Lyall. 8°. Loudon, 18-16. ------. The same. 2. eel. 8°. London, 1827. Natorp (E. J.) * De gravielitatis spatio. 8°. Berolini, [1849]. Niemanx (C.) *Zur Frage der Schwanger- schaftselauer. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Rheine, 1887. Peters (E.) -Do legitimo paiiendi tempore. 8 '. Bounce, 187)0. Sachs (W. T.) * Giebt es einen ersten Schwan- gerschaftsmonat ? 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Sciiroeder (C. H.) * De gravielitatis tem- pore. 8°. Balle, [1867]. Siebold (M.) * Ueber elie Bestimmung der Zeittlauer tier Schwangerschaft nach eler anssern Untersuchung sowie iiber den Einfluss tier Ans- tlehnung des Uterus auf dem Gang tier Involu- tion. 8°. Bern, 1874. Smith (W. T.) The periotloseope: with its application to obstetric calculations, aud the periodicities of the sex. 8°. London, 1848. Spigkmus (A.) Epistola ele incerto tempore partus. 24°. [Lugd. Bat, 1644.] Also, in: Nymanns (Gregorius). Diss, de vita foetus in utero, [etc.]. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1664, 61-84. Stai'fer. Calendario della gravidanza. 12°. Xctpoli, 1887. Also, transl. in: Union nitkl., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 296- 298, 1 tab. Voituriez (J.) 'Cousitldratious sur la dur6e tie la grossesse elans ses rapports avec l'ovulation et la menstruation. 4'-. Lille, 1885. Zollner (M.) *Zur Kenntniss uud Berech- iiung tier Sehwaugerschaftsdauer. 8°. Jena, 1887). Ahlfcld (F. ) Beobachtungen iiber die Dauer der Kchwaugerscbaft. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., ISerl., 1869, xxxiv, 180; 266. Also, Reprint.—Aiiiiolsiior. Protracted gestation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1832-3, xi, 57.— Avinid. De la genese et dc la duree de la grossesse dans l'espece humane. Cong. med. de France (Hordcaux, 1865), Par., 1866, iii, 875-906. — It. (C.) The period of ges- tation. Lancet, Lond., 1846, ii, 411.—Bailly. Observa- tion d'un enfant no viahle apres 6 mois et 20 jours ou plus de vie intrauterine et d'un nouveau cas tie grossi'sse prolon- nl'ti. J. il. sages-femmes, Par., 1879, vii, 3S7-3S9.—lliivk- ■ ugliam (C. E.) The duration of preguancv. Boston M. efe S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 81-83.—4 al«'««'<'« (VV. P.) Of the term of utero- gestatioii. In his: Compeiul. Syst. of Midwifery, 8°, PKUC.NANOY. 578 PK EG NANCY. Pregnancy (Duration and calendars of). Phila., 1824, 169-171. — Diarkcia Tr)? iyKvuoo-vvris. 'larpiKr, 'Erifji., 'AOijvat, 1858-9, i, 374. —l>odd (B. L.) Du- ration of gestation in a medico-legal point eel view. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, iv, 296. — Dunian (J. M.) Reflection on the duration of pregtiancy, with re- marks on the calculation of the date of confinement. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efe Edinb., 1854, xviii, 230-241. -----. On the duration of pregnancy. Edinb. M. J., 1856-7, ii, 410-415. -----. Practice in the prediction of the dav of confinement. Ibid., 1870-71, xvi, 788-795. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1869-71), 1872, ii, 259-268.—Duration of human pregnancy. N. York M. ea da fecuntlacaoe o perioelo em ipie se elevi'in sentir os movimentos elo f'i'to. Medi- cina para o povo. 1(5°. Bio de Janeiro, 1882. The date on the cover is 1884. Axgkrmaxn (C. F.) & Bole (E. G.) * De conalnnin paiiendi regimine. In: Se iii.egei. (J. C. T.) Sylloge. op. min., etc. 8°. Lipsice, 1790, ii, 517-548. Aroux ( P.-C. ) * Diss, snr rhygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1826. Auctor (M.) *De gravidarum et puerpera- rum regimine. 8°. Landishuti, [1820], Avizard (A.-L.)- * Consid6rations gtm6rales sur les preeeptes hygieniques a]i|ilicahles aux' femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1833. Barbey (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene eles femmes enceintes, snivie tie quelques refle- xions sur l'emploi tie la saignee pentlant la gros- sesse. 4°. Paris, \8l'.\. Bakbiek (D. V.) * De gravidarum hygit:ne. 1-. Leodii, [1828]. PREGNANCY. 57 Pregnancy (Hygiene and management of* Barry (J.) Medico-Christian embryology, or the unborn child (from the earliest period of its existence), considered in a meelical, moral, and relhnous point of view; comprising also, brief, practical observations on the regimen of the pregnant female, and on the diseases with which she niav be attacked. 12°. Louisville, 1846. Becker (G. W.) Unterricht fiir Schwangere untl Woehnerinnen, oeler Anweisung wie sich Schwangere zu verhalten haben, um gesund und f'roh zu bleiben, eine leichte Niederkunft zu erwarten uud das Wochenbestte bald und gliick- lich uberstehen zu keinnen. 3. Aufl. 12°. Pima, 1822. ■ Beiiier (C.) *£tude sur quelques-uus des ph6nomenes qui accompagneut et compliquent hi o-rossesse. Deductions hygieniques r6sultant tie cette etude. 4°. Paris, 1854. Bertot (J.-L. ) * Essai sur l'hygiene des fenuues enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1821. Bidault (F. ) *An gravidis aquas potus? Prases J. B. Boyer. In: Sigwaet (G. F.) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 185-191. Billout (M.-F.) 'Dissertation sur l'hygiene des femines enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1816. Block (F. A. H.) *De regimine gravidarum. S°. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1/79]. Bonnard (P.-B.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene ties femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1820. Botton (L.-A.) * Influence des moyens hygie- niques pendant la grossesse et apres l'accouche- ment. 4°. Paris, 1833. Bouis (L.-P.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene des fennnes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1830. Bourdin (V.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene eles femmes enceintes- 4°. Paris, 1831. Bouyer (J.-B.-G.-H.) * Dissertation sur l'hy- giene ties femmes enceintes, pr6c6d6e tie quelques considerations generales sur la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1830. Bredenoll ( L. T. ) *De cura gravidarum piierperarumque diaeteta. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Busch (P. H.) Verhaltungsregeln fiir Schwan- gere, Gebarende und Woehnerinnen gegen Vor- urtheile und Missbriiuche, welche ihnen so oft gefahrlich werelen. 2. Aufl. 12°. Bamburg, 178->. Bull (T.) Hints to mothers, for the manage- ment of health during the periotl of pregnancy, and in the lying-in-room; with au exposure of popular errors in connection with those subjects. From the 3. Lontl. ed., with additions by an American physician. To which is added, the ladies' perpetual calendar, sm. 4°. Xew York, 1852. -----. The same. 8-'. New York, 1868. Burel (B.-N.-M.) * Dissertation sur la con- eluite que les femmes deiiveut observer penelant leur grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1809. Callard (F.-M.) * Dissertation sur les dan- gers de l'iucontiiieuce pendant la gestation. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Calvet (V.) * Hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4-. Paris, 1837. Cartox ( Y.) * Considerations sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1818. Cassan (J.) * Hygiene des femme;s enceintes. 4°. Montpellier, 1878. Cavalie (F.) * Quelques principes d'hygiene a l'usage des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1867. Caviole (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1815. Cezan (L. A.) *Ah piaegnanti eleambulatio? Prases S. A. Bringaud. 4°. [Parisiis], 1765. PEEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Hygiene and management of)- Clerc (P.-T.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene dea femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1828. Coschwitz (G. D.) De gravidarum et puerpe- rarum, necnon de infantum recens-natorum regi- mine et affectibus collegium theoretico-praeticum anno ante mortem intra privates parietes habi- tum, nuuc publici juris factum et hinc inde habitis ab autore ipso tliscursibus auctum; cum praefatione etlitoris, in qua singularis casus de feniina oscitante cum sectione anatomica et anncxa epicrisi pertractatur. 4°. Lipsiw et Svid- nicii, 1732. Court ( A. ) * De l'hygiene des femmes en- ceintes. 4°. Paris, 1866. de Courthille (V.-M.) * Essai sur l'hygiene et les devoirs ties meres pendant la grossesse et la lactation et sur la necessity de Fallaitemeut maternel. 4°. Strasbourg, 1832. Demuelenaere (F.) *De regimine gravida- rum. 4°. Lovanii, [1824]. Derroucii (P.-J.-H.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1818. Doering (J. C.) *De regimine gravidarum. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1760]. Dolley (J.-M.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene eles femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1826. Dubois (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene tits femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1818. Dumas -Letang (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1832. Fraigniaud (L.) * Hygiene de la niere et de l'enfant. 4°. Paris, 1853. Gast ( F. - A. ) * Sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1858. Genevois (B.) * Sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1824. Gonixdard (N.) # Sur les moyens hygie"niques applicables aux femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1W19. de Gorter (J.) Kort vertoog of aanwyzing hoe een waar de sluitbantl der kraam-vrouwen, moetgelegt worden. Waarin te gelyk, de kwatle gevolgen van de gewouo legging wordt voor oogeu gestelt. 8°. Amsterdam, 1744. Grand-Clemext (C.-H.) *De l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 187)2. Grasset (L.-C.) *Sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1828. Grassi (A.) *Cure per la donna nella gravi- danza e nel parto e per ilneonato. [Pavia.] 8°. Milano, 1H41. Gruber (J. N.) *Regiminis gravidarum ten- tamen. 4°. Beidelbergw, [1765]. Guillotin (J. I.) *An prasgnantibus, partu- rientibus et puerperis, nulla, ant saltern non nisi lenient ia remedia? 4°. [Parisiis, 1770.] Guinterius ( J. ) Andernaens. Gyuseciorum comniintarius, de gravidarum, parturientiuui, puerperarum et infantium, cura. Nunc primum e Schenkiana bibliotheca in lucem emissus. Accessit elenchus auctorum, iu re meelica cluen- tium, qui gynsecia scriiitis clararunt et illustra- runt, opera et studio Joan. Georgi Schencki a Grafenberg. 16°. Argentorati, 1606. Guioullier ( L. - P. ) * Sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1831. Hanquez (C.-F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1821. Herbel (F.-P.) *Snr l'hygiene des femmea enceintes. 4°. Montpellier. 1864. Hilbert (C. G. T. ) *De gravidarum regi- mine. 8°. Berolini, [1822]. Holbrook (M. L.) Parturition without pain: a code of directions for escaping from the primal curse. 12°. New York, 1871. ------. Thesame. 8.ed. 12°. New York, 1878. PREGNANCY. 58 Preg'iiancv (Hygiene and management of). Htcii (J. H. A.) *De regimine gravidarum. 4 ■'. Bostochii, 1817. Hugot (L.-M.-A.) * Considerations hygieni- ques sur les femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1834. Hussian (R. F.) Die Physiologie unel diiite- tische Behandlung eler Schwangern, Gebiirenden, Woehnerinnen und neugeboruen Kinder. 8°. Wien, 1827. Jobert (J.-T.) * Dissertation sur le regime ou les regies d'hygiene particulieres aux femmes pendant la grossesse, l'accouchement et les cou- ches. 4°. Paris, 1806. Jorg (J. C. G.) Eilethyja, oeler diiitetische Belehrungen fiir Schwangere, Gebiirenele und Woehnerinnen, welche sich als solche befintlen wollen. In zehn an gebildete Fraueu gehaltenen Vorlesungen. 12°. Leipzig, 1809. -----. The same. Diiitetische Belehrungen, [etc.]. 2. verbesserte, mit einer Anleitung zur ersten physischen Erziehung der Kineler ver- mehrte Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1812. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1820. L. (V. F.) Der Hausarzt am Wochenbett unel in eler Kinderstube. Eine Liebesgabe fiir treue, sorgsame Miitter zur Belehrung iiber ihre eigene untl ihrer Kinder Gesundhi'it.spflege, sowie iiber das diiitetisehe Verbal ten bei eintreteuden Krank- heiten und tlie ersten Hiilfsleistungen bei elensel- ben vor Ankunft ties Arztes. Durchgesehen untl geiiriift von K. A. Koch. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1858. Lederer (T. ) Mutter und Kind. Oder: Schwangersehafr, Entbindungund Wochenbette; mit eineni aus tier Darstellnng ihres natiirlichen Verlaufes abgeleiteten Unterrichte fiir Frauen, sich zweckmiissig zu verhalten. Nebst einer auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kindes gegriiu- deten Anleitung, zur naturgemassen, die beste- henden Vorurtheile und Missbriiuche vermeiden- den Ptiege und Erziehung desselben. 12°. Wien, 1826. Ledesert (P.-J.) *Snr l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1818. Lekebure de Saint-Ildefont (G.-R.) Le manuel ties femmes enceintes, do celles qui sont en couches, et ties rueres qui veulent nourrir. U °. Paris, 1777. Leeur (J.-T.-F.) *Sur l'hygiene ties femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1827>. Le Glay (A.-J.-G.) * Sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes; propositions medico-hygieniques sur la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1812. Lejeuxe (L.-C.-A.) * Sur l'hygiene, appliquee a la femme pendant la gestation, l'accouchement et ses suites. 4°. Paris, 1818. Lemarchant (A.-F. ) *Sur l'hygiene appli- quee aux femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1832. Lenz (C.) Rathgeber bei tier Schwanger- schaft-Niederkunft, dem Wochenbette, elem Selbststillen, tier Wahl einer Amine, dem Ent- wohneu uud der Auserziehung der Kinder. 2. Aufl. 12°. Eisenach, [1855, vel subseq.]. Leseigneur (P.-J.-B.-A.) *Sur l'hygiene appliquee aux femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1833. Leurets (A.) Versuch iiber den Misbrauch der allgemeinen Grunelsiitze und wieeler tlie Voruhrtheile, die sich tier Ausbreitung tier Heb- aminenknnst entgegen setzen. Aus dem Fran- zosischen iibersetzt mit einigen Anmerkungen und einigen aus den frauzosischen Tagebiichern heransgezogenen Zusiitzen vermehrt von Daniel Christian Burdach. 8°. Leipzig, 1776. Lozier (C. S.) Child-birth made easy. 8°. New York, 1870, PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Hip/iene and management of). Maoquart(L.-C.-H.) *An pragnantihuscre- bro periculosa catharsis, absque medici eonsilio iustituta? 4°. [Parisiis, 1771.] Metivier (M.) * Sur l'hygiene des femmesen- ceintes. 4°. Paris, 1836. Meynier(J.-F.) * Considerations hygieniqucN sur la femme pendant la gestation. 4°. Paris 1822. Moat (H. S.) The mother's book of hygeian midwifery; being a familiar treatise ein the security of health to females during that most interesting period of their lives, the state of pregnancy; with remarks on the management of infants; founded on the doctrines of the British College of Health. 8°. New York, 1837. An advertisement of Morrison's pills. Mollard (C.-L.) * Sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1815. Mommexdey (G. C.) Rathgeber fiir Miitter iiber tlas Verhalten der Schwangern und tlie Behandlung ties neugeborenen Kindes und iiber tlie Erkenntniss, Verhiitnng und Behandlungder gewohnlicheu Kinilerkraukheiten. 16°. Stutt- gart, 1873. Motreuil (J.-A.) * Conseils hygieniques h une jeune mere et aux personnes qui l'entoureiit. 4°. 'Paris, 1832. Mouche (A.) * Quelques mots sur le regime alimentaire eles femmes enceintes et ele son in- fluence stir le volume et le poids tlu fcetus. 4°. . Montpellier, 1866. Naegele (O.) Diiitetik tier Schwangerschaft. Die wichtigsten Lebensregeln fiir schwangere Frauen. 24J. Diisseldorf, 1853. Nolette (A.) *Sur le regime, ou les regies d'hygiene particulieres aux femmes pendant la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1817. Okmanciiy (A.-B.) * Considerations sur quel- ques moyens therapeutiques commun6incnt em- ployes pendant la grossesse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1810. Pierer (J.-F.) *De noxis ex ante acta sexus sequioris vita delicatiori ac molliori in gravidi- tat cm, partuni et puerperiuin redundantibus. 4°. Jenw, [1788]. Pratexsis [a Pratis] (J.) De uteris libri duo, in qiiibus opulentissiniain sinml ac lautissiinain naturalium rerum et historiarum supellectileiu iuvenies. 24°. Amstelwdami, 1657. Provost (J.-F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4 . Paris, 1825. Puybaret (A.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene ties femmes enceintes. 4C. Paris, 181.'). Renard (C. A.) An pnegnanti dcainbulatio? Pries.PetrusPaulusGuiart. 4\ [Parisiis, 1711!.] ROLFFS (J. O. L\) Mntterpflichten, oder An- weisung fiir Miitter zur regelmassigcn Entwicke- lung tier Frucht untitles Kindes, so wie auch zur Erlcichterung der Geburt untl Erhaltuug ihrer eigoncn Gesundheit. 12°. Ebln, 1846. Rousset (R.-N.) *De l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831. S.erxow (M.) *De regimine gravidarum it puerperarum. Von der Diiit derer Schwangi'rn untl Kindbetterinnen. 4°. Vitembergw, [\77>7]. Sciiwencke (M. O.) * De cura fcetus parcntum officio, sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1725], Seignette (J. N. ) *Dc medicamentorum laxantium abusu in graviditate et puerperio. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1801]. Serrierre (S.) * Considerations medicaid snr la femme enceinte, les causes des aceidens tie la grossesse; suivies de vues generales d'hygiene. 8°. Paris, an X, 1802. PREGNANCY. 581 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Hygiene and management of). Skrsiron (G.-J.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene appliquee aux femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1809. ..... Seydel(A. M.) *De prophylaxi gravidarum. 8°. Viennw, [1782]. Also, in: Eyehel. Diss. med. [etc.l. 8°. Viennese, 1792, iv, 300-332. Skotak (A.) * De officiis circa gravidas. 8°. Pestini, 1836. Sobaux (F.-L.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1837. Staff (E.) Lucina. 12°. Berlin, 1818. Struve (C. A.) Wie konnen Schwangere sich gesund erhalteu, uud eine frohe Nieilerkuuft erwarten? Nebst Verhaltungsregelu fiir Woeh- nerinnen. 8°. Hannover, 1800. Sulpicy (E.) * Considerations ni6elico-hygi6- niques sur la grossesse, ou tableau eles principaux accielens de la grossesse, et moyens propres a les prevenir ou a les conibattrc. 4°. Paris, 1819. Szasz de Romolo (L.) * Reguhe prophylac- ticie pro gravidis. 8°. • Vindobonw, [1835]. Tanciiou (S.) *Ketlexions sur quelques pr6- juges nuisibles aux femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1819. Tassel (A.) *De l'hygiene des femmes gros- ses. 4°. Paris, 1833. Tassix (L.-A.) * Dissertation sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1837). Tessonneau (H.-A.) * Hygiene eles femmes enceintes et prophvlaxie de l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1862. Thorel (fi.-H.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes enceintes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827. Tillionbois de Valleuil (T.-M.) # Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes considers pendant la grossesse, l'accouchement et les couches. 4°. Paris, 1818. Turinaz (J.-J.) *Conseils a une jeune mere et aux persouues qui l'entourent. 4°. Paris, 1828. Vaudix (H.-A. ) * Dissertation snr les pr6- ceptes hygieniques applicablcs aux femmes en- ceintes. 4°. Paris, 1819. Vidal Solares (F.) Preceptos higienicos que tlehe observar la niujer elurante el embarjizo, partoy puerperio compreneliendo adenuis, eliver- sas indicacioues para combatir los accidentes que sueleu presentarse en elichos estaelos. 3. eel. b-. Barcelona, 1886. Vjazui.itch-Matkoyski (K.) Zeloroviedietei iii popaljar. hygiena beremen. jentshin i niali- outok do 3. letniiigo vozrasta. [Health of chil- dren, or popular hygiene for pregnant women, antl for infants to their third year of age.] 8°. Odessa, 1886. Wagner (G.) Commentatio tie feminarum in graviditate mutationibus, necnon tie causis qui- hus fiat ut integrarum valetuelo cum hisce mu- tationibus consistat. 8°. Brunsvigw, 1816. White (C.) A treatise on the management of pregnant anel lying-in women, and the means of curing, but more especially of preventing the principal disortlers to which they are liable; together with some new tlirections concerning the delivery of the child and placenta in natural births; illustrated with cases. 8°. London, 1773. -----. The same. 2. eel., to which is added an appendix. 8°. London, 1777. -----. The same. 5. eel. 8°. London, 1791. -----. Thesame. 1. Worcester eel. 8°. Wor- cester, Mass., 1793. -----. An appendix to the 2. ed. of a treatise on the management of pregnant and lying-in women. 8°. London, 1777. Pregnaiicv (Hygiene and management ofi. Zi'CKERT (J. F.) Diiit eler Schwangern und Sechswochnerinneu. 16°. Berlin, 1767. Ahernatliy (J.J.) Effectsofdieton parturient women. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1874, n. s., xiv, 216-219.—Applica- tion eles lois tie la pesnnteur au traitement tie quelqueH accidents concomitants de la grossesse'. Ann tie gynec. et pediat,, Brux., 1841-2,2. s.. ii, 393 |:i97|.—Bnrgiicl. Des moyens hygieniques et therapeutiques applicablcs a l'etat de gestation, au point tie vue ele la prophylaxie des acci- dents puerp6raux. Union nied. de la Giriimle, Bordeaux. 1863, viii, 26; 53.—Kiiiiult (J. U.) On the prevention of harelip, cleft-palate, and other congenital defects; as also of hereditary disease, and constitutional taints hy the medi- cinal and nutritional treatmeut of the mother during preg- nancy. Hoiuceop. World, Lond., 1880, xv, 437-451. Also: Month. HomtBop. Rev., Lond., 1880, xxiv, 599-621.—Bnscy (S. ('.) The natural hygiene of child-bearing life. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soe. 1885, N.'Y.. 1886, x. 81-95. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 1051-1054. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. efe S. J., 1885, cxiii, 325.-----. The bynicne of pregnancy. Am. .1. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 1-13. 'Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Wash. Obst. efe Gynec. Soc. 1885-7, [Wash., 1889], i, 3-15. — 4 liiipmau (E. N.) Lime-water and milk as food and medicine in certain dis- eases peculiar to the child-bearing female. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, 112-121. — Dazillc (J.- B.) Observations sur la sante des femmes enceintes entre les tropiques; leur maladies aux ditferentes epoques ele cet etat; l'accouchement et ses suites; la naissance et la con- servation des enfans nouveau-n6s, jusqu'a l'adolescence. In his: Obse-r. surle tetanos, 8°, Par., 1788 330-389.—Diai les (Ilepi) iyxviov. 'IarpiKr) MeAiexera, 'AtMjivai, 1854-5, ii, 635- 642. — Dnkc (A.) The advantages of abdominal support during pregnancy. Brit. JM. J., Loud., 1885, i, 482.-----. On the advantages of abdominal support during pregnancy, and descriptionof a new form of belt. Wed. Press efe Circ, Lond.. 1889, n. s.. xlvii, 562— Elischer (J.) Zur Prophy- laxis des Hangebauches der Frauen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1886, x, 165. — Experience of "a Nold Nurse". Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 581—Gallego de la Nerna (J.) De eonservatione infantis in utero existentis, et ile bono et malo paiiendi modo; de naturaj artiflcio, quod servat in partu, et de obstetricis officio. In: Opera physica., fol., Lugduni, 1634, 214-240.— Gentles (T. 1>.) I'epsine in pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 447. — Goyard. In- fluence du tabac sur la grossesse. Progres m6d., Par., 1880, viii, 257.—Hnssian (F. R.) TJeber das zweckmas- sige Verbal ten sehwaugerer Frauen. Pop. osterr. Gsndhts.- Ztg., Wien, 1832, iii, 57; 61; 65. Lorain. Soins donnes aux femmes enceintes on en couches dans le service d'aecou- chements de l'hopital de la Pitie. Union med., I'ar., 1874, 3. s., xviii, 882-888. — l.iican (J.) Hints on the manage- ment of women in certain cases of pregnancy. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1789, ii, 406-417. Also: I bid., 1794, ii, 410-421.— ITIalcz. O dyetetycznem zachowaniu sie. kobiet w czasio ciazy. [Dietary rules to be observed by women in preg- nancy.] Pam. lek. Warszaw., 1828, i, 415-440.—.Hallei. De r'influeuce qu'exercent l'hygiene et l'education de la femme sur la grossesse et raccoiicheiuent. lie v. th6rap. du midi, Montpel., 1855, viii, 295-298 — .11 Mier (H.) Ou diet of parturient women. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871.1, 445.— IM orris (G. S.) I'epsine in pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 480.—1TI on I son (R.) Practical hints on the treat- mentof females in theadvanceelstageof pregnanes. Med - Chir. J., Lond., 1818-19, i, 32-35.— Tloxon (T. II.) I'ep- sine inpregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 557.—«le rVasca (G.) Laprcgnezzae ladeplezionedisangue nelle adiacenze dell' utero. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. tli Napoli, 1871, xxv, 24-29. — Nicolas (J.) Note sur l'emploi ties eaux niiue- rales, en particulier de celles tlu Mont-Dore, pendant la grossesse. Soc. tl. sc.med.de Gannat. Compt. rend., Par., 1885, xxxix, 16-23. — Pa«e ( C. E.) Regimen in preg- nancy. Richmond efe Louisville M. J , Louisville, 1879, xxvii, 208-224.—Pal leu (M. A.) On the management of pregnant women. Richmond efe Louisville M. J., Louis- ville. 1878, xxvi, 110-136. Also, Reprint. — Parvin (T.) Coition in pregnaiicv. Am. Pract , Louisville, 1881, xxiv, 12-16. — Piermariiii. Sugli effetti indofti, nella donna gestante, dal moto in ferrovia. Atti Accad. metl. di Roma (1875-6), 1877, i, 162-173. — Pinard (A.) Considerations nouvelles sur l'hygiene de la grossesse". Bull. Soc. de med. pub. 1877-8, Par-. 1879, i, 144-151. [Discussion], 421-428. Also: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1878, 2. s., xlix, 79-86.-Poslairo- dovaya gimnastika. [Puerperal gymnastics ] \ racli. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 7, 3.-Que si seirivt> del modo elel vivere, che eleve sverare la donna gravida tino, che sia uscita del parto: con 1' ufficio, che si richieile alia levatrice. In: Tre libri delle medicine partenenti, 16°, Venetia, 1563, 204-258.—Rush (B.) On the means of les- sening the pains and danger of child bearing and ot pre- venting its consequent diseases. Med. Repo it., N. Y., 1803 vi 26-31.—Sale (E. P.) The management ot preg- nancy toward the prevention of post-partum hemorrhage- Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 476-480.-Wance- rotte (C.) L'hygiene de la grossesse et la saign6e proven- PREGNANCY. 582 PRKCINANCY. Pregnancy (Hygiene and management of)- live. J. d'hyg., Par., 1881, vi, 592-595.—"Thorough- bred (A.)" Chacun k son gofit; Mauriceau or Dionis; which? [Coition during pregnancy.] South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1881, iii, 272-279. — Th> si Preiuges relatifs a la grossesse. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom etMalines, 1844-5, iii, 27-30.—Vanicr. (Maladies du premier temps de la grossesse. 1 Clin. d. hop. el. enf. Par., 1841, i, 105; 145.—Verrier. Du bain pendant l'etat puerperal. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1871, 369; 373.— Viard (Julia). Considerations hygieniques a propos de la 1're- quentation des theatres par la femme enceinte; ameliora- tions h realiser. Gaz. obst. et gyn6c. de Par., 1876. v, 33- 43. — Wigand (J. H.) Etwas'uber den Lenhardtischeu Gesunilheitstrank fur Schwangere u. s. w. auch iiber den Nutzen abfiihrender Arzneyen in tier letzten Hiilfte tier Schwangerschaft. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1800-2, iii, 151-177.—Wilson (J. S.) The hy- giene of gestation. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1871-2, ix, 512-525. [Discussion], 569-585.-----. Parturition not necessarily a painful process; with some suggestions as to the hygienic treatment of pregnant women as a means of mitigating the pains of labor. Tr. Georgia M. Ass., Atlanta, 1872, xxiii, 72-85. Also [Abstr.]: Atlanta M. efe S. J., 1872-3, x, 257.— Zeller ( S. ) Speiseordnung fiir die Schwangern und Woehnerinnen. Inhis: Beinerk.... a. d.pract. Entbdgsk., 8", Wieu, 1789, 3t>42. Pregnancy (Influence of). See Marriage. Pregnancy (Influence of) upon disease. Adklox(L.) * Quelquesobsei vationsrelatives a l'influence tie la grossesse tlans certaines mala- dies prdexistantes. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Bidder (F. H.) *De graviditatis vi medica- trie-e. 8°. Dorpati Livanorum, 1834. Le Rollaxd ( M.-J. ) * Consid6rations sur l'influence tie la grossesse sur la marche tie l'hys- ttMie et de l'epilepsie. 4°. Paris, 1879. .Schubarth (C. G.) * De graviditate variorum morborum metlela. 4°. Lipsice, 1778. Ashby (T. A.) The influence of pregnancy and partu- rition upou organic cardiac disease. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1886, ix, 285-294.—Auvard. Influence de la puerp6ralit6 sur l'obesite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 1245-1253.— l>oganev ( P. V. ) Vlijanie beremennosti na kostoedu zubov. [Iutlin nee of pregnancy upou caries of teeth.] Vrach. St. l'i tersb., 1882, iii, 844; 853. — Hunter (J. B.) The inlluence of pregnancy on pelvic diseases. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila.. 18.-8, xiii, 308-326.— lTIi I ne (A.) On the occasional arrestive and discutient influence of pregnancy over pelvi-abdoininal tumours. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1875, iii, 344-350. — .Montgomery ( W. V.) Illustrations of the influence of pregnancy in controlling or retarding the development of evi tain diseases. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1855, xx, 332-334.—Vol liner (W.) Gliick- liche Heilung einer Darmwindsucht mit gleichzeitiger Schwangerse haft, Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, xii, 111-116.—Wedemeyer. Widernatiirlicher After durch ein neues Mittel—tlie Schwangerschaft—geheilt. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1826, ix, 109. Pregnancy (Injuries during). See Hip-joint (Dislocations of), Humerus (Fraclureof), Complications, etc., of; Pregnancy (Wounds, etc., during). Pregnancy (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Corpus luteum; Conception (Ab- normities, etc., of); Insanity (Puerperal); Le- gitimacy, -etc.; Pregnancy (Abnormities of); Pregnancy (Duration, etc., of); Pregnancy (Early, etc.); Pregnancy (Feigned); Pregnancy ( Imaginary, etc. ); Pregnancy ( Protracted ); Pregnancy (Signs, etc., of); Pregnancy ( Uncon- scious); Pregnancy (Wounds, etc, of); Super- fcetation (Jurisprudence of). Alxpeck ( S. ) *De jure pnegnantium; von schwangeren Weibern. 4°. Jenw, 1707. Axtius (J. C.) Dialogus de partu septimestri, an m-mpe ille sit perfectus, vegetus et per conse- ei uens legitirnus ? Nuuc primum in lucem editus. 24°. Jenw, 1679. Consultation contre la legitimit6 des nais- sances preStendues tardives. 12°. [Paris], 1764. France. Rapport et projet de decret de M. le maire de Paris, qui demande que les femmes en- Pregliancy (Jurisprudence of). ceintes ue soient point, misesan carcan; presented au nom tlu comite" tie legislation, par M. Henrys. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Golicke (A. O.) A Stabel(G. F.) Spec. metl. foreus. quo tlemonstratur part urn octiinestrein vitalem esse et legitimum. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1708]. Muller (P.) Tract, jurid. tie jure pnegnau- tium. Vom Rechte schwangerer Weiher. sui. 4U. Jenw, 1732. Notabel arrest van't Parlement's Holt's van Grenoble gegeveu tot protijt van eene Jonrou, over tie gheboorte van eene van hare soonen, geschiet vier jjiren uaer d'ahsentie van haren man, souder eenighen man bekent te hehheu. sm. 4°. 's Graven Bage, 1637. Sidox (C. L. C.) *De juribus pnerogativis atque offici is gravidarum. 8°. Eiliw Bolsalorum, [1790]. WisritAND (A. H.) Af handling om sattet att besvara ratlsnieilicinska friigor rorande haf- vandskapoeh forlossning. [On replies toinedico- forensic que.stious relating to pregnancy and de- livery.] 6 \ Stockholm, 1849. Zieiim (F.) *De graviditate apparente re- spectu mediciniB legalis habito. 8°. Dorpati Livonormn, 1854. Anjj.BarnefodseliDiflgsmaal. [Concealment of birth.] Kong. Sundhetskol. Aarsh., Kjobenh., 1879. 60; 105; 133 — Arnoux(W. H.) The writ de ventre inspiciendei. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y., 1882, 2. s., 334-353.— K a if hi (V.) Erroneo giudizio tli gravidanza. Gazz. med. ital. lonil]., Milano, 1868, 6. s., i, 281.—Bierbaum (J.) Beitrag ziii Lehre von tier Zureehniiugslaliigkiit eler Schwangeren. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1848, xvii, 67; 82. — Bo re hard ( M.) Soupeons d'infanticide; deuonciation ; visite tie la feiiime inculpee; tumeurs flbreuses elans rahdoineii; iinpossi- bilitti de concevoir. J. tie med. de Heu-dcaux, I860, 2. s., v, 86.—Bi ami. Versuch eines Monies von Seiten eines schwangeren Weibes an ihrem Ehegatten. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1829, 1. Hft., 41-70.— Brouardel. Fitat mental de la femme sous l'iufiueiiiej des fonctions genitales, et en particulier de la grossesse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 345-347. — Chronique jiuli- ciaire: une femme qui se fait voleuse pendant le cum a ile ses grossesses ; acipiitteiiient. J. d. sages-feninies, Par., 1873-5, i, 93. — C'oudaiiiiiation pour suppression il'eu- fant; accouchement un mois et ih-mi apres le- jugement. Lyon nied., 1872, ix, 645.—Deville. Grossesse cuiuinen- yiinte probable; vesicule pediculee elans l'hiterieur tie la cavite uterine; dilatation, injection vive des trompes et hvpertrophie de la muqueuse tubaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 105-119.— Gaderniniiu (J.) Priifung der strafreehthcheu Bestinimungen, welche in Bel reil' ver- heindichter Schwangerschaft und Geburt bis jet/.t in Bayern, Preussen und Oesterreich gelten. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1846, Iii, 41-144. — «ieil. Fundbe- richt mit Gutachten liber eine verheimlichte Nieeleikuuft. Verhandl. d. Ver. pfl&lz. Aerzto 1842-4. Kaiserslauteru, 1845, 70-77.—ti loelten j;ic»*cr. Casus forensis von dem schleunigen fuel einer schwangern Weihespersoii, die vou ihren Liebsteu einige Breeh-Pulver bekoinmeu. Med. u, chir. Berl. wchutl. Xaehr. 1738, Berl. 1742. i, 145-148- GrOinez Colon (J. M.) La emhriaguez en sus relaciones con la meilicina legal. Actas . . . Cong, region, de cien. med. 1871). Cadiz, 1882, 651-655.—Or©**c* (Ein) Kind von einer 52jahrigeu Mutter und 77jahrigen Vater. Sainnil. v. Nat.- u. Med. . . . Gesch. 1725, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1727, xxxiii-xxxiv, 459. — Gutachten des konigl. ostpreiis. Collegii medici und sanitatis iiber eine verheiiuliclite Schwangerschaft untl Geburt. Krit. Ann. el. Staatsarznk., Berl., 1804-5, i, 487-498. — Harvey ( A.) Choosing one u father. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 42.—lie a ton. Post-mortem indications of pregnancy. Obst. Gaz., Cin- cin., 1878-9. i, 317. —Jury (A) of matrons to inquire into the alleged piegnancy of a capitally-convicted female. Med.Times&Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 98; 317— Kemiiierich. Von einer vermeinten Schwangerschaft. >.' Beitr. z. >at.- u. Arzeneiw., Berl., 1783, ii, 153-158. - Kolpin. Oil eine schwangere krankliche Frau sich zum Arrest quali- fizire? Anfsatze u. Be»b. a. tl. gerichtl. Arzeneyw., Berl., 1784, ii. 229. — KomoraiiH (J.) Visum repertum uber eine verhe-iinlichte Schwangerschaft. In his: Visa re- perta, etc., <^°, Wien, 1855, til. —von Kriiwel. Ueber den Beweiss der Vaterschaft. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. M_cd., Berl., 1887, n. F., xlvi, 269-278. —von Krafft-Ebing (R.) Die Geliiste der Schwangern und ihre gericlitlicli meilieinische Bedeutung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med. Niirnb., 1868, xix, 52-61.—Kuu (T.) Terheavolt-e PREGNANCY. 583 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Jurisprudence of). ano,' Meghat&rozbato-eamagzatelhajtashullan? [Medico- legal case. Was she pregnant or not ?] Allamorvos, Buda- pest, 1881, 17-20.—liados (A.-C.) De l'apoplexie cutanea e hez les femmes enceintes, oonsideree sous le rapport m6- tlico-le«al. Ann. Soc. de ni6d. de Gand, 1841, ix, 149-158. [Rap. ile .T. Heymanl, 159-163. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. de med. tie Gand, 1841, vii, 258-262. — La fart; lie ( E. ) Vol: folie des femmes enceintes. Gaz. ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1876, v, 317-319.—Lacae. Eiu Fall von Anomalie in den auss'ern Meikmalen der Schwangerschaft, als Beitrag zur Lelire von verheimlichter Schwangerschaft und ange- schuldigtenKindermorde. Jahrb. el. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M., 1814, vii, 163-171.— l>utaud. Sur les caracteres medieo-ltfgaux fournis par l'ut6rus au point de vue de la constatatiou des grossesses anterieures. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s„ iii, 57-63.—Madden (T. M.) Ou spurious, feigned, and concealed pregnancy. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1871-2, xxxiv, 63-79. Also, Keprint.—Madurowicse (M.) Przypadek sadowo-polozniczy; podal wedlug uilziolonyoh na pisiuie szczegolow. [Medico-legal obstetrical case; to- gether with a very singular communication (sudden de- livery at stool).] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1865, iv, 129; 137; 145; 153. — Marc. Commentairi' sur la loi de Numa Pempilius, relative & I'ouverture cadaverique des femmes tnortes enceintes. M6ra. Soc. nied. d'enmlat. de Par., .1811, vii, 247-285. — Meadows (A.) Note on the post-mortem diagnosis of a nulliparous uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1875), 1876, xvii, 355: (1876), 1877, xviii, 69. — Miinelnneyer ( E. H. W.) Oeriehtsarztliches Gutachten iiber die Angabe einer schwangern Ehefrau, durch unwiderstehliches Geliiste zum Stehlen augetrie- beu zu sein. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Eilang., 1845, xlix, 350-385.—Oliver (J.) Two anomalous cases of preg- nancy of medico-legal significance. Brit. M. J., Lund., 1889,'i. 1113. — Pistelli ( M. ) Rirlessioni medico le- gali. Anu. univ. di med., Milano, 1834, Ixxi, 239-247.— Raige-Delormc & Dezeimcris. Grossesse (mede- cine legale, et police m6dicale). Diet, de med.. 2. ed., I'ar., 1836, xiv, 422-446.— Blip (H. F. J.) Eene verloskundige waarneming als vraagstuk op het gebied der geri'gtelijke geueeskunde overgebragt. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Gravenh , 1848, 2. s., vii, 431-434— Nelni»icr (G.) De graviditate dissimnlata et attentate infanticidio. In his: Conimentationes elitticiliora [etc.]. 4°, Chenmitii, 1741, 154-163.—Sedgwick (W.) On the legal responsibility of pregnant women. Med. Critic efc Psych. J., Lone!., 1863, iii, 694-702.—Sequel (A) to tlie Fisher case. [The value ofthe corpus luteum as a sign of pregnancy.] Boston M. efe S. J., 1878, xcix, 286.—MtairUere (Ueher die) oiler schwachere Entwicklung der Frucht. Bl. f. gerichtl. An- throp., Niirnb., 1860, 4.Hft., 309-312.—Tol (L.) Beurthei- lung eines zweifelhaften psychischen Znstaudes bei einer Gebarenilen. Ztschr. f. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1826, xii, 48-72. Also, Reprint.—To roll (.J.) Torvenyszeki s ren- di'ri orvosi esetek ; titkolt terhesseg utau, ko'rai nehez, il- lit61ag farsziiles; bizonytalan okbol megindulva. [Med- ico-legal ease'; concealed pregnancy ; premature, difficult labor, said to he breech-delivery, provoked by unknown causes. | G.yeigyaszat, Budapest, 1883, xxiii, 553-555. Also, transl. [Abstr. j : Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1883, xix 891. — Toiii'dcs (G.) Grossesse; (nieehcine legale). Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med., Par., 1886, 4. s., xi, 245-329.—Vul- di vicso y Prieto (D. A.) La emhriaguez bajo el punto de vista ni6dico-juriilico. Jurado meel.-farm, Madrid, 1880, i, 5.—Wolfers (P.) Von einer vermeintlichen Schwan- gerschaft. Ztschr. f. el. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1825, ix, 441-444.—Woi-bc (J.-F.-S.) Une femme, prevcniie de vol, peut-elle donner pour excuse une envie ile> grossesse % Question metlico-legale. Bull. Fac. de med. do Par., 1814- 15, iv, 308-320.—Zeidler (P.) Otkloneuiia ve psichiche- skoi spher6 jentchiui vn vreniia heremennosti i podove i iehe sudebuo-meditsinskoe znachenie. [Moral perversion in pregnant women from a medico-legal standpoint.] Pro- tok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1874, xii, 44-62. Pregnancy (Lactation in). See Lactation in menstruation, etc. Pregnancy (Medication during). See, also, Bloodletting inpregnancy. Bayakd (R.) *l)e opii atque venaesectionis effectihus in puerperas complectens. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1809. Demoulins de Riols (J.-R.-E.) * De l'em- ploi de la saignee et eles toniques elans la gros- sesse. 4°. Paris, 1858. Macari (T.) Degli oppiati applieati all' oste- tncia. 8°. Torino, 18G1. Nicolas (G.) * Essai sur l'emploi ties eaux minerales pendant la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1876. Pingleu(G.) Die rationelle Anwendung ties kalten uud lemperirten Wassers bei Schwangern, Pregnancy (Medication during). Kreisenelen und Wochneriuen dargestellt nach zalilreielien eigenen Erfahrungen. 8°. Giessen, 1877. Adam* (A. L.) On the administration of narcotics to pregnant women. Edinb. M. J.. 1866-7, xiii, 422.—Belli. Sou (A.) Des indications et des contre-iudications des eaux minerales, de l'hydrotherapie et des bains de mer pendant la grossesse. [MCmoire couronne par le prix Ca- ])iiron.] Montpel. med., 1882, xlix, 485: 1883,1,5; 101. Also [Abstr.l: Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1883, xxvi, 137; 145; 163; 169; 177; 184.—Bergesio. Sul valore terapeutico e sull'as- sorbimento di alcuni medicamenti nella gravidanza e nel puerperio; sperimentali nella Clinica ostetrica di Torino nel 1877-8 (acetato tli potassa, jodio, oppio, chloridrato di pilocarpina). Atti (Jong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1878, Pisa, 1879, viii, 265.—Binel. De quelques contre-indications du fer pendant la grossesse. Nice-med., 1879-80, iv, 15- 19.—Bruguier. lie la saign6e daus la grossesse. J. de med. et pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1886, xi, 79; 103; 122; 147; 174; 201; 224; 245; 273: 1887, xii, 3; 57; 80; 103; 126; 171; 198; 221.—I'ampa. Observaciones sobre la terap6- utica tie la gestaciou. Iudepend. m6d., Barcel., 1870-71. ii, 103.—t'tiulet. Notes et observations pour servir a I'his- toire du traitement thermal pendant la grossesse. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. meel. ele Par., 1882-3, xxviii, 34-67. Also: Arch.de tocol., Par., 1883, x, 90-108. — Chassaiguac (C.) The use of cinchona alkaloids during pregnancy. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 261-265.—Dclama- ziere. Observations sur 1'administratioii de la saignee et des 6metiques, plusieurs fois repetes avec succes dans les maladies aiguSs des femmes enceintes. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1761, xiv, 411-419.—De Kause. Du traitement thermal pendant la grossesse. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. metl. de Par., 1882-3, xxviii, 144-155. — Kor- ■■■aim (E.) Unsehadlichkeit von subcutanen Morphium- injectionen in der Schwangerschaft einer Morphiopha- gin ; Geburt eines gesunden, noch jetzt lebenden Kindes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 356; 367.—IiC- iii arc ha nil. De la douche ecossaise dans la grossesse maladive. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. meel. de Par., 1883-4, xxix, 263-273. — Mayor (A.)' De l'iufluence des inhalations d'oxygene sur les trouhles digestif's qui surviennent au debut de la grossesse. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1884, xxi, 330-339.—Moreno (E.) El tratamiento termal durante el embarazo. Arch, de ginec. y enferm. dela inf., Madrid, 1884, i, 10; 41 ; 73; 105.—Morra (E.) Studi cliuiei sull1 azione antipiretica dell' acido fenico nelle malattie della gravitlanza e del puerperio. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1881, 3. s., i, 536; 604; 658.—l»oreto (E.) Le iniezioni vaginali come cura di una gastralgia in donna incinta. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 330.—Queirel. Indications et contre-indications de l'usage des eaux minerales, des bains do mer et tie l'hydrotherapie pendant la grossesse. Ann. ele gynec, Par.' 1882, xviii, 182; 245.—Schweiger (Z.) A vastartalmu dsv&nyviz fiird6-6s ivogyogymiidyilnak haszn^lata tekintettel a terhessegre. [Iron mineral water cure, bathing and drinking, in relation to pregnancy.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1881, xxv, 253-255. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1881, xvii, 252-255. Pregnancy (Menstruation during). See, also, Menstruation (Abnormal, etc). Beh.me (J.)- ■* De mensibus gravidarum feetui iunoxiis. 4°. Jenw, [1711]. Casedevant (F.) * De la menstruation pen- dant la grossesse. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882. Bajardi (D.) Contribuzione alio studio della ovula- zioue durante la gravidanza. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1886, viii, 248-251.—Balfour (A. H.) Case of menstruation during pregnancy. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1869-71), 1872, ii, 108.—Blake (J. H.) Case of catamenia and mammary secretion during preguancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1856-7, lv, 508.—Bluff. Vorfall des Uterus, Schwangerschaft, und wahrend derselben dauerude Menstruation. Med. Couvers.-Bl., Hildbuigh., 1830, i, 56.—Christopher (W. S.) Ovulation during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1886, xix, 457-467. Also, transl.: Arch, de tocol., I'ar., 1886, xiii, 481-490.—Denanx-de Breyne. Menstrua- tion reguliere pendant l'etat de grossesse; accouchement spontaiie avec pr6sentation tie la face. Ann. Soc. tie med. d'Anvers, 1861. xxii, 612. [Kap. tie Merteus], 622. — Be Saint-Moulin. Persistance des regies pendant la gros- sesse ; accouchement a terme chez une femme de vingt- quatre ans n'ayant jamais 6te reglee. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1888, ix, 205— Dubois. Considerations sur l'etat de la menstruation pendant la grossesse. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1850, xxi, 206-209. — Duncan (J. M.) The theory of menstruation in early pregnancy, superfoetation and the site of insertion of the ovum. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. 8. Brenner (E. G.) *])e fallacia signoruin in graviditate. \2°. Mnrburgi Callornm, [17.»U]. -----. The same. 12'-". Marburgi Catloruin 1791. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T.) Svlloge op. min. [etc.], 8°. Lipsice, 1795, i, 581-000. Bki'xet (J.-T.) * Des signes tie la grossesse utdrine simple. 4°. Paris, 187,0. Oaxtaxi (V.) * De diagnosi graviditatis et morboi'iiin illam frequentissiiue mentientiuin. 8-. Pragw, 1820. Chretien (P.-H.) *Du diagnostic ele la ges- tation chez les grandes femelles ilouiestiques. 8°. Montauban, 1877. Delisle (N.) 'Dissertation sur les signes tie la grossesse. uterine simple. 4°. Paris, 1824. Dkscos.se (H.) *Des divers t'tatsqiii peuveut. sinmler la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1866. Dufau (G.) *Des signes ele la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1855. Earle (J. L.) The mammary signs of preg- naiicv and of recent delivery. s\ London, [I8i;-i]. Ettinger ( L. ) * Ueher Nabelschnur- und Uteringeriiusch. 8°. Ziirich, 1888. Ficheux (Ii.) * Causes tl'erieur elans le dia- gnostic ele la greissesse. 4°. Paris, 1874. Flemming (C. E.) *De diagnosi graviditatis. 8°. Balw, [1823]. Flemming (L. F. F.) *De signoruin gravi- ditatis et morborum quorunilani gravidita- tem liientientitim, tlifferentia. sm. 4 . Lipsice, [1820]. Fuech (C.-A.) * La grossesse simple ct hi grossesse double; leur diagnostic differentiel. 4°. Paris, 1861. Fremont (J.-B.-G. ) * Dissertation sur lea signes tie la giossesse ut6rine simple, suivie tie quelques propositions relatives aux leinnies en- ceintes. 4°. Paris, 1821. Fkommann (F. C. L.) *De signis puerperii fiillacibus. 4 . Tubingce, 177)8. Gieszkowski (L.) 'Dr. portionis uteri vagi- nalis mutationibus earuinque quoad gravidi- tatis diagiiosin lestimatione. 8°. Wireeburgi, 18.19. Gilg (G. W.) *De exploratione gravidarum ejusque utilitate et necessitate. 4°. Argento- rati, [177)2]. Gillet (H.) *De l'einbryoeardie, ou rythuie foetal eiu cceur. 4'-. Paris, 1888. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1888. Grand-Jean (A.) *La grossesse utdriue sim- ple, et les sigues qui la caraeteriseut. 4C. Paris, 1807. Haules (J. C.) *De signis graviditatis certis. sm. 4-. Jenw, [1752]. PREGNANCY. 585 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Signs and diagnosis of). de Hasei.rerg (11.) *De lieniitu uteri no ejusque ail graviditatis diagnosiu momento. 8°. Berolini, 1840. Hatix (J.) * De la grossesse ut.6riue simple et de ses signes; tie l'accoucheinent natnrel et ele ladelivrance. 4°. Paris, 1826. He leer (G.) * De usu explorationis interna? ael terininuin in ultimis inensibus graviditatis re])erientlum. 8°. Balis Sax., 1866. Jackert (J. G.) *De discrimine inter gravi- ditatem et morbos earn simulantes. 8°. Bero- lini. [1818]. Kogox (A.) * Ueber elen Einfluss wiederhol- ter Schwaugerschaft auf die Prognose tier Geburt bei normalem Beeken. 4°. Bern, 1883. Kreuzmann ( H. ) * Ueber elie Messung Schwangerer als eliagnostisehes Hilfsmitted. 8°. Erlangen, 1880. Lafargue (P.-C.) * Du diagnostic ele la gros- sesse. 4°. Paris, 1847. Le Bocey (E.-J.) * Des signes ele la grossesse ut6riue simple. 4°. Paris, 1855. Leciievallier ( A. ) *Du palper abdomi- nal appliqu6 a l'obstetrique et plus spemale- ment a l'etude ele la grossesse. 4C. Paris, 187)9. Le Febvrier (J.-L.-B.) *Sur la grossesse uterine simple et les signes qui la caraetdrisent. 4°. Paris, 1826. Lemonnier (V.-F.-J.) *Du diagnostic ele la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 187)1. von Loder (J. C.) [Pr.] probatur ex anato- micis observationibus, circularem apertune ori- ficii uterini formam certnui ineuntis graviditatis signum non esse. 4°. Jenw, [1785]. Luther (J. C. G.) *De diagnosi graviditatis. 8°. Balce, [1803]. Masson (J.-B.-H. ) * Essai sur les signes de la grossesse uterine simple. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831. Mathews (G. E.) *On the signs of preg- nancy. 4°. Baltimore, 1868. Maugars(A.) * .Sur les signes de la concep- tions, et des difterentes especes tie grossesse. 8C. Paris, an XI, [1802]. Mexdheim (G. A.) *De signis gravielitatis. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. Monxoye (C.) * Des signes de la grossesse, de la fonction ele l'accouchement, suivis tlu nidca- nisme ele l'accouchement naturel dans la pr6sen- tation de l'extr6mite c6phalique, premiere posi- tion. 4°. Paris, 1834. Moxtgomery (W. F.) An exposition of the signs antl symptoms of pregnancy, the period of human gestation, and the signs of delivery. 8°. London, 1837. ------. The same. With some other papers on subjects conuected with midwifery. 2. eel. 8°. London, 187)6. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1841. ------. The same. From 2. Loud. eel. 81-'. Philadelphia, 1857. Moxtsegur (J.-B.-A.) *Du diagnostic tie la grossesse uterine. 4°. Paris, 1844. Muehlmaxx ([C. G.] A.) *De graviditatis di.agnosi stupe dubia. 8°. Berolini, [1826]. Munter (H.) * Considerations sur le palper abdominal en obstiHrique. 4°. Paris, 1879. Ohrtmaxn (G. [L. R.]) *De graviditatis signis. 8°. Berolini, [1853]. Paessens (W.) * Ueber die Auscultation in Bezug auf Schwangerschaft. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887). Pasturaud (A.) *Du diagnostic differentid de la grossesse au tl6but, et de la mdtrite chro- nique pareuchymateuse. 4°. Paris, 1882. Pregnancy (Signs and diagnosis of). Peii.Ysu (G. A.) *De diagnosi morborum gra- viditalein uterinum siinulautium. 8°. Berolini, 1849. Poutiiier (J.-C.) * Des sigues ele la grossesse gemellaire. 4C. Paris, 1856. Riciiklot (E. P. C; *Zur Diagnostik tier Schwangerschaft. 8-. Konigsberg, 1868. Rockstroii (G. G.) De signis verse gravielita- tis saqie elubiis. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1781]. Sammiiammer (C. F. H.) *Impedimentorum patholeigicornni graviorum diagnosis gravidita- tis uterime commentatio, adnexa singularis ca- sus historia. 4°. YratisUtriw, 1819. Saxdrrixk (H. C.) *De susurro uterino. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1852. Sciiacheh (P. G.) [Pr. ele signis graviditatis; cum vita canelitlati Frid. Kunth.] 4°. [Lipsiw, 1717.] Schimper (J. C.) *De signis gravielitatis vera' et cautelis exiuele cognoseibilibus. sm. 4°. Basilece, [1750]. Sciilesinger (M.) *De gravielitatis signis. 8-. Berolini, [1826]. Schmidt (E. G. C.) *De diagnosi gravidita- tis et morborum quoruutlam earn simulantium. 4°. Lipsiw, [1812]. Schmitt (W. J.) Sammlung zweifelhafter Schwangerschaftsfalle, nebst einer kritischen Einleitung iiber tlie Methode ties Untersuchens, zum Gebrauche fiir angehentle Geburtshelfer. 8°. Wien, 1818. SciiNeEHiNGER (F.-X.-L.) * Sur les sigues de la grossesse'. 4°. Strasbourg, 1825. JSchottl.exder (F.) * De maiiimarum in gra- viditate commufationibus earumque ad diagno- siu testimatione. 8C. Vratislariw, 186(i. Sctiramli (J.) * Nonnnlla ele discrimine inter priinam atque reiteratam graviditatem. 12°. Turiei, 1825. Schulze (G.) * De graviditatis signis. 8°. Berolini, [1843]. de Sere (E.) * Diagnostic tie la grossesse double par l'auscultatiou et le toucher, se servant de contre-e'preuve. 4°. Paris. 187)3. Also, in: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Hinges, 18:")"). xvi, 377- 397. Also, in: Monit. tl. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 1211; 1220. Sieber (G.) * De signis graviditatis bauil raro fallacibus. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Siebold (A. E.) Commentatio metlico-obste- tricia de diagnosi coneeptionis et graviditatis sstqie dubia. 4°. Wireeburgi, 1798. .Stein (G. W.) * De signoruin graviditatis ses- timatione. sm. 4°. Gottingw, [1760]. Stentzel(C. G.) [Pr. tie sign is coneeptionis.] 4°. [Viteubergw,, 1735.] Suyck (A. A. H.) * De signis graviditatis. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1843. Tanner (T. H.) On the signs and diseases of pregnancy. 8°. London, 1860. Underiiill (A.) Symptoms and signs of preg- nancy in their diagnostic relations. 8°. Xew York, 1870. Also, in: Bull. N. York Acad. M. (1869-71), 1872, iv, 21-35. Ungnad (J. C) Casus anatomico-physiologi- cus rarior. Stettin, 1750. In: Haller. Disp. ad morh. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, iv, 801-805. Weiss (V.) *De signis gravielitatis. 8°. Be- rolini, [1850]. Wockaz (F. F.) * Diss, inaug. medicadiagno- seos graviditatis et hydropis uteri ambiguaj ex- einpla exhibens. 4°. Lipsice, [1813]. Wunderlich (C.) * Zur Diagnose der ersten untl der wiederholten Schwangerschaft. 8°. Rostock, 1860. Wyberdus (J.) * Do pica pneguautmni. sm. 4°. Franekerw, 1644. l'KEGNANCY. 586 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Signs and diagnosis of). Ail lei- (A. S.i (In abdominal examination in pregnancy; itseliagnostio value'. I'ae.iflc M. & S. J., San Fran.. 1880-81. xxiii. 498-5ii."i.—Alilfeltl (K.) Die Teehnik der Seliwau- gerenuutersuehuug. Samml. klin. Yortr., Leipz., 1^71, No. 79 (Gyniik., No. 26, 599-618). -----. Diagnostik tier Schwan- gerschaft nnd Metbodik tier Untersuchung. In his: Her. u. Arh. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Giessen 1881-2, 8°, Leipz., 1883, 25-39.—Anderson (A.) Note on the stethoscopic examination of the pregnant uterus. Loud, efc Etlinh. Month. J. M. Sc, 1844, iv, 103-107. Also, Reprint.—Autinori (G.) Non potersi seinpre conoscere e diehiarar gravielu una donna auehe iu epoche poco lontane dal parto. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1838, lxxxvii, 321- 340.—Atchison (T. A.) A mistake in diagnosis. Nash- ville J. M. efcS., 1879-80, 2. s., xxiv, 151-153.—Bar. Sur les mouvements rhythm6s du tutus. Key. gen. de clin. et tie therap., Par., 1889, iii, 221.—Barbieri' (M.) Case of enteritis, simulating pregnancy, and labour at the full time. Lond. efc Ediub. Month. J. M. Se., 1844, iv, 185-198.— Barnes (R.) On the diagnosis of early pregnaucv. Brit. M. J., Lonil., 1868, ii, 631. — Bastaki. Difficult^ de dia- gnostie. dans un cas de grossesse gemellaire. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. tie J assy. 1888, ii, 166-178.—Battey (R.) Is this woman pregnant? South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1873, iii, 417^420. -----. Diagnosis of pregnaucv ; errata. Obst. Gaz., Cincin.. 1880-81, iii, 622. — Beccaiia (G.) Nuovo segno razionale indieante la gravitlanza prima del quarto mese. Ann. univ. eli meel., Milano, 1830, lv, 502.—Beck (T. R.) On the signs of pre-naiiey. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1843, n. s., v, 112-119— Bellinger (M.) Rectal touch in early pregnancy. South. M. <\ eh- med.-prat, de Montpel., 1843, vii, 31-40. — Depanl. Diagnostic ile la grossi'sse. J. d. sages-femmos, Par., 1870. iv, 155.— Bex. pre*. Difficulty inherent!-* au diagnostic de la •■!•<-. sesse. France med., Par., 1886, ii, 1373-1375 — Doiiiiii- gnez (M.) Reflexiones sobre un error ile diagnn-ii. .. , n un caso de embarazo. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1871, vi, 189-199.— Dropsy (A) mistaken for gravidation. Phil Tr.. 4. ed., Loud., 1731, iii, 139. Also, transl.: «'olhi-i. acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 17,"»5, ii, 401.— DuboiM (P.) Des signes de la grossesse. Gaz. d. hop , Par. 1841 2. S., iii, 123; 135; 144; 152; 164; 172: 179; 207 ; 227: 24l! -----. Du diagnostic de la grossesse. Gaz. med'. ile Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 103-107.—Dum (S. C.) A symptom of pregnancy not spoken of by authors on midwifery. Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic, 1878, n. s., i, 311. — Fdis (A. W.) Cases illustrating the diagnosis of pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 12. — Eliot ( L.) On the diagno- sis of pregnancy in the early mouths. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889. xii. 867-869. Also, Keprint.—Eugclniaini (G. J.) Early pregnancy simulating acute uterine' ami circumuterine inflammation. St. Louis M. efc S. .1., ]s77, n. s., xiv. 224-230. Also, Reprint.—d'Fsnans (F.) Se. cretiou lac tee, pouvaut induire eu erreur coiume sigue presomptifde grossesse. J. de med. et chir. prat., I'ar., 1859, xxx, 411.—Facts aud observations on quickening. Med. efc Phys. J., Loud., 1812, xxvii, 441-448— I'nrlow (J. W.) Analysis of one hundred aud forty-one cases of pregnancy with reference to the diagnostic value of the blue color of the vagina. Boston M. efc S. J., 1887, cxvii, 49. Also, Reprint. — Ferguson (J. C.) AuseultatioD, the only unequivocal evidence of prennancy; with eases. Dublin M.Tr., 1830, n.s., i, 61-88.—Fisehel (W.) Ueber ein hisher noch nicht beobacbtetes Pbanonien hei Defie- xionslagen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 113; 125; 281; 295.—Flaiuaut. M6moire sur le toucher applique k la femme et au foetus. J. compl. du diet. el. sc. nied., Par., 1832, xiii, 113; 249: xliii, 3.— Fran ken hauser (F.) TJeber den Gang der Eigenwarine bei Schwangern. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, ix, 432.—Fry (IL D.) Some observations on the diagnosis of pregnancy in its early stage, with special reference to temperature of the genital canal. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 1009-1018. Also, Reprint.—Gehrung (E. C.) A sign of early preg- nancy. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1877, xvi, 4-8. Also: St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1877, iv, 142-144. — Gerhardt (0.) Doppio tono dell' arteria crurale nelle giavide. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1884, i, 63— Glcuard (F.) Etude physiologique sur le souffle maternel et la paroi abdomi- nal e' des femmes enceintes. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1876, iii, 65; 129. Also, Reprint.—Graudiu (E.H.) Hegar'ssign of early pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880. xxix, 241.— Gray (W. B.) Diagnostic value of the phosphates in pregnancy. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 829-835. Also. Reprint.—Guidon, e^uelijie s idees sur l'incertitnde des signes tie grossesse. .J. de med., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1812, xxiv, 263-271.—Guzzoui degli Ancarani (A.) Contributo alia diagnosi tlella gravi- danza doppia. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1887, ii, 449- 462. -----. Un nuovo segno per la diagnosi della gravi- danza gemella. Atti 12. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 598-600.—Hauck. Tauschung. (Ver- meintiiehe Schwangerschaft.) Wchnschr. f.d. ges. Heilk , Berl., 1833, i, 547-551.—Ilecker. Zur Schwangerschafts- diagnostik. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1858, xii, 401-407.—Helming (C.) Der Ort der fotalen Herztone und der Friichibewegunsien an einhundert Schwangeren gepriift. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1884, xi, 37-48— Hej lelder. Ueber zwei neue Zeiehen der Schwangerschaft. nach Legiuneau de Kerga- ratlec Allg. med. Ann., Leipz.. 1822. s0."i-S74.—IIU'Un (J. B.) Ou the contractions of the uterus throughout pregnancy, their physiological effects, and their value m the diagnosis of pregnancy. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (Is71), 1872. xiii, 216-231. -----. On recording the foetal movements by means of a gastreigraph. Ibid. (188n), 1881, xxii, 134-141. -----. Further remarks on the use of the intermittent contractions of the pregnant ute^rus as a means of diag- nosis. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Loud., 1881, iv, 271-274. -----. Sulle contrazioni dell' utero durante la gravidanza e sul loro valore eliagueistico nelle gravidauze normali ed anormali. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii, 841-845.-----. On the contractions of the uterus through- out pregnancy, and their value in the diagnosis of preg- nancy, ooth normal and complicated. Read by C. W. Earle. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 310-314. -----. On the contractions ofthe uterus during the whole of pregnancy; and their value in diagnosis of pregnancy, both normal'swill abnormal. Lancet. Lond., 1888. i. 65; 113.— II ofm a nu (J.) Zweifelhafte Se;hwangerschaftsfalle. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1851, iii, 542. — Hoist (J.) Zur Diagnose der Schwangerschaft und namentlich in den PKEGXANCY. 587 PKEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Signs and diagnosis of). ersten Mouaten.* Beitr. z. Gynak. u. Geburtsk., Tubing., 1867, ii. 63-90.—Hubert (E.) De l'examen tlu ventre, considere au point de vue obstetrical. Ann. m6d. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1855, viii, 275-281. -----. De l'examen du ventre au point de vue du diagnostic de la grossesse. J. d. sc. med. tie Louvain, 1877, ii, 593-601.— Iluguier. Nouveaux signes de la grossesse. Abeille med., Par., 1847, iv, 286. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlnng., 1848, lv, 495-497. -----. Giossesse reputee anorinale termiuee par un accouchement naturel. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1852, iii, 34; 59; 514.—Iugleby (.1. T.j Illustrations in midwifery, embracing elderly the obscure characters of pregnancy, and the signs which are supposed to denote the extinction of life iu the ovum. Dublin J. M. efc Chem. Sc, 1834-5, vi, 325-361. Also, in his: Facts efc Cases iu Obst. Med., 8°, Lond., [n. el.], 232-294.— Jncquart (H.) Observation ele grossesse d'un diagnostic rendu difficile par la confirmation presumee anormale de l'uterus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, 220-222.—Johnson (J. T.) Cau we make a positive diagnosis of pregnancy previous to the occuirenee of the audible sounds of the total heart and the detection of the fuetal movements? Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 271-277. A Iso, Reprint. — Jlorissenne (G.) Nouveau sb'iie de la grossesse. Ann. Soc m6d.-ehir. de Liege, 1882, xxi, 49: 93; 137; 184; 319. Also, Keprint. Also: xVreh.de tocol., Par., 1882, ix, 327; 397. — Kemper (G. W. H.) A contribution to medical jurisprudence. Am. Pract., Louis- ville, 1877, xv, 340-347. —Kennedy (E.) Physiological and practical observations on the utero-placeutal circula- tion, and the phenomenon of placental soufflet, with its utility in detecting the, existence of pregnancy, and the death of the foetus in utero. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 231-273. — Kispcrt (G.) Ueber das neue Hegar'sche Schwangerschaftszeichen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1885, ix, 788. — Kluge. Bljiuliche Farbung der Vagiua ein Zeiehen der Schwangerschaft. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg., 1837, vi, 37.—Kriigelstein. Ueher ein Kenuzeichen tier Schwangerschaft untl der vorausgegangeneu Geburt. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1843, xlvi, 279-288. ----. Ueber das Verkennen einer Schwangeischaft von Sciten tier Schwangern selbst. Ibid., 1847, Iiii, 445-460.— Kiicliennieister. Ueberdie Spirometrie im Allgemei- nen und die Respirationsgriisse der Schwangern im Beson- dern. Arch. tl. Ver. f. gemeiusch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissen- sch. Heilk., Getting., 1854, i, 504-516.—Kuhnow (Anna). Statisch-inechanische Untersuchungen iiber die Haltung der Schwangeren. Arch. f. Gynak., Berl., 1889, xxxv, 424-441. — Kan (T.) Terhes volte a no? Meghataroz- hato-e a magzatelhajtasbulletin? [Pregnaut or not? Med- ico-legal question.] Allamorvos, Budapest, 1881, 33-35.— Larligue. Fausse grossesse; expulsion spontanee d'un polype, fibreux tie luteins. Courrier nied., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 474.—Lechevallier. Du palper abdominal ap- plique a l'obsteti ique et plus specialement a l'etude de la grossesse. Gaz. tl. hop , Par., 1859, xxxii, 531. — Lee (R. G ) Remarks on the diagnosis of pregnancy: when doubt- ful, concealed, or complicated with tumours. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1872-4, Loud., 1875, vii, 43.—Lehre (Zur) vou den Kenuzeichen der Schwangerschaft. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Anshach, 1853, 5. Hft, 53-56.—Lenoriuand. Observation d'une grossesse prise jusqu'a, sept mois pour un squirrede l'ovaire droit, et reconnue au inoyen eiu stethoscope. J. gen. ele med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxxxvii, 203-208.— Leopold. Yerwechslung der Fettheit eles Unterleibs mit Schwangerschaft. "Wchiisrhi'. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1849, 173-175. — Idtziiiami (C. C. T.) Das Verhalten des Cervix uteri in der Schwangerschaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1876, x, 118-133. — Longlii (G.) Di alcuni segni della gravidanza e della sua durata. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1873, xxxiii, 73; 89; 113; 121.— Loviot (F.) Du diagnostic certain dela grossesse avant l'appariiion des sigues dits tie certitude. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1883, x, 257-274. — Lucas - Championtiierc (J.) Considerations pratiques sur l'exploration externe chez les femmes enceintes. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1869, xl, 19-22.—M. (J. G.) Ueher die Kenuzeichen der Schwan- gerschaft. Repert. f. tl. off. u. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1789, i, 133-147. — lTIcC. ( B.) Strangury as a sign of pregnancy. Chicago M. Exam., 1860, i, 472-474.—ITIcCirr (J. E.) Abdominal movements with reference to preg- nancy; their nature and cause. Northwest. M. efc S. J., 1848-9, v, 287-291. — Macdonald (A.) On the condition of the cervix uteri in the latter months of utero-gestation. Ebinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 869-881. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit, Lond., 1877-8, v, 268-282. — McKee ( E. S.) The early diagnosis of pregnancy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 510-512. Also, Reprint. Also: Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvi, 552-554. -----. The diagnosis of pregnancy by external resources. Pittsburgh "M. Rev., 1888, ii, 269-273. Also: Peoria M. Month., 1888-9, ix, 313- 320. Also: Nashville J. M. efc S., 1889, n.s., xliii, 45-55.— Malins (E.) Obvervations on the diagnosis of spurious and true pregnancy. Birmingh. M. Rev* 1876, v, 262-272.— Mnlvaui. Delia lividezza della vulva e della vagina qual segue tli gravidanza. Gior. tl. sc. med., Torino, 1840, ix, 430-432.—Mnrtliioiiiicsclii (O.) Sulla presentazione Pregnancy (Signs and diagnosis of). dell' addonie. A*nn. di ostet., Milano, 1882, iv, 538-561.— Manlucl. De la thermometrie uterine comme moyen de diagnostic de la grossesse aiusi que de la vie du foetus d'apres les travaux tie Cohnstein, Fehling, Schlesinger et Alexeeff. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. metl de Lyon (1876), 1877, xvi, 103; 2. pt., 169.—Martin (A.) Das Ver- halten des Cervix uteri wahrend der letzten Schwauger- schaftsmonate. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1877, i, 260-336. — Massarenti ( C ) La soudatura dell' utero per la diagnosi della gravidanza fiuo etai suoi pri- mordi. Riv. cliu. di Bologna, 1886, 3. s., vi, 32-38.—Mat- tel. Diagnostic des quatre premiers mois de la grossesse obtenu par le palper abdominal avec le toucher ii trayers le vagin. Bull Acad, ele nied., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 821.— Meister (J. 7. Giese (C.) * De vomitu c.onsensuali gravida- rum, sm. 8°. Berolini, [1817]. Glaseb (A.) * Bedeutung ties unstillbareii El■lireclieiis Schwangerer. 8°. Erlangen, l^*f>. Gui':ntiot(A.) *Di\s vomissi'inents incocrcihlcs pendant la grossesse. *L. Paris, IMi.l. Hokwitz (M. I.) O neukrotimoi rvoti here- inenuich. [On obstinate vomiting iu pregnan- cy.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1882. Also, transl. in.- Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1883, ix, 110-190. Hl'ckkl ( D. B. ) *De vomitu gravidarum. 4°. Francof ad Viatic, [1733]. James. Das Erbrechen tier Schwangern, seine nachtheiligen Folgen fiir Mutter und Kind untl seine Heilung. Nebst eineni Alibiing iiber die Diiitetik eler Sebwaiigi'in unel der eSiiuglingc. Aus dem Englischen. 12°. Leipzig, l-.">4. Koerber (J. F.) *De uauseo ac vomitu gra- vidarum. 8°. Gottingce [1787]. ------. The same. ri°. Papiw, 1780. Also, transl. in: TS. Saninil. el. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz., 1789, 22. St., 137-205. Miunont(S.) *Surles vomisseinents incner- cibles pendant la grossesse. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. Molia (J.-L.-L.) *Des vomissements incoer- ciblcs pendant la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1862. Ovekes (W. M.) * Over braki ng bij barenden. [Leiden.] 8°. Bertogenbosch, 187)6. Poreau (A.-E.) * liecherchcs sur les causes des vomisseinents des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1856. Ramadier (P.) *Des vomissements pendant la grossesse. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)9. van Rooniiuysen (H.) Histori seller Heil- Curen in zwey Theilc verfassete Anmerckun- gen: deren erster Theil allerband, an Manns- iind Weibspersonen, sich ereignentle schwere, untl ungemeine Gobrechcn, zusanit denen darwi- der geordneten Artzneyinitteln: wie auch die, vom Autore, elabey gebraueble Art unel kiinst- liebe Hantlgriffe, tlieselben zu euriren, untl zu beilen: Der antlere aber tlie vielt'altige Gebre- cheu tier Schwangern, untl andererWeibei, nebst eler Autoris an ihueu bewicsenen Wunder-Cmen, vorstellet. Um ihres unvergleichlichen Nutzens • willen, in unsere Hoehtcutsche Mtitter-Sprach getreulich iibersetzet. 1"2~. Niirnberg, H>74. Schelhas (G. A. C.) *De vomitu gravidiinun primis plerumque gestatiouis mensibus iiente. 4°. Jenw, 1738. Sciinellbach (C.) *Du vomissement sympa- thique tie la grossesse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847. Selsis (P.) *Du vomissement opiniatre chez les femmes enceintes. 4'-. Paris, l-.VJ. Spohr (C. H.) *Meditata in casum metlico- practicum ele vomitu bilioso iu gravida. 4°. Altorfii, [1780]. Sutugin (W.) Hyperemesisgravidarum. Das iibermiissige Erbrechen tier Schwangeren. l'J~. Berlin, 1881. See. also, iitfra, Sutugin (V. V.). Tiivm (L. F.) * De vomitu gravidarum. 8Z. Bcoliui, [1846]. PREGNANCY. 589 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Vomiting in). Vehdalle (E.) *Des vomissements incoerci- bles de la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1867). AbrahaniHoii (M.) Von dem Erbrechen tier Schwan- gern, N. Arch. tl. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1789, 1. Theil, 39-42-—Alard. Histoire d'un vomissement ex- traordinaire et d'une abstinence tie quatre mois, qui n'ont pas empeche une fennne grosse d'amener a ternie un enfant bien portant. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1814, xxix, 380-393.—A lit (N. W.) Vomiting in pregnancy. Lancet, Loud., 1878, i. G66.—Auqiielin. Des vomisse- ments ineocrcihles pendant la grossesse. Rev. nied. franc. et etrang.. Par,, 1865, ii, 205: 275; 335; 398; 467 —Atkin- hoii (VY B.) The vomiting of pregnaucv. Proc. Phila. Uo. M. Soc. 1882-3, Phila., 1883, v, 1-7. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 1-4.—Alibert. Influence des mouve- ments'de 1'uterus sur les vomissements de la grossesse. Discussion.1 Lyon metl., 1871, viii, 431; 452. Also: Mem. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1871), 1872, xi, 140; pt. 2, 130— •\yler (J. W.) Vomiting during pregnancy. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1. 757— Bagol (0. E.) On the'sickness of pregnancy. Dublin M. Press, 1859, xiii, ''•'8 — Bailey (F. K.) Nausea of pregnaucv- South. M. Kc-c, Atlanta, 1875, v, 394-397.—Baird (\V.' T.) Persist- ent sympathetic vomiting of pregnancy. Daniel's Texas M. J'., Austin, 1885, i, 67-69.—Barker (T. H.) Case of severe vomiting and dysenteric diarrhcea, in the early months of pregnancy; abortion, followed by recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, ii, 600.—Beach (J. N.) Vomit- ing in pregnaucv. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1879-80, iv, 198-200.—Beiinct (J. H.) On obstinate sickness dur- ing pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 769—Betz (F?) Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie ties Erbre- chensSchwangerer. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1867,xii, 118.— Biccliy. Accouchement premature* au huitieme mois, dans un cas de voinisseinents incoercibles. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de ITsere, Grenoble, 1883-4, viii, 30-32.—Boena (H.) Les vomissements incoercibles tie la grossesse. RC- veilmed., Par.. 1880, i, 22-24.— Bombariln. Vomitos in coereiveis da prenhez; pathogenia e tratainento. Correio med. de Lisb., 1878, vii, 33-35.—Bonet. Contribucion al estudiodelos vomitosdel embarazo y su terapCutica. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1875, i, 241-249.—Bradley. Fatal case of the vomiting of pregnancy. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1873-4, i, 613.—Bra mi (G.) Ueber die Hyperemesis tier Schwangeren. Wchnbl. tl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wieu, 1863, 369; 377— Brian (R.) Note sur une cause peu connue des vomissements des femmes enceintes et sur le moyen d\ remedier. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1855-6, xxi, 901-905. Also: Bull. gen. de therap . etc.. Par., 1856, li, 56-59. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med , i'ar., lsisfi, iii, 514. Also: Union med., Par., 1856, x, 351. Also, transl.: 'larpiKri MeAio-cra, 'Ai^fou, 1856-7, iv, 233-237.—Brock ( W. J.) Obstinate vomiting in preguaney. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, lo82-3, viii, 60-72.—Bubola (G.) Sopra un caso di vo- mito inceiercibile in una iueiuta tli oltre tre mesi. Gazz. nu d. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1861, iv, 296-299.—Buck- in;;liam. Fatal case of vomiting in pregnancy. Boston M...VS.J., 1855, Iii, 142. -----. Vomiting and purpura dur- ing pregnancy. Ibid., 1858-9, lix, 100. — Candela. El vomito de las embarazadas. Progreso giuec, Valencia, 1886, ii, 721-725.—Chailly-IIonore. Sur quelques cas d'epuisement et tie mort determines par ties vomissements opiuiatres pendant Ia grossesse: y a-t-il quelque ressourse ulthne k employer dans ces cas desesperes '. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1844, xxvii, 288-295.—Charpciiticr. Contribution k l'etude des vomissemeiits incoercibles ele la grossesse. Arch, ele toceil., Par., 1885, xii, 498-518.— I'liomcl. Vomissements continuels dans un castle gros- sesse; avortemeut; guerison. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 34-36. — Christie ( C. VV. ) Severe case of vom- iting attending pregnancy. Midland M. efc S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i, 440. — Clay ( C.) On the severe and obstinate forms of vomiting during the latter montlis of pregnancy. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birmingh., 1857, i, 193-200.—Cornea (W. T. S.) On sick stomach anel vomiting in pregnancy, with report of a case which proved fatal. West. J. M., Indianap., 1869, iv, 393-401.— CromiNe (J.) Report of a caseof vomiting in pregnancy. Med. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii, 226-228. — Culver (D. M.) Obstinate vomiting in pregnancy. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1881, iv, 7. — Ciirrie (A.) Obstinate vomiting in preg- nancy; craniotomy. Meel. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 321.— Dance. Observations sur quelques accidens survenus au commencement tie la grossesse, et paraissant dependro dun etat morbide tie l'uterus et ties produits de la concep- tion. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1827, iii, 70-78. Also | Abstr. ]: Arch. gen. tlo med., Par., 1827, xiv, 245-252.—Davenport (G.) Vomiting in pregnancy. Tr. Veimmit M. Soe. 187s. St. Albans, 1879, 39-49.—De Camp (W. H.) On the sickness and vomiting of pregnancy. Tr. M. Soc. Mich., Lansing, 1872, 75-79. — Depaul. Vomissements incoercibles de la grossesse. J. d. sa"cs- femnies, Par., 1879, vii, 369; 377; 385— Diamautopou- low (G.) Ilepi tou OKaTauxeTTOV efierov ri>v eysvtov Kal T))S 9epaneia<; avroi. raAiji/bs, 'Afloat, 1879, A', 113-119 —Doe (O. VV.) A case of so-called uncontrollable vomiting of Pregnancy (Vomiting in). pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. j., 1885, cxiii, 609-611. — Donovan (W.) On the relation of the vomiting of preg- nancy and the quantity of the liquor ainnii. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 848-850. Also.- Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii, 295. — Dorf'miiller. Vomitas gravidarum. Hannov. Ann f. d. ges. Heilk., 1839, iv, 556-558.—Dubois (P. I Des voinissoments pendant la grossesse. et en par- ticulier ties vomisseinents opiuiatres. Gaz. nied. tie Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 234-238. Also: Ann. tie med. beige, Brux., 1852, ii, 392: iii, 115. — Dunion! (A.) Vomissements de la grossesse. Rev. med., Louvain, 18K5, iv, 485-493.— Duncan. Vomiting in pregnancy; death. Boston M. efc S. J., 1867-8, lxxvii, 16.—Duncan (.1. M.) efc Collin* ("W. J.) Pernieiems vomiting of pregnancy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lonil., 1883, xix, 121-126.—Dn'tton. Obsti- nate vomiting during gestation. J. Gynac. Soc. Bost., 1869. i, 69-73.—Edis (A. VV.) Severe vomiting in preg- nancy, due to alcoholism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 697.— Eichberu;. Hyperemesis gravidarum. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb.'iirztl.'Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 69. - Feltou (A. D.) Vomiting in pregnancy. Med. Roc, N. Y., 1878, xiv. 39.—Fereol. Note sur mi cas do vomissements incoi'iei- bles pendant la grossesse. Ann. de gynec. Par., 1874, i, 174-183. -----. Rapport sur un cas tl'atrophie musculaire ties quatre membres, a 6volution ties rapide. survenue pendaut la grossesse et coiisecutiveinent a ties voinisso- ments incoercibles, observe par MM. les Drs. Desnos. Joffroy et Pinard. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1889, 2. s , xxi, 44-51. —Fificld. Obstinate vomiting of pregnancy. Boston M. >6—White ()<; fiijTpas. TaArivbt, 'ASfivai, 1882, H', 230.— Oros (L.) Observations a l'appui des bons effets de la pepsinedans le traitement des vomisse- ments, roenie opiuiatres, ele la grossesse. Bull. g6n. tie therap., etc., Par., 1858, liv, 97-106. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 225-228.—Cri-iinbaum. Ueber einen Fall von Behandlung eles Erbrechens einer Schwangeren elurch Cauterisation des Muttermundes. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1880, elraz, 1881, xvii, 115.—Ouenenu de HI ussy (H.) Sur le traitement eles vomissements de la grossesse par l'iiidin. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele therap.. Par., 1884, xvi, 63.—Ciinther. Zur Behandlung tier Hyper- emesis gravidarum. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1888, xii, 465-467.—Ilnddon (J.) Treatment of the vomiting of pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 731.— Ilarkin (A.) On the reflex vomiting of pregnancy, antl a simple and effectual method of cure. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 421.—Harrison (J.) Vomiting of pregnancy treated by hypodermic injection of morphia. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1869, i, 306— Hart (D. B.) Note on the use of iridin in the treatment of the, sickness of early pregnancy. Edinb. Clin, efc Path. J., 1883-4, i, 419.—Herzbersj. Dergiinstige Einfluss des Ohloralhydrats auf den Vomitus gravidarum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 728.—Hewitt (G.) On Dr. Copeman's novel treatmeut of obstinate vomiting in pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 702.—Hickman (J. W.) Vomiting of pregnancy; a few notes upon its treatment. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 511.— Hines (P. E.) A case of excessive exhausting vomiting in the early period of pregnancy, in which life was saved by inunction of lard. Tr. M. Soc N. Car., Raleigh, 1874, xxi 118.—Hobbs (A. G.) Bromide of potash in diarrhea and vomiting in pregnancy. Louisville M. News, 1879,vii, 174.—Hodgkins (D. W.) Bromide of potassium in the so-called morning sickness of pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 150.—Hoffmann (VV.) Ueber die An- wendung der Tct. Nucis vomicae gegen das Erbrechen tier Schwangern. Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk., Berl., 1847, i, 4. Hft., 3-10.—Horovitas (M.) A terhesek csillapithatlan bdnyaV sar61. [Treatment of dangerous vomiting in pregnancy.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1883, xxvii. 536; 555.—Image (F. R') On the employnientof theoxalate of cerium iu pregnant sickness. Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xx, 401.—Jackson (W. F.) Vomiting of pregnancy cured hy a single appli- cation of silver nitrate to the bs uteri. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1878-9, xi, 114.—Johnson (J. T.) The mechani- cal treatment of the vomiting of pregnancy. J. Am. M. Ass.,'Chicago, 1886, vi, 284-288. [Discussion], 304. Also, Reprint.—Jones (H. W.) Observations on the thera- peutic action of tho oxalate of cerium in the vomiting of pregnancy. ChicagoM. J., 1861, xviii, 65-69.—Jordan (M. H.) Is the artificial production of abortion ever justifiable for the uncontrollable nausea and vomiting of pregnancy? PREGNANCY. 592 TREG NANCY. Pregnancy (Vomiting in, Treatmentof). Tr. M. A'ss. Alabama. Montgomery, 1883, xv, 61-76.— .ludet (A.I De l'emploi ele la peptone phosphat6e elans lis yoniisseinents incoercibles ele la grossesse. Gaz. el. hop., I'ar., 1884. Ivii, 724.—Keating (J. M.) Wine of ipecac in the vomiting of pregnancy. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x. 228.—Kempe (C. P.) Vomiting in pregnancy treated with ingluvin. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 71.—Kochinann. Faradiseher Strom gegen unstillbares Erbrechen Gravider uud statisehe Eloetrieitat zur Todtung des extrauterine!! Fotus. Allg. meel. Outr.-Ztg., Berl., 1883, Iii, 409-411.— I.cake (H. K.) The treatment of vomiting in pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 250.—L.ec (W.) [Caseof obstinate vomiting in a patient three antl a half months pregnant; use of ingluvin.J Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1S78, iit 380. —liCiile (F. D.) Treatment of the vomiting of pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 484.—lii-on (F.) Un caso tie vtiniitos incoercibles durante laprenez; cura- cion por medio de los enemas de hidrato de cloral. Gac. med. catal.. Barcel., 1885, viii, 741-743. — tester (F. VV.) The treatment of vomiting of pregnancy by ether-spray. Meel. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 474. — liCwis (G. M.) Vomiting of pregnancy; failure of dilatation; relief from other means. Ibid., 1887, xxxi, 354.—Ciase (A.) Vomis- seiiieiits incoercibles pendant la grossesse; nervosisme ex- traorihiiaire ; guerison par les injections hypodermiques a l'h\ilro<■hlonitii tie morphine. Gaz. ohst.de Par., 1872, i, 419-4J], — l>ueas (J.) Au accouut of a singular case. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1771-6, v, 73-81. — iUcCall (R. B.) Salol in the vomiting of indigestion and of preg- nancy. Med. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 570. — Hinder. Vomitus in Gravida; Magenausspulung; Heilung. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudedpb-Stiftnng in Wien (1878), 1879, 386.—ITIareard. Ein einfaebes Mittel gegen die Uebelkeit und das Erbrechen der Schwangeren. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1797, i, 117-120. Alio, transl.: Verhandel. en Waarn. t. He void. d. Geniesk-, Heel-,Verlos-en Scheik., Leyden, 1803, 1,281-284.—.flarini (G.) I semi della I'aolinia gnarana coutro il vomito delle' gravide. Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1871, xxv, 1-1-18.—JTIasoti (A.) Uncaso mas para valorar los buenos efectos tie las pulverizacioncs ele 6ter y cloioformo en los vomitos incoercibles del embarazo. Gac. m6d. deCataluiia, Barcel., 1878, i, 560-566.—JTIauiiy. Vomissements incoer- cibles tie la grossesse, arretes par les cauterisations du col ulerin. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1882, Par., 1883, xi, 692-694.—.Mayor (A.) De l'influence des inhalations d'oxygdne sur les troubles digestifs qui survieniient au debut de la grossesse. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1883, iii, 569-578. — Michelle! (J.) Traitement des vomissements incoercibles ele la grossesse par la dilatation tlu col. J. de nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, 1, ltiu-103.—Miller (E. D.) On topical applications to the cervix uteri in sympathetic vomiting of pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1859-60. lxi, 69-72.— Morse ( W. H.) Hydrochloral bv the rectum in vomiting of pregnancy. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1874, ix, 549. — Packard (J. H.) Bromide of potassium in the sickness of pregnaiicv. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. s., hi. 133. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1863-74, n. s., iv, 217.— I*app (G.) Az inghivini'61, mint a terhesek, hanyasa ellen \ alii gy6gyszerri>l. [On ingluvin as a remedy in vomiting of pregnancy.] Gy<5- gyii.szat, Budapest, 1888, xxviii, 351. Also, transl. [Ab- str.j: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 905.— Parks. Excessive nausea during pregnancy relieved by cauterizing the cervix uteri. Boston M. & S. J., 1857-8, Ivii, 302.—Pawl i k. Ueber Therapie eles Erbrechens der Schwangeren. Ztschr. f. Diagn. u. Therap.. Wien, 1882, i, 39.—Pctrequiu. Vomissements incoercibles pendant la grossesse; inefhcacit6 tie plusieurs moyens; emploi tie l'eau de Condillac; cessation des accidents. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 159.—Pigcaux (J.) Recherches thera- peutiques sur le vomissement ties femmes enceiutes. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1832, iii, 134-139—Pinard (A.) Vomissements incoercibles chez une primipare; inhala- tion d'oxygeme; disparition des accidents. Ann. de gy- nec, Par., 1880, xiii, 380-384.—Pippingskold (J.) Zwei Fiille von Hyperemesis gravidarum behandelt mit Niihr- klystieren. tierl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 455-459.—[Pi- tois.] Vomissements incoercibles de la grossesse; hyo- sciamine. J. de nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1875, xlvi, 307.— Porcal ier. Vomissements incoercibles pendant la gros- sesse; emploi de l'eau d'Alet; cessation des accidents. Union metl., Par., 1860, n. s., vi, 485 —Post (A. C.) The vomiting of pregnancy; treatment by rectal alimentation. Obst, Gaz., Cincin., 1879, i, 400. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 92. — Potter (W. W.) On rectal alimentation and the induction of abortion for the relief of the obstinate vomiting of pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 85-98. — es accidents ner- viux qui peuvent leur etre attributes. 4°. Paris, 1883. PREGNANCY. 597 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy in relation to diseases ofthe nervous system and psychoses. Blanc (P.-L.-U.) *La grossesse et les affec- tions couvul'Sives. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Cordks (A.-E.) * Du traitement des accidents nerveux ele la grossesse par le bromure de potas- sium. 4C. Paris, 1869. Dubois (A.) "Des lesions ele l'innervation dans la grossesse, pendant l'accouclieiiieiit et les suites tie couches. 4°. Paris, 1855. Dupiulot (II.) * Considerations geSne'rales sur les neuropathies de la grossesse. 4-. Montpel- lier, 1867. Touze (F.) * De l'aberration ties facultds in- tcllectuelles pendaut la grossesse, cousideree sous le point ele vue nie^dico-leSgal. 4C. Paris, 18:55. Ahlfeld. Ueber Apoplexien in der ersten Halite tier Schwangerschaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1877, xi, 584- 586.—Beano (F. D.) The deafness of pregnancy and the post parturient state; an unique history. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 495-500 —Berruli ((!.) Accessi istero- epilettici gravi in donna gestante ; guarigioue colle iujezioni di valerianato tl' atrophia. Indipentlente, Torino. 1874, xxv, 451.—Bouyer (A.) Relation d'un cas tie grossesse coiupliqu6e, pendant les quatre derniers mois, d'une inSvralgie uterine s'aceompagnant tie contractions irregu- liiires et provoquant des troubles nerveux tetaniformes et l'aholition des facultes sensoriales et iutelleotuelles; emploi inethodique et regulier ties injections hvpoder- miques de morphine; accouchement a tenue et sans acci- dents. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 18-20.—* liainbrc- lent (J.) Contribution a l'etude des rapports de la grossesse et de quelques affections du systeme nerveux. J. de med.de Bordeaux. 1888-9, xviii, 272; 285; 294; 309; 318; 330; 377.—Churchill (F.) On the mental disorders of pregnancy and child-bed. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, ix, 38_63.—Cole (C. S.) Eclampsia and epilepsy, antl uncon- trollable vomiting, complicating pregnaucv. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xlvi, 20-23.—Crane (M.) Curious case. [Neuralgic pains in track of linea alba, and red line marking same.] Ohio M. Recorder, Columhus, 1876-7, i, 453.—Del am are. Accidents nerveux accompagnant le d6but d'une grossesse; susceptibilit6 remarquable de flusieurs organes. J. de la sect, de med. Soe. acatl. Loire- nf., Nantes,' 1839, n. s., xv, 149-160.—Dolan (T. M.) Some affections of the nervous system associatetl with pregnancy; chorea, attending pregnancy; hemiplegia, following delivery. Metl. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1870, n. s., x, 435.—Froimuann (J. C.) Von Kopfschmerzen, tlie aus der Mutter herriihreten und gliicklich geheilet wur- deu. Auserl. med.-chir.-. . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. tl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1704, xiii, 327-337.—Fiirstner (C.) Ueber Schwaugersehafts- und Puerperalpsvchoseu. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl., 1874-5, v, 505-543.—Gauchet (A.) Deux observations de contraction idiopatbique ties ex- tr6mites chez des femmes enceintes. Union med., Par., 1860, n. s., vii, 309; 321 —Gioigieri (C.) Ui un caso tli paresi vasomotoria in donna ineiiita. Ann. di ostet., Firenze, 1888, x, 518-527.—Gray (H. V.) Neurostheuia of toes in pregnancy. Richmond &■ Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xvi, 87.—GreiiMer. Anomalien tier Schwangerschaft; Coma somnoleutum. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iii, 137.—Hay ward (W. T.) Notes of a case in which puerperal insanity oc- curred during pregnancy. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1886-7, vi, 188.—Hirst (B. C.) A caseof pregnancy com- plicated hy anaemia, chorea, insanity, and pyelitis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 151.—KIciiiNclimidt (C. H. A.) Hysterical aphonia in pregnancy. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1882, x, 81-85.—fjafbrgue. Contracture des extr6mit6s inf'6rienres pendant la grossesse, persistant jusqu'& la mort survenue viugt deux jours apres l'accouche- ment. [From: J. tie med. de Toulouse.] Abeille med., Par., 1865. xxii, 362-364— Landman (N. ,1. B.) Waarne- ming eener hyperaesthesia cruralis dextra in twee opvol- geutle baringen bij tlezelfde vrouw. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk..Utrecht, 1859-60, x, 111-122.—JLerrand (In Naulle. De l'influence de la grossesse sur les facult6s intellectuelles et morales tie la femme. Courrier med., Par., 1868, xviii, 316.—Leideadorf (M.) Ueberdie in der bchwangerschaft und im Puerperium auftretenden Psy- chosen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 629; 653.— Meis*ner (F. L.) Ueber Riickenmarksaffection der Schwangern untl Gebarenden, nebst einem Zusatze von A. E. von Siehold. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1828, vii, 372-397.—yiinot (F.) Encephalitis in a pregnant woman. Boston M. efc S. J., 1864-5, lxxi, 240.—ITIoses (G. A.) A con- tribution to the study of the reflex neuroses of pregnancy, with a case of aphasia graviditatis. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1888, i, ]«J-164.—Negri (P.) TJnaos^el•- vazioue di jumping in gravida. Ann. tli ostet., Milano, 1886, viii, 336-338.—Niemann (J. F.) Ueher einige unge- Prcgnancy in relation lo diseases ofthe nercous system and psychoses. wohuliche Nerveuzufalle bey Schwangern. Me>d. Ephem. v. Berl., 1799-1800, i, pt, 2, 95-101.—Oiighenn. Observa- tion de nevrose singulitM-e, sympathitpie d'une grossesse, et caracteris^e surtout par la retraction permanente des membres. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1849, xvi, 83-86.— Piugault fils. Observation tie ramollissement tr6s- etendue du cerveau et du eervelet chez une femme, enceinte; la grossesse a parcouru ses p6riodes, l'accouchement a eu lieu k terme; 1 enfant vivant et viable; mort de la malade; autopsie. Bull. Soc tie metl. de Poitiers, 1839, iii. 24-31.— Reynold* (J. P.) Singular mark on the hand of a preg- nant woman; appearing at the beginning of successive pregnancies, antl disappeaiing soon alter ele-livery. Boston M. efc S. J., 1869, lxxx. 378-380.—Mehcuck. Blindness, deafness, and paraplegia in pregnancy. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1884, xi, 359. — Mchlierbach '(,!. J.) Impotentia ambulandi artusque movendi subitanea, in gravida ca'tero- quin saua. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii, 218- 220—Schmidt (I. B.) Fin Fall von Motilities- und Sensi- bilitiits Stbrung wahrend tier Schwangerschaft untl Geburt. Beitr. z. (ieburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., 1855, ii, 146-157.— Schwartzer (O.) A psychonenrosis izgults&gi szakanak thermicus kezeleserol. "jPsyehoneurosis in pregnaucv. 1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1879, xxiii, 381; 407; 430.—Stamps (J. A.) Vertigo referable to changes produced by uteio- gestation ; retention of placenta ; a sequelae. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iiii, 457-461. — Valin (H. D.) Hemi- plegia at fourth month of pregnancy ; recovery. Chicago M.J. efc Exam., 1881, xiii, 271.-Verinast (P. F.) Paralyse van het achtei stel bij eene kalfdragende kol ante pai turn. [Paralysis of back in pregnant cow. 1 Tijdschr. v. veeartse- nijk. eu veeteelt, Amst., 1879, x, 21-26.—Weber. Schwau- gersehafts- und Puerperalpsychosen. Jahresb. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1875-6, 131-143. Pregnancy (Abdominal). See. also, Fostus (Death of); Hymen (Per- sistent); Lithopaedion; Pregnancy (Extra- uterine); Pregnancy (Extra-uterine, Operations for); Pregnancy (Extra-uterine) coexisting with uterine; Pregnancy (Extra-uterine) with long re- tention of foetus. Aumont (E.) * Des grossesses extra-ut6riues, et en particulier de la grossesse abdomiuale. 4°. Paris, 1875. Boenntger (E.) * De graviditate extra-uteri- na. Historia graviditatis cnjiisdam abdoniinalis in nosocoinio clinico hujus loci obstetricio hieuie observatse a. 1*45-6. b°. Bounce, [1866]. Descakgues (J.) *De la grossesse extra- uterine elite abdominale. 4°. Paris, 1873. Deutsch (C. F.) *De graviditate abdoniinali, singulari observatione illustrata. 4°. Balce, [1792]. Dkeessen (A. B. C.) * Nonnulla de gravidi- tate abdoniinali. 4°. Eiliw, 1867. Also, transl. fAbstr.] in: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxi, 200-208, 1 pl. GiEssLEit (T.) * Ueber einen Fall von Abdoini- . nal-Sehwangerscbaft. 8°. Marburg, 1856. Haake (J. H.) * Nonnulla de graviditate ab- iloininali; aeljectus e.st graviditatis abdoiuiualis casus. 8°. Lipsice, 18b9. Haussner(G. A.) De graviditate abelominali. 4°. Lipsice. [1844]. Heiland [genannt. von Siebold] (M. T. C.) Ueber .Seliwangerschai't ausserbalb eler Gebiir- mutter unel iiber eine Bauchhohlenschwanger- schaft. 4°. [Giessen, 1817.] Holck ( R. ) * Ueber Abtlouiinalgravitlitiit. 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Josephi (J. G.) *De conceptioue abdoniinali, vulgo sic dicta. 4°. Gottingw, 1784. Also, transl. in: N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz., 1789, 23. St., 178-212. Langner (K.) *Ein Fall von : usgetragener Tuboabtlomiualschwangerschaft. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1886. Reichold (C.) *Ein Fall von Bauchschwan- gerscbai't. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18611. eScn.MKLZ (W. M.) "Ein Fall von Graviditas abelominalis secundaria beim Hunele. 8°. Mar- burg, 1865. PREGNANCY. 598 PKKGNANCY. Pregnancy (Abdominal). Sender (lv F.) *Diss. sistens nonnulla de graviditate alitloininali, iitlnexatiue singulari hu- jus status historia. 8° J'ratislaviw, [1830]. Thhmling (A.) * Ein Fall von giiustig abge- laufener Bauehscbwangerschaft. S-. Tiibingen, 1877). Werle (A.) * De conceptioue extrauteriiiaria abdoniinali. 8°. Vindobonw, 18:36. Adams (F. L.) A case of abdominal piegnanov. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1883-4, xxvi, 427-429.— Allen (T. W. J.) Notes on a ease of extra uterine ab- dominal pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 1217.—Amp- ferl. Eine seltene Bauehgeburt. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1815, ii. 156-160.—Aubiuais. Observation ile grossesse extra uterine (grossesse abdominale). J. de la sect, de unel. Sue. acad. Loire-Inf, Nantes, 1859. n. s., xxxv, 148- 162.—Bandl (L.) Eiu Fallvon Graviditas extrauteriua mit Bersten des Eies in einer friihen Zeit der Schwanger- schaft und Fortentwickelung des Embryo in tier Bauch- hohle bis zur Rife (Graviditas extrauteriua secundaria). Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1874, xxiv, 097-702. Also, transl: (iaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1875, xviii, 337-343.—von Base- dow. Fall von Bauehscbwangerschaft. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 321-331. — Behier. Grossesse extra ut6rine, intra peritoneale, avec fietus ele six se- maines; peritonite hemorrhagique avec brides et gros cail- lots hematitptes; marche clinique simulant un etraugle- ment iuterne complique d'accidents peritoneaux. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 479; 570. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1S73, ii, 230. —Bigelow (E. H.) A ease; of abdominal pregnancy. Boston \I. efc S. j.,1887, cxvi, 278.—Birnbauiu. Ueberdie Banehhohlenschwan- gerschaft und namentlich tlie inneren Blutuuuen dalni nach einem n Bi'obachtungen. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Fraui'iikr.. Berl., 1861, xviii, 331-348. Also: Verhandl. tl. Gesellsrh. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1860-01), 1862, xiv, 136- 153. — Blooilgootl (A.) On a case of ventral pregnancy reported in the February (1853) no. of the N'. York M. Gaz. N. York M. Gaz.' & J. Health, 1853, iv, 151-155. [See, also, infra. Valk (W. W.)]—| Cases.1 Seltener Fall einer Baucbscbwaiigerschaft. Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xv, 126-128. —Zwei merkwiirdige Falle vou einer Bauilischwangerschal't Mag. f. tl. gerichtl. Arz- neiw., Berl., 1832, i, 370-378.—Chaberl. Note sur un cas de grossesses extra-uterine. Lyon med., 1876, xxi, 611- 618—I'll u ni mix. Observation sur une grossesse ven- trale. J. de ni6d , chir., pharin., etc., Par., 1773, xxxix, 317-335.—C'rewpo (A: L. T.) Preuhez extra-ute^rina. caso singular observado em Loaudo (Angola). J. Soc. el. sc. med. de Lisb , 1848, 2. s., iii, 329-337. —Cruveilhier. [Lames ossiformes et comme lac6rees, qui out r6trt»ci k un degre considerable l'orificeaiirieiilo-vontrieulaire gauche.] Bull. Soe. auat. de Par., 1829, iii, 72.—Cullen. flisteuy of a case of extra uterine gestation at full terin. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1871, 230; 204 —Currier (A. F.) An erroneous diagnosis in a case of abdominal pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 1233-1241.—Cushing (C.) A case of abdominal pregnancy. Pacific M. efc S. J"., San Fran., 1886, xxix, 27-31.—Harby (J. T.) Case of extra- uterine preguaney. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1872,97-100. Also, Reprint, — »a»hiell (R. R.) Acaseof abdominal pregnancy. Nashville J. M. & S., 1882, n. s., xxx, 157-161.— Bassier efc Esteveuet. Observation de gros- sesse extra-uterine abdominale. J. de med. et chir. de Tou- louse, 1844-5, viii, 113-120.—Debenham (T.) The case of a woman from whom the bones of a foetus were extracted. Phil. Tr., Lond, 1751-2, xlvii, 92-95. —van Been (I.) Voorloopige mededeeling van eene merkwaardige buik- zwangerschap tusschen de laminae van het peritonaeum (graviditas abdoiuiualis peritonasalis). N. Arch. v. bin.- eu buitenl. Geneesk., Zwolle, 1846, i, 53-68. Also, Re- print.—Bepaul. De la grossesse extra-ut6rine perito- neale; do son diagnostic et ele son traitement. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1874, i, 7; 65; 257; 336; 522: 1875, ii, 65; 257; 401. -----. Grossesse extra-uterine abdominale. t' graviditate extra- uterina. 81-'. Berolini, [1*11], Bissiku (E.) *Du siege anormalde l'dmbryou. 4°. Paris, 187)0. Boenniger (E.) *De graviditate extraute- riua. Historia gravielitatis cujusdaiu abdomi- nalis iu nosocouiio clinico hujus loci obstctrieiti hieuie observattea a lr<45-6. 8'-'. Bounce, [i860]. See, also, infra, Schroeder. Bonnie (E.) * Dissertation sur les grossesses extra-uterines, precedce d'une description abrd- gee des organes ele la generation chez la feiunie, eiu feetus et ele ses amiexes,'et tie considerations snr la giossesse naturelle. 4°. Paris, 1822. Buy (A.) * Dissertation sur la grossesse ex- tra-ut«5rine. 4°. Paris, 1808. Burckhardt (A.) *Mittheilung eines Falles von Schwangerschaft ausserhalb tier Gchartnut- ter. 4°. Basel, 1844. Campbell (W.) A memoir on extra-uterine gestation. 8°. Edinburgh, 1840. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgh, 1H42. -----. The same. Abhandlung iiber die Schwangerschaft ausserhalb der Gebarmutter. Aus elem Engliseheu iibersezt von Ecker. 8°. Karlsruhe it. Freiburg, 1841. Castkkks(P.) * Des grossesses exti'a-ut6rines. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. VAN Cauwenberghe (C. J.) Des grossesses extra-utermes. Memoire couronne\ 4°. Bru- xelles, 1867. Clarus (J. C. A.) [Pr.] adversaria clinica vii. Fcetus extra uterum concepti et per absces- sum abdominis, salva matre, expnlsi historia, cum epicrisi. 4°. Lipsiw, 1841. Daynac (E.) * Dissertation sur la grossesse extra-uterine. 4°. Paris, 1825. Deschamps (B.) *Des eli vers modes tie ter- minaison des grossesses extra-uteriues et tie leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1880. Dkapier (tt.) * De graviditate extra-uterina. 4°. Leodii, [1830]. de Droste-Hulshoff (J.) *De graviditate extra-uterina. 4C. Berolini, [1819]. Evesque (F.-X.) * Dissertation sur les gros- sesses extra-iiterines. 4°. Paris, 1806. Finck (A.) * Ueber die Extrauterin-Schwan- gerschaft. b°. Zurich, 1853. Finger (P.) * Ueber extrauterinale Schwan- gerschaft. 8°. Miinsterberg, 1880. Fleischer (W. A.) *De graviditate extra- uterina. 8°. Pesthini, [1833]. Gailleton (A.) *De la gro.ssesse extra-ute- rine. 4°. Paris, 187)4. Geiirmann (A.) * Ueber Extrauterin-Schwau- gerschaft. 8°. Konigsberg, 18G8. Gotthardt (J. A.) *De graviditate extra- uterina, 4°. Berolini, [1829]. Gresely (L.) Observation de grossesse extra- uterine. 8°. Paris, 1826. Hartmann (K.) Eiu Fall von Extrauteriu- Schwahgerschaft. 8°. Tubingen, 1871 Hecker (G. F. C.) Beitrage zur Lehre vou der Schwangerschaft ausserhalb der Gcbarniut- terhohle. 4°. Marburgi, [lKr>8]. Also, in: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1859, xiii, 81-123. Held (F. F.) "De graviditate extrauteriua primaria; accedit observatio graviditatis abdo; niinalis priniariae, cum descriptione lithopadu inde exorti. 4°. Lipsiw, [1834]. Hkss (J.) * Ein Fall von Extrauterinschwan- gersehaft. 8°. Zurich, 1869. van der Hoeven (J.), Jz. *Over graviditas extrauteriua. 4°. Leiden, 187)7. PREGNANCY. 601 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Extra uterine). Hosskmann (\V.) * De graviditate extraute- riua. 8°. Miinchen, 1853. IIueppe (F.) * Die Bediugungen tier Ovarial- inicl Abdoininal-Schwangersehaft. 8°. Berlin, [1876]. Jesse (E\) * Cousitldratious sur la grossesse extra-uteiiiie. 4°. Paris, 1855. Kauderbach (F. G. H.) *De graviditate ex- trauteriua. 4°. Jenw, 1820. Kersbergen ( W. C. ) * De ex tra-uterine zwaugerschap en hare behandeliug. 8°. Lei- den, 1888. Kluyskens (J. F.) Overzigt van outlerschei- tlcne zwangeiheden buiten tie baarniotder, en verslag wegenseenesoortgelijke zwangerheid, in welke een volelragen kind, na een zestieninaaiidig verblijf in elen moetlerlijken school, uit het eijernest gegehaald werd door ele buiksnijeling, met behoud en geuezing tier nioeder, die verfol- gens verscheidene andere kintleren gebaard heeft. 4°. [Amsterdam, n. d.] Kohler (K.) * Ueber Extrauterinschwauger- schaft. 8°. Giessen, 1854. Kregkloh (A.) * Ueber Extrauteriuschwau- gcrschaft. 8°. Greifswald, 1869. Kretzschmar(J. ) * Ueber Extrauterinschwan- gerschaft. 8°. Berlin, [1875]. Krohn (H.) Fcetus extra uterum historia, cum intluctionibns qusestionibnsque aliquot sub- uexis; accedunt porro tabuhe explanatrices cum tabulis itidem linearibus subsidiarise illustra- tionis ergo superadditis. fol. Londini, 1791. Text Latin and English. Lang ( F. J. ) * Ueber die Extrauterinal- schwaugiTschaften und ihre Behaudlung. 8°. Miinchen, 1820. Lesouef (P.-J.) * Remarques sur trois cas tie grossesse extra-uterine. 4°. Paris, 1862. Lober (G.) * Eiu gliicklich geheilter Fall von Extrauterinschwangerschaft. 8°. Jena, 1886. Martone (V.) Caso singolare di tloppio gra- vidanza estrauteriua crurale nionstruosa per di- fetlo. 8°. [«. p., 1847.] Repr. from: Severino, fac. 196, 1847. Mayer ( M. ) * Kritik eler Extrauterinal- Schwangersehaften vom Standpunkte tier Phy- siologie und Entwickluugsgeschichte. 8°. Gies- sen, 1847). Maygrier (C.) Terminaisons et traitement de la grossesse extra-uterine. 8-. Paris, [l88(i], Mkrriman (S.) A dissertation on retroversion of the womb, incluiling some observations on extra-uterine gestation. 8°. London, 1H10. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1817. See, also, infra, Dewees (W. P.). Meyer (A.) *Ein Fall von Extrauterinschwan- gerschaft, mit gliicklichem Ausgang. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1874. Moreau (A.) *Des grossesses extra-uterines. 4C. Parts, 1853. —---. The same. 8°. Paris, 1853. Mi ller (F.) *De graviditate extrauterina. 8C. Gryphiw, [1848]. Nordsieck (H. A.) * Nonnulla de graviditate extrauterina, aduexa morbi historia. 8°. Bero- lini, [18:)7)]. Parry (J. S.) Extra-uterine pregnancy; its causes, species, pathological anatomy, clinical history, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. Patuna (B.) Epistola physico-medica conti- nens historiam foetus sine involucris extra ute- rum inventi, placenta intra uterum hterente. Vienna?, 1765. In.- Sandifokt. Thesaurus diss. [etc.]. 4°. Liigd. Bat., 1778, iii, 325-339. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frank/, u. Leipz., 1782, xv, 32. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine). Pauly (\V.) #De graviditate extrauterina, atljecta casus historia. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Pulzner (H. A. C.) *De graviditate extra- uterina. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. Rodriguez (J. M.) Tocologia. ^Qu6 inge- rencia 6 participle tiene la matriz en la preuez extrauteriua? Memoria leitla en la Academia ele meelicina ele Mdxico. 8U. Mexico, 1881. ------. Tocologia. Nuevo caso nacional tie preuez extrauterina y resiimeii tie los debida- mente autenticados tie que hay noticias eu la capital y varios estatlos de la republica. 8°. Mexico, 1885. Roth (F. L.) * Ueber Extrauterin-Schwanger- schaft. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1863. Schilpe (P.-L.-A.) *De la grossesse extra- uterine envisag6e surtout au point de vue tlu diagnostic et du traitement. 4°. I'ctris, 1868. Schuhl (J.) *Des grossesses extra-utdriues anciennes tlans leurs rapports avec les grossesses uterines subs6quentes. 4°. Nancy, 1883. Schultze (C. A.) * Nonnulla tie graviditate extrauterina. 8°. Balis Sax., 1848. Sibelius (C. G.) *Anteckuingar om hafvan- deskap utoin lifmodren jeinte beskiifuing ofver ett dithorande fall. [Extra-uterine pregnancy, antl notes on a case. ] 8°. Belsingfors, 1855. von Siebold (E. C. J.) Zur Lehre von den Schwangerschaften ausserhalb eler Gebiirniutter. 8°. [11. p.], 1838. Simon (H.) Die Graviditas tnbo-uterina sive iuterstitialis, beleuchtet an der Hanel eles Ruge'- schen Symptoms ties Fundusdrehuug. 8 . Ber- lin, 1885. de Smet (E.) Concours universitaire de 1865- 6. Des grossesses extra-ut6rines. 8°. Bruxelles, 1868. Sohege (C. J.) *De graviditate extrauterina. 8°. Beidelbergw. 1841. Sommer (F. B. G.) * De graviditate extra- uterina. Accedit tlescriptio niemoranehe cujus- dam gravielitatis tubas FallopiaiKe sinistra". 4°. Gryphiw, 1855. Stark (J. C.) [Pr.] agitur de graviditate ex- trauterina cum uterina eonjuncta obstrvatioue illustrata. Pts. I-III. 4°. Jenw, [1822]. Strahan (J.) The diagnosis antl treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy. Jeuks prize essay of the College of Piivsicians of Philadelphia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1889." Strausius (L.) Resolutio casus Mussipontani foetus extra uterum in abdomine retenti; cum aunexis judiciis celeberrimorum virorum. Etlitio altera cui accessit Antonii Deusiugii, couside- ratio physico anatomica ejusdem fcetus, cum re- plica Strausii: et epistola Joh. Christ. Eisen- meugerii, cum response Joh. Dan. Horstii. 4°. Darmsladii, 1662. Sturm (A.) "'De graviditate extrauterina. 8°. Berolini, [1849]. Tait (L.) Lecture on ectopic pregnancy and pelvic lnematocele. 8°. Birmingham, 1888. Tout ant (H.) * Considerations sur les gros- sesses extra-uterines. 4°. Paris, 1851. Triadou (A.) * Des grossesses extra-ut6riues. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. Turck (J. E.) * Historia mulieris varia ossa per alvmn ejicientis. Uitrajccti, 1727. In: Hali.ek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, iv, 791-800. Weinknecht (C. F.) * De conceptione extra- uterina. In: Schi.eoel (J. C. T.) Sylloge op. min. [etc.]. 8°. Lipsice, 1796, ii, 223-252. Zmigrodski (K.) *K uchen. o vniematoch. beremenosti; simptomi, ischodi i lechenie vnie- matoch. beremenosti. [Extra-uterine pregnancy, PREGNANCY. 602 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine). symptoms, ending, and treatment.] 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1886. Abarbanell. I Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh- in Berl. (1858-9), 1860, xii, 92-98. Also: Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. n. Frauenkr., Berl., 1859, xv, 188-194— Aberdeiu (I!.) t N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 686-688. Also. Reprint.— AdamefcO'Hara. t Death. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 18s7. n.s.,ix,359.—Adams, t Laucet, Lond., 1860, i, 574.— Adams (E.) t Tr. Maine M. Ass. 1866-8, Portland, 1869, 201.—Alderson (F. H.) Extra-uterine pregnaiicv- Proc. \V. Lonil. Metl.-Chir. Soc. Louth, 1884, i, 65-68. Also: Med. 1 hues efc Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii. 63. Also : Med. Press efc Circ., Loud., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 5S2. — Algora ( M. ) I'renez abdominal; perforaciou espontanea lie la pared an- It'iior de vientre; muerte consecutiva. Clinica. Zaragoza, )K7s, ii, 221.— AIIfort (J.) Extra-uterine fietatiou. Lan- e et, Lond., 1845, ii, 430. — Alonso y Rodriguez (J. ) Embarazo extrauterine; error tie diagnostico; conversion del quiste fetal en un absceso; apertura tie i-ste al travesde las paredes abdominales, con gangrenaile la piel; curacion; nuevo embarazo uteriuo; parto normul; rotura de las paredes abdominales al tieinpo del liltimo dolor expulsive V salida de parte tie los intestinos tlelgailos k travel's tie la rotura; curacion. Antiteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 183; 196; 208; 221. — Anderson, t Hygiea, Stockholm, 1877, xxxix, 204-210.— Anderson (E.G.) Extra-uterine fceta- tiou; remarkable ease. Gaillard s M. J., N. Y., 1881, xxxi, 520. [See, also, infra, Brightwell (J. H.) efc Walker (J. E.)] Also: Am. M. Bi-Weekly, N. Y., 1881, xii, 277. Also [with additions]: Ibid., xiii, 31; 232.—An dry (L.) t Ami. univ. di med., Milano, 1820, xv, 173-179. Also, transl: J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xx, 113-120. — Aran. Grossesse extra-uterine simulant un kyste sanguiu du petit hassin. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1852-3, iii, 486-488. — Argles ( F.) Case of extra-uterine foetation and superfoetation. Laneet, Lond., 1871, ii, 394. — Armour (J.) t 1 Glasgow M. J.. 1830, iii, 153-169.—Arinsby. Dr. Paikhurst's ease of extra-uterine conception. Tr. M..Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1855, 154-157, 2 pl.—Armstrong (J.) Anomalous case of pregnancy in a syphilitic patient; discharge of foetal bones by the rectum. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 51.—At kin (C.) Extra-uterine foetation. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1885, u. s., xl, 575. — Atkinson, t Fetal bones passed per rec- tum; death one month afterward. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 49. — Attbill (L.) t Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, iii, 111. — Autoriello (M.) Elimination eines extraute- riuen Fotus per Rectum. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 127-129. — Baird (A.) Extra-uterine f'oetation. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1877-9, v, pt. 1, 100. — Balardini (L.) Storia di gravitlanza extrauterina che terruind felice- niente colla sortita del feto dalla parte dell' iutestiuo retto. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1834, lxx, 252-266. — Bar- clay. Extra-uterine testation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 465-41)7 —Bard (J.) t Med. Obs. Soc Phys. Lond., 1762. ii, 369-372. Also: Ecleet. Repert., Phila., 1818, viii, 540-542. — Barues (R.) t Med. Exam., Loud., 1877, ii, 14.— It:irn u m ( S. ) Case of supposed extra-uterine foetus. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1802, v, 40-42.—Bartlett (J.) A remarkable extra-uterine case. N. Eug. J. M. efc S., Bost., 1815, iv, 301-306. Also: Metl. efc Phys. J., Lond. 1816, xxxv, 278-282.—Batterbury (R. L.) 't Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 450. Also, transl.: J. tl. sages-femmes, Par., 1880, viii, 51. — Bayiiliam (W.) t Med. Facts efc Obs., Lond., 1791, i, 73-76.—Bell (C.) Extra-uterine conception. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1881, vi, 222-228. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 294-299. — Bclluzzi (C.) t Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1862, 4. s., xvii, 187-199. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. d. sc. metl. et nat. de Brux., 1862, 51- 53.-----. Storiediiltie gravidanze extra-uterine e consiele- razioni relative. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1886-8, 4. s., viii, 161-176— Benhain (H. J.) t Discharge of foetus per rectum; stricture of rectum and colotomy. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1876, ii, 361.—Benicke (F.) Zwei Fiille vou Abeloniiiialsebwangerschaft mit Perforation eles Rectum. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg., 1875- 6, i, 344-352.—Bennett, t West. M. Gaz., Cincin., 1832-3, i, 7.—Benton (S. H.) t Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xiv, 548-552.—Bergeret. Observation de grossesse extra-utei- rine meconuue pendant presque tout le temps de la gesta- tion, et termineepar l'anus a l'epoque ordinaire tie l'accou- chement. Rec. period. Soc. tie med. tie Par., 1802. xiv, 289- 296. — Bel-nays (A. C.) t t Ann. Gynaec, Bost , 1887-8, i, 151-156. — BerunU. De la grossesse extra-uterine. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1879, xlvi, 1-6. Also: Gaz. obst., Par., 1879, viii, 17; 33. — Berthold (M.) t Ber. ii. tl. Ereigu. in d. k. gynak. Univ.-Klin, zu Kb- nigsb., 1879, i, 81-84. -----. '.Drei Fiille von extraute- riner Graviditat. Ibid., 98-100.—Bertrand. t Ruptur der Cyste untl gliicklichem Ausgauge. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, ix, 370-373.—Betschler (J. W.) t t Ann. el. klin. Anst, el. Univ. zu Bresl. f. Ge- burtsh., 1832, i, 99-105: 1834, ii, 79— Bettoli (W.) Su d' un caso di generazione umana atraonlinaria. Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Parma, lxii, x, 81-93.—Beugnies- Corbean. Terminaison bizarre et heureuse tl'une gros- sesse extra-uterine. Union nied., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, P I'eg'il a ll C V (Extra-uterine). 509-511.—Bidnult. t Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1843, xviii, 201.—Biebuyck. Grossesse extra-uterine. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1859), 1860, x, 87-98.—Birbcck eC.) An account of the greatest part of a foetus voided by the navel. Phil. Tr., 2. ed., Lond., 1700-20. v, 300.— Blackmail (G. C.) Extra-uterine testation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1845, u. s., x, 56.—Blackwood (W. R. I).) An unusual cane of extra-uterine pregnancy. Meil. Bull., Phila., 1885, vii, 149-153.—Blair (J.) Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1H75, xx, 202-207.—Blanchet (F.) t Quebec M. J., 1827, ii, 213.— Bland (R. F.) t Missouri M. efc S. J., St. Louis, 1.S45, i, 62-65.—Bland (T.) Account of au extra-uterine, eon- ception. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1787, decade 2, i, 334- 337.—Bias* (J.) t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 772; 789.—Bodiuier. t Extraction of the fietus through tlie vagina. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fran., 1862-3, v, 79-81.— Boeckel (J.) t Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. tie med. de Strasb. (1882-3), 1884, xviii, 42-46.—Boldt (H. J.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. Proc N. York Path. Soc. (1888), 1889, 70.— Bolger (J. T.) I With rupture ofthe sac. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, lxxxi, 88.—Bonnie efc Beclard. t Bull. Fac, tie med. ele Par. (1812-13), 1814, iii, 335-344.—Bonclin- court. Tumeur tin rectum renfermant les debris d'un foetus, simulant un polype et determinant divers accidents; excision combintje avec la ligature; gu6rison. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1850, ii, 231-233.—Boucbenel (J.) Grossesse extra-ut6rine avort6e, entrainant une lesion pathologique mortelle. J. cl. progr. d. sc. et iust. metl., Par., 1827, i, 252-259. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Heidelb. klin. Ann.. 1828, iv (Suppl.-Bd.), 128-133.—Boucher, t Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1843-4, xviii, 10.—Bouquet, t Ouverture du ca- davre. Rec. p6riod. Soc. de med. de Par., 1802, xiii, 63-69.— Bourdillat. Grossesse extra-uterine aterrue; mort de la mchre et de l'enfant. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 202-206. — Bonzol. Grossesse extra-uterine; expulsion naturelle de l'enfant & travers les parois abdominales; 6tranglement intestinal; 6tablissement d'un anus contre nature; guerison. Lyon m6th, 1884, xlvii, 513-518. Also: Mejm. et compt.-rend. Soe. el. sc me-d. de Lyon (1884), 1885, xxiv, pt. 2, 181-187.—Boyd (M. R.) Extrauterine preg- nancy. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1878. 353.—Boze- man (N.) Extra-uterine pregnancy, with an account of two cases. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, '689-695. Also: Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1884, N. Y., 1885, i, 254-275.—Brandt. Extra uterine pregnancy. Edinb. M. J., 1862-3, viii, 284.— Breisky (A.) Zur Kasuistik der vorgeschritteneu Ex- trauterinschwangerschaft. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1553; 1590; 1625. Also [Ahstr.j: Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect.- u. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1887, v, 177.—Breschet (G.) Memoire sur une nouvelle espece tie grossesse extra-ut6rine. R6pert. g6n. d'anat. etdeiiby- siol. path., Par., 1826, i, 1-27, 3 pl. [See, also, infra, Geof- froy-Saint-Hilaire (E.)] Also, transl. [Abstr.]: N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hannover, 1824, viii, 3. St., 49-09 — Brett (J.) t Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871, iii, 93-95.- Bright. t Loud. M. Gaz., 1828-9. iii, 29. Also: Lond. M. efc i°hvs. J., 1829, u. s., vi, 50.—Brightwell (J. H.) Case of labor called extra uterine foetation [E. C. Anderson's case.] Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1881, xxxii, 346-348. Also: Am. M. Bi-Weekly, N. Y„ 1881, xiii, 230-232.—Bristol (M.) efc Sprague (A. S.) t Buffalo M. J., 1846-7, ii, 78-81.— Brodie (J.) A foetus voided at an ulcered navel. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700, iii, 219.—Brown (A.) t Rupture of the cyst, and death. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1869), 1870, xi, 7.- Broivn (A. M.) t Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., lr-70, xiii, 1-16 — Brown (S. P.) t Removal of bones per rectum. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1884-5, xi, 11-13.-Brown (W. A.) t Nashville J. M. efc S., 1855, viii, 386-389.—Browne ( R. ) t Termination by ulceration into rectum; recov- ery. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 626. — Brownfleld (J. H.) Extra uterine pregnancy. Tr. M. Soc W. Virg., Wheel- ing, 1878, 421-423 — Biiihl (L.) Zur Casuistik der Ex- trauterinschwangerschaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1887, xxx, 69-S8 —Brunelle. t Mort subite. Bull. Soc. auat. tie Par., 1866, xii, 154.—Bruzelius. t Forh. Svens. Lak.- Sallsk. Sammank. 1863-4, Stockholm, 1865, 204-Bubeii- dorf. t Elimination spontanee du squelette foetal par le rectum apres cinq annees de retention; guerison. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1886, xxvi, 269-280.—Bui lard (J. A) Three cases of extra-uterine pregnancy. [From: lr- Homeeop. M. Soc. Penn., 1886.] Hahneman. Mouth., Puila., 1887, xxii, 27-35.—Bui tea u. t Expulsion du foetus parle rectum; gu6rison. Union m6d. et scient. tlu nord-est, Reims, 1881, v. 289-293.—Burchard. t Ausz., a. d. Ue- bers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect., Bresl., 1845, 7.—Busch. tt N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1836, iii, 301-309.—Bush (R. H.) Extra uterine foetation. Texas M. efc S. Rec, Galveston, 1881, i, 127-130.—Butcher (J. C.) t Delivery at the fourth month through the anus: recovery. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1886, xiv, 337-343. Also: Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1886, xlvi. 361-365. Also: Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass., Orange, N. J., 1886-7, xiv, 316-323. — Byford (W. H. ) t Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1878, xxxvi, 113- 120.—€ ai.....cl. t Lond. M. J., 1784, v, 396-399.-<'appa- rel li ( L. ) t Felicemente curata. Morgagni, Napoli, 1872, xiv, 167-183.—Caretto. t Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Con- PKEGNANCY. 603 PREGNANCY. Pregnaiicv (Extra-uterine). stantinople, 1861-2, v. 164-166. [Rap.], 1862-3, vi, 3-5.— (aiifiniico. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 155-157.— ('arson (S. C.) Extrauterine pregnaucv. N. Orl. M. & S J., 1887-8, n. 8., xv, 852-856.—farter (C. H.) tt Obst J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1880, viii, 419-421. Also: Tr. Obst. See Lond. (1880), 1881, xxii, 160-172.—Carter (J. C.) t Maryland efc Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1861, xvi, 20-22.— I Cases.] Particulars of a caseof extra-uterine gestation. Edit ] Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1823, xlix, 311.—Ann. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe, 1824, i, 1. Hft., 77-88, 1 pl.—Abgang der Kindesknoehen durch den After. Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1826, v, 331-333.-Med. Ztg. Kiisslands, St. Petersb., 1857, xix, 245.—von Castella. Schwangerschaft ausserhalb der Gehiirinutter mit gliiek- licher Aussehliessung ties Fotus elurch die exulcerirten Bauchdecken und gleichzeitiger Mitwirkung der Kunst im dritten .lahre nach eler Empfiingniss. Seb weiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Heilbr., 1837, ii, 260-270. — Castellan! (V.) Eniorragiaaddominalerieonosciutasolodope> la morte, edipendente forse da gravidanza estra-uterina. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc. Fireuze, 1854, 2. s., iv, 320.—Castiaux. Cas de elouble grossesse' extra-uterine remontant 1'uue a. cinq ans environ, l'autre a neuf mois et vingt jours. Bull. ni6d. du nord, Lille, 1883, xxii, 342-345.—Chalmers. Ex- tra-uterine fetation. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875-6, iii, 825. Also: Tr. Obst. Soe. Lond. (1876), 1877, xviii, 67.—Cham- bers (T.) t Intra-cystie lue.morrhage. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 287-295 —Chapman (N.) t N. York M. J.,'1879, xxix, 381-384.—Charleton (G. W.) efc Will- iams (J. W.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1843-4, xxxiii, 654-657.— Charpcntier(A.) Des grossesses extra-uterines. Rev. el. sc. ui6d., Par., 1877, ix, 378; 767 — Chnussier. t Bull. Fac.de mod. lie Par., 1814, iv, 133-140.—Chavasse (P. H.) t Assoc M.'J., Lond., 1855, 1071-1073.—Chcesmau (G.) t Continuing without suspicion of pregnancy to the full term. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 250.—Chevalier, t Occlusion intestinale; anurie ; autopsie. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyou (1881), 1882, xxi, pt. 2, 200-203. Also: Lyou med., 1882, xxxix, 46-49. — Child (E.) t Tr. Obst. So'c. Loud. (1876), 1877, xviii, 119-122 Also [Abstr.]: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1876-7, iv, 96. —Chris- tied.) t Med.Chron., Montreal, 1857, iv, 371.—Clark (E.) t Autopsy. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 299-301 — Clark (G.) t Phila. M. Museum, 1805-6, ii, 292-295.— Clark (IL) t Retro-uterine hseinatocele. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1860-61, vii, 494-500.—Clark (S. T.) t Buffalo M. efcS. J., 1866-7, vi, 135-138.—Clayton (O. M. R.) t Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, ii, 654. -----. Extra-uterine filiation. Ibid., 1841, i, 28. — Coates (E. F.) Extra- uterine pregnancy. Proc Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1878, 117-124. — Cobbold. Extra - uterine f'oetation. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Loud, efc Edinh., 1853, xvi, 474. — Coe (H. C.) t Not recognized until after ulceration and per- foration of the sac. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 308- 310. — Cogswell ( G. ) Extra - uterine foetation. Bos- ton M. efc S. J., 1845, xxxii, 421-423. — Cohen, t Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, xviii, 427-438.—Cohnsteiu. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vou tier Graviditas extrauterina. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1877, xii, 354. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1877, xxii, 405. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Gynak. in Miiuchen, Leipz., 1877, 94. -----. Beitrag zur Schwangerschaft aus- serhalb der Gebarniutterhohle. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1877, xii, 355-382.—Collins (R.) A singular case of ex- trauterine pregnancy. Dublin M. Tr., 1830, n. s., i, 118- 124. — Colman (E.) [Extrauterine foetation.] Med. efc Phys. J., Lond., 1799, ii, 262-265.—Conrad. ZurCasuistik der Extrauterinalschwangersihalt.. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1874, iv, 113-121. — Conradi (G.) Svulst i livmoderen og svangerskab udenfor livmodern. [Tu- mor of uterus coexisting with extra-uterine pregnancy.] Norsk. Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1875, v, 520- 522.—Cookworthy. t Appearances on dissection. Med.- Chir. J., Lond., 1818-19, i, 299-303. — Cooper (C. N.) t J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 124.—Cooper (J.) t Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1828, xxix, 66-69.—Country (A) doctor's experience. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii, 68. — Cox (J. C.) t Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1881-2, i, 20. —Crawford (J. L.) t Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1879, xii, pt. 2, 763. — doom (J. H.) 1 Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1887-8, xiii, 25. — Cullingworth. t Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875-6, iii, 448-455. —. t Ibid., 660. — Cznplicki (A.) Graviditas extrauteriua fossa' Doujjlassi. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1884, xii, 102-104.—vou Czihak (J. C. S.) Beitrag zur Lehre von tier Extrauterin- Sch wangerschaft. Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., I860, iv, 72-169.— Dagcnais (A.) t Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1875, iv, 529-533.— Dalrymple (D.) t Med.-Chir. Tr., Lend., 1848, xxxi, 162-169.— Ballon (A.J.) Caseof ex- tra-uterine ftctation. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, iii, 245.— Davies ( D.) Extra-uterine feetatiou. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 646.—Day (J.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1862, vii, 8.—Be-Bonis (T.) Storia tli gravidanzaestrauteriua. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1846, xxv, 311-323.— Decaudin (E.) t Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1875, I, 251. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1875, iii, 552. Also: J. tl. sages- femmes, Par., 1876, iv, 11.—Becrozaut. t Bull. Soe. anat, Pregnancy (Extra-uterine). de Par., 1844, xix, 260-262. — Deneux (L.-C.) Reflexions sur la terminaison des grossesses extra-uterines. J. een. denied., de chir. et pharm., Par., 1819, lxix, 37-65. — Be- nisius. Historia anatomica uteri extraordinarii. Zodia- eus med.-gall. 1682, Geneva;, 1685, iv, 42-49, a pl. —Ben- ham (J.) t Proc Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1875, 105-116. Also: Obst, J. Gr. Brit., Lonil., 1875-6, iii, 129-134. Also: Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 356-365.— Benny ( VV.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1850, n. s., xx, 49-62.—Dcpaul. t Protluit expuls6 par le rectum a deux mois et tleini a pen pies. J. el. sages-femmes, Par., 1877, v, 265-267. -----. Grossesse: extra-nt6riueprobable, /&id.,1883, xi, 233.—Beschamps. t Ouverture tlu kyste foetal dans I'intestin ; extraction du foetus; guerison. France m6tl., Par., 1879, xxvi, 339-341. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. tie I'ar. (1879), 1880, iii, 66-72.— Bewccs ( W. P.) Strictures upon Dr. Merrimau's opin- ions of retroversion of the uterus and extra-uterine con- ception. Phila. .1. M. efc Phys. Sc, 1821, ii, 76-121.— Bc- zeimeris ( J. E.) Des grossesses extra-uterines. J. el. conn. metl.-chir., Par., 1836-7, iv, pt, 1, 233; pt. 2, 1; 45. Also: Ann. de meel. belue. Brux., 1837, i, 125; 238.— Bime. t Ann. Soc. de meel. de Lyou, 1849-51, 2. a., i, 189- 201. Also: Gaz. d. hop., I'ar.. 1852, xxv, 326.— Boran (A.), Herman (G.E.) efc Champucys (F. 11.) Report on Dr. Aust Lawrence's and Dr. Penrose's specimens of extra-uterine foetation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1888), 1889, xxx, 302 — Bouehez (G. ) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1830-31, vii, 11.— Boudeuieut. t J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1826, vi, 31-43. Also [Abstr.]: J.d. progr. d. sc. et inst. mtSd., Par., 1827, i, 262. Also, transl. [Abstr]: Heidelb. klin. Ann.. 1828, iv (Suppl.-Bd.). 134-136. —Brage (C.) t Tr. Obst, Soc Loud. (1860), 1861, ii, 254-256.— Brake ( F. ) Concerning the bones of a foetus being discharged through an ulcer near the navel. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1743-50. xi, 1018.— Brejcr. tt Amtl. Ber. ii. el. Versaininl. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1843, Gratz, 1844. xxi, 316. —Breser. t Presse med., Par., 1837, i, 214. —Driver, t Fatal haemorrhage. Boston M. efc S. J., 1875, xeiii, 773.— Dubois. Considera- tions pratiques sur deux cas tie grossesse extra-uterine. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1840, xi, 306-308.—Duer (E. L.) t Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. (1878), 1879, vi, 76-78. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1879, xii, 364-366.- Duftsc hmid. t Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1823, iii, 357-365.— Duguet. Contribution k l'etude des grossesses extra-ute- rines et en particulier de la grossesse tubaire. Aim. de gynec, Par., 1874, i, 269; 335.—Diiinoiit-Pallier. Ob- servation de grossesse extra-uteline. Gaz. med. ele- Par., 1856,3. s., xi, 477. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, 103-109.—Duncan (J. M.) t Edinb. M. J., 1867-8, xiii, 919-930. -----. t Med. Times ic Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 69. -----. tt St, Barth. Hosp. Rep., Louth, 1883, xix, 27-44. ■-----. Clinical lecture on extra-uterine gesta- tion. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 53-55.—Dunglisou (R.) De- scription of an extra-uterine fcetus, discharged through the parietes ot the abdomen. Med. Exam., Phila., Ib39. ii, 760.—Durand. t Lyon med., 1869, iii, 250. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc 'tl. sc. metl. tie Lyou (1869), 1870, ix, 234.—Byce. tt Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1860, ii, 135.— Ebersbach (D. L.) Fietus humanus in vesica urinaria contentus. Acad. nat. curios, ephem., Norib., 1717, cent. v-vi, 32. — Edis. [A case of extra-uterine gestation.] Brit. Gyuwc J., Louth, 1889-90, v, 57-62, 1 pl. —-—. [Case of extra-uterine foetation which presented several points of special interest.] Ibid., 63-69. Also: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1889, n.s., xlvii, 217. — Ed m Hudson (J.) t Metl. Times, Lond., 1845, xii, 287. — Ehrcudorfer. Extrauterin-Schwaugerschaft; Durehbrueh des Frucht- sackes in die Harnblase; vollstiiudige Entfernung der Knot-.hen tier circa funfmonatlichen Frucht aus elem Friichtsacke nach nahe/.ii zwei Jahren; Genesung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 255. — Eisclt (J. N.) t Me'd. Jahrb. il. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1839, xxxviii, 5:j7 _-.40. — Ellis, t Boston M. S. J., 1863, lxviii, 302.— Elmcs (J. ) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 388-391. — Emerson ( G.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. Med. Iuelex, Kansas City, 1886, vii, 6-8.—Emerson (J. if.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 130.— En......t (B. M'cE.) t Ibid., 1882, xxxv, 31-36. Also: Tr. N. York Obst, Soe-. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 25-28.— Emmons (E. ) t Med. Mag., Bost.. 1834-5, ii, 32-34.— Enfield (C.) t Med. 8. — Hart (D. B.) The minute anatomy of the placenta in extra- uterine gestation. Edinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv, :i44-3»7, 4 pl.—Ilai'tmami. t Charite-Auu. 1878, Berl . 1880. v, 667- 672.—Harvey (T. B.) Ectopic gestation. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1882-3, i, 65-77. — Hassler (J. P.) t N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 423-428. Also [Abstr.l: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 890.— Ha vis (M. W.) t South. M. & S. J., Augusta. 1852, n. s„ viii. 599-603.—Hay (W.) Extra- uterine fietus. Med. Obs. Seic Phys. Loud., 1767, in, 341- 355.—Hayeui (G.) efc Giraudeau (C.) f Arch, de tocol., Par., 1882, ix, 481-490. Also: J. d. sages femmes, Par., 1883, xi, 269; 275.—Heard (J. M.) t >,'. York M. J., 1882, xxxv. 480. — Hedenius (P. ) Graviditas extrauterina. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1866-7, ii, 36-:t8. — Hedritli (L>. C. E.) t Sectionsbefuud. Arch. 1. meel. Eefahr.. Berl., 1817, ii, 319-330.—Heibcrg( P. V.) t Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1872, xv, 89. — Heim. Erfahrungen uud Bemerkuugen iiber Scbwangerschafteu ausserhalb eler Gebarmutfer. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1812, i, 1-40. Also, Reprini.— Ileiuricius (G.) Recherches experimontales sur la mi- gration externe de l'oeuf. N. Arch, el'obst. et de gyn6c, Par., 1889, iv, 7-11.—Hclee. t J. tie la sect, tie med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1857. xxxiii, 142-151.—Hemard (F.) t Lancet, Lond., 1844, ii, 74. — Hereford ( V. P. ) t Metl. Mag.. Bost., 1834-5, iii. 266-268.—Herman (G. E.) On delivery by the vagina in extra-uteriue gestation. Tr. Obst. Soc. 'Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix. 429-455. Also | Abstr ]: Brit M. J.. Lond., 1887, ii, 1213. -----. Cases ol extra- uterine gestation; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 69- PREGNANCY. 605 PEEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine). 71 _ Hensinger (C. F.) t Ztschr. f. d. organ. Phys., Eisenach, 1827, i. 337.—Hewitt (G.) t Brit. M. J., Loud., 1869 ii 324- — Hcymann. Kxtrauterinal-Schwanger- scha'ft. ' Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1839, Koblenz, ]842. 147. — Hicks (E.) Extra-uterine foetation. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1874, iv, 149.—Hicks (J. B.) Remarks on two cases of extra-uterine fietation. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1860, 3. s., vi, 272-280, 2 pl. -----. On a rare f. nn of extra-uterine foetation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1865), 1866, vii, 95-102—Higgins (G.) Pregnancy and extrauterine conception. Chicago M. J., 1859, xvi, 334- 337.—Hildreth (J. L.) t Boston M efc S. J., 1877, xcvii, 521 __Hillcnkninp. Vermeintliche Conceptio extra- uterina. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1829-30, ix, 737.— ■filler. Scheidenriss am legitimen Geburtsteriuine einer Extraiiteriiial-Leibesfrucbt und Arnivorfall. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845. xiv, 73— Hinkle (F.) t Metl. efc Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1879, xl, 52. —Iliuterberger (J.) Beob- achtungen iiber Schwangerschaft ausser der Gebiirniiit- ter. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wieu, 1835, xvi, 556: xvii, 132, 1 pl.—von Hochstetter (A. F. R ) Ein Fallvon Extiauteringraviditiit, Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 376-378.—Hodgen (J. T.) t Kain-as City M. efc S. Rev., 1860, i, 259-262.— IIolcombe. Two cases in which foetal bones were passeel by the rectum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 219.—Hope (T.) Extra uterine conception. Meel. efc Phys. J., Loud., 1801, vi, 360-362.— Hopgood (T. F.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1380.— Ilormiiig (A. M.) t Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1836, xix. 411-416.—Horwitz. Zur Casuistik tier Extrauterinschwangerschaft. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xv, 361: 1869, xvi, 67-79. —Hosie (It.) t Glasgow M. Exam., 1831-2, i, 25-27.—Howald. t Ausstossung der dreiinonatlichen Frucht per anuni. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1873, iii, 365-371.—[Hiiter.] Schwanger- schaft ausserhalb der Gebarniutler. Graviditas extraute- rina. Encycl. Worterb. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1843, xxxi, 1-110.—Huguier. Grossesse extra lifeline. Bull. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1851-2, ii, 561; 563. — Hurd (A.) Extra-uterine pregnancy; with reports of two eases. Detroit Lancet, 1882-3,'n. s.. vi, 9-13. — Huston (A. S. ) Extra-uteriue pregnancy. Physio- Med. J., In- dianap., 1879, v, 339-342 — Hutchinson (J.) Clinical lecture on a case of extra uterine ftBtatiou simulating ovarian dropsy. Lancet, Loud., 1873, ii, 71.—Hutiuel. Muqueuse uterine' expulsCe sans metrorrhagie daus une grossesse extra-ut6rine probable. Bull. Swc auat. tie Par., 1875, 1, 555.—Ingleby (J. T.) Remarks ou extra-uterine pregnancy, with cases. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1834, xiii, 351- 359, 2 pl.—Jackson, t Sac communicating freely with the large intestine. Boston M. efc S. J., 1865, Ixxii', 381.— Jackson (G.) t Dissection. Dublin J. M. efc Chem. Sc, 1832-3, ii, 191-199, 1 ph— Jacob (E.) t Loud. M. J., 1787, viii, 147-153.—Jacobs fils. Quelques cas de grossesses extra-uterines; d'apres les clinitjues de M. le professeur Breisky. J. de mtkl., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1888, lxxxvi,' 481-500.—Jakins (W. V.) t Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 271.— .1 ami's (T. C.) Some observa- tions on extra-uterine pregnaucv. N. Am. M. efc S. J., Phila., 1827, iv, 275-290.—Jewell (G.) Extra-uterine foeta- tion. Lancet, Loud., 1828-9, i, 410. Also: Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1829, n. s., vi, 36-38.—Jewett(H.) t Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Albany, 1872, 103-106. Also: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1871-2, xi, 287-291.— Jivopistsev (N.) t Meel. Obozr., Mosk., 1883, xx, 482-491.—Jobert de Lamballe. Sur des debris d'une grossesse extra-uterine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, 51.—Johnson (C. P.) t Med. Exam., Phila., 1850. n. s., vi, 511-522.—lolinston (D.) t Edinb. M. J., 1856-7, ii, 137-140. —Jones (J. H.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 908-910.— Joubert. 11 Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 279-283.—Jouon. t Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv, 457-464. — Kail jail (A. A.) Vniematochnaja beremennost zauosoni. [Moles of extra-uteiine pregnancy.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1889. iii, 342-353.—Kammerer. Extra-uteriue gravidity N. York M. J., 1865, i, 141.- K a in pane (P.) 'Efw/uTjTpios /eyerie;. TaArjcbe;, 'Ae9iji/ai, 1880, B', 277; 294.— Keeling, t t Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1879, n.s., xxviii, 564 -Kelly (C.) tMed. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1767, iii, 44-56.—Kelson (I. M.) t Med. efc Phys. J., Lond., 1804, xi. 293-296.—Kemp (E. A.) t Boston M. efc S. J., 1886, exv, 28.— Kemper (A. C.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1876, xix, 598-607.—Kilian (F.) Zur Lehre von tier Extrauterinal-Schwangerschaften. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1848, xxiv, 226-234.—King (W. R.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. Richmond efc Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1868, vi, 250-252. — Kletzsch (G. A. ) t t Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1888, xxi, 516-524.— ■ilob (J.) Bemerkungen zur Lehre von der Ueberwan- deiung ties Eies. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte m Wieu, 1861, 321-324.—Klose (C. W.) Extrauterinal- schwangersehaft. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1850, i, 302-364.-Kraus (F.) Ein Fall von Transmigrate ovuli externa. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1886, xi, 1-3. —Kurtz (S. L.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1855, n. s., xxx, 403.—Kuss- inaul (A.) Weitere Beitrage zur Lehre von tier Ueber- wanderung des menschlichen Eies. Monatsehr. f. Ge- Pregnancy (Extra-uterine). hurtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1862, xx, 295-312 —Lnborie. t Bull. Soc. de chir. tie Par.. 1851-2, ii, 575-577— Lalanne. t Semi ni aire tl. trav. de la Soc tl. sc. m6tl. de la Moselle, Metz, 1830-38, 93-97. — Lamb (R.) t Lancet. Lond., 1870, ii, 400.— 1,amiu. t Forh. S\ens. Lak.-Sallsk. Satumauk. 1850-51, Stockholm. 1852,101-106.—I,amy. Deux cas d'ac- couchement pendant le cours de grossesse extra-uterine. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii, 26-29.— Lang. Extraiiteriu-Schwangerschaft mit Durchbruch in Mast- darin. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1873, xviii, 452-454.— Lat- ley (P. P.) t Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvii, 267-269.—Lauderdale, t Buffalo M. 4. -----. t Metl. Bull., Phila., 1881. iii, 9. -----. t Ibid., 1882. iv, 91.— Lee (W.)t Proc Clin.-Path. Soc. Wash.. [Phila.], 1866-8. 49. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., Ivii, 407.—Le Fe- vre (G.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1879, n. s., i, 278- 280. — Legcndre. t Communication du kyste avec les 2 trompes, etouverture dans l'S iliaque. Bull. Soc anat. tie Par., 1880, lv, 580-584. Also: Progres med., I'ar., 1881, ix, 404.—Leigh (H. G.) t Virginia M. J.. Richmond, 1857, ix, 30-32.—Lenoel. t Soc. med. tl'Amiens. Bull. (1869-72), 1873, ix-xii, 118-120. Also: Rev. nied. franc, et Chang., Par., 1875, ii, 238-240.— Lcprincc (Mine. S.) Remaiques critiques sur une observation presentee au College inyale ele medecine et de chirurgie ele Cadix, comme un cas tie groi-sesse extra-uterine, par Don Francisco de Flores Moreno . . . Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1829, xix, 300-307.— Lcroux (C.) Hematocele retro-uterine; accidents epi- leptiformes; autopsie; grossesse extra-uterine tie trois mois; rupture; hemorrhagic, intrap6riton6ale: compression des uret6res; ui6mie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1877, Iii, 255- 262. Also: Progres med., Par., 1877, v. 553-555. — Lesoucf. t Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1861, xxxvi, 385-388.—Levnn (J. K.) 1 Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1867, 4. s., iii, 219 — Leven. t Mort au quatri^me mois. [Rap de Guyon.J Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1860, xxxv, 187-197—Levy, t Hosp.-Medd., Kjobenh., 1853, vi, 197-218. -----. t Med Fosterets Indsamkniug i Urinblteren. Biblioth. f. Lacger, Kjebenh., 1857. 4. R., x, 241-253. Also, transl: Dublin M. Press, 1859, xiii, 81-84.—Lewis (J.) Remarkable case of delivery of remains of foetus per anum. Richmond M. J., 1866, ii,' 260-262. Also: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1866-7, iii, 376.—Lieven. t Hiimatocele retrouterina. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 293.— Lijon (J. D.) t Door natuurkracht langs bet darmkanaal uitgedreven. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1857, viii, 2 6-293.— Limann. t Allg. med.Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi, 571.— Lindsley ( H.) t Boston M. efc S. J., 1843, xxix, 9.— Lingen (C.) t Hemorrhage and death. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lond., 1852, 23.—Liouvillc. t Peritonite; mort. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par. (1872), 1874, xlvii, 564. — Littre (A.) Histoire d'un fietus bumaiu tire du ventre de sa mere par lefondement. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. | tie Paris] 1702, Amst., 1707 (Mem.), 313-338,1 pl. Also: Rec. d. mem., Dijon, 1754, i, 812-824. — Lobstcin (J. F.) Grossesses extra-uterines. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1816, xxxvi, 222-228.— Loscher. Beobachtung eines Fades von Graviditas ex- trauterina. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1837, v, 453-456.— Login (I. S.) t Tr. M. efc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1835-42, viii, pt. 1, 1.—Lopez y Treviiib (A.) Algunas reflexiones so- bre lasgestaeionesextrauteriiias. Arch.deginecy enferni. dela inf., Madrid, 1885, ii, 3; 33; 65; 97; 161; 193.—Lorain. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 13. —Lorcntzen (L.) t .Hosp.-Tid.,Kj dieuh., 1881, 2. R., viii, 581-588.—Lorinser (F.) t Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 169-173.— Loschge. Beschreibung einer merkwiirdigen Schwan- gerschaft innerhalb des breiten Mutterbaudes. Arch. f. metl. Erfahr., Berl., 1818, ii, 218-230.—Lowry (S. T.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy, terminating naturally. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1889-90, vii, 4— Luiz Lope* (A.) Prenez doble extra-uterina. Rev. de metl. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1880,vi, 317-320.—Lumniczcr (A.) t Kotfistel. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 92-94.—Lusk (W. T.) t Bostou M. efc S. J., 1886, cxv, 34. Also: Meel. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 616-618.-----. t Dis- charge of fetus through the posterior vaginal wall; recov- ery. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1886, xix, 242-244. — Lysler (IL F.) t Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, n. s., ii, 405-408.—itlacan. t Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 218— Maeari (F.) Gravidanza extra-nterina. Spallanzani, Modena, 1876, xiv, 357-361.— Macartney (J.) t Dublin J. M. .) t Metl. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1854, xi, 401-405.— Starley (S F.) t N. York M. J., 1873, xvii, 299.—Steele (C. E.) t Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1882. n. s., xxxiii, 463.— Stephani. Abgaug von Kindestheilen durch den Mast- ilarm. Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, xxi, 262-264 — Stickl. t Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1877, xxiv, 161.— Stiles (G.) t Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 419.—Stoltz. t Proc-verb. . . . Soc. de metl. de Strasb., 1866-8, iv, 51.— Storer. Fcetal bones expelled from the rectum. Boston M. efcS. J., 1865, Ixxii, 360.—Strother (L. T.) Extra-uter- ine, foetation. Chicago M. J., 1868, xxv, 355-359.—Stuart (G.) Passage of a fcetus through the anus Dublin. M. Press, 1863, 2. s., vii, 447— Sullivan (J. B.) t Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1882, v, 122— Nulcliuc. Bones from a case of extra-uterine fietation. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 469—Sutugin (V.) K' kazuistik vnaimatochnoi be- remennosti. [On extra-uterine pregnancy.] Metl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi, 249; 263. Also, transl. | Abstr.]: St. Petersb. mod. Ztschr., 1875-6, n. F., v, 538-542. — Su- vortsev IN.) K kazuist. vniemat. beremennosti. [Ex- tra-uterine- pregnancy.| Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiv, 677-679—Swinburne (J.) tt Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1860, 102-104. Also, Reprint. —Tail (L.) t Med. Times efc Gaz.. Lond., 1873, ii, 119. -----. The pathology antl treat- ment of extra-uterine pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 317-319. -----. Ectopic gestation. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlviii, 375-379. Also: Prov. M. J., Lei- cester, 1889, viii, 645-650. Also: Brit. Gynaec. J., LoneL, 1889-90, v, 1-9. Also: Meel. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 5u5- 509— Tarnowsky (H.) t St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 325.—Taylor (W.H.) Extra-uterine pieguancy. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvi, 451-453.—Terrero y Estrada (M.) 1 Rev. asturiana de cien. m6d., Ovietlo, 1886, iii, 7-11.—Terry (C.) t Attempt at cure by the vis medicatrix naturae. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 248.— Tcuflel (R.) Hydramnion bei Extrauterinschwanger- schaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1883-4, xxii, 57-64.— Thomas (E.) Extra-uterine fietation. Med. Times, Lond.. 1848-9, xix, 570 — Thomas CT. G.) The history of twenty-one cases of extra-uterine pregnancy coming under the personal observation of the writer. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc. 1882, Phila., 1883. vii, 219-242. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1882, xv, 951.-----. A further re- port upon extra-uterine pregnancy, embodying six addi- tional eases. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc. 1884, N. Y., 1885, ix, 161-188. -----. Extra-uterine pregnancy. N.York M. J., 1884. xl, 273-275. Also: Tr. N. York Obst, Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 298-301. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 86-90.—Thompson (J. F.) Extra-uterine pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1889, xxii, 810-815.—Thrall (S. B.) t Med. . S.) Eine Extrautcrinsi'hwan- gersehal'l : I'e-i I'orat iein tle>« Darnics. ties I'terns, dor Bauch- deeken, der 1'rinblasei; Gastrotoinii'; Heilung. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1864, i, 3X1-35)8.— Mcliiisllcr ( M. ) Ueber einen durch Laparotomie' ge'- hiiltin fall von Sehwangi'ise-haft ausseihalb tier Gobiir- !■■ ut 1 ii. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1XX7, xxxvii, 463; 493.— Nrliwarz (F.) Extrauterinschwangerschaft, nebst Ova- riuincyste durch Laparotomie cut feint. Wien. meel. Bl., 1887, x, 15.—Scott (J.) Case of extra-uteriue foetation, with operation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1873), 1874, xv, 110-145. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lonel., 1873-4, 194-190*.— Sejgcrs (J. C ) Grossesse extra-utorine abdominale, dont la liuree a eto de pies de huit ans, et qui s'est termiii6o heuieuseinent ]iar l'cxtraction d'un fietus a tonne au moyen d'une incision faite au rectum. Ann. .Soc. de med. de Gaud. 1837, iii, 287-292.—Scyfert. G.vnakologie untl Ge- burtskunde. [Eine Extrautirinsehwangerschaft.] Vrtlj- schr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Plan. 1852, iii, 69. [See. also, in- fra, Vogler (O.)] —von Sicbold (A. E.) Eilfmonatliche Extraiiteriiialscliwannerse'lial't. unel Entbindung dutch den Vagiindselinitt. J. f. Gi'burlsh., Frankf. a. M., 1823-4, iv, 336-349. — da Nilva Lima. Extrauterine pregnancy; extraction of the foetus ; death of the mother. [Transl. from: Gaz. med. de Lisboa, March 1, 1800] Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1860, i, 300. Also, transl: Uniou med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vi, 151-154. Also, transl.: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1866-7, i, 255-261.—Smith (H.) Case of extra-uteriue foetation; gastrotomy. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1X77, xvi, 87-94. ------. Ovum of five to six months from a caseof extra-uteriue fietation, removed together with the ovaries and oviducts from the same patient. Brit. Gynaec. J., Loud., 1886-7, ii, 1-3. — si hi i Ih (J. A.) A case of extra uterine conception, in whie'h an operation was performed. N. York M. efe Phil. J. ifcRev., 1809, i, 54-57.—Smuts (C.) Case of fibroid tumour ofthe uterus, complicated with extra-uterine gestation: op- eration. Brit. Gyniuc. J., Lond., 1887, iii, 391-395.—Mpacth (F.) Zur operativen Behandlung tier Extrauterinsi hwan gersehal't. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1889, xvi. 269-201.—MpoflTorth. Extra-uteriue pregnane \ ; op- eration ; recovery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 154.—Stad. fcldt. Et Tilfiulde af Graviditas tubo-uteriua; Laparo- tomi; levende Burn ; Modern <1<;<1. Hosp.-Tid., Kj./beuh., 1886, 3. R., iv, 889-898. —Stevens (A. H.) A case of ex- tra-uterine testation, in which a full grown foetus was successfully extracted about ten years after conception, by the operation of gastrotomy. N. York J. M., 1846 vi 341-345.—Stoker (W. T.) A case of laparotomy in ecto- pic gestation. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1889, lxxxvii, 387-393. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 715. Also: Med. Press ei: Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 441. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1X89, i. 1036.—Stutter (F. A.) Case of extra-uterine foe- tation in which the ehihl was successfully removed by ab- dominal seeition. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1860, ii. 55.— Sntloii (I!.) Ruptured tubal pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 18X9, ii, 1004.—Niitngin (W.) Zur Frage der Laparoto- mie bei Graviditas extra-uterina. Centralbl. f. Gynak. Leipz., 1XX4, viii, 529-535.—Tait (L.) Successful case of gastrotomy in extra-uterine pregnancy. Med.-Chir. Tr Loud., 1873, lvi, 219-222, 1 tab. Also. Keprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1873, i. 213. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond. (1X71-5), 1875, vii, 117-119. ------. Gastrotomy in extra-uteriue preg- nancy. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 952. ------. A second successful case of gastrotomy in extra-uterine pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 731. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Pit Kd NANCY. Preg'nancy (Extrauterine, Operations for). Lond., 1880, viii, '202-205. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Roy. M & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1880, viii, 437. ------. A third caseof extra-uteriue gestation treated by abdominal sect ion. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., bond., 1880, viii. 577-580. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1880, i, 569. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond , 1XK0 i, 737. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i. 803. .4bo | A bstr. |: Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1XX0, viii, 508.-----. A fifth case of extra-uterine pregnancy treated by abdom- inal section. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 450. -—'—. Five cases of extra-uteriue preguaney operated up >n at the time of rupture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18X4, i, 1250. -----. Tubal feetafion, removed by abdominal section. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1884), 1885, xxvi, 208. ------. Note's em three cases of tubal pregnancy successfully operated upon at the period of rupture. Brit. M. J.,' Lond., 1X85, i, 778. -----. Nine cases of successful operations for ruptured tubal pregnancy. Ibid., ii, 1158. ------. Primary lfiparot- omy in extrauterine pregnancy by Dr. Robert P. Harris; a criticism and reply. Am. J."Obst., N. V., 1888, xxi, 2X9- 298. ------. Ruptured tubal pregnancy. Brit. M. ,J„ Lond., 1888, i, 1386. ------. A case of intraperitoneal lue- matocele due to rupture of a tubal pregnancy treated by abdominal section, and removal of the ruptured tube. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1051.— Takaki (K.) A case- of abdominal gestation ; operation and recovery. [Trausl. by Dr. Ono-Sbinji.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo,"l887, vi, 129- 139. — Tarnier. Greissesse extra-uterine abiloniinale; mort du fietus vers le septieme mois; gastrotomie ; gueri- son. Ann.degynee., Par., 1879, xxii. 38-44.------. Grossesse exlra utoiine datant tie 17 mois; ouverture tlu kyste I'ertal dans I'intestin ; gastrotomie; mort. Ibid., 44-49.—Tny- lor (J. W.) Case of extra-uterine pregnancy attended with copious albuminuria ; operation at the fourth month of pie-nancy ; recovery. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1888, ii, 1217 — Tcrrillon. Grossesse extra-utorine; accidents graves et atfaiblissenieiit; ablation du fcetus mort, ag6 de quatre mois par la laparotomi!-. J.de med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 374.— Thomas (T G.) Case- of tubal pregnancy successfully treated by a new method of operation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1875-6, viii, 519; 522. ------. Caseof extra-uterine ges- tation ; gastrotomy ; recovery. Ibid., 1876, ix, 655. -----. Abdominal pregnancy treated by gastrotomy. Ibid., 0X3. ------. Report of a case of abdominal pregnancy treated by laparotomy. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1876, Bost.,'1X77, i, 185- 197. Abo, Reprint. ------. A caseof abdominal pregnancy; removal of fcetus by abdominal incision; the question of removing the placeuta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 45. ------. Extrauterine gestation successfully treated by lapa- rotomy. Am. J. Obst , N. Y.. 1878, xi. 583-580. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 338-341. ------. Case of extra-uterine gestation; gastrotomy; recovery. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc (1876-8), 1879, i, 102-104. ——. Lapa- rotomy for extra-uterine pregnancy of twenty-two months' duration. Ibid.. 447-449. A Iso: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1879, xii. 169-171. ------. Laparotomy in abdominal pregnancy. [Cases.] X. York M. J., 1879, xxix, 304-306.—Thomas- t'araman. Sur un kyste foetal provenant il'uue gros- sesse' extra-utorine abdominale remontant k cinq ans. Rev. metl.-chir. tl. mai. tl. femmes, Par., 1882, iv, 375-382. Also, Reprint.—Thompson (J.) Extra-uteriue foetation; suc- cessful operation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863-4, xv, 150- 161.—Thornton (J. K.) Case of extra-uterine foetation treated by antiseptic abdominal section, with removal of fietus and placenta; recovery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1882), 1883, xxiv, 81-89 Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 486. Also [Abstr.]: Am. ,i. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv (suppl.), 135. — Underbill ( C. E.) Case of abdominal section in the sixteenth century. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1881, vi, 78- 83.------. A specimen of extra-uterine gestation. Ibid., 1885-6, xi, 111-113. — Veicl. Bauchschnitt wegen Gravi- dit as extrauterina. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl.Ver., Stuttg., 1840, x, 33-36.—Vidal. Grossesse extra-uterine; ouverture eiu kyste foetal dans I'intestin ; extraction du foe- tus: nitorison. Courrier med.. Par., 1879, xxix, 178-181.— Vogler (C.) Extrauterin-Schwangerschaften untl zwei- felhafte Schwangerschaften. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1851, 9. Hft., 349-381.------. Ueber Herrn Dr. Sey fert's Kritik einesBauchschnittes, veranlasst durch einen '.Magenkrebs, tier eine Extrauteriiischwangirsihaft mil Kinilesbewegung darstellte. Metl. Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 177. — Voitnricz (J.) Grossesse extra-utorine; oc- clusion intistiiiale; laparotomie. J. tl. sc. m6d. tie Lille, 1886, viii, 192-201. Abo; Rev. metl., Louvain. 1886, v, 117- 126. .1 Iso: Bull. Soc. tl. sc. med. tie Lille (1886), 1887, i, 38- 47.—Wallace (J.) Abdominal foetation; abdominal sec- tion; removal of foetus; recovery. Liverpool M.-Chir. J-, 1882, ii, 261-204. ------. Case of extra-uterine pregnancy. I bid., 341.—Wasseijje. Giossesse extra-utorine abdomi- nale ; kyste dernioide ; gastrotomie; mort tie l'tiperee, le dix-neuvieme jour, par h6morragie. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. tie Be.lg.i Brux., 1885, 3. s., xix, 544-557. Also, Re- print. Abo, transl: J. Soc. d. sc. metl. de Lisb., 1886, 1, 131-139. — Wathen (J. H. ) Notes of a case of extra- uterine foetation; operation; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 641.------. Abdominal section in ex- rilEGXANOY. 615 PEEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine, Operations for). ira-ute-iiue pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 122.— Weeks (H. M.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy ; oper- ation; recovery. Ann. Gynajc, Bost., 1888-9, ii, 460-463.— Welponer. Demonstrirung eini's von Prof. Billroth durch Laparotomie exstirpirten extrautei'ineii Fruchtsack sainint Fotus und Placenta. Wien. metl. Bl., 18X0, iii, 1 ii4 —AVcIponer (E.) efe Zillncr (K.) Laparotomie bei Extrautei inschwangerschaft, 2i Jahre nach dem Todeder ausgetrageneu Frucht, mit volfstandiger Entfernung des Fruchtsackes uud stliieklickem Ausgange fur tlie Mutter. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xix, 241-257.—Wcrder (X. 0 ) Two abdominal sections, with some points of interest. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1888, ii, 273-276. -----. A case of laparotomy for extra-uterine pregnancy. Ibid., 1889, iii, 90 A Iso: 'Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1889, n. s., xiii, 212. Abo: Atlanta M. efeS. J., 1889-90, n.s., vi, 212-215. Abo: Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1889. lviii, 280-282. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 696. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Dan- bury Conn., 1888-9, viii, 452-454. Abo: Polyclinic, Phila., 1888-9, vi, 335. Also: Times efe Reg., Phila., 1889, 30.— Werth ( R. ) Bericht iiber das anatomise^ie Ergebuiss einer Gastrotomie bei Extrauteriiisehwangei-sebaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881, xviii, 14-40, 1 pl. -----. Die opera- tive Behandlung eler Extrauterinschwangersehaft. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. iu6d. Compt.-rend. 18X4. Copenh., 1886, ii,Sect.d'obst.et degyn6c, 161-171.— Westermark (F.) Fall af extrauterint hafvandeskap; operation nied lycklig utgaug. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Hamll., Stock- holm, 1885, 123.— Wiborjjh (A.) Extra uterint hafvan- deskap; bristning af a^gi-'t; baftig bloduing i bukh&len ; operation; helsa. [Kxtra-uterine pregnancy; rupture of ovum; hajmoirhage into abdominal cavity; operation; re- covery.] Eira, Stockholm. 18X8, xii, 237-240.—"Williams (J.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy in which abdom- inal section was performed during the life of the foetus at the thirty-fifth week of gestation. [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix. 182-490. Also [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 1213. — Wolff. [Extra-ute- rine Schwangerschaft; Laparotomie.] Verm. Abhandl. . . . v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1821, i, 64-70. — Young (G. P.) Extra-uterine pregnancy: suc- cessful operation. Louisville M. News, 1880, ix, 04. .Abe- Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxix, 442. — Xais (W.) Ein Fall von Graviditas abdominalis, in welchem (lurch den Bauchschnitt entbunden und die Mutter erhalten worden. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1830,vi, 56-72. Abo-Ztschr. tl. prakt. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Miinchen, 1X31-2, i, 67- 79. — Zajaitsky (S.) Noch ein Fall von Operation einer Kxtra-uterin-abilomiual-Schwaiigerschaft; todte Frucht; Genesung. Centralbl. f. Gynak , Leipz., 1888, xii, 841-844.— '£. wnuck. Bauchschnitt bei einer Bauchschwangerschaft mit gliicklichem Ausgang fiir Mutter und Kind. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 726-728. Abo, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ge.n. de metl., Par., 1838, 3. s., ii, 227. Abo, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1837-8, ii, 801. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine, Treatment <>f). Anxackkr (E.) *Zur Behandlung der extra- uterinen Schwangerschaft. 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Klau (H.) * Ueber die Therapie bei Extra- uterinschwangerschaft. 8°. Berlin. [1881]. Thomas (T. G.) A clinical contribution to the treatment of tubal pregnancy. 8U. New York, 1874. Tinnefeld (H.) * Die Behandlung tier Ex- trauterinschwauyerscbaft. [ Wurtzburg. ] 8°. l/V.sc/, 1888. Cohen (H. M.) Die Injection von Morphium durch die liauchilecken bei Graviditas extrauterina. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 148-151. — Gossniann (J.) Kxtrauterinschwangerschaft, behandelt mit Morphium- iujection in tlen Fruchtsack; Ausgang in Genesung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1888. xxxv, 877. — Gubb (A. S.) The treatment of extra-uterine gestation. Lonil. M. Re- coider, MUX, n. s., i, 43.— Herman (G. E.) On the treat- mentof early extra-uterine gestalion. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 1021.- 1069.—Hubert. Rapport tie la commission tpii a examine h- travail ele M. le Dr. Dewantlre, a Anvers, inti- tul6: De la grossesse extra-uteriue, coiisid6ree principale- ment au point de vue du traitement. Bull. Acatl. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1889, 4. s., iii, 21-24.—Jajjgarcl' (W. W.) Palliative measures in ruptured extra-uteriue preg- nancy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 649-651. Also, Reprint.—Johnstone (A. W.) The management of ex- tra-uterine pregnancy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 18«8, xi, 577-581.—Kaltenbach. Zur Therapie der Extrauterin- schwangerschaft. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Salzb., 1881, liv, pt. 2. 172-174. Also: Arch. f. • iyuaek., Berl., 1881, xviii, 473-477.—Krassovski (A.J.) Vneniatochnaja beremennost; verojatuo truhuo-.jaichni- keivaja levoi storoni, prei vannaja na 4. mesjatse piokoloiu Pregnanev (Extra-uterine, Treatment of). plodnago jaetsa svod vlagaliska. [Extra-uteriue preg- nancy interrupted in the fourth mouth by rupturing the amnion.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii, 387.—L,nsk (VV. T.) The treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 329-341.—Martin. Ueber eine durch Function des Eisackes und Ausstossuiig der Fruchtknochen gHicklich beendigte Extrauterinschwan- gerschaft. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1863, xxi, 245-249. Also: Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. in Berl. (1862-3), 1864, xvi, 5-9. — Pnccb (A.) Du traitemeut des grossesses extra-utorines. Ann. ele gynec. Par., xii, 16-38.— Rcnnert. Extrautorinschwangorscliaft im ftiuften Monate; Todtungeles Fotusmittels Morphium- injeetion; Heilung. Arch. Gynaek., Berl., 1884, xxiv, 260- 280— Silnvaiz. Zur Therapie der Extrauterinschwan- gerschaft. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz.. 1888, ii, 70-95. — Veit (J.) Zur Therapie der Tu- bensi'hwaugerschaft. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Metl., Leipz., 1878. 577-580. — Wathen (\V. 11.) Treatment of extra uterine' pregnancy. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 556-560. — Werth & Veit (J.) Behandlung eler Ex- trauteriiischwangersrliaft. Arch. f. Gvnak., Berl.. 1889, xxxv, 511-516.— White (J. P.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy; tapping of sac; recovery. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1880-81, xx, 446-449.—Zematski <&.' KotelnikoflT. Vli- vauie soljanago rastvora v veni radi ostrago malokrov. pri vuematoehnoi beremennosti. [Injection of saline solution into the veins in acute anseraia during extra-uteriue preg- nancy.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 543-546. Pregnancy (Extrauterine, Treatment of) by electricity. Aveling (J. H.) A case of extra-uterine gestation ar- rested by electricity. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1091. -----. The diagnosis and electrical treatmeut of early extra-uterine gestation. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1888-9, iv, 24-65.—Bncchctti (O.) Nuova applicazione dell' ago- elettro-puntura in un caso giudicato gravidanza extra- uterina tubaria. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc. Fireuze, 1853, 2. s., iii, 137-140. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Union med., Par., 1857, xi, 168. Abo, transl. [Abstr.]: Northwest. M. efc S. J., Chicago, 1857, xiv, 565.—Berlin (Fanny). A case of supposed extra-uterine pregnaucv treated'by electricity. Boston M. efe S. J., 1884, cxi, 243-246.—Bierwirth (J. C.) Report of a case of extra-uterine pregnancy complicated with typhoid fever; treatment by electricity; recovery. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xiv, 552-555.—Blackwood (W. R. D.) Galvano-puncture in tubal pregnaucv. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 313-316.—Bleything (G. D.) A case of extra-uterine foetation; faradization; recovery. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 5.—Bonlton (P.) The treatment of tubal foetation by galvano-puncture. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1887, i, 925.—B roi hers (A.) The treat- ment of extra-uterine pregnaiicv by electricity. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 474-484. A Isii. transl.: b rauenarzt, Berl., 1889, iv, 343; 424—Biickmasler (A. H.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy; em bryo destroyed by a 20 mil- liamp6re current without interruptions; together with re- marks on the best manner of using electricity for this pur- pose. Metl. News, Phila., 188*, Iiii, 66-69. .Abo, Reprint. Abo [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 49.-Cocks (D. C.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy successfully treated with galvanism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 65. [Discussion], 79.—Einmet (B. McE.) Case of extra-uter- ine pregnancy arrested by galvanism. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv (Suppl.), 45.—Unrdncr (W.) Extra-uterine fie- tation treated by electricity. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1885-6, xiv, 1-6. — CSarrigues (H. J.) Electricity in ex- tra-uterine pregnaucv. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1882, Phila., 1883, vii, 184-218. Also, Reprint. Abo [Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv, 953. -----. Extra-uterine preg- nancy changed to intra-uterine, by means of faradization. Med.' News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 649-652. Abo, Reprint.— Ooclct (A. H.) Extra-uterine gestation arrested and dispersed by the galvanic current. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 631.—Hanks (II. T.) On the early diagnosis of ec- topic pregnancy, and the best method of treatment; with the report of two cases successfully treated by electricity. Tr. Am. (jynec. Soc, Phila., 1888, xiii, 360-401.—Harri- son. Two cases of extrauterine pregnancy successfully treated by electricity. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.,' 1887, xx, 415- 417— Kalnbin (J.) Un cas de grossesse extra-uterine traite par l'eiectricite. Arch, ele tocol., Par.. 1889, xvi, 221-232.—Saudis (H. G.) Galvanism iu the treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy. Cincin. Lancet efe Cliuic, 1879, iii, 204-206. -----. A case of repeated extra-uterine preg- nancy cured by galvanism. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 376. -----. The cure of extrauterine fcetation by electric- ity. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1885, n. s., xc, 446-450.—I.e. garc (T.) A case of extra-uterine gestation successfully t leafed by electricity. Tr. South Car. M. Ass.. Charleston, 1887,79-81.—Iiiisk'(W.T.) Faradization in the treatment of extrauterine pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxv, 189. Also: Tr. N. York Obs4, Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 24. -----. Tubal gestation treated by electricity. N. York PREGNANCY. 61 Pregnancy (Extrauterine, Treatment of) by electricity. M. J., 1885, xii, 706. ^bo: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885. iii, 327. Abo: Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1885, xviii, 851.— ITIanii (M. D.) Note on the use of electricity in extra- uterine pregnancy. Ann. Gyiut-c., Host., 1887-8, i, 193-196.— Morton (D.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy: cure by galvanism. South-West. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1888, ii, 33-35.—.Tintide (P. F.) A successful case of arrest of tubal pregnancy by galvanism. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1884, xxvi, 337. -----. Extra-uterine preguaney changed to intrauterine by faradization. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 717.—Pctch (R.) Extra-uteriue gestation, treated hy galvano-puncture. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1886, ii, 1092- 1094.—Reeve (J. C.) A case ef extra-uterine pregnancy, with successful application of electricity. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1879, Bost., 1880, iv, 313-333.—RockM-cll (A. D.j On the successful treatmeut of extra-uterine pregnaucv. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 169. -----. On the arrest of tubal pregnancy by galvanism. Ibid., 1884, xxvi, 392. —---. Electricity in the treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy. Ibid.. 1886, xxix, 739. -----. Electricity in the treatment of extra-nterine pregnancy. Internat. J. Surg, efe Antisopt., N. V., 1888, i, 12.—Nibbalri (.J.) A caseof extra-uteiiiio pregnancy, treated successfully bv electricity. Polyclinic, Phila., 1884, ii, 74. Abo: Boston M. efe S. J.,' 1884. cxi. 511. Also: Med. efe Surg. Reporter, I'hila., 1884, li, 675. —Sta- bler (A.) Extra-uterine preguaney changed to intra-uter- ine by the galvanic cunvnt. Med. News, I'hila., 1886, xlviii, 235.—Stockarri (C. C.) Tubal pregnancy; treat- ment by the galvanic, current. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1886, n. s., xxxvii, 303.—Tail (L.) Faradization in extra-uterine pregnancy. Meel. Ni'Ws, Phila., 1886, xlix, 193.—Van de War Iter iK.) Extra-uterine pregnaucv and its treatment by eli'ctiii'ity. Tr. Am. Gvnee. Soe'. 1887, N. Y.. 1888, xii, 293-313. Abo, Reprint.—Walker (H. F.) Tubal preg- nancy treated by faradic current. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 539. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine) in animals. Baillet. Un fait tie gestation extra-utorine observe sur une vache. Union med., Par., 1875, 3. s., xix, 639-641.— Bean (A.) Report of a case of extra-uterine fietation, in the sow; with remarks on the nutrition of the fcetus. South. M. ii S. J., Augusta, 1837-8, ii, 1-6. — Boizy. Gros- sesse utero-abiloniinale chez la vache, suite' dune rupture de1 la matrice apres sept mois de gestation. Soc. tl. se. metl. de Gannat. Compt. rentl.. 1863, xvii, 69-73.—Carter (J. H.) A case of tubal fietation in a bitch. Yet. J. efc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1885, xx, 402-404.—Copette (A. J.) Obser- vation de grossesse abdominale, chez uu cheval. Arch, de med. mil., Brux., 1848, ii. 39-43.—Ciopel. Beobaebtiing einer Bauchsch wangerschaft bei eineni Pferde, nebst gleich- zeitiger Entwickelung eines Embryo in der Gebiirniutter desselben Thieres. Med. Ztg. Russlands, - St. Petersb., 1855, xii, 116-118.—Goiibc.iux (A.) Exemplede gestation ovarieune chez la jument. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1852, Par., 1853. iv, 2.—Kchrcr (F. A.), jun. Ueberwanilerung des Eies bei einem Scbafe. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr.. Berl., 1863, xxi, 225-228.—IVIacario. Grossesse vaginale chez une vache. Nice-ined., 1877-8, ii, 218-220.— Richardson (B. W.) Poition of the vagina of a sheep dilated into a cyst-like feum : the diluted portion contain- ing numerous bones aud some wool. Meel. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1880, n. s., xxix, 211. — Thomas (A. R.) Abdom- inal incubation iu the common fowl. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1880, n. s., ii, 223.— Vcrnaux. Gestation extra- uterine chez une chienne. Rec. de meel. vet., Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 234. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine) coexisting icith uterine. Koehne (W. H.) *Eiu Fall von gleichzeiti- ger Intra- untl Extrauterinschwangerschaft. 8°. Marburg, 1887. Stark (J. C.) [Pv.] ele graviditate extr.a- uterina cum uterina conjunct;!, observatioue il- lustrata. Part I. 4°. Jenw, 1822. Alilfeld (F.) [Ueber die Ursache tier Aehnlichkeit- homologer Zwillinge im intra- und extrauterinen Leben.] Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1875, viii, 215.-----. Intrauterine Schwangerschaft neben extranteriner. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. tl. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marb. 1885-6, 8°, Leipz., 1887, iii, 90-94.—Aiiibrosioni (G.) Storia di una gravidanza uterina complicata a gravidanza estra-uterina. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1846, v, 385-388. —Beach (J. H.) Case of twin-compound connection, with miscarriage at about six weeks, and delivery of an extra-uterine fietus through the abdominal walls four years after. J. Gynaec Soc. Bust,, 1871, v, 103-107.—Behm. Vereiuigte Uteriual- untl Tubar-Schwangerschaft; Tod durch Berstung der Tube; Section. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1874-5, vii, 314- 323.—«le Belamizaran (C. Z.) Caso raro de prenez extra-uterina con muerte y absorcion del f6tus en la cavi- dad abdominal, acompaiiaaa de una preuez y parto natu- I PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Extrauterine) coexisting with uterine. rales. Bol. tie med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1838, v, 128.— Bossi. Iutrauterinscbwangerschaft und Extrauterin- schwangerschatt bei ein untl derselben Frau. Sitzungsb. d, Ver. tl. Aerzte in Steiermark, 1867-8, v, 57-62.— KoTimid (G. H.) A remarkable case of gastrotomy. [II. P. C. Wil- son's case.] Beistou M. efc S. J., 1880, eii, 503. — Browne (B. 15.) A contribution to the history of combined intra- uterine and extra-uterine twin pregnancy; with au anal\ sia of twenty-four cases, and full extracts from the most im- portant cases. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1882, vi 444- 462. Abo, Reprint.—Buck (W. D.) Tubular pregnancy; a second ovum being found in the cavity of the uterus Boston M. efc S. J., 1855-6, Iiii, 371. Also: Extr. l,Ye'. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1854-5), 1856, ii, 257.—[Cases.] [Sur iini; giossesse> extraordinaire.] Hist. Acad. n>\. tl. se-. [de Par.) (1722), 1727. 27-29. Abo: Collect, acatl. el. men,.. etc. Partie franc., Par. et Liege', 1771, v, 340.—Deux can tl 'accouchement pendant le cou is el e grossesse e x t i a ■ 111 e '• i inc. J. de nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii, 26-29. —C ha ber t. Grossesse double, un feetus dans lute rus. 1'autri' tlans rabdomen. Paris med., 1876. ii, 151.—Clarke (J.) ('use of double conception; one child born alive, the other extia- uterine foetation. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1856, n. »., xiii, 590. — Cliet (H.) Histoire- d'une grossesse extra- uterine, jointe il une greissesse' naturelle. suivie de ipiel- ipies reflexions. N. .lour, ele med , chir , pharm.. etc., Par., 1818. iii, 287-301. — Cooke ( L. R.) Case of uterine and extra uterine (flmbral) pregnancy, progressing simulta- neously to the full period of gestation : post-mortem exami- nation.' Tr. Obst. Soe. Lond. (1863), 1804, v. 143-153.- C'ox (J. I?.) efc Coles (W.) A caseof normal pregnancy apparently coinplicaletl with extra-uterine fetation. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, vii, 229-238—Craylicnil (W. G.) A remarkable ease of double pregnancy; one ovum entering the uterus, the other being arrested in the tube. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1850, n. s., xix, 1H-116. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., x, 1006. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1857-60), 1860, i, 192.—Bay (E. E.) Extra - uterine foetation, followed by intra uterine' preg- nancy; induction of premature labour. Tr. Obst. Sue, Lond. (1864), 1865, vi, 3-6, 1 pl.—Be Kossett (J. M.) Intra-uterine pregnancy, complicated with extra titerinu fetation : recovery. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xvii, 232- 235.— Bet wilier (II.) A singular case of extra-uterine and uterine foetation. Phila. Month. J. M. efc S., 1827, i, 86-90.—Bibot. Accouchement naturel d'un enfant vivant pendant le cours d'une grossesse extra-utorine. Gaz. obst., Far., 1876, v, 161-164— Buiiiollnrd (J.) Grossesse double intra-uterine et extra-uterine. J. Soc. de metl. ct de pharm. de ITsere. Grenoble-, 1878-9, iii, 263-269.—Eilis. Extra-uterine foetation associatetl with intra-uterine preg- nancy. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1889. v, 63-69. Abo: .Meel. Press'efc Circ,'Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 247—CJalnbin. Extra-uteriue associatetl with intra-uterine foetation: ab- dominal section. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1881, i, 884.— IIa- tlerup. Samtidigt Extra- osr Intrauteriu-Svangerskab. Nord.med. Ark., Stockholm, 1870, ii, no. 13,7. Also, transl.: Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxv, 7.—Ilodjjcn (J. T.) Co-development of intra and extra uterine pregnancy. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1874, n. s., xi, 411-413—Horn (P.) Geschichte einer gleichzeitigen Bauchhohlen- und Gebiir- mutter-Schwangerschaft, und Endigung tier letztereu durch Geburt. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1834, xv, 288-300.—lielscy (G. E.) Normal pregnancy complicated by tubular pregnancy ; autopsy. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1888, n. s.. xiii. 1-3. — I,tiw efc l,unipe. Merk- wiiriliger Fall einer Extrauterin -Schwangerschaft mit gleiehzeitiger moustroser Uteriu-Schwangerschaft bis zmii 15. Monate heobachtet. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aer/.ti- zu Wien, 1850, ii, 7; 22: 53. [See. also, intra, Lumpe.] Abo, transl: Boston M. efc S. J., 1857, lvi, 329- 333.—liinnpe. Bemerkungen zudem in Nr. 1, 2 und 4 die- ses Blattes beschriebenen Falle von Extrautorin-Schwan- gerschaft. Wchnbl d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1856, ii, 69-73.—.Tlaxson (E. R.) Successful termination, in a case of normal pregnancy, complicated with extra- uterine. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1856, xvii. 673-676.— f loo re (J. W.) .fc Wale (E. P.) Case- of extra and inter- uterine foetation occurring conjointly; with operation there for, resulting in the death of the mother, and the saving of two living children. N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 727-731.— Packard. Double pregnancy; one tubal, the other uterine. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev.. Phila., 1859, iii, 319.— Pellischek (T. F.) Gleiehzeitiger Bestand einer intra- und extrauterinen Schwangerschaft (Paracyesis); Stein- kind; Mumification. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1865, xi, 633-037.—Pcnefather(LP-) Caseof coex- isting extra-antl intrauterine pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 688 — Piersons (A. M.) A case of double preg- nancy; one intra, the other extra-uterine; abortion ot the first,'rupture of the cvst containing the second; autopsy. Homoeop. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1881-2, iii, 150-163.—Pollak (S.) Simultaneous intra and extra-uterine pregnancy to full term. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1871, n. 8., viii, 195-200.- Buiz (A.) Un caso de embarazo falso 6 molar, acom- 17 PREGNANCY. PREGNANCY. P reS n a 11 c y (Extra-u ter ine) coexisting ■ivilit uterine. paiiado de otro verdade.ro con un feto tie todo tiempo. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1870, xxiii, 345.—Sager (A.) Case ofsiniultaiieous intra and extra-uteriue pregnane y. Michi- gan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1870-71, i. 456-463.—Thier- iicssc. Iii cas tie gestation extra-utorine abiloniinale, coiicomitante d'une gestation uterine normale cbez line ti-uie primipare. Bull. Acad. roy. tie nied. de Belg., Brux., 1871, 3. s., v, 615-619.—Trezevant (D. H.) A singular case- of extra uterine flotation, and apparent super fieta- tion. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1825, viii, 464-467.— Tufiicll. Extra uterine fetation; twin conception from the same ovary; normal descent of one fetus into the womb; arrest of the other in the Fallopian tube; escape from tiience, by ulceration, into the cavity of the abdomen, followed by hemorrhage, and death in twenty-four hours. Dublin Q. 1 M. Sc. 1802, xxxiii, 462-464. —Weber (C. A.) (ileichzeitige Uterin- nnd Abdominal -Schwangerschaft. Ztschr. d. iiortld. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii, 194-202 — While (I. H.) Case of extra-uterine pregnancy com- plicated by intrauterine pregnani'v. Virginia M. Month., Bichuionil, 1887-8, xiv, 284-286 —Wilson (H. P. C.) A rase of combined intrauterine and abdominal twin preg- nancy ; the first child born naturally at eight months; the seemitl delivered alive at term by laparotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1880, xiii, 821-836.' Abo, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 404- 406. Pregnancy (Extra-uterine) with long retention of foetus. See, also, Lithopeedion. de Blegny (N.) Histoire anathoniiqne d'un enfant qui a tlemeure' vingt cine] aus tlans le ventre ele sa mere. 1H°. Paris, 1679. Cyprian (A.) Epistola historiam exhibens foetus humani post xxi menses ex uteri tuba, matre salva ac superstite, excisi, ad Thomam Millington. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1700. Abo. transl. [Abstr.] in: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1861-2, xii, 456-459. Galli (G.) * Delle graviclanze extrauterine e dei loro esiti in ispecie della trasformazione cal- carea dei feti v eli un antica gravitlanza ventrale con esito di litopedio. 8°. Piacenza, 1876. vax Geuns (J.) it Schkant (J. M.) Over buiteiibaarmoederlijke zwangerschap met litho- paediuinvonning, naar aanleiding van een geval. 4°. Amsterdam, 1855. Laupus (F.) * Ein Fall vou Gravielitas extra- uterina mit Ausgang in Genesuug, 27 Jahre nach ihrem Beginne, elurch Elimination untl Extrac- tion der Fotalknochen per rectum. 8°. Gottin- gen, 1876. Nebel (D. W.) Foetus ossei per quinquaginta quatuor annos extra uterum in abdomino eletenti historia. pp. 403-422, 6 pl. 4°. [Beidelbergce, 1767.] Cutting. Nonxig(P.) * Beitrag znr Kasuistik eler ex- trauterinen Gravielitiit und elereu Ausgang in Lithopiiilioubiltlung. 8°. Berlin, [1880], Ridder (J. A.) Observationeni rariorem tie fei'tu septem aunoruin per intistinuin rectum matre salva et superstite excluso . . . communi- cat. 4°. Annabergce, [n. d.]. >Schuhl. * Des grossesses extra-utdrines an- ciennes tlans leurs rapports avec les grossesses utei'ines snbse'quentes. 4°. Nancy, 1883. Tichy (I.) *De graviditate extrauterina, ael- nexa gravielitatis praeternaturalis abtlominalis ab anno 1836 usque 1842 fausto cum eventn trac- tate historia. 8°. [n. p., 1843.] Anuissat. Grossesse extra-utorine datant de sept anne-es environ; extraction ties d6bris du fcetus par le rectum, a l'aide de curettes et de tenettes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 456. — Aubry (J.) Histoire ana- tomique d'un cas tie grossesse extra-utorine rencontre. chez uue femme de 70 ans. Arch. g6n. de me'd., Par., H<2. 3- s., xiii. 346-350. [See, also, infra, Blache.]— Bacchetti. Cas de grossesse extra-uterine dans lequel le ftetiis, apres avoir acquis un developpement eotnplet, a sejonrn6 dans la cavite abdominale pendant deux autres gestations normales qui se sont teiininCes heureusement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 498.—Ba>lee. A child 26 Preg'nancy (Extra-uterine) ivith long retention offatus. years in the mother's belly, out of the uterus. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700, iii, 217. — Beech (J. H.) Delivery of extra- uterine foetus through the abdominal walls 'after four years. Chicago M. J., 1871, xxviii, 406-409. Abo: Michi- gan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1871-2, ii, 277-280. — Bie- buyck (J.) Grossesse extra-uterine; sejour du kyste foetal pendant viugt-netif mois dans la cavite ventrale. Bull. Soc.dechir.de Par. (1859), I860, x, 103-113.—Blache. Grossesse extra-uterine cbez une femme ele 70 ans; ossifica- tion completa du squelette. Bull. Acad, de mGtl., Par., 1841-2, vii, 102-108. Abo [Abstr.]: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1842. xxii, 194. [See, also, supra, Aubry.] — Bochard. Observation au sujet d'uue femme h la- quelle on a tito par le nombril un fcetus mort, qu'elle a porte vingt-sept mois dans le ventre, et qui nlxininoins a concu de nouveau et a accouched naturelleiueiit d'un en- fant k termo quatre mois avant l'oxtraction du premier. Rec. period, d'obs. dem6d., de chir. et pharm., Par., 1756. v, 422-425.—Bttinisch. Geschichte einer sechsjiihrigen, durch die Geburtshulfe gliicklich beeudigten, Schwan- gerschaft, ausserhalb der Gebarmutter. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1821, Iii, 1. St., 52-75. Abo: Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Urosd., 1820-22, ii, 223-255.—Bogrcn. Graviditas extrauterina, hei der erst nach 25 Jahren die Knochen ties Fotus elurch den Anus abseben. Med. Zlg. Russlands. St. Petersb., 1853, x, 244. — Boiling ( G.) Utomqveds- hafvandeskap afslntadt efter tio ar. [Extra-nterine preg- nancy terminating after ton years.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1884, xix, 426-428.—Bouchard (F.) De infante a morte matris in ventre post graviditatis annos setlecim et quod excurrit, reperto. Misc. Acad nat. curios. 1672, Lips. et Francof., 1681, iii, 13. Abo, transl: Collect, mad. el. m6m., etc., Dijon, 1755, iii, 99.—Bouilly (ii.) Grossesse extra-utorine datant de sept ans; accidents d'6tran<;lemi'nt interne; laparotomie; mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1883. 6. s., v, 207.—Bromfield (VV.) Of a woman who had a lotus in her abdomen for 9 years, opened Mav 6, 1739. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1732-44. ix," 191.—de Brim tin Bois-rVoir (H.) Grossesse extra-utorine datant tie 7 ans; issue du squelette foetal par le rectum. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1883, Ivii, 468-470. Abo: Progres m6d., Par., 1883, xi, 511.— Christian (W. D.) Case of extra-uterine pregnancy, of over twenty years' standing. Med. Exam., Phila., 1850, n. s., vi, 638-640.—Cohen. Graviditas extrauterina mit Abgaug des Kindes per anum nach beinahe acht Jahren. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, 38; 55.—Collin. Observation snr un enfant qui a resto quatre ans dans le ventre de sa ntore, et dont les os sont sortis par une ouver- ture qui s'est faite aux muscles du bas-ventre, proche l'onibilic. J. de metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, ix, 142-148—da Costa Simoes (A. A.) Grossesse extra- utorine de 43 aus. Coimbra nied., 1886, vi, 19, 2 pl.; 33, 1 pl.; 50; 68; 81; 109. Also \ Abstr.]: Med. contemp., Lisb., 1886, iv, 17; 28.—Craddock (J. W.) Case of extra-uter- ine pregnancy, in which the fietus was carried twenty- two years. Med. Exam., Phila.. 1846, n. s., ii, 286-288.— Cunningham (J. A.) Case of an extra-uterine fcetus, retaiued forty years. Virginia M. efe S. J., Richmond, 1855, iv, 94.—Dartigues. Grossesse extra-uterine datant du mois do fevrier 1836, termiutie par la mort le 14 ttocem- bre 1842. J. tl. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1843-4, xi, pt. 1,109.— Davis (T.) Case of extra-uterine foetation existing for an unknown period, but under observation for two years and two months. Metl. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1869, n. s., vii. 541.—Dunant (P.-L.) Grossesse extra-utorine,- ex- pulsion spontanee dun foetus cinq ans apres; gttorison. Bull. Soc. ni6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1869, iii, 354- 359.—Fannin (W. H.) Case of extra-uterine pregnancy of over thirty years' standing. Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1875-6, 36. — «nlcs ( L. M.) Extra-uterine pregnancy; removal of the fie tal bones through the rectum after nine years. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 569.—tirivel (J.) An account of a fietus found in the abdomen of a woman 83 years of age. Edinb. M. e.V S. J., 1806. ii, 19-21, 1 pl. —llasinger (J.) Nachriebt von einer 7\ jiihrigen Bauchsch wangerschaft, nebst Leicben- otfiumg.' Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1815, iii, 158.— Ileise (A. W.) Extra-uterine pregnancy of four years' standing the patient in the interim being twice delivered of a healthy living child. Northwest. M. efe S. J., Chicago, 1856-7, xiii, 376-378.—HeisltelI (H. L.) Case of extrauterine fieta- tion in which the fcetus remained in the abdomen forty years. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1828, ii, 114-116. Also |Ab- str.]; Lancet, Lond., 1827-8, ii, 632— Heyerdahl (S. S.) Beretning om en Foelsel gjennem Eudetarmen efter et 13- aarigt Svangerskab. [Delivery of a foetus through the rectum after a pregnancy of thirteen years.] Norsk Mag. f. Lajgevideusk., Christiania, 1847, i, 2. R., 583-590.—Ho- ■nans (J.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy of seven years' duration, in which the bones of an adult fietus were found during an attempt at ovariotomy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1886, cxiv, 457-460. —Houston ( R.) An extra-uteriue foetus, that had continued 54 years in the body. Phil. Tr. 1719-33, Loud., 1734, vii, 555-557, 1 pl.—Johnson (M.) Remarkable case of extra-uteriue foetation (44 years re- PREGNANCY. 611 Pregnancy (Extra-uterine) until long retention of fcetus. tained). Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 655.—Johns- ton (C.) Caseof extra-uterine pregnancy ; fcetus extracted peranum, four years and six weeks after the completion of the natural term. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1858, n. s., xxxvi, 44-48.—Jones (S.) Caseof extra-uterine foetation, in which the In tus was retained fifteen years in the abdo- men ofthe mother. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond'., 1859-60, xi, 182- 184.—J ordnn (T. M.) A case of extra-uteriue pregnancy of nine years' duration. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1882. ix, 86. — Joseph!. An account of a fifteen years' pregnancy, where tlm child was contained in the urinary bladder. Meel. e*c Phys. J., Lond.. 1805, xiv, 519-524.— Klnysliens (J. F.) Overzigtvan onderseheidenele zwan- gerhielen buiten de baarmoeder, eu ver.slag wegens eene soortgelijke zwangerheiil, in welke ecu vohlrageu kind, na een zestienmaandig verblijf in den inoederlijken school, uit bet eije'inestgebaald werd doordebuiksnijding, metbehoutl en genezing der moeder. die vervolgens verscheideneandere kinileien gebaard heeft. Geuees-, heel- . . . Verhandel. v. h. k -nederl. Inst. v. Wetensch., etc., Amst., 1825, 36.— ICiister(K) Extrauterinschwangerschaft vou 28jabri- ger 1 'ami ■; I Veneligung derselben elurch Extraction ties Fo- tus durch elas Rectum. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. n. Gynak., Berl., 1875-6. iv. 20. Abo, transl: Gaz. obst., Par,' 1876, v, 86^8. — fjcspnK'nol. Observation d'une grossesse extra-uterine, gestation tie neufs mois complets; mort eh- 1'enfant; guerison do la femme; conservation du foetus ilepiiisl827, jusqu'en avril 1846 Bull. med. tlu nord, Lille, 1840-8. i, 167-172.— Lewis (II. F.) A case of extra-uterine pri'iiiiancv of sixteen years' standing. Proc. M. Soc. N. Car.. Rale'-igh, 1873, 64.—I.oseher. Geschichte einer eilf- jahrigen Unterleibs-Schwangerschaft. N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., 1843, xiii, 390-401, lpl. —I,orain. Observa- tion de grossesse extra-ut6rino; suppuration du kyste; ex- pulsion tlu foetus par le rectum dix-lmit mois apres la con • ceptioii: guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I860, xxxix, 525.— ITIcFatrich (J. 15.) A ease of mural pregnancy of four- teen years' standing. Chicago M. Times, 1885-6. xvii, 145- 149—.Marshall (J.) An extraordinary caseof afoetus, 13 years in the body of a woman. [From .- British Champion, Sept 6. no. 67.] ' Gentleman's Mag. efe Hist. Chron., Lond., Ie43, xiii, 484.—iVIatlei. Des elivers modes de terminai- stin ties grossesses extra-uterines aueienues et de leur traitement. Bull. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Par., 1860, 95-113. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1860, xxxiii, 430, 438 —jTIannd (J.) Case of extra uterine pregnancy: death from peri- tonitis, three years after conception. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1857, ii, 179-182. — .tlomiier. Grossesse ex- tra-utorine remontant probablement a 5 ans; mort dans la cachexie aptos 5 mois de souffraiices; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 380-382. Also .- Projires m6d., Par., xii, 1010—iTIorley (C.) The bones of a foetus voided per anum, some years after conception. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700, iii, 218.—iVIoiinsey (J.) An abstract of the remarkable case' and cure of a woman, from whom the foetus was ex- tracted that had been lodged 13 years in one of the Fallopian tubes. Ibid., 1743-50, xi, 1012-1015.— Tl in free (J. B.) A case of abdominal pregnancy (extrauterine) of fifty-five years' duration. Tr. M. Soe-. Tennessee. Nashville,'1886, 85-92. Also, Reprint —iVotta (M.) Grossesse extra-uto- i hie datant de sept aus : accidents d'6tranglement interne; laparotomie: mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 409- 411. —Observation d'une grossesse extra-utorine; ges- tation des neuf mois complete; mort de l'enfant; gueri- son de la femme, le produit tie la conception 6tant resto dans l'abdomen. Gaz. med. tie Par., 18,;o, 2. s., iv, 61.— Pachnr. Tddtlich endende achtjahrige TTnterleibs- sebwangerschaft. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 29 — Pan- thot. Sur une giossesse de vingt-deux mois et demi. [ Prom: J. tl. savans, 1695. ] Collect, acatl. el. mem. etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 23.— Paschal ( F.) Abdominal pregnancy of ten years' duration; recovery. Am. M. Weekly. N. Y., 1882, xiv, 29—Pea n. Grossesse extra- uterine tuhaire datant probablement de six ans; rupture et ouverture du kyste dans leperitoine et la ve ssie; autopsie. In his Lectins de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1888, 898- 901.— Pcrt'ival (T.) Account of an extra-uterine foetus, voided b\ stool, twenty-two years after pregnancy. Med. & Phil. Comment. [1774], 2. ed.. Loud., 1784, ii, 77-79. Also, inhis: Works, Literary, Moral and Med., 8°, LoneL, 1807, iv, 182-184 —Petit. Observation sur une conception extra- uterine tlans laquelle un enfant a seyotirue deux ans dans l'ovaire. Rec. tl. actes Soc. tie sante tie Lvou, an vi [1798] i 193-199.—Pletzer (H.) Ein Fallvon Graviditas extraute- riua mit Ausgang in beginnendeLithopadiou-Bildung: Tod durch Pertionitis und Darmeinklenimung zwischen Ge- schwulst und Bauchwand nach ljjahrigem Bestehen der Schwangerschaft. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr Berl., 1867, xxix, 242-246. Also, Reprint— Polaillon! Grossesse extra-utorine terminee par l'enkystement du pro- duit tie la conception. Bull, et ntom. Soe.'de chir. de Par., 1875, n. s., i, 260 : 265.—Kaseh (A.) Case of extra-uterine gestation simulating so-calle il missed labour. Brit. M J Lond,, 1883, i, 1007, Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1883)1 PBEGNANCY. Preg'nancy ( Extrauterine) with long retention of fat its. 1884, xxv, 113-118.—Both (F.) Ueber Retention desabgo- storbenen Fotus in tier Gcbiirunit terhiihle bis zum normalen Schwaugerschal'tsenile. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878, xxiii, 177-197, 2 pl —Mehneevoogt ((i. I'. V.'j Buitenbaarmoeelerlijke zwangerschap getlurende 6 jaren, stukswijze outlasting van het foetus door den enilrltlarrii; dood door verbloediug uit de art. hypogastrics. Nederl! Weekbl. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1851 i, 1; lo.— Nliiiibrr (,f! \V.) Extra-uteriue pregnancy of twenty-nine yeai .*' elm;!' tion. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1885, 111.— Miolis. Grossesse extra-uterine depuis 7 ans; communication du kyste avec 1'iutesthi ; diarrhee; peritonite pnrticllc; au- topsie". Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1800-7, x, 58.— Turnbull (\V.) Case of extra-uterine gestation of the ventral kind, including the symptoms of the patient from the earliest period of pregnancy to the time of death (fif- teen months); with the appearances upon dissection. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 176-214, 4 pl.—Veluenu. Grossesse' extra-utorine; foetus mort k six mois it porte! depuis deux aus par la inert:; ponction exploratrico; in- flammation tlu kyste qui contenait le foetus; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1845, xviii, 209. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1845, ii, 386-388.—Vernrdini (F.) Storia di una donna che ha portato nil basso ventre un feto morto sette anni e due mesi. Bull. tl. sc. mod. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s., xx, 329-357.— Wilmans (F W.) Geschichte einer lieiehst- merkwiirdigen, nach fiinfzehnjiihriger Dauer und da/.wi- seben erfedgter viermaliger Entbindung gliicklich iiber- standener, Graviditas extrauterina. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1829, lxviii, 3. St., 3-41.—Vardley (T. II.) Extra- uteriue pregnancy; retention of the foetus fifteen years in the cavity of the abdomen, during which time the patient was delivered of a full-grown chiltl at term ; removal of the extra-uterine foetus: complete recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s.. xi, 348-35L—\omi<; (D. W.) Report of a case of extraction of the bones of a fietus from the peri- toneal cavitv, after having been there over four years. Chicago M. J., 1858, xv, 383-387. Preg'nancy (False). See Pregnancy (Feigned); Pregnancy (Imag- inary, etc.); Pregnancy (Molar). Pregnancy (Feigned). See, also, Imposture. Haase (J. G.) [Pr.] de dissimulates gravidi- tas scrutino medico-forensi. 4°. Lipsice, 1798. Cron. Simulirte Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Wclin- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 15.—Ilohnbniini. , Scheinbare Schwangerschaft. Ibid., 1836, 25-28. — IIun- ion (A.) A case of feigned pregnancy. Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. V., 1851-2, iv, 55.—Lever (J. C. W.) Malingered pregnancy antl delivery ; hysteria. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond , 1848, 2. s., vi, 239.—'iTIn'dden (T. M.) On spurious, feigned, and concealed pregnancy. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872, Iiii, 255-269. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1872. xiii, 225; 271—P. Ueber eine ver- stellte" Schwaiigersohaft u. s. w. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzeneyw.. Berl.. 1785, 3. Samml., 183-185.- Kiittel (J. (I.) Eine simulirte Schwangerschaft und Ge- burt mit Kindesraub. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1842, 31. Ergnzngshft., 312-316. Pregnancy (Imaginary or false). See, also, Abdomen (Tumors of, Phantom); Pregnancy (Feigned). Capuron (J.) Dissertatio de spuria gravidi- tate. 4°. Parisiis, 1811. Delsol (L.-A.) * Du diagnostic des fausscs grossesses. 4°. Paris, I860. Oakraud (L.-O.) * Sur le diagnostic des pre- tenelnes fausscs grossesses. 4°. Paris, 1882. Hermann (C. P. F.) * De signis morbonun graviditatem mentientium. 8°. Altorjii, 1811. Lkfkbvkk (C.-T.) * Dc graviditate spuria, seu tie quibusdani uteri affectibus graviditatem mentientibus tlissertatio. 4°. Parisiis, an. XIII [lbOSJ. Statement of the case of the late Lady Flora Hastings; including documents, and the whole correspondence with Viscount Melbourne, the Marquis of Tavistock, and Lortl Portman. 8-\ London, 1839. Villebrun (M.-A.-E. ) * Des fausses gros- sesses. 4°. Paris, 186)7). Adamson (V. V.) Case of spurious pregnancy. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1872-3, vi, 71-7:'.. — Arnoldi (J- PREGNANCY. 619 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Imaginary or false). B.) Valsche zwangerschap. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Ge- neesk., Gorinchem, 1830, ix,484-188.—Airii. Observacion curiosa y rara de una falsa prenez. Rev. de cien. nied., Barcel., 1880, vi, 19-22.—Anbiiiniw. Di' certaines pheno- menes byst6riformes avec suppression passag^re de la men- struation pouvant laisser soup9onner a tort un eoinnienee- inent de grossesse. J. de la sect, de metl. Soc. atatl. Loire- Inf., Nantes, 1856, xxxii, 33-44. —Bahnwon (II. T.) Im- aginary pregnancy. N. Orl. M. efc S. .1., 1886-7. n. s., xiv, 731-736. — Bealc (J. S.) Cases of fancied pregnancy. Med. Times eV (Iaz., Loud.. 1855, n. s., xi, 342. — Kelt* (B. F.) Pseudocyesis; a clinical case. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y, 1879-80, i, 171-174.— Canuti (C.) Idrouietra fuori di gravidanza. Bull. tl. sc. metl. di Bologna, 1843, 3. s., iii,"301 -304. — Cawe* of simulated pregnancy. Boston m! efc S. J., 1875, xciii, 475.—Chapman (E. N.) Spuri- ous pregnancy; its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, with a record of cases'. Am. M. Times, N. V., 1864, ix, 50; 6" Also: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1864-5, iv. 537-549. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Kings 1858-64, Brooklyn. 1865, i, 400- 4I_>._(Jlnudon. Observation sur une affection qui simu- lait la grossesse. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxiv, 183-185.—Cole (VV.) ' A false conception. Phil. Tr. (1685-1700), 4. ed., Lond., 1731, iii, 220. Also, transl: Collect, acad. tl. 1116111., etc., Dijon. 1766, vii, 91.—Conkcy (J. S.) Case of spurious pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1879, xxx, 619-621.—Cooper (C. N.) A case of phantom tu- mor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 618. — Corbett (J. F.) Spurious pregnancy, or pseudocyesis. I'eoria M. Month., 1883-4, iv, 360-362.—Cowton (J.) Caseof abnor- mal fietation. South. M. Rec., Atlanta, 1876, vi, 396.— Colling. Simulated pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1875. xri'ii, 473. —Dn Kois (H. A.) Supposed pregnancy; the result of a deposit of fat in the omentum and abdominal walls. Calif. M. Gaz., San Fran., 1869-70, ii, 193.—Ellis (A. N.) A royal crank ; or a case of spurious pregnancy and what came of it. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, l>88, n. s., xxi, 117-123.—Fackler (J. M.) Nervous pregnancy. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883-4, v. 275.—Oenonvilie fils. Observation d'une fausse grossesse J. th; med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1817, xl, 25-28.—(Sorek. Hystero- pathie und Schwangerschaft. Deutsehe' Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1865, xxiii, n. F., 161-163.—IIanion (L.) Deux cas de fausse grossesse. (Aphorisme 100"= de Moriceau.) Rev. de theirap. m6d.-cbir., Par., 1875, xiii, 653.—Hart (C. P.) Nervous pregnancy. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1880-81, ii, 429-432.—Haughlon. Case of phantom tumour simulating pregnancy, which occurred iu the zoological garden [in a female ass). Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1879-80, 41-46. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxix, 340-345. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1880, viii, 569-575. A Iso [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1880, i, 592.—Heiilhorne (L. S.) Pseudo-cyesis. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1882-3, i, 218-220.—Hodgies (R.) On a case of hysteria simulating, iu the most pei feet degree, natural labour. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1859), 1860, i, 339. — Horrocks (P.) Hysterical pregnancy. Guy's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 159-161.— Keillcr (A.) Case of hysteria and spurious pregnancy. Month. J. M. Sc, Louth efc Edinb., 1854, xviii, 473-475. ----. On spurious pregnancy and hysteria. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1855, lxxxii, 19-33. Also, Rpr'int.—Klein. Sel- teue fixe Idee. [Imagined pregnaucv.] J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1815, xii, 3. St.. 65-69.—Knickerbocker (F.) Spurious pregnancy; one form illustrated by a clinical case. Detroit Lancet, 1883^4, n. s., vii, 456.— Krnkcnberg (G.) Zur Kenntniss der hysterischen Phautoingescliwiilste. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.', 1884, xxiii, 139-145— Knrz (E.) Eiu Fall von Grossesse nerveuse. Deutsche Ztschr. f prakt. Med., Leipz., 1877, 162. —I..a- forgue. Fausse grossesse chez uue multipare. Rev. metl. de Toulouse, 1869, iii, 235-241.—Leavilt (S.) Pseu- docyesis. Clinique, Chicago, 1881, ii, 152-162.— Levy. O111 et indbildt Svangerskab aflost af et virkeligt Svangor- skab. [Imaginedpregnancy succeeded by real pregnaucv.] Hosp.-Medd.. Kjebenh., 1852, v, 250-260.—ITIcArdle (T. E.) efc Kolipinski (L.) A summary of the published cases of phantom tumor of the abdomen, and the aetiology of that condition and of spurious pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 595-598.—lHallik (P. D.j Phantom tu- mour. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 617.—lTIarc. Grossesse apparente on fausse. Diet. tl. sc. m6d., Far., 1817, xix, 413-424.—iTliirtfen (G. B.) Cases of spurious pregnancy. Assoc. M. J., Lonil., 1856, n. s., iv, 245.—Moses (S. G'.) Phantom tumors; supposed pregnaucy. St. Louis Cour. Metl., 1886. xvi, 233-235.—IVaumburg (J.) Geschichte einer zehnjahrigen falscben Schwangerschaft. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jeua, 1794-6, vi, 13-30. — rVeifeld (E. J.) De impraegnatione adfectata. Primitia) phys.-med., etc., Ziillichoviae, 1750, ii, 6-8. — rVicoll ( H. D'.) A case of phantom pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1889, xxii, 160- 166.—Onghena. Observation dune grossesse nerveuse on imaginaire Hull. Soc. de in6d. de Gaud, 1849, xvi, 290-293. — Osiander ( F. B. ) Falschlich vermuthete Sen wangerschaft. Ann. tl. Entbind -Lehranst. a.d. Univ. zu (lotting., 1800, i, 1. St., 176-180.—Pallen (M. A.) Spurious prirnancy. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxvi. 67-69. Also: Tr. N. Vork Obst. Sue. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 74-76.— Pregnancy (Imaginary or false). Parry (J. S.) Pseudo-pregnancy; nervous palpitation ofthe abdominal aorta. Med. Times,' Phila., 1870-71, i, 398.— Petcrniann (A.) Von einer angegebenen schwangera Weiber-Person. Inhis: Casuum med.-leg., decas ii, 12°, Leipz., 1709, 66-70.—Porter (I. G.) Cases of spurious pregnancy. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. 1868-71, N. Haven. 1871, iii, 296-298.—Putnam (C. G.) Spasmodic action of the abdominal muscles simulating the motions of preg- nancy. Boston M. & S. J.. 1870. lxxxii, 325. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1866-74), 1876, vi (app.), 111- 113.—Bead. Case of false pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1873, lxxxviii, 296. — Reid. Case of spurious preg- nancy- Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta, 1871, i, 6-8.— Rendu (J.) Grossesse nerveuse arriv6 ;i terme; deVbnt du travail. Lyon med., 1881, xxxviii, 118-121. Also: Mem. it compt. -rend. Soc. tl. sc. m6d tie Lyon (1881), 1882, xxi, pt. 2,135-139. — Boss (G.) A case of pseudo-cvesisor phantom pregnancy. Canada M. efc S. J., Montreal, 1880- 81, ix, 652-655.—Kvan (W. B.) On spurious pregnaucy. Lancet, Loud., 1855. i, 381; 429; 532.—Main in ha 111 mer. Auftreihung des Bauches mit Gebnrtsschinerzen ohne Schwangerschaft. Mag. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825. xix, 45-47.—Saiitliiw. Zu Seyfert's Theorie iiber simulirte Schwangerschaft. Wien. ined. "Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 292- 308.— Saxtorph. Beobachtungen von einer falscben Schwangerschaft. In: MerkwurdigeKrankengescb [etc.], 8°, Halle, 1795, 48-51.—Seyfcrt (B.) Simulirte Schwan- gerschaft. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 103.—Mi nip- won (J. Y.) On spurious pregnancy, or pseudocyesis. In his: "Works [Dis. of Womenl. 8°, Edinb., 1871, iii', 363- 393.—Smith (T.) Case of spurious pregnancy. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, n. s., iv, 101.—Mtapleford (A. D.) A case of pseudo-pregnancy. Obst. Gaz.. Cincin., 1889, xii, 419-421.—Stark (J. 0.) Geschichte einer zweifelhaften und verineinten beynahe zweyjahrigen Schwangerschaft mit "Wassersucht verbunden, welche aber hauptsiiehlich Scirrhescenz untl "Wassersucht des rechten Eyerstocks war. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1787-8, i, 1. St., 1-36.— Stein. Eiu zweideutiger Schwangerschaftszustand mit vergebens erwarteter Geburt, sainmt Anwenduiig des Falls auf Physiologie und gerichtliche Arzneikunde. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1841, x, 321-337.—Stone (R. M.) Phantom pregnancy. Omaha Clinic, 1889-90, ii, 150- 153.—Swan (C. W.) Spurious pregnaucv. Boston M. efc S. J., 1877, xevi, 647-649.— Tardieu (A.) Observations et recherches nouvelles pour servir a I'histoire medico- ltsgale ties grossesses fausses et siniulees. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1845, xxxiv, 428: xxxv, 83.—Tichenor (E.J.) Phan- tom tumor, or what is it? [3 eases. | Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 7-13. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1874-5, ii, 42-45. Also.- Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii, 290- 295. — Underbill (C. E.) On a case of spurious preg- nancy with labour. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 844-848.— Underbill (J. W.) Observations on pseudocyesis, and ou pregnancy in its relation to capital punishment. Am. J. Obst., N.'Y., 1878, xi, 21-36. [Discussion], 178-184.— Underbill (T.) Anomalous case of pregnaucy ; absence of foetus. Med. Times, Lond.. 1851, n. s., ii, 533.—Vail in- ner! (A.) Gravidanze false di una grandama. In - Con- sulti med. di varii autori, 12°, Yenezia, 1839, i, 270-278.— Varges ( A. W.) Pall von Pseudo-Schwangerschaft. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1859, xiii, 189- 193.— Viemond (D.) Geschichte einer vermeintlichen Schwangerschaft, deren Urgrund .iedoc.h nach genauer Untersuclmnii entdeckt ward". Repert. f. tl. tiff, u gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1789, i, 181-189. — Vogel. Von miss- kannten Schwaugersehaften. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1791, iv, 23-28.—Vogler. Scheinbare Schwangerschaft, simulirt durch sohmerzkafte Anschwellung der Bauch- decken. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1854, xxiii, 77. — Wacha. Eingebihlete Schwangerschaft;' ausserortlentliche Aus- deluiung ties Unterleibes; suppouirte Schwangerschaft; intermittirende Neuralgie; vollstandige Geuesung. Mo- natsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1867, xxx, 17- 24. _ Walther. Fall einer eingebihleten Schwanger- schaft. Med. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1850, xx, 319.—Warner. Case of pseudocyesis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 184. — Werder (X. ().) A case of spurious pregnancy. Pittsburgh M. J., 1882, ii, 170.— • Zninbraim ( R.) Prenez nerviosa. An. r. Acad, de cien. med____de la Habana, 1864-5, i, 329. Pregnancy (Interstitialortubouterine). See,also, Pregnancy (Extra uterine, Operations for). Breschet (G.) Mt5moire sur une nouvelle espece tie grossesse extra-utorine. 4C. Paris, 1826. Carus (A. G.) *De gravielitate tubo-uterina sen interstitiali. 4°. Lipsiw, [1841]. JoeiKWER (M.) *Ein Fall von Graviditas in- terstitial is. 8°. Diisseldorf, [1877]. Moxdini (F.) Descriptio anatomica gravidi- tatis extrauterina'. interstitialis, sen interpane- PREGNANCY. 620 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Interstitialor tubo-uterine). talis, sic dicta*, additis nonnullis :iniinnd version i- bus, et conjceturis circa formatioucin liujusniodi gravid itatuui. Cutting from: Nov. Comment., Bologna, 1840, viii, 85- 103, 3 pl. Pfaff (F. G.) *De graviditate in substantia uteri sen inlerstitiali. 4°. Lipsice, [1826]. Sassmann (E.) *Ein Fall von inte'istitii'ller Scliwaiigt'iscliwaft. [Laparotomie bei vcreiter- tcni Kind; Genesung.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1889. Simon (J.) * Etude sur la grossesse intersti- tielle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1852. Tiema.nn (A. H. G.) *De graviditate in sub- stantia uteri, atljecta casus historia. 8°. Balis Sax., [187)9]. Ahlfeld (P.) Ueher die Bedeutung der kleinen Schleiinhautpolypen am Tubenostiuni in Bezug auf die Aetiedoeh- der interstitiellen Schwangerschalten. Cen- tralbl. f. (ivnak., Leipz., 1879, iii, 25-30. -----. Einige Be- merkungen zn dem von Herrn Dr. Leopold im xiii. Bande des Archivs fiir Gvnakologie verotfeutlie hten Falle von interstitieller Schwangerschaft. Ibid.. 80-83 —Angel (I. W.) Rupture of a uterine cyst, with death from lueiuor- rhage. Charleston M. J. efc Rev., 1876, iii, 249-254.— Han■■! de la Faille (J.) TJeber eineii Fall von Gravi- ditas tubouterina. [Extract from hisniouography: "Ver- handeling over gravielitas tubo-uterina, naar aanleiding van een waarge-iiomen geval", 36 pp., 4°, Groningen, 1807.] Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxi, 459-464.—Uainl. Extra-uterinefeetation. Edinb. M..T., 1877-8. xxiii. 1122 — Barbier ( C. ) Grossesse intersti- tielle ayant simule un abc.fes peri-uterin. Province nied., Lyon, 1889, iv. 3.— Beck (B.) Ein Fall von interstitiel- ler Tuben-Uterus Schwangerschaft. Illust. nied. Ztg., Miinchen, 1852, ii. 291-294, 1 pl. — Blair (J.) A case of extra-uterine pregnancy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1876, xx, 202-207. Bra mi (C.) Interstitial pregnancy mistaken for bitid nterus. Med. Mews, Phila., 1882, xl, 598.— Brewchet (G.) Memoire sur une nouvelle ospeco tie grossesse extra-uteSrine. Re'port. g6n. d'anat. it phy- siol. path., I'ar.. 1826, i, 1-27. 3 pl. Also, transl. [ Abstr.] : Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823-7, xiii, 33-50. — Bylord ( W. 11.) A caseof mural pregnancy. Chicago M. J. A. Exam., 1885, 1, 1-7. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 47-49. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1885. xviii, 417-421. —Cams. Ueber den merkwurdigen neuerdings beobachteten Fall einer Schwangerschaft innerhalb der Substanz der Gebiir- mutter (Graviditas tubo-uterina). Med. Convirs. - Bl., Hildburgh.. 1832, iii, 1-5. — Carnw (A. G.) Ueber Tubo- uterin-Sehwangerschaft (Graviditas in substantia uteri) im Allgeineini'ii, unel einige neuere beseinelers merkwiirdige Fiille derselben inshesondre. 2>T. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1844, xv, 161-188. Also, Reprint. — Casey (W. B.) Gestation partly in the uterus anil partly iu the Fallopian tube. N. YorkM. Times, 1852-3, ii, 200.—(arnzzniii (G.) Gravidanza extrauterina interstiziaJe anomala tliagnosti- cata. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1876, xix, 337; 315, 1 pl.—Church (S. P.) Tubal and parietal foetation. Boston M. efc S. J., 1850, xiii, 57.—Clevelnnd (C.) A case of interstitial pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 371-374, 1 pl. A Iso, Reprint. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8),1879, i, 386-388. — Cortigucra (J.) Embarazo tubo-uterino 6 en un diverticulo de la matriz: colapso y traiisformacion uterina en el quinto mes; parto normal. Arch, tie obst. y ginec, Madrid, 1888, xii, 41-45.— I) or nil (A ) Interstitial or tuho-uterine gestation; with notes on similar cases in the museums of London hospitals. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1882), 1883, xxiv, 227-238. Also: Canada M. Rec. Montreal, 1882-3, xi, 193-197. —Filz (U. H.) Tuho- uterine or interstitial pregnancy. Am.J.M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. s., exxxvii, 95-103.—Cribbcs (R. W.) Case of in- terstitial pregnancy j death from rupturo of the sac and hae- morrhage in the abdomen at three months Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1872,49-51.—Gilbert (D. D.) Extra- uterine foetation ; operation: recovery. Boston M. efc S. J., 1877. xevi, 284-286. —Graviditas interstitialis. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1867, viii, 1; 27, 1 pl.—Greenhalgh (R.) Caseof interstitial foetation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1863), 1864, v, 154.—J an vr in (-T. E.) Caseof interstitial preg- nancy. Am, J. Obst., X. Y., 1874-5, vii, 428-442.—Junge. Ueber einen Fall von Graviditas tubo-uterina, nebst Vorzei- gung des betreffenden Priiparates. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1865, xxvi, 241-243. Also: Verhandl.d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864-6), 1866, xviii, 165- 167. — Hicks (J. B.) On a rare case of intermural foeta- tion. Tr. (Hist Soc Loud. (1867), 1868, ix. 57-60, 1 1., 1 pl.— Leopold ((i.) Eine Graviditas iuterstitialis. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz.. 1878, ii, 411. -----. Zur Lehre von der Graviditas iuterstitialis. Arch. f. Gyniik., Berl., 1878, xiii, 355-365. [See, also, supra, Ahlfeld (F.)] -----. Ueber die Polypen tier Tubenschleimhaut bei interstitieller Schwangerschaft. Centralbl. f. Gynak.. Leipz., 1879, iii, 51-54. Also, Keprint. — f jicbmaii. Gravitlanza extra- Prejgliaiicy (Interstitial or tubo-uterine). uterina [interstitial]. Kesoc. san. tl. Osp. civ. tli Trieste (1873), 1876, i, 86. — I,oil. Die Kraiikengeschichte eines Falles von TiiboiiterinSrliwangerscliaft. Sitzungsb. tl. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1869-70, vii. 01-69.— Lugo. Sehwangerschaft iu tier Substanz tier Gchiirnuit- ter an der Eininiinduug der rechten Miittcrtroinpete mit viilligi'in Veischlosscnsein der Gebarmutterhiihle. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1841, vii,476-480. —.McBiirney (C.) Case of tuho-in t erst itial pregnancy; destruction of l lie life of the fietus hy the galvanic current; recovery. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 273-li7s.—IVInyet. Observation tie pelvi-perito. nite. Mem. et e-einipt.-ienil. Se>c. el. sc.m6tl. (le Lvou (1865) 1866, v, 166.—Meniere (P.) Observation de. grossesse in- terstitielle, suivie de reflexions sur co genre de grossesse ex- tra-utorine. Arch. g6n. de ni6d., Par., 1826, xi. 169-192.— IVIondnt. Observation d'une grossesse ut6ro-tubaire. Ibid., 1833, 2.s., ii. 67-76.—©cttiiiger. Graviditastubaria iuterstitialis. Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Miinchen, 1811, iii, 145.—Parise. Sur une nouvelle cause de d,\sti>e-io, la grossesse utero-interstitielle. [Rap. de C. I)e\ illii is.) Bull. Acad. denied., Par., 1864-5, iii, 1220-1238.— I'mlici (CT.) Interstitial pregnancy, with removal of the product of conception through the uterine cavity. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 381. —I'aymi. Observution de grossesse extra-uterine interstitielle'. [Ilap.de Villeneuvo.] Bull.Acad.de me-d., Par., ls42-3,ix, 51 54. -----. Observa- tion ele grossesse extra-ut6rinc interstitielle. Mem. Acad. denied., Par., 1845, xi, 596-607. [ 1 he case reported upon above. The following is the same with additions.] ----. Mtunoire sur une observation ele grossesse ut6ro-iuterstiti- elie; casgravedemedecineltjgales'y rattachant. Kev. mini. franij. et 6traug., Par., 1847, ii, 22-38. — Poppel (J.) Ein Fallvon Graviditas tuho uterina. Monatse hi. I. (ieburlsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxi, 208-218, lpl. — Baiim- botham (F. H.) Caseof parietal extra-uterine pregnancy. Med. T(imes efc Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 257.—Bayer. Observation de grossesse extra-uterine elu genii! de cellis que l'on a dtisign6es sous le nom d'interstit idles. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1828, i, 283-287.—Boberl* (C. II.) Caseof interstitial foetation. Canada M. Rec, Mont teal, 1882-3, xi, 25. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 736.— Ko**liiil. Ein Fall von Graviditas tubo-uterina, welche ihr iioiimilea Ende erreichte. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1840. ix, 400-409, 1 pl.—Schultze (B. S.) Eine ausgetragene Tuho- Uterin - Schwangerschaft; Ueberwaiiderung ties Eies. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 178-187, 1 pl — Sheppnril (F. C.) Case of interstitial or tuho-uterine fietation. iVIed. News, Phila., 1883. xiii, 722. Also : Phila. M. Times, 1882- 3, xiii, 691-693.—Smyth (S. T.) A case of tubo-uterine gestation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 615— Slcdninn (C. H.) Interstitial pregnancy. Boston M .Sc S. J., 1855- 6. Iiii, 470-472. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1854-5), 1856, ii, 270-272.—Steele (C. E.) Case of intra- mural pregnancy, resulting in missed labor. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1882, ii. 337-341. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. ii, 995.—Trnsh (J.) A case of extra-nterine inter- stitial pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix. 1283- 1292.—Valentine (J. F.) Tubo-uterine gestation. Tr. Brooklyn Path. Soc. 1885-6, N. Y., 1887, 24-26. — Will lien (W. H.) Clinical gynaecology; uterotubal pregnancy, with dropsy of the villi of the chorion. Richmond efc Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1878, xxv, 54-59.— Widney (I. P.) Case of supposed uterotubal pregnancy, l'acilic M. S: S. J., San Iran., 1870-71, iv, 350-353. Pregnancy (Late). See Pregnancy (Early, etc.). Pregnancy (Molar). See, also, Fcetus (Maternal influence on); Mon- sters (Shapeless); Placenta (Diseases of); Preg- nancy (Molar, Bydatiform). Apel (H. F. A.) * Generatio molar in ex principiis novis eleducta. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1760]. Berger (J. G.) *De mola et tie generatione ex ovo. Vitemberga;, 1698. In: Hallek. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. GoUiiujci;1750,v, 423-435. Burchardus (M. B.) * De mola. 4-. Jence, 1670. Cardox (B.) "Demola. [n.p.], 1782. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, ii, 384-390. Cuxradt (H. A.) *Demola. 4°. [Altodorffi], 1703. Daxcker (J. P.) *De luemorrhagia uiolari. 4'u. Argentorati, [1727)]. GAMHixeiER (A.) * Ueber Molenscliwanger- schiil't, 8°. Wiirzburg, 1863. PREGNANCY. 621 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Molar). Hankoph (G. K.) *De mola occasioue rnolaa osscte in vetula octogeuaria inveutse. 4°. Got- tiiuiiv, [1746]. Also in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, iv, 713-730, 1 pl. Hatzfeld (G. H.) * Casum rariorem de vir- gine hydropica, uteri mola sinml laboraute . . . subjiciet. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1727)]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1758, iv, 667-693. Kali (A.) & Sandholzer (H.) Discursus medicus de mola, ejus causis, signis, generatione ct cnrandi motlo. sm. 4°. Constantiw, 1611. Kaltscilmied (C. F.) [Pr.] de mola suppura- tioneceinfecta, relinquenteglobunipiloruinpugnu' inagnitudinis cum testa sebacea. sm. 4°. Jence, [175-2]. Klaerich (F. W.) * Observatioues metlica' practicse. III. De mola. 4°. Gottiuc/a; [1750]. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, 1776, iv. 10. Koch (C. G.) *Diss. exhibens foeminam mola laborantem. 4-. Jence, [1700]. de Lamzweerde (J. B.) Historia naturalis molarum uteri, m qua ele natura seminis, ejusque circulari in sanguinem regressu, accuratius tlis- quiritur. 1'2°. Lugd. Bat., 1686. a Laxckisch (G. C.) *De tegro mola labo- raute. sm. 4°. Jena;, [1714]. Lieber(G.) * Monstri molse speciem prse se ferentis descriptio anatomica. 4°. Berolini, [1821]. Lystiien (C. L. J.) *De molis. 4°. Balm Magdeb., [1749]. Maasius (N. L.) *Demola. sm. 4°. Jence, [1684]. Maj (R.) * Die Molen der Gebiihrmutter. 8'■■'. Nbrdlingen, 1831. Muller (H.) Abhandlung iiber den Bau der Mtden. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1847. Nebel (C. L.) *De mola seu couceptu fatuo. 4°. Gissce, [1761]. Osaxx (A. W.) *De mola. sm. 4°. Jence, [1662]. Ostertag (M.) * Diss, qua couceptus fatuus obstetricibus: Versammlung elictus, examini sis- titur. 4°. Argentorati, [1729]. Parrot (W. G.) * Diss, sistens uteri molam. 4°. Argentorati, [1733] Perxice (H. K. A.) * De morbosis ovi humani degenerationibus, quas molarum nomine scrip. tores comprehendunt. 4°. Balis Sax., [1852]. Reixnerth (C. J. F.) *De molari quadam graviditate. 8°. Vratislavice, [1828]. Rickmaxx (C.) [ Pr. ] quo vera molarum theoria explicatur. 4°. Jence, 1769. Salemi (J.) Precis historique d'un cas re- inarquable tie deux productions morbitles rxpul- sees de l'uterus; avec quelques considerations sur ces productions, et sur celles qui pen vent se develloper a la face interne ele ce visccre elans l'6tat de vacuit6, lesquelles pourraient etre con- fondues a raison tie la ressemblance qui les lie les lines avec les autres. 8°. Paris, 1829. >Skisizh\s (M.) Historia memorabilia ele itemi- na quadam Argcntoratensi, quas ventrem supra lnotlum tuiniduin atque di.steutum ultra deeen- liiuni gestavit, et turn hytlrope uterino, turn molis carnosis 76, tum ea hydropis specie con- llictata fuit, qiue ascites dicitur, tideliter relata, rationibns explicata, et eommentariolo ele hy- tlrope uterino, molarumque forma, materia effi- ciente, atque fine aucta. 4°. Argentina; 1627. Speer (J. F.) *De molarum generatione et curatione. 4°. Erfordiw, [1732]. Pregnancy (Molar). Vater (A.) & Joan (G.) Mola pregnans. Vitemberg., 1729. In: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, iv, 695-712, 1 pl. Wurger(J.) *De mola. 4°. Traj. ad Iihe- num, 1687. Zechin (A. L. G.) *De molarum conforma- tione. 8°. Gottingce, 1818. Angcli (C. L.) Memoria eli un parto accompagnato ela mola tli straorelinaria granelezza, e singolaro figura. Rue. tli op. med. mod. ital., Bologua, 1828, vi, 126-133.— Itall (A.) On the treatment of moles and premature ex- pulsion of the foetus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1859), 1860, i, 315. — Bernard (C.) Note sur un produit de la con- ception morbide. Compt. rentl. Soc. tie biol. 1852, Par., 1853, iv, 188. — Birck (S.) A pneternatuial concep- tion. Phil. Tr. [1698-1700], 4. etl., Loud., 1731, iii, 221. Also, transl. .- Collect, acad. tl. nuSin., etc., Dijon, 1755, ii, 502.— Bouehnconrt. Moles charaues placcntaires. Gaz. nied. do Lyon, 1850, ii, 160-164. — Broers (H. J.) lets over mola. zwangerschap, in verbantl gebragt met tie behantleling tier miskraam. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. [1843-5], Utrecht, 1849, i. 99-122. — von Bujalaky (E.) Ueber tlie Extraction eler Molen ; der 3-4 Monat alten Ftetus, oder ibrer Nach gel) urten bei starken gefahrdro- hentlen Blutuiigeu. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1855, xii. 193-196. [See. also, infra, yon Gattceit.] — Ca- baret (P.-J.) Observations sur l'hysterorrhagie dGter- minee par la presence des moles. J. tl. conn. metl.-chir., Par., 1843-4, xi, 18. — Campcilo (E.) Historia tie una mola espelida espontaneamente a. los dos meses ile la con- cepcion. Arch, de la med. espaii., Madrid, 1846, ii, 185- 189.—1'npetillo (I. I.) Mola carnosa. Gac. m6d. tlo M6xico, 1871. vi, 28-30. —Caspar!. Molen- und wahre Schwangerschaft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 30.—Clark (S. B.) t'ase^ of a mole or false conception retained in utero. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1858, xiv, 391.— Cole ( W.) A false conception. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1700, iii, 220 —Cordona (L.) Observacion de una inula hueca de Madame Boivin. Observador metl., Mexico, 1869-71, i, 47. — Crawford (R.) On molar pregnancy. Edinb. M. ,J., 1856-7, ii, 537. — Be Scliweinitz (G.' E.) Two cases of hypertrophied mole. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 252—Didiergeorge (J.-L.-A.) Travail d'en- fantement. commencement d'htimorrbagie ut6rine, expul- sion d'un plaeenta bien organise prive de cordon ombilical, mais aceompagne des membranes; absence de fcetus. Ann. de, la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 25-32. — Dim- lap (A.) A case of molar pregnaucy. Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1874, 35.—Bunstcr. An unusu- ally large carneous mole; error iu diagnosis. Michigan M.News, Detroit, 1879, ii, 5.—Flour. Observation sur une suppression de mois, suivie ele l'expulsion d'une mole virginale. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1809, xviii, 157-167.—von Franque (O.) Normale Schwangerschaft bei gleiehzei- tiger MoleDschwangerschaft. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 233-235.—Fronininiiii* (J. C.) Mola abdominis sin- gularis. Misc. Acatl. nat. curios. 1671, Francof. et Lips., 1688, ii, 32—Geisse. Molenschwangerschaft. Memora- bilien, Heilbr., 1868, xiii, 12.—Gillette. A specimen of supposed fleshy mole. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 403- 405.—Girot. Observation d'une alienation mentale, ayant pour cause la presence d'une mole dans la matrice. Clin. d. hop.. Par., 1828-9, iii. 69.—Grove (J.) Remarkable case of false conception, accompanied with ovarian disease. Lancet, Loud., 1840-41, ii, 368-370.—Guichurd. Obsor servalion d'un cas tie fausse mole de nature pen connuo. Arch, gen. domed., Par., 1863, ii,481-485.—von Gntteeil. Einige VVorte zu diesem Aufsatze. [By E. von Bujalsky.] Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1855, xii, 393-396 — IIannon (J.) Attaques d'hysterie suivies tl'expulsion d'un faux germe. Presse metl. beige, Brux., 1851, iii, 70.— IlarderiiM (J, J.) De mola; generatione et different iis. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1683. Norimb., 1698, tlecuria 2, ii, 397-413—v. Haven (C.) Et Tilfadtle af Mola ssmgui- nea s. carnea af et Andesegs Storrelse, eler formodes at have haft S;rile i hojre Tuba Fallopiana. Ugesk. f. Lieger, Kjobenh., 1883, 4. R., viii, 250.—Herrick (O. E.) Molar pregnancy; an anomalous case. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1879. xii, 225-227. Also : Peoria M. Month., 1882-3, iii, 1-4.—Herrmann (,T. J.) Graviditas sarco-t'tetalis. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbr.. 1824, ii, 300.—Hoffmann (J. M.) Observatio pseudomola? concreti sanguinis polypo- ste sub lucmorrhagia uteri protrusse. Acad. nat. curios. Ephem., Norih., 1717, cent, v-vi, 299-302. — | Hiiler. ] Mole. Encycl. Worterb. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1810, xxiii, 625-650. — Hutchinson. Unusually huge' fleshy mole expelled from the uterus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1852-3, iv, 217.—Jamieson (J.) A case of mole preg- nancy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884. u. s., vi, 347- 350.—Janot (A.) Note sur un me'ile tie forme' singuliere. Rev. meel. ele Toulouse, 1881, xv, 161-167.—Junk. Mola hotryoides. (Nach dem General-Berichfe ties rheinischen Med'icinal-Collegii fiir 1832 und 1833.) J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii, 84.— Kanai Tndacwmi. [On a PKEGNANOY 622 Ti:E(i NANCY. Pregnancy (Molar). case'of fleshy mole.] Iji Shinshi, Tokei, 1882, no. 210, April 8. — Kennard ( T. ) Molar pregnancy; uterine moles, true anil false; membranous dysmenorrhea; va- ginal and uterine casts ; lueniorrhagic moles; fleshy or carneons moles,- hytlatiforni or vesicular moles; their oiigin, etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, treatment, medico legal bearimr. anil importance. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1877, n. s., xiv, 113-127. — Kiiiiim (,J.) Floischmohi ne-ben einer rei fen Frucht. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg.. 1866, xi, 273.— Krieger. Fallvon iiiteistitieller tlestruirender Molen bildung. beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1870-72. i, 10-15.—Kux. Schwangerschaft verbunden mit Molen- bilduiu:. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1852, i, 91. — IjC- ilclMch (N.) Ein Fall von Molenschwangerschaft. I'rag. metl. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 136—Lemon (M.) Case in which a mass, resembling a placenta without a fietus, was discharged fr.un the womb. Edinb. M. .) Medicini- sches Bedenken unel "Sehutzsehril't iiber ein Eheweib: Ob sie einen Fotuui, oder Molani aboitiret? und von Sticl'kin- tlern eines Infanticidii falschlich bese-huleliget worden. Med. J. Chemnitz, 1767, i, 138-145.—von Sicbolri (E.) Geschichte einer Molen-Schwangerschaft, mit einer Abbil- iluug. Lucina, Leipz., 1804-5, ii, 74-80—Smart (It.) Case of uterine monstrosity. Lond. M., S. efc Phann. Re- posit., 1814, i, 37.—Sonwin© (P.) Di una mola espulsa all' undcciiuo mese dal coucepimento, con emhrione intatto. Imparziale. Firenze, 1866, vi, 529-531.—Stalpart van Her Wiel (C.) Van een maagdelijke mola, of zuygcr. [Mole iu virgin.] In his: Hond. selelz. aanmerk., 12°, Amst., 1682, 238-245. Also, transl. in his: Obs. rar. med. anat. chir., 12°, Lugd. Bat., 1687, 315-323. — Stein- berg (K. G.) Beremeunost nijasistim zauosom. [Molar pregnancy.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1868, viii, 372. -----. Beremeunost nijasistim zauosom. [Molar preg- nancy.] Ibid.,1876, xvi,'559-561.—Stone (R. R.) Singular caseof uterine fleshy mole. Northwest. M. &S. J., Chicago, 1848-9. v, 208-210.—Sunkel. Gutachten einen Abortus betreffend; Ausstossung einer Mole. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl, u. off. Med., Berl., 1871, n. F., xiv, 74-85.—Thayer (0. V.) A case of suspected pregnancy, resulting in the discharge of a pear-shapetl tumor or both. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fran., 1882-3, xxv. 511-513—Tott (J. A.) Ein Fall vein Molengeburt, nebst Bemerkungen iiber elie Molensehwan- gerschaft. N. Zts.-hr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1835, ii, 73-95.— Trioen (C.) Molarum causaB indagatio. In his: Obs. med. chir. fasc, 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1743, 72-77, 1 pl.—I'mlcr- hill. Case of molar pregnancy; retention of the mole- lor one year. Obst. Gaz., Cincin..'1878-9, i, 364. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1879, xii. 182— Voelkel (A.) Zur Casuis- tik der Moh'iiscliwangerschiift. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 66.—Volkmauu (R.) Ein Fall von intersti- tieller, tlestruirender Moleubildung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xii, 528-534, 1 pl. — Wcdel (G. W.) Von tier Erzeugung und dem Unterschied tier Moudkalber. Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. roni.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1763, xii, 345-358. Pregnancy (Molar, Hydatiform). See, also, Placenta (Cysts, etc., of); Preg- nancy (Molar). Ashley ( W. H.) A practictl treatise on vesicular hydatids of tbe uterus; comprising a general view of their etiology, pathogeny, seniei- °'°gy> prognosis, auel treatment. 8°. London, 187>6. PBEGNANCY. 623 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Molar, Eydatiform). Bastiax ( C. ) * Ueber Myxoma cystoides multiplex der Chorionzotten. 8°. Greifswald, 1878. Baemek. [Pr.] ele placentarum ntennarum in molus vesicarias niutatione. Giess., 1775. In- Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1782, xv, 102-104. Blocii (M.) Die Blasenuiole, in wissensclmft- licher uutl praktischer Beziehung. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1869. Boivin ( Marie-Anne-Victoire-Gillain ). Nou- velles recherches sur Porigine, la nature et le traitement de la m61e v^siculaire ou grossesse hydatique. H°. Paris, 1827. - Also, in: Repert. med.-chir. et obst., Brux., 1837, ii, 427-451. Butakesco (M. ) * De l'hydropisie eles vil- losit^s choriales. 4°. Paris, 1867. Cayla (F.-A.) *De l'hydropisie eles villosit^s choriales (m61es hydatiqnes eles auteurs). 4°. Paris, 1849. Charroppin (P.) *De la mole hydatiforine ou veSsiculaire. 4C. Paris, 1879. Chavane (P.-N.-E.) * Essai sur l'hydropisio des villosit6s choriales. 4°. Paris, 1854. Frenz (C.), dictus Bremhorst. * De molis hy- datids seu vesicularibus. 12°. Gryphiswaldice, 1864. de Gregorixi (G. C.) *De hytlrope uteri et de hydatidibus in utero visis aut ab eo exclusis. 4°. 'Balce, [1795]. -----. The same. 4°. Balce, 1795. Hammel (W.) * Ein Fall von Anwendung der Sclerotinsiiure zur Austreibuug eiuer Blasenuiole. 8°. Greifswald, 1881. Hirtzmanx (J.-J.-B.) * Contribution a l'6tude de la nude hydatiforine.^ 4°. Paris, 1874. Louvet-Lamarre (E.) * Sur la mole hydati- forine du placeuta. 4U. Paris, 1864. Metzges(J.) * Ueber Blaseumole. 8°. ir-iirz- bnrg, 1887. Pitistiano (S.) *De la mdle v6siculaire tie Putenis. 4°. Paris, 1875. Sciiaffraxeck ( G. ) * Beobachtuug einer Tiaubenmole iin Zusamuienhange mit dem Uterus. 8°. Breslau, [1868]. Sciilesinger (E.) * Ueber das Myxom des Chorion. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Sdulayrac (R.) * De la mole hydatique. 4°. Montpellier, 1880. Zaciier (T.) * Ueber Blasenuiole. 8°. Bonn, 1877. Abortu (Von einem) zweyer Hydatidum, als einer ver- mutlilichen Causa zu erwai-tender Hydropis uteri. Samml. v. Nat,- ti. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1720, Leipz. u Budissin, 1721, xi,212-'JI5.—Agostiuelli (K.) Su di un caso di mole idati- forme. Boll. el. Osp. eli S. Casadi Loreto, 1887-8, i, 305-311.- Ancelet. lie lame'ilc bydatoide. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 69; 78. -----. Etude sur la mole hydatoide. Ann. tie gynec, Par., 1876, v, 81-99.—Ancclon (E.-A.) Hydatides en grappe tie l'uterus (aci-phalocystis racemosa). Ann. nied. de la Flamlre occid., Renders. 1855, viii, 3-6.—An- derson (W.) Case of hydatids iu the uterus. Lond. M. Reposit., 1827, xxviii, 403.—And in I. Mole hvdatitpie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1873, xlviii, 386-388.—Andrew (•T.) Cases of hydatids of the uterus simulating pregnancy. Glasgow M. J.,'1832, v, 68-74.—Angeli (C. L.) Memoria sulla mola veseiculare unita a timpanititle uterina. Rac. di op. metl. mod. ital., Bologna, 1828, vi, 121-125.—Arm- Mrong (,J.) Remarks on a case of hydatitliniform de- generation of the ovum. Liverpool & 'Manchester M. e& S. Kep., 1874, 53.—Ashley (W. H.) Report of a case of congestive menorrhagia, with hydatids of the uterus. Lancet, Louth, 1850, ii, 319-321.—Aithill (L.) Case of uterine hydatids treated hy the intra-uterine injection of hot water. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 334.—B. (J.) Hy- datids of the uterus. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lontl., 1812, v, 228.— Handler. Ein Fall vou Blasen-Moleii-Schwaiigersiliaft. Aer/.tl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bbhnien, Prag, 1873, i, 99-101.— Biiiiiix (R.) A third case of hytlatidif'orm degeneration of the chorion associatetl with aibuminuria. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1865, vii, 117-120.—Bartlett (E.) Uterine hydatids. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1.846, xxxiv, 95-97.—Bass (J. D.) A case Pregnancy (Molar, Hydatiform). of hydatids. Tr. Texas M. A'ss., Austin, 1885, xvii, 382- 386.—Bauer, t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1867. xxxvii, 39.—Benedetti (G. E.) Di una mola veseieiilaii'. Gazz. el. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 386.— Bennett (T. J.) Hydatids complicating premature de- livery. Richmond efc' Louisville M. J., 1872, xiii, 337.— Brssoii. Hydatides du placenta simulant la grossesse. Ann. Soc. ele med. ele St. Etienne et de la Loire. Compt.- rend. (1861-4), 1865, ii, -jso-285, 3 tab. Belli une (N.) A caseof hydatid disease of tbe chorion. Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1876, viii, 161.— Keu^uot (J. F.) Remarks upon a case of hydatids of the uterus. N. Orl. M. J., 1844-5, i, 547-553.—Bhiccnjec (T.) Notes of a case of hydatiiliform moles, extracted from a woman five months advanced in pregnancy. Tr. M. efc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1885), 1886, n. s., viii, 48-50—Boislinicrc. Hydatiform mole. [With discussion ] St. Louis Cour. Med.,'l879, i, 104-113. —Bom- be I on. Krankheitsgeschichte einer mit einer Mola hy- datica behafteten Person, welche von dieser im vierten Monate eler Schwangerschaft entbunden wurde. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi, 188— Bontemps. Mole lnilatique. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. tie la llaiite-Vienne, Limoges, 1882, vi, 163-166. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1883, xi, 251.—Booh lews (J.) Dangerous hemorrhage accompany- ing the expulsion of a bunch of hydatids interspersed with moles. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. 'efc Edinb., 1851, xiii, 24-26. Also: Boston M. efc S. J., 1852, xiv, 80.—Borden (F. W.) Cystic degeneration of the chorion. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv, 703.—Bortloy (B.) Mole hidatitlica siguiendo el e-.urso perfecto tie la gestacieui. Rev. baleardecieu. mCtl., Pabua de Mallorca, 1889, v, 297.—Breisky (A.) Fall vou Blaseumole (Myxoma chord). Prag. nied. Wchnschr., 187ii, i, 557-560.—Breus (0.) Geburt einer Hydatideumole in it lebendem Fotus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 998.— Bricheteau. Observations diverses de m6decine. J. compl. tl. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxvii, 261-279—Brion. Observation sur une mole k grappes ou vesiculaire. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1814, xxxiv, 111-122. — Broers (H. J.) Blaasinola (mola hydatica). Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ver- losk., Utrecht, 1849, iii, 179-198, 2 pl. -----. Hydatiden der Membrana decidua vera. Ibid., 1852, v, 489-495, 1 pl.— Brown (J. B.) Case of hydatids in the uterus. Biit. Rec. Obst. M. efc S., Manchester, 1848, i, 21.—Browne (G. H.) A case of parametiic phlegmon following hydatiiliform mole. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 249.—Briichinaiiii. Eiue Mola vesicularis vou ausserordentlicber Griisse. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1825, ii, 35-37.—Bryan (J. M.) A case of uterine hydatiiliform or vesicular mole. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 464.—Budin (P.) Mole hydatiforine; he- morrhagies ; expulsion: gu6rison. Bull. Soc. auat. tie Par., 1874, xlix. 907-910. Also: Progresmed., Par., 1875, iii, 190.— Bulloch (W. G.) Casesin obstetrical practice; hydatids in the womb; hydrocephalus in the fietus. Savannah J. M., 1860-61, iii, 233-336.—C. (W.) Pregnancy with hyda- tids. Lancet, Lond., 1843-4, i, 298. —Cabaret (P.) Ob- servation sur refficacite du seigle ergote dans un cas de mole hydatidique ou v6siculaire. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1841-2, ix, pt. 2, 192. — Campbell (J. C.) Hydati- form pregnancy. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1880, iii, 61. — Chadwick (J. R.) A case of hyelatieliform mole. Boston M. efc S. J., 1887, cxvi, 258. — Cl'iaiupliu (A. P.) Hydatiform mole. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1885, n. s , xiii, 273- 277.-----. A case of vesicular mole. Gaillard's M. J., N. V., 1886, xiii, 602-606.—Chevalier (J.-M.) Observation sur un part hydatique. J. dc med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1811, xxii, 285-287. — C'bownc. Remarks relative to a preparation of uterine hydatids. Lancet, Lond., 1843, i, 131.—* luinn (W. P.) A case of vesicular mole, or cys- tic degeneration of the chorion. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 550-552.—Clark (J. E.) A case of true molar pregnancy. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1882, v, 89. — Cleeniann (R. A J Case of b\datidiform degeneration of the chorion. Am. J. Obst,, N. V., 1875, viii, 172-175. Also: Tr. Phila. Obst, Soc. (1873-5), 1876, iii, (pt. 2J, 49_:V2. — Clement. Avortemeut au 4C mois de la gros- sesse- expulsion tl'unemolehvdatiforme; guerison. Bull. et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1888, iv, 106-109. - Clewe ( F. A.) Hydatids of the uterus. Prov. M. efc S. J. Lond., 1843, v, 327.—Coe (A. S.) Hyelatieliform mole; a case. Obst. Gaz.. Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 58-61.-----A case of vesicular mole. Butlalo M. & S. J., 1879-80, xix, 250-254.—Coel ho (E.) Degeneracao hydatitorme ele ovo (mixoma cysliiido ela pennugem cborial). Gaz. med. bra- zil., Rio de Jan., 1882, i, 431-440. - Collins (J. C.) Case of supposed labour in which a mass of hydatids and a pla- centa were brought away without any fcetus being discov- ered • with someohservatious on retroversion of the uterus. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1815, xxxiii, 346-349.—Cove. Large hydatiiliform niole. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1878, 3. s., lxvi, 334. — Cremen. [Uterine hydatids.] Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxv, 473.-Crook (W. W.) A case of hytla- this of the uterus. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1868-9, n, 101 — Crossuian (E.) Labor terminating m expulsiou of hydatids. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1867, ii, 24. - Csurgay (J )' Puha molasziiles hyalin atlatszo hydatisekkel telve. iMole with hyaline hydatids.] Gyogyaszat Budapest, 1882 xxii, 484. — Curtin (R. G.) Hydatiiliform mole. PREGNANCY. Pregnaiicv (Molar, Hydatiform). Am. J. Obst., N.'y., 1871-2, iv, 731-736. Also: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. 1869-71, N. Y., 1873, i, 191 - 196. — D. ( G. D.) Case of hydatids of the womb. India Reg. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1848. i, 373-376. — Dnrdignnc. Observation sur une femme qui a rendu par la matrice des hydatides d'une espece particuliere, J. denied., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1758, ix, 51-57.—Dauzat§(ti.) M61ev6siculaire. [Case.] Arch, tie tocol., Par., 1877, iv, 554-560. — Davey (J. G.) Observations on the case of uterine hydatids, reported in the issue for June. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 757-760.—Davidson (A.) Notes on a case of mole preg- nancy, hydatid mole, ur more properly speaking, cystic de- generation of the chorion. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1885, x, 161. — Davis ( C. W.) Hydatiiliform mole. Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic, 1887, n. s., xviii, 695-697.—Davis (J. H.) A ease' of hydatid mole expelled from the uterus immedi- ately after a living fcetus and its placenta, at about six months'gestatiou; the hydatid growth being the degene- rated ovum of a twin conception. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1861, iii, 177-180. — Defoix. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 156.—Delairc. Observation demole hydatique. Sue. nied. d'Amiens. Bull. (1861), 1862, i, 151-156. — De- paul (J.) Sur un cas de mole v6siculaire. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1850. Par., 1851, ii, 88-90. -----. Cas de mole h vdatiforme; expuls6 a plusieurs reprises pendant les der- niers temps dela vie. ibid., 1853, Par., 1854, v, 168.— DeNgrnnges. Grossesse fausse ou contre-nature; obser- vations suivies de recherches sur les corps membraneux vesiculates. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1791, Ixxxix, 359-372.—Dodge (C. L.) Hydatieliform mole ac- companieel with severe hemorrhage; recovery. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1888, x, 70-72.—Doering (E. J.) Re- port of a case of hydatiform pregnancy. Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1886, Iii, 112-116. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1886, xix, 512-515. — Donoso A. (G.) Una mola hidatiforme. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. tie Chile, 1880-81, ix, 334-336. — Duehcne. Molevesiculaire. Ann. de gynec. et pediat., Brux., 1840, 2. s., i, 15-17. — Duhn- niel. Hydropisie' des villosite-s choriales. Rec. d. proc- verb. . . .'Sue-, eb' metl. prat.. Par., 1858, 25-27. -----. Hy- dropisie ties villosites choriales. (Mole hydatitpte ties au- teurs.) Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 283. —Dulae (L.) Sur la mole v6siculaire. Gaz. hebd. de mCtl., Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 76.— Duliicska (G.) A fiirtos iisziig egy esete, [Case of mola raceinosa.) Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1886, xxvi, 225-227. — Dumas efc I»crbnud. Un cas tie unite vesiculaire. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. tie Montpel., 1889, xi, 217.—Dumoulin (L.) Observation d'une mole hydatide. Anu. denied, beige, Brux., 1837, iii, 13. — Duncan (W. A.) Hydatiiliform mole. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1883), 1884, xxv, 162. —Dunn (W. A.) Hydatiiliform mole of the uterus. Boston M. efc S. J., 1885,'cxiii, 612. [Discus- sion]. 617.—Earle (C. W.) Hvdatidiform degeneration ofthe chorion. Path. Tr. Chicago M. Soc, 1877, 28-31. Also: Chicago M. J. efc. Exam., 1877, xxxiv, 52-55.—Edis. Hydatid pregnancy attended by profuse haemorrhage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 353.-----. Severe uterine hae- morrhage; so-called hydatids; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1874, ii, 867.—Edwards (C.) On the'eauses, symptoms, antl treatmentof uterine hydatids. [Cases.] Lancet, Lond., 1847. i, 276.—Edwards '(I.) A case of uterine hydatids; their expulsion attended hy alarming haemorrhage; recov- ery. West. J. M. efc S., Louisville, 1846, 3. s., v, 93-97.— Eights (J.) Case of hydatids in the uterus. Am. M. efc Phil. Reg., N. Y., 1813-14, iv, 519-521.—Ellis. Cystic tlisease of the ovum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1863-4, lxix, 224.— Elsaesser. Einige Fiille von Blasenmolen-Schwanger- schaftim. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1824, lix. 44-57._ Engstrom (O.) Fall af blasmola. Finska liik.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1886, xxviii, 415-417.—Evans (J.) Two cases of uterine hydatids. Illinois M. (It. M.) A case of hy- datidiform degeneration of the ovum in a twin pregnancy. Chicago M.J. efc Exam., 1876, xxxiii, 917-920— I- ah a ye. Mole vesiculaire hydatiforme. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Nantes 1878-9, Par., 1879, 70-73. — Eamaestre. t bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1846, xxi, 326-328.—I.antlouzy. [Avorte- ment; autour du placenta une quant ite considerable tie grappes hydatiques.] Ibid., 2. 61L, 1839, xiv, 69.—lie be- ll ell' ( E. ) K voprosu o pbiziologicheskome znacheuii vodutii obolochki ploila. Razrive amuii choriitis chro- nica. Gavan. Pokrov. Rodil. Prioute, St. Petersb., 1879, i, 31-44.—I,ee (H. B.) Hydatidiform mote. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1889, xvii, 219. — Leiblinger. Mola hyda- tidosa. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1862, vii, 373.—I>eray. Deux observations de moles vesiculates ou hydatiques. N. Jour, de nted., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1822, xiv, 113-131, 1 pl. — Lewis (E. S.) Hydatiform mole. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix, 401-406.—Ley (R.) A case of hydatids of the uterus simulating pregnancy and natural labour. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 662.— Liegeois. Mole hydatique du placenta. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 465.—Ijlorcns (J.) Historia clinica acerca de un caso de mola hidatidica. Bol. clin. de Lerida, 1886-7, i, no. 10, 9; no. 11, 6.— I,oilier, t Blaseu- Mola. J. d. praet. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., berl., 1804, xx, 3. St., 54-60.— WeCaw (J. B.) A case of uterine hyda- tids. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1858, xi, 355-357.—Mc- Ulelland (M. A.) Hydatids of the womb. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1876, xxi, 152.—M'Uliutock (A. H.) Clinical lecture on cystic disease of the ovum. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1856, n. s., iii, 273-276. Also, Reprint.— Macgill (W. D.) Case of hydatids of the uterus, suc- cessfully treated by the ergot. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1827, i, 240.—Madiicn (T.) Caseof uterine hydatids mis- taken for pregnancy. Tr. Belfast Clin, efc Path. Soc, 1853-4, 76-78.—Madden (T. M.) On uterinehydatitliform disease, or cystic degeneration of the ovum. Dublin (j. J. M. Sc, 1868, xlvi, 290-305. -----. On myxoma of the chorionic villi, or vesicular mole. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 295-305. Also: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 7-10. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888, 3. s., lxxxvi, 17-26. Also: Prov. M. J., Leices- ter, 1888, vii, 300-303. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1888. ii, 211. Also: Sacramento M. Times, 1888, ii, 366-368.—Magnin. Mole hydatique; expulsion au quatrieme mois de la gros- sesse. J. de nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, Hi, 499-501.— Itlallierbe. Mole vesiculaire hydatiforme. J. ele med. de l'ouest, Nancy, 1879, xiii, 156-159.—Marey (H. O.) Hydatiiliform degeneration of the placeuta. N. York M. J-, 1883, xxxviii, 397-399.-Marsh (J. P.) A case in practice. [Mole.] Chicago M. Times, 1879-80, xi, 370- s'2. -----. A case of uterine hydatids. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 93-95.—Marta (G. P.) Due casi di mola vescicolare. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, ix, 257-266.—Martin. Ueber das Vorkommen von Blasen rn einzelnen Placentarzotten auch aus den spateren Schwangerschafts-Monaten bei entsprechend ausgehilde- ter sogar lebend geborener Frucht. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1866), 1867, xix, 175-187.— Maslowsky (W.) Zur pathologisr.hen Anatomie tier Iraubenmole. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1882, vi, 145- 40 Preg'nancy (Molar, Hydatiform). 151.—Mattci. Hytlropisie des villosit6s choriales. Rec. d. proc-verb. . . . Soc. de med. prat., Par., 1858, 38-46. — Maurice. Note sur une mote hydatique observes par I'auteur au mois d'aout 1857. Ann. Soc. ele med. tie St.- Etleune et de la Loire (1857-60), 1861, i, 152-167.—Mauro- wicz. Niektbre uwagi nad zasniadem groniastym (mola racemosa). Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1867, vi, 97; 105; 113; 121; 129.—Miller (T.) Uterine hydatids. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 282.—Mettenheimer (C.) Mikroskopi- sche Untersuchung einer Hydatidenmole. Arch f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1850, 417^438, 2 pl.— Michel. Voniissenieuts incoercibles, grossesse hydati- que. J. de nied et chir. prat., Par., 1857, xxviii,'69.— Miles (A. J.) Clinical lecture on uterine hydatids. Cin- cin. M. News, 1873, ii, 53-56.—Miller (J. P.) The hyda- tidiform mole; the report of a caso, together with a'dis- quisition upon its history, pathology, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatmeut. Tr. M. Soc W. Virg., Wheel- ing, 1879, 488-519. Also, Reprint.—Mills (S. G.) [Hy- datids of the uterus.J Med. .) t Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1888, xiii, 359.—Ulatsnwo Kozo. t Autopsy. Tokei Zasshi, Osaka, March 25, 1881.—Maurice (De S.) A fcetus formed in the ovarium. Phil. Tr. 1698-1700, 2. ed., Lond., 1731, iii, 212-214. Also, transl: Collect, acad. d. menu., etc., Dijon, 1755, ii, 503- 505.-Mcnotti (G. A.) t Ann. univ. di metl., Milano, 1839, Ixxxix, 260-279.—Montgomery. Hair firmly attached to a coriaceous body, enclosiuganuclensof hone discharged from an ovarian abscess, opening spontaneously on the ab- domen near the umbilicus. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. [ 1841-9], 1849, i, 320-322.—Murat. Fcetus content! dans les ovaires. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxix, 31-34.—Murray (W. F.) t Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 282.—IVagai Tainin. f Hi Shinshi, Tokei, 1882, no. 220, Juno 17.— Nysten. Observation sur une grossesse de l'ovaire dans unefllledetreizeans. J. domed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1803, v, 144-149.—Orth. Ueher Ovarialschwangersohaft. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 61.—Painter (W. B.) Case of a perfect foetus found in the ovarium, presenting the size usual at the fifth month of gestation, accompanied with great structural derangement of the uterus. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix, 461-468,1 pl— Patenko (F.) (Gra- viditas ovarialis.) Protok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1877-8, xliv, 283-291, 2 pl. Also, transl: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1879, xiv, 156-164, 2 pl.—Perry. Ovarian fetation, fatal from hemorrhage. J. Gynajo. Soc. Bost., 1869, i, 140.—Petit. Conception extra-uterine [ovarian]. Pregnancy (Ovarian). Ann. Clin., Montpel., 1815, xxxviii, 58-64.— Poggi (G. A.) Storia di gravidanza estrauterina ovarica, conipli- cata in seguito con voluminosa idropisia cisticadel perito- neo. Gior. . . . tl. Soc. nied.-chir. di Torino, 1847, xxix, 291-300.—Porter (I. G.) Ovarian pregnancy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 133.—I»ueeh (A.') De la gros- sesse do l'ovaire. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1878, x, 1-20.— Qnattlcbum (J.) t Charleston M. J. & Rev.,'l850, v, 315-318.—Babatel. t J. d. conn. nted. prat., Par., 1842-3, x, 353-356.—Bespinger (J. H.) Observatio practico-ana- tomica intunicscentiie abdominis ex ovariorum, sinistri imprimis, mole prater-naturaliter valde aucta. Acta Hel- vet., Basileaj, 1755, ii, 267-272, lpl.—Bichet. Kyste fiotal ovarique gauche simulant un abces de hi fosse iliaque droit. Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1857, vii, 376-379. — Rudolph. t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, 502-504.— Saiiinihantmcr. Schwangerschaft des rechten Ovarii. Mag. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvi. 04-70.—a San elo Mauritio. Conceptio intra testiculum muliebrein. Zo- diacus med.-gall. 1682, Geneva, 1685, iv, 6-8.—Naviard. Sur un fetus concu hois de la matrice. [From: J. tl. savans, 1696.] Collect, acatl. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 28.—Schweig. t Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe, 1831-2, iv, 2. Hft., 125-135.—Schweninger (E.I t Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1874-5, xv, 607-612. Also, in his: Ges. Arb., 8°, Berl., 1886, i, 231-237.—Smith (S. P.) Ovarian foetation. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1867, xvii, 179-181.—Smith (W. B.) An instance of conception, wherein a fcetus was evolved in each ovarium. Med. Re- posit., N. T., 1809-10, 3. hexade, i, 406-409. Also: Phila. M. Museum, 1810-11, n. s., i, 185-190. Also, tra?isl: J. de de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1813, xxvi, 23-28.—Spie- gelberg (O.) Zur Casuistik der Ovarialschwangersohaft. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1878, xiii, 73-79.—Sundcwall (F.) Fall af Graviditas extrauterina (< rraviditas ovarii?). Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1866, ii, 532-534.—Taylor (I. E.) Ovarian pregnancy. Illust. Quart. M. efc S., N. Y., 1882, i, 33, 1 pl.—Tisserant. Grossesse ovarique. Coiupt. rend. Soe. de nted. de Nancy, 1869, 41-44.—Treat (R. B.) Ova- rian pregnancy. Chicago M. Exam., 1863, iv, 86-89.— Uhde (C. W. F.) Graviditas ovarii. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. n. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x, 339-342.— Viiluni. teren (M. J.) Beobachtung eines Faites von Graviditas extrauterina; Ausgang in den Tod nach sechs Jahren. Arch. f. d. holland. Beitr. z. Nat.-u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii. 121-134.—Willigk (A.) Ueher Ovarienschwanger- schaft. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxiii, 79-88. Pregnancy (Parietal). See Pl-egnancy (Interstitial, etc.). Pregnancy (Protracted ). [ Including " missed labor" and long retention of fcetus.] See, also, Lithopgedion; Pregnancy (Dura- tion, etc., of) ; Pregnancy (Extra-nterine). Le Bas (J.) Lettre a M. Bouvart, au sujet de sa derniere consultation sur une naissance pr6- temlue tardive. 8°. Amsterdam, 1765. -----. Nouvelles observations sur les nais- sances tardives, suivies d'une consultation de ce"leM)res medecins et chirurgiens de Paris, sm. 8°. Paris, 1765. Chapeau (M.-A.) * Dissertation sur les nais- sances tardives. 4°. Paris, 1817. Chirol. Lettre a M. . . . ou l'on prouve la possibility des naissances tardives d'apres la structure et le mdchanisme ele la matrice. 12°. I>. p.], 1764. Consultation sur uue naiessance tardive, pour servir de response, 1° A deux Merits de M. le lias, chirurgien de Paris, l'un intituld: Quest ion im- portante; l'autre: Nouvelles observations; 2° A uue consultation tie M. Bertiu; 3° A une autre ele M. Petit, tous deux de l'Acadeniie royale des sciences, et docteurs-re'gents de la Faculte" de medecine de Paris. [Par Bouvart.] 8°. Paris, 1765. Cornax (M.) Historia quinquennis fere gesta- tionis in utero; quoque modo iufans semipntri- elus, resecta alvo, exemptus sit, et mater curata evaserit. sm. 4°. Vienna?, 1550. Dedek (A. F.) De fcetu in utero post tem- ]ms legitimum remanente. 8°. Vratislavice, 1848. Dupuy (H.) 'Dissertation rn6dico-le5gale sur les naissances tardives. 4°, Paris, 1820, PREGNANCY. 628 PKECINANCY. Pregnancy (Protracted). Ercolani (ii.) Sul parto pretermesso o lnan- cato nelle feminine dei My ox us glis e nella specie umana. 8°. Bologna, 1881. Estachy (L.) Critique mMicale des grosses- ses dites prolongees. 8°. Paris, 1881. Feltz(V.-T.) * Des grossesses prolongees. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860. Gahu (H.) * De partu serotino. 4°. Upsalice, [1770]. Harker (J. C. ) * De partu serotino valde dubio. 4°. Gottingce, [1767]. Kixdeklin (J. M. C.) * Ueber Spatgeburt. 8°. Niirnberg, 1838. Le Preux(P.-G. ) Lettre de Monsieur . . . docteur-regent de la faculte' de nietlecine en l'Universite' de Paris, a Monsieur Bouvart, doc- teur-regent de la Facult6 de medecine de Paris, etc. 8°. [n. p.], 1770. Louis (A.) MeSmoire contre la legitimit6 des naissances preStendnes tardives, dans lequel on concilie les loix civiles avec celles de l'eeeouoiuie animale. [Witb a supplement.] sm. 8°. Paris, 1764. Masson (C.-D.-C.) 'Considerations g6u6rales sur les naissances tarelives et sur l'usage de la saignee pendant la grossesse. 8°. Paris, an XI [1802]. Muller (E.) *De lagrossesse uterine pro- longed ind6finiment on retention illirhiteSe de l'eeuf dans la matrice (missed labour des An- glais). 4°. Nancy, 1877. -----. The same. 4°. Paris, 1878. Noeller (CD.) * De partu serotino. 8°. Jence, [1807], Oelsxer(G.) * De partu serotino. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1729]. Pardlnus(J.) Disquisitio medica: De ea quae undicimo meuse peperit; in qua, seutentia Hip- pocratis ele suniino gestationis termino examina- tur. 8°. Parisiis, 1765. Petit ( A. ) Recueil de pieces relatives a la question des naissances tardives, contenant: 1. Un memoire sur le meSchanisme et la cause tie l'accouchement, lu a l'Acade'mie royale des sci- ences. 2. Des observations sur ce que M. Astruc a eScrit toucliant les naissances tardives. 3. Une consultation en faveur des dites naissances tar- dives. 4. Lettre a M. Bouvart, en reponse a la critique qu'il a faite de la consultation pre"ce"- dnnte. 8°. Amsterdam .">. — Bailey (S.) A case of prolonged gestation. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 1886, n. s., i. 65-07. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, l'liila. 1886, vii, 51-53.—Ball aril (('.) Case of pre.tent:. el -esla' tion. Brit. M. ,L, Lond., 18X4, i, 56.— Bancroft (J.) Missed labour. Lancet. L.....1., 1882, i, 85— Kni'iirn (R.) On the so-called "missed labour", with a caso in illustra- tion. Tr. Obst. Sue. Lonil. (1 ssi), 1XX2, xxiii, 81-102. [Discussion], liO-116. — Benlty < T. E.) [Protracted gestation.) Dublin J. M. \- Chem. Sc, 1835-0, viii, 78.— Beck (T. R.) Protracted gestation. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila.. 1841, n. s., i. 59-64. — Bennett (S. F.) Was it a case of prolonged gestation? Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1883, xlvii, 130.—It«riianly (E. P.) Protracted gesta- tion and labor complicated witli puerperal convulsions. Phila. M. Tiiiiis, 1*71-2, ii, 144; 253.—Bierbnum (J.) Noch eiu Wort iiber die Spiitgeburten. Metl. Ztg., Berl., 1849, viii, 21; 25. —Blake (E. T.) Prolonged ersia- tion. Med. Times , xxxix,"l92-494. — Bivers (P. M.) Prolonged gestation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liv, 566.—Ko- nenstein (L. A.) Prolonged gestation. N. York M. .1., 1882, xxxv, 477. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 18X5, iii. 38-41.—Rodrigue (A.) [Protracted gestation.] Com- monwealth vs. Jeremiah Wilson Porter; indictment for fornication and bastardy; January term, 1844: for Cambria County, Pa. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1x45, n. s., x, 338.— Romberg. Eine 19jiihrige Schwangerschaft. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1843, xiii, 369.— Salomon (G.) Waarneming unpens eene zwangerheid welke twaalf maanden geduurd bee ft. Geneesk. Mag., Leyden, 1809. v. 2 stuk, 1-12. — Schcuek. Ein Fallvon wirklicher Spiitgeburt. Suniin. d. Nine st. a. el. ges. Med., Leipz., 1837, vi, 246.—Mehiefler. Auffalleude Spiitgeburt eines Kalbes. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iv, 268.—Mehreiber. Spiitgeburten. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1X44, xv, 237-248.—.Schuster (K.) Ueber das Gesetz der Sihwangerse'liat'tselauer mit besonderer Anwendung auf die- Lehre von den Friih- und Sjiiitgeburten in forensischer Hiusicht. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang., i849, Ivii, 1-97.— MenJen (J. A. ) Krankheits-Ge- schiehte, Sections-Bericht uud Ansichten iiber einen sehr merkwiirtligenFall, eine Frau betreflend, welche eine voll- komnien zeitige Leibesfrucht, ohngefiihr 3 Monate iiber ihre Zeitrochnung und ohne Zeiehen des Lebens hei sich getragen hat. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1826, vi, 398-416.—Scwcll (.J. A.) Case of protracted utero-gesta- tion. Brit.-Am. J. M. efe Pli.vs. Sc, Montreal, 1846-7, ii, 259. — Shearman. Caseof protracted utero-gestation. N. Me-d. ,V Phys. .1.. Loud., 1810-11, i, 352-355, 1 pl— SU- bci'teii'iii. Zwei iiberzeitige Sehwangersehaften und iiberreile Ei iichte bei einem Individuum. Wien. nied. Presse', 1K79, xx, 943.—Soiincuinaycr (J. W.) Beytrag zur Geseliichte der verspateten eilfiuonatliehen Geburten. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1813-15, i, 460-474 —Spic- gelberg (O.) Erwiederung auf den Artikel ties Prof. fleihl. "Hie' Behandlung der verlangerten Schwanger- schaftsdauer". Deutsehe Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 429. [See, also, siiprtt. Hold.]—Stark. Peculiar case of prolonged gestation; its diagnosis and treatmeut. Clinic, Cincin., 1876, x, 270; 283.—Slatam. Case of supposed protracted pregnancy; duration of pregnancy; tubercles in the pla- centa. Lond. M. .feS. J., 1836, viii, 797-799.—Stengel. Ud- falitet af et tiaarigt Svangerskab. [Pregnancy lasting ten years] Eyr, Christiania, 1827, ii, 134-137.—Stoue (A. F.) A casie of protracted utero-gestation. Med. Circ, Lond., 1856, ix, 281. —Stone (W. R.) Case of protracted gesta- tion. Chicago M. J., 1X59. xvi, 275. — Storer (D. H.) efe Buzzcll (J. M.) Foetus carried twenty-two months be- yond term. Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv, 113. — Slrathy (F. R. L.) Case of prolonged pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 505. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1875-6, viii, 260.- Stuart (J. A.E.) Two cases of missed labour. Brit. M. J., Lonil., 1883, i, 766.— Tarneau. Quelques mots sur les naissanees tardives; nouvelle observation. (Iaz. d. hop., I'ar., 1X59, xxxii, 595. — Telmont de Saint-Joseph. Observations sur une grossesse de douze mois. J. ele iued., chir., pbarm., etc, Par., 1767, xxvii, 48-51.—Thompson (Mary H.) A case of prolonged gestation and unusual labor. ' Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 561 -565. — Thomson (W. A.) Case of protracted pregnaucy. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lontl. (1885), 1886, xxvii, 308. — Treiiucr. Geschichte einer 45 Wochen und etliche Tage dauemder Schwanger- schaft. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1790, ii, 3. St., 11- 10.—Trial and verdict in a case involving the question of the natural term of utero-gestation. Laucet, Lond., 1840, ii, 729.—Ursachen (Ueber die) der verspiiteten Geburten, und die Mtiglichkeit der Dauer tier Verspiitung. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzeneiw., Berl., 1832, ii, 14-23. — Van Per ma (P.W.) Induction of labor in protracted pregnancy. Buf- falo M. efe S. J., 1880-81, xx, 104-107.—Voss (J. A.) Partus serotinus i medieo-foreusisk Henseende. Norsk Mil", f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1850, iv, 665-081.—Warren (S. P.) Case of "missed labor" with Cesaiean section Am J. Obst, N. Y., 1885, xviii, 704-719. — Well* (F.) A case of prolonged gestation. Boston M. efe S. J., 1875 \e.iii 635 — Wilcox (C. A.) Prolonged gestation. I bid., 1X81, civ 131.—Williams (A. W.) Missed labour. Tr. Obst. Soc Loud., 1864, vi, 208-213. — Wright ( J. W.) Protracted pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. Y., isxi, xxvi, 584 — W utzir (C. W.) Erlauterungen zu der von Dr. Konigsfeld geliefer- ten Geschichte einer am 343. Tage nach eler Empfangniss gliicklich vollendeten Geburt. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i, 691-703.—Young (J.) Case of pro- longed gestation. Edinb. M. J., 1868, xiii, pt. 2, 956. Preg'nancy (Simulated). See Pregnancy (Feigned); Pregnancy (Imag- inary, etc.). Pregnancy (Spurious). See Pregnancy (Imaginary, etc.); Pregnancy (Jurisprudence of). Pregnancy (Tubal). See, also, Fallopian tube ( Rupture of) ; Preg- nancy (Extra-uteriue, Operations for); Preg- nancy (Extra-uterine) coexisting with uterine; Preg- nancy (Extra-uterine) with long retention of fcetus. Althamkr (E.) * Graviditas tub.iriii simplex. Jungster Fall aus Miinchen. 8°. Miineheu 1879. ' Bkaucami'(E.) * Ueber Tuboovarialschwan. ger.sehaft. 8°. Stuttgart, 1884. Also,in: Ztschr.f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1884 x 212-238, 1 pl. h ' '3< Behse (G.) * De graviditate tubaria. in specie et tie graviditate extrauteriua iu geneio. h^ [Dorpat], 187)2. Burchaui> (A.) Ueber die sogenannte Mutter- troiiipeten -Scbwaugerschaft (Graviditas tnba- ria), nebst Bescbreibuug eines iu Breslau beob- achteten uutl abgebiltleten Falles. 4°. Breslau [1834]. Buknier (H.) * Ueber Tuboovarialcyslt'ii. b°. Stuttgart, [1880]. Carus (A. G.) De graviditate tubo-uterina seu iuterstitiali. 4°. Lipsice, [1.H41]. Cemvix (F. H.) Spec, inaug. .sistens observa- tiouem de conceptione tubaria cum ejus epicrisi. 4°. Argentorati, [1780]. Also, transl. in: N. Samml. tl. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wuudarzte, Leipz., 1787, St. 17, 198-228. Cramer (A. B. G. J. H.) MVber Tuben- schwangerschaft. 8°. Ilerlin, [1880]. Doring (H. A.) * Ueber Tubeuschwanger- schaft. 8°. Balle, [1872]. Dormann (F.) * Ein Fall von Tuboabdoniiual- schwangerschaft. 8°. Marburg, ld72. Fabbri (G. B.) Sopra un caso tli antica gravi- danza tubaria con litopedio noniuiestre. Cutting from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1862, xii, 457-472, 2 pl. Falk (E.) * Ein Fall von Tuboovarialschwan- gerschaft. 12°. Berlin, 1887. Fritze (F. A.) * Observatio de conceptione tubaria, cam epicrisi coneeptionis tubariie in genereet hujus casus iu specie. 4°. Argentorati, [1779]. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T.) Sylloge op. min. [etc.]. 8°. Lipsice, 1795, i, 359-388. Galezowski (B.) * Eine ausgetragene Tubeu- schwaiigerschaft. 8°. Breslau, 1869. Grottanelli (S.) Storia ragionata di una gravidanza tlella tuba Falloppiana destra. sm. 4°. Pisa, 1818. Gientz (J.) * De conceptione tubaria iluabus observationibus Lipsias nuper factis illustrata. 4°. Lipsice, [1831]. Hennig (C.) Die Krankheiten der Ei lei ter unel die Tubenschwangerschaft, fiir praktische Aerzte dargestellt. 8°. Stuttgart, 1876. Huber (J.-J.) * Observation et cousitldratious sur une gestation tnbaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1821. Ivanoff (A.) * Essai sur la grossesse extra- uterine tubaire. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Krieger(F. G.) * De graviditate tubaria ejus- que casu, Groningaj observato. 8°. Groninijii', [18W4]. Lederer (E.) * Beitriige zur Anatomie t.cr Tnbarschwaugerscbaft. 8°. Berlin, [le*8HJ. Maas (A.) * Beitriige zur Tubenschwauger- schaft. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Maurer (A.) * Von der Ueberwanilerung ties menschlichen Eies. 8°. Erlangen, 18G2. Meissner (E. P.) *De ruptura tuba; gravida praiinissis duabus morbi historiis receutibus. 8°. Lipsice, 1856. Otto ( H.) * Ueber Tubenschwangerschaft mit Beriicksichtigung eines Falles von Gravi- ditas tubaria molaris hydatidosa. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1871. PREGNANCY. 631 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Tubal). Roth (M.) ** Observation sur un cas de gros- sesse tubaire avec tumeur fibreuse de la matrice, suivie tie quelques r6flexious sur l'etiologie et le ui6canisme ties grossesses extra-ut6rines en gene- ral et ele celle de la trompe en particulier. 4°. Strasbourg, 1844. Schaeffner (J. A.) * De graviditate extra- uterina Fallopiana. 8°. Prague, 1829. Sobolschtschikoff (P.) *Diss. observatio- neni rarissimi graviditatis tubaria? casus exhi- bens. 8°. [Dorpat], 1855. Sommer (F. B. G.) De graviditate extraute- rina. Acceelit descriptio memoranelai cujustlam graviditatis tubse Fallopiana? sinistra?. 4°. Gry- phiw, 1856. Stoll (C. G.) *Diss. illustrans graviditatis tubariae casum. 4°. Tubingce, [1819]. Veit (J.) Die Eileiterschwangerschaft. Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie derselben. 8C. Stuttgart, 1884. See, also, infra, Veit (J.). Also [Rev.], in: Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1885, 6. R., xv, 527-562. Wkinknecht (C. F.) De conceptione extra- uteriua; accedit observatio coneeptionis tubaria? tabula tenea illustrata. 4°. Balm, [1791]. Abbe (E. P.) Tubal pregnancy; absence of the liver in the foetus. Boston M. efe S. J., 1862, lxvi, 173. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, 16.— Abcrg (E.) & Betzius (A.) Berattelse om ett fall af inre liirblddning till ftilje af graviditas tubaria. [Internal haemorrhage in consequence of. . -I Hygiea, Stockholm, 1854, xvi, 584-588.—Adams. Case of tubarian pregnancy, terminating fatally between the fourth and fifth month. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 184.—Anel. |Sur un fetus hors de la matrice.] Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Pa- ris] 1714, Amst., 1719, 30-33. Also: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc-., Par., 1770, iv, 365. — Anger. Hema- tocele p6ri-ut6rine; grossesse tubaire; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865. xl, 699-701.—Aran. Grossesse tu- baire droite; kyste eiu volume d'une amande. Ibid., 1859, xxxiv, 318. — Bacchetti (O.) Nuova applicazione dell' ago-elettro-puntura in un caso giudicato gravidanza extra- uterina tubaria. Gazz. med. ital. fetter, tosc, Firenze, 1853, 2. s., iii, 137-140.—Baldwin (H. S.) Case of tubal pregnancy. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1876, xxii, 27.— Bamberger, ejraviditas tubaria. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Bert, 1838, 628-636.—Bang (B. L. F.) To Tilfaekle af Tubarsvangerskab. Gynaek. og obst. Medd., Kjebenh., 1877, 2. R., i, 84-102.—Bantock (G.) Ruptured tubal pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 939. Also: Brit. Gyuaec. J., Loud., 1888-9, iv, 336-345. —Barber (I. H.) Tubal pregnancy. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 69.—Barnes (R.) efe Davis (J. H.) Report on Dr. Hall Davis's specimen of extra-uterine gestation. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1870), 1871, xii, 367.—Berry (W.) Notes of'a caseof extra-uterine pregnancy (tubo-ovarian); rupture of cyst; death. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 496.—Boelir. Ein Fall von Graviditas tubaria. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. in Berl. (1864-5), 1866, xviii, 213. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1865, xxvi, 334.—Boiffiu. Grossesse tubaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1881, Par., 1882, v, 34. Also : J. de raed. ele l'ouest, Nantes, 1882, xvi, 172— Bonafini (G.) Gravidanza extrauterina tubarica; rottura della tromba e successive ematocele retro-uteriuo. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1886, iv, 165-171.—Bow- lin (S.) Case of Fallopian pregnancy. Tr. M. Soc. Ten- nessee, Nashville, 1853, 67.—Bremont. Giossesse tu- baire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 94.—Brooks (S. D.) Tubular pregnancy. Boston M. l tubal pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1875, xxi, 561-569.—Galliard (L.) Grossesse tubaire; riipture.au milieu du troisieme mois; mort; examen de la caduque uterine. Bull. Soc. auat. tie Par.. 1880, lv, 607-611. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix. 442.—«. i, 104.—Heeker. Fall vou Graviditas tubo- abtlominalis. Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1858, x, 26-29.—Heim. Bemerkungen iiber die Empfangniss in dem Eyerstock und der Muttertronipete. J. f. tl. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1800, ii, 590-603.—Helie. Observation de grossesse extra-ute- rine tubaire, suivie de considerations sur la niemhiane , Pregnancy (Tubal). caduque dans la grossesse extrauterine. J. ele- la sect, de nted. Sue. Acatl. Loire-Inf, Nantes, i860, xxxvi, lf-'JH. Also: Monit. tl. sc. med. et pharm., I'ar., 1860, ii, 059- 062 — Henderson (W. W.) Case of tubal pregnaucy; fatal terminal ion at sixth week. [With discussion.] Am' J. Obst.. N. V., 1879, xii, 386-392. —IIenni« (('.) Eine Eirohrensehwangerschaft. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiii, 265-278, 1 pl. -----. Ueber Graviditasovarico-tubaria. Arch. f. Gynaek., Bill., 1873-4, vi, 138-141. —Hryfelder. Ein Fallvon Graviditas tulW ria. Med. Ztg.. Her]., 1835, iv, 230.— Ill > ■■. Graviditas tubaria durch Ruptur geendet. [Case. | .Meel. Ztg., Berl, 1836, v, 115.—Hinojosa (P.) Ilemorragia interna por ruptura del quisle eu una preuez extra-utet ina tubaria. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1874, ix, 186-188—Hi iseb. Fallvon Eicrrohreii-Sohwangerschaft. Verhandl. tl. Gesellse li. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. [1855-6], 1857, ix, 106-109. Also: Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. [etc.], Berl., 1856, vii, 329-332.- Hirsch (I..) Giaviditastubaria. Med. Ztg., lierh, 1852, xxi. 105.— Hii-sl (Ii. C.) Tubal pregnancy ; rupture of the cyst down- waul: I'm matiouot'aretro-uterine, extra-peritoneal liu-mato- eete; recovery without operation. Meel. News, I'hila.. 1887, Ii, 540.—Ilirt (H. A.) Drei Beobachtungin von Sell wan- gerschaften auserhalb der Hohle tier Gebariuutlir. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1835, xiv, 24-66, 2 pl—Histoire d'une grossesse extraordinaire termiuee par la mort. J. de meel., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, viii, 62. —Hofmann (E.) Acht Fiille vou Tubarschwangerschaft mit letaleiu Aus- gang durch Berstung Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. iu Wieu, 1888, i, 40-45. Also: Wien. me'd. Id., 1888, xi, 737; 778.— Hoist (J.) Ueber den Behse selien Fall von Gravidatis tubaria (Schwangerschaft im rechten ruelimentiiren Horn). Beitr. z. Gvniik. u. Geburtsk., Tubing., 1865, 1. Hft., 58-62. — Holt. [Case of tubular pregnancy.] Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 17. —Holt (IL) Extra-uteiine pregnancy. Med. Tribune, N. Y.. 187n-9, i, 82-84. Also: N. Eng. 'M. Gaz., Bost., 1878, xiii, 449.— Holz. [Graviditas tubaiia sinistra, mit der seltenen Variation, dass sich die Frucht von tier Mitte ties 5, Monats an frei in der Bauchhohle eutwickelt hat.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 74. Also: Verhandl. d. Heil. med. Gesellsch. (1882-3), 1884, xiv, 1. Th., 16-18. — II o- molle. Grossesse tubaire; rupture del'ieuf; hemorrhagic intra-periton6nle; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de I'ar. (1872), 1874, xlvii, 28-30. — Hooker (A.) Tubular pregnancy; hydatids in the ovaries. Boston M. efe S. J., 1857-8. Ivii, 529. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1856-8), 1859, iii, 183— Horlbeek (W. C.) A case of tubal preg- nancy, with rupture of the Fallopian tube. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1850, v. 303-311.—Huber. Ein Fall von Alj- domicalahscess in Folge von geheilter Graviditas tubaria. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Meet, Leipz., 1870-71, viii, 120- 122. — Huinfreville (H.) Tubal pregnancy, with a case. Kansas City M. Index, 1888, ix, 415-417. — IIun (H.) A case of tubal pregnancy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1884, u. s., lxxxviii, 98-103. Also, Reprint.—Hunt (W. C.) Tubular pregnancy. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 328.— Hunter. A specimen of supposed tubal pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. y., 1886, xix, 269. — Hutchison (J.'C.) A specimen of Fallopian pregnaucy; death at third mouth from haemorrhage, caused by rupture of the tube. Tr. M. See, County Kings 1858-64, Buffalo, 1X65, i, 142-144.— Hyde (C.) Case of extra-uteriue fietation. Beit. Rec. Obst. M. efe S., Manchester, 1848, i, 68. — Jnroby (E.) Et Tilltelde af Ruptura tuba- gravida', og Salt \ anils- infusion. Gyuaek. og obst. Medd., Kjobenh.. 1884, v, 48-73. — Janeway ( E. G.) Fallopian' pregnancy with corpus luteum in the ovary upou the opposite side. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1879, xvi, 162. — Janvrin (J. E.) Tubal gestation; expulsion of the fret us and membranes through the uterus. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 733. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 329-331. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 854. -----. A case of tubal pregnancy of unusual interest, with some remarks as to the treatment in such cases. Tr. Am. G\nec Soc. 1886, N. Y., 1887, xi, 471-484. —Jeeker. lii'inorragia mortal en consecuencia de la rotura del kyste; fetal dcsui- vnelto en medio de la tnmipa elerecha. Period. Acad, de med. ele Megico, 1837-8. ii, 197-199.— Jeuks (E. W.) Tubal pregnancy; death from hemorrhage. Del roil Rev. Med. & Pharm'., 1867. ii. 162-165.— .lesson. .Specimen of rupt- ured Fallopian tube from which an early ovum had escaped into the peritoneal cavity. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1866-7, xviii, 196. — Johnson (L.) Report of a case of Fallopian pregnaucy. with specimen. Med. Rec. >'. Y, 1878, xiii, 334. Also: V York M. J., 1878. xxvii, 545- 547.—Jones (B.) Extrauterine (tubal) fietatiou. Lau- cet, Lond., 1850, ii, 345. — Jousclovich (M.) Sluchai graviditatis extra-uteriiiae (tubaria- dextra:). Voyenno- med. .].. St. Petersb., 1876, exxvii, 309-312.—Julia (E.) Observations sur un fcetus tteveloppeS dans la trompe de Fa Hope. J. univ. tl. sc med., Par., 1823, xxix, 228-230. Als<,: Rev. nted. franc, et etrang., Par., 1823, x, 53-50.— J ustice (A. L.) Cystic tumor of Fallopian tube contain- ing full grown fietus. Tr. Colorado Territor. M. Sue, Denver, 1874-5, 38.— Kaufmnnn. Priiparat von Tubar- Schwaugerschaft und Krankengeschichte. Verhandl. tl. PREGNANCY. 633 PKEGNANCY. Pregnancy (Tubal). Ver. pfafz. Aerzte 1872, Diirkheim, 1873, 18. — Knyser. Fall von Tubarschwangerschaft. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 81-85— Kennedy (R. A.), Koss (G.) & Osier (W.) Case' of extrauterine pregnancy: death. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 1878, vii, 65-68. — lira us. Eine Tiihi'iiscliwangersihaft. [Case.) Allg. Wien. meel. Zter., 1859, iv, 212—Labatut (P.) Fecondation pendant une eirossesse' extra-uterine; accouchement normal. Rev. delitl nied., Par., 1877, ii, 263— Lacroi.v. Observation sur line conception extra-uterine. Meel. eclairoe, Par., 1792, iv, 346-352. — Lafflley. Grossesse extra-utorine tubo- abilimiinale. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 187. [Rap. de Colin], 187-192. — Lnngley ( \V. L. ) Case of extra- uterine fcetatiou (ovarii)-tubal). Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 188.—LaugstaflT (G.) Description of an extra-uterine fcetus contained in the Fallopian tube. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vii, 437-447. -----. Case of extra- uterine fietus, contained in the Fallopian tube, with some observations. Ibid., 1820, viii, 500-504. — I,ebby (R.) A case of tubal pregnancy, with rupture of right Fallo- pian tube. Charleston M. J. efc Rev., 1856, xi, 317- 394._liee (R.) History of an additional case of tubal gestation. Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1859, iii, 140. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1859, ii, 511.—von Len- hossek (M.) Beschreibung zweier lueikwiirdiger Falle von Schwaiigerschaften in den Fallopischen Trompeten, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Ursachen, Synip- tome und Ausgange soldier Schwaiigerschaften. Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1821, ii, 395- 444.—Leopold (G.) Tubeuschwangerschaft mitiiusserer Ueberwanilerung des Eies und consecutiver Ha;matocele retrouterina; Tod durch Embolie der Luugenarterie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1876, x, 248-269, 1 tab. Also, Re- print.—Lepine(C) [Grossesse tubo-abdoininale.] Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 306— Lerscli (B. M.) Zwei Fotus bei einer Tubeiischwangerschaft. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1844, iii, 40-44. — l.euf (A. H. P.) Tubal pregnancy : rupture of the sac; death. N.York M. J., 1884, xl, 438.— Lewers (A.) Foetus from a ruptured tubal gestation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 207-209. — Littre (A.) Observation sur un fretus huniain trouvte dans la trompe gauche de la matrice. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1702, Amst., 1707 (M6m ), 277-285, 1 pl. Also: Rec. de ntem., Dijon, 1754, i, 797-800, 1 pl— Login- (D. C.) [et al.]. Fallopian tu bal pregnancies. [11 eases.J Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 256-269.— Loving (S.) efe Landis ( H. G.) A case of extra uterine pregnancy. Ohio M. efe S. J., Colum- bus, 1877, ii, 389-399.— Lowe'(W. G.) Tubal gestation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885 i, 541. — Lusk (W. T.) Tubal pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1889. 1, 421-427. — Lustgar- ten. Ein Fallvon Graviditas tubaria. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 578.—Lyman. Tubal pregnancy. Boston M. efe S. J., 1859-60, lxi, 459-464. Also: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv, 77-79.—illcBride (A.) A case of intestinal (Fallopian) piegnani'y. Buffalo M. J., 1849-50, v, 467-469.—MacDonell (A.) Tubal preg- nancy with rupture. Montreal M. J., 1889-90, xviii, 226.—M'Domiell (J.) On a case of tubal feetation in a married woman, terminating fatally twenty-four hours after the recurrence of urgent symptoms, arising towards the end of the second month of gestation, with remarks. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1866, iii, 5-14.—Mackenzie (T. H.) Case of extra-uterine pregnancy. Tr. M. Soc N. Jer- sey, Newark, 1878, 299.—Maenike (L ) Eine im Leben erkannte Tiibeusebwangerschat't. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1844, iii, 185; 213.—Maere (I.) Observation de grossesse tubaire. Ann. Soc. ele nted. de Onnd, 1883, lxi, 106-137. [Rap. de Van Duyse], 138-145.— IVIaggioli (V.) Gravidanza extra-uterina tubo-addoini- nale; storia e considerazioni del Dott. R. Rainaldi. Gazz. tl. os])., Milano, 1882, iii, 466; 490; 499. — ITIalin. Fall von Tubar-Sehwangeischaft. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 569-573. — ITIalin (C. E. F.) Beobaehtung einer Graviditas tubaria, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Schwangerschatten ausserhalb tier Geharmutter. Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 1, 541-570. — Malm- steii. Graviditas extra-uterina tubaria. Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank. 1863-4, Stockholm, 1865, 210.— lVlarr. Graviditas tubaria. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.- Ui.ll. 1*:iO, Koblenz, 1842, 140-Marshall (J.) Caseof tubal gestation ; death ; description of the condition of the parts involved ; with remarks, by Graily Hewitt. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1863), 1864, v, 154-162.—Martin (E.) A case of tubal pregnancy cured by puncture. Richmond & Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1868, vi, 423-427.—Martin (E.) Grossesse extra-uterine tubaire; hematocele' pelvienne. Bull. Soc. anat, tie Par., 1874, xlix, 509-513.—Martin (J. W.) Right tubal extra-uterine feetation; left ovarian cystic disease; rupture; haemorrhage; death. Meel. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xiv, 555.—Marvin (D. D.) Fallopian pregnancy, rupture ol I he ovum and fatal luemorrhage. Annalist, N. Y.. 1848, iii, 111-113 — Maschka. Ueher Abdoniinal-Blutuii en unter Mittheilung eines Falles von Tiibar-Schwangersihaft. Wien. med. Wclmschi., 1868. xviii, 1649-1652 -illasse (A.) Grossesse extra-nterine; adherences du fietus au placenta; main bote; syntlacty- Pregnancy (Tubal). lie -, uterus normal. Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 402-404.— lTIay (G.) Case of tubal pregnancy ; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 597.—Mayo (W. W.) A case of tubu- lar preguaney, with remarks upon the difficulties attend- ing a correct eliaguosis of abdominal tumors. Tr. Minne- sota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1871. 25-27. Also.- Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, Miun., 1870-71, i, 289-2.ll. — Meadows (G. D.) Death from haemorrhage of the ovum. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 184.—Moore. Case of Fallopian pregnancy; rupture and death about fifth month. Tr Obst. Soc. Lond. (1876), 1877, xviii, 258-260. — Morley (J.) Case of tubal foetation. Prov. M. efe S. J., Lond., is.', 1, 346—Moullin (J. A. M.) Case of extra-uterine foetation. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1883), 1884, xxv, 103-108, 1 pl. — Muller (G. G.) De fietu monstroso, in tuba Fallopiana dextra concepto, hujusque rara structura. Acta Acad. nat. curios., No- rimb.. 1740, v, 511-513. — Munde (P. F.) Tubo-uterine pregnancy, with spontaneous delivery of the fetus pervias natuiales'. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 452- 455. Also: Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1879, xii, 330-333.—Nel- son (R.) Case'of tubal pregnancy. N. York M. J., I860, ii, 120-122— IVetzel (VV.) Graviditas tubaria dextra med hristning i borjan af 4de manaden; hsematocele pelvica; genombsott af tarinen ; doel. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1868, xxxi, 474-479. -----. Fall af graviditas tubaria. Kiirh. v. Svens. Liik.-Sallsk. Saniniank., Stockholm, 1872, 181-18,. -----. Fallaf'tubargraviditet. Ibid., 1882, 13-20.— IN'ieoll (H. D.) Case of death from rupture of the Fallopian Lube and intra-peritoneal hemorrhage. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 111-114.—Nock. Tubal pregnancy. Ibid., 1889, xxii, 183.—IXoeggerath. Hajinatocele from tubal preg- nancy; death. N. York M. J, 1881, xxxiii, 692. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv (suppl ), 1.—Oakes (T. F.) Tubu- lar pregnancy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1854, n. s., xxviii, 378.—Oidtuiaun (IL) Ein Kail von Tubenschwanger- si'hat't. Fraueuarzt, Berl., 1888, iii, 13; 81; 135— Olli- vier. Note surun cas de grossesse tubaire, avec quelques observations sur une cause particuliere d'ltenion hagie in- terne chez la femme. Arch. gen. de nted., Par., 1834, 2. s., v, 403-411.—Oppolzer. Gravidanza tubaria coinplieata a cistovario e diagnosticata per fibroide dell' utero. Ippo- cratico, Fano, 1870, 3. s., xvii, 301; 379.—Orion (-1. G.) A case of tubal pregnancy, advanced to lull term without rupt- ure; the fcetus remaining fourteen years in situ; autopsy. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1884, N. Y., 1885, i, 250-253.— Pallen (M. M.) Tubal pregnancy. Humboldt M. Arch., St. Louis, 1867, i, 146-148— Paltauf (A.) Die Schwanger- schaft in Tubo-Ovarialcysten, nebst gerichtsarztlichen Be- merkungen iiber den I-ruchtabtreibungsversueh. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1887. xxx, 456-469, 1 pl—Parish (W. H.) Case of extra-uterine pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 1207.—Parisot. Grossesse extrauterine tubaire: ramollissement c6r6bral; beniorrhagte iiitra-p6ri- tonealc; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 247- 252.—Pease (G. M.) Tubal pregnancy. Homieop. .1. Obst.. N. V., 1886, viii, 411 —Penfold (O.) A case of extra uterine gestation. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1877, xxii. 33-35.—Piermarini (P.) Gravidanza tubaria se- guita da morte quasi improvvisa. Arch, di nied., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1870, ii, 357-364. — Pierson (W.), jr. Case of Fallopian pregnancy; death resulting from rupture of the cyst, N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 141-143. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, New Brunswick, 1860, 65-68.— Playfair (W. S.) Caseof tubular feetation. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1865, xvi, 197. — Pringle (G. H.) Case of tubal ( ?) pregnancy, going on to at least the full time, with fatal result, Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1869, xiv, 228-231. -----. On a case of tubal pregnancy terminating fatally, from rupture of the containing cyst and asthenic peritonitis. Ibid., 1870, xv,321-323.—Purdy (S. A.) Case of tubal pregnancy. N. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 260-263.— Rainaldi. I'n caso di gravidanza estrauteriua tubo- adilominale. Bull. d. Soc Laucisiana tl. osp. di Roma, 1882, ii, 99-106.—Keed (C. A. L.) Intra-peritoneal baematoeele considered as a consequence of ruptured tube-pregnancy, with report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1887, xxxii, 205- 208.—Keed (C. R.) Tubal pregnancy ; with specimen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 609-612.—Kevillonl (V.) Grossesse tubaire ; rupture du kyste foetal eoiucidaiit ayec l'expulsion d'une caduque uterine; autopsie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 579. —von Ritgen. Ueher den kiiust- lichen Abort, als Rettungsmitte I eler Mutter hei Mutter- rohreu-Schwangerschaft, und iiber die Erkeuutniss dieser ahnormen Schwangerschaft durch Auscultation. N. Zt- schr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1840, ix, 206-211.—Robbs (W.) Fallopian tube pregnancy; with the post-mortem appear ances. Loud. M. Gaz., '1835-6, xvii, 983-985. —Roberts (0. H.) Caseof tubal gestation. Canada M. Rec, Mont real, 1886-7, xv, 145. — Rogers (F. T.) A case of tubal pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1887, cxvi, 286.—Rosen- thai (R.) Ein Fall von Extrauterinschwangeisehalt (Graviditas tubo-abdominalis). Charite-Ann. 1882, Berl., 1884, ix, 349-357.—Routh. (Case of tubal gestation.) [With discussion.] Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1879-80, vii, 97-102.—Nailler (M.) Tubal fietatiou; true corpus lu- teum in ovary of opposite side. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 140.—Wager (A.) Case of tubal pregnancy. Proc. PREGNANCY. 634 PREGNANCY. Pregnancy (Tubal). M. Soc. Mich., Detroit, 1867-8, 56-59. Also: Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1868, iii, 407-410.—Salomon (G.) Waar- neming eener zwangerheid in de bids van Fallopius. Ge- nees-, heel-, . . . kundige Verhandel. v. h. k.-nederl. Inst. v. wetensch., etc., Amst.. 1825, 14, 1 pl.—Wanders. Tu- bal pregnancy; death. Ediub. M. J., 1800, vi. 7ti.—Sax- torph (F. S') Historia graviditatis tuhariiB ad jiistum gestationis tempus protractaj matri it fietui lethalis. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1818, v, 1-17.—Mcauzoiii. Ein Fall von Schwangerschaft in einem rudinientaren Items- Horn mit wahrscheinlicher Wanderung des Eies aus item rechten Eierstocke in das linke Uterus-Horn. Verhandl. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb. (1853) 1S54, iv, 1.— Schcurlen. Kliuiscbes iiber die Eiipturjler graviden Tube'. Charite-Aun., Berl., 1889, xiv, 178-18,.—Nehoen- feld (H.) Grossesse tubaire. Arch, eh' la meel. beige, Brux., 1849, xxviii. 80.-Mchuchardt (IC.) Ueher iiitra- ligamentareTubenschwangiise liaft. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berk, 1882, Ixxxix-, 133-147, 1 pl—Schultze (B. S.) Eine' ausgetrageni' Tubo-Utei in Sell wangerschaft; I'eher- wanderung des Eis. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iii, 178- 187, 1 pl.—Schwabe (C.) Graviditas tubaria. Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. n. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854. iii, 1-13, 1 pl.— Sellwnndner. Ein Fall von Tubenschwangerschaft. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1872. xiii, 124—Sceburgcr (J.) Graviditas tubaria. Med. Jahrb. il. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxvii, 268. — See- rig. Fall eiiier todtlich geworelenen falschen Trompe- teu-Schwangerschaft. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl.. 1836, xlvii, 515-518, 1 pl. — Siegeubeelt van IleuUelom. Een geval van dubbelzijilige tuhuirzwangersehap. Nederl. Tijdschr.v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1885, xxi, 757-764.—Sinclair (W. J.) Rupture of the sac in the earlier stages of tubal pregnancy, with notes of two cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 127. — Skinner. Uu cas de grossesse tubaire; rupturede la paroidd'oviducte; hemorrhagie' foudroyante dans laeavite alidomiuate; grossesse'ele- eteux mois; mort de la malade Bull. Soc. anat.de I'ar.. l-s4. lix. 45. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 549— "email .~>4. ann6t) 6, 102-104. —Veit (J.) Leber Tubeusehwangersihaft. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1885, xi, 384-386. [DiscussiouJ, 390. ------. Ueber Eiteiterschwangerschafl. Ibid.. 1886. xii, 432-434. [See, also, supra. Veit (J.ij—dn Verne) (P.) Observations sur un fcetus troiive elans iiiiu des trompes de la matrice. Hist. Acatl. roy. d. sc hie Paris] 1702, Amst., 1707, Mem., 398-411, 1 pl.' Also: Bee. de mem., Dijon, 1754, i, 824-829.—Virchow. Fall von Tubarschwangerschaft, paitteller Perimetritis und Gefiiss- neubilduug. Verhandl. tl. phys.-nied. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1850, i, 298. ------. I. Geheilte Tubenschwangerschaft, Verschrumpfung und Kirrhonose des Ftitus. Ibid., 1852, iii, 349. ------ Section einer 27jahrigen Person, die wiili- rend tier Schwangerschaft pldtzlich unter den Erschei- nungen einer Ruptur gestorben war. Verhandl. tl. Ge- sellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl.. 1861, xiii, 8-11. — Vulliet (F.) Ueher einen Fall vou Tubo-Ovarialcysten-Seliwau- geisehaft; Beitrag zur Entwickelung der Tubo-Ovarial- schwangersehaften. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1883-4, xxii, 427-440. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: J. de niGtl. de Par.. 1884, vi, 1054-1059. Also, transl: Rev. med.de la Sui^e Rom., Geneve, 1884, iv, 129-140. Also. Reprint.—Wag- ner. Graviditas tubo-abdominalis. Verhandl. el. Gim ll sch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1856-7), 1858, x, 26-29. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, ix, 90- 96.—Wagstaff (M. F.) Case of extia-uteiine ftetaliun, which terminated fatally by extravasation of blooel into the cavity of the abdomen from a rupture of the h It Fallo- pian tube. Lancet, Lond., 1830-31, ii. 386-388.— Wallace- Russell (Julia). [Tubal pregnancy.] Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soc,'Manchester, 1885, 92-96. — Walsh IS. J.) Tahiti preguaney. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 190- 193.—Warner (C. C.) Case of tubal fietation. North- west. M. et S. J., Chicago efe Indianap., 1850-51, vii, 220- 222— Watkins (VV. H.) Case of Fallopian pregnancy, with rnpture, ending fatally. Buffalo M. J., 1851. vi. 592- 594. — Watson (A.) Case of extra-uteriue conception within the upper part of the Fallopian tube. Ediub. M. fe S. J., 1843, lx, 362-364. Also, Reprint.—Watson (li. C.J [Extra-uterine fffitation. Case-. | Brit. Rec. Ob^t. M. \ S. Manchester, 1848, i, 70-74. — Weber. Tubo-Abiloniiiial- Schwangerschaft nach Uebei wiindei ung etes Eies. Wieu. meel. Piesse, 1867, viii, 1223; 1257.—Wellington. Two cases of supposeel tubal pregnancy. Boston M. >v S. J., 1873, lxxxviii, 578. ------. Tubal pregnaiicv; death fiom abdominal hemorrhage. Ibid., 1879, ci, 624. — West (S.) Right tubal foetation; corpus iuteum in left ovary. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond , 1881-2, xxxiii, 218.—Westcrmark (F) Eft fall af tubarhafvandeskap. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1885, xlvii. 345-353. — Whittaker (W. C.) A case of extra uterine foetation. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1889. ix. 335-339.— Wiedemann (C.) Ein Fall von Eih-iti rsihwanger- sehatt mit Ausgang in Genesung. St. IVtersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 77-79. —Wilde tT ) Tubal pregnancy. Anu. Auat. &. Surg. Soc. Brooklyn. 1880, ii, 68.—Willcms. Uu cas de grossesse tubaire. [Kap.de Hubert.] Rev. med., Louvain, 18-7, vi, 289-296—Will- iams (('.) A case of tubal pregnancy terminating hy expulsion of the foetus through the natural pa»--'ge-: recovery. N. York M. J., 1878, xxviii, 595-601.— Will- iams (P. C.) A case of tubal pugnauey terminating spontaneously per vaginam. Maryland M J.. Bait.. l.-8:i. xxi, 366.—Wolff. Geschichte einer im Leben veikannten Schwangerschaft der rechten Tuba Fallopii. Verm. Ab- handl. .". . v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1823, ii, 67-70, 1 pl.— Wolffhardt. Graviditas tubaria; Tod elurch Berstung der Umhullmigen und Blutung. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1876, xxiii, 443.—Woodbury (F.) Rupture of cyst iu tubal pregnancy; inte-rnal hieiiior rhage: death. Meel. Press efe Circ, Lond., Is87. n. s., xliv, 296.— Worship (J. L.) Case of extra-uteriue tubal feetation. with specimen. Tr. Ohst. Soc. Lond. (1809), 1870. xi, 211-213.—Zais. Graviditas tubaria. Med. Cor- Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1843, ii, 137-140.----- Ein Fall von Graviditas tubaria. Med. Jahrb. f. el. Her- zogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1846, 200-20".—Zucker (J.) Ein Fall von friihzeitig gephitzter Tubenschwangerschaft. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1888 xii, 233-236. Pregnancy (Tubal, Operations for). See Pregnancy (Extra-uterine, Operations for). Pregnancy (Tubo-abdominal). See Pregnancy (Tubal). Pregnancy (Tubo-ovarian). See Pregnancy (Tubal). PBEGNANCY. 635 PKELIMLKARY. preg'nancy (Tubo-uterine). See Pregnancy (Interstitial, etc.). Pregnancy (Unconscious). See, also, Labor (Painless, etc.). Angabe (Ueher die) der giinzlichen Bewusstlosigkeit eini-r Schwangerschaft bis zum Eiutreten der Geburt. Mag. f tl. gerichtl. Arzeueiw., Berl., 1832, ii, 358-367.— Itnlcber (T. S.) Can a woman carry a child to full time anil not be aware that she is pregnant,? Med. efc Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 275. — Dayral. Grossesse meconium par la ntere jnsqu'au moment de l'accouchement. Ami. Soc. de nted. tie St.-FAienne et de la Loire. Compt. rend., 1865, ii, 247-250.— Fleisehmaiin (G.) Zur Lehre von eler Moglichkeit einer der Schwangern unbewussteu Schwangerschaft his zur Ueberraschung durch die Geburt. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1839, xxxvii, 290-296.— Fox (D. K.) A woman who has had eight children com- pletes her full term of utero-gestation without being aware that she is pregnant. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Oil., 1888, 209-211. Also: H. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1888-9, u. 8., xvi, 37.— Isham (A. B.) Case of premature delivery at the eighth mouth; extremely small children; successful employment of artificial respiration; unconscious pregnancy; rupture of umbilical artery; successful ligation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 368-371.—Lozesi. Observations ntedico- legales tendant ;i resoudi e cette question: Une femme pent- elle, pendant toutesa grossesse, ignurer qu'elle so it ■ enceinte'? Arch. gen. de nted., Par., 1831, xxv, 239-241.—Merck I in (G. A.) De iucertitudine graviditatis et conceptione sine prtesagio mensium fluxu facta, Mise. Acad. nat. curios. 1687, Norimb., 1707, 2. decuria, vi, 452-454. Also, transl: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 484.—lTIerri- nian (S.) A case of a woman upwattls of 40 years of age, who had not borne a child for more than nine years, was unwell and gave birth to a very stout, healthy boy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1828-9, i, 171— tloiironval. Observation sur une grossesse ignortte jusqu'tl l'i5poque ele l'accouchement par une.femme qui 6tait mere de trois enfans. J. compl. el i diet. d. sc. meel., Par., 1825, xxiii, 281-283.—ITIiinzentha- ler. Fall einerder Schwangeren unbewussteu Schwanger- schaft, und unbewussteu Geburt bei vollem Bewusstsein, nebst Beitrag zur Lehre iiber die Vitalitat zu friih geboruer Leihesfriichte. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1844, v, 519-523.—Rhades ;F.) Memoire sur cette question: Si une femme enceinte peut ignorer son etat jusqu'au terme de l'aecouchement. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. nted., Par., 1825, xxi, 128-140.—Shorn (J.) Singular case of unsus- pected pregnaucv and awkward delivery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1802), 1863, iv, 202-204.— Tanner (T. H.) A case of unsuspected pregnancy and labor. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 113-115. Also, Reprint. Pregnancy (Vaginal). Kluge (C.) Fragliche Mutterscheiden - Schwanger- schaft. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, 79; 159. — Tlacke- prang. Et Vaginal- Svangerskah. Biblioth. f. Lseger, Kjebenh., 1844, n. R., x, 198. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Metl., Hamb., 1844, xxv, 405. — Noel. Grossesse vaginale. J. de nted., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1779, li, 55- 62. Prehistoric man. See Man (Primitive, etc.). Preim (Johannes Henrietta). *De consensu calculi cum haemorrhoidibus extends. 44 pp., 2 1. 4°. Balce Magdeb., tup. J. C. Bendelii, [1739]. Prehll(P.) *Ophthaliniarume]narundamspecifi- carumdelineatiodiagnostica. 37) pp. 4°. Kilicx, C. F. Mohr, 1824. Preibisz ([Andreas] Josephus)[1835- ]. *De causis mortem fcetus in utero afferentibus. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1857]. Preis( Franciscus Bartholom.) * Observatio fungi durae matris. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Eunike, [1843]. Preisaufgabe fur die entsprechendste Priifung eiues iieucn Versuches zur empirischen Begriin- dnng der Cholera-Wissenschaft. J6 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prag, J. G. Calve, 1855. Preisendorfer (P.) * Zur Lehre von der Wir- kung derNarkotika. [Wurtzburg.] 15pp., lpl. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Birschfeld, 1879. Preisinger (Bernhardus). * De diagnosi mor- hortiiu capitis. 143 pp. 8°. Viennce, J. C. Tratt- ner, [17(14]. Preisler ( Christoph. Guil. ) [ 1702-34 ]. * De podagra, corporis humani couservatrice. 'J 1 pp. Preisler (Christoph. Guil.)—continued. sm. 4U. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. B. C. Miilleri, [1730]. Preiss (Bernhardus) [1804- ]. * Nonnulla de pnedispositione hereditaria. 28 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berolini, F. Nietack, [1830]. -----. Die Krankheiten ties Athmungs-Apparates, welche fiir die alkalisch-salinischen Schwefel- Thermen zu Warmbruun geeiguet sind, nebst Beobachtungen, als Beitrage zur Pathologie und Balneotherapie, daselbst gesammelt wahrend der Bruuneuzeit des Jahres 1841. viii (11.), 137 pp. 8°. Breslau, Gosohorsky, 1842. -----. Die neuere Physiologie in ihrein Einflusse auf die niihere Kenntniss tics Pfortadersystemes im gesunden und kranken Zustaude. iv, 155 pp. 8C. Breslau, A. Gosohorsky, 1844. PreiSS (Christophorus Romanus). See II a id t (Fritter. Christophorus) & Prei*s (C. E.) Porositatis omnibus in corporibus adsertio. 4°. Lipsice, [1693]. PreiSS (Eduard)1. Physiologische Untersu- chungen iiber die Wirkungen eles kalten Wassers im Bereiche des Nervensystems untl iiber elie Gesetze der Leitung in der peripherischen sensi- tiven Nervensphiire. xii, 240 pp. 8°. Berlin, Pucker u. Puchler, 1858. PreiSS (Eduard)2. * Beitrag zur Lehre vom enfc- ziinellichen Exophthalmus. 46 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, P. Scheiner, 1888. PreiSS (Jacobus) [1805- ]. * Nonnulla ele temperamentis morbisque ex iis oriundis. 39 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Briischckianis, [1829]. PreiSS (Ludovicus)1. *De arsenici in carciuo- mate usu. 31 pp. 8°. Vralislavice, typ. C. F. Fritschii, [1825]. Preiss (Ludovicus)2. * Diss, sistens tractatum de aqua Bilinensi. 70 pp. 8°. Pragce, T. Baase, 1841. Preiss (Otto). * Ueber Cerebrospinal-Meningitis. [Strasburg.] 44 pp., 5 ch. 8°. Neisse, F. liar, [1873]. Preisser ([Joseph-] F[r6ele"ric]). Me"moire sur les couperoses du commerce, pr6sent6 a l'Acad6- mie royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Rouen. 22 pp. 8°. Rouen, N. Periaux, 1839. [P., v. 1737.] Repr. from: Precis analyt. d. trav. Acad. d. sc, Rouen. -----. Voyage inelustriel en Angleterre, en Ir- lande it en Ecosse. 64 pp. 8°. Bouen, N. Pe- riaux, 1840. [P., v. 1794.] Repr. from: Rev. de Rouen et de la Normandie, 1840. -----. Excursion scientificjue et indnstrielle daus le Tyrol it en Italie en septembre 1841. 170 pp., 11., lpl. 8°. Rouen, A. Peron, 1844. [P., v. 1795.] Repr. from: Rev. de Rouen. Preis-Tarifim Bade Neu-Schmecks. 2 1. 4°. [Iglo, J. Schmidt, n. d.] Preis - Verxeicliniss iiber bacteriologische, microsceipische unel uroscopische Apparate untl Instruments eler Fabrik bacterioleigischer, che- mischer, physikalischer, pharmaceiitischer und technischer Apparate und Utensilien von F. & M. Lauteiischliiger. Abtheilung 1. viii, 182 pp. 8°. Berlin, Kroll, 1889. Preitcr ( A. ) * Ueber Dammrisse. 37 pp. 8°. Munclicn, J. G. Weiss, 1867. Preilner (Friedrich). * Ueber Strychninvergif- tung. 15 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1870. du Prel (Karl). Der gesunde Menschenverstaud vor tlen Problemen der Wissenschaft. In Sachen J. C. Fischer contra Eduard von Hartmann. vi (1 1.), 134 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Duncker, 1872. Prela (Tommaso). II boa di Plinio; congettura sulla storia della vaccinazione. 43 pp. 8°. Mi- lano, G. G. Destefanis, 1825. [P., v. 1261.] Preliminary notes on the constitution and ethics of the medical profession, hy a graduate. 16 pp. b°. London, 1872. PRELLE. Prelle (Albert). *Die Feitsiiinen eler Ziegen- butter. 26 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1878. Prel lei". Anleit.uug zum Gebrauch der Wasser- kur und tier Kiefernadelbailer. 40 pp. 8'-'. II- menau, A. Schroter, 1884. ------. Tbiiringeus Baeler, Kurorte und Sommer- frischen. 2. Aufl. 64 pp., 2 tab., 1 map. 18°. Weimar, G. Uschmann, 1888. ------. Die Massage uud verwandte Heilmethoden. xvi, 231 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1889. _ Preller (^Emilins). *Diss. continens morbi his- toriam: paralysem, salivationem perioelicam, ea- chexiain. 23 pp. 8C. Jence, typ. Ratii, 187)9. c. Preller ( [Erdmann Gottlob] Augustus) [ 1800- ]. *De partu pneniaturo arte effecto. 41 pp., 1 1. 8-. Balce, typ. Schimmelpfennigianis, [1822?]. Preller (Maximilianus) [1835- ]. * De vac- cinatione. 31pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1859]. Prelli (Carlo). Malattie della donna. Storia di perilita involontaria dell' orina per fistola vesico- vaginal operata e guarita. 36 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Torino, C. Fa rale r., J. A. Satron, 1782. Premout (Alexis). * Sur la colere. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 157, v. 124. Premoiitrc. See Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc., of), by localities. Preiupain (Paul). *Sur l'art des accouche- nii'iis, conside5r6 conime une des branches ele la niedecine. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 1^0, v. 29'.). Proliant (Auguste) [1861- ]. * Etude .sur la structure du tube s6minifere des mammiferes. Recherches sur la signification des elements qui le constituent. 1 p. 1., 128 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 4°. Xancy, 1887, No. 250. Preneux (Auguste). * Etude sur la taille hypo- gasti ique. 110 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 281. Preilgel (Carl Louis). *Die Operation der Ha- senscharte im ersten Lebensmonate. 23 pp. 8°. Leipzig, O. Leiner, 1804. Prcnger ([Heruiannus] Aivtonius) [1831- ]. *De gastrodynia neuralgica. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ.fratrumSchlesinger, [1854]. Prengrueber (Louis-Pierre). *Physioloj>ie ties muscles de l'ceil et leurs paralysies. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 416. Also, Editor of: Bulletin (Le) medical, Paris, 1887. Prenke (Wilhelmus). * De variolis et morbillis. 21 1. 4°. Jence, e typ. J. Nisii, 1653. Prensa (La) me'dica tie Granada. Revista quin- cenal tie medicina y cirujia. Director-propieta- rio: Antonio Velazquez de Castro, v. 1-3 (afios 1-4), Oct. 15,1879, to Dee. 30, 1882. 8°. Granada. Continued as: Gaceta ntedica de Granada. Prentice (Chas. F.) A treatise on simple and compound ophthalmic lenses, their refraction and dioptric formulae, including tables of crossed cylinders and their sphero-cylindrical equiva- lents. 40 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8°. New York, J. Prentice f Son, [1886]. ------. Dioptric formulas for cemibined cylindrical lenses applicable for all angular deviations of their axes. 48 pp., 1 phot., 2 pl. 8°. New York, J. Prentice $ Son, 1888. PRENTISS. Prentice ( W. P. ) In the court of general ses- sions in and for the cily untl county of New York at the December term, 1876. Hon. Josiah Sutherland, presiding. The People es. Daniel Schrnmpf. Misdemeanor. Adulteration of milk. Argument of W. P. Prentice, counsel to the board of health, for the prosecution. 32 pp. " . New York, J. F. Trow d'- Hon, 1877. Prentiss (Daniel Webster) [1843- ]. A con- tribution to theclinical history of croupous pneu- monia. A report of eleven cases of croupous pneumoniaoccurring in private practice het ween the dates of February antl June, 1878. 29 pp. 8°. [Washington, 1879.] ------. National Medical College (Medical De- partment of the Columbian University), Wash- ington, D. C. Ou the revision ofthe U. S. Phar- macopieia. Addressed to the Pharmacopceial Con- vention of 1880. 14 pp. 8°. Washington, D. G, B. A. Gibbs,l889. ------. Death from diphtheritic paralysis. 2 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1880.] Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x. ------. 1. Remarkable change in the color of tho hair from light blonele to black in a patient while under treatment by pilocarpin. Report of a case of pyelo-nephritis, with unusually pro- longed anuria. 2. Case of membranous croup treateel successfully by pilocarpin. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincotl <§• Co., 1881. Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi. ------. Croupous pneumonia ; is it a zvmotic dis- ease? It pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col fins, 1881. Repr.from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii. ------. A review of the sixth decennial revision of the Pharmacopceia of the United States of America. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 18n2. Repr. from: New Remedies, N. Y., 1882, xi. ------. Case of double hydronephrosis with dilata- tion of the bladder antl ureters elue to disease of the prostate gland. 4pp. 8°. [Baltimore, 1883.] Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix. ------. An answer to a protest against the use of the metric system in prescribing. 10 pp. 8°. [Pliiladelphia], 1883. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii. ------. Gall-stones or soap? Olive or cotton-seed oil in the treatment of gall-stones. [With a] Note on the action of the digestive fluids on oil, by H. W. Wiley. 6 pp. 16°. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii. ------. A report of five hundred consecutive cases of labor in private practice, in the District of Columbia, between the years 1864 and 1^88. 22 pp. 12°. [Washington], B. I. Rothrock, [1889]. Repr. ft om: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi. ------. Change in the color of the hair, from the white hair of old age to black, produced by jahor- andi. 6 pp. 12°. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Paris, 1889. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, xiii. ------. Cases of poisoning by Japanese lacquer, by administration of homoeopathic pellets labelled "Rhus", antl by the cashew-nut, Anacardiuni occidentals. 7 pp. 8°. Detroit, Mich., tl. S. Davis, 1889. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, xiii. ■------. Cases of uterine fibroids from private practice, anel their treatment. 12 pp. 8°. Aew York, W. Wood $ Co., 1889. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1889, xxii. ------. Change of color in the hair from the in- ternal use of pilocarpin. Exhibition of speci- mens. 19 pp. 12°. Chicago, ]8r9. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., (:iiica»o, 1889, xiii. ------. Report of three cases of remarkably slow pulse; to which is appeudeel brief abstracts of PKENTISS. 637 PEEPUCE. Prentiss (Daniel Webster)—continued. ninety-three cases of slow pulse found recorded in medical journals in the Library ofthe Surgeon- General's Office, Washington, D. C. 26 pp. roy. 8°. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Darts. 1899. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889-90, 3. s., v-vi. Prentiss (Nathaniel S.) [1770-1853]. Colling (15. E.) Obituary notice of Nathaniels. Pren- tiss. Med. Commuuicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1849-54, viii, 301. Prentiss (Samuel) [1759-1818]. William* (S. W.) Obituary notice of Samuel Pren- tiss. Med. Comniunicat. Mass. M.Soc, Bost., 1842-8, vii, 27-29. Prenzlow. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. Herz (S.) Versuch einer medicinischen Ort- beschreibuug der Ukermiirkischen Hauptstadt Prenzlau. 16°. Berlin, 1790. Preobrajenski (Basil). * Alkaloideiudieiskoi konopli i eja preparatove. [Alkaloids of Indian hemp and its preparations.] 30 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1876. Preparations (Anatomical). Sec Anatomy (Methods, etc., of). Preparations de bitume. Mastic niin6ral brai gins, goudron, veruis, huile essentielle, et graisse d'asphalte. 17 pp. 8°. Paris, Migneret, [n. d.] [P., v. 1789.] Repr. from: Annalen I, No. 3. Preparatory Medical College, Poughkeepsie, X. Y. [Announcement of its establishment.] 1 sheet. 16°. [Poughkeepsie, n. d.] Prepuce. See, also, Penis. Xogi i:s(J.-B.-B.-E.) * Anatomie, physiologie et pathologie tin pr6puce. 4°. Paris, 187/). Raimoiifl. Note sur la vessie pigputiale tlu pore. Compt. rentl. Soe. de biol. 1865, Par.. 18013. 4. s.. ii, pt. 1, 125-128— ReeiiH'i' (M.) Beitrag zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Chirurgie des Piaputiums, sowie zur Pathogcneseiler Phimosis und Paraphimosis; Eutkraftimg tks von Prof. Hyrtl gegen die Circumcision geschteuiterten Anathems. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1868, xiii, 247; 256; 264. -----. Anatomische und physiologische Studien iiber die dritte oder mittlere Lamelle des Priiputiiims. Ibid., li-69, xiv, 3; 13— Schweigsri'-Scidcl ( F.) Zur Eutwiekehmg des Pra'piitiuin. Arch. I'. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvii, 219-225. 1 pl. Also, in his: Anat. Mitth., 8°, [Berl., 1866], 1-7, 1 pl. -----. Ueber die sogenannten Tyson'schen Driisen. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvii, 225-228. — Minion (G.) Ueber die soge- nannten Tyson'schen Driisen an der Eichel des mann- liehen Gliedes. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1844, 1-8, 1 pl.— Valeiiti (G.) Di alcune psulicolarita anatomiche del prepuzio. Atti 12. Cong. d. Ass. metl. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 173. Prepuce (Abnormities of). [ Adherent, etc.] See, also, Circumcision; Nervous system (Dis- eases of, Causes of ); Phimosis. Piussan ( C.) *l)e iiuelqnes accidents de l'atro~sie conge'nitale tin prepuce et ele leur traite- ment. 4°. Paris, lr-81. Angeborene (Ueber die) Phimose und iiber die daraus eiitspringenileii ortliehen und allgemeinen Stiirungen. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1851, xvii, 350-358.—Anna (F.I.) Beobaehtung einer Verwaclisung der Vorhaut des manu- lichen Gliedes bey einem neiigebohrncn Kintle. Lucina, i.eipz., 1806, iii, 129-134.—BaiideiiB. Phymosis coug6- uital; adltei enees partielles du pr6puee au gland ; nouveau proee-tle d'autoplastie; emploi de la glace elans le panse- meiit. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1846, viii, 11)8— Bcrgenklint. Intussusception af ]>i ii'iuitiuiii. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1861, xxiii, 745.—Bird (tl.) Contraction ofthe prepuce. Lan- cet, Lond., Islli, i, 55:,. —Bokai (J.) A fityma (praputium) sejtes odatapadasa a makkoz gyermakeknel [On the ad- hesions of the prepuce to the glans penis in children.| Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1860, iv, 583; 599.---- . Die zellige yerklebiing (scheinbare Verwaclisung) tier Vorhaut mit der Eichel bei Knaben in phystelogischer nnd pathologi- seher Beziehung; nach eigenen Bcobaelitungen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1871-2, n. F., v, 20-40.—Bry (A.) Oh- Prepuce (Abnormities of). servations sur 1'imperforation presque complete du pr6- puce. Bull. Fat', ele- med. de Par. (1812-13), 1814, iii, 169- 172.—Bryant (T.) Retention of urine from adherent prepuce in a child. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 207. -----. Cases illustrating the effects of an adherent prepuce upon the urinary organs. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1868, i, 525.—Butler (\V. H.) Curious and unusual ease of phy- mosis; complete union of prepuce and glans. Buffalo M. J., 1859-60, xv, 421.—Caballero (J. M.) Pinza-dilatador del pn',piicio._ llov. nted. vasco-navarra, Vitoria, 1887, v, 225-227.—Cain (D. J. C.) Imperforate prepuce. South. J. M. & Pharm., Charleston, 1847, ii, 37-t'nnipartloii. Observation sur une adherence du prepuce avec te gland, par un vice de conformation naturelle, qui avoit caus6 un retrecissement exoessif a l'ouverture de la verge, et douue lieu cons6queinment k la formation d'uue pierre clans sa fosse navieulairo, et k plusieurs fistules qui laissoient 6cbapper l'uriue de l'uretre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 260-264.—Castle (F. A.) A cause of enuresis dysuria and masturbation in boss. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1872, vii, 453.—Cole (J. F.) Two'cases of reflex irritation cured by circumcision. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1888-9, n. s., v, 470.'—Dana (C. L.) Some cases that elo not illustrate reflex disturbances from genital irritation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 569— Fllenbogcn (VV.) Ue- her eine merkwiirdige Missbildung des Piaputiums. Wien. metl. Presse. 1888, xxix, 1849; 1893.—Faison (I. W.) Three case's congenital phimosis and adhered pre- puce. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car., Wilmington, 1879, xxvi, 67-69. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879. iv, 27-30.— Farcr (P.) Case of adherent prepuce, congenital, the cause of convulsions; opisthotonos marked; relief by op- eration. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1878, xxix, 237.— Ford. Relations of nervous disorders antl insanity to congenital phimosis; [with discussion |. St. Louis M. Soc, 1879, 257.—Friw»«>l I (J.) Caseof operation for phimosis and adherent prepuce. Tr. M. Soc. \V. Virg., Wheeling, 1877, 300.—«ray (L. C.) Tbe question of reflex disturb- ances from genital irritation. Metl. lice., N. Y., 1881, xx, 576-581.—lleiincmaiin (W.) Aimcborner Mangel der Vorhaut. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 296- 301.—Home (W. N.) Report of a case of spiutil antenna, produced by reflex irritation, from phimosis and adherent prepuce. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, viii, 97.— Hupp (J. C.) Cases of phimosis and adherent prepuce. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling. 1877, 267-274. Also, Re- print.—Jackson. Phimosis with adhesion between the prepuce aud the glans, the normal condition of the new- born fietus. Boston M. efe S. J., 1860, lxii, 325. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv, 112.— .Innwen (A.)- Considerations sur les affections et acci- dents causes par la brievet6 du frein du prepuce. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1870, 1, 21; 109; 205. [Rap. tie Schuermans.] Bull. Soc. roy. tl. sc. nted. et nat. de Brux., 1869, 53-57. — K re it ner (L.) Ausgedehnter Riss des Praputiums, durch Phimosis congenita wah- rend des Coitus erworhen. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1884, x, 85. — Laiighomc (T. G.) Case of cough (reflex) antl convulsions due to adherent prepuce. Lancet, Loud., 1889, i, 835.— liaugicr (S.) Du phimosis congenial avec adherence, chez les nouveau-n6s. Arch.g6u. denied.. Par., 1831, xxvii, 5-16.—1/cmerii (E. C.) Congenital phimosis with adherent prepuce. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1877, xiv, 620-624. — l.e-mcit (J. R.) Firm union of prepuce to glans penis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 135.—Lciiiianl (F. M.) Adhered prepuce. Texas Cour. Rec.-Med., Dallas, 1886-7, iv, 146.—Mackenzie (J. I.) Congenitally impervious prepuce. [Case.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 335 -Matthews (J. P.) A contribution to the report of the committee on hygienics of children on phimosis. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1877, xxvii, 175- 183. — Meyer. Abuorme Absonderuiig an der Vorhaut eineslrren. INebstResultatdercheniischenUntersuchung durch Dr. Marquart.] Met).. Cor.-151. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1842, i, 66; 126. — MinK-guiaga ( F. ) Imperforacion congenita del prepucio; tratamiento qui- rurgico; curacion. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1876, ii, 271-273.—rVancrcde. Symptoms of vesical calculus from elongated prepuce. Polyclinic, Phila., 1884-5, ii, 63.— OlivareM (J. G.) Import a ne.ia patog6nica de laprolonga- cion escesivadel prepucio con 6 sin cstrecbez tie su aber- tura. Siglo nted., Madrid, 1864, xi, 8C; 99; 113; 129—O'.Veil (A. A.) Elongated prepuce as a cause of impotency. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1873-4, ii, 449-451.—Picard (H.) De la dilatation du prepuce chez les enfants. Ann. tlo gynec, Par., 1882, xvii, 364-368.- Piping (W. C.) Elon- gated prepuce a preventive to sexual intercourse. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, ix, 76.-Pollock (C.) A case of preputial irritation. Med. et Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 139. -----. Convulsions caused by preputial irritation. Ibid., 1883, xlviii, 316.—Price (P. C.) Congenital phimosis: considered as a frequent cause of irritation of the genito urinary organs of young children s and the importance of its early recognition and removal. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1861-2, i, 153-165.—Bichet. Etroitesse eong6nitate tlu prepuce amenant les memes consequences qu'un retrecissement de l'urethre. Gaz. d. hop., Par., PREPUCE. 638 PRESBYTERIAN. Prepuce (Abnormities of). 1882 lv 530. — Bobbins (N. A.) Congenital phymosis, with aillicsinn of foreskin. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 398—Boy ((J. C.) A case of imperforate anus and pre- puce. Lancet, Lond.. 1884, ii, 1092.—May re (L. A.) On the deleterious results of a narrow prepuce and preputial adhesions. Tr. Internat. M. < ong., 9. sess.. Wash., 1887, iii, 461-476. Also, Reprint— Nccrelnin. Calrul vesical chez un enfant [with contracted preputial orifice]. Soc. d. sc. nted.de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1871, xxv, 30-33.—vou Si^iiniiKl. Ueber den prophylaktischen Werth opera- tive! lleliandlnng tier Vorhautverengerung, mit besonderer He/ie-liiuig auf venerische Erkrankungen. Wien. med. Presse', 1880, xxi, 801; 833.—Snowball (W.) On phimo- sis as a cause of reflex nervous affections. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 533-538.—Wiggiii (A. AV.) Phymosis, with adhesion ofthe prepuce' to the glans penis for nearly its whole extent. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 187— WoodNon (L. M.) Adherent prepuce and some ot its consequences. Louisville M. News, 1885, xx. 386.— Voting (W. E.) Diarrhoea and nervous symptoms caused bv tight prepuce ; circumcision ; cure. Physician efe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1884, vi, 152. Prepuce (Cancer of). Ahlbcrg. t Scirrhuspraeputii. Ars-Beratt. om Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Arb. 1841, Stockholm, 1842. 108.—Englisch. Ki ebs der Vorhaut; Exstirpatiou ; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879,314 — <*roer. Rak sk6rny napletka (epithelioma praeputii). Gaz. lek.. Warzawa, 1875, xviii, 137.—von IVierop (A. S.), jr. Se irrhus praeputii. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1842-3, v, 739-744.—Tatmn. Cancer of the prepuce. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 329.—Verneuil. Tumeur cancereuse des glandes cutanttes du prepuce. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 33. Prepuce (Concretions in). See Calculus (Preputial). Prepuce (Diseases of). See, also, Balanitis; Genitals (Cutaneous dis- eases of.); Paraphimosis. Handyogei,. Traitement des affections du prepuce par l'orlatomie. 8°. Paris, 187:1. Salomon (D.) Knrzgefasste Abhandlung von der Phimosis, Paraphimo.sis und einigen andern Krankheiten der Vorhaut des mauulichen Gliedes, mit Beschreibung tier verschiedenen Operations- Methoden untl der Beschneidung der Israeliten. 8°. Quedlinburg u. Leipzig, 1833. Wadd (W.) Cases of diseased prepuce and scrotum. 4°. London, 1817. Basedow. Etwas iiber den Vorhaut-Herpes. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1825, viii, 607-615.—Brown (R.) Chronic enlargement of the prepuce. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 733.—Depas. Excision pour un cas d'hypertrophie considerable du pr6puce. Ann. Soc. de nteei. de Liege, 1848, iii, 107-134.—Focliier. Kyste s6bace du pr6puce. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. el. sc. nted. de Lyon (1868), 1869, viii, 111.—Goldsborough (H. T.) Case of herpes pre- putialis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxiv, 556.— Leautautl. Observation sur un porreau au prepuce, dune grosseur extraordinaire. J. tie nted., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1762, xvii, 178.—iVlcKcchnic. Observations upon herpes of the prepuce. Edinb. M. Case of horny excrescence from the prepuce, cureel bv the application of the sesquichloride of antimony. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lond., 1849, 540.—Taylor (R. W.) Balanitis, followed hy the development of enor- mous warts antl pei filiation of the prepuce. Phot. Rev. M. efc S., Phila., 1871-2, ii, 11, 1 pl. Preractov (Stephauus). * De struma. '22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pestini, M. Trattner de Petroza, 1827). [P., v. 1313.] Pre-Saint-Didier. Borsarelli (P. A.) Dell' esistenza dell' arscnico nell' acquaminerale ferruginosa di Pr6-Saint-Diilier, presso Cor- niayeur, valle d' Aosta. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1850, 2. s., ix, 51-63. Presbeanu (Nicolas-J.) * De l'eudocartlite. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 80. Presfourg. See Fever (Typhus, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. Presbyopia. See, also, Eye (Accommodation, etc., of, Disor- dered); Myopia; Spectacles. Collet (M.-J.-T.) * De la myopie et ele la presbyopic ± des v6ritables modifications ocu- laires qui les determinent. 4°. Paris, 1853. Doekinckel (W.) * 1. Ueber elie Abnahmo eler Accoinniodationsbreite in verschiedenen Sta- dien der Presbyopic 2. Ueber die Abnahme dor Sehschiirfe bei abnehmender Beleuchtnng. 8"1. Marburg, [lc"*76]. Berlin (R.) Die Auswahl von Brillen bei Presbyopic. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxii, 57; 65.—Dec-omle. Dela presbyopic. Ann. Soe. demCd. d'Anvers, 1K43, 104-143.—Oemour». I'resbvtie. Diet. d. sc. nted., Par., 1820, xiv, 87-92.— I>u valdeatin. Notes sur quelques auomalies dela vue prosbyte (hyperin6tropie) (causees par 1'usage des verres convexes nionoeulaircs em- ployes binoculairemeut); rectification de ces anomalies par de nouveaux verres binoculaires. Rec. tl. trav. Soc. nted. d'lndre-et-Loire, Tours, 1862, lxi, 71-84.— Fano. fitudes cliniques sur la presbyte. J. d'ocul., Par., 1883, xi, 1; 11; 21; 41; 51; 61.—Frobclius (W.) Die Presbyopia paralytica. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1853, x, 363; 369; 377. [See, also, infra, von Oettiugen (G.)]— Hansen (E.) Om Presbyopi. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1858, i,54.—Hill (E.) Farsightedness. Nature,Loud., 1884-5, xxxi, 553.—Holler (A.) Das Verhaltniss der Presbyopic zur Myopie und Hyperopie. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1861, viii, 253.—Holthouse. Case of sudden presbyopia in a boy ten years of age. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 256.— Hunter (J.) Case of sudden and temporary occurrence of presbyopia in a young boy. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1840, Iiii, 124-129.-----. Caseof presbvopia occurring suddenly. North. J. M., Edinb., 1844-5, ii, 407-409. Also, Reprint— rTIagni. Presbiopia, e generality sulle lenti usate come oeehiali. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1866, v, 181-185.—von Octtingen (G.) Zu dem Artikel "Presbyopia paraly- tica (WrPidhelius) ". Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1854, xi, 49; 57.—Szokalski (W.) Znikuieeie dhigow- zrocznosci w staroftci. [Disappearance of presbyopia iu old age.l Medycyna, Warszawa, 1879, vii, 529-531.—/le- bender (W.) Presbyopic. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1866, iv, 424-434. Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital, Baltimore. [Circular letter of the committee, announcing the organization of the hospital.] 11. 4°. [Baltimore, 1877.] Organized Dec, 1877. -----. Annual reports of the board of governors and surgeon to the subscribers. 1.-10., 1H77-H to 1887. 8°. Baltimore, 1879-H8. Fifth rep., for thirteen months ending Dec. 31,1882. PKESBYTERIAK 639 PRESL. Presbyterian Home for Aged Women, N. Y. City. Annual report of the managers to the con- tribtitors and members. 7., 1872-3. 17 pp. 8°. Xew York, E. W. Sackett $ Bro., 1873. Organized and incorporated 1866. Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York. Annual reports of the board of managers and of- ficers to the society. 1.-20., 1868-9 to 1887-8. 8C. New York, 1869-88. Organized and incorporated 1868. 1.-13. bound in 2 v. Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia. An- nual reports of tho board of trustees antl super- intendent to the corporation at the annual meet- ings. 1.-16., 1871-86. 8'-'. Philadelphia, 1872-87. Incorporated March 25, 1871. Opened July 1, 1872. 1.- 10. bound in 1 v. Presbyterian Orphanage of the State of Penn- sylvania, Philaelelphia. Annual reports of the managers to the contributors. 1.-3., 1878-80. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878-81. Presfoytina. Murie (J.) Observations upon Presbytes al- bigena, Gray, and Colobus guereza, Ruppell. 8°. [London, 1865.] Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, 740-745. Prescot. Review ofthe efforts to improve the sanitary state of Prescot, from 1863 to 1870. Mr. Brier- ley's report upon the proposed works of sewerage aiid drainage, etc., for the local board for the district of Prescot, in the county of Lancaster. 12°. Prescot, 1870. Repr. from: Prescot Reporter, March 26, 1870. Prescott(AlbertB[enjamiu])[1832- ]. Chem- ical examination of alcoholic liquors. A man- ual of the constituents of the distilled spirits and fermented liquors of commerce, and their qualitative and quantitative determination. 108 pp. 8°. New York, D. Van Noslrand, 1875. -----. Outlines of proximate organic analysis, for the itlentification, separation, and quanti- tative extermination of the more commonly occurring organic compounds. 192 pp. 12°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1875. -----. The use of household filters for potable waters. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1880.] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1880, viii. -----. The chemistry of nitrogen as disclosetl in the constitution of the alkaloids. 19 pp. 8°. Salem, 1887. Repr. from: Proc. Am. Ass. Adv.Sc,Salem, 1887,xxxvi. Also, Editor of: Contributions from the chemical laboratory of the University of Michigan. 8°. A nn Ar- bor, 1882. Prescott (Oliver) [1762-1827]. A dissertation on the natural history aud medicinal effects of the secale cornutum, or ergot. Read at the an- nual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, June 2, 1813. 18 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Boston, Gumming q Billiard, 1813. -----. Thesame. 16pp., lpl. 8°. [n.p.],1813. Title-page missing. Prescott (Richard). Moelern sanitary engineer- ing; paper read before the Pi Eta Scientific So- ciety ofthe Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 15 pp. 8°. Troy, Lisk $ Barnum, 1882. Prescott (William). The model physician ex- eiiiplitied, in an address upon the importance of an elevated, well established professional repu- tation to a physician's ultimate success and use- fulness. Delivered before the medical graduating class of Dartmouth College. 8 pp. 8°. [n.p., 187)3. ] Ci Prescriber's (The) pharmacopoeia, containing all the medicine's in the British Pharmacopoeia arranged in classes according to their action, with their composition and doses. Revised and edited Prescriber's (The) pharmacopceia—cont'd. by Nestor Tiraid. 6. ed. xii, 168 pp. 32°. Lon- don, J. $• A. Churchill, 1886. ------. Thesame. By a practicing physician. Al- tered to correspond with the United States Dis- pensatory. Revised auel improved by an Anier- ican physician. 2. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. xiv, 15-144 pp. 16°. New York, S. S. & W. Wood, 1846. Prescribing. See Apothecaries; Formulee, etc.; Medicines (Administration, etc., of). Prescriptions. See Physicians (Relations of) to pharmacists; Weights, etc. Prescriptions pour la prevention des maladies 6piil6miques et contagieuses dans les ecoles en Angleterre. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, 1885. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1885, xiii. Prese (Le). Helflft. Der Kurort Le Prese. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 106. Present (Le) et l'avenir du corps de sant6 des armies ele terre. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Bracke, 1860. [P., v. 625.] Present (The) ill state of the practice of physick, etc. See [Moyle (J.)]. Present (The) state of medical learning iu the city of New York. 16 pp. 8C. New York, T. d' J. Swords, 1797. [Also, in: P., v. 572.] Present (The) state of physick auel surgery iu Lonelon, with an estimate of the prices of all the medicines now in use. In a letter from a mer- chant in Lonelon to a dispensary physician, with the physician's answer. 2 p. l.,30pp. 8°. Lon- don, T. Speed, 1701. Presentiments. Andrews. Presentiments of death; cases. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1872, xiii, 7.—Carreiio (M. R.) Mas sobre los presentimientos de, los enferinos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1861, viii, 194-196.—Castellvi y I* all are* (F.l Presentimientos de algunos enferinos. Ibid.. 1861, viii, 65.—Dclasiauvc. Uonsiiterations diagnostiques sur les pressentiments. Gaz. hebd. de nted., Par., 1856, iii, 489; 505.—Montgomery (W. F.) Mental impressions or pre- sentiments of impending danger or approaching death veri- fied by the result. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, n. s., iv, 18.— Santillan. Fatales presentimientos. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1864, i, 179-182. Preservalif contre les faux principes et les maximes dangereuses eStablies par M. de Mont- geron, pour justifier les secours violens qu'on tlourjee aux convulsionnaires. 37 (1 1.), 455 pp. 16°. [n.p.], 1750. Preservatif contre la fumee, ou moyens de con- struire les nouvelles cheminees et de r6parer les anciennes. See J. (L.-A.-M.). President [Chas. F.] Chandler and the New York Citv health department. 1866-83. 15 pp. 8°. [Neiv York, 1883.] Repr. from: San Engin., N. T., 1883, vii. Presidential and other addresses, by Ed. C- Harwood, together with aeldresses by George T. Elliot, Lewis A. Sayre, Frank H. Hamilton, A. B. Crosby, etc. 3 p. 1., 81 pp. 8°. New York, W. R. Jenkins, 1883. Reprints from miscellaneous periodicals. PresI (A. C. B.) Epistola de symphysia, nova genere plantarum, ad Josephum de Jacquiu. 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. [Prague, 1827.] PresI (Friedrich). Die Schutzpocken-Impfung, ihre Leitung uud Durchfiihrung. Eine Samm- lung siimmtlicher Vorschriften daruber fiir die im Reichsrathe vertretenen Keinigreiche u. Lander, init Beriicksichtigung der betreffenden Gesetzgebung eles Deutschen Reichs. 80 pp. 12°. Prag, B. Mercy, 1878. ------. Die Prophylaxis der ubertragbaren Infec- tions-Krankheiten; ein Handbuch fiir Aerzte, PKESL. 640 PKESTUL. PresI (Friedrich)—continued. Sanitiitsbeamto und Physikats-Candidaten, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der osterreichischen und deutschen Gesetzgebung. v, 147 pp. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, Urban it. Sehtearzenberg, 1881. Presle-Dliplessis (C.-Numa). * Propositions sur l'alienation mentale. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, ?vo. 26, v. 154. PrcssailS (Pierre). *De l'angine de poitrine. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 125. Pressat. .Set' VI inline (Louis) efc JPressat. Delapepsine [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1860. Pressat (J.-E.) 'Observation sur un cas d'ab- sencedu nerf olfactif. 118 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 441, v. 319. Pressat (Petrus Eleonorius). * Diss, sistens discrimen inter febrim pituitosain et biliosam, utramque puram, simplicem absque coniplica- tieme consideratuin. 30 pp. 4°. Parisiis, 1897, No. 88, v. 68. Pressaviii. Nouveau traits des vapeurs, ou traite des maladies des nerfs, daus lequel on de- veloppe les vrais principes des vapeurs. 3 p. 1., xiii, 351 pp. 12°. Lyon, V. Beguilliat, 1770. -----. Thesame. Neue und griindliche Abhand- lung von denNerven-Krankheiten unel elen Diin- sten, oeler sogenaunten Vapeurs, worinuen zu- gleich die rechte Art tlieselben. zu heilen, gelehret wird. Aus dem Frauzosischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt. 23 p. 1., 392 pp. 12°. Niirnberg, W. Sch warzkopf, 1772. -----. Traite* des malaelies veneriennes, dans lequel on indique un nouveau reniede, dont l'ef- ficacite' est constat6e, par des experiences r6it6- rees et uu succes constant, depuis dix annees. Nouv. ed., augment6e d'une dissertation sur l'iuo- culiition de la petite varole. 434 pp., 47 pl. 12-. Gencre, J. S. Grabit, 1775. -----. Arte, tie conservar la salud y prolongar la vida, 6 tratado ele higiene. Trad, al castellano por D. Bartolome' Gallardo. xxxvi, 321 pp. 8v. Salamanca, D. F. de Toxar, 1800. Presse (La) m6eiicale: ancien Journal hebdo- matlaire. He'd, par le docteur Ameel6e Latour. Nos. 1-66 ,v. 1), Jan. 4 to Aug. 23, 1837. 4°. Paris. Ended. A contiuuation of: Journal hebdomadaire eles progres des sciences et institutions medicates. Presse (La) medicale. Journal eles journaux ele inejdecine. Rddacteur en chef, directeur: le Dr. Alex. Mayer. Paralt tous les samedis. Nos. s, 9, annee 1, Feb. 19, 26, 1853; nos. 17, 20, annee 2, April 29, May 20, 1854. 4 \ Paris. Presse (La) medicale beige. Redaction : J. Han- non, J. Crocq et F. Houze\ [Weekly.] v. 1-12, Dec. 31, 1848, to Dec. 16, 1860; v. 26-42, Dec. 7, 1873, to 1890. 4°. Bruxelles. Curreut. Want no. 28, v. 12 (July 1, I860); v. 13-25 (1861 -7:,); no. 51, v. 26 (Nov. 22, 1874); no. 4, v. 27 (Dec. 27, 1874). v. 4-5, 1852-3, Dr. Hanuon sole edit•>!•; v. 6-9 1854-7, J. Geens editor; after 1857 J. H. Thirv principal editor. In 1850: Gazette medicale beige merged in this .journal, v. 31 commenced Jan. 5, 1879. In 1890 became 8°. -----. See, also: imrrnn. La Presse medicale beige; sou passe; son avenir. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1855-6, viii, 5-7. Piesse (La) m6dicale de Paris, tie province etde let ranger. Revue medicale, chirurgicale, phar- macentii|iie et scientihque. [Monthly.] Le g6- rant: C. Viguon. v. 1-2, Dec, 1880, to June, lf82. 8°. Paris. Presse (La) veterinaire. Journal public" sous la direction de MM. J. Biot, L. Gamier et H. Ros- signol. [Monthly.] v. 1-9, 1881-9. 8C. Paris. After 1884 printed at Angers. Pressel (G. F. C.) *De saturuo variis in morbis interna?, adhibendo. 37 pp. 8°. Tubingce, tun. C. B. Ileisii, [1831]. Pressen (Laurentius). *De somno naturali et poineridiano. 48 pp. 8°. Vienna;, e lypoy. Ka- Hieodiano, [1767]. Presse lid a (Joseph Antouius). *I. Departihus primigc.niis solidoruni corporis humani, etc. Ill pp. 4°. Augustce Taurinorum, V. Ghiringhello et B. Bonaudo, [1817]. [P., v. 943.] -----. *I. De gangrama, [etc.]. 23pp., 11. 'o, Augustce Taurinorum, vidua Pomba et filii, [1^171 [P., v. 943.] J' dePresseux(PhilippusLudovicus). *Dea<|iiis spadinis. 32 pp. 4°. Lugd. Hat., J. I.ttzuc [1736]. Pressler ([Henricus] Fridericus) [1811- ]. * De scrofulosi et tuberculosi nonnulla. 32 pp., 2 1. i">°. Berolini, typ. Natorjjianis, | 1837]. Pressoil* (Charles-Antoine). "Essai sur une marche a suivre elans les recherches toxicologi- ques. 45, 7 pp. 4°. Paris, Poussielgue, Masson , xii, 010- 612.—Liazari. Die Heilquellen zu La I'reste in den P.vre- niien, nach eigenen Anschauungen beschrieben. Schmidt's Jahrb., Lcip/... 1851, lxxi, 228-231.—l,efort (J.) Source tie la Preste. Bull. Acad, do nted., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 1110.—Vincent (A.) Notice sur retablisseinent thermal de la Preste. Arch, de metl. nav., Par., 1868, ix, 30-:in. Also, Reprint. Prestel (M. A. F.) Die jahrliche, periodischo Aentlerung des atmospharischen Ozons und die ozonoskopische Wintlrose als Frgehniss eler Be- obachtungen zu Emden von 1857 bis 1864. 13 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Dresden, E. Blochmann u. Sohn, 1865. -----. Die periodischcii uud nichtperiodischen Veriiuderungeu des Barouieterstaudes, so wie PKBSTBL. 641 PliESTWICH. Prcstel (M. A. F.)—continued. die Stiirme und das Wetter iiber der hannover- scheu Nordseekiiste, als Griundlage der Sturm- uud Wetter-Prognose. 2 p. 1., 150 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Emden, der Verfasser, 1866. _____, Die Wintle iiber der deutschen Norelsee- kiiste and dem siidlichen Theile der Nordsee, nach ihrer periodischen Veranderung im Latife tics Jahres dargestellt. Zugleich als Ergiinzuug der Seekarten von der Nordseekiiste. 14 pp., 1 map. 4°. Emden, T. Bahn Wwe., 1868. Constitutes No. 13 of: Kleine Schriften der naturfor- Bchenden Gesellschaft in Emden. _____. Das Gesetz tier Winde abgeleitet aus elem Auftreteu derselben iiber Nordwest-Europa. 26 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Emden, T. Bahn Wwe., 1869. Constitutes No. 14 of: Kleine Schriften der naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft in Emden. -----. Der Sturmwarner und Wetteranzeiger, ein nach wissenschaftlichen Gruudsiitzeu ausge- iiibrtes und durch Beobaehtung uud Erfahrung bewahrtes Instrument zur Vorherbestininmng von Sturm und Wetter, v, 55 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Emden u. Aurich, W. Bay nel, 1870. ■-----. Die Temperatur-Verhtiltuisse und die mit der Hohe zunehmentle Teniperatur in der Schicht des Ltiftmeeres, seiche dieErdoberfliiche unmit- telbar beriihrt. Nach elen Beobachtungen auf dem meteorologischenObservatoriuni zu Emden. 24 pp. 8°. Emden, T. Bahn Wwe., 1871. Constitutes No. 15 of: Kleine Schriften der naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft in Emden. -----. Die Winde in ihrer Beziehung zur Salu- britat unel Morbilitat. Eiu Beitrag zur meelizi- nischen Witterungs- und Klimakunde. 19 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Emden, T. Bahn Wwe., 1872. Constitutes No. 16 of: Kleine Schriften der naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft in Emden. -----. Ergebnisse der Witterungs-Beobachtun- gen, welche in dem Decennium von 1864 bis 1873 auf dem meteorologischen Observatoriuni zu Emden gemacht sind, nebst Erfahrungen, be- treffend die Beziehung der Witterung zu dem Landwirthschafts- und Seefahrts-Betriebe, dem Gesundheitszustande u. s. w. 47 pp. 4°. Ban- norer, Gebr. Jdnecke, 1875. Constitutes No. 17 of: Kleine Schriften der naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft zu Emden. -----. Die hochste und nietlrigste Temperatur, welche an jedem Tage von 1836 bis 1877 auf dem meteorologischen Observatoriuni in Emden an einem Rutherford'schen Thermograph beobach- tet ist. xliv, 49 pp. 4°. Emden, 1«79. Constitutes No. 18 of: Kleine Schriften eler naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft zu Emden. Prestele (Ernst Karl). * Von der Ecchymosis am unel im menschlichen Auge. 22 pp. 8°. Augsburg, Lauter, 1847. Prestele (Nie.) *De circulatione pathologica. 16 pp. 8°. Monaci, F. Wild, [n. d.]. Prestino. Micotti (G.) Le acque minerali di Prestino (Bognan- coileutro-Ossola). Indipendente, Torino, 1876, xxvii, 425- 434. ' Preston. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the sanitary committee of the bor- ough of Preston, for the years 18.80; 1881; 1885. 8°. Preston, 1881-6. 1880, 1881, and 1885 by H. 0. Pilkington. Preston (Ann). Valedictory aelelress to the graduating class of the Female Medical College ot Pennsylvania, for the session of 1857-8. 16 PP. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Eetterlinus, 1858. —-—. Introductory lecture to the class of the female Medical College of Pennsylvania. 14 PP- 8°. Philadelphia, A. Eetterlinus, 1859. . Nursing the sick and the training of nurses. An address delivered at the request of the board of managers of the Woman's Hospital, 41 Preston (Ann)—continued. at Philaelelphia. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King

])., 1 1. 4°. Le Mans, 1884, No. 201. Prevost (Francois-Desire). * De la cystite aigue. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 105, v. 488. Prevost (G.-A.) * Considerations sur le phimosis et le paraphimosis, et leurs eliffereus procedes operatoires. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 324, v. 292. Prevost (G.-E.-Edmond). *Du traitement des fractures ele l'extremit^ inferieure du radius. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 176, v. 564. Prevost (Henri). *>Siir la tievre muqueuse. xii, 13-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 73, v. 121. Prevost (Hippolyte). See ITIagcndie (Francois). Lecons sur le cholera- niorbus [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1832. Prevost (Honore-Albert). * De la valeur thera- peutique de l'eiherisnie. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 124, v. 514, PKKYOST. 644 PKKYKlt. PpcvomI (Jean) [1600-00]. Nabias (B.-M.-N.) *Jean Prevost, meilecin tie la ville tie Pan, et son i atalogue eles plantes du Bcarn, ele la Navarre, tlu Bigorre et ties cotes ele la mer depuis Bayonne jusqu'a Saint-Sebastien (1600-1660). 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Prevost (Jean-Louis)1 [ 1790-1850]. De la gene- ration chez le sechot (Mulus gobio). 12 pp., 1 pl. 4U. Geneve, Barbezat ,_)'■ Delarue, 1828. [P., v. 1592. J Repr. from: M6m. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. ele Gen6ve, 1826, iv. -----. De la gen6ration chez le lymnee (Helix palustris). 16 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Geneve, Barbezat $ Delarue, 1828. [P., v. 1592.] Repr. from : M6m. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. de Geneve, 1826, iv. -------. Note sur la circulation du foetus chez les ruminants. 11 pp. 4°. Geneve, Barbezat Sr Delarue, 1828. Repr. from: M6m. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. de Geneve, 1826, iv. Also, Co-Editor of: Revue ntedicale de la Suisse Ro- mande, Geneve, 1881. See, also, Gohhc (Louis-Andre), Prevost efc Dupin. Rapports du dispensaire de Geneve .. . 8°. Geneve, 1823. -----, -----, -----efe Ijombanl. Troisieme rapport, [etc.]. 8°. Geneve, 1830. For Biography, see Notice hiographique sur le Dr. J.-L. Prevost. Bibliotlteque universelle tie Geneve. Decembre 1850. 8°. Geneve, 1850. See, also, Allft. metl. Centr.-Ztg-, Berl., 1850, xix. Also: Gaz. med. de Far., 1850, 3. s., v, 255-260 (Lehert). Also: Mem. Soc. de hiol. 1850, Par., 1851, n. s , ii, 60-66 (Lehert). -----& D ll ill as (J.-A.) Examen tin sang et de son action elans les divers phenomenes de la vie. 24 pp. 8C. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 1574.] -----------. Note sur l'emploi ele la pile dans le traitement ties calculs de la vessie. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, Feugueray, 1823.] [P., v. 1575.] Repr. from: Ann. de ehim. et phys., Par., 1823, xxiii. Prevost (Jean-Louis)2. * De la eteviation con- juguee ties yeux et de la rotation de la tete elans certains cas d'hemiplegie. 144 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 30. [Also, in: P., v. 311.] -----. Etude clinique sur le deiire alcoolique. 41 pp. 8°. Geneve, Bale, Lyon, B. Georg, 1875. -----. Conipte rendu des travaux de la Societe medicate du canton de Geneve pendant l'annee 1876, In a hi seance du 3 Janvier 1877. 22 pp. 8°. Geneve, B. Georg, 1877. ------. Antagonisme physiologique. Rapport pre- sente au Congres medical international tie Geneve (14 septembre 1877). 36 pp. 8°. Geneve, B. Georg, 1878. —;----. Catalogue des publications periodiques interessant les sciences medicates qui se trouvent a la Bibliotheque publique, la Societe medicate, la Soctete de lecture tie Geneve. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Geneve, B. Georg, H79. -------. Note relative a Paction physiologique de la paraldehyde, presentee le 15 aout 1884 a la section de biologie du Cougres international des sciences medicates de Copenhague. 14 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1884. Repr. from: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1884, iv. -----& Billet (Paul). Cas de coma diabetique chez un enfant. Quelques experiences de phy- siologie pathologique. 20 pp. 8°. Geneve, H. Georg, 1887. Repr. from: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii. ------ ------• Recherches experimentales rela- tives a Paction des medicaments sur la secretion biliaire et a leur elimination par cette secretion. Hi pp. 8'-'. Geneve, 1888. Repr. from: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1888, viii. -----& Cotard (J.) Etudes physiologiques et pathologiques sur le ramollissement cerebral. Prevost (Jean-Louis)-—continued. Memoire In a la Societe de biologic. 141 pp 4 1., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahage, 1866. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Soc. do hiol. 1805, Par. ]n vnl. Cas de priapisme constteutif k une contusion tie l'occiput. Echo nted., Neueliat., 1859, iii, 153.— FiNcher. Ein Fall von 16 Tage dauernitem Priapismus. Ztschr. f. Wund- arzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 188o, xxxi, 19-23.—Groan (S. D.) t West, M. Gaz., Cincin., 1835, ii, 14-16. — Oys- brrchtN. t J. ele, nted., chir. it pharmacol., Brux., 1848,' vii, 223-227. — Hargii ( R. B. S. ) Observations oif per- sistent priapism, with a case treated successfully by tlie bromide of potassium. N. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxii, 442-447. Priapism. Also [Abstr.J: Boston M. efe S. J., 1809, l\xxi, 234.-Ilnr. wood (K. C.) Prolonged priapism in connection with localized myelitis. [One year and sixteen days.) Intel nat J. Surg., N. Y., 1889, ii, 7— llirtl. Case of priapism last- ing six weeks; recovery. Lanei't, Lond., 1873, i. !iu._ IIli^hefM (('. II.) A east-of persistent eeeentrie pi iuiiisiu Kansas M. Iiulex. Fort S.ott;, 1880, i, 198-200.- II ill lie. \ caseof long -continued priapism after coitus. Lancer, l.euie! 1888, i, 321.— Idiopathic priapism. N. Orl. M. iv S. ,!.[ 1858-9, xv, 641-654.— Jadioux. Hypertrophie- ancieiinu du foie et de la rate; priapisme' priibalilemeut du alael- ministration eles cantliurides, it suivi de mort.; observation recueillie par M. Fouieau-Beauregard. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1845, 2. s., vii, 620.— .lanzion. Observation sur uue ttevrii remittente maligne ou ataxique, ayant te priapisme' p.nir principal sytupteime pendant la d'ur6e tlu redouble-mint. Ann. Seie. de med.-prat, de Montpel., 1804, iv, 140-154.— Kitlid ) t Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviiii. 113. Also: Pest, nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix, 179. — I.loyil. Obstinate priapism ; hseniopt\sis: recovory. MimI. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1852, n. s., v. 188.— I.on^iiet. 1'i-iapi.stiif cbez un malade atleint de li'iu-einie splcniquc. Pni"ieH nted., Par., 1875, iii, 447-449. Also, transl.: Me-d. Tress ii Circ, Loud., 1875, ii, 254-256.—«le I^onjon. Priapisme; castration pratiqutte par lo malade hii-meme: hemorrliagie de l'art&re siiermatique; emploi du perelilorure de ler; guerison. Ree. tl. trav. Soe-.. nted. d'ftidre-et-Loire, Tours, 1854, 21-25.—liOiijeer- Villcrmnv. Priapisme. Ilict.d. sc. med.. Par., 182U, xiv, 114-122.— TIatUie (.1.) Notes of a case of persistent priapism. Edinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii. 418-423. Also, Reprint.—.Matthias (H.) Noeli ein Fall von Priapismus bei Leukauuia lienalis. Allg. nii-el. Cenlr.. Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv, 1185; 1197.—ITIaurrl. Observation sur un priapisme, suivi de retention d'urine. J. dc med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1772, xxxviii, 150-153.—.Hoorc (J.) A singular case of priapism. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi. 94-97.—IVi'idhart. Ueber Priapismus lici Leukamie. Allg. med Centr. Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv, 681- 683.—Neumann (I.) Ueber Priapismus uud (,'avcrnitht. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellseli. d. Aerzte in Wieu, lssj. 99-103. Also: Med. Jahrb., Wien, 18H2, 143-158.1 pl.—I\ i< hei «oii (L. H. A.) Case of priapism cured by dilatation of urethra. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1h78. v, 29. — IVole (L.) Priapisme inflammatoire constats chez un enfant de douze k treize ans; inutility des premiers moyens employes pour te combattre, et lions effets deeisifs de la saign6e g6neiale. J. de nted., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 185.5. d. s., vii, L'li7- 269—Oliver (J. H.) An obstinate case of priapism. Smith. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1848, n.s., iv, 592— I'aulliiii (C. F.) De priapismo ab extraeto pancbyniagogo Crollii. Mise-. Acad. nat. curios., Lips, et Francof., 1694, i, decuria 3, 240.— Payne (li. L.) Priapism and impotence. Virginia M. Month., Ricbuiond, 1876, iii, 615.—Pcabody (G. L.) On persistent priapism, not connected with lesion of the cen- tral nervous svstem. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 463-472.— Kobrrt efe Viilal. Bons effects de l'emploi du hipulin eoiitre- les ei-e-etions qui surviennent a la suite de l'oplua- tion elu phimosis. Bull.g6u.de ttterap., etc., Par., 1855, xlviii, 128. — Mnlzrr (F.) Ein Fall von laugdauetiideiii Priapismus. nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Beziehungen des- sellieu zu Leukamie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 152; 687.—Willi Ih (J.) A ease ol priapism lasting more than four weeks; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1873, i. sol — *tmilh (J. R.) Idiopathic priapism, with a ease. N.Orl. J. M, 1869, xxii, 57-til.— Sor«'*ina (G. B.) liiapiMiin nottuino, compagno e postumo di bleunorragia, reliattaiin ad ogni rimedio per otto mesi; guarito eol broniuro di po- tassio nell' undecimo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1862, 5. s., i, 313. ------. II bromuro di potassio nelle abuormi r moleste erezioni del peue (priapismo). (Iter. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1869, i. 129-134.—Mtimson (L. A.) Persist- ent priapism. N. York M. J., 188.5, xii, 676.— Taimzlty (R.) Eiu Fallvon Priapismus ; 36 Stunden nachdem Tode beobaehtet im patliologischen Institute zu Wien. Wien. med. Piesse, 1874, xv, 713-716. — Taylor (W. H.) Caseof prolonged priapism. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1883-1, x, 854.—Trip* (J. W.) Caseof continued priapism. Lancet. Lond., 184.5. ii, 8— Vclpeau. Priapisme traite avec suc- ces par la ponction du corps caverneux. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Bar., 1852, xliii, 324— Vicenlini (tl.) Dell' uso bromuro di potassio nel priapismo. Gior. veneto di so med., Venezia, 1870, 3. s., xii, 3-11.—Vorwter. Zur opera- tiven Behandlung des Priapismus. Deutsche Ztschr. t. Chir., Leipz., 1887-8, xxvii, 173-179. —Walker (M. M ) Case of persistent priapism, with remarks. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond. 1876-7. iii, 784-790 Also: Am. J. M Se.. Phila., 1877, n. s.. lxxiii,565.>-Welher<'ll (G. F.) Per sistciit priapism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880. xviii, 192.—von Wiiidi*rh (L. E. ) Priapismus. Schmidt's Jahrb., 1836. Leipz., ix, 214.—Wood (G.) A preventive' for pria- pism, due to onanism. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870, vi, 246. Priapnlu*. Nthn rir (R.) On the skin and nervons system of Pria- pubis ami 1 Jalieryptus. Quart. J. Mier. Se., Lond., 1885, n. s., xxv, 193-213, i pl. PKlBRAM. 647 PRIOHAKD. Pi'il>r:ini (Alfred) & Robitscliek (Joseph). Slutlicn iiber Febris re'cuireiis untl deren Verb ill t- nisszu verwandtiu Krankheitsformen; nach Be- obachtungen auf den medicinischen Kliuiken und Abtheilungen der HH. Prof. Hal la und Jaksch. 3Hi pp., 6 diag. 8°. Prag, C. Reichenecker, 1869. Pril>yleff(N. V.) *Chimicheskii sostavobsheu- putri'liitclnych v Rossii rasfitelnych masle, srav- nitelnaja otsenka ich i prichiny porchi. [Chem- ical composition of Russian vegetable oils; their value and causes of adulteratiou.] 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, M. I. Rumsh, ltt83. Pi-ice (David) [1786-1870]. Obituary. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 649. Price (Eldridge C.) Medical progress. A revis- ion of the paper reael at the sixth annual meeting of the Maryland Homoeopathic Medical Society, Nov. 10th, 1*80. 28 pp. rt°. Philadelphia, 1881. Repr. from: N. Am. J. Homoeop., N. T., 1879-80,n.s., x. Price (Elias C). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Price (H. M.). Editor of: Southern (The) Medical Reformer, For- sytlie, Ga., 1845; Petersburg, Va., 1847-8. Price (James). An essay on the metlical applica- tion of electricity and galvanism, with a concise descriptive account of tlisease. vii, 142 pp. 8°. London, T. 4 G. Underwood, 1821. Price* (James W.) An essay upon the practice of medicine. 14 pp. 8°. New York, W. L. S. Harrison, 1858. -----. Thesame. 24pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., Daily Intelligencer print, 1862. Price (Peter Charles) [1832-64]. Contributions to the surgery of diseased joints, with especial reference to the operation of excision. No. 1. The knee. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. London, J. Chur- chill, 187)9. [P.. v. 1622.] Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, & Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1859, i. ------. On scrofulous diseases of the external lymphatic glands; their nature, variety, auel treatment; with remarks on the management of scrofulous ulcerations, scars, and cicatrices. xvi, 159 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. ------. The winter climate of Mentou (south of France); with hints to invalids intending to re- side there, viii, 79 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 186'. ------. A description of the diseased conditions of the knee-joint which require amputation of the limb, anel those conditions which are favour- aide to excision ofthe joint; with an explana- tion of the relative advantages of both opera- tions as far as can be ascertain eel by cases prop- erly authenticated. Edited, with a preface and memoir of the author, by Henry Smith, xix, 192 pp., 10 pl, port. 8°. London, J. Churchill $ Sons, 1867). For Biography, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1864, xxv, 352. Also.- Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1864, ii, 008-610. Price (Rees). A treatise on the utility of san- gui-suction, or leech-bleeeling, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases; including the opinions of eminent practitioners, ancient and modern; with instructions for the process e>f leeching, antl an appendix, delineating the char- acteristic distinction of true leeches, with direc- tions for their management and preservation. 1 p. 1., 152 pp. 12°. London, Simpkin &■ Marshall, 1822. Price (T.) An essay on the physiognomy and physiology of the present inhabitants of Britain ; with reference to their origin, as Goths antl Celts; together with remarks upon the physiognomical characteristics of Ireland, anel of some of tho neighbouring continental nations, xii, 123 pp. 8°. London, J. Rodwell, 1829. Price (Thomas D.) *On the Magnolia glauca, or common white laurel-tree, xiii, 40 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Humphreys, 1892. Price (William). See Orfila (M. P.) A popular treatise on the remedies to be employed in cases of poisoning, I etc. 1. 8°. London. 1818. l Price (William). Co-Editor of: Journal (The) of Foreign Medical Science and Literature, Philadelphia, 1821-2. Price (William Nicholson) [1827-88]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 52. Price and dose labels of drugs and preparations generally kept in a retail pharmacy, including, besides those officinal in the last revision of the Uniteel States Pharmacopoeia, many other new and rare drugs and chemicals, with the Latin, French, and German synonyms. Edited by Hans M. Wililer. 230 pp., 8 1. 8°. New York, J. B Vail 4- Co., 1888. Pricliard (Augustin). Ten years of operative surgery in the provinces. Being the record of eight hundred and seventy-five operations per- formed from 1850 to 1860. Part I. Comprising 639 cases. 1 p. 1., 174 pp. 12°. London, T. Richards, 1862. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, ii: 1862, i. Pricliard (James Cowles) [1785-1848]. *De generis humani varietate. 149 pp., 2 1. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy et Walker, 1808. [Also, in: P., v. 383.] ------. A history of the epidemic fever, which prevailed in Bristol during the years 1817, 1818, and 1819; founded on reports of St. Peter's Hos- pital and the Bristol Infirmary. 112 pp. 8°. London, J. $• A. Arch, 1820. ------. A treatise on diseases of the nervous sys- tem. Part the first: Comprising convulsive and maniacal affections, xvi, 425 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, T. $ G. Underwood, 1822. ------. A review ofthe doctrine of a vital princi- ple, as maintained by some writers ou physi- ology, with observations on the causes of phys- ical antl animal life, xii, 236 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert Sr Piper, 1829. ------. Researches into the physical history of mankind. 3. ed. 5 v. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert $ Piper, 1836-47. v. 1-4, 3. ed.; in v. 5 the edition is not stated. ------. A treatise on insanity anel other disorders affecting the mind. Ill pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Baswell, Harrington $■ Baswell, 1837. —-----. On the different forms of insanity, in re- lation to jurisprudence; designed for the use of persons concerned in legal questions regarding unsoundness of mind, xi, 243 pp. 12°. Lon- don, B. Bailliere, 1842. -----. The same. 2. ed. xi, 248 pp. 8°. Lon- don, H. Bailliere, 1847. ------. On the relations of ethnology to other branches of knowledge. Delivered at the anni- versary meeting of the Ethnological Society, Juue 22, lri47. 31 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neil d'- Co., 1847. [P., v. 1555.] ------. The natural history of man; comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of phys- ical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family. 4. ed., edited and enlarged by Edwin Norris. 2 v., paged consecutively. xxiv, 720 pp., 62 col. pl. 8°. London, B. Bail- Here, 1855. ------. Six ethnographical maps, illustrative of "The natural history of man" and "Researches into the physical history of mankind". 2. ed. 3 pp. fol. London, Moyes 4 Barclay, 1861. For Biography, see KymomU (J. A.) Some account of the life, writings, and character of the late James Cowles Pricliard. 8°. Bristol, 1849. Also, in his: Miscellanies. 8°. London, 1871, 116-144. See, also, Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 18. P RICHARD. 648 PRIEST. Pricliard (Thomas). * .Statistical report of the cases of insanity treated iu the public lunatic asylums of Scotland, for the year 1845-6. 15 pp. H '. [Edinburgh, 1817.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1847, Ixvii. ------. Statement of cases treated at Abington Abbey, near Northampton, during 1853: with a few observations. 22 pp. 8°. Northampton, Cordeux 4 Sons, 187)4. [P., v. 811.] ------. Statistical report of cases of insanity treateel in Abington Abbey, Northampton, from Jan. 1, 1854, to Dec. 31, 1858. (For the visiting justices of the county of Northampton.) [No. III.] 1 p. 1., 26 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Northampton, Cordeux 4 Sons, 1859. [Also, in : P., v. 882; 885. ] ------. The same. From Jan. 1, 1859, to Dec. 31, 1859. With a few observations. (For the visit- ing justices of the county of Northampton.) No. IV. 32 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Northampton, Cordeux 4' Sons, 1860. [Also, in: P., v. 882.] ------. The same. From Jan. 1,1860, to Dec. 31, 1861. For the visiting justices of the county of Northampton. [No. V.] 47 pp., 1 tab. ft°. Northampton, Cordeux 4' Sons, 1862. ------. Abington Abbey, near Northampton, an establishment for the treatment of insane per- sons. Conducted by . . , 7 pp., 5 pl. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] P rich a rd (William) [1821-72]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J.. 1871-2, iv, 423. Prickle cells. See Epithelium (Conjoined). Prickly heat. See Lichen. Pridcaux (T[homas] Symes). [Strictures on the conduct of Hewett Watson, in his capacity of editor to the Phrenological Journal; with au appendix, containing a speculative aualysis of the mental functions.] 72 pp. 8°. [Ryde, E. Bartnall, 18 10.] Title-pnjjc wanting. ------. The economy of fuel, particularly with reference to reverberatory furnaces for the manu- facture of iron anel to steam-boilers, xvi, 128 pp. 12°. London, Virtue 4'Co., [n. d.]. ------. The waste of teiwns: I. The waste of gas- lime. II. The utilization of labour, sewage, waste lands, etc. III. Waste in large establish- ments. IV. Waste of steam. V. Waste of coal. VI. Waste of old ships. 24 pp. 8°. Sheffield, Paieson 4' Brailsford, 1871. See, also, Strictm-eN, etc. 8°. [Ryde, 1837?] [----- &. Engledue (VV. C.)] A new year's gift for the medical profession. Dr. Carpenter and the antiphrenological physiologists; Messrs. Forbes, Wakley &, Co., the antimesmeric cru- saders. 58 pp. 8°. London, B. Bailliere, 1847. Pridliam (Thomas Lawrence) [1803-73]. Ob- servations on the result of treatment of nearly one hundred eases of asthma. 3. ed. 3 p. 1., 61 pp. 8°. London, T. 4 A. Churchill, 1881. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1860, i-ii. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 533. Prie (Emile). * Considerations sur la digestion ties aliments tire's dn r^gne animal; consequences hygieniepies. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 82, v. 308. Priejjev (Heinrich). Kreuzuach und seine Brom- untl Jod-haltigen Heilquellen. vii, 110 pp. 12°. Kreuzuach, R. Voigtldnder, 1857. Prieger (Henricus Guilelmus) [1819- ]. *De febre intermittente. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Mefackianis, [1843]. Priejjer (Johann Erhard Peter) [ -1863]. " Ueber d.is Hypopium. 1 p. 1., 54 pp. 12°. Wiirzburg, F. E. Nitribitt, [1816]. Prie^ei* (Johann Erhard Peter)—continuetl. ------. Kreu/.nacli untl seine IIeili|iielleu. Znr Belehrung untl Unterhaltung der Batlegiisfe. vi (1 1.), 66 pp., 1 pl. js•■-■. Mainz, F. Kupferberci 1827. ------. Kreuzuach und seine Brum- und Jod-hal- tigon Heilquellen in ihren wichtigsten Bezie- hungen. Nach vieljahrigeu Erfahrungen I'iir Aerzte und Curgaste. xviii, 271 pp., 1 pl. 2 1. 8°. Kreuzuach, L. C. Kehi, 1837. ------ Erfahrungen iiber die Heilkrilfte tier Jod- und Biom-haltigen Elisabeth-Quello zu Kreuz- uach. xii, 125 pp., 1 1. 12°. Mainz, [C.IIeller- mann it. Comp.], 1845. ------. Thesame. The mineral waters of Kreuz- uach. Transl. by Oscar Prieger. xii, 92pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1846. ------. Ueber die Jod- und Brom-haltige Elisa- beth-Quelle und die Mutterlauge zu Kreuzuach, im Auszuge mitgetheilt. 16 pp. 12°. Kreuzuach, [L. A. Piitz], 187)1. ------. Krenznach, seine Jod- untl Brom-haltige Elisabeth-Quelle untl Mutterlauge, deren Wirk- samkeit, Gebrauch und Versenilung. 3d pp. 18°. Krenznach, [L. A. Piitz], 1«53. ------. Thesame. 45pp. 16°. Kreuzuach, [Wohl- leben], 1857. ------. Krenznach, sa source joduree et broinee elite d'Elisabeth et son ean-mere, son efticacittS, son emploi et son exp6dition. 36 pp., 1 1. 12°. Krenznach, F. Wohlleben, 1854. . For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Prieger (Oscar) [1820- ]. *De scirrho ac tuberculo sese invicem excludentibus. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [ 1843]. ------. Ueber Hypertrophie und die hartcu Ge- sch wiilste eles Uterus untl seiner Anhiinge, sowie den Einfluss des Kreuznacher Mineral-Wassers auf tlieselben. 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 187)3. Repr.from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1853, i. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1853. Repr. from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., l'.erl., 1853, i. See, also, Prieger (J. E. P.) The mineral waters of Kreuzuach. 8°. London, 1846. Pricill (J. Maximiliauus). *Monita rpiu-daiu, medicis junioribus comiter acclimata, ne a vero metleudi tramite aberreut. 16 pp. 8°. Monachii, J. A. Giesser, 1837. Priessnitz (Vincent) [1799-1851]. See Kisrl (J.) Manuel d'hvilrosudopathie [etc. ]. 12°. Brvxelles, 1840— C'lnrielgc (U. T.) Ahstraet of hydro- pathy- Xa. London, 1842.—Kniiwwe (J. H.) Ueber die giweihnlichsten iir/.tlichen Missgritl'e beim Gebraueli dea Wassersals Heihuittei. 12°. Lepzig, [n. d.].— vonKech- biirg uml Rolheiilowen (Karl) Gnu. Der Honorar- Professor Dr. Horner iu Muuchen iiber Pi iissnitz's Heil- methode. 12°. Mixnehen, 1841. — Kul (M.) Vier Jahre in Grat'euberg; Zusaiumenstelluug der byuienisi h hydropa- thischeu Methode naeb hiuterlasseiieu I'upieri'ti des . . . Priessnitz. 18°. Freiwaldau, [n. d.].—Nchirferilct'hrr (Chr. Charles). Vinzenz Priessnit/,; or, tlie wonderful power of water, [etc.]. 10°. Philadelphia. 1843.—«« li nil llmrwl (Th.) Grafenlierg, wie es ist unel trinkt, ete. HJ. Berlin u. Wriezen, 1847.—Mchnixlein (K.) Beobachtungen, Er- tahriingon, [etc.]. 12°. Miinchen. 1838. For Biography, see Allg. med. Cenf r.-Ztg., Berl, 1851, xx, 805. Also: Arch. gen. elo m6d., I'ar., 1852, i, 115-118 Also: Gaz. nied. do Par., 1851. 3. 8., vi, 795-804 (M. Guet- tet). Also, Reprint. Also: J. d. conu. med. prat., I'ar., 1851-2, xix, 248(Caffe). Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 58:i. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Pn-sessnitz (The) Monthly, a journal for the rational treatment and prevention of diseases, by C. C. Schiefertlecker. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, May to Oct., 1861. 8°. New York. An advertisement. Priest (Jonathan). Co-Editor of: Toledo (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, 18.7. PRIEST. 649 PBIEXTR. Priest (Michael L.) Medical companion. Treat- ine>, accoreling to the most successful practice, of the'diseases to which man is subject. With a description of vegetable medicines, antl the man- ner of preparing anel using them. Also a de- scription of roots antl herbs. To which is added an essay on hygia, or the art e>f preserving health and prolonging life, vii, 8-214 pp. 12°. Exeter, J. C. Cerrish, 1838. PrU'*< (Peter). linwrcurc (W.) efc Wormley (T. G.) [Trial of Pe- ter Priest for 11 n■> alleged in order of Joseph Saul by poison- ing Reported by "William Lawreuceand T. G. Wormley.] Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1864, xvi, 1-9. Priester (Aron) [1849- ]. * Die Abtrennung ties Scheidentheils wahrend eler (Jeburt. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, J. Schade, 1874. Priestley (Joseph) [1733-1804]. A familiar in- troduction to the study of electricity. 2. ed. 5- 85 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, J. Dodsley [and others], 1709. -----. The same. 4. ed. 5-85 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1786. -----. Observations on different kinds of air. 120 pp., 1 pl. 4°. London, W. Bowyer 4'p. 4°. Paris, 181)8, No. Ill, v. 72. Prieiir (E.-Victor). * Quelques questions sur la syphilis. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 244, v. 514. Prieiir (fimile). * La fievre typhoiele a. .Saint- Denis ele 1873 a 1884. 55 pp., 12 pl. 4U. Paris, 1887), No. 344. Prieur (Eugene)1. * Propositions sur les princi- paux signes fonrnis en medecine par l'ausculta- tiou et la percussion, vi, 7-15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 205, v. 243. Prirur (Eugene)2. * Etudes sur l'hysterie. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 270, v. 546. Prieur (Eugene-A.) * I. Etudier la toux dans ses rapports avec les malaelies eles poumous. II. [etc.]. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 270, v. 333. Prieur (Georges). * De la syphilis vaginale se- condaire. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 150. Prieur (J.-B.) 'Considerations g6ne"rales sur les medications propres a chaque age. 25 pp. 4'->. Paris, 1821, No. 159, v. 167. Prieur (J.-B.-Emmanuel). * De l'emploi de l'er- got de seigle dans les accouchements. 22 pp. 4 J. Paris, 1855, No. 284, v. 579. Prieur (Leou). * Recherches sur les causes de la mort dansl'anesthe'sie par le chloroforme. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, F. Malteste 4 Cie., 1879, No. 177. Prieur (Louis-Denis). * Sur le Croton tiglium. 1 p. 1., 18 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831, v. 62. Prieur (N.-A.) * De l'apoplexie certSbrale. 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1844, No. 133, v. 10. Prieur (P.-V.-S.) * De la methode endermique en g6n6ral, et tie son application au traitement des fievres intermittentes. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 192, v. 274. Prieur (Pierre-Emile) [1850- ]. * Du cathe"- terisme aseptique dans les h6pitaux d'accouche- ment, 66 pp.. 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 380. Prieur (Samuel). *De morbis pharmacopceorum et chymicorum. 26 pp., 31. 4J. Balce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Bendelii, [1751]. Prigeiit-Kiillain (J.-B.) * Sur la menstrua- tion et les h&norrhagies uterines. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 231, v. 115. Prigge (Frid.) * De ophthalmia atque de dy- seuteria aunotationes quuedam, nee non de ulceri- buschronicis observatioues nonnulke. 23 pp. 4°. Kilice, C. F. Moln; 1813. Prifjjje (Fridericus) [1815- ]. *Deinflamma- tione arteriarum. 32 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1840]. Prigge (Fritz). * Ueber deu Kaiserschuitt. Ein Fall vou dreimaligem Kaiserschuitt mit giinsti- gem Erfolge. 30 pp. 8:. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1882. Prigge ( Heinrich ). * Ueber Retroflexio uteri gravidi. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, L1869]. c. Prijsverhaiideliugeii bekroond door het Ge- nootschap ter Bevorelering eler Heelkunde te Am- sterdam. Deel 1-6, 1791-1807. 3 v. 8°. Am- sterdam. de Prill ITIorell (Cornelius Gualtherus). See Morell (Cornelius Gualtherus ele Prill). Prill wit/: (Paulus Ernestus Oscar). * De epi- lepsia. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Balis Sax.,formis Ge- baurio-Schwetschkianis, [1856]. Prilojeiiija k protokolam zasaidanie Obshestva Kievskich vrachei. [Supplement to minutes of meetings of Kieff Association of Physicians.] 1883-4 to 18<>-6. 80. Kieff, 1887,-7. See, also, Prolokoli zasaidanii, [etc.], Pri ill (Christophorus). * De physiognomia et pliysiologia oculi. Pars prior, seu ophthalmo- gnomia. 44 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bonnce, typ. C. F. Tho- mann i, [1823]. Prima (Francois) [1.849- ]. 'Consitlerations snr la Lucilia hominivorax; observations re- cueillies a la Guyane francaise. 48 pp. 4°. pa. ris, 1881. No. 405. Primaria Associazione cattolica artistica ed tqieraia tli carita reciproca in Roma. Divisiono sanitaria. Rapporto somniario dell' assisten/a sanitaria prestata ai soci dal 1° niaggio 1-Mi a tutto aprile 1887. 15 pp., 1 tab. roy. 8 \ Roma, tip. di Propaganda, 1887. Priiliaillt (Alexaudre). * I. Dn diagnostic et tin pronostic ele l'iu vaginal ion intestinale. II. [etc.]. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 89, v. 348. Priiuavera (Gaetano). Origine e profilassi do- mestica elel colera asiatico, eposte in forma popo- lare. 20 pp. 8°. Napoli, G. Jovene, 1887). -----. Atlante di microscopia clinica latlo tutto in cromolitografia composto tli sessantotto grantli tavole, ciascuna con sei figure circolari. 69 1., 68 pl. fol. Napoli, V. Petruzzelli, 1886. -----. Manuale di chimica e microscopia appli- cate alia clinica civile corredato di un grande at- lante. xi, 507 pp. 8°. Napoli, G. Jovene, 1887-8. Primbs (Carolus). * De dicta convalescent um. 16 pp. 8°. Mouachii, J. A. Giesser, 1837. Prime (A. J.). Co-Editor of: American (The) Quarterly Journal of Agriculture and Science, 1845-8. Prime (B. Y.) *De fluxu muliebri menstruo. 46 pp. 4°. [Lugd. Bat., 1764.] Prime (Frederick), jr. See PemiNyl vania. Geological Survey. Second geo- logical survey of Pennsylvania, 1874-85. 1)2. Lehigh dis- trict, 1878. D :!. v. 1. Lehigh and Northampton counties, 1883. 8°. Harrisburg, 1875-86. Prime (Temple). &ee Smithsonian Institution. Check list of the shells of North America [etc. J. 8°. Washington, 1862. Primelius (Petrus Josephus). *De utilitate iucisionis integumentorum capitis in hesionibus capitis [etc.]. 1788. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 112. Primer informe dirigielo & la Sociedad de medi- cina tie Paris, por la comision medica estahlccida en aqtiella capital, en el Louvre, y eiicargada es- pecialmente tie hacer observaciones, y atlquirir conociinientos sobre la inoculacion de la vacuna. Trad, del frances & benehcio del publico espaiiol por un apreciador ele los profeseires que eu toda Europa ban dedicaelosu zelo al extimen, prnebas y propagaeion ele tan importanteelescubriiniento. 46 pp. 16°. Madrid, en la imp. real, 1801. Prillierose (James) [ -1660]. Exercitationes et animadversiones iu librum de motu cordis et circulatione sanguinis. Atlversus Guilieltuiuii Harvenm. 5 p. 1., 108 pp. sm. 4°. Londini, N. Bourne, 1630. -----. De vulgi in medicina erroribus libri qua- tuor. Lib. I. De erroribus circa medicos. Lib. II. De erroribus circa morbus quosdam et eonnn curationem [cognitionem]. Lib. III. De errori- bus circa victus rationem sauornm et iegroruin. Lib. IV. De erroribus circa remetliorum usum. 7 p. 1., 431 pp. 24°. Londini, pro B. Robinsonio, 1638. -----. The same. De vulgi erroribus in medi- cina. Libri iv. 5 p. 1., 237 pp. Ki . Amstelo- dami, apud J. Janssoninm, 1639. -----. The same. De vulgi erroribus in medi- cina libri iv, ab auctore recensiti et plusquani tertia parte aucti. Editio postrema. priorihus emendatior. 9 p. 1., 561 pp. *4°. Roterodami, A. Leers, 1668. -----. Thesame. Popular errours, or the erre-urn of the people in physick. First written in Latine. Divided into foure bookes, viz.: 1. The first treating concerning physicians. 2. The second ofthe errours about some diseases and the knowl- edge of them. 3. The third of the errours about PR1MER0SE. 651 PRINCE. Primcrose (James)—continued. the diet, as well of the sound as of the sick. 4. The fourth of the errours of the people about the use of remedies. Profitable antl necessary to be read of all. To which is adeleel by the same au- thour his verdict concerning the antiiuoniall cuppe. Transl. into English by Robert YYittie. 10 p. 1., 461 pp., 4 1. 12°. London, N Bourne, \67A. ______. The same. Traite de Primerose sur les erreurs vulgaires de la medecine, avec des addi- tions tres-curieuses, par M. tie Rostagny. 13 p. 1., 800 pp. 12°. Lyon, J. Certe, 1689. ______. "Enchiridion medicum sive brevissimum niedicinae systema. 5 p. 1., 223 pp. 24°. Am- stelodami, J. Janssonius, 1650. ______. Enchiridion meelicum practicum, com- plectens omnium morborum coinmunium et par- ticularium naturam, causas, signa it curationem. 2 v. in 1. 364 pp., 6 1.; 232 pp., 2 1. 24°. Am- stelodami, apud J. Janssoniitm, 1654. CONTENTS. Pars 1. De morbis eommunihus. Pars 2. De morbis a capite ad pedes. ------. De mulierum morbis et symptomatis libri quinque, in quibus plurimi, tum veterum tum receutiorum, errores breviter indicantur et expli- cantur. 3 p. 1., 390 pp., 3 1. 4°. Roterodami, A. Leers, 1655. ------. De febribus libri quatuor, in quibus plu- rimi veterum et recentiorum errores declarantur et refelluntur. 3 p. 1., 459 pp. 4°. Roterodami, A. Leers, 1658. Bound with preceding. ------. Partes duse tie morbis puerorum. 125 pp. 24°. Roterodami, A. Leers, 1659. Primet (Etlouard-Edmond). * Etude sur la tem- perature dans la fievre jaune, observee a la Gnyane (1876-7). 92 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 215. Primet (Georges). * Etude clinique sur les ul- cerations tuberculeuses de l'anus. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 392. Primeval man unveiled, or the anthropology of the Bible. 384 pp., 8 col. pl. 8°. London, Hamilton, Adams 4 Vo., 1871. Priinipara. See Labor in primiparous women. PrimitieBB physico-medicae ab iis qui in Polonia et extra earn medicinam faciunt collectse. 3 v. in 1. 12°. Lesnce, typ. Presserianis, [1750-53]. v. 1, without date. v. 2, Ziillichovia), 1750. v. 3, Ziil- lichoviae, 1753. Title-page of v. 3: Primitise physico- medicae, ab iis qui in Polonia et vicinia ejus medicinam faeiunt collects. Primitive man. See Man (Primitive, etc.). Primkenau. See Diphtheria (History of). Priimrla. iTliitMchler (L.) TJeber Cyclamin, Primulin untl Pri- mula eampber. Sitzungsb. el. 'phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1875-6, viii, 207-2:«i. Also, Reprint. — Olilacres (C. E.) Toxic symptoms produced by handling Primula obconica. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, ii, 719. Primus (Antlreas). *De hvdrometra sive hy- drope uteri. 40 pp. 12°. [ Wiirzburg], 1819. Prill (Jean-Marie-Victor). *De la fievre ty- phoide. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 9, v. 500. Prince (A. E.) Report on ophthalmology and otology, delivered before the Illinois State Med- ical Society. 21 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1883. —---• Peroxide of hydrogen in suppurative con- junctivitis and mastoid abscesses, with a report of two cases. 7 pp. 8°. .St Louis, Mo., 1884. Repr. from: St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1884, xlvi. Prince (A. E.)—continued. ------. The pulley modification of his limiting tenotomy and advancement of the rectus opera- tion, with a report of a case of section and one of exsection of the rectus. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1885.] Repr. from: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1885, xxviii. ------. An accidental elivulsion of a pterygium, leading to an improvement in the regular opera- tion. 5 pp. 8U. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885. Repr. from: Arch. Ophth., N. T., 1885, xiv. ------. The raelical treatment of trachoma. 7 pp. 8°. [St. Louis, 1886.] Repr. from: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xvi. ------. The pulley method of advancing the rec- tus, with indications for its employment. 8 pp. 8°. [St. Louis, 1888.] Repr. from: Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1887, vi, anel St. Louis M. <&. S. J., 1888, Iiii. ------. The extraction of cataract as influenced by mycological development. 4 pp. 8°. [Jack- sonville, III., 1888.] ------. Expression in the treatment of trachoma. Read at the meeting ofthe Illinois State Meelical. Society, at Jacksonville, May 23-25, 1889. 2 1. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Also, Co-Editor of: Saint Ijouis (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, 1883-4. Prince (Albert-Joseph). * Reflexions pratiques sur les fievres intermittentes. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835, v. 67. Prince (C.-Felix). *De la retiuite albuminu- rique. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 142. Prince (David) [1816- ]. Report on orthopedic surgery, made to the Illinois State Medical So- ciety. Pt. 1. Talipes. 50 pp. 8°. Chicago, G. B. Fergus, 1864. Repr. from: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1864, xiv. ------. Orthopetlics: a systematic treatise upon the prevention aud correction of deformities. xii, 17-240 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4 Blakiston, 1866. ------. Plastics: a new classification and a brief exposition of plastic surgery. 95 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lindsay 4 Blakiston, 1868. Repr. from: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1867, xvii. ------. Plastics and orthopedics: a report repub- lished from the Transactions of the Illinois State Medical Society for 1871. 1 p. 1., lvi pp. 8°. Jacksonville, III, [1871]. ------. Plastics and orthopedics; being editions of three reports made to the Illinois State Med- ical Society in the years 1864, 1867, 1871. lvi, 96, 240 pp. 8°. Philadelphia. Lindsay 4 Blakiston, 1871. Comprises the three foregoing treatises with a new title- page. ------. Galvano-therapeutics. A revised reprint of a report made to the Illinois State Medical Society, 1873. 63 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4 Blakiston, 1873. Repr. from: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1873, xxiii. ------. Palatoplasty; the substance of a report made to the St. Louis Meelical Society, Nov. 28, 1874. 8 pp. 8°. St. Louis, E. F. Bobart 4 Co., 1875. Repr. from: St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1875, xii. ------. Diphtheria. A paper read before the St. Louis Medical Society, Dec. 18, 1875, in which a weak solution of iotline in perpetual spray is advocated. 8 pp. 16°. [w. p., 1876.] Repr. from: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1876, xiii. ------. A case of ovariotomy. 12 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1876.] Repr. from: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1876, xiii. ------. Considerations in relation to diseases of the joints. 8 pp. 8°. [Louisville, 1877.] Repr. from: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1877, xv. PRINCE. Cu)2 PRINCETON. Prince (David)—continued. ------. Sprague's. galvanometer arranged for therapeutic uses. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1878. Repr. from: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1878, xxviii. ------. Lithotomy. A tabulated statement of cases, with consitlerations in relation to the operation, tbe treatment, antl the preventives most promising of success. 7 pp. 8W. [St. Louis, 1878. ] Repr. from: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1878, xxxiv. ------. The same. 8 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1881. Repr. from: St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1878, xxxiv. Revised eelition of 1881, xxxiv. ------. Bathing, cupping, electricity, massage. A comparison of the therapeutic effects of bath- ing, of cupping or atmospheric exhaustion, of electricity in the form of galvanism aud fara- dism, anel of massage, in the treatment of debili- ties, deformities, antl chronic eliseases. 8 pp. 8C. [Louisville, 1878.] Repr. from: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xvii. ------. The same. With additions. 16 pp. 8°. [Louisville, 1878.] ------. The sanitation of small cities. Soil, drain- age, sewerage, and the tlisposal of sewage. 8 pp. 8-. [n.p., 1879.] Repr. from: Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago, 1879, xxix. ------. Partial forwartl dislocation ofthe heael of the humerus, or backward elisplacement of the tenelon of the long head of the biceps flexor cubiti; replaceel after the lapse of one month. 4 pp. 8°. [St. Louis, 1879.] Repr. from: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1879, xxxvii. ------. The treatment of extrophy of the bladder, with some historical notes and general considera- tions, anel an account of a case. 13 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1881. Repr. from: St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1881, xii. ------. The management of wouuels. 54, iii pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4" Blakiston, 1881. Repr. from: St. Louis M. . [n. p., n. d.], 9-12. Repr. from: Am. Pract. .fc News. Louisville, 1889, vii. Prince ( Morton ). The nature of mind antl human automatism, x, 173 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1885. ------. How a lesion of the brain results in that disturbance of consciousness known as sensory aphasia. 14 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1885. Repr. from: J. Nerv. efc Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1885, xii. ------. The exact measurement of the electric current, and other practical points in the destruc- tion of hair by electrolysis, with especial refer- ence to the use of the absolute galvanometer. 12 pp. 12°. Boston, Cupples, Upham4 Co., 1886, Repr. from: Boston M. efc S. J., 1886, cxv. Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. Description of the proposeel buileling. Messrs. Mansfield Bros., architects. Oct., 1874. 18 pp., 7 pl. 4. Sydney, T. Richards, 1874. Prince Edward Island. Lunatic Asylum, Charlottetowu. Annual report of the medical superintenelent of the lunatic asylum to the trustees, for the year 1878. 10 pp., 5 1. roy. 8-\ Charlottetowu, Coombs 4' Worth, 1879. Prince ol* Wale* Island. Boswcll (J. C.) Abstract of meteorological observa- tions, made on the Gov't Hill, Prince of Wales' Island, from 1st May, 1831, to 30th April. 1832. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1833, vi, 498. ----. Abstract of meteo- rological observations, made on the North Beach, Prince of Wales' Island, from 1st May, 1831, to 30th April, 1832. Ibid., 499. — Dick (F.) Medico-topographical report of Pulo-Penang. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1873, Lond., 1875, xv, app., 329-334. Princess Frederica's Convalescent Home for Married Women after Childbirth (with their in- fants ), Hampton-Court. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors anel subscribers. 3., 1883; 4., 1884. 24,20 pp. 16°. [London, 1884-5.] Princeteau ( L.-R.) [ 1858- ]. * Essai sur quelques anomalies visc6rales et arteuielles chez I'homme. 60 pp., 1 pl., 11. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, s. 6, No. 44. -----. * Progres de la teratologic depuis Isidore Geoffroy - Saint - Hilaire. 118 pp. «°. Paris, Asselin 4' Bouzeau, 1886. Concours. Princeton, New Jersey. Proclamation concern- ing nuisances. [By the mayor of Princeton, N. J.] 1 broadside, fol. [Princeton, 1889.] Prineeton. See Fever (Typhoid, Bistory, etc., of), by local- ities. Princeton College. [Appeal to the friends and alumni for au endowment fund.] Published by PRINCETON. 653 PKINGLE. Princeton College—continued. authority of the Alumni Association of Phila- delphia. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Chan- Mer, 1869. Principaux titles et travaux de M. le Dr. Fuster 15 pp. 8°. [ Montpellier, P. Gollier, 1848.]' [P., v. 128.] Principe Island. See St. Thomas Island, Guinea. Principia pauperismatis. Considerations re- garding paupers. 56 pp. 12°. London, Emily Faithful 4 Co., 1862. [P., v. 965.] Principles (The) of life assurance explained. See Rock Life Assurance Company. Principles (The) of naval staff' rank, [etc.]. See Clymer (George). Primes. Boiiclini'ilat. Source des Priues (Ardeche). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 1033. PliIIf? ( Daniel) [ 1789-1859 ]. An essay on the absorbents; comprising some observations upou the relative pathologies aud functions of the ab- sorbent and secreting systems, iv, 92 pp. 8°. London, Wood 4 Co., 1813. -----. General indications which relate to the laws of the organic life, xvi, 352 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Callow, 1819. An exposition on the principles of pa- thology, anel on the treatment: of diseases, ix (11.), 512 pp. 8°. London, T. 4 G. Underwood, 1823. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 51. Pringault ( Francois-Jean-Baptiste-Honors). * Sur la peritonite. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 45, v. 178. Pringle (George Hogarth) [1831-72]. Obituary notice. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1872, ii, 372. Pringie (Sir John ) [ 1707-82 ]. A rational en- quiry into the nature of the plague, drawn from historical remarks on those that have already happeu'd. Shewing that as the air only is cap- able of producing or communicating it, the method of prevention now practis'el in France is not only inhuman, but useless anel even per- nicious. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 12°. London, J. Peele, 1722. Bound with: Sprat (Thomas). The plague of Athens. 12°. London, 1703. -----. *De marcore senili. 41 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1730. Observations on the nature aud cure of hospital auel jayl-fevers. In a letter to Dr. Mead. 52 pp. 8°. London, A. Millar 4 D. Wilson, 1750. [Also, in: P.. v. 608.] -----. M6moires sur les substances septiques et anti-septiques. [Transl. ] 1750-52. In: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 7. div., [v. 81, 139-183. -----. Observations on the diseases ofthe army, in camp anil garrison. In three parts, with au appendix containing some papers of experiments read at several meetings of the Royal Society. xxiii, 431 pp. 8°. London, A. Millar 4- D. Wil- son, 1752. -----. The same. 2. ed., corrected, with adtli- tions. xxvii, 403 pp., 26 1. 8°. London, A. Mil- lar [and others], 1753. -----. The same. [To which is prefixetl an ap- pendix containing experiments upon septic auel anti-septic substances; postscript concerning some remarks made, on the preceding work ; and a general inelex to the observations, experiments, anel notes.] 3. ed. xxviii, 435 pp., 18 1. 8°. London, A. Millar [and others], 1761. ----. The same. 4. ed. With appendix. 483 pp. 8°. London, A. Millar [and others], 1764. Pringie (-Sir John)—continued. ------. The same. 5. ed. xxiv, 345, cxx pp., 71. 4°. London, T. Durham [and others], 1765. ------. The same. 6. ed. xxiv, 345 pp. 8°. Lon- don, A. Millar 4 T. Cadelt, 1768. ------. The same. 7. ed. xxiv, 345, cxx pp., 14 1. 8°. London, W. Strahan [and others], 1774. Tbe same. 7. ed. xxiv, 345, cxx pp., 14 1. 8°. London, W. Strahan [and others], 1775. Identical with the preceding in everything but the date. The same. New eel. xx, 471 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. J. Stockdale, 1810. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed., with notes by Benjamin Rush, xlvii, 411 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, E. Earle, 1810. The same, xlvii, 411 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, A. Finley, 1812. Identical with preceding, except in date and name of puhlisher. The same. Beobachtungen iiber elie Krauk- heiteu einer Armee, [etc.]. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Johann Ernst Grediug. 444 pp. 8°. Altenburg, P. E. Richter, 1754. -----. The same. Nach der neuesten Ausgabe iibersetzt von A. E. Brande. xxvi, 3 p. 1., 548 pp., 221. 8°. Altenburg, Richter, 1772. The same. Osservazioni sopra le malattie d' armata in campagna e in guarnigioue, con un appendice . . . trael. elalla 2. ed di Londra del 1753 [da Francesco Serao]. viii, xvi, 311 pp. 4°. Napoli, G. De Bonis, 1757. -----. The same. Eelizione novissima arricchita d' un nuovo trattato del signer . . . Gerardo Van- Swieten sopra le malattie delle annate, e del metodo di curarle. xx, 191 pp. 4°. Venezia, nella stamperia Bemondini, 1762. The same, xvi, 176 pp. 4°. Bassano, a spese Remondini di Venezia, 1781. The same. Aaumerkingen over de ziek- tens by een heirleger; verdeelt in drie eleeleu. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, na den vermeerden derden en laatsten druk; en met aantekeuiugen verrykt, door Jan Hendrick Hermans. 1 p. 1., xxvii, 451 pp. 8°. Middelburg, A. L. Callenfels en Zoon, 1763. The same. Verhandeling over de leger- ziekten. behelzeude eene beschryving van de oorzaaken, aart, voorbehoeding en geneezing der ziekten, die in de legers en garnizoeuen voorval- len. Naar den laatsten druk, uit het Engelsch vertaald, met de nienwste waarneemingeu ver- rykt, en vermeerderel met een geueeskuudige be- schryving eler hospitaalen, van den heere Donald Monro. Mede uit het Engelsch vertaald door L. Bicker. 3 v. 8°. Amsterdam, P. Conradi, 1785-8. The same. Observations sur les maladies des armees dans les camps et dans les garnisous, avec des memoires sur les substances septiques et antiseptiques, lus a la Socie'tS royale. 2. 6d., sur la 7. e"d. anglaise. 2 v. xvi, 432 pp.; 446 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, Ganeau, 1771. The same. Et la reponse a de Haen et a Gaber. 2. e"d., revue, corrigee et augmented sur la derniere 6dition angloise. xxxii, 448 pp. 12°. Paris, T. Barrois, 1793. The same. Observations sur les maladies des armees dans les camps et les garnisous. [Transl. Repr. from 3. ed., Par., 1795, anon.] In.- Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 7. div. [v. 8J, xii, 13-137. A discourse on the different kinds of air, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, November 30, 1773. 31 pp. 4°. London, the Royal Society, 1774. [P., v. 622.] A discourse upon some late improvements of the means for preserving the health of mari- VK INGLE. 654 PWOLKAU. Pringle (Sir John)—continued. ners. Delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30th, 1776. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. sm. 4°. London, Royal Society, 1776. ------. Thesame. Verslag,wegenseenigenieuwe verbeteringen, aengaende de mideleleu, ter be- houelinge van de gezouelheid der zeevarenden . . . uit het Engelsch vertaeld door Francois Wil- lem De Monchy. 83 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, R, Ar- renberg, 1777. See, also, Whyll (Robert). Some observations on the lithoutriptic virtue |etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1768. -----. A letter to tin- Rev. Thomas Birch |etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1768. -----. Appendix. An account of an epidemic [etc. J. 8°. Edinburgh, 1708. For Biography, see Pettigrew. Med. port, gallery. 4°. London, [1*40], ii, no. 14, 6 pp., port. See, also, Hist. Soc. roy. de med. 1780-81, Par., 1785, iv, 136-167 (Vicqd'Azyr). Also: Med. Comment., 2. ed.. Lond., 1787, viii, 416. Also: West. Lancet, San Fran., 1876, v, 225-230 (A. P. Hayne). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Lihr.). Pring'le (R. O.) The diseases of horses, cattle, shiep, swine, dogs, and poultry; their causes, symptoms, and treatment; corrected and ar- ranged from the best authorities, xii, 228 pp. sm. 8°. Dublin, Purdon Brothers, 1871. Pringle (Robert). Asiatic cholera. 1874. 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Glirer 4 Boyd, 1874. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1874, xx. ------. Papers ou small-pox, vaccination, etc. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Thin, 1874. CONTENTS. I. Small-pox and vaccination in India, and chiefly in the Benjial Presidency. II. On the possibility of stamping-out small-pox, illus- trateel hy three modes of procedure. , III. On the synchronism of variola and vaccinia, etc. Prints hei iii (N.). Editor of: Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Bo- tanik, Berlin it. Leipzig, 1858-78. See, also, Hofmeister ( Wilhelm ). Handbuch der physiologischen Botanik [etch 8°. Leipzig, 1865-7. Pringne aiue\ *De l'enterite folliculeuse. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 115, v. 309. Pri UK lie (L.) * Sur la phthisie pulmouaire. 17 pp. 4J. Paris, 1837, No. 110, v. 309. Pri nos verticillatus. Hresm 'J- 5'J6.—Nnuitary (The) state of printing offices; how eon- sumption is developed ; the effects of had air and posture on respiration ; ailments of printers; how to get a constant supply of fresh air; methods of lighting; suggestions for a model room for compositors. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 331.—Smith (E.) Reports on the sanitary oireiimstaiiees of printers in London. Rep. Med. Off. Privy Couue.il 1863, Lond., 1864, vi, 383-415.—Slumpf (P. R.) Berufskrauk- heiteu der Schriftgiesser uud Buchdruker, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse in Leipzig. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 471-484. — Veo (G. F.) Case of peculiar eruption of the hands. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, iii, 67. Printz (Abel Andreas). * De temperamentis. 36 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. Argentorati, S. Kiirsner, 1718. Printz (Cadestinus Amandus). De mania. 20 pp. 4°. Jence, Ut. Krebsianis, [1708]. ------. * De adstrictione alvi. 35 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. C. Krebsii, [1710]. ------. De aqnis destillatis. 32 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. J. F. Ritteris, 1720. Printz (Jacob). * Planta) Africauai rariores. Upsalice, 1760. In: Linnaeus. Amcenitates acad. [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1764, vi, 77-115. Prinz (Carolus Gottlob.) [1795-1848]. Qiuedam tie excolenda medicina veterinaria. 24 pp. 4°. Dresdce, typ. C. C. Meinholdi etjil., [1825?]. ------. * De paralysi in auimalibus domesticis observata. 37 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. G. Nau- manni, [1826}. For Biography, see Kuchn (Car. Gott.). Prinz (Franciscus Xav.) *De variola humana vera. 69 pp., 2 1. 8°. Vindobonce, typ. Congreg. Mechit., [1833]. Prinz (Franz) [1805-71]. Haller (C.) Nachruf. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 290. Prinz (Gustav). * Ueber den Bruch am unteren Ende des Radius. 42 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Erlan- gen, J. J. Barf us, 1842. Prinz (Johann Jacob). * Ueber den •witleruatiir- lichen After. 25 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. E. Junge, 1853. Prinz (Ludovicus) [1812- ]. *De arterii- tide. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackia- nis, [1836]. Prinz (Paullus Otto). * Nonnulla de trepana- tione sterni. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lipsice, typ. L. Schnaussii, [I860]. Priolean (J. Ford) [1826-88]. Obituary. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 467. Priolean (Leonce) [1858- ]. Contribution a l'etude anatomo-pathologique et clinique tlu r6tr6cisseinent gdu6ralis6 des arteres. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 292. Priolean (Philip Gendron). * On the use of the nitric and oxigenated muriatic acids, in some diseases. 72 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Bioven, 1798. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, T. 4 W, Bradford, 1805. [P., v. 379.] PFJOR. 655 PRISONERS. Prior (Charles E.) Annual report of medical officer of health to the rural sanitary authority of Bedford Uuion, for the year 1885. 5 pp., 2 tab. fol. [Bedford, 1886.] _____. Annual report of medical officer of health, with table of mortality, to the urban sanitary authority of Bedford, for the year 1885. 2 1., 5 tab. fol. [Bedford, F. Thompson 4 Son, 1886.] Prior (Eugen). See Sechs Vortrage aus dem Gebiete der Nahrungsinit- tel-Cliemie, [etc.]. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1883. Prior (Sir James) [1790- ]. Letter to Sir Wm. Burnett [on the establishment of hospitals for the treatment of dysentery, on the coast of China]. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Stark, [1842]. [P., v. 729.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1842, lviii. Prior (Johannes). * Ueber elie Erniihrung ver- inittelst Peptone. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1879. Prior (Thomas) [1679-1751]. An authentick nar- rative of the success of tar-water in curing a great number and variety of distempers, with remarks and occasional papers relative to the subject. To which are subjoined two letters from the author of Siris, shewing the medicinal properties of tar-water and the best manner of making it. 4,192 pp. 8°. Dublin, printed, and London reprinted, W. Innys [and others], 1746. [Also, in: P., v. 1334.] -----. The same, iv, 5-75 pp., 2 1. 8°. Provi- dence, reprinted by J. Carter, 1793. [Also,in: P., v. 550, 3 pp and 2 1. missing.] See, also, [Berkeley (G.)] A letter to T[honias] Pfrior], containing some further remarks [etc.]. 8°. London, 1744. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Dublin <£ London, 1744. -----. Thesame. Two letters [etc.]. 8°. London, 1747. Prior (W. S.) A fatal blow to the cholera-mor- bus; or, the opinions of a recovered cholera pa- tient on the origin, symptoms, and proper treat- ment, in opposition to the present poisonous mode of treating that nialady ; with au account of the treatment of a number of eases, together with some advice to the public on the means of preventing an attack. 32 pp. 8°. London, B. Skill, 1832. [P., v. 591.] Priou (Henry). * Essai sur la tuberculose des syuoviales articulaires. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 217. Priou (J.-B.-E.) *De l'empy&me ou des divers cpauchemens daus la poitrine. vi, 7-65 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 198, v. 128. Prion (Stanislas-Francois). * I. Histoire anato- rnique et physiologique de la formation des mem- branes muqueuses accidentelles. II. [etc.]. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 357, v. 333. Prion (V.) *De la dysenterie et de la pr6sence de l'albumiue dans les garde-robes de cette affec- tion. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 132. Priouzean (Alexanelre). *Des fievres inter- mittentes pernicieuses. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 175, v. 423. Pris (Paul). * Considerations sur les fistules du canal de SttSnon et tie leur traitement. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 39. [Priscianns (Theodoras).] Octavii Horatiani rerum metliiarum lib. quatuor. I. Logicus, de ctiralionibus omuiuni ferme morborum corporis humani, ad Euporistum. II. De acutis et chro- uicis passionibus, ad eundem. III. Gynecia, de mulierum accidentibus, et curis eoruntlem, ad Victoriam. IV. De physica scieutia, experimen- toruin liber, ad Eusebium filium. Per Heremau- uuiu comitem a Neiienar iutegro candori nuper restitutus autor. Albucasis chirurgicorum om- nium primarii, lib. tres. I. De cauterio cum igne, et medicinis acutis per singula corporis humani membra, cum inatrumeutorum delimatioue. II. [PriSCianus (Theodorus)]—continued. De sectione et perforatione, phlebotomia, et ven- tosis. De yulueribus, et extractioue sagittarum, et ceteris similibus, cum formis iustrumentoruni. III. De restauratione et curatione dislocatiouis niembrorum, cum typis item instrunientoruui. 4 p. 1., 319 pp. fol. Argentorati, apud J. Schot- tum, 1532. Also, in: Medici antiqui omnes qui latinis. fol. Vene- tiis. 1547. ff. 291-317. See, also, Tiillvi- (Dan. Willi.) Succincta conimenta- tio de pleuritidi', 8°. Francof. ad M., 1740.—N< l< < la ((iiu'dam eapita de pleuritide, etc. 8°. Francofurti. 1740. — Wol phi ii* (Caspar). Harmonia gvnaiciorum, etc. In: Gyn.ki'IOKum, [etc.]. 8°. Basilece, 1586, i. Prisco (Carmine). Metodo tli cura sulla febbre bdiosa epidemica. 110 pp. 8°. Napoli, V. Or- sino, 1797. Prisms. .Sec, also, Eye (Examinations of). (Juos.sk (\V.) * Ueber Polarisationsprismen. [Kiel.] 8°. Hannover. 1886. Creteen (A.) Not ice sur le pi ismeniobile. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1X72, 10. s , vii, 62-64.—Emerson (J. B.) A new combination of prisms. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1887-8, iii, 99-101 .—.I iit'liNon (E ) The designation of prisms by the angular deviation they cause, instead of by the refracting angle. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 9. sess., Wash., 1887, iii, 785-787. Prison Association of New York. Anuual re- ports of the executive committee to the legisla- ture, and accompanying documents. 6., 1850; 7., 1851; 20., 1864; 23., 1867; 29.-34., 1873-8. 8°. Albany, 1851-79. ------. Memorial to the governor of New York. Adopted Dec. 1, 1870. 46 pp. 8°. New York, Union Printing Bouse, 1870. ------. The work of the ... its character anel re- sults. Aeldresseil to the citizens of New York, by a committee of 'the association. 15 pp. 8°. New York, Macdonald 4' Palmer, 1870. ------. Preliminary statement from the thirtieth annual re2)ort of the executive committee. 23 pp. 8°. New York, Prison Association, 1875. Prison Discipline Society, Boston. Annual re- ports of the boarei of managers to the society. 1., 1825-6; 14., l«38-9; 17., 1841-2; 27., 1851-2. 8°. Boston, 1827-52. ------. Annual reports of the board of managers to the society. 1.-29., 1825-6 to 1853-4. 8°. Boston, 1827-54. 1.-29., reprinted in 1855, in 3 v. 1. report of reprint is 6. eel. Also, 5. ed. in pamphlet form. Prisoners (Diseases and hygiene of). See, also, Diet; Insane (Dangerous) criminals, etc.; Scurvy (Cases, tic, of). Appert ( B.) Kathschliige fur Directoreu, Geistliche und Aerzte von Gefiingnissen, so wie iiber Phrenologie und Monomanie iu Bezug auf tlie Behandlung von Verbrechern. 8°. Bam- burg, 187)1. Bonnet (A.) Hygiene physique et morale des prisons, ou tie l'iutliieuce que les systemes peiii- tentiaires exercent sur le physique et le moral ties prisonuiers, et des modifications qu'il y au- rait a apporter au regime actuel de nos prisons. 8°. Paris, 1847. Bouchet ( L. ) jeune. * Dissertation sur les malaelies qui affectent les prisonuiers de guerre detenus a bord eles pontons de Plymouth (prison- ships). 4°. Paris, 1813. Catel (B.-J.-L.) * Dissertation sur la topogra- phie medicale des prisons flottantes, dites pon- tons, suivie de quelques considerations sur les malaelies qui y r6gnaient. 8C. Paris, 1818. Chipier (L.) *De la cachexie des prisons; etude sur quelques maladies speciales aux prison- uiers. 4°. Paris, 1879. Also [Rev.], in: J. a. conn. med. prat., Par., 1880, xlviii, 74; 82. »1M SON "KUS. 656 PIMSONEKH. Prisoners (Diseases and hygiene of). Coi.linkau. Rapport fait a 1'Academic impc- riale tie m6decine sur un memoire de M. le doc- teur de Pietra Santa, ayant pour titre: Influence de l'einprisonnement cellulaire de Mazas sur la sante' des detenus. 8C. Paris, 1855. Colombot (P.-C.) Manuel d'hygiene et de m6decine pratique des prisons, prec6eleS de la to- pographie ele celles de Chaumont, d6partement de la Haute-Marne. 8°. Chaumont, 1824. Dauphin (A.-D.) *Cousiel6ratious sur quel- epies maladies qui out principalement exerc6 leurs ravages parmi les Francais prisonuiers en Angleterre, tlepuis Pan 1803, jusqu'a juillet 1814. 4°. Paris, 1815. van Diest (I. ) * Hygiene des prisons. [Bern.] 8°. Louvain, [1879]. Du Mksnil (O.) Les jeunes de"teuus a la Ko- quette et daus les colonies agricoles. Hygiene, moralisation et mortality, modifications que r6- clame le regime actuel. 8°. Paris, 1866. See, also, infra. Focacci(L.) La meelicina carceraria. Cause e rimedii elei deliuquenti in Italia. 8°. Genova, 1883. Griscom (J. H.) Prison hygiene: an essay prepareel at the request of the Prison Association of New York, for insertion in their twenty-third annual report, and reprinted by their order. 8°. Albany, 1868. Hutchinson (J.) A report on the medical management of the native jails throughout the territories subject to the governments of Port William antl Agra. To which are addetl some observations on the principal diseases to which native prisoners are liable. The whole compiled, 111 a great measure, from documents in the office of the meelical board. 8°. Calcutta, 1835. -----. The same. Observations on the gen- eral anel medical management of Indian jails, anel on the treatment of some of the principal tliseases which infest them. 2. ed. 8°. Calcutta, 1845. Hutter (J. D.) * De morbis incarceratorum. 4°. Balce Magdeb., [1754]. Marcakd(T.) Beitrage zur Gefauguisskuude. Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus den hannoverscheu Straf-Austalten. 8°. Celle, 1864. Maugin (A.) * Sur l'hygiene des prisons. 4°. Paris, 1819. Normand (A.-L.) * Hygiene et pathologie de deux convois tie condauin6s aux travaux forces, transporters ele France en Nouvelle-Caleelonie par la frcgate la Sibylle, en 1866-7. 4°. Paris, 1869. Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Mis- eries of Public Prisons. Report of the committee on the comparative health, mortality, length of sentences, etc., of white and colored convicts. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1849.] de Pietra Santa (P.) Mazas. Etudes sur l'einprisonnement cellulaire. 8C. Paris, 1853. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viii, 730-734. -----. The same. Et la folie penitentiaire. 3. I'd* 8°. Paris, 1858. Pohl (J. C.) [Pr.] de caussis niorborum in hominibus carcere inclusis observatorum. 4°. [Lipsice, 1771.] -----. [Pr.] ele cura morborum in homini- bus carcere inclusis observatorum. 4°. Lipsice, [1772]. Rincolini (C. E.) Ueber Gefaugnisskrank- heiten. 2. Aufl. 8°. Briinn, lh30. Spindler (T. H. G.) * De cura carceruni spe- ciatim academicorum. 4°. Jence, [1783]. Varrentrapp (G.) De l'emprisonnement in- dividuel sous le rapport sanitaire et des attaques dirigees contre lui par MM. Charles Lucas et | Prisoners (Diseases and hygiene of). L6ou Faucher a loccasion tlu projet de loi sur la reforme des prisons presente" par le gonvenio- ment. 8°. Paris, 1814. Vidal (J.-J.) * Ce)nsiel6rations gcu6rales sur les pontons de l'Angleterre (prison-ships). 4° Paris, 1820. B. (J. F.) Ueher die Schadlichkeit des zu strengeu Gehrauchs der Fesseln in den Gefangnissen. N. Mug. f. el. giTiehtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal, 1786, ii, 1. St., 62- 69.— Italy (W.) On the mortality in prisons, and the dig- eases must frequently fatal to prisoners. Med.-Chir. Tr. Loud., 1«45, xxviii, 113-272.—Beer (H. It.) Iieinei kungct, iiber Gefangnisso mit Bezug auf den physiscliin nnd siti- lichen Zustand ihrer Bewohuer. N. Folge el. Gsudhtti.- Ztg., Wien, 1837, iii, 93-96.—Berlin (E.) Rapport ci.m- paratif sur les cas d alt6ration des faculties iutellectuellcs observes dans la prison cellulaire de Montpellier, dans la maison centrale de la meme ville et dans celle il Aniaue. Acad. el. we. de Montpel. M6m. de la sect, de nied., 1849- 53, i, 127-144— Iiii Inn (L.) Vorschlage zur VerhessermiK der Speiseetats in den Gefangeniinstalten. Deutsche' Vrtl- jschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1869, i, 371-379.— Boilcan do CaMtrliieeaii. Note sur 1'infliieiice de la detention sur la s;mte des detenus de la maison centrale tie Nimes, pour l'auuee 1838, en ayant 6gard aux professions, k l'epoque tie l'anuee. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1839, xxii, 207- 212. -----. De l'intluence du r6gime des prisons sur la sant6 ties d6teuus. Ibid., 1849, xii, 68-92.—Konncomea. Queslioni igieniche concernenti ai nuovi sisteini peniten- ziarii indirizzate alia sezione medica del terzo Congi esse italiano, dai signori Mittermajer, Ronchi-Veochi e Petitti. Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1842, xiv, 111-125— ile IS rutin (J.) Besehouwingen omtrent de groote stralgo- vangenis te Woerden, met opzigt tot de hijgifene van dat gesticht. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. tl. Ge neesk.. Arnhem, 1853, iv, 2. Afd., 233-256. Continued in: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1860, iv, 561.— Bruna ( G. C.) Igiene dei elitenuti; del lavoro delle carceri, elella sua concorrenza col lavoro libero elelle eaieeri agrarie. Gior. tl. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xiv, 241-255.—diasainat (R.) Des mesures et des pr6- cautions a prendre pour la conservation de la sante ilea detenus dans les mai sons penitentiaires soumises au r6- gime de la separation complete. M6m. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de m6d. ele Belg., Brux., 1847, i, 241.—t'liras- tiiia (J.) Ueber den Einfluss der verschiedenen Siraf- systeme auf den physischen und psyehischen Ziistund der Gefangenen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1K45, Iiii, 265: liv. 15-26.—Coatca (B. H.) On the effects of secluded and gloomy imprisoirment on individuals of the African variety of mankind in the production of disease. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1843, iii, 143-148.—t!olcy (F. C.) Medical work in convict prisons. Guy's llo>\). Ga/.., Lond., 1879, n. 8., iv, 123.—D'Espine (M.) Rapport sur un point de l'hygi&ne eles prisons. Ann. d'hyg., I'ar., IK)!!, xxii, 183-195. -----. Sur les variations dupoids des prison- nieis sounds au regime p6nitentiaire. Ibid., 18-14, xxxii, 71-85.—Diaz Benito (J.) Del aire como elemento de vida en los establecimientos penales. [From: La Reforma penitenciaria.] Rev. Soc. espau. de hig., Madrid, 1883-4, l, 193-197.—Dickson (W. P.) Memorandum on the pre- vention of sickness among prisoners in extra-mural gangs. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 182.—Dicz (C. A.) Ueber den Einfluss der Gefangenschaft auf die Gesund- heit. Ann. d. Staats-Arznk., *reib., 1843, viii, 419: 1816, xi) 427. -----. Des moyens les plus propres k conserve! la sante des detenus soumis au regime de rempiisounement individuel. M6iu. tl. concours . . . Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1847, i, [no. 4], 1-64. Also, Reprint. ----. Ueber den Einfluss der isolirten Haft auf die Erzeugung von Seelenstorungen. Ver. deutsehe Ztschr. f. d. Staats- Arznk., Freib. i. Br.. 1851, n. F., x, 207-234.—Dobroula- vin (A. S.) O razmierach pitshi i o sposobach prodovolst- vovanija tiouremnago naseleni.ja. [Food of prisoners. I Shorn, sochin. po sudebnoi nied., St. Petersb., 1881, ii, pt. 1 7-73.—Droste (A.) Einfluss eTes Fonitentiarsystcnis auf Irreseiu. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1849, vi 677. -----. Einfluss tier Zellengefaugensehaft aut die Gesundheit der Gefangenen. Cor.-Bl. tl. deutsch. Gesell- seh. f. Psychiat., etc.. Neuwied, 1855, ii, 153.—Ducpc- lianx (E.) Questions relatives a l'hygiene des prisons et des etahlissemens de bienfaisance. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1833, ix, 272-295.—Du Uli-snil (O.) Les jeunes d6tenus a la Roquette et dans les colonies agricoles, hygiene, mora- lisation et mortalit6, modifications que teclame le ri-gime actuel. Ibid., 1866, 2. s., xxv, 241-289. [See, also, supra] — EirhelMheim. 1st es zweckmassig das Turnen auch in den Straf-Anstalten einzufiihren und event, in welchem Umfange? Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.. Ktiln, 1878, vii, 60-63. — Erlenineycr. Liisst sich em hestiiumler nachtheiliger Einfluss der Haitart auf die Ps\che der Gefangenen nachweiseu uud ist deijenige tier Einzelhaft vorzugswoise nachtheilig? Cor.-Bl. d deutsch. (Jesellseh. f.'Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1859, vi, 35-38. — Fatti (Su'i) meelici ed igienici pih important! PRISONERS. 657 PRISONERS. Prisoners (Diseases and hygiene of). osservati nell' ergastolo di Tolone durante 1' anno 1849. \Transl. from: Gaz. mod. de Montpel. 1 Gazz. med. ital. tomb., Milano, 1851, 3. s., ii, 341-345.—Ficatelli (L.) L' ieiene delle prigioni. Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1881, ii, 385-414.—Fourcault (A.) De l'influ- ence ties peines graduees, de 1'orgauisatiou du travail, de l'education sur le physique et le moral ties contlamn6es a, une longue reclusion. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1851,3. s., vi, 65.— Friilolin (P. P.) K voprosu o vlijanii tiouremnago za- kliouchenija na zdorove arestantov. [Intlueneoof eiuifine- ment on the health of prisoners. J Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv 769; 790; 802.—elabo»l. Peui- tentiaire (systeme). Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxii, 646-700.—ITIinguez y ITIayo (J.) Memoria demogrdfico-penitenciaria. Rev. Soc. espan. de big., Ala- drid, 1884, ii, 445-452.—Moneley (B.) Prisons In his: Medical tracts, 2. ed., 8°, Lond., 1800.265-276. Also: Ibid., 2. ed., 8°, Lond,18u4, 265-276.—Mount (F. J.) On in- ternational prison statistics. J. Statist. Sue. Lend., 1876, xxxix, 311-325. [Discussion], 326-331. — Notices histori- ques sur lartforme p6nitentiaire et l'6tat des prisons dans lesdifierents pays depuis le commencement eiu siecle. Actes Cong, penitent, internat. de Rome (1885), 1888, ii, pt. 1, 7- 746.—I'iolti (G.) Copia dello stato apprezzativopei Is costruzione di un lazzaretto panotticoper quatteirdici rate- gorie di contumaci. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1843, xvi, 374, 1 ch.—frofili di una statistica internazio- nale delle carceri. Ann. tli statist., Roma, 1879, 2. s., ix, 1- 116 Proposition* of the Rome Prison Congress. In- ternat. Rec. Char, efe Correction, N. V. efe Lond., 1886-7, i, 17.—Schlegel (J. H. G.) Ueber ein Career in einem academischen Gebaude. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk , Er- lang., 1837, 23. Ergnzngshft., 256.—Me holz (F.) Iiiuiss der geschichtlichen Entwicklung der C01 rectionsanstalten fiir jngendliche Verhrecher und der Sehutzvereinc in Frankreich. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zuWien, 1857, xiii, 545-557.—Spenglcr. Zur Gefangiiissreform. mit einem Nachworte. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Geseilseli. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1855, ii, 41-43.—Sweeting (Ii. D. 11.) The experiences and opinions of John Howard on the preservation and improvement of the health of the in- mates of schools, prisons, workhouses, hospitals, and other public institutions, as far as health is alleeted hy struct- ural arrangements relating to supplies of air and water, drainage, etc. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1884, xlvii, 125-141.— Veuturi (L.) Di un nuovo metodo di costruzione delle celle careerarie, relativamente alia ventilazione igienica delle medesime. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1888, x, 561-573. Prison* (Dietaries of'). See Diet (Scales of), etc. Prison* (Management of). See, also, Crimes, etc. (Natural history, etc.,of). Adshead(J.) Prisons and prisoners. 8 . Lon- don, 1845. Allen (S.) Observations on penitentiary dis- cipline, addressed to William Roscoe, csip, of Liverpool, Eng. 8-. New York, 1827. de Beaumont (G.) <& de Toque ville (A.) On the penitentiary system in the United States, Prison*. Aikin (J.) A view of the life, travels, and philanthropic labours of the late John Howard. 18°. New York, 1814. Alboize (M.-M.) & Marquet (A.) Les prisons de 1'Europe. 8 v. in 4. 4°. Paris, 1845. Carceri ( Sulle) penitenziarie. Lavori che precedettero in Italia la legge adottata dalle carnere di Francia, sulla segregazione cellare continua confortata con opportun compensi. 8°. Parma, 1844. Chandler (J. R.) Outlines of penology. 8°. Philadelphia, 1875. Repr. from: Penn Month., Dec, 1874. Commissionp6nitentiaire Internationale. Bul- letin de la . . . Nouv. s6rie, 2. livr., avril 1887. 8°. St.-P^tersbourg f Neuchatel, [1887]. Congrrs penitentiaire international de Rome. Actes. v. 1-3 in 5 v. SJ. Borne, 1887-9. Congresso scientifico di Padova. Sulla ri- forma carceraria. Rapporto fatto al Cougresso scientifico di Lucca, dalla commissione eletta nel . . . 8°. Milano, 1843. Repr. from: Politecnico di Milano, vi. Cox (W.) Account of the prisons and hospi- tals in Russia, Sweden, and Denmark; with oc- casional remarks on the different modes of pun- ishment in these countries. 8°. London, 1781. International Penitentiary Congress, Lon- don. Prisons and reformatories at home aud abroad. Being the transactions of the . . . held in Loudon, July 2-13, 1872. Including official documents, discussions, and papers presented to the congress. 8°. London, 1872. Kingsmill (J.) Chapters on prisons aud pris- oners. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1852. Packard (F. A.) Memorandum of a late visit to some of the principal hospitals, prisons, etc., in France, Scotland, anel England. Embraceel in a letter to the acting committee of the Phila- delphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. -----. Memorandum of a late visit to the Auburn Penitentiary; prepared for the Philaelel- phia Society for the Alleviation of the Miseries of Public Prisons. 8 . Philadelphia, 1842. Prisons : their construction according to the Cook and Heath perfected system, patented Aug. 11, 1874; Sept. 28, 1875; Oct. 5, 1875 ; Oct. 19, 1875, and also in the principal countries of Europe. Embracingall the necessary details for the construction of the smallest jail to the largest penitentiary. 4\ [Memphis, Tenn., 1876.] Rosengakten (J. (.}.) Reform schools. 8°. [Philadelphia; 1879.] Repr. from: I'hila. Social Sc. Ass. -----. Penal and reformatory institutions. 8°. [Pliiladelphia, 1881.] Repr. from: Penn Month., Jan., 1881. [Spear (J. M.)] Labors for the prisoner. 8°. [Boston, 1848.] -----. Labors for the prisoner. No. III. 8 . [Boston, 1850.] United States. Congress. Report on tlie In- ternational Penitentiary Congress of London, held July 3-13, 1872, by E. C. Wines, United States commissioner. To which is appended the seconel annual report of the National Prison As- sociation of the United States, containing the ;59 prisons. PRISONS. Prisons (Management of). and its application in France, with an appenelix on penal colonies, and also statistical notes. Transl. from the French, with an introduction, notes, aud additions, by Francis Lieber. 8°. Philadelphia, 1833. Bulfinch (C.) Report on the subject of pen- itentiaries. 19. Cong., 2. sess. Rep. No. 98. 8°. Washington, 1827. Burt (J. T.) Results of the system of separate confinement, as administered at the Pentonville prison. 8°. London, 1852. Caldwell (C.) New views of penitentiary discipline, and moral education and reform. 8°. Philadelphia, 1829. Casteka. Proposition de de"porter desormais hors de la France continentale tous les forcats liber6s et quelques repris de justice, faite aux chaiubres legislatives. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Repr. from : Ann. maritimes et coloniales, avril 1839. Clark (S.) Practical observations on the hygiene of the army in India; including remarks on the ventilation and conservancy of Indian prisons; with a chapter of prison management. 8°. London, 1864. Darin (G.) * Education correctionnelle. Sys- teme cellulaire applique" aux enfauts. Observa- tions de jeunes detenus de la Roquette veuus a Bicetre, en etat de folie, d'idiotie ou d'e"pilepsie. 4°. Paris, 1863. Dix (D. L.) Remarks on prisons and prison discipliue in the United States. Memorial to leg- islature of Massachusetts, 1843. 8°. Boston,184b. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847). D'Olivecrona (K.) Des causes de la re"cidive et des moyens d'en restreindre les effets. Trad. [par Jules Henri Kramer]. 8°. Paris, [1873]. Dyer (D.) Impressions of prison life in Great Britain. 8°. Albany, 1868. Ferrus (G.) De Fexpatriation penitentiaire, pour faire suite a l'ouvrage: Des prisonniers, de l'einprisonnement et des prisons. 8°. Paris, 187)3. Fornasini (L.) La riforma carceraria secondo il sistema penitenziale. 12°. Brescia, 1878. Foulke (W. P. ) Considerations respecting the policy of some recent legislation in Pennsyl- vania. 8°. Philadelphia, [1861]. -----. Remarks on cellular separation. Read by appointment of the American Association for the Improvement of Penal and Reformatory In- stitutions in New York, Nov. 29,1860. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1861. Fraisse [B.] Prisons et d6tenus. 8°. Pan's, 1870. Gosse (L.-A.) Examen meelical et philoso- phique tlu systeme penitentiaire. 8°. Geneve, 1837. Gray (F. C.) Prison discipline in America. 6°. Boston, 1847. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1848. Herpin (J.-C.) Etudes sur la reforme et les systcmes penitentiaires considers au point de vue moral, social et medical. 12°. Paris, 1868. Holford (G.) Letter to the chairman of the committee for managing; the penitentiary. 8°. London, 1829. Holst(F.) Forsvar for Philadelphiasystemet i Anledning af de ved Naturforskermodet i Flo- rentz paa samme gjorte Angreb. 8°. Stockholm, Repr. from: Forh. v. Natnrf. i Stockholm. Howard (J.) The state of tho prisons in Eng- land and Wales; with preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons and hos- pitals. 3. ed. 4°. Warrington, 1784. Prison* (Management of). Howard Association, London. Annual re- norts of the committee to the society. 1., 1861-2; 21., 1881-2; 24., 1884-5; 27., 1887-8. 8°. [Lon- don, 1862-88.] -----. Criminal lunacy. Necessity for a royal commission of inquiry to facilitate an alteration of the present state of the law as regards this question. [Signeel on behalf of the Howard As- sociation, Jan. 14, 1869, Reibert Alsop, Charles P. Measor.] 8°. [London, 1869.] -----. Criminal treatment. Desiderata. 8°. [London, 1869?] -----. The cellular (but not rigielly solitary) system of imprisonment, as carried out at the prisons of Louvain, Amsterdam, etc , by W. Tal- lack. Issued by the Howard Association. 8°. London, 1872. -----■. County and borough prisons, Great Britain. Correspondence in the "Times", on association in prison; imprisonment for debt; inveterate misdemeanants; prison visitation; di- minution of temptation; prison officers; exces- sive statistical demands; visiting justices; chil- dren in prison; prison cells. 8°. London, 1880. Howe (S. G.) An essay on separate anel con- gregate systems of prison discipline ; being a re- port made to the Boston Prison Discipline So- ciety. 8°. Boston, 1846. India. Measures taken to give effect to the recommendations of a committee appointed to report on the state of jail discipline and to sug- gest improvements. 8°. Calcutta, 1867. Selections from the records of the government of India (home department), No. 52. Inquiry (An) into the alleged tendency ofthe separation of convicts, one from the other, to produce disease anel derangement. By a citizen of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. Kozlowski (C.) * Ueber die Eiuzelhaft und deren Anwendung. 8°. Dorpat, 1848. Letter to convicts in twenty-six State prisons, and ten houses of correction, or county peniten- tiaries. 2. ed., printed, but not published, July, 1848; fifth thousand, August, 1848. 8°. [n.p., 1848.] Letter (Fifth) to convicts in State prisons and houses of correction, or county penitentiaries. Printed, but not published, November, 1850. 8 '. [Boston, 1850.] Letters on the comparative merits of the penitentiary discipline. By a Massachusetts man. 8°. Boston, 1836. Lieber (F.) A popular essay on subjects of penal law, and on uninterrupted solitary con- finement at labor, as contradistinguished to soli- tary confinement at night anel joint labor by day, in a letter to John Bacon. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1838. Lindsley (J. B.) On prison discipline and penal legislation; with special reference to the State of Tennessee. 8°. Nashville, Tenn., 1874. Repr. from: Theological Medium, July, 1874. Livingston (E.) Introductory report to the code of prison discipline, explanatory of the principles on which the code is founded, being part of the system of penal law prepared for the State of Louisiana. 8°. Philadelphia, 1827. Lucas (C.) Expose de l'etat de la question penitentiaire en Europe et aux Etats-Unis; suivi d'observations tie MM. ele Tocqueville, Ch. Lucas et Berenger. 8°. Paris, 1844. Repr: from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. morales et politi- ques, 1844. See, also, infra, Moreau-Christopho (L.-M.). Malcomson ( J. G. ) A letter to the Right Hon. Sir Henry Harding on the effects of soli- PRISONS. 660 PRISONS. Prison* (Management of). tary confinement ou the health of soldiers, in warm climates. 8°. London, 1837. Marquet-Vasseilot (L.-A.-A.) Examen his- torique et critique des diverges theories peniten- tiaires, ramene&s a une unite de systeme applica- ble a la France. 2 v. 8°. Lille, 1835. Maugin (A.) * Sur l'hygiene des prisons. 4°. Paris, 1819. Mease (J.) Observations on the penitentiary system ami penal code of Pennsylvania, with suggestions for their improvement. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1828. Moreau-Christophe (L.-M.) Raison des faits communiques par Ch. Lucas k l'Acadeniie ties sciences morales, sur quelques detenus cellules. 8°. Paris, 1839. Normand (A.-L.) * Hygiene et pathologie de eleux convois tie condamues aux travaux forces, transportes de France en Nouvelle-Caieelonie par la fregate la Sibylle, en 1866-7. 4 \ Paris, 1869. Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons. Constitution of the . . . 16°. Philadelphia, 1806. -----. A statistical view of the operation of the penal code of Pennsylvania. To which is aeleleel a view of the present state of the peniten- tiary antl prison in the city of Philadelphia. Preparetl and published in pursuance of a resolu- tion of . . . 8°. Philadelphia, 1817. -----. The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. Published annually. No. 4, v. 1, Oct., 1847); no. 1, v. 6, Jan., 1851; no. 2, v. 10, April, 1855; no. 3, v. 11, July, 1856; n. s., nos. 1-14, 1862-75; no. 18, 1879;'no. 19, 1880. 8°. Philadelphia, 1S45-80. -----. The Pennsylvania system of prison discipline triumphant in France. [Being a letter from Paris, by Geo. Sumner. ] 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. -----. Report of the committee on the com- parative health, mortality, length of sentences, etc., of white anel colored convicts. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1849.] -----. First annual report ofthe visiting in- spectors auel prison agent, as orelered to be pub- lished. Including seconel annual report to the Prison Society. Together with the speech of A. S. Roberts in select council chamber. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1856. -----. Annual reports of the prison agent, W. J. Mullen. 2., 1855; 7., 1860; 12., 1865. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856-66. -----. Sketch of the principal transactions, from its origin to the present time. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1859. -----. Sketch of the principal transactions, from its origin (1776) to the present time. 8°. Philadelphia, 1864. -----. Some notice of the county prisons and almshouses in Pennsylvania, respectfully ad- dressed to his excellency A. G. Curtin, governor of the Commonwealth. 8°. Philadelphia, 1864. -----. The Pennsylvania system of separate confinement explained and defended. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1867. de Pietra Santa (P.) Mazas. Etudes sur l'einprisonnement cellulaire. 8°. Paris, 1853. Postel (L.-E.) * Considerations physiologi- ques et medicales sur la sociabilite et les sys- temes penitentiaires. 4°. Paris, 1857. Prison Association of New York. Annual re- ports of the executive, and accompanying elocu- ments. 6., 1850; 7., 1851; 20., 1864;'23., 1867; 29.-34., 1873-8. 8°. Albany, 1851-79. -----. Memorial to the governor of New York. Adopted Dec. 1, 1870. 8°. New York, 1870. Prisons (Management of). -----. The work of the ... its character antl results. Addressed to the citizens of New York, by a committee of the association. H°. New York, 1870. -----. Preliminary statement, from tho thir- tieth annual report of the executive committee 8°. New York, 1875. Prison Discipline Society, Boston. Annual reports ofthe board of managers to the society 1., 1825-6; 14., 1838-9; 17., 1841-2; 27., lnr,i-2 8°. Boston, 1827-52. -----. The same. 1.-29., 1825-6 to 1853-4. 3 v. 8°. Boston, 1827-54. Reprinted in 1855. Rivista di discipline carcerarie in relazione con 1' antropologia, col diritto penale, con la sta- tistica ecc, e Bulletino ufficiale tlella direzione generale delle carceri. Fasc. 1-2, v. 16. 8°. Roma, 1886. Roscoe (W.) A brief statement of the causes which have leel to the abandonment of the cele- brated system of penitentiary discipline in some of the United States of America, in a letter to the Hon. Stephen Allen, of New York. 8°. Liverpool, [1827]. Sergeant (J.) & Miller (S.) Observations and reflections on the design and effects of punishment. In letters addressetl to Roberts Vaux. Read at a meeting of the Prison Society of Philadelphia, and, with the consent of tho writers, published by its order. Also the opinion ofthe keepers ofthe Penitentiary and Bridewell at Philadelphia, on the separate confinement of criminals. 8°. Philadelphia, 1828. Temporary Asylum for Discharged Female Prisoners, Detlham, Mass. [Circular ofthe board of managers, announcing the organization and objects. July, 1H54.] 8°. [Boston, 1864.] -----. Annual reports of the board of man- agers, l.-ll., 1864 to 1873-4; 15., 1H77-8; 10., 1878-9 ; 28., 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1864-88. Turnbull (R. J.) A visit to the Philadelphia Prison, being an accurate anel particular account of the wise anel humane administration adopteel in every part of that building. Containing also an account ofthe gradual reformation and pres- ent improved state ofthe penal laws of Pennsyl- vania; with observations on the impolicy and injustice of capital punishment. 8°. Philadel- phia obele. Rapport triennal sur le serviee medical ele'la maison centrale penitentiaire de (iand. (I SCO.) Arch. med. beiges, Brux.. 1869, 2. s., ix, 375-386.—IVoppe. Rap- port adresse k M. l'inspecteur g6n6ral de serviee' de sante, sur le service de la maison de correction de St.-Bernard, pendant lannee 1842. Arch, de la ni6d. beige, Brux., 1843, x, 193-217.—Stacquez. Rapport adress6 a Monsieur l'in- specteur g6n6ral du service de sante, sur le service de la maison de correction de St.-Bernard, pendant I'annCe 1843 et 1844. Ibid., 1844, xiii, 151. 3 tab.; 247: xiv, 1, 1 tab.: xv, 1; 197,1 tab.: 1845, xvi, 5.—Van Peene. Extrait du rap- port iu6dical des prisons de (land ; annee 1881. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1882, 3. s., xxii, 206-208. CANADA. Canada. Aunual reports of the board of in- spectors of asylums, prisons, etc., to the governor- general of the British Proviuces in North Amer- ica. 2., 1861; 5., 1864. 8^'. Quebec, 1862-5. ------. Rapport annuel du bureau desinspec- teurs d'asile.s, prisons, etc., au governeur-ge"u6ral de l'Am6rique-Britannique du Nord. 5., 1865. 8°. Ottawa, 1866. Ontario (Province of). Annual reports of the inspector of asylums, prisous, and public chari- ties for the province of Ontario, to the lieuten- ant-governor. 5.-7., 1871-2 to 1873-4; 9.-16., 1875-6 to 1882-3. 8°. Toronto, 1873-84. ------. Annual report of the inspector of prisons anel public charities, upon the gaols, prisons, and reformatories of the province of On- tario. Printeel by order of the legislative as- sembly. 15., 1881-2. 8°. Toronto, 1882. Islc-au-rYoix Reformatory. Annual reports of the officers for the years 1861; 1864. Rep. Bd. Insp. Asyh, Prisons, etc., Canada, Quebec, 1862, ii, 168: 1865, v, 165.— Ontario Reformatory for Females and Refuge for Girls, Toronto. Annual repent of the superintendent, 1., 1880- 81. Rep. Insp. Asyh, Prisons, etc., I'rov. Ontario, Toronto, 1HS2, xiv, 457^475.— PenetnuguiMhene Reformatory. Annual reports of the officers," for the' years 1861; 1864. Rep. Bel. Insp. Asyh, Prisous, etc., Canada, Quebec, 1862, ii, 182-189: 1865, v,' 172 - 175. — l'enitencicr provincial, Kingston. Rapport du pr6fet pour l'aun6e 1865. Rap. Bureau tl. iusp. d'asiles, prisons, etc., Canada, Ottawa, 1866, v (app.; 69-97.—Prison de reforme, Bas-Canada. Rapport annuel tlu pr6fet pour l'ann6e 1865. Ibid., 98- 101. — Prison de r6forme du Haut-Canada k P6nitan- couchine. Rapport annuel du pr6fet pour l'auntje 1865. Ibid., 102-108. — Provincial Penitentiary. Kingston. The warden's reports for 1801,1864. Rep. Bd. Insp. Asyh, Prisons, etc , Canada, Quebec, 1862, ii, 132: 1865, v, 150.— Reformatory for Boys, Penetanguishene. Annual re- ports of the warden, chaplain, and surgeon, for the years 1871-2 to 1873-4; 1875-6 to 1880-81. Rep. Iusp. Asyh Pri- sons, etc., Prov. Ontario, Toronto, 1873, v, 187: 1874. vi, 205: vii, 221: 1877, ix, 295: 1878, x, 366: 1879, xi, 401: 1880, xii, 445: 1881, xiii, 387: 1882, xiv, 444. FRANCE. Aiguier (J.-M.) *De la mortality au bagne de Toulon. Contribution a l'etude tie la r6forme penitentiaire. 4°. Montpellier, 1868. de Barbe-Marbois (F. ) Eapport sur l'etat actuel des prisons dans les d^partements tlu Calvados, de l'Eure, de la Manche, et de la Seine- Inf6rieure; et sur la maison de correction de Gaillon. 4°. Paris, 1824. Bertrand de Saint-Germain. Memoire sur le statistique du bagne de Toulon, sur son regle- ment interieur et sur 16tat moral et sanitaire ties condamne's. 8°. Paris, 1862. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. morales et poli- tiques. 2 PRISONS. Prison* and reformatories (Jh'scriptionx, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. FRANCE—continued. Bories (E.) *Apercu medical sur la maison deSparti'iiientale tie Nanterre; hygiine gdncralc, chauli'age, ventilation, desiufection, vidaii"v 4°. Paris, 1888. Casal (J.-J.) *Apercu sur les pi'iiileiniers agricoles eles jeuues detenus, et speVialeiiicnt sur eclui ele File du Levant ou du Titan (lies d'Hyeres), an point de vue de l'hygiene physique et morale. 4°. Montpellier, 1873'. Chassinat (R.) Etudes sur la mortalit6 tlans les biignes et dans les maisons centrales ele force et tie correction, depuis 1822 jusqu'a 1837 inclu- sivement; faites par ordre ele M. le comic Ducha- tel, ministre de l'interieur, el'aprcs les documents ofticiels fournis paries ininisteres ele l'interieur et ele la marine. 4°. Paris, 1844. Also [Abstr.], in: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxii, 221-226, Choppin. Statistique des prisous et 6tahlisse- nients-pe'nitentiaires, et conipte rendu pr6sentr~ a M. le ministre de l'interieur pour l'annee 1874. 8°. Paris, 1877. Decazes. Eapport au roi sur les prisons, et pieces a l'appui tlu rapport. 4°. [Paris, 1819.] Deueau (M.-T.) fituele architectural!! et hy- gi^nique sur la prisou tlu depot de conelainnds. 8°. Paris, 1863. Foucaud (P.-H.) * Esquisse sur l'hygiene eles bagnes et en particulier tie celui ele Rochefort. 4°. Paris, 1839. France. Departement de V interieur. Rapport au roi sur la situation des hospices, ties eufans trouv6s, des alienes, tie la menelicite ct des pri- sons. 4°. Paris, 1818. Gros (A.-A.) * Essai snr l'hygiene des maisons centrales de detention en general, et de celle tie Fontevrault en particulier. 4°. Strasbourg, 1^20. Joly (C.-F.-A.) * Recherches statistiques et m6dicales sur la maison centrale de Clermont (Oise). 4°. Paris, 1866. Maindrault. * Quelques considerations 1116- dicales sur la prison tie Bicetre. 4°. Paris, 1820. MONGRAND (E. ) *Le bagne de Brest, con- sie!6r6 au point de vue hygi6uique et meMicul. 4°. Paris, 187,6. de Pietra Santa ( P. ) Mazas. Etudes sur l'einprisonnement cellulaire. 8°. Paris, l,\r>3. -----. The same. Et la folie penitentiaire. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1858. Segaitd. Tableau des prisons de Marseille, pr6ee"eie d'un coup d'ceil rapiele sur l'etat actuel, physique et moral de cette ville. 8°. Marseille, 1826. Seine (Departement de la). Prefecture de police. Rapport fait a M. le prdfet de police, par la commission charg6e de l'examen eles con- ditions physiques et morales des detenus dans la prisou cellulaire de Mazas. [Guerard et Paillarel de Villeneuve, rapporteurs.] 4°. Paris, 1850. -----. Rapports aelresses a MM. Carlier et Pietri, prefets de police, par la commission char- gee de l'examen des conditions physiques et mo- rales de la prisou cellulaire de Mazas. [1-3 rapports, par Guerard, Paillard de Villeneuve et Leiut.] 4°. Paris, 1852. Armieux. Les prisons d'autrefois k Toulouse. Rev. nied. de Toulouse, 1885, xix, 257-265.—Boileau de €nn- (ilniiii. Note sur les entr6es k l'inflrmerie et les eleee.i chez les detenus ele la maison centrale de Nimes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835, xiv, 332:1836,xv,461: 1837, xviii, 493: « XX(' 406. -----. Note de statistique m6dicale sur la maison centraledeforceetdecorrectiondeNimes. Ibid., 1843,xxix, g2_96.-----. Quelques remarques sur le rapport dela com- mission sanitaire de la prison tie Mazas. Ibid., 1853, xlix, 420-429.—€oiinlet (C.) Observations sur l'hygifene des condamnes detenus dans la prison penitentiaire de Geneve. PRISONS. 663 PRISONS. Prison* and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. FRANCE—continued. Ibid 1838, xix, 272-365. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: i Gaz.'med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 405-472. — Colin (L.) Rapport sur les conditions hygieniques des immeubles d6partementaux affect6s aux prisons de la Seine. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 756-758. -----. Les prisons de la Seine, conditions hygieniques des immeu- bles departementaux affectes a ce service. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xix, 205-218.— Dcsportcs (F.) Prisons and penitentiaries in France. Proc. Confer. Char., Bost., 1885 (1884), 276-284.— Oiutrac ( H.) Lettre relative a une mortalit6 exceptionnelle parmi les detenues a la maison centrale de Cadillac. Trav. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1859-61, vi, 477-482. — Oiie- rard (A.) Mejmoire sur la prison cellulaire de Mazas. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1853, 2.8., xlix, 5-68.— du Ilamel [et al.\. Rapport fait il l'Acadeniie royale ties sciences, sur les prisons, le 17 mars 1780. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1780.] Collect, acad. el. mem., etc.. Par., 1787, xvi, 80-90. — Joullietton. M6moire medical sur les prisons de Gueret, chef-lieu du departement de la Creuse. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1807, xiv, 98-119.—I>elut (M.) Une visite aux prisons cellulaires de France. Gaz. med. dePar., 1846,3. s . i, 907-919.—Payn. La maison centrale de l'Harrach (Alucrie). J. de ni6d. et de pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1878, iii. 123 ; 154. — Plan dela prison, niodele, (pie Ion eleve a Paris sur le terrain dit la Roquette, et observations sur ce plan. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1829, ii, 347-352, 2 ph—Kaiwin (F.) Aperc-u statis- tique sur la maison centrale tie detention de Beaulieu, et sur les avantages du systdine d'administration adopte pour les maisons centrales. Ibid., 1831, vi, 180-197. — Roussclet (A.) Service de sant6 des prisons eiviles k Paris. Progres metl., Par., 1889, 2. s., ix, 92. — Tenon. Sur les inflrmeries des trois principales prisons de la juris- diction du Chatelet de Paris: savoir, du For-1'eveque, du Setil etdu grand Chatelet. [From: M6m. Acad. roy. d. sc. e Par., 1780.] Collect, acad. d. m6m., etc., Par., 1787, xvi, 91-106, 1 pl. — Toulmouche ( A.) Travail historique, statistique, m6dical, hygi6nique, et moral sur la maison centrale de detention de la ville de Rennes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835, xix, 5-64. — "Villerme (L.-R.) M6moire sur la mortality dans les prisons. Ibid., 1829, i, 1-100. -----. Note sur la mortalit6 parmi les foreats du bagne de Roche- fort, sur la frequence de leurs maladies, et sur la grande tentlance que celles-ci ont k se terminer par la mort. Ibid., 1831, vi, 113-127. GERMANY. Braum (J. C.) *Die Straf-Anstalt Gotteszell mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die in derselben vorkommenden Krankheiten. 8°. Tubingen, 1639. Frannk (M.) Beschreibung der Contuinaz- Anstalten im koniglich - bayeriscben Unterelo- nau-Kreise, insbesondersjenerauf dem Mariahilf- hergebei Passau; mitPlanen. 8°. Passau, 1832. Mittheilungen aus den amtlichen Berichten iiber die zum Ministerium des Innern gehorenelen koniglich-preussischen Straf- und Gefiingniss- anstalten betreffend die Jahre 1858, 1859, resp. 1860. 8°. Berlin, 1861. Rheinisch - Westphalische Gef angniss - Ge- sellschaft. Jahresbericht. 44., 1870-71. 8°. Diisseldorf, 1872. ties* (G.) Mittheilungen iiber den Gesundheitsstand uiiserer hoheren Civilstrafanstalten in den Jahren 1858-61. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxii, 17-22. -----. Die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse der ho- heren Civilstrafanstalten des Keinigreichs Wiirttemberg. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1879, xi, 393-407. — Faljjcr. Bruchstiick aus dem Jahresbe- richte iiber die koni-1. Strafanstalt zu Miinster fiir 1864, betreffend die Raninliehkeits-Verhiiitnisse uud die Ven- tilation in der Anstalt. Vrtljschr. f. geriehll. u. off Med., Berl., 1866, v, 55-69. — Fit in« liiiiami (G.) Acute In- fections-Krankheiten in der Straf - Anstalt Kaisheim. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 1; 12; 23. Also, Re- print—FucMalin (J.) Statistische Nachweisungen iiber das neue Mannerzuchthaus in Bruchsal aus den Jahren 1849 nnd 1850. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 18ol, v, 138-143. -----. Statistik des Zellen-Gefangnisses Bruchsal, vom 1. Januar 1850 bis 31. December 1856. Cong. internat. de bienfaisance 1857. Francf. s. M., 1858, ii, 512- 551.—Levy (A.) Ueber die Todesursachen hei den Ge- fangenen der Strafanstalten zu Ensisheim und Hagenau. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1881, vi, 289-301.— Majer (C.) Die bayeriscben Straf- und Polizeianstalten Prison* and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. GERMANY—continued. und deren Sanitiitszustand in den Jahren 1868-72. Fried- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1875, xxvi, 3-41. -----. Statistik der bayeriscben Strafanstalten untl Ar- beitshiiuser, die Periode vom 1. Januar 18C9 bis 31. De- zeniher 1878 umfassend; eine mediziuisch-statistische Stu- di!'. Ibid., 1882, xxxiii, 261; 333. — Neumann (A. C.) Ueber das Correctionshaus zu Grauden/.. als Beitrag zur Zeitfrage iiber Strafanstalten und Getiinynisse. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv, 721-724.—Killer (B.) Die Vortheile der Einzelnhaft der Strafgefangenen in hygiei- nischer und psychologiseher Hinsicht, mit besonderer Hinweisung auf das Gefaugnisswesen im K. Wiirttem- berg. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1850, lix, 1-22.— Voijjt. Ueher die iible gesnnillieitliehe Beschaffeuheit der hiesigen Gefanjjenaustalt am Thrausberg. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. "f. off. Gsndhtsptig. in Magdeb., 1878, 6. Hft., 7; 32. —Volltiiiaim ick»on (VV. P.) Memoran- dum on thecauseof thecxcessive sickness in the Dhurinsalla Jail. Rep. San. Admin. Punjab, Lahore, 1869, app. v, pp. xxxvii-xlix —Dull (B. X. M.) Remarks on the epidemic diseases in the Deegah penitentiary during 1852-3. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854-5, ii, no. 4, 572-578 -J aek»oii (N.) A brief history of the Suiubulpoor Jail, cliietly relating to the high ratio ot mortality generally prevalent therein. Ibid . 1864, no. 17, 89-109.—Jail returns in tbe presidency of Madras during the year 1874. Rep. San. Com. Madras, 1875. app. iv, 27-39.— Mackenzie (S. C.) Vital statistics of the 1'residency Jail, Calcutta, during the years 1871-6. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 145; 171.—[Sanitary condition of the] jails and general population [of India]. Ri'p. San. Com. India, Calcutta, 1871, viii, 91: ix, 199.— Nnnitury condition of jails [Madras). Rep. San. (.'om., Maelras, 1871, 101-112.—Strong ( F. P.) Jail statistics. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1*55-6, iii, no. 5, 168, 3 tab.— Mntlicrlaiiu (J.) Sanatory report of the .jail and civil station of Patna for tbe yeaf 1857. Ibid.. 1859, vi, no. 13, 50_f.C — Withecombe (J. R.) Extract from the annual report ol tin' jail hospital at Darjeeling, for the year 1851. Ibid., 1856-7, 'iv, no. 7, 193-226. ITALY. Bahxo (Del) in Genova; appendice al discorso mio sulla riforma chile carceri eletto al Congresso italiano in Lucca, settembre 1843. 8°. Genova, 1844. Congres penitentiaire international de Rome. Actes tlu . . . v. 1-3 in 5. 8°. Rome, 1887-9. De Renzi (S.) Sull' ospeelale elelle prigioni detto di S. Francesco. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Italy. Regio decreto di approvazione del regolamento generale per le case di pena del regno. 13 genuaio 1862. No. 413. 4°. [Torino, 1862. ] -----. Regio decreto circa la nomina e gli stipentii degli impiegati d' amministrazione, elei medici-chirurghi addetti alle case di pena del regno. 19 genuaio 1862. No. 422, 4°. [Torino, 1862.] Italy. Ministro delV interno. 11 ministro segretario di stato per gli aifari dell' interno. 27) gennaio 1862. [Explanatory of art. 7 of the royal decree of Jan. 19, 1862, No. 422.] 4°. [Torino, 1862.] Morelli ((J.) Le carceri penitenziali della Toscaua. Studi igienici. 8°. Firenze, [I860]. Bninn (G. C.) Notizie storiche sul penitenziario dei giovani diseoli della genarala presso Torino e rendiconto stat istico sul loro stato morale-sanitario pel triennio 1845-7. Gior. il. r. Accad. med.-chir. eli Torino, 1849, 2. s., iv, 3; 129. -----. Sistemi penitenziari; sull' influenza dell' im- prigionamento individuale sullo stato fisico-morale dei con- dannati. Ibid., 1856, 2. s., xxvi, 370; 430. — Duckworth (D.) Meelical and sanitary notes of a visit to the model male prison at Palanza, Lake Maggiore, Italy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 578.—Exposition (L') des types de cellules. Actes Cong, penitent, internat. de Rome (1885), 1888, iii, pt. 2, 11-97, 109 pl.—Fornasini (L.) Osserva- zioni intorno alle carceri criniinali di Brescia, e alio stato sanitario di esse. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1843, cviii, 137-156.—Oiacchi (O.) In proposito della riforma peni- tenziaria. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1889, lxiii, 509-516.— iVIarasini (F.) Le condizioni sanitario. del hagno penale di Portoferraio. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1876, 2. s., vi, 167.— Orilia (H.) Le travail des condamn6s a fair libre, d'apres les experiences faites a Rome par la direction du genie militaire. Actes Cong, penitent, internat. de Rome (1885), 1888, iii, pt. 1,171-211 .—Peri (C.) Rapport sur les prisons de la Toscane. Cong, internat. de bienfaisance 1857, Francf. s. M., 1858, ii, 262-284.—Kaseri (E.) Sulle condizioni sanitariedei carcerati in Italia. Ann. tli statist, Roma, 1881, 2. s., xxii, 87-104.—Venezian (G.) efc Ferri (E.) Relazione sul bagno penale di Ancona (scuola di diritto criminale di Bologna). Arch, di psichiat., etc.. Torino e Roma, 1881, ii, 345-359. NETHERLANDS. Swaving (C.) De oorzaken en gevolgen der ongezontlheid van eenige gevangeuissen en hos- pitalen op Java, met een plan van het twreinec Prisons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. NETHERLANDS—continued. de "waterplaats" te Batavia en tabellen. 8°. Delft, 1865. von Baiiinhaiier (M. M.) Das Gefatignissweseiiin dem Konigri'iehi' eler Niederhinde seit 1846. Cong, inter- nat. ele bienfaisance 1857, Francf. s. M., 1858. ii, ,'!8(i-41(i.— Jolles (J.-A.) Note sur la prison cellulaire' k Anisler. dam. Ibid., 417-426. — Kiider. An den Vorstanel ilea niederlandisehen Vereins zur sittliebi'ii Be.sserung dertie. . fangenen zu Amsterdam. Cor.-Bl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1859, vi, 17-25. NORWAY. Norway. Beretning om Boelsfamgslets Virk- somhcil. 1K56-66. [Report on the efficacy of houses of correction.] 8°. Christiania, lr\>7-(>7. Bericht iiber die Wirksamkeit des Bussgef angnissis in Christiania in den Jahren 1858 und 1860. (Aus "Beretning om Boelsfasngslets Virksomhed i A ret 1858 und 1860", mi£ getheilt von Dr. v. d. Busch.) Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1863, lxxxvi, 150-164. RUSSIA. Archangelski (N. M.) Ocherk morskoiispravitelnoi tjurmi v sanitarnom otnoshenii. [Sketch of the naval prisons from a sanitary standpoint.] Med. pribav. k morsk. shorniku, St. Petersb., 1884, March, 11; May, 30.—It jo r li- sten (J. I.) Om de sanitara forballandena vid Kruno- spinnhnset i Willmanstand; iakttagelser under ar 1871. Finska lak.-siillsk. handh, Helsiugfors. 1874, xvi, 43-91.— Fririolin. Materijali dlja turemuo - nied. statistiki. [Medical statistics of prisons.] Shorn, soediin.posudebiioi med., St. Petersb., 1880, ii, pt. 1, 138: 1881, ii, pt. 1, 74.— Syvorotkin. Med. otchet po boljnitse pri Rybinskom turemnom zanike za 1882 i 1883 g. [Meelical report of mor- bidity of the Ryhinski prison during the period of 18K2 * and 1883.] Vestnik sudeb. med., etc., St. Petersb., 1886, iii, pt. 3, 55: iv, pt. 3; 70. SPAIN. Lecboii (P.) Inconvenientes de nuestros estableci- mientos penitenciarios y sistema que debiera adoptarse bajo el punto de vista de la higiene. Cr6n. med., Valencia, 1880-81, iv, 464; 492; 524; 554; 589. Also: ('.;»■. de hi-, y climat,, Cadiz, 1881, ii, 118; 142; 178; 211— iTliiigiHz y Mayo (J.) Memoria demogr&ficopeuiti'iiciaria rcinitiila al Sr. D. Gabriel Fernandez de Cadorniga, director gene- ral de establecimientos penales. Union de 1. cien. med., Cartagena, 1883-4, ii, 323; 339. — Keglaniento provi- sional para la prision celular de Madrid. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1883, xviii, 304; 312. SWEDEN. Sweden. Bidrag till Sveriges officiela statis- tik. G) Fangvarden. Nyfoljil xxvii. Fangvarels- Styrelsens underdaniga Beriittelse for ar 1885. 4°. Stockholm, 1886. Brink (C. O.) Ueber die Gefangnissverbesseriing in Schweden. Cong, internat. tie bienfaisance 1857, Francf. 8. M., 1858, ii, 477-482. SWITZERLAND. Onllci'iiiet. Situation des prisons dans le canton de Geneve. Cong, internat de bienfaisance 1857, Francf. s. M., 1858, ii, 316-334. — iTIooscr. Die Pbnitentiaraiistalt St. Jacob hei St.Gallen. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang, 1852, iii, 2. Hft., 7-15. -----. Bericht iiber die Ponitcntiar- Anstalt zu St. Jakob bei St. Gallen, vom 1. Januar 1847 bis 31. December 1856. Cong.internat.de bienfaisance 1857, Francf. s. M., 1858, ii, 289-315. VICTORIA. New South Wales. Public charities. An- nual reports of the inspector of public charities to the colouial secretary. 5.-9., 1880-84. fol. Sydney, 1881-5. UNITED STATES. Carpenter (M.) Report. The prisons of the United States. 8U. [n. p., n. d.] National Prison Association of the United States. The restoration of the criminal. A ser- mon by Frederick Howard Wines, preached ou Prison Sunday, Oct. 21, 1888, at Springfield, Illi- uois. W'.tb an appendix, containing thy vjus* pftrsoNs. 667 PEISONS. Prisons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. tntion anel a list of officers antl members of the association. *°. Springfield, 1888. ftill (H. Z.) State prisons of the United States. San- itarian, N. V., 1883, n. s., i, 705-712.—ilawtiiigs (S. D.) The present condition of the common jails of tbe country. Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Sc, Madison, 1870-72, 90-97. Alabama. Cochran (.1.) Report on Pratt Mines and the convict prisons at said mines. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgom- ery, 1884, xxxvi, 222-233. -----. Report on the sanitary condition of the prisons at the mines. Ibid., 1885, xxxviii, 213-225. California. California. State Board of Prison Directors. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 8., 1886-7; 9., 1887-8. 8°. Sacramento, 1887-8. Keport of the sheriff, San Francisco, 1870-71. San Fran, municip. rep., 1871, 250-253. Connecticut. Connecticut. Report of the commissioners on State prison matters, to the general assembly, May session, 1872. 8°. Hartford, 1872. Connecticut. Connecticut Rcform/ichool, Mer- iden. Annual report of the trustees and superin- tendent to the general assembly. 30., 1881. 8°. Meriden, 1881. Connecticut. Connecticut State Prison. An- nual report of the directors aud warden, for the year 1829-30. 8;. Neiv Haven, 1830. Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, Mid- elletown. Annual reports of the boarei of directors to the legislature, and to the benefactors and frienels. 2.-16., 1^70 to 1884-5. 8°. Bartford 4 Middlelown, 1872-86. District of Columbia. United States. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the annual report of the inspectors of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia. Feb. 1, 1830. 8°. [Washington, D. C, 1839.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill iu relation to the trustees of the Reform School of the District of Columbia. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1587. Feb. 18, 1886. Introd. by Mr. Ingalls, and rep. by him, without amendment, Feb. 26, 1886. 8°. [ Washington, 1886. ] United States. Department of the Interior. Reform School of the District of Columbia. Report of the board of trustees to the Secretary of the Interior, for the year 1869-70. 8°. Washington, 1870. Florida. Report of warden of the State prison of Florida, 1873 ; 1874; 1885 and 1886; 1887 and 1888. Rep. Adj.-Gen. Flor- ida, Tallahassee, 1874, 15-32: 1875, 11-35: 1887, 25-35: 1889, 35-46. Georgia. Report of city marshal, Savannah, 1888. Rep. mayor Savannah, 1889, 60-62. Illinois. Chicago. Chicago Reform School. Annual re- port of the board of guardians to the common council ofthe city of Chicago. 16., 1871-2. 8°. Chicago, 1872. Illinois. Board of State Commissioners of Pub- lic Charities. Biennial reports [including reports on county jails, crime, the convict, antl prison] to the governor of the State. 1.-10., 1868-9 to 1887-8. 8°. Springfield, 1871-89. Illinois. Southern Illinois Penitentiary, al Ches- ter. Biennial reports of the commissioners antl •risons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. officers to the governor of the State. 1.-6., 1877 to 1887-8. 8°. Springfield, 1878-88. Illinois. State Penitentiary, at Joliei. Biennial reports of the commissioners and officers to the governor of the State, for the years 1870-71 to 1887-8. 8°. Springfield, 1873-89. Gill (H. Z.) Summary of monthly reports of the med- ical department ofthe Southern Illinois Penitentiary, Ches- ter, Illinois, for the six months commencing August 1, 1881, and ending January 31, 1882. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1882, xiii, 352-354. -----. Fourth semiannual report of the med- ical department ofthe Southern 111. Penitentiary, Chester, 111., Feb. 1 to July 31. 1883. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1883, v, 327-330.—Report of the superintendent of the Peoria House of Correction, 1888. City clerk's rep. State- ment . . . Peoria, 111., 1889, 81-96. Indiana. Indiana. Indiana istate Prison North, at Mich- igan City. Annual reports of the directors antl ' officers to to the governor of the State, for the years 1882-3 to 1884-5; 1886-7; 1887-8. 8°. In- dianapolis, 18<-4-9. Indiana. Indiana Stale Prison South, at Jeffer- souvillc. Annual reports of the directors and offi- cers to the governor of the State, for the years 1881-2; 1882-3; 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. Indian- apolis, 1883-9. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa State Penitentiary, at Fort Madison. Biennial reports of the warden anel physiciau to the governor of the State, for the years 1869-70 to 1886 7. 8°. Des Moines, 1&72-87. Kansas. Kansas. Kansas State Penitentiary, Lansing. Biennial reports of the directors and -warden to the governor of the State. 2.-6., 1878-9 to 1887- 8. 8°. Topeka, 1880-88. Kentucky. Kentucky. Kentucky Penitentiary. Biennial reports of the Avarden to the board of directors St.ate Prisou, for the years 1884-7. 8°. Frank- fort, 1886-8. Louisville House of Refuge. Annual reports of the board of managers to the general assembly and the general council of the city. 1., 1866; 3.-11., 1868-76; 13.-15., 1878-80. 8°. Louisville, 1867-81. Report of Citv Work -house, Louisville, 1876-8; 1880; 1882- 1883-4 to 1886-7. Louisville municip. rep. (1876), 1877 579-588: (1877), 1878, 563-570: (1878), 1879, 419-445: (1880), 1881, 339-364: (1882), 1883, 411-433: (1883-4), 1886, 541-547: (18P4-5), 1886,495-504: (1886), 1887, 279-293: (1886- 7) 1888, 82-104, 1 pl.—Report of the House of Refuge, Louisville, 1875-8; 1880; 1882; 1883-4; 1884-5. Ibid. (1875), 1876 381-415: (1876), 1877, .-.89-623: (1877), 1878, 519-554: (1878) 1879, 329-368: (1880), 1881, 153-192: (1882), 1883, 443- 480: (1883-4), 1886, 355-391: (1884-5), 1886, 299-329. — Re- port of the Industrial School of Reform, Louisville, 1885-6; 1886-7. Ibid., 1887, 329-348: 1888, 237-266. Louisiana. Louisiana. Louisiana State Penitentiary, at Baton Bouge. Biennial reports of the board of control to the governor of the State, for the years 1884-7. 8°. Baton Bouge, 1886-8. Maine. Maine. Report of the commissioners upon the jail system of the State of Maine. 8°. Augusta, 1871. Maine. State Prison, at Thomaston. Annual reports of the inspectors, warden, and subordi- nate officers to the governor and executive coun- cil. 50., 1872-3; 57.-63., 1879-80 to 1885-6; 65., 1887-8. 8°. Augusta, 1874-89. PRISONS. 668 PRISONS. Prisons and. reformatories (Descriptions, , reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. Maine. State Reform School, Cape Elizabeth. Annual report ofthe trustees auel superintendent to the governor antl council. 20., 1872-3. 8°. Augusta, 1873. Maine Industrial School for Girls, at Hal- lowcll. Annual reports of the boarei of managers to the governor of the State, 1.-6., 1875 to 1879- 80. 8°. Augusta, 1876-80. Maryland. Baltimore. Jail of Baltimore City. Annual reports of the boarei of visitors anel officers to tho mn vor anel city council, for the years 1868-9 to 1872-3; 1874-5 to 1877; 1885; 1886; 1888. 8^. Baltimore, 1869-89. Female House of Refuge, Mount Zephyr, near Relay House. Annual reports of the boarei of directors to the city council of Baltimore and to the subscribers. 4., 1870; 5., 1871; 7.-10., 1873-6; 12.-14., 1878-80. 8°. Baltimore, 1,871-81. Horsi: of Reformation anel Instruction for Col- ored Chiltlren, Cheltenham, Prince George's L'ounty. Reports (annual) ofthe board of man- agers to the general assembly of Maryland antl tlie mayor anel city council of Baltimore. 3.-5., 1*74-5 "to 1876-7; 7., 1*78-9. 8°. Baltimore, 1875-SO. House of Refuge, Baltimore. Annual reports of the managers to the legislature of Maryland. i., 1851; 3., 1*53; 4., 1854; 7.-24., 1857-74; 26.- 30., 1876-80. 8°. Baltimore, 1852-81. -----. By-laws, rules, antl regulations. Re- viseel anel amended. Juue 17, 1872. 8°. Balti- more, 1872. Maryland. Report on the penal antl reform- atory institutions of the State of Maryland, made to the International Penitentiary Congress of London, July 3, 1872, by [G. S. Griffith] com- missioner for the said State. 8°. London, 1872. -----. Report on the public charities, re- formatories, prisons, and almshouses of tho State of Maryland, by C. W. Chancellor, M. D., secre- tary of the State board of health, to the governor of the State, July, 1877. 8°. Frederick, 1877. Maryland. Maryland Penitentiary. Report of the committee appointed by the board of direc- tors of the Maryland Penitentiary to visit the penitentiaries and prisous in the city of Philadel- phia aud State of New York. 8°. Baltimore, 1828. -----. Reports of the directors of the Mary- land Penitentiary, made to the executive and communicated by his excellency to the legisla- ture, for the years 1827-9. 8°. Annapolis, 1828-9. ' -----. Supplementary rules and regulations for the government of the penitentiary of Mary- land. 8-\ Baltimore, 1823. Maryland Prisoners'Aid Association. Annual report of the president to the subscribers. 8., 1*76-7. 8°. Baltimore, [1*77]. Saint Mary's Industrial School for Boys ofthe City of Baltimore. Auimal reports of the board of trustees aud officers to the legislature of the State of Maryland, the city council of Baltimore, and the patrons of the institution. 1.-12 1866 to 1880. 8°. Baltimore, 1869-81. -----. Memorial history to commemorate its participation in the sesqui-centennial celebration, Oct. 14, 1880. Prepared by order of executive committee by R. H. Goltlsinith, M. D., of the trustees. *°. [Baltimore, 1^*1 ?] Report of the board of managers of the House of Re^- fornaation and Inst motion for Colored Children. Baltimore 1881; 1882. Mayor's message and rep. city oil'. . . . Balti- 'l'i*ons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. more, 1882, 889: 1883, 493.—Report of the hoard of visitors of the jail of Baltimore Cil \, 1X82 ; 1882. Ibid., 537: Iskj 433. Massachusetts. Bell (L. V.) Dr. Bell's letter [to the mayor of the city of Boston, on the heating and venti- lation of tho new city prison]. City Doc. No. 36, Oct, 9, 1845. 8^. [Boston, 1845.] Boston. [Report ofthe committee on the Jail and House of Correction, on the disposal, ar- rangement, and occupancy of the. buildings in Lcverett street, now used as a house of correc- tion; also, to consider if any alteration ought to be adopted in the government antl dieting ofthe persons committed to saiel house.] Sept. 19, 1831. 8°. [Boston, 1831.] -----. Report of the standing committee of the common council ou the subject of the House of Reformation for Juvenile Offenders. 8°. Bos- ton, 1832. -----. Annual reports ofthe directors ofthe Houses of Industry aud Reformation to the city council. 10.-12. (1832-3to 1834-5); 14.-25.(1*36- 7 to 1*47-8); 29. (1851-2); 31.-34. (1853-4 to 1856- 7). 8°. Boston, 1833-57. -----. Rules and regulations of the House of Correction, for the government of tho officers antl convicts who are inmates of the establish- ment, 16°. Boston, 1835. -----. The same. City Doc. No. 68, Oct., 1854. 8°. [Boston, 1854.] -----. Semi-annual reports of the inspectors of prisons for the county of Suffolk, on the con- elition of the Boston Lunatic Hospital, anel Houses of Industrv, Reformation, antl Correct ion. July, 1837, to June, 1838; Jan., 1»39, to Dec, 1840; Jan. to June, 1842; July, 1*44, to June, 1848; Jan. to Dec, 1850; July to Dec, 1851; July to Dec, 1854; July to Dec, 1857; Jan. to June, 1859; Jan. to June, 1860; July, 1862, to June, 1863. 8°. Boston, [1838-63]. -----. Jail in Leverett street. [Report of the joint special committee on the jail in Leverett street,] Cit-v Doc. No. 14, Jan. 17, 1*39. 8°. [Boston, 1839.] -----. Annual reports of the standing com- mittee on the Houses of Industry, Correction, and Reformation, at South Boston, to the com- mon council, for the years 1839-42. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1*40-43]. -----. Leverett Street Jail. [Report as to the best disposition of the Court House Jail, antl land on Leyerett street.] City Doc. No. 25, Jan. 14, 1841. 89. [Boston, 1841.] -----. New County Jail. [Report of the joint standing committee on the erection of a new county jail.] City Doc. No. 7, Feb. 16,1843. 8°. [Boston, 1843.] -----. Minority report [of the committee of the city council on the subject of reconstructing, or altering the present jail in Leverett street]. City Doc. No. 8, Feb. 22, 1843. 8°. [Boston, 1843. ] -----. Jail. [Report of the committee on public buildings, on new jail for the county of Suffolk.] City Doc. No. 31, Dec. 14, 1843. 8°. [Boston, 1843.] -----. Jail. [Report of joint special com- mittee on the expediency of erecting a new jail.] Citv Doc. No. 18, April 24, 1845. 8°. [Boston, 1845.] -----. Jail. [Report of the committee on public buildiugs, on plans and estimates for a PRISONS. 669 PRISONS. Prisons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. new jail at South Boston.] City Doc. No. 23, June 26, 1845. 8°. [Boston, 1845.] .-----. Jail. [Report of the committee on public buildings on new jail.] City Doc. No. 24, July 10, 1845.] 8°. [Boston, 1845.] .____—. Jail. [Report of the joint committee on public buildings, on proposed plans for a new jail.] City Doc. No. 34, Sept. 25, 1845. 8°. [Boston, 1845.] -----. Report on the removal of the House of Industry and other public institutions at South Boston to Deer Island. City Doc. No. 39. 8°. Boston, 1847. -----. County Jail. City solicitor's opinion [on the duty of providing a suitable jail for the county of Suffolk]. City Doc. No. *, Feb. 7,1848. 8°. [Boston, 1848.] ■-----. Final report of committee on the erec- tion ofthe new jail. City Doc. No. 61, Nov. 10, 1851. 8°. [Boston, 1851."] -----. Report of the committee on the jail lands. City Doc. No. 32, May 2,1853. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1853.] -----. Request of the tlirectors for an aeleli- tional appropriation for the House of Industry and Reformation for the year 1853-4. City Doc. No. 20, Feb. 2, 1854. 8°. [Boston, 1854.] -----. New House of Corection. [Report of the special committee of the city council ou New House of Correction, antl recommending a change from South Boston to Deer Island.] City Doc. No. 63, Aug. 4, 1854. 8°. [Boston, 1854.] -----. City solicitor's opinion [on the power of the directors of the House of Correction to make contracts with individuals]. City Doc. No. 66, Sept. 4, 1854. *°. [Boston, 1*54.] -----. Report on removal of House of Correc- tion to Deer Island. City Doc. No. 78, Oct. 9, 1854. 8°. [Boston, 1854.] -----. The same. 8°. [Boston, 1857.] -----. [Ordered, that the overseers of the House of Correction may obtain plans and speci- fications for the erection of suitable buildings at Deer Island.] City Doc. No. 24, March 17, 1856. 8°. [Boston, 1856.] -----. Report of county physician [to tho mayor and board of aldermen, on the jail of Suf- folk County, for the year 1855-6]. City Doc. No. 32, April 7,'1856. 8°. [Boston, 1856.]' -----. Report of the committee on institu- tions, etc., on the present condition ofthe House of Industry, at Deer Island. City Doc. No. 27, March 12, 1857. 8°. [Boston, 1857. ] -----. Annual reports of the boarei of elirec- tors for public institutions of the city of Boston [including the House of Industry, Correction, Lunatic Hospital, antl Almshouse] to the mayor anel city council. 1.-24., 1857 to 1880-81; 26.-28., 1882-3 to 1884-5; 31., 1887. 8°. Boston, 1860-8*. -----. Report of the committee appointeel to investigate alleged abuses at the houses of refor- mation and house of correction. 8°. Boston, 1864. -----. Probation work for the county of Suf- folk. Annual reports for the central probation elistrict. 4.-10., 1882-8, together with the an- nual reports of the South Boston antl Roxbury districts. 1.-7., 1882-8. 8°. Boslon, 1883-8. Boston. Bouse of Correction. Quarterly re- port of the overseers to the citv council. 1., 1833. 8°. [Boston, 1833.] _-----■. [Report of committee on building atl- ditions to workshops of the House of Correc- Prisons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. tion.] City Doc. No. 42, May, 1856. 8°. [Bos- ton, 187)6.] Boston. Bouse of Reformation for Juvenile Of- fenders. Quarterly report ofthe directors to tho city council. 1. (1834). 8°. Boston, 1834. -----. [Report of the directors, to the city council, on the condition of the institution.] City Doc. No. 8, 1838. 8°. [Boston, 1838.] -----. [Report of a committee appointed by the directors to consider the propriety of recom- mending to the city government, that boys only should be admitted to the House of Reformation for Juvenile Offenders, Boston.] Citv Doc. No. 6, Feb. 3, 1840. 8°. [Boston, 1840.] * -----. [Special report of the directors of the city council. 1. On the present condition anel operations of the house; 2. As to having both sexes in the house.] City Doc. No. 6, Feb. y, 1841. 8°. [Boston, 1841.] Boston Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys. Report on the establishment of a farm school. Jan. 27, 1832. 8°. [Boston, 1832.] -----. Act of incorporation, and report of the . . . 12°. Boston, 1836. -----. Anuual reports of the managers to the corporation. 2., 1*35-6; 10., 1844-5; 12., 1*46; 14., 1848, 17., 1*51; 25., 1859; 32., 1866; 42., 1876. 8C. Boston, 1836-77. -----. Statement, acts, by-laws, anel rules anel regulations. 8°. Boston, 1839. -----. Reports of the superintenelent and teachers. 23., 1857. 8°. Boston, 1858. -----. A brief notice of the five Browns, graduates of the ... all bearing the name of "Brown" and all from different families. 12°. Boston, 1860. -----. Act of incorporation anel by-laws of the . . . Thompson's Island. 8°. Boston, 1878. -----. Alphabetical list of boys aelmitteel from June, 1835, to Jan., 1883. 8°. Boston, 1883. -----. Report of the ... A brief account of the origin and objects of the institution. Act of incorporation, by-laws, rules and regulations. 8°. Boston, 1883. Boston Asylum for Indigent Boys. An ac- count of the . . . The act of incorporation, by- laws, and the rules and regulations adopted by the board of managers. Also an extract from the first anniversary sermon, by the Rev. Mr. Lowell. 16°. Boston, 1816. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 16°. Boston, 1823. -----. The same. 12°. Boston, 1831. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Boston, 1832. -----. A statement of the present depressed condition of the funds of that institution, aud an appeal to the benevolent of the community in its behalf. 8°. Boston, 1831. Boston Industrial Home. Plan of the Boston Industrial Home for the penitent friendless antl unfortunate; combining industrial schools for vagrant children, a penny savings bank, and an industrial intelligence office. 8°. Boston, 1854. Cleveland (C.) A sermon delivered April 25, 1847, at the House of Correction, South Boston; being the farewell address of the chaplain. 8°. Boston, 1847. Lawrence Industrial School. Annual report of the directors to the city council. 7., 1880. 8°. Lawrence, 1881. Massachusetts. H. R. [Report of the joint staneling committee on prisons, so far as relates to the enlargement of the State Prison, at Charlestown.] No. 140. 8°. [Boston, 1850.] PEISONS. 670 PRISONS. Prisons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. -----. An act in relation to the House of Correction in Suffolk County. City Doc. No. 29, 1852. 8°. [Boston, 1852.] -----. Abstract of returns of the keepers of jails and overseers of the houses of correction, for the year 1853-4. 8°. Boston, 1855. -----. An act to establish a board of directors of the public institutions for the city of Boston and for the county of Suffolk, 1857. [For the houses of industry, reformation, correction, and the lu- natic hospital.] 8°. [Boston,,1857.] -----. H. R. An act relating to State chari- tahle and reformatorv institutions. No. 242. March 29, 1*78. 8°. [Boston, 1878.] -----. Annual reports of the trustees of the State primary antl reform schools, with the annual reports of the resident officers to the governor and council. 1.-10., 1878-9 to 18*7-8. 8°. Boston, 1879-89. -----. Suggestions in regard to the proposed removal of the State Reform School in Westboro', antl the State Industrial School in Laucaster. [By a committee of the trustees of the State pri- mary antl reform schools. ] 8°. Boston, 1882. Massachusetts. Board of Commissioners of Prisons. Annual reports of the commissioners of prisons of Massachusetts, iucluding: 1. Reports concerning the State Prison. 2. Reports con- cerning the Reformatory Prison for Women. 3. Reports concerning the Massachusetts Reforma- tory. 4. Reports concerning the jails anel houses of correction. 5. Reports concerning criminal prosecutions. 1., 1*70-71; 3., 1872-3: 5., 1874-5; 7., 1*76-7; 9.-18., 1878-9 to 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1872-89. -----. Massachusetts laws relating to prisons, Containing the laws enibracetl in the public statutes antl those enacted by the general court in the year 1**2, together with a digest of the principal elecisions of the supreme court upon the laws relating to prisons which are now in force. Arranged by the secretary. 8°. [Boston, 1883.] -----. Report on the Massachusetts Reforma- tory. Jan. 15, 1885. 8°. Boston, 1**5. Massachusetts. Board of State Charities. Special report on prisons and prison eliscipline, maele under authority of the board of State charities. By the secretary of the board. [F. B. Sanborn.] 8°. Boston, 1865. Massachusetts. Massachusetts State Prison, in Charlestown. An extract from the report of the directors of . . . made to his excellency the gov- ernor and the honorable council. Oct. 18, 1827. Reviewing certain parts of the second annual re- port of the Prison Discipline Society. To which is added the report of the physicians of Massa- chusetts State Prisou. 8C. Boston, 1827. -----. Annual reports of the commissioners of prisons ou the . . . with the annual reports of the warden and other officers of the institution for the years 1831-2; 1833-4; 1836-7; 1837-8; 1*39-40 to 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1833-89. Massachusetts. Reformatory Prison for Wo- men, at Sherbum. Rules and regulations. Adopted by the commissioners of prisons and the advisory board. April 25, 1878. 8°. Boston, 1878. -----. Annual reports of the . . . containing the reports of the commissioners of prisons, su- perintendent and other officers. 2.-11., 1878-9 to 1**7-*. 8°. Boston, 1880-89. Massachusetts. State Farm, at Bridgeuater. Annual reports of the trustees of the State Work- house at Bridgewater to the governor and coun- Prisoils and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. cil. 1., 1854; 2., 1855; 4.-35., 1857 to 1**7-8 H-> Boston, 1855-88. Massachusetts. State Industrial School for Girls, at Lancaster. [Circular letter of the com- missioners, with schedule of questions in relation to the class of girls to be admitted. Nov. 3, 1854.] 4°. [Boston, 1854.] -----. Annual reports of the trustees and resi- dent officers to the governor antl council. 1.-4 1855-6 to 1858-9; 12., 1866-7; 14., 1*68-9; 19., 1873-4; 20., 1*74-5; 23., 1877-8. 8'. Boston, 1856-79. Massachusetts. State Primary School, at Won- son. Annual reports of the trustees and super- intendent to the governor and council. 1.-23., 1854 to 1875-6; 25., 1877-8. 8°. Boston, 1*55-79. Massachusetts. State Beform School, at West- borough. Report ofthe commissioners ofthe .State Manual Labor School at West borough to the leg- islature. 8°. [Boston, 1847.] -----. Annual reports of the trustees anel superintentlent to the governor anel council. 3.- 11., 1849-57; 13., 1859; 15.-30., 1861 to 1875-6. 8°. Boston, 1850-76. -----. Services at the induction of William E. Starr as superintendent. Jan. 15, 1857. 8°. Boston, 1857. Massachusetts Reformatory, at Concord. An- nual reports ofthe . . . containing the reports of the commissioners of prisons, the superintendent, and other officers. 1.-4., 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1886-9. Temporary Asylum for Discharged Female Prisoners, Deelhaui, Mass. Annual reports ofthe board of managers, reael at the annual meetings. l.-ll., 1864 to 1873-4; 15., 1877-8; 16., 1878-9; 25., 1887-8. 8°. Boston, 1864-88. Washburn (E.) Au address at the dedication of the State Reform School, at Westborough. 8°. Boston, 1849. Report on the sanitary conelition of the State Prisou, at Charlestown. [H. 1. Bowditch, R. Frothirj{;haiii, and 0. F. Folsoni, committee.] Rep. Bd. Health Mass. 1874, Boat., 1875, vi, 365-379. Michigan. Detroit. Detroit House of Correction. Annual reports of the officers to the citv council. 2., 1863; 4.-9., 1865-70. 8°. Detroit, 1864-71. Michigan. Report of joint committee on State Prison to the senate and house of representatives of the State of Michigan. 8°. [Lansing, 184*?] -----. A bill to establish an institution un- der the name at tl style of "The Michigan Re- formatory for Girls". File No. 346. II. R. Orig- inal No. 14, by Mr. Sawyer; original No. 493, by committee on State affairs; original No. 693, by Mr. Campbell. Substitute by house committee on education for house bills numbers 14, 494, and 693. April 16, 1879. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] Michigan. Michigan State Prison, at Jackson. Annual reports of the inspectors and officers to the governor of the State. 34.-49., 1871-2 to 1887-8. 8°. Lansing, 1872-88. Missouri. Missouri. Missouri State Penitentiary, at Jef- ferson City. Biennial report of the board of in- spectors and officers to the general assem bly. 38., 1887-8. 8°. St. Louis, 1889. Saint Louis. Annual reports of the public institutions and officers of St. Louis County, in- sane asylum, poor house, jail, etc., for the years 1874-5; 1875-6. 8. Saint Louis, 1875-6, PRISONS. 671 PRISONS. Prisons and reformatories (Descriptions, reports, regulations, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. Report of the city jailer, St. Louis, 1878-9. Mayor's messuw- f the Annual Conference of Charities helel in connection with the general meeting of the American Social Science Associa- tion. See Proceedings of the National Confer- ence of Charities. Proceedings of the Anthropological and Eth- nological Societies of Lonelon prior to the date of amalgamation. 160 pp., 9 pl. 8°. [London, 1871.] An appendix to no. 1 of: Journal ofthe Anthropolog- ical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Proceedings of the Association of Metlical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic anel Feeble-Minded Persons. 1.-6., 1876-7 to 1881-2. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877-83. Proceedings of the Association of Municipal antl Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors, v. 1-14, 1873-4 to 1887-8. 8°. London 4 New York, 1875- 88. Proceedings on behalf of the Morton testimo- nial. 6 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Boston, J. B. Eastburn, 1861. -----. The same. 56 pp. 8°. Boston, G. E. Rand 4 Avery, 1861. -----. The same. 54 pp. 8°. Boston, Rand 4 Avery, 1861. [P., v. 151.] -----. Thesame. 140pp. 8°. Newburgh, N. Y., [1864]. ----. The same. 122 pp. 8°. Boston, 1866. The foregoing are substantially the same, but the testi- monials vary in number. Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society for the sessions of l»72-3 and 1873-4. 93, 126 pp. 8°. Belfast, 1874. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wash- ington, v. 1-3, 1880-86. 8°. Washington, D. C. 1882-6. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural His- tory anel Microscopical Society eluring the years 1869 and 1870. To which are added classified lists of the flora and fauna of the elistrict. Nos. 1-2. 110,81pp. 8°. Birmingham, [1870-72]. Proceedings of the board of experts author- ized by Congress to investigate the yellow fever epielemic of 1878. Meeting held in Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 26-28, 1878. 21 pp. 8°. New Or- leans, L. Graham, 1878. Proceedings of the Clinico-Pathological So- ciety of Washington, D. C, May 6, 1865, to July 26,1869. 69 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia.] Repr. from • Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866-70. Proceedings of the conference on education under healthy contlitions, held in Manchester, Proceedings Letc.]—continued. April 14th to 17th, 1885. Etlited by T. C. Hors- fall. 368 pp. 8°. Manchester, J. Bey wood, 1885. Proceedings ofthe Connecticut State Meelical Society. 1805; 1811; 1818-19; 1824; 1826-89. 8°. [v. p.] Proceedings of the Convention of American Instructors of the Blind. 1., in New York, 1853; 2., in Indianapolis, 1871. 6, 136 pp. 8°. Batavia, 1875 ; Indianapolis, 1871. Proceedings of the Convention of Druggists, and ofthe first annual meeting of the Michig.an State Pharmaceutical Association, held at Lan- sing, Nov. 14-15, 1883. 67 pp. 8°. Muskegon, Mich., 1883. See, also, Proceedings of the Michigan State Pharma- ceutical Association. Proceedings of the Convention for the reor- ganization ofthe Medical Society ofthe State of California, antl of the first annual meeting ; to- gether with the constitution, rules of order, and cotle of ethics. Incorporated Nov. 1, 1870. 28, 13 pp. 8°. San Francisco, 1870. Proceedings of a court-martial for the trial of Surgeon Bernard M. Byrne, held at Fort Moultrie, S. C, on March 24, 1859. 130 pp. 8°. Charles- ton, Walker, Evans 4 Co., 1859. Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, v. 1-2; pts. 1 & 3. v. 3: v. 4; pt. 1, v. 5, 1867-89. 8°. Davenport, Iowa, 1870- 89. Proceedings' at the dedication of the library of the New York Historical Society. 27 pp. 8C. New York, for the Society, 1857. Bound with: Francis (J. W\) New York during the last half century. 8°. New York, 1857. Proceedings of the Dublin Obstetrical Society. 34.-39., Wl-2 to 1876-7 ; 42.-43., 1879-80 to 1880- 81. 5 v. 8°. Dublin, 1872-81. Proceedings of the first American conference on church work among the deaf, held at New York, Oct. 4-5, 1881. With a list of diocesan commissions, societies, missionaries, and stations. Published for the conference. 19 pp. 8C. Phil- adelphia, Craig, Finley 4 Co., 1882. Bound with: Church Mission to Deaf Mutes. Rep. 8°. Neiv York, 1873-83. Proceedings of the Florida Medical Associa- tion. 1874-84. 8°. Charleston; Jacksonville, Fla., 1875-85. Proceedings of the general meeting of the medical profession, in relation to the deaths of Charles Frick and Berwick B. Smith, March 29, 1860. 32 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. Murphy 4 Co., 1860. Proceedings of the general meeting of the sub- scribers to the Forbes testimonial, held at 17 Saville Row on the 22d of June, 1848. Edward Stanley, esq., in the chair. 8 pp. 8°. [London, 1848.] Proceedings of the Georgia Medical Associa- tion, 1868. 20 lip. 80, Augusta, 1868. Continued as: Transactions of the Georgia Medical Association. PiOCeedingS in the great libel suit, [William P.] Hills vs. [Dr. Henry] Lorain. Tried in the court of common pleas of Clearfield County, De- cember term, 1850. 36 pp. 12°. Clearfield, Pa., D. W. Moore, 1851. Proceedings of the Hyderabad Medical and Physical Society. From'its origin to the 31st March, 1853. 2' p. 1., 172 pp. 8°. Secunderabad, 1853 Proceedings of the Illinois State Medical So- ciety. 59 pp. 8°. Chicago, J. J. Langdon, 1851. Proceedings of the Indiana State Medical So- ciety. 1.-6., 1850-55. 8°. [v.p.] Continued as: Transactions of the Indiana btate Medical Society. PROCEEDINGS. 678 PROCEEDINGS. Proceedings of the International Hahneinann- ian Association. 1884-5. 272 pp., port. 8°. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1886. Proceedings of the Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical Society. 2., lsr>l. 63 pp. 8°. Keo- kuk, Whig Office, 1851. For continuation, see: Transactions of the Iowa State Medical anel Chirurgical Soeiety. Proceedings of the Kentucky State Medical Society. 1867-9; 1884. 8°. [v. p. ], 1868-85. See, also, Minutes of the. . . and Transactions of the .. . Proceedings of the Literary antl Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Nos. 2, 3, 1845-6 to 1846-7; no. 6,1849-51; nos.13-15, 1858-9 to 1860-61; nos. 18-32, 1863-4 to 1877-8; nos. 35-37, 1880-81 to 1882-3. 8°. Liverpool. No. 26, 1871-2, contains index to v. or nos. 1-25. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Mauchester. Nos. 3-26,1864 to 1886-7. 8°. Manchester. Title of v. 26. Proceedings of the Manchester Lit- erary and Philosophical Society. Proceedings of the Louisiana State Medical AssDi-iation. New Orleans. 1.-3., 1878-80; 6.- 10., 1S84--<. 8'-'■. New Orleans. See, also. Transactions of the . . . Proceedings of a mass meeting held in New Orleans, December 6, to return thanks for the succor extended to the citv during the epidemic of 1878. 15 pp. 8°. N[ew] 0[rleans], A. W. Byatt, 1878. Proceedings of the Massachusetts State Phar- maceutical Association. 1.-7., 1882-8. 8°. Lynn. Proceedings of the Medical Association ofthe State of Alabama. 4.-8., 1850-55. 8°. Mobile, 187A-7>. Proceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio. 8 . [v. ii.], 1835-50. Title in 1835: Journal ofthe Proceedings of a Con- vention of Physicians of Ohio; in 1838 and 1839: Journal of tlie Proi'i'i'diiigs of the ile'eiieial Convention of Ohio; in 1841 and IS42: IM'oerccilings of the- Metlical Convention of Ohio; 1845-9: Proceedings of the Ohio Medical Convention; in 1850 : Proceedings of the Medical Con- vention of Ohio. Proceedings of the meelical convention, for the purpose of organizing the Illinois State Med- ical Society, held at Springfield, June 4, 1850, together with the constitution, by-laws, antl code of ethics, adonted by the society. 30 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1850. ^ Proceedings of the Medical and Physical So- ciety of Calcutta. 60, 37, 4 pp. 8°. Calcutta, 1833-4. Proceedings of the Metlical Society of the County of Kings, v. 1-8, 1876-7 to 1883-4. 8°. Brooklyn. Proceedings ofthe Medical Society of London. v.1-3,1872-7; v.5,1879-81. 8°. London,1874-81. Proceedings of the Medical Society of Vir- ginia. 29.-30., 1852-3. 8°. Richmond. Proceedings of the Medical Society of Wash- ington Territory. 2.-3., 1873-4. 46, 34 pp. 8°. Olympia, 1873-5. Proceedings in medicine in Cambridge. [Course of education required of candidates for medical degrees in Cambrielge.] 4 pp. 8°. [it p., n.d.] [P., v. 593; 725.] Repr. from: The Occasional Papers. Proceedings of the meetings of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. 1.-6., 1870-75. 8°. [v. p.], 1871-5. Proceedings of the Michigan State Pharma- ceutical Association. 2.-5., 1884-7. 8° [v v 1 1887,-7. l -2"J' See, also, Proceedings of the Convention of Druggists, etc., fori. fe6 Proceedings of the Missouri Institute of Ho- moeopathy. 8., 1884. 71 pp. 8. St. Louis. Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities antl Correction. 1.-14., 16., I87l--'.l. 8°. Boston. Proceedings of tho National Medical Conven- tions, held in Xew York, May, 1846, antl in Phil- adelphia, May, 1817. 175 pp.' 8. Philadelphia, 1847. Proceedings (The) of tho Naval Medical .So- ciety. Nos. 1-6, v. 1; uo. 1, v. 2, 18H3-4. 8 . Washington, I). C. Proceedings of the Now York Pathological Society. 1887, 1888, 212, 170, 27, 10 pp. 8 [New York], 1888-9. Proceedings of the New York State Pharma- ceutical Association. 1.-10., 1879-88. 8°. [p p.], 1880-88. Proceedings (The) of the ninety-fifth annual session of the Medical Society of Delaware, held at Wilmington, Delaware., June 10, 1884. 02 pp. 8°. Milford, Del., Oilman enere. xiv, I pp. 4°. Erlangen, apud D. M. Camerarium, [1758]. Procot (Nicolas-Francois). * Sur la peripneu- monie, ou fluxion de poitrine. vi, 7-29 pp. 40 Paris, 1818, No. 102, v. 138. Procter (Edmund). Important facts on vacci- natum urgently demanding public attention. 32 pp. 8°. London, J. Burns; Newcastle-upon-Tyne J. M. Carr, 1873. [Also, in: P., v. 1496.] Procter (Henry Richardson). See ItohlraiiMerli (F.) An introduction to physical measurements, fete.]. 8°. New York, 1874. -----.' Tho same. 8°. London, 1883. Procter (John R.) Notes on the yellow fever epidemic at Hickman, Ky., 1878. 42 pp., 3 pl. 11. 4-. [Frankfort, 1878.] Procter (T[homas] B[onjamin]) [1800-72]; A treatise on the use of the sympathetic nerve anel its ganglions, with their influence on various dis- eases of the abdominal antl pelvic viscera, iv, 47 pp., 3 pl. 4°. London, S. Bighley, 1844. For Biography, see Med. Times et Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 230. Procter (William) [1818-80]. The hygiene of air aud water; being a popular account of the effects of the impurities of air auel water, their detection, antl the modes of remedying them. 79 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London, R. Ilardwicke, 1872. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 421. Procter (William), jr. [1817-74]. Valedictory adtlress to the graduates of the Philaelelphia College of Pharmacy. With a list of the gradu- ates. 31pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew4 Thomp- son, 1852. -----. Valedictory charge to the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. With a list of the graduates. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Phila- delphia, Kite 4' Walton, 1855. Valeelictory charge to the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. With a list of the graduates. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. Syllabus of a course of study, intended as an aid to students of pharmacy who cannot avail themselves of regular instruction, being a report made to the American Pharmaceutical Associa- tion. 66 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4 Thompson, 1858. -----. A memorial of EliasDurand. 10 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4' Son, 1873. Also, Co-Editor of: American (The) Journal of Phar- macy, Philadelphia, 1*46-71. See, also, itlohr (Francis) efe Redwood (Theophilus). Practical pharmacy, [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. For Biography, see iVIcmoir of . . . The designation of " jr " was adopted to distinguish him from his uncle. See preceding title. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874, Proctitis. See Rectum (Inflammation of). Proctor (Barnard S.) Lectures on practical pharmacy, xvi, 399 pp., 32 fac-siniile prescrip- tions. 8°. London, J. 4 A. Churchill, 1873. Proctor (Georgius Vinson). * Dyspepsia. 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, excud. A. Neill et socii, 1803. [Also, in: P., v. 25.] Proctor (Richard A.) Light science for leisure hours. A series of familiar essays on scientific subjects, natural phenomena, etc. 343 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4 Co., 1871. -----. Strength and happiness. x(l l.),283 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4 Co., I8c5. -----. Hereditary traits and other essays. 60 pp. 8°. Neiv York, J. Fitzgerald 4 Co., 1882. Humboldt Library, 1882, ii, no. 32. Illusions of the senses, and other essays. 41 pp. 8°. New York, J. Fitzgerald, 1886. Humboldt Library, 1886, no. 82. Strength; how to get strong and keep strong, with "chapters on rowing and swimming, fat, age, aud the waist. 1 p. 1., 178 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 1889. Prodliomme (Auguste). *De l'expectoration albumineuse. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 361. Prod'IIonline (Henri). *Des e-pauchements serenx pendant la grossesse. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 128. Prod'IIoinme (Pierre - Auguste - Ambroise). *De la hernie inguinale, intestinale ou entero- cele. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 3, v. 306. Prodromal a. See Diagnosis. PROBBSTING. 681 PROFESSORSHIP. ProefoStinu (Arnold). * Ueber Tachycardie. [Wurtzburg.] 28pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Birsch- feld, 1882. Probsting (J. Ch. Leonhardus Wilhelmus) rigy7_ ]. *Di'morborum cordis orgauicorum tliaguosi geuerali. 29 pp. 4°. Bounce, lit. C. F. Thormanni, 1829. Proebstinig: (Jo. Christian. Godofretlus). * De ntagisterio bismuthi. 48 pp. 12°. Erlanga, typ. Hilpertianis, [1796]. ProebSting (Joannes) [1807- ]. *De natura typhi abdominalis. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835]. Proebsting (Joannes Christianus Carolus) [1805- ]. *De mechanismo musculorum lo- comoventium. xii, 55 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [ 1827 ]. [ A Iso, in: P., v. 1535. ] ProebSting (Joannes Philippus Ludov.) #De dolornni ad partum directione rationali. 44 pp. 4°. Halce ad Salam, e typog. Curtiano, [1756]. Probsting (W.) Der eleutsche Helie. Eiu Beitrag zur Lehre von tier Brachiotomie, als Er- leichte ruugsmittel schwerer Geburten. x, 131 pp. 8°. Bamm, C. Wickenkamp, 1847. Proll (Gustav). Gastein; Erfahrungen untl Stu- dien aus wissenschaftlichem Stauelpunkte. viii, 330 pp., 11., 3 pl., 1 tab. 12°. Wien, W. Braumiil- ler, 1862. -----. The same. Das Bad Gastein. Unent- behrlicher Rathgeber fiir Kranke, welche elas Bad Gastein besuchen, sowie fiir Aerzte, welche Patienten dorthin senden wollen. 3. Aufl. vii, 242 pp., 1 pl., 2 maps. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiil- ler, 1881. ----. The same. 4. Aufl. vi, 149 pp., 2 plans. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1888. -----. Gastein; its springs and climate. 4. ed. 79 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Vienna, C. GeroUVs Son, 1880. Prdlss (Eetwin) [1862- ]. *EineErkraukung des Halssympathicus. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1886. Proelss (Erich Adolf) [1858- ]. *Ein Fall von Gallengangsruptur, ein Beitrag zur Diag- nostik dieser Verletzung. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, Maun u. Erdmann, 1881. Proelss (Frieelericus E.) *De pneumothorace. 24 pp. 8°. Lipsia, typ. A. Edelmanni, 1857. c. Proelss (Paul) [1847- ]. * Beitrage zur pa- tliologischen Anatomie eles Typhus recurrens. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1872]. Proemmel (iEmilius). * De lactatione. 55 pp. 8°. Berbipoli, F, E. Hi ein, 1837. Proescli (Hermannus). Commentatio inaug. de osteomalacia adultorum. viii, 30 pp. 4°. Bei- delberga, G. Reiehard, 1835. P roe I'/; sell ([G.] Otto). *Zur chirurgischen Behandlung ths Blasencatarrhs. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Plbtz, 1883. Proeve eener kaart der sterfte in de provincie Zceland opgemaakt nit 13 jaren, 1834-46, met iu- begrip van doodgeborenen. 1 map, 16 by 17 iuclies. [n. p., n. d.] Proeve eener reorganisatie van de geneeskun- dige dienst bij de landmacht hier te lanele. Door iemauel. 31pp. 8U. Leiden, S.C. van Doesburgh, 1«71. Profanter (Paul). Die Massage in der Gyniiko- logie. Mit einer Vorrede eles Dr. B. S. Schultze in Jena, v, 91 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1887. -----. Die manuelle Behandlung des Prolapsus uteri. 28 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1888. —;—. Le traitement manuel du prolapsus \\16- rin. Trad, d'apres l'edition allemande, remaniee et augmentee par le Dr. Ch. Jacobs (Bruxelles). <'~ pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Lttmertin, 1889. Profe (Godofredus). De analysi ael physicam applicata. xiiii pp. 4°. Hamburgi, J. A. Mar- tini, 17.50. Professional anecdotes, or ana of medical literature. 3 v. 16°. London, J. Knight 4 H. Lacey, 1825. Professional men. See, also, Clergymen; Literary men; Physi- cians. Aclagxikk (F.-M.-A.) * Essai snr les princi- pales malaelies des gens tie lettres, et sur l'emploi des moyens hygieniques pour les preVenir. 4C. Strasbourg, 1827. Bonnet (G.-F.) * De l'influence des profes- sions snr la santeS. 4°. Paris, 1832. Bkunaud (E.) De l'hygiene des gens de let- tres, ou essai ni6dico-philosophique sur les mo- yens les plus propres a deVelopper ses talens et son aptitude naturelle pour les sciences sans nuire a sa sant6, et sans conlracter de maladies; ouvrage utile a tons les homines de cabinet et a ceux qui menent une vie s6dentaire. 8°. Paris, 1819. Morhofius (D. G.) Oratio, ele intemperantia in studiis, et eruditorum, qui ex ea oriuntur, morbis, cum magistratuni Acadamias Kilonieusis adiret. sm. 4°. Kiloni, 1672. Pichler (M.) *De morbis stueliosorum. 8°. Vinilobonce, 1837. Reyeille-Parise (J.-H.) Physiologie et hy- giene ties homines livres aux travaux de l'esprit, ou recherches sur le physique et le moral, les habitudes, les maladies et le regime ties gens tie lettres, artistes, savants, homines d'6tat, juris- consnltes, atlministrateurs, etc.; 6dition entiere- ment refondne et mise au courant des progres de la scieuce par le Dr. E. Carriere. 8°. Paris, 1881. Sanson (A.) *De l'hygiene des professions B&lentaires. 4°. Paris, 1837. Tissot (S.-A.-D.) De la sante" des gens ele let- tres. 12°. Lausanne, 1768. -----. The same. 16°. Lausanne, 1769. -----. Thesame. 18°. Lausanne 4 Leipsick, 1772. -----. The same. 5. 6d. 12°. Lausanne, 1788. -----. Thesame. Nouv.6d. 18°. Paris, 1826. -----. Thesame. Au essay on tliseases inci- dent to literary aud sedentary persons, with proper rules for preventing their fatal conse- quences, anel instructions for their cure. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1769. -----. The same. 8°. Dublin, 1772. -----. Von eler Gesundheit eler Gelehrten. 12°. Leipzig, 1768. Benoiston de Chateauneuf. De la duree tie la vie chez les savans et les gens ile Icttres. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1841, xxv, '241-268.—Ficinus (M.) De vita saua: sive de cura vahtudinis eoruni qui studio litteraruni in- cumhunt. In: Hnsfurtus (J.) De cognoscendis, et me- dendis morhis, [etc.], 4°, Venetiis, 1584, ff. 129-141.—Guy (W. A.) On the duration of life in the memhers of tbe several professions. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1^46, ix, 346- 353. -----. On the duration of life among lawyers; with additional ohservations on the relative longevity of the members ofthe three learned professions. Ibid., 1857. xx, 65-71 —Higiene de los homlires delctras. (iae. cient.de Venezuela, Caracas, 1877, i, 18; 87.—Inllneiice (Dc 1') ties professions sur la duree tie la vie. [From: Monitenr des assurances.) Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxviii, 513; 525. -Knminer. La mortalite dans h>s diverses profes- sions. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de deniog. Compt. rend. 1882, Geneve, 1883. ii, 658-664.—Lombard (H. C.) De l'influence des professions sur la duree de la vie. Ann. d'hyo-. Par., 1835, xiv, 88-131. — Merat. Professions. Dictfel. sc. meel., Par., 1820, xiv, 333-356.-Proii*t (A ) Professions; maladies professionnelles. N. diet, ele med. et chir. prat., Par., lb80, xxix, 509-583.—Vergniaud. Note sur les causes de d6ces a Paris parmi quelques pro- fessions speciales. Ann. de tlemog. internat., Par., 1882, vi, 381-384. Professorship of the practice of medicine in the University of Glasgow. Testimonials in fa- vour of Alexander Wood. vi,72pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1852. PROFESSORSHIP. 082 PROGNOSIS. Professorship of the practice of medicine in the University of Etlinbtirgh. Testimonials in favour of Alexander Woott. vi, 6-72 pp. 8-'. Edinburgh, Paton 4 Ritchie, 1855. [P., v. 8,84.'J Professorship of the practice of medicine in the University of Edinburgh. Testimonials in favour of Alexander Wood. 2. s., 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1855. [P., v. 884.] Professorship of surgery in the University of Edinburgh. Testimonials iu favour of John Ar- gvll Robertson, M. D., July, 1-42. xxiv, 153 pp. 8-. Edinburgh, T. Allan 4 Co., [1842]. [P., v. 924.] Profeta (Giuseppe). Sulla cura mercuriale ipo- elermica della sitilitle. Saggio clinicei elel Prof. . . . 30pp. 8-"1. Palermo, B.Lima, [1872]. Repr. from: Osservatore med. tli Palermo, 1872, viii. -----. Un deceunio eli clinica elertnosihlopatica dell' Universita eli Palermo. 166 pp., 1 1., a2 pl. 8°. Palermo, G. B. Gaudiano, 1878. -----. Trattato elementare delle malattie ciita- nee che osservansi in Italia per i medici pratici e per gli studenti. 800 pp. roy. 8°. Palermo, G. B. Gaudiano, 1881. -----. Coda alia sifilide aceiuisita del cuore. 11 pp. 8°. [Palermo], G. B. Gaudiano, [1886]. -----. Tratatto pratico elelle malattie veneree. 1040 pp. 8°. Palermo, fratelli Vena, 1888. Proff (Johann Ernst) [ 1856- ]. * Ueber die RUckwiirtsbeugung der schwangeren Gebarmut- ter. 38 pp., 1 1. 8G. Halle, E. Karras, 1883. Pro lie n (Georgius) [1769- ]. * Spec, inaug. sistens tliaguosin morborum hepatis. 23 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], hip. J. C. Schiininanni, 1817. Profilo (P.). See Santirocco (Antonio) efe Profilo (P.) II ferro contro il cholera [etc.]. 8°. Napoli, 1866. Profily (John). An essay and exact method of curing the venereal disease in all its different appearances, with an account of its nature, causes, and symptoms, demonstrated by way of dialogue between physician and patient, for the use and instruction of all unfortunate persons who may labour under that elisorder. And like- wise a method of curiug the scurvy, gleets, whites, etc. Illustrated with curious copper- plates, aud an explanation of the physical terms, to make this treatise the more intelligible to every capacity. To which are adtled, experi- ments publickly made on several patients of an effectual anel safe methoel of curiug the saiel disease, without salivation or confinement. Ael- dress'd to the president and fellows of the Col- lege of Physicians of Lonelon. Frontispiece, 15 p. 1., 336 pp., 7 pl. 8°. London, J. Robinson, 1748 Profit (Jean-Baptiste). *De l'asphyxie des nou- veau-ues. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. Ill, v. 488. Profius (Gottlieb). *De chorea S. Viti. 32 pp. 4°. Jeua, lit. Krebsianis, [1682]. Profiimo (Luigi). Sopra i runiori elel cuore e su la teoria del Brachet; osservazioni. 22 pp. 8°. Napoli, 187)6. -----. The same. 2. ed. accresciuta. 57 pp. 8°. Napoli, 187>7. [P., v. 1452.] Propel (Albrecht). *Epilepsie uud Hysterie in ihrer Aehnlichkcit nnd Verschiedenheit. 16 pp. 8-. Miinchen, J. Rosl, 1845. Prognathism. See Craniology; Jaws. Prognosis. See, also, Crises, etc.; Delirium; Diagnosis; Heart (Diseases of, Prognosis of); Pulse; Tem- perature (Animal, etc.) in disease. Ali'INUS (P.) De pnesagienda vita ct morte a'grotantium, libri septeni. In quihus ars tota Hippocratica praidicendi in aegrotis varios mor- j Prognosis. j boi urn eveutus, cum ex veterum medicorum don-. | matis, turn ex longa accurataque observation? nova methodo elucescit. 12 . Francofurti, 16i\\. -----. Thesame. Cum pnefatione Hermanni Boerhaave . . . recensuit H. D. Gaubins 4 " Lugd. Bat., 1733. -----. Thesame. 3.ed. 4r Hamburgi, 1734. -----. The same. Accedit Hieroniuii Fra- castorii de diebus criticis libello. 4°. Venetiis 1735. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Francof. et Lip- sice, 177)4. -----. Thesame. 2 v. 8°. Nordlingce, 1828. In: COLLECTio operum medicorum antiquoruin. v. 1-2. -----. The same. The presages of life and death in diseases, in seven books . . . Trausl. from the last Leyden edition, revised and pub- lished by Gaubius, at the request of Dr. Iloer- haave, by R. James. 2 v. 8 . London, 1746. Alves (J.) *De praesagiis ex respiratioue in morbis acutis. 4°. Edinburgi, 1753. Bell (J. H.) *Des bases du prognostic. 4°. Paris, 1838. Berger (P. G.) * De signis diagnosticis in genere. sm. 4 . Yitemberga, [1719]. See, also, Nicolai (J. F.) efe Schroder (J. C). Bouzinac (J.-A.) * Quelques considerations snr le pronostic, dans les maladies chirurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1851. Brendel (J. G.) Praelectiones de coacis prte- notiouibus. 8°. Berolini, 1796. [Col de Villars.] Recueil alphabetique tics prognostics dangereux et mortels sur les diff6- rentes maladies de I'homme; precede d'une expli- cation des malaelies, et de quelques ternies dc medecine. Pour servir a Messieurs les recteurs, et autres ayant charge el'ames dans l'aehuinistra- tion ties sacremeus. 32°. Paris, 1736. [-----.] Thesame. Nouv. eel. 24°. Paris, 1759. Const.vntinus (A.) Opus medica' prognoseos. in etuo omnium quaepossuntin tegris aniuiadvciti symptomatuiii in omnibus morbis, causa? et eveu- tus copiose et luculeuter exponentur. Omnia a Galeuo, Hollerio, Dureto et Jacotio fidelissiinis sumini Hippocratis interpretibus deprompta; et quae in illis authoribus erant hac iliac sparsa, sunt in eo opere optima methodo digesta. 8°. Lugduni, 1613. Diez (J. G.) De praesagiis mortis, vulgo von VorbothendesToeles. sni.4°. Vitembergce, 1713. Duret(L.) Interpretations et enarrationcs in magni Hippocratis Coacas prtenotiones, opus admirabile in tres libros tributum. Curantequi et praefationem atljecit AelrianoPeleryn Chrouet. Eelitio nova, ad earn, quae a. mtllxxxv prodiit. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1737. Erastus (T.) Explicationes in lib. i. prognos- ticorum Hippocratis. In his: Varia opuscula. fob Francof. ad J/., 1590, 139-174. Ermerins (F. Z.) *De Hippocratis doctrina a prognostice orinnda. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1832. Fuster (J.-J.-N.) *Apprecier la valeur re- spective eles sources tlu prognostic mddical, de- terminer les circonstances qui le rendent elifticile ou incertain. 8°. Montpellier, 1848. Gruxer (C. G.) [Pr.] recusa datur Christiani Laugii facies Hippocratica levi penicillo aduui- brata. 8°. Jence, [1784]. Hanegraeff (B. J.) De signis morborum praecipue prognosticis. 1788. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Looanii, 1796, iv, 228-255. Harvey (J.) Praesagium medicum, or the prognostick signs of acute diseases, established by antient observation and explain'd by the best modern discoveries. 8D. London, 1706. PROGNOSIS. 683 PROGNOSIS. Prognosis. IIebenstreit (J. E.) TLciAatoXoyiag therapia' specimen ix, tpio vis vita) ad judicandos morbos sistitur exhibet et scholam tlisputatoriam publi- cam super motions naturae criticis . . . aperit. 40. [Lipsia, 1749.] Henrici (M. F.) *Deprognosi status morbosi rite formanda. 4°. Jente, [1761]. llii.st'iiER (S. P.) [Pr.] exhibens explicatio- nein effati medici pulsus bonus, urina bona, et teger nioritur. sm. 4°. Jence, [1740J. lliprtiCRATES. HpoyvuoTMov (itt%ioi y. Acces- sit his Albani Torini iu Hippocratis prognostica prasfatio. 16°. Basilece, per H. Petritm, 1536. .------. 'Acpoptouoi nal TrpoyvuiJTindv. Hippocra- tis aphorismi et praeuotionuin liber. Recensuit, notasque addidit Eduardus- Franciscus-Maria Hosquillon. 2 v. 32°. Parisiis, 1784. ------. Opusculum repertorii proguosticon iu mutationes aeris tain via astrologica quam me- theorologica, uti sapientes experientia comperi- entes voluerunt [etc.]. [At end:] A Petro de Ahhano in latinum trailuctns. sm. 4°. [ Venetiis, 1485.] ------. Praesagiorum libri tres. Do ratione victus. Interprete G. Copo. 8°. [Paris, 1511.] ------. The same. 16°. Parisiis, 1543. ------. The same. Piasagiorum libri tres. 24°. Lugduni, 1552. ------. Beuedicti Victorii Faventini in Hip- pocratis prognostica coinmeutarii. His accessit theoricae latitudinum mediciuae liber, ad Galeni scopuni in arte medicinali. fol. Florenthe, 1551. ------. . . . Ejusdem Hippocratis praenotio- num libri tics, cum explanatione eotlem ex fonte hausta. Insigniores aliquot sententiae selectao ex libris Aurelii Cornelii Celsi, medici inter latinos eloquentissimi. 18°. Lugduni, 1555. ------. Pronosticornm liber qui dicitur liber secretornin. In: Hoc (In)voluminehaccontinentur, |etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1508, f. 39''-41'\ -----. Thesame. Liber prognosticorum .. . nuper in lucem editus a Jacobo Philippo tie Pel- libus uigris. 4°. Venetiis, 1560. ------. Jusjuranduin. Aphorismorum sec- tionesviii. Prognostica. Prorrheticorum lib. ii. Coaca praesagia. Gnecus et latinus contextus accurate renovatus, lection um varietate et Corn. Celsi versione calci subdita, stutlio Joannis Opsoptei Brettani. 12°. Francofurdi, 1587. ------. Prolegomena et prognosticorum libri ties ... J. Heurnii. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1597. ------. Thesame. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1603. ------. Aphorismi gneee, et latine, una cum prognosticis, prorrheticis Coacis, et aliis decern ejusdem opuscnlis: pleraque ex interpretatione Johanuis Heurnii Ultraject.ini. 32° [Lugd. Bat.], ex off. Plantiiiia Raphelengii, 1607. ------. Prognostica in febribus in communi, et ael mentem Hippocratis, edita per Jo. Mauel- phun, et ab eodem in hac secunela editione re- cognita atque ampliata. 24°. Roma, 1646. ------. Demonstratio meelico-practica prog- nosticorum . . . Ab Henrico Cope. 8°. Dublinii, 1736. ------. Aphorismi, atque pra-sagia latine versa cum recognitione, et notis Andre* Pastas. Editio novissima [etc.]. Accedunt huic ipsi editioui prolegomena in quibus de aphorismorum praisagiorumque aucteire, de utrorumque scrip- torum pra'.stantia, deque sententiarum in eisdem contentaruni usu disseritur. 12°. Venetii, 1791. ------. Le livre eles pr6saiges tin tlivin Hyp- pocrates divis6 en troys parties. Item: la pro- testation que le diet Hyppocrates faisoit faire ;\ ses disciples. Le tout nouvellement translate par maistre Pierre Vernei. 8°. Lyon, 1542. Prognosis. ------. Le, livre des pr6sages. [Trail, par .Jean Canappe.] In: Opusc de elivers autheurs med. 32°. Lyon, 15f>2, 493-539. ------. Prognostics tie . . . Trael. sur le texte grec . . . Par M. le chevalier de Mercy. 16°. Paris, 1815. ------. Les aphorismes, les pronostics et le traite", De l'air, eles eaux et des lieux classes et re^inis par malaelies, suivantl'ordrealphabdtiqne, par le docteur J.-L.-M. Guillemeau. 16°. Niort, 1818. ------. The presages of . . . divided into three parts; with the protestation or oath which Hip- procrates caused his sehollers to make at their entrie with him to their studies. The whede col- lecteel anel translated by Peter Lowe. 8°. Lon- don, 1611. ------. The prognostics anel prorrhetics, trans- lated from the original Greek; with large anno- tations, critical auel explanatory; to which is prefixed a short account of the life of Hippocra- tes by John Moffat. 8°. London, 1788. ------. The prognostics anel crises of Hippo- crates; translated from the Greek, with critical anel explanatory notes, by Henry William Duca- chet. 8C. New York, 1819. ----- . Van tie voorkenningen tier ziekten; iii boeken. Agtervolgens het Griex en Latijn, naa ele uitgeeving van Henricus Blacvoeleus. In het Neerlauds vertaald door Heuricus Buyzen. 16°. Haarlem, 1714. ------. Pronosticatio Ypocratis. Von elen bosen Plantern, was die betiitent in ainer Sucht. Unel vii giites Lere unel Regel zii tier Sucht. Untl ob aiu Mensch sterben sol das merck. Yon dem Aderlasseu unel wo oeler wenn eler Mensch lassen sol, unel das Pliit zu erkenuen. Von den vier Elementen, und von der Natur oiler Com- plexion ties Menschen untl vou den vier Lassian, etc. sm. 4°. [n. p., 11. d.] Hucherus (J.) Bellovacus. De prognosi me- dica libri eluo. 8°. Lugduni, 1602. Knotiis (C. F.) * De praesagiis vita; et mortis in Jt'grotantibus. 4°. Vitemberga, [1708]. Kuhl (C. A.) [Pr.] quajstionum chirurgica- rum part, v, xx et xxi, xxiii-xxx. De prognosi in morbis chirurgicis cautissime sistentla, i-xi. 4°. Lipsice, 1830-40. Lasseck (J.) *De vaticiniis aegrotorum. 4°. Bala Magdeb., [1724]. Lemarchand (H.) *Du pronostic en mede- cine. 4C. Paris, 1838. Le Roy (C.) Du pronostic dans les maladies aigues. 8'J. Montpellier, an XIII, 1804. ------. The same. (Ibservations on the prog- nostic in acute diseases. Transl. from the French, with notes. 8°. Loudon, 1782. Ludwig (C. G.) [Pr.] de canto usu exemplo- ruin prospeiie curationisadtlefiniendosletalitatis graelus. 4°. [Lipsice, 1765.] MARTlNENea s (C.) De praevieleuelis morborum eventibus libri tres. Ejusdeni tie methodis coiu- mentarius deque artiuin structura libellus. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1584. Mercurialis (II.) Commentarii eruelitissimi, in Hippocratis Coi prognostica, prorrhetica, de victus ratione in morbis acutis, et epideinicas historias. Quibus accessere tractatus luculentis- simi, ele hominis generatione, vino et aqua, bal- neisquePisauis. AMarcoCornacchino . . . nunc primum in lucem eeliti. fol. Francofurti, 1602. des Moles (J. V.) *An, quo pnestantior iu praxi medicus, eo et vaticinii genio magis prae- ditus? [1743.] In: Sigwart (11. F.) Quajst. meel. Paris. 4°. Tubingce 1789, i, 254-J58. PROGNOSIS. 684 PROGUfcS. Prognosis. Nicolai (J. F.) Diss, semioticarum sexta in qua signa prognosticti ex anni temporibus corun- tleinque tempestatibus ad ductuni Hippocratis, [etc.]. 4°. Jitemberga',,1721. Scr. also, Berger (P. G.)'efe Schroeter (J. C). Pfutsch (J. H. ) * Pontes praedictionum in morbis. 4°. Lipsia, [1760]. PosTiiuMrs (G.) # Specimen medicum inaugu- rale exhibens editiouem libri pnenotionum Hip- .pocratis. 8°. Groningce, [1850]. Puochnau (J. T.) *De priesagienela vita et morte in morbis. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1746. Requin (A.-P.) Des prodromes dans les mala- elies. 8°. Paris, 1840. Savon A (P.) Decisioues meelicinales quoad diagnosim, et prognosim. In quinque partes distincta', cum summariis, argumentis, et indice copiosissimo. fol. Panormi, 1624. Schaxckebanck (J.) * Diss, inaug. generalia monit circa prognosin rite instituenelam traelens. 4'-. Bala, 1733. van der Schroeff (G. C.) * De prognosi in variis inflaiiiniationibus. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1835. Schroeter (J. C.) Dissertationum semiotica- rum secunda de signis prognosticis. 4°. Viltem- berc/w, [1719]. See, also, Berger (P. G.) efe Nicolai (J. F.). Stephanos. 'E^r/yijaic eiq to irpoyvoaTitibv tov 'liriroiipaTovc. Stephani philosophi expositio in prognosticum Hippocratis. 12°. [n.p., n.d.] Also, in: Apollonii Citiensis. Scholia in Hippoc. et Galen. 8°. Begimonti Pr., 1834, i, 51-232. Taurellis (N.) Metlica' praetlictionis metho- dus, hoi' est, recta brevisque ratio coram aegris praterita, pra'sentia, futuraqne praedicendi, mor- bos scilicet, morborumque causas, mortem, saui- tatem, recidivam, aliaque symptomata: non mi- nus atl nomen conciliandum, quam fcelicem cura- tionis eventum, medicinam facturis necessaria; quam Hippocratis et Galeni monumentis, alio- rtunqne probatissimorum medicinae doctorum [etc.] sm. 4°. Francofurti, 1581. Tillos (J.-H.) * Essai sur l'art tie prevoir les malaelies, d'apres l'examen de leurs causes 61oi- gnees et tie leurs signes precurseurs. 4°. Paris, 1809. Tommasini (G.) Sul pronostico nelle malattie. Discorso premesso alle pratiche conferenze tenu- tosi nella clinica medica della Pont. Universita di Bologna. 8°. Firenze, 1824. A Iso, in his: Opere complete 8°. Firenze, 1832, i, 1143- 1166. Also, in: Kac. di op. med. mod. ital., Bologna, 1827, v, 33-75. Trannoy (P.-A.-J.-B.) *Les aifections sym- pathiques tie l'ceil peuvent-elles servir au pro- gnostic elans les maladies aigues? 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. Wagner (S. A.) *De crocidismo et carpho- logia, signo in morbis acutis plerumque lethali. sm. 4°. Vitemberga, [1757]. Wedelius (J. A.) *De symtomate urgeute. 4°. Lipsice, [1697]. de Weltiiern (J. M.) De prognosi in morbis acutis. In: Eyeeel. Diss. med. |etcl 8°. Yiennce, 1790 iii 287-322. Wieger (F.) * Des sources et de I'utilite' du prognostic. 4°. Strasbourg, 1849. Abela (A.) Consideraciones sobre el pron6stico. Cli- nica de Malaga, 1880, i, 33-43.—Ash (E.) Prognosis Cycl Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1834, iii, 510-532. Also: Ibid., Phila., 1845, iii, 699-720. —Beitriige zur medizinischen Prognostik. Mag. z. Vervollk. tl. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M., 1803, vii, 65-126.—del C'ampo (H.) Befloxionos so- lire el pron6stico en las enfermedailes agudas. Sinln med.,. Madrid, 1857, iv, 162.—OnrdainiN (H.j De eurationibus ct pricilictionibiis adniiinndi.s. In his: Soiiinioriiin syne- siortim, [etc.], 4°, Basilete, 1562, 118-137. -----. Coinmen- tarius in prognosticorum Hipprocrates lihrum. In his: Prognosis. Opera, fol., Lugd., 1663, viii, 581 -806. — Cavalier (J.) Observations cliniques sur les variations de- la resistance vitale dans les divers individus, pour servir au pronostic des maladies. Kev. med. Irani;, et etrang., Par., IK28, iii, 38-61. — Fair ( W.) On a met hod of determining'tho danger and the duration of diseases at every period ofthe progress. Brit. Ann. Metl., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i, 72-79.—Hnlford (Sir H.) On the necessity of caution iii the estimation of symptoms in the last stages of some dis- eases. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1817-20, vi, 398- 413. — Iligginbothani. Ueber die Prognose im Allge- meinen, ins Besondere aber bei lebensgefahrlichen trail. matischen Verletzungen. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1870 i, 2. St., 356-360.—Ilillairet (J.-I5.-S.) Pronostic. Diet! d. diet. denied, (suppl.), Par., 1851, 543-652.—IIoppe (J.) WiemussmandieErscheinungerklaren, dass oft die krnnk- haften Beschwerden abnehmen oder gar verschwimlen, wahrend an tier krauken Stelle noch gar keine, oder doch noch gar keine entsprecheude Veriinderiing sich zeiutj Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 175-182.—Lneliapelle (S.) Diagnostic et pronostic. Union med. du Camilla Montreal, 1878, vii, 486; 529: 1879, viii, 8.—rVanme. I'el.er die Aufgabe tier Proguostik. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl. 1830, i, 110-114. — Pye-Smith (P. H.) Observations on prognosis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, 3. s., xxix, 59- 86. — Key del let. Pronostic on prognostic. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xiv, 372-406.—Tliieifcldcr. Ueberdie Unentbehrlichkeit der Prognose bei Aul'stillung der An- zeige fiir tlas arztliche Heilverfahren. Med. Argos, Leipz. 1840, iii, 51-61.—Traube (L.) Zur Lehre von eler Bedeu- tung des Pulses und tier Respiratioiisfrequenz fiir die Pro gnoseacuter fleberhafter Krankheiten. Inhis: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 303. Program in zu tier am 6., 7. und 8. April 184,1 zu haltenden Priifung der Schiller der Gewerb- und Baugewerkschule zu Chemnitz. Ueber Far- ben im Allgemeinen uud Giftfarbeu iusbesondere, von Julius Adolf Stoeckharelt. Schulnachrichten von Julius Ambrosius Hiilsse. 51 pp. 4°. Leip- zig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1843. Pl'Ogramuia tier commissie voor de geschie- denis der geneeskunde in Nederland. (Namens de commissie voornoemel, A. H. Israels, seer.) 6 pp. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1852.] Programme of the centennial celebration of Samuel Hahnemann's birthday, by the friends of homoeopathy in Philadelphia, at Sansoni Street Hall, on Tuesday evening, April 10,1855. 10 pp., 3 1. 8°. Philadelphia, King 4 Baird, 1855. [Also, in: P., v. 1882.] Programme des conditions il'ailiuission aux 6coles ele m6decine et de pharmacie. 18 pp. 8°. Paris, M.-J. Delalain 4 fils, [1880]. Programme des conditions, d'admission aux ecoles uatiouales v6terinaires. 11 pp. 12°. Pa- ris, Delalain freres, [1879]. -----. The same. 11 pp. 12°. Paris, Delalain freres, [1880]. Programme des conditions d'admission au ser- vice de santd de l'armee ct de la marine et aux ecoles de medecine et ele pharmacie militaires ct navales. 16 pp. 12°. Paris, Delalain freres, [1879]. Programme d'un hdpital consacr6 au traite- ment de l'alienation mentale, pour cinq cents malades des deux sexes, propose' au Conseil general des hospices civils de Paris, dans sa seance du 15 mai 1821. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, Mine. Hazard, 1821. Programmes des questions auxquelles les cantlidats ont a repondre dans les concours pour les different* grades et emplois du corps tie san 16 de la marine. Publi6s par ordre du miuistre ele la marine et eles colonies. Ill pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 fils, 1875. Progres ( Le). Journal des sciences et de la profession medicales. Annales de l'hydroth6ra- pie rationnelle. Redacteur en chef: le docteur Louis Fleurv. [Weekly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1- 3, Jan'. 1, 1<>8, to July 8, 18f,9. »'\ Paris. Want nos. 39-40, v. 2. Sept. to Oct., 1858. Continued as: Journal du progres des sciences medicales et de l'hydro- therapie ratiouuelle. PROGRES. 685 PROJET. Progres ( Le ) dentaire. R6d. par le Dr. Ste- vens. Publi6 mensuellemeut. v. 1-16, 1874-89. 8°. Paris. Current. Want v. 5, 1878. Progres (Le) medical. Journal de m6decine, ele chirui'ine et de pharmacie. R6dacteur en chef: Bournoville. Paraissant le samedi. v. 1 -12, Juue 14, 1873, to Dec. 31, 1884. 2. s., v. 1-10, 1885-9. 4°. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete in 29 nos., June 14 to Dec. 27, 1873; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1874. After 1884, 2 v. annu- ally.' Progreso ( El) dental de la Habana. Revista inensual ele cirugia y de protesis dentarias, con- sa. Wien, C. L. Praetorius, 1882. Repr. from: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii. ------. Zur Syphilis eles Nervensystems. Ein his- torischer Beitrag. 16 pp. 8°. Wien, L. Berg- mann u. Comp., 1884. Repr. from: Wien. meel. Bl., 1884, vii. ------. Ueber die Leistungen anf dem Gebiete eler Syphilidologie im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Eine historische Skizze. 34 pp. 8°. Wien, 1887. Repr. from: Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix. ------. Zweiter Protest gegen Prof. Isidor Neu- mann, Geschichtsabschreiberei iiber Syphilis. 17 pp. 8°. Wien, J. Koblischek, 1888. Repr. from: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii. ------. Die Litteratur iiber tlie veuerischen Krank- heiten von den ersten Schriften iiber Syphilis aus elem Ende des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts bis zum Jahre 1889, systematisch zusammengestellt. v. 1. 1 p. 1., 492 pp. 8°. Bonn, P. Banstein, 1889. Prokscli (Josephus Ant.) * De sympathia. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Praga, T. Thabor, 1838. Prolapsus ani. See Rectum (Prolapse of). Prolix (Peregrine), pseudon. [Nicklill (Philip H.)]. See Letters descriptive of the Virginia springs [etc.], Prome. See Fever (Malarial, Bistory, etc., of), by local- ities. Promotion of health in literary institutions. First annual report of the Society for Promoting Manual Labor in Literary Institutions, including the report of their general agent, Theodore D. Weld, New York, 1833. 23 pp. 8°. New Baven, S. Cooke, 1833. Repr. from: Quart. Christ. Spectator, Sept., 1833. Prompt (Antoine-Alexis). * Considerations sur la marche et le traitement des maladies en g6n6- ral. viii, 9-28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 208, v. 126. Prompt ( Pierre-Ines ). * Des accidents enceS- phalieiues qui sont occasionn6s par l'otile. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 65. Pronk (Anton Albert). * lets over athetose. 1 p. 1., 55 pp. 8?. Leiden, De Breuk 4 Smits, 1880. Proiiostication for ever of Erra Pater, a Jewe borne in Jewery, a doctoure in astronomye, and physycke profytable to kepe the body in helth, auel also Phofomcus sayththe same. Erra Pater. 16 1. 12°. [London], R. Wyer, [n. d.]. FRONT. 687 PROPOSED. I'roiil (J.-B.-H.-C.-A.) * Sur le cancer do Fut6- rns. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 42, v. 178. dc Prony (Gaspard-Clair-Francois-Marie-Riche) baron [1755-1839]. Instruction sur le thermo- ! metre mdtallique de MM. Breguet pere ct fils, ' horlon-ers tie la marine; et sur les moyens d'6ta- | blir sa correspondanco avec d'autres instrumens | thermometriques. 24 pp. 4°. [Petri's], Fain, , [1821]. See also, Bcnnati (F.) Recherches sur le inecanisine tie la voix humaine. [2. ed.] 8°. Paris, 1832. Proof. See Logic (Medical). Proof-reading. See Printers. Proot (Bernardus). *De viribus natura? hu- manae actuosaj couservatricibus, et medicatrici- bus. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud A. Costerum, 1768. [P., v. 1472.] Proot (Laurentius Cornelis). *Over tabes dor- salis. 1 p. 1., 72 pp. 8°. Baarlem, Snelper, 1878. Proot (M. J. L.) * Zur Geschichte der Drainage. 48 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J Horning, 1884. Propaganda eientfiica. Revista quincenal de conocimientos meelicos, biologicos, fisico-etuinii- cos y naturales. Redactores: Juan M. Espada [etal.]. v. 1-2, Sept. 30, 1878, to Sept. 15, 1879. roy. 8°. Babana. v. 1 complete in 7 nos., Sept. to Dec, 1878; v. 2 com- menced Jim. 15, 1879. No. 17, v. 2, last published, then merged in: Gaccta m6dica de la Habana. Propsigateur (Le) des sciences ni6dicales, ou recueil eucyclopedique de ine'decine, tie chirurgie et de pharmacie, pour la France et l'6trauger; publi6 sous la direction de M. A. Grimaud. [Monthly; 3 v. annually.] No. 28, March, 1825, pp. 89-176; nos. 33, 34 (v. 3, 2. year), Aug., Sept., 1825. 8°. Paris. A continuation of: Indicateur (L') m6dical (not in this library). Propagation (The) of syphilis to infants and adults by vaccination andrevaccination. 16 pp. 16°. London, W. Young, 1877. See, also, Vaccination Tracts. No. 8. 16°. London, 1877. Propeptones. See Peptones. Prophatiiis. Hciischcl (A. W. E. T.) [Biography.] Janus, Gotha, ii, 389. Prophet (Joannes Daniel). *De sympathica glaudularuni inflammatione. 32 pp. 8°. Halce, formis F. Grunerti, [1823]. For Biography, see Dzondi-(Carolus Hemic). Prophylactic (The). A practical health mag- azine, [Monthly.] No. 2, v. 1, March, 1888; no. 1, v. 2, Oct., 1888. 8°. New York. A reprint of: Canada (The) Health Journal, Toronto. Prophylaxie des maladies pestileutielles exo- tiqnes. See Societe d'hygi&ne du Havre avec le patronage de la diamine de commerce du Havre. Congres national sciejntifique. Prophylaxie [etc.]. 8°. Havre, 1887. Prophylaxis. See, also, Contagion (Means of preventing, etc.); Disinfectants, etc.; Epidemics ( Causes, etc., of); Fever (Malarial, Prevention of); Fever (Yellow, Prophylaxis of); Hygiene; Rheuma- tism (Prophylaxis of). De.mxig (T.) * De morborum prophylaxi notas nonnulla}. 8°. Berolini, [1847]. Dks.maiitis (T.-P.) Deuxieme rnemoire sur les prophylaxies et les antagonismes. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1853. ■-----. Quelques mots sur les prophylaxies. 8°. Bordeaux, 1859. Prophylaxi*. Giesecken (H. A. L.) *Probatur, prophy- laxin morborum non esse peculiarem hyghcuis partem, sm. 4°. Gotlinga',, [1752]. Goodday(H.) Prophylaxis for the milliou; or the prevention of disease and dropsy. 8r\ London, 1858. Macquart (L.-C.-H.) *An sanis adhibenda remedia? 4°. [Paris, 1771.] Maggiorani (C.) Sulla necessita el' istituire regolarmente le cure preservative e sul dovere che corre ai meelici d' inculcarle. 8°. Roma, 1862. Repr. from: Gior. Arcadico, n.s., xxvii. Phillips (W. F.) A plea for medical provi- dence and the prevention of disease in general practice. 8°. London, 1882. Voss (G. F. L.) *De prophylaxi quam curam prophylacticam vocant. 4°. Jence, 1805. Zenna. Igiene. Rimedio abortivo alia feb- bre intermittente, alia angina difterica eel al vajolo, con appendice. 4. ed. 16°. [Locarno, 1878.] Ciii'Iimm (R. J.) Protection from disease, and the law of its limitation in time. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1885, xlix, 27-31.—Desmarti* (T.-P.) Quelques reflexions sur les prophylaxies et les antagonismes. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1861, ii, 565; 569; 592; 627; 667. Also, Re- print.—l>e Zouche (I.) Prophvlaxis. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886. ii, 313-320.—Elliott (J. B.) Prevention of elisease; prophylaxis in person. N. Oil. M. efc S. J., 1879-80, n. s., vii, 667-681. Also, Reprint.—Hunt (E. M.) The preventive treatment of certain eliseases; a new method of prophylactic practice. Meel. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 595-597. ---■—. The control of zymotic diseases by prophylactic treatment. Ibid., 773. -----. The antece- dent treatment of those exposed to zymotic diseases. Ibid.. 1878, xiii, 186. -----. The prophylactic treatment of individuals as a means of preventing epidemics of yel- low fever or other infective eliseases. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1877-8, Bost., 1880, iv, 299-307. -----. The pre- vention of microphytic diseases hy individual prophylaxis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 669-671.—Flagge. Die prophylaktischen Heilmethoden verschiedener Krank- heiten. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Augsb., 1843, n. F., iii, 931- 946. Propriac. Henry (O.) Rapportsur l'eau mineralede deux sources decouvertes a Propiac (Drome). Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1847-8, xiii, 612. Propolis. See Diarrhoea (Treatment of). Proportions. See Anthropometry; Body (Human, Propor- tions of). Proposed (A) act to regulate the practice of mediciue in Massachusetts for the protection of the community. [Original tlraft.] 4 pp. fol. [Boston, 1880.] -----. Thesame. 3 pp. fol. [Boston, 1880.} Proposed (A) act to regulate the practice of medicine [in Massachusetts]. 4pp. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1880.] Proposed general hospital for north Lonelon. Report of proceedings at a conference held in the Athenaeum, Camden road, April 26, 1882. 10 pp. 8°. [London, Prince 4 Baugh, 1882.] Proposed ordinance and rules aud regulations for regulating the plumbing, house drainage, registration, and licensing of plumbers in the city of Philadelphia, as reported by the com- mittee of twenty-one. 14 pp. 12°. Philadel- phia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 1883. Proposed (The) registration of nurses. Mem- orial of nurse-training school authorities. [In opposition to the proposed enrollment of nurses in a common register.] 1 broadside, 10 by 16 inches. [London, 1889.] Proposed scheme for procuring and educating a better class of attendants on the insane. To be carried out by the royal asylums of Scotland. 1 sheet, sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] PKOPOSTA. 68 Proposta di regolamento pei casi di epielemia di cholera morbus. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] Proprietary medicines. See Medicines (Patent, etc.). Proprietary vs. non-proprietary preparations. Which shall physicians prescribe? A number of notorious nostrums auel their scientific substi- tutes. 6 pp. 8 . Detroit, Mich., 1887). Pl'Oprietas [pseudon.]. Au address to the pub- lic on the propriety of midwives instead of sur- geons practicing midwifery. 14 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1825. -----. The same. 2. ed. 14 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1825. Proprietes du hois de fresne equinoxial eprou- ve5es. 32 pp. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1637.] Propilgnatore (II) medico. Periodico meusile per gl' iuteressi morali eel econennici dei medici couelotti ed esercenti, [etc.]. Diretto e redatto da Luigi DePaolis. v. 1-2,1882-5. 8°. Ferrara, 1882; Napoli, 18»5. Propugiiatore (II) della salute. Perioelico d' igiene popolare. Diretto dal Dott. Achille Spa- tuzzi. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1, 1883. 8°. Napoli. Propylamine. Sec, also, Chorea, Rheumatism, Treatment of; Rheumatism (Treatment of) by trimethylamine. Ai.varknga (P. F. da C.) La propylamine, la trimethylamine et leurs sels 6tudies au point de vue pharmcologique et therapeutique. Trad. tlu portugais par Mauriac. 8°. Paris, 1879. See, also, infra. Hamdy(A.) *fitude clinique et physiologique sur la propylamine et la trimethylamine. 4°. Paris, 1H73. Paget (A.-M.) *De la propylamine dans le trailenient tlu rhumatisme articulaire aigu, ses rapports thdrapentiques avec l'ammouiaque unie a l'alcool. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. van Pelt ( F. ) La propylamine. 8°. Bru- xelles, 1873. Repr. from: J. de pharm. Schmidt (R.) * Ueber Propylamin und seine Ainvenduug gegen acuten und chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Balle, 1873. Action (De 1') de la propylamine; discussion. Bull. nied. tlu nord, Lille. 1873, xiii, 121-131.—Alvarenga (P. F. da C.) Propylamina seu emprego therapeutico, ac^ao sobre a temperatura, pulso e respiracao; observacoes clinicos. Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1873, 4. s., i, 253: 281; 309; 365; 393. -----. Pa propy lamina, trimethylamina e sens sai's sob o ponto de vista pharmacologic© e therapeutico. Mem. Acad. r. d. sc. de Lisb. Cl. d. sc. math., phys. e nat., 1875-8, n. s., v, pt. 2, [no. 4], 1-104. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.l = Gaz. metl. de Lisb., 1877, 4. s., iv, 37; 49; 61; 73■ 85; 97: 109; 145; 157. [See, also, supra.] -----. Ac9ao physiologica da propylamina, da trimethylamina e dos chlorhvdratos d'estas bases. Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1877 4. s., iv, 169; 181; 193; 205; 207; 217; 229; 241; 253; 265; 277: 1878, 4. s., v, 3.—Botct y Carreras (D.) Indicaciones sobre la propilamina y el cianuro etilico. Gac. de sauid. mil., Madrid, 1875, i, 365; 401.—Ccrasi (F.) Uso terapeu- tico della propilamina e suoi sali in alcune malattie. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1874, xvii, 265-268. Also: Arch, di meet, chir. ed ig., Roma, 1874, xii, 5-12.—Don. aud. De la propylamine. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1873, 161.— Dujarflin-Beaumetz. De la propylamine et de la triuiethylamine dans le traite- ment du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Union med Par 1873. 3. s., xv, 62; 73. Also: Rev. ele therap.'meel'- chir., Par., 1873, xl, 143-151. Also [Ahstr.]: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 227-230. — Eaton (B. F.) Propylamine in tic douloureux. Boston M. efe S. J., 1863, lxviii, 198.--Fereol. Case of general articular rheumatism rapidly cured by propylamin. Lancet, Lond., 1874. i, 477.—French (G. F.) Propylamin as an anodyne and hypnotic in antiopiate idiosyncracies. Tr. Maine M. Ass , 'Portland, 1871-3, iv, 463.—Gaston (J. M.) Propy- lamin in rheumatism. Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1870-71, i 353-358.—Giscaro. Quelques mots sur la propylamine] Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1874. viii, 5-17.—Crubler (A.) De la propylamine et de la trimGtbylamine en therapeutique. Monit. scient., Par., 1873, xv, 36i-365.—Gnibcrt (V.) De la propylamine. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1860 xxvii 260-267.' [Rap. de Bauwensl, 268-270. Also [of mem.]! rKOSCUOWJSKV. Propylamine. Bull, gen.de therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 60-66.—I.nborde. | Action physiologique de la propylamine.] Conipt. reml Soc. de biol. 1873, Par., 1874, 5. s.,' v, pt. 1, 199-205. Also'- Gaz. nied. de Par., 1873, 4. s., ii, 316. Also, transl.: Phila M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 661.—l„co. Beitrag zur KciiiiIiimh von dor Wirkung des Propylamin's gegen acuten Gclenk. rhenmatismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 572.— leoewer, Propylamin gegen Rheumatismus. Deutsche mil.-arzt]. Ztschr., Berl., 1874, iii, 614-619.—.Hartin (T.) Observation de l'emploi de la propylamine dans un cas tie rhumatisme aigu (douleurs lombo-sciatiques). Alger inert., 1873, i, 55-57.—Meynet (G.) Sur la propylamine. Cm/.'. hebd. de meel., I'ar., 1872, 2. s., x, 302. — IViount (J. W.) De l'emploi ele la propylamine dans le rhumatisme articu- laire aigu. Union med. tlu Canada, Montreal, 1875, iv, 481-486. — Naming (G.) Sulla propilamina. Attir.'ltit! Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1871-2, 4. s., i, 1305: 1872-3, 4. s., ii, 911. Also : Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1872, 3. h ' xvi, 615: 1873, 3. s., xviii, 353. — Nichols (J. R.) Propyl laniin. Boston M. efe S. J., 1859, lx, 252-254. — Peltier. Deux observations nouvellesderhumatismearticiilaire aigu traite par la propylamine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 42(i.—Perrct. Accidents toxiques pouvant resulter do la preparation de la propylamine. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 500.—Selmi (F.) Del modo tli ricono'- scere la metilammina e la trimetilammiiia e distinguerle dalla propilammiua. Mem. Accad. d. sc. tl. Ist. d. Uohigna, 1875, 3. s., vi, 211-215, 3 pl. — Tallcy ( A. N.) Chloride of propylamin. Richmond efe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1871, xi'i, 365-367.—«Ic Torres (R. A.) La propilamina y la trimetilamina. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 15!).— Weiss (N.) Ueber die therapeutisehe Verwendung ileea Propylamin (recteTrimethylaniin). Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 74. Propylene. Brunkau (P.) Empoisonnement par le gaz tie l'eclairage; recherches sur les propri6tes physio- logiques dn propylene. 8°. Paris, 1885. Also TAbstr.], in: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 148- 153. Louise. (E.) Considerations sur les symptomes gen6- raux do 1'intoxication par l'oxypropylentliisoaniylaniiiio. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.,' 1888, 8. s., v, 265-207. Propy lie acid. Hoppc-Scyler (G.) Ueher das physiologische Ver- halten der Oi thonitropheuylpropiolsaure. Ztschr. f. phy- siol. Chem., Strassb., 1882-3, vii, 178-182. Prorector et senatus Academic Kiloniensis exsequias funeris Joaunis Christophori Lisch- witzii . . . indicunt. 11 1. sm. 4°. Kilonii, lit. G. Bartschii, [1743]. Pros (E.-J.) *Sur la cataracte. vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 42, v. 83. Proscli (Julius Hermanuus) [1816- ]. * Non- nulla ad genealogiam aneurysinattim, accedentc historia aueurysmatis poplituu hunteriana sa- nati. 28 pp. 8°. Lipsia, G. Staritz, [1845]. -----. Tascht nbuch fiir operative Chirurgie. Nach dem Frauzosischen ties Dr. I. A. Isnarel frei bearbeitet und mit Erfahrungen und bewahrten Methoden eleutscher Chirurgen bereichert. In- halt: Elementaroperatiouen, Unterbinelungen der Arterieu, Amputatioueu, Exarticulationen, und Resectionen der Geleuke. xix, 420 pp., 59 pl. 16°. Leipzig, B. Belhinann, 1852. See, also, Isnard (J.-A.) Zakboek der operative chi- rurgie, [etc.]. 16°. Utrecht, 1852. ----- & Ploss (H.) Medicinisch-chirurgische Encyclopadie fiir praktische Aerzte. 3 v. roy. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1854-6. Proscli (Theodoras). *De physiologica morbo- rum ratione ad diversas vitte periotlos. 40 pp. 8°. Halce,, form-is Schimmelpfennigianis, [1821]. ProscltOWSky (Axel). Den legale, autorise- reele og reglemeuterede Prostitution. 28 pp. 8°. Kjobenh am, R. Klein, 1884. Foredrag holdt i Discussionsclubhen. ProscliOWSky (Heinr.) *Statistiske og kli- niske Bidrag til Hyppigheds- og Aarsagsforhol- dene samt (Jharakteristiken af Hjertesygdonmie hos Soldater, nsermest med Hensyn til Legems- anstraengelsers ajtiologiske Betydning. [ . ; . frequency and causes of heart diseases in soldiers, especially as caused by over-exertion.] 265 pp. 8C. Kjpbenhavn, F. Hegel 4 I860. PKOS ECTOR. 689 PROSTATE. "Prosector poeticus." Znr Feier des 37. Leip- ziu-er klinischeii Vogelschiessens am 28. Juli 1888. • 2. Auli. 30 pp. 18°. Leipzig, C. Garte, 1888. Proskc (Alfred) [1859- ]. *Ein Fall von Dcrinnielcyste ties linken Ovariums. 23 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1887. Pros'ke (Carolus Fridericus). * De purpura idio- pathicaet symptomatica. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Bala, tun. Grunerti, [1816]. proskc (Felix Guilielmus) [1819- ]. * De niyotomia et tenotomia oculari. 3 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 pl. 8'-\ Vratislavice, typ. Fritzianis, [1841]. Prosnowski (Ludowik). * Des affections dela nuion tre)chaut6rieune. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, >,V 77. Prosobraiichi. Haller (B.) Die Morphologie der Prosobranchier, ircsanimelt auf einer Erdumsegelung durch die konigl. ftalienisi'.he Korvette " Vettor Pisani". Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1888-9, xiv, 54-169, 6 pl. Prosopalgia. See Neuralgia; Neuralgia (Facial, etc.). Prosopis juliflora. Havard (V.) Themezquit. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1884. xviii, l."il-4.")9. Also, Reprint. Prospectus eler geneesinrigting Keunenburg bij Esslingen a. tl. Neckar te Wiirtemberg, bij zontler ingerigt tot verpleging van borstlijelers, zenuwlijders en zielszieken. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Arnheni, G. J. Thieme, [n. ex.]. Prospectus of a relief union for the District of Columbia. 4 pp., 1 1. 8°. [ Washington, 1878?] Prosper (M.) Guerre a l'humiditd, ou le secret ile l'hydrofuge r6vel6 a MM. les prupri6taires. 2. 6*1. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 16°. Paris, 1827). ProspettO tlo'risultamenti ottennti nella clinica metlica di Bologna dall' anno 1823 a tutto il 1828, precetluto da uu saggio di pratiche considera- zioni sopra i casi piu iiuportanti. 3 p. 1., 91-250 pp. s°. [Bologna, 1829.] Sig. 1-12 missing. Pi'OSS (Carolus Maria Bernardus) [1814- ]. * De elysenteria. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1838]. Prossei* (Thomas). An account anel methoel of cure of the bronchocele, or Derby neck. To which are subjoined remarks on some parts of Mr. Alexaneler's experimental essays. 4 p. 1., 72 pp. 8°. London, IV. Owen. 176U. -----. The same. 3. eel. With some reasons at- tempted, for considering the bronchocele auel dropsy of the ovarium its kindred diseases. 1 p. 1., :i7 pp., 1 pl. 4°. London, J. Kerby, 1782. [Also, in: P., v. 670.] Prossor (Jacobus). *De sanitate ael longsevi- tateni tuenda. 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour el Smellie, 1777. Prost (F-A.-J.-S.-Amexlee). * De 1'heSmatocele retro ut6rine. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)4, No. 292, v. 564. Prost (J.-C) * Sur quelques maladies du cceur en general, et particnlierement sur l'inflamma- tion ties valvules de cot orgaue. vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 27, v. 163. Prost (J.-P.-A.) * Du thSveloppement tlu systeme osseux et de la signification de ses pieces. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 97, v. 365. Prost (P.-J.-Charles). *Sur l'ent6rite, ou in- flammation ties intestins. viii, 9-39 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1819, No. 140, v. 148. Prost (Pierre-Antoine) [ -1832J. Medecine eclairde par l'observation et l'onverture des corps. 2 v. ccxvi, 260 pp.; 479 pp. 8°. Paris, Demon- ville, an XII (1804). -----. Essai physiologique sur la sensibility, xl, 246 pp., 11. 8C. Paris, Demonville, 1805, 44 Prost (Pierre-Antoine)—continued. Sur les sympathies, viii, 9-25 pp. Paris, 1806, No. 103, v. 63. M6moire present6 a l'lnstitut de France, eu faisaut hommage a cette savaute compagnie de la premiere partie de l'ouvrage ayant pour titre: La science de I'homme, mise en rapport avec les sciences physiques, ou la philosophie de la nature, d'apres l'etat ties sciences au xixe siecle. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, Guiraudet, 1822. Traitd tlu chol6ra-morbus consid6r6 sous les rapports physiologique, anatoniico-patholo- gique, therapeutique et hygi6nique, contenant l'analyse critique de tout ce que les auteurs an- t-iens et modernes out 6crit sur le choldra-morbus. viii, 528 pp. 8°. Paris, Compere jenne, 1832. See, also, Moiiimairc analvtique du: Traite physiolo- gique, [etc.]. 8°. [Paris, 1832, vel subseq.] Prostate gland. See, also, Lithotomy; Urethra. Adams (J.) The anatomy anel diseases of the prostate gland. 8°. London, 1851. -----. The same. 2. eel. 8°. London, 1853. Guigues (E.-N.) * Quelques cousitldratious sur la prostate. 4°. Paris, 1828. Kasuyosiii Nakasima. * Beitrage zur Keunt- niss der Prostata. 8°. Wiirzburg, le86. LKNHOSSKk (J.) A ferfi medencze visszeres torlata. [Anatomy of urinary organs.] 4°. Pesten, 1870. Lkkoy-d'Etiollks (J.-J.-J.) Considerations anatomiques et chirurgicales sur le prostate. 8°. Paris, 1849. Kudinger (N.) Zur Anatomie eler Prostata, des Uterus masculiuus unel Ductus e'jaculatorii beim Menscheu. 4°. Miinchen, 1883. Scihit (J. W.) * Ontleedkundige beschou- wing der menschelijke voorstanderklier. 8°. Leiden, 1864. Visscher (J. A.) *Iets over aandoeningeu der prostata naar aanleiding van een waargeno- men ziektegeval. 8°. Utrecht, 1865. Zemlianits (D.) *K istorii proischojdenija amiloidnich tiele predstatelnoi jeliezi. [On the origin of amyloid bodies in prostate gland. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1876. Canipenon (V.) efc Julien (L.) Prostate. N. diet. denied, et chir. prat., Par., 1880, xxix, 583-766.— Wimiion (E.) Prostate. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., Iskd, 2. *., xxvii, 442-555.— Dolit-r. Structure tie la prostate'. Hull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1K48, xxiii, 268 Drogoul (G.) Sulla rigeuerazione elel tessuto della prostata. Gior. el. r. Ac- cad. di med. di Toiino. 1887, 3. s., xxxv, 243. Also: Os- servatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 457.— I'iiihiiiiye r. Ue- ber Pros tat .n .function und ihre Bezieliung zur Poteutia generanili der Manner. Bt»rl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 476. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. nied. Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1887, xvii, pt. 2, 177-181. -----. Impotenz untl Prostata- function. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 453.— Functie (Over de) van tie voorstanderklier en hare he- trekking tot de impotentia generanili bij den man. Ge- neesk. Couraut, Tiel, 1886, xl, no. 40.—(irorgc (A.) The prostate gland. [Communicated by W. (!. Van Bibber.] Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1858, x, 188 197.—^lillilli* (J )" Observations on the anatomy of the prostate. J. Anat. & Phvsiol., Lond., 1888-9, xxiii, 374-386, 1 pl.: 1889- 90 xxiv, 24-41, 2 pl.— Harrison (R.) The prostate muscle. 'Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1067.-----. Some cases iu practice bearing upon the function of the prostate. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, ii, 9-11. — Home (E.) An account of a small lobe of the human prostate gland, which has not before been taken notice of by anatomists. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1806, 195-204, 1 pl. —I vrr» ler (F. W.) Scirrhus of the prostate gland. St. Louis M. efc S. J.,,1882, xiii, 278-283. — Welter^ren ( C. ) Fall af kriifta i blaskorteln fiirenad med e\sial>ilelning. Eira, GSteborg, 1884, viii, 13-21. — Winxion (U.) Cancer of the piostate. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1881-2, \ iii, 492-494.— Wyss (O.) Die heterologeu (hosartigen) Neiiliililiiiii>i n der Vorsteherdriise. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., Mill, xxxv, 378-412, 1 tab. Prostate gland (Diseases of). See, also, Bladder ( Diseases of); Bladder (Puncture of); Calculus ( Urinary, Complications, etc., of); Fistula (Becto-urelhral); Gleet; Pros- tate gland (Enlarged); Prostate gland (Inflam- mation, etc., of). Brucii (AI. J. F.) * De morbis glandula) pros- tata-. 8°. Berolini, [18:15]. Civiale. Trait6 pratique sur les maladies des organes g6nito-nrinaires. Deuxicme partie. Malaelies du col de la vessie et tie la prostate. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 187)0. Coulsox (W.) On diseases of the bladder and prostate glaud. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1840. -----. The same. 4. ed., revised and en- larged. 8C. London, 1852. -----. The same. 5. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. London, 1857. -----. The same. 6. ed., revised by W. J. Coulsou. 8°. New York, 18H1. Foot (J.) A review of Air. Everard Home's practical observations on the diseases of the pros- tate gland, aud of his important anatomical dis- covery. 8°. London, 1812. Furbrini.er (P.) Ueber Spennatorrhtie untl Prostatorrbiic. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1881, No. 207 [Iun. Med., No. 69, 1835-1860]. PROSTATE. 691 PKOSTATE. Prostate gland (Diseases of). Gant (F. J.) The irritable bladder, its causes anil treatment; including a practical view of urinary patholeigy, deposits, and calculi. 3. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1872. _____. The same. Diseases of the bladtler, prostate gland, and urethra, including a practi- cal view of urinary deposits antl calculi . . . be- ing 4. ed. of the "Irritable bladtler". fcj°. Lon- don, 1876. Guerlain (M.) * De la prostatorrhde daus ses rapports avec la prostatite. 4°. Paris, I860. Guyon (J.-C.-F.) Lecons cliniques sur les af- fections chirurgicales de la vessie et de la pros- tate. 8°. Paris, 1888. Hahn (>S.) * Ueber die verschiedenen Leiden tier Prostata, sm. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. vox der Hoeiie (G. G.) * Prostatse morborum aelunibratio pathologica. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Holzmaxn (E.) * De morbis prostatas. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Home (E.) Practical observations on the treat- ment of the diseases of the prostate gland. 8°. London, 1811. -----. Thesame. 2v. 8°. London, 1811-18. -----. The same. Praktische Beobachtun- gen iiber die Behandlung tier Krankheiten der Vorste'lierelruse. Aus elem Englischen iibersetzt von W. Sprengel. 8°. Leipzig, 1817. -----. The same. Trattato sulla cura elelle malattie della prostata. Traeluzione di Giamba- tistaCainii. 12°. Milano, 1821. Kuerfgen (L.) * De morbis glandula? pro- stata?. 8\ Berolini, 1837. Leroy-d'Etiolles(J.-J.-J.) Sur les maladies tie la prostate, du col de la vessie, et sur le pla- giat scientifique. 2. eel. 8°. Paris, 187)4. Lorenz(G.) * De morbis prostata?. 8°. Vra- tislavice, [1848]. Lubarsch (S.) * De morbis prostata?. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Ouvry (A.-C.) * Des affections douloureuses tie la prostate. 4°. Paris, 1858. Paulizky ([R. H.] A.) * De pro.stata? dege- neratioue amyloideaetcoucretionibus. 8°. Be- rolini, 187>7. Pfeffer (A. E. L.) * De glandula? prostata? merrhis. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Picard (H.) TraiteS des malaelies de la pros- tate. 8°. Paris, 1877. SCHLEISS VON LoWENFELD (M.) Zlll' SyniptO- ntatologie untlTliiTapie eler Prostatakrankheiten. 8J. Miinchen, 1858. eScHUURMAX Senim.mel (H. F.) * Twee ziek- tegevallen door den schrijver in het (Jaecilia- Gasthuis te Leyelen waargenomen. 8°. Leyden, 187)7. Stafford (R. A.) An essay on tbe treatment of some of the affections of the prostate gland. 2. eel., with additional cases. 8°. London,1847). Thompson (Sir H.) The diseases of tho pros- tate: their pathology anel treatment, comprising tho Jacksonian prize essay for the year 1860. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1868. -----. Tbe same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1873. -----. The same. 6 ed. 8°. London, 1»86. ■-----• The same. Erkennung und Behand- lung eler Prostata-Krankheiten. Autorisirte deutsehe Ausgabe. 8°. Erlangen, 1867. Wollmann(J. B.) * De morbis prostata?. 8°. Pragw, [1844], Adams (J.) Retention of urine from enlargement of wie prostate gland, and on spermatorrhoea in connexion with irritable prostate. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 453-155.—Bellingham (R.) Case of retention of irrne, from diseased piostate gland; with an account of some peculiar accidents occurring in the treatment of it. Lond. M. Reposit., 1818, ix, 189-193.—Black (D. C.) Re- marks on prostatorrhcea. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 617; 654.— Prostate gland (Diseases of). Ita't'Ik-I (E.) Des indications de la cystotomie sus-pubi enne dans les affections dela prostate. Gaz. med.de Strasb., 1884, xliii, 95-98. — Konloiiiiiii (P.) Considerations gene- rales sur la pathogenic des maladies do la prostate et prosta- tite subaigue. Tribune med., Par., 1873-4, vi, 253; 2G5; 277 ; 289. Also, Reprint. Als» [Abstr.]: Courrier metl., Par., 1874, xxiv, 66.—Cocchi (A.) Ulcera sinuosa nella pro- stata per lue venerea, In his: Consulti med., 8°, Milauo, 1824, 364-367.—Colics (W.) On the treatment of a pecu- liar form of disease of the prostate gland. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1845, xxvii, 372-385.—Craig (W.) On the application of leeches to the prostate gland. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, ii, 299-301.—Crowther (C.) Case of induration of the vesicuhe si'ininales, prostate, antl rectum. Med. efe Ph\s. J., Loud., 1800, iv, 506-508.—Curling. Diseased prostate gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1856-7, viii, 266-269.— Dal- ma*. Maladies de la prostate, et des v6sicules semiunles, avec affection cerebrale. J. hebd. tlo mtkl., Par., 1829, iii, 257-268. —Disease of the piostate. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 639. — Gross (S. D.) Practical observations upon the nature and treatment of prostatorrlitBa. Tr. M. Soc. Peun., Phila., 1860, n. s., v, 39-45. Also: N. Am. M.- Chir. Rev., Phila., 1860, iv, 693-699. — Gross (S. W.) Clinical lecture on prostatorrhcea and stricture of the urethra. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 601-603. -----. Chronic catarrh of the prostate gland; a clinical lecture. Med. Gaz., !N. Y., 1880, vii, 665. — Guyon. Les prosta- tiejues. Ann. tl. mai. tl. org. genito-urin.. I'ar., 1885, iii, 1; 65; 137: 201; 265; 329: 1887, v, 509. — Harrison (R.) Prostatic, gout. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 896. -----. Ob- servations on some changes in form of the prostate and floor of the bladder. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v, 303- 308, 2 pl. -----. Injuries and diseases of the bladder and prostate. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), K. Y., 1886, vi, 323-420. Also, transl. in: Encycl.internat. tie chir., Par., 1888, vii, 1-90.—Hawkins (C. H.) Three cases of disease of the jirostate gland. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 365.— Hclauick (A. S.) Observations on ioelo-hydrargyrate of potassium and the sub-nitrate of bismuth in diseases of the prostate gland, in gonorrhiea, etc. N. Oil. M. efe S. J., 1859, xvi, 324-330. — Henderson (W.) New and success- ful method of treating disease of the prostate gland. Lan cet, Loud., '1840-41, i, 645. — Hughes (J. S.) Retention of urine from diseases of the prostate gland. Dublin M. Press, 1850, xxiii, 385-388. -----. Ou diseases of the pros- tate gland; with introtluctory remarks on tho anatomical position and intimate structure of that body. Ibid., I Mill xliii,27; 71; 113; 195; 231; 249; 321. Also, Reprint.— Hyde (F.) Some of the morbid conditions of the prostate glauel and their treatment. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1X77, 226-241. — lels over tie gebreken der voorstander klicr. .aCsculaap, Amst., 1834-5, i, 162; 250; 455; 525. — von ■ vaneli ich ( V. ) Ueber Krankheiten tier Prostata. Wien. mod. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 135; 165; 180; 195.—Kir- misson efe Desnos. De la transformation fibreuse des tissus p6riprostatiques; retrecissements tlu rectum consecutifs. Ann. tl. mai. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1889, vii, 72-84.—Kraus. Prostatitis chronica. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 726-728.— Kraus (I!.) Con- tributions to tho pathology of the prostate gland. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1871, i, 271-273. Also, transl.: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 395; 411. — Mjll (J. li.) Seltener Ausgang einer Verhiirtung der Prostata. J. tl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1838, xxvii, 444-449.— Lee (11.) Prostatic discharges. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1871- 2, Loud., 1873, vi, 17-35. — Mallcz. Indications des douches periucales daus la prostatorrhee. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 607. — Mason (F.) Diseased prostate gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864-5, xvi, 187-189.— Ill iuuel (J.-F.) De l'emploi des lavements astringents et opiac6s dans rinflammation et le gonflement chroniques de la piostate. Rev. m6d.-cb.ir. de Par., 1819, v, 21-30.— lHontngnon. De la frequence des localisations et des reliquats prostatiqnes dans la bleuuorrhagie et de leur role daus la blennorrhea. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc.d. sc. med. de Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, 158-173.— Mott (V.) Remarks on the anatomy antl diseases of the prostate gland. N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 318-332. — Newman (R.) Galvano-cautery sound and its application, especially in hypertrophied prostate, with report of cases. Tr. Inter- nat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 642-658. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 708-711. Also: N. Eng. M. Mouth., Bridgeport, Conn., 1887-8, vii, 129-145. Also, Reprint.— Ocsterreieher (W.) Ueher Prostataleiden und ihre Behandlung in Carlsbad. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1860, xvi, 97-104. Also, Reprint.— Fereira-Guimaracs (J.) Eugorgitamento tla jirostata em um moco tlo 21 annos de idade; incisao da valvula, com o urethrotonio tie Civiale e tlo eiigorgitaiiuuto presta- tion com o urethrotonio de Maisouueuve; cura. Rev. meel., Rio tie Jan., 1876, iii, 617-626.—Preston (H. T.) The treatmentof confirmed catheter life by a permanent perineal opening. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, i, 1052. — Keed (Ii. H.) Irritation of the prostate. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus. 1884, xxxix, 109-117. Also: Columbus M. J., 1884-5. iii, 102-109. A Iso, Reprint. Also: Detroit Laucet, 1884-5, ii. a., viii, 102-106.—Mchulz (B.) Asperraatismus PKOSTATE. (!(J2 PROSTATE. Prostate ghoul (Diseases of). in Folge von Atrophia prostatse. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1864, xiv, 68; 83.—Smith. Disease of the prostate gland, prostatic calculi in the bladder, etc. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiii, 163.—[Smyly (J.)] Disease of the prostate gland. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvii, 17! — Mocin (A.) Krankheiten der Prostata. Handb. el. allg. u. spec Chir., Stuttg., 1875, iii, 2. Abth., B, Abschn. viii. No. 4, 1-115, i j,l.—Mtafl'ortl (R. A.) On the treatment of diseases of the prostate, glaud. Loud. M. Gaz., 1840-41, xxvii, 180- 183 _.Stapleton. Disease of the prostate anel bladder. Dublin M. Press, 1860, xliii, 155.—Steinlin (W.) Erwei- terung der Ausfiihrungsgainge eler Prostata. Wchnbl. tl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1856, ii, 501-507.— Swell (J. A.) Chronic cystitis and pyelitis; total destruc- tion of the prostate gland. N. York J. M., 1850, [2.] s., v, 194 197— Thompson (H.) Long-standing disease of the prostate aud bladder; retention of urine to the amount of five pints. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 610. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur certains etats pathologiques de la prostate, tels qui' l'hypertrophie, I'atrophie et les tumeurs simples, d'apres l'observation analytique de pres de deux cents pieces examinees suivant la m6tbode numerique, et sui- vies dune note sur l'anatomie de cetorgane. Union iu6d., Par.. 1861, 2. s., xii, 313 ; 339. [Rap. de Merciei'l, 340-345. Als». transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1861, i, 653; 681: ii, 4.— Vauee (Ii. A.I Physical exploration of the rectum iu disease'of the prostate gland. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1878, xxxviii, 45-47.—Velpean. Lecons sur les retentions d'tirine cntrctenues par les maladies de la pros- tate. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 260; 268; 275; 291; 303. -----. Caverne urineuse de la prostate. Ibid., 1842, 2. s., iv, 556.-----. Maladies tie la prostate. Diet, de med., 2. ed.. Par., 1842, xxvi, 133-215.—Vidal (de Cassis). Mala- dies do la prostate. Ann.de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1841, ii, 31 ; 200: iii, 5.—Vio-Bonalo (A.) Breve count) suqualche affezione della prostata. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1863, vi, 57; 65; 73; 81. — Webb (R. D.) Tho danger ofdelavin prostatic troubles. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 706-709.—Westmoreland (R. W.) Prostatic derangement. Atlanta M. efe S. J., 1878, xvi, 6-8.— Wharton. Disease of the prostate glaud. Dublin J. M. Sc, 187.1, lv, 371.—Whitehead (W.) The treatment of confirmed catheter life hy a permanent peri- in-al opening. Brit. M. J., Loud., ' 1889, i, 831-833.— Williams ( T. ) On local applications to the prostate gland ; particularly in reference to impotency and urinary troubles arising from elisiuse of that organ. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1887, A. 8., iii, 374-379.—Williams (W. H.) A elinical lecture ou a case' of disease of the prostate gland and bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 673.—WiI mot (S.) Diseases of the prostate gland. Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 409: ii, 169. -----. Observations upon disease of the pros- tate gland. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1849, vii, 261-275.—Wil- son (A. H.) A few points in the pathology of the prostate gland. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 659-662. Prostate gland (Diseases of Electrother- apy of). Itiedert. Ueber Galvanopunktur der Prostata. Tage- hl. d. Yersamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 259. -----. Ueber Galvauopunctur der Prostata. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 414. Also, Reprint.—Hottini (E.) Fenditura ed ustione termo-gal- vaniehe della prostata. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1876, xxxix, 131-140. -----. Ipertrofia della pros- tata; ipertrofia del lobo medio; iscuria; cauterizzazione eolla galvanocaustica; guarigione. Osservatore, Torino, 1880, xvi, 225-227. -----. Ustione termo-galvanica della prostata. Metl. contemp., Napoli, 1884, i, 3-6.—Chcron (J.) efe .Tlorcau-Wolf. Des services que peuvent ren- dre les courants coutinus constants dans l'inflammation, l'engorgement et l'hypertrophie dela prostate. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 594,- 598: 1870, xliii, 1; 5; 14. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1870, xxxviii, 116; 143. Also, Repriut.—Davis (J. D. S ) Electrolysis in morbid altera- tions that are produced in the prostate hy gonorrhoea of the urethra. Atlanta M. efe S. J., 1888-9, h. s., v. 686-697. Also [Ahstr.j: Med. Reg., Phila., 1869, v, 25-28.—lTIallcz. Traitement tie la prostatite subaigue par les courants cou- tinus. Bull. Soc de med. prat, de Par., 1875, 12-14.— lTIoreau-Wolf. Du traitement des affections de la prostate par les courants coutinus. Rev. tie therap. med.- chir., Par., 1876, xliii, 146.—lTIusatti (C.) Storia di un ipertrofia prostatica vinta colla cauterizzazione termo-gal- vanica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 266-269. Also, Re- print. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press 7). 1 Jaussuke (A.-S.-L.) * De l'hypertrophie pro- statique. 4°. Paris, 1858. Dodeuil (C.-M.-T.) "Recherches sur l'alttS- ration senile tie la prostate et stir les valvules eiu col de la vessie. 4°. Paris, 186>6. Gellie (P.) *De 1'hypi'itiophie de hi pro- state, et tie son influence sur la production tie quelques 6tats morbieles ele la vessie chez le vieil- lartl. 4°. Paris, 1854. Hillebkand (B.) * Ueber Hypertrophie tier Prostata. 8°. Bonn, 1874. Hodgson ( D. ) The prostate gland, .and its enlargement in olei age. 8°. London, 187)6. Japin (E.) * De l'hypertrophie de la prostate. 4°. Paris, 187)7. Lienard (P.) *De l'iiiiluence ele l'hypertro- phie prostatique sur les r6tr6cissenientsue l'urc- tre. 4°. Lyon, 1884. Magnus (E. G. A.) *De iutmeescentia pro- stata}, 8°. Balis Sax., [1847]. Manviez (A.-A.) * De l'engorgement ele la pr state. 4°. Paris, 1838. Mayer (C.) * Ueber Iodinjectionen bei Pro- statakrankheiteu. 8°. Strassburg, 1883. Menzies(J.) *Deprostatatumiela. 8\ Edin, burgi, 1828. Mich aut (A.) *De la r6tention d'urine cau- sae par l'hypertrophie de la prostate et ele son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1878. Norden (J. C.) * Die Vergreisserung und Ver- hartung der Vorsteherdriise. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1831. Rouchaud (F.-P.-J.-J.) *De l'intervention chirurgicale elans le traitement ele ^hypertrophic ele la prostate. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 11. da Silva (J.-J.-L.) Tumefaction s6nilc de la prostate. 8^. Bruxelles, 1847. Stieler (R.) * Ueber Hypertrophie der Pro- stata. 8°. Wiirzburg, [n. cl.]. Sullivan (R. M.) *A dissertation on the sclerocele of the prostate gland, with an inquiry into the cause of the disease, and also, why this affection occurs more particularly in old and sedentary men. 8°. JSew York, 1816. Thompson (Sir H.) The enlarged prostate, its pathology antl treatment; with observations on the relation of this complaint to stone in the bladeler. 8°. London, 1858. Touplain (E.) * De l'hypertrophie prostatique ot ele son traitement. 4C. Paris, 1874. Zambianchi (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude dc l'hypertrophie ele la prostate. 4°. Paris, 1^75. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1875. AtlauiH (J. ) On hypertrophy of the prostate with retention of urine. Lancet, Loud., 1855, i, 311: 573 — Aillcr (J. M.) efe Hunt (W.) Hypertrophy of the pi"s' ttite gland, accompanied by profuse and fatal hemorrhage. PKOSTATE. 693 PKOSTATE. Prostate gland (Enlarged, engorged, etc.). .Meel. A; Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvii, 571. Also: ('im in Lancet .fc Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 468. Also: St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1882, xliii, 629-631. Also: Med. News, Phila 1882, xii, 553. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 130. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 186.— A«'iiew (D. H.) Practical observations on senile hyper- trophy of the prostate gland. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-1), i, 1-6. — Alpajijo-rVoveello ( L.) Iscuria da iper- trofia della prostata; puutura soprapubica della vescica piu volte ripetuta; guarigione. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 137-140.—Anciaux (jST.) Re- tention d'urine, occasionnee par un engorgement squir- rhi'iix de la prostate, avec goutiemcutde laluette vesicale. Inhis: Olin. chir., 8°, Liege, 1816, 172-178. —Apheu- tollies ( T.) *Aey^ioi'T) TOU TrpooraTOV, 7rp(0T07ra.#i)e; xai pcuiiariKr) teal a7rou■ ar«l < F.-P.) Hypertrophie de la prostate'; saillic du lobe moyen; retention d'urine; cellule vesicale; cystite purulente; nephrite. Bull. Soc. anat. de I'ar., 1881, lvi, 208-271. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1881, ix, 831— Guth- rie (G. J.) Chronic enlargement of the prostate- glanel. Lond. M. efc S. J., 1834-5, vi, 257-260.— IIaim. Ueber die Verhaltuug und den unwillkiihrlichen Abfluss des LTrins, welche durch die Vergrosserung tier Vorsteher- driise bedingt sind. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1848, i, 81-118.------. I lai n Verhaltung naih Ver- griisserung der Prostata mit naelilolge-nile-r Anamie uud Pneumonie. Ibid.. 1850, iii, 28-30. — Hall (D. G.) Cau- terization by nitrate of silver, to relieve persistent reten- tion of urine, due to enlarged prostate. Boston M. efc S. J., 1887, cxvi, 9. — Halliu (t). F.) Hypcrtrophia pro- stata;. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1809, xxxi, 272.—Hammond (T. H.) Enlargement ol the prostate aud stricture of the urethra. Humboldt M. Arch., St. Louis, 1868, ii. 196-204.— Hansen (G. A. ) Dode af Rye-lit som Folge af Prostata- svult med t'llvidiiing af Bheren og Uretererne. Norsk Mag. f. Lagividensk.. Christiania, 1876, vi, 242-248.— ■lardison (S. T.) Se-nile prostatic disease. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1884, 80-84.—Harrison (R.) Ob- servations in reference to the management of patients with prostatic enlargement. Lancet, Loud., 1879, ii, 463.------. On the early treatment of prostatic obstruction. [Abstr.] Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 225. Also- Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 377. Also: Med. Times nn- nay. Hypertrophie du lobe moyen de la prostate con- stituant uue valvule ^l'orifice vesical de l'urethre. 7bid., 1861, xxxvi, 115-118. -----. Hypertrophie considerable de la prostate: ditticultes eiu ca'th6t6risme; fausses routes considerables; peritonite; autopsie. Ibid., 223-225.—lia- vaux. Du catheterisme chez les prostatiques. Arch. gen. ele- med.. Par.. 1887, ii, 181-200. ------. De linnocuite du cat heterisme aseptiepu; chez les prostatiques. Progres med.. Par., 1888, 2. s., vii, 445. Also: Rev. med. pharm., Constant., 1888, i, 89-91.—I.awrit- (E.) A death caused by mistaking prostatic enlargement for stricture. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 287.—I, cfe b vie. Traitement de rii.ypertrophie- dc la prostate. Assent, franc, pour l'avanee. tl. sc. Compt.-rend. 1880, Par.. 1881, ix, 910.—!-«'- plat. Hypertrophie ele la prostate, prise pour un cancer tie la vessie.^ Bull. Soc anat, ile Par., 1855, xxx, 144-146.— I^eroy-d'Ktiolles. Sur le traitement ties retentions d'urine oecnsioiiuoos pai le gonllement tic la prostate, an moyen de la sonde- a redresse-r le canal, modiflee par M. Rigal. Gaz. tl. bop., Par., 1H29-30. ii, 371. -----. Sigues de l'engorgeineut lent de la prostate, Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, xv, 199; 210. Also: Aim. tie med. beige, Brux., 1842, ii, 152-157. Also, transl.: Allg. Ztg. f. Chir., etc., Augsb., 1843, iii, 81; 93. ------. Etude des causes de lYngorgeniont de la prostate, J. tl. conn. med. prat., Par., 1842-3, x, 289; 321. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, iii, 138; 233. ------. Hypertrophie fibreuse de la prostate; tuiueurs pe- diculees entourant le col de hi vessie et ileveloppces en avant ct en arrierc; abces urineux remontant jusquc dans le thorax. Bull. Soe;. anat. de Par.. 1856, xxxi, 411-421. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1857, iv, 127. -----. t Bull. Soe-. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 498.—IiC Riitte (J. M. C. E.) Retentio uriua;, ten gevolge van vergrooting der prostata; bli.jvende herstelling door massage der pros- tata. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 567. — liCtousey. Hypertrophie de la prostate; r6tention d'urine; petite inanieuvrt; giace- a, laquelle le cathettirisnie a pit etre pratique; orchitis repet6es; urticaire peut-etre d'oi igine- nierc'urielh;: iii-rsistance absolue de la retention ])i'iniant sept mois; amelioration uotable il la suite ele; 1 em- ]iloi ele- la strychnine. Aunee med., Cae-n, 1877-8, iii, 155- 158—l>evis' (R. J.) Hypertrophy of the prostate gland, aud its complication. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 485.— PROSTATE. 695 PKOSTATE. Prostate gland (Enlarged, engorged, etc.). Lewi* (D. ('.) An enlargeel piostate. Pathologist, Brooklyn, '882, ii, 123-125.—Logan. Ergot in i-nlargid prostate; gland. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1874-5, xii, 400. — lay- man. Enlarged prostate; dilated aud hypertrophied bladder. Boston M. efc S. J.. 1879, ci, 770-772. Also [Ah- str.j: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, 147.—ITIv l.i'iiH. Case of retention of urine from enlarge- ment of the pi'estate gland combined with stricture of the urethra, with remarks. Proc. Hyderabad M. efc Phys. Soc, Sccunderabad, 1853, i, 73-76— illacleod (G. H. B.) Hypertrophy of the prostate gland aud its treatment. Glasgow M. .T., 1880, xiv, 1-14.—lTIallcz. Hypertrophie prostatique bilaterale intra-vesicale (la vessie a etc cou- ple- pour mettre les deux tumeurs plus en stiillie); incon- tinence avec stagnation; intoxication urineuse; mort. Rev. med.-phot, el. hop. ele Par., 1876, vii, 179, 1 pl.—lUaz/oni. Ipertrofia dei lobi laterali della prostata; varici al eollo della vescica; sondaggio metotlico con le sonde eli Ben ui- qnet; miglioraniento. In his: Clin, chir., Roma, 1884, viii-x, 357. -----. Ipertrofia prostatica, cistite elel collo, iscuria; cateterismo metoelico, lavande vescicali con acqua tiepitla; uroemia; morte. Ibid., 358.—iTIercicr (A.) Es- sai sur un nouveau moyen de diagnostiquer d'une mauiere certaine les diverses deformations de la prostate, conside- re3es comme causes ordinaires de retention et d'incouti- nence d'urine chez les vieillards. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1839, ii, 209-221. -----. Lettre a M. le docteur Vidal (de Cassis) sur le traitement des hypertrophies de la prostate. Ann. de la chir. fraiuj. et etrang., Par., 1841, iii, 481-484. -----Retention d'urine datant de neuf annees; guerison par l'excision d'une saillie prostatique. suites d'une castra- tion et d une operation de fistule a 1'anus. Monit. d. ln">p., Par., 1857, v, 1012.— vletleiilieimer (C.) Ueber die- v. Schleiss'scheu Eiureibungen bei Hypertrophie der Pro- stata. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1872, xvii, 487-490.—lTIi- quel. Memoire sur un moyen nouveau pour coiupriiner et tlilater l'orifice v6sical de Turetre, dans les cas ele tu- meur de la prostate. Rev. m6d -chir. de Par., 1849, v, 94-98. Also, inhis: Tributalachir. prat, [etc.], 8°, Tours, 1870,76- 82,1 pl.—iVIogling (J.) Harnverhaltung durch Prostata- hypertrophie." Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1880, xxv, 554-557.— Itiolinicr. 11 Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1868, xliii, 608.— Noiiotl (E.) Hypertrophie de la prostate; saillie enorme tlu lobe moyen ; fausse route tr6s profonde a la base de ce lobe; essais infructueux de cath6t6risme; mort apr6s ses ponctions tie la vessie. Ibid., 1879, liv, 689. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 519.—ITIort'l-I^avallepe. Hyper- trophie partielle et k peine marquee de la prostate causant it la fois l'incontinence et la retention d'urine. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1859, ix, 173.—ITIorris (H.) Note ou the fevers which sometimes follow catheterisni in prostatic en- huge-ment. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 1080.—ltlouton (J.) Observation sur une maladie des voies uriuaires, causee par un eugorgement de la prostate, etc. Ann. clin., Mont- pel., 1809, xx, 109-119.—Mowris (J. A.) Enlarged pros- tate, vesical catarrh and consequent renal disease. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1872-3, xii, 121-124— iHusalti (C.) Storia di un' ipertrofia prostatica vinta colla cauterizzazioue termo- galvanica. Gazz. el. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 266-269.—,VIus- ser (J. H.) Hypertrophy of prostate gland; chronic cys- titis; cystic antl cirrhotic kidneys; death from exhaustion. Tr. Path. Sot;. Phila. (1883-5), 1886, xii, 205. — IVobiliug. Prostatahypertrophie, Arteriosklerose und chronische let- tige Degeneration des Ilerzinuskels; Akanthopelys. Wien. med. Bl.. 1885, viii, 1180.—Norton (A. T.) A clinical lect- ure- on hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 433-435. — IVylander (F.) Om prostata hypertrofi. Finska lak.-sallsk. hautll., Hel- siimfors, 1853-6, v, 247-269. — Otis (F. N.) A new pros- tatic guide. Metl. Rec, N. V., 1877, xii, 255. — I'ahucr (A. B.) Prostatic hypertrophy and urinary obstructions; its treatment without catheterism. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Lansing, 1884, viii, 522-528. Also: Physician efc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1884, vi, 433-438. — Pana. Hyper- trophie des iobes lat6raux et moyens de la prostate; inten- tion d'urine suivie de cystite et de phlebite ties veines du bassin. Bull. Soc. anat.'tie Par., 1857, xxxii, 64. -----. Hy- pertrophie tlu lobe moyen de la prostate accompagnee de ile'-seirelris graves du cote ties organes genito-urinaires. Ibid., 1858, xxxiii, 20-23. — Pasehkis (H.) Sir Henry Thompson's Behandlung der Prostatahypertrophie. Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 928; 989; 1036;' 1098; 1162; 1194.— I'auli (C.) Ueber Harnretention in Folge von Prostata- Hypirtrophie uud ihre symptomatische Behandlung. Deut- scheKlinik, Berl., 1874. xxvi, 302— Pauli (F.) Ueberdie Hypertrophie tier Prostata. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxvii, 27-67. Also, transl.: Ebd. clin. di Bolo- gna, 1864, 565; 574; 589; 598; 603; 612; 619— Paulieki. Partielle Hypertrophie der Prostata. Memorabilien, Heil- br., 1869, xiv, 59.—Payne (F. R.) Enlargement of the pro- state. Chicago M. J., 1865, xxii, 205-207.—Peterson (F.) Enlarged prostate gland with unusual sequela-. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 217,-Peyrot. Hypertrophie ile la prostate, retention d'urine, infection puruiente; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 993.—Picque (L.) Hyper trophie de la prostate; calculs prostatiques; variete raro do fausse route; ponction hypogastrique. Bull. Soc. anat. Prostatectomy (Enlarged, engorged, etc.). tie Par., 1883. lviii, 442. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 399—Pilcher (L. S.) Hypertrophy of prostate gland ; hypertrophy and chronic catarrh of bladder, ureters and renal pelvis; tubercular degeneration of kidneys; vesical antl renal calculi. Ann. Anat. efc Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, 1879, i, 83. Also: Proc, M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 213-215.-Pion. Du catheterisme chez les prostatiques dans les cas de r6tentiou complete d'urine. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1886, i, nos. 1, 8; 2, 9. —Porter (R. M.) Enlarged prostate gland. Nashville J. M. efc S.. 1855, ix, 19-21. — Post (A. C.) On senile hypertrophy id' tin- prostate. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandv Hook, Conu., 1884-5, iv, 289-298. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1885, 117- 134. —Ponsson (A.) Hypertrophie de la prostate et ves- sie a cellules. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 147- 149.—Power (J. H.) Case of enlargement of the pros- tate gland, the posterior extremity of the left lobe forming a remarkable tumour projecting into the bladder, and giv- ing rise to retention of urine; accompanied by hematuria, and complicated with false passage; with observations. Dublin M. Press, 1852, xxvii, 49-51. —Prentiss (D. W.) Case of double hydronephrosis with dilatation of the blad- der and ureters due. to disease of the piostate glaud. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 588-591. —Qua in (R.) Chronic enlargement of the prostate; suspected poisoning with morphia; urea in the blood. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846-8, i, 290. -----. Clinical observations on some forms of enlargement of the prostate gland. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 566; 622.—Ramsay (H. A.) Prostatic en- largement, the causes, symptoms, and treatment. Nash- ville J. M. efc S., 1853, iv, 193-198. — Keed ( R. H.) En- larged prostate. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 83. —Reid (W. D.) Hypertrophy of the prostate. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1880, Montpelier, 1881, 49-55. — Resegotti (L.) Un nuovo catetere elastico per gl' ingrossamenti della prostata. Osservatore, Torino, 1888, xxxix, 217-223.— Richard, t Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 293. -----. Cystite aigue tr^s-intense; le lobule meklian de la prostate tr6s-d6velopp6. Ibid., 1844, xix, 205. — Robertson ( C. A.) Review of the report of the '■ Last illness of Dr. Alden March ". [ Retention of urine from enlarged prostate.] N. York M. J., 1860-70, x, 355-374.— Robertson (W.) Injection of solution of corrosive sub- limate in prostatic retention of urine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 949. — Rockwell (F. W.) On some points in the pathology and treatment of enlarged prostate. Patholo- gist, Brooklyn, 1882, ii, 25-41. Also: Tr. Brooklyn Path. Soc. 1885-6, N. Y., 1887, 116-136.—Rosch. Hypertrophie und Degeneration tier Prostata. Med Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1837, vii, 244-246. — Russell ( G. W.) Enlargement of the prostate gland. Proc. Con- nect. M. Soc. 1864-7, N. Haven, 1867, n. s., ii, 35-41.—San- ders (H.) Case of enlarged prostate, followed by cystitis. Ciucin. Lancet efc Obs., 1874, xvii, 715. — Savory (\V. S.) On the treatment of enlarged prostate. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 356. — Schlange. Ueber Prostatahypertrophie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1888, xvii, pt. 2, 205-212, 1 pl. Also : Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1888, xxxvii, 769-776, 1 pl. —:---. Prostatahypertrophie, mit Demt nstration von Priiparaten. Berl. kiin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 572-574. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesell- sch. (1888), 1889, xix, 135-140. — Schlesinger (A.) Cys- titis purulenta, bedingt durch hochgradige Prostata-Hy- pei trophie; Heilung. Wien. metl. Presse, 1889, xxx, 1415.— Sie huh. Ueber die Hypertrophie tier Vorsteherdriise. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1855, i, 133; 145. A Iso, Reprint. -----. Hypertrophie der Prostata. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oeelenburg, 1860, xi, 162.— Siesnry. Hypertrophic, de la prostate. Mem. et coinpt.- ii-ne1. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1867), 1868, vii, 145-147.— Nhmr. Disease of prostate gland, bladder and kidneys. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1850-51, iii, 126. — Smart ( A. R.) Diseases of the urinary tract consequent upon prostatic enlargement. Toledo M. efc S. J., 1879, iii, 369-377. -----. Senile hypertrophy of the piostate and its results. Cleve- land M.'Gaz., 1887-8, iii, 456^67.—Smith (T.) Abstract of a clinical lecture on chronic enlargement ofthe prostate. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 691.—Squire (T. H.) Vertebrated prostatic catheter. [Improvements in the instrument.] Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. s., lxiv, 433. -----. Paper on the advantages of the vertebrated cathe- ter in prostatic, retention. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 4. -----. Improvement of the vertebrated prostatic ca- theter, by the addition of a counter-beak. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 572. -----. Catheterism in prostatic retention. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 333.— Steinberg ( A. ) t Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v, 91._Stockton-Hough (J.) A new theory concerning the proximate cause of the enlargement of the prostate body [gland]. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 305. Also, Reprint. — Siiskind (A.) Ueber die Behandlung der Prostata-Hypertrophie. Meel. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 249-254. — Surmay. Sur l'hyper- trophie de la prostate et les erreurs dc diagnostic aux- quelles elie peut donner lien. Bull. med. de l'Aisne 1882-3, St.-Queutin, 1887, 49-58. — Tansini (I.) Iscuria perma- nente da ipertrofia prostatica; cauterizzazione termo-gal- PKOSTATE. 696 PKOSTATK. Prostate gland (Enlarged, engorged, etc.). vanica della prostata ; guarigione. (ia/.z mod. ital lomb.. Milano. 1888, xlviii. 225. — ialiiin. Enlargenient of the prostate glantl: bladder dilated, hypertrophied, and sac- culated ; perforation of the enlarged prostate by the cathe- ter. Lancet, Loud. 1854. ii. 457. — lee vim (W. F.) On enlarged prostate and vosieal calculus. [Abstract. | Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1879-81. v, 07.—Tell'l (J. E.) A eliniciil lecture on senile hype-rlrophv of tin- prostate. St. Louis M. et S. J., 1881, xl.'650-656. — Temoin. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxx, 479-481 — Terrillou. L'hypertrophie tie la prostate. J. tl. conn, nie'id prat., Par., 1880, 3 s., xlvii, 107.------. Hypertrophie- ele la prostate- (Iaz. tl. hop., Par., 1884, Ivii, 394-396— Thomas (R. P.) A case of enlarged prostate. Tr. Col. Phys. Phila., 1853-6, n. s., ii, 49-53. —Thompson (Sir H.) Rare form of enlargenient of the prostate. Lancet, Bond., 1857 ii, 603. Also: Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1857-8, ix, 298. ------. Zur Bohandlnng tier Hypertrophic dor Vorsteherdriise. Wien. med. Wchu schr., 1877, xxvii, 29. ------. Quand doit-on prescrirel usage de la sonde clioz les gens atteints de retention chronique causee par l'hypertrophie de la prostate'? Gaz. med. de Par., 1877 4. s.\ vi, 122. ------. On the nature of the so called hypertrophy of the prostate. Brit. M. J.. Louth, 1886, i, 1156. ------. Enormous prostate; stricture requir- ing urethrotomy ; vesical calculi, free and encysted; urine passed for years by catheter, then supra-pubic operation and now by supra-pubic tube, rendering catheterism un- necessary; patient iu excellent health. Tr. Clin. Soe. Bond.. 1888. xxi, 46-51. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press .fc Circ, Lond., 1887, u. s., xliv, 466. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. .1.. Lond., 1887. ii, 1103. .Ito [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1887, ii, 1016.—Thompson (J. VV.) Treatment of prostatic enlargement by the use of Nclaton's vulcanized gum ca- theter. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1877, xvi, 79-84. ------. Treatment of prostatic obstruction. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1881, n. s.. xxvii, 97-99.—Tieier. Heniaturie consecutive k un raniollissenient ele la. prostate-. J. ele. nit'el.. e-liir. ct pharni. tie Toulouse, 1853, n. s.. v, 216.—Tompkins (W. W.) Enlarged prostate; catheterization ; supra-pubic puncture of bladder; death. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 58—Trevisanato (C.) Iscuria per ipertrofia della pro- stata, forse- aggiunta a paralisi tlella vescica,; tre volte la puntura tli questa; guarigione dopo tre mesi di malattia. Gior. Vent-to eli sc. med., Venezia, 1862, 2. s., xx, 245-269.— Tripicr (A.) La therapeutique des hypertrophies pro- slatiques. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1884, cvi, 481- 495. — TrousNi'l. Observation d'un cas de retention d'urine, suivie de considerations pratiques sur la cure, eles engorgements prostatiques. Rev. nied. franc, et, etrang., Par., 184(1 i. 343-363. —Tullier. Congestion et prosta- tiques. In his: * Du role tie. la eonge-stion, [etc..], 4°. Par., 1885. 55-149. Also [Rev.]: Paris metl., 1885, x, 253; 265.— I'll t'n ill (J.) Retention of urine from enlargement of the prostate glaud ; creation of false- passages in the endeavour to l-i-l ii • v e the blaelele-i ailinission into hospital; death iu ten days from exhaustion. Dublin M. Press, 18C1, xlvi, 443.—Valvules ure-tro ve-sicales foiirnics par l'hypertro- phie du loin moyen dela prostate. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1849, 3. s.. i, 43—Van Burt-n (W. H ) On centric hy- pertrophy of the prostate. Meel. Rec, N. Y.. 1866-7, i, 1- 3. -----. Plea for the treatment of the consequences of obstructive enlargement of the prostate by early use- ofthe catheter. N. York M. J., 1874, xx. 1-17— Vance (11. A.) The; hygiene of old age, with special reference to prostatic hypertrophy and secondary disease of the bladder. Meel. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila.,'1881, xliv, 424-427. — Vander Acer (A.) The present pathology antl treatment of en larged prostate. Albany M. Ann.,' 1889, x, 161-168. -Vel- peau. Tumeurs, gonflement. hypertrophie tic la prostate. (iaz. tl hop.. Par., 1842, 2. s., iv,'591; 599; 615; 623; 633.— Venzihovski (J. L.) Sluch. gipertrolii pre-tlstatel. je- lezy, oslojnen. kameimoi boliez. [Hypertrophy of prostate, induced hy calculi.] Ejened klin. gaz., St. Petersb.. 1888, viii, 277 ; 309. —Verneuil. Retention d'urine par h\ pcrtro- phie ele- la prostate ; catheterisme avec une sonde; dei femme, qui est entrance dans les parties profondes de 1 uicthre; extraction tie la sonde par une boutonniero periueale! Bull. gen. tie therap., etc, Par., 1871, lxxxi, 232-234.— Waidcle (C.) Hvpertrophietler Vorsteherdriise. Memo- rabilien, Heilbr. 1856, i, Is'o. 21, f. 1.—Weir (It. F.) The hypertrophied prostate. Am. Clin. Lect., N. Y., 1876, ii, 223-250. -----. A lecture on the use of catheters in the treatment of the hypertrophied prostate-. Hosp. Gaz X Y., 1879-80, vi, 481-484.—Whitehead (W. R.) Hyper- trophy of the piostate. Rei, ky Mountain M. Times Den- ver, 1882, i, 233-241.— Wile "< W. C. ) A case of reten- tion of the; urine from enlarged prostate antl occlusion of the urethra from pressure and strictures; operation- recov- ery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 909. Also: N. Eng. M Mouth., Biidgeport, Conn., 1886-7, vi, 59-62.—Wills (W. Le M.) Case of hypertrophy of prostate-, causing e vslitis and distension of the bladder. South Calif. Pratt Los Angeles, 1889, iv, 289-293. — Wilson (J. S.) Enlarged prostate- gland; puncture of the bladder, successfully Semth. M. & S. J.. Augusta, 1848, n. 8., iv, 543-545.— \I i-iylil (A. H.) Hypertrophy of the prostate. f'auatl. J.M. Sc, Toronto, 1879, iv, 322-326.—Wyman (H. 0.) Prostate gland (Enlarged, engorged, etc.). Management of diseases incident to hypertrophy ol tlie- prostate. Tr. M. Sen-. Mich., Lansing, 1885, 181 187 - ZtvM-Ue. Hypcrtrophiaprostata- totalis libromyoinatoxa ('haute- Ann. 1881, Berl., 1883, viii, 158. Prostate gland (Hivmorrhagc from). .Tliilhieson (J II.) Prostatic hii-inorrliagc. Canada M. .1.. Montreal, 1870-71, vii, 153. Prostate gland (Inflammation and ab- scess of). See, also, Abscess (Periprostatic); Gonorrhoea (Complications, etc., of). Cazaux (C.) * Do l'eau chaude elans los pro- statites aigues. 4'-. Paris, 1886. Delcros (G.-.I.) *Des abces aigus tie la pro- state et en particulier tie la rdtt'iition d'urine que its abces th'teiminent. 4r. Paris, 1879. Deliiomme (P.-P.) *De la prostatite aigui: chez les vieillards. 4°. Paris, 187)9. Dk.niau (O.-F.) * Essai sur 1'inilanimation subaigue tie la prostate chez les adultes. 4J. Paris, 1867). Dkscuhks (A.) * Etude sur les abces de la prostate. 4\ Paris, 1866. EueiKBKi.ciiT (T.) *Zur Aetiologie, Sympto- matologies und Therapie tier acuten Prostatitis. [_ Wurtzburg.] r°. Borbeck, 1888. Guekin(A.) *De la prostatite subaigue. 4. Paris, 1879. Guilain (A.) * Contribution a 1'eStude dn traitement ties abces prostatiques et pt'i i-prosla- tiqnes par l'incision pt5riu6ale. 4°. Paris, 1887). Hospital (P.-F.) *De la prostatite chronique. 4°. Paris, 1865. Malsang (A.) *De la prostatite aigui;. 4°. Paris, 1867). Mileik (A.) * O vospalenii predstateluo jeli- ezi (prostatitis), v pat.-anat. otnoshenii. [Pros- tatitis from a pathologo-aiiatomical point of view.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1872. Pastciieau (.I.-L.) *Des abces tie la prostate. 4°. Paris, 1872. PicniviKK (M.-A.-E.) * Etude sur la prostatite chronique d'origine heSniorrhoi'elale. 4'-'. Paris, 188->. Picabd (II.) Note snr les inflammations et abces ele la prostate. sc. Paris, 1875. Roth (F.) * De i»rostatitidis chronica! patho- logia. 8::. Moiitiehii, 1842. Seuoni> (P.) * Des abces (bauds tie la pro- state etdu phlegmon periprostatique. 4'-'. Pa- ris, 1880. Stall (O.) *Zur Pathologie untl Therapie ties acuten Prostataabscesses. 8"-'. Zurich, 1877. Tagand (J.) * De la prostatite aigue. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Wacnek (C. T.) * De prostatitidis patholo- gia. 4U. Lipsice, [1822]. AIIinou (\V.) A bseess of the prostate gland. Prov. M. J., Lonil.. 1842-3, v, 11. — Anderson (N. B.) Acute prostatitis, terminating in suppuration, with complete ure- thral anil perineal fistuhe. West J. M. & S. Louisville, 1853, 3. s., xi. ^Oti-210.—Amlerwoii (\V.) A case ol' chionic prostatitis a pathological contribution to the- study ofthe physiology ofthe prostate glaud. Brit. M. J., Lonil.. 1887, ii, 237 —A iiyiii«.lein. Beobaehtung einer hai tiiiickigeii ITariivorhalt'iiiig. durch Entziindung und Ycieiterung der Prostata veranlasst. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Be-rl., 1835, x>iv, 275-290.—Arid. Traitement des prostatites aigui'-spar les lavements d'eau ties chaude. Gaz. hebd. ele meel.. Par.,lSMj, 2. ».. xxiii, 110. —Uai'i-y iL. B.) Abscesses of the prostate. Tr. X. York Path. Soe.. 1871), iii, 'J3!»-'.,4L — Bt-rlt (B.) Ueber Prostata Abs/.esse. Me-nioiabilie-n, Heilbr.. I8(i7. xii, 201- 263. ------. rjeheracuteeitrige Prostatitis. I bid.. 1881, n. F., i, l'2'.t-14(i. — Bertheranil (A.) Alices prostatiques, cause; ele- ilvseurii-, diverts dans h- eatheti'risme. flu/.. med. dc Par.. 1851. 3. s., vi, 53. — Ilinuelii. Cas de prostatite suppuree. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. metl. do Lyon d8(i4). 1865, iv, 346.—II oil in. Prostatite- aigui- suppuree survenue dans le cours d'une hlennorrhagie ; ouverture spontanee tie label's dans le rectum; nephrite aigui-con- secutive. Rec. d. trav. Soc. metl. dTnilre-et-Loire, Tours, 1867, lxvi, 02-67. — Ilouuafout. Ahcea de la prostate PROSTATE. 697 PKOSTATE. Prostate gland (Inflammation and ab scess of). mivert en faisant des tentatives tlo cathett';risme. Ann. ile la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1841, iii, 238-241. —Bry- ant. Suspected abscess of the prostate. Lancet. Leunl.. ]K(i(), i, 347. ------• Spontaneous abscess of tho prostate. Ibid., 848. — IIiiiuMteuil (K. J.) Gonorrhoea! inflaniuia- tiou of tin- prostate. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xvii, 282-2113.—t'abot. Abscess of prostate. Boston M. et S. J." 1801-2, lxv. 111. Also: Extr. Bt-.c. Bost. Soc. M. Im- prove-. (1851)-61), 1862, iv, 251. — [Cast's.] Case of acute inflammation, of tho prostate gland, terminating in an ab- secss, which opened into the rectum and urethra. Lublin M Press, 1839, ii, 52. — Abscess der Prostata. Aer/.tl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Kranki-nh. zu Wien (1861), 1862, 195.— < nslclo. [Pre'istatei-i istitis.] An. r. Acad, tie nied., Ma- drid 1880, ii, 193-11)8.—thecver (D. W.) Prostatitis and abscess. Boston M. & S. J., 1871), c, 738. — C'iviale. Apercu pratii|iie sur la suppuration et les abces do la pro- state. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par, 1848, xxxiv, 337; Uftl.—Clarle (A.) A case of prostatitis accompanied by tho discharge ot hyaline casts. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xi\' 95-1)8. Also I \bstr.J: Me-d. Press efc Circ, Loud., 1886, n.s, xii, 29. Also [Ahstr.j: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 113.— Cloqnet (J.) Inflammation de la prostate ct du col elo la vessie. Arch. gen. tie mod., Par., 1827, xiv, 500-502.— Couche E.) Deux observations tl'abcesprostatiques, re- cucillis sur des malades affect es de blennorrhagio uretbrale. Mem. et compt. rend. Soe. tl. sc. med. de Lyon, 1866-7. vi, 2. pt„ 261-270. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1867, xix, 132-135. Also: Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1867. xhi, 185-195. -----. Pro- statites suppurees. Ibid., 151.—l'o*|>eiiii-|~ Blasenpunction and nachtriiglie be Resection des iiiiltleie-ii Lappens wegen hochgradiger 11 \ pertrophic tier Prostata Wien. n ed. BL, 1885, viii, 270; 301. Also | Abstr.l: Ann! tl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1884-5, 116-iis.— Etltloncs (W.) Enlarged prostate; perineal section- cure. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 410—Eilwards (F. S.i Prostatectomy (Mercier's operation) for complete- distinc- tion .to micturition. Lancet, LoneL, 1885, ii, 57- I'iicli (S.) A dome-trocar catheter for tunneling tho tnlaigul prostate, for suprapubic or rectal puncture of tin lilail der, and for tapping ovarian cysts per vaginam. N. York M. J., 1882, xxxv, 147-150. -----. The dome trocar anel associated instruments in paracentesis, aspiration, trans- fusion, ovariotomy, and tunnelling the enlargeel prostate- Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 263-207. — CSibb (G. D.) Can- not enlargement of the middle lobe of the prostate gland be removed bv the lateral operation of litbotoiny ? Lancet Lond., 1857, 'i, 401.—Cluck (T.) ,V Keller (A.) Uebor Exstirpation der Hamblase und Prostata. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch f. Chir., Berl., 1881, x, pt. 2, 158-166.— Couley (J. W. S.) Some points in the surgery of the hvpertropliied prostate. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1KS,r> iii, 163-192. Also: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1885, xl, 9-25.- C roves (A.) Prostatotoiny. Canad. Pi act, Toronto, 1887, xii, 240. — Harrison (R.) A caso where direct ex- ploration of the bladder was employed, and a tumour of the prostate removed. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1883, iii, 139-141. -----. Abstract of a clinical lecture on a case where a scirrhous carcinoma of the piostate was removed. Laucet, Lond., 1884, ii, 483. -----. On tunnelling the large prostate. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1886, v, 99. Also: Gail- lard's M J., N. Y., 1886, xii, 268-270.—Heine (C.) Ue ber Radikalbehandlung der Prostatahypertrophie. Arch, f, klin. Chir. Berl., 1874, xvi, 79-95. Also: Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1873, Berl., 1874, ii, pt. 2, 82-98. [Discussionj, pt. 1, 81-84. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. tl. naturw.- meel. Ver. inlnnsbruck (1873), 1874, iv, p. xxi.—Helfcricli (H.) TJeber operative Versuche zur radicalen Behaml- lung eler typiscben Prostatahypertrophie. Miinchen. mud. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 105-108.— Hitchins (C. V.) A case of enlarged prostate treated bv rectal puncture-. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 966. — Kiichler (II.) Ui-bci Prostatavergrosserungen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 18(i(i, xviii* 458. — Kumuiell (II.) Die operative Behiindliuig der Prostatahypertrophie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889. xv, 310-314. Also, Reprint—liandei-ei- (A.) Zur operativen Behandlung der Prostatahypertrophie. Deutsche- Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886-7, xxv, 5-11.— Iiane (W. A.) Considerable hypertrophy of the inielelle; lobe of the prostate; excision; death. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 836-838.— lieisrink (H.) Tumor prostatas; totale Ex- stirpation der Prostata. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1882-3, xxviii, 578- 580.-— I.und (E.) A case of prostatotoiny, in which a silver tube was worn in the perineum for fifteen months, with great benefit. Tr. Internat. M. Cung., 7. sess.. Lond., 1881, ii, 397-401.— lTleCill (A. F.) On supra- pubic prostatectomy, with three cases in which the opera- tion was successfully performed for chronic prostatic hy- pertrophy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1887-8, xxi, 52-57: 1888-9, xxii. 429'. Also [ Abstr. J : Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1016. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1104. ——. Hypertrophy of the prostate, and its relief by operation. Lancet, Loiid., 1888, i, 215-217. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. med. BL, 1888, xi, 553-555. -----. The treatment of retention of urine from prostatic enlargenient. Illust. M. News. Lond., 1889, iv, 280-284.—McCuire (H.) The for- mation of an artificial urethra in prostatic obstruction. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1888, vi, 349-359. [Discussion], 368-388. -----. Operative treatment in cases of enlarged prostate. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1888-9, xv. 445- 456. — Montaz. De la taille hypogastrique appliquee aux ruptures traumatiques de la prostate. J. Soc. tie med. et pharm. de l'Isere, Grenoble, 1887-8, xii, 197-2(i2. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1888, viii, 587-591.— Obalirislti (A.) 0 dosz.czetnem leczeniu zatrzymauia moczu u ilotknietycli przerostem gruczolu Krokowego zaponioc^prostatektomih [Radical cure of retention of urine, from enlargement of gland, by means of prostatectomy.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1889, xxviii, 441-443.—Baffa '(A.) Prostatectomia ipo- gastrica. Sperimentali'. Firenze, 1889, lxiv, 347-349. Also, transl.: Gaz. med. dc Par.. 1889, 7. s., vi, 583.—Bobson (A. W. M.) Prostatectomy: a sequel to the operation of supra-pubic lithotomy. Brit. M J., Lond., 1889, i, ■>-<>■ — Borers (J. H ) Operative, procedures in hypertrophy ed the prostate. Metl. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 223 — Itolniici. De la e ystotomie sus-pubie;nni- dans lo cours tie l'h,\ pertro- pbie de la prostate. Rev. med. de 1'est, Nancy. 1881, xvi, 722-731. [Discussion], 758. Also: Ann. d. mai. (I. org. genito-urin., Par. 1885, iii, 31-42— Scibelli (M.) Nuovo PROSTATE. 699 PEOSTATOKRHCEA. Prostate gland (Surgery of). prostottmio bottonato a bottone mobile e modo di adope- rarlo. Rendic. Accad. metl.-chir. tli Napoli. 1860, xiv, 60- c4 i ,,],_ .Sell in id t (B.) \\. Hcyer (R.)| Operative Be- haiidliiii" der hypcrtrophisihen Prostata. Arb. a d. chir. Uiiiv.-Polikliii.ssii Leipz., 1888, 75-83, 2 pl—Schmidt (M.) Zur operativen Behandlungder obturirendeii Prostatahy- pt-i trophie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1888, xxviii, 39I-4U2.—Sell us tier (M.) Zur operativen liehaiidlung iler I'roslalaliy pertropliie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i 365-367.—Sesjond (P.) Des avantages tie l'incision perincale tlans le traitement des suppurations prostatiques et periprostatiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. tie chir. ele Par., l!-K;'>, n. s., xi, 532-540.—Npantoii. Large sarcomatous tumour of prostate gland ; excision ; fatal result; remarks. Lancet, Lond.. 1882, i, 1032— Station! (R. A.) Two cases of enlargenient of the. middle or third lobe of the prostate gland, successfully treatetl by perforation and pupcture: with re-marks. Ediub. M. & S. J., 1831, xxxv, 358-364—Tansini (J.) Modificazioui del Prof. Bottini ai propri stromenti per la cauterizzazione e incisiouo tcrmo- galvauiea della prostata. Gazz. il. osp., Milano. 1882, iii, 771. Also, trausl.: Wien.med.Bl., 1883, vi, 221.—Thomp- son (Sir II.) Clinical lecture on operative means for the relief of patients sutfering with advanced prostatic disease. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 3-5. Also, transl.: Gaz. ineel. de- Par.. 1875, 4. s., iv, 6; 18. -----. Operation for relief of long-standing hypertrophy of the prostate. Metl. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1879. i, 710— Watson (I<\ S.) The; oper- ative treatment of the hypertrophied prostate. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1889, ix, 1-27. -----. Supra-pubic, prosta- tectomy iu a patient aged sixty-nine years, the subject of profuse haemaluria from an unusual source: recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx, 237.— Webb (R. D.) Opera- tive procedures in hypertrophy of the prostate. Moil. News, Phila., 1889, liv, 66-70. — Wyman (H. C.) Tenot- omy of the levator prostata;. Meel. Age, Detroit, 1885, iii, 20-22. -Zuckcrkandl (O.) Ueher die perineale Blossle- guug der Prostata und der hintercu Blasenwand. Wien. nied. Presse, 1889, xxx, 857; 902. Prostate gland (Tubercle of). Bukchardt (I.) * De prostatas concrementis et tnhcrctilosi. 8°. J'ratislavice, 1856. Dklfau (V.-Ii.-A.-CJ.) * Etude sur les tuber- cules de la prostate. 4°. Paris, 1874. Itonilly. Prostatite tuberculeuse suppuree; fistules perineales; grattage et ablation de la prostate il la euiller tranchante; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. dc chir. ele Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 576-578.— IC .Ychaquet, Fistule uriuaire protluite par une destruction tuberculeuse dc la prostate. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1874, xlix, 548.—<«arin. Des tubercules de la prostate. Ann. Soc. ele med. tie St.-fitienne et de la Loire (1872-5), 1876, v, 262-273— <*'iierluiu. [Tubercules de la prostate] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv, 133 — Jamin (R.) Caverne tuberculeuse de la prostate; fistules urethro rectales et perineales; tubercu- lose vesical et pulmonaire. Ibid., 1882, 4. s., vii, 54-57. Also: Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 674.—lijcops. Tuber- culose de la prostate; mort. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1884, 3. s., xxvi, 163-168. — Obedenarc. Tubercules de la prostate et ele la paroi vesicale. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1865, xl, 636.—I'ijjcaux (M.) Alices tuberculeux do la prostate et du test ionic. J. uuiv. ct hebd. tie med. etchir. prat, Par., 1831, ii, 365-369. — Bich. Tubercular bladder and prostate gland. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v, 219.— Ntonhain (('.) Tubercular disease; of the left vesicula seminalis and left half of the prostate, with extension into the left, vas elel'i-rens. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 197.—Viard. Cavernes tuberculeuses de la prostate, ties vesicules semiuales et ties testicules ; ulcerations tubercu- leuses tie la vessie et ties canaux deferens. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 330-332. Prostate gland (Tumors of). See, also, Prostate gland (Cancer of); Prostate gland (Enlarged, etc.); Prostate gland (Surgery of)- Planty-Mouxion (E.) *Des kystes ele la prostate. 4°. Paris, 1878. Bell. Tumor of the prostate. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 555. —Butruillc (H.) Kyste mul- tiloculaire de la prostate. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1878, 4. s., iii, 265-267. Also: Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 602.— (oupland (S.) Lymphoma (lympho-sarcoma) of the prostate;; secondary nodules in pancreas and suprarenal capsule. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7), 1877, xxviii, 179- 1*5. — Oiipuj trcn. Tumeur polypeuse de la prostate; retention d'urine complete: nouveau moyen de traitement; amelioration. Gaz. meel. eh- Par., 1832,'iii, 608. — Kber- ■iianu (A.) Ueber die Yeriindernngen der Harnrohreii- rielitiing bedingt elurch verschieele-ni- Geschwiilste der Prostata. St. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 178.— En^liseh (J.) Cyste in der Pars supra mon tana pro- static. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1873, 71-76.— Erliardt (C.) Ueber die Geschwiilste der Vorsteherdriise untl deren Prostate gland (Tumors of). Einfluss auf die Hariiintleerung. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tiibing., 1845, i, 386-396. — Fergusson. Tumours of the prostate gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 184H-50, ii, 83. -----. Medullary sarcoma of the prostate gland; autopsy. Lan- cet, Lond., 1853, i, 473.— Ferrier. Tumeur de la pro- state; retrecissomeut du canal, et, cons6cutivemeiit tuber- culose primitive des organes genito-urinaires. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1884-5, xiv, 189. — Foot. Myoma of the prostate gland ; pyelonephritis parasitica (Kle'bs). Dublin J. M. Se.., 1880, Ixx, 67.—iiray (H.) Tumor of the pros- tate gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 251-253.— Ill I holdt ( I. D.) P.iinerkungen iiber die Gesehn iilste der Vorsteherdriise. Mag. 1. tl. Wundarzneyw., Getting., 1798-9, n, 101-125.— Morton (G. K.) [Case ofthe neck of the bladtler being enveloped by a tumor 3 inches in diam- eter, involving the prostate; autopsv. | Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila., 1856, n. s., i, 69-72.— Hughes ( W. E.) Sar- coma of tbe prostate gland. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvii, 688. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 205. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 189-191.— Isambert. Tumour tie, la prostate; retention d'urine; nephrite purulente; mort. Bull. Soc. auat. do Par., 1853, xxviii, 97-102.—Johnson. Prostatic tumour projecting into the bladder; disease of the bladder; fatal result. Lancet, Lonil., 1861, i, 628.— I.ebec. Myotue de, la pro- state. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1876, li, 167-169. Also: Pro gres med., Par., 18,6, iv, 471.—I,e Dentil. Un kyste; tit; la prostate. Bull, it mem. Soc. de chir. tic Par., 1879, 11 s., v, 27.— I.eisrinU (11.) Tumor der Prostata; holier 151a- sensticb ; permauentes Tragen einer Caniile. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, xiii, 365-367, 1 pl.—I.e Boy. Tumeur enorme de la prostate. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1886, lxi. 10(1-104. Also: Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 356.—I.owdell (G.) Hydatid cyst either originating in or pressing upon the prostate gland. Med. Times, Lond., 1846, xiv, 199.—iVlahot. Retention d'urine; tumeur tie la piostate. J. de la sect, de med. Soe. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1855, 11 s.. xxxi, 117-121.—.flaisonueuve. [Une petite vessie plucee entre les deux canaux deferens et les deux vesicules semiuales.] Bull. Soc.. anat. ele- Par., 1838, xiii, 2. — IVIallcz. Des kystes tie la prostate. France metl., Par., 1878, xxv, 258-261). Also: Bull. Soc. de 11161I. prat, de Par. (1878), 1879, 33-37.— Muild. [Tumor of the prostate in an infant.] St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1883, xiv, 438^48. — lTIussey (W. H.) Case of vesical calculi with polypi of the piostate gland. Tr. Am. M. Ass, Phila., 1872, xxiii, 521. 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. V., 1872, vii, 256.—lYicaise. Rapport sur une observation do kyste hydatique de la prostate, pr6sent6e par Dr. Millet. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 551-559.— Oliv;i (V.) Di un sarcoma prostatico. Osservatore, To- rino, 1883, xix, 609; 625; 641; 657. — Ba 11 ray ( R.) Re- markable out-growth from tin- prostate. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866-7, xviii, 187. — Sehottelius ( M. ) Ein Pall von primarem Oarcinoin der Prostata. Sehrift. tl. Gesell- sch. z. Beford. tl. ges. Naturw. zu Marb., Cassel, 1881, xi, 7. Abhandl., 32-37.—Seydel (G.) Deber den Kathete-ris- nius bei Ge-se hwulst eler Vorsteherdriise. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1852. iv, 391.—Shaw. Tumour ofthe prostate gland. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond., 1848-50, ii, 83.—Solly, fun- goid tlisease of the prostate gland. Ibid., 1850-52, iii, 130. [See, also, infra, Stafford (R. A.)]—St a (lord (R. A.) Case of enlargenient from melanoid tumour of the prostate- gland in a child of 5 years of age. Med.-Chir. Tr., LoneL, 1839, xxii, 218-221. '[See, also, supra, Solly.] — Taj lor (M.) Fibroid tumor of prostate; successfully treated by injection of iodine. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1876-7, iii, 185-187.—Thompson (IL) Enlargement of the pros- tate due to fibrous tumors; diseased antl sacculated bl tl der. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., r855 6, vii, 253-255. 1 pl. —Til- lau.v. Kyste hytlatique tie la prostate. Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de I'ar., 1883, n. s., ix, 143-146.— Vallisur- rius (A.) Mors ex suppi essione- urimc ob tuinurem in prostatas "lauduliformein. Acta Acatl. nat. curios, No- rimb., 1727, i, 358-360. — Werner. Verlcgung tics Grid- cium internum urethras durch einegrosse, von der Prostata ausgehcndi- polypbse Wucherung. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte 11. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1882, xxxiii, 155-159.—West (S.) Sarcoma of prostate and bladder, of very rapid develop- ment. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1882-3, xxxiv, 145.—Whar- ton (H. R.) Round-celled sarcoma of prostate glanil. Mod. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 538 540. Prostate gland ( Wounds of). See, also, Lithotomy; Prostate gland (Surgery of). Vel peau. Des plaies de la prostate. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, xv, 479. Prostatectomy. See Prostate gland (Surgery of). Prostatitis. See Prostate gland (Inflammation, etc., of). Prostatorrhcea. See Prostate gland (Diseases of). PROSTITUTES. 700 PROSTITUTION. Prostitutes. See, also, Gonorrhoea in the female; Prostitu- tion. Massing (M.) Dc colica scortoruni eliseiuisi- tit). 8°. Ilcivnite, 1848. LiJDKU (,J. W.) Quu'stiini nieretriciaiii, gcr- manice, Hiireii-Lnliii. sin. 4°. Francof. ad Viatlr., 168± Stkavino (A.) La ipereniia abitnale e la flo- gost nei genitali delle meretrioi. 8->. Napoli, 18<7>. Castells (F.) Las cardiopatias en las prostitntas. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1886, ix, 230; 263.—CJharpy (A.) Des organes genitaux cxterms chez les prostitui'-es. Ann. do dermat. et syph.. Par., 1871-2, iii, 271-279. — l.asCmie (('.) He la feciiiiditc dans ses rap]>t>rts avec la prostitu- tion. Ai.h. gen. tie med., I'ar.. 1869, ii, 513-524 — de Kanse i P. i Note statistique sur la feioudit6 ties prostl- tut'-es. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. tie Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 214- 216. — Sf-nrenzio A- Soltianliiii. Craniometria della prostituzione. Arch, tli psichiat., etc , Torino, 1886, vii, 29. Prostitutes (Reformatories and hospitals for). Guardian Society, London. Report of the provisional committee ofthe „ . . feir the preserva- tion of public morals by providing temporary asylums for prostitutes'[ etc."I. 8°. London, 1816. Hkhbst(C) Die Magdalenen-Sache, mit be- sonderer Riicksicht anf Holland nnd tlie Asyle am Rhein. 8°. Elberfeld, 1867. Home for Fallen anel Friendless Girls, New York City. Annual reports of the mauagers. 8., 18715; 9., 1874. 8°. New York, 1874-7). Housk of Mercy (a reformatory for fallen women and girls), New York City. Annual re- ports of the managers. 15., 187:1; 16., 1»74. 12°. Xew York, 1874-7). Le Pilkur (L.) De ^hospitalisation des pro- stitnees veSnerienncs. 8°. Paris, le.89. Magdalen Hospital, Lonelon. An account of the rise, progress, and present state of the Mag- dalen Chiirity. With the rules and list of sub- scribers. 8°. [London, 1761.] ------. An account of the rise, progress, anel present state of the Magdalen Hospital, lor the reception of penitent prostitutes. Together with Dr. Doeld's sermons, [etc.]. 4. eel. 12°. Lon- don, 1770. ------. Bye-laws and regulations. 8°. Lon- don, 1791. ------. Annual statements, for the years 1815, 1817, 18-20, 1*22. 4°. London, 1816-23. ------. [Lists of the officers for the years] 1,^10-20, IBM, 1823. fol. London, 1816-23. ------. A short account of the Magdalen Hospital. 16°. London, 1831. Magdalen .Society of Philadelphia. The con- stitution. 16°. Philadelphia, 1809. ------. [Circular letter of the board of man- agers to tlie public, soliciting subscriptions."1 8°. [Philadelphia, 1818.] ------. Annual reports of the board of mana- gers to the subscribers. 26., 1826; 27., 1827; 31 1831; 33.-42., 1833-42; 44.-47., 1814-7; 50-7"'' 187)0-72. 12°. Philadelphia, 1827-73. .Saint Mary Magdalene's Home, London, W. Annual reports ofthe council to the subscribers 10.-21., 1874-85. 8:. London, 1875-86. Prostitution. See, also, Contagious diseases acts; Polyg- amy; Syphilis; Venereal diseases (Bospitals for); Venereal diseases (Prevention of). Acoettella (F.) Proposizioni seientiriche e pratielie per la limitazione della infezione sifi- litica. 8°. Caserta, 1877). Aciischakumofp(D. D.) Sovremi'iinyi vzgljad na sanitarnoe znacheniedoinov terpimosti i osmo- tra prostitutok. [On the sanitary relations Of J Prostitution. tolerance anel supervision of prostitution.] 8°. Poltava, 1886. Acton (\V.) Prostitution in relation to pub- lic health, forming the introductory chapter to the second edition of the treatise on syphilis. Reprinted for private circulation. 8°. London 187)1. ------. Prostitution, considered in its moral, social, and sanitary aspects, in London antl other large cities and garrison towns. With proposals for the, control antl prevention of its attendant evils. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1870. Also [Rev. of 1. eel., Lond., 1857), in: San. Rev. Lond 1857-8, iii, 327-335. Address (An) to members of the American legislature and of the medical profession, from the British, Continental, and General Federation for the Abolition of State Regulation of Prostitu- tion, ami the National Metlical Association (Great Gritain and Ireland) for the abolition of state regulation of prostitution, on recent proposals to introduce the system of regulating or licensing prostitution into the Tinted States, with the history antl results of such legislation on the continent of Europe and iu England. Etlited by J. Birkbeck Nevins. 8C. London, 1877. American (The) Bulletin. Issued occasionally by the New York committee of the International Federation to Promote the Abolition of State Regulated Vice. No. 1, December. 4°. Ntc York, ]fc81. Appeal (An) to the people of England on the recognition and superintendence of prostitution by government. By an English mother. 8°. [Nottingham, 1869.] B. (L.) Gjeniiuele mod Dr. Hornemann's Piece "Den offentlige Sunelhedspleje og Prostitutio- nen". 12°. Kjtjibenhavii, 1880. See, also, infra, Hornemanu (E.). Barath (F.) A prostitutio s befolyasa a kiizc- g6sz6gi allapotra. Angeil forra\s ntan. [Prosti- tution antl metlical police. From the English.] 8°. Pest, 1872. Substantially a translation from an article in the West- minster Review, Lontlon. Bapella(H.) La prostitution consider^ dans ses rapports avec le eotle penal et les lois du pays. 8°. Bruxelles, 1887. Beafin. Noget om H0relsens Redskabet. [Somethingon prostitution.] 12°. EjQbenhavn, [1787]. Bkuck (A.) Quelques apercus sur la prostitu- tion, au point de vue social, 6cononiiquc et moral. 8°. Paris, 1887). van den Bergii ( \V. ) * De strijd tegen tie prostitutie in Nederland. 8°. Graven huge, 1878. Bertani (A.) La prostituzione patentata e il regolamento sanitario; lettera ad Agostino de Piet is, ministerio per 1' interno. 8°. Milano, 1881. Bertherand (E.-L.) Etudes sur les mesures mi'dico-administratives les plus propres a pr6- veuir la propagation des maladies v<5n6rieiines. 8°. [Alger, n.d.] Blackwell (Elizabeth). Wrong antl right methods of dealing with social evil, as shewn hy lately publisheel Parliamentary evidence. 8°. Bastings, 1883. Boeck (H.) Om Prostitutionen i forskjellige Lanele og Byer. 8°. Kristiania, 1888. Bulletin (Le) continental. Revue mensuelle des interets ele la morality publique. Organo central de la Fed6iation britannique, coutinen- tale et generale. v. 11-15, 1886-90. 8°. Ge- neve. Bunting (T. P.) State provision for vice. 16°. London, 1-V75. Repr. from: Lonil. Quart. Rev., 1870. 'ROSTITUTION. 701 PROSTITUTION. Prostitution. Butler (.J. E.) Some thoughts on the present aspect of the crusade against tbe state regulation of vice. 8°. Liveipool, 1874. Call [y Morkos] (J.) Preistitucion y profi- laxia tie la sifilis. 8°. Madrid, 1885. Carlier(F.) Etudes de pathologie sociale. Les deux prostitutions (1860-70). 8°. Paris, 1887. Chapman (J.) Prostitution ; governmental ex- periments in controlling it. !-r. London, 1870. Repr. from: Westminst. Rev., 1870, n. s. Chichinadzb(D.) Sbornik pravitelstvennych rasporjajenii, kasajushichsja mer pretluprejtlenija rasprostrauenija lubostrastnoi boliezni. [Col- lection of governmental regulations relating to measures for prevention of propagation of vene- real diseases. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, [1887]. Cobbe (F. P.) Friendless girls, anel how to help them. Being an account of the preventive mission at Bristol. 12°. London, [1861 ?]. Cobian (J.) Proyecto de reglamento tie pro- stitucion, precedido tie algunas coiisideraeioiies sobre su necesidad, que presenta al honorable Concejo provincial tie Lima en el ano ele 1878. 8°. Lima, 1879. Coen (G.) Uno sguardo sulla prostituzione del 1860. 8°. Livovuo, 1887. Combet (L.) De la prostitution, les causes, les remedes. Nouv. ejel. ft-3. Lyon, 1885. Commence (O. ) La prostitution devant 1'Academic de nieSdecine de Belgique. 8°. Pa- ris, 1888. Cookson (J.) Thoughts on polygamy . . . with a description of marriage anel its obliga- tions; a contemplation of our national system of laws relative thereto; and particularly an examination of 26 Geo. II, ch. 3:1, commonly called the marriage act. Including remarks on Thelyphthora aud its scheme; with some hints for the prevention of prostitution. 2 pts. in I v. 8°. Winchester, 1782. Courtisanes (Les) et la police des moeurs k Venise. Documents offieiels emprunt6s aux archives de la Republique, accompagnes ele quel- ques observations. 8C. Sauvelerre, 1886. Dalton(H.) Der sociale Aussatz. Ein Wort iiber Prostitution und Magdaleueasyle. 8°. Hamburg, 1884. Debray (T.-F.) Histoire ele la prostitution et tie la d^bauche chez tons les peuples tlu globe . . . suivie de I'histoire des malaelies ve~ne>iennes . . . avec les moyens tie prevention et traitement ra- tionnel. roy. ft°. Paris, 1879- De Vallemont ( E.) Guida igienica nelle campagne del piacere; notizie storiche sulle malattie veueree e sulla prostituzione. 16°. Mi- lano, 1883. Dibot (H.) Extinction ties maladies \6n6- riennes; moyens preservatifs, gen6raux, particu- liers et spdciaux, avec un expose^ de la prostitu- tion. 12°. Paris, 1873. Diday (P.) Exposition critique et pratique des nouvelles doctrines sur la syphilis, suivie d'une etude sur de nouveaux moyens pre"servatifs des maladies vcntSriennes. 8°. Paris, 1858. -----. Le peril venerien tlans les families. 8°. Paris, 1881. Drysdale (C. R.) Prostitution medically con- sidered. With some of its social aspects. A paper read at the Harveian Medical Society of London. With a report of the debate. 8°. London, 1866. Dufour (F.-S.-P.) [pseudon.] [Lacroix (P.)] Hist ire ele la prostitution chez tous les peuples flu monde elepuis l'antiqnite' la plus recul6e jusqu'a nos jours. 6 v. 8°. Paris, 1851-3. Prostitution. -----. Mdmoires curienx sur I'histoire des moeurs et ele la prostitution en France aux elix- septieme et dix-huitieme siecles. Compl6inent indispensable de l'Histoire tie la prostitution chez tous les peuples du monde, depuis les temps les plus recul6s, par le meme auteur. 12°. Bruxelles, 1855-61. Dupouy (E.) La prostitution dans l'antiquit6. Etude d'hygiene socfale. 8°. Paris, 1887. Eliot (W. G.) A practical discussion of the great social question of the day. 8°. New York, 1879. Repr. from: St. Louis Globe, March, 1873. English antl continental laws antl regulations concerning prostitution. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Fedo. Brieveu over de prostitutie aan een vrienel. Derde brief. 16°. Zwolle, [1883]. . Fenolio (G. C.) Alcuni cenni filosohco-pra- tici sulle meretrici, modo speciale di governarle e di custo'dirle a minor tlauno della societa. 2. eel. 8°. Torino, 1849. Fiaux (L.) La police des moeurs eu France et dans les principaux pays de l'Europe. 8°. Paris, 1888,. Francus de Frankenau (Gr.) Disp. meel. qua lupanaria, s. v. Hureu-Hauser, ex principiis q. q. meelicisimprobantur. sm. 4°. Beidelbergce,[ 1674]. -----. Thesame. sin.4°. Bala;Magdeb., 1743. Gerritsen (C. V.) Eenige bezwareu tegen het reglementeeren der prostitutie. 8°. Amers- foort, 1882. Ghent. Reglement sur la prostitution. 8 . [Gand, 1850.] Gibbons (A. H.) Compulsory metlica tion of prostitutes by the state. Republished from the Westminster Review, July, 187(5, by the New York Committee for the Prevention of Licensed Prostitution. 8°. New York, [1876]. Giersing (O. M.) Flyveblade til Ssedeligheds Frenime. No. 4. To Lajger: Dr. nied. P. A. Le- vin og Dr. med. S. Engelstoilt i Stedelighedssa- gen. [Pamphlet for promotion of morality.] 24°. Eji/ibenhavn, 1888. Goetz (F. H. G.) *De prostitutione atque de prophylaxi et oppressione syphilidis morbi. 8°. Lipsice, [18fi0]. de Goulhot de Saint-Germain. Rapport sur la prostitution, suivi du discours de M. Dupin sur le luxe effre'n6 ties femmes. 8°. Paris, 18(55. Gramola (A.) Le prostitute e la legge. Com- pilazione in occasioue del congresso indetto dalla Federazione generale britannica, ela tenersi in Genova dal 27 settembre al 4 ottobre 18*0. 8°. Mortara, 1880. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Contagious diseases acts repeal (No. 2). A bill to repeal the contagious eliseases acts, 1866 to 1869. fol. [London, 1886.] Gross-Hoffinger (A.J.) Die Schicksale der Frauen und die Prostitution im Zusammenhangc mit dem Princip tier Unanrlosbarkeit tier katho- lischen Ehe unel besonelers der osterreichischen Gesetzgebung und der Philosophie des Zeitalters. 8°. Leipzig, 1847. Guve>T(Y.) La prostitution. 12°. Paris, 1882. -----. The same. Quatrieme mille. 12°. Paris, 1882. -----. The same. A study in social physiol- ogy. Prostitution under the regulation system, French and English. Transl. from the French by Edgtir Beckit Truman. 12°. London, 1884. Hall (A.) On the great prevalence ol vein- real diseases in Great Britain, showing the neces- sity of additional sanatory laws to arrest their progress. 8°. Glasgow, 1847. Hugel (F. S.) Zur Geschichte, Statistik und Regelung der Prostitution. Social medicinische PROSTITUTION. 702 PROSTITUTION. Prostitution. Studien in ihrer praktischen Behandlung und Anwendung auf Wien untl andere Grossstiitlte. Nach amtlichen Quelleu. 8°. Wien, 18(55. Jackson (H. W.) New South Wales Purity Society. The social evil; its nature, causes, antl remedies. A public lecture. 8°. Sydney, 1883. Jeannel (J.) De la prostitution publique, et parallele complet de la prostitution romaine et tie la prostitution contemporaine, suivis d'une 6tude sur le tlispensaire tie salubrit6 tie Bordeaux, d'une statistique des ve~n6rieus elans la garnison eh' Boreleaux, et d'un essai statistique de l'infec- tion venerienne dans les garnisons de l'Empire Francais. 2. 6el. 8°. Paris, 1863. Also, in: Trav. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde, Bor- deaux, 1861-3, vii, 345-582. -----. De la prostitution tlans les graneles villes au dix-nenvieme siecle et de l'extinction des malaelies v6u6riennes. Ouvrage pr6ce5de" de documents relatifs a la prostitution dans l'anti- quitd. 8°. Paris, 1868. Also [TCev.], in: "Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1870, x, 387-390. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1874. See, also, infra, Rey (H.). -----. The same. Die Prostitution in elen grossen Stadten im neunzehnten Jahrhuntlert und die Vernichtung der venerischen Krankhei- ten. Erorterung allgemeiner Fragen aus dem Gebiete der Hygieue, der offentlichen Sittlich- keit und der Legalitat; Vorschlag internatio- nal er prophylaktischer Massregeln, Hinweisung auf nothwendige Reformen im Sanitatselienste unel Darstellnng der Besprechung tier in den be- eleutenelsten Stiidten Europas bestehenden Regle- ments, nebst einer Prostitution im Alterthume. Mit ausschliesslicuer Autorisation des Verfassors unel Verlegers iibersetzt und mit Zusatzen ver- sehen von Frieelrich Wilhelm Muller. 8°. Er- langen, 1869. Jenkins (W.) Prostitution and its manage- ment. Consideration of the license system in Europe and in St. Louis, Mo. Special report to boarei of health of Louisville, Ky. 8°. Louis- rille, 1873. Judge (H.) Our fallen sisters; the great so- cial evil, prostitution; its cause, effect, so-called use, decideel abuse, and only cure or remedy. 12°. London, 1874. Kruch(0.) * Alcuni cenni sulla donna prosti- tuta. 8°. Pavia, [1854]. KtiHN (J.) Die Prostitution im neunzehnten Jahrhundert vom sanitiitspolizeilichen Stand- punkt aus betrachtet, oder die Prophylaxis der Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1871. -----. The same. Die Prostitution im neun- zehnten Jahrhundert und die Verhiitung tier Syphilis. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers neu bearbeitet vou Dr. Eduartl Reich. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 188*. Lac'roix (P.) [le bibliophile Jacob]. Recher- ches historiques sur les maladies de V6nus dans l'antiquitd et le moyen age; avec un avant-pro- pos. 12°. Bruxelles, 1883. Lajdame (P.) Les maisons de tol6rance an point de vue de l'hygiene. Allocution pronon- cee k la Chaux-de-Fonds, dans une conference pour hommes, le 22 mars 1877. 12°. Neuchatel; [1H77]. Lardier. Les v6nerienB des champs et la prostitution a la campagne. 8°. Paris, 1882. Laws and regulations of the stews in England. In: Beckett (W.) A collection of chirurgical tracts. 8°. London, 1740, 77-79. Lefleur (A.) Die concessionirte Prostitu- tion und die Bedingungen ihrer Zulassigkeit. I Prostitution. Ein Beitrag zur Losung tier Bordell-Frage. 2 Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Le Fort (L.) De hi prostitution dans ses rapports avec la propagation ties maladies vene- riennes. 8°. Paris, 1888. Logan (W.) The great social evil: its causes, extents, results, antl remedies. 12°. London, 1871. Lucas (A.) Des dangers tie la prostitution considers sous le rapport ele l'ordro public, tie la morale et de l'administration. 2. e"d. 12~ Paris, 1841. Mace (G.) La police parisieune. Gibier de Saiut-Lazare. 12°. Paris, 1888. Mammoli (T.) La prostituzione considerata ne' suoi rapporti con la storia, la fainiglia, la so- cieta. 8°. Bocca S. Casciano, 1881. de Mandeville (B.) The natural secret his- tory of both sexes, or, a modest defense of pub- lic stews. With an account ofthe present state of whoring in these kingdoms. By Luke Ogle, esq. [pseudon.]. 4. ed. ' 8C. London, 1740. Maroni (P.) Die gesetzliche Prostitution in ihrer Beziehung zu den Geboten des Christen- tums und zum positiveu Recht. Eine zeitge- miisse Studie. 12°. Bildesheim, 1884. Martineau (L.) La prostitution clandestine. 8°. Paris, 1885. -----. The same. De clandestiene prosti- tutie. Sociaal-hygienische stuelie. Met statis- tische waarnemingen over 535 gevalleu van onteering. 8°. Amsterdam, [1888]. Mayhew (H.) Lonelon labour and the Lon- elem poor. Those that will not work, comprising prostitutes, thieves, swindlers, beggars. 8°. London, 1862. Medical (The) Enquirer: a monthly journal and review, the organ of the National Associa- tion for the Abolition of the State Regulation of Prostitution, v. 1-3, March 15, 1875, to Feb. 16, 1878. N. s., v. 4, May 18, 1878-82. 4°. Lirer- pool <.y London. Meren (G.) Brevi riflessi intorno alia prosti- tuzione. 8°. Cagliari, 1880. Mill (J. S.) The evidence of . . . taken be- fore the royal commission of 1870, on the ad- ministration antl operation of the contagious diseases acts of 1866 and 1869. [Repr. from: Blue-Book.] 8°. London, [1871?]. Minime. La prostitution et la traite ties blanches a Londres et a Paris. Etueles m6elicales et Bociales sur la prostitution a Lonelres et a Paris; statistiquesmunicipales; Saint-Lazare et Lourcine. Le tribut des vierges et la moderne Babylone. La prostitution et la police, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1886. Mireur (H.) La syphilis et la prostitution dans leurs rapports avec l'hygiene, la morale et la loi. 8°. Paris, 1875. -----. The same. 2. 6A. 8°. Paris, 1888. Montagne (E\) Histoire de la prostitution dans l'antiquite\ roy. 8°. Paris, [1872]. Mounier (G. J. D.) Het beginsel van politie- toezicht op de prostitutie, getoetst aan moraal, recht en hygiene. Beschouwingen naar aanlei- ding van het strafproces in ele zaak van Necltje F. . . . voor den Hoogen Raad der Nederlanelen. Bevattende een groot aantal officieele stukken. 8°. [ Utrecht], 1885. Mourier (P.P. F.) Om Prostitutionslovgiv- ningen. 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1884. Muller (F. W.) Die Prostitution in socialer, legaler untl sanitarer Beziehung, dieNothwendig- keit untl der Modus ihrer Regelung. 8°. Er- langen, 1868. National Association for the Repeal of Con- tagious Diseases Acts. A critical summary of PROSTITUTION. 703 PROSTITUTION. Prostitution. the evidence before the royal commission upon the contagious disease acts, 1866-9. In seven chapters. 8°. London, [n.d.]. Nevins (J. B.) Statement of the grounds unou which the contagious eliseases acts are op- poseel. Addressed to the Right Hon. R. A. Cross, M. P. H. M. secretary of state for the home de- partment, in accordance with his letter that the memorialists should furnish him with a written statement of the grounds upou which they de- sire the repeal of the acts; prepared at the re- quest of the Liverpool committee of the associa- tion for promoting the repeal of the acts. 8°. London, 1874 -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1875. New York (City). Police Department. Com niuuication from the metropolitan board of police and board of health in answer to a resolution iu relation to prostitution iu the citv of New York. 8°. Albany, 1867. de Noisy ((J.) Prostitutio! Questions sur la prostitution. 8 . Geneve, 1877. von 0. (E.) Die Ursachen der Prostitution und die Moglichkeit ihrer Verminderung, sowie ein Wort iiher Bordelle unel Findelhiiuser. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Personal (The) Rights Journal. Published for the National Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, by R. Hampson. [Monthly.] Nos. 81-95. . June,' 1888, to Dec, 1889. fol. London. Pierson (H.) Die Prostitutionsfrage vom Standpunkte der medizinischen Wissenschaft, ties Rechtes uud der Moral. 12°. Miilheim a. d. Ruhr, 1887). Pint (C.) Dati statistici dall' anno 1869 al 1887 sulle visite mediche nelle malattie venereo-sifili- tiche in relazione alia questione igienica. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1887. I'ini (G.) Della prostituzione e elei provveeli- nienti recentemente proposti o adottati a tutela della morale e dell' igiene in Italia ed all' estero. 8°. Milano, 1887. Police (La) des moeurs. Lettres adressees au journal La Lauterne par un ex-agent des moeurs et tin me~decin. 8°. Paris, 1879. Police (La) des moeurs juge"e par les hygi6- nistes partisans de ce systeme. 8°. Neuchatel, [1880?]. Powell (A. M.) State regulation of vice. Regulation efforts in America. The Geneva con- gress. 8°. New York, 1878. Proschowsky (A.) Den legale, autoriserede ogreglementerede Prostitution. 8°. Ejbbenhavn, 1884. Quantin (E.) Prostitution et syphilis. Let- tres d'un me"decin de Paris a nu confrere ele pro- vince. 8°. Paris, 186)3. Rabutaux. De la prostitution en Europe de- puis l'antiquit6 jusqu'a la fin du xvie siecle, avec une bibliographic par Paul Laeroix, et quatre planches hors texte grav6es par MM. Bisson et Cottarel, d'apres les dessius fac-simile de M. A. Raciuet fils. Sous la direction artistique de Fer- dinand Sere\ 4°. Paris, 1851. -----. The same. De la prostitution en Eu- rope elepuis l'autiquite" jusqu'a la fin du xvie sie- cle. Avec une bibliographie par Paul Laeroix. 8°. Paris, 1865. Rapport (Het) der Heeren Prof, van Overbeek tie Meijer, Prof. A. P. Fokker en Dr. Meuno Hui- zinga, aau de Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering tier Geneeskunst. [. . . tot beteuge- ling van syphilitische en venerische ziekten.] Beoordeeld door Dr. W. van den Bergh, Prof. Dr. J. W. Gunning, Dr. S. K. Hermanides, H. Pier- Prostitution. son en Jhr. Mr. O. Q. van Swinderen. 8°. '« Gra- venhage, 1882. Also [Abstr.], in: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, 2. R., xviii, 161-168. Recent condemnations of police regulation of prostitution. 8°. [London, 1880.] Reglementeering der prostitutie. Uitgege- ven voor rekening von schrijver. 8°. Gronirqen, 1884. Retif de la Bretonne (N.-E.) Le porno- graphe, ou idees d'un hounete homme snr un pro- jet de reglement pour les prostituees, propre a preSvenir les malheurs qu'occasionne le publi- eisme des femmes, avec eles notes historiques et justificatives et une 6tude critique tlu ilocteur 11. Mireur, Marseille. 8°. Bruxelles, 1879. REUSS (L.) La prostitution au point tie vue de l'hygiene et de 1'administration en France et a l'dtranger. 8°. Paris, 1889. Richard (C.) La prostitution devant la phi- losophie. 12°. Paris, 1881. Ryan (M.) Prostitution in London, with a comparative view of that of Paris and New York, as illustrative of the capitals and large towns of all countries, and proving moral depravation to be the most fertile source of crime and of per- sonal and social misery; with an account of the nature and treatment of the various diseases caused by the abuses of the reproductive func- tion. 12°. London, 1839. Sabatier (M.) Histoire tie la hSgislation sur les femmes publiques et les lieux de el6bauche. 8°. Paris, 1830. de Sandouville. Des mesures administra- tives a prenelre elans le but d'empecher la propa- gation eles malaelies v6n6rienues. Avec des notes de M. Tr6buchet. 4°. [Paris, 1849, rei subseq.] Sanger (W. W.) The history of prostitution: its extent, causes, auel effects throughout the workl. [Being an official report to the board of alms-house governors of the city of New York.] 8°. New York, 1858. -----. The same. 8°". New York, 1869. de Savornin Lohman (W. H.) De verhou- ding van elen staat tot de prostitutie. 8°. Gro- ningen, 1881. Schultz (A. W. F.) Die Stellung des Staats zur Prostitution. Vortrag im wissenschaftlichen Verein der Physiker Berlins. 8°. Berlin, 1857. Sin (The) of great cities; or, the great social evil a national sin. Illustrated by a brief en- quiry into its extent, causes, effects, and exist- ing remedies. 8°. London, 1859. Sinnenlust (Die) untl ihre Opfer. Geschichte der Prostitution aller Zeiten unel Volker mit ge- uauer Darlegung ihrer gegenwartigen Form und ihrer Ursachen in Berlin, Hamburg, Wien, Pa- ris, London und den anderen Grossstiidten, nebst zeitgemassen Vorschlagen zu ihrer Verminde- rung und Regelung. Hrsg. von einem philan- tropischen Verein. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Soldiers and the social evil. A letter addressed by permission to the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, M. ••'., secretary of state for war, by a chaplain to the forces. 8°. London, 1860. Streubel (C. W.) Wie hat der Staat eler Pro- stitution gegeniiber sich zu verhalten? Eine zeitgemiisse Frage in Bezug auf die gesetzlicheu Bestimmungen Sachsens und elas dermalige Ver- hiiltniss der gewerbmassigen Unzucht unel eler gewerbmassigen Beforderung derselben in Leip- zig, sowie in Bezug auf das neuerdings einge- fiihrte Regulativ gewisser polizeilicher Maassre- geln erortert und besprochen von ... 8°. Leip- zig, 1862. T. (Mme. F.) Necessite" de faire un bon ac- ceuil aux femmes et;rangeres. 8°. Paris, 1835. PROSTITUTION. 704 PKOSTITI TION. Prostitution. Talbot (J. B.) The miseries of prostitution. s . London, 1844. Tarnovski (V. M.) Prostitutsija i abolitsion- izm. Doklael russkomn sitilidologicheskomu i flennatologicheskomu Obshestvu. 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1«88. Taxil (L.) La prostitution contemporaine. Etude d'une question sociale. 8°. Paris, [1883?]. Troncin (J.-P.) Pr6servation de la syphilis; tie son extinction dans l'annee et daus les mai- sons de tolerance. 8°. Paris, 1851. Vouschriften fiir die tier sittenpolizeilicheu Controle uuterstellten Frauenspersonen. 8°. Leipzig, 1^79. Wardlaw (R.) Lectures on female prostitu- tion : its nature, extent, effects, guilt, causes, and remedy. Delivered and published by special re- quest. 12°. Glasgow, 1842. -----. Thesame. 3.ed. 12°. Glasgow, 1843. -----. Tbe same. 12°. New York, 1843. What public measures can with benelit be adopted for the diminution of venereal eliseases? [Paper addressed by the National Meelical Asso- ciation for the Repeal ofthe Contagious Diseases Acts to the hygienic section of the Congress of the British, Continental, anel General Federation ibr the Abolition of State Regulation of Prostitu- tion, which was held in Genoa, 27th Sept. to the 4th Oct., 18SO, etc. 3. eel. 8°. London, 1889. Wiiitehorne (J. C.) The social evil practi- cally considered. Published by request. 8°. London, [1858J. Wilson (H. J.) 84.—Aramendia. jDelie reglamentarse la prosti tuciiin? Clinica, Zaragoza, 1885, ix, 145; 169; 193; 217; 241; 385. — Amvci'iih. Ueber Prostitution und veneiische Er- krankungen. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1884, ix, 179-190, 1 diag—Auch ein Wort iiber Prostitution. Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte a. Apoth., 1851, ii, 10-14.—Anga^m-nr (V.) La prostitution, la police ties moeurs et quelqin-s ou- vrages reeents qui en traitent. Lyon med., 1883, xliii, 507: xliv, 233: 1S84, xiv, 100; 133. -----. La prostitution lies fillcsmineures. Arch, ele Tanthrop. crim., Par., 1888, iii, 209- 228,1 ch. Also, Reprint.— B. (A.) The social evil. Med. Prostitution. Press, Dubl., 1805, 2. s., xii, 302.—Knbrock (H. P.) ()„ the only practical means of limiting the spread of \e nen al diseases. West. Lancet. San Fran., 1872-3, i, 3-14.- Itiu-. duzzi (II.) Sulla profilassi pubblica della sifilide in lap- porto con la prostituzione. Riforma incil., Kouia, 1889, v, 320; 332. — Bare, lie la syphilis daus ses rapports ave-e: la prostitution, par une commission composee de MM. Moriceau. Marchand, Leroux, Higuard, Harcc et Bare, rapporteur. J. de la sect, de tn6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf' Nantes, 1846, xxii, 129-161. — Barret (W. L.) Piostitu- tion iu its relation to public health. Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis, 1871. 22-43. — Bnrthrlrmy. Prophylaxie publi- que de la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph'., Par.. 1888 2. s.,ix, 721-737.—Beardsley (G.L.) Chartered brothels; or a plea for the regulation of prostitution. N. Orl. M. et S. J., 1880, u. s., viii, 201-218. — Bclvnl. De la sup- pression des debits de boissous dans les maisons de tole- rance. Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1880, ii, 50-.">K,— Bcrgcret. La prostitution et les maladies voneriemies dans b-s petites localites. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 18(i(i, 2. s., xxv, 342-359. — Bcr^li ( R. ) I Anletluing af ile-n forte- staajuele Reform at Prostitutionsva-senet. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1863, vi, 81-83 —Beillnrand (E.-L.) Etudes sur les mesures medico-administratives les plus propres k prevenir la propagation des maladies veueriennes. J. de med. et pbarm. dc l'Algerie. Alger, 1884, ix, 148; 184.— Bctaultandr al'gifvet till Finska Lakaresiillskapetafctt for prostitutionsi'iagaiisbehantlliug inom siillskapct, tillsat utskott. Res. Memoire adresse k la Soci6te des m6tleciii8 flulandais par la commission nominee par la Socit-t6 pour Telaboration de la question concernant la prostitutiou. Finska lak.-sallsk. hantll., Helsingfors, 1888, xxx, 201-302.— Bill (A) for the prevention of contagious diseases. Aus tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1877, xxii, 307-314. — Bliu-k (VV. T.) Contagious diseases in the army: Mr. Stansl'e-liTs sta- tistics. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1875, i, 350.—It ore It (W.) Prostitution in relation lo national health. Am. J. Syph. efe Dermat., N. T., 1870, i, 130-135. —BoIm-ii (P. 0.) Prostitutionssagen. Ugesk. f. Lager. Kjebenh., Ir80, 4. R., i, 461-473.-----. Om Prostitntiimsfnrh. iKj^bsttetlenie. I ... in commercial towns.] Ibid., 1881, 4. It., iv, 221-220. -----. Endnu et Par Ord om Prostitutionssporgsniaalt-t. Ibid., 1887, 4. R., xv, 175-178.—Borelli (G. B.) La tines- tione dei sifilicomi. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1888, x, 409-422.—Borrero Echererria (E.) Algunas cou- sideraciones sobre la historia ele la prostitucion y una cuestion tie higiene publica. Gac. metl. de la Habana, 1879-80, ii, 122; 144— Branchat (R.) Dela prostitucioii en sus relaciones eon la administracion publica y la higi- ene. Prensa nied. de Granada, 1881, iii, 40L406.—Biiflilc (V.) Nyere Oplysninger om Prostitutioiisviusenets Ortl- ning i t'orskjellige Lautle nied sa-rligt Ilensyn til di-iiiics Virkninger i hygicjnisk Rc-tning. Ugesk. f. Lager, Kjei- benh., 1886, 4. R.~ xiv, 311-322.-----. Prostitutiousspoigs- maalet. Ibid., 1887, 4. R., xv, 81; 105.—Cnlloch. De- la syphilis dans ses rapports avec la prostitution autoi iseeet clandestine; rapport fait sur son invitation, a M. le niaire tie Nantes, par une commission composee de M M Mabit, Malherbe, Auizon, Petit, tie Rostaing de Rivas ct Ualloth. J. tie la sect, de med. Soc. acatl. Loire-Inf., Kantes, 1K07, xxxiii, 193-228.—Carter (W.) On the medical control of prostitution. LiverpoolM. efcS. Rep.. Lond., 1871, v, 145.— Castiglioni (P.) Relazione sulla sorveglianza della prostituzione e sui modi per impedire la tlifl'usione tlella siiilide. Atti Cong. gen. tl. Ass. meel. ital. 1871, Ronia, 1872, v, 133; 281. Also, Reprint.—Ccrcnville. Le-Con- gres international tie Geneve. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1877, xi, 265-308. — Clieca (L.) _l*rnsi_i- tucion. Especialista, Madrid, 1859, i, 5; 22. — Chici-ie i. Des effets pernicieux, physiquesetmorauxeln librecxercitr de la prostitution. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1857-8, i, 133-139. — Colin (L.) Prostitution ct syphilis. Rev. san. de Bordeaux. 1884-5, ii, 161-165— Compulsory medication of prostitutes by the state. [Edit. J Wi-stimnst. Rev., Am. ed., N. Y.. 1876, 64-88. [See, also, infra, West minster (The) [etc.].]—Coni (E. R.) Instruecione-s para la organizacion y fimcionaiuiento de un servicio sanitario dela prostitucioii. Rev. meil.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1880-81, xvii, 261; 288.—Coni (IC. R.) etal. Provecto de ivglanicntu para la prostitucion. Ibid.. 245-251. — CoiHrol (The) of prostitution. Brit. M. J., Lond., 187(1, i, 630-632 — Corlicii (A.) Prostitution et syphilis. Paris med., 18Mi, xi, 469; 493; 505; 518; 529; 541;-565. Also: J. d. conn. metl. prat., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 332; 339; 366; 373; 379 -Crawford (J.B.) Pornografia. St, Louis M.& S. J., 18M), xxxix,412- 416.—Crocq & Bollet. Prophylaxie internationale des maladies veueriennes ; rapport fait au nom ele la commis- sion nominee par le Congr6s medical international de Pans tie 1867. Cong. med. de toutes les nations 1*09. Bologne, 1870, ii, 258-294.—C my I (L.) De la prophykixie pubhuue en matiere de maladies venerieunes. Ann. Soc, de med. de Gand, 1889, lxviii, 226-239.—de la Cueva (F.) De la prostitucion reglamentada. An. r. Acad, ele cien. med. . . • de la Habana, 1866-7, iii, 439; 469— Cnrran (W.) The inner life and economy of a lock hospital in India. Metl. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1878, n. 8., xxv, 405; 479; 503; 523.— Czobos (K.) Zur Verhiitung venerischer und syphiliti- PROSTITUTION. 705 PROSTITUTION. Prostitution. Ht'.licr Infektioneu. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 962.— Dcloyncs. Sur un projet de reglementatiou de la prosti- tution. Rev. sau. do Bordeaux, 1888, v, 73-76. — Doeprt'-x (A.) Sur la prostitution reglementee et ses rapports avec la depopulation. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. tie Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 158-161. [Discussion], 161-166.—Diday (P.) Sur un point relatif k la police des prostitueos. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 135-137. -----. Nouveau systeme d'as- sainissement tie la prostitution. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1873-4, v, 81-103. -----. Assainissement de la pro- stitution clandestine. Lyon med., 1881, xxxvii, 61-68.-----. Assainissement methodique ele la prostitution. Bull. Acad, tie med.. Par., 1888, 2. s., xix, 491-498. Also: Gaz. bebd. de med.. Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 229-231.—Disinfec- tion (The) of formosa. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1869, ii, 413— Diskiission i det medicinske Selskab om Pro- .Htitiitionssporgsiuanlit i Alniindelighetl og Visitationeu i Siiieleli'she-il. Ugesk. f. Laager, Kjebenh., 1880, 4. R., i, 313- 327.— Diskiission iiber die Prostitutionsfrage. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 8. — Dolmaye (G.) Remarks ou prostitution, with a view to the adoption of measures for the checking of vi'iiereal diseases. Med. Circ, Lond., 1864, xxiv, 328; 344.—van Dooremnal (J. C.) Het Nationaal Congres tegen tie prostitutie. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1889, xliii, nos. 7-11.—van Dooretuaal (J.D.) Het toezicht over de prostitutie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880, 2. R., xvi, 49-51. — Drysdale ( C. R.) On prosti- tution. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1869, vii, 411. -----. La rtglementation de la prostitution. Cong, period, inter- nat. d. sc. med. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 1880, vi, 88-92.— Dn^iiiollc. Rapport sur le service sanitaire tie la pro- stitution. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1851, xii, 27-32. — Dn pony. La prostitution libre-; les com tisanes. Meilecin, Par., 1886, xii, no. 50-51, 1-3.—Dyer (A. S.) Syphilis et prostitution. Presse me-d. bilge, Brux., 1882, xxxiv, 121-125.—Easle-y (E. T.) The present state of the argument in favor of a contagious diseases act. Ricbmontl & "Louisville.- M. J., Louisville-, 1876, xxii, 297-327. Also, Keprint— Kindt's medicales ct sociales sur la prostitu- tion en A ugh terre et en France. J. de metl. de Par., 1885, ix, 425; 450; 491; 525. Also, transl.: Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvii, 120; 143; 165; 187; 217. Also, Re- print.—Farto da Costa (A. J.) Discurso sobre a pro- Btituit,"*!!), acompanhado de hum piano de reforma sanitaria acerca elas meretrizes. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1836, iv, tiO-T''. [See, also, infra, Parecer da [etc.].]—Federation britanuique, continentale et generale pour l'abolition de la prostitution specialement envisagee comme institution 16- gale et toleice; Congres do la Haye 17-22 septenibre 1883. (leilcesk. Courant, Tiel, 1883, xxxvii, no. 34.—Federa- lioiie-ns internationale Congres i Genua fra den 27do Septbr. til den 4de Oktbr. [1880]. Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. imod'Lovbesk. f. Usaedelighed, Kjebenh., 1880-81, ii, 118; 125; 200.—Focke (W. O.) Die Prostitution in ethischer und sanitarer Beziehung. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. GsDilhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1888, xx, 121-136. — Fokker (A. P.) Een woord naar aanleidiug van het rapport aan het hoofdbestuur in zake de prostitutieregeling. Nederl. Tijelsckr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, 2. R., xvii, 81-85. ----. Het Prostitutie-Congres. Ibid., 1883. 2. R., xix, 791. ----. Da prostitutie. Ibid., 188.5, 2. R., xxi. 309-312.— Fournier (A.) Prophylaxie publique de la syphilis. Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1887, 2. s., xvii, 592; 630.' Also: Aun. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. a., xviii, 55-108. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 566; 581; 591; 602. Also. Reprint. ----. Projet snr la prophylaxie publique de la syphilis. Bull.Acad, de med.. Par.. 1888,2. s., xix, 155-160.—Galligo (J.) Documents inedits relatifs k la prostitution. Ann. (le dermat. et syph., Par., 1869-70, ii, 59-63.—Garcia Be- leuguer (R.) La prostitucidu ante la higiene. Espana med., Madrid, 1884, i, 73; 97; 121; 145. — Garofalo (J.) La prostitucion y la sifllis ; consideracion sobre la mision del m6dico; analisis de la obra ; la prostitucion no debe ser reglamentada, sino combatida; preservatives do la sifllis ; la campana de Manuecos; belfeza de esta obra. Siglo metl, Madrid, 1861, viii, 72-74. — Gcheime (Die) Prosti- tution. Allg.Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 49.—Gelabert y Gaballeria (E.) De la prostitucion en sus relacioiies con la higiene en el doble concepto de lareglameutacion elei la profilaxis de la sifllis. Sentido cat61., Barcel., 1886, viii. 689-698.—Gerrish (F. H.) The duties of the medical profession concerning prostitution and its allied vices. ir. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1878, 331-350. Also, Re- print-Gibbons (H.) Should prostitution he licensed? Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1867-8, n. s., i. 294-299.— t*icr»ing (O. M.) Den hritiske, continentale og almin- elelige Fe-deration for Ophaavelsen af Ussedeligheden Lov- neskyttelse, dens Oprindelse og Udvikling. [Society for suppression of immorality.] Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. imod Lovbesk. f. Ussedelighed, Kjebenh., 1879-80, i, 24; 33: 1880-81, ii, 16; 121; 153 ; 170. -----. Fra et, rent hygiej- msk Standpunkt. [Prostitution from a hygienic stand- point. ] Ibid., 1881-2, iii, 168-176. -----. Er der to Ssede- "gnodslove, en for Manden og 6n for Kvinden ? [Is there amoral law for men and another for women?] Ibid., iii, 184-189. -----. Kampen for og imod den offentlige Prosti- tution fra et hygiejnisk Standpunkt. Ugesk. f. Lseger Kjo- 45 Prostitution. henh., 1887, 4. R., xv, 57-69.—Gihon (A. L.) On thepro- tectiou of the innocent and helpless members of the com- munity from venereal diseases and their consequences. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1879, Bost., 1880, v, 55-65. -----. [Government regulation of prostitution.] Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1881-2, viii, 518-521. -----. The prevention of venereal disease by legislation. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1882, x, 321-343. Also, Reprint, Also [Abstr.] : Med. Gaz., N. T., 1882, ix, 170-172. — Gilion (A. L.) etal. Report of the committee on the prevention of venereal diseases. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1880, Bost., 1881, vi, 402-415. Abo, Reprint. -----. Report of the committee on the pre- vention of venereal diseases. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1881, Bost., 1883, vii, 423-425.-----. Report of the commit- tee on prevention of venereal diseases. Ibid., 1882, Bost.. 1883, viii, 329-334. [Sec, also, infra, Wines (F. A.)J—Giro (V.) Ceuno igienico-storico della prostituzione. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Paelova, 1875, xviii, 225-228.— Glatter. Die Prostitution im Alterthume und in der Gegenwart, Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 467; 479; 491, 503; 516. -----. Zur Regelung der Prostitution. Wieu. med. Presse, 1870, xi, [Beilage zu No. 18], 93-95.— Gold- liorn (C.J Ueber den jetzigeu Stand eler Bordellfrage. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1853, lxxvii, 248-256. — van Gondoever ( L. C. ) Een veel besproken onderwerp. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1880,2. R., xvi, 181- 192.—Graff, Sind die Physicatsarzte verpflichtet, die Gesunelheit tier Liistdirncn in Bordellen zu iiberwaclion? Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1837, xxxiii, 250-255.— Grntsianski (P.) K vopr. oreglament. prostitut. Vo- yenno-med. J., St. 1'i'tcisb., 1886, clvii, pt. 3, 305-332. Also: Protok. Russk. sif. i dermat, Obsh. 1885-6, St. Pe- tersb., 1887, i (suppl.), 1-28. Also, Reprint.—Gnmbin- ner. Die Ueberwachung tier Prostitution vom sittlicben und sanitats-polizeilichen Standpuncte betrachtet. Wchn- schr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1850, 481; 503; 516. — Gun- ning (J. W.) Ter kenschetsing van tie prostitutiekwes tie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, 2. It., xvii, 149-153.—H. Congres tenu k Geneve pour l'aboli- tion de la prostitution. Union m6d., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiv, 509; 545.— de la Ilarpc (P.) L'hygiene au Congres in- ternational de la Federation britaniiique et continentale contre la prostitution, sp6cialement envisagee comme in- stitution toleree. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1877, xi, 382-388. — Haslund (A.) Nogle Oplys- ninger i Anledning af Debatten om Prostitutions og Vi- sitationeu. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjebenh., 1880, 4. R., i, 245- 249. — Henry (M. H.) The discussion on the prevention of syphilis, with reference to the regulation of prostitu- tion, at the Third International Medical Congress, held at Vienna, August, 1873, with additional remarks. Am. J. Syph. efe Dermat., N. Y., 1874, v, 17-28. — Ilcrmanides (S. R.) De concept-wet tot hestrijding van syphilitische en venerische ziekten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, 2. R., xviii, 321-337. -----. Reglementeering der prostitutie, hygienisch gerechtvaardigd 1 Openbare brief aan Prof. Dr. G. van Overbeek de Meijer. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc, Utretcht, 1883, vii, 666-685.— Hermann (J.) Die Prostitution und die Syphilis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1862, xii, 123; 139; 155. -----. Directe Vorschlage zur Regelung der Prostitution. Oes- terr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1863, ix, 865-869. -----. Die Impfung und die Prostitution vor dem Forum ties internationalen medizinischen Congresses zu Wieu im Jahre 1873. Allg. Wien. med. Zlg., 1873, xviii, 469; 481. ----- Die Prostitution und das Gesundheitsbuch. Ibid., 1877, xxii, 22; 31. — Holland (T. S.) The con- trol of prostitution. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1854, xiii, 113; 440. — Homo. Considerations sur la prostitution en reponse k cette question soumise au Congres medical international de 1867. Rec. tl. trav. Soc. med. d'Indri-et-Loire, Tours, 1868, lxviii. 19-43.— Horneinnnn (E.) Den offentlige SundhedsplejeogPro- stitutioneu. [Public hygiene and prostitution.] Hyg. Medd., Kj .beiih., 1879-80, n. R., iii, 211-224. [See, also, su- pra, B. (L.)J — IliiiM'l (F.) Ueber die Quastionirung und Losung der Prostitutionsfrage. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1867, iii, 465; 477; 488; 499; 509.—Huet (G. D. L.) Vervolg van het verslag van den gecomiiiittierde tot onder- zoek naar de working der reglementen op de prostitutie hier te lantle. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, 2. R., iv, 2. Afd., 326; 337. -----. Opmerkingen naar aan- leiding van het rapport der in 1882 beuoeinde comm. der Maatsch. tot Bevord. der Geneesk.. om na te gaan de gebre- ken, die aan het tegenvoi dig toezigt op de prostitutie, waar dit bestaat, kleven, enz. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1883, 2. R., xix. 405-409—Hnjgnet (F. N.) Sobre la necesidad ele vijilar y de no perniitirse las casas libres tie prostitucion. Gac. med.. Lima, 1879, v, 259.—Indbe- retninger afgivne veil Federationens Aarsnn-de i London den 20-22de Juni fra Afdelingeme i ele forskjellige Lande. [Reports of the meeting in London.] Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. imod Lovbesk. f. Ussedelighed. Kjebenh., 1881-2, iii, 83; 112; 129; 143— Ipavic. Bericht des sanitaren Co- mite's in der Prostitutions-Pu-gi-luiigsfrage. Mitth. d. Ver d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1876-7, Graz, 1878, xiv, 47-50.— Jeannel. 1° De la responsabilit6 des prostituees qui ont PltOSTLTUTIOX. 70(1 PKOSTITI'TION. Prostitution. transmis des maladies veneriennes. Mem. et bull. Soc. metl.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1867, ii, 333-335.—Jime- nez (F. G.) Prostitucioii; iudicaciones sobre su etiologia y su terapeutica. Antiti-atroauat., Madrid, 1876, iv, 227.— Jose ile Goes. A prostituicao publicadiante da hygiene social. Rev. med., Rio de Jan.. 1877, iv, 25; 41; 60: 76; 90.— Hiinn (H.) Vorschliige zur Regelung der Prostitution. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1864, xiv, 27.—Kaczamler (E. M.) Aphoristische Beitrage zur Prostitutionsfrage. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 61.—Kaverin (V ) K vopr. ob- shest. profilaktiki sifllisa. [General prophylaxis in syph- ilis.] Med. besieda, Veronej, 1887, i, 219-226 — Kennard (T.) Prostitution: its causes; its moral, social, anel sani- tar}- relations; its irrepressible nature, and our right and duty to control it. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1871-2, vii, 705- 719.—Koolhaas (C. P. P.) Bijdrage tot het onderzoek naar tie werking tier reglementen op de prostitutie hier te lantle. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1869, 2. R., v, 2. Afd., 273-280.'—Kosaek. Ueber die gegen Verbrei- tung der Syphilis zu crgreifenden sanitats-polizeilichen Massregeln. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1878, xxix, 45; 89.—Krans(B.) SocialeMedizin; die Re- gelung eler Prostitution. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx, 469; 480: 1876, xxi, 23; 41; 51; 58.- 69; 77. Also: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Hamb., 1876, 148-157. Also: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Colh, 1876, ii, 13; 40; 60. -----. Sur la regularisation de la prostitution. Cong, period, internat. tl. sc nied. Compt.-rend. 1879, Amst., 1881, vi, pt. 2, 138-142— Krowczynski (Z.) Sta- nowisko lek. prostytucyjnych w obec nauki. [The rela- tion of the physician to the investigation of prostitution.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1879, xviii, 137; 149; 163; 175.— Knllberg (A. F.) Om prostitutionen och de verksain- maste mielleii till de veneriska sjukdomarnes hammande, nied sarskilelt afseende fastadt pa forhallandena i Stock- holm. |On prostitution, and the most efficient means to suppress venereal diseases.] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handb, Stockholm, 1873, 2. s., v, pt. 1, 33-126. — Lane (J. It.) On tbe prevention of contagious venereal tlisease. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1869, xliii, 106-208. — Lassen (H. A.) Prostitutionsspergsmaalet. Ugesk. f. La3ger, Kjebenh., 1879, 3. R., xxviii, 67-71. —Lassen (J.) Be- skyttelsessystemets Livsspergsmaal. [The vital question of the protection system.] Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. imod Lovbesk. f. Usaidelighed, Kjebenh., 1880-81, ii, 34- 44 —Latonr (A.) Lettre- adresst'-e a M. le Dr. Ricord a propos ele- la prostitution clandestine. Union med.. Par., 1869, 3. s., vii, 641-643—Leconr (C.) De la prostitution, de ses causes, de ses consequences et de sa reglt-inentation. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1883, i, 588-604.—Leggi (Delle) sulla prostituzione. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. nied. ital., Torino, 1876, vii, 164-166.—Lehrs. Ueber Bordello. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1853, iii, 197-255.— Leloir (H.) A propos eiu danger que font courir a la sante publique les filles publiques insoumises. Ann. ele dermat. et syph.. Par., 1888, 2. s., ix, 464.—Leppmami (A.) Ueber elie zur Verhinderung eler Verbreitung der Syphilis erforelerlichen sanitats-polizeilichen Vorschrifteu. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1883, x, 289; 531.—Lion (A.) Ueber Findel- und Waisenhiiuser im Zusammeubange mit der Frage iiber die Prostitution. Monatsbl. f. nied. Sta- tist, u. off. Gsnelhtspflg., Berl., 1862, 61; 69; 77.—Logan (T. M.) The Chinese and the "social evil" question. Rep. Bd. Health Calif., Sacramento, 1870-71, 44-48. — Lou- gh eu a (A.) Sulla prostituzione. Gazz. el. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 601; 609; 617.— Lntaiifl. La prostitution en An- gleterre. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1880, 3. s., xv, 414; 511.—Ly- man (H. M.) State protection for syphilo-phobists. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xvi, 222—iU. (F.-V.) Prostitution (hy- giene publique). Diet. el. sc. meel., Par., 1820, xiv, 480-491.— McGanghey (J. B.) The importance of the adoption of measures for the prevention of venereal diseases. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1878, 175-178.—.TInestre (D.) Medidas que deben aconsejarse tl las autoi blades para evi- tar la propagation de la sifllis. Bol. de big.. San Fernando 1883-5, ii, 410; 430, 1 tab.; 508: 1886-7, iii, 67 : 82.— Tlnestrc (M. G.) Prostitucion; proyecto de regiam en to de higiene especial. Monitor de la sal ml, Barcel., 1884, v, 38-44.— ITlantegazza (P.) La prostituzione. In his: Gli amo- li tl. uomini, 12°, Milano, 1886, ii, 175-225. Also, transl: L'Ainour dans rimmanite, 12°, Par., 1886. 342-383—Maz- zei (E.) jSe tlebe reglamentar la prostitucion? Rev. nietl.de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1881-2, x. 406; 421.— fleimo ■luizinga (J.) Wettelijkebestrrjdingth-r syphilis. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, 2. R., xvii, 93-98.— Tlichaclis ( C.) Znr Prostitutionsfrage. Cor. -Bl. d. arztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Keinigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1872, xii, 68.— Tli I ler (J.) Prostitution considered in relation to its cause and cure. Edinb. M. J., 1858-9, iv, 1008-1033. Also, Keprint.— Modele de reglement communal sur la policede la prostitution. Sante, Bnix., 1856-7. 2. s., viii, 229; 253. — .'lotla lE.i Polieia sanitaria: a prostituicao em geral. J. Soc d. se-. med. de Lisb., 1870. 2. s., xxxiv, 167; 193; 225: 1871, xxxv. 38; 255.— .Hoarier. Prostitu- tionsspergsmaalet. Ugesk. f. La;ger, Kjobi-nh., 1879. xxviii, 21; 113. -----. Hvorledes er den Sygilom, imod hvis Ud- bredelse Loven af lOde April 1874 tager Bestemmelser, og Prostitution. hvorledes udfen-s den efter samme Lov paabutlne Visit* tion? [Which are tln^ diseases against which tho conta- gion act of 1874 is directed, antl how far does the- same act extend to obligatory visitation ? | Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. imod Lovbesk. f. Usa'deligheel, Kjiibcnh. 1880-81 ii, 138-150. - .?! iii ler. Zur Bordell-Frago. Metl. Ztg! Berl., 1851, xx, 63. — .Tlnllo. Inform? sobre el proyecto de reglamentaciou de las casas de toleiancia, leido en la Asociacion medica Bonaerense. Rev. med.-quir., Bui-nos Aires, 1869-70. vi, 365-369. —ITIuiiiz (M. A.) Reglanieii- tacit'm eh' la prostitucii'ui. Cn'm. im-el.. Lima, 1887. iv. 455- 461; 1888. v, 17 23 — .VI nster-Keglemeiil (Ein) iiber die Prostitution. Wien. meel. Bl., 1880 iii, 1077 ; 1101.—rVeder. I and sec lie Maatschappij tot BevorderingderGeneeskunst. Aiuendenienteu der a lile-elingi-n op het voorstel van tic cum- inissietot bestnjeling der syphilis. Ne-eb-rl. Tijdschr v. Ct-. iieesk.. Amst., 1882, 2. R., xviii, 433-436. — .>' en in ami (I.) Die- Prophylaxis tier Syphilis; ein Beitrag zur l.o.Ming tier Prostitutionsfrage. Klin. Zeit- n. Strcitfragen. Wien, 18811, iii", 141-170. — Nevins (J. B.) On tho amount of vi-uerisij diseases throughout the community in (Jrent Britain and Ireland, compared with its amount in continental states, in which prostitution is under official regulations. Mod. Enquirer, Liverp., 1877. iii, 133. — IVoch einmal die 'lie gelung tier Prostitution'. AVien. med. Wchnschr., 18ti!l. xix. 131-133.—Noch ein Wort fiir eiu Prostitutionsgi sctz. Ibid., 1863, xiii, 555; 571. — rVye (Det) "tydske System", dets Gruntltanke og tlets Vii ksomlii-il. [The new "Ger- man system", its fundamental idea and its results.| Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. inioel Lovbesk. f. Usaideliglulee, Kjebenh., 1881-2, iii, 35-45. — Okorokoff (V. P.) K istorii obshest. dvijenija v Zapad. Evrope i Amerike pro- tiv reglament. prostitutsii. [History of the general move- ment in western Europe and America against regulation of prostitution.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Moskve, 1887, ii, Med., 94-105. — van Overbcek de ITIeijer. Maat- regelen, van overheidswege te nenien tot beteugeling van tie uitbreiding van venerische ziekten. Nedeil. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882. 2. R., xviii, 601-605. ----. Het genet-skuntlig toezicht op de prostitutie, op nieuw verdedigil. Ibid., 1883. 2. R., xix, 821-845. Also. Reprint. -----. llet geneeskundig toezicht op de prostitutie. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884, 2. R.. xx. 125- 137. -----. Een nieuw tijdperk in den strijd tegen het ge- neeskundig toezicht tip tie prostitutie. Ibid., 1886,2. It., xxii, 397-401.-----. Geneeskundig toezicht op do prosti- tutie. Ibid., 1887, 2. R., xxiii, 470; 645 — Pappenheim (L.) Medicinische Ueberwacliung tier Proestitution. Mo- natsehr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1860, ii, 35-43. ----. Prostitutions-Polizei. Beitr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1862, 4. Hft , 78-105. -Pni-rci'i- da coininissao de hygiene sobre hum piano de reforma sanitaria das meretrizes. discutiilo e approvado na Soc. tlas sc. med. de Lisb. J. Soc. tl. sc. med. deLisb.. 1836, iv, 328-333. [See. also, supra, Fartoda Costa (A. J.)] —Parent-Duchatelet. Physiologische untl pathologische Verhaltnisse der offentlichen Dirnen. Nach . . von Bluff. J. f. Geburtsh.. Leipz., 1837, xvi, 666-674.—Paris Zejin (L.) La prostitucion. Be v. Soc. espan.de big., Madrid, 1884, ii, 217; 258; 412. — Peetcr- mans (N.) Quelques considerations sur lis moyens k employer pour arreter les progres tie la maladie veni'-ri- enue, en r4pou.se a cette question : Quelles sont les intsiire-s de police medicale les plus preipn-s a arreter Ia propaga- tion ele la maladie syphilitique '. Ann. Soc d. sc med. et nat. de Brux., 1836. 10-15. — l*< Iiiiuii (('.) Iiber die Stellung des Staates zur Prostitution, (fntrallil. f. allg. Gsnelhtspflg., Bonn, 1885, iv. 181-199. — Penn in It. Wet telijke regeling van het toezigt op de prostitutie is staats- pligt, V'ersl. v. de Vereen. t. Verhct. d. Volksgzndlit., Utrecht, 1870. v, 90-95 — Petithan. De la prostitution. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 18s7, xxvi. 122-129.—Pini (G.) Sorveglianza sulla prostituzione. Gior. tl. Sue-, ital. d' ig., Milano, 1883, v, 525-543—Pippingsltold. La sur- veillance de la prostitution au point de vueprophylactique do la syphilis. Finska l*k.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1888, xxx, pp. lvii-lxvi. — Poggio (It. H.) La prostitu- cion y la sifllis. Gac med.. Madrid, 1853, ix, 205; 273; 281; 289— Police de la prostitution. Sante, Brux., 1856- 7, 2. s., viii, 217-222 — Pressl. S\ pbilis und Prostitution. Oesterr. San.-Beamte, Wien. 1888! i, 112; 133.— Prophy- laxie publique de la syphilis. Pratique metl., Par., I^"e, i, 205; 277.—Prophylaxie (Sur la) tie la syphilis. [Dis- cussion.] Bull. Acad, de metl.. Par., 1887. xviii: 1888, xix, 155; 187.— Prophylaxis (I)ie-i der Syphilis mit Bezie- hung auf die Regelung tier Prostitution. Wien. mt'd. Presse, 1873. xiv, 865-872. — Proposito (A) di una let- tera del Prof. Celso Pellizzari sulla prostituzione e pro- filassi pubblica della sifilide; soliloquio di un vt-i clno medico. Osservatore, Torino. 1888. xxxix, 582-592.— Prostitution. Compt.-rend. Soc. meel. tie Chambery, 1854, 52-56.— Prostitution. |Kdit.j Mod. Times & Gaz. Lond.. 1858. xvi. 90— Prostitution (I>ic). Wien. Me-el.-Hallo, b-63, iv. 10; 23; 40: :.....: Ifus—Prostitution S aniedico-legal dissertation. X Oil. M. -v >. J., 1875-6. in. 336-356. —Prostilution at military stations. Rov (.om- san. state Arm.\ in India, Lond., 1863, i, 31— Pro«lil"- tion et syphilis. Presse nied. beige, Brux., 1882, xxxiv, PB0ST1TUTI0K 707 PEOSTITUTIOK Prostitution. 33; 41.—Prostitution (Die), ihre Verbreitung und die Nothwendigkeit ihrer Regelung. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii 916; 963.—Prostitution; its causes and its reme- dies. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1858, xxi, 388- 415 l_prostitutioii s its medical aspects. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 173; 198.—Prostitution (De la); reglement sur la police des moeurs. Hyg. de Lyon. Compt. rend. Cons. d'hyg. pub. tlu Rhone, Lyou, 1887,417-428.—Prostitution unit VVeltausstellung. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 475._Prostitulionsfrage (Zur). Ibid., 1863, xiii, 731; 747 _-Proslitulionssp^rgsmaalel. Ugesk.f.Lreger, Kjebenh., 1888, 4. R., xvii, 686-691. — Prostituzione (La) data alia sorveglianza tlei tuunicipi. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1876, xvii, 355-360.—Puejac (A.) Des nitcurs publiques; reflexions et projets, dedies k Mistress Butler. Gaz. obst., Par., 1877, vi, 353: 1878, vii, 49-52.— ({■■elles sont les mesures k prendre pour arreter les pro- •res et diniinuer les inconvenients et les elaugcrs tie la pro- stitution ? [Discussion.] Cong. gen. d'hyg. ele Brux., 1852, i, 91; 260. — Question of state interference to provide for the disinfection of prostitutes. Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council 1868, Lond., 1869, xi, 10-20.—Quincke. Ueber die Prostitution und deren Beaufsichtiguug. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 165; 169.—Rapport fait a, la Soci6te des sciences metlicales et naturelles tie Bruxelles. sur les me- moires qui lui ont ete adresses en reponse a cette ques- tion : "Quelles sont les mesures de police medicale les plus propres k arreter la propagation ile la maladie syphiliti- que? ". Ann. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1836,15-18.— Rapport van de commissie tot bestrijding van syphilis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1883, 2 R., xix, 341- 350.—Raticr (F.-S.) Quelles sont les mesures de police medicale les plus propres a arreter la propagation de la maladie venerienne '. Memoire qui a obtenu une medaille d'honneur en reponse a cette question, propos6e par la So- ciete des sciences metlicales est naturelles tie Bruxelles, au concours de 1834. Ann. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1836, 5-10.—Reclam (C.) Die Ueberwacbung eler Pro- stitution. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg , 1869. i, 379-395.— Reed (R. H.) Who is responsi- ble for the iniquities of the third and fourth generations, and how can they be avoideel? Sanitarian, N. T., 1886, xvi. 411-421. Also: Ohio San. Ass., N. Y. 1886, 11-21.— Rees (Janet E. R.) Prostitution. Med. efe Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 661. — Regelung (Zur) der Prostitution. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1023.— Regulation (Tbe) of prostitution. [Edit.] Med. Kee, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 266.—Regulation (The) of pros- titution as a sanitary measure. [Edit.] Ibid., 1879, xvi, 205. — Relations (The) of medical officers of health. Med. Enquirer. Liverp., 1876, ii, 149-151. — Relazione della commissione incaricata dello studio del quesito: Sorveglianza della prostituzione e provvedimenti sanitarii relativi. Gior. veneto tli sc. med., Venezia, 1870, 3. s., xiii, 308-326.—Rcnbacher (W.) Zur Regelung der Prosti- tutionsfrage. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1871, xviii, 254; 268; 279; 294. — Report of the sanitary committee on prostitution. Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health N. Y. 1867, Al- bany, 1868, 460-469.—Reuss (L.) De la prostitution clan- destine tlans les brasseries a femmes. J. de med. de Par., 1888, xv, 277-284. -----. Des causes de la prostitution. France med., Par., 1888, ii, 1169; 1182; 1193; 1205. -----. Influence de la prostitution habituelle sur la sant6 ties prostituces; frequence des maladies communes et gene- rales chez les prostituees. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xix, 289-303. — Review of European legislation for the control of prostitution. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1854-5, xi, 667-705.—Rey (A.) Du bulletin sanitaire des filles publi- ques. Alger med., 1881, ix, 179-183.—Rey (H.) Critique de l'ouvrago de M. J. Jeannel: "De la prostitution tlans les grandes villes du xixe siecle, et de l'extinction ties ma- ladies veneriennes". Courrier med., Par., 1874, xxiv, 137- 139. — Rittmann. Die Prostitution vom Standpuncte der Physiologie, Anthropologie und Pathologie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 107; 115; 123; 132; 140; 149; 156; 165; 175; 204: 216; 259; 274; 290; 326; 342; 356; 394; 411; 428. -----. Die arztliche Untersuchung tier Prosti- tuirten. Ibid., 656. — Rotlet (A.) Des mesures d'hy- giene publique quidoivent etreconseillees & I'autoritiSpour empecher la propagation du virus syphilitique. Union metl., Par., 1861, 2. s., x, 162; 199; 306; 355.—Rohc (G. H.) The prevention of syphilis. Bait. Phys. & Surg., 1876, v, 33. Also, Reprint. -----. State regulation of prostitu- tion ; evidence in its favor. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 83-88. [See, also, infra, Thomas (rl. H.)]—Ronquillo (C.) En una reglamentacion perfecta no debe adinitirse el oro de las prostitutas. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1886, ix, 35-40.-----. Inscripci6n de las prostitutas. Ibid., 679- 684.—S. Zur Regelung der Prostitution. I bid., 1871, xvi, 45.—St. (T. C.) A plea for the control of prostitution. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1869, n. s., viii, 50; 540.—Salomon- sen (L. W.) Prostitutionssporgsmaalet. Ugesk. f. Laager, Kj jbenh., 1880, 4. R., i. 165-179.—Sanitary supervision of prostitutes. Brit. s, avec une statistique gen6rale tie la prostitution en France. 8°. Paris, 1883. Surveillance (La) de la prostitution et prophylaxie de la syphilis. [Discussion.] Semaine med., Par., 1889, ix, 359. Also: Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1889, vi, 121. Bordeaux. Bordeaux. Reglement du 21 Janvier 1839. Police des lilies publiques, des maisons de de*- bauche, et tlu d6pot eles v6n6riens. roy. 8°. Bordeaux, 1844. Lande (L.) Hygiene publique. Les affec- tions v6n6riennes et leur prophylaxie ge"ne*rale a Boreleaux. Rapport present! a la Societe* de ni6- elecine et tie chirurgie tie Bordeaux, le 22 novem- bre 1872. 8°. Paris, 187:1. Jeannel. Sur la prostitution dans la ville de Bor- deaux. | Rap. de Mariuusl Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1862, 2. s., v, 193-197. Chateau-Gontier. Homo (H.) Etude snr la prostitution dans la ville de Chateau-Gontier, suivie de considera- tions sur la prostitution en g^ndral. 8°. Paris, 1872. Lyons. Potton (A.) De la prostitution et de la syphilis elans les grandes villes, dans la ville de Lyon en particulier; de leurs causes, ele leur in- fluence sur la saute", les habitutles et le bien-etre ele la population; des moyens de rem6elier a ces fle*aux. Ouvrage qui a remporte, eu 1841, le prix propose" par la Soei6t6 de medecine de Lyon. 8°. Paris, 1842. Diday (P.) Le hureau de moeurs k Lyon; ses vicissi. tntles; necessite de sa neutralisation. Lvon ru6d., 187^ xv, 329-336.—Carin (J.) De l'influence ele la police sani! taire et de l'assistanee publique sur l'extinction des mala. dies veueriennes k Lyon. Ann. Soc. de nied. de Lyon 1866, 2. s., xiv, 100-247.'-----. Du service sanitaire de Lyon son organisation et ses resultats pratiques au mars 1878' Lyon med., 1878, xxviii, 37; 86, 1 tab., 120. Also, Reprint^ Marseilles. Barthelem y (L.) La prostitution a Marseille pendant le moyeu-age, par . . . Rapport an comite* sur la partie historique ele l'ouvrage ele M. le docteur Mireur, intittil6: La prostitution a Marseille. Documents nouveaux. 8°. Marseille, 1883. Mireur (H.) La prostitution a Marseille. Histoire, administration et police hygiene. 8°. Paris, 1882. See, also, supra, Barthelemy (L.). Also [Rev.), in: Marseille nied.. 1882, xix, 533-543. Pelaey. Kapport fait au conseil de salubrite de la ville de Marseille, sur l'etat ct. les besoins du service, au tlispeiisaire ties lilies publiijiies de cette ville. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1841, xxv, 297-308.—.Sauvet. Note sur le service metlical des moeurs a Marseille. Marseille med., 1875, xii, 449-474. Nantes. Bare. La prostitution dans la ville de Nantes. 8°. [Nantes, 1844.] Paris. Beraud (F.-F.-A.) Les lilies publiques de Pa- ris et la police qui les re*git. Pr6ce*d6es d'une PROSTITUTION. 710 PROSTITUTION, Prostitution (History and statistics of), by localities. FRANCE—continued. notice historique sur la prostitution chez les divers peuples tie la terre. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1839. Cofeignox (A.) Paris vivant. La corruption a Paris. Le demi-monde; les souteneurs; la police des moeurs; brasseries ele femmes; lilies galantes; Saiut-La/aie; le chantage, etc. 7. e*d. 12°. Petri's, [1888]. Coklieu (A.) La prostitution a Paris. 12°. Paris, 1887. Granveau (A.) La prostitution, situation des mti'urs a Paris. 2. e*d. H3. Paris, 1872. Lecour (C.-J.) La prostitution a Paris et a Londres. 1789-1871. 2. e§d., augmentee tie chapi- tres sur la prostitution a Paris pendant le siege et sous la commune . . . 12°. Paris, 1872. -----. La campagne contre la prefecture de police, envisaged surtout au point ele vue du service des mii'iirs. sm. 8°. Paris, 1881. Le Pileur (L.) Prophylaxie tie la syphilis. Regli'ini'iitatiou tie la prostitution a Paris. 8°. Clermont (Gise), 1887. Parent-Dichatelet(A.-J.-B.) De la prosti- tution tlans la ville ele Paris, consiel6rtSe sous le rapport de l'hygiene publique, de la morale et tie i'administration ; ouvrage appuy6 de elocu- mens statistiques puis6s dans les archives tie la prefecture tie police, pre"ce\16 d'une notice his- torique sur la vie et les ouvrages de I'auteur, par Fr. Leuret. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1836. -----. The same. 2. 6d., revue et corrigde. 2 v. .s1 . Paris, 18:17. -----. The same. 3. e*d., complete par des documents nouveaux et ties notes par MM. A. Trebuchet et Poirat-Duval, snivie el'un pr6cis hygiehique, statistique et adininistratif sur la prostitution dans les principales villes do l'Eu- rope, avec cartes et tableaux. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 187)7. -----. The same. 8°. Bruxelles, 1837. Paris. Code ou nouveau reglement sur les lieux de prostitution dans la ville tie Paris. 1G°. Londres, 1775. Representations a Monsieur le lieutenant- general de police tie Paris, sur les courtisaues a la mode et les elemoiselles du bon ton. 16°. Pa- ris, 17(12. C'arlier (F.) fitude statistique sur la prostitution clandestine k Paris. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1871,2. s., xxxvi. 292-308.—1> n pony. La police eles meeurs, les maladies veneriennes a Paris. Medecin, Par., 1878, iv, no. 42, 1.— I^ecour. De la prostitution et des mesures tie police dont elie est l'objet k Paris, au point de vue de l'infection syphilitique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1867, ii, 711-736.— I.utaiui. Quelques considerations sur la reglementation elei la prostitution k Paris. Bull, et mem. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1888, 113-128.—Malecot (A.) Lesveneriens et le droit commun (note relative k la prophylaxie ele la sy- philis et k la reglementation ele la prostitution). Ibid., 200- 212. Also: Pratique med., Par., 1888. ii, 109; 122. Also: ,1. dem6d.de Par., 1888, xiv, 409-432.—Manriac (C.) Dela contagion des maladies veneriennes dans la ville tie Paris de- puis la fin de 1875 jusqu'au commencement tie 1881. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1882, 3. s., viii, 133-162.-rVouvcau (Le) regle- ment concernant la police ties majors k Paris. J. denied, de Bordeaux. 1878-9, viii, 326-328.—Paris pi ostitution. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 391. Also: Richmond efc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1869, viii, 622-625.— Practi- cal (The) working of the laws against svphilis in Paris. Med. Times et Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 44— Prostitution in Paris. [Rev.] Westmiust. Rev Am. eel., N. Y., 1883, cxix, 236-249.—Valleix. De la prostitution dans la ville ele Paris, consid6ree sous le rapport de l'hygiene publique, de la morale, et de 1 administration. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1836, iv, 33; 129. Also, Reprint. GERMANY. Duboc (J.) Die Behandlung tier Prostitution im Reiche; ein Beitrag zur Kritik unserer Ge- setzgebung. Dritte, durch einen Anhang: Ueber Prostitution (History and statistics of), by localities. GERMANY—continued. tlie Maisons tie passe in Briissel, vermehrte Auf- lage. 8°. Magdeburg, 1879. Prussia. Verordnung wider die Yorfiilming junger M'idgeu zu Bordels und zur Verhiituno tier Ausbreituug venerischer Uebel. Den 2. Pelt 171)2. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1792. Berlin. Loewe (P.) Die Prostitution aller Zeiten untl Volker mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Berlin. Ein Beitrag zu der olischweboiiden Uor- dellfrage. 16°. Berlin, 1852. Prostitution (Die) in Berlin und ihre Opfer. Nach amtlichen Quellen untl Erfahrungen. In historisclicr, sittlicher, medizinischer und poli- zeilieher Beziehung beleuchtet. 8°. Berlin, 1816. Rohrmann (C.) Der sittliche Zustand ven Berlin nach Aufhebung der geduldeten Prostitu- tion ties weiblichen Gescblechts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Gegenwart unterstiitzt durch elies vollstiineligen unel freimuthigen Biographiccn tier bekanntesten prostituirteu Frauenzininier in Berlin. 8°. Leipzig, 1846. I te lii-end (F. J.) Notizen iiber Bordell- und Huren we sen iu gt-scliichtlicher, hygieinischer und sanitats-poli/.t-i- liclu-r Hinsicht, besonders in Bezug auf Berlin. (Aus sci- nen Materialien zu eineni kiiuftigen Werke iiber Syphilis.) Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1841, xiii, 53-100. ---- Die Prostitution in Berlin und die gegen sit- und die Syphi- lis zu nehmeuden Massregeln. Eine Denkschrift, im Auf trage, auf Grunel amtlicher Quellen abgefasst und Sr. Ex cellenz dem Herrn Minister v. Ladenberg iiberreictit. Ibid., 1849. 39.Ergnzngshft., 1-206: lviii, 385-472. Also. Re- print. -----. Vortrag des Hrn. Dr. . . . iiber die "Wirksam- keit der Sittenpolizei in Berlin im Jahre 1854, nameutlicli in Bezug auf die Ueberwacbung der Prostitution. Ver- bandl. tl. Ver. f. Stualsarzueiw. in Berl., Erlang., 1855, l, 139-152 —von Poller. Statistische Notizon aus tier iirztlichen Thiitigkeit hei der Berliner Sittenpolizei Dtutsclic Vrt.ljschr. f. 6ff. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1886 xviii, 238-242.—Prostitutie (De) in Berliju. Nederl. Wcekhl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1855, v, 361 ; 371. —Simon. Ueber die mit dim Jahre 1846 beabsichtigte Aulliebung tier offentlichen Prostitution in Berlin. Ztschr. f. d. Slants arznk., Erlang. 1846, li, 258-293. Colmar. Oicrnins;. Tilstanden i Colmar efter Bortlcllei'it-H Ophasvelse lstei Oktober 1881. TTgesk. f. Laiger, Kjebenh., 1886, 4. R. xiv, 305-311. Frankfort on the Main. Strieker (W.) Die Prostitution in der Stadt Frank furt a. M. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1880, lxxx, 183-191. Hamburg. Grisettex- und Loretten-Leben iu Hamburg und tlie .Schlupfvvinkel der heimliclten Prostitu- tion in Tanzsalen, Polka-Wirthseliaflen, Hier- Hallen, Weinkellern, Schnapps- und Restaura- tions- Wirthschaften der verscliiedensten Art, nebst einer Probe tier darin gehaltenen Decla- mationen erotischen luhalts. 18°. Altona, 1861. Lippert (H.) Die Prostitution in Hamburg, in ihren eigenthiimlichen Vcrbiiltuisseu. 8U. Bamburg, 1848. Hanover. Zieglcr. Die Prostitution in Hannover; ein Beitrag zur Medicinal-Polizei. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1845, xiv, 225-230. Leipsic. Leipzig. Regulativ iiber die polizeilichen Maassregeln in der Stadt Leipzig zur Bcschriiii- kung des Prostitutiouswesens zur Verhiitung der Lustseuche untl zur Verhiutlerung tier olfent- lichen Verletzung der Sittlichkeit. 8°. [Leipzig, 1868. ] Keel a m ( C. ) Das Prostitutionswesen in Leipzig Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1870, ii, 427-430. PROSTITUTION. 711 PROSTITUTION. Prostitution (History and statistics of), by localities. GREAT BRITAIN. "Physician". The greatest of our social evils; prostitution as it now exists in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, antl Dublin; an enquiry into the cause antl means of reformation, based on statistical documents. 12°. London, 187>7. Chapmnn. Dela prostitution en Angleterre et ties ef- fets sanitaires eles actes du parlemeut sur les maladies con- ta.">. (aovcrno civil dc Lisboa. Relatorio sobre- a prostitiiican em 1863, Ibid., 1864, 2. s., xxviii, 221; 268.—dn i?loltn (J. L.) Governo civil de Lisboa. Sece,-;!!) tie puliciatle prostituicao; relatorio do anno tie 1864. Ibid., 1865, xxix, 391; 431. Oporto. d'Azevedo (F. P.) Historia da prostituicaoe policia sanitaria no Porto. Seguidade um ensaio estatistico tins elous nltimos a.nuos, tabellas com- parativas, etc. 8°. Porto, 18(54. RUSSIA. Achscharitmoff (D. D.) Prost it ntsija e eju reglamentatsija. 8°. Biga, 1889. Ekaterinburg. rVikolaki. O merach protiv siphilisa, virabotanni Ekaterinburgskim zemstvom, permzkoi gub. [ PrciMo- tions against syphilis in the Ekaterinburg community.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1882, vii, 3120-3424. Helsingfors. Forssman (D. T.) Om prostitutionen i Ilelsingfors och inidlen att ham ma elen veneriska smittan. Finska lak.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfois, 1874, xvi, 173-211. Kieff. Forel (A.) Einige Worte iiber die reglementirte Pro- stitution in Kiew und iiber tlie sexuelle Hygieine. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, liast-1, 1889, xix, 513-519. Moscow. KuznctNotr (M.) Istoriko-sfiatisticheskii ocherk pro- stitutsii irazvitija siiilisa v Moskvie. Arch, sudebnoimed., St. Petersb., 1870, vi, pt. 4, 84-201. Nijnii-Novgorod. i:il<*inoi (Z. J.) Prostitutsija na Nijegorodsk. jar- marke. [Prostitution at the fair of Nijuii-Novgorod.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 391; 409; 424'. St. Petersburg. Behrend (F. J.) Ueher die in St. Petersburg in Be- zug auf Syphilis und Prostitution gitiiitlineiiMaassref ein, nach brie'flichen Mittheilungen. Ztschr. f. el.Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1850, lx, 481-."i0(i. —Kuznet«o(l'(M.) Istoriko-sta- tisticheskii ocherk prostitutsii v Peterburgie s lsf>2g. po 1869 g. Arch, sudebnoi med., St. Petersb.. 1870, vi, pt.. 1, 1-94.—Petersen (O.) Die Prostitutbinsfrage- in SI. Pe- tersburg. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1887, vi, 685-694.—StricliiikoiT (E.) O sifilisie i mierach protiv nego v Petersburgie. [Syphilis and the protective meas- ures in St. Petersburg.]' Arch, sudebnoi med., St. Pe- tersb., 1871, vii, pt. 3, 23-33. SPAIN. 4'ambas. La prostitution en Espagno; prophylaxie de la syphilis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1871-2, iii, 188-213.—Perez y Lopez (J.) Historia de la prosti- tucion en Espana. Especialista, Madrid, 1859, i 42; 69.— Ramon de la Sagra. Note pour servir a l'bistoire de la prostitution en Espagne. Cong. y;en. d'hyg. dc Brux., 1852, 402-415.—Zuriaan (M.) Del ])eligro < j ire ofrecen k la salud publica las innsiitutas que no constan como tales en los registros y las inscritas incoiiipletameiitc e'l mai vigi- ladas. Cron. med., Valencia, 1887-8, xi, 678; 748: 1888-9, xii, 107; 138. Barcelona. Serenana y Paktagas (P.) La prostitucion en la ciudad ele Barcelona, estudiadacomo enfer- > INSTITUTION. 713 PROTEIN. Prostitution (History and statistics of), by localities. SPAIN—continued. nietlad social y considerada como origen de otras enfcrniedades'tliuainicas, orgauicas y morales de la poblacion barcelouesa. Con un prologo del J. Giue. 4°. Barcelona, 1881. _____, The same. 8°. Barcelona, 1882. C'alvet I\ava (J.) A pontes sobre la prostitucion de Baieelema. elilicultades en el tliagn6stico del chancro sim- nle v tiel sililitico, y frecueucia relativa tic uuo v otro. (lac. nied. ratal, Barcel., 1885, viii, 293-300. — 4n«tcll* (F.) Iiispcccion sanitaria de la prostitucion on Barcelona; esta- tlistica patoltigica; primer seiiiestri- de 1885. Ibid., 1886, ix 454-457. _____• Inspeccion sanitaria tie la prostitution en Barcelona; estailistica patoh>anismes du genre prot6us (Hauser); contribu- tion a l'etude de l'intoxication putride. Arch. ital. de biol., Tin in, 1887, viii, 219-237. -----. Sulla biologia del proteo capsulato. Gior. el. r. Accad. di nied. di Torino, 1888. 3. s., xxxvi, 22-30.—II auser (G.) Eiitgesnmng auf die Bo- ini-rkiingen des Hrn. Cand. nied. H. Schedtler iiber die Zotiglda-Bilduug nnd das Scbvviirmstadium tier Proteus- arteu. .Miiiie-.ben. med. Wchnschr., 18*7, xxxiv, 492.— I'erroncilo (K.) Sulla tenacita, iii vita del proteo viru- lentissimo. Gior. d. r. Accad. tli nied. di Torino, 1889. 3. s., xxxvii, 33">. -----. Trasmissione della proteosi all' uomo. Ibid., 334. Protliesi*. retablir leurs fonctions. Mem. Soc. ele chir. dc Par. (1859- (57), 18(18, vi, 1-19(1. — Rnymoinlaiitl. Considerations suivies d'observations sur la protliese- inecauitpie. J. Soc. denied, et pharm. tie la Haiitc-Vieiiiii-, Limoges, 187s iii 9; 21, 1 pl.; 35.— Riviei-e- ( fi.) Prut hose chirurgi'ciilo chez les anciens; deux jambes de hois tie l'6poque "iillo- romaiue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 1053; 1084. "Also [Abstr., in advance]: Assoc, franc, pour 1'avaiice. d. st- Compt.-rend. Kocbclle, 1882, Par., 1883, xi, 803-808. Also, Reprint. Proticll (Pierre-D.) * Des phlegmons tie la fosse iliaque interne. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. •202, v. 500. PI'Otill (Hippoly te). * De la m6thode endermiipie, comparee a quelques autres modes tie mtStlication tlans certaines maladies. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 228, v. 289. Protista. Paroun (C.) Essaid'uneprotistologietlolaSnrtlaigne, avec la description de quelques protistcs nouveaux on peu couuus. Aich. tl. sc. phys. et nat., Geneve, 1883, 3. per., x, 225-243, 1 pl— Noioltin (A.) lieber Gloidium qundri- fiduni, e ineneue Gnttung aus der Protisteii-druppe. Mor- phol. Jahrb., Leipz.. 1878, iv, 399-402, 1 pl. Protokol zasaitlauiyaimperatorskago Kavkazs- kago metlieheskago Obshestva. [Record of the sessions of tbe Imperial Medical .Society of the Caucasus.] v. 6-10, 1869-70 to 1873-4; nos. 1- 18, 20-22, v. 11, 1874-5; v. 12, 1875-6; nos. 1-4, v. 13, 1876-7; nos. 2-19, v. 14, 1877-8; nos. 1, 3- 6, 9-22, v. 15, 1878-9; nos. 1-11, v. 16,1879-80; nos. 2-7, 11-16, 18-19, v. 17,1880-81; nos. 1, 5-7, 9-11, 13-15, 17-22, v. 18, 18»l-2; nos. 1-19, 22-23, v. 19, 1882-3; v. 20-24, 1883-4 to 1887-8; nos. 1- 14, suppl. to no. 15, 16-20, v. 25, 1888-9. 8°. Tiflis, 1869-89. Current. Protokol zasaidaniya Obshestva Kievskich vra- chei. [Minutes of meetings of Kieff Association of Physicians.] 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8°. Kieff, 1886-8. See, also, Prilojenija k protokolam [etc.]. Protokol zasaidaniya Obshestva vrachei g Ka- zani. [Proceedings of the Medical Society of Kasan.] Nos. 10-14, 1870; nos. 5-14, 1*71;'nos. 1-9, 13-15, 1872. 8°. Etizani, 1870-73. Pl'Otokoli Ohsbestva vrachei Volhynskoi gu- bernii. [Minutes of Association of Physicians of Volhynski Government.] Ift73; 1878; pts. 1-3, 1885, pt. 1, 1886. 8°. Zhitemeer, 1874-86. Pl'Otokoli rnsskago sifilidologielieskago i eler- niatologicheskago Obshestva. [Protocol of Rus- sian Syphilidological anel Dermatological Asso- ciation.] v. 1, 1885-6. h°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Protokoli i trudi Obshestva Archangclskich vrachei. [Protocol and works of Association of Archangel Physicians.] Pts. 1-2, 1885; pt. 1, 1886; pt. 2, 1887. 12°. Archangel, 18r5-8. Protokoli i truili Rnsskago cliirurgichoskago Obshestva Pirogova. [Minutes of proceedings aud records of tbe Russian Surgical Pirogoff So- ciety.] v. 2, 1883-4. 175 pp., 21. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1884. Protokoli zasaidanii aknshcrsko - ginekolo^i- cheskago Obshestva v Kieve. [Minutes of meet- ings of Obstetrico-Gynecological Association of Kieff.] Pt. 1-2, v. 1, 1887-8; v. 2, 1889. 8°. Kieff. Protokoli zasaidanii Dunaburgskago medicins- kago Obshestva. [Minutes of meetings of the Dunaburg Medical Association. J 1882-3; 1-83-4. 12°. Dunaburg, 1884-5. Protokoli zasaidanii gubernskago zemskago vrachebnago soveta i soveta vrachei gubernskoi zemskoi bolnitsy za vtornjou polovinu 1885-6 gg. [Transactions at meetings of government pro- vincial medical council and council of govern- ment physicians lor provincial hospitals for the second half year, 18is5-6.] 2 v. 8U. Kursk, 1886-7. Proteus anguinus. €oungliachi [P.] & Riincoiii [M.] Observations on the natural history and structure ofthe Proteus angui- nus. Edinb. Phil. J., 1821, iv, 398-406, 1 pl: v, 84-112 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Da I ton (J. C), jr. Some account of the Proteus anguinus. Am. J. Sc. 4 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 112. Proildfit (Daniel). * De variola. 49 pp. s . Edinburgi, A. Neill cum sociis, 1795. Proildfit (Jacobus). * De pleuritide vera. 29 pp. *°. Philadelphia; B. Ailkcn etfil., 1790. Prouff (J.-M.) * Pathog6nie du glaucomo, sui- vie tie quelques mots snr le traitement. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 161. P roil AT (Matbieu). * Sur une forme d'atrophio papillaire observed cbez plusieurs membres d'une meme famille. 24 pp., 6 pl. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 112. Proilgcaiisky (Marie). * Ueber tlie multi- loculiire ulcerirende Ecbinocoecus-Gescbwulst in der Leber. 2 p. ]., ltab., lpl., 11. 8°. Zurich, Ziiricher u. Purrer, 1873. Proiiiiicn (Carolus Alexander). *De usu vesi- cantium in inilaniiuationibusinternisgenoraliter consieleratis. 32 pp. 4°. Leodii,P.J.Collardin, 1821. [P., v. 1299.] Proust. Essai sur une ties causes qui peuvcut amener la formation du calcul. 30 pp. 8°, Angers, L. Pttvie, 1824. Proust (Acbille-Adrien) [1834- ]. *Du pneu- mothorax essentiel ou pneumothorax sans per- foration. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 206. -----. Essai sur l'hygiene Internationale, ses ap- plications contre la peste, la lievre jaune et le cholera asiatique. (Avec une carte indiquanthi marche des 6piclemies ele cholera, par les routes de terre et la voie maritime.) 421 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. -----. Traitd d'hygiene publique etpriveo. vii, 840 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1877. -----. The same. 2. 6(1. vi, 984 pp., 3 maps. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1881. -----. Elements el'hygikne rddigds couforme- ment aux programmes eiu 28 juillet 1882. ix, 240 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, 1883. -----. Le cholera. Etiologie et prophylaxie. Ouvrage accompagn6 d'une carte repre>,sentant la marche des <6piel6mies, et suivi de ['instruction populaire sur les pr6cautions d'hygiene a prendre en cas d'6pid6mie. iv, 232 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1883. -----. Second rapport adresse" a M. le ministre dn commerce sur la prophylaxie sanitaire mari- time des maladies pestilentielles exotiques. 22 pp. 8U. Paris, G. Masson, 1886. Repr. from : Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1886. See, also, Behier (Louis-Jules). Conferences de clini- que medicale. 8°. Paris, 1864. Proust (Emnianuel-Auguste). * De l'emploi tlu sulfate ele quinine par lam6tlioilebype>dermique. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 108. Proust (J.-F.-Armand ). * Voyage en Ocdanie (184d a 1852). 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 46, v. 623. Proust (Julien). *Du genre morbide: ictere grave. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, l8i>7, No. 240. Proust (L.) [1H55- ]. *Etude clinique sur la pneumonie traumatique. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884. No. 1H7. Proust (P.-T.) * Sur la peritonite. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1H22, No. 110, v. 173. PROUT. 717 PROVERBS. Proilt (J. S.) A new and uniform method of re- cording the hearing power in otological practice. 11. 8°. [Boston, 1872.] Repr. from: Boston M. efc S. J., 1872, lxxxvi. ______. Myriugectomy, followed by decided im- provement in the bearing power in a case of ad- hesion between the membrana tympani and the promontory, etc. 10 pp. 8°. Albany, 1873. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. T. 1872, Albany, 1873. ______, Lachrymal conjunctivitis and some of the other injurious effects of retention of the tears. 10 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1878.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1878. ______. Zaufal's specula, for the examination of the naso-pharyngeal space and the treatment of its eliseases. pp. 275-280 8U. [«. p., 1878.] Cutting from: Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. 1878, Bost., 1875-81, ii. _____. A point in hospital management. 6 pp. b°. [n. p., 1880.] Repr. from: Proc. M. Soc. County Kings 1880, Brook- lyn, 1879-80, iv. _____.. Operations for the relief of lachrymal con- junctivitis and other injurious effects of reten- tion of the tears. 12pp. 12°. [New York, 1886.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii. -----A- Bull (Charles S.) Sarcoma of the tar- sus antl conjunctiva of tbe lid, with amyloid in- filtration. 6 pp. 8°. [New York, 1879, vel sub- secj. ] Proilt (William) [17«5-1850]. * De febribus iu- termittentihus. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Aber- nethyet Walker, 1811. ------. An inquiry into the nature aud treatment of gravel, calculus, antl other diseases connect eel with a deranged operation of the urinary organs. viii,227 pp., lpl. 8°. London,Baldwin, Cradock 7). -----. Census of the city . . . taken in July, 1855; with a brief account of the manufactures, tratle, commerce, and other statistics of tbe city; and an appendix, giving an account of previous enumerations of the population of Providence, by Edwin M. Snow. 58, 12 pp. 8°. Providence, Knowles, Anthony cy Co., 1856. ------. Annual reports upon the births, marriages, antl deaths in the city of Providence. By Edwin M. Snow, city registrar, to the common council. 1.-34., 1*55-8*. so. Providence, 1856-89. 1.-24., bound in 4 v., 1855-86, by E. M. Snow; 1887-8, hy C. V. Chapin. ------. First anuual report of the superintendent of health of the city of Providence for the year ending July 1, 1857. [By E. M. Snow.] iv, 46 pp. 8°. Providence, Knowles, Anthony fy Co., 1857. 2. report for 1884, made in 1885. ------. Report on the small-pox in the city of Providence from Jan. to June, 1859, by Edwin M. Snow. 22 pp. 8°. Providence, Knowles, Anthony $ Co., 18,59. ------. An ordinance in relation to the registra- tion of deaths and the interment of the dead. Passed Aug. 8, 1864. City Doc. No. 10. 3 pp. 8°. [Providence, 1864.] Bound with: Providence. Annual reports upon the births, etc., 1862-8. ------. Measures proposed for the prevention of Asiatic cholera in the city of Providence; a re- port to the board of aldermen. By Edwin M. Snow, superintendent of health. City Doc. No. 8. 15 pp. 8°. Providence, Providence Press Co., 1867). [Also, in: P., v. 205.] ------. Report on the keeping of swine in the city of Providence, made to the board of aldermen, May 8, 1865, by Edwin M. Snow, superintendent of health. City Doc. No. 42. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Providence, Knowles, Anthony fy Co., 1865. ------. A report upon sundry documents relating to Asiatic cholera, transmitted by the governor of Rhode Island to the board of health of the city of Providence, by Edwin M. Snow, superin- tendent of health. City Doc. No. 5. 13 pp. 8°. Providence, B. B. Thomas <$• Co., 1865. [Also, in : P., v. 333.] ------. Quarantine. Port of Providence, July 2, 1866. By order of the board of health, the "Ordinance in relation to quarantine" is revived aud declared to be in force from and after this date, until further notice. Edwin M. Snow, health officer. 1 sheet, sm. 4°. [ Providence 1866.] ------. Quarantine regulations, port of Provi- dence, 1855. Revived and declared to be in full force and operation by order of the board of aldermen, August 2, 1866. 8 pp. 8°. [Provi- dence, 1866.] [P., v. 640.] ------. Report upon the removal of swill and house offal, and other subjects. Presented to PROVIDKNTE Providence—continued. the board of health June 25, 1H66, by [E. M. Snow] the superintendent of health. 13 p)K 8°. Providence, Providence Press Co., istiii. ------. Report upon tbe prevention of disease in the city of Providence, R. I., in 18<;<; iU„i 1^,7 Presented to the boarei of aldermen, May 2, 1MI7, by E. M. Snow, superintendent of health. 15 pp' 4°. Providence; Providence Press Co., 186)7. ------. Alphabetical lists of the names of persons deceased, born, and married iu the city of Provi- dence. Prepared by Edwin M. Snow,'city regis- trar. Nos. 1-3,1866-8. 8°. Providence, i.»67-?l>. All published. ------. Report upon the sanitary effects of filling tbe cove basin in the city of Providence, by K. M. Snow, superintendent of health. 10 pp. 8". Providence, Providence Press Co., 186)8. ------. Small-pox, anel the protection power of vaccination, in the city of Providence. A report to the board of aldermen, April 26, 1*69, by I'.il win M. Snow, superintendent of health. City Deic. No. 44. 9 pp. 8°. Providence, Hammond, Angell # Co., 1869. ------. Annual report of the school committee of the city of Providence to the city council for the year 1869-70. 84 pp. 8°. Providence, Ham- mond, Angell $• Co., 1870. ------. Reports of deaths. [Monthly.] Aug., 1870; Dec., 1H74, to Feb., 1875; Feb., 1876, to Dec, 1877; Feb., 1878; April, 1878, to Jan., 1*90. Galley sheets & 8G. Providence, 1870-90. ------. Report of the stiperiutendeut of health upon the subject of fat and lard melting. Pre- sented to the board of aldermen Sept. 4, 1H71. [By Edwin M. Snow.] 11pp. 8°. Providence, Hammond, Angell $ Co., 1871. ------. Census of the city of Providence. May 1, 1874. By Edwin M. Snow. 15 pp. 8°. Provi- dence, Hammond iy Angell, 1874. ------. Report on sewerage in the city of Provi- dence, made by tbe water commissioners as a committee constituted by the board of aldermen to construct certain sewers, transmitting a report on the subject made to them by J. Herbert Sheiltl, chief engineer of the Providence water works, Feb., 1874. 96 pp., 15 pl., 1 map, 1 tab. 8°. Providence, Hammond, Angell $• Co., 1874. ------. Annual reports of deaths. By the super- intendent of health, for the years 1874, 1876-86, 1888. Galley sheets & 8°. Providence, 1875-811. 1874, 1876-86, by E. M. Snow; 1888, by C. V. Chapin. ------. Population of the city of. . . Jan. 1,187*. Enumerated under the direction of Edwin M. Snow, M. D., city registrar. City Doe. No. 10. 12 pp. 8°. Providence, J. A. 2. 8°. London. .Jni-4"^ Htle^Pv°Tie?^iaI Me(lical Journal, and Retro- spect ol the Medical Sciences, v. 8 et seq. April 3 1844 et seq., edited for the association by Robert J. N. Streeten' secretary, v. 8 ended Dt-e. L'4, 1844; after that date 1 v. ^iuV,y-wV-b1 i • 8e(l-\\H4: et «*?•• Published fortnightly, antl \\ ni. H. Ranking added as editor of the foreign depart' Z"\V V :t716'i m9-52i ^d .jointly, for the association, ,£-o I"' H' ,K,,uk,n« ai'd John Henry Walsh. After Oct w-m' ^0,,,'0,, (1T,,?) Journal of Medicine incorporated with this journal. Jan. 7, 1853. a new series commenced, with title: Atesocialioii Medical Journal Provincial - Irrcn - A nstalt in Schh si, „ Nachricbten iiber die .. . 3D pp. 8. Breslau Grass, Barth u. Comp., 1874. Provinciate Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Eichber" im Rheingau (.Die). Bedingungen tier Aufnalune und Verpfieguug der Geisteskraukeu fur die . . 2 1. fol. [n.p., n. d.] Proving (A) of the arseniate of soda (hydro- disodic arseniate), by the Homti'opathic Materia Metlica Club of Allegheny County, Pa.; ||„, prover's record arranged by J. F.'Cooper. 56 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1876. Proving of carbolic acid, by T. Bacmeister, Tem- ple S. Hoyne, T. C. Duncan, S. P. Hedges, (• \v Boyce. 35 pp. 8°. Chicago, W. B. Keen .)'• Cooke 1869. Pl'OVingS of Cauabis iudica, published by order of the American Provers' Union. 20 pp. 8° Philadelphia, King cy Baird, 1859. [P., v. 1**2.] Provins. See, also, Fever (Malaria, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. Modin (L.-A.) * Des eaux martiales de Pro- vius (Seine-et-Marne), et tie leurs applications a la tbdrapeutique. 4°. Ports, 1852. Naudot. Notice sur les eaux min6rales ferru- gineuses acidules froides de Provins, prec6il6e elbin essai sur la topographie ine'dicale tie Pro- vins et ele ses environs, sin. 8°. Provins, 1*41. Naudot. Sur les sels principes des eaux niin6rales ile Provins. J.demed., chir.. pliarm., etc., I'ar., 1779, li,51-59. -----. Topographic, medicale do la ville ele Provins. Ibid., 1785, lxiv, 361-414.—Opoix. Observations sur une nou- velle analyse des eaux minerales tie Provins, que M. Rail- lin vit-nt tie donner au public. Ibid., 1778, I, 396-409.— Poggialc. Source niinerale tie Provins. Bull. Acad. de nied., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 1348. Provinzial-Anstalt Bethesda bei Leugerich i. VV. ° See Wexitphalia (Province of). Bericht iiber die Wirksamkeit untl Verwaltung. 4°. [Marsberg, 1875.] Provinzial-Anstalt zu Gesecke. Aufnahme- Bedingungen fiir die ... 8 pp. 8°. MUnster, Theissiug. [1K73]. Provinzial-Anstalt St. Johannes-Hospital zu Marsberg. Bericht iiber die Wirksamkeit und Verwaltung der ... in den Jahren 1873 n. 1874. [Vou Dr. Koster, Director.] 68 pp. 4°. [Mars- berg, 1877). ] Contains, "also, reports of the Provinzial-Anstalt Be- thesda bei Leugerich, and Provinzial-Anstalt zu Gesecke. Provinzial-lrrcn-Aiistiilt bei Halle, lie- glement fiir die ... 24 pp. 8°. [Balle, 0. Benclel, it. d.] Provinzial-Irren-, Blindcn- mid Taubstuinmcn-Anstalten der Rheinpro- vinz (Die). See Rheinprovinz. Provinzial - Irren - tleii - und Pflcgc- Anstalt zu Schwetz. Statut der . . . vom 13. Januar 1864. 4 1. fol. [Schwetz, 1864.] Provinzial - Irrcn - Pflege - Anstalt lui Bunzlau. [Uebersicbt der Anstalt seit Ere'iff- nung 1863-6. Der Director der . . . Keller. Den 30. August 1867.] 19 pp. 4°. [ Breslau, W. Friedrich, 1*67.] Provinzialstandische Irren-Anstalt in Schleswig-Holstein. Reglement fiir die Ver- waltung ... 10 pp. 4°. Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, [1876]. Provisions of agreement. Professional rela- tions between physicians and druggists. [Rec- ommending that a mutual code of ethics be adopted for the future guidance of both profes- sions.] 10 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1881.] Provost (Secrets of). See Magnetism (Animal). Provost ( Andr6-Louis-Emile ) [1858- ]. * Etude sur les vomissements au d6but tie la fie- vre typhoide. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 200. PKOVOST. 721 PliUEN. Provost (Armaud-Alphonse). * De l'allaitement. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 167. Provost (B.-J.-M.) * Essai sur le t6tanos en ..-eneral. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 203, v. 14 H. Provost (J--E-) *Sur l'hygiene des femmes eu- ceinles. vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 43, v. 191. Provost (Joachim-Jeau-Marie-Michel). * Sur la nature du tubercule pulmonaire. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 299, v. 291. Provot (Henri). * Des antipyre^tiques de la serie aroniatique. 93 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1888, No. 442. Ecole de pharniacie. Provvediinenti contro la pellagra. Rcluzioni e proposte al consiglio provinciale di Venezia tlella deputazione provinciale e della speciale commissione pegli studj sulla pellagra, aggiuntevi alcune osservazioni e proposte del . . . Federico Berchot. 70 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Venezia, Aulo- iielli, 1888. Prowedimenti (I) contro la pellagra nella provincia di Como. ( 1881-5. ) 32 pp. 16°. Como, F. Ostinelli, 1886. Repr. from: Manuale d. Provinciadi Como, 1886, anno49. Prowedimenti (Dei) sauitarj e norme igie- niche contro il colera epidemico. Edizione au- tolitografica. 16 pp. 8~. Milano, E. C. Motta, 1884. Prozoroff (G.) *0 fiziologicheskom deistvii lekarstvenuych veshestve na slizistujou obo- lotchku vek' v gistologicheskom otuashenii. [Physiological action of remedial agents on mu- cous membrane of eyelids from histological point of view.] 34 pp., lpl. 8°. SI. Petersburg, 1863. Pruche (Ch.) *De la syphilis du tibia. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 253. Pruckmayr (Antouius). *De ictero. 32 pp. nc. Vindobonw, F. Ludwig, [1836]. Prudden (T. Mitchell). Notes on the practical course in normal histology given in the labora- tory ofthe Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. 128 pp. 8°. New York, Trow, 1879. -----. Beobachtungen am lebenden Knorpel. 14 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Berlin, G. Reimer, 1879.] Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxv. Title-page gives name, erroneously, as J. M. Prudden. -----. Contributions to the structure antl clinical history ofthe multiple neuroma; from the patho- logical laboratory of the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and .Surgeons, New York City. 24 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, H. C. Lea's Son cf Co., 1880.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxx. -----. On the action of carbolic acid upon ciliated cells and white blood cells. 17 pp. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1881.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi. -----. A manual of practical normal histology. vii, 265 pp. 16°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1882. -----. Cell life and animal life. An address. 16 pp. 12°. [New York, 1882.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1882, xU. -----. An experimental study on the action of salicylic acid upon blood-cells and upon amoeboid movements and emigration. 6 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, [1882]. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiii. —----. Rhabdomyoma of the parotid gland. 5 pp. ti°. [Philadelphia, 1883.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., lxxxv. ■-----. On the occurrence of the bacillus tubercu- losis in tuberculous lesions. 20 pp. 8°. New York, Trow's Printing Co., 1883. Repr. from: Med. Rec., N. T., 1883, xxiii. 46 Prudden (T. Mitchell)—continued. -----. The description of an adenoma of the caruncle. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 18*6. Repr. from: Areh. Ophth., N. Y., 1886, xv. -----. On bacteria in ice, and their relations to disease, with special reference to the ice supply of New York City. An experimental study. 61 pp. 8°. New York, Trow, 1887. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. T., 1887, xxxi. ------. An experimental study of mycotic or malignant ulcerative endocarditis. 21 pp. 8°. [New York], 1887. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., xciii. ------. On the etiology of diphtheria. An experi- mental study. 50pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1*89.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, n. s., xcvii. ------. The story of tbe bacteria and their rela- tions to health antl disease. 2 p. 1., 143 pp. 16°. New York <(• London, G. P. Putnam's Sous, 1889. ------& North Ml ]> (William P.) Studies on the etiology of the pneumonia complicating diph- theria in children. 18 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1889, n. s., xcvii. Prudent (Alfred-Ludovic). *Du tabac, de ses elifferents usages et de ses effets. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)9, No. 162, v. 635. Priidente (F.) [1804-67]. Necrologia. Morgagni, Napoli, 1867, ix, 310-316. Prildlioe Memorial Convalescent Home, Whit- ley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See Convalescent Society for Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and tbe Coun- ties of Northumberland and Durham. Pi'iul lioniat. <*obley. Rapport sur l'eau de Prudhomat (Lot). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1864-5, xxx, 571. Prildliomme (Ambroise-Simon). *De la pre- miere dentition, et *les accidents qui accom- pagnent l'eruption. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 106. Priid'lioinine (F.-P.) * Propositions chirurgi- cales. 7 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII (1805), No. 503, v. 57. Pl'Ud'tlOllllIIC (N.-S.-R.) * Considerations gd- ndrales sur la therapeutique ele la syphilis. 23 pp. 4U. Paris, 1836, No. 190, v. 299. Prild'lion ( Eudamidas-Hippolyte ). * Stir le sublime' corrosif, consider^ comme agent chi mique, toxicologique et tb6rapeutique. 27 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1824, No. 35, v. 184. Priickelius (Joh. Petrus). * Scrutinium hydro- eepbali, secundum fiiaybwoiv, npdyvuaiv aal 0epa- ■nreiav. 15 1. 4°. Jena; typ. A. Mtilleri, 1669. Prueffel (Georg). Fcetus posthumus, oder Be- richt von dem grausamen Reissen und Grimmen im Leibe, Colica genant, was von solchen Schmertzen zu wissen niitzlich, auch bey dessen Cur, Zufallen, und Praeservirung meist zu beob- achten, nothwendig erfodert werde, beuebenst vorhergeheudeu unvorgreinichen Gutachten, was dieser Zeit elie Artzney-Kunst schwerer mache, untl wie sonderlich ungelahrte Empirici verniit- telst scheinbahrer Beschonung, uugewehrt, bin und her mit vieler Menschen Schaden curiren, an Tag gegebeu von J. P. Priiffeln. 3 p. 1., 188 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, J. J. Bauhof er, 1676. Prueffel (Johann Peter). See Prueffel (Georg). Foetus posthumus, [etc.]. 4°. Jence, 1676. Priiliters (Heinrich) [1847- ]. *Ueberdas Quecksilberiithylchlorid (Aethylsublimat) iu physiologischer, chemischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1870]. Prueu (Thomas). A comparative sketch of the effects of variolous and vaccine inoculation, be- ing an enumeration of facts not generally known PR [JEN. 722 PRUNUS. Pruen (Thomas)—continued. or considered, but which will enable the public to form its own judgment on the probable im- portance ofthe Jeunerian discovery, vi, 102, vi pp. 8■-'. London, Phillips, Crosby [and others], 1807. [P., v. 325.] Pruez-Ltatour (J.-B.-T.-Ernest). *De la pa- ralysie g6ne>ale des abends, et plus specialemeut de quelques sympt6mes ele debut. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 173. Pruilli (Vincent). 'Propositions de metlecine etde chirurgie. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 37, v. 307. Prulliiere (Louis). *Sur l'appareil inamovible dans le traitement des fractures simples. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 476, v. 320. Prunac (Armand). * Etude sur la fievre ty- phoide chez les enfauts au point de vue des symptdmes, du diagnostic differentiel et de la temperature. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 259. Priinaire (L.-Eugene). *Du varicocele et de son traitement par un procede nouveau. 52 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, No. 217, 2. s., v. 17. Pruneau (Eugene). *Sur l'anencephalie. 30 pp. 4-'. Paris, 1837, No. 342, v. 316. Pruneaii (Henri). * De l'asystolie. 67 pp. 4C. Paris, 1870, No. 81, v. 822. Priinelle (Clement- Francois-Victor-Gabriel) [1777-lf 53]. De l'influence exereee par la mede- cine sur la renaissance des lettres. Discours pro- nonce tlans la salle des actes de la Faculte de medecine de Montpellier, le 20 novembre 1809, jour de 1'inauguration du buste de S. M. I. et R. 110 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1809. [Also, in : P., v. 1628.] -----. De la medecine politique en general et de son objet; tie la medecine-iegale en particulier, de son origine, de ses progres et des secours qu'elle fouruit au magi^trat clans Pexercice de ses fonctions. viii, 56 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel ain6, 1814. -----. Des etudes du medecin, de leurs con- nexions et de leur methodologie. Discours pro- nonce a la rentree de la Faculte de medecine de Montpellier, le 17 novembre 1815. 112 pp. 4°. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1816. -----. De l'etat des gens de lettres et ties hautes ecoles sous le regime actuel de la commission de l'instruction publique. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, Me- quignon-Marvis, 1819. -----. Lettre a M. Blanquet-DurChayla, recteur de l'Acadeniie de Montpellier. 32 pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, Ve. Phot, [1819]. [Also, in : P., v. 857.] Eloge funebre tie Charles-Louis Dumas, prononce dans l'assembiee publique de la Faculte de medecine de Montpellier, le 14 eiecembre 1813. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, Carbon tf- Cie., 1823. TP v 1556.] For Biography, see Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1855, vii 49 ■ 78- 99 (A. Potton). Also, Reprint. Pruner-Bey (Franz) [1808-82]. * De morbo- rum transitionibus. 16 pp. 8°. Monachii F S. Hiibschmann, [1830]. -----. Historia morbi et tlescriptio sectionis ca- daveris doctoris Ernesti de Grossi. 29 pp. 8°. Monachii, sumt. J. G. Cottce, 1830. Ist denn die Pest wirklich ein anstecken- desUebel? vi, 1 p. ]., 34 pp. 8°. Miinchen, 1839. ----. Die Ueberbleibsel der altiigyptischen Menschenrace. Eine Abhandlung, gelesen in der offentlichen Sitzung der k. Akademie der Wissensehaften zu Miinchen am 24. August 1846 18 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Miinchen, T. G. Weiss, 1846. ----. Topographie medicale du Caire, avec le plan de la ville et des environs. 118 pp. 1 man 8°. Munich, 1847. l' Die Krankheiten des Orient's vom Stand- punkte tier vergleichenden Nosologie betracbtet. Pruner-Bey (Franz)—continued. viii, 472 pp., 1 pl. roy. 8°. Erlangen, Palm u. Enke, 1847. -----. Die Weltsencbe Cholera, eider die Polizej der Natur. 114 pp. 8°. Erlangen, J. J. p„\m u. E. Enke, 1851. See, also, Perier (J.-A.-N.) Instructions pour lo littn. ral |etc]. 8°. Paris. 1864. For Biography, see Sit/niigal). tl. math.-phys. Cl. d k- bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miiuchen (1883), 1884 xiii 244-246 (C. Voit). ' Prunet(J.-G.-Fourcade). See Fourcade-Prunet (Jean-Guillaume). Prung-e (E"tienne). * Des fievres intermittentes 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 188, v. 4-19. Prunge (Ludre). * Des aliments considered sous le rapport de leurs proprietes nutritives 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 245, v. 408. Pruilgliaild-L.ctaug (Francois). * I. Des accidents primitifs et consecutifs de la cystoto- mie hypogastrique ; distinguer ceux qui peuvent dependre de l'opdrateur, de ceux qui tiennent es- sentiellement a l'operation. II. [etc.]. 25 np 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 147, v. 333. Prunhuber ( Wilhelm ). Ueber Entbindung verstorbener Schwangerer inittelst ties Kaiser- schnittes. 43 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf u Sohn, 1875. Pl'llilier (Eugene-Ernest). * Considerations sur l'asthme, au point tie vue de sa nature et de sou histoire. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 65, v. 609. Prilllier (Leon). * Etude chimique ct thera- peutique sur les glycerines. 63 pp. 4°. Paris 1875, No. 371. -----. Thesame. 63pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here $fils, 1875. -----. * Principes azotes cristallisables tie l'or- ganisnie animal, viii, 87 pp. 4°. Paris, A. de Riviere, 1878. Concours. -----. * Etude des alcalis de l'opium, leur re- cherche dans le cadavre. Ill pp. 4°. Paris, 1879. Concours. -----. * Parallele entre les phenomenes chi- miques dans les vegetaux et dans les animaux. 103 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880. Concours. Pl'llilier as (Antoine) [1857- ]. •Indica- tions du traitemeut de la fistule a l'anus. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 163. Prunieres (P.-Bartheiemy). * Des accidents bilieux et inflammatoires qui ctmipliquent les suites des couches. Etudes faites sur l'etat pu- erperal, a la clinique d'accouchement ele Paris, pendant l'ete 1858. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 261, v. 623. Primus. See, also, Kirsch. Abicht (W.) Der Kirschen-Arzt. Belebrung iiber die Anwendung eler Kirschenkuren gegen viele hartuiickige unci langwierige Krankheiten, besoutlers gegen alle sogenannten IJnterleibshe- schwerden oder mit Fehlern des Magens, tier Le- ber, eler Galle, der Milz, etc., verbundene krank- hafte Zustande. 16°. Nordhausen, 1845. Dolfus (J. G.) * Cerasologia medica. 4°. Basilece, [1717]. Morris (C.) * On the Primus virginiana, com- monly known in the United States by the name of wild cherry tree. w(J. Philadelphia, 1802. Allbutt (C.) Clinical lot-tores on the remedial uses of the Primus virginiana; with some further remarks oil dis- eases of the heart. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, 161; 217.—Boucauil. A propos tie cerises. Ann. Sot:, de med. tie Lyou, 1878, 2. s., xxvi, 18.->-]!M). — IJhiimi'. be- merkungen unel Ertahrungi-u iiher die Wirksamkeit der Rinde des Trauhenkirschliaiiins (Cort. Pruni Piidi), nnd dessen therapeutische Benutzung in gichtischen uudrhtu PRTJNUS. 723 FKURIGO. Primus. matischen Krankheiten; nebst einem Anhang, betreffend den botanischen Character, die oeononiische Niitzung, die chemische Analyse uud die Literatur des Baumea. Arch. f, med. Erfahr.,'Berl., 1812, i, 41-83, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Cerisier commun—Pruuus cerasus. Rev. do therap. med.- chir., Par., 1864, xxxi, 630-633.—Fcdcli (G.) Del Prunus virt'i'niana, o t-eraso silvestre, suoi usi medici, ultimi speri- menti nelle malattie cardiache. Gior. med. di Roma, 1807, iii, 414-424 —Pardee (G. K.) Case of poisoning hy the wild cherry.' West. Lancet, Cincin., 1847, vi, 289-291.—Saint- IMaiicat. Note sur les eaux de laurier-cerise tlu com- merce. Kev. med. de Toulouse, 1869, iii, 338-343.—Van- tier Espt. Monographic du prunier tie Virginie (Primus vii-eriniana) Mill. Memoire qui a remporte une ni6daille il'or an concours de 1878 ele la Soc. roy. d. sc. m6d. et nat. ile Unix. J. de meel., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1880, lxx, 348- 472.__Weber. Warnende Krankheits - Geschichte vor'dem Genuss tier Kirschen mit den Steinen. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, ii, 473-482. Pmny (Mich.) * Diss, exhibens lactationis in inatrum valetudinem influxum. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Vindobonw, typ. congregationis Mechitarislicw, [182(5?]. Prurigo and pruritus. See, also, Drug-exanthems; Lichen; Pedi- culi. Arthaud(J.-B.) * I. Prurigo pediculaire. II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1843. Bohutinsky (F. C.) * De cognoscenda et cu- rancla prurigine senile tamquam morbo. 8°. Praga; 1841. de Chambkret (J.-B.-J.-A.-C.-T.) * Disserta- tion sur uue maladie de la peau, designee sous le nom de prurigo. 4°. Paris, 1808. Derby (E. H.) Zur Anatomie von Prurigo. 8°. [Wien, 1869.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Ch, Wien, 1869, Ux, 1. Abth. Duraxd (J.) * Contribution a l'etude du pru- rigo. 4°. Paris, 18/7. Eiirlich (J. G.) De pruritu seuili totius cor- poris. 4°. Vitembergw, [1728]. Gautier (L.-C.) * Essai sur le prurigo. 4°. Paris, 1837). Goedechen (A. A.) * De prurigine universa- liter apparente. 8°. [Dorpat], 1828. Kase (J. A.) * De prurigine. 8°. Halce, [1815]. Krull (F.) * Prurigo. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1866. Kuxow(0.) * Prurigo und Pruritus. 8°. Ber- lin, [1874]. Legexdre(M.-A.) * Etude sur le prurigo. 4°. Paris, 1867). Lehnhoff (C. H. L.) * De prurigine senili. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Motton-Eichard (L.-A.) * I. Etablir les ca- racteres qui distinguent le prurigo de la gale. II. [etc.]. 4 . Paris, 1839. Mouronval(J.-F.-J.) Recherches et observa- tions sur le prurigo. 4°. Paris, 1823. -----. Tho same. Faites a l'Hopital Saint- Louis et elans les departemeus du Pas-de-Calais et tie la Somme. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1836. Moysant(L.) *Du prurigo. 4°. Paris, 1858. Naumburg(L) *De pruritu senili. 8°. Balw, [1803]. Poret (A.-A.) * Essai sur le prurigo. 4°. Pan's, 1836. Rigaut (H.) * Des proprietes anesthesiques ele l'acide pheuique dans les affections prurigi- nenses de la peau. 4°. Paris, 1879. Robinson (T.) Lecture on acne, acne rosacea, lichen, and prurigo. 8°. London, 1884. Rothe (F. C.) *De urodialyse. 8°. Wiree- burgi, 1837. Schuster (J. C. F.) # De difhcili vitiorum pruriginosorum, cutein obsidentium, curatione. sm. 4°. Balw Mat/debnrgkw, 1759. Seebeu (J. L.) *De pruritu. 4°. Lipsiw, 1756. ' Prurigo and pruritus. Sommer (J. F.) * De affectibus pruriginosia senura. sm. 4°. Alt or fit Noricorum, 1727. Tschvertner (P. C.) * De adfectibus pruri- ginosis. 4°. Balw Magdeburcjicw, [1743]. Vincent (A.) * Du prurigo chronique et en particulier du prurigo d'Hebra. 4°. Paris, 1882. Wecker(L.) *De prurigine. 8°. Bervipoli, 1856. Alibert. Quelques considerations sur le prurigo for- micans. Annuaire med.-chir. d. hop. de Par., 1819, 413- 432. Also, transl: Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1820, ii, 445-472. -----. Prurigie ou prurigo. Diet. d. se. med.. Par., 1820, xiv, 532-544. — Atkinson (I. E.) A clinical lecture upon pruritus. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1880, vi, 244-250. — Aucrbuth (L.) Perubalsam gegen Pruritus. Deutsehe metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, "v, 439. — Ba- biuski. Observation d'un cas ele prurigo gu6ri par l'em- ploi des douches froides. Union med., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 997-999.— Barcnsprung. Ueber Prurigo. Ann. d. Char.-Kraukenh. . . . zu Berl., 1858, viii, 3. St., 85-97.— Baker (W. M.) On prurigo,or eczematous prurigo. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iii, 177-181. A Iso: Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1882, viii, 199-206.—Barosch (A.) Rasche Heilung einer Prurigo perinealis herpetica durch die aussere Anwendung der Iodine. Oesterr. med. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1841, 1153-1156. —Barton (T. F.) The con- tagiousness of prurigo. Boston M. efe S. J., 1855-6, Iiii, 321.—Bclirentl (G.) Zwei Fiille von Prurigo nach Sehar- lach; ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Prurigo. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 385.—Bell (B. F.) Tinct- ure of belladonna to relieve itching. Med. Chron., Bait., 1882-3, i, 302. — Bellencontre. De l'emploi de l'huile de p6trole dans le traitement du prurigo. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 34-36. —Binz. Ueber die innerliche Anwendung der Carbolsiiure gegen Pruritus cutaneus. Sitzungsb. tl. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1870, 86. Also: Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 522. — Boenning (H. C.) A case of prurigo. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 519.—Boens (H.) Le prurit d'hiver. Arc med., Brux., 1876-7, xii, 373-376: 1877-8, xiii, 6; 20.—Brocq (L.) Du lichen et du prurigo. Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 614; 633; 645.—Bronson. Prurigo associatetl with eczema. J. Cutan. efe Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1884, ii, 44. — vou Brueir (A.) Ueber Kochsalz- gehalt tier Harne Pruriginoser. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 552-554. — Bucking. Von Juckgeschwuren. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1783, v, 25-32. — Bulk ley ( L. D.) A new antipruritic remeilv. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1874, xxv, 149-152. Also, Reprint. -----. Clinical notes on pruritus. J. Cutan. efc Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1887, v, 459-470. Also, Reprint. -----. Eruption resem- bling the true prurigo of Hebra. Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1879, v, 259. -----. Note on a new antipruritic reinedv- N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 28-30. [DiscussionJ, xxxiv, 182-184.—€aiupana (R.) Prurigo e lupus erythematodes su di una medesima inferma. Gior. ital. di mai. veil., Milano, 1874, ix, 233-239. -----. Prurigine (reperto ana- tomico e patogenesi). Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 438-443. — Campbell ( R.) A case of true prurigo (of Hebra). Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1878, iv, 119-123. [Discussion], 62. — Carafbli (P.) Vomito nervoso tla prurigine. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1886, 5. s., i, 159-166.— Carpenter (Julia W.) Pruritus senilis completely re- lieved by the f'aradic current. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1888, n. s., xxi, 303.— Case of prurigo senilis; treatment with creosote in the form of ointment. Dublin M. Press, 1847, xviii, 146.—Caspary (J.) Ueber Prurigo. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1884, xi, 341-346, 1 pl. Also, transl. [with additions]: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1885, 2. s., vi, 289-295. — Cazenare ( A.) Des maladies ele la peau ac- compagntjes de prurit. J. de meel. et chir. prat., Par., 1842, xiii, 31-39. — Clianwit. Romareiues et observations pra- tiques sur les complications des affections prurigiiie-usis de la peau. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 1050-1055.—Crocker (H. R.) A case of prurigo ferox of Hebra. Tr. Clin. Sex-. Lond., 1882, xv, 248-250.—Curtis (F. C.) A case closely simulating true prurigo. Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1882, viii, 232-236.—Deakin (S.) Notes on a caseof prurigo ferox; treatment anel recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 658.— Dcbout. Glycerole compose contre le prurit de la pre- miere dentition. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 310.— Dcchainbrc (A.) Note sur quelques points du traitement du prurigo. Gaz. hebd. ele med., Par., 1853, i, 57-59.—Bendy (W. C.) Observations on a case of sym- pathetic pruritis. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, ii, 84. — Dc Renzi. Delia cura della prurigine nella clinica medica di Genova. N. Liguria med., Genova, 1871, xvi, 34-36.— Devcrgie (A.) De la liaison tlu prurigo sans papules avec les maladies du foie; de ses consequences sur femoral des malades qui en sont atteints. J. de med. ct chir. prat., Par., 1855, xxvi, 168-173.—Diakoiioff (I). I.) O zimnem znde; pruritus hiemalis. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 200; 220— Diiclietene-Duparc. Considerations prati- ques sur le prurigo. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1864, xxxv, 208-212,—Duckworth (D.) Boro-glyceride as a PUUKIGO. 724 PltCS. Prurigo and pruritus. re'iiieilv in pruritus, etc. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1885, \\i, 119.— Duliring (L. A.) Pruritus cutaiieus. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 49. ------. Pruritus cutanea. Ibid.. 47(1. ------. Prurit us hit'inalis; an unilcscrihed form of pruritus. Ibid., 1873-4, iv, 225-230. Also, Reprint. ------. Pruritus giving rise to peculiar hallucination and subjective, symptoms. Phila. M. Thins, 1S75-0, vi, 106.— FalltMOii. Ueber Pruritus, nebst. Vorlieinerkungen iiber die neiiere Richtung der Medit-in. Wchiisclir. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1850,529; 554— Farnsw orth (I. P.) An unclassified skin disease-. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi. 102-404. — ■ l< i*< lima..... Carbolinje-ctionen gegen Prm igo. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien, 1878, ii, 129-135.— Fox (T.) Clinical remarks on prurigo. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1870, ii, 153. ------. Case of prurigo. Med. Times e!c Ga/.., Lond.. 1872, ii, 327.—Gamberini (P.) II prurito in talune dermatosi di natura venerea. Gior. ital. tl. mai. ven., Milano, 1866, i, 21-25.—Gay (A.) Beitrage zur Anatomii' tier prurigiuosin Haut. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag, 1871, iii, 1-19. — Gueneau de iTIussy (N.)' Memoire sur Taction des bromures dans les atfec- tions prurigineiises. Gaz. metl. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i, ;">84; 598. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1871-2, Par., 1875, iv, 107-117. Also, in his: Clin, med., 8°, Par., 1875, ii, 334-342. — Guibout (E.) Lo prurigo. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1874. xlvii, 946.------. Le prurigo. Ibid., 1879, Iii, 715.—Guttmanii (M.) Ein Fall vou Pruritus cuta- iieus. Wieu. metl. Presse, 1880, xxi, 1150-1152.—llarila- way (W. A.) Local application of vinegar in pruritus and prurigo. Missouri Clin. lire., St. Louis, 1874-5, i, Kill. ------. Gelsemiiiiim in pruritus, etc. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, v, 344.—Hardy. Lotion cliniijue- sur le pru- rigo. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1853. xxvi, 451. — Hebra (F.) Prurigo. Allg. Wien. Med. Ztg., 1858, 181; 1x9; 196.— vou Hebra (II.) Clinical lecture on a ease of prurigo. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 369. ------. Ueber die The- rapie- ties Prurigo. Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Eiubzhng. d. Kl.-t-t.- u. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1883, i, 209; 218. ------. Was sind diel'rurigo-Knoteheii? Ibid., 1884,ii, 178-180.— IleiiMke (A. A.) Pruritus formicaiis, as a reflex neurosis depeiiiling uiioii pregnancy and resulting twice in abortion in tho same patient. Metl. Chips, St. Louis, 1888-9, ii, LMU. llulcliiii>eoi> (J.) Clinical lecture on winter pru- rigo. I'.rit. M. -J., Lond., 1875, ii, 773. ------. Is Hebra's prurigo met with in English practice? Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 005; 091. ------. Summer prurigo, prurigo aestivalis, seu prurigo adolescentium, seu acne- prmigo. Ibid., 1878, i, 161-103. ------. Prurigo. In his: Lett. Cliu. Surg., Lonil., 187s. i, pt. 1, 75-136. — J aim. Die Stat helbeerenkrankheit. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol. it. Med., Jena, 1849-50, i, 16-22.—Johnson (W.) Caseof prurigo senilis. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1853, vi, 281.—.loiiex (C. II.) Cases of prurigo (Hebra's). Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 278. — Kleinm (H.) Prurigo tier Kinder im Vergleich zu der tier Erwachsi-iitii. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1873-4, n. F., vii, 453-458.— Kobuer. Pruritus eutaneus unilatrralis nach Gehirn- emliolie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 480.— I*n- madi'ifl (J.J.) Pruritus hiemalis. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 277. — Lang (E.) Ueber zwei schwere Prurigo- fiille mit sehr giinstigem Verlaufe. Wieu. med. Wchn- schr., 1880, xxx, 525-529.— liiiiiv.oiius (J.) De corpo- ris totius pruritu pe-rieielie-o recurrente. Mise. Acad. nat. curios. 1094, Lips, et Franrof., 1095, decuria, 3, i, 42-44.— I.cloii' (II.) it Taverniei' (A.) Note sur l'anatoinie pathologique et la nature th- la lesion elementaire de 1'af- fection designee sous le nom de prurigo de Hebra. Ann. th- tlcrmat. et syph.. Par., 1889. 2. s., x. 613-616.— Livcing (It.) Remarks on two cases of Hebra's prurigo. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii. 5— I.oii^m orlh (L. R.) The prurigo of Hebra. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1875, xxx, 123-132.— IiOreuzutti. Prurigine vera. Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. eli Trieste (1875), 1877, iii, 213.—Machiavelli (P.) Sulla prurigo senilis. Gaz/. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 253. — IVIartiui. Behandlung der Prurigo. Jah- resli. il. (ii-se-llsch. t. IS'at.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1881-2, 39.— lTlaynai-el (W.J.) Chronic pruritus. J. Cutan. &Ven. Dis., N. V., 1885, iii. 42-44.—lTliltou (J. L.) On the pru- rigo of Hebra. J. Cutan. M., LoneL, 1869-70, iii, 450-454.— ITIoiInou (It. 11.) A contribution to the general knowl- edge concerning the prurigo papule. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 18,-3, n. s., lxxxvi, 341-302.—Myrtle (J. A.) Pru- rigo. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 1213.—rVcely (E. A.) Pruritus hiemalis(?). Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1887, vii, 541-547.— Neumann (I.) Zur The- rapie der Prurigo. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 229. -----. Zur Geschichte der Literatur tier Prurigo. Ibid., 1880, xxv, 353. -----. 1st die Prurigo des kindlichen Al- ters tine heilbare Krankheit? Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 1285-1288.—IVicolas(G.) Del'utilitedusulfated'atropine comme traitement palliatif du prurit icterique. Soc. tl. bc meel. tie Gannat. Compt. rend., Par., 1886, xl, 127- 133. — Obersleiiier ( H.) Ueber Pruritus hiemalis. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv. 461-464. Also, Re- print.— Opiili-i. Der frisch ausgeprcsste Citronensal't als vor/.iiglii-lu-> auss.-resHeiliiiittt-l gegen Pruritus scroti und pe ins Mi el. Ztg., Berl., 1841, x, 123.—Payne (J. F.) Prurigo and pruritus. On frost itch, or prurigo hyemalis. Brit. M. .!., Lond 1887, i, 985. — tPiflarri. Prnritis hiemalis. Arch. Der'. mat., Phila., 1880, vi, 08.------. Prurigo of Hchra. j Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1887. v. 150.-I'iyiiot (A.) Prurigo. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med.. Par., ISS'J, 2. *., xxvii, 668-683. — 1'intschoviuN. De-lier Pi urigo, l'riiii' tus, Scabies, Sye-ose. Allg. metl. Centr. Ztg., Berl, Is7-j, xii, 808.—Porritt (N.) A method of treating pruritus antl irritable skin. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1889, ii. 194.— I»i'ii. rigo generalizado de foudo hcrpetico en un intliviilun si. hlitico; einpleo simultdneo tie las meilieacioiies aiittlie,rp6- tica y auti-sitilitica; mejoria. Audalutia mod., C6rtlotia, 1877, ii. 235, lpl.—Purriou (H. S.) Remarks ou prurigo] occurring principally in the aged. Med. Mirror, Lond 1865, ii, 619-621. ------. On prurigo. J. Cutan. M., Lonil.' 1807-8, i, 326-328. ------. Notes on prurigo. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1868, v, 526-529. ------. Note on cutaneous priiri- tus. Practitioner, Lond., 1882, xxviii, 20.—Kayer. Trai- tement tlu prurigo par les saignees generales. les bains, la liinonaeli- et le re-pos. Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 228 — ICicM (G.) Ueber die pathologische Bedeutung dur Prurigo. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1884, xi, 41-56. 1 pl.— KobiiiMon (T.) Ou prurigo. J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. V.. 1887, v, 201; 256.—Bona (S.) A iii- btisst-g kezelese a Kaposi-fele naphtol-kenocsesel. [Kapo- si's naphtol-ointnient in prurigo.] Gye'igyaszat, Budapest 1882, xxii, 849-853. — Roth (T.) Ueliei- Prurigo se-nilis. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1881, n. F., i, 290-293.—Kovirn y Oliver (R.) Prurigo pseudo-exantematieo 6 agudo sim- ple; curacion. Gac. med. de Cataluna, Barcel, 188(1. iii, 417-420. — Saugster (A.) Pruritus universalis: case, Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 238.—Scurenzio (A.) Prurito e ]irurigine. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, ]s81, xvi, 207-209.—Schedc (M.) Ueber die feineren Ven gauge nach der Anwendung starker Hautreize, besouders tier Jodtiiictur. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1872-3, xv, 14-21.- Serc. Note sur l'emploi de la glycerine daus le traite- incut tic prurigo. J. tie med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1856, 3. s., i, 81-83.—Shertvell. A case for diagnosis bearing some resemblance to He hi as prurigo ferox. Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1879, v, 209— Minion (O.) Ueher Pru- rigo. Verhandl. d. Berl. nied. Gesellsch., 1875, vi, 40, ------. Ueber Prurigo untl die Behandlung derselben mil Pilocarpin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 721-724.— Squire (B.) Skin disease called prurigo senilis occurriug in a man 8et. 67. Tr. Path. Soc. Lonil., 1803-4, xv. 250.— Steele (H. K.) New treatment of pruritus. Ciuciu. Lancet & Clinic, 1882, n. s., viii, 360.—Taylor (It. W.) On the various forms of pruritus eutaneus and their treat- ment. Arch. Cliu. Surg., N. Y., 1877, ii, 161-176. Also, Reprint.—Thomson (A. T.) Prurigo. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1835, iv, 627-030. Also: "ibid., Pliila., 1845, iii, 720-723.—Veiel. Prurigo. [5 cases. J Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 208. — Wigglcsworlli (K.) A caseof prurigo ferox universalis, with remarks. Am. J. Syph. efc Dermat., N. Y., 1873, iv, 21-26. — Wilson (E.) On prurigo. Metl. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1809, ii, 681.— Zarrwicz (A.) Anatomia x>atologiczna swierzbiaczki. | Pathological anatomy of prurigo.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1869, viii, 107; 113.—Zeislcr (J.) On the occurrence of prurigo iu America. J. Cutan. efc Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1889, vii, 408-413. — Zilluer. Die Pinzgauer Krat/.e (Prurigo Taurisca). Ztschr. d. k.- k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1847, ii, 61-67. Pruritus ani. See Anus (Pruritus of). Pruritus in pregnancy. G ros (L.) Du prurit general de la grossesse gu6ri par la funiee tie tabac. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par, 1868, lxxv, 482-487. Also, Reprint.—Smith (T. C.) Case of general pruritus during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1876, ix, 633-635. Pruritus vulvce. See Genitals (Female, Cutaneous diseases, etc., of)- Pius ( R6ne$-Clovis ) [ 1793-1850 ]. * Existe-t-il quelquu difference entre le cancer ele l'estomac et la oast rite cbroniqne, sousle rapport ties lesions anatomiques, des causes, tics symptomes et tlu traitement? 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 236, v. 211. -----. Recbercbes nouvelles stir la nature ct le traitement du cancer ele l'estomac. 239 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1828. -----. Tbe same. Neiie Uutersuchungen iiher die Natur untl tlie Behandlmig ties Magcnkrcbses. Aus dem Franzosisebeu, mit Zusiitzen von Dr. Fr. A. Balling. 1 p. 1., 1(13 pp. 8U. Wiirzburg, C. Strecker, 1829. PRUS. 725 PRUSSIA. Pi'lis (R6n6-Clovis)—continued. _____. Rapport lu le 20 mars 1839, au conseil ge- neral eles hopitaux et hospices civils de la ville dc Paris, par la commission nomm6e tlans l'as- semblen' generale des in6decins, chirurgiens et pharmaciens eles hopitaux, convoqu6e le 27) Jan- vier 1838 en ex6cutiou ele Particle du reglement sur le service de sant6. Commissaires: MM. Dunieril, Roux, Ferrus, Gueueau de Mussy, Mo- reau, Prus. Paris, ce 23 mars 1839. viii, il5 pp. 4°. [Paris, Cosson, 1839.] _____. De l'emphyseme pulmonaire consider*? comme cause de mort. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, J.- Ii. Bailliere, 1843. .----. Rapport a l'Acae!6mie royale ele m6decine stir la peste et les quarantaines, fait an nom d'une commission par M. le Dr. Prus. Acconi- pagn6 ele pieces et documents ct suivi de la dis- cussion elans le sein ele l'Acael6mie. Pts. 1-3 in 2 v. 1056 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1846. ------. Instruction a l'usage ties medecins sani- taires tlu Levant. [De51ibe5re5 a Paris, ee 25 octo- bre 1847. Bdgin, Fr. Dubois, G6rardin, K6rau- tlren, Melier, Rochoux, Prus, rapporteur.] 16 pp. K°. [Paris, L. Martinet, 1847.] [P., v. 468.] For Biography, see Arch. gen. tie med., Par., 1850, i, 251. Also: Bull. Acad, tie med.. Par.. 1849-50, xv, 346-351. Also: Proc-verb. . . . Soc. nat. de med. de Marseille, 1850, 70-75. Also: Rev. med., Par., 1850, i, 118-125 (Boys de Loury). Pl'US (Vor.-R.) "Quelques observations metli- cales et chirurgicales, pre5c6d6es d'une discussion sur les forces tonieiues, et suivies el'une proposi- tion sur le meilleur parti a tirer des observations en gen6ral. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. Ill, v. 132. -----. De l'irritation et de la phlegmasie, ou nou- velle doctrine medicale. Ouvrage qui aremport6 le prix, au concours ouvert en 1821, par la Socie- te" ele m6decine eiu Garel (Nimes), sur la question euivante: Indiquer le sens precis et distinct que l'on doit attacher en pathologie aux termes de phlegmasie et el'irritation; en tirer ties conse- quences utiles pour la me'decine pratique, pro- pres a faire cesser toute confusion a cet eSgard. lix, 293 pp., I 1. 8°. Paris, C.-L.-F. Panckoucke, 1827). Prussak (Alexander). #Ob uslovijach ische- j.anija v mochereaktsiiazotnoikisloty na jelchuyi pigment. [Conditional alterations of the urine hy reaction of nitric aciel on biliary pigment.] *9 pp., 11., 4 diag. 8°. St. Petersburg, J. Trcja, 1866. Prussia. Dispensatorium Brandenburgicum seu norma, juxta quam in provinciis tnarchionatns Brandenburgici medicamenta officinis familiaria dispensanda ac prseparanela sunt, serenissimi atque potentiss. electoris authoritate conscrip- turn et evulgatum a serenitati suae electorali subjectissimo et devotissimo Collegio medico. 15 p. 1., 200, 33 pp. fol. Berolini, sumpt. J. Veilckeri, 1698. -----. Revidirte und erneuerte Taxa, aller auf den Apotheken befindlicher Medicamenten. 123 pp., 10 1. sm. 4°. Berlin, J. C. Papen, 1715. [P., v. 1411.] ■-----. Keinigliche preussische und churil. bran- denburgische Medicinal-Edict und Ordnung, wie auch erneuerte Apothecker-Taxa, auff seiner koniglichen Majestat allergnadigste Verordnung aufs neue herausgegeben untl publiciret vonelero Collegio medico. 3. Aufl. iv, 80 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, J. C. Papen, 1715. [P., v. 1411.] —----. Thesame. Konigliches prenssisches und churfiirstl. brandenburgisches allgemeines untl neugeschiiftes Meelicinal-Edict und Verorduun- gen, auf Sr. konigl. Majest. allergnadigsten Be- febl hrsg. von dero Qbercollegio medico. 99 pp. 4°. Berlin, 1725. Prussia—continued. -----. Dispensatorium regium et olectorale Bo- russo-Brantlenburgicuni, juxta quod in .Silesia medicamenta officinis familiaria prteparanda et dispensanda. Denuo eelitum. 1 p. 1., 194 pp. fol. Wratislavict; sumpt. J. J. Kornii, 1744. Bound with: Pharmacopceia Augustana. fol. Au- gustai Vindelicorum, 1734. -----. Beelemkmaking van een naauwkeurig nit- geelrtikt niiddel tegen tie beeten vaneenen eleillen bond; welk midelel zyne koninglyke Majesteit, ten behoeve van bet algemeen, van elen bezitter daar van heeft eloeu koopen, eleszelfs nitwerking en wyze van toebereiding doen emderzoeken, em bet gebruik tlaar van, in voorkomende gevallen, aan de medicynsche collegien en in bet gemeen aan het geheele publicq, heeft tloen aanbevelon, door hoogsteleszelfs Opper-Collegium medicum. Berlyn den 23. Juni 1777. Translaat. 8 pp. fol. [Berlyn, 1777.] -----. Verordnung wider die Verfiihrung jnnger Miiilgen zu Bordels, unel zur Verhiitung eler Aus- breitung veneriscber Uebel. Den 2. Feb. 1792. 14 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1792. -----. Edict, wegen des Tollwerdens eler Hunele. Den 20. Feb. 1797. 3 1. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1797. -----. Reglement wie es kilnftig mit der Prii- fung der a.ngehenelen Aerzte, Wundiirzte nnd Apotheker gehalten werden soil. Den 1. Feb. 1798. 8 pp. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1798. -----. Nab ere Vorschrift wie es in Ansehung raudiger Scbaaf-Heerden gehalten werden soil. Den 14. Dez. 1799. 2 1. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1799. -----. Instruction fiir die Aerzte in elen kouig- licben Landen wonach bey Ertbeilung eler At- teste fiir diejenige keinigliche Officianten, welche sicb tier auswiirtigen Bader bedienen wollen, zu verfahren ist. Den 9. Feb. 1800. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, G. Decker, 1800. -----. Instruction fiir sammtliche Provincial- Collegia-medica et sanitatis. Den 21. April 1800. 27 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, G. Decker, 1800. -----'■. Instruction fiir sammtliche Collegia-medica auch Medicinal-Deputationen in den koniglichen Landen, nachwelcher sie sich bey tier Priifung solcher Chirurgen richten sollen, welche tlas Anit eines Cbirurgi forensis, Stadt- oder Lantl-Cbi- rurgi zu erhalten wiinschen. Den 11. Oct. 1800. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, G. Decker, 1800. -----. Feuer-Ordnung fiir die Stadt Havelberg. Den 14. Oct. 1800. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, G. Decker, 1800. -----. Ausfiihrliche Anweisung fiir sammtliche Apotheker unel Materialisten in elen koniglich- preussiscben Landen, wie sie sich bey eler Auf- bewabrung untl Verabfolgung der Giftwa.aren verhalten sollen. Den 10. Dec. 1800. 2 1. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1800. -----. General-Instruction fiir tlas Lantl-Irren- haus zu Neu-Ruppin. Den 29. Jan. 1801. 15 pp. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1801. -----. Circulare an alle Collegia-medica et sani- tatis, die Impfungs-Versuche mit Kuhpocken be- treffend. Denll. Juliil801. 4 1. fol. [Berlin, 1801.] -----. Declaration der Verordnung vom 18. Sep- tember 1799 wegen der jiihrlichen Populations- Listen, etc. Den 29. Sept. 1801. 51. fol. Ber- lin, G. Decker, 1801. -----. Revidirte Orelnung nach welcher die Apotheker in elen koniglichen preussischen Landen ihr Kunst-Gewerbe betreiben sollen. Den 11. Oct. 1801. 35 pp. 4°. Berlin, G. Decker, 1801. Another copy bound ivith: Prussia. Konigliches preus sisches und churfiirstl. brandenburgisches [etc.]. 4°. Berlin, 1725. PRUSSIA. 726 PRUSSIA. Prussia—continued. ------. Reglement nach welchem sich die Mate- rialisten und Droguisten bei dem Debit der Arzenei-Waaren richten sollen. Den 19. Jan. 1802. 8 pp. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1802. ------. Reglement fiir elen koniglichen Hofstaat, wie nach elen koniglichen Cabinets-Orelres in Riicksicht der Behandlung kranker Hof bediente und Verabreichung der freien Meelicin verfahren werden soil. Den 27. Feb. 1802. 2 1. fol. [Ber- lin, 1802.] ------. Reglement fiir die koniglichen Marstiille P russia—continued. zu Berlin untl Potsdam und elie keinigliche Thier- arzeneiscbule zu Berlin, wie nach den kouig- lichen Cabinets-Orelres in Riicksicht eler Behand- lung kranker Hofbedienten und Verabreichung der freien Medicin verfahren werden soil. Den 27. Feb. 1802. 21. fol. [Berlin, 1802.] -----. Circulare an alle Collegia medica et sani- tatis die Impfungs-Versucbe mit den Kuhpocken betreffend. Den"7. Juuy 1802. 1 1. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1802. -----. Tax-Ordnung fiir tlie Medicinal-Personen in elen koniglich-preussischen Staaten. 12 pp. 4'. Berlin, 1802. Bound with tbe preceding. -----. Patent und Instruction wegen Abwen- dung der Viebseuchen untl andrer ansteckenelen Krankheiten ingleichen wie es bei eingetretenem Viehsterbeu gehalten werden soil. Den 2. April 1803. 43 pp. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1803. Reglement nach welchem sich die Ob- rigkeiten, Medicinal und anelere Personen bei Inipfung der Schutzblattern richten sollen. Deu 31. Oct. 1803. 3 1. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1803. ------. Koniglich-preussische Arznei-Taxe, fiir 1864; 1832; 1849; 1853; 1857-9; 1861-4; 1866-8; 1870-74; 1875-80; 1883-5. 4° & 8°. Berlin, 1H04-85. 1804 is 4<=. 1872 and 1873 in 1 v. -----. Publicanduni, die in der Kurmark sich verbreitende Riiuele eler Pferde betreffend. Pots- dam, den 15. May 1810. Polizei-Deputation eler kurmarkiscken Regieruug. 2 1. fol. [Berlin, 1810.] -----. Keinigliche Verorduung wegen Anlegung neuer Apotheken. Den 24. Oct. 1811. 1 1. fol. Berlin, G. Decker, 1811. -----. Verordnung wegen Aufbewahrung und Dispensation der Arseniksolution. Potsdam, den 16. Feb. 1813. Kiinigliche knrmiirkische Regie- rung. 1 sheet, fol. [Berlin, 1813.] -----. Verordnung wegen Verhiitung anstecken- der Krankheiteu. Potsdam, den 18. Feb. 1813. Keinigliche kurmiirkische Regierung. 1 sheet. fol. [Berlin, 1813.] -----. Verordnung wegeu Unterdriickung der ansteckenelen Fieber. Potsdam, elen 26. Feb. 1813. Keinigliche kurmarkische Regierung. 2 1. fol. [Berlin, 1813.] -----. Edikt, betreffend die Einfiihrung einer neu revidirten Taxe fiir die Medizinal-Personen, vom 21. Juni 1815. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1815. Another copy bound with: Prussia. Konigliches-preus- sisches und churfiirstl. - brandenburadsches T etc. 1. 4°. Berlin, 1725. ----. Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe zum Unter- ricbt fur die Hebammen in den kongl. preus- sischen Landen. 2. unveranderter Abdruck der 2. Aufl. 9 p. 1., 377 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1822. ----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 7 p. 1., 379 pp. 12°. Berlin, 1830. ----. The same. Lehrbuch der Geburtskunde fiir die Hebammen in den konigl. preussischen Staaten. xvi, 500 pp., 32 pl. 8°. Berlin, [A. W. Schade], 1839. -----. The same, xvi, 500 pp., 32 pl. 8°. Ber- lin, 1840. -----. The same. 2. Amsg. xvi, 400 pp., 29 pl 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 187)0. *' Another copy, with which is bound: Pitt ssia. Fragebuch der Geburtskunde. 2. Ausg. 8°. Berlin, 1K50. The same. Lehrbuch tier Geburtskunde fiir tlie Hebammen in elen konigl. preussischen Staaten von Dr. Joseph Hermann Schmidt. 3. Ausg. im Auftrage ties konigl. Ministeriums tier Unterrichts- und Medicinal -Angelcgenheiteu, bearbeitet von Dr. C. Kanzow. xx, 312 pp. ll pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1866. The same. Lehrbuch der Geburtsh iilfe fiir die preussischen Hebammen. Hrsg. im Auf- trage eles Ministers der geistlicben, Unterrichts- und Metlicinal-Angelegenheiten. xiv, 324 pp 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1878. Tbe same. Ksiaika ella akuszerek w panstwie Pruskiem. Czejsd pierwsza. Ksi^zka naukowa. Wyd. drugie. [Midwifery book lor the State of Prussia. Pt. I. Scientific sectiou 2. eel.] 424 pp. 8°. Berlin, 18.55. With second title-page: Nauka poloznicza dla akuszerek w Kr61estwie Pruski6m. [Obstetric art of delivery in the Kingdom of Prussia.] The same. Cze,3c druga. Zbi6r pytail. Wyd. drugie. [Midwifery book for the State of Prussiti. Pt. II. Collection of questions. 2. ed.] xx, xxviii, 168 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1855. With second title-page: Zbi6r pytan zast6sowanych do nauki polozniczej dla akuszerek w Kr61estwie Pruskiem. Zdodatkiem kliuicznym. [Collection of questions accom- panying the Midwifery book for the kingdom of Prussia. Supplement to clinic] -----. The same. Handbook of mielwifery for midwives. From the official hanelbook of mid- wifery for Prussian midwives. Transl. by J. E. Burton, xix, 306 pp. 12°. London, J. cy A. Churchill, 1880. -----. Reglement fur die Staats-Priifnngen der Medicinal-Personen. 28 pp. fol. Berlin, 1827). -----. Pharmacopcea Borussica. 4. ed. x, 387 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Acad. Begia Scient., 1827. -----. The same. Die preussische Pharmakopoe, iibersetzt und erlautert von Friedr. Phil. Dulk. 4. Aufl. 2 v. xix, 924 pp., 1 1., 5 tab.; vii, 921 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1828-9. Tbe same. 5. Aufl. xiv, 418 pp. sm. 4°. Berolini, C. F. Plahn, 1829. The same. Preussische Pharmakopoe. 7. Ausg. Mit Genebmigung des koniglichen Staats- Ministers der geistlicben, Unterrichts- unel Me- elicinal-Angelegenbeiten Herrn Dr. von Miibler, hrsg. von G. A. Volcker, konigl. Hofrath. xv, 271 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. Decker, 1862. Instruktion fiber elas bei der Anniiherung der Cholera in elen kein. preus. Staaten zu beob- achtentle Verfahren. 10 pp., 3 1. fol. [Berlin, 1831.] Kurze Uebersicht des Seitens des konigl. preussischen Staates zur Abwendnng der durch die asiatische Cholera drohentlen Gefahr erlasse- nen Verorduungen, nebst einer Anweisung fiber das diiitetische Verhalten unel fiber die unver- ziiglich zu leistende Selbsthiilfe im Falle des Erkrankeus. Zuniichst fiir elie Bewohner eles Grossberzogthums Posen. 35 pp. 8°. Posen, W. Decker u. Comp., 1831. [P., v. 739.] German and Polish text. Gesetz- unel Verordnungs-Sammlung. 8°. [Braunschweig, 1833-75. ] CONTENTS. No. 9, 1833. Gesetz, tlie allgemeine Einfiihrung der Kuh- pocken-Impfung betreffend. Den 30. Marz 1833. pp. 35-46. No. 67,1865. Medicinalgesetz fiir das Herzogthum Braun- schweig. Den 25. Oct. 1865. pp. 651-686. No. 25, 1866. Gesetz, den Schutz ties Publikums gegen den Genuss trichinenhaltigen Schweinefleisches betref- fend. Den 18. Marz 1866. pp. 87-92. PRUSSIA. 727 PRUSSIA. Prussia—continued. No. 38, 1867. Verordnung, die Taxe fiir die Dienstleis- tunfen tier Heilgehiilfen betreffend. Den 29. Mai 1867. pp. 275-280. No. 32, 1875. Verordnung, die Ausfiihrung ties Reichs- Iiii(Vf"esetzes vom 8. April 1874 betreffend. Den 10. April 1875. "pp. 191-213. _____. Gesetz-Sammlung fiir die koniglichen preussischen Staaten. 4°. [Berlin, 1835-83.] CONTENTS. No. 1878, a u. b, 1835. Bekanntmachung des Allerhochst genelnnigten und bestatigten Regulativs, die Sanitiitspoli- zeilichen Vorschriften bei den am hiiuflgsten vorkoin- nienden ansteckenden Krankheiten enthaltend. Vom 28. Oct, 1835. pp. 239-286. No. 7041, 1868. Gesetz, betreffend die Errichtung of- fentlicher, ausschliesslich zu benutzender Schlaehthiiuser. Vom 18. Marz 1868. pp. 277-280. No. 8782, 1881. Gesetz zur Abandoning uud Ergiinzung ties Gesetzes vom 18. Miirz 1868, betreffend die Errichtung Stteutlicher, ausschliesslich zu benutzender Schlachthauser (Gesetz-Samml., 1868, S. 277). Vom 9. Miirz 1881. pp. 273-275. No. 8952, 1883. Gesetz iiber die Zustandigkeit der Ver- waltungsgerichtsbehordeu. Vom 1. Aug. 1883. pp. 237- 292. -----. Veriinderungen tier Arznei-Taxe fiir 1843. 8 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schultze, [1843]. -----. Fragebuch der Geburtskunde fiir die Hebammen in den kejDigl. preussischen Staaten. 2. Ausg. Mit einem cliuischen Anhange. xvi, 170 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1850. Bound with: Prussia. Lehrbuch der Geburtskunde fiir die Hebammen in den konigl.-preussischen Staaten. 2. Ausg. 8°. Berlin, 1850. -----. Gesetze und Verordnungen in Deutschland betreffs der Geisteskranken. viii, 200 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1862. Suppl. to: Allgemeine Ztschr. f. Psychiat., Berl, xix, with which another copy is bound. -----. Irrengesetze uud Verordnungen in Preus- sen. 94 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1863. Suppl. to, and bound with: Allgemeine Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat., Berl, 1863, xx. -----. Die Irrengesetze in Frankreich, Genf, den Niederlanden, England, Norwegen, Belgien uud Schweden. xii, 249 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1863. Suppl. to, and bound with: Allgemeine Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1863, xx. -----. Mittheilungen fiber die Hundswuth, wie sie in den Jahren 1861 und 1862 in der Rhein- provinz beobachtet wurde. Zusammengestellt aus den Sanitiits-Berichten der Aerzte unel Thier- iirzte vom koniglichen rheinischeu Medicinal- Collegium. Referent: Veterinar-AssessorBecker. Correferent: Geh. Medicinal-Rath Dr. Wegeler. 40 pp. 8°. Coblenz, J. Buet, 1864. -----. Das Reglement fiir tlie medicinischen Staatsprfifungen in Preussen. 50 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Birschwald, 1864. Repr. from: von Hokn (W.) Das preussische Medi- cinal-Wesen. 8°. Berlin, 1863. -----. Reglement fiir die Priifung der Thieriirzte vom 25. September 1869. 8 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1869. -----. Reglements iiber Priifung, Approbation unel Ausfibung eles Gewerbes fur A. Aerzte (Au- gciuirzte, Wuinliirzte I. Klasse), Zahniirzte uud Thieriirzte, B. Heildiener undChirurgengehUlfen, C. Hebammen, D. Hiihneraugen-Operateure und E. Bandagisten und chirurgische Instrumenten- macher vom 25. September 1869, 23. September 1844, 20. Februar 1863, 30. April 1869, 27. Miirz 1852, 2. Juni 1870 und 20. Juli 1870, nebst alien bis auf die neueste Zeit ergangenen Verordnun- gen und Bestimmungen. 54 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1872. -----;. Verordnung fiber die Organisation des Sanitiits-Korps, nebst Ausfuhrungs-Bestimmun- gen. Vom 6. Februar 1873. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. v. Decker, 1873. Prussia—continued. -----. Die Medicinal-Gesetzgebung des preussi- schen Staats. Aus dem amtlichen Material fiir den praktischen Gebrauch zusammengestellt, so- wie durch die bezfiglicheu uud allegirten Gesetze ergiiuzt von G. M. Kletke. v. 1-3 iu 2 v. 12°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1874. CONTENTS. v. 1. Der praktische Arzt. Sein Studium, seine Pflich- ten und Rechte. v. 2. Zahniirzte, Hebammen und arztliches Hilfsper- sonal. v. 3. Die MedicinalbehCrden und beamten Medicinal- personen. -------. Reglement ffir die Priifung bebufs Erlan- gung tier Befahigung zur Anstelluug als Kreis- Phvsikus. 12 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1877). -----. The same. Vom 10. Mai 1875 mit der Dek- laration vom 4. Miirz 1880. 10 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1880. ------. Die Meeliciual-GesetzgebungdesDeutschen Reichs und seiner Einzelstaaten. Fortsetzuug tier Medicinal-Gesetzgebung des preussischen Staates. Aus dem amtlichen Material ffir den praktischen Gebrauch zusammengestellt von G. M. Kletke, v. 1-4. 12°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1875-8. CONTENTS. v. 1. Gesetze und Verordnungen des Jahres 1875. 2. Gesetze und Verordnungen des Jahres 1876. 3. Gesetze und Verordnungen des Jahres 1877. 4. Kriegs-Sanitats-Ordnung vom 10. Januar 1878. ------. Translation of a paper from the Cultus- Ministerium on metlical education in Prussia, in answer to questions propounded on behalf of tbe University of Pennsylvania. Legation of tbe United States, Berlin, August 6, 1877. 4 1. MS. 4°. [Berlin, 1877.] ------. Jahresbericbte der konigl. - tecbnischen Deputation ffir das Veterinarwesen iiber die Verbreitung ansteckender Tbierkrankbeiten in Preussen. 1.-10., 1876-7 to 1885-6. 8C. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1877-86. 2.-J0., Suppl. to: Archiv f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1879-86, v-xii. ------. Die Provinzial - Ohren-, Blinden- unel Taubstummeu-Austalten der Rheinprovinz in ihrer Entstehung, Entwickelung unel Verfassung, dargestellt auf Grund eines Beschltisses des 26. rbeinischen Provinzial-Landtages vom 3. Mai 1879. xii, 275pp. 4°. Diisseldorf, L. Vossu.Comp., 1880. ------. Die preussischen Baupolizeigesetze und V»rordnuugen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung tier in tier Haupt- und Resitlenzstadt Berlin untl in der Provinz Brandenburg geltenilen baupoli- zeilichen Vorschriften, urspriinglich herausge- geben von C. Jiischke. 5. Aufl. von F. Seydel. 1 p. 1., ix, 338 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Beymann, 1882. ------. Die preussischen Baupolizeigesetze unel Verordnungen, mit den neuesten Bestimmuugen iiber Anlage von Strassen unel offentlichen Plii- tzen, etc. Zum Handgebraucbe fiir Beamten, Bauhandwerker, Polizei- nnd Kommunalbeanite, und Hauseigentfimerund unter Beriicksichtio ung der ergangenen Ministerial-Rescripte, der Keoht- sprechung eles Oberverwaltungsgerichtes bear- beitet von einem praktischen Verwaltungsbeam- ten. 190 pp. 16°. Neuwied u. Leipzig, L. Beuser, 1882. Heuser's Gesetzsammlung 13. ------. Gut.achten der koniglichen wissenschaft- lichen Deputation ffir das Medicinalwesen in Preussen betreffend die Ueberbfirdung der SchUler in elen hoheren Lehr-Anstaltem. 32 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1884. Repr. from: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1884, n. F., xl. PRUSSIA. 728 nn ssi.\. Pi»u**ia. See, also, Aachen; Altona; Army (German, Medical reports, etc., of); Barmen; Bensberg; Berlin; Beuthen; Bochum; Bonn; Boppard; Braunfels; Breslau; Bromberg; Charlotten- brunn ; Children (Bospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of), Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), by localities ; Coblentz ; Cologne ; Cranzkuren ; Crefeld ; Dantzic ; Dortmund ; Duisburg ; Education (Medical), etc., by localities— Germany; Elberfeld; Essen; Fever (Malarial, Bistory, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, Bistory, etc., of), by locali- ties ; Fohr ; Frankfort on 'Hie Main ; Frankfort on the Oder; Gera ; Glatz; Gorbersdorf; Gor- litz; Halberstadt; Hamm; Hanover; Horde; Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen; Honnef; Hospi- tals (Descriptions, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities; Iserlohn ; Kempen ; Ko- nigsberg; Kreuznach; Langenberg; Langen- salza; Life-tables; Magdeburg; Medicine (Bistory, etc., of), by nations, etc.; Medicine (Legislation relating to), by countries— German Empire; Medicine (Military, Bistory of)—Cam- paigns, etc.; Mettmann; Minden; Miilheim-am- Rhein ; Naumburg; Neuenahr ; Neuss; Neu- wied ; Niederbarnim; Nordhausen; Ober- Barnim; Obernigk; Oels; Paderborn; Pest (Bistory, etc., of), by localities; Pharmaco- poeias ; Posen; Potsdam : Prenzlau ; Qued- linburg ; Querfurt ; Radevormwald ; Rei- nerz; Remscheid: Riigen Island; Schleswig- Holstein ; Solingen ; Stettin ; Stralsund; Strasburg; Tonnisstein; Treves; Uerdingen; Warmbrunn ; Wetzlar; Wiilfrath. Elliott (E. B.) Deductions from Prussian vital statistics. 8°. New York, 1856. Repr. from: Hunt's Merchants'Magazine, 1856. Encjkl (E.) Die wichtigsten Resultate einer vergleicbeiitlen Statistik der Gesunelheit und Sttrblichkeit eler Civil- unel Militarbevolkerung im preussischen Staate bearbeitet im k. preussi- schen statistischen Bureau. 4°. Berlin, 1863. von Fircks (A.) Preussische Statistik. Hrsg. in zwanglosen Heften vom koniglichen statisti- schen Bureau in Berlin. Hft, XLVIII. A. Riickblick auf tlie Beweguug tier Bevolkerung im preussischen Staate w ah rentl des Zeitraumes vom Jahre 1816 bis zum Jahre 1874. 4°. Berlin, 1879. Also [Rev.], in: Ann. de d6mog., Par., 1879, iii, 315- 387. Zandkk (C.) Handbuch sanimtlieber Bestini- mungen fiber Medicinal- unel Veterinair-Polizei, sowie fiber Medicinalpersonen im preussischen Staate. 8°. Leipzig, 1881. Zkitschrift eles koniglich preussischen sta- tistischen Bureaus. Red. von ilessen Director, Dr. Ernst Engel. [Quarterly.] v. 12, 1872; 111-21), 1879-89. 4°. Berlin. Ail ler. Bericht iiber den Nothstand in don Kirchspie- leu Uor/w-kowo uud Flotenstein des Kreises Schlochau uud die ihidnreh erzeugten Krankheiten. Meel. Ztg., Berl., ISiiO, n. K., iii, 165. — Apollinai-iM-Ri'iiiiiicii' (Der) im Ahrthai in Rheinpreussen. Wien. nu-il. Wt-hnschr.. 1879, xxix, 5S8: 640— BcvolkeningM-Yei'liallm*M<- des preussisehen. Staates. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1864, n. ¥., vii, 156-159.— Bicker. Vergleichuugen tier Le- bens- untl Sterbe-Verhaltnisse in dem kouigl. preussischen Staate, und in den Herzogthiimern Schleswig und Hol- stein. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1832, xxiii. 1- 54. — Blenck (E.) Die Volkszahhing vom 1. Dezember 1885 in Preussen und deren endgiiltigt- Eigebnisse. Ztschr. d. k. pi cuss, statist. Bureau's, Berl., 1888, xxviii, 97-148.__ Engel. Die It'idtlichen und nicht todtlieheu Verungliick- iingen im preussisehen Staate im Jahre 1879 und in friilierer Zt-it, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ties Unfall-Melde- wesens. Ztschr. tl. k. preuss. statist. Bureau's, Beth, 1881, xxi, 29-88. — Ergebnisse der Bevolkeruugslisten des preussischen Staats fiir das Jahr 1832. Med. Ztg., Berl., ls.'i.l ii, 155-157. — Escherich. Die Volksbew'cgung, Fruchtuarkeit und Steibliehkeit im Konigreiche Preussen nach scineiu alten Bestande vom Jahre 1816 bis mit 1871, Pru**iia. nnd im Konigreiche Baiern vom Jahre 1826 his mit 1871 Cor.-Bl. d. nied. rhein. Ver. f. Stf. Gsudhtsptlg., Ktilu, 1875, iv, 170-181.— I<:iiliiigsberg,18V>.] -----. VI. Instruktion fur die Rcndanton bei den Feld-Lazarethen. pp. 49-64. 16°. [Konigs- berg, 1812.] Cutting. -----. VII. Instruktion fiir die Secretaire bei elen Feld-Lazarethen. pp. 71-76. 16°. [Konigsberg, 1812.] Cutting. -----. IX. Instruktion nach welcher bei den Feld-Lazarethen der koniglichen preussischen Armee a lie Bediirfnisseangeschafft untl berechnet werden sollten. 20 pp. 16°. [Konigsberg, 18t)9.] -----. XII. Tages-Befehle ties General-Krieges- Commissairs. (Verpflegung eler mobilen Trup- pen in elen Garnison-Lazarethen.) Den 31. Miirz 1812. pp. 121-136. 16°. [Konigsberg, 1812.] Cutting. -----. XIII. Instruktion fiir die Dirigenten tier Feld-Lazarethe, in Betreff der Vertheilung tier eingegangenen Geld-Beitriige fiir die Blessirfen und Kranken. 4 pp. 16°. [Mitau, 1812.] -----. XVII. Tarif iiber elie Lohnungs-Abziige fiir die in den Lazaretheu feindlichen Kranken und Blessirten. pp. 175-185. 16°. [Altenburg, 1813.] Cutting. -----. XVIII. Instruktion fiir die bei den Felel- Lazaretben angestellten Offiziere. pp. 187-197. 16°. [Bauptquart'w Strehlen, 1813.] Cutting. -----. Sammlung einzelner Vorschriften, Dienst- anweisungen und sonstiger Ausarbeitungen, iiber die Verwaltung der Lazaret he bei tier ktinigl. preussischen Armee. 208 pp. 8°. Gar- litz, Gotthold, 1813. -----. Sammlung von Vorschriften, etc., iiber tlie Verwaltung der Lazarethe bei der kon. preuss. Armee. 2. Aufl. 510 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1815. -----. Pharmacopcea militaris borussica. 4 p. 1., 76 pp. 18°. Berolini, typ. F. Nietackii, 1828. -----. Ueber die Versorgung tier Armee mit Arzneien und Verbandniittelu. viii, 196 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. IV. Bahn, 1837. -----. Bericht eler vom Kriegs-Ministerium am 16. August 1848 zur Einleitung eiuer Reform ties Militair-Meelizinal-Weseus niedergesetzten Kommission. 96 pp. 8°. Berlin, Decker, 1848. -----. Reglement fiir die Friedens-Lazarethe tier kon. preuss. Armee. 777 pp. 8n. Berlin, Decker, 187)2. -----. Instruktion fiir Militair-Aerzte zur Uuter- sucbung und Beurtheilung der Dienstbrauch- barkeit oeler Unbrauchbarkeit Militairpflich- tiger, Rekruten resp. Soldaten, so wie zur Be- urtheilung der Invaliditat im Dienst befinillicher oeler entlassener versorgungsberechtigter Sol- daten. Vom 9. Dezember 1858. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. Decker, 1859. -----. Reglement iiber den Dienst der Kranken- pflege im Felde bei der koniglich preussischen Armee. 470 pp. 8°. Berlin, Trowitzsch u. Sohn, 1863. -----. Leitfaden zum Unterrichte der in der koniglich preussischen Armee auszubildenden PlTtJSSTA. 731 PRUSSIA. Prussia. Kriegsministerium—continued. Laziirette-Gehiilfen. 5. Aufl. xvi, 195 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1868. _____# Pharmacoptea militaris Borussica. 4. ed. 59 pp. 16°. Berolini, A. Birschwald, 1868. _____ Verordnung iiber tlie Organisation des Sani tilts-Korps vom 20. Februar 1868, und In- struktion zur Ausfiihruug derselben, vom 27. Miirz 1868. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Bath, 1868. _____. Instruktion iiber das Sanitatswesen der Armee im Felele vom 29. April 1869. vii, 498 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, 1869. _____, Auszug aus eler elurch allerhochste Kabi- net's Ordre vom 29. April 1869, genehtnigten In- struktion iiber das Sanitatswesen tier Armee im Feltle die freiwillige Krankenpflege betreffend. 38 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1870. _____. Statistiscbe Sani tats- Berichte iiber elie koniglich preussische Armee unel das xiii. (ko- niglich wurttembergische) Annee-Korps, fiir die Rapportjahre von 1867 bis 31. Miirz 1882. Bear- beitet von der Militaii-Medizinal-Abtheiluug eles koniglich preussischen Krieg.sministeiiums. 8 v. 4°. Berlin, K. S. Mittler u. Sohn, 1870-84. Continuetl as the following. _____. Sanitiits-Bericht liber die koniglich preus- sische Armee, das xii. (koniglich sachsische) und das xiii. (koniglich wurttembergische) Armee- korps fiir elie Berichtsjahre vom 1. April 1882 bis 31. Miirz 1884. Bearbeitet von eler Medizinal- Abtheilung des koniglich preussischen Kriegs- miuisteriums. vi, 189, 193 pp. 4°. Berlin, E. S. Miller n. Sohn, 1889. Continuation of the preceding. -----. Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit tier vom Mi- litair-Inspecteur geleileten deutschen freiwilli- gen Krankenpflege wahrend eles Krieges 1870-71. 189 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1871. -----. Zusammenstelluug der Abanelerungen des Reglements fiir die Friedens-Lazarethe eler ko- niglich-preussischen Armee (vom 5. Juli 1852) in Folge der neuen Maas- unel Gewichtsordnuug vom 17. August 1868. 84 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. v. Decker, 1871. -----. Bericht iiber Entstehung und Thiitigkeit der Vereins-Lazarethe der Konigstadt u. ties Spandauer-Reviers im Fxercierbause ties Kaiser- Alexander-Garde-Grenatlier-Regimeuts No. 1 vor dem Prenzlauer-Thor 1870 nnd 1871 von dem dirigirentlen Arzte Dr. Hamburger. 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Scholem, 1872. -----. Verorduung iiber die Organisation des Sanitiits-Korps, nebst Ausfubrungs-Bestimmun- gen. Vom 6. Februar 1873. 32 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, R. v. Decker, 1873. -----. Zusammenstellung der das Reglement fiir die Friedens-Lazarethe tier koniglich preussi- schen Armee vom 5. Juli 1852 abantlernden resp. ergiinzenden Bestimmungen. 1 p. 1., 198 pp. 8°. Berlin, P. Stankiewicz, 1873. -----. Bericht iiber tlie Entwickelung und die Fortschritte des preussischen Militair-Sanitiits- wesens. [VonDr. R[abl]-R[iickhard].] 56pp. 8°. Berlin, Kerskes u. Hohmann, [1875?]. -----. Bestimmungen iiber elie Aufnahme in tlie militar-arztlichen Bildungs-Anstalten zu Berlin. 10 pp. 16°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, [1876]. -----. Zusammenstellung der Nachtriige zu der Instruktion fiir elie Militariirzte zum Unterricht der Krankentriiger vom 25. Juni 1875. 1. Nach- trag. Dec. 18, 1876. 16 pp. 8°. [Berlin, E. S. Mittler n. Sohn, 1876.] -----. The same. 2. Nachtrag. Oct. 31, 1878. 7 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1878. -----. The same. Den 13. Miirz 1879. 8 pp., 2 pl. 8°. [Berlin, 1879.] Bound -with preceding. Prussia. Kriegsministerium—continued. -----. Auszug aus der durch allerhochste Kabi- net's Ordre vom 10. Januar 1878, geuebmig- ten Kriegs-Sauitiits-Ordnung, die freiwillige Krankenpflege betreffend. 20 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1878. -----. Schemata fiir iirztliche Rapporterstat- tung, oder Lazarethewesen, etc., betreffend eler koniglichen preussischen Armee. V. s. [Berlin, 187-.] CONTENTS. A. 5. Nachweisung der vorhandenen Depositen uud Vorschliisse. 25. Schein zur Aufnahme. B. 2. Journal-Blatt. 3. Rapport von der Krankenzahl im Lazareth. 10. Diat-Tafel. 11. Diat-Verordnung fiir die Kranken. 12. Haupt-Diiit-Verordnung fiir die Kranken. 14. Nachweisung der den Kranken im Garnison-Laza- reth zu . . . gezahlten Lobnungs-Antheile. 18. Wirthschafts- und Kranki-nptlege-Kosten. 19. Uuterhaltung der Lazareth-liebaiiile untl Utensilien. 20. Verpflegung der Annee mit Arzueieu und Vei band- mitteln. 39. Haupt-Einnahme-Etat der Militair-Verwaltung. 40. Krankenpflege-Fonds. 47. Krankeu-Rapport des Garnison-Lazareths. 59. Tabellarisehe Verechnung vou thin Bestande, Zu- gang uud Abgaug tier Medikainente in tier Dispensir-An- stalt des Lazareths. 69. Namentliche Liste tier vaceinirten Soldaten. [Old form. J 81. Krank en-Rapport. 104. Naiuentliehes Verzeichniss tier behantlelten Pas- santen. 105. Fiir Verstorbene. 106. Fiir Dienstiintaugliche. 107. Fiir Invalide. 108. Nachweisung des I'ersonenstades vom Truppen- theil. 109. Rapport iiber die Kantonnements- etc. Lazareth des Bataillons. 110. Namentliche Liste der geimpften resp. wieder- geinipl'teu Soldaten. 112. Namentliche Liste der vaceinirten Soldaten-Kinder. 113. Impfung-Bericht. 114. Uebersicht eler Impfungen resp. "VVioderimpfungon 115. Nameutliche Liste der kranken Soldaten-Frauen und Kinder. 158. Namentliches Verzeichniss der arzneilich verpfleg- ten Lazareth- und Revier-Krauken. -----. Uuterrichtsbuch fiir Lazarethgehulfen. xvi, 272 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, 1886. -----. Statistischer Veterinar-Sanitiits-Bericht iiber die preussische Armee fiir das Rapportjaln 1886. 1 p. 1., 50 pp. 4°, Berlin, E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, 1887. -----. Pflege verletzter und lahmer Pferde, Mas- sage, Hulfeleistung bei Kolik. Anleitung zum Unterricht eler Fahnenschmiede. x, 131 pp., 1 1. 16°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, 1888. -----. Verhaltungs - Befehle fiir sammtliche Kranke in tlen Militair-Lazarethen. 1 broadside. fol. [Berlin, n. d.] -----. Instruktion fiir die Krankenwiirter bei den Gainison-Lazarethen. 15pp. 12°. Berlin, konigliche Staaisdruckerei, [n. d.]. -----. Landeshospital Merxhausen, Haus-Ord- nung fur tlas .. . 23 pp. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] Prussia. Rheiuische Provinzial-Irrenanstalt Gra- fenberg. Bericht iiber die ... in den Jahren 1876-85. 84 pp. 4°„ Diisseldorf, L. Voss it. Comp., 1886. Prussia (Mineral waters of). Greupner (J. G. ) *De fontibus Silesia- cis alcalinis medicatis. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1765]. Harless (J. C. F.) Die vorziighcheren sali- niscben und eisenhaltigeu Gesundbrunnen im Grosherzogthum Nicderrhein, insbesondere die Mineralquelleu zu Roisdorf, Ileppingen, Teinne- stein, Heilbrunnen, nnd zu Godesberg. Nebst einem Ueberbliek iiber elie bedeutentleren und heilkriiftigen Mineralquellen in der Eifel, sodann PRUSSIA. 732 PSAMMOMA. Prussia (Mineral ivaters of). inn rechten V fer ties Mittelrheins, und auf dem Hundsrucken. 8°. Bamm, 1826. Hoenxickk (J. A.) Die Mineral-Quellen tier Provinz Schlesien, in pbysikalisch-cbemischer, geognostiscber und metlizinisch-praktischer Be- ziehung. 8°. Wohlau, 187)7. Lee (E.) The principal baths of Rhenish Prussia (Aix-la-Chapelle, Neuenahr, Kreutz- n.acb); being part of the fifth edition of the "Baths of Rhenish Germany". With au ap- pendix on Spa aud its mineral springs. 12°. London, 1870. Nachricht an das Publikum, die Gesund- brunnen zu Codowa, Reinertz, Altwasser, Char- lottenbrunn, Salzbrunn und Fliusberg, in Schle- sien betreffend. sm. 4L. Breslau, 1777. Cohen. Reisebemerkungen in die Biider Schlesiens wahrend des Summers 1S35. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1836, 177: 199; 232. —Fischer. Berichte iiber die von dem hohen Ministei-in tier geistlicben, Unterrichts-und Medicinal-Angelegenlu ite-n mir aufgetragenen und noch nicht bekauut geinacbten chemiscben Untersuchungen der schlesischen Heilquellen iu den Jahren 1823-35. Ent- haltenti: VVarmbrunn, Reinerz, Altwasser, Landeck, Lan- genau, Cutlova. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. Seebader, Berl, 1836. i, 1-08.—4*utt*tn-er Mnskeln. 42 pp., J 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1876. Przeciszewski (Franz). * Pharmakologiscbo Untersuchungen iiber Ammouiacum, Sagapcuuni undOpopouax. 37pp. 8°. [Dorpat], C. Schulz, 1861. Przcglad lekarski wydawany staranicm odd- zialu nauk przyrodniezyeh i lekarskich c. k. To- warzystwa Naukowego Krakowskioejo pod rethi- kcya. Prof. Bryka,Dietla,Majera, Skobla [etal.]. [Medical review published uneler care of section of metlico-natural scieuces of the [etc.] [Week- ly.] v. 1-10,1862-71; v. 15-29, 1876-90. 4C. Krakdw. Current. Want nos. 15, 47, v. 8, 1869; .v. 6-10, 1867-71, edited by Dr. Janikowski, Madnrowicz, Oettinger, Rydel, Zieleniewski [etal). v. 15, 1876, edited by S. Janikowski. In v. 16 Leon Blumenstok hecame editor." -----. Spis prac zawartyeh w 25 rocznikach Przegladu lekarskiego 18C.2-86 wytlany ku ucz- czeniu 25-letuiego jubileuszu tegoz pisma na mocy uebwaly komisyi redakcyjnej i Towar- zystwa Lekarskiego Krakowskiego e ulozouy pVzez Kazimierza Grabowskiego. [Index for 25 years, 1862-86, publisheel at the time ofthe 25th anniversary by the combined labors of the edi- torial committee antl the Cracow Metlical Asso- ciation; arranged by Kazimierz Grabowski.] x, 89 pp. 8°. Krakdw, 1887. Pl'ZCglad postejpn nauk lekarskich. We wszyst- kicb galeziach i we wszystkich krajach. Wyda- wany potl redakcya P. Girsztowta. [Review of progress of medical science in all branches antl iu all countries.] Nos. 1-2, v. 5; v. 6, 1H74-5. 8°. Warszawa, 1876-7. Przeradzki (Vladimirus) [1836- ]. *Do situs lateralis commodis in applicanda forcipo obstetricia. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1861]. Przezdziecki (Hipolit). Srodki Iecznicze zdro- jowiska Franzensbad. [The health resort of Franzensbad.] iv, 68 pp. 8°. KrakeUrie, I. Slelcla, 1878. Przihram (Emanuel). *De dispositione ad morbos ex temperamentoruni diversitate. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Praga; M. J. Landau, [u. d.]. Przyfoyszewski (Franz). "Finite Versuche iiber die ausserliche Wirkung des Sapouiu. 31 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Bache, 1875. Psammonia. See, also, Dura mater (Psammoma of); Nerve (Oculomotor). Kaisek(H.) * Ueber die Psammome an tier Dura mater des Gehirus. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. PSAMMOMA. 733 PSOITIS. psamiiioiua. Makbkn (A.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Sandkorngeschwiilste. 8°. Kiel, 1886. Tkinitatski (A.) *Stroenie i proiscbojeleuie peschanych tiel v novoobrazovanijach i ich fiziologicheskich prototipov in plexu choroideo et gl. thymo. [Structure and origin of psam- mous tumor and its physiological prototype in choroid plexus and thymus gland.] 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1883. Afniinsieir (V.) K voprosu o sposobierazvitijapsam- mous [Levelopment of psammonia.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1879, xix, 249; 257.—Andersen (V.) OmPsam- nioiiicr og Sandlegemernes Dannelse. Hosp.-Tid., Kje- benh., 1867, x, 57-60.—Arnold (J.) Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von dem Bau und der Entwicklung der Psammome. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1871, Hi, 449-463, 1 pl. _____Ein aussergewohulich grosses Psammom in der hinteren Sohadelgrube eines neunzehnjahrigen Burschen; schwaukender Giing mit Neigung znr Uebersturznngnach einer Seite bin und einseitiger Drehungsricbtung als wich- tigstes Symptom im Krankheitsvcrlaufe. Metl. Cor.-Bl. drwiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1871, xii, 9-13. —Beigel. Case of psammonia of tho choroid plexus. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1868-9, xx, 300-303.—Bertolet (R. M.) A psaiu- tnonie, situated upon the left motor oculi nerve, attended with ptosis and strabismus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874, iv, 190-200.—de Boycr (H. C.) Psanuuonie de l'arachnolde ayant eaus6 une h6mipl6gie persistante, b6miplegie de l'autre cot6 par ancien foyer hemorrhagique; nouvelle heniipl6gie par inondation ventriculaiie eiu cot6 de la tu- meur; examen microscopique et discussion tie la nature de cette tumeur. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 778.—Coyne. Tuineur epitheliale de la dure-ruere et psammome de l'he- inisphere cer6bral gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1869), 1870, xliv, 8-11.—Fester (O.) Zur Casuistik der Psani- mtime am Centraluervenapparat. Berl. klin Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 97-100.—CJolgi (C.) Sulla struttura e sullo sviluppo degli psaminomi. Morgagni, Napoli, 1869, xi, 874-886, 1 pl.—Paulicki. Zur Casuistik der Psammo- me. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1868, xxxvii, 549.— Psniiiinonia of dura-mater. Rep. Com. Pub. Charities [etc.], N. Y., 1871, xii, 53. — Steudener (F.) Zur Kennt- niss tier Sandgeschwiilste. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870,1, 222-232,1 pl.—Thomson, presented to N. Y. Path. Soc. specimen of cerebellum with clinical history of sand tumors ofthe brain.1 Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 354. Psaiumosaurus. Corti (A.) *De systemate vasorum Psanimo- sauri grisei. roy. 8°. Vindobonw, [1847]. Psekup. Abich. O gazakh mineralin irikh vod gruppui Tereko- Sunzhenskoi, Bragunskikh i Psekupskikh. [Mineral and gas wells of Tereko-Sujen, Bragun, and Psekup.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1867, no'. 3, pt. 1, 47-53. [Trausl. from the French.]—Kornievski & Fogel. Psekupskiya, Shir- vanskiya i Maikopskiya mineralinuiya votlui. [Mineral springs of Psekup, Shirvan, antl Maikop.] Ibid., 1866, no. 1, pt. 4, 1-15.—Stackmaiin (A.) Hydro-chemische Un- tersuchungen der Mineralwasser von Psekoup. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1885, xxiv, 129; 145; 161; 209; 225; 273; 289; 321; 337. Psellus (Michael). Pselli ele victus ratione ad Constantiuum imperatorum libri ii. Rbazte, cog- nomento experimentatoris, ele pestileutia liber. Georgio Valla Placentino interprete. Joannis Manardi Ferrariensis medici in artem Galeni medicinalem luculenta expositio. 4 p. 1., 171 pp. 12°. [Ad finem:] Basilew, in wdibus A. Craiandri, 17>29. -----. De lapidum virtutibus. Grajce ac Latine, cum uotis Phil. Jac. Maussaci et Jo. Steph. Ber- nards Acceelit fragmentum ele colore s.anguinis, ex doctrina meelica Persarum nunc primum ex codice MS. bibliotheca) Lugduno-Batavse edi- tnm. 5 p. 1., 47 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., P. Bonk, 1745. [Also, in: P., v. I860.] ------. Tot) ejotyuTarov ^E'AAOT /cat vTcepripov Ttovn- ua iarpiKov apiarov 61 laufiuv. In.- Phys. et med. Grseci min. ed. J. L. Ideler. 8°. Berol., 1841, i, 203-243. -----. See, also : Corlieu (A.) [Bibliography.] Paris med., 1884, ix, 325-327. Pseudaeonitine. See Aconite, etc. Pseudarthrosis. See Fractures (Ununited). Pseudemys. Howcl I (W. H.) Notes on the composition of the blood nnd lymph of the slider terrrapin (Pseudemys rugosa). Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait.,' 1884-7, iii, 49-62. Pseudeiicephalus. See Monsters fro in defect, etc., of brain, etc. Pseudoch romesthesia. See Color (Perception of); Color (Perception of, Disordered). Pseudocyesis. See Pregnancy (Imaginary, etc.). Pseudohypertrophy. See Macrosomia; Muscles (Hypertrophy of). Pseudoleukemia. See Leukemia; Lymphadenoma, etc. Pseudoplasinata. See, also, Membranes (False). Afterorgaiiisirungcn (Ueber elie). Mag. z. Ver- vollk. el. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M., 1801, vi, 293-360.- Crorup-Oesanez (E.) Untersuchungen iiber Pseutlo- plasmen. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1849, viii, 722- 764. Pseudorheuuiatisiu. See Rheumatism (Diagnosis, etc., of). Pseudosyphilis. See Syphiloids. P sic hi atria (La), la ueuropatologia e le scieuze affini. Gazzetta trimestrale tliretta elal Dott. G. Bnonomo; redatta dal Dott. L. Biauchi. v. 1-6, 1883-8. 8°. Napoli. Psittacus. See Parrots. Psoas abscess. See Abscess (Psoas). Psoas (Cancer of). Chamousset. Cancer du psoas. Bull. Soc. med. de Chanib6ry, 1874, 57-61. Psoas (Inflammation of). See Psoitis; Sciatica. Psoitis. See, also, Abscess (Psoas). Angern (J. E.) *Depsoitide. 8°. Berolini, [1817]. Bigourdan (F. E.) *Du psoitis. 4U. Stras- bourg, 1866. Chataing (A.) * Dissertation sur les muscles psoas et le psoitis. Quelques propositions sur les maladies des enfans. 4°. Paris, 1830. Courvoisier (J.) * Du psoitis. 4°. Paris, 187)3. Escalier (A.) * Quelques consiel6ratious sur le psoitis primitif. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Ferrand (E.-J.-K.) *Du psoitis. 4°. Paris, 1851. Hoess (J. E.) * De psoitide. 8°. Monachii, 1839. Lesanowsky ( W.) * De psoitide, adnexa morbi historia. 8°. Pragw, 1835. Lestiboudois (J.-B.) *Sur le psoitis, ou in- flammation du muscle psoas. 4°. Paris, 1818. Manjot (J.-A.-U.) * De la psoitis. 4°. Paris, 1860. Marcano (G.) *De la pso'ite traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1877. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Nuetten (C. C. ) * Nonnulla de psoitide puerperarum, adnexis morbi historiis. 8°. Be- rolini, [1832]. Pelzer (J. H.) *De psoitide. 8°. Berolini, [1825]. PSOITIS. 734 PSOKIASIS. Psoitis. Poullain-Dubourg (A.-J.) *Diss. sur le psoitis et l'oeeleme du cerveau. 4°. Paris, 1838. Reimer (C. L.) * Nonnulla de psoitide. 8C. Dorpati Livonorum, 1829. Reindl (F.) * De psoitide seu inflammatione musculi psoas. 8°. Landishuti, [1822]. Richter (B. T. E.) *De psoitidis exitu et therapia. 8C. Lipsiw, [1861]. Rociilitz (J. T.) * De psoitide. 8°. Bero- lini, [1823]. Rovery (J.-A.) * Quelques mots sur le psoitis. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Roy (L.) * Etude sur le psoitis traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1873. Schotte(M.) *De psoitide. 8°. Balw, [1824]. Secur (C. A.) *De psoitide. 8°. Balis Sax., 1847. Sieger (G.) * De psoitide ab aliis morbis qui- buscum simile eiuid habet, accuratius diguos- cenela. 8°. Berolini, [1826]. .Swaine (A.) *De psoitide. 8°. Berolini, [1849]. Willert (C. G.) * De psoitide, adnexis morbi historiis. 8°. Berolini, [1830]. cl'Ambrosio (A.) Su di un caso tli doppia psoite cro- nica suppurata di difficile diagnosi. Ann. clin. tl. osp. iucur., Napoli, 1882, vii, 108-118.—Bokai. Beitrage zur Lehre iiber die Psoasentziindung. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1855-6, i, 53-63. — Bomlant. Quatre observations de psoite. Soc. d. sc.med.de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1859, xiii, 106-116. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1860, xxvii, 156-158.—Buitcaii (A.) Psoitis double par effort; pyoh6niio. Rev. med. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1877, ii. 45-49. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1877, i, 91- 94-—ClarLe (S. T.) Psoitis and peripsoitis; their path- ology anil differential diagnosis. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886, ii, 70-84. — Cloquct (E.) Observation de psoitis, suivie de quelques reflexions. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1842. i, 35-53. Also [Ahstr.j: Ann. de med. beige, Brux , 1842, i, 214-220.—Colin (L.) Psoitis; ouverture par le bistouri; gu6rison. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 606.—Curtis (C. T.) Psoitis, with hip-joint complication. U. States M. Invest., Chicago, 1884, xix, 407-409.—Da- maso (L.) Observaciones de psoitis. An. d. Inst. med. de emulac, Madrid, 1843, ii, 5-7.—von Duinreicher. Peripsoitis. Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 9.— Erosd (G.) Psoitis, oszlas titjan gvtigyulas. Orvosi hetil, Buda- pest, 1882, xxvi, 1365-1368. Also, transl: Jahrb. f.Kinderh. Leipz., 1882, n. R, xix, 340-345. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1883, xix, 201.—Ett- in ill ler. Ueber eine Phthisis psoas, nebst einigen diag- nostischen Bemerkungen iiber Psoitis. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1810, xliii, 3. St., 93-97.—Eulenberg (H.) TJeber rheuiiiatisclie Affection des Psoas. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln,1849,iii,159-16C—Ferrus (G.) Psoite on psoitis. Diet, de meid., 2. ed., Par., 1842, xxvi, 262-271.— FiNchcr(G.) Psoitis. Inhis: Mitth. a. d. chir. Univ.-Klin. zu Getting., 8°, 1861,74-76.—Fouquier. M6moire sur le psoitis. J. de med., Par., 1843. i, 129-137. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, ii, 219-224. — Frarier. Psoitis suppure tlu cote gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866 xii 394.—Grottveiior (J. W.) Acute inflammation of psoas magnus muscle. Meel. Rec, N.Y., 1867-8, ii, 435-437. Also ■ Buffalo M. N(L.) * Etude sur le psoriasis buccal. 40. Paris, 1878. Ben a rd (P.) Le psoriasis buccal (de Bazin) observe et traite aux eaux minerales de Saint-Christau. J. ele m6d. de Boreleaux, 1885-6, xv. 85; 93; 108; 117— < availle. Psoriasis de la langue. Gaz. miid.-chir. de Toulouse, 1878, x 90.—Oevergie (A.) Du psoriasis de la langue et de son traitement. Union med., Par., 1876,3. s., xxii, 977- 980.—Hertzka (E.) Ueber die Leukoplakia (Psoriasis) der Zungen- und Mundschleimhaut, und iiber den Einfluss einer Karlsbader Kur auf dieselbe. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl, 1880, vi, 157-160. Also, transl: Gye-gyaszat, Budapest, 1880, xx, 201; 233.—Leloir. Note sur l'anato- mie pathologique et la nature du psoriasis lingual. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 485-488. Also.- Progres m6d.. Par., 1883, xi, 1013.—Lupb (P.) Delia cosi detta psoriasi 0 leu'coplasia boccale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 546-551, 1 pl.—Merklen (P.) Lepsoriasis buccal de Bazin. (Rev. crit.) Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1883, 2. s., iv, 157; 216.—Neligan (J. M.) An un- usual abnormal condition of the tongue and cheeks, con- sidered in connexion with life assurance. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 15-19. A Iso, Reprint.—Sehech(P.) Ueber Leukoplakia oris. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miiuchen, 1885, xxxii, 499; 531.—Schwimmer (E.) Dieidiopathischen schleim- hautplaques der Mundhohle (Leucoplakia buccalis). Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1877, iv, 511, 4 pl.: 1878. v, 53, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. raed. Presse, 1878 xix, 569-571. Also, transl.: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1877 xxi, 781; 812 ; 878; 893 ; 922; 946 ; 966; 989 ; 1010 : 1878, xxii, 41; 61; 85; 106; 141; 226; 249; 297; 315. -----. Ueber Leukoplakia buccalis. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii. 171-175.—Spitz (J.) Ein Fall iiber Leu- coplacia labii superioris. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1014.—Vidal (E.) De la leucoplasie buccale (psoriasis buccal, plaques blanches, plaques opalines de la langue). Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 1; 37. Also: Scalpel, Liege, 1882-3, xxxv, 256-258. Also, transl.: Grac. metl. de Sevilla, 1883, v, 4; 12. Psoriasis (Syphilitic). See, also, Psoriasis palmaris. Blanc (J.) *I. De"crire la niarche et les symp- t6mes du psoriasis syphilitique. II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1840. Cabarrou (P.) * Le psoriasis chez les syphili- tiques. 4°. Paris, 1879. Crepinel (J.-P.-A.) *I. Ddcrire la marche et les sympt6mes du psoriasis syphilitique. II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1838. Anderson (M'C.) On the diagnosis and treatment of the so-called psoriasis syphilitica. Med. Press efc Circ, Dubl, 1868, v, 1.—Borobio. Psoriasis sifililica palmar y plantar; sifilide papulosa generalizada; placas mucosas en la faringe; boveda palatina y margenes del ano. Rev. esp. de oftal, sif., etc., Madrid, 1881-2, ano 5, i, 276.— Bnnin. Sluch. syphilis plantaris cornese. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 306.—Cazennvc. Psoriasis syphi- litique ; augmentation progressive et rapide pendant l'em- ploi des emollients ; amelioration instautan6e et guerison prompte par le proto-iodure de mercure. Ann. d. mai. de la peau, etc., Par., 1845, ii, 183.—Dornig (J.) Ueber das Verhaltniss des papulosen Syphilides zur Psoriasis vul- garis. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.,' Wien, 1886, xiii, 149-155.— Duhring (L. A.) Differential diagnosis between psoria- sis and syphiloderma squamosum (so-called psoriasis syphilitica). Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 289. -----. So- called psoriasis syphilitica. Ibid., 309.—Durkee. Pso- riasis guttata syphilitica. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiii, 103.—Ouptn (K. P.) Two cases of syphilitic psoriasis contrasted. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 224.—Ilorovitz (M.) Zur mechanischen Behanellung der syphilitischen Psoriasis mucosae oris. Wien. meel. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 1436-1438. — Kohn (E.) Kritische Glossen iiber den Terminus psoriasis palmaris et plantaris syphi- litica. Ibid., 1884, xxv, 1598; 1628; 1659. — Lambert (F.) Psoriasis guttata, de ses rapports avec la syphilis constitutionnelle. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1853-4, vi, 417-419. — Travcrs (W.) Syphilitic psoriasis in an in- fant successfully treated by mercury. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 691. Psoriasis palmaris. See, also, Eczema (Treatment of). Alderaon (F. H.) Psoriasis palmaris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 9.—Alexander (W. T.) Cases of psoria- sis affecting the palms. J. Cutan. efc. Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1882-3, i, 449-451.—Anderson (T. McC.) Psoriasis pal- maris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 9.—Browne (E. A.) A note on the so-calleel psoriasis palmaris. Liverpool efc Manchester M. efc S. Rep., 1875, iii, 183-189.—Bulkley (L. D.) Unusual case of tylosis palmaris et plantaris. Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1879. v, 252—Chcminade (G.) Psoria- sis palmaire et plantaire chez les syphilitiques. Gaz. hebd. Psoriasis palmaris. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1888, ix, 202; 214.—Collier (G. F.) Case of psoriasis palmaria, in which the entire body becomes luminous from a phosphorescent secretion. Lan- cet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 374.—Crocker (H. R.) Psoriasis palmaris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 85.—Ellshury (Clara M.) Psoriasis palmaris. Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 53-55.—Falcao (Z.) Psoriasis palmar. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1888, [2. s.], Iii, 3-5.—Ctaskoin (G.) Psoriasis palmaria in milkers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 950.—Hardaway (W. A.) Ringworm of the palm of the band. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 138.— Hart. Note snr le traitement du psoriasis palmaire inv6- tere. Arch, beiges de in6d. mil., Brux., 1851, vii, 40-42.— Morris (M.) Is psoriasis palmaris always a svphilide? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 171.—Neumann (J.) Psoriasis palmaris und plantaris. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 319.—San ford (J. F.) Psoriasis palmaris cured by iodide of arsenir. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk, 1852, ii, 236-238.— Sherwell (S.) Pseudo-psoriasis of the palms. J. Cutan. efc Ven. Dis., N. T., 1882-3, i, 417-420. Also [Abstr. ]: Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., Bait., 1883, 24. Psorospermia. See, also, Gregarina ; Liver (Psorospermia in). Lieberkuiin (N.) Notice sur les psorosper- mies; extrait d'une lettre de . . . a M. van Bene- elen. 8°. Bruxelles, [n. d.]. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., xxi, no. 7. Reincke (J. J.) * Nonnulla quaedam de psoro- spermiis cuniculi. 4°. Kilitt; 1866. Zurn (F. A.) Die Kugel- und eiformigen Pso- rospermien als Ursache von Krankheiten bei Hausthieren. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Balliaan. Sur l'organisation et la nature des psoro- spenuies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 111-114.—Baranski (A.) Miescher'sche Schlauche oder Rainey'sche Korper. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veteriniirk., Wien, 1879, li, 81-100. -----. Psorospermien der Haussiiugethiere. Ibid., 101-131.— Boettchcr (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Rainey'schen Schlauche. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1869, xlvii, 375-378.—Cobbold. Micro- scopic bodies from the muscles of diseased cattle. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865-6, xvii, 452-454.— Dam maim (C.) Ein Fall von "Psorospermienkrankheit" beim Schafe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1867, xii, 283-286. — Da- rier (J.) Sur la psorospeimose folliculaire vegetante. (Deuxiemenote.) Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 293.—Grassi (B.) Intorno a speciali corpuscoli (psorospermi) dell'uomo. R. Ist. Lomb. disc, elett. Ren- dic, Milano, 1879, 2. s., xii, 632-637.—Henneguy (F.) Psorospermies. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 18s9, 2. s., xxvii, 771-776.—Karewiki (F.) Ueber solitare Cysti- cerken in der Haut und in den Muskeln des Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 571-575.—Knoch (U.) O kistakh psorospermii. [On the cysts of psorosperms.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1868, ii, pt. 3, 1. — Kole- chinkofr(N. F.) O psorosperm. (mixosporidia) v mus- kulature rybe. f. . . in the muscles of fishes.] Vet. Vest- nik, Charkoff, 1886, v, pt. 2, 242-248, 1 pl.-ltloule. Psorospermies du tissu musculaire du mouton. [From,: Rev. de med. vet.] J. tl. conn. metl. prat., Par., 1886, Iiii, 179-181. -----. Sur la psorospeimose ties bovides. Bull. et mem. Soc. centr. de m6d. vet., Par., 1886, n. s., iv, 694- 696.—Bivolta (S.) efc Silvewtriiii (A.) Psorospermosi epizootica nei gallinacei. Gior. di auat., flsiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1873, v, 42-53.—BoloflT (F.) Die Mieser'- schen Schlauche oder Rainey'schen Korper. Aich. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xlvi, 437-447. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1868, vi, 324.— Kozenberg (B. S.) Psorospermii v' pervichnikh mwi- shechnikh voloknakh svini. [Psorosperms in fresh pork.] Moskov. med. Gaz., 1876, xix, 684-687.— St ieda (L.) Ueber die Psorospermien tier Kaninchenleber und ihre Entwicke- lung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxii, 132- 139, lpl—Virchow (R.) Gibt es eine Psorospermien- Krankheit bei Schweinen? Ibid., 1866, xxxvii, 255. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Psorospermien eler Kaninchenleber und iiber die Guaninknoten im Schinken. Ibid., 1868, xliii, 548.—Visokovich (A.) Ugli psoro- spermii prichina naikotorikh novoobrazovanii. [ Psoro- sperms, according to certain recent investigations.] J. dlya normal, i patol. gistologii, St. Petersb., 1876, x, 460- 468—Waldenburg (L.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Psorospermien. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xl,435-454, lpl—Waldeyer 7>. Ellingwood (F.) The non-materialistic char- acter of the ininel. The doctorate adelress eleliv- ered at the commencement exercises of Bennett Medical College. 8°. [Chicago, 1886.] Esenwein (K. S.) De origine atque genera- tione animarum humanarum ex principiis inona- dologicis stabilita. 4°. Tubingw, [1753]. Faye (F. C.) Bemajrkniuger i Anledning af Assessor Hjelms Foredrag: Str0bemaerkninger om Bevielsthedens Vaesen. [Remarks on self- consciousness. | 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Repr. from: Vidensk.-Selsk. Forhandlinger for 1871, Christiania. Fazio (E.) L' ambiente sensorio-psichico e le linee di una profilassi psichica. 12°. Napoli, 1888. Fischer (C. P.) De platonica de animi im- mortalitate doctrina. 8°. Erlangw, 1845. Flemming (C. 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Geschichtliche Grundlagen zur Geisteslehre des Menschen, oder tlie Lebens- jiusserungen eles menschlichen Geistes im gesun- den unel kraukhaften Zustande. Fiir Gebiklete aller Stiintle. 8°. Balle, 1850. Muratoki (L. A.) Delle forze dell' intendi- mento umano, osia il pirronismo confutato. Op- posto al libro del preteso M. Huet intorno alia elebolezza dell' umano intendimento. 2. ed. 12°. Venezia, 1748. -----. The same. 4. ed. 12°. Venezia, 1766. -----. Della»forza della fantasia umana. 2. ed. 12°. Venezia, 1753. Murray (J. C.) A handbook of psychology. 8°. London, 1885. Muys (W. G. ) Opuscula posthuma, seu ser- mones academici tie selectis materiis, et elisserta- tio de elistinctione mentis et corporis; cum Her- manni Venema oratione funebri in ejus memo- riam; edente Joh. Henr. Gulielmo Muys, W. G. filio. 4°. Leovardia; 1749. Naimann (M. E. A.) Versuch eiues Beweises fiir tlie Unsterblichkeit der Seele aus dem physio- logischen Standpuukte, zugleich als Einleitung in die Lehre von den sogeuannten Geisteskrank- heiten. In his: Vermischte Schriften [etc.l. 8°. Bonn. 1850. 1-132. Na ville (G. C.) *Diss. psye;hologica in qua facultates hominis ad prtesentem futurumque statum referri cvincitur. 8°. Genevw, 1774. Nicolaides (J.) *Sur la sensibility, l'intelli- gence et la volontt?, conside>ees dans lems rap- ports avec la medecine et la morale. 4°. Paris, 1833. Perier (J.-A.-N.) *Apercu critique ties the- ories sur les ide"es et les facultcs humaines. 4° Paris, 1836. Philosophical (A) inquiry concerning human liberty. 12G. London, 1717. Preyer (W.) Ueber die Grenzen des Enipfin- dungsvermogens und des Willens. 4°. Bonn, 1868. PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology. Priestley (J.) Disquisition relating to mat- ter and spirit. To which is added the philo- sophical doctrine concerning the origin of the soul and the nature of matter, with its influ- ence on Christianity, especially with respect to the doctrine of the pre-oxistence of Christ. 2. ed. 2 v. 8 . Birmingham, 1782. Ramaer (J. N.) Blik op de dierlijke vermo- gens en derzelver betrekking tot tie ziel. &■. Rotterdam, 1844. Ratichius (J.) De animarum huinanarum origine. 4°. Wittebergw, 1615. Rauch (F. A.) Psychology; or, a view of the human soul; including anthropology, being the substance of a course of lectures delivered to the junior class, Marshall College, Penn. 8°. A'eio Yoi% 1840. Redford (G.) Body and soul; or life, mind, and matter, considered as to their peculiar nature anel combined condition iu living things, with a view to render the physiology of life and mind more easily untlerstood by the general reader. 8°. London, 1847. Reed (S.) Observations on the growth ofthe mind; with remarks on some other subjects. 12J. Boston, 1838. Reinartz (E.) * Materialismus und Spiritua- lismus, oder Zusammenhang zwischen Leib und Seele im Menschen. 8U. Halle, 1869. Rhoenius (J.) Theses psychological, naturam et essentiam aniniae duabus definitionibus ah Aristotele descriptam, methodice explicantes: publica cvrT]Ti)oei examinanda?. 4°. [ Lipsice, [15]99.] Richter (A.) *-42l.—Eiiiiemo- ser (-1.) Zur Entwickiliiiigsgcschiclite des Meiisclien in psycbischer Hinsicht. Ztse-hr. I', el. Ant limp., Le-ip/,., 1824, ii, 95-115.—Kvner (S.) Experimentelle Untersuchuiig der einl'achsten psyehischen Processe. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, xi, 403-432.—Fabret. Des obses- sions intellectuelhs ^motives et instinctivos. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psyrhol. physiol., Par., 1889-90, iv, 97-100.— Farmer (H. T.) An essay on the immateriality of mind. Med. Reposit., N. V.. 1822, xxii, 251-264. — Pan wile. L'intellige-nce et les instincts. L'Homme, Par., 1885, ii, 3:i-38.—Fiore*i (F. A. G.) Sul naturalismo, e materia- lisino inoilerno. Ippocratico. Fiinn, 1868, 3. s., xiii, 212-225.— Fiske (J.) Theroinposititinot'iiiind. Quart. J. Psych. M., Lond.. 1872, vi, 417-417—Fouillee {A.) Le sentiment de l'etfort et la conscience de l'ai-tion. Rev. phil. Par., 1889, xxviii, 561-582. — Frese(A. U.) Istoricheskii ocherk utile- nijaodusbe. [Historical sketch on the study of the, mind.] Arch, psicbiat., etc., Charkov, 1883, i, I; 27.—Friedrich (J. B.) ©rjAeia roOero;. Historisches Fragment. Mag. f, phil, med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiir/.b., 1829, 1. Hft., 71- 77. ------. Die Grundziige der Homerisehen Psychologie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl, 1849, vi, 413-424.—«. t A qu6 ciencia ataue el estudio tie los actos psiquicos? Compilador metl, Barcel., 1866-7, ii, 351-355.—Oalceran (A.) Trasttirnos de asociacion de ideas. Kev. fivnopat. barcel, 1883, iii, 281: 1884, iv,6; 41; 121; 201 ; 245.—Gedike. Spinoza's psvchologische Ansichten. Allg. Ztselir. f. Psy- chiat, etc., Berl., 1852, ix, 25-40. — <3erdy. De Vintelii- eence au moment oil elie entre en action. Bull. Acatl. de metl.. Par., 1842-3, viii, 1088-1117. — «insberjj (H.) Die Aufgabe der Psychologie mit besondi-ieir llucksieht auf " Jesson's Versuch einer wisse-nse-hal'tlicheii Begrrindung der Psychologie". Ztschr. I', klin. Metl., Bresl, 1856, 51-64. [See, also, supra, .lessen (P.) |—4* roll maun. Die Stufen- leil.ertler Natur: Instinkt, tleist, I'listerhlichkeit. Ztschr. f.d. Anthro]!., Leipz., 1823, 290-316. ------. UelierdioMacht und Herrschaft eler Seele. Mag. f. phil, med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1830, 4. Hft., 109-122. ■------. Welches sind die- Forileriingin zu einer vollkommnern Psychologies Ibid.,\Wil,7. lift, 1-7.------. MeineUebi-rzeiigu'ngvoiielen (lesetzen unil tier Natur ties psyehischen Le-be-ns. I bid.,7- 26.—thiroos ( K.) Ueber Spontimeitat, moralisclie Freiheit und Nothwendigkeit. Ztschr. f. tl. Anthrop., Leipz., 1824, 23-94.—Hammond (W. A.) Sul giusto uso della mente. Metl. contenip., Napoli, 1885, ii, 13-17.—Heath (I). I.) On the origin antl development of the mental function in man. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.. 1874-5, iv, 66-78.— Helmholtz (H.) De hi rtSalite ele nos perceptions. Rev. internat. tl. sc, Par., 1879, iv, 137-161.—Henry (C.) Le coiitraste, le rytbme, la mesure. Rev. phil, Par., 1889, xxviii. 356-381.— Hcrzen (A.) Delia natura dell' atti vita psicli it -a. Arch. per 1 antrop., Firenze, 1879, ix, s.5-99 —von Hirst-h. Ei- nige- Riickblicke auf die Urtheile th-r Vorzeit. Ztschr. f.d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1825, iii, 16-23.— Howard (II.) Man's moral responsibility from a scientific standpoint. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1875-6, viii, 103-169.------. Man's two na- tures; man created hy evolution ; thinking, how produced; neurology. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 1880-81, ix, 97- 107.—Ideler (K. W.) Zur Methodologie tier Psycholo- gic; Biiichstiick eines Grundrisses tier Seeleuheilkunde. Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1834, xxix, 257-304.— Jaehsou (•!. II.) An address on the psychology of jok- ing. Brit. M. J., Lonil, 1887, ii, 870. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 800.— Kennody (J. C.) Mental action, normal and abnormal Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1878, xxxiii, 135-137. — Krajeubrink (J. A.) Stof, kraoht, leven eu geest; eene bijdrage tot tie ontwikkelings-tbeorie. Na- tuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1854, vii, 401- 414.—Kuliseher (M.) Der Dualismus tier Ethik bei tlen primitiven Viilkern. Ztschr. f. Ethu., Berl, 1885, xvii, 205-213.— leniiH (S. S.) A thesis on tho dual constitution of inan. or ncuro-psychologv. Arch. Electrol efe Neurol X. Y.. 1875, ii, 149-lsi. —l„ayeock (T.) On the principles antl method of a practical science of mind; a reply to a criticism. J. Ment. Sc, Lonil, 1860-62, vii, 495-515.' Also, Reprint.—Kay man n. Metaphysiologische Betrachtun- gen. Org; f. il. ges. Il.-ilk.. Bonn, 1840-41, i. 347-379.— I.i loiii'iieau (C.) ue-stionnaire de psychologie; rap- port presente a la Soc d'anthrop. ele Florence, au nom d'une commission compos6o tie MM. P. Mantegazza, E. Giglioli. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1874, iii. 143-156. ___-___. L evolution de la morale. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. 1884, 3. s., vii, 871-905. — KichtciiNtadt. Der mensch- liche Leib als Organ der Vemunft; ein psyeheelogischer Versuch. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1826, 145-176. — :?Ie- lei'oil (K.) Practicable mental science; a scientific comparison of established views aud recent developments in psychology. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1862-3, viii, 513-535. Also. Reprint. — ITlaiitesazza (P.) Saggio sulla trans- formazione delle forze psichiche. Arch, per I' antrop Firenze, 1877, vii, 285-306. ------. Progetto di un museo psii-ologico. Ibid.. 1886, xvi, 431-435. — ITlaudslcy ( H.) Recent metaphysics. J. Ment. Sc, Lonil, 1865-6, xi, 533- 555.—.Tlenring. Zufallige Gedanken iiber das Denken. Psychology. Mag. f. phil, metl. u. gericht.. Seelenk.. Wiirzb., 1832 8. lift., 1-16. — lVIental physiology. I Kovicw.j Edinb' Rev. [Am. ed.], N. Y.. 1879, exlix, 30-13. — Vlerkel (J.) Die Abhiingigkeit zwischen Keiz uinl Emptinduii" Pliil Stud., Lei]iz., 1888-9, v, 245; 499, 1 ding .Mind. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1875, n. s., i, 80-87. — Tloi.an iK.-L.) Re'-alisine scientitii|ue. Force, esprit et matiere de I'iiino an point de vue scientitique. France metl. Par., 1869 xvi 66: 74; 90; 114; 146; 154; 170; 178; 186. — Morse (I). A.j The mind; a lecture. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 187H. xix 18-43.— iVIortimer-ftran ville ( J. ) Mental reflexes'; habit. Lancet. Lond.. 18,9. i, 55(1; 584. — rVasse ( F. j Von der Beziehung tier Ilaupti iilitiiiigen tier Se-ele- zu tleuen ties Leihes. Ztschr. f. tl Anthrop.. Li-ipz., 1823, i, 58-128. ------. Yonder Best-clung des Kindes. Ibid.,\HU. ii, 1-22. -----. Selbstbeobarhtiingen. Ibid., 1825, iii, 166- 171.—Orschanshy (J.) K ucheniou o volie. Prnizvol. impulsy i iigiicteiiie. ( Eksperimeiit. izslied. iz lab. tin Bois-IteyiniMid.) [On theory of will; voluntary impulses and retardations. (Experiments performed in du Bois- Reymond s laboratory.)] Ejened. klin. gaz, St. Petersb., 1888, viii, 595; 627. Also, transl. : Arch. f. Physiol, l.e-ipz. 1889, 173-198.—Ott ( F. A.) Kmzgi-fasste Darstellnng tier Seelenlehre (Psychologie-). Me-d.-e-liir. Zlse-hr. f. Lainh'ir/.te u. Chir., Miiiiclieii, 1832-3, ii,5; Kill; 195; 313: 1833-5, iii, 7; 99; 195; 291.— Ottoni (It.) Influenza dell' anima conside- rata come principle vital- nel corpo umano. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1841, viii, 113; 145; 177; 193.—I»ari«ol. Des affeti- tiems, des sentiments, ties penchants et des passions. J. tie mi'-tl, chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1855, xxi, 231-237. —I'ar- Iter (N.) On tbe seience of tbe niiuel, or psychology; its relation to physical science and to medicine. Med. Times, Lonil, 1850, n.s., i, 304-306.—Parkiuson (T.) Aphorisms on the analysis of the human mind. Lond. M. efe Phys. J., 1818, xxxix. 96-100. — Paulhau (F.) L'associatio'uisme et la s\ utilise psychique. Kev. phil, Par., 1888, xxv, 32- 64. — 8. Drechssler (J. G.) De sermone brutorum. Resp. Polyp. Michael Rechtenbach. 4°. Lipsiw, [167.1]. Gerlach (A. C.) Die Seelen thiitigkeit der Thiere an sich unel im Vergleich zu denen der Menschen. 8°. Berlin, 1859. Gros (S.) De anima brutorum. 4°. Witte- bergw, [1680]. Haupt (G.) De ratione brutorum. 4°. Er- furti, 1706. Houzeau (J.-C.) Etudes sur les facultes me-u- talcs eles animaux comparers a celles ele I'homme. 2 v. 8°. Mons, 1872. Jaesche (R.) * De sensuum externorum epi- genesi in animalium serie generatim agitur. 8°, Dorpati Livonorum, 18:15. Lemoine (A.) L'habitude et l'instinct; eStuele ele psychologie compar6e. 12°. Paris, 1875. Lindsay (W. L.) Mind in the lower animals in health aud disease. 2 v. HJ. London, 1H79. Pasch (G.) *Diss. phys. de brutorum sensibus atejue cognitione. sm. 4°. Wittenbergw, [1686], Troegel (F. M.) Causeries sur la psychologie des aDimaux. 12°. Leipzig, 1856. Warren (G.) A disquisition on the nature and properties of living animals, with ineiuiry how far our knowledge of anatomy and physiol- ogy is consistent with the belief of a soul and a future life, and on the intellectual difference between man and brutes. 8°. London, 1828. Willis (T.) De anima brutorum, quas hominis vitalis ac sensitiva est, exercitationes duas. Prior, physiologica, ejusdem naturam, partes, potentias et afiectationts tradit; altera, pathologica, mor- bos qui ipsani et sedem ejus primariam, neinpe cerebrum et nervosum genus afficiunt, explicat, eorumque therapeias instituit. 16°. Amstelo- dami, 1674. Also, in his: Opera omnia. 4°. Oenevce, 1676, 1-333. Also: 4°. 1680, ii, 1-333. Also: 4°. Lugd., 1681, ii, 1-298. Also: 4°. Amstelcedami, 1682, ii, 1-212. Also : 4°. Oenevce, 1695, 1-333. Also : fol. Venetiis, 1708, 293-420. Psychology (Comparative). Animal depravity. Pop. Sc. Month. Suppl., N. T., 1877-8, 184-191.—Byrne (J.) On the development of the powers of thought in vertebrate, animals in connection with the development of their brain. J. Anat. efc Physiol, Lond., 1874-5, ix, 97-117.—Chan vet (E.) Premiere lecon d'un cours de psychologic comparee. Ann. mekl.-psyeh., Par., 1803, 4. s., ii. 157-173—C'levenger (S. V.) Contri- butions to comparative psychology. Science. N. Y., 1881, ii, 253: 342. —1>< llMiiif (.1.) Psychologie comparee; lesens des couleurs chez les animaux, d'apres M. lirant-Allen. Rev. scient., Par:, 1879, 2. s., xvi, 1101-1110.—Fjiiire (L.) Del'excelleucedesattributs qui separent I'homme des ani- maux. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1877, xxii, 6; 18; 31; 41. — Janet (P.) Une chaire de psychologie exp6rimen- tale et compartie an College de France. Key. d. deux mon- des, Par., 1888, 3. periode, lxxxvi, 518-549.—Jcitleles (A. L.) Aufforderuutr zur Begriintbiiig einer vergleichenden Psychologie untl Zoopsychologie. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. os- terr. Staates, Wien, 1840, n. F., xxxi, 177-183. — l;»tnn- sagne (A.) De la criminality chez les animaux. Key. scient., Par., 1882, 3. s., iii, 34-42.—Leroy (G.) Les eh-hnts de la psychologie compar6e. Ibid., 1877, 2. s., xiii, 49-56.— l.eev«;que (C.) Le sens du beau chez les betes. Kev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1873, 2. periode, cvii, 39-63.— l.iiiilwiiy (\V. L.) Tbe physiology of minil in tbe lower animals. J. Ment. Sc., Loud., 1871-2, xvii, 25-82.-----. Mind in plants. Ibid.. 1875-6, xxi, 513-532.—Mills (T. W.) Comparative psychology: its objects anel problems. Pop. Sc. Month., N. V., 1886-7, xxx, 651-660.—PVassc. Zur vergleichenden Psychologie. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1825. 3. Hft., 177-183. —| Pascoli (A.)] Dell' anima de' bruti, all' . . . Petronilla Paolini Massimi Marchesa di Oitona e Carreto. Inhis: Delle febbri teorica, [etc.], sm. 4°, Venezia, 1701, 209-232.—Pringlc (E. H.) Intellect in brutes. Nature, Lond., 1879, xix, 458.—Romanes (G. J.) Conscience in animals. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1876, ix, 80-90. Also: Quart. J. Sc, Lond., 1876, 2. s., vi, 145-157. -----. Intel- * lect in brutes. Nature, Lond., 1879-80, xx, 122-125.— Royer (C.) L'cvolution mentale dans la serie organitpie. Rev. scient., Par., 1887, xxxix, 749-758: xl, 70-79.—Mules- O irons. De la formation intelligente des organismes et de ses debuts conscients ; expos6 de cette th6orie. Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1875, i, 33 ; 65.—Spencer (H.) The comparative psychology of man. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1875-6, v, 301-316.—Wciland (D. F.) A method of comparative animal psychology. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1858, Cambridge, 1859, xii, 256-266. Psychology (Medical and pathological). See, also, Brain (Diseases of); Consciousness (Double); Ennui ; Hamlet; Hysteria (Mental condition in); Insanity; Insanity and genius; Insanity as portrayed by Shakespeare; Mind (In- fluence of, etc.); Mind-cure; Music; Nervous system (Diseases of); Nostalgia; Rousseau (Jean- Jacques); Tasso (Torquato). Allen (N.) An essay on the connection of mental philosophy with medicine. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1841. Arndt (R.) & Dohm (A.) Der Verlauf eler Psychosen. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1887. Azam. Le caractere tlans la saute? et tlans la maladie. Avec une preface de. Th. Ribot. roy. 8°. Paris, 1887. Baertl (J.) Aerztliche Ansichten iiber Pra- servative vor Seeslenstorungen unel Heilung eler letztercn nach den Grundsiitzen der Homoo- pathie. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Binet (A.) Etudes de psychologie experi- mentale. Le fetichisme dans l'amour, la vie psychique eles micro-organismes, l'inteusitd des images meutales, le problenie hypnotique, note sur l'ecriture hyst6rique. 12°. Paris, 1888. Blood (B. P!) The aiia'sthetic revelation and the gist of philosophy. 8°. Amsterdam, N. Y., 1847. Bonacossa (G. S.) Delia uecessita di scuole di meelicina psiceilogicateorico-pratica. 8°. To- rino, 1862. -----. Frammenti tli lezioni teoriche di me- dicina psicoleigica. Parte prima. Cenno aua- litico sulle facolta e fuuzioni psichiche dell' uomo e nozioni patologiche, preparatorie al corso di clinica per le malattie mentali. 8°. Torino, 1870. Browne (J. C.) The clinical teaching of psy- chology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1861. PSYCHOLOGY. 746 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Medical and pathological). Cabbell(JJ ¥De animi pathematibus qna- tenus morborum causis. 8 ;. Edinburgi, 177)7). Cooke (W.) Mind and the emotions considered in relation to health and disease. «u. London, 1839. Huntcrian oration. -----. A commentary of medical and moral life; or mind anel the emotions, considered in rela- tion to health, disease, and religion. 8°. Lon- don, 1852. -----. Thesame. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. Ci.'RKAU (A.-L.) *Des influences psychiques daus l'etiologie des 6tats morbides. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1889. Desartorius (G.) *Tentamen philosophico- medicum de intellectus imperio. 4°. Parisiis, 1812. Dethardixg (G.) Scrutinium physico-medi- cum, quo indoles intellectus anima; iusiti, ab ad- vcntitio probe discernendi eruitur, et ad ulterio- rem indaginem omnibus philosophis, theologis, jurisconsultis, inpriruis vero medicissetlulo com- mendatus. sm. 4°. Rostochii, 1723. Dittmar (C.) Vorlesungen iiber Psychiatrie. 8°. Bonn, 1878. Down (J. L.) On some of the mental affec- tions of childhood and youth. [Lettsomian lect- ures.] 8°. London, 1887. Earle (P.) Psychologic medicine; its im- portance as a part of the medical curriculum. 8°. Utica, N Y., 1867. Ei.kendorf (B.) * De psychiateria sive de me- thodo psycbologice curaudi. 4°. Parisiis, 1813. Ellkro (L.) La psichiatria, la liberta morale o la rt'sponsabilita. 8C. Padova, 1885. Emminghaus (H.) Festrede zur Jahresfeier der Stiftung dor Universitat Dorpat am 12. De- cember 1880 "Ueber den Werth und die Trag- weite des klinischen Unterrichtes in der Psychi- atrie". 4°. Dorpat, 1881. Evans (W. F.) Tbe mental cure, illustrating the influence of the mind on the body, both in health and disease, anel the psychological method of treatment. 8°. Glasgow, 1870. Eydaii (A.) * De incitabilitate psychica, aucta cum melancholia religiosa secundaria. 8°. Je- na; 187)4. Fabricius. Dieu, I'homme et ses fins der- nieres. Etudes meMico-psychologiques. 2. ekl. 8°. Paris, 1869. Felix (G. B.) * De medicina nonnumquam ex animi commotionibus capienda. 4°. Vitebergw, [1790]. vox Feuciitersleben ( E. ) Lehrbuch der arztlichen Seelenkunde. Als Skizze zu Vortrii- gen bearbeitet. 8°. Wien, 1845. -----. The .same. The principles of meelical psychology; being the outlines of a course of lectures (Vienna, 1845). Transl. from the Ger- man by H. E. Lloyd. Revised and edited by B. G. Babbington,. 8°. London, 1847. Friedlander ([M. ] J.) Versuch iiber die innern Sinue und ihre Anomalien, Starrsucht, Entziickung, Scblafsucht und Intelligenzzerriit- tung, physiologisch, pathologisch, nosographisch unel therapeutisch bearbeitet. 1. Theil. Phy- siologie eler innern Sinne. 8°. Leipzig, 1826. Friedreich (J. B.) Systematische Literatur der arztlichen und gerichtlichen Psychologie. 8°. Berlin, 1833. -----. Systematisches Handbuch der gericht- lichen Psychologie. 8°. Leipzig, 1835. -----. The same. System der gerichtlichen Psychologie fiir Gerichtsiirzte, Richter und Ver- theidiger. 3. Antl. 8°. Regensburg, 187)2. Gache (S.) Estudio de psicopatologia. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1886. Psychology (Medical and pathological). van (Jeuns (J.) * De animi habitu, qualis in variis morbis ehronicis observatur. [Leiden.] 8°. Amstelcedami, 1833. Gravot (M.-E.) *De l'influence que l'cduca- tion physique et morale peut apporter daus le developpement des maladies chez les deux sexes. 4°. Paris, 1818. Groos (F.) Psychiatrisclie Fragmente. v. 1. 8°. Heidelberg u. Leipzig, 1828. Gurney (E.), Myers (F. W. H.) A Popmore (F.) Phantasms of the living. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1886. Hagen (F. W.) Studien auf elem Gebiete tier aerztlichen Seelenkunde. 8°. Erlangen, 1H70. [Hammond (W. A.)] Mysterious disappear- ances. [Double or alternate consciousness.] Cutting from: Forum, N. V., 1887, iii, 69-76. Harless (E.) Populare Vorlesungen aus dem Gebiet tier Physiologie und Psychologie. 8°. Braunschweig, 1851. Hasseberg (J. F. A.) *De erroribus meutis humanse. 8°. Balw, [1790]. Henne(H.) * Beitrage zur Behandlungder Psy- choneurosen mit Opium. 8°. Frauenfeld, 1868. Hibbert (S.) Antleutungen zur Philosophie der Geister-Erscheinungen, oder: Versuch, die hierbei statthabenden Tiiuschungen auf ihre na- tiirlicheu Ursachen zuruckzufuhren. Aus elem Englischen. 8°. Weimar, 1825. Hoffbauer (J. C.) Untersuchungen iiber tlie Krankheiten der Seele uud die verwanclten Zu- stande. 3 v. 12°. Balle, 1802-7. -----. Die Psychologie in ihren Hauplan- wendungen auf die Rechtspflege nach elen allge- meinen Gesichtspunkten der Gesetzgebung, oeler die sogenannte gerichtliche Arzneywissenschaft nach ihrem psvchologischen Theile. 2. Aufl. 8°. Balle, 1823'. Hoffmann (F.) De animo sanitatis et uior- borum fabro. Inhis: Diss. phys. -meel. 8°. Luejd. Bat, 1708,102-139. Ireland (W. W.) The blot upou tbe brain: studies in history and psychology. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1885. -----. The same. 8°. Neiv York, 1886. Ist's auch wahrscheinlich, dass elie Geister eler Verstorbenen den Lebeudigen nahe seyn und auf sie wirken konnen? Ein Gegenstiick zu der Sehrift des Herrn Dedekinds iiber Geisterniihe unel Geisterwirkung. 2. Theil. 8°. Weissenfels, 1795-8. Jacob (A.) Au essay on the influence of the imagination and passions in the production and cure of eliseases. To which is adtletl a translation of a memoir by Dr. C. Pfenfer, on the cures per- formed by the operations of the Prince de Hohenlohe. 8°. Dublin, 1823. Johnson (W. A.) On feeling ill. 8°. London, 1872. Kerner (C. A. J.) Die Seherin von Prevorst, Eroft'nungen iiber das innere Leben des Menschen untl iiber tlas Hereinragen einer Geisterwelt iu die unsere. 5. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1877. -----. The same. The seeress of Prevorst, being revelations concerning the inner - life of man, and the inter-diffusion of a world of spirits in the one we inhabit. From the German, by Mrs. Crowe. 12°. London, 1845. Kidder (W.) A general deduction from the psychological system of medicine, with an es- pecial illustration npon typhus, or tvphoid. 8-\ Lowell, 1849. Kleefeld ( J. G. ) *De rebusi pathematum in specie gauelii in corpus humanum efficaciain moderantibus. 4°. Jenw, [1792]. Kovalevski (P. I.) Obtshaja psichopatolo- gija. 8°. Charkov, 1886. PSYCHOLOGY. 747 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Medical and pathological). Laehr (H.) * Getlenktage der Psychiatrie aller Lauder. 8°. Berlin, 1885. -----. The same. Und ihrer Hiilfsdiscipli- neu in alien Laudern. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Lamalethie ( M.-A. ) *Sur la m6tlecine de l'esprit, avec quelques considerations medicales. 4°. Paris, 1808. Lange (C.) Om Sindsbeveegelser, et psyko- l'ysiologisk Studie. 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1885. Leidesdorf (M.) Lehrbuch der psyehischen Krankheiten. 2. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1865. Leltjt ([L.-]F.) Du demon ele Socrate, speci- men d'une application de la science psychologique a celle de I'histoire. 8°. Paris, 1836. L'Haridon-Cremenec. *Des affections tris- tes ele l'ame, consid6r6es comme cause essentielle duscorbut. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], Liard (H.-F.) * Considerations sur les phe- nomenes physiologiques et pathologiques des passions et des affections de l'ame, et sur le parti qu'on peut en tirer dans la therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1815. Lipstorp (C.) *De morbis passionum animi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1719. Lombroso (C. ) Azione degli astri e delle meteore sulla mente umana sana ed alienata. 8°. Milano, 1868. Marat (J. P.) A philosophical essay on man. Being an attempt to investigate the principles and laws of the reciprocal influence of the soul and body. 2 v. 8°. London, 1773. Marce (L.-V.) *Des alterations de la sensi- bility 8°. Paris, 1860. Mathieu ( J.-J.-P. ) * Traitement moral des maladies. 4°. Paris, 1832. Maudsby(H.) The pathology of mind. Being the 3. ed. of the second part of the "Physiology antl pathology of mind", recast, eularged, and rewritten. 8°. New York, 1880. Mayo (T.) An essay on the relation of the theory of morals to insanity. 8°. London, 1834. -----. Elements of the pathology of the hu- man mind. 12°. [London], 183-*. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Moller ( C. P. ) Anthropologischer Beitrag zur Erfahrung der psyehischen Krankheit, oder eler Standpunkt der psyehischen Medizin, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die niihere Bestimmung eler Seele in ihrer Beziehung zum geistigen und leiblichen Leben. Ein Grundriss der Seelen heil- kunde als wissenschaftlicher Versuch zur erfah- rungsgemasseren sy.stematischen Begriindung und Vermittelung der Begriffe elieser Lehre. 8°. Mainz, 1837. Moller (J.) * De viribus aninue humanae ope metlica firmandis. 8°. Bafniw, [1771]. Moreau (J.-J.) *De l'influence du physique relativement au tiesordre des faculte"s intellet- tuelles, et en particulier dans cette variete tlu deiire designee par M. Esquirol sous le nom de monomanie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Moussaud (F.-J.) * Quelques considerations sur l'influence morale dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1835. Noble (D.) Elements of psychological medi- ciue. An introduction to the practical study of insanity. 12°. London, 1853. Noxis ( De ) ex nimia mentis contentione. In memoriam Bestuchefianam. 4°. Lipsiw, 1786. Ortlob (J. F. ) * De affectibus animi. 4°. Francofurti, 1690. Osborne (G.) * De mentis affectionibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1801. •sychology (Medical and pathological). Otto (J. F. ) *De medico effectu aff'ectuum animi. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1735]. Padioleau (A.) De la m6decine morale dans le traitemeut eles maladies nerveuses. Ouvrage couronne par l'Acadeniie imperiale ele medecine. 8°. Paris, 1864. Pendleton (L. W.) Involuntary action. An- nual atldress. 8°. Portland, 1876. de Potter (A.) Contribution a l'etude tics maladies mentales. La peste demoeratique (morbus democraticus). 8°. Bruxelles, 1884. Repr. from: Philosophie ele l'avenir, 1884. Quintard (E.) * Forces morales medicatrices. 4°. Paris, 1875. Quinteko (G.-G.) De l'influence du moral sur le physique, ou tie l'imagination comme cause tie maladies. 4°. Paris, 1826. Regnard (P.) Les maladies epid6miques ele l'esprit. Sorcellerie, magnetisme, morphinisnie, deiire des grandeurs, roy. 8°. Paris, 1887. Reitmeyer (G.) *De medicamentorum facul- tatibus ael mentem. 4°. Altdorffi, 1670. Ribot (T.) Les maladies de la volonte. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1884. -----. The same. 4. ed. 12°. Paris, 1887. -----. Les maladies tie la personnalite. 8°. Paris, 1885. Rickmann (C.) Tractatio meelica ele adfecti- bus animae quatenus machinam corpoream in consensum trahunt. sm. 4°. Jenw, 1768. Rogers (T.) A discourse on trouble of mind, anel the disease of melancholy; with a preface containing several advices to the relations and friends of melancholy people. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1808. Rojer (N. ) *De animi pathematibus. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1832. Ronander ( C. G. H.) Expositionis psycho- pathologie tentameu. sin. 4°. Upsaliw, 1822. Rondeau du Noyer (E.-J.-F. ) * Mahomet; etude meelico-psychologique. 4°. Poris, 1865. Salomon ( M. ) * Ueber Doppeldenken. 8°. Breslau, [1885]. Sander (A.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik eler Psy- chosen. 8°. Dorpat, 1876. Sayers (F.) * Tentameu academicum qusedam de animi affectionibus complectens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1789. Schmidt (A. E.) * De morborum psychicorum origiue somatica. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. von Schubert (G. H.) Die Krankheiten und Storungen der menschlichen Seele (ein Nachtrag zu des Verfassers Geschichte der Seele). 8°. Stuttgart u. Tiibingen, 1845. Seaton (J.) The present state and prospects of psychological medicine, with suggestions for improving the law relating to the care anel treat- ment of lunatics. 8°. London, 1853. Sell (A.) Medicinsk-psykologiske Studier. 1-11. Almenfattelig fremstillede. 8°. Kjfiben- havn, 1888. Sikorski ( I. A. ) Ob uspiechach meditsiny v uzucheuii javlenii psichicheskago mira. [On the progress of medicine in study of phenomena of psychic sphere.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1889. Sinogowitz ( H. S. ) Die Geistesstorungen in ihren organischen Beziehungen als Gcgen- stand der Heilkunde betrachtet. 8°. Berlin, 1843. Stein (F. J.) Historisch kritische Darstel- lnng der pathologi.schen Moralprincipien und einiger ihrer vornebmsten Erscheinungsformen auf dem socialen Gebiete. 8°. Wien, 1871. Stemler (M.) * Ueber die Benutzung des Seelenlebeus zum therapeutischen Zwecke. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1825. PSYCHOLOGY". 748 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Medical and pathological). Sick (E. J.) *Vei'8iicli einer generellen psy- ehischen lleilmethode. 8°. Dorpati Lironorum, 1812. Tolktellot (L. A.) Insanity anel disease. 8". [Utica, N. Y., 1874.] Townsend (P. S.) A dissertation on the influ- ence of the passions in tbe production antl modi- fication of tlisease. 8\ New York, 1816. [de Tsciiirnhausen (E. W.)] Meiliciua men- tis, sive tentameu geiinime logicte, in qua tlisseri- tur tie methodo dctegendi incognitas veritates. 4 ; Auisteltcdaini, 1687. -----. The same. Medicina mentis, sive ar- tis invi'iiiendi pra-ccpta. generalia. Etlitio nova, auctieir et correctior cum praefatione autoris. 4°. Lipsia; 1697). Ullersperger (J. B.) Die Geschichte der Psychologie uud der Psychiatrik in Spanien von den iiltesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart vcrfasst. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1871. Van Esschen (P. J.) *De animi pathema- tuni in corpus humanum ageutli modo. 4°. Can- dari, [1828]. Waciismuth (A.) Allgemeine Pathologic tier Seele. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1859. Werner (F. \V.) *De adfectuum remetliis sanantibus. 4°. Jenw, [1721]. Winkler (C.) De plaats tier psychopatholo- gie als hersen-pathologie te> midden der klinische wcti'iischappen. 8°. Dordrecht, 1885. Wintrebert (L.) *De l'influence du moral dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1864. Witt (O. M.) Sjiilen i normalt och sjukligt tillstanel. En antyelning for liikare och liirare. Fiirsta delen: Sjiilens biologi. 8°. Carlshamn, 187)8. Wolff (P.) Cogitationes medico-legales ele cogitatione, non excogitatie saltern sed ex ipsins vcrilatis floribus, ab Hippocrate maxime, hinc Helmontio, Cartesio, Willisio, Malpighio, aliiseiue probatissiniis eleictoribus meelicis et physicis con- gestis, in ciiculuni philosophicuni context* et secundum hodiernoruni anatomite inventornm, aliarumqueobservatiouum nietlicaruni,imoetiam orthodoxise et jurisprudentiie consonantiam coa- dunata'. 12°. Cizw, [1697]. Wynter (A.) Tbe borderlands of insanity anel other papers. New edition revised, with five new chapters by J. Mortimer Granville. 12°. London, 1877. Zelenka (F.) De morbispopularibus mentis. 8 . Pragw, 1818. Ziegler (C. J. A.) *De noxiis animi adfec- tuum in corpore humano effectibus eorumque remediis. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1762]. Ailam (J.) Visceral lesion or disorder, anil mental disease. Brit. M. J.. Lonil.. 1886, i, 1019. — Allen (G.) Pain and death. Mind. L.....1., 1880, v, 201-216.—Amc- Imig (F.) Ueher tlie niilitreii materiellen Bediiigungen der psyehischen Krankheiten ; Benierkungen, veranlasst durch liayle's neue Lehre fiber diese Krankheiten. Zt- schr. f. tl. Anthrop., Leipz., 18'.'6, 1. lift., 150-197.— Ar- nolcl (A. B.) Medical psychology. Bait. M. J. & Bull., 1871, ii, 582-601. — Arthaiid. I'svehiatrie. Cong, med. tie Fiance ls04, I'ar., 1865. ii, (»:i<»-6.">1. — Azam. Sur la donhle i-onsi-ieiice. Assoc, fran9. pour ravance. d. sc. Comiit.-rend. 1878, I'ar., 1879, vii, 947. -----. Les altera- tions de la personnalit6. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxii, 610-01 s.—Barrett (W. F.) On some phenomena asso- ciated with ahnormal conditions of mind. Proc. Soc. I'sjcli. Research, Lond., 1882-3, i, 238-244. — Rate* (J.) Adtlress delivered hefore the Medical Society of thcCounty of Columbia, on the influences of mind 011 tlisease. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 18-47-9, vii, 66-80.—Beard (G. M.) The psychology of spiritism. N. Am. Rev., N. V., 1879, exxix, 65-80. -----. Experiments with living human be- fmis. Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y.. 1878-9. xiv, 611; 751.—Beer (H.) Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschiehte der gericht- lichen Psvchologie. Vrtljschr. f. Psvchiat., Neuwied u. Leipz., 1868, ii, 66-72.—Berti (A.) Sulla importanza della psichiatria nella medica eoltura. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1870, 3. s., xiii, 358-378.—Bird (F.) Be- P*yclioIosy (Medical and pathological). ohachtungen iiber ahnorme psychisclie Zustande. nclwt Bemei'kungcn aus dem Gebiete der I'hvsiologie. Ztschr f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1824, 4. lift., 462: 1825, 3. lift 53- 1826, 4. Hit, 279. -----. Zur Psvohiatrik. I'.erl. i'„ed Centr.-Ztg., 1834, iii, 223; 509: 1835, lv, 329; 361 ; 377.____.'. Beitriige zur Geschichte tier I'svehiatrie. Albr. Zls.-ln- f. Psychiat., etc., Berl.. 1851, viii, 209-219.-Blumroiler! Anthropologischpsvihiatrisclio Bi-im-i kiin^en und Hei- spie-le. Bl. f. Psyehiat., Erlang.. 1837. 2. lift., 25-40— ItoiiacoMsa (G. S.) Framnienti di lezimii tt-oriclie di iiii-dii-ina psicologie-a preparatorie al corso di.clinie a, delle, malattie nientali nel R. Manicomio tli Torino. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. tli Torino, 1867, 3. s., iii, 211; 170 ; 7kn.— Bourdin (C.-E.) Les enfants nienteurs. Ann. ine'-el . psych.. Par., 1883, 6. s., ix, 53 ; 374. [Discussion], 133; 2su.- Ilioinic (J. C.) The history and progress of psvelio logical medicine; an inaugural atldress. .T. Ment.' Se-.. Lond., 1860-62, vii, 19-31. Also, Reprint.—Browne (\\\ A. F.) Address on medico-psychology. J. Ment. Sc Lonil, 1866-7, xii, 309-327. -----. Religio psvrho-inoilici. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1877, n. s., iii, 17; I Unmet (D. ) Psychiatrie. Cong. metl. tie France 1864. Par. 1865. ii, 629-636.—Kiiceoln (G.) Le idee risse e It- l,,i,i condizioni lisiopateilogiche. Riv. sper. di freniat., lie-g^io Emilia, 1880-81, vi. 155-181. — ISnIehen*. I'svcliiatric. Cong. nied. ele- France 1864, Par., 1805, ii, 636-63!).— B11 shin a 11 (J. S.) The scientific place anil principles of metlical psychology. J. Ment. St., Lond., 1860-62, vii, 370-387. [See, also", infra, Laycoek.j -----. On the prac- tical use of mental science. Ibid., 1862-3. viii, 132-152.— Bntterwortli ( H. ) Strange mental faculties in dis- ease. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1875-6, viii, 177-180.— Carrier fils. Psychiatrie. Cong. nied. tie France 1864, Par.. 1865, ii, 651-666. — de Casleliiaii ( B.) Des mala- dies du sens moral. Ann. 11161I.-psych., Par., 1860, 3. s., vi, 349; 515. — Cerise ( L.-A.-P. )' G6n6ralitos medico- psycholojiiques. In his: CEuvres, Par., 1872, ii, 1-29. — Challand efe Rnbotv. Du chlorhydrate d'aponiorphiiic et tie ses applications spCciales a la psychiatric. Hull. Soc. metl. ele la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1876, x, 385-399.—C'liij ( V. F. ) Ohjem soznanija 11 zdorov. i dusheviiobolnyi-li. [Extent of consciousness, in health aud eliseases, of the minel.J Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1887, x, no. 1.80- 99; no. 2, 42-44.—t'how ne (W. D.) Tlieinfluence of cer- tain diseases on the tone of the mind, and on particular forms of mental aberration. Lancet, Loud., 1851, ii. 483.— Clemen* ( A.) Ueber Wissen und Gewissen, Sein untl Handeln des praktischen Arztes, als Anileutiingcn zu einer kiiuftigeu Psychologie desselben. Ztschr. f. el Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1855, lxx, 1-37. — Clevenger |S. V.) The medical jurisprudence of mental anil nervous dis- eases. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1887. ix, 612-614.—Con- giTN de phreniatrie et de neuropathologie, tenu il Anvers le 7, Set 9 septembre 1885; conipte rendu analytique tics sCances. Bull. Soc. tlemted. ment. tie Belg., Gand' efe Leipz., 1885. no. 38, 39-84. —Con klin (\V. L.) Mental influence in disease-. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1886-7, xxvi, 206-214 — Coi-niiii; (J. L.) The limitations of the influence of the mind upon the body, being a disquisition upon the truths and delusions of psycho-therapeutics. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Phila., 1889, 340-349. — Cowles (E.) Insistent and fixed ideas. Am. J. Psychol., Bait., 1887-8. i. 222-270. Also, Reprint.—Dnvcy (J. G.) Transference of spe-cial sense. J. Psych. M., Loml., 1881, 11. s., vii, 37-52—Bendy. Psy- chotberapeia. Metl. Times e.V Ga/.., Lonel., 1853, n. s., vi, 332. — Benny (J. H.) Mental toxicology. Boston M. efc S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 243; 207.—Bestrec (E.) La psychologie dans les faciilteselemeileciue et des sciences a 1 I'nivei site de Bruxelles. Rev. ileBelgiqui', Unix., 1882. xiv, 386-402.— Bnfny. La double personnalit6; double conscience et responsabilite; avec reponse, do M. Azam. Kev. scient., Par., 1879,2. s., xvi. 843-846.— Bun 11 (R.) Medical psychol- ogy. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1861. i, 272; 301: ii, 491 ; 681: 1862, i.332; 356: ii, 635-637. Also, Reprint—Eiehelberg (L.) Einige Betrachtungen iiber das Psychisclie in se-inein Ver- haltnisse zur Arzneikunde, so wie iiber seine Vernachliis- sigung vou Seitcn beutiger Aerzte. Mag. f. phil, med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1829, 2. lift., 69-81. — Eiuie- moser. Pllilosophische Grundlehren, als Einleitung in die Seelenkunde iiberhaupt, nnd -An die Seelenheilkuiule insbesondere. Ibid., 1. Hit., 5-25.—Fadon (A.) Estudios miidicos psicoltigicos, fisiologia ]isictile'igica. Antlalucia metl., Cordoba, 1884, ix, 145-155. — l-U-uniiiii^ ( C. F ) Pathologie nnd Therapie der Psychosen. ill. I. ueridill. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1861, xii, 218^-226. — Fotliei«ill (.J. M.) The mental aspects of ordinary disease. -I. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1874-5, xx, 387-409. ----'-. The moods of the sane. [A posthumous paper.] Alienist efe Neurol, St. Louis, 1889. x, 248-258. — Franche (F.) Ueber tlen An- theil eies Korpers an Erzeugung psychischer Krankheits- zustande Ztschr. f. el. Anthrop., Leipz., 1824,2.Hft., 257- 338.—Godfrey (J.) Some of the psychological and patho- logical influences of self-consciousness. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1887, n. s., iv, 129-131. — Greenwood (M.) Psychology in its relation to medicine. J. Psych. M., Lonil , 1880, h. s., vi. 89-9*.—Griesiii^ei- 1 W.) Po- ller psychisclie Retlexactiouen; mit einem Blick auf das PSYCHOLOGY. 749 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Medical and pathological). Wcse-n der psyehischen Krankheiten. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1843, ii, 76-113. -----. Vortrag zur Eroff- uuug eler psychiatrischen Klinik in Zurich im Somnier- semester 1863. Arch. el. Heilk., Leipz., 1863, iv, 460-473.— O roll inn n n. I'hysiologie des menschlichen Geistes nach allgemeinen Naturgesetzen ; allgemeiner Entwurf zu einer kiinftigen Psychologie und Pathologie. Ztschr. f. psych. Aerzte, Leipz., 1820, iii, 284; 449. —---. Das See- lenleben in seinen Ahweichungen von elem gesunden Zu- stande. Ztschr. f. tl. Anthrop., Leipz., 1825, 2. Hft., 338- 384. -----. Korperkrankheiten sind mit Geisteskrank- heiten genau verwandt, und diese sinel nur die Symptome und Dispositionen der ersteren. Mag. f. phil., med. u. ge- richtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1831, vi, 65-78. — 4Jiindry (R.) The psychical manifestations of disease. Tr. M. efc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1881, lxxxiii, 160-181. — «iiriicy (E.) efc Myers (F.W. H.) Phantasiusof the living. Fort- nightly Rev., Loud., 1883, xxxiii, 562-577. — llngcn (K. w!) 'Psychologie uud Psychhitrie. In: Hanthviiite-i b. der Physiol. ("Wagner), 8°, Brnschwg., 1850, ii, 692-827.— Hazard (W. B.) Some of the mental characteristics of ordinary diseases. Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 213-216. — Ilcermann (li. ) Ueher das Studium tier psyehischen Medicin auf Pnivorsitaten, als das niichste Erforderniss ihrer Fbrderung. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, iii, 443-496.—Hopf. Beytrag zur Geschichte psyehologi- scher Heilarten. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1800, 2. R., ix, 100-114. — Honzc (E.) Importance de l'e- tude eles caractferes physiques et plus sp6cialement de la crauiologie eu m6decinementale. Bull. Soc. denied, ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1888, no. 49, 127-142. — Hovel I ( D. l)e B. ) On the effects of neurosis from moral shock. J. Ment Sc, Lond., 1868-9, xiv, 471-489. — Howard (H.) Man's moral responsibility viewed from a scientific standpoint. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1875-6, iv, 73-79.— Hughes (C. H.) Psychological medicine in our medical schools. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1872, ix, 113-117. -----. Borderland psychiatric records; prodromal symptoms of psychical impairment. Alienist efe Neurol, St. Louis, 1884, v, 85-91. Also, Reprint. —Hunt (E. M.) The mind and the nervous system in their general relations to disease. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1861, 29-44. Also, Reprint.— Jachson (J. W.) Inaugural address to the Psychological Association of Glasgow. Anthrop. Rev., etc , Lonel., I860, vii, 259-268.—James (W.) Notes on automatic writing. Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, Bost., 1885-9, i, 548- 564. — Kempster (VV.) Address on psychology. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1878, xxix, 495-519— Itestcvcn (VV. B.) The border-land of insanity. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1885, iii, 97-103. — Kiernan (J. G.) Psychology of a " plot" by the insane. Alienist efe Neurol, St. Louis. 1887, viii, 230-233. — Koeppe. Reflexpsychosen nach Ohren- krankheiten. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz'., 1874-5, ix, 220-227.— Hroczak (F.) Divergenz eler Denkfunction und Dop- pelideen. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 321; 333.—I,. On moral liberty. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1857, x, 638-670.—liaycock (T.) On the principles and methoil of a practical science of mind; in reply to a criticism hy Dr. J. S. Bushman. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1860-62, vii, 495- 515. -----. The scientific place and principles of medical psychology. Edinb. M. J., 1861, vi, 1053-1064. Also, Re- print. -----. A plea for the conjoined study of mental science and practice. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1866-7, xii, 174- 188. Also, Reprint. -----. How far can tho relations of body and mint! be investigated scientifically and practi- cally i Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 218-220.—JTecidcsdorf (M.) Ueber psychiatrische Klinik uud fiber das Studium der Psychiatrie'. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 53; 75.— Ltentz (F.) Histoire des progres de la medecine mentale depuis le commencement du xix. siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Ann. Soe-. tie: meet de- Gand, 1876, liv, 133-188. Also, Re- print— liOinbi-oso (V.) Analogiee rapporti fra la fisiolo- gia e la patologia tlella mente. Gazz. meel. ital. lomb., Mi- lano, 1860, 4. s., v, 111; 185; 261. — T,ord Beacousfieltl viewed psychologically. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1881. n. s., vii, 265-269. — iflrCall (J.) Mental manifestation in thealth and disease. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1847-9. vii, 1-13. — Maiinssein (V.) Oh etiologischeskoiui terapevticbeskoin znachenii psikhicheskikh vliyanii. [On the etiological and therapeutical importance of psychical influences.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1876, exxxiii, pt. 3, 1; 161. — Manning (F. N.) Address in psycho- logical medicine, delivered at the Intercolonial Meidical Congress in Melbourne, on January 11, 1888. J. Ment. Sc, Lonel., 1889-90, xxxv, 149-178 — Marandon dc Mon- lyel (10.) Une aberration de la personnalit6 physique. Ann. med.-ps.ych., Par., 1878, 5. s., xx, 191-223. — Maud- slcy (H.) An address on medical psychology. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1872-3, xviii. 397-414. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 185-189.—ITIental philosophy; religious revivals. Edinb. M. J., 1860, v, 654-662. — Meynert. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit und Tragweito einer auatomischen Rich- tung in der Psychiatric Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. el. Aerzte in Wien, 1868, 82-84. -----. Ueber tlie Bedeu- tung des Hirngewichtes fiir die Psychiatrie. Ibid., 209. -----. Ueber die primiiren Formen der Psychoseu. Psy- chiat. Centralbl, Wien, 1871, i, 155-165. —-—. Gutachten Psychology (Medical and pathological). aus dem Gebiete tier forensischen' Psychologie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1873, xviii, 527; 535; 543; 551. -----. Ueher Fortschritte der Lehre von den psychiatrischen Krankheitsformen. Psychiat. Centralbl, Wien, 1877, vii, 53; 118: 1878, viii, 1. Also, Reprint — Michca. Des caracteres qui permettent tlo distinguer la perversion maladive dela perversity morale. Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 119; 124; 127.— Moreau. La psychologie morbide dans ses rapports avec la philosophic de I'histoire. etc. i&id.,1803, 2. s., xix, 41; 58.—Morel. Psychiatrie. Com--. ni6d. ele France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 667-672.— Horse (D. A") Thedoct lines of the human will as interpreted by the courts. Toledo M. & S.J., 1880, iv, 8-14. Also. Reprint—Morsel I i (E.) Einleitung zu den Vorlesungen fiir pathologische- l's\ chologie und klinische Psychiatrie. [Uebersetzt von 11. Kornfeld.] Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. el. Med. u. med. Geo". Leipz., 1882, v, 81; 150; 277; 369. —Motet. Psychiatrie. Cong. med. de France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 613-628.— Motet (A.) Les froutieres de la folie. Encephale, Par., 1886, vi, 169-172. — Tin nil j. Psychiatric Cong. med. tie France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 601-612.—Myers (F. W.H.) Automatic writing. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1884, ii, 217- 237: 1885, iii, 1-63: 1886-7, iv, 209-261: 1888-9, v, 522-547. -----. The work of Edmund Gurnev in expe-rimental psy- chology. Ibid., 1888, v, 359-373.—Nasse. Peber die rich- terlichoFragstellunganden Arzt zur Beurtheilungpsychi- scher Zustande. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1826,2. Hft, 316-376.-----. Ueberdie VeranderungdesSeeleiiseyusunil die VeranderitngderSeeleiibeziehung. Ibid., 3. Hft., 1-16.— O'Beilly (O.) Fatal influence of mental or bodily func- tions. Laucet, Lond., 1836-7, i, 231.—Pelman. Ueber den psyehischen Ausdruck korperhcher Krankheiti-ii. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1875, xvii, 49-58.—Pinel (M.) The structure aud functions of the hrain, with new views on the nature, causes, and treatment of mental diseases. Med. Times, Loud., 1845-6, xiii.—Psychological (On the) effects of certain medicinal agents. «J. Psych. M., Lond., 1848, i, 294-306.—Psychology and tbe nervous system. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1875, ii,~400.—Knbmr (S.) Die Bejiandhing tier psycbiseheii Erregungsziistaiiilo Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1876, Aiii, 322-325. — Kcich (II.) Ueher vasomotorische Ps\choueurosen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1870, 1, '210-222.—Benzi (P.) Saggio di fisiologia sperimentale sui ceutri nervosi della vita psi- chica nelle quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. Ann. univ. tli nied., Milano, 1863, clxxxv, 461: clxxxvi, 133; 374; 530. — Revcillc-Parise. Essai de therapeutique morale. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1841, xx, 5; 137; 265.—Revington (G. T.) The neuropathic dia- thesis, or the diathesis of the degenerate. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1887-8, xxxiii, 497: 1888-9, xxxiv, 33; 167.—Roh- ertsoii (C. L.) The progress of psychological nu tlicinc siuce the time of Dr. Caius: being the Thurston speet h for 1862. Ibid., 1862-3, viii, 197-210.—de Hoc has (A.) Les ouvrages de Reicheubach. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psycho! physiol, Par., 1888-9, iii, 364-369.—Roller. Beruhriiiigen der Psychiatrie init anderen Gebieten. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc.. Berl, 1871-2, xxviii, 691-712. — Boycc (J.) Report ofthe committee on phantasms and presentiments (with appendix]. Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, Bost., 1885-9, i, 350-515.—Rush (B.) An account of the influ- emce of the military and political events of the American Revolution upon the human body. Inhis: Med. Imp efc Obs., 2. ed., 8°, Phila., 1805, i, 279-294. — Russell (I.) The horderlanel of insanity. Alii nist efe Neurol., St. Louis, 1884, v, 457-471. Also. Reprint.—Schneider (S. A. J.) Die Stellung der Psychologie zur Strafgesetzgehung uud zur Strafrechtspflege nach tlen Verhandlungen der psy- chiatrischen Section in der 34. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher untl Aerzte in Karlsruhe. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1858, xii, n. ¥., 426- 432.—Sell (A.) Siudshevaigelser som Sygdomsaarsager. [Emotions of mind as causes of disease.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1887, 3. R., v, 961; 985—Seller (W.) On some of the metaphysical aspects of physiology. Ediub. M. J., 1859, v. 1-13. — Sidgwick (Mrs. H.) On the evidence for premonitions. Proc Sue Psych. Research. Lond., 1888, v, 288-354.—Sinogowitz. ' Einige Benierkungen iiber psychiatrisclie Kasuistik. Meet Ztg., Berl, 1851, xx, 131; 135 —Steinthal. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete tier Psychiatric Med. Ztg., Berl, 1860, n. F., iii, 211 ; 217 ; 221.—Stephan (Ii. H.) Zur Geuese des Intentious- tremors. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl, 1887, xviii, 734: xix, 18.—Stevens (T. M.)' The psychology of Kathrina. Cin- cin. Laucet efe Obs., 1877, xx, 483. Also, Reprint—Thom- son (J. B.) [Review of] Psychologic naturelle: etude sui- tes facult6s intellectttelleset morales dans lour etat normal et dans leurs manifestations anomales chez lis alieu6s et chez les criminels, par Prosper Despine. Edinb. M. J., 1869-70, xv, 913-925. Also, Reprint—Tixier. Effets de l'egarement. Soc. d. sc med. de Gannat. Compt.-rend., 1873, xxvii, 133-143.—Truck. Psychiatrie. Cong. med. tie France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 628.— Tuke (D. H.) Ar- tificial insanity, chiefly in relation to mental pathology. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1865-6, xi, 56; 174.—Ullerspcrger (J. B.) Studien iiber das pathologische Verhaltniss der "Seele zum Korper". Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. PSYCHOLOGY. 750 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Medical and pathological). Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1866, xiii, 129-150.—Van Peene. Memoire nicdico-philosophique sur les passions ou affec- tions de l'&me. Ann. Soc. de m6d. tie Gand, 1835, i, 231- 261. [Rap. de M. C. Morren, 262-267.]—de la Vega (L.) La nieiito en estado ele enfermedael. G6nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1877, xxiii, 483-487.—Verriest (G.) Maladies ineutales et m6canisme des operations c6r6brales. Bull. Soe. ele meel. ment. ele Belg., Gaud, 1881, no. 23,25-39: 1882, no. 24, 24-44. Also: Rev. med., Louvain, 1882, i, 5; 121. -----. Observation de trois existences c6r6brales di- stinctes chez le meme sujet. Bull. Acad. roy. tie m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1882, 3. s., xvi, 533-550. Also: Rev. med., Louvain. 1882, i, 317-329.—Wei It aril (M. A.) Von Be- griften, Verstandeskraften, Triiiimcn und Urtheilen. Phil. Arzt, Frankf. a. M., 1798, i, 28-95.—Weiss (C.) Ueberdie Verbindung zwischen Seele und Korper, mit Beziehung auf die Krankheiten der Seele. Ztschr. f. psych. Aerzte, Leipz., 1819. ii, 1-30.—Willie. DiePsychoseuelesGreisen- alters. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc.". Berl., 1873-4, xxx, 269-294.—Winkler (W.C.) Hetuniversitaironderwijsin psychiatrie in het Groothertogdora Baden. Psychiat. Bl, Dordrecht, 1885, iii, 92-101.—Winslow (L. S.'F.) Aids to psychological medicine. Students' J. efc Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1881, ix, 101; 114; 124; 137; 148: 161; 173; 185; 196; 208; 238; 249; 261; 283.— Wyman (R.) A discourse on mental philosophy as connected with mental disease. Med. Commuuicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1836, v, 1-24.—Z. Ein Wort iiber psychische Mediziu. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1813, xiii, [Ann. d. Heilk., 747-751]. — Zacchia (P.) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte tier gerichtlichen Psychologie. Vrtljschr. f. Psychiat, Neuwied, 1868-9, ii, 371-383. Psychology (Physiological). Sue; also, Brain (Duality of); Brain (Localiza- tion of functions in); Brain a nd mind; Hypnotism; Nerve-currents ( Velocity of); Reaction time; Space; Suggestion; Will. Antklmk (A.) *Esquisse physiologique sur la pi'iisco. 4°. Paris, 1834. Athanase (R.) * Essai physiologique sur les factiltds intellectuelles. 4°. Paris, 1819. Bain (A.) The senses and the intellect. 8°. London, 1855. -----. Practical essays. 12°. New York, 1884. Beale (L. J.) The sense, the brain, aud the mind; their connections and relations. 12°. London, 187>1. Bertrand de Saint-Germain. Des mani- festations tie la vie et ele 1'iutelligence a l'aide de l'orgauisatiou. 8°. Paris, 1848. Binet (A.) La psychologie du raisonnement; recherches expdrinientales par l'hypnotisme. 1-2 '■'. Paris, 1886. —-——. Etueles de psychologie exp6rimentale. Le fetichisme dans l'amour. La vie pyschique tits niicro-organismes. L'intensit6 des images mentales. Le probleme hypnotique. Note sur l'e'eriture hyst6rique. 12°. Paris, 1888. ■---—. The psychic life of micro-organisms. A study in experimental psychology. Transl. from the French by Thomas McCormach, with a preface by the author, written especially for the American ed. 12°. Chicago, 1889. Brodie (Sir B. C.) Psychological inquiries; in a series of essays, intentled to illustrate the mutual relations of the physical organization and the mental faculties. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1855. ------. Thesame. Mind antl matter; or psy- chological inquiries. With additional notes by an American editor. 12°. New York, 187)8. ------. The same. 12°. New York, 1873. de Buzareingues (C.-G.) & de Buzareingues (L.-G.) Physiologie. Essai sur le nnScanisnie ties sensations, des id6es et des sentiments. 8° Paris, 1848. Carpenter (W. B. ) Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the train- ing and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions. 12°. London, 1874. Cattell (J. McK.) * Psychometrische Unter- suchungen. 8 '-. Leipzig, 1886. Clay (E.-R.) L'alternative. Contribution a la psychologic Trad, de l'anglais par A. Bur- dean. 8°. Paris, 1886. Psychology (Physiological). Cless (G. P.) Diss, sistens tentameu, ex ho- minis anatomia animi phenomena cruondi. 12°. Tubingw, 18(17. A Iso, in: Weber. Samml. med.-prakt. Diss, fete-1 8° Tubingen, 1822, iii, 118-179. Collineau (J.-C.) Analyse physiologique do Pentendement humain. 8°. Paris, 18-V.l. CROUIGNEAU (G.) * Etude clinique et experi- mentale sur la vision mentale. 4°. Paris, 1884. Czermak (J. N.) Ideen zu einer Lehre vom Zeitsinn. 8°. Wien, 1857. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. tl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Ch, Wien, 1857, xxiv, 231. Denarp (J.-E.-B.) * Quelques considerations sur I'histoire physiologique ties passions et tics atfections de l'ame. 4°. Paris, 1816. Dole (F. G.) *De ratione, qute animi facul- tatibus cum materie cerebri cinerea interceelit. 4°. Bounce, [1825]. Dunn (R.) An essay on physiological psy- chology. 8°. London, 1858. Durand (J.-P.) Ontologie et psychologie physiologique; eStudescritiques. 8°. Paris, 1871. Elam(C.) A physician's problems. 8°. Lon- don, 1869. Ennemoser (J.) Historisch-psychologische Uutersuchungen iiber den Ursprung unel elas We- sen der menschlichen Seele iiberhaupt, untl iiber die Beseelung des Kineles insbcsouelere. 12°. Bonn, 1824. Galton (F. ) Inquiries into human faculty and its tlevelopment. 8°. New York, 1883. Gley (E.) * Etude expdrimentale sur l'etat tin pouls carotidien pentlant le travail intellectual. [Nancy.] 4°. Paris, 1881. Also [Abstr.l, in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 603-605. Groslambert (H.) Esquisses physiologiques de I'lionime mental. 8°. Paris, 1881. Grot (N. J.) O dushe v svjazi s sovremen- nymi uchenijami o sile. [The soul in connection with present doctrines of force.] 8°. Odessa, 1886. Hagen (F. W.) Der goldene Schnitt in seiuer Anwendung auf Kopf- und Gehirn bau, Psycho- logie uutl Pathologie. 8°. Leipzig, 18.57. Haslam (J.) Sound mind; or, contributions to the natural history anel physiology of the hu- man intellect. 8°. London, 1819. Hecker (E.) Die Physiologie und Psychologie des Lacheus und des Komischen. Ein Beitrag zur experiinentellen Psychologie. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Holland (H.) Chapters on mental physiol- ogy. Founeled chiefly on chapter containeel in "Meelical notes anel reflections". 8°. London, 187)2. Jaquemet (H.) * De l'entralnement chez I'homme au point ele vue physiologique, prophy- lactiquo et curatif. 4°. Montpellier, 1867. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1867. Jessen (P.) Physiologie ties menschlichen Denkens. 8°. Hannover, 1872. ------. Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Be- grilndung eler Psychologie. 8°. Berlin, 1855. Klaatsch (A. H.) * De psychica organorum dignitate. 8 . Halce, [1818]. Klencke (H.) System der organischen Psy- chologie als nothwendigeGrundwissenschaft zum richtigen Versliindniss der leiblich-psychischen Zustande in Seelenkraukheiten, Affecten untl Ver- stimmungeu. Entwurf einer wissenschaftlichen Symbolik der Organe, fiir Psychologen, Physio- logen, Aerzte, Naturforscher uud Philosopheu dargestellt. 8°. Leipzig, 1842. Kissmaul ( A. ) Uutersuchungen iiber das Seelenlebeu des neugeboreneu Menschen, 8°, Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1859. PSYCHOLOGY. 751 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Physiological). Lamy. Explication nitSchanique et physique dos fonctions de l'ame sensitive, ou des sens, ties passions, et du mouvement volontaire. Oil l'on a aioutd une description des orgaues des sens, [etc.]. 2. ed. 16°. Paris, 1681. Lange (C.) Ueber Gemuthsbewegungen. Eine psycho-physiologische Studie. Autoriste Ueber- setzung von H. Kurella. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Langwieser (C.) Versuch einer Mechauikder psyehischen Zustande. 8°. Wien, 1871. Laycock (T.) Mind and brain; or, the cor- relations of consciousness auel organisation, with their applications to philosophy, zoology, physi- ology, mental pathology, and the practice of medicine. 2 v. 12°. Edinburgh if London, 1860. Lelut. Physiologie ele la pense"e.; recherche critique des rapports du corps a l'esprit. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1862. Also [Kev.], in: Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1862, 3. s., viii, 369-425: 1863, 4. s., i, 1-40. Lewes (G. H.) The physical basis of mind. Being the second series of problems of life and mind. 8°. Boston, 1877. LeiBiscH (J. E. L.) Entwickelungsgeschichte tier Seele des Kindes. 8°. Wien, 1851. -----. The same. Die Seele des Kindes in ihrer Entwicklung. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wieu, 1854. Lokdat (J.) R6ponses a des objections faites contre le principe tie la duality du dynamisme humain, lequel est une des bases de l'anthropo- logie m6dicale enseigne"e dans la faculty de m6de- ciue de Montpellier, [etc.]. 8°. Montpellier, 187)4. Lotze (R. H.) Medicinische Psychologie, oder Physiologie der Seele. 8°. Leipzig, 1852. Marsden. The action ofthe mind on the body. A lecture. H. Great Malvern, 1859. Maudsley (H.) On the method of the study of the mind; an introductory chapter to a physiol- ogy and pathology of the mind. 8°. London, 1867). Maziere (F.) *De I'intelligence conside"r6e dans ses rapports avec l'anatomie. 4°. Paris, 1844. Mendexhall (T. C.) Characteristic curves of composition. H°. Terre Baute, 1887. Munter ( G. W. ) Anatomische Gruudlagen zur Seelenkhre des Menschen und eler Thiere. 8°. Balle, 1846. Natanson (L.) La circulation des forces dans les etres anime"s; essai de psychologie scienti- fique. 8°. Paris, 1886. Oehrn (A.) * Exxierimentelle Stuelien zur In- dividualpsychologie. 8G. Dorpat, 1889. Paine (M.) A discourse on the soul and the principle of instinct as physiologically elistin- guished from materialism. 8°. New York, 1848. ----- Physiology ofthe .soul and instinct, as distinguisheel from materialism. With supple- mentary demonstrations of the divine communi- cation of the narratives of creation and the flood. 8°. Neiv York, 1872. Passot (P.-C.) 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Stu- dien zur physiologischen und philosophischen Anthropologie und zur Physik des taglicheu Le- bens. 5 Lfg. in 3. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Remond (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude de la vitesse des courants nerveux et tie la elur6e eles actes psychiques les plus simples a l'6tat normal et a l'6tat pathologique. 4°. Nancy, 1888. Ribot (T.) Die experimentelle Psychologie der Gegenwart in Deutschlaud. Autorisirte deutsehe Ausgabe. 8°. Braunschweig, 1881. -----. Psychologie de l'attention. 12°. Pa- ris, 1889. Rieger ( K. ) & Tippel (M.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber elie Willensthatigkeit. 8°. Jena, 1885. Ritter von Rittershain (G.) Geistesleben. Betrachtungen iiber die geistige Thiitigkeit ties menschlichen Gehirnes und ihre Entwicklung. 8°. Wien, 1871. Sergi (G.) L'origine dei fenomeni psiehici e loro signiticazione biologica. 8°. Milano, 1885. Repr. from: Bihlioteca scientifica internazionale, xl. -----. La psychologie physiologique. Trael. de l'italien par M. Mouton. 8°. Paris, 1888. Simonin (A.-H.) Psychologie humaine appli- quee ; les sentiments, les passions et la folie; ex- plication des phenomenes ele la pens6e et eles sensations. 12°. Paris, 1885. Smee (A.) Principles of the human mind, tie- duced from physical laws; together with a lect- ure on electro-biology, or the voltaic mechanism of man. 8°. New York, 1852. de Souza (A.) * Etude sur le me"canisme des 6tats psychiques normaux. 4°. Paris, 1888. Teichmeyer (H. F.) [Pr.] de septo pellucielo animse domicilio. 4°. Jenw, [1729]. Thiebout (C. H.) Kort begrip der proefon- dervinelelijke zielkunde, gegrondvest op ele \ve- tenschappen, welke aan middelbare scholen on- derwezen Avorden. 8°. Arnhem, 1869. Trautscholdt (M.) * Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber die Association der Vorstellung. 8°. Leipzig, 1882. Verity (R.) Subject and object; as connected with our double brain and a new theory of cau- sation. 8°. London,1870. Verneuil (H.) La rne'moire au point de vue physiologique, psychologique, et anatomique. (Travaux sur la substance eiu cerveau.) 8°. Paris, 1888. Viktoroff (P.) Ucheuie o lichuosti, kak nervno-psichicheskom organizme. Vypusk per- vyi. Izelanie P. T. Soldatenkova. [Study on personality, as to the nervo-psychical organism. Edited by P. T. Soldatenkoff. ] 8°. Moskva, 1887. Wenner (F. M.) Eine wichtige pneumatolo- gische und physiologische Entdeckung. 8°. Bonn, 1839. Wigan (A. L.) A new view of insanity. The duality of the mind proved by the structure, functions, and diseases of the brain, and by the phenomena of mental derangement, and shewn to be essential to moral responsibility. With au appendix. 8°. London, 1844. Also [Rev.l, in: Brit, efc For. M. Kev., Lond., 1845, xx, 1- 17. Also [Kev.], in: Med.-Chir. Kev., Lond., 1845, n. s., i, 513-520. PSYCHOLOGY. 752 PSYCHOLOGY. Paycholog'y (Physiological). -------. A few more words on the duality of the mind aud ou some of its corollaries. 8'-; [n. p., 11. el] Wildberg (C. F. L.) Ueber den in dem Leben unel eler Gesunelheit des Menschen bestehenden Dualismus. 12°'. Stendal, 1824. Wundt (W.) Grundziige der physiologischen Psychologie. 8°. Leipzig, 187[3-]4. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leip- zig, 1880. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leip- zig, 1887. -----. The same. Elements de psychologie physiologique; trad, de l'allemand sur la deu- xieMne Edition avec I'autorisation de I'auteur par Ic Dr. Elie Remvier, pre"c6el6s el'une nouvelle pr6face de I'auteur et d'uue introduction par M. D. Nolen. 2 v. 8°. Pfiris, 1886 [1885]. -----. Philosophische Studien. 1. Bel.; 2. Bd., Hft. 1-3. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. d'Abbailie. Sur la vision de la stirie des nonilires. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. tie Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 216-224.—Ac- cord ntkessaire des deux sciences, la physiolosiie et la psychologie pour l'etude de l'homiue; a propos d'un uou- vel ouvrage tie M. FourniG. Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Pur . 1877. i, 543: 582.—Alphandcry (G.) Contrihution ft lY-tiide de la iiietaniquepsycho-physiologiqued'aprtisles experiences de M. C. Fer6. Arch. gen. de metl, Par., 1885, ii, 334-346.—ab Altomari (I). A.) Trium quassito- rum nondum in Galeni doctrina dilucidatorum compendium. Primum : Quod functiones principes juxta Galeni decreta anima non in cerebri sinibus, sed in ipsius corpore exer- ceat . . . In his: Niniuullaopuscula, etc., sm.4°. Venetiis, 157d, 64-79.— AnHi-t!»TH (J. S.) Physiological psychol- ogy. Pub. Mass. Eclect. M. Soc, Bost., 1879, 745-795.— Arnn;'o. Cousideraciones sobre el espiiitismo. Crim. med.-quir. ele la Habana, 1880, vi, 571; 635. — Axcnfeld (11.) Intorno all' organotli spazio. Bull. d.r. Accad. med. di lionia. 1888-11, x, 208-235. -----. Intorno all' origine delle no/.ioni tli spazio. Boll. tl. Osp. di S. Casa tli Loreto, Loreto, 1888-9, ii, 73U-749.—Bain (A.) The feelings and the will, viewed physiologically. Fortnightly Rev., Louth, 1866, iii, 575-588. -----. The intellect, viewed physiologi- cally. Ibid., 735-748.—Bastian (H. C.) On the physi- ology of thinking. Ibid., 1869,n. s., v, 57-71.—Beard (G. M.) The relation of the soul and the intellect to thebrain. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869-70, iv, 74-77.—Benedict (W. R.) The nervous system and consciousness. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1884-5, xxvi, 731-750: 1885, xxvii, 66; 150.—Bene- •liltt (M.) Psychophysik tier Moral und des Rechtes. AVien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 941-944. Also, Reprint,— Bcneke r the treatment of mental ami nervous diseases, under the superintendence of Edward Mead. 5 1. 12°. Boston, IV. F. Brown $ Co., 1872. -----. The same. Re-opening, at Boston High- lands, in 1874. 51. 12°. Boston, IV. F. Brown 4- Co., 1874. Psydracia thermalis. Tillol (E.) La pousstie, titudiee aux eaux min6ralesde, Saint-Christau. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. tie Par., 1871-2," xvii, 349-367, 1 tab. Ptacnik. (Franc. Math.) *De morte. 23 pp. .*°. Pragw, C. Gericibek, 1845. Ptaszynski (S. A.). Editor of: Flcigchbcschauer (Der), Berlin, 1880-81. Ptelea trifoliaia. Potter (O. F.) Medical uses of Ptelea trifoliata. N. York M. J., 1866, ii, 184-186.—Steer (J.) [On Ptelea tri- foliata.] St. Louis M. Reporter, 1867-8, ii, 129-131. Pterocarpine. Cazeneuve (P.) Recherche et extraction tics alcaloides; d6couverte de la pt6rocarpiue. 8°. Paris, 1875. Ptci'ocaulon. ITIitchcll (E.) On the medicinal properties of the black root, Pterocaulon pycnostachyuiu. Charleston M. J. efc Rev., 1850, v, 458. Ptcropocla. Panetb (J.) Beitrage zur Histologie der Pteropiiiieii und Heteropoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1884, xxiy, 230-288, 3 pl.—Pelseueer (P.) Sur la valeur morpholo- gique des sacs a crochets des " PttSropodes " gymuosonies. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1889, xii, 312-314. Pterygium. Bernhuber(C) *De pterygio. 8°. Passau, 1853. Calle (J.-F.) *Du pterygiou. 4°. Paris, 1868. Carrassan(S.-P.) *Du pttSrygion. 4°. Pa- ris, 1880. Darrigade (P.) *Du pterygion et de son traitement par la mdthode dite d'enroulemeut. 4°. Paris, 1885. Getz (M. ) * De pterygio. 8°. Gottingw, [1852]. Itzig (L.) *De pterygio. 8°. Dorpati Lieo- norum, 1805. Larroque(C) * Etude sur le pterygiou. 4'-'. Paris, 1877. Mayssl(J.) *De pterygio. 8°. Vindobonw, [1831]. Miroudot (H.) * Quelques considerations sur le pt6rygion. 4°. Paris, 1862. Roudouly (A.-M.-P.) *Du pt6rygion. V. Paris, 1877. Tittel (H. B.) "De pterygio. 8°. Lipsice, 1854. PTERYGIUM. 755 PTOMAINES. Pterygium. Winther ( A. ) Experimental-Stuelien iiber tlie Pathologie des FTugelfelles. 8°. Erlangen, 1866. Agnew (C. R.) Pterygium. Med. Gaz., N. V., 1880, vii 513.—Alt (A.) Zur Histologie des Pterygiums. Arch. f Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1877, vi, 17-20, 1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. Opth. efc Otol, N.T., 1878, vi, 320-322.-----. On pterygium. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1889, vi, 77-83.— Arlt. Zur Nosographie und Nosogenie des Flugelfelles. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1845, viii, 73-92.— Biilloo (G-.) De ungue, pinna, ala. In his: Exercit. anat.-chir., 4°, Lugd., 1708, 147-152.—liiistamantc (A.) Terigion; observaciones a la leccion del Or. Lino Alarco que sobre el terigion dicto en el hospital Dos de Mayo. Gac. metl., Lima, 1877, iii, 13-24.— (Jarre. Traitement'du pterygion. Gaz. d'ophth., Par., 1880, ii, 145-148.—Can. tahli (R-) Brevi considerazioni sulla patogenesi e cura dello ptorigio. Morgagni, Napoli, 1884, xxvi, 170; 279; 432,2 p|.—Chilton (R. H.) Operative and medicinal treatment of pterygio in. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1885, xvii, 341- 346.—C'hisolin (J. J.) Pterygium completely covering the cornea. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 633.— t'rcus. Nueva operacion para el pterigion. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1870, xvii, 217-219.—C'niiier (F.) Quelques in- flexions sur la nature du pterygion. Ann. de m6tl. beige, Brux., 1837, iii, 9-11.—Decbnde. Emploi de l'acetate neutre de plomb dans le traitement du pterygion. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1852, xxviii, 181.— Uespagiict (F.) Du traitement du pt6rygion; operation par enroulement (pro- cede Galezowski). Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1881, 3. s., iii, 356- 368.—Dibble (L. R.) Evulsion of pterygium by the use of strabismus hooks. Kansas City M. Rec., 1888, v, 410.— Domcc(l).) La pt6rygion k Quito; nouvelle pathog6uie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille,'l881, iii, 736-747.—Fen ner (C. S.) , Pterygium. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1854-5, xi, 634-641.—Fiore. SulT operazione del pterigio. Ann. di ottal, Pavia, 1886, xv, 455-457.—Franco (P.) De ungula. In his: Petit traite, etc., 12°, Lyon, [1556J, 110-115.—Froebclius (W.) Ein seltener Fall von Pterygium sarcomatosum superius des rechten Auges, mit vollkommener Ueberwucherung tier Hornhautltgeheilt durch die Abtragung derselben und nachtraglicher Abrasion der Hornhaut. Med. Ztg. Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1860, xvii, 153-156.—Galezowski. Nouveau proc6d6 op6ratoiredu pt6rygion par enclavement. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 153-155.—Gallenga. Sulla precenza tli una cavita nella pinguecola e sua impor- tanza nella produzione ilello pterigio. Ann. di ottal, Pa- via, 1887-8, xvi, 490.—Gaston (J.-E.) Observation sur ['extirpation dun pterygion volumineux, tlevenu canc6- reux. Ann. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Montpel., 1804, iv, 361- 371.—CJolilzii'lier (V.) Adatok a pterygium boncztanA- hoz. [Nature of pterygium anatomically explained.] Sze- mcszet. Budapest, 1877, 81-84. -----. Zur Histologie des Pterygiums. Centralbl f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1878, ii, 2-6. — Harder ( M.) Zur Lehre vom Pterygium. Mitth. a. d. k. Univ.-Augenklin. zu Miinchen, Miinchen u. Leipz., 1882, i, 247-269. — Hermant. Note sur le pt6rigion cons6cutif a l'opthalmie purulente. Arch. me-d. beiges, Brux., 1865, 2. s., ii, 307; 315. —Hobby (C. M.) An operation for pterygium. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1888, v, 94.—Klein (S.) Zur Operation des Pterygium und zur Transplantation von Schleimhaut. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 19; 29.— Kit app (H.) A case of pterygium superius. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. V., 1871, ii, 54-57. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Carlsruhe, 1871-2, ii, 170-172.—Lawson (G.) Treatmentof two cases of pterygium by transplantat ion. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865-6, v, 45-47. Also: Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 711.—Lenaics (A. R.) Pterigiones meni- branosos, curados a beneficio de la estraccion simple y el uso continuado de los astringentes. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1871, xviii,840-842.— I.ino.4 larco(J) Pterigion. Gac. metl., Lima, 1876, ii, 329; 340; 349: 1877, iii, 4-13. [See, also, supra, Bustamante (A.)|— Lopez (E.) Apuntes sobre el ptery- gion. An. r. Acad, de cien. m6d___de la Habana, 1886-7, xxiii, 504-516. Also, transl.: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1887,3. s., ix,223;419.—McKeddie(G. D.) Case of pterygia treated by excision and subsequent iridectomies. Proc. N.-W. Prov. & Oudh Brunch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad, 1882. i, 231.—Mannhardt. Episcleritis und Pterygium. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl, 1868, xiv, 26-30— Mannhardt (F.) Kriti- sches zur Lehre vom Pterygium. Ibid., 1876, xxii, 81.— Mai-low (F. W.) On the advisability of early operation in cases of pterygium, combined with loss of aciiteness of vis- ion. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 206.—Martin (G.) De la cauterisation ignee comme complement de l'operation du pterygion. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1881, 12. s., v, 144-150.— Maurel. Modification au proc6d6 de Desmarres pour 1 operation du pterygion. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1879, xcvii, 350-356.—Maxwell (T.) Caseof double ptery- gium. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1857, iv, 657.—Miil- illi'iiiore (R.) Observations on pterygium. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1834-5, iii, 236-262.-Minkiewicz (J.) lluszczaki. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1871, x, 465-471.— Mora no (F.) Note di istologia patologica su lo pterigio. Gior. d. mai. d. occhi, Napoli, 1879, ii, 17-22.—O'Shaugh- Pteryginm. ncs*y (R.) Cure of pterygium by the application of strong nitric acid. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 358.—Panas. Du pterygion. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1880, 3. s., li, 15-17. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880. Iiii, 273. -----. Pterygion. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, xxx, 58-63.— Penfolil (H.) Case of ptery- gium crassum in both eyes, treated successfully by ligature and subsequent iridectomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 651.—Percira-Ouimaraes. Observac-ao rara e talvez unica de um pterygion duplo externo complete, e ele um pterygion interno incipiente, no olho direito, com a par- ticularidade notavel de terem a base para o lado ela cornea, e o apice para o angulo do olho; cura pela applieacao topica de sulphato de cobre, em substancia. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1876, iii, 520-524. -----. Un cas tie pterygion charnu double, externe et interne. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 609-611.—Petrequin. Recherches d'ana- tomie pathologique sur la nature du pt6rygion. Ann. Soc. de med. tie Gand, 1838, iv, 253-271.—Pires Fcri-eira (F.) Breves consideracoes sobre o pterygio e sen tratamento. Ann. Brasil. de nied., Rio de Jan., 1871-2, xxiii, 375-387.— Poncet (F.) Du pterygion. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1880- 81, i, 21-44, 1 pl. Also: Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend. 1880, Milan, 1881, vi, 99-101. — Pricourt. Observation sur un pt6rygion varico membraneux compli- qu6 el'un tubercule calleux sur la coru6e transpareute. J. tie ni6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxii, 453-458.— Prince (A. E.) An accidental divulsiou of a pterygium leading to an improvement in the regular operation. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1885, xiv, 16-18.—Reynolds (D. S.) Novel treatment of pterygium. Phila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 900.— Kudil (R. H.) Encysted pterygium anel black cat- eract. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1868, vi, 548.—Rnelle. Curieuse gu6rison tie pt6rygion. Soc. tl. sc. nied. ele Gannat. Compt. rend., Par., 1887, xii, 21.— Santos Fernandez (J.) Del pterigion. Anfiteatro auat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 158. -----. Contrihucion al estudio del pterigion. Cr6n. m6d.-quir. ele la Habana, 1879, v, 112- 116. Also: Cron. oftal., Cadiz, 1878. viii,265-271. Also,in his: Clin, de enfermed. de 1. ojos, 8°. Par., 1879, 233-242. -----. Accidentes a que puede dar lugar el proceder por desviacion en la operacion del pterigion. Cron. m6d.-quir. dela Habana, 1880, vi, 196-199. Also: Cron. oftal, Cadiz, 1880-81, x, 57-60. — SelioTcr (H.) Zur Lehre vom Ptery- gium. Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1877, viii, pt. 2, 186-194. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 673-676.— S[chustcr] (G.) Consilium medicum iiber des jungen Herrn Baron von H. . . . Augenpanniculum. Med. J., Chemnitz, 1767, 1. Th., 5-9. - Sous (G.) Du pterygium Bordeaux mt?.d., 1876, v, 349; 355; 377. — Symoiis (M. J.) Some remarks on pterygium. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1887-8, vii, 162-164.—Szokalski (V.-F.) Pte- rygion gueri parla ligature. [Rap. de M. Sotteau.] Bull. S'oc. de med. tie Gand, 1842, viii, 17-21. -----. Von der Ab- tragung des Pterygiums vermittelst der Ligatur. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk.,'Stuttg., 1845, iv, 285-295.—Theobald (S.) The pathogenesis of pterygium. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1887, iv, 537-541. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1887, iv, 207-210.—Velpeaii. Pterygion i\ l'leil droit; cauterisation avec lo nitrate tTargi'iit et le calomel; rescision. Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 77.—Wcillniiiibcr (L.) Ueber Pterygium, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Lehre des Di-. Desmarres. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1852, lxxiii, 126-128.—Wilkinson (J. S.) Congenital ex- tension of thickened conjunctiva over the fronts of both eyes (pterygia). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872, xxiii, 214-216. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1872, i,435.—Wright (J. W.) Evul- sion as a means of radical cure of pterygium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, x, 161. Pteryffomaiillary fossa (Tumors of). von Langenbeck. Ein Fall von Retromaxillartu- mor. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., iv. Cong., Berl, 1875, pt. 1, 101-103. [Discussion], 103-106.----- Fibroma retromaxillare (v. Langenbeck) der linken Seite. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1877, xxi (Suppl.-Hft.), 91.— Tansley (J. O.) Tumor in pterygoidal fossa. N. York M. Month., 1887-8, ii, 20-23. Ptisans. I>alaniantius (J.) Deptisanasuitemporis: libellus. Ad Hippocratis et Galeni de eadem materia elucidationem. In: Galenus (C.) Operum omnium . . . specimen, 8°, Ge- nevas, 1579, 94-114. Ptolom.Beii« (Claudius). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 29; 33; 133. Ptomaines [and leucomaines]. See, also, Putrefaction; Saliva; Urine (Chem- istry, etc., of). Aitken (Sir W.) On the animal alkaloiels, the ptoma'ines, lencomaiines, and extractives in their pathological relations, [etc.]. 12°. Lon- don, 1887. PTOMAINES. 756 PTOMAINES. Ptomaines [and leucomaines]. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12c. London, 1890. -----. The same. 12c. Philadelphia, 1887. Babbaglia (G. A.) Alcaloieli e ptomaine. roy. 8°. Pisa, 1887. Battle (E. ) *Etuele des ptomaines. 4°. Montpellier, 1883. Bkciiamp (A.) Theorie generale do la nutri- tion et origine ties ferments a propes de la dis- cussion snr les ptomaines et leur r61e pathogtS- niqne. 8°. Paris, 1886. Bkieger (L.) Ueber Ptomaine. 8°. Berlin, 1887). -----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber Pto- maine 8°. Berlin, 1887). Also [Rev.], in: Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1885,xxi, 75-80. -----. Microbes, ptomaines et maladies. Ouvrage traduit de l'allemand et annot6 par Dr. Ronssy et J. Winter. Pr6c6deS d'une introduction ileM.G. Hayem. 8°. Paris, 1887. A translation of the two preceding works. Brown (A. M.) A treatise on the animal al- kaloids, cadaveric auel vital; or, the ptomaines anel leucomaines chemically, physiologically, and pathologically cousideree! in relation to sci- entific medicine. With an introduction by Pro- fessor Arniand Gautier. 8°. London, 1887. Dujakdust-Beaumetz. L'hygiene prophylac- tique, microbes, ptomaines, disinfection, isole"- nient, vaccinations et 16gislatiou. 8°. Paris, 1889. Ettlinger (A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der FaulnissalkaloidedesFischfleisches. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1884. GiKLL y Bacigalupi (E.) L'immunit6 par les leucomaines. 8°. Paris, 188G. -----. Thesame. Immunity through leuco- niainis. Transl. from 2. French ed. by E. F. Rafael. 8°. New York, 1889. Hugounenq (L. ) Les alcaloieles el'origine animale. 8°. Paris, 1886. Jagodzinski (A. K.) Ptomainy ilevkomainy, metody ich izslieelovanija i otnoshenie k patolo- gii. [. . . methods of investigation and 1 heir re- lation to pathology.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Morelle (E.-F.-J.) * Recherches des leuco- maities dans la rate. 4°. Lille, 1886. Patehxo (E.) . J.) Memoria sobre as pto- maines da febre amarella. Ann. Acad, de metl. tlo Kio de Jan., 1885-6, 6. s., i, 129-179. — Frenkcl ( M. ) 0 ptomainach. Wiadomosci farm., Warszawa, 1887, xiv, 57 PTOMAINES. PTOMAINES. Ptomaines [and leucomaines]. 151. igi. _ JSaehtgens ( C. ) Ueber einen alkaloidar- tigen Bestandtheil raensehlicher Leichentheile. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1883, xxii, 339-345,—Garcia Itlereet (R.) Sobre la formaciiin tie ptoinainas en la tiebre perniciosa. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1885, xi, 471-473.—Gamier (A.) Peut-on distin- guer aujomd'hui les alcaloides cadav6riques des autres alcaloides naturels ou artifieiels? Bull. Acad, tie m6d., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 620-622. [See, also, supra, Brouardel (P.) &Bontmy (E.)] Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. 8., v, 546-548. —■---. Les alcaloides derives des matieres pro- tilques sous l'influence des ferments et des tissus. J. tl. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1881, xlviii, 355; 364; 372; 380; 388; 397. Also: Soc. de m6d. et pharm. tie lTs6re, Grenoble, 1881-2, vi, 9; 34. -----. Sur la deeouverte des alcaloides deriv6s des matidres protelques animales. Compt. rend. Acatl. d. sc. Par., 1882, xciv, 1119-1122. -----. Presenta- tion ele produit cbimique. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1882, 2. s., xi, 158-160. -----. Ptomaines et leucomaines, ou al- coolides physiologiques et cadav6riques. Tribune m6d., Par., 1886, xviii, 78; 87. -----. Sur les alcaloides derives de la destruction bact6rienue ou physiologique des tissus animaux. Bull. Acad, tie m6d., Par., 1886,2. s., xv, 65; 115. Also, Reprint. Also: Monit. scient., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi. 241- 273. Also,transl. [Abstr.]: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886, n. s., xvi, 628-633.—Gautier (A.) efe Ft aid (A.) Sur le me- oanisiuedela fermentationputridedes matures prot6Iqiies. Compt.rentl. Acad.d.sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1357; 1598.—Gia- comclli (L.) Di una ptomaina dotata delle principalipro- prieta della picrotossina. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1883, Iii, 408-413.—Giannctti(C) efe Corona (A.) Sugli alcaloidi catlaverici o ptomaine del Selmi. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. iii Bologna, 1880, 4. s., i, 689-712.—Gram (C.) Ein Beitrag zur Erklarung des Entstehens der Ptomaine. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz.. 1885-6, xx, 116-125.— Greene (W. H.) Ptomaines. Pbila. M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 246-251.—Gucrin (G.) Note sur la pr6sence d'une ptomalue sulfuree dans les urines. Bull, de pharm. de Lyon, 1882-3, v, 478.—Ilanimarsten (O.) Om ptomainer eller likalkaloider; ofversigt. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1884-5, xx, 464-477.— Heruianides (S. R.) Ptoma'inen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geueesk.. Amst., 1886, xxii, 221-243.— Jeanne!. Ptomaines et microbes. Re*-, imld. de Tou- louse, 1886, xx, 26U-2tS6.—Jeannel efe Fiaulanie. Re- cherches sur le role respectif des ptomaines et des microbes dans la pathog6nie de la septic6mie. Cong. franc, ele chir. Proc-verb., etc., 1885, Par.. 1886, i, 80-96.— Jolin (S.) Om ptomainer och leukomainer. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1888, 1, 467-495.— Leapeyrere. Les ptomaines; rGsumtS des me- thodes d'analyse ele M. Gautier et recherches des ptomaines dans la fievre jaune. Arch, ele m6el. nav., Par., 1882, xxxvii, 151-162.—lie Bon (G.) Sur les proprietejs des antiseptiques et eles proeluits volatils de la putrefaction. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 259-262. — I,c- pine (K.) efe Guerin. Sur la pr6sence tl'alcaloi'des toxi- ques dans l'urine et dans certains liquitles pathologiques. Lyon med.. 1884, xlvii, 206-211. Also: Rev. de med., Par., 1884, iv, 767-772. Alio: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1884), 1885, xxiv, 204-210.—Leuchini (A.) Contribuzione alio studio delle ptomaine. Orosi, Firenze, 1886, ix, 73-79.—I-utl (A. P.) Report on the relation of the ptomaines or animal alkaloids to some of the infectious levers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 193. — Maas (H.) Ueber Faulniss-Alcaloide. Verbantll. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir., Berl. 1883, xii, pt. 2, 167-171. Also: Fortschr. il. Med., Berl, 1883, i, 473-487. Also [Abstr.] : Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1883, xxix, 531-535. -----. Ueber Faul- niss-Alcaloido des gekochten Fleisches und des Fischfiei- sches. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl, 1884, ii, 729-736.—Maggi (L.) Protisti e alcaloidi. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 18?6, xlvi, 513; 528: 1887, xlvii, 13. — IVIann (J. D.) On ptomaines in relation to disease. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1887-8. vii, 460-466: 1888, viii, 10-21.—iTlarkiewicz (li.) Bialko, pepton i ptomainy. [Albumen, peptone, and pto- maines.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1884, xii. 437; 453; 469.— ITIoiii'Mon (J.) efe SchlagdciihaiiflTen (F.) Nouvelles recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur quelques liquides organiques (eau des oursins, eau ties kystes hyda- tiques et des cysticerques, liquide amniotique). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 791-794.—IVencki (M.) Zur Geschichte tier basischen Faulnissprodukte. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1882, n. F., xxvi, 47-52. — rVetter. Des poisons chimiques qui apparaissent dans les matieres organiques en voiede d6composition et des malaelies qu'ils peuvent provoquer. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1884, i, 720: ii, 74; 447.—North (J.) The pathological relation of pto- maines and leucomaines. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 9. sess., Wash., 1887, iii, 424-432. — . 4°. [Roma, 1875.] Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. el. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1874-5, eclxxii, 350-381. Nodari (G.) Gli alcaloidi cadaveric! consiele- rati nella loro genesi e portati nell' arringo delle cause penali. 8°. Padova, 1885. Oeffinger (H.) Die Ptomaine oeler Cadaver- Alcjiloiele nat:h einem fiir tlen badischen staats- arztlichen Verein ansgearbeiteten Vortrag. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1887). Ski.mi (F.) Sulle ptomaine oil alcaloidi eaela- verici e loro importanza in tossicologia. 8°. Bologna, 1878. Also, transl [Abstr.] in: Monit. scient., Par., 1878, 3. s., viii, 499-509. ------. Ptomaine otl alcaloidi cadaverici e prodotti aualoghi da certe malattie in correla- zione colla meelicina legale; memorie ... pubbli- eate atl iscbiarimento nelle cause per venefizio. 8°. Bologna, 1881. Tamba (K.) * Studien iiber das Verhalten der Ptomaine bei forensiseh - chemischen Arbeiten. 8°. Erlangen, 1886. Willgerodt (C.) Ueber Ptomaine (Cadaver- alkalo'ide) mit Bezugnahme auf tlie bei gericht- lich-chemischen Untersuchungen zu beriicksich- tigenden Pflanzengifte. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1882. Anrep (V.) L'intoxication par les ptomaines. Arch. slaves th- biol. Par., 1886, i, 341-355. — Barnhill (J. TJ.) Ptomaines, tir cadaveric alkaloids and sausage poisoning. Clevelaml M. Gaz, 1885-6, i, 293-304. — Berry (J. J.) Auto-infection; illustrative cases. Times efc Reg., Phila., 1889, xx,201.—Bond (A.K.) An obscure case of ptomaine poisoning. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 166-169. [Discussion], 171.—Bouchard (O.) Sur la presence d'al- caloi'des dans les uriues au cours de certaines maladies in- fectieuses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 604-007. -----. De l'origine intestinale de certains alca- loides normaux ou pathologiques. Rev. de me-d., Par., 1882, ii, 825-828. -----. Sur les poisons qui existent nor- malementdans l'organisnie et en particulier sur la toxicity urinaire. Compt. rind. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1886, cii, 669- 671. Also: Medeciu clin., Par., 1886, ii, 121-123. Also: France metl., Par., 1886, i, 482-484. Also: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 205. Also: Tribune metl., Par., 1886, xviii, 159-162. -----. Sur les variations tit- hi toxicity urinaire pendant la veille et pendant lc sommeil. Tribune m6th, Par., 1886, xviii, 172. Also: France med., Par., ]xsi], i, -193-495. Also: Compt. rend. Acatl. d. sc! Par., 1886, cii, 727-729. -----. De 1'auto-intoxication con- Ptoill.'lilics (Toxicology of). sideree comme accident deuteropathique dans les maladies iebiiles. Tribune med.. Par., 1886, xviii. 195-199. Also: Union med.. Par., 1886, 3. s., xii, 577-5*5. Also, transl: Riformamed., Napoli, 1886, ii, 550; 556.—Bricjjcr. 1'ebcr giftigeProductederFaulnissbacterien. licrl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1884, xxi, 209-211. -----. Demonstration tier Wir- kung dreier Toxine ( giftige Ptomaine). Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1888, xvii, 18-21. -----. Zur Kenntniss ties Te-tanin uud des Mytilotoxin. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., llerl., 1888, cxii, 549-551.—Brouniilcl, Ogier efc lTlinovici. Les ptomaines an point tlo vue ties causes d'erreur tlans les recherches toxicologiques. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xvii. 692-695.— Iti union (T. L.) On poisons formed from food, antl their relation to hilinusuess and diarrhoea. Practitioner, Lonel., 1885, xxxv 112; 192; 268. — Cameron (C. A.) Address. Subject: "Micro-organisms and alkaloids which render food poi- sonous ". Tr. San. lust. tir. Brit., Lond., 1884-5, vi, 321-339. Also, Reprint.—Camus (F.) Note sur lalti-ration ilea conserves par les ptomaines (observations d'accicleuts to- xiques). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1886, vii, 14- 19.—Cmnli (A.) Gli acieli biliari nelle ricercho tossiro- ltigichc e la natura chimica delle ptomaiue o alcaloidi cada- verici del Selmi. Riv. cliu. di Bologua, 1881, 3. s., i. 331- 336. — Ceme (A.) Des poisons tie l'orgauisiuc lnmiain. Konnandie med., Rouen, 1887, iii, 137- 144. — Cliillick (W. It.) A fatal case of ptomaine poisoning. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1889, n. s., xiii, 211. — l>ol«-ii* efc Butte. Re- cherches chimiques et exptjrimentales sur l'ticlanipsio; d6- couverte d'une substance cristalline toxique dans le sang ties eclamptiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol, I'ar., 1886, 8. s., iii, 82-85. — Firth (R. H.) On the occurrence of a poisonous ptomaine in milk. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 213.— Fleck. Ueber die gleichzeitige Nachweisung von zwei Giften in Leichentheiien. Jahresb. tl. chem. Ceutralsttlle f. iiff. Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd., 1881-2, x-xi, 72-77. — tlur- nier(L.) Les ptoma'ines devant les tribunaux. Rev. int-tl. de Test, Nancy, 1882, xiv, 454-459. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s'., ix, 78-83.— Oautier (A. ) Sur les ma- tures v6neneuses, produites par I'homme et les animaux sup6rieurs. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 776- 781. — Ciemmell (J. E.) Poisonous meat and cadaveric alkaloids. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 94-101. — (jirubcr (,J.) Ueber Leicheugifte und Krankheitsgifte (Ptomaine oder Ptomatine). Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu, 1887, xxii, 109; 121; 133.—Guarcntchi (I.) Se iirsTER (G.) An puer, xiii. annorum, ele- floratam in sella scdentein possit impriegnare ? In his: Commentationes difhciliora, [etc.]. 4°. Chem- nitii, 1741, 149-153. ce Sere (L.) La virilite et l'age critique chez I'homme et chez la femme. .8°. Paris, 1887). Tissot (S.-A.-D.) Essai sur la mue tie la voix. In: Excycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46 7. div., [v. 10], 676-680. Vogel(H.) DieBriistealsvicarireueleOrgane, beym Eintritte der Pubertiit fur die Function des Uterus. 8°. Miinchen, 1820. Anibroftioui (P.) Puberta a seconda delle profes- sion! dei tt-iiipi-raiiii-iiti e dell' et&. Rendic. statist, san. d. osp. civ. di Saiiipiordarena 1874-8, Genova. 1880, 128- 133. — Bcvern. lie-se hrijving van een tweejaarig, door eeue te vroegtijdige ontwikkeling sommiger tleelen, zeer waustaltig kind, heneevens eleszelfs ontleeding. Ver- handel. en Waarn. t. Bevortl. d. Genees-, Heel, Verlos- on Scheik., Leyden, 1804, ii, 234-237.—Bianclii-t'a;;lieNi (P.) Sulla pnbertil; pensierofisiologico. Raccoglitoreiiii-d. di Fano, 1851, 2. s., iv, 321-328.—BouUon (P.) Growing pains. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, i, 771.—Bjfonl (\V. H.) The second decade of life. Cincin. Laucet & Obs., 1877, n.s., Puberty. xx. 342-354.—Campbell (J.) On tho age at which men- strualion begins inSiam. Edinb. M. J., 1802, vii, 233-230.— CIoiimIou (T. S.) Piilnit\ andadolesfi-iiionit'iliio ]isvcho- logically considered. Ibid., 18X0-81, xxvi, 5-17. Ah'„, lie print.—ClowjjruveiE. M.) The etiology and classification ofthe amentia nf puberty. Tr. Itoy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1S88, vi, 38-4-1. —1»iiii« (Eloisa li.) Breves observatione-H sobre la aparieiou ele- la pubertal! en la tnu.jer chilciia i ile las prcili.sposicioni-s patnleijicas propias del sexo. Ut-v. metl. tie Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1887-8, xvi, 280; 337.—d'Httpim (M.) Recherches sur ipiehpies-uiies dos causes qui liatent mi re- tardent la puberte. Arch. g6n. ile moil, Par., 1835, 2. s., ix, 5; 303.—Fournic (E.) La mue tie la voix. Ga/.. d. lion., Par., 1874, xlvii, 521; 531 ; 539,-KollociiIiosmc k. Geschichte einer ungewohnlich schnellen Entwickelung bey einem Matlchen; nach einem amtlichen Berichte mitgetheilt und elurch physiologisch-pathologische Benierkungen erlautert. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. oesterr. Staates, Wien, 1820, vi, 3. St., 68-125.—fii'iidesdorf. Ahhildung eines friihreifen Kna- ben. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1876, 86, 1 pl—Lopez (A.) Case of remarkable precocity in a male. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1843, n. s., v, 500.—Marey. [Preco- cious puberty.] Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1876, xxvii, 237.— ITIazacz (J.) Friihzeitige Entwicklung. Wien. med. l'resse, 1873, xiv, 492.—ITIeiizcl (A.) Ein Fall von isolir- ter geschlechtlicher Friihreife. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 236. Also, transl.: Morgagni, Napoli, 1871, xiii, 142-144.—lVIoreau (J.-L.) Fragment d'une notice sur un jenne homme de onze ans, chez lequel on observe tous les signes ext6rieurs de lavirilit6, acoonipagn6s tie l'acerois- sement extraordinaire d'un 6tat pathologique du testicule. Puberty (Early and premature). J. tie metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1806, xii. 274-278.— Nicolas du Saulsay. Description d'un enfant ele pr6s de trois aus, d'une force extraordinaire, et qui a les mar- ques ext6rieures de la virilitfi. Rec. period, dobs, de med., ele chir. et pharm., Par., 1757, vii, 221-224.—d'Obre- senski (J.) De puero tertio a-tatis sua; anno barba- bato. Misc. Acad. nat. cui ios. 1085, Norimb., 1705, 2. de- curia, iv, 318. Also, transl.: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, iii, 607.—Palois. Observations de puberte hative, traduites de l'auglais, et pr6ced6es de quelques do- cuments historiques. J. tie la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1830, vi, 75-92.—Peacock (T. B.) Precocious puberty. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839-40, 548-550.— Piazza (F.) Circa una bambina tli ventinove mesi nien- struata e puberc. Imparziale, Firenze, 1863, iii, 200-203.— [Premature puberty.] Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1744. Amst., 1751, 17. Also: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc., Par. et Liege, 1785, ix, 409.—[Premature puberty, male.] [Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc, 1758.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc., Par. et Li6ge, 1786, xii, 370. — Presle-Duplessis. Notice sur un enfant qui a elonn6 th-s sigues de puberte k l'&ge do dix-huit mois. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1821, viii, 277-281.—Pryor (W.R.) A case of precocious development. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 245-251.—Puberte precoce. [From: Mem. Acad.roy.d. sc., 1701.] Collect.acatl. d. mem., etc. Partie franc., P'ar. et Liege, 1786, xiii, 314.—Bobb (W. D.) A strange case. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1878, 2. s., xxi, 8.— Rodzevitcb (tl. U.) Opolovoizrie-elostiirodachvoclien pozdnem vozrastie. [On precocious puberty, antl delivery at late age-.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1881, vi, 2722- 2724.—Salgo (J.) A puhertas koroki jelentos6gi'. [Pu- berty as cause of psychosis.] Orvosi ketil, Budapest, 1888,' xxxii, 453; 490.' Also [Abstr.]: Pest. nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 140-142.—Smart ( R. B. ) A case of premature puberty. Proc. Rov. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ii, 132. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1858, xii, 455-462, 1 pl.—Sin■ III (J. G.) Some account of a boy in whom the generative organs have been prematurely de- veloped. Lond. M. Reposit., 1822, xvii, 353-358.—Mouth (J. F.) Case of premature puberty. Meel.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 76-85.—Stone (R. K.) Extraordinary precocity in the development of the male sexual organs anel muscular system in a child four years old. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 561-564'.—Strieker (W.) Zu der Abhandlung iiber geschlechtliche Friihreife in die- ser Ztschr., 1862, iii, 346. Wiirzb. nied. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 138. [See, also, supra, Kussmaul (A. )J — Ulrich. Ue- ber eine merkwiirdige vorzeitige Entwickelung, beobaeh- tet an Maria Catharina Bergweiler aus Kempenich. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, 1820, ii, St. 2, 194- 196.—Virchow (R.) Mittheilungen iiber friihreife Indi- vieluen. Verhandl. el. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1870, 136-138. -----. Photographie eines nordamerikaiiisehen sehr friihreifen Madchens. Ibid., 87, 1 pl. — Wall (M.) Case of premature puberty in a female. [Latin text.] Med.-Chir. Tr., 3. eel., Lond., 1817, ii, 116-118. — War- ner. Remarkably precocious maturity. J. Gyna-c Soc. Bost., 1869, i, 144.— Wilson (C.) Case of precocious de- velopment of the sexual system in a female child. Aled. Exam., Phila., 1853, n. s., 'ix, 745.—Woods (T.) An ex- traordinary case of early puberty in a hoy. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 377; 473. Pubis. See Pelvis. Pubis (Caries of). See Labor (Sequelce of). Pubis (Excision of). De t'ristoforis ( M.) La resezione pubica sottope- riostea sostiluita alle pib. gravi operazioni ostetrieho. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1858, clxv, 509: 1859, clxvii, 15. Pubis (Fracture of). See Pelvis (Fracture of). Pubis (Symphysis of). See Symphysis (Pelvic). Pubis (Tumor of). de Bi'iin. Ost6o-sarc6me du pubis; fracture sponta- nee; abces consecutif ouvert dans l'urethre et dans l'arti- culation dc la hanche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 118. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 605.—dc «ila- ligny. Observation sur un sarcome, grele, qui pendoit de la partie droite inferieure du pubis presque jusques sur le genou d'une fille. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xx, 453.— lTIalagodi (L.) Voluminoso lipoma al pube. Raccoglitore, Fauo, 1838, i, 129-135, 1 pl—rVuun (T. W.) Pendulous tumour from the pubes. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873-4, xxv, 227.—Olinedo (C.) &. Kico (I.) Tumor canceroso en la region del pubis, curailo por la se- paracion del tumor. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1851, 2. s., i, 162. PUBLIC. 762 PUCCINOTTI. Public. »SVc Physicians (Duties, etc., of). Public dinner to Dr. [Valentine] Mutt. 4 pp. S-. [New York, 1837).] Public Dispensary for the Parish of Saint Leon- ard, Hythe, Kent Co. Annual report of the com- mittee to the suhscribers. 34., 1882-3. 2 sheets. 4-. [Hi/the, 1883.] Instituted Oct., 1849. Public Dispensary for the Eelief of Sick Poor, London, \Y. C. Plan ofthe public dispensary iu Carey-Street, Lincoln's-Iun-Fields. 30 pp. 8°. London, J. Phillips, 1789. Established 1782. -----. Public dispensary in Bishop's-Court, Liu- coln's-Iuu, for the relief of the sick poor. 11 1. 8J. London, R. Wilks, 1817. -----. Regulations as settled at a quarterly gen- eral meeting of the governors and subscribers, held at the Dispeusary House on 11th May, 1880. 8 pp. 12°. London, Stevens cf Richardson, 1880. -----. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the subscribers. 100.-102., 1881-2 to I8KS-4. 12°. London, 1882-4. -----. Rules anel regulations as settled at a epiarterly general meeting of the governors and subscribers, held at the Dispensary House on 13th Feb., 1883. 16 pp. 12°. London, W. L. Richard- son, 1883. -----. Au account of the receipts and expendi- ture, for the years 1882-3; 1884-5. 4°. [London, 1883-7). ] Public Health. A weekly journal devoted to the preservation of health. Eelwarel J. Berming- hain, editor. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, July 5 to Aug. 30, 1879. 4°. New York. No. 9, v. 1, last published. Public (The) health. The basis of sanitary re- form. The metropolitan board of health. Sketch of the organization and powers of the board. Sanitary value of the bureau of records. How nuisances are discovered and abated. Statistics of work thus far performed. The impending pesti- lence, and how it was avoided. Republished by the Citizens' Association of New York. 28 pp. 8°. New York, 1866. Repr. from: The New York Tribune, Aug. 13, 1866. Public (The) Health. A record and review of sanitary, social, and municipal affairs. Edited by W. Hardwicke. [Monthly.] v. 1, Jan. to Dee.,,1808; No. 1, v.2, Jan., 1809. 4°. London. Public Health: a journal of sanitary science and progress, and of institutional, social, anel general information upon subjects affecting the health of tho community; and the organ of the public health service. [Monthly.] Editeel bv Abbotts Smith, v. 1-7, May, 1873, to Dec, 1877. 4°. London. Ended. In Nov., 1873. became fortnightly, v. 1 com- plete in 11 nos., May to Dec, 1873; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1874 ; in Jan., 1875, v. 3, became weekly; after v. 3, 1875, 2 v. annually. April 14, 1876, in v. 4: Sanitary (The) Re- view (which is not in this library) was incorporated with this journal. Public Health. The journal of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Edited by A. Wyn- ter Blyth. [ Monthly. ] v. 1-2, May, 188.8-9. sin. 4°. London. Current. Public Health. A monthly journal of .state, municipal, family, and personal hygiene, and of veterinary sanitary science. The official publica- tion of the State board of health of Minnesota, v. 1-3; nos. 1-3, v. 4,1HS5-6 tol.^8-9. 8°. lied Wing. Public Health Associations. See Hygiene (Public, Societies, etc., of). Public (The) health bill of lK">r> and the Edin- burgh Review on private bill legislation. 54 pp. 8°. Westminister, J. Bigg tjj- Son, 1855. Public (The) health (Ireland) act, 1878(41 A 42 Vic, cap. 52), with schedules, an introduction, and a well-digested index, xvi, 210 pp. l->\ Dublin, J. Falconei; 1878. Public Health Magazine and Literary Review. Edited by Geo. A. Baynes. [Monthly.'] v. 1-2 July, 1875, to June, 1877. 8°. Montreal. Public Hospital. See Jamaica. Public Hospital. Public Infirmary and Dispensary for Folkestone and its neighborhood. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers, for tlie years 1H75- 84. 4° & 8°. Folkestone, [1876-87,]. Established Oct., 1846. 1875-82 are 4°. -----. Rules and regulations ofthe Dispensary and Infirmary for Folkestone and its neighbor- hood. Revised Jan., 1881. 10 pp. 12°. "'Folke- stone, Stock, 1881. Public (The) medical services. The army, navy, and Indian medical services, what they are aiiil what they are not; being hints to candidates for commissions on the choice of a service entrance London examination; outfit; life and work at Netley; the final (Netley) examination; outfit for India; cost of living in India; to which is added a vocabulary of Hindustani medical terms; list of medical works, etc.; examination papers; a list of Indian staff appointments and salaries; regulations for admission into the army, navy, aud Indian medical services, vi (1 1.), 74 pp. 8°. London, B. K. Lewis, 1878. Publicacao successiva de alguns discursos filo- soficos sobre as sciencias naturaes, traduzielos ele differentes linguas para portuguez por Egitlio Patricio de Coito. 5 p. 1., 91 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1804. [P., v. 1200.] Publications of the American Statistical As- sociation. Nos. 1-5, n. s., March, 1888, to March, 1889. 8°. Boston. Current. Pucci (Francesco). Studj teorico-pratici per la cura e conservazione dei denti e malattie tlella bocca. 90 pp., 1 1. 8°. Venezia, G. Cecchini 4' Comp., 1871. Pucci (Pietro). Co-Editor of: Eco (L') delle cliniche, Napoli, 1886. Pliccianti (Gaetauo). Azione nervea vasomo- triee stueliata iu s6, e nelle sue applieazioui alia patologia. 81 pp. 8°. Siena, A. Mucci, 1865. [P., v. 791.] Pucciuotti (Francesco) [1794-1872]. Delia sapienza d' Ippocrate e tlella necessity di rista- bilire la medicina Ippocratica in Italia. 2. ed. Ill pp. 12°. Fuligno, Tomassiui, 1831. [P., v. 1430.] ----. Patologia ineluttiva proposta come nuovo organo elella scienza cliuica. Edizione eseguita sull' ultima di Napoli e diligentemente corretta. [xi-]xxiv, 210 pp. roy. 8C. [n. p., 1832, rei subseq. ] Incomplete; title-page and pp. i-x wanting. ----. Prolusione alle lezioni di patologia generale perl'anuo 1829-30; nella quale si ragiona tlella diagnosi fondata nei rapporti di connessioue tra causa eel effetto, come mezzo onde perfezionarela scienza clinica. In his: Patologia induttiva [etc.]. roy. 8°. [n. p., 1832, vel subseq.], 177-197. ----. Collezione delle opere mediche del pro- fessore . . . sezione seconda: opere mediche, v. 1-2. 2 v. 339 pp., 1 1.; 220 pp., 2 1. 3<-\ Ma- cerata, G. Mancini-Cortesi, 1835-6. Being v. 4 and 5 of this collection. ----. Dialoghi intorno alia teoria/lella flogosi di Giovanni Rasori. 142 pp., 1 1. ' 8°. Milano, Pirotta V- brauch. 8 \ Prag, 1829. Muller (C.) * Tractatus tie aqua PUllnaensi. 8°. Pragw, 1834. -----. Das Piillnaer Bitterw asser iu kur/.cr Uebersicht. 12°. Wien, 1844. -----. The same. Les eaux minerales do PUllua. 12°. Vienne, [1843]. Schlierf(G.) *De aquis Pulluamsibus. 8°. Vindobonw, [1830]. Text German. Wetzler (J. E.) Ueber den Nutzen und Ge- brauch des Piillnaer Bitterwassers. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1827. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 12°. Augsburg, 1847. Wirkung (Ueber die) untl Anwendung ties Piillnaer Bitterwassers. Fiir Kranke, die sich dessen bedienen wollen, geschildert von einem Berliner practischen Arzte. 12°. Berlin, 1846. l'ULLNA. 765 PUERPKKAL. Piillna. f.abatlA.) l5tude snr l'eau do Pullna (Boh emo). Ann. Sm d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1869-70, xvi. 303-319. Also, K,.nrint'-----• Piillna. N. diet, tie meel. et chir. prat., Par 1881 xxx, 145. — Therapentinehen (Die) Eig^en- schaften des Piillnaer Bitterwassers. Cursalon, Wien, 187G, No. 23. Piiiidtcr (Xaver). Siitze aus tier gesammten Medicin und Chirurgie bei Erlangung des me- tlicinisch-ehirurgischen Doctorates. 4 1. 10°. Landshut, J. Attenkofer, [1800]. Piincr (Clemens Wlatislaus).v * Do alkaloidibus. 104 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prag, W. Spinka, 1839. Puente-Viesgo. EnrSqucai(A.) BafioselePuente-Vicsgo. Bol.desan., Madrid, 1888, i, 135-170. Purcliliaucr (H.) Zur Casuistik tier Allantia- sis. 33pp- 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsietiiii, 1877. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877. xxiv. Piirckliauer (Heinrich). * Klinisober Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Scrophulose. [Erlangen.] 34 pp. 8°. Dinkelsbiihl, A. Walthr, 1859. Piirklisiuer (Friedrich). * Ueber die parasiti- schen Gewachse des menschlichen Korpers. 40 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge, 1834. Puerperal albuminuria. See Albuminuria in pregnancy, etc. Puerperal anosmia. See Anaemia in pregnancy. Puerperal apoplexy. Alvarez (S.) Apoplegiaepileptiformepuerperal. Es- pana metl., Madrid, 1862, vii, 53-56.— Ayres (P. B.) Case of apoplexy occurring in the ninth month of pregnancy, with effusion of hlooel into the fourth ventricle and pons Varolii. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1854, viii, 514.—Biei- ler. Todtliche Apoplexia nervosa bei einer Schwangern. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Heilhr., 1838, iii, 20- ^-j.—C'aiiMtalt(C) Apoplexia sauguinea in einer Schwan- geren- Herzgerausch; Genesung. Inhis: Klin. Kiickbl. u. Abhandl., 8°, Erlang., 1851, 2. pt., 35— 4'arganieo. In- sultus apoplecticus von Kohlendunst wahrend der Eut- biDdung. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1836, v, 43.—€ronniieliiick (C.) Observation d'un accouchement laborieux, chez une femme primipare. Ann. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Bruges, 1840- 41, ii, 136-139. — Halstert ( T. M. ) Cerebral apoplexy, with ursemia at ninth month of pregnancy. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vi, 25. Also: N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s., ii, 611. — Hammond (J.) Short notes of unusual cases of parturient apoplexy. Veterinarian, Lond., 1889, lxii, 541-543.—Ha mon. Apoplexie sereuse survenu au declin d'une albuminuric liee a l'etat de gestation; hemiplegie; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 506. — Hertz- veld (M. H.) Apoplexie gedureude de zwangerschap met hemiplegie der linkerzijde; herhaalde apoplectische aan- viillt-u, brakingen, borst-syiuptomata, normale verlossing, phlegmasia alba dolens; herstelliug. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Geneesk., Zwolle, 1846, i, 145-165.—Homnns (J.) Apoplexy during labor; effusion of blood iDto the pons Varolii and crura cerebri; death. Boston M. efc S. J., 1856, liv, 399.—Jones (G.) Case of apoplexy occurring at the full perioil of utero-gestation. Midland M. efc S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i, 282.—Laurent. Deux observations d'apoplexie cerebrale, survenue chez de nouvelles accou- tres, anemiques par suite d'abondantes hemorrhagies; avec des inflexions et des considerations sur l'h6morrhagie du centre nerveux pendant, la grossesse, pendant et aprfes le travail. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1841, 227-250. Also: Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1841, iv, 241-264.— Packard. Cerebral apoplexy during labor. Am. J. Obst., 1ST. Y., 1871-2, iv, 736-738.—Putcgnat (E.) Sur la grossesse compliqut;ed'h6iuorrhagiec6rel)rale. J. tie m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1870, 1, 309-316. — Keddy (J.) A case of paralysis with aphasia occurring on the fifth day after parturition; death and post-mortem. Canada l\r. & S. J., Montreal, 1872-3, i, 1-6. — Sogcnandten ( Von eineni) Schlagrluss, einer schwangeren Frauen. Samml. v. Nat- u. Med.-. . . Gesch. 1719, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1721, x, 610-612. — Steele (A. B.) Apoplexy with convulsions aud hemiplegia in the puerperal period, terminating in re- covery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 350.—Van Dervcer. [Specimen of meningeal apoplexy.] Buffalo M. & S. J., lH7,"i-(i. xv, 270.—Walley. Comparative anatomy of the arterial cerebral circulation in animals and the human sub- ject, as hearing on parturient apoplexy and convulsions. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4). 1875, iii,'331 - 334. — West (R. U.) Case of sudden apoplectiform seizure, terminat- ing fatally in thirty-five hours, on the sixth day of lying- in. Tr. Obst. Soc.'Lond. (1860), 1861, ii, 276-279. — Will- iams (P.) Case of apoplexy in a pregnant woman. Med. Puerperal apoplexy. Facts efc Obs., Lond., 1794, v," 96-100, 1 pl—Williamson (W.) Case of apoplexy during labour; fatal without con- vulsions; extensive extravasation into the brain. Ediub. M. efc S. J., 1855, lxxxii, 11. Puerperal coma. Roc (H.) Caseof puerperal coma. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 507-510.—Waggoner (J.) Quinine in coma which fol- lowed parturient convulsions. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1859-60, i, 242. Puerperal convulsions. See, also, Epilepsy in pregnancy, etc.; Labor (Premature, Induction of); Puerperal co»te<; Puerperal tetanus. Adamski (A.) * De eclampsia gravidarum par- turientium et puerperarum. 8°. Vratislaria; 1856. Armani (J. M. B.) *De eclampsia parturien- tium. 8°. Groningw, [183.")]. Ammaxn (A. A.) * Das Gefriisel tier Schwan- gern, Gebiirenden und Woehnerinnen. Eclamp- sia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 8°. Ziirich, 1842. Argaing(A.-B.) * De l'eclampsie pendant la grossesse', pendant l'acte de la parturition et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris 1856. Ai'dibert (L.) * Essai sur l'eclampsie sur- venant avant, pendant et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Balay (J.-S.-M.) * De l'eclampsie. 4°. Paris, 1863. Baron (A.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1853. Baikjuissau (S.) *De l'eclampsie puerpdrale. 4°. Paris, 1871. Also [Abstr.], in: Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 633- 639. Baktels (J.) *De convulsionibus parturien- tium. 8°. Kilhe Bolsatorum, [1799]. Baudelocque (C.-A.) * Dissertation sur les convulsions qui surviennent pendant la grossesse, dans le cours du travail de l'eufantemeut et apres la deSlivrauce. 4°. Paris, 1822. Benoit (L.-H.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Montpellier, 1867. Betschler (J. W.) *Ueber die Eclampsie eler Gebiirenden. Einladuugs-Programm. 8C. Bres- lau, 1831. Boelen (D.) * Over de stuipen van zwangeren eu barenden, naar aanleiding van acht waarge- nomeu ziektegevalleu. [Leitlen.] 8°. Zulphen, 1862. Boerma (H. R.) *De eclampsia gravidarum. 8°. Groningw, [1857]. Bosch (O.) * Beitrage zur Eklampsia puer- peralis. 8°. Basel, 1882. Bostrom(L. A.) *De convulsionibus gravi- darum et parturientium, casu illustratis. 8°. Lundw, 1836. Boucard (J.) *De l'eclampsie puerpdrale. 4°. Paris, 1853. Bouchet ( G.-A.-O. ) * Considerations sur l'eclampsie puerperale, et sur le traitement de cette maladie. 4°. Paris, 1868. Bouteillotjx (J.-B.) * Essai sur les convul- sions ties femmes enceintes, en travail, ou nou- vellement accouchees. 4°. Paris, 1816. Boutin (C.) De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1867). . Briere (F.-D.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1860. Brummerstadt (W.) Bericht aus der Gross- herzo'Wichen Central-Hebammen-Lehranstalt in Rostock, nebst einer statistischen Zusammenstel- lung aus 135 theils veroffentlichteu, theils noch unbekannten Fallen von Eclampsie. 8°. Ros- tock, 1865. PUERPERAL. 766 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. ------. The same. 8°. Rostock, 1866. Buesch(G.) *De eclampsia puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1862]. Caix (F.) *J5tude sur un cas d'edampsie puerperale precoce. 4°. Paris, 1883. Ciiaballier (G.) *De l'eclampsie au point de vue de ses causes, de ses effets et de son traite- ment. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Chaussier. Considerations sur les convul- sions qui attaquent les femmes enceintes. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1824. Repr. from: Proces-verbal de la distribution des prix aux 616ves sages-femmes. See, also, infra. Citerne (A.-P. ) *De l'eclampsie chez la femme dans le cours de la gestation, pendant et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1850. Cohen (N. A.) De convulsionibus gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, [1853]. Compaing (P.-B.) *Diss. sur les deux ques- tions suivantes: 1°. Lorsque des spasmes ou des convulsions troublent on arretent les crises salu- taires de la nature dans les maladies aigues, sur- tout au moment oil elles arrivent a leurcoction, peut-ou les calmer ou les dissiper en irritant le canal intestinal, afin de determiner ties dejections al vines ? 2°. Lorsque des spasmes ou des con vul- sionsseeieclarentpenelant le travail ele l'accouche- ment, et rendent nulle Paction expultrice de la matrice, doit-on terminer l'accouchement le plus promptement possible? 4°. Paris, 1811. Crette (C.) *De l'eclampsie des femmes en- ceintes et en couches. 4°. Paris, 1865. Crielaers (C. J.) *De convulsionibus par- turientium. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1829. Crousse(L.) De l'eclampsie, ou convulsions ties femmes en conches. 8°. Epinal, 1848. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. metl. d'emulat. d. Vosges. vi 3. cahier, 1848. Dabis (A.) * Ueber puerperale Eklampsie, nebst einer Krankengeschichte von Eklampsie, wahrend der Schwangerschaft. 8°. Greifswald, 1867. Dalien (P.) * Observations et reflexions sur l'eclampsie des femmes enceintes. 4C. Stras- bourg, 1837. Davau(A.-G.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1853. Delage (P.-A.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1854. Denis (J.-B.) * Des convulsions em de l'eclamp- sie peudant la grossesse, pendant et apres l'ac- couchement. 4°. Paris, 1843. Denman(T.) Essays on the puerperal fever, auel on puerperal convulsions. 8°. London. 1768. ' ------. An essay on difficult labors. Part third, and last. On puerperal convulsions and on the descent of the funis. 8°. London, 1791. Dhers (F.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale (con- vulsions pendant la grossesse, durant et apres le travail). 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Dick (J.) *De eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Monachii, 1835. Dissmann (C.) * De eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Bonnw, 1852. Dohrn. Zur Kenntniss des heutigen Standes der Lehre von der Puerperal-Eclampsie. 4? Marburg, 1867. vander Donckt (I. F.) * Des convulsions puerperales. 8'J. Bruxelles, 1864. Repr. from: Ann. d. univ. de Belg., 2. s., ii. Dotezac (J.-H.-A.) * De l'eclampsie des fem- mes enceintes et en couches. 4°. Paris, 1863 Douillet (F.-M.-C.) *De l'eclampsie puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1852. Piie rpe ra I convuIsions. Dubreuilh (J.) Rellcxions sur l'eclampsie puerperale, consieieree au point do vue nratifiue 8°. Bordeaux, 1843. Repr. from: Rec. d. trav. Soc. roy. tlo mod. fde Por. deaux?]. Duguet (P.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. Historique, pathogeuie et traitement actncls 4°. Bordeaux, 1889. Duquesnel (E\) *De reclampsio chez les femmes enceintes ou en couches. 4°. Paris 1857. Duriau (F.) Note sur un cas d'edampsie et de manie puerperale. 8°. Paris, 187)9. Repr. from.- Rev. metl. franc, et etrang., Par. Dussard (J. H. G.) *Do eclampsia puer- perali. 8°. Berolini, 1861. Duviard (L.-I.-C.) *De l'eclanipsio puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1846. Ehkexberg (A. T.) *De eclampsia gravi- darum, parturientium, puerperarum. 4°. Bero- lini, [1853]. Engelmann (C. F.) * De motibus convulsivis atque convulsionibus a partu difflcili. 4C>. Alt- dorjii Noricorum, [1752]. Engstrom (O.) *Om eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 8°. Belsingfors, Ernst (A.) *De eclampsia. 8°. Berolini, [1849]. Fabre (E.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Fatou (P.-E. ) *De l'eclampsie puerp6rale. 4°. Paris, 1855. Fayol (A.-H.) *De l'6clampsie pendant la grossesse, pendant et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 187)0. Feenstra(L.) Een geval van eclampsia gravi- darum. 8°. Groningen, 1863. Feig (M. M.) *De eclampsia puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1859], Fett (L.) * Ueber die Beziehungen tier Eclampsie zur uramischen Intoxication. 8\ Marburg, 1864. Feustell (C.) * Beitrage zur Pathologie und Therapie der puerperalen Eklampsie. 8°. Ber- lin, [1888]. Fontaine (J.-A.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1861. Franke (F. G. F. A.) *De eclampsia partu- rientium. 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Freyer (C.) *De spasmis eclampticis. 8°. Lipsiw, 1855. Fromm (B. F. C.) * De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, 1857. Fuerst (A.) *De eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Gallot, dit Lavallee (N.-C.) *Sur les con- vulsions des femmes grosses, en travail, et recem- ment accouchees. 4°. Paris, 1837. Ganiere (L.) * De l'eclampsie avant, pendant et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1864. Gasters (F.) * Ueber Eklampsie, nebst Mit- theilungvon 14 in der Greifswalder geburtshiilfl. Poliklinik beobachteten Fallen. 8°. Greifswald, 1884. Geiger (O.) * Ueber Eclampsia gravietarum et parturientium. 8°. Miinchen, 1879. Gerdien (H. ) * De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium, puerperarum. 8°. Begimonti Pr., 1864. Gerischer(C. A.) *De eclampsia parientium, morbo gravi quielem neque adeo funesto, sectio altera therapeutiea. 4°. Lipsiw, [1777]. Also.in: AVeiz(F.A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frank/. u. Leipz., 1778, viii, 123-136. PUERPERAL. 767 PUEKPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. Gettkant (R.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der nuerperalen Eklampsie auf Grund von Zusam- lnenstdluugen hiesigeu klinischeh Materials. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1884. Goldhorn (H. L. V.) *De eclampsia partu- rientium. 8°. Balis, 1867. Golski (S.) * De eclampsias puerperalis patho- genesi deque duobus casibus ab auctore ipso ob- servatis. 8°. Vratislaviw, [1866]. Gkas (F.-L.) *Sur les convulsions qui se manifestent pendant le travail de l'enfantement, avant l'ecoulement de l'eau de l'amnios. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1804]. Guillon (J.-B.) * Sur l'eclampsie avant, pen- dant et apres l'accouchement. 8°. Pario, 1835. Gutsch (J. G.) *De eclampsia parientium, morbo gravi quidem neque adeo. funesto, sectio prior pathologica. 4°. Lipsia\ [1776]. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1778, viii, 114-122. See, also, supra, Gerischer. Gutschow (H. O. T.) *De eclampsia partu- rientium. 8°. Berolini, 1866. Haack (F. A.) *De eclampsiae parturientium origine et sede. 8°. Bounce-, 1855. Haacke (J. O. H.) *De eclampsia parturien- tium. 8°. Gryphiw, 1850. Haderup (E. F.) * De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperaruin. 8°. Kiliw, 1842. Haeser (G. F. G. A.) *De eclampsia partu- rientium. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. Hanckavitz (A.) *De eclampsia puerperali. *r Berolini, [1858]. Harmand (L.) * Considerations snr un cas d'edampsie puerperale. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Heerath (C.) *De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperaruin, adnexis morbi historiis synopticis. 8°. Pragw, 1841. Heinrich (L.) * Ueber Eclampsia puerpera- lis. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. Heintze (J. G.) *De praecipuis puerperarum morbis ex partu. 4°. Erfordiw, 1773. Hergersberg (C. J.) *De eclampsia partu- rientium. 4°. Bonnw, [1832]. Hildebrand (J. C. S.) * Diss, sistens analecta atl artem obstetriciam pertinentia de dilacera- tione velamentorum artificiali et de convulsioni- bus parturientium. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1784]. Hildebrandt (H.) Vier Fiille von Eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Konigsberg, [n. d.]. Hintzpeter (E.) * Ueber Eclampsie der Ge- barenden. 8 . Berlin, 1872. Hirschfeld (G. E.) * De eclampsia partu- rientium. 8°. Berolini, [1856]. Hirz (J. A.) * Ueber Eklampsie der Schwan- geren, Gebarenden und Woehnerinnen. 8°. Bonn, 1867. Hodges (R.) On the nature, pathology, and treatment of puerperal convulsions. 8°. Lon- don, 18(54. Hoffmann (G. F. ) dem Jiingeru. Versuch einer Abhandlung iiber die Ursachen und Ileil- niittd der sogenannten Gichter oeler Konvul- sionen bey Schwangern, Gebahrenden und Kiud- betterinnen. 12°. Frankf. a. M., 1795. Ingerslev (E.) * Bidrag till Eklampsicns Aetiologi, Prognose og Behandling. 8°. Kjei- benharn, 187D. James (E.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1863. Kessler (A.) * De epilepsia et eclampsia. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. Krasselt (J. A.) "Eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1823], Kraus (C.) * Eclampsia gravidarum, parturi- entium et puerperarum. 8°. Wuerzburg, 1879. I P lie rpe ra I convulsions. Krauthausen(A.) * De eclampsia. 8°. Be- rolini, [1863]. Kremer (J. H.) * Ueber Eklampsie der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Woehnerinnen. 8°. [Bonn, n. d.] Kuhn (C. G.) [Pr.] insunt tres de eclampsia parturientium observatioues. 4°. Lipsiw, 1812. Also, inhis: Opusc. acad. med. et philol. 8°. Lipsice, 1827, i, 316-323. Kueper (C.) * De eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Berolini. [1842]. Kuznitzky (O. ) * Bemerkungen iiber die Eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Breslau, 1881. Labat (J.-J.) * De l'eclampsie pendant la grossesse, pendant et apres l'accouchenieut. 4°. Paris, 1846. Lacour (F.-T.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1852. Lancelin (C.-L.) * De l'eclampsie pendant la grossesse, pendant le travail et ajires l'accouche- ment. 4C. Paris, 1852. Langlois (H.-O.) * De l'eclampsie puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1855. Larquet (J.-E. ) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1858. Laugier(M.) * Quelques considerations sur l'eclampsie durant la grossesse et la puerperalite. [Lyons.] 4°. Bourgoin, 1885. Lefevre (E. L\) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1847. Lheureux (F.) * De l'eclampsie pendant la grossesse, pendant le travail, et apres l'accouche- ment. 4°. Paris, 1859. Licht (C.-A.) # De l'eclampsie, avant, pen- dant et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1862. Lochbrunner (F. J.) * Ueber die Eklampsie der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Woehnerin- nen. 8°. Miinchen, 1875. van Loo (J. S.) * Twee waarnemingen van stuipen tijdens ele baring. [Leiden.] 8°. Be- verwyk, 1859. Loose (A.) * Diss, eclampsiam gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum sistens. 4°. Lip- siw, [1831]. Ludeking (W. E.) Obrdeelkundige beschou- wiug van de kennis eu behandling der stuipen, welke in de zwangerheid, onder en na de verlos- sing voorkomen, gegrouel op de stellingen en waarnemingen van voorname genees- en verlos- kundigen. Met eene vorrede van F. J. Haver- droeze. 8°. Rotterdam, 1740. Li'dicke (J. T. A.) * De symptoniatis et setio- logia eclampsias, adjuncta tliiorum exemplorum enarratione. 8°. Balis Sax., [1855]. Ltkaszewski (J. X.) *De eclampsia. 8\ Berolini, [1862], Mace(J.-L.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1856. Mancel (L.) * Diss, medico-chirurgica, ob- stetricans de gravidarum et parturientium con- vulsionibus. 4°. Argentorati, 1810. Martin (A.-G.) * Considerations sur la na- ture et le traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 187G. Martin (F.-M.-V.) * De l'eclampsie puerpe- rale. 4°, Paris, 1849. Marty (H.-C.) * De l'eclampsie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Masijti (A.) Dell' eclampsia nella gravidanza, nel parto o nel puerperio. 8U. Firenze, 1880. Maugenest (A=) * Etude critique sur la na- ture ot le traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1867. Meye(B.) * Ueber Puerperal-Eclampsie. 8°. Balle, [1869]. Meyer (E.) *De eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Berolini, [1844]. # PUERPERAL. 768 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. Michaelis ([R. ] A.) * De eclampsia gravida- rum et pa[r]turientium. 8 . Berolini, [1864]. Michexer(E.) [etal.]. Hand-book of eclamp- sia, or notes and cases of puerperal convulsions, comprising all the cases which have occurred during the present century, within a radius of several miles around Avondale, Chester County, Pa., so far as can be ascertained. 16°. Philadelphia, 1883. vox Mieczkowski (L.) * Fiinfzig Falle von Eclampsie. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Mielot (R.) * Sur les convulsions epilepti- formes chez les femmes enceintes, ou eclampsie. 4°. Paris, 1836. Migon (A.) * Histoire ele l'eclampsie puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1851. Millet (L.) * Essai sur la nature ele l'eclamp- sie puerperale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Miqt'KL (A.) Traite eles convulsions chez les femmes enceintes, en travail et en couche. 8°. Paris, 1824. ------. The same. Abhantllung von tlen Konvulsionen der Schwangern, Gebiirenden und Woehnerinnen. Hrsg. von Dr. Ludwig Cerutti. 8°. Leipzig, 1824. Mittenzweig (H.) * De eclampsia puerperali. 8°. Gryphiw, 1863. Mock (H.) * Ueber Eclampsie der Gebiiren- den. 8°. Balle, [1868]. Morin (P.-A.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Mi ennich (F. G. A. F.) *De gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum eclampsia. 8°. IIalee, [1838]. Nefmueller (A.) *De eclampsia gravida- rum, parturientium, puerperarum. 8°. Wiree- burgi, 1859. Nieszczotta (M. [N. ] ) # De eclampsia morbo evolutionis. 8°. Vralislariw, [1841]. Odin (J.) *De eclampsia gravidarum, partu- rieutium et puerperarum. sc. Dorpati Livono- rum, 1849. Pacifico Pereira (A.) * Eclampsia durante 6 parto e seu tratamento. 8°. Bahia, 1871. Pelissier (M.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4 . Paris, 1878. Pellis (A.) * Ueber die puerperale Eclanip-. sie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1862. Petit (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur les convul- sions eles femmes enceintes, en travail et recem- nient accouchees. 4°. Paris, 1837. Petri (G. II. P.) # De convulsionibus gra- vidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 4°. Gottingce, [1790]. Philipon (D.) * Essai sur les convulsions des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1835. Piales-Daxtrkz(J.-B.-M.-V.) * De l'eclamp- sie, ou convulsions puerperales. 4°. Paris, 1835. Platner (E.) [Pr.] quajstioues medicine forensis xl. De eclampsia parturientium, quan- tum ad suspicionem infanticidii, narratio qua> tlam. 4°. [Lipsiw], 1812. Pohl ([J. G.] R.) * De eclampsia parturien- tium. 8°. Berolini, [1855]. PoiRiER-DuLAVoftER (L.-A.) * De l'eclampsie pendant la grossesse, pendant le travail, et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1855. Prestat (E.-L.) * De l'eclampsie. 4°. Pa- ris, 1839. Pfntous (G.) * Essai sur l'eclampsie puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1869. Prscii (O.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Pu- erperaleclampsie. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Raillard (L.-P.-F.) #De l'eclampsie chez les femmes enceintes ou en couches. 4° Paris 1855. P ii e rp e ra I convu Is io n s. Ramos (M.) "Breves consideraciones sobre • la eclamsia puerperal, principalmente bajo el punto de vista de su patogeuia y tratamiento 8°. Mexico, 1880. Reinhard (A.) *De gravidarum, parturien- tium et puerperarum eclampsia. 8°. Herolini 1860. Reuschel (E.) * Beitrage zur Pathologic und Therapie der Eclampsia gravidarum et partu rientium. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1872. Rigoine (C.-E.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale et tie I'utilite ties emissions sanguines tlans le traitement tie cette maladie. 4C. Paris, 187-2. Rintel ( B. ) *l)ie eclaniptischeu Convul- sionen der Schwangeren, Kreissendeuund Woeh- nerinnen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 187)8. Riviere ( M. ) Pathogenie et traitement de l'auto - intoxication oclamptique. 8°. Paris 1888. Robin (J.) * Etude sur quelques formes rares d'edampsie chez les femmes enceintes. 4° Paris, 1883. Rondelou-Latouche (J.) #Sur les convul- sions generales pendant la grossesse, thins lo cours du travail de l'enfautement, et apres la deiivrance. 4°. Paris, 1836. Rosenberger (C. 0.) * De eclampsia partu- rientium. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1829. Rosenfeld (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Eclampsia puerperalis. 8°. Tubingen, 1882. Salaun (J.-G.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Part's, 1868. Santello (G.) Storia di alcuni casi di eclamp- sia delle partorienti, ed esito felice di una iste- rotomia vaginale. 8°. Venezia, 1838. Repr. from: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol, Venezia, fasc. xxii. Sawerius (M.) *De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1852. Schafonsky (A.) *De gravidarum, partu- rientium et puerperaruin convulsiouibns. 4°. Argentorati, 1763. Schlettwein (A.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von eler Eclampsia der Gebiirenden. 8°. Rostock, 1858. Schmidt (E.) * Beitrage zur Eclampsiefrage. 8C. Stettin, [1870]. Schoeller (J. V.) * Diss, sistens duas morbi historias exquisitas, alteram uteri gravieli retro- vcrsi, alteram eclampsia? parturientium. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Schoetensack (A. G.) *De eclampsia gravi- darum, parturientium, puerperarum. 8°. Bero- lini, [I860]. Schrader (G.) * Ueber Eclampsia gravida- rum. ^c. Balle, [1<872]. Schrimmer (P.) * De eclampsia puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1854]. Schulz (F.) *Ein Fall von Eclampsie ohne Nierenaffectiou. 4°. Kiliw, 1867. Schweitzer (L.) *De eclampsia parturien- tium. 8°. Vratislaria; [1^16]. Sigallas (F.-L.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Marseille, 1875. Simonin (J.-B.-A.-A.) * Essai sur les convul- sions qui surviennent pendant la grossesse, dans le cours du travail de l'enfautement et apres la deiivrance. 4°. Paris, 1825. Sluijterman van Loo (J.) * Twee waarne- mingen van stuipen tijtlens de baring. b°. Berericijk, 1859. Sni.iders (C.J.) * Eclampsia gravidarum, met opvolgenele ziektetoestanelen in het kraambed. Beschouwingen, naar aanleiding eener pathologi- sche waarneming. 8'-". Middleburg, 1862. Also, in: Nederl Tijdschr. v. Heel-en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1861-2, xii, 463; 585. PUERPERAL. 769 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. de Soyre (A.-A.-J.) *De l'eclampsie puerpe- rale 1 • Paris, 1852. Spiegelberg (O.) * Ueber die Eklampsie der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Woehnerinnen. ti°. Gbttingen, 1853. Stampe (G.) *De eclampsia parturientium. 8°. Rostochii, 1847. Stein (E.S.) * De eclampsia. 8°. BagwCo- mitum, 1837. Stratmann (A.) *De eclampsia puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1863]. Sulot(H.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Nancy, 1874. Terral (P.-L.-J.-F. ) 'Propositions sur les convulsions qui surviennent pendant l'accouche- ment. 4°. Paris, 1834. Tessmar ( H.) * De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium, puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, [1847]. Tiiilo (S.) * Commentatio historico-critica de omuihus curaudi methoelis, quas unquam medici ad eclainpsiam parturientium sanandam coiu- mendavernnt. 8°. Vratislavia; [187)9]. Timpf (A.) *De feniinarum eclampsia. 8°. Vratislaviw, [1832]. Tripier (P.-A.-E.) *De l'eclampsie puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1854. Unkelbach (F. I.) #De singulari eclampsia? casu nuper iu clinico nostro obstetricio observato. 8°. Bounce, 1857. Varges (A. G.) Commentatio tie gravielarum, parturientium et puerperarum eclampsia. 4°. Berolini, 1847. See, also, infra. Velpeau (A.) Des convulsions chez les fem- mes, pendant la grossesse, pendant le travail et apres l'accouchement. 8U. Paris, 1834. -----. The same. Die Convulsion in tier Schwangerschaft, wahrend und nach der Ent- bindung. Aus dem Frauzosischen mit Anmer- kungen und Hinzufiigung der neuern deutschen Beohachtungen von M. J. Bluff. 8°. Kbhn u. Aachen, 1835. Vignal (J.-H.-A.) *De l'eclampsie puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1855. de Vries ( H. ) * Eclampsia puerperalis. [Utrecht.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1879. Wahl (G.) * De gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum eclampsia. 8°. Berolini, 1846. van Walchren (H. A. M.) *Twee waarue- miugen vau stuipen na de baring. [Leiden.] 8°. Schiedam, 1861. Wegelj (A.) *Zwolf Fiille von Puerperal- eklampsie. 8°. Berlin, [1883]. Weyland ( J. ) * Ueber Eklampsie der Schwangeren, Gebarenden u. Woehnerinnen. 8-'. Bonn, 1869. Wolff ( G. ) *De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium, puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, 1861. Zeiss (C.) * Ueber die puerperale Eclampsie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1860. A. A case of eclampsia. Chicago M. J., 1862, xix, 341- 345.—Addison (J. L.) Eclampsia of pregnancy- Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1887-8, xvi, 214-225. — Adler (S.) Eclampsia parturientium, gewaltsatue Entbindung. Med.- chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1876,xi, 195—Adye(G.F.) tt West. J. M. [Cincin. J. M.J, Indianap., 1867, ii, 283.—Ah I field (F.) Eklampsie. Inhis: Ber. u. Arb. a. el. geburtsh.-gvnaek. Klin, zu Marb., 8°, Leipz., 1885, ii, 128-131.— Ailiman (J.) t Instrumental delivery; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1872-3, 5. s., v, 451-453.—AI hers (A.) 11 Ztschr. f. el. ges. 'Mt-iL, Hamb., 1845, xxix, 449-463— Alexandrogianos (A.) t T.) t Union med. tlu Canada, Montreal, 1875, iv, 145-151.—Beeker (A. It.) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. efe S. J., 1880, cii, 126.— Beckner (J. F.) tt Northwest. M. efe S. J., 1856, xiii, 62- ti4. — Beer ( H.) Eclampsia in gravida. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wieu. 1843, 1044.—Behm. Ueber Eclampsie. Monatsehr. f. Gehurtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1861, xviii, Suppl.-Hft., 1-22.— Bell (C. ) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. A- S. J.. 1854-5, li, 53; 98. —Bell (G.) t West. J. M., Indianap., 1868, iii, 672.—Belluzzi (C.) Caso im- portantissimo di eclampsia puerperale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologua, 1872, 5. s., xiv, 313-315. — Benavides (J.) t Estraccion tie una nina viva por medio tiel forceps; metro- peritonitis inteusa; curacion. Cr6n. del. hosp., Madrid, 1855, iii. 258; 291. 322.— Benecke (H. J. C.) Friihzeitige Geburt, bedingt durch Eclampsia gravidas und gleichzei- tige Einschueidung des Mutternmndes wegen ganzlicheu Maujii'ls an Wehen. Ztschr. tl. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii, 47-51.------. Zur Lehre der Eclampsia gravidarum. Ibid.. 319. — Bengel. Eclampsia puerperarum. Med. Cor.-]',], d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stmt-.. 1855, xxv. 369- 373— Bemiewitz. t Metl. Ztg., Berl., 1836, v, 221.—Be- rent, t Beitr. z. Heilk.. Ki-a, 1857, iv, 49-53.-Bernard. t Abeillera6d.,Par., 1864,xxi,84. ------. t Extraction tletleux enfants vivants; guerison de la ni^re. Gaz. tl. hop., I'ar., 1885, lviii, 1060.—Berruti (G.) Eclampsia all'otavo mese di gravidanza ; parto prematura provocato coi metodi di Krause t-Tarnii'i-: le-tei inortoin travaglio. Gior. d.r. Accatl.

  • 7-373. ___—. Neunzehn neue Beobachtungen iiber Eclampsia der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Wochuerinuen, und ihren Zusaninienliaiig mit der Brightischen Xierenerkraiikiuiu Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1859, 252; 262; 275; 285; 302; 318; 339.-1 Breslau. Ueher Eclampsie im Wochenbette. Verliamll. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. iu Berl.. 18(11, xiii, 8;i-8«.— Brickell (D. W.) Convulsions at seventh month of pregnancy. N. Orl. M. News efe Hosp. Gaz., 186(1 vi, 270. -----. Eclampsia. South. J. M. Sc., N. Oil, 1807, ii, 2")."); 444. Continued in: N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 46-418.— Biiggs (T. H.) Pini petal eclampsia; with report, of cases. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1878, i, 75.—Bi-iiiton (J. B.) t Metl. Exam., I'hila., 1842, v, 340— Briutoii <\V.) Puerperal eclampsia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv lo.">- 110. -----. t Ibid.. 1886-7,'xvi, 93-95—Brillon (J. i:.i » Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, viii, 119-122.—Brocliin. ficlampsie. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1870. xlix, 905-907.—Broil- erick (T. J.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Boston M efe S. J., 1889, exxi. 157. —Broers (II. J.) Een wuord over eclampsia gravidarum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. Utrecht, 1849, iii, 204-272. -----. Nog tin woonl over eclampsiagravitlai um. Ibid.. 1851, iv, 478-489. —Broissoii (A.) tt J. tl. sages-fe-iiinie-s. Par., 1880, viii, 3.—Brooks (W. T.) t With complications. Lancet, Lond., l8Sii, i, 824.—Brothers ^C. Hi Puerperal eclampsia. Metl. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 122-124— Broughton ([.. G.) Puerperal convulsions. North Car. M. J., Wiliuing ton, 1887, xx, 333-235.—Brown (B.) Puerperal eclamp- sia; a history of my personal experience during a prae-tioo of thirty-live years. J. A in. M. Ass., Chicago, 1880, vii, 533-538.—Brown (O. C.) Puerperal convulsions. Can- ada M. Rec, Montreal, 1877, v, 119-121.—Brown (W. ().) t Boston M. A S. J., 1857, lvi. 178.—Brown (W. T.) I I Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1869, xii. 155-163.—Bruseiidoill. Eclampsia parturieiitiimi. Wchnschr. f. tl. m-s. Heilk., Berl, 1836, 29-31. — Bruyelle (A.) Eclampsie- che/, une femme enceinte tie 7 mois; accouchement premature ; ex pul- sion el'un fietus mort; guerison. J. tl. sc mCtl. de Lille, 1888, ii, 296-299. — Buclimiiller (A.) Ueber Eklampsio wahrend tier Schwan^t-rscliaft. Wien. med. Bl.. 1887, x, 1618; 1646— Bueknell (S. E.) Puerperal convulsions. St. Louis M- &S. J, 1880, xxxix, 473-482— Bui leu (II. St. I ) t Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, 389.— Bullizzi (C.) Due latii iniportantissimi di eclampsia puerperale. Bull. tl. sc inetl. di Bologna, 1867, 5. a., iv, 255-272.—Burckliardt ((i.) t Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1873, iii, 33-39.— Burnet (J. B.) 1 t Med. Gaz., N. T., 1868, i, 162.-Bur- rit (E.) Puerperal convulsion. Med. efe Surg, lb-pm ler. Phila., 1871, xxiv, 429. — Burritt (H. L. W.) Pue-i p.-ral convulsions. Ibid.. 1809, xx, 477: 1871, xxv, 312; 471- Burritt (W. H.) t Nelson's North. Laucet. f lattsbiug, N. Y., 1853-4, viii, 26-28.—Burton (.J. E.) Some remarks on puerperal eclampsia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1883, iii, 357-374. Also: Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 442; 462.—Burton efe ITlillcr. t Boston M. .V S, J., 1846, xxxiv, 496-498.—Busch. Beobaehtung eines heftigen Anfalles von Convulsionen bei tier Geburt. Beob. u. Beruerk. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Metl., Getting., 1826, iii, 51-60. ------. Convulsionen uud Eclampsie ile r Kreisseudeu. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1837, v, 114- 129. —Busey (S. C.) Puerperal eclampsia. Phila. M. Times, 1875-0, vi, 532-535.—Bush (J. F.) Puerperal con- vulsions; manual dilatation; version. Boston M. efe S..!., 1881, cv, 36. — Butler (G. S. C.) Case of epileptic convul- sions 24 hours after delivery, treated sui■ccsslulh . Aus tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1864', ix, 134-137.—Bullet- (P. T.l Puerperal convulsions. Physician &. Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1889, xi, 438-445.—B lix ton (W. E.) t Cincin. Lan- cet efe Clinic, 1885, n. s., xiv, 140.—Buxlorf (J. L.) Con- vulsiones hysterica; partum pneinaturum pra-cedt-iites, atque post prolis niortuae spontan. exclusionein perseve- raiites, tandem hthales. Acta Helvet,, Basilea:, 1707, vi, 237-240. —Byers (J. W.) The pathology and treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, 3. s„ lxxxii, 106-115.—By lord (W. H.) I Chicago M. Exam., I860, i, 25-28. —----. On puerperal convulsions. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1866-7, i. 499; 520: 1867-8, ii, 8; 32.-Cabadc (E.) Observations d'eclanipsie puerp6rale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, Iiii, 805; 813.—Cady. Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. efe S. J., 1863, lxviii. 425— Calderini (C.) Eeclainpsia. Osservatore, Torino, 1882, xviii, 594-002.— Camerario (G.) Eclampside alia tine della, gravidan/.a. inala/.ioni di etere solforico, applicazione tli forcipe, felici risultamenti a pro della madre e del teto. Imparziale, Ei- renze, 1861-2, ii, 424-426.—Cam ere r. Ein Fall von Con vulsionon wahrend und nach der (It-hurt. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1832-3. i, 293-297.- Campuell (F. AV.) t Canada M. J., Montreal, 1807, iii, 440-446.—Candy (J.) t In a priinipara; recovery. Med, PUERPERAL. 771 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1860, ii, 254. —Cantilena (P.) Eclampsia riflessa. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1868, 3.s., viii, 657-663.—Cappir (J.) Three cases of puerperal convulsions coming on at the commencement of labor. Edinb. M. J., 1808-9, xiv, 315-322. Also, Keprint.—Ca- pi'on (G.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1878-9, Central Falls, 1879, ii, 107-124.— Capu- ron. Memoire sur les convulsions pendant la grossesse et le travail de l'accouchement. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1836, ii, 229; 302.—Carr (A. F.) 11 N. Hamp- shire J. M., Manchester, 1856, vi, 78.—Carson (J.) t t Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 63.—Carter (J. O.) Puerperal eclampsia. Weekly M. Rev., Si. Louis, 1884, x, 110.— Carlwright (S. S.) t Tr. M. Soc. N. T., 1875, 366.— C'asasa (A.) De la eclampsia puerperal. Independ. med., Barcel, 1875-6, vii, 287; 299.—[Cases.] Eclampsie puerperale; resolution spontan6e malgre la gravite appa- rente ties phenomenes. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvii, 85.—Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1848-50), 1851, iv, 23-31.—Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1854-5, ii, 334-336. — Morte pronta; strani reperti necroscopici. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1859, 4. s., iv, 191.—Lucina, Marburg, 1811, vi, 279-301.—Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876 3. 8.. xxi, 316-328—Arch, de tocol., Par., 1876, iii, 738-740.—Caskie (J. B.) t Glasgow M. J., 1869-70, [5.] s., ii, 256.—Cavaillon. Eclampsie; reproduction des attaquesapres la deiivrance; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I860, xxxix, 261.—Cavazzani (G.) t Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1875, xviii, 75; 81.—Cecil (J. G.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 117-120.—Cernc. Eclampsie puerperale. Unionmed.de la Souie-Inf., Rouen, 1882, xxi, 57-59— Chamberlain (P.) t Pacific M. efe S. J., San Fran., 1877, xx, 251-256.—Cham- bet-lain (W. M.) Puerperal convulsions. N. YorkM. J., 1883, xxviii, 614. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885. iii, 232. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 172— Chambers (H.) t Med. Times, Loud., 1840, ii, 165.— ('handler (W. T.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 443—Channing (W.) tt Boston M. A S. J., 1862. lxvi, 485-490.—Chapman (E. N.) 11 N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 345-356.—Chapman (W. C.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1875,xxx, 171-181.—Charles (N.) M6moire surlanature et le traitement eles convulsions ties femnies enceintes et pn couches. Mem. couron. Acael. roy. de ni6el. de Belg., Brux., 1876, iv, 1. fasc, 1-100. -----. Appendice au me- moire sur la nature et le traitement des convulsions des femmes enceintes et en couches. Bull. Acad. roy. denied. tie Belg., Brux., 1877, xi, 960-968. -----. Primipare ag6e; eclampsie pendant le travail; application tlu forceps elans l'excavation par la methode Ohissier; succes pour la mere et l'enfant. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1862, iii, 73-75. -----. I'rimipare albuminurique, k 7 mois de grossesse; attaques nombreuses d'edampsie; accouchement spontau6 d'un en- fant mort; guerison dela mere. Ibid., 1885, vi, 185. -----. Secoutlipare albuminurique et trfes cedemati6e, eclampsie au 7e mois de la grossesse; mort dans le coma. Ibid., 1888, ix, 157. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1888, xvi, 114. ----. Primipare a terme; accouchement naturel; enfant vivant; deux accfes d'edampsie six heures apres la deii- vrance; pas d'albuminurie, ni d'ted^me : suites heureuses. J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1888, ix, 193.—Charlier (Elisa). Avortement au 6e mois de la grossesse; eclampsie; mort. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1880, i, 142.—Charpentier. Cas rare d'edampsie. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gyn6c. de Par., 1888, iv, 178-182.—Chassagny. Quelques refle- xions a propos de l'observation d'edampsie du Dr. Olivier. Lyon m6d., 1883, xliii, 342-345. Also: Arch, de tocol, Par., 1883, x, 492-495.—Chnteliu. Eclampsie. Bull. .Soc. med. de Reims (1875), 1876, xiv, 68-70.—Chaussier. Considerations sur les convulsions qui attaquen ties femmes enceintes. J. univ. d. sc. nied . Par., 1823, xxxii, 340-352. [See. also, supra.}—Cheever (el.S.) t Michigan Univ. M. J.,AnnArbor,]870-71, i, 142-147.—Chenet (R.)efcQuenu. Eclampsie puerperale; hemorrhagies visee-iales (cerveau, foie). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Hi, 336.—Chcnicux. Eclampsie puerperale; gu6rison. J. Soc. de med. et ele pliarm. ele la Haute Vienne, Limoges, 1878-9, iii, 17-21.— Chevalier (J.-M.) t J. dem6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1810, xx, 370-381.—Chisholm (J.) t Without albumi- nuria. Month. J. M. Sc, Loud, efe Edinb., 1854, xix, 247.— Christian (E. P.) t Subsequent induction of premature labor for prevention of same in chronic albuminuria. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1879, ii, 278.—Christian (R. B.) 11 Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1H75, xxxii, 85. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1875-0, 42-44.— Christie (J.) [Puerperal convulsions.] Metl. efe Phys. J-, hond., 1800, iii, 449-456. —Church (H. M.) t Acute uepbrilis; twins, still-born. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 601-605. Also: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1881-2, vii, 22-26.— Church (N. H.) Puerperal eclampsia. Cincin. Lancet & Ohs., 1875, xviii, 527-531.—Churchill (F.) tt Lond. M. Gaz., 1834-5, xv, 107-111. -----. Puerperal convul- sions. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiii, 397-399.—Cirera (J.) Dos palabras sobre la naturaleza y tratamiento tie la eclampsia. Rev. decien. med., Barcel, 1880, vi, 127-130.— Claiborne (J. H.) Puerperal eclampsia. G&illarel'e M. Puerperal convulsions. J..N. Y.,1890,1,12-20.—Clark (J.E.) t Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, N. Y., 1858-64, Buffalo, 1805, i, 384. Also: Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1864-5, iv, 521.—Clarkson (H. M.) Puerperal eclampsia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 462-473.—Clay (C.) t Antecedent to, during, and subse- quent to, labour. Med. Times, Loud., 1842-3, vii, 316.— Cleemanu (R. A.) t Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1873-4, vi, 575-580. Also: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. 1873-5, N. Y., 1876, iii, 9-13.—Clemens (A.) Ueber Eclampsia parturien- tium. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1853, ii, 114-121. -----. Noch ein Wort iiber Eklampsie, als nicht von Uramie herruhrend. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1862, 65.—Coates (E. F.) Practical experiences in puerperal eclampsia. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1880, n. s., ii, no. 1, 43-47.—Cock (T. F.) t During the seventh month of pregnaucy; albuminuria; recovery. N. York M. Times, 1856, v, 227-229.—Coffey (E. McD.) t Richmond efe Louisville M.J., Louisville, 1872, xiv, 708-710.—Cohen (B. M.) Eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium, puerperarum. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1874-5, vii, 105-125.—Coleman (R. T.) Puerperal convul- sions. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 929-945.— Collins (G. L.) t Recovery without treatment. Boston M. efe S. J., 1865-6, lxxiii, 440.—Collins (J.) Fatal tetanic convulsionscomngonduringparturition. Med. e&Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1877 ,xxxvi, 129.—Colman (W.T.) On one form of puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 640.— Comein (A.) t Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Bruges, 1802, 2. s., x, 40;5-407. [Rap. de Devaux], 407-409. — Condie. [On puerperal convulsions.) Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, vii, 285-290. — Conkling (J. T.) tt Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, N. Y., 1858-64, Buffalo, 1865, i, 371. Also: Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1864-5, iv, 489.—Conner (J. R.) 11 Med. Counselor, Columbus, 1855, i, 803-805.—Considerations sur quelques observations d'6clampsie ou convulsions des femmes pendant leur grossesse. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1833, iv, 237-243.—Convulsion! (Sulle) puerperali. Barth, Malta, 1871-5, i-iii, 45-48. —Copeman (E.) On puerperal convulsions. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1873, Iii, 464-484.—Cordelia (G.) t Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1886, viii, 465-484.—Cormack (J. R.) 11 Lond. J. M., 1849, i, 522-537: 1850, ii, 91-99. Also, in his: Clin. Stud., 8°, Lond., 1876, i, 395-439.-----. Puerperal convulsions, their pathology and treatment; explanation of the more com- mon occurrence of reno-toxic convulsions in first and plural pregnancies. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854,1102-1104.— Corning (J. L.) Consielerations on the phenomena and treatment of eclampsia. N. York M. Mouth., 1887-8, ii, 5-9. — Corpancho (J. E.) Eclampsia puerperal. Gac. med., Lima, 1876, ii, 81-8.1.—Corral y Ona. De l'eclamp- sie pendant la grossesse et la parturition. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 595; 603.—Cortigucra (J.) Rela- cioues patologicas de la eclampsia puerperal con la albu- minuria ; concepto clinico de la eclampsia puerperal; trata- miento de la misma. Actas . . . Cong, ginec. esjiafi., Ma- drid, 1888, i, 139-150.—Cory (E. A.) t Artificial delivery of twins. Lancet, Loud., 1841, ii, 478-480. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, ii, 533-530.—Cory (F. B. ) t Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1875, 82-88.—Costa Ferraz. Eclamp- sia em uma mulher priinipara, antes, durante e depois do parto; applicacao do forceps, f6to a termo, extrahido vivo. Ann. Brasil de med., Rio de Jan., 1873-4, xxv, 178-183.— Cost! I lies. Eclampsie survenant sept heures apres l'ac- couchement; duree, vingt heures; mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 045.—Courrent (P.) t Chez une jeune femme syphilitique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc m6d. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 457-459.—Courvoisicr. Etude sur l'eclampsie puerperale. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1807, xxvii, 9; 20: 47.— Cox (VV. J.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. Circ, Lond., 1857, x, 244; 280: xi, 62. -----. Puerperal convulsions. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 279-282. —Crafts (E. G.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Binghamton, 1856-7, ii, 46. — Craigcn (VV. J.) tt Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 383.—Craiu (M. F.) t Indiana J. M., Indianap.-, 1873-4, iv, 241-244.— Crawford (S. P.) t Nashville J. M. & S., 1857, xiii, 128- 131.—Cross (R. S.) Puerperal convulsions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 442.—Crow (W. A.) Puerperal eclamp- sia. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1886, xvi, 405-413— Cruse. t Am 7ten Tage nach der ersten Entbindung. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1842, Koblenz, 1845,158-160.—Cum- mings (J.) Report on eclampsia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Houston, 1874, vi, 197. —Cummins (W. J.) Case of post-partum convulsions. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 115. — Dabney (W. C.) Some practical points in con- nection with puerperal eclampsia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 757-764.—Dale (R.) Case of retro- flexion ; puerperal convulsions; recovery. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 277.—Dale (W.) Three cases of puerperal convulsions; one fatal. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 32.—Dameron. t Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 902.—Daniel I (E.) Remarks on puer- Seral convulsions. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, 731-733.— Isuiyan (A.) Note sur l'eclampsie. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, ii, 348-361.—Darbey (P.) t Dublin M. Press, 1840, iii, 406. —Davidson. Eclampsia parturien- tium. Prov. San.-Ber.d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Pommem 1835, PUKKPEKAL. 772 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. Stettin, 1836, 100. — Davis (H.) Puerperal convulsions, sthenicand plethoric, without albuminuria; good recovery; child living. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 489-----. Puerperal convulsions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 603.—Davis (I.) Puerperal convulsions. N. Hampshire J. M., Manchester, 1856, vi, 33-37.—Davis (J. H.) On puerperal convulsions ; illustrated by cases. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1869), 1870, xi, 268-313.—Davis (J. W.) Puerperal convulsions. Rich- mond efe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1872, xiv, 79-81.— Davis (L.N.) tt Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1885-6, iv, 211- 214.—Davis (N. S.) t Chicago M. Exam., 1870, xi, 679- 683.—Davis (W. L.) t Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1808, xi, 472. —Dawson (B. F.) t Death. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 615. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 174- 176. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 233- 235. -----. Puerperal eclampsia. N. York il. J., 1884, xl, 187. Also : Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 1171. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 280-288.—Daw- son (J.) An essay on eclampsia parturientium. West. J. M. efe S., Louisville, 1847, 2. s., vii, 277-307. —Day (E.) A severe case of puerperal eclampsia at the eighth month of pregnancy, with recovery. Chicago M. J. A Exam.. 1880, xl, 597-599.—Day (R. H.) Puerperal eclamp- sia. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl, 1889, 133-143. — De ftcule. Eclampsie du sixieme au septieme mois de la grossesse; incisions multiples du col de l'uterus; gueri- son. Ann. Soc. de mt'd. tleGantl, 1850, xxvi, 5-11. [Rap.de Fraeys], 12-27. [DiscussionJ, Bull. Soc de m6d.de Gand, 1850, xvii, 202-214.—De-Bonis (T.) Storia d' ecclampsia. Gior. . . . d. Soc. nied.-chir. di Torino, 1846, xxvii, 41- 46.— Dcccs (A.) Gu6rison. Bull. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1874, xiii, 94-96.—Dechaut. Memoire sur l'eclampsie ou affect it >ii convulsive chez les femmes enceintes. J. de m6d., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1852, n. s. [2.], iv, 293; 357. -----. tt Ibid., 1853, n. s. [2.], v, 229-239. — De- rlinux. Des convulsions ou tie l'eclampsie. [Rap. de Colliiieau] Bull. Acad, de ni6d., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 169-171.— Dceley (W.) A case of puerperal convulsions before hi bin. and continued after, with uterine phlebitis; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 702.—Dc Larue. Ob- servatioii lemarquable d'6clampsie. Rev. de th6rap. iu6d.-chir., Par., 1855, xxii, 287-289. Also: Bull. Acad. roy. de metl. ele Belg., Brux., 1855-6, xv, 503-508. [Rap. de Lequime], 12-16. — Dclore (X.) Eclampsie puerpe- rale. Diet, encycl. d.sc med.. Par., 1885, xxxii, 145-199.— De lVIocrloose (Mile. Henr.) Albuminuric ; eclampsie; accouchement spontan6 a 8 mois degestation ; enfantmort- n6 putr6fi6; guerison de la mere. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1882, iii, 255. — Denny (W.) On puerperal convulsions. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836-7, xix, 351-375. -----. t In- strumental delivery; recovery. Ibid., 1837-8, xxi, 340- 345.—Depaul. t Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 172.-----. t J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1874, ii, 186.-----. Ph6nom6nes pr6curseurs de l'6clampsie; attaques 6vit6es par le traite- ment fait pr6ventivement. Ibid., 1875, iii, 137. -----. t Ibid., 161. -----. tt Ibid., 1877, v, 225; 241. -----. Eclamptique atteinte anterieurement d'une maladie des reins. Ibid., 273. -----. De l'eclampsie. Ibid., 337 ; 345; 353; 361. -----. Attaques edamptiques chez une femnio ayant eu sept grossesses ant6rieures; autopsie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1878, li, 1161. -----. Eclampsie chez une femme gravide atteinte de maladie de Bright. Ibid., 1162. -----. Eclampsie. Ibid., 1879, Iii, 857. -----. Eclampsie apres la deiivrance; arret de la tete a l'oriflce vulvaire; appli- cation du forceps ; redressement d'une presentation de la hanc.be par manteuvres internes. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 367-369.------. Eclampsie pendantlagrossesse; mort de la mere et tie l'enfant. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1880, viii, 49.------. Eclampsie chez une primipare. Ibid., 1881, ix, 233-235. ------. Eclampsie; mort de l'enfant; cessation des attaques; r6tablissementde la mere. Ibid., 282.—De- saulniers (A.-L.) t Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1873. ii, 105-107.—Deshaycs. Conception chez une femme de cinquante ans ; menopause depuis deux ans ; eclampsie apres l'accouchement: gu6rison. Gaz. hebtl. de med., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 733.—Desormcaux. Rapport sur des con- vulsions chez des femmes en couche, observees par M. Des- jardins. Bull. Fac de med. de Par., 1818-19, vi, 415-418.— De Vis (C. J.) Notes on three cases of puerperal eclamp- sia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 53.—Dewees (W. P.) An essay on puerperal* convulsions. Am. M. Re- corder, Phila,, 1818, i, 309-334.—Dc Wildt (J. L. C.) Eclampsia gravidarum in de laatste maaud der zwanger- schap, met doodelijken afloop voor de nioedor. Nederl. Ti.jdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1864, xiv, 142-154.— Dezeimeris, Ouersent & Itlachc. Eclampsie Dict.dem6d.,2.6d.,Par.,1835, xi, 137-163.—Diaz Pulido (J.) Las convulsiones en el acto del parto; uso del forceps; el utero como potencia unica para la expulsion del felo! Jurado m6d.-farm., Madrid, 1880, i, 203.—Dickman (F. I'.) Puerperal eclampsia. Kansas City M. Rec, 1888, v, 163-167.—Dickson (C. M.) Pueiperal eclampsia. Phy- sician efe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1883, v, 484-486.—Dil- lon (J. T.) Puerperal convulsions. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 579.—Discussion on eclampsia. Tr. N. York M Ass 1886, Concord, N. H., 1887, iii, 354-425.—Discussion on puerperal convulsions. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., Puerperal convulsions. 1869, xix, 39-45.—Doe (O. W.) Puerperal convulsions nix hours after labor. Boston M. efe S. J., 1879, c, 349-354.— Dohrn. Ein Fall von Eclampsie ohne uramische in- toxication. Monatsehr. f. tiehurtsk. u. Fraueukr., Berl 1864, xxiv, 25-40.—Donati (P.) Cinque nuovi casi di eclampsia puerperale. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete Pa. dova, 1822, xxv, 427-431.—Dor man n. Vier Fiille von Eclampsia parturientium. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzoctli Nassau, Wiesb., 1859, 680-688.—Doss (C. H.) Chicaei-oM' Times, 1871, iii, 295-297.— Dougherty (A. X.) t N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1848-9, ii, 174-176.— Don ville, Des convulsions qui surviennent pendant ou immediate ment apres le travail d'un accouchement a terme. Ann, Soc tie metl. d'Anvers, 1851, xi, 185; 377.— Dowse (T ) Melancholia eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 48. —Du- bois (P.) Lecons sur les convulsions puerperales. tin?, d. hop., Par., 1838, xii, 329; 340; 351; 403; 439. _____'. Eclampsie chez une primipare ; gu6rison; enfant pied-hot. Ibid., 1839. 2. s., i, 574. ------. Eclampsie chez une femme arrivee au terme tie sa grossesse; incision du col ut6rin; application du forceps. J. de metl. et chir. prat.. Par., 1840,' xi, 79-82. -----. Cas d'edampsie au terme de la grossesse) et pendant le travail d'accouchement, Ibid., 1842 2 s. iv 467; 476; 511; 527.—Dubreuilh (C.) tils. Eclampsie chez une femme enceinte tie sept moisetelemi; considerations sur laterminaisonde l'accouchement; rapports de l'eclamp- sie avec 1'albuminurie. J. tie m6d. de Bordeaux, 1851, ix, 193-212. -----. Eclampsie puerp6rale et albuminurie! Compt. -rend. Soc. imp. de m6d. de Bordeaux (1868), 1809, 71, 59-61. ------. Contribution a l'etude tie l'eclampsie. Boideaux m6d., 1876, v, 113; 122. Also: M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1876, 128-145. [ Discus- sion], 146; 154; 209. — Dueh (J.) De la eclampsia puer- peral. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1875, i, 102; 205; 255: 1876, ii, 104; 153; 201.—Diinlz.er. Eclampsia parturieu- tium. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk , Be-rl, 1842, xi, 300.—■>■■■ gat fils. Grossesse au huitieme mois; indigestion; eclamp- sie; accouchement pi6mature; gu6rison. Monit. d. so. med. ot pharm., Par., 1861, iii, 180.—Dujol. Observation d'edampsie post partum. Loire m6d., St.-Etienne, 1886, v, 281-284. — Dulin (E. A.) Puerperal eclampsia. Kansas City M. Rec, 1887, iv, 21)2-207.—Dumas (A.) t t Montpel. med., 1871, xxvi, 153-174. ------. Sur la gravite et le traite- ment de l'eclampsie puerperale. J. de therap., Par., 1881, viii, 446; 488.— Duncan (M.) On puerperal eclampsia, Practitioner, Loud., 1875, i, 243-250.—Duncan (T.) Case of convulsions after delivery. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1815, xi, 209-213.—Dunlap (J. F.) Puerperal eclampsia. Practi- tioner, Lancaster, 1884, ii, 22-25.—Dn aster (E. S.) The prophylaxis of puerperal convulsions. Toledo M. efe S. J., 1878, ii, 281-296. [Discussion], 332-342. Abo, Keprint— Durocher (Maria J. M.) t Ann. Brasil. tie metl, Rio tie Jan., 1878-9, xxx, 32-35. —Dutch er (A. P.) t Cincin. M, Obs., 1857, ii, 346-349. -----. Puerperal convulsion*. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864. xii, 61.—Duval (E. R.) Eclampsiapuerperalis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886,xv,l-9.— Duvall (B. F.) t West. J. M. [Ciuciu.J. M], Indianap., 1867, ii,67.—Duzan (G. N.) Puerperal convulsions. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 305-307.—Dycc (11.) On puerperal convulsions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 372; 398. — Eames (W. M.) Puerperal convulsions. Meel. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxiii, 128.—Easllakc {11. E.) Puerperal convulsions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, ii, 610.— Eaton (J. W. C.) t Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1870. iv, 132- 134.—Ebert. t Med. Ztg., Berl, 1842, xi, 59.—Eclamp- sia (Ilepi). 'Ia-rpiKi) Me'Aiereja, 'Adiji'ai, 1855-6. iii, 97-118.— Eclampsia (Ilepi) ru>v eytcvuv. Ibid., 193-210.— Eclampsie; application du forceps; guerison. Arch, de tocol , Par., 1874. i, 633. — Eclampsie; traitement divers; guerison; accouchement un mois apr6s. Ibid., 510. — Edwards (C. J.) t Delivery by turning; jaun- dice alter taking chloride of lime by mistake; grape diet; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 543. -----. Ou puer- peral convulsions. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854. 438.— Ed- wards (G. F.) t With flooding. Edinb. M. A S. J., 1815, xi, 313-317. — Eggels. t Wahrend tier Schwangt-r- schaft mit daraiif fol^eueler normaler Geburt. Verliandl. el. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl, 1864-5, xvii, 54. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr.. Berl, 1804, xxiii, 439— Ehreureieh. I Med. Ztg., Berl, 1836, v, 47.— Ehrlich (M.) t t Mcdycyna, Warszawa, 1878, vi, 17 ; 33.— Elan (J.J.) Puerperal convulsions. Am. Pract, Louis- ville, 1874, ix, 340-343— Elderdicc (R. B.) t Fatal. Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila.. 1879, xii, pt. 2, 732 — Eldridge (E. H.) t Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Auburn, 18.54. ii, 73-75.—Eliot (L.) t Recovery. Metl. efe Sur-. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 316.—Elliot (G. T.), jr. t t X. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iii, 192-199. -----. t Ibid., 1858, 3. 8.. v, 54- 57.------. Puerperal convulsions; a clinical lecture. Am, J. Obst., N. Y., 1869-70, ii, 649-666.—Elliot (J.) lorloss- ningsfall med fullkomlig blindhet och convulsiouer. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1841, iii, 535-540. —Ellison (W. A.) A unique case of puerperal convulsions. Meel. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 331.—ENasser. Eclampsia pucrperarutn. Me'd. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iir/il. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxii, 12.— Empson (C.F.) Convulsions ten days after labor. Bau- cct, Loud., 1862, i, 634.— Endres ( W. R. ) Puerperal PUERPERAL. 773 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. (-ilainpsia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xi, 89-93.—Eng- su-iim. t Finska lak.-sallsk. handh, Helsingfors, 1885, \x\ii. 2t;2. — Kuright (S.) Puerperal convulsions. Dub- lin AI. Press. 1839, i, 198. -----. t t Ibid., 1840, iii, 63-65.— Esealona (M.) Eclampsia puerperal. Siglo m6d., Ma- drid, 1880, xxvii, 183.—Escobar (M.) Ecliimsiaepileptica, estracciou de dos gemelos por medio del forceps. 1 el6- grafomed., Barcel, 1847, i, 184-187.—Estep (W.) Eclamp- sia gravidarum et parturientiuin. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1852-3, 28-33.—Evans (C. I.) Puerperal convulsions before delivery; death. Ilrit.M. J., Loud., 1867, i, 600.—Eve (J. A.) t t South. M. efe S. J.. Augusta, 1847, u. s., iii, 513: 1848, n. s., iv, 65. — Evrain. t Uniou med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1883, vii, 31-34.'— Fail-bank (F. R.) t Uraemia occurring during the last month of preg- naucy; recovery. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 542.— Fai'relolh (J'. ) t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1844, 336.— Fargeaud (A.) Reflexions retrospectives sur l'eclamp- sie puerperale: son traitement et ses consequences. J. Soc, de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1889, xiii, 137-146. — Fatal (A) case of puerperal eclampsia. Med. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii, 181.—Fame (R.) Histoire de la maladie quiamenala mort de la Vice-Reinede Navarre le 8 mai 1827. J.d. sc.m6d.deMontpel., 1834, i, 123-136.—Fau- velle. Eclampsie et albuminurie. Rev. nied. franc, et etraug.. Par., 1872, ii, 200-211.— Fayolle (A.) Eclampsie epileptiforme grave; accouchement double et laborieux; mort des foetus; guerison de la m^re. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1869, xxxvi, 36-38. — Fcarnley (W.) t With rigid os; delivery bv craniotomy; recovery. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii. 705.—Feiber. t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1844, Koblenz, 1840. 64.—Feltgen. t Bull. Soc d. sc. m6d. du gr.-duch6 ele Luxenib., 1865, 61- 69.—Fenwick (G. P.) t t Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1888, xxi, 533-540. — Fenwiclt (K. N.) Puerperal convulsions Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 5.—Ferguson (J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1882, vii, 42.-----. A contribution to the therapeutics of puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst,, XT. Y., 1884, xvii, 136-138.—Fer- guson (N. D.) t Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859, ii, 444. — Ferriani. Eclampsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 220-222. — Ferris (J. S.) Puerperal convul- sions. Brit.M. J.,Lond., 1872, i,432.—Fesseudeu (B. F.) [A case of puerperal apoplectic convulsions, with sponta- neous expulsion of the foetus after death. Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh, 1858-9, i-ii, 16.—Field (P. S.) t Iowa M. J., Keo- kuk, 1853, i, 129-131. — Findlay (W. S.) t Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1858, xi, 154-156.—Fiukenstein (R.) t Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1860, ix, 331-334. — Finnell (T. C.) t Death. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1855, viii, 589. Also: N. York J. M., 1856, n. s. [2.], xvi, 204.— Fischer ( A. ) Ueber Eklampsie und akute Uramie in in tier Fortpflanzungsperiode. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879, xv, 878; 895; 914; 947; 968; 1007; 1028.— Fisher (N. B. ) t Certain premonitory signs. Prov. M. A S. J., Lond., 1844. 170.—Fleming (W. P.) Puer- peral eclampsia. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1888-9, iv, 192-195. — Fletcher ( R. M. ) Eclampsia gravida- rum. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1889, 265-278. Also: Alabama M. efe S. Age, Anniston,' 1888-9, i, 326; 377. — Florcs (A. J.) t Coimbra med , 1883, iii, 65; 81.— Foeillou. Ei lampsie post-puerp6rale. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1854. xxvii. 292.—Fogel (L. J.) Puerperal convul- sions. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, ix, 136; 141. [Discussion], 141; 147—Folsom (XT. L.) t N. Hampshire J. M., Manchester, 1856, vi, 110— Ford (A. V.) Puerperal convulsions. Lan- cet, Lond., 1879, i, 179.—Ford (E. A.) t Brit-Am. J., Mont- real, 1862, iii, 334-336.—Fordyce. t t Buffalo XI. & S. J., 1876-7, xvi, 163-168.—Forns (R.) Eclampsia puerperal. Independ. med., Barcel, 1870-71, ii, 174-176.— Foamasse (P.) Eclampsie colucidant avec le travail ele- laecouche- meut. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1876, 2. s., xiii, 092-694.— Freja (J.) 11 Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1847, xviii, 30- 52.—Freund (H.) Auch ein Wort iiber die Convulsionen der Gebarenden. Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1836, xlvii, 339-359.—Fritts (C. E.) t Physician & Pharmac, N. Y., 1877, x, 10.—Fritz (E.) Eclampsie puerpe-rale; trente et une attaques; albuminurie; ur6mie; coma; six affusions froides; gu6rison. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1862, lxii, 260-21.8.—Frost (C. P.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Vermont M. eSoc. 1867-8, Burlington, 1869, 63-70.—Frost (H.) Puerperal convulsions. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1883-4. x, 470-474.-Fry (H. D.) The etiology and prophylaxis of puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 537- 539 [Discussion], 748-750.-Fuqua (W.) t Med. Herald, Louisville, 1883-4, v, 205-269.—Gailskell (W.) t Lond. M. Reposit, 1816, v, 378. ------. t Subsequent to parturition. Ibid., 1817, viii, 303.—Galassi (R.) Di un caso tl' eclampsia avvenuta nei primi mesi di gravidanza. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s., xix, 50-60—Gal icier. Eclampsie auseptieme mois de la grossesse; accouchement premature et force. J. de la sect, de m6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1864, xl, 80-82.—Galindo (J.) Estudio sobre la eclampsia pueiperal. Observador m6d., Mexico, 1872-4, n, 195-204.—Gardner, t Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, N. Y, 1858-64, Buffalo, 1865, i, 392. Also: Buffalo M. A S. J., 1864-5, iv, 528.—Gardner (J.) Puerperal eclampsia. St. I Puerperal convulsions. Louis Clin. Rec, 1879-80, vi, 329.—Garipuy. Quelques considerations sur l'eclampsie puerperale. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1879, xiii, 213-218.—Garot. t Chez une primi- pare. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1876, vi, 321-323.— Garraway (E.) t Assoc M. J., Lond., 1856, 830.—Gar- re an. t Ga/,. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 38 — Garret (F. M.) Puerperal convulsions. Nelson's Am. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1853, vii, 225— Gnrrigues. t Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1884, xvii, 1174.—Gatiuiol. t Per- sistance des accidents dix-huit heures apres l'ai'couche- ment Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 510.—Gattico (C.) t Applicazione del forcipe salvata la matlre e con essa il feto. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845. cxvi, 049-052.— Gay (C. C. F.) Puerperal eclampsia. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1808-9, viii, 445-455.—Gay ton (W.) Puerperal epileptic convulsions. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1802, i, 505.— Gendrin. Des convulsions qui surviennent pendant la grossesse et apres l'accouchement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 1; 17.—George (A. B.) Convulsions during the removal of the placenta; death. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1872, ii, 411.—Gerbaud. t Moit pendant l'accouohemeiit. Montpel. med., 1883, 1, 308-313.—Getz (H. L.) t Phila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi, 8.—Giebens (F. J.) t Apres un ac- couchement k terme. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1852, ix, 289-294. [Rap. de Bessems], 295-301. [Discussion], 302-312.—Gill (H. Z.) Eclampsia, Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xliii, 113-130. Also, Reprint.— Gilson (D.) t Terminaisonde l'accouchement par le forceps; deux enfants vivants. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 251.—Girard (G.) Sur les convulsions pendant les douleurs de l'ac- couchement. J. g6n. de raed., chir. et pharm., Par., 1813, xlviii, 278-280.—Giraud (F. F.) Puerperal convulsions. Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1854, i, 409.—Girnudet. Eclampsie, suite de couches. Rap. g6n. d. trav. Soc. el. sc. m6d. ele Gannat, 1850-7, xi, 53-59.—Glesinger (S.) t Mit gliick- lichem Ausgange fiir Mutter uud Kiud. Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1805, x, 397.—Godefroy (A.) De l'eclampsie puer- perale et de son traitement. Rev. de th6rap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1868, xxxv, 32; 59; 87; 115; 143.—Godfrey (F. H.) t Cincin. Lancet A Obs., 1876, xix, 500.—Conner (A.) Die puerperale Eklampsie nach den neueren Publikationen. Deutsche Metl.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, v, 541-544. Also, Re- print— Goldseheider. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 109.— Gomes (B. A.) Da eclampsia das parturientes, e da sua relacao com a molestia de Bright. Gaz. med. tie Lisb., 1854-5, ii, 346. —Gondinet. M6moireet observations sur des convulsions epileptiques survenues au travail de l'en- fantement, et sur les bons effets tlu bain tiMe et de l'eau k la glace, dans ces cas morbitles, eliverseinent modifies. Ann. Soc. de m6d.-prat de Montpel, 1806, viii, 81-102.— Goodwin (R. S.) t Forced delivery; pneumonia; recov- ery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxiii, 469.^ Gordon (S. C.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. Maine M. Ass. 1869-70, Portland, 1870,143-150.—Gore (A. E.) Puer- peral eclampsia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 48l- 491.—Goss (F. W.) t Fatal, preceded by excessive epi- gastric, pain. Boston M & S. J., 1884, ex'i, 464. [Discus- sion], 471— Gota (A.) t Clinica, Zaragoza, 1877, i, 76.— Gould. Case of a priinipara, aged fifteen years and nine months, delivered at full term, of twins, by the forceps, after having been about fifty hours in labor, puerperal con- vulsions having supervened; both infants living and. to- gether with the mother, doing well. Buffalo M. J., 1857-8, xiii, 679-682.—Gouzi. t t Rev. m6d. tie Toulouse, 1872, vi; 271; 276 (bis).—Graham (G.) t At the eighth month of pregnancy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1864, ix, 201- 204—Granier (J.-E.) Des convulsions pendant le tra- vail dinfaut. Ann. clin., Montpel, 1812, xxix, 19-23.— Graves (S. C.) Puerperal eclampsia. St. Louis Cour. Metl, 1886, xv, 399-401.-Gregg (H.) t Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1882-3, ii, 80.—Grenser. Eclampsia gravidarum et parturientium. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1848, xxv, 118-124. — Greve. t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1873, xxv, 262.—Griswold (E.) t Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1878, xii, pt 1, 343.—Griillicli (J. G.) t t Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1863, xxi, 357-364.—vou Griinewnldt. t St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 293.—Guignard. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 458.— Guillemeut. t J. de iu6d. tie l'ouest, Nantes, 1883, xvii, 208-214. — Gunning (A. T.) t t Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1865, x, 145-149. -----. t Twin births; fatal result on the third day. Ibid., 1870, xv, 133-135.—Giinterniau (P.) t Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 458.—Guyon. t J. de med. et chir. prat, Par., 1867, xxxviii, 391-396.— Gyoux. Eclampsie survenue apres la deiivrance ; gueri- son. Bull. Soc. tie med. prat, de Par., 1860, 30-33. -----. ficlampsie pendant le travail; application du forceps; pneu- monie; m6ningite; mort. Ibid., 113-119. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 455.—Haig (W.) Convulsions before labor. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1850, l, 97-99.— Haldeman (G. W.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas, Lawrence, 1879, xiii, 70-77. — Hall (A.) t Complicated with mania; apparent recovery; sudden de- cease. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 222-228.— Hall (C. B.) t Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1871, xiv, 666.— Hall (W.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii, 442.—Hall (W. C.) Report on puerperal convulsions. Tr. Ohio M. PUERPERAL. 774 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. Soc, Cincin., 1865, xx, 48-64.—Hall ("W."D.) t Death. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1869, xxi, 356. — Haller (K. B.) t Illinois M. Recorder, Vaudalia, 1878, i, 1-4.— Ilalpin (C.) On puerperal convulsions. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiv, 26-42.—Halsey. Eclampsie pendant le travail et apres la deiivrance ; convulsions chez l'enfant; Su6rison. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1880, xiv, 193-198 — lamilton (J.) t During the latter months of pregnancy. Ann. Med. 1800, Edinb., 1801, v, 312-343. — Hamilton (J. W.) t t Meel. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 2u0.— Hamon (L.) Hydropisie de l'amuios; eclampsie puerpe- rale ; deiivrance artificielle rapide. Rev. de th6rap. med.- chir., Par., 1877, xliv, 401; 431. -----. t Avortement a trois jours d'intervalle. Ibid., 1878, xiv, 488-491.—Har- der. Apoplectische Lethargie, nebst epileptischen Con- vulsionen bei einer Erstgebahrenden. Verm. Abhandl.. . . v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1823, ii, 58-66.—Hardy (S. M.) t Occurring in seventh month of pregnancy. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vii, 131-133 — Harper (P. W.) t South. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1851, n. s., vii, 79-86.—Harper (R.) t t Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 607.—Harrington (Harriet L.) Puerperal eclampsia. Physiciau & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888, x,49-52.----—. Two attacks of puerperal eclampsia in one year. Ibid., 536-539. — Harris (A.) t Presenting some peculiar feat- ures. J. N. E. Virg. M. Soc, Warrenton, 1888, i, 28.— Harris (J.) On puerperal convulsions. Nashville J. M. A S., 1857, xiii, 200-207.—Harris IS. E.) Puerperal convulsions. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1886-7, v, 361- 363.—Harrison, t Prov. M. efc S. J., Lond., 1851, 20-22.— Harrison (J. P.) t A twin case in a negro girl of 15 years of age. Am. J. SI. Sc, Phila., 1834-5, xv. 367-369.— Harrison (T. T. S.) t Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1882-3, xv, 3.—Hart (S.) t t Med. Age, Detroit, 1884, ii, 192.— Harvey (T. B.) Report on puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Indiana M. Sue, Indianap., 1863, xiii, 37-44.—Harvey (VV. F.) t Cincin. Laucet & Obs., 1863, vi, 79-83. -----. t Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1875, xxv, 43-53—llas- bach. t J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1832, lxxv, 6. St., 85- 87.—von llaselberg. 11 Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1834, 17-24, — Hauck. Epil. plisihe Krampfe einer Gebarenilen. Ibid., 1833, 209. — llaussmauii (M.)ttMed. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1839, ix, 121-126.—Hawkins (W. H.) t St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xi, 205-208.—Haynes (J. N.) t Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1880, xxix, 553.—von Hecker. Ueber Eclamp- sie. Wieu. med. Bl, 1881, iv, 890; 927.—Hecker (C.) Zur Eelampsiefragc. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl. 1804, xxiv, 298-311.—Heilgers. Eclampsia. Gen.- Ber. d.k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 123.—Helm (T.) Bemerkungen iiber die Schwaugerschafts- und Ge- nu rts-Frai sen (Eclampsia parturientium et gravidarum). Metl. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1839, xx, 202- 208. — Heminer. t Bei einer Erstgebiirenden. Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iv, 436-438.— Henderson (J. L.) t Recovery. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 21-23.—Henderson (V. E.) t Recovery. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1873, ix, 279.-----. t Recovery. Am. M. Weekly, Louisville, 1876, v, 3.—Henderson (W. W.) t Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1880-81, iii, 347-350.—Hendrick (J. E.) tt Northwest. M. AS. J., 1851-2, viii, 35-38.—[Henrot (H.) | t Bull. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1873, xii, 44-46—Henry (R.) Four cases of convulsions. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1882, lxxiii, 241-246.—Hcnsley (J. W.) Puerperal convul- sions. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 481.— Herman (G. E.) t Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix, 517-538.—Hcrsing. t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.- Coll. 1845, Coblenz, 1847, 126.—Hertzog (W. F.) t J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 220. -----. Puerperal eclampsia. Ibid., 1884, ii, 219.—Herz. Eclampsie. Gen.- Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1845, Coblenz, 1847. 125.— Hew son (T. T.) t N. Am. M. A S. J., 1830, ix. 368-372.— Hcvfcldcr. Et-clainpsia parturientium. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1838, iv, 250.—Hicks (J.) Puerperal convul- sions. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1870, xv, 155.—Hicks (J. B.) On the behaviour of the uterus in puerperal eclampsia, as observed in two cases. Tr. Obst. Soc Lonel. (1883), 1884, xxv, 118-127. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1007.—Hicks (R. I.) Puerperal convulsions. North. Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879-80, iv, 157-164.—Hilde- braudt (H.) t t Kiinigsb. med. Jahrb., 1861-2, iii, 104-109. -----. I t Ber. ii. tl. Ereign. in tl. k. gynak. Univ.-Klin, zu Kiinigsb., 1879, 13.—Hill (H.) t Recovery. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1865, i, 281-284 —Hill (L. G.) t t Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1857, 80-83.—Hillis (D. B.) Puerperal mania and convulsions, treated by hypodermic injections. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxii, 85- 87.—Hitchcock (H. O.) t Hotnreopathy vs. common sense. Chicago M. J., 1808, xxv. 567.—Hodge (D.) t Ibid., 1862, xix, 281-284.—Horing. Eclampsia gravidarum et partu- rientium. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1841, xi, 58-60.—Hofluieyer. t Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1858-9), 1860, xii, 2-6. Also: Monat- sehr f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl. 1859, xiii, 162-166.— Hofmann (C.) Sechs Falle von Eclampsie. Spitals- Ztg., Wien, 1804, 392; 399. -----. 11 Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1866, xvi, 942— Hollifield (H. N.) Convulsions Puerperal convulsions. in the early stages of pregnancy. Georgia M. efc S. En- cycl., Sanderson ville, 1860,i, 107-111. — IIoIiiiiiii (R. C.) t Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 285. —Holmes (11.) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. A S. J., 1879, cl, 808 875.—Hoist. Et niserkeligt Tilfaddo af Eclampsia parturientis. .Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1841, iii, 175-177.— Holt (W. P.) Persiste-nt eclampsia; forced delivery accomplished hy bilateral incision of the cervix uteri. South. M. efe S! J., Augusta, 1866-7, 3. s., i, 619-623.— Hoogcwcg. t Med. Ztg.. Berl, 1852, xxi. 246-2)8.— Hope (W.) t Med. Press A Circ, Lond.. 1888, n. s., xlv 7-9.—Horner (C.) t Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila., 1884, xvi, 417-421. — Hosincr (A.) A fatal case of urn-mic convul- sions, occurring at the seventh month of pregnancy, the patient dving undelivered. Boston M. & S. J., ]88(i, cxv 403.— Hough (J. H.) t Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 20.— Howard ( C. F.) Puerperal eclampsia. Piivsicians'& Surgeons' Invest., Buffalo, 1880, i, 134-136.— Ilovl (W. D.) A contribution to the study of puerperal convulsions. Richmond A Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1877, xxiii, 556- 562. Also, Reprint.— Iiii leer (C. C.) Eclampsie iu tier zweitenGehurtszeitmit todtliehein Ausgange. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.. Berl, 1852, xxxii, 234-236.—Hughes (T.T.) t After delivery; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 353.— Hullin (P.) Reflexions pratiques sur un cas remarquable d'edampsie. [Rap.deCapuron.J Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1845-6, xi, 592-598. -----. Reflexions pratiques et plir6no- lo'giques sur un cas remarquable d'edampsie Inhis: Mem. de m6d. etde chir., Par., 1862, 129-155.—Humphreys (L.) t West J. M. [Cincin. J. M.J, Indianap., 1807. ii, 049-054.— IIiiiiI (A.) Are epileptic convulsions, occurring during labor, incompatible with the life ofthe foetus.' Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1869, xxi, 211. -----. Eclampsia. Ibid., 1871, xxv, 498-501. -----. Puerperal eclampsia. Clinic, Cmcin., 1874, vi, 26; 38.—Hurlbut (V. L.) t Complicating labor. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1859, ix, 71-75.— Hutchinson (D.) t Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago, 1849-50, vi, 469-472. —Hyernnux. De l'eclampsie puer- perale. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1861, xxxii, 109-128.— leard. Accouchement gemellaire compliqinj d't'-clampsie et d'hemorrhagie. Lyon m6d., 1872, x, 40-42.— Ilott (H. J.) t In a priinipara. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 585.—Inclan (J. D.) j Existe la eclampsia? i Tiene causa bien manifiesta esta afeccion ? % La tuvieron bien determi- nada los accesos epil6pticos qne yopadeci? ; Qu6 Wdios hay para descubrir esta causa? Porvenir, Mexico, 1870-71, iii, 409-414. — Ingleby (J. T.) An essay on puerperal convulsions. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1834-5, iii, 283-345. Also, in his: Facts antl Cases in Obst. Med., 8°, Loud., 1836, 1-62.—Inverardi (G.) tt Con esitoinfaustu. Ann. di ostet, Milano, 1880, ii, 233; 278.—Isham aba tut (P.) Eclampsie au 8* mois de la grossesse. Rev. de lit. ni6d., Par., 1877, ii, 145-148. — liabordc (P.) Attaques eclamptiques ii 5 mois tie grossesse; guerison. France med., Par., 1871, xviii. 301— l>achapelle. t Annuaire m6d.-chir. d. hop. de- Par., 1819, 554. — Lafond (L.) Accouchement avec li\ilropisic, albuminurie, accidents eclamptiques. Mont- pel. nieil, 1803, xi, 380-385.—Laforgue. De l'eclamp- sie puerp6rale et tie l'epilepsie. Rev. ni6d. de Toulouse, 1874, viii, 257-267. — Lambert (E.) Un cas d'edamp- sie ayant pr6sent6 63 acc6s; guerison. J. ele med., chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1872, liv, 322 — Lancaster (W. J.) t Lancet, Loud., 1879, i, 143.—Lancry (G.) Eclamp- sie an septieme mois de la grossesse chez une multipare; guerison de la infere; mort de l'enfant 48 heures plus tard; expulsion d'un ceuf complet, cinq semaines nines la mort du fcetus. Progr6s m6d.. Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 755-757. Also: Arch, de tocol, Par., 1886, xiii, 1015-1021.—Lnnilt-. Deux cas d'albuminurie pendant la grossesse; eclampsie; guerison. Mem. et bull. Soc. de ni6d. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1873, 522-528—Landman (X. .LB.) Einige variation, betreffeiide ecclampsia parturientium. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem. 1850, n. R., ii, 159-177. -----. lets over et-lampsie van barenden, naar aanleieling van een waargenomen geval. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1866-9, xvi, 336-351. — Landsberg. Ueber tlas Wesen und die Bedeutung tier Eclampsia parturientiuni. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1846, xxxii, 273; 417. — Langlel. Eclampsie puerperale a riuq mois de grossesse; guerison. Uniou nied. et scient. (hi noid-est, Reims, 1879, iii, 77-80. - Langrill (J. A.) Pnerpcrd convulsions. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 492. — I, a peyre. t Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1887, cxiii, 320.—Larliguc. Eclampsie; troubles dy- iiaiiiiques singuliers tie la circulation. Courrier m6d., Par., 1884, xxxiv, 424-426. -----. OSdeine considerable de la vulve precurseurde l'eclampsie. Ibid., 1887, xxxvii, Kl— leaner, tt Med. Ztg, Berl, 1842, xi, 65; 71.— Lavirotte. t t Ann. Soc. de m6d. tie Lyon. 1808, 2. a., xvi, 108-172. Also: Gaz. nied. de Lyon, 1868, xx, 395-397.— l-nwi-ie (J. D.) 11 Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870. i, 283.—Law- Ion, t After delivery. Lancet, Loud., 1829-30, i, 501.— Leaves from the diary of a country doctor. [ Puerperal convulsions.] Country Pract, Beverly, N. J., 1880-81. ii, 327-330. — Lcclerc. Eclampsie pendant la grossesse; disparition des symptomes avant I'accout -he incut. Gaz. d. nop., Par., 1855,' xxviii, 431.—Leclcrr (Mine.) t Mort de 1 enfant 24 heures apr6s la naissance. J. d. sages-femnies, Par., 1874, ii, 123. — Lecoeur (J.) Eclampsie survenue Puerperal convulsions. spoutan6nient le dixieme jour api-es l'accouchement, et terminee par la mort en viiigt-cinq hemes tie permanence d'acces. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1855, ii, 331.—Lee (R.) A report of thirty-four cases of puerperal convulsions. Loml. M. Gaz.. 1836-7, xix, 11-16. — Le Forestier du Boisdelaville. Observation d'un cas tl'i'-clampsie sur- venue au commencement du hiiitifeme mois de la gi ossesse occasioning par la mort du fcetus, a la suite d'un voyage en Tombereau; accouchement premature; metro-colo- peiiti.nite; gu6rison. J. d. conn. med. prat, Par., 1846-7, xiv, 201-204.—Lelinianii (L.) Twee waarnemingen van eclampsia gravidarum; accouchement forc6: gelukkig gevolg voor de moeder in beide gevallen, behoutl van het kind in het eene. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1851, i, 289-293. — Lcmaistre (P.) Eclampsie chez une primipare; application heureuse du forceps. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1876, i, 122.— Lenier. Eclampsie au neuvieme mois de la grossesse; hysterotomie vaginale. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 197.— Leonard. Eclampsie sans albuminurie, sans eeeieme et co:.ipliqut'-e du manic puerp6rale. France ni6il., Par., 1886, ii, 17,0-1774. Also.- Bull. Soc clin. de Par. (1886), 1887, x, 157-161.-----. Eclampsie au septieme mois tie la grossesse sans influence sur celled. France m6d., Par., 1887, i, 88-92.—Leonard (R.J.) Puerperal convulsions. Louis- ville M. News, 1881, xii, 28u. — Lerat ( F.) Eclampsie albuminurique chez une primipare enceinte de 8 mois; debridement du col; enfant vivant; gu6rison. Gaz. m6tl. de Nantes, 1882-3, i, 5-7.—Leriche (E.) Grossesse de huit mois; eclampsie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1876, xlix. 1100. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1876, iii, 744-746.—Leva. M6moire sur l'eclampsie. Ann. Soc. dem6d. d'Anvers, 1844,532; 597. [Discussion], 558; 569.—Lever (J.C. W.) tt Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1843, 2. a., i, 495-517. Also. Reprint.—Lewis (M.) t Nashville J. M. et S., 1875, n. s., xvi, 277-279.— L'Huillier. XotesuiTeelainpsiepuerp6rale. Gaz. metl. deStrasb.,1854, xiv, 129-137.—Licgard (A.) De l'eclamp- sie puerp6rale et tie son traitement. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Bruges, 1859, 2. s., vii, 61; 145; 197. -----. SuiT'ee lamp- sie puerp6rale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 171.— Lindsay. Pueiperal convulsions. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872, Iiii, 180-182. — Lmilsley (C. A.) Puerperal convulsions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1858, lxvi, 71-83.—Linn (G.W.) On puerperal convulsions. Phila. M. Times, 1870-7, vii, 361-363.—Little (J.) Puerperal convulsions. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 86-91. — Little (J. P.) t t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxi, 87-91. -----. On puerperal con- vulsions. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 19-28. -- Lindcmann. Todtliche Eklampsie im fiinften Schwangeischafts - Monate. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen. 1862, ix, 597. — Lockwood ( N. S.) Puerpe- ral convulsions; ulceration of the cornea on approach of death, etc Buffalo M. J., 1859-60, xv, 487-489.—Locock (C.) Convulsions puerperal. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1833, i, 481-483. Also: Ibid., Phila., 1845, 522-524.— Ldhlein (H.) Bemerkungen zur Eklampsiefrage. Zt- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1879, iv, 88-113. Also, Reprint. -----. Bemerkungen zut Eklampsiefrage; ii. Folge. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1881, vi, 49-63. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1880, xvi, 484-486. Also [Abstr.]: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Danzig, 1880, Iiii, 242. -----. Eklampsie im Spatvvochenbett. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. ii. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1882, viii, 535-544.—Lowenstamm. Eclampsia post partum typiea. Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1876, xi, 268. — Long (,/. A.) t Louisville M. News, 1881, xii, 53.— Longhi (G.) t Applicazionedi forcipe; guarigione. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1875, 7. s., ii, 113-110.—Lownds (T. M.) t t Edinb. M. J., 1877-8, xxiii, 216-221. — Lucas (J. H.) t Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 016-618.—Lu- geol. Eclampsie puerp6rale. M6m. et bull. Soc tie metl. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1886, 110-122. Also: Arch, tie tocol, Par., 1886, xiii, 395-401. Also [Abstr.l: J. denied. tie Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 389-391. — Lumpe. t t AVien. med. Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 453-481.-----. Eklampsie bei einer Erstgebaremleu. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 689-691. —Lush (J. S.) t Lancet. Loud., 1879, i. 395.—liiisk (W. L.) Clinical lecture on puerperal convulsions Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 497.— Lyman (N.) Remarks ou the nature and treatment of puerperal convulsions. N. Eiig. J. M. & S., Bost, 1824, xiii, 337- 356.—Lyman (W.) t Ibid., 1819, viii, 111.—Lynch (J.S.J Etiology and treatmentof eclampsia. Bait. I'll vs. ..V Surg., 1874, ii,'49.—IH. Lethaler Exitus einer Eclampsie. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1876, vi, 017-620.—McClnll (R. A.) Eclampsia. Texas Cour.-Rec Metl., Dallas, 1887-8, v, 391-395. — Mc€aHum (P.) On puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Perthshire M. Ass. 1879-81, Perth, 1882, i, 48-52. — Macdonald (A. D.) The convulsions of reproduction aud their congeners. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlviii, 306; 332; 354; 379; 405; 431. — McDonald (J. E. ) t Cincin. M. Repert, 1869, ii, 135-138. — iTIac- donald (T. R.) t Contracted pelvis; prolapse of the cord; craniotomy. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xxi. 10. — McDunlc (W. C.) Eclampsia gravidarum. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car.. Wilmington, 1879. xxvi, 61-66. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879, iv, 21-27. — McFarlane (L.) PUERPERAL. 776 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. Puerperal eclampsia. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1881. vi, 373-375.—McGill. t Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1874, 176-178. — McGown (T.) t West. Lancet, Cincin., 1848, vii, 204-208.—Mc«uire ( H. ) t Death. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875-6, ii, 218-223. — Mcintosh (A. J.) t Cincin. M. News, 1877, vi, 31-33.—Mackay (A. D.) Case of convulsions occurring after delivery. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Loud.. 1867. ii, 335-343. -----. Case of puerpe- ral convulsions after delivery. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1873, i, 701.—McKimicy (T. A.) t Forced tlelivery; pneumonia; recovery. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1871-2, v, 433-435.— McKinuon (A.) Puerperal convulsions. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, 216-218.—McLachlan (W. A.) Puerpe- ral eclampsia. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xvii. 191-197.—Mad- den (T.M.) On puerperal convulsions. Proc Dubl. Obst. Soc,1873-4, xxxvi, 155-180. Also, Reprint. A Iso: Dublin J. M. St., 1874, Ivii, 500-582. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit , Lond., 1874-5, ii, 236-258.—Maddock (A. B.) Hysterical convul- sions after parturition. Laucet, Lonel, 1840-41, i, 229.—Mii- nicke. Eclampsia parturientiuni. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1842, Koblenz, 1845,161.—Mahue (L.) Eclamp- sie; obliquite laterale; alteration tie la vue. Union m6d., Par., 1867, 3. s., iii, 525-528.—Mail- (VV.) t After delivery. Arch. Med., Lond., 1861-2, iii, 224-226.—Majoni. Qnat- tro casi eli eelamsia puerperale. Gior. el. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Torino, 1856, 2. s., xxvii, 438-452— Malaspiua (E.) t D' indole nervosa. Morgagni, Napoli, 1888, xxx, 32- 38.—Mallet (C. H.) Puerperal eclampsia. Florida M. efe S. J., Jacksonville, 1885-6, i, 101-108.—Mai lory (H.) Puerperal eclampsia. Clinic, Cincin., 1873, iv, 285.—Ma- lone (S. B.) Puerperal convulsions. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1852-3, ix, 594-597. — Mandillon. Eclampsie puerpe- rale et anurie. J. de med. ele Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 333; 345. Also: M6m. et hull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux, 1886, 72. [Discussion], 85; 88; 100; 110.—Man- kicwicz. t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1808, v, 308.—Man- ning (L. S.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. A Surg. Re- porter, Phila,, 1882, xlvi. 421-424.—March al (E.) Trois observations d'edampsie puerperale suivie ele mort. Rev. nied. de l'est, Nancy, 1875, iv, 216-225. —de la Marc. Observation surun accouchement precede. accompagu6 et suivi de convulsions gen6rales. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiii, 514.—Mariani (D. J.M.) Eclamp- sia durante el trahajo del parto. Rev. de med. y ci- rug. pract, Madrid, 1878, ii, 434.—Mariani (U.j Di un caso grave di eclampsia epilettifoime, durante il sop- rapparto, soongiurata con abbondanti e ripetute inalazioni di cloroformio, in modo da render possibile il paito stru- mentale. Imparziale, Firenze, 1875, xv, 103-110.—Mar- shall (S. N.) t Violent, previous to birth of child. Louis- ville M. News, 1879, viii, 140.—Martel. Eclampsie k cinq mois et demi environ de grossesse; multipare; pas ele traitement; guerison. Arch, de tocol, Par., 1876, iii, 120- 122.—Martin, t J. tie m6d., chir et pharm., Brux., 1845, iii, 313.—Martin (E.) tt Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 021-024.—Martin (J.) t Med. Press A Circ, Dubl., 1868, iii. 203.—Martin (L. J.) On tho etiology, pathol- ogy, antl treatment of puerperal convulsions. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1869, xiv, 302-372. — Martin (R.) t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1852, 359 — Martin (S. M.) Pu- erperal eclampsia. Tr. Indiana M. Sot-., Indianap., 1875, xxv, 35-42.—Martindale (F. E.) 11 Meel. A Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1809, xx, 118— Masearel. Memoire sur les convulsions des femmes enceintes avant, pendant est apres l'accouchement. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 184. [Rap. de Depaul], 1853-4, xix, 266-286.—Ma- sini (A.) Osservazioni cliniche sopra quattro casi di eclampsia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xiv. 360-376.— Ma- son (F.) tt Brit.M.J., Lond., 1857, i, 499— Mathers (.J.) t West. M. Gaz., Cincin., 1832-4, i, 264.—Mattel. Convul- sions 6pileptiques k huit mois de grossesse; erreurs sur la provocation du travail; mort de la femme; extraction de tie l'enfant par les voies naturelles. Bull. Soc. de m6d. pi at. de Par., 1802, 66-69. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 571—Mattison (J. B.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 307-310.— Mauer. Ein Fallvon Eclampsie wahrend eler Schwan- gerschaft. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1804. xxiii, 463-470.—Maughs (G. M. B.) Puerperal ec- lampsia. St Louis M. & S. J., 1882, xiii, 152-103.—Ma vel. Eclampsie api £s l'accouchement. Gaz. el. hop.. Par., 1854, xxvii, 53u.—Max-Van Mons (O.) Note sur les convul- sions puerperales. J. de meel, chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1808, xlvii, 12-19.—Mayer (A.) Eclampsie puerperale au commencement tlu neuvieme mois; continuation de la giossesse, enfant vivant n6 a terme. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1868, xxix, 412-417.—Mayer (C.) tt Metl. Ztg., Berl, 1833, ii, 33-35.—Maynard (J. P.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 369-374.—Mazarem (J. da R.)tJ. d. sc. meel. de Lisb., 1835. i, 35 —Means (W. J.) t Cincin. M. News, 1874, iii, 353-356.—Meeres (E.) On puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. iioc King's Coll., Loud., 1857-8, ii, 101-115.—Mcllct (J.) Cas d'edampsie chez une primipare arriv6e au 6me mois de sa grossesse. Echo m6d., Neuchat 1861, v, 152-154. — Mellier. t Mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par'.', 1865, xxxviii, 593.—Mcnager. Une s6rie de cinq cas heureux d'edampsie puerperale. J. de med. de l'ouest, Puerperal convulsions. Nantes, 1882, xvi, 283-293.—Menard (A.) Quelques ob- servations pour servir k I'histoire des convulsions qui sur- vieuneut pendant le cours tlu travail del'eiil'anteuit -nt. J. compl. tlu diet. tl. 8C m6d., Par.. 1822, xiv, 282-285.—Men! siuga. Schilderungeii und lleobaelitungen iiber i'unl Falle von Eklampsie. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien 1889, iii, 401 ; 499; 032.—Merrick (C. H.) Iodine poison' inii and puerperal convulsions. Metl. A Surg. Reporter Phila., 1880, xiii, 400. —Merteus (J.) t Ann. Soc tie metl d'Anvers, 1854, xi, 213-218. Also: Arch, de la med. bepr,, Brux., 1854, lvi, 145-148.—Meyer (F.) Puerperal odaiirp' sia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, ix, 60.—de Mc-s.n (C. J. T.) De partu per convulsiones ltsthali. Acta re". Soc. med. Havn., 1791, ii, 373-378.—Mignol. t A la flu de la quatri&me semaine el'uno premiere grossesse-. Soc. d. sc m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1878, xxxii, 75-79.— Milam (E. E.) t Louisville M. News, 1877, iii, 27.—Miles (J. F. M.) Puerperal eclampsia at the eighth month of pregnancy; os dilated with Barnes's dilators; child turned and delivered; recovory. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 921.— Miller (A. M.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1879, xii, pt. 2, 781—Miller (T. J.) Puer- peral eclampsia; report of a case. Kansas City M. Index, 1889, x, 324-326.—Milschelsky. t M. Brightii; Nymplio- nianie. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1859,v xiii, 355-372.—Miltenberger (G. VV.) Puerperal eclamp- sia. Tr. M. & Chir. FaQ. Maryland. Bait, 1886, 126-156. Also, Reprint.—Minelln (F.) tt Indipendente, Torino, ls83, xxxiv, 73-78.—Minot. Puerperal eclampsia. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1873. lxxxviii, 570. —Mitchell (T. R.) tt Dublin M. Press, 1846, xvi, 275.—Mitchell (VV. A.) Puer- peral convulsions. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louis- ville, 1872, xiv. 344-347. — Mitivier (M. M.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Metl. Bull, Phila., 1889, xi, 210 — Moller (J. O.) Eine Geburt, wovon sich die Mutter erst nach Verlauf mehrerer Tage iiberzeugte. J. f. Ge- burtsh., Leipz., 1835, xv, 694. — Mohl (C.) Eklampsie wahrend tier Schwangerschaft. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1869, xiv,. 61.—Mombert (M.) Einige Worte iiber Ver- hiitung eler Eclampsia parturientium. N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., 1847, xxii, 280-286.—Monroe (D.) On puerperal eclampsia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 262.— Montgomery (E.) tt St. Louis M. Reporter, 1869, iv, 74 -82. — Moore (A. C.) Puerperal convulsions. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1851, iii, 521-523.—Moore (K. P.) t Atlanta M. & S. J., 1873-4, xi, 317. — Moore (R. L.)1 Med. A Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1877, xxxvii, 318 — Moore (T. J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1883-4, x, 73; 188. — Mootoosamy (P. S.) Puerperal convulsions in the second stage of labor, continuing for three days after confinement in a priinipara aged 20; delivery effected by craniotomy; re- covery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 6. — Mor- gan ' (W.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. M. Soc County Albany (1870-80), 1883, iii, 182. — Morisani. Parto forzato per eclampsia. Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 241- 247.—Morley (J.) Puerperal convulsions; use of the vectis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840-41, xxvii, 268. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1841-2, i. 121. —Morrill (G. VV.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1874, viii, 65-67.—Morris (T. F.) tt Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1870, 164-168.— Morse ( N. C.) t Following delivery. Cincin. M. News, 1879, n. s., viii, 656-658.—Mortou (I>.) t Louisville M. News, 1881, xii, 3.—Moses (G. A A tt St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, i, 225-238.—Mosler (F.) t Arch. f. path. Auat, etc., Berl, 1860, xviii, 250-254.— Mosse (A.) Accidents nerveux edamptiformes observes au d6but de la grossesse. (Iaz. hebd. tl. sc med. de Montpel, 1881,iii, 63; 73.—Muller (A.) t Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1878, xxv, 309.—Mulcur (G.) De l'eclampsie puerp6rale. J. Soo de med. et pharm. de lTs6re, Grenoble, 1883-4, viii, 241-255. Also: Concours nied., Par., 1884, vi, 121; 136 — Muiherou (J.J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 487-495.—Mnrcliison (F.) I In a case-of dipsomania. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1876, ii, 6.—Murillo(A.) Eelamsia puerperaldespuesdel parto: numerosos ataques; Sangrias; curacion. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant de Chile, 1877, vi, 226. -----. Eclampsia puerperal defamilia. Ibid., 1889-90, xviii, 45-49— Murphy ( C. W. ) t Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iii, 12.—Murphy (J.) Puerperal convul- sions. Boston M. & S. J., 1803,lxviii, 294-302.—Murphy (J.J Puerperal eclampsia. Laucet, Lond., 1880, i. 912.— Murphy (P. J.) t Maryland M. J., Bait, 1883-4, x, 872- 875—Murray (J. C.) Notes of ten cases of puerperal convulsions. Med. Times efcGaz., Lond., 1809, ii, 216-218.— Murray (R. A.) Puerperal eclampsia. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 548-551. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, pt. 2, pp. xix-xxvi— Mushet (VV. B.) t Postpar- tum. Brit.M.J., Lond., 1862, i, 457.—Musset(H.) tt Union med., Par., 1853, vii, 611— Mygge (J.) Et Par Bemierk- ninger til Dr. A. Sell i Anledniug af Art. i Hosp.-Tidende s Nr. 35. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1884,3. R., ii, 903-907.- rVagorski (M. F.) t [Premature instrumental delivery; favorable result.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1870. xvi, 316.— Neal ( W. A.) t Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1878, i. 50. — fVebinger (A.) Puerperal convulsions. Disc Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1861, 1-10. Also: Med. efc Surg. Re- PUERPERAL. 777 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. porter, Phila., 1802, vii, 250-254.—Nelson (E. M.) Puer- peral eclampsia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 23- 28. — Nelson ( S. B. ) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Binghauiton, 1851, i, 115.— IVelson (VV.) Remarks on puerperal convulsions. Nel- son's Am. Lancet, Plattsburg. N. Y., 1853, vii, 208-210.— Newcomer (I).) Puerperal convulsions. Weekly M. Kev i hicago. 1883, viii, 193.—Newman (A.) t Leaven- worth M. Herald, 1867-8, i. 241-243 —Newton (O. E.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. Eclect,, N. Y., 1875. ii, 97- 101.—Nichell. t Buffalo M. J., 1858-9, xiv, 105.— Nichct. Observations tie convulsions puerp6rales. J. de med. tie Lyon, 1841, i, 45-55.—Nolan (VV.) t Metl. Press & Circ, Loud 1876, n. s., xxi, 70.—Noyes (B.) t Northwest M. & S. J., Chicago, 1849-50, vi, 19. — Nye (H.) t Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxiii, 227-229.—Oakley (L. W.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1879, 50-79. — Oatman (I. E.) Puerperal con- vulsions. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1870-7, Sacramento, 1877, 152- 154. -----. Pueiperal eclampsia. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash 1887, ii, 47o-476. — Obcrstadt. Convulsionen. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-i.oll. 1841, Koblenz, 1844, 111-113. -----. Eclampsia post partum. Ibid., 1845, Coblenz, 1847,327.—Obissier (H.) Eclampsie pendant le septieme mois tie la gie sse-sse-: guerison. Bordeaux m6d., 1877. vi. 307-309.— O'Brien (O. St. C.) Puer- peral eclampsia; a few thoughts on its nature, causes, and treatment, Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1879, vi 623-632. — Oke ( W. S.) On puerperal convulsions. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1854, 380-389—Oliver (T.) t Obst. J.Gr. Brit. Lond., 1877-8, v, 242-248.—Olivier, fidamp- sie; emploi de l'appareil 61ytropterigoIde du Dr. Chas- sagny; succes pour la mere et l'enfant. Arch, de tocol, Par., 1883, x, 482-492.—Ofiate (J.) Eclampsia puerperal; muerte de la madre; salvation del feto. Observador m6d., Mexico, 1869-72, i. 275-278.—Onghena. Observations de convulsions puerp6rales. Bull. Soc tie m6el. de Gand, 1850, xvii, 215-220.—Opie (T.) t Occurring four days after labor. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1877, i, 242-245— Oppcn- heiinrr (L.' S.) Puerperal epilepsy and protracted gesta- tion. Am. Pract, Louisville, 1880, xxii, 212-219. Also, Re- print— Oppolzer. Ueher Eclampsie, ihre atiologischen Momeute und ihre Therapie. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1800. i, 121: 137.-----. Eklampsie eler Schwansereu unel Geba- renden. Ibid., 1863, iv, 2; 17; 42; 49; 68. —Ortega (A.) Congestion cerebral; apoplegia inmineute; parto natural, sin conciencia ni sentimiento; curacion. (lac nied., Ma- drid, 1848, iv, 252. —Osborn (T. C.) t N. Orl. J. M., 1808, xxi, 441-444.—Osiauilcr (J. F.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den Convulsionen der Gebarenden. Gem. deutsehe. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1828, ii, 558-581.—Osterloh (P. R.) t t Ber. . . . a.'d. k. sacks. Eiitbiud.-Iust in Dresd., Leipz.. 1876, ii, 84-94.—Ott (L.) t t Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 483-485.—Otto. Fall von heftigt-n ( onvul- sionen bei einer Gebarenden, welche nach eler Geburt forttlauei ten. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1839, xii, 249 —P. (B. E.) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. & S. J., 1846, xxxiv, 215.—P. y Pascual (D.) t Parto forzado; terininacion por el forceps ; curacion. Siglo ni6d., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 26. — Paddock (L. S.) The etiology and treatment of puerperal convulsions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1878, 171-180.—Page (R. L.) Eclampsia occurring in the seventh month of preguaney; recovery. Virginia "M. Month., Richmond, 1888-9, xv, 813.—Palmer (C. D.) t t Med. A Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1870, xxiii, 13.— Palmer (M.) t Occurring at the fifth month. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1874-5, ii, 403—Palmer (Sarah E.) t Boston M. A S. J., 1880, cxv, 349.—Papagianne (E ) IleptTrTtejtTi? €K\afi\pia<; €7ri ey/cvov Kara tov 6y8oov fxrfva. rezAr,™.;, 'Afliji/ai, 1880, I", 228.—Papin (T. L.) Puerperal convulsions. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xvii, 1-8. [Discus- sion]. 08.—Parcels (W. H.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li, 60. -----. Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1886, xviii, 211- 214. — Pardoen. t t J. d. sc. m6d. de Louvain, 1880, v, 49-56.—Parish (W. H.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 530; 549. [Discus- sion], 1877, xxxvi, 10-12.—Parks. Two cases of eclamp- sia, both terminating in recovery; the first occurring during and after labor; the second at the sixth month of preg- nancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1855, Iii, 438-440.—Parmenter (W.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. M. Soc. Mich. 1870, Lansing, 1871, 96-100. —Parrish (J.) A case of urse- nn'c convulsions at end of eight months; natural labor and birth of a living child at term. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1878, i, 285-290.—Parsons (J. W.) Puerpe- ral convulsions. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1881, xci, 59-69. — Pascucci (G.) t A termine di gesta- zione. Indipendente, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 697-707.—Pat- erson (G. K. H.) Notes on puerperal convulsions. Glas- gow M. J., 1863-4, [3.] s., xi, 71-75. — Patterson (J. F. H.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxii, 127-129. — Paul (C.) t Survenue chez uue femme aooouch6e depuis viugt-deux jours; saignee; gu6rison. Bull. g6n. de therap.. etc., Par.. 1865, lxviii, 514-517.—Payne (A. S.) t Epileptic. Georgia M. Com- panion, Atlanta, 1872, ii. 590-598.—Payne (G. B.) t Sub- Puerperal convulsions. sequent uterine haemorrhage. Brit. Rec. Obst. M. efc S., Manchester, 1848, i, 273-275.— Payne (R. L.) Unemic eclampsia; induction of premature labor; puerperal peri- tonitis, etc Tr. M. Soc N. Car., Raleigh, 1875, 78-83.-----. Puerperal convulsions. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1877-8, iv, 561-567.—Pearce (J. T.) t Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1862, v, 341. — Pearson (CD.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1882, xxxii, 126-131.— Pe- rez (S.) t Gi-nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1877, xxiii, 86-88.— Perras(F 11.) t t Union med. dn Canada, Montreal. 1873, ii, 104.—Perrin. t Sans cousistance probable d'albumiue dans les urines. France m6d., Par., 1854, i, 24— Perry (M. S.) Puerperal convulsions two months alter delivery. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1854, li, 277.—Peseh. t Verhandl. d. Gesell- sch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1857-8), 1859 xi, 154-160. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1858 xii, 161- 167.—Peter (M.) Lecons sur l'eclampsie puerperale. ses causes,"sa nature et son traitement. Arch de tocol., Par., 1875, ii, 95; 215; 282; 422; 540.—Peters (H.) t Toledo M. &S. J., 1880, iv. 131.—Peterson (F. M.) t Chloroform;' forceps; postpartum hajinoirliam-. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery. 1874, 319-335.- Petit. Eclampsie apr£s l'ac- couchement; guerison. Bull. Soe. iii6tl.derYonne, Auxerre, 1874, xv, 73-77.—Petrenz (C. L.) Convulsionen hei einer Schwangern im siehenten Monate der Schwangerschaft, mit glueklicheni A usgauge. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1841, x, 45-51.— Phelisse. Albuminurie daus le cours tie la grossesse ; accouchement premature; mort de l'enfant. Bull. Soc. anat-clin. de Lille, 1886, i, 180.—Phelps (B. H.) t Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vii, 01.—Piana (G.) t Racco- glitore med., Forli, 1873, 3. s., xxiv, 517-521.—Pierrie. Puerperal convulsions. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxv, 245-249.—Pigeolet (A.) t Survenue au terme de la gesta- tion; application tlu forceps; issue beureuse pour la m&re et l'enfant. J. de m6d , chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1860, xxxi, 429-437. -----. Eclampsie. Ibid., 1861, xxxiii, 19- 32. -----. Sur la nature de 1 eclampsie. Bull. Soc roy. tl. sc. ni6d. etnat de Brux., 1868, 88-92.—Pilat. Eclamp- sie apres l'accouchement; traitement mixte; metro-p6ri- tonite; mort J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1882, x, 147. -----. iSclampsie; infection puerperale; mott. Ibid., 1883 xi, 234-236.-----. Eclampsie apres l'accoucheiueiit; chloral; inhalation de chloroforme ; guerisou. I bid., 298. -----. Attaques d'edampsie pendant le travail; gu6rison dela mere; 6clanipsie chez l'enfant; mort. Ibid., 1884, xii, 42. -----. Attaques d'edampsie i-ep6tees; version potlalique ; enfant mort-n6 ; hemorrhagie post partum ; chloroforme et chloral; guerison. Ibid., 161. -----. Hy- draninios ; albuminurie ; lenteur du travail; forceps ; at- taque d'edampsie apr&s la deiivrance; hydrate ele chloral et chloroforme ; gu6rison de la mere; mort ele l'enfant par convulsions 8.jours apres sa naissance. Ibid., 1885, xiii, 203. -----. Eclampsie apr6s l'accouchement: infection puerperale legere ; gu6rison. Ibid., 337.—Pillay (N. E. P.) tt Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 300.—Pin- gault. Observation el'attaques el'6clampsie survenues apres l'accouchement at apres la deiivrance. Bull. Soc. de m6d. tie Poitiers, 1847 (no. 13), 8-22.—Pistes (N. A.) 'E7TiA6xioe; ex\afi.\j/ia. Ta\r)vb'; 'AOiji/ai, 1882, H', 151; 161. -----. 'EKAai/.i/«'a etrl e-yKV/u.oexui'ije;. Ibid., 1888, IH', 497- 499.—Plasse (F.) Ueber Eclampsie der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Woehnerinnen. Cutting from.- N. Ztschr. f. Geturtsk., Berl, 1845, xviii, 238-357.—Pollard (T.) 11 Stethoscope A Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1851, i, 386-388.— Pomroy (O.) t Recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. s., lvi, 583-585.—Pope (T. A.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 508. Also.- Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 137. — Poppel (J.) Eclampsie. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1864, xxiv, 138-142.—Poskin (A.) Eclampsie puerperale a 8£ mois de grossesse; application du forceps au detroit 8tip6rieur; mort de la m6re et de l'enfant. J. d'accouch., Liege. 1885, vi, 164.—Pound (G.) t Fatal. Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1854, 532.—Pourtey ron (P.) tt Gaz. m6d. tie Bor- deaux. 1878. vii, 6-10.—Powell (J. F.) t Remarkable tenacity of life. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxxi, 87.—Powell (R. H.) On the nature aud causes of puer- peral convulsions. IJancet, Lond., 1845, i, 120.—Power. Case of protracted labour from metastasis, attended with puerperal con vulsiona and mania. Lond. M. Reposit , 1822, xvii, 12-15.—Prather (W. B.) t Atlanta M. AS. J.,l87r, xvi, 129.—Pratt (W.) Convulsions with something like missed abortion. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 498—Prentiss (D. VV.) Puerperal convulsions. Proc Clin. Path. Soc, Wash., Phila., 1866-8, 27-29. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. s.. lvi, 429-431.—Preston (J. A.) t Northwest M. & S. J., Chicago, 1851-2, viii, 216-218—Primus (A.) A Rai- ner (J. B.) Geschichte einer schnell todtlichen Eclamp- sia parturientium. Gem. deutsehe. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1828, ii, 143-145.— Prioleau (J. F.) Report of the committee on puerperal convulsions. [Paper tr] Tr. South Car. M. Ass.,Charleston, 1875, 1-48.—Pritchard (J. F.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 241.—Pros, ficlampsie k 8 mois de. grossesse ; niultip re; traitement mixte; guerison de la mere; mort de l'enfant au d6but des attaques. Arch, tie tocol., Par., 1878, v, 719-723.—Proto <»6mcz. Eclampsia en los primeros PUKRPERAL. 778 PUEIJPEKAL. P11 e r pe r a 1 co n r u Isions. nu si s del embarazo; curacitin : muerte del feto; expulsidn tartlia. Rev. metl., Bosiota. 1883-4. viii, 284-292. -----. Puerperalconvnlsions. Med. >t Surg. Reporter, I'hila., 18,0. j xxii, 448-450. — INigct. t as reinarquable d'eclampsie. Gaz! d. hop., Par. Is5s. \wi.55. —I'unlous. Vingt atta- ques d'eclampsie : priinipaitv ceplialotripsie; guerison de | la mere. Ann. tie ynt-r . Par . 18,0. vi. 202-204. — Pur- ilomiA L.) Pui'ipt-ml convulsions. Obst. Gaz.. Cincin.. 1880-81, iii, 12. — Purdy (G. L.) Puerperal convulsions. Cincin.'Lancet A Dies.. 1800. iii, 762-764.—Pusey ( H. R.) tt Am. Pract, Louisville, 1872. V, 202-206. — Pulegnnl. Eclampsie puerperale. J. th- m6d.. chir. et, pharmacol., Brux., I860, xliii. 413-425. Also [Kap.]: Bull. Soc. roy. il. sc med. el nat. tie Brux., 1806. 110. — Putti ( M. ) t t Bull. d. sc. meel. di Bologna, 1872, 5. s., xiii, 164-201.— Rabagliati (A.) Case of puerperal convulsions in a priinipara ; obliteration of memory of events for 3J days before the occurrence of the convulsion*. Med. Pi'ess A Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xiii, 65. — Radford ( C.) Puerperal convulsions ; mental emotion. Lancet, Lond., 1855. i, 89.—Rake (B.) Puerperal eclampsia; cra- niotomy. Ibid., 1887, i, 1230. — Ramsbotham (F. H.) Puerperal convulsions. Lond M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 8u3; 813. Also, transl. : Analekt. f. Frauenkr., Leipz., 1837, i, 29-51. ------. Puerperal convulsions. Med, Times & Gaz., Loud., 1859, n. s., xviii, 233. — Rawls (J. A.) I Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xl, 42. — Rawson (C. H.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. Iowa M. Soc. 1877-8, Des Moines, 1878. iii, 148-156. — Kearny (T. A.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1808, xxiii, 101-119.— Records (B. F.) Observations on puerperal eclampsia. Meel. .V Snr;. Reporter, Phila,, 1889, lx, 474-479. — Re- doudo ( li. ) Eclampsia durante el embarazo; parto; aplit-acioii del forceps; curacion. An. de obst., ginepat. v pediat, Madrid. 1881, 2. 6p., i. 206. — Reeves (J. E.) t Iu which neuraliiic svinptoms were singularly exhibited. Buffalo M. J.,'1856-7. xii, 129-133. —Rchmiiiiii (F.) Con- vulsiones parturientium. N. Zlsilir. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1848, xxv, 94-101. —Reiner (J. K.) f St. Louis M. A S. J., 1848, vi, 247-249.—Rcmy (S.) Eclampsie chez une multi- pare : () I G P forceps: rotation accidentelle tie l'occiput eu airiere: occipito-saoree; basiotripsie; mort; observa- tion it inflexions. Kev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1888. xx, 113- 118._Rengger. t Museum d. Heilk.. Ziirich, 1794, ii, 106- 111.— Reuss. ficlampsie puerperale; mort. France m6d., Par., 1880, xxvii, 354.—Renter. Eclampsia partu- rientium. Prov. Sau.-Ber. tl. k. Med.-Coll. v. Pommern 1835, Stettin, 1830, 101-104. — Rejuaud. Observations d'eclampsie apres l'aceouchenieni. Aim. Soc ele; nied. de St-Etienuo et de la Loire, 1883, \ iii, pt. 3, 300-310. Also: Loire meel.. St-Etii-nne. 1883. ii, 249-253.—Reynolds (H. J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Detroit Lancet, 1881-2 n.s, •v. 145-147.—Reynold* (J. M.)tt Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1888, n. s., xxi, 608-610.—Reynolds (J. P.) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. & S. •!., 1865, Ixxii. 281.—Rliciu- stnedler. Eclampsie im 6. Monate tier Soliwaiuier- schal't. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1878, xv, 194-190. —Rich- ai'dsou (J. VV.) Puerperal convulsions; view of two hun- dred and ninety-seven case-e. .Nashville J. M. & S., 1872, n.s.. x, 21; 83,: 129. Also. Reprint — Richardson (VV. L.) Eclampsia; acute parenchymatous nephritis; man- ual dilatation ; version. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 247.— Richardson (\V. P.) t Stethoscope & Virg. M.Gaz.,Rich- mond, 1852, ii, 250-258 —Richclol (G.) Consid6rationspra- t iepies sui Teclampsio eli -s femmes enceintes et des femmes en coue.hi-s. Cnion int'-d.. Par., 1852.vi, 38i ; 389; 393; 401 ; 409. ------. t Moit. Ibid., 1853, vii. 2J6—Richmond (JrL.) t Complicated with many anomalous s\ mptoins. ti-rinrnatin" fatally. West. J. eVI. efcPhys. Sc. Cindii , 1833,vi, 191-197.— Ridai-d. Premiere grossesse; auasaiqiie; convul-ioiis; pei te- de- i-oniiaissance; mort du fietus ; forceps ; nuei-isou rapide. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 185.—Riedel. t Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. 11801-2). 1863. xv, 161-165. ------. Eklampsie nach der Geburt, nut ziiruckbleibendem eigenthhmlicheni Getliiclitiiissnian't-l Ibid. (1864-5), 1806, xviii, 84-92. Also: Monatsehr. f Ge- hurtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1805 xxv, 416-424.— Riggs (B. H.) Eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperiuni. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Montgomery, 1883.431-446.—Riuck (C.) Aiiszuge aus Briefen, eine inerkwiiidige Gebui tssie- schichte be-treffeud. Arch. f. el. Geburtsh., Jena, 1793, v, 3*9-402. —Kisk. t St Louis M. A S. J., 1879. xxxvi. 217.— Killer (I-'. \V.) Puerperal eclampsia. North Car. M. J., Wilmington. 1887, xx, 65-70. — Riviere. Pathog6nie et traitement de l'auto-intoxication eclumptique. (Paris, 18-8 i [Rev.) Arch, de tocol., Par., 1889, xvi, 411.— Robbius (F. W. ) Eclampsia. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1888. u. s., xii, 1-6.—Roberts. Sohre la eclampsia puerpe- ral. Rev. nied.-(pur.. Buenos Aires, 1875-6, xii, 124-127.__ Robuchou. Eclainpsie albuminurique chez une pluri- pare; tentative* d'application tlu forceps; raaneeiivres tie version suivies de l'exti action par les mains seules; enfant ne vivant,; guerison. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1882-3, i, 117.— Rocher. t Bull. Soc tie med. de la Sarthe 1879, Le Mans 1880, 13-18.—Rochester, t Fatal. Buff.eloM. J 1859-00' x\ 540-543 ------. t Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1801-2, i, 232-235.— Rochester (T. M.) A case of postpartum puerperal I Puerperal convulsions. eclampsia. Am. M. Bi-Woek.lv. Louisville, 1879, x, 50.— Roddick (T. G.) t Patieni de live-red of twins; recovery Canada M. AS. J., Montreal, ]>;:; .4, ii, 337-342. —Rodger! t Ibi'l.. 1881-2, x, 22-20. — Rodriguez (I. M.) Eclamp-,i:i puerpt'ral. Gac. nied. tie Mexico, 1871, vi, 49.—Kogo- wicz (-J.) O puchlina ogolna, drgawki (eclampsia) 11 rod zacej, port'itl kleszczow.y; w polugu: zapalinir wiwiiairz- niaciczne. oblakanie pologowe, zapalenio kis/.ek kataralne i rt'iza twarzy. [General dropsy: eclampsia; forceps tie- livery; metritis: puerperal delirium ; inflammatory catarrh; erysipelas faciei ] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw'., 1806.lv, 161-167.—Romili iG.l t Raccoglitore med., Forh, 1875. 4. s., iii, 545-501. — Rosart (J.) lie l'albuminurie et, tie l'eclampsie puerperales: essai critique sur la genese di- ces deux complications dc la grossesse et sur quelques par- ticularites du traitement des convulsions edaniptiques. Ann. Sue. med.-chir. ile LiCge, 1874, xiii, 113: 205; 293; 302. —Rose (C.) t t Med. Times \ Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. «.' v. 61-04. —Koseiistein (S.) I t-ber Eclampsie. Verhandl, tl. Gi-se-llse-li. f. Gehurish. in Berl. (1864-5), 1865, xvii, 28-48. Also: Monatsehr. f. Ge-burtsk. 11. Frauenkr.. Berl, 1864, xxiii, 413-430. —Rosi iL.) Caso d' eclampsia nel tempo del soprapparto. Gaz/. med. ital. feeler, tosc. Fiivn/e- 1854, 2. s., iv, 419.—Rouse (W. II.) t Penins. .1. M., De- troit, 1875. xi. 396-398. ----—. Eclampsia. Ibid., 1876, 11. 8. [3.], i, 515-323. —Rowand (J.) Puerperal convulsions. Lancet, Lonel.. 1837-8. ii, 361.—Rowley (0. O.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 873.—Rucker. Coiivulsionen vor, wahrend und nach der Geburt. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1831, xi, 505-515. —Ruscoui efc Denti. Gravi- tlanza al se.-eto nie-se-: albuminuria; conseguente retinite hilaterale; eclampsia: rein- unii-o senza concomitanti alte- razieini dell' apparato ucnitale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1884, 8. s., vi. 303-307.—Rybicki (S.) ft Meily- i-Mia, Warszawa. 1873. i, 437: 453. -----. Krvtyc/.iiv prze- glad ostatuich pojee. o istocie i leczeniu drgawek poroelo- wych (eclampsia parturientium) .jako dopdnienie prac wlasnych poprzednich. [Critical review ot present itleas of nature aud treatment of eclampsia parturientium and de- scription of my own treatment.] Ibid., 1887, xv, 549; 505; 581; 597: 613; 629; 651; 666; 682; 701; 717: 738.—Machs. Eclampsia parturientium. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. 1851 vi. 349.—Mahut. Eclampsie puerperale. Soc. d. sc nied. de Gannat Compt rend., Par., 1879, xxxiii. 83-86.—Mai 5 l/ima (R.) A Saez (D. J.) Eclampsia puerperal: cura cion. Cr6n.m61l.-quir.de la Habana, 1878. iv. 241-249.— Sample (J. R.) t Recovery. Richmond eV Louisville M. J.. Louisville, 1877. xxiv. 610.—Naufoid (A.) Puerperal eclampsia. Michigan Cniv. M. J.. Ann Arbor, 1871-2. ii, 193-207.—Marget. 1 Union tiel. cien. med., Cartagena, 1882, ii, 255.—Sic limit a (F.) Beitriisre zur Lehre von tier Eclampsie. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl, 1881, xviii, 203-292. Also, Reprint.—Mchell (J. X.) t Ineliana J. M.. Indianap., 1874, v, 10.i-lus.—Nchenk. Beohachtung zweierGebui ts- falle, wobey Bliudheit der Vorlaufer der schrec.klichsten Convulsionen war. I. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1820, li, 6. st, 82-90.—Nchlagcter. Eclampsia parturientium. Aer/.tl. Mitth. a. Baden. Karlsruhe, 1859, xiii, 150— Mthollz (W. C.) t Plural birth; recovery. South African M. J., East London. 1884. i. 20. — Mcli^uberg (E.) Om Puerperal- eklampsieiis Patojii-nese og Terapi. Norsk Ma jr. f. La-i;r- viilensk., Christiania, 1875, 3. R , v, 031-053—Mchriewer. Eclampsia post partum. Gen. Ber. tl. k. rhein. Metl.-('oil. 1840, Koblenz. 1841, 50-52.—Nchllld (J. F.) Kelampsia gravidarum s. parturientium Nedeil. Tijdse-hr. v. lliel en Verlosk., Utrecht. 1861-2, xii, 492-506.—Schumo (E.) Puerperal convulsions: a case of precocity. Me-d. A Surg. Reporter. Phila . 1872, xxvi, 453.—Nchuppcrt (M.) t X. Oil M. Times, 1801, i. 10-21—Schuster. I'elierdieCouvul- siont-n der Gebarenden. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1835, iv, 59-01 — Mch wartz (J. C.) Ueber Eclampsie der Kreisenden. Be-eib ai'htungeii unel Benierkungen. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, I8P.1- 51, i. 204-325.—Mcgur (A ) Prophylaxis of puerperal con- vulsions. Proc. M. Soc County Kin^s, Brooklyn 1880-81. v, 259-208. [Discussion], 289-321.—Selenkow. Eclamp- sia post partum : Kranklii-itsci«ladt. tt J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii. 94-90.— I mil i li i 11 (J. W. ) t Fatal. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1885, viii, 501-572. — Valenta (A.) t Mit letalem Ausgange bei einerSiebeiitgebiireutlen. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1869. xiv, 261-264.— Vallejo l.obon (M.) Eclampsia puerperal. An. de obst, ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1880, vi, 321; 353: vii, 5; 33.—Valtorta (G.) t Parti prematuri; placenta previa; distacco artificiale della placenta. Gior. veneto tli sc. nied..Venezia, 1875, 3. .s.. xxii, 532-538.-----. ttGuariti. Ibid., 3. 8., xxiii. 711.—Vance (G. H.) t Meel. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1869, xx, 138.—Van der Uonckt (I.-F.) Memoire sur les convulsions puerperales. [Analyse par Denelfe. ] Bull. Soc de med. de Gand, 1864, xxxi, 200-207.— Van ilcr iTIeersch. Observation de deux cas d'eclamp- sie reflexe. Ann. Soc. de m6d. deGand, 1808, xlvi. 153-160. [Rap. de Willenis jeune), 161-163.—Vanderpoel. Puer- peral eclampsia. Tr. M. Soc. County Albany (1851-70), 1872, ii, 402-400.—Van Email (J.H.) Puerperal eclamp- sia. Med. Herald. Leavenworth. 1875, viii, 127-131.—Van t-oudoever (L. C.) Waarneming van eclampsie in ele laatste maand der zwangerschap. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1861-2, xii, 55-89. —Van Hacsen- donck ' J. ) t Termin6e par l'accouchement pr6matur6. Ann. Soc de med. d'Anvers, 1846, vii, 264-268. Ibid., 1851, viii, 501-564. [Rap. de MertensJ, 576. [Discussion], 584-598. — Van Ilalen. Eclampsie k sept mois de grossesse; c6r6brite; urn rison. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Bruges, 1845, vi, 181-187.— Vnnoye (R. ) 1 Ann. Soc. m6d. d't'-mulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1850, iv, 265-271.— Varges (A. W.) Eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. Ztschr. f. Ch r. v. Chir., Osterode, 1844-5, ii. 353; 369: 1845-0, iii, 1; 17; 33; 49. -----. Eklampsie. Ztschr. f. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh.. Masdeb. u. Leipz., 1857, xi, 1; 81; 198; 283; 357. — Varnicr (H.) Albu- niinurie et eclampsie. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hyg. tie l'enf., Par., 1888, i, 193; 257; 289; 321.—Velpeau. Die Convulsionen in der Schwanmrschaft, wahrend und nach der Geburt. Analekt. f. Frauenkr.. Leipz., 1837, i, 51 ; 214 — Ycllcii. Eclampsia puerperarum. Gen.-Ber. il. k. rhein. M<<1. e ,.11. 1838, Coblenz, 1840, 105.— Ventura Car- vallo (E.) Ensayo sobre la naturaleza i tratamiento de la eclampsia puerperal. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. tie Chile. 1878-9, vii, 265; 289; 321.—" Vernx." | On puerperal convulsions.] Mod. .v Phys. J., Lonel., 1808, XX, 492-494.— Ycrlioctr (A. F.) Eclam]isie zonder albuminurie. Ne- diil. Tijtlsdir. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Ft recht, 1857-8, ix, 181- 185. — Vermer. Observation d'edampsie chez uue femme primipare, k la fin du huitieme mois de la grossesse; guerison; accouchement nature! et a terme d'un enfant vivant. Hull. Acad. roy. de med. de Hei if.. Unix., 1846-7, vi, 713-726. | Kap. do Seutin], 697-699. —Veronese (C.)1 Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1847, exxiii, 124-131.—Verricr. Consitlerations sur leclatupsie postpartum. Gaz. d. hop., I'ar., 1872, xiv, 147; 155. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. obst. de Par., 1872, i, 25-27. —Vidaillet. Uclaiupsie pendant la grossesse (cinq mois et demi); traitement par le bromure de potassium k haute dose; gu6rison; accouchement d'un fietus mort, trente-six jours apres la fin des accidents. Bull. getii. de therap., etc., Par., 1870, lxxix, 135-140.—Viguolo (G.) Convulsions tetaniques pendant rallaitement, a la suite de cinq accouchements successifs, chez la meme femme. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854. ii, 606-608. — Villaret. Cas grave d'eclainiisie : gu6rison. Rev. de th6rap. du midi, Montpel., 1851, ii, 65-71.— Vincent (H. B.) t Lancet, Lond., 1879, i. 9- Vincent (0.) t Brit. M. J , Lond., 1868, ii, 139.—Vollii-I (A.) Zur Lehre vou der Eklampsie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1809, vi, 441-443. —Vogt (H.) Tril- lingfedselog Eklampsie. [Triplets and eclampsia.] Norsk Mag. f. Liegevitlensk.. Christiania, 1889, 4. R . iv. 42-48 — Voigt (C.) Zwei Fiille von Eclampsie und eine Drillings- geburt. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag, 1874, ii, 258-260.— Voiidcrfuhr (F.) Eclampsia parturientium. Wchn- schr. f. d. »es Heilk., Berl, le37, 822-825.— Vorstuiau (H. J. G.) tSanatio: posteaphthisis; mors. In his .- Diss. med. inaug. continens, etc.. 8°, Lugd., Bat, 1854, 3-32.— Vucciuo (N.) Eclampsie puerperale chez une primipare ile 5 mois ; nouvelles convulsions eclamptiques au 8'" mois ile la 2'1"- giossesse; accouchement pr6inatm-6; guerison. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1885-0, xxviii, 55-58.— Walilcn 11). A.) Puerperalconvnlsions. Chicago M. J & Exam., 1881. xliii, 356-358.—Walker (J. B.) t Iu a priraipara of eighteen yearsofaifi'. I'hila. M. Times 1883- 4, xiv, 515; 548— Walker (T. F.) t Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1878, xxix, 57.—Walker (T. Q.) Puerperal con- vulsions and delivery. South. J. M. efc Phys. Sc, Nashville, 1853, i, 242—Wall (J.P.) Four cases of puerperal convul- sions. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1875-6, iii. 292-297 — Walsh (J.) t Annalist, N. Y., 1848-9, iii. 231-233.— Wal- ler, t X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1844, xvi 181-lxt;__ Walton (C. R.) t South. M. .) t Med. Times, Lond. 1846, xiv. 103.—Watson (S. M.) Report of five cases of puerperal eclampsia. Mississippi Valle-v M. Month. Memphis, 1887, vii, 292-294.— Weatherly of. Si t Fatal South. M. efc S. J., Augusta, 1854. n. »., x, 85-87. — Weber. Erfahrungen iiber Eclampsie in der Fortpflaiiziingspcrioile des Weibes. Wien. med. Presse, 1807, viii, 6; 57: 81.— Weber (C.) Fiiuf Falle von Eclampsie. Ztsi-ln. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver.. Magdeb., 1850, iv. 339-301 — Wchr (W.) t Mit todtlichem Ausgange. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1842, xii, 95: 184a, xiv, 436.— Wellington (VV.W.) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. efc S. .1., 1858-9, lix, 349-354.—Wenning (W. H.) Puerperal eclampsia. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1884. vii, 294-296.- West (R. 0.) tt Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, 451; 458. -----. Case of epileptiform convulsions in the third week ofthe puerperal stale. Tr. Obst Soc. Lond. (1861), 1862, iii, 35-40.—Wheeler (VV. L.) Puerperal convulsions. Boston M. & S. J.. 1862, lxvi, 528-531.—Whitney (A. B.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. Tribune, N. V., 1884, vi, 142-140.—Whittaker. Puerperal eclampsia. Clinic Cincin., 187:!. iv. 304.— W lulled (VV. L.) t Fatal. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1879, xx. 204-208.—Wicgcr ( F.) Recherches critiques sur l'eclampsie puerperale. Gaz. ni6d. de Strasb., 1854, xiv, 161; 288; 318; 302; 401; 443. Also: Mem. de la Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1851-5. ii, 223-398, 1 tab.—Wiel. t Olmo Bright'sche Krankheit, Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden. Karls- ruhe 1804, xviii, 33-38.—Wiglesworth (A.) t Obst J. Gr. Brit, 1.....tl.. 1877-8. v, 669-674.—Wigur (J.) Przy- pade-k drgawek porodowych (eclampsia) bez bialkomoczu. [Without albiimiuuria.1 Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 491-494.—Wilber (G. D.) On the subject of puerperal convulsions. Tr.Wisconsin M. Soc, St. Paul, 1871. v, 175- 181. Also: Northwest M. efc S. J.. St. Paul, 1871-2. ii, 290- 296.—Wilcox (K. J.) t Detroit Kev. Med. & Pharm., 1872, vii, 539.—Wilkins (W. W.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord. 1876, 69-83.—W'illclt (E. M.) t Am. M. Times. N. T., 1861, ii, 320. -----. Pueipcral convulsions. Med. &Surg. Month., Memphis, 1866, i. 103- 105.—Williams, t In first labor. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1852, u. s., v, 618.—Williams (A. C.) t Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1883, viii, 391.—Williams (I). S.) t Recovery. Metl & Surg. Reporter, I'hila., 1870, xxii, 426.—Williams (P. C.) Some remarks upon puerperal eclampsia, based upou a few cases. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878-9, v, 889-894.—Williams (R. G.) Two cases of puerperal convulsions. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Aus- tin, 1889, 229-232.— Williamson (J. ) tt Iowa M. J., Keokuk, 1858 iv, 252-257.—Wilson (F. VV.) On a case of epileptic, puerperal convulsions. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 432.—Wilson (J.) t N. York M. Press, 1800, n. s., iii, 193-196.—Wilson (J. O.) t Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. 1879. v, pt. 2, 114-118. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1879-80, xxv. 139-141. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Loud., 1879-80, vii, 590-593.- Winckcl (F.) Vier Falle von Eclampsie. Ber. ... a. d. k. siichs. Entbind.-liist. in Dresd. 1876-8, Leipz., 1879, iii, 197-210.—Winkler (O. G.) Eclampsia parturientis en placenta piievia. Nederl. Ti jtlschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht 1861-2, xii. 415-440.—Winn (T. A.) Eclampsia gravidarum et parturientium. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1877, xiv, 581-584.—Winter (M.) Eclampsie im Wochenbette. Me'd.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1876, xi,303.—Wirlh (P. N.) t Einer Ersfgebahrerinn. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1790, xii. 61-63.— Wistrand (K.) Fall af eklampsi i 7de ma- nation af hafvantleskap. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1883, xiv, 380-382. —Withers (J. V.) f West. J. M. & S.. Louisville-, 1854, u. s. [4.], ii, 102-105.— Withington (C. F.) Some points regarding puerperal convulsions, illustrated In two cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 580-582.— Witter (G. F.) Purpura antl eclampsia. Tr. Wisconsin M. Sor., Milwaukee, 1873. vii, 110-113. —Wittliuger. t Ztschr. f. Wundarzto u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1850, iii, 311-314.— Womack (J. A.) Puerperal convulsions. South. Pract., Nashville, 1886, viii, 409-411.—Wood (A.) t Following delivery, where the vapour of sulphuric ether had been in- haled during labour. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., v. 16- 19.—Woodhouse (R. T.) t Assoc. M. J., Lond, 1856, 405-408.—Woodward (B.) t Post partum. Chicago M. Exam., 18i0, i, 725. — Woolscy (A.) t Nashville J. M. efc S., 1879, n. 8., xxiii, 112.-Woolsey (J. G.) t Cincin. M. News, 1873, ii. 391-393.—Wynne (J. Y.) A case of twin labor complicated with convulsions from hamorrhage. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1857-8, iii, 731.—Yandell (L. P.) On puerperal convulsions. Am. Pract.. Louisville, 1871, iv, 343-356.—You ng (J.) t Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), « PUERPERAL. 781 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. 1875. iii, 70-72.—Young (R. S.) Puerperal eclampsia. North Car. M. J., Wilmington. 1885, xv, 367-369. — Zim- mcrinanii. t Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1870, xi, 81-85. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pa- thology of). See, also, Albuminuria in pregnancy, etc. Beigel (H.) * De morbo Brightii et eclampsia puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [185(3]. Blot (H.) *De l'albuniinnrie cbez les fem- mes enceintes; ses rapports avec l'eclampsie, snii influence sur I'he'iiiorrbagie uterine apres r.iccoucbemeut. 4°. Paris, 1849. Bkaun (C. R.) Tbe nramiic convulsions of pregnancy, parturition, and cbild bed. Transl. from the German, with notes, by J. Matthews Duncan. 8°. Xew York, 1858. Espagne (M.-V.-G.) ' De l'eclampsie puerpe- rale plus particulierement 6tudiee au point de vue de sa pathogenie. 4U. Montpellier, 1883. -----. Thesame. roy. 8°. Montpellier,1883. Fahhenheim (M.) *De setiologia eclampsitse parturientium, pramiissa casus cujusdam enarra- tione. H . Rostochii, 1841. Fritz (C.-L.) * Quelques considerations sur la pathogenie de l'eclampsie et tie ses rapports avec la manie puerperale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870. Guedes ( R.) *Pathogenia da eclampsia puerperal e seu tratamento pelo bromureto de potassio. 8°. Lisboa, 1872. Hafexhradl ( X. ) * Ueber Morbus Brightii untl Eclampsie bei .Schwangern, Gebiirenden nnd Wtjchneriuneu. 8°. Erlangen, 1864. Hypolitte (C.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale, sp6cialement etudiee au point de vue de sa patho- genie et ties modifications de temperature qui l'accompagnent. 4U. Nancy, 1879. Joseph (J.-H.-C.) *De l'albuminurie gravi- dique et de l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1886. Keilpflug CH. E. F.) * Ein Fall von Eklamp- sie init geringer Nieren verauderung; Beitrag zur Pafchogenese der Eklampsie. [ Halle. ] 8°. Cbthen i. Anh., 1889. Kuhn (C. G.) [Pr.] de eclampsias caussis. 4°. [Lipsice, 1812.] Li.man (R.) * Eclampsia num ex morbo Brightii oriatur; accedit graviditatis et partus historia. 8°. Gryphiw, 1859. Mamroth (R. ) * Ueber die Aetiologie der Eclampsia puerperalis. 8U. Wiirzburg, 1888. Massy (P.) * Etude sur la pathogenie de l'eclampsie chez les femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1865. Paulopotjlos (D.) * Physiologie pathologique de l'eclampsie puerperale (causes). 4°. Mont- pellier, 1880. Robix (E\) L'albuminurie dans ses rapports avec l'hematose. L'eclampsie des femmes en- ceintes: nouvelle interpretation de ses causes, tie ses acccs, de ses suites et de son traitement. 8°. Paris, 187)4. Roderwald (A.) *Zur Kritik der Theorieen der Eklampsie. 8°. Balle a. S., 1889. Sailly (E.) * Y a-t-il albuminurie dans l'e"pi- lepsie? Consequences au point de vue du dia- gnostic avec l'eclampsie. 4°. Paris, 1861. Staude (E. F. C.) * Ueber die Beziehungen des engen Beckens zur Eklampsie. 4°. Berlin, [1869]. Testut (L.) De quelques produits de la de"s- assimilation dans leurs rapports avec l'eclampsie puerperale. Couronne (medaille d'or) par l'Aca- deniie des sciences, belles lettres et arts de Bor- deaux. H°. Paris, 1880. van Tiknhovbn (G. P.) * De oorzaken eu het wezen van stuipen, die kunnen optreden voor, by en na de baring. 8°. Utrecht, 1861. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pa- thology of). Babinski. Eclampsie pendant l'accouchement; n6- phrite interstitieller urGmie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1882, xlix, 49.—Bailey (J. S.) Alhuminuria and eclamp- sia at the eighth month of pregnancy. Phila. M. Times 1875-6, vi, 219-221. — Barbour (A. H. P.) Uterus from a patient who died of ei-lauipsia 40 hours after delivery. Etlinh. M. J., 1884-5, xxx, 319, 1 pl—Karelia (II.) Mala- die tie Bright datant de tlenx mois chez uue femme de 29 ans, enceinte pour la 7>m* fois et a 8£ mois de sa grossesse; 6clampsie; accouchement premature.; enfant vivant; mort tlo la femme. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1804 xxxix, 197-203.—Barllett. Report of a case of eclampsia in a pregnant woman, due to urtemia. Mod. Exam. Chit-ago, 1874, xv, 446-451. — Bauduy (J. K. ) Views suggested hy the study of the etiology of puerperal eclamp- sia. St. Louis Cour. Metl, 1879, ii, 103-117. — Bazzani (S ) Ui un caso tli ecclampsia venuta al seguito dell am- ministrazione della segale cornuta durante il parto iu priinipara aventeunrestringinientodi hacinoperrachitide. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1877, xl, 174-180. — Belcher (P.) Puerperal eclampsia; Bright s tlisease; autopsy. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1863, 558-560.— Ben net! (J. H.) ' A ease of eclampsia, with alhuminuria; treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1888, x, 357. — Blaae (E\) Action pathogene d'un microhe tiouv6 dans les urines rt eclamptiques. Arch, de tocol, Par., 1889, xvi, 182; 285. Also [Ahstr.j; Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cviii, 622. -----. Contrihiition k l'etude tie la pathogenie tie l'albuminurie et tie l'eclampsie chez la fenime gravide. Lyon m6d., 1889, lxii, 122-125. — Blot(H.) De l'alhuniiniirin coincitlaiit avec l'eclampsie. Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 493-495.— Bontecou (R. B.) Puerperal convulsions from nephritis. successfully treated by morphia hvpoilerinically. N. York M. J., 1870', xi, 170-178— Itourneville. Dela tempera- ture dans l'eclampsie puerperale et ties indications cliniques quelle fournit. Arch, de tocol. Par., 1875, ii, 193-205. — Braun (C.) Beweise fiir den Nexus tier Eclampsia par- turientium und tier Uramie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk.. Wien, 1856, ii, 433-437. -----. Ueber tlen Nexus der Jolloid- (Amyloid-) Metamorphose tier Epithelien der Nieren und tier Eclampsia gravidarum. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte in Wien, 1864, 1; 9; 17; 41. -----. Eklampsie in Folge Knickimg der Ureteren. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii, 231. Also, transl.: Med. News Phila., 1882, xl, 649.—Browne (B. B.) A case of fibroid tumor of the uterus, causing eclampsia; with remarks on uterine fibroids in general, aud on the causes of puerperal antl non-puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 38-47. — Bmlil (C. A.) Case of uraeruie convulsions; chloroform ; forceps. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xi, 16.— Campbell (G. T.) Albuminuria in pregnancy and its relation to puerperal convulsions. Buffalo M. efe >S. J., 1871-2, xi, 405-415.—Car.xi (V.) Juiciocritico acerca dela teoriadel Dr. T. Halhertsma sobre la etiologia de la eclamp- sia puerperal. Cron. m6d., Valencia, 1883-4, vii, 234; 268; 305; 326; 357; 421; 461; 522. — dharles (N.) Primipare a terme albuminurique; eclampsie rapidement mortelle; extraction par les voies naturelles d'un enfant mortne; autopsie. J. d'accouch , Li6ge, 1881, ii, 85-87. — Clicm-I ( R.) & Queua. Eclampsie puerperale; hemorrhagies visc6rales (cerveau, foie). Progres nied., Par., 1877. v, 695. — Clemen* (A.) Zur Wurdiuung der neuesten cheniischen Ansichten iiber die Ursache der Eclampsia puerperalis. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1863, xxii, 216-223.—Corby (H.) On t he causes of puerperal eclampsia. Laucet, Loud., 1883, ii, 854.—Cormack (J. li.) Cases of puerperal convulsions; dependence of puerperal convulsions on toxiemia; explanation ofthe more common occurrence of renal convulsions in primipane. Lond. J. M., 1849, i, 522-537. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Westmiust. M. Soc, Lond., 1848-9, 66-72.—Cortijjuera (J.) Relacioues patol6gicas de la eclampsia puerperal con la albuminuria. Arch, de obst. y gint-c, Madrid. ls*8. i, 261-268. —Crisp (E.) Cases of puerperal convulsions, accompanied by albuminous urine. Laucet, Lond.. 1844, ii, 371.—Davics (O.) On a case of puerperal convulsions induced bv eating mussels. Ibid.. 1866, i, 482. — Deiuauet (G.) Observa- tions sur une cause particuliere tie convulsions, qui arri- vent aux femmes durant la giossesse ou pendant l'accou- chement. Actes Soc. tie metl.. chir. et pharm., Brux., au vi [1797], i, pt. 2, 21-28— Doleri« & Butte. Nouvelles recherches sur la pathogenie tie l'eclampsie; d6coiiverte d'une substance toxique dissoute daus le. sang. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. 8., iii, 97-100.—Donkin (A. S.) On puerperal uremic eclampsia. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., i, 1807, 191-193. — Eclampsie (De 1') alhu- niinui ique puerp6rale. France m6d., Par., 1854, i, 52-54.— E«nn ((!. J.) Case of puerperal convulsions, arising from tight lacing. Med. Times tfe Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 225. — Ehrlich (N. S.) K vopr. ob emholii poch. arterii, kak prichine eklampsii. [Embolism of renal arteries a cause of eclampsia. 1 Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxx, 827-837.— Elliot (G. T.) Cases illustrating the relation of albu- minuria to puerperal convulsions. N. York M. Times, 1852-3, ii, 305. — d'Espiiie (A.) De l'accumulation des 82 PUKllPKKAL I'UKttl'EUAL. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pa- thology of). sels tie potasse dans le s6rum pendaut l'attaque d'eclamp- sie ; analyse chimique par MM. Friitiger et Jaccard. Kev. dem'6d., Par.. 1884, iv, 689-696. — Ferrier tils. De lalbuniinurie pueip6i ale, et de se8 rapports avec l'edamp- oie. J. Soc. med. tie la N.-Orleans, 1860-61, ii, 188-196.— Fischer (A.) A terheseknel fell6p6neh6zk6riol (eclamp- sia) es heveny hugyv6riisegrol (uraemia). [Connection of puerperal convulsions with ui.emia.l Orvosi hetil, Buda- pest, 1879, xxiii, 669; 691; 714; 738.—Fisher (W. C.) A case of puerperal eclampsia, with 98 per cent, of albumen, by bulk, iu the urine; recovery; a few remarks on treat- ment, etc. Texas Cour.-Rec 'Med., Fort Worth, 1885-6, iii, 139-192. — Fry (H. D.) A review of the etiology and prophylaxis of puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 50-72. — Oalabin (A. L.) On the causation of puerperal convulsions. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 667- 669.—Garrish. Albuminuria not followed by convul- sions. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1866-9, iii, 141.—Gay (G. W.) Puerperal convulsions anil albuminuria. Boston M. & S. J., 1874. xc, 565-570.—Graiithnni (T. P. J.) Cases of puerperal convulsions and associated albuminuria. 'Assoc. M. J., Loud , 1855, i, 436. — Grigg. Uterus aud kidneys of a patient who had dietl of puerperal eclampsia. Brit. GviiR'c. J., Lond., 1886-7. ii, 35-38. — Halbertsma ( T. ) Die Aetioloaie der Eklampsie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1871, ix, 417-420. -----. Ueber die Aetiologie tier Eclampsia puerperalis. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1882, No. 212 (Gyniik., No. 59, 1557-1566). [Nee, also, sv.pra, Cars! (V.)] Also [Ahstr.j: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond.. 1881, iv. 394-397. Also, transl. [Abstr.]; Nederl. Ti.jelsc.hr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, 2. R., xvii, 817-824.— Hastings (P. M.) Relation of albuminu- ria to puerperal convulsions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. 1868-71, N. Haven, 1871. iii, 154-161.—HelflTt. Zur Pa- thologie der Eclampsie der Schwangern und Woehnerin- nen. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1851, xxix, 357-366.— Heller (J. F.) Blut bei Eclampsie. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. ('liem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1844, i, 113-119.—Hicks (J. B.) Contribution to the pathology of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1866), 1867, viii, 323-336.— Hiller (A.) Zwei Falle vou '' Schwangerschaftsniere " und dam it zusain men ban gender Eclampsie. Charit,6- Ann.,Berl, 1882, vii, 333-338.—Holmes (B.) On tho relations of bacteria to puerperal eclampsia. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1889, xii, 341.—Hiinieken. Albuminurie mit Eclampsie, herbei- gefiihrt dutch Druck auf die Abdominalgefasse. Berl. klin. Wehiischr., 1870. xiii, 390-302.—Humston (S. R.) Puer- peral convulsions after miscarriage. Med. efe Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 541.—Illowy (H.) On the eti- ology of puerperal eclampsia. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 472-478. [Discussion], 481-490.—Imberl-Gourbeyre (A.) De l'albuminurie puerp6rale et de ses rapports avec l'eclampsie. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1856, xx, 1-73. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv. 308; 314; 324; 331; 339; 350; 353; 380; 388: 404; 417; 436; 452. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.l: Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1857, 2. s., v, 202- 212.— Isliam (R. N.) On some of the causes of puer- peral convulsions. Chicago M. J., 1858, xv, 485-496.— Jajjjjard (W. W.) Etiology of puerperal eclampsia. Obst Gaz., Cincin., 1889, xii, 337-341.—Jewell (G.) Case of sympathetic puerperal convulsions. Lond. M. efe Phys. J., 1823, xlix, 111.—King (A. F. A.) A new explanation of the renal troubles, eclampsia, and other pathological phenomena of pregnancy and labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1887, xx, 225; 347.—JLabastitlc (E.) Albuminurie aigue compliquee d'edampsie; guerison. Monit. tl. hop., Par., 1850, iv, 651.— Fabat (L.) Notes sur une autopsie de femnie enceinte arriv6e au voisinage du terme, mort d'edampsie. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1880, xiv, 52-50.— ■ ..-■■■ile. Deux cas tl'albuminurie pendaut la grossesse; eclampsie; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1871, iii, 55- 58. — Canto* (K.) Az eclampsia es albuminuria kVirokta- u&hoz. [Etiology of eclampsia and albuminuria.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1888. xxxii, 189; 290; 329; 306; 395. Also, transl.: Arch. Gynaek., Berl, 1888, xxxii, 364-399. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv. 317-320.— Fee (C. A.) Caseof puerperal convulsions from albuminuria, in which chloroform was successfully used; with remarks. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1860, n. s.,xl, 275-278.—Fegroux. Note sui l'eclampsie albuminurique, et en particulier sur 1 eclampsie albuminurique des femmes enceintes. Union nied., I'ar., 1853, vii, 345; 350.— Feh- maiin (L.) Eclampsie in de 8ste maand der zwanger- schap, zouder uraemie of albuminuric met doodelijken uit- gang. Nederl. Weeklbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1852, ii, 405- 409.—Levergooil (J.) Puerperal convulsions from gas- tric irritation. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1858^ ii, 311.—Fevy. Om psychiske Indvirkninger og Albuminu- rie soin Aaisager til Eclampsien hos Ftidende. [Psychical influences aud albuminuria as causes of puerperal convul- sions.) Hosp.-Medd., Kjebenh., 1851, iv, 287-307.—Firiell (I. A.) Pregnancy; convulsions; autopsy; morbus Brightii : apoplexy of liver. N. York M. J., i807, v, 379- 381— Fitzitiann (C. C. T.) Die Bright'sche Krankheit und die Eclampsie der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pa- thology of). Wochuerinuen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1852, iv, 209; 225- 245; 257; 277; 292; 323; 335; 343. -----. Fiber den ur- sachlichen Zusaminenhang zwischen U ramie und Kclainp- sie bei Schwangeren, Gchiireinli-n uud Wochiioriiinen. Ibid., 1855, vii, 317; 329.— Futon, ficlampsie uremiqiit;. Union metl. et scient. du noul est. Reims, 1879, iii, 373. _ lTIaeilonald (A.) Albuminuria and puerperal eclamp- sia, with nine cases. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1876-7, iv, 137; 209; 281. Also, transl.: Gaz. obst., Par., 1877, vi, 193; 209; 225.-----. Albuminuria antl puerperal eclampsia. Tr Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1874-7), 1878, iv, 245-253. -----. On the essential pathology of puerperal eclampsia. Edinb. M. J. 1877-8, xxiii, 961-990, 1 pl. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., i.u.itl, 1878-9, vi, 375; 436.— iHcKcough. Puerperal eclampsia without albuminous urine. Montreal M. J., 1888-9, xvii, 851.—iTIalaspina (E.) Un caso di eclampsia puerperale tl' indole nervosa. Atti xii. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 608.—Marfan (A.) Eclampsie puerperale; mort et autopsie; lesion du rein. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 571-575. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 458.—iTIartiu (H. A.) Epileptiform convulsions in a pregnant woman, apparently corresponding with the strangling of the fietus and consequent disturbance of cir- culation of the mother, etc. Boston M. efe S. J., 1862, lxvi, 228.—iTlathews (R.) Report of a case of albuminous urine during gestation, followed hy epileptic, attacks dur- ing parturition. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 337— LTIaltei. De l'albuminurie en general, et plus 8p6cialeinent pendant la grossesse; de l'eclampsie, de l'accouchement premature comme moyen de suspendre les convulsions eclamptiques. Rec. d. proc-verb. . . . Soc. de med. prat., Par., 1859, 1-9. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 107. -----. Albu- minurie dans le cours de la grossesse, ses accidents en de- hors de l'eclampsie, ses causes, son traitement; doit-on provoquer l'accouchement pr6matur6 dans cette maladie? Rec d. proc-verb. . . . Soe. tie med. prat.. Par., 1860, 9-13.— ltlemlel. Ueber das Gehirn einer an Eclampsie gestor- benen Wochnerin. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1868), 1869, xxii, 38-42. Also: Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1869, xxxiii. 431-435. — IHeu- nier (A.-A.) Sur l'etiologie de l'eclampsie. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1877, vi, 248-252. -----. Des causes de l'eclanipsie. Abeille m6tl., Montreal, 1880, ii, 50; 98.—ITlilovzorofT(P.) Ketiologiieklampsii. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 378: 397.—ITIinervini (G.) Sull' albuminuria iu riguardo all' eclampsia. Rendic Ao cad. nied.-chir. di Napoli, 1855, ix, 159-169. Also, Re- print.— Ulissiaen. Observation d'edampsie reflexe. Bull. Soc. de tu6d. de Gand, 1880, xlvii, 383-388.—lTIoriui (D ) Sopra un caso iii eclampsia uremica in gravida. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1882, xviii, 3-18— lVIorscletto (A.) Sulla condizione patologica della eclampsia in tloiine par- torienti. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1807, x, 297; 305; 313; 320; 329; 337; 344; 353. — Napier (A. D. L.) Puerperal albuminuria; reflex paralysis; eclampsia. Med. Press efc Circ, Loud., 1884, n. s.. xxxviii, 111-114. Also: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1883-4, ix, 122-134. [Discussion], 191- 199.—rVewman (J.M.) Reports of the committee on the connection of albuminuria with the development of puer- peral convulsions; and the employment of chloroform as a remedial measure. Buffalo M. j., 1857-8, xiii, 712-759.— Ohr(C.H.) Genito reflex neurosis in the female. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 50-64— Parodi (P. P.) Eclamp- sia con albuminuria successiva a cholera morbus. Liguria med., Genova, 1856. i, 113-120.—Pasqualigo (L.) Con- tribuzione alia casuistica dell' eclampsia puerperale. Gazz. raed. di Torino, 1885, xxxvi, 9-13.—Payne. Lingering and premature labor; eclampsia from uraemia, post partum haemorrhage, peritonitis, phlebitis, etc. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Raleigh, 1875, 83-90.—Peirce (E.) Case of puer- peral convulsions, occasioned hy undigested food. N. Eng. J. M. efe S., Bost., 1825, xiv, 266-269. — Perez (L. M. M. A.) Uremia puerperal de forma convulsiva y deli- rante, con hidrocefalia y edema cerebral; curacion. An. Soc. ginec. espah., Madrid, 1875, i, 238-247. Also: Ann- teatro anat., Madrid, 1877, v, 317. — Peter. Giossesse de six mois; eclampsie puerperale par uriuemie; avorte- ment; fievre puerperale, myocardite aigue diagiiostiqu6o pendant la vie; autopsie; lesions de la myocardite aigue, ainsi que de la fidvre puerp6rale. France med., Par., 1880, xxvii, 305. Also: Bull. Soc clin. tie Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 232-236.—Peter (M.) Causes classiques de l'eclamp- sie puerperale. Pourquoi plus fr6quente a niesure qu'avance la grossesse? Pourquoi chez les priiniparcs? Pourquoi dans les grossesses doubles ou triples? Pourquoi chez les rachitiques? Comment ou la peutpr6venir et com- ment on la doit traitor. France m6d., Par., 1874, xxi, 201- 283.—Pigeoiet. Recherches sur le sang et les urines d'une femme edamptique; 20 d6ceinbre 1861. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1863, xxxvii, 417; 513.—Pinzani (E.) Sulla patogenesi dell' eclampsia puerperale. Kiv. clin., Bologna, 1886. 3. s., vi, 427-460. —Prentiss (D. W.) A case of convulsions attending abortion at six weeks from excessive loss of blood. Proc. Clin.-Path. Soc. Wash., Phila., 1865-70, 60. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. PUERPKKAL. 783 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pa- thology of). s Ivii. 418.—Prewitt. Albuminuric convulsions. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iii, 78-89. — Bobbs (W. E.) A case of puerperal convulsions caused by ascarides lurubri- coides. Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s., ix, 492-494.— Roilen (T. C.) Puerperal convulsions; autopsy. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lonil, 1846, 351-353.—Rodriguez (F. F.) No debe admitii se la albuminuria como la causa predisponente de la eclampsia puerperal. Estimulo, Habana, 1862-3, ii, 228- 238.— I{u*»ell. Puerperal convulsions; death ; gall-stones in the gall-bladder; great general dilatation of gall-bladder and hepatic ducts, without any apparent cause. Prov. M. efc S. ,1., Loud., 1851, 246.—Sat lis (H.) Eclampsia par- turientiuni uud Albuminuric. Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1865, xxxiv, 277-280. —Schenck (P. V.) Etiology of puerperal eclampsia. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, vi, 97- 109. Also, Reprint.—Sherman (L. W.) Case of puer- peral convulsions produced by fright. Boston M. efe S. J., 1835, xii, 333-335.—Simpson (J. Y.) Puerperal convul- sions connected with inflammation of the kidney. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efe Edinb., 1848, viii, 212. -----. Albumi- nuria in puerperal convulsions, etc Inhis: Works [Dis. of Women], 8°, Edinb., 1871, i, 295-307. -----. Albuminu- ria iu puerperal and infantile convulsions and in puerperal amaurosis, etc. Inhis: Contrib. Obstet. Path., [etc.], 8°, Ediub., 1853, 53-60— Smith (A. J ) Case of eclampsia with acetones in the urine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1275.—Stewart (J. T.) Puerperal convulsions, with al- liuiniiiin ia. Cincin. Lancet efe Cliuic, 1884, xii, 479.— Suite y iVIolist (L.) Eclampsia ureniica consecutiva al parto; curacion simultiinea de la eclampsia y de la albu- minuria. Sentido catol, Barcel., 1879, i, 122-124.—Sze- remley (M.) Adatok a ranggorcstik tanahoz. [Theory of eclampsia.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1870, xiv, 203; 241; 200. — Tarnii r. De l'efhcacite du regime lacte dans f'albuniiniirie des femmes enceintes et de sou indication connne traitement pr6ventif de l'6clampsie. Bull. g£n. de therap., etc., Par.. 1875, Ixxxix, 544-549.—Tate (J. H.) Albiiminui ia and eclampsia. Cincin. Lancet efc. Clinic, 1886, xvi, 727-739 —Telford (T.) Case of albuminoid uremic convulsions on eighth day after delivery; recovery. Med. Press efc Circ, Dubl., 1866, n. s., ii, 427.—Thompson (t;. R.) Puerperal convulsions, with complete occlusion of the os uteri. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, 1022—Thys. Observation d'une affection nerveuse, pendant la grossesse. a la suite dune impression morale. Ann. Soc. denied. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Malines, 1851, ix, 452-455.— Tyson (J.) The casual lesions of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 166-219. Also, Re- print. -----. The relations of puerperal eclampsia to Bright's tlisease. Med. News, Phila., 1880. xlviii, 477.— Flluian (G. L.) A case of albuminuric eclampsia. Tr. M. Soc. County Albany (1870-80), 1883, iii, 193.—Fndcr- hill. (In the etiology-of puerperal eclampsia. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 481-400—Van Slyek (D. B.) Puer- peral eclampsia in its relation to disorders of the kidneys. South. Calif. Pratt,, Los Angeles, 1889, iv, 334-343.—Van- vei-ts. Une cause pathogenique de l'eclampsie. Bull. med. tlu nord, Lille, 1874. xiv, 09-72.— Varvelli (E.) Contributo alia patogenesi dell eclampsia nelle donne gra- vide. Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv, J69-186.—Wel- ler (J.) Syphilis and eclampsia. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1884, i, 1238.—William (J.) Puerperal convulsions, caused by unwholesome food. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1870, ii, 298 — Williams (E. T.) Causeof puerperal convulsions. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1879, ci, 735—Williams (S. W.) Puer- peral convulsions, with the details of an interesting case from over-distension of the uterus. Boston M. efe S. J., 1845-6, xxxiii, 449-453.—Zamacois (M.) Consideracio- nes tetnicas acerca de la etiologia de la eelamsia. Obser- vatlor med., Mexico, 1876-9, iv, 116-124. P lie r pe ra I convulsions (Complications untl secjuchc of). Beknahd (T.-L.) * Contribution a l'etude des panilysics puerpcrales d'origine dclaniptique. 4°. Paris, 1884. Also [Abstr.], in: Paris m6d., 1884, ix, 457. Molas (L.) 'Contribution a Fe'tuiJe des he- morrhagies liees a l'eclampsie purp6rale. 4°. Paris, 1877. Kkgy (C.) * Des hemorrhagies visc6rales dans l'eclanipsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1879. Adrien (E. W.) Case of convulsions during labor; craniotomy, terminating in puerperal mania; recovery. Med. Press efe Circ, Dubl., 1868, n. s., iii, 4. —Allen (j.) Caseof puerperal convulsions in a priinipara; subsequent peiitonitis; recovery. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1800, ii, 374.—Almy (L. B.) Puerperal convulsions, with hyda- tids ofthe uterus. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1882, «. s., ii, 63.—Ayer (J.) Caseof eclampsia, before and after labor, followed bv peritonitis ; fatal on the fourteenth day. Bostou M. e Witt <\V. IL) A case of puerperal eclampsia, preceded by twenty-four hours of total blindness. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n.s., xxii, 374.—Drutel. Cas d'aphasie li6e k ties accidents eclamptiques chez une femme enceinte; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1864, xvi. 262-268.-Friis (A.) EtTilfadde af recidivereude Ecclampsia parturientiiiiu. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1889, 3. R., vii, 882-885.—Fynney (F. B.) An uncommon case iu midwifery, accompanied with a luxa- tion of the maxilla inferior, occasioned bv convulsions. Med. Comment. 1783-4, Loud., 1785, ix, 380-382.—Garri- gues (H. J.) Puerperal eclampsia and diphtheritic in- rl,emulation of the vagina and uterus. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1878, xi, 409-413. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876- 8), 1879, i, 324-328.—Gill (R. F.) A curious complication of puerperal eclampsia; unconsciousness for eighty-four hours; lecovery. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 783.—<*ootlwin efe Nliarpe. Puerperal eclampsia aud ascites. Physician efc Surg.. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1885, vii, 450.-II a eg is (K. B. S.) Eclampsia in a priinipara at the sixth month of utero - gestatiou; uterine haemorrhage; contraction of pelvis: cephalotomy;. metro-peritonitis; recovery. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1860, iv, 802-806.—Ileany. Puerperal convulsions, followed hy mania. Dubliu Hosp. Gaz.. 1857, u. s.. iv, 58.—Heine(M.) Eclampsia epileptica post partum. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 7. — llensou (S.) Convulsions, followed by mania and accompanied with entire loss of speech during pregnancy. Lancet, Loud., 1850, ii, 113.—Hilaire. Observation sur un cas d'eclampsie suivie tl'alienation mentale. J. denied. et chir. prat., Par., 1834, v. 551-553.—Joeqs. Jficlampsie puerperale: glycosurie; cecite verhale; guerison. France meel., Par., 1887, i, 624-627. Also: Bull. Soc. din. tie Par. (1887), 1888, xi, 73-76. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1887, xxxvii, 235.—Kehrcr (F. A.) Fall vim Eclampsia puer- peralis in Verbindung mit eiiiem Fungus dune niatris. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. r-rauenkr., Berl., 1861, xviii, 228-234.—Kelly (D.) Puerperal convulsions complicated with stercoraceous abscess; with premature deliveiy on the third and death ou the thirteenth day after the first attack. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1856, iii, 244-246. —von 14i- wiseh. Fall einer heftigen congestiveu Eclampsie, init nachfolgeiider Zuiigen- uud Bauehfelli lil/.uiidung der Mund- untl Rachengebilde mit todtlicbem Veilaufe. Oesterr. med, Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 869-873.—Kot her (A.) Atta.quc d'eclampsie puerperale ayant determine une hemorrhagic c6r6brale. Alger nied., 1882, x, 284-289.— Leonard. Eclampsie sans albuminuric, sans tedeme et compliquee de manie puerperale. Bull. Soc. clin. tie Bar. (1886), 1887, x, 159-167. Also: Courrier nied., Par., 1887, xxxvii, 133-135. Also: France m6d., Par., 1886, ii, 1770- 1774.—Fewis (R. F.) Puerperal eclampsia, with py- ophthahiiitis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1879, xxvi, 70-73. Also: North Car. M. J , Wilmington, 1879, iv, 30-33.—Fowenstein (M. G.) Ecclampsia fcetalis periodica. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1847, iv, PUERPERAL. 784 PUERPERAL. Pne r pera I convulsions (Complications and se0. Kisxer (J. C.) * De morbis puerperarum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1748. Kiwisch, Bitter von Rotterau (F. A.) Die Krankheiten tier Woehnerinnen, nach tlen iu der k. k. Entbindungsaiistalt u. im allgemeinen Krankenhause zu Prag gemachteu Beobachtun- gen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Prag, 1840-41. Kuyskens(C) Des maladies inflammatoires sui venant pendant les suites de couches, roy. 8°. Bruxelles, 1876. Kuciier (J.) Puerperal convalescence and the tliseases of the puerperal period. 8°. New York, 1886. Larregui (M.) * Etude sur un cas de me- ningite cer6bro-spiiiale chez une femme en couches. 4°. Paris, 1875. Laurent (A.) Essai sur l'etat puerperal, la nature et le traitement des maladies auxquelles cet etat predispose. 4°. Bruxelles, 1858. Lot:ii.lot de Mars ( G. ) * Ueber die mit Fieber vt'ibundenen Geiiitalerkrankungeu der Woehnerinnen. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Loiii.N/. (C. JE.) * De morbis puerperalibus nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, [187)1]. Martin (C. E.) * Sobre as affecoes puerpe- rales. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1862. Mordvinoff(A. P.) *Lecheniiposlerodovych zabolevanii polovych organov postojanuym vla- galischnym orosheuiem. S prei'islovieni V. F. Sncgireva. [Treatmentof post-partum diseases of sexual organs by constant irrigation of uterus.] 8°. Moskva, 1888. Paris (H.-J.-L.-A.) * Considerations sur les maladies aigues des femmes eu couches. 4°. Paris, 1827). Plessmann (F.) La niedecine puerperale, ou ties accideiis de la maternite. 12°. Paris, 1797. Piunieres (P.-B.) *Des accidents bilieux et inflammatoires qui compliquent les suites des couches. Etudes faites sur l'etat puerperal, a la clinique d'accoticliement de Paris, pendant Fete 1858. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Rauchints (F.) Tractatus duo posthumi: 1. De morbis ante partum, in partu, et post partum. 2. De purificatione rerum infectarum post pesti- lentiam. 12°. Lugduni, 1645. Raulin(J.) Traite des maladies des femmes en couche, avec la methode de les guerir. 12°. Paris, 1771. ------. The same. 12°. Paris, 1772. ------. The same. Abhandlung der Krank- heiten tier Sccliswijchnerinnen, nebst ihrer Heil- art, auf Befehl ties Mitiisterii beschrieben. Aus dem Frauzosischen iibersetzt; mit einigen An- merkungen und einer Vorrede begleitet von Daniel Christian Burdach. 12°. Leipzig u. Am- sterdam, 1773. Puerperal diseases. ------. Thesame. Tratado de las enfermotla- des de las mugeres paridas, con el metodo de curarlas. Trad, del fiances al castellano por el lie. D. Felipe Lopez Somoza. 2. ed. 12>. Ma- drid, [1790?]. Reitsch (C. P.) *De morbis puerperii genc- ratim. 8°. Gryphice, [1841]. Riess (J. C.) * De puerperii morbis. h . Monachii, 1836. Rosolino (F. F.) Flemmone autoctono tlella fossa iliaca in donna puerpera. 8°. Palermo 1886. Rummel (R.) Das Wochenbett und seine krankhaften Zustande. Eiu Handbuch fiir die arztliche Praxis. 8°. Xeu-Ruppin, 1867. Schade (J. H.) *Diss. sistens curationent paucitatis lochiorum et dolortim post partum iu matrona generosa feliciter peractam. 4" Jenw, 1743. SciiMiDTMi'LLER (J. A.) Von den Krankhei- ten tier AVochnerinnen nnd Nengebornen. In his : Handb. d. med. Geburtsh., [etc.]. 2. Theil. 8° Frankf. a. M., 1812, ii, 3-193. Schwarz (H. F. E.) *Die Aetiologie der puerperalen Blasencatarrhe. 8°. Ballea. S.,1879. Sigault (J. R.) * An iu puerperarum termini- bus di versa enratio? 4°. [Paris, 1776.] Simon (J.) Des maladies puerperales. 8°. Paris, 1866. Tarnier (C.-S.) * Recherches surl'etat puer- peral et sur les maladies des femmes eu couches. 4°. Paris, 1857. Testa (G.) Trattato completo delle malattie che attaccano le puerpere. 8°. Palermo, 1846. Thauraux (J.) *An in curandis affectibus, qui puerperarum suppressis prioribus lochiis superveniunt, sola antiphlogistica? 4°. [Pa- ris], 1776. See note to Delanoue, supra. Vandenzandk (J. B.) Bemerkingen nopens de geneeskundige behandeling van die ziekteder kraamvrouweu, bekend onder den imam van peritonitis en febris puerperalis (buikvlies-on- steking der kraamvrouweu, kraamkoorls). Uit het Fransch vertaald, door A. van Erpecum, vcr- meerderd met eene voorrede door den Heer Vro- lik. 8°. Jn fiver pen, 1822. Veit ( G.) Krankheiten der weiblichen Ge- schlechtorgane. Puerperalkrankheiten. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Therap. (Virchow), Er- lang. u. Stuttg., 1856, vi, 2. Lfg., 213-412. Also: Ibid., 2. Aufl., 1867, vi, 2. Lfg., 243-708. Weger (K. H. L.) *Zur Aetiologie tier Er- krankungen im Puerperium. 8°. Konigsberg, 1869. Welsch (G.) A. Sulzberger (S. R.) * His- toria medica novum istum puerperarum morbuin continens, qui ipsis der Friesel dicitur. Lipsiw, 1655. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. |etc.l. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, v, 447-180. West (P.-A.) "These sur les maladie sinnain- matoires des femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1827). West (R. W.) Illustrations of puerperal dis- eases. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1862. Widal (F.) * Etude sur l'inl'tction puerpe- rale, la phlegmatia alba doleus et l'erysipele. 4°. Paris, 1889. ------. Thesame. 8°. Paris, 1889. Wixckel(F.) Die Pathologie und Therapie des Wochenbetts. 8°. Berlin, 1866. See, also, infra. ------. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8-. Berlin, 1878. ------. The same. The pathology and treat- ment of childbed ; a treatise for physicians aud students. From the 2. German ed. Transl. by J. R. Chad wick. 8'-'. Philadelphia, 1876. I PUERPERAL. 795 PUERPERAL. Puerper.il diseases. Ziehe (H. C. F.) *De morbis puerperarum oeneratim et de typho ganglioso puerperali in specie. 8°. Jenw, [1838]. Abscess of the groin, after confinement, simulating phlegmasia dolens. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 290.— Acker (G N.) Inflammation of the salivarv glands fol- lowing labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 923-926 — Allowuy (T. J.) Cases of postpartum pelvic abscess. Camilla M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 331-343. Also, Keprint.__Andrew. Mitral insufficiency; bronchitis; secondary pneumonia beginning on the day following labour; endiug favourably. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1880, viii, 21.—Artemjeff (A.-P.) O poslerod. katarr. eiidometrite. [ On post-partum catarrhal endometritis.] Nauch. Besedy viach. Zakavkazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis, 1887, ii, 172-239. — Bailey (F. K.) Puerperal phrenitis. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1870, xxii, 429. —Bal- lard (C. F.) Membranous enteritis with abscess in abdominal wall, occurring after parturition. Proc. Ne- braska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1885, 95. —Balls-HeadQey,, Case of acute tuberculosis after confinement. Austral. M. J„ Melbourne, 1880, n.s., ii, 404-406.—Barker (11. F.) Clinical lectures on tbe puerperal diseases. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 47; 61; 89; 145; 159; 285.—Balcmail (F.) On puerperal apbasia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 237. Also, transl.: Ann. med.-chir. franc, et Strang., Par., 1888, iv, ]g_20.—BeaUy ( W. J.) Parturition complicated with whooping-cough aud pleurisy ; recovery. Edinb. M. J., 18S2-3, xxviii, 229.—Bedes'chi (G.) Cura della pelvi- cellulite puerperale. Raccoglitore metl. Foil!, 1888, 5. s , vi, 4x'>-id'). — Bcinlich. Bemerkenswertbo Puerperalfalle. Cliarit6-Ann. 1874, Berl, 1875, i, 411-414.—Bennett (A. H.) Chronic hemiplegia originating during the puerperal state. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 261-263.—Ben veil isti (M.) Accidenti gravido-cardiaci. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1884, xxvii, 329-331.—Bertherand (E.) La syncope et la folie Emotive des accouchees. Rev. nied. frantj. et etrang.. Par., 1872, ii, 13.—Beanicr (E.) [Rap- port sur les] affections puerperales. Uuion m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., ii, 812-816.—Bochardt (L.) Merkwiirdige Krankengeschichte eiuer Kindbetterin mit todtlii-hein Ausgange untl einige atiologische Bemerkungen, aus nieinem Tagebuche gezogen. [Encephalitis.] Allg. metl. Ann., Leipz., 1829, 145-161.—Boldt (It. J.) Abscess of the uterus, puerperal pyo-salpinx, ami intraperitoneal ab- sress. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1888), 1889, 89.—Bonte (M.) Observation sur la fievre miliaire des femmes en couche. J. de ni<5d., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1757, vi, 29- 45.—Bourne ville. Notes et observations sur la fievre de lait et sur quelques maladies puerp6iales. Rev. phot. il. hop. de Par., 1870, ii, 155; 176; 216; 247: 1871, iii, 25; 82; 135; 176, 2 pl.-Binnn (C.) Ueber Luftwechsel uud Piii'i-pernlkrankheiten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1864, xiv, 257-259.—Brefeld. Portsetzung einiger Beobachtungen und KiHexiunen iiber die Kindbetterinueiikrankheiten. J. il. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1806, xxiv, 2. St., 130-153.— Brush (E. C ) A case of temporary blindness following childbirth. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1884, vii, 1 —Bucking- ham (C. E.) Puerperal disease. Boston M. efc S. j., 1856, liv, 33; 273; 379: 1856-7, lv, 31.—Buckler (T.H.) On the post-parturient pathology resulting from imperfect ute- rine contraction after child-birth, and on involution com- plete and incomplete. Ibid., 1880, ciii, 266-271. Also, in his: Strangulated veins of the uterus, and other papers, 8°, Cambridge, 1881,35-49.—Buseh. Ueber das Frieselfieber der Wochuerinuen. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1829, iv, 350-373.—Calderini (G.) Autopsienelle malattie puerperali. Osservatore, Torino, 1879, xv, 705- 711.—Caudela. El colapso puerperal. Progreso ginec. Valencia, 1886-7, ii, 3e6 ; 481.—Carney (S. H.) Puei peral enteritis. Boston M. efc S. J.. 1864, lxx, 113-116.—Cams . (C.G.) Betrachtungen iiber Entstehung und Behandlung einiger krankhaften Zustande, welche zuweilen bei Gehii- renden gleich nach derGehurt des Kindes einzutreten pnY- gen. J.d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1816,lxliii, 6. St., 48-73.—Ca*- lillo(A.B.) Neumonia del v6rtice en una primeriza; cura- cion. Kev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1876-7, v, 68-70.— t'hainberlain (W. M.) 1'he relation of the urinary or- gans to puerperal diseases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 177-205. Also, Reprint.—Charitonos (D. K.) 'Etc^e/xii rijs KctfiaAi}? eirt.nXeyfx.evov p.era ipvo'ineXaTO'S eU rraiSiov rpie- re?, a7roAijfa)v tit; nepiyeypap-p-evrfv t-r)pav yayypa.ivav /u.era veKpiuaeio'; tov irrrOKeiixevov Kpaviaxov oarov. TaAwvos, 'Adrjvai, 1887, IZ', 181-183.—Charles (N.) Gen6ralit6s sur les symptomes et la nature des maladies suites de couches; moyens de les 6viter; emploi des antiseptiques dans les accouchements. J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1885, vi, 1; 17; 29; 41; 53; 65; 113; 125.—Charpentier. Apropos du livre intitule: Les maladies puerperales; 6tude clinique par le Dr. Siredey. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1884, xi, 83-97.—Cha- vanis. Suites de couches; mort subite. Loire m6d., St.- Etienne, 1882-3, i, 161-164.—Chubbuck (H. S.) Puerperal diseases of lying-in women. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y. 1856-7, Binghamton, 1857,11-16.—Churchill (F.) In- testinal irritation in childbed. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 312-316. — Cohnstein. Ueber puerperale Puerperal diseases. Herzhypertrophie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxvii, 146-156. — C'ollinct. D6g6n6rescence du coeur; congestion pulmonaire cbez une scolio-cyphotiquc; mort pendant la periode puerp6ralc. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1887, ii, 231-238.—Cordicr. Tympanite nerveuse chez une femmenouvellementaccouch6e. Ann. Soc. denied. deSt.-Etionne etde la Loire (1865-6), 1867, iii, 628.—differ. Hemiplegie gauche avec apbasio chez une femme gauche re ot rdcemment accouches ; troubles de la s6cretion lact.ee, suppression tie cette s6cr6tion dans lo sein droit, oxag6ra- tion do la secr6tion lact6e dans le sein gauche France mod., Par., 1880, xxvii, 217.—dimming (J.) Diagnosis between puerperal enteritis and a train of symptoms which occur from the retention of coagula in the uterus after do- livory. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1832, i, 577.—Currey (R. O.) Puerperal parotitis, simulating puerperal tetanus. South. J. M. efe Phys. Sc, Knoxville, 1857, vi, 336.—dishing (E. W.) Relations of certain bacteria to puerperal inflam- mations. Tr. Gynaec. Soc, Bost.. 1889, n. s. i 65-9(1 — Davidson (A.) Two cases of gluteal abcess following childbed. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 71-73.— Dearborn (J. G.) Vermiform appendicitis and general peritonitis, complicating the puerperal period. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1886, cxiv. 295— Debarbicri (Anna). Vulvite gangrenosa per awelenamento puerperale. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1882, 2. s.. xvi, 90.—De-Ferrari (A.) Vantaggi del tubi perfrigeranti del Leiter nelle malattie acute delle puerpere; caso raro di edema doloroso. Ibid., 145-148. — Delfau. Des coliques hepatiques, suites de couches. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1887, xxxii, 169-174.—Depaul. Accidents puerptiraux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 675.—Despres. Pneumonie m6- tastatiquesurvenant chez une nouvelle accouchfie ; gueri- son. Ibid., 1869, xiii, 162.— Diagkouses (I.) Ken-an-Ar;*. TiKti aivop.eva, napanqprfdevTa in\ \e\toiSot eej ^/eie'pa? ano tou TOKerov. TaAiji/be;, 'AOrivai, 1883, I', 357.—Dodge (W. T.) Persistent vomiting after labor arrested by tincture of iodine. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 794. —Doherty (R.) Ueber chronische Entziindung der Anhange ties Uterus (uterine appendages), -welche nach der Geburt vorkommt. (Eine Vorlesung gehalten in der Gesellschaft fiir Geburts- hiilfe zu Dublin am 2. Mai 1842. In der Uebersetzung mitgetheilt von Dr. G. von dem Buscb.) N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl, 1844, xv, 270-283.—Dreyfous (F.) M6- ningite cerebi o-spinale chez une femme en couches. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 465-470.—Dubreuilh p6re. Accidents puerperaux termin6s par la mort, le neuvifeme jour ties couches. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1861, vi, 601-610.—Ducrest (F.-M.) De la phtebite cer6- brale et ni6ning6e chez les femmes en couches. Arch. uen. de me-d., Par., 1847, 4. s., xv, 1-39. Also. Reprint. Also: Ann. de meel. beige, Brux.. 1847, iii, 378: iv, 120; 267.— Duflocq (P.) Gangrene du pied droit ayant determine la mort un mois J apres l'accouchement. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882. Ivii, 166-168. Also: Progrfes m6d., Par., 1882, x, 1013.—Duges (A.) M6moire sur la ntivrite puerperale, ou inflammation des nerfs chez les femmes en couches, d'apres desobsei vationsde laMaternite. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1824, iii, 157-179.—Duncan (J. M.) Case of inguinal parametritis puerperalis. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i. 10.—Eager (W. B.) Inquiry as to the cause of death following confinement on the sixth day with singular nervous symptoms. Boston M. efc S. J., 1886, cxiv, 618.— Evans (J.) Rock Bridge alum mineral water in the treat- ment ot puerperal albuminuria. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1884, 61.—Fehling (H.) Ueber schwere nicht infektiose puerperale Erkrankungen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1882, Iii, 257-260. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die nicht auf director Uebertra- gung beruhenden Puerperalerkrankungen. Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl, 1888, xxxii, 427-435.—Ferguson (J.) A case of postpartum synovitis. N.York M. J., 1884, xl. 92-94.— Fiorioli Della-IiCna (V.) Parametrite traumatica suppurata nel corso del puerperio, consecutiva a pelvi- peritonite perforatoria. Boll.d. clin., Napoli, 1885, ii, 85: 92. Also: Gazz. med. di Torino, 1885, xxxvi, 227; 248.—Fo- dere (J.-E.) Sur les suites de couche les plus graves, et les maladies dites laiteuses. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. nnSth, Par., 1818. ii. 193: 1819, iii, 3.—Franck. DieErkrankung tier Wochnerin, die Vermeiduug der Erkrankung und Behandlung derselben. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 381-384.—Frascani (V.) Iutorno alia questione del ciclo patologico odel nullismo farmaceutico iu alcuni processi puerperali. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1883, v, 321-333, 3 diag.—Gaulard. Affection puerp6rale chez la mere et l'enfant; transmission probable par le lait; ligature tar- dive; guerison. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1883, xxii, 81- S4. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1883, xiii, 330; 350; 356.—de Giovanni (A.) Considerazioni sulla cachessia puerperale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1870, 6. s., iii, 393-401.—Gramiiiatiknti (J.) Zur Pathologie des Wochenbettes (Gangraena uteri partialis post partum). Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1885, ix. 436-439. — Orotz- ner. Ueber einige -wicbtige Krankheiten der Wochne- rinn. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl, 1K29, xxviii, 387-430.— Guyeiiot (F.) efe Pujo. Etude clinique sur les suites des couches. Meni. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de PUERPERAL. 796 PUERPERAL. Puerperal diseases. Lvou (1868). 1869, viii, 91-152.—Hall (M.) Puerperal dis eases Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie). Phila.. 1845, iii. 740-752.— Hecker (C.) Ein neuerFall von acuter Fi'tttlegeni-ratiou l>t-i einer Wochnerin. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk., u. Frauen- kr.. Berl, 1868, xxxi, 197. — llcidenliain. Zur Patho- logie tier puerperalen Krankheitsprocesse im Allgemeiiien, mid der Mania puerperialis im Besondern. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1846,549; 565; 585; 600.—Helm (T.) Beobachtungen iiber Puerperal -Krankheiten. Med. Jahrb il. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wieu, 1837. xxiii, 55-92.—Hempel (A.) Traunialische Wocheubettkrankbeiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. 1877, iii. 302-305.— Hicks (J. B.) A coutiibiitiou to our knowledge of pueiperal diseases; being a short report of eighty-nine cases. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1870), 1871. xii, 44; 123. -----. "Puerperal dis- eases"; an explanation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 474-481- Hildebrandt (H.) Notizen iiber die wahrend tier letzten sieben Jahre in der Konigslierger Entbindungs- Anstalt vorgektminieiien puerperalen Erkrankungen. Mo- natse In f. Geburtsk ii. Frauenkr., Berl, 1865, xxv, 262- 292. — Ililler (A ) Chronischer Icterus ; entstanden nach einem hef'tigen Ekel iu der Graviditat; daraus entwickelt sich 2 Jahre spiiter in einem zweiteu Puerperiiim perui- cidseJAnaniiemit todtlichem Ausgang. Charit6-Ann. 1880, Berl., 1882, vii, 341-343. — Hirst ( B. C.) Non-infectious fevers iu the pueiperal state. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9", i, 502-509. — Hubert (E.) Des affections puerpe- rales. Rev. med., Louvain, 1885, iv. 289; 337.—Ilulbert (G. K.) Blood clot in the pueiperal state. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1888, xix, 10-17.—Inglcby (J. T.) Clinical lectures, addressed to the students of the midwifery class at the Kowil School of Medicine, Birmingham. [Clinical lectures ou tliseases of the puerperal state.J Lancet, Lond., 1839- 40, i, 553; 633; 718; 783; 942: ii, 9; 75; 14">; 177; 598; 629. Also, in: Lectures on tliseases of the uterus. 8°, Phila., 1841, 149-228. Also, in: Diseases of the uterus, 8°, Phila., 1842, 149-228.-----. Clinical lecture ou diseases of the pueiperal state. Laucet, Lend., 1842-3, ii, 493-499—Ipe- cacuanha (De 1') dans les atfections puerperales. Ob- servateur, Courtrai, 1851, i, 172-174. — Kelsey ( H. ) In- flammation of the digestive tube in puerperal women. 1'oston Al. efe S. J., 1840-41, xxiii, 60-65.—Kelso (J. J.) The nervous exhaustion attendant on antl complicating the puerperal state. Lancet, Lontl., 1839-40, i. 945-948.— Kerr (\V.) On the prevention and management of child- bed fever or weed. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1842, lviii, 144-154.— Krousteiu. Pneumonia dextra, piocessus puerperalis. tier. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1871, Wien, 1873, 217- 219.— I.ail (T.) Case of puerperal chorea. Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1x88, n. s., xiv, 457.—Lamina (L.) Ueber puerperale Erkrankung. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1873-4, vi, 147-18*, 15 tab— Larger. Sur un cas de paralysie du sphincter anal, suite ele- rout ■he, traitfe avec succes par les injections interstitielles d'ergotine. Bull. g6n. de tb6rap., etc., Par., JSM), xcix, 358-3i;'l. — Laronde (C.) Observa- tion de pleuresie puerp6rale. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., I860, xiv, 12-19. — I.arrive. Phlegmon sous-p6ritoii6al tie la region sous-onibilicale, cons6cutif a, uu accouchement; ut6ms adherent au peritoine pari6tal an niveau de l'abc&s et incompldtement revenu sur lui- meme. Lyon mCtl, 1880, xxxiv, 266-269. — Leber! ( H.) Beitriige zur Casuistik der Herz- uud Gefasskrankheiten im Puerperiuui. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iii, 38-57. Also, Reprint. — Legend re. fitat puerperal; rougeole; bronchio-pneuinouie; embolic pulmouaire. [Rap. de R. Moutard-Martin.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 539- 512. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 342. — Letulle. Recherches sur l'etat du cceur des femmes enceintes ou rec eminent accouchfees, tie la dilatation du cceur dans la prosse.-se et les suites de couches. Arch. gen. tie imSd., Par., 18S1, 7. s., vii, 257-275. Also: Arch, de tocol, Par., 1881, viii, 155-171.—Lohlein (H.) Excessive Herzpalpi- tatioiicn einer Wochnerin. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. Stuttg., 1879, iv, 260-262.— Lothrop (T.) Notes oh puer- peral cases. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1880-81, xx, 529-537. _____. Heart failure in the puerperiuui. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. efe Gynec, Phila , 1888, i, 280-286.—Luckiuger (U.) Tran- sitorische Aphasie im Spiitwochenbette. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888. xxxv, 79-81.—Ludlow (J. L.) A case of acute congestion of the lungs after labor. Tr. Phila Obst. Soc, N. Y., 1872-3, ii, 138-140. — Lumpe. Be- inerki nsuerthe Fiille von Puerperalkrankbeit. Oesterr. unel. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 1180-1183: 1844, 316-318.— Luytcn (A.) Waarnemingen van ziekten in het kraam- bed gepaard met stoornis der verrigtingen aan het kraambed eigen. Nederl. Lancet, Graveuh., 1846-7, 2. s ii, 737: 1847-8, 2. s., iii, 27 — Vlacdonald (A.) Two cases of puerperal pleuropneumonia. Edinb. M. J., 1876-7 xxii 967-979. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1877-8, v, 387- 400 — Tlalagola (G.) Delle malattie del puerpero e dei proveiliiuenti igienici atti a prevenirle. Bull d. sc med. tli Bologua, 1876, 5. s., xxii, 317; 4ul.—Iflaraglio (A.) Su la causa della morte di una puerpera prinlipera. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1858, 4. s., iii, 323-326 — lHartin. Note sur un cas de peritonite g6neralisee consecutive a une typhlite che/. une, nouvelle accoue In-. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1885, 3. s., xxviii, 243-252.—.Martin (E. A.) Puerperal diseases. Zur The rapie tier puerperalen Entziindungen der weib- lichen Sexualorgane. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. it. Frauen- kr., Berl. 1865, xxv, 82-107. Also, Reprint.— von 'lax. sari (J.) Beitriige zur Pathologie und Therapie' ties Wochenbettes. Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi, 1233; 1267 — iVIikschik (E. ) Abscesse bei Wochiierinnon. Metl, Jahrb. tl k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1845, liv, 333-340. -----. Bemerkuiigen iiber eiuige Nachkranklieiten ties Wochenbettes. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wieu, 1856, xii, 206-230. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Union ine.fl, Par.. 1856. x, 519.—iHobius (P. J.) Ueber Neuritis puerperalis. Muncheii. untl. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 153.— ITIollierc ( H. ) Enteroptose puerperale avec prolap- sus du foie; guerison-r pleur6sie gauche aigue interinr rente; troubles djs]ieptii]ues et nevrosiformes (dyspntje, toux quiuteuse, vapeurs). Gaz. d. hop., Par., itxgH, lxi, 911.—ITIoon (II.) Puerperal inflammation. Lancet! Lontl, 1840-41, ii, 366.—Nicola is du Willi Isay. Viiea de pratique et observations sur les maladies des nou- velles accouchees. J. de ra6d., chir., pharm., etc., Bar., 1760, xiii, 19-38—Oke (W. S.) Villitis intestiualis puer- pera. Prov. M. J., Loud., 1843, vi, 523.—Ollivier (A.) I?tude sur les maladies chroniques d'origine puerp6ralo. Arch. g6n. de metl, Par.. 1873, i, 5: 421; 567. Also, Re- print. Also, in his: Eludes de path, et clin. m6d., h°, Par., 1887,145-216.—Ossieur (J.) Cas d'entero-peritonite partielle produite par la constipation chez une feinmo en couches. Ann. Soc. m6d. d'emtilat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1848, ii, 393-395. —vou d'Outrepont. Der Kiudbottfriesel N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Beil, 1H43, xiii, 338-313. — Pajot. Lecons sur les affections puerperales. Gaz. tl hop., Par., 1862. xxxv, 29; 53; 89; li3. —Pero- chaud. Note sur un cas d'auto intoxication intestinale aprfes raccouchement. Gaz. mt'd. de Nantes, 1888-9, vii, 50; 61. Also: J. de mGd. tie l'ouest, Nantes, 1889, 3. s., iii, 31-40.—Peter (AI.) L'6tat puerp6ral et ses accidents; transformation de lacte physiologique eu acte patbo- logique; comment s'cuflamnient alors les mamelles; com- ment les phlegmasies puerperales sont si facileinent puru- lentes. Irance med.. Par, 1874. xxi, 41. ----. Maladies puerp6iales. Ibid., 121 ; 137: 241 ; 2S1 ; 353; 633; 737: 1875, xxii, 9; 480. Also, in his: Leg. tie clin. metl, 8°, Par., 1879, ii, 583-758. -----. Legous cliniques sur les maladies puerperales. Union m6d., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxviii, 233; 265.—Petrina (T.) Ueber Tremor saltatorius und acute Ataxie nach einem Processus puerperalis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 421; 433.—Phillips (J.) On acute non-septic pulmonary disorders as complications of the puerperiiim. Brit. M. J., Lonil, 1889, i, 1057. Also: Lan- cet, Lontl, 1889, i, 989.—Pilat. Diphtherie; gangrene de la vulve; infection puerperale: guerison. J. tl. .sages- femmes, I'ar, 1882, x, 171. — Pilliet ( A.) Paraplegia puerperale. N. Arch, d'obst. etde gyntJc, Par., 1X8H, iii, 550-556. — Pilz (B.) Pueumouia gravissinia in partu- riente. Aled. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1MN, lxiv, 161. — I'orak. Des applications tlu railage uterin aux suites tie couches. Dauphin6 m6il, Grenoble, 1889, xiii, 191; 211. — Poten. Die Wochenbettserkraiikuiigen der Provinzial-Hebanimenlehr- nnd Entbindungsanstaltzu Hannover. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1889, xxxiv, 357-370.— Puejac (A.) fitat puerperal eoiucidaiit avec l'hyper- trophie du rein droit: abefes purulent. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1875, iv, 6-K. — Puerperal irritability. [Edit.] Med.- Chir. Rev., Lonil, 1825, vi, 503-505. [See, also, infra, Wal- ler.]— Ramsbotham (F. H.) Lectures ou the morbid affections of the puerperal antl pregnant states, the organic diseases of the uterine system, and some ofthe tliseases of infants. Loud. AI. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 1: 33; 67; 97; 129; 177; 209; 241; 288; 321; 401; 433; 465; 497; 529; 561; 609; 641; 673; 705; 737; 769; 801; 833; 865. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Analekt. f. Frauenkr. [etc.], Leipz., 1840, ii, 42-72.— Itamskill. Paralysis following delivery, from pi ensure on sacral nerves. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lontl., 1880, viii, 678. — Becamier. Sur les maladies puerperales. Kev. m6d. franc et Strang.. Par., 1831, i, 5; 176. — Riboli (T.) Bronco-polmonite puerpeiale con migliare, veriniuazione e ptiriasi tratta co '1 salasso, citrate di chiuina e gomnia am- moniaca. Gazz. tiietl ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 40.—Richardson (D.) Flatulent colic after delivery, simulating peritonitis. Lontl AI. Gaz., 1832-3, xi, 801.—■ Richardson (\V. L.) A fatal case of puerperal disease. Boston M. efe S.J , 1*79, ci, 625.-----. Acute jaundice after labor. Ibid., 1881, civ. 246.— Rodgers (J. R. B.) Anni- versary address. Tr. AI. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1815, 10-23.— Rouget (A.) Observation d'affection puerperale. J. do m65]. Spangenberg (J. F.) * De febre puerperali. 8C. Berolini, [1820]. Specht (J. P.) *De febre puerperarum. 8°. Balw, [1791]. Speith (C. E. ) *De febre puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1827]. Spiegelberg (O.) Ueber das Wesen des Puer- peral-Fiebers. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1870, No. 3 (Gynak., No. 1, 1-24). ------. Thesame. Over het wezen van kraara- vrouwenkoorts. Uit het Hoogduitsch door J. A. Quanjcr. 8°. Amsterdam, 1872. Stein (D.) * De febri puerperali. 8°. Mona- chii, 183'). Stephen ( T. ) * De febre puerperali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1774. Stevenson (G. P.) * De febre puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1789. Stolle (J. T.) *De febri puerperali. 8°. Lipsiw, 1854. Strube (C. F.) * De febribus puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, [1839]. Stuart (B.) *De febre puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1816. Suin de Boutemard (C. E. G.) *De febris puerperalis natura atque indole. 8°. Berolini, [1850]. Tchernevski (E. F.) * K voprosu o posliero- dovych zabolievanijach (Bakteriosko-picheskoe Puerperal fever. izsliedovanie). [Puerperal septicaemia. Bacte- riological researches.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Teitz(D.) * Ueber das Spiitfieber im Wochen- bette. 8°. Marburg, 1884. Templer(A. F.) * De uteri putrescentia. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1826. Thatcher (J.) * De puerperarum febre. 8°. Edinburgi, 1806. Thielbein (H.) *De febri puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1844]. Tieke (L. B.) * Specimen medico-practicum, de febre puerperale. 4°. Lundw, [1794]. Toppelius (G.) * De febre puerperali cona- men. 4°. Upsaliw, 1812. Torrance (A.) * De febre puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1816. Tournatoire (G.) * De la fievre puerperale, ses causes, sa nature, son traitement. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1876. Tragardh (G. S.) * Bidrag till laran om puer- peral-feber. [Lund.] 8°. Malmo, 1858. Typke(H. J.) * De febri puerperali. 8°. Bero- lini, 1848. Ulliac (C.-F.) * Dissertation sur la maladie a laquelle sont sujettes les femmes nouvellement accouchees, et qui est connue sous le nom de fievre puerperale. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Vandenzande (J.-B.) Considerations prati- ques sur la maladie des femmes en couche, connue sous le nom de peritouite et de fievre puerperale. 8°. Anvers, 1821. Verlage (J. G. J.) * De febre puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1320]. Vogel (A. H. I.) *De febri puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1858]. Vogeler (G.) * De febri puerperali. 8°. Be- rolini, [I860]. Wache(C.G-) * De febre puerperali. 8°. Ha- Iw, 1822. Wagner (H. C. F.) *De febris puerperarum indole atque medela. 4°. Jenw, 1804. Walbrach (E.) * De febre puerperali. 8°. Berolini, 1849. Wallmueller (M.) *De febri puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. Walsh (P. P.) Practical observations on the puerperal fever; wherein the nature of that disease is investigated, aud a method of cure, which has hitherto proved successful, recom- mended. 8°. London, 1787. -----. The same. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber das Kindbetterinnenfieber, woritin der wahren Natur dieser Krankheit nacbgeforschet und eine bis jetzt niizlich befundene Behandlung empfohlen wird. Aus dem Englischen. 8°. Leipzig, 1788. Wecke (H.) * Nonnulla de febri puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1848]. Wendt (G.) *De febri um puerperalium causis ac natura. 8°. Berolini, 1845. Wetmore (T. F.) * An inaugural disserta- tion on the puerperal fever. 8°. New York, 1795. Wilpert (E.) * Aduotatioues critic;t> de na- tura pntrescentiaB uteri. 8°. Dorpati Livono- rum, 1840. Wrotnowski (J.) *Dela fievre puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1858. Zimmermannus (J. E.) * De uteri putrescen- tia, adjuncta morbi hujus observati historia. 4°. Lipsiw, [1815]. Zwick (L. B.) * Etwas iiber Puerperalfieber. 8°. Jena, 1864. Abeille. De l'albuminurie dans quelques maladies infectieuses ou contagieuses, caracteris^es par une altera- tion du sang, et dans la fievre puerperale en particulier. Gaz. metl. de Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 305-308.—Ableitncr (K.) Das Kalbe- oder Milchfieber (Febris puerperalis). PUHRL'URAL. 804 PUURPHRAL. Puerperal fever. Oesti it, Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., "Wien, 1876, xiv, :;2-87.—Ackerly (R. Y.) Remarks on the nature and treatment of puerperal fever. Loud. M. (iaz., 1838, xxii, 463-466. — Albert. Putrescenz der lii-barinutter. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1836, iii, 270-285.—Alex- ander (J.) Practical strictures on puerperal fever. Lan- cet, Lond., 1829-30, i, 339; 373. — Alloway (T.J.) Ou puerperal fever. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1883-4, xii, 456-465.—A m a id (L.-V.-F.) Fievre puerperale. Inhis: Ass. intellectuelle, 8°, Par., 1821, ii, 279-287.—AmeCimg (F.) Febris puerperalis. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1828, lxvi, 4. St., 85-101.— Andrew* (G. P.) Puerperal py- rexia. Detroit Lancet, 1885, n. s., ix, 102-106. -----. Clin- ical report on puerperal pyrexia. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1886, n. s.. x, 1-6. Also, Reprint.—Apolant (E.) TJober Intrauterininjectionen im Puerperalfieber. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1886, cvi, 451-478: 1887, cvii, 185.— Arbeiten (Die) der Puerperalfieber-Coniniission der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilf'e und Gynakologie in Berlin. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1878, iii, 1-151. Also, Reprint. — Archier. Observations sur la fievre puerp6rale. J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1784, lxi, 372-376.—Atkinson (F. P.) A few thoughts on puerpe- ral septicasinia, its nature and tieatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxii, 168. — Atthill ( L.) On metria (so- called puerperal fever). Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1883, i, 130-144. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 259, Also: Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 1048. — B. (G.) Infezione puerperale, o febbre settica delle gestanti, partorienti e puerpere. Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv. 721; 745; 776; 819.—Balling. Einige Worte iiber die Putreszenz der Gebiirmntter. Med.-chir. Ztschr. f. Laudiirzte. u. Chir., Miinchen, 1832-3, ii, 42; 113. — Rant a ( R. E.) Puerperal fever. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1883-4. xxiii, 483- 480.—Barbour (A. H. F.) Pathology of postpartum uterus: 1. puerperal septicaemia; 2. adherent memluanes. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1884-5, x, 216-228,1 pl. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 434, 1 pl.; 526.—Barker (B..F.) Re- marks on puerperal fever before the New York Academy of Medicine. Am. M. Month., N. Y.. 1857, viii, 299-317. Also, Reprint.-----. Clinical lectures oh puerperal fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 305-329. -----. The preven- tion and treatment of puerperal fever. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 151; 183. Also. Reprint. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1882-4), 1886, iv, 149-165. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxv, 170-172 —Barnes (R.) On puerpe- ral fever. Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 141; 169; 179; 307; 443; 527: ii, 367; 531; 613.-----. The puerperal fevers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 1183-1185.— Bariifli (G.) Della fehhre puerperale. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1846, cxix, 241- 267. Also: Esculapio napol, Napoli, 1847, xxv, 7-27.— Beaugrand (E.) Sur l'etiologie et la nature de la fifevre puerp6rale. Abeille m6d., Par., 1851, viii, 185-187.— Beck (T. S.) On puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, i, 428; 456; 478. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1865), 1866, vii, 31-37.—Bchier. Lettres sur la maladie dite fievre puerp6rale. Union in6d., Par., 1858, xii, 122; 134-. 146; 158; 173'; 181; 194; 206; 217; 229; 241; 253.— Belletre. Fievre puerperale des enfauts nouveau-n6s. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 522 —Beuoist (F.) Essai sur la medication isolante ou traitement des inflammations en general par les enduits impermeables, avec des observa- tions cliniques k l'appui, suivi tie quelques considerations Bur la nature et le traitement de la fievre dite puerp6rale. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Poitiers, 1864, xxx, 132-182.—Bern- heim. Septic6mie d'origine puerperale. M6m. Sec de tu6d. tie Nancy (1878-9), 1880, pp. lv-lvii. — Berruti (G.) Piocessi puerperali d' infezione, metrite, metro-peritonite, endo e para-metrite puerperali. Gior. d.'r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1875, 3. s., xvii, 568-573. -----. Della febbre puerperale. Indipendente, Torino, 1876, xxvii, 21; 37.— Blaekmore (E.) Observations on the nature, origin, and treatmeut of puerperal fever. Prov. M. efe S. J. Loud 1845, 173; 210; 228; 242; 321; 338; 353; 369; 387; 399.— Blake (J. D.) Puerperal fever, its causation and. treat- ment. Richmond efe Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1876, xxii, ■ 503-515.—Ellesh (A. L.) Puerperal fever; etiology, pro- phylaxis, and treatment. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 209-226. — Bleynie pere. Observations pour servir a retude de la putridity chez les femmes en couches. Rev. med. de Limoges, 1867-8, i, 53-58. -----. Considerations pratiques sur l'infection putride puerp6rale. J. Soc. de med. etpharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1881,vi, 6-14.__ Blicke (W. F.) On puerperal fever and peritoneal in- flammation. Lancet, Lond., 1830-31, i, 305.—Blundell. Lecture on puerperal fever. Ibid,., 1827-8, ii, 641; 673.— Boddy (W. T.) Notes on puerperal fevers, more espe- cially the adynamic form, as illustrated by cases occurring in the General Lying-in Hospital, Westminster, during the autumn of 1842. Brit. Rec. Obst. M. efe S., Manchester 1848, i, 339-347.—Boer (L. J.) Gedanken vom Fieber iiberhaupt; als ein Vorstiick zu den folgenden Wahrneh- mungen iiber Puerperalkrankheiten. Inhis: Abhandl. u. Versuche, etc., 8°, Wien, 1792, i, 2. pt., 65-80. _____. Einige Beobachtungen iiber das Kindbetterinnenfieber. ibid., 81-116. -----. Von der Putreszenz der beschwanger- ten Gebarmutter. Ibid., 3. pt., 71-108.-----. Traktat vom Puerperal fever. Puerpcral-Fieber. Ibid., 1804, ii, 2. pt., 31-96.—Bocscke (E.J.) Puerperal fever; history, theories, and ivtiolo.-v N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 317; 350. — Boi»linicV<< (L. C.) Puerperal fever. Humboldt M. Arch., St. 1.....is, 1868, ii, 16-34. Bone lint. iJtudessurla fievre puerperale Gaz. in6d. dePar.. 1844, 2. s., xii, 85; 101 ; 149. Also: Aim. demed. beige, Brux., 1844, i, 123 ; 210—Boulion <]>.) <)M puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1875, i, 638 Itrnch. Etwas iiber das Wochentieber, nebst einer Geseliichte nines Mutterpolypen. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1791, iii 2 St.. 298-308. — Bradley (J.) On puerperal fever. Mi ,1 efc Phys. J., Lond., 1812, xxvii, 183-187. — Brann (C.i Ueber Ursachen und Verlauf der in jiingster Zeit an eler III. gch. Klinik vorgekommenen Falle von Sepsis im Piter porium. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh. - gyna-k. tlesellse h. iu Wien, 1889, ii, 55-60. — Brefeld. Ueber die Metastasen der Kindbettorinnen. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1803, 97- 110— Brennecke. Das Puerperalfieber, seine Propliy. laxis und Therapie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 741; 758. [See, also, supra, Brennecke.] -----. Ein Beitrag zur practischen Losung der Puerperalfieberfrage. Ibid?, 1881, xviii, 368; 384. [See, also, supra, Brennecke.] ----] Ein fernerer Beitrag zur practischen Losung der Puerpe- ralfieber-Frage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr , Berl., Ife82, viii, 14; 30; 45. Brickell (J.) Theory of puerperal fever. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1799, ii, 15-17. Also [Abstr.] • Med. efe Phys. J., Lond., 1799. i, 381—Bndde (V.) Om Forehyggelseaf Udbredelseaf Barselfeber veil Jordeniodi e. [Preveution of spreading of puerperal fever through mid- wives.] Ugesk. f. Laager, Kjobenh., 1884,4. 11., x, 457- 459.—Buhl. Zum Puerperalfieber. Monatsehr. f. (le- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1864, xxiii, 303-311.—It n in in (E.) Ueber die Aufgaben weiterer Forschungeii auf dem Gebiete tier puerperalen Wundinfection. Arch! f. Gynaek., Berl, 1889, xxxiv, 325-356.—Buach. Betrachtungen iiber das Kindbettfieber. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1827, i, 345; 447: 1828, ii, 53; 284; 488: iii, 21).— Bush (J. F.) Puerpeial septicaemia. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 398.—Callender (It. J.) Puerperal pyrexia. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1230.—Cameron (J. C.)' High temperature and glycosuria in the puerperal state, the re- sult of nervous influences. Montreal M. J., 1888-9, xvii, 481-487, 1 diag.—Campbell (VV.) On puerperal fever. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831-2, ix. 353.—Carranza e Ibailez (R.) De la fiebre puerperal consitlerada como entitlatl no- sol6gica. Correo ni6d. castellano, Salamanca, 1885, ii. 206; 230.—Castellier. Extrait d'une dissertation sur la tievre dite puerperale. Bull. Fac. de m6d. de Par. (1804-8), 1812, i (1. ann6e), 155-157. -----. Observations sur la ni6trite et la fievre pnerp6rale. [Rap.] J. de med., chir., pbarm., etc., Par., 1813, xxvii, 238-244 —de Castelnau (H.) Sur la fievre puerp6rale. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1848, vi, 193; 209; 625.—Cauvy. Fievre puerp6rale. Montpel. med., 1873, xxxi, 54-66.—Cecil (J. G.) Puerperal fever. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1886, n. s., ii, 22-26.—de Cenlenecr Van Bound (H.) J5tudes sur la fievre putrperale. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1860, 2. s., viii, 237; 321; 1861, 2. s., ix, 5; 61.—Charles (N.) Septic6mie puerpe- rale. J. daecouch., Liege, 1885, vi, 1; 17; 29; 41; 53; 65; 113; 125.—Chastain (E. N.) Pueiperal septicaemia. Kansas City M. Rec, 1888, v, 1-6.—Chatterjee (H M.) Contributions to the pathology and treatment of puerperal fever. Calcutta J. M., 1869. ii, 207-216.— Chaureau. Sur la septic6mie puerperale experimentale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1882, xxii, 129-134. Also: Lyon med., 1882, xii, 272-276.—Chavett (K.) Puer- peral fever Chicago M. Times, 1871, iii, 104-107.—thes- niit (T.) Puerperal fever and its supposed alliances. Am. Pract., leouisville, 1878, xviii, 209-217.—Chirac. Sur des fievres malignes qui attaquent des femmes nouvell-ment accouchees. In: Chirac efc Silva. Diss, et consult, metl., 12°, Par., 1755, iii, 356-361.—Cochran (J.) What is puer- peral fever? Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1878, xxxi, 240-251.—Coles (W.) Puerperal pyemia. St. Louis M. el S. J., 1889, Ivii, 97-104.—Colin. Sur une alteration du sang liee aux accidents de la parturition. Bull. Acad, de metl, Par., 1879.2. s., viii, 1048-1054.—Comstock (T. G.) Puer- peral or childbed fever. N. York M. Times, 1884-5, xii, 97- 104.—Condie. Puerperal fever. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1841-6, i, 50-61. — Contamine. De la fievre vitulaire. M6m. couron. Acatl. roy. de m6d. deBelg., Brux., 1870, i. (177- 716.—Cornil. Rapport sur uue communication de M. E. Doyen, intitul6e: La fievre puerp6rale et l'ervsipele. Bull. Acatl. de m6d.. Par., 1888, 2. s., xix, 725-728. [Dis- cussion], 756-766.— [Correspondence] on puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1875, i, 592.—Crowfoot (W. H.) On malignant puerperal lever. Prov. M. J., Lontl, 1843-4, vii, 10. —Cruveilhier. Du typhus puerperal. Rev. med. franc-, et etrang., Par., 1831, ii, 169-185. —t'u- sack (S.) A brief notice of the disease popularly termed puerperal fever. Edinb. M. efeS. J., 1829, xxxi, 25-55. Also, Reprint.—Dabney (VV. C.) Remarks on the nature and treatment of so-called puerperal fever. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1887, xx, 137-143—Bavcnport (P. A.) An essay on puerperal fever. N. York J. M. efc S., 1841, iv. 313- 330. Also.transl.: J. f. Geburtsh., Frank!', a. M., 1825, v, 382-405.—Dawson. Remarks on puerperal fever. Proc. PUERPERAL. 805 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever. M. Convent. Ohio, Columbus, 1847, 18-27.—Bean (S. H.) An essay on childbed fever. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1858-9, jv 719.—Debate upon puerperal pyrexia, with special reference to the card recently issued by the Collective In- vestigation Committee. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1884, ii, 22.—Be la Bochc (D.) Suite des remarques sur la fievre puerpe- rale, et particulierement sur un ouvrage qui a pour titre : Recherches sur la fievre puerp6rale. J. de iu6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1784, lxi, 3-36. [See, also, supra, Dela- roche(D.)| -----. Lettre sur la fievre puerperale. Ibid., 561-579.—Belore(X.) Delanaturedelafievrepuerp6rale. Lyon m6d., 1869, i, 86-166. Also: M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyou (1869), 1870, ix, 40-44. -----. Fievre puerperale. Lyou ni6d., 1869, i, 247.— Be IVasca (G.) Del concetto patologico-clinico che vuolsi tenere della febbre puerperale onde giungere a rinvenire la sede e stenebrarne la natura. Ann. univ. di med., Milano. 1859, clxvii, 3.— Beneke. Zur Behandlung und Verhiitung des Wochenbettfieber.s. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1884, xxv, 49-58, 1 diag.— Beneiibourg. Dela fievre vitulaire. M6in. couron. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1870, i, 717-775.—Dcpaul. De la tievre, puerperale. Bull. Acad. denied.. Par., 1858, xxiii, 388-426. Also, Reprint. Also: Bull. g6n. detherap., etc., Par., 1858, liv, 199-211.—Biseussion on puerperal septicaemia. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1888, Con- cord, N. H., 1889. v, 386-462 —Biseussion sur septic6mie puerp6rale. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 238; 267; 312; 481; 505.—Bolnn (T. M.) A contribution to our facts on puerperal septicaemia. Obst. J. Or. Brit., Loud.. 1878-9, vi, 465-474— Doublet. Memoire sur la fievre a laquelle on donne le nom de fi6vre puerperale; ou observations faites k l'hospice de sante tie Vaugirard, sur les maladies produites par les metastases et les depots lai- teux daus la cavite abdominale. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 17S2, lviii, 502-515.—Dubois (P.) Puerperale (fievre). Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1842, xxvi, 336-359. ----. De la fievre puerperale. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1858, v, 237; 309; 324. — Itufton (W.) Puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1829-30, i. 174-176.—Duncan (J. M.) On puerperal fever in hospital and private practice. Ibid., 1870, i, 765.-----. Address in obstetric medicine, on puer- peral pyemia, etc. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1874, xviii, 153; 174. Also: Obst. J., Lond., 1874, ii. 337-367. Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1874, ii, 213-218. Also: Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1874, ii 204-210. — Earle (C. W.) The consideration of some questions regarding puerperal fever. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1887, ix, 185-187. Also: Kansas City M. Index, 1889, x, 395-402. — Eights (J.) Annual address ou puerperal fever. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1832-3,i, 148-173.—England W.) Observations on malignant puerperal fever. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843-4, vii. 110.—Epilochiou (Ilepi) nvperov. 'IaTpiKJ; MeAitxexa. 'Atfijyai, 1858, v, 481-501. — Fspagne (A.) Th6orie de la fievre puerperale. Gaz. m6d. de I'ar , 1863, 3. s., xviii, 695. -----. De la fievre puerperale; daus ses rapports avec les causes tieliilitantes. Montpel m6d., 1863, xi, 105; 205: 493: 1864, xii, 222; 346.—Evans (J.) Puerperal fever. Tr. South Car.M. Ass..Charleston. 1886,39^48.—Falk. Denkschrift, verfasst und dem preussischen Cultusministeriuni durch die von der Gesellschaft fur Gehurtshiilf'e und Gynakologie in Berlin gewablte, Pueiperalfieher-Commission. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvnak., Stuttg.. 1878. iii, 1-15. Also, Re- print. Also, transl.: Edinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 435446.— Fassari (G. B.) Contributo alio studio della febbre tar- diva delle puerpere. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1885, 4. s., xxiii, 129-133. — Faussett (W.) An essay on puerperal fever, with suggestions for an improved met hod of treat- ment. Dublin Q. J. M. Se-.. 1850, ix, 286-309. — Faye (F. C.) Om Puerperalfebers Diagnoseog Behandling. Norsk. Mag. f. Lajgevideusk., Christiania, 1858, xii, 961: 1859, xiii, 1. — Feagan (GO.) Puerperal fever. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880. iv. 199-216.— Fehr. Bemerkungen iiber das Kindbetterinnenfieber Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Zurich, f839, iv, 357.—Fclsenreich (A.) 7 xi, 327; 339; 344. Also, Reprint—Galli (G.) Sulla feb- bre puerperale: sua natura, eziologia e profilassi. Coll. san. piacentino, Piacenza, 1878, 91-167.—Gamberini (P.) Mouografia della febbre puerperale. Bull. d. sc. metl. tli Bologna, 1849, 3.s., xv, 75; 129; 273. Also: Esculapionapoh, Napoli, 1849, xxvii, 321; 513; 577; 641; 705. Also, Repriut.— [Gaiis.] Puerperal fever. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1862, n. s., v, 23-34.— Gardner (W. S.) Pueiperal sapraemia. Phila, M. Times, 1887-8, xviii, 264; 293. Also: Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 29-33. -----. Sapremia and septicemia dur- ing the puerperal period. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 461-470.—Garland (A.I.) On the prevention and treat- mentof puerperal fever. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1888-9, ii, 14-16.—Garlike. Practical remarks on asthenic puer- peral fever. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n, s., ii, 402-404.— Garrigues (H. J.) Puerperal infection. Svst. ofObst. (Hirst), 8°, Phila., 1889, ii. 290-378.—GastelI ier. Extrait d'une dissertation sur la fievre dite puerp6rale. Bull. Fac. dem6d. de Par. (1804-8), 18i2, i, 155-157.—Gerne (P.) De lafievrepuerperale; causes, formes, traitement. Concours med., Par., 1883, v, 147-151.—Gibson (M. W.) Puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1842. ii, 121-129.—Goeden (H. A.) Andeutungen und tiemerkungen zur praktischen Metlizin. Die zwei Formen des Kindbetterinu-Fiebers. J. tl. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1822. liv, 2. S., 92.- 3. S.. 42; 5. St., 80.—Gotz (F. S.) Beobachtungen in Betreff des Puerperalflebers. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. t'istei r. Staates, Wien, 1844, xlvi, 92-96.—Gor- don (A.) A treatise ou the epidemic puerperal fever of Aberdeen. In: Hist., Path, efc Treat. Puerp. Fever, [etc.], 8°, Phila,, 1842,29-70— Green (A.) Puerperal fever. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1879), 1880, ii, 227-234. — Griffith (G. de G.) Puerperal fever aud puerperal scarla- tina, Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s.. xxvii, 262.— Grigg. On puerperal fever. Brit. Gynaec J., Lond., 1886-7, ii, 212-217.—Grosholz (F. H. V.) Notes on puer- peral fever. Obst. J. Gr. Brit,, Loud., 1875-6, iii, 237: 1876-7, iv, 379.—Gruber (A.) Betrachtungen fiber das Puerperalfieber. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1837, v, 251-258.—von Griincwaldt (O.) Ueber puerperale Septichamie und Ichonhamie. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xv, 152-185.—Guerard. fitude sur la fievre puer- perale. Rev. ni6d. franc et etrang., Par., 1858, i, 268-279.— Gucrin de ITIauiers. De la nature, du siege et du traitement de la fievre puerp6rale. Ann. de la ni6d. physiol, Par., 1832, xxii, 427: 1833, xxiii, 571: 1834, xxiv, 21 ; 57: 316;.497; 717— Gusscron. Ueber Puerperalfieber. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1882, iii, 219. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 585-589. Also: Berl. klin. Wchu- schr., 1882, xix, 489-492. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii, 2. pt., 123-132. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press efc Circ, Lontl, 1882, u. s., xxxiii, 524.—II. UeheisichtderTheorienund Heilartendes Kind- bettfiebers (Febris puerperarum), wahrend des letzten Jahrzehends. Ann. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1810, ii, 257; 318.—Halbertsma (T.)" Over koorts in het kraambed. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1870, i, 621; 637. -----. Zur Puerperalfieberfrage; vorlaufige Mittheilung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, viii, 466.— Hamilton (G.) Puerperal fever. Med. efe Surg. Re- porter, Phila,, 1866, xiv, 485; 505. |Discussion], xv, 9- 12.—Hazzard (J. S. R.) Puerperal fever. Cincin. M. Repert., 1871, iv, 361-368.—Iledenius (P.) Om pnerpe- rala och pyaemiska processor. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1874, ix, 203-215. [See, also, supra, fleiberg (H.)]—Hei- berg (H.) Vilde tillade sig at redegjore for en Del Til- ttelde af Pysemi og Puerperalfeber. Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1873, 72-84.—Hepburn (W. H.) Some remarks on puerperal fever from a country physi- cian's standpoint. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1884, li, 57_60.— Herrlich. Bemerkungen zu den verschiedenen klinischen Formen des Puerperalflebers. Ein Fall vondi- PUERPERAL. 806 PPERPKKAL. Puerperal fever. recter Incision eines nach metastatischem Lungenabscess bei einer Puerperalfieberkraukeu entstanden jauchendeu Liiiigeiihohlraunis. Charit6-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 221- 236.—Hervicux (E.) Existe-t-il une fi6vre puerp6rale? Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 601. -----. Revue histo- rique et critique des principales doctrines qui ont regn6 sur ce qu'on a appele la fievre puerperale. Union med., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxx, 66; 84; 97— Heizfelder (II.) Kindbettfieber. Ztschr. d. £.-k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1856, xii, 151-154— Hildebraud. Ueber tlie Un terscheidungs-Merkmale der Peritonitis puerperalis untl des Kindbettflebers. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh, Berl., 1835, xxiii, 665-671.—Hill (G.) Puerperal pyaemia. Edinb. M. J., 1863-1, ix, 812-818.—Hill (S. V. D.) Report on puer- peral fever. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1877, x, 80- 93.—Hirst (B.C.) The etiology and treatmentof cases of so-called late infection in the puerperal state. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 639.—Hoag (J. O.) Puerperal fever ami its treatment. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1887, xx, 828; 941. — Hoffmann. Zur Theorie des Kindbettfle- bers. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1861, viii, 30.— Hogg (F. R.) Puerperal mortality. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 430. — Holt (J.) Puerperal septicemia. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1876-7, n. s., iv, 170-180. — Hooper (J. W. D.) Practical notes on puerperal septicaemia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, n. s., ix, 294-301, 2 ch.— Horn (E.) Erfahrungen fiber das sogenannte Kind- betterinfieber. Arch. f. med. Erfahr.. Leipz., 1801, i, 18; 131 : 1801-2, ii, 987. [See, also, infra, Hufelaud (C. W.) efc Michaelis.] -----. Ueber die- wichtigsten Fieber der Woehnerinnen. ihre Erkenntniss und Htiluug. Ibid., Berl, 1807, n. F., v, 42; 252. -----. Neiure Erfahrungen fiber das entzfindliche Kindbettei innentielier. Ibid., 1809, n. F., x, 75-120. — Hubert (E.) De la tievre puerp6rale. J. d. sc. m6d. de Louvain, 1877, ii, 157-172. — Hufelaud (C. W.) Bemerkungen fiber Milchversetzuugen und Kinil- betterinnenfieber. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., .Jeua. 1788, i, 3. St., 61-94. -----. Bemerkungen iiber das Kindbettfie- ber, besonders in Beziehung auf die Meinungen der Herren Hum und Michaelis. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena u. Berl, 1804, xx, 1. St., 151-170.—Hughes (E ) On Suerperal fever. Prov. M. efc S. J.. Loud., 1849, 428.— lydcrdahl. Om Barselfeberens Vassen og Aarsagsfor- holde med Hensvn til Epidemier i Privatpraxis og deres Forebyggelse. [On childbed fevers, nature and origin.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1869, xxiii, 369- 392.—Ibanez (A.) Concepto de la fiebre puerperal y de las eufermedades del puerperio eu general. Clinica, Zara- goza, 1884, viii, 242; 250; 258; 274; 283. —Ill ing worth (C. R ) Case of puerperal septicaemia and peritonitis ex- isting for seven days without treatment; cured in four davs with biniodide of mercury. Metl. Press efe Circ, Lontl., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 412. — Iriepar (M. A.) Nuevas reliexioues sobre la fiebre puerperal. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1867, xiv, 596; 628.—Jaggard (W. W.) The pathology, etiology, prophylaxis, and treat ment of puerperal fever, from the Vienna standpoiut. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 442; 467: xiv, 179.—Jamieson (J.) Puerperal fever, its causes, prevalence, and preveutiou. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1879, n. s., i, 1; 133. Also, Reprint. -----. The present state of the puerperal fever questie >n. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n. s., vi, 244-252.—Johnston (J.) On puerperal remitteut, or septicaemic fever. [With cases and discussion.] Dubliu J. M. Sc, 1878, lxvi, 233-259 — Joux (A.) A. propos de la fievre puerp6rale. Gaz. d. heip., Par., 1858, xxxi, 193; 225. —Joy (J. H.) Pueiperal fever. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1888, xxiii, 241-251.— Kncsl- ner. Beitrage aus der Praxis iiber Wochenbetttieber. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1879, 81-92.— Harametsas (G.) Ilepi v. 8°. Basel, 1888. Jess (C.) *De puerperarum morbis iu insti- tuto obstetrico Kilionsi observatis inde a tlie 13. mensis Julii anni 1862 usque ad diem primum Jauuarii 1860. 4°. Biliw, 1806. Leroy (L.) * .Statistique de la mortality tie la nouvelle clinique d'accouchemeuts, an point de vue de la tievre puerp6rale, et tie la methode autise})tique. [Paris.] 4°. Le Mans, I88f>. Mewis (C.) * Ueber puerperale Erkraiiknu- geu iu der Strassburger Entbiuduugsaustalt. roy. 8°. Strassburg, 1874. Morkau (M.-F.) * Des maladies des femmes en couche, observers a l'H6pital Saint-Louis pendaut l'ann6e 1820. 4°. Paris, 1821. van Opd'orp (F. C.) * Diss, exhibens casus nounullas febris puerperalis in Tococomio Aca- demico anuo mdcccl observatos cum epicrisi. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1851. Reuss (J.) " Beitrag zur Statistik des Puer- peraltiebers. 8°. Tiibingen, 1831. Schultze (E. ) * Zwei uud zwauzig Fiille wichtiger Puerperal-Erkraukuugen des Sexual- Apparates. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Taurin (H.-F.) * Des manifestations puerp6- rales observees dans uu service mixte de femmes en couches et de nourrices HOpital Necker, 1873. 4°. Paris, 1873. Thierry (E.) * Des maladies puerperales ob- servers a l'H6pital St.-Louis en 1867. Conside- rations sur leur 6tiologie. 4°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1868. A flections (Des) puerp6rales regnantes. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 161. — Alexander (J.) Case-.s of puerperal lever. L,ancet, Lond., 1830-31, ii, 1-4. — Ani- ■11:11111. Beobaehtung eines Kiudbettfiebers. Referut von Herrn Meier-Hofmeister. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Metl, Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich, 1845, i, 285-290. — Anderson (A.) Forevisatle den vid sektionen af en i puerperalpy- emi aflideu patient tillvaratagna uterus jemte anuexer. Forh. v. Sveus. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 18G9, 45. -----. Om tie puerperala inflammationerna i tub ora- kring lifmodern. Statistik redogiirelse fr&n Stockhtihns Allm&nna Barnhordshus, jamte Kliuis Ra anmarkningar. (C. r. Des inflammations puerperales de l'ut6rus et des envi- rons.) Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1873, v, no. 17; no. 23.—Archer (R- S.) A caseof septic infection. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxix, 164-168. — Archier. Observations sur la fie,vif puei pt'rale. J. tie in6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1789. lxxx. 109-177.—de Argcnta(C. M.) Parto de gemelos; metro-peritonitis puerperal. Correo nied. cas- tellano, Salamanca. 1885, ii, 389-394. — Arnaman (C. L.) Puerperal fever. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, xxii. 5(i9.— Aahton (L.) Puerperal septicaemia with dipbtheiitic membrane covering entire vaginal canal and os uteri. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1881-2, viii, 732-731. -----. Fin Fall von lethaler Magenhlutuug bei septischer Infection im Wochenbette. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxxiii, 113-115. — Aw lire 11 (C. F.) Some thoughts on puerperal septicemia; with a case. South-WestM. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, 35-37.—Assolant (C.) Observation sur la fifevre puerp6rale et sur les eugorgemens laiteux. J. de nuSd., chir., pharm., etc., Par., an x [1802], iv, 228-248.—Awlrier. [Accouchement; resorption purulente et infection putride; trois cas.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852. xxvii, 269-272.— Atlhill. Cases of puerperal fever. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1855, xx, 208-211. - Bacenicza. Metroperitonitis scp- tieav. febris puerperalis*. Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1852, xxviii, 82-84.—Bail) (E.) Notes of a case of puer- peral septic absorption, with some remarks on the treat- ment. Edinb. Clin, efe Path. J., 1883-4, i, 497-500.- Ba Id- win (H. S.) Puerperal lever. Pacific M. efe S. J., Sau Fran., 1875-6, xviii, 8-12.—Ballabene (C.) Caso di me- PUHKPEKAL. 809 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Cases and statistics of)- tro-peritouite puerperale e suo trattamento curativo. Rac- coglitore med., Forh, 1880, 4. s., xiii, 139-151.—Ballotta (1<\) Storia ragionata di una angivite da febbre nervosa infiamniatoria puerperale accompaguata. Ibid., 1849, xxiii, 1-12.—Bang (0 ) Observatiouum medicinalium de puer- ?erarum febre decas cum epie-iisi. Acta reg. Soc. med. Iavn., 1821, vi, 115-154.—Barker. Three cases of puer- peial septicemia. Am. J. Obst,. N. Y., 1878, xi, 777-779. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 395-397.— Barkeslee (W. R.) [Remarkable recovery of a patient from puerperal pyieniia.] Tr. M. Soc. I'enn., Pbila., 1881, xiii, pt. 2, 597.—Barsclfeber. Sundh.-Jour., Kjebenh.. 1794. l, 277.—[Barselfeber i Danmark i Aarene 1843-70.] Biblioth. f. La'ger (Snpplbnd.), 1,843-76, Kjebenh., 1844-78, passim. — Bauer (J ) Puerperalfieber. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenb. zu Miinchen (1874-5), 1878, i, 99-102.— Becli (S.) A case of puerperal fever or puerperal pyae- mia, after an abortion. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1868-9, n. s., iv, 457-463.—Behier. De la fievre tie lait, k propos d'un cas tie fievre dite puerperale. J. tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1869, xl. 390-393. — Belcombe (II. S.) Case of in- flammatory affection ofthe abdomen following parturition (puerperal fever?). Lond. M. & Pbys. J., 1823, 1, 388.— Kernheini. Un cas tie septicemic d'origine puerperale. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 342-344. — Bigby. Puerperal fever. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834. xiv, 396-399. — Bitting (L. L.) efe IVIcIntosh (W. P.) Six cases of septicaemia fpuerperalj. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1882, 114-126. — Black (J.) On a case of pyaemia occurring after parturition. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1862, vii, 84-88. — Boer (L.) Zur Geseliichte der voriges Jahr in den Monaten August, September und October bis Mitte November beobachteten Puerperal - Krankheiten. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 18.12, n. F , i, 251- 257.—Bopp. Ein schwerer Fall von Pxatnie im Wocben- bette. Breslau. aerztl Ztschr., 1881, iii, 223.—Borham (W. H.) A case of puerperal fever. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond.. 1853, n. s., vii, G8J.—Brefcld. Eine Beobaehtung einesKindbetterinfiebei's. nebsteinigen Retlexionen. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1803. 56-64.—Brieger (L.) Ueber gebeilte Falle von puerperaler Septicopviiniie. Cbarit6- Ann. 1881, Berl., 1883, viii, 128-139. — Bryant (W. N.) Pueiperal septicaemia. Boston M. efe'S. J., 1883, cviii, 411- 415.—Biicliannan (J.) Puerperal fever. Eclect. M. J., Phila , 1859, ii, 49-52.— Ballard (T.) A statement in re- gard to several puerperal fever cases. Northwest. M. efe S. J., Chicago, 1851-2, viii, 99-103.—Burnet (J. li.) Case of puerperal fever. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1867-8, i, 86, 1 tab.— K>irrage(R. L.) A case of acute pyaemia following labor. Tr. M. Sue. N. Jersey, Newark, 1881,' 254-263. — Burwell (G. N.) Report of four cases of puerperal fever. Med. News efe Libr., Phila., 1844, ii 25-28.— Cable (R. E.) Puerperal fever. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1854,3. s., ii, 344— Caillard. Metrope-rifonite puerperale; phlebite uterine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1830-31, iv, 377.— Campbell (J.) Puerperal septicaemia. (Case in practice.) Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1884, ix, 333-336.—Campbell (W.) Observations on the disease usually termed puerperal fever, with cases. Ediub. M. & S. J., 1822, xviii, 195-225.—Cantcl. De l'infection purulente consecutive k l'accouchement; nouveau cas de gueiison. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1867, lxxiii, 123-128.—Capatillo (J. I.) Partoktdrinino; hemonagia; tiebre puerperal; autopsia. Gac. m6d. de M6xico, 1870, v, 204-218.—Carl**on. Pueiperal-feber. Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank. 1851-2, Stockholm, 1852, 114-120.— Ca*ati (G.) Febre puerperale (Prospettti clinico della scuola d' ostetricia in Milano, 1863.) Ann. univ. di metl., Milano. 1864, clxxxix, 397-418.—Castaldi. Observation d'un cas de fievre puerp6rale. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stantinople, 1863-4, vii, 24-26.—de Castro (F. J.) Me- trorragia durante el parto; fiebre puerperal adinamica; curacion. An. Soc. ginec. espau., Madrid, 1875, i, 21.— Cawtro y JMuiioz (J. M.) Metroperitonitis anterior y posterior ^un aborto de seis meses, terminada por la muerte de la enferma. Andaluciam6d., C6rdoba, 1885, x, 49-62.— Cayol. [Fievre puerperale. 1 Clin. tl. hop., Par.. 1828-9, iii, 85.—Chad wick (J. R.) A case of recovery from sep- ticaemia following abortion. Boston M. & S. J., 1876, xcv, 295.—Chalmers (J.) Three cases of pueiperal septicaemia terminating in suppuration. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1886-7, ii, 8-19. [Discussion], 39-51.—Charles (N.) Primipare a terme; bassin de 9 centimetres; rupture pr6mat,ur6e des membranes; ecoulementde meconium ; douleurs excessives et irregulie,res; presentation du sommet avec procidence du cordon ; dilatation tr6s Iente du col; application du for- ceps 52 heures apres le t!6but du travail; metro-p6ritonite puerperale; gu6rison. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1884, v, 97. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1884, vi, 83. -----. Primi- pare ag6e a terme, rachitique et surcharg6e de graisse; perforation du crAne et c6phalotripsie; septicemic puer- perale grave, a forme typhoide; phlebite suppur6e; mort le 26e jour apres l'accouchement; autopsie. J. d'accouch. de Li6ge, 1884. v, 85-87. Also: J. tl. sages-femmes, Par., 1884, vi, 92.—Che vii lard. Observations sur la fievre puer- perale. Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d. 1782-3, Par., 1787, v, 255- j Puerperal fever (Cases and statistics of). -'''.- T<;h,'i',li5ln (E- P-) Hystero-phlebitis; pyaemia; eliminaiion ofpus; abscess; recovery. Penins. efe Indep. M. J., Detroit, 1858-9, i, 519-523.—Christopher (W. S.) A case of puerperal fever. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n.s., xxiii, 1 —Churchill (F.) Puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1870, i, 380.—Clark (G. B.) Case of malig- nant puerperal fever. "Lond. M. Gaz., 1847. n. s., v. 331- 334.—Clark (J. H.) A case of puerperal lever N. Jer- sey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1855. viii, 348-352—Cleaver (W.W.) Cases of puerperal fever. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xviii, 353-357.—Coburn (G. H.) Case of puerperal septicaniia causing symptoms of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Pbila. M. Times, 1879-80, x. 211.—Coni (E. It.) Estudio estaelistieii sobre la mortalidad pnitlucida poijafecciones puerperales eu la ciudad tie Buenos Aires. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1878, xv, 299-304.—Cook (D. H.) Cases of puerperalseptica-mia. Med. Ann., Albany, 1884. v, 97-104.— Cooper (W. II.) A caseof puerperal fever. St. Louis M. Reporter. 1867-8,ii, 132-130.—Cortiguera(J.) Septicemia puerperal muy grave; legrado uterino; curacion. Cotreo m6d. castellano, Salamanca, 1888, v, 115-118.—Cory (F. C.) Cases of pueiperal sept ica'inia. Lancet, Lontl., 1883, i, 229.— Crow (A.) Fievre puerperale. Gaz. tl. bop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 250.—Ciillingworth (C. J.) Some cases of puer- peral illness in private practice. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lontl., 1875, iii, 221; 299.—Dallas. [Sur un cas de fievre puer- perali'.] Gaz. in6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1876. xx. 35- 37.—Davis (L. N.) t Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1878, xxxviii, 412-414.— Dendy (W. C.) Case of puerperal in- flammation. Lond. M. Reposit., 1824, n. s., ii, 382-384.— Depanl. Peritonite 24 heures apres l'accouchement; metrite. J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1876, iv, 73-75.-----. Infection purulente 16 .jours apres l'accouchement. Ibid., 1878, vi, 179. -----. Metro-p6ritonite; douleurs dans lea articulations ; mortdela femme. Ibid., 1882, x, 97.— Dcs- plalN. Note sur deux cas de fievre puerperale. Rev. med. franc, etetraug.. Par., 1879. i. 341-349.— Dominguez (M.) Fiebre puerperal; curacion. Gac. metl. tie Mexico, 1869, iv, 183-188.—Donovan (W.) A case of puerperal septicaemia; prolonged high temperature; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 118.—Dorimallcr. Der Landarzt im nordlichen Westphaleu, oder: Bemerkungen aus einer niehr als vierzigjahrigen Praxis . . . Febris nervosa in puerperio. Hannov. Ann. f. tl. ges. Heilk., 1839, iv, 558- 502. — Dormann. Fiiuf Fiille von Pueiperalfieber. Med. Jahrb. tl. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1843, 3. Hit., 109-129.— Dowthvraitc (W. P.) t t Lond. M., S., efe Fhariu, Re- Sosit., 1815, iii, 105-107.—Dn Bois (A.) Puerperal lever. 1. York J. M., 1859. 3. s., vi, 27. Also : N. York M. Press, 1859, ii, 611.—Dubois (P.) Accouchement; application des forceps ; fievre puerperale; mort. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 299.—Dubrueilh (C.) tils. De la fievre puerp6rale 6pid6mique. [From : J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, juin, juillet, aofit, septb. 1848.] Ann. de metl. beli:o, Brux., 1848, iii, 218; 396: iv, 120; 262. Also, Reprint. —Duchek (A.) t t Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1853, xxxvii, 1. Hft., 85.—Duciias (>J. L ) Septicemia puerperal: cura- cion. Rev. de cien. m6d., Habana, 1880-7, i, no. 17, 6.— Also : Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1887, xiii, 306-313, 2 diag.— Bilges (A.) Fiebre puerperal; contraction teta- niea del oriticio interno del cuello uterino ; adherencias placeutarias, septicemia puerperal: muerte. Bol. de metl., Guanajuato, 1886-7, i, 60; 67; 77.—Edes. Fatal puerperal disease of doubtful character antl origin. Boston M. efe S. J., 1879, ci, 626.—Edis (A. W.) Remarks on the influence of obstetric knowledge on the mortality of mothers in childbed. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 507-511.—Ed wards (J.) I Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1887, vi, 533.—Ehlers. Zur Statistik ties Puerperalflebers. Ztschr. f. Geburtsb. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1889, xvi, 419-461,1 diag.—Elliott ( G.T.) t 'Recovery. N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 40-50. -----. Puerperal fever; autopsy. Ibid., 50-54.—Elliot (G.T.) A i'6sum6 of 26 cases of puerperal fever, whicb have occurred in tlie lying-in ward of the Charity Hospital, from Sept. 20, 1880,'to Feb. 1, 1881. N. Orl. M. 8. Also [Abstr.], in: France m6d., Par., 1858, v, 273; 281. Barth (L.) *Die Praeexistenz von Microor- ganismen im Blute mit Beriicksichtigiing eines seltenen Falles vou acuter puerperalen Septichae- mie. 8°. Krotoschin, [18821]. Busgers (D. J. C.) *Diss. exhibens tetiolo- giani febris puerperalis. 8°. Groningce, [1826]. Charles (N.) Prophylaxie de la fievre puer- perale; generalites sur les synipt6mes et la na- ture ties maladies suites tie couches, nioyens de les nSviter, emploi des antiseptiques dans les ac- couchements. 8-. Paris, 1887). Fievre (De la) puerperale, de sa nature et tie son traitement; communications a l'Acadeniie imperiale tie niedecine, par MM. Guerard, I)c- paul, Beau, Piorry, [etc.]. Pr6c6tl6 de l'intlica- tion bibliographique ties principaux Merits pu- bliees sur la fifevre puerperale. 8°. Paris, 187)8. Gadey(T.) * Essai sur le pnerp6risme infee- tieux. 4°. Paris, 1876. Geyl(A.) *Bijtlrage tot de kennis der puer- peral t inl'ectie. 4°. Leiden, 1878. Gressot (A.) * De la fievre puerperale avant l'accouchement (infection lochiale). 4°. Paris, 1874. Heijrenschneider (A.) * Ueber die Bezie- hung von Scharlach, Diphtherie uud Erysipel zum Puerperalfieber im Anschluss an einen Full von Diphtherie in puerperio. 8°. Strassburg, 1886. Hodge (H. L.), sr. On the non-contagious character of puerperal fever; an introductory lecture. 4°. Philadelphia, 187)2. Holmes ( O. W.) Puerperal fever as a pri- vate pestilence. 8°. Boston, 1855. Kiliax (H. F.) Die Faulniss als ein Erleuch- terungsmittel bei geburtshiilflichen Operationen. 8°. Keiln, 1848, Kopseel (H.) *Das Puerperalfieber. Eine pathohioisch-atiologische Betraehtuug. 8\ Ros- tock, 186)7). F ITER PER AL. 813 PUERPERAL. Puerpei'al fever (Causation and conta- gion of). Lange (H.) *De setiologia febris puerperalis. 8°. Balis, 1867. London. St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington. Spe- cial report on some recent cases of puerperal fe- ver; to which is added, correspondence between the vestry of Kensington aud the tlirector of public prosecutions; report by the law antl Parlia- mentary committee of the vestry ; and votes of evidence taken at the police court, with remarks by T. Orme Dudtield, medical officer of health. e-A [London, 1883.] Lysakowski (B.) * Ueber einen Fall von puerperalcr Pyiimie aus ungewohulicher Ur- sache. 8°. Balle, [1874]. Maktinenq (L.-L.-J.-F.) De la fievre puer- perale devant l'Acadeniie imperiale de medecine et des principes de l'hygiene et l'organicisme ap- pliques a la solution de cette question. 8°. Pa- ris, 1860. MattHjEI (P.) *Ein Beitrag znr Aetiologie ties Puerperalflebers. 8°. Marburg, [1874]. Mksserschmidt (G.) * Beitrage zur Aetiolo- gie tics Puerperalriebers. 8°. Greifswald, [1872]. Minor (T. C.) Erysipelas and child-bed fe- ver. 8°. Cincinnati, 1874. Morgenstern (E.) * Ueber das Vorkommen von Microoroauismen bei Puerperalfieber. 8°. Wiirzburg, l886>. Neistadt (K.) * Der puerperale Wundzustand und seine Bedeutung fiir die Puerperal-Infektion. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887). Pollosson (M.) *Du role de la contagion tlans 1'etiolAgie de la fievre puerperale. 4°. Pa- ris, 1878. Thesame 8°. Paris, 1878. Potgietkr (A.) Onderzoek naar de oorzakeu, tlen aartl en de kenmerken der kraamviouwen- koorts. 8U. Leiden, 1828. Reitemeyer (P. A.) *Deintoxicationibnsin puerperio. 8°. Berolini, [1863]. Stollreither (M.) * Selbstinfection und Spiithlutung im Puerperio. 8°. Miinchen, 1877. Truciiot (C.) * Etude experimentale sur le virus de la septicemic puerperale. 4G. Lyon, 1884. Verrier (E\) * Quelle part doit-on attribuer au traumatisme dans les affections puerperales. 8°. Paris, 1866. Versepuy (J.) *Del'intoxication puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1856. Vest (V.) Considerations sur la nature et les causes de la maladie appeiee tievre puerperale, fondees sur des observations cliniques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1832. de Weldige (A.) * Zusammenstellung derje- nigen Fiille von Puerperalfieber, bei welchen Mikroorganismen nachgewiesen untl seit l'-74 veioffentlichtsiud. 8°. Dorsteit, [1887)]. Winkel (F.) Ueber die Bedeutung priicipitir- ter Gehurtenfui' die Aetiologie des Puerperalfie- bers. Festschrift. 4°. Miinchen, 1884. Wycisk (O.) * eSemmelweisi doctrina de ajtio- logia febris puerperalis. 8°. Vratislaviw, 1867. Alilfclil (F.) Beitrage zur Lehre vom Resorptionsfie- ber im Wochenbette und von der Selbstinfection. Zweite Reihe. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. tl. geburtsh.-gvnaek. Klin. zu Marh., 8°, Leipz., 1885, ii, 146-159.—Alcina (B.) Diplo- cocus puerperal. Cr6n. espec. m6d.-quir., C4tliz, 1884, xv, 7-13.—Alloway (T. J.) The relation of micro-organisms to the puerpera and the wav to manage them. Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1885-6, xiv, 520-531 : 1886-7, xv, 17-36. Also, Reprint—Arloing (S.) Contribution k l'6tude de 1'agent virulent de la septicemic puerperale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcviii, 1346-1349. Also: J. de iu61886, xlvii, 150-152.—Boehr. Ueher die Infectionstheorie des Puerperalflebers und ihre Consequenzen fiir die Sanitats- Polizei. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxii, 401-433. Also : Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1867-8), 1869, xxi, 123-156. — Bondessen (J.) Nogle Betiagtninger over Puerperal-Infection. Nord. nied. Ark., Stockholm, 1884, xvi, no. 11, l-2f.—Boucanil. Etio- logie de la fievre puerp6rale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc.med.de Lyon (1869), 1870, ix,44.—Brieger (L.) Ueber bakteriologische Untersuchungen bei einigen Fallen vou Puerperalfieber. Charite-Ann. 1880, Berl., 1888, xiii, 198- 203.—Burekhardt(H.) Zur Aetiologie des Puerperalfle- bers. Frauenarzt, Beil, 1886, i, 9; 68. Also, Reprint.— Burtsefr(l. I.) Vospaleniepocbek i probodenierogovich obolochek glaz, bakteriinago proischojdenija, postpartum. [ Puerperal keratitis and nephritis; bacteria.] Soobsh. i protok. S.JYterb. med. Obsh., lt-83, i, 79-90. — t'nlie. Fievre puerperale, sa lethalite, certitude de sa contagion, mesures preventives indispensables. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1874, xii, 353.—Cairns (T.) Abstract of com- munication ou zymotic diseases iu relation to obstetrics. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii, 123.—Campa. Nota sobre la importaucia de alguuos fenomenos septicos en el puerperio. Cron. med., Valencia, 1879-80, iii, 290- 2D4 —Campbell (W. M.) Midwifery practice and in- fectious disease. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 206-213.— Cnndela y Pia (M.) Naturaleza evolutiva de los pro- cesos niorbosos puerperales. Piogreso ginec, Valencia, 1884-5, i, 577; 593.—Candor is (A.) Propagation of puer- peral fever. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1842, iv, 107. —Carroll (A. L.) A contribution to the etiology of puerperal in- fection. Med. et Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxvm, 265.— Carsten. De accoucheur, "smetstofdrager" bij febris puerperalis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1871, 2. R., vii, 1. Afd., 61-68. —Cassels, A case of nervous inflammatory puerperal fever caused by a vivid dream. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 228. — Ceder- schiold. Om spridningen af puorperalfeber. Forh. Sveus. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1870, 177-187.— Chandler (J. L.) Contagiousness of puerperal fever. Boston M. efe S. J., 1845-6, xxxiii, 341-343. —Channing. (\V.) On the contagiousness of puerperal fever. Ibid., 1855, Ui, 293-299.—Chanteinesse. Phlegmon dela cmsse droite chez une femme au neuvieme mois dela grossesse; PUKUPKKAL. 811 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Causation and conta- gion of). fievre de suppuration; herp6s labial; albuminurie; avorte- ment; p6ritoiiite teruiinale; autopsie; micrococci et chai- nettcs tlans le pus et les fausses membranes de la perito- nite, tlans les reins, le foie, etc. Examen histologique par M. Cornil. Bull. Soc, anat. de Par., 1X84, lix, 303-310. Also: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 369-371. — Chatanl (F. E.),jr. Communicabilitv of puerperal fever. Mary- lantl M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii. 467-470. Also: Obst. Ga/.., Cincin., 1888, xi, 228-234.—Chauveau. Sur la septice- mic puerperale experimentale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc, d. sc. med. de Lyon (1882), 1883, xxii, pt. 2, 129-134.—Chn- yannc (A.) La fievre puerp6iale a l'Acadeniie de mede- cine. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1858, x, 133; 157. — Clapper- ton (J.) The genesis of puerperal fever. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1876-7, iv, 13-18.—Clark (li. B.) Causes of malignant puerperal fever, with observations. Loud. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., v, 331-334.—Clarke (A.) On the possi- bility of relationship aud causation of erysipelas, diph- theria, and pueiperal fever. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Mil- waukee, 1883, xvii, 75-81. —Clement. Memoire sur la pa- thogenie de la fi6vre puerp6rale. 1°. Spoutaneite; 2". Con- tagion miasmatique. Lyon med., 1869, i, 403; 478; 546. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de.Lyon (1869), 1870, ix, 45-68. — Colomiatti (V.) La infezione puerpe- rale stutliate sul cadaveie. Ann. di ostet,, Milano, 1879, i, 672-085.—Cortigucra (J.) Septicemia puerperal por retencion de uu resto placentario en el utero, ventajas probables del legrado. Correo med. castellano, Salamanca, 1887, iv, 290-292.—Crawford (J. B.) Case of erysipelas followed hy puerperal peritonitis. Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1873, n. s., lxvi, 442-444.—Cashing (E. W.) Relationsof certain bacteria to puerperal inflammations. Piivsicians' Mag., Phila., 1885-6, i, 153-174. Also, Reprint—Cashing (W. R.) A skeptical view of some of the reputed causes of puerperal scpticieniia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1887-8, xiv. 1(17-110.—Czerniewski (E.) Zur Frage von den puerperalen Erkrankungen; eine bakterioskopische Studie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1888, xxxiii, 73-114.— Darin (E.) Contribution a l'enquete sur la contagiosite de la fievre puerperale. Kev. de th6rap. iu6d.-chir., Par., 1875. xiii, 484-4)57. — Davis (L. N.) A case of pueiperal fever due to auto-infection. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, lii, 198-200. — Delore. Fievre puerp6rale avant laccoiicheinent. Lyon tu6d., 1869, ii, 42-A1.—Desinartis (T.) Cause ilea fievres puerp6rales; contagion propagee par les medecins accoucheurs; sp6citique contre cette ma- ladie epidemique. Abeille med., Par., 1872, xxix, 25. Also, transl.: Siglo nied., Madrid, 1872, xix, 166. — Dis- cussion sur la fievre puerperale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1809), 1870, vi, 198; 225; 260.— Doyen, La fievre puerperale et l'crysip&le. [Rap. de Cornil.] Bull. Acad, de meel., Par., 1888, 2. s., xix, 725-728.—Duges (A.) Des causes de la peritonite puerperale. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1828, i, 175; 343.— Duka (T.) Childbed fever; its causes and prevention; a life's history. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 206; 246.— Dumas. Un cas d'erysipeie de la face du k linoculation accidenttile du muco-pus de l'endo- metrite; hypothese qu'il suggere. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1889, xi, 554-556.— Duinoutpallier. De la inortalite des nouvelles accouchees et tie la suppression ties grandes matemit6s. Bull, et mem. Soc. d. hop. de Par. (1870), 1871, vii, 102-113. Also, transl: Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1870, n. s., ix, 427-429.— Duncan (J. M.) On aggregation iu the Dublin Lying-in Hospital. Edinb. M. J., 18ei9-70, xv, 635-639, 4 tab. Also. Repriut. ------. The influence of aggregation on the mortality of lying-in women. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 658. '-----. On the alleged occasional epidemic prevalence of puerperal pvainia or puerperal fever, and of erysipelas. Edinb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi, 774- 784, 5 tab. [Discussion ], 840-846.— Dylircnfurth (O.) Ueher die Leitung der Placentar- periotle uud die Ursachen des Puerperalflebers. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1883, xxii, 334-345. —Earle (C. W.) The consideration of certain questions regarding puerperal fever: retained debris one of the causes; the intra-uterine douche and curette one means of cure. Tr. Internat M. Cong., Wash., 1887. ii, 399-405. Also, Reprint.— Eichholz. Eiu Beitrag zur Losung der Hebammeu- und Kinilbettfleberfrage. Frauenarzt, Berl, 1888, iii, 113-11:». — Eiscnberg (J.) Zur Aetiologie des Puer- peralfie be is; zusammenfassender historischer Bericht vom haktcriologischen Standpunkte aus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1888, iii, 336; 372. — El- kingloii (F.) Observations on the contagiousness of puerperal fever, and its connection with erysipelas. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843-4^ vii, 287.—Elsdale (R.) On the iden- tity between the poison of erysipelas and that of pueiperal fever. Assoc. M. J.. Loud.', 1853, 147.—Etiologie des epidemics de fievre puerperale. (Extrait du compte-rendu moral ties hospices civils de Lyon, pour l'annee 1864.) Gaz. metl de Lyou, 1865, xvii, 429-434.—Faye (F. C.) Om den praktiske Anvendelse af de nyero Untlersdgelser af Blodet naviilig med Hciisyn paa Puerperalaffeotioner. [On the ractical application of the recent investigations of the lood with regard to puerperal diseases.] Norsk Mag. f. Puerperal fever (Causation and conta- gion of). Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1847. 2. R., i, 535-507. -----. Betragtninger ang&ende Sygdomme, der kiinne udbrede sig epidemisk og veil Overforelse, med sarlight Hciisyn til Imocleg&elsen af Puerperalinfektion. [On epidemic tlis- eases and the contagiousness of puerperal fever.] Nurd. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1872, iv, uo. 8, 1-48; no. 16, 1-35. Also, Reprint.—Feltz. Conditions de terrain tlefavora- hies k la v6g6tation du sang du leptotrix d'origine puerpe rale. Rev. ni6d. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 341. Also: Mem. Soc. de metl. de Nancy (1878-9), 1880, pp. liii-lv.-----. ('..n- sitierations sur les conditions de d6veloppenient du lepto- thrix d'origine puerperale. Ibid., pp. xlviii—1.—Ferrier (J. C.) Sewer-gas aud puerperal septicemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 497.—Fisher (X. B.) Malignant puerperal fever; a statement of five fatal cases, involving the ques- tion of contagion. Prov. M. J., Loud., 1843-4, vii, 83-93.— Fraenkel (E.) Zur Aetiologie des Puerperalflebers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1885, xi, 583; 603.— Frankl (F. W.) A studv on the etiology of puerperal disease. Am. J. Obst., N.V., 1878, xi, 348-363.—French (G. F.) A case illustrating the need of a digito-vaginal ex- amination when puerperal fever is threatened, or whenever a sudden ill-turn follows parturition. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland. 1878, 448-450.—Fritsch. Ueber die Pathoge- nese des Puerperalflebers. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, 1883, Bresl., 1884, lxi, 78-80— Galabin (A. L.) The Hunterian oration on the etiology of puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lontl, 1887, i, 919-024!—(elans. On puerperal fever; reflections on pueiperal fever, according to Lehmann's Rapports de la commission d'obstetrique, com- muniques au cercle medical tl'Amsterdam. Cincin. Lan- cet efe Obs., 1801, iv. 083; 721: 1802, v, 2.!. [See. also, infra, Lehmann (L.).] —Gaucher (E.) efe Boursiepr (A.) In- fection purulente d'origine puerperale chez 1 homme: gue- rison. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1884, iv, 735-738.—G a a I aril. Affection puerperale chez la mere et l'enfant; transmis- sion probable par le lait; ligature tardive-; guerison. Bull. ni6tl.diinord, Lille, 1883, xxiii, 81-94.—Gay (M.) Concetto moderno della febbre puerperale (processo puerperale). Moderna med., Torino, 1878-9, i, 53-68.—Gey I (A.) Die Aetiologie der sogenannten "puerperalen Infection''des Fotus und des Neugeborenen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1879-80, xv, 384-411.— van Goudoever (L.C) lets over de ontdekking van Seiiimelweis. Neelerl. Tijtls, hr. v. Ver- losk.. Utrecht. 1851. iv. 207-224.—Graebiier (F.) Znr Aetiologie ties Puerperaltiebers St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1882, vii, 433; 441.—Griffith (G. tie C.) Ou puer- peral fever and pueiperal scarlatiua. Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 80. -----. On the unity of poison in scarlatina and puerperal fever, typhoid, diphtheria, anil erysipelas, etc. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1879-80, vii, 134; 222; 297; 424. -----. On the unity of poison in tbe scarlet, typhoid, and puerperal fevers; diphtheria, erysipelas, sore throats; certain forms of diarrhoea, and allied affectious; and in many other ailments heretofore usually considered to be separate and entirely distinct diseases. Clasgow M. J.. 1882, 4. s., xviii, 22; 100; 184. Also, Reprint.—Grigg (W. C.) On the dangers arising from disease of the uterine appendages in childbed. [On puerperal pyosalpinx.] Brit. Gvna'c J„ Lonil, 1886-7, ii, 264-281. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii 577-58U. Also [Abstr.]; Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, i, 1215.— Grisar. Besuiettelijk- heid der kraamvrouwenkoorts. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk, Utrecht, 1864, xiv, 374-383. Also, transl: Bull. Acad. roy. de rued, de Belg., Brux., 1864, 2. 8., vii, 585-590. [Rap! de Hubert], 515-541. [Discussion], 1805, 2. s., viii, 961: 1867, 3. s., i, 51; 040.—von Griinewalilt. [Ueber die Entstehung der infeclioseu Puerperaleikiau- kungen.] St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875-6, u. F., v, 354- 363.—Guerard. Du traitement tie la fievre puerperale. Bull Acad, de med.. Par.. 1857-8, xxiii, 306-382. [Discus- sion], 388; 428; 453; 484; 499; 530; 589; 61)8: 639; 675; 694; 740; 766; 787; 807; 877; 914. Also [Abstr.]: (Iaz. mi'il. de Strasb., 1858, xviii, 8:; 97: 118. Also, tranU. [Abstr.]: Am. M. Month., N. V., 1858, ix, 338-347.—Gaichanl (A.) firysipeie de la face chez le mari; guerison; seplic6mie puerp6rale chez la feinrae; mort. Bull. Soc tie med. d'An- gers, 1885, n. s., xiii, 82-91. Also: Arch, de tocol, Par., 1885, xii, 621-624.—G asserow (A.) Erysipelas untl Puer- peralfieber. Arch f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1885, xxv, 169-181. Also, transl.: Obst. Gaz., Cincin, 1886, ix, 449-459. Also. Re- print of translation.—Hallopeau (H.) & Mtackler (H.) Note sur les premiers cas d in feet ion puerperale observes a la maternite de Ihopital Tenon. Union med.. Par., 18fcU, 3. s., xxx, 579-582.—Hamilton (G.) Puerperal fever. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xiv, 485; 505. [Dis Mission], 1867. xv. 9-12.—Harris (W.) Contagion of puerperal fever. Boston M. efe S. J., 1845-6, xxxiii, 238- 240.—Harrison (G. T.) A further contribution to the study of the a-tiology and prophylaxis of puerperal septic infection. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1889. xlix, 545-551.— II ail ma ■■■■ (H.) Ueberdie Aetiologie von Erysipel und Puerperalfieber ; eine von der medicinischen Facultat tier Universitat Miinchen im Jahre 1885 gekronte Pieisscurift. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1887, vii, 83-229, 2 pl— PUERPEKAL. 815 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Causation and conta- gion of). Haussinann (D.) Zur Aetiologie des Wochenbettfie- bcrs Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 418-420: 1874, xii, 433-437. -----. Untersuchungen und Versuche iiber die Entstehung der iibertragbaren Krank- heiten des Wochenbettes. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl 1874-5, iii, 311-421. Also, Reprint. -----.Ueberdie Bedeutung tier wunden Brustwarzen. Centralbl. f. Gy- niik Leipz., 1883, vii, 121-123.—Herr (A.) Geschichte einer kleinen Kindbettfieber-Gruppe; die sofortige Fern- haltung tier Hebanime von ihrer geburtshiilflichen Tha- ti»keit als einzig sicheres Mittel gegen die Weiter- vei breitung der Krankheit. Prakt, Arzt. Wetzlar, 1882, xxiii, 1; 25; 49; 73; 97.—Hervieux (E.) Etiologie et pro- phylaxie ties epidemies pueip6rales; iu6moire hi a la So- ciete des hopitaux le 23 aout 1865. Gaz. med. de Par., 1865, 3. s., xx, 658; 677; 713; 762; 799; 813. Also, Reprint. ___L. Puerperalprocesse und Gebarhauser. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 544. -----. De l'empoisonnement puerperal. Union m6d., Par., 1869, 3. s., viii, 576; 832; 841- 855. Also: France m6d., Par., 1869, xvi, 644; 659; 667- 781. Also: Bull, et vadm. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1869), 1870, vi, 189; 229. Also [Abstr. |: Abeille m6d., Par. 1869, xxvi, 404-407. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1869, xiii, 595; 599.-----Note compiementaire sur renipoisounement puerperal. France med., Par., 1869. xvi, 763; 774: 1870, xvii, 2; 12; 20; 38: 41; 59.-----. Des voies d'61imination du poison puerperal et de la methode 61imi- natrice. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 995.-----. Note sur quelques causes de l'intoxication puerperale. Union med., Par. 1878, 3. 8., xxvi. 553; 586. Also: Bull, et 1116111. Soc metl. d. hop. de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 75-83. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1878. li, 364.—Hirst (B. C.) Effect of retained membranes on the pueiperal state. Med. News, Phila., 1887,1, 319.-----. Late infection in the puer- peral state. Ibid., 498.—Hoffmann. Zur Theorie des Kindbettflebers. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1861, viii, 3U- 35—Holmes ((). W.) The contagiousness of puerperal f.ver. N. Eng. Q. J. M. efe S., Bost., 1842-3, i, 503-530. Also, Reprint. —Howe (J. M.) Autogenetic puerperal septicemia: its causes, prophylaxis, and treatment. Liver- pe,ed & Manchester M. efe S. Rep., 1878. vi, 184-194.—Hul- berl (U. P.) A case of uterine phlebitis due to sepsis. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1887, xv, 286-289.—Hum- phreys (C. H.) The relation of pueiperal fever to the zymotic tliseases. Columbus M. J.. 1882-3, i, 500-502.— Hunter (G.) Puerperal fever and septicajmia; their ielation and probable identity. Edinb. M. J., 1876-7, xxii, 2(12-215. — Huntley (R. E.) The etiology of puerperal fever. Brit, M. J., Lond.. 1875, i, 271—Jamicson (J.) Puerperal fever and medical lesponsibility. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1881-2, i, 49.—Jenkins (J. T.) Identity of erysipelas and puerperal fever. Indiana M. Reporter, Evan'sville. 1880, i 294-298.— Jenncr (J. E.) The rela- tion between epidemic erysipelas and puerperal fever. Canada Lancet, Toronto. 1885-6, xviii. 63-65. — Kaltcn- bach. Erosioueu der Brustwarze als puerperale Infek- tionsstelle. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 65-72. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 156; 190.— Kaufmann. Ueber die Ursachen des epitlemischen Puerperalflebers in Geharanstalten. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1865, xxvi, 423. -----. Beobachtungen fiber Ver- schleppung von Puerperalfieber durch eine Hebamme. Ibid., 1867, xxix, 246-255. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. iu Berl. (1866-7), 1868, xx, 8-18. Also [Ab- str.] : Verhandl. d. Ver. pfalz. Aerzte 1866-8, Frankenthal, 1869, 9-11. —Kemper (A. C.) Report of a discussion upon hospitalism and zymotic diseases as inure especially illustrated by puerperal fever or metria. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1870, xiii, 272; 321; 385; 523. —Kennedy (E.) Zymotic diseases, as more especially illustrated by puer- peral fever. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvii, 269-307. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1869, i, 471-473.—Ki- wisch vou Botterau. Einige Worte iiber die vom Prof. Skotla veroffentlichte Entdeckung des Dr. Semniel- weis, tlie Entstehung des Puerperalflebers hetrefl'end. Zt- schr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1850, vi, 300- 300.—Kneel and (S.) On the contagiousness of puer- peral fever, and its connection with epidemic erysipelas. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s., xi, 45; 324. Also, Re- print. — Krauss (B. J.) Beitrag zur moglichen Ent- stehung uud Verbreitung des bosartigen Puerperalflebers. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1873, v, 562-564. —Kueher (J.) On the relation of the atmosphere to pueiperal fever. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 390-394.—liaffter (T.) Gehirnerweichuiig, bedingt durch Micrococcen-Infection bei puerperaler Pvamie. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 205-207.—Lamliin (L.) Das Puerperalfieber und die Ge- barhauser. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 150; 166. -----, Ueber Selbstinfection im Wochenbette. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1884, xxiii, 293-301. — Lapponi (G.) Sopra un caso di fortuita infezione puerperale in soggetto niaschile. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1880, 2. s., x, 364-31(). Also.- Osser- vatore med., Palermo, 1881, 3. s., xi, 50; 126.— I,auwcrs (E.) De l'etiologie de la fievre puerperale. Rev. metl., Louvain, 1885, iv, 5-9.—lie Fort. Les pansements et la Puerperal fever (Causation and conta- gion of). contagion; un exemple de soidisant epidemic de fievre puerp6rale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 2.—Lehniniui (L.) Considerations sur la fievre puerp6rale; rapports de la commission d'obstetiique, communiques au Cercle me- dical d'Amsterdam; traduit du hollandais par le docteur Dieudonne. J. de m6d., de chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1858, xxvii, 217; 316; 409. [See, also, supra, Gans. See, also, infra, von Siebold (E.)] — Lomcr (E.) Ueber den heu- tigen Stand der Lehre von den Infectionstiagern bei Puer- peralfieber. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik.. Stuttg., 1884, x, 306-397. Also, transl: Am. J. Obst., X. V.. 1884, xvii, 673- 697. — IjongstaflT (G. B.) On some statistical indications of a relationship between scarlatina, puerperal fever, and certain other diseases. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc Lond. (1875-80), 1880, iv, 421-430. 2 ch. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lemd., 1880, i, 661.— Ijtic (II.) Septic6raieparr6tentionduplaceiita suivie de phlebite uterine et (l'infection purulente, Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 621-626. Also: Progres m6d., Par..1882, x,425.—l.iihe. Beitrag zur Aetiologie der puer- peralen Infection. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1877, xi, 205.— I.uthens. Ungewiihnliche Pustelhildung am mensch- licheu Anne, entstanden nach der, bei einer Stute geleiste- ten Geburtsbiilfe. Mag. f. d. ges. Thierb., Berl.. 1845, xi, 170-174, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1845, xviii, 268-270.— I -a ■■■ pe (E.) Das Puerperalfieber. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, ii, 341- 359. -----. Zur Theorie tier Puerperalfieber. Ibid., 1850, vi, 392-398—liiisk (W. T.) The genesis of an epidemic of puerperal fever. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1875-6, viii. 369- 399. Also, Reprint. [ See, also, supra, Barker (F.) ] — ■jiistig (A.) Contiibiito all' eziologia del processo puer- perale. Morgagni, Napoli, 1888. xxx, 388-392.—lTlaedon- ald (A.) The communicability of pueiperal fever by the medical attendant. Brit, M.|j'., Lontl, 1880, ii, 771-774.— Mnclarcu (A.) The relation between erysipelas and puerperal fever, considering erysipelas both as an acute and a latent disease. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1887. ix, 231-235.—Mair (J.) Die Ansteckung bei dem Kindbett- fieber. Aerztl. Int -Bl., Miiuchen, 1865, xii, 269.—Marino (Z.) Etiologia tlella febbre puerperale. Bull. d. Soc Lan- cisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1888, viii, 184-212.—Marsh (J. P.) iEtiologv of puer«peral fever. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 568-572.—Martin (E.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigeu Stand der Lehie vom Puerperalfieber uud die nachste Aufgabe fiir die feruere Bearbeitung derselben. Ztschr. f. rat, Med., Heidelb., 1846, v, 1-44.—Mnsiui (A.) et al. Studi sperimentali sulla infezione puerperale. Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1881, xlviii, 161-176. Also [Abstr.]: Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1881, 2. s., xv, 201.—Mallei. Du role que joue la precipitation de ia lyniphe plastique dans la production des fievres puerperales. des resorptions pu- rulentes et des resorptions put rides. Monit, d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 284; 297; 313; 340; 346.—Mayrhofer (C.) Unter- suchungen fiber Aetiologie der Puerperalprocesse. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1863, v. 28-42. -----. Zur Aetiologie der Puerperalprozesse. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv. 90. -----. Vorlaufige Mittheihmg fiber das Vorkommen von Vibrio- nen bei Woehnerinnen und deren allfallige Bedeutung fiir Pnerperalerkrankungen. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte iu Wien, 1803, 17-20. -----. Zur Frage nach tier Aetiologie tier Puerperalprocesse. Ibid., 1864, 249-255. Also: Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 261; 272. —Microbe (Le) de la fievre puerp6rale. Tribune m6d., Par., 1879, xi, 157-159.—Mitchell (C. L.) Puerperal fever; as to the danger of hospital surgeons communicating the poison of (so-called) hospital diseases to patients in lying-in wards, and thus causing pueiperal fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 452-454.—Montaull (H.) Observations et recher- ches sur la p6ritonite, la m6trit6 et la phlebite uterine puerp6ralcs (fievre puerp6rale des auteurs). J. compl. tlu diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1831, xl, 3; 225.—Moodie (J.) Original opinions as to contagion aud puerperal fever, antl contagious diseases. Inhis: New aud Oiig. Opinions [etc.], 12°, Edinb.. 1850, 78-90.—Neville (W.C.) On the nature and prevention of the graver fevers of childbed. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., lxxviii, 314 ; 391; 490— Noeggcrath (E ) On a puerperal fever microbe and its habitat in M ew York. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1886, xix, 449-456, 1 pl-Notta (M ) Phlebite uterine infectieuse chez uue primipare ; frissons multiples ; f6tidit6 des selles; f6tidit6 des lochies; infection par l'aecoucheiir; gu6rison. France m6d., Par., 1884 ii 1550-1554. Also.- Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1884, viii 104-109.—Olvera (J.) Unaspocas palabras sobre la infection pantanosa en el estado puerperal. Obseryador metl. Mexico, 1872-4, ii, 145-149 -Ottaviani (V.) Al- cune osservazioni sui contagi e sulla febre puerperale. Ann. univ. di metl., Milano, 1842, ciii, 400-40o — Pane (N.) Sull etiologia dell infezione puerperale. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 341-345. - Parish (W H.) Puerperal septicteiuia of internal origin. Clin. Mews, Phila 1880 i, 133— Peddie (A.) Cases illustrative of the' contagious nature of pueiperal fever, and its in- timate connection with erysipelatous and phlebitic in- flammation. Edinb. M. efe S. J-, 1846 lxv, 7t-95. Alio, Reprint. —Pedley (R. D.) Puerperal fever; a possible PUKIirEKAL. 816 PUEItrEUAL. Puerperal fever (Causation and conta- gion of). source of contagion. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1273.— I»faiiuenstiel. Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Aetiologie ties Puerperalflebers. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1888, xii (117-027.—Phelan (D.) Puerperal fever in lying-in hospitals. Metl. Press ■& Circ, Lond., T868, n. s., vi, 193.— I'icciiiiui (H.) Sur la contagion puerp6rale, sa vraie et principale cause, sa prophylaxie et sa therapeutique. (\itiii. period, internat. d. sc med. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 1880. vi. 481-485.—Pidoux. Notes sur la fievre puerperale k 1'occasion des tlebats academiques. Union meel.. Par., 1858, xii, 190; 202: 214; 226; 238; 250; 278; 290; 303; 321. — Pike (J. B.) Septicaemia from decomposed hydatidiform mole of uterus. Lancet. Loud.', 1882, i, 1072.— Pitcher (Z.) On the induction of puerperal fever by inoculation (so-called). Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, 1854-5, ii, 337-354.—Playfair (W. S.) An address on defective sanitation as a cause of puerperal disease. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 251-254.—Puerperal fever; amitlwifecai riesdeath to four happy homes. [From: Cleveland Leader.] Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1881-2, i, 334-336.—Puerperal fever antl inferior organisms. [Eilit.| Boston M. & S. J., 1882. cvi, 184; 210.—Puerperalfieber untl Ce -barhiiuscr ; Gutach- ten tier Proi'essoreii Oppolzer, Rokitan/.ky |anel others]. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1804, v, 1)3; 125.—Quiuquaud. Note sur les manifestations rhumatoitles de 1 etat puerperal pro- premeut dit, et du puerperisme infei-tieux. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i, 496; 547; 570; 035.—Knriborski. Re- flexions sur l'application tie la theorie ciitalytique ou de fermentation, faite par M. le docteur Trousseau ii la patho- genie de la fievre puerperale, avec reclamation ele- priorit6. Monit, tl. hop., Par., 1858, vi. 459-461.—Relative to ery- sipelas and puerperal fever; being replies, by nine observ- ers of diseases, to a letter of inquiry concerning any rela- tion between the two tliseases. Kep. Bd. Health Mich. 1870-7, Lansing, 1878, 347-35(1—de Robert de Latour. Des etats morbitles coufondus sous le nom tie tievre puerpe- rale. Union m6d„ Par., 1865, 2. s., xxv, 357; 391; 472; 522; 553; 564.—Roberlon (J.) Is puerperal fever infectious? Lontl. M. Gaz.. 1831-2, ix. 503-505. Also: Boston M. efe S. ■!., 183J, vi, 92-95 —Robertson (A.) Cases of puerpe- ral fever, scarlatina, anil measles after labour, occurring nearly consecutively. Brit. M.V., Lond., 1875, i, 640. — Robsou (A. W. M.) A frequent cause of autogenetic puerperal septicemia. Med. Times efe (Jaz., Lontl., 1879, ii, 236. — Rodman (\V. B.) The contagiousness of puer- peral fever. Med. Ret:., N. Y., 1875, x, 555-557. — Roth. Weiterer Beitraii zur Aetiologie lies Puerperalflebers. Verhandl. tl. Ver. pfalz. Aerzte 1875, Diirkheiin, 1870, 25-3U. -----. Ueber Puerperalfieber. Ibid., 1874, Diirk- heiin, 1875, 9-19. — Routh (C. H. F.) On the causes of the endemic puerperal fever of Vienna. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1849, xxxii, 27-40.— Rowe ( F. H. ) Erysipelas antl puerperal fever. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1881-2, iv. 117.— Sanger. Ueber die Beziehungen der gonorrhoischen Eikrankuiigen zu Puerperalerkrankungen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1886, i, 177-212. Also [Abstr.]: Wieu. metl. Bl, 1886, ix, 902— ttaflord (E. i>.) On the specific contagion of one form of puerperal fever. Tr. M.Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1872,401-406 —Seauzoui (F.) Bemerkungen fiber die Genesis des Kinillietttieliers. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1846, x, pt. 2, 1-18.— Schullcii. Einiges fiber coutagiose Puerperalkraukhei- ten. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl, 1859, xvii, 228-238, 1 pl.—Schuvler (W. D.) Puerperal fever from various causes. Meel. Bee:., N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 6-10.—Semmel- weis (Li Htiehst wiehtige Erfahrungen fiber dit' A etiolo- gie tier in Gebaranstaltenepidemisehen Puerperalfieber. Zt- schr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte in Wien, 1847, ii, 242: 1849, v, 64. [See, also, infra, Skoda. See, also, supra, Kiwisch von Rotterau; Wycisk.J -----. A gyeriiiek&tryi lAz ktirok- tana. ( Aetiologie des Puerperalflebers.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1858,'ii. 1; 17; 65; 81; 305; 337; 353. — Nickel (C.) (Jeber das Puerperalfieber und desseu Behandlung; nach den Verhandlungen in der Acatl. de med. zu Paris dargestellt. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1859, ci, 110-124.— von Siebold (E.) Betrachtungen fiber das Kindbett- fieber. Nach Lehmann's "Rapports de la commission d'obstetrique,, communiques au Cercle medical tl'Amster- dam ". Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1861, xvii, 335; 4ol: xviii, 19. [See, also, supra, Lehmann (L.)]— Simmon ( L. A.) A contribution to the study of the re- lation of crwpelas and puerperal fever. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1887-8, vii, 361-363.—Simpson (J. Y.) On the com mimic-ability and propagation of puer- peial fever. Month. J. M. Sc.'Lond. efe Edinb., 1851, xiii, 72-81. Also, in his: Works [Dis. of Women), 8°, Edinb., 1871. i, 505-518. -----. Om Barselfeberen og dens Smit- sonibed. Norsk Mag. f Ltegevidensk., Christiania, 1865, 2. R., xix, 24-35. — .Skoda. Ueber die von Dr. Semmel- weis eutdeckte wahre I'lsache der in der Wiener Gebaran- stalt uniiewohnlich hautig vorkomuienden Erkrankungen der Wiit bueriuneii, und des Mittels zur Verminderung dieser Erkrauktingeii bis auf die gewiihnliche Zahl. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1850, vi, 107-117. [See, also, supra, Kiwisch von Rotterau.]—Smith Puerperal fever (Causation and conta- gion of). (J. M.) Puerperal fever: its causes and modes of propaga- tion. N. YorkJ.M.,1857. 2.».,iii. 145-179. Also, Reprint- Smith ( VV. R.) Etiology of puerperal fever. Laucet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1067— Npicgclbcrg. Ueher Formen und Genese tier Puerperallieber. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, 1868, Bresl, 1869, xlvi, 180. -----. Die Entwicklung der puerperalen Infection. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 309-312. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber die Entwickelung der puerperalen Infection. Bres- lau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 125. Also: Jahresb. tl schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1880, Bresl, 1881, lviii, 49-51.— Stanski. Quelques observations sur les fails de la con- tagion de la fievre puerperale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1808, xii, 66.—Stehbergcr (G.) Zur Contagiositiit des Puer- peralflebers. Mouatscbr. f. Geburtsk. it. Frauenkr., Berl, 1866, xxvii, 300-309.—Stewart (W.) On the influence of the zymotic poisons upon the puerperal condition. Lau- cet, Lontl., 1878, ii, 400.—Storrs (R.) On the contagious effects of puerperal fever on tbe male subject, or on per- sons not cbildhearing. Prov. M. efe S. J., Loud., 1845. 289- 292.—Strange (W.) Ou puerperal septicaemia antl its re- lations, if any, with the poisons of the specific zymotic tliseases. measles, scarlet fever, small-pox, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 79; 115. -----. The aetiology and pathol- ogy of sporadic puerperal septicaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1228-1230.—Sullivan (G. H.) Puerperal septi- caemia antedating labor. South. Pract., Nashville, 1883, v, 347.—Syme (J.) On the contagiousness of puerperal fever, and its connection with erysipelas. Lancet, Lontl., 1849, i, 537.—Thomas (T. G.) Discussion upon septicae- mia before the New York Obstetrical Society. Am. Obst., N. Y., 1873-4, vi, 247-261. — I'll or bar a (J.) Foot-and- mouth disease and the lying-in woman. Laucet, Lond., 1883, i, 518.—Tilt *E- J-) The late discussion on puerpe- Seral fever, and on its treatment bv intrauterine injection*. lit, M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 294-200—Trier (Iv) Er Ba.- selfeberen en miasmatisk eller en Infektioussygdom ? Efter Dr. A. Hirsch : Handbuch der historischgeogr. Pa- thologie, Erlangen, 1859. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., lwi">. 2. R., xiii, 1-31.—Trousseau. De l'infection purulente puerperale. Union m6d.,'Par., 1862, 2. s., xiv, 197; 211; 229: 248; 345; 336; 394.—Trush. Case- of pueiperal fe- ver from gonorrheal poisoning. Ubst, Gaz., Cincin., 1882, v, 576-581.—Tuckey (T. P.) Cases bearing ou the theory of the origin of puerperal fever in septic infection. Metl. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1878, n. s., xxvi, 265-267.— Under- bill (C. E.) Some cases of puerperal septicaemia title to impure atmosphere. Tr. Ediub. Obst. Soc, 1887-8. xiii, 120-126. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 979-983.— Vcsallo I'lilljiir. Iufluencia tie las benioiragias del aluinhraniiento en la aparicion de los puerperismos. Voz de Hipocrates, Mexico. 1883, i, 262 ; 268.—Veit (J.) Ueber pueiperale Iufectioneu mit liingerer Incubationszeit. Zt- schr. f Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1881, vi, 378-394, 3 tab.— Virchow. Ueber die nosologische untl iitiologisclie Stellung ties epideniischen Puerperalflebers. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1804), 1865, xvii, -Jl- 27.— Wadtly(J. M.) Confessions of an accoucheur. Dub- lin M. Press. 1846, xv, 15.—Wahl. Ueber Aetiologie und eine perniciose Epidemic des Puerperalflebers Aerztl Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 139-142.—Walford. Puer- peral fever. Prov. M. efe S. J., Loud., 1850, 711-713.—Wal- lingford (J. T.) Septicaemia preceding delivery. Cin- cin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1882, ix, 417.—Wegseheider. Be- obachtungen fiber Verschleppung von Puerperalfieber. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1862-3), 1864, xvi, 177-185.—Wells (T. S.) On the relation of puerperal fever to the infective diseases and pyaemia. Tr.Obst. Soc. Lond. (1875), 1870, xvii, 90-101. [Iliscussionl, 101; 131; 178; 217. Also: Lancet, Lontl, 1875, i, 537; 685; 824: ii, 91. Also: Brit. M. J„ Lontl., 1875, i, 501 ; 516; 642 ; 648; 775: ii, 102. Also: Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1875, i, 436; 453- 592; 620; 671: ii, 79; 107; 134. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit,, Lond., 1875-0, iii, 97; 180: 248; 322. —Wcnzel (IL P.) The relation of diphtheria ami ervsipt las to puerperal fever Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1883, xvii, 00- 74. West (C.) The relation of puerperal ft ver to the in- fective diseases and pyaemia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1875, ii, 97.—'Westmoreland (W. F.) Editorial correspondence from Paris. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1856-7, ii, 301. — Widal (F.) Sur l'infection puerperaleetl'erysipele. Bull. Acad. de metl.,Par., 1888, 2.8., xix, 879-881— Wiglesworlh ( A.) Extraneous causes of puerperal septicemia. Liverpool M.-Chir.J., 1889, ix, 405-420. Also [Abstr.] : Metl. Press efc Circ, Lontl., 1889, u. s., xlvii, 436-438. — Wilson (R. 1.) Erysipelas and pueiperal fever. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888-9, xx, 401-403. Puerperal fever (Complications and se- que ce of). See, also, Pelvis (Abscess in). Bernardy (E. P.) The recurrence of puerpe- ral fever. 8C. [n.p., 1879.] PUERPEWAL. 817 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Complications and se- quela; of). Derevogi (E.-T.) *De la fievre puerp6rale couipliqn^e de manie aigue. 4°. Paris, 1873. Derville (H.) *Des manifestations pleuro- pulniouaires daus la fievre puerp6rale. 4°. Pa- ris, 1874. Freund (L.) * Ueber Dipht-heritis des Darms im Puerperalfieber. 8°. Berlin, [1871]. Meyer (E.) * Ueber puerperale Fieberpsy- chosen. [Strasburg. ] 8°. Gebiveiler, 1888. Muniere (P.) * De l'ictere consecutif a la Beptic6mie puerperale. 4°. Xancy, 1876. Staes (C.) * Des collections purulentes dans les in6fcro-p6ritonites puerperales. 4°. Paris, 1875. Verjus (F.) * Des abces piierpe"raiix des an- nexes ile l'uterus. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Barbieri (A.) Metrorragia dopo il parto; febbre puerperale con miliare; fenomeni tifoidei; guarigione. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1863, 5. s., ii, 9.—Itchier. Infection purulente postpuerp6rale a foyers multiples et dissemin6s; suppuration uterine post-puerp6rale; foyers purulenta dans l'uterus, la trompe droite, l'ovaire droit, le ligament large et le tissu cellulaire peri-uterin ; suppura- tion dans les muscles et les articulations; abces metasta- tiques: poumon et rate. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1873, xlviii, 429-435.—Bertrand. M6tro-p6ritonitepuerp6rale suppuree; evacuation au dehors du liquide purulent par l'ombilic; injections iodees; guerison. Monit.d. hop., Par., 1859, vii, 668-672. -Bloeq (P.) Infection puerperale; en- docardite ulc.6reuse de la valvule tricuspide; infarctus multiples (poumons, rate, foie, peau); suppuration des gaines tendineuses. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 445- 449,—Bonnet. Otite purulente apres un accouchement; phlebite des sinus; pyoh6mie; autopsie. Ann. tl. mai. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc.. Par., 1886, xii, 337-343.—Bouil- land. Metro-p6ritonite partielle avec complication tie phlegmon dans la fosse iliaque droite, suite de couches. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, 2. s., iv, 18. — Brain well (B.) Pueiperal fever; Bright's disease; thrombosis of the femo- ral vein; puerperal choroiditis; death. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 516.—Broers (H.J.) Uitgang van perito- nitis puerperalis in absces-vorming Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht, 1849. iii, 137.—Burnet (J. B.) Case of puerperal fever with mania. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 31.-Carmiehnel (J.) The history of a puerperal affection terminating in a discharge of pus from the umbilicus. Med. efe Phil. Comment., Lond., 1776, iv, 445-447. — Caron. |Fievre puerperale; paralysie; dans l'heiuispbere gauche tin cerveau, un abces gros comme nne petite noix.j Bull. Soc. anat., Par., 1852, xxvii, 207.— [Cases.] Typhus, post puerperium cum morbo Brightii, sulisequente maculoso. Ber. a. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1863, Wien, 1864, 47.—Pelvi-p6ritonite puerp6rale; ahc.es iliaque. Union med. tlu Canada, Montreal, 1882, xi, 203- 209.—Cayol. M6nioire k consultur et consultation, sur nn cas de peritonite circonscrite dans la fosse iliaque, avec contracture de la euisse, k la suite d'une fievre puerperale. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1853, i, 385-393.—Cer- vera (J.) Caso practico notable de metro-ovaro-perito- nitis puerperal, terminado por supuracion; cmacion. Es- pana nied., Madrid, 1860, v, 371; 390.—Channing (W.) Observations on puerperal fever with diarrhtea. N. Eng. J. M. efe S., Bost., 1813, ii, 232-241 — Charpentier. Sep- ticemic puerp6rale grave; gangrene de l'uterus et du va- in ; curage; eu6rison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gvn6c. e Par., 1888, iv, 182-188.-C'homel (A.-F.) M6tro'-p6ri- tonite puerp6rale survenue tiois jours apres les couches; complication grave du cote tie la poitrine; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843,2. s., v, 29. Also, transl.: Med. Exam., Phila., 1843, vi, 61.—de Cortejarena (F.) Observation de hemorragia despuesdel parto; infection purulenta puer- peral; irido-coroitlitis purulenta y artritis do la rodilla iz- quierda. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1886, vi, 323-335. Also, transl: Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1886, xxxiii, 7-11.— Courant. Observation sur un depot qu'on soupconne s'i'tre form6 dans l'un des ligaraens larges de la matrice, k la suite d'une fievre pueip6rale, et reflexions sur cette fievre. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1810, xx, 99- 107.—l!ox (W. J.) Puerperal fever, with sloughing of the vulva and vaniua. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 283.— C'roskery (II ) Case of puerperal peritonitis, terminat- ing in the formation of pelvic abscess; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvi, 629.— Delonjon- Delagrange. Fievre puerperale; phlebite (phlegmasia alba dolens); fievre typhoide; mort. Bull.Soc.anat.de Par., 1844, xviii, 332-339. [Rap. de Bouchut], 339-349.— Diener (J. L.), jr. Beobaehtung und Heilung einer nach zuriickgetretenem Kindhetterinnenfriesel schnell ent- stantleiieu Balggeschwulst in der Luftrohre einer 24jah- rigen Frau; mit Epicrise von Dr. Diethelm Lavater. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Heilbr., 1837, ii, 301- Pnerperal fever (Complications and se- quela' of). 306.—Dixon (E. L.) Abortion, phlegmasia dolens, and septicaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i. 248.—Bruit! (R.) Case of puerperal fever, complicated with diphtheria, in which life was saved by the sesquichloride of iron. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1861), 1862, iii, 30-34.—Fasoia (E.) Delle lesioni articolari ed ossee nei processi puerperali. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1882, iv, 385-421— Ferrez. Observation de m6tro-p6ritonite puerp6rale hemorrhagique. Gaz. m6d. deLyon, 1864, xvi, 55-59.—Ferriani. Fievre pernicieuse puerperale, compliquee de rougeole. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 213-216.—Filippesehi (L.) Metrite parenchimatosa puerperale; ascesso dell' utero; apertura spontanea della raccolta nel tubo intestinale; guarigione. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1878, xiii, 348-365.—Fischer (R.) Merkwiirdiges Pueiperalfieber, complicirt mit Encepha- litis, Oophoritis, Phlegmasia alba dolens und geendigt mit einem Wechselfieber. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxv, 46-58.—Pointer. Peritonitis nach dem Puerperium; Pericarditis; doppelseitiges pleuriti- sches Exsudat; Perforation des eitrigen peritonaalen Ex- sudats durch die Bauchdecken und nach der Scheide; Perforation tier Darmwand und Wiederverheilung dersel- ben; Bauchfistel. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz.. 1862, iii, 183- 185.—Foueart (A.) Peritonite puerp6rale; sulfate de quinine; formation d'une ouverture k l'ombilic et sortie d'une grande quantite de pus. France m6d., Par., 1856, iii, 411.—Garcia de Castro (J.) Metroperitonitis puer- peral; absceso consecutivo; abertura del mismo en la re- gion infra-umbilical; curacion. Gac. med. de Sevilla, 1881, iii, 121-124. Also : Bol. de med. y cirug. de Jaen, 1881, iii, 394-399.—Gaunt (T. T.) Secondary puerperal hemor- rhage, complicating septic endometritis. Med. Rec, N. V., 1883, xxiii, 221.—Gayat (J.) Choroidite suppurative et collection purulente au-dessous du tendon scierotical du droit snp6rieur, dans un cas de fievre puerperale. Lyon m6d., 1872, xi, 451-457. Also: M6m. et compt, rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1872), 1873, xii, pt. 2, 184-191.—Goe- thals. Metro-peritonite; albuminurie; attaqued'edamp- sie uremique; guerison. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1882, x, 131.—Gosselin. Pseudo-phlegmon iliaque droit, consecu- tif il unep6ritouite chronique puerperale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 413.—Guencau de III ussy. Accouchement; ref'roidissement et fatigue le septieme jour; suppression des lochies; ovarite & droite; antiphlogistiques; abces ou- vertdansle cceeum,danslavessieetill'ext6rieur : en voie de gu6rison. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 307—Gui bout. P6rimetrite puerperale, suivie de phlegmon sous-vesical. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, 102-106. Also: France in6d., Par, 1879, xxvi, 427.— Guilniain. Observation sur une peritonite puerp6rale aigue, suivie d'un epanche- ment considerable de pus dans le ventre. J. de la sect, de m6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1831, vii, 97-100.— Gunning (J. H.) Puerperal abscess. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 188s, xxi, 1277-1279. — Hervieux. Influence des 6pid6mies puerperales sur le terme de l'accouchement. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1883, 2. s., xii, 1272-1297.— Hewitt (G.) Puerperal pyaemia and arthritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 300.—voii Hoist (L.) Endometritis et Perimetritis puerperalis. Pneumonia dextr.; multiple Ab- scesse; Heilung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1887, n. F., iv, 299; 307.—Homer ( F. ), jr. Puerperal fever with peri-uterine cellulitis. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 116-118.— Janeway (E. G.) Ante-mortem de- composition of the arms during septicemia following abor- tion. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 449. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1879, xii, 171.— Jauzion. Fievre puerp6rale compliqu6e de fievre scarlatine, avec cholera- morbus dans son debut. Hist. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Montpel., 1808, xvii, 65-68.—Kennedy (E.) Cases, with observations, on puerperal purpuric fever. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, i, 222-225.—Knapp. Ueber metasta- tische Aderhautentziindung im Puerperalfieber. Ver- handl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb. (1865-6), 1868, iv, 117-121.—Konacz (C.) Febris puerperalis cum pleuro- pneumonia. In his: Diss, sistenslustrationes cadaveruin, Ietc.], 8°, Pragae, 1839, 48-54.—Kioiilein (R. U.) En- dometritis puerperalis mit zahlreichen, pyamischen Me- tastasen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., P.eil., 1877, xxi (Suppl), 227.—Kiinstle (G.) efe Freudenberger (J.) Endome- tritis puerperalis, Kolpitis gaugranosa; Abscesse im Ute- rusgewebe, in den Ovarien untl retro-peritoneal. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1876-7), 1881 219.— I>acheze (A.) Observation de peritonite puerperale avec perforation de l'cesophage. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1830-31, iv, 23.—Leanglet. Fievre puerperale; diarrhee fetide; lavements au permanganate tie potasse; mort. Union m6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 374. Also: Rev. med.-chir. d.raal. tl. femmes. Par., 1882, iv, 694-698.— de liaplauge (J.) Peritonitepuerp6rale; epanchement purulent considerable dans la cavite p6riton6ale; para- centeses gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 255. Also, transl: Bull. Soc. tie m6d. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges, 1868, 288-293.—Ijever (J. C. W.) Acute puerperal peritonitis, with chronic adhesions and faecal abscess. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1855, 3. s., 81-84.— 52 PUEKPEEAL. 818 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Complications and se- quelae of). Ijiegey. La mere et l'enfant; phimosis s'opposant k remission de l'urine chez le nouveau-n6; circoncision; reiiseignements curieux fonrnis, sur une asphyxie locale par la mire atteinte d'accidents f'6briles puerp6raux. J. dc med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1877, lxiv, 350-354.— Tic l.oiiiiau (M. C.) Case of peritoneal inflammation, after confinement terminating in suppuration. Carolina J. M., Charleston, 1825, i, 129-131.—ITIacquet. [Femme de 27 ans enceinte k terme; angiocardite; plusieurs sai- gnees; accouchement: l'enfant mort; hemorrhagie fatale; uterus raniolli et rempli de sang avec quelques goutelettes desang; fievre puerperale?] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1846, xxi, 171-177.—Ularcorelli (A.) Febbre puerperale e pneumonite secondaria. Osservatore, Torino, ]888, xxxix, 553-560.—May (H.) On puerperal fever in its relations to scailet fever. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1872, i, 215; 279.— ITIewis. Puerperalinfection; Uleera introitus; Phlebo- thrombosis; Pyaemia; CEdema cerebri; Parametritis dex- tra; Perforationsperitonitis; Tod am 49. Tage. Ber. ... a. tl. k. sachs. Kntbind.-Inst. in Dresd. 1874-5, Leipz., 1876, ii, 102-10.").—IM i I ler (E.) Co-existence of puerperal perito- nitis, erysipelas, and diphtheria. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1882-3, ix, 278-282.—iTIoll. Puerperalfieber mit todtlichem Ausgange in Folge Phlebitis der Vena saphena magna. DeutscheKliuik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 43-45.— ITlarillo (A.) Parto prematuro; fiebre de carActer reu- matismal; complicacion de las meninjes; muerte. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant.de Chile, 1875-6, iv, 290.—ITIusgravc (J. T.) Case of abortion, followed by septicaemia and fatal cardiac thrombosis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1879), 1880, xxi, 81-85.—Osiandcr (F. B.) Starke Eiterung in tier Beckenhole, angefangen iu der Schwangerschaft, geeu- diget mit kaltem Kindbetterinnenfieber und Tod. In his: Denkwiirtligkciten f. d. Heilk. u. Geburtsh., Gotting., 8°, 1794, i, 153-181.—Peter. Grossesse de six mois; eclamp- sie pueip6rale par urinemie; avortement; fievre puerpe- rale, myocardite aigue diagnostiqu6e pendant la vie; autopsie; 16sions de la myocardite aigue, ainsi que la fievre puerperale. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, 232-236.— Also: France m6d., Par., 1880, xxvii, 305. Also: Arch.de tocol, Par., 1880, vii, 492-495.—Peuterinnns. Observa- tion de fievre puerperale typhoide termin6e par un abces de l'ovaire. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1847, viii, 87- 91. [Rap. de Demaeyer], 92-95.—Pilat. Infection puer- perale; parotide et abces critique; guerison. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1882, x, 123. -----. Fievre puerp6rale (in- fection puerp6rale); phlegmons des avant-bras; ahces; autopsie; variole chez l'enfant mort. Ibid., 138. -----. Infection puerp6rale avec deiire maniaque; mort sept jours apres l'accouchement. Ibid., 1883, xi, 195. -----. Lymphangite puerperale. puis inflammation du ligament large; abces; gu6rison. Ibid., 1884, xii, 50.— Pan tons (T.) Cas de p6ritonite puerperale, suivie d'ascite et de perforation spontan6e des parois abdominales. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1832, ii, 222-227. — Putegnat. Considerations sur les abces iliaques puerp6raux. Extrait dun ouvrage inedit intitule: Quelques fails de tocologie. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1865, xl, 509-523. Also, Reprint.- Quinn (T. C.) Case of puerperal septi- cemia; convulsions; hemiplegia; phlegmasia doleus; re- covery. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1880, xxii, 65-69.—Ricz. Metro-pCritonite puerp6rale; perforation intestinale. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1878, xxx, 81.—Kobinet. [Une femme de 26 ans, morte d'infection purulente k la suite d'une fievre puerperale.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 325-327.—Bothe (C. G.) Fall von Puerperalfieber; Hirnembolie; Gent snug. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1885, n. F., v, 129-138.— Sax in ger. Pyaemia puerperalis compli- cirt mit Icterus catarrbalis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1864, 272-274 —Salter. Puerperal fever followed by phlegmasia dolens. Boston M. efe S. J., 1856-7, lv, 511.—Sc limit! (W. J.) Beobachtungen iiber die ortlichen Folgekrankheiten der puerperalen Baucheutziintlung. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1827, iii, 58-118.—Schonlein. Peritonitis puerperalis- metritis septica; phlegmasia alba dolens; collapse; apparent hardness of the pulse; phlebitis in different external veins; attack of shivering; abscesses on the upper part of the right thigh and on the right arm ; pneumonia; post mortem examination. Med. Times, Lond., 1844, x, 193.—Schus- ter. Puerperalfieber mit Wahnsinn. Wchnschr. f d ges. Heilk., Berl, 1835, 659.—Secretain. Observation d'abces iliaque puerperal. Soc. d. sc. ra6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1862, xvi, 98-100.—Sizer (N. B.) Case of puerperal peritonitis complicated with acute yellow atro- phy of the liver. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1874-5, vii, 232-244.— Sleinberger. Kindbettfieber mit Pleuritis. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1831, vi, 241-244.__ Stewart (J. E.) Case of puerperal fever aud pneumonia combined. Missouri M. efe S. J., St. Louis, 1847, ii, 272.— Sulser. Eine Krankheit des Unterleibes hey einer Kind- betterin, mit einem darauf folgenden Abscess, der sich durch den Nabel ausleerte. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich 1795, iii, 39-47.-Taylor (W. H.) Puerperal fever with suppuration of parotid gland; recovery. Obst. Gaz Cin- cin., 1882, v, 13-15— Thachcr (J.) Case of puerperal Puerperal fever (Complications and se- quela; of). fever with dropsy, succeeded by phlegmasia dolens, gas- tritis, antl spontaneous hydrophobia; also a remarkable caseof hysteria, cured by Arum americanuin. will) some observations relative to the medical virtues of that plant. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost, 1814, iii, 326-334.—Thiede (M.) Ueber Infiltration der Bauchdecken mit Ausgang in Xe- krose nach septischer puerperaler Infection. Ztchr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1882, viii, 524-534.—Todd. Puerperal peritonitis; perforation of the colon; autopsy; Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 506— Trimble (D. B.) Report of a case of puerperal peritonitis and hysteritis, succeeded by phlegmasia dolens. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington. 1849, ii, 63-65. —West (R. U.) Account of a fatal case of puerperal peritouilis, complicated with ovarian dis- eases, and followed, in the author's practice, by a trouble- some series of febrile diseases of the puerperal state, the probable consequences of infection. Tr. Oust. Soc. Loud. (1859), 1860. i. 187-211. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lontl., 1859, ii, 88.—Wickershnm (S.) Puerperal fever, compli- rated with secondary uterine hemorrhage. Chicago M. Exam., 1865, vi, 549-555. —Willoughby (E. F.) Peri- tonitis; haemorrhage on the fifteenth day after delivery; vomiting; severe diarrhoea; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 609. — Wiltshire (A.) Notes of a case of puer- peral septicaemia with abscesses, disorganization ot the left wrist-joint, and phlegmasia dolens in which recoveyr took place. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1876), 1877, xviii, 181-187. Puerperal fever (Epidemics of). See, also, Puerperal fever (Cases, etc., of). Aubkaye (D.-L.) *Recherches sur quelques castle peritonite puerperale epidemique, observes al'H6tclDieu tie Cncu. 4°. Paris, 187)7. Bkrnard (L.-L.) * Fievre puerperale. Con- siderations metlicales relatives a une ^pidemie qui s'est declaree dans le service obstetrical de Saint-Sauveur en 1882. 4°. Lille, 1884. Berrier-Fontaine (C.) *Du typhus puer- peral observe a l'Hospice de la Maternite (ac- couchement) pendant l'annee 1831. 4°. Paris, 1837). Bollmann (T. A.) *De febri puerperali con- tagiosa, mens. Nov. et Dec. 1843 in clinico obstetr. Gryph. obscrvata. H°. Gryphiw, [1844]. Bonneviot (J.-E.) * Quelques reflexions sur la me'tro-peritonite puerperale, a 1'occasion de l'epidemie observee a l'Hdpital des cliniques de la Faculte de medeciue dans le mois de Janvier 1836. 4°. Paris, 1836. Brummer (W. H. F.) * Ueber das epidemische Puerperalfieber. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Buschbeck (A.) * Beobachtungen iiber eine Puerperalheber-Epidemie in der Entbindungs- schule zu Leipzig wahrend der Monate Februar bis Juni l»t>4. 8°. Leipzig, [1864]. Butter (W.) An account of puerperal fevers, as they appear in Derbyshire, and some of the counties adjacent. 8°. London, 1777). Campbell (W.) A treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever as it prevailed in Etlinbtirgh iu 1821-2. To which is added an appendix contain- ing the et>sayof the late Dr. Gordon on tbe puer- peral fever of Aberdeen iu 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792. 8°. Edinburgh, 1822. Charrier (J.-M.-A.) *De la fievre puerpe- rale, epiil6niie observee en 18">4 a la Maternite tie Paris. 4°. Paris, 187)7>. Clarke (J.) An essay on the epidemic disease of lying-in women, of the years 1787 aud 1788. 4°. London, 1788. , Also, transl. in: J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1791, lxxxvi, 31; 166. Disse (J. A.) Bericht fiber eine Puerperal- Epidemie mit septischem Character in der Stadt Brakel in Westfalen. 8°. Dortmund, 1858. Elliot (J.) Om puerperalfeber-epidemier pa Barnbordshus, deras orsaker och medlen att dem forekomma. 8°. Stockholm, 1844. Feige (E. A. O.) *Die Piierperalfieberepide- mieen inderCharite'seitGus.serowbis einschliess- lich 1885 mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Aetiologie. 8°. Berlin, 18o8. PUERPERAL. 819 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Epidemics of). FiCHOT(C) Une epidemic de fievre puerpe- rale a Pont-Saint-Ours; histoire naturelle de ce village. 8°. Severs, 1879. Gordon (A.) A treatise on the epidemic pu- erperal fever of Aberdeen. 8°. London, 1795. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1795. Graf (C.) *Descriptio epidemia? febris puer- peralis anno 1824-5 in uosodochio Monacensi observatse. 8°. Monachii, 1825. Hugener (A.) *Sur une epidemie de perito- nite chez les femmes en couches, survenue a l'hdpital de la Charite de Lyon au commencement de l'annee 1845. 4°. Paris, 1845. Ingerslev (E.) Om D0deligheden ved Bar- selfeber i Danmark og om Midler til dens For- miudskelse. [Mortality of puerperal fever in Denmark, and means to diminish the same. ] 8°. Kjfybenhavn, 1880. Jumet (H.) * Quelques observations de peri- tonite puerperale epidemique, ses causes et son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1835. de Knoblock (R. F.) * Nonnulla deepidemi- cis morbis puerperalibus (febre puerperali). 8J. Dorpati Livonornni, 1843. Krueger (C. A.) De febris puerperalis epi- demia. 8°. Beidelbergw, 1846. Leborgne (A.-A.) * Quelques observations recueillies dans une epidemie tie fievre puerpe- rale. 4°.' Paris, 1856. Lepetit(C) *De la fievre puerperale, epi- demie observee en 1856 a l'hdpital des cliniques et a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris. 4°. Paris, 1857. Letievant (J.-J.-E.) *Du traumatisme daus l'accouchement, compare au traumatisme ordi- naire; suivi de la relation d'une epidemie tie me- tro-peri tonites puerperales qui a regne a la Ma- ternite de Lyon en 187)8. 4°. Paris, 1858. Levie (L.) * De febre puerperali epidemia, ab ultimo Aprili h. a. per menses duos Bonnse tum per urbem tum in clinico obstetricio grassata, Accedit febrium puerperalium aliarum, quas hoc saeculo in Germanise pluribus urbibus epidemice saevierunt, memorabiliorum conspectus. 4°. Bon- nw, [1833]. Levy (G.) * Relation de l'epidemie de fievre puerperale observee aux cliniques d'accouche- ment tie Strasbourg, pendant le ler semestre de l'annee scolaire 1856-7. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)7. Mailly (C.-E.) * Recherches sur une epide- mie tie peritonite puerperale, observee a la Ma- ternite de Paris, au mois demai 1851. 4°. Paris, 18.V2. Martix (E.) Epidemie de fievre puerperale observee a l'hdpital Saint-Antoine en 1869. 4°. Paris, 1869. Maygrier (C.) * Des formes diverses d'epitie- inies puerperales. 4°. Paris, 1883. Messxer (H. E.) *Znr Lehre von den epide- mischcn Entzundungen der Woehnerinnen. 8°. Tiibingen, 1843. Moreau (A.) * Recherches sur la fievre puer- perale epidemique observee a la Maternite de Paris en 1843 et 1844. 4°. Paris, 1844. Nagele (F. C.) Schilderung des Kindbettfie- bers, welches vom Juni 1811 bis zum April 1812 in tier Grossherzoglichen Entbindungsanstalt zu Heidelberg geherrscht hat. 8°. Heidelberg, Nolte (E. C.) Dissertatio de febre puerpera- rum. Gotlingw, 1785. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opnsc. med. letc.l. 8°. Ticini, 1788, v, 1-69. Pieczynski (T.) * Essai sur la fievre puerpe- rale epidemique. 4°. Paris, 1837. Quadrat (J.) #Diss. sistens observationes circa febrem puerperalem anno 1833-5 epidemi- P lie it era I fever (Epidemics of). cam, in cses. reg. lechodochio Pragensi. 8°. Pragw Cechorum, 1835. Quinquaud (E.) * Essai sur le puerperisme infectieux chez la femme et chez le nouveau-ne. (fipideniie observee a Fh6pital Saint-Antoine en 1869, service de M. Lorain.) 4°. Paris, 1872. Rupert (J.) * Das Puerperalfieber in der Ge- baranstalt zu Jena im Winter 1862-3. 8°. Jena, 1864. Schmidt (J. B.) * Beobachtungen fiber die im Winter 1878-9 iu der Kreis-Eutbiudungs-Au- stalt zu Wiirzburg aufgetretenen Erkrankungen an Puerperalfieber. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1880. von Siebold (A. E.) Versuch einer patholo- gisch-therapeutischeu Darstelluug des Kiudbett- fiebers, nebst Schilderung desjenigen,welches im Februar, Miirz und April 1825 in der Gebaranstalt der koniglichen Universitat zu Berlin geherrscht hat. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1826. Siefpermann (G.-E.) * Description de l'epi- demiede fievre puerperale qui a regne eu 1860-61 a l'hdpital civil tie Strasbourg, suivie de quelques reflexions sur la nature, les causes et le traite- ment de cette maladie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862. Stage ( G. G. ) * Unders0gelser angasende Barselfeberen i Danmark, udenfor Kj0benhavn. [Researches on puerperal fever in Denmark, made in Copenhagen.] 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1868. Tarnier (S.) De la fievre puerperale ob- servee a l'Hospice de la Maternite. 8°. Paris, 187)8. Vernay (E\) * De la fievre puerperale epide- mique. 4°. Paris, 1846. di Viancino(F.) Storia di una epidemia di febbre puerperale avenuta nella prima sezione del R. Ospizio di maternita di Torino nei mesi di dicembre del 1873 e gennaio del 1874. 8°. To- rino, 1874. Viollet (M.) Considerations sur l'epidemie puerperale observee en 1875 a l'hdpital Saint- Antoine. 4°. Paris, 1876. van Vollenhoven (H.) * Diss, continens ob- servationes nonnullas e clinico v. cl. Simon Thomas. 8°. Lugd. Bat., [1854]. Agresti (V.) Storia e riflessioni cliniche sopra un' epi- demia di febbre puerperale. Riv. clin., Bologua, 1878, 2. s., viii, 159-162.—Ahlfeld (F.) Bericht iiber zwei Puer- peralepidemien. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1877, clxxiv, 193-201.—Armstrong (J.) Additional facts and obser- vations relative to the puerperal fever wbich appeared at Sunderland antl several places in 1813. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1814, x, 444-450.—Baker (I. W. H.) Epidemic puer- peral fever. J. Iowa efe 111. Centr. Dist. M. Ass., Daven- port. 1879-80, ii, uo. 2, 9-22.—Burnish (W. U.) Puer- peral fever in Wigan. Brit. M. J.. Lonil., 1882, ii, 1089.— Berg (A. ) En lille Barselfeberepidemi. Ugesk. f. La-ger, Kjebenh., 1877, 3. R., xxiii, 449-460.—Berndt s (W. H.) On an outbreak of puerperal fever in the city and county hospital. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1877-8, vi, 77- 82. Also : Pacific M. &S. J., San Fran., 1877-8, xx, 529-534.— lTIedical (The) report for the year 1879. [Puerperal fever.] Rep.Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hosp. 1879, Lond., 1880, 16-35. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Lontl, 1880, ii, 182.— Tli nor (T. C.) Of a late epidemic of child-bed fever; together with an inquiry into tbe connection said to exist, between puerperal fever and erysipelas. Cincin. Lancet ifc Obs., 1874. xvii, 129; 207; 269; *334; 412; 468; 527; 587.— iMiquel. Naebrichten iiber eine Kindbetterinfieber- Epidemic, welche im Winter 1827 auf 1828 in Neueuhaus im Beutheinf schen untl in der Umgeficnd heri'schle, mit Bezug auf die vorhernehende Krankheitsconstitution. Arch.f. metl. Erfahr.. Berl., 1829, i, 84-107.-.Morales (R.) Peritonitis puerperal epidemica. Monitor med.. Lima, 1886-7, ii, 132-13*. — .Moss (E. S.) An epidemic of puer- peral septicemia. Louisville M. News, 1884, xviii, 22a.— lYIiihli;*. Sur une epidemie tie mCf m-pei itonite puerpe- rale & Constantinople, tiaz. in£d. d'Orient. Constantinople, 1863-4, vii, 87-91. — IM iii ler. Bidrag til Puerperalfeber- Epidemierues Historic. Ui esk. f. La'ger, Kjobenh., 1840, iii, 49-68.—rVivert. Epidemie d'affections puerpCrales j phl6bite spontanee ties veines varitpieuses ties membres in- rerieurs chez les nouvelles accouchees. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1862. xxxv, 437.—IVivet. Note sur les tJpitlGmiestle mala- dies puerperales qui ont r6j2iie depuis 1860 dans le service d'accoucheineiitsili' l'ficoledc metlecineetde pharniacie de Clermont-Ferrand it sur Its effets compartis ties acides ph6nique et salicylique. Bull.Acad.de m6th, Par., 1882, 2. s., xi, 1473-1485. — IVolile (A. F.) Geschichte des zu Rostock im Jahr 1805 beobachteten Kindbetterinneufiebers, nebst einigen Bemerkungen. Lucina, Leipz., 1807-8, iv, 375-418.—O'Connor (1). C.) Cases of epidemie puerperal fever. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1861, xxxii, 209-213.—d'OuIre- pont. Geschichte eines ansteckentlen Kindbettticbers, welches in tlerEntbindungsaustaltzu Wiirzburg hei rsclite. Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach, 1821-3, i, 151; 350.—Pardo (P. A.) Epidemia de fiebre puerperal. An. tl. Circ. med. Argentine Buenos Aires, 1881-2,v, 329-367.—Parry (J..S.) Description of a form of pueiperal fever which occurred at the Philadelphia Hospital, characterized by diphtheritic deposits on wounds of the genital passages and by other peculiar phenomena. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. s., lxix, 46-81. AJ.s'o[Abstr.]: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1874-5, vii, 163-165. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Phila, Obst. Soc. 1873-5, N. Y., 1876, iii, 25-27.—Fradcs (V.) Epidemia di febbre puer- perale in Lu. Osservatore. Torino, 1889. xl, 82-86.— Puer- peral fever in Bellevue Hospital. [Edit.] Metl. Kec., N. Y., 1874, ix, 461. — Raima..... Actenstiieke zur Geschichte' des bosartigen Puerperal-Fiebers, welches im Jahre 1819 vom Anfange Auyust bis in die Mitte November in dem Geharhause zu "Wien herrschte; Bescbreibuiig der Krankheit und ihres Verlaufes. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osttrr. Staates, Wien, 1822, n. K., i, 244-251.-Report on puerperal fever in Cook County Hospital. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 257-259. Also: Chicago M. Exam.. 1870. xi.21K- 220—Retz.ius (M.) Ueher ein im Winter 1859-60 beob- achtotes puerperales Erysipelas phlegmonodes. Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Fraiienkr., Berl., 1861, xvii, 191-197. Also, transl.: Med.Times efcGaz., Lonil, 1862, i, 383.—Rink (C.) Einige kleine Bemerkungen iiber eine epidemise lie Krankheit, der Kindbetterinncii. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1794, vi, 67-77.—Ruu^e (M.) Bemerkungen iiber eine I'uerperalfieberepitlcinie iu tier geburtshiilflichen KlinikderChai it6. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1880, v, 195-223.—von Ncanzoiii. Epidemie von Kind- bettfieber im neuen Geharhause, in tier Stadt und dereu nachster Umgebnng. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1859-60, x, pp. xxxix-xli.—von Nchollcr (E.) Ueber das in der k. k. Gehai anstalt zu Griitz herrschende Puerperalfieber. Metl. Jahrb. d. k k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1844, xlviii, 281-288; xlix-1. 38-46.— !Senkler (A. E.) [etal]. History of puerperal fever as it occurred under the observation of members ot this society during the past year. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1882, xiv, 119-126.— .Sickles (G. W.) Epidemic puerperal fever. St. Louis M. efc S. .].. 1850, viii, 1-7.—Spath. Die Puerperalfieber- epidemic im Jahre 1862. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1863, viii, 23.—Ntaiiiiu. Ueber Griisse uud Einrichtung von Ge- baranstalten, resp. iiber Vernichtungsmoglichkeit des epidemischen Puerperalfiebers. Amtl. Ber. ti.d.Versamnil. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1864, Giessen, 1865, xxxix, 254- 256.—Storrs (R.) History of a puerperal lever in Don- caster. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1812. lv, 45-51.—Telford (T.) A brief account of the recent epidemic of puerperal fever in PUERPERAL. 821 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Epidemics of). the Dublin Lying-in Hospital. Med. Press efc Circ, Dubl, 1866 n. s., ii, 331.—Thomas (T. G.) Epidemic of puer- peral fever. Charleston M. J. efc Rev., 1855, x, 477-482.— Vazquez (S. G.) Sobre la fiebre puerperal epidemica. Si»lom6d., Madrid, 1864, xi, 146; 162; 177; 194; 209; 241; 273.__Venot. Observations relatives k deux castle suites de couches pendant l'epidemie de fievre puerp6rale grave qui a s6vi a. Di.jou (Cote d'Or) a la fin de l'annee 1874 et pendant les quatre premiers mois de 1875. Repert. de m6d. dosim6t., Par., 1875, iii, 232-236.—Virchow. Ueher die nosologische untl atiologische Stellung des epidemischen PuerperaMebers. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl 1864, xxiii, 406-412. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864), 1865, xvii, 21-27.—Voillemier. Histoire de la fifevre puerptirale qui a r6gn66pid6miquement k l'hopital ties cliniques pendant l'annee 1838. J. tl. conn. med.-Chir., Par., 1839-40, vii, pt. 1, 221; pt. 2, 3; 96. Also: Ann. de med. bel>;e. Brux., 1840, i, 35; 97: ii, 18.—Weber. Ueber eine zu Prag beobachtete Puerperal-Epidemie. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1859-60), 1861, xiii, 88-90.—Werdmiiller (O.) Beobachtungen iiher das in derGemeinde Maur, Kanton Zurich, herrschende Puer- peralfieber (Juli 1863 bis Sept. 1864). Ein Vortrag gehal- ten im medicinischen Kantonalcongresse Ziirich. Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1865, xxv, 293-305.— West (T.) Observations on some diseases, particularly puerperal fever, which occurred in Abingdon and its vicinity in 1813 and 1814. Lond. M. Reposit., 1815, iii, 103-1H5. — Wilson (M. W.) A report of cases of puer- peral fever, illustrative of the malignant epidemic that prevailed in the lying-in department of the Philadelphia Hospital, during the months of March and April of 1842. Med. Exam., Phila., 1842, v, 657-664. Also : Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1843, n. s., v, 244-246. — X. [Febris puerperalis- epidemie te Aalten.] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1870, vi, 215. — Zandick. fitude sur la fievre puerp6rale6pid6mique, et en particulier sur l'6pid6inie qui a r6gn6 a Dunkerque, du mois de juin 1854 au mois tie mai 1855. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1856, i, 129; 324; 528. — Zipfel. Die Puerperalfieher-Epidemie an der II. Gebarkliuik in Wien. (Nach einem Berichte des suppl. Prof. Zipfel an die n. 6. Statthalterei.) Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1861, vii, 871-873. Puerperal fever (History of). See, also, Puerperal fever (Epidemics of). .Skdillot (A.-J.) * Kecherches historiques sur la tievre puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1817. Greene (W. T.) Contribution to the history of puer- peral fever. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1876, i, 276.— IVebel. Ueher das Kindbetterinnen-Fieber; ein histori- scher Beytrag. J.f.d. Chir., Geburtsh.u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1800-2, iii, 332-341. —Spaeth. Historische Ueber- blicke der Vorkommnisse im Wiener Geharhause seit 1784 bis 1863, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pnerperal- Erkrankungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1864, xiv, 164- 167. — Ullerspcrger. Esqttisse historique de la fi6vre puerperale. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1861, vi, 318-325: 1862, vii, 37-44. Puerperal/ever (Hygieneandprevention of). See, also, Antiseptic obstetrics; Labor (After- treatment of); Puerperal fer er (Causation, etc., of); Puerperal fever (Epidemics of); Uterus (In- jections into). Billkt (L.) *De la fievre puerperale et de la reforme des maternite's. 4°. Paris, 1872. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1872. Brennecke. Praktische Regeln zur Sicherung eines gesundheitsgemassen Woehenbettverlaufs. Ein Mahnrnf an tlas Publicum untl an die Heb- ammen. 8°. Magdeburg, 1883. Cullixgworth (C. I.) Puerperal fever a pre- ventable disease, a plea for the more general adoption of antiseptics in midwifery practice. An address introductory to the session of 1888-9, delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital, October 1, 1888. 8°. London, 1888. C'ullingworth ( C. J. ) Puerperal fever a preventable disease; a [ilea for the more general adoption of antiseptics in midwifery practice. 8°. London, 1888. DiisTKRHOFF (B.) * Zur Aetiologie undProphy- laxis ties Puerperalfiebers. 8°. Greifswald, 1876. Diffours (A.) *De la fievre puerperale; etiologie et prophylaxie. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. DtKA (T.) Childbed fever; its causes and prevention; a life history. 8°. Hertford, 1888. Puerpera I fever (Hygiene andprevention of). Fab re (G.) * Etiologie et prophylaxie anti- septique de la fievre puerperale. Utility des la- vages ph6niqn6s iutra-uterius. 4°. Montpellier, 1883. de Folleville (C.-E\) *De la fievre puer- perale, considered sous le rapport de la prophy- laxie. 4°. Paris, 1847. Guxtiier ( F. G.) * De prophylaxi purpura? puerperarum. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1748. Prieur ( P.-fi. ) * Du catheterisme aseptique dans les h6pitaux d'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1884. Puerperal antiseptic. The use of bromo- chloralum in the lying-in room, and as a pre- ventive of puerperal fever. 8°. t New York, 1878. Eilinger ( F. ) * Prophylaxis des Puerperal- fiebers. 8°. Greifswald, 1886. Sachau (J.) *Zur Aetiologie und Prophy- laxis des Puerperalfiebers. 8°. Kiel, 1H86. Semmelweis (I. P. ) Die Aetiologie, der Be- griff und tlie Prophylaxis des Kindbettfiebers. 8°. Pest, Wien u. Leipzig, 1861. Also, transl. [Abstr.], in: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 601. Stoltz (V.) * S.-Pelcrburgskie gorodskie ro- dilnye prijonty. Statisticheskie materialy po pronlaktike poslerodovych zabolevanii. [.St. Petersburg City Lying-in Asylum. Statistical material for prophylaxis of post-partum infec- tion.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1876. Sturm (G.) Zur Verhiitung der Frauenkrank- heiten. Allen verniinftig Denkenden gewitlmet. 4. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1883. Triaire (P.) Note sur le traitement preVentif de la fievre puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1875. Unckell (J) *Zur Prophylaxie des Puer- peralfiebers. 8°. Greifswald, 1875. Abegg. Bemerkungen zu Dr. Brennecke's practischen Regeln zur Sicherung eines gesuntlheitsgemassen Wochen- hottverlaitfes. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1*83, xx, 538.—Ahl- feld. Was hat tlie zeitweise Suspension der Hebammen ills Propbylakticum hei Puerperalerkrankungen fiir eine Bedeutung? Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1880, iv, 374- 377.—Alloway (T. J.) The relation of micro-organisms lo the puerpera and tbe way to manage them. Canada M. efe S. J , Montreal, 1885-6, xiv. 520: 1886-7, xv, 17. —An- we i sung fiir die Hebammen zur Verhiitung des Kind- bettfiebers. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1889, 14-19.—Arnctb. Note sur le moyen propose et em- ploye par M. Semmelweis pour empecherle developpement ties e.pid6mies puerperales dans l'hospice de la maternity tie Vienne. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1851, xiv. 281-290. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 44-47.—Balailhe. Sur hi fievre puerperale et J'assaiuissement des maternites. France med., Par., 1865, xii, 603; 612; 641; 681. — Bnlin (I. S.) K voprosu o preduprejdeuii rodilnoi gorjachki v chaslnoi praktike. [Prevention of puerperal fever in pri- vate practice.J Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 423; 443.— Barker (F.) The prevention and treatmentof puerperal fever. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 151; 183. — Baruch (S.) The prevention of puerperal infection; a study of antiseptic practice in the maternity hospitals of Paris, Prague, Berlin, Paima, Glasgow, Copenhagen, antl New York. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 322-327. Also, Re- print. -----. Objectionable features of certain methods of prophylaxis against pueiperal fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxv, 178-181. —Batllehner. Ueher Massre^eln, um die Entstehung und Weiterverbreitung des Kindbett- fiebers zu verhindern. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, Ivii, 350-352. Also [Abstr.l: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884-5, xxv, 163.—Ber- nartly (E. P.) Biniodide of mercurv as a disinfectant in obstetrics. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y„ 1885, xviii, 1093-1098— BischoflT(J. J.) Zur Prophylaxis ties Puerperalflebers. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1875, v, 641; 670.—BI a- chez. Precautions a prendre contre la contagion des ac- cidents puerp6raux. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 660.—Blackwell (E. T.) The proper putting to bed prophylactic agaiust puerperal diseases. Metl. efe Surg Reporter. Phila., 1880, xliii, 464 —Bonet y Amiga (J.) Dela antisepsis pueiperal. Independ. med., Barcel, 1885-6, xvii, 73; 85; 109.—Breisky. Petition ties Cen- tralvereins ileutschtj' Aerzte in Bdhinen an das h. Minis- terium betreffend die "zur wirksamen Verhiitung des PUERPERAL. 82*2 PUERPERAL. Puerpera I fever (Hygiene andprevention of). Puerperalflebers nothigen Reformen im Unterrichte und in den Instructionen der Hebammen ". Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1879, iv, 27-29.—Brennecke. Ein Beitrag zur Prophylaxis des Puerperalfiebers. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 38-40.—Breslau. Vorschlag zu einer neuen propbylaktischen Desinf'ectionsinethode des Puerperalfie- bermiasruas in Gebaranstalteu. Wien. med. Wchuscbr., 1863, xiii, 113-115. — Brose (P.) Das Sublimat als Desrn- ficiens in der Gebui tshilfe. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1883, vii, 617-622.—Busch. Ueber die Vertilgnng des Puerperal-Miasma in Entbindungs-Anstalten. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl, 1852, xxxii, 313-316.—Byers (J. W.) The prevention of puerperal fever in private practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1042-1044. Also: Manitoba, Northwest & Brit. Colnmbia Lancet, Winnipeg, 1887. i, 105-110.—Cameron (J. C.) Aseptic midwiferv. [Ab- str.] Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 462-466.— Campa (F. de P.) Sobre la antisepsia preventiva puer- peral en los partus nonnales. Progreso ginec, Valencia, 1888, iii, 289-295.—C'hauibrelent (J.) Des re-sultats oh- tenus par la methode de Lister dans le traitement des af- fections puerperales. [Abstr.] J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 337; 349; 361; 373.—Oh nun ing (W.) Prac- tical remarks on some of the predisposing causes, and prevention, of puerperal fever, with cases. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1817, vi, 157-169.—Charles ( N.) Septice- mic puerp6rale. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1885, vi, 1; 16. Also, Reprint.—C'hiari. Winke zur Vorbeuguug der Puer- peral -Epieb inii'u. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Geselsch. tl. Aerzte in Wien, ]S.").r), i, 117-121.—Clauzure. De la deiivrance immediate eomnio moyen preventif tie la fifevre, dite puer- perale. Union med., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxiii, 232-235.— C'ouimission medicale dela Flandre Occidontale ; pro- phylaxie puerperale; emploi des antisentiques dans les aci'e.uelicnieuts. J. d'accouch.. Li6ge, 1886, vii, 229-232 — t'omplon (J. W.) Prophylaxis against the infection of puerperal tliseases. Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880. i, 214-217.—('ron. Der Ministerial-Erlass vom 15. December 1875. Sicherheilsmassregeln gegeu die Weiter- verbreitung des Kindbettfiebers. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miiu- chen, 1876, xxiii, 539-542.—Cullingworth (C. J.) In- troductory address on puerperal fever a preventable dis- ease; a piea for the more general adoption of antiseptics in mielwifery practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 743- 747.—Cuzzi (A.) II materiale infettante e la profilassi antisettica nella partoriente e nella puerpera. Ann. di ostet., Milauo, 1879, i, 321-346.—Delassus (A.) L'anti- sepsie en accouchements; acide phCnique et sublim6; sta- tistique comparative. J. d. sc. iu6d. de Lille, 1885, vii, 548-554.—Douglas (J. C.) Report on puerperal fever, in answer to queries from the General Board of Health. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1822, iii, 139-160. Also [Abstr.]: Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 738-745.—Oupierris. De l'efficacite des injections iodees dans la cavite de l'uterus pour arreter les m6trorrhagies qui succMent k la deii- vrance, etde leur action comme moyen prevent if dela fievre puerp6rale. M6m. et hull. Soc. de m6d. de Bordeaux (1870), 1872, 9-99. [Rap. de Douaud], 118-133. — Fhrendorfer (E.) Ein Mittel zur Verhiitung des Puerperalfiebers. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i, 339. -----. Leituug der Geburt und des Wochenbettes nach antiseptischem Prin- cipe. Klin. Zeit-u. Streitfragen, Wien, 1888, ii, 169-198.— Frlass koniglich sachsischen Ministeriums des Innern vom 28. Marz 1885, betr. Verhiitung des Kindbettfiehers und Augenentziintlung Neugeborener. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 607-610.— Faucon (A.) De l'emploi de la methode antiseptique comme moyen pr6ventif de la fievre puerperale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1881, iii, 721; 793: 1882, iv, 65.— Fci- guenux. Les maternites au poiut de vue de la prophy- laxie des affections puerperales. Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii, 258-298. Also, Reprint- Fischer (A. R.) Nieskolko slov o znach. zaderjan. plotl- nich obolochek. (Materijal k vopr. o t. naz. "samozaraje- nii" rodilnits). [Some words on the importance of the retention of the membranes; contribution to the so-called auto-infection in the puerperium.] Vrach, St. Petersb 1886, vii, 625-627.—ForebyggeUc (Om) af Udbredelseaf Barselfeber ved Jordemodre. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1884, 4. R.. ix, 549; 569; 597.—Foster (J.) The causes anil prevention of puerperal mortality. Med. Press efe Circ. Loud., 1887, n. s., xliii, 342-344. — French (G. F.) How soon after exposure to sepsis may the accoucheur resume practice? Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iiii, 90.— Frey. O przyczynach goraezki polozuiczej i sposobaeb j6j zapobiegania. [Causes and prevention of puerperal fever.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1856, xxxvi, 5—17.—Fry (H. D ) The value of the antiseptic system iu private obstetric practice; conclusions based on a study of tbe puerperal tem- perature. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 337-349. [Dis- cussion], 417-421. — Fuller (F. B.) The nature and pre- vention of puerperal fever. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1884 Providence, 1885, iii, pt. 2, 117-124.—(Mallard (T.) Com- ment on peut diminuer la mortalite parmi les femmes en couches. Union m6d., Par., 1870, 3. s., ix, 282; 295; 306.— Puerperal/em* (Hygiene and prevention of). Oarrigues (H. J.) Prevention of puerperal infection Med.Rec, N. V., 1883, xxiv. 703-706. Also, Reprint. Also' Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii. 414-419. Also: N.York M J., 1884, xxxix, 243-246. —«J«-»th (E.) Dtsinfektion oder Abstiueuz'! Zur Frage tier Verhiitung des Kindbettlie. hers. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 490-49:.— iel>mann (M.) A gyermekagyi Iaz prophylaxisAnak kertlesebez. [Prophylaxis in childbed fever.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 77; 106; 137.— I.ohlein (H.) Hat die zeitweise Abstiiienz der Aerzte von der geburtshilflichen Tliiitiirki-it eine- wesentliche Bedeutung fur die Prophvlaxe des Woehenbettfiebers? [With remarks by H. Fritsch.) Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1883, vii, 361-366.—Lombard (F. H.) Puerperal PUERPERAL. 823 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Hygiene andprevention of). fever; prophylaxis in hospital practice; notes on the lying-in hospitals of Vienna, Dresden, and Prague. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii, 509-511.—Isomer. Ueber primare Asepsis der Geburtshilfe. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, viii, 65-67.—Long (B. G.) The prevention of puer- peral fever. Med. Press West. N. Y., Buffalo, 1885-6, f 536-545. — leiisk (W. T.) The prevention and treat- ment of puerperal fever. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 189- 191 _ l.ydslon (G. F. ) How puerperal fever may be prevented. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 722.—Madden (T. M. ) On the* prevention and treatment of puerpe- ral septicaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1045-1047.— IVIangiagalli (L.) Hhiiodurodimercurioin ostetrioia. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1887, ix, 191-196.— Martin (A.) Zur Erforschung der Ursachen des epidemischen Puerpe- ralflebers. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x, 253-273.—Maury (R. B.) The prevention of the puerperal diseases. Tr. M. Soc Tennessee, Nashville, 1882, 137-149. -----. An important point in the prevention of pelvic inflammation after delivery. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1884, iv, 565-571.—Medication (La) antiseptique intra-uterine post-puerp6raledansla Turquie d'Europe. Extrait de la Soci6t6 de medecine de Salonique, s6ance du 17 mai 1888. Sur un cas d'6couvillonnage de l'uterus pour endometrite septiquepost-ahortum. N. Arch. d'obst. etde gyn6c, Par., 1888, iii, 291-295.—Meisburger. Desinfection und Abstinenz in der Geburtshilfe. Med.- chir. Cor.-Bl. f. deutsch-am. Aerzte. Buffalo, 1883, i. No. 11, 6-10.—Mejia (D.) Tratamiento eflcaz para evitar la sep- ticemia en los casos de aborto cnando la extraccion del huevo ha sido incompleta, su extension para evitar la sep- ticemia puerperal 6 para niodificarla cuando se hadesarro- llada. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1886, xxi, 3-11.—Mermann (A.) Ueber Vaginalinjectionen hei normaler Geburt und norrnalem Wochenbette; ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Prophylaxedes Puerperalfiebers. Atch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884, xxiii, 146-155.—Meltaner (J. P.) The prophylactic treatment of puerperal fever. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1851, vi, 41-49. -----. Prophylaxis of puerperal peritonitis. Stethoscope efe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1851, i, 547-552. -----. Prophylaxis of child-bed fever, with some remarks on pathologico-practical medicine. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875-6, ii, 1-11.—Meyer (H.) Ueber Verhiitung des Woehenbettfiebers. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 489; 518.—Miller (J. H.) Prophylactic and abortive treatment of epidemic puerperal fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 567.—Montgomery (E.) Suggestions on the management of labor with the vie^w of obviating the tendency to puerperal peritonitis, metritis, pelvic cellulitis, septicemia, etc. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, viii, 331-335. [Discussion], 369-376. — Mil mo (M.) Deaths in child- bed and our lying-in hospitals. [ With edit, remarks. ] Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1880, viii, 26-29. — Napier (A. D. L.) What is the duration of quarantine required after puerperal fever? Brit. M. J., Loud., 1876, i, 380.— rVetzel (W.) Om barnsangsfeberns natur samt de vig- tigaste atgardernatill dess forebyggande. [On the nature of Puerperal fever; its prevention.] Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1879, xii, 153-184.—Neville (W. C.) On the nature and prevention of the graver fevers of childbed. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl, 1884, ii, 320-355.—Ott (D. 0.) 0 znachenii t. naz. poslierod. ochishenii pri primier. protiv. nich mier v akusherstve. [Importance of post- partum purification with antiseptics] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1885, vii. 485-487.—Palaseiano (F.) Della cau- terizzazione della interna cavitd, dell utero come mezzo di preveuire la infezione putrida. comunemente febbre puerperale. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1859, xiii, 161-169.—Parish (W. H.) The cause and prevention of puerperal fever. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 54.—Pinard (A.) & Varnier (H ) De l'irrigation continue comme traitement prophylactique et curatif des infections puer- perales. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1885, xxiv, 454: 1886, xxv, 19, 2 pl., 5 diag.—Playfair (W. S.) Introduction to a discussion on the prevention of puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1887, ii, 1034-1036.—Prophylaxie des accidents puerperaux: instructions pour les sages-femnies publi6es par la commission m6dicale dela province tie Luxembourg. J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1889, x, 159; 169; 181 —Prophylaxis (Zur) des Puerperalfiebers; Normativ fiir die Hebammen- praxis; Vorschlag der kon. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Budapest. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 347-349— Proyecto de reglamento de desinfeccion para las parteras. Rev. m6d.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1886-7, xxiii, '17--Ramirez fie Arellano (N.) Profllaxis de las enfermedades puerperales iufecciosas. Gac. m6d. de Me- xico, 1888, xxiii, 141-147.—Keece (M.) The use of anti- septics in puerperal cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 120.—Keimann (M.) Ueberdie Nachtheile der soge- uannten prophylactischen Uterush-rigationen fiir den nor- malen Wochehhettverlauf. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii 753. — Riviere. De l'efficacite de la desinfection par le gaz acide sulfureux comme moyen employe pour arreter une 6pid6mie tie puerp6ralit6 chez les femmes en couches. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 18e34-5, ii, 41-43. [Dis- Puerperal/ever (Hygiene andprevention of). cussion], 47.—Robertson (J. A.) Puerperal septicaemia; its causes and the means to be adopted for its prevention. Glasgow M J., 1887, xxviii, 429-439.—Robinson (S. E.) The preventive treatment of puerperal fever. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 208.—Rogowicz (J.) W sprawie zapobiegania powstawaniu chordh pulojiO- wych; prezepisy dla akuszerek, jakie w tym celu zachowac maja., przy obsludze rodzacych i poloznic. [Importance of instructing midwives as to certain precautious to prevent puerperal infection. ] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1884, xii. 357- 363.—Roth. Zur Prophylaxe des Puerperalflebers und zur Geschichte des Ministerialerlasses vom 15. Dec. 1875. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 71-73.—Saxony. Revidirte Instruction fiir die Hebammen zur Veihiitung des Kindbettfiebers, vom 28. Miirz 1885. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1885, xi, 402; 421.—Schimpf. Ueber unser Hebammenwesen und das Kindbettfieber. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzle u. Geburtsh , Hegnach, 1888, xxxix, 218-227.— Schultze (B. S.) Unser Hebammenwesen und das Kind- bettfieber. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1884, No. 247 [Gyniik., No. 69,1819-1834]. Also: Cor.-Bl.d.allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringeu, Weimar, 1884, xiii, 365-380.—Schuyler (W. D.) On the prevention and treatment of puerperal fever, from an aetiological standpoint. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 600: xl, 231; 405; 511.—Sibbet (R. L.) The prevention of puerperal fever. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 18H7, ii, 406-413.—Smith (A. H.) The relation of cleanliness to the prevention of puerperal septicaemia; a clinical lecture. Med. News efe Abstr., Phila., 1881, xxxix, 579-587.—Soder- ban in (P.) Bamsanpsfeberns profylax. [Prophylaxis of puerperal fever.] Eira, Goteborg, 1880, iv, 609-6^8.— Spalding (H. E.) Puerperal septicaemia and antiseptic midwifery. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 18»3-4, v, 34-46.— Spiegelberg. Bericht der Commission, welche iiber die Massregeln zur Verhiitung von Puerperalfieber-Erkran- kungen berathen sollte. Inclusive: Aulage I. Die Verhii- tung des Woehenbettfiebers. Ein Wort an die Frauen. Anlage II. Bitte au das kaiserlich deutsehe Reichskanz- ler-Amt, auch fiir das Puerperalfieber eine Anzeigepflicbt anzuordnen. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1878, Bresl, 1879, lvi, 225-231.—Stadfeldt (A.) Nogle Be- rn serkninger om Profylaxis mod Inf'ektion ved den almiude- ligeFodselshjaelpoghosden Nyfodte. [Prophylaxis in puer- peral fever] Ugesk. f. Laager, Kjobenh., 1880, 4. R., i, 369- 374.—Stanim (A. T.) Ueberdie Vernichtungsmoglichkeit ties epidemischen Puerperalflebers. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 157; 165; 178; 205; 220; 228; 240; 248; 260; 269;'291; 303; 311; 323; 333; 340; 360; 373; 381; 400; 419; 441; 453; 470. Also, Reprint. Also [Ahstr.j: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1864, xxxiii, 425; 433.—Storer (H. R.) Exposure to erysipelas during labor; muriate of iron as prophylactic against pueiperal fever. Boston M. efe S. J., 1856, liv, 81.— Straus & Sanchez Toledo. Recherches bacteriolo- giques sur l'uterus apres la parturition physiologique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 1187-1189. Also: Gaz. de gyn6c, Par., 1888, iii, 151.—Sutugin (V. V.) Pre- dochranitelnoe liechenie rodilnom gorjachki. [Prophylaxis in childbed fever.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 610'; 628; 646; 661; 676; 696. A Iso, transl..- Edinb. M. J., 1884-5, xxx, 781; 1091. Also, transl: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1884-5, x, 29-50.—von Wwiecicki. Ob und eventuell wie lange soil man nach einer Sektion oder nach Ablauf eines Puer- peralfieberfalles in der gehurtshilflicheu Thatigkeit pausi- ren? Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 249-252.— Taenzer(H.) Zur Sublimatfrage. I bid., 1884, viii, 481- 488.—Tarnier. Considerations sur les moyens de tlimi- nuer la mortalite des femmes en couches dans les hopi- taux, a, 1'occasion du travail de M. Empis sur la statis- tique du service d'accouchement de la Piti6. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 114; 118.—Taruovski (I. M.) Iz oblasti poslerodovoi profilaktiki. [On prophylaxis after child-bed.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 821; 841.— Tauszky (R.) On the prophylaxis of puerperal fever. Med. News, Phila , 1882, xii, 200-203.—Thomas (T. G.) The prevention and treatment of puerperal septicaemia. Ibid., 1883, xliii, 662-665. Also: North Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1883, xii, 332-343. Also: N. York. M. J., 1884, xxxix, 186-189. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1882-4), 1886, iv, 121-147. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 646-648. [Discussion], 665-667.—Toporski (A.) Das Suhlimat als Desinficieus in der Geburtshilfe. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 553-559.—Trush (J.) Concerning the prophylaxis of puerperal fever. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1880-81, iii,' 578-593.—Vejledniugeu for Jordemedre til Forebyggelse af Barselfeber. [Directions to midwives for prevention of puerperal fever.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., 1881, 4. ft., iii, 449-451.—Wallister (C.) On prevention of puerperal fever in private practice. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1879, xxxvi, 184-192.—Werth. Ue- ber geburtshiilfliche Antisepsis. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.- Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1881-3, iii, 112-115. — Widdcr (J.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Desinfection der Schwange- ren fiir das Puerperium. Wien. med. Bl, 1885, viii. 68; 106. — Wieger (F.) Des moyens prophylactiques mis en usage au Grand H6pital de Vienne contre l'apparition de PUERPERAL. SL>4 PUERPERAL. Puerperal/1, vi, 42-44.__ Outchficlrt (E. L.) Caso of puerperal fever'without evideuceof septicaemia, with i eruarks. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1888-9, xv, 531.— Bonders (F. C.) Bleed bij febris puerperalis. Onderzoek. get! in h. physiol Lab. tl. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1849-50, ii, 220-227.—Diiges (M.-A.) M6moire sur les traces cadaveriques tie la peritonite puer- perale. J. hebd. denied., Par., 1830, vi, 129-157. —Bum as. Extrait d'un memoire sur la presence du pus dans les vais- seaux de lute-rus, et dans les ganglions lymphatiques prt§- lombaires a la suite des accouchements. J. tie physiol exp6r., Par., 1830, x, 99-110. —Fuchs. Vergleichende Pathologie des Puerperalfiebers. Verhandl. tl. naturh.- med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1862-5, iii, 33-37.—Oruithuisen. Die Gestalt der Korperchen der im Puerperalfieber in der Unterleibshoble und im Mastdarm gefundenen Fliissig- keit. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1813, ii, 254.—Ilinzc. Ob- duction einer Wochneriim, welche, unter bedenklichen Umstanden, am fiinften Tage nach der Entbindung ge- storben war. Ztschr. f. il. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1825, x, 174-197.—Hoag (J. C.) The pathology of puerperal' fe- ver. [Abstr.] N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889. i, 159-164.— Jaggard (W. W.) Puerperal uterus, showing endome- tritis puerperalis. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1887, xx, 761. Also: J. Ain. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 576.—Keating Puerperal fever (Pathology of). (J. M.) A case of puerperal fever, with post-mortem ex- amination. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1876, ix, 661-666 Also ■ Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. 1875-7, N. Y., 1878, iv, 19-24.-Knox (R.) Observations on the pathology of puerperal f,-\,.r Lancet, Lond., 1839-40, ii, 349. Also: Boston M. & s ,( 1840-41, xxiii, 25.—Larzelere (J. R.) Initial pathology of puerperal fever. Coll & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1883 iv 269-271. —Ijee (C. C.) Puerperal fever. Metl. Kec' N V.. 1884, xxv, 247. Alto: X. York M. J., 1884, xxxix! 277. — leiiiilil. Caillot dans la veine cave a la suite de la fievre puerp6rale. Bull. Sue. anat. tie Par., 1853 xxviii, 145.—Leouis. M6tro ptSritouite pini pi-rale: autopl sie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, 2. a., viii, 98.—iTlngoun(C. S.) Fatal case of puerperal fever ; autopsy, ele \ (),•] M. J., 1844-5, i, 434.—.tinier (It.) Patli..logiscl,-aiiaii> mische Notizeu zum Puerperal lieber. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1864, xxix. 520-.V>K.— IVIonneret (E.) Fievre puerp6rale. Inhis: Traite elem. itouite puerperale, et de son traitement par le sulfate tie quinine a haute dose. 4°. Paris, 1857. Benoist (F.) Essai sur la medication isolante, ou traitement ties inflammations en general par les enduits imperm^ables, avec des observations cliniques a l'appui, suivi de quelques considera- tions sur la nature et le traitement de la fievre dite puerperale. 8°. Poitiers, 1864. Bertin (E.-G.) * Sur le traitement de la peri- tonite puerperale sporadique par l'emploi des frictions mercnrielles. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Brenan (J.) Thoughts on puerperal fever, and its cure by spirits of turpentine, illustrated by cases. 8°. London, 1^14. See, also, infra, Kinglake (R.). Chabert (P.) * Traitement de la fievre puer- peralu par les bains froids. 4°. Lyon, 1884. Chartier (A.) * Traitement de la septicemic puerperale par le enrage de l'uterus. 4°. Paris, 1889. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1889. See, also, infra, Chartier. Conrad (F.) Ueber Alkohol- und Chininbe- handlung bei Puerperalfieber. Nach tlen Erfah- rungen der Berner geburtshiilflichen Klinik. Nebst einem Vor wort von Prof. A. Breisky. 8°. Bern, lt)75. PUERPERAL. 825 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Treatment of). Debouche (J.) * Dissertation sur la perito- nite puerperale aigue, et son traitement par les emissions sanguines et les mercuriaux. 4°. Pa- ris, 1837). Dksmartis (F.-P.) Traitements de la metro- pcritonite puerperale (maladie des femmes en couche). 8°. Bordeaux, 1859. Dockiiorx (A. H. P.) *De febris puerperalis prophylaxi et therapia. 8°. Berolini, [I860]. DusoiR (J.-C.) * Dissertation sur la perito- nite puerperale aigue, et de l'efficacite des fric- tions niercurielles daus son traitemeut. 4°. Paris, 1828. Faugeyron (G.) *De l'emploi de l'alcool dans le traitement des suites de couches. 4°. Paris, \874. Also, in: Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1874, ii, 112-126. Feknandks (S.-J.) *Dela peritonite puerpe- rale, et en particulier de sou traitemeut par l'es- sence du terebenthine. 4°. Paris, 18110. Gunning (J. W. B.) *Die prolongirte und die permanente intrauterine Irrigation bei puer- peraler Sepsis. 8°. Jena, 1886. Jasinski (G.) *Des injections iutra-uterines dans l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1889. Kajan (S.) *Ein Beitrag zur Therapie der puerperalen Sepsis. 8°. Jena, 1886. Kob (W.) * Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers vermittelst permaneuter Carbolwasserirrigation anf der kgl. gynakologischen Universitiitsklinik zu Konigsberg in Pr. 8°. Konigsberg in Pr., 1882. Lebert ( A. ) * Du traitement de la fievre puerperale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Legouais (A.-P.-F.) * Reflexions et observa- tions sur l'emploi des saignees et despurgatifs dans le traitement de la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1820. Moriniere (P.) *Sur la peritonite des nou- velles accouchees, et son traitement par les fric- tions niercurielles. 4°. Paris, 1824. Rendu (J.) * De I'utilite des lavages intra- uterins, antiseptiques dans l'infection puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1879. Runge (M.) Ueber die Behandlung der puer- peraleu Sepsis. In: Samml. klin. "Vortr., Leipz., 1886, No. 287 (Gynak., No. 81, 2087-2108). de Segons de Labrousse (A.) * Du traite- ment de la fievre puerperale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Tonnelle (L.) * Du traitement de la fievre puerperale, et en particulier des saignees locales et generales, des mercuriaux et des vomitifs; ob- servations recueillies a la Maternite tie Paris pendant l'annee 1829, dans le service de M. le professeur Desormeaux. 4°. Paris, 1830. Also, in: Arch. g6n. tie m6d., Par., 1830, xxii, 345, 456: xxiii, 36; 184. Also, transl. in: Lond. M. efe Phys. J., 1830, n. s., ix, 7 ; 198 , 300; 405. Toppius ( R. ) * Ueber die Behandlung der puerperalen Sepsis. 8°. Wiirzburg, [1888]. Trier (A.) *De cura prophylactica et thera- peutica febris puerperalis malisrnae. 8°. Jenw, [1841]. * Vignard (J.-M.-J.) * Recherches et reflexions sur quelques traitemens employes pour combat- tre la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1830. Walter (P.) * Ueber die Therapie des Puer- peralfiebers. 8°. Bamberg, 1867. Aconit dans les fievres puerp6rales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 261.—Alba. Note sur Taction tie la v6- ratrine dans un castle fievre puerperale. Ann. Soc. m6d. del'arrond. de Neufcbateau (1875), 1877, ii, 14-16.—Alio- ■way (T. J.) On the treatment of puerperal septicaemia by a new method ; intra-uterine suppositories of iodoform. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1882-3. xi, 526-532. Also [Abstr.J: Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 253. -----. Cu- Puerperal/^er (Treatment of). retting the uterine cavity in a case of puerperal septicae- mia occurring fourth day after delivery : rapid recovery. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 542-544. — Aii- ilei'Mon (A. B.) Antipyrin in pueiperal fever. Peoria M. Mouth., 1887-8, viii, 59-61— Apolant (E.) TJeber In- trauterininjectionen im Pueiperaltieber. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1886, cvi, 451-478. -----. Ueber Ein- spritzungen im Puerperalfieber. Therap. Monatsh., Berl, 18K7, i, 61.—A spray (T.) History of a case illustrative ot the gonel effects of blood-lettiug in puerperal fever. Lond. M. efe Phys. J., 1820, xliv, 388-390. — Auerbacli (L.) Morphium und Opium gegen Puerperal tie ber; the- rapeutische Beobachtumr und pathologische Erlauterun- gen. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1861, xv, 213-239.— Autenrielli (J. H. F.) Nutzen der Einspri- tzuugeu von Schierlings-Absud in die Gebahrmntter bey dem Kindhetteriunfieber. Versuche . . . a. d. cliu. Anst. v. Tubing., 1807-8, i, 135-166. — Baird (A.) The treat- ment of puerperal septicaemia. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1877-9. v, pt. 2, 124-127. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1879-80. xxv, 118-120. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lontl, 1879-80, vii, 599- 603.—Ban la (R. L.) What is the proper use of antisep- tics in pueiperal disease? Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1888), 1889, v, 456-462. Also: Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1888-9, xxviii. 181-187.—Barker (F.) The prevention and treatment of puerperal fever. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 182-186.— Beach (E.) Case of puerperal fever, successfully treated with the bark. Cases efe Obs. M. Soc. N.-Haven County, 1788, 14-16.—Beco (L.) Des injections intra-utelines an- tiseptiques dans la septicemic puerperale. (Solution de sublime k J pour 1000.) J. d'accouch., Liege, 1887, viii, 181; 193. — Beech (J. H.) Puerperal peritonitis treated hypo- dermically with morphine. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1867, ii, 195-199.—Bcliier. Traitement des peritouites pu- erperales par les applications froides coutinues. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 157. — Bell (C.) A new mode of treating puerperal fever. Edinb. M. J., 1871-2, xvii, 1129- 1133. Also: Tr. Ediub. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii, 35-40. Also, Reprint. -----. Cases of puerperal fever treat ed by the miniated tincture of iron. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lontl, 1880, viii, 695-700. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 50- 52.—Belleli (V.) Les injections intra-ut6rines dans la tievre puerp6rale. Unione med. egiz., Alessandria, 1884-5, i, no. 10; no. 13; no. 15. — Bcrnatzik (W.) efe Brauu (G.) Ueberdie Anwendung der schwefelsauren Salze und der sehwefeligen Same bei den Erkrankuugen der Woeh- nerinnen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 1557; 1573; 1589; 1605; 1632; 1645; 1661.—Bibaud (J.-G.) Quelques observations sur le traitemeut de la peritonite puerperale par le mercure k haute dose. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1852-3, i, 453-456.— Board in an (W. E.) On the use ot iodoform insufflation within the uterus in puerperal septi- caemia. Boston M. efe S. J., 1884, cxi, 246-250. — Boufils (E.) De l'emploi de l'huile essentielle de t6r6benthiiie et de lopium k hautes doses, dans le traitement des accidents puerp6raux graves. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1858, liv, 433-440.—Bonnet. Des injections intra-ut6rines tlans les fievres puerperales. Union med.. Par., 1850, iv, 13.— Bottari (A.) Note sulla terapia della febbre puerperale. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1883, iii, 169-176.— Bramsen (P.) Barselsengens Behandling, navnlig nied Hensyn til Forebyggelsen af den ondartede Barselfeber. Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1851, 3. R., ix, 293-302.— Breiaky (A.) Zur Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1873, iii, 533-538. -----. Ueber die intrauterine Localbehandlung des Puerperalfie- bers. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 188(1-81, i, 317-341, 1 tab.— Breslau. Ueberdie guustige Wirkung starker Purgan- tien beim Puerperalfieber. Arch. d. Heilk.. Leipz., 1863, iv,97;481. ,1 ten [Abstr.]: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 501. -----. Noch ein Wort iiber die giinstige Wirkung der Purgantien beim Puerperalfieber. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 44-46. — Brodie (R. L.) Case of puerperal fever, treated by opium in large doses. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1852, vii, 307-316, 5 tab. —Buck (J. S.) A case of puerperal septicaemia and convulsions; washing out of uierus antiseptically; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 59.—Burckhardt (H.) Beitrag zur Therapie des Puer- peraltiebers. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvu&k., Stuttg., 1883, ix, 268-276. — Byrd ( W. A.) A case of puerperal fever treated with sponge tents. St. Louis M. Reporter, 1868-9, iv, 522-525. —Cabanellas. Note sur le traite- ment de la fievre puerperale. Fiance m6d., Par., 1862, ix, 196-199. Also: Union med., Par., 1862, xiii, 516-520.— Caily (G. P.) Puerperal peritonitis treated successfully with large doses of opium. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1861, iii, 69.—Case (A) of puerperal fever successfully treated by opium and veratrum viride; a relapse on the seventh day and a profuse critical perspiration on the fourteenth. West. Laucet, San Fran., 1874, iii, 77-81.—Chambrclcnt. Des resiiltats obtenus par la methode de Lister dans le traitemeut ties affections puerperales. M6m. et hull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1884), 1885, pt. 2, 1-85.— (Jharpentier. Du enrage et de l'ecouvillounage tie l'uterus, tlans l'endom6trite septique puerp6rale. Bull. Acad, tie iu6d., Par., 1888, 2. a., xx, 407-425. —Chartier (A.) Curage ut6rin dans la septic6niie puerperale. N. PUERPERAL. 826 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Treatment of). Arch, d'obst. et de gyu6c, Par., 1889, iv, 296: 347: 378; 437; 481; 529. [See, also, supra, Chartier.]—Chatelain. Fievre puerperale traitee par les alcaloides. Rev. nit-d. de lest, Nancy, 1875, iii, 238-241. — Chiarleoni ( G.) Delle iniezioni mcdieanientose entro-ttteriue per la cura dell' eudo-metrite puerperale. Osservatore. Torino, 1873, ix, 81; 101. -----. Le iniezioni ipodermiche d'acido fe- nico uei processi morbosi pueiperali. Ami. univ. tli metl.. Milano, 1874, ccxxx, 56-73. 2 pl. -----. Zaffo endo- uterino con garza iodoformica nella eudometrite puerpe- rale. Ann univ. di med. e chir.. Milano, 1888, cclxxxiii, 1J7-1U8. — Chreslien (A.-T.) Observations pour servir a Ihistoire tin traitemient des fi&vres puerp6rales. Mont- pel. metl.. I8.">9. ii. 140-167. — Cobb ( R.) Ou the use of veratrum viride in puerperal fe-ve-r. Am. M. Mouth., N. Y.. 1857, viii, 281-2S:i, 2 tab. — Collau (J.) Antipy- riinista lapsivuode kuumeessa. [ Antipyriue as a remedy in puerperal fever.) Duodecim, Helsiugissa. 1888, iv, 28- 33.— Collin-jwood (J. W.) Observations on the use of warm inject ions iuto the uterus, and saline purgatives, in the cure, of puerperal fever, suppression of the lochia, peritomeal and uterino inflammation, etc. Lond. M. Re- posit., 1821, xv, 12-ls.—Column ( W. S.) On the use of turpentine in puerperal fever. Charleston M. J. efc Rev., 1851, vi, 073-676.—Com menge (O.I Un mot surle traite- ment de la fievre puerperale par le sulfato tie quinine a, haute dose. Gaz. d. bop.. Par., 1862, xxxv, 167— Comic. Septicemic puerperale; injections iutra-uterines de su- blime: guerison rapide. Poitou m6d., Poitiers, 1886. i, no. 1. 18.—Coucieli (V.) Del clorato di potassa nella febbre puerperale. Ippocratico, Fano. 1867, 3 s., xi, 441-460.— t'opeuiiin (E.i Puerperal diseases treated with turpen- tine. M. el. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1872, ii, 2; 92; 194; 459 — Corn well ( M. ,T. W.) Puerperal peritonitis; use of g. lseminum. Charleston M. J. .V Rev., 1877, iv, 282-284.— Cruveilhier. Note sur le traitement de la peritonite puerperale. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc.. Par., 1832, ii, 42- 45.—Dauet. De l'alcool dans le traitemeut des maladies puel ptirales, suites de couches et des resorptions puru- lentes. Kev. m6tl. franc, et etrang., Par., 1872, i, 555; 581; 614; 651; 682. Also: Courrier m6d., Par.. 1872, xxii, 159: 163; 171; 186.—Davies (E. T.) Antipyrin in puerperal pyrexia. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 395-397.— Davy (K. B.) Puerperal peritouitis treated by large doses of lenininc. Obst. Gaz., Cinciu., 1879-80, ii, 350-35 J.— Decnp. Sur un cas de peritonite puerp6rale grave gu6rie par les frictions mercurielles. Bull. g6n. de therap.. etc., Par., 1840, xviii, 309-372.—Dejghilage (E ) Emploi de la glace daus un cas de ni6troperitonite puer- perale: guerison. J. d'accouch., Liege, 18S2, iii, 40.— Desonucaux. Du traitement de la fievre puerperale, et en particulier des saign6es locales et generales. des mer- curiaux ct eles voinitifs. Gaz. m6d. ele Par.. 1830, i, 149; 17:(.— Desplats (H.) Lavages ph6niques intra-uterins dans les cas tie fievre puerperale. J. d. sc m6d. de Lille, 1881, iii, 452-470.—Doe (O \V.) The treatment of puer- peral septicaemia in Vienna. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx, 9.— Dob ni. Ueber die Anwendung des Collodiums hei der Peritouitis der Woehnerinnen. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1805, xxv, 382-386, 4 tab.— Dolner (J.) O dzialaniu knasu salicylowego w goraczce pologow6j. [Salicvlic acid iu childbed fever.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1877, xxii, 131-134. —Dora (J. W.) Chloral hydrate in the treatment of puerperal metro-peritonitis. Med. efc Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1876. xxxiv, 305-307.— Dove (H.) The esseniial oils in the- treatmentof puer- peral fever. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1859, 287. -----. Oil of peppermint in puerperal fever. Lancet, Lontl, 1859, i, 307.— Dubois. Traitement tie la tievre puerperale epi- demique dans sa forme inflaiiimatoiro. J. de metl. et chir. prat., Par., 1839, x, 30-34.—Ducliene. Observations sur l'effet du sous-carbonate de potasse dans la peritonite et la metro-peritonite pueiperales. Ann. de gvneo. et pediat., Brux., 1840, 2. s., i, 9-11. Also: Ann. Sou. tl. sc. nat. tie Bruges, 1840-41, ii, K.VlOO.—Dufresse-Chassaisne (E.) Observation de peritonite survenue k la suite d'accouche- ment rapidement gu6rie par les frictions niercurielles. J. hebd. tl. progr. d. sc. et hist, med., Par , 18:14, iv, 240-242.__ Dulacska (G.) A carbolsav gyermekagyi Iaz ellen. [ Carbolic acid in childbed fever, j Gytigyaszat, Buda- pest. 1877, xvii, 753-758. — Dumas ( L.) Deux cas d'iu- fection puerp6rale grave traites avec succes par les in- jections iutra-ut6rines de sublime. Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1885, xxiii, 426-446, 1 diag. Also: Montpel. iu6d., 1885, 2. s., iv, 491-511. 1 diag. — Duncan (.1. M.) An address on the treatment of puerperal lever. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 683: 721.— Duncan ( R. V. ) Puerperal fever of an erysipelatous character treated with iron anel large doses of opium. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 931-933.— Eatle (P.) Two cases of puerperal fever; which re- covered under the repeated local use of a strong solution of carbolic acitl. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 116.—Earle (C. W.) The treatment (not preventive) of puerperal fever. Chicago M. J. & Exam.. 1889, lviii, 67-73. Also, Reprint.—Edgell (R.) On turpentine in puerperal peri- tonitis. Loud. M. tfe Phys. J., 1817, xxxviii, 447-449.— Ekluud (A. F.) On the rational treatment of general Puerperal fever (Treatment of). puerperal peritonitis. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s.. i, 591; 653.—Espina (P.) t'onsieleraciones tetuico practicas sobre el uso del mercurio en las metro peritonitis pueipe- rales. An. tl. Inst. med. de einulac. Madrid. 1843-4, 47,'f- 476. — Fimo. Sulla cura della scpsi puerpeiale di Max Bulge. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia. 1888, viii. -19'- 497. — Faye ( F. U.) Om de saakaltlte zymotiske Svg- dommes Therapie med saerligt Hcnsyn till Puerperal. feheren. [On the treatment of the so-called zymotic diseases, especially with regard to puerperal fe\ er I Hygiea, Stockholm, 1852, xiv, 129-133.— Fcriiuu cas. Kindbettfieber durch Calomel geheilt. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rheiu. Med.-Coll 1833, Koblenz, 1836, 192. - Eueas (J. H.) A case of puerperal fever, treated by spirits of turpentine. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 615.— Ludlow (J. R.) Iodide of potassium iu puerperal me- tritis. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1848-9, ii, 317- 321. — Mcltcau (S.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated by local, or uterine, medication ; recovery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1888, ii. 713.—McCabe (J.) Case of puerpe- ral fever treated with spirit of turpentine. Lond. M., S., efe Pharm. Reposit., 1816, vi, 468-471. — Maedonald (K. N.) Puerperal peritonitis following craniotomy aud hem- orrhage, successfully treated by large doses of opium after mercury had failed. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1865, i, 142.,— de lTIaccdo ( L.) Metro-peritonitis pueiperal; aplicaciones de colodion sobre el abdomen. Espana m6tl, Madrid, 1862, vii, 98.—McEldery (H.) The use of intra- uterine douches in puerperal fever. Phvsician efe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888, x, 289-291.—Mcintosh (W. P.) Treatment of puerperal septicaemia, with a report of oases. South. Clinic, Richmond, 18X2-3, v, 471-478. — lTInigne. Note sur le traitement de la tievre puerp6rale. J. de med., Par., 1844, ii, 73-77.—Maljjaijjue. Traitement propby- lactique et curatif de la metro-peritonite puerperale. -I. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1849, xvi, pt. 2, 221-223.—Ma r- tin. Zur Therapie der puerperalen Entxuieilimgen tier weiblichen Sexualorgane. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. (le burtsh. in Berl. (1864), 1865, xvii, 172-197. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1865, xxv, 82-106 — Mar- tin (A.) Ueberdie Alkohol-Therapie bei Puerperalfieber. Berl. Klinik, 1889, Hft. 16, 1-22. Also, transl: Ann. Gynaec, Bost., 1889-90, iii. 59-76.—Medrnno (N.) Metro- peritonitis puerperal curada a beueficio de las evacua- clones sanguineus y de las friccioncs mercuriales. Tel6- grafo 11161I., Barcel.', 1847, i, 246-249.— Michaelis (G. A.) Ueher tlie Anwendung ties Eises iu tier Febris puerperalis. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1836, iv, 321-355. — Mis. rachi (M.) Note sur le traitement de la fievre puerpe- rale. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1888, 585- 588. — Montgomery. On the treatment of childbed fever. N. Orl M. & S. J., 1850-51, vii, 728-733. — Mont- jjoiiiery ( E. ) The preventive antl curative treatment of post-partum inflammation. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1872, ix, 82-89.—Morton (D.) Antiseptic treatment of puerperal septicemia. Louisville M News, 1883, xv, 401- 405.—Morton (T.) On cases of puerperal septicemia treated bv elimination. Obst. J. Gr. Brit.. Loud., 1873-4, i, 361-383.—Munde (P. F.) The value of antipyrine in puerperal fever. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 395-397. Also, PUERPERAL. 828 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Treatment of). Reprint.—IVapier (A. D. L.) The treatment of puerperal pyrexia. Practitioner, Lond., 1889, xiii, 161-173.—Negri ■ (P ) La cura locale della settieemia puerperale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1881, iii, 208-211.—IVetter (A.) De l'appli- cation de la pratique des ovariotomistes k la peritonite puerperale. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy. 1875, iii, 89; 98.— Neuber (A. W.) Entziindung und Krampf nach tier Ent- bindung: giite Wirkung Kainpfischer Darmhader iu Ver- bindung mit grossen (Jaben des vers, salzs. Quecksilhers. Mitth. a. d. Ceb. tl. Med., etc, Altona. 1837-8. v, 11.-12. Hft., 14-27.—IVotta (il.) La methode antiseptique et les mala- dies puerperales. Union m6d , Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii. 477- 479.—O'Brien (J. E.) Puerperal fever; treatment by intra uterine disinfection. Chicago M. J., 1873, xxx. 526.— Opium (The) practice in puerperal fever. N. York M. Gaz.&J. Health, 1852, iii, 17.—Orellano(M.) Resultados obtenidos en la practica obstetrica con el empleo de la lielenina. Progreso ginec. Valencia, 1884-5, i, 417 ; 513; 561.— Ostcrloh (P.) Die Anwendung lauer Biider bei fieberbaften Woehenbettskrankheiten. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med . Leipz., 1875, ii, 65-69. Also, transl: Clinic, Cincin.. 1875, x, 149-151.—Panlocu. Borax pour rappeler les lochies dans les metrites. J. tl. sc. m6tl. de Louvain, 1879, iv, 670-672.—Park (R.) On the remedial treatment of the post-partum fevers or puerperal fever (so called). Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiv, 290-317. —Payne (H.) Observa- tions ou the good effects of oil of turpentine in puerperal fever. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1822. xviii. 538-540. Also: Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 97-100. -----. Case of puer- peral fever successfully treated bv oil of turpentine. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1824, xxii. 53-59.—Penn (J. XV.) Puerperal fever; blisters contra-indicated. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1885, v. 99-103.—Petersen. Eiu Fall von Puerperalfieber geheilt durch Natron benzoicum. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 164. Also, transl: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1879, v, 39.—I Pfeifler.] Ovario - peritonite puerperale, heureusement traitee par l'enduit impermeable. Union m6d.. Par., 1865, 2. s., xxvii, 50-53.—Pinard (A.) efe Varnicr (H.) De l'irrigation continue comme traitement prophylaetique et curatif ties infections puerperales. Ann. tie gvnec., Par., 1885, xxiv, 454-465. Also: Th6rap. contemp., Par., 1886, vi, 307-309.— Piorry. Discussion tin traitement dela fievre puerperale. Bull Acatl. domed., Par., 1857-8, xxiii,453-464.—Playfair (VV. S.) A lecture ou a case of puerperal septicemia, with hyperpyrexia, treated by the continuous application of cold. Brit. M. J.. Loud.', 1877. ii, 687-689.—Polk. Puer- peral septicaemia treated with phenic acid. N. York M. J., 1882. xxxvi, 135; 179. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, 1881-5, iii, 99-103.—Polli (G.) Sugli effetti ottenuti dal solfito di magnesia nella febbre pueiperale, alia R. Scuola d' ostetricia in Milano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1865, 5. s., iv, 209-213. -----. Risultati delle esperienze cliniche col solfito di magnesia nella febbre puerperale, eseguite nella R Scuola d'ostetricia di Milano. Ibid., 1867, 5. s..vi, 59-61.— Popham (J.) Puerperal fever, metastasis to the bronchial tubes; successful treatment by small doses of turpentine. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xxxix, 321-328.— Ramella (A.) Caso ile aplicacion del forceps; fiebre puerperal consecutiva curada por la resorcina. Union nied.. Caracas, 1881, i, 129.—Reeve (J. C.) The treatment of puerperal fever. Columbus M. J., 1882-3, i, 494-500.— Rendu (J.) Septiceraie puerperale; guerison a la suite dun seul lavage ut6rin. Mem. et compt.-renel. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1883), 1884, xxiii, pt. 2,177-183. 1 diag. Also: Lyon med., 1884, xh', 139-143. 1 diag— Reuss. Heilsame Wirkungen tier Abkiihhingen bei dem Kindbetterin- Friesel; ein Nachtrag zu der Preissschrift iiber den aus- serlichen Gebrauch deskalten Wassers. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1823, Ivii, l.St., 115-117.—Rifat. Note sur le traite- meut dela parametrite puerperale par leraclage tie l'uterus. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1888, (63-665.— Roe be (L.-C.) Sur les injections uterines dans la tievre puerperale. Union m6d., Par., 1849, iii, 577.—Rodenstein (L. A.) Intra-uterine injections in puerperal septicaemia. N. York M. J., 1884. xxxix, 688-690. Also: Am. J. Obst. N. Y., 1884. xvii, 967-969. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. 1881-5, iii, 261-265.—Rodolfi (R.) Azione dell' elettricita iu un casodi febbre miliare pueiperale in donna pretlisposta a melanconia ereditaria. Gazz. metl. ital. lomb , Milano, 1866, 5. s., v, 36-39. Also, Reprint.— Rogowicz (J.) Przyczynek do zapobiegania sann istnemu powstawaniu gorqezki pologowej. [Treatment of puerperal fever.J Me- dycyna, Warszawa, 1879, vii, 497; 513. — Runge ( M.) Ueberdie Allgemeinhehandlung septischer Woehnerinnen. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Berl., 1886, i, 175; 205. -----. Die Allgemeinbehaudlung der puerpe- ralen Sepsis. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1887, xxx, 25-46. -----. Die Allgemeinbehandlung tier puerperalen Sepsis. Ibid , 1888, xxxiii, 39-52. -----. Ueber Behandlung der puerperalen Sepsis. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 7-9. Also, Reprint —Sehene (M.) Ueber die Drainage des Uterus bei pucrperaler Septicemic. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv. 321; 343. Also, Reprint.— Schmid(H.) Beitrag zur Puerperalfiebertherapie. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1880, 1, 258-260.— I Schdulein. Peritonitis und Phlebitis uterina post puer- I Puerperal fever (Treatment of). periuni; Quetschungen untl Excoriationen in der Vagina • streng autiphlogistisehe Behandlung, wietterbolte reich- liche Bluteutziehungen; Eiter im Hani; dysenterischt! Erscheinungen: langsauie Recouvale.scenz; vollkomineim (lenesuug. In his: Kliu. Vortr. [etc.], 8 , Berl.. 1842, 256- 267. Also, transl: Med. Times. Lontl., 1814, x, 233-235.— Schultze (B. S.) Heilung sell worer Piierperalerkiatikiing durch Amputation ties septiseh inficirteii Uteruskiirpers. Deutsehemed. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii. 769. Also, transl: Cauatl. Tract., Toronto, 1889, xiv. '.'8-30.—St-huppcr! (M.) Oxytocic action of quinine and cinchonism in puerperal fe- ver. Am. M. Weekly, X. Y., 1882. xv, 917-919.—Secretin!. Traitement dela fievre puerperale par les purgatifs. ('•■.[/. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 122. — Serre. Traiteinent tie hi fievre puerperale. Bull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1858-9 xxiv 811-816.—Sesta (M.) Trattamento della febbre pueipe'- rale. Arch.cliu. ital., Roma, 1883. xiii, 281-291.—Shanks. Use of quiniue and topical application of cold water in puerperal fever. Memphis M. Recorder, 1853, i, 10.— Shath (S.) On a successful mode of treating puerperal fever. Loud. M. efc Phys. J., 1816, xxxvi. I —Smith (G. B.) Brewer's veast in pueiperal fever. I'.eistem M. & S. J, 1850, 1, 94-90.—Nmith (,).) Cases illustrative ofthe successful employ ment of oil of turpentine in puerperal tym- panies, etc. Metl. Exam., Phila., 1X53, n. s., ix. 147-150.— Smith (W. T.) Case of puerperal fever treated by the injection of ammonia into the veins, followed by recoverv. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1869), 1870. xi. 247-250. Also: Me'd. Times efe Gaz., Lontl, 1870, i, 23.—du Soit. Note sur le traitement de lap6ritonite puerperale par l'huile de crotou tiglium ii l'interieur. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1839, vii, 487.— Spees (S. J.) Veratrum viride iu the treatment of puer- peral eclampsia. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic,, 1883, n. s , xi, 185.—Staples (F.) Opium in puerperal inflammation. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1873-4, iv. 249- 255.—Stevens (C. W.) Corrosive sublimate internally in pueiperal and other septicaemias. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1888, x, 615. Also: Tr. Gynaec. Soc.., Bost., 1889, n. s., i, 101-104.—Stevens (N. C.) Puerperal fever treated by turpentine. Boston M. & S. J.. 1861-2, Ixv, 93-96.— Stover (R. B.) Treatment of puerperal and surgical sep- ticaemia, with incidental reference to the causes of the dis- ease. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1887-8, xiv, 110- 114. — Sutugin (V. V.) O predochrauitelnom lechenii poslerotlovoi gorjachki. [On the prophylactic treatment of fever after delivery.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Petei b metl. obsh., 1884, i, 96-121. -----. Rezultati primienenija pre- dochranitelnago liechenija rodilnoi gorjachki. [Results obtainetl in the prophylactic treatment of puerperal fever. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 508. -----. <) skoplenie pri chron. tazovom peritonite. [Treatmeut of chronic pelvic peritonitis hy curette.] Ibid., 1886, vii, 746. Tacheiaa (Ilepi) iaereeos rr)s itriKo\iov fir)TpoirepiToviTi6os Sia Trje; e5id tou ttoWo&iov iirixpicreuii Trjs kcltio xoiAias. 'IaTpiid) MeAiertra, "At5i)i/ai, 1859, vi, 481-488.—Tauszky (R.) The coltl-water treatment of puerperal fever, according to the methods of W. Winternitz and Carl v. Braun. of Vienna. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., lxxxv, 60-68. — Telford. On the' treatment of puerperal fever. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xii, 218-222.—Terry (ID The treatment of pueiperal fever. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soe. 1884, Providence, 1885, iii, pt. 2, 125-136.—Thibault. FiSvie puerp6rale grave, traitee par la m6thode du docteur vantlen Zande d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1858, xix. 441-447. [Rap. de Bes- sems], 447-450.—Thomas (J. J.) Biniodide of mercury as an antiseptic in pin rperal septicaemia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887. Ivii, 759-761.—Thomas (T. G.) In- trauterine injections in the treatment of puerperal septi- cii'inia. [Abstr.] N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 347.-----. The prevention and treatment of puerperal fever. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1883. xxiv, 646-648. [Discussion], 1884, xxv, 189- 194.—Thompson (B. S.) The preventive and curative treatment of postpartum inflammation. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1882, n. s., ii, 80-85.—Traitemeut tie la fi6vre puerp6rale par l'aconit. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 273.—Traitement (Do) de la fievre puerperale par le sulfate de quinine. .1. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1862, 2. s., xxxiii, 214-216.—Traitement (Du) et tie la prophy- laxie de la fievre puerp6rale. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1857, Hi, 86-88. — Trail be (L.) Zur Therapie tier lymphangoitischen Form des Puerperalfiebers. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 501-503.— Trousean. Peritonite puerperale traitee par l'ipecacii; anha, le calomel a doses r6fract6es, lescataplasmesde eigue et les injections vaginales avec la decoction de feuilles de stramonium. Monit. tl. hop., Par.. 1854, ii, 391.—Turner (P. F.) Venesection in puerperal fever. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 87-89. —Tussau. Note sui une observation de fievre puerperale traitee par les bains froids. Lyon med., 1888, lix, 40-46.-de Vails y Riera (R.) Fiebre puerperal de forma metro poritoiiUica: efectos posi- tives de los niercttriales; curacion rapida. Sentido catol., Barcel, 1879, i, 187.—Varvelli (E.) Febbie puerperale curata col solfo-fenato di chinine; guarigione. Indipen- dente. Torino. 1876, xxvii, 131-135— Vender (J. H.) Ve- ratrum viride in puerperal fever. Am. M. Mouth., N. V., 1858, ix, 3-7.—Veit (J.) Ueher die Drainage des puerpe- PUERPERAL. 829 PUERPERAL. Puerperal fever (Treatment of). ral erkrankten Uterus. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 334; 374. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1878-9), 1880 x. pt. 2, 80-93. [Discussion], pt. 1, 92.—Velpeau (A.)' M6moire sur l'emploi des frictions niercurielles dans le traitement de la p6ritonite des femmes en couches. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1827, i, 5-41.—Verrier (E.) A propos du nouveau traitement des affections puerperales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 354.—Voigt (J. H ) Some cases showing the efficacy of antiseptic treatment ;n puer- peral diseases as they occur in private practice. Metl. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 309-313. —Voillemier. Des emissions sanguines dans le traitemeut do la fievre piierp6rale. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par.. 1844, xxvi, 161- 166.—Wagner (J. G.) De medicamento quodam ad puer- perarum febrcs mali moris inprimis sic dictam purpuratam specifico epistola. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii (app.), 193-208.—Walker (H. F.) Case of puerperal septicemia, with abnormally high temperature, treated hy intra-uterine injections; recovery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 405-409'. Also: Tr. N. Vork Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 320-324.— "Walton. Application nouvelle de la dilatation forcee du col de l'uterus; pelvi-peritonite grave gu6rie par ce precede. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1885, lxiv, 60-76.—Warden (G. G.) Cases of puerperal peri- toneal inflammation, cured hy the ol. terebinthinae, com bined with ol. ricini. Loud. M. efc S. J., 1829, iii, 51.— Warnots (L.) Metrite puerperale: traitement par la quinine et les injections intra-ut6rines d'acide pheuique; guerison. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 361-363.— Welti. Ein Beitrag zur Therapie des Kiudbettfiebers. Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., 1850, i, 209; 252.— White (J. P.) Two cases of puerperal peritonitis; treated by opium. Buffalo M. J., 1853-4, ix, 461-464.— Whittaker (J. T.) Alcohol in puerperal fever. Obst. Gaz., Cincin.. 1880-81, iii, 169-172. — Whitton (D. W.) Pueiperal fever treated with opium. Tr. Nebraska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1877, 76.—Wigton. On the treatment of pueiperal fever. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix, 212. —Wilt- shire (A.) On the treatmeut of puerperal hyperpyrexia by cold. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 708.—Woillez. Deux cas de resorption purulente puerp6rale; emploi du tannin; gu6rison. [From: Union m6d., Par., 1862.) Bull. Soc. m6d. d. hop.de Par. (1861-5), 1865, v, 259-265.—Wood. Digitalis combination in puerperal and scarlet fever. Can- ada Lancet, Toronto, 1878-9, xi, 357.—Wood worth (B. S.) Quinine in puerperal fever. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 1861, n. s., iv, 342-344.—Young (P. G.) Puerperal septi- caemia eieatetl by cold coil. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xi, 6-8. — van den Zande (J. B.) Die angemess uste und erfolgreicheste Behandlung des entziindlichen Kind- bettfiebers, oder der Peritonitis puerperalis. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1823, vii, 1. St., 131-152. Puerperal fever in animals. Abadie. Fievre puerperale de la vache. J. de m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1874, viii, 209-246. — Rrnsasco (L.) Septicemic puerperale chez une chevre. J. de microg., Par., 1883, vii, 512-518—Strebcl (M.) Die hytlrothei apeu- tische Behandlung des Kalbefiebers. Schweiz. Arch. f. Thierh., Ziirich, 1886, xxviii, 285-293. — Waller. Malig- nant parturient fever in ewes, and joint tlisease in lambs. Vet. J. efc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1876, ii, 399-412. Puerperal hcemorrhage. See Haemorrhage (Uterine) in pregnancy, etc. Puerperal inflammation. See Puerperal fever. Puerperal insanity. See Insanity (Puerperal); Lactation (Pathol- ogy of). Puerpera I malarial fever. Billon (P.-E.) * Etude clinique snr les acces de fievre palustre survenaut apres l'accouche- ment. 4°. Paris, 1882. Bonfils ( L. ) *Paliidisnie et puerperali te\ 4°. Paris, 1885. Barker (F.) Puerperal malarial fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 158-160. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1880, cii, 251-254. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 271- 278.—Kennel (E. H.) Puerperal malarial fever. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1881, ii, 128— Bierbaum (J.) In- termittens comatosa puerpera'. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1862, n. F., v, 393-396.—Bossu. Fievres intermittentes chez les femmes nouveflemeut accouchees; fievre pernii- cieuse. J. tl. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1843, xi, 13-16.— Cnzzi (A.) Due casi di recidiva tli febbre da malaria do- vuta al traumatisme del parto. Spallanzani, Modena, 1880, 2.8., ix, 545: 1881,2.s.,x, 12.—Danforth (L.L.) Malarial complications of the puerperal state. X.Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1887, 3. s., ii, 713-722.—«ibbs (O. C.) Puerperal fe- ver, connected with intermittent fever. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 1861-2, iv, 276-280.—Crriswold (R. W.) On so-called Puerperal malarial fever. puerperal malarial fever. Louisville M. News, 1880, ix, 210- 212.—Ilamill (R H.) Puerperal fever, simulating sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1888, xxi, 317.—Ilaynes (F. L.) Note on Dr. J. Lewis Smith's case of "remittent lever after par- turition". Ibid.,1883, xvi. 732.— Johnston (J.) On puer- peral remittent, or septicaemic fever. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1879, vi, 726-747.— ITlansoii (O.F.) Remittent fever of puerperal women. Virginia M. efc S. J., 1855, iv, 6.— IVeely (E. A.) Malarial fever simulating puerperal septi- caniia. Memphis M. Month., 1889, ix. 1-5.—Palmer. Malarial complications in the puerperal state. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1885, viii, 169-177.—Parks (E. R.) Remarks upon puerperal fever complicated with malaria. North- west. M. efc S. J., Chicago, 1848-9, v, 374-379. —Richard- son (J.) Remittent fever during the puerperal state. Peoria M. Month., 1883-4, iv, 353.—Richaud (A.) Note pour servir k I'histoire des rapports del'impaludisme et de la puerperalite. Marseille m6d., 1878, xv, 713-725.— Schaufller (E. W.) Malarial fever in puerperal women. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, vii, 20-26.—Muiith (,L L.) Pernicious remittent fever after parturition. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 608.—Suttou (W. H.) Puerperal mala- rial fever. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880, ii, 167-169.— Taylor (H. M.) Remittent fever of puerperal women (of Hanson) or malarial puerperal fever (of Barker); who discovered it? Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1880-81, vii, 528-530. -----. Reply to Dr. Parvin; Mr. Manson's claims to the discovery re-asserted. Ibid., 611-616—V. (H.) Paludisme et puerp6ralite. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1886, xxvi, 125-133.— Walker (J. B.) Case of high tem- perature after parturition; treated with Warburg's tinct- ure. Brit. M. J., Lontl, 1878, i, 822. Puerperal mania. See Insanity (Puerperal). Puerperal metritis. See, also, Puerperal diseases; Puerperal fever. Bole (F.) * De la ni6tro-p6ritouite ptterp6- rale. 4°. Paris, 1845. Burguet (L.) * Dissertation snr la metro- pen ton He puerperale. 4°. Paris, 18311. Commenge (J.-R.-V.-O.) * Considerations sur la nie'tro-peritonite puerperale a 1'occasion d'une epidemie observ6e a" l'h6pital Cochin en l8.r)G. 4°. Paris, 186)0. Crespy (V.) * Dissertation sur la m6tro-p6ri- tonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1837. Dance (J.-B.-H.) * Essai sur la m6trite aigue puerperale, precede tie quelques considerations g6n6rales sur les maladies des femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1826. Finzelberg (J. H. J.) * De putrescent ia uteri. 8C. Berolini, [1835]. Fritz (O.) * Ueber Endometritis in partu. 8°. Berlin, (.1875]. Gatjssail. Observation et inflexions sur un cas de rn6tro-p6ritonite puerperale. 8°. Tou- louse, [n.d.]. Huet (H.) * De la m&tro-peritonite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1853. Hulsebusch (J. F.) *De hysteritide puerpe- rarum. 4°. Argentorati, [1764]. Janet (C.) *De la metro-p6ritonite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1836. Jollivet (J.-J. ) *De la m6tro-p6ritonitG puerperale ou des femmes en couches. 4°. Pa- ris, 1827). Riesling (C. G.) * Uterum post partum in- flammatum sistit. 4°. Lipsiw, [1754]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1758, iv, 583-604. Lacazette (M.-C.) *De la metrite puerpe- rale et de la phlebite uterine. 4°. Paris, 1847. Lambert (E.) *Dela nie"tro-peritoiiite puer- pdrale. 8°. Louvain, 1876. Lebouteiller-Desforges (A.-G.) *>^ur la metro peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1834. Marchand (L.-A.) *De la nietro-peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1836. Maurat (T.) *De la metro-peritonite puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1849. Moxey ( G. T. ) * De puerperarum hysteri- tide. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. PUERPERAL. 830 PUERPERAL. Puerperal metritis. Nonat (A.) *Sur la metro-peritonite puer- perale compliquee de l'inflammation des vais- seaux lymphatiques de l'uterus. 4°. Paris, 1832. Rothe (F. R. R.) *De endometritide puer- perali. 8°. Berolini, [1H55]. KtEGENBERG (G.) * De putrescentia uteri. ■^ . Berolini, [1833]. Saine (G.) * Propositions sur l'inflammation aigue tie la matrice (nitrite) avant, pendaut et apii's l'accouchement, suivies de quelques obser- vations. 4°. Paris, 1811. Solignat (B.) * De la metro-peritonite puer- perale aigui1. 4°. Paris, 1836. Stk.kn (A.) De endometritide puerperali ad- ucxis historiis morborum synopticis. 8°. Pragw, 1843. Uksulesco (N.-V.) *De la metrite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1875. Westerhoff (T.) * Ueber Endometritis in partu. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Wirtz (A.) *De metrophlebitide. 8°. Bero- lini, [1848]. Albert*. TJeber Metritis puerperarum. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1825, xviii, 462-466.—Ashley. Report of a case of puerperal metritis. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1852, n. s., v, 261.—Bidder. Fallvon complicirter En- dometritis puerperalis icborosa. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1883. viii, 08.—Bierbanm (J.) Endometritis pu- erperalis. Dcutscbe Klinik. Berl, 1867, xix, 20.— Bio- chin. Accidents puerperanx; abces critique. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1877, 1, HJ7 Biitlilanil (A. G.) Suppura- tion in right ovary and veins of broad ligament, twelve weeks after delivery, four days after commencement of intrauterine treatment. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1878, vi, 15-17. — Cagnetta (T.) Endometrite puerperale; pneumonite, infezione malarica. Ann. cliu. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1878. n. s., iii, 107-111.—Chambrelenl. Metro- peritonite puerp6rale k la suite de tamponnement vaginal; occlusion intcstinale et perforation intestiuale Consecu- tives; autopsie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 85.—ChaiiflTarfl. P6rim6trite puerperale suivie de phlegmon sous-vesical. France nied., Par., 1879, xxvi, 427. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 102- 106.—Chiari. Endometritis und Peritonitis sammt alien gewohnhchen Begleitern wahrend der letzten Tage der Schwangerschaft und wahrend der Geburt. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 116.—C'homel. M6trite post-puer- perale avec enclavement de l'uterus. Gaz. d. med.-prat., Par., 1840, ii, 5. -----. De la m6trite post-puerp6ralc ; ses causes; son diagnostic et son traitement. Union med.. Par., 1847, i, 622.—C'olom. Observation sur une inflam- mation de matrice (metritis), termin6e, par un abces, k l'aine du cote droit. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1810, xxi, 66- 71.—Crowfoot (VV. H.) Inflammation of the uterus dur- ing the prevalence of puerperal fever. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lond., 1844, 76.—I»eleourt (A.) Traitement de la me- trite puerp6rale, par le raclage au moyen de la curette. Clinique, Brux., 1889, iii, 561-566.—van Dommelen. Metritis post partum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Ver- losk.. Utrecht, 1864, xiv, 269-272'.—Guillon (G.) Me- trorrhagie interne: m6trite puerperale. (Jlin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 176.—Ilervieux (E.) De la metrite puerpe- rale et do son traitement. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 83: 99; 133; 150; 162.—Hutching (E. R.) Me- tritis following induced abortion, and complicated with scarlatina. N. York M. J., 1867, v, 214-218.—Kohn (M.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki drenowauia luaoicy cbor6j po porodzie. [Puerperal metritis.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1880, xix, 257-259.—IVIagiatretti (A.) Metrite puerpe- rale. Rac. di ti]>. med. mod. ital., Bologna, 1829, ix, 151- 153.—Tie wist. Ulcus commissurse posterioris; Endome- tritis: Morbus Basctlowii; Angina; Struma parenchyma- tosa; Compression thr Trachea; Glottisodem; Erysipelas bullosum: Tod am 10. Tage. Ber. . . . a. d. k. saclis. Ent I binel.-lnst. in Diesel., Leipz.. 1876, ii, 107-110. — Mont- gomery (E. E.) Puerperal metritis. Med. e& Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1879, xii, 23-26.—Noeggcrath (E.) On the suppression of chronic metritis during pregnancy, and its reappearance after delivery in its acute form. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 149-158.—Norris (A. L.) Case of puerperal metritis, complicated hy malaria. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii, 188-190. -----. Puerperal metritis com- plicated by malaria. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx, 553. Also: Tr. Gynaec. Soc, Bost., 1889, n. s., i, 175-181.—Osi- ander (F. B.) Todtliche GedSrme- und Gebahrmutter- Entziiudung einer Wochnerin. In his: Denkwrdgktn. f. d. Heilk. u. (leburtsh., 8°, Gdtting . 1794, i, 115-127.— Fallen (M. M.) [A case of metro-phlebitis.1 St. Louis M. & S. J., 1853, xi, 308-311. -----. [ A case of puerperal metritis.J Ibid., 1857, xv, 244-250— Paxlon (J.) Case Puerperal metritis. of hysteritis puerperalis. Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1829, n. 8., vii. I!i5-l!i>. — Peabody (J. H.) .Nine cases metro-peri- tonitis. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Omaha, 1873, v, 29-32.— Perimetritis. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1863, Wien, 1864, 165.—Peter. Metro-peritonite suppuree ct pleuresie diaphragmatique par propagation ; l'eclampsie puerperale et la saign6e. France m6d., Par., 1874, xxi, 73- 76.—Pietrzycki (M.) Case of pueiperal metritis, fol- lowed by abscess. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fran., 1881-2, xxiv, 54-57. — Puejac (Mile. A.) Contraction spasmo- diquede l'uterus apr6s l'accouchenient, coi'ncitlant avec ties adherences anormales du placenta; m6trite gangr6neuse ; autopsie. Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6ric, Alger, 1865, x. 41-43.— Redondo (S. P.) Metritis parenquimatosa puerperal. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1877. xxiii, 289-291.—Ke» ilia (N.) Metritis aguda consecutiva al parto de forma inter mitente; curacion. Ibid., 1880, xxvi, 612-614.—Kodel- heimer (J.) Ein Fall von Retro-Peritonitis und Endo- metritis puerperalis. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1867, xxxvii, 99; 105.—Rooney (A. F.) The use of the curette in puerperal endometritis. Tr. Illinois M. Soc,Chicago, 1889, xxxix, 207-211.—Sandidge (P. E.) Metritis after confinement, resulting in extensive hyperplasia, etc. Louisville M. News, 1876, i, 302-304.— Senrre. Metrite aigue occasionnee par ties manoeuvres imprudentes pendant et apres racctuicliemcnt. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1835-6, iii, 455-458.—Skene (A. J. C.) A clinical lecture on "sclerosis uteri, a sequela of puerperal metritis". Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 15.—Taylor (C.) Inflammation of the uterine appendages, occurring after parturition. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, xii, 902-905.—Taylor (W. T.) History of a case of metritis, following labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1876, ix, 498-500. Also: Tr. Phila, Obst. Soc. (1876), 1877, iv, 8-10.—Thompson (J. E.) Inflamma- tion ofthe uterus and its appendages in puerpeial women. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 1861, u. s., iv, 73-85.—V ire how (R.) Ueber puerperale diffuse Metritis und Parametritis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., HerL, 1862, xxiii, 415-427.— Willemiii (A.) De la metrite puerp6rale idieipatbitpie ou metrite franche des nouvelles accouchees, et de sa com- plication avec les phlegmons pelviens. Arch. g6n. de ni6d., Par., 1847, 4. s., xv, 289; 450. Puerperal neuralgia. Beckh (L. H.) *Der Schenkelschmerz der Kintlbetterinnen. Neuralgia puerperarum crura- lis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1840. von Basedow, t'eber Neuralgia puerperarum crura- lis. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1838, vi, 636-639.— Boer (L. J.) Ueber eine Art eSchenkelschmerzen bey Kindbetteriunen, untl Mittel dagegen. In his: Abhand. u Versuche, etc., 8°, Wien, 1792,1, 2. pt.. 117-124— Frede- ricq. N6vralgie tlu nerf crural guerie par l'ipceac usinu chez une femme r6eenimeiit aceouchce. J. tie meel. etchir. prat., Par., 1848, xix, 74.—Griswolfl (11. VV.) Puerperal malarial laetarial mammarial neuralgia. Am. M. I!i Weekly, N. Y., 1881. xiii, 1-4.—Lawrence (S.) Puerpe- ral neuralgia. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efc Edinb., 1846, vi, 161-164.—Liegey. Avortementprobahlenientprothtit par une n6vralgie lombo-abdoniinale; uevralgie lombo- abdominale febrile consecutive, simulant les douleurs de raccoucbement: reflexions. Courrier med., Par., 1877, xxvii, 335-337.—IVnttall (H.) Neuralgia after part ui ition. Brit.M.J., Lond., 1861, ii, 83-85.—Bead. Severe.neu- ralgia during pregnancy. Boston M. efc S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 253. Puerperal pelvic cellulitis. See Pelvis (Abscess in). Puerperal peptonuria. Biagio (B.) La peptonuria puerperale ; tcsidi lauiva. Ami. dfostet.. Milano. 1887, ix, 202-241.— Fiwrhel (\V.) F eber puerperale Pe ptonurie. Centralbl. f. G vniik.. Leipz., 1884, viii, 724-726. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1884, xxiv, 400-426. -----. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Peptongehalt der Loelucu. uebst Bemerkungen iiber die Ursachen der puerperalen IVptemurie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1885, xxvi, 120-124.—Truzzi (E.) Peptonuria puerperale; ricerche sperimentali. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1885, eclxxi, 409: eclxxiii, 415, 1 pl.-----. Contributo alio studio della peptonuria puerperale in casi di operazioni Porro. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. s., viii, 163-165. Puerperal peritonitis. See, also, Pelvis (Abscess in); Puerperal fever. Allier (J. B.) * Dissertatio de peritouitide puerperali. 4°. Paris, 1819. Arrault (L.-H.) * Essai snr la peritonite puerp6rale. 4°. Paris, 1«16. Badix (A.) 'Dissertation sur la peritonite puerp6rale aignii ; abstraction faite de ses com- plications. 4°. Paris, 1825. PUERPERAL. 831 PUERPERAL. Puerperal peritonitis. Barlow (E ) *De peritonitide puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Baudelocque (C.-A.) Traite de la peritonite puerperale. Ouvrage couronne par la'Societe royale de medecine de Bordeaux. 8°. Paris, 1830. Af*o[Rev.], in: Ann. delam6d.physiol, Par., 1831, xix, 49-65. -----. The same. Treatise on puerperal peritonitis, to which was awarded the prize by the Royal Society of Medicine of Bordeaux. Transl. from the French by G. S. Bedford. 8°. Neiv York, 1831. Baudry (H.-P.) * De la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1848. Benoit (A.-G.) * De la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1843. Beslay (C.-V.-A.) * Dissertation sur la peri- tonite aigue cousideree specialement chez la femme en couches. 4°. Paris, 1826. Biknbaum (R.) *De peritonitide puerperali phlegmonosa. -8°. Vratislariw, 1866. Blake (A.) Aphorisms illustrating natural and difficult cases of accouchement; uterine hemorrhage, and puerperal peritonitis. 8C. London, 1817. Boutillier-du-Retail(M.-J.-A.-M. ) * Disser- tation sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1829. Bron (H.) * Considerations sur la peritonite des femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1820. Carpentier (A.) * Dissertation sur la perito- nite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1824. Carrier (J.-M.-A.) * De la peritonite puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1847. Chaussier (F.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1823. Clopin (B. ) * De la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1846. Culmet (J.) *Dissertation sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1812. David (V.) *Sur la peritonite simple et la metro-peritonite a la suite des couches. 4°. Paris, 1833. Debrkgeas (J.) "Dissertation sur la perito- uite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1828. Decourcelle (M.-C.-H.) * Quelques conside- rations sur les causes et le traitement de la peri- tonite puerperale a l'etat sporadique. 4°. Paris, 1853. Delpech (A.-B.-M.) 'Dissertation sur la pe- ritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1816. Dowkman (R.) *De puerperaruin peritoni- tide. 8°. Edinburgi, 1798. Dubois (F.) 'Dissertation sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1825. Dubots (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur la perito- nite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1817. Dufour (J.-B.-V.) * Dissertation sur la peri- tonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1812. Dulavouer (T.-L.) *De la peritonite puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1847. Duplaa (J.) * De la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1844. Durand (P.-E.-S.) * Dissertation sur la peri- tonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1831. Ession (J.-P.) * Dissertation sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1825. Filhol (J.) 'Dissertation sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1825. Foubert-Depallieres (D.) *Sur la perito- nite puerperale consideree dans son etat de sim- plicite et dans son etat de complication. 4°. Paris, 1808. Frestel (A.) *Sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1812. Puerperal peritonitis. Gaillard (H.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1824. Girouard (P.-E.) *De la peritonite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1846. Goulu (F.-F.) * Essai sur la peritonite puer- perale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1836. Grayo (J.-M.) * Sur la peritonite des femmes eu couches. 4°. Paris, 1824. Grelat (S.-V.) *Sur la peritonite puerpe- rale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1827. Grenon (E.) *De la metro-peritonite puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1837. Grille (J.-B.-R.) *Sur la peritonite puerpe- rale .aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Grollier (P.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1818. Guerin (J.-N.) * Sur la metro-peritonite aigue simple pendant la vacuite, la gestatiou et l'etat puerperal. 4°. Paris, 1830. Haciimann (L. N. ) *De peritonitide puer- perarum. 8°. Balw, 1824. HjEGEr (O.) * Ueber Peritonitis puerperalis. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Harivel (A.-A.) *Sur la peritonite puerpe- rale aigue. 8°. Paris, 1831. de Haselberg (O.) 'Observatioues aliquot de peritonitide in puerperis factae. 8°. Berolini, [1862]. Hasell (G. P. B.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1804. Havard-Duclos (F.-H.) *Sur la metro- peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Henrot(J.-B.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris. 1828. Jamet (A.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1833. Kelly (D.) *De peritonitide puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1815. Kruger (F. C.) * De peritonitide puerpera- rum. 8°. Kiliw, 1821. Larie (A.-B.) *Sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1834. Lechangeur (E.-C.) * Essai sur la peritonite puerperale aigue, suivi de quelques considera- tions sur l'hygiene des femmes en couches appli- quee a la prophylaxie de la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1837. Lefournier (R.-A.) * Sur la peritonite puer- perale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1828. Letellier ( P.-A. ) * Sur la peritonite puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1824. Leveille ( P.-J. ) *De la peritonite puerpe- rale. 4C. Paris, 1845. Levesque (P.-F.) * De la peritonite puerpe- rale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Ligeret(J.-F.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1818. Lynch (F. T.) *De peritonitide puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Mailland-Gonod (F.-X. ) *De la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1834. Majeste ( J. -P. ) * Sur la peritonite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1825. Marie (L.-S.) *Sur la peritonite des femmes eu couches. 4°. Paris, 1824. Also [Abstr.], in: Eev. med.-chir. de Par., 1849, vi, 129- 136. de Mesmaecker (J.-H. ) * De peritonitide puerperali 4°. Gandavi, 1825. Mielot (V.) *Sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4C. Paris, 1836. Minguet (F.-T.) *De la peritonite puerpe- rale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1837. Montfort (C.) *De peritonitide puerperali simplici et complicata. 4°. Parisiis, 1809. Mullot (L.) fils. *Sur la peritonite des femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1816. PUERPERAL. 832 PUERPERAL. Puerperal peritonitis. Naghten (T.) * De peritonitide puerperarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Patou (J.-E.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1834. Pecharmax (F.) 'Sur la peritonite puerpe- rale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1826. Peetehs (H. F.) *De peritonitide puerperali (febre puerperali quorundam auctorum). 4°. Geiiidari, [1818]. Perin (A.-F.) * Sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1836. Potier (F.-T.) 'Dissertation snr la perito- nite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1816. QriQUANDON (H.) *De la peritonite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1846. Raupp (A. F. A.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rali. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1845. Raymond (S. S.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. Riboud (T.) *De la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1846. Richter (F. G. T.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rarum. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Salles ( A.-F.) 'Dissertation sur la perito- nite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1827. Sauvetox (G.-M.) 'Dissertation sur la peri- tonite ties femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1820. Schloss (M.) * De peritonitide puerperali in clinico obstetricio Virceburgensi observata. 8°. [Berlin, 1820.] Schmidt (C. F. G.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rariim. 4°. Vitebergw, [1804]. Sciiwexke (A. T. H.) *De peritonitide puer- perali. 8°. Balis Sax., [n. d.]. Seidler (O.) *De peritonitide puerperali. 8°. Berolini, [1847]. Thouret (F.-N.) 'Essai sur la peritonite puerperale, ou peritonite des femmes eu couche. 4°. Paris, 1813. Vaval(G.-J.-F.) *De la peritonite en gene- ral, et particulierenient de la peritonite puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1815. Vernholz (F. C.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rali. [Wurtzburg.] 12°. Dusseldorfi, [1832]. Ville (P.-A.) 'Dissertation sur la peritonite puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1815. Woollcombe (W.) *De peritonitide puerpe- rarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1796. Alle vue (J. S. B.) Puerperal peritonitis and phlebitis. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1851, ix. 109-112.—A illicit (W. R.) 1 Ciiiein. M. Xcws, 1874, iii, 147-155. — de Argumosa (J. R.) Peritonitis puerperal intermitente abdhomadaria. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1876, ii, 514-520. — Atkin- son (T.) t Med. efe Pbys. J., Lond., 1815, xxxiii, 447.— Ayer. Peritonitis following protracted labor and the use of tbe forceps. Boston M. efe S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 104.— B. (C.) t Lond. M. efe S. J.. 1828, i, 545-549. — B. (W.) Subacute puerperal peritonitis, with some remarks upon fatty liver. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1855-6, iii, 300-303—Bally. Peritonitepuerp6rale. Clinique, Par., 1829, i, 161. — Berruzier (A.) Contiibution k I'histoire des p6ritoiiites traimiatiqu.es et puerp6rales. Rev. med. de Test, Xancy, 1877, vii, 299; 340; 363. — Besnicr (J.) Peritonite puerp6rale purulente; ponction et evacuation de cinq litres de pus; guerison. Union ni6d., Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 778-781.—Bierbaum (J.) 11 Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1867, xix, 50.— Bigelow (J.) t Treatment pallia- tive and expeetant; recovery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1859, lx, 41-44. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1856-8), 1859, iii, 309-311.—Bigham (E.) Report of a case of puerperal peritonitis with peculiar heart manifestations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889. xxxv, 598.—Bolton (W.) t Mis- souri M. efe S. J., St. Louis, 1846, ii, 223. — Brieheteau. Observation de peritonite puerp6rale simulant le cholera- morbus, pr6c6dee de qnelques remarques sur le caractere et la frequence actuelle de cette maladie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii, 495.—Brown (B.) On puerperal peritoni- tis and its treatment. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 329-331. — Bundy (S. H.) Puerperal peritonitis. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1875, n. a., xv, 268-274.-----. Pueipe- ral peritienitis. Month. J. South. 111. M. Ass., Cairo, 1877, i, 33-36.—Bnsey (S. C.) Vesical distention mistaken for puerperal pei itonitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 924.— Calderon (N.) Metro-peritonitis puerperal; muerte. Puerperal peritonitis. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1876-7. v, 22-24.—Can. dela. Peritonitis regional; evoluci6n del protest): et'mio se limitan, por qu6 limitan algunas peritonit is puerperales i Progreso ginec, Viilencia, 1884-5, i, 3£8 ; 401. — CaiMily ( F. I. ) t Sudden death when apparently nearly rettn- ered. Boston M. efc S. J., 1874, xci, 12!»- 131. — Cava- vaea I..6pez(A.) Estudio acerea tie la metro-peritonitis puerperal. Progreso ginec, Valencia, 1886-7, ii, 545; 5(11; 593.—Carrasc© (J. G.) Descripcion de dos peritonitis puerperales, tratatlas diversamente y segnidas tie una ter- minacion opuesta, acompanadas do algunas reflexiones. Period. Soc. metl.-quir. tie Cadiz, 1824, iv, 207-214. ----. Peritonitis puerperal, complicada con una gastro-encefali- tis, curada con el m6todo antifloKistico. Decatlas tie med. y cirug. pi-Act., Madrid, 1827. xv, 57-67.—Clinnilrii. Peri- tonite puerperale survenue 14 jours apres un accouchement naturel; guerison. Gaz. tl. hop.. Bar., 1835. ix, 43. — C'happell (\V. F.) Suppurative peritonitis and pleuritis following parturition ; draimige and recoverv. Med. Kec, N. V., 1888. xxxiii, 69'.'.—Childn (S. B.) Puerperal peri- tonitis. N. York M. J., 188."., xii, 308. — C'liet (M.-IL) P6ritonite t'otiijilitiut^c d'arai-bnitis et de gastro-enttrite; autopsie. Ia his: Obs. med.-chir., 8°, Lyon, 1823, pt. 1, 46-49. ----. Peritonite termin6e par suppuration et gu6- rie par une incision au bas-ventre. Ibid., 74-79.—Clivio (I.) efe iTIonti (A.) Contributo all'eziologia tlella ]ierito. nite puerperal. Atti 12. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888. i, 521-531. Also, Reprint.—Cox (J. II.) Case of peritonitis before delivery. Cincin. M. News, 1883, n. s., xii, 79-81.—Crocq. De la inetro-p6ritonite puerperale. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1874, xxvi, 105; 113; 121.— Crommeliiiek IC.) Peritonite puerp6rale; epanche- ment sero-purulent; gu6rison par l'huile essentielle do ter6bentbine. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, Brux., 1840, 21-24. Also: Arch, tie la m6d. beige, Brux., 1840, i, 67-70.— Davies (J.) Remarks on puerperal peritonitis. Lond. M. Rep.isit., 1824, n. s., ii, 177-188.—Debavay. Note sur l'emploi de l'acide arsenieux dans un cas d'bydropi- sie peritoneale, consecutive k une peritonite puerperale. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1844, 2. s., xii, 154. —Depanl. Peri- tonite survenue 23 jours apres l'accouchement. J. d. ages-femmes, Par.,'1877, v, 289.— van Doniinelen (G. F.) Peritonitis bij een puerpera. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. de Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1870, viii, 50-52. — Dora (J. W.) Puerperal metro-peritonitis. Chicago M. J., 1869, xxvi, 110-116. — »uboi» (P.) [Epidemie tie metro-peritonite.] Bull, clin., Par., 1835-6, i, 458-462.— Dubreuilh (J.) Observations de metro-peritonites pu- erperales, avec suppuration abdominale, suivies de gueri- son. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1858, iii, 345; 393.—Dunlnp (F.) Puerperal peritouitis ending in re- covery anil some of its results. ]N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 440-446.—Engan (P. R.) Erysipelas as a cause of pue rperal peritonitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 556.—Elliot (A. G.) Cases of puerperal peritonitis. N. York M. «fc S. Reporter, 1845-6, i. 206-211.—Evans (Z. H.) A case of laparotomy antl abdominal drainage for puerpe- ral peritonitis. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1889, iv, 216-218.—Faneau (A.) Observation dune metro-pe- ritonite aigue suivie d'une pleurite obscure, avec epanche- ment de serosil6 dans la cavite thoracique gauche k la suite d'un accouchement oil l'enfant pr6sentait le cootie gauche. Pr6cis de la const. m6d. tl'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1832, 20-22.—Fischel (W.) Eiu Fall von affebriler (ttau- matischer) Peritonitis im Puerperium. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1882, vii, 334-386. — Fink (S. A.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1882. cvi, 4D4-467.—Fitz-<»crald (F. W.) Hot-water baths in puerperal peritonitis. Chicago M. J. efe Exam., 1886, Iiii, 182. — Foote(l). E.) Puerperal peritonitis. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1876, xxvi, 242-246.—Fraenkel (A.) Ueber puerperale Peritonitis. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl, 1884, x, 212-214.—Full-ell (D.) (Puerperal peritonitis.) Am. M. Weekly. Louisville, 1876, v, 390.— Garrigues (11. J.) The " opium plan " in puerperal pe- ritonitis'. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 98-100. — Oarvin (I. P.) Remarks on puerperal peritonitis. South. M. efc S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i, 5-14. — Gaucher. Deux cas tie peritonite puerperale, gu6rie par Faction d'une tempera- ture 61ev6e. Rec. tl. proc-verb. . . . Soc. de med. prat., Par., 1860, 6-9.—Gibson (M. H.) Pueiperal peritonitis. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2. i, 430-436.—Gordon (S.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855-6, ii, 54. — Gorhan (A.) Endometritis et peritonitis puerperalis acuta. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1888, xxxiii, 436.—Goupil. Observations de peritonite puerperale. Biblioth. m6d., Brux., 1825, ii, 48-50.— Gra- hani. Puerperal peritonitis. Lancet, Lond., 1829-30, i, 470-472.—de la Grandiere (B.) Metro-peritonite k la suite de fausse couche, chez une multipart-. Bull Soc. m6d. du Panth6on de Par. (1864), 1865, 9-12.—Grange (J. W.) Notes of a case of puerperal peritonitis, with puru- lent effusion, terminating in recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xviii, 465-467.—Granx. Observation de metroperi- tonite puerperale, accompagn6e d'une d6chirure du col de la matrice faisant communiquer la cavite periton6ale avec le va iu, suivie de considerations qui tendent k d6montrer I'utilite de procurer, dans certains cas, uue issue a. la ma- tiere de l'epanchement, en pratiquant une ouverture aux PUEKPERAL. 833 PUERPERAL. Puerperal peritonitis. parois abdominales entre l'uterus et I'intestin rectum; au- topsie. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1842-3, ii 655: 1846-7, vi, 694. [Rap. de Gouz6e], 1844-5, iv, 3-14. IDiscussionl, 14: 1847-8, vii, 402. — Griswold (R. M.) Notes and observations upon four cases of puerperal peri- tonitis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1880, n. s., ii, no. 1, 33-37. Also : Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 453-457.—Guerin (J.) Peritonite puerp6rale, arret6e k son debat par l'emploi de Inspiration uterine. Courrier med.. Par., 1868, xviii, 305— Ilaquin (J.) Pelvi-perito- nite puerperale avec prolougement lombaire et pr6nephr6- tique enkyste. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1887, ii, 253- 259. Also: J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1887, ii, 200-206.—Har- i in (R. P.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1847, n. s., xiii, 87-90.— Hanking (E. B.) t Post mortem examination. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1851, 3. s., viii, 8-11.—von Hecker (C.) Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Form von Salpingo-Pe- ritonitis im Wochenbette. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1878, ii, 169-172.—Heller (J. F.) Blut bei Peritonitis pu- erperalis. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1844, 119-121.—Hervieux (E.) Des p6ritonites puerpe- rales aigues partielles et de leur traitement. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1866, lxxi, 193; 241; 289; 529. Also, Reprint. -----. Deux cas tie peritonite puerperale sans 16sion de l'appareil uterin ; importance de ces faits au point de vue doctrinal. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 217-219.— ----. De la p6ritonite puerperale g6n6ralisee ou g6nerale d'erabiee. Ibid., 1868, xii, 9; 14; 17; 21; 93; 101; 105,113; 282; 28!); 302; 414; 421; 426; 438.—Hoist (F. E.) Beobaeh- tung einer asthenischen Entziindung. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M., 1800, iv, 292-303.—Homas Puerperal peritonitis. Bostou M. & S. J., 1852, xlvi, 341.— Illovray (H.) Puerperal peritonitis resulting iu suppura- tion, spontaneous rupture of the abdominal wall, perfora- tion of the diaphragm, and evacuation of tbe pus through the bronchial tubes. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 432- 443.— Influence (De 1') de la constipation sur le deve- loppement de la p6ritonite chez les femmes en couches. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxv, 145-151.— Interesctanter Fall einer gliicklich geheilteu Peritonitis puerperalis. J. f. Geburtsh., Fraukf. a. M., 1821. iii, 214- 222.—Ireland (J. A.) Puerperal peritonitis. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1882, xiii, 187-195.—Jakins (XV. V.) Absorp- tion of pus formed during puerperal peritonitis. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883, n. s., v, 337.—Keating. Simple and pueiperal peritonitis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Pbila., 1853-6, n. s., ii, 514-522.—Krukeuberg (G.) Ueher Schwanger- schaft, Geburt und Wochenbett bei peritouealen Narben- strangen und Eiterherden. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1888, xxxiii, 62-72.— l.anglet. Peritonite; suite de couches; suppuration; evacuation par l'ombilic; deux observations. Union med. et scieut. du nord-est, Reims, 1882, vi, 270.— Lawrence (J. M. ) Three cases of puerperal perito- nitis. West. J. M. efe S., Louisville, 1849, 3. s., iv, 100-106. ----. Two cases of puerperal peritonitis. Ibid., 1852, 3. s., ix, 12-15.— Lefeii vre. fitat puerperal; vaginite; rhu- matisme articulaire aigu: peritonite; endop6ricardite; au- topsie; anevrysme mixte externe du grand sinus de l'aorte; ulceration d'une valvule si gmoide; infarctusnoiuhreuxdaus la rate et les reins; ramollissement des infarct us de la rate. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1867, xiii, 95-102.—I.egallois (E.) La peritonite puerp6rale, et de l'ouvrage tie M. Baudeloque sur cette maladie. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, xl, 256-272. Also, Reprint.—I.idell (J. A.) Abortion fol- lowed by metroperitonitis; gastritis also present; death (speedy); autopsy. N. YorkM. J., 1867. v, 382-384.—I.olzc (K.) Untersuchungen iiber Temperaturen und Chiuiuwir- kung in einem Falle von Peritonitis puerperalis diffusa, com- plicirtdnrch eine nach Heilung jener binuen 6 Mouaten letal endigende Pyelitis calculosa duplex. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., J875, xvi. 443-462.—liiigol. Observa- tions de peritonites puerperales. J. tl. progr. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1829, xiv, 186-230.—L.unipe. HeftigeMetroperitoni- tis puerperalis, mit starkem Exsudate, gliicklich geheilt. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1841, 1181. — McPhec- ters. Caseof pure puerperal peritonitis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884. xi, 344-348. — Magistretti (A.) Peritonite puerperale. Rac diop. med. mod. ital, Bologua, 1829, ix, 153- 161.—Martin (E.) Ueber Mutterrohrenentziindung und Erguss des eiterigen Sekrets derselben in die Bauchhohle als eine Ursache der Bauchfellentziindung hei Woehne- rinnen. Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1859, xi, 224-252. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueher die Salpingitis als Ursache der Peritonitis puerperalis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1862, xiv, 3-5.— Matla- kowsiki (XV.) Dwa przypadki zapalenia otrzewnej poch- odzenia pologowego leczone za pomoca laparotomii. [Two cases of purulent, septic puerperal peritonitis, treated hy laparotomy.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 461- 466.—Max (O.) Une p6ritonite puerp6rale, compliqu6e de phlebite uterine, apr£s un accouchement force, neces- site par des attaques d'edampsie Ann. Soc. d'anat. path. de Brux. Bull, 1862-3, ii, 86-90.—Mazarem (J. da R.) Peritonites puerperal. J. da Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1838, vii, 352-354.—van Mens (J. F.) Peritonitis puerperalis. 'iTrn-oicpdT^, Rotterd., [18281, vii, 52-65.—Miller (E.) Coex- istence of puerperal peritonitis, erysipelas and diphtheria. 53 Puerperal peritonitis. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1883, 75-78.—Minot. Peritonitis and pleurisy. Bostou M. tfe S. J., 1882, cvi. 111.— Mitchell (J. T.) On the nature, treatment, etc., of pu- erperal peritonitis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1862), 1863, iv, 96-105. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1862, i, 461.—Moore (S. H.) t Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1871-2, ii, 401-403—Mn- rillo (A.) Peritonitis puerperal; muerte. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1877, v, 174; 474: vi, 65.— Mustache (A.-E.) Observation de m6tro-peritouite trait6e par les saign6es g6n6rales et locales, et le calomel; guerison. J. de m6d., Brux., 1829, i, 492-495.— Newman (A.) A case of death following delivery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1856-7, lv, 360-363.—Niles (A.) Case of puerperal perito- nitis. Chicago M. Exam., 1865, vi, 385-389— IVonat (A.) Memoire sur la metro-peritonite puerp6rale simple ou compliqu6e. Rev. m6d. franc, el etrang., Par., 1837, i, 329: ii, 37: iii, 333: iv, 180.—Noll (H. J.) The puerpera and peritonitis; treatment and the principles involved. Gaillard's Al. J., N. Y., 1884, xxxviii, 612-622.—Osiander (F. B.) Gallichte Netz-und Gedarme-Eutziindung auge- fangen in der Schwangerschaft, und geendigt im Wochen- bett mit Eiteriing, Brand und Tod. Inhis: Denkwrdgktn. f.d. Heilk. u. Geburtsh., Gotting., 8°, 1794, i, 127-153.-----. Gallicht-rheuiuatlsche Eutziiudung im Unterleibe einer Wochnerin init Milchversetzuug und andern gefahrlichen Symptomen begleitet uud gliicklich geendiget. I bid., 207- 224.—Fallen (M. M.) Observations on puerperal perito- nitis and uterine phlebitis. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1851, ix, 206-210.—Palmer (D.) Puerperal peritonitis. Boston M. efeS. J., 1835-6, xiii, 373-375.—Patterson (J.) Case of puerperal peritonitis. Dublin J. M. efe Chein. Sc, 1833- 4, iv, 170-180.—Peritonaitis circumscripta post puerpe- rium; Abscessbilduug; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1867, Wien, 1868, 120.—Petit. M6tro-peritonite puerperale k forme thoracique. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1872, xii, 21-34.—Pfeufer (C.) Ueber Peritonitis puer- peralis uud Peritonitis muscularis. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl, 1824, i, 246-273. — Piceirilli (L.) Caso di perito- nite puerperale. N. Liguria med., Genova, 1873, xviii, 486-491.—Pichancoart. M6tro-p6ritonite; suite de couches. Union med. scieut. tlu nord-est, Reims, 1879, iii, 73-75.—Pierson (A. L.) Fatal caseof puerperal perito- nitis. Boston M. efe S. J., 1828-9, i, pt. 2, 789-791.—Piorry. Peritonite puerperale et hydre>p6ritonie; percussion des os. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 465.—PumarcH (A. L.) Metro peritonitis puerperal cou flegmasia alba dolens. Progreso med., Madrid, 1877, ii, 308. Also : Rev. de ined.'y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1877, i, 393-398.—Pnliiam (M. 0.') Note on the significance of the pulse in the forming stage of generalized puerperal peritonitis. Arch, Scient. efe Pract. M. efe S., N. Y., 1«73, i, 51-54.—Biez. M6tro-p6rito- nitepuerp6ralecoinpliquee de perforatum intestinale. Ann. Soc. d'anat, path, de Brux. Bull., 1878, xxvii, 119-123.— Bipley. Labor at full term; subsequent condition of the placental site. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 692.—Boe- scr. Note sur un cas de m6tro-p6ritouite mortelle surve- nue il la suite d'une injection iod6e intra-uterine apres laccoucheinent. Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1883, xx, 456-460.— Bomiti (G.) Peritonite acutissima in gravida per emor- ragia da una ovaia; parto; morte. Osservatore, Torino, 1877, xiii, 337-344.—Sargent (F. W.) tt Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1845, n. s., x, 287-290.—San veton (G.-M.) Obser- vation sur une peritonite puerp6rale suraigue. J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, civ, 149-156.—Scanzoni (F.) Peritonitis et endometritis puerperalis. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1846, lviii, 51.—Segur. Puerperal peritonitis, with albuminuria. Proc. M. Soc County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877-8, ii, 179.—Sel le (C. E.) Von einer Entziindung und Ineinanderschiebung der Ge- darme einer Kindbetterinn. In his: N. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Arzeneiw., 8°, Berl, 1782, pt. 1, 34. -----. Von einem im Wochenhette entstandenen Eitersacke im Becken. Ibid., 1783, pt. 2, 58-65.—Seutin (L.) Reflexions sur quelques observations de m6tio-p6ritonite puerp6rale. Ann. de la m6d. physiol., Par., 1824, v, 374-402.—Sholl (E.H.) tMed. efc Surg.'Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 64.—Sizer (N. B.) A case of puerperal peritonitis complicated with acute yellow atrophy ofthe liver. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1874-5, vii, 232-244. Also, Reprint.—Smith (G. F.) Case of pu- erperal peritonitis, with unemia. Richmoud & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1876, xvii, 217-221.—Smith (R.K.) Re- port of twenty-seven cases of puerperal peritonitis. Med. Exam., Phila., 1856, u. s., xii, 193-213. ---—. Report of seven cases of puerperal peritonitis. Ibid., 709-720.— Smith (W. O.) Eight cases of puerperal peritonitis. Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1873, xxviii, 88-91.—Son. nenburg. Znr operativen Behandlung der puerperalen Peritonitis. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1885, xi, 444. [Discussion], 447-453.—Spiegelberg (O.) Peri- tonitis puerperalis in Folge vou Perforation eiuer vereiter- ten Lymphcaverne des Fundus uteri; Tod. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. a. Frauenkr., Berl., 1866, xxviii, 435-438.— Stnrgcs (F.) t Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 757.—Sundelin (K.) Dannfellentziiiidung bei einer Wochueriun. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1830, i, 123-128.—Taylor (■!. W.) A case of post-puerperal peritonitis with .subperitoneal ab- scess ; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 911.— PUERPERAL. 834 PUERPERAL. Puerperal peritonitis. Thomas (T. G.) Phlegmon in Douglas' cul-de-sac, from recent pubic peritonitis. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xl, 427.—Tichc^nor (E. J.) Puerpera] peritonitis. Obst, Gaz.. Cincin., 1878, i, 102-108.—Tiingel (0.) Drei Fiillo von pueiperaler Peritonitis. Klin. Mitth. v. tl. med. Abth. tl. allg. Krankenh. in Hamb., I860. 118-122. — Van- dens.nndc (J.-B.) Observation deperitoiiitepuerperale. iFrom: Ann. Soc. de med. de Louvain] Biblioth. med., hrux., 1824. i, 457-462.—Van Hengel (G. V.) Version podalique. peritonite puerp6rale; gu6rison. Bull.Soc.de med. de Gand, 1848, xv, 270-272.—Walker (J. E.) (Case of puerperal peritonitis.) Am. M. Weekly, Louisville, 1876, v, 396.—Ward (T. O.) Puerperal peritonitis, with some anomalous circumstances terminating fatally. Loud. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 815— Warncld (L.) On pueiperal peritonitis, its pathology and treatment. Transvlv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1837, 'x, 674-681.— Watson (0. S.) A case in which peritonitis was caused by vaginal syringing after two successive confinements. Lancet, Lond.. 1889, ii, 1274.—Welles (F. M.) A case of remarkable opium tolerance iu traumatic diffuse puerperal peritonitis. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1880, xiii, 864-868. - Wey (W. C.) Death of fcetus at about the seventh month ; labor at term aud rapidly advancing, vertex presenting ; subsidence of ute- rine effort, caused by complete separation of the placenta, which was extracted by tbe hand ; delivery of the child by turning ; shock; peritonitis, and death in tour days. Med. Rec, N. T., 1884, xxv, 147.—Wilmart (L.) De Taction de la glace et du sulphate de quinine dans le traitement de la peritonite puerperale; trois observations. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 161-168.—Winckel (F.) Ul- cera vagina?, Kystomatitis ovarii sinistri, Peritonitis per- forativa puerper. ; Tod. Ber. . . . a. d. k. siichs. Entbind.- Inst. in Diesel., Leipz., 1874, i, 157-159.—Woodward (C.) Puerperal peritonitis, in its connections wit li epidemic ery- sipelas. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1853, xiv, 38;>-403.—Wood- ward (S. IS.) A case of purulent, puerperal peritonitis, successfully treated by incision and drainage. Boston M. eSr S. J., 1888. cxix, 33.—Wood worth (B. F.) Quinine in puerperal peritonitis. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 524. Puerperal peritonitis (Treatment of). See Puerperal fever (Treatment of). Puerperal phlebitis. See, also, Brain (Sinuses of); Phlegmasia do- lens ; Puerperal fever; Puerperal thrombosis, etc. Amrein (J.) Dela phlebite crurale puerp6- rale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851. Bauersfeld (H.) * Ueber Venenentziinduug tier Gebarmutter. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1832. Billoir (C.-H.) *De la phlebite uterine puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1857. Bkuys (H.) *De phlebitide et lymphangioi- title puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, [1846J. Buttig (G. A.) *De phlebitide puerperarum uterina ac femorali. 4°. Lipsiw, [1836]. Cekny (J. N.) * Beobachtungen iiber die Entziindung der Bauch-Aorta und tier unteren Holilvene, als haufig vorkoniiuende Krankheiten im Wochenbette, gesammelt in derk. k. Eutbin- dungsanstalt zu Prag. 8C. Prag, 1831. Helm (J.) *De nietrophlebitide puerperali. 8-'. Vindobonw, [1838]. Hoerle (P. S.) *De phlebitide uterina. 4°. Beidelbergw, [1835]. Joxas (M.) *De phlebitide uterina quae au- tumno a. 1840 in institute obstetricio regio ob- servata est. 8U. Berolini, [1H41]. Loeffler (G. F. F.) *De phlebitide uterina. 8°. Berolini, 1837. Lumina (P.) #De phlebitide puerperaruin. 8°. Ticini Begii, [1842]. Maistre (J.-C.) * Considerations sur la phle'- bite uterine ties nouvelles accouchees. 4° Pa- ris, 1829. Makqeet (O.) *De l'inflammation spontanee des veines variqueuses chez les femmes enceintes on recemnient accouchees. 4°. Paris, 1876. Opitz (J. A. A.) *Dephlebitide puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, [1848]. Perreau (L.-A.) 'Recherches et observa- tions sur la phlebite uterine puerperale. 4° Paris, 1832. Puerperal phlebitis. Plumert (J.) *Diss. sistens notatu digna circa uietrophlebitidein puerpcraleni adnexa morbi historia synoptica. 8°. Praga; [1KIH] Rosenzweig (D. ) *De phlebitide uterina. 8°. Berolini, [1854]. Tisciinowsky (C. W.) *De nietrophlebitide puerperali. 8C. [Pragw, 1843.] W5lfl(J.) *De nietrophlebitide. ri^. Mo- nachii, 1840. Bailly. Phlebite uterine suivie de coagulations vei- neuses avec phlegmasia alba dolens. Bull. Soc. anal, de Par., 1867, xiii, 370-372. [Discussion], 372-376.—Ital I ing (F. A.) Ueber die Phlebitis uterina; Boobae htnngen. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1830, v, 3u8- 314.—Balls-Headley. Case of uterine phlebitis. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1879, n. s., i, 427-430. — von Beil- ler(A.) Fall von Metrophlebitis puerperalis, nebst epi- tritisthen Bemerkungen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk Berl., 1845, 445-454.-Bcll (A. N.) Case of uterine phle- bitis, with black vomit. Am. M. Month, efe N. Y. Rev 1861, xv, 121-126. Also: Tr. M. Soc, County Kings 1858- 04. N. Y. & Buffalo, 1865, i, 91-95.-Bidder '(E.) efc Num. gin (W.) Thrombosis venarum et metrophlebitis. Si. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1873-4, n. F., iv, 857-302. — Itolrel. Memoire sur l'angioleucite uterine puerperale-. Arch. g6n. denied., Par., 1845. i, 416: ii, 1; 129. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1845, iii, 441: iv, 90; 215; 386.—Itouil- laud. Phlebite k la suite des couches; symptomes ty- phoides pouvant en imposer pour l'existence d'une tievre typhoide proprement dite; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par. 1840, 2. s., ii, 30.—Brown(F. J.) Case of puerperal phle- bitis. or purulent infection of the blood ; recovery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlviii. 418-421. —Brim (F.) De la phle- bite et tie la lymphangite uterines. Rev. mens, de m6d. et chir., Par., 1879, iii, 985-997.—Caillard. Phlebite ute- rine, peritonite puerperale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1830-31, iv, 343-345.—Clemens (A.) Mittheilungen iiber Phle- bitis cruralis puerperarum. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1855, vi, 241-258.—Cornil (V.) Gros- sesse; diarrhee et tumefaction de la rate; an6mie; ac- couchement avant terme d'un enfant mort-n6; cedenie dou- loureux de la grande 16vre et de la euisse du cote droit; a l'autopsie, inflammation purulente des vaisseaux lympha- titiues de la r6gion crurale et des ganglions. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 593-598.—Oumont-Pnllier. Note sur un cas de double phlebite uterine chez une femme mort le vingt et imteme jour apres l'accouchement. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1858, Par., 1859, 2. s., v, 1. pt., 22.— Duplay (A.) De la suppuration des vaisseauxlynipha- tiques de l'uterus k la suite de l'accouchement. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1835, 2. s., vii, 293: 1836, 2. s., x, 308. -----. Quelques observations tendant k 6clairer I'histoire de phlebite a la suite de l'accouchement. Ibid., 2. 8., xi, 58-80.—El linger (J.) Phlebitis uterina. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1845, Iii, 29-36.—Farre. Suppurative phlebitis, chiefly in the lower limbs, some weeks after confinement; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1862, ii, 140. — Faucoiuprc. Phlebite de la sapltene de la {'ambe gauche; engorgement tlu ligament large gauche; iroucho-pneumonie; infection puerperale; gu6rison. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1883, xi, 258.—Fevrc. Lymphan- gite uterine k la suite de couches; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1877, Iii. 448-450. Also: Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 928.—Fouquier. Phlebite des membres abdominaux, a la suite de couches. Clin. d. h6p., Par., 1827-8, ii, 293 — Oarein. Suites de couches; phlegmon du ligament large droit; mort subite; phlebite uterine; thromboses multi- ples desarterespulmonaires; myocardite; d6g6nerescence graisseuse du ventricule droit. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879. ii, 294-301—IJucniot. [Phlebite uterine, accidents post-puerp6raux d'infection purulente.] Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 98.—Haydcn. On cir- cumscribed phlebitis of the lower extremities alter labor. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxviii. 453-456.—Helm (T.) Metrophlebitis puerperalis, von Hippokrates beobachtet. Med. Jahrb d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, n. F., xvii, 595-602.—Hervieux. Phlebite variqueuse puerp6rale; giterison complete des varices par la suppuration et la de- struction consecutive des veines enflammees. [Case.] Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. tl. hop. de Par. (1867), 1868, 2. s., iv, 332-337. -----. De la phlebite puerp6rale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiv, 309; 321; 364; 401.— Hillairet. [De phlebite remarquahle, aprfes un ac- couchement, avec complication de dvsenterie.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1846, xxi, 163-166. — Ilowship (J.) Puer- peral inflammation of the deep-seateel veins of the leg. In his: Pract. Remarks, [etc.], 8°, Loml., 1840, 149-154.— IIumm (M.) Phlebitis uterina puerperalis chronica. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1844, v, 71-82. — ■ merest ing (An) case in midwifery practice; great enlargement of legs. Lancet, Loud., 1874, i, 72. — Janvrin (J. E.) Caseof puerperal phlebitis. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1877, x, 93-98. Also: Tr. N. York Obst, Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 138-143.— Kessler. Fall von Gebarmutter Yenenentzundiiiig mit todtlichem Ausgange, welche in versiiumter Losung der PUERPERAL. 835 PUERPERAL. Puerperal phlebitis. Nachgeburt ihren Grund hatte. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1841, x, 105.—Kcstevcu (W. B.) A case of puerperal uterine phlebitis, with remarks. Lotid. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 926-931.—Kirkbride (T. S.) [Case of] puerperal phle- bitis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1834, xv, 352.—Kiuse. Phlebitis puerperalis; Entziindung und Obliteration der rechten Vena spermatica. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi, 60.— lianeereaiix. Phiebites puerp6rales des veines utero- ovariennes, tenales, cave, hypogastriques et temorales, avec propagation du processus inflammatoire des veines aux arteres tenales, puis k l'aorte, et enfln obstruction des arteres iliaques et temorales avec ttebut de gangrene aux deux iambes. Bull. Acatl. de med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 142-146. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1887, 7. s., iv, 87-89.— l,ee (H.) Cases of purulent deposits, connected with in- flammation of the veins, after delivery. Lond. J. M., 1850, ii, 639-641.—L.ee (R.) Pathological researches on inflam- mation of the veins ofthe uterus, with additional observa- tions on phlegmasia dolens. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1828-9, xv, 369-436. Also, Reprint.—I.ongnel (M.) Infection • purulente, par phiehite uterine, des nouvelles accouchees; observation et reflexions. Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1874, i, 42_55.—Iiuc (H.) Phlebite uterine suppuree post-puer- p6rale termin6e par coagulation et suivie de gu6rison. France med., Par., 1883, i, 172-174. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 273-276. Also: Medeciu prat, Par., 1883, iv, 457-460.—lVIcClintock (A. H.) On phlebitis of the great venous trunks of the neck subsequent to labour. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxii, 1-9. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 518; 521.—Malag© (P. P.) Istoria di una flebite puerperale curata in Ferrara nel maggio 1830. N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1830, ii, 150-153.—Marduel. Observation de phlebite uterine; mort douze jours apres l'accouchement. Lyon nted., 1869, i, 622-628. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nted. de Lyon (1869), 1870, ix, 77-84.—Merle. Phlebite uterine; embolie pulmonaire consecutive. Lyon m6d., 1869, ii, 466- 46g.—Monneret. Lecon sur un cas rare de phlebite puerperale generalis6e. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 443.— Negri (P.) Flebite infettiva; forme secondarie polmo- nari; guarigione. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1885, vii, 119- 123.—rVi vert. De l'inflammation spontan6e des veines variqueuses des membres inferieurs chez les femmes re- cemment accouchees. Arcb. g6n. de nted., Par., 1862, ii, 153-175.—IVoUa (M.) Phlebite uterine infectieuse chez une primipare; frissons multiples; tetidite des selles; te- tidite des lochies; infection par l'accoucheur; guerison. France m6d., Par., 1884, ii, 1550-1554.—Ormerod (E. L.) Phlebitis following parturition; suppuration of the eye- balls; remarks; symptoms of collapse; coagula from in- flammation; nature of secondary abscesses. Lancet, Lonil, 1846, i, 669.—Papin. Puerperal phlebitis, with resultingthrombosis and gangrene. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 396-403.—Payne (R. L.), jr. Uterine phlebitis. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1880, vi, 196-199.—Penua (J.) Fiebre puerperal; flebitis. An. d. Circ. nted. ar- gent., Buenos Aires, 1883-4, vii, 889, 1 tab.: 1885, viii, 65, 1 diag.—Pilat. Infection puerp6rale; phlebite de la sapltene externe; arthrite purulente; mort. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1882, x, 162-164. -----. Lymphangite et phlebite puerp6rale; broncho-pneumonie intercurrente; guerison. Ibid., 1884, xii, 27. -----. Phlebite uterine in- fectieuse; peritonite g6n6ralis6e; phiehite consecutive de la saphfene interne du membre droit; mort rapide. Ibid., I885, xiii, 249. — Puerperale Gangran ties r. Fusses; Ainputatio cruris; Heilung. Jahresb. ii d. chir. Ahth. tl. Spil. zu Basel (1878), 1879, 87.—Kebiere. Observation de phlebite et embolie cardiaque puerp6rales. suite de fausse couche et termin6e par la mort. Union nted. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1885, ix, 125.—Richardiere. Phlebite des sinus uterins; infection purulente; ahcea ntetastatique du cieur. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, Ivii, 129. Also: Progres nted., Par., 1882, x, 822.—Roviglio (G. B.) Storia di pioemia per flebite uterina. Gior. veneto ili sc. med., Venezia, 1862, 2. s., xx, 359-367.—Sachero (G.) Della flebite uterina diffusa delle puerpere. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1841, xcviii, 241-297. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ann. de nted. beige, Brux., 1841, iii, 111-115. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1841, xiv, 359- 361. -----. Delia flebite uterina diffusa delle puerpere. Ann. univ. tli med., Milano, 1842, ci, 241; 654.—Schiitzen- bergcr (C.) Phiehite uterine puerp6rale; thrombose des veines iliaque et crurale gauches; phenomenes d'infection; embolie de l'artere pulmonaire. Gaz. nted. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 105-109. Also, in his: Fragments d'6tudes path, et cliu., 8°, Par., 1879, 337-351.—Siredcy. Phlebite suppuree consecutive k un avortement; traitement anti- septique; giterison. J. de nted. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, 1, 14-16.—Stephenson. Pueiperal phlebitis. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 36-38.—Temoin. [Apoplexie avec phlebite des veines du cerveau chez une femme en couches, qui avait 6t6 atteinte successivement tie metro-p6ritonite et de phlegmatia alba dolens du mem- bre inferieur gauche.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1859, xxxiv, 68-70.—Thweatt (J. J.) Puerperal phlebitis; purulent infection. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1859. xii, 261-273.—Tissier. Phl6bitepuerp6raleinfectieuse. Bull. Puerperal phlebitis. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1884, lix, 575-577. Also: Progres nted., Par., 1885. 2. s., i, 459— Wirgin (A. G.) Metrophlebitis puerperalis. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1848, x, 531-537. Puerperal poison. See Puerperal fever (Causation, etc., of). Puerperal psychoses. See Insanity (Puerperal). Puerperal scarlatina. See Scarlatina (Puerperal, etc.). Puerperal septicemia and pyaemia. See Joints (Puerperal, etc., diseases of); Puer- peral fever. Puerperal state. [Subsequent to comple- tion of labor.} See, also, Haemorrhage ( Uterine) in pregnancy, etc ; Labor; Labor (Accidents in); Labor (After- treatment of); Labor (Sequelw of); Lactation; Lochia (Physiology, etc., of); Mercury (Bichlo- ride of, Toxicology of); Nipples; Puerperal dis- eases; Sacro-iliacjunction; Sciatica(Puerperal); Symphysis (Pelvic, Diseases of); Temperature (Animal, etc.) in pregnancy, etc.; Urine (Beteniion of) in women ; Uterus after delivery. Andrioli (H. A.) * De puerperio. 8°. Vin- dobonw, [1830]. Barbarin (J.) * Hygiene dela nouvelle ac- couched. 4°. Paris, 1883. Baumfelder (C. R. A.) * Beitrage zu den Beobachtungen der Korperwiirme, der Puis- und Respirationsfrequenz im Wochenbette. 8°. Leip- zig, [1867]. Beato y Dolz (J. ) * De l'6tat puerperal. 4°. Paris, 1865. Borner (E.) Ueber den puerperalen Uterus. ' 8°. Graz, 1875. Bonnet (J.) *De l'etat puerp6ral et de sa pathogenie. 4°. Paris, 1844. Brocard (J.-B.-A.) * Essai sur les soins que l'on doit a la femme en couche. 4°. Strasbourg, 1819. Carteaux (A.) * Conside'mtions sur la suite des couches. 4°. Paris, 1828. Chatelet (E.) * Sur la temperature locale du sein apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1884. Coppieters (H. L.) *De regimine puerpera- rum. 4°. Gandw, [1825]. Crede (C. S. F.) Gesunde und kranke Woeh- nerinnen. Rathschlage fiir Aerzte und Geburts- helfer zur Verhiitung und Behandlung der Er- krankungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1866. Desmons (F.-J.) * De l'etat puerperal et des soins qu'il reclame. 4°. Paris, 1858. Driver (S. W.) Observations on the puer- peral pelvic ligaments. [ Read at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 7, 1887.] 8°. [Boston, 1887.] Duroussin (G.) * Contribution a l'e"tude de la mortalite" chez les femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 1880. Grillo (F.) Breve memoria sulla donna puer- pera. 8°. Avellino, 1886. Hoffmann (C. P.) Schediasma litrerarium de insignioribus puerperii temporibus; sive, vou Sechs-Wochnerinnen. sin. 4°. Begiomontiet Lip- siw, 1723. Kaltenbach (P.) * Die Lactosurie der Woeh- nerinnen. [ Strasburg. ] 8°. Slutlgart, [1879]. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1879, iv, 161-179. Kehrer (F. A.) Ueber die Veranderungen der Pulscurve im Puerperium. 8°. Beidelberg, 1886. Lassaigne (A.-F.-A.) * Consiiterations sur les suites de couches. 4°. Paris, 1836. PUERPERAL. Puerperal state. Lki;kndre (E.) * De la femme recemment ac- couchee et de l'enfant nouveau-u6. 4°. Paris, 187,0. Louge (P.) *Le pouls puerperal physiolo- gique. 4°. Paris, 1886. ------. The same. Grossesse, accouchement, couches normales. 8°. Paris, 1886. M. (M. M.) Felix puerpera, seu observatioues medicae circa regimen puerperarum ct infantum recens natorum. ad cl. virum D. D. Drelincnr- tium. 24°. Lugd. Bat., [1684]. Maillart (V.-E.) * De l'etat puerperal et de sou influence sur les maladies. 4°. Paris, 187,6. Massoulard-Maffrand (F.-J.) * Sur l'e'tat puerperal, et les tliverses affections qui peuvent le compliquer. 4°. Paris, 1833. Mathieu (O.) * De l'etat puerperal, et des soius que reclame la femme en couches. 4°. Pa- ris, 187)7. Metzke (C. H.) * Fiinf Falle von erfolgreicher Uterustamponade bei Atonia uteri post partum. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Parmentier (J. B. C.) * De regimine puer- perarum. 4U. Gandavi, [1830]. Parvin (T.) Lectures on obstetric nursing; delivered at the training school for nurses of the Philadelphia Hospital. 12°. Philadelphia, 1889. Perreymond (N.) * Etudes cliniques sur les femmes en couches; temperature; circulation; secretion laiteuse. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Peters (J. C. P.) * Regimen mierperaruin. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1791]. Also, transl. in: Analek. f. Frauenkrankh., Leipz., 1837, i, 441-457. Petit (C.-A.) * Des suites de couches. Essai tie description clinique de la physiologie puerpd- rale. 4°. Paris, 1868. Playfair ("W. S.) The puerperal state. Be- ing part the fifth from a treatise on ibe science and practice of midwifery. With notes and ad- ditions by Robert P. Harris. 8°. Philadelphia, 1882. Raymond. * De la puerp6ralite\ 4°. Paris, 1880. Richart (J.-B.-F.-X.-T.) * Dissertation phy- siologique et pathologique sur la puerperali tc\ 4°. Strasbourg, 1813. Rublack (Charlotte). Meine Erfahrungen am Wochenbette. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. C. G. Carus. 2. Ausg. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1848. Saxgster (C. A.) *De puerperio. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1847>. Saucerotte [L.-S.] Prejuge"s et usages abu- sifs concernant les femmes enceintes, celles uou- vellement accouchees et les enfans nouveaux-ne's. 12°. 2\raucy, 1777. Schiele (T. F.) * De cura ad puerperas spec- tante. 8°. Berolini, [1829]. Stadfeldt (A.) & Ingerslev (E.) Lsereu om F0tlslcns og Barselsengens Patologi, for Lteger og Studerende. [Theories on diseases of infants and lying-in women; for physicians and stu- dents.] 12°. Ej0benhavn, 1889. Troy ( D. ) * Sur l'hygiene des femmes en couches. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831. Vallee (A.-N.) * Des suites de couches. 4°. Paris, 1836. Vkrdier (J.-B.-M.-F.) * Des phenomenes na- turels de l'e'tat puerperal, et des soins a donner aux femmes en couches. 4°. Paris, 187>2. Ahjfeld (F.) Der Zusammeuhang zwischen Schweiss- eruption post partum und Uteruscontractiiuien. Inhis: Ber. u. Arb. a. tl. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin zu Marb. 1885 6, 8°, Leipz., 1887. iii, 81.—Alexander (Harriet C. B.) Fo- 836 PUEUPEIJAL. Puerperal state. rensit- relations ofthe puerperal mental slate. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 777- 779. — A11 hint 5!l- 563. —Backer (J.) & TemeNvary (R.) Tanulmanyok a gyermekiigvkorebol. [Childbed stutlit's.] Orvosi hetil. Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 1257; 1328, 1 tab.; 1437: 1888, xxxii' 321,1 tab.; 356; 777; 813; 850. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch.f! Gynaek., Berl, 1888, xxxiii, 331-399. Also, transl. [Ahstr.j: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 453 ; 480; 600- 640; 669; 689.— Barbour (A. 11. F.) Sectional anatomy of labour; puerperium. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1886-7) 1887, xii. 173-176. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 534- 537. — Barnes (F.) The indications afforded by the sphvgmograph in the puerperal state. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lonel. (1874), 1875, xvi, 263-274— Baumm (P.) Gewichts- veranderungen der Schwangeren, Kreissenden untl Wiieh- nerinnen bei tier in derMiinchener Fruuenklinik iibliclicn Ernahruugsweise derselben. Minn-hen. metl. Wehnseln. 1887, xxxiv, 98; 120; 149; 159: 182; 107.—Beequerel . J., 1883, cix, 343.—Mouiierel. De la puer- peralite. Union niCd., Par., 1867. 3. s., iv, 213; 228- 275.— Montgomery (W. F.) Retardation of the pulse after labor. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, n. s., iv, 17.—Moreau (L.) Suites de couches. Alger metl., 1882, x, 48: 70; 107.— Murray. Management of lying in women. Med.efeSurg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 184-186.—Olshausen (R.) Ueber die Pulsverlangsamung im Wocbenbett uud ihre Ursache. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1881, v, 49-53.— Feck (G. B.) The management of the breasts in non- nursing puerperas. Hahneman. Month., Phila,, 1889, xxiv, 411-415.—Forak. Des applications du raclage ut6rin aux suites de couches. [Rev. crit,] J. dem6d.de Par.. 1889, xvi, 564-568.—Priestley (W. O.) On the occasional la- tency and insidiousness of grave symptoms iu connection with the puerperal state. Brit. M. J., Lontl, 1885, ii, 337- 340.—Bainsbotham (F. H.) After treatment of labour. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv. 1-7. Also, transl: Analek. f. Fraueukrankh., Leipz., 1837, i, 424-440.—Bogowicz (J.) Wskazowki do zapobieganiapowstawaniu zakazenia polo- gowego w praktyce prywatnej. [Notes on prevention of infection dining puerperal period in private practice.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1889, xvii, 289; 305.—Sacchi (P.) Prognosi del puerperio dallo stato del polso e del respiro subito dopo il parto; studio clinico. Ann. di ostet., Mi- lano, 1883, v, 521-536.—[Sacombe (J.-F )] Premiere ob- servation sur la couche. Limine franc., Par., an xii [1804|, ii, 334-374.— [Schuster ( G. )] Puerperium clinicum, oder: Die, aus dem Krankenwochenbette, gliicklich ausge- fiihrten Sechsvtochiierinnen. Med. J., Chemnitz, 1767, ii, 3-15.—Seaitiiion (G.) Higiene del puerperio. Gac. wed. deCataluiia, Barcel., 1879, ii, 289-293.—Sinclair (A. D.) Measurements of the uterine cavity in childbed. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1879. Bost., 1880, iv, 231-239. -----. Measure- ments ofthe uterine cavity in childbed; second and third series of one hundred and eight cases each. Ibid., 1881, Phila., 1882, vi, 327-340.—Smith (IL) The administration of alcohol to parturient women. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 475-477.—Soloveft" (A. N.) Ob izmai- renii vaisa heremennikh i rodilnits. |On the determina- tion of the weight in pregnancy and after delivery.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1876, xv'i, 189-191.—Steflcck. Zur Desinfektion des Genitalkanals. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 233-235.—Stockton (C. G.) On the na- ture of croupous inflammations, with special reference to the puerperium. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1888-9, xxviii, 749- 752.—Ntoltz (J.-A.) De l'etat puerperal. M6m. Soc de med. tie Strasb., 1864, iii. 26-58. -----. Couche, couches. N. diet, de metl. et chir. prat., Par., 1869, ix, 666-699. -----. Puerp6ralit6. Ibid., 1881, xxx, 87-145.—Tauszky (R.) How to secure the best possible physical condition after parturition. Med. Bee, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 581-583.— Termen (E.) Traumata post partum. Med. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb.Vosp. Doma, 1870,167-182.—Thiede (M.) Ueber lokale Antiphlogose im Wocbenbett. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1880, v, 87-95.—Verrier. Du bain pendant l'etat pnerp6ral. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1872, i, 415- 419.—Waller (C.) On puerperal irritabilitv. Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1825, Iiii, 116-121.—Wilson (CM.) The feed- ing of puerperal convalescents. Dietet. Gaz., N. Y. efe Phila., 1889. 244-246.—Winckel (F.) Beitrage zur Physio- logie und Pathologie des Wochenbettes. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. 11. Frauenkr., Berl., 1863, xxii, 321-370, 7 pl.— Wittwer (H. R.) Ischio-rectal abscess complicating the puerperium. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 233. Puerperal state (Complications of). See Cholera (Asiatic), Death (Sudden), in preg- nancy; Ovariotomy during pregnancy, etc.; Scar- latina (Puerperal). Puerperal tetanus. See, also. Puerperal convulsions. Collongues (F.) * Contribution a, P6tude de te"tanos puerperal consecutif a l'avortemeut. 4°. Paris, 1878. Lardier (P.-A.-J.-J.) * Du t6tanos puerperal consecutif a l'avortemeut et a raccouchement. 4°. Paris, 1874. Aliis (O. H.) Case of a woman who died of tetanus at full term, the foetal heart heing heard to beat for five min- utes. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 508.—Annan ( R. ) Recollections of two cases of idiopathic tetanus with one case alter abortion, and incidental notes on traumatic tet- anus. Edinb. M. J., 1856-7, ii, 435-438.—Aiceiiejgui (J. M.) Un caso tie tetanos puerperal. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1887, xxxiv, 120. Also: Progreso ginec, Valencia, 1886-7, PUERPERAL. ,S88 PUERPERAL. Puerperal tetanus. iii. 373-376—Arnold (B.) Ein Fall von Tetanus nach Abortus. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1884, liv, 209-211'.—Baart dc la Faille (.J.) Tetanus post abortum. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1872- 3, ii, 30-40. — Kcnington (R. C.) Puerperal tetanus. Brit.Gynaec. J., Lond.,1885,i, 159-166. Also LAhstr. ] : Brit. M.J.Lond., 1885, i, 1101.—Berg. TSdtlichei Tetanus bei einer Wochnerin. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1847, xvii, 344.—Biaudet. Cas de tetanos aprfes avortement. Bull Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1880, xiv, 151.—Bindabun Chatterjee. Tetanus oc- curring 12 days after delivery. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1854, ii, 471.—Blachez. Du tetanos puerperal. Gaz. hebd. de m6d.. Par., 1874, xxi, 393.—Blaekshaw (.1.) Case of puerperal tetanus, following abortion and plugging of the \agina. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1865, ii, 252.— Itoiirniiiii (C. \.) Puerperal tetanus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Isx7, ix, 522-524. | Diseussioni, 538. — Bdlling (D.) Tetanuspuerperalis. Ugesk. f. La-ger, Kjebenh, 1871, 3. R.,xi, 377-379.—Boyil (M. A.) Caseof tetanus following abortion. Proc. Dubl. Obst, Soc, 1873-4, 181-186.—Brag- ilou (M. C.) A case of tetanus following abortion ; recov- ery. U. States M. Invest , Chicago, 1879, n. s., x, 203-205.— Brown (W. S.) Tetanus following the removal of an in- trauterine peelypus. J. Gynsec. Soc. Bost., 1870, ii, 2-6.— Castillo ill- Pineiro. Tetanus puerperal. An. de obst.. ginepat. y pediat., Madrid, 1883, 2. 6p., iii, 369.— Christie. |Oase of tetanus consequent on parturition.j Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1812, viii, 415— Craig (W.) Puerpe- ral tetanus, coming on nine days after pavturition, fatal in fortv hours. Edinb. M. J., 1870-71, xvi. 24-29. Also, Reprint Also: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1869-71), 1872, ii, 55 03.—C'roMNliecn. [Tetanus after abortion.] Month. J. M. Sc., Edinb. & Lonel.. 1854, xviii, 104. Also, in: Simp- son (J. Y.) Select. Obst. efe Gynsec Works, 8°, Edinb., 1871, 576. — Day (De W. C.) t'South. Pract, Nashville, 1880, ii, 307.—Dejust. Tetanos spontan6 survenu k la suite d'une fausse couche. Bull. Soc m6d. tie l'Yonue 188), Auxerre, 1882, xxii, 25-27.— Den ham. Puerperal tetanus. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., Jxt;r> xl, 48U-4KS. Also: Med. Press, Dubl, 1865, Iiii. 541-543—Dickenson. [Tetanus after parturition.] Month. J M. Sc . Edinb. eSt Lond., 1854, xviii, 110. Also, in: Simpson (J. V.) Select. Obst. efe Gynsec. Works, 8°, Edinb., 1871, 582 - Dill. Puerpe- ral tetanus; recovery, Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1882. ii. 685.— Ditzel (P. V. H.) Tetanus puerperalis. Hosp.-Tid., Kj benh., 1881, 2. R., viii, 8-11.—Dom (B.) Tetanus re- sulting from retained placenta until putrid, in a young woman miscarried in her third month; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 321.— Dossabhoy (B.) Case of tetanus following abortion. Tr. M. efe Phys. Soc Bombay (1853-4), 1855, n. s., ii, 340. Also: Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1856, xviii. 270.—Dubois (P.) Pre- niiere grossesse; operation cesaiinne: [tetanos: mort). Caz. tl. hop.. Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 57: 73. Also, transl: Lancet. Lontl., 1839-40, i, 821; 852.— Duma*. • Enorme dilatation du vagin et 6tat 16tauique des parois vaginales et du col uterin pendant l'avortemeut au troisieme moisde la grossesse. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 370-379.—Endres (W. R.) Puerperal tetanus. St.Louis Cour. Metl, 1883, x. 564-569.— Fiuutaiie (J.) Tetanus after delivery. Lancet, Lontl, 1838, ii. 338.—Frost (W. G.) Tetanus following abortion. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1880, xvii, 105.—Garrigues (H. J.) Obstetrical tetanus and tetanoid contractions. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv, 769-812. Also, Reprint.—Gerecke. Trismus und Te- tanus bei einer Kindbetterin. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med. Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837, 84-86.—Gibbon (Q.) Tetanus following parturition. Tr. M. Soc N. Jersev. Newark 1878, 355-358. — Gibbons (H.) Case of hydrophobic tet- anus, following deliverv, adhesion of placeuta, and hemor- rhage. San Fran. M. Press, 1864-5, v, 24-27.—Gordon (F. H.) Tetanus from sudden arrest of the catamenia. West, J. M. efeS., Louisville, 1846, 2. s., v, 391.—Gordon (W. A.) On puerperal tetanus. Am. J. M. Sc, I'hila. 1866, n. s., li, 102-106.—Green (C. M.) Puerperal tet- anus. [Abstr.] Boston M. efe S. J., 1880, cii, 493.—Green (W. H.) Tetanus following childbirth. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1859, vi, 71.— Haddon (J.) Puerperal tet- anus. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 34-36.— Havens (J.) t Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1863, vi, 221.—Heerfordt (N. C.) Tetanus puerperalis. Ugesk. f. Lteger, Kjobenh., 1878 3. R.. xxvi, 113-115. — Heiberg (E. T.) Tetanus puer- peralis. Ibid., xi, 425-427. — Hislop. [Tetanus after abortion.] Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb. efc Lontl., 1854, xviii, 101. Also.in: Simpson (J. Y.) Select. Obst. efe Gvnsec. Works, 8°, Edinb., 1871, 573. — Holmes (H.) Tetanus following abortion. Boston M. efe S. J., 1*87, cxvi, 206.__ Keeling. Puerperal tetanus. Brit. M J., Loud., 1883, i, 115.—Kiralyfi (A.) Tetanus puerperalis. Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 153; 173: 193.— ■villi n. Ueber einen Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Ta- ge'bl. d. Yersamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Salzb.. ]xxi. liv, pt. 2, 180. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek., Beil, 1881, xviii 495-497. Also: Wien. med. Bl, 1881, iv, 1599.— I.ebby (R.) Tetanus occurring ten days after a natural labor. Charleston M. J. efe Rev., 1848, iii, 283-2X6.— Puerperal tetanus. Licver. [Tetanus after parturition.] Month. .1. M. Sc, Edinb. efe Louth, 1X54, xviii, luo. Also, in: Simpson (J Y j Select. Obst. & G.vnsec. Works. 8'', Etlinb.. 1*71, 578.— Levy. Om Trismus og Tetanus pucrpfiulis. Hosp . Me.bl., Kjobenh., 1851, iv, 41-55.- I.ii-.l>«iu (.l.) To Tillable sif Tetanus puerperalis. Hosp.-lid. 'Kjohcnh 1887, 3. R., v, 1057-1004— I, yell. [Tetanus aftei ■'parlun- tion.J Month. J. M. Sc, Etlinb. efc Lontl., 1854, xviii. 106. Also, in: Simpson (J. Y.) Select. Obst. \- (I \ nac. Works 8°, Edinb., 1871, 577.—McCarrell efc !■< i:iiov. t Tr' M. Soc. Penn., i'hila., 1878. xii. pt, 1, 428.- IVIaciionnlii (A.) Report of, and observations upon, a case ol pnei peral tetanus. Etlinb. M. J., 1874-5. xx, 1110-1120. Also, lie print. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit,. Lond., 1875-0, iii, f>i6- 527. Also: Tr. Etlinb. Obst. Soc. (1874-7), 1878, iv. 101- I16e — ltlacgreggor (D.) Case of pueiperal tetanus. Edinb. M. J., 1864-5, x, 73.—McGugiu (D. L.) On puer- peral tetanus. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1801, xv, 293- 307.—lHackinlay. [Tetanus after parturition. [ Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb. efc Lond., 1854, xviii, 107. Also, in: Simpson (J. Y.) Select. Obst. efe Gyiuec Works 8° Edinb., 1871, 578.— fieri■■■■ (G. B.) ' Storia di metror- ragia seguita tla tetano. Liguria med., Geneva, 1858, iii, ' 93-106.— Tli'i riman. [Tetanus after parturition.] Month. J. M. Sc. Edinb. efe Loud., 1854, xviii, 112. Also, in: Simpson (J. Y.) Select. Obst. efe Gynsec. Works, Edinb., 1871, 583.—Moore. Idiopathic trismus. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850. xxi, 225—lTIootoosamy (P. S.) Re- marks on puerperal tetanus; illustrated by a case. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877. xii. 290.— Morris (J.) Tetanus following abortion. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 137-139. — Mnlliek ( S.) A case of puerperal tetanus treated with chloral hydrate and bromideof potassium; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 70—.Mur- phy (P. J.) Puerperal tetanus. J. Am. SI. Ass.. Chi- cago. 1888, x, 275.—IVott (J. C.) Secondary ha'iiiorrhage, tetanus, etc, after incisions of cervix uteri. Metl. C:iz. N. Y., 1867-8, i, 367.—Padova (C.) & Biaueoui (S.) Caso di tetano sopravveuuto in puerperio in seguito all estrazione forzata della placenta. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1873, xxxiii, 297; 307.— Palmer. Tetanus puer- peralis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 977. —Par- rott (T. G.) Tetanus after miscarriage. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 18S8, i, 956. —Paterson (R.) t Glasgow M. J., 1856-7, [3.) s., iv, 274-280.- Peacock (H.) Caseof tetanus occurring ten days after delivery. Lancet, Lond. 18x9, ii. 313. — Philipsou (G. H.) Puerperal tetanus. Brit. M.J., Lonel.. 1805. ii. 232. Also, Reprint.— Pitre-AubinaiH. Observations pour servir a I'histoire du tetanos puerperal; suivies de considerations pratiques. J. tie la sect, tie med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1848, xxiv, 47-66. Also: Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1849, v, 149-159. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux.. 1849. i, 416-429. —Kibell. Tetanos consecutif a une metrorrhagie avec purpura hemorrhagica etdiphteritevaginale; injections hypodermatics de chloral; gu6rison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de I'ar.. 1*75, n. s., 1, 105-107—Ritchie. |Tetanus after abortion. 1 Month. J. M. Sc, Ediub. efe Lond., 1854, xviii, 103. Also, in: Simpson (J. Y.) Select, Obst. efe Gvnsec Works, 8 . Etl- inb., 1871, 574.—Roy (R. N.) Two cases of tetanus alter delivery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 1x2. —Nalo- monscn (M.) Tetanus puerperalis. Ugesk. f Larger, Kj benh., 1871, 3. R., xi, 313-322.—fetched-, f Metl. Cor.- Bl il. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1884, liv, 1X5-188.— Simpson (J. Y.) Cases of tetanus following lesions of the uterus, abortion and parturition. Month. J. SI. Sc. Lond. efe Edinb., 1854, xviii, 97-119. Also, in his: Works [Bis. of Women], 8°, Etlinb., 1871. i, 569-592,—Smith (T, C.) t Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1873, xxix 202. -----. Tetanus following abortion. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1887, xx, 337-346.—Slaenglmnyr. Tetanus uteri tlimi- diatus, verbnnden mit seltener Hinterschaamigkeit tier Ge- barenden. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1850, xi, 731-734.—Steeoulis. Cas tie tetanos puerperal termin6 par la niori. (iaz. med. d'Orient. Constantinople, 1877-8, xxi, 10.—Storer (I). H.) Caseof tetanus following a re- tained placenta. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1842, n. s., iii, 97- 101.—Syniouds. [Tetanus after abortion.] Month. J. M. Se., Etlinb. efe Lond., 1X54. xviii. 102. Also.in: Simp- son (J. Y.) Select. Obst. efc Gynsec. Works, 8°, Kdinb., 1871, 573. — [Tetanus alter parturition.] [2 cases] Month. J. M. Sc.. Etlinb. efc Loud., 1854, xviii, 112. Also, in: Simpson (J. Y.) Select. Obst. efc Cvusec Works, 8°, Edinb., "1871, 584.—Tyler. [Case of tetanus after abor- tion.] Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1X47, iii. 360. — Verlsynski (U.) Sluch. poslierod. stolbniaka. [Case of post -partum tetanus.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St, Petersb.. 1X89. iii, 438-450 — Viant (H.) On tetanus after confinement. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 158—Werner. Teta- nus im Wocbenbett mit todtlicheni Ausgang. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte. u. Geburtsh., Wiunenden, 1881, xxxii, 253- 255. -----. Zur Casuistik des puerperalen Tetanus. Med. Cor-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1884. liv. 212.— Wiltshire (A.) On tetanus after aboriie.n Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1871), 1872, xiii, 133-140 — Woodhousc (R- T.) Case of tetanus occurring ten davs after parturition. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, 120-122. PUERPERAL. 839 PUERPERAL. Puerperal thrombosis and embolism. See, also, Death (Sudden) in pregnancy; Phleg- masia dolens; Puerperal ferer. Harwart (A.) 'Thrombosis puerperalis ex- einpla duo narrantur et dijutlicautur. 8°. Gry- phiswaldiw, 1867. Michaud (J.-D.-A.) *De la mort subite dans l'etat puerperal par coagulums sanguins dans le occur droit et l'artere pulmonaire. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1870. Timann (F.) * Die thrombophlebitische Form tics Puerperalfiebers. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. Ahlfeld (F.) Lungenembolie im Wochenbette ; Hei- lung. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gvnaek. Klin. zu Marb. 1885-6, 8°, Leipz., 1887, iii, 147.—Banga (H.) Waudstsindige Thrombose tier Vena cava inferior in puer- perio. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1876, v, 380-383.—Barely (A.) Observation de gangrene pulmonaire double pour embolie de l'artere pulmonaire, ayant pour point de depart uue phiehite de la veine ut6ro-ovarienne gauche et de la veine r6nale du mfime c6t6, chez une femme l eeeinment accouch6e; coincitlenced'apoplexiepulmonaire et de.double pleuresie, purulente du cot6 droit, seehe du cote gauche. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1874. 4. s., iii, 374-377.—Baric (E.) efe Du Castel. Endocardite ulcereuse d'oiigine puerperale, obliteration de l'aorte et des iliaques par un caillot einbo- lique; parapiegie consecutive. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 353-359.—Barker (F.) On puerperal thrombo- sis and embolism. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1871-4, 2. s., i, 220-230. Also |Abstr.l: Med. Kec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 521.— Barnes (R.) On the thrombosis and embolia of lying-in women. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 30-53.— Baslian (C.) Remarkable case of widespread venous thrombosis, three months after parturition; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 90.—Behier. Coagulations veineuses multiples, suite de couches ; ramollissement et hemorrhagie cerebrale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 489.—Bennett (J. R.) Puerperal arterial obstruction. Assoc. M. J., Lond.. 1854, 143.—Buckingham (E. M.) Possible air embolism after labor, with recovery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1886, cxv, 282.—Campbell (S. G.) A case of puerperal arterial thrombosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 124.—Chamberlain. Case of puerperal embolism of the cerebral, superficial, and pulmonarv (?) capillaries. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878. xi, 147-150. Also: Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 312-31"). — Chiara (D.) Del trombo genito-puerperale; periodi dello stato puerperale incuipudmostrarsi; cause emeccanismodisuafermazione; indicazioni ostetriche ; esiti possibili; cura. Osservatore, Torino, 1873, ix, 225; 241.—Cock (T. F.) Case of sudden death after labor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 248.— Colin. Embolie (?) c6rebrale consecutive k un accou- chement. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 555.—Con- cato (L.) Trombosi puerperale totale della vena cava in- ferior. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1865, iv, 321-330.—Corran. Puerperal pulmonary embolism. Edinb. M. J., 1862-3, viii, 474. — t'urtin (R. G.) Sudden death from pulmonary hemorrhagic infarction eleven davs after labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 609-611. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, vi, 18-20.—Cushing (E. M.) Death in confine- ment; pulmonary thrombosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 355.— Darolles. Thrombosede l'art ere pulmonaire droite chez uue nouvelle acoouch6e; insufflsance tricuspidienne consecutive. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1875,1,350—Davat. Avortemeut si la suite d'une chute; hemorrhagies abon- riantes; acces intermittents f'6briles; phlegmasia alba dolens; pleur6sie; autopsie; caillot considerable dans la veine iliaque primitive gauche; infarctus du poumon. Ibid., 1873, xlviii, 526.—Bcroyer. Embolie de la partie infeiieure de l'aorte dix-neuf jours apres l'accouchement; gangrene de la partie infeiieure de la jambe droite; plaques gangrenenses k la jambe gauche; mort vingt-quatre heures apr&s le debut des accidents. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880, Iiii, 732 —Oeschamps (J.) Thrombose femorale, suite de couches. Ann. Soc. m61.-chir. de Li6ge, 1884, xxiii, 424-428. Also: J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 18x4, v, 271-273.— Escalier. (Accouchement natu rei; gangrene du mem- bre droit; mort: abces dans la fosse iliaque droite; caillot ferine de l'artere iliaque.] Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1846, xxi, 277-279.—Fisk (S. A.) A case of puerperal pulmonary embolism ; recovery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1885, cxiii, 201.— Fletcher (J. S.) Case of embolism, following syncope from post partum hemorrhage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, i, 409-471— Ford. Thrombosis of femoral arteries. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1884, xi, 65-67.—Fuchs. Embolie oder Eklampsie? Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1882, vi, 841.— FiimmcII (M. H.) Gangrene'of leg, following labor. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 165.— Garcin. Suites de couches; phlegmon du ligament large droit; mort subite ; phlebite uterine; thromboses des arteres pulmonaires; myocardite. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi. 218; 226.— Gibb* (O. C.) A singular case of death subsequent to delivery. Med. Exam., Phila., 18.'(i, xii, 5X3.—Green (C. M.) A fatal case of pulmonary blood-embolism occurring during labor with twins. Boston M. efe S. J., 1888, cxviii, Puerperal thrombosis and embolism. 243.—Greene (H. R.) Death from pulmonarv embolism after parturition. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, ii, 1125.—Ha- m on (L.) Embolie de l'artere pulmonaire a la suite dun accouchement facile, chez une multipart'; catastrophe im- minente; repetition des accidents six fois en sept jours; guerison. Paris m6d., 1882, vii, 457-400.—Hand (H. C.) Puerperal embolism, femoral, cerebral. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, 1873-4, iv, 54-57.— Hanoi. Metrorrha- gies apres l'accouchement; coagulations sanguines dans la veine femorale droite et les veines tlu petit bassin ; embolie de l'artere pulmonaire ; mort subite. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1880, cxlvi, 459-469. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1881,viii, 54-63.—Harvey (T. P.) Puerperal embolism (?), with haemorrhage; recovery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 805.—Hastings (11.) Death from pulmonarv embolism after parturition. Ibid., 1883, ii, 728. —Heiinig (C.) Die Embolie der Lungenschlagader bei Schwangeren und Woehnerinnen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz , 1875, xv, 436-448.—Hewitt (G.) On coagula formed in the veinsduriug the puerperal period, and their occasional transportation into the pulmonary artery. Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, 631. Also: Med.Times efe'Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 617. -----. On coagula formed in the veins during the puer- peral state. Lancet, Loud., 1858, i, 33 ; 187.—Hirschberg' (J.) Ueber puerperale septische Embolie des A uges. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1880, ix. 299-309. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1880, ix, 377-385, 1 pl. -----. Ein Fall von puerperaler septiscber Embolie beider Augen. Centralbl. 1. prakt. Augenh.. Leipz., 1883, vii, 259-261.—Von lloeli- Htetter (A. F.) Spontane Gaugran beider unteren Extre- mitaten nach dem Puerperium. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 73.—Hunter (R. H. A.) A case of pulmo- narv thrombosis after confinement; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1249.—I lott (H. J.) Sudden death three weeks after delivery from thrombosis of pelvic veins, with emholism and obstruction of pulmonary vessels. Ibid., 1878, i, 54.—Jane way. Thrombosis ofthe ovarian vein. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 167.— Kcnezy (G.) A tiidoii- t6r eniboli&ja a gyerinek&gyban. [Case of embolism of art. pulmon. in childbed.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1884, xxviii, 324-328. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 749. — Hezmarszky (T.) Ueber Lufteintrittiu die Blutbahnen durch den puerperalen Uterus. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1878, xiii, 200-221. —Kit- trell (B. F.) Embolism after abortion. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1886-7, b. s., xiv, 954.—.Legendre. Etat puerperal; rougeole; bronchio-pneumonie, embolie pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 181-185. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 828. [Rap. de Moutard-Martin (R.)] Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 539-542. — Leopold (G.) Die spontane Thrombose zablreicher Uterinvenen in den letz- ten Monaten der Schwangerschaft. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1877, i, 49-51 — Lighliirr (J. W.) Puerperal thromhosis and emholism. St. Louis Cour. Metl, 1885, xiv, 424-426.— f>yons (P. M.) Case of sudden death nineteen days after uterine hemorrhage. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835-6, xvii, 519.—lVIackindcr (D.) Sudden death from occlusion of the pulmonarv arteries seventeen days after parturition. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1859), 1860, i, 213-215.—itlal her be. Accouchement a, terme ; thrombus de la veine femorale du cote gauche ; embolie, pneumonie a gauche ; guerison. In his: Etudes clin , 8°, Nantes, 1875, fasc 1, 21-29.—Martin (C.) efe Havelock (.J. G.) Case of femoral venous throm- bosis followed by pulmonarv embolism. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1887-8, xiii,' 161.—Montgomery (W.F.) Onapecu- liar form of thrombus occurring duringlabor. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1851, xi, 316-325. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, g6n.de m6d., Par., 1851, ii, 204-209.—Moroni (F.) Gangrenapuer- perale per embolismo arterioso. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1869,3. s., xi, 383-388.—Napier (A. D. L.) Puer- peral embolism ; aphasia; hemiplegia: recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1877-8, xxiii, 222-224.—Neve (E. F.) A case of cerebral embolism, with hyperpyrexia following childbirth. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 103.—rVotta (M.) Accidents puerperaux chez une multipare; infection par une fosse d'siisances; embolies pulmonaires ; pleur6sie gauche: endop6ricardite; gu6rison. Union m6d., Far., 1885, 3. s., xl. 1-3.—Palmer. Fatal cardiac thromhosis and embolic pneumonia, following delivery. Obst. Gaz., Ciucin., 1878-9, i, 362. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1X79, xii, 180 —Parry (J. S.) Thrombosis in a puerperal woman. Med. Times. Phila., 1870-71, i, 77.— Patterson (R. A.) Puerperal thrombosis and embolism of the pulmonary arteries. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1887, xx, 70.—Perreymond (N.) Thrombus puerperal de la vulve et du vagin. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1888, xxix, D7-105.—Perrin (T.) De l'etiologie de la coagulation du sang dans les gros vaisseaux pendaut la periode puerperale. Gaz. m6d. tie Lyon, 1864, xvi, 471-475. Also: Cong. med. de France (Lyon 1864), Par., 1865, ii, 1-11.— Petit (C.) Thromboses multiples chez une femme reeemment ac- couchee; typhlite, et pvlephl6bite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 675.—Pitt (G. N.) Scarred kidneys which have become granular; thrombosis of right uterine vein following delivery; hypertrophied heart with ante-mortem clot in both ventricles; pulmonary apoplexv. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 205. — Playfair (W. S) On thrombosis and embolism of the pulmonary artery sis a PUERPERAL. 840 PUERTO CABELLO. Puerperal thrombosis and embolism. cause of death during the puerperal state. Lancet, Lond., 18G7. ii, 66; 93: 153. -----. Observations on a case of sud- den death after deliverv from embolism of the pulmonary artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 282.-----. On puerperal thrombosis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1874), 1875, xvi, 42. |Discussion|, 60; 89. Also [Abstr.]: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1874-5, ii, 99-104. -----. >'ote on the absorption, with ultimate recovery, of thrombosis of the pulmonary artery in the pueiperal state. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1884), 1885, xxvi, 162-170.—Poirier. Thrombose etsuppuration intra-veinense post-puerp6raledans la veine cave infeiieure et les veines hypogastriques; infection purulente (accidents typhoides); abces metastatiques des poumous seulemeut. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 534-537.—Poulsen (J. P.) Puerperal Thrombose; pludseligDed ; Emboli af Lungear- terieu. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1859, 158.—Prideaux (E.) A case of cerebral embolism fourteen days after confine- ment. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 663.—Pruvost. Embolie cardiaque suivie tl'embolie pulmonaire k la flu d'uue gros- sesse. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. prat, de Par. (1882), 1883, 2-5.— Puerperal thrombus; excision of the head of the hu- merus; recovery with movable arm. Med. Gaz., N. Y., , 1880, vii, 150. — Benou. Embolie pulmonaire douhle ii la suite dune couche; phlegmatia alba dolens; gueri- son. Bull. Sue. de med. d'Angers (1882), 1883. n. 8., x, 179-187.— Bingland (J.) A case of sudden death, seventeen davs alter delivery, from embolism of the pul- monary artery. Proc. Dubl. Obst, Soc, 1871-2, 91-99. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872, Iiii, 329-336. Also, transl. : J. de m6d., chir. ut pharmacol., Brux., 1873, lvi, 503-510.— Kilter (F.) Ein Fall von Embolic der Lungeu-Arterie bei einer "Wochnerin. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl, 1866, xxvii, 138-143.—Kobinsou (P. G ) A case of probable pulmonary thrombosis, following parturition, on the twenty-third day. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 519- 523. [Discussion], 555-559.—Koper (G.) A case of ac- cidental haemorrhage associated wit h shoulder presentation, followed by fatal thrombosis of the right pulmonary artery. Obst. J. Gr. Brit,, Lond., 1876-7, iv, 374-379. -----. Re- port of a case of fatal embolism of the right heart and pul- monary artery nineteen days after deliverv, with a few clinical remarks. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1879), 1880, xxi, 74-8U. — Nands (H. B.) Extra-capsular abscess of knee; thrombosis internal saphenous vein ; misca'riage at seven months; delivery of twins: pulmonary embolism. Arch. Scient. efe Pract. M. efe S., X. V., 1873, i, 465.— Schenck (XV. L.) Emboli; the sequelse of two cases of labor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix. 77-79. — Shep- herd (F. J.) On two cases of puerperal cerebral embo lisin. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1878, vi, 535-539.— Simpson (I. Y.) On puerperal arterial inflammation and obstructions. Month. J. M. Sc, Loud, efe Edinb., 1854. xviii, 175-182. -----. The puerperal state. Does air ever become introduced into the venous system through the uterine sinuses after delivery ? Inhis: Works [Dis. of Women], 8°, Ediub., 1871, i, 502-505. — Spiaggia (S.) Trombosi della vena utero-ovarica destra con proluuga- niento nella cava, in donna gravida ; ascessi metastatic! del pohnone. Gazz. clin. d. sped. civ. di Palermo, 1874, vi, 49-58.—Steele (C.) Case of puerperal cardiac embolism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, i, 359-361. — Sullivan (J. L.) Cardiac embolism following delivery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1878, xcix, 590-592.—Tonge (M.) 'Coagulum in the pul- monary artery occurring after a natural labor. Tr. Path. Soc Lontl., 1865. xvi, 87-89. — Trail be (L.) Emholische Pleuro-Pneumonie, durch nicht inficirte Emboli bei einer Puerpera bedingt. Inhis: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Phvsiol, Berl., 1878, iii, 320. — Underbill (J. W.) A case of pro- bable cerebral embolism occurring in the purperal state. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y.. 1879, xii, 785-794. — Van (eiicson (R. E.) Puerperal thrombus ; endarteritis ; dry gangrene. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 246-248. — Wa'ilc (W. F.) On puerperal emholism. Tr. Obst. Soc Lontl., 1864, vi, 255-263.—Wale (I). V.) Pulmonary emholism occurring soon after labor : death. Kansas City M. Index. 1886, vii, 281. — von Weber. Plotzlicher Tod einer Wochnerin ; Embolia arter. pulmonalis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 509.—Westmoreland (J. G.) Case of dry mortifi- cation, occuiring immediately after delivery. South. M. efc S. J., Augusta, 1845, i, 091-693 — Winckcl'fF.) Normale Geburt; Thrombose heider Schenkelvenen im Wochen- bette. Ber. . . . a. d. k. sachs. Entbind.-Inst. in Dresd., 1870-8, Leipz., 1879, iii, 216. — lfeoman* (Amelia LeS.) Case of puerperal pulmonary venous thrombosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1886-7, xix, 67-69.—Young (1'.) Pulmo- narv thrombosis in a puerpera. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1884-5, x, 70-75. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 41-46. Puerperal urinary disorders. See, also, Albuminuria in pregnancy, etc. ; Puerperal convulsions; Puerperal peptonuria. Knoner (H.) * Beitrage zu den Erkrankungen tier Harnblase im Wocbenbett. 8°. Balle, 1874. Robert (A.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de ]a retention d'urine cbez les nouvelles accouchees Puerperal urinary disorders. envisaged surtout au point de vue de ses causes. 4°. Paris, 1882. eSciiWARZ (H. F. E.) * Die Aetiologie der pu- erperalen Blasencatarrhe. 8°. Balle a. S., L*?<). Schweicmann (H.) * Ueber puerperale Cys- titis. sc. Wiirzburg. 1886,. Kolilt (IL J.) Cvstitis suppurativa exfoliata puerpe- ralis ; cast ofthe bladder. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii. 497.—Bond (F. F.) Suppression of urine.for nine days after parturition ; death. Laucet, Lonil, 1889, ii, 431.'— Buniui. Zur Aetiologie tier puerperalen Cystitis. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., isho i 102-105. [Discussion], 107-111. -----. Die Aetiologie ties puerperalen Blast nkatarrhs nach Beobachtungen an Wtichueiinneu und Toiei \ trsuchen. Centralbl. f. Gvuak., Leipz., 1886, x, 443.—Bush (J. F.) Acute pueiperal ne- phritis. N. York M. J., 1883. xxxvii, 41. — Chamber- lain (W. M.) The relation of the urinarv organs to pu- erperal diseases. Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., 1*77. x. 177-205.— Duncan (J. M.) On puerperal diabetes. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lonil. (1882). 1883, xxiv, 25(i-28">. — Fourgcaud (V.J.) Case of puerperal uiaemia. Am. J. M. Se-.. Phila., 1862, n. 8., xliv, 103.—CSrammatikati (J.) I'eber die Schuan- kungeu der Stickstoffbestandtheile des Harns in tlen ersten Tagen des Wochenbetts. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1884, viii, 353-357. -----. Ueberdie phosphor-und schwefelsauren Verbindungen des Harns in den ersten Tagen des Wochenbettes. Ibid., 467-470.—Oubler. Sur la glycosuria temporaire dans l'etat puerperal. Compt. rend.- Soc de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii. 327-330.— Henske (A. A.) Affections of the bladder in puerperal women. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1882, xliii, 156-168.—King (A. F. A.) A new explanation of the renal troubles, eclamp- sia, and other pathological phenomena of pregnaiicv and labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 225; 347. Also, Re- print.— l.auritzcu (W.) Tre Tillable of puerperal Nefritis. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1888, 3. R., vi, 397: 428.— itlcC'rea (R.) Ura3mic poisoning following suppression of urine in a female after labor. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 18x3-4, xvi, 173.—iVIacdoiiald (A.) Note on the pres- ence of sugar and of albumen in the urine of the lying-in woman. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1881, vi, 168.—irlerrimnii (S.) [On suppression of mine after parturition] Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1810, xxiv, 360-363.—Murray (P.M.) On a form of post-partum incontinence of urine, and its treat- ment by Faradaism. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81. xxvi, 907-913. Also: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1881, vi, 39-46.—rVijholl ((, C.) Ischurie in het kraauibed. Nederl. Ti.idschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, xxii. 206-209. — Bail. Ueber die Urinver- haltung tier Kinilbettcriimeu. N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Beil., 1805, n. I'., i, 336-353.—Sabin (R. H.) A case of nephritis occuiring to a puerperal woman, and causing death in three days. Tr. M. Soc. County Albany (187u- 80), 1883, iii, 117-119.— We bats. Dilatatio urethra bei Ischuria puerperarum. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1888, ii, 118-121.—Sorokiiioi-Tcher- bininoi (A.I.) Ob albuminurii u rojen. i rodil. [Ou albuminuria in lying-in women. Nauch. Besedv vrach. Za- ■ kavkazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis, 1887, ii, 140-170.—Mwift ( L. C.) The influence normal pressure bears upon, and the use of the microscope in, the formation of differential diagnosis between abnormal acute inflammation of the kid- neys and pyelitis and other abdominal lesions, which give rise to pain'tluring the puerperal period. Tr. Iowa M. Soc 1881-2, Des Moines, 1882, v, 103-115. — Turnzza (G.) Uremia in gestazionc e postpartum. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 18*7, viii, 405.—Williams (J.T.) Case of labor followed by suppiessiim of urine. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 248.— Wilson (J. H.) Puerperal ursemic amaurosis. Tr. In- ternat. Med. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 501-507. Puerperal fever and tbe use of bromo-cblora- 1 n m in tbe lying-in-room. 81. 8°. New York; Tilden pp., 2 1. 8°. Madrid, F. Cao 4- D. de Val, 1884. Puerto Cabello. See Fever (Malarial, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. PUERTO-LLANO. 841 PTJGLIATTI. Puerto-Llano. lAguaN minerales de Puertollano.] Siglo m6d., Ma- drid, i860, vii. 302.—iTIestre y ITIarzal (C.) Aguas car- bonico-ferruginosas de Puertollano. Ibid., 1865, iii, 237. .____. Accion de las aguas miuero-niediciiiales de Puerto- llano sobre las enferniedatles del aparato digestivo. Espana metl., Madrid, 1862, vii, 276. Piiscliel (Christianus). De rarefactionis et con- ilensationis aeris effectis in tbermometris. 7 1. 4°. Servesta; excud. J. B. Bezelius, [1687]. Piiscliel (Kicbardus). *De paralysi completa nervi oculoniotorii. 12 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lipsiw, typ. L. Schnaussii, [1861]. Piitchen. See Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc., of), by localities—Bonn. Putter (Hermann Emil Robert). *Ein Fall von Mehena neonatorum. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, H. Friedrich, 1887. C. Piitter (Jo. Stepb.) Historia? naturalis frag- nieuta ex ostentis, prodigiis et monstris. Com- mentatio prior, viii pp. fol. Gottingw, J. C. Dieterich, [1784]. -----. Tbe same. Commentatio posterior, viii pp. fol. Gottiugci; J. C. Dieterich, [1785], Puetter (Martinus Armiuius Theophilus Rober- tus) [183:1- ]. *De doloribus ad partum. 43 pp., 2 1 8°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1855]. von Piittner (F.) * Ueber Helminthiasis. 27 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1837. Piitz (Franz) [1858- ]. * Ueber Vergiftung durch Produkte der unvollstiintligen Verbren- nung, speeiell durch Kohlenoxyd. 55 pp. 8°. Balle a. S., Plbtz, 1882. Piitz ( Hermann ). Lehrbuch der allgemeinen chirurgisehen Veterinar-Pathologie untl Thera- pie. x, 423 pp. 8°. Berlin, Wiegandt, Bempel u. Parey, 1874. -----. * Beitrage zur Anatomie unci Phy.siolo- gie des Sprunggelenkes. 44 pp. 8°. [Bern, Sldnipfti, 1876.] -----. Die Lnngenseuche als Gegenstand der Veteriuiir-Sanitatspolizei. Zwei Vortrage. 76 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Dege, 1878. Being Hft. 6-7 of: Vortr. f. Thierarzte, 1. s. -----. Ueber Wundheilung resp. Wundenbe- handluug. 56 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, B. Dege, 1878. Being Hft. 12 of: Vortr. f. Thierarzte, 1. s. -----. Ueber Wundheilung resp. Wnndbeband- lung (Fortsetzuug zu Hft. 12 tier 1. Serie dieser Vortrage). 70 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Dege, 1879. Being Hft. 9-10 of: Vortr. f. Thierarzte, 2. 8. -----. Die Stellung der Thiermedicin zu den iihrigen Zweigeu tier Naturwissenschaften. 42 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Dege, 1880. Being Hft. 11-12 of: Vortr. f. Thierarzte, 2. 8. -----. Ueber die Milzbrandinipfungen Pasteur's. 27 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Dege, 1884. Being Hft. 1 of: Vortr. f. Thierarzte, 7. 8. -----. Iuvazionnija i infektsionnija boliezni na- shich domashnich jivotnich. Perevod s Nemetsk. pod red. Prof. Lange. Vip. II. Infektion. boliez. [Invasion antl infection of diseases in our domes- tic animals. Transl. from the German.] vi, 456 pp. 8°. Kazan, 1887). Suppl. to: Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1884-5, i, ii, -----. Compendium der practischen Thierheil- kunde. xii, 622 pp. 1. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1885. Also, Editor of: C'eiilralblatt fiir Thiermedicin, Stuttgart, 1884. — Centralblatt fiir Veterinarwissen- schaften, Leipzig, 1882-6. Also, Co-Editor of: ZcitNchrifl fiir praktische Veterinair-Wissenschaften, Bern, 1873-6. Piitz (Joseph). * Ueber Commotio medulhe spi- nalis. 25 pp. 4°. Kiel, Schmidt it. Klauiiig, 1873. In: Schrift. tl. Univ. zu Kiel, xx, 1873, vii, med. v. Piitz (Tbeod. Guil.) *Euarratur sectio csesarea nuper iu clinico nostro a cl. Kiliauo tertium eadem in femina et matre et infante salvis instituta; accedunt qutedam de sectiouis csesarea^ origine et historia. viii, 29 pp., 1 1. 8C. Bounce, typ. C. Georgii, 1843. Puex(J.-B.) * De la chlorose. 36 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1847), No. 67, v. 436. Pufalll (Christian Ludwig Max) [1846- ]. * Ueber eiue selteue Verletzung im Innern des Auges. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1872]. Puteiidorffer (Esaias) & Calisius (Adam). *De igue uativo disquisitio. 9 1. 4. Lipsiw, B. Colerus, [1650]. -----& Krause (Joh. Jacobus). De tempera- mentis disquisitio. 7 1. 4U. Lipsiw, apud J. Bauerum, [1652]. Puga (N.). Co-Editor of: Repertorio Jalisciense de medicina y cirugia pr&cticas, Guadalajara, 1874-5. Puga Borne (F.) Recopilacion de las leyes Chileuas que se relaeionau con la medicina legal hecha para servir al estudio de este ramo. 47 pp. 8°. Santiago, Cerrantes, 1884. Pugens (Jean-Baptiste). *Des injections hy- podermiques de sull'o-vinate de quinine dans le traitement des fievres intermittentes. viii, 9-38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 77. Puget (Jean-Marie) [1785-1863]. *Sur l'6duca- tion physique des eufaus. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 137, v. 105. For Biography, see J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1863, xxx, 175 (P.-L.-B. Caffe). Puget Sound (The) Sanitarian and Prohibi- tionist. A monthly journal, devoted to hygiene and temperance. Published by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Seattle, W. T. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, April to Aug., 1885. 8°. Seattle, W. T. Pugll (Benjamin). A treatise of midwifery, chiefly with regard to the operation, with sev- eral improvements in that art. To which is added some cases and descriptions, with plates of several new instruments, both in midwifery aud surgery, xvi, 152 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, for J. Buckland, 1754. -----. Observations on the climates of Naples, Rome, Nice, etc., In a letter to Sir George Baker, bart., M. D. In which is inserted some advice to those who intend visiting those places in pursuit of health. 46 pp. 8C. London, G. Robinson, 1784. [P., v. 607.] Pugll (Finley B.) Guarana. 16 pp. 8°. Louis- ville, 1874. Repr. from: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1874, xviii. Pugll (John). A treatise on the science of mus- cular action, ix (1 1.), v-xvi, 106 pp., 15 pl., 15 outline pl. 4°. London, C. Dilly, 1794. Pugll (Wbitniell H.) *An inaugural essay on the supposed powers of nature in the cure of dis- eases. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, B. Maxwell, 1804. Pliglie (John). See Welsh practice of medicine. The physicians of Myddvai. Transl. hy ... 8°. London, 1861. Pugibet (Joseph). * De l'amyotrophie en gene- ral; essai de classification. 39 pp. 4C. Paris, 1875, No. 79. Puglia (Alessandro) [1802-80]. Necrologia. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1881, cclv, 571. Pugliatti (Carmelo). Cenno critico sulle opere medico-i hirurgiche di Placido Portal. 93-188 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Palermo, Spampinato, 1838. A reprint. PUGLIATTI. 842 puisskuuk. Pilgliatti (Carmelo)—continued. ------. Corso delle principali lezioni di clinica chirurgica dettate nel R. Istituto clinico chirur- gico iii Messina, v. 1, pt. 1. viii, 182 pp., 1 1. i"K Xeipoli. Petrarca, 1844. Pilgliatti (Giuseppe). Contribuzione alio stu- dio (lt-ir azione lisiologica di alcune sostanze tos- siche (stricnina, cloralio e curare). e7 pp. 8°. Messina, 1887). Pugliatti (Rosario). Sulla allacciatura del fu- nicola ombellicale. Una prima nota clinico- sperimeutale. 8 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Messina, F. d'Angelo, 1884. ------. Compressione e trazione col forcipe Tar- nier alio stretto snperiore. 136 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Messina. F. d'Angelo, 1.-85. Pugliese (Fre'de'ric). *Sur les ad^uomes des fosses nasales. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 68. Pugliese (G. A.) Sul Congresso di antropologia criuiinale. Lettera all' . . . Bovio. 24 pp. 8°. Ciiovinazzo, V. Vecchi, 1886. Repr. from: Riv. d. giureprudenza. Pugliesi (J.-B.) *Des accidents cause's par la puce cbique observes a la Guyaue Fraucaise. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 36. Pugliet tJeau-Francois-Xavier) [1765-1846]. Memoires sur les fievres pestilentielles et iusi- dieuses tlu Levant, avec uu apercu physique et nodical du Sayd. 2 p. 1., 266 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lyon, Beymaun if- Cie., 1802. ------. Memoires sur les fievres de mauvais carac- tere du Levant et des Antilles, avec un apercu physique et me'dical du Sayd, et un essai sur la topographie de Sainte-Lncie. xvi, 396 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Lyon, Beymaun if' Cie., 1804. Contains preceding -work, with additions. ------. * Sur la topographie de File de Sainte- Lucie. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 183, v. 47. For Biography <& Portrait, see Calanie (Henri-Florian). Notice sur Jean-Francois-Xavier Pugnet. 8°. Neuchdtel, 1848. ------. See, also: Gi-JNiiinnii (A.) Ein Lebensbild aus tier Zeit des General Bonaparte. Nebst hinterlassenen Bemerkungen Pugnet's iiber die Pest und den Dem-el-Mouia im Orient untl das gelbe Fieber in den Antillen. Deutsches Arch f. Gescb. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1879, ii, 85: 192; 268. Pilgnetti (Jacobus Andrseas Mathaeus). *I. De abscessibus frigidis in geuere, etc. 16 pp. 4° Augustw Taurinorum, J. Favale, 11816]. [P., v. 943.] Puliliiiauu (Fridericus Guilelmus Antouius Theophilus Albertus 1 [ 1798- ]. * De aere perpurgando. 40 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Sltirckii, [1827]. Puliliiiauu (Oscarus iEmilius Guilelmus) [1831- ]. * De paralysi universali progres- siva. 26 pp., 31. 8°. Berolini, F. G. Nietack, 187)6. ------. Die chemisch - mikroskopische Untersu- chung des Harns auf seine wichtigsten krankhaf- ten Veranderungen. Zum Gebrauche fiir prac- tische Aerzte uud Militar-Lazarethe zusammen- gestellt. 25pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birschwald, 1870. ------. The same. 4. Aufl., ueu bearbeitet von J. Borutraeger. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Birsch- wald, 1890. du Pui (Meinard Simon) [1754-1834]. *De ho- mine dextro et sinistro. 1 p.. 1., iv, 191 pp., 6 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat, frat. Murray, 1780. [Also, in: P., v. 1475; 1858.] -----. The same. *De affectionibus morbosis homiuis dextri et sinistri. 4 p. 1., 191 pp. 8°. Amstelwdami et Lipsiw, J. G. Beygang, 1780. ------. Oratio initialis de legum naturalium vi et ratione,in usum artis chirurgica; atque obstetrician priiilenter adliibeudis. 2 p. l.,32pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., frat. Murray, 1791. du Pui (Meinard Simon)—continued. ------. Allocutio, quuni Johannes Christianus Holscher summos in medicina bonores, more ma- jorum consecutus est. In: Okationes vir. in med. [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1841, 1-8. ------. Oratio de prosperis atque adversis, qua' Academiaj Lugduno Batava; a.mo elapso conti- gerunt. In: Okationes vir. in metl. [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1841, 1-25. For Biography, see Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1869, ii, 133-138 (G. C. B. Suringar). See, also, Pott (P.) Aanraerkingen en geneeziug over dat soort van lammigheid der onderste ledemaaten [tr-tc. J. 8°. Leyden, 1779. du Pui (Petrus). *De podagra. 33 pp., 11. 4 . Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1737. du Pui (Pieter). Vermaakelykheden ontrent de vryheyd der heelkonst (zynde het outlstc, nuttigste, en noodzakelykste deel der genecs- koust) geoefent by Hebreeuwen, Egyptenaars, Grieken en Romeynen. By welke Romcyucn vau onze zyde in overweging genoinen won If: Of de heelkonst meer dan de geneeskonst? Of deze met en gene al gegemenelyks in slaaven- handen geweest is? gelyk nu onlangs tie Ilttr Dr. Dauiel Vink in zyne Amoenitates philologico- metlica} de heelkonst eu desselvs oefenaars lieel't aangewreven. Van welke blaam de heelkonst geznyvert en verdedigt wordt door ... 15 p. 1., 358 pp., 13 1., 1 pl. 8°. Leyden, J. A. Lam/erah; 1733. Puica ( Constantin ). * Paralysie glnsso-lahicc c6rel>rale. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1883-4, No. [19]. Puig. Troisieme s6rie d'observations me"dieales sur les eaux tberinales alcalines, sulfureuses ct non sulfureuses d'Olette (Pyr6n6es-Orientahs). Pr6c6dee d'une seconde notice. 66 pp., 11. 8 ■. Peipignan, 1854. [P., v.. 1770.] Puig (B.;. See Robert (Bartolom6). TJso del alcohol, [etc.]. 2. ed. 8>. Sevilla, 1885. Pllig (Henri). * Contribution a l'6tnde de riio'r6- dite" des tumeurs. 95 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1887,, No. 275. Puig (Joseph;. * Essai sur les blessnres tie l'o- reille par arines a feu. 82 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1887, No. 372. ------ The same. 82 pp. 8-. Lyon, 1887. Puig (Jules) [1863- ]. *De la fievre ct (Its complications dans la varicelle (£pid6inie ob- serv6e en 1888 a l'hdpital Laeunec). 61 pp. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 360. Puigpique (Francisco). Editor of: Restaurarior (El) farmaceutico, Barce- lona, 1886. Pllig y Monserrat (Miguel). * Apercu snr l'homceopathie. 36 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Pradel, Viguier 61ie-le.s-Bains, aucieuue- iuent Bains d'Arles, pouvant servir de guide au baigneur, dans le cboix des eaux miu6ro-ther- niales qui les alimeutent, ainsi que daus le mode d'en faire usage. 38 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Per- pignan, A. Tastu, 1843. [P., v. 1648.] -----. Recherches thdoriques et pratiques sur l'affection typhoide intense, generale, dite cholera epidemique. 116 pp., 11. 4°. Perpignan, Mile. A. Tastu, [187)7)]. For Biography, see J.d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1870-71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 256 (Caffe). Pujade (Paul). "De la tuberculose pseudo- astbniatique. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 294. Pujati (Giuseppe Antonio). De morbo Narboni- ano tractatus. 2 p. 1., 252 pp., 7 1. 4°. Feltriw, 1747. [P., v. 1136.] -----. De victu febricitantinm dissertatio. 5 p. 1., clxxvi pp. 4°. Patavii, typ. Seminarii, 1758. -----. Delia preservazioue della salute de' lette- rati, e della gente applicata e sedentaria; opera postnma, e data in luce da Antou-Gaetano sno figlio. lvi, 472 pp. 12°. Venezia, A. Zatta, 1762. -----. Dissertatioues medica? quinque, nunc ab ejus filio Antonio Cajetano editse. 263 pp. 8°. Venetiis, J. B. Pasquali, 1771. [P., v. 429.] Pujo (B.-D.) *Des kystes des paupieres etde leur traitement. 108 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 300. Pujo (J.-O.) * Considerations contre les doutes et les prejuge's du monde relatifs a la medecine. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 110, v. 272. Pujol (A.-F.-R.) * Sur le cancer de la matrice. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 145, v. 158. Pujol [Alexis] [1739-1804]. Essai sur la ma- latlie de la face, nominee le tic douloureux ; avec quelques reflexions sur le laptus caninus de C«3- lius Aurelianus. xxxii, 207 pp. 12°. Paris, T. Barro'i8 lejeune, 17-7. -----. The same. Abhandlung fiber diejenige Krankheit des Gesichts, welche der schmerzhafto Trismus genannt wild, nebst einigen Betrach- tungen fiber den Hundskrampf des Ciilius Aure- lianus. Aus dem Frauzosischen von Christian Heinrich Schreyer. xxii, 175 pp. 16°. Xiirn-' berg it. Altdorf, G. P. Monath, 1788. -----. ffiuvres diverses de medecine pratique. 4 v. 8°. Castres, F. Gaust, 1801. CONTENTS. v. 1. Discours pnSliminaire. Sur les inflammations lentes des viscferes. Sur les maladies de la lympbe et des voies lymphatiques. v. 2. 1. Sur l'art d'exciter ou de mod6rer la fievre, pour la guerison ties maladies chroniques. 2. Sur les maladies de la peau, relativement k l'6tat du foie. 3. Sur les mala- dies h6r6ditaires; on y a joint quelques stances sur l'ex- istence de Dieu. v. 3. 1. Traite sur le vice scrophuleux. 2. M6moiresur lanullit6 medicale ties amulettes d'aimant. 3. Memoire sur , la fl^vre miliaire 6pitl6mique, qui ravagea le Languedoe en 1783. 4. Dissertation pour 1 Acad6rnie dArras, snr, le ujol [Alexis]—continued. traitemeut ties maladies aigues. 5. Discours de reception, pour la meme Academie d' Arras. 6. M6moire sur l'utilit6 de la ni6thode de M. Leroux contre la rage. v. 4. 1. Essai sur la nature du vice rachitique. 2. Ex- trait des observations sur le rathitisnie. par Ant. Portal. 3. M6moire sur la fievre puerp6rale. 4. M^rnoirefaittrfes- ^cemment, sur la colique h6patique par cause calculeuse. ----. Thesame. OZuvresde medecine pratique. Contenant ties memoires sur les inflammations chroniques des visceres, les maladies lymphati- ques, l'art d'exciter ou tie motl6rer la fievre, les maladies de la peau, les maladies h6r6ditaires, le vice scrophuleux, le magnetistne mineral, la fie- vre miliaire epidemique, la rage, le rachitis, la fievre puerperale, la colique bepatique, etc. Avec une notice sur la vie et les travaux de I'au- teur, et ties additions par F.-G. Boisseau. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Bechet jetine 7. Pullar (Alfred). .See Xe.....ana (Isidor). Text-book of skin diseases. ^ '. Lomlon. 1^71. Puller (Fridericus) [1813- ]. * De eccbymo- niate capitis. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Metackianis, [1838]. Puller (R. E. O.) * Ueber die wichtigsten Be- stinunungsmethoden des Arsen iu gewicbtsana- lytischer Beziehung. 70 pp. 8°. Jena, D. W. llalz, 1871. [P., v. 270.] Pulley (John). An essay on the proximate cause of animal impregnation. 31 pp. 4°. London, 1801. Pulliu (Thos. Henry Stocker). The health of the Sidniouth urban sanitary district. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of the district, for the years 1877; 1878. 4C. [Sidmouth, 1878-9.] Pulling (Ezra R.) The pine forests of Georgia as a resort for invalids. 8 pp. 8°. Xew Fork, D. Appleton $ Co., 1871. [P., v. 358.] Repr. from :"1H. York M. J., 1871, xiv. -----. Respiration as affected by conditions of the atmosphere. 16 pp. 8°. New York, D. Ap- pleton c)'- Co., 1873. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1873, xviii. Pullman, Illinois. Illinois. Commissioners of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics. Reports on the industrial, social, and economic conditions of Pullman, Illi- nois, Sept., 1884. 8°. [Chicago, 1884.] Williams (B.) The Pullman sewerage. Read June 5, 1882. 8-. [n. p.], 1882. Repr. from .- J. Ass. Engineering Soc, i, no. 8. Also ("Abstr ], in: San. Engin., N. Y., 1882, vi, 206. I>e Wolf (O. C.) Pullman from a state medicine point of view. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1883, Concord, N. H.. 1884, ix, '290-300. Also: San. Eng., N. Y., 1883-4, ix, 474; 476. — Doty (D.) Sanitary survey ofthe town of Pullman. Rep. lid. Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 156-170. ----. On Pullman, Illinois. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1888, Concord, 1889, xiv, 191-197. Pulmonary artery. See Artery (Pulmonary). Pulmonary emphysema. See Emphysema (Pulmonary) in infants. Pulmonary reins (Abnormities of). Albini (G.) Sbocco anomalo della vena polmonare destra superiore nella cava discendente. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1867, xxi, 80-82. 1 pl.—Chattcy (W. C.) Malformation of pulmonary veins. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 183— Gegcabaur (C.) Ein Fall von Eininiiuthin" der oberen rechten Lungenvene in die obere Holilvene. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1880, vi, 315-317, Pulo-Penan^. See Prince of Wales' Island. Pulque. Lobato (J. G.) Estudio quimico industrial de los varios productos del maguey mexicano y aualisis quimico del aguamiel y el pulque 12°. Mexico, 1844. Beni (C.) II pulque (Neutli) dei Messicani. Arch. per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1883, xiii, 13-23.—Foy (G.) Pulque in medicine. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 33.— llcrrera (A.) Pulques medicinales. Gac.m6tl.de Mexico. 1873, viii. 210-214.—Meeker (C. H.) [Pulque: a highlv medicinal and balsamic diuretic.| Am. M. Gaz. efe J. Health, N. Y., 1855, vi, 14.—Patifio (F.) La cues- tion del pulque. Escuela de med., M6xieo, 1881-2, iii, 217- 227. Puis (Jacobus) [1847- ]. *Devita fcetus et ejus nutritione. 26 pp. 4°. Gandw, J. X. Bou- din, [1825]. [P., v. 1376.] -----. See, also : WillciiiN & de Rudder. Discours prononces sur la tiaiilie- ele- M. Jaeejues Puis. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1*47. xiii. 367-371. Pills ( Julius). * Ueber Eiweissresorption. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, C. Muttiesen, 1878. Pulsatilla. Bhonikwski (M.) *Zur Erkenutniss tier Pul- satilla. 8°. Berlin, [1881]. -----. The same [with additions]. Mate- rial y k pharniakologicheskoinu izncheniou pro- strela (Anemone s. Pulsatilla pratensis). [Ma- terials for pharmacological study of Anemone s. Pulsatilla pratensis.] 8°. St. Petersburg, iHs.i. Storck (A.) Libellus de usu medico' Pulsa- tilla' nigricantis. 8°. Vindobonw, 1771. -----. The same. Abhandlung von dem heilsameu Gebrauch der schwarzlichen Kiichen- schelle (Pulsatilla nigricans). Aus dem Lateini- schen iibersetzt. 12°. Frankfurt n. Leipzig, 1771. Brunton (J.) An old remedy revived; the therapeutic uses of Pulsatilla nigricans. Proc. M. Soc. Lund., 1875-7, iii, 67-69—Claras (J.) Beitrage zur Phnrmaktiltigie tier Pulsatilla. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1858, xiv, 273-277.—Peters (J. C.) On Pulsatilla. Am. M Month. efc N. Y. Kev,, 1861, xvi. 406: 1862, xvii, 16.— Pi Hard (H. G.) Concerning Pulsatilla and other matters. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 204-208.—J* ha pier (L.) The therapeutic uses of the lierba Pulsatilla;, " Anemone pra- tensis" and "Anemone Pulsatilla" (ranuneiilarea'.). Prac- titioner, Lond., 1882, xxix, 32-42. — MIcialiaaNcr (J.) Die Pulsatilla, ein spec irisches Mittel. die Abstiessung der, besonders bei Friihgeburten, ziiriick^t'lialtenen l'lacenta zubefordern, uud die ihulurch bedingtt-n MiitterblutUiisso zu stillen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 1U25- 1028. Pulsation (Abdominal). See Abdomen (Pulsation in). Pulse. See, also, Blood (Circulation of); Cardiograph; Crises, etc.; Fevers, Heart (Diseases of), Diag- nosis, etc., of; Insanity, Labor, Pulse in; Men- ingitis, Pericarditis, Phthisis, Diagnosis, etc., of, Pregnancy (Pulse in); Puerperal state; Sphygmograph; Sphygmometer, etc. Abercromby (D.) De variatione, ac varietate pulsus observationes. Accessit ejusdem authoris nova medicina} tum speculative turn practical clavis, sive ars exploraudi medicas plantarum ac corporum quorumcumque facultiites ex solo sa- pore. 8°. Londini, 1685. ^Egidius. Incipit liber magistri ^Egidii de pulsibus inetrice compositus. ff. 4: Hie finis im- ponitus tractatnlo pulsuum magistri ^Egitlii cum cominento Gentilis de Fulgineo. 4°. [Paduw, 1484.] Also, in his: Carmina metlica. 8°. Lipsice, 1826, 19-43. Alexius (A.) Consilia medica et epitome pul- suum. 4°, Patavii, 1627. -----. Thesame. Consilia medica, et epitome pulsuum ... in quibus methodus accurata cum praxi theorica coujuugitnr: et est tabella eon- siliorum, et index rerum notabilium in eis con- ten tarum. Addita sunt in hac secunda edit ione ejusdem muitas linese, duo consilia, epitome urinarum, et post editionem nienda potiora ad fiuem libri emendata. 4°. Patavii, 1660. Anfrun(J.-F.-A.) * Dela valeur diagnostique et pronostique de latemp6ratureetdu pouls dans quelques maladies. 4°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1868. Arnold (F. C.) *De sede et causis pulsus ar- teriosi. 4°. Lipsiw, 1826. Baerwindt(J.) * De physiologia pulsus. 8C. Francofurti a. M., 1844. Belugou (A.) * Recherches nouvelles sur le pouls et la temperature; etmde comparative de leur marche. 4°. Montpellier, 1874. Berxegau (H.) * De singulis pulsus speciebus utsymptomatis et signis. 8°. Berolini, [187)7)]. Bertherand (A.-F.) * Essai sur l'observation medicale en general et la valeur du pouls dans le diagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1837. Blumentrost (J. D.) * Pulsuum theoriam et praxin examiuat. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1702]. PULSE. 845 PULSE. Pulse. Bong (O. C.) * De pulsu ut signo fallaci. sm. 4°. Balw ad Salam, [1767]. de Bordeu (T.) Recherches sur le pouls, par rapport aux crises. 2. ea\, augment6e des, Re- cherches sur les crises, du meme auteur, et des, Jugemens, porters sur la doctrine du pouls, de- puis la publication- des Recherches en 1756. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1768. ■-----. The same. Recherches sur le pouls, par rapport aux crises ; contenant les decisions de plusieurs savans m6decius sur la doctrine du pouls; avec des reflexions et quelques disserta- tions qui n'ont point encore vu le jour. On y a joint une dissertation nouvelle sur les sueurs cri- tiques et leurs pouls. 3 v. in 4. 12°. Paris, 1779-86. -----. The same. Inquiries concerning the varieties of the pulse, and the particular crisis each more especially indicates. 8°. London, 1764. BorsierideKanilfeld(G.) Delpolso. Trat- tato postumo. Traduzioue del Jacopo Facen. 12°. Milano, 1854. Braber (D. J.) *De variis pulsuum condi- tionibus. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1817. Bramwell (B.) Student's guide to the exam- inations of the pulse, and use of the sphygmo- graph. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, lb83. Brkmmer (J. A.) * De causis pulsum arteria- runi veuarumque induceutibus. 8°. [Dorpat], 1831. Brexdel (J. G.) [Pr.] de pulsu febrili. 4°. Gottingce, [1747]. Broadbent (W.H.) The pulse. 16°. London, 1800. Butcher (J.) *De pulsu arteriarum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Cave (S.) * De pulsu arteriarum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1779. Cazalis (E.-E.) Du pouls dans les maladies, des indications qui resultentde ses modifications. 4°. Paris, 1844. Chaignot (A.) *Du tremblement pulsatile. 4°. Paris, 1876. Clauder (J. C) * Physiologia pulsus, sm. 4°. Jenw, [1689]. Claye (J.-P.) Observations sur le pouls, et m6thode facile d'en reconnaitre les diff6reutes especes, savoir: le pouls capital, nasal, pectoral, stomacal, intestinal, celui des regies, de la gros- sesse, meme des le commencement, etc. 12°. Parts, 1809. Collinson (J.) *De pulsu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1810. Coschwitz (G. D.) De motibus humorum spasmodicis a motu pulsus ordinarii diversis. sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., 1707. -----. The same. 4°. Balw Magdeb., 1724. Cykillus (D.) Tractatus de pulsibus. Led. 8°. Xeapoli, 1802. Dalquen (J. T.) *Die Schwaukungen der Pulsfrequeuz im gesunden Zustande. 8°. Gies- sen, 1868. Delius(H. F.) [Pr.]de pulsu intestinali. 4C. Erlang w, 1764. Dzianott (O.) De sphygmologia, seu doctrina de pulsu. 8°. Cracoviw,' 1836. Ehkhart (J.) *De pulsibus. 4°. Jenw, [1761]. Emmer (F. G.) *De pulsu arteriarum. 8°. Monachii, 1839. Falconer (W.) Observations respecting the pulse; intended to point out with greater cer- tainty the indications which it signifies, especially in feverish complaints. 8°. London, 1796. Pulse. Fick (A.) Die Geschwindigkeitskurve in der Arterie des lebenden Menschen. In his: Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen La- boratorium der Ziiricher Hochschule. 8°. Wien, 1869, Hft. 1, 50-70. -----. Die Drnckcurve und die Geschwindig- keitscurve in der Arteria radialis des Menschen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Finch (C.) *Depulsu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1824. Finckenau(J.) * Disputatio medica de pulsu. Resp. Ulricus Wilhelmus Rhode. 4°. Begio- monti, 1716. Fleming (M.) Dissertation snr les d6cou- vertes de Francois Solano, concernant les modifi- cations du pouls, et les prognostics qu'on peut en tirer; dans laquelle on explique ces pb6nomenes d'apres les loix ordinaires de l'6conomie animale. 12°. Londres, 1753. Floyer (Sir J.) The physician's pulse-watch; or, an essay to explain the old art of feeling the pulse, and to improve it by the help of a pulse- watch. In three parts. 2 v. 8°. Loudon, 1707-10. -----. The same. L' orinolo da polso de'me- dici, ovvero un saggio per ispiegare 1' arte antica di tastare il polso, e per megliorarla coll' ajuto d' un orinolo da polso. In tre parti . . . Aggi- untovi tin estratto da Andrea Cleyer sopra 1' arte de' chinesi per tastare il polso. Opera del. . . Tradotta da un cavaliere inglese dimorante in Toscaua. 4C. Venezia, 1715. Formey (J. L.) Versuch einer Wilrdigung des Pulses. 8°. Berlin, 1823. Fouquet (H.) Essai snr le pouls, par rap- ports aux affections des principaux organes, avec des figures qui repre"seuteut les caracteres tlu pouls, daus ces affections . . . 12°. Montpellier, 1767. -----. Tbe same. Avec des figures, qui re- presented les caracteres du pouls dans ces affec- tions; ouvrage augment6 d'un abr6ge" de la doc- trine et de la pratique de Solano, d'apres les livres originaux et autres ouvrages espagnols et d'une dissertation sur la th6orie du pouls traduite du latin de M. Fleming. Nouv. 6(1., augmented de l'article, Sensibilit6, ins6r6 dans l'Encyclop6- die, et pr6ce"d6e d'une notice biographique sur I'auteur, par M. T----1. 8°. Montpellier, 1818. Fourrier (J.-B.) *Du pouls art^riel et du pouls veineux. 4°. Paris, 1854. Galen (C.) De naturalibus facultatibus libri tres. De pulsuum usu liber unus. Idem et quse- dam Pauli iEginetse, de diebus criticis. Thoma Linacro interprete. 16°. Parisiis, 1528. -----. De caussis pulsuum [libri quatuor] ; Galeni de prsesagione ex pulsibus [libri quatuor]. Hermanno Cruserio Campensi interprete; Galeni Pergameni de pulsuum usu [liber unus]. Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete. fol. [n.p., n.d.] -----. De dignoscendis pulsibus [libri qua- tuor]. Hermanno Cruserio Campensi interprete. fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. De pulsibus libellus ad tirones, Her- manno Cruserio Campensi interprete. fol. [«. p., n. d.] Gandini (C.) Gli elementi dell' arte sfygmica, ossia la dottrina del polso ricavata dall' antica, e moderna storia della medicina Chinese, ed Europea, Indi combinata, e ridotta a regole non meno sicure, che facili. 8°. Genova, 1769. Geoffron (J.; Pulsuum doctrina, iu quinque libros divisa. 8°. Genevw, 1706. Girard Devillars (L. M.) * Pulsus et circu- lationis theoria. sm. 4°. Monspelii, 1752. Godefroi (M. J.) *De pulsu. 8C. Lugd. Bat., 1842. PULSH. 846 PULSE. Pulse. Goez (C. A.) *De pristina atque nova pulsus doctrina. 8°. Dresdw, [1848]. Gomez (P. L.) Dissertaciou depulsos, en que se da a" entender lo nmcho, que hay que saber sobre su conocimiento, y proudsticos; y que lo que huvo de verdadero en los de Solano, no fue por hallazgo particular snyo; sino por haver estu- diado, y tenido presente algo deloinucho bueno, que para prouosticar dexaron escrito los autores antiguos; y un breve apendice, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Madrid, 1768. Grashey (H.) Die Welleubeweguug elasti- scher Rohren und der Arterienpuls des Menschen sphygmographischuntersucht. 8°. Leipzig,1881. Gruetzmann (G. F.) *De pulsuum in homi- nibus sanis secundum varias diei partes variis inntatiouibii8. 8°. Balis. [1831]. Gkysignancs (P.) Libellus de pulsibus et minis. 16°. Salerni, 1543. Guertin (J.) *De la frequence du pouls dans l'etat physiologique. 4°. Paris, 1858. Hafenreffer (S.) Monochordoii symbolico- biomauticum. Abstrusissimam pulsuum doctri- nain, ex harmoniis musicis dilucide, figurisque oculariter demonstrans, de causis et proguosticis indepromulgandis fieleliter iustruens, et jucunde per medicam praxin resonans. 16°. UI nice, 1640. Halpern (D.) * Ueber das inspiratorische Aiissttzen des Pulses mit Anschluss zweier Falle. 8U. Berlin, [1877]. Hayashi Tokai. Taiseiho Nijinshi Miaku Hioy [A table of the twenty-four pulses.] fol. Tokio, [n.d.]. Japanese text. Hecker (J. F. C.) Sphygmologise galenicae specimen. 8°. Berolini, 1817. Heilbut(-B.) - Ueber Pulsdifferenz. 8°. Tu- bingen, 1850. Hergt (H.) * De pulsu arteriarum. 8°. Jenw, [1837]. Hofriciiter (J. J.) * Qusedam de pulsus va- 1 re. 8J. Pragw, 1832. Jadelot (J.-N.) Memoire sur la cause de la pnlsatiou des arteres. 8°. Paris, 1771. Jaeger (M.) Tractatus anat.-phys. de arte- riarum pulsu. 8°. Wireeburgi, 1820" Johnson (D.) Advice and maxims for young students aud practitioners of medicine ; with re- marks on the pulse. 8°. London, 1820. Kehnius (C.) De natura pulsuum. 4°. Alt- dor phi, [1628]. Knoll. Ueberden Einfluss modificirterAthem- beweguugen auf den Puis des Menschen. 8°. Prag, 1880. Repr. from: Jahrb. f. Katurwissensch.,"Lotos", n. F., i. Krautermann (V.) Lehre vou den untriigli- chen Kenuzeichen des Urins, des Pulses, der Temperanienteu und des Blutes. Mit Anmer- kungen verseh eu . .. von Johann Gottfried Essich. 16°. Augsburg, 1788. Kronecker (U.) Importanza del polso per la circolazione del sangue. 4°. [Roma, 1888.] Cutting from: Kendic. R. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1888, 4. s., iv, 270-273. Kinx (C. G.) [Pr.] iuest fragmentum synop- scos Galeni librorum suorum xvi de pulsibus, gneci' nondnm editae. 4°. Lipsiw, 1824. Laxdois (L.) Die Lehre vom Arterienpuls nach eigeneu Versuchen und Beobachtungen dargestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Lenz (E.) *Experimenta tie ratione inter pulsus frequentiara, sanguinis pressionem latera- lein it sanguinis fluentis celeritatem obtinente. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1853. Lissater (D.) *Ueber die Schwankungen der Pulsfrequenz im Laufe desTages. 8°. Mar- burg, 1863. Pulse. Lorain (P.-J.) Etudes de ineclecine clinique faites avec l'aide de la methode grapbique etdes appareils euregistreurs. Le pouls, ses variations et ses formes tliverses daus les maladies. 8°. Paris, 1K70. Mac - Neven ( G. ) Problema semeiot icum, utrum in diagnostics et proguosticis certiora sunt, quad a pulsu, quam quse a respiratione de- sumuntur, signa? 1760. In: Klinkosch (J. T.) Diss. med. [etc.]. 4°. Praqce et Di-esdce, 1775, i, 151-158. Macredie (J.) *De pulsus varietatibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Massaria (A.) De pulsibus tractatus. In his: Tractatus quatuor. 4°. Francofurti, 1608, 124- 151. Also: Lugd., 1622, 124-151. Mathe (C. T. A.) * Nonnulla de pulsu vi- brante ct sonante. 8°. Xyster, [I860]. Mauchart (B. D.) De pulsu intermittente et tie crepitante. Resp. J. R. Camerer. sm. 4°. Tubingw, [1748]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, ii, 479-497. Mayer (C. T.) De arte sphygmica. 4°. Jenw, 1771. Meniere (P.) * De Pimportance des signes fournis par le pouls dans le diagnostic des mala- dies. 4°. Paris, 1832. Menuret de Chambaud (J.-J.) Nouveau traite du pouls. 12°. Paris, 1768. -----. The same. 12°. Amsterdam, 1768. Mercado (L.) Depulsibus libri duo in quibus tota ars cognoseendi morbos, et proguosticandi disertissime tractatur. 4°. Patavii, 1592. Also, in his: Opera omnia [etc.]. fol. Francofurti, 1608, ii, 492-631. Michel. Nouvelles observations sur le pouls, par rapport aux crises. 12°. Paris, 1757. Middendorf (J. H.) *De pulsus syniptoina- tologia. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Moens (A. J.) Over de voortplantingssnel- heid van den pols. 8°. Leiden, 1877. ,------. Die Pulscurve. 8°. Leiden, 1878. See, also, infra. Mosso (A.) Sulle variazioni locali del polso nell' antibraccio dell' uomo. 8°. Torino, 1878. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, Nov., 1877, xiii. The same. Die Diagnostik des Pulses in Bezug auf tlie localen Veranderungen des- selben. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Substantially a translation of preceding, but with omis- sion of passages and addition of tracings. Nick (G. H.) Beobachtungen iiber die Bedin- gungen, unter denen die Hiiuligkeit des Pulses im gesunden Zustand veraudert wirtl. Eine von der med. Facult. der Univ. Tubingen, fiir das Jahr 1823 gekronte Preisschrift. 8°. Tiibingen, [1825]. -------. The same. 8°. Tiibingen, 1826. Nicolai (E. A.) [Pr.] de pulsu celeri crcbro et frequenti. 4°. Jenw, [1763]. ------. [Pr.] de pulsu duro et molli. Pts. i-iii. 4°. Jenw, [1780-88]. Nihell (J.) New and extraordinary observa- tions concerning the prediction of various crises by the pulse, independent of tbe critical sigus delivered by the ancients, made by the long ex- perience of several eminent physicians, antl illus- trated with many new cases and remarks. To which are added some general hints on the na- ture, the ancient observance, and modern neglect of crises. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1750. -------. The same. Novse raneque observa- tioues circa variarum crisinm prtedictionem ex pulsu, nullo habito respectu ad signa critica anti- quorum: primum a Francisco Solana tie Luque, . . . et a variis deinde aliis medicis, facta;; multis PULSE. 847 PULSE. Pulse. novis casibus et animadversionibus illustratse . . . Ex auglico latine reddidit Wilhelmus Noortwyk. 8°. Venetiis, 1748. ------. The same. Et dissertationem de na- tura humana adjunxit Wilhelmus Noortwyk . . . Accedit in hac editione G. C. Schelhammeri . . . disquisitio epistolica de pulsu. 8°. Venetiis, 1759. Nitzsch (A. R.) *De ratione inter pulsus fre- qnentiara et corporis altitudinem habita. sm. 8°. Balis Sax., [1849]. Onishi Hogen. Miyaku Gen. [The origin and varieties of the pulse.] 3 v. 8°. Yedo, 1860. Japanese text. Ossanna (A.) * De pulsu in praxi magnopere considerando. 8°. Patavii, 1834. Parry (C. H.) An experimental inquiry into the nature, cause, and varieties of the arterial pulse, and into certain other properties of the larger arteries in animals with warm blood. 8°. London, 1816. ------. The same. Experimental - Untersu- chung fiber die Natur, Ursache und Verschieden- heit des arteriosen Pulses uud noch gewisse andre Eigenschaften der grossen Arterien in warmbliitigen Tbieren. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt durch E. von Embdeu. 8°. Hannover, 1817. Pelix (L.) *Du retard du pouls arterie] sur la systole cardiaque a P6tat physiologique et dans certaines conditions pathologiques de l'ap- pareil circulatoire. 4°. Paris, 1882. Pellisier (A.) *De pulsu arteriarum quse- dam coniplecleus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1784. Philaretus. De pulsuum scieutia libellus utilis et necessarius. [Cum] Theophili . . . de exacta retrimentorum vesicse cognitione com- mentariolus. Albano Torino interp. 16°. Ba- silew, 1533. Also, in: Aetius (A.) Medici Grasci contract* [etc.]. fol. [Francfordice, 1541], 844-850. Also, in: Medico artis principes. fol. [Francofurti], 1567, ii, 843-850. Pignataro (D.) Elementi di sfigmica. In 2 pts. 12°. Xapoli, 1804. Pingel ( C. G. ) *De pulsus dignitate. 8°. Berolini, [1861]. Pira (H. F.) *De pulsu ut signo. 1777. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795. i, 353-355. Pulsibus (De) libellus ex Galeni libris col- lectus, ac veluti in formulam redactus, in caudi- datorum rei medicse commoditatem authore nostri seculi incerto (Gallo, ut videtnr, quoniam liber Lutetiae primum editus est, anno salutis 1538) sed diligentissimo doctissimoque viro. In: Enchiridion rei medicse triplicis [etc.]. 16°. Ti- guri, 1555, 1-79. Pusinelli (C. F. A.) *Additamenta qusedam ad pulsus normalis inprimis diurni et nocturni cognitionem. 4°. Lipsiw, [1838]. Radius (J.) * Observatioues qusedam de pulsu arteriarum valetudinis signo. 4°. Lipsiw, [1822], Rhode (U.W.) * De pulsu. 4°. Regiomonti, [1716]. Riegel (F.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Pnls- untersuchung. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1878, No. 144-145 (Inn. Med., No. 49, 1225-1262). Rikemann (W.) *De judicio ex pulsu quate- nns est actio. 4°. Goitingw, [1765]. Roganus (L.) In Galeni libellum de pulsibus ad tyrones, commentarius. In quo omnia, qute Galenus xvi libris de pulsibus transegit, brevi expouuntur. Ejusdem de minis libri tres ex HippocrateetGalenocollecti. 16°. Venetiis, 1575. Rucco (J.) Introduction to the science of the pulse, as applied to the practice of medicine. 2 v. roy. 8°. London, 1827. Pulse. Rufus.Ephesius. ZvvoipicTreplcjepvy/Liuv. Trait6 sur le pouls, attribu6 a Rufus d'Epbese, publi6 pour la premiere fois eu grec et en francais, avec une introduction et des notes par le Dr. Ch. Da- remberg. 8°. Paris, 1846. Also, in his: OSuvres. 8°. Paris, 1879, 219-232. See, also, infra, Schultatus. Rumiiall (J.) An attempt to ascertain the nature aud cause of the pulse, iu a state of health, as far as it depends upon the contractile power of the heart and arteries, and the mechanical effect of the blood, by distension. 12°. Abingdon, [1796]. [Sachero (H.)] De pulsibus organicis, diag- nosticis et prognosticis, nee non de eorum insigui utilitate iu morborum therapeia dirigenda. Spe- cimen cum iconibus. 8°. Aug. Taurinorum, 1823. Saillant (C. J.) * An ex vario variarum arte- riarum motu, varise diagnosci possint hominum diadeoeie;. 4°. [Paris, 1770.] Santacruz (A. P.) Exactissimse disputationes de pulsibus, quibus Galeni et Avicennse doctrina philosophice perpenditur. fol. Matriti, 1622. Savonarola. De pulsibus, urinis et egestio- nibus. fol. [Ad fin :] Impressum Venetiis, 1497'. Saxonia (H.) De pulsibus. fol. Francofurti, 1604. ------. Thesame. fol. [Patavii, 1658.] Also, in his: Opera practica. fol. Patavii, 1681, 429- 452. Schadewald (O.) * Sphygmologiae historia, inde ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad seta- tem Paracelsi. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. Schaul (A.) * Sphygmologise Aviceunse con- spectus. 8C. Vratislaviw, [1828]. Schedel (F. J. ) Physiologia pulsus. 8°. Pesthini, 1829. Scheefel ( C. S. ) [Pr. ] de crisi morborum ac pulsu, tanquam signo critico, disserit, prseci- puaque signa ac leges, pro variarum crisium prsedictione ex pulsu, juxta Franciscum Solanum lie Luque, recenset, et de partu iustante, ex pulsu prsenoscendo, qusedam addit. sm. 4°. Gryphiswaldiw, [1747]. Schelhammerus (G. C.) Ad Georgium Wolf- gangum Wedelium epistola qua pulsus ratio omnis diligentius expenditur, et ad mecbanicse naturalis seternas leges exigitur, simul Laureutii Bellini de eodem novse sententise partim contir- rnantur, partim ulteriori subjiciuntur examiui. 4°. Helmestadii, 1690. Also, in: NoVjE rarseque observationes ex pulsu [etc.]. 8°. Venetiis, 1759, 181-255. 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Ars sphygmica seu pulsuum doctrina supra nice annos perdita et tlesiderata, omnibus tamen medicinam cum nominis celebri- tiite, maximaqne utilitate facere volentibus sunime necessaria, libris v. couscripta et jam primum ancta. Accessit Hieronyini Capiv.accei de pulsibus, elegans tractatus: et Caspari Bau- bini introductio pulsuum synopsin continens. 12°. Basilew, 1602. Suciiier (B. G.) * De pulsus nonnalis diffe- rentia. 8. MarburgiCattorum, 18Y.1. Thomas (R.) * Ueber eine neue Methode, die Dikrotie ties normaleu Pulses nachzuweisen. 8°. ilirliii, [1*76]. Thyssen (H. F.) * De acpvyuoloyia seu pulsus doctrina. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1810. Tiedemann (V.) Von der Verengung und Stdiliissung tier Pulsadern in Krankheiten. 4°. Leipzig it. Beidelberg, 1843. Tournesko (N.-C.) * Du pouls. 4°. Paris, 187)3. Triboulet (F.-E.) * De la valeur se"m£iolo- gique du pouls, jugee, autant que possible, d'apres la raison physiologique. 4°. Paris, 1853. Tyl (A. 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Prognosis and treatment of i't'1-tain acute diseases, with special reference to the indica- tions affiirth'tl by the graphic study of the pulse. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 35: 63'; 123: 189; 385.—B. (J. E.) Volun- tary suspension of the pulse. Boston M. efe S. J., 1858-9, lix, 495.—Biiiimlcr (C.) TJeber inspiratorisches Aussi'. tzen des Pulses und den Pulsus paradoxus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiv, 455-465.—Bailry (F.) Observations on the pulse. Lond. M. \- S. .1.. 1S'J9, ii, 128-130. — R a line. Lettre sur les nouvelles decou- vertes des pouls organiques ou non critiques. J. tie metl., chir., pharm., etc., I'ar., 1768, xxix, 49-72.—Barlow (G. H.) On the pulse. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lontl, 1852, 2. s., viii, 59-68.—von Bauch (S.) Ueber den Puis. Mit tli. tl. Wien. med. Doct.-Colh, 1881, vii, 42-44. -----. Ueber Puis- fiihlen, Pulsschreiben uud Pulsmesseu. Arch, f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1883-4, v, 277-291. -----. Zur Terminologie des Pulses und Technik des Pulsfiihleus. Wien. med. Wcfni- schr., 1884, xxxiv, 809-812— Bau h in us (C.) Introductio in doetriuam pulsuum ad t\ rones. In: Struthius (J.) Ars sphygmica. [etc.], 12°, Busilese, 1602, 1-23. — Brim. Ueher tlen Einfluss des Pulses auf die Bewegung unserer Korpertheile. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Metl, Berl, 1835,516-528.—Bellini (L.) De pulsibus, quantam ad artem medicam pertinent. Inhis: Opuscula practica tie urinis, [etc.|, ed. 4", 4°, 1731, 57-75. — Belougou (A.) Des rapports qui existent entre le pouls et la temperature du corps dans les maladies aigues, et des indications qui en r6sultent pour le diagnostic, le pronostic et le traitement. Mtimoire couronn6 par la m6daille d'or de la valeur de 200 francs. Soc. m6d. d'Amiens. Bull. (1875-7), 1878, xv-xvii. 641-731, 9 tab.—Benedikt (M.) Ueber multiple Pulsfiih- lnng. Wien. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 385-389.—Bernntein. Ueber die secuudiiren Wellen der Pulscurve. Ber. ii. d. Sitz. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, 1887, 40-49, 4 diag.— Bettcllicim (K.) Die sichthare Pulsation tier Arteria brachialis, ein Beitrag zur Symptomatologie einiger Erkran- kungen der Circulationsorgane. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med", Leipz., 1878, xxii, 230-232.—Betz (F.) Ueber ein aritbmetisches Gesetz in der Pulslehre. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1862, vii, 31; 227. — Blackley ( T. R. ) Ou the cause of the pulse being affected bv the position of the hotly. Dublin J. M. efe Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 332-344.— It leu lev (E.) efe Lehmann (K. B.) Ueber eiuige wenig beaebtete, wichtige Einfliisse auf die Pulszahl des gesun- den Menschen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1885-6, iii. 215-248.—Bonorden (th F.) Beitrag zu einer wissen- schaftlichen Begriindung der Pulslehre. J.d.pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, lxxi (Suppl.-Hft.). 184-207. — Bootock (J.) Pulse. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Lond., 1834, iii, 561-571. Also: Ibid., Phila., 1845, iii, 752-762. Also, Reprint.— Bouillautl. Nouvelles recherches sur l'analyse et la theorie tlu pouls a l'6tat normal et anormal. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1873, lxxvii, 627; 686. Also, Reprint.— B ram well (B.) The examination of the pulse. Etlinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 520-532, 7pl—Broadbrnt (XV. H.) Clin- ical lectures on the pulse; its diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic indications. Lancet, Loud., 1875, ii, 441; 549; 583; 901. -----. On the pulse and some of its indications. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 156-173. -----. Croonian lectures on the pulse. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 607: 659; 709. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887,i, 655; 707; 76:!.—Krond- geest (P. Q.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Arterienpulses. Arch. f. d.holland. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Heilk..Utrecht, 1M61-4, iii, 110-120, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Burke (R.) What are the practical indicationsof the pulse in tlisease .' Lond. M. Gaz., 1837, xx, 48-50.—Capivacceus (II.) De pulsibus tractatus. In: Struthius (J.) Ars sphygmica [eu-.], 12°, Basilea\ 1602, 357-460— C'appelli (G.) efe Brugia (Ii.) Sulle variazioni lticali did polsei nel tervello e nell' avam- hraccio dell' uomo. ner etfetto di alcuni agenti terapeutici. Arch. ital. per le mai. nerv., Milano, 1886, xxiii, 3-20. Also; PULSE. 849 PULSE. Pulse. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1886, vii, 57-63.—Cause (On the) of the pulse. Loud. M. Gaz., 1845, n. a., i, 456- 458._4!lianccllor (C. W.) Varieties of the pulse. Rich- mond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1871, xii, 359-364.— Chandler (J.) Mean of observations on the number of pulse-heats per minute. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1873-4, n. s., it g48.—Chapman. Lecture on the pulse. Ibid., 1858-9, xv, 621-626.—Chastelain (J.) Anpulsusad tantam cre- bri'tatem possit pervenire, ut alterutram quietem omnino amittat. In his: Quaist. med. duodecim., 4°, Monspelii, 1668, 21.—Czauderna (C.) Auffallende Pulsretardation hei einem fraglichen untl plotzlich todtlich endenden Ge- hirnleideu. Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1878, xiii, 367.— Czerniak (J. M.) Plan zu einer Methode der Messung der Fortprlanzungsgeschwindigkeit tier Pulswelle. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1863, i, 145. -----. TJeber die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der Pulswellen. Prag. nied. Wchuschr., 1864, 136. -----. Sphygmische Studien. Inhis: Mittheilungen aus dem physiologischen Privatlaboratorium, 8°, Wien, 1864, 1. Hft., 24-64. -Da- remberg. Die dem Rufus zugeschrieheile Sehrift iiber deu Puis; im Auszug mitgetheilt, mit Bemerkungen von Dr. Landsberg. Janus, Bresl., 1846. i, 799-811.—De- Benzi. Esame del polso. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1887, iv, 97-101.—Desbrest. Lettre sur la doctrine du pouls. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1768, xxviii, 138-159. -----. Observations sur diffeivntessortesde pouls. Ibid., 1771, xxxvi, 134-141.—Discussion of Dr. Baumgarten's paper: "Some observations on the pulse." St. Louis (Jour. Med., 1880, iv, 471-475.—Bollinger (J.) Vom Pulse. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol, Halle, 1816, ii, 356-358.— Donne (A.) Recherches sur l'6tat du pouls, de la respi- ration et de la temperature du corps thins les maladies, et sur les rapports qui existent entre ces divers ph6iiomeues. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1835, 2. s., ix, 129-157.—Dono- hue (T.) The pulse rate consistent with health ; its bear- ing ou applicants for life insurance. Mississippi Valley M. Mouth., Memphis, 1881, i, 367-369.—Dubois (d'Amiens). Application du metronome k l'exploration du pouls. Bull. Acnd. de med., Par.. 1839-40, iv, 259.—Duchek (A.) Untersuchungen iiber den Arterienpuls. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1862, iv, 49-72.—Ducheinin de I'Fstang. Let- tre sur la doctrine des pouls. J. de tii6d.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1768, xxix, 435-451.—Duroziez ( P. ) De l'immohilite, du dicrotisme systolique (bruit de galop) et du retrait de la pointe dans l'msuffisance aortique. Union metl., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 531-538.—Dutcher (A. P.) The pulse; its conditions in health and disease. Cincin. Lan- cet & Obs., 1866, ix, 15-23.—Evans (11. Y.) The varia- tions of the pulse, and their indications. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 28.—Fere (C.) Note sur l'influence de l'exercice musculaire localise sur la forme du pouls. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 253-255.—Ferrand. In- troduction a l'6tude du traitement des maladies du ctBur; considerations sur le pouls. Bull. g6n. tie therap., etc., Par., 1866, lxx, 481-494.—Fournier. Doutes et observa- tions sur les causes des battement des arteres, et du d6faut de pulsation des veines. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1774, xiii, 22-53.—Frantzel. Pulsus alternans bei einem grossen, im Verlauf eines acuten Golenkrheumatis- mus entstandenen Exsudat. Chaiite-Ann. 1874, Berl., 1875, i, 361-367.—Franeois-Franck. Sur la valeur di- agnostique des motliticai ions du pouls en rapport avec les mouvements de hi respiration. Gaz. hebd. de m6d.. Par,, 1879, 2. s., xvi, 49-54.—Galabin (A. L.) The causation of dicrotism of the pulse. Med. Times & Gaz., Lontl., 1873, ii, 648. -----. [Elasticity, as the cause of the dicrotic wave of the pulse.J Ibid., 1874, i, 24. -----. On the causation of the water-hammer pulse, and its tranformation in differ- ent arteries as illustrated by the graphic method. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1876, lix, 361-388, 2 pl. -----. On the trans- formations of the pulse-wave in the different arteries of the hotly. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lontl., 1875-6, x, 297-319,1 pl.— Garrod (A. H.) On pulse frequency, antl the forces which vary it. Nature, Lond., 1872. vi, 446. Also, in his: Collect. Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1881, 42-44. -----. On the law which regulates the frequency- of the pulse. J. Anat. efe Physiol, Lond., 1872-3, vii, 219: 1873-4, viii, 54. Also, in his: Collect. Scient. Papers, 8°, Lond., 1881,45-62.— van Ghert (I. M. E.) lets over de verhouding van het aan tal polsslageu tot dat der ademhalingen, als teken tot erkenning en tot voorzegging in ziekten. Kliniek,Utrecht, 1846, ii, 360-407.—Godefroi (M.J.) Heeft Hippocrates deu pols gekend en denzelven als semeiotisch teeken heoe- fend? N. pract. Tijdschr. v. deGeueesk., Gorinchem, 1849, n. R., i, 245-250.—Grandesso-Milvestri (O.) Dei polsi. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1861, iv, 173; 181 j 189; 205; 213; 221; 229; 245; 253; 261; 269; 301; 309.— Granville (J. M.) A few words, diagnostic and thera- peutic, about ''the pulse". Med. Chron., Manchester, 1884-5, i, 149-151.—Graves (R. J.) On the effects pro- duced hy posture, on the frequency and character ofthe pulse, in health and in disease. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 561-571.—Gray (G.) Sudden decrease in the frequency ofthe pulse during disease as a sign of approaching cere- bral complication. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 94.—Griin- ■nach (E.) Ueher die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der 54 Pul§e. Pulswellen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, 417-434. -----. Ueber die Pulsgeschwindigkeit bei Erkrankungen des Cir- culationsapparates sowie bei Ein wirkung toxischer Mittel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1885, cii, 565-577. -----. Ueber die Beziehung derDehn ungscurve elastischer RShren zur Pulsgeschwindigkeit. [From: Sitzungsb.d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., 1887, i, 275-284.] Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz.. 1888, 129-138, 1 pl.—Guy (W. A.) Upou the effect produced upon the pulse by change of posture. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1838, iii, 92; 308. -----. On the diurnal variation ofthe pulse. Loud. M. Gaz., 1839, xxiv, 453-458. Also: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1839, iv, 63-74. Also: Edinb. M. ema,ks on the pulse. Physician The influence of the mind on the pulse. Asclepiad, Lond, 1888, v 238 -Rie! gel (*.) Ueber die respiratorischen Aenderungen des Pulses und den Pulsus paradoxus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1876 xiii 369-372. ----- Zur Pulslehre. Deutsches Arch' f. kin. Med, Leipz, 1876, xviii, 506-510. — Riaal . A ?6°8 V^J^V6 J"6'1' et^hir. prat. Par, 1880, xxix, 216^ 268-Robert-I,atoiir. Des Elements physiolooiqnes du pouls. Rev. mtid. franc, et 6trang, Par, 1852, ii f»,i - 209 — Robin. Observation sur le pouls. J. de med ' rhi'r pharm, etc. Par, 1767, xxvi, 147: xxvii, 443-Roc houx' Pouls. Diet, de med, 2. ed. Par, 1842, xx "«5a tV'-l Koniualdo. Ruhrica de pulsibus. In- Collect saler n.tana, 8°, Napoli, 1856, iv, 1,:;. - Roncati F, Sui polso. Ehd. chn. di Bologna, 1862, i, 52; 62; 7.5; 86; 101 j Pulse. 109.— Roquero y Martinez (J.) Estudios clinic™ sobre el puis,,. R,v. nied. de s,vi„ W. xii ?61 - IM ™ Rosenstein. Zur Lehre vom Pulsus higeminus Berl klin. Wchnschr, 1877, iv, 27.V275.-R„«,au. Reflexions sur 1 isochrouisnie des pulsations dans les arteres il"sd, , r bras tt observation d'une obliteration spontanee de Par- ere brachial,,. N. J,,u„ (1, ,lie(1„ dlil, \ ,.„.'!« i \ \^-RVtUn' Observations sur la Vitesse du pouls. atl.tter, ns , egresde pressions atmospherit.nes et tie temperature. J. tie physiol exp6r. Par. 18'6 vi 1-1'I - Ruault (A.) Nouvelle theorie du pouls de Corrigan. 1 ranee metl. Par, 1883, ii, 241-245. Also.- Bull Soc clin dn Par;. (1883,, 1884, vi,, 120-125. -----. Recherches rlepouls ci p lla.re visible. Francemed, Par, 1>83, ii, 169 173. ffi Bull. Soc chu. dePar. (1883), 1884, vii, 98-103.-|«„cco. La science du pou s. [Rap. de Lebeau.l Hull. Acatl roy de 18H1 xh 3. 0 £i th£l'"lsi- Med & Surg. Repo, ter.Phila., 1881xh 309-311 -Ryan (M. On the science of the pulse Lonil M & S. J, 1M(2, i, 665; 780. - Sanderson (J B On the characters ol the arterial pulse in their relation to the mode and duration of the contraction of the heart in health and disease. Brit. M. J, Loud, 1867 ii 19- 39 57. -—.On the arterial movements. Med. Time's & Gaz, Loud. 18,1 i, 329; 477. -de Sauvages. Theorie *u ,^Ul'S'« H,Ht- SoC" r°J '' sc- « Montpel, 1778. ii, pt, 2 88-110. _ Sawyer (J.) The examination of the pulse Bniumgh. M Rev, 1875, iv, 264-267. - Schmid. Leber ,roJ-ZS7^2 ,miJ Pul8C»rven. Wien. med. Presse, 1889, xxx lo26; 156, -Sehottiii. Mnthmassungen iiber die Natur ties Pulses. Med. Convers.-Bl, Hildburgh, 1831 ii 181- 1 1-Sci'mrier. Pouls. Diet. d. sc. med. Par,'l820 xliv, 40l.-y0;i.-Sniogpwitz. Ueber die Pulsheobachtun- gen d s Solano. Med. Ztg, Berl, 1852, xxi, 119-122 - Ve,*,? ,n llJ Leh.™ V0IU Pu,8°' A,1S- VVi«'U' raed. Ztg, 860, v, 49-Sinoler. Ueber das Verhaltniss von Puis- trequenz, Kespiratioflen und TeniperatursteigermiE in I'lingen acuten Krankheiten. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt Heilk I rag 1860, Ixvii. 111-134. - Steiiensand ( C.) ' Ueber ^■!1^8^1dlffL,eD-8- ..Wcliiwclir. f. d. ges. Heilk, Berl, Iti ™? L T *if-,nbu^h' Ein ,5eitl a? zur Giiindung einer wissenschaftlichen Kenntniss des Pulsschla.res .1 d. pract. Heilk, Berl, 1815, xii, 3. St, 3-64 - Mlr'achi Nouvelles observations sur le pouls. J. tie nit tl chir pharm, etc. Par, 1772, xxxvii, 23-27.-Miration ( T') On the comparative frequency ofthe morning and evenin'.' pulse. Edinb. M. & S. J, 1843, lix, 112-117— Talma (S7 Beitrag ztir Keuntniss des Pulses untl des Herzstosses Arch. t. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1885, xxxvii, 607-617 1 diag-Thanhofler. Der Einfluss derGehirnthatigkeit oi'i ol'o'.r. u' A,ch' *• d' ^es- Physiol., Bonn, 1878-9 xix, 254-262 2 tab. —----. Az6iveresi gorb6k catacrotemelke- d6seinek okairol. [Dicrotic pulse.J Orvosi hetil Buda- pest, 1879, xxiii, 841; 865, 1 tab.—Thomas (G F L ) Die diaguostische Bedeutung des Arterien-Pulses. Ztschr f Med, Chir. u. Geburtsh, Leipz, 1868, n. F, vii 323- 375- ,?9VT"Tod,, (R- K) Clinical lecture on the pulse. Lond' M Gaz, 1851 n.s,xii,397; 485.-Traube (L.) Ueberdie subuormale Pulsfrequenz nach der Krise uud ihre Ursa- chen. Ges^ Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol, Berl, 1878, iii, 200.- Vanee ( R. A.) The doctrine of the pulse; an analysis ot its character, and summary of its indications. Cincin Lancet - pelter Puis und doppelte Herztone. Ibid., 1863, viii, 22; 28.—Smith (B.) Case of undue frequency of the pulse. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1887, i, 732.—Sommerbrodt (J.) Ge- gen die Lehre vom Pulsus paradoxus. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr, 1877, xiv, 615-618. — Starck (M.S.) Pulsus in dextro latere per ix dies deflciens, non lethalis. Acta Acad. nat. curios, Norimb, 1744, vii, 60. — Testelin. Ph6nomene insolite du pouls. Bull. metl. du nord, Lille, 1864, v, 237.—Traube (L.) Ein Fall von Pulsus bigemi- nus, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Arteriosclerose, iiber Leber- schwellungen bei Klappenfehlern und iiber acute Lebera- trophie. Verhauiil. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1871-3), 1874, iv, l. Theil, 66-85.-----Pulsus paradoxus hei chronischer PULSE. 852 PULSE. Pulse (Abnormal and irregular). Pericarditis aber ohne Mediastinitis; die inspiratorische Erniedrignng des Pulses ist von einer Schwachung tier Herztone begleitet. Oharite-Aun. 1874, Berl, 1875, i, 270- 276. _____. Enorme Vermehrung der Pulsfrequenz, die mindcstens 9 Stunden anhalt, bei einem iiber 60 Jahre alten abgeinagerten, stark erhlassten Phthisiker mit Atrophie des reclrten Ventrikcls; die Vermehrung der Pulsfrequenz, welche in einer ParesedesHemmungsnervensystemsihren Gruntl hat, durch Aufrichten des Kranken bedingt. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol, Berl, 1878, iii, 197- I99._ Waller (A.) On recurrent pulsation in the radial artery. Practitioner, Lond, 1880, xxv, 412-415.—Ware. Case of remarkable frequency of the pulse. Med. Mag, Bost, 1834-5, iii, 386. Pulse (Capillary). Kuault (A.-E.-A.) *Keclierches sur le pouls ' capillaire visible. 4°. Paris, 1883. Also [Abstr.], in: France m6d. Par, 1883, ii, 169-173. Also | Abstr.], in: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884, 98- 102. Oripat (H.) Note sur le pouls sous-ungu6al. France med. Par, 1883, ii, 553-555. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884, vii, 140-142.—Sacchi (M.) Unsecondocaso di polso sotto-ungueale venoso capillare. Riforma med, Roma, 1888, iv, 1340. Pulse (Fa>tal). See Foetus (Pulse of); Fcetus (Sex of, Signs of). Pulse (Intermittent). Bories (B.) * Essai sur les intermittences du pouls. 4°. Paris, 1875. Cox (D.) Observations ou the intermitting pulse, as prognosticating, in acute diseases, ac- cording to Dr. Solauo, a critical diarrhoea; or, as indicating the use of purging remedies. 8°. London, 175H. Mauchart (13. D.) Disputatio de pulsu inter- mittente et de crepitaute. Resp. J. R. Camerer. sm. 4°. Tubingw, [1748]. Also, in: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, ii, 479-497. Tralles (A. T.) *De caussis pulsus inter- mittcntis. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1756]. Wahlin(A.) * Pulsus intermittens. Upsaliw, 177)6. In: Linnaeus. Ameenitatesacad. [etc.]. 8°. Erlangce, 1785, ix, 43-63. Balfour (G. W.) Clinical lecture on intermittency and irregularity of the pulse, and on palpitation, cardiac and aortic. Edinb. M. J, 1875-6, xxi, 616-629.—Bui In ill (l\) Masked intermittents; intermittent pulse. Nash- ville J. M. efe S, 1858, xiv, 210.—Fox (T.) Intermittent pulse, caused by a dilated bronchus pressing upou the aorta. St. Louis M. efc S. J, 1869, u. s, vi, 217.—Fran- coiN-Franch. Recherches sur les troubles cardiaques «ini dCterminent les intermittences du pouls art^riel dites fausses intermittences. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, far, 1877, lxxxiv, 786-789. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med. Par, 1877, 2. s, xiv, 313-316.—Gobee (C.) Hyperseinia cerebri als neirzaak van pulsus intermittens. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1847, iii, 464-466.—Uoodeve (H. H.) Curious instance of irregularity of the pulse. Tr. M. efc'Phys. Soc Calcutta, 1834-42, viii, pt. 2, p. ccciii.—Palazzi (F.) Caso raro tl' tin intermitteuza considerabile di polso per piu giorui, cio6 d' un avemaria da un colpo all' altro; apertura del ca- davero; tuinore assai grosso di materia gelatinosa in una tunica rinchiusa, trovato nel cervello; e prudenti rifles- sioni sopra il medesimo, e la cagione tlella detta notabilis- sima intermittenza e morte; maudato al Antonio Vallis- nieri. In: Raed'opusc scient. efilol, 16°, Venezia,1731, v, 217-228.—Piollet. Observation sur un cas de commotion cerebrate, daus l'intermittence du pouls. J. univ. d. sc. m6d. Par, 1829, Iiii, 145-152.—Biehardson (B. W.) On intermittent pulse, as a sign of disease, and its treat- ment. Asclepiad, Lond, 1884, i, 193-211. — Schrciber (J.) Ueber den Pulsus alternans. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1877, vii, 317-368. — Terni (C.) Polso radiale destro intermittente. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1888, ix, 203. Pulse (Slow). BOttischer (E.) * Ueber Bradycardie. 8°. Giessen, 1888. Hartog ( W. ) * Ueber abnorme Verlangsa- mung tier Pulsfrequenz. 8°. Berlin, [1875], Sabatier (J.) *I. Quelle est la valeur s6- m&ologiqne de la duret6 et de la uiollesse du pouls? II. [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 183«. Pulse (Slow). Alivia (M.) Del polso raro e monocroto. Gazz. tl. osp, Milano, 1886, vii, 579; 587.—Bnrnnowitz (J.) A case of slow pulse. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1881, xx, 670.— Barbara (C.) Case of permanently slow pulse. Prov. M. efc S. J, Lond, 1848, 431.-Baa«i (U.) Sul polso lento. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 101-103.— Boulton (P.) A case of cardiac depression from shock; [pulse only 25 to the minute]. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1874, i, 611.—Bristowe (J. S.) Slow pulse, with epileptiform seizures. Laucet, Lond, 1885, i, 417.— Iturnelt ( VV.) Case of epilepsy, atteuded with remarkable slowness of t he pulse. Med.-Chir. Tr, Lond, 1823-7, xiii, 202-211.— I!a iu (D. J. C.) Observations on pseudo-apoplexy, with perma- nently slow pulse. Charleston M. J. efc Rev, 1849, iv, 271- 279.—Carithers (J. T.) Two cases of slow action ofthe heart in fever. South. M. efc S. J, Augusta, 1854, n. s , x, 462-464.—Ohappet. Contribution k let title du ralentis- sement du pouls. Lyon rn6d, 1883, xliii, 307-316—Cor- nil. Ralentissement consid6rable tin pouls; anemic, in- appetence et vommissements; mode particulier de la re- spiration ; syncopes et accidents convulsifs; autopsie; em- physeme; alterations s6niles; d6g6ii6rescence graisseuse du cceur et du paucr6as. Gaz mCd. de Par, 1875, 4. s, iv, 292.—D'Arman (D.) Contribuzione alio studio del polso raro permanente con accessi siucopali oil epilettiforini. Riv. veneta tli sc. med, Venezia, 1887, vii, 424-450 — Extreme raret6 du pouls chez un vieillard; 21 pul- sations par minute. Gaz. d. hdp. Par, 1876, xlix, 745.— Farre. Slowness of the pulse without any well-marked disease to account for it. Lancet, Loud, 1861, ii, 158.— Fenner (E. D.) Slow pulse; an extraordinary case. N, Orl. M. News efc Hosp. Gaz, 1857-8, iv, 257-260.—Flint (A.) On a variety of functional disorder of the heart, char- acterized by notable infrequently of the pulse. Am. Pract. Louisville, 1876, xiii, 1-19.— Frey (A.) Pulsus rat issiinu.s. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1887, xxiv, 72-74.—<* ibhiii;;* lA. T.) Case of remarkably slow pulse with epilcptifonu seizures; autopsy. Lancet, Loud, 1885, i, 288.—(aibxon (J. R.) Case of fits with very slow pulse. Lond. M. Gaz, 1838-9. xxiii, 123; 155.—Ootild (O.) Singular case of dis- ease, attended with retarded pulse. Med. Reposit, N. Y, 1809, 2. hexade, vi, 138— drob (F.) Ueber Bradycardie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1887-8, xiii, 574- 614.—Grot (L.) Du ralentissement du pouls chez les Bre- tons. Union m6d. Par, 1870, 3. s, x, 658.—Qucrctiii. Ralentissement permanent du pouls; mort subite. Bull. Soc. de iu6d. d Angers, 1884, n. s, xii, 34-38.—llnlpin (C.) Case of slow action of the heart in fever. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1849, vii, 501.—Holberton (T. H.) Case of slow pulse with fainting fits, which first came on two years after an injury of the neck from a fall; with observations. Med.-Chir. Tr, Lond, 1841, xxiv, 76-82. Also: Lancet, Lond, 1840-41, i, 892-894.—Holm. Pulsus rarus. Norsk Mag. f. Lasgevidensk, Christiania, 1887,4. R, ii, 636-645.— Jackson. Very slow pulse, connected probably with disturbance of the digestive functions. Boston M. efc S. J, 1869, lxxx, 376.—Jones ( C. H. ) Clinical lecture on two cases of slow pulse, with seizures of cpilcptoid character. Lancet, Lond.. 1876, ii, 919-921. — Itclley (C. K.) Slow pulse. Med. Rec, N. ¥, 1880, xvii, 164. — Kcyt(A.T.) Enormous delay of the pulse. Ibid., 16!(.— King (T. W.) Cases of slow pulse; illustrating the de- pendence of respiration on the summit of the spinal mar- row. Lancet, Lond, 1845, i, 321-323. — Ltanglebert. Ralentissement consid6rable du pouls; antiinie, inanpc- tence et vomissements; mode particulier de la respiration; syncopes et accidents convulsifs; autopsie; empbysenie; alterations similes; degeuerescenee graisseuse du cceur et du pancreas. J. d. conn. m6d. prat. Par, 1875, xiii, 177- 180.—Laure. Cas de ralentissement du pouls. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1881), 1882, xxi, pt. 2, 84-87.— Lebriin. Un casde ralentissement permanent du pouls, avec attaques syncopates et epiloptifomies. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de 'Belg, Brux, 1887, 4. s , i, 73-82. [Rap. dellambursinj, 21.—iiee. Caseof pseudo-apoplexy with remarkably slow pulse. South. J. M. efc Pharm, Charleston, 1847,' ii, 34.—donguet (R.) Le pouls lent bulbaire. Union m6d. Par, 1884, 3. s, xxxviii, 433-441.— lTIcBride (T. A.) The slow pulse and disturbances in the rhythm of the pulse Med. Rec, N. T, 1881, xx. 533- 535. Also: Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 357-361.— Ulalherbe (A.) Note sur la rarete tres-remarquable du pouls dans un cas d'indigestiou chez une femme tigec J. tie med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1874, viii, 57-59.— iTIartin- Solon. Note sur un ralentissement iemarquable du pouls, accompagne d'un rhythme anormal des batte- ments du coeur. J. univ. et hebd. de mod. et chir. prat. Par, 1831, iii, 164-175. — Mayer (N.) Slow pulse. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1889, xxxvi, 658. —May© (H.) An account of some cases of slowness of the pulse Lond. M. Gaz, 1838, xxii, 232-238.—.Uu re hi son. Singu- larly infrequent pulse. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1872, ii, 715.— Noble (J. B.) Slow pulse. Ibid., 1879, ii, 814.—Pater- son (A. H.) Brain and heart disease, with extraordinary and long continued reduction in the frequencv of the pulse. Assoc. M. J, Lond, 1853, 877.—PeacocU (T. B.) Case of unusual slowness of the pulse. Prov. M. J, Lond, 1842, PULSE. 853 PULVEKMACHER. Pul*e (Slow). iv. 68-71. -----. Cases of unusual slowness of the pulse, with remarks. Med. Times efc Gaz, Lontl, 1864, i, 7; 31; 56.—Polak (J.) Przypadek uieziniernie rzadkiego tetna. [Great intervals of pulsation.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1882, x, 842.—Prentiss (D. W.) Report of three cases of remarkably slow pulse, to which are appended brief ab- stracts of ninety-one cases of slow pulse found recorded in medical journals in the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1889, iv, 120-159. Also: Therap. Gaz, Detroit, 1889, 3. s, v, 800-812:1890, vi, 20-30.-----. Abstract of a remarkable case of slow pulse, extending over a period of nearly two years. Boston M. & S. J, 1889, cxxi, 303. Also: Med. News, Phila, 1889, lv, 359. Also: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1889, xiii, 499.—Rendu (J.) Ralentissement normal du pouls. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyou (1877), 1878, xvii, 2. pt, 98-100. — Bcvillout (V.) Cas d'ex- treme rarete du pouls, chez uu homme tres-bien portant; 20 pulsations k la minute. Gaz. tl. hop , Par, 1876, xlix, 788.—Koux (A.) Deux cas de ralentissement du pouls. Gaz. metl. de Picardie, Amiens, 1885, iii, 54.—Russell (J.) Remarks oh unusual slowness of the pulse, founded upou a case illustrating that form of tlisease. Med.' Times efc Gaz, Lontl, 1877, ii, 58; 228.—Shaw (W. C.) A case of slow pulse. Pittsburgh M. Rev, 1886-7, i, 245.— Somerville (R.) Extreme slowness, followed by great irregularity ofthe pulse, with no organic disease of heart, treated by bromide of potassium and belladonna. Practi- tioner, Lond, 1876, xv, 186-190.—Spenw (T.) History of a case, in which there took place a remarkable slowness of the pulse. Med. Comment. 1792, Edinb, 1793, decade 2, vii, 458-465.—Stokes (W.) Observations ou some cases of permanently slow pulse. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, ii, 73-8.")—Thornton (P.) Case of exceeding infrequency of pulse. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1875, viii, 95-98.—Tras- lour (E.) Fievre pernicieuse algide; 10 pulsations k la minute, pendant plusieurs hems; 20 k 25 pulsations pen- dant six jours; crises 6pileptiformes; catarrhe pulmo- naire; mort par asphyxie le 11" jour. J. de m6d. de 1'ouest. Nautes. 1876, x," 11-15.—Trail be (L.} Ueber die Bedeutung des Pulsus tardus. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol, Berl, 1878, iii, 240.— Walker (J. P.) Slow pules. Peoria M. Month, 1881-2, ii, 2.">5. — Wheeler (J.; etal. Slow pulse. [Cases.] Brit. M. J, Lond, 1879, ii, 886; 938; 1020: 1880, i, 113.—Worthingtou (W. C), sr. Re- markable slowness of pulse. Lancet, Lontl, 1840-41, ii, 336. -----. Pathology of slow pulse. Ibid., 1845, ii, 451.—Yeo (J. B.) Production of a remarkable endocardial murmur, accompanied by unusual slowness of the pulse. Ibid., 1872, ii, 913. Pulse (Venous). See Veins (Pulse in). Pulse-breath. Fiulayson (J.) Pulse-breath and pulsatile respira- tion. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1883, i, 403.—Hall (C. R.) On pulse-breath. Lancet, Lond, 1862, i, 200. Pulse (The) of Health. Frank W. Reilly, ed- itor. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Nov., Dec., 1871; Sept., 1872. 4°. Xew York. Pulsibus (De^ libellus ex Galeni libris collectus, ;ic veluti in formulam redactus, in candidato- rnni rei medicte commoditatem, authore nostri secnli iucerto (Gallo, ut videtur, quoniani liber Lutetiae primum editus est, anno salutis 1538) set! diligentissimo doctissimoque viro. In: Ges.ner (Conrad). Enchiridion rei medicae triplicis, etc. 16°. Tiguri, 1555, 1-79. Pulsibus (De) organicis diagnosticis, [etc. ]. See [Sachero (H.)]. PulSt [Carl Wilhelm]. Die asiatische Cholera im Kiiuigreich Polen. Ein Versuch, ihre Heilung nach ratiouelleu Principien zu begriinden. Auf eigene wahrend einer amtlichen Keise in Polen gesammelte Erfahrungen untl Ansichten ge- stutzt. viii, 48 pp. 8°. Breslau, A. Gosohorsty, 1831. [P., v. 738.] Pulte (J[oseph] H[ippolyte]) [1811- ]. Re- ply to the article of Dr. J. W. Metcalf, contained in the North American Journal of Homoeopathy, No. II, purporting to be a criticism of my "Do- mestic physician". 23 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, B. W. Derby ^ Co., 1851. -----. The scieuce of medicine. An introductory lecture delivered before the Western College of Homeopathic Medicine. 23 pp. 8b. * Cleveland, Barris, Fairbanks <$• Co.. 1852. Pulte (J[oseph] H[ippolyteJ)—continued. -----. Woman's medical guide; containing es- says on the physical, moral, aud educational development of females, and the homeopathic treatment of their diseases in all periods of life, together with directions for the remedial use of water and gymnastics, xviii, 19-336 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Moore [and others], 1853. -----. Homoeopathic domestic physician, con- taining the treatment of diseases; popular ex- planations of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, and hydropathy, a treatise on domestic surgery, ami an abridged materia medica. 8. ed. xxi, 22-719 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, W. B. Smith $ Co., 1863. -----. Asiatic cholera; its preventives and homoeopathic treatment; for travelers' and do- mestic use. 24 pp. 24°. St. Louis, Mo., B. C. G. Luyties, [1866]. -----. The spectroscope, and the law "Similia similibus curantur". 10 pp. 8°. Boston, G. C. Rand 4" Avery, 1867. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop. 1866, Bost, 1867, xix. Also, Co-Editor of: Quarterly (The) Homoeopathic Magazine, Clevelanel, 1854-5.—American (Tbe) Maga- zine, Cleveland efe Cincinnati, 1851-3. See, also, Teste (Alpb.) A homoeopathic treatise on the diseases of children. 8°. Cincinnati, 1857. For Biography and Portrait, see II. States M. efe S. J, Chicago, 1868, iii, 233-240. Also, Reprint. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Pulte (Philippus Albertus). *De doloribus spu- riis spasticis in paftu. 3 p. 1., 17 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bonnw, Xeusser, 1826. Pulte Medical College Cincinnati (Homoeo- pathic). Prospectus. May, 1872. 1 sheet. 8°. Cincinnati, Bradley 6- ], * L'etablissement national d'lndret. Etutle d'hy- giene et de pathologie professionnelles. 48 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888, No. 33. Punhete. d'Olivkir.v e Silva (C. A.) Noticia analytica tlas agoas ferreas da villa de Punhete ; sen modo de obtar; molestias em que sao proprias; e direc- coes para o seu uso. 16°. Lisboa, 1799. Punishment. See, also, Crimes and criminals; Criminals (Mental condition, etc., of); Flagellation; Pris- ons. Adams (R.) Wife beating as a crime and its relation to taxation. 8°. Philadelphia, [1886]. Marshall (H.) A historical sketch of military punishments, iu as far as regards non-commis- sioned officers and private soldiers, and a sketch of the punishments to which common seamen aud marines are liable iu the royal navy. By a sur- geon's mate of 1803. 8°. [London*, 1839.] Repr. from: United Service Mag. Massachusetts. Reports ofthe committee on education concerning corporal punishment in the schools of the Commonwealth, Mav, 1868. 8°. Bostbn, 1868. —----. Report of the committee on rules antl regulations on corporal punishment in the public schools. School committee, Juue 10, 1873. 8°. Boston, 1873. Meister (J. C. F.) Urtheile und Gutachten in peinlichen und andern Straffallen. 8°. Frank- furth a. d. Oder, 1808. Nick (G. H.) *De pcenis corporis afflictivis tarn civilibus quam militaribus. 4°. Tubingw, [1804]. Pfauz (J. C.) De tormentis et pcenis susti- nendis. 4°. Lipsice, [1711]. Wyman (M.) Progress in school discipline; corporal punishment iu the public schools; ad- dressed to the citizens of Cambridge [ Mass. ]. 8°. Cambridge, 1867. Baer (A.) Die Aufschiebung und Unterbrechting ur- kannter Freiheitsstrafen aus arztlichen Griinden. und ihre Begutachtung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med, Berl, 1880, n. F, xxxii, 53-74.—Brailfield (G. M.) efe Andrew- (T. H.) Visits to the forum of the wliipping-post. Phila M. Times, 1886-7, xvii. 10-15. Also [Abstr.]: Polyclinic, Phila, 1886-7, iv, 13-16.—Doll (E.) Ein Fall von schwe- rer kiirperlicher Beschadigung durch Ueberscbreitung der hauslichen Zucht. Oesterr. Ztschr.f. prakt. Heilk, Wien, 1863, ix, 451; 468; 486. — Dowler (15.) Medico-legal re- marks on punishment. N. Orl. M. efe S. J, 1855-6, xii, 360- 365.—Everts (O.) Asexualization as a penalty for crime. Med. News, Phila, 1888, Iii, 341-344. — Ferri'(E.) II di- ritto di punire como funzione sociale. |Extr.] Arch, di psichiat, etc, Torino e Roma. 1882, iii, 51-85. — Fli>s;cl (J.) Ueher die korperliche Ziichtigung beim Militiir. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg.. Wien, 1867,viii, 289-'-".i3.—Fromont (L.) Considerations hygi6iiiques sur que lepies punitious inflig6es aux sohlats. Arch, de ni6d. mil, Brux, 1850. v, 110-113.—Ges-cn elie korperliche Ziichtigun-. HI. f. ge- richtl. Anthrop, Niirnb, 1862, xiii, 283-286. — llaax (H.) Anthropologisch-psychologische Wiirdiguug tier Frage iiber Auwendharkeit, Zweck und Folgen korpei iirher Ziichtigungen. Ibid., 1854, v, 2. Hft, 20-32. — Klein. "Was ist von der korperlichen Ziichtigung der Kinder dnnh Schlage zu halten? Unter welcheu I'uistantlen und in welcher Weise ist dieselbe zuliissig ? Waun artet sie in Misshandlung aus und welches sind die Folgen tier let/.te- ren ? Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk, Erlang, 1861. lxxxii. 122- 144. —Korperliche (Ueberdie) Ziichtigung. Bl. f. ge- richtl. Anthrop, Ansbaeh, 1853, iv, 6. lift, 3-11. —Kor- perliche (Ueber die) Ziichtigung. Ibid., 1854, v, 5. flft._ PTJHISHMENT. 855 ruxisriMENT. Punishment. 10-21. — Korperliche (Die) Ziichtigung beim Militar. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg, Wien, 1867, viii, 201 ; 209. — litui- gendorfT. Nach welchen Grundsatzen wertlen die Fol- gen maassloser Ziichtigungeu, welche Kinder vou Seiten der Eltern nnd Vorgesetzten erlitten, in Bezug auf Uefahr und Todtlichkeit in i'oro zu beurtheilen sein ? Deutsche Zt- schr. f.d. Staatsarznk, Erlang, 1800, n. F,xv, 3-77. — Lilly (VV. .S.) The ethics of punishment. Fortnightly Rev, Lond, 1889. n. s, xlvi, 112-122. — l.ombroMO (C.) Pri- niordii delle pent-. Arch, di psicbiat, etc, Torino e Roma, 1883, iv, 44-ii-J.—1T1. (H.) Branding in the army. Lancet, Lond, 1847, ii, 22. — Iflajno (L.) Della revisione dei pro- cessi penali. Arch, di psichiat, etc, Torinoe Roma, 1884, v, 251-264.—ITItiNsone (G. B.) La pena dei lavori forzati con si tie rata nella sua applicazione pratica, ossia i bagni marittimi negli stati Sami studiati sotto 1' aspetto econo- mico-statistico-igieuico-morale ed al con frou to della ri- forma penitenziaria. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1852, 2. s, xiii, 341-346.— Schneider (P. J.) Ober- gerichtsarztliches Gutachten iiber Peinisung eines Kna- ben. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk, Erlang, 1862. xx, n. F, 264-270.—Siebert(A.) Ueber tlie korperliche Ziichtigung: in strafrechtlicher und medicinisch-polizei- licher Beziehung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk, Erlang, 1844, xlviii, 239-272.—Voytit*. Ueber korperliche Ziichtigung beim Militar. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg, Wien, 1867. viii, 225- 227.—Wistraml (A. T.) Entwurf einer auf tlie Theorie des Uriminalrechts gestiitzeii Anleitung zur Bearbeitung griindlicher medicinisch-serichtlicher Gutachten. Ver. deutsehe Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk, Freib. i. Br, 1851, n. F, ix, 5-58. Punishment (Capital). See, also. Cadaver (Experiments on); Decapi- tation; Guillotine; Hanging. Benjamin (P.) The infliction of the death penalty. [From Forum for July.] 8°. Xew York, 1887. Bleyek (J. M.) Scientific methods of capital punishment. 8°. Xew York, 1887. Bokelli (G.) & Zambianchi (A.) Sulla pena di morte nelle sue relazioni colla fisiologia e col diritto. 8°. Torino, 187,4. Bi'rleigh (C. C.) Thoughts on the death penalty. 2. ed., revised. 8°. Philadelphia,1847. Caldwell (C.) Thoughts on the impolicy and injustice of capital punishment; on the rationale or philosophy of crime; and on the hest system of penitentiary discipline and moral reform. An address. 4°. Louisville (Ky.), 1818. Chereau(A.) Gnillotiu et la guillotine. 8°. Paris, 1870. Colktti (D.) Sulla perizia nei giudizii pe- nali. 8°. Padova, 1«79. Combe (G.) Thoughts on capital punishment. 8°. Edinburgh, 1847. Cortina (C. A.) Cesare Lombroso e le nuove dot trine positiviste iu rapporto al diritto penale. 8°. Torino, 1888. Crime (On) as affected by the death punish- ment. Being some account of Dr. Guy's paper re- cently submitted to the Statistical Society, and published in theirjournal. 8°. [London, 1869.] Despk^s (A.) De la peine tie mort au point tie vue physiologique. Lettres au r6dacteur de l'Opinion medicale. 8°. Paris, 1870. Elkixtox (J. A.) Lecture on capital punish- ment. 8U. Philadelphia, 1841. Hill (F.) The substitute for capital punish- ment. 8°. London, 1866. Loye (P.) * Recherches exp6rimentales sur la mort par la decapitation. 4°. .Pam, 1887. Also [Abstr.], in: Kev. scient. Par, 1888, 65-70. Lucchixi (L.) I semplicisti (antropologi, psi- cologi esociologi) del diritto penale. 8°. Torino, 1886. New York (State). Report of the commission to investigate and report the mo,st humane and practical method of carrying into effect the sen- tence of death in capital cases. Elbridge T. Gerry, Alfred P. Sonthwick, Matthew Hale, com- missioners. Transmitted to the legislature of the State of New York, January 17, 1888. 8°. Albany, 1888. Piniitluiient (Capital). Rush (11.) On the punishment of murder by death. 8 . Philadelphia, printed; London, re- printed. 1793. Society for Diffusing Information ou the Sub- ject of Capital Punishment and Prison Discipline. Tract No. II. An account of the Maison de Force, at Ghent. 8'J. London, 1817. Repr. from: Philanthropist, May, 1817 Thoughts on capital punishments, in a series of letters. 8°. London, 1770. Voisin (F.) Memoire en faveur de l'abolition de la peine de mort, adresse" aux represeutants du peuple. 8C. Paris, 1848. Abbott (S.W.) Carbonic oxide tig. electricity. Boston M. efe S. J, 1889, exxi, 170.—Amich (.T.) De ia pena tie muerte considerada como cuestion de medicina legal. Por- venir, Madrid, 1853, i, 77.—Audi ein Wort iiber Totles- Strafen aus dem Gesicbtspunkt tier Psychologie und des Natur-Rechts. Ztschr. f. tl. Anthrop, Leipz, 1825, Hft. 3, 13-52. —Barr (J.) Judicial hanging. Lancet. Lond, 1884, i, 1023-1025.—Beach (XV.) The death penalty; proper mode of its infliction. Med. Rec, N. T, 1886, xxx, 89.— Beer (H.) l»ie Todesstrafe vor dem Forum der Psychia- trie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1869, xiv, 198; 211.—Beggn (T.) The deterrent influence of capital punishment. Tr. Nat. Ass. Ptomot. Social Sc. 1864, Lontl, 1865, 213-224. [Discussion], 292-300. —Bell (C.) Electricity and tbe death penalty. Med.-Leg. J, N. Y, 1889-90, vii. 201-219. Also: J. Ani. M. Ass, Chicago. 1889, xii, 325-332. Also: Alienist t title tie certaines formes de persistance tie la meinbraue pnpillaire simulant des synechies d'origine patho- logique. 4°. Lyon, 18H3. Schleicher ( C. ) *De membrana pupillari perseverante. 8°. Bounce, 186,7,. Agnew (C. R.) Three cases of persistent pupillary membrane. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. N. Y, 1880. iii, 110-112. Also, Reprint.—Berger (E.) Membrana pupillaris per- severans eines Auges; Schichlstaar beider Auueu. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1884, xxii, 281-2S4.—t'nri'e. Debris de la membrane pupillain>; trois observations. Gaz. d'ophth. Par, 1879, i, 33-:ss.—Carter (B.) Removal of a circular film adherent lo the pupillarv margin. Lan- cet, Lond, 1871, i, 712.—Cohn (11.) Vier Fiille von per- sistirender Pupillar-Membran, nebst einer Vergleichung aller bis jetzt bekannten Falle. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh, Erlang, 1867, v, 62-72. Also [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1866, Bresl, 1867, xliv, 193. -----. Zur Anatomie der persistirenden Pupillannen- bran. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh, Leipz, 1881, v, 97- 100.—Collins (W. J.) Persistent capsulo-pupillary mem- brane. Ophth. Hosp. Rep, l.emil, 1886-7, xi, 345-347.— Dixon (J.) Remains ol' pupillary membrane in an adult. Brit. M J, Lond, 1869, i, 257.— I>njardin. Un castle persistance de la membrane pnpillaire J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1882, iv, 230-233. -----. Un cas tie persistance de la membranepupillaire. Ibid., 1885, vii, 653-655.—Erhard. Vasa membranse pupillaris residua oculi sinistri. Deut- sche Kliuik, Berl, 1850, ii. 321— Frankc (E ) Klinisch- statistische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Membrana pupil- laris perseverans. Arch. f. Ophth, Berl, 1884, xxx, 4. Abth, 289-310.— von Oraefe (A.) Ueber Membrana pupillaris perseverans und Polycoria. Arch. f. Ophth, Berl, 1865, xi, 1. Abth, 209-219, 1 pl—Haller (A.) Dis- sertation on a newly discovered skin or membrane found on the eyes of infants, both unborn anil new-born, whereby the pupil is closed. Med, Chir, tfe Anat. Cases, 8°, Lond, 1758, 122-127.—Hasbronck (S.) A report of cases of persistent pupillarv meinbraue and persistent hyaloid ar- tery. .1. Ophth , Otol. efe Laryngol, N. Y, 1889, i, 94T98.— von Hastier. Operative Entfernung der perseveriren- deu Pupillarniembran durch Korelyse. Prag. med. Wchn- schr.. 1883, viii, 457.—Horner (F.) Zur Casuistik tier Membr. pupill. perseveians. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Erlang, 1866, iv, 259-261.— Howe (G.) Persistent pupil- lary membrane. Metl Rec, N. Y, 1885, xxviii, 37.— Keyset- (P.) Zur Casuistik der persistirenden Pupillar- niembran. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Erlang, 1867, v, 217-219.—Klein (S.) Ueher einen Fall vou persistirender Pupillarmembran. Wien. metl. Presse. 1878, xix, 661; 691; 732—Koru. Zur Casuistik der persistirenden Pupillar- niembran. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Erlang, 1867, v, 219-221.— fnyse. Contribution a l'etude ties membranes pupillaires persis- tantes. Ann. d'ocul, Brux, 1886, xcv, 13-36, 1 pl. Also [Rev.]: Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1886, lxv, 61-64.— Vassanx (G.) Persistance de l'art Are hyaloidienne et ele la membrane pupillaire, ayant determine des altera- tions intra-ticulaires, simulant cliniquementun n6opIasme. Arch, d'ophth. Par.. 1883, iii, 502-527, 1 pl. — Vieq d'Azyr. Sur la membrane pnpillaire du foetus. Hist. Soc. roy. de nied. 1777-9, Par, 1780, ii, 1. pt, 257, 1 pl— Weber (A.) Eine Membrana pupillaris perseverans. Arch. f. Ophth, Berl, 1861, viii, 1. Abth, 337-352.— Wi- cherkiewicz (B.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der pi rsis- tirenden Pupillarmembran. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1888, xxxiv, 4. Abth, 35-58. 2 pl.-Wrisbcrg (H. A.) Pe membrana f'tetus pupillari. In his: Comment, med. phy- siol, etc, 8°, Gottiugse, 1800, i, 1-15, 1 pl. Pupil (Semeiology of). See Apoplexy (Diagnosis, etc., of); Eye, Iris Semeiology of; Mydriasis, etc.; Myosis; Ner- vous system (Diseases of, Diagnosis, etc., of). Pupillometer. See Eye (Examination of). Pupke (H. Ludovicus). *De plica polonica seu cirragra. 25 pp., 2 1. 8°. Balw, typ. Ruffianis, [1819]. Plippe (Eruestus). * Enchondromatis labii su- periors exeniplum. 36 pp. 8°. Gryphiw, F. Bache, 1867. C. Purcell (V. Albert). On caucer, its allies and other tumours, with special reference to their metlical and surgical treatment, xi, 311 pp. 8°. London, J. A} A. Churchill, 1881. Purcell (J. B.) "Wilruiugton in health and dis- eii-e. 51pp. 8°. Wilmington, X. C, 1867. Purcell (Joannes). *De ictero. 45 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Bonkoop, 1761. Purcell (Johu). A treatise of vapours, or hys- tcrick tits. Containing an analytical proof of its causes, mechanical explanations of till its symp- toms and accidents, according to the newest antl most rational principles; together with its cure at large, 3 p. 1., 158 pp., 4 1. 12°. London, X. Cox, 1702. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 p. I., 238 pp., 5 1. 12°. London, E. Place, 1707. -----. Traits de toutes les espoees de coliques. Contenant des preuves analytiques de leurs causes, et ties explications moilianiques de leurs acciilcns et tie leurs symptomes, suivant les prin- cipes les plus nouveaux et les plus raisonnables, avec leur cure. Trad, sur la 2. e"d. angloise, par M. E[idous]. 12, 281 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, La- conibe, 1767. [Also, in: P., v. 1226.] Piirckliaiicr (Joh. Daniel. Christoph.) [1733- ]. * De atonia, 39 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. Fickel- schcrrianis, [1755]. For Biography, see IIn mberger (Georgius Erhardus). Plirdon (Henry Samuel). Peculiarities of the ileal' antl dumb, as regards medical treatment, and their idiosyncrasies, which have been ob- served at the Ulster Institution. 18 pp. 8°. Belfast, B. Greer, 1865. [P., v. 1492.] -----. On neurotic cutaneous diseases, including erythema. 118 pp. 8°. London, B. K. Lewis, 1869. -----. A treatise on cutaneous medicine and dis- eases of the skin, viii, 272 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall 6} Cox, 1875. Plirdon (Rowan). *De mania. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1799. [Also, in: P., v. 12; 387.] ' Purdue University. School of Pharmacy, Lafay- ette. Annual announcements. 1.-3., 1884-5 to 1886-7. 8°. Lafayette, 1884-6. ------. Bulletin, No. 1. 22 pp. 8°. [Lafauette, 1886.] J * ' Purely (Albert Gallatin) [1809-75]. Carpenter (W. H.) Biographical sketch of Dr. Al- bert Gallatin Purtly. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Syracuse, 1879, 573. Purdy (Alf. E. M.). Editor of: medical (The) Register of New York letc], 1871-2 to 1877-8. Purdy (Charles W.) Suggestions on some symp- toms of renal disease and their management. 15 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1885. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1885, v. ------. The pre-albuniinuric stage of chronic Bright's disease. (Read before the Chicago Med- ical Society, May 18, 1885.) 35 pp. 8°. Chicago, Clark S>- Longley, 1885. ------. Bright's disease and allied affections of the kidneys, xi, 17-295 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers $ Co., 1886. ------. The specific gravity of the urine and its relations to structural diseases of the kidneys. Read before the Chicago Medical Society, Sep- tember 5, 1887. 19 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1887. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1887, ix. -----. Treatment of glycosuria. 19 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1889. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1889, xii. Purdy (Mark S.). Editor of: Health (The) Eecord, Corning, N. Y, 1886-8. Purdy (T. C ). See United States. Department of the Interior. Cen- sus Office, v. 4. Keport on the agencies of transportation. 4°. Washington, 1883. Purdy (W.) Worth a million of money. Small- pox : ;i practical treatise on the small-pox epi- demic. Its cause, its symptoms, its treatment, and its cure. Within the reach of every mother and housewife. Also vaccination, its merits and demerits. 38 pp. 12°. Manchester Sf London, J. Beywood [and others], 1888. Pure milk, aud how to procure it. Tower tlairv. 4 1. 16°. Cohasset, Mass., 1879. Pureloy (Thomas). The physician; his tempta- tions, trials, duties, and privileges, vii, 9-63 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Robertson, 1840. Purganda ( De ) medicina a curarum sordi- bus [etc.]. See Hecquet (Philippe). De pur- ganda [etc.]. Purgative*. See, also, Colocynth; Constipation; Croton oil; Elaterium, etc.; Epilepsy (Causation of); Gamboge; Jalap; Magnesium, etc.; Mercury; Paralysis (Causes of); Podophyllum, etc. Ailhaud (J.) Uni versal-Arzney, otler Abhand- lung von dem Ursprunge der Krankheiten, und dem Gebrauche des abfuhrenden Pui vers. 16°. Strassburg, 1765. ---—. The same. A treatise on the origin of diseases, and the use ofthe purging powder. 2. ed. 12c. London, [1769]. Arthaud de Viry (C.-O.) *Des purgatifs; effets; mode d'action; emploi rationnel. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. van Attkveld (N.) Catharticorum remedio- rum usus tanta s;epe mala affert, quanta tollere alioquin eo possimus. In his: Quaest. med. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1811, 7. Baier (J. J.) *De abusupurgantium in mor- bis veneris. 4°. Altdorfii, 1749. PURGATIVES. 862 PURGATIVES. Purgatives. Baudry de Balzac (J.-B.-M.) * Considera- tions comparatives sur 1'evacuation sanguine et la purgation, ou commentaires sur deux propo- sitions de Th. Sydenham, relatives a leur associa- tion.. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Behrens (B. D.) *De leniorum medicamen- torum eximio usu. 4°. Belmestadii, 1692. Benoit (J.) Des purgatifs et du sulfovinate de soude. 8°. Paris, 1873. Brandreth (B.) The doctrine of purgation. Curiosities from ancient and modern literature. A collection of quotations on the use of purga- tives, from Hippocrates and other medical writers, covering a period of over two thousand years, proving purgation is the corner-stone of all cura- tives, roy. 8°. Xew York, 1867. Brasavolus (A. M.) De medicamentis tarn simplicibus, quam compositis catharticis, quse unicuique humori sunt propria. ■ 8°. Venetiis, 1552. -----. The same. 16°. Tigitri, 1555. Brendel (J. G.) & Schultze (F. A.) Disser- tatio de seriori usu evacuantium in quibusdam acutis. Gottingw, 1754. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1790, viii, 1-70. Bucius (D.) Carmignolius. An pueros citra deeimumquartuni annum purgare liceat? Ad Jo- aunem Rampsam Scotum. 1547. In his: Qua;sita iv medicinalia. 12°. [Turini], 1551, tr. 7-n. ■-----. An iii morborum principio, aliquo saltern modo purgare lieeat? Ad Melchiorem Paganum. 1549. In his: Quaesita iv medicinalia. 12°. [Turini], 1551, ff. 20-29. Cesari (G.) & Frignani (R.) La cura catar- tica per injezione ipodermica e rettale. 8°. Mo- dena, 1884. Chevaliek (C.) Dissertation physico-me'di- cale sur les causes de plusieurs maladies dan- gereuses, et sur les'propri6tes d'une liqueur pur- gative et vnln6raire, qui est une pharmacopee presqu'universelle. 8°. Paris, 1758. Clement (E.) *Dela medication purgative. 4°. Paris, 1883. ' ' Condy (G.) * De remediis purgantibus. 8°. Bala; [1824]. Corica (G.) Riflessioni su la medicina cura- ti va del Dr. Le Roy, o sia memoria che dimostra la ragione per la quale il suo rimedio purgativo or procura la morte, ed or ristabilisce in salute gl' inlermi che ne fanno uso. 4°. Xapoli, 1826. Cruger (M. J.) *De purgantium mechanica. 4°. Jenw, 1702. Curtius (N.) Libellus de medicamentis leni- entibus, prseparantibus et purgantibus. Medi- cinae studiosisutilissimusac maxime necessarius. Olim in Academia Patavina anno 1575 . . . pro- positus. In: Jessenius a Jessen (J.) Adversus pestem consi- lium. 16°. Giessce, 1614, 234-341. Dehaut (F.) Manual of purgative and de- purative medicine, with its application to the preservation of health and the cure of chronic diseases. 12°. Paris, 1874. Deutsch (C. A.) *De purgantibus. sm. 4°. Jence, [1749]. Di ttel (P. J.) Tractatio medico-practica de virulenta purgantium indole, qua cautissimus eornni usns et perversus abusus, selectis observa- tionibus et solidis ratiociuiis, methodo Friderici Hoffmanni, demonstratur: laxantium vero pru- tlens administratio in omni morborum genere egregie commendatur. 8°. Augustw Vindelico- rum, 1722. Purgatives. Duncan (A.) *De purgautium natura et usu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1769. Edelmann (P.) *De hypercatbarsi. sm. 1 . Jenw, [1681]. Fallopius (G.) De medicamentis purgantibus simplicibus. Inhis: Op. omnia, fol. Francof., 1584,1-144. Fernelius (J.) Ambianus. De vacuaudi ra- tione liber. 12°. Parisiis, 1545. Field (H. M.) Evacuant medication (cathar- tics and emetics). 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. de Four (D.) *De purgantibus rite adhibeu- dis. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1675]. Fournier (H.-F. ) *Snr les purgatifs. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Franke (F.) * De noxiis ex evacuatio- num abusu effectibus. 12°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1801]. Freitag (J.) Aurora medicorum Galeno-chy- micorum, seu de recta purgandi methodo e priscte sapientise decretis postlimiuio in lucem retlucta, et medicamentis purgantibus simplicibus . . . libri iv. 4°. Francof., 1630. Fremanger (J.-F.) * Sur l'emploi des purga- tifs en m6decine. 4°. Paris, 1826. Gardinius (L.) Medicamenta purgantia, sim- plicia et composita, stlecta, usitata, et suffl- cientia. Accessit ejusdem reinedium erroris in ponderibus medicis. 18°. Duaci, 1631. Gehring (F. F.) *De methodi laxautis et purgautis usu et abusu. 8°. Balw, [1796]. Gerbes (J. A.) *De purgantibus chronica cutis exanthemata uonnumquam exacerbantibus. 4°. Balw ad Salam, [1764]. GOlicke (A. O.) *De purgantibus specilicis. 4°. Balw, [1696]. -----. Epistola gratulatoria in qua de dam- nis purgantium in diathesi hectico-phthysico- hydropica disseritur; ad Johann. Casparum Metzgerum impetraret, etc. 4°. Lipsiw, [1708]. Gondret (L.-F.) * Sur Taction des purgatifs. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. vanGysen(C) * De purgantibus. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1710. Haker(F. R.) * De limitandis landibus me- dicamentorum alvnm solventium. Pars pos- terior ejusdemque sectio i. 4°. Gryphiswaldiw, [1772]. Hamilton (J.) Observations on the utility and administration of purgative medicines in several diseases. 8°. Edinburgh, 1805. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1806. , r The same. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, The same. 5. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, . The same. 8. ed. With a chapter on cold-bathing, considered in its purgative effect. 8°. Edinburgh, 1826. -----. The same. 1. Am. from the 2. Edinb. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1809. -----. The same. From the 5. Edinb. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1818. -----. Thesame. 2. Am. ed. [With appen- dix.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1823. _____. The same. From the 5. Edinb. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1829. -----. Letter to James Russell. 12°. Edin- burgh, 1821. Hann (H.) * De purgantium usu. 8°. Lan- dishuti, [1820]. Hartmann (G. G.) *De remediis drasticis, ratione inprimis habita, cum acrium vegetabi- lium, tum partium hijecce constituentium, pra> 1809. 1815. PURGATIVES. 863 PURGATIVES. Purgatives. cipue earum, quibus vires adscribendae sunt. 8°. Gottingw, [1830]. Hebenstreit (J. C. ) *De fonte inedicamen- toruui remotas vias purgantium xxix. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1752]. Hebenstreit (J. E.) [Pr.] Tcalaioloyia the- rapia} specimen xxviii. De fonte auxiliorum therapeutico medico deque fluentibus ex illo me- dicamentis primas vias purgantibus. 4°. [Lip- sice, 1751.] [Hecquet (P.)] De purganda medicina a cu- rariun sordibus; ubi detecto evacuantium fuco, purgatiouum fraudes et imposturae, scandalo a it is et artificis opprobrio futurae revelantur. 12°. Parisiis, 1714. -----. Remarques sur l'abus des purgatifs et des amers au commencement et a la fin des ma- ladies, [etc.]. En forme de lettres. Avec deux lettres latines; l'uue sur la g6n6ration des iu- sectos, et l'autre sur le muscle uterin, d^couvert par M. Ruysch. 12°. Paris, 1729. Heinrichsen (H.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss von der Wirkung der Abfuhrmittel. 8°. Kiel, 1884. Heinsius (E.) Lapis offensionis in febrium curatione purgatio, sive discursus medicus tie pttrgantiuiu validiorum abusu iu febribus. sm. 4°. Lipsiw. 1693. Hermand(A.-E.) * Des purgatifs. 4°. Paris, 1855. Hermann (J. H.) *De hypercatharsi, crebro illo agyrtarum impune ubivis medicantium in corporibus hominum producto. sm. 4°. Basilew, 1715. Herz (J. B. ) * Ueber Friesel und desseu Be- handlung. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1827. Hippocrates. Hippocratis Coide medicamen- tis purgatoriislibellusuuuquam priustempestate nostra in lucem aeditus, ab eodem Juu. Paulo Crasso conversus. In: Protospataeius (T.) De corporis humani fahrica, etc. 24°. Venetiis, 1537, 111-114. -----. The same. De medicamentis purgan- tibus libellus jam recens in lucem editus. In: Fuchsius (L.) De medendi methodo libri. 16°. Parisiis, 1539, 196b-198b. -----. The same. De purgatoriis medica- mentis libellus in latinum sermonem versus, nunquam antehac editus Junio Paulo Crasso in- terprete. In: Medici antiqui Grseci, etc. 4°. Basilece, 1581, 147- 149. Hopkins (F.) * Sur I'utilite" des purgatifs. 4°. Paris, 1823. Klingner (G. C.) *De purgatione alvi fre- qnentiore veneno magis quam panacea. 4U. Wittenbergw, [1751]. Koehler ([R.] J. G.) *De purgantium vi et effectu eorumque usu. 8°. Berolini, 11867)]. Kopke (F.) *De purgantibus fortioribus ex praxi medica ejiciendis. 4°. Balw, [1703]. Korewa (A.-T.-V.) *I. Determiner si les re"- vulsifs sur le tube digestif ont de l'influence dans les cas de 16sion organique du cerveau. II. [etc. ]. 4°. Paris, 1841. Kortum ( G. T. ) *De purgantibus oleosis. 12°. Berolini, [1830]. Kruse (J. C. H.) * De purgantium resinarum et gummatum conversione in sapones horumque usu medico. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1766].. KfiHN (C. G.) [Pr.] inest Run Ephesii de me- dicam. purgant. fragmentum, e cod. Paris, de- scriptum. I. & II. 4°. Lipsiw, 1831. Lahuppe (E.) *fitude sur les purgatifs. 4°. Paris, 1869. Laubmeyer (J. C.) *De modo operandi pur- gantium. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1743]. Purgatives* van den Lemmer (G.) * De purgantibus. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1693. Leroy ([L.-P.-]L.) La medecine curative, ou la purgation dirigee contre la cause des maladies, reconnue et analysed dans cet ouvrage. 6. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1820. -----. The same. Revue, corrigee, augmen- tee de beaucoup de faits de pratiques et d'un appelaux finsde recuellir tous ceux qui existent. 8. 6d. 16°. Paris, 1821. -----. Thesame. Prec6deeducharlatanisme d6masqu<5, ou la medecine appr6ci6e a sa juste valeur; et suivie de la niedecine curative prouvee et justifiee par les faits. Nouv. ed. 4°. Paris, 1827. -----. The same. La medecine curative complete. 2. ed., 15. de la meme methode. 4°. Paris, 1836. -----. The same. La medicina curati va, ossia la purgazione diretta a tagliere la causa delle malattie, riconosciuta e analizzata in queste opera e comprovata dai fatti. Traduzioue italiana fatta sopra 1' undecima di Parigi. 16u. Venezia, 1825. -----. The same. Curative medicine, or purgation, directed against the cause of tliseases, discovered by Doctor Pelgas, acknowledged and . analyzed in this work. Transl. from the 12. etl. by Gabriel Paul, of St. Louis; to which is addetl, the opinion of Doctor Renard. 8°. St. Louis, 1830. Lesage (C.-D.) * Des purgatifs. 4°. Paris, 1856. Loiskleur-Deslonchamps (J.-L.-A.) * Re- cherches sur l'aucienuet6 des purgatifs et sur les purgatifs indigenes. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805]. Lonicerus (A.) Depurgationibus libri iii. ex Hippocrate, Galeno, .eEtio et Mesue depromti, cuni indice singulorum capitum praefixo. Foras dati per Leuc. Anuaeum Privatum C. Adaini Louiceri medici filium poetam. 12°. Franco- furti, 1596. M aier (J. C.) Remorse ac impedimenta purga- tionis, excrcitationibus aliquot ex scriptis Hip- pocratis tletecta, perque vera artis medicaB prin- cipia eonnrmata, quarum primam de natura purgantium nocua . . . offert. 4°. [Altorfii, 1672. ] Marcq (P.-A.) De l'action des emetiques et des purgatifs sur I'ecouomie animale, et de leur emploi dans les maladies. Memoire couronne. 8°. Bruxelles, 1827. Mauroy (L. J.) *De usu purgantium salubri et noxio in morborum medela. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, i, 356-372. Maynwaringe (E.) The efficacy and extent of true purgation, shewing: I. What this opera- tion is; not as vulgarly understood. II. How performed in human body. III. By what means fitly to be done. IV. When, how oft, aud in what cases to be used aud what to be avoided, in this most frequent and helpful administra- tion; distinguished from promiscuous evacua- tions injuriously procured and falsely reputed purging. 8°. London, HS96. Mesue (J.) Damascenus. In nomine Dei rnise- ricordis cujus nutu sermo recipit gratiam et doc- trina perfectionem, principium verborum Joan- nis filii Mesue : filii Hamech: filii Hely: filii Ab- dela regis Damasci. fol. Venetiis, 1471. -----. The same. [Ad finem:] Hoc loci consumantur opera divi Joannis Mesuae cum complemento et additionibus clarissimi doctoris Francisci tie Pedernoutium, ac Nicolao et Ser- vitore. fol. Venetiis, 1479, PURGATIVES. 864 PURGATIVES. Purgatives* -----. Thesame. [Ad fineni:] Elaboratum opus faustum et preclaruni divi Joannis Mesne omnia opera continens. Cum additionibus Petri Apponi; et Francisci de Pedemontium, ac Nico- lai cum Servitore. Eniendataaccuratissime per cxiniium artium et medicine doctorem magis- trum Archaugeluni Senensem. fol. Venetiis, 1484. Two leaves wanting in signature r. Metrassk (G.) * Considerations sur l'usage et l'abus des purgatifs. 4°. Paris, 1811. Millet (J.-A.) An in acutis, orgasuius a pur- gante? Pries. Franciscus Vernage. 4°. [Parisiis, 1716.] Moxtuus (H.) Compendiolnm curatricis sci- ential lcnge utilissimns. Adjecta insuper est ejusdem sylloge de purgationibus. 12°. Lug- duni, 1556. Mushard (C. S.) *De purgatione peralvum. 4°. Belmstadii, [1721]. Neumann (J. G.) *De purgatione copiosa et niinia. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1736]. Nicolai (J. E.) *De catharticis qufbnsdam soleetioribus eorundemque principiis ac viribus. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1742]. Oberlenthxkr (J. J.) *De abusu prophy- lactica' vcna'scctionis et pnrgationis alviuae. 12°. Viennw, [1769]. Oberreich (C. F.) *De nietlicanieutis pur- gantibus. 4°. Jence, [1798]. Oertly (M.) *De mira tlosis purgantium mi'dicamentoruin diversitate, inter varias gentes classes hominum et sola iudividua animadversa ejusque causis. 4°. Altorfii, [1800]. O'Rkilly (J.) # De usu et abusu evacuantium in morbis acutis. 4°. Vetero-Pragw, [1750]. Ohpen (A. E.) *De usu purgantium. 8°. Edinburgi, 1805. Oxamendi (J.-C.) * De l'emploi des purgatifs en medecine. 4°. Paris, 1856. Pansa(M.) Consilium evacuatorium, das ist: Ein uiitzlicher Rathschlag vom Purgieren, da- rinnen anfanglich die Storer, Pfuscher, uud losen Fischer iu tier Artzneykunst purgieret, taxiret unnd aussgemustert werden. Und feruer, der rechte Gebrauch des Purgierens eroffnet, untl nach alien Umbstiiuden beschrieben wild. In zwey und zwantzig Capitel abgetheilet, sampt vier uud zwantzig disputierlichen Fragen von dieser Materia. 16°. Leipzig, [1615]. Paternus (B.) De humorum purgatione in morborum initiis tendanda. Ejusdem tractatus, quod ocena uberior prandio esse debeat ex auti- iiuorum medicorum decretis: etiam in catarrho. 12°. Spires, 1587. Pechlin (J. N.) De purgantium medica- mentorum facultatibus exercitatio nova. 12°. Lugd. Bat. et Amstelodami, 1672. -----. The same. Ed. ultima. 16°. Am- stelodami, 1702. Peset de laRaga (M.) Disertacion critico- medica, 6 dictanien apologetico-imparcial de la preferencia que tienen las formulas purgativas de Mr. Le-Roy sobre todas las de su claso conte- nidas en la materia medica, tanto para la cura- cion del cdlera-morbo, cuanto para las demas en- fermedades asteuicas, procedentes de saburra- g&strica y vermivacion 6 de corruption humoral; ya bien se preseuten estas gastro-at^xicas, ya bilioso-mesentericas, ora fueren ellas putrido- adina^nicas, ora epitiemico-coutagiosas, pateuti- zaudose £ la par y en su vez los dafios y peligros que causa en tales males la practica del sistema tii^uico-sanguiuario de Mr. Broussais yde todos sus noveleros sectarios, llamados impropiameute fisidlogos, por ser aquella, segun la esencia y Purgatives. naturaleza de dichas dolencias, la mas perjudi- cial y altamente mortffera. In: Charlatanismo (El) sin m&scara [etc.]. 12°. Valencia, 1836, 403-523. de Peval (L. C.) *De usu et abusu remedio- rum purgantium in morbis inflammatoriis. H3. Lugd. Bat., 1826. Plummer (J.) *De nocivis effectibus re- medioruiii evacuantium. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1792. Praun (J.) *Congrua purgantium quorun- dam ad morbos applicatione. 4°. Argentorati, 17:57. Puteanus (G. ) De occultis pharniacorum purgantium facultatibus. Deque veris ipsarum causis, libri duo. Quibus adjecta est appen- dicula, de purgatrice medicamentorum facili- tate. Auctore Jacobo Cusinoto. 12°. Lugduni, 1654. Remond (J.) * Des purgatifs mineraux. 4°. Paris, 1868. Renz (B.) * De hypercatharsi. 4°. Basilew, 1692. Requin (A.-P.) *Des purgatifs et de leurs principales applications. 8°. Paris, 1859. Riebe (E.) *De limitandis laudibus metlica- mentoruin alvum solveutiuin. Pars prior. 4°. Gryphiswaldiw, [1768]. Roederer (J. G.) [Pr.] de remediorum eva- cuantium usu et abusu indicit, pra'inissis tie cerebro observationibus. sm. 4°. Gottini/a; [177)8]. Roggenkamp (A. A.) De viis fluidorum sub catharsi. Respondente Christiano Halkier. sm. 4°. Bafniw, [1744]. Rolfincii s (G.) Liber de purgantibus vege- tabilibns sectiones xv. absolutus. sin. 4°. Je- nw, 1667. Rothekam (J.) * Medicamenta purgantia. 8°. Upsalice, 1775. In: Linn.'eus. Amtenitates acad. [etc.]. 8°. Erlangce, 1785, ix, 245-267. Roy (C.) * Therapeutique experimentale : re- cherches sur quelques purgatifs. 8°. Geneve, 1878. Ruellan (V.) *An in morbis acutis, nbi materia turget, majore potins et unica quam mmore, eatlemque saepius indie iteratadosi, pro- pin.anda cathartica? In: Sigwart. Quffist. med. Par. 4°. Tubingos, 1789, i, 244-253. Sartorius (C. F.) *De medicamentis evacu- antibus differentiis cacochymias accommodandis. 4°. Lipsiw, [1773]. Schopfe (J. G.) * De intempestivo purgan- tium usu frequent! adfectuum hsemorrhoidalium causa, sm. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1753]. Schroeter (S. G.) *De modo ageudi purgan- tium praesertim cuti applicatorum in genere. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1757]. Schultze (F. A.) *De seriori usu evacuan- tium in quibusdam acutis. sm. 4°. Gottingw, [1754]. Schwartze (A. H. R.) *De remediorum pur- gantiuni effectu physiologico eorumque indica- tionibus. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1859]. Sebizius (J. G.) De purgatione. 4°. Argen- torati, [1709]. Seidenschnur (C. O.) * De Hippocratis me- thodo alvum purgandi. 4. Lipsiw, [1843]. Signoret (A.) Exposition de la methode purgative, precedee de considerations generales sur l'etat de la medecine, contenant une esquisse rapide des doctrines les plus modernes. 8°. Paris, 1841. Stafford (G.) "De natura et usu medica- mentorum purgantium. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. PURGATIVES. 865 PURGATIVES. Purgatives. Stentzel (C. G.) [Pr.] de purgantibus. 4°. Vitenibergw. [1734]. -----. [Pr.] de purgantibus fortioribus de- lirautium naturae adversis. 4°. fitembergw, [1741]. Stockinger (M. G.) #De medicamentorum purgantium natura et usu. 4°. Erfordice, [1728]. Taschenberg (J. L.) *De usu evacuantium ;nedicameutorum iu febribus acutis. 8°. Jenw, 1784]. Thile (J.) Disput. de purgatorio actu. Resp. Jhristiano Wilhelmo Dam. sm. 4°. Jfitten- bergw, 1683. Titley (J. M.) *De alvi purgantium natura ct usu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1810. Torsch (I.) *Diss. sistens methodum per alvum evacuautem. 8°. Pragw, 1835. Truppel (C. F.) *De cauta alvi solutione in morbis. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1746]. Ullmann(C) *De coctionem prasidiis eva- cuantium abusu eversis. 4°. Gottingw, [1758]. Untiedt (G.) *De bilis vi in effectu quorun- dam remediorum purgantium. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1858. Vater (A.) [Pr.] de purgantiis. 4°. [Vitem- bergw, 1747.] Vernage (F.) *Au in acutis, orgasmus a purgante? Proponebat Parisiis Jac. Aut. Millet. 4°. [Paris, 1716.] Volcamer (H. S.) De abusu purgantium in recens-natis. 4°. Altorfii, 1737. Waegen (C. F. G.) * De remediis purgantibus. 8°. Berolini, 1829. Wedel (G. W.) [Pr.] de elective purganti- bus. 4°. Jenw, [1720]. -----. *De purgantibus rite adhibendis: resp. David De Four. 4°. Jenw, [1675]. Wedemeyer (C. L.) *De canto et incauto purgantium usu in medicina. 4°. Erfordiw, [1738]. Wendt (J. C. W.) Om hensigtsmaessig For- nyelse af Laxeer- og Purgeermidlers Anveudelse i forskiellige Sygdomme. 8°. Ejcpbenhavn, 1827. Wollitzius (J.) *De medicamentis purganti- bus eorumque facultatibus in genere. 4°. Regio- monti, [1662]. Albertoni (P.) Sull' iniezione sottocntaneadi sostanze purgative. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1883, li, 531. — An- acker. Das Purgatif Oidtmann. Deutsche metl. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1887, xiii, 823. Also, Keprint. —Atkinson (F. P.) On the use and ahuse of purgatives. Etlinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 404-407.— Barbier. Purgatif. Diet. d. sc. iu6d., Par., 1820, xlvi, 179-220.—Bell ten a ml. Obser- vation sur un haillement spasmodique guthi par les pur- gatifs et les vomitifs. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1808, xv. 423-425.— Bjornstrom (F.) Om laxerantle me- dels verkiiingssatt. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1874, ix, 80- 82. — Iti'icgcr iL.) Zur physiologischen Wirkung der Abfiihrmittel. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878, viii, 355-300.—Br union (T. L.) On the ac- tion of purgative medicines. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, xii, 342; 403. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Ecole de m6d., Par., 1876-7, 11-26.—Buchheim (K.) Ueher einige Ah- ruhrinittel aus der Familie der Convolvulaceen. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1857. n. F., i, 423-441. -----. Ue- her die "scharfen" Stoffe. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1872, xiii, 1: 1873, xiv, 1.—Butte (L.) Recherches exp6rimen- tales sur les ltssions intestinales, produites par les poisons dits drastiques (colchicine, vtiratrine, huile de croton et ctiloquinte). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xv, 347-364.— C (M; C.) Estudio sobre la accion fisioltigica y los usos tie los pnrgantes. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1875, xxii, 183 ; 198; 244.— Campbell (E.) On the ahuse of purgative med- it-ines._ Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854, i. 501-516.— Carlisle (Sir A.) Observations on the properties and usesof cathartics. Lond. M., S., efc Pharm. Keposit., 1814, i, 99; 185; 277; 453.-----. Etwasiiher Purgirmittel. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1837, ii, 815-817.— Cederschjold (F. A.) Om missbruk af laxermedelvidharnsang. [Abuses of laxatives in children.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1855, xvii, 171-177. — Chelmoriski ( A. ) O podskornem stosowa- niu Srodkow przeczyszczaj%cych. [On subcutaneous ap- plication of purgative remedies.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 364-367. — Cheyne (J.) Observations on the effects of purgative medicines. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1808, I 55 Purgatives. iv, 310-320.—Cooke (J. E.) Essay on the use of cathartic medicines in the diseases of women. Transylv. J M Lex- ington, Ky., 1829, ii, 378-401.—Bau ver^nc pere. De Tac- tion physiologique et therapeutique des purgatifs. Bull. g6n.ileth6iap.,etc, Par., 1881, ci, 516-523.—Dcbifrre(C) Purgatifs. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvii, 849-S59.—Beanos. Etude sur quelques nouveaux pur- gatifs. Bull. g6u. de therap., etc., Par., 1886, ex, 55-63.— Bickson (D. J. H.) Remarks on the extensive use of purgatives. Med. efc Phys. J., Lond., 1812, xxviii, 446-449.— BoimIcis (F. C.) Een woord over de purgerende wer- kiug der middenzouten. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1853-4, 3. s., ni, 605-611.—Borncreilius (T.) De purgatione tractatus medico futuro tum maxime necessarius, turn ap- prime utilis: in quo non tantum ex mente Hip. et Gal. de dextro purgationis usu agitur . . . annexo prasterea modo, secundum quern, unius cujusque purgantis compositi ex- acta dosis ... In his: Dispensatorium novum 24°, Hamburg! [1600], 97-181.—Brake (D.) Observations on some of the uses and abuses of purgatives. West. J. M. efc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1833-4, vii, 32-42.—Foiissagrivt'*. Aperitifs. Diet, encycl. d. sc. metl., Par., 1866, v, 529- 605.—Gerantly. Note sur la manure dont il faut admi- nistrer les bydragogues chez certains sujets. J. de rn6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1816, xxxvii, 87.—Gibson (J. O.) Sulph. magnesia the best purgative to remove hile from the alimentary canal. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Fort Worth, 1884, xvi, 96.—<»ubler (A.) Des urines pseudo-ict6riques par Elimination de la matiere colorante du s6n6 et du ph6- nomtkie g6n6ral de l'absorption des substances purgatives. J. de th6rap., Par., 1871, i, 133-138.—Gumprecht. Ue- ber die Wirksamkeit der Abkochung der getrockneten al- ten Rintle des Rhamus frangula, ein einheimisches, auflo- sendes, tonisch-starkendes, nicht drastisch wirkendes, und als Surrogat der Rhabarber sich eiguendes Ahfiihrungs- mittel hei Unterleibskrankheiten, und iiber die Heilkraft derselben hei Hamorrhoidalbeschwerden. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1843, n. F., iii, 185-200.—Hay (M.) The action of saline cathartics. J. Anat. efc Physiol, Lond., 1881-2, xvi. 243; 391, 568: 1882-3, xvii, 62;'222, 1 diag.; 405. — Herr (F. C.) Does the materia medica afford an unobjectionable laxative remedy ? Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlix, 426; 451. — ilervier. Des paralysies pniiluites par les drastiques. Montpel. m6d., 1861, vi, 112— 120.—lliller (A.) Ueher die subcutane Anwendung von Abfiihrmitteln. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1882, iv, 481- 497. Also | Abstr.]; Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 309.— Homolle. Rapport sur la question de prix de la Soci- 6te medico-pratique. [" Du mode d'action des principaux purgatifs, et des indications tir6es de la sp6cialit6 d'action propre h chacun d'eux."] Bull. Soc. iu6d.-prat. de Par., 1859, 5-23.—Houlston. Lettre sur les purgatifs dras- tiques-r6sineux, et sur un moyen prompt et facile de rem6- dier a leur trop forte action. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1771,xxxvi, 355-364.—Indication (Del) etde l'influence des drastiques dans un certain nombre de mala- dies. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1842, xxii, 10-18.— Injurious (On the) effects of purgatives, frequently re- peated, in simple stomach disorders. Lond. M. efc S. J., 1828, i, 145-147.—de Jauregui (M. F.) Estudio sohre algunos pnrgantes indigenas. Observatlor m6d., M6- xii-o, 1869-72, i, 358-364.— Jolyet. Sur Taction de divers sels purgatifs sur I'intestin, sp6cialement chez la gre- nouille. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol. 1867, Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, 163. — Jones ( G. W. ) Experimental inquiry into the correctness of M. Poiseuille's explanation of the pur- gative ;iction of etrtain substances. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1848, n. s.. xvi, 308-3 lo.—Kinglake. On the use and abuse of purgatives. Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1819, xiii, 441-448. -----. On the use and abuse of purgative medicine. Ibid., 1825, Iiii, 185-190. — liulin (J.) De la abdication purga- tive en g6n6ial et des eaux mimSrales' purgatives en par- ticulier. Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 306; 316.— Lablii't: ( K. ) Des purgatifs; action physiologique; usages. J. de th6rap., Par., 1874, i, 579; 650j 704; 740.— Iievi (G.) Ricerche terapeutiche sull' impiego dei pur- ganti. Gior. di anat., tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1873, v, 157-164.—Ijoiseleur-Besloiigcliamps (J.-L.- A.) Observations sur quelques purgatifs indigenes. Bull. de l'fieole de m6d. de Par., 1808, vi, 86-89. Also: Bull. Fac. de m6d. de Par. (1804-8), 1812, i, 86-90. -----. Recherches sur les succ^danees du s6ne. In his: Hist. med. des suc- c6d., 8°, Par., 1830, 29-52.—I.uton (A.) Purgatifs, pur- gation. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, xxx, 193- 215.—lTI'Bivitt (J.) On the use of purgative medicines in inflammatory affections of the stomach and bowels. Lontl. M. Gaz.,' 1831-2, ix, 143-148.—Mays (T. J.) The principles of cathartic action. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 487-496.— lTIerindolus (A.) Purgationem non attra- hendo, sed irritaudo fieri. In his: Ars medica, fol, Aqnis- Sextiis, 1633, 395-400.—ITIialhe. Recherches th6oriques et pratiques sur les purgatifs. Union m6d., Par., 1848, ii, 332 ; 339; 344; 351. Also, Reprint.—IHonlault (H.) Note sur l'appr6ciation et Topportunite. de I'administration des doux purgatifs (minoratifs), dans le cours de la fievre ty- phoide ou tnti io-ni6senterique. Gaz. d. me-d.-prat., Par., 1839, i, 33.—Morales (J. D.) El yepacihuitl 6 yerba del PURGATIVES. 866 P[URMANN Purgative*. zorrillo. Obscrvador med., M6xico, 1872-4, ii, 29-32.— eTIoreau. Experiences relatives k Taction physiologique ties sulfates de soude et de magn6sie. Bull. Acad, de metl, I'ar., 1879, 2. s.. viii, 357-362. [Discussion], 367-376.— Morgan (C.) Observations on the advantages derived from the free administration of purgatives. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1807, iii, 144-150.—Morrison (W. H.) Purgatives in the initial stage of acute disease. Med. Bull, Phila., 1883, v, 80-82.—Pensato (F.) Contribuzioni sperimen- tali sull' azione dei purganti. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1884, i, 309; 377; 450; 610.—van Peteghem. Note sur Tabus des purgatifs. Bull. iu6d. du nord, Lille, 1877, xvi, 69-73.—Powell (L.) Remarks on the utility of cathartics in several diseases; designed to illus- trate the leading principles which should regulate their use. West, J. M. efc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1835, viii, 557-574.— Kabuteau. Recherches sur Ttslimination et sur les pro- pri6t6s osmotiques et dynamiques du sulfate de sodium, du sulfate et du chlorure de lithium; les effets des purga- tifs salins sont dus au mfetal qu'ils contiennent; explica- tion de la constipation succ6dant a l'emploi des purgatifs; effets ties purgatifs et de Topium dans le chol6ra; lues a la Soii6t6 de hiedogie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, pt. 2. 21-30. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii. 617-619. —Radcliffe (C. B.) A few words against the habitual use of purgatives. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 303— Kndziejewski (S.) Zur physiologischen Wirkung der Abfiihrmittel. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870, 37-103. -----. Die physiolo- gische Wirkung der Abfiihrmittel im Darin. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1870, xxxix. 769; 779. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870,vii, 299: 311. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. metl. Gesellsch. 1869-71, Berl, 1872, iii, pt. 1. 168-182. — Ram- sey (F. A.) Purgative medicines in abdominal affections. South. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Nashville, 1853, i, 377-388.— Kanchin (F.) Traict6 des simples medicameus purga- tifs, suivant Tordre et la doctrine de Mesue Inhis: CEu- vres pharm., 12°, Lyon, 1624, 715-808.—Reckon. Ohser- vations, expfiriences et remarques sur l'abus des purgatifs. J. gen. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1810, xxxvii, 35-52.— Reuter (J. J.) De purgatione. In: Agonisniata med. Marpurgensia, 4°, Marpurgi Cattorum, 1618, 30-47. — Rey- nolds (T. N.) Timely catharsis. Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1883, xlvii, 132-137. Also: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Lansing, 1881-4, viii, 392-396.—Kobbelen. Qui bene purgat. bene r.urat. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1854, vi, 117.—Rogers (W. R.) On some of the inflammatory and obstructive diseases of the csecum ; with remarks on the abuse of violent purga- tives. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 316.—Roncallus-Paro- lini (F.) De usu purgantium in aere Biixiauo. In his: Diss, quatuor, 4°, Brixiae, 1740, 1-46—Sallion. Sur l'em- ploi des purgatifs daus les maladies aigues. J. dela sect, tie metl. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf.,Nantes, 1837, xiii, 231-248. -Sail- dras (D. S.) Des purgatifs, de leurs effets et de leurs usages en ni6decine. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1833, iv, 165-174.—Simon (M.) De l'emploi des purgatifs thins les maladies aigues ou chroniques. Aroh. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1834, 2. s.. v, 169: vi, 75; 331.—Smith (Q. C.) The value of laxatives, in small doses. Gaillard's M. J., X. T., 1889. xlix, 338-347.—Squibb (E. R.) Aperients. Ephem. Mat. Med., Brooklyn, 1887-8. iii, 1054-1063—Su- luii-d. M6moire sur Taction et l'emploi des purgatifs. Kev. med. franc. et6trang., Par., 1838, ii, 191: iv, 46.—Ware (J.) Miscellaneous observations on purgative medicines, and on costiveness. N. Eng. M. Rev. & J., Bost., 1827, i, 81-99.—Wells (R.) On the abuse of purgative medicines in fevers. N. York M.-Chir. Bull., 1831-2, i, 217-221.— Vvon. Essais sur l'absorption et l'61imination des pur- gatifs salins. Tribune m6d., Par., 1881, xiii, 305; 328.— Zuelzer (W.) Ueber den Einfluss der salinischen Laxan- tia auf den Stoffwechsel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 143; 156. Purgold (F. I.) Commentatio in vim naturae lmmauiB physice fractam et enervatam setiolo- gice inquireus. 36 pp. 8°. Marburgi Cattorum, lit. tijpog. acad., 1791. PlirgOtti (Luigi). La terapeutica ipnotica e suggest!va. 19 pp. 8°. Xapoli-Milano, L. Val- lardi, 1887. Repr. from: Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix. See, also. Sacchi (M.) Si Purgotti (L.) Contrihuto alio studio dell' ossigeno in terapeutica. 8"J. Alilano, 1889. Purgotti (.Sebastiano). Compendio di nozioni farmaceutiche, ossia raccolta di cognizioui teo- rico-pratiche per ben preparare, conservare ed ap- prestare i farmaci, le quali sono utili al medico, e iudispensabili al farinacista. A queste fa seguito un trattatello sull' arte di ben .scrivere le ricette si nel latino idioma usantlo pesi anticbi, che nell' itlioma italiano usando i pesi metrici moderni. 2. ed. 207 pp. 8D. Perugia, V. Bartelli, 1869. Purgotti (Sebastiano)—continued. ------& Iflazzoliui (Pio). .Studi chimici sulle acque minerali tli Valle Zangtma, seguiti tlu una lettera intorno agli tisi ed etfetti delle nietlesiine del dottore Antonio Federici. 2. ed. 17 pp. 8°. Pesaro, stab, tipo-lil. di G. Federici, 1884. Purjesz (Ignaz). TherapeutiHch.es Kecept-Ta- sclieubucb fiir veneriscbe Krankheiten. viii, 96 pp. 1(5°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1883. Pllikillje (Johannes Evangelista) [1787-1869], * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Schens iu subjecti- ve!'Hinsicht. 4 p. 1., 3-176 pp., 1 pl. 12-'. Prag, J. G. Calve, 1823. [P., v. 1543. J ------. Commentatio de examine physiologico organi visus et systematis cutanei. Assumto socio Guilelmo Kraus. 58 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Vra- tislaviw, typ. Universitatis, [1823]. Symbolse ad ovi avium historiam ante in- cubationein, cum duobus lithographis. 1 p. 1., 22 pp., 1 l.,2 pl. 4°. Vratislariw, typ. Universitatis, [1827)]. De cellulis antherarum fibrosis nee non tie granorum pollinarium formis commentatio phytotomica. viii, 58 pp., 18 pl. 4°. Wratisla- viw, sumt. J. D. Griesonii, 1830. For Biography, see J. d. conn. ni6d. prat., Par., 1869, xxxvi, 368 (Caffe). See, also. [ Societas medicorum Bohemorum. ] Quod bonuni, felix, faustum fortuuatumque sit, Joanni Ev. Purkyue, diem semissecularem x. dec. 1868 summorum in medicina honorum in alma an- tiquissimaque uuiversitate Pragena celebranti gratulatur ... 4°. Pragw, 1868. & Valentin (G.) De phtenomeno gene- ral i et fuudamentali motusvibratorii continui ii membrauis cum exteruis tum internis auimaliuiii plurimorum et superiorum et inferiorum ortli- uum obvii. Commentatio physiologica. 3 p. 1., 95 pp. 4°. JVratislaviw, sumpt. A. Schulz et socii, 1835. l*u rk ill jo's fibres. Lehnert (M.) *De filamentorum Purkinia- norum anatomia topographica, structura, tex- tura, natura. 4°. Berolini, 1866. Obermeier (O. H. F.) * De filameutis Purki- nianis. Quiestio acatlemica praernio coronata. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. See, also, infra. liChnert (M.) Ueher die Purkinje'schen Fiiden. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1868. iv, 26-44, lpl. Also. Ke- print. — Obermeier. Ueber Structur und Textur tier Purkinje'.-cheu Kaden. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Leipz., 1867, 245; 358, 2 pl. [See, also, supra.] Plll'la lid ( TheodosLus ). [Collection of pam- phlets, newspaper clippings, advertisements on mesmerism, with autograph letters, portraits, etc.] 4 v. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] In addition to the pamphlets, which have been cata- logued under the names of their authors, this collection includes reports of lectures, reports of mesmeric infirm- aries aud institutions, autograph letters, and a large quan- tity of newspaper cuttings relating to mesmerism. ------. Painless removal of a female breast in the mesmeric trance. A visit to the Mesmeric Insti- tute. 4 pp. 8°. London, Walton cy Mitchell, 187)4. In his: Collection, v. 1. 3. Also, with photo, of patient, in v. 4. Plll'las (Joan. P.) Hepl rf/g naXaiac xai tt)c viae XoMpag. Ilpbr xpijcuv ekclotov. 24 pp. 8°. 'Ev 'Aftgvtiig, 1867). ------. ?L,ri'ii4. -----. Statistics of injuries of the heart: obser- vations on wounds of the heart, and their rela- tions to forensic medicine, with a table of forty- two recorded cases. 32 pp. 8°. A^ew York, S. S. 4 W. Wood, 187)7). -----. Objects and purposes; an inaugural ad- dress delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, January 21, 1875, at the College of Physicians and .Surgeons. 8 pp. *°. Xew York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1877). Bound with: Flint (Austin). Objects and work. 8°. New York, 1875. -----. Medical libraries; an address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, Janu- ary 18, 1877, on taking the chair as president a second term. 26 pp. .8J. Xew York, 1877. Also, Editor of: IMetv York (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sriences, 1848-57. Purple (William D.) Tbe influence of tlress in the production of disease in females. Read be- fore the Chenango County Medical Society, June 10th, 1847. Upp. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1H48. Purple visual. See Retina. Purpura (A.) Sulla infiammazione gengivale e sua cura secondo 1' odierno indirizzo della stomatojatria. 38 pp. 12°. Palermo, frat. Vena, 1886. Purpura. See, also, Ear (Bwmorrhage from) ; Fever (Ce- rebro-spinal) ; Fever ( Miliary); Haemorrhage in infants; Heart (Inflammation of. Infectious, etc.); Petechiee; Phthisis, Pneumonia, Pu- erperal state; Scarlatina, Complications, etc., of ; Scurvy ; Small-pox ( Complications, etc., of). ab Armm (J. F.) *De purpura hseruorrha- gica. 4°. Balw, [1824]. Baginsky (A.) Bemerkingen op het Duitsch vertaalde werkje getiteld: Het roodvonk, zijn oorzaken en de middelen om het te voorkommen entegenezen,doorDr. LeRiitte. 8°. Gravenhage, 1880. yon der Bank (H. H.) *De purpura hsemor- rhagica, atldita nova hujus morbi observatione. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Batemax CY.) *De haemorrhcea petechial!. 8'-. Edinburgi, 1801. Bauer (G. G.) * De purpura lnemorrhagica. 8C. Balw, [1828]. Purpura. Behrens (R. A.) Observationum de mnrhti maculoso ha'inorrhagico et noxiis nonnullis my- tulis perscripta. In: Werlhof (P. G.) Op. med. 4°. Hannov., 1775, 615-636. Bellefoxds (J.-E.G.) * Essai sur la maladie tachetde hemorrhagique de Werlhof. 4 ->. Stras- bourg, 1811. Bergener (J. C. E.) *De haemorrhoea pele- chiali. 8°. Balw, [1792]. Bizio (B.) Dissertazione critica. La porpora rivocata entro i coufini del rosso. 8°. Venezia, 1832. Borsch (J. F.) *De purpura urticata, quam vocaut "die Nessel-Sueht". sin. 4°. Balw Mag- deb., [1719]. Brevet (P. L. de M.) *De morbo maculoso hsemorrhagico Werlhotii. [Utrecht.] 8°. Am- stelodami, 1843. Brodhaag (J. M.) * De purpurea alba morbo apud nos incognito. 4°. Basilece, 173:i. Bucquoy(M.-E.-J.) * Du purpura hemorrha- gica idiopathique, ou maladie tachetee helnor- rbagique de Werlhof!'. 4°. Paris, 187)7). Butxer (A. M.) *De purpura rubra et alba. 4°. Kilonii, [1769]. Conradi (J. G.) *De morbo maculoso haunor- rhagico Werlhorii. 8C. Gotlingw, [1829]. Cotiienius (C. A.) * Casus de purpura scoi- butica pragresso bieniorrhoidum fluxu niniio et principiis solidis deductus. 4'-'. Balw Magdeb., [1732]. -----. Thesame. Vom scorbutischen Friesi-1 nach vorhergegangeneu allzustarcken goldenen Ader-Fluss. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1732]. Doringer (J. J.) "Klinische Beobachtungen untl Bemerkungen fiber Morbus maculosus Werl- horii. [Marburg.] 8". Cassel, 1858. Also [Abstr.], in: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1860, xxix, 161-165. Du Castel. *Des diverses especes de pur- pura. 4°. Paris, 1883. Dworzak (C. P.) * De haemorrhoea petechi- al!. 8°. Pragw, 1819. Eggers (F. G.) *De morbo maculoso haeiiior- rhagico Werlhovii. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1838. Ellmann (J.) "Ueber Purpura. 8°. Miin- chen, 1881. Emele (F. J.) *De purpura, sm. 4°. Gissw, [1747]. Escher (M.) *Diss. sistens porphyrisnia, anno 1788 in Helvetia observatum cum epicrisi. 4°. Tubingw, [1789]. Falckenberg (C.) * Der Morbus maculosus ■ hsemorrhagicus Werlhofii. «c. Bonn, [1873]. Fazio (F.) Patologia e terapia generale della porpora emorrhagica. roy. 8-. Xapoli, 1882. Fernandez-Munilla (J.-H.-A.) * Quelques r6flexions sur une epiddmiede purpura, observee a l'hopital militaire de Lille en 1860. 4r Paris, I860. " Fischer (B.) * Ueber Purpura. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Freyer (H. T.) #De purpura. 8°. Gottinga; [1802]. Giesler (E.) * De morbo maculoso Werl- hofii, adjuncta historia morbi. 8°. Gryphice, 187A. Glaeser (U. A) *De hasmorrhcea petechiali. 12°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1836. Gomot (E.) * Du purpura idiopathique aigu, ou typhus ang6io-hematique. 4°. Paris, I8r3. Graff (E. G.) *De petechiis sine febre. sm. 4 \ Gottingw,[1177)]. Ghoeser (J.) * De morbo maculoso hsem»r- rhagico. 4°. Beidelbergw, 1808. PURPURA.. 869 PURPURA. Purpura. Hallkkmann (A.) * Beitrag zur Erkenntniss tier "Purpura". 8°. Bonn, 1869. Haktman (T. C.) *De morbo maculoso he- inorrhagico Werlhofii. 8°. Dorpati Lironorum, 18-16. Heiland (M.) *De purpura. 4°. Lipsia; [1052]. Helffer (A.) * Ueber Morbus maculosus b«e- morrhagicns Werlhotii. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1842. Herr (F.-L.) *Sur la malatlie tachetee tie Werlhof, ou morbus maculosus hemorrhagicus Werlhofi. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Herzog (JE. G.) * De morbo maculoso henior- rhagico Werlhofii. 4°. Lipsice, [1832]. Heusinger (C. F.) Observation* de purpura antiquorum. 4°. Isenaci, 1826. Hornung (A. L. F.) *De purpura sive febri miliari. 4°. Jenw, [1734]. Hufeland (C. T.) *De purpura. 4°. Jenw, [1767]. Joseph (M.) *Ein Fall vou Morbus maculo- sus Werlhofii kompliziert mit Hemothorax. [Er- langen.] 8°. Konitz, 1889. Kappeler (A. O.) * Ueber Purpura. [Zu- rich.] 8°. Frauenfeld, 1863. Keller ( V. A.) * Ueber die Werlhof'scbe Blutfleckenkrankheit. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1826. King(D.) Purpura hemorrhagica, its causes aud treatment. Fiske fund prize diss. No. 2. June, 1836. 8°. Boston, 1837. Also, in: Boston M. & S. J., 1837, xvi, 213; 229; 245 ; 263. Kletschke (C. G. A. G.) *De purpura. 8°. Balw, 1847. Koerte (F.) *De purpura. 8°. Berolini, 1841. Laget (E.) * Etudes sur le purpura simplex a forme exanthe"matique. 4°. Paris, 1875. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1875. Letzerich (L.) Untersuchungen und Beob- "achtnngen iiber die Aetiologie untl die Kennt- niss tier Purpura hemorrhagica (Morbus macu- losus Werlhofi). 8°. Leipzig, 1889. Lowitzki (H. A. E.) *De morbo maculoso hemorrhagico Werlhofii. 8°. Regiomonli Pr., 1838. Lubken (C. G. J.) * Diss, sistens casum de purpura retrograda per vesicatorii ulcus soluta. 4°. Goitingw, [1743]. Mackius (S.) * De purpura? genuina origine, indole et curatione. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1725]. Martin de Grimard (J.-L.-A.) * Du purpura h6morrhagique primitif, ou purpura infectieux primitif. 4°. Paris. 1888. Mathelin (G.) fitude sur les differentes for- mes tie hi maladie de Werlhof et particnlierement sur une forme d'origine nerveuse. 4°. Paris, 1877. Mathieu ( A. ) * Purpuras he"niorrhagiques. Essai de nosographie ge'ne'rale. 4°. Paris, 1883. Moxtaut (F.) *De la fievre eruptive hemor- rhagique observee a Bordeaux eu 1847 et 1848. 4°. Paris, 1849. Moormann (A.) * De morbo haemorrhagico Werlhofii. 8°. Berolini, \ 1829]. Morgenstern (J. B.) *De exanthematibus, speciatim de purpura. 4°. Jenw, [1749]. Neucrantz ( P. ) De purpura liber singu- lars, in quo febrium malignarum natura et cu- ratio proponitur. 4°. Francofurti et Lubecw, 1660. Nowak (W.) * De peliosi Werlhofii, praemissa historia morbi synoptica. 8°. Pragw, [1836]. Osthoff (H. C. A.) * De morbo maculoso haemorrhagico. 8°. Duisbnrgi, 1798. Oswald (J. C.) *De purpura epidemica. sm. 4°. Erfordiw, [1732]. Purpura. Ozluerger (F. C. ) * De morbo maculoso hemorrhagico AVerlhofii. 8°. Vindobonw, 1827,. Peelen (J.) * Observationes de morbo macu- loso hemorrhagico Werlhofii, cum adnexa epi- crisi. 8C. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1833]. de Perry (L.) * Quelques considerations sur le purpura hemorrhagica idiopathique (maladie tachete"e hemorrhagique de Werlhoft'; morbus maculosus hemorrhagicus Werlhomi). 4°. Pa- ris, 1860. Pierquin (C.-C.) Recherches sur I'h6inac61i- no.se. 4°. Montpellier, 1H21. Proske (C. F.) *De purpura idiopathica et symptomatica. 8°. Balw, [1816]. Raynaud (J.-M.) * Du purpura hemorrhagica idiopathique. 4°. Montpellier, 18(56. Rehfeld (A. G. M.) *De morbo maculoso hu'iiiorrhagico Werlhofii, adjecta morbi historia. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Richter (C. F. E.) * De purpura hainor- rbagica, addita nova hujus morbi observatioue. 8°. Lipsice, [1837]. Riegner (O.) * De purpura hemorrhagica. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. Rodenberg (H.) * Diss, inaug. sistens obser- vationes quasdam de scorbuto et de morbo ma- culoso hemorrhagico Werlhofii, cum annexa epi- crisi. 8°. Amstelodami, 1846. Rosen (E.) & Borg (J.) De symptomatibus purpure chrouice scorbutice. Lond., 177,6. In: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, 183-202. Rosexauer (F. C.) * Morbus maculosus he- morrhagicus seu heinorrhcea petechialis. 4°. [ Wireeburgi, 1802.] Rudolph (J. A.) * De morbo maculoso hemor- rhagico Werholfii. 4°. Vitebergw, [1810]. Safft (J. A.) * De morbo miliari, alias purpura dicto. sm. 4°. Belmstadii, [1733]. Salzmann (J. G.) Historia purpure miliaris albe, cum primis Argentoratum nostrum et vici- niam ante bieuuium fere infestantis. Argentor., 1736. In: Hai.ler. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1758, v, 499-546. Schmelzer (C. A. F.) *De morbo maculoso hemorrhagico Werholfii. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Schmidt (G. L.) * De morbo maculoso he- morrhagico Werlhofii. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1810]. Schmidt (J. A.) * De purpura rubra, vulgo dem rothen Friesel. 4°. Belmstadii, [1718]. Schmoller (N. D.) * De purpura rubia et alba cmh diarrhoea ac fluxu hemorhoidali curata. 4°. Erlang w. 1756. Schuk (J. G.) * De febre petechiali seu pur- purata. 4°. Balw Magdeb., 1727. Seip (J. C. L.) * De purpura morbo antique 4°. Gottingw, 1741. Siebert (V.) * De morbo maculoso Werlhofii. 8°. Jena; [1K53]. Skomorowsky (S.) * Zwei Fiille von Purpura lnemorrhagica. 8°. Jena, 1878. Soyer (C.) * De l'cedeme pourpre' febrile; 6tude snr une forme particuliere de purpura. 4C. Paris, 1878. Stempel (J. C.) * De purpura cum febre com- plicata. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [1710]. Stephenson (G. H.) * De hemorrhea pete- chiali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1822. Stieldorff (H.) * Sur le purpura hemorrha- gica. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Sussemilch (C. A.) *Diss. med. qua ad ques- tionem an purpura arte exstirpari queat? re- 8]>ondetnr. 4°. Balce, [1766]. Unger(C) * Nonnulla de morbo maculoeso he- morrhagico Werlhotii. 8°. Regiinontii, [1842]. PURPURA. S70 PURPURA. Purpura. Vering (F. A.) * De hemorrhcea petechiali. 8°. Berolini, [1826]. Vernier (L.) * Quelques considerations sur le purpura hemorrhagique jirimitif et le purpura .secondaire, specialenient dans la tuberculose. 4°. Paris, 1873. Vigxancour(A.) * Maladie de WerlhofF. 4°. Paris, 1869. Weise (W.) * Ueber uterine Blutungen bei Morbus maculosus Werlhofii 8°. Berlin, 1884. Wentzke (J. F. A.) Morbi hemorrhagici ma- culosi Werlhofii exemplum, adnexa de pathologia et therapia hujus morbi diatribe. 4^. Vratisla- viw, [1819]. Wichers ( H. ) * Verhandeling bevattende eenige opmerkingen omtrent tie roodvonk-epide- mie, die iu het jaar 1855 te Groningen heeft ge- heerscht. 8°. Groningen, [1856]. Wiedemann (F.) * Ueber Morbus maculosus hemorrhagicus Werlhofii. 8°. Bonn, 1868. Wolff (A.) * Ueber Purpura. 8°. Berlin, [1883]. Aaskow (IT. B.) De morbo maculoso quaedam. Acta reg. Soe. med. Havn., 1783, i, 313-316.—Abbott (S. L.) Case of purpura, with unusual symptoms; fatal within forty-eight bours. Boston M. efe 8. J., 1864, lxx, 180-182. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, 124-126.—Adnms (N.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica, probably arising from variolous contagion. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, xxxv, 506-509.—Aguilcra (P.) Consideracioues surgidas por la exposicion de un caso de hi enfermedad de "Werlhoft". Union de 1. cien. m6d., Cartagena, 1882, ii, 184- 187.—Aikin (J.) Case of haemorrhage and purple spots, without fever or previous illness. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 39:S-4(KS. — Albers. Morbusmaculosis hsemorrha- eicus Weilhoffii, vel petechia- sine febre. Ann. Med., Ed- inb., 1802-3, lust. 2. ii. 409-411.—Aldi» (C. J. B.) Purpura haemorrhagica, attended with mortification and loss of the foot. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xviii, 139.—Alibert. Obser- vations snr la p61iose hemorrhagique (poliosis hemorrha- gica). J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1829, lv, 129-133.—Alix. Deux observations de purpura baemorrbagiea aigu. Lyon m6d., 1878, xxvii, 479-487. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, pt. 2, 17-26.— Allan (J.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica; necropsy. Lancet, Lond , 1880, ii, 1014.—Antlers (L.) Wypadek ohoroby plamistej Werlhoff'apawiklauy obrzinienieni gru- czoltin chlonnych. [Purpura baeniorrhagica ; case.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1879, xxvi, 91.—Anderson (N. B.) A sudden and fatal case of purpura. West. J. M. efc S., Louisville, 1850, 3. s., v, 470-473.—Antonini efc Bruno. Intorno alia porpora emorragica. (Lettera, e risposta del Prof. Sat hei it ) Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1843, cvii. 32- 74 — Arctander (H.) Purpura haemorrhagica fulminans. Hosp.-Tid., Kj benh., 1887, 3. R.. v, 227-229.—Atkinson (I. E.) Purpura. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1885. ii, 186-194.—Avery (S. W.) Remarks on the nature and treatment of purpura haemorrhagica, with cases. N. York M. efe Phys. J., 1829-30, n. s., ii, 261-276.—Baker (W. N.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1836, i [ixl, 158. — Ball (A. B.) A case of fatal purpura hemor- rhagica. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 388.—Bailey (F. A.) Case of purpura with destructive disease of the ankle- jednt. Prov. M. 1.">.—Black (I. R.) Porphyra. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xviii, 104- 107.—Bloom (1. N.) A case of purpura liiemorrliagica. South-West. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, 49.—Board- man (W. E.) A case of morbus maculosus Werlhofli. Boston M. efe S. J., 1881, cv, 533-535. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1880-82), 1883, viii, pp. cexxix- cexxxiv. — Boh me. Merkwiirdige Geschichte eines Morbus maculosus haemorrhagicus Werlhofii. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1813, xxxvii, 8. St., 89-102.—Boliu (W.) Fall af morbus maculosus Werlhofii. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1867-8, iii, 100-103.—Bonet A mi go (J.) Purpura hemorragica; tuberculosis pulmonar ; muerte. Independ. med., Barcel, 1872-3, iv. 334; 342.—de Borden (A. H. J.) Waarneming van eene purpura haemorrhagica morbus ma- culosus Werlhofli. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Graveuh., 1839, i, 274-278.—Bordier. Rapport sur la candidature de M. Boucher. [Cas tie puipura haemorrhagica.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xlii,734-736.—Bossart (A.) Pur- pura haemorrhagica. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aetzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 422-425.-Boucher. Puipura heiuorihagiea; mort rapide par h6rnorrhagie c6r6brale; persistance et hy- pertrophie du thymus. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1867, xhi, 43-47.—Bouchut. Nature et traitement du purpura he- morrhagica. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 241. Also, transl. .- J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1867, xlix, 146-154. -----_. Pur- pura haemorrhagica; hemorrhagies de la retine; 6pistaxis aboudantes; anemie grave et hypoglobulie ; transfusion; gu6risou. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 1113; 1137.—Bou- reau. Quelques reflexions pratiques sur le pourpre he- morrhagique et son traitement. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1847, xxxii, 388-391.—Bourgeois. Observation sur un cas de maladie dite tachet6e hemorrhagique. J. gen. tie tu6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1822, lxxx, 196-213.—Bow- man (J.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica; treatment followed with radical cure. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1864, vii, 144-146.—Bracket (J.-L.) Memoire sur la maladie tachetee hemorrhagique de Werlhof. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1822, vii, 83-99.—Brand is (A.) Ueber Purpura haemorrhagica. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1856,viii, 371.—Bree (R.) Remarks on the cause of purpura, and its distinction from scurvy. Med. efe Phys. J., Loud., 1809, xxi, 321-325.—Bristowe (J. S.) Clinical remarks on purpura; death from cerebral haemorrhage. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1883, ii, 87. Also, in his: Clin. Lect. & Essays, 8°, Lond., 1888, 200-207. -----. Clinical remarks on purpura urticans, with cases. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lonil, 1885, i, 599-602.—Broadbent (W. H.) Purpura. Med. Press efc Circ, Dubl, 1868, iii, 21-24.—Briick (M.) Morbus maculosus Werlhofii ket rohamos lefolyasii s hala- los kimenetelii esete. [Two cases of . . . of rapid course and terminating fatally.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 564-567. Also, 'transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1888, xxiv, 458. — Bruyn (L. A.) l>e morbo maculoso haemorrhagico Werlhovii; praemissa morbi ejusdem observati et feliciter sanati historia. In his: Diss. med. inaug., cont. hiuas observ. pract., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1827, 1-36. — Bryant efe Wilks. Calculus vesicae; purpura; glossitis; pyaemia. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 86. — Buckingham (C. E.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. Boston M. efe S. J., 1858, lviii, 329.—Buszyriski (J.) Plaiuica zlosliwaczyli ostry rozklad kiwi. (Morbus maculosus malignus). Medycyna, Warszawa, 1882, x, 531-534. —Butler (W. H.) A case of purpura haemorrhagica. Am. M. Month, efe N. Y. Rev., 1861, xv, 183. — Byrn (M. T.) Purpura hemorrhagica. Nashville J. M. efe S., 1853, iv, 257-259. — Caldwell (W.) Purpura; with a case. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1879, PUEPUKA. 871 PURPUKA. Purpura. ii "'49-251. — Calhoun (J. T.) Two cases of purpura. ! Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1860, iv, 349-351.—Camp- bell (F. W.) Case of acute purpura. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1872-3, i, 170.—Cantani (A.) La purpura in- i fettiva. Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1884, i, 25-31.— Cantrcll (J. A.) A peculiar caseof puipura, with manifestations resembling purpura rheumatica and purpura haemorrha gica. Polyclinic, Phila., 1888-9, vi, 353-355. — t'arpen- tier. Purpura haemorrhagica; leucocytbeiuie; autopsie. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1873-4, xxvi, 345.—Carter (M.) A case of purpura hemorrhagica. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 458.—Casella (G.) Su di una uuova forma di porpora emorragica. Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1883, i, 262-264.—[Cases.] Ann. d. med.-chir. cliu. lust. zu GStting., 1801, i, 99-102. —Ann. d. k. klin. Inst, am St. Jakobshosp. in Leipz., 1810, i, 1. Abth., 132-134.—Ein Fall von Morbus maculosus. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1823, xiii, 267-269.—Fiille von Morbus maculosus haemor- rhagicus. Ibid., 1824, xvii, 322-325.—Two casts of purpura bseraorrhagica. Lancet, Loud., 1825, viii, 216-219.—Fatal caseof purpura hemorrhagica, with post mortem appear- ances. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1836, i [ix], 174-176. —Purpura haemorrhagica fatal in five days. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1839, xxxi, 305.—P. haemorrhagica. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k.allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1857,127.—Cases of purpura and scurvy. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 371-374.—Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1870), 1871, 12.—Five cases of purpura hemorrbatjica, 1856. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey 1766- 1859, Newark, 1875, 651-654.—Morbus maculosus Werlhofii. [Case.] Jahresb. ii. d. med. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel, 1876, 83-85.—Cavalie (F.) Purpura hemorrhagique chronique avec paralysie alterne symptotuatique. Bull. gCn. de therap., etc., Par., 1879, xevi, 125-127. — Cayley. Pur- pura liaiuoirhagica. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1886, Lond., 1887, 52.— ('banning ( W.) Purpura hemorrhagica. Boston M. efc S. J., 1883! viii, 381-385. — Chariot. Pur- pura heuiorrhagiea et tuberculisation generale aigue. Compt. lend. Soc. de biol. 1857. Par., 1858, 2. s., iv, 126- 131.—Cheadle (W. B.) Scurvv and purpura. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1872, ii, 520-522.— Christie (C. W.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. Midland il. efe S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i, 439. —Christopher (H.) Caseof purpura hemorrhagica. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1855, xiii, 205-207. — Clement (E.) Rate ru6ningitique s'accompa- gnant doedeme neuroparalytique, 1° dans un cas de com- pression du grand sympathique et de la moelle, 2° dans un cas de maladie de Werlhof. Rev. de med., Par., 1882, ii, 891-893.—C less. Morbus maculosus Werlhofii. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1845, xv, 331.— Close (A. W.) On purpura haemorrhagica. Med. Times, Loud., 1M5, xiii. 88.—Collera (F.) Caso notable de rash hemorriigico. Fraterniilad nied.. Vallad., 1880, ii, 232- 235. — Combe (J. S.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. Edinb. M. ascgue (C.) Etude re- trospective snr la maladie de Werlhof. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1877, xxix, 586-604. Also, in his: Etudes med., 8°, Par., 1884, ii, 805-823.—Latham. Purpura haemor- PURPURA. 873 PURPURA. Purpura. rhagica. Lond. M. Gaz., 1827-8. i, 544-546.—Laycock (T.) A clinical lecture on purpura or land scurvv. Ibid., 1847, n. s., iv, 573-576. Also: Dublin M. Press, 1847. xvii, 228- 230. — Ledcrer (C.) Falle von Morbus maculosus Werl- hofii. Wieu. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 699.—Lees (C.) Case of purpura ha'inorrliagiea. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, n. s., iv 197.— LeGcndre (P.) Li's purpuras infeetieux primi- tifs. Union med.. Par., 1888, 3. s., xiv, 681-687.— Legg (J. W.) Purpura. St. Barth. Hosp. Kep.. Lond., 1875, xi. 03- 65.—Legg (eJ. W.) efe Ormerod (J. A.) Purpura haemor- rhagica; surgical (?) kidney. Ibid., 1876, xii, 258-260.— Legrand (A.) Le pourpre est une affection g6n6rale, et c'est il tort qu'on range cette maladie parmi les affec- tions de la peau , un mot sur son traitement. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1845, xxix, 200-204. — Leloir (H.) Contribution a l'etude des purpuras. Ann. de dermat et syph., Par.. 1884, 2. s., v. 1-14—Leopardi (G.) Morbo niaculeisodi Werlhof. In his: Studi ed oss. int. ai mai. nella clin. med. di Firenze, 1875, i, 262-275, 2 pl—Letzc- rich (L.) Ueher Purpura haemorrhagica. Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1889, lviii, 2089-2091.—Levy (W.) Zur Kasuistik tier Purpura haemorrhagica. Wien. med. Wellnsehr., 1888, xxxviii, 1215; 1247; 1280. —Lidell (J. A.) Case of purpura lncmorrhagica. Annalist, N. Y., 1848-9, iii, 63-65. — Limont. Note on purpura haemor- rhagica. Vet. J. efe Ann. Comp. Path., Lontl., 1887, xxv, 1-3. — Lindsay (J.) Notes on purpura haemorrhagica, with the history of an interesting case. J. Cutan. M., Lond., 1870-71, iv, 39-41. — LingenCelder (P.) Mor- bus maculosus Werlhofii. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, ix, 152-154.—Little. Purpura nautica in a sailor, associated with hemiplegia; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 58. — Lowenstein (M. G.)' Morbus Werlhofii periodicus. Metl. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1840, iii, 59.—Lucas. Morbus maculosus. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll 1834, Koblenz., 1837, 116.— Liitzelberger. Morbus haemorrhagicus maculosus Werlhofli. J. tl. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl, 1805, xxii, 2. St., 135-145.— Luroth. Morbus-maculosus haemorrhagicus Werlhofii. Clinique, Par., 1830, iii, 25; 33.—iTI'Oowel (B. G.) Clin- ical report of a case of acute purpura heuiorrhagiea. Dub- lin Hosp. (iaz., 1854-5, n. s., i, 341-343. -----. Case of purpura. Lancet. Lond., 1873, ii, 557.— Mackenzie (S.) Purpura, perivascular retinal haemorrhages; recovery. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1877. i, 233. -----. A case of acute vascular disease, with retinal haemorrhages. Brit. M.J.,Lontl, 1882, i, 119.—lTlackey (E.) A case of puipura, with remarks. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1886, ii, 63 —ITIader (J.) Purpura haemorrhagica (Morbilli hseiuorrh.?): Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1876), 1877, 408. -----. Morbus maculosus auf chlorot. Basis; unge- heilt. Ibid. (1887), 1888, 276. — IVIaguire (R.) Caseof puipura. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlviii, 80.— .Maragliano (E.) Porpora emorragica. Salute: Italia metl, Genova, 1*84, 2. s., xviii, 145.—lTlarquctt. Ge- schichte cities gliicklich geheilten Morbus maculosus hae- morrhagicus Werlhotii. Mag. f.d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1820, viii, 28-44.—Martin dc Gimard. Observations tie deux cas de purpura hemorrhagique suivis de gangrene. Bull. Soc. clin. tie far. (1887). 1888, xi, 128-140. Also: France nied., Par., 1887, ii, 1557; 1569; 1581.— Vlasing (E.) Zur Casuistik der Purpura hemorrhagica. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1886, n. F., iii, 347; 355: 1887, n. F., iv, 21.—Mnthieu (A.) Purpuras cachectiques. Arch. gen. denied., Par., 1883, ii, 273-289. -----. Purpura. Diet, en- cycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvii, 860-896.— Tla yes (•/. A.) A case of purpura heuiorrhagiea. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1850, v, 158-161.—1TI ay© (W. W.) Report of case of purpura haemorrhagica. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1878, 170-174.—:TIehlhose (C. G.) Haemorrhoea petechialis. J. tl. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1837, Ixxxv. 4. St., 119-124.—.Vlcrchie. Observation tie purpura haemorrha- gica; guerison. Arch, beige s de m6d. mil., Brux., 1855, xv, 171-179—.Tleslier. Observation pour servir ai I'his- toire des complications de la maladie de Werlhoft'par l'al- buminurie brightique ou non hrightique. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1878, xcv, 220-222 — Tlella ner (J. P.) Practical observations on purpura. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1846, n. s., xi, 379-386.—Mettenheinier (C.) Purpura cum complicatione biliosa. Jahresb. ii. tl. Verwalt. d. Metl.-Wes.. d. Krankenanst. . . . tl. Stadt Frankf. (1860), 1863, iv, 165.- ITIillard (P. H.) Purpura hemorrhagica. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc., St. Paul, 1878, 23.—lTIilligan (W.) On a case of purpura hamorrhagiea. Lancet, Lonil., 1888, ii, 864.—iVIilsehewsky. Ueher Morbus maculosus Werl- hofii. Ztschr. I. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1859, xiii, 233-244. — iVIiniggio. Morbo maculoso tiel Wer- loff. [Case. | (iior. d. i\ Accad. tli metl. di Torino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 74-Wi. — lTlolitoi-. Purpura haemorrhagica; autopsie. Arch. m6tl. beiges, Brux., 1868. 2.8.. vii, 238- 242— IVIollierc (H.) Recherches cliniques sur la noso- graphie du purpura haemorrhagica et des affections pete- chials. Lyon in6d.. 1873, xiv, 331; 365; 409. Also, Re- priut. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1874, v, 44; 104. Also: Mem. Soc d. sc. m6d. tie Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 1, 142-165. [Discussion], pt. 2,' 154. -----. Cas de purpura. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Purpura. Lyon (1883), 1884, xxiii, pt. 2, 77. -----. Etude clinique sur le purpura. Ann. ile dermat. et svph., Par., 1887, 2. s., viii, 231; 324. —ITIoorc (J. N.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica, with extensive haemorrhage from the gums antl tongue; fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1864. i. 269.— IVIouillot (A.) Purpura. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v, 54-56.—itlouton fils. Observation sur une mala- die p6techiaire hemorrhagique, d6cidee par un mouvement de colere. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. tie Montpel., 1804, iv, 46-51.— Tlii I hi- (P. L.) Morbus maculosus haemorrhagi- cus Werlholi. X. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Metl. u. Chir., Bonn, 1826. xii, 3. St., 25 — Musscr (J. H.) Cases of purpura hemorrhagica and leucocytheinia from piivate practice. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887. xvii, 490-494. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc 1887, Phila., 1888, viii, 146-153. Also, Reprint.—IVapicr (A.) Purpura. [Case.l Glasgow M. J , 1883, xix, 158.—rVeifeld (E. J.) De purpura alba vesi- cular! diuresi expulsa, it vera curandi methodo. Piimi- tiae phys.-med. [etc], Ziillichoviae, 1750, ii, 219-245 — Ncuhauser. Beobaehtung einer eignen Komphka- tion des Morbi maculosi haemorrhagici Werlhofii Med. Nat.-Ztg. f. Deutschl., Altenb.. 1799, ii, 120.—de Nicola (T.) Un caso di morbo maculoso di Werlhoff (motbus maculosus Werlhofi) verificatosi in Castellaiuinare Atlria- tico, novembre 1875. Indipendente. Torino, 1878, xxix, 449-455. — Nock herr. Morbus maculosus haemorrha- gicus. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1832, Koblenz, 1833, 112. — Olivetti. Due casi di porpora emorragica acuta apiretica secondaria. Gi'ir. tl. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xiii, 289-320. —Orr (S.) A case of scorbutus and one of purpura hneniorrhagiea con- trasted. Glasgow M. J., 1880, xiii, 484-487.—Osborne (T. C.) Purpura hemorrhagica. West. J. M. & S., Louis- ville, 1847, 2. s., viii, 488-491.—Owen. Unusual case of purpura haemorrhagica. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 169.— Owen (I.) Purpuraha'tnorrhagiea. [Cases.] St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1879, Lond., 1880, x, 28. —Page. Obstruc- tion of the hepatic ducts by hydatids; jaundice.; pur- pura. Lancet, Lond, 1861, ii, 473. — Palcy ( W. E.) Piirpuia with subretinal haemorrhage. Ibid., 1878, i, 123.— Patterson (J.) Purpura ha'tnorrhagica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 204 —Pavesi (K.) Caso grave di por- pora emortagica. Gior. d. r. At tail, med.-chir. di Torino, 1850, 2. s., ix, 24-27.—Peuniston. Purpura ha;morrha- gica. [2 cases.] N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1844-5, i, 222. — Pe- reyra (E.-L.) Observationdepurpurahemorrhagica, d'he- niac6tinose, ou morbus maculosus heino, rhagicus de Wer- lof. Gaz. d. med.-prat., Par., 1840. ii, 86.—Peszyriski (S.) Przypadek plamicy krwotoc/.u6j Werlhofa piurunii.jq.cej. [Two cases of disease of Werlhof.) I'lzegl. Iek.,KraUo\r., 1887, xxvi, 308-310.—Peteehiae ante febreiii malignam erunipentes. 7 tlie per hainoi i hagiam solutani. Zodiacus metl.-gall., Geneva, aim. iv(1682), 1685,57. — Petersen (O.) Vier Fiille von Purpura simplex. St. I eterbs. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 321-323.—Peterson ( F.) Purptua hemorrhagica. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 57. — Petrone (L. M.) Sulla porpora emorragica itlio- patica infettiva. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885, iii, 3; 293. Also: Spallanzani, Modena, 1885, 2. s., xiv, 190-192. -----. Sulla setticcemia e sulla porpora idiopalica infettiva. Spallanzani, Modena, 1885, 2. s., xiv. 361-366. -----. Di nuovo sulla porpora emorragica, infettiva, idio- palica. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, 716-725. Also: Sperimentale, Firenze, 1888, lxii, 628-630. —Phillips (G. W.) Purpura hemorrhagica; with a report of cases. Chicago M. J., 1859, xvi, 39-41. — Pingaiill. Observa- tion tie purpura hemorrhagica ou du morbus maculosus hemorrhagicus. Monit. tl. h6p., Par., 1857, v, 99. — Ponieroy (G. P. K ) A case of puipura hemorrha- gica, presenting stiange peculiarities and a rapidly faial termination. Med. Ann., Albany, 1884, v, 263.—Porter (A.) Purpura rbeumatica et bamiorrhagica. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 76. — Potain. Un nouveau cas tie purpura simplex. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1885, lviii, 986.—Pozzi (S.) Compressieen du canal choledoque etde la veine porte par des ganglions hypertrophies (amaigris- sement considerable; ictere chronique; ascite; hemat6- mese; purpura; anasarque; absence d'accidents c6r6- braux; mort). Gaz. hebd. de med.. I'ar., 1870, 2. s., vii, 292. — Pretlv ( W. ) Case of su-ute petechia' hae- morrhagica'. Loud. M. efe Phys., J., 1823, xlix, 286-289.— Pruys van der Iloeven (C ) Morbus maculosus haemorrhagicus Werlhotii. Geneesk. Bijdr.. Rotterdam, 1827-8, 2. s., ii. 182-186. — Purdon ( H. S.) On pur- pura. Metl. Mirror. Lontl, 1867, iv, 521-523.—Pur- pura (On) and its treatment, [Discussion.] Loinl. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., ii, 1217—Kabaine. Observation de pur- pura hemorrhagica. J. de med. tie Bordeaux, 1860, 2. s., v, 172-175.—Rambaut. Case of purpura haeiuorrhagita caused by mercury. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1845, i, 18-20 — Rapp. ' Ueber Peliosis, Blutfleckenkranklieit. Meel. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte. Erlang., 1849, x, 727-732.—ISasi (D.) Osservazioni pratiche tli porpora-emorragica. Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1844, 2. s., iii, 571-589, 1 pl— Rathery. Observation du purpura hemorrhagique j varioloitle intercurrente. Union med., Par. 1883, 3. s., xxxvi, 821-824. Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de PURPURA. 874 PURPURA. Purpura. Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s., xx, 207-213. —Raymann (J. A.I Petechiarum mendacium historia, earumque a since- i is differentia. Acta Acad. nat. curios.. Norimb., 1752, ix, 87-103.— Reenmier. Pet6chies heiuorrhagiijues. Cli- nique, Par.. 1830, ii, 347-349.—Reed ( N". C.) A ease of haemaceliiiosis, succeeding nerve shock. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1870. n. s., i, 78-83. — Rees (G. A.) Purpura. Med. Times. Lond., 1850, n.s., i, 673.—Reid. Case of purpura. Med.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1B39-40, xxxii. 614.— Reunion!. Case of purpura hemorrhagica acuta. Deut- sche Khnik. Berl., 1852. iv, 80; 85. — Rheiudorf. Mor- bus maculosus Werlhofii. Gen. Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.- Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837, 115. — Richardson (B. W.) Adtlress on the forms of disease under the term 'purpura haemorrhagica". Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 597- 000. Also: Proc M. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, ii, 17-21. ———. Ou purpura haemorrhagica and the scorbutic diathesis, in- cluding stigmata; diagnosis and treatment. Asclepiad, Lond., 1887, iv, 1-21.—Richardson (E. T.) Purpura(?). N. York J. M. efe S., 1841, iv, 370.-Richter (C. A. W.) Benierkungen zu des Herrn Hofrath Simeon's Mittheilun- gen tiber Morbus maculosus haemorrhagicus Werlhofii nnd Heusingers Ausicht iiber die Natur dieser Krankheit. Med Ann., Heidelb., 1848, xiii, 588-600. — Rigal efe Cor- nil (V.) Note sur uu cas de purpura heuiorrhagiea aigu surveuii chez un malade atteint d'une affection du cceur ancienne, et tannine par la mort. Hull, etmem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par. (1879), 1880. 2. s.. xvi, pt. 2, 68-85, 1 pl. Also: Union ni6d.. Par.. 1880, xxxix 55. 74; 85. — Ring(C) Nogle Tilfaddeaf Purpura luemoi rhagica. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1800, iii, 33—Ifiinonapoli (E.) Un altro caso di porpora perniciosa. Arch. ital. eli pediat., Napoli, 1889, vii, 92-95.— Robisou iS. B.) A ease of purpuraheiiiorrliagica. West. J.M.efcS.. I.e. uisville, 1848, 3.S., i. 21-23. — Roe(E.T.) Case of purpura hR'iiiorrhagica. Prov. M. & S.J., Lond., 1848,599. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1850. ii 318. —Rogers (S.tl.) Caseof purpura haemorrhagica. Buffalo M. J., 1849-50,v, 146.—Ro- ger! (J. P.) Observatio de morbo maculoso haemoirhagico. Acta reg. Soe'. med. Havn., 1783, i. 181-190. — Rohlfs (H.) Beobachtungen iiber die Werlhof'sche Blutflecken- krankheit, nebst kritischen Bemerkungen. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1875, xx, 433-458— Ronibach (K. A.) Waarne- ming eener roodvonk-epidemie, te Hellevoetsluis in het jaar 1840 Nederl. Lancet, Gravenb., 1840-7, 2. 8., ii, 229- 261. — Roskam. Purpura haemorrhagica. Ann. Soc. ni6d.-chir. de Li6ge, 1888, xxvii, 205 — Kostan. Purpura hemorrhagica (morbus maculatus de Werlhof); considera- tions sur la nature de cette maladie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 281.—Rougon. Observation d'un cas tie purpura hemorrhagica suivi de mort. Union m6d.. Par., 1883, 3. s.. xxxv, 193-195. Also: Courrier m6ih, Par., 1883, xxxiii, 74.— Itousset. Observation tie purpura hemor- rhagica. .1. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1850, viii, 218-2J2.— Rue. [ Hotel-Dieu. J Purpura heiiiorrhauica avec b6- morrhmie retinienne; observation et mtopsie. I'liion med.. Par., 1870, 2. a., ix, 680-683. — Ruszezykowski (B.) Wypadek ospy ze zboczeniem w wystapie. niu wla- sciwej wysypki (purpura febrilis). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873, xiv, 65-08.—Salter (H.) Concurrence of purpura with valvular disease of the heart: three cases; recovery. Laucet, Lontl., 1861, i, 58.—Sander (r.) Morbus macu- losus Werlhotii. [4 cases.] Deutsche Klinik, I'.erl, 1862, xiv, 76; 87.—Gangster (A.) Two cases in which pur- puric erythematous eruptions were present. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1880, i, 527.—Sautini (V.) Un caso gra- vissimodi morbus Verlhofiano. Raccoglitore nied., Forli, 1880, 4 s., xiii, 523-529.—Suntopadre (T.) Malattia ma- culosa Werlhotiana rapidamente guarita per mezzo del percloruro di ferro. Ippocratico, Fano. 1870, 3. s , xvii, 26-30—Saundby (R.) Purpura; a clinical study. Bir- mingh. M. Rev., 1889, xxvi, 65-85.—Nchnllcr. Morbus maculosus Werlhoffli. Prov. San.-Ber. d k. Metl -Coll. v. Pommern, Stettin, 1833, 46. -----. Tdtltlich veiiaufener Fall von Morbus maculosus Werlhoffli. Ibid , 1835, Stat tin, 1836, 54.—Schaper. Zwei Falle von Purpura has- niorrhagioa. Deutsche mil.-arztl Ztschr.. Berl., 1882, xi, 387-393.—Nthenkl (A.) Ein Fall von plotzlich aufgetre- tener Peliosis circumscripta der Wimpern. Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph.. Prag, 1873. v, 137-139 —Schiefler. Mor- bus maculosus. (Jem.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med-Coll. 1830, Koblenz, 1833, 74 — Schmidtmann (H.) Werlhof sBlut- fleckenkrankheit mit Scrophelu. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1832, lxxiv, 4. St., 54-58.—Schneider (J. R.) Ueber Pur- pura haemorrhagica. Cor.-Bl. f schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1878, viii, 593.—Sc hue lima mi (C.) De purpura scorbu- tica habitual! Misc. Acad. nat. curios.,Lips, et Francof., 1694, dec. 3, i, 160-162.—Scobey (W. H.) Notes of a case of purpura hemorrhagica. West. Lancet, ("incin., 1848, viii, 14-16.—Seifert (0.) Ein Fallvon Moi bus maculosus Werl- hofii mitnae lifol^inileiii Diabetes inellitus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Be-rl.. 1881, vii. 229-233 — Semple (C. E. A.) Purpura hamorrhagiea; tleath. [Case,.] Med. Exam., Lond., 1877 ii, 843 —Serrieres. Purpura haemorrhagica; epistaxis et mela-na pendant plusieurs .jours, large ecchy- mose au dos; mort. Arch. g6n. de med.. Par., 1830 2. «., x, 210-212. — Shidlovski ( K. I. ) K kazuist. Werlhotf. boliezni. Med. Obozi , Mosk., 1886, xxv, 58. — Siebert. Purpura. Beitrag zur Beurtheilung der Blutfleckenkranklieit. Aiutl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1842, Mainz 1843. 281-286. — Nil ver. A case of purpura hie- moi -rhagit a; death Meel Time's efe (la/.., Lond., 1879, ii, 581. — Miiiicoiin. Sehr interessanter Fall von Morbus ma- culosus hiemorrhagiius Werlhofii. Heidelb. klin Ann., 1829, v. 266. -----. Ueber Morbus maculosus ha-i.....rha- gicus Werlhofii und Heusingers A nsicht iiber tlie Naliu dieser Krankheit. Med. Ann.. Heidelb., 1848, xiii, 159- 185—Smith (A.) Purpura with scurvy. Dublin Hosp. Gaz.. 1855-6, n. a., ii, 355 —Smith (D.j Et Tilfaehle af Morbus maculosus Werlhotii. Ugesk. f. Laager. Kjobenh., 1882, 4. R., vi, 401-407. — Smyly (P. C.) A case' of pur- pura. without fever; death from hemorrhage into the stomach. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliv, 307.—Snow (J.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. Assoc. M. J., Lonil, 1856. 364.—Snowball (W.) Pm pura simplex Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1883. u. s , v, 482.—Nnyder (J.) A case of purpura hemorrhage. Transyh. .J. M.. Lexington, Ky., 1835, viii, 485. — Sominn (L.) Su eli una nuova forma tli porpora emorragica. Arch, di patol. inf.. Napoli, 1883, i, 191-193. — South worth (C. T) Purpura hemorrhagica, considered as au idiopathic tlisease. with cases and autopsy. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Lansing, 1869, 30-35. — Spada ((''.) Caso gravissiino di morbus hemorragicus Verlhofrii seguita da morte. Raccoglitore metl, Forli, 1881, 4. s., xvi 309- 374. — Stadthageu < M.) efe Rrieger (L.) Ueber Cysti- uurie, nebst Bemerkungen fiber einen Fall von Morbus maculosus Werlhofli. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 344-347. — Htainthorpc ( T. ) Purpura ba'iiiorrhagica. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841-2. n.s. xxix. 79. — Nlnrr (T.H.) Case of purpura haainorrhagica. Prov. M. J.. Lonil, 1843-4, vii. 17. — Steele (H.) A case of purpura hemor- rhagica. Oglethorpe M. efe S. J., Savannah 1K58-9 i, 301- 313. — Stelwagou (H. W.) A case of purpura with cir- ciuate lesions. J. Cutan. efe Genito-Urin. Dis.. N. V., 1887, v, 369, 1 pl.— Stevens. Acute purpura. Cincin Lancet efe Obs., 1802. v, 342.—Stewart. Purpura ha'iiiurrliagii a; autopsy. Lancet, Lontl.. 1853, i, 129-131.—Stoyer. Pui- pura hemorrhagica. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 81.—Strom (W.) Fall af Purpura fulminans. Eira, Giiteborg, 1887, xi, 132-136.— Strogauow. Vou tier Ex travasation der rothen Blutkoiperchen bei der Werlhoff'- schen Krankheit. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1875, lxiii, 540-559.—Strnve (I.. A.) Einige Fiille ties Morbus maculosus haemorrhagicus Werlhofii. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1820, viii, 45-70. —Swaving (C.) Een geval van galachtige dyscrasiedoodelijk eindigende met morbus maculosus Werlhofii. waargenomen in het statlsverhantl le Batavia. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1854, iv, 519-524.— von Sydow ( F. E.) Nagot ora morbus maculosus Werlhotii. Eira, Goteborg, 1881, v, 389-400.— Syme (J.) Purpura hemorrhagica; amputation ofthe great toe through the metatarsal bone; hemorrhagic ten- dency : recoveiv. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1835, xliv, 17-19 — Tutlerfall (W.) Histories of cases of petechiae sine febre terminating fatally. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1795, x, 2. decade, 289-297.— T ham (P. V. S.) Morbus maculosus Werlhofii. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 632-634.- Thiry. Purpura hemorragica n6vropathique; contrac- tions musculaires ; somnolence: vomissement; ent6rorha- gie: gueiison. Presse m6d. beige. Brux., 1884, xxxvi, 273- i:75.—Thomann (J. N.) Morbus maculosus haamoniia- gicus Werlhofli. In his: Ann. d. klin. Anst. iu tl. Julius Hosp. zu Wiirzb.. 1801, 159-164. — Thomas ( H.) Pur- pura hemorrhagica; augine pseudo membraneiise a forme gangrcntuse: mort. Reed. trav. Soc. med. dTntlre-it-Loire 1877, Tours, 1878, lxxiv, 25-31.—Thomayer (J.) Morbus maculosus Werlhotii mit ausgedehutau peritoiualcn Hie- morrhagien. Aerztl. Ber. d k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1881), 1883, 133-136. — Tissier. [Purpura febrilis; hemorrhagies par la bouche. It- nez le rectum et la verge, en meme temps qu'un ties grand nombre de plaques et tie taches ecchymotiques sur la peau.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1859, xxxix, 182. — Todd (R. B.) Case of purpura .haemorrhagica; clinical remarks. Laucet, Lond., 1841-2, i, 69. -----. An account of a remarkable case of cutaneous haemorrhage, accompanied with spots of urticaria (purpura urticans, Willan); with remarks. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1842-3, xxii, 1-14. — Tommasini (G.) Sulla febbre petecchiale e la nuova dottrina medica. In his: Op. compl, 8°. Ki- renze, 1832, i, 833-893. — Trousseau. Pourpre de Weii- hoff. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 403—Tungel (C.) Eiu Fall von Purpura haemorrhagica. Klin. Mitth. v. tl. metl. Abth. tl. Allg. Krankenh. in Hamb. (1859), 1861, 35.— Tullis (J. W.) Purpura haemorrhagica. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1851-2, iv, 17-20. — Tyrrell (C. G.) Neu- rotic purputa Pacific M. efe S. J., San Fran., 1876-7, xix, 1-18. — I'nderwood (A. L.) Purpura haemorrhagica. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1864, vii, 397.— Vaillard (L.) Etude sur la maladie de Werlhof. Rec. tie mem. de in6d. . . . mil., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxxiv. 321-347.— Valleix. Le^on elinique sur un cas de purpura hemorrhagica ter- mine par la mort, Monit. d. hop., Par.. 1853, i. 298 : 388 — Van llarlingen (A.) Purpura of unusual form. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 97 —Veiel. Purpura vihicea. [Case.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1855, vii, 245.— PURPURA. 875 PURPURA. Purpura. Vesin (L.) Quelques reflexions sur le pourpre consid6r6 comme affection generale et sur son traitement. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1845. xxix. 548-552.—Vizerie. Observations de purpura simplex. J. tie med. de Bor- deaux, 1860, 2. s., v, 416-423.—Wadsworth (W.) A case of purpurea heruorrhae/ica. Northwest. M. &S. J., Chicago, 1848-9, v, 107-109— Wngner(E.) Purpura uuilErytheui. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, xxxix, 431- 490. — Walker (J.) History of a singular case of pete- chiae sine febre, accompanied with excessive baemorrha- gies terminating favourably under the use of the vitriolic acid'. Ann. Med., Edinb., 1798, ii, 231-239. — Walop (J. J.) Waarneming eener aanmerkelijke morbus maculoso- hasiuorrhagicus Werlhofii, met eenige aannierkiugen over deze ziekte; als mede iets over de bloedsontmeugingen, met en zonder koorts in het algemeen. 'l77-;roicpaT>)e7, Rotterd., 1814, i, 32; 229.—Walsh (E.) Caseof hamtator- rhcea or petechiae without fever, terminated fatally iu the hospital of the 6th dragoon guards, at Piershill, near Edin- burgh. Etlinb. M. efe S. J., 1813, ix, 161-165.—Wandesle- ben. Morbus maculosus. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Col. 1842, Koblenz, 1815, 81. -3- Warfvinge (F. W.) Morbus maculosus Werlhofii. Ars-Beriitt. f. Sabbatshergs Sjukh. i Stockholm. 1881, 69-79. Also: Hygiea, Stackholm, 1881, xliii, 390-399.— Warren (J. P.) A case of purpura hae- morrhagica, or land-scurvy, successfully treated. Bostou M. efe S. J., 1829-30, ii, 325-328. — Wendel (B. F.) Cases of purpura. West. J. M. efe S., Louisville, 1850, 3. s., v, 13-21. — Westmoreland (J. G.) Case of purpura hae- morrhagica. Atlanta M. efe S. J., 1871-2, ix, 214.—Weth- erill (H. M.), jr. A case of morhus maculosus Werlhofli, complicated by monorrhagia. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 427-429.— White (W. H.) Haemorrhage into the long bones in a case of purpura haemorrhagica. Tr. Path. Soc Loud., 1886, xxxvii, 368.— Widal. Purpura hemorrha- gique sans taches purpurines sur la peau et ayant simuie une fievre typhoide; autopsie. France med., Par., 1878, xxv, 529. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 174-177. — Wiltshire. Albuminuria and purpura; ammoniacal odour of the breath, and detection of the car- bonate of ammonia. Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 48. — Wis- trand. Morb. maculosus non haemorrhagicus. Ars-Be- ratt. om Sveuska lak.-sallsk. arb., Stockholm, 1838, 192- 196. — Wiszniewski (L.) Przypadek plamicy z wy- bitnemi zabnrzeniami zoladkowemi. [Purpura simplex and intestinal disturbances. ] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1876, xv, 41; 49 ; 61; 71.—Wolff. Geschichte eines Mor- bus maculosus haemorrhagicus. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1806, xxiv, 3. St., 88-98.—Wolff (A.) Ein rapid veiiaufener Fall von Purpura mit todtlichem Ausgang. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 254-256. Also [Ab- str.]: Centralbl. f. klin. Metl, Bonn, 1880, i, 177.—Wood- bury (F.) Purpura haemorrhagica. Phila. M. Times, 3885-6, xvi, 913-916. Also: Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila., 1886, xviii, 180-188.—Woodruff (L.) A case of albumi- nuria following purpura hemorrhagica. Columbus M. J., 1883-4, ii, 300-302. — Worms (J.) Purpura aigu. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par.. 1860, vii, 484.— Wylie (W. G.) Mor- bus maculosus Werlhofii; acute purpura haemorrhagica. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 412. — Yandell (L. P.) A case of purpura haemorrhagica, with observations. Tran- sylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1828, i, 237-240. -----.A case of purpura hemorrhagica. West. J. M. efe S., Louisville, 1852, 3. s., ix, 195. —Yandell ( L. P.), jr. Brief notes on five cases of purples. Louisville M. News, 1878, v, .-4.— Yeats (G. D.) The history of a case of purpura haemor- rhagica. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1813-15, v, 429-443. — von Ziemssen. Purpura simplex. Aerztl Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1879, xxvi, 233.—Ziteke (J. H.) Pur- pura hemorrhagica. Med. Rec, N. V., 1885, xxvii, 8-11. Purpura (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Purpura ( Rheumatic) ; Purpura (Syphilitic); Purpura ( Brine in); Quinine (Tox- icology, etc., of). Berne (P.) * Sur quelques cas tie purpura d'origine traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1884. Dedet (L.) * Contribution a l'etude du pur- pura hemorrhagique ties pays chauds et tie ses rapports avec l'intoxication palustre. 4°. Paris, 1882. Feist (I.) * Purpura haemorrhagica, utrum sit .sanguinis, an secretionis morbus? 8°. Bon- na; 1842. Vogelin (M.) * Contribution a l'etude du purpura alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 1882. Allen (H.) Purpura hemorrhagica; death in48hours; autopsy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865,11. s., xlix, 141. Also : Proc Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii, 168-170.—An- derson (A.) Case of hemorrhagic disease, following venesection after amputation, and finally terminating in purpura. Lonil. M. efe Phys. J., 1833, n. s., xiv, 205-209.— Andrews (J. B.) Purpura, occurring in nervous dis- P11 r pura (Causes and pathology of). eases. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1877-8, xvii, 401-408.—Bar- bier. Purpura haemorrhagica, reconnaissant probable- ment pour cause l'usage externe du tartre 8tibi6. [Case.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 411.—Barrios (M. C.) Purpura paludica. Gac. metl., Lima, 1875, i, 189-191.— Bourreiff. Observation d'un cas de maladie de YVerl- hoff (purpura hemorrhagica) a marche foudroyante; im- portance ties 16sious anatomiques; alteration ties capsules 8urr6iiales; hypertrophie concentrique du cceur gauche, etc Rec. de 1116111. de m6d. . . . mil, Par., 1878, 3. s., xxxiv, 172-183.—Brugnoli (G.) Delia porpora nervosa in rela- zione alia malattia per la quale mori il senatore Prof. F. Rizzoli. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist di Bologna, 1882-3, 4. 8., iv, 533-548. Also: Raccoglitore med., Forli, 18x3, 4. a., xix, 393; 429.—Cazalis. Purpura haemorrhagica. Hull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1831, 2. 6d., 1850, vi, 41-46. —Cheyne (VV. W.) Two cases of idiopathic purpura haemorrhagica, in which micro-organisms were present. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl., 1883-4, xxxv, 408^113, 1 pl. [See, also, infra, Rus- sell (W.)]—t'outy. Etude sur une esptVe de purpura d'origine nerveuse. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1X76, 2. s., xiii, 563; 597; 627.—Curcton. A case of purpura humor rhagica; necropsy. Laucet, Lond., 1888, i, 1290.—Bau- cheaB (H.) Purpura symetrique des membres inferieurs avec hyperesthesie survenue chez un epileptique devenu alcoolique. France m6d., Par., 1882, ii, 258-260. Also: Bull. Soc clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 197-200. —De Suiet (E.) Un cas de purpura hemorrhagica par un choc moral. Clinique, Brux., 1888, ii, 154-156.—Fagge (C. H.) On purpura haemorrhagica accompanying the growth of mul- tiple sarcomata. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1881, 3. s., xxv, 1-20.—Fairbairu (P.) Case of purpura haemorragica, terminating fatally, with the appearances on dissection. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Ediub., 1826, ii, 157-164.—Fox (W.) Case of fatal purpura associated with waxy degeneration of the striated muscles, and also of the vessels in the af- fected parts. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond , 1865, xxxvi, 480-491. Also, Reprint.—Gardner (G.) On the pathology of purpura haemorrhagica. Glasgow M. J., 1833, [2.] s , i, 130-141.—Ounternianu (P.) Purpura hemor- rhagica, the result of ingestion of coal oil. Am. Pract. efe News, Louisville, 1887, n. s., iii, 291-293.—Habershon (S. 0.) On purpura, and its connection with splenic dis- ease. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1857, 3. s., iii, 89-115.— Harris (T.) The relation of purpura to malignant growths. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1888-9, ix, 353-375, 1 pl —Hartmann (H.) Observation de purpura hemor- rhagique d'origine traumatique. Rev. de chir., Par., 1883, iii, 735-739. -----. De l'influence des variations de la pres- siou, ii laquelle sont soumis les vaisseaux, sur la produc- tion du purpura; immobilisation des membres et purpura. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1888, 2. s., ix, 702-706.— Hayem. Des pieces relatives k deux cas tie purpura hemorrhagica avec 16sions des arteres correspontlaut aux foyers hemorrhagiques. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1H70, Par., 1872, 5. s., ii, 24.—Hiiiileulang (C.) Piginentin filtration von Lymphdriisen, Leber untl anderen Organen in einem Fall von Morbus maculosus Weilhofii. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1880, lxxix, 492-508, 1 pl.— I di- ehard. Purpura hemorrhagica; hemorrhagies del 1 peau, du cceur, du p6ricarde, de l'endocarde; hemorrhagies ca- pillaires et ecchymoses dans tliverses parties blanches du cerveau; taches d infiltration sanguine dans es reins. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, xiv, 172-176. — I-lui 111 (A. B.) Purpura haemoi rhagica, haematuria, aud mucous haemor- rhages, apparently caused by the administration of ammo- nium muriate. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 454.— Knest- iier. Purpura s. Potphyra simplex, hervorgerufen durch tlen Gebrauch des Hydrargyrum oxydatum rubrutn nach Berg's Methode bei secuudaren s\ philitischen Schlund- und Gaumeusaulengeschwiiren. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1854, iii, 87-91— Kcir (J.) Two cases of purputa hemorrhagica, one connected apparently with internal or- ganic disease. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835, xliii, 69-77.—Kift (A.) Case of haemorrhoea petechialis, which terminated fa- tally ; with the appearance on dissection. Ibid., 1827, xxvii, 71-74.—King (J. C. J.) Report of a case of malarial pur- pura hemorrhagica. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1888, 195-197.—Knott (J. F.) Heredity in purpura baeuiorrhu- gica. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1888, vi, 33-3*. Also: Dublin J. M.Sc, 1888,3. s., lxxxvi, 182-185.—Kron- lein (R. U.) Getassneurose beider Beine. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1877, xxi, Supplhft., 337.—I>aba«li<-leti- grave. Lesions de la peau dans le purpura. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1869, xliv, 144.—Labric. Eruption pour- pree vermineuse. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1806, viii, 334-337.—I,andowski (P.) Sur un cas re- marquable de purpura 6motit. Progres m6d., Par., 1880, viii 683. Also: Assoc. franc, pour l'avauce. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1880, Par., 1881, ix, 883-885. Also [Ahstr.j: Union m6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 290.—I>e- clerc (E.) Observation sur un cas de pourpre hemor- rhagique, survenu imm6diatement apr6s un ae-e-es de co- lere. J. d. conn. in6d. prat., Par., 1833^, i, 199.— Liii«tn. Purpuric disease affecting several persons and a pig. at Kingston, near Hereford. Med. Press efe Circ, Dubl, 1867, n.s., iv, 103.—Ijoorais (A. L.) Purpura hemorrhagica PURPIHA. 876 PUKPl'ltA. Purpura (Causes and pathology of). tracheitis, buy ngitis, and brunt hit is. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 18.— Mackenzie (S. i On tin nalure of purpura. Hi it. M. J., Lond.. 1883, ii. 409-414 — Tl acne veil. Peculiar post-mortem appearances of The brain in purpura. N. York J. M., 1853, n. s. 12], x, 358 — Tlerklen (P.) For- mes et pathogenic du purpura. liaz. In bei. ele metl., Par., 18X3.2.8., xx, 656: 689.—illonod (E.) Purpura luemor- rhagira. svmptomatique dune cirrhose. Bull. Soc anat. tie Par., 1x76, li. 446. Also : Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, Sim.—Parke* iE. A.) Two cases of purpura, with analyses of the ve ne.us blood. Loud. M. Gaz., 1848, u. s., vii, 788; 831.— Pcnzoldt (F.) Blutbefund bei tier Werlhof'sehen Ktankhcit. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1x77-8, 10. lift.. 92-95.—Perez Valdes. Purpura hemor- ragiea de causa emotiva. Kev. esp. de oftal., sif, etc., Madrid, 1884. viii. 191-195.—Petrolic (L. M.) Sulla sco- verta dell'infezione nel morbo tli Werlhof. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1883, 3. s., iii, 511-523.- Profcta (G.) Porpora orticante da ateromasia arteriosa. Inhis: Clin, denno- sitil. di Palermo, 8°, 1878, 83-85.— Bncle. Purpura hemor- rhagica li6 a des troubles du cote tie la menstruation; traite- ment par la limouadeala glace, l'exliait tie ratanhia; bona effets. Ann. d. mai. de la peau, etc.. Par., 1841, ii, 17.— Beher (H.) Zur Aetiologie ties Petechialfiebers (Pur- pura luemoi rhagica febrilis). Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz.. 1XX5. xix, 415-420.—Bcieh. P61iose d'origine nerveuse. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1880-81, i, 307- 314. — Ku'scr (P.) Notesur la presence tie la leucine dans Its st lies elans uu cas de purpura lueinorrliagica. Arch. de intitl. et pharm. mil, Par., 1887, x, 144— Kussell (W.) Cases of purpura baeniorrhagica, with remarks on their pathogenesis; with report on the presence of bacilli, by W. W. Cheyiie Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1XX3, ii, 414-416. -----. Micro-organisms in purpura haemorrhagica. Ibid., 1884, i, 507.—Smith 11'.) Chemistry of the blood in purpura. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lontl., 18x7, xxv, 73 75.— Morel (K.) Maladie de Werlhof ayant pour origine pro- bable uu traumatisme del'met lire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 18X0, 2. s., xvii, 413— Mtillwell (W. C.) Two examples of purpura liaemoirhagiea from widely different primary causes. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 107.—Thibicrge. Purpura k disposition syiuetrique, survenu a ia periode ultitne d'un cancer tie l'estoniac Bull. Soc. clin. do Par. (1883), 1*84, vii, 125-127. —Turner (F. C.) Bladder, kid- ney, and dura mater from a case of purpura. Tr. Path. Soc. I.n'nd. (1X80-7), 1XX7, 189— Variot (G.) Note sur les it sums observ6es tlans un cas de purpura hemorrhagica. • I tie 1'anat. et physiol, etc., Par., 1881, xvii, 520-529, 1 pl.— Wagner (E.) Menorrhagie; Morbus maculosus; b'ett- meianiorpliose des Herzfleischcs. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1859, u. F., iii, 415.—Xalesski (S. S.) Jelezo organ, pri morbus maculosus Werlhofii. [Iron contained in organs in ... ] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb.. 1887, t lix. pt„ I, 95-108. Also, transl.: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887, xxiii, 77-90. Purpura (Treatment of). Glaskr (J. A.) *De prophylactica purpura? all>;e per baluea curatione. 4°. Balw Magdeb., [_l?li?]. Mauchart (D.) *Therapia purpura recep- tion tutiorsolitliorqne. sm. 4°. Tubingw, [1762]. Mkxtzler (F. J.) *De vensesectiouis iu pur- pura abusu et usu. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1844. Amoroso (G.) II percloruro di ferro a gran dose nel moebo maculoso di Werlhof. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli. is.7. n. s., ii, 121-126. — Aijjainjj. Purpura hii'iiitirrhagiua grave; traitement par le perchlorure de fer: gutirison Gaz. tl. h6p., Par., 1860, xxxiii. 67. Also : Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1860, xx. 31.— Azcuia (M.) Obser- vation de purpura haemorrhagica febrile gueri par le perchlorure tie fer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 514. Also: Gaz. med. de Par , 1860, 3. s., xv, 686. — Baudon. Purpura haJinorrhagica gueri rapidement par le perchlo- rure defer. Bull.geu.de therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxiv, 174- 176.—Bauer. Ueber Purpura und die Anwendung der Secale eornutum tlagegen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx. 313-3.5. —Belcher (W.) Caseof well-marked pur- pura haemorrhagica. successfully treated bv the evactiaut plan. Lend. M. A; Phys. J., 1825, Iiii, 175-177.—Bertet. Observation de purpura haemorrhagica traite et gueri par le perchlorure tie fer. Union m6d., Par., 1860, n. s., vii, 391-393.— Roisnot (J. M.) A case of purpura haemorrha- gica requiring transfusion. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 371-373.—Boye (J.) Un cas de purpura hemorrhagique traite avec succes par l'ergotine. Montpel. med., 18o2 xlviii, 551-556.—Bradford (J. J.) Successful use of ni'- tric acitl in a case of purpura haemorrhagica. West. Lan- cet, Lexington, Ky., 1845-6, iv, 63.—Broeckx (C.) Ob- servations de purpura haemorrhagica traite avec succes au moyen du citrate de magnesio. Ann. Sue. tie inetl. d'An- vers. 1X56, xiii, 291-300. [Rap. de Bessems|, 300-303.— Budd < \V.) Case of purpura with remarks ou the styp- tic properties of oil ot turpentine. Med. Times Lontl 1850, n. s., i, 167-169.—Bulkley (L. D.) On the use of Purpura (Treatment of'). ergot in the treatment of purpura. Tr. M. Sue. N. T., Albany. J876, 165-177. Also: Practitioner, Lond.. 1876, 321-333. -----. Scorbutic purpura yielding rapidly to er- got and lemon juice. Arch. Dermaf., X. Y., 1x70-7, iii, 133-135.—4 almai'ino. Casodi porpora emorragica gua- rito col mezzo dell' opio. Remlie Accad. metl.-chir. di Ferrara, 1846-9, 135-138.—C'ianciosi (A.) Casodi guari- gione di morbo maculoso tli Werlhof col mezzo delle inie zioni ipodermiche tli ergotina. Indipendente, Torino, 1x75, xxvi, 135-139.—Claiborne (J. H.) Exaggerated case tif purpura hamiorrhagica of twelve months' standing, cured by mercury. Virginia M. Month., Biclimonil, 1878-9, v, 16. — | Clark.) Two cases of purpura hemorrhagica treated successfully with spirits of turpentine. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1853, iii, 325-327.—Croskery (H.) Purpura haemorrhagica cured by gallic ae-id ami tur pontine. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855. n.s.j ii, 162.— Ditrtvall (J.) Case of haemorrhoea petechialis, successfully treated hy purgatives. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1825. xxiii! 53-50 — Dell' I'omo (A.) II percloruro di ferro ela malattia tiel Werlhof. Ippocratico, Fano, 1870, 3. s., xvii, 329-332.—De- luxe ( P.) Observation tie purpura haMiiorrhagira gueri par le perchlorure de fer. Union med.. Par., 1861, n. s., x, 92.— De verjjie (A.) De l'emploi du perchlorure de fer dans le traitement du purpura hemorrhagica, et de son action seda- tive surle cteur. Bull g6n. do thSrap., etc.. Par., 1x60, lviii, 441-451. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1860, n. s., vi, 354-359.— Fazio (F.) Sopra un caso di morbo maculoso di Werlhof curato coll'olio esseuzialedi tremeiitina. Ann. clin. tl. osp. incur., Napoli, 1882, vii, 80-86. -----. Porpora emorragica curata coll'olio esseuziale di trementina. Ibid.. 213-223. Also: Osservatore med., Palermo, 1883, 3. s., xiii, 12-24.— Frank (L.) Ueber die Behandhtng des .Morbus macu- les. Werlhofii mit Eisen. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb, 1X15, ii, 46.—tfarautham (T.P.J.) Gallic acid in the treat- ment of purpura haemorrhagica. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 793.—Hardy (S. L.) On the treatment of purpura has- morrhagica bytbe administration of tiuctureof larch bark. Dublin Hosp.-Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi, 19.— Hnrly (W.) Let- ter, relative to the use of purgatives in purpura. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1813, ix. 186-189. -----. Ou the efficacy of mercurial purgatives in purpura, whether simple or hem- orrhagic ; and on the circumstances which justify blood- letting in these tliseases. Ibid.. 1830, xxxiv, 57-74 —Heu- lling. Geschichte eines durch ein Brcchmittel sclmell geheilten Morbus maculosus ha-morrhagicus Werlliotii. Arch. f. med. Erfahr. Berl.. 1824 ii, 8-12. — IIojjj; (J.) Purpura haemorrhagica successfully treated by hail Lan- cet, Lond., 1X45, ii, 70. — van Iloisbeek (H.) Purpura haemorrhagica, gueri promptemeut par le perchlorure de fer. J. tie m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1861, xxxii, 44-46. — Horn (E.) Schnelle Heilung der Blutflecken- kranklieit elurch wenige und einfache Mittel. Ar. h. f. m.el. Erfahr., Berl., 1813. i, 141 - 143. — Kranefuss ( B. G. ) Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Bhittlecken- krankheit. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir. Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii, 417-421.—Lancaster (K. A.) Corrosive sublimate in the treatment of purpura hu'inorrhugica. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1886, xxx, 346. — liize (A.) Purpura hemorrhagica survenu apres une rougeole nguliere et gueri par l'emploi du perchlorure de fer. Union m6d., Par., 1860, n. s., vi, 564.—Ijossetti (L.) Storia di uu caso di porpora emorra- gica guarito con sctte salassi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1848, exxvi, 5-45—.Tla tret t (R.) Case of purpura haemor- rhagica, treated by purgatives. Dublin M. Press, 1841, vi, 376.—iTIagec (J. J.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. suc- cessfully treated with spirit ot turpentine. Etlinb. M. i S. J., 1825, xxiv, 307-309. Also: Am. M. Recoider, Phila., 1826, ix, 80-82.—.Tlarone (E.) Morbo maculoso emorra- fico del Weilhof; guarigione col sesquicloruro fenico. ppocratico, Fano, 1807, 3. s., xi, 545-552. — .Hanson (A.) Note sur Taction du perchlorure de fer dans le purpura hae- morrhagica. Monit. tl. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1801. iii, 27.—IVIignot (E.) Purpura haemorrhagica traite par le perchlorure de fer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1800, xxxiii, 311.— ltlinieh (A. K.) Purpura haemorrhagica in a child suc- cessfully treated by the hypodermic use of etgotiu. Phila. M. Times. 1874-5, v, 50'j. — ^Iorganli ( G.) Purpura haemorragica urticans del Willan e .sua guarigione rapitla- mente ottenutacon 1' olioessenzialedi tcrebinl ma. [Case. | Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. s., v, 145-148.—.\el- isan (J. M.) On the employment of oil of turpentine in large doses in the treatment of purpura hamon hagira. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1845, xxviii, 189-191. — ."Vcwhaui ll.) Gallic acid in purpura haemorrhagica. Lam it. Lontl., 1859, ii, 665— IVicholl (W.) Sketch of two cases of pur- pura haemorrhagica. treated successfully by oil of turpen- tine. Lond. M. Reposit., 1821, xvi, 18-20.— \orloii (J.F.) Cases of purpura haemorrhagicae and ha mateiue sis. suc- cessfully treated with large and repeated doses of turpen- tine, "thecommercial spirits". Buffalo M. e!t S. J., 1866-7, vi, 268-270. — iVyssens. Purpura lnemorrhagica; acci- dents graves : intei miltence ; perchlorure de fer et sulfate de quinine; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1804. xxxvii, 103.—Pa I umbo (S.) Un caso di morbo maculoso del Werlhof curato con le iniezioni ipmlt imiche di ergotina. Movimento, Napoli, 1874, vi, 550-558. — Furry (C. H.) PURPURA. 877 PURPUKA. P ii pp ii ra (Treatment of). Observations on the utility of venesection in purpura. Ediub. M. & S. J., 1809, y, 7-9. — Patteson (S.) On pur- pura haemorrhagica aud its treatment by the oil of turpen- tine. Virginia M. efc S. J., Richmond, 1853-4, ii, 482-485.— Phillips (S. B.) Remarks ou purpura ; with a case suc- cessfully treated with iodide of potassium. Boston M. efc S. J., 1845, xxxii, 237-240.—Pize. Emploi du perchlorure de fer dans le traitement du purpura luemorrbagica, et de son action sedative sur le cceur. [Rap. de Devergie.l Bull. Acad, de iu6d., Par., 1859-60, xxv, 686-698. [Discussion], 719; 733; 748; 760; 807 ; 828; 905 ; 957 ; 990; 1002.—Pons. Observations de purpura hemorrhagica dans lequel l'em- ploi du perchlorure tie fern'apuempecheruuetermiiiaisou funeste. Union m6d., Par., 1860, n. s., vii, 488-490.—Pou- let (V.) Traitement du purpura hemorragica par le ni- trate d argent. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1889, cxvi, 453-459— Bobinson (W. L.) efc Skinner (H.) Prelim- inary report of a series of cases of purpura treated by gase- ous enemata, with report of cases treated by other' meth- ods. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 167- 169.— Sogers (W. K.) Purpura haemorrhagica treated by ergot aud tinct. ferri pet chloride. Richmond efc Louis- ville M. J., Louisville. 1»78, xxv, 588-590.—Sabatier (J.- C.) Considerations therapeutiques sur le purpura et son traitement. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1834, vii, 105- 111.—Sassier (E.) Observation de purpura hemorrhagica tres grave traitee avec succes par l'emploi du perchlorure de fer. Union med., Par., 1860.n. s., vii, 324.—Shand (J. C.) Purpura haemorrhagica antl its treatment by astring- ents and faradisation. Laucet, Lond., 1879, ii, 79.—Smith (T.) Transfusion of blood in case of purpura. Ibid., 1873, i, 837. — Sontllet. Purpura; emploi du perchlorure de fer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I860, xxxiii, 554. — [Treat- ment of purpura.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 503.— (J I rich. Auszug aus einem Schreiben des Dr. Ulrich in Hiltlesheim au den Herrn . . . Dr. Briiekmann in Braun- schweig, vom Jahre 1759, den Nutzen der ant iphlogistischen Methode und derUmschlage von kaltein Wasser in Fleck- und Fneselflehein betrettend. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl, 1812, i, 382-388—Waugh (W. F.) Hydroohlorate of cocaine in purpura liamiorrhagiea. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 380.— Whalley (W.) Case of purpura, readily yielding; to gallic acitl and mercury. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 585. — Whitwell (F.) Cases in which creosote was employed as a remedy in purpura. Ibid., 1842-3, i, 711.— Willis ( G. ) Case of puipura haemorrhagica, treated hy turpentine. Assoc M. J., Loud., 1854, i, 110.—Wood (.1.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica, treated with purga- tives. Tr. M. efc Phys. Soe-. Bengal, Calcutta, 1838-40, 47.—Wood (J.) Caseof puipura haemorrhagica, success- fully treated with tincture of the muriate of iron. Med. Tiuies efc Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 501.—Zallones (J. A.) Ilepi tt)s ano tov VTr€p\\u)pov\ov trieSijpou eoe^eAec'exs 7rpbe; rr}V aip.oppa-yt.tci)!' vooov to0 Ovepkotpiov. 'IaTpiK?) 'Er)p.., 'A#r)i>ai, 1859-60, ii, 185-187- Also, transl.: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1861, 3. s., xvi, 424. —Kam. Observation de purpura hemorrha- gica traite avec succes par le perchlorure de fer. Union metl, Par., 1860, n. s., vii, 56-58. Purpura (Urine in). Heller (J. F.) Ham bei Morbus maculosus Werlhofli. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1844, i, 12-14. — -Vlartin (A.) Ueber die chemische Constitu- tion des Harns bei. der Werlhof'schen Krankheit. Ibid., 1845, ii, 24-26. Also: N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1845, i, 1-7. Purpura in animals. Adam (T.) Zwei Falle von Blutfleckenkranklieit hei Pferden. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Augsburg, 1887, xxxi, 317-321.—Contamine (J.-M.) Du purpura hsBmorrhagica (du pourpre hemorrhagique) chez les ani- maux domestiques. Ann. de m6d. v6t., Brux., 1874, xxiii, 129-140.—Walker (F.) Purpura haemorrhagica, with protrusion of eyeballs, iu a horse Vet. J. efc Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1889, xxix, 73— Zschokke (E.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier Bhitticckenkraiikheit. Schweiz. Arch. f. Thierh., Zurich, 1888, xxx, 179-195. Also, transl: J. Comp. Path, efc Therap., Edinb. efc Lond., 1889, ii, 21-30. Purpura in children. See, also, Purpura (Rheumatic). de Lixgkx (J. H.) * De quinque neonatorum niorhis notatu dignis. 4°. Berolini, [1828]. MistarleT (L.) * Quelques cas de purpura chez les enfauts. 4°. Paris, 1876. Voisine (C.) * Contribution a l'6tude des ecehyinoses cutanees, consecutives aux maladies tie la inoelle; uu cas de purpura cons6cutifa la paralysie infantile. 4°. Paris, 1889. Appenrodt. Zwei Falle von Morbus maculosus Werlhofli im ersten Lebensjahre. Deutsche metl. Wchn- schr., Berl, 1876, ii, 463.—Brown (Elizabeth S.) Con- genital purpura in a newborn child. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1885, xviii, 1048-1050.—Butler. [Case of purpura haemor- Purpura in children. rhagica occurring in a nursing child six months old. J Buf- falo M. J., 1858-9, xiv, 592—Case of purpura hemor- rhagica in au infant. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1856-7, iv, 297.—Charon (E.) Purpura foudroyant, d'une forme aiioi male, observe chez uu enfant de trois aus. J. de m6d. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1883, lxxvii, 113-122. —Dalzicl. Puipura neonatorum. Glasgow M. J., 1889. [5. s.], xxxii, 65-—Oanet. Purpuraheniorrhagicasuivid'heruorrhagitis intestiuales graves chez uu enfant de cinq ans; guerison. Rec. d. proc-verb. . . . Soc de med. prat.. Par., 1867, 20-23.— 1)ohni. Eiu Fall von Morbus maculosus Werlhofii, iiber- tragen von tier Mutter auf die Frucht. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl., 1873-4, vi, 486.—Gibbons (R. A.) Acute purpura haemorrhagica in a child. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i. 2-5. — Oiovaiinini (S.) Di una porpora emorragica infanciullo affetto da tosse convulsiva. Bull. d. sc. tied. di Bologna, 1882, 6. s , x, 219-242. —Green ( P. H.) I'ur- pura in children. Lancet, Loud., 1837-8. i, 26-28.—Orotz- ner. Ueber einen Fall von Peliosis infantilis atro- phica. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl, 1860. xxxviii, 157. — Hallopcau. Purpura he- morrhagique chez un enfant. Ami. tie dermat. et syph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 325— limning. Kiu Morbus macu- losus Werlhofii hei einem sechsjahrigen Knaben. J.d. pract. Heilk.. Berl, 1803, 2. R. xvi, 1. St., 141-149.— Henoch. Einige Falle vou Purpura rheumatica in kindlichem Alter. Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1867-8), 1871. ii. 20. — Herve. (P.) Purpura foudroyant chez une enfant de trois mois; pas d'h6niorrhagies' par les niuqueuses Rev. mens. d. mai. de l'enf., Par., 1888, vi, 170-172.— Herzog (J.) Ein Fall vou Morbus macu- losus Werlhofii bei eiuem 4J Jahre alten Knaben Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1884-5, vi, 351-365.— Hodges. Purpura haemorrhagica in children. Boston M. efc S. J., 1857-8, Ivii, 221—Huston (It. M.) Caseof purpura in au infant, attended with extraordinary symptoms. N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1826, ii, 24-26— Joh an nessen (A.) Morbus maculosus Werlhofli hos et 3 Ars gamim-lt l;arn efter Fori bet af Maesliuger. Norsk Mag. f. La?ge\ iileusk., Christiania, 1881, xiv, 284-302.— I.aiiiieuii (C. B.) A case of purpura husniorihagica in a child of two and a half years. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv. 245-240—Lewis (S.) Notes on purpura amongst the children of tbe poorer classes in Liverpool. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 375. Also, Reprint.—Novell! (L.) Esautema emorragico in bambino dimesisei; storia clinica. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1877, 4. s., viii, 123-1^5.—Peau. Purpura baeniorrhagica con- genital ; apoplexie, du thymus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 375-378.—Petit. Purpurad6veloppe pendant la vie in tra-uterine ; accouchement a sept mois. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1872, 2. s., xii, 363-365. -Priestley (W. O.) Abstract of a clinical lecture on a case of purpura, followed by convulsions, in a young child. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1871, ii, 753.—Purpura hemorrhagica, ou etat chloro-an6mique chez uu enfant: iuefflcacite du traitement tonique simple ; varioloide intercurrente; disparition momentanee des taches de pourpre, puisr6apparition ; hons et rapides effets du perchlorure tie fer. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par.. 1863, lxv, 180-182— Quinlan (J. P.) A case of purpura haemorrhagica, commencing at four years of age and end- ing fatally by haemorrhage from the uterus on the occasion of first menstruation. Med. Press, Dubl, 1865, liv, 521. Also: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1866, ii, 276.—Sinclair. Purpura hemorrhagica in a new-born child. Boston M. efc S. J., 1873, lxxxviii, 295-297—Smith (G. T.) Purpura haemorrhagica in children. Edinb. M. J., 1865-6, xi, 1123.— Smith (L.) Presented to New York Pathological Spciety a specimen of purpuia haemorrhagica occurring in infant. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1872,vii, 452—Thevenol. Purpura he- morrhagica chez un enfant de trois aus et demi; traitement par les astringents et les toniques ; gu6rison. Cliu. d. hop. tl. enf., Par., 1844, iii, 65-70.—Warden (C. J. XV.) Pur- pura haemorrhagica; dry gangrene of both feet iu a child ; death. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 71. —Water- house (F) Mechanical injuries in a case of congenital purpura. Brit. M. J., Lontl, 1870, i, 128.—Williams (XV.) The alleged occurrence of purpura in children. Ibid., 1874, i, 512.— Willshtre. Haemorrhagic purpura in a boy. Lancet, Lond.. I860, i, 294.—Zuelchaur. Zwei Falle von sehr schnell todtender Werlhof'scher Krankheit bei Kindern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 176. Purpura in pregnancy. Araxd (F.) *De purpura puerperarum. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1765]. Dircks-Dilly (G.) * Etude stir le purpura haeuiorrhagica chez l'enfant. 4°. Paris, 1S?S. Evenius (J. G.) *De purpura puerperaruin, Von dem Friesel der Kindbetterinuen. sm. 4°. [Erfurt], 1711. Hartmann (C. J.) * De purpura puerperarum. 4°. Argentorati, [1779]. Also, transl. in: N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz., 1788, xx, 83-130. riTHPTTRA. 878 PUKPUIIA. Pu rpnra in pregnancy. Stkcii (C. H.) *De purpura puerperarum. t . Erfordice, [17'20]. Bariies (R.) Case of fever in a pregnant woman, marked by extensive^ purpuric effusion in the skin. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1869, ii, 383.—Byrne (J. A.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica preceding and following labor. Ibid., 383.— Fernandezy Domingo (I).) Purpuray pinfigoagudo; aborto; tenninacion por la muerte. Siglo med., Madrid, 1868, xv, 601-603.—CJ razz in i (G.) Porpora emorragica in donna gestante ; guarigione con 1' aiuministrazioue ipo- dermicadel citrate di ferro ; parto ilistocico per procidenza del cordone ombellicale; feto salvo; puerperio regolare. Ann. di ostet,, Milano, 1886, viii, 485-490.—Phillips (J.) Pregnancy, complicated by purpura haemorrhagica. Brit. M. .?., Lond., 1886, ii. 920— Puech (A.) Du purpura he- morrhagica 6tudi6 au point de vue de ses rapports avec la menstruation et la grossesse. Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1881, xvi, 265-278. Purpura (Iodic). Sf chronic rheumatism with purpura. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 453.—French (G. F.) A case of peliosis rheu- matica. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1874-6, v, 98.—Gi- bert. Note sur deux cas de rhumatisme petechial. Rev. mens, de m6d. et chir., Par.. 1877, i, 870-875. — Oilchenko (N.) Peliosis rheumatica, a. purpura rheumatica. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxix, 3-22.—<»rushetski. Sluchai peliosis rheumatica. Russk. Metl. St. Petersb., 1885, x, 838.—Grynfeltt (J.) Peliose rhumatismale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel, 1888, x, 301; 457.—Haas (H.) Pe- liosis rheumatica. Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1876, cxxx, 133.—Hakansson (A ) Anmarkningsvardtfallaf purpura rheumatica. Eira, Goteborg, 1879, iii, 725-728.— Ilaiilann; (W. A.) Peliosis rheumatica. St. Louis M. ,fc S. J., 1a72, ix, 126-128.—Hebra. Case of the set-eialled peliosis rheumatica. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 378.—He- noch. Ueber Purpura rheumatica hei Kindern. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 563.—Hornunsr (A. M.) Morbus maculosus Werlhofli et arthritis atonica. [Case.] Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1835, n. F., ix, 535- 537.—Japhet. Du purpura haemorrhagica de nature rhn niatismale. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1860, xxxiii, 91.—Jex- B lake (Sophia). Twocasesof peliosis rheumatica. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1884, n. 8., xxxvii, 6.—Kaltcnbach. Purpura (Rheumatic). Ueber den Fieberverlauf bei Peliosis rheumatica. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1872-3. n. F., vi, 30-3*. 1 pl. — Kie- mann. Purpura rheumatica; nephritis paiencliviiiatosa diffusa; pneumonia catarrhalis duplex seq. pleurit.: Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 347-349—Kin nie u II (F. P.) Peliosis rheu- matica (purpura rheumatica). Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1874-5, i, 193-204.—Konstantinovski (M. V.) Purpura rheumatica scorbutica. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. mod. Obsh., Tiflis, 1885, xxii, 44-48— Korytin (P. S.) Sluch. peliosis rheumaticae. Voyenno-san. dielo, St Petersb., 1*87, vii, 372; 382. — leajfHi'ilcrc. Rhumatisme et pur- pura hemorrhagique. Medeciu, Par., 1883, ix, no. 7.— Lnnge. Peliosis rheumatica mit tiitltlielieni Ausgang. Deutsche' Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1882, iii, 85. —I,nub (H.) Til- faehle af haemorrhagisk Rheuinatisme. Hosp.-Tid., Kje- benh., 1869, xii, 125:129.—Legg (J. W.) A caseof rheu- matic purpura, with notes. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.. Loud., 1883, xix, 177-196.—l.iveing (11) Remarks on rheumatic purpura. Lancet. Lontl, 1877, ii, 307-309.—leiiweii. slauim. Zur Peliosis rheumatica. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, xi, 218. — tlatOonald (G. C.) A case of purpura rheumatica. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 772.— Mackenzie (S.) Peliosis rheumatica. Ibid., 1882, i, 441.—lYIcIVnught (>f.) Peliosis rheumatica. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, i, 575. — ITlailer. Purpura rheumatica mit ungewohnlichen Erscheinuucen. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 315. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 3. -----. Ungewohnliche Form von recidivirender Purpura rheu- matica. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1881), 1882, 398.—Madsen (S.) Purpura rheu- matica; Skorhut. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1885, xv, 341-352. —lTIagrane (V. J.) Three cases of purpura rheumatica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 127.—IVIajocchi (D.) Contribuzione aliapatogenesi della peliosi reumatica. Gazz. metl. di Roma, 1876, ii, 101-108.— lVIarchevski. Sluchai peliosis rheumaticae. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, x, 492. — ITIarchiafava (G.) Sopra un caso di peliosi reumatica. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1877, iii, 121-124.—fiercer (M. C.) Purpura rheumatica. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1884, 39-41.—itlolson (W. A.) Case of rheumatic purpura. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1880-81. ix, 333-337.—Nunez (J. E.) De la pe- li6sis 6 purpura reumatica. Gac. m6d. dela Habana, 1880- 81, iii, 202-205.—Osier (W.) On a form of purpura asso- ciated with articular, gastro-intestinal, and renal symp- toms. N. York M J., 1888, xlviii, 675-677. Also, Reprint.— Paul (C.) Contribution a I'histoire du rhumatisme; de deux vari6t6s de rhumatisme hemorrhagique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1864, ii, 676-688.—Pelliosis, oder Purpura rheumatica (Schonlein). Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. Bezirks- Krankenh. Wieden 1855, Wien, 1857, 29. — Perroud. Note sur le rhumatisme hemorrhagique. [3 obs.] .vi6m. et compt.-reud. Soc. tl. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1866), 1867, vi, 54-70.—Pollak (L.) A csiizos tarjagi-61, kiilonos tekin- tettel annak itlegk6rtanieredet6re. [Peliosis rheumatica, especially with regard to its nervous origin.] Orvosi he- til., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 588; 617. Also, transl: Pest. med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1883, xix, 649.—Pollak (M.) Purpura rheumatica multiformis, begleitet von acuten multiplen Gelenksschwellungen. Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1878, xiii, 205.—Biihring. Ein Pall vou Peliosis rheumatica bei eineni Kinde. Berl. klip. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 373-375.—Koskam. Purpura haemorrhagica; phe- nomenes gastro-in test inaux; douleurs rhuinatoteles. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Li6ge, 1888. xxvii, 181-185.—Sadler. Caseof rheumatic purpura; remarks. Med Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 608— Schmitt (A.) Ueber Peliosis rheu- matica der Kinder. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1860, v, 45.— Schwarz (A.) Zwei Falle von Purpura rheumatica, komplizirt durch akute Aorteniusuffi/.ieuz. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 991-994.—Shastui (A. I.) Pelio- sis rheumatica, s. purpura rheumatica. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, x, 835; 861— Won they (R.) Cases of pur- pura rheumatica, or haemorrhagic rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 6.—Steven (J. L.) Case of purpura rheu- matica (peliosis rheumatica). Glasgow M. J., 1883, xx, 61.—Taylor (W. T.) Case of peliosis rheumatica. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1876, xiv, 333-336.—Tokarrnko (V.) Sluch. peliosis rheumatica. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 556-559.—Traube (L.) Peliosis rheumatica mit todtlichem Ausgange. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Phv- siol. Berl, 1871, ii, pt. 2, 760-764.—Trend (H. G.) A cake of purpura rheumatica. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1876, ix, 74- 77.—Vallin. Note sur le rhumatisme compliqu6 de pur pura. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1863, 3. 8., xxxiv, 735-739.— Vi- dal (E. C.) Peliosis rheumatica. J. Cutan. efe Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1885, iii, 7.—Vincent. Rhumatisme articulaire aigu avec purpura. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1867-8, v, 30-36.—Vogel (L. P. H.) De arthritidis vagae et purpuras connubio observatio, oder von ilem mit lauffendem Glietler- Reissen vergesellschaffteten Friesel. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1723, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxiv, 681- 684. — Walker. Kepeated attacks of acute rheumatism; puipura; effusion into scrotum; recovery. Clin. Lect. efc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1866, iii, 187-190. PUKPURA. 879 PUS. Purpura (Syphilitic). Hartmann (H.) Syphilis et purpura. France med., Par 1884, ii, 999-1005.—Jones (J. H.) Purpura haemor- rhagica syphilitica occurring in an infant four days old ; death Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 956.—I.ee (H.) Remark- able case of purpura haemorrhagica, following syphilitic caries of the bones of the nose. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1865, i 266 — Less (J- W.) Purpura following syphilis. Tr. Path Soc. Lond , 1884-5, xxxvi, 479-487, 1 pl Also [Ab- str]- Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 734. — Mackenzie (S.) Syphilitic and iodic purpura; with a case of fatal purpura following the administration of a single dose of ioditle of potassium. Med. Times . Also, Co-Editor of: Echo (L') medical, Neuch&tel (en Suisse), 1859-61. See, also, Cornaz (Ch. - Auji.-Edouard). L'6cole de medecine de Besancon. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1858.] Pury (Heuricus). *De fontis pharmaceutic! praestantia. 16 pp. 4°. Basilew, typ. J. B. Deckeri, [1763]. Pus. See, also, Abscess; Granulations; Inflam- mation; Mucus; Pyin; Suppuration. Barker (G.) *De noxis, quas sua gravitate tlesceudeus materia purulenta aliquando in cor- pore humano exserit. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1794. a Bock (G.) *Depure. 8°. Dorpati Livono- rum, 1848. Braun (F. B.) *Der Eiter in physikalischer, chemischer und physiologischer Beziehung. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Kitzingen, 1841. Crevec(EUR(J. F.) * De diagnosi puris. 1793. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 387-395. Darwin (C.) Experiments establishing a cri- terion between uiueaginou.s and purulent matter. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1778i] -----. The same. 8°. Lichfield, 1780. Daucher(G L.) * Diss, sistens momenta quse- dam circa variam puris indolem in variis corpo- ris humani partibus suppuratis. 4°. Wireeburgi, 1804. Delore (X.) * Quelques recherches sur le pus. 4°. Paris, 1854. Eickma (G. L-) * Nonnulla de pure ejusque metastasi. [Leiden.] 8°. Roterodami, 1*56. Fischer (T. A. F.) * Nonnulla de puris indole ejusque a pituita discernendi methodis. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1836. Franck (J. L.) *De pure vero. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1762]. Grashuis (J.) Verhandeling van de etter- wording, welke met den prys, door de koninglyke Akademie der Heelkonst te Parys voor het jaar 1746 voorgesteld, beschonken is. 8°. te Amster- dam, 1747. Text Latin and Dutch. Gruithuisen ( F. von P. ) Naturhistorische Untersuchungen fiber den Unterschied zwischen PUS. 880 PUS. Ph*. Eiter und Schleim durch das Mikroskop. 4°. Miinchen, 1809. Gui terbock (L.) *De pure et granulatione. 4°. Berlin, lrvS7. -----=-. The same. 4°. ZijisiVu, [1837]. Ateo, transl. in: Experience, Par., 1837-8, i, 385-398. Home (E.) Abhandlung von deu Eigenschaf- ten ties Eiters; eine Beantwortung der von dem Lycco medico fiir das Jahr 1788 aufgegebenen Preisfrage, welche den Preis erhielt. Aus dem Englischen. 16°. Quedlinburg, 1789. Kornmesser (F.-C.) * Recherches chimiques sur la nature et les qualit6s du pus. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1806. Mksserschmidt (F. G.) *De pure et sanic s°. Lipsiw, [1842]. Muller (II.) * Beitriige zur Morphologie des ChvliiN nnd Eiters. ,-T. Wiirzburg, 1847). Also, in: Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1845, iii, 204-278, lpl. Pra.maxn (A.) *De puris indole et genesi. 8-'. Berolini, 1828. Rexxecke (A.) * Ueber Eiterzellen. 8°. Rostock, 1866. Salmuth (J. C. 11.) *De diagnosi puris. 4°. Gottingw, 17H3. Wood (H.) *De puris natura atque forma- tione. 4°. Berolini, 1837. Addison (W.) On the transformation of pus cells into a luueous or fibrous tissue. Lond. M. fiaz., 1844, xxxiv, 650; 690; 725: 1844-5. xxxv. 69; 250— A in ill (R.) Ueher eine beaehtt nswirtlie Art des Zrrfnllrs von Eiterkdr- perchon. Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1876, xiii, 260-262. — AmcIk'I'moii. .Mii'i-tiM'tipische Untersiirhung des Eiter- ]ii-oi)fs. \\t Imse hi. I. el. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1837, 729-732.— A tli in mom (W.) The origin of pus. J. Am. M. Asa., Chicago. 18W), xiii, 370-376.—BnllancetC. A.) Remarks on obsolete pus. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, n. s., xvi, 185-193.—Beale (L. S.) Dr. Hughes Bennett's strictures on the "tubercle" and "pvsemia" discussions. Brit. M..I..Lond., 1874, i, 378. Also: ibid., 414.—Berard (P. H.) Piis.pyogenie. Diet, denied., 2.6d., Par., 1842, xxvi, 411-507.—Bihot (L.) Del'analysetiti pus, comme element de diagnostic. Arch, beiges denied, mil., Brux., 1851, viii, 320-340.—Bird (G.) Researches into the chemical nature of mucous ami purulent secretions. Guy'a Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1838, iii, 35-;i9. — Itiz/oztio (G.) Anatomia pa- tologica; sulla prodii/ione entlogina tli cellule purulenti. R. Ist. Lomb. tli sc. e lett. Rendic Milano, 1871, 2. s., iv, 34-37. Also: (Jazz. nied. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1871, 6. s., iv, 62. ------. Saggio di studio sulla cost detta endogonesi del pus. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1872, 6. s. v, 33-38.— Bordcker. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenulniss drs Eiters. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3. R., vii, 145- 149.—Bonnet. Memoire sur la Composition et l'absorp- tion du pus. Gaz. med.de Par., 1837. 2. s., v, 593-602. Also, transl. : Loud. M. Gaz., 1837-8, xxi, 408; 440; 489.__ Brieger (L.) TJeber einige Bestandtheile des jauchigen Eiters ties Menschen. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1881, v, 366-369. — Briicke (E.) Van Deen's Blutprohe und Vitali's Eiterprobe. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1889, xcviii, 128-142.— ile < asteluan. Rapport sur les observations micro- scopiques du docteur Lebert sur le pus et les tissus tuber- culeux et encephaloide. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 140-150. — t'loqnet (J.) De l'action tlu pus sur les parties avec lesquelles il est en contact. Bull. Acatl. de nrnd., Par., 1836-[7], i, 451. — Curtis (L.) What pus is not. Med. Exam., Chit-ago, 1874, xv, 165-167. — Da vy (J.) Observations on pus. In his: Researches Phys ..V Vnat 8°, Lond., 1839, ii, 462-180.— Donne (A.) Memoire sur les caracteres distinctifs du pus, et Its moyens de recon- uaitre la presence de ce liquide dans les diff6rens Unities auxquels il se trouve ni61ange, pai-tii-uliereiiient dans le sang; suivi d'experiences nouvelles relatives a Taction du pus sur le sang. Arch. gen. de metl. I'ar.. 1836, 2. s., xi 443-470. Also. Reprint.—Durand-Fardel. Pus. Diet' d. diet, de ni6d. (Suppl), Par., 1851, 669-674.—CJarlandi (Peculiar movements observed in the pus cells of a speci- men of urine.) Boston M. efe S. J., 1879, c, 331. — Gibb (G. D.) On the presence of sugar in pus. Canada M. J Montreal, 1852-3, i, 4-6. — de Giovanni (A.) Alcune osservazioni microscopiche sopra il sangue, il muco ed il pus. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1870, 6. s., iii, 313- 316. Also, Reprint. — ~-urg. Mar. Hosp. 1884-5, Wash., 1885, 123.—Asson (M A.) Breve rela- zione dei risultanionti delle inoculazioni praticate sui coni- gli col sangue di P. Raffael, 1' ultimo de' tre morte di pus- tula maligna, de' quali espose la storia il Dott. P. Callagari. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1857, 2. s., x, 404-414.— Ayres (E. D.) Malignant pustule. N. York J. M., 1854, n. s., xiii, 239.—B. Deux observations de pustule maligne. Ann. de la tueu. physiol. Par., 1826, x, 238-242.—Ba- bauit. De la pustule maligne et de son diagnostic diffe- rentiel avec l'cedeme gansr6neux. Union m6d., Par., 1858, xii. 11.—Bnbicra Marti (T.) Pustula maligna. Gac. del. hosp., Valencia, 1884, iii, 200; 226.—Baldridge (J. H.) Malignant pustule,vel carbuncle, charbon, anthrax, prevailing as an epidemic in the parishes of St. Mary and Vermillion, La. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1851-2, viii, 200-204.— Barberini (B.) Contribuzione alia cura della pustola maligna. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1884, 4. s., xxii, 197- 199.—Barez. Schwarze Blatter ohne Milzbrandanste- ckung entstanden. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1836, 33-42.—Barozzi (P.) Due casi di pustola maligna curati nell' ospedalo civicodi Pavia. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Mi- lano, 1867, iv, 175-182.—Bartels (M.) Milzbrand beim Menschen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvi, 514-517. Also, Reprint.—von Basedow. Die schwarze Pocke. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1825, vii, 185-209. -----. Fernere Beobachtungen iiber die Pustula maligna und das Verhalten derselben zur unumschriebenen geimpften Zell- gewebe-Entziindung. Ibid., 1828, xii, 549-573. -----. Pustula maligna. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1851, 589-591.—Batut (N.) Quelques mots sur le charbon, et sur le developpement et les effets constitutionnels de la gangrene chez Ihomme et chez I'animal herbivore. Mont- pel. med., 1863, xi, 537-543.—Baudet. De la pustule ma- ligne. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 238; 252. Also: Therap. contemp., Par., 1882, ii 113-121.—Bauer. Pus- tula maligna bei einem kraftigen Vierziger. Med. Ann., Heidelb.. 1842 viii, 623.—Becker. Schwarze Blatter. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvii, 581-589.—Beigel (H.) Zwei Falle von Milzbrand ; Heilung. (Ist gekochtes Fleisch, das von Thieren herriihrt, die dem Milzbrande erlegen sind, ansteckungsfahig?) Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1859, xi, 143.—Bell (A. N.) Malignant pustule. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 192. -----. Malignant pustule in the United States. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1862, 261-283. Also, Reprint.—Bell (J.) Case of malignant pustule rapidly fatal; with a note on the symptoms and pathology of the disease in animals and man. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xxi, 437-439.—Bendel(S.) Pustula maligna. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi,249.—Bcnet (V.) Un cas de pustule maligne compliqu6edet6tanos. Marseille rntsd., 1882, xix, 99-105.— Bennett (G.) Case of malignant pustule. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1872, ii, 108-110. —Bienfait. Pustule maligne. Bull. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1873, xii, 154.— Blandin. Pustule maligna chez un ouvrier peaussier; cauterisations successives avec le nitrate de mercure liquide. le fer et le muriate d'antimoine liquide. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 359.—Blandin (F.) Pustule maligne. J. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1829, iv, 417-420.—Blick. Ansichten ties Dr. Blick iu Schwauebeck: Ueber Pustula maligna; mitgetheilt von Wacker. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1853, vii, 416.—Bottger. Pustula maligna. Ibid., 1852, vi, 456.—Boi not. Rapport sur un m6moire de M. Putegnat (de Lun6ville), sur le charbon et la pustule maligne, lu k la Societe de chirurgie, dans la s6ance du 30 mai 1860. Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1860, ii, 570; 586.—Bollinger (O.) Ueber dieMilzbrand- seuche in den baierischen Alpen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiv, 269-290.—Bompaire. Note sur un casde pustule maligne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 203.—Bonfanti (G.) Brevi cenni sul morbo carboncolare delle bestie comunicato all' uomo. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1846, v, 46-48.—Bonnet (M.) Observations de pustule maligne et de gangrene de l'estomac. J. hebd. de m6d., Par 1830, viii, 119-123.-Booth (Z. S.) Malignant pus- tule. Boston M. efe S. J., 1869, ii, 215— Borlslieber (L.) Ueber eine Art Pustula maligna. Wien. rued. Presse, 1870, PUSTULE. 884 PUSTULE. P11 * 1 ll I e (Ma lignant). xi, 145; 169.—Boudant. Pustule maligne k l'avant-braa droit; gangrene; amputation; resorption du pus; mort. Bull. Sot', anat. de Par., 1829, iii, 79-85.— Bourgeois (J.) Memoire sur la pustule maligne, specialement stir celle qu'on observe dans la Beauce. Arch. gCn. tie 11161L, Par., 1843, i, 172; 334. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, ii, 11-26. ------. Sur l'importance d'une nomencla- ture fixe pour designer les tliverses suites d'anthrax et la pustule maligne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 442 ; 450. ------. Note sur un cas de pustule maligne mortelle debu- tant par uu bouton purulent. Cong. med. de France 1865, Par., 1866, iii, 307-311. — Bouygues(L.) Pustule maligne; ses ravages; guerison. J. de nied., chir. et pharm.de Toulouse, 1852, 2. s., iv^ 41-44.—Boza (R. D.) Pustula maligna o picada tie arana; curacion. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. 1877. vi. 180.—Brebant. Pustule ma- ligne. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1882, vi, 90-94.—Broca. Sur deux eas de pustule maligne au point de vue tie contagion. Bull. Acad, tie nied.. Par., 1868, xxxiii, 368-372. — Brockmiiller, jr. Pustula maligna. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1834. Koblenz, 1837, 127.— Brotel. Observation depustulemaliLine. Bnll.Acad.de med., Par.. 1842-3, viii, 611. — Briicke. Ueber Pustula maligna. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1847, i, 711-720—Bryant (T.) A case of charbon. or malignant pustule. Tr.'Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3. xxxiv, 293, 2 pl.— Bnecriu*. Pustula maligna. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1842. Koblenz, 1845, 126. —Buck (W E.) Case of recovery from malignant pustule. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 15.—Budd (\V.) Observations on the occurrence of malignant pustule in England ; illustrated by numerous fatal cases. Ibid., 1863, i, 85; 110; 159; 237; 316; 557. Also, Repiint.—Bn»i (C.) Delcarbonchio animale, dell'angina carbouchiosa e della pttslola. Kai't-oglitore metl. di Fano, 1850, 2. s., xiv, 42,"); 46.").—Cadt'iic. Cinq observations de pustule maligne. Gaz. tl. Imp. tie Toulouse, 1888, ii, .">7; 65.— falderon (L. J.) Un caso de pustula maligna. Siglo 11111I., Math-ill, 1876, xxiii, 374.—Callagari (P.) Sopra tre casi di pustula maligna, (iior. venctoili se. med., Vene- zia, 1857, 2. s., x, 214-235.—Cnniili (C.) Edema carbou- ebioso ? Bull d. sc. med. di Bologua, 1871, 5. s., xii, 66.— C'ai'iiMKiiM (A.) Observation dim cas lemarquable de pustule maligne. Gaz. med. de Montpel , 1844-5, v, 73.— Cnrganieo. Von den Uebertragungendes Milzhrand- giftes auf Menscheii, und die dadurch entstuhenden Krank- heitsformeu. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, xliv, 387- 469. — Carmoy. Considerations sur l'eruption cutan6e connue en Bourgogne sous le nom de puce maligne. Ann. cliu., Montpel , 1810, xxi, 379-386.—Carrillo y lTIurcia (B.) Piistula maligna en el cuarto periodo de su desar- rollo; curacion. Jurado nied.-farin., Madrid, 1880-81, i, 243.—Casini (A.) Carbonchio e pustula maligna. Movi- mento, Napoli, 1880, 2. s.. ii, 28; 100; 134; 225— Celli (A.) La pustola maligna nell' Agio roiuano. Bull. d. r. Accad. nied. di Roma, 1888-9, x, 271-279. Also: Bull. d. Coin, speej. tl' ig. d. municip. eli Roma, 1889, x, 219-225.— Clieliu* (M. J.) Pustula maligna. Metl. Ann., Heidelb., 18:i.">. lno-lll.—Chevallier. .Sur Its affections charbon- neuses. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1845, xxxiii, 216-220. [See, also, supra, Leuret (F. L.)] — Colin (G.) Sur le deve- loppement successif de foyers virulents pendant la periode d'incubation des maladies charbonneuses. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par.. 1878, 2. s., vii, 199-214. Also: Monit. scient., Par., 1878. 3. s., viii, 371-390. ------. Charbon et virulence. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 220; 496. ------. Analyse experimentale de la pustule maligne et de l'oed6me charbonneux. Arch. v6t., Par., 1880, v, 593-609. Also, transl: Am. Vet. Rev., N. V., 1880-81. iv, 259; 362; 422. — Cornil (V.) La pustule maligne et le charbon. J. d. conn, metl. prat., Par., 1884, li, 33; 42. Also, in his: Lecons, etc., 8°, Par., 1884,41-59. Also: Rec. de metl. vet., Par., 1884, 6. s., xiii, 284-298. — Costa I let. Obsei vatiou de pustule maligne. J. hebd. de nied., Par., 1828, i, 51-55.—Cramer. Neue Fiille von Pustula nigra spontanea. We bust lir. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1838 485- 488. ------. Schwarze lUatter. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1817. xvi, 53-55.—Cramer (J. G.) Eiu Fallvon Pustula maligna. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1877, xxii, 500-504. Also : Med.- chir. Centr.-Bl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 112. — Cullerier Sc Bard. Pustule' maligne. Diet. tl. sc. med., Par., 1820, xlvi. 258-280.—Curtis (T. B.) Case of malignant oedema. Boston M. efe S. >L, 1874, xc, 253-257. — Daublcr. Klei- ner Beitrag zu den Erfahrungen iiber Pustula maligna. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode, 1841, i, pt. 4, 1-22.— Dana (I).) Cast; of malignant pustule. Boston M. efe S. J., 1858, lviii, 398. — DanietsM-ii (1). C.) Pustula ma- ligna. Norsk Mag. f. La'gevidensk., Christiania, 1849, 2. R., iii. 312-343. Also, Reprint. —Davaine. Note sur la pustule maligne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1868, xxxiii, 721. — Davics-Colley (J. N. C.) Notes of two cases of malignant pustule, toget her with a table of seventeen cases treated at, Guy's Hospital, with a report on the microscop- ical examination of sections of skin affected with malig- nant pustule, removed during life, by V. C. Turner. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1882, lxv, 237-256, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.] : Prnc. Kety. M. ..v. Chir. Soc. Loud., 1882, ix, no. 4, 177-179.— Deecs. Pustule maligne. Bull. Soc. med. tie Reims Pustule (Malignant). (1875). 1876, no. 14, 11.— Den nee. Des formes malignes du furuncle et de l'anthrax. Cong. med. tie France 18ti5, Par., 1866, iii, 251-266. Also : Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1866, 2. s., iii, 199.— Dcvers. M6moirc sur la pustule ma- ligne de cause interne et spoutanec. I'liion metl.. Par. 1864. 2. 8., xxi, 372: 390. Also: Bull. Site. metl. d'etnulat, de Par., 1867, n. s., i, 193-219. — Diaz Benito (J.) Ob- servacion de pustula maligna, reeogida por el que snsciilie en la sala seguiula del hospital militar tie Madrid. Porve- nir, Madrid, 1853, i, 146. — Diday (P.) Ou'i st-ce la pus- tule maligne '. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1864, xvi, 381-383.— Dierlii-b. Ueber Pustula maligna oder tlen von Thie- ren auf Menschen iibertragenen Milzbrand. Menmrahi- lien, Heilbr., 1860, v, 25. — Discussion sur le eharbon. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1859, ix, 94-97. — Dobry.yclii (H.) Czterdziesci jeden prz.ypadkow zakazVnia jaih m u a- glikowym (infectio carbunculosa, vulgo pustula maligna, Slilzbrand-Krankbeit) spostizigogauych. [41 eases.] Me- dycyna, Warszawa. 1876, iv. 1: 33; 49: 66.— Doyen. Pustule maligne grave; guerison. Bull. Soc. metl. tie Reims, 1868-9, vii, 48-57.— Drab e (J. .M.) Caseof malig- nat pustule occurring iu the Montreal General Hospital. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1804^5, i, 58. — Diimolard. Note sur la pustule maligne. Lyon m6d., 1879, xxxi 357: 1880, xxxiii, 39.—Duval (J. S.') Anthrax, or malignant pustule. Nashville J. M. .V S., 1855, viii, 374-380. — C.«l- m 11 nds (J.) Case of malignant pustule. Met). Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 107. Also: Med. Circ, Lontl., 1863, xxii, 95.—Ellis (J.J.) Case of suspected malignant pus- tule. Bostou M. efe S. J., 1859-60. lxi, 218-221). — Hlljson (J. Z.) A description of a tlisease called charbon, that prevails between the Sabine and Red rivers. West. J. M. ,v Phys. Sc, Cincin.. 1831, iv, 35-38. — Know (I). C.) Malignant pustule. N. Vork J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 65. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Kings 1858-64, N. Y. Tilla de Puerto- Real el ano 1815, con algunas reflexiones acerca de su na- turaleza y causas. Period. Soc. m6d.-quir. de C&diz, 1821, ii. 20-29.—lTIeplain (F.) .Nouveau fait d'eedfeme malin trait6 par la methode antivirulente (acide ph6nique k l'in- terieur et en injections hypodermiques). Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1875, 2. s., xii', 500-503.—ITIeyer. Section ei- ner am Milzbrand-Carbunkel verstorbener Frau. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. 1841, lviii, 288-314—i?IiIIot-Car- pentier. Tumeur charbonneuse de. l'index, gu6rie par les injections sous-c.utanei-s tie sublime.. Union med., Par., 1389, 3. s., xlviii, 728.— Tloflitt (F. XV.) Malignant pus- tule. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 511.—Moggi (G.) Tie casi di pustola maligna. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1886, Ivii, 256-260.—iVIontfils (A.-J.) Descripcion d'uue ma- ladie fr6quente, et connue en Bourgogne sous le nom de puce maligne. J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc. Par., 1776, xiv, 500-514.—Morales (R. E.) Pustula maligna; elimi- nacion de una estensa escara y gangrena de totla la piel y tegido celular de la parte anterior del cuello hasta las dos regiones claviculares, & los 20 dias; curacion por el caiis- tico, antiflogisticos, tonicos y otros medios. Bol. de nied., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1849, 3. s., iv, 131-133.—JTIorand (S.-F.) Histoire d'une maladie ttes-singuli6re arrivtie k deux bouchers de l'Hotel Royal des Invalides. [Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc, 1766. | In his: Opusc tie chir.. Par., 1772, pt. 2, 236-244. Also: Collect, acad. d. m6in., etc. Partie franc., Par. et Li6ge, 1787, xiv. 303-305.— lTIorrison (J. T. J.) On the so-called malignant pustule of external anthrax. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1887, xxii, 67; 116; 164.— IVIorse (J. F.) A case of probable recovery from malig- nant pustule. Pacific M. efe S. J., San Frau., 1882-3, xxv, 214.—ITlougeot. Pustule maligne. Monit. d. hop., I'ar., 1857, v, 956.—ITIoiii-Ioii. Pustule maligne; gangrene des teguments de l'avant-bras et du bras : dissection des vais- seaux, nerfs et muscles; desarticulation de l'6paule par le procede Dupuytren; gufirison. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiii, 511-521.—Moutet (J.-F.) De la pustule maligne au double pointde vue du diagnostic et du traitement. Montpel. m6d., 1864, xii, 197; 332; 411. Also, in his: Mem. de med. et de chir., Par., 8°, 1864, 293- 404— IHiihlan. Pustula maligna. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837,126.—iUufiiz (M. A.) Pus- tula maligna. Cron. med., Lima, 1-886. iii, 169. — rVagy (M.) Fall von Pustula maligua mit, todtlichem Ausgange. 86 PUSTULE. PUSTULE. Pustule (Malignant). Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1866, vii, 20-22.—Nave. Ob- servation sur uno pustule gangreiieuse. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1809, xvii, 24-28.—IVelson (W.) Case occurring in practice; charbon. Canada M. Rec, Mont- real, 1872-3, i, 148— Nichols (A. H.) Charbon in Massa- chusetts. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1871, ii, 86.—Nied- zwiecki (P.) Przyczynek do leczenia czarnej krosty. [Pustula maligna; carbunculus contagiosus.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 545-551. — North (J.) A case of external anthrax or malignant pustule in the human sub- ject. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 1. — Noyes (J. F.) Malignant, pustule. Boston M. efe S. J., 1859-60, lxi, 358. — Oberstadt. Pustula maligna. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 59.—Observacion de una pustula maligna y de un carbunco idiop&tico. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1846, 3. s., i, 279; 287.— Oemler (H.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Milzbrand- frage. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1876, ii, 257-259 : 1877, iii, 97; 257.—Paget. Malignant pustule in England. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 195.— Pa lois. Observation de pustule maligne. J. de la sect. de nu tl. Soe. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1836, n. s., xii, 127.— Paolino (F.) Sulla patogenesi e cura della pustola ma- ligna e carbonchio. Morgagni, Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 824- 829.—Parsons (E.F.) Caseof malignant pustule. Proc. Counect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1888, n. s., iv, 174-179.—Peir- sou (A. L.) Malignant tubercle. Boston M. efe S. J., 1852-3, xlvii, 75-78.— Pennock (C. W.) On the malig- nant pustule; with cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836, xix, 13-25, 2 pl —P«trovski (N. A.) K etiologii sib- irskoi jazvi (pustula maligna) u cheloveka. [Etiology of pustula maligna in man.] Ejened. klin. gaz.. St. Petersb., 1883, iii, 225; 241. — Piccoli (G.) Sei pustule maligne sviluppatesi successivamente in cinque giorni al braccio dell' istesso individuo. Morgagni, Napoli, 1884, xxvi, 757- 762.—Pichancourt. Pustule maligne. Union ru6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 132-134. — Pichot. Observation de pustule maligne. Gaz.d. h6p., Par., 1857, xxx, 487. — Pitts (R. Z.) Report of two cases of malig- nant pustule. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 616.— Pi y Sutler (J.) Una pustula maligna. Arch, de la cirug., Barcel., 1877, i, 200-202. — Podbelski (A.J.) Sluch. kishech. formy sibirsk. jazvy. [Case of malignant intes- tinal pustule.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. g Kazani, 1887, xi, ^61-265. — Pomilio (F.) Contribuzione alia dottrina ed alia cura delle malattie carbonchiose. Morgagni, Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 841-852. — Pompe van iTIeertlervoort (1. L. C.) Beschrijving van eene kwaadaardige puist, Tijo genaamd, dikwerf in Japan voorkomende. [5 cases.] Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1865-6, iv, 349-362.—Ponti ((>.) Pustulas malignas. Encicl. m6d.- farm., Barcel, 1878, ii, 69. — Poradni. Czarna krosta (pustula maligna v. carbunculus polonicus). Pam. To- warz. Lek. Warszaw., 1848, xix, 25.— Pustula maligna. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1861), 1862, 110: (1866), 1867, 185. —Pntegnat. ConsitbSrations cliniques sur le charbon malin et la pustule maligne. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1860, xxxi, 3; 113.— Baimbert (L.-A.) Note sifr l'oedfeme matin. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1859, vi, 534-538. -----. Etude historique sur le charbon. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1867, 3. s., xxii, 20; 58; 105; 135. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur la constitution et le diagnostic de la pustule ma- ligne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1868, xxxiii, 703-709. Also [Rap. de C. Davaine J: Ibid., 1870, xxxv, 50-55.— Bamon (CMaing. De ia n6cessite de recourir promptement k la cauterisation tlans le traitement de la pustule maligne. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1846, vi, 44-64.—I.inoli (O.) Dell' uso dell' am- moniaca nella pustola maligna Ann. univ. di metl, Mi- lano, 1845, cxvi. 233-247. — I,i«fianc. Pustule maligne; emploi du cautere actuel quatre jours aprfes l'invasion ; guerison. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1830-31, iv, 235.—de Lelase- ras (I.) Tratamiento tie la piistula maligna. Rev. tie med. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1889, xxv, 225-232.—ITIaf- j fueei (A.) Injezioni ipodermicbe di acido fenico nella pustola maligna, Gazz. med. pubb., Napoli, 1876, vii, 321- 326.—iVIarin (M.) Tratamiento de la pustula maligna I por el topico de bol armenico. Rev. tie med. y cirug. pract., I Madrid, 1880, vi, 164-169.—iTIauvezin (J'.-L ) & ITIau- vezin (C.-L.) Coup d'ceil sur les divers traitements de la pustule maligne et expose d'une nouvelle methode de I traitement de cette affection. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., I 1864, i, 257-273.—iTIichel (A.) Cas de pustule maligne | ties-grave gueri par l'emploi du quinquina khaute dose, a l'interieur eta 1'exterienr. Bull. gen. deth6rap., etc., Par., 1842, xxii, 183-185.—ITIorano (F.) Contribuzione alia terapia della pustola maligna, Movimento, Napoli, 1870, ii, 21).—itloret. Pustule maligne ; traitement par lame- j thodeaiiiiseptique: mort, Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1876- 7, xv, 210-219—.\elaton. Traitemeut de la pustule ma- ligne par les feuilles fraiches du noyer. Bull. Acad, de PUSTULE. Pustule (Malignant, Treatment of). m6d., Par., 1856-7. xxii, 1258-1269. [Discussion], 1269-1273.— Oban (V.) Nota sobre el tratamiento de la piistula ma- ligna por las iiiyed-iones inters! iciales tie aeielo fenico. Rev. esp. de oftal, sif, etc, Madrid, 1882, ano 6. i, 31- 34— I'ayan. Pustule maligne k la figure traitee et guerie sans cicatrices avec la pate de vitriol bleu. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1842, xxiii, 435,—Pnynos (V.) Las pulvenzaciones tie iter en la pustula maligna. Siglo med., Madrid, 1881, xxviii. 170.—Paz (E.) Pustula ma- ligna curada por medio tie la cauterization eon el bicloriirii dehidrai girio. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1877, iii. 385- 390.—dc la Pena (G.) Del tratamiento tie la pustula maligna por medio del sublimado corrosive Espana med., Madrid, 1861, vi, 484— Petit (E ) De la pustule maligne et de sou traitement par les feuilles tie noyer. Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonne 1878, Auxerre. 1879, xix, 75-81. [Discus sion], 2. pt., i>. xxiv.—de Pitt-Ira l>eonc(E.) L'iodo- formio contra la pustola maligna. Arch. cliu. ital, Roma, 1883, xiii, 321-323.—Po'ladiira y Obayo (A.) Pustula maligna en su periotlo ele- inleccion ; tratamiento por las in- yecciones iodatlas. Rev. tie nied y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1882, x, 393-396.—Popper (J.) Zur Therapie der Pustula maligna. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 513.— Priou. Bouton malin d6velopp6 au-dessous et un pen en arriere de la malleole interne de la jambe droite; insuffisance des moyens ordinaires; cauterisation avec le fer incandescent; gu6rison prompte. J. de la sect, de m6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1829, v, 15-20. — Pu- lido (J. D.) La pustula maligna tratada por el hie loinro de mercurio. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1879, xxvi, 571. — Pu. tegnat. Pustule maligne, caut6risee par Me fer rouge; tetanos combattu par le chloroforme; mort. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1857, xxv, 11-13. — Quiros (J.) Pustula maligna; curacion & beneficio de los remedies ordinarios y un plan antiflogistico directo. Espana nied., Matlrid, 1860. v. 2. pt,, 49. — Baimbert. Du traitement tlu charbon chez I'homme par l'injection sous-cutan6e ile liquides anti-viruleuts. [Rap. de Davaine.] Bull. Acad. de m6d., Par., 1875, 2. s., iv, 549-564. [Discussion], 564- 574.—Bibeira (J. M.) Duas observacoes sobre a efficacia docausticoVieunensenapustulamaligna. J. Soc.d. sc metl. deLisb., 1849, 2. s., v, 36-41.—Bollin (F.) Pustule ma- ligne, traitee et gu6rie par les injections iodees, sans cau- terisation. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1887, 7. s., iv, 376.—Ro- ■nano (V.) L' iodoformio nella pustola maligna. Osser- vatore med., Palermo, 1883, 3. s., xiii, 5-12. — Romano ( W. ) Treatment of charbon. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 776.—Roser (W.) Zur Behandlung der Milzbrandpustel ohne Aetzuug. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii 561.—Roze. Pustule maligne; cauterisation avec le ter rouge: gu6rison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 856.— Sahut. Pustule maligne; cauterisation par le bichlo- rure de mercure au troisieme jour; gu6rison. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1873, xxvii, 36-40.— Malazar (T.) Pustula maligna; curacion por medio de las inyecciones intravenosas de &cido f6nico. Diario m6d.- farm.. Madrid, 1884, i, no. 160. —Salmon. Sur le traite- ment local de la pustule maligne. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1854, xv, 129-140. Also: Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1854, xxi, 232-239. Also: Monit.d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 283- 287.—Sanders (J. W.) Case of charbon; excision; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 1230.—Schackcn. Con- siderations sur ie traitement du charbon et de la pustule maligne par les evacuations sanguines et les applications emollientes. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1835, vi, 67-69.— Sereins. Traitement de la pustule maligne paries in- jections iod6es. Union m6d., Par., 1887,3. s., xliv, 469-471.— Kioiis. Deux cas de pustule maligne gu6ris, l'un par la cauterisation et la decoction de feuilles de noyer, l'autre seuleineiit par la decoction des mfimes feuilles. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1867-8, xi, 35-38.—Sorbets (L.) De la pustule maligne; cautere actuel et encens coiiimun. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 430.—Spruyt. Observation d'un cas de pustule maligne chez l'homnie; traitement par la cauterisation; gu6rison. Arch. med. bilges, Brux., 1865, 2. s., i, 43-48.—The venot. Note sur un cas tie pus- tule maligne traitee par la teinture d'iode. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1881. 3. s., iii, 225.—Tommaso (G. 1'-) Del carboncello o pustola maligna e della sua cura merre, le injezioni ipodermiche profonde de aeielo earbolico e di solfato di chinina. Osservatore metl., Palermo, 1878, 3. s., viii, 335-356—Topinard (P.) Du traitement de la pustule maligne par un remfede secret; immixtion ille- gale d'un pretre dans la pratique medicale. I'liioii metl., Par., 1863, 2. s., xix, 529-532.—Troquart (R.) Pustule maligne; cauterisation au sublim6; guerisou. J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 12-14— Vaillamlet (A.) De l'encens dans la pustule maligne et les maladies charbon- neuses de la peau. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1859, xxvi, 368; 394.—Velazquez (A. M.) Observacion de una pustula maligna curada con el plan antiflogistico. Decadas de med. y ciriig. prdct., Madrid, 1828, xviii, 271-273.—Vel- peau. Affection singuli6re simulant les accidens d'une pustule maligne; gu6rison par le jus de citron. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831-2, v, 229. —Verneuil. Du traitement de la pustule maligne. Bull. Acatl. tiiiki (M.) O rozkladzie bialka pod wplywein anerohow. [On the albuminoid prod- ucts of putrefaction under the influence of anaerobic ba- cilli.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1889, 2. s., ix, 732; 753.— PUTKEF ACTION. 893 PUTZ. Put refaction. rVywtroiii (C.) Om jasnings- och forruttnelseprocesserna pa Spetsbergen. [On the process of yeast formation and putrefaction in Spitsbergen.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1868-9, i^, 551-571.—Ollivier efc Chevallier (A.) Note sur une substance animale particuliere qui se produit pendant la decomposition du cadavre J. do ehim. m6d., etc. Par., 1833, ix, 212-216.—Orfila. Putrefaction. Diet. de rn6d., 2. 6d., Par., 1842, xxvi, 516-536. —Paschntin (V.) Einige Versuche iiber Faulniss untl Faulnissorga- nismeu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1873-4, lix, 490- 510.-----Recherches sur quelques esptices de decom- positions putrides. Arch, tie physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 773-800. — Pasteur (L.) Recherches sur la putrefaction. Monit. scient., Par., 1863, v, 820-824.— l»a*iorcllo ( L.) Caso di bambina nata viva con segni tli inoltrata putrefazioue. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845, cxv. 230-232.—Pellaeani (P.) Sulle sostanze colo- ranti nelle putrefazioni e sulla,deeolorazione dei tessuti putrefatti. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1884, x, pt. 2, 93-120. -----. Sulle sostanze coloranti della putre- fazione « di alcuni mezzi di deeolorazione. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1884, 2. s., xvii, 523-527.— Pcrrin (E.-R.) Contribution tl l'etude de la decomposi- tion cadaverique hfitive ou foudroyante. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1884, vi. 957-962. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1885, 3. s., xiii, 82-87.—Plant (A.) Sposobiolsr&ski gnilostn. i pato- gen. mikroorganizmov. Perevod s Nemetsk. pod K. Vino- gradova. [Researches on putrefaction and pathogenesis of microorganisms.] Mejdunar Klin., St. Petersb.. 1885, iv, 147-170.— Plohn (S.) Ueber*die Wirkung der Tem- peratur tier unigebenden Luft auf die Zersetzungen im Organismus der Warmbliiter. Wien. med. Bl., 1878, i, 346; 373 ; 397; 420.—Plosz (P.) Ueber das Verhalten der phosphorhaltigen Substaiizen des Thierkorpers bei der Faulniss. Med.-chem. Fnteisuch. a. tl. Lab. . . . zu Tii- bing., Berl., 1866-71, i, 521.—Process and products ofthe putrefaction of elastin, mucin, glutin, albumin; hemo- chrtmie and blood. (Summary l Ann. Chem. Metl., Lond., 1879, i, 153-159. — It.-iimoiidi (C.) efc Rossi (U.) Un' applicazione della carcinologia alia medicina le.gale. Boll. tl. sez. tl. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d tisiocrit. tli Siena, 1888, vi, 114-125. — Raskin (M. A.) Gnilokrovie i gnoe- krovie s tochki zrienija sovrem. etiologii. [Putrefaction fungus and suppuration from present point of view as to etiology.] Ejein. .jour, prakt. metl.. St. Petersb., 1889, v, 29-46.—Rcgnard (P.) Surlaputrefaction sousles hautes pressions. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 124-126.—Ile iu hard (H.) Beobachtungen iiber die Zer- setzungsvorgange in den Grahern und Griiften der Fried- hofe. Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll, etc.. 1879, Leipz., 1881, 148-181. Also: Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiirin- gen, Weimar, 1881, x, 116.—Beiset (J.) Experiences sur la putrefaction et sur la formation des fumiers. Compt. rend. Acatl. d. sc, Par., 1889, cviii, 708; 779.—Robin (C.) Sur les etats de virulence et de putridite de la substance organis6e. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, pt. 2, 95-106.—Robin (E.) Theorie de la putrefaction. Monit. scient., Par., 1865, vii, 402-405. -----. Theorie mo- tivee de la putrefaction ; reponse k des objections. Ibid., 1866, viii, 337-342. -----. De la putrefaction. Tribune med., Par., 1874-5, vii, 496-498. -----. Influence de la puissance respiratoire et de l'intensite de l'hematose sur la disposition des solides et des liquides k la putrefaction et en general sur leurs proprietes. Sante pub., Par., 1876, viii, 456; 457; 471; 4*8; 504. — Rozariski. Cz6m jest gnicie? [ Why putrefaction?] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1881. xx, 376; 382.—Salkowski (E.) Zur Kenntniss der Eiweisstauluiss. I. Ueber die Bildung des Indols und Skatols, nach gemeinschaftlich mit H. Salkowski in Miin- ster i. W. angestellten Versuchen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1883-4, viii, 417-466. -----. Zur Kennt- niss der Eiweisstauluiss. II. Die Skatolcarbonsaure, nach gemeinschaftlich mit H. Salkowski angestellten Versuchen. Ibid.. 1884-5, ix, 8-22. -----. Zur Kenntniss der Eiweiss- fiiiilniss. III. Ueher die Bildung der nicht hydroxylirteii aromatischen Sauren. Ibid., 491-510. -----. Ueber das eiweisslosende Ferment der Faulnissbaktericn und seine Einwirkungauf Fibrin. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miiiiehenu. Leipz., 1888-9, n. F.,vii, 92-101.—Salkowski (E.) ,fe Salkowski (H.) Ueber das Verhalten tier aus dem Eiweiss durch Faulniss entstehenden aromatischen Sauren im Thierkor- per. Ztschr. f. physiol Chem., Strassb., 1882-3, vii, 161-177. ----------. Ueher die Entstehung der Homologen der Bcnzoesiiure bei tier Faulniss. Ibid., 450-459.—Sander- son (.1. P..) On the chemical products of putrefaction in their relation to disinfection. Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lond., 1883-4, xiii (Suppl), 101-110. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1885, xxxiv, 23-39.—Sandri (G.) Protorganismi che appa- jono dopo morte non provano cid che avvenga durante la vita. Mem. r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1874, xviii, 239-252.—Schneider (F. C.) Beitriige zur Kennt- niss dor Fauluissprocesse. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 645; 717; 813. -----. Die Faulnis.skot per und ihre Desinfektionsmittel. Ibid., 1829; 1845. — Mehrank (J.) Untersuchungen iiber den im Hiihnerei die stinkeiide Faulniss liervorrufenden Bacillus. Meel. Jahrb., Wien, 1888, n. F., iii, 303-322.—Smart (C.) On the disinfectant Putrefaction. properties of putrefactive products. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 399. — Strassmanii (F.) tfc Strecker (C.) Bacterien bei der Leichenfaulniss. Zt«chr. f. Med.-Be amte, Berl, 1888, i, 65-69. — Stroppa (C.) .fc Tornniii (A.) Ricerche chimico-tossicologiche sopra un cervello putrefatto. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1880-81. ii, 338': 1881-2, iii, 11.—Tamassia (A.) Morfologia dei tes- suti in putrefazione. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia. 1875, i, 325; 430. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1876, xxvii, 315-319. -----. Cris- talli inorgauici nella putrefazione. Riv. sper. tli freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1884, x, pt. 2,243-247,1 pl. Also : Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia. 1884-5, 6. s., iii, 273- 278, 1 pl.-----. Sulla putrefazione del iene; ricerche sperimentali di medicina forense. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1885-6. 6. s., iv, 527-534. — Tay- lor (W. H.) A case of delayed putrefaction. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Cambridge, i878-84, i, 272-274. — Thom- son (J. M.) Thec'iemistry of substances taking part in putrefaction ana acisepsis. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1880-7 xxxv, 941; 951; 961; 972.—Vital! (D.) L' alcool nella fermenta"..one putrida dell' albume d ovo. Atti d. Cong. farm. ual. 1686, T. rino, 1887, i, 171-175. - Wernieh (A.) Die aromatischen Faulnissproducte in ihrer Eiiiwirkuiig auf Spalt- und Sprosspilze. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl, 1879, lxxviii, 51-83.—Weyl(T.) Faulniss von Fibrin, Amyioid und Leim. Ztscur. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1877-8, i, 339. Putrefaction as cause of disease. See, i Iso, Cadaver (Jurisprudence of); Diseases (Septic, etc.); Nuisances. Dreyer (F. L.) *De uoxiis corporum putri- dorum efnuviis. 8°. Rostochii, [1802J. Hemmer (M.) Experimentelle .Studien iiber die Wirkung fanlender Stoffe auf deu thierischen Organismus. Gekroute Preisschrift. 8°. Miin- chen, 1866. Karsten (H.) Die Faulniss und Austeckung. 8°. Schaffauseii, 1872. Anion Id (J.) La putrefaction et ses agents itl'origino des maladies contagieuses ou infectieuses. Gaz. med. de Par., 1876, 4. s., v, 325; 349; 361 ; 425. — Rrochin. Mor- talite produite par les emanations putrides s'exhalant d'un depot tie paniers kpoisson. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 465.—t'liisholin (C.) An essay towards an enquiry how far the effluvia from dead animal bodies, passing through the natural process of putrefaction, are efficient in the pro- duction of malignant pestilential fevers; and how far such effluvia are capable "of exciting a putrefactive emotion in all other animal substances exposed to their action". Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1810, vi, 389-420.—Hejja (K.) Rohado hulbikban foglalt n6mely pathogen bacterium fertozo k6- pess6g6nek taitoss&g&rol. [The putrefaction of corpses as a pathogenetic cause of bacteria and the permanent pollution of surroundings. | Kozeg. es Torveoiy. Orvos., Budapest, 1885. 1-13. — Hueppe (F.) Ueber Bezielum- gen der Faulniss zu den Infectionskrankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 721; 747. — iVlillcdolcr (P. E.) Cases of disease produced by the poison of putrid animal matter. N. York M. efe Phys. J., 1829-30, ix, 39- 48.—Rio de la Loza (M.) Breves indicaciones sobre la influencia de la putrefaction en las enfermedades, y con especialidad en el colera epidemico; hipotesis razouada sobre esta afeccion. Observador med., M6xico, 1869-72, i, 196-203. Also: Voz de Hipocrates, Mexico, 1884. ii. 82; 91. — Schneider (F. C.) Die Faulnisaprozesse als iitio- logische Momente bei Infektions-Krankheiten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 1129-1133. PlltSCher (Paul). * Ueber die mikroskopische Zusammensetzung des Bronchial-Inlialtes bei Lungen-Erkrankungen. [Munich.] 14 pp., 20 tab. 8°. Fiirstenfeldbruck, A. Sighart, 1880. vail Plltten (Cornelius). * De iefcero ex inflam- matione bepatis oriundo. 23 pp., 21. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud B. Mulhovium, 1727. [Also, in: P., v. 80.] van Puttkaniiner( Jacobus Nicolaus). *Diss. phys.-mathemat.deiride. 56 pp., lpl. b°. Lugd. Bat., apud L. Berdingh etfilium, 1827. Putyvl. Jastremski (V. D.) Med.-statist. otchet za 1884 g. po i. med. uchastku Putyvlsk. ueztla. Protok. zasaid. guber. zemsk. vrach. soveta . . . Kursk, 1886, iii, 169-212. Piltz (Julius). * Ueber die Briiche des Schulter- blattes. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Bache, 1H18. C. Piltz (L.-E.) * De la resection du genou. 24 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860, No. 517, 2. 8., v. 28. PUTZKL. Putzcl (L.) A treatise on common forms of functional nervous diseases, vi, 256 pp. 8°. Xew York, TV. Wood . de Piiydt (Joannes Ambrosius). De sternuta- tioue. 1788. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 132-135. vail Puyf'elick. (Jacobus Joannes). *Deem- pyemate purulento. 32 pp., 1 1. 4°. Leodii, B. Rongier, 1H27. [P., v. 1300. ] Puygauthier (Henri). * De l'emploi de l'oxyde de zinc dans le traitemeut de la diarrhee. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 250. Puy-le-Blanc (Felix). 'Contribution a l'e- tude de la tarsalgie des adolescents. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877), No. 190. Puyloil (Claudius). See tie Saim-t-Von (Antonius). An conformatio temperiei nota. 4°. Parisiis, 1670. de Piiymaiirin (Aime). Memoire sur les ap- plications dans l'economie domestique de la ge- latine extraite des os au moyen de la vapeur. Lu a la Societe d'encouragement dans sa seance du 25 mars 1829. 81 pp., 3 pl. 8U. Paris, Mme. Buzard, 1829. [P., v. 1789.] Puyo (Bernard-Gregoire-fimile). *De la meno- pause. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 259. Puyoo (Pierre). * Considerations sur les tuber- cules en general, vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 176, v. 202. Puyou (Norbert). *Des signes dits physiques des maladies du cceur. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 108, v. 476. Puy-PagiiOil (Jean). *Sur les principaux phenomenes de la puberte consider dans les deux sexes. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 55, v. 171. Puyraymond (Julien). * Considerations chi- miques, physiologiques, hygieniques et medi- cales sur le vin, mais particuliereuient sur les maladies qui sont le resultat de son usage abu- sif. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 126, v. 133. de Puysegur (Armand-Marie-Jacques de Chas- tenet), marquis [1751-1825]. Du magnetisuie animal, consider daus ses rapports avec diverses branches de la physique generale. 478 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Cellot, 1807. FITYSEGUR. 895 PYEMIA. de Pnysegur (Armand-Marie-Jacques de Chas- tenet), marquis—continuetl. —---. The same. 2. ed. Frontispiece, xix, 472 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-G. Dentu, 1820. .----. Recherches, experiences et observations physiologiques sur I'homme dans l'etat de som- nambulisme naturel, et dans le somnambulisme provoque par Facte maguetique. 3 p. 1., xii, 13- 430 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-G. Dentu, 1811. _____. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire et a l'etablissement du magnetisme animal. 3. ed.. Frontispiece, xxiv, 473 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-G. Dentu, 1820. de Puyseglir (Jacques-Maxime-Paul de Chas- teuet), conite [1755-1820]. Rapport des cures operees a Bayonne par le magnetisme animal, atlresse a M. l'abbe de Poulouzat. Avec des notes de Duval d'Espremenil. 52 pp. 12°. Ba- yonne, Prault, 1784. [P., v. 768.] Puyvarge (Eugene). *Des modifications pa- thologiques ties fonctions digestives. 47 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867, 3. s., No. 4. Puzin [ -1874]. Necrologie ... Bull. Soc. d. sc___d'Alger., Par., 1874, xi, 682-685 (E.L. Bertherand). Puzin (Jean-Baptiste). * Observations raison- nees sur quelques faits rares de medecine pra- tique, precedes d'un apercu topographique. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 84. v. 76. Puzos (Nicolas) [1686-1753]. Traite des accou- cheiuens, contenant des observations impor- tantes sur la pratique de cet art; deux petits traites, l'uu sur quelques maladies de matrice; et l'autre, sur les maladies des enfans du premier age; quatre memoires, dont le premier a pour objet les pertes de sang dans les femmes grosses, et les trois autres sur les tiepdts laiteux. Cor- rige et publie par M. Morisot Deslandes. Pre- cede d'uue dissertation de l'editeur, snr un point interessant, relatif aux accouchemeus, et suivi de la traduction d'une dissertatiou latine tie M. Crantz, sur la rupture de matrice. lx, 419 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, Desaint $• Saillant, 1759. -----. Memoires sur le lait repandu, ou dep6ts laiteux. Precedes d'un memoire sur les pertes de sang, du meme auteur, avec uue notice sur cet honuue ceiebre. Nouv. ed. iv, 141 pp. 8°. Paris, Croullebois, an IX [1801]. -----. The same. Memoires sur les pertes de sang et le lait repandu, ou dep6ts laiteux. 2. ed. iv, 141 pp. 8°. Paris, Boiste Sr Croullebois, an IX [1801]. Also, in his: Traite des accouchemens. 4°. Paris, 1759, 323-394. -----. Memoir on the hemorrhage which occurs to pregnant women; the means of arresting it without inducing labour; and on the method of proceeding to deliver, in cases of necessity, by an easier aud more certain way than usual. Transl. by J. Christie. 16 pp. 8°. Manchester, W. Irwin, [11. d.]. A transl. of a part of his: M6moires sur les pertes de sang, [etc.]. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, an IX [1801 J. Bound with: Brit. Rec. of Obst. Metl. & Surg. 8°. Manchester, 1849, ii. For Biography, see M6m. Acad, de chir., Par., 1757, iii, 121-128. Puzyrevski ( M.) * O diftericheskich parali- tchach. [On diphtheritic paralysis.] 62 pp., 11. 8°. St. Petersburg, J. Treja, 1863. Pwllheli union rural sanitary authority. See Carnarvonshire combined sanitary district. Pwllheli urban sanitary authority. See Car- narvonshire combined sanitary district. Py (Auguste). * Des abces du foie consideres sur- tout au point de vue du traitemeut. 57 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1884, No. 31. Py (Pierre Francois). *De l'influence exercee par la consanguinite" sur les qualites de la de- Py (Pierre-Francois)—continued. scendance. 53 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 56. Py (Pierre-Napoieon-Rieule). * Remarques sur les marais. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 213, v. 244. Pyaemia. See, also, Abortion (Complications, etc., of); Abscess (Metastatic); Absorbents, etc.; Anti- septic surgery; Bloodletting (Accidents, etc., of ); Bone (Abscess of); Breast (Tumors of, Cancer- ous); Carbuncle (Facial); Cranium (Diseases of); Diathesis (Purulent); Ear (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of); Embolism; Erysipelas ; Eye (Inflammation of, Puerperal, etc.); Femur (Diseasesof); Fever (Typhus, Complications, etc., of); Fistula (Bronchial, etc.); Germ theory in its surgical relations ; Gonorrhoea (Complications, etc., of); Gonorrhceal rheumatism ; Head (Inju- ries of, Sequelw of); Heart (Abscess, etc., of); Heart (Inflammation of, Infectious); Hip-joint (Diseases of, Complications of); Hospitals (Dan- gers, etc., of ); Joints (Puerperal, etc., diseases of); Knee-joint (Diseases of, Cases of); Leg (Fract- ure of, Complications, etc., of); Leukaemia; Liver (Abscess of, Traumatic, etc.); Mastoid pro- cess (Diseases of) ; Osteomyelitis; Ovariotomy (Sequelw. etc.,of); Pelvis (Abscess in); Phlebi- tis; Phlebitis (Complications, etc., of); Pros- tate gland (Inflammation, etc., of); Puerperal diseases ; Puerperal fever ; Rheumatism (Com- plications of); Septic poisons; Septicaemia; Suppuration (Micro-organisms in); Temporal bone (Diseases of); Urethra (Operations on), Urethra (Stricture of), Complications, etc., of; Urethral fever; Wounds (Complications, etc., of). d'Arcet (F.) * Recherches sur les abces mul- tiples, et sur les accidents qu'ameue la presence du pus dans le systeme vasculaire, suivies de quelques remarques sur les alterations du sang. 4°. Paris, 1842. Armstrong (J.) * De tabe purulenta. 1732. In: Smellie. Thesaurus med. [etc.]. 8°. Edinb., 1778, i, 61-82. Balfour (J. H.) A probationary essay on purulent deposits after wounds and operations. 8°. Edinburgh, 1833. Bartold (R.) * Ueber pyaiuis3he Metastasen. 8°. Berlin, [1875]. Blanc (H.) * Essai sur l'infection purulente, son mecanisme, son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1861. Bohm (L.) * Ueber Piamie. 8°. Erlangen, 1849. Braidwood (P. M.) On pyaemia or suppura- tive fever, being the Astlev Cooper prize essay for 1868. 8°. London, 1868. Breton (G.-L.) *Des veines, de la phlebite, et tie l'infection purulente. 4°. Paris, 1843. Bkoer (M.) * Untersuchungen iiber Organi- sation untl Zerfall der Thronibeu. Ein Beitrag znr Lehre von tier Pyamie. 8°. Breslau, [1868]. Brou Ducland (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la pyoheiuie (pyohemie saus plaie exposee). 4°. Paris, 1884. Buan (P.-J.-V.) * Essai sur la resorption puru- lente. 4°. Paris, 1834. Chauffard (P.-E.) * Dela fievre traumatique et de l'infection purulente. 8°. Paris, 1873. Chau vel (J.) * Sur les doctrines de l'infection purulente. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Dallidet (E\-M.) *De la resorption et de la diathese purulentes. 4°. Paris, 1853. van Dam (P. K.) Verhandeling over de pyae- mie. Akad. proefs. 8°. , Groningen, [1863]. Dambresville (J.-B.-E.) * Essai medico-chi- rurgical sur les metastases a la suite des opera- tions. 4°. Paris, 1815. PWKMIA. 896 PY.KMIA. Pyaemia. * Dibos (A.) De l'infection purulente; examen des principales theories. 4°. Paris, 1868. Domec (J.-L.) *De l'infection purulente sans plaies exposees. 4°. Paris, 1877. Ek (R.) Om pyeui'i i pathogenetiskt och ana- tomiskt hiiuseende. 8°. Upsala, 187)6. Estor (A.) Physiologie de l'inflammation dif- fuse et de l'infection purulente. 8°. Montpel- lier, 1863. Fischer (H.) Ueber den heutigen Stand der Forschungen in der Pyamie-Lehre. Habilita- tious-Rede. 8°. Erlangen, 1869. Fleury (L.) De l'infection purulente, sous le rapport de la pathogenie et de la therapeutique. 4 . Paris, 1844. Frestier (F.-L.) *De la fievre purulente spontanee idiopathique, comparee a l'infection purulente. 4°. Paris, 1856. Glaesel (F.) * De l'infection purulente, cou- sideree sous le poiut de vue etiologique, et du motle de developpement des abces metastatiques. 4 -. Paris, 1847. Gogulimsky (S.) *De infectione purulenta. 8°. Petropoli, 187,1. Gordan(B.) *De pyaemia. 8°. Vratislaviw, [I860]. Grell(T.) *De pyaemia. 8°. Berolini, 1866. Groeck(G. A.) *De pyaemia. 8°. Regimonti, 1860. Guembel (T.) * Ueber Pyamiie. 8°. Speyer, 1871. Guerin (A.) *De la fievre purulente. 4°. Paris, 1847. Haensel (A. E.) *De suppuratione et pyae- mia, 8°. Jence, 1858. Hauer (L. T.) * Ueber die Entstehung und die Behandlung der Pyamia. 8°. Augsburg, 1862. Hertel (A.) *Die Pviimie. 8°. Miinchen, 1855. Herwig(J.) * Ueber die Pyamie. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 186)3. Jeannel (M.) L'infection purulente, ou pyo- hemie. 8°. Paris, 1880. Juffin (A.-L.-A.) * De l'infection purulente. 4°. Paris, 1865. Horing (C. F.) * Ueber die purulente Dia- these. 8°. Tubingen, 1846. Koch (R.) Untersuchungen fiber die Aetio- logie der Wuudinfectionskrankheiten. 8°. Leip- zig, 1878. -----. The same. Investigations into the etiology of traumatic infective diseases. Transl. by W. W. Cheyue. 8°. London, 1880. Lamarque (A.-E.) *De la fievre purulente. 4°. Paris, 1864. Lecoq (fi.-E.) *Delapyohemie. 4°. Paris, 1«59. Legallois (E.) Des maladies occasionnees par resorption du pus. 8°. Paris, 1829. Letter (T.) *De pyaemia. 8. Jenw, 1854. L'Huillier CF.-P. ^ * Recherches pratiques sur la nature et le traitement de l'infection puru- lente. 4°. Paris, 1857. Marcu.se (M.) *De pyaemia quaedam. 8°. Regimontii Pr., 1844. Martin-Lagree (F.-F.) * Quelques conside- rations sur la therapeutique, suivies de plusieurs propositions sur la resorption purulente. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835. Mathieu (B.-H.-V. ) * De l'infection puru- lente. 4°. Paris, 1847. Molina (A.) * Breves estudios sobre la in- feccion purulenta. 8°. Mexico, 1873. Mourlion (H.) * Essai sur la pathogenie de la litvre traumatique et de l'infection purulente. Y\ Paris, 1880. I*\ aiiiia. Oppekmann ( F. ) * Quelques considerations critiques sur la nature miasmatique et specifique de l'infection puruleute. 4J. Paris, 1872. Poirier (E. ) "De la pyoemie, ou infection purulente, envisagee specialement au point de vue de l'anatomie pathologique. 8\ Gand,187>7. Pollet (A.-E.-A.) * Essai sur l'infection puru- lente et son traitement preventif. 4°. Lille, 1880. Prost-Mar£chal (C.) Contribution a l'etude de la pyoheuiie. (Pyohemie chronique; cura- bilite.) 4°. Paris, 1883. Quenot(V.) * Considerations sur la pyohemie et son traitement. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847. Raffauf(A. M.) *Depyaunia. 8°. Bounce, 187)7). Rak (C. F.) *De pyaemia. 8°. Pragw, 1844. Rampont (G.-F.-S. ) # Dissertation sur l'in- fection purulente. 4°. Paris, 1834. Reipolski (A.) *Histologicheskoe izsliedo- vanie golovnago i spinnago niozga pri guilostom zarajenii. [Pathology of spinal cord iu septica-- mic diseases. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. Rother (J. G.) *De pure absorpto sympto- matum causa, sm. 4°. Lipsiw, [1752]. Sabatier (J.-C.) *Ya-t-il des metastases purulentes? 4°. Paris, 1832. Sapalski ( J. ) * Beitrag zur Wundfieber- theorie mit Beriicksichtigung der Wirkung ties Eiters und anderer Warnie erzeugeuder Substan- zen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1872. Schuetze (B.) *De pvannia. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. S^dillot (C.) De l'infection puruleute, ou pyoemie. 8J. Paris, 1849. Sevene (J.) * Quelques considerations sur les moyens prophylactiques et curatifs employes contre l'infection purulente. 4C. Montpellier, 1879. Spiegelberg ( B. ) *De fermentatione san- guinis purulentia. 8-'. Berolini, [1841]. Stabel (E.) *De indole ac natura pyaemia). 8°. Bounce, 187)6. Stenger (G.) *Depvauiia. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., 1850. Stiehl ( F. ) *Exponuntur et dijudicantur variae scriptorum de pyaemia sententite, ct inqui- ritur in morbi ipsius naturam. 8°. Gryphis- waldiw, [1862]. Surmay (C.-B. ) * Considerations sur l'etat pathologique, appeie resorption purulente, in- fection purulente, diathese purulente, fievre purulente, fievre pyogeuique, pyohemie. 4\ Paris, 187)3. Taillard (E.-S.-F.) * De la fievre purulente. 4°. Paris, 1867). Thiersch ( C.) *Pathologisch-anatomische Beobachtungen fiber Pyamie, nebst kritischen Bemerkungen fiber die Theorie der Pyamie. 8 , Miinchen, 1849. Thomson (W.) Historical notices on the oc- currence of inflammatory affections of the iu- ternal organs after external injuries and surgical operations. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. Thorner(E.S.) *De pyaemia. 8-. Berolini, [1867]. Vergnes (P.) *De l'infection purulente cou- sideree principalement au point de vue clinique. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. ' Westphal (W. ) *Zur Pyiimie-Frage. 8 . Miinchen, 1871. Wicher(A. C.) * De pyaemia. 8°. Gryphice, [1850]. Zober(H. C. E.) *Depyaemia. 8°. Berolini, 1861. Albert (E.) Metastatische I'viiiuie. Ber. d. naturw.- metl. Ver. in lunshruck (1877), 187K, viii, 3. Hft., 35.—A|- PY^EMiA. 897 PYEMIA. Pvzemia. en■■■ ritiessi sull' infezione purulenta. Ippocratico, Fano, 1863 iv, 311-323.—Asson (M.) Sullapioemia. Gior.veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1867. 3. s., vi, 273; 434 : vii, 39 ; 223.— Barclay. Secondary deposits. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1852, n. s., iv, 565.—Batailhc. Be l'infection purulente. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1863. i, 641- 647— Baudot (E.) Etude sur l'infection purulente. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxvi, 417-425. Also: Bull. Soc. metl. d'6mulat. de Par. (1860-65), 1867, i, 342-349. Also: Abeille m6d.. Par., 1871, xxviii, 57-59.—Beale (L. S.) Dr. Hughes Bennett's strictures on the "tubercle" antl "pyaemia" discussions. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1874, i, 378—Bennett (J. H.) On pyaemia. Ibid., 339.—Ber- rneco (J.) Breve resefia de la infeccion purulenta o pio- lieiniii. Progreso med., Madrid, 1877, ii, 362; 385.—Bireh- HirMchfcM. Untersuchungen iiber Pyamie. Arch. tl. Heilk., Leipz., 1873, xiv, 193-240, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. Alsn [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Diesel.. 1X72-3,85-93.—Blandin. R6ponse k une lettre de J.-P. Tessier, sur quelques points du mecanisme de l'infection purulente. Gaz. med. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x. 447. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1842, iii, 11-14.—Blum (A.) ittude sur la pyohemie. Arch. gCn. de m6d., Par., 1869, ii, 534: 1870, ii, 421.—Bonnet. M6moire sur la nature et le traitement de l'infection puruleute. Ann. Soc. de mtsd. de Lyon, 1855, 2. s., iii, 94-147. Also: Gaz. m6d. tie Lyon, 1855, vii, 2; 26; 63. [Discussion], 130.—Bortloni ITffi'eduzzi (G.) Sulia pioemia dei vitelli neonati; studio speiimentiile. Arch, per le sc. metl., Torino, 1884-5, viii, 321-342.—Bose (K. C.) Idiopathic pyaemia. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1888, xxiii. 85-88.—Boyer (A.) M6moire sur les resorptions purulentes. Gaz. in6d. de Par., 1834, 2. s., ii, 193-196.—Bristowe (J. S.) Pyaemia. Syst. Metl. (Reynolds), Lond., 1866, i, 189-226.— Brouardcl. Enilart6rite dans l'infection purulente et la variole. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 129-13?.—del It mm to (A.) Infeccion purulenta. Sigio m6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 147.—Callender (G. W.) Pvaemia. Syst. Surg. (Holmes) 1869, 2. ed., N. Y., 1872, i, 253-286. -----. Pye- mia; erysipelas. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, xiv, 184.—Carbajal. Infeccion purulenta. Gac. m6d., Lima, 1865-6, x, 114; 128; 136. —Charrin efe Buffer (A.) Mecanisme de la fievre dans la maladie pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1889, 9. s., i, 63.—Chas- saignac (E.) De l'infection purulente. Bull. Acatl. de m6d., Par., 1871, xxxvi, 639-653. Also, Reprint.— Chauveau. Recherches sur les agents phlogogenesdes humeurs inflammatoires au point de vue tie la discussion sur l'existence tl'un poison py6mique sp6cial. M6m. et coinpt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. raed. de'Lyou (1872), 1873, xiijpt. 1, 64-84. [See, also, infra, Sanderson (J. B.)]—Chilton (E. Y.) Septo-pyaemia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1889, ix, 169-172.—Copeman (E.) On pyaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 490.—Coskery (O. J.) The pathology of pyaemia. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 357-362.—Cutler (E. G.) The anatomical changes caused by septicaemia and pyaemia. Boston M. efe S. J., 1879, ci, 145-154. Also: Tr. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc, Cambridge, 1878-80, i, no. 2, 69-78.—Da- va&Nc (.(.) La diathdse purulente inticonnue. Art med., Par.. 1865, xxi, 321; 401: xxii, 5; 120; 196; 245: 1866, xxiii, 18; 104; 183; 281; 343. Also, Reprint.—Delafield (F.) Pyaemia aud allied conditions. Internat. Encvcl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1881, i, 203-214, 2 pl. Also, transl: Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1883, i, 301-310.— Despres (A.) De la pyohemie chronique (infection puru- lente chronique); de la nature des accidents tertiaires de la variole, du cholera, du scorbut, etc. Arch. g6n. dem6d., Par., 1874, ii, 257-278. -----. Infection purulente. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, Ivii, 145-147.—I>e Tullio (P.) Di una grave forma di setticopioemia. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli. 1889, n. s., xi, 413-417.—Be wees (H. P.) On pye- mia. Buffalo M. J., 1859-60, xv, 817-829. Also: Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1860, xiii, 485-497.—Discussion sur l'in- fection purulente. Bull. Acatl. dem6d., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 345 ; 379: 1871, xxxvi, 150 ; 182; 202 ; 227: 249 ; '272; 282; 307; 334; 376; 428; 450; 486; 522; 620; 664; 702; 736; 768; 786; 805; 835. [See, also, infra, Gu6rin (J.)J—[Disease (The) known as pyaemia. Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 446-448.—Dugga'n (J.) On pyaemia, or non-specific blood-poisoning. Metl. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 69-71.— Duncan (R. B.) Acute idiopathic pyaemia. Austral. M. J., .Melbourne, 1879, n. s., i, 484-486.—Du- pon I. De l'infection purulente. Union med. de la Uiionde, Bordeaux, 1856. i,483-489.—Dupre (A.) Chronic pyaemia (chronic purulent infection); nature of the tertiary- accidents of variola, cholera, scurvy, etc. N. Orl. M. efe S. .L, 1874-5, n. s., ii, 364-370.—Dupuy (P.) Theories de l'in- fection purulente. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1864, 3. a., xix, 235; 263.—Fink (C.) ZurFrage: "Pyasmie und Septikaemie". Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1873, xx, 69; 81.—Fischer (H.) Zur Lehre von der Pyamie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissen- sch., Berl, 1865, iii, 225: 1868, vi, 659: 1869, vii, 417. Also, Reprint.—[Fleming.] Pyemia. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 211.—Fleury (L.) Quelques mots sur l'in- fection purulente. J. de tn6d., Par., 1844, ii, 301-306.— Franceschi (C.) Alcune riflessioni ed osservazioni intorno alia dottrina della piogenia spontanea, di cui par- 57 Pyaemia. hisi in un discorso: Su di un caso di purolenza di tutta la ntassa del sangue [leukaemia), osservato dal Dott. C. Ghinozzi nella clinica del Prof. M. Bufalini, e sulle con- siderazioni patologiche da esse esposte intorno alia piogenia spontanea; sunto ed avverten/.e critiche. Raccoglitore metl. di Fano, 1850, ii, 337-354.—Froriep (R.) Ueber die sogenannten Eitermetastasen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1834, 113; 132.—Gamgee (J. S.) On pyaemia. As- soc. M. J., Lontl., 1853, 187-194. Also, Reprint.—GIii- nozzi (C.) Su di un caso di purulenza di tutta la masse del sangue osservato nella clinica del Prof. M. Butl'ilini, e sulle considerazione patologiche tla ess'o esposte intorno la piogenia spontanea. Raccoglitore med. tli Kano, 1850, ii, 81-96. [See, also, supra, Franceschi (C.)l— Goldsmith (M.) Pyemia from gun-shot wounds. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1867-8, Burlington. 1869, 26-59.—Gordon (C. A.) Re- marks on pyaemia and allied affections. Doctor, Lontl., 1874, iv, 47^49.—Guerin (A.) Purulente (infection), ou pyohemie. N. diet, tie m6il. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, xxx, 222-283.—Guerin (J.) Discussion sur l'infection puru- lente. Bull. Acad, de metl., Par.. 1871, xxxvi, 334; 376; 428; 702: 736; 773. Also, Reprint. [See, also, supra. Dis- cussion.1 Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1871, xliv, 46; 50; 74; 77; 95; 99. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1871, 3. 8., xxvi, 233; 247; 262; 275; 389; 405.—Gundclnch (M.) Algunos apuntes sobre la pyoheniia. Rev. metl. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1881-2. x, 326; 345; 385.—Guthrie (W. E.) Pyaemia. Peoria M. Month., 1881-2, ii, 212-216.—Hamil- ton (R.) The synovial membranes in pyaemia. Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc Lond. (1871-5), 1875, vii, 70-72.— Harbordt. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die metastati- schen Prozesse. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Metl.-Wes., d. Krankenanst____d. Stadt Frankf. (1871), 1872, xv, 138.— Harem (G.) Des embolies capillaires, dans la pyohemie. Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1871, 2. s., viii, 291-296.—Hei- denhain. Ueber Pyamie. Deutsche Kritik, Berl, 1851, iii, 559: 1852, iv, 1.—Heitzinaun (C.) The presence of pus-corpuscles in the blood-vessels in pyaemia. Med. Ret-., Jtf. Y., 1882, xxii, 581.— Iltiibnii- (O.) Ueber den Ver- lauf des Fiebers bei pyamischeu Krankheiten. Arch. tl. Heilk., Leipz., 1868, ix,'289-309. -----. Das Fieber bei py- amischeu Kraukheiten im Vergleiche mit deu anatoini- schen Veranderungen und in seiner Beziehung zu deu son- stigen Symptomen. Ibid., 1869, x, 537-566.—Hcwctt (P. G.) Pyaemia in private practice. Tr. Clin. Soc.. Loud., 1874, vii. pp. xli-cxvii.—Hidalgo y Carpio (L.) Reab- sorcion purulenta; infeccion purulenta; piobemia; septice- mia. Gac. med. deM6xico, 1879, xiv, 17-37.—Hueter (C.) Septicaemic antl pyaemic, fever. [Transl. by J. C. Warren.] Boston M. efe S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 207; 295. -----. Zur Aetio- logie und Therapie tier metastasirenden Pyamie. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1872, i, 91-125. Also, Reprint. Jacontini (G.) Contribuzione clinica alio studio delle infezioni multiple. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 715; 725.—Jeaffrcson (C. S.) On some points connected with the treatmeut and pathology of pyaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 219.—King (C. P.) Pyaemia. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1881, vii, 275-277.—K.o*tlin (O.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier metastatischen Ablagerungen bei Eiter- infection des Blutes. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tiibing., 1845, i, 649-663, 1 pl.—Krackowizcr (E.) On pyaemia. Bull. N. York Acad. M. (1862-6), 1866, ii, 438; 450. Also: N.YorkM.J., 1865, i, 362; 448.—I^ebert. Pyamie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1858, viii, 655.—liegouest. Sur l'infec- tion purulente. Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 403-406.—licudet (E.) De l'aortite termin&e par suppu- ration, de son influence sur la production de l'infection purulente. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1861, ii, 575-591.— fjidell (J. A.) III. On pyaemia. In: Surg. Mem. War Rebellion. Coll. U. S. San. Com., N. Y., 1870, i, 507-563.— lioomi*. Pvaemia, with the clinical history of septicae- mia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 43. — Itlalcz (M.) Obecny stan pojec o tak zwan6j: Sprawie ropnicowej (py- aemia)! [The views held at the present time of pyaemia.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1866, lvi, 186; 371.—ITIar- chal. Remarques sur l'infection purulente; au sujet de la theorie proposee par M. F61ixd'Arcet. Ann. de la chir. franc, et Strang., Par., 1842, v, 137-154.—ITIathieu (E.) Recherches sur les fermentations du pus dans l'orga- nisnie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 340-342.— Mileent (A.) Remarques et observatious sur la tliathfese purulente. J.dechir. (Malgaigne), Par.,1845, iii, 299-310.— lt!oxon(W.) Notesofalectureonpyaemia. Lancet,Lond., 1874, ii, 689-691.—Packard. On the pyogenic or suppura- tive diathesis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1857-60), 1860, i. 247- 261. Also: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1860, iv, 99-113— Paget (J.) Chronic pyaemia. In his: Clin. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1875, 155-171.—Paget (S.) The distribution of pyaemic abscesses. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 203-205.— Parker (R.) On septic and aseptic pyaemia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1881, i, 73-81.—Pearce (J. S.) Pus in the blood. Newcastle efe Gateshead Path. Soc. Commumcat., Lond., 1852-3, 38-43— Pellizzari (G.) Di alcune lezioni orali sulla infezione purulenta. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1858, i, 215-223.—Petrone(L. M.) Sulla pioemia. Ibid., 1885, lv, 589-591.—Pidoux. Tribut medicale a la ques- tion chirurgicale de l'infection purulente. Union nied., PYAEMIA. 898 PYEMIA. Pvainia. Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 109; 123; 163; 170.—Pilz. Zur Casuistik der Pyamie. Tagehl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Bresl, 1874, 234— Piohemia trau- matica. Compilador ni6d., Barcel, 1867-8, iii, 173; 197.— Piorry [P.-A.] Infection purulente; pyeniie; septico- pyemic; fievre hectique. Bull. Acad, de ni6d., Par., 1871, xxxvi, 272-281. [Discussion]. 787-797. Also. Reprint.— Profeta (G.) Sulla infezione purulenta. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1865, xvi, 134-149.—[Pyaemia. Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 203-205.—Pyaemia after soige of the opera- tions which it does not usually follow. Med. Times & Gaz., Lontl, 1857, n. s., xiv, 115. — Pyaemia et septi- caemia. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1882, xxiv, 53-55.—Pyamie (Ueber). Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1861, xv, 65-70.—Pye-Ninith (P. H.) On pyamia. Guy's Hosp. Rep.,LoneL 1874. 3. s., xix,351-356.—B:iuney (A. L.) Pyae- mia and septicaemia; their causes, diagnosis, antl methods of treatment. Ann. Anat. efe Surg., Brooklyn, N. Y.,1881, iv, 177-202. Also: Rocky Mountain M. Times, Denver, 1882, i, 47-63. — Ban vier. Sur l'infection purulente. Lyon med., 1871, vii, 488; 513. Also: M6m. et i-ompt.- reud. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1871), 1872, xi, 17: pt. 2, 47.—Baynaud (M.) Etudes experimentales sur l'inoi-u- labilite tlu sang, dans un cas de pyoh6mie, spontanee. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 210-215. —Burner (T. O.) A prize essay on purulent absorption. Metl. Times, Lond., 1846, xii'i, 371; 413; 473: xiv, 17; 102; 333; 352.—Report of the committee appointed by the, Patho- logical Society of London, to investigate the nature and causes of those infective diseases known aspy.-entia, septi- caemia, and purulent infection. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1878-9), 1879, xxx, 1-188, 11 pl. Also: Rup. Med. Off. Lo- cal Gov. Bd. 1879, Lond., 1880, ix, 207-358, 11 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., 1880, i, 225; 503. Also [Rev.]: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1879, i, 592. —BoNcnlhnl. Die Lehre von der Pvamie. Med.-chir. Ruiulschau, Wien, 1866, ii, 161: iii. 1.—Rower (W.) Die speeinsehe Natur der Pyamie. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., I860, i, 39-50. -----. Zur Naturgeschichte der pyamischen Krankheitsformen. Ibid., 193-204.-----. Zur gerichtsarztlichen Beurtheilung der Pyamie-Fiille. Ibid., 340: 1863, iv, 378. -----. Bitte.der Pyamie ihren Namen zu lassen. Ibid., 1862, ii. 281.-----. Ziir Pyamie-Frage. Ibid., 368: 1863, iv, 92. —:—. ZurBe- kampfung einiger Missverstiindnisse in der Pyamie-Frage. Ibid., 1864, v, 257-264. -----. Zur Verstan'digung iiber den I'yaniiebegriff. Ibid., 1867, viii, 15-24.—Nanderson (J. li.) Preparations showing the results of certain ex- perimental inquiries relating to the nature of the infective agent in pyaemia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871-2, xxxiii, 303-308. [See, also, supra, Chauveau.]-----. Criticisms of Dr. Chauveau. of Lyons, on the discussion at the Patholog- ical Society on pyaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 459.— Naugalli. La'pioemia. Gior. di anat. e fisiol, Milano, 1867, iv, 350-380.—Savory (W. S.) On pyaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1S67, i, 74; 108; 139; 201. -----. On constitutional disturbance. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 229- 231. — Nedillot. De l'infection purulente. Ann. dela chir. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1845, vii, 129-151. — Scnac Viciiitec (C.) Determinar los caracteres diferenciales de la in It ocion purulenta y de la infeccion piitrida. Gac. de sanitl. mil, Madrid. 1883, ix, 130; 191; 230.—Skiadai-cscs (S.) To £rJTT)jU.a t»)s n-uaifiias tv rij IaTpi/cjj Teue llapitriiov 'Atca- Stj/ouo. 'Ao-/cAr,7ud<;, At^i/ai, 1872-3, xi, 1-30. — Smith (W. G.) Multiple pviemic abscesses of liver and lung. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1S80, lxix, 161.— Solly (S.) On purulent absorption. L,ancet, Lond., 1851, i, 289-291. — Terzi (G.) Sulla pioemia spontanea, e da flebite. Ippocratico, Fano, 1863, iv, 245-253. — Tessier (J.-P.) De la diathfese puru- lente. Experience, Par., 1838, ii, 81; 113; 257; 278; 310. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur la tliatkdse purulente. Ibid., 1841, viii, 177; 193. Also: Ann. denied, beige. Brux., 1841, iv, 90; 187. -----. Lettre sur quelques points du mecanisme tie l'infection purulente, k 1'occasion d'une ob- servation de pbhsbite consecutive a 1'amputation de la euisse. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x, 385-394. Also: Ann. de metl. beige, Brnx., 1844, iii, 1-11. [See, also, supra, Blandin.]—Thiry. Sur la piohemie. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, tie Brux., 1863, 30; 53.—Todd (J. B.) Spontaneous pyaemia. Tr. M. Stic. N. Y., Syracuse, 1884,243.—Traube (L.) Ueber das Fieber bei subacut verlaufender I'uintie. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol, Berl, 1871, ii, pt. 2, 962-965.—Traumatic fever and purulent infection. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1874, Iiii, 43-60.—Velpeau. De l'infection purulente ; apercu historique sur cette ma- ladie; observation remarquable. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1842, xv, 254; 285.—Verneuil (A.) Discussion sur l'infection purulente. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 360: 1871, xxxvi, 227; 249; 332; 678. Also, in his: M6m. de chir., 8°, Par., 1880, ii, 103-149. Also, transl.: Med. Times * Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 403; 520; 552; 582; 611. -----. Du pus impur et des rapports de la fifevre avec la pyogenic. Gaz. hebd. de ra6d., Par., 1871, 2. s., viii, 259-262. -----. Pyoh6mie a la suite d'une blessure de I'articulation d'une phalange; influence du froitl sur les plaies. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 1043. ------. Pyoemie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 18M, liv, 683.—Wallcy. Antemortem cardiac and pul- monary thrombosis, aa a result of absorption of pus. Vet. Pysemia. J. efe Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1879, viii, 73-75.—Watson (B. A.) Pyaemia and septicaemia. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 369 ; 461. Also, Reprint— Weirkcrl. Pvifinie. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl.. 1847. n. F., vii, ::5.! 365'.—Wilks (S.) Reporton pya'iuia, antl sonic allied all'ections. linv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1861, 3. s., vii, 119-196. — Wolff (M.) Ueber Blutuntersuchungen bei infectiosen Wunilkrank- heiten. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, 569-571.—Wood- ward (J. J.) On the causes and pathology of pvamtia (septaemia). Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1866. xvii, 173-205. Also, Reprint. — Wunderlich (C. A".) Ueher spontane nnd primare Pyamie. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg.. 1857, n. F., i, 89- 121. — Zambraiin y Vazquez (S.j Naturaleza dela infection purulenta. Obscrvador raed., M6xico, 1872-4, ii, 304-312. Pyaemia (Cases and statistics of). See, also, Vaccination (Abnormities, etc., of). Bech(C.) * Ein Fall von Pyamie. 8°. Ber- lin, [1880]. Cook (C. H.) Pyaemia of doubtful origin; apparently "spontaneous". Read at the annual meeting of tbe Massacbusetts Medical Society, JuneS, 1880. 8°. [n. p., 1880.] Moraxd (J.-S.-L.) * Note sur quelques cas de guerison de l'infection purulente. 4°. Paris, 1880. Ropertz (A.) * De casu quotlam pyseniise. 8°. Bon nte, 1865. Schili.emans (W. C.) Gecompliceerde frac- tuiir; amputatie; pyaunie. In his: * Drie heelkunkige ziektegevallen [etc.]. 8°. Leyden, 1858, 22-33. Adams (C.G.) Pyaemia. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1873, 460-462. — Ailemollo (A.) Infezione purulenta, sue- ceduta ad un vasto flemmone e guarita coll' uso dell' ipo- solfito di magnesia nel prime caso e con quello di soda nel secondo. Imparziale, Firenze. 1863, iii, 73-80.—Angell (A.) tt Richmond efc Louisville M. J., Louisville. 1874, xviii, 490-496.—Armstrong (S. T.) Pyaemia consequent upon wound of toe; death; illustrating the necessity of antisepsis. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1888, 234. —Balfour (J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1877-8, xxiii, 311.—Bardcnheuer (B.) Pyamie. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Thatigk. iiu Coiner stadt. Biiiger-Hosp. 1875, Coin, 1876, 51-69. — Barfoot. Acute necrosis of tibia; pyaemia be- fore abscess was opened; death. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lontl., 1872, i, 69.—Barucs (E. R.) t After amputation. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1866-7, vi, 385-389.—Kuril Hi (G.) 1)' un caso d' infezione purulenta del sangue. A tin. univ. di med., Milano, 1850, exxxv, 310. [See, also, infra. Nayarini (A.)] ------. Risposta alia critica del Dott. Nava'rini. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1851, ii, 599-604.— Bmirr. Zur Casuistik der Pyamie. (Periarticularer Abscess des Hiiftgelenks; Pyamie.) Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1875-6, n. F., ix, 388-390. — Bell (J.) Three cases of recovery from pyaemia, in all of which the secondary complications had been distinctly marked. Edinb. M. J., 1869-71, xv, 605-612.—Bell (J.) t Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1878-9, vii, 106-110.—Bennett (E. S.) Singular case of general suppurative diathesis, commencing in the dura mater, and extending over the whole frame. Charleston M. eiuistre. Infection puruleute d'origine interne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 151-153.—Lcveii. [Atresie du vagin; incision; infection putride.] Ibid., 1858, xxxiii, 448. — Eiouville it Ijcroy. Infection puruleute probablement spontanee. Ibid.. 1867, xiii, 439.—Cocke (F. A.) Amputation of foot; pya-mia; death. Canada M. J., Montical. 1870-71, vii. 252. — liorain. [Enfant uouveau-ue, infection puru- lente. J Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 200. — l.iica* (R. ('.) A caseof umbilical pyaemia, with disintegration of the sternum, left sterno-clavicular joint, and several costal cartilages, in an infant. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 168.— liiizzatto (M.) Sopra un caso di malattia infettiva a decorso acuto. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, ix, 544-550.—Eycops. Pyohemie sans lesion aut6rieure appreciable. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii, 14.—.TIacGillivray (P. H.) On a caseof death from pyaemia following the sting of a scorpion. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866. xi, 97-99.—iTlalgaignc. Plaie contuse tlu pied; fracture comminutive des os du metatarse; 1111- putation de la jambe; diathfese purulente; mort le cin- quante-quatrieme jour apres l'accielent. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1845, 2. s . vii, 165.—Jlalherbc. Deux observa- tions de metastase purulente. J. de med. de l'ouost, Nantes, 1883, xvii, 241-250. —.Tlarquez. Sur une arthrite. traumatique; abces; infection purulente; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1853, xiii, 18-23.—.Hnuinler. Remarks Pyaemia (Cases and statistics of). on a case of ampution of both legs: pya-mia: removal into the open air; tleath. Lancet, Lome, 1862, ii, 207.-----. Amputation of thigh for inflammation of the knee-joint; pyaemia; empyema; slough of pleura ; inflammation of the femoral vein ; embolism of pulmonary artery : remarks by Dr. Sutton. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870,1, 206. — iVIniiuoiiry. Resume de quelques observations dont Tissue a etc funesie a la suite d'infection puruleute. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, 2. s., i v, 535; 552 ; 613.—lTlaync (N.) Serious brain sy mptoniH following pyemia. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 106-108. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888, 3. s., lxxxv, 75- 81.—.Tic 1111. Infection purulente denature lliumatismale. Bull. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1866-7, iii, 63-68.—lMcltcnlici- mer (C.) Pyiimie im Stadium tier Abtrocluiung bei Va rioloiden. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1865, x, 214. — iTIirhcl (L.) Observation d'un cas de diathese purulente u6e sous l'influence de la syphilis. Marseille metl, 1873, x, 23-32. — lTlilford (F.) Case of pvamia under tho care of R. Schuctte. N. South Wales M.'Gaz.. Sydney, 1871-2, ii, 13-18. — ITIinot (F.) Case of pva'inia of obscure origin. Boston M. efc S. J., 1881, cv, 485.' Also: Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 185. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1880-82), 1883, viii, pp. ccxxv-ccxxviii. — iVIoorc (J. W.) A case of pyaemia attended by sudden destruction of the eye. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1876.lxi, 158-167. Also, Re print.— Moreau (A.) t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi. 224.— von IVloscngeil (K.) t t Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1870, xii, 88-104, 2 tab. — ITIosse (A.) Affection osseuse gen6ralis6e a plusieurs parties du squelette; fracture spontanee du femur : phlegmon orbitaire it fonte de l'oeil; infection purulente. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, Iiii, 157-15!l.— !l ii it'll i won. Case of pyaemia and acute necro- sis of the ilium, sternum, and acromion ; pulsating abscess over sternum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863-4, xv, 181-186. -----. Pyaemic abscesses of the liver, peritoneum, and lungs, succeeding gangrenous ulceration of the urethra and bladder. Ibid., 1869, xx, 213-216. — IVnvarini (A.) Esame critico di una relazione del Dott. G. Baruiti sopra tin caso d' infezione purulenta del sangue. Gior. veneto tli sc. metl., Venezia, 1851, ii, 590-599.—Nelaton (E.) Infection purulente; caillot renferniant du pus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 466.—Ogle (el. W.) Case of pyamiia, the cause of which remained undiscovered ; termination by thrombosis of the veins of one leg. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1874, vii, 139-143.— O'Hara (M.) A case of idiopathic (?) pyaemia, or blood-poisoning; with remarks. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 184-188. Also : Pioc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Pbila., 1880, ii, 23-27. — O'Ryan (J. F.) t Brit, M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 440.—Osier (W.) Suppuration about right kidney; pyaemic abscesses iu elbows, ankles, and anterior mediastinum ; peritonitis; pleurisy. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep. (1877), 1878, i, 75. -----. Anomalous case of pyaemia; suppuration about tissues in left inferior carotid triangle ; pyaemic abscess beneath tensor vaginae femoris; pyaemic infarcts in the lungs ; septic phuris\. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal 1879-80, viii. 544-548.'— Page (II. W.) Table of eases of pyasmia. Loud. Hosp. Rep., 1875, 11-14. -----. Cerebral ha'iiioiThagc in a case of pyaemia. Brain, Lond., 1878-9, i. 570-573 — Puget (J.) Cases of chronic pyaemia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1865, i. 1- 13. — Paikrt (A.) Anscheinend uubedeutende Verle- tzung des Unter.schenkels in Foljje Pfenlehufschlags; aus- gedehnterKnocheiisprnng; Pvamie; Tod. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1865. vi, 93-95.—Palfrey (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 249.—Part. Case of extensive dissecting abscess of the lower extremity from pyaemia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 381-383.'— Payne (J. F ) tt Ibid. (1870-71), 1871, xxii, 332-336.—Peabody (J. L.) l'\amia without external wound recognized or recognizable' upon careful examination; micrococci in the Malpighian tufts of the kidney. Med. Rec, N. V., 1879, xv, :;oo. — Pel (P. K.) Bijdrage tot de diagnostiek en casuistiek der kryptogene- tische pyaemie. Nederl. Tijdschr. \r. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, xviii, 177-203. —Perry. A fatal case of pya-mia, ac- companied by pvamie or metastatic multiple abscesses of liver. Army M.'Dep. Rep. 1866, Lond., 1868, viii, 539-541.— Pick. St. George\s Hospital. Tabulated report of thir- teen deaths from pyamiia of the year 1864, Janv. 1 to Dec. 31. Med. Times efe' Ga/.., Lond., 1865, i, 60. — Pickford. Zwei Fiille von Diathesis purulenta nebst einigen Bemer- kungen. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1848, xiii, 135-154.—Picquc (L.) Abces dn tissu cellulaire consectit it's a un debride- ment du m6at urinaire ; pyoh6mie piohahlc: Kisions r6- nales; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1883, lviii, 439-441. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1884, xii: 398. — Pitman. A case of pyaemia suspected to be spontaneous in its origin. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 691. — Poggio 1 R. H.) Diatesis purulenta. Siglo med., Madrid, 1*74, xxi, 742.— Porter (A.) Pyaemia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 178.— Pozzi (S.) Deg6nerescence aigue du foie et des reins, caus6e par la septicemic; fracture comminutive de la jambe gauche, compliquee de plaie : erysipeles successifs; mort an bontde 5 mois. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1874. xlix, 775-778. — Prati (P.) Storia di pioemia guarita dietro la comparsa tlella ftiriasi. Raccoglitore mod. di Fano, 1856, xiii, 367-372.—Putzel (L.) A cute encephalitis in pya-mia. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y.. 1881 (suppl), 557.— PYEMIA. 901 PYAEMIA. Pvaemia (Cases and statistics of). Puzey (C.) Clinical observations on some cases of chronic pyaemia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v, 313-323. — <(iiih- q'uaud. Infection puruleute il marche chronique; abc6s multiples de diflerents viscei es; abces du cceur; ost6o-peri- ostite vert6brale; abc6s par congestion. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 38-44.-----. Infection puru- lente il marche leute, ayant son point do depart daus une osteite veitebrale. Ibid., 53-55.—Kadclill'e (S. J.) Pyae- mia? consecutive to a gunshot wound which had healed six- teen months previously, resulting in death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liv. 274.— Kami rose (L.) Infeccion pu- rulenta. Gac. mtSd. de Mexico, 1866, ii. 161-176.—Keid (J. A.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 149-151.— Bemy. Accidents d'infection puruleute i-6cidives. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 259.— Rhyckwncrl. Infec- tion purulente: pleurdsie; presentation de pieces. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin.de Lille, 1886, i, 96-100.—Ria ((!.) Pioemia multipla. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1877, n. s., ii, 188-193. Also, inhis: Alcunelez. di clin. nied., 8°, Napoli, 1884, 341-348.—Kichclot (L.-G.) Observation tie pyohe- mie. Union med.. Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 134; 144.—Richet. Des rapports ele- la phlebite et tie la pyohemie ou tie la phhsbite infectieuse. fieolede med., far., 1876. iii, 25-30.— Ripley (J. H.) Punctured wound of the foot; death; embolie pneumonia; pyaemia. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 176.—Ritter (B.) Ein Fall von sehr ausgepragter Eiter- Metastase. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kbln, 1851, v, 460-467.—Ross, t t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857. n. s., iv, 175. —Riihle. Pvamie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1853,107-113.—Sal'leron. Del'infecti n purulente. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1859, 3. s., ii, 346-415.— Salzcr. 11 Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1865), 1866, 132-134.—dc Sanctis (T. L.) Un flenuuone diffuse con infezione purulenta. Reudic. Accad. nted.-chir. di Napoli. 1863. xvii, 29-45. Also: Morgagni, Napoli, 1863, v, 233-250.—Savory (W. S.) Case of acute necrosis of the tibia: death from pya'mia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865, i. 275. -----. Some statistics of pyaemia. Ibid., 1867, iii, 17-85.—Scheuck (P. L.) Pyteniia, fol- lowing fracture of both bones of each lower extremity. Rep. King's Co. Hosp. 1876. N. Y., 1877, 9.—Schmit. M6- dullites et phl6bites suppurees chez un sujet mort d'infec- tion purulente. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 445. Also: Progrts m6d., Par., 1880, viii, 134.—Scholz (W.) Furtinkel am linken Fussriicken, Phlebitis der Wurzeln der Vena saphena parva, Pyamie, Lungeninfarcte; Tod. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 1521-1523.-----. Phleg- mone subfascial, am Coudylus externus des linken Ober- schenkels, ausgedehnte Jauchung untl Gaseutwickluug; Sjepticamie; Thrombose der Vena femoral, sin., der Vena cephal. dextr., der Vena mediana basilica uud cephal. siu.; Tod nach sieben Tagen. Ibid.. 1537-1539.—Schuma- cher. Ein Todtschlag. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niiiitli., 1875, xxvi, 345-353. — SCilillot. Infection puru- lente. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1846, 2. s., i, 93-111.—Servier. Observation pour servir k I'histoire de l'infection purulente. Gaz. hebd. de ra6d., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 710-714.—Seydel. Einige Falle von Pyohaemie. Miin- chen. raed. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 423-425.—Simonact. Fracture compliquee de la jambe; amputation; infection purulente; abc^s m6tastatiquesdans les membres; absence de foyers purulenta dans les visc^res. Arch de la m6d. beige'. Brux., 1842, ix, 378-384.—Smith (T.) Pyaemia in a child a few weeks old; laceration of vaginal mucous membrane during birth; recovery. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1863, n. s., i, 401. ------. Pyaemia, following an in- jury received during birth; suppuration in the wrist and hip-joiuts; pleurisy; autopsy. Ibid., 401.—Southcy (R.) t Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 536.— Spcir(S.F.) Pyaemia. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1865-6, v, 3.— Standthartncr. 11 Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1879), 1880, 2-4.—Stellens. Gelenkrheumatis- nms und Pyamie. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1859, xxxii, 145-147.—Steven. Anomalous case of pyaemia without external wound. Glasgow M. J., 1870-71, [5.] s., iii, 113- 116.—Stiutzing (K.) Pneumopyoperitoueum mit con- secutiver Septicopyamie: metastatische Abscesse inphthi- sischer Lunge. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1883, xxx, 557- 559.—Stone (W. H.) Case of acute necrosis followed by pyaemia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, n. s., xix, 55; 79.—Storer (D. H.) Diffuse inflammation of the deeper- seated tissues of the thigh; purulent absorption ; autopsy. Boston M. . Maisch (J.) * Ueber die Ursachen der Pyiimie untl deren Veihutuug. 8°. Miinchen, 1869. Nebout (G.) *De Faction des moyens consi- d6re~s comme pre~veutifs de la pyoh6mie. 4°. Paris, 1873. Olshaiisex (R.) Die Schutzmittel gegen sep- tische Infection; zur Technik der Adhiisionsbe- liandlung. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1877, No. Ill (Gynako- logie, No. 37, 831-846). Sauve (L.-J.) * Des moyens de pr6venir l'in- fection purulente. 4°. Paris, 1875. Smirnoff ( P. ) * O prisutstvii patogennych mikrobev v sustavnoi sinovii pri uiekotorych iiifektsiounycli bolieznjach. [Ou the presence of pathogenetic microbes in synovial articulations in some infectious diseases. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1889. Baker (A.) On the origin of pyaemia. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1866, ii, 629-634.—Baker (A. W. W.) Pyaemia of dental origin. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888, vi, 400-403. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1888, lxxxvi, 6-8.— Barely (A.) Infection purulented'appaiencespontanee et due scion toute probabilite k une typhlite suppur6e. Niee-ni6d., 1883-4, viii, 162: 1884-5, ix, 1. — Barnes (R.) Ou pyaemia in hospitals and in private practice. Lancet, Lond'., 1874, i, 179. — Batailhe. Sur l'infection puru- lente; un mot sur rinsahibrite dt s hdpiiaiix. Rev. de therap. nie-d.-ehir., Par.. 1864, xxxii. 48o; 507— Beltzow (A.) Zur Frage tier Mikroorganistnen bei Pvamie. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. "Wissensch., Kerh, 1884, xx'ii, 370-373. - Itoinct. Des moyens de pr6veuir etde guerir l'infection purulente. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1873, xlvi, 147— Honour (E.) Remarques a propos d'un nouveau moyen prophy- P Y.EM I A. 902 PYAEMIA. Pyaemia (Causes and prevention of). lactique de l'infection purulente. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1873. xl, 178-187.—Boza (R. D.) Epidemia de in- feccion purnleuta en la sala de cirujia del Hospital de San • Juan de Dies. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1874-5, iii, 55; 186; 290.—Bron (F.) De l'infection putride et du pansement des plaies. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1862, xxx, 512; 539; 503; 595. — Cadge ( W.) The pre- vention of pyaemia in hospital practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 502-504. — Candiani (G.) L' ingresso dell' aria nella apertura degli ascessi per congestioue e verainfcnte causa di pioemia ! Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1861, iv, 152; 157.—Cantani (A.) Caso di streptococche- inia metastatizzante. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1889, n. s., xi, 401-412. —Cayla efc Charrin. Pyohemie spontanee (pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux). France med., Par., 1885, i, 613-617. Also: Bull. Soc clin. de Par., 1885, ix, 99-105. — Chassaignnc. Emploi de l'alcoolature d'aconit comme moyen preventif de l'infection purulente dans les operations chirurgicales. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1848-50), 1851, i, 540-543.—Chauveau (A.) L'agent pyobemique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avanee. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1875, Par., 1876, iv, 1027-1035. — Chiminelli (L.) Alcuni cenni e quesiti sul tratamento preventivo e cura- tivo dell' infezione purulenta quale complicazione delle ferite suppuranti. Ann. univ. di metl., Milano, 1849, exxix, 225-250.—Coopiunu (H. L.) Fatal case of pyae- mia, the result of dental caries; with remarks on the prophylasis of this affection. Brit. J. Dent. Sc. Lond., 1888, xxxi, 597-600. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 464. — Dennis (F. S.) The action of micro- organisms upon surgical wounds, with demonstrations. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886, ii, 377-414. — Derou- baix. Dela prophylaxie de l'infection purulente. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1857-8, x, 197; 205; 213.—De Simonc ( F. ) Ricerche etiologiche su di una forma di picmia umana; suoi rapporti con 1' erisipela. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 457; 690, 2 ph, 1 diag. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1885, n. s., vii, 850.— Dowse (T. S.) Pyaniia in private practice. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 463.—Bubrueil (A.) Th6orie microbienne de la fievre traumatique, de la pvohernie et de la septic6mie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ni6d. de Montpel, 1883, v, 542; 555.—Heath (G. Y. ) Pyaemia in private practice. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 316. — Hewett ( P.) An address on pyaemia in private practice. [With discussion.] Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1874, vii, pp. xli-cxvii. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 154; 166; 269; 337; 410. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 119; 140; 250; 332. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 129; 141; 234; 306; 380. —Holmes (T.) Pyaemia in hospital and private practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 269.—Kidd (C.) On pyaemia, aud the value of less crowding in hospitals; with the use of bark, wine, steel, acids, etc. Dublin M. Press, 1862, xlvii, 24.—M.e Fort (L.) De la contagion tie l'infection purulente. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par, 1871, 2. a., viii, 425-427.— Tlmillo (G.) De la iirt'e-e ■cion purulenta en los hospitales de San- tiago. Rev. meel. de- Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1872-3, i, 130; 169; 225; 284; 361; 384.—yon IVussbauui (J. N.) Si- cherer Schutz gegen accidentelle Wuudkrankheiten, Pyamie, Hospitalbrand, etc. In his: Die chir. Klin, zu Munch., 8°, Stuttg., 1875, 3-7.—Pavlovski (A. D.) K uchen. ob etiologii piemii. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 51-54. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wis- sensch., Berl, 1887, xxv, 433; 455. Also, transl: Arch. slaves tie biol, Par., 1887, iv, 347-353.—Poirier. Rapport sur les memoires envoy^s en reponse de la question : Quels sont les moyens de prevenir la resorption purulente k la suite des operations chirurgicales? Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1863, xii, 121-147.—Porre (R. J.) Chronic pyemia of dental origin. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, v, 431-447. Also: Dental Reg., Cincin., 1887, xii, 487-504.— Ravogli (A.) Esperimenti sulla genesi della piemia. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1876, ii, 37-41.—Benz (G. A.) The bacterial causes of wound infection. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul, 1889, ix, 313.—Besume de la discussion sur l'infection purulente. Quelques mots sur l'etiologie medi- cale k propos de cette discussion. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1871 xliv, 509; 521; 533.—Bunnalls (H. B.) Pyaemic pneu- monia and peritonitis resulting from retention of a piece of sponge in the vagina. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 167.— Hcliiiii (F.) TJeber die Ursachen des pyaniischen Fiebers. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1862, iv, 16-42.—Seminer (E.) Die coutagiose Pyamie der Kaninchen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1881, xix, 737-739.—Smith (H.) Pye- mia in private practice. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 362.— Stauriflos (G. K.) Ilepi T7js alrtokoyias Trjs irvai/ni'ae;. raArjcbs, 'Afloat., 1887, IZ', 569-574.—Stone (W.) On union by first intention and purulent absorption. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1860-61, xvii, 153-157.—Williams. Case of pyaemia following chronic disease of bone in the neighborhood of the ear. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n. s., vi, 356-359. Pyaemia (Diagnosis and symptoms of). Anstie. Pyaemia, with singular eruptive symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 117.—Barclay. A case of pyaemia, simulating rheumatism. Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 430.— Bennett (J. H.) Acute articular rheumatism ; multiple Pya'lllia (Diagnosis and sgmptoms of). abscesses in the joints, in the muscles, within the cranium, etc. What is pya'mia.' Month. J. M. Sc, Loud, efe Etlinb., 1855, xx, 111-114.—Bonuard. Exanth6mes cut ant's dans la pyohemie. Bull. Soc. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1869, iii, 365-368.—Cameron (H. C.) Ou the occurrence of a pustular cutaueous eruption in pyainic cases. Lan- cet, Lond., 1878, ii, 6f>. — Coalc. Acute tuberculosis or pyaemia? Boston M. efe S. J., 1861-2, Ixv, 222-224.— Despres. Infection purulente sans plaie, forme eruptive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1888, n. s„ xiv, 114-117.— Fnssell (E. F.) I'va-mia from an unusual source, simu- lating enteric fever. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 8.—Herrgoft. Infection purulente, symptomes douteux, utilite tie la thermom6trie comme moyen de diagnostic; abces multi- ples; guerison. Gaz.d. hop.. Par., 1868, xii, 254.—Herrick (C. B.) A case of pyaemia without chills. Med. Ann., Albany, 1884, v, 20-22. — Heubuer (O.) Ueber den Ver- lauf des Fiebers bei pviimischen Krankheiten. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1868, ix, 289-309, 1 pl. Also, transl : Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1869, 2. a., vi, 406-408.—Hutchinson (J. H.) Pya-mia, simulating rheumatism. Am. J. Al. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 398-402. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1873-4), 1874, n. s., iv, 320-324. — lVIurchison (C.) Case of pyaemia, simulating enteric fever, with acute necrosis of the ilium sternum, and acromion, and a pulsating ab- scess in front of the sternum. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lontl, 1864, i, 307. —Paul (C.) Pustular eruption in pya-mia. Phila, M. Times, 1878-9, ix, 80.—Pel (P. K.) Zur Diagnose und Casuistik der sog. occnlten Pyamie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1882. iv, 558-574, 1 diag. —Sutton (H. G.) Observations on the difficulty of diagnosing, in some cases, pyaemia from rheumatic fever. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 347-349.—Weeks (G. R.) Pyaemia, or leukaemia. Chicago M. J., 1863, xx, 554-560. Pyaemia (Treatment of). . * Frank (G.) *Zur Behandlungder Pyamie. 8°. Wimpfen, 1877. Atlee (W. F.) Two cases of pyaemia, or purulent in- fection, with recovery ; in which the bisulphite of soda was administered. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., xlix, 82-84.— Ayr (G. B.) La pioemia ed i solfiti; istoria criticadi un caso di infezione icoremica. Ann. di ehim. applic a. med., Milano, 1872, 3. s., lv, 285-293. — Barbieri (A.) Due casi di infezione purulenta, ed un terzo d' infezione pu- trida per inoculazione nel maneggio di cadaveii, trattati internamente col solfito di magnesia, e riesciti a guari- gione ; ricordi di casi identici curati coi mezzi ordinarj e passati ad esito letale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1864, 5. s., iii, 192-198. -----. Ascessi moltiplici sotto cu- tanei; infezione purulenta; cura felice mediante i solfiti. Ibid., 1865, 5. s., iv, 201.—Blandin. Phlebite, suite de saign6e; infection purulente; mort; quelques considera- tions sur le traitement de l'infection purulente. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1845, 2. s., vii, 311.—Bonnet. M6nioiresurla cauterisation, consid6r6e surtout comme moyen de pr6ve- uir et de gu6rir la phlebite et l'infection purulente. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1843, 2. s., x, 231; 352; 279. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, ii, 253-273.—Bourguet. Note sur la cauterisation dans ses rapports avec l'iufection purulente. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1853, 3. s , viii, 355; 589.— Butcher (R. G. H.) On the treatment of pyemia by mercury and stimulants. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiii, 25-27. — Casteluuovo (G.) Due casi d' infezione puru- lenta guariti coi solfiti. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1867, cci, 34.—Clemens (T.) Die Behandlung und Heilung tier Pyamie durch Alcoholisation desBlutes. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1874, xxvi. :i.i5: 1875, xxvii, 14; 46.— Ely (E. T.) Pyaemia successfully treated without medicine. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 703.—Famechon (H.) La curabilite de l'infection purulente; 6tude critique et therapeutique. Ann. Soc. do nied. d'Anvers. 1882, xliii, 467: 1883, xliv, 87; 237; 357.—Faralli (G.) Dei solfiti nell'infezione puru- lenta. Riv. cliu., Bologna, 1865, iv, 112-115.—Henrot (H.) ThGorie et traitement de certaines formes d'infection puru- lente et tie septicemic. Bull. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1874, xiii, 75. [Discussion], 92; 104; 165.—Holden (J. S.) Turpen- tine in pyaemia; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 163.—Is- nard (0.) De l'alcoolature d'aconit dans l'infection puru- lente. Union m6d., Par., 1861, 2. s., xii, 230; 243; 264.— Kraussold (H.) Tidier eine operative Methode zur Be- kampfting liegiiineiider Pyiimie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1878, xxii, 965-973.—1?I ax (O.) De loppurtunite des ampu- tations dans certains cas de resorption puruleute. J. tie metl. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1864, xxxix, 418-428. Also: Abeille med., Par., 1864, xxi, 368; 379. [Rap. de Tirifahy.] Bull. Soc. d. sc. nied. et nat. de Brux., 1864, 89. [Discus- sion], 92.—von IVIosengeil (K.) Fallvon Pyamie, mit subcutanen Injectionen von Chinioid. mur. behandelt. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1870-71, xii, 724-731.— Nau- in a a n. Zur Behandlung der purulenten Infection des Blutes. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i, 90- 94.—Parise(J.) De la curabilite del'inft it ion purulente. Gaz. hebd. tie m6d., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 374— Puzey (C.) Case of pvaemia treated for four months in a bath. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1887, vii, 281-288. — Kipoll. Infection PYEMIA. 903 PYLOEUS3. Pyaillia (Treatment of). purulente; gu6rison par le sulfate de quinine. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 132-135. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1869, iii, 193. — Rose (E.) Die Heilbarkeit der Pyamie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.. 1889, xv, 473-475.—Roser (XV.) Therapeutisches fiber Pyamie. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz,, 1860, i, 329-339.— Sadler (O. W.) A case of pyaemia treated with sulphite of soda. Oregon M. efc S. Reporter, Salem, 1869-70, i. 225- 228. Also: Chicago M. Exam., 1870, xi, 198-200.—Ter- rillon. Traitement de l'infection purulente par l'ampu- tation. Semaino med., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 369. Also, transl: Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1884, i, 302-304.— Tessier (J.-P.) Note sur le traitement de ladiathe.se purulente (fievre puerp6rale, phlebite, infection purulente), au moyen de l'aconit. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1846, xxx, 256- 261. Also: Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 226-229.— Therapeia i-i)? Trutu/ou'as. 'Iarpucij 'Ernj.., 'Adfivai, 1858- 9, i, 336.—Watson (J.) An inquiry into the pathology and treatment of secondary abscesses, and other consecutive disorders resulting from injuries and surgical operations. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1837-8, xxi, 37-74. — Wilke. Fall von Pyamie, geheilt durch arterielle Transfusionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 153. Pyaemia in animals. * Crombie (A.) Pyaemia in the horse. Indiana M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 143— H ilgeudorf (F.) & Paulicki (A.) Pyamie bei einem Nasenbarcn. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1869, xix, 1021-1023.—Hutchinson (J.), jr. Pyae- mia in a lamb. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 434. Pyaemia in infants and children. * Baginsky (A.) Zwei Falle von Pyamie heijungen Sauglingeu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1889, cxv, 460-482, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 239.—Day. Pyaemia in a child associated with cys- titis and pyelo-nephritis. Laucet, Lond., 1883, i, 822.— Fere (C.) Infection purulente chez un nouveau-n6; 16- sion singuliere de la colonne cervicale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, Iiii, 407-409.—Heubner. Ein Fall von em- bolischer Pyamie bei einem siebenwochigen Kinde. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1880, u. F., xv, 471^75.—Kidd (L.) Pyaemic diseases peculiar to the early days of infant life. Proc. Allahabad M. Soc, 1882, i, 130-137.— Lucas (R. C.) A case of umbilical pyaemia, with disintegration of the sternum, left sterno-clavicnlar joint, and several cos- tal cartilages in an infant. Lancet, Lontl., 1889, ii, 168.— Williams. Pyaemia in infant; recovery. Ann. Anat. efc Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 287." Pyatigorsk. Pashkevich (S.) Nahlyudeniya nad daeistviem Pya- tigorskikh saernuikh vod. [On the effects of the sulphur waterof Pyatigorsk.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1874, xx, 1-60.— Biidnef (M. M.) O Kavkazskikh mineralnikh vodakh v' Pyatigorsk. [On the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1870-71, vii, 202. Pichlail (Christian Heinrich) [1824-55]. *De jotli effectu atque usu. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1848]. For Biography, see Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1857, iv, 1. Lfg., 157 (Sodoffsky). Piclllau (Eduard). *Zur Casuistik der Scarla- tina im Puerperio. 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1881. Pycnaiitlieiiuuii. Vasser (E. M.) Pycnantheraum linifolium. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1874, 366-368. Pye (George). A discourse of the plague, wherein Dr. Mead's notions are considered and refuted. xi, 75 pp. 8°. London, J. Roberts #■ A. Dodd, 1721. [P., v. 1240; 1363.] -----. The same. Part II. Wherein are consid- er'd the real causes of the plague, together with the method of prevention. 31pp. 8°. London, J. Roberts $ A. Dodd, 1721. [Also, in: P., v. 1240; 1363.] See, also, Some remarks on three treatises of the plague, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1721. Pye (Samuel). Some observations on the several methods of lithotomy, in a letter to Dr. John Lane. 28pp.,3pl. 4°. London, IV. 6}-J. Innys, Bound with: Smollet (T.) An essay on the external use of water, [etc.]. 4°. London, 1752. Pye (Walter). .Surgical handicraft. A manual of surgical manipulations, minor surgery, antl other matters connected with the work of house I Pye (Walter)—continued. surgeons and surgical dressers, xx, 544 pp. 8°. London, B. Kimpton, 1884. -----. The same. 2. ed. xix, 546 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, B. Kimpton, 1885. -----. Thesame. xx, 544 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son {)7>. Also: Gaz. med. de Bordeaux, 1873, ii, 514-521.—I.tlniil L G.) Two interesting cases of pneumopyothorax. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1885-6, n. a., xiii, 702-704.— lietulle. Pyopneumo- thorax d'origine tuberculeuse, troubles b6mipl6giqnes de la sensibilit6 cutanee du cot6 correspondant aux lesions pleurales (hyperesth6sie de la paroi thoracique, anesth6sie des membres gauches); thoracentesesaspiratrices r6p6t6es; mort. France m6d., Par., 1880, xxvii, 793-795. A Iso: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 89-95— I.eyiiVn (E.) Ueber Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus (uud suhphreni- scbe Abs'cesse). Ztschr. f. klin. Metl., Berl, 1879, i, 320- 339.-----. Ueher Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 663. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1879-80), 1881, xi, 14. -----. Ueber Pyo- pneumothorax tuberculosus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv. 649-651.—von I9.— Pcdieini (M.) Intoruo ad un caso di piopuenmotorace con ascesso polmonare e fistole toraciche. Clinica, Napoli, 1876, iii, 293-302.—Pi I man. Empyema and pneumothorax, with remains of supposed old abscesses in the lungs. Lancet, L nil., 1864, ii, 437.— Pokrovski tl). M.) Materiali k ucheniou ob auskultat. javleni.JHch pri pyopneumothorax i k patolog. etoi bol- ezni. Med. Sbornik. Tiflis, 1877. xxiv, 25-38.—Pusinelli. Ein Fall von Pseudopyopneiimothorax ( Pyopneumotho- rax subphrenicus, Levtlen). Perl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1887, xxiv, 362-364.—Bitter von Bittershain (G.) Pyo- pneumothorax lateris sinistri. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876,i, 453; 473, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Sellliisser. Notiz iiber einen Pyopneumothorax. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1862, ii, 145-147.—Soninifr. Zebranie sie gazu i ropy w jamie oplucnej prawej (pneumopyothorax), spowodow'aue gruzlica. pluc (tuberculosis pulmonum ). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1867, ii, 617-623. — Staiulliartiicr. t Wien. nied. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1421.—Steven (J. A.) Pyopneu- mothorax; operation: drainage; recovery. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1886, n. s., iii, no. 3," 193.—Stoddard (E. V.) Pyopneumothorax ; treatment by aspiration, and permanent drainage tube. Buffalo M. efe S. J.. 1877-8, xvii, 131-133.—Stiilir (P.) Ueber Tonsillen hei Pyopneu- mothorax. Sitzungsb. d. pbys.-nied. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1884,32-35. Also: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, v. 345.—Taylor (R. N.) A case of pyopneumothorax; aspiration. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 103-106.— Tetz (B.) Odma piersiowa (pneumothorax) wystepujaca w kilka dni po przesileniu zapalenia pluc krupowego; formowanie sie ropo odmy (pyopneumothorax). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873. xiv, 231; 250; 266; 359.—Thompson (S.) Pneumothorax followed by empyema and necessi- tating operation. Proc M. Soc. Lond., 1872-4, i, 26-29.— Thorowgood efe Harsant. Case of pyopneumotho- rax discharging by bowel; post mortem. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 666.—Thursfield (T. W.) Observations ou a case of pyopneumothorax. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1881 xvi, 264-268.—Tymowski. Eine Radi- calopeiation eles Pyopneumothorax nach tier Fraentzel'- schen Methe.ele. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 321-324. — Venint;er (J.) Ein Fall von pyopneumotho- rax nach Durchbruch von Bronchial-Cavemen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1872-3, n. F.. vi. 97-101—Villagran (J. M. B.) Piotorax en un nifio lie dos afios de edad; curacion completa por la canalizacion quirurgica y las in- yecciones iodadas, A los 51 dias de enfermedad y 13 de operacion. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1869, iv, 110-112.— Vogel (J.) Inhalation enormer Quantitiiten vou Chloro- form hei Pyopneumothorax nach eitriger Pleuritis. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1805. xix, 117-120. — Wacquez. [Un pyopneumothorax.} Arch. metl. beiges, Brux., 1879, 3. s., xv, 356-358.—Wcinlccluier. Pyopneumothorax der linken Brusthalfte in Kolge zweier die Brustwand perfori- render Stichverletzungen ; zweimalige Punction und nach- herige Thoracocentese; vollsliindige Heilung nach 6mo- natlicber Behandlung. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Wien (1886). 1888, 217.—Williams (J. T.) Case of tapping a foetid pyopneumothorax. Tr. Clin. Soc Loud.. 1879 xii, 122-135. Also: Lancet, Lontl, 1879, i, 440.—Will ten (L. J.) Empyema complicated with pneu- mothorax ; caused by a diagnostic error; recovery. Cin- cin. Lancet efe Obs.,'1876, xix, 416-419. — Winslow (R.) Pyopneumothorax; operation. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885, xiii, 303.—von Ziemssen. Pneumopyothorax ex pleuritide; wietlerholte Punction; relativ giinstiger Ver- lauf. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1879, xxvi, 234. -----. t Ibid., 250. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. See, also, Jaws (Diseases of). Galippe. Die infectiose arthro-dentare Gin- givitis (Pyorrhoea alveolaris). Autorisierte Ue- bersetzung von B. Manassewitsch. 8°. Berlin u. Xeuwied, 1888. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Mills (G. A.) Pericementitis; its manifesta- tions in the oral cavity, and its serious effects upon the general health.' 8°. Xew York, [1882]. Arkiivy (J.) Ueber die Behandlung der Caries alveo- laris. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1886, ii, 137-140.—Atkinson (VV. H.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris; sponge-grafting as related thereto. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Phila., 1885. xxv, 149-160. Also: Brit, J. Dent. Sc. Lond., 1886, xxix, 529-534.—KelI (1. R.) Pvorrhtea alveolaris. Ohio J. Dent. Sc. Toledo, 1889, ix, 3'lu.—Deiv.ner (P.) Zur Behandlung der Pyoirhtea alveolaris. Miincheii. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 440.—I>nrct (H.) Phl6bite in- fectieuse des veines ophthalmiques, k la suite de p6t iostite alveolo-dentaire. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1886, iii. 96-105. Also: J.d.conn.rn.6d.prat., Par ,1886. 3. s.,viii,73-76 —En- gelsen. Pyorrhoea alveolaris inle e tiosa. Hosp. Till, Kjobenh., 1888, 3. R., vi, 421-428—Farrar (J. N.) Me- chanie al aids iu the treatment of pocket disease of the alveolus. Independ. Pract., N. Y., 1885, vi,509: 1880, vii, 172. -----. Loculosis alveolaris; pocket disease of the alveolus. Ibid., 457-464.—Federn (S.) Vorschlasr zur Behandlung der Gingivitis bleunorrhoica. Centralbl. f tl. ges. Therap., Wieu," 1886, iv, 439.—lTIalassev. efe «iia- lippe. Note sur l'etiologie et le traitement de l'osteo-pe- riostite alv6olo-dentaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884. 8. s., i, 2. pt, 521— tl ills °. Eiiangen, 18^7. Hesekiel (J. M. J. A.) * Die Pyridinbasin in tier chemischen Litteratur. Ueber/3-Pieolin, 0- Pipecoliu und die eSynthese einiger Homologcu ties Pyridins. [Kiel.] 8°. Bamburg, 1886. Laxge (O. E.) * Ueber Methylderivate des Pyridins. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pyri- dinbaseu. 8°. Kiel, 1886. Schlaugk (M.) * Ueber synthctische Pyridin- baseu aus Acet- und Propionaldehydammoniak. 8°. Kiel, 1888. Sciirader (L.) * Ueber Isopropylderivate des Pyridius uud Reiluctionsproducte derselben. Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntniss des Zusammenhangs zwischen Pyridin- uud Piperidinbasen. 8°. Kiel, 1884. Schultz (H. C. M.) * Ueber a-Methyl-a-Ae- thyl- und a-Methyl-y-Aethylpyridin untl ihre zugehorigen Hexahydrobasen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Collidine. 8°. Kiel, 1^8. Bochefontainr. Experiences pour servir a l'etude des proprietes phvsiologiques dela pyridine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 5-8.—l»e Kenzi (E.) Sull' azione della piridina e sull' uso interno di questa sostanza. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1886, viii, 169-172. -----. Ricerche sulla piridina, quale rimedio cardincine- tico. Ibid., 1887, ix, 113-116. —Foy (G.) Pvrytline (Cb Hs N). Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1886, n. s.* xii, r>(i0.— Grassl (W.) Ueber Pyridin. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1886. xii, 217.—His (W.) Uebet das Stoffwechselproduct des Pyridins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1886-7, xxii, 253-260.— Kelemen (M.) A pyridin gy6gyhatdsanak 6rt6ke az asthinatikus ro- ham 6s mas dyspnoikus allapotoknal. [Curative value of pyridin in asthma and other dyspnoea affections ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1026-1029. Also, transl. .- Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886. xxii, 845; 867.—Kovaca (F.) Mittheilung iiber die Wirksamkeit des Pyridins bei dyspnoetischen Zustiinden. Wien. med. Bl, 1886, ix, 377; 409; 445.— itlcKendrick (J. G.) Report on the physio- logical actinn of the chinoline and pyridine series of com- pounds. In: Ktitherford (William) iV Vignal (M.) Experi- ments on the biliary secretion, [etc.], 4°, [n.p., 1875-7], 94-100.—fflchwner de C'oninek. Sur le passage de la pyridine a travers l'organisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1^7, 8. s., iv, 755.—Rademalier (C. J.) Pyridine tricarboxvlic acid as an antipvretic and aiiti/.ymotic. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis. 1887, vii, 303- 305.—Silva (B.) Azione della piridina sulla fuuzionedel respire Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiii, 385-388. -----. Ulteriori osservazioni esperimentali sull' azione della piri- dina. Ibid., xxiv, 321. — de Noma (A.) De la pyridine en histologie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 622. PyrliOSCll (Carolus). *De uteri gravidi ret.ro- versione. 35 pp. 8°. Vratislaviw, typ. C. F. A. Guentherianis, 1855. c. Pynnont. Brandes ( R.) & KrOger ( F. ) Neue physi- calisch-cheuiische Beschreibung der Mineralquel- len zu Pynnont, nebst iiaturgeschiclitlicner Dar- stellung ihrer Umgebuug. 8°. Pynnont, 1816. Fresenius (R.) Analyse derTrinkquelle, der Badeqnelle und der Heleneuquelle zu Pynnont. 8°. Arolsen, 1865. Hahn (J. 8.) *De aquis medicatis Pynnon- tanis. 4°. Belmstadii, [1732]. Harnier (R.-M.) Resume d'analyse et d'ex- perience sur la nature et 1'usage des eaux miue- rales de Pynnont. 8°. Banovre, 1828. Marcard (H. M.) Besehreibung von Pyrmont. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1784-5. -----. Breve iustruccfio sobre o u.so interior da agoa de Pynnont, para quem a houver tie tomar, ou em casa, ou junto & mesma fonte. Trad, do alemiio em portuquez. 16°. Lisboa, 1794. PYRMONT. 907 PYROMANIA. Pyrmont. Menke (C. T.) Pyrmont und seine Umgebun- gen, mit besonderer Hinsicht auf seine Mineral- quellen; historisch, geographisch, physikalisch untl mediciuisch. 2. Ausg. 8°. Pyrmont, 1840. Schucking (A.) Bad Pyrmont, ein Fiihrer fiir Curgaste und Fremde. 2. Aufl. 12°. Pyr- mont, 1887. Seebohm (A.) Pyrmont und seine Kurmittel. 8°. Berlin, 1875. -----. Der Kurort Pyrmont hauptsiichlich in seiner Doppelstellung als Stahl- uud Soolbad. 12°. Pyrmont, 1876. Seip (F. G. P.) *De spiritu et sale aquarnm mineraliuiu prsesertim Pyrmontanarum. 4C. Gottingw, [1748]. Skippius (J. P.) Neue Beschreibuug der Pyr- niontischen Stahl-Brunnen, in welcher derselben Historic, vvahrer mineralischer Iuhalt, wie auch tlie Wirkung untl Gebrauch dieses Stahl-Wassers, beydes im Trincken und Baden umstandlich er- ortert wird. Zum andern mahl vermehrt heraus- gegeben. 12°. Banover, 1719. Sponagel (G. C.) Meine viertagigen Leiden im Bade zu Pyrmont; eine Brunnen-Lecture. Neue Aufl. 12°. Eannover, 1814. Steinmetz (F.) Pyrmont und seine Mineral- qnelleu; Anleitung zu Trink- und Badecuren, in Bezug auf die neueste Analyse. 12°. Pyrmont, 1825. Turner (G.) A brief and distinct account of the mineral waters of Pyrmont. 8°. London, 1733. Valentiner (T.) Apercu medical et renseigne- nients generaux sur les eaux de Pyrmont. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. -----. The same. Pyrmont, its chalybeate aud saline springs, and the complaints alleviated by their use. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. Wiggers (H. A. L.) Chemische Untersuchun- gen derPyrmonterKochsalz-Quellen. 8°. [n.p.], 1861. Harnier (R.) Einige Worte iiber das kohlensaure Gasbad zu Pyrmont. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, 537-541. -----. A few remarks on Pyrmont, the most ancient and celebrated spa of northern Germany; with a chemico-pneumatic table of its springs. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, 798; 830.—Kriiger. Ueber die neue Fiillungsart des Pyrmonter Brnnnens. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834. xxi, 188-191.—Labat. Pyrmont. N. diet, de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, xxx, 291-294. — Marcus. Die Indicationen fiir das Stahl- und Soolbad Pyrmont. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 307. — Piderit. Pyrmont, Driburg und der Gyps. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, I860, xii, 222-224. — Seebohm (A.) Resultate der Pyr- monter Stahlkur, speeiell aus dem Sommer 1859. Ibid., . 1860, xii, 67; 75; 95. -----. Die Salzqueflen hei Pyrmont untl ihre therapeutische WUrdigung. Ibid., 1862, xiv, 248; 260; 265.-----. Aus Pyrmont. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl, 1879, v, 247-252.—Steinmetz (F.) Einige Be- obachtungen der ausgezeichneten Wirksamkeit dei' Pyr- monter Salzbader mit der aufsteigenden Douche. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1827, lxiv, 5; 52. -----. Pyrmonts neues Gasbad. Eine vorlaufige Nachricht. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 76-80, 1 pl. -----. Erfahrungen iiber Heilwirkungen der Pyrmonter Quellen und Bader. Ibid., 1837, xxvi, 671-677.—Valentiner (T.) Bemerkun- gen iiber einige Wirkungen warmer Bader im Allgemeinen und tier Pyrmonter Stahlbader im Besondern. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 159-162. -----. Mittheilungen aus der Saison 1859 [1861, 1863] zu Pyrmont. Ibid., 1860, xii, 199; 219: 1862, xiv, 101; 113; 125; 146: 1864, xvi, 181; 193; 201. -----. Bericht iiber die Saison 1856-8 zu Pyrmont. Ibid., 1857, ix, 391; 402: 1858, x, 159: 1859, xi, 277; 289. Pyro (J.). See licyder (J.) & Pyro (J.) La viande de bceuf et la viande de cheval, [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1874. Pyrocatechin. Colasanti & ITIoscatclli. L'ossidazione della piro- catechina nell' organismo. Bull. d. r. Accad. metl. tli Roma, 1887-8, ix, 231-241. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turiu, 1889, xi, 12-19.—Magni (C.) Sulla pirocate- chinuria. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1889, xlviii, 135-138. Also, Reprint. — Orsi (F.) Tre individui di una stessa famiglia colpiti da pirocatechinuria. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1889, 9. s., ii, 115-117. Also, Reprint. Pyrodine. Dreschfeld (J.) Clinical observations on pyrodine, a new antipyretic. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1888-9, ix, 89- 99. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 881.— Ugasae ( E.) La pyrodine,- nouvel antipyi-etique et analgesique. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1889 cxvi, 498-509.— L.afleur (H. A.) On pyrodin. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1890, ii, 37-45. — Lemoine (G.) De la pyrodine. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol, Par., 1889, 9. s., l, 322-324. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 281; 303. — iVIaragliano ( E.) Note sulla pirotlina e sull acetilfenilidraziiia. Riv. clin., Milano, 1889 xxviii 432-437.—Martini (V.) &. Bagini (E.) Sugli effetti antitermici della pirodina. Riforma med., Napoli, 1889 v, 1239; 1246.—Kenvers. Ueber Pyrodin. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 964. — Mclimitt. Sur la pyrodine (monoacetylph6nvlhydrazine). Rev. niCtl. de l'est, Nancy, 1889, xxi, 609-619.—Zerner (T. J.) Ueber die Wirkung des Pyrodins. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1889, vii, 129-141.—Ziegler (P.) Pyrodin oder Acethylphenylhydiacin. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., . Leipz., 1889, xiv, 363-368. Pyrogallic acid. See, also, Psoriasis (Treatment of). Danilevski (V.) O phiziolog. deistvii pirogallola na jivotnii organizm. [Physiological effect of pyrogallol in the animal organism.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, x, 251; 271. Pyrola umbellata. Melczer (J.) *De pyrola umbellata. 8°. Pestini, [1829J. Wolp(E.) * De pyrola umbellata. 8°. Got- tingw, [1817]. Barton (S.) Some observations concerning the med- ical properties of the Pyrola umbellata, and the Arbutus uva ursi, of Linnaeus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vii, 143- 149.—Sonier ville (W.) On the diuretic properties of the Pyrola umbellata. Ibid., 1814, v, 340-357, 1 pl. Pyrol de Bid lllOllt (Leonce). *De la mala- die de Bright, ou nephropathie albumineuse. 3(5 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 158, v. 564. Pyroinania. See, also, Criminals (Mental condition, etc., of)— special cases; Incendiarism. Hinze (C. J.) *De pyromania. Pars ii. 4°. Gryphiswaldiw, [1742]. Jessen (P. W.) Die Brandstiftungen in Af- fecten uud Geistesstorungen. Ein Beitrag zur gerichtlichen Medicin fiir Juristeu uud Aerzte. 8°. Kiel, 1860. Legrand du Saulle (H.) * De la monomauie incendiaire. 4°. Paris, 1856. Lembke (H. B. L.) *De pyromania. Pars iv. 4°. Gryphiswaldiw, [1745]. MAykr (A.) * Ueber die Pyromanie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1839. Naf (H.) * Ueber den Eintritt der Vollen- dung bei dem Verbrechen der Brandstiftung. 8°. Zurich, 1851. de Eennenkampf (A.) *De incendii exci- tandi cupiditate aunis quibus pubertas evolvi- tur, observata. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1834. Scheffel (C. S.) [Pr.] de causa praxeos ex pyromania damnosse. sm. 4°. Gryphiswaldiw, [i/56]. Zabe (E\) *Des alienes incendiaires devant les tribunaux. 4°. Paris, 1867. Arndt (R.) Pyromanie oder nicht? Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl, 1877, n. F., xxvii, 37-66.—Baker (J.) Cases of incendiarism, with commentary. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1889-90, xxxv, 45-54.—Beer. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Lehre vom Brandstiftungstrieb (Pyro- manie). Psychiat. Centralbl, Wien, 1871, i, 8; 21.— Bertliier. Monomanie instinctive; faux, vols, six in- cendies commis par une soeur novice. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1858, x, 148-151.—Biermann (A.) Auch einige Bemer- kungen iiber die Feuerlust und deren Zusammenhang mit Entwickelungsvorgangen bei dem Eintritte der Mannbar- keit; in Beziehung auf die Abhandlung des Hrn. Hofr. Henke (Ergnzngshft. xiv, Nro. 7). Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1833, 19. Ergnzngshft., 62-71.—Bischoff (E.) Das Irrsein des Brandstiftungs-Triebes oder der Feuerlust, als Entwickelungs-Kraukheit des Geschlechts- Lebens (Mania incendiaria s. Pyromania genitalis s. sexu- PYROMANIA. 908 PYROMANIA. Pyromania. a'lis). Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1853, ii, 158-186.—BlumeiiNlok (L.) Podpalenie ; watpliwy stan umyslowv. [Incendiary; doubtful state of mind.] Przegl. lek'.. Krakow., 1^83, xxii. 467; 493. ------. Watpliwy stan univslowy miodej podpalaczki. [Doubtful state of mind in a young female incendiary.] Ibid., 1885, xxiv. 497; 511.—Bonnet (II.) Rapport medico-legal sur l'etat men- tal dc Le Kay (Victoire), inculpee d'iuceuuie volontaire, semi-imbeeillite, hv.st6ro-manie. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1877, 5. s., xviii, 388-411. — Brandstil'lilse tiltalte Per- soneis Tilregnelighed. [Pyromania.] Kong. Suntlheds- kt.ll. Aarsh.. Kj benh., 1879, 42: 69; 98; 125. — Itnuiil- * I i limit; in Folge von Melancholie. Bl. f. gerichtl. An- tluop.. Niirnb., 1859, x, 2. Hft.,'53-57. — B re fel d (F.) Schuzniittel gegen das Feuer-Anlegen jugendlicher Sub- jecte; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von tier Pyromanie. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Tiibing.,"1859-(i(),'i, 417-441.—Buchner (E ) Die Pvromanie. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1803, i, 2. Hft., 141-149. ------. Brantlstiftung. Selbstbe- stiinmiingsfaliigkeit? Ibid., 1865, iii, 4. Hft., 243-264.— Biirckhai'dt ((;.) Ein Fall von Brantlstiftung; psy- chiatiisches (iutachtcn. Cor.-151. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Ba- sel, IHM, xi, 577-580. — Rntxdraghi (465.— Piiii'iis. Occulter Wahnsiun; BrandstiHung; Moid. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl.. Berl, 1879, n. b\, xxx, 1-18.— Plaskowski. Podpaleniewoblakaniu. [Incendiari m during mental alienation.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1868, iv, 681; 699.—Ponloppidan ( K. ) Retsmed. kasuistik. [Pyromania.| Ugesk. f. Linger, Kjobenh., 1881, 4. K., iv, 1115-171—Psychologist Inn (Zur) Lehre vou der Braiid- stiftung. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthiei]!.. Niirnb, I861,,xii, 40- 68.—Pyl (J. T.) Ueber tlen Genittthszustand eines sehr boshaften Mordbienneis. Aufsiitze u. Beob.a. tl. gerichtl. Arzenevw., Berl, 1793, viii, 243-255.—Kaiinondi (C.) efe Maccabruni (U.) Di un caso di piromania; storia e considerazioni. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1888, eclxxxiii. 449-459.—Kapport snr l'etat mental de P. P., accuse d'inceiidie volontaire. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1876, v, 377; 411.—Bosch. Gerichtsarztliche Beurthei- htng des Brantlstifters Johann Adam Schenk von Crails- beitn. Deutsche Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856, n. F., vii, 157-176—ItoiiNseaii. Contribution k l'etude de la monomanie incendiaire. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1881, 6. s., vi, 384-399. Also: Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonue 1881, Auxerre, 1882, xxii, 138-155.—Kupp (N. J.) K6tes beszamitasi kepess6g gyujtogatasi vafinal. [Accusation of incendiarism in a person not responsible.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1860, iv, 281; 305.—Sehnirch (E.) Az u. w. gyujtogat&si osztonrol, gyujtasi elinekorriJl. [On the so- called mania of incendiarism, a disease of the mind.J Ibid., 757-760.—Schrevens tfe Lcntz. Eapport medico- legal sur l'6tat mental d'A. Glorieux, inculp6e d'incendie. Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand, 1879, xv, 37-47.— Schroeter (R.) Psychiatrisches Gutachten fiber einen taubstummen und erblinileten Brandstifter. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl, 1887, n. F., xlvii, 217-220.—Schulas. Gerichtsarztlicher Fall, tier einen der Brantlstiftung be- schuldigten Epileptiker betraf. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1883, xxxix, 791-793.—Schumacher. Gut- achten fiber den Geisteszustand des Diebstahls, der Pyromania. Brandlegung und Unsittlichkeit beschuhligten R. S. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl, 1874, n. F., xx. 232-244. -----. Gerichtsarztlicher Bericht fiber den Geisteszustand ties wegen des Verbrechens der veiiibten Brandleguiig an- geklagten I. K. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1875, xxvii, 431-436. -----. Schwurgerichtsverhaiidlung gegen Helene W. wegen des Verbrechens der Brandlegung, und gegen Martin R. wegen Verleitung hiezu. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1875, xxv, 674-676.—Schuster (G. ) Medicinisches Bedenken untl Schutzschrift fiber ein Weib, welche, aus hvpochondrischer Angst, Feuer atiL't-leget. Metl. J.,Chenuiitz, 1767,2. Theil, 157-162.—Semeitiigne. Jeune fllle inculp6e d'incendie; acquirement pour cause d'aberrations mentales, par M. le Dr. Gu6pin (de Nantes). J. de ni_e.il. ment., Par., 1861, i, 364-367.—Settegast (J. M.) efc Ulrich. Aerztliches Gutachten iiber den Gemfithszu- stand tier wegen Brantlstiftung verhafteten Magdalena Klein. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1825, ix, 311- 330.—Simon (P.-M.) Rapport sur l'etat mental du nomine F . . . Joseph, inculp6 d'incendie volontaire. Arch, de 1'anlhrop. crim., Par., 1886. i, 256-260.—Spitta (H.) Zwei Falle vou Brantlstiftung durch junge Matlchen. ohne be- griiudete Annabme eines s. g. specifischen Brandstiftungs- triebes; acteiiniassigmitgetheiltundbegutaehtet. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1811, 29. Ergnzngshft., 154-195. -----. Eine an Hysterie und Epilepsie leidentle Brandstif- terin. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb.. 1856, vii, 1. Hft., 62- 65.—Stark (W.) Brandstiftung durch eine Hysterische im Zustande transitorischer Sinnesverwirriing. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl, 1886, xliii, 256-266.—Slolz. Aerztliches Gutachten fiber J. K. vulgo " himinlischer Vater" aus Kirchdorf, angeklagt wegen des Verbrechens der Brandlegung. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psy- chiat., etc., .Neuwied, 1861, viii, 39-52. — Sury-Iticnz. Gutachten fiher den Geisteszustand einer Brandslilieriu. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1877, vii. 573-580.— Un- tei-Muchiing wegen Brantlstiftung. Bl. f. ueiichtl. An- throp., Niirnb., 1855, vi, 3. Hit , 61-66.—Until (V ) Sln- chaja potljoga v sudebno-psichiatr. otnoshenii. [Case of incendiarism from a foiensic psichiatric point of view.] Arch, sudebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1871, vii, pt. 3, 87-96.— Veziu (H.) Gutachten fiber den Genifithszustand tier wegen wiederh'.lten Feueranlegens in Untersuchuug be- fiudlicheii E. B. aus R.; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Brandstiftungs-Suoht. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlaug., 1853, lxv, 269-333.— Vogler. Simulirte oder wirkliche Geistesschwache? BrauilTeguug aus Gewinnsucht oder aus Rache? Im Zustande der Pyromanie oder der Geistesver- wirrung, der Zu- oder Unzurechnungsfahigkeit? Metl. Ztg., Berl, 1857, xxvi, 31 ; 35; 39; 43— Wnclisniiith (A.) Giebt es eineu sogenanuten Brandstiftungstrieb ? oder lasst sich das Verbrechen der Brandstiftung bei Indivitlueu in der Pubertatsentwicklung auf autlere Motive und Verhiiit- nisse zurfickffihreu untl aus ihnen erklaren? Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1860, lxxix, 1-59.— Walser (E.) Die Zurechnungsfahigkeit eines Brandstifters. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868, xxxviii, 251; 259.—Wicke. Beitrag zur Lehre von tier s. g. krankhaf- ten Feuerlust. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1846. n. F., vi, 559-567.— Wilie (C.) Aerztliches Gutachten betref- fend die in Untersuchung wegen Braiidstiftung betindliche Rosa Wiist von Neudorf. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1877, xxxiii, 707-719.—Wistrand (A. T.) Om mordbrandsdrift. Tidskr. f. Liik. o. Pharm., Stockholm, 1837 vi 41-44. -----. En casus of mordbrandsdrift. Hy- giea', Stockholm, 1840, ii, 214-220.—Zierl (F.) Verbrechen der Brandstiftung; Fall auf den Kopf; Reflexpsychose (epileptisc.be Zustande). Friedreich's iii. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1886, xxxvii, 247-263. Pvrophobia. * King (XV. P.) Case of morbid juvenile pyrophobia caused 1>\ malarial toxhaemia. Alienist efe Neurol, St. Louis, 1880, i, 345-347. Pyrophosphate of iron. See Iron (Phosphoric salts of). Pyrosis. See, also, Dyspepsia; Sarcinee. Casteran (B.) * Dissertation sur le pyrosis, ou fer chaud. 4°. Paris, 1821. Duval (H.-A.) * Essai sur le pyrosis, ou fer- chaud. 4°. Paris, 1809. Hellichius (H.) *De pyrosi. 8°. Lundw, 1819. . , , Meier (C. E.) *De varia soda3 indole et nova ei dem niedendi methodo. 8°. Erfordiw, [1792]. West (T.) A treatise on pyrosis idiopatliica, or water-brash, as coutrasted with certain forms of indigestion and of organic lesions of the ab- dominal organs; together with the remedies, die- tetic and medicinal. 8°. London, 1841. PYEOSIS. 910 PYCJKIA. Pyrosis. Boddy (E. M.) On a form of pyrosis caused bv the ascai is lurabncoides. Med. Times efe Gaz. Lond 1879 i 616-618. - Christopher* (J.) Case of pyrosis cured bv sulphurous acid. Practitioner, Lond., 1869 iii 262 — )r°are^'J Vnffew,"bnlicher Fal1 von Pyrosis. Monat- sehr. f. Med Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1840, iii, 577— Goodsir (J.) History ot a case in which a fluid period- ically ejected from the stomach contained vegetable or- ganisms of an iindescribed form, with a chemical analysis aL^oflD,d^y Go Fge-Wllson' Ediub-M-& S- J- 18« Ivii 430-443. Also. Reprint, — Kerr (W.) Pvrosis Cvri Phila" m^Hl'"„e7>7,L0n-d- 1834' ^'^ AZ: F& rltet,'dft',t' ''°-773—^Swso" On sulphurous acid in the tieatment ot pyrosis. Practitioner, Lond., 1868, i, 169- f./t~i. ,-'""?■(V>) •'J™"4 repetitions. Gaz. d. hop., Par l*,t,, xlix, 601-Reydellet. Pyrosis. Diet d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xlvi, 341-349.-Seiler. TJeber das Sodbrennen. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl!?, 180* vi4W- B'jT^rt'^it ?a1 Wasserbrech^n gydreme- 818). J. tl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1836, lxxxiii, 6. St., 62-74 Pyrosoma. Seeliger (O.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pv- xviM59t'658 7npS8Cbe Zt8Chr- f" NatUfW ' J^a 1889, n."FY, Pyrothonicle. Ranque (H.-F.) Memoire clinique sur l'emploi en mddecine du pyrothonide, huile pyroge^e provenant de la combustion des tissus soit de 18271Vr6' 8° d6 liQ °U de C°tOU- b°- Fari8> Pyroxene. Merian(A) * Studien an gesteinsbildenden Pyroxenen. [Basel.] &. Stuttgart, 1884. Pyroxylic spirit. See Methyl. Pyrrol. + %^R, (L,l * Ueber die Bildung von Kohlen- stoff-St,ckstoff-Ringen durch Einwirkung von Schneider (C W. T.) *Synthese von Pyr- TOSuHi ^rlangen.] 8o. Siegen, 1886^ mi« «o( } Synthese eines reducirten Pyr- rols. 8°. Ansbach, 1885. y Pystjan. . Wagner (A.) Die Heilquellen von Pystian in Ungarn. 8°. Wien, 1859. y J Alter (H.) Die Heilwirkungen und Anzeitren tier Mi neralquellen und Schlammbader in HysMan Sitzt ai.f thermometrische, Beobachtungen und ITJttrilTamffi Krankenprotokolle. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878 xxvlu 450, 481; 514.-Proeha8ka. Einige Nacl richten und ?8nQerM T? Vb,e,,,li? ^annen Badel'n Piestan'im Jahre 1 St 6^?8 wb'd' k> ,'/iste"-' Staate3> Wjen, 813-14 „ 1. St., 65-78 —Wajgner A. Einige Worte iiber die Que len zu Pystjan mit flinweisung auf die vielen in neuester Zet dort vorgenommenen Verbesserungen , den At itten Wiens gewKlmet beim Herannahen der Kur-Saison 1853 Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1853 i^SM Python. Dvfh°oni*tlfeas,e,hHack* and quackery. Gazola (J.) El mundo enganado de los falsos medicos. Obra posthuma traducida fielmente del toscano. 8°. Sevilla, 1729. _____. Thesame. 11 mondoinganato da falsi medici e disinganato; discorsi; opera postuma. Etlizione decima ed in questa ultima edizione vi si e aggiuuto il discorso sesto sopra il cavar saugue,°ed un trattato de' bagni, ed acque die Caldiero, e loro uso, con la copia dell' estratto di quest' opera, stampato nel Giornale de' letterati tl'Italia, come pura la copia di due lettere di N. N. N. N. medici Galenici. 4°. Venezia, 1746. _____. The same. Preservalif contre la charlatanerie des faux medecins. Ouvrage pos- thunic, trad, de l'italien par Mr. A. F. D. D. C. 12°. Leide, 1735. _____. The same. De waereld door onerva- rene of scheiu-doctoren bedrogen ; en de mauiere om zich tegen hunne kwakzalvery te hoeden. Aangetoont in de vertoogeu. Door een liefbeb- ber uit het Italiaans origineel in 't Nederduitsch overgczct, en met aantekeningen verrykt. 18°. Leiiclcu, 1735. Gebauer (C. S.) Kurzer Unterricht von dem niitzlichen und rechten Gebrauch seiner balsami- schenPillen; nebst einer besondern undnothigen Abhandlung von denen Frauenzimmer-Krank- heiten. 12°. Franckfurt it. Leipzig, 1748. Germe (L.) De la dignite et du charlatanisme en medecine. 8°. Arras, 1887. Giscaro. Charlatanisme. 8°. Paris, [n. d.]. Graham (J.) A short inquiry into the present state of medical practice in consumption, asth- mas, gout in the head or stomach, hysterical, spasmodic or paralytic affections of the nerves, iu every species of nervous weakness, and in cancerous and other obstinate ulcers; and a more elegant, speedy, and certain method of cure, by means of certain chemical essences, and aerial, aetherial, magnetic and electric vapours, baths, and applications, recommended; to which is added, an appendix on the management and diseases of the teeth and gums. 8°. London, 1776. -----. II convitoamoroso! Or, aserio-comico- philosophical lecture, on the causes, nature, and effects of love and beauty . . . and in praise of the genial and prolific influences of the celestial bed! as delivered by Hebe Vestina! ... At the Temple of Hymen, in London ... To which is subjoined, a tlescription of the stupendous nature and effects of the celebratetl celestial bed. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1782. -----. Travels and voyages in Scotland, Eng- land, and Ireland, France, America, Hungary, Germany, Ru,ssia, and Gulf of Fiuland, in Hol- land, in the 1779 and 80, Flanders, Brabant, and the Low Countries, and the frozen regions of Greenland. Discoveries, improvement, method of treating diseases, Temple of Health, aud grand electrical apparatus, [etc.]. 6. ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1783. -----. The guardian Goddess of Health ; or, the whole art of preventing and curing diseases ... To which is added, an account of the com- position, preparation, and properties of the three great metlicines prepared and dispensed at the Temple of Health, Atlelphi, and at the Temple of Hymen, Pall-Mall, London, [etc.]. 8°. London, [it.d.]. Gray (J. A.) Medicine and quackery. 8°. Edinburgh, 1888. Guerin (J.-L.) * Essai sur le charlatanisme en medecine. 4°. Paris, 1832. Guest (B.) A guide from pain to certain ease and perfect health, certified by sixty-four des- 58 Quacks and quackery. perate cases, cured by the use of the Guestonian medicines, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1809. Guybon (F.) An essay concerning the growth of empiricism ; or the encouragement of quacks. Wherein the present state of physick in this Kingdom is fairly represented; with some rea- sons for the necessitv of a regulation in the prac- tice of it. 12°. London, 1712. H. (F.) Beware of pick-purses. Ora caveat for sick folkes to take heede of unlearned phisi- tions, and unskilfull chyrurgians. sm. 4°. Lon- don, 1605. Hall(W. W.) Consumption a curable disease, illustrated in the treatment of one huudred and fifty cases. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1845. Harless (C. F.) Ueber uud gegen den neue- ren Empirismus in der Physiologie und Medicin. 8°. Bonn, 1820. von Hiatrophilus (T. A.) Kluger und lusti- ger Medicus, welcher durch anmuthige Histo- rien, Gespriiche und Fragen, nicht allein den jetzigen Zustand der edlen Medicin vor Augen leget, die groben Spiihne von selbiger, als Medi- castros, Enipiricos, und Pfuscher abhobelt; son- dern auch den rechten Grnnd, zum wahrhafften Studio Medico zu kommen, anzeiget, auch ein ziemliches von guten und sicheren Medicamenten und Recepten mittheilet. 12°. Zittau, 1721. Hippocrates [pseudon.]. Het doel heiligt de middelen niet. Een woord in zake de vereeui- ging tegen de kwakzalverij. 8°. Amsterdam, 1884. Horn (T.) Important hints, connected with the present medical practice, on real quackery ; the true philosophy of health and disease, etc. 8C. Newcastle, 1834. Huff (G.) Electro-physiology; a scientific, popular, and practical treatise on the preven- tion, causes, and cure of disease; or electricity as a curative agent, supported by theory and fact. 8°. Xew York, 1853. Hulce [or Hul-cee] (H. J.) Letters to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Louisville. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1864. Hull (L.) Aunual address delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York. 8°. Albany, 1839. Illinois State Board of Health. Pass him around. A live barber assumes a dead doctor's name. Obtains a State board of health certifi- cate on forged letters and a stolen diploma. Brutally butchers a mother and infant in his rdle as accoucheur. A red-handed fugitive from jus- tice. "Dr. Henry A. Liiders." broadside fol. [Springfield, 1882.] Also,'in: Kep. Bd. Health Illinois 1882, Springfield, 1883, xl. Jackson (J. D.) The black arts in medicine. 8°. Cincinnati, 1870. -----. The same. The black arts in med- icine, with anniversary address. Edited by L. S. McMurtry. 12°. Cincinnati, 1880. Jackson (W.) Cautions and advice to the public respecting some abuses in medicine, through the malpractices of quacks aud preten- ders to the medical and chirurgical arts. 8°. [London, n. d.] Jacquet(E\-L.) *De quelques considerations sur l'empirisme et l'exercice illegal de la mede- cine. 4C. Paris, 1864. Jorissenne (G.) Repression de l'empirisme. [Read before: Cercle medical liegeois, March 28, 1877.] 8°. Liege, 1877. Josephson (I.) Ueber Kurpfuscherei. Gut- achten. 8°. Bonn, 1875. Jourdain (R. J.) Man's mission on earth: being a series of lectures delivered at Dr. Jour- QUACKS. 914 QUACKS. Quack* and quackery. dain's Parisian Gallery of Anatomy. 24°. Bos- ton, [1867]. Jurgensen (T.) Die wissenschaftliche Heil- kunde uud ihre Widersacher. (Homoopathie; die Lehren Mesmer's und Rademacher's.) In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1876, No. 106 (Innere Medicin, No. 37, 879-916). King (D.) Quackery unmasked; or, a con- sideration of the most prominent empirical schemes of the present time, with an enumera- tion of some of the causes which contribute to their support. 8°. Boston, 1858. Laetus(J.) Ciarlatauaria medicorum. Oder Marcktschreyerey der gelehrten Aertzte, mit Fleiss in verstandlich Teutsch gesetzt. 16°. Freysingen, 1717. Landis (S. M.) An original lecture upon who are the quacks ? With a powerful appeal to the people. 12°. Philadelphia, 1860. Langlebert (E.) Lettres a Fmiile sur l'art de se preserver du mai venerieu et des charlatans qui l'exploitent; pour faire suite a tous les traites d'education destines aux jeunes gens. 12°. Pa- ris, 1880. Laurenti. Sucre Laurenti et sa maniere d'agir sur le mecanisme humain, proclame par son auteur aux habitants de Paris. Cette bro- chure contient plusieurs de ses lettres qui ont ete inserees dans les journaux, pour resister aux attaques de la jalousie, dans l'iiijuste guerre qu'elle lui a declaree. 8°. [Paris, 1827.] Lecture (A) upon the hygeian theory of med- icine, delivered inthe metropolis and several pro- vincial towns with a view to its general intro- duction into modern practice. By the editor of "The Spirit of the Press". 2. ed. 8°. London, 1832. Legrand (E.) *Sur le charlatanisme et les prejuges en medecine. 4°. Paris, 1868. Lehlbach (C. F. J.) State protection against quackery. Being the president's atldress at the seventy-second annual meeting of the Essex Dis- trict Medical Society, held at Newark, N. J., April 3, 1888. 8°. Xewark, X. J., 1888. Leland (P. W.) Empiricism and its causes. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Leroy (A.) A son critique. 8°. Pans, 1776. de Levanti (M. F.) Warhaffte und denck- wiirdige Beschreibung von der wundervollen Geburt, gliicklichen Auferziehung, tiirckischen Gefangenschafft in Ungarn, Constantinopel und Aegypten, wie auch gliicklichen Befreyung, Schiffbruch, Reise nach Jerusalem, Damasco, Tripolis, Aleppo und Capo de Bona Speranza, der von Jhro romisch-kayserl. Majestat aller- gniidigst privilegirte und von unterschiedlichen medicinischen Facultaten examinirte, anch in der Arzney-Kunst wohlerfahrne, ungebohrne, oder aus Mutter-Leib geschnittene turckische Doctorin . . . samt ihren in besagter Gefangen- schafft, durch eine ihr frey-gegebene Praxin wunderhafft verrichten Curen, nebst vielen Cu- riositiiten, kiirtzlich aufs neue an das Licht gestellet, und von ihr selbst aufgesetzet worden anf ihrer tiirckischen Reise. 16°. [n.p.], 1744. Libellus de variis inclarescendi modis inter empiricos usu receptis. 8°. Lipsiw, 1777. Lighthill (A. P.) Twenty-five years' experi- ence in the treatment and cure of catarrh and deafness. 8°. Boston, 1878. Long (J. St. J.) Discoveries in the science and art of healing, together with the evidence upon which the author claims the confidence of the country, etc. 8°. London, 1830. -----. The same. With observations on the primary cause of disease . . . together with an appendix, containing remarks on the evidence 'uacks and quackery. in the case of the late Miss Cashin. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1831. -----. A critical exposure of the ignorance and mal-practice of certain metlical practitioners in their theory and treatmentof tlisease; like- wise observations on the primary cause of ail- ments, connected with the discoveries of the author. To which is prefixed, a commentary on the medical evidence in the cases of the late Miss Catherine Cashin and Mrs. Lloyd, together with the testimonials on which the author rests his claim to public confidence. 8°. London, 1831. Lowe (J.) Catalogue ofthe Strand Museum. [Literary photographs; or, secret life pictures.] 16°. [London, n. d.] Lundy (C. J.) President's address. Tenth annual meeting of the Detroit Medical and Li- brary Association. 8°. Detroit, [1886]. Lynch (R.) The bygeian theory of medicine. Introductory lecture to a numerous public audi- ence tit Exeter Hall in elucidation of the above theory; also, a letter on the nature, cause, and treatment of inflammation, together with three letters on the important and prevalent malady fever. 8°. London, 1838. Mandragora, or the quacks. A poem in two cantos. 8°. London, 1717. Manipulator (The). How to cure paralysis, deformities, and all kinds of chronic weakness. 16°. Xew York, [n. d.]. de Marconnay (T.) Nouvelles decouvertes en medecine, tres utiles pour le service du roy et du public. Nouv. ed. 8°. Paris, 1728. Marinus (J.-R.) & Leroy (F.-G.) Rapport au Conseil central de salubrite publique sur le charlatanisme medical. 8°. Bruxelles, 1841. Mason (A.) The quackery of the age; a satire on the times. 8°. Boston, 1845. Medical reform. A letter to H. Warburton, esq., M. P., on the utility of extending the pro- visions of his bill to chemists and druggists, aud on the necessity of extinguishing quackery by act of Parliament. By a druggist. 8°. London, 1840. Moat (C. W.) & Greer (J.) Rational argu- ments on the nature of true pathology, which, it is presumed, prove the absurdity of dissection, and of the use of poisons, as necessary or use- ful to the science of medicine. 2. ed. Glasgow, 1832. In: Morison (J.) Morisoniana. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1834, ii, 339-378. Moat (T.) The practical proofs of the sound- ness of the hygeian system of physiology, selected from the Appendix of "Morisoniana", as incon- trovertible testimonies to the afflicted, of the in- estimable value of Mori son's vegetable universal medicine, including "The origin of life, aud cause of all disease explained" [by James Mori- son], and an entirely new view of the origin of the small-pox virus, etc. 8°. Brooklyn, X. Y., 1831. Modern (The) quack, or medicinal impostor; in three parts, with a supplement displaying the present set of pretenders to clap-curing, giving judgment upon urine, etc., wherein their frauds and abuses are laid open; rules also to know, anil cautions against them, and for the further se- curity of the sick of any sort; a catalogue is annexed of all the members of the Royal College of Physicians residing in town, with the places of their several abodes or habitations. The sec- ond edition, to which, as related to the same subject, are added by another hand, some remarks upon Dr. Hancock's treatise, which he entitles: Febrignni magnum, or cold water the best cure for fevers. 8°. London, 1724. QUACKS. 915 QUACKS. Quacks and quackery. Modern ( The ) quacks detected. In three parts. I. Exposing their qualifications and rem- edies. II. Proving the insufficiency of the latter to answer what is proposed by them. III. Un- folding the nature and ill consequences thereof. Dedicated to the president of the Royal College of Physicians in London ; in which are exhibited reasons why they ought to admit Dr. Sehomberg a member of their learned and honorable body. By a London physician. 8°. London, 1752. Moegling ( C. L. ) * Oratio de iis quae in curationis negotio contingunt quaudoque extra ordinem, et quam maxime de curationibus dictis vulgo et creditis miraculosis. sm. 4°. Tubingw, 1752. Morgan (J.) A warning again-st quackery, with a brief narrative of the sufferings of the author. 16°. Boston, 1851. von Moschzisker (F. A.) Medical and surgi- cal science in the United States, specialities, empiricism, etc. 18°. Xew Orleans, 1860. Newton (A. E.) The modern Bethesda, or the gift of healing restored. Being some account of the life and labors of Dr. J. R. Newton, healer; with observations on the nature and source of the healing power, and the conditions of its exer- cise. Notes of valuable auxiliary remedies. Health maxims, etc. 8°. Xew York, 1879. O'Neill's catholicon, an infallible remedy for Bcrofula, king's evil, white swelling, erysipelas, ulcers or running sores, ulcerous sore throats, eruptions of the skin, diseases of the boues, syphilitic diseases, and all kinds of constitu- tional derangemeut occasioned by the improper use of mercury. 8°. Frederick Town, 1841. Pamphlet put out by the herb doctor of Phila- delphia. 16°. [Philadelphia, it. d.] People's (The) doctors. A review by "The people's friend". 8°. Cincinnati, 1830. Also [Rev.], in: "West. J. M. efc Phvs. Sc, Cincin., 1830, iii, 393; 45;>. Piogey (G. ) Du charlatanisme medical et des moyens de le reprimer. 8°. Paris, 1853. Plaz (A. G.) [Pr.] de empiricis. 4°. Lipsiw, [1771]. Pomeroy & Co. Catalogue of the Grand Ana- tomical Museum, or national academy of natural, anatomical, and pathological science. 12°. New York, 1852. Post (A. C.) Anniversary oration, before the New York Academy of Medicine. 8U. New York, 1849. Proceedings in the great libel suit, Hills vs. Lorain. Tried in the court of common pleas of Clearfield County, December term, 1850. 12°. Clearfield, Pa., 1851. Quack doctors dissected; or, a new, cheap, and improved edition of Corry's detector of quackery ; containing several curious anecdotes of Solomon, Brodnm, Perkins, and other modern empirics; with strictures on book-makers aud puffing publishers. 12°. London, [n. d.]. Rademacher (J. G.) Briefe fiir Aerzte und Nichtiirzte iiber die Aftermedizin undderen Noth- wendigkeit im Staate. 8°. Coin, 1804. Raulin (N.-U.) *Es8ai sur les dangers de la medecine exercee par les charlatans et les gens a secrets. 4°. Paris, 1818. Richart (L.-F.) # Dissertation sur les dangers auxquels s'exposent lesgensdu mondeen traitaut cux-memes leurs maladies, ou en se confiant aux soins des charlatans. 4°. Paris, 1813. Richter (B.) Den grossen Unterschied zwi- schen rechtschaffher Medicorum und derer Quacksalber medicinischen Wissenschafften und Curen, etc. Kurtz und deutlich beschrieben; nebst zwey angehengten Fragen und einer wohl- ► uacks and quackery. meinden Erinnerung wie sich Patienten in Kranckheiten wohl vorzuseheu haben. 12°. Gorlitz, [n. d.]. Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] de veterum empirico- rum ingenuitate. 4J. Gottingw, [1741]. Riedel(T.) Unterhaltende Belehrungen zur Forderung der Gesuudheitspflege und Abwehr der Charlatanerie. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Rostan (L.) * Essai sur le charlatanisme. 4°. Paris, 1812. Rowley (W.) Seventy-four select cases,with the manner of cure and the preparation of the remedies, in the following diseases: I. The schirrus, cancer and ulcers of the breast and womb. II. Scrofulous swellings and ulcers about the neck and other parts, commonly called the king's evil. III. The specks aud opacity of the cornea ofthe eye, in which sight hath been re- stored by internal medicines only. IV. Old ulcers of the legs cured in persons much advanced in years. The whole being an appendix to the treatises already published on these subjects. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1779. Sophistry (The) of empiricism. [By Dr. Dav- idson. J 8°. London, 1853. Also [Rev.], in: Glasgow M. J., 1853-4, i, 226-236. Also, Keprint. Spilsbury (F.) Free thoughts on quacks and their medicines, occasioned by the death of Dr. Goldsmith and Mr. Scawen ; or, a candid aud in- genuous inquiry into the merits aud dangers imputed to advertised remedies ; in which au in- vestigation of the nature aud origin of their composition has been attempted, and the degree of confidence they deserve ascertained. Wherein, also, have been occasionally interspersed some few animadversions tending to defend minerals in general, and exculpate mercury and antimony in particular from the ill-judged and ill-grounded aspersions thrown against them, by proving the superiority of the productions of the mineral over those of the vegetable kingdoms. To which is added some remarks on the nature, cause, ami remedy ofthe scurvy and gout. Also a plan of the dispensary for the poor, instituted in 1773. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1777. Spinke (F.) Quackery unmask'd; in three parts. Containing, 1. Reflections on the 6. etli- tion of Mr. Martin's treatise of the venereal dis- ease ; 2. An examination of the charitable sur- geon, Venus's tomb, and G. Warren's new method of curing this disease; 3. A brief enquiry into the ancient and present state of the practices of physick and surgery ; a full account of quacks; then (in a concise method) is shewn the cause, nature, signs, and dangerous effects of this tlis- ease, various ways of receiving, symptoms first discovering, and only method of preventing its infection; together with the best, most cheap, safe, speedy, easy and private methods of cure, [etc.]. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1711. Steiner (L. H.) Oration before the Medical and Surgical Society of Baltimore, at its fourth anniversary meeting, January 17, 1859. 8°. Baltimore, 1859. Stevenson (W.) Cases in medicine; inter- spersed with strictures, occasioned by some late medical transactions iu the town of Newark. 8°. Betford, 1781. Stilwell (F. H.) A treatise on deafness, catarrh, antl scrofula. With a description of his great invention of the organic vibrator. 12°. Xew York, 1869. Talpa (P.) Empiricus sive indoctusmedicus; dialogus brevis et elegans, in quo, indocta empi- ricorumpraxi cum vera niedendi methodo collata, tanquam in tabella illorum errores, et latrocinia QUACKS. 01G QUACKS. Quacks and quackery. spectanda proponuntur. Item exilium empirico- rum, brevi elegia satyrico sale condita, descrip- tion. 16°. Frctnekerw, 1595. Taylor (O. H.) Relations of popular educa- tion with the progress of empiricism. Annual address . . . New Jersey Medical Society. 8°. Burlington, 1853. T[hompson] (J.) Helmont disguised; or, the vulgar errours of impericall aud unskilful! practi- sers of physick confuted, more especially as they concern the cures of the feavers, stone, plague, and other diseases, in a dialogue between Philia- trus and Pyrosophilus, in which the chief rarities of physick is admirably discoursed of. 16°. London, 1657. Ticknor (C.) A popular treatise on medical philosophy; or, an exposition of quackery and imposture in medicine. 12°. Xew York, 1838. Trousseau (A.) Conferences sur l'empirisme faites a la Faculte de medecine de Paris les 18 et 25 mai. 8°. Paris, 1862. vox Varchmin (W.) DieWilden-Medicin der Jetztzeit und ihre Koryphaen: Johann Hoff, Daubitz, Jacobi, Lampe, u. s. w. 12°. Berlin, 1866. -----. The same. Nebst einer Liste sammt- licher Geheimmittel und Specialitaten wie einem Nachwort fiber "Cholera" und "Trichinen". 2. Aufl. 8°. Bremen, 1867. Vater(A.) [Pr.deempiricis.] 4°. [Vitebergw, 1747.] Vergnes. Electro-chemistry considered in its application to medicine. 8°. New York, 1855. Werstler (J. G.) * De charlatanaria medica. 4\ Erfordiw, [1747]. Wiiitlaw (C.) Reply to Dr. Hosack's inau- gural atldress, delivered before the Medical So- ciety of the County of New York on the 12th day of July, 1824. 8P. Philadelphia, 1825. Whiti.ock (R.) ZuoTofiia; or, observations on the present manners of the English; briefly anatomizing the living by the dead, with an usefull detection of the mountebanks of both sexes. 12°. London, 167)4. Wilhelm (F.) Diese Druckschrift enthalt ein sechzehnjahriges Kalendarium werthvoller Mit- theilungen fiber einige Specialitaten von . . . 16°. Neunkirchen, 1885. Wunderdoktor (Der), oder vollstandiger Rathgeber in alien Krankheiten des menschli- chen Leibes, fiir alle Stande. Nach den vorzfig- lichen Quellen, untl nach den untruglicheu Er- fahrungen der beriibmtesten Aerzte aller Volker und Zeiten bearbeitet. 8°. Miinchen, [n. d.]. Abuts et d61its en nnSdecine et en pharmacie. Rapport de la Commission, no. 10. Actes Gong. metl. do France 1845, Par., 1846. i, 201-238. — Acarus. Biographical vivi- sections. Picture of a quack. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, ix, 23-30. — Acta inquisitionis wider Heinrich An- dreas Hoffmeister zu Springe, wegen eines einem Kinde eingegehenen Maywurms und darauf erfolgten Todes. Arch. d. metl. Pol., Leipz., 1784, ii, 185-194.—Action against a curate for destroying the leg of a child by an at- tempt to treat it medically. Lancet, Lontl., 1839, ii, 124— 126. —Adlcr (H. ) Zum Kapitel der Kurpfuscherei. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii, 1171; 1283; 1399.— Affleck (J. G.) Annual report on quackery. Tr. Bel- mont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1854-5, 86-103.—Althaus. Aus England. [On quacks.] Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 907; 924.—Ameuille. Rapport sur le charla- tanisme. Societe medicale du 3e arrondissement de Paris. Monit. tl. hop.. Par., 1853, i, 1095.— Anineus (A. J.) Om arkaiier. Eira, Goteborg, 1878, ii, 380-386.—Another fraud exposed. "A retired missionary, returned from South America, whose sands of life have nearly run out," etc [Edit. | Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1883, n. 's., iv, 150- 157 —Autobiography (The) of a quack. [Extr. from: Atlantif Monthly. Oft, and Nov., 1867.] Cleveland M. Gaz.. 1B8G-7, ii. 345. 419.—Ayres (S. D.) Quackery and its effects. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1851, xii, 221-223. — Battle (The) with quackery-tactics of our warfare—the plan of thecampaign. By Corporal Bullhead, of the army of quack-killers. Penins, J, M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-4, Quack* and quackery. i, 52-59.—Reconr. M6decins et charlatans: parall^lo aphoi-istique. Bull. Soc. denied. d'Aiiveis, 1887, xlviii, 53-70.—Beer (J.) Trichinen in tier Berliner Therapie. Dei sogenannte Doctor Herrmann. Deutsehe Klinik, Berl, 1864, xvi, 121; 193: 1865, xvii, 329-331.—Bericht tier gemeinschaftlichen Commission des allgem. mecklenh. Aerztevereins und des deutschen Apothekervereins, Bez. Mecklenburg zur Bekampfung des Geheimmittelscli win- dels iiber das Jahr 1883-4. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. mecklenh. Aerztever., Rostock, 1884, No. 69, Beil, 1-6.—Bcssiercs (E.) Dn mot sur le charlatanisme; le rat ties champs et le rat de ville. J. d. conn. metl. prat., Par., 1853-4, xxi, 219.—Bigelow (J.) On the medical profession antl quackery. In his: Mod. Inquiries, 8°, Bost,, 1867, 199- 215.—Black ( H.) Irregular practitioners; adulterated medicines. Virginia Clin. Rec , Richmond, 1873-4. iii. 181- 497.—Black (J. R.) Thoughts on I he- prevnh'iice of quackery. Cincin. Lancet efcObs., 1861, iv. 585-604. —Boyil (S.-L.) Empiricism. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap. 1877, xxvii, 9-20.—Itudtl (W.) For sale, a genito-urinary prac- tice. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, ii, 1085.—Bulclieiis. Les erreurs ot l'empirisme. Ann. Soc. tie med. prat de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1846, iv, 16-33.—Cadet dc <»:issieourt (C.-L ) Charlatan. Diet. d. sc. metl., Bar., 1813. iv, 513- 555. -----. Charlatanisme; sur le remede du Sieni Met- temberg. J. de pharm.. Par.. 1820, vi, 556-560. Also, llv- pi int. — Canton (W.G.) efe Sanri (J. It.) Causa seguitla al yerbatero Jose Ake. Emulacion, M6rida, 1875-6, ii, 05- 69.—Cervera (K.) El charlatanismo. Corresp. nted., Madrid, 1882, xvii, 46; 70; 78; 98; 106; 114. Also: Gt'mio m6d.-quir.. Madrid, 1882, xxviii, 63; 90; 101; 115.—Chnr- latanerie (Ueher). Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1810, 935- 942. — Charlatanisme. J. de ehim. m6tl., etc., Par., 1859, 4. s., v, 125-128. — Charlatanisme; nouvelle con- damnation J.d. conn. m6d. prat., Par, 1836-7, iv, 246.— Charlatanisme (Du) en g6n6ral et tin charlatanisme metlical en particulier. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. »., i, 713-715. — Charlatanismo. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1856, iii. 135: 1857, iv, 263.—Charlatans (Lis). Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1873, ii, 325; 42n—Chavcr- nac. Le professeur Astruc et l'linissier ('harbonniere, Praticieu, Par., 1883, vi, 133; 145, 16!).— Chercau (A.) Charlatanisme. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. m6d., I'ar., 1874, xv, 458-477. — Child* (T.) Rational medicine: its past and present; its true relations to specialists, to the partisans of exclusive systems, and to empirics. Med. Commtinicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1860, ix, 271-299.—Chittenden (T. W.) The charlatan and his methods. Kep. Bel. Health Wisconsin 1888, Madison. 1889, xii, 172-184. Also: Pacific Rec M. efc S., San Fran., 1889-90, iv, 97-100.—Chinch (A.) On quackery. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1838-ln, iv, 85- 93. — Ciariatanismo. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 1842, xx, 176-183.—Clairvoyant doctors and their prescrip- tions. [Edit.] Boston M. efe S. J., 1886. cxiv, 354.— Clark (S. S.) Ministers and medicine. (An open letter to Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., of Washington ) Tr. Ver- mont M. Soc. 1877, St. Albans, 1878, 35-38. — Clerical quackery; Taylor's specific liniment. Glasgow M. J., 1858-9, Vi, 424-433. Also, Reprint. — Consumption (The) curers of New York. By an invalid M. D. Vir- ginia M. efe S. J., Richmond, 1855, v, 11-15.—Cottel (\V. I.) A new use for the stethoscope. Louisville M. News, 1882, xiii, 53.—Courtney (W. M.) St. John Long's lini- ment. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 245.—Crom- melinck efe Caillau. Observations sur des accidents causes par un traitement empirique et par l'adniiiiistra- tion d'un pr6tendu specifique ophthalmique. Ann. Soe:. de sc. nat. de Bruges, 1839-40, i, 38-52— Curpfuscheiei. Metl. Reformbl , Leipz., 1849, ii, 361-364.—Curpfusclic- rei und Geheimmittelschwindel. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl, Leipz., 1880, vii, 246: 1881, viii, 10; 33; 49; 72; 98; 123; 150; 210; 301.— Dahlerup ( E.) Tre Retssajrer i Anledning af Dotl, foraarsaget veil Svedekure, anstillede af Kvaksalvere, Ugesk. f. Laiger, Kj ebenh., 1875, 3. R., xix, 377; 393.—Dawson. Ante-mortem examination of a case of quackery. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1844-5, iii, 104- 171.—Day. Of quacks and empiricism. Med. efe Phys. J., Lond., 1804, xii, 137-140.—Dechambrc. Du charla- tanisme medical. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1853, i, 85-88.— Drnkschrift iiber die Zulassuug von Laieu (Curpfu- schern) zur Behandlung vou Krankencassenmitgliedern, Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Leipz., 1888, xvii, 3-12.— Detector. Revelations of quacks and quackery. Med. Circ, Lond., 1865, xxvi, 11; 21; 35; 51; 67; 82; 101; 118; 132; 150; 168; 185; 205. [ See, also, supra, Courtenay (F. B.)]—Dc Wolf (O. C.) The relation of rational'med icine to quackery. Boston M. & S. J.. 1871, viii, 65. — Di- day (P.) Lettie sur le projet tie repression du charlata- nisme, par Taction en dommages-int6r6ts. Gaz. nied. de- Lyon, 1857, ix, 134-136. -----. Un episode de la guerre contre le charlatanisme, a Lyon, en 1?06. Ibid., 1859, xi, 477-481.— Oinsinoor (S. M.) Oration. Tr. N. Hamp- shire M. Soc, Concord. 1874, lxxxiv, 42-57. — Dionis. Quackery in France in the last century. Boston M. efc S. J., 1.S47, xxxvi, 9-13.— Uonltiii (H.) Thoughts on lgno- ranee aud quackery. Brit M. J., Lond., 1880. ii. 577-580.— Dornbliith ( F.) Geheimmittel uud Heilschwiudlcr. QUACKS. 917 QUACKS. Quacks and quackery. Deutsches Wchnbl. f. Gsndhtspflg. u. Rettungsw., Berl., 1883-4, i, 81. -----. Wider die Geheimmittel und Heil- schwindier. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1884, xvi, 282-289.—Drake (XV. N.) The an- nual report on quackery. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridge- port, Ohio, 1853-4, 50-55.-Dr. Alex. Turnbull. Med. Exam., Phila., 1855, xi, 377 - 385 — Education of the people on medical topics. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1869-70, iv, 13 — Egglcston (W. G.) [et al.\. The open door of quackery. N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1889, cxlix, 483-504.— Elii'lich. Curiosa ans dem Gebiete der verschollenen und llieilvvoisenoch existireuden Quacksalberei. N. Folge il. Gsndhts.-Ztg., Wien, 1837, i, 44; 92; 151: ii, 4; 83; 107— Empiricism. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1848, vii, 52.— Eiupirismc (Het). Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1882, xxxvi, no.6. — Encouragement (The) given to quackery by ministers of the gospel. Annalist, N. Y., 1847-8, ii, 190- 194.—" Epsom Salts." Twenty-seven auti bilious pills swallowed by a child of two years. Detroit Lancet, 1880, n.s.. iv, 65. — E rd in a n n ( C. G.) Benierkungen iiber medizinische Pfuscherei untl Vorscbkige, ihr ahzuhelfen, nebst zwei Kiankengeschichten der gliicklichen Heilung einer von innerer Ursache entstandeuen Ausrenkung des Oberschenkelkopfs, ingleichen der Heilung eines bedeu- tenden Schadelknocheneindrucks ohne Trepanation. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1827, 577-600. — Erforderlichen (Ueber die) Maassregeln bei Krankheiten der Menschen den Quacksalhereien und Pfuschereieu auf die sicberste Weise entgegen zu arbeiten. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, ii, 1-6. — El-widening auf den Artikel: "Etwas iiber Cbarlatanismus". Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1856, x, 63. [.S'e?e, also, infra, Wilsser [et al. ]■] — Extrait du jugement rendu contre le redactenr en chef de la Gazette medicale, par le tribunal civil de premiere instance de la Seine. Gaz. m6d. ile Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 433-441.—Earr. Contribution to the natural history of quackery. Biit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i, 314. — Fawkner (J.) Fawkner's tour among the ejuacks. Phila. M. Museum, 1810-11, u. s., i, 45-49.— Faye (F. C.) Nogle Ord om medicinsk Praktik; Larger og Qvaksalvere. Norsk Mag. f. Lajgevideusk., Christiania, 1847. 2. R., i, 97-116. — Fischer (F.) Ein Beitrag zu der Marktkuriieni eiues wanderndeii Wuudarztes M. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1876, xlvi, 259.— Fiselbi'inul. (liarlatans; rehouteurs; consolidation vicieuse d'tiin- fracture de jambe. Union m6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 97-106.—Fleck. Ueber die Curpfuscheiei unserer Zeit. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1885, xiv, 9-20. —Forbes (D.) [On empiricism.] Med. efe Phys. J„ Lond., 1806, xv. 362-370. — Forbes (J.) On the patronage of quacks and impostors by the upper classes of society. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1846, xxi, 533-540. — Foi-li^r angatende Bekjendt- gjfrfrelse og Forhandling af Arkana (i Nykjobing). [Trials concerning advertising and sale of a quack remedy in Ny- kjebing.] Kong. Sundliedskol. Aarsh., Kjobenh., 1879, 56; 66.— Fowler (G. B.) The hemorrhoid quack. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 527.— Frankel (B.) Hatdie Auf- hebung des Pfuscherei-Verbots einen Einfluss auf die Ver- sorgung der Bevolkerung mit Aerzten geiibt'J Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl, Leipz., 1880, ix, 226; 243.—Frage (Die) der Kurpfuscherei in der Berliner medicinischen Gesellschaft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1880, vi, 307; 323; 336; 347; 364; 382; 397. Also: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1880, xvii, 433; 448; 462; 475; 490; 505. — G. Ein Beitrag zu den Vorschlagen zur Verminderung der medi- zinischeu Pfuscherei. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1806, 833-839.—Gal lard (T.) Exercice illegal de la medecine et de la pharmacie, par un ouvrier tisseur se disant 61ec- tricien. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1876, 2. s., xlvi, 455-472. Also, in his: Deux faits'de med. 16g., 8°, Par., 1877, 5-22.—Gal- loupe (I. F.) One cause of empiricism. Boston M. & eS. J., 1849-50, xii, 379-382. —Garcia (M ) Clases diversas de' ciiiaiuliios y sus procedimentos cinativos. Pahellon med., Math-id, 1874, xiv, 133; 145. —Garland ( G. W.) Be nicely tor quackery. N. Hampshire J. M., 1850-51, i, 63. — Giirnier (P.) La trinit6 du charlatanisme: Para- celse, Mesnier et Hahnemann. Union m6d., Par., 1860, 2. s., v, 129; 101. — Gaston (E.) 'the annual report on quackery. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1850-51, 40-71. — Gcheiuiniittclschwiudcl (Der). Miioke, Bonn, 1876, xvi, 139; 147; 167. — Geheiimuittcliiuwe- sen (Zum) und der Cuipfuscherei. [Edit. J Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v, 235; 247; 262: 1884, vi, 22.— Gib- bons (H.) Illustrations of the literature of quackery. Pacific M. efe S. J., San Fran., 1874-5, xvii, 1-20. Also: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1874, xviii, 213-217. Also, Re- print. -----. The link between quackery and medical journalism. Pacific M. efe S. j., San Fran., 1877-8, xx, 357-360. — Gislain tile Boutin ( M. ) Affaire du sieur Vri6s, dit le docteur Noir; exercice ilhigal de la iu6decine et tie la pharmacie; escroquerie. Union med.. Par., 1860, 2. s., v, 44; 77; 85; 95. — Giusto (L.) Un regalo all' em- pirismo. Esculapio, Napoli, 1829, v, 125-140. — Glisan (R.) Quacks and doctors. [ Poetical address. ] Oregon M. J., Salem, 1876, l, 1-8. — Goritz (J. A.) Von der so genandten tiirckischen Doctorin. Samml. v Nat.- u. I Quacks and quackery. J''1'--- -Gesch. 1720, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1722, xiii, 331- .»V7 — CS (A-' °m arkaner. Eira, Goteborg, 1878, ii, 297; 329; 411. — Goltdammer. Riickblick auf die Ver- Iianilliingen der Berliner medicinischen Gesellschaft iiber die Ptuschereifrage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. Berl. 1880, vi, 411-414.—Graham (11.) Physicians vs. quacks. Ohio M. dc S. J.. Columbus, 1855-6, viii, 16-20— G renier (G.) Charlatanism. Canada Lancet, loronto ls73-l vi 78; 117; 142; 175. — Griflenbcrg & ITIavei-sbncli. Ol quacks and empiricism. Med. & Phys. J. Lonel. 1804, xii, 212-216.—G uerison (Une) miraciileu.se. Sante, Brux., 1854-5, vi, 116— tiiiei'iisey (E.) The faith cure. N.York M. limes, 1884-5, xii, 289-291.—Guerrier (L.) Charlata- nisme et escroquerie. Ptut-on li xt;r des li mites pr6cises aux reclames'? Oil tinit le charlatanisme, oil commence la ma- noeuvre proprement dite l Union metl., Par., 1870, ix, 853.— H. Consultation with quacks; puffing of quack medi- cines. West. J. M. fc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1837, x, 293-296.— H. Notices of empiricism. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1848, viii, 246-250.—H. Anti-mercury and anti-mineral doctors. Northwest. M. efe S. J., Chicago, 1848-9, v, 334-339.—Ha- nion (L.) Du charlatanisme medical et de l'exercice ille- gal dela medecine dans les campagnes. France m6d., Par., 1864, xi, 138; 154; 162 — Ilaiimauu (K.) Andeutuugen iiber die Wunderkuren eines Laieu zu Rostock. J. tl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1836, xxiv, 398-423.—Hasbrouck (C.) Popular ignorance of medicine; its relations to quackery, and our responsibilities antl duties in connection with it. Tr. M. Soc N. Jersey, Newark, 1872, 39-72.—Hawes (J.) Charlatanism in Colorado. Tr. Colorado M. Soc., Denver, 1883. xiii, 37-59. Also, Reprint.—Heiberg. Apotkeker- nes Forhold til Kvaksalveri ogOvertro. Ugesk. f. Larger, Kjobenh., 1879, xxviii, 65-67.—Histoire. Une enfant de dix-sept mois, sur le point de mourir de faim, par decision d'un mtidecin, et sauv6e par une annonce de journal. Ann. nied. beiges, Brux., 1843, ii, 180— Hiiiiigschmid (E.) CeberdasOurpfiischerwi sen. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wieu, 1879, xiv,331.—Homicide par imprudence; niagn6tisme; exei cice ill6galtlelani6decine. Gaz. m6d. beige, Brux., 1845, iii, 7: 1846, iv, 41.—Ilomobono. Du charlatanisme en Espague. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1857, xxiv, 474- 476.—Hornnd. Un mCfait de la. nnSdecine empirique. M6m. et conipt.-rend. Soc. d. sc meu. de Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 2, 4-6.—Howe (Z.) A discourse on quackery. Med. Coinmuuicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1836, v, 295-318.— Hull (L.) On quackery. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1838- 40. iv, pt. 2, 59-70.—Hunter v. Sharpe. [Dr. Hunter against the printer and proprietor of the Pall-Mall Gazette for an alleged libel contained in that paper of Nov. 10, 1865, entitled: "Impostors and dupes"'.] Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 616-627.—Indlscg (Et) i Kvaksalversagen. Uge sk. f. Laiger, Kjobenh., I1-68, 3. R., v, 41-71.—Inelli- ciency of the criminal law in repressing quackery. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1850. n. s., xi, 370-375. —Jordens. Das beste Mittel medizinische Pfuscht tvieii zu hinderu. Allg. med. Ami., Altenb., 1802,153-155. —Kessel. Ueber das Verbal- ten der Aerzte gegeniiber der Curpfuscheiei. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1879, Graz, 1880, xvi, 131-133.— Kcyscr (P. D.) "Metaphysical discovery." Specialist & Intellig., Phila., 1880-81, i', 33.—Ming (C. P.) Science versus quackery. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1876, xix, 193- 201.—King (1).) Quackery; its causes and effects, with reflections and suggestions. Boston M. & S. J., 1853, xlviii, 209; 235; 258.—Ming (W. P.) Quacks and quackery in Missouri. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1882, xliii, 514-525. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1882, xxv, 25-59. Also, Reprint.— Knowllon (C ) Quackery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1846, xxxiv, 169-180.—Mob. Zwei Ubductionsberichte, betreffend zwei verfolgte sogenannte Curpfuscherfalle. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. M. tl, Berl., 1889, 11. F., 1, Suppl.-Hft., 43-68.—Koch. Die Frage der Curpfuschcrei. Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 295; 309.—Kool (J. A.) Over de kwakzalverij met de geneesknnst gepleegd. Schat tl. Gezondh., Haarlem, 1862, v, 329-352.—Kratter. Refe- rat betreffend die Curpfuscheiei. Oesterr. arztl. Vereins- ztg., Wien, 1884, viii, 460-466.—K111I (R.) Archiefsprok- kels. De heul en zijne zalfpot. 1783. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 368-370.—Murpfuscher (Die). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 747; 763.-Kur- pfuscherei in Thiiringen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1879, viii, 170; 243; 297; 829.— Kurpfuscherei (Zur). Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Dresd., 1876, iii, 22; 53 — Kvaksalvcrsptfrgsuiaalct. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1876, 3. R., xxii. 113-116.— Eabes (0.) Beitrag zur Geschichte des Charlatanismus in tier Medicin. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1859, viii, 223- 225.—de Ea Fontaine (F. L.) Ueber Charletans, Be- triiger, Ignoranten, Scharfrichter, Hebammen u. s. w. In his: Chir.-med. Abhandl., 8°, Bresl. u. Leipz., 1792, 177-196, 1 pl. (containing facsimile of Caghostro's talis- man).—Eanglebert (E.) Considerations g6nerales sur la charlatanisme medicai; sa mauiere d'entendre et de pratiqiier la consultation gratuite. In his: Lettres a fimile [etc.], 12° Par., 1880, 69-88. Also, transl: Gac. med. tie Sevilla, 1879, i. 201; 213; 221.—East of gross peipular delusions; quackery iu diseases. North. J. M., Ediub.. 1844, 1, 377-398. Also, Reprint.— I.atom- (A.) QUACKS. 918 QUACKS. Quacks and quackery. De rintervention des nitidecins dans les poursuites con- tre l'exercice illegal de la m6decine; nouveau jugement; arret de la cour de cassation. Union med.. Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 417-422.—Eeland (P. W.) Empiricism and its causes. Boston M. efc S. J., 1852-3, xlvii, 283-295.— Ee Mcgc de t'allas. Les charlatans au xvir Ste- ele. Rev. de lit. med., Par., 1876, i, 33; 99; 129; 144.— Eelter from Corporal Bullhead, of the army of quack- killers, to the editor. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-4, i, 111-113.—Eti»ffler(F.) Ueber medicinische Pfu- scherei und Polizei. Med. Reform, Berl, 1848. i, 79 ; 1C2, 120.—liopp (W. H.) Quacks and quackery in Indiana. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1883, xxxiii, 118-129 — Eovudkastet om Qvaksalveri dets Skjebneog Fremtid. [Disregard of the law on quackery; its consequences.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1868, xi, 29; 53— Eiibben (K. H.) Die Kurpfuscherei auf der Rlion. Cor.-Bl. tl. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar. 1881, x, 337-342, 1 map— M. (L.) An interview with a Cincinnati practitioner of med- icine. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1880, n. s., iv, 193-196.— ITIcP. Encouragement of quackery by ministers of the Gospel. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1846-7, iv, 241-245. —Mnl- den (J.) On empiricism. Tr. Prov. M. efe S. Ass., Lond., 3851, xviii, 219-228.—Marsden (W.) Quackery, imposi- tion, and deception. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1860, i, 530- 533— Marshall (T. H.) The contributions of quackery to tbe true medical science. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1857,70-78.—ill art en. Mediciualpfuscherei. Was ist" Heilung einer Krankheit"? Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1859, xvi, 326-328. — Matchelt (W. H.) On quackery. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1862, v, 398-407. — " Medicasterei " (Ueber die) und iiber die Verpiliehtung der Aerzte zur Behandlung Kranker. Cor.- Bl. d. arztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1868, v, 57-59.—Medicinalpfuscherei. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1860, xi, 2. Hft., 152-155. — Medici- nal - Pfuscherei ; magnetische und sympathetische Mittel. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl, 1863, xxiii, 365-369.—Mendel efe Becher. Zur Frage des Curpfu- schereiverbots. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 501; 536. Also: Veihandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1887). 1888, xviii. 93-111.—Miller (C. H.) Typical quacks and suc- cessful quackery. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1882, n. s., iii, 445-447. — Mogez (J. M.) Contro palabras acerca del chatlatanismo medico de que habla el folletin del Diariode Avisos tie esta corte, de viernes 5 del corriente. Siglo ni6il, Matlrid, 1857, iv, 193. — Montanier (H.) Le doc- teur Tain-Taiu. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 5; 37.—Mo- ritz. Die Kurpfuscherei in Ungarn. Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 476; 523. — Motteggiatorc. Classification des charlatans par genres et especes selon la methode de Linn6, Abeille med., 1867, xxiv, 161; 169.— Miillcr. Einige Vorschliige zur Verhiitung medizini- sclier Pfuschereien. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1805, 172-176.—Milliard. Voyage autour du charlatanis.....; premiere etape. Lyon m6d., 1877, xxiv, 182-186.—Nemo. De l'exercice ill6gal de Part de gutsrir a (Jonstantiiiople. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1873-4, xvii, 17-23.— Newspaper physic. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 258. — Notices of empiricism. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1846-7, v, 65; 148: 1847, vi, 49; 202; 267—IVotta. Savoir- faire et charlatanisme. Union m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., xvii, 369-374.—P. (P.) Satire contre le charlatanisme, ou mes 6treuues aux charlatans. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1856, viii, 78-81. —Pagel (J. L.) Curpfuscherthum im Lichte tier Geschichte der Medicin. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 382; 402. Also, Reprint.—Pallares (J.) Guerra al charlatanisme Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 169.—Pfeilfcr (L.) Olitatenhandel und Kurpfuscherei in Thiiringen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1880, vi, 329- 333. — Pfeufer (C.) Welches sind die vorziiglichsten Quellen tier arztlichen Pfuscherei im Allgemeinen uud die tier Landbader inshesoudere? Jahrb. tl. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M., 1811, iv, 3-53.—Pictures (Two). Chicago M. J. efe Exam., 1878, xxxvii, 531-536. — Piechaud (A.) Rapport sur l'usuipation de titles m6dicaux, etsecoudaire- ment sur le charlatanisme. et l'exercice ill6gal de la mede- cine. Gaz. in6d.-chir. de Toulouse, 1879, xi, 233; 241.— Plouviez. Quelques mots sur le charlatanisme, les er- retirs et les prejuges populaires en niedecine. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1852-3, vi, 262-272.— Points of contact on the boundary line between the legitimate profession of medicine and quackery. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1864-5, xii, 214-216. — Polizei-Vor kch- rungen um der Pfuscherei in der Heilkunde zu steuern und populare medizinische Anweisungen zu verhreiten. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M., 1808, i, 291.__ Preacher-doctors. Meel. & Surg. Reporter.'Phila. 1883, xlix, 201-204— Purringtou (XV. A.) Laws against quacks. Science, N. Y., 1886, viii, 514.—Quack medical advertising. Metl. Circ, Lond., 1855, vi, 267.—Quack- ery. N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health, 1850, i, 84-88.—Quack- ery ; its illusions and realities. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1854, i, 78.—Quacks (Of) and empiricism. Metl. & Phys. J., Loud., 1804. xii, 423-426: 1805, xiii, 66-75. — Quack's and quackery in Missouri. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 690.— Quacks vs. regular practitioners; duties of medical Quacks and quackery. societies. Am. M. Month., N*. Y., 1856, v, 22-24. Quack- snlucrcy (Ueber). N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1791, xiii, 90-92.—Quelques (De) foimes peu connue tie charlata- nisme. Kev. eh'therap. mtjtl.-chir., Par., 1855, xxii. 391. It. On the royal touch, aud on quackery. Etlinb. M. & S. .!., 1807, iii, 322-325.— Kapport au Conseil central tie saht' hrit6 publique, sur le ihailatanisme medical. Ann. de Cons, centr. desalub. pub.de Brux., 1841, i, 55-05. —Ready (T. C.) An essay on empiricisms. St. Louis M. efe S. .1., 1851, ix, 18-21.—Relation (The) of true medicine to em- pirical systems. Brit, efe For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1850, v, 285-3i0.—Kemarks on quackery. Lond. M. efc S. J., 1836, i, 558; 598; 637. —Repression du charlatanisme. P6- tition k l'einpereur. L'Association tie pr6voyance et tie secours des m6decinsdu Rhone a S. M. NanokJoii III. J.d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1857, xxiv, 357.—Revelations of quackery. Med. Circ, Lond., 1865, n. s., xxvi, 11 ; 21 ; 35; 51; 67; 82; 101; 118; 132; 150; 168; 185.—Reynolds (T. N.) Medical education of the people, their best safeguard against imposition in the practiced' medicine. Tr. M. Soc. Mich.. Lansing, 1877-80, vii, 266-270. Also, Reprint.— Richardson (B. XV.) On phases of quackery aud med- ical defence. Med. Times 0. Bound with: Valcarenghi(Paolo). Riflessioni medico- pratiche, etc. 4°. Cremona, 1749. [Qiiadro biografico dei piu distinti medici e chirurgi lucchesi.] 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 8°. Lucca, [1843?]. [P., v. 1110.] Qiiadro delle imperfezioni fisiche esimenti dal servizio dell' armata. 2 1. fol. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 785.] Qiiadro frenologico secondo il sistema del Dr. Spurzheim aggiuntevi nuove nomenclature di altri autori. 15 pp. 16°. Verona, Pozzati, 1888. Qiiadro statistico de' 227 militari iudocolerici curati in Roma 1' anno 1867. De quali iunanzi 1' apertura del Lazzaretto (cioe a tutto il 18 lu- glio) 59, et 68 nell' apposito Lazzaretto aperto dal 19 luglio al 4 novembre dello stesso anno. 1 broadside. [Soma, 1868?] Quadruplets. See, also, Labor (Complicated, etc.) from plural births; Monsters (Quadruple). Kyburg (W. B.) * Beschreibung von Foten und peripheren Eitheilen einer Vierlingsgeburt, nebst Musterung der Angaben iiber die Ge- sehlechtsverhaltuisseder einem Ei entstammen- den Foten. 4°. Balle a. S., 1887. Arthur (M.) Quadruple pregnancy. Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1885, li, 151. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 167.—Atlee (W. L.) Case of quadruple birth. Med. ]. Bound with preceding. Qiia;stius (Joannes Wybrandus). * Dc hernia inguinali congenita, interne incarcerata, cum hydrocele complicate. 44 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Duis- burgi, F. W. Kraemem, 1802. Quaet (Daniel Mobachiua)1. * De angina iu- rlammatoria. 24 pp., 4 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, [1724]. QUAET. 921 QLTALINI. Quact (Daniel Mobachius)2. * Spec, inaug. con- tinens quaedam de facto notorio. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 1789. [P., v. 1011.] Qiiaet (Isaacus Mobachius). *De catameniis, eorumque usu. 24 pp., 4 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Kallcwiei; [1749]. Qiia^liu ( Gerardus ). De venae sectionis usu ])ro medicina facienda dissertatio. 3 p. 1., 206 pp. 12°. Neapoli, 1744. Qliaglia (Joannes Jacobus). * I. Ex auatome. De tesophago. II. [etc.]. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Au- gustw Taurinorum, P. J. Zappata, 1748. [P., v. 979.] QuagJino (A.). Editor of: Annali di ottalmologia, Milano, 1871. Quaglio ( G. A. ) Chatillon d'Aoste e V epide- mia colerosa, relazione. 52 pp. 8~. Torino, Foa, [1867]. Qliagliotti (Alessandro). See Baro (Ho (Felice) efe Quagliotti (Alessandro). Alimentazione del soldato. 8°. Torino, 1860. Quail (Poisonous). Sec Partridges (Poisonous). Quaiii (Jones) [1795-1851]. Two lectures on the study of anatomy and physiology, delivered at the opeuing of the medical session, 1830, in the Medical School, Aldersgate street. 44 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, Sitnpkin 4' Marshall, 1830. -----. The elements of anatomy. 2. ed. xxx, 812 pp. 8°. London, J. Taylor, 1832. -----. The same. 3. ed. xxxiv, 870 pp. 8°. London, J. Taylor, 1834. -----. The same. 7. ed., edited by William Sharpey, Allen Thomson, antl John Cleland. 2 v. ccxxvii, 1147 pp. 8°. London, J. Walton, 1867. -----. Thesame. Human anatomy; edited by Richard Quain and William Sharpey. 1. Am. from 5. Lontl. ed.; edited by Joseph Leitly. 2 v. xxxvi, 37-63.-* pp.; vii, 5-639 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lea cf Blanchard, 1849. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Anatomie. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe. Nach der 7. Auf- lage ties englischen Originales. Bearbeitet von Dr. Carl Ernst Emil Hoffmann. 2 v. in 1. ix, 727 pp.; viii, 729-1561 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. Besold, 1870-72. [Anatomical plates. Division 1. The muscles.] 2 v. 100 pp., 50 pl. fol. London, 1839. Title-page wanting. See, also, infra, Qnaiu (Jones) efe Wilson (W. J. E.). See, also, Martinet (L.) Manual of pathqlogy [etc.]. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1827. For Biography, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1865, n. s., xxvi, 87. -----& Wilson (W. J. Erasmus). The vessels of the human body, in a series of plates, with references and physiological comments. 110 pp., 50 pl. fol. London, Taylor

    -64-5. With additions. 62 pp. 8°. London, Walton 4- Maberly, 1865. -----. Clinical lectures, x, 281 pp., 40 1., 40 pl. roy. 8°. London, Smith, Elder 4} Co., 1884. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 694. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 687. Quain (Richard)2 [181(i- ]. Observations on cerebral apoplexy at different periods of life. 16 pp. 8°. London, Richards, 1849. [P., v. 590.] -----. Tbestethometer: an instrument for ascer- taining the difference in the mobility of opposite sides of the chest, aud thus facilitating diagnosis. 7 pp. 8°. [London, Richards, 1850.] [Also, in: P., v. 1201.] Repr. from: Lond. J. M., 1850, ii. -----. A dictionary of medicine, including gen- eral pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene, and the diseases peculiar to women anil children. By vtirious writers. Edited by . . . Fifth thou- sand, xviii, 1816 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4- Co., 1883. -----. The healing art in its historic and pro- phetic aspects. The Harveian oration. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4- Co., 1885. For Biography, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1887, vi, 481, port. Quakers. See Statistics (Medical, etc.). Qualiiii (Francesco). Accademia e discorso filo- soiico-medico intorno lo spiritoso liquor de' nervi. xi, 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Pavia, eredita Ghidiniana, 1763. QUALLIE. 91 van Qiiallie (Petrus Winocus Beuetlictus). * Quastio med. utrum in variolis curandis senica et eadain sit curandi methodus? 10 pp. 4°. Duaci, Derbaix, 1780. [P., v. 1640.] Qiiamlalle (Honore-Ferdinand-Rene"). * Sur les heniorrhoides. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817), No. 240, v. 115. Quaiidt (Christianus Fridericus). * De nitri vi gelante. 20 pp. 4°. Jence, ex off. Fiedleriana, [1791]. For Biography, see IVicolai (Ernestus Antoniua). Qliaiijci' (Arn. J.). See .Tlaas (< (sear). Ile corpulentie [etc.]. 8°. Gouda, [1SS5, rrlsubseii.].—Kpiegelbers (Otto). Over het wezeu van (etc.J. s°. A mstereidm, 1872.—Werner (Carl). De massage, [etc.J. 8°. Gouda, [18851. Qliaiijci' (Th. A.) Eenige aanteekeningen op Dr. Smith's beoordeeling van den open brief van Dr. Fles. 20 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. G. van Terveen 4- Zoon, 1882. Quaiitiil(Armand)[1855- ]. 'Contribution a l'etude auatouiique et pathologique de la bourse sereuse sou6-tiicipitale. (Triceps crural.) 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 385. Qliailtill (Charles-Syinphorien). * Quelques con- siderations sur le traitement de la blennorrhe'e du sac lacrymal et de la tumeur lacrymale. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 97. Qliailtill (Emile). * De la choree. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 187,7, No. 54, v. 609. -----. Prostitution et syphilis. Lettres d'un me- decin de Paris a un confrere de province. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1863. Qliailtill (Pierre). * Dela gangrene du poumon. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 63, v. 449. Quaraiitaiiie pour obtenir du ciel la deii- vrance du cholera-morbus. 4 pp. 8°. [Reims, Delaunois, 1832, vel subseq.] [P., v. 776.] Quarante (Louis-Casimir). * Sur l'ascite. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 264, v. 277. Quarante (Lucien). * Essai sur la chlorose, ou les pales conleurs. 64 pp., 21. 8°. Montpellier, F. Gelly, 1856. Quarantine. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Hygiene, etc., of); Cholera (Hygiene, etc., of); Contagion, etc.; Disinfectants, etc.; Epidemics; Epidemics (Causes, etc., of); Fever (Yellow, Causes, etc., of); Fever ( Yellow) and quarantine; Hospitals for contagious diseases; Hygiene (International); Hy- giene (Xaval); Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of); Hygiene (Public, Societies, etc., of); Medicine (Legislation relating to); Pest; Pest (Causes,etc., of); Rags; Small -pox (Con tagion, etc.,of). Armstrong (S. T.) Necessity of quarantine. 8°. Xashville, [1887]. Audiffrent (G.) Repouse a M. de Boureuille au sujet de la question des quarantaines.. 8°. Marseille, 1866. Baruffi (G. F.) Delia urgenza di reformare il presente sistema della quarantene. 8°. Mi- lano, 1844. Bell (A.N.) Quarantine. 8°. Xew York, 1856. Bo (A.) Sulle quarantene e sul modo di rifor- uiarle; rapporto della commissione creata dal consiglio generale di sanita marittinia sedente in Geuova. 8°. Genova, 1849. Boston. Quarantine regulation. Opinion of consulting physicians. [On the infectiousness of yellow fever.] Boston. City Doc, No. 41. Aug. 19, 187,6. 8°. [Boston, 1856.] Bourdon (I.) Memoire sur la peste; la verite" sur les quarantaines. 8°. Paris, 1847. Braciiet (J.-L.) Memoire snr la peste et les quarantaines. 8C. Lyon, 1847. Cabell (J. L.) A brief historical notice of the origin and progress of international hygiene. 8°. Boston, 1882. 2 QUARANTINE. Quarantine. Caldwell (C.) An anniversary oration on the subject of quarantines, deliveretl to the Phila- delphia Medical Society, on the 21st of January, 1807. 8J. Philadelphia, 1807. Also [Ahstr.j, in: Med. efe Phys. J., Lond., 1K07, xviii 111-128. -----. Thoughts on quarantine and other sanitary systems, being au essay which received the prize of the Boylston medical committee of Harvard Uuiversity in Aug., l~\il. 8°. Boston, 1834. Also [Abstr.J, in: Med. Mag., Bost., 1833-4, ii, 229-235. Caminhoa (J.-M.) Des quarantaines; ques- tions discutees au Congres medical interuatio- nale de Vienne. 2. ed. 8C. Paris, 1H74. Carroll (A. L.) The question of quarantine: tho nature aud prevention of connnuuicable zymotic diseases. 8°. New York, 1872. [Carsten (B.)] Quarautaiue. 8°. [n. p., 1874.] Chamber of Commerce. Report of select com- mittee on quarantine. (Adopted July 7, 1859.) 8°. Xew York, 1859. Cholet (F.) Memoire snr la peste qui a r6gn6 6pid6miquement a Constantinople en 1834, et sur sa non-contagion, suivi de quelques reflexions sur les quarantaines et les lazarets. 8°. Paris, 1836. Clark (H. G.) Superiority of sanitary meas- ures over quarantines. An address deliveretl before the Suffolk District Medical Society, April 24, 1852. Printed by request of the society. 8°. Boston, 187)2 Cleknwerck (P.) *Des quarantaines. 4°. Paris, 1849. Clot-Bey. Conp d'ceil sur la peste et les qua- rantaines a 1'occasion dn Congres sanitaire reuni a Paris au mois de juillet 1851. 8°. Paris, 187,1. Conference sanitaire internationale (annexe au proces-verbal No. 37). Rapport sur lis me- sures quarant6naires applicable aux provenances choleriqnes. Septembre 1866. fol. Constanti- nople, 1866. [D'Agostinl] Igiene della morte predica di stagioue quaresiniale. 12°. Udine, 1886. Dei.agrange ( A. ) Abolition des lazarets. Reflexions au sujet du rapport de l'Acadeniie de m6decine, concernant la peste et les quaran- taines. 8°. Parts, 1847. Deveze (J.) Memoire au roi et son conseil des ministres, et aux chambres, ou protestation contre le travail de la commission sanitaire cen- trale du royaume, institu6e a letlit d'examiner les dispositions legislatives et administratives qu'il serait utile d'adopter pour organiser le ser- vice sanitaire des cotes et frontieres de la France. 4°. Paris, 1821. Eustis (J. B.) Relations of communities and states during epidemics; au address. 8°. New Orleans, 1880. Evans (J.) Memorial of Doctor John Evans, praying the establishment of a system of quaran- tine regulations for the prevention of the spread of cholera. 39. Congress, 1. sess. Senate Mis. Doc. No. 66. Feb., 1866. 8°. Washington, 186(5. ' Fernandez de Castro (M.) Las cnareute- nas : posibilidad de suprimir las de observacion sin dano de la salubridad publica y con veutaja de la navegacion y del comercio. 8°. Madrid, 1879. Ferrier (J.) Des lazarets, des quarantaines, et de la Conference internationale pour l'orga- nisation d'un service sanitaire en Orient. 8°. Paris, 1867. QUARANTINE. 923 QUARANTINE. Quarantine. Fisher (L. C.) Absolute quarantine. Non- intercourse with certain foreign ports in summer. 80. [n.p., 1878.] Foggo (G.) The policy of restrictive measures, or quarantine, as applied to cholera and cattle plague. 8°. London, 1872. Foster (T.) Facts ami enquiries respecting the source of epidemia, with an historical cata- logue ofthe numerous visitations of plague, pes- tilence, and famine from the earliest period of the world to the present day; to which are added observations on quarantine and sanitary rules. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1832. Gobbi (F.) Beitriige zur Entwicklung untl Reform des Quarantaiuewesens. Nach eigener Anschauung. 8°. Wien, 1849. Gosse(L.-A.) Dela reforme des quarantaines. Tire de la bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. 8°. Geneve, 1842. Also [Rev.], in: Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1843, xviii, 207-256. Granville (A. B.) A letter to the Rt. Hon. F. Robinson on the plague and contagion, with reference to the quarantine laws, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1819. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Quarantine. Return to an address ofthe House of Commons, dated 17 February, 1858, for "returns received from the British Colonies of the number of ships placed in quarantine, and of other particulars relative thereto, in each ofthe ten years ending 31 December, 1854". 26 Feb., 1858. fol. [Lon- don, 1858.] Great Britain. General Board of Bealth. Report on quarantine. [A collection of reports, letters, and orders on quarantine.] 8°. London, 1849. -----. The same. Conseil general de saute. Rapport sur la quarautaine. 8°. Londres, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1851. -----. The same. Tribunale generale della sanita. Rapporto su la quarantina. 8°. Lon- dra, 1849. -----. Second report on quarantine. Yellow fever. With appendices [i-iv]. 8°. London, 187,2. -----. The same. Conseil general de sante. Second rapport sur la quarantaine. Fievre jaune. 8°. Londres, 187>3. -----. Appendix V to the second report on quarantine. Report of Dr. W. H. Burrell on the piague of Malta in 1813. 8°. London, 1854. Green (H.) Epidemics and quarantine; a lecture introductory to the winter course, at the New York Medical College. 8°. Xew York, 1855. . Holt (J.) Quarantine and commerce. Their antagonism destructive to the prosperity of city and state. A reconciliation an imperative ne- cessity. How this may be accomplished. Re- marks ofthe president ofthe board of health of the State of Louisiana before the representatives of the exchanges and other commercial bodies. Arranged chiefly from the reports of proceedings of a called meeting of the New Orleans Produce Exchange, held June 20, 1884, as presented to the Picayune and Times-Democrat. Together with his argument before the senate finance com- mittee of the general assembly of Louisiana, June 20, 1884. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1884. -----. "In shipping all industries unite." Conference of the American Shipping and Indus- trial League, held at Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 10- 12, '86. Address on relation of quarantine to shipping interests. 8°. [Pensacola. 1886.] Howard (J.) An account of the principal lazarettos in Europe; with various papers rela- Quarantine. tive to the plague ; together with further obser- vations on some foreign prisous and hospitals, antl additional remarks ou the present state of those in Great Britain and Ireland. 4°. War- rington, 1789. HiiBENER (E. A. L.) Die Lehre von der An- steeknng, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die sani- tatspolizeiliche Seite derselben. 8°. Leipzig, 1842. Jacobs (J. C. ) The quarantine question. Speech of ... in assembly, March 28, 1867. * . [Albany], 1867. Jean (N ) * Contribution a l'etude des qua- rantaines. 4 J. Paris, 1886. Jewell (W.) Historical sketches of quaran- tine. Address delivered before the Pliiladelphia County Medical Society. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. Jobert (A.) Les lazarets a notre epoque ; ce qu'ils sont, ce qu'ils devraient etre. 4°. Alger, 1880. Jones (J.) Outline of the history, theory, and practice of quarantine. Relation of quarantine to constitutional and international law, and to commerce. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1883. Lassis. Reflexions relatives a la question ties quarantaines eievee devant l'Acadeiuie royale des sciences. 8°. [Paris, 1832.] Levmerie (J.) Avis au peuple, sur les cor- dons sanitaires; lettres et pieces authentiques adressees au miuistre de l'interieur, les 18 oeto- bre et 23 novembre 1825, contre les intrigues de Barcelonne et contre les rapports de la commis- sion francaise, sur l'epidemie de la Catalogne de 1821; reponse singuliere de ce ministre; memoire indispensable pour fixer des bases aussi sures que solides de legislation preservatrice de la fievre jaune. 8°. Paris, 1826. Maclean (C. ) Evils of quarantine laws and non-existence of pestilential contagion, de- duced from the phenomena of the plague of the Levant, the yellow fever of Spain, and the cholera-morbus of Asia. 8°. London, 1824. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1825. -----. Observations on quarantine. 8°. Liverpool, 1824. Macmichael (W.) A brief sketch of the pro- gress of opinion upon the subject of contagion, with some remarks on quarantine. 8°. London, 1827). Milroy ( G. ) Quarantine and the plague ; being a summary of the report on these subjects recently addressed to the Royal Academy of Medicine in France; with introductory ob- servations, extracts from Parliamentary corre- spondence and notes. 8°. London, 1846. -----. Tbe cholera not to be arrested by quarantine. A brief historical sketch of the great epidemic of 1817, and its invasions of Europe in 1831-2 and 1847; with practical re- marks on the treatment, preventive and cura- tive, of the disease. 8°. London, 1847. -----. Quarantine as it is and as it ought to be. Read before the public health section of the National A.ssociation of Social Science. ' 8°. London, 1859. Murray ( J. ) The plague and quarantine. Remarks on some epidemic and endemic diseases (including the plague of the Levant), aud the means of disinfection; with a description of the preservative phial. Also a postscript on Dr. Bowring's pamphlet. 8°. London, 1839. Nansot(P.-E.) * Des quarantaines. 4°. Pa- ris, 1859. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Quarantine. Return to an ad- •dress of the House of Commons, dated 22 May, 1860, " for copy of abstract of regulations in force QUARANTINE. 924 QUARANTINE. Quarantine. in foreign countries respecting quarantine, com- municated to the board of trade", fol. [London, I860.] -----. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 18 Aug., 18(i0, for abstracts "of returns of information on the laws of quarantine which have been obtained by the board of trade". [Prepared and presented to the board of trade.] fol. [London, I860.] -----. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 5 Aug., 1861, for copy "of the papers relating to quarantine, communicated to the board of trade on the 30th day of July, 1861". fol. [London, 1861.] National Quarantine and Sanitary Conven- tion. Report of the committee on quarantine, appointed at convention, held iu Baltimore, April 29, 1-5S. 8°. [n.p., 1859.] Netherlands. Besluit en reglement betrek- kelijk het weren van besmettelijke ziekten door het binnenkoinen of stranden van schepen. 11 Sept., 1826, No. 40. 8P. [Bruges, 1826.] New Orleans, March 7,1881. [Recommenda- tion of the committee appointed at a meeting of the medical and sanitary associations of New Orleans, Jan. 22,1881, to classify such commerce as can be moved to and from any point where epidemic or contagious diseases prevail. Class 1. Articles prohibited. 2. Articles which may or may not. 3. Articles to be free.] fol. [New Orleans, 1881.] One day's utterances of the Chicago press on the refusal of Congress to prevent the importa- tion of foreign pestilence into the interior. 2 galley sheets. [Chicago, n. d.] Polto (S.) Relazione della commissione norni- nata dalla regia Accademia medico-chirurgica di Torino, ail invito del consiglio superioredi sanita, per esaminare il rapporto sulle quarantene, pre- stntato al Parlamento di Londra, ed approvata dalla R. Accademia medico-chirurgica nelle tor- nate tli novembre e dicembre 1849 ad unanimita tli voti. 8°. Torino, 1850. Quarantaine pour obtenir du ciel la de- iivrance du cholera-morbus. 8°. [Reims, n. d.] Quarantine and commerce; their antagonism destructive to the prosperity of city and state. A reconciliation an imperative necessity. How this may be accomplished. 8°. [New Orleans. 1881.] Repr. from: Picayune efc Times-Democrat, N. Orl, 1884. Quarantine and cholera. 8°. Calcutta, 1869. Repr. from: Calcutta Review. von Reider (J. A. E.) Abhandlung fiber das gelbe Fieber, tlie Ursachen seiner Entstehung, die Gesetze seiner Verbreitung und die Unzweck- niassigkeitderbisherdagegenangewandtenSani- tats-Polizey- uud Quarantaine -Gesetze. Als Gruudlinien eines grosseren Werkes fiber diesen Gegeiistand. 8°. Wien, 1828. ----—. Untersuchungen fiber die epidemi- schen Suinpflieber, die Gesetze ihrer Entstehung, ihrer Verbreitiinjr, die Mittel zu ihrer Verbfi- tung untl sehnellen Beendigunjj, mit vorziig- licher Riicksicht auf das gelbe Fieber und die gp»-en letzteres bisher angewaudten unzweck- niiissigen Quarantaine-, Polizei- uud Sanitats- Gesetze. 8°. Leipzig, 1829. Rezahd de Wou ves. Du cholera; preuves de sa non contagion. Nature, causes et sympt6mes. Signe certain pour le diagnostic. Sou traitement. Des quarantaines. 8°. Paris, 1868. Robert (L.-J.-M.) Guide sanitaire des gou- vernemens cmropeens, ou nouvelles recherches sur la fievre jaune et le cholera-morbus, maladies qui doivent etre consitierees aujourd'hui comme identiques, et soumises au meme regime quarau- Qnarantine. tenaire que la peste dn Levant. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1826. Simon (F. A.) Pezzoni und Oppenheim, oder die Pest ist also doch kontagit'is, und die Quaran- tainen also doch notliwendig. 8°. Hamburg, 1843. Societe royale tie medecine publique de llel- gique. Congres national scientifique. Prophy- laxie des maladies pcstilentielles exotiques. An- vers, 26-31 aout 1,^85. 8U. Bruxelles, 1886. . Strambio (G.) La riforma delle leggi sani- tarie contro 1' importazioue della peste; stutlii storico-analitici. Dedicati alia sezione metlica del vii Congresso scientifico italiano. 8°. Mi- lano, 1845. Teresa. Apercu adresse a l'Acadeniie de mede- cine a Paris sur la question : si la tievre jaune ou fievre d'Am6riqne est coutagieuse ou non cou- tagieuse, et si l'ou doit abolir lis quarantaines. 8°. Vienne, 1829. Tozzi (L. ) Le quarantene. 12u. Napoli, 1884. Vache (A. F.) Letters on yellow fever, the cholera, and quarantine, addressed to the legis- lature of the State of New York, with an appen- dix, containing correlative correspondence, and an act of the legislature ofthe State, relative to the public health, with suggested amendments. 2. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1854. Verney. Quelques reflexions sur les quaran- taines et quelques souvenirs plus que sur le cholera. 8°. Montpellier, 1867. White. The evils of quarantine laws and non-existence of pestilential contagion; the privy council and College of Physicians; the means of prevention and method of cure of the cholera morbus and the atrocities of the cholera panic. 8°. London, 1837. Wragg (W. T.) Remarks on the efficiency of quarantine as a means of prevention to the spread of epidemic diseases in cities antl other populous communities; being the anniversary oration before the South Carolina Medical Asso- ciation for 1854. 8°. Charleston, 1854. Aitken (L.) Tbe follies of quarantine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 791.—Aider (T.) On quarantine, contagion, and fever. Med. efc Phys. J., Lond., 18U7, xviii, 497-500: 1808, xix, 113; 198.—dc Aniorini (A. J.) Memoria sobre quarentenas, e contagio. J. Soc. d. sc. metl. deLisb., 1845, xxii, 49; 77. — Anderson (E. A.) Quarantine. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1880, vi, 61-69. Also : Tr. M. Soc. N. Car.,Wilmington, 1880, xxvii, 99-107.—Anueit-Bochc (L.-R.) De la reforme des quarantaines et tits litis sani- taires de la peste. Rev. med. franc., et Strang., Par., 1843, iii, 35; 168; 481. [Rap. de Londe. | Bull. Acatl. de nied., Par., 1843-4, ix, 200-208. [Discussion], 208; 215; 219; 317; 375. -----. Enquete sur les quarantaines de la peste, sur leurs r6sultats, et sur les obstacles qui s'opposent a Unite reforme sanitaire. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1845, 241-301. Also, Reprint. -----. De l'etat actuel des quarantaines de hi peste. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xx,72.—Bailey (W.) Quarantine. Louisville M.News, 1878. vi, 121-123.— Baker (S.) International quarantine. Nat. lid. Health Bull., Wash., 1879-80, i, 187-191. Also [Alesti] : Metl. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 263.—BsillcNtcr (A. T.) Notas sohre las cuarentenas. Rev. m6d.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1878, xv, 318-323.—Baro (T.) Pliego de couili- ciones para la contraceitin en publica subasta de los scrvi- ciosdehospederia, fonda, cantina, aluinbrado, lavado, colaila y planchado de ropas de cuarentenarios en el lazanto do Mah6n (Baleares) durante el qninquenio de 1888-89 a 1892- 93. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1888, i, 844-851.—Barrio. Laza- retos y cuarentenas. Pahellon m6d., Madrid, 1871, xi, 301; 313; 325; 337.—Bechamp (A.) Le cholera, les maladies contagieuses et les quarantaines, considers dans leurs rapports avec la theorie du micro/.yma. Rev. m6d. franc. et Strang., Par, 1884, i, 613; 685': 1885, i, 1; 81; 161: ii, 201.— Bcckwilh (D. H.) Quarantine for refugees ex- posed to an epidemic of any kind, hy river, railroad or wagon-way. Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Phila., issu. xxxiii,366- 370— Beh rerun (J.) [Carta sobre la cuarentenn] Gac. nied. de Lima, 1866-7, xi, 135; 153; 168; 171.—Bell (A. N.) Propagation of disease by shipping. Boston M. eV S. J., 1864, lxx, 458-463.---=—. On the introduction of tlisease by commerce, and the means for its prevention. Tr. Am. M. QUARANTINE. 925 QUARANTINE. Quarantine. Ass., Phila., 1865, xvi, 333-344.—Bernt. Materialien zu einer Pestpolizev-Ordnung fiir die Seekiisten. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1839,n. F., xx, 68; 234; 591:1840, xxxi, 87; 258: xxxiii, 265; 437.—Bertelli (S.) Cuestion- cuarenteuas. Rev. iu6d.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1883-4, xx, 45- 48.—Bertulus (E.) N6cessit6 des quarantaines contre les provenances des Antilles. [En reponse a M. Chervin.] Bull. Acad, de m6d.. Par., 1841-2, vii, 307-321. -----. Rec- tification historique a propos de l'article: Quarantaine du Dictionnaire encyclop6dique des sciences ni6dicales de M. le Dr. Dechambfe. Marseille ni6d., 1874, xi, 274-278.— Beltencourt llaposo. Parecer sobre providencias pela via maritiina. Med. contemn., Lisb., 1886, iv, 209- 211.—Bisaglia (C.) Ancora sull inutilita dei seqnestri ofticiali nelle campagne. Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1862, v, 143.—Bonner (M. H.), jr. A sketch of quarantine. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1879, n. s , xxiv, 95- 100.—Boudin. Quarantaines; rtiplique a M. S6gur-Du- peyrou. J. univ. et hebd. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1833, xii, oj2-354. -----. Les quarantaines; necessit6 de modifier les institutions sanitaires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1835, ix, 161.— Bowie (R.) Extracts from Dr. Milroy's historical sketch of quarantine legislation and practice in Great Britain. Austral. M. Gaz.. Melbourne, 1869, i, 17; 29; 53; 77. — Bowriug (J.) Plague anil quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1839, i, 627. —Bi-iry (M. S.) Disinfection of people, cargo, and baggage in quarantine. Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Phila., 1880, xxxiii, 371-375. —Bnez (A.) L'organisation des services sanitaires dans le Levant, et plus particulierement dans la mer Rouge. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, 2. s., xi, 697; 713; 729. — C. (C. M.) Los cordones y cuarentenas de tierra. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1884, xxxi, 769; 788. —Carmhers ( K. E.) The cordon sanitaire. Tr. Am. Inst. Homieop., Phila., 1880, xxxiii, 376-380.—Casselberry (I.) History shows that quaran- tine laws are futile. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1859, xvii. 113- 123. — de Castro ( M. F.) Sobre la conveniencia de su- primir en la mayor parte de los casos las cuarentenas, sus- tituyendolas por un sistema de ventilacion artiticial du- rante la travtisia. An. r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1866, iii, 34-42. — Chadwick (E.) On the pre- vention of epidemics. San. Rec, Lond., 1881-2, n. s., iii, 270-277.—Chassinat. Sur les quarantaines. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1843-4, ix, 305-308. — Cliervin. Quaran- taines. J. univ. et hebd. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1833, xii, 84-90------. Les quarantaines. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii, 394. -----. Inutility et funestes effets des quaran- taines 6tablies contre la fievre jaune, ou refutation d'un ecrit de M. Bertulus. Bull. Acad, ile m6d., Par., 1841-2, vii, 429-450. [Discussion], 450-452.—Cochran (J.) The theory and practice of quarantine. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1880, xxxiii, 336-389.— Colin (L.) Quaran- taines I bibliographie). Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1874, 3. s., i, 3-171. Also, Reprint. — Compton (J. W.) Quarantine against contagious diseases. Indiana M. Re- porter, Evansville, 1880. i, 49-53.— Condie ( F.) What reforms are required to make quarantines more efficient and less burthensome ? Proc. Nat. Quarant. efc San. Con- vent., N. T., 1859, iii. 320-332. — Contagion (On) and quarantine. Brit, efc For. M. Rev., Loud., 1843, xvi, 290- 308.—Contagiositat (Ueber) der Pest, ihr Quarantaine- wesen uud Entgiftungsverfahren. Centr.-Arch. f. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Regensburg, 1844, i, 389-410.—Correspond- ence between the citizens of New York and Philadelphia respecting arrangements to guard against pestilential dis- eases. Med. Reposit., N. T., 1799, ii, 358-362.—Cuaren- tenas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858, v, 303. — Cueca (C.) I lazzaretti. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 13-16.—Cur- tis (XV. G.) Maritime quarantine. Rep. Proc. Convent. N. Car. San. Ass., Raleigh, 1889, pp. xxxi-xxxvi.—Bake (J. P.) Quarantine; when, by what authority, and for what purpose maintained; answers to the leading ques- tions submitted by the State hoard of health of Louisiana, to the Quarantine Convention at New Orleans, Dec. 8, 1880. Hahneman. Month., Pbila., 1881, n. s., iii, 144-149. Also, Reprint.—Vaiiiman. Quarantaine nood-zakelijk. ' Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. tl. Nat.-, Genees- eu Heelk. te Amst., 1872-3, iii (Blad. v. d. Sect. v. Genees-, Heel- en Verlosk., 5).— De Chaumont (F.) Les qua- rantaines. Cong, internat. de mtjd.d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 129-135.—Discussion on the value of quarantine iu relation to epidemic cholera. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 385-388. — Discussion sur la question des quarantaines. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1843-4, ix, 250- 266. — Drachm mi n. Q varan tainesagen. Biblioth. f. La3ger, Kjobenh., 1862, 5. R., iv, 182-215. — Dugas (L. A.) Yellow fever quarantine. Savannah J. M., 1859- 60, ii, 221-224. — Dumas (A.) Hygiene publique: doit- on renoncer aux quarantaines? Union mtkl., Par., 1866, n. s., xxxii, 205-207.—Du iTIesnil (O.) Le regime des quarantaines devant l'Acadeniie des sciences. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1882, 3. s , vii, 565-570.—Durand-Fardel. Quaran- taine. Diet. d. diet, de m6d. (suppl.), Par., 1851, i, 677- 686.—English quarantine. San. Rec, Lond., 1879, x, 98- 100.—Fahrt-mle Lazarethe. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1166; 1201.—Faliigant (L. A.) The quarantine powers of tbe National Board of Health. Hahneman. I Quarantine. Month., Phila., 1880, ii, 280-283. -----. The location and sanitation of quarantine stations. Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Phila., 1880, xxxiii, 381-386.—Fauvel (A.) Les institu- tions de police sanitaire internationale et les maladies pestilentielles exotiques. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1879, i, 8-25. -----. Des mesures quarantenaires en Europe contre lea maladies pestilentielles exotiques. Ibid., 1881. iii, 726- 731.—Fauvel (A.) \et al]. Rapport au sujet d'une com- munication du gouvernement italien relative a une confe- rence pour l'uniformite des mesures de quarantaine. Kec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1880, ix, 76-80.—Favre(H.) Les quarantaines. France mGtl., Par., 1865, xii, 449.—Federici (A ) La sanita marittima e 1 eguaglianza inuanzi alia legge. N. Liguria med.. Ge- nova, 1873, xviii, 97-102. — Fcrnaudcz-Caro (A.) i Puede ser util la adopcion de cordones sanit trios ? Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1886, ix, 81-87.—Filippi. Cordoni e quarantene. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, hv, 317-334.— Fodere. Lazaret (hygiene publique). Diet. d. sc. me-d., Par., 1818, xxvii, 361-378.—Follies (The) of quarantine. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 666.—Fritsch, dit JLang (E.) Ce que valent les lazarets et les quarantaines. Gaz. m6d. de 1 Alg6rie, Alger, 1865, x, 89-92.—Orant Bey. [On quar- antine.] [Mirror of the Orient, Alexandria, Egypt], 1885, no. 357.—Guasco (A. H.) El contagio, los contagionistas, las cuarentenas. Anfiteatro auat., Madrid, 1879, vii, 120; 132; 147.—Oiinther. Die Quarantaine; Frage mit Bezie- hung auf Cholera. Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv,889; 913.— H. Quelques considerations sur la transmissibilit6 du cholera et la valeur des quarantaines. Gaz. tn6d. tie l'Al- g6rie, Alger, 1875, xx, 110; 134. — Hamout (M ) Note sur les quarantaines. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1843-4, ix, 237-248. -----. Destruction dela peste; lazarets et qua- rantaines. Ibid., 1844-5, x. 40; 162. Also, Reprint—Har- ris (E.) Propositions relating to international rules of quarantine. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1879, Bost., 1880, v, 198-202.—llarlshorne (H.) Cholera and quarantine. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, n. s., xiv, 238.— Hazard (Wi B.) Quarantine. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1879, vi, 1-7. — lliron (W. N.) La importancia de las cuarentenas. Rev. ni6d -quit-., Buenos Aires, 1878, xv, 191; 205. Also, Reprint.—Hirsch (A.) Ueber Schut/.- massregeln gegen die vom Auslande drohenden Volksseu- chen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Grenzsperre und Quarantane. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zurich, 1879, viii, 153-156. Also: Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1879, xlix, 228-232. Also: Wieu. med. Bl., 1879, ii, 927-930. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 1060- 1064. Also: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 1880, xii, 7-40. Also, transl: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s., vi, 534-539. Also [Abstr.l : Verhandl.'u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb. (1879), 1880, viii, 88. — Hdring. Ueber Quarantane besonders im Mittel- meer. Allg. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol, Erlang., 1874, i, 424- 450.—Holliday (D. C.) Is efficient quarantine possible or practicable ? Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1877-8, Bost., 1880, iv, 237-239. — Holliday (D. C.) [et ai.]. Report of committee upon classification of goods and articles of com- merce for sanitary ends. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 969-973. — Holt (J.) Some quarantine reflections. Ibid., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 217-223. Also, Reprint.—Ho in an (G.) Railway sanitation and quarantine. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iii, 131-138. Also, Reprint.—Horncuiann (E.) Om Behandlingen af Skibe, der koinme fra Stader, hvor der er Cholera. [ How to treat ships coming from places where cholera prevails. ] Hyg. Medd., Kjobenh., 1856, i, 81-90. —Hort (W. P.) An essay on the sub- ject of quarantine laws; read before the Physio-Medical Society of New Orleans, at the sitting of Feb. 15, 1845. N. Oil. M. efc S. J., 1845-6, ii, 1-21.—Ilich. Die Quaran- tanefrage vor dem Forum der Wissenschaft und tier Ge- setzgebung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 505.—Imlach (F.) Quarantine in theory and practice. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 520. — Intelligent and effective quaran- tine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877,"xii, 39.— International rules of quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 295.—Inter- state notification in infectious and contagious diseases. Boston M. efc S. J., 1886, cxv, 461. Also: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1886, Concord, 1887, xii, 326.— James (B. W.) International quarantine. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1880, xxxiii, 339-352. -----. International quarantine. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1879, Bost., 1880, v, 145.— Jewell (W.) A. history of quarantine. Proc. Nat. Quarant. efc San. Convent., N. Y., 1859, iii, 247-297. -----. Have quarantines secured the object for which they were originally intended? If not, the reason of their failure. Ibid., 297-320.—Jones (J.) Yellow fever quar- antine. Savannah J. M., 1859-60, ii, 279-289. -----. The theory and practice of quarantine, and its relations to con- stitutional and international law and to commerce. Rep. Bd. Health Louisiana, Baton Rouge, 1882-3, xxxiv-lvii, 2 tab— Herantlren. Des maladies qui peuvent 6tre im- port6es dans nos ports et de la possibilit6 de concilier le service des bateaux-postes de la Mediterranee avec le . syst6me en vigueur contre la contagion de la peste. M6m. Acad, demed., Par., 1846, xii. 553-566. -----. Deladmis- sion a la libre pratique des navires revenant de l'Egypte. QUARANTINE. 926 QUARANTINE. On.i ran tine. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1847, xxxvii, 268-272. — Kilpatrick (A. R.) Report of the section on "state medicine and public hygiene" ; Yead before the Texas State Medical As- sociation, April, lsso. Texas M. efc S. Rec, Galveston, 1881,i, 4-24.—Knhnholtz. Rapport sur les quarantaines (a 1'occasion du difftsrend qui existe sur cette question entre 1 Angleterre et les fitats Sardes) pr6sent6 au parle- ment de Londres. Acatl. d. sc. de Montpel. Mem. de la sect, de m6d., 1849-53, i. 237-254. — Kunkel (A. J.) Die Verkehrsmittel. In his: Handb. tl. Hvg., etc., 8°, Leipz., 1882, 2. Theil, 2. Abth., 417-444. — Laboulbcne. His- toire eles quarantaines. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1880. Iiii, 705; 754. — Lagasquie. Motifs et proc6d6s d'une complete revision des lois et ordonnances relatives aux quarantaines. Ibid., 1815, 2. s., vii, 9-11.—Leach (H.) The duties and responsibilities of post sanitary authorities, particularly with reference to epidemic diseases and quarantine. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1875, Lond., 1876, 568-575.— Lecadrc (A.-A.) Opinions contradictoires relatives aux quarantaines. J. tie m6d. et chir. prat., Par.. 1866, 2. s.. xxxvii, 241-243. -----. Regime des quarantaines. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1870, xxxv, 352-365.— Ledesma (J. A.) Iniportancia de las cuarentenas. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1878, xv, 229; 248.—Lee (C. A.) efc Toner (J. M.) Facts and conclusions hearing on the questions of the infectious character of Asiatic cholera, and the neces- sity of a general, uniform, and efficient system of quarantine at all of our ports. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866, i, 201-205.—van Ii ce nt (F.-J.) Les quarantaines. Cong, internat. tie m6d. d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 135-161.—Le Hardy (J. C.) Quarantine, its sanitary and political aspect in relation to the spread of epidemic diseases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta, 1879, xxx, 59-104. Also. Reprint.—Mai lo (P.) Ar- gumentos contra las cuarentenas. Rev. m6d.-quir., Buenos Aires. 1878, xv, 254; 278.—Marsden (W.) Plan of quaran- tine for cholera. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1866, ii, 337-343,1 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1873, N. Y., 1875, i, 184-187, 1 pl. Also [Rev.], in: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1866, ii, 430.—Measures of the Government of the United States to lessen the rigours of quarantine in foreign ports, and thereby to avoid, in some degree, the in- conveniences of a suspended commerce. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1804, vii, 215-218.—Mclier (F.) Relation de la fi6vre jaune survenue a Saint-Na/.aire en 1861. M6m.Acad.de nied., Par., 1862-3, xxvi, 1-228, 3 pl. Also, Reprint.—Me- morial on quarantine, addressed to the lord president of the pi ivy council. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, i, 357.— von Meyer. Die Quarantane-Anstal ten und die Verhalt- nisse tier Aerzte im Oriente. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1840,Erlang., 1841,30-33.—MiI- roy (G.) Quarantine as it is, and as it ought to be. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1858, Lond., 1859, 521-531. [Dis- cussion], 543. Also, Reprint.-----. Letter from Dr. Milroy, containing a copy of the queries, etc., drawn up by the sub- committee, for transmission to governors of colonies, Brit- ish consuls in foreign countries, and others, in relation to the quarantine. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xviii, 478. -----. Quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 45. -----. Re- port of the proceedings of the committee on quarantine. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot, Social Sc. 1860, Lond., 1861, 697-705. -----. Quarantine and the spread of epidemic diseases. Med. Critic efc Psych. J., Lond., 1861, i, 205-212.-----. The conclusions and recommendations of the report on quaran- tine, hy the subcommittee; with prefatory remarks. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1861, Lond., 1862,582-589. [Dis- cussionj, 598. -----. Contagious diseases: quarantine and the cholera, with special reference to the present epidemic in the Mediterranean. Ibid., 1865, Lontl., 1866, 403-413. [Discussion 1, 468-472.—Ministerio de la gohernacion; exposition; plautilla tie las direcciones de sanidad de los puertos y lazaretos. Independ. ni6d.. Barcel., 1886-7, xviii, 101; 117.—Mitchell (T. D.) Remaiks on the quarantine system of the State of Pennsylvania, aud on quarantines generally. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1818, xix, 356-365.— Mitchill (S. L.) Thoughts on quarantine and laza- rettoes. Ibid., v, 243-254.—New (C. B.) On quarantine. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1875. iii, 36-45.—New (The) quarantine act. Med. News, Pbila., 1888, Iiii, 165. — IVorriugton (H.) Plague aud quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1839, i, 757- 759. — Ockford (G. M.) National quarantine, including sea-coast quarantine. Tr. Am. Inst. Hotnceop., Phila., 1880, xxxiii, 353-365.— [Operation (On the) and results of quarantine.] Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii. 246.—Oser. Ueber Quarantaine bei Cholera; Referat fiir den iii. internatio- nalen medicinischen Congress. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1873, 476-495. Also, transl: Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend., 3. sess., Vienne, 1873, Brux. et Par., 1876, 64-89. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 701- 703. — Pacchiotti (G.) Sulle quarantene. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1885, Perugia, 1886, xi, 130-146.— Pariset. Consid6rations pr6sent6es au conseil sup6- rieur de sante sur les maladies contagieuses et sur les lois tie quarantaine. Rev. m6d. franc- et 6trang., Par., 1823, x, 178-184.—Payne (A. S.) Reply to Prof. Levin S. Joynes' paper on "Quarantine by the General Govern- ment", and to Prof. Chaill6 on castration and spaying as a Quarantine. means of arresting syphilis. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1880, x, 81-86.—Pereira Mcndcs. Hygiene publica; a con- ferencia sanitaria international; o svstema qiiarentcnario. Gaz.med.de Lisb., 1853-4, i, 333; 346;' 378.—Perry (A. W.) Quarantine without obstruction to commerce; read before the American Public Health Association. N.Orl M. & S. J., 1873-4. n. s., i. 567-572. Also: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1873.N. Y., 1875,i,437-440.— Pest- und Qnarantane-Frage (Zur). Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1854, lxxxiii, 358-371.— Petition to board of health in regard to quarantine. N. Oil. M. efc S. J., 1874-5, ii, 900-962. - von Pcltcukofer (M.) De la transmission du chol6ra par les navires it de l'orga- nisation des quarantaines. Monit. scient.. Par., 1872. 3. s., ii, 947-961. —Piechaud (A.) Rapport presents par. . . sur le charlatanisme medical k la Societe m6dicale dn Louvre. Medecin, Par., 1879, v, nos. 3-6. Plague (The) and quarantine laws. Lancet, Lond.. 1844, i, 20-23.— Post (A. C.) Quarantine. Med. Rec, N. V., 1866-7, i, 245.—Proust (A.) Prophylaxie sanitaire maritime ties maladies pestilentielles exotiques; rapport adress6 a M. le ministre tlu commerce. Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub.de France 1884, I'ar., 1885, xiv, 1-8: 1885, Par., 1886. xv, 1-19. Also [2. Rap.]: Rev. d'hyg. Par., 1886, viii, 721-739.— Quarantaine-Frnge (Ueber die) im Allgemeinen. Wien. metl. Presse, 1873, xiv, 985-992. — Quarantaines (Des) en g6n6ral. Cong, period, infernat. tl. sc. m6tl. Compt.-rend., 3. sess., Vienne, 1873, Brux. et Par., 1876, 112-116. —Quarantine. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1842-3, v, 75-77.—Quarantine. N. Orl. M. J., 1844-5, i, 83.- Quarantine. Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1861, xxviii, 29-44.—Quarantine. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1866-7, xix, 854-859 —Quarantine. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1869, 337.—Quarantine. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1873, i, 169.—Quarantine. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1879, vii, 68-81.—Quarantine. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1880, i,687- 689.—Quarantine. [Edit.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 308-310.—Quarantine: How is it to he made efficient? Savannah J. M., 1861, iv, 70-74.—Quarantine: What it is, and what it should be. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, 206-208.—Quarantine appliances. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash.. 1889, 103, 2 plans.—Quar- antine and cholera. Metl. Times, Lond., 1851, n. a., iii, 515. — Quarantine follies. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1884, ii, 921.—Quarantine in relation to cholera. Practitioner, Lontl, 1874, xii, 222-229.—Quarantine regulations. Med, efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1863, x, 62.—Quarcnteuas. Correio med. de Lisb., 1872-3, ii, 231; 247.—Quarentenas. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1888, hi, 161-171.—Question (The) of quarantine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 850.— Bapport (Du) sur la peste et les quarantaines. Gaz. m6il. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 241; 401; 421; 441; 461; 481; 501; 541; 593; 747; 767; 967.—Bauch (J. H.) Yellow-fever panics and useless quarantines; limitation by temperature antl altitude. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1888, Concord, 1889, xiv, 136-155.—Beforine des quarantaines. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, viii, 217.—Beid (D. B.) Brief summary on the importance of establishing an international system of quarantine. Proc. Nat. Quarant. efc San. Convent., Bost., 1860, iv, 191-193.—Beincke (J. J.) Kritik tier Quaran- taine-Massregeln fiir Seeschiffe. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., 1874, n. F., xxi, 241-364: 1875, n. F., xxii, 119-156.— Belatorio tla esc61a medico-cirurgica de Lisboa, sobre lazaretos. Gaz. metl. de Lisb., 1854-5, ii, 311-314. — Ken- seignements sur le Conseil de sautfe et la question qua- rantenaire. D6p. d. Bouches-du-Rhone. Cons, d'hyg. Compt.-rend. 1859-72, Marseille, 1875, 5-21.—Beport of the committee upon the utility of wet docks in connection with quarantines. Proc Nat." Quarant. San. Convent., Bost., 1860, iv, 163-172. Also, Reprint.—Beport of the Social Science Association committee on quarantine. Med. Critic efc Psych. J., Lond., 1862 ii, 86-102.—Bey (H.) Les qua- rantaines. Arch, de iu6d. nav., I'ar.. 1874, xxii, 60; 124; 184; 310. Also, Reprint. Also [Rev.]: Courrier m6th, Par., 1875, xxv, 1-3.—Bobertson (H.) On quarantine. Lond. M. Reposit., 1818, x, 363-372.—Bohatzsch (K. II.) Con- tagionen und Quaranlanen, oder, diirfen und konnen Eu- ropa's Regieruugeu tlen Geguern der Quarantiiiieu, na- mentlich den Vorschlagen des Dr. Bowring im englischen Par-lament, sie aufzuheben, Gchor scheuken? Versuch einer Beantwortung dieser Frage durch historische Un- tersuehuugen iiber die Art tier Ausbreitung des gel ben Fiebers, der Cholera und der Pest. Allg. Ztg. t. Chir., Augs- burg, 1843, iii, 389; 397; 405; 413.—Wanfrutos (It.) Cua- rentenas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858, v, 56.—Schwalbe (C.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber Quarantaine. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1879, v, 291-293.—Segur-Dupey- ron. Lettre sur les quarantaines. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vi, 382. [See, also, supra, Boudin.J—Nerlo. Auch ein Wort iiber Spci-ren. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1832, lxxiv, 1. St., 48-54.—Migmund (C.) Zur Pest- und Qua- rantaine-Frage. Oesterr. metl. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 1153; 1186; 1231; 1267; 1295: 1848, 801; 841; 871; 1281; 1377; 1633. -----. Die Quarautane-Reforra ; Bemerkungen, ge- schrieben nach einer Reise im Orient und Egypten. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1850, vi, 56; 88; 165; 218; 259; 341; 517; 591.—vou Sigmund (R.) Cholera, 27 QUARANTINE. QUARANTINE. Quarantine. Pest und Gelbfieber vor deu jiingsten internationalen Sani- tatskonfereuzen; vom kliuischen Standpunkte aus be- trachtet. Wien. Klinik, 1882, viii, 107-146. — Silva Amado. A questao das quarentenas. Correiomed. de Lisb., 1882, xi, 141-145.—Small-pox (The) and quaran- tine. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1858, iii, 61-70.—Snow (B. M.) Asiatic cholera; contagion and quarantine. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, n. s., xiv, 176; 237; 493.- Mpeed (J. J.) Protection against disease. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix, 911-920.—Sternberg (G. M.) Yel- low fever and quarantine. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1880, Bost., 1881, vi, 350-357. Also, in his: The diagno sis of yellow fever, 8°, N. Orl., 1880. 9-17— Strninbio (G.) Intorno ai probabili risultati del Congresso quaran- tenario europeo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1851, 3. s., ii, 273.—T. Breves observaciones sobre la cuarentena seiialada para el c61era en la ley de sauidad. Siglo m6th, Madrid, 1857, iv. 26.—Trill (B. O.) Lazaretos y cuaren- tenas. Pahellon m6d., Madrid, 1875, xv, 49-51.—Tyner (T. J.) The value of quarantine and sanitation, as ap- plied to epidemic and other preventive diseases. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1881, 20-25. — Vallin (E.) Le ptierinage de la Mecque et le nouveau reglement du conseil sanitaire d'Alexandrie. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 177-193.— Van Bibber (W. C.) The quarantine of the future. Tr. M. efc Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1889, 153-161. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 105- 111. — Van den Corput. Sur la creation d'une ligue internationale contre les maladies contagieuses. Cong. internat. de m6d. d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 125-128. -----. Les lazarets volants et les lazarets fixes. J. de med.. chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1884, lxxix, 252-265, 1 pl— Vanderpoel (S. O.) General principles affecting the organization and practice of quarantine. Am Pub Health Ass. Rep. 1873. N. Y.. 1875, i, 402-426, 1 map, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Quarantine. (With reference solely to sea-port towns.) Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., i879, xix, 471-511. Also, Reprint. -----. Quarantines and their scientific value. Science, Cambridge, 1885, vi, 23-25.— Van Leent (F. J.) As quarentenas; relatorio apresen- tado a assembler geral do congresso international dos medicos das colonias em Amsterdam. Correio metl de Lisb., 1883, xii. 151; 161; 171; 181; 191; 200;.2U; 231: 1884, xiii, 41.—Vazquez (S. G.) Sobre las quarentenas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1866, xiii, 5-8. — Vegas Olinedo (M. ) Cuarentenas. Rev. de henef. y sanid., Madrid, 1884, i, 273-280. — Vezalde (R.) jPuede preservar del ccdera morbo nnestro sistema cuareutenario actual ? Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 129. —Vignard (V. ) Etude pratique sur l'etat actuel tie la prophylaxie sanitaire internationale. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 1038-1062. [Discussion], 1889, xi, 158; 251. — Walser (T.) Quarantine regulations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 1; 66. -----. Typhus; review- ing its history and considering quarantine regulations. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1871-4, n. s., i, 158-160.—Weath- erly (J. S.) The quarantine of yellow fever. Louisville M. News, 1878, vi, 217-219. — Weber (F.) Ansichten iiber das Zeitgemasse von Modification im gegenwartigen See-Sanitats-und Contumaz-Systeme, mitHinhlick auf den Vorschlag des Dr. Bulard. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxiv, 18; 161. -----. Erlasse des k. k. Kiisteuguberniums in Triest, die seit Kurzem im Fache der Verwaltung der Land- und See-Sanitat erflossen sind. Ibid., 351-353.—Wells (T. S.) On the practical results of quarantine. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, ii, 831-834.—Win- terbottom (T. M.) Thoughts on quarantine and conta- gion. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1828, xxx, 62; 321. — Witlacil (A.) Seuchen und Quarantanen. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, 1867, iii, 510.—Wood. The outline of a plan for preventing the introduction of infectious disease into the garrison at Chatham. Med. efc Phys. J., Lond., 1799, i, 462.— Wood worth (J. M.) The general subject of quarantine, with particular reference to cholera and yellow fever. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. 1876, Phila., 1877, 1059- 1071. Also, Reprint. — Wragg (W.J.) Is a uniform system of quarantine laws feasible? If so, to propose a plan by which the obiect may be accomplished. Proc. Nat. Quarant. efc San. Convent.-, N. Y., 1859, iii, 332-363.— Wyman (XV.) Quarantine. Rep. State Bd. Health 1883, Annapolis, 1884, v, 129-143. Also, Reprint.—Wythe (VV. T.) On quarantine. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1870-71, Sacramento, 1872, 149-160.—Znber (C.) Les quarantaines au Congres de Stuttgard. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 534-537. Quarantine (Conventions relating to). Conference sanitaire internationale. Proces- verbauxde la Conference sanitaire internationale ouverte a Paris le 27 juillet 1851. Nos. 1-48. fol. Paris, 1852. See. also, infra, Milroy (G.). Congres national scientifique. [Circular an- nouncing a meeting to take place at Havre, Aug. 5 antl 6, 1887, for the consideration of the sub- ject of maritime quarantines.] 4U. Bavre, 1887. Quarantine (Conventions relating to). Congresso internazionale sanitario.' II se- condo Congresso internazionale sanitario ed il regno d' Italia. 8°. Milano, 1866. International Sanitary Conference. [Pre- amble and resolutions of the committee ap- pointed, at its session of the 12th of .January, 1881, "to consider and report to the conference the result of their views respecting the proposi- tions of the delegates of the United States, and at the same time to consider and report upon the propositions contained in the paper of the dele- gate of Venezuela (Mr. Cauiacho), and any other propositions which might belaid before them by any ofthe delegates".] fol. [ Washington, 1881.] English and French text. ------. Protocols of the proceedings of a com- mittee appointed by the ... at its session held in Washington, January 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 1881. Protocols 1-5. fol. [ Washington, 1881.] ------. Protocols of the proceedings of the . . . called by his excellency the President of the United States of America, iu compliance with a joint resolution of the Senate antl House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, approved May 14, 1880. Protocols 1-8, Jan. 5 to March 1, 1881. fol. [ Washington, 1881.] Also copies of nos. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in French. No. 2 in French only. ------. Report [of the committee chosen at the session ofthe 18th February, 1881, to embody in a formal document the conclusions of the confer- ence; M. de Bille, reporter], fol. [ Washington, 1881, ] Also a copy in French. National Quarantine and Sanitary Conven- tion. Minutes at d proceedings of the annual meetings. 1.-4., 1857-60. 8°. [v. p.], 1857-60. -----. Report of the committee on quaran- tine, appointed at convention, held in Baltimore, April 29, 1858. 8°. [n. p., 187,9.] New South Wales. The Australasian Sani- tary Conference.of Sydney, N. S. W., 188-4. Re- port of minutes of proceedings, and appendix. fol. Sydney, 1884. Quarantine Conference. Proceedings of the . . . held in Montgomery, Ala., on the 5th, 6th, antl 7th davs of March, le89. 8°. Montgomery, Ala., [1889]. Quarantine convention called at the request ofthe board of health ofthe State of Louisiana, to be held in the city of New Oiieaus, Dec. 7-10, 1880 . . . Report of committee of arrangements. F. Form en to, M. D., chairman. 8°. Xew Or- leans, 1880. Sanitary Conference of State Boards of Health. Proceedings of the . . . held at New Orleans, La., June 2d, 3d, and 4th, 18*4. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1884. Australasian Sanitary Conference. [First meeting, Sydney. Sept 17-30, 1884. 'Proceedings.] Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 18-22.—(Jabcll (J. L.) Tbe National Board of Health and the International Sanitary Conference of Washington. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 321-339. Also, Reprint.—Clot-Bey. Quelques re- flexions sur les travaux de la commission de quarautenaire russe. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1844, vi, 41.—Dowler (B.) Remarks on the proceedings of the late quarantine conven- tion, held at New York. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1859-60. xvi, 520-528—Oi a nell i (G. L.) Le secondo congresso sani- tario internazionale ed il regno d' Italia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1866, 5. s., v, 1; 9.—International (The) Sanitary Conference and quarantine. Brit. M. J., Lon '., 1874, ii, 178.—Jones (J.) A letter to the honorable C. M. Waterman, mayor of New Orleans. [Official minutes of the proceedings of the Quarantine Convention, held in the city of Philadelphia, on the 13th May, 1857.] N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1857-8, xiv, 324-333.—Milroy (G.) The Interna- tional Quarantine Conference of Paris in 1851-2, with re- marks. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1859, Lond., 1860, 605-612.—Quarantine Convention at Jacksonville, Florida, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of Fehruary, 1878. QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Conventions relating to). Tr M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1878, xxxi, 111-129.— Screven (J.) [et al]. Memorial of a convention held at Jacksonville, Florida, asking the establishment of an ef- fective system of quarantine on the Atlantic antl Gulf coasts. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1878, xxviii, pp. xxxi-xxxiv. — Sigmnnd. Die Ergebnisse des Sani- tats-Congrt'Sses in Paris im Jahre 1851 fiir das Quarantane- wesen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853,iii,427; 443; 477; 523; 555. — Third International Medical Congress, Vienna, 1873. Opinion of . . . upou the general subject of quaran- tine. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iv, 33; 35. Quarantine (Inland). Lf.gare (T.) Laud quarantine. 8°. Charles- ton, S. C, 1878. YON Schraub (F. E.) Vorschriften der inlan- disclien Polizey gegen die Pest uud das gelbe Fieber. H°. »n>H,'1805. Clarke (J. C.) Circular relating to sanitary inspec- tion on railroads. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash.. 1879-80, i, 386. — Hamilton ( F. B.) Quarantine in Jackson, Tenn. Nashville J. M. & S., 1879. n. s., xxiii, 53-55.—In- land quarantine. Rep. Mississippi Bd. Health, Jackson, 1879, 90-151. — Kinlock (R. A.) Inland quarantine. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1878, ii, 305-312.—[Resolu- tions of the Medical Society of South.Carolina with re- gard to land quarantine against yellow fever.] Nashville J. M. efe S., 1878, n. a., xxii, 154.—Thomas (G. G.) In- land quarantine. Rep. Proc. Convent. N. Car. San. Ass., Raleigh. 1889, pp. xxi-xxx.—Thornton (G. B.) Annual address [on inland quarantine]. South. Pract., Nashville, 1882, iv, 169-176. Also: Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1882, ii, 198-204.—W. Shot gun quarantines. Boston M. efe S. J., 1879, c, 338-342.—Wood worth (J. M.) Internal quarantine for yellow fever. Med. Rec, N. V., 1878, xiv, 328. Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- latine/ to) by countries. Jones (T. G.) Some observations on the law of quar- antine. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1880, xxxiii, 132-142. Also: South. Law J. efe Reporter, Nashville, 1880, n. s., i, 161-175.—Leeyes de cuarentena. Rev. m6d.-quir., N. V., 1868, i, 129-137. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. Austria. Pest-Beschreibung und Infections- Ordnung. Welche vormahls in besondern Trac- taten hrsg., nuumehro aber in ein Merck zusam- nien gezogen, samt der Anno 1713, zu Wien in Oesterreich lurgewesten Contagion, mit denen dargegen, gemacht- und beschriebenen Veran- staltiingen, dem gemeinen Weesen zum Besten iu Drnck befordert. fol. IVien in Oesterreich, 1727. -----. [Blank forms for vessels entering the port of Venice. ] 4° & fol. [ Venezia, 183-.] Pest-Polizey-Ordming fiir die k. k. osterreichi- schen Staaten. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, xxiv, 257; 398; 556. BELGIUM. Belgium. Recueil des loi, arret6s et instruc- tions relatifs au service sanitaire des ports de mer de Belgique. 8°. Bruxelles, 1839. Text in French and Dutch. Belgium. Ministere de Vinterieur. Service sanitaire dans les ports. 8°. Bruxelles, 1859. BERMUDA. Bermuda. An act to consolidate and amend the quarantine laws. (No. 18, 1863.) fol. [n. p., 1863.] -----. An act further to amend the act en- titled "An act to establish certain regulations for the performance of quarantine". No. 15. [25th August, 1864.] fol. [n. p., 1864.] -----. Bermuda acts. An act further to amend the "Act to consolidate and amend the quarantine laws". No. 7. [September 3, 1870.] fol. [it. p., 1870.] -----. Quarantine act. An act in addition to the quarantine acts. No. 7. [Bermuda, 26 July, 1873.] fol. [n.p., 1873.] -----. Quarantine act, 1874. An act in ad- dition to the quarantine acts. No. 2. [Bermuda, 9 July, 1874.] fol. [n. p., 1874.] QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. CANADA. Canada. Reglements concernant la quaran- tine a £tre faite par les vaisseaux arrivant tlans la puissance du Canada. [Proclamation. Le 21 Janvier 1866.] 8°. Ottawa, 1866. -----. An act relating to quarantine and public health. (31 Vic, cap. 63.) 12°. Ottawa, 1868. -----. Regulations relating to quarantine to be made by vessels arriving in the Dominion of Canada. 12°. Ottawa, 186,8. -----. An act relating to quarantine. Cap. xvii. [Assented to, 14th June, 1872.] 8°. [Ot- tawa, 1872.] -----. The same. Acte relatif a la quaran- taine. Cap. xvii. [Sanctioune" le 14 juin 1872.] 8°. [Ottawa, 1872.] -----. Regulations relating to quarantine to be made by vessels arriving in the Dominion of Canada. [Proclamation. May 23, 1H68.] 8°. Ottawa, 1873. -----. Regulations relating to quarantine to be made by ves.sels arriving in the Dominion of Canada. [Proclamation. Jan. 21, 1873.] 8°. Ottawa, 1873. DENMARK. Denmark. Ordonnance, touchant la quaran- taine e"tablie pour les royaumes de Danneuiarc et de Norvege. Copenhague, le 8 fe"vrier 1805. 12°. Copenhague; 1805. Konigl. danische "Verordnung, -welche das Qttaran- tainewesen in Danemark und Norwegen betrifft. [Aus tlt'in Danischen iibersetzt.] Krit. Jahrb. tl. Staatsarznk., Berl, 1806. i, 317-367.— Quai-antane-jVIaasarcgcln der danischen Regierung behufs Verscbleppung des gel- hen Fiehers. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsarutes, Berl., 1881, v, 64.—Regeln, welche in deu danischen uud norwegischen Seestadten von den Gesundheits- und Qua- rantaine-Kommissionen da zu beobachten sind, wo Obser- vations Quarantainen gehalten werden mochten. [Aus dem Danischen iibersetzt.] Krit. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Berl, 1806, i, 368-393. EGYPT. Reglement beziiglich der Riickkehr tier Mckka-Pil- ger. gelesen und bestatigt vom internatiomilrn Sanitats- Rath von Egvpten in den Sitzungen am 7. uud 31. August 1878. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl, 1878, ii, No. 50, Beil. FRANCE. Depautaine (L.) Des grandes 6pid6mies et de leur prophylaxie internationale, avec le texte des lois, ddcrets, arrete's, ordonnances, et instru- tions qui s'y rattachent. [Avec un appendice.] 8°. Paris, 1868. Decrct imperial portant promulgation de la convention sanitaire internationale conclu entre la France, la Sar- daigne et diverses autres puissances maritimes. Munit. tl. hop., I'ar., 1853, i, 542; 566.—[Decret (Le) qui r^gle les mesures de quarantaine tlans les ports francais et italiens de la Mediterran6e.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 321.—Kcrnudren. Dispositions r6glenientaires ayant pour objet de prevenir Introduction, par mer, ties mala- dies contagiensi's. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., l£05, x, 171; 251.— Reglement de police sanitaire maritime; rapport an president do la Repuhlique Francaise. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1876, v, 1-92.— Reglement sanitaire international. [Entre la France, la Sardaigne et diverses autres puissances mari- times.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 269. GERMANY. Frankfort on the Main. Wir Burger- meister und Rath des Heiligeu Reichs Stadt Franckfurt a. M., verordnen uud gebieten hie- mit . . . dass bey dermahligen, der Contagion halber, sehr misslich- und gefahrlichen Zeiten, niemand, von andern Orthen herkommend, sich uuterfange, ohne habende tiichtige Fehde oder Gesundheits-Piisse . . . zu hiesiger Stadt sich zu nahen. 4°. [n. p.], 1713, QUAKANTINE. 929 QUAKANTINE. Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. GERMANY—continued. [Germany.] Ob man zwarverhoffet, eswiirde die vor einiger Zeit in dem Bannat Temeswar, nicht minder in dem Fiirstenthum Siebenbiirgen uud anderer Orten in dem Konigreich Hungarn sich hervor gethane gefahrliche Seuche unter den Menschen durch dieGnadedesAUerhochsten sich wiederum vermindern, [etc.]. [Proclamation of quarantine.] fol. Memmingen, 1739. -----. Nachdeme von einer, in Pohlen aus- gebrochen seyn sollenden pestartigen Seuche Nachricht eingekommen, [etc.]. [Proclamation of quarantine.] fol. [n. p., 1786.] -----. Nachdem man bei gegeuwartiger all- gemeinen schwabischeu Kreis-Versammlung in Erwagung gezogen hat, welche Maasregeln von Seiten des Kreises zu ergreifen seyn durf-ten, um der Ausbreitung der, unter dem Namen des gelben Fiebers bekannt gewordeneu gefiihrlichen Krankheit, die neuerlich wieder in den siidlichen Provinzen des Konigreichs Spanien, [ etc. ]. [Proclamation of quarantine.] fol. Esslingen, 1804. Oldenburg (Duchy of). Verordnung wegen der Sicherheits- und Quarantaine-Anstalten ge- gen das gelbe Fieber und andere ansteckende Krankheiten. fol. [Oldenburg, 1805.] GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this list, Bermudas; Canada; In- dia. Baker (S.) The laws relating to quarantine of Her Majesty's dominions at home and abroad, and ofthe principal foreign states, including the sections ofthe " public health act'", 1875, which bear upon measures of prevention. 8°. London, 1879. -----. International rules of quarantine. 8°. [London, 1880.] Great Britain. Board of Trade. Quaran- tine. Return to an atldress of the House of Com- mons, dated 22 May, 1860, for " copy of abstract of regulations in force in foreign countries re- specting quarantine, communicated to the board of trade ". [By the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science.] fol. [London, I860.] -----. Quarantine laws. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 18 Aug., 1860, for abstracts " of returns of information on the laws of quarantine which have been obtained by the board of trade". [Prepared and presented to the board of trade by the quarantine commit- tee of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science.] fol. [London, I860.] Great Britain. Local Government Board. Cholera regulations. To all port sanitary au- thorities, except the port sanitary authority for the port of London ; to all urban and rural san- itary authorities whose districts include or abut on any part of a customs port, which port is not within the jurisdiction of any port sanitary au^ thority; to all officers of customs; to all medical officers of health of the sanitary authorities afore- said ; to all masters of ships; and to all others whom it may concern, fol. [London, 1883.] Maclean (C.) Remarks on the British quar- antine laws, and the so-called sanitary laws of the continental nations of Europe, especially those of Spain. 8°. London, [1823]. Correspondence respecting the quarantine laws. [Edit.l Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., iii, 201-203. — laaac- »on (W.) The absurdities of the quarantine laws, and the orders in council respecting the importation of disease. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 709.— Observations on quaran- tine laws. Lond. M. & S. J., 1835, vii, 699-702. 59 Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. INDIA. Cunningham (J. M.) [A set of medical inspection rules, and a set of quarantine rules for use in all Indian ports.] Rep. San. Com. India 1878, Calcutta, 1880, xv, 114-116. ITALY. Genoa. Regolamento per le quarantene in vigore nei luoghi dipeudenti dalla giurisdizione del regio magistrate di sanita in Genova sedente. fol. [Genova, 1845.] Italy. Ministero dell' interno. Istruzioni ministerial! pel servizio di sanita marittima in relazione al R. decreto organico 24 dicembre 1870, N. 6174. 8°. Roma, 1883, N. (G.) Istruzioni e regolamenti di privata sanitaria quarantina da osservarsi in caso di contagio per tenere lontano dalle proprie abita- zioni il cholera-morbus e qualunque altra ma- lattia contagiosa. 8°. Milano, 1831. Papal States. Regolamento per la prattica esecuzione del codice di sanita pei porti, e lidi dello Stato Pontificio. 4°. Roma, 1818. -----. Motu-proprio della sanita di nostro signore Papa Pio Settimo in data de' 25 novem- bre 1818. Su la sanita marittima de' porti, e lidi della Stato Pontificio. Esibito per gli atti del Mauri segretario, e cancelliere della R. C. A. sotto il dl 5 dicembre anno sudetto. 4°. Roma, 1818. Sardinia. Loi qui autorise le gouvernement a donner execution a la convention sanitaire si- gned a Paris le 3 fe'vrier 1852, et au reglement sanitaire international y annexe" en date 2 (16- cembre 1852. 8U. [Chambtry, 1852.] -----. Regolamento sanitario marittimo. Approvato col regio decreto in data del 9 dicem- bre 1852. 8°. [Torino, 1852.] -----. Direzione della sanita marittima negli stati Sardi. Brevi avvertenze destinate ai capi- taui marittimi che approdauo o sono tliretti a scali o porti dove regna il cholera morbus. 26 novembre 1853. 8°. Genova, 1853. -----. Instrnzioni relative al servizio dei cus- todi dei lazzaretti edi altri stabilimenti quaran- tenarii o di riserva, bassi ufficiali delle guardie di sanita e capi gnardia, padroni di battello, fac- chini, portieri ed inservienti, approvate, a norma dell' art. 152 del regolamento speciale dei 9 di- cembre 1852, dal ministro della marina il giorno 27 gennajo 1853. 8°. [Torino, 1853.] -----. Loi qui regie les taxes sanitaires et abolit la direction sanitaire maritime de Cagli- ari eu date 13 avril 1854. 8°. [Chambery, 1854.] -----. Quadro delle quarantene stabilite negli stati di S. M. il re di Sardegna. fol. Genova, 1856. -----. Ordinanza del ministero della marina in data 29 giugno 1857 per i medicinali a bordo dei bastimenti mercantili a mente dell' art. 18del regolamento internazionale. Approvato con legge del 2 dicembre 1852 e relativa istruzione medica compilata a cura della direzione generale della sanita marittima. 8°. Torino, 1857. -----. Loi penale en matiere de la santd ma- ritime en date 31 juillet 1859. 8°. [Turin, 1859.] -----. Reglement sur le transport des pas- sagers a des voyages maritimes, en date 11 fe'- vrier 1859. 8°. [Turin, 187)9.] Tiscany. Ordinanza del ministero dell' in- terno su i medicinali di bordo dei bastimenti mer- cantili ed istruzione sanitaria per i capitani della marina to.scana che comandano bastimenti di lungo corso e tli gran cabottaggio iu ordine all' art. 18 del regolamento internazionale, Appro- QUARANTINE. 930 QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Laus and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. ITALY—continued. vato con legge del 30giugno 1859. 8\ Livorno. [1859]. -----. Regolameuti e tariffe di sanita marit- tima in Toscana, 1859. 8°. Livorno. [1-.V.1]. Bo (A.) Basi generali di un progetto di rongrrsso qua- rantenario di delegati di tutte le potenze marittime che hanno porti nel Mediterraneo. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Torino, 1851, 2. s., xi, 293-299. JAPAN. Japan. Quarantine regulations established by His Imperial Japanese Majesty's government, 14 July, 1879. Revised 21 July, 1879. sm. 4°. [Tokio, 1879.] Hongkong (The) quarantine regulations. [From: Japan Mail.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1886, v, 77-81.— rVaimusho (Home Dept.). [The quarantine laws of Japan.] Iji Shinshi, Tokei, 1883, no. 274, June 30. NORWAY. Norway. Kongelig Proposition til Norges tolvte ordentlige Storthing angasende Lov om Qvarantainevaeseuet. [Royal proposition to the 12. Norwegian Congress, concerning law on quar- antines. ] roy. 8°. Christiania, 1848. -----. LovomQvarantainevaesenet. Malm0, den 12te Juli 1848. 4°. Christiania, [1848]. -----. The same. 24°. Christiania, [1848]. -----. Thesame. A law concerning the per- formance of quarantine. Malmoe, July 12th, 1848. 24°. Christiania, [1848J. -----. The same. Loi sur les quarantaines. Malmo, le 12 juillet 1848. 24c. Christiania, [1848]. -----. The same. Gesetz iiber des Quaran- taine-Wesen. Malmo, den 12ten July, 1848. 24°. Christiania, [1848]. -----. Reglement om Qvarantainevaesenet. Christiania, den lOde Februar 1849. 12°. Chris- tiania, [1849]. PERU. gandaral (J.) Reglamento de policia sanitaria para los casos de epidemia en general. [Quarantine. ] Gac. med., Lima, 1876, ii, 155-157. PORTUGAL. Portugal. Regulamento das quarentenas que ha de observar-se nos portos do reino de Portugal e ilhas adjacentes contra a cholera- morbus, febre amarella e peste bubonica publi- cado pelo Conselho de sauda publica em edital de 8 de marco de 1860, acompanhado tla colleccao da legislaciio, regulamentos e instruccoes referi- das no mesmo edital ou regulamento e da com- pilaeao dos regimentos, portarias, avisos e in- struccoes publicadas pela extincta junta de sau- de, com relaciio ao servico sanitario dos portos. 8°. Lisboa, I860. -----. Revisao dos regulamentos sanitarios. 8 . Lisboa, 1856. Sauza Pinto. Regulamentos para o servico sanitario externo; pharmaceutico de suas ma- gestades. sm. 8°. Lisboa, 1843. Regulamento (0) das quarentenas. Correio med. de Lisb., 1872-3, ii, 101; 118.—Relatorio da commissao encarregada yor decreto de 23 de maio de 1872 de rever o regulamento das quarentenas. Gaz. med.de Lisb., 1873, xxi, 207; 235; 257; 284; 311; 337; 367; 395; 421; 481. RUSSIA. Russia. Regulamento para preservar da in- troduccao das molestias epidemicas os portos Russos, e costas dos mares Baltico e Branco. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] SPAIN. Spain. Reglamento interino para el gobierno y direccion del lazareto de Vigo. 8°. Madrid, 1842, Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. SPAIN—continued. Spain. Ministerio de la gobernacion. Direccion general de beueficenza y sanidad. Instrucciones para la Conferencia sanitaria internacioual en Washington. 8°. Madrid, 1880. Real 6rden circular de 31 de marzo tie 1888, sobre libre phitira v cuarentena de buques. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1888. xxiii, 108; 114; 122; 146; 154; 162; 170; 178; 194; 20'J.—Real 6rden de 18 de marzo de 1889, dictando reglaa para las cuarentenas de rigor en el lazareto regional de la Coruna. Ibid., 1889, xxiv, 82. UNITED STATES. National Quarantine and Sanitary Conven- tion. Quarantine regulations as approved by the National Quarantine and Sanitary Associa- tion of the United States. 8°. Boston, 1860. United States. Congress. B. of R. A bill to prevent the importation of contagious or infectious diseases into the United States. 43. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 595. Dec. 15, 1873. Introd. by Mr. Bromberg. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1873.] -----. Au act to prevent the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases into the United States. 43. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 2887. S. June 11, 1874. Reported by Mr. Gordon, with amend- ment. 4^. [Washington, 1874. ] -----. A bill for the regulation of interstate freights and passengers, and to relieve the same from the restrictions of local quarantines. 46. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 3045. Dec. 18, 1879. In- trod. by Mr. Acklen. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1819.] -----. A bill for the regulation of interstate freights and passengers, and to relieve the same from the restrictions of local quarantines. 46. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 3115. Jan. 7, 1880. Iutrod. by Mr. Acklen. roy. 8-. [Washington, 1880.] -----. A bill to prevent the introduction of infectious or contagious diseases into the United States. 47. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 2814. Jan. 16, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Wheeler, roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1882.] -----. A bill amending an act entitled "An act to prevent the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases into the United States". 47. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 3032. Jan. 16, 1882. Iu- trod. by Mr. Vau Aernam. roy. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1882.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to provide for a more effective system of quaran- tine. 43. Cong., 1. sess. S. 397. Jan. 29, 1874. Introd. by Mr. Boutwell. roy. 8J. [ Washington, 1874.] -----. Report of the select committee ap- pointed to investigate the best meaus of prevent- ing the introduction aud spread of epidemic dis- eases into the United States. 45. Cong., 3. sess. Rep. No. 734. Feb. 7, l,-?79. Submitted by Mr. Harris, to accompany bill S. 1784. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1879.] -----. A bill to prevent the introduction of contagious or infectious di.seases into the United States. 46. Cong., 1. sess. S. 108. March 24, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Harris, roy. 8 . [ Wash- ington, 1879 ] -----. A bill to repeal the tenth section of the act approved June 2, 1879, entitled "An act to prevent the introduction of contagious or infec- tious diseases iuto the United States", and for other purposes. 47. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2259. Dec. 19,1882. Introd. by Mr. Harris, roy. 8 -'. [ Wash- ington, 1882.] -----. A bill to establish a quarantine live- stock trail, aud to regulate commerce between the States, as to live stock. 4s. Cong., 2. sess. QUARANTINE. 931 QUARANTINE. On a ran tine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. S. 2562. Jan. 19, 1885. Introd. by Mr. Coke. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1885.] . .—. A bill to provide for the better en- forcement of the quarantine laws aud regulations of the United States, to prevent the introduc- tion of contagious or infectious diseases into the Uuited States from foreign countries or from one State into another, and to establish within the Treasury Department a national board of health. 50. Cong., 2. sess. S. 3907. Feb. 4,1889. Introd. by Mr. Harris, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1889.] -----. The same. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 141. Dec. 4, 1889. Introd. by Mr. Harris, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1889.] United States. Xational Board of Bealth. Rules and regulations for securing the best sani- tary condition of vessels, including their cargoes, passengers, antl crews, coming to the United States from any foreign port where contagious or infectious diseases exist. 8°. [ Washington, n. d.] United States. State Department. Bill of health, clean. . Form No. 36. (United States cousular agent at St. George, Bermuda. ) 4°. [n.p., 18-.] United States. Treasury Department. Circu- lar relative to quarantine. To collectors of cus- toms [directing attention to the annexed copy of a joint resolution of Congress, respecting quarantine and health laws]. May 30, 1866. 4°. [Washington, 1866.] -----. To the board of health, or other offi- cers having charge of the sanitary regulations. [Letter of special agent of Treasury Department under joint resolution of May 26, 1866, soliciting co-operation [etc.] June 12, 1866. 4°. [Wash- ington, 1866.] -----. Duties of United States officers with reference to quarantine and the public health. [Circular letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, Sept. 8, 1874.] 4°. [ Washington, 1874.] United States. Treasury Department. Marine Hospital Service. Regulations to prevent the in- troduction of the "plague" into the United States. No. 1, series 1879. 4°. [ Washington, 1879.] -----. Circular. U. S. quarantine laws and regulations. August 6, 1888. 4°. [ Washington, 1888. ] -----. An act to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases from one state to another [etc.] Approved March 27, 1890. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1890.] Quarantine regulations for Georgia and Florida. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1880-81, ii, 5.39.—Quaran- tine rt'ejulations of the United States. [Ki-v.] Am. J. M. Sc, I'hila., 1827-8, i, 167-181.—Regulations for the main- tenance of quarantine inspection on the northern frontier of the United States. Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Penn., 1885, Harrisburg, 1886, i, 295-297.—Rules and regulations re- commended to be adopted and observed at all maritime quarantine stations in the United States. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1879-80, i, 379. Alabama. Alabama. State Board of Bealth. Circular No. 1, July, 1879. Rules for preventing the in- troduction and spread of yellow fever. 8°, [Montgomery, 1879.] A labama. An act to regulate the practice of quaran- tine in Alabama. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1887, 211. — ITIedical Association of the State of Ala- bama. A hill to be entitled An act to regulate the prac- tice of quarantine in Alabama. Ibid., 1881, xxxiv, 131.— Quarantine (The) code of the Alabama State board of health. Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1888-9, i; 275-282. Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. California. San Franciscd. An act to establish a quaran- tine and sanitary laws for the city and county of San Francisco, and orders and regulations adopted by the board of health. 8°. San Francisco, 1870. -----. Health and quarantine laws for the city antl harbor of San Francisco. 8°. San Francisco, 1880. Gibbons (H.), jr. Quarantine legislation in the State of California. Nat. Bd. Health Bull., Wash., 1880-81, ii, 538.—Our quarantine. [Edit.] West. Lancet, San Fran., 1880-81, ix, 32-36. Florida. Key West. Rules for the regulation of quar- antine. Approved April 13, 1880. fol. [ Key West, 1880.] Pensacola. An ordinance the better to secure antl preserve the public health. The city coun- cil of the city of Pensacola do enact that the mayor shall at once issue his proelamatiou direct- ing the establishment of quarantine to remain in force until removed by the board of health. Approved April 26, 1879. 4°. [Pensacola, 1879.] -----. An ordinance the better to secure and preserve the public health. 4°. [Pensacola, 1880.] United States. Congress. Joint resolution establishing a national quarantine station near Kev West, Florida. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. R. 102. Iu S. Feb. 7, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Call. Rep. by Mr. Harris, with an amendment, Feb. 22, 1887. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] Quarantine regulations in Pensacola', Fla. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1881-2, iii, 447. Georgia. Darien. Harbor regulations for the port of Darien, Ga. Adopted anil published by the board of commissioners of pilotage. 8°. Savan- nah, 1877. -----. Permanent rules for the government of pilots in the port of Darien [Ga.], established by the boartl of pilot commissioners, June 27, 1877. 12°. Darien, 1877. Louisiana. Louisiana. An act to establish quarantine for the protection of the State. Approved March 15, 1855. 8°. [New Orleans, 1855.] -----. Acts establishing aud regulating quarantine for the protection of the State. 8°. New Orleans, 1870. -----. Acts establishing and regulating quarantine for the protection of the State. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1876. -----. Acts of the legislature of Louisiana, establishing and regulating quarantine for the protection of the State; . . . also, rules and regula- tions of the board of health of the State of Louis- iana, and health ordinances of the city of New Orleans, collected and classified in accordance with resolution of the board of health of the State of Louisiana, September 2, 1880. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1880. -----. Proclamation of quarantine. [To take effect May 10, 1886.] Special suggestions to owners, agents, masters of vessels, antl pas- sengers. 8°. [Baton Rouge, 1886.] Louisiana. Board of Bealth. Rules and regulations of the board of health, State of Louisiana, for the government of quarantine officers and stations, and for the enforcement of the acts of the legislature of Louisiana " estab- lishing and regulating quarantine for the pro- tection of the State". Also, sanitary rules of the QUARANTINE. 932 QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. board of health of the State of Louisiana regu- lating shipping in the port of New Orleans. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1880. Tensas Parish. Quarantine ordinance. Adopted by the police jury of Tensas Parish, August 21, 1878. 4°. [n. p., 1878.] United States. Congress. An act to donate and transfer to the-State of Louisiana for quar- antine purposes certain lands on the Mississippi River belonging to the United States, subject to reversion to the United States in the event of their non-usage for quarantine purposes, and requiring the proper department of the United States Government to execute the necessary transfer to the State of Louisiana on the condi- tion aforesaid. 50. Cong. H. R. 10931. In S. Sept, 9, 1888. roy. 8°. [Washinglon, 1888.] Illegality of State laws for the support of a quaran- tine establishment. Judge F. A. Monroe's recent decision denying the right ofthe State of Louisiana to impose a tax on commerce. Sanitarian, N. T., 1883, n. s., i, 101-105.— Power of a state hoard of health to levy a quarantine tax. iJudge F. A. Monroe's decision in the case of Morgan's jouisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company, against the board of health of the State of Louisiana.] San. Engin., N. Y., 1883, vii, 178. Maryland. Baltimore. An ordinance for the due per- formance of quarantine at the port of Baltimore, and to prevent the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases within the city of Baltimore. 8°. [Baltimore], 1855. Massachusetts. Boston. Board of Bealth. In board of health, Boston, May 2, 1881. [Ordered, that, from the 15th day of May, 1881, until Nov. 1, 1881, all vessels arriving at Bostou from ports where con- tagious tliseases are prevalent shall stop at the quarantine station. With extracts from special laws and general statutes.] 4°. Boston, 1881. -----. Quarantine regulation. By order of the board of health, Jan. 7, 1882. 4°. [Boston, 1882.] -----. Quarantine regulation, June 1, 1885. 4°. [Boston, 1887).] Massachusetts. Acts relating to the estab- lishment of quarantine, from the settlement of the colony of Massachusetts Bay to the present time. 8°. Boston, 1881. Hale (E.), jr. On the quarantine regulations of Bos- ton. Am. J. M. Sc.; Phila., 1828, ii, 483. Mississippi. Hinds County. Quarantine regulations. Adopted July 21, 1879. 4°. [n. p., 1879.] Jackson. Quarantine rules and regulations adopted by the board of health, city of Jackson, August 3, 1878. fol. [Jackson, 1878.] Mississippi. State Board of Bealth. Quaran- tine rules and regulations. (Approved May 18, 1880.) 8°. Jackson, Miss., 1880. Munroe County Board of Health. Quaran- tine notice! [In consequence of the prevalence of yellow fever in Memphis, Tenn. ] July 21, 1879. 4C. [Aberdeen, 1879.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to authorize the removal of the quarantine station from Ship Island, Mississippi. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. 3157, Jan. 17, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Walthall. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] -----. The same. Rep'd by Mr. Eustis, Jan. 26,1887. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1887.] -----. Joint resolution establishing a na- tional quarantine station near Key West, Florida. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. R. 102. 'introd. hy Mr. Call, Feb. 7, 1887. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1887.] Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. -----. A bill to authorize the removal ofthe quarantine station from Ship Island, Mississippi. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 642, Dec. 13, 1887. In- trod. by Mr. Walthall, row 8°. [Washington, 1887.] -----. A bill to establish a quarantine sta- tion at the port of San Francisco. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 665, Dec. 13, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Stanford, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1887.] West Point. Quarantine ordered [against Memphis, Tenn., antl all other districts infected with yellow fever]. Mayor's Hall, city of West Point, Miss., July 22, 1879. 4°. West Point, [1879]. Winona. Quarantine ordinances. Passed Sept. 1, 1879. fol. Winona, [1879]. New York. Act (An) [proposed] in relation to quaran- tine, and the removal thereof, fol. [New York, n. d.] New York (Port). Rules aud regulations to be observed by masters of vessels under quaran- tine. May 15, 1870. fol. [Xew York, 1870.] -----. The same. Juue 1, 1871. fol. [New York, 1871.] -----. The same. June 1, 1872. fol. [New York, 1872.] -----. The same. June 1,1874. 12°. [New York, 1874.] -----. Regulations for the discharge of cargo from vessels under quarantine in the port of New York. Established June, 1875. 16°. [New York, 1875.] New York (State). Laws relative to quaran- tine and to the public health of the city of New York. (Part 1, chapter xiv, of tbe revised stat- utes, as amended and modified by the subsequent acts of the legislature.) 16°. New York, 1858. -----. Laws relative to quarantine in the port of New York. Compiled under the direc- tion of the commissioners of quarantine. 16°. Neiv York, 1867. -----. Laws relating to quarantine in the port of New York. Compiled under the direc- tion of the commissioners of quarantine. 18°. New York, 1870. -----. Assembly. An act in relation to quar- antine iu the port of New York. No. 858. Feb. 2,1872. Introd. by Mr. Hawkins, fol. [Albany, 1872.] -----. S. An act establishing a quarantine and defining the qualifications, duties, antl powers of the health officer for the harbor antl port of New York. No. 162. Jan. 22, 1873. In- trod. by Mr. Adams, fol. [Albany, 1873.] -----. Assembly. An act amending an act entitled "An act establishing a quarantine and defining the qualifications, duties and powers of the health officer for the harbor and port of New York", passed April 29, 1863. No. 578. March 29, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks, fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend sections 54 and 55 of chapter 358 of the laws of 18(!:{, entitled "An act establishing a quarantine and defining the qualifications, duties, and powers of the health officer for the harbor and port of New York. No. 652. April 21, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks, fol. [Albany, 1882.] New York (State). Commissioners of Quarantine. Port of New York, quarantine ground, Staten Isl- and. Rules to be observed on board of all vessels detained at quarantine, fol. [New York, 1856.] QUARANTINE. 933 QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. New York (State). Supreme Court. The Peo- ple vs. Peter W. Roff. Opinion of Judge Birdseye relative to the powers and duties of the health officer of the port of New York. 8°. New York, 187)6. Sterling (J. W.) Quarantine laws. Proc. Nat. Quar- ant. efe San. Convent., Phila., 1857 (app.), 49-57. North Carolina. Wilmington. Quarantine regulations, port of Wilmington, N. C. April 1,1879. 8°. [ Wil- mington, 1879.] Curtis (W. G.) Quarantine regulations of Wilming- ton, N. C. Nat. Bd. Healtb Bull., Wash., 1879-80, i, 302. Ohio. Act (An) to establish a quarantine in certain cities and for other purposes. Rep. Health Dep. Cincin. (1879), 1880, xiii, 176-184. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Rules to be observed by mas- ters and pilots of vessels arriving at the port of Philadelphia, established by the health law, and regulations of the board of health. To which is annexed, the supplement to the health law, passed on the 2d day of April, 1821. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1821. Philadelphia. Board of Bealth of the City of Philadelphia. Abstract of health laws governing quarantine at the port of Philadelphia, contain- ing instructions relative to the duties of owners of vessels, captains, and pilots, arriving at said port, or detained at the lazaretto. (By direction of the board of health.) 12°. Philadelphia, 1860. Rhode Island. Providence. Quarantine. Port of Provi- dence, July 2, 1866. By order of the board of health, the "Ordinance in relation to quaran- tine" is revived and declared to be in force from and after this date, until further notice. E. M. Snow, health officer, sm. 4°. [Providence, 1866.] -----. Quarantine regulations, port of Prov- idence, 1855. Revived and declared to be in full force and operation by order of the board of al- dermen, August 2, 1866. 8°. [Providence, 1866.] South Carolina. Charleston. Department of Health. Laws, rules, and regulations, for government of quar- antine for the port of Charleston. 16°. Charles- ton, 1882. South Carolina. An act passed by the gen- eral assembly of the State of South Carolina, to establish quarantine at Georgetown, Charleston, and Hilton Head; an act to amend the same ; and an act to establish a lazaretto or quarantine hospital in the harbor of Charleston. 12°. Charleston, 1869. Act establishing the State quarantine. Rep. Bd. Health South Car'., Columbia, 188'.', iii, 120-129.—Horlbeck (H. B.) Quarantine regulations in Charleston, S.C. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1881-2, iii, 407.— L,ebby (R.) An abstract of all the quarantine laws, etc., of tlie State of South Carolina. Ibid., 1880-81, ii, 529. — Quarantine laws antl regulations in South Carolina. Ibid., 1881-2, iii, 445^147.—Rules and regulations to control the quarantine service of the several ports of the State, as adopted by the- State board of health of South Carolina, April 6, 1882. Rep. Bd. Health South Car., Columbia, 1882, iii, 36-45. Tennessee. Milan. Quarantine regulations [against all freight, baggage, and passengers coming from Memphis or any other infected point]. Mayor's office, July 20, 1879. fol. [Milan, 1879.] Tennessee. State Board of Health. Official notice from the State board of health. Nash- Quarantine (Laws and ordinances re- lating to) by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. ville, July 14, 1880. [Order forbidding any steamboat or other water-craft departing from New Orleans after the 15th day of July, 1880, to enter the State of Tennessee until further notice.] 8°. [Nashville, 1880.] Texas. United States. Congress. H. of R. A bill to provide for a quarantine station on the coast of Texas. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 1734. Dec. 11, 1883. Introd. by Mr. Ochiltree. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1883.] Webster (W.) Quarantine regulations for tbe fifth military district (State of Texas). 8°. Austin, [1869]. Quarantine proclamation No. 1,1880, for the State of Texas. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1879-80, i, 355.— Quarantine proclamation for ports in the State of Texas. Ibid., 1880-81, ii, 793. Virginia. United States. Congress. B. of R. A bill to provide for the establishment of a quarantine hospital in Hampton Roads, Virginia. 46. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 2332. June 20, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Goode. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1879.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to establish a permanent quarantine station at or near Cape Charles, Virginia. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1641. Jan. 24, 1888. Introd. by Mr. Daniel. roy. 8. [Washington, 1888.] Virginia. Board of Quarantine Commissioners. Quarantine district of Elizabeth River. Quar- antine regulations. Adopted April 30,1877. 4°. [n.p., 1877.] Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries. See, also, Quarantine (Laws, etc., relating to). ALGERIA. Fauvel. Rapport au sujet d'une r6clamation contre les mesures sanitaires appliqu6es en Alg6rie aux prove- nances de Bassorah. Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1878, vii, 31-35. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Madariaga (C.) *Nuestras cuarentenas, su historia y sus leyes. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1884. AUSTRALIA. Quarantine in Australia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1029. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. Quarantine and sanitation at Trieste. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1148. BELGIUM. Belval (T.) De l'influence'des quarantaines sur la marche et l'extension des 6pid6mies en Belgique. Mouve- ment hyg., Brux., 1885-6, ii, 320; 393; 433. CANADA. Canada. Minister of Agriculture. Quarantine and public health. Annual reports of Grosse Isle quarantine station for the years 1886-7. By F. Montizambert. 8°. [Ottawa, 1887-8.] Ontario (Province of). Provincial Board of Health. Report on the quarantine system of the St. Lawrence. Approved and adopted 1886. 8°. Toronto, 1886. Hopital tie la quarantaine, Grosse Isle. Rapport an- nuel du m6decin en charge pour l'annee 1865. Rap. Bu- reau d. insp. d'asiles, prisons, etc., Canada, Ottawa, 1866, v (app.) 3-9.—Quarantine Hospital, Grosse Isle. An- nual reports of the medical superintendent, for the years 1861 • 1864. Rep. Bd. Insp. Asyl, Prisons, etc., Canada, Quebec, 1862, ii, 84-89: 1865, v, 96-100. QUARANTINE. 034 QUAKANTINK. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries. EGYPT. Conseil maritime et quarantenaire d'Egypte. Pelerinage de 1'unuee 1881. Reglement relatif an retour ties pelerins. 8°. Constantinople, 1881. de t'nwtro (S.-V.) Le service sanitaire 6gyptien dans la mer Rouge et le canal de Suez. J. d'hyg., Par.. 1882, vii, 52-55.—Ekk (N. V.) O karautinach v vodaeh Egipta. Trudi Obsh. Russk. vimeh. v S.-Peterb. (1883-4), 1885, ii, 297-325.—Fauvel (A.) Sur les quarantaines k Suez. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1082-1095. Also: France me-d., Par., 1882, i, 577; 592; 601.—de ties- seps. Note sur les quarantaines impose.es a Suez aux provenances maritimes de l'extreme Orient. Compt.-rend. Acad. il. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1022-1026. Also: J. d'hyg., Par., 1882, vii, 181-183. FRANCE. Fischer (C. A.) Ueber die Quarantaine-An- stalten zu Marseille. 8°. Leipzig, 1805. Melier (F.) Ouverture du lazaret de Rato- neau. 8°. Marseille, 1850. Repr. from: Moniteur universe! Prus (R. C.) Rapport a l'Acadeniie royale de m6deciue sur la peste et les quarantaines, fait au nom d'une commission par M. le Dr. Pens. Ac- compagne' de pieces et documents, et suivi tie la discussion dans le sein de l'Acad6mie. Pts. 1-3 in 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1846. Aiilagnier. Rapport au conseil de sant6 sur le service de l'hopitiil militaire du lazaret de Marseille. Rec. tie mt5iu. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1832, xxxiii, 304-323.—Clianffard. Sur ram6nagement et la tenue du lazaret de Marseille. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1875, 2. a., iv, 319-327. — Den. hnycH (C.) Dela quarantaine a Rouen. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 441-443. — Falsehoods eif Frincli quarantine people displayed. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1832-3, ii. 475-477.—Fauvel [et al.]. Rapport sur un pro- jet de reglement sanitaire local pour le port de Dunkerque. Rec. tl. trav. Comite, consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1880, ix, 260-267. — Fisch. Nachricht vom Pestlazareth und Quarantaine zu Marseille. [Fromhis: Briefe iiber die siidlicheii Provinzen von Frankreich, Ziirich, 1790, Br. 21, S. 474.] Beytr. z. Arch. d. metl. Pol, Leipz., 1793, v, 1. Samml, 143-149.—Oinibert. l5tude ties lazarets du Pian tie Latte et de Nice pendant l'epid6uiie tie cholera de 1884. Union m6tl., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 268-274. — I.ehmann (E. A.) Bemerkungen iiber die Quarantaineanstalten zu Marseille. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1838, lxxxvii, 3. St., 85-107.—I..e Roy de Mericourt. Renseigneiuents sur le lazaret de Marseille. Marseille m6tl, 1875, xii, 224-235.— Link. Ueber die Quarantaine-Anstalten zu Marseille. iVurgetragen tl. 17. Febr. 1837 in der Hufeland. nied.-chir. Gesellsch. zu Berl.) J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1837, lxxxiv, 3. St., 3-14.—Nash (D. W.) Observations on quarantine, antl description of the lazaretto at Marseilles. Lond. M. Gaz., 1837-8, xxi, 533-538.- Saint-Philippe (R.)' Le lazaret de Pauillac. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1875, iv, 25-28. GERMANY. Hamburg. Verordnung in Betreff der Qua- rantaiue-Austalt zu Cuxhaven. Beliebt durch den Rath- untl Burger-Schluss vom 22. December 1856. Auf Befehl eiues hochedlen Raths der freien und Hanscstadt Hamburg publicirt den 29. December 1856. sm. 4C. [Hamburg, 1856?] Hennicke (B.) Der Hamburger Lazarethzug nacb ibni Hennicke'schen System. [Bericht uud Bescbreibung.] 8-. [Berlin, 1870?] Hamburg. Instruktion fiir die Quarantaine-Kommis- sion in Cuxhaven mit Bezug auf tlie Stellung des Quaran- taine-Arztes. Med.-Gesetzgeb., Berl, 1880, vi, 282. GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain. Colonial Office. Quarantine (Gibraltar). Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 9 March, 1855, for a "copy of the report made by Dr. [Wm.] Baly to the secretary of state for the colonies, upon the sub- ject of quarantine at Gibraltar, under date the 6th of May, 1854". fol. [London, 1855.] Great Britain. Custom House. Quarantine. Return to au order of the House of Commons, dated 7 July, 1853, for a return, "in detail, of all vessels which have been detained in quarantine Quarantine (Reports on, antl condition of), by countries. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. during the live years ending the 1st day of July, 1853, in Great Britain; specifying the name of each vessel . . . the duration of the quarantine imposed, and whether any, ami how many, fresh cases of sickness occurred during the detention in quarantine", fol. [London, 1853.] Great Britain. General Board of Bealth. Re- port on quarantine. [A collection of reports, letters, aud orders on quarantine. 8°. London, 1849. ------. Second report on quarantine. Yellow fever. With appendices Qi—iv]. 8°. London, 187)2. Great Britain. Local Government Hoard. An- nual report of the local government board, 187!I- 80 (9.). Supplement containing report and papers submitted by. the medical officer on the recent progress of Levantine plague, antl on quarantine in the Red Sea. t>°. [London, 1881.] Great Britain. Parliament. An act for erect- ing a lazaret on Cbetney Hill, in the county of Kent; and for reducing into one act the laws re- lating to quarantine, and for making further pro- vision therein. 39 & 40 Geo. III., cap. lxxx. [28 July, 1800.] fol. [Edinburgh, 1800.] Great Britain. Privy Council Office. [A col- lection of printed and manuscript letters and orders in council, relating to quarantine. ] fol. [Edinburgh, 1800-4.] CONTENTS. Order of 29th July, 1800, as to the performance of quaran- tine. Letter of 17th Sept., 1800, with quarantine questions. Letter of 20th Sept., 1800, respecting vessels not accom- panied with quarantine declaration. MS. Letter of 10th Oct., 1800, explaining the 1st and 38th sect. of onler in council of 29th July, 1800. Order of 12th Nov., 1800, subjecting vessels to quarantine from Norfolk and Baltimore. MS. Order of 17th Dec, 1800, taking off the above quaran- tine. MS. Order of 14th Jan., 1801. Questions to he put to masters of vessels on their arrival. Letter of 21st Jan., 1801, as to the best method of curry- ing out the preceding order. Letter of 11th Feb., 1801, with printed questions. Order of 17th March, 1801. Additional questions. Letter of 25th March, 1801. Second impressiou of ques- tions. Letter of 20th May, 1801, requiring proof to agree with the order in council. Letter of 19th Aug., 1802, relating to declaration and certificate under sect. 30 of the order of 29lh July, 1800. Order of 18th Sept., 1802, subjecting to quarantine ves- sels from Philadelphia and Baltimore. MS. Letter of 5th Oct., 1802. Quarantine manifest required when necessary. Order of 19th Jan., 1803, taking off quarantine on vessels from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Letter of 7th Sept., 1803, relating to the unshipping of letters, etc., from vessels under quarantine. Letter of 8th Sept., 1803, on the release of certain vessels from quarantine. Letter of 15th Sept., 1803, relating to vessels from the West Indies. Order of 26th Oct., 1803, imposing quarantine upon ves- sels from New York. Letter of 15th Nov., 1803, relating to the epidemic dis- temper at Malaga. MS. Letter of 19th Nov., 1803. Epidemic disorder at Malaga, and the yellow fever at New York. Order of 23d Nov., 1803, subjecting to quarantine vessels from Pennsylvania and Virginia. Letter of 25th Nov., 1803, respecting the yellow fever at Philadelphia and Virginia. Letter of 26th Nov., 1803, relative to three vessels ar- rived in the Eyder from Cadiz, with the yellow fever on board. MS. Letter of 1st Dec, 1803. Masters of vessels not hoisting the signals required by the quarantine act. Letter of 3d Dec, 1803. Vessels arriving from Malaga and AUcant to be sent to Sandgate Creek to perform quar- antine. Letter of 19th Dec, 1803, respecting two vessels with the plague ou board. QUARANTINE. 935 QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Letter of 20th Dec, 1803. Vessels from Malaga and Ali- cant not to be sent to Sandgate Creek till all the circum- stances respecting them be stated, antl the board's direc- tions obtained. Letter of 4th Feb., 1804, relating to sect. 38 of the order of 29th July, 1800, and to be followed until further orders. Order of 8th Feb., 1804, taking off quarantine on vessels from New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Letter of 20th Feb., 1804. Quarantine notices to pilots. Letter of 24th Feb., 1804, relieving vessels from Malaga. Great Britain. Privy Council Office. Superin- tendent General of Quarantine. Quarantine. Re- turn to an adtlress of the House of Commons, dated 14 April, 1853, for "return, in detail, of the name of every officer, with the title of his office or employment, and the amount of salary, fees, or emolument received by each officer, at the several quarantine stations iu Great Britain, Ireland, aud Malta, and also in tbe office of superintendent of quarantine, for the year 1852. fol. [London, 187,3.] Grkat Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Quarantine (Cartbagena). Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 18 July, 1853, for a " copy of any despatch from Her Majesty's consul at Carthagena (New Grenada), to Her Majesty's principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, respecting tbe repeal of quaran- tine regulations formerly enforced at that port against yellow fever; the admission to free pra- tique there of the royal mail steam packet "Dee", and the reception into the general hos- pital there of yellow-fever patients from that ship", fol. [London, 1853.] -----. Papers respecting quarantine in the Mediterranean, fol. London, [I860]. -----. Commercial. No. 14 (188C). Corre- spondence respecting the quarantine imposed by the Portuguese authorities of Terceira on the Britisb brigantine "Maggie", June, 1886. fol. London, 1886. milroy (G.) Operation and results of quarantine in British ports since the beginning of the present century. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 579; 635. Ile de la reunion. Coustan (A.) Hygiene d'un convoi d'immi- grauts iudiens au lazaret de File Bourbon. 4°. Montpellier, 1867. INDIA. Quarantine at Roorkee in 1872. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi, 273. ITALY. Italy. Amministiazione di sanita marittima. Paten te di sanita. Modulo N. 17. [A bill of health—clean—of the bark General Sedgewick, on leaving the port of Leghorn, Italy. ] fol. Roma, [n. d.]. Lazaretti (Li) della citta e riviere di Genova del mdclvii. Ne quali oltre a successi parti- colari del contagio si narrano 1' opere virtuose di quelli che sacrificorno se stessi alia salute del prossimo, e si danno le regole di ben governare un popolo flagellato dalla peste, descritti dal R. P. Autero Maria da S. Bonaventura Scalzo Agostiniano. 4°. Genova, 1658. Morattus (P.) Racconto do gli ordini e pro- visioui fatte ne' lazaretti in Bologna, e suo con- tado in tempo del contagio dell' anno 1630. 4°. Bologno, 1631. Anrona (G.) Studii sui lazzaretti di Livorno. Impar- ziale, Firenze, 1867, vii, 303; 334.—Contraila (C.) II laza- retto di Nisida e le misure sauitarie ordiuate nel 1883 dall onorevole prefetto Sig. coute Sansoverino. Oazz. di metl. pubb., Napoli, 1884, xv, 129-140.—Da (amino (F.) Sulle quarantene in Italia. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1851, ii, 125-137.—Lanzi (M.) II lazzaretto di S. Sabina Quarantine (Reports on, and condition °f)i °V countries. nell' anno 1886. Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1888, viii, 1-8.—I.azzaretti (I) in Italia. Salute, Genova, 1872, vii, 753-760. — liazzai-ctti (I) in Italia. Ibid., 1874, ix, 275-278. — Provvedimculi igieuiii rela- tivi al lazzaretto niilitare in Santa Croce iu Gerusalenime. Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1884, v, 209-211. MEXICO. fiut'rrei'o (I.) Estahlecimiento de un lazareto en el puerto de Mazatlan. Voz de Hipocrates, Mexico, 1883, i, 269. PERU. Lazareto central. Cr6n. m6d., Lima, 1887, iv, 209- 216. PORTUGAL. de Meirelles Kendall (H. C.) Ao illustris- sinio e excellentissimo senhor Antouio Augusto Pereira de Miranda, digno membro da conunis- sao encarregada tie rever o regulamento das qua- rentenas nomeada por decreto de 23 de maio de 1872. 8°. Porto, 1874. Memoria sobre as medietas sanitarias executa- das em 1856 contra o coinmereio maritimo do Porto a pretexto da febre amarella 8°. Porto, 187)7. Senhores (Aos) deputados da nacao portu- gueza o conselho de sande publica do reino. [Documentos.] 8°. Lisboa, 187,4. A Ives Branco. Ainda a qnarantena de barca " Imo- erene". O livro do Sr. Sousa Martins e o Correio medico. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1881. 2. s., xiv, 291-311. — Glomes (B. A.) Hygiene publica; o systenia quaiente- nario vigente no po'rfo de Lislioa. Gaz. nied. de Lisb., 1854-5 ii, 327-330.—lflittcrmaier (K.) Die Quarantane in Madeira. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1858, x, 65-68. RUSSIA. Heine (M.) Die Quarantaine zu Feodosia. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 46-48 — Hermann (P.) Vorschlage zur Umhilduug und Verleguug dt-r Central- Quarantaiue von Astracban. Ibid., 125.— dnanctz (A. A.) Die Separat-Quarantaiue zu Kisljar. Ibid., 1847, iv, 149-152. SPAIN. Hard (T.) Pliego de condiciones para la contratacidn en publica subasta de los servicios de bospederia, fonda, cantina, alumbrado, lavado, co'ada y planchado de ropas de cuarentenarios en el lazareto de San Simon (Ponte- vedra), durante el quinqueniode ]*88-'.t a 1892-3. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1888, i, 594-601. — Cuarentenas (Las) en Espana. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1850, 3. s., v, 377.__Marco (L.) El nuevo lazareto socio de Gando (Gran Canaria). G6uio ni6d.-qnir., Madrid, 1887, xxxiii, 475. _ lHonlau (P. F.) Estadistita del lazareto de San Simon eu la ria dr Vigo, comprensiva desde su apertura en 1842, hasta fin de 1853. Siglo med., Madrid. 1854, i. 105. _____Estadistica del lazareto de Malum en 1854. Ibid., 1855. ii, 81.—X. Lazaretos; estadistica del Mahon en 1855. Ibid., 1856, iii, 59. TURKEY. Turkey. Le pelerinage de 1882 et la quaran- taine de Camarau. Rapport au Conseil supe- rieur de sante\ 8°. Constantinople, 1882. ■-----. Administration sanitaire. Rapport sur la perception de la taxe sanitaire et statistique o-6u6rale tie la navigation dans les ports otto- mans. Pr6sent6 au Conseil sup6rieur de saute" par le Doct, Bartoletti. l«72-3. fol. Constanti- nople, 1873. _____. Rapport sur la perception de la taxe sanitaire statistique de la navigation dans les ports ottomans du ler mars 1878 an 28 ievrier 1879, et bilan de la recette et tie la. depense tlu service pendaut la meme aunee. Presente au Conseil superieur de saute". 4°. Constantinople, 1880. , , . , Dura. Le lazaret de Camaran et la quarantaine des nelriins Rev. med.-pharm., Constant., 1888. 1. 9/-101.—- boruoii (E. C) Extracts from reporton sanitary works in Turkey. Rep- <>«» • ■ • san- improve, in India 1869-70, Lond., 1870, 274-276, 5 pl. 36 QUARANTINE. QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES. American Public Health Association. Report antl regulations relating to sanitary legislation. Presented to the ... at its meeting in Rich- mond, Va., November 19-22, 1878. 8°. Cam- bridge, 1878. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. I. An atldress from a special committee of. . . to tbe medical societies of the United States, con- cerning tbe dangers to which the country is ex- posed by the ineffectual methods of quarantine at its ports, and iu regard to the necessity of national control of maritime quarantine. II. Report ofthe committee ofthe College of Physi- cians of Philadelphia appointed to investigate the efficiency of our quarantine arrangements for tbe exclusion of cholera and other epidemic diseases. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Felton (W. H.) Speech on the bill to regu- late national quarantine in the House of Repre- sentatives, March 27, 1878. 8°. [ Washington, 1878.] McGowan (J. H.) A national quarantine. Speech in the House of Representatives, May 27, 1879. 8°. Washington, 1879. National Quarantine and Sanitary Conven- tion. Report of the committee on the utility of wet docks in couuectiou with quarantines, and the propriety of placing the entire establishment under the jurisdiction ofthe United States Gov- ernment. John W. Sterling, M. D.; Alex. H. Stevens, M. D. ; John McNulty, M. D., commit- tee, appointed by tbe Third National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. New York, June 1, 1860. 8°. Boston, 1860. Rauch (J. H.) Coast defenses against Asiatic cholera. Report of an inspection of the Atlantic and Gulf quarantines between the St. Lawrence antl Rio Grande. 8°. Springfield, III., 1886. Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley- Office of the secretary, April 21, 1881. Memo- randum for a classification of articles of merchan- dise for quarantine purposes. Schedule of arti- cles declared contraband of quarantine. Official: J. H. Raucb, M. D., secretary of the council. fol. [n.p.], 1881. Thornton (G. B.) & Johnson (J.) An open letter to his excellency the chief executive of the State of Louisiana. Memphis, Aug. 14,1880. [In reply to public and official strictures npon the order of the Tennessee State board of health, forbidding steamboats, etc., entering the State of Tennessee until further uotice.] 8°. [Mem- phis, 1880.] United States. Treasury Department. Let- ter from the Secretary of tbe Treasury, in response to Senate resolution of July 17, 1888, relative to the proposed removal of quarantine statiou from Ship Island. 50. Cong., 1. sess. Ex. Doc. No. 222. July 23, 1888. 8°. [ Washington, 1888. ] United States. War Department. Medical Department. Letter from the Secretary of War communicating, in obedience to law, information in relation to quarantine on the southern and Gulf coasts. [Report of Ass't Surg. Harvey E. Brown, U. S. A., with communication from'the Surgeon-General, U. S. A., in regard to the same. ] 42. Cong., 3. sess. S. Ex. Doc. 9. Pts. 1 and 2. 8°. [Washington, 1872.] -----. The same. Report on quarantine on the southern and Gulf coasts ofthe United States. 8°. New York, 1873. Also [Abstr.l, in: Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1880, Wash., 1882, ii, 595-601. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries. UNITED STATES—continued. Austin (H. W.) Report of the operations ofthe sani- tary inspection serviee, established on the Canadian fron- tier of the United States, extending from Buffalo, N. V., to the Atlantic coast, during the months of September, October, November, December, 1885, and January and February, 1886. Rep. Superv. Suri;. (Jen. Mai. llosp., Wash., 1885-6, 18-29. — Browu»villc (Tbe) quaran- tine. Correspondence between Mawu- J. M. Tarble, of Pensacola, Fla., and Mayor Thos. Carson, of Browusville Tex. San. Engin., N. Y., 1882-3, vii, 296.—Cabell (J. L.) National legislation and attempts at legislation on quaran- tine. Sanitarian, N. T., 1883, xi, 1-6.— JmnrN (E. E.) States' rights and a national quarantine. Ibid., 1880, viii, 103-106.—Jones (J.) The relation of quarantine to com- merce in the valley of tbe Mississippi River during a pe- riod of eight years, 1880-87, inclusive. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1889, 274-318.—I,ee (B.) Should not the National Government defend our ports against the na- tional enemy — contagions disease? Cincin. M. News, 1888, n. s., xvii, 361-377. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 469-477. Also [Abstr.]: Cinciu. Lancet-Clinic, 1888, n. s., xx, 737-739— National (The) quarantine. [Edit.] Louisville M. News, 1879, viii, 41.—National quarantine. [Edit.l Sanitarian, N. T., 1881, ix, 85-89.— fVew vs. old ; another quarantine controversy. [Edit.] Texas Cour.-Ree. Med., Fort Worth, 1884-5, ii," 579-582.— Price (M. F.) On the necessity of quarantine along our southern frontier. Rep. Bd. Health Calif. Sacramento, 1884-6, ix, 217.—Quarantine administration of the lower river. [Edit.] St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, v, 209-212.— Report to Congress on quarantine regulations: in the House of Representatives, Febr'y 25, 1803. Dr. Mitchill offered the report of the committee to whom was referred tbe resolution of the House of the 15th inst., "That pro- vision ought to be made by law for the regulation of quar- antine -within the District of Columbia". Med. Reposit, N. T., 1803, vi, 460-465. —[Shrady (G. F.) National quar- antine regulations. Med. Rec, if. Y., 1878, viii. 271-273.— Smith (S.) The origin and growth of the quarantine systems of the United States. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1880-81, ii,'613; 621; 666; 785: 813; 821. -----. The maritime sanitary service of the United States, and tbe relations of National and State authorities. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1881, Bost., 1883. vii, 70-82. Also, Reprint. — Thornton (G. B.) The Mississippi quarantine and the Louisiana State hoard of health. [Abstr. from: Memphis Appeal] Sanitarian, N. Y., 1884, xiii, 130-140. -----. Gulf coast quarantine; report to the Tennessee State board of health of the Quarantine Con- ference held at New Orleans, La., June 2, 1884. Missis- sippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1884. iv, 357-371. Also : Nashville J. M. & S., 1884, xxxiv, 341-356. Also: Rep. Bd. Health Tenn. 1880-84, Nashville, 1885, ii, 435-453. Also, Reprint. Alabama. Alabama. State Board of Bealth. The me- morial of the board of health of the State of Alabama. To the honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States of America. [Quarantine juris- diction of State and municipal boards of health.] May 10, 1880. 8°. [Montgomery, 1880.] Medical Association of the State of Alabama. Report on Ship Island quarantine station. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1882, xxxv, 179-190. Arkansas. ('■■ mmill';* (J. B.) The inefficiency of quarantine in the State of Arkansas during the year 1879. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1879, Bost., 1880, v, 127-130.—Jennings (R. G.) Quarantine, and its results in the State of Ar- kansas in 1879. Ibid., 121-126. Florida. Elliott (W. H.) Report on Fernandina. Florida; quar- antine and action of the local board of health. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health. Wash., 1879, 367-372. — IIai«i* (R. B. S.) Sketch of the history of quarantine at Pensacola, Fla. Nat. Bd. Health Bull.! Wash., 1881-2, iii. 03; 95 : ill: 119.— Smith (S.) Origin and growth of the quarantine system of the Uhited States. Florida. Ibid., 31. Georgia. Report of health officer [quarantine], Savannah, 1869- 70 to 1877. Rep. mayor Savannah (1869-70), 1870-78, pas- sim. Kentucky. Quarantine in Louisville. [Edit.] Am. M. Bi- Weekly, Louisville, 1879, xi, 71. QUARANTINE. 937 QUARANTINE. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries and localities. UNITED STATES—continued. Louisiana. Holt (J.) The quarantine system of Louisi ana; methods of disinfection practised. An ad- dendum to the report of the committee on disin- fectants of the American Public Health Associa- tion, obi. 16°. New Orleans, 1887. Louisiana. Slate Board of Bealth. Report for the year 1880. Extracts containing . . . quar- antine antl sanitary rules and regulations. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1881. -----. Quarantine and sanitary operations of the board of health of the State of Louisiana during 1880, 1881, 1882, and 1883. Annual re- port of the board of health to general assembly of the State of Louisiana, 1883-4. 8°. Baton Rouge, 1884. -----. Plates illustrating the quarantine system of Louisiana, obi. 12°. New Orleans, [1889]. Donler (B.) History of quarantine in Louisiana from 1821 to 1846. N. York J." M., 1846, vii, 159-186.—Fenuer (E. D.) The yellow fever quarantine at New Orleans. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1849, ii. 623-634.—Holt (J.) The new quarantine system. N. Oil. M. efe S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 535-545 [935-9451. Also, Reprint. -----. The quar- antine methods of Louisiana. Rep. Bd. Health Louisiana 1886-7, Baton Rouge, 1888, 25-59, 1 pl. Also: Am. Puh. Health Ass. Rep. 1887, Concord, 1888, xii, 161-201.—New (The) quarantine system of our State hoard of health. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 137-140.—Proceedings of special meeting of New Orleans Medical aud Sttiyica] Association, January 22, 1881. [Quarantine.) N. Oil. M. efe S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 769; 801 — Quarantine Bill, or the last of the Louisianas; a sanitary tale of the period. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1881, vi, 14—19.—Salomon (L. F.) The Louisiana quarantine system and its contem- plated improvement. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1888, Concord, 1889, xiv, 110-115.—Wiltz (L. A.) Louisiana quarantine proclamation. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1879-80, i, 386. Maryland. Baltimore. Annual reports of the resident physician at the Marine Hospital, Baltimore, to the mayor and city council, for the years 1869- 77. 8U. Baltimore, 1870-78. Report of Quarantine Hospital, city of Baltimore, 1881, 1882. Mayor's message efe rep. city off. . . . Baltimore, 1882, 523-534: 1883, 1235-1240. Massachusetts. Boston. Communication from the consulting physicians respecting quarantine regulations. City Doc. No. 27, July 29, 1850. 8°. [ Boston, 1850.] Durgin (S. H.) The Boston quarantine. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1888, Concord, 1889, xiv, 134. Mississippi. Metcalfe (0.) The quarantine of Natchez, Miss. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 376.—Perry (A. W.) Special report of quarantine operations at the Mississippi station, 1874. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1874-5, n. s., ii, 597-599. Missouri. Saint I.oniw Quarantine Hospital. Annual reports of the physician in charge. 1.-8., 1867 to 1874-5; 11., 1877-8. Re)i. Bel. Health St. Louis, 1868, i, 109-120: 1869, ii, 75-85: 1870, iii, 59-70: 1871, iv, 73-85: 1872, v. 113-131: 1873, vi, 145-170: 1874, vii, 135-155: 1875, viii, 76-88. Con- tinued in: Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis, 1878, i, 102.—Saint Louis Quarantine aud Small-Pox Hospital. Annual re- ports of the physician in charge, for the years 1879-80 to 1883-4. Rep. Health Oep. St. Louis, 1880, iii, 115-122 : 1881, iv, 115-117: 1882, v, 99-107: 1883, vi, 91-96: 1884, vii, 409- 416. New Jersey. Chattle (T. G.) Quarantine at Sandy Hook. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xiv, 37.—Harris (E.) Quar- antine sanitary defenses; the questions of quarantine and exterior sanitary defenses of the New Jersey front of the harbor of New York. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, 1880, Camden, 1881, iv, 57-64. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition °f)i by countries and localities. UNITED STATES—continued. New York. Ely (S. ) Dispositions of the quarantine grounds ou Staten Island. Speech in the assem- bly of New York. 8J. New York, 1862. New York (City). Bealth Department. Metro- politan board of health. Report in answer to a resolution of the assembly. [Concerning the action of the health officer iu transferring pas- sengers from the ship James Foster to Ward's Island.] State of New York. No. 116. March 26, 1869. 8°. [Albany, 1869.] New York ( Port). Annual reports of the health officer of the port of New York to the commissioners of quarantine, for the years 1864- 73. »°. Albany, 1*65-74. New York (State). Chapter xiv of the revised statutes of the public health, relating to the port, harbor, and State of New York. (Published by order of the board of health of the city of New York.) 8°. New York, 1836. -----. Report of a special committee of the house of assembly of the State of New York, on the present quarantine laws, 1846. 8°. Albany, 1846. -----. Assembly. Communication from the committee appointed by the house of assembly, being the report of the select committee appointed April 11, 1848, to examine and report as to whether the quarantine establishment in the county of Richmond should be removed from its present location, and as to what locality said establishment should be removed. No. 60. Jan. 30, 1849. 8°. [Albany, 1849?] -----. S. Report of the majority of the com- mittee on grievances, on petitions relative to the quarantine establishment, aud to the bill from the assembly on that subject. No. 51. March 1, 1849. 8°. [Albany, 1849.] -----. S. Report of select committee rela- tive to conditions of wharves aud buildings at quarantine. No. 100. April 8, 1856. 8°. [Al- bany, 1856.] -----. Report ofthe commissioners for the re- moval of the quarantine station of the State of New York. Transmitted to the legislature Feb- ruary 12, 1858. 8°. Albany, 1858. -----. Report ofthe commissioners relati ve to removal of the quarantine station. Transmitted to the assembly March 10, 18.58. 8°. Albany, 1858. -----. S. Communication from his excel- lency the governor, transmitting the report of the commissioners for the removal of the quaran- tine station. No. 13. Jan. 16, 1860. 8J. Al- bany, 1860. -----. Report of the commissioners of quar- antine in response to alleged abuses, aud tbe an- swer of the health officer thereto, Lothe governor of the State. Dec. 11, 1871. 8°. [Xew York, 1871.] -----. S. Testimony taken before the finance committee of the senate of 1873, in response to a preamble and resolution. [Being three written statements of Dr. John Swinburne, of Albany, in reference to quarantine in New York Harbor.] 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. Communication of the governor of New York, transmitting a communication from the governor of New Jersey, together with a con- current resolution ofthe legislature of New Jer- sey, and a report of the commissioners of the State of New York, relative to quarantine juris- diction. 8°. Albany, 1875. QUARANTINE. 938 QUA1UN. Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries and localities. UNITED STATES—continued. New York (Slate). Commissioners of Quaran- tine. Annual reports, to which is annexed the annual reports of the health officer of the port of New York, to the legislature for the years, 1864- 76; 1878. 8°. Albany, 1865-79. Nkw York (State). Marine Hospital at Quar- antine, Xew York. Annual reports of the physi- cian-in-chief to the legislature of tbe State, for the years 1849; 1855; 1856; 1858-60; 1867. 8°. Albang, 1850-68. Surreptitious (Tbe) quarantine clause; mer- cantile protests against it. Why and when passed. [With petitions to tbe legislature to repeal the surreptitious clause. April 24, 1877.] 8-. Xew York, 1877. Anderson (W. C.) Results of quarantine for 1866. Tr. M. Soo. N. Y., Albany, 1867, 391-395.—Bayley (J.) [Quarantine establishment at Staten Island.] Med. Re- posit., N. Y.. 18U3, vi, 130-154. -----. Observations on the quarantine establishment of New York. Am. M. &. Phil. ReS., 2. ed., N. Y., 1814, i, 513-520.—Bell (A. N.) The New York quarantine establishment. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1873-4, i, 22-34, 1 pl, 1 map. Also: Tr. M. Soe. N. Y., N. Y. City, 1875, 387-398. —Present (The) condition, and suggestions for the improvement of, the New York quar- antine establishment. Report of the committee of New York Academy t.f Medicine. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1888, xx, 1-21.—Smith' (S.) Origin and growth of the quarantine system of the United States. New York. Nat. Bd. Health Bull, Wash., 1881-2, iii, 103.—Smith (W. M.) Report on quarantine, external and internal. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y., 1881, i, 31-54. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of standing committee on quarantine, external and internal. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y. 1881, Albany, 1882, ii, 234-274. Also. Reprint — Vanderpoel (S. O.) The New York quarantine: report for 1879. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1880, viii, 116-118.—Wnlxer (T.) On quarantine regulations of the port of New Voi-k. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1871-3), 1874, 2. s., i, 145-160. Pennsylvania. Lake quarantine at the port of Erie. An ordinance for preventing the introduction of contagious diseases of a dangerous nature. Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Penn., 1885, Harrisburg, 1880, i, 294.— Ijce (B.) The maritime quaran- tine of the State of Pennsylvania, port of Philadelphia. Ibid., 263-294.—Report of the committee of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, appointed to investigate the efficiency of our quarantine arrangements for the exclu- sion of cholera and other epidemic diseases. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 521-528.—Reports of quarantine aud dis- infection. Rep. Bd. Health, etc., Penn. 1886, Harrisburg, 1887, ii, 215-225. Rhode Island. Quarantine at Newport, R. I. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1881, Wash., 1882, iii, 266-273. —Smith (S.) Origin and growth of the quarantine system of the United States. Rhode Island. Nat. Bd. Health Bull., Wash., 1881-2, iii, 79-81. South Carolina. Charleston. Report of tbe committee (of the city council of Charleston) on quarantine aud lazaretto. 8C. [Charleston, n. d.] South Carolina. Annual reports of Robert Lebby, M. D., bealth officer [on the coast quar- antine service] to the general assembly of the State t.f .South Carolina, l.-ll. (1868-9 to 1878-9). 8°. Charleson, 1870-79. liebby (R.) Principles antl practice of quarantine at the port of Charleston, S. C. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1873, N. Y.. 1875, i, 427-429.—Simons (T. G.) Report of committee ou quarantine. Rep. Bd. Health South Car., Charleston, 1881, ii, 64-78. Texas. Rutherford (R.) History of quarantine in the State of Texas from 1878 to 1888. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1888, Concord, 1889, xiv, 125-133. Virginia. Virginia. Reports of tbe medical officer of quarantine, District Elizabeth River, to the board of quarantine commissioners, for theyears 1877; 1878. 8°. [Richmond, 1878-9.] Quarantine (Reports on, and condition of), by countries and localities. VENEZUELA. Zulia. Memoria que la junta tie foiuento del lazareto dirije al ciutladano gohcrnador tie la secciou Zulia upr el 6rgano de su secretario gene- ral. Jan., 188?, to Dec , 18.83. 4 nos. fol. Ma- racaibo, 1882-4. -----. La junta de fomente del lazareto tie le seeeion Zulia, con motivo del centenario del libertador Simon Bolivar, il 24 tie julio de 18*3, 4°. Maracaibo, 1883. WEST INDIES. Jamaica. Appendix to the report of the cen- tral board of health of Jamaica. 8°. Spanish- Town, 187)2. de Zayas (F.) [et al.]. Informe sobre el pro- yecto de un lazareto dennitivo en la Isla, i nom- bratlos til efecto en el expediente instruido por el gobierno superior civil tie la Isla. 8°. Habana, 1867). Quarantine and cholera. 51 pp. 8°. Cal- cutta, 1869. Repr. from: Calcutta Review. Quarantine convention called at tbe request of the board of health of the State of Louisiana. .SVe Louisiana. Board of Health. Quarantine convention, [etc.]. Quargnento. Regolamento di igiene pubblica. 12 pp. 8C. Asti, G. Vinassa, 1885. von Quarin (Joseph) [1733-1814]. Tentamina de cicala. 40 pp. 8°. Vindobonw, J. T. Trattnei; 1761. [P., v. 1856.] -----. The same. 124 pp. 8°. Papiw, ex typog. R. et Imp. Mon. S. Salvatoris, 1787. [P., v. 1423.] -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 124 pp. 8°. Papias, B. Comini, 1791. -----. Methodus medendarum febrium. 2 p. 1., 158 pp. 12°. Vindobonw, R. Grceffer, 1772. -----. Methodus medendarum inflaminationuin. 3 p. 1., 247 pp. 12°. Vindobonw, It. Graffer, 1773. Bound with his: Methodus medendarum febrium. 12°. Vindobonce, 1772. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 247 pp. 8°. Vindo- bonce, R. Grceffer, 1774. -----. De curandis febribus et inflammationibus commentatio. 4p. 1., 468pp. 8°. Viennw, apud R. Grceffer um, 1781. Comprises the two preceding works in one volume, paged consecutively. -----. Entoma noxia et utilia physico-medice considerata. in: de Wasserberg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Vin- dobonce, 1775, iii, 262-311. -----. Animadversiones practica? in diversos mor- bos. 5 p. 1., 338 pp. 8°. Viennw, apud R. Grwf- fer um, 1786. -----. Thesame. 2 p. 1., v, 270 pp. 8°. Vien- nw, apud R. Grwfferum, 1787. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 221 pp. 8°. Ticini, B. Comini, 1792. -----. The same. Editio aucta. 2 v. in 1. vi, 376, 349 pp., 1 1. 8°. Viennw, C. Schaumburg et soc, 1814. -----. The same. Observations pratiques sur les maladies chroniques. Trad, du latin sur l'6di- tion origin ale de 1786, et augmented de notes, par Etienue Sainte-Marie. xvi, 350 pp., 11. 8°. Paris', Mequignon, 1817. For Biography, see Metl. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1814, ii, 4. St., 159-163. Also: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1870, xvi. 845-850. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Por- traiten-Gnllerie. 4°. Wien, 1838, No. 10. QUARRELS. 939 QUARTERLY. Quarrels. See Controversies; Ethics (Medical); and un- der names of persons, institutions, and medical schools. Qliarta (Antonio). A sua eccellenza il ministro dell' interno. Relazione statistico-sitilogratica sul movimento delle prostitute e de' morbi vene- reo-sifilitici nel sifilicomio di Lecce per 1' anno 1*80. 36 pp., 1 tab. 8C. Lecce, tip. Edit. Sa- lentina, 1881. Quarterly Bulletin ofthe Clinical Society of the .New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Edited by the executive committee. v. 1-2, Sept., 1885, to July, 1887. 8°. New York. In July, 1887, no. 4, v. 2, title became: Post-Gradu- ate (The). Quarterly Compendium of Medical Science: a synopsis of the American aud foreign literature of medicine, surgery, aud collateral sciences. Etlited by D. G. Brintou and Joseph F. Edwards 4. s., nos. 1-26, 1883-9. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Title of 1.-3. s., 1868-82, was: Half-Vearly Compendium of Metlical Science. Quarterly Eclectic Medical Journal of Pennsyl- vania. Edited by Henry Hollembaek. No. 2, v. 1, Oct., 1*62. 8°. Philadelphia. No. 2, v. 1, last publisbed. Continued as: Eclectic (The) Medical Journal of Pennsylvania. Quarterly Epitome of American Practical Med- icine and Surgery, being an American supplement to Braithwaite's Retrospect, containing a retro- spective view of every discovery and practical improvement in the medical sciences, abstracted from the current medical journals of the United States aud Canada. Edited by Walter S. Wells. v. 1-6, 1880-*.">. *c. New York. Continued as: Epitonie (The). Quarterly German Magazine, a series of popu- lar essays on scieuce, history, aud art. Edited by Rutl. Virehow and Franz von Holtzendorff. Nos. 1-4, 1872. 8°. Berlin. Quarterly (The) Homoeopathic Journal. Ed- ited by A. C. Becker, J. Birnstill, and B. De Gers- dorf. v. 1-2, Jan., 1849, to Oct., 1850; n. s., v. 1-2, July, 1*52, to April, 1854. 8°. Boston. In v. 2, Becker dropped, v. 1-2, n. s., by Birnstill and J. A. Tarbell. Quarterly (The) Homoeopathic Magazine. Ed- ited by J. H. Pulte, H. P. Gatchell, and C. D. Williams, v. 1, 1854-5. 8°. Clereland, Ohio. Want title-page and index. A continuation of: Amer- ican (The) Magazine, devoted to homoeopathy and hydro- pathy. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Calcutta Med- ical antl Physical eSociety. Editetl by the secre- taries, Henry Hurry Goodeve and William B. O'Shaughnessy. Nos. 1-6, Jan. 1, 1837, to April 1, 1838. 2 v. 8°. Calcutta. Nos. 1-4, 1837, form v. 1; nos. 5-6, 1838, form v. 2. No. 6, April, 1838, said to be last published. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Chemical So- ciety of Loudon. Edited for the society by Ed- mund Ronalds, v. 1-14, 1848-61. 8°. London. In v. 3 H. Watts became editor. After v. 14, 1861, it be- came monthly, with title: Journal (The) of the Chemi- cal Society of London. Quarterly (The) Journal of Dental Science, v. 1-2, April, 1857, to Jan., 1859. 8°. London. Continued as: Dental (The) Review. Quarterly (The) Journal of Economics. Pub- lished for Harvartl University. Nos. 1-2, v. 2, Oct., 1887, to Jan., 1888. 8°. Boston. Quarterly (The) Journal of Foreign and British Medicine and Surgery, and of the sciences con- nected with them; with original cases and com- munications. Title of v. 4-5, 1822-3, of: Quarterly (The) Journal of Foreign Medicine and Surgery, [etc.]. Quarterly (The) Journal of Foreign Medicine aud Surgery, aud ofthe sciences connected with them. v. 1-5, Nov., 1818, to Oct., 1823. 8-. London. v. 3 commenced Jan., 1821. v. 3-5, 1821-3, conducted by John Anderson. Title of v. 4-5, 1822-3, was: Quarterly (Tbe) Journal of Foreign aud Britisb Medicine and Sur- gery, [etc.). In 1824 continued as: AhiIci-moii'm Quar- terly Journal of the Medical Sciences. Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety. Pub- lished under the auspices of the American Asso- ciation for the Cure of Inebriates. T. D. Cioth- ers, secretary of publication committee, v. 1-12, Dec, 1876, to Jan., 1*00. *°. Hartford, Conn. Current. Nos. 1-3, v. 1,1876-7, were published in Bing- hamton, N. Y. Quarterly Journal ofthe Meteorological Society. Etlited by James Glaisher. N. s., nos. 2-6, v. 1, April, 1872, to April, 1*73. 8°. London. Nos. 3-6 edited hy a committee of tlie council. Quarterly (The) Journal of Meteorology and Physical Science. Published under tbe immedi- ate sanction and direction of tbe Meteorological Society of Great Britain. Etlited by J. W. G. Gutch. v. 1, Jan., 1842, to Oct., 1843. »'-. Lon- don. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical .Science. Edited by Edward Lankester and Geo. Busk. v. 1-8, 1853-60. N. s., v. 1-30, 1861-90. 8°. Lon- don. Current. After 1872 edited successively by Lankester, J. F. Payne, W. T. T. Dyer, W. Archer, and E. Ray Lan- kester. Index to . . . 1853-88, to tlie Transactions of the Microscopical Society 1844-52,1*53-6*, antl to the Proceedings of the Dublin Microscopical Club 1865-80. Prepared by G. H. Fowler. 1 v. 87 pp. 8°. London, 1889. Quarterly Journal ou Pathological Anatomy of the Female Sexual Organs antl Affections of the Uterus. Edited by Leland A. Babcock. No. 1, v. 1, March 15, 1870. 8°. Preeport, III. An advertisement. Quarterly (The) Journal of Psychological Med- icine and Medical Jurisprudence. Editetl by William A. Hammond, v. 1-3, July, 1867, to Oct., 1869. 8°. New York. v. 1 complete in 2 nos., JulvtoOct., 1867; v. 2commenced Jan., 1868. Continued in 1870 as: Journal (The) of Psy- chological Medicine. Quarterly (The) Journal of Science. Editetl by James Samuelson and William Crookes. v. 1-7, 1864-70; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1»71-?J. 8°. London. In v. 6, 1869, W. Fairbairn, R. Hunt, and H. Woodward added as editors, v. 1-8,2. s.,W. Crookes sole editor. Title of v 1-8 2. s.: Quarterly (The) Journal of Science aud Annals of Mining, Metallurgy, Engineering, Industrial Alls Manufactures, and Technology. In 1879 a 3. s. com- menced, with title: Journal (The) of Science [etc.]. Quarterly (The) Journal of Science and the Running title of nos. 1-5 of: Journal (The) of Science and the Arts, London, 1816-17. Quarterly Journal ofthe Statistical Society. Running title of v. 3-24 of: Journal ofthe Statistical Society of London. Quarterly (The) Journal of Veterinary Science in India, aud Army Animal Management. Edited by Charles Steel, Fred. Smith, and John Henry Steel, v. 1-7, Oct., 1882, to Oct., 1889. 8°. Madras. (Nos. 1-3, v. 1, at Bangalore.) Current. Want no. 1, v. 1, Oct., 1882. Quarterly (The) Medical Recorder,being a digest of the progress of practical medicine, surgery, ob- stetricv, medical jurisprudence, and pharmacy. Pt 1, v. 1, Feb. to May, 1850. *°. London. No editor named; said to have been edited by W. Raleigh Baxter Quarterly Price List of Dental Materials. Charles Mcllvaiue & Co. Dec. 1, 187/. 8°. Philadelphia. QUARTERLY. 940 QUEBEC. Quarterly Review of Deaf-Mute Education. Etl- ited and issued under the direct ion ofthe follow- ing committee: D. Buxton, R. Elliott [et al.]. v. 1; nos. 1-5, v. 2, Jan., 1886, to Jan., 1890. 8°. London. Current. 3 years form 1 v. Quarterly Review of Narcotic Inebriety. Edited l>\ 1. A. Loveland. v. 1-2, 1888-9. 8°. Gilsum, N. H. Euded. Quarterly (The) Therapeutic Review. A rec- ord of the published special applications and preparations of metlicines, new remedies, and new formulae, v. 1-8, 1883-90. sm. 4°. London. Current. Quarterly Transactions of the Lancaster City antl County Medical Society, v. 1-3, 1880-81 to 1**2. *°. Lancaster, Pa. Quartin-Dillon (L6on-Richard). *I. Desdif- ferenees appreciable^ entre le sang de la vein,e porte et celui des autres veines. II. [etc.]. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 18. [P., v. 348.] Quas iufirmitates curat aqua et balneum de Po- recta. In: Guy de Chauliac. Cyrurgia [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1499, 74-75 ff. Quasi cursores. Portraits of the high officers antl professors of the University of Edinburgh at its tercentenary festival. Drawn and etched by William Hole, xvii, 285 pp. [including46port, j, I 1. 4°. Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1884. Qua**. <»eorgievski ( N. ) Cbimicheskii sostav kvasa, ot- iioslienie ego k' pivu, s'zaiuaechaiiiyami o dieleticheskom ego /.naelienii. [Chemical composition of quass, and its use as a drink.] Zdorovje, St. Petersb., 1874-5, i, 218; 243.— KiisMiNcher Kwas oder Quas, das gewohnliche Getrauk tier Kussen. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1791, xiii, 184. Quas«i root. See Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Qna«Mia and quas-sine. Blom (C. M.) * Lignum quassia;. 8°. Up- salice, 1763. In: LinNjEUS. Amcenitates acad. [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1764, vi, 416-429, 1 pl. Haektl (L.) *De quassia in specie et aliis reinediis amaris in genere. 4°. Landishuti, 1826. Kaempfe (G.) * Ueber die Wirkung einiger Amara beim gesunden Menschen. 8°. Greifswald, 1887). ' Luther (J. M.) #[Pr.] de prsestantia ligni quassia* observatioue. 4°. Erfordiw, 1779. Paakmann (P. M.) * Ligni quassias examen. 4°. Argentorati, [1772]. Tiiokstexsen (P.) *De ligni quassia? usu medico, sm. *--. Hcifniie, [1775]. Itai-rallier (A.) Quassia. N. diet, de raed. et chir. prat., Par.,1881. xxx,302-308.—«'aiiipar«lon. Recherches sur les effets pliysioltm-iques et therapeutiques de la quas- sine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 18S2, ciii, 385-410.— Hoppe (J.) Pntet-suclning der Quassia und des Quassin mi ttelstallgemeiner Vergiftungen,unter Beriicksichtigung ties Verbaltens der Nerventhatigkeit und der Muskelirri> tabilitat. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1859, xi, 353; 367; 383; 4(8; 425; 447. -----. Die Wirkung der Quassia auf die iuitableu Gewebe. Ibid., I860, xii, 333; 361 • 383- 416- 467- 1861, xiii, 44: 147; 262; 459; 487: 513.— LeUsom (J. C.) Some remarks ou the effects of lignum quassias amara. Mem. M. Sue.Loud., 1,8,, i. 128-165. Also : Ibid., [n. ed.], 1792, i, 128-165, 1 pl —tie I.ilea (S.) Ricerche chimiche, sul cosi tletto solfato di quassina del commercio. Rendic. Acad, med.-chir. di Napoli, 1867, xxi. 121 —©imager (M.) Iufusum quassias cum ol. carvi. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania, 1886, vi, 207.—Picr»nia (Le) excelsa (quassia exeelsa). Repert. de pharm., Par., 1875, n. s., iii, 363-365.— Revltilf (I). T.) Quassia poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 26 .—Robot (J.) Twee waarneemingeu wegens het quassihout. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst. 1778, 465-468. de Quatrefa^es (Jean-Louis-Arniand) [1810- ]. *De 1 'extroversion de la vessie. 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, Ve. Silbermann, 1832. d> Quatrefajjes (Jean-Louis-Armand)—cont. -----. Notice sur les travaux zoologiqueset ana- tomiques. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, L. Martinet, 1*52. -----. Kapport sur un memoire de M. Jut-quart intituled De la mensuration de Tangle facial, des goniouietres faciaux et d'un nouveau goniometre facial in vente" par I'auteur. 8 pp. 4°. [Paris, 1856.] Repr. from: Compt.-rend. tl. s6ances tie l'Acatl. il. sc, Par., 1856, xliii. ------. Etudes sur les maladies act uelles du ver a soie. 382 (1 1.), viii pp., 6 pl. 4°. Paris, V. Masson, 187,9. ------. Nouvelles recherches, faites en 1859, sur les maladies actuelles dn ver a soie. 120 pp. 4°. Paris, V. Masson, 1860. ------. Unit6 tie l'espece humaine. xvi, 420 pp. 12°. Paris, L. Bachette f Quebec. Brit. Am. J. M. efe Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1845-6, i,:(.").—Observations ntet6o- rologiques pour la haute ville de Quebec, 1845. Ibid., 58; 86; 114; 142; 198. Quebec (Province of). Return to an atldress of the legislative assembly to his excellency the governor-general, relating to the Marine and QUEBEC. 941 QTJEBKACIIO. 8°. To- Quebec (Province of)—continued. Emigrant Hospital, Quebec. 261 pp ronto, Lovell 4' Gibson, 1851. _____. Report of Drs. W. Nelson and R. L. Mac- Donnell, and Zephirin Perrault, advocate, ofthe Quebec Marine and Emigrant Hospital. [And all the documents having reference to the inquiry held by the said gentlemen concerning the insti- tution!] 124 pp. 8°. Quebec, J. Lovell, 1853. -----. The province of Quebec and European emigration. Published by order of the govern- ment of Quebec. 144 pp., 1 map. 8°. Quebec, Office of VEvenement, 1870. An act to amend and consolidate the acts relating to the profession of medicine and sur- gery in the Province of Quebec. 10 pp. 8°. [Quebec, 1876.] ----. Thesame. 12 pp. 8°. [Quebec, 1876.] ----. Bill concerning public health aud vital" statistics. 9 pp. roy. 8°. [Quebec, 1882?] ----. Bill. An act to amend and consolidate the various acts respecting the study of anatomy. No. 127. 2. sess. 5. Parlt. 46. Vict., 1883. 3 pp. fol. Quebec, A. Cote ai, 1880 T', 45-48.—Maragliano (E.) Quehr.icho, Aspi- QUEBRACHO. 942 Q.rEEN. Quebracho. dosperrain und Qnebrachin. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis sensch., Berl, 1883, xxi, 771.—ITIiller (C. H.) A case in which quebracho failed. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1882, n. s., iii, 372.—Paul (C.) Recherches physiologiques et th6ra- pe'iitiiines sur le quebracho. Bull, et mt5m. Soc. deth6rap.. Par., 1883, 2. s., x, 65.—Penzolrit (F.) Quebracho und sein guiisth'er Einfluss auf verschiedeue Formen von Dyspnoe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 269-271. Also, transl.: Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 84. -----. Zur Beurtheilung der Wirksamkeit tier Drojruen von Quebracho Aspidosperma, insbesondere des kauflichen Lignum Quehracho, in Fallen von Dyspnoe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 129-132. ---—. Einiges iiber die Wirkuug des Aspidospermins, eines Alkaloids der Riude von Aspidosperma Quebracho. Ibid., 565-567.—Peron. Estudio sobre la corteza del quebracho bianco. Aspi- dosdermaquebracho (apocynese). Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1878-9, xv, 360-362.— Petrone (L. M.) Sull' azione flsioterapeutica tlella corteccia di quebracho bianco e dell aspidospermina. Sperimentale, Fireuze, 1883, Hi, 129-142.— Picol (F.) Zur Wirkung des Cortex Quebracho. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 769. — Poehl (A.) Eiu Beitrag zur Quebrachofrage. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1880, v, 37. — Pribram. Ueber Quebracho untl dessen Einfluss auf gewisse Formen von Dyspnoe. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv. 5(12. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl, 1879, ii, 1273. — Ren»M (L.-M.) Du quebracho. J. de therap., Par., 1880. vii, 890-897.—Simon y rVieto (F.) El quebracho aspidosperma. G6nio med.-quir., Ma- drid, 1882, xxviii, 3-7.—Therapeutischen (Zur) Wir- kung der Quebracho-Rinde, insbesondere m-iieu Dyspnoe. Wien. med. Presse. 1880, xxi, 116-119.— Wasotvicz (M. D.) Quebracho. Czasopismo towarz., Lwow., 1880, ix, 65; 113; 148. Qlieccius(Gregorius) [1592-1632]. *Devariolis et morbillis. 19 1. 4°. Basilew, typ. J. J. Ge- nathii, [1620]. -----. Anatouiia; philologicie pars prima conti- nens discursus philologieos de nobilitate et prae- stantia hominis contra iniquos conditiouis hu- manae lestiniatores. 18 p. 1., 552 pp., 22 1. 4°. Xoriberga; typ. S. Balbmayeri, 16:12. Fur Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Qliedillac (Marios) [l.*53- ]. *De l'ictere syphilitique secondaire. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 103. Quedlinburg* Zieglkr (C. J. A.) Beobachtungen aus der Arzueywissenschaft,Chirurgie und gerichtlichen Arzneykuude. Nebst einer Untersuchung und Beschreibung des Quedlinburgischen Gesuutl- bruiineus. 8°. Leipzig, 1787. Schreibcr. Ueber die Wasserversorgung der Stadt Quedliuburg aus dem Bodethale. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver f. tiff. Csndhtspflg. in Magdeb. (1880), 1881, ix, 1-9.— Sterblichkeitsverhiiltnisse (Die) der Stadt Quedlin- burg am Harz wahrend des Jahres 1876. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsudhtsaintes, Berl, 1877, i, No. 10. Queen (The) v. Beaney. Extraordinary charge of murder against a medical man, in consequence of a diseased womb being ruptured after tleath. With medical notes and observations by C. E. Reeves. xi. 244 pp. 8°. Melbourne, W. B. Stephens, 1866. Queen (The) v. Charles Bradlaugh and Annie Besanl. In tbe high court of justice, queen's bench division, June 18th, 1877. ii, 355 pp., 2 pl. 12°. London, [1877]. Queen (The) v. William Palmer. Official report or'the minutes of evidence, taken in short hand, by Messrs. Barnett and Buckler. Central crim- inal court. 225pp. 8°. London, G.Herbert, 187)6,. Contains, also, "The Times" report. Queen (Jas. W.) & Co. Priced and illustrated catalogue antl descriptive manual of meteoro- logical and philosophical instruments [etc.]. 20. ed. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. -----. Priced and illustrated catalogue of optical instruments. 22., 30.. 34., 37., 39., 40., 43., 49., 52., 59., 60., 63. eds. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871-86. -----. Priced and illustrated catalogue of phys- ical instruments. 21., 28., 35., 36. eds. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874-86. >ueen (Jas. W.) & Co.—continued. ----. Priced aud illustrated catalogue of optical lanterns [etc.]. 27. ed., pt. 3, 107 pp.; 44. ed., 11, 120 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1875-85. ----. Perfect sight, how to retain it. Imper- fect sight, how to restore it. 16 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. W. Queen 4- Co., [1876]. ----. Great reduction in prices of microscopes and accessory apparatus. 16 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, [1877]. ----. Supplementary catalogue of microscopes, microscopic object-glasses, [etc.]. 16 pp. *°. Philadelphia, 1881-3. ----. The same. 65. ed., 104 pp.; 66. ed., 104 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886-7. ----. New Toepler-Holtz electrical machines. 7 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1882. —---. Abridged catalogue of optical instruments, [etc.]. 52,31pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1882-3. ----. Catalogue of instruments of precision, for use in physiology and medicine. 51 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. ----. Priced and illustrated catalogue of me- teorological instruments. 4. ed., 122 pp.; 6. ed., 129 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884-6. ----. Chemical and analytical balances. New re-agent bottles, etc. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. ----. Catalogue of chemicals. No. 203. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. ----. Catalogue of anatomical models, charts, and osteological preparations. No. 221. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. -----. Supplementary catalogue. No. 207. Chemical glassware and chemical and physical apparatus, etc. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. ----. Supplementary catalogue of new physical and chemical apparatus. Suppl. cat. i-xlvi. 24 pp., 61. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. -----. Illustrated catalogue of instruments used in physical optics. Cat. i, No. 46. 45-72, 16-19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. -----. Clearance sale of microscopes, objectives, [etc.]. 16 pp. h°. Philadelphia, 1887. -----. New apparatus for treating consumption bv gaseous enemata. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [1887]. -----. How to fit glasses. A manual for the use of opticians, jewelers, druggists, and others who sell spectacles and eye-glasses. 96 pp., 1 1. 8°. Philadelphia, J. W. Queen 4- Co., 1888. -----. Condensed lists of clinical thermometers, hygrometers, nrinometers, trial sights, opthal- nioscopes, and microscopes. 16,8 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, [11. d.]. -----. Analytical balances aud weights of pre- cision. 41 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [11. d.]. -----. Photographic illustrations for projection. 13-16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [w. d.]. -----. Special list of philosophical apparatus now in stock and not mentioned in physical catalogue. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [n. d.]. -----. Supplementary catalogue of new forms of physical and chemical apparatus, etc. 32 pp. 8°." Philadelphia, [11. d.]. -----. The excelsior pocket and dissecting mi- croscope. 2 1. 8°. [Philadelphia, 11. d.] Queen Adelaide's Dispensary for the Sick Poor of Bethnal-Green, London, E. Annual re- ports of the committee on management to the governors and contributors. 30., 1879; 33.-35., 1*82-4. 12°. London, 1880-85. Instituted 1850; opened March 4, 1850. Queen Ainie'§ County. See Maryland. Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, Lon- don, N. W. Plans of the Queen's Lying-in Hos- QUEEN. 943 QUEENSLAND. Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital—con. pital, Manor House, Lisson Green, under the pat- ronao-e of Her Majesty, instituted in January, 1752; and renovated in the year of the jubilee, October 25, 1809, under the immediate direction of his royal highness the Duke of Sussex. 35 pp. 8°. London, C. Gold, 1815. Founded in 1752, for the delivery of married women in the hospital and at their own homes; lor single women with their first child only ; for training pupils in mid- wifery, and to provide wet-nurses. _____, Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the governors and subscribers. 128.- 135., 1879-86. 8°. London, 1880-87. See.also, SaintlTlary Magdalene's Home, Padding- ton, London, W. Queen's ( The ) closet opened. Incomparable secrets in physick, chyrugery, preserving, and candying, etc. Which were presented to the Queen by the most experienced persons of the times, many whereof were had in esteem when she pleased to descend to private recreations. Corrected aud revived, with many new and large additions; together with three exact tables. 4 p. 1., 190 pp., 4 1. 16°. London, O. Blagrave, 1683. Queen's College, Belfast. Calendars for the sessions of 1852-3 to 1859-60 (4.-11.); le61-2 to 1863-4 (13.-15.); 1865-6(17.); 1867-8(19.); 1868-9 (20.); 1870-71(22.); 1873-4(25.); 1874-5 (26.); 1876-7 to 1880-81 (28.-32.); 1882-3 (34.). 12°. Belfast, 1852-82. Incorporated Dec. 30, 1845; opened Oct. 30, 1849. Queen's College, at Birmingham. Aunual pros- pectus for the session of 1844-5. 4 pp. 8°. [Bir- mingham, 1844.] Queen's College, Cork. Matriculation exam- ination. 4 pp. 8°. [Dublin, A. Thorn, 1849.] [P., v. 1199.] -----. Calendar for the session of 1883-4. 167, Ixxii pp. 12°. Cork, Purcell 4- Co., 1883. -----. See, also: Great Britain. Letters patent for increasing the number of professors in Queen's College, Cork, and constituting rules, statutes, and ordi- nances for the government of thesame. 6°. Dub- lin, 1850. Queen's College, Cork, Medico-Chirurgical So- ciety. Laws. 7 pp. 16°. [Cork, J. Boche, 1852. ] [P.,'v. 1188.] Queen's College, Galway, Faculty of Medicine. Prospectus for the session of 1880-81. 2 sheets. fol. Galway, 1880. Queen's College, Kingston. Stewart (J.) A reply to the attack made by two professors of McGill College, Montreal, upon the graduates of Queen's College, King,stou. 8°. Kingston, Canada West, 1855. Queen's (The) College Medico-Chirurgical .So- ciety, Birmingham. Laws. 8 pp. 16°. Bir- mingham, J. Tonks, [n. d.]. [P., v. 1188.] Queen's College and University, Kingston. Calendars [including the faculty of medicine] for the sessions of 1862-3 to 1874-5 (22.-34.); 1876-7 (36.); 1881-2 to 1888-9(41.-48.). 8° & 12°. Kingston, 1862-88. Incorporated in 1841. 41.-44. are 12°. -----. University of Queen's College, Kingston. Examination papers, 1886-8. 12°. Kingston, 1886-8. Queen's County. See New York (State).. Queen's County Infirmary. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by local- ities—Maryborough. Queen's (A) delight, or the art of preserving, conserving, and caudying; as also, a right knowl- edge of making perfumes, and distilling the most excellent waters. 106 pp., 21. 16°. Lon- don, O. Blagrave, 1683. Bound with: Queen's (The) closet opened, fetch 16°. London, 1683. Queen's Hospital, Birmingham. Annual re- ports of the general committee to the governors. 30., 1870; 35., 1875; 37.-43., 1877-83; 45., 1885. 8C. Birmingham, 1871-86. 1877-83 bound in 1 v. -----. Street list of subscribers. 21 sheets interl. 8°. Birmingham, F. Grew, M. Street 4- A. Street, 1884. Queen's Hospital, Honolulu. Charter and by- laws. 18 pp. 24°. Honolulu, Commercial Adver- tiser print, 1859. -----. Rules and regulations. 10 pp. 24°. Bono- lulu, Commercial Advertiser print, 1859. -----. [Circular letter of the committee of the board of trustees to the Secretary of State ofthe United States, soliciting the patronage of the United States Government for the institution by placing under its care such American seamen visiting the port as are proper subjects for hos- pital treatment. 1 sheet. 4°. [Bonolulu,l860.] Queen's Lying-in Hospital, Lisson street, Lon- don. See Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, London, N. W. Queen's University in Ireland. Incorporated Dec. 10, 1845. It was dissolved by act of Parliament iu 1881, and was succeeded by tbe Royal ITni- versity of Ireland by the same act. It consisted of three colleges, viz: 1. Queen's College Belfast; 2. Queen's College, Cork; 3. Queen's College, Galway, which see. Queensbury urban sanitary district. See Hal- ifax Union (combined sanitary district). Queensland. Second census of the colony of Queensland, taken on the 1st January, 1864. Registrar-general's report. (Presented to both bouses of parliament by command of the gov- ernor.) 15, 4,96 pp., 21. fol. Brisbane, W. C. Belbridge, 1864. -----. Census of 1871, takeu on the 1st day of September, being the fourth takeu in the colony. Registrar-general's report. (Presented to both houses of parliament by command.) 1 p. 1., 18 v, 256 pp., 1 1. fol. Brisbane, J. C. Beat, [1872]. -----. Vital statistics. Annual reports of the registrar-general to the colonial secretary. 12., 1871; 21., 1880; 27., 1886; 27.-29., 1886-8. fol. [Melbourne, 1872-89.] -----. Reports of the registrar-general on vital statistics of the registry district of Brisbane, in- cluding the city and suburbs. Sept., 1880 ; July to Sept., 1881; Dec, 1883, to Nov., 1884; Jan., 1885, to Oct., 1887; July, 1889. fol. Brisbane, 1880-89. Supplement to the Queensland Gov. Gazette. -----. Fifth census of Queensland, 1876. Pref- atory report, detailed tables, and appendices. Population enumerated on the 1st day of May, 1876. Report by the registrar-general. 1 p. 1., xxvii, 187 pp., 8 maps, 1 1. fol. lirisbane, J. C. Beal, 1877. -----. Preliminary statement of census for the year 1881, takeu on the 3d day of April, being the sixth census taken in the colony. 19 pp., 7 tab. roy. 8°. Brisbane, [1881]. -----. Census of Queensland, 1881. Report of the registrar-general, with summary and de- tailed tables, illustrative maps, and appendices. Sixth enumeration of population, made on the 3d April, 1881. xiii, iv, 278, cxix pp., 7 maps, 2 ch., 1 tab. fol. Brisbane, J. C. Beal, 1882. -----. Census of Queensland, 1886. Report by the registrar-general, with summary and detailed tables, illustrative maps, diagrams, and appen- QUEENSLAND. 944 QUELLMALTZ. Queensland—continued. dices. Seventh enumeration of population, made on the 1st May, 1886. lxi, 374, lxxxii pp., 1 map, 4 diag., 1 tab. fol. Brisbane, J. C. Beal, 1887. Quellen ( Leon-Charles-Edmond ) [ 1856- ]. * Du r61e dtiologique des traumatismes tie la pa- roi thoracique dans le d6veloppement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 240. Queliery (Auguste) [1862- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude des dial>6tides gangr6neuses. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 71. Quelli (Friedubertus) [1822- ]. *Depalpi- tatione cordis. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1847]. Quelli (Max). *Ueber die physiologische Wir- kungen des Apomorphins. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Balle, Plbtz, [1872]. C. Quelli (Otto Julius). * De phlegmatia? aline do- lentis pathologia. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Balw, typ. C. Grunerti, [1838]. Quelli (Richard). * Ueber einen Fall von Abor- tus in Folge vou Stenose der Umbilicalgefasse, bedingt durch Torsion und Knotenbildung in tier Nabelschnur. 36 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Bache, 1868. Queii'Cl (Auguste). *Dn traitement local des tumeurs blanches du genou et de l'ankylose con- s6cntive. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 133. ------. Ecole de niddecine tie Marseille. Cours de chirurgie d'armee. Des ambulances. 36 pp. 8°. Marseille, Barlatier-Feissat pere 4~ fit"8, 1876. Queil'Olo (G. B.) Sulla patogeuesi del tumore acuto di milza nella polmonite crupale. 37 pp 8°. Genova, 1886. Quekett (Edwin J.). Co-Editor of: London (The) Physiological Journal, 1843-4. Quekett (John) [1815-61]. A practical treatise on the use of the microscope, including the dif- ferent methods of preparing and examining ani- mal, vegetable, and mineral structures, xxi, 454 pp., 9 pl. 8°. London, B. Bailliere, 1848. -----. The same. 2. ed., with additions, xxii, 515-pp., 12 pl. 8■■-. London, B. Bailliere, 1852. -----. Lectures on histology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the sessions 1850-51, 1851-2. 2 v. viii, 215 pp.; viii, 413 pp. 8°. London, B. Bailliere, 1852-4. CONTENTS. v. 1. Elementary tissues of plants and animals. 2. Structure of the skeleton of plants and inverte- brate animals. Repr. [with additions] from: Med. Times, Loud., 1851, n. s., ii: 1852, n. s., iii. For Biography, see Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1861, ii, 317 (J. Prankerd). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Quekett Microscopical Club. Reports, with lists of members. 2., 3., 6. (1867, 1868, 1871). 2 v. 8°. London, 1867-71. ------. Catalogue of microscopical preparations in the cabinet of the ... 47 pp. 8°. [London, V. Robinson], 1878. Quelet (Lucien). * Sur la syphilis du foie. 1 p. ]., 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856, No. 370, v. 22, Quellen zuden Publicationen ties Dr. Alois Monti auf dem Gebiete der Kinderheilkunde. 16 pp. fol. [Wien, 1880.] Bound with: Wien. raed. BL, 1880, iii. Quelleilburg (Henricus). Diss. phys. qua ra- tiones pro formis substantialibus adferri solitse expenduutur. 6 1, sm. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, G. a Zijll et T. ab Ackersdijck, 1557. Quellenproduete (Die) von Karlsbad. 32 pp. 8-. Karlsbad, 1883. QuellliOi'St (Theotlor). * Beitrage zur Physio- logic des Vagus. 21 pp. 8°. Tf'iirzburg, St ah el, 1875. Quellmaltz (Christian Samuel). * De medica- mentorum delectu. 12 I. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, typ. C. Fleischeri, [1694]. Quellmaltz (Samuel Theodor) [1696-1758], * De divinationibus medicis. 22 pp. sm. 4 . [Lipsiw], lit. Rothianis, [1723]. ------. Diss. med. de venis absorbentibus. Re- spondens Carolus Fridricus Schwertner. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, typ. G. Trogii, [1732]. ------. Novum sanitatis pnesidiuni ex oquita- tione, machina? beneficio iustituenda. Oder An- weisung zu einer der Gesundheit dienlichen neu erfundenen Art tier Bewegung. 52 pp., 1 1., 2pl. sm. 4°. Leipzig, Teubner, 1735. Latin and German text. ------. Ad audiendam orationem de asjuflela me- dica qu'a professionem physiologise ordiuariam auspiciabitur in vital, et tie artis medicae comple- mento quaidam prsefatur. 9 1. sm. 4°. [Lip- sice, 1737.] ------. [Pr.]tie saliscommunis necessitate. [Cum vita candidati Joann. Ernest. Stieff.] xvi pp. sui. 4°. [Lipsice, 1743.] ------. [ Pr. ] hominem electricnm expendit. [Cum vita caudidati Joh. Gottl. Walther.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, B. C. Breitkopf, 1744.] -------. [Pr.] infnsum picis liquidaj aquosnm ex- pendit. [Cum vita canditlati Joann. Georg. Lu- ther.] 16 pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, J. G. I. Breit- kopf, 1745.] Another copy bound with : Tralles (Balthasar Ludovi- cus). Virium, quae terreisfetc.]. 4°. Vratislav. et Lips., 1740. A Iso, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1760, vii, 280-287. -------. [Pr.] quo serotinum testium descensnm eorumque retractionem expendit. [Cum vita caudidati Henrici Christiani Liebich.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1746.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1750, v, 1-2. ------. [Pr.]de infnso foliorum theie. [Cum vita caudidati Joann. Abraham. Hein. ] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsia; lit. Lttngeitliemianis, 1747.] -------. Anatomen publicam cadaveris fceminiui indicit. viii pp. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemiana, 1748. ------. [Pr.] deque arteriae pulmonalis motu sin- gulari hujnsque efficacia. [Cum vita candidati Ernesti Gottlob Bose.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lip- siw, lit. Langenhemianis, [1748]. ------. [Pr.] hydrargyri vires a sulphure in c. h. [corpore humano] suspensas expendit. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Sigismundi Kazowski.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1748. ] Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 493-501. ------. [Pr. J de mauiacis hydropotis. [Cum vita candidati Johanuis Friderici Hahn.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1748.] ------. [ Pr. ] depositionis cataractae effectus. [Cum vita candidati Johannes Michael Barth.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Langenhemianis, 1718.] -------. [ Pr. ] ptyalismum febrilem expendit. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Bened. Gotlofr. Oehme.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1748.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 469-476. -------. [Pr.] de frictionibus abdominis. [Cum vita cantlidati Samuel. Gotthelfi Minis. ] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Stopffelianis, 1749.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad. morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1760, vii, 317-322. -------. [Pr.] de caecitate infantum fluoris albi materni ejusque virulenti pedissequa. [Cum vita candidati Ruttger Gottlieb Hoernigk. J xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 17o0.] ------. [Pr.] deque nariumearumque septi incur- vatione. [Cum vita candidati Georg. Rndolphi QUELLMALTZ. Quellmaltz (Samuel Theodor)—continued. Boechner.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Lan- genheiniana, [1750]. [Also, in : P., v. 669.] Also, in: Hauler. Disp. ad. morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 377-384. _____. [Pr.] de oleo palniae, materia injectioni- bus anatomicis artissima. [Cum vita cantlidati Jo. Philipp. Schnizleiu.] xv pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. [Lipsiw, 1750.] _____. [Pr.] de haemorrhagia auris sinistra?. [Cum vita candidati Joann. August. Siltemaun.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1750.] -----. [Pr.] de ileo ex hernia, eaque denium cum intestiuo suppurata. [Cum vita caudidati Georg. Achat. Gotth. Jentsch.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemia, 1750.] -----. [Pr.] indicens effectus caloris aestivi fer- vidioris. [Cum vita cantlidati Hier. Dar. Fried- rich.] xix pp. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemia, [1750]. .-----. [Pr.] de clystnatibus frigidis. [Cum vita caudidati Christiani Davidis Ackermann.] xvi pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenheinianct, 1751.] -----. [ Pr. ] de epidemia mentis alienatione. [Cum vita candidati Leberecht Gottlob Rothe.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 117)2.] -----. [ Pr. ] de obturatione meatus auditorii inpr. a polypo. [Cum vita canditlati Joann. Georg. Rother. ] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1752.] ■-----. [Pr.] de viribuselectricis medicis. [Cum vita candidati Sigis. Frid. Haussleutner. ] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsia; ex off. Langenhemiana, 1753.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 47-55. -----. [Pr. ] de linctu oculorum collyrio. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Christiani Krause.] xv pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1753.] -----. [Pr.] tie vinis mangonizatis. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Erdfried. Mauritii Gilbert.] xxiii pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1753.] -----. [Pr. ] vasa aenea coquinae famulantia ex- pendit. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Godofredi Sou- uenkalb.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemiana, 1753.] -----. [Pr.] de musculorum capitis extensoruni paralysi. [Cum vita candidati Joann. Christiani Reiche.] xvi pp. 4G. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemiana, 1754.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i, 115-121. -----. [Pr. ] deque delirio ex lactatu. [Cum vita caudidati Carol. Guilielm. Poerner.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1754.] -----. [Pr.] quo frigoris acrioris in corpore hu- mano effectus expendit. [Cum vita candidati Christ. Gottl. Trautmann.] xxpp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1755. ] Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lau- sannce, 1758, vi, 203-212. -----. [Pr. ] utrutn arsenicum sit primum princi- pium metallorum. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Godofredi Neuhoff.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1755.] -----. [Pr. ] de uteri ruptura. [Cum vita can- didati Christiani Fridrici Michael.] xvi pp. 4C. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1756.] -----. [ Pr. ] tie exhalationum putridarum ex cadaveribus hello trucidatorum suppressione. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Christoph. Elhard.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1757.] -----. [Pr.] de pane succedaneo, corticeque ti- liae interiori. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Christiani Ludwig.] xvi pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1757.] 60 QUENOT. Quellmaltz (Samuel Theodor)—continued. -----. *De copiosa sabuli atque calculorum per alvum excretione. [Abstr.] In.- Weiz (P. A.) Neue Ausz., fetch 12°. Leipz., 1776, iv, 21. For Biography, see Schacher (Poly. Gottl). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. efc Men of Sc, 134. -----. See, also: Krause (C. C.) Memoria . . . Samuel. Theo- dori Quellmalzii . . . quam laudatione anniver- saria in academia Lipsiensi publice ac pie reco- luit. 4°. Lipsiw, 1759. -----& Crellius (Joh. Fridericus). Diss. phys. tie magnete. 15 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Roihi- iina, [1723]. Quellsalz. Iloefler (M.) TJeber den Einfluss des Kraukenbeiler Quellsalzes (Lauge) auf den Stoffwechsel. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 457-459. Quelques faits remarqu.-ibles d'infanticide, sou- nds aux reflexions du 16gislateur, du juge et du medecin. Par S. C. xxxvii, 91 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lausanne, B. Corbaz, 1825. Quelques lignes sur le surmenage iutellectuel, l'an£mie, l'impuissauce, la d6bilite" chez I'homme, les affections nerveuses et les affections de la ino- elle 6piniere. Leur traitement et leur guerison par la liqueur D. Gaudiers a base de boldo du Chili. 17 pp. 8°. Grenoble, Breynat 4' Cie., 1887. Quelques observations sur le cholera-morbus, suivies des traductions litterales des certificats legalises par les autorites sup6rieures de France et tie Russie, publie"es par l'importateur des bains et douches de vapeurs antichoieriques, qualities par les medecins ru.sses, les bains sauveurs, in- ventus par Dmitri Alexandre de Kartzoff. 2 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Paris, Levavasseur, 1832. [Also, in: P., v. 1677.] Quelques observations sur l'etat de la pharma- cie. 20 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Gruaz, [1838]. Quelques reflexions sur le cas de peste du ba- teau a vapeur francais le Louqsor, suivies d'un apercu sur le service quarantenaire de l'Egypte. 15 pp. 8°. Alexandrie, [1846]. Quelques reflexions sur la reorganisation de la Faculty de medecine et sur le choix des profes- seurs. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Delaunay, 1830. Repr. from: Ann. de la iu6d. physiol, Par., 1830, xviii. Quelques v6rit6s nouvelles sur le proces La- farge, avec uu fac-simile de Bayen; par uu pauvre villageois. 46 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Toulouse, J.-M. Douladoure, 1847. [P., v. 1731; 1748.] Quemont (A.) *Sur la convalescence dans les phlegmasies de poitrine. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 70, v. 146. Quenai'd (Charles-Prosper). *De la fissure k I'anus. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 16, v. 579. Qiienette (A.) *De la vascularisation de la conjouctive dans la conjonetivite, la k6ratite et l'iritis. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 24. Quenin (Denis-Honor6). *Fragnieus d'hygiene pour les habitans des pays mar6cageux. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Tournel pere 4'fi11*- an XII [1804]. Quennec (Alphonse-Joseph-Marie) [1864- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du scorbut. 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1889, No. 65. Qlienot (Henry). * Des animaux venimeux de la France, ou recherches sur hi structure et le mecanisme de leurs organes vulnerans, les pro- prietes physiques et chimiques de leurs veuins, et sur les moyens propres a remedier aux acci- dents qu'ils determinent. 1 p. 1., 32 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835, v. 67. -----. Notice sur quelques instrumens ou ap- pareils physico-chimiques, pour lesquels la So- ciete des sciences physiques et chimiques de Paris 46 QUERCKTANUS. (,)UKX()T. g Quenot (Henry)—continued. a decerne a I'auteur une m6daille en or. 11 pp., 1 pl. *-'. Paris, A. Marteville, [1834, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 1*19.] Quenot (M.) *Sur le scorbut. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 39, v. 171. Quenot (Vincent). * Sur la pyohemie et son traitement. 1 p. l.,37pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847, No. 172, v. 13. Quenouille (Jean-Adolphe). * Considerations generales sur l'actiou physiologique et therapeu- tique des alcalins. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 87. Quenstedt (Ernst). *Zur Aetiologie der Rheum- arthritis acuta. [Tiibingen.] 26pp.,2pl. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1886. do Quental (Philippe). Estudo sobre a de- generacao physica e moral do homeni determi- nada pelasemanacoes palustres. v, 7-64 pp. 8°. Coimbra, 1866. [P., v. 1265.] Quentin (Alexandre). * Etude sur le cholera, observe k l'Hdtel-Dieu de Rouen en 1865-6. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 20. Quentin (Charles). See Paris. Collection de documents pour servir a I'histoire des hopitaux de Paris. 4°. Paris, 1881-7. Quentin (Henricus Fridericus). *Dedivisioni- bus herniarum inguinalium et causis earum ra- tionis vitae vitiis obortis. Anuexa sunt: quae- dam in bracherium e celeberrimi Weissenbornii inventione auimadversa, nee non novi bracherii a peritissimo Savigny peculiari mechanismo in- structi descriptio et icon. 60 pp., 11., 1 pl. sm. 4°. Gottingw, in off. Barmeieriana, [1795]. Quentin (Louis). *Du principe mucilagineux, et tie ses usages en therapeutique. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 205, v. 565. Quentin (Pierre-Isidor). *I. Apprecier la va- leur sein6iologique de l'epistaxis. II. [etc.]. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 325, v. 365. Qlieilll (E.) [1852- ]. * Anatomie patholo- gique des kystes non dermoides de l'ovaire. 3 p. 1., 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 139. ------. * Developpement du cceur et du pericarde. 1 p. 1., 92 pp. 4U. Paris, G. Chamerot, 1883. Concours. ------. Des arcs branchiaux chez I'homme. 63 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4' Bouzectu, 1886. Quereetaniis ( Eustathius). Acroamaton in librum Hippocratis de natura hominis commen- tariusunus; ejusdem autoris in Cl. Galeni libros tres de temperamentis, scholia. Quibus trac- tandarum medicarum quaestionum ratio tradi- tur, et variis in medio propositis exemplis exerce- tur. 286 pp., 91. 16°. Basilew, per J. Oporinum, [1549]. Quereetaniis (Josephus) [1546-1609]. Opera medica, scilicet, ad Jacobi Auberti Vindonis de ortu et causis metallorum contra chymicos ex- plicationem brevis responsio. De exquisita mineralium, animalium, et vegetabilium metlica- mentorum spagirica praeparatione etusu, perspi- cua tractatio. Sclopetarius, esive de curandis vulueribus, quae sclopetorum et similium tor- mentorum ictibus accidernnt, liber. Antidota- rium spagiricum adversus eosdem ictus. 6 p. 1., 186 pp., 7 1. 12°. [Lugduni], J. Lertout, 1591. "De mineralium" has a separate title-page, dated 1575. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 152 pp., 8 1. 16°. Lugduni, J. Lertout, 1600. Bound with his: Liber de priscorum philosophorum verae mediciuae materia, [etc]. 16°. Aurelice Allobrogum, 1609. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 152 pp., 8 1. 16°. Lipsiw. imp. T. Schiireri et B. Voigt, 1614. "De mineralium" has a separate title-page, dated 1600. -----. Thesame. Drey medicinische Tractiitlein. Das erste, ein kurtze Antwort auff Jacobi Au- berti Vindonis Ausslegung, vom Ursprung untl Quercetanus (Josephus)—continued. Ursachen der Metallen, wider die Chyinicos. Das audere, von au.ssfuhrlicher Bereitung der Mineralien, Thier, und Krauter Artzneyi n, wie dieselben spagyrisch uud kiinstlicher Weiss, sol- len zugeriistet und gebraucht werden. Das dritte, ein Biichsen-Artzueybiichlein, darinnen aussfiihrlichen berichtet wird, wie man die Wunden spagyrischer Weiss curiren und heylen soil, welche durch Fewerbiichsen geschossen untl herkomnien, auch von Zurustung der Artzneyen, so man zu den geschossenen Wunden brauchen soil und muss. Lateinisch und Frantzbsisch be- schrieben, an jetzo aber teutscher Nation zum Besten in die teutscbe Sprach iibergesetzet. Durch M. Thomam Kesslern. 3 p. 1., 96 pp., port. 4°. Strassburg, E. Zetzner, 1631. ------. Sclopetarius: sive de curandis vulueribus, quae sclopetorum et similium tornientorum icti- bus accidernnt, liber. Ejusdem antidotarium spagvricum adversus eosdem ictus. 7 p. 1., 175 pp., 7 1. 16°. Lugduni, J. Lertout. 1600. Bound with his: Liber de priscorum philosophorum vcraa mediciuae materia, [etc.]. 16°. Aurelice Allobrogum, 1609. ------. The same. 7 p. 1., 175 pp., 8 1. 16°. Lip- siw, imp. T. Schiireri et B. Voigt, 1614. Bound with his: Opera medica. 16°. Lipsice, 1614. ------. The same. The sclopotarie of ... or his booke containing the cure of wounds, received by shot of gunne or such like engines of warre. Whereunto is added his spagericke antidotary of medicines against the aforesayd woundes. Pub- lished into English by J. Hester. 3 p. 1., 95 pp., 4 1. sm. 4°. London, J. Sheldrake, 1590. Black-letter. ------. The same. Traicte de la cure generale et particuliere des arcbusades. Avec l'antidotaire spagirique pour preparer et composer les medi- camens. 7 p. 1., 248 pp. 16°. Paris, C. Morel, 1625. Bound with his: Tetrade des phis grieves maladies de tout le cerveau, [etc.] 16°. Paris, 1625. ------. Thesame. Sclopetarius, das ist, Biichsen- Tractatlein oder Buch von Heyluug der Wunden, welche durch Fewer, Buchsen, oder andere der- gleichen Geschoss, einem begegnet untl witler- fahren seind. Und danu wie die Artzneyen wider gemelte Wunden und Schiiden zubereiten seindt. 117 pp., 2 1. 4°. Strassburg, E. Zetzner, 1631. Bound with his: Drey medicinische Tractatleiu, etc. 4°. Strassburg, 1631. ------. Liber de priscorum philosophorum verte mediciuae materia, praeparatioiiis modo, atque in curandis morbis praestantia; deque simplicium, et rerum siguaturis tum extends tum internis seu specificis, a priscis et hermeticis philosophis multa cura, singularique industria comparatis, atque introdnctis, duo tractatus; hisaccesserunt ejusdem Jos. Quercetani de dogmaticorum me- dicorum legitima, et restituta niedicamentoruin praeparatione, libri duo. Itemque selecta quae- tlam consilia medica clarissimis medicis Europads dicta. 11 p. 1., 432 pp. 12°. [Genevw], hwredes E. Vignon, 1603. ------. The same. 11 p. 1., 432 pp. 16°. Aurelice Allobrogum, J. Vignon, 1609. -----. Thesame. 10 p. 1., 480 pp. 8°. [Lipsiw], T. Schiireri, 1G13. Bound with: Follinub (H.) Amuletum Antonianum, etc. 8°. Antverpice, 1618. ------. Ad veritatem hermeticaj mediciuae ex Hippocratis uterumque decretis ac therapeusi, nee non vivae rerum anatomiae exegesi, ipsiusque naturae luce stabilienilam, adversus cujusdam anonymi phautasmata responsio. 7 p. 1., 300 pp. 16°. Francofurti, W. Richter, 1605. Another copy bound with his: Tetras gravissimorum [etc.]. 8°. Marpurgi, 1006. QITERCETANUS. 947 QUERCETO. Quereetaniis (Josephus)—continued. ______, The practise of chymicall and hermet- icall physicke, for the preservation of health. Written in Latin . . . aud transl. into English by Thomas Timme. 100 1. 4°. London, T. Creede, 1605. Black-letter. ______. Tetras gravissimorum totius capitis af- fectuum; ex doctissimorum medicorum, turn dogmaticorum tum hermeticorum, assiduis vigi- liis et accurata theoriae et praxis observatione elucubrata. Adjectus est in eorundem morborum curatione, praeter vulgarem medentli methodum, iugens selectissimorum medicamentorum spagy- ricorum numerus, quae magno cum frnctu ad- disci et administrari possuut. 11 p. 1., 488 pp., 8 1. 16°. Marpurgi, typ. P. Egenolphi, 1606. Another copy, ivith which is bound his: Ad veritatem hermetic*, etc. 16°. Francofurti, 1605. -----. The same. 2. ed. 16 p. 1., 488 pp., 8 1. 12J. Marpurgi, typ. P. Egenolphi, 1601. .-----. The same. Accessit hac tertia editione ejusdem Quercetani ad brevem Riolani excursum brevis incursio, olim separatim edita. 11 p. 1., 532 pp., 9 1. 16°. Marpurgi, typ. P. Egenolphi, 1617. ------. The same. Tetrade des plus grifeves ma- ladies de tout le cerveau. Composee des veilles, observations et pratique des plus scavans et ex- perts medecins taut dogmatiques que herme- tiques. 6, 499 pp., 8 1. 12°. Paris, C. Morel, 1625. Tractatus duo: quorum prior inscribitur diseteticon polyhistoricum, alter vero pharmaco- pcea dogmaticorum restituta. Opera uticunque varia, magna? utilitatis ac delectationis, quod mnlta historica, philosophica et medica pretiosis selectisque hermeticorum floribus abunde illus- trata, tam conservandae sanitati, quam variis curandis morbis necessaria coutineaut. 2 p. 1., 134 pp., port. 4°. Francoforti, J. T. Schbnvetter, 1607. Pharmacopcea dogmaticorum restituta; 1(1°. 16°. pretiosis selectisque hermeticorum floribus abunde illustrata. 3 p. 1., 247 pp., 4 1., port. 4°. Francoforti, J. T. Schbnwetter, 1607. Bound with his: Tractatus duo: Quorum prior inscribi- tur diaeteticon polyhistoricum [etc.]. 4°. Francoforti, 1607. -----. The same. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 619 pp., 13 1. Parisiis, C. Morellus, 1607. The same. 3. ed. 7 p. 1., 448 pp., 4 1. Marpurgi, excud. P. Egenolphus, 1622. —. Thesame. La pharmacopee des dogmati- ques reformee, et enrichie de plusieurs remedes excellents, choisis et tirez de l'art spagyrique. Avec un traicte familier de l'exacte preparation spagyrique des medicaments pris d'entre les mineraux, animaux et vegetaux: et uue breve response au livret de Jacques Alibert, touchant la generation et les causes des metaux. 2. ed. Frontispiece, 6 p. 1., 549 pp., port., 15 1. 16°. Paris, 1630. On frontispiece the date is 1629. -----. The same. Le ricchezze della riformata farmacopea. Nuovamente di favella latina tra- portata in italiana. Dal signor Giacomo Ferrari. Oltre nuove osservationi, pensieri gratiosi utilis- sime inventioni, avvertimenti uecessarii per la compositione di molti medicamenti hermetici; fatiche veramente degne d'esser lette e rilette da ogni gran personaggio, et da qualunque persona che desidera medicarsi citd, tutb et jucunde. Et in quest' ultima impressione corretta, et aggionto la preparazione spagirica dei niinerali, animali, et vegetabili et loro uso; con un ristretto dei medicamenti, ch' apparteugono alia chirurgia dell' istesso auttore. Tradotta nuovamente da Gio: Maria Ferro. 6 p. 1., 264 pp. 4°, Venetia, Guerigli, 1646. Quereetaniis (Josephus)—continued. ------. The same. 7 p. 1., 264 pp. 4C. Venetia, G. F. Valuasense, 1684. ------. Pestis alexicacus, sive luis pestiferae fuga, auxiliaribus selectorum utriusque mediciuae re- mediorum copiis procurata. 8 p. 1., 527 pp., 12 1. 12°. Parisiis, apud C. Morellum, 1608. ------. The same. Nunc in Germania emenda- tius recusa. 8 p. 1., 461 pp., 13 1. 12°. Lipsiw, imp. T. Schurei-i et B. Voigt, 1609. ------. The same. Nunc in Germania emenda- tius recusa. 7 p. 1., 461 pp., 13 1. 16°. Lipsiw, imp. T. Schureri et B. Voigt, 1615. Another copy bound with his : Tetras gravissimorum to- tius capitis affectuum, [etc.]. 16°. Marpurgi, 1617. Le pourtraict de la sante, ou est au vif —„ l-----—— — — -----, — —~ .-~ representee la rfegle universelle et particuliere, tie bien sainement et longuement vivre. Enrichy de plusieurs preceptes, raisons, et beaux exem- ples, tirez des medecins, philosophes et histo- riens, tant grecs que latins, les -plus cei&bres. 3 p. 1., 598 pp., 1 1. 16°. S[ainct]-Omer, C. Bos- cart, 1618. -----. Traicte familier de l'exacte preparation spagyrique des medicameus, pris d'entre les mineraux, animaux et vegetaux. Avec une breve response au livret de Jacques Aubert, touchant la generation et les causes des metaux. 152 pp., 7 1. 16°. Paris, C. Morel, 1630. Bound with his: La pharmacop6e des dogmatiques rtS- foriuSe, [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1630. Recueil des plus curienx et rares secrets touchant la medecine metallique et minerale, tirez des manuscripts de feu . . . Frontispiece, 370 pp., 6 1. 12°. Paris, J. Brunet, 1641. The frontispiece in this edition is pasted in; but it bears date 1641. The same. Tirez des manuscripts de feu Joseph du Chesne de la Violette [or Quereeta- niis]. Frontispiece, 2 p. 1., 370 pp., port. 8°. Paris, S. Piget, 1648. Wide margin pajjer. The frontispiece gives date 1641. -----. The same. 2 p. 1., 370 pp., 7 1., port. 16°. Paris, S. Piget, 1648. No frontispiece. Quereetaniis redivivus, hoc est, ars medica dogmatico-hermetica, ex scriptis Josephi Querce- tani . . . tomis tribus digesta: quorum I. Ars medica medicatrix; II. Ars medica auxiliatrix; III. Ars medica practica. Opera Joannis Schro- deri. 3 v. in 1. 4°. Francofurti, apud J. Bey- erum, 1648. The same. Hac autem 2. ed. juxta ex- emplar Schrbderianum revisa, variisque in locis correcta et aucta. 3 v. in 1. 4°. Francofurti, sump!, hwredum J. Beyeri, 1679. Ad Jacobi Auberti Vendonis de ortu et causis metallorum contra chemicosexplicationem; ac primum ad ejusepistolam convitiatoriam, qua Paracelsibori^m, quos vocat, nonnulla remedia evertere conatur, brevis responsio. In: Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, ii, 150-178. . , , o e See, also, iAhaviu* (Andreas). Syntagmatis arcano- rum chymicorum . . . tomns secundus, [etc.J. fol. Fran- cofurti' 1613.— Paracelsus (Theophrastus). .One hun- dred and fourteen experiments and cures, sm. 4°. London, 1652 —Kiolanus (Joannes) til. Incursionem Quercetani depulsio letc.]. 18°. Parisiis, 1605. — Sala ( Angelus ). Processusdeauropotabililetc.]. 16°. Argentorati. 1630.- de Sgobbi* (Antonio). Universale theatro farmaceiitico [etc.l lot Venetia. 1682.-Ziegler (Adrian). Phar- macopcea spagyrica. 4°^ [Tiguri] 1628. For Biography, see Bayle (P.) Hist. & Crit. Diet, (transl. Des Maizeaux). fol. London 1735, n. 467. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. — Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. efc Men of Sc, 134. Querceto. II.rehi (E ) Analisi chimica dell' acque solfuree mdn- rate di Querceto. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1850-51, 2. s., i, 458-460, (/UEkCIT. 048 QUKSNAY. Qnereit. Homann (F. W.) *Quercit, ein fiinfsiiuriger Alkohol. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1875. Quere (Fr.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude com- paree de l'opiuin et de l'alcool au point de vue physiologique et therapeutique. 51 pp., 1 diag. 4 \ Bordeaux, 1883, 5. s., No. 30. Quere (Francois-Marie). * Quelques considera- tions sur le cancer primitif du foie. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 127'. Querejaxu y Hartzenfousch (Juan). See Bomirri (Francisco). Estudios de las alienaciones [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1865. Qlierenet (Philippus) *Ana temporum varie- tate varii morbi? Praeses: Petrus Abrahamus Pajon de Moncets. 4 pp. 4°. Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1763. ------. * An condimentum, medicamentumsinapi? Prases: Guido Andreas Gamier. 4 pp. 4°. Pa- risiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1764. See. also, I^aniglois (Joannes Baptista). *Utrum in ascite paraceutesim tardare, malum ? Praeses ... 4°. [Paris, 1766.)—Pelee de Valoncour (Andreas Blasius). *An nutritio sit fluidorum duntaxat reparatio? Praeses ... 4°. [Pari*, 1764.] Querfurt. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Bistory, etc., of), by localities. Schraube. Medicinisch-topographische Skizze des Kreises Querfurt. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Berl., 1864, 51; 59; 67. Queriaud (Paul). * De l'epilepsie idiopathique, ses modifications sous l'influence des maladies intercurrentes et son traitement. 69 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, 6. s., No. 20. Qlierl (Ferdin. Maurit. August. ) *De febre puerperali. 36 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, ex off. F. C. G. Vogelii, [1825]. See, also, Heinroth (J. C. A.) Gerichtsarztliche und Piivat-liutachten [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1847. For Biography, see Knehu (Car. Gott.). Quermeleuc (H.-H.-Reue). 'Considerations sur l'hygiene des diverses professions maritimes a bord ties navires. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 20. Querinonne (Louis). * Etude sur la pathogenie des nevralgies. 103 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Davy, 1884, No. 80. Querner (Job.) [1853- ]. * Ueber Exostosis subungualis. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1881. Qiieriltenus (Joachimus) [1536-1600]. Wie man sich fiir der schedlicheu jetztregierenden Pestilentz bewahren sol, uud wie dieselbige zu curiren und abzuwenden; knrtzer Bericht nnd Ordennng. 7 1. 4°. Erffurdt, G. Bawman, 1578. Querqiiero. Jaenichen (S.) *Dequerquero veterum. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1710]. Quertier (Joseph). * De l'iucubatiou de la va- riole. 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 15. Quesacla (Mariano Arosemena). Co-Editor of: Gaceta mtedica de Lima, 1856. QuesitOS e respostas. A medicina legal no pro- cesso Joanna Pereira. 188 pp. 8°. Coimbra, J. D. Pires, 1878. Quesnay (Francois) [1694-1774]. Observations sur les effets de la saignee, tant dans les mala- dies du ressort de la medecine que de la chirurgie, fondees sur les loix de l'hidrostatique, avec ties remarques critiques sur le traite de l'usage des differentes sortes de saignees, de Monsieur Silva. 1 p. 1., xix, 2 1., 186 pp., iii, 1 1. 16°. Paris, C. Osmont, 1730. ------. Memoire ou l'on fait voir, en quoi peut consister la preeminence de la medecine sur la chirurgie. 20 pp. 4°. [Paris, 1736.] [P., v. 176.] Quesnay (Francois)—continued. ------. Repon.se d'un chirurgien a la lettre iuse- ree daus le"Mercure de France" du mois d'aout dernier (1736), et adressee aux auteurs des "Ob- servations sur les ecrits modernes". [Critique de la these de Maloet, dont le sujet est: An chirurgia pars medicina? certior? 22 pp. 12°. [Paris? 1736, vel subseq.] Bound with: de La Mettrie. Politique du mt'tlcciii de Machiavel. 12°. Amsterdam, [1746]. ------. Secoudmemoirepourleschirurgit.ns. [Oil l'on resout le problfime propose par hi Faculte de medecine, scavoir: Si c'est aux inedecins qu'il appartient detraiter les maladies venerii-nnes, it si la surete publique exige que ce soient les me- decins qu'on charge de la cure de ces maladies.] 28 pp. 4°. [Paris, 1737, vel subseq.] [P., v. 176.] ------. Reponse de Mr. D*. . . . maitre chirur- gien d'Orieaus, au medecin auteur du Baillon. 12 pp. 4°. [ Paris,' 1737, vel subseq.] [P., v. 176.] ------. Lettres [i-xii] sur les disputes qui se sont elevees entre les medecins etles chirurgiens sur le droit qu'a M. Astruc tl'entrer thins ces dis- putes; sur la preference qu'il se donne en com- parand son ouvrage avec celui de Hery; sur les medecins qui ecrivent, selon M. Astruc, mieux que les chirurgiens; sur l'iuventeur ties frictions; sur le premier qui en a ecrit; sur les medecins etrangers, que M. A. appelle au secours pour soutenir la faculte de Paris, [etc.]. 162 pp. 4°. [n.p.], 1738. [Also, in: P., v. 176.] [------.] Recherches critiques et historiques sur l'origine, sur les divers etats et sur les progres tie la chirurgie en France [avec l'lndex funereus chirurgorum Parisiensium 1315-1729]. 2 p. I., xxiv, 635 pp., 5 port. 4°. Paris, C. Osmont, 1744. Quesnay was the principal author of this work, but Louis assisted in its compilation, and the Abbe- Desfon- taines arranged and edited it. The Index funereus is by Jean Devaux. ------. The same. Histoire de l'origine et ties progres tie la chirurgie en France. 2 v. xl, o20 pp.; 260 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, Ganeau, 1749. A reprint of preceding under a new title. ------. Traite de la gangrene. 3 p. 1., 507 pp. 12°. Paris, d'Boury, 1749. ------. The same. 3 p. 1., .507 pp. 12°. Paris, Ve. d'Boury, 1764. ------. Traite de la suppuration. 5 p. 1., 432 pp. 12°. Paris, d'Boury, 1749. ------. The same. 5 p. 1., 432 pp. 12°. Paris, Ve. d'Boury, 1764. ------. Traite des effets et de l'usage de la sai- gnee. Nouvelle ed. de deux traites de I'auteur sur la saignee, reunis, mis dans un uouvel ordre, et tres-augmentes. 2 p. 1., ix (1 1.), 734 pp., 1 1., port. 12°. Paris, d'Boury pere, 1750. -----. The same. 2 p. 1., ix (1 1.), 734 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, Ve. d'Boury, 1770. ------. Traite des fievres continues, dans lequel on a rassembie et examine les principales con- noissances que les anciens ont acquises sur les fievres par l'observation et par la pratique, par- ticulierement sur les presages, la coction, les crises, et la cure de ces maladies. 2 v. viii, 674 pp., 1 1., port.; v (1 1.), 651 pp. 12°. Paris, d'Boury pere, 1753. ------. The introductory discourse tt) the first volume ofthe memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery at Paris, concerning the vices of the humours, in which the doctrine of suppuration antl various medical and chirurgical subjects are considered, and experiments recommended to assist observation in the discovery of the na- ture, cause, and cure of diseases. Transl. and QUESNAY. 949 QUETELET. Quesnay (Francois)-contmued. abridged by a surgeon, xv, 111 pp. 8°. Lon- don D. Wilson iY T. Durham, 1760. See, also. Desroziers. K6ponse a la lettre de .. . 12°. i Paris 1737, rei subset/.) Far Biography, see Eloge de Francois Quesnay. 12°. L°sfeealso Gaz. nted.de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 523; 563. For Vorttait, see Collection— van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Meu of Sc, 134. —Galerie mfedicale. no. 30. _____-. See, also: Bouisson (E.-F.) Dn chirurgien Gconomiste, 6tude sur Quesnay. Montpel. m6d., 1879, xliii, 483-505. Quesne (Ch.-Fr.) *Snr la toux convulsive, ou la coqueluche. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 27. Quesne (Maurice). 'Propositions sur la per- cussion consider comme moyen de diagnostic, et sur divers sujets de medecine. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 256, v. 228. Ouesnel (Charles-Eugene). * De l'hemoptysie. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 19, v. 623. Quesnel (Francois). "Snr l'epidemie de cho- lera-morbus qui a desoie I'lle-de-France en 1819. 21pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 65, v." 179. Quesnel (Francois-Charles). * Recherches rela- tives a l'innneuce tie la continence sur l'economie animale. vi, 7-42 pp. 4a. Paris, 1817, No. 201, v. 127 & 128. Quesnel (Hyacinthe). * Quelques considerations sur les plaies de la main produites par les ma- chines a battre. 39 pp. 4C. Parts, 1877, No. 518. Quesnel (Jean-Auguste-Mede ). * Sur les he- morrhagies uterines pendant la grossesse, le tra- vail de l'accouchement, et aprfes l'accouchement. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 310, v. 265. Quesneville(Georges) [1846- ]. *Nouvelles methodes pour la determination des elements du lait etde ses falsiticatious. vii, 101 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 212. ______. The same. Neue Methoden zur Bestim- mnng der Bestaudtheile der Milch und ihrer Verfiilschungen. Deutsch von Victor Griess- mayer. viii, 128 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Xeuburg, Griess- mayer, 1885. _ Quesneville (Gustave-Augustin ) [1810-89 J. *Sur l'apoplexie sanguine, on hemorrhagiecere- brale. al pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 326, v. 279. ______. Einploi en medecine de l'eau oxygenee, bi- oxyde d'hydrogene. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Mar- tinet, [1847]. [P., v. 460.] Lettre adressee a M. le baron Thenard sur l'emploi en medecine de l'eau oxigenee. 1 p, *°. Paris, L. Martinet, 1.^47. [P., v. 460.] Also, Editor of: Revue scientifique et industrielle, [etc.], Paris, 1840-44.—Moniteur (Le) scientifique, Paris, 1857 See, also, Ashwell (Samuel). Memoire sur la, chlorose, [etc] 8° [n p. n. d.l—ltlemoire a consulter avant de modifier les lois existantes sur la pharniacie. 8°. Pa- vis 1847 For Biography, see Monit. scient., Par., 1889, 4. s., iii, 1401-1414, port. Quesney (Francois-Alphonse). *De la conicite tlu moitnion apres les mutilations traumatiques dupied? 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 231, v.,609. Quesnot. Plusieurs secrets rares et cuneux, pour la guerison des maladies; pour la nietal- lique, l'ceconomique, et les teintures; la m6i\e- cine du flosca-li, et autres cnriositez. 8 p. 1., 285 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, P. Aubonyn, 170,8. Quesnoy (Ferdinand). Souvenirs historiques militaires et niedicaux tie I'armee d'orient. vii, 256 pp. 8°. Paris, Labbe, 1858. Repr. from : Kec. de iu6m. de m6d----mil., Par., 1857, xx: 1858, xxii. -----. Campagne de 1870. Armee du Rhin, camp de Chalons; Borny ; Rezonville ou Grave- lotte; Saint-Privat; blocus de Metz; les ambu- lances. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., iii, 235, 80 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, Fume, Jouvet 4~ Cie., 1872. Quesnoy (Ferdinand)--continued. -----. Les phases de la vie (tlu berceau & la tombe). viii, 294 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, Jouvet 4 Cie., 1887. See. also, Iflaritiy (M.-J.) & Quesnoy (Ferdinand). Hygiene des grandes villes, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1866. Quessaud (J.) * Syntheses tie pharmacie et tie chimie. Des huiles en general et de l'huile d'olives. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1868. [P., v. 1706.] ficole de pharmacie. Quesse (August). * Die Vorziige der Mace wen- schen Operation gegeniiber den friiher angegebe- nen Methoden der Osteotomie. [Munich.] vii, 34 pp. 8°. Oldenburg, A. Litlmann, 1887. Questa (Joseph). * De linguae latime praestautia ad conscribendos libros medicos. [Pavia.] 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mediolani, G. Truffi, 1829. Questao (A) do ensino da medicina e cirurgia em 1853. 34 pp. b°. Coimbra, 1853. [P., v. 1264; 1267.] Questao (A) do ensino e profissao medica; ou um voto de pura consciencia. Aeste proposito. 15 pp. 8°. Porto, 1844. [P., v. 1244.] Queste ( Felix ). * De l'amputation tibio-tar- sienue, ses procedes, leurs modifications. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 463. Questelius (Caspar). Diss. acad. de pulvinari morientibus non subtrahendo; von Abziehung der Sterbenden HauptkiLssen, ex moralibus, divi- nis, juris item ac artis medicae principiis metho- dice proposita et exemplis rarioribus illustrata. 3 p. 1., 54 pp., 8 1. sm. 4°. Jenw, typ. ac sumpt. J. Gollneri, 1678. ------. Thesame. Ed. altera. 3 p. 1., 53 pp., 5 1. sm. 4°. Jence, typ. ac sumpt. J. Gollneri, 1683. Three leaves of index missing. The same. 2 p. 1., 51 pp., 11. 4C. Jenw, typ. P. Ehrichii, 1718. Question (The) of population, particularly as it relates to the increase of numbers in the inhab- itants of the United States, carefully examined aud fully considered. Being a detection of the gross blunders and absurdities of the article on Mr. Goodwin's enquiry concerning population which appeared iu the seventieth number ofthe Edinburgh Review, iv, 52 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1821. Questione (La) delle acque pel risanamento di Palermo. 91 pp., 1 1. 8°. Palermo, 1888. Questions (Medieal). See Education (Medical), etc. Questions adressees par le ministre a l'Aca- deniie royale de niedecine le 12 mai 1827, aux- quelles l'academie n'a pas encore repondu. pp. 31-62, 5 1. lith. 8°. [ Paris, 1835, vel subseq. ] [P., v. 1798.] Cutting. Questions relatives a un projet de loi .sur la n\6- decine et sur la pharmacie [and: Rapport au ministre de l'interieur sur les questions [etc.] par Vanquelin et al.]. vi, 52 pp. 8°. Paris, Buzard-Courcier, [1828]. [P , v. 1746.] Quet (Esteban). Fitologia medica, 6 estudio de plautas medicinales, indigenas y exdticas, de sus partes, productos y principios, en toda la esten- si6n que pueda couvenir £i los profesores de cien- cias medicas; tratado amplio y razonado de ma- teria farmaceutica, materia medica y terapeutica vegetales; tomo primero. xv, 432 pp. 8°. San- tiago, J. M. Paredes, 1871. Ouetelet (Ernest). Memoire sur la temperature de l'air a Bruxelles. [Avec tableaux generanx de la temperature de l'air, 1833-62.] 64, 103 pp. 4°. Bruxelles, M. Bayez, 1867. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1867, xxxvi. QUETELKT. 950 QUEVY. Quetelet (Ernest)—continued. -----. The same. 1833-72. (Supplement.) 52 pp , l 1., 1 pl. 4°. Bruxelles, F. Bayez, 1876. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. rov. d. sc.de Belg., Brux., 1876, xii. Quetelet ([Lambert-]Adolphe[-Jacques]) [1796- lr74 ]. b'echerches sur le penchant au crime aux diflerens ages. 2. ed. 87 pp., 3 pl. fol. Bru- xelles, M. Bayez, 1833. -----. Rapiort a M. le ministre de l'interieur sur les travaux de l'Acatiemie royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles, pendant l'annee 1833 & 1834. 16 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1834.] -----. Positions de physique. 2. ed. 3 v. 16°. Bruxelles, J.-B. Tircher, 1834. -----. Sur I'homme et le developpement de ses facultes, ou essai tie physique sociale. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 339 pp., 2 diagr.; xii, 343 pp., 2 diagr., 5 pl., 2 maps. 16°. Bruxelles, L. Bauman 4' Cie., 1836. -----. The same. Physique sociale; ou essai sur le developpement des facultes de I'homme. 2 v. viii, 503 pp.; 485 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1869. -----. The same. A treatise ou man and the development of his faculties. Now first transl. iuto English by Dr. R. Knox. 1 p. 1., x, 5-126 pp., 7 pl. roy. 8°. Edinburgh, W. 4~ R- Cham- bers, 1842. [Also, in: P., v. 889.] Translated from the first etlition, Bruxelles, 1836. -----. De l'influence des saisons sur la morta- lite aux differeus ages dans la Btdgiipie. 42 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Bruxelles, M. Bayez, 1838. Repr. fwith additions] from: M6m. Acad. d. sc. morales et polit. ue l'lnst. de France, 1835, ix. -----. Nouvelles tables de mortalite pour la Bel- gique. 22 pp. 4°. Bruxelles, M. Bayez, 1849. Repr. from: Bull, de la Commission centrale de statis- tique, iv. -----. Memoires et communications. Tables de mortalite et leur developpement. 39 pp. 4°. [Bruxelles, 1864, vel subseq.] Repr. from: Mein. Acad, sc, Brux., xiii. -----. Meteorologie de la Belgique comparee a celle du globe, xiv, 505 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1867. -----. Taille de I'homme a Venise, pour l'age de vingt ans. 7 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1869.] Repr. from: Bull Acad. roy. de Belg., Brux., 1869, 2. s., xxvii. -----. Loi de periodicite de l'espece humaine. 12 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1870.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. deBelg., Brux., 1870, 2. s., xxx. -----. Des lois concernant le developpement de I'homme. 14 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1870.] Repr. from.- Bull. Acad. roy. de Belg., Brux., 1870, 2. s., xxix. -----. Developpement de la taille humaine; ex- tension remarquable de cette loi. 12 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1871.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de Belg., Brux., 1871, 2. s., xxxi. -----. Snr i'anthropometrie, ou sur la mesure des differentes facultes de I'homme. 12 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1-71.] Announcement of puhlication of his Anthropom6trie. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de Belg., Brux., 1871, 2. s., xxxi. -----. Anthropometric, ou mesure des diffe- rentes facultes de I'homme. 479 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if fils, 1871. -----. Unite de l'espece humaine. 13 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1872, rei subseq.] Also. Editor of: Annates de l'Observatoire royal de Bruxelles, 1861. For Biography, see yon B. (M. M.) Quetelet. 8°. [n. p., 1874.]—Ficlicr (A.) [Nekrolog.j 8°. Wien, [1874]. See, also. Annuaire Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1875, xii, 109-295 (E. Mailly). Also, transl.: Rep. Smithson. Inst., "Wash., 1874,11.9-183 (E. Maillv). Also: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1874, i, 245-2GG. Quetelet ([ Lambert-] Adolphe[-Jac.])—cont'd. -----. See, also : Inauguration de la statue d'Adolphe Quetelet. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1880, 2. s., xlix, 506- 521. ----- & SniitS (F.) Recherches sur la repro- duction et la mortalite de Thornine aux difterents ages, et sur la population de la Belgique. 150 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, L. Bauman 4' Cie., 1»32. Quetiei* (Pierre-Toussaint). "Quelques consi- tlerations sur la retroversion de l'uterns. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 229, v. 219. Quetsch (Gustav). * Beitriige zur Gastrostomie. 60 pp. 8°. Strassburg, R. Schultz u. Comp., 1886. Quetta, India. ljeith. Report on the medical statistics of Quetta. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1841, iv, 101-112. Quettier (Marin). * Observations medic ales sur les tenia ou vers solitaires qui se trouvent tlans les in testing de I'homme. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 97, v. 72. Queuclie (J.-Julien). * Sur les cantharides. 29 pp. 4U. Strasbourg, 1823, v. 52. Queudot (Camille-Charles) [1852- ]. * Des crises douloureuses qui peuvent se montrer sur les voies urinaires et dans les organes genitaux au cours de l'ataxie locomotrice. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 250. Queildot (Charles-Theophile). * De la variole. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 148, v. 488. Queildot (Georges-Albert). * Considerations sur les retrecissements de l'uretbre et en particulier sur leur siege et leur diagnostic. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 283. Queval (Charles-Antoine). * Du traitement de la fievre typhoide. 52 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 181 (i, No. 174, v. 449. Quevenue (Theodore-Auguste) [1805-55]. Ex- amen chimique de la racine du polygala tie Vir- giuie. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, Fain, 1836. [P., v. 1746.] -----. Etude microscopique et chimique du fer- ment, snivie d'experiences sur la fermentation alcoolique, 47pp. 8°. [Paris,Fain, 1838.] [P., v. 1685.] Repr. from: J. de pharm., Par., 1838, xxiv. -----. Instruction pour l'usage du laeto-densi- metre, suivie d'une notice sur le lait. 24 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Paris, C. Chevallier, 1842. [P., v. 1687.] -----. Analyse de hi salive. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1840, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1687.] -----. Reponse de . . . a M. Nativelle au sujet du prix decerne a M. Homolle, par la Societe de pharniacie de Paris pour la deconverte de la tli- gitaline. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, Fain , No. 470. Queyssac (J.-B.) *Sur la colique tie plomb. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 290, v. 237. Quezac (Joseph). *De I'atrophie mnsculaire consecutive aux uevralgies rhumatismales. vi, 7-44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 18. [Qliezada (M. Arosemeua).] La subsistencia, 6 sea cuestiones de fisiologia e higiene sobre alimeutacion aplicadas & la ecouomia polltica. 51 pp. 8°. Lima, J. R. Sanchez, 1870. Quickelbergs (Samuel) [1529-72?]. Broeckx (C.) Notice sur Samuel Quickelhergs, m6de- cin archeologueau xvie siecle. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1861, xxii, 675-683. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Quicken ( Hermannus Rudolphus Philippus ) [1834- ]. * De talipedibus. 32 pp. 8°. Be- rolini, G. Lange, [1859]. Quicken (Wilhelm). *Zur Genese der Hemi- cephalie. 30 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Halle a. S., Plbtz, 1885. Quickening*. See Pregnancy (Signs, etc., of). Quickfall (T. K.) The modus operandi and the comparative and therapeutic value of purgative agents to the horse, and the diseases in which their uses are contraindicated. [Honorary prize essay ofthe Royal Veterinary College, Loudon.] 8 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. B. Robinson 4' Co., 1868. Quickniere. Spear (J.) Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the urban district of Quickniere. Sept. 26, 1879. fol. [London, 1879.] Quid ing (Nils Alfred). *Om diagnosen af lnemorrhagia cerebri. 17 pp. 8°. Lund, .1850. Quiet. See Rest. Quijano Lopez-Malo (Carlos). Tratado de operaciones quirurgicas. 3 v. 8°. Valladolid, H. de Rodriguez, 1866-8. CONTENTS. Sec. 1. Operaciones elementales. 2. Operaciones generales. 3. Operaciones especiales. Quillaja. Goldschmidt (F.) Ueber Quillaja saponaria. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miiuchen, 1885, xxxii, 715-717.—Robert (R.) Kora Mydloki rvlas'ciwej i j6j skladniki chemiczne. [Cor- tex quiliajae and its chemical constituents.] Czasopismo towarz., Lwow., 1885, xiv, 375-377. -----. The physiolog- ical action and therapeutic value of quillaia hark. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1886, xxxvi, 29-31. -----. Ueher Quillaja- saure; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss tier Saponingruppe. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1887, xxiii, 233-J7H—ijcsseliers (E.) Empoisonnement par l'ecorce de Panama; propri£t6s diur6tiques de cette suhstance. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1864. xxxi, 43-46. [Rap. de Du Moulin], 47-50.—BlasloTski (A.) Quillaja sapo- naria, kak otcharkivaoutshee. [. . . as an expectorant.J Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 599-602. Quillard (Victor-Alcide). *De l^tat de ia pu- pille dans les maladies. Etudes de pathogenie Quillard (Victor-Alcide)—continued. et tie semeiologie. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 153. Qllillardet (fitienue). *[Sur la compression employee en medecine et en chirurgie. ] 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 31. Qliillaut (Louis-Timophile). *Dela lymphan- gite infectieuse. 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1853, No. 275, 2. s., v. 19. Quillet (Claude) [1602-61]. Callipaedia, seu de pnlchrse prolis habendae ratione, poema didac- ticon, cum uno et altero ejusdem autoris car- mine. Juxta exemplar excusuin. 7 p. 1., 95 pp. 16°. Parisiis, T. Joly, 1709. -----. The same. Calvidii leti, i. e.. Claudii Quilleti Callipaedia, seu de pulchrsB prolis habeu- the ratione poema didacticon. 2. ed. alteram seu Parisieusem cum iutegra lectionis varietate edi- tionis primae seu Leidensis edidit Ludovicus Choulant. xiv, 98 pp. 18°. Lipsiw, L. Voss, 1836. -----. The same. Callipaedia, a poem in four books, with some other pieces. Written in Latin, made English by N. Rowe. To which is prefix'd Mr. Bayle's account of his life. Frontispiece, 8 p. 1., 7 pp.; 51 pp.; 48pp.; 95pp. 8°. London, E. Sanger, 1712. -----. The same. Callipaediae. Or, an art how to have haudsome children. Written in Latin by the Abbot . . . Now done into English "verse by several hands. Fac-simile of London editions of 1708-10. 110 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1872. -----. An epistle to Eudoxus. 16pp. 8°. Lon- don, 1712. Bound with his: Callipaedia, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1712. For Biography, see Rayle (P.) Hist, and Crit. Diet. fol. London, 1737, iv, 807. Quillet (M.) * Consid6rations gene'rales sur les plaies d'armes k feu. 91 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 79, v. 121. von Quillfeldt (Franz). * Ueber Syphilis hereditaria tarda. 60 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bres- lau, T. Schatzky, 1888. Quillin (Gulielmus). *De ictero. 3 p. 1., 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1788. QuillOt (Alexaiidre-Eniile). *I. fitablir les causes, ddcrire la marche etlessympt6mesdu pemphigus chronique. II. [etc.]. 48pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 74, v. 380. QuillOt (Camille). * Relation d'une constitution bilieuse et d'une 6pide"mie de dysenterie, ob- serv6es a Semur en Auxois (C6te-d'Or) pendant l'automne 1859. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 115. QuillOt (Emile). * Des avantages et des incon- veriients du forceps. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 432. Quimby (I. N.) A new mode of treatment of congenital talipes; also a new mode of amputa- tion at the ankle-joint. 12 pp. 8°. Jersey City, Pangborn, Dunning 4" Dear, 1875. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1870, xxi. -----. The criminal use of chloroform. 7 pp. 8C. Jersey City, 1881. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi. Quimby (J. W.) Veterinary tablet, being a synopsisof the diseases of horses, with their cause, symptoms, aud cure. 1 broadside, fol. Tren- ton, [n. d.]. Quiiiiper. See Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc., of), by localities. Quill (Charles William). *De hydrocephalo in- terno. 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smel- lie 1779. Also,in.- Smkllie. Thesaurus med. [etc.]. 8°. Edinb., 1785, iv, 135-150. QUIN. 952 QUINCY. Quill (Chiirles William)—continuetl. ------. A treatise, on the dropsy of thebrain, illus- trated by a variety of cases. To which are added, observations on the use and eflects of the Digita- lis purpurea in dropsies. 227 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1790. ------. Thesame. Abhandlung fiber die Gehirn- wassersueht durch praktische Falle erliiutert, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Gebrauch und die Wirkungen ties rothenFingerhuts in verschiede- nen Arten der Wassersucht. Aus dem Eng- lischen Iibersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen begleitet von Dr. Christian Friedrich Michaelis. vi, 126 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1792. Quin (Fredericus H. F.) *Dearsenico. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. ------. Du traitement homceopathique du cho- lera, avec notes et appendice. 64 pp. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1832. [P., v. 513.] ------. The same. Die homoopathische Behand- lung der Cholera. Aus dem Franzosischen des Pariser Originals iibersetzt von Ernst Georg von Brunuow. viii, 9-56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, Arnold, 1832. [P., v. 741.] ------. Pharmacopceia homceopathica. xxviii, 164 pp. 8°. Londini, S. Bighley, 1834. Quin «ll.). Co-Editor of: Southern (The) Botanico-Medical Col- lege Journal, Forsyth, Ga., 1842-3. Quina (Abrahamus). *De medicina. 31. 4°. Lugd. Bat., D. et A. a Gaasbeer, 1660. Quina morada. Arata (P. N.) & Canzoneri (F.) La corteza de quiiia morada; Pogonopus t'ebrifugus Benth et Hook. Kev. argent, de cien. m6d., Buenos Aires, 1888, v, 165-177. Qllinan ( John R. ) The introduction of inoc- ulation and vaccination into Maryland, histor- ically considered. Read before Baltimore Med. Association, May 14, 1883. 12 pp. 8°. [Balti- more, lr*83. ] Repr. from .- Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x. ------. Medical annals of Baltimore from 1608 to 1880, including events, men, and literature ; to which is added a subject index and record of public services. 274 pp., 1 1., port. 8°. Bal- timore, I. Friedenivalcl, 1884. Qllinart (P.-V.-Jules). *De la chlorose et de l'au^mie; iusister particulierement sur le dia- gnostic de ces affections g6n6rales ou coustitu- tionnelles. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 70, v. 463. Qiliiiby (Henry C.) What can a mother do to preserve her children's teeth ? 59 pp. 12°. Lon- don, Hamilton, Adams rf- Co.; Liverpool, G. C. Walmsley, 1887. ------. Dentition and the care of teeth. Edited and published by Dr. D. G. Williams. 32 pp. 16°. Boston, W. F. Brown 4- Co., [n.d.]. Quincerot (Ch.-L.) Manuel tie thdrapeutique dentaire speciale et de matiere medicale appli- quee a l'art dentaire, suivi d'un formulaire k l'usage des praticiens. viii, 94 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' E. Lecrosnier, 1886. Also, Editor of: Gazette odontotechnique de France, Paris, 1884-5. Quince*. Alibert (J.-L.) Considerations physiologiques sur le fruit du coiguassier. M6m. soc. med." d'6mnlat. de Par. [an v], an vi [1798], i, 257-265, 1 pl. -----. Extrait d'un in6moire sur l'usage 6conomique et medical du fruit du coiguassier. Ibid., 506-509. Quinclie (Pierre-Henri). * Recherches sur la transfusion du sang. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No 223, v. 623. Quineie. I3-368. — Auge (S.) Nouveau mode d'adniinistrer lc sulfate tie quiuine dans les affections ptiriodiqnes. Hull. gen. tie th6rap., etc., Par., 1865, lxviii, 397-402. — Bardcl. Emploi du viu de quiuium comme tonique et febrifuge. Kev. de th6rap. m£d.-chir., Par., 1868, xxxv. 567-570. — Barozzi. Rap- port sur 26 6chantillons de sulfate de quinine. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1861, iv. 18. — Berquier. I)es extraits fluides pour la pr^parati n du vin dc qiiiuqttina. Repert. de pharm.. Par., 1875, n. s., iii, 545-549. — Binz (C.) l'harmakologische Studien iiber Chinin: Gesehicht- lic es; Scliimuielbildung in Ohininlosiingen ; Versuche iiber Antisepsis bei innerem Gebrauch ; oertlich bei Heu- fieber und Keuchhusten; Versucbe iiber einige Surro- gate: die Beziehungen zu den Eiterzellen ; Versuche iiber die Heniinuiig von Oxydationsvorgiingeu; Nervenwir- kung des Chinin ; Untersuchungen iiber den Nachweis im Haru. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1869, xlvi, 67; 129. -----. Literarische Notizen zu Heubach. Phar- makodynamik des Chiuins. Arch. f. expei. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1875, v, 39-54. -----. Ueber die Ei- genschaft desChinins in Form seiner neutral oder schwach basisch reagirenden SalzealsProtoplasmagift. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1880, 2(>3; -'44.—Black (J. R.) French and American quiniue. Cincin. I.aucet efe Clinic, 1880, n. s., iv, 79-82. — Bona- ventura (L.) Delia solubilita dei sali di chinina nell' al- buinina, causa del loro assorbimento sulle piaghe vescica- torie ; e modo tli amrainistrarli senza inconveniente ahuno in qualunque tempo del parosismo delle febhri niiasma- tiche. Morgagni, Napoli, 1858, ii, 65-75. —Bote! y Car- reras (D.) ohservacioues sobre la preparacion del lactato de quiuina y el bromuro de la niisma base. Gac de sanid. mil , Madrid, 1877, ii, 603-606.—Bra uit. Nole sur la preparation du sulfate de quinine retire du quinquina 6puise par les d6coctions aqueuses. Kec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil, Par., 1827, xxiii, 236-248. •-----. Deuxienie note snr le sulfate de quinine retire de quinquinas epuises par des decoctions et macerations preliminaires et sur les re- cherches faiies pour constater la presence tie la quinine dans les extraits de ces tleeoctionset macerations. Ibid., 1828, xxiv, 394-409.—Cardone (G.) Annlisi chimica della china bicolorata, ed esatta not izia sulla pianta che produce tale corteccia. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1826, xxxviii, 241-246. — Carles (P.) Sur le vin de quinquina. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1874, xiv, 297-300. -----. Quina concentr6, pour preparer immediatement le vin de quinquina. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bor- deaux, 1875, 116-118. — Carminati efe Paletla. Nuovi cenni sulla china bicolorata; seguiti ela tjunlchc ronsitleni- zione sul valore eminente.meute accortlattt al sol lato tli chi- nina in detto rapporto, e da due elenchidi chine possedute, e di chine desiderate per la compilazione tl' una nuova chi- nologlt. Ann univ. di med.. Milano, 1825, xxxiv, 384-411, 1 tab.—Cassoni (E.) lit ndiconto di un' aualisi sopra una pillola nella quale si sospe ttd fossevi in luogo del bisolfato di chinina, il solfato comune o bi-basico. Bull. d. sc. med. tli Bologna, 1856, 4. s . vi, 179-186 — Castle (F. A.) A vehicle for quinine, and tlie treatment of whooping- cough. Metl. Rec, N. T , 188(1. xxx, 319.—Cavallo (P.) Della sohibilit'i dei sali di chiniua nell' allmmina; causa del loro assoi himento sulle piaghe vescicatorie ; e modo di amministrarli senza inconveniente ahuno in qualunque tempo del parossismo delle febhri niiasmatiehe. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1860, 4. s., v, 4'J-tiL'.—Cazac. Note sur Quinine. la preparation ties pilules de sulfate de quinine. Rev. m6d. de, Toulouse, 1870. iv, 283-28:>.-Cornish (\V. R.) On the therapeutical value of amorphous quinine and other alka- loids obtained fr.....chinchona barks grown iu India. Mad- ras Mouth. J. M. Sc. 187(1, i, 35-43 - C'i-oIuh. Les quin. quinas bhmes a Lyon. Lyon metl., 1874, xvii, 129-131.- < ullei-i-e. Observation tl'alcoolismc par It- vin de quin quina. Kec. d. actes du Coiiiileiiitd.il. lioiiiliisiln Rhone Marseille, 1879-80, xviii. 119-124. — Daniel i V. E) A gootl way to give children quinine. Texas Cour-ltee- Metl., Fort Worth, 1883-4, i, no. 7, 14.—Del Buhba (T.) Del tlecotto di china ad alta dose. S|.<. 3. s., xxviii, 389-392.—Girault. De la saveur du sulfate de quinine etde d6truire son nmertume. Bull. Acad, de meel., Pat-., 1836. i, 610.—Glenard efe Guilliermond. Nouvelle methode de tlosage tie la quinine dans les quin- quinas. Ann. Soc. de m6d. tie Lyon, 1858, 2. s.. vi. 250-255.— Gouda (A.) Ilepi exiexiwi'a7roTeAeeT/uLaTaji' Siariov eTTLTpuj/tuiv Trjs Sia.\i\vf).evr)s tJeiiicTJs KLvivris. Ta\Tqvbg, ' A.8r)vai, 1881, T', 10; 28.—Gubner (A.) O povaerkae khinina. [On the test of quinine ] Med. Sbornik,Tiflis, 1866. no. 1,4.—Gue- i-elle. Memoire sur le sulfate de quinine, retire, des quin- qiiinasepuisespar les decoctions. Rec.de mem. de med . . . mil.. Par. 1825. xvii, 355-377. Also, Reprint.—Guicliard. Essai complet de sulfate de quinine. Duion pharm.. Par., 1882, xxiii, 53-58. Also, transl.: Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen, 1882, xx, 67-71.—Guillierinond (A.) fils. Proc6d6 pour le dosage de la quinine dans les quinquinas. Ann. Soc. de nied. de Lyon, 1858, 2. s., vi, 206. -----. Application tie la methode du dosage tie la quinine tie MM. Glenard et Guillierinoiid aux preparations pharma- ceutiques de quinquina. Gaz. med. de Par., 1860, 3. s., xv, 65-67. Also, Reprint. Also: France med.. Par., 1860. vii, 89-91. -----. Modifications du procede de quinim6trie ile Glenard et Guillierniond, richesse extraordinaire en qui- nine de certains quinquinas. Ann Soc. de nied. de Lyon, 1861, 2. s.. ix, 260-263. Also: Gaz. in6d. tie Lyon, 18(12.'xiv, 45 —Henry (O.) Nouveau procede pour determiuer it apprecier la proportion du sulfate de cinchonina qui existe daus le sulfate tie quinine du commerce. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1849, 3. s., xvi, 327-332. Also. Reprint.— Henry tils & I'liwwon. Mfeinoirepour servir a I'histoire de la quiuiue, tie hi cinchonine et de l'acide quiuique. J. de pharm., Par., 1kj7, xiii. 2i.s • 369. Also [Abstr]: Ann. de ehim. et ph\s., Par.. 18-e. xxxv, 165-185. Al*o, Reprint of 2. pt.—Hesse (O.) Chiniuprobe. Arch. tl. Phaim., Halle, 1878, 3. R., xiii, 490-495. Also: Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Scbatthauseu, 1879, xvii, 71-73. -----. Notes on quinine sulphate. Pharm. J. efc Tr., Lond., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 818; 1025. Also, transl.: Mouit, scient., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 924-928. — Heubach (H.) Keitrage zur Pharmakodynamik des Chinius. Arch f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1875. v, 1-38. [See, also, supra. Binz.] —Ilielbig(C) Kritische Beurtheilung der Methoden. welche zur Trennung untl quautitativen Bestinimuug der verschiedenen Chinaalkaloide benutzt werden. |Gekrdute Preisschrift.] Pharm. Ztschr f. Russlanil. St. Petersb., 1880, xix, 289; 321; 353; 385; 416; 449—I tit. Nouvelle note sur l'existeuce de la quininedans les i-6sidus provenant de hi preparation du vin lie quin- quina. Ke-e-. de mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1862, 3. s.. viii, 318-321).— Jakubovitch (I.) Materiali k pharnia- kologii khmiua. Med. Sboniik, Tiflis, 1876, no 21, 1-107.— Julia tie Fontenelle. Recherches sur le sulfate de quinine, extrait ties quinquinas 6puises par les decoctions. Rev. nied. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1825, iv, 72-81.— Jungfleisch (E.) Essai et analyse du sulfate de quinine QUININE. 955 QUININE. Quinine. officinal. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1887, 5. s., xv, 5-18.— Kernel- (G.) Ueber die Priifung ties kaiiflichen schwe- felsaureu Chinins auf fremde Chinaalkalolde. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1880, 3. R., xvi, 186-205. Also, transl. : Monit. scient.. Par., 1881, 3. s., xi, 152-100. —Kier (U. M.) Yerba sautsi (Eriodictyon califoruicum) as a means of dis- guising the taste of quinine. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fran., 1879, xxi, 451.—Laborde. Les conditions de purete de la quinine examinees au point tie vue phvsiologique. Tribune ni6tl, Par., 1883. xv. 61; 85: 97; 133.— I.a Came- ra (G.) Sulla formazione di un uovello preparato di anti- monio e chinina per usi clinici. Rendic. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1850, iv, 43-46.— Labeiis. Note stir l'tenoie de quina compose dit viu toni-nutritif aux quin- quina ct cacao. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1868. ii, 193-202 — Lalande (E.) Nouveau proc6d6 de dosage de la quinine dans les quinquinas. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1879, xxxii, 134-138.— Ij a II a res (K.) Ilepi Kivii>r)<;. Ta\vvbs, 'A0fivat., 1888, IH', 21; 33.—Langlois. Action de l'acide carbo- nique sur la quinine et la cinchonine; formation du car- bonate de quinine cristallis6. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . rail, Par., 1854, 2. s.. xiii, 428-432.—I,arrabee. 'Wasteless quinine. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville. 1879, xxv, 224-226.—Lie Beuf (L.) Note sur une modification a intro- duce dans la preparation du viu de quinquina. Repert. de pharm., Par.. 1874. n. s.. ii, 417-419. Also: J. dechim.ni6d., etc., Par.. 1874, xlviii, 385-388. — Legislation about qui- nine. [Edit.] Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Pbila., lt>80, xiii, 148.— I.cnz (W.) Was leisten die neueren Chininpriifungen? Versuche zu einer grundlegeuden Bearbeitung der Fra^e. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1888, xxvii, 549-631. Also, transl.: Monit. scient., Par., 1889, 4. s., iii. 43-104. —Liebig (B.) On amorphous quinine as it exists in the substance known in commerce as quinoidine. Lancet, Loud., 1846, i, 585-587.—Lussana (K.) Della necessita e del modo tli risparmiare i chinacei e di alcuni abusi in proposito Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3. s., i, 57-60.—Mackenzie (W.) Amorphous quinine. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871, iii, 257-261.—IVIalinin (J.) Eshche o soedinenii khinina s' glikokholovi khislotoi. [On the combination of quinine with glycocholic acid ] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1p68, viii, 130. -----. Ueber den Einfluss der Galle auf tlie 3hi- ninsalze. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1868, vi, 370. — Manetli ( L.) Produtti otteuuti dal chinato di calce del commercio; applicazioni cliniche dei inedesimi, lavoro di A. Scatenzio. Gazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853. 3. s., iv, 357: 373; 433. — Tla it in ( S. ) Incompati- hilite du sulfate de quinine et de la digitale pourjiree. Bull. gen. de theiap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 171.— ITIaynie. Du meilleur mode de preparation tlu vin de quinquina. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 498.—IVatoiss. Amorphous quinine. Lancet, Lond.. 1846, ii, 104.—IVcos TpoTro? xpriaeui TJje; Kennje;. 'Iarpiicr) MeAieTexa, 'Adr/vat, 1857-8, v. 379.—Paredes (F. A.) Estudio de los medios propuestos para reconocer la pureza del sulfato de quiuina. Gac. desanid. mil, Madrid, 1878, iv, 15; 25; 149; 210. — Pavcsi (C ) Del boro-koussinato di chiniua sotlico. In- dipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv, 373-377. — Pick ( R.) Ueber die Anwendung des Chinin in Form vou Supposi- torien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 277. — de Pietra Santa (P.) Considerations sur la nouvelle methode d'administrer le sulfate de quinine du docteur Raymond Bertella. Rev. med. fran9. et etrang., Par.. 1853, ii. 207-215. — Kapport lu au Conseil imperial de medecine, le 3 mars (19 t'6vrier) 1860, sur vingt-six 6chan- tillons de sulfate de quinine. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stantinople, 1860-61, iv, 18. Also, Reprint. — Kazetti M. (L.) efc Kuiz (T.) La quinina de Albrand analizada quiniicamente y estudiada en su accidn terapeutica. En- sayo m6d., Caracas, 1883-4, i, 64. —Regnauld (J.) Ob- servations sur quelques proprietes physiques tie la qui- nine. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1875, 4. s., xxi, 8-13. Also: Repert. de pharm.. Par., 1875, 11. s., iii, 169-174.— Regnauld (J.) efc Villejeau (E ) Recherches exp6ri- mentales sur quelques proprietes physiques des sels m6di- einaux de quinine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1887, cxii, 1; 49. — Maint-Plancat. Note sur le sirop de quinquina. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1872, vi, 302-307.— Schweitzer (J.) On foreign disulphates of quinine. Chem. News, Lond., 1861, iii, 245.—Sciumola (M.) Del cloro-autimouato di chinina; nuova combinazione studiata e descritta dal. . . Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1850, iv, 91-93. -----. Alcuni schiarimente intorno alia memoria del socio . . . sul cloro-antimonato di chinina. Ibid., 1851, v, 25.—Solger. Die Verbindung von-Chini- num sulfuricum mit Aciduni salicylicum. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1876, xiv. 229.—Souden (C. M.) Prof- iling af sulphas quinicus. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1867-8, iii, 707-710.—Soudan. Note sur la preparation du sulfate de quinine, et observation sur la non-existence des carbo- nates de quinine et de cinchonine. Rec. de mem. de nied. . . . mil, Par., 1838. xiv, 372-375.—Sousa ITiartins. Hydrato de quinina; indicacoes e preparacao. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1883, i, 39. — Sozzaui (P.) Intorno al battesimo dell' etere chinico. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. s., v, 245 —Tavernier. Nouvelle methode de dosage de la quinine dans les quinquinas. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, Quinine. 1859. xi, 17-19-Tliirault (M.-C.-J.) Pommade de st6a- rates de quinine et de soude a la glic6rine. Ann. Soc. ?*UI r«,8.—Commons (W.) Is quiuine a paturient agent? Oliio .M. Recorder, Columbus, 1878, iii, 109—Craig (A.) Effects of quinine upon the gravid uterus. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1877. vi, 249.—Cullen (P.) Is quinine an abortifacient? Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 279. —Deakin (S.) Quinine as an abortifacient. Ibid., 1878, xiii, 83.—De Cock (L.) Action du sulfate de quinine sur l'uterus. Hull. Seie ele nied. de Gand, 1873, xl, 410 —Dclthil. Acci- dents causes par le sulfate de quinine chez les femmes qui leniettent eii flacon. France m6d., Par., 1881, ii, 388.— Discussion ties travaux publi6sdans les Annales et Bul- letin de la Societe tie medecine de Gand, au sujet de Paction excito-motrice du sulfate de quinine. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1874, xii. 205-217: 1875, xiii. 104.—Duboue. De Pac- tion du sulfate de quinine snr Interns. Ann. dc gynec, Par., 1874. ii, 286-298. — Durocher (J/me.) Deve-se ou nao empregar o sulfate de quinina durante a gravidez nos casos de febres intermittentes ou paludosas? Aim. Brasil. de med., Rio de Jan., 1873-4, xxv, 428-434.—Eaaley eE. T.) Quinine in parturition. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876, iii, 237.—Eaton (T. J.) Is quinine a uterine motor stimulant? Kansas City M. J., 1872, ii, 69-73—Effects of quinine in labor. St. Louis M. efc S. J 1883. xiv, 159- 165.—Hrieksoii (G.) Is quinia an oxytocic ? Am. J M. Sc., Phila,, 1872, n.s., lxiv, 287—Krwiii (R. W.) Oxytocic properties of quiuine antl sulphate ot morphia. St. Louis M. efc S. J.. 1X72. n s., ix, 124-I2(i. —Fcderici (E.) Delia chinina in ostctiicia. .Movimento, Napoli, 1876, viii. 267- 27i>—Felieio dos Man Ion (A.) Da accao abortiva do sulpbato ele quinina. Kev. med., Rio de Jan.. 1873-4, i, 299; .'(32: 351—[Missus.J Action du sulfate de quinine sur l'uterus. Gaz. d. hop., Par. 1875, xlviii, 19— Fon- taine lA. W ) Effects of quinine on the gravid uterus. Am. M. Bi Weekly. Louisville, 1877, vi, 104-106. -----. Two instances in which quinine did not originate uterine contractions. Ibid., 1878, vin, 145-148.—Fort (L.) Le sulfate de quinine, est-il un medicament abortif? Bull. Soc in6d. de l'Yonne, Auxerre, 1*76, xvii, 22-24.—Fus- sell (M. H.) Quinine in labor. 1'niv. M. Mag.. Phila. 1889-90. ii, 10-13.—Garden (A.) Is quinine an abortifa- cient? Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 1; 31.—Glezen (E. A.) Is quinine a uterine stimulant? Ohio M. Recorder. Columbus, 1877-8. ii, 546.—Cray (R.) Quinineas au oxy- toxic. Olist. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1873, i. 398-400.—«ros- bans (G. P. F.) Historische mededeeling omtrent het gebmik van kina bij zwangeren. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel ni Verlosk., Utrecht, 1866-9, xvi, 256-259.—Harris IJ C) Will quinine originate contractions in the gravid uterus? Am. Pract., Louisville, 1872, v, 206-2t !». —Hauss- niauii. Ueber die Wehen erregeude Wirkung ties Chi- nin bei Schwangeren. Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 1882, xix, 562-504 A Iso, Reprint. A Iso. transl..- Gaz. med brazil. Rio tie Jan., 1882, i, 411-418— Hawes (W. A.) Case ap- parently showing that quinine does not possess oxytocic virtues. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1877, iv', 363- 366—Henry (G H.) Quinine in pregnaucv. Boston M. efc S .1 is53-4. xlix. 395.—Hobbs < W. ) Quinine as a parturifacient. Indiana J. M., Indianap. 1870-71. i, 264- 268 —von Josch (J. R.) Ueber Chinin als Ekbolikum. Wien. med Presse, 1872,xiii, 817-821—I,andis(H.G.) The action ot quinine on the uterus. Phila. M. Times 1872-3 iii, 276.—Leeds (O. 11.) On the actie.n of quinine on the uterus. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1872, n s., lxiv 437.— Lewis ( M. ) Is quinine an oxytocic? Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878, iv.769-778 —.TlcPheelers. Oxy- tocic properties of quinine. Proc St. Louis M Soc. Mi's souri (1S78), 1879, i, 236-240.—iTIoncorvo tafford (O. B.) Cases illustrating the value of quinine in accelerating parturition. N. York M. J., 1875, xxi, 168-171 —Stewart (N.) Quinine as an aborti- facient. Med. efc Surg Reporter, Phila.. 1887, Ivii. 829-831.— Stock man. Pent tin administrer le quinquina pendant la grossesse. apres l'accouchement et durant la periode menstruelle? Ann. Soc,. dem6d. de Gand, 1873, li, 157-165.— Thezet. Le sulfate de quiuiue n'a aucun inconvenient chez les femmes dans l'etat de grossesse. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1846, xxx. 459. — Thomas (J. P.) Quinine as an oxytocic Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1877, vii, 49-53— Washington (B. H.) Quinia as a par- turient. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1875, xv, 40-43. —Wathen (J. H.) Quinine as au ecbolic. Practitioner, Lond., Ih76, xvii, 38-40.—West (J.J.) Quinine in pregnaucv. Savan nah J. M., 1858-9, i, 19-28— Westmoreland (R. W.) Quinine an ecbolic Atlanta M. efc S. J.. 1878-9, xvi, 645.— Wctherly (J. S.) Quinine-in uterine conception. Rich- mond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1875, xix 17-22 — Wiendahl (J. H.) Malaria, quiuine, antl preguaney; three cases in point. N. Oil M. ek S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 459-462.—Wilson (J. S.) Action of sulphate of quinine on the uterus. South. M. efc S J., Augusta, 1855. n. s.. xi, 341-343—Wolfe (H.S.) Is quinine an oxytocic? A brief review of the question. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 145-147. —Wood (H. C.) Two experiments upou the influence of large doses of quiuiue upon pregnant am mais. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv. 675— Woodward (J. R.)- Retrocedent or remitting parturient labor successfully treated with the sulphate of quinine. N. Orl. M. & S J. 1860-61, xvii, 67.—Wood worth (B. S.) Quinine as au oxytocic. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs'., 1878. xxi. 384. Quinine (Adulterations of). Peloux (A.) *Couimeut peut-ou reconualtre si le suli'nti'tle quinine contienttlu sulfate tie ciu- choiiine? 4°. Paris, 1840. Adulterated sulphate, of quinine. Indian M. Gaz. Calcutta, 1872, vii, 187.—Allen (A H.) On thedetermiiia- tion of quinine. Analyst, Lond. 1876-7 i, 19-25 —Bour- QUININE. 957 QUININW. Quinine (Adulterations of). lier (C.) Note sur un procede simple pour reconnaitre et closer la salicinc, tlans le sulfate de quinine falsifie par cette substance. Gaz. ro6d. de Lyou, 1855, vii, 177. Also: Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil, Par., 1857, 2. s., xix, 331-334.— dc Cesaris (L.) Le adulterazioni del solfato di chiniua. Gazz. metl. di Roma, 1877, iii, 85.—Cozzcns (I.) Observa- tions on the sulphate of quinine, and its adulteration. N, York M. efc Phys. J., 1824, iii, 471— Della-Mudda (G.) Stride sur les falsifications pharmaceutiques: du sulfate de quinine Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1860, iii, 101- 103.—Oelondre (A.) efc Henry (O.) Note sur les falsi- fications et l'epreuve du sulfates de quinine. J. de pharm. tit cbim., Par., 1852, 3. s., xxi, 281-286. Also, Reprint.— Fiiquctf de I'administration medicale civile sur les so- phistications du sulfate tie quinine. Gaz. metl. d'Orient, Constantinople. 1876-7. xx. 105-109.—Ferrari (('.) Sobre las adulteraciones del sulfato tie quinina. Siglo med., Ma- drid, 1854, i, 67.—Oenevoix (15.) Falsification du sulfate de quinine, fourni aux hopitaux de Paris. [From: Figaro.] ,J. de 11161I. de Bordeaux, 1882-3, xii, 362.— Ciies [et al.]. Proces-verbal de la centre-expertise sur lanalyse d'un lot de sulfate de quinine de la fabrique de M. Zimmer de Francfort. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1884-5, xxvii,114; 131.—Jungfleisch (E.) Rapport sur l'analyse de sulfate de quinine officinal. Tribune ni6d.. Par., 1886, xviii, 329; 342.—E^aborde. Du sulfate de quinine des hopitaux de Paris. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 797-799.—liegrip (V.) Sur la falsification du sulfate de quinine; moyen tie l'eiiipecher. J. de cbim. med., etc., Par., 1851, 3. s., vii, 49-54— flai-tin (S.) Falsifica tion du quinquina iaune officinal. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1876, xc, 259-261.—lTIounet (G.) efc Descamps (A.) Nouvelle falsification du sulfate de quinine. Alger med., 1876, iv, 57.—Paul (B. H.) Presence of ciuchonidine iu the quinine sulphate of commerce. Analyst, Lond., 1877, ii, 7.—Pratesi (C.) Solfato di chinina; nuove possibili sofistificazioni e mododiriconoscerle. Imparziale, Firenze, 1877, xvii, 451-457.—Pncci (F.) Sofisticazione del solfato di chinina mediante il nitrato potassico. Gior. di farm., etc, Torino, 1876, xxv, 529.—Vogel (A.) Zur Chininprii- fung. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1885, xv, 1-8. Quinine (Hypodermic use of). Dziewonski (C.) * Etude sur les injections hypotlerniiquesde bromhyilrate et de sulfoviuate de quiuiue. 4°. Paris, 1878. Gradzitski (L. G.) * Materialy k klinicheskoi otsenke podkojnych vpryskivaiiii sernokislago chiniua. [Clinical value of hypodermic injec- tions of sulphate of quinine] 8°. St. Peters- burg, If 6)8. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1868, cii, pt. 3. Pasquier (P.) *De l'emploi du bichlorliy- drate de, quiuine (^chlorhydrate chiuiiquement ueutre) pour les injections liyperdermiques de quiuiue. 4°. Paris, 1889. Proust (E.-A.) *De l'emploi du sulfate de quinine par la m6thode bypodermique. 4°. Paris, 1866. Aitken (L.) Note on the subcutaneous injection of salts of quinine. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1885, ii, 695.—Ar- nonld (T.) Injections hypotlerniiquesde sulfate de qui- uiue. Gaz. hebd. de med.', Par., 1867, 2. s., iv, 471.— Ba. dia (S.) Contribucion a lamedicaciou hipeielermica; nue- vas aplicaciones del sulfato de quinina empleado en esta forma. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel, 1879, iii, 2. — Ber- natziU (W ) Zur Frage iiber die Loslichkeitsverhalt- nisse ties sauren schwefelsauren Chinins vom Stand- punkte seiner Verwendung zu subkutanen Injektionen. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 601-606.— de Beurmann et Villejenn. Des injections hypodermiques de quinine. Hull. gen. de therap., etc., Par'., 1888, cxiv, 193; 261.— Blacher (K.) Opodkozhnom vpriskivaniikhinina. [On subcutaneous injections of quinine.) Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1868, ci, pt. 3, 431-464. — Bocquillon- I.imonsin (H.) Injections hypodermiques de sulfovi- nate tie quinine. Bull. Soc. de nied. prat, de Par., 1889, 277-2K).—Bourdon (H.) Note sur les injections sous- cutanees de sulfate de quinine, a 1'occasion de la communi- cation eli' Fauvel. Union med., Par., 1865, n. s., xxvii, 545- 548.— Bonlcloup. A propos des injections sous-cutanees de sulfate tie quinine. J. de 11161I. et pharm. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1877, ii, 47-49.—Bonyer (A.) De l'influence ties injections hypodermiques de sulfate de quinine dans un cas tie fievre symptomatique simulant une fievre hectique. (Observation lite a la Societe des sciences medicales de Lyon.) Bull, gen.de therap., etc., Par., 1866, lxxi, 122- 126. Also [Rap. de Tripier (R.)]: M6m. et compt.-rend Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1866), 1867, vi, 71-74 Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xviii, 403-405.—Burnet (J. B.) [J-hheit al solution of quinia for the purpose of hypoder mic injection.J N. Oil. J M., 1868, xxi, 740.—Caldas Quinine (Hypodermic use of). (M. M. P.) Injeccoes hypodermicas tie sulfato tie quinia. (iaz. med. da Bahia, 1867, ii. 76-79 —C'hasseaud. A propos des injections sous-cutauees de quiuine Bull gen. deth6rap., etc., Par, 1888, cxiv, 403. — Collan (J.) Neu traalisen kiuiini kloorihydraatin (kiiiiiiii-uikloorihwiraa- tin) ihon-alaisesta ruiskutuksesta. [On subcutaneous in- jection of neutral hydrochlorate of quinine] Duodecim, Helsingissa, 1888, iv, 140-150. —Desgiiin. Note sur ['ad- ministration du sulfate de quinine par la methode hypo- deriuiqne,. Arch. med. beiges, Brux , 1865, 2. s . ii. 215- 249.—I>iez (C.) Des injections hypotleimiques de sels tie quinine. Rev de therap. m6d. chir.. Par., 1881, xlviii, 62-69. — Fauvel. Sur les constitutions medicales a Con- stantinople. [Fievres palud6ennesl Bull, et m6m. Seie. m6d. d. bop. tie Par., 181,6, 2. s., ii, 143-153. —Fede (F.) Due casi d' iniezitine ipodeimica del solfato tli chi- nina. Movimento, Napoli, 1870, ii, 201-203. — CJnli- gnani. Sul bicloridrato tli ichiuino per uso ipodet-inico; impurita ed accidenti locali. Gimlichno da Saliceto. Pia- cenza, 1881-2. iii, 257-261.—CSalti (F.) II bicbloriilrato di chiniua e la medicazione ipoderniica. Gazz. d. osp . Mi- lano, 1880, i, 289-301—Orosoli (G ) Sul nuovo sale di chinina per le iniezioni ipodermiche; risposta al Dr. P. Scluvardi. Spallanzani. Modena. Ic8l). ix, 117 —tinice (N. L.) The hypoilerinic use of sulphate of quinine. .Mis sissippi Valley M. Month , Memphis, 1883, iii, 344-349 Also: Tr. Mississippi M. Ass , Jackson, 1883, xvi, 73-79 — Hamilton (\V.) On hypodermic, solution of sulphate of quinia. Madras Month". J M. Sc, 1872. v, 417-420 — Ilaynes (F. L.) The hypodermic use of the sulphate of quinia. Med. Times, Phila. 1870-71, i, 450,—Hunter (G. Y.) Note on the subcutaneous injection of quinine. Lan cet. Lontl, 1876, i, 527-529. — Kin lie (A. F.) Quinine sub ciiianeously administered. Obst. Gaz., Cincin , 1881, vii, 230-234 —de Facade (J.) Inyecciones hipotiermicas de quinina. Gac. de sanid. mil, Madrid, 1876. ii, 569-573.— Feme (F. D.) On the treatment of intermittent fever bv the hy policlinic injection of quinine. N. York M. J., 1874, xix. 232-257 -----. Correspondence on the hypodermic use of quinine. •'Ibid., xx, 635. -----. Solution ol quiuiue for hypodermic use. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 525.— illcF'oy (J. C.) Quinine subcutaneously. Ibid., 1880, x\ iii. 153.—.Tl't'railh (J ) On the hypodermic injection of quinine. Proc. Roy. M ei. Chir. Soc Lond., 1864-7, v, 122. ----. Subcutaneous injection of quinine. Med. Times & Gaz., Lontl. 1862. ii,367 — iVlcGann (T.) Hy poilermic use of quinine. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1871, iv, 398-400. —Mitchell (W. S.) A case of ulcer and tet- anus, following the hypodermic use of quinia, and resulting in tleath. South. J. M. Sc.. N Orl , 1866, i, 444-446—IVa- m ins (G.) Sul form iato di chinina per injezioni ipoder- miche e sopra altri farmachi usati con questo metotlo; danni e vautaggi di esso; sperimenti ipodermici del lattato di ferro iu un caso di anemia con analisi del sangue e altre annotazioni cliniche. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1869, 3. s., xi, 325-330— Otto (A.) Ueber subcutane Injec- tion von Chinin. Arch f. klin Chir., Berl, 1871, xii, 1089.— Parker (J. P.) Dihydrobromide of quinine for subcuta- neous injections. N. York M. J., 1888. xlviii, 660.—Pihan- Diifcillay (O.) De I'administration du sulfate de qui- nine en injections sous-cutanees. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc.. Par., 1865, lxviii, 433; 491— Poulsen (J. P.) Nogle Iagttagelser angasende den h>poderniatiske Injection af Chiuiu. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh.', 1865, viii, 121-123. — Pren- gneber (A.) Les injections sous-cutanees de sulfotar trate de quinine et de sulfovinate de quinine au point de vue des accidents inflammatoires consecutifs. Alger m6d., 1877, v, 10-12. —Bogers ( G. G. ) On hypoder- mic injection of quinia in ague. Lancet, Loud., 1870, ii, 532.— Bogers (S.) The hypodermic use of quinine. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1870-71, v, 262; 427. -----. The hypodermic use of quinine; a dangerous experimental medication, and rarely justifiable. N. York M. J., 1874, xx, 225-237. Also, Reprint.—Bosenthal (M.) Subkutane Injektio- nen von Chinin bei Intermittens. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, Vi 353.-----. Kritische Bemerkungen fiber subkutane Chinin-Injektionen. "Wien. metl Presse, 1867, viii, 531- 534.—Bouxeau. Nouveaux faits pour servir a I'histoire des injections hypodermiques de sulfate de quiuiue. J. de m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1875, ix, 44-50— Schivardi (P.) 11 bicloridrato di chinina per le injezioni ipodermiche. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1879, 8.s., i, 451-453. [See, also, infra, Vitah (D.)] -----. II bicloridrato di chinina; nuovo sale per le injezioni sottocutauee Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1880, cell, 261-266. -----. Di un nuo- vo sale di chinina per le injezioni ipodermiche. Spallan zaui, Modena, 1880. ix, 28-30. [See, also, supra, Grosoli (G.)]—Scriven (J. B.) Subcutaneous injection of qui nine. Laucet, Lond., 1876, i 650. -----. The hypodermic injection of quinine. Ibid., 1881, ii, 1122.—Segnin (E C.) Oil the treatment of malarial fevers by the subcutaneous use of sulphate of quinia. N. York M. J., 1867-8, vi, 215-225 -----. Hypodermic injection of quinine. Med. Rec, N Y., 1870-71, i, 381. Also, in his: Op. min., [etc.] 8°, N. Y., 1884, 22-26—Sonrrotiille (A.) Inuocuite des injections hypodermiques de sulfate de quinine Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s. xiv 651.—Talley (R. P ) The QUININE. 958 QUININE. Quinine (Hypodermic use of). hypodermatic use of bi-mui late of quinine and urea in the practice of medicine. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 577-585.—Thomas. Note sur le sulfate neutre de quinine, ct son emploi et injections sous-cutau6es. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1878, 3. s., xxxiv, 609-611.— Vco (A.) Sur la preparation des dissolutions de sulfate de quinine destinees aux injections sous-cutan6es. Bull. g6n. de th6rap„ etc.. Par., 1865, lxix, 177-179.—Vitali (D.) Nuove osservazioni sul bicloridrato di chinina per uso ipo- tlermico, in risposta al Or. P. Schivardi. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1879-80, i, 187-192.—Whittaker (J. T.) Note on quinine for hypodermic use. Cincin. Lancet f ejuinia in large doses. X. York J. M., 1846, vi, 202-208.—4»riiinell (F.) Quinhiphobia. Cincin. Lancet eV Obs., 1877, xx, 255-258. — Ilarless. Chininum phospho- ricum, empfohleu von . . . Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1829, v, ")()5-583.— Hesse (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung grosser Chinindosen auf fleberhafte Zustande. Arch. d. Heilk.. Leipz., 1875, xvii, 95.—Johnston (J. T.) On the injudi- cious administration of quinine. Savannah J. M., 1859-60, ii, 235-237.—Johnston (\V. P.) Report on Ur. Buck's paper. Boston M. efc S. J., 1845, xxxii, 379.—iTIanson (O. F.) Ou large doses of quinine in fever and inflammation. Stethoscope efe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 122-128.— illay (J. E.) On the remedial use of sulphate of quinine in huge doses. Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1K17, x. 217-227.—Porter (J. B.) Analysis of an '-Official report to the Surgeon General TJ. S. Army, on the use of large doses of sulphate of quinine in diseases of tlie South, with notices of the climate antl diseases of Klurida ". Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1845, n. s., x, 296-316—Beports on the ad- ministration of quinine iu large doses. Statist. Rep. sick- ness efc Mortal. Army U. S. 1839-55, Wash., 1856, 638-690.— Nachcro. Intorno al persolfato di chinina. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1842, xiv, 188-190.—Smith (A. A.) The danger of large doses of quinine. N. York Al. J., 1884, xxxix, 115.—Surdnn (L.) Sur les abus de l'emploi du sulfate de quinine; avantaues des petites doses. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 318.—Thorn (VV. A.) Ou the effects of large doses of sulphate of quinine. Med. Exam., Phila., 1847, n. s., iii, 217-219.—Use (On the) of large doses of quinine. Report of a committee of the med- ical department of the National Institute on Dr. Buck's paper: "On the use and abuse of medicine". Boston M. efc S. J., 1845, xxxii, 289-297.—Van Bnren (W. H.) On the use of large doses of quiuiue. Ibid., 315.—Webb (B. D.) Quinine—a sedative in large doses. Stethoscope efc Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 173-182.—Wright (J. W.) Three cases illustrating the occasional action of large doses of quinine. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 116. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). See, also, Antiphlogistics, etc.; Blood (Cor- puscles of , White); Convulsions (Treatmentof); Dextro-quinine; Erysipelas (Treatment of); Fever (Malarial, Treatment of) by quinine—Ender- mic, etc., methods; Fever (Typhoid), Fever (Ty- phus), Fever (Yellow), Neuralgia, Treatment of; Puerperal fever (Treatment of); Rheumatism (treatment of )by quinine; Spleen (Enlarged,etc.). Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). Binz ( C. ) Experimentelle Uutersuchungen uber das Wesen der Chinin wirkung. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Block (W.) * Ueber deu Einfluss des salzsau- ren Chinin und des saltpetersaureu Kali auf Tem- peratur und Herzaction. 8°. Gottingen, 1870. Bochefontaine (L.-T. ) * Action physiolo- gique dela quinine sur la rate. 8°. Meeiux, 1873. Boehlek(J. J.) *Dechiniiio sulphurico. 4°. Lipsice, [18-28]. Bolleh (C.) * Ueber die Ein wirkung dis Chi- nin auf die Milz. 8°. Greifswald, 1871. Bkiquet (P.) Traite" therapeutique du quin- quina it de sis preparations. 8°. Paris, 1853. Chaperon (T. A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der physiologischen WirkungdesChinin. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1869. Also, in: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 293-296. Chikone (V.) Sul valine febbrifugo della chi- nina; studj sperimentali e clinici. 8°. Napoli, 1872. ------. Mecanisme de Taction de hi quinine sur la circulation; recherches experiineutalcs executees au Museum d'histoire naturelle. 8°. Paris, 1875. Coste (J.-E.) * Essai sur les proprietes du sulfate de quinine. 4°. Paris, 1826. Couzen (0.) * Experimentelle Untersuchuu- geu iiber einige Ersatzmittel des Chiuin. 8°. Bonn,1868. Delabigne-Villeneuve (A.-M.) * Essai sur l'emploi et les effets therapeutiques du sulfate de quinine. 4°. Paris, 1834. Delavaux (E.-M.) * Essai sur le sulfate de quiuine connue agent antipyre"tique. 4°. Xancij, 1878. Desbrinetieres (E.-C.) *De 1'utilite dela percussion et du sulfate de quinine, dans tor- tains accidents eereUro-spinaux. 4°. Paris, 1854. Dupiis (L.) * Etude experimentale sur Fac- tion physiologique de la quinine. 4°. Paris, 1877. See, also, infra, Dupuis efc Lahorde. Escalliek (E.) De l'emploi du quinquina et du sulfate tie quinine a doses inhnit6simales daus les n6vralyies periodiqnes etdans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 8°. Paris, 186)2. Fauconneau-Difresne (V.-A.) Considera- tions therapeutiques sur les preparations de quinquina. 12c. Paris, 1866. Fickert (F.) Experimentelle Beitrage iiber den Einfluss des Chinin bei Jauchevergiftuug. 8°. Bonn, 1868. Fortin (E.-E.) * Etude sur le sulfate tie quinine. 4°. Paris, 1872. GEORGESCO (N.-T.) *Sur Taction physiologi- que et therapeutique du sulfate tie quinine. 4°. Paris, 1870. Goyen (A.) * Etude physiologique et thera- peutique dusnlfatede quinine. 4°. Paris, 1867. Gi'yochix (C.-G.) * Absorption, action phy- siologique et therapeutique, elimination et transformation de la quiuiue tlans 1'economie. 4°. Paris, 1872. Herapath (W. B.) On the discovery of qui- nine and quinidine in the urine of patients under medical treatment with the salts of these mixed alkaloids. 8C. [London, 1853.] Herbst (H.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der an- tiseptischeu Eigenschaft ties Chinin. 8°. Bonn, [1863?]. > Jansen (H.) * Untersuchungen iiber tlen Ein- fluss des schwef'elsauren Chinins auf die Kor- perwiirme und deu Stickstoffumsatz. 8°. Dor- pat, 1872. QUININE. 959 QUININE. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). ' Jert.salinsky (N.) Ueber die physiologische Wirkuug des Chinm. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Johannson (C.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss tier Ciuchoninresorption. 8°. Dorpat, 1870. Jones (A. H.) Remarks on sulphate of quinia. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1877. Kraevitch (D.) *0 vlijanii chinina na bro- ji>nie. [Effect of quinine on fermentation.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1869. Lacruz (F.) * Quelques considerations surle sulfate de quinine. 4°. Paris, 186,8. Lehmann (F. C. C.) * Observationes qusedam tie usu externo chininii, et muriatici et sul- phurici. 8°. Berolini, 1828. Lemaistre (P.) *Des effets physiologiques du sulfate de quinine. 4°. Paris, 1850. Low (A.) *Recherches sur le principe actif du quinquina, et sur son emploi medical. 4°. Paris, 1822. Magnin (P.) *De Taction de la quinine sur les fibres musculaires lisses. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Manson (O. F.) A treatise on the physiolog- ical aud therapeutic action of the sulphate of quiuine. 12°. Philadelphia, 1882. Martin (A.) * Das Chinin als Antiphlogisti- cum. 8°. Giessen, 1868. Monteverdi (A. ) Dimostrazione di una nuova importantissima virth medicamentosa della china e dei suoi preparati. 8°. Cremona, 1870. Also [Rev.], in: Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1876, xliii, 435-441. Also, transl. [Rev.] in: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1877, 7. s., iv, 32-35. Muller (M. ) * Ueber Hamoglobiu und Chiniu. 8-. Bonn, 1872. Oudemans (A. C), jr. Over het voortelijk draaiingsvermogen der voornaamste kiua-alka- loiden invrijenen gebonden toestand. 4°. Am- sterdam, 1875. Ozenne (G.) * Quelques vues pratiques sur l'emploi du quinquina dans les maladies. 4°. Part's, 1824. Palmer (A. B.) Lectures on sulphate of quinia; delivered in the regular course ofthe medical department of the University of Michi- gan. [Four lectures.] 8°. Detroit, Mich., 187)8. Plante de Mengelle (S.) *Du quinquina et de son emploi medical. 4°. Paris, 1827. Ransone (J. H. R.) * Ueber einige Beziehun- gen des Chinin zum Blute. 8°. Bonn, 1871. a Roy (C. H.) Waarnemingen gedaan met het sulfas tie quinine. Nevenseene waarneming over hetzelfde onderwerp, van J. C. B. Bernard. 8 \ A msterdam, 1822. Ruysschaert (A.) *De sulphate quinquime in curandis febribus prtesertim intermittentibus. 4 . Gandavi, [1830]. Sachs (L. W.) Die China nnd die Krank- heiten, welche sie heilt. Ein pharmakologisch- therapeutischer Versuch. 8°. Konigsberg, 1831. Scharrenbroich (C.) * Das Chinin als Anti- phlogisticum. 8°. Bonn, 1867. Schlockow (I.) *De chinii sulfurici vi physiologica experinientanonnulla. 8°. Vratis- lavice, [I860]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in; Stud. d. physiol.Inst, zu Bresl., Leipz., 1861, ii, 163-176. Schulte (A.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Chinin auf einen Oxydationsprozess im Blute. 12°. Bonn, 1871. Seegall(W.) * Die Wirkungen des Alkaloids Chiniu. 8C. Berlin, [1869]. .Semanas (P.-F.) Traite des frictions qnini- ques chez les enfants. 8°. Paris, 1859. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). Seket ( N. A. ) * De usu sulphatis chinines externo. 8U. Lugd. Bat., 1848. Sokoloff (J.) "O vlijanii soljanokislago chininanatemperaturujivotuich[etc.]. [Effects of quiuine on temperature.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1875. Soulier. * Contribution a l'etude experimen- tale de Taction physiologique du sulfate tie qui- nine, action sur la circulation, pouvoir toxique, effets convulsivants. 4°. Paris, 1883. de Sousa Loureiro (F.) Juizo imparcial do . . . em resposta a um medico, sen discipulo, e seu amigo, que o consnlta sobre o uso, e appli- cacao da quina, do sulfato de quinino, e da agua de Ingleteiia, nas febres, e nas molestias cnro- uicas. 8°. Lisboa, 1840. Stienox (L.) Pharmacologic experimentale. Action physiologique tie la quinine sur la circu- lation du sang. Experiences faites au labora- toire tie physiologie de TUniversite de Bruxelles. 8°. Bruxelles, 1876. Testory (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de Tac- tion physiologique du sulfate de quinine. 4°. Paris, 1881. Thau (H. M.) * Ueber deu zeitlicheu Werth der Ausscheidungsgrosse des Chinins bei Gesuu- deu untl neberhaft Kranken. 4°. Kiel, 1868. DE Tiedex (J. G. H.) * De chiniui sulphurici usu medico. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1825. Tomachevski (E.) * Vlijanie chinina na she- lochnoe brojenie mochi. [Influence of quinine in alcoholic fermentation of urine.] 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1870. Velichtovski (D.) *Materijal k phanuako- logii soljanokislago chiniua. [Pharmacology of sulphate of quinine.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1877. Voronoff (M.) *0 phiziologicheskome die- istvii chinina. [Physiological effects of quinine.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1868. Walbaum (S.) Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Chinin. 8°. Greifswald, 1868. Wenz (R.) *Die therapeutische Anwendung der China und ihrer Alkaloide. 8°. Tubingen, 1867. Wesche (V. J.) * Qusedam de chiniuio, prae- cipue tie externa ejus applicatione. 8°. Bero- lini, [18281. Yvax (N.-A.) * Dissertation sur le sulfate de quinine 4°. Pans, 1830. Action du sulfate de quinine contre certaines fievres d'acces. sans impaludisnie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 555. — A1ber toni (P.) efc Ciotto (F.) Sulle vie, di elimi- nazione e di azione elettiva della cbiniua. Gazz. metl. ital. prov. venete. Padova, 1876, xix, 93-98. Also, transl.: Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1876, xc, 360; 403. — Alexan- der (F. S.) Ueneeskundige Waarneininjitn omtrent bet sulphas chinffi. 'ItrtroKpaTri^, Rotterd., 18J4. vi, 203-274.— Allbutt (C. ) On tbe autipvretic action of quinine. Practitioner, Lond.. 1874, xii, 29-37. — Alvarenga (P. F. tla Costa). Accao da quina e seus dcrivados sobre a temperature, Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1873, 4. s., i, 589; 601.— Anclei'Mon (L. B.) Sulphate of quinine; a brief history of its physiological action. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1883. n.s., iv, 133; 185— Anthony (H. L.) The sedative action of quinine iu a case of phi enitis complicated with intestinal entozoa. Stethoscope efc Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond. 1852, ii, 541-544.—Apolloni (G.) efc Cenni (G. N.) II profes- sore Nestore Prota Giurleo ed i fllibustieri professional! Indipendente, Torino, 1876, xxvii, 329-334. — Arensi (F.) Sopra alcuni pretesi sali di chinina nscontro nell urma. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1886, xl, fasc. 3 \ 4, 23.— Arnold (A. B.) The therapeutic uses of quinine. Bal- timore M. J., 1870, i, 707-716. — Arntz (H.) Ueber den Einfluss des Chinins auf Wiirmeabgabe und Warinepro- duction. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol, Bonn, 1883. xxxi. 531- 576 1 diag. Also, Reprint. -----, Ueber den Einfluss des Chinins auf Wiirmeabgabe und Warmeprodiiktion. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885. vi, 553-555. — Arveili (S.) Kiflessioni sopra l'esame critico del Dott. Casorat i alle esperienze istituite sul solfato di chinina nell I. 11. Istituto veterinario di Milano. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1843. ii, 261 _____. Sull' azione del solfato di chinina. Ann. univ. QUININE. 960 QUININE. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). di med., Milano, 1843, cvi, 312-342. - Banal-en (G.) Ob- servaciones sobre la quina. Mem. r. Acatl. metl. de Ma- drid. 1797. i, 175-182. — Banerjee (B. N.) Extreme phys- itilngiral action of sulphate of quinine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1882, xvii, 177.—Barber (S. E.) The action of quiuiue in fever. Med. Brief, Wilson, N. C., 1873, i, 4'). Also: Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1874, xxxiii, 26.—Bardsley (J. L.) On the medicinal uses of cinchonia. and the sul- phate of quinia. In his: Hosp. Facts efc Obs., 8°, Lond , 1830, 133-145. — Barker (F.) Observations on tbe medi- cinal and chemical properties of the sulphate of quina. Tr. Ass. King's efc Queen's Coll. Phys. Ireland. Dubl, 1821- 4, iv. 261-272.— Barlow (C.) Dangers from tbe iuju dicinus use of quinine. Med. Age, Detroit, 1883, i, 94.— Barnard (G.) Was it malarious fever or sunstroke cured by quinine? Indian M. (Iaz., Calcutta, 1870, v. 50.— Barozzi di Ooito. Azione tinica tlei sali chinoidei e loro iudicazione nei morbi a processo continuo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1853. cxliv, 496— Barfholow (It ) The therapeutic uses and abuses of quinine and its salts. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 326-328. -----. Quinine and its salts. Proc. Connect, M. Soc, New Haven, 1868-71, 2. s., iii, 93-131. — Beanpoil. Des indications du sulfate de quiniue dans certaines formes des maladies aigues. Expose d. trav. de la Soc d. sc med. de la Moselle. Met/,, 1857, 147- 228.—Bell (J.) Quinine as an antipvi-e-tic. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 392-398—Bell (T. S.) Ou the history of quinine: the preparations of that article and their use in the treatment of tlisease. West. J. M. efc S., Louisville, 1850, 3. s., vi, 461-508. — Benton (A. W.) On the use of quiuine. Illinois efc Ind. M. efc S. J., Chicago efc Indianap., 1846-7, i, 497-499.—Berandi (L.) Sperienze intorno agli effetti tlei sali di chinina e di cinconina nell uomo sano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1829, Iii, 312-324.—Binz (C ) Ueber die Einwirkuug des Chinin auf Protoplasma-Bewe- gungen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat,, Bonn, 1867, iii. 383-389.-----. Das Chinin in den Krankheiten des kindlichen Alters. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1867-8, u. F., i, 233-250. -----. The use of quinine in the diseases of children. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1870-71, iii, 1-16. -----. Chinin als Hemmniss eiues Oxydationsvorganges. Centralbl f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1868. vi, 481. -----. Resultate neuerer Uutersuchun- gen iiber das Wesen der Chiuiuwirkung. Verhandl. tl. uatmlt. Ver. tl. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal, Bonn, 1868, xxv. 13. -----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die anti- septischen Eigenschaften desChiuius. Ibid., 29-31. -----. Die Verminderung der farblosen Blutkorperchen durch Chinin. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1869, xxi, 153-155. -----. Quinine and colourless blood-corpuscles. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, ix, 141-147. -----. Ueber die antipyretische Wirkung von Chinin uud Alkobol. Arch. f. path. Anat , etc., Berl, 1870, li, 6; 153. -----. Weitere Studien iiber Chinin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 564; 575. -----. Ueber Chinin und Blut. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol , Leipz., 1873, i, 18-30. -----. Chiuin bei kiinst- licher uud spontaner Septieamie, so wie im Abdoini- naltyphus; Untei schied seiner Wirkung bei Fiebernilen und Gesunden. Berl. klin. Wchnschr." 1875, xii, 96-98. -----. Das Chinin als ausseres Heihnittel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1877, iii, 525-528.—Binz (E.) Pro- toplasmic movement and quinine. Quart. J. Mier. Sc, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxiv, 682-684.—Bird (R.) The mode of action of quinine in the cure of intermittent fever. Indian Ann. M. Se. Calcutta, 1876, xviii, 10-19. — Black (J. R.) On the use of quinine in brain disease. Cincin. Lan- cet efc Obs., 1865, viii, 9-16 — Black well ( E. T. ) On quinine in fevers and disorders accompanying them. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 355. — Bochefon- taine. Experiences relatives a taction du sulfate de quinine sur la circulation sanguine. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 8-11. -----. Experiences rela- tives au pouvoir convulsivaut da sulfate de quiuiue et k sou action sur la circulation sanguine. J. tl. conn. m6d. prat,, Par., 1883, 3. s., v, 27. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 70-76.—Boling (W. M.) Effects of quinine on the pulse, opium eating, etc. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1852-3, ix, 746-752.—Booth (W. A.) Observations and remarksupon theaction of the sulphate of quinine. Ibid., 1848-9. v, 15-28. -----. Quinine: tbe importance of under- standing, and the theory relating to its modus operandi. N. Oil. M. News efc Hosp.'Gaz., 1860, vi, 249. — Bordier (A.) Du pouvoir excito-moteur tlu sulfate de quiuine. J. de therap.. Par . 1881. viii, 768-770.-Boudet (F.) Note sur la quinine. J. d. conn, ni6d.-ch.ir., Par., 1834-5, ii, 79.— Bou- que (E.) De l'emploi du sulfate de quinine comme excito- moteur des fibres niusoulaires de la vie organique. Bull. Soc de metl. deGand, 1872, xxxix, 347-361.—Boymond. Equivalents therapeutiques des sels de quinine. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1887, 5. s., xv, 449-452. Also: Bull. et m6m. Soc. de therap.. Par, 1887, 2. s.. xiv. 58-61.— Bramblett (W. H.) Some of the phenomena produced by large> doses of tbe sulphates of quinia and cinchonidia when given as antipyretics and autiperiodics. Tr. M Soc. Virg. 1878, Richmond, 1879. 464-466 - Briquet. Regies generales de I'administration du quinquina et de ses pr6- Qlimine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). paratious. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par 1855 xlix, 163; 210; 247; 353; 5U3 ; 544. -----. Emploi therapeutique des preparations de quinquina, Gaz. hebd. tic metl Par., 1856, iii, 4-7. -----. Du quinquina au point de vue de 1'homiBopathic. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc.. Par 1859, lvi, 203-208. -----. Reflexions theoriques et pratiques sur le mode d'action et sur le mode d'aihuinistiat um des sels tie quinine. Ibid., 1872, lxxxiii, 289, 337. - Hroglia dal Peraico (L.) Due casi coniprovanti 1' etlicacia tiel solfato di chinina usato giusta il metodo enilermico nella cura delle febhri d' indole pernieiosa Ann. univ dl metl Mi lano, 1830, Iiii, 22-33. — It mil i (F. F.) Cenni sull idro. cianato di chinina. Ibiil.. 1831. lix, 52-78. — Brycc (f' A.) Improper use of sulphate of quinine. Med. Herald. Louis- ville, 1882-3, iv, 441-443. — Bnrdel (E ) La quinine ab- sorbs par la mere se retrouve-t-elle dans le lait, et quelle est son action sur l'onfaut? Ann de gynec, Par., 1877, viii, 38-45. — ltya«e*oii. Etude sur l'eiimination par les urines des quatre alcaloides principaux du quinquina ing6- res a l'etat de sulfates basiques. Bull, et mein. Sue de therap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 93-105 — CabancllaN. Quelques mots snr le sul late de quinine. Uniou med , Par., 1860, n. 8., v, 147-150 —C'alloiid. Observation sur l'emploi therapeutique de la quinine. [Rap. de Burdin.] Compt.-rend. Soc. m6d. de Cbainb6ry (1854-8), 1859, 46- 48.—Cameron (C A.) Ou the therapeutic properties of quinine iotlate and bromate; and on the physiological activitv of superoxidised molecules. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3."8., lxxiii, 472-479. [Discussion], 530-532. — Cam- eron (J. C.) Employment of quinine in fVvers and other diseases Lancet, Lontl, 1801, ii. 456. — Campbell (A. S.) Quinine and its modus operandi. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Augusta. 1880, xxxi, 124-136. -----. Further remarks on theaction of quinine. Ibid., 1881. xxxii, 120-130.—Camp- bell (H. F.) The prophylactic aud therapeutic value of quinine in gynecic aud obstetric practice Tr Am Gynec, Soc. 1880, Bost., 1881, v 293-350. Also, Reprint— Canduras (A. V.) La quina no produce el auinento de vohimen del bazo, his que lo producen son las interim- teutes. Siglo med., Madrid, 1876, xxiii 119—Casanova (E.) Osservazioni sull uso del solfato di chiniua. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1814, iii. 129-131.—Casorati (F.) Cenni sull* azioue del solfato di chinina e sopra le esperienze del signor Dott. Arvetli. Ibid., 1843, ii, 218-221 - Cassel- berry (I.) Quinine in fever. Cincin eVI Obs., 1857, ii, 241-251 -Castro. [En el estado actual de conocimientos, jqu6 aplicaciones practicas puetleu hacerse de la quina en general y de la quinina en particular?] An. r. Acad de med., Madrid, 1883-4. v, 24; 46— Cavazzani (G.) Sull azione della chinina prrncipahuente nella i-ircolazione. Ann. univ di med. e chir., Milano, 1878, ccxlv, 489-522 — Cliambard (S.) Quinquina; sulfate de quinine. Pro- gres ni6d.. Par., 1878, vi, 913; 936; 955; 975— Child (D ) Some remarks on the symptoms produced by quinine when taken into the body, suggested by a paragraph in Dr Her- ricks prize essay Nashville J. M. efc S 1870. n s., vi, 417-419— Chi route (V.) Meccanismo di azione tlella chi nina sul sistema cin-olatorio ed azione sulla fibra muscolare in generale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1874, xxxiv, 129 1 pl.; 257 ; 618: 1875, xxxvi, 125; 399 ; 507. Also, transl. [Ab- str.l: Gaz. hebd. de m6d , Par 1875, xii, 23; 52; 70; 132, 167; 198. -----. La doppia attivitft, muscolare e V azione della chinina, critica e sperimenti. Riv. clin di Bologna, 1876, 2. s., vi, 202, 225. — Chirone (V.) efc Cuici(A) Azione della chinina sulla sensibilita e suo potere tossit-o ; ricerche sperimentali. Scuola med. napol , 1880, iii, 142; 225; 257.—Clapton (E.) On the action of quinine. St Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, n. s.. i, 223-236— dei Cloche (L.) Nuovi esperimenti sull efficacia del solfato di chinina disciolto nell acido solforico contro le febhri accessionali, Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1838, lxxxviii 64-79.—Coch- ran (J.) The therapeutic uses of quiuine in Alabama. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1*83,266-345 —Cohen (S. S.) Bimuriate of quinia aud urea. Polyclinic, Phda. 1883-4, i, 123— Coletti (F.) Sull azione del sail di chinina. Gazz. med ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1875, xviii, 185-191 — Colin (L.) De la valeur du sulfate de quiniue comme pr6ventif des r6cidives. Bull. g6n. de th6rap , etc Par , 1870, lxxviii, 49-55. -----. Etude sur les sels de quinine: leur action physiologique et medicale. I bid., 1872, lxxxiii, 5; 49.— Compton (.1. W. ) The therapeutic action of quinine. Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 115-120 Also, Reprint, Also: South M. Rec, Atlanta, 1880, x. 113- 118.—Connor (L. M.) Large and small doses of quinine. Louisville M. News, 1878, vi, 249 — Conti. Sulfate de quinine, Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par. 1855, ii. 758.—Cor- dell (E. F.) Very low temperature, following the subcu- taneous injection of sulphate of quinia. Maryland M J., Bait., 1879-80. vi, 257.—Corded. Du pouvoir excito-mo- teur tlu sulfate de quinine. J. deth6rap., Par., 1881 viii, 733. — Corson (H.) Quinine; its use antl abuse. Med. efc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1888, lviii 560-563—Cortezo (C M ) Indicaciones sobre algunos nsos topieos del sulfato de quinina. Siglo med.. Madrid. 1878, xxv. 296-298 — Cricchi (E.) II solfato di chiniuo nelle suppurazioni. QUININE. 961 QUININE. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). Gazz. med. di Roma, 1876, ii, 16.—Curci (A.) Azione della chinina sui nervi di moto e di senso e sui disturbi funzionali dei nervi vasomotor! Sperimentale, Firenze, 1877, xl, 23; 121. — Dallaporta ( N. ) Dissertazione sui quesiti proposti dall' illustie Accademia medica di Atene risguardante 1' efficacia e 1' uso del solfato di chi- niua. Gior. veneto di sc. metl., Venezia, 1852, v, 17; 165.— Dare (J. C.) Quinine, Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1881, xxxi, 110-120. — Davy ( R. B. ) As to how quinia and cinchonidia act in modifying the body heat. Ciucin. Laucet & Obs., 1877, xx, 658-664.—Day (R. H.) An essay on the medical properties of quinine. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1854-5, xi, 25-35.—De Boi-tles (C.) Waarnemingen met den waren sulphas chinidini. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1857, i, 401-404.—De Cattani (N.) Sul! uso dei preparati di chinina. Gazz. med. ital. iomb., Mi- lano, 1881, 8. s., iii, 261-264. — Delioux de Savignac. Quinine. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., i, 190- 266.—Delondre (A.) efc Henry (O.) Quelques mots sur la quiuine, la quinidine et les quinquinas. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 202-207. [Discussion], 211-217.— DelTIuynck. . Les vertus medicales du sulfate de qui- nine. Bull. Soc de m6d. de Gand, 1843, ix, 122-125. [Dis- cussion], 125-139.—Dewey (G. M.) Sulphate of quiuine; its use and abuse. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, viii, 6-18. Also: Month. Rev. M. efc Pharm., Phila., 1882, v, 649-653. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1882, xxv, 159-171. -----. Virtues of quinine. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, viii, 401-407.—D'Hinne. Memoire sur l'emploi du sul- fate de quinine. [Rap. de Gouz6e.] Bull. Acad, de med. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vii, 399-401.—Dickson (D. J. H.) On the febrifuge power of the sulphate of quinine. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1823, xix, 571-573. —Dickson (S. H.) On the use of sulphate of quinine. South. J. M. efc Pharm., Charles- ton, 1846, l, 8-24.-----. The history, value, uses, and effects of quinine and its various salts. West. J. M. efc S., Louis- ville, 1846,2. s., vi, 185-203.—Dietl (J.) Vom Uebergange des Chinin in den Harn, dessen Wirkung und therapeut. Anwendung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1852,745; 761; 777; 793.—[Discusion acercade las propiedades y aplicaciones de la quiua y sus preparados.] An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1883-U, v, 108; 121; 132; 161; 174; 181; 195; 209; 227; 233; 241; 257; 358; 524; 532. — Discussion : Qui- nine; its therapeutic value; when and how to give it, Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1882, 84-110. — Discus- sion sur le sulfate de quinine et son usage dans les affec- tions intermittentes. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1844, x, 10-38. — Doneran (H.) Propiedades fisiol6gicas y tera- p6uticas del sulfato de quinina. Pahellon med., Madrid, 1875, xv, 435-437.—Donovan. Note on the exhibition of sulphate of quinina. Dublin M. Press, 1847, xvii, 341.— Double (F.-J.) Considerations therapeutiques sur une nouvelle preparation du quinquina. J. g6n. de m6d., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1821, lxxiv, 50-75. -----. Observations sur des indications diverses du sulfate de quinine. Rev. m6d. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1822, vii, 265-288.—Du bone (H.) Sur certaines proprietes nouvelles de la quiuiue. Unionm6d., Par., 1871,3.8., xii, 544-549.—Dufay. Medica- tion qiiinique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1867, 2. s., iv, 298.—Duffy (C), jr. Urinary infiltration; beneficial in- fluence of quinia. Tr. M. Soc N. Car., Raleigh, 1874,104. ----. The physiological action of quinia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876, iii, 326-332. — Dunim ( S. C. ) The action of quinia as a curative remedy. Ohio M. Re- corder, Columbus, 1876-7, i, 20-22. — Dnpuis efc L.a- borde. Etude exp6rimentale sur Taction physiologique delaquinine. Tribune m6d., Par., 1877, ix, 581; 606:1878; x, 16; 40; 74; 98; 113; 147; 172; 208. [See, also, supra, Dnpuis (S.)]—Eastman (H.N.) On the modus operandi of quinine. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1865, 45-52. — de Echevarria (T.) Las inyecciones tie quinina en la mu- cosa bronco-pulmonal. Gac. m6d. catah, Barcel., 1889, xii, 357-360. Also, transl.: N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1889-90, xvii, 481- 484.—Elliotson (J.) Illustrations of the medical proper- ties of quinina. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1822-3, xii, 543-564.— Esquerdo (P.) Quina y quinina. Rev. de clin. m6d., Barcel., 1882, i, 193; 215; 251— Eulenburg (A.) Ueber die Wirkungen des schwefelsauren Chinins auf das Ner- vensystera. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1865, 423-443. -----. De Taction du sulfate de qui- nine; note pr6sent6e a l'Acad6mie des sciences. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1867, xl, 131. Also, transl.: Cincin. J. M., In- dianap., 1867, ii, 525-526.—Eulenburg (A.) efc Million ( T. ) Ueber die Wirkungen des schwefelsauren Chi- nins auf das Nervensystem. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1864, i, 48.—Farquhar (T.) Some of the physiological effects of quinine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 29.—Fearn (T.) Remarks on the good effects of large doses of the sul- phate of quinine in continued fever. In: Fenner (S. D.) South. M. Rep., 8°, N. Oil, 1850, ii, 346-351.—Fearn (R. L.) & Wedderburn (A. J.) On the topical application of the sulphate of quinine. N. Oil. M. efc S. J., 1846-7, iii, 341.—Fee (M. H.) Modus operandi and effects of quinine. West. J. M. efc S., Louisville, 1847, 2. s., vii, 206-213.— Ferber (R.) Zur antiseptischen Wirkung des Chinin. 61 Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). Arch. f. Path., Anafr., etc., Berl., 1869, xlviii, 517-519__ Filippim-Fantoni (A.) Alcuni altri fatti tendenti a raffermare 1' efficacia ipostenizzante vascobire-cardiaca, dal Prof. Giacomini assegnata alle chine e loro preparati. Ann. univ. dimed., Milano, 1839, Ixxxix, 249-260.—Fosca- rini (J.) Sull'efficacia del solfato di chinina. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1866, ix, 213-216. — Frank- lin (G. S.) Quinine as an antiseptic. Tr. Ohio M. Sen-., Cincin., 1878, 127-131.—Freschi (F.) Dell' azione tlella china e suoi preparati. non che della natura delle febhri in- termittent;. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1837, lxxxi, 5- 88.— Fuqua (W. M.) The indiscriminate use of quiuine. Louisville M. News, 1881, xii, 182-184. -----. Quinine as a surgical remedy. Ibid., 1882, xiv, 125-127.— Gaddy (N. D.) Some of the misuses of quinine as a therapeutic agent. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1882-3, i, 257-263.—Ga- lamini (G.) Sulla febrifuga facolta del solfato di chi- nina tartarizzato. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1852, 3. s., xxi, 99-108.—Gamberini (P.) Alcune riflessioni rela- tive all' azione del solfato di ehinino, e sulla periodicita. Raccoglitore, Fauo, 1842, ix, 33-39. [See, also, infra, Go- voni.]—Garcia Caballero. Conceptos filos6fico-clini- cos sobre la importancia terap6utica de la quina. An. r. Acad, de med.. Madrid, 1883-4, v, 358; 441; 486.—Ghose (R. D.) The extreme physiological action of quinine illustrated by a case. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi. 337. -----. On the use and abuse of quinine in fever. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 138; 165. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1882, iii, 56-69. [DiscussionJ, 77-79.—Gibb (O. C.) Qui- nine in pneumonia. N. Orl. M. News efc Hosp. Gaz., 1860- 61, vii, 595-599.—Gieselcr (R.) Ueber die Anwendung des Chinins in der Chirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1863, iv, 550-564.—Gittermann. Beobachtungen fiber die Wirksamkeit des schwefelsauren Chinins, mit beson- derer Hinsicht auf seiuen Gebrauch in soporosen und ver- larvten Wechselflebern und in dem Gesichtsschmerz. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1826, xi, St. 1, 6-45.—Gordon (T. W.) Antipyretic powers of sulphate uf quinine. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1877, 45-57.—Gon- raud (H.) De Taction du sulfate de quinine sur la rate, et d'un nouveau mode d'exploration de cet organe. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1844, xi, 221-223.—Govoni. In proposito dell' articolo del Dott. Gamberini, sull azione del solfato di chinina, e sulla periodicita, ecc. Raccoglitore, Fauo, 1842, ix, 97-104.—Gray (L. C.) The use of quinine with nervous sedatives. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1880, iv, 191- 196. Also, Reprint.—Gray (S. S.) Sulphate of quinia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Dayton, 1873, 251-259. -----. Sdlphate quinine. Ibid., Piqua, 1874, 179-185. — Green (J. O) The action of quinine upon the ear. Boston M. efe S. J., 1883, cviii, 220-223.—Greenwald (J.) A case illustrat- ing the ill effects of quinine. Western Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xviii, 175.—Grosoli (G.) Contributo all' azione os- tetrica del ehinino gia dimostrata dal Dott. Monteverdi. Ann. uuiv. tli med., Milano, 1874, ccxxx, 503-513.—Gui- bourt. Sur des mesures k prendre pour obvier a la cherte croissante du sulfate de quinine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1856-7, xxii, 985-991.—Hagenbach (E.) Ueber die Anwendung des Chinin in den fieberhaften Krankhei- ten des kindlichen Alters. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1872, n. F., v, 181-193.—Hamill (R. C.) On the sulphate of quinine. Chicago M. J., 18'»0, xvii, 318-323.—Hamil- ton (J. B.) Observations on the action of quiniue ou the temperature of the body in disease. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta. 1870, v, 250.—Hare (H. A.) The action of the sul- phate of quinia on the blood. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 43. -----. Does the sulphate of quinia, when given in moderate doses, increase the number of the red blood cor- puscles? Bostou M. efc S. J., 1886, cxiv, 372.—Harris (J. C.) Thoughts on the modus operandi and therapeutic properties of quinine. South. M. efc S. J., Augusta, 1848, n. s., iv, 385-393.—Harty (W.) On the use of quinine in the ague of Dublin, and its power in accelerating mercurial action. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1829. xxxii, 337-339.—Har- wood (J. M.) Quiniue; some of its uses and abuses. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 106.—Herrick (S. S.) Quinine as a therapeutic agent. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1869, xx, 585-636. [See, also, supra, Child (D.)]— Heubach (H.) Einwirkungen des Chinins auf das Ner- vensystem. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1874, xii, 673-676.—von Heusinger (0.) Ueher Chinin-Exan- them. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 361.—Hirsch. Die Kraft des Chinins zur Auflosung lymphatischer und anderer Obstructionen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, 6. R., lxxi, 77-85.—Holmes (R. S.) Remarks on the use of quinine in Florida, aud on malaria and its influence in that State. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s., xii, 297-309.— Holmes (W. F.) Quinine. Charleston M.J. & Rev., 1848, iii, 651-653.—Iglesias y Diaz (M.) Valor terap6utico de la quina v de las sales de quina en las pirexias. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1878, xxv, 230; 247; 262; 290; 326; 342; 357.- Jacobi (Mary Putnam). Provisional report on the effect of quinine upon the cerebral circulation. Arch. Med, N.Y., 1879, i, 33-43.—Jacquot (F.) Essai d'une analyse thera- peutique des effets des quinquinas et du sulfate de quinine; QUININE. 962 QUININE. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). des indications remplies par ces medicaments dans les ma- ladies en g6n6ral, et de 1 emploi du sulfate de quinine dans la fievre typhoide. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1844. 4. s., vi, 60-102.—Jaillard (P.) Des injections hypodermiques a base de quinine; du sulfovinate neutre de quinine. J. de m6d. it pharm. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1876, i, 10.—Jakubo- vi tch (1.) Vliyauie khinina na serdechnuyu daeyatelnost u Ivagushek. [Effect of quinine on the action ofthe heart in the fiog.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1873, x, pt. 3, 1-44: 1874, xi, 1-50.—.laumes. Quelques considerations pratiques snr les effets du sulfate de quinine. Rev. th6rap. du midi, Montpel, 1854, vii, 5; 47.—Johnson (L. G.) Quinine as an antipyretic. Cincin. Lancet efc Cliuic, 1881, n. s., vii, 391-393.—Jolyet. Sur Taction de sulfate de quinine chez les grenouilles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1867, Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, 23.-----. Quelques remarques critiques sur les experiences de M. Eulenburg, relatives k Taction du sulfate de quinine chez les grenouilles. Ibid., 46-49.— Jubin. Du sulfate de quinine dans les affections p6rio- diques. Rec. d. trav. Soc. de m6d. tie Niort, 1838, 123- 140.—Kempf (E. J.) Observations on the use and abuse of quinine. Metl. Herald. Louisville, 1882-3, iv, 1-13.—Ker- nel- (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chinin-Resorption. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 200-243: 1870, iii, 93-165, 1 pl. -----. Die weissen Blutzellen und ihre Ver- anderungen durch Chinin. Ibid., 1872, v, 27-30. -----. Ueber den Einfluss des krystallinischen und desamorphen Chinins auf die weissen Blutzellen und den Eiterbildungs- process. Ibid., 1873, vii. 122-139. — Kersrh. Die voile Bedeutung ties Chinins in tier Therapio: nach dem bishe- rigen Stande der Wissensihat't gegriindet auf eigenen Er- fahrungen am Krankenbette und selbstaiigcstellten Ver- suchen an Menschen und Thieren. Memorabilien, Heil- br., 1868, xiii. 221; 233; 266; 285.—King (W. S.) On the use of quinine, etc. N. York J. M„ 1847, ix, 42-45.— Kirchncr (W.) Ueber die Einwiiknng vou Chinin und Saliejlsaure auf das Gehdrorgan. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 725-727. Also: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1881, 163-166—Kite (J. A.) Bromide of potassium to counteract the unpleasant effects of qui- nine. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 452.—Kohlcr. [Ue- ber die Wirkungen des Chinin.] Ber. ii. d. Sitz. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, 1876, 22-26. Also, Reprint,—Kosler (F.) Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung ties schwefelsauren Chinins. Med. Ztg. Russlands. St. Petersb., 1859, xvi. 289-294.—Kiichenmeister. Kxpei i- meute fiber Chinin, Geutianin, Radix squilhe, Aspleniutu rutae raurarisB als Milzmittel. Arch. f. phvsiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1851, x, 85; 483.—Kiihn (C. II), I.zn. lets over de physiologische werking der ehinine. Werk. v. h. <>e- nootsrh. t. Bevord. d. Nat-,#Geuees-en Heelk. te Amst., 1873, iii, 105-111.— I.iiboiili'. La quinine et la chincho- nine. Tribune med., Par., 1882, xiv, 549-551. -----. Elude experimentale de Taction physiologique tie la quinine, prin- cipalement consideree dans son influence sur le fonctioime- ment du cceur (a propos du traitement de la fi6vre ty- phoide). Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol, Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 760-770. -----. Sur les proc6d6s et les resiiltats contradic- toires de M. Bochefontaiue relativement a Taction physio- logique de la quinine. Ibid.. 1883, 7. s., v, 69.—liaiide- rer. Ueber die Existenz des Chininsulphates im Hiimor- rhuiilalblute. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr , Wien, 1852, v, 321-331.—Lecadre. Succes du sulfate, tie quinine en frictions sur les gencives. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1830, i, 383.—Legrip (V.) Sur la presence du sulfate de quinine dans Turine des personnes qui out fait usage de ce sel. J. de cbim. m6d., etc., Par., 1847, 3. s., iii, 570-572.—Lelli (S.) Sullapretesavirtuipostenizzantedella china e suoi preparati. Ann. univ. di metl., Milano, 1840, xtiv, 5-51.—Ijeiiianch (M.) Considerations sur le mode d'action et les proprietes curatives g6n6rales du sulfate de quinine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 47-51.—fjepidi- t'liioti (G.) Sull' assorbimento ed elimiuazione della chi- nina ; ricerche sperimentali. Morgagni, Napoli, 1880, xxii, 321-329. —I,ersch (B. M.) Die Ersatzmittel des Chinins. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1851, v, 194- 207—fjcwisky (P.) Ueber den Einfluss des schwefel- sauren Chinins auf die Temperatur und Blutcirculation. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1869. vii, 196; 209. -----. O vliyanii sairnokislago khinina na temperaturu i kroveobrashehiuie. |Effect of sulphate of quinia ou the temperature and circulation of the blood. J Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 149; 214; 223; 231, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1869, xlvii, 352-367, 1 pl— Also, transl.: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1870, xiii, 81; 89.—Eowry (S. T.) Report of a case showing some of the untoward effects of the sulphate of quinia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1887, 175— liiissana (F.) La chiuina e la morfina dinaroicamente si elidouo. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1857, clxii, 169.—iVIabry (A. G.) Some observations on the medicinal properties and therapeutic applications of the sulphate of quinine. Tr. M. Ass. Ala- bama, Mobile, 1870, 299-307.—McCaw (J.) Remarks on the uses and effects of sulphate of quinine. Stethoscope \- Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 665-680.—McCormicI* Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). (C.) On the use and action of the sulph. quinine in lat-i'o doses. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1845-6, ii, 290-300.—Macrae (A. C.) On the administration of quiuine in fevers. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1848, i, 360-364. —Madi«on (R. L.) Sulphate of quinia; its use and abuse. Stethoscope eV Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 1-6. ----. Sulphate of quinia; its therapeutic action. Ibid., 486-491.—M a iimoii (O. F.) Extracts from an unpublished essay on the thera- peutic uses and abuses of quiuine audits salts. Virginia Clin. Rec, Richmond. 1871-2, i, 353-362. -----. The phys- iological and therapeutic action of the sulphate of quinine. Tr. M. Soc Virginia, Richmond. 1881 344-410. Also, Re- print,— ITlarcolini (F. M.) Intnruo all' applicazione del solfato di chinina col metodo endermico. Ann. univ. tli med., Milano, 1829, xlix, 446-461. [See, also, infra, Spe- ranza (C.)]—dc Maria (C.) Note clinique sur l'emploi du nitrate de quinine comme febrifuge. Cong. med. tie toutes les nations 1869, Bologne, 1870, ii, 396-401.—Mar- tin fils. M6moire sur le sulfate de quinine, applique sur les v6sicatoires dans les fievres intermittente*. Rev. metl. franc, et etrang., Par., 1827, iii, 369-399.—Martin (E.) Observations upon the use of sulphate ol' quinine. N. Oil. M. News efe Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 369-380.—ITIeiidenhall (G.) Some observations on the effects of sulphate of qui- nine on the pulse. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1846, n. s., xii, 79. -----. On the physiological properties of sulphate of quinine, West. Lancet, Cincin., 1848, viii, 147-157.— iii end i ■■ i (L.) SulT azione del solfato di chinina. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1854, cxlix, 187 — Merrill (A. P.) An essav on the use of quinine as a remedial agent. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1851-2, viii, 155-164. Also, in his: Med. Essays, 8°, N. Oil., 1851, 11-24. — Mcttcu hei mer (C.) Beitrag zu der Lehre von tlen Wirkungen eles Chinins besonilers grosserer Gabeu desselben. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1874, xix, 389-401.—Michel. Effect of quinine on sight and hearing. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 465-468.— Mitchcl (T. D.) A brief inquiry into the merits of the sulphate of quinine, Med. Rev. efc Analect. J., Phila., 1824, i, 609-617. -----. The remedial powers of the sulphate of quinine. N. Orl. M. efc S. J.. 1846-7, iii, 16-27.—lTIofnlt (A.) Quinine. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1873-4. iv, 104-109.—Moinet (F. W.) Quinine a'physiological antidote to the malarial poison. Etlinb. M. j., 1877-8, xxiii, 706-715.—Monet ler (J. W.) Practical observations on the use of sulphate of ejuinine. West. J. M. efc S., Louis- ville, 1840, ii, 21-31.—Monteverdi (A.) Contributo alia constatazione della virtfi medicamentosa del solfato di chinina di eccitare T azione fisiologica delle fibre muscolari del! utero. vescica, intestine, vasi sanguigni, ecc. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1872, cexxi. 149-162: 1873, ccxxiii, 130-187: 1874, ccxxix, 338-393. Also, Reprint. [See, also, supra, Grosoli (C.)] -----. De Taction excito motrice de la quinine sur les fibres musculaires de la vie organique. Bull. Soc. tie med. de Gand, 1875, xiii, 184-199.—Moore (W. G.) The value of quinine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870. v, 160-163. Also, Reprint,—Moore (W. W.) Quinia by inunction. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 320.— rlorlou (i).) Quinine aud suppuration. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, xiii, 348-351.—Mugna (G. B.) SulT uso del solfato e del citrato di chinina nella cura delle malattie inliummatorie. Ann. univ. di metl., Milano, 1838, lxxxvii, 15-36.—.Tlnra- Agus (G.) Sul minor valore terapeutico del bicloridrato di ehinino, conipuiativanieiite al bisolfato. Spallanzani, Modena, 1881. 2 s., x, 68-71.—Mutis (C.) Observations on quina. [Transl. from the original manuscript by Colo- nel R. Wright.) Med. Times, Lond., 1843, viii, 246-250.— rViekles (S.) The antipyretic use of quinine. Clinic, Cincin., 1876, xi. 37-40.—Niemann. Einige Versuche mit dem Cbiniuium sulphuricum, nebst Angabe einer vou der hisherigen ahweiehenden Bereitungsart dieses Pflan- zensalzes. J. tl. pract Heilk., Berl, 1824, lviii. 5. St., 103- 111.—IVorwood (W. C.) Is quinine a sedative J South. M. efc S. J., Augusta, 1848, n. s., iv, 83-87.—Oak man (E. H.) On the therapeutic action of quinine. Ibid., 1^49, n. s., v. 207-209.—Odevaine (F.) Hypodermic injection of qui- nine. [Extracted from the animal report of the Bhopal Battalion.J Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 63.—Ogle. Action of sulphate of quinine upon the temperature in pul- monary phthisis. Lancet. Lond., 1872, ii, 8.— Oppert. Einige Beobachtungen fiber die Wirkung des schw efelsau- ren Chinins in verschiedenen Krankheitsfallen. J.d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1823, Ivii, 82-104.—Oza nam. Dans quelles esp6ces de fievres le quinquina doit-il etre employe? Sous quelle forme et k quelle dose? J. d. conn. m6d.-chir.. Par., 1840, viii, pt, 1, 89-92.—l»alien (M. A.) On the value of quinine as a therapeutic agent, St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1857, xv, 23-28.—PaiitelcjcIF (S.) Das salzsaurc Chinin uud das schwefelsaure Atropin. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissen- sch., Berl, 1880, xviii, 529-532.—Papillaud (L.) Etude sur le sulphate' de quinine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 28 ; 44.—Pelt. Efficacia del solfato tli chinina estratln dalle orine d' in form i di febhri periodiche e considerazioni terapeutiche intorno alio stesso. Gior. veneto tli sc. med., Venezia, 1850, i, 585-592.—Pennavaria (F.) Sulla nuo- va forma morbosa prodotta dalT ainmiuistrazioue tlella QUININE. 963 QUININE. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). chinina negli affetti da cachessia malarica, scoperta e de- scrittadal . . . S. Tomaselli; considerazioni critiche. Gu- glielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1879-80, i, 133 ; 165.—Per- rens. De Tassociation du quinquina, de T6m6tique et de Topium. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1858, iii, 112-114.—Personne. Recherches sur la quinine 61iniin6e par les urines. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 890-893.—Pick. Kurze Notiz zur Chiniuwirkung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv, 265.—Piorry (P.-A.) De I'action du sulfate de quinine sur la rate, et d'un nou- veau mode d'exploration de cet organe. J. d. conn, med.- chir., Par., 1845, xiii, 3-6—Poletti (L.) SulT uso della china bicolorata. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1825, xxxvi, 125-127.—Poma (A.) Del solfato di chinina nelle malattie chirurgiche. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1845, iv, 153-156.— PopoflT. Kritische uud experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Theorie der temperaturherabsetzeuden Wirkung des Chinin. Arb. a. d. pharmacol. Lab. zu Moskau, 1876, i, 84-124.—Porchinski (M.) K voprosu o vsasivanii chi- nina. [On the absorption of quinine.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1881, xviii, 151-182.—Power (W. H. T.) Note on the action of quinine. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 41.—Prima- vera (G.) Un nuovo esperimento sulle frizioui di solfato di chinina, fatto con lo scopo di vedere se si assorbe dai bambini. Morgagni, Napoli, 1869, xi, 93-100. -----. SulT assorbimento del solfato di chiniua. Ibid., 330-334.— Prior. Ueber den Eiufluss des Chinin auf den Stoffwech- sel des gesunden Orgauismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1884, xxxiv, 237-275, 2 diag.—Prota-Giurleb (N.) Sul solfo-salicilato di chinina. Indipendente. Torino, 1876, vii, 73. -----. II solfo-fenato di chinina 6 un composto o nn mescuglio ? Cos' 6 il fenilo-solfato di chinina proposto dal Prof. Nicola Reale all' Accademia medico-chirurgica di Napoli? Ibid., 139; 160; 172. -----. Un solfato di chinina piii attivo e piu: economico. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, n. s., iii, 526.— Pusey (H. K.) Sedative powers of quinia. Louisville M. News, 1879, vii, 63.— Quelques (De) applications therapeutiques du sulfate de quinine. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc.. Par., 1841, xxi, 73-81.— Queveune. De la presence de ia quinine dans l'urine des individus auxquels elie a ete administree a haute dose. Experience, Par., 1838, ii, 97.—Quinine. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 135.—Ranke (H.) On a physiological action of the disulphate of quina. Ibid., 1857, xiv, 537.— Kapmund. Das Chinin iu der Kinderpraxis, besonders bei tieberhaften Krankheiten und Keuchhusten. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1874, xxvi, 51— Razzano (V. M.) Sul modo di agire del solfato di chinina. Filiatre-Sebezio, Na- poli, 1842, xxiv, 10-12.—Regnauld (J.) efe Villejean (E.) Recherches experimentales sur la solubilite des sels medicinaux de quinine. J. de pharm. et chiin., Par., 1887, 5. s., xv, 129-138.—de Renzi (E.) efc Boflilo. DelT elimi- uazione del solfato di ehinino colle urine. Salute (suppl.), Genova, 1876, ii, 161-163.—Report of committee appointed to investigate the value of quinine as a means of diminish- ing bodily temperature and pulse in pyrexia. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1870, iii, 201-238.—Riccardi (L.) Del modo piii acconcio di ministrare il solfato di chinina. Filiatre- sebezio, Napoli, 1842, xxiv, 8-10.— Ringer (S.) The in- fluence of quinine on the temperature of the human body in health. Lancet, Lond., 1868, ii, 564.—Rogers (S.) The prophylactic and the therapeutic uses and abuses of quinia and its salts. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1869, xx, 187-236. -----. On the therapeutic uses and abuses of quinine. Med. Rec, N. T., 1870-71, v, 379-381. — Ronzier-Joly (A.) De I'administration du sulfate de quinine d'apres des etudes faites en Algerie. Ann. clin. de Montpel, 1854-5, ii, 325; 342; 374: 1855-6, iii, 52; 113; 145; 178; 243; 274; 307; 369. -----. De Taction du sulfate de quinine sur la marche des maladies diverses qui se trouvent assez souvent asso- ci6es au p6riodisme affectionnel. Ibid., 1856-7, iv, 119; 151; 218; 247.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) The effects of the internal administration of quinine upon the ear. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1878, i, 148-151. -----. Experi- ments concerning the effects of quinine upon the ear. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1875-81, ii, 93-97. Also, in his: Con- tributions to otology, 8°, [n. p., n. d.], 7-10. -----. On the injudicious use of the sulphate of quinine. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1883, 219-228. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. T., 1883, xxiii, 145.—de Rosa (G.) Metodo sperimento utillissimo nella pratica del solfato di chinina in diverse malattie. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1869, xxiii, 18.—Roy (G. C.) On the action of quinine in malaria. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1871. i, 245. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 503.—Runge. Ueber den Einfluss des schwefelsauren Chinins auf den fotalen Organismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 333.—Rutland (W. C.) Use and abuse of quinine. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1858, xv, 464- 466.—Salemi-Pace (B.) Sul retto intendimento delT azione della chinina e suoi sali. Gazz. sicula, Palermo, 1876, i, 20-42.—Salvatore (C.) The action of quinine as a car- diac sedative in arresting internal haemorrhage. Med. Rec, N. Y , 1874. ix, 285-287.—Sandri (A.) Esperienze sui conigli col solfato di chinina. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1846, v, 349-352. |Discussion], 388. — Scbarrenbroich Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). (C.) Ueber das Chinin als Antiphlogisticum. Centralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl, 1867, v, 817-819. -----. Das Chinin als Antiphlogisticum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1K72, ix, 190. -----. Sullostatoattualedellecognizioni mediche relative alia chinina. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1874, ccxxvii, 449-475. Also: Campania med., Caserta, 1874, iii, 81-86. -----. Einiges Alte vom Chinin. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1879-80, xii, 33-40.—von Schrotl'(C), jun. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Chiniuwir- kung. Metl. Jahrb.. Wien, 1875, v, 175-178. — Nchulz (H.) Studien fiber die Wirkung des Chinins beim gesun- den Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1887, cix, 21-85, 3 diag.—Schwalbe (C.) Ueber die entziindungs- widrige Wirkuug des Chinin. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx, 325. -----. Zur entzundungswidrigen Wiikung des Chiuin. Ibid., 1869, xxi, 97-100.—Scott (M. P ) On the use of quiniue; its properties. Stethoscope efc Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 117-122.—Scruggs (R. L.) On the use of the sulphate of- quinia. Metl. Exam., Phila., 1848, iv, 716-724.—Sedgwick (VV. T.) The influence of quinine upon the reflex-excitability of the spinal cord. J. Physiol, Lond , 1880-82, iii, 22-36. Also: Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1881-2, ii, 23-37. -----. The effects of quinine upon blood-vessels and reflex actions. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 33-38. Also, Reprint.—See (G.) Lecons sur le sulfate tie quinine. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1874, xii. 225-229.—See (G.) efc Bochefontaiue. Action physiologique du sulfate de quinine sur Tappareil circulatoirechez Thomme et chez les animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1883, xevi, 260- 268. Also: Ann. Soc. m6d -chir. de Li6ge, 1883, xxii, 52- 54. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 52.—Shanks (L.) On the effects of quinine in puerperal peritonitis, and other inflammatory diseases. N. Oil. M. efc S. J., 1848-9, v, 29-33.—Sheldon (C. S.) Quinine. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1870-71, i, 369-373.—Si I vestris (IT.) Azione febbrifuga del ehinino nelle febbri. Morgagni, Napoli, 1873, xv, 167; 238; 384.—Simon (J.) De l'emploi du quinquina et du sulfate de quinine dans la therapeutique infantile. Gaz. iu6d.-chir. de Toulouse, 1876, viii, 137-139. -----. Du quinquina et du sulfate de quinine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 770. -----. Contribution k l'emploi du sulfate de quinine chez les enfants. Rev. mens. tl. mai. de Tenf., Par., 1883, i, 82-87. ---—. Les suceedaues en therapeutique; etude comparative de Taction physiologique des quatre principaux alcaloides du quinquina: quinine, cinchonine, cinchonidine, quiuidine. Trav. Lab. physiol. Fac.med.de Par. (1884), 1885, i, 103-136— Skillern (P. G.) Combination of the alkaloids of cinchonia with mor- phia. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 606.— Slocum (C. E.) Unusually unpleasant effects of sulphate of quinia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 334.—Smith (E. F.) [On qui- nine.] St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1851, ix, 481-515.—Smith (J.) lets over het uitweudig gebruik van sulphas quininas. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1849, iv, 128-132.—Speir (W.) Large and small doses of quinine. Louisville M. News, 1878, vi, 159.—Speranza (C.) Sul solfato di chiuina col metodo eudei miio e sulT azione dei vessicanti. Lettera al Dott. Marcoliui in rispeista. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1830, Iiii, 316-340.—Sperin© ( F.) II ehinino come topico in alcune affezioni della cornea e della congiuntiva. Osser- vatore, Torino, 1874, x, 138.—Steele (N. C.) The action of quinine. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1873, n. s., xi, 129-134.— Strassburg (G.) Ueber die Ausscheidung der Kohlen- saure nach Aufnahme von Chinin. Arch. f. exper. Path. tt. Pharmakol, Leipz.. 1874, ii, 334-344.—Strother (C. S.) Quinine by enema. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxiii, 325.—Szeepotiew (N.) Samoistny skurcz wierz- cholka serca, zniiana niiesni skieleta i bialych cialek kiwi pod wplywem chininy. [Idiopathic systole of apex of heart; variations of muscular fibre and of white blood cor- puscles under influence of quinine. ] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1878, vi, 513-518. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1878-9, xix, 53-66. Also, transl.: Physician efe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1879, i, 214-220.—Taddci de Oravina (C.) Ricerche sperimentali dirette a rile- vare la vera e precisa indole delT azione del solfato e citrato di chinina, non che T assoluto rapporto che sussiste tra questi chinacei ed alcune sostanze terapeu- tiche proclamate come antiperiodiche. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1842, civ, 277-303. —Tanturri (V.) Caso singo- lare di dermatite provocata dalla chinina. Movimento med.-chir., Napoli, 1869, i, 73-77.—Tessier. De l'emploi des preparations de quinquina dans le traitement des fie- vres typhoide, muqueuse bilieuse, etc. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1859, xi, 537-540.—Thau (L.) Ueber den zeitlichen Werth der Ausscheidungsgrdsse des Chinin bei Gesunden und fieberhaftKranken. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, v, 505-517.—Tommasi. Risultati degli esperimenti interno alle frizioni di solfato di chinina. Morgagni, Na- poli, 1867, ix, 563-565.—Tonclli (G.) Qiiadro comparativo dei risultamenti conseguiti dall' uso del solfato di chiniua, del peperino e del ehinino puro. Ann. univ. di nied., Mi- lano, 1825, xxxiii, 46-56.—Upshur (G. L.) On the sul- phate of quinine. Stethoscope efe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, QUININE. 964 QUININE. Quinine (Physiological and therapeutical effects of). 1852. ii 436-438.—Van Dekeere (L.) Observations sur l'emploi du sulfate- de quinine. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1828, xlix, 5-13. — Van de IjOO. Les effets therapeutiques du sulfate de quinine. [Rap. de Francois.] Bull. Acad. de m6d. de Belf:., Brux., 1846-7, vi, 203-206.—de Vrij (J.- E.) Sur le sulfate de quiniue. Bull. Acad. dem6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., xv, 660-664.—Wegg (W.) Quinine. In his: Obs. Relating to the Sc. etc., of Med., 8°, Lond., 1851,190- 201.—Welch (G. T.) Physiological action of quinine and cine lionidia. Med. Reg.,' Phila., 1888, iv, 457-460.—de Wersier. Observations tendant a prouver Taction ex- cite -motrice du sulfate de quinine. Bull.Soc.dem6d.de Gand, 1874, xii. 527-529.—Westmoreland (J. G.) [etal.]. Discussion in Atlanta Medical Society on the mode of ac- tion of quinine. Atlanta M. & S. J.,' 1866-7, vii, B, 105.— Wibin. Reflexions sur Tadministration de la quinine et de I'antipvrine. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1886, 3. s., xxx, 217-223.—Wild (R. B.) The action of quinine and allied substances on contractile tissue. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 500-502.—Wilkinson (J. B.) On the use of sulphate of quinine. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1846-7, iii, 47-51.—Wilson (J. S.) Quinine as an emenagogue, and as a remedy in hemorrhages, croup, etc. Savannah J. M., 1860-61, iii, 161-167. -----. Modus operandi and therapeutic uses of quinine. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1867,'xx, 319-324.—'Woolen (H. V.) Practical remarks on the sulphate and ferro- cyanate of quinia. South. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1846»n. s., ii, 204-218.-----. The endermic application of the sulphate of quiuine. Ibid., 414.—Worrell (T. F.) The therapeu- tic action of quinine. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1871, iv, 24— 28.—Voung (D.) Notes on the administration of quinine. Practitioner; Lond., 1883, xxxi, 250-258.— Zalin (F. W.) Ueber den Einfluss des Chinin auf die Auswandernng tier weissen Blutkorpercheu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 363.—Zigarelli (S.) Rapporto sulrisultamento terapeu- tico dato dal solfo-fe.nato di chinina. Resoc. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1875, xxix, 64-66. Quinine (Prophylactic use of). SeeTever (Malarial, Prevention of). Quinine (Substitutes for). See, also, Antiperiodics; Apiol. Barresuil. Succe"dan6 du sulfate de quiniue et du quinquina. 8°. Paris, 1852. Conzkn (O.) * Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber einige Ersatzmittel des Chinin. 8°. Bonn, 1868. Mairet (J.) * Quelques reflexions sur les suc- ceMan^s tlu quinquina. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Mouchon (E\) Monographie des principaux febrifuges indigenes, considers comme succ6- dan6s du quinquina. 8°. Lyon, 1856. Petit (J.-M.-T.) *De quelquessucc£dant\sdu quinquina dans le traitement de la fievre inter- mittente. 4°. Paris, 1863. Regnault (J.-G.) * Dissertation sur quelques ve~g6taux indigenes qui peuvent remplacer le quinquina dans le traitement des fievres inter- mittentes, suivie de quelques observations qui tendent a en assurer les effets. 4°. Paris, 1812. [Smith (D. B.)] On the cheaper alkaloids of the cinchonas. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1855.] Bourguet. Emploi de T6corce de chene comme succ6- dan6 de l'ecorce de quinquina. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 74.—Cazzaniga (F.) Notasulla china-china e suoi surrogati, e specialmente sul cosi detto solfato indigeno di Beuedetlo Gatti. (Jazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3. s., i, 109; 117.—Chevallier. Rapport sur un sulfate indi- gene retire du raarron de Tlnde. pr6sent6 comme succ6- daue du sulfate de quinine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 184,8-9, xiv. 379-382.—Croeiani (A.) I succedanei ai pre- parati di chinina nelle febbre intermittent!. Imparziale, Firenze, 1872, xii, 737-739. -----. Su di alcuni succedanei ai preparati chinoidei. Gior. d. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1873, 3. s., xiv, 34-38.—Delioux (J.) Essais sur quel- ques succedan6s antip6riodiques du quinquina. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1854. xlvi. 145; 193. -----. Du bit- t6ra. nouveau medicament febrifuge propose, aux An- tilles framjaises, comme succ6tlan6 du quinquina. Ibid., 1856, li, 20; 68; 247; 347: 1857, Iii, 193. — De-Hatheis (G.) Di un uuovo ed efficace suceedaneo dei prepa- rati di ehinino nella cura delle febhri periodiche. Gior. d. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1869, 3. s., viii, 229-257.— Graravaglia ( B. ) Osservazioni pratiche intorno alia virtu febbrifuga dell acqua madre coudensata del sulfato di chinina. Gior. anal, di med., Milauo, 1830, xiv, 54-68.— (xrinnell (F.) Iodine a substitute for quinine. Cincin. Quinine (Substitutes for). Lancet efe Clinic, 1878, n. s., i, 145. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1880, xlvii, 92-94. — Qualdi. Lo iodio quale suceedaneo della chinina. Bull. tl. r. Act-ad. med. di Roma, 1882, viii, 159-105—Guillienuond. I). l'emploi de l'extrait alcoolique de quinquina pour renipla cer le quinium. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1860, xii. 86.—Jac- quot (F.) Experimentation dc plusieurs pretenilus sue- cedan6s du quinquina: arsenic, apiol, colophatie traitee par l'acide nitriqne, chlorhydrate d'aninioniaque, aux hopitaux militaires de Rome. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1854,5. s., iii, 678-705.—I,eriche. Du tanuiu; de son emploi en niede- cine, comme succ6dan6 du quinquina. J. de nied., chir. et pharmacol, Brux., 1861. xxxiii, 333; 433.—Lewis (K. F.) How far do the new antipyretics substitute quinine? Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., I Wilmington], 1888, xxxv, 137-150.—i?lo- ens (J. C. B.) Quinetum. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie. Batav , 1879, n. s., viii, 109-120.—Resiiltats ties experimentations faites dans les hopitaux militaires, sur les sttcceilanes du sulfate de quinine savoir: sulfate de cinchonine, hydroferro-cyanate de potasse et d'ureo, ferro- cyanure de sodium et de salicine, etc. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil, Par., 1859, 3. s., ii, 1-35. Quinine (Toxicology of, and accidents from). See, also, Amaurosis, Conjunctivitis, Bar (Diseases of), Causes of; Haematuria; Qui- nine (Action of) on uterus; Retina (Ancesthesia of). Bouvard (G.) * Des accidents cutan6s con- s^cutifs a 1'iiNjige interne des preparations qui- niques. 4°. Paris, 188:1. vax den Heuvkl(J. F.) * Eenige opmerkin- gen over het chinine-exantheem. 8°. Utrecht, [1879]. Jeudi de Grissac (J.-A.) *Des Eruptions quiuiques. 4C. Paris, 1876. Lagarde (E.-F.) * Considerations pratiques sur quelques points de la maladie a quinquina, en ce qui concerne la medecine navale. 4°. Paris, 1858. Levassor (P.) * Contribution a l'etude des Eruptions quiuiques. 4°. Paris, 1887). Alpago-Novello (L.) Effetti straordinari prodotti da una tenue dose di chinina. Indipendente, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 538-542. — Arlaud. Cas d'empoisonnement par le sulfate de quinine, suivi demort. Ann. clin. de Montpel, 1856-7, iv, 54-56.—Baills (P.-J.-J.) Deux cas d'empoi- sonnement, dont Tun mortel, par la solution de sulfate de quinine au £$. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1885, vi, 320-324.—Baldwin (W. O.) Observations on the poisonous properties of the sulfate of quiuine. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1847, n. s., xiii. 292-310. Also, Reprint. Also: Buffalo M. J., 1847-8, iii, 271-280. -----. On the poisonous properties of quinine; with remarks bv J. M. Sims. Meel. Gaz.. N. Y., 1881, viii. 356-360. Also, Reprint. —Ball (A. B.) On a rare form of poisoning by quinine. Metl. Gaz., N. T., 1871, vii, 88.—Barn ing (A.) Febris intermittens, morbus chininalis. Ti.jdscbr. v. geneesk. ervaring, Til- burg, 1851-2, i, 36-57.—Bauer. Ueber Chinin-Exanthem. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 733.— BcljakoflT (S. A.) Sluchai idiosinkrazii k chininu. Ejened. klin. Gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv. 270-272.—Berciiger-Fcraud. L'in- toxication qiiinique et l'infection palustre. Arch, de m6d. nav.. Par., 1879, xxxi. 353-380. Also, transl: Gac. tie sanid. mil. Madrid, 1879, v, 268; 298.—Bergeron (J.) & Proust (A.) Des eruptions quiniques. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1876, 2. s., xiv, 482: xlvi, 17.— Bertheraud (E.) Sur les accidents nerveux dnsala quinine. Monde pharm., Par., 1877, viii, 297.—Beta: (F.) Chininvergiftung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 191; 361.—Binz (C.) Di varii accident! osservati in seguito alia ammiuistrazione della chinina ad alte dosi Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1872, xv, 49-52.—Bireili (A.) Un caso d'intolleranza per il eliinino. Osservatore, Torino, 1882, xviii, 273-276. Also: Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1882, 2. s., xvi, 179. — Boehefontaiue. Pou- voir toxique de la quinine et de la cinchonine. Compt;. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xevi, 503-506. Also .- France m6d., Par., 1883, i, 282-284. Also: Courrier med., Par., 1883, xxxiii, 85.—Browne (E. A.) A case of quinine amaurosis, with remarks. Tr. Ophth. Soc. IT. Kingdom, Lond., 1886-7, vii, 193-202. Also, Reprint.— Ill-mi. Re- tention d'urine provoqu6e par de hautes doses de sulfate de quiuine. Bull. gen. de.tb.6rap., etc., Par., 1857, Iiii, 272-275.- Buller (F.) A case of sudden and complete loss of vis- ion after large doses of quinine. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1881, iii, pt, 2, 262-272.—Cnlvagno (P.) Contri- buto alia casistica delT intossica/.ioue thiniea. Osserva- tore med., Palermo, 1881, 3. s., xi, 110-125.—C'awsella (G.) Contribuzione clinica all' emoglobiuuria da ci.iuiua. Ri- QUININE. 965 QUININE. Quinine (Toxicology of, and accidents from). forma med., Napoli, 1887, iii, 1604; 1610.—Cassone (C.) Sopra due casi di intossicazione chtnica. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1876, 3. s.,vi, 244-252.—Ccrvello (V.) SulT emoglobinuria da chinina. Med. contemp., Napoli. 1884, i, 121-126.—Chevallier (A.) Essais sur la saute des ou- vriers qui s'occupent de la preparation du sulfate de qui- nine, et sur les moyens de pr6venir les maladies auxquelles iis sont sujets. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1852, xlviii, 5-33.—Clai- borne (J. H.) Quinine and urticaria. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 814.—Coe (H. C. ) Paralysis after quinine. (Condensed from : Tr. N. York Clin. Soc] Med. Standard, Chicago, 1889, v, 72.—Coglitore (V.) DelT intossicazione chinica, e dei compensi a prevenirla. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1889, xi, 117— Cohn (H.) ChiuiuExauthem hei Glaucom-Prodromen. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1878, ii, 25-30.—Creuze (G.) Sur les eruptions quiuiques. J. de therap.. Par., 1878, v, 813.—Curei (A.) llmal ner- voso e la chinina. Scuola med. napoh, 1878-9, ii, 321-340.— Darvaris. Des eruptions consecutives k I'administra- tion du sulfate de quinine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vii, 30.—Denis (R- M.) Report of a case of idiosyncrasy in regard to the effects of quinine. Ohio M. Recorder, Co- lumbus, 1876-7, i, 447^51.—Vesiderio. Recherches sur les effets toxiques du sulfate de quiuine. Compt. rentl. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xx, 370.—Desportes. Considera- tions sur une phlegmasie des visceres de la region 6pigas- trique, d6termin6e probablement par l'emploi du sulfate tie quinine a doses trop repet6es. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1823, xii, 364-372.— D-iekinsou (W.) Quinine am- aurosis. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1881, xii, 352-357.— Dies (F.) Caso de ambliopia tiSxica prodncida por el sulfato de quinina. Oftal. pract., Madrid. 1883, ii, 13.—Bumas (A.) Eruptions quiniques. J. de therap., Par., 1876, iii, 288- 292.—Duvall (W. A.) Scarlatiniform eruption following the administration of quinine in confinement. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889, xxi, 3.—Elliot ((1. T.) Bullous 'erup- tion produced by quinia. J. Cutan. efe Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1888, vi, 326.—Faliigant (L. A.) A peculiar ex- hibition of quinia poisoning; scarlatinoid. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1883, xviii, 120.—Farquharsoii (R.) On a rash following the administration of quinine. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1879, xii, 25-27. Also [Ahstr.j: Brit.M.J., Lond., 1878,ii, 727.—Field (H. M.) Dermalgia, etc., from quinine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 427.—Filatolf (P.) Idiosinkrazija k chininu. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1883, xx, 714.—Flora (D."W.) Quinine rash. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1882, v, 90.—Fowler (E. P.) Some peculiar ef- fects of quinine upon cutaneous and mucous surfaces. N. York M. Times, 1883-4, xi, 33.—Fragala (V.) Un caso d' intossicazione chinica osservato in Piedimonte Etneo. Scuola med. napoh, 1878-9, ii, 43; 88. —French (J. M.) Scarlatinous erythema following administration of quinine. Med. Rec, N.-Y., 1882, xxi, 627. -----. The cutaneous effects of quinine. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 294.—Frerichs. Ob Todtung durch Chinin? (Gut- achten.) Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1862, xxi, 40-45.— Friedmanu (M.) Secale cornut. als pro- phylaktisches Mittel gegen Gehorsstorungen uachSalicyl- saure und Chinin. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 927.— Galvagno (P.) Sulla lettera criticadel Dott. Rizzo Ma- tera relativa alle osservazioni del Prof. Tomasselli sulla intossicazione chinica. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1878, 3. s., viii, 22-30.—Garraway (E.) Toxic action of qui- nine. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1869, ii, 388. —Chose (R. D.) Extreme physiological action of quinine, illustrated by a case. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 337. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1881, ii, 166-170. — Giacomini (G.) Effetti del solfato di chiniua sugli animali, ed awelena- mento pel solfato di chinina ne.1T uomo sano. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1841, xcvii, 325-395.—Grellety (L.) De )a roseole quinique. France m6d., Par., 1878, xxv, 586.— Griffith (S. F.) Peculiar effects from exhibition of qui- nine. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1876-7, i, 543.—Gruen- ing (E.) On quinine amaurosis: with a case. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1881. x, 81-88. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 260. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1882, xi, 145-151— Ilemiug (G. O.) Dumbness produced by quinine. Lancet. Lontl., 1840, ii, 307.—Hem- ming (W. B.) Toxic action of quinine. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 533 — Herriieh. Ueber Chininfleber. Charite-Anu. 1883, Berl, 1885, x, 232-247.—Husemanu (T.) Beitrage zur Chininvergiftung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii, 7-11.—Jakubovitch (I.) Naeskolcko slov po povodu priznakov khinnago otravleneya u chelovaeka. [On the symptoms of quinine poisoning.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1873, xvii, pt. 3, 5-44.—Karamitsas (G.) Sur Th6maturieprovoqu6e par la quinine. Bull. gen. detherap., etc.. Par., 1879, xcvii, 53; 108; 149. — Katzenbach (W. H.) Quinine idiosyncrasy. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 281.— Knapp (H.) Ueber Chinin-Amaurose. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1881, xiii, 100-106. -----. Ueber Chininamaurose; mit drei Fallen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1882, xi, 156-165. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1881, x, 220-231.—Kobner (H.) Ueber Arznei-Exantneme, insbesondere iiber Chiniu-Exanthein. Quinine (Toxicology of, and accidents from). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877. xiv, 305; 325.—Kostlin. Zur Beurtheilung der in Mo. 13, 24 und 45 des medicinischen Correspondeuzblatts vom vorigeu Jahre veroffentlichten * alle yon angebhcher Vergiftung durch salzsames Chinin. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1853, xxiii, 4-— |'a"»b (D. S.) Poisoning by quinine in typhoid feve--. V York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 549 — Laudcsberg (M.) Deafness from the use of quinine. Meel. . Lovanii, 1796, iv, 404-420. Quirinus (Vicentius). See JYiphus (Augustiuus). De diebus criticis [etc.]. fol. [Venetiis, 1504.] Quirke (Joseph). Testimonials of J. Quirke. 8°. [Dublin, 1866.] [Capacity for metlical appointment.] Qllil'll ([Gerhard] Wilhelm). * Experimentelle IJutersiichuugeu iiber die Wirkuug des Extrac- tum filicis maris. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. Quil'Oga (Jose" Maria). * Sobre la inhumacion. Sobre la enfermetlad tiel sarampion. 28 pp. 8°. Lima, J. F. Solis, 1872. Quiroga (Serapio) [1857- ]. * Etude sur I'ulcere gastroduode^ial d'origine infectieuse. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 362. Qtlil'OS (J.-Antonio). * Inconvenients des son- des a demetire. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 90. Quiserme (F61ix). * Des dissolvants chimiques et du colchique d'autoinne. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1868. [P., v. 1705; 1845.] ficole de pharmacie. Quissac (J.) De la doctrine ties 61e"ments et de sou application a la me'decine-pratique. 2 v. 364, 360 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Sevalle; Paris, Bailliere, 1850. ------. Cholera asiatiqne, sa nature et sou traite- ment. 20 pp. 8°. Montpellier, C. Coulet, 1875. Repr. from: Montpel. m6d., 1875, xxxiv. ------. Therapeutique ine'dicale. 417 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fils, 1879. Quissac (Jean-Gabriel). * Propositions de ma- iled ne et de chirurgie. 14 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 242, v. 301. Quissama. Price (F. G. H.) A description ofthe Quissama tribe [Angolal. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lontl., 1871-2, i, 185-193.— Vlonteiro (J. J.) On the Quissama tribe of Angola. Ibid., 1875-6, v, 198-201. Q ll ist (P. D. W.) * De cancro mammarum. 34 pp., 11. 4°. Killce, C. F. Mohr, 1829. Qllistello. Regolamento di polizia mortuaria delcomunediQuistello. 16 pp. 8°. Manitova, lit. Mondovi, 1885. Quistorp (Joannes Gustavus). *De chorea St. Viti. 2 p. l.,48pp. b°. Gryphiw, F. G. Kunike, [1838]. Quistorp (Joh. Bernhardus) [1692-1761]. Scru- tinium operationis metlicanientorum evacuan- tinin, nominatim vomitorioruni.purgantinin,ene- niatum, suppositorioriim, diaplioretiioruni, din reticorum, errhiiioruni, apophleginatisantiuin, salivantium, emmenagogorum, vesicatorioruni, aphrodisiacorum. 75 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Bostochii, typ. X. Schwiegerovi, [1713]. ------. * De anaesthesia, vou dem unempfindlich seyn. 2:51. 4°. Bostochii, J. Weppling, [1718]. Quito. Gaykaud (E.) & Domec (D.) La capitale fie l'Equateur au point de vue m6dico-chirurgical. 8U. Paris, 1886. tj.-iyinml tE.) efe Domec (I>.) Quito, topographic, et ethnogra|ihie [and diseases]. Montpel tu6d., 1878, xl, 385; 481: xii, 1; 97; 491: 1879, xiii, 23; 341: xliii, 27. Qllittenbauin (Alexander Carl Friedrich). * Eierstockkrankheiten, ihre anatomiseh-patlio- logischen Verhiiitnisse, Diagnose und Heilung. Nebst Beschreibung einer mit vollkomineii gliicklichem Erfolge gekronten totalen Exstir- pation des rechten, stark verwachsenen hydro-. pischen Eierstocks, von Carl Friedrich Quitten- bauin. 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 3 pl. 4C. Boslock, Adler, 187)0. Qllittenbauin (Carl Friederich) [1793-1852]. De meuiorabili quotlam maxilla- inferioris fungo scrofuloso. 28pp.,2pl. fol. Hannorera, biblio- polio aulico Hahniano, 1818. ------. Connnentatio tie splenis hypertrophia. 24pp.,2pl. 4°. Bostochii, typ. Adler'ianis,[1836]. See, also, Quittenbnuin (Alexander Carl Friedrich). *Eiersttickkrankheiten, [etc.]. 4°. Rostock, 1850. QliitZiliniili (Ernst Anton) [1809-79]. Von den iiietliziuisclifii Systemen untl ihrer geschicht- lichen Entwicklung. 2 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, G. Franz, 1837. ------. Die Entwicklungs-Gesckichte der Ertle nach ihren Lebensaltern. 38 pp. 8°. Miinchen, G. Franz, 1838. ------. Qusedam circa morbi historiam. 28 pp. 4°. Monachii, G. Franz, 1838. ------. Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Parasi- ten-Theorie uud ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Ausbil- dung der Pathogenie. x (1 1.), 128 pp. 8°. Miinchen, G. Franz, 1842. ------. Vorstudien zu einer philosophischen Ge- schichte der Medizin als der sichersten Grundhigt' fiir die gegen wartige Reform dieser Wissenschaft. Erster Theil: Kritik der Geschichte der Metlizin. xx, 291 pp.; viii, 300 pp., 1 1. 8°. Karlsruhe, C. Macklot, 1843. With second title-page: Die Geschichte der Medizin in ihrem gegenwartigen Zustande. 1. u. 2. Abth. ------. Ueber Sanitatscompagnien nnd milita- ri sche Krankentransporte. Nebst einem voll- Htiindigen Krankentriiger-Unterrichte untl einer Instruktion fiir Krankentransporte auf Eisen- balinen. viii, 109 pp. 12°. Xumberg, I. A. Stein, 1864. Quivogne (F.). Editor of: Keho (L') ties soeietes et associations vetc- rinaires de France, Lyon, 1879. Quivogne (G.) De la chloroformisation. ses inconv6nients, ses dangers ; ni6thodes pour les preVenir. 66 pp. 8°. Anvers, J. E. Bitschmaun, 1886. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1886, xlviii. Quoiliu (M.-L.-J.) * De morbis iutemisgenere. 17 pp. 4°. Parisiis, an XII [1804], No. 307, v. 51. Quoniain de usu medicinarum tam simplicium quam compositarnm [etc.]. MS. 51. fol. [n.p., n. d.] Bound with: ve Gordon (Bernard). In nomine [etc.|. fol. Ferrarice, 1486. QUOTARD. 970 QVIST. Qiiotard (Henri-Houor<5). * Considdrations sur l'hygiene des nouveau-ne"s. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1,824, No. 228, v. 189. Quoy (Jean-Rene-Constant) [1790-1869]. iTIahcr (M.) FJoge de Jean-R6n6-Constant Quoy. Arch, tie mid. nav., Par., 1869, xii, 401-422. Qliris (Charles-Alexandre). * Sur la pdritonite. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 315, v. 118. Qvist (Carl) [1827- ]. Om koleran i Helsing- fors 1871 och om foregiiende kolernepidimier i Finland. [Ett bidrag till landets farsots-histo- rik.] 88 pp., 2 tab., 1 map. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckel 4- Son, 1872. R. R. Die Vorbildung der Aerzte auf Gymnasien. Zwei gutachtliche Aufsatze. 19 pp. sm. 4°. [Dresden, E. Blochman u. Sohn, 1847.] [R.] Epidemic cholera. 8 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1849. ] [R. (A.)]1 Most excellent and approved medicines and remedies for most diseases and maladies in- cident to man's body, lately compiled and ex- tracted out of the originals of the most famous antl best experienced physicians, both iu England and other countries. By A. R. And since re- vised by an able practitioner in the same science, and now published for the universall good and benefit of this Commonwealth. 7 p. 1., 144 pp. 16°. London, G. Latham, 1652. [R. (A.)]'2 Apercus critiques de me'decine con- temporaiue, par uu ancien praticien. 2. 6d. 72 pp. 12°. Paris, Bray $ Retaux, 1883. R. (B. H.) Praxeos medicse irpodeupia generalis deliueata a B. H. R., M. D., incepta ao 1738 mense Junis. MS. 112 pp. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Bound with: Dispensatokium regium, [etc.] fol. Er- fordice, 1734. R. (D. A.) Da Mose a Succi. Storia e fisiologia del digiuno. 112 pp. 12°. Firenze, Fieramosca, 1886. R. (F.) Piccolo compendio di ostetricia ad uso di esaini. 82 pp. 18°. Xapoli, A. Voile $ G. Ca- passo, 1889. R. (G.). See Spallanzani (Gio. Battista). Risposta al arti- colodel signor G. R. [etc.]. 8°. Reggio, 1818. R. Accademia d' agricoltura di Torino. An- nali della ... v. 23, 1880. Iii, 412 pp., 10 pl., 3 tab. 8°. Torino, Camilla - tns. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, J. A. Koch, 1864. c. Raabius (JoannesNicolaus). *Deileo. 24 pp. sin. 4°. Jence, typ. Ritterianis, [1720]. Raadgevingen aan iedereeu betrekkelijk de cholera. Uitgegeven door den geneeskuudigcn raatl voor Overijssel eu Drenthe. 21 pp. 8 . Zwolle, J. ./. Tijl, 1871. Raadgeviiigeu aan de ingezetenen van Suri- name, ointrent liunnen leefregel en tie hulpniid- delen bij het ontstaan der cholera. Uitgegeven met voorkennis van de commissie van geneesk. onderzoek en toevoorzigt. 2 1. 8°. Paramaribo, A. L. G.de Ran chimie, 1857. de Raadt (P.) De koninklijke besluiten van 23 Mei 1845en 1 Julij 1850 eu tie verslageuderstaats- commission voor de toelating van studeuten tot de hoogescholen en atheuaea. viii, 141 pp. 8°. Amstei'dam, P. X. van Kampen, 1851. Kaaf (Bernhard). *Zur Therapie des Asthma bronchiale von der Nase ausgelost. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, Hauptmann, 1886. Rabaehe ( Ch. ) Etudes, observations et re- cherches sur le cholera, sa cause et son remede. 34 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Feret fils, 1854. Rabaelier (Carolus Fridericus). * De novorum militumexplorationemedica. 31pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Starilzii, [1834]. For Biography, see Kuehn (Carl Gottl). Rabagliati (A.) On relapsing fever; with special relation to the epidemic in Bradford, in 1869-70. 21pp., 8 ch. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver $ Boyd, 1873. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1873, xix. -----. Some remarks on the classification and nomenclature of diseases. iv, 60 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall 4' Cox, 1886. Repr. from: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1886, xiii. Rabaiue (Eugene). *De la procidence tlu cordon ombilical. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 33. Rabaine (Louis-Charles). * Etude sur la p6ri- n6orrhaphie. 118 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887), No. 1, 1885-6. -----. The same. 118 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, O.-L. Favraud freres, 1885. For Biography, see Janus, Bresl, 1847, ii, 125-131 (Schnei- der). Rabauus Iflaurus [or Hrabanus (Mau- rus)] Magnentiits. See itlerbitzius (Joh. Valentinus). De varietatefaciei humana;, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Dresdce, 1676. Rabasse (Auguste-Louis-Philippe). * De l'hy- pertrophie du cceur. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 318, v. 316. RABASSE. 973 RABELAIS. Rabasse (Charles). * Etude snr les ahces froids du mollet chez les enfants scrofuleux. 66 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1886, 1. s., No. 309. Rabasse (J.-Albiu). *De la fievre typhoide. Quehpies considerations sur cette maladie tlans les campagnes. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 167, v. 623. Rabasse (L.-J.) * Considerations g6ne"rales sur les plaies des articulations faites par les amies a feu ou les instrumens tranchans. viii, 9-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 84, v. 84. Rabaste (The'ophile). * Essai sur le diagnostic tlu cancer tlu poumon. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 291. Rabatel (Joseph). * Sur Fam6norrh6e. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 211, v. 210. Rabaud (Jean). * Recherches snr l'historique et les causes procbaines ties contractures des ex- tr6mit6s. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 78, v. 6U9. Rabbas (Gustav). * Ueber Storungen in der Fahigkeit des Lesens bei progressi ver Paralyse. [Wurtzburg.] 21pp. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Rabbe (Frans Job.)'[1801-79]. *Om tempera- menterae. 24 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell Sc Son, 1832. Rabbeu ( Job. ) De formatione novi ossis in cavamine tibia', exemplo comprobata. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Lundw, typ. Berlingianis, 1814. [P., v. 143.] Rabbertz (H.) * Ueber die kiinstliche Friihge- burt. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthans, [1876]. Rabbiuowicz (Israel-Michael) [1818- ]. * Etudes historiques de l'empoisonnement. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 215. -----. La medecine du Thalmnd, ou tous les passages concernant la me'decine. Extraits des 21 traite"s du Thalmud de Babyloue. li, 176 pp. 8°. Paris, 1880. -----. The same. Einleitung in die Gesetzge- bung uud die Medicin des Thalmuds. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von Sigmuud Mayer. xxiii, 268 pp., 21. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Schulze, 1883. Rabbit*. Krause (W.) Die Anatomie des Kaniuchens. Iu topographischer und operativer Riicksicht. 8-. Leipzig, 1868. Schneider (P.) Topographiscbe Anatomie des Vorderhalses beim Kaninchen untl tier Kehl- kopf desselben. 4°. Berlin, 1868. It a n« roll. The rabhit pest and Pastenrism in Aus- tralia. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1128. — Ciriffini (L.) Snr la reproduction totale on partielle de l'appareil foli6 du lapin et des papilles calyciforraes. Arch. ital. de hiol, Turin. 1884. v. 106. — Karslen (H.) Spontane Entste- hung einer coutagiose n Krankheit hei Kaninchen. Deut sche Ztschr. f. Thiermeil., Leipz., 1875, i, 24-33.—Pasteur. La destruction des lapins. Rev. scient.. Par., 1888, 3. s., xii, 139-142. — Rcnnut (J.) Sur l'6pithelium fenetre des follicules elos tie I'intestin du lapin et de ses stomatea teiuporaires. Compt. iend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii, 334-337. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 389. Rabbits (Delivery of). See Impostures. Rabbits (Diseases of). See Hydatids of rabbits. Kabe (Albertus Alexander). * Nonnulla de tem- peraments. 3 p. 1., 30 pp. 8°. Haiti, typ. Scharreanis, [1834]. Rabe (Carl Hermann). *Die Aceoinmodatious- Krankheiten in ihrer Beziehung zum Schielen. 30 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 1864. c. Rabe (Carolus ^Eniilins Ferd.) [1797- ]. * De hydrocephalo ventriculorum cerebri acuto. 35 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Briischckianis, 1824. Rabe (Christianus Fridericus). * De collectione simplicium. 24 pp. 4°. Helmstadii, lit. Ham- mianti, [1722]. Rabe (Fridericus Leop. Chri.stopb.or.) * De do- lore gravidarum, parturientium, puerperarum. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Goepferdtii, [1795]. Rabe (Joh. Christian) & Bussius (Fridericus Augustus). Hippocratem barbaris operam ne- gantem sistunt. 24 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. A. M. Schedii, [1722]. Rabe (L.-M.-Felix). * Sur l'ictere consecutif an catarrhe des voies biliaires. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 216. Rabe (Otto). Go-Editor of: Vegetarische Rundschau, Berlin, 1883-5. Rabe (Reinhold A.) *Drag till diagnostiken af nagra brostcavitetens organers sjukiloniar hos barn. [Diagnosis in some diseases of the chest in children.] 18 pp. 8°. Upsala, Ldcjuist 4- ]. * Etude sur la m6dication salicyhSe dans la fievre typhoide. 156 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 361. Rabec (Georges) [1857- ]. * De la suppura- tion en ge"n6ral et des parotidites suppur6es en particulier, au point de vue de Involution tie certaines maladies mentales. 51pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 391. Habee (Jean-Baptiste). *Dn mai vertebral de Pott. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 128, v. 489. Rabejae (Pamphile). *Du goitre exophthal- mique. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 19. Rabel (Arsene-Pierre-Cle'nient). * Considera- tions sur plusieurs maladies graves qui out s6vi a bord du Monge, pendant une campagne de cinq annees, 1859-64, en Chine, Cochinchine et Japon. 57 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Cristin $ Cie., 1867), No. 46. C. Rabelais (Francois) [1483-1553]. See Hippocrates. Hippocratis ac Galeni libri aliquot fete.J. IIP. Lugduni. 1532. For Portrait, see Collection —van Kaathoven.—Col- lei tion ot Portr. (Libr.).—Collection of Portr. of Phys. efc Men of Sc, 163. ---. See, also: Heulhard(A.) Rabelais, chirurgien. Appli- cations de son glossocomion dans les fractures tlu femur; et de son syringotoine dans le traitement des plaies pe"u6trautes de 1'abdouien d^crites. 8°. Paris, 1885. Noel (E.) Rabelais, m6decin, ecrivain, cure", philosophe. 4. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1880. Bremond (F.) Francois Rabelais. Rev. de lit. mod., Par.. 1877, ii, 34; 66. — Chnpelain ( G.) Le premier prosecteur francais. Abeille m6d., Par., 1871, xxviii, 289-292.—Gnignard (U.) La statue de Rabelais. Rev. de lit. m6d., Par., 1879, iv, 9-16. — Kiihnholtz (H.) Notice historique, bibliographique et critique sur . . . Eph6m. med. tie Montpel, 1827, vi, pp. i-xxiv, port.—[ l-a- croix (P.)]' Simples notes sur la vie de Francois Rabe- lais par le bibliophile Jacob. Rev. de lit. m6d., Par., 1879, iv 241- 270; 295; 317: 345.—Paquelin. Rabelais ct la circulation. Ibid., 1878, iii, 499-504.—Keville (A.) Un couimeutaire allemand sur Rabelais. Rev. d. deux mon- des Par., 1872, ci, 820-847. — Riviere (A.) Conference sur'Rabelais. Rev. de lit. metl., Par., 1878, iii, 474; 497; 526- 554- 577. — Wauton (G.) I.a statue de Rabelais. Ibid. 506-508.—Turner (E.) Les portraits de Rabelais. Progres med.. Par., 1882, x, 470; 586; 604; 620.-----. Rabelais, ses etudes metlicales. Ibid., 195; 211; 255; 273. _____. Editions des romans de Rabelais. Ibid., 1883, xi, 374 • 401 • 417; 435. -----• Examen d'un article r6cent sur Fr. Rabelais.' Ibid., 460-462. Rabelais, medeciu, avec notes et commentaires, par Felix Bremond. Gargantua. xx, 310 pp., 1 pl., port. 12°. Paris, Ve. Pairault, 1879. Contains the textof Rabelais'Gargantua. Also, in: Rev. de lit. m6d., Par., 1876, i, passim. Rabelais, medecin. Notes et commentaires par le Dr. FeJix Bremond. Pantagruel, avec une preface de M. le Dr. Hahn. 1 port, frontispiece, 211 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Ma Jo in e, 1888. Contains the textof Rabelais' Pantagruel, Book II. Also, in- Rev.de lit. m6d., Par., 1877, ii-iv, passim. Also,m: Tribune med., Par., 1885-8, xvii-xx, passim. RABELLEAU. 974 RABOURDIN. Rabelleau (A.-A.-Athanase). *I. Quels sont les causes, le traitement et la nature tie la fievre inflammatoire? Desacauseprochaine. II. [etc.]. 35 pp. 4°. Parti, 1842, No. 181, v. 395. Raben (Christianus). *De diabete mellito. 81 pp. 12°. Havniw, typ. S. Poppii, 1806. Raben (Joannes Fridericus). * De osteoide. 9 pp. 4°. Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 1857. In: Sehrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, vii, 1857, iv, med. x. voll Rabenail(Friedrich)[1847- ]. *Ueber tlie iSensibilitiitsstorungen bei Hysterischen. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1869]. Rabenhorst (L.) Klotzschii herbarium vivum mycologicum sistens fungorum per totam Ger- maniam crescentium collectiouem perfectam. Etlitio nova. Centuria i-viii. 8 v. 4°. Dresdw, C. Heinrich, 185(5-9. ------. The same. Fungi europad exsiccati. Klotzschii herbarii vivi mycologici contiuuatio. Ed. nova. 2. s. Cent, i-xxii. 22 v. 4°. Dres- dw, C. Heinrich, 1859-76. ------. Cladonise Enroptete. Die Cladonien Eu- ropa's in getrockneten Exemplaren. Unter Mit- wirkung mehrerer Freunde der Botanik. 12 pp. fol. Dresden, C. Heinrich, 1860. [P., v. 1292] Rabenius (Th.) Svenskamediciualforvaltnin- geu i orduad tifversigt framstalld af . . . [Ad- ministration of the Swedish medical depart- ment.] 2 p. 1., 86 pp. 8°. Upsala, W. Schultz, 1871. Rabere [1853- ]. * Essai sur la pathogenie ties kystes s6reux dits hydroceles chez la femme. 59 pp'. 4°. Paris, 1883^ No. 74. Rabere (Pierre-Cle'iuent). *£tude sur la mort subite dans la fievre typhoide. [Paris. ] 143 pp. 4°. Arqenteuil, 1870, No. 25. ------. The same. 143 pp. 8°. Parti, A. Delahaye MS (A.) Schema zum Einzeichneu fiir chi- rurgische Operatious-Curse und topographische Anatomie nach Augabe vou H. Maas und Ph. Stohr. 1 pl. broadside. fol. Wiirzburg, J. Staudinger, [lr84]. Rabus (Joannes Ludovicus). * De alantotoxici virilitis et natura cum intoxicationis botulinse nuperrimeobservataedescriptione. [Wurtzburg.] 31 pp. 8°. Monachii, C. Wolf, 1840. Rabuske (Julius [Henricus]) [1^37- ]. * De rariore quadam stenosis oesophagi forma. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, G. Jansen, [I860]. RabutailX (A.) Dela prostitution en Europe depuis l'antiquite jusqu'a la fin tlu xvie siecle, avec une bibliographie par Paul Laeroix, et quatre planches bors texte gravees par MM. Bis- sou et Cottiird, d'apres les dessins fac-simile tie M. A. Racinet fils, sous la direction artistique de Ferdinand Sere. 24 p. 1., xxxvi ff., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, Sere, 1851. Rabuteau (An toine-PierreAthanase)[ 1836-85]. "Etude experimentale sur les effets physiologi- ques ties iiaornres et des composes metalliques en general. 151 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 95. ------. Tbe same. 303 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Parti, Lebigre-Duquesne freres, 1865. ------. Elements de toxicologic et de medecine legale appliquee a l'empoisonnement. vii, 918 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 12°. Paris, Lauwereyns, 1873. Ruby (Jean-Baptiste). *De Panemie. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)2, No. 259, v. 531. Raby Moyses. See Moses Maimonides. Raeaniere (Paul). *Des differeutes formes d'allailenient, leurs avautages, leurs inconve- nients. 56 pp., 21. 4°. Montpellier, 1883, No. 22. Racca (Luigi) [1777-1849]. Necrologia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1849, 2. 8., ii, 424 (G. B.). Racehetti (Vinceuzo) [1777-1819]. Della strut- tura, delle funzioni, e delle malattie della midolla spinale. 446 pp., 11. 8°. Milano, P. E. Giusti, 1816. Raccoglitore (II). Title of v. 1-24 of: Raccoglitore (11) medico. Raccoglitore (II) medico. Opera periodica tli medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini, diretta da Luigi Malagodi, e compilata tlal dottore Ginlio Govoni. [Weekly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-24, 1838-49; 2. s., v. 1-24, 1850-61. 8°'. Fano. Want pp. 97-144, v. 18, 2. s., July to Dec, 1858. Title of v. 1-24, 18118-49, is: Raccoglitore (II). Title of v. 11-21, 2. s., is: Raccoglitore medico di Fano. Subtitle of v. 5-24, 2. s., is: Qionialc di medicina e chirurgia per srr- vireai progressi della restaurazioue ippocrntica in Italia. Iu v. 7, 1841, Govoni dropped and Dario Olivi added; v. 17-20, Malagodi sole editor: in v. 21, 1848, Camillo Fran- ceschi added. In 1862 continued as: Ippocratico (L), which formed 3. series. Raccoglitore (II) medico. Giornale indirizzato a) progresso tlella medicina e chirurgia pratica, e degli interessi morali e professional! special- mente dei medici-chirurghi condotti, diretto tlal Prof. Cav. Luigi Malagodi, redatto e compilato dal Dott. Cav. Luigi Casati. Si pubblicano3fasc. al mese. [2 v. annually.] 4. s., v. 1-24, Jan. 10, 1874, to Dec, 1885; 5. s., v. 1-8, 1886-9. 8°. Forli. Current. Title of 3. series, 1862-73, was: Ippocratico "premesso iu fronte il giuramento d'lpocrate" dropped from title-page. See. also, Siippleinento al Raccolta di opere mediche moderne italiane e straniere. v. 1-4. 8°. Bologna, 1832. Raccolta Iew York, 1880-84. — rVew-Yorker medizini- sche Presse, 1885-8. Rachel (Guilielmus). *De febre intermittente symptomatica. 1 p. 1., 38 pp. 8°. Gryphiw, F. G. Kunike, [1836]. Rachel (Pierre-Armand). * Contribution a l'e- tude de la tuberculose primitive de la cornee. [Paris.] 35 pp. 4°. Havre, 1887, No. 165. Rachitic. See Rickets; Spine (Deformities, etc., of). Rachmaninoff (I.) * K voprosu oregeneratsii poperechuopolosatych myshechnych volokon. [Ou regeneration of transversely striated muscu- lar fibre.] 103 pp., 2 1., lpl.* 8°. Moskva, S. P. Archipoff, 1881. Raciborski (Adam) [1809-71]. *Sur les tu- meurs stercorales. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 370, v. 280. -----. Nouveau manuel complet d'auscultation et tie percussion, ou application de l'acoustique au diagnostic des maladies, x, 302 pp. 1^°. Paris, 1835. The same. An elementary treatise ou auscultation and percussion, or the application of acoustics to the diagnosis of diseases, with a synoptical table. Transl., Avith notes, etc., by Minturu Post, viii, 261 pp., 1 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Xew York, Collins, Keese c)'- Co., 1839. -----. Precis pratique et raisonue du diagnostic, contenant l'inspection, la mensuration, la palpa- tion, la depression, la percussion, l'auscultatiou, l'odoration, la gustation, les reactifs chimiques, ^interrogation des malades, la description des maladies de la peau, de la houche, tie la gorge, ties parties genitales, des alterations du sang, ties affections du systeme nerveux, de l'appareil respiratoire, circulatoire, digestif, urinaire, etc. xiii, 934 pp. 12°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1837. -----. Histoire des decouvertes relatives au sys- teme veineux, envisage sous le rapport anato- niique, physiologique, pathologique et therapeu- tii|iie, depuis Morgagni jusqu'a nos jours. Memoire couronne par l'Acadeniie royale de me- decine 17 dec 1840. 214 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parti, J.- B. Bailliere, 1841. Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1841, ix. -----. Deja puberte et de l'age critique chez la femme, au point de vue physiologique, hygieni- que et medical et de la ponte periodique chez la femme et les mammiferes. (D'apres un ouvrage couronne par l'Acadeniie royale de medecine.) xiii, 520 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1844. -----. Thesame. Della puberta e dell'eta critica della donna sotto il punto di vista fisiologico, igienico e medico, e della ovulazione periodica nella donna e nei mammiferi (giusta un' opera premiata dall' Accademia reale di medicina). Prima versione italiana del Dot. Domenico Lan- dini. 2. ed. x, 11-300 pp. 16°. Livorno, frat. Vignozzi tf- nipote, 1846. -----. Discours sur A.-C.-L. Villeneuve, lu a cette societe le 3 septembre 1853. (Societe medicale dn 10earrondissementdeParis.) 23 pp. 8°. Pa- rti, Cosson, 1853. [P., v. 1818.] -----. De 1'exfoliation physiologique et patholo- gique de la membrane interne de l'uterus, avec Raciborski (Adam)—continued. tie nouvelles considerations sur les avortement^ au debut de la grossesse. 80 pp. 8°. Parti, J.- B. Bailliere cyfils, 1857. -----. De l'amenorrhee par causes psychiques et particulierement par la petir excessive d'etre grosse ou par le vif desir tl'avoir des enfants. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, [1865]. [P., v. 788.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. de ra6d.. Par., 1865, i -----. Traite de la menstruation, ses rapports avec l'ovulation, la fecondation, l'hygiene de la puberte et de 1'age critique, son role dans les difterentes maladies, ses troubles et leur traite- ment. xxiv, 631 pp., 1 tab., 2 pl. 8-'. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere » i -----. Briefe fur Aerzte und Nichtarzte tiher die Aftermedizin und deren Nothwendigkeit im Staate. Ein Beytragzurmedizinischen Polizcy. iv, 7-259 pp. 8°. Coin, 1804. -----. Libellus de dysenteria. vi, 7-264 pp. 8°. Coloniw, Keil, 1806. ---—. Rechtfertigung der von den Gelehrten misskannten, verstandesrechten Erfahrungsheil- lehre der alten scheidekiinstigen Geheimarzte nnd treue Mittheilung des Ergebnisses einer ffinf- undzwanzigjahrigen Erprobung dieser Lehre am Krankenbette. x, 1309 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1843. -----. Thesame. 2. Ausg. 2v. xxvii, 873pp.; xiv, 809 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1846-7. -----. Thesame. 4. Ausg. 2 v. xxvi, 873pp.; xiv, 809 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1851-2. -----. Erlauternder Auszug aus Rademacher's Erfahruugs-Heillehre, nebst Uebersicht, Sach- u. Inhaltsverzeichniss,und kritischen Bemerkuugen fiber dieselbe. Gedruckt im Einverstanduisse mit einem zu dem Behufe geschlossenen Vereine von Aerzten und uur fiir denselben. lvi, 264 pp. 8°. [n.p. J, 1846. For Biography, see Bergrath. Eine biographische Skizze. 8°. Berlin, 1850. See, also, Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 141. Also: Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk., Berl, 1851, iv, 128-140 (Krocher). Radeniacherism. Richter (C. H.) * Nonnulla de Rademacheri doctrina medica et remediis. 8°. Jutroboci, [1850). AI trior fer (A.) Standpunkt und Berechtigung der reinen Erfahrungsheilkunde nach Rademacher. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Therap., Berl, 1853, i, 113; 225.—Barning (A.) Rademacher en zijne leer. Tijdschr. v. geneesk. er- varing, Tilburg, 1851-2. i, 1-21.—Brosius, jun. Anwen- dung Rademacher'scher Arzneimittel. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kolu. 1850, iv, 471: 1851, v, 400.-Dieae. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die "Rademacher'sche Erfah- ningslieillehre". Med. .Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 4-6.—Frey (H.) Rademacher und seine Erfahrungsheillehre; Correspondenzartikel. Arch. f. physiol Heilk., Stuttg., 1853, xii, 572-588.—Gobbin (C.) Job. Chr. [sic] Rademacher's Erfahrungsheillehre und die Anhauger der reinen Empirie; eine kritische Denkschrift vou ... Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk., Berl, 1852, v. 177- 288.—Hns* (M.) Nagra ord om Rademacher och Rade- machcrianismen. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1853, xv, 655-663.— Junge. Rademacher's Eifahrungsheillehre. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1851, iii, 15-17.—Kissel. Rademacher und die naturwissenschaftliche Therapie deren Anhauger und Geguer. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Therap., Berl, 1853. i, 321- 337.—Krail mer (L.) Joh. G. Rademacher's verstandes- rechte Erfahrungsheillehre und die Medicin als Naturwis- senschaft. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1851, iii, 349; 357.— Krocher. Antwort auf Prof. L. Krahmer"s Kritik der Rademacher'schen Heillehre. Ibid., 1853, v, 25-28.—I>ay- ■n:i■■ n. Rademacher's Rechtfertigung der Erfahrungs- Heillehre. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i, 414-427.—Ijersch (B. M.) Glossen iiber die Aqua nucis vomicae untl die Aqua nicotinas der Rademachianer. Ibid., 1851, v, 221-230.—Lewenaon. Die Rademachersche Er- fahrungslehre. Metl. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1848, v, 161; 169; 177; 185.—Iiietzau. Kritsche Uebersicht der Rademacher'schen Lehre. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1851, lxx, 368-378.—ITlantey. Kritik der Rademacher'schen verstandesrechten Erfahrungsheillehre. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1851, 481; 499; 513.—Oehlschlager. Die Stellung der modernen Medicin zu Rademacher's Er- fahruugsheillehre. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1850, ii, 528.— Rademacher. Kritik der moglichen Grundfesten einer Heillehre. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1827, lxiv, 6. St., 3-55.— Rademacher; sa doctrine; sa th6rapeutique. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1855, iii, 366; 393; 421; 449; 533 j 560; 589.—Sinogowitse. Betrachtungen iiber Radeiua. cher's Erfahrungsheillehre. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 157-160.—Stich. Rademacher und seine Jiingev. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1849, xviii, 801-803.—Thiene- ■naini (H. W.) Einige Worte zu Gunsten tier Lehre Ra- demacher's. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. RADEJMACHKUISM. 980 KADFOKD. Kacleiiiaclierisin. n. Aerzte I860, Konigsb., 1861, xxxv, 179-184. -----. Ueher Rademacher's Lehre, mit Bezug auf einige neuere Aeus- serungen dariiber. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1863, n. F., vi, 74; 82; 91; 101; 114. -----. Anwendung von Radema- cher's Lehre auf Psychiatrie. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Ge- Bellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1863, x, 33-41.—Tres- ling (J. B.) Kritische heschouwing van de "zuivere oudervindings-leer" van Dr. J. G. Rademacher. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1849, n.R., i, 649; 705: 1850, n. R., ii, 80; 186; 221. Radeinaeker (Frangois-Hubert) [1814- 04]. C'aflTe (P.-L.-B.) N6crologie. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1864, xxxi, 479. Kademaker (Daniel). *De jtue circa sepul- turam et hominum mortuorum cadavera. 2 p. 1., 44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans et filios, 1754. [P., v. 996.] Rademaker (Joan. Guil.) *De forma? corpo- ris humani vitiis externis, quse sicubi interna organa morbose destructa aut sedibus suis com- mota fuerunt, sequi solent. 1 p. 1., 34 pp. 8°. Bonnw, typ. C. Georgii, [1836]. Rademaker (Ludovicus). *De uonnullis con- junctiva} palpebrarum morbis. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bonnw, form-is H. B. Koenig, 1862. c. Rademin (Henricus). * De hsemorrhagia. Irt 1. sm. 4°. Helmestadii, typ. G. W. Hammii, [1684]. Rademin (Joannes Georgius). *De functione cutis in stnt u sano a;que ac morboso. 69 pp. 8°. Gottingce, typ. J. F. Roweri, [1809]. Radesey (Joannes Ferdinandus). *De narcoti- corum usu in mania, cum adjectis duobus felicis- simi hujus usus exemplis. 25 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Viadr., e typ. Apitziano, [1797]. Radesyge. See, also, Leprosy; Scabies (Xorwegian). Anviisning til at kiende og helbrede Rade- sygen. 16°. Kj&benhavn, 1796. Arbo (N.) Von der Radesyge oder dem salzen Flusse. In: Drei Ahhandlnngen [etc.]. 8°. Altona, 1799, 3- 152. Belart(J.) *De morbo, quern radesyge no- minaut. 8°. Berolini, [1830]. Gedike (C. E.) * De morbo, quern radesyge dicunt, in Norvegia endemico. 8U. Berolini, [1819]. Holst (F.) Morbus, quern radesyge vocant, quinam sit quanamque ratione e Scandinavia tollendus? 8°. Christian w, 1817. Also, in: Frank (J.) Delect, opusc. ad prax. med. spec. 8°. Novocomi, 1827, il, 1-117. Mangor (C. E.) Abhandlung von den Kenn- zeichen, Ursachen und der Heilmethode der Ra- desyge. In: Drei Abhandlungen [etc.]. 8°. Altona, 1799, 153- 295. Pfefferkorn (W. G.) Ueber die norwegische Radesyge und Spedalskhed, als eineProbesehrift zur Erlangung der Doctorwurde in der Medicin uud Chirurgie nach der im Dec. 1796 vorherge- gangenen Priifung auf Genehmigung der medi- cinischen Facultat in Kiel hrsg. 8°. Altona, 1797. Rullmann (G.) *De ulcere radesyge. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1844. Schrader (C. F. A.) * De morbo qui radesvge dicitur. 8°. Halw, [1839]. Sprakel (H.) *De morbo qui dicitur rade- syge. H~\ Haiti Sax., [1864]. Steidel, ( B. ) * De natura radesyges. 8°. Jenw, 1851. Bock (W.) Historisch-kritiache Bemerkungen iiber Radesyge. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1853, v, 28-31.—. Rocker (H. H.) An account of the pseudo-syphilitic cu- taneous disease, radesyge, prevalent in some parts of Swe- den nnd Norway. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1809, v, 420-424.— Charlton (E.) Remarks on the Norway hospitals for Radesyge. radesvge, made during a visit to Norway in the summer of 1836. ' Ibid., 1837, xlviii, 101-105.—Chaufepic, sen. Ue- ber die Radesyge. Amtl. Ber. ii. tl. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1844, Bremen, 1845, xxii, 2. Abth., 140- 143.— Dclioux (J.) De la "Spedalskhed " et dc la "Ka- ties vge'', maladies endtjiniuues dans le nord dc l'Europe. [Rap. de Gibert.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 18.".4-'>, xx, 1258-1261.—Demangeon (J.-B.) Notice sur le radesyge de Norw^ge, on hi 16pre tlu nord. J. g6u. de m6d., chir. ct pharm., Par., 1806, xxv, 129-155. — Dentler (K.) Hade- syge. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1853, ii, 322-328 — Hjort (J. J.) Indberetning om en i Sommercn 1832 i det vestlige Norge foretagen Reise for at understfge tie der forekommende ondartede Hudsygdomme. | Report of a journey for the investigation of#a skin disease prevailing in western Norway.] Eyr, Christiania. 1833, viii, 1; 101. ■-----. Bidrag til Kundskab om de endemiske Hudsyg- domme. Norsk Mag. f. Lasgevidensk., Christiania, 1840, i, 1-25. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1841, xvi. 1-22. — Hoist (F.) Kami man nach den bisher aufgestellten Beweisen annehmen, dass die Skandinavi- sche Radesyge von tier Syphilis entsprins>t ? Eine Frage, kiirzlich beautwortet von ... J. d. pract. Heilk.. Berl, 1819, xlix, 4. St., 96-103. — Hiinefeld und Hubener on radesvge. [Rev.] Edinh. M. efe S. J., 1837, xlviii, 106- 134. — It. Du radesyge on svphiloide scandinave. Cli- nique. Par., 1830, iii, 13. — [Kleinenberg.] Ein Fall von Radesyge. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1862, ii, 282- 284.—ITiartins. Observations upon the radesyga, or leprosy of Norway. Med. Exam., Phila., 1839, ii, 422- 424. — Keydellet. Radesvge. Diet. d. sc. ni6d., Par., 1820, xlvii, 6-10.— Kollet (J.) Radezyge. Diet, enevcl d. sc. med., Par., 1874, 3. s., i. 718-721. — Roth a me I. Syphiloid in Kurbessen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., etc., Kassel, 1842. i, 1. Hft., 15-25.—Veiel. Radesyge. [Case.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1855, vii, 233. — Vinkhuijzen (H. J.) Over de radesyge. In his: Geneesk. opnierk., etc., 8°, Leiden, 1865, 112-176.—Vongt (I.) Die neuesten Nachrichten von der Radesyge in Norwegen und Schwe- den. Ann. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1811, iii, 229-245. — von Wei gel (C. E.) et al. Official report on the radesyge and venereal cases in the Swedish Hospital. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1837, xlviii, 337-352. Radetzki (I. I.) #Patologija katarralnago vospalenija legkich u novorojdennych i gruilnych detei. [Pathology of inflammatory catarrh of lungs in the new born and iu infants at the breast.] 131 pp., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, I. MarkofffKo., 1861. -----. Mineralnye istochniki v Birshtau i deist- vie ich na organizm. [Mineral springs of Birsh- tau and their effects on the organism.] xvi, 99 pp. 12°. St. Petersburg, F. S. Suschinski, 1885. Radford. Thorne (T.) Second report on the sanitary condition of the parish of Radford. Feb. 18, 1872. fol. London, 1872. Radford (Thomas) [1793-1881]. Syllabus of a course of lectures on the principles antl practice of midwifery, aud on the diseases of women and children, delivered at the Theatre of Anatomy and medicine. 38 pp. 8°. Manchester, T. For- rest, 1827. [P., v. 1237.] -----. Ou the structure of the human placenta, and its connections with the uterus, etc. 23 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Manchester, Leech fy Cheetham, 1832. [Also, in : P., v. 1238.] -----. The value of embryonic and foetal life, le- gally, socially, and obstetrically considered. 25 pp. 8°. Manchester, 1848. Repr. from: Brit. Rec. Obst. M. & S., Manchester, 1848, i _ -----. Remarks on the former and present as- pects of Saint Mary's Hospital; to which is pre- fixed some general observations. 62 pp. 8°. Manchester, J. E. Cornish, [1864]. -----. Observations on the Cesarean section and on other obstetric operations. With au appen- dix of cases. 1 p. 1., 68, xlviii pp., 6 pl. 8°. . Manchester, [London, T. Richards], 1865. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. xii, 225 pp., 2 1., 11 pl. 8°. London, J. $ A. Churchill, 1880. For Biography, see Laucet, Lond., 1882, i, 218 (J. M. Duncan). Also: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, iit!2. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1882), 1883, xxiv, 40-42 (J. M Duncan). RADFOKD. 981 RADII'S. Radford Library, Saint Mary's Hospital, Man- chester. See Saint Mary's Hospital and the Manchester and Salford Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary for Women and Children. Radial artery. See Artery (Radial). Radial nerve. See Nerves (Brachial). Radiata. Preyer (W. ) Ueher die Bewegungen der Seesterne. Eine vergleichend physiologisch- psychologische Untersuchung. 8°. Xeapel, 1866. Cutting from: Mitth. a. d. zoolog. Station zu Neapel, 1866, vii, 27; 191. Durham (H. E.) The emigration of amoeboid cor- puscles in the starfish. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xliii, 327-330, 1 pl—CSoodsir (J.) 'On the natural bistory and anatomy of Thalassema and Echiurus; bv Edward Forbes . . . In his: Anat. Mem., 8°, Edinb!, 1868, i, 425-434. — I>auge (W.) Bemerkungen zum Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histiologie der Asterieu und Ophiuren. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1877, iii, 449-452. —Perrier (E.) Sur la formation intercalate de bras nouveaux chez certaines etoiles de mer. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 264. Radiation. Oariel (C.-M.) Radiations. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., i, 741-812. Radical (A) cure of epilepsy-cramp. See [Salo- mon (P. M.)]. von Radics (P.) Das Warmbad Gallenegg ( Valvasor - Heim ) iu Krain. vii, 35 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1865. RadigOll ( Martin-Joseph ). *I. Iudiquer, en general, le traitement qui convient aux inflam- mations de la membrane muqueuse gastro- intestinal. II. [etc.]. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, Nu. 328, v. 348. Radijs (R.) Handleiding tot kennis van de oorzakeu der buikziekten in het algemeen, waardoor de soldaten en matrozen in Oost-Indie worden aangetast. Als ook van de oorzaken en geneeswijze der Bataviasche koorts in het bij- zonder. Als mede eene heschrijving over de zelfde koorts, door G. J. Peitsch. 452 pp. 8°. Batavia, [1824]. Radiolaria. Donitz(W.) Beobachtungen iiber Radiolarien. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1871, 71-82, 1 pl.—Dreyer (F.) Die Pylombildungen in veraleichend- anntomischer und entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Beziehung bei Radiularien und bei Protisten iiberhaupt, nebst System und Beschreibung neuer untl der bisjetzt liekannten pylo- matischen Spumellarien. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1888, n. F., xvi, 77-214, 6 pl. Radioseope. Becker. Ueber das Radioskop. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1874, xii, 410-416. Radio-ii I nar articulation. Chomitski (A. ) * O stroenii i mechanizme loktevago i lokte-luchevago sochlenenija. [On structure and mechanism of ulna and ulnar- radial articulation.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1884. Radius. van deutscher (D.) Verhandeling over de afzonder- lijke ontwrichting der kleine ellepijp. Verhandel. v. Ge- nootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst., 1791, i, 66-89, 1 pl— Pozzi (S.) Radius. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1874, 3. s., ii, 24-34. Radius (Abnormities of). See Extremity ( Upper, Abnormities of). Radius (Diseases and tumors of). See, also, Radius (Excisions of). Attains (Z. B.) Disease of the radius after fracture. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1850, n. s., xx, 38. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1848-53), 1853, i, 80. — Rarozzi. Cancer de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1869-70, xiii, 149-151. Bel Ion. Sarcome p6riostique da I'extr6mit6 inferieure du iiiilius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 79.—Rennett (W. H.) Radius (Diseases and tumors of). A case of sarcoma of the ratlins. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, in, 193, 1 pl—van Rerchem (H.) Observation de la perte du radius par exfoliation, suivie de quelques r6- flexions. Ann. Soc. dc med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Malines, 1851, ix, 353-302.—Rntlin (H. T.) On a case of periosteal sarcoma of the radius. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 227.—Carville. Necrose du radius; enlevement de l'os mort. Ga/.. tl. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 327. — Chauvel. Ost6o-sarcome de l'extremite inferieure du radius; dis- articulation du coude. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1876, xiii, 823-825. — Clark (Le G.) Case of necrosis of the radius; clinical remarks. Lancet, Lontl, 1864, ii, 491.— Delaporte. Rachitisme mono-ost6ique. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 739.—Uenuce (M.) Sarcome myeloide de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 406-469. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1884, xii, 351. — Dubourg. Tumeur fongueuse sanguine de l'extr6mite inferieure du radius; ligature de l'artere hrachiale; diminution marquee de la tumeur; reeidive; trois mois apr^s, necessite de l'amputation; mort du sujet. J. univ. et hebd. de ni6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1831, iv, 5-9. — Erichsen. Necrosis of the radius with disease of elbow joint; resection of the diseased por- tions of bone. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1861, i, 470.— Graujot. [Un 6norme kyste osseux, multiloculaire, de- veloppe aux d6pens de la moitie inferieure du radius gauche; exemple extremement rare de ce genre d'alt6ration dans cet os.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 249-252.— Gross (S. W.) Giant-celled sarcoma of the lower third of the radius. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 314.— Irwin (B. J. D.) Case of osteophytic inflammation of the rightradius; resection; preservation of a useful band. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., lxviii, 429-433. Also, Reprint.— Jelly (G. F.) efe Gunter (L. D.) Necrosis of radius. Boston M. efe S. J., 1868. lxxviii, 299— I.abbe. Exostose de croissance. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (18U6), 1867, 2. s., vii, 310. — Ijisfranc. Exostose du radius; muriate de haryte; amelioration. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 648.'—Ceiike efe Adams. Encephaloid disease of, the lower end of the radius. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 354.— iTInrjolin. Exostose de croissance. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1866), 1867, 2.8., vii, 313. — Nancrede (C. B.) Specimen of necrosis of radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 26. — Nedopill (M.) Vollstandiger Schwund einer Radiusdiaphyse. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 1292-1294. —Nelson-Pautier. N6crose centrale partielle de presque toute la longueur du radius droit; tr6panation; extraction. Rev. de th6rap.m6d.-chir., Par., 1880, xlvii, 90.— Pitts (B.) Ossifying sarcoma of radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 374-377.— Pozzi (S.) Radius. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., ii, 24-34. —Qnioc. Observation d'un cas d'allonge- ment du radius chez uue femme de 57 ans. Lyon m6d., 1877, xxv, 258-262. Also: M6m. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1877), 1878, xvii, 2. pt., 84-89. —Schattenberg. Ueher einen Fall von excessiver Osteophytenbildung am rechten Radius nach Schussverletzung. ' Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, Ivii, 335.— Smith (T.) Fatty tumour growing from the neck of the radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867-8, xix, 344. — Stone (W.) Necrosis of the head of the radius. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1849-50, vi, 419.—Verneuil. Ost6op6riostite du radius. Praticien, Par., 1889, xii, 317-319. — Weinlech- ner. Necrose des Radius und Anchylose des Ellbogen- gelenkes in Folge Verwundung des letzteren; Necrototnie; Heilung. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1874), 1875, 535.— Wilks (S.) Case of myeloid tu- mour at the lower end of the radius. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1857, 3. s., iii, 176, 1 pl.—Woodward (J. H.) Re- moval of the cancellous portion of the lower extremity of the radius for osteitis. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 579. Radius (Dislocations of). See, also, Elbow-joint (Dislocations of). Boularan (L.) * Luxations en dehors de rextremite" superieure du radius. 4°. Paris, 1875. Descamps (E.) * Etude sur la luxation in- complete de l'extremite" superieure du radius. 4°. Paris, 1876. Fredet (J.-J.) * Recherches sur la luxation traumatique complete de I'extr6mit6 sup6rieure du radius en arriere. 4°. Paris, 1860. Grenier (A.) * Sur la luxation du radius qui complique la fracture du tiers superieur du cu- bitus. 4°. Paris, 187tt. Joppich (J. J. A.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der angeborenen Luxation des Capitulum radii. 8°. Greifswald, 1888. Roixat (L.-V.-E.) "Des luxations en avant de l'extre'inite' sup6rieure du radius. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1854. RADIUS. 982 RADIUS. Radius (Dislocations of). Scharenberg (E.) * Ueber angeborene Luxa- tionen des Radius. 8-''. Gbttingen, 1875. Alcock (D. R.) Dislocation of the radius alone back- wards at the elbow-joint. Dublin M. Press, 1861, 2. s., iv, 357.—Allen . Schaffer (K.) * Bruch der unteren Epiphyse des Radius. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1877. Schmit (C.) "Etudes sur les conditions de presence ou d'abseuce de la deformation carac- teristique dans les fractures de l'extremite in- ferieure du radius, precede d'un historique cotn- plet de cette fracture. 4°. Parti, 1878. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Schulze (M.) *De fractura radii in parte in- feriore. 8°. Lipsiw, 1861. Turin (A.-H.) *De la fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. 4°. Parti, 1849. Vannerkau (E.) *Dutraitementdesfractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. 4°. Paris, 1881. Vaysse. * Contribution a l'etude des fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. 4G. Mont- pellier, 1884. Voillemier(L.-C) * Memoire sur les fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. 4°. Paris, 1842. KADIIJJS. 985 KADI US. Radius (Fractures and injuries of). -----. The same. 8°. Parti, [1842]. Also, in: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1842, 3. s., xiii, 261- 306, 2 pl. Adams (J. E.) Fracture of head of radius. Tr.Path.Soc. Lontl, 1871-2, xxii.205.— Agnew (1). II.) Case of fracture of both radii and of the patella, with severe lacerated wounds. Med. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 237.-----. Colles' fracture of radius. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2. ii, 145.-----. t Autopsy. Ibid., 1874-5, v, 661.—Ashhurst (J.), .jr. On the treat- ment of fractures of the lower extremity of the radios. Ibid., 1873-4, iv, 98.—Aubry. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 202.—Avrard (A.; Observation de fracture du radius par torsion tie la main, et d'une nouvelle variety de luxation de l'6paule en haut, ou sous-acromio-coracoi- dienne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x. 501. Also: Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1848, iv, 242-245.—Knurr (E. C.) Six casesof non-impacted Colles fracture. Lancet, Loud., 1873, ii, 111.—Badly-united fracture of radius. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1885, Loud., 1886, 21.—Ktirtltn. heuerr. Die Behandlung tier typischen Radiusfractur mittels Federexteusion. Deutsehe.med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1889, xv, 494.—Barton (J. H ) Views and treatmentof an important injur vol' the wiist. Med. Exam., Phila., 1838, i, 365-368.—Bnrtruin (J. S.) On the fracture of the radius at its lower third. Prov. M. efe S. J., Loud., 1846, 227.—Batchelder (J. P.) Remarks on the fracture of the lower extremity of the radius. N. Eng. J. M. efe S , Bost., 1819, viii, 113-115.—Bell (C. B.) Compound fracture of the radius; recovery. Boston M. efe S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 90.—Benavides (J. R.) Fractura transversal del radio por su estremidad inferior; dislocaci6n completa hacia tlentro yatras de la estreinidad inferior del cubito cou rotura del ligamento lateral interno; esfacelo de los dos tercios inferiores del antebrazo derecho; amputacion de este por su tercio superior; hepatitis de la cara convexa; pleuritis doble intercurrente; muerte de la enferma. Cr6n. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1858, vi, 151-158.—Bennett (E. H.) Re- marks on Colles' fracture and the fractures of the same part of the lower end of the radius. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1880, i. 759. -----. Specimens of Colles' fracture (recent, commmuted). Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, lxxi, 372. -----. Two examples of retint Ceilles' fracture. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl., 1884, ii, 423-426. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1884, i, 107*.— Bertholle. [Fracture de I'extr6mit6 in- ferieure tlu radius.J Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 114.—Bii;elow (H. J.) Stellate crack of the ratlins at the wrist. Be.stou M. efc S. J., 1858, lviii. 99.—Bird (F. D.) Fracture tif radius. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1K89, n. s., xi, 19:!—Blandin. Fracture de l'extremite tin melius; consitlerations sur la frequence de cette fracture; sou di- agnostic, sou mecanisme, sou traitement. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s.. iii, 272— Bceckel (E.) fils. Decollement de hepiplivse inferieure tin ratlins. Proc-verb. . . . Soc.de med.de Strasb.. 1866-8,iv, ill.—Bolles. Casesof Cedles's fracture [showing a new splint ]. Boston M. efe S. J., 1880, cii, 25U. — Bond (H.) Fractures of the lower end of the radius, and on their management. Med. Exam., Phila., 1852, n. s.. viii, 146-158. Also : Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1850- 53), 1853, n. s., i, 242-247. Also [Abstr ]: Boston M. efe S. J., 1852-3, xlvii, 499-503— Borck (E.) Fracture of the radius; treatment by rubber bandage. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1882. xiii, 72-79. —Boslock. Fibrous uuion in fracture of shaft of radius. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1886, vi, 246.— Bouilly. Traitement des consolidations vicieuses dela fracture de I'extr6init6 inf'6iieure du radius. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1884, n. s., x, 405-415. [Dis- cussion], 418-422.—Bourjgitet (E.) Note sur quelques modifications apportees au traitement des fractures de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxxiii, 400-409.—Bonyer. Fracture de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius avec penetration. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv. 301.—Boyland (G. H.) Contribution to the study of fractures of the inferior ex- tremity of the radius. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait, 1882, 92-96.—Braatz (E.) Die Spiralschiene ana Beely'schem Gipshanfmaterhil zur Behandlung des typi- schen Bruches am unteren Radiusende. Ceutralol. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 153-156.— Breuiiiiig (J.) Ge- nezing van ontlerscheidene beleedigingen en amputatie van den arm, aan een' en denzeliden persoon. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1832, xi, 537-543.— Brownrigg (J.) A splint for Barton's fracture of the radius. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1883, xvi, 86.— Brums (P.) Die Fraktur des Radiuskopfchens. Cen- tral)! f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii, 353-358. —Buck. Rare form of fracture of radius. Med. Rec, N. T., 1869-70, iv, 572.—Buckley (C.) A case of Colles fracture with luxa- tion of the ulna. Buffalo M. efe S. J., 1873-4, xiii, 89.— Bulteau (A.) Fractures du radius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 382-386. [Rap. de G. Marchant], 456- 459. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 790; 930.—Busch (W.) Seltene Fraktur des unteren Endes des Radius. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1858, xiv, 380-383. -----. Ueher die Fracturen der untern Epiphyse des Ra- dius. Verhandl. tl. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Itbeinl. u. Westphal, Bonn. 1863, xx, 9-13. -----. Ueber Behaud- Radius (Fractures and injuries of). lung der Radiusfracturen. Ibid., 164. — Butler (R. O.) Fracture of the styloid process of the radius ; fracture at the junction of the lower and middle thirds of the same hone; and larceratiou of the urethra from muscular con- traction without effusion of urine. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iii, 373-375. — Byrd (W. A.) Resection of a portion of the continuity of the ulna and radius for the correction of deformity from ununited Colles' fracture of six years' standing. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville,' 1874, xviii, 403-409.—Catleac. Fracture du radius ; compres- sion trop forte exerc6e par le bandage; gangrene tie la main. J. de nied., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1855, n. s., vii, 111-114. —Cameron (H. C.) Fracture of the lower extremity ofthe radius (Colles). Glasgow M. J., 1878, [5.] s., x, 97-103, 1 pl—Case of fractured radius, patella, and femur. Lancet 1823-4, 3. ed., Lond., 1826, ii, 446-449.— Chambers (J.) Gordon's method of treatmentof Colles' fracture of the radius. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1877, xxvii, 21-32.—Chcever (D. W.) Some experiments on fracture of the radius ; case of rupture of the quadri- ceps extensor femoris. Boston M. efe S. J., 1864, lxx, 249.— Chiene (J.) Dissection of a recent case of Colles's fi act- ure of the radius. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 1106-111 . Also, Keprint.—Clarke (F.) Simultaneous fracture (Col- les's) of both radii; dislocation ot the scapula. Lancet, Lontl, 1873, i, 909.—Colles (A.) On the fracture of the carpal extremity of the radius. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1814, x, 182-186.—Conner (P. S.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius ; how is it produced ? Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1881, n. s., xi, 371-373.—Cooper (B.) Compound fracture of the radius, with dislocation of the carpus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond. 1836, i, 194-199.—Cottin (E.) De la fracture de rextremite inferieure du radius. Progres m6d., Par., 1878, vi 953-955.—Crepitation (De la) des coulisses ten- dineuses radiales ; errours de diagnostic qu'elle peut en- trainer; sa cause ; sou traitement. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par.. 1834-5, ii, 196-198. — Currey (R. O.) Fracture of distal extremity of radius, with dislocation of one of the small bones of the wrist. South. J. M. efe Phys. Sc, Knox- ville, 1857, vi, 184.—Cutclitre (H. C.) A clinical lecture on Colles's fracture. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 245-247.—Decaisne. Observation de fracture simulta- n6e des deux radius. [Rap. de Verbeeck.] Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1844-5, iv, 233-235. [Discus- sion], 239-268. — Delaporte. Fracture du radius droit avec entorse grave, deformation considerable; massage; guerison tr6s rapide. J. de metl. et chir. prat., Par., 1887, lviii, 67-69. — Dclassus. Fracture de rextr6mit6 infe- rieure du radius; traitement par la methode Lucas-Cham- pionni6ro. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1887, ii, 559-561. — De- nonvilliers. Sur les fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 114.—Derby (G.) Colles's fracture of both forearms. Boston M. efe S. J., 1869, lxxxi, 168. — Deville. t Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1843, xviii. 295. — Diday. Memoire sur les fractures de rextremite inferieure tlu ratlins. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1837, 2. s., xiii, 141-162. — Dolbeau. D6colleinent de l'6piph\se inf6rieure du radius sur les deux avant-bras ; discussion. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1865), 1866, 2. s., vi, 524-526.— Drake (A.) Ueber die Briiche des Radius durch indirecte Gewalt. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1864, lxxxii, 1-14, 1 pl.—Duplay (S.) Les fractures du radius. Tribune 11161I., Par., 1878, xi, 549-551. -----. De l'osteotomie lineaire dn radius pour reraedier aux dif- formites du puignet, soit spontan6es. soit traumatiques. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1885, i, 385-395. — Dupont. Fracture de l'extrSmite inferieure du radius. Arch. metl. bel-es, Brux., 1889, 3. s., xxxvi, 240-243—Easley (W. S.) Case of fracture of the lower end of the radius. Stetho- scope & Virg. M. Ga/.., Kichmond, 1852, ii, 605-607.— Frichsen. Fracture of lower end of radius, exhibiting impaction of the upper into the lower fragment. Tr Path. Soc. Lond.. 1848-50, ii, 248. — Eve (P. F.) The po- sition of the hand in fracture of the forearm. Confed. States M. efe S. J., Richmond, 1864, i, 212. —Falkson (K.) Zur Aetiologie der indirekten Frakturen des Radiusschaft.es. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xii, 913-916. — Fano. Fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius; sign is ele' cette fracture; precautions k prendre dans l'application de l'appareil. Courrier m6d., Par., 1868, xviii, 116. — I'ar- q lib arson ( R.) Case of bending of the radius in au adult. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii. 608—Felkin (R. W.) Case of dislocation ofthe ulnar uerve anil fracture ot the radius. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8,' xxxiii. 14. — Fere (C.) & Jagol (L.) Note sur une complication des fractures de rextremite iuferieure du radius. Progres metl, Par., 1879, vii 789 —Forbes (S. F.) Observations on Colles fracture, with case. Toledo M. efe S. J., 1877, i, 364-369—Foucher. Une fracture du radius avec d6chirure des arteres hum^- rale et cubitale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 403.— _____. Considerations sur le m6canisme de la fracture de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius. Ibid., 1852, xxvii, 189- 196. _____. [Fracture de I'extr6init6 inferieure du radius, la deformation charact6ristique.l Ibid., 1854, xxix, 236. _____. f Ibid., 268. -----. [Une fracture compliquee de l'extre'mite inferieure tin radius.] Ibid., 335. — Franks (M.) Partial fracture of the radius with curvature. KAD1US. 986 ItADILS. Kadiu* (Fractures and injuries of). Lancet, Loud., 1840-41, ii, 924.—Godlec (R. J.) Fracture of the radius and dislocation forward of the ulna in front of tlie wrist, in which the lower end of the latter hone was removed to effect reduction. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 120. Also: Med. Press £ Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv. 227. Also: Lancet, Lontl.. 1883. i, 455. Also: Brit. M. J . Lou 1., 1883, i, 514. Also: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1883, i. 339.'— Good no (W. C.) Fractures of the lower end of the ratlins, or Colles's fracture. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1880, ii, 723-728.—Gordon < A. i On fract- ure of the lower end of the radius. Dublin v pregnaucy. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, :M7. — Goyrand (G.) Memoire sur les fractures de lextremite inferieure tlu radius, qui simuleut les luxations du poiguet. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1832, iii, 664-667. ------. De la fracture, par contre-coup de lextremite iuferieure du radius. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. m6d.. Par.. 1836, i, 161-185. — Gray. Fracture of the radius; dissection of the injured limb. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 220.— Gubler. [Fracture du col du radius avec decollement et luxation de 1 epiphyse observee chez une enfant affect6ede syphilis constitiitioiinelle.] Bull. Soc an it. de Par., 1847, xxii, 428-434.—Giintner (W.) Pseudanhrose des linken Yoriliraiiiis; Vei schlimmerung; Bantlagirung durch 10 Wochen: Heilung in 25 Wochen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1859, lxii, 149. — Gucrsen't (P.) Fractures [du radius]. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1827, xv, 384 — II aim. Leber tlen Bruch des Radius an dessen unterem Ende. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1844, xiv, 196-199.—Hall (R. J.) The treatmeut of fract- ures of the lower entl ot the radius. X. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 414-419. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 402- 41)5. [Discussionl 412-415. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1886, iv, 123-138.—Hamilton (F. H.) Rem arks on Colles's fracture. Ohio M. efc S. J., Columbus, 1877, ii, 5-9. -----, An unusual case of Colles's fracture. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii 243.-----. The mechanism of Colles's fracture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 107. — If arte (R. H.) Oste- otomy as a means of correcting vicious union occurring in the lower end of the radius; with a report of two cases. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 613-619. —Hayes (P. J.) Modified pistol splints for the treatment of Colles's fract- ure. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 193. — Hays (I.) Splint for fracture of the lower end of the radius. Am. J; M. Sc,.. Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv. 2ti5.—Heath (C.) Cedles's fracture of the radius, with fracture of the styloid pro- cess of the ulna. Tr. Path Sue. Lond., 1861-2, xiii, 177. -----. Colles's fracture treated bv a new splint. Brit. M. J. Loud., 1881. i, 560. — Hester (A.) Fracture of radius. N. Orl. M. .fc S. J., 1844-5. i, 636. — Hill (J. D.) Subcu- taneous osteotomy of the radius, for malposition after fracture; cure. Lancet, Loud., 1872, ii, 153.—Hilton (J.) Compound separation of carpal epiphyses of both radii from the shafts ofthe houes; tetanus on sixth day; death. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865, xi, 338-344.—Hodges (R. M.j New apparatus for fracture of the radius. Boston M. efe S. J., 1853, xlviii, 177-180. -----. Oblique fracture of the radius at the junction of the middle and upper third; from a dissecting-room subject. Ibid., 1856, liv, 103. -----. Fracture of the head of the radius. Ibid., 1866-7, lxxv, 383. ------. Colles's fracture. Ibid., 1873, lxxxviii, 566-568. -----. Fractures of the head of the radius. Ibid., 1877, xevi. 65-68. — Houerkopff. Der Bruch des Radius am untern Ende Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1854, v, 184-187. — Hofinokl. Ueber den in- trakapsularen Bruch des Radiuskopfchens beim Kiude. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 369; 405. —Hopkins (W. B.) On the treatmeut of fracture of the lower extrem- ity of the radius, with especial reference to the best dis- position to he made of the fingers. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 162-164.—Hovey (B. L.) Report of five con- secutive cases of Colles fracture, treated after the plan of Prof. E. M. Moore. Tr. M. Soe-. N. V. Albany, 1873, 135. — Hughes (W. M.) Longitudinal fracture ofthe ra- dius. Loiid. M. Gaz., 1833-4, xiii, 634.—Hunt (W.) Spec- imen of fracture of the lower end of the radius. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 26.—Hunt (W.) [et al.]. Specimens of recent fracture of the lower end of the radius. Ann. Anat. efe Surg., Brooklyn, 1881. iii, 110-117.—Hutchinson (J.) Detachment of the epiphysis of the radius iu both arms. Laucet, Loud., 1861, ii, 184. -----. Separation ofthe lower epiphysis ofthe radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl, 1861-2, xiii, 182, 1 pl. -----. Retarded development ofthe radius after an injury in childhood. Ibid., 1865-6, xvii, 237. — Hutchi- son (J.C.) Fracture of the styloid process of I he radius: fracture at the junction of the lower and middle thirds of the same hone, and laceration of the urethra from muscu- lar contraction without effusion of the urine. In his: Brooklyn City IIosp., 8°, [n. p., 1857 !], 3-5— I uipoi ianl trial for alleged mulpruxis. Etlinb. M. J.. l80i-2. vii, 866- 872.—Jlacqiiart. Fracture tie lextremite inferieure du Radius (Fractures and injuries of). radius chez uue femme agee, autopsie deux join-s aprAs la mort. Gaz.d. hop.. Par., 1842. 2. s., iv, 593 —.larjnt-ay. Du mode tie reduct ion etdu maintieu des fragment s daus la fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Quelle est la dur6enei-essaire a la consolidation de cette fracture '. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1863, lxv, 17; 64. ---—. De la fracture de lextremite inferieure du radius ct tic hi simpli- fication de son traitement. J. de m6d. et chir. prat.. Pur., 1865, xxxvi, 495-498.— Jones (II. M.) Colics' fracture and luxation of the joint. Laucet, Lonel., 1879, i, 765. — Jones (R.) An analysis of one hundred anil five cases of Colles's fracture, with a few remarks on treatment. Liverpool M . Chir. J., 1885, v, 430-441.—Kahn. Note sur un cas tie fracture tie rextremite inferieure du radius. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de St. fitienne et tie la Loire (1875), 1876, v, 573-580.— tCuott (J. F.) Colles's fracture. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 69; 89; 111.—Knox (K.) On fract- ure of the radius bone near its carpal extremity, with and without complication. Ediub. M. & S. J., 1811. lvi, 330- 338, 2 pl.—La Ferte (D ) Colles' fracture ol I he' radius. Detroit Kev. Med. & Pharm , 1874, ix, 468-47(1— Lnuiie- louguc. Considerations sur la fracture de la partie uio- yenne du radius. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 375. Also: Kec d. trav. Soc. m6d. d'obs. de Par., 1866-70, 2. s., ii, 24-31.—Laiienstein (C.) Ueber subcutane Radius- fracturen. Festschr. z. Erdffu. d. u. allg. Krankenh. zu Hanib.-Fppendort, Hamb., 1889, 93— Lecoiule ((>.) Re- cherches nouvelles sur les fractures iudirectes tie l'cxtr6- mit6 inferieure du'radius. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1860, ii, 641: 1861, i, 52; 180—liCiite ( V. D.) Fracture of both extremities of radius, with dislocation of its head. N. York J. M., 1850, v, 25.—von Lesser (L.) Behandlung fehlerhaft geheilter Briiche der carpalen Radiusepiphvse. Yeihandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, 1887, xvi, 1. pt., 139-141. Also: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 265-270.— Lcudet. t [. . . luxation inferieure sur la paunie dc la main ; tout le carpe disparti.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 366.—[Levis (R. J.)] The treatment of fracture of the lower end of the radius. Med. efe Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, 109. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1879, xii, 2. pt., 640. Also : Boston M. efe S. J.. 1879, ci, 758-760. Also: South. Clinic, Richmond, 18T9-8D, ii, 106-108. Also: Coll. efc Clin. Rec, Phila., 1880, i, 6. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 378. Also, transl.: Illust. Monatsehr. d. arztl. Poly tech., Bern, 1883, v, 103 — Lidcll (J. A.) Thrombosis of the veins of the hand and wrist, complicating the treatment of a "silver-fork" fracture of the left radius; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. s., lxiv, 325-365.— Linhart (W.) Die Briiche tier untern Epiphyse des Radius durch Gegenstoss. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. 1852, i, 289-305. -----. Bei- triige zur Lehre vom Brucbe tier unteren Epiphyse des Ka- dius. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1866, vii. 1-10, 1 pl— Little (J. L.) Re-fracture of the radius. Med. Rec, N. V., 1882, xxi. 245. — Loi-knooil ( C. B. ) Dissected specimen of Colles's fracture. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 272. —Lobker ( K. ) Ueber die Behandlung gewisser Luxationeu und Frakturen des Capitulum radii durch Re- section. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, iu Greifswald 1882-3, Wien u. Leipz., 1884, 10-18. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1883. xxiv, 106(1: 1089. -----. Ueher gewisse Verletzungen (Fracturen und Luxationeu) im Humero- Radialgelenke. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, 1886, xv, 311-325. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1887, xxxv, 18-32. — Lonsdale (E. F.) Diagnosis of fractures of the lowi r end of the radius. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1843-4, xxxiii, 4(17. — Lucas (R. C.) On Colles's fracture, (iny's Hosp. Rep., Lontl, 1883-4, xiii, 375-392, 1 pl.—Mac- Donald (J. A.) On Colles's fracture of the ratlins, antl its treatment. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1873, i, 223. —McGill (A. F.) On a case of ununited fracture of the radius suc- cessfully treated by the grafting of rabbit's bone. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 848.—lTIelntyre (J. H.) Report of a case of double Colles' fracture. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1885, xlviii, 199— Maclean (D.) Colles' fracture. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Lansing, 1881-4, viii, 481-483. Also: Physiciau & Surg., Ann Arbor. Mich., 1884, vi, 531-533.— Macleod (G. H. B.) Clinical lecture on Colles's fracture of the radius. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1879, ii, 39-41.—MrLcod (K.) Fracture of the neck of the radius. Indian M.tJa/... Cal- cutta, 1880. xv, 78.— Madeliu. Fracture tie l'extremite iuferieure du radius, avec penetration. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 45.—Mantell (G. A.) Remarks on par- tial fracture of the radius. Lancet, Loud., 1840-41, ii. 859.— Margary (F.) Callo deforme da frattura dell' estromitk inferiore del radio. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1885, ii. 305- 309.— Martin (H. A.) Treatment of Colles' fracture of the wrist. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1876, xxvii. 5ti7-515. ------. Colles's fracture aud Dr. Can's splint. Boston M. efc S. J„ 1876, xcv, 187-191. Also, Reprint. — Meacher (W.) Remarks on the nature antl treatment of Colles's fracture. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 187(1. iv, 17.— Merkel (.1.) Gangran der Hand nach Radinsfravtur. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 450-45.'. — .tli I ler (C. B.) Fractures of the lower end of the ratlins, aud Gordon's method of treatmeut. Cincin. Lancet e!c Cliuic, 1879, n. s., ii, 22C—Moffat (A. D.) Longitudinal oblique RADIUS. 987 RADIUS. Radius (Fractures and injuries of). fracture of the radius. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, ii, 819.— Moore (E. M.) A new treatment for Colles' fracture of the radius, with remarks on a new luxation of the ulna. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1870-71, v, 49-52. -----. Three cases il- lustrating luxation of the ulna in connection with Colles' fracture.' Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1880, 385-396. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880. xvii, 305-308.-----. Report of cases illustrating the contritions of luxation of the ulna in connection with Colles's fracture. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 188!, i, 551-566.—Moulliu (C. M.) Separation of the upper epiphysis of the radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1887-8, xxxix, 212.— tin ion. Fracture dn radius. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1868, xliii, 375.—Murphy (J.) Colles' fracture. Peoria M. Month., 1881-2. ii, 83; 161.—Norton (A. T.) Colles' fracture; compouuel dishtcation of wrist- joint; traumatic gangrene of arm; amputation at the shoulder-joint; recovery. Laucet, Lond., 1879, ii, 80.— Obetz (II. L.) Colles's fracture. Med. Counsellor. Ann Arbor, 1887, xii, 1-6.—O'Brien (F. H.) Case of fracture of the ratlins from inordinate muscular action. Atlanta M. Reg., 1881-2, i, 472-477.—Ogston (A.) On dislocations of the elbow-joint and fractures of the lower end ol the- radius. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1876, ii, 298. — O'.Xcill ( II. ) Remarks on Colles' fracture and its treatment with Pro fessor Gordon's splint. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880. lxix, 566- 573.— Packard (J. H.) Fracture of the radius at the wrist; resection fourteen months after, on account of necrosis; result satisfactory. Charleston M. J. efc Rev., 1859, xiv, 577-580. -----. On fractures at the lower end of the radius. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1879, u. s., lxxvii, 123-134. — Page. Injury to lower epiphysis of radius; acute osteomyelitis; amputation of arm. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, il. 131—I»jii Lhill (C.) Barton's fracture. Denver M. Times, 1886-e, vi, 33-35. — Part- ridge. Recent comminuted fracture of the lower end of the right radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl., 1861-.', xiii, 180.— Petit (C. H.) Fracture ancienne de l'extremite infe- rieure du radius penetrant daus I'articulation tlu poignet. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 430. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 784.—Philipeaux (E.-R.) Du traitemeut des fractures de l'extremite iuferieure du radius, tl'apr&s la methode de M. le professeur Bonnet, de Lyon. Bull. g6n.de therap., etc., Par., 1850, xxxviii, 207-219.'—Picque (L.) Quelques considerations au sujet du mecanisme et de lanatoniie pathologique des fractures du radius. Bull. Soc. auat, de Par., 1885, lx, 255-200.—Pilclier (L. S.) Ou injuries of the wrist Jimi it, particularly Colles' fracture; with demonstrations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 74-77. -----. Further contribution to the study of fractures of the infe- rior extremity of the radius ; differentiation of longitudinal and transverse fractures antl the causes which produce them. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1880-81, v, 159-175. Also, Reprint. -----. Impaction in fractures of the lower end of the radius. Ann. Auat. efc Surg.. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881, iii, 133-139.—Pinner (O.) Die Fractur des Radiuskopfchens. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, xix, 74-81, 1 pl—Pipino (W. C.) Colles' fracture with rupture of the triangular fibro-cartilage. Am. M. Bi- Weekly, Louisville, 1878, viii, 148.—Planchon. Frac- ture du radius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, xliii, 512.— Poggi (A.) Della frattura dell' epifesi inferiore del radio da causa indiretta. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1881, 6. s., xiv, 345-383.—Pollock. Fracture of the carpal articu- lating portions of both radial bones occurring in the same person. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, ii, 246.—Porter (G. H.) Observations on the treatment of Colles' fracture with "Gordon's spliut". Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, i865, xxxix, 274-279, 2 pl.—Porter (J. H.) Compound fracture of the left radius with dislocation of the ulna; removal of half au inch ofthe radius hy the antiseptic method; perfect recov- ery, without suppuration, in two months. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1877, Lond., 1879, xix, 201.—Power (D'A.) A neg- lected point in the pathology of Colles' fracture. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 250-260. Powers (0. A.) Fractures through the head of the radius. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 213-215— Kand (J.) On treat- ment for fractures of the lower end of radius. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 335.—Raymond (H. J.) Compound gunshot fracture of radius, treated by primary antiseptic occlusion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 92.— Richardson (B. W.) The pistol spliut and M. N61aton's splints for the treatment of fracture of the lower end of the radius. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Hi, 295-299.—Richet. De quelques sigues de la fracture de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius et de la fracture du maxillaire superieur. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 325. ------. Traitement des frac- tures de I'extr6mit6 inferieure tlu radius. Mouvement m6d.. Par., 1875, xiii, 823. -----. Fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius; diagnostic et traitement. France med., Par., 1882, i, 97-101.—Robert (A.) Remarques cli- niques sur les fractures du radius, a propos de quelques cas de ces fractures, etc. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, 2. s., viii, 102.-----. Considerations sur les fractures de l'extre- mite inferieure du radius et sur leur traitement. Uniou m6d., Par., 1853, vii, 21: 25. —Roberts (J. B.) Fractures of the lower entl of the radius treated so as to preserve perfect use of the hands and fingers. Proc. Phila. Co. M. | Radius (Fractures and injuries of). Soc. 1881-2, Phila., 1882, iv, 159-162. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1881-2. xii. 714-717. -----. The practical treatment, of fracture of the lower end of the radius, commonly called Colles' fracture. Polyclinic, Phila., 1884-5. ii, 185."-----. Two unusual fractures of the radius. I bid., 1885-6, iii, 85. -----. Deductions from forty-three cases of fracture of the lower end of the radius, treated within three months. Ibid., 167-169.—Robin. Osteoclasie dans un cas de frac- ture du radius. Mem. et, compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, 2. pt., 11-13. — Robsou (A. W. M.) Two cases of fracture of the astragalus, antl a case of separation of the upper epiphysis of the radius. Lan- cet, Loud., 1885. i, 518. — Roll mer. De l'intervention chirurgicale elans lis deformations tie l'extremite iufe- rieure du ratlins. Mem. Soc. tie med. de Nancy (1885-6), 1887, 62-72. —Satterthwaile (T. E.) Impacted fract- ure of the radius at the carpal extremity. N. York M. J.. 1878, xxvii, 388-392.—Schumann. 'l)er Grimm'- sche Verhand hei dem Brut-he tier untern Extreniitiit des Radius. Ztschr. d. noreld. Chit Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii. 174-181, 1 pl.—Shallot U (S. G.) Colles'fracture re- paired with forward displacement of the lower frag- ment. Tr. Path. Soc Lontl. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 260 — Shepard (A. A.) Colles' fracture- with profusion of ulna. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1871-2, ii, 208-210 — Smith (H. H.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila.. 1853-6, n. s., ii, 210. -----. On fract- ures through the inferior extremity of the radius, their direction, and the causes ofthe deformity. Med. efc Surg, Reporter, Phila., '1859, n. s., ii. 1-14. —-—. Can's splint for fracture of the radius. Ibid., 1878, xxxviii. 189 — Smith (S.) Stiffening after Colles' fracture. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1877, i, 21.—Smith (T. C.) Colles' fracture simul- taneous in both arms. Cincin. Laucet efc Obs.. 1872, xv, 16. -----. Fracture of the lower end of the radius. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1886, n. s., x, 362.— Stanley. Compound fracture of the radius near the elbow; dislocation of both bones backwards and simple' fracture of the radius near tbe wrist; recovery with an anchylosed elbow-joint. Lancet, Loud., 1854, ii,31.—Slrubcl.' Ueber die falsche Beurthei- lung gewisser gei ingfugige r Vei letzuugeu am Vorderarnie kleiuer Kinder. Vrtljschr. f. d. piakt>Heilk., Prag, 1861, lxx, 1-32.—Stuart (A. Ii.) Fracture of radius below and near the insertion of the biceps. Tr. Minn. M. Soc, St. Paul, 1876, 51-56.-----. Separation of the upper epiphy- sis of the radius. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fran., 1878-9, xxi, 164-166. — Sundcvall. Fractur„pa nedra delen af ra- dius. [ . • • lower part . . . ] Ars-Berti tt. om Svenska lak.-sallsk. arb., Stockholm, 1842, 118-122.—Mwinbnrnc (J.) A new method of treating Barton's and Colics' fract- ure. Med. efc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1861. n. s., v, 609- 613.—Tait (L.) Treatmentof fracture of the radius at the styloid process by means of Gordon's splint. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 170; 349. -----. Colles's fracture. Etlinb. M. J., 1866-7, xii, 1107-1109. Also, Reprint.— Thierry (A.) Du redressement des os fractures et des fractures de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius. Experience, Par., 1841, viii, 209-214—Thomas (H. O.) The reduc- tion of fractures of the lower entl of the radius, and dislo- cations backwards of t'ie first, phalanges or the thumb or index finger. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1888, vii, 355-358.— Trelat. Fracture de la cupuleradiale. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii, 541.— Triquet. Fracture de l'extr6mite inferieure du radius, compliquee: l°deplaie; 2° d'inflaiumation; 3" de tetanos; inhalation de chloroforme pour combattre ce dernier accident. Bull. Soc anat. tie Par., 1848, xxiii, 238-245.—Velpeau. Du prognostic et du traitement des fractures tie lextremite inf6rieure du radius, appareil nouveau. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1812 2. s., iv, 26. -----. Fracture tie I'extr6mit6 inferieure du radius compliqu6e de plaie; tetanos; mort. Ibid., 1848, 2. s., x, 66. -----. Un mot sur un nouveau mode de traitemeut pour la fracture de l'extreniite iuferieure du radius. Mo- nit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 340 — Verneuil. Quelques faits relatifs a I'histoire des fractures du radius. Bull. Soc. auat.de Par., 1851, xxvi, 262-27.1.—Waincwright (B.) A case of vertical fracture of the head of the ratlins, com- plicated by fracture of the corouoid process of the ulna and, possibly, a split between the condyles of the humerus. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lontl. (1886-7), 1887, xx, 73-78. —Werner. Fractura extiemitatis inferioris radii. Ztschr. f. Wuud- arzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1865, xviii, 106-112. —White (.I.E.) A description of a cuff splint for Colles' ft act lire. Canad. Pract., Torouto, 1889, xiv, 167-169.—Wight (J. S.) Have surgeons been mistaken as to the nature of fract- ures of the base of the radius? Medico-legal bearings of the answer. Med. efc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1878. xxxix, 41g. 439. :-----. Remarks on a case of "green stick " fract- ure of the right radius. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 18,9, vi. 66. _____. Sprains of the wrist and fractures of the base of the ' radius. Pathologist, Brooklyn, 1881, i, 13. ---—. Post- mortem examination of a fracture of the base of right ra- dius four davs after the injury. Ibid., 15 —Williams (J.) On neglected fracture of the lower entl of the radius, or Colles' fracture. DubhuQ. J. M. Sc, 1859, xxvii. 221-228 — Windle (B. C. A.) A noteon Colles' frat tore. Birming- ham M. Rev., 1884, xv, 145-148.—Wood (J.) Case of RADIUS. 988 RADZYM. Radius (Fractures and injuries of). Colles' fracture ofthe radius, with fracture of the styloid process of the ulna. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861-2, xiii, 176 —Young (D. S.) The tieatment of Colics' fracture. Cincin. M. Repert., 1869, ii, 201-206. Radius (llalthasar). | Itiographv. 1 Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Breniisch. Aerzte-. '8°. Bremen, 1844, 69. Radius (Justus) [1797-1*84]. Observationes qnaedain de pulsu arteriarum valetudinis signo. 2 p. 1., 42 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, typ. J. F. Gliickii, [1822]. [Also, in: P., v. 838.] ------. De pyrola et chimophila. Specimen se- eiiniliim. 33 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Hirschfeldi, [1.829]. ------. De influentia morbo anni 1833. iv, 5-22 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lipsiw, 1833. ------. * Febres ex morborum nninero esse elimi- nendas. 48 pp. 8°. Lipsiw, typ. B. G. Teub- neti, [1843]. ------. Brevis enarratio de scorbnto Lipsise ex- eunte a. 1842 et ineuute 1843 observato. [In] menioriaui Ernest. Gott. Bosii. 16 pp. 4°. [Lip- siw, typ. G. Staritzii, 1843.] ------. Comnientatiuncula de victu siphylitico- rnm. [In] nienioriam Ernest. Gott. Bosii. 8 pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Staritzii, 1845.] ------. Notitia de nosocomio s. sede Georgii Lip- sieusiet aortitis a. 1846ineareceptis. [In] meino- riani Ernest, (iott. Bosii. 12 pp. 4°. [Lipsiw, lit. Staritzii, 1847.] ------. Commentatio de studio medico male sepis- sinie ordinate [In] memoriam Joannis Gotthelf Martini. 10 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, apud A. Edehnan- 11 um, [1863]. . ------. Kurze Beschreibung ein ereigenthiimlichen Behaiidlung des Siiuferwahnsinnes. 8 pp. 4°. Leipzig, A. Edelmann, [1872]. Also. Editor of: Allgemeine Cholera-Zeitung, Leip- zig, 18:si-2. Also, Co-Editor of: Wochentliehe Beitrage zur nieelie inischen . . . Klinik, [etc.], Leipzig, 1832-4.— Reili-iige zur praktischen Heilkunde, [etc.], Leipzig, 18:j4-7. See, also, Kritik der bisherigeu Cholera-Kuren [etc.]. 8°. Sulzbach, 1832.— I.eblanc (Urbain). Abhandlung iiber die Aiigenkrankheiten [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1825.— iTIorgagni (Joannes Baptista). De setlibus et causis morboruiii [etc.]. 12°. Lipsice. 1827-9. — Ollivier (Charles Prosper). Ueber tlas Pui-keiiiuark und seine Krankheiten. 8°. Leipzig. 1824. — Wch waegriehen (Fridericus). Topographia naturalis, etc. 4°. Lipsice, [1819].—Scriptores ophthalmologic! minores. 8°. Lip- sice, 1826.—Walther (\V.), Jaeger (M.) & Kailius (J.) Handwdrterbiich der gesammten Chirurgie uud Augen- heilkuutle. 8°. Leipzig. 1836-40. For Biography, see Kiihn (Carolus Gottlob). RadliCK (Eugen) [1846- ]. * Ein Fallvon " Sclerose eu plaques diss6niiue'es". 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Niethe, [1874]. Radlkofer (Ludwig). *Die Kiilte als Heil- mittel. 20 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. R. Schurich, 187)7). ------. Der Befruchtungsprocess im Pflanzeu- reiche uud sein Verbalfniss zu dem im Thier- reiche. x, 97 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, W. Kngel- in cut n, 1857. ------. Conspectus sectionum specierumque gene- ris Si'ijanite. 17 pp. 4°. Monachii, F. Straub, 1874. ------. Leber tlie Methoden in der botauischen Svstematik, insbesondere die anatomiscbe Me- thode. 64 pp. 4°. Miinchen, im Verlage der k. b. Akademie, 1883. Also, Co-Editor of: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, Miinchen, 1865-82. Radloff (Fridericus Vilbelm). *De niyristica. 10 pp. sm. 4°. Upsaliw, lit. J. Edmdii, [1788]. Raduiachcr (F.) A. Ralm (G.) Der anima- lische Magnetismus vor Gericht! oder vollstiin- diger Bericht iiber die am 8. Juli 187)1 in Berlin vor der II. Abtheilung des Kriminalgerichts verhandelte hochst interessante Anklage gegen den Hiihneraugen-Operateur Zincke wegen wie- derholten unbefugten gewerbsiniissigeu Kuri- I Radlliaclicr (F.) A: Ralm (G.)—continuetl. reus. eStenographisch aulgcnoinnien. 4. Ann. 32 pp. 12°. Berlin, G. Bahn, 187,8. Radlliczky (Ignatius). *Experimenta qua- tlam, quibus constitit eas partis esse sensu pra - (litas, quibus Hallerus cum aliis quibusdani oni- neni sentiendi facultatem cum irrituhilitato tle- negat. 1756. In: Klinkosch (J. T.) Diss. med. [etc.]. 4°. Prague et Dresdce, 1775, i, 115-142. [Radot (Vale"ry).] M. Pasteur. Histoire tl'un savant par uu ignorant. 5. ed. xiv (1 ].), :>il*J pp. 12°. Paris, J. Hetzel . Padova, P. Prosperini, 1877. Repr: from: Gazz. med. ital, prov. veuete, Padova, 1877, xx. Raffaele (Antonio). Degli auestetici storia, parallelo, applicazione, lavoro preniiato per con- corso dalla reale Accademia medico-chirurgica di Napoli. 2 p. 1., 131 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Napoli, A. Tram, 1864. -----. La putrefazione sotto il rapporto tlella medicina legale, xix, 220 pp. 8°. Napoli, E. Detken, 1879. -----. Guida pratica alle perizie medico-legali, civili e penali, contenente modelli di perizie, arti- coli dei codici, e spiegazione di termini scientifici per studenti, periti, avvocati e magistrate 2 p. 1., 572 pp. 12°. Napoli, 1884. Also, Editor of: Giornale internazionale delle scienze mediche, Napoli, 1878.—Rivista internazionale di medi- cina e chirurgia, Napoli, 1884. Raffaele (Eduardo). Trattato di ostetricia mi- nore. vii, 231 pp. 8°. Napoli Sf Roma, E. Detken, 1879. Raffaele (Giovanni). Ostetricia teorico-pratica con atlautedi figure tratte dai piiipregiati autori e migliorate secondo i progressi della scienza. 2 v. xxx, 302, 368 pp. roy. c°. Napoli, C. Batelli 4- Comp., 1841-3. Atlas wanting. -----. Caso raro in ostetricia: rottura d' utero. Seconda risposta al Prof. Mariano Pantaleo. 65 pp. 8°. Palermo, C. E. Roberti, 1855. [P., v. 1148. RafTalowitSCli(Sol Arthur)[1*16- ]. Qnae- dain capita ex commentatione ampliore de syphi- lide ejusque curatione antiphlogistica secundum observationes in praxi nosocomials 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, J. Sittenfeld, [1838]. Raffarra (Francois-Joseph). * Essai sur 1'hy- popyou. 1 p. 1., 33 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1824, v. 53. \ KAITATF. 990 RAGHOT DM LA TOl ('UK. Raffanf (Alex. Mathias). *Depyaemia. 23pp., 1 1. 8°. Bounce, formti C. Georgi, 1855. [P., v. 329.] RafTegeau (Donatieu). * Du role des anomalies conge'niales ties organes genitaux dans le d6ve- loppementde la folie chez I'homme. 60 pp. 4°. Parti, 1884, No. 112. RafTeneau de L.ile (Alire) [1778-1850]. * Sur les etf'ets d'un poison de Java, appele upastieute", et sur la noix vomique, la feve de St.-Ignace, le strychuos potatorum, et la pomme tie Vontac, qui sont du meme genre de plantes que l'upas tieutc. 48 pp. 4°. Paris. 1809, No. 53, v. 75. R a ffi ll (Auguste-Laurent). *Sur l'hydrocele tie la tunique vaginale. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 10, v. 204. Raffo (Constantino). Osteotomia tiel condilo interno di ambo i femori per ginocchi valghi, morte 28 ore dopo la operazione. 15 pp. 8°. Firenze, tip. Cenniniana, [1880]. Repr. from.- Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xlvi. ------. Due casi di chirurgia pratica. Litotrissia rapida in una sola seduta e di un' ernia inguinale ovarica sinmlaute strozzamento intestinale. 12 pp. 8°. Firenze, tip. Cenniniana, [1881]. Repr. from: Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xlvi: 1881, xlvii. Ralill (Maurice). * Du myxome diffus du tissu cellulaire des membres. 88 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lyon, 1887), No. 271. ------. Etude clinique sur le massage appliqu6 au traitement ties fractures jnxta-articulaires. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere $ fils, 1888. Rafinesque [ Rafinesque - Schmaltz ] (Constantine-Schmaltz) [1784-1842]. Principes fondamentaux de somiologie ou les loix de la nomenclature et tie la classification de l'enipire organique ou des animaux et ties ve"ge~taux, cou- tenant les regies essentielles tie l'art de leur im- poser des noma immuables et tie les chtsser me"- thodiquemeut. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Palerme, F. Abate, 1814. ------. Medical flora, or manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America. Containing a selection of above 100 figures antl descriptions of medical plants, with their names, qualities, properties, history, etc.; and notes or remarks on nearly 500 equivalent substitutes. 2 v. in 1. xii, 26H, 276 pp., 100 pl. 12°. Phila- delphia, Atkinson ii- nott (T. J.) Sanitary safety in railway traveling; sug- festions in the interest of travelers and carriers. Am. ub. Health Ass. Rep. 1877-8, Bost., 1880, iv, 123-128.— Ei-wiu (A. J.) Ophthalmology in railway service. Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1883-4, iii, 11-13. —' Ferron (E.) Compte-rendu sur l'exposition d'hygiene et do sauvetage de Bruxelles (section des chemins de fer) ann6e 1876. Pub. de l'lnst. roy. gr.-ducal de Luxemb., 1877, xvi, 23-32.— Fisher (T. W.) Ventilation of railroad cars, with chem- ical analyses bv Wm. Ripley Nichols. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1875, vi, 227-240. Also, Reprint. — Oath- kovski (G. I.) Sovreni. poloj. vopr. o vrach. osvieletel- stvov. jeleznod. sluch. na parovoz. dorogach. [ Status on the question of medical examination of railroad ac- cidents in travelling.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, v, 54-50.—C* a I nasi. Dei vantaggi che, in alcuni casi morbosi speciali, si ha dal viaggiare in ferrovia. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877-8, iii, fasc. 2, 141-152.—Gari- pny. Emploi heureux de l'hydrate de chloral contre le mai de terre ou mai analogue au mai de mer. Abeille m6d., Par., 1876, xxxiii, 346. -----. Du chloral dans le traitement des accidents analogues au mai de mer produits par les mouvements d'une voiture ou du chemin de fer. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1876, x, 235-237.—Gaulticr de Claubry. Rapport sur le chauffage de voitures de tou to classe sur les chemins de fer. Bull. Acad, dc m6d., Par., 1861-2, xxvii, 371-373.—Goltdammer. Ueber die hy- gienischen Anforderungen an Schlaferherbergen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 1206.—Hcri-ick (S. S.) Out- line of a plan for railroad sanitary service. Nat. Bd. Health Bull., Wash., 1881-2, iii, 32. -----. Railroad sani- tation, its objects and advantages. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1881, Bost., 1883, vii, 218-2l'4. Also: N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix, 504-513.—Hesse (W.) Ueher den Kohlensauregehalt der Luft in einem Tunnclbau. Arch. f. Hyg.. Miinchen n. Leipz., 1884-5, ii, 381-384.— Hitchcock (H. O.) Privies and water-closets at railway stations. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 187(1, Lansing, 188(1, vii, 15-24. Also, Reprint. — Iloiuau (G.) Railway saiiitar RAILROADS. 995 RAILROADS. Railroads. tion and quarantine. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iii, 131- 138.—[JTIinski (P. A.)] Sostoyanievrachibno-sanitarnago daila na jelezuich dorogakh. [Medico-sanitary relations of railroads.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 44, 1; no. 46, 1. -----. K voprosu ojelezuodorjnoi gigieue v Rossii. [Hygiene of railroads in Russia.] Ibid., 1880, v, 1818; 1831; '1841; 1857; 1873. —Improved facilities for patients travelling to the Continent; the warming and ven- tilation of saloon cars; special and reserved railway accom- modation. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1249.—Influence (The) of railway travelling on public health. Ibid., 1862, i, 15; 48; 79; 107; 130; 155; 231; 258. — Izvoznii promisel s' gigienicheskoi tochki zrainiya. [The business of trans- portation from a hygienic point of view] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 21, 2.—Jouglet (A.) Chauffage des voitures des chemins de fer. Monit. scient., Par.. 1868, x, 1092-1096.— Kedzie (R. C.) Ventilation of railroad cars. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing. 1876, iv, 131-140.— Kii-rhenberger. Das Normale fiir die k. k. Eisenbahn- Sauitatszii * Des nouvelles acquisitions snr les maladies charbonneuses. 92 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 171. Rainier (Adelbertus Josephus). *De hernia in- guiuali et linguae vitiis neonatorum. 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, J. A. Giesser, 1837. Raimond (Henri). * De la hlennorrhagie de la femme et quelques mots sur les ecoulements des organes genitaux. 1 p. L, 67 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1864, No. 778, v. 40. Raimond (Henry). * Du rhumatisme. 24 pp. 4-. Paris, 1835, No. 312, v. 291. Raimond (Joseph-Philippe-Seymour). *De la fievre bilieuse grave observee dans les pays chauds. 86 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 309. Raimondi (Carlo) & Pietra (Giovanni). II latte rispetto alia dietetica ed all' igiene. 43 pp. 8°. Milano, E. Sonzogno, 1882. Igiene popolare, no. 25. Raimondi ( Jacques -Noel -Bernard). *Du traitement des maladies scrofuleuses par les eaux saliuo-iodurees de Sales. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, 1877, No. 315. . _____. The same. 43 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1877. Rainal (Jules). Rainal (L6ou) efe Rainal (Jules). [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1885. Rainal (Leoa) & Rainal (Jules). Les ban- dao-es, l'orthoptSdie et les appareils a pansements. vii?, 294 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sc fils, 1885. .... . Rainaldi (Rinaldo). Fu una meningitide trau- matica? Perizia medico-legale del D. . . . 88 pp 8°. Filottrano, frat. Luchetti, 1885. II lavoro e salute. Lette ... nel teatro condomiuale di Filottrano 6 giugno 1886. 34 np 8°. Filottrano, frat. Luchetti, 1886. Rainard (Joseph) [1778-1854?]. M6moire sur l'tSpizootie des chevaux, qui a regn6 etqui regne encore en France et dans divers autres pays de Les bandages, RAINARD. 998 RAKOCZY. Rainard (Joseph)—continued. l'Europe. 43 pp. 8°. Lyon, J.-M. Barret, 1825. -----. Traite" de pathologie et de therapeutique generales v6terinaires. 2 v. xii, 319 pp.; 412 pp., 1 1. 8°. Parti $• Lyon, Bouchard-Huzard, 1840. -----. Traite" complet de la parturition des prin- cipales femelles domestiques, suivi d'un traite" des maladies propres aux femelles et aux jeunes animaux. 2 v. viii, 512 pp.; 634 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Lyon 4' Montpellier, C. Savy, 1850. For Biography, see Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1855, vii, 361; 377 (A. Rey). Rainard (Louis-Marie). * Plan d'une pathologie g6ne"rale. 42 pp. 4°. Parti, 1843, No. 18, v. 408. Raine (Jean-Francois). *1. Faire I'histoire des principaux phenomenes critiques qui surviennent pendant le cours des maladies, et la doctrine des jours critiques. Cette doctrine doit-elle etre maintenue? II. [etc.]. 44pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 273, v. 380. Rainer (Joan. Baptist.) [1790-1829]. *De car- cinomate oculi. 40 pp., 4 1. 8°. Landishuti, J. Thomann, 1811. -----. Fragment der medizinischen Physiogno- monik. Eine Inauguralsrede. 19 pp. 8°. Lands- hut, J. Thomann, 1812. -----. Nachricht von der Entbindungs-Anstalt der konigl. bayer. Universitat Landshut. 20 pp. 4°. Landshut, J. Thomann, 1826. Rainey (Daniel). *De peripneumonia vera. 57 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., T. Haak, 1764. [P., v. 642; 753.] Rainey (G.) An experimental inquiry into the cause of the ascent and descent of the sap, with some observations upon the nutrition of plants, and the cause of endosmose and exosmose. viii, 47 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. London, W. Pamplin, 1847. -----. Ou the structure of the sudoriparous glands; with delineations of these organs from microscopic preparations by T. S. Ralph. 8 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [London, T. Pettitl, 1849.] Rainey's bodies. See Psorospermia. Rainfall. See Climate; Meteorology. Rainford. Beard (C. I.) Sanitary condition of Rainford, June 20, 1871. fol. London, [1871]. Raiiiegreard (Henri-Leon). * Observations de gangrene spontane"e des extr6mit6s. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 186)7, No. 255. Rainliill Lunatic Asylum. See Lancaster (County of). County Lunatic Asylum, at Rainhill. Rainone (Domenico). Cura delle cardiopatie. (Rivista clinico-terapeutica.) xvi, 192 pp. 12°. Xapoli, A. Belltiario # Comp., 1888. Rains (George W.) Practical observations on the generation of statical electricity by the elec- trical machine. 23 pp. 8°. Xew Haven, B. L. Hamlen, 1845. -----. Strange forces in nature; and their rela- tion to the healing art. An introductory lecture. 16 pp. 8°. Augusta, Ga., E. H. Pughe, 1874. Rai lis ford (Richard) [ -1880]. Obituary. Med. Times & Gaz, Lond, 1880, i, 222. Rainsford Island Hospital, Bostou Harbor. Annual reports of the inspectors and superin- tendent to the governor and council. 2.-16., 1854-5 to 186,8-9. 8°. Boston, 1855-70. Opened May, 1854. 16. is the last report. Rainssant (Nicolaus). /SeeThomaNseRU (Josephus). *Est-neoptimavivendi lex sua unicuique consuetudo? 4°. [Parisiis, 1676. J Rainy (George) [1832-69]. On the theory of the ophthalmoscope. 66 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Glas- gow, W. Mackenzie, [I860]. [P., v. 1439.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J, 1860-61, viii. -----. The same. 66 pp., 9 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill, i860. Repr. from: Glasgow M. J, 1860-61, viii. For Biography, see Glasgow M. J, 1868-9, n. s, i, 559- 561. Rainy (Harry). On Reiusch's process for the de- tection of arsenic. 7 pp. 8°. [ Glasgow, Bell ei Harnhhistn- und Rieren-Krankheiten. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1867, xiv, 621. -----. Haut-Krankheiten, welche den Gehrauch des Rakoczy untl der Soole verlaugen. Ibid., 1867, xiv, 386.—Poggiale. Eau min6rale de Rakoczy (Hongrie). Bull. Acad, de med. Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 1012. RAKOWICZ. 999 RAMADA CURTO. Rakowicz (Franciscus Thadda'tis) [1839- ]. *De operatiouis fistulse vesico-vaginalis evolu- tione historica. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1862]. Rakowicz (Jacob) [1859- ]. *Ein Beitrag zurKropfexstirpation. 28 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1885. Kakowski (Hugo). * Nonnulla de stricturis urethrae, morbisque qui illis in systemate uro- poetico procreautur. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Begi- monti Pr., E. J. Dalkowski, 1854. C. Raleigh. See, also, Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc., of), by localities—North Carolina. HIcKre ("W. H.) On the topography, prevailing dis- eases, epidemics, and puhlic institutions in the city of Raleigh, N. C, and the surrounding country. South'. M. Rep. (Fenner), N. Orl, 1850, ii. 406-415. ----'-. On the epi- demics of Raleigh and its vicinity during the year 1853. Virginia M. efe S. J, Richmond, 1854, iii, 95-100. Raleigh (Mauritius). #De epilepsia. 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1804. [Also, in: P., v. 28.] Raleigh (Walter). Observations on idiopathic dysentery, as it occurs in Europeans in Bengal, particularly in reference to the anatomy of that disease. 2 p. 1., iii, 15 pp. 8°. Calcutta, W. Thacker $ Co., 1842. Rales. See Auscultation (Sounds, etc., in). Ralfe (Charles Henry). An inquiry into the general pathology of scurvy. 25 pp. 8°. Lon- don, H. K. Lewis, 1877. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond, 1877, i-ii. -----. Health primers. No. 1. Exercise and training, viii (1 1.), 5-96 pp. 16°. New York, D. Appleton cf Co., 1879. -----. On the morbid conditions of the urine de- pendant upon derangements of digestion, viii (21.), 148 pp. 8°. London, J. cf A. Churchill, 1882. -----. Clinical chemistiy. An account of the analysis of blood, urine, morbid products, etc.; with an explanation of .some of the chemical changes that occur in the body in disease, viii (11.), 308 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea's Son e ontwikkeling van het krankzinnigen- gesticht in deze eeuw; voordracht, gehouden iu de wetenschappelijke bijeenkomst van de alge- meene vergadering der Nederlandsche Maat- schappij tot Bevordering der Geneesknnst, 14 Jnlij 1885. 51pp. 8°. Amsterdam, H. ran Ros- sen, 1886. -----. Opmerkingen en aanteekeningen bij het bezoek van eenige Duitsche krankzinnigenhui- zen. 24 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.]. Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geregtelijke Geneesk. en v. Psych. See, also. Noble (Daniel). Wat is waar, wat onwaar in het dierlijk magnetisme? 8°. Zutphen, 1847'. For Biogravhy.see Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1887, ii, 541-546 (A. H. van Andel). Also: Psychiat. Bl, Utrecht, 1887, v, 129-133. Ramaer (Philippus Gerhardus). *De noxis e cibis vegetabilibus in corpore humano aliquando oriundis. vii, 9-61 pp., 6 1. 8°. Groningce, J. Romelingh, [1827]. Ramage (Leon). * Contribution a l'e"tude des gommes ganglionnaires. 70 pp. 4°. Parti, 1880, No. 258. Ramaglia ( Pietro ). Studi intorno alia me- ningite basilare granulosa, xiii, 98 pp. 8°. Napoli, V. Morano, 1876. Ramakers (P.) * Contribution a l'etude de la gangrene d'origine palustre. 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 259. Ramaiidroog. Dor ward [et al.]. On the sanitary condition of Ram- antlroog, and on theprevalcnce of fever at that sanitarium in the months of March, April, and May, 1863. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, vii, 11^127. RAMARD. 1001 Ram r, aud. Rainard (Francois). * Snr la carie en general, et sur les d^pdts par congestion qui sont la suite de la carie des vertebres. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 192, v. 107. Rainard (Louis-Joseph). * Causes, sympt6mes, et anatomie pathologique du mai vert6bral de Pott. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 61, v. 489. Railiaroni ( Antoine-Vincent). *A quel mo- ment doit-on intervenir dans les cas de uond6- livrance? [Paris.J 62 pp. 4°. Argeuteuil, 1876, No. 368. Ram auge (A.) & Jorge (J. M.) Estudio so- bre la difteria y el crup. Obra laureada . . . Circulo medico Argentino en 1881. Con un pr6- logo del doctor Don Ricardo Gutierrez, ix, 226 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, M. Biedma, 1886. Rauiauge (Anatole). * Considerations histo- riques et pratiques sur les progres tie l'ophthal- mologie, depuis son origine iusqu'a nos jours. .16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 305, v. 303. Ramazzini (Bernardino) [1633-1714]. De foutiuui Mutinensium adinirauda scaturigine tractatusphysico-hydrostaticus. 87pp., lpl. 4°. Mtttinw, typ. hwredum Suliani, 1691. ------. De morbis artificum diatriba. viii, 360 pp. 8°. Mutinw, A. Capponi, 1700. ------. Thesame. AcceduntLucse Antouii Portii in Hippocratis librum de veteri medicina para- phrasis; nee non ejusdem dissertatio logica. 2. ed. 5 p. 1., 9-340 (6 1.), 60 pp., 3 1. 12°. Ul- trajecti, G. van de Water, 1703. ------. Thesame. De morbis artificum diatriba.' MutiuaB olim edita; nunc accedit supplementum ejusdem argumeuti, ac dissertatio de sacrarum virginurn valetudiue tuenda. 3 p. 1., 320 pp. 16°. Venetiis, J. Corona, 1743. ------. The same. Le malattie degli artefici; trattato composto in lingua latina, e in questa edizione tradotto nella italianadall' abate Chiari da Pisa, xii, 440 pp. 12°. Venezia, D. Occhi, 174ri. ------. The same. A treatise of the diseases of tradesmen, shewing the various influence of par- ticular trades upon the state of health; with the best methods to avoid or correct it, and useful hints proper to be minded in regulating the cure of all diseases incident to tradesmen. 4 p. 1., 274 pp. 8°. London, A. Bell [and others], 1705. ------. The same. A treatise on the diseases of tradesmen, to which they are subject by their particular callings. With the method of avoid- ing and treating them. In: Hoffmann (Frederick). A dissertation on ende- mial diseases, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1746, 35-296. ------. The same. Essai sur les maladies des artisans; trad, du latin, avec des notes et des additions, par M. de Foureroy. lxxvi, 573 pp., 1 1. 12°. Parti, Moutard, 1777. ------. The same. Nouv. e"d., faite sur celle de 1778. In: Encycl. d. sc. m6d. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 7. div, [v. 13], 1841, 1-164. ------. Thesame. Die Krankheiten der Kiinstler und Handwerker untl die Mittel sich vor den- selben zu schiitzen. Ein belehrendesund uuter- haltendes Handbuch fiir Sanitats- uud Polizey- beamte, praktische Aerzte, Fabrikbesitzer, Pro- fessionisten und Gebildete aus alien Stiinden. Nach dem Italienischen des . . . neubearbeitet von Ph. Patissier. Aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt, mit Vorrede und Zusiitzen von Julius Hein- rich Gottlieb Schlegel. xvi, 438 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Ilmenau, B. F. Voigt, 1823. -----. Orationes iatrici argumenti quas in Pa- tavino gymuasio pro auniversaria studiorum instauratione habuit. 3 p. 1., 215 pp.; 29 pp. 12°. Patavii, vid. Frambotti et J. B. Conzati, 1708. Ramazzini (Bernardino)—continued. -----. De principum valetudiue tuenda commen- tatio; accessit pneter indicem reruin, vita auto- ris et nova pratfatio Michaelis Ernesti Kttmiil- leri. 15 p. 1., 144 pp. 12°. Patavii, J. F. Gle- ditsch, 1711. Pp. 195-198 slightly mutilated. ■------. The same, xxxii, 144 pp. 12°. Traj. ad Rhenum, A. a Thiel, 1712. [------•] Thesame. L'art de couserver la sante ♦des princes et des personnes du premier rang; auquel on a ajout6, l'art tie conservcr la san Id des religieuses, et les avantages tie la. vie sobre, du Seigneur Louis Cornaro; avec des remarques sur ce dernier, aussi curieuses, que ndecssaires. 7 p. 1., 374 pp. 16°. Leide, J. A. Langernk, 1721. ------. De contagiosa epidemia, qu;e in Pataviuo agro, et tota fere Veneta ditione in boves irrepsit. 3p. 1., 11-45pp. 8°. Paiarii, J. B. Conzatti, 1712. ------. The same. 43 pp. 4°. Lipsice, apud J. L. Gleditschium et M. G. Weidmannum, 1713. [Also, in: P., v. 765.] ------. Annotationes in librum Ludovici Cornelii de vitse sobriai comuiodis. 4 p. 1., 8-t pp. 4J. Patavii, J. B. Conzatti, 1714. ------. Opera omnia, medica et physica. 3 p. 1., 864 pp., 16 1. 4C. Genevce, Cramer et Perachon, 1716. ------. The same. 3 p. 1., 500 pp., 10 1. 4°. Londini, P. et I. Vaillant, 1717. ------. The same. 3. ed. Accessit vita autoris a Barthol. Ramazzino, ejus ex fratre nepote scripta, cum nguris et indicibus necessariis. 4 p. 1., xlvi, 500 pp., 10 1. 4°. Londini, P. et I. Vaillant, 1718. ------. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. 3 p. 1., xxv, 328 pp., 4 pl.; 3 p. 1., 228 pp., 10 1., 1 pl. 4°. Lon- dini, P. et I. Vaillant, 1739. ------. Dell' abuso della china. Versione dal latino e note del CD. V. Mantovani. *7 pp. 8°. Codogno, L. Cairo, 1816. [P., v. 1419.] See, also, Torti (Francesco). Therapeutice specialis [etc.]. 4°. Venetiis, 1732. -----. The same. 4°. Vene- tiis, 1743. -----. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1755. -----. The same. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1756. -----. Re- sponsiones iatro-apologeticae fete.]. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1756. For Biography, see Hoffmann (F.) A dissertation [etc.). 8°. London. 1746. x-xv. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. efe Men of Sc, 137. Rambacli (Adalbertus). *De ictero. 68 pp., 2 1. '"5-. Halw, ex off. Gebaueria, 1831. Rambacli (Carolus Fridericus) [1799- ]. * De scirrho ejusque decursu. 55 pp. 8°. Be- rolini, formis Briischckianis, 1824. Rambacli (Joann. Jacob.) * Usus mercurii iu morbis inflammatoriis. 86 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Batheanis, [1794]. ------. Versuch einer physisch-medizinischen Be- schreibung von Hamburg. 4 p. 1., 438 pp. 16°. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1801. Rambacli (Joannes Jacobus). *De hydrargy- rosi. 68 pp. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, ex off. G. C. Schiinmanni, 1825. Rambaldi (Angelo). Ambrosia arabica, overo della salutare bevanda cafe. 69 pp. 18°. Bo- logna, 1691. Rambaud. De la nature intime de la fievre typhoide et de la place qu'elle doit occuper dans la nosulogie. 24 pp. 8°. [Paris, H.-V. de Surcy $ Cie., 1850.] [P., v. 1670.] Repr. from: Kev. m6d. franc, et Strang, Par, 1850, i. ------. Etude sur les pneumonies et notamment sur les pneumonies scorbutiques. 45 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. J'ingtrinier, 1859. [P., v. 1672.] ------. Etnde analytique sur l'etiologie et sur les conditions de curabilite" des tubercules pulmo- naires. 15 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1864. [P., v. 1672.] K AM BAUD. 1002 RAMESEY. Ramli.mri [1841-70]. C'atle. Nccrologie. J. d. conn. mtkl. prat, Par, 1870- 71, xxxvii-xxxviii, 2SS. Ra ill band (A.) &, Renault (Ch.) Origine et developpement ties os. 271 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Chamcrot, 1864. Atlas ol 28 pl. wanting. Rainband (Antoine). * Sur l'he"patite, ou in- flammation du foie. 23 pp. 4°. Parti, 1814, No. 11, v. 101. Rainband (E.-J.-B. ) * Essai physiologique sur la part des vaisseaux chyliferes et des veines m^saraiques dans l'absorption dis substances alimentaires et des boissons. 1 p. 1., 18 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Ve. Silbennann, 1827, v. 56. [Also, in: P., v. 1606.] Rainband ( Gaston ) [1856- ]. * Contribu- tion clinique a l'etude de la deviation conju- guee des yeux et de la rotation de la tete dans certains cas d'h6miple"gie. 1 p. 1 , 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1882, 4. s., No. 4. Rainband (J.-J.-Arnoux). * Recherches his- toriques sur la voix et l'organe de la voix. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 2b5, v. 547. Rainband (J.-R.) * Dissertation sur la fievre dont le siege primitif est dans les organes gas- triques. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F.-G. Lerrault, 1820. Rainband (Joseph-Charles) [172o-85]. Notice hiographique. J. de tiitid. mil. Par, 1786, v, 272-279. Rainband ( Louis-Irene-Maximilien ) [1856- ]. * De la retention dn placenta apres l'ac- couchement et l'avorteinent. 69 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 78. Rainband (Michel-Auguste). *Dela fievre en general, de l'etat typhoide soit primitif, soit con- secutif. 36 pp. 4°. Parti, 1845, No. 90, v. 437. Rambeand (Anatole). *Du traitement des abets par congestion. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 117. Raillberg (Eduard Ludwig Rudolph) [1802- ]. * De cordevasisqne majoribus; eoruudem ratione normali in animantibns et abnormi in ho- mine. 28pp., lpl. 8°. Berolini, formti Briisch- ckianis, 1824. Ramberg (Gustavus Jacobus Emanuel) [1844- ]. * De vulneribus sclopetariis articulorum extremitatis inferioris, ratione habita imprimis curationis in pugnse locis et valetudinariis mili- taribus adhibendaj. 48 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1867]. Rambosson (J.) Propagation h distance des affections et des phenomenes nerveux expressifs. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1880. -----. Phenomenes nerveux, intellectuels et rao- raux, leur transmission par contagion, vii, 405 pp. 8°. Paris, Firm in-Didot cf Cie., 1883. von Ramdolir (C. A.) Ueber Dammschutz und primtire Operation des Dannmisses. 8 pp. 8°. [Neiv York, 1887.] Repr. from: N. Yorker med. Presse, 1887, iv. Ramdolir ([Friedrich Eduard] Max) [1852- ]. Mndicatiouen znr Herableitung eines Fusses bei Steisslage. 17 pp. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1882. Ramdolir (H. A.) Die Typhus-Epidemie im konigl. s.'ichs. 1. Ulaneu - Regiment Nr. 17 zu Oschatz im Herbst 1882. Eine iitiologische Studie, mit einem kurzen klinischen Berichte als Anhang. 1 p. 1., 64 pp., 1 diag. 8C. Leip- zig, E. Baensch, 1884. -----. Arcachon, Biarritz, Pan, Ameiie-les-Bains untl Hyeres als Winterstationen fiir Lungen- kranke. Nach Reiseeiudrucken geschildert. viii, 53 pp. 8°. Leipzig, R. Bredow, 1886. Rameail (Clement). * De lVruption des dents et ties accidents qu'elle produit. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 232, v. 635. Rameaux ( Jean-Francois ) [1805-7*]. * Ap- preciation ties progres que l'anatoinie et la phy- siologie compares out fait faire a la physiologie humaine. 53pp. 4°. Strasbourg, G. Silbernianii, 1837. Concours. -----. Notice sur les eaux minerales de Sonltz- matt. 42 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Strasbourg, G. Silber- nianii, 1838. [P., v. 1741.] -----. * Appreciation des progres tie l'hygiene publique, depuis le commencement du dix-neu- vieme siecle. 26 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839, v. 5. Concours. -----. * De la chaleur animale. 64 pp., I tab. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839, v. 5. Concours. -----. Des lois snivant lesquelles les dimensions dn corps, dans certaines classes d'animanx, tie- terminent la capacity et les mouvements func- tionnels des poumons et du cuuir. <>4 pp. 4J. Bruxelles, 1858. Repr. from: M6m. cour. d. savants . . . Acad. roy. tl. sc. etde'heaux arts de Belg, Brux, 1856-8, xxix. For Biography, see Kev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1878, ix, Z89-298. de Rameaux (Pet. Jos. Ferd.) De scirrho et cancero. 1788. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii. 1796, iv, 260-262. Raniel (M.-F.-B.) fils. Consultations de mede- cine, et memoire sur l'air de Gemenos. xxxvi, ' 424 pp. 8°. La Haye, 1775. Rainella (Antonio). Co-Editor of: Union (La) mtSdica, Caracas, 1881. Ramello. Colera. Cio che devono fare le an- torita. comunali, cio che deve fare 1' indivitluo per prevenirlo e combatterlo. Cenni pratici. 177 pp., 1 1. 8°. Torino, eredi Botta di G. Bru- nerj, 1884. -----. La protezione di se stesso contro il cMera. Cenni popolari senza note scientifiche e senz' ombra tli pretensione. 31 pp. 8°. 'Torino, eredi Botta di G. Brunerj, 1884. -----. Preservazione comunale amministrativa dalle malattie infettive pericolose e diffusive acute. 64 pp. 8°. Torino, eredi Botta di Brunerj e Crosa', 1885. Rameri (Luigi). Sulla durata della vita uma- na in Italia. 53 pp. fol. Roma, Salriucci, 1877. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl. di sc. fls, matemat. e nat, Roma, 1876-7. Rallies (J.-B.) * Etude sur les effets anesthe- siques et therapeutiques du bromure de potas- sium. 47 pp. 4°. Paris-, 1850, No. 53, v. 500. -----. Nouvelles considerations a l'appni de no- tre interpretation sur le mode de fonctionne- meut du systeme nerveux. 20 pp. 8°. Aitril- lac, H. Gentet, 1877. -----. Apercu sur le fonctionnement dn systeme nerveux. 106 pp. 8°. Parti, G. Masson, 1878. Rameses II. Uncovering the mummy of Rameses II, king of Egypt, the oppressor of the Jews in the time of Moses. The mummy of the Egyptian king, Rameses II,. of the nineteenth dynasty (about 1400 to 1250 B. C), stripped of its coverings. From photographs. 21. fol. Boston, 1886. Ramesey [or Ramsey ] (William). Qavdaipa, Kai ih/'/.i/rr/pta. Tractatus de venenis, or a treatise of poysons. Their sundry sorts, names, natures, and virtues, with their severall symptomes, signes, diagnosticks, prognosticks, and antidotes. Wherein are divers necessary questions discussed, the truth by the most learned confirmed, by many instances, examples and stories illustrated and both philosophically and medicinally RAMESEY. 1003 RAMMELL. Ramescy (William)—continued. handled. 15 p. 1., 239 pp., 8 1. 16°. London, D. Pakeman, 1661. Another copy bound with: du Vaix. The morall philos- ophy of the stoicks. 16°. London, 1664. .------. "E7i/iiv6oloyia, or, some physical consider- ations of the matter, origination, and several species of wormes, macerating and direfnlly cru- ciatiug every part of the bodies of mankind, of all ages and constitutions; whereby it doth probably appear to be an epidemical disease, killing more than either the sword or plague. Together with their various causes, signs, diag- nosticks, prognosticks, the horrid symptomes by them introduced, as also the indications and method of cure. All which is medicinally, phi- losophically, astrologically, and historically handled. 1 p. 1., 8,364 pp., 1 1. 12°. London, G. Sawbridge, 1668. Ramette (F.-L) * Considerations sur les appa- reil s de fractures du femur. 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1864. [P., v. 45.] RiimeilX (J.-F.) Considerations sur les mus- cles. 27 pp. 4°. Parti, 1834, No. 386, v. 280. Ramey (Gaston). * Recherches sur les courbes de la matite dans les epanehements liquides de la plevre. 57 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, s. 7, No. 2. Ramey (N.) *Sur I'asthme, consider comme maladie nerveuse. 29 pp. 4°. Paris. 1821, No. 18, v. 163. Rainier (Fridericus Guilelmus Alexander ) [1804- ]. * Nonnulla de pathologia epilep- sia?. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Hermanianis, [1838]. Ramiere (Jean). * Propositions de medecine. 10 pp 4°. Parti, 1832, No. 278, v. 256. Ramirez (Lino) [1831-68]. Division congeniale tin sternum. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cf fils, [lHli7?]. Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par, 1868, 3. s, xxiii. ------. Del'obliterationdeveinesjugulairescomme complication des affections cardiaques. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cf fils, 1867. Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par, 1867, 3. s, xxii. ------. Du traitement des abces du foie; observa- tions recueillies a Mexico et en Espague. 91 pp. 8°. Parti, J.-B. Bailliere cf fils, 1867. Bound with: Duperray (R.-E.) Etude sur la cirrhose du foie. 8°. Paris, 1868. For Biography, see Gaceta m6d, M6xico, 1869, iv, 87-96 (M. S. Sariano). Also, Reprint. Ramis (Karl). * Ueber die psyehischen Ursachen der-Geisteskrankkeiten. 28 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf, 1839. Rainisch (Franc. Xav.) De gastromalacia et gastropathia infantum. 5-120 pp. 8°. Pragw, typ. Sommerianis, 1824. Ramlosa. Berlin (N.J.) Analvsaf Ramlosahelsovatten. Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1847, ix, 193.—Faye (F. C.) Ramlosa Helso- hrunn och Kaltvattenanstalt. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevi- densk,Christiania, 1885, xv, 145-149.—Heilquellen (Die) und das Seebad Ramlosa in Schweden. J.d. pract. Heilk, Berl, 1839, lxxxviii, 3. St, [App.J, 1-4. Railllow (Victor-Saladin). * Sur le traitement de la vaginite. 42 pp. 4°. Parti, 1867, No. 192. Railllll (Eugen Rudolph Maximilian) [1855- ]. * Ueber Darmwandbriiche, nebst Beifugung eines Falles von eingeklenuntem Darmwandbrucb. 35 pp. 12°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1883. Ram in (Heinrich August Joachim). * Ueber die Retraction der Lungenrander. 15 pp. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1869. In: Schrift. d. TJniv. zu Kiel, vii, 1869, med. xvi. Railllll (Joachim) [1763- ]. * De alcalina bilis natura contra uuperas opiniones defensa. 11 pp.,21. 4°. Jenw, ex off. Fickelscherrio-Stranck- manniana, [1786]. For Biography, see I>oder (Justus Christianus). | Rammell (Thomas Webster). Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary in- quiry into the sewerage, drainage, antl supply of water, and the sanitary condition ofthe inhabi- tants ofthe parish of Burnham. 49 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes <,- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, antl supply of water, antl the sanitary con- dition ofthe inhabitants of the town of Sand- gate. 34 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, IV. Clowes 1. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of tbe inhabitants of the city and borough of Salisbury, in the county of Wilts. 126 pp., 2 plans. 8°. London, G. E. Eyre cf W. Spottis- woode, 1851. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the borough of Tiver- ton. 69 pp., 2 maps. 8°. London, W. Clowes 1. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the parish of Wetlnes- bury, in the county of Stafford. 61 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, G. E. Eyre oii (Eugene). * Considerations et propo- sitions sur quelques points de pathologie. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 322, v. 316. Rampont (Germain-F.-S.) *Sur l'infection purulente. 27 pp. 4°. Parti, 1834, No. 76, v. 271. Rampont ( Mausuy-Alphouse), *Sur l'ence- phalite. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 64, v. 271. Rampont (Mansuy-Francois)1 [1777- ]. *De la voix et de la parole. 151 pp. 8°. Parti, an XI [1803], v. 31. See, also, Hecker (Auff.-Friedr.) Manuel de m6decine pratique militaire. 8°. Breslau, [1808]. For Biography, see Rec. de m6m. de ni6d. . . . mil. Par, 1832, xxxiii, 386-406 (Moizin). Rampont (Mansuy-Francois)2. *Des carac- teres tires du systeme osseux qui peuvent servir a reconnaltre si le fcetus est a terme. 35 pp. 4°. Parti, 1844, No. 171, v. 423. Ramsay (Alexander)1 [1754 ?-1824]. * De cy- nanclie maligna. 45 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1802. [P., v. 20.] -----. Anatomy of the heart, cranium, and brain, adapted to the purposes of the medical and sur- gical practitioner; to which is added, in notes, observations on the laws of life and sensation. 2. etl. vi, 66 pp., 15 pl. 4°. Edinburgh, A. Constable cf Co.; London, Longman [and others], 1813. -----. Address and anatomical prospectus. 24 pp. 8°. Concord, Hill tf Moore, 1819. -----. Prospectus of eight lectures, on the ani- mal antl intellectual economy of man. 18 pp. 12°. [Dublin, J. Cuming cf Co.,previous to 1816.] -----. Prospectus of fifteen lectures on the ani- mal antl intellectual economy of man ; adapted to the purposes of the medical practitioner, the speculative philosopher, the parent, and the youth as the medium of that knowledge of God antl ourselves, which seems connected with health, piety and religion. 16 pp., 1 tab. 8°. New York, J. Seymour, 1816. For Biography, see Tr. Maine M. Ass, Portland, 1883, viii, pt. 1, 161-182 (G. P. Bradley). Ramsay (Alexander)2. A bibliography, guide, antl index to climate. 449 pp. 8° London, IV. Swan, Sonnenschein cf Co., 1884. Ramsay (David) [1749-1815]. A dissertation on the nieaus of preserving health in Charleston antl the adjaceut low country. Read before the Metlical Society of South Carolina, on the 29th of May, 1790. 32 pp. 8°= Charleston, Markland cf Mc'lver, 1790. [Also, in.- P., v. 1069.] -----. A review of the improvements, progress, and state of medicine in the XVIIIth century. Read on the first day of the XlXth century, be- fore the Metlical Society of South Carolina. 47 pp. 8°. Charleston, W. P. Young, [1801]. -----. An eulogium upon Benjamin Rush, M. D. Written at the request of the Medical Society of South Carolina, viii, 9-139 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Bradford cf Inskeep, 1813. -----. History of South Carolina, from its first settlement in 1670 to the year 1808. 2 v. in 1. viii, 274, 307 pp., 1 map. 8°. Newbern/, S. C, W. J. Duffie, 1858. Also, Editor of: Charleston Medicai Register lor 1802 (1803). See, also, Webster (Noah). A letter respecting the errors in Johnson's dictionary, [etc.]. 8C. New Haven, 1807. For Portrait, see Collection of Tortr, (Lihr.). Ramsay (George). Ontology, or things exist- ing, viii, 117 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, J. Walton, 1870. Ramsay (H. A.) Contributions to obstetrics, with tabular views and miscellaneous practical observations. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. S. Young, 1851. [Also, in: P., v. 848.] -----. To the medical profession. (A statement with regard to a controversy with Dr. F. M. Ramsay (H. A.)—continued. Robertson.) 24 pp. 8°. Raysville, Ga., 187>1. [Aho, in: P., v. 84(i.] -----. The necrological appearances of Southern typhoid fever in the negro, with hints upon its prophylaxis and therapeutic management; to- gether with observations upon the mental antl physical peculiarities of the Ethiopian, [etc.]. 23 pp. 8°. Columbia County, Ga., 187)2. [Also, in: P., v. 848.] -----. Letter to Dr. James Bryan, on the South- ern negro, etc. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Hughes cf Co., 1853. Repr. from: Phila. M. efe S. J, 1852-3, i. -----. An essay on Southern typhoid fever. 32 pp. 8°. Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1853. -----. To the members of the Georgia State Med- ical Society. [Answer to a charge of violation of "code of ethics".] 1 1. 4C. Thompson, Ga., 1853. Also, Co-Editor of: Georgia (The) Blister and Critic, Atlanta, 1854-5. -----. See, also: Robertson (F. M.) To the members of the American Medical Association. (Correspondence with H. A. Ramsay.) 8°. [n.p., 1851.] Ramsay (R.). Co-Editor of: Philadelphia (The) University Jour- nal of Medicine and Surgery, 1867. Ramsay (Robert)1. *De bile. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Hamilton, Balfour et Neill, 1757. A Iso, in.- Sandifoet. Thesaurus diss [etc.]. 4°. Ro- terodami, 1769, ii, 559-568. Also, in: Smellie. Thesaurus med. [etc.]. 8°. Edinburgh, 1785, ii, 453-469. Ramsay (Robert)2. *Dehydrope anasarca. 38 pp., 1 p. 1. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1797. [Also, in: P., v, 387.] Ramsay (Robert)3. On the treatment of con- genital cleft palate. [A paper read before the Odontological Society, 1865. ] 22 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Cox . Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1839]. Randlian (Guilielmus Ludovicus). * De syno- cho svstematis sensibilis. 1 p. 1., 45 pp. 4°. Lipsice, F. Richter, [1811]. For Biography, see Platner (Ernestus). Randlian (Joannes Fridericus). De lactis origine brevis recensus. 16 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Richteria, 1799. -----. * De secundarum extractione ejusque apto et tempore et modo. 46 pp., 31. 4°. Leucope- trw, ex off. Severiniana, [1800]. For Biography, see Platner (Ernestus). -----. Verhandeling over de afhaaling der nage- boorte; en over derzelver meest geschikten tijd en wijze. Uit 't Latijn vertaald door J. C. Tis- sel. iv, 74 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, W. van Vliet, 1806. Randlian (Joh. Ehrenfried) [1745- ]. De corpore delicti medice indagando. 23 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Sommeriis, [1783]. Also [Abstr.], in.- "Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1783, xviii, 105-127. For Biography, see Geliler (Jo. Carolus). Randich (Lucas). *De emeticis. 22 pp. 8°. Patavii, typ. V. Crescinium, 1834. [P., v. 946.] Randig (Jo. Christianus). *De febrium inter- mittentium curationibus antiquis. 32 pp. 4J. Halw Magdeb., lit. J. C. Hilligeri, [1737]. Randolph (Charles). Condition of the Clyde; two letters on the sewage question. 12 pp. 8°. Glasgow, J. Hedderwick cf Son, 1865. [P., v. 14H7.] Repr. from: Glasgow Herald, Sept. 16, 1865. Randolph (George). An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bristol water; and the in- dications of cure which it answers. 4 p. 1., 176 pp. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, 1710. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 114 pp. 8°. Oxford, [1745]. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 176 pp. 8°. London, R. Baldwin, 1750. Randolph (Jacob) [1796-1848]. Some remarks on morbus coxarius, with an account of P. 8. Physick's method of treating this disease. 12 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, J. R. A. Skerrett, 1831. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1830-31, vii. -----. Account of six cases of stone in the blad- der, in which the operation of lithotripsy was successfully performed. 19 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. R. A. Skerrett, 1834. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1834-5, xv. -----. An account of seven additional cases of stone in the bladder, in which the operation of lithotripsy was successfully performed. 13 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836-7, xix. -----. A memoir on the life and character of Philip Syng Physick, M.D. 114 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, F. K. 4 P. G. Collins, 1K59. See, also, Dorsey (John Syng). Elements of surgery, [etc.]. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1823. For Biography, see <*ross (S. D.) Lives of eminent American physicians. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861, 512-520 (J. A. Meigs). See, also, Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila,, 1848, ii, 283-289 (Nor- ris). Also, Reprint. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Randolph (Nathaniel Archer') [1858-87]. Co-Editor of: Medical (The) and Surgical Reporter, Philadelphia, 1887. For Biography, see Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila,, 1889, xxvi, 359-365 (J. T. Rothrock). ----- & Dixon (Samuel G.) Notes from the physiological laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. 88 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1885. -----& Ronssel (A. E.) A study of the nutri- tive value of branny food. 20 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Collins, 1884. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884, 3. s., vii. Randolph (Robert L.) Congenital clouding of the cornea affecting two sisters. 8 pp. 8C. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1888, n. s., xevi. -----. A clinical study of some antiseptics in the treatment of otorrhcea. 12 pp. 12°. New York, Trow, 1889. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxvi. Randon (Maxime). *fitude sur le cholera tie 1884, observ6 a l'Hdpital principal de la marine de Toulon du 13 juin au 13 juillet. 52 pp. 4°. Lyon, A. Waltener cf Cie., 1884, 1. s., No. 235. Randon dn Landre (Hector). * De la phleg- matia alba dolens. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. Ill, v. 635. Randone (Giov. Francesco). Manuale di medi- caturc, fasciature ed apparecchi per lesioni in RANDONE. 1009 RANGER. Randone (Giov. Fr.ancesco)—continued. guerra. viii, 234 pp., 1 1. 12°. Pistoia, frat. Bracali, 1886. Ranfft (Michael) tfe Cleemann (Christianus Gotlofredus). De masticatione mortuorum in tu- mulis. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Breitkop- fianti, [1725]. Rang* (Bernhard Henricus). * De optimo infantis recens nati alimento. 37 pp. sm. 4°. Argen- torati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, 1753. Bang (Ferdinandus). *De theoria siderogenise et sideroiatricae. viii, 9-56 pp. 8°. Pestini, J. T. Trattner, 1819. [P., v. 1307.] Range (Camille). 'Fracture compliquee et pseudarthrose du maxillaire inf6rieur, suite de de l'extraction des deux premieres grosses mo- laires. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parti, 1880, No. 434 (No. 436?). Range (Guilelmus). * De enchoudromate. 17 pp., lpl., 11. 4°. Haiti, typ. Schmidtianis, [1848]. [P., v. 412.] Range (JoannesFrid. Guil. Ludov.) * De ampu- tatione eaque inprimis in ipso proelii campo in- stituenda cogitata quajdam. 64 pp. 8°. Mar- burgi, typ. Bayrhofferi, 1833. Ranger (William). Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, antl supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town of Aylesbury. 28 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage,drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town of Cambridge. 26 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4" Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Chatham. 18 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the "inhabitants of the city of Coventry. 24 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1849. ■-----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, aud supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Croydon. 32 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Dartford. 18 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sani- tary condition of the inhabitants of the bor- ough of Hartlepool, in the county of Durham. 64 pp., 2 plans. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition ofthe inhabitants ofthe town of Hitchin. 23 pp., 2 maps. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, antl the sanitary con- dition ofthe inhabitants of the town of Leices- Ranger (William)—continued. ter. 37 pp., 3 plans. 8r London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Sheer- ness. 22 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, aud the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the parish of Tot- tenham. 20 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, aud the sanitary con- dition ofthe inhabitants of the town of Uxbridge. 19 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, IV. Clowes 4" Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, aud supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Waltham Abbey. 22 pp., 1 map, 1 plan. 8°. London, IV. Clowes 4- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the parishes of Ware and Great Amwell. 24 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1849. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, ou intramural interments. 11 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, 1851. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, aud supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the township of Bar- nard Castle. 35 pp., 2 plans. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the parish of Ches- hunt. 19 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf ■ Sons, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry iuto the sewerage, drain- age, aud supply of water, aud the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Darling- ton, in the county of Durham. 74 pp., 2 plans. 8°. London, W. Clowes cf Sons, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the borough of Don- caster. 66 pp., 1 plan. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry iuto the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the parish of Edmon- ton. 18 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes -64. Also, Co-Editor of: Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, London, 1847- 52. For Biography, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1853, ii, 369, port. Ranking (William J.) & Thompson (John). On the means of improving the water supply of Glasgow. 8 pp. 8°. Glasgow, G. Eicltardson, 1852. Ranking's Abstract. -See Half-yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Raillieft (Sicco Berend). * Beschouwingen over het rondcellig sarcoom van der eierstok, naar aanleiding van een door den schrijvei- waargeno- men geval. 2 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Huber, 1878. Ranney (Ambrose L.) A practical treatise on surgical diagnosis, designed as a manual for practitioners and students, xii, 386 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood eta (J.-B.) * Reflexions sur quelquea tumeurs sublinguales. 4°. Paris, 1863. RANULA. 1015 RANULA. Ranula. Leflaive (A.) * De la grenouillette et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1852. Lelievrk (G.-J.) * De la grenouillette. 4°. Paris, 1861. Maynier (J.-H.) * Etudes sur la nature tie la grenouillette et sur sou traitement. 4°. Paris, 1855. Meriot (H.) * De la grenouillette sublinguale. 4°. Paris, 1883. Moucelot (P.) *Sur la grenouillette. 4°. Strasbourg, 1805. Perroud (L.) * Recherches sur la grenouil- lette ; tl'un nouveau procede pour eu obtenir la guerieson. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Peyssonnie (H.) * Essai sur la grenouillette. 4°. Paris, 1874. Pichon (L.) *De la grenouillette et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1854. Porcher(P.) * Dissertation sur la grenouil- lette. 8°. Parti, an XI [1803]. Raillard (P.-F.-E.) * Diagnostic et traite- ment des grenouillettes et des tumeurs sublin- guales. 4°. Parti, 1871. Redenbacher (E. A. H.) *De ranula sub lin-. gua, speciali cum casu congenito. 4°. Monachii, 1828. Remignon (T.) *Dela grenouillette congeni- tale par dilatation du canal de Wharton imper- fore. 4°. Paris, 1885. Richer (T.-L.) *De ^obliteration conge'ni- tale du canal de Wharton. Grenouillette con- genitale. 4°. Paris, 1883. Schiffer (O.) *De ranula. 8°. Berolini, [I860]. Stahl (I J.) & de Schoenerben (F. J. C.) *De ranula sub lingua speciali cum casu. Er- ford., 1734. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1760, vii, 564-573. vax der Suis (A.) #De ranula. 8°. Gro- ningw, [1850]. Albert (E.) Die neuesten Ansichten iiber die Natur der Ranula. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 379.— Aimissat. Grenouillette; incision; introduction d'un petit morceau d'6ponge; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 159. Also, Reprint.—Atlee (W. F.) Caseof ranula. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1875-6), 1877, vi, 39.—Aver. beck. Zur Behandlung der Ranula. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1884, xxx, 452. — Baker (W. M.) On ranula. St, Bartb. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, vii. 134-141. — ttaiitna (A.) Ranula dermoidea, adgeniana, unilocular; incision y cauterizacion sin resultado; operacion radical; curacioii. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1889, 233. — Barrier. Nou- veau proc6d6 pour op6rer la grenouillette. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1857, iv, 556-558.—Bazy. Anatomie patholo- gique de la grenouillette sublinguale ou commune; con- siderations relatives au traitement. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 111-116. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1883, xi, 735. — Berchem. Observation de grenouillette ac- compagn6e tl'iin nombre considerable de concretions sali- vaires. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1845, 470-474.^Bctz (F.) Znr Behandlung der Ranula. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1874, xix, 37-41.—Blot. Grenouillette cong6nitale. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par. (1870), 1871,2. s., xi, 179-181.—Bockeu- heimer. Die Operation einer angeborenen Ranula. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., tl. Krankenanst___tl. Stadt Frankf. (1868), 1871, xii, 195.—Bogros. Grenouil- lette spasmotlique. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 307.— Borelli (G.) Tre casi di ranule risanate coll' iniezione unica tlella tintura alcoolica tli iodio. Rae. di oss. clin.- patol., Torino, 1854-67, ii, 9-21.—Bouchaconrt (A.) Hit traitement de la grenouillette par les injections iodees. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1846, xxxi, 354-360.— Bouchard. Observation stir un cas tie grenouillette aigue. [Discussion.J Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1869), 1870, 2. s., x, 445-454. — Boyer (L.) Grenouillette litis volumineuse determinant ties phenomenes d'asphyxie et contenant un liquide purulent; operation. Union metl, Par., 1H48, ii, 22. — Brescliet ( G.) Considerations sur la tumeur nomm6e commiin6iiieiit ranule ou grenouillette, et description d'un nouveau moyen propose et employe par M. le professeur Dupuytren, pour la gu6risou tie cette maladie. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1818, viii, 296-316. -----. De la ranule ou grenouillette. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1828, v, 120-135.— Briick (A. T.) Erscheint das Exanthem des Keuchhustens als sogenannte Ranula. ftoV,11!?. unter der Zunee? Med. Convers -Bl, Hildburgh. 1832, in, 277-279. - Bryk (A.) Klinische Beinerkuugen uber the Ranula. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien 8.3, xix, 149; 165; 229; 245; 331; 341; 357—Calderiiii (tr.) Ranula in un neonate. Ann. di ostet., Milano 1881 m, 619.—Cambria (A.) Su un caso tli ranula; osserva- zione anatomico chimica. Race glitore med., Forli 1885 4. s., xxiv, 57-64. — Cauterisations r6p6t6es c'oinine moyen tl assurer le succes tlu procede d'excision appliquee au traitement de la grenouillette. Bull. g6n. de th6rap. etc. Par., 1856, 1, 85-Clinrlin (R.) Un caso particulir tieiranula. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1878-9, vii, 8_16.—Chauvel (J.) Grenouillette. Diet, encycl. d. sc. 11161I., Par., 1884, 4. s., x, 628-680.-Clarke (O. H. E.) An unusual case of ranula. Med. Aim., Albany, 1X81, ii, 8.— Clautlot. Essai sur les corps etrangers du conduit ile Wharton et leurs rapports avec la grenouillette. Rec. lie m6m. de m6d----mil, Par., 1874, xxx, 237-276. Also: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1874, ii, 22; 159. Also [Rap. de Forget] : Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1874, 3. s., iii, 726- 731. Also [Rap. de Forget]: Union m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., xvn, 1018; 1029.—Cook (W.) Enormous ranula. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 186.—Banyan. De la grenouillette. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1848-50), 1851, i, 446-454.— Delens (E.) De la grenouillette sus-hvoitlienne. Rev. dechir., Par., 1881, i, 209; 283— Demar'quay. Note et observations sur le si6ge de la grenouillette. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 101.—Demons (A.) Grenouillette con- genitale par obliteration de l'extremite anterieure tin canal tie Wharton; incision suivie de cauterisation au nitrate d'argent; gu6rison avec permanence d'une ouverture fls- tuleuse. Bull, et ni6tu. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 60-62. — Deschamps (M.-H.) Grenouillette des nou- veau-n6s. Gaz. metl. tie Par., 1860, 3. s., xv, 552; 589.— Dieu. Grenouillette sub-linguale oper6e par excision et cauterisation de la poche; r6cidive apr6s trois mois et ap- parition d'une tumeur sus-hyoldienne communiquant avec la poche sub-linguale; excision de la tumeur kystique par la region sus-hvoitlienne; gu6rison. Bull, et niem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 462-465. [Rap. de Dolens], 456-461. [Discussion], 458; 475; 498; 518.—Bubrueil (A.) Grenouillette g6nienne. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel, 1887, ix, 473. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1887, vii, 827.—Dumas (A.) Quelques considerations sur la grenouillette vraie. Montpel. med., 1862, ix, 274-280.— Dumaz. Paralysie consecutive & la ponction et l'injec- tion alcoolique d'une grenouillette sous-maxillaire. Bull. Soc. m6tl. de Chambery, 1874, 116.— Duplay. Grenouil- lette salivaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 571.—Dupuy- tren. Traitement curatifde la ranule ou grenouillette. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1828, xvii. 69-76.—Erichscn. Two forms of ranula, the second hitherto undcacrihed, ex- isting in the mylo-hyoid space, between the mylohyoid muscle antl jaw-bone; puncture of the latter, with evacua- tion of a pultaceous substance, like atheroma, and part of the cyst; free suppuration with very offensive odour. Lancet, Lontl., 1856, ii, 619.—Eve (F.' S.) Ranula. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 101.—Fay (W.) Fatty masses contained in a ranula. Ibid., 1870-71, xxii, 258.— Flcidchiiiaiin. Ueber neuentdeckte Schleimbeutel un- ter der Zunge u. deren kraukhafte Entartung, oder soge- nannte Froschgeschwulst. Repert. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1841, ii, 256.—Forget (A.) Considerations pratiques sur la grenouillette et sur les diverses methodes de traitement. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc.. Par., 1845, xxviii, 257-264.-----. M6moire sur la nature, l'origine et le siege de la grenouil- lette; du traitement de cette maladie par le procede sto- matoplastique de M. Jobert modifle. M6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1847-51, ii, 219-234.-----. De la coexistence de la grenouillette sub-linguale etd'un kyste sus-byoidien; diffl- culte du diagnostic; traitement. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1871. 2. s., xi, 299-306.-----. Calcul salivaire volumi- neux ayant donne lieu a I'ablation presque totale de la glande sous-maxillaire. Union m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., xvii, 1029-1036.—Fox (F.) On ranula. [Abstr.] Specialist, Lond., 1881-2, ii, 22.—French (W. F.) A ranula caused in a very unusual manner. Med. Rec, N. T., 1SS8, xxxiv, 507.—Fuuakowski ( H.) Uwagi nad trescia podjezyczynego guza, zwanego zabkq,. [ On sublingual tumors; the so-called ranula.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1872, xii, 225-227.—Oarretsou (J. E.) Ranula from the left sublingual gland in the tissues of the neck. Med. 6c Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxii, 7—CJasparini (G.) L' ago- elettro-puntura nella cura della ranula. N. Liguria m6tl., Genova, 1872, xvii, 457-461.—Oeoghcgan (T. G.) Two cases of ranula. Dublin M. Press, 1860, xliv, 145.—Cril- lette. Plusieurs exemples tie grenouillette. Union m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., xvii, 419-424. -----. Grenouillette sub- linguale et hyoidienne. J. d. conn. m6d. prat, Par., 1884, 3. s., vi, 107 — Giralues. De la grenouillette. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 337.—Oordon (.J. M.) Observa- tions on ranula; with cases, treatment, and cure. South. M. efe S. J., Augusta, 1849, n. s., v, 65-69.—von Gorup. Besanez (E. F.) Ueber die Natur ties Inhaltes der Froschgeschwulst. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1845, ii, 13-23.—Oosselin. Grenouillette hydatique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 213. -----. RANULA. 1016 RANULA. Ranula. Forme insolite de grenouillette: sublinguals et sus-hyoi- dienne. Ibid., 1880, Iiii, 577.—<»[reffier] (L.) Grenouil- lette cong6nitale; son traitement. Th6rap. contemp., Par., 1X84. iv, 214-216.—«ross efe Vautrain. Grenouillette aigue. Kev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1886, xviii, 46-50.— Giiinard (A.) Grenouillette congenitale par imperfora- tion du canal de Wharton. Gaz. hebd. tie m6d.. Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 9.—BTauser (F.) Seltene Ausdehnung einer Froschgeschwulst. [Mit: Chemische Untersuchung ties Speichels dieses Kranken. Von Ehrmann.] Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1843, xiv, 44-54.—Hedeu- Btroni (J. A.) Tvenne handelser af ranula samt deias behandling. In: Bergstrand (C. H.) Chir. Iakttagelser, 8°, Upsala, [1842-]1848. 63-78.—Hernu. Grenouillette gu6rie par 1'excision. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1791, ii, 230. — History of a rase of.ranula. Phila. M. Mu- seum, 1810-11, n. s., i, 177-184.—Home (J. H.) Treat- ment of ranula. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii. 225-227.—lan- none (G.) Sull' atfezione sottolinguale infantile; con- siderazioni cliniche. Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1884, ii, 156-168.—Joberl (de Lamballe). Proc6d6 autoplas- tique destine a reniedier aux occlusions, et & r6tablir le cours tie certains liquides. comme daus la grenouillette. Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1843, viii, 145-151. -----. Grenouillette; nouveau procede op6ratoire; gue- rison. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 321. -----. Re- cherches sur la grenouillette. Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1845, ix, 5-17. -----. Grenouillette; opera- tion par autoplastic. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s.. iii, 401. Also: J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1852, xx, 64-66.—Karat- ner (IT.) Zur Lehre von der Ranula. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1855, iv, 350-366.—Keller (W.) Success- ful treatment of simple ranula salivalis hy probing. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1876, n.s., lxxi, 429.—Kirtikar (K. R.) t Tr. M. efe Phys. Soc. Bombay (1885), 1886, n. s., viii, 83- 85.—Kolb (E.) Grenouillette; excision et tampoiinenient iixl6. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1858, iii, 39.—Krab- bel. Zur Operation tier Ranula. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii. 593.—Kyll (J. B.) Beobachtungen iiber Friise-Iilein-Geschwulste. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl, 1837, xxvi, 588-607.—r-abbe (L.) Grenouillettes sali- vaires; deux cas de grenouillettes sub-linguales; grenouil- lettes sus-hyoidiennes; grenouillettes du canal de Whar- ton ; fausses grenouillettes; grenouillettes dermoi'des, hy- datiques et sanguines; traitement des diverses varieties tie grenouillettes. In his: Lee. de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1876, 564-621. — Lamourenx, Observation d'une grenouil- lette, gu6rie par les seuls efforts de la nature. J. de la sect, de m6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1826, ii, 13-15.— Lnnde. Grenouillette; operations diverses; insuct-es; houton de Dupuytren; gu6rison. M6m. et bull. Soc. m6d.- chir. tl. hop. de Bordeaux, 1868, iii, 305-310.—Laiine- longue. Grenouillette cong6nitale due a la dilatation tlu canal de Wharton imperforee. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. a., v, 898-900.—I^arrey. Note sur la grenouillette. X. Jour, de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1820, vii, 2112-298. — Tangier. Nouveau moyen pour la guerison tie. la yreiiuuillette. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, ii, 255: iii, 9.—I.e Dentu. Injections de chlorure de zinc dans la grenouillette. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, 1, 495-497.—IiOckwood (C. B.) t Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1882, i, 329.—M. (E.) Grenouillette de la bourse muqueuse de Fleischinann. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1885, vi, 316-319.—ill.iitiiiiiii. An extraordi- nary case of ranula. Lond. M. Rev. efe Mag., 1800, iii, 183- 185.—Ulacdonald (W.) Case of ranula, successfully treated on the principle of mechanical pressure. Lancet, Lontl, 1852, ii, 238.—ITIaclcau (D.) An abstract of re- marks on a case of congenital ranula; with operation. Physician efe Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1886, viii, 344-346.— lVIalcolmson (J. G.) Case of ranula, in which the left submaxillary gland was extirpated; with remarks. Tr. M. efc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1635-42, viii, pt. 1, 13 : 27.—Tla- nigot. Grenouillette volumineuse gu6rie par la punction suivie d'une injection iotiee. Bull. Soc. m6d. tie l'Vonne, Auxerre, 1863, 228-230.—de iVIarinis (F.) La batracosi o una produzione fihroitle speciale sotto-linguale; prece- duta da una lettera relativa del Prof. F. Fede. Gior. inter naz. cl. sc. med., Napoli, 1882, n. s.,iv, 585-592.—iVlartiui (L.) Caso di ranella. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1884, xxxv, 103.—Masse (E.) Grenouillette de la bourse muqueuse de Fleischinann. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1880, i. 135-138. Also, in his: M6m. de m6d. et chir., 8°, Par., 1885, 303-313.—IVIaugin. Quelques mots a propos d'un symptome peu connu d'une variete de grenouillette. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 543 — lflenocal (F.) Ranula congenita. Rev. de cien. m6d., Habana, 1889, 137.—iTIi- chel. Note sur le traitement et le siege tie la grenouil- lette. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1857, xvii, 437-440. -----. Six cas d'extirpation de grenouillette aigue et chronique, |etc.]. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1877, xiv, 252-257— :?Ii- gnot. Grenouillette commencante; obliteration du canal de Wharton par une petite graine. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend. 1883-4, Par., 1884, xxxviii, 30.— Montreuil. Observation de grenouillette; op6ratiou; gu6rison : analyse tlu liquide. France m6d., Par., 1864, xi, 644.—Tlorris. Ranula occupying the whole of floor of Ranula. the mouth; resection of part of wall; plugging with lint; cure. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1882,ii, 355.—deMoura (J. R.) Nota sobre o tratamento da niolcstia chamatht "ranula", a proposito de um cast), operatic com yantagem pelo processo do Dr. Tantloinniclen. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1868-9, iii, 124-126.—1TI iii ler (N.) Ueber Ranula bei Neu- gehorenen. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh., Berl, 1877, i. 39.— Neumann (E.) Ein beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ranula. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1877, xx, 825-828. -----. Ueher die Entstehung der If aim la aus den Bochtlalek'schen Drii. senschlauchen tier Zungenwurzel. Ibid., 1886, xxxiii, 590-607. — JVouveaux faits a l'appui du traitemeut tie la grenouillette par les injections iod6es; importance tin lavage pr£alable tie la poche. Bull gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1856, 1, 78-85.—Ogier (T. L.) Ranula. Chaileston M. J. efe Rev., 1848, iii. 498-502.—O'Grady (E.S.) Exces- sive salivation stopped by curing a taniila. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1878, i, 525.—Pauas. Grenouillette sous-hyoMi- eune, ou kyste s6ro-iuuqueux du cou, d6velopp6 dans la re- gion hyo-thyroi'dienne (du cote droit), traite infructueuse- ment par les injections de teinture d'iode et (l'alcool; gueri par une seule injection au chlorure de zinc. Uniou meel., Par., 1875, 3. s., xx, 798-800.—Paquet (A.) Grenouillette sebac6e, ou kyste dermoide sub-lingual; operation; gueri- son. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 428-431.—Fa ris (A.) Grenouillette infantile. Ibid., 1866, xii. 538-540.— Fa n I i (F.) Ueber Pathogenese und Heilung der Speichel Geschwiilste. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1862, ii, 1-80. Also, Reprint.—Feele(J.J.) Ranula successfully treated hy a lead ligature. Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1858, n.s., xxxvi, 283.—Perassi. Considerazioni sulla ranula. Gior. d. r. Acad, (li metl. di Torino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 292-304. -----. Caso di ranula sanguigna in una bimba di sette mesi. Ibid., 1873, 3. 8., xiii, 324-326.—Petrequ in. Memoria sulla sede e sulla natura della ranula e intorno alle diffe- renze che esistono fra essa e 1' ostruzioneelei condotti delle ghiandole salivari. Traduzione dal francese elel Dott. Da- niele. [5 cases.] Ibid., 1871. 3. s., x, 587-602.—Peyron. Grenouillette compliquee de la presence dun ealcul sali- vaire. [Rap. deSegalas.] Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1843-1, ix, 85.—Philipeaux (R.) Gu6rison de la grenouillette au moven de la pate au chlorurede zinc. Ann. Soc. denied. de Lyon, 1861, 2. s., ix, 245-251.—Pisani (L.) Histoire d'une gu6rison de grenouillette selon la methode de Du- puytren. Rec. de trav. Soc. med. allem. de Par., 1856, i, 28-30.—Prewitt (T. F.) A new operation for the cure of ranula ; with report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1883, i, 48—Proust (J.) Observation de greuouillette sub-linguale cong6nitale et de scl£rem6 cedemateux. Bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de la Rochelle, 1873, no. 2, 66-75.— Habere (C.) Grenouillette; excision du kyste et caute- risation rep6tee de la surface interne avec le nitrate d'ar- gent. J. denied, de Bordeaux, 1879-80, ix, 348-351.—von Recklinghausen (F.) Ein Fall von Kanula. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxv, 314-321. -----. Ueher die Ranula, die Cyste der Bartholin sehen Druse untl tlie Flimmercyste der Leber. Ibid.. 1881, lxxxiv, 425-495, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — Reimann (J. A.) Von einer Excres- centia Ranulse sub Lingua spongiosa, so durch die Section curiret worden. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med . . . Gesch. 1723, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxiv, 453.—Reisinger (F.) Be- merkungen iiber die Froschgeschwulst. Baier. Ann., Sulz- bach, 1824, i, 168-178.—Remarques pratiques sur les deux seuls cas connus de grenouillette coug6nitale. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 316-323.—Richard (A.) Grenouillette. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1854, v, 178. -----. Traitement de la grenouillette par la methode des injections. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 185G, iii, 26 ; 110; 152.—Richet. Sur deux cas de grenouillette aigue par obstruction du conduit de Wharton. Uniou m6tl., Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix, 716-720.—Robin (C.) Note sur la struc- ture de la membrane des kystes sublinguaux appel6s grenouillette. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1857, Par., 1858, 2. s., iv, pt. 2, 207-209. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1858, 3. s., xiii, 356.—Rochard. Grenouillette. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1793. xciv, 259-261.—Rodger (T. A.) Ranula in new-born children. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1879, vii, 113.—Ncarenzio (A.) Ranula curata e guarita colla elettricita. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1860, clxxiv, 85.—8chartler(F. C.) Geschichte einer radical geheilten Froschgeschwulst. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, xxvi, 602-605.—Schoemaker (A. H.) Het ontstaan en de behantleling der ranula. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1870, 2. R., vi, 1. Afd., 433-439.—Soffl- antini (G.) Ranula hilaterale curata e guarita metliante leiniezioni sottocutanee tl' idroclorato di pilocarpina. Ann. univ. di med. echir., Milano, 1885, eclxxiii, 62-64.—Sogli- ano (S.) Su d' una ranula sub-linguale portata a guari- gione. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1865, xix, 157-159.—Sonnenburg (E.) Sitz und Behandlung der Ranula. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl, 1883, xxix, 627-640.— Soullicr. Reflexions et observations m6dico-chirurgi- cales sur le traitement de la grenouillette. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, x, 241-250.—Mtnrk (J. C.) Das Froschlein, eine Kinderkrankheit, aber auch bey einer grossen Person beobachtet. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1791, iii, 2. St., 309-317.— Stoltz (J. A.) Re- KANULA. 1017 RAOULT. Ranula. marques et observation sur la grenouillette ties nou- veau-n6s. Gaz. m6d.de Par., 1883, 2. s., i, 763. —Tafi- lowski (W.) Torbiel prodjezykowa, zabka (cysta sublingualis, ranula). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1872, xii, 215-217. — Taillardant (K.-F.-E. ) Observation sur une grenouillette qui rciifcriiinit line pierre chatonn6e en partie. J. de nied., chir. plinrni., etc., Par., 1780, liv, 543- 547.—Temple (J. A.) fongenital ranula. Canada Lan- cet, Toronto, 1870-71, iii, 201. —Terras (J.-P.) Grenouil- lette. J. ile med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1791, lxxxvi, 88-94.—Theile. Ungewiihiiliclie Heiluns einer Ranula. Deutsche Klinik, Uerl., 1853, v, 293. — Tillaux. Ue la grenouillette aigue sub-linguale. Paris metl., 1887, xii, 189.—Cylterhocven (A.) Grenouillette oper6e par Tin- cision avec autoplastic. J. tie metl., chir. et pharmacol, Brux.. 1854, xviii, 525. Also, in his: Melanges tie chir., d'ophth. etd'hyg. pub., 8°, Brux., 1859, 57.—Vandomme- len. Uu mot sur un nouveau traitement de la grenouil- lette. Ann. med. tie la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1854, vii, 429—Vcndraml. Grenouillette sous-byoidieiiue. [Obs.] Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1867-8, v, 119-123. —Verehere (F.) A propos d'un nouveau procede de traitement de la grenouillette par la ponction, suivie d'injections avec une solution 10% tie cocaine et a fa de chlorure de zinc. Arch. de laryngol, de rhinol, etc., Par., 1887-8, i, 132-142.—Vol- toll■■ ■ (R.) Ranula, operirt durch die (lalvanokaustik. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1879, xiii, 115.— Walker. Clinical lecture on a case of ranula. Lancet, Loud., 18,'iti, i, 853-855. — Weber (C. 0.) Zur patliologischen Anato- mie der Ranula. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1853, vi, 511-519.— Weinlechner. Ranula; Exstirpation des Sackes; Verletzung ties Nerv. lingualis; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung iu Wieu (1869), 1870, 154. -----. Kechtseitige Ranula; Heilung nach zweima- liger Operation, Ibid. (1870), 1871, 128. ■-----. Ranula; Vemahung der Schleimhaut mit dem Balge vor der theil- weisen Excision; wietlerholte Aetzung des zuriiekgelasse- neu Cystenrestes mit Jodtinctur untl Lapis infernalis. 2bid., 130.-----. LinksseitigehochgradigeRanulaeroffnet, den Sack mit der Schleimhaut vernaht untl die Hohle drainirt; vor der Heilung ciitlassen. Ibid. (1879), 1880, 327.—Wheeler (VV. I.) Epitomised account of a case of large ranula, accompanied by a tumour which occupied the/whole floor of the mouth. Med. Press efc Circ, Loud., 1880, n. s., xxix, 188. Raiiuiit'iilacece. Turxbull (A.) On tbe medical properties of tlie natural order Eanuuculaceai; and more par- ticularly on the uses of sabatlilla seeds, Delphi- nium Stapbisagria, antl Aconitum Napellus, aud their alcaloids. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838. Reck (L. C.) & Tracy (J. G.) Description of new species of ranunculus. X. York M. & Phys. J., 1823, ii, 112-11'.—C'larus (J.) licitiage zur Pharmakologie uud Toxikologie tier Ranunciilaeeeu. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1858. xiv, 513-521.—Doassans efc ITIourrut. Recherches sur le principe actif du Tha- lictruni macrocarpum, Gren., Renonculac6es. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 114. — Fmpoison- iiement par l'application ext6rieure ties feuilles tlu Ra- nunculus sceleratus. [R6p. m6el. du Pi6mout, aout 1835, p. 237.] J. d. conn. m6d. prat.. Par., 1835-6, iii, 117-119.— Frolich (H ) Ueber Ranunculus aeris als Heihnittel. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 477. — Garranny (E.) Cutaneous eruption produced by buttercups. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1861, i, 574.—Peters (J. C.) On the thera- peutic usesof some of the Raniinculacea?, especially in ner- vous diseases. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. Chicago, 1878, n. s., iii, 230-238. Also: Physieian efc Bull. Med.-Leg. Stic, N. Y., 1880, xiii, 1; 17; 35. — Plantes dangereuses ; em- poisonnement par la renoncule. .1. de cbim. m6d., etc., Par., 1854, 3. s., x, 598.— Polli (G., Esperimenti sull' azione di alcuni ranuncoli applicati al corpo umano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1840, xevi, 472-491.—Sch a illi us (15.) De risu sardouico a comesta ranunculi pahistris ratlice ex- citato. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1694, Lips. er Francof., 1695, decuria 3, ii, 106-109.— Stock (R. A.) The deadly toxic effect of the Ranunculus Flammula on the horse. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1886, xxii, 393-395. Ranvier (Louis-Antoine) [1835- ]. * Con- siderations sur le developpement du tissu osseux et sur les lesions 61e"ineutaires des cartilages et des os. 74 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 186.5, No. 36. -----. De la regeneration ties nerfs sectionn6s. 5 pp. 8°. [Parti, Gauthiers-Villars, 1873.] -----. Traite technique d'histologie. 2 p. 1., 640+ pp. 8°. Parti, F. Savy, 1877). Incomplete. -----. The same. 2. e~d., revue, corrige"e et aug- mentee. 871 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Parti, F. Savy, 1889. Ranvier (Louis-Antoine)—continued. ----—. The same. Technisches Lehrbuch der Histologie iibersetzt von Dr. W. Nicati und Dr. H. von Wyss. iv, 898 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. It. Vogel, 1877. -----. The same. viii, 1026 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1H88. ----. Lecons sur l'histologie du systeme ner- veux. Recueillies par M. Ed. Weber, v. 1-2. iii, 352 pp., 3 pl.; 380 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Parti, F. Savy, 1878. ----. Lecons d'anatomie gen6rale faites au Col- lege de France. An not- 1877-8. Appareils ner- veux terminaux des muscles tie la vie organique ; cceur sanguin, cceurs lyniphatiques, oesophage, muscles lisses. Lecons recueillies par Weber et Lataste; revues par le professeur. vii, 530 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1880. —. The same. Ann6e 1878-9. Termiuaisons nerveuses sensitives, cornee; lecons recueillies par M. Weber, revues par le professeur. xx, 447 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Ilailliere 4-fils, 1881. See, also, Cornil (Audi6-Victor) & Knnvier (L.) Manuel d'histologie pathologique |etc]. 8°. Pari*. 1869- 76.—Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. 8°. Paris. 1877.— Ollivier (Auguste) & Kan vicr (Louis). Dupemphigus des iiouveau-nes. 4°. Paris, \*CA. Ranzi (Andrea) [1810-59]. Del riunovamento dell'antica maniera di considerare le malattie dette veneree. Libri tlue. 215 pp. Pisa, frat. Nistri, 1840. [Also, in: P., v; 1120.] -----. Delle priucipali cagioni che portarono la decadenza della professione del medico. 55 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 187,1. Also, Co-Editor of: Sperimentale (Lo), Fireuze, 1858-68. See, also. Regnoli (Georgio). Lezioni di medicina operutoria [etc.]. Atlaute. fol. Firenze, 1847. -----. The same roy. 8°. Firenze, 1860-66. For Biography, see Burci (C.) Sul professore Andrea Ranzi; parole aggiunte al di lui ritrattopublicato por cura dei giovani studenti di medicina e chirurgia alia Universita Pisana nel 1859. 8°. Pisa, 1859. See, also, Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1876, xxxvi, 331- 336 (C. Fumagalli). Also : Gior. veneto di sc. med., Vene- zia, 1859, 2. s., xiii, 211-219 fc l,n-Kosc (M.) Relation von Schan- dung zweyer Madcheu. Ibid.. 1789, vi, 135-141. —I»uc- cinotti. Consultazione metlico-legale sopra uu libello di stupro e gravidanza illegittima. Gior. auat. di nied., Milano, 1828, x, 392-40(1.—Fugliese. Stupro. sodomia ed omicitlio. Arch, di psichiat.. etc.. Torino, 1887, viii, 622.— Pyl. Ueber ein falschlich angeschuldigtes Stuprum vio- lentum u. s. w. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Ar,ze- neyw., Berl., 1785, iii, 160-174. -----. Ueber cin ange- schuldigtes Stuprum violentum. Ibid., 1787, v, 131-134.— Keg. v. Kerr. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, ii, 209.—Kei- Rape (Accusations and cases of, and trials for). maun. Ein Fallvon gewaltsamer unnaturlicher Noth- zucht. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl, 1875, u. F., xxii, 57.— Kcinhard (F.) Nothzucht? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl, 1854, v, 321-328. — | Beport of the testimony in a case of rape.] Ohio M. \- S. J., Columbus, 1853-4, vi, 88-94.—Bighi (F.) Stupro con deuoia/ione. Riv. veneta di sc. nied.. Venezia, 1889, xi, 232-240.— Kilcy (II. A.) A crime peculiar to a physician. | Rape. | Alctl Rec, N. V., 1885, xxvii, 34.—Rodriguez A Mfstrc. Informe en causa por estupro dela parda F. . . . Y. . . . An. r. Acad, tie cien. metl. . . . de la Habana, 1887-8, xxiv, 301- 311.—Bothamel. Gerichtsarztliche Untersiichuug uud Begutachtung iiber Nothzucht. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1841, xiii, 336-363. -----. Nothzucht nnd Bliid- sinn. Ibid., 1845, xlix, 386-413. — Sachau. Versuch der Nothzucht wider ein secbszehnjiihrines Math-hen. Bl. f. gerichtl Anthrop., Erlang., 185l', ii, 4. Hft., 33-56.— Zander. ObergerichtsarztlichesGuiachteu wegen Noth- zucht. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib.. 1842, vii, 701-703.— Sawyer (A. F.) Evidence afforded bv the microscope in a case of rape. Boston M. & S. J,, 18.58, lviii, 289-291.— Schneider (P. J.) Nothzucht. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856, u. F., viii, 246-278.—Schuma- cher. Nothzucht-Erpressung. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 345-348. -----. Eine Nothzucht. Friedreich's Bl f ge- richtl. Med., Niirnb., 1875, xxvii, 419-431.—Schuster (G.) Medicinisches Bedenken, iiber eine alte verliebte nnd in Gedanken unrichtige Dime, welche einen Ehcmann, wegen der mit ihr getriebenen Unzucht' besohuldiget. Metl. J., Chemnitz, 1767, ii, 104-115. —Sell wurz. Ein Fall von Nothzucht, abgeurtheiltvon demSchwurgerichte zuFultla. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1850, 41. Ergnzngshft., 21-44.—Serrcd (L.) Atendado contra el potior. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1879, xiv, 157.—von Siebold (A. E.) Entziindliche Geschwulst tier Geburt stheile vou angeblieh Nothzucht eines 14jahrigeu Madchens. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1828,'vii, 576-578.—Stevens (C. W.) Re- marks upon a case of rape tried in the St. Louis criminal court, Missouri M. 4. Raphaeliail (Mikael). * Quelques considera- tions sur la uature ties angines pharyngees. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 92. Rapliania. See Ergotism; Pellagra. Rapliamis. Plinius (Secundus Junior). De rapliani virtu- tibus. In: Medici antiqni omnes qui latinis litteris [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1547, 202-207. Raphel (B.-A.-Euirnaunel). * Propositions sur divers points des sciences medicales. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 121, v. 224. Raphely (Antoine) [1859- ]. * Essai sur les phenomenes p.sychiques de nature nieiancoliqne lies aux troubles fouctionnels dn foie. (Atrabile des ancieus.) 56 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1889, No. 462. Rapin (Eugeue). *De Findainuiation tics vesi- cules semiuales et des canaux ejaculateurs. 49 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 491, 2. s., v. 27. Rapin (Francois-Rodolplie). *Sur differentes especes de monomanies. 1 p. 1., 11 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1825, v. 54. Rapin (Oscar). * Etude sur l'engagement lateral de la tete a l'entree dn bassin partiellement r6- treci. [Berne.] 94 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lausanne, L. Corbez 4- Cie., 1874. Ra pill ll ml (Heuricus). * Spec, med.-chir. sist- ens observationem de vulneratioue capitis, atl- modum notabili feliciter sanata. 3 p. 1., 67 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. W. ran Leeuiceii, 18:>,1. Rapilllllld (Otto). * Ueber den Medianscbnitt. 33 pp. 8°. Halle, W. Plbtz, 1868. Also, Co Editor of: Zeitschrift fiir Medicinalbeamte, Berlin, 1888. Rapolano. Roviui (V.) Topografia e statistica medica del co- mune di Rapolano. (Mem. premiata.) Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1882, iv, 241; 321 ; 481. Rapoil (Auguste) fils. Ce que c'est que l'ho- niceopathie. Pour servir de reponse aux allega- tions iuconsiderees de ses detracteurs. 72 pp. 8°. Parti, Bailliere, 1844. [Also, in : P., v. 1446.] -----. Histoire de la tloctrine medicale ln>nin>o- patliique, son etat actuel dans les principales con- trees de PEiuope, application pratique ties prin- cipes et des moyens de cette doctrine au traite- meut des maladies. 2 v. xv, 643 pp., port.; 716 pp. 8°. Parti, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. -----. De la fievre typhoide et de son traitemeut homceopatbique. 107 pp. 8°. Parti, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1851. [Also,in: P., v. 1444.] -----. The same. Treatise on typhoid fever, and its homoeopathic treatment. Transl. from the French by Arthur Alleyn Granville. 96 pp. 8°. New York, W. Radde, 1855. er rapou. 10 *>•> KAPPORT. Rapoil (Auguste) fils—continued. -----. Thesame. Typhoid fever and its homoeo- pathic treatment. Transl. by M. Cote. 114 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Moore, Anderson 4' Co., 1853. -----. The same. De la fiebre tifoidea y de su tratamiento homeopiitico, publicada en 1851 por . . • y traducida al castellano por el doctor Don Leandro Gonzalez. 86 pp.,21. 8°. Cortina, D. Puga, 1856. Rapoil (C.) Seul traitement preservatif et cu- ratifdu cholera asiatique dont l'experieuce a constate Fefficicate, d'apres les procedes hoiue'o- pathiques. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Bailliere. 1835. Rapoil (Pierre-Auguste). * I. fitablirle diagnos- tic et decrire le traitement de la miliaire. II. [etc.]. 34 pp. 4°. Parti, 1841, No. 62, v. 380. Rapoil (Toussaint) [1777-1857]. * Examen de quelques moyens g6n<5ralement employes dans le traitement des fievres putrides ou advuainiques. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 3, v. 82.* ■-----. Traite de la methode fumigatoire, ou de l'emploi medical des bains et douches de va- peurs. 2* v. 2 p. 1., 416 pp., 3 pl.; 430 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1824. Rapp & Fischer. Vortrage gehalten bei der Generalversanimlung der " Habnemannia" am 24. Februar 1870. 23 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, A. Mtil- ler, [1870]. Rapp (Adam). *Eine Leber-Lungenlistel. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 186,7. Rapp (Charles). * Dela hernie sous-pubienne. 58 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)9, No. 470, 2. &., v. 26. Rapp (Georg) [1818- ]. Die mediziuische Klinik und ibr Verhaltniss zur praktischen Metli- zin. 40 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1853. Rapp (Hermann). * Ueber tlie Usur der Sehne ties langen Kopfes vom M. biceps brachii. 23 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Tubingen, 1866. Rapp (Joh. Conradus). * De dysenteria. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Heidelbergw, lit. S. Ammonii, [1681]. Rapp (Joseph Anton). * Ueber das Kindbett- Fieber. 42 pp. 8°. Bamberg, J. M. Reindl, 1835. Rapp (Louis-Auguste) [1844-81]. 'Considera- tions sur quelques points litigieux dans I'histoire de la suette miliaire. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1867. 3. s.. No. 53. See, also, Heyfeliler (Oscar). Manuel de chirurgie de guerre. 12°. Paris, 1875. For Biography, see Rev. mil. de med. et chir., Par., 1881, i, 241-243 (C. Zuher). Rapp (Theophile). *De l'emphyseme sous-cu- taue traumatique consecutif aux plaies de poi- trine. 2 p. 1., 29 pp., 1 1. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867,, 2. s., No. 868. Rapp (Wilhelm Ludwig) [1794-1868]. "Adnota- tiones et experimenta qusedam nova chemica circa methodos varias veneficium arsenicale detegeudi. 33 pp. sm 4°. Tubingw, L. F. Fues, [1817]. -----. * Observationes de situ tubi intestinalis mammalium. . . . respoudente . . . Cbristiauo Fried. Haux. 1 p. 1., 16 pp., 3 pl. 4J. Tubin- gw, H. de I'Orme, 1820. -----. Die Verrichtungen des fiinfteu Hirnuerven- paars. iv, 28 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1832. -----. Vergleichende Anatomie ; vorgetragen im Sommersemester 1834. MS. 1871. 4°. [n. p., 1834.] -----. Annotationes practical de vera interpreta- tione observatiouum anatomise pathologicte, pra-- sertim morbos acutos spectantium. 25 pp. 4°. Tubingw, L. F. Fues, 1834. ■-----. Anzeige der Eroffnung des neuerbauten anatomischeu Theaters der Universitat Tubingen. Mit Bemerkungen iiber die Gehorwerkzeuge der Cetaceen. 11 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Tubingen, E. T. Eifert, 1836. For Biography, see Med. Cor.-Bl. d. -wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1869, xxxix, 174-176 (O. K.). Rappaport (Marcus). * De scorbuto. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Pesthini, J. Beimel, [1833]. [P., v. 1323.] Rappard (Bernhardus). * De uromautiaB et uroscopiae abusu tollendo. 24 pp. 4C. Halw Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1711]. Rappard (Henricus) [1808- ]. *Docathe- terismo tubte Eustachian^. 32 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1836]. Rappaz (V.) *De la chlorose. 40 pp. 8C. Berne, Bieder 4' Sinnncn, 1868. Rappill (Gustave) [1857- ]. * Contribution a l'etude ties bacteries de la bouche aTotalnormal it tlans la fievre tvpholde. 80 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 4°. Paris. 1881, No. 144. Rappolt (Theodoras). * De rariore quodaru apoplexhe casu. 31 pp. 8 . Begiomonti Pr., A. iSaniter, 1851. • C. Rapport de l'administrateur charge de la sur- veillance de l'hospice de St.-Nicolas sur l'emploi tie la gelatine dans le regime alimentaire de la population de la maisou. 11. 4°. [Metz, 1848.] [P., v. 1633.] Rapport sur l'ambulance de l'Autriche-Hongrie a Paris, du 20 septembre 1870, jusqu'au 31 Janvier 1871 [par J. Mundy]. 63 pp. 8°. Versailles, Bean, 1871. Rapport du comite medical de la vaccine, etabli a Marseille par la Societe de medecine. 4 pp. 8°. [Marseilles, an IX, 1801.] [P., v. 948.] Rapport au comite pour la propagation des soeietes de prevoyance. Seance du 2 fevrier 1851. 19 pp. 8°. Parti, N. Chaix 4-Cie., 187A. [P., v. 1753.] Rapport des commissaires charges par le roi de l'examen du magnetisme animal. 64 pp. 4°. [Paris, 1784.] [P., v. 1397.] Rapport de la commission creee par S. M. le roi tie Sartlaigne pour etudier le cretinisme; Turin 1849, 220 ss. 4 [and treatises by Forbes and Guggenbuhl]. Rev. by F. Hoist. 27 pp. 8°. [Christiania, 1857.] Repr. from: Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1851, 2. K., v. Rapport du conseil de sante tl'Angleterre, sur la maladie appeiee dans l'Inde cholera spasmo- diqne [etc.]. See Great Britain. Privy Council Office. Central Board of Health. Rapport sur un fait relatif a la sypbilisation. (Commissaires, MM. Velpeau, Kicord, Lagneau, Rouxet Begin, rapporteur.) 16 pp. 8°. [Parti, L. Martinet, 1852.] [P., v. 461.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1852, xvii. Rapport sur les filtres a charge permanente et a fonctions intermittentes, propres a la decolora- tion des jus sucres et des sirops, tiecouverts par M. P.-F. Peyron, fait a l'Acadeniie de Marseille par une commission [etc.]. 38 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8 . Marseille, hoirs Fetisat aine 4' Demonchy, 1837. [P., v. 1819.] Rapport (Het) der Heeren Prof, van Overbeek tie Meijer, Prof. A. P. Fokker, en Dr. Menno Huizinga. aan de Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering tier Geneesknnst. [. . . tot In- teugeling van sypbilitiscbe en venerische ziek- ten.] Beoordeeltl door Dr. W. van den Bergb, Prof. Dr. J. W. Gunning, Dr. S. R. Hennanidis, H. Pierson, en Jhr. Mr. O. Q. van Swintbren. 86 pp. 8C. 's Gravenhage, W. A. Beschoor, 1882. Rapport sur l'insuffis.auce [etc.]. See Marjolin (R.) Rapport sur l'insuffisance ties ressourct s de therapeutique [etc.]. Rapport sur les mesures a prendre contre la peste qui s6vit en Perse. See Bartoletti. Rap- port sur les [etc,]. Rapport sur les progres de la medecine en France. See Beclard <& Axenfeld. Rapport sur lea [etc.]. RAPPORT. 1023 RASERI. Kapport publie au nom de la Societe medicale de la Nouvelle-Orieans sur la fievre jaune. See Societe medicale de la Nouvelle-Orieans. Rapport a la Societe acatiemique de medecine sur l'epideniie de variole regnante [etc.]. See Societe academique de medecine de Marseille. Happort sur le traitement du cretinisme dans Fetablissement tie l'Abeudberg. See Gosse (L.- A.) Rapport sur le [etc.]. Rapporto della commissione igienica visitatrice del Sestiere di Pre, letto nella sal a della Societa di letture e conversazioni scientifiche il 25 giu- gno 1874 ; stampato per cura della commissione. 55 pp. 8°. Genova, 1874. [P., v. 853.] Rapporto e discussioui all' Accademia reale di medicina sopra la cistotomia e la litotrizia coll' aggiunta di alcune lettere sullo stesso argomento dei Siguori Delmas, Souberbielle, Rochoux, Ci- viale e Velpeau. Trad, italiaua. 163 pp. 8°. Venezia, 1835. Rapports sur les instruments inventes ou con- struits par Charles Chevalier, xlviii pp. 8C. [Paris, E. Proux 4" Cie., 1847, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1802.] Rapports officiels, proces-verbaux, notes et do- cuments divers relatifs au chauffage et a la ven- tilation ties etablissemeuts publics et prives par le systeme perfectionne du docteur Van Hecke. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Briere, 1862. [Also, in: P., v. 1771.] Rapports et projet touchant un concordat sur le lihre etablissement des medecins, pharmaciens et veterinaires, suivis d'un projet de reglement d'exanien (du septembre 1861). 40 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1861.] Raptakis (Demetrius?). * I. Du diagnostic et du prognostic de l'angine de poitrine. II. [etc. ]. 27 pp. 4°. Parti, 1843, No. 221, v. 408. Rare secrets brought to light. Whicb for many years were locked up in the brest of that most famous and learned physitian, Theodore Mayern. In which are contained the sufficient testimonies ofthe warranted antl happy successes of his ma- ture judgment in his general practice on the greatest ladies of the court and country, in tbe faculty of sopublick a benefit, as of the excellent skill of midwifry. In: Compleat (The) midwife's practice enlarged. 12°. [London], 1663, 277-321. Rarey (J. S.) Tbe art of horse taming and how to manage them. From the Am. ed. 30 pp. 8°. London, G. Abington, 1858. >----. The farmer's friend, the horseman's guide and horsemanship made easy in one lesson. 40 pp. 16°. Montreal, J. Lovell, 1868. Raron (A.) Praktische Beitrage zur Arzneimit- tellehre, enthaltend tlie neuesten Erfahrungen fiber die Heilanzeigen der wichtigsten homoopa- tbischen Mittel; eine Erganzung zu jeder Arz- neimittellebre. viii, 111 pp. sm. 4°. Leipzig, F. Fleischer, 1872. See, also, Thomas (Henry). Die aussere Anwendung von homoopathisehen Mitteln bei Unfallen und Krankhei- ten, [etc.]. 16°. Leipzig, 1872. Rasa (P. Ficbera). Delia angina difterica o croup. Osservazioni. 32 pp. 12°. Catania, E. Coco, 1888. Rasario (Joannes Baptista) [1517-78]. See Oribasius (D.) Sardianus. Opera, trihus tomis di- gesta [etc. |. fol. Venetiis, 1553. -----. The same. 12°. Basilece, 1557. -----. The same. In : Medico artis prin- cipes. fol. [Francofurti], 1567. -----. Synopseos ad Erestathium filium lihri novem. 24°. Venetiis, 1554. -----. Collectorum medicinalium libri xvii, [etc.]. 8°. Parisiis, 1555. -----. Ad Eunapium tomus tertius, [etc.]. 16°. Basilece, 1557. -----. Anatomica ex libris Galeni, [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1735.—Veterum etclarorum me- dicorum Graecorum varia opuscula, [etc.l. 4°. Mosquce, 1808. Rasbacll (Jo. Christophorus). * De eo quod medicum decet circa fulmiue tactos. 22 pp. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Heringii, [1737]. Rasch. See Funk efe Rasch. Plane der neuen Irrenanstalten zu Gottingen und Osnahriick, [etc.]. fol. Hannover, 1862. Rasch (Adolphus Albertus Fridericus) [1.830- ]. * De causis exophtbalmi. 30 pp. 8°. Lipsice, typ. A. T. Engelhardti, 1854. c. Rasch (Christian). * Ueber einen Fall von Stiru- lage mit nach hinten gericbtetem Kiuu. 24 pp., 1 pl., 11. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1885. Rasclldorff (Oscar). * Ueber cystische Tumo- ren im weiblichen Leistencanal und dem Labium majus. 29 pp. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1884. Rase he (Carolus) [ 1860- ]. * De fluxu cce- liaco syphilitico. 24 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Briischckianti, [1829]. Rase her (Carolus Theodoras). * De usu caus- ticorum ad sanandam fistulam vesico-vagiualem. vi, 7-18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lipsiw, C. W. Vollralh, [1852]. de Rascher (Jacobus Martin Wolfgang). * De mania et melancholia puerperarum. 25 pp. 4°. Erfordiw, J. C. Goerling, [1794], Rascher (Sebastianus). * De epistaxi. 15 pp. 8°. Bambergw, typ. Beindlianti, 1837. Raschig (Christophorus Eusebius) [1766-1^27]. * De lunae imperio in valetudinem corporis hu- mani nullo. 31 rip. 4°. Vitebergw, lit. C. C. Diirrii, [1787]. -----. De respirationis utilitate maxime in re- movendo ex sanguine phlogisto posita. 15 pp. 4°. Vitembergw, A. C. Charisius, [1786, rei sub- seq.]. For Biography, see Hoc Inner (Geo. Kudolph.). Raschig (Fridericus Gotthelf.) *De morbo scrofuloso. 26 pp. 4°. Vitebergw, F. I. Seibt, [1810]. For Biography, see Kletten (Georgius Ernestus). Raschke (Christian Gottlieb). * De aeris vitalis purique in febribus putridis usu et abusu. 46 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Viadr., e typ. Apitziano, [1796]. Raschkovitch (M. P.) Meditsinskii i sani- taruyi otchet po Chersonskomu uiezdu za 1888 g. [Medical and sanitary report of Cherson district for the year 1888.] 104 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Cher- son, O. D. Choduschinoi, 1889. Raschkow (Fridericus [1843- ]. *Denutri- tione mutata ex usu acidi sulphurici. 34 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1865]. Raschkow (Isacus) [1811-72]. *Meletemata circa mammalium dentium evolutionem. 2 p. 1., 20 pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 4°. Vratislaviw, M. Friedlwn- der, [1835]. For Biography, see CJraetzcr (J.) Lebensbilder her- vorrag. schles. Aerzte. 8°. Breslau, 1889, 189. Raschkow (Josephus). *De structura laco- nici. 24 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. F. Nietackii, [1827]. Rascol (Charles). * Essai snr les affections charbonneuses. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 175. Rascol (Leon). *Des alterations du systeme osseux comme complications daus les fievres graves. 68 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1883, No. 23. Raselli (Odoardo). La peste dell' anno 1630 in Modena, memoria dell' aw. . . . archivista mu- nicipale. 52 pp. 8J. Modena, G. T. Vincenzi . Parti, Rignoux, 1862. -----. The same. On local asphyxia and sym- metrical gangrene of the extremities. Transl. by Thomas Barlow. In: Select. Monog. 8°. London, 1888, 1-199. -----. De Asclepiade, Bithyno medico ac philo- sopho, thesim proponebat Facultati litterarum parisiensi. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Didier 4" Cie., 1862. -----. Les medecins au temps de Moliere; moeurs, institutions, doctrines. 1 p. 1., 464 pp. 8°. Parti, Didier 4" Cie., 1862. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 464 pp. 12°. Pa- ris, Didier 4' Cie., 1866. -----. * Des hyperemies non phlegmasiques. 110 pp., 1 1. 8°. Parti, Leclerc, 1863. Concours. -----. Du scepticisme en medecine. [Preceded bv] Discours du Dr. Fereol. 16 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, 1881.] See, also. See (G.) Lecons de pathologie experimen- tale. Premier fascicule. Du sang et des anemies, [etch 8°. Paris, 1866. For Biography, see Maurice Raynaud. Discours prouonc6s sur sa tombe le 2 juillet 1881. 8°. Paris, 1881. See, also, Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 552. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., x, 865-867 (Peter). Raynaud (Alfred-Edmond). *Antagonisine de l'tipinni et de la belladone. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, 1866, No. 56. Raynaud (Anselme-Lazare). *Sur la cystite aigue. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 189, v. 175. Raynaud (Cyprien). *De l'ophthalmie diph- theritique. 116 pp. 4°. Parti, 1866, No. 300. Raynaud (E.) De rinflnence des canaux sur la salubrite publique. 29 pp. 8°. Montauban, Lapie-Fontanel, 1848. [P., v. 780.] Raynaud (Francois)1. Traite des fievres ma- lignes et pourprees; dans lequel on propose un systeme nouveau sur la nature de ces memes fievres, qui explique mecaniquement tons les syinptdines; d'oti resulte la mauiere precise tie CO Raynaud (Francois)1—continued. les guerir, non pas par l'usage tie la saignee, des acides et de la glace, mais par celni ties diaphore'- tiques, ou remedes propres a faire transpirer. 5 p. 1., 165 pp., 11. 18°. Bruxelles, F. Foppens, 1695. B1a7naud (FranvOis)2. *Sur l'apoplexie, ou 1 hemorrhagie spontanee des centres nerveux. 46 pp. 4°. Parti, 1834, No. 168, v. 274. Raynaud (Henri-Lucien). * Quelques cas de colique vermineuse observes a bord de 1'Ado- nis, c6tes de Venezuela, Janvier 1864. 32 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Crtitin 4~ Cie., 1866, No. - c Raynaud (J.). fe Gordon (J.-E.-H.) Traite experimental d'electri- cite et de magnetisme. 8°. Paris, 1881. Raynaud (J.-L.-A.) * Essai sur l'alimentation tlu nouveau-ne. viii, 9-55 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1873, No. 24. Raynaud ( Joseph-Marcelliu ). *Du purpura haemorrhagica idiopathique. 64 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Crtitin 4- Cie., 1866, No. 43. c. Raynaud (L.-C.-E.) * Sur la lesion des glandes de Peyer et de Brnnner, observee tlans les mala- dies tiecrites sous les 110ms d'affection typhoide, de fievres adynamique ou putride, maligne, etc. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 190, v. 243. Raynaud ( Louis ). * De l'angine maligne (croup). 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 241, v. 610. Raynaud (Louis-Victor). * Quelques conside- rations sur les esymptdmes des fractures tie la base du crane. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 344. Raynaud (Noel). * Vitiligo et goitre exopb- thalmique. 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parti, 1875, No. 47. Raynaud (P.) *Sur les alimens. 92 pp. 8°. Parti, an X [1802], v. 11. Raynaud ( P.-E.-Edouard ). *Des affections gaugreneuses observees chez les nouvelles ac- couchees. 101 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Parti, 1841, No. 16, v. 380. Raynaud (Theophilus) [1584-1663]. De incor- ruptioue cadaverum, occasione demortui fcemi- nei corporis post aliquot secula incorrupti, nuper refossi Carpentoracti. 2. ed. 9 p. 1., 324 pp., 6 1. 12°. Arausioni, typ. E. Rabani, 1651. Raynaud's disease. See, also, Blood-vessels (Diseases of'); Gan- grene ( Symmetrical); Nervous system (Diseases of). Dominguez (B.) * Des formes attenuees de la maladie de Maurice Raynaud. 4°. Parti, 1889. Fa vier ( C. ) * Quelques considerations sur les rapports entre la sclerodermic spontanee et la gangrfene symetriques des extremites. 4°. Pa- ris, 1880. Goldstaxdt ( E. ) * Ueber symmetrischeu Brand. 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Lauer (A.) * Ueber locale Asphyxie und sy m- metrische'Gangran der Extremitaten mit zwei neuen Beobachtungen. 8°. Strasbourg, I884. Raynaud (A.-G.-M.) *De l'asphyxie locale et de la gangrene symetrique des extremites. 4°. Paris, 1862. -----. The same. On local asphyxia and symmetrical gangrene ofthe extremities. Transl. by Thomas Barlow. In.- Select. Monog. 8°. London, 1888, 1-199. See, also, infra. Rossignot (G.) * De la gangrene symetrique des extremites chez l'enfant. 4°. Parti, 1888. Zambaco (D.-A.) * De la gangrene spontanee, produite par perturbation nerveuse. 4°. Paris, 1857. Abercrombie (J.) On some points in connection with Raynaud s disease. Arch. Pediat., I'hila.. 1886, iii, 567- 573.—Adam (T. B.) A case of Raynaud's disease in a Chinese girl, terminating fatally. Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1887, liv, 1-9.—Affleck (J. (.).) Observations on two cases of Raynaud's disease (symmetrical iiangrenc). I'.rii. M. ItAYNAUirS. 1042 RAYNAUD'S. Raynaud's disease. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 1269-1272, 1 pl. Also, transl: Wien. med. Bl., 1889, xii, 20; 39.—Atkinson (I. E.) Multiple cutaneous ulceration. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1884, n. s., lxxvii, 57-65.—Barlow (T.) Three cases of Kavnand's disease. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lontl, 1882-3, xvi, 179:'1884-5, xviii. 307: 1888-9, xxii. 413. -----. Some cases of Ray- naud's disease. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, iii, 73, 1 pl.; 97, 1 pl.; 125; 176.—Bellamy (E.) A caseof symmetri- cal gangrene following varicella in a child four years old, causing death on the fifth day. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xx. 195-198, 1 pl. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 730.—Bill- roth ( T.) Symnietrische Gangran der Extremitaten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 623-625.—Bjcring. Et Tilfaehle af spontan Gangraen. Hosp.-Tid. Kjebenh., 1869, xii, 153. A Iso [ Abstr. ] : Nord. Med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1870, ii, No. 14, 26. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung . . . d. ges. Med. 1869, Berl, 1870, ii, 288.— Bland ( \V. C.) Case of Raynaud's disease following acute mania. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1889, xxxv, 392-394. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 838. Also: Brit. M. J., Lontl, 188!i, i, 1227. — Bonacorsi (C.) Gangrena simmetrica delle estremita (contributo alio studio delle malattie del simpatico). Build. Comit. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1888. viii, 1-16.—Brissaud. Gangrene symetrique des extremites; mort le sixieme jour. France m6d., Par., 1878, xxv, 163. Also : Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, 47- 52.—Brii ii niche (A.) Kasuistisk Bidrag til den "lokale Asfyxi" (Ravnaud). Biblioth. f. Laager, Kjobenh., 1869, 5. R., xix, 412-423. Also [Abstr.]: Nord. Med. Ark., Stockholm, 1870, ii, No. 27, 28.—Bull (E.) Symmetrisk Gangraen i Extremiteterue. Norsk Mug. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1873, 3. R., iii, 695-697.—da Imette (E.) Des rapports de l'asphyxie locale des extr6init6s avec la fievre intermittente palud6enne et quelques autres affections. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil, Par., 1877, 3. s., xxxiii, 24-51.— C'arrard. [ Un cas tie gangrene symetrique.] Bull. Soc. untl. ile la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1875, ix, 100- 106.—Cattle (C. H.) Raynaud's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18811, i, 1062.—Ciar'rocchi (G.) Un caso di asfis- sia locale e gangrena simmetrica delle estremita. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1887, vii, 256-260.—Col- lier (J.) Symmetrical gangrene. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1888-9, ix, 393-401. — C'oiiplaud (S.) Case of erythema gangrenosum, or Raynaud's tlisease(?). Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1888, xxi, 279.-----. Case of erythema gangrenosum. Ibid., 280.—Dejerine (J.) & l>eloir (H.) Recherches anatomo-pathologiques et clinques sur les alte- rations nerveuses dans certains cas tie gangrene. Arch. de physiol norm, et path., Par., 1881, 2. s., viii, 989-1015.— Elliot (G. T. ) Acute multiple symmetrical gangreue. .1. Cutau. efe Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1888, vi. 321-324.— Fabre (P.) Un cas de gangrene symetrique des extremi- tes. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend. 1882-3, Par., 1883, xxxvii, 89-96. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v, 571-573.—Fiiilayaon (J.) On the occurrence of symme- trical gangrene of the extremities in a case of scleroderma iitltiltoruiii. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1884-5, i, 315-318.— Fox (C.) On two cases of Raynaud's disease. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lontl. 1884-5, xviii, 300: 1888-9, xxii, 412. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 990. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 728.—Fry (F. R.) Two cases of Raynaud's disease. St. Louis Cour. Metl., 1885, xiv, 'J17-219.—Garland (G. M.) Raynaud's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 837-839. — Grin;. Ob- servation de gangrene par asphyxie locale ties extre- mites. Alger med., 1878, vi, 274-276. — God in. [Gan- grene spontanee des deux pieds.J Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836-7, xi, 108— Goldschmidt (D.) Gangreue sy- metrique etsclerodermie; observation; autopsie. Rev. tie med., Par., 1887, vii, 401-419. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1888, 4. s., xvii, 13-21.—Grocco(P.) Asfissia locale delle estremita. Ann. univ. tli metl, Milano, 1884, cclxvii, 225.— Hamilton (A. McL.) Chronic vaso-motor hvperirrita- tion. X. York M. J., 1874, xx, 356-358. — Hart (A. B.) Raynaud's tlisease. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 35.—Henry (B.) Idiopathic gangreue of the four ex- tremities, resembling gangrenous ergotism. Med. Exam., Phila., 1856, n. s., xii, 129-137. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par., 1857, 3. s., xii, 323.—Hochciiegg (J.) Ueber symmetrische Gaugran und locale Asphyxie. Med. Jahrb., "Wien, 1885, 569-658, 1 pl—van der Hoeven (L.) Asphyxie locale et gangrene synietrique des extremites (De zickte van Raynaud). Nederl. Tijelschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885. 2. R., i, 1. Afd., 001-605. Also, transl. (Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xii, 834. — I^achmiind (F.) Metistruali partium in puella quadam externarum, utpote aurium, narium, digitorum, etc., mortificatioue. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1673-4, Francof. et Lipsiae, 1788, iv-v, 224. — Leloir (H.) efe Merklen (P.) Syncope lo- cale ties extremites ; ecz6ma de la paume des mains et des tloigts. Ann. de dermat. et de syph., Par., 1882, iii, 351- 354.—liiitz (A.) Mittheilung eines Falles von synimetri- schei Gangran, nebst Epikrisisdesselben. Aerztl! Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 261-263.—Making (G. H.) A case of spontaneous gangrene of toes in a chiltl; with some re- marks on its nature and its resemblance to the symmetri- cal gangrene of Raynaud. SI. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lontl, Ray 11 a lld's disease. 1883, n. s., xii, 155-163. — Marroin (A.) Observation d'asphyxie locale des extremites. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1869-70, xiii, 147-14.i — Tlarlins t'oata. Observatjao de um caso de asphyxia lucal c gangrena syme- tricadas extremidades inferiores (niuh stia do M. Raynaud). Bol. tla Soc. de med. e cirurg. do Rio de Jan., 1888, iii, 357- 359.—iTI ■ 11m (C. K.) Vaso-motor aud trophic affection of the fingers. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1878, n. s., lxxvi, 431- 436.—Mitchell (S. W.) On certain painful affections of the feet. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 81; 113. -----. On a rare vasomotor neurosis of the extremities, and on the maladies with which it may he confounded. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1878, n. s., lxxvi, 17-36.—Morgan (J. E.) A case of Raynaud's symmetrical gangrene in a patient suf- fering from constitutional syphilis; with some remarks on the history, nature, and manifestations of the disease. Lancet, Ltintl., 1889, ii, 9; 64; 107; 157. — MourKon (J.) fitude clinique sur l'asphyxie locale des extremites et sur quelques autres troubles vaso-moteurs dans leurs rapports avec la fievre intermittente. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1880, xxxiii, 340 ; 431.—Myrtle (A. S.) On a case of anaemic sphacelus. Laucet, Lonel., 1803, i, 602. — Neumann. [Fallvon acuter uinschricbcner Gangran der Haut] Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1881-2, 155; 163.— Petit (L.-H.) efe Verneuil (A.) Asphyxie locale et gan- grene palustre. Rev.de chir., Par., 1883, iii, 1 ; 161; 432; 699.—Pilres (A.) efe Vaillard (L.) Gaugr6ue massive et symetrique des deux pieds, survenue spontan6ment chez tin sujet atteint (l'hydropisie ventriculaire et de p6- rienc6phalite chronique; integrite complete du coeur, des arteres et des veines des membres inferieurs au-dessus des parties gangrenees; alterations profondes des nerfs peri- pheriques des deux jambes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 513-516.-----------. Contribu- tion a l'etude des gangrenes massives des membres d'ori- gine n6vritique. Arch, de physiol norm, et path.. Par., 1885, 3. s.. v, 106-127, 1 pl —Portal. Gangrenesechedes premieres phalanges de tous les doigts des deux pieds et des deux mains. [Transl. from: Filiatre-sebezio, marzo 1836.1 Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1836, 2. 8., xi, 223.—Ra- dziszewski (S.) Une observation tie gangreue spoutan6e symetrique des doigts de la main. Progrfes med., Par., 1888, 2. s., viii, 44-46. — Raynaud (A.-G.-M.) Gangrene symetrique des extremit6s. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1872. xv, 636-656. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur la nature et le traitement de l'asphyxie locale des ex- tremites. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1874, 6. s., xxiii, 5; 189. Also, transl. in: Select. Monog., 8°, Loud., 1888, 151- 183.—Ritti (A.) De l'asphyxie locale des extremites dans la periode de depression de la folie a double forme. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1882, 6. s., viii, 36-49. — Rognetta. Gangrene blanche; saign6es; gu6rison. Rev. ni6tl. franc etetrang., Par., 1834, i, 368-370.—Roqlies. Note sur uu cas de gangrene symetrique des extr6mites chez une albu- minurique. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 529-531. Also: Bull, ct mem Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s., xix, 234-238.—Rush (L.), jr. Asphyxie locale syme- trique des extremites. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1888, ii, 83; 105.—Scarpari (S.) L' ashssia locale delle estremita. Ann. univ.di metl.e chir., Milano, 1884, cclxvii, 395-400.—8c lion hoe. Local Asphyxiog symmetrisk Gan- graou i Extreniiteterne (Raynaud). Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1869, xii, 17-20. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Jahresb. ii. d. Lci- stuug . . . tl. ges. Med. 1869, Berl, 1870, ii, 288— Schulz (R.) Typhus abdominalis mit symmetrischer Gangrau. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, xxxv, 183.— Shaw (J. C.) Raynautl's tlisease. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 676-679.—Smith-Sham! (J. W. F.) Case of Ray- naud's tlisease, or symmetrical gangrene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 343-345.—Solly (S.) Remarkable case of dry gangrene, occurring in a child three years antl seven mouths old. Metl.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1838-9," xxii, 253: 1839- 40, xxiii, 237. Also [Abstr.]: Laucet, Loud., 1838-9, ii,408: 1839-40, ii, 194. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1840, 3. s., vii, 117: 1841, 3. s., x, 232.— Southey (R.) Case of symmetrical gangreue. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 286-289, 1 pl.-----. A caseof local asphyxia; symmetrical gangrene. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lontl., 1882-3, xvi, 107-179, 1 pl.—Steiner. Ein Fallvon spontaner symme- triscliei Gangran. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1888, xiv. 05.—Tniiuahill (T. F.) Raynaud's disease, or local asphyxia aud symmetrical gangrene, of the extremities. Glasgow M. J., 1888, [4.1 s., xxx, 425-429.—Topiuard. [Gangrene spemtancc et retrecissement des deux orifices auriculo-ventiicitlaii is.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 523-526—Totwiika (K.) A case of symmetrical gangrene. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1889, viii, 1.—Trcu- berg (J. C.) K vopr. of symmetrich. gangrene. Meel. pribav. k morsk. sborniku," St. Petersb., 1886, 90-105.— Veeder (M. A.) A caseof symmetrical gangrene. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 461.—Vulpian (A.) Syncope locale des extr6mit6s. In his: Clin. med. de 1'liop. de la Cbarite, 8°, Par., 1879, 872-889. -----. Asphyxie et syncope locales des quatre extr6mites: accidents cerebraux hiilliaiies et cardiaques; 61ectrisaiii>n; amelioration. Gaz. d. hop, Par.. 1884, lv, 65. — Wai-fvinge. Fall af symmetrisk gangran. Svens. Lak.-SiilKk. it. llandh, Stockholm, 1889, RAYNAUD'S. 1043 KKAD. Raynaud's disease. 132-141.—Weaver (J. J.) Caseof symmetrical gangrene (Raynaud's disease). Lancet, Lontl., 1888, ii, 859-861.— Weeing (M.) Ueher symmetrische Gangran (Raynaud's "lokale Asphyxie und symmetrische Gangran "). Wien. Klinik, 1882. viii, 346-401. Also: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1882, iii. 233-294, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 408-410.—West (S.) Case of Raynaud's dis- ease, with a peculiar eruption on the face, scaly at first, subsequently like erysipelas; death from pneumonia; post- mortem negative. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond , 1888-9, xxii, 146- 150. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lontl, 1889, i, 359. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii. 166.— Wetherell (J. A.) Case of Raynaud's disease. Lancet, Lontl., 1889, i, 1302. —Wiglewworth (J.) Peripheral neuritis in Raynaud's disease (symmetrical gangrene). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii, 61-68. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 57. — Wijnhoflf (J. A.) Een geval van synunetrisch gangreen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. R., xxii, 605-610. — Wilks. A case of hemoglobinuria, gangrene of the fingers, etc., as- sociated with prolonged suppuration. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 207. Raynaut (Marius-Guillannie). *De l'ophthal- inie synipathique; Etiologie, symptomatologie et traitement. viii, 9-130 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1880, No. 1. Rayneau (J.-A.) [1861- ]. * Contribution a l'tStude ties tumeurs tie la region supe>o-interne de la euisse. 57 pp , 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 335. Rayner(D. P.). See Stevens (E. W.) The Watseka wonder, [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1878. Rayner (Edward). *I. Du traitement de la meningite simple et de la meningite tuberculeuse. II. [etc.]. 31pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 398, v. 348. Rayner (John). Cod-liver oil: its uses, mode of administration, etc. Compiled from the best and latest authorities, British and foreign. 16 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1849. [P., v. 336.] -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 16 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill; New York, Rushton, Clark 4- Co., 1849. Preface says 3. ed. -----. The same. 4. Am. ed. 16 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill; New York, Rushton, Clark 4' Co., 187)0. -----. Thesame. 16pp. 8°. London,J.Churchill, [n.d.]. [P., v. 1204.] Rayner (T.) A voice from the thernne, in an- swer to a pamphlet entitled "A word to the pub- lic on the Turkish bath", by Dr. "VV. A. Johnson. 40 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Porter, 1861. [P., v. 90.] -----. Practical remarks upon the treatment of various diseased states by manipulation. 15 pp. 8°. Malvern, H. Cross, 1862. [P.. v. 90.] de Rayssac (F.) * Etude snr la menstruation tlans ses rapports avec les hemorrhagies supple"- mentaires et comple"mentairesde.s regies. 64 pp. 4°. Parti, 1875, No. 207. Raze (L.) La menthe poivre'e, sa culture en France, ses produits, falsifications tie l'essence et moyens de les reconnaltre. 46 pp., 1 1. 12°. Parti, J.-B. Bailliere cy fils, 1868. Razin (Louis-Eugene). *De l'entorse, et de son traitement par le massage. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 178. Razoux [Jean] [1723-98]. Lettre a Monsieur Belletete, sur les inoculations faites a Nismes. 34 pp. 4°. Nismes, A.-A. Belle, 1764. [P., v. 620.] RaziimotseflT(I.) Knijka dlja tech ktochotchet navernoe izbavitsja ot nasmorka, ochriplosti, sipoty, kashlja i tcha chotki tselebnymi narod- nymi lekarstvami. S prisovoknpleniem opisa- nija, kefirom i molokom. [Pocket manual con- taining pleasant and certain cures for coryza, bronchial affections, hoarseness, cough antl con- sumption, by popular remedies. With additions, containing description and use of koumyss, ke- Raziimotseflf (I.)—continued. phir, and milk.] 161, iii pp. 12°. Moskva, F. Johaiison, 1888. Razumovski (V. I.) O prichinachsmerti posle chuurgicheskich operatsii i povrejdenii. [On causes of death after surgical operations and wounds.] 45 pp. 18°. Kazan, Kazan. Birj. Ltitka, 1887. Re (De) medicahuic volumini insunt, Sorani Ephe- sii peripatetici,etvetustissimiarchiatri,in artem niedendi isagoge, hactenus non visa. D. Oribasii Sardiani fragmentum, de victus ratione, quolibet anni tempore utili, antea nunquam editum. C. Plinii secundi de re medica libri v, acenratius recoguiti, et (nothis ac pseudepigraphis semotis) ab innumeris mendarum millibus, fidevetutissimi codicis repurgati. L. Apuleji Madaurensis, phi- losophi Platonici, de herbarum virtutibus, vere aurea et salutaris historia, e teuebris eruta, et a situ vindicata. Accessit his vice coronidis, libel- lus utilissimnsdebetouica, quern quidam Antonio Mustfi, nonnulli L. Apuleio adscribendum autu- mant, nuper excusus. 11 p. 1., 125 ff., 1 1. fol. [Basihw, A. Cratander, 1528.] Another copy bound with: Dl06C0RIDE8(Petacius). Phar- macorum simplicium, [etc.]. fol. Argentoratum, 1529. Reach (Thomas) [1796-1873]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 897. Reaction. See, also, Nervous system; Shock; Stimu- lants, etc. Franchini (L.) |Alla reazione organica.] Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1837, 2. s., iii, 50-61.—Oubinn p£re. De la reaction vitale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1866, 2. s., xiv, 3-17. Reaction of degeneration. See Paralysis (Diagnosis, etc., of). Reaction-time. See, also, Nerve-currents ( Velocity of); Ner- vous system (Diseases of), Paralysis (General), Diagnosis, etc., of; Psychology (Physiological). Bocci (B.) Cronografo di reazione. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7, viii, 253-259. — Cattell (J. McK.) Ueber die Zeit der Erkennung und Benennung von Schrift- zeiohen, Bildern nnd Farhen. In: Wundt (W.) Pbiloso- phische Studien, 8°, Leipz., 1885, ii, 635-650.—Gad. Ueber die Reactionszeit fiir Erregungund fiir Hemmung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 363-370.—Hall (G. S.) Reaction- time and attention in the hypnotic state. Mind, Lond., 1883, viii, 170-182.—Hall (G. S.) & von Kries (J.) Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Reactionszeiten vom Ort des Rei/.cs. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz., 1879, Suppl.-Bd., 1-10.-Mirsch (A.) Sur quelques recherches receutes concernaut l'eqtia- tation personnelle et le temps physiologique. Bull. Soc. tl. sc. nat. de Neuchatel, 1873-4. x, pt. 4,1-14.—Tigcmteilt (R.) Ueher deu kleinstensulijectivmerkharenUnterschied zwischen Reactionszeiten ; nach Versuchen von K. Bogrcn untl A. Willhard. Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Carolin. med.- chir. Inst, in Stockholm, 1883, Hft. iii, 1-31. —Warren (J. W.) The effect of pure alcohol on the reaction time, with a description of a new chronoscope. .T. Physiol., Cam- bridge, 1887, viii, 311-353.— Winterhalter (A. G.) A new personal equation machine, for use with the meridian- circle. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 116-121. Read [Al.-Phil.] Essai sur les effets salutaires du sejour des 6tables dans la phthisie. 33 pp. 12°. Londres, Riviere, [1767]. [P., v. 779.] -----. Traite" du seigle ergot6, dans lequel on exa- mine les causes de cette excroissance vegetale, les moyens de la prevenir, les re'sultats tie l'ana- lyse de ces grains, leurs effets sur les animaux, les maladies 6pid6miques qu'occasione leur usage, et le traitement qu'elles exigent. 3 p. 1., 39 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Strasbourg, J.-F, Leroux, 1771. -----. Histoire de i'esqninancie gaugr6neuse p^tecliiale, qui a regno" daus le village tie Moi- vron au mois de novembre 1777. On y a joint un essai sur les affections vaporeuses, et un me'moire sur les bronchoceles enderuiques du Pays-Mes- sin. iii-viii, 9-91 pp. 12°. Metz, J.-B. Colli- gnon, 1777. [P., v. 779; P279; 1(1.17.] Another copy bound ivith his: Traite du seigle ergote, [etc.J. 12°. Strasbourg. 1771. HEAD. 1044 READE. Read [or Rliead] (Alexander). Zu/iaToypacjiia avdpuicivT]. Or a description of the body of man. By artificiali figures representing the members, and fit terms expressing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profite those who are addictetl to this study. 1 p. 1., 154 ff., 150 pl. 8°. [London], W. Jaggard, 1616. -----. The same. With the practice of chirur- gery, and the use of three and fifty instruments. 1 p. 1., 154 ff., 154 pl. 4°. London, M. Sparke, 1634. -----. A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie, called by mee ^vv&etck?/, the part which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Containing the methodical doctrine of wounds: delivered in lectures in the Barber-Chirurgeons Hall, upon Tuesdayes, appointed for these exer- cises, and the keeping of their courts. 3 p. 1., 247 pp. sm. 4°. London, F. Constable, 1638. -----. The same. 4 p. 1., 206 pp. sm. 4°. Lon- don, R. Thrale, 1650. Bound with his: Workes. sm. 4°. London, 1650. -----. A treatise of all the muscles of the whole body. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 4 1. sm. 4°. London, R. Thrale, 1650. Bound with his: Workes. sm. 4°. London, 1650. -----. The workes of that famous physitian, con- taining: I. Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers. II. A treatise of the first part of chirur- gery, which teacheth the re-unition of the parts of the body dis-joyuted; and the methodicall doctrine of wounds. III. A treatise of all the muscles of the body of man. Delivered in severall lectures at Barbar-Chirurgians-Hall, upon Tues- daies appointed for these exercises, and the keep- ing of their courts. Published in his life time in severall treatises, and now in one volume, cor- rected and amended. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 270 pp. sm. 4°. London, R. Thrale, 1650. -----. The same. 3. ed. 5 p. 1., 524 pp., 4 1. sm. 4C. London, R. Thrale, 1659. -----. The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man: containing the enumera- tion and description of the parts of the same, which usually are shewn in thepublick anatomi- cal exercises. With sundry figures thereunto belonging. 5. ed. 5 p. 1., 446 pp., 5 pl., 61. 16°. London, R. Thrale, 1655. Read (Alexander) [1791-1854?]. Obituary notice. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc. 1849-54, Bost,, 1854, viii, 118-120. Read (Aly). * Recherches de l'arsenic dans les cas d'empoisonnement. 66 pp. 4C. Paris, E. Thunot 4- Cie., 1867. [P., v. 1707; 1728.] ficole de pharmacie. Read (Clare Sewell). See Feme (George). Local hoard sewage farming. 8°. London, 1876. Read (David). Lawyers and doctors, orphans and guardiaus: a plea for the better legislative protection of medical men and helpless patients; the law of medical fees, and a scheme for ap- pointing medical assessors, xvi, 172 pp. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1870. Read (E.) An address read before the Esculap- ian Society of the Wabash Valley, held at Paris, Illinois, on the 29th of October, 1857. 24 pp. 8C. Chicago, Barnel 4" Clark, 187)8. Read (E. Rudston). A treatise on dwellings for the labouring classes, suggested by the plans for model lodging houses originally projected by his Royal Highness the late Prince Consort. 20 pp. 8°. London, Hayman Bros. 4" Lilly, 1869. Read (Henry N.) & Walker (Jerome). Tabu- lated notes on children and some of their diseases, for the use of students. 36 pp. [interleaved copy]. 8°. Brooklyn, Rome Brothers, 1878, Read (J. B.). Co-Editor of: Snvannah (The) Journal of Medicine, 1866. Read (James Bond). Francis (John W.) Letter on the cholera asphyxia, [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1832, Read (John) [1760-1847]. An appeal to the medical profession, on the utility of the improved patent syringe, with directions for its several uses, shewing by a statement of facts the va- lidity of the rights and claims of the patentee. 6. ed. 40 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, W. Glendin- ning, 1825. -----. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 5-31 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, IV. Glendinning, [1824]. -----. A description of Read's patent stomach pump, and self-injecting lavement apparatus; also, professional testimonials of its superior utility. 24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Longman [and others], [n. d.]. Rend (William). Placenta praevia; its history and treatment. 340 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincoit Sr Co., 1861. [Also, in : P., v. 123.] Being v. 23 of: Library of Pract. Med. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1861. -----. Report of the city physician on the Asi- atic cholera. To the mayor and aldermen of the city of Boston. Oct. 2, 1865. City Doc. No. 73. 17 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1865.] -----. A communication from the city physician on Asiatic cholera. Is it a contagious disease? City Doc. No. 21, 1866. 41pp.,2ch. 8G. [Bos- ton, 1866.] [Also, in : P., v. 215.] -----. The treatment of diseases of the air-pas- sages by inhalation. 6 pp. 8°. [n. 21-,1866.] Repr. from: Boston Med. efe Surg. J., 1866, lxxiv. -----. A letter to the consulting physicians of Boston. [On cholera.] 29pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge 4~ Son, 1866. -----. Cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis, iu 1873 antl 1874. 16 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1p74.J Repr. from: Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx. Reade (A. Arthur). Study antl stimulants; or, the use of intoxicants and narcotics in relation to intellectual life, as illustrated by personal communications on the subject, from men of letters antl of science. Edited by A. Arthur Reade. vii, 9-206 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1883. -----. Tea and tea drinking. 2 p. 1., 154 pp., 4 pl. 8°. London, S. Low [and others], 1884. Reade (Charles). [An accouut of Saint John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, and an appeal for contributions.] 19 pp. 24°. [London, 1885. ] Reade (J. B.) Address delivered before the Royal Microscopical Society at the anniversary meeting, February9,1870. 23pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, 1870. Reade (Joseph). *De ictero. 16 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, R. Allan, 1802. [P., v. 23.] -----. Practical observations on the diseases of the inner corner of the human eye; comprising the epiphora, the tumor sacculi lachrymalis, and the fistula lachrymalis; with a new arrange- ment, and method of cure. Also, remarks on Mr. Ware's and Professor Scarpa's methods of treating these disorders, xiii, 105 pp. 8°. Lon- don, 1811. [P.,v. 637.] Reade (T. Mellaril). Report on the sewerage of the township of Huyton-with-Roby. Prepared antl printed by the order of the Huyton-with- Roby parochial committee. 12 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Prescot, M. Culshaw, 1875. -----. How to drain a house. 11 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Liverpool, J. A. D. Watts <,- Co., 1877. See, also, Walton-ou.thep.il ill. Report to the Wal- ton local board. 8°. Liverpool, 1868. Reade (Thomas). Syphilitic affections of the nervous system, and a case of symmetrical mus- UBADE. 1045 BEAL. Reade (Thomas)—continued. cular atrophy; with other contributions to the pathology of the spinal marrow, viii, 111 pp. 8°. London, J. Church ill, 1867. Reade & Goodison (Geo. Wm.) Report to the Birkdale local government board on the sewerage of the district and disposal of the sewage. 23 pp. 8°. Southport, R. A. Jordan, 1870. Reading. Kraemer ( F.) * Untersuchungen fiber die Fiihigkeit des Lesens bei Gesunden uud Geistes- kranken. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Also, in: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1888, n. F., xxii, 135-150. Anderson (R. B.) The influence of reading upon health. Rep. Bd. Healtb Wisconsin 1878, Madison, 1879, iii, 71-78.—CSiraud-Teulon. Physiologie de la lecture; rtiponse aux th6oriesde M. J aval; restitution du mecanisme dela myopie progressive. Ann. d'ocul, Brux.. 1880, lxxxiii, 126-143.—Javal. Essai sur la physiologie de la lecture. Ibid., 1878, lxxix, 97; 240: lxxx, 135: 1879, lxxxi, 61; 157: lxxxii,72; 159; 242. [See, also, SM£>/-a;Giraud-Teulou.].-----. Hygiene de la lecture. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 1880, vi, 99-102.—Pierd'houy (A.) Lastampaad inchiostro bianco e carta nrra. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1880, ii, 766-769.—Sanford (E. C.) The relative legibility of the small letters. Am. J. Psychol, Bait., 1887-8, i, 402-435. Reading*, England. Lee (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewer- age, drainage, and supply of water, and the sani- tary condition ofthe inhabitants of the borough of Readiug, in the county of Berks. 8°. London, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on an inquiry respecting the condition of the bur- ial-grounds iu the district ofthe borough of Read- ing, in the county of Berks. 8°. London, 187)2. Billing (J.) Statisticsof the sanitary condition of the borough of Reading. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1847, x, 259- 261.—Cowan (C.) Reportof the Reading Dispensary, for the years 1841, 1842, 1843. 1844. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1845-6, xiv, 191-212, 3 tab.—Parry (A. W.) The separate system of sewerage as carried ont at Readiug. Proc. Ass. Municip. efc San. Engin., Lond. . Paris, 1864, ii, 1-53.—Gonraud (H.) ElogedeM. Recamier. 8°. Paris, 1853. See, also, Gaz. ined. de Par., 1855, 3. s., x. 796-801 (Du- bois). Also: J. d. cemn. med.-chir., Par., 1852, 2. s., ii, 390-392. Also: J. de la sect, de m6d. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1853, n. s., xxix. 20^19 (Padioleau). Also: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1856, xx. pp. xxxv-lviii (Fr. Dubois). Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 1179-1184 (Fr. Dubois): Also: Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1856, iv, 25; 53; 80 (Dubois). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Reeanati. Amlrenelli (V.) L'aqua di Reeanati e malattie che ne derivano. Osservatore, Torino, 1889, xl, 419-426. Reeanati (Emanuel). Saggio sullo stato della vitalita nelle malattie parte prima, e dell' azione de' medicamenti sulla vitalita e fibra organica vivente parte seconda, dietro le teorie fisiologiche del . . . Galeni intorno la vitalita e funzione del sistema nervoso. 103 pp. 12°. Venezia, Rizzi, 1822. RECKPT1VITY. Rcccai'd (Joannes Fridericus). * De pnestantia camphoric in deliriis. 25 pp., 1 1. 4 . Halw Magdeb., ex off. Hendeliana, [176:5]. Recco (P.-F.) *Sur la peritonite et en particu- lier tit' la peritonite aigue. 215 pp. 4°. I'arti, 1835, No. 205, v. 288. Receipts. See Formulae, etc. RecensiO critica duarum epistolarum, quarum altera a chirurgo anonymo, altera a Coghlano, super Fulberti calculum secandi ratione galliee scripta fuit. 20 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, ex off. Langen- hemiana, 1745. RecensiO proprietatum, usus, rationisque trans- missions aquae bohemit ;e amarae seu saidschi- tzensis, salis ainari, magnesia*, ant sit; dicti pulveris mineralis, salis polychresti, acidula-que bilinensis, quae nounisi apud ofticium industrials Bilinse in Bohemia haberi queunt. 4 1. 4 . Vindobonw, typ. J. T. nob. de Truttnern, 1781. Recent condemnations of police regulation of prostitution. 4 pp. 8°. [London, 1880.] Recent essays by various authors on bacteria in relation to tlisease. Selected and etlited by W. Watson Cheyne, M. B., F. R. C. S. xvi, 650 pp., 8 pl. 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1886. Receptaculum chyli. Cant (A.) *De receptaculo et ductu chyli. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1721. Pecquet (J.) New anatomical experiments, by which the hitherto unknown receptacle of the chyle, and the transmission from thence to the subclavial veins by the now discovered lacteal chanels of the thorax, is plainly made appear in brutes. As also an anatomical dissertation of the motion of blood and chyle. Together with the further description ofthe same lacteal chanels newly discovered in the body of man as well as brutes. 16°. London, 1653. -----. The same. Experimenta nova ana- tomica, quibus incognitum hactenus chyli re- ceptaculuin et ab eo per thoracem in ramos usque subclavios vasa lactea deleguntur. Ejusdem diss, anatomica, De circulatioue sanguinis et chyli motu. 16°. Amstelwd., 1661. Saltzmaxn (J.) *Diss. exhibens encheirisin novam qua ductus thoracicus una cum recepta- culo chyli in quovis subjecto humauodeinonstrari potest. Argentorati, 1711. In: Hallek. Disp. anat. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce. 1750, i, 685-718, 1 pl. Scherb (J. G.) *De calculo iu receptaculo chyli; hydropis causa. Lugd. Bat., [1729]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.). 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, iii, 535-553. Collingwood (T.) Account of an uncommon dis- charge, from an opening made into a large tumour in the under part of the belly and back. Med. Comment. 1783-4, Lond., 1785, ix, 344-349. Recepte zur Herstellungvon Salben aus Profes- sor Oscar Liebreich's Lanoliu, gesammelt untl herausgegeben von Benno Jaffe & Daruistaedter, Lanolinfabrik Martinikenfelde bei Berlin. 4 1. 8°. [Berlin, Mann u. Erdmann], 1886. Recepteerkunde voor genees- en heelkundi- gen, naar het tegenwoordige standpunt der schei- en geueeskunde, en hoofdzakelijk met inachtneming van eenvoudigheid en goedkoopte der voorschriften, kritisch bewerkt door een hoogleeraar en prakt. geneesheer. Nar het Hoog- duitsch. xiv, 333 pp. sm. 4°. Amersfoort, IV. J. van Rommel van Vloten, 1846. Receptivity. Diday (P.) Note sur la receptivite. Lyon med., 1884, xlvii, 67-71.—Hervieux. De la receptivite dans lee ma- ladies virulentea. Bull. Acad, de tnerl., Par., 1881, 2. 8., x, 1110-1123. KKCETA. Receta original del unguento anticaucroso cono- cido por el nombre del Canario, niandada publi- car por el real proto-metlicato, eu virtud de real ortlen de S. M. 4 1. 4°. [ii. p., u. d.] Bound with: Pons (Gaspar). Clave mercurial. 4°. Se- villa, 1783. Recette pour le traitement du cholera-morbus. 1 I. MS. [n.p.], 1831. [P., v. 776.] Receveui* (Claude-Eugene). * Du rachitisme. ■ 27 iip. 4\ Paris, 184.7, No. 152, v. 463. Recll [Andre-Pamphile-Hippolyte] [ 1793-1853 ]. Clinique tie la maison des alienes de Montpellier. 76 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel aini, 1829. Also, Co-Editor of: JEphciiieridcs medicales de Mont- pellier, 1826-8. Rechberg & von Rotlicnlowen (Karl) Graf. Der Ilonorar- Professor Dr. Horner in Miinchen iiber Priessnitz's Heilmethode. Neue kritische Beleuchtung. 32 pp. 12°. Miiuchen, G. Franz, 1841. Rechberger (Ant. Joan.) [1731-92]. De vecte emendato, ejusque usu et militate in arte obste- tricia. 7 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Viennw, typ. J. Thomw, 1779. ------. Bekanntmachung einer besonderen Art von Hebel und dessen Anwendung und Nutzen in der Geburtshilfe. 56 pp. 12~. Wien, J. T. Edlen von Trattnern, [n. d.]. Reche (Adolf). * Ueber die Beziehungen ties Nervus oculomotorius und sympathicns zum Ganglion ciliare. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1887). Reche (Ernestus Fridericus Theophilus). * De ainvridis speciebus officinalibus. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ha'lce, typ. I. G.Ruffii, [1801]. Reche ([Gustavus] Reinboldus) [1813- ]. *De delirio tremente. 27 pp.,21. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [ 1837]. Rechelet (Claude-Charles). * Du cholera-mor- bus epidemique. 43 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1855, No. 332, 2. s., v. 21. Recher (Joan. Nepom. Anton.) *De igne et gravitate calcis metallicae. 36 pp. sm. 4C. [In- golsfadt], J. F. Luzenberger, [1772]. Recherches cliniques et therapeutiques sur Pepilepsie, l'hysterie et l'idiotie. Compte rendu du service des epileptiques et des enfants idiots et arrieres de Bicetre pendant les annees 1880-1888. Par Bourneville [et al.]. 9 v. 8°. Parti, bu- reaux du Progres medical, 1881-9. Recherches sur ce qu'il faut entendre par les tiemoniaques dont il est parie dans le Nouveau Testament. See Sykes (Arthur Ashley). Recherches critiques et historiques [etc.]. See Quesnay (Francois). Recherches sur la dur6e de la grossesse, et le terme de l'accouchement. See [Barbeu du Bourg]. Recherches sur la phthisie laryngee. 38 pp. 8°. [n. p., 11. d.] [P., v. 769.] Recherches sur une tete humaine d'une gros- seur extraordinaire, trouvee aux environs de Rheims. 51 pp., 2 pl. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Rechin (Augustin-Marie). * Sur les phenomenes tie la vision. 20 pp. 4°. Parti, 1812, No. 6, v. 87. Rechnitz (Joannes). *De cancro in genere. iv, 9-39 pp. 8°. Budce, typ. Reg. Scient. Univ. Hung., [1835]. [Also, in: P.,v. 1326.] Recht (Ueber das) der homoopathischen Aerzte, ihre Arzneimittel selbst zu bereiten und den Kranken zu reichen; mit Riicksicht auf die preus- sischen Gesetze erortert von einem practischen Juristen. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Lozier, 1833. Rechtenbach (Polycarpus Michael). See l>rechssler (Joh. Gabr.) De sermone brutorum. 4°. Liysin: [1673]. RECKLINGHAUSEN. Rechtfertigiuig desD. Jos. v. Bakotly in Raab gegen die grundlosen Angriffe zweier dasiger Aerzte, mit gerichtlich beglaubigten Belegeu. 55 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Schumann, 1832. Rechtmann (Jacob). * Ueber Euphorbium untl Euphorbia Cyparissias. 55 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 18*6. Recipon (Julien). *De la dyspnee. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 239, v. 610. Reck (A. E. P. Friedrich) [18-J7-78]. * Ueber den hoheu Steinschnitt. 25 pp. 8°. Tiibincien, E. Rieeker, 1850. J ' For Biography, see Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl, Leipz., 1879, viii, 57-59 (F. Reck). Reck (Hans). ''Ueber cyklische Albuminurie. 51 pp. 8°. Jena, B. Eng an, 1888. Reck (Jacobus). *De angina. 8 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1687). Reck (Joannes Carolus). *De conjunctione ovuli humani cum utero materno et profluviis sanguinis ex separatione utriusque post partum oriri solitis. iv, 18 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. Schreiberi etsoc, [1818]. Reeke (J. Heinr. ) * Experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkung der Magnesia sulfnrica. 31pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1881. von der Reeke (Wilhelm) Baron. Die Ruhr untl deren Behandlung. 16 pp. 8C. Berlin, G. Hempel, 1870. ------. Die Cholera, die Ruhr, das Wechselfieber untl die Helminthiasis auf Grundlage fiinfuud- zwanzigjabriger Erfahrung als verwandte, nach einem und demselben Principe zu behandelntle Krankheiten dargestellt. xxiv, 232 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1873. Recken (Wilhelm). * Zur Buchuer'schen Arseu- behandluug bei Tuberculose. 46 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, A. Boegler, 1887. Reckerinanil (Gottfried). * Beitrag zur Lehre von tlen Beckentumoreu. 29 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1885. Reckers (Franciscus). *Diss. exhibens casum rarioiem partus ex uteri scirrho difficilliini nee non historiam morbi istius post partum. 43 pp. 8°. Bonnie, C. F. Thormann, 1822. de Reckinga (Bartholomeus). Liber indicio- rum urinaruin variorum hominum iuceptus in festo circunicisiouis Salvatoris nostri, 1563. Au- gusta} Vindelicorum, a me Bartholomeo de Reck- iuga, Helvetiorumditto Cariestero. MS. 236 ff. fol. [n. p., 11. cl.] von Recklinghausen (F[riedrich Daniel]) [1833- ]. Die Lyinphgefasse und ihre Bezie- hung zum Bindegewebe. 98 pp., 1 1., 6 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1862. ------. Decorporibus liberis articulorum. 17 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Regiomoiiti, H. Hartung, 1864. c. ------. Ueber die multiplen Fibroine tier Haut untl ihre Beziehung zu den multiplen Neuroinen. Festschrift zur Feier ties fiiufundzwanzigjahri- gen Bestehens des patliologischen Institute zu Berlin; Herrn Rudolf Virchow dargebracht. vi, 1 1., 138 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 18,82. ------. Die historische Entwicklung des medici- nischen Unterrichts, seine Vorbedingungeu und seine Aufgaben; Rede gehalten am 1. Mai 1883, dem Stiftungstage der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Univer- sittit Strassburg. 32 pp. .8°. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1883. ------. Handbuch tier allgemeinen Pathologie des Kreislaufs uud der Eruakrung. xliii, 521 pp. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1883. Deutsche Chirurgie, Lfg. 2 u. 3. ------. Untersuchungen iiber die Spina bifida, 170 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 18-6. Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1886, cv. RECKLINGHAUSEN. 1050 RECORDS. von Recklinghausen (F[ried. D.])—cont'd. -----A ITIeyer (P.) Mikro-Pbotographieu nach pathologiscli-anatomischen Priiparaten vou . . . photographisch aufgenonnnen in der mikro-pho- tographischeu Anstalt von Jul. Grimm. [1. Heft,] 19 photos. 4°. Strassburg, K. J. Triib- uer, 1878. Recklliailll (Johannes Ferdiiiandus). *De diagnosi exanthematum febrilium. 2 p. 1., 58 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., Haak et socios, 1835. Recknagel (Willi. Aug.) *Aliqua ad" diges- tionem spectantia. 20 pp. 8°. Monachii, M. Potssenbacher, 1832. Reck wit*. See Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc., of), by localities—Germany. Keclam (Albertus). *De cirrhosi hepatis, ad- ditis morbi historiis duabus. 32 pp. 8°. Gry- phiswaldice, F. G. Kunike, 1864. c. Reclam (Karl Heinrich) [1821-87]. *De plu- niarum pennarumque evolutione. Disquisitio microscopica. 36 pp., 3 pl. 8 \ Lipsiw, ex off. P. Nies. 1846. -----. Experiniental-Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen der Chylus- und Lymph-Bewegung nnd tier Fettresorptiou. 32 pp. 4°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1858. -----. Des Weibes Gesundheit untl Schouheit; iirztliche Rathschlage fiir Frauen und Madcheu. 2. Aufl. x, 472 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 1 883. Also, Editor of: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir offentliclie Gesuudheitspflege, Brauuscbweig, 1869-70.— Geaundheit, Elberfeld u. Frankfurt a. M., 1875-87. Reclamation des pharmaciens ties petites lo- calites, pour ohteuir la radiation du paragraphe de l'art. 6, chap. ler, tie la loi proposee sur l'exer- cice tie la medecine, dont suit le texte [pre- sente par Besse]. 4 pp. 4°. [Montelidier, Rade- nez. 1847.] [P., v. 1720.] Reclamation presentee a MM. les membres tie l'Assembiee legislative par les medeciiis com- posant la section tie medecine tie la Societe aca- tiemiqne tie la Loire-Inferieure. 24 pp. 8°. Nantes, Mine. Ve. C. Mellinet, 1849. [P., v. 1753.] ReclllS (filisee). The earth : a descriptive his- tory of the phenomena of the life of the globe. Transl. by the late B. B. Woodward, antl edited by Henry Woodward, ix, 10-567 pp., 24 pl. 8°. New York, Harper 4' Brothers, 1871. -----. The ocean, atmosphere, and life. Being the second series of a descriptive history of the life of the globe. 534 pp.. 27 pl. roy. 8°. New York, Harper 4' Bros., 1873. ReclllS (Paul) [1847- ]. *Du tubercule tlu tosticule et de l'orchite tuberculeuse. [Paris.] 1 p. 1., 208 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Versailles, 1876, No. 189. -----. *Des ophthalmitissympathiques. vii, 209 pp. 8°. Paris, Vve. A. Delahaye 4~ Cie.. 1878. Concours. -----. * Des mesures propres a menager le sang pendant les operations chirurgicales. 1 p. 1., iv, 142 pp. 4°. Parti, 1880. ' Concours. -----. The same, iv, 142 pp., 1 1. 8°. Parti, 1880. -----. Clinique et critique chirurgicales. vi,568 pp. 8°. Parti, G. Masson, 1884. -----. Maladies communes a tous les tissues; maladies des tissues. 756 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1885-7. Forms v. 1 of: manuel de pathologic externe. -------. Cliniques chirurgicales tie l'H6tel-Dieu. 1 p. 1., 579 pp. 8 . Parti, G. Masson, 1888 See, also, Traite tie chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1890. Recoaro. Boi.otiNA (J.) Le acque di Recoaro conside- rate secundo gli attuali progressi della chimica, Recoaro. della geologia e tlella medicina. Trattato me- dico-practico indispensabile per tutti quelli che vogliouo far uso delle acque acidule ferruginose. 8°. Venezia, 1844. Chjminei.li (L.) Recoaro colle sue sorgenti minerali, visto e studiato a volo tl' uccello. 5. etl. 16-. Firenze, 1888. Mastini (A.) Osservazioni medico-pratiche intorno alle facolta e virtu delle acque mineiali di Recoaro. 12°. Vieenza, 1781. Melandri-Contf.ssi ( G. ) Nuove ricerche fisico-chimiche etl analisi delle acque minerali tli Recoaro e delle acque tli Staro e di Civilliua. 8J. Padovq, 1830. Pagani (O. M.) Dell' acque tli Recoaro edelle regole concernenti il lor' uso. 12°. Vieenza, 1761. Panizza (D.) Trattato delle principali ma- lattie in cui sono indicate le acque minerali tli Recoaro, e metodo di usarle con profitto. 8°. Padova, 1851. Schivardi (P.) Piccola guida ai bagni ed alle act)ue tli Recoaro. 16°. Milano, [1889]. Labat. fitude sur la station et les eaux de Recoaro (Italie). Anu. Sec. d'hydrol. metl. de Par., 1875-6, xxi, 464-488.—Pasti-o (L.) Indicazioni e controindicazioni delle acque di Recoaro. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1869, 6. s., ii, -2'2'J. Recondita (De) febrium intermittentium, [etc.]. See Senac (Joaunis). Recoiivillier. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Recopilacion tie los descubrimientos y pro- gresos tie las ciencias medicas y sus auxiliaresen todo el mundo civilizado. Peri6dico mensual complementary del Boletin de medicina, retlac- tado por Cavetano Balseyro. v. 1, Jan. to June, 1846. 8°. Madrid. Ended. Record (Louis). *Dela resection du poignet; ses resiiltats sous le Lister compare aux anciennes methodes de pausemeut. 113 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1883, 5. s., No. 40. Record (The). Issued by the Homoeopathic Association of Boston University. No. 1, v. 1, Sept., 1873. 8 pp. 8°. Boston,'0. Clapp 4-Son. Record (The). A monthly, published from Oct. 31 to March 31, and containing the proceedings ofthe regular meetings of the .Students' Society ofthe New York College of Dentistry. T. P. Hyatt, editor, v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, Oct., 1888, to Oct., 1889. 8°. New York. Current. Record of New Remedies and their therapeuti- cal value. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1871; no. 2, v. 2, Sept., 1876; no. 3, v. 3, 1877. 8°. Philadelphia, IV. B. Warner 4~ Co. An advertisement. Record (The) of pharmacy and therapeutics. Being an account of improved pharmaceutical preparations, recently introduced remedies, antl a catalogue of uuadulterated drugs and chemicals of the General Apothecaries' Company. 40 pp. 83. London, 1856. Record, proof, and appendixes, in causa Rogers, etc., rersus Innes. etc. [Also:] Memorial, [etc.], [Legitimacy.] 176 (1 1.), 86, 4 pp. 4°. [Edin- burgh, 1834.] [P., v. 953.] Record of public services in India [of F. J. Monat]. 8 pp. 8°. [Bengal, Bengal Printing Co., limited, 1854.] -----. Thesame. 10 pp. fol. [n.p.,11. d.] Bound with: Mouat (F. J.) Memorial of . . . fol. [n. p., n. d.\ Recorde (Robert) [ -1558]. The uriual of physick. 0p.l.,72ff. 16°. London, R. Wolfe, 1547. RUCORDE. 1051 RECORDS. Recorde (Robert)—continued. -----. The same. Whereunto is added an inge- nious treatise concerning physicians, apotheca- ries, and chyrurgians, set forth by a Dr. in Queen Elizabeth's dayes. With a translation of Papius Ahalsossa concerning apothecaries confecting their medicines; worthy perusing antl following. 10 p. 1., 243 pp., 3 1 16°. London, G. Dawson, 167)1. This edition contains two additional treatises, the titles of which are: "A detection of some faults in unskilful physitians, ignorant and careless apothecaries, and un- knowing running chirurgiaus ". Aud: "A translation ol Papius concerning apothecaries ". For Biography, see Aikin (J.) Biog. Mem. 8°. Lon- don, 1780, 72-75. Records (Medical). [Includesphysician's calendars, visiting lists, etc.] See, also, Disease (Registration of); Diseases (History, etc., of); Graphic method; Hospitals (Statistics of); Hygiene (Public, Surreys, etc., of); Larynx (Photography of); Nomenclature; Statistics (Medical, etc.). Aerztlicher Almanach. Euthallend Biogra- phien untl Portraits hervorragender Aerzte, etc. Hrsg. von Adolf Kailay. 8. Jahrgaug, 1889. 18°. Wien. Aerztlicher Tascheukalendermit Tagen otiz- buch. Hrsg. von Dr. Holzer. 1876, 1880, 1888. 12°. Wien. Allgtiix (W. H.) Scheme for case reporting. 8°. London, 1887. Bemiss (S. M.) Statistical study of malarial diseases. [Blanks to be filled aud returned by physicians.] 4°. [New Orleans, n.d.] Boehr (M. A. L.) Beobachtnngsjournale fiir neberhafteKrankheiten. fol. [Berlin, n. d.] Bowditch (H. P.) [Cards for registering the growth of children, single and successive ob- servations.] 4 cards, 3 by 4 inches. [Boslon, 1880.] Bramwell (B.) Practical medicine and med- icaldiagnosis. Methodsof diagnosis. Case-tak- ing and case-recording. Medical thermometry. 8°. Edinburgh, 1887. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1887. Brows (G.) Hiuts as to case taking. 8°. London, [«. d. ]. Buchhaltung fur Aerzte pro 1889. 1. Jahr- gang. fol. Wien, [1889]. Buchhaltungs - Kalender fur Aerzte pro 1890. 2. Jahrgang. obi. 16°. Wien, 1890. Butler (S. W.) The physician's daily pocket record. 16°. Philadelphia, 1871. Campbell (J. A.) Uniformity in public asy- lum reports. 8°. [Lewes, 1872?] Carnet (Le) du medecin praticieu, formules- ordonnances, tableaux du ponls, tie la respiration et de la temperature, comptabilite. obi. 16°. Paris, [11. d.]. Clinical charts of temperature, vital signs and septenaries to register three weeks' observa- tions made with the fever and .surface thermom- eters. Analytical records of excreta, ingesta, antl physiological symptoms, corresponding day for day with the clinical charts for hospital and pri- vate practice. Table of equivalents of thermom- eters, fol. [New York, 1872.] Crompton (S.) Metlical reporting, or, case- taking; being an attempt to prove that it is necessary for the medical attendants of families to record the particulars of their patients' illnesses, and the peculiarities of their constitutions, in order to treat their illnesses with due care; with suggestions for overcoming the difficulties which have hitherto prevented medical case-taking from becoming general. Printed in phonotypy. 8". London, 1847. Records (Medical). D[kvaux (J.)] L'art tie faire les reports en chirurgie, ou Ton enseigne la pratique, les for- mules et le stile le plus en usage parmi les chi- rurgiens comniis aux raports; avec un extrait des arrests, statuts et reglemens faits en conse- quence. Le tout mis eu ordre par Monsieur D 12°. Parti, 1703. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 12°. Paris, -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 12°. Paris 1746. Diary for 1883. Sanitary Record and London Medical Record, roy. 8°. [London, 1882 1] Elmer (W.) & Elmer (A. D.) The physi- cian's handbook for 1878, 1879, 1887, 1888, 1889. 16°. New York, 1878-89. Esmarch (F.) Kliniscbes Fragebuch zur Un- terstiitzung des Gediichtuisses bei Abfassnngder Krankengescliichteii fiir die chirurgische Klinik. 8°. Kiel, 1884. -----. Die Regiouen tier Korpertlache. 8°. Kiel, 1884. -----. Die Axen und Ebenen des Korpers. 8°.^ Kiel, 1884. Frank (J. P.) Decircumscribendis morborum historiis. I11 his: Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1791, x 361- 375. Fromme's osterreichischer Medicinal-Kalen- der. Hrsg. von Josef Nader, v. 33-34. 39-41, 43-44, 1878-89. 12°. Wien. Galtox (F.) Life history album, prepared In- direction of the Collective Investigation Commit- tee of the British Medical Association. 4°. Lon- don, 1884. Geneeskundig jaarboekje voor Nederland. Op verzoek van de Rotterdamsche Afdeeling tier Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneesknnst. Zeveude jaargang, 1888. Tweede deel. 24°. Rotterdam, 1888. Hartshorne (H.) Medical record for private medical statistics. Prepared under the sanction of the Medical Society ofthe State of Pennsylva- nia, and of the biological department of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. 16°. Philadelphia, 1859. Heger(H.) &Gutt(H.) Aerztliches Ordina- tious-Buch mit Control!-Vorrichtung. obi. 16°. Wien, 1886. Henni.vg (R.) Buchhaltung fiir Aerzte. 4°. Berlin, [1889]. Hodge (H. L.), jr. Note book for cases of ovarian tumors, and other abdominal enlarge- ments. 8W. Philadelphia, 1875. Hoizer. Aerztlicher Taschenkalender mit Tages-Notizbuch. Ein unentbehrliches Taschen- buch fiir praktische Aerzte mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf Universitaten, Badeiirzte uud Curorte. Fiinfzehnter Jahrgang 1888. Hrsg. von Dr. Stein- sclineider. 18°. Wien, 1888. Hough ( F. B. ) Clinical chart. 1 1. 8°. [Albany, 1867.] -----. Prize essay on medical aud vital sta- tistics. 8°. Albany, 1867. Keen (W. W.) Directions to accompany tlie clinical charts [with charts]. 16°. Philadel- phia, 1877). Kraxken- uxd Geschafts-Journal fiir prac- tische Aerzte. fol. Berlin, 188-. Kkankenzettel, oder wie berichtet man dem Arzte? 12°. Trier, [1884]. Lohdat (J.) Premiere lecon du cours de phy- siologie, de 1838 a 1839, sur la necessite d'etu- dier les cas rares pour le perfectionnement de la science de la nature humaine. 8°. Montpellier, 1840. RECORDS. 1052 RECORDS. Records (Medical). Macquelyn (M.J.) & Waardenburg (H. G.) *De ratione historic morbi scribendae. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1829. Medical chart of temperature, pulse, respi- ration, and regions, fol. [Cincinnati, n. d.] Medical (The) Record visiting list or piivsi- cians'diary for 1883. 16°. New York, [1882 f]. Medical Society of the State of New York. Medical antl surgical statistics for 1859. [Blanks for monthly record of diseases and accidents, etc., with nomenclature to be used. Prepared by the committee on medical and surgical statistics. 4°. [n.p., 1858.] Medicinal - Kalender. Dr. Wittelshofer's Taschenbucb fiir Civiliirzte. Hrsg. von Josef Herzog. v. 18, 20, 22, 27, 28, 30, 31, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1889. 12°. Wien. v. 20-31 edited by L. Wittelshofer. Medicinal-Kalender fur den preussischen Staat. 1851-89. 12°. Berlin. Want volumes for 1850, 1857, 1882, 1884, 1886. Title of v. 1-2 (1850-51) was: Preussiseher Medicinal-Kalender. Medicinal-Kalender und Recept-Tascheu- buch fiir die Aerzte des Deutschen Reiches. 1880, 1885, 1889. 12°. Wien. Medicixischer Taschen-Kaleuder fiir das Jahr 1888 [also for 1889]. Hrsg. vou den Drn. R. Jaenike, Leppmann, Partsch. 12°. Breslau. Memoria medica. A medical common-place book, with an alphabetical index of the most common terms occurring in practice. Carefully selected and arranged by a fellow of the Massa- chusetts Metlical Society. 4°. Boston, 1829. New York (The) Medical Journal visiting list and pocket account book. 16°. New York, 1888. Note-book for Professor MacLeod's clinical class. New series. 8°. [n.p., ». d.] Physician's (The) almanac and memoranda. With suggestions on dietetics from J. Milner Fothergill, M. D. sm. 4°. [Burlington, 1886.] Physician's registry of births and deaths; containing also a copy of the registration act, with the forms of returns. 8°. Philadelphia, 1852. Quitzmann ( E. A. ) * Qusedam circa morbi historiam. 4°. Monachii, 1838. Register of obstetric cases. [Blank forms for noting obstetric cases, copied from that published by, and under authority of, the council of the Obstetrical Society of London.] 4°. London, [187,2]. Registrar's (The) pocket-book for the year 1883. Editetl by Arthur J. Flaxmau. 7. year. 18°. London, [1882?]. Reichs-Medicinal- Kalender fur Deutsch- land. Von Dr. Paul Bonier. 1880, 1881, 1884-9. 12°. Cassel, Berlin u. Leipzig, In 1887 S. Guttmau became editor. Rowell (G.) Outline diagram forms for clin- ical case books, in use at the Leeds Infirmary, for the representation of injuries antl tlisease, and physical signs. Designed for the use of clinical students, physicians, aud surgeons, obi. 16°. [Leeds, it. d.] Schultz (G. F.) * De historia morbi praecipuo curationis fundanieuto. 8'-!. Berolini, [1821], Sheen (A.) "Handy" medical visiting list. 2. ed. ltf3. Cardiff, 1877. Sibeth (C.) * De modo historias morborum recte consignandi et ad usum applicandi. sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., [1721]. .Stahl (G. E.) [Pr.] de casibus medicis prac- ticis. 4°. [Halw Magdeb., 1708.] Steinbach (A.) Leitfaden fiir die Geschiifts- uud Bnchfiihruug des praktischen Arztes, mit Anhaug, enthaltend: die den praktischen Arzt interessirenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, das Record* (Medical). Verfahren vor dem Aiiitsgerichte in Schuldklage- sachen, Tabelle zur Berechnung tier Besuche, Zinsberechnungstabelleu u. s. w. fol. Kassel, 1880. Repr. from: Steinbach's Formulare z. Gescbafts- u. Bnchfiihrung f. prakt. Aerzte. -----. Formulare zur Geschiifts- und Bueh- fiihrung des praktischen Arztes. III. Pultniappe uud Krankenbesuchs - Listen fiir praktische Aerzte und Medicinal-Beamte, nebst Beilagcn, enthaltend Krankenbeobacbtungs - Formulare,. fol. Leipzig, 1889. -----. The same. fol. Leipzig, [1890]. Stockwell (G. A.) The physician's perfect call-book and record. le°. Detroit, [1887], Taschen-Kalender fiir tlie Aerzte des Deut- schen Reiches. Hrsg. von Lorenz. v. 1 & 2. 1888-9. 1-2°. Berlin. Visiting (The) list or pocket dose book. 18°. Chicago, lr>79. Vraciiehnyi ejegodnik na 1888 g Izdauie re- daktsii "Russk. Metl.". [Physicians'aunuary for 1888.] 16°. St. Petersburg, 1888. Wahner (F.) The student's guide to medical case-taking. 12°. London, 1881. Warter (J. S.) Observation in medicine, or the art of case-taking, inclutling a special de- scription of the most common thoracic tliseases and abnormal states ofthe blood and mine. 8°. London, 1865. Wells (S.) Note-book for cases of ovarian and other abdominal tumours. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1868. What to observe at the bed-side and after death in medical cases. Published under the au- thority of the London Medical Society of Obser- vation. 8G. Philadelphia, 1853. -----. The same. 2. Am. from the 2. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1866. Williams (J.) A guide to medical case-taking in the wards of the hospital. 16°. Melbourne, 1885. Alcock (T.) An essay on the education antl duties of the general practitioner in medicine and surgery. Tr. Ass. Apoth., etc., Lond., 1823, i, 1-135. — Allcliin (W. H.) Case taking; the personal history. Med. Times et Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 629; 661; 701; 767; 798; 831. —Beale (L. S.) On a simple anil accurate method of recording phys- ical signs. Arch. Med., Lond., 1860-61, ii, 97, 2 pl.-----. On taking cases, and making post mortem examinations. Ibid., lt-61-2, iii, 47-65. — Bruce (W.) Medical book- keeping. Med. Press efe Circ, Lontl., 1889, n. s., xlviii, 149-151.—Burns (J. H.) Registration of the condition of health. Canada M. Kec, Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 1-3.— Castiglioni (F.) Su 1 modo di scrivere le storie delle malatie nei giornali scientific! Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3. s., i, 388. — Chambers (T. K.) On the registration of facts in pathology. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1854, xviii, 286-291. — Clark ( F. Le G.) On note-taking. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1H84, Lond., 1886, n. s., xiv, 1-5. -----. Some remarks on the cultiva- tion of the faculty of observation, in professional work. Ibid., 1887, Lond.,'1889, n. s., xvii, 171-185—Collins (G. L.) Candor in medical reports. Boston M. efe S. J., 1852, xlvi, 20-23.—Cowan (C.) Introductory observations to a proposed plan for the reports of infirmaries and dispen- saries. Tr. Prov. M. efe S. Ass., Lond., 1837-8, vi, 107-122. -----. Suggestions as to a form of register for hospitals, dispensaries, and private practice. Ibid., 1840-41, ix, 517— 531. — Finlayson (J.) Examination and reporting of medical cases. Inhis: Clin. Diagnosis, 8°. Phila., 1878, 53 67. — Cterrish (F. H.) A food method of recording cases. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1884, viii, pt. 2, 251- 255.—Gonzec. Quelques reflexions sur l'art d'interroger les malades et de tracer les observations. J. de naed., Brux., 1829, i, 213-222.—Henderson (S.) A table calcu- lated for nosological and meteorological observations in hospitals, as well as in private- prnctice. Med. efe Phys. J., Loud., 1799, i, opposite p. 462. — Hints on the mode of reporting cases. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1845, n. s., i, 412-415.— Howe (L.) The recording of cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1886, 336-349.—Hume (T.) Case taking; with an example. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1S83, xviii, 113- 115.— 1/nnil (E.) Suggestions for a ready method of re- cording surgical cases in hospital practice. Manchester ItKCOKDS. 1053 RECTUM. Recortls (Medical). M. & S. Rep., 1871, ii, 177-193, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— .Vlackinder (D.) An obstetrical register. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (18ti7), 1868, ix, 268-270. — 1TI a homed (F. A.) On medical life-histories. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, ii, 1295.— Medical statistics. [Blank form for . . .] Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. T., Elmira, 1855, 124.— Jfloore (C. H.) Suggestions for the registration of a few important facts relating to cancer. |Blauk for.J Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 574.—Ogle (W.) A simple mode of tabulating symp- toms in clinical records ; with a schedule for taking cases. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1872-4, Lond., 1875, vii, 251-256.— Paine (H. M.) Registration of prevailing acute diseases in connection with meteorological conditions of the atmos- phere. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1878, xiv, 425-446. Also, Keprint. — Pnruiele (tJ. L.) Concerning records. N. Eng. J. Dent,, Springfield. Mass., 1881, iii, 1-13. Also, Reprint,—Piukhain (J. C.) The' objects and methods of recording cases in gynacological practice. J. Gynaec. Soc. Bost., 1870, iii, 237-248. — Pulido (A.) Hojas ctini- cas del Dr. . . . Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1879, vii, [blank form, with no. 150]. — R. Plan qui pourroit servir de modele aux medecins et aux chirurgiens pour faire de bonnes observations. Rec. period, d'ohs. tie im§d., de chir. et pharm., Par., 1756, iv. 37-45.—Keport ofthe committee on case book. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. 1852, Louisville, 1853, ii, :r>-333.—Report of committee on forms for county re- ports. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1855, v, 52-58. —Re- porting (On the) of cases. [Edit.] Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 215. —Richard. Ordnung in tier Fiihrung nieines arztlichen Taeehuchs. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1821, ii, 55-S8. — Richardson (B. W.) A practical clinical note-book. Asclepiad, Loud., 1884, i, 35-38.— Roosevelt (J. W.) Hints on ease' taking. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1883, xxiii, 174-178. — Mnnd<-i-« (W. R.) Method of examining and recording metlical cases. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 429-438. Also, Reprint, — Mchidlovski (K. I.) O razrabotke prichin. anierti po metrichesk. dannym. [Method of expressing decimally the causes of death.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. g Kazarii, 1887, xi, 287; 293.— Schweich (H.) Ueber Krankbeitsgeschichteu. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1844, iii, 194-205. —Sheild (A. M.) Medical students and case-taking. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1886, ii, 127-135.—Simpson (A. R.) Method of case-taking in midwifery. Etlinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 680-686. — Smith (D. B.) " What to observe" on foreign service. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, iii, 25. — Smith (J. K.) The best form of report of diseases and wounds, regarded from a statistical standpoint. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, ii, 229-233. Also, Reprint.— [Speci- men page of "Tabulation of facts", with remarks on same, by M.] Virginia M. efe S. J., Richmond, 1855, iv, 378-381," 1 tab. — Veale (H.) Case-taking by notation. Brit. M. J.. Lontl.. 1879, i, 281-283.—Virchovv'(R) Zur Tagesgeschichte tier Krankheiten. Med. Reform, Berl, 1848-9, 263. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. off. Med., 8°, Berl., 1879, i, 596; 618.— Zeis ( E.) Ueber die Unzuverlassigkeit mancher, besonders alterer medicini- scher Beobachtungen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1841. xvii, 85-87. Records of facts in relation to the dismissal of the faculty of the Medical Department of the University of Louisville. Published by the former facultv. 23 pp. 8°. Louisville, Bradley 4- Gilbert, 1866. Records of Harvey; in extracts from the jour- nals of the Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew. Published by permission of the president and treasurer. With notes by James Paget, viii, 4:1 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1846. [P., v. 895.] Also fRepr.], in: St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xxii. Recoiirs (Pierre-Charles). * I. De l'op6"ration cesarienne. II. [etc.]. 30 pp. 4°. Parti, 1841, No. 243, v. 380. Recreation. See, also, Rest. Metropolitan Working Classes' Association for Improving the Public Health. [4. paper.] Exercise antl recreation. 8°. London, 1847. Hereford. Public holidays and public health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1877-8, Bost., 1880, iv, 116-122.— lTlaccall (W. X.) Health and recreation in childhood. Health Lett,, Loud., 1879-80, iii, 45-58. — Owen (S. H.) Work antl recreation in their relation to health. Ibid., 1878-9, ii, 57-75. Recruiting' and recruits. See Anthropometry; Armies (Recruiting of), etc.; and under Army, as: Army (Austrian, Med- ical reports, etc., of); Diseases (Feigned); Eye | (Examinations of). i Rectal speculums. See Speculums (Patents for). de Recther (G.). See Thirj (J.-H.) Des retrecissements du canal de l'urethre. 8°. Bruxelles, 1889. Rectocele. Cavelier de Cuve it ville (L.-H.-H.) *Du rectocele vagiuale. 4°. Paris, 1868. Coze (L.) *Du rectocele vaginal et tics ope- rations proposers pour sa cure ratlicale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1842. Schlesinger (J. A.) *De protocele vaginali. 8°. Lipsiw, [1846]. Blackmail (G. C.) Rectocele and tystocele. West- Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xviii, 510-512.—Carroll (T.) A case of vaginal rectocele and vaginal hernia. Ibid.. 1856. xvii, 321-326.—Considerations sur le rectocele vaninal et sur son traitement. Bull. gen. de thtfirap. etc. Par 1839, xvi, 25-33.—Forget (A.) Du rectocele vagiuale': quelques remarques sur ses causes, ses symptomes et son traitement. Union med.. Par., 1850, iv," 245-247.—Ilci- denreich. Proktoptosis diverticulosa. Metl. Cor.-Iil. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1847, viii, 493; 4!l7.—itlalgaigne (J.-F.) Observation de rectocele vaginal, mainteiiii reiluit par un pessaire special; avec des reflexions. Gaz. m6d. tie Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 220. -----. Memoire sur un prolapsus particulier du rectum dans le vagin et a travers la vulve, ou rectocele vaginal. M6m. Acad, de m6tl. Par.. IKS*, vii, 486-510. [Rap. de Villeneuve.] Bull. Acad.de metl.. Par., 1837-8, ii, 874-879. Also [Rap. tie Villeneuve]: (ia/, d, bop., Par., 1838, xii, 321.— Jlayo (W. W.) Case of recto- cele, with the various operations for its cure, antl their failure, when the radical operation for its entire removal was adopted, which leaves every prospect of complete suc- cess. Northwest. M. efe S. J.. St. Paul, 1871-2, ii, 19-27. Also: Tr. MinnesotaM. Soc, Minueap., 1872, 18-25.—Mel- chiori (G.) Del rettocele vagiuale. Ga/./.. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1848, 2. s., i, 271.—ITIolliere (D.) Note sur tin cas de rectocele vaginal. Lyou med., 1875, xix, 39- 47. Also, transl.: Osservatore med., Palermo, 1875, 3. s.. v, 193-202.—IVolc (L.) Rectocele vaginal; crises nerveu- ses violeutes: alienation mentale; suicide. J. d. conn roed.-chir., Par., 1845, xii, pt, 2, 14-18.— PlieniiiK<-r. Rectocele vaginalis. Ztschr. f. Wundar/.te u. Geburlsh.. Stuttg., 1852, v, 104-108.—Richardson (T. G.) Prolap- sus of the posterior wall of the vagina ; operation : cure-. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1861, xviii, 222.—Thiandicrc (P - D.) Considerations pratiques sur le rectocele vaginal. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1839, xvi, 180-183. Also: Bull. Soc. denied, de Poitiers, 1839, iii, 163-171.—Warner (E.) Rectocele. Boston M. & S. J., 1876, xcv. 100-103. Also: West. Lancet, San Fran., 1876-7, v, 492-496. Recton (Camille-Emile). * De l'ophthalinie bleu- norrhagique. 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 187>9, No, 496, 2. s., v. 27. Rectotomy. See Rectum (Stricture of). Rectum. See, also, Anus; Defecation; Levator ani; Pelvis. Herrmann (G.) * Snr la structure et le deve- loppement de la muqueu.se anale. 4°. Parti, 1880. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1880. Also, in: J. de l'anat. et physiol, etc., Par., 1880, xvi, 434-472, 2 pl. Jager (J. L.) * Ueber die Verbindung ties Mastdarmes mit der Hani blase oder die Kloakeu- biltlung beim Menschen. 8°. Miinchen, 1838. Konstantinovitsch (V.) * O raspredielenii arterii i vene v stieukach priamoi kishki. [Ar- teries aud veins of rectum.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. Also, transl. in: St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1872-3, n. F., iii, 529-547, 1 pl. Leshaft (P. F.) * Ob okonchanie prodoluych niyshenych volokou prjamoi kishki i o priba- vochuych slojach zadneprocliodno-predstatelnoi oblasti u cheloveka i nekotorych jivotnych. [Terminations of longitudinal muscular fibres in rectum and adjoining parts in man and some animals.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1867). Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1869, cv, pt. 2, 61-102. KKCTUM. 1054 RECTUM. Rectiiiii. O'Beirne (J.) New views of the process of defecation, and their application to the pathol- ogy and treatment of the diseases of the stom- ach, bowels, and other organs, together with an analytical correction of Sir C. Bell's views re- specting the nerves of the face. 8°. Dublin, 1833. Also [Kev.], in: Lond.. M. efe S. J., 1833, iii, 253-256. -----. The same. >?. Washington, 18111. See, also, infra, Salmon (F.). Otis (\V. J.) Aiiatoniische Uutersuchungen am nienschlichen Rectum und cine neue Methode der Mastdarininspection. 1. Theil. Die Saccnli des Rectum, fol. Leipzig, 1887. Peiper (E.) * Uebergitiig vou Arzneiniitteln aus dem Blute in tlie Galle nach Resorption von der Mastdarmschleinihaut aus. 8^. Greifswald, 1881. Also, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl, 1882, iv, 402-414. Salitsiieke (E.) *Topog. ocherk mujskoi pro- niejnosti. [Topographical description of male recto-vesical region.] 8°. St, Petersburg. 1887). Also, in: Voyenno-metl. J., St. Petersb., 1885, cliii, pt. 2, 53-244: cliv, 1-36, 1 pl. Sctireyer (H.) * Ueber tlie Resorption von Substanzen, welche durch Clysmata in this Rec- tum eingefiihrt werden, und ihre Bedeutung fiir die practische Medicin. 8°. Halle, [1870], BniirfH.) Ueber die Fallen des Mastdanns. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eckhard), Giessen. 1863. iii, 1-38. —Be- rand. Du mode de teiniinaison tics fibres longitudinals tin rectum. Compt. rentl. Soc. de biol. 1857. Par., 1858, 2. s., iv, 163-166.— Bernhardt (M.) Klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Innervation der Blase, ties Mastdartnes untl derGi'schlechtsfiinction (beim Manne). Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1888, xxv, 637-640.— Bodenhamer ( VV.) Theiec- tnin considered as a receptacle for the gradual at cumula- tion and retention of the excremental matter. Med. Rec, N. V.. 1884, xxvi, 309-312. -----. Observations on the nor- mal saccnli ofthe anal canal, both in health aud in disease, and also on the preternatural pouches of the same regiou, as described by Dr. Phvsick. I bid., 1888, xxxiii, 569-573.— C'hiidwicli (J. R.) The functions of tbe anal sphincters, to called, anil tlie act of defecation. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc.. 1*77, Host , 1878, ii, 43-56, 2 pl. Also, Reprint—Cliiari I H.i Leber die aualen Divei ti kelder Rectiimsschleiiiihaut untl ihre Beziehung zu den Analfisteln. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1878, 419-427, 1 pl.—Clark (F. le G.) Some re- marks on the anatomy and physiology of the urinary blad- der, and ot the sphincters of the rectum. J. Anat. efe Phys- iol, Lontl., 188.'-:!. xvii, 442--459.—Colby (M. F.) Observa- tions on tbe pelvic viscera. Metl. Chron., Montreal, 1857-8, v. 294-298. —Tttelens [et al.]. Rectum. Diet, encycl. d. sc. ni6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., ii, 663-769.—TDubrneil (A.) efe Bieliard (P.) Veines du rectum; physiologie patholo- gi<]iie ties heiiiorrhoides. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1868, i, 233-235.—Dn ret (H.) "Note snr la disposi- tion ties veines du rectum et del'anus, et sur quelques ana- stomoses peu counties du svst&me porte. Bull. Soc. anat. de I'ar., 1877, Iii, 168-176. Also: Progtes med.. Par., 1877, v, 304-307.—Eagan (S.) Some practical observations on rectal digestion and absorption. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louis- ville, 1877. vi, 125-128.—Eastman (J.) A few thoughts on the anatomy, surgery, and hygiene of the rectum. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1883, xxxiii, 155-167. Also: Am. Pract, Louisville, 1883, xxviii, 9-19.— Kelilei»en. Ueber die Verschiebutig tier Harnblase bei der Tampon- natle des Rectum. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f Chir., Berl, 1885, xiv, pt. 2, 42-51, 4 pl—Fellner (L.) Ueber die Innervation des Rectum. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1882, xx, 385-387. -----. Die P.ewe- gungs- und Hemmungsnerven ties Rectums. Med. Jahrb. Wien, 1883. 571-594, 4 diag. Also [Abstr. |: Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv, 240. —CJo««elin (L.) efe Dnbar (L.) Rectum. X. diet, de med. et chir. prat.. Par.. 1881, xxx, 507-604. — Herrmann (G.) & DewfosNtes (L.) Sur la muqueuse de la .region cloaca le du rectum. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 1301. — Houston (J.) Obser- vations ou the mucous membrane of the rectum. Dub- lin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 158-165, 1 pl. -----. Observations ou the form of the rectum. Dublin J. M. efe Chem. Sc. 1833, iii. 371-381. [See, also, infra, O'Beirne (J.)]—Kel- »ey (C. B.) The so-called third sphincter of the tectum. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii. 336-346.— I„aimer 2. (if,-69. — Byi-tl ( W. A.) Verneuil's modification of Ainussat's operation for the relief of imperforate rectum. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1S82, xlvii, 649.—Byrne (J. A.) Congenital malformation of the rectum. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 203-206.—Cabot. Imperforate rectum. Boston M. Im II (W. M.) Imperforate rectum; operation. Liverpool M.- Chir. J.. 1885, v, 27. — Can ton a ((i.) Un caso tt iinper- forazione dell' ano con mancanza del retto e del colon. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1889, xi, 237.—Carroll (A. L.) Congenital absence of rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1X79, xvi, 561-563. — [Cnwes.J Un enfant qui avoit tou.jours rendu les exor6mens par la verge. [From: M6m. Acad. roy. tl. sc., 1752.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc., Par., 17X6, xi, 383. — Iinperforations du rectum. J. hebd. tie ni£tl., Par., 1829, ii, 421-423. — Occlusion du rectum, oc- casioning' jiar uue membrane faisant cloisou, ftdeux ponces tie l'anus. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acatl. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1833, ix, 111-113.—Oe l'etat de la therapeutique concernant les vices de conformation cong6nitaux ; iinper- forations de l'anus et du rectum. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc, Par.. 1855, xlix, 11; 105. — Medf.,dt Imperforatio ani metl Vaginalcloak, bebandlet veil Operation. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., I860, iii, 65-67.—Cases of imperforate rectum aiitl anus. Tr. X. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877, ii, 178- 189.—Congenital absence of rectuin. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hos]i. Rep. 1886, Lond., 1887, 17.—Chairon. Obli- teration congeniale complete a l'linioii du rectum avec IS iliaque. Bull. Sue. de chir. de Par. (1862). 1863, 2. s., iii, 165, 168; 175. — Chamberlaine ( W.) Case of imper- forate rectum and obstruction iu the ueck ofthe bladder. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1799, v, 206-209. — Chapel. Vice de conformation de l'extrtSmittS inferieure tlu canal digestif chez un enfant nottveau-n6. Ann. de la nied. physiol., Par., 1825, viii, 428-430.—Charon efc De St.-Moulin. Absence complete de rectum et d'S iliaque avec conserva- tion de l'anus; autopsie. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, dc Brux., 1873-4, X5-8X. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1873-4, xxvi, 90.__Cheveri* (Ni IeYmai ks ou the operation for the relief of congenital iinpe-rlbratiou of the rectum. In- dian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1853-4, i, 296-310. — Clntloit (H. H.) Three cases of imperforate rectum. St. I'htuuas s Hosp. Rep., Lontl, 1876, u. s. vii, 293-301 — (olson (A.) Memoire sur quelques cas d'iiiiperforation congenitale du rectum, l'anus etaut bien conforme. J- hebd. tie med., Par., 1830, viii, 150-163. — Corley (A. 11.) Imperforate rectum. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874. lviii. 390 ■-392. — Corwe. Imperforate rectum. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxvii, 375-377. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, n. s., iii, 251-253. — Coining ( B. E.) Imperforate I'K( TUM. 1056 KKCTU.M. Rectum (Abnormities of). rectum; laceration of the intestine. Am. J.M. Sc., Pbila., 1851. n. s., xxi, 336.—Conper (J.) Congenital absence of the tectum; operation; death. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1X09-70, xxi, 192.—Craig (W.) Case of malformation in a male child, in which the rectum ended in the membran- ous portion of the urethra, and the faeces were passed through the penis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1883-4, n. s.. iii, 69-77, 1 pl. Also: Edinb. M. J.. 1883-4, xxix, 800- 805, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: J. Anat. efc Physiol, Lond., 1883-4, xviii, 341-343. 1 pl—Cramer. Mangel ties Anus und Ueberfluss an Fingern uud Zebeu. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1834, iii, 809-812.—Crick (S. A.) A case of congenital malformation of rectum. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1881, Lond., 1883, xxiii, 350.—Cripps (W. H.) Imperforated rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 112. -----. Imperforate rectum and anus in infants. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1882, xviii, 65-95.—Crisp (E.) Imperforate tectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873-4, xxv, 114-116.—Croft. Malformation of the uterus and rectum. Ibid., 1867-8, xix, 291-295.—Crow (M. S.) A caseof con- genital malformation of the anus and rectum. Texas Cour.- Rec Med., Dallas, 1XX7-X, v. 319— Curling (T. B.) In- quiry into the treatmentof congenital imperfections ofthe rectum by operation, founded on an analysis of 1(0 cases. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1860, lxiii, 271-322! Also, Reprint. Also [Ahstr.j: Proc. Row M. efc Chir. Soe-. Lond. (1858-61), 1861, iii,277-283. -----. Congenital strittureof the rectum; treatment by incisions and hy dilatation. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 386.—Davel (F.) Operacion de alio artificial por ausenciadel recto. An. d. Circ med. Argent:, Buenos Aires, 1883-4. vii, 770.—Dayman (H.) Case of imperfoiate anus, with absence ofthe rectum. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1X53, 670.—Debont. Imperforation de l'anus ct du rectum. In his: De l'etat de la therap., etc., 8°, Par.. 1858, 1-21.—De JUalhcis (G.) Diuncasodi atresia anale accompagnata di quasi totale maneanza del retto. Indipendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv, 110.—Dcnonvilliers. L'abseiice d'une partie du rectum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1848-50), 1851, i, 749.—Depaul. [Imperforation du rectum; absence d'anus.] Bull. .Soc. anat. de Par., 1840-41, xv, 77. -----. Absence de l'orifice anal avec persistance tin sphincter et obliteration du rectum. Ibid., 1851, xxvi, 149. -----. Impel foration du rectum avec existence nor- male de l'anus. Ibid., 149.-----. Obliteration du rectum; ponction avec le bistouri: resiiltats. Ibid. (1862), 1863. 2. s., iii, 191-193. -----. Obliteration congenitale de la por- tion inferieure du rectum chez un enfant ag6 de 2 jours; anus artificiel; autopsie. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1879, xlvi, 101.—Dewez (D. C.) Case of imperforate rectum. Buffalo M. J., 1853-4, ix, 214.—Dey (G.C.) Congenital malformation. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 10.— Dielerlin. Malformation du rectum. France metl, Par.. 1881 xxviii. 779-782. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881). ixsj. v, 128-132.—Dimoek (S.) A case of congeni- tal anal occlusion of an unusual kind. Lond. M. Hec, 1875, iii, 350. — Dodgson (H.) Case of imperforate anus, in which the rectum opened into, and discharged its contents through,the urethra, in the male. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1868, ii, 656.—Dndon. Atresie ano-rectale; emploi de Inspira- tion de Dieulafoy pour la recherche de lampoule rectale. Arch, de med. haw, Par., 1876, xxv, 335.—Duffy (F.) Congenital occlusion of the rectum. Tr. M. Soc.. N. Car., Wilmington, 1884, xxxi, 106-113. Also. North Car. M.J., Wilmington, 1884, xiv, 78-113. — Du ret. Sur un cas d'abouchement anormal du rectum dans l'urethre; opera- tion d'Amussat; guerisou. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc- verb., etc, 1885, Par., 1886. i, 628-631. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. tie chir., Par., 1885, v, 425. — Eichmanii. Angeborne hochgradige Aftersperre, resp. Mangel des Afters, nebst einigen anatomischen uud physiologischen Schlussbemer- knngen. Ztschr. f. Metl, Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1855, ix, 141-153.—Klin. Malformation of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 205.—Epley (F. W.) Con- genital absence ofthe anus and rectum. North u est. Lan- cet, St. Paul, 1890, x. 53-55.—Epstein (A.) efc Noyka (I.) Zur Casuistik der Darni-Impermeabilitat bei Neugeborenen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 469; 483.—Erich-sen. Congenital absence of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 118. -----. Complete absence of the rectum, with a per- fectlv formed anus; Amussat's operation: death from peri- tonitis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1867, i, 28— Faucon. Note sur un cas d'imperforation ano-rectale. Bull. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lille (1886), 1887, i, 105-111.—Fischer, t Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1861, xxxvi, 10. -----. [Imperforation de l'anus ; gastroeuterotomie.] Ibid., 38— Font-Beaulx. Note sur un cas de vice tie conformation; ouverture du rectum a la partie post6rieure de la vulve, entre l'hymen et la fourchette; absence de v6sicule hiliaire; hernie ombili- cale etrangiee. Ibid., 1864, xxxix. 100-104. —Ford (E.) Case of an imperforate rectum. Med. Facts efc Obs . Lemd., 1791, i, 102-105.—Forget (A.) Vice de conformation de l'anus et du rectum ; observation d'absence complete de cet intestin; description anatomo-pathologique; inductions pratiques. Union ni6d.. Par., 1850, iv, 422. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1848-51), 1851, i, 752-754.-----. Anus imperfore et absence du rectum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1863), 1864, 2. s., iv, 1-9.—Fortenl (H.-M.) Vice I Rectum (Abnormities of). de conformation du rectum ; communication de cette organe avec lavessie.au moyen d'un anus anormal ties ttioit. Union med., Par.. I860, 2. s., vi, 200-202.—Foueart. Im- perforation del anus; absence du bout inferieur du rectum; ope; at ion. Rec. tl. proc.-verb. . . . Soc. denied, prat., Par., 1857, 6; 12; 21.—Fourrade. Cas d'imperforation tlu rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1830, v, 71-77. Also: Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, iv, 52-58. —Fox ("W. T.) Imperforate rectum ; attempt at relief bv opera- tion ; death. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1X62), 1863. iv, 195-197.- Friedberg. Ueber Proctoplastik, bei angeboiem m Verschluss des Anus. .Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl, 1868, 201. —Fry (H. D.) Fistulous communications between the intestines and the female genital canal. Am. .T. M. Sc, Phila., 1885, n. s., Ixxxix, 388-395.— Gaillard. Imperforation de lanits; absence de l'e\tr6mite inferieure du rectum; anus artificiel dans la r6gion periueale. France med.. Par., 1867, xiv, 3; 26; 33.—Galligani (G.) Ano anormale congenito. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1870, xxvi, 21 ; .125.—Gnsquct. Vice de conformation du reel um chez un enfant tie naissance; creation d'un anus a la region perinCale; guerison. Union med., Par.. 1860, 2. s., vi, 521-523.—Gay (G. II.) Imper- forate anus antl absenceof rectum. Uostou M. efc S. J.. 1857- 8, Ivii, 397; 415. —George (J.) < 'use of congenital closure of the rectum, in which the infant lived five weeks. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1X49. n. s., ix, 2X0.— Gillette. Imperforation ano-rectale; atresie complete; enterotomie perin6ale avec resection du coccyx : proctoplastie; guerison sans inconti- nence des matieres f'6cales et sans retrecissement consecu- tif. Union m6d., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiii, 689; 7(10.—CJiri (G.) Sopra un casodi ano retto vulvare; operazione sc- guita da guarigione. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1887, iv, 202- 212.—Girouard pere. Observation sur une imperfora- tion de rextremite inferieure du rectum. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 455.— Godard. Trois observations d'atresie du rectum. Gaz. med. de Par., 1855, 3. s., x, 699. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1855, Par., 1856, 2. s., ii, 97-102. -----. Note sur deux pieces anatomiques relatives a deux cas d'imperforation du rectum. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, 21-30— Gooplo (A.) Case of complete absence of both rectum and anus. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1867, ii, 246. —Gordon (G. A. S.) Imperforate rectum; operation; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 177.—de Gorostiza (J. M.) Caso de obli- teracion del recto en una criatuia recien nacida. Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 556.—Goschler. Seltener Fall einer Atresia ani. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1855, xlvii. 134-136.—Gosse (W.) Congenital absence of anus; operation. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vi, 17.— Goyrand (G.) Note sur un cas d'imperforation congeni- tale de l'anus et absence d'une partie du rectum; anus artificiel pratique au devant de la fosse iliaque gauche; vues nouvelles sur le prolapsus de I'intestin dans ce cas; reduction et contention faciles du prolapsus: obturation de l'anus iliaque par un appareil approprie. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 34-38. -----. Etudes pratiques sur l'atresie etles malformations de l'auus et du rectum ct sur les operations par lesqnelles on peut reinedier a ces vices de conformation. Ibid., 509; 524; 538; 601; 639. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1856, xxvii. 333- 369.—Griffith (G. deG.) On some cases of imperforated or deficient bowel. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1878, n. s., xxv, 383. — Grimaud aine. Note sur une imperfora- tion de l'anus. N. Jour, de nied.. chir., pbarm., etc., Par., 1X20, ix, 50-52.—Grimes (J.) Case ot imperforate rec- tum. Liverpool efc Manchester M. efc S. Rep., 1875, iii, 95- 97.—Guersant. Absence de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du rectum et tie l'anus, avec fistule recto-ui-ethrale. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1860, xxxv, 98.—Guillon. Anus vul- vaire congenial avec diverses complications: operation; guerison. Gaz. metl. tie Par., 1S47, 3. s., ii, 992.—Haas. Atresia recti; iiberzahliger Daunien an der rechten Hand. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1851, 312- 314.—Hadra. Demonstration zweier Fiille von Atresia ani vulvalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1x85, xxii. 340. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1884-5), 1886, xvi, 125- 127.—llargrave (W.) Absence ofthe anus, with mal- formation of the rectum, which communicated with the vagina, successfully treated by M. Amussat's operation. Dublin M. Press. 1X54, xxxii, 401-403.—IIarl*liorii (W. T.) Case of malformation of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 419. — Hashimoto ( T. ) [On congenital mal- formations of anus and rectum.] Tokei Zasshi, Osaca, Nov. 25, 1879. Also, transl: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl. 1885, xxxii, 54-57.—Hayward (G.) History of a case of malformation, successfully treated by an operation. Vir- ginia M. efc S. J., Richmond, 1853, i, 268-270.— Healy. A case of congenital malformation of the rectum. Dublin M. Press, 1864. li, 217. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1864, xxxvii, 473. — Heath (C.) Three cases of imperforate rectum, treated bv operation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1870, iii, 113-118— Hclmuth (W. T.) A successful operation for imperforate rectum. In his: A Dozen Cases Clin. Surg.. X', Albany, 1876, 31-34, 1 ph —Hcrbet. Obstruc- tion du rectum par une cloison meuibraneuse: opera- tion; mort. Soc. m6d. d'Amiens. Bull. (1861), 1X62. i. KECTl/M. 1057 RECTUM. Rectuin (Abnormities of). 52-57. -----. Observations d'imperforation du rectum. Ibid. (1863), 1864, iii, 30-35. — Ilerrgott. Imperfora- tion de l'anus, communication du rectum avec le vagin. Gaz. ni6d. de Strasb., 1866, xxvi, 81-84.—Hersent. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843^1, xviii, 40.—Hcrsing. Atresia ani carnosa cum defectu intestini recti, coli et coeci. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1845, xiv, 89. — Hildebrandt. Ange- borene Atresia ani und Divertikel des Rectum. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887-8, xxvii, 371-374.— Hodges (Ii.) On an instance of congenital deficiency of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 401. — Hoffmann efc Golliez. Anus ouvert dans le vagin; operation selon le procede de M. Malgaigne. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1851, x, 370-372.— Horrocks (P.) Two cases of imperforate rectum. Tr. Obst, Soc, Lond. (1885), 1886, xxvii, 135-137. — Howard (E. W.) Congenital absence of rectum ; discharge of faces per urethra; autopsy. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1876, i, 173.—Howship (J.) Case of impeiforate rectum, and consequent enlargement of the intestine. N. Metl. efc Phys. J., Lond., 1810-11, i, 35-38, 1 pl. — Hulke (J. W.) Rectum with an acquired stricture and a large congenital diverticulum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl, 1872-3, xxiv, 87. — Hutchinson (J.) Specimen of imperforate rectum. Ibid., 1854-5, vi, 201. —Jackson (W.) Imperforate rec- tum. Ohio M. efc S. J., Columbus, 1852-3, v, 379.—Jacobs (H.) Impervious rectum; successful operation. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855,485.—Jakubovitch (V) Kdiagnost. i terap. vrojden. atrezii ani et recti u novoiqjdeunich. Ejeued. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1885, v, 571; 590; 621. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1885-6, vii, 401- 417. — Jainieson (A.) Imperforate rectum; death. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1877, xiv, 47.—Jean nel. Essai sur la pathog6nie des malforma- tions de l'anus et du rectum. Rev. de chir., Par., 1887, vii, 190; 203.—Jod in. Imperforation du rectum; anomalies du systeme arteriel. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1831, iii, 413-418.—Johnson (J. G.) A case of im- perforate anus. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1864-5, iv, 522. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Kings 1X58-64, Buffalo, 1865, i, 385.— JoIiiimoii (J. M.) A singular case of malformation. Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1867-8, viii, 195.—Jolliet. Observa- tion sur une imperforation du rectum qui, chez un nou- veau-ne, se terminait en cul-de-sac. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxiv, 299-303. — Jones ( A.) Case of imperforate rectum. Buffalo M. J., 1858-9, xiv, 441.—Jones (G, S.) Imperforate rectum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1X57-8, Ivii, 293-295. — Kiistner. Verschluss des Masttlarms bei einem neugebornen Kinde; Perforation der hautigen Mem bran: Heilung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1870, xxii, 100 — Kjellberg (A.) Om contractura ani hos barn. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1876, viii, no. 26, 1-26. Also, Reprint.—Knaggs (R. H. E.) Imper- forate rectum; cure. Lancet, Lond , 1884, ii, 775.—Knapp (M. L.) Case of malformation of the rectum and anus. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864-5, xii, 395. —Ii och (L.) Atresia ani vesicalis. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl, 1837, xxvi, 608-610. — Kolziiiann (J.) Beitrag zur Ka- suistik der- Atresia ani et defectus recti. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 556; 581.—Krcsmery (J.) Atre- siaani; Eiumiindung des Rectum in die Urethra. Wien. med. Wrchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 382.—£.a Ferte (D.) Ab- sence of anus and rectum. Detroit Laucet, 1879, ii, 101- 104.— Lannclongne. Note sur les cloisons congenitales du rectum; indications chirurgicales qui peuvent en etre lacon86queiice. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 200-208. [DiscussionJ, 208-211.—Largcan. Ab- sence complete du rectum traitee par la colotoraie iliaque. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1886, i, uo. 1, 13-15, 1 pl—"Lee (H.) Case of imperfect development of the circular muscular fibres of the rectum aud vagina. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1874, Ivii, 1-4. — *Leisrink. Atresia ani; Fehlen des Rectum; Operation nach tier Methode von Stromeyer. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i, 494-596.—fcee- niaistre. Absence de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du rectum, avec impeiforation de l'anus; operation; gu6iison apr&s huit mois de traitement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 54. Also: Bull. Soc. dem6d. et pharm. dela Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1868, 308-313. — I>cotaud. Observation d'une obliteration congeniale du rectum chez un enfant du scxe feminin; operation inutile; mort au 4" jour de sa nais- sance. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1839, xiv, 84-92.—"Lever (J. C. W.) [Rectum terminating in vagina.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1848, 2. s., vi, 224-226.—Feindsay (J.) Case of obstruction of the bowels, with successful operation for the formation of a new anus. Lancet, Lond., 1835—6, i, 561-565.— ILoewenhard. Fall einer Mutterscheidenaf- ter-Verschliessung (Ani atresia vaginalis Pappendorpii) durch die Operation geheilt, J. tl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl, 182X, xii, 110-119.—liOi-d. Caseof imperforate anus; feces passed through the urethra. Cincin. M. Report., 1869, ii, 101-103.— McAllister (W. F.) Imperforate anus with a recto-vaginal communication. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1867-8, i, 247— lTIacGilli vrny (P. H.) On a case of im- perforated anus and partial deficiency of rectum. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866, ii, 356.—JMacleod (N.) Case of imperforate rectum, with a suggestion for a new method of treatment, Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 657.—lTlac- Rectum (Abnormities of). ?™T™A,ey . Imparziale, Firenze, 1871, xi, 229-236. —Dean. Cancer of the rectuin. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1883, xiv, 137-139.—I»e Econ (M. H.) Case of scirrhus contracted rectum; connected wilh scirrhous ofthe uterus and pregnancy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1828, ii, 330-335—Ocinarqiiay. [Cancer tie la partie anterieure du rectum enlevti.J Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 500. -----. Cancer du rectum. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 558. -----. Ablation d'un cancer du rectum. Ibid., 1862, xxxv, 473. -----. Sur le cancer du rectum. Union nied., Par., 1862, 2. s., xiv, 116-122 — Denime (T. A.) Case of cancer of the rectum, with the post mortem appearances. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1858-9. n. s., i, 303-305.—Denon villiei-w. Cancer squir- rhetixdu rectum. Bull. Soc. auat. tit: Par., 1842, xvii, 15.— DcM^i-angrs. Observation sur un cancer ulc6r6 duns le rectuin. avec retrecissement de sa cavite, suivie de re- marques sur les engorgemens squirrheux de cet intestin, et son obturation. Ann. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Montpel.. 1807, ix, 145; 330.— Digital (P.) Cancer du rectum; forma- tion d'une fistule entre la cavite dn rectum et la cavite p6iitou6ale; peritonite; autopsie; noyaux probablement canc6reux dans les poumous. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1883. iv, 137-140. Also: J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii. 315. — Diimciiil (L.) Cancer du rectuin et anus arti licit 1 iliaque Normantliem6d., Rouen, 1887, iii, 193-198. — Diiiii ville. Carcinoma of rectum; small, hard tumors ol uterus : obliterated oviducts. Loud. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., iv, 209. —Ed wards (F. S.) A case of inguinal colotomy for advanced malignant disease of the rectum. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1888-9, i, 170—von Eiscustein. Ein Fall von Coprostasis, bedingt dun h Carcinoma recti. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1868, xiii. 70.— Fnglisch. Carcinoma recti; Exstirpation tle-sse-lln-n ; Heilung. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 330. -----. Carcinom des Rectum mit consecutiver Stenose desselben: Tod. Ibid., 331.— Fallot. Cancer du rectum; autopsie. Ann. de metl. beige, Brux., 1837, i, 7-9.—Fauvel. Observation dob- struction intestinale attribu6e k un etranglement interne; anus artificiel; autopsie; cancer du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1858, xxxiii, 181-188.—Fere (C.) Cancer du rectum; generalisation aux ganglions ni6sent6riques; au foie; au p6ricarde. Ibid., 1881, lvi, 418. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1882, x, 70.—Ferguson. Carcinomatous stricture of the rectum with great distension of the gut. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 307.—Fcrra (E.) Carcinoma del retto^ Beaoc. san. d. Osp. civ. di Trieste (1875-7), 1877, iii, 189. — Ferri (L.) Dellacuradel cancro del retto; retto- tomia lineare; colotomia lombare; estirpazione del retto. Arch. med. ital, Torino, 1883, ii, 753-775.—Ferro. Cas de cancer epithelial au rectum. Gaz. m6tl. d'Orient. Con- stantinople. 1803-4, vii, 45-47. [Rap. de Mulig], 59. [Dis- cussion], 72.—Flanicut. Epithelioma anal propage au rectum; fistule recto-vagiuai re: ablation. Bull. Soe. anat.- cliu. de Lille, 1887, ii, 168-170— Fletcher. Carcinoma of the rectum. Prov. M. efe S. J., Lontl.. 18)6, 185 —Former (J. C.) Cancer of the rectum, a portion of wliie-h was re- moved by the galvanic 6craseur. Guy's Hosp. Ucp.. Lontl., 1872. 3. s., xvii, 269.— Friasel (J.) Four cases of cancer ofthe rectum. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.. Wheeling, 1875, 90- 99. — Gartiiei'. Carcinoma recti; Exstirpation eines 2" 1. Stocks; Ijcsse-rung. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1870,xl, 13. —Gallozzi. Epitelioma retto- anale in una donna. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1878, xx, 213-216.— Gamgee (S.) Ligature of the common carotid arter\ for aneurism: death fromcancerof therectum. Lancet, Loud., 1871, i, 741.—Gaston (J. McP\) Two cases of mucous papilloma with carcinomatous degeneration in the ret turn. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1888-9, n. s., v, 17-24.—Gay (.1.) Can- cerous stricture of tho rectum successfully removed. [Abstr.] Proc. Hoy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond. (1875-80), 1g8ti, viii, 424-427.—Gcissel (R.) Carcinoma recti. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1877, iii, 538.—Gerhard (A. S.) Epithelial cancer of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1874-5), 1876, v, 59-62.—Gerster (A. G.) Four specimens of can- cer of the rectum. [Abstr.] Phila. M. Times, 1884-5, xv, 778. Also: Med. Bee-., N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 77. Also: N. York M. J., 1885, xii. 587. -----. Adeno-carcinoma of the rectum. N. York M. J.. 1885, xii, 255. -----. Cancer of the rectum ; removal of the coccyx and part of the sacrum for extirpation of the growth, 'ibid.. 1889, 1, 613.—Grr- siniy (K.) Ein dauerntl geheilter Fallvon Carcinoma it-cti. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 710-712. — Gibbea (H. > Columnar epithelioma of the rectum; operation; complete recovery. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1889, i, 232 — Gilinan (J. H.) Complete obstruction of the rectum by cancer relieved. Boston M. tfe S. J., 1881, civ, 276.—Gi- randy. De pblogose cauc6reuse avec obliteration du rectum,suiviede volvulus. Rev. m6d. frang. et6trang..Par., 1828, ii, 30-39 —Girdlestone. Malignant growth in the rectum; colotomy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n. s., RECTUM. 1061 RECTO M. Rectum (Cancer of). vi, 265. Goiiflinel. Observations et m6moire sur des eiigorgtinens squirrheux daus I'intestin rectum, et lea phe- nomenes varies qu'ils produisent. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel, 1800, vii, 337-350.—Gosselin. Fistules de la marge de l'anus consecutives k uu epithelioma intra-rectal bosseie, circulaire, dont le doigt peut atteindre la limite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1, 42. -----. Epithelioma rectal. Ibid., 1879, Iii, 92).—Gross (S. D.) Epithelioma of the rectum. Pbila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 392.—Guinaud. Occlusion intestiuale produite par un cancer de la partie superieure du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1878, Iiii, 210-212. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1878, vi, 519.—Ham- illon. Cancer of the rectum and liver. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 212-214.—Hardaway (G. S.) Cancer of the recto-vesical septum; autopsy. Nashville ,J. M. efe S., 1857, xiii, 40-42.—von llaull. Fall von Mastdarmkrebs. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., I860, xxx, 203.—Hauser(F.) Krebsdes Mastdarms uud der Scheide. Oesterr. med. Wchuschr., Wien, 1844, 57-62. — Htijd (H.) Scirrhous cancer of rectum iu a boy 18 years of age. Buf- falo M. efe S. J., 1882-3, xxii, 497-499.—Herman (G. E.) Carcinoma, beginning in upper part of rectum, forming a retro-uterine tumour, and giving rise to suppuration in the buttock. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878-9, vi. 11-14.— Ileuck (G.) Zur Statistik und operativen Behandlung der Mastdarmkrebsc. Aus tier Klinik des Prof. Czerny. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1883, xii pt. 2, 172-214. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1883, xxix, 536-578. — Heyfelilcr (F.) & Hcyfclder (O ) Carci- noma recti; exstirpatio. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 506.—Heyfelder (J. F.) Exstirpation des Mastdarm- krebses. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858 iv, 881-884.—Hildebrand (O.) Zur Statistik der Kecttim- carciuome. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887-8, xxvii, 329-370.—Hill (B.) Malignant disease, probably epithelioma, of the rectum; colotomy; much relieved. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 783.—Hill (G. N.) Case of scirrhus of the rectum. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1814, x, 299- 311.—Hinsdale (G.) Carcinoma of the rectum; colot- omy. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 53. -----. Carcinoma ofthe rectum ; secondary carcinoma of the liver. Ibid., 54-57.—Hitchcock (A.) Carcinomatous tumor of the rectum. Boston M. efe S. J.. 1840, xxii, 375-377.— Hochencgg (J.) Die sacrale Methode der Exstirpation von Mastdarmkrehsen nach Prof. Kraske. Wien. klin. Wchuschr., 1888, i, 254; 272; 290; 309; 324; 348. Also: Arb. u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin, zu Wien (1888), 1889, 13-61. Also |Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Berl., 1889, vii, 31-33. Also [Abstr.J: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 136.—Homans (CD.) Extensive can- ter of the rectum. Boston M. efe S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 503.— Hooker (A.) Scirrhusof the rectum. Ibid., 1861, lxiv, 549.—Hopgood. Scirrhus of rectum ; colotomy: recov- ery. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 500—Housekeeper (F. P.) Successful operation for epithelial cancer of the rectum. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 297.—Howe (J. W.) Can- cer of the rectum. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881. 2 s., i. 64. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1881, xix, 274— Hulke (J. W.) A case of cancer of the rectum. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 407.—Humbert. Cancer du rectum. Praticieu, Par., 1884, vii, 15-18.—Hiism (M.) Carcinoma intestiui recti. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1844, vi, 398-401.— Hutchinson (J. C.) Cancer and stricture of rectum. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877, ii, 150-152.— Isaacs. Cancerous stricture of the rectum. N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 72. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Kings 1858-64, Buffalo, 1865, i, 55.—Israel (J.) Carcinom an der Grenze des Rectums und der Flexura sigmoidea; Tod. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1876-7, xx, 39.—Ivanoflf (N. N.) Colotomia iliaca po Schinzinger-Madelung'tt, kak predvar. operat. pri udaleu. novoobraz. recti. [. . . as pre- liminary operation in malignant tumor of rectum; cases.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1887, v, 106-114.— Jackson. Cancer of the rectum and liver; disease of the kidney. Boston M. efe S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 343.— J ah sell.' Carcinoma recti c. strictura. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1862, lxxiii, 102.—Jallaud (W. H.) Three cases of malignant disease of tbe rectum in which colotomy was performed. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1888, vii, 194.—Jardet. Epithelioma cylindrique tlu rectuin et du foie; purpura; examen microscopiquetiel'eruption. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 463-465. Also: Progres raed., Par., 1884, xii, 456.—Jean (A.) Carcinome du rec- tum generalise aux principaux visceres; calcul renal d'a- cide urique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875,1, 140.—Jessop (T. R.) On the treatment of cancer of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 405-409. [Discussion], 803-808. Also: Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1889, n. s., xlviii, 197-200.— Jones (R.) Removal of carcinoma of rectum. Liveipool M.-Chir. J., 1889, ix, 455.—Jordan (F.) On a case of ex- cision of cancer of the anus and rectum, and on the acces- sibility of the female rectum for operative purposes. Brit. M. eJ., Lond., 1876, i, 748. Also, in his: Surg. Enq., 2. ed., 8° Lontl, [1881], 251-253. -----. On ring-like cancer of the rectum simulating hypertrophy of the sphincter ani. Brit. M. .!., Lond., 1876, i, 779.—Kelsey (C. B.) The surgical treatmeut of cancer of the rectum. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., | Rectum (Cancer of). 1880, n. s., lxxx, 377-384. Also, Reprint. -----. The diag- nosis of cancer of ihe rectuin. N. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 401-418. A Iso, Reprint. -----. Cancel of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii, 044 —Kcppler. Ueher Mast- darmkrebs. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiii, 142-144.—Iiie- iiinnn. Carcinoma exulceratum recti; tuberculosis chro- nica pulmonum; Tod. Ber. d.k.k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 348.-----. Carcinoma medal- lare recti; carcinoma sec uudarium vesica-urinaria" perito- nitis; Tod. Ibid. (1880), 1881, 310.—Kiriiiissou. Lecau- cer du rectum. Union m6d., Par., 1888, 3. s., xlvi, 817-821. -----. Un nouveau cas de cancer du rectum; colotomie lombaire et colotomie iliaque. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 631.-----. Cancer du rectum; de 1'intervention chirurgi- cale. Ibid., 1889, lxii. 25-27.— Knie (A.) Colotomia ili- aca wegen Mastdarmkrebs. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 319-321. — Koch ( C. F. A.) Carcinoma recti. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. R., xxii, 107-116. — Konig. Ueber die Prognose der Carcinome nach chirurgischen Eingriffen, mit besonderer Beiiick- sichtigung des Carcinoma recti. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1888, xvii, pt. 2, 25-36. [Discus- sion], pt. 1, 4-11. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1888, xxxvii, 461-472.—Kruske (P.) Zur Exstirpation hoch- sitzender Mastdarmkrebsc. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir., Berl., 1885, xiv, pt, 2, 464-474.—Kiisier (E.) Carcinoma recti. In his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 161.—Kumar (A.) Epithelium des Mastdarmes. Wien. med. Bl., 1887, x, 592. — liagrange. Traitement dn cancer du rectum. Gaz. hebd. tl. -sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 334-336 Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 74.—Ijassalle. Dela colotomie iliaque dans le cancer dn rectum. Montpel. med., 1887. 2. s., viii, 425-439.—Rawson (G.) Carcinoma of the rectum in young adults; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 13.—L«e Bee. Cancer du rectum; rectotomie lineaire; colotomie iliaque; suicide; hydronephrose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 234-236.—Lebreton. R6tr6cissemeut canc6reux du rectum; corps etranger dans le retrecissement; accidents aigus docclusion. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 433. Also: Progrfes m6d., Par., 1884, xii, 380. — Ecde- ganck. Un cancer colloidedu rectum. Ann. Soe.d'anat. path, de Brux., Bull, no. 21, 1872, 14-17. — Ecdiard (H. A.) Cancer of the rectum for which excision was per- formed. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 259.—Leh- mann. Carcinoma intestini recti. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 192. — Ijcjeal (A.) Cancer du rectum. In his: Me- langes de chir., 8°, Valenciennes, 1868, 173.— Lewis (D.) Cancer of the rectum. N. York M. Month., 1887-8, ii, 17- 19.—Fiisfranc. Observation sur une aifection cancel euse du rectum guerie par l'exc.ision. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1826. ii, 380-384. -----. Tumeur cancereuse du rectum; gu6rison par l'extirpation. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1835, ix, 621.-----. Tumeur cancereuse du rectum offrant le volume du poing d'un adulte, compos6e de no- yaux squirrheux, et ins6r6e par un pedicule & uu pouce au-dessus du sphyncter de l'anus ; douleurs lancinantes ; hemorrhagies abondantes; ecoulement continuel de sanie purulente; 6tatd'an6mie etd'epuiseinentdu malade; abla- tion de cette tumeur k l'aide dune ligature: cessation im- mediate de tous les aceidens; guerison radicale en trente- cinq jours. Ibid., 1840, 2. s., ii, 131.—liivezey. Scirrhus of the rectum. 1ST. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1859, iii, 1061. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1857-60), 1860, i, 236.— Eibbel. Carcinoma recti stricturans: meteorismus exinde enormis, pnnctione colonis sublevatus; mors e peritonitide perforativa. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1866), 1867, 166. — Eohlcin ( H. ) Carcinoma recti als Indication fiir die kiiustliche Friihgeburt und als Ursache einer Puerperalfieber-Endemic. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1890, xviii, 69-81. —I, yell (R. W.) Colloid' cancer of rectum, anus, and buttocks. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1877-8, xxix, 220-223.—ltl. Observation sur une tumeur cancereuse qui occupoit la cavite de I'in- testin rectum. J. de m6d., chir.. pbarm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiii, 228-234.—McBurney (C.) Extensive carcinoma ofthe rectum. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 355. - Mac- dounell (R.) [Cancer of the upper part of the rectum and sigmoid flexure. 1 Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1878- 9, vii, 481-483— IMadclung. Eine Modification der Colo- tomie wegen Carcinoma recti. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir.. Berl, 1884, xiii, 118-121.—lTlaisonucuve. Cancroide volumineux du rectum; extirpation par la liga- ture extemporan6e; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 450. Also: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860, ii, 861. Also: Unionm6d., Par., 1860.2. s., viii, 376.—Mala- godi (L.) Dueoperazionidi cancro all' intestino retto. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1841, 2. s., xi, 131-141. Also: Rac- coglitore, Fauo, 1841, vii, 129-136.—Malin. Heilung eines Skirrhus des Mastdarms. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1837, vi, 221.— Malmstcn. Fall af cancer recti. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1860, xxii, 55. Also: Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank. 1859-60, Stockholm, 1861, 157-159. Also, transl.: Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1862, n. F., v, 236-239.—Ma lone (M.) Case of scirrho-rectal disease. Quebec M. J., 1827, ii, 205- 207.—[von iYIandach.] Section eiues Falles von Carci- noma recti. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. RECTUM. 1062 liUCTUM. Rectum (Cancer of). wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1860, iv, 212.—Manussi. Heo per carcinoma del rettei. Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. tli Tri- este (1873), 1876, i, 84.—March (A.) Scirrhus or malig- nant disease of the rectum. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1868. 99-108.—Marshall (J.) Clinical lecture on cancer ofthe- rectum. Metl. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 462; 479.— Mathews tJ. M.) Cancer of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1887, ix. 774-777.— Matzal (T.) Strictur ties Rectum's durch Krebs desselben; Ileus organicus. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1865, xi, 31 ; 111 — Mauriii. Cancer ulcere dans le rectum; extirpation suivie de guerison. J. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1827. ii. 5. -----. Dun cancer ulcere du rectum, suivie de guerison. Rev. m6d. franc et etrang., Par., 1831, i, 194-197— May (G.) Caseof scirrhous contraction of the rectum: artifi- cial anus: death. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853. 394.—Maydl (C.) Carcinoma recti; Colotomia s. sec. Littre; Heilung; Enturostenose; Euteroteuuiad.; Heilung ; nach einem Mo- nat ; Tod an Kachexie. Wien. med. Presse. 1883, xxiv, 500- 503.—Mead (J. C.) Cancer of rectum, bladder, and ure- thra; autopsy. Metl. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 327. — Merkleu. Epithelioma tlu rectum; productions seeontlaites tlans le foie et le l'epierane; ulcerations h6- inoi rhagii]Ues de l'estomac. Bull. Soc. auat. tie Par.. 1878, Iiii. 11-13. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1878. vi, 260.—Minot (F.) Cancerous disease of the rectum aud vagina. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1854, n. s., xxviii, 88. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1854-5), 1850, ii, 62. — M© (G.) Cancro dell' intestino retto. Osservatore, Torino. 1870, xii, 21.— Molson. Case of obstruction of rectum by a cancerous mass; perforation; death from peritonitis. Canada M. e!>. S. J., Montreal, 1881-2, x, 8-10.—Montgomery. Cancer of the rectum; cancer of the uterus, in its incipient anil, as yet, curable stage. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1842-3. xxii. 402-404. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1840-50, i, 115-117.— Moore. Recurrent melanosis of the rectum, after previous removal from the verge of the anus, in a man aged sixty-live. Lan- cet, Lond., 1857, i, 290.—Moritz (F.) Carcinoma recti mit Perforation in die Blase. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 261.—Murphy i P. J.) Cancer of the rectum simu- lating pelvic cellulitis in its physical signs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii, 034. —Musser (J. H.) Scirrhous carci- noma of the rectum. Meel. News, Pbila., 1883, xliii, 132. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (188-1-3), 1884, xi, 61. — rVeid- hardt (H.) Ueber den Werth der Colotomie bei inopera- blem Masttlarm-Carcinom. Aerztl. Int.-Bl, Miincheu, 1884, xxxi, 519-522.—IVepveu. Traitemeutducancer ano-rectal. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 460.—iMcivilian (R.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii. 330.—jRiir IViedeii (P.) Balautidium coli bei einem Falle von Carcinoma recti. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1880-81, 769-771.—Norton (A. T.) Case of columnar epi- thelioma of the rectum; successful removal. Metl. Press efe Circ, Lond., 18^9, u. s.. xlvii, 617.—Ochsner (A. J.) Re- moval of carcinoma of rectum by sacrococcygeal (Kraske'sl method, with specimen. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1889, xi, 125-127.—Ohm. Ein Fall von Carcinoma intestinirecti Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1854, vi, 265. — Ollive. Cancer colloide du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1876-8, Par., 1879, i, 63.—Opera live (The) treatment of cancer of the rectum. Ann. Surg., St Louis, 1890, xi, 2 1-215.— Orth. Carcinoma recti et colli uteri. Mitth. a. d. Sitz.-Protok. d. Gesellsch. |f. Geburtsh. in Berl], 1874-5, iv, 15. —Pack- ard. Cancer of the rectum of exceedingly small size; em>r- mous accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Proc Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-66), 1867 ii, 19. -----. Cancer of the rec- tum. Ibid., 36.—Padley (G.) Case of cancer of the rec- tum; sequel. Lancet, Lond.. 1888, ii, 1045. — Pnueth. Ueber einen Fall vou raelauotischem Sarcom des Rectums. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1882-3, xxviii, 179-193, 1 pl— Parker. Cancer of the rectum attended with an immense accumulation of faeces. N. York J. M., 1853, x, 208.-----. Discussion upon cancerous diseases of the rectum. Bull. N. York Acad. M. (1802-6), 1806. ii, 297-303. — Parmeu- tier. Cancer du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1801, xxxvi, 282-284. -----. Cancer du rectum. Ibid., 370. — Paul. Colloid cancer of the rectum. Liverpool M.-Chir. ■J., 1881. i, 207.—Peabody. Cancer of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y.. li>78, xiv, :;.">2. — Peau. Epithelioma auo- rectal; ablation de la partie iuferieure du rectum; resiil- tats satisfaisants. In his: Lecons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par.. 1888, 759. -----. Epithelioma du rectum; ablation a l'aide du thermo-cautere par le proc6d6 de morcellement; suture dela muqueuse rectale kla peau. Ibid., 761. -----. Epithelioma du rectum inoperable. Ibid., 758.—Pepper (W.) Scirrhus of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1875-6), 1877, vi, 44.— Pillon. Retrecissemeut cancereux du rectum chez une jeune fille de seize ans et demi. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856. xxxi, 434.—Poinsot (G.) Retre- cissement cancereux tlu rectum; rectotomie lin6aire; soulagement tr^s momentane: mort. .7. de med. de Bor- deaux. 1880-81, x, 204.—Polaillon. Operation de cancer da rectum. [Rap. de Dubrueih] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 494-496. — PoIIonnoii (M.) Nouvelle methode operatoire pour la cure ratlieale du cancer du rectum. Lyon med., 1884, xlvi, 67-75. — Pooley (J. H.) Epithelial cancer of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1878, I Rectum (Cancer of). xxviii, 317-320.—Prengrueber. Diagnostic du cancer et du retrecisst-mcnt rectal; tiaiteuient tin retrecissement. Bull, med., Par., 1888, ii, 1011.—Prewitt (T. F.) Ope ra- tion for cancer of the- rectum. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri, 1880, ii, 279-285— Purcell (F. A.) Ou inguinal colotomy for malignant disease of the rectuin. Laucet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1111.—Quintan. Cancerous stricture of the sigmoid flexure of I he rectuin. Dublin J. M. Sc,, 18H5, 3. s., lxxix, 67.—Quintin. Considerations cliniques sur le cancer du rectum; etieileigie-, diagnostic, therapeutique; observation d'extirpation totale et de ca'cotomie. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1886, lxxxiii. 499: 549; 605. — Baukin (D. R.) [Cancer of the rect..... success- fully removed.] Lancet, Lond., 1835-6, i, 376. — Reamy (T. A.) Cancer of the rectum. Detroit Lancet, 18fi'-3, n. s., vi, 97-100.— Beckett (J. D. T.) Scirrhus recti in India; the liability of mistaking chronic diarrhova for this disease. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 41.—Heel us (P.) Traitement du cancer ano-rectal. Gaz. hebd. tie m6d., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii 426-429. ' Also, in his: Clin, et crit. chir., 8°, Par., 1884, 427-438. -----. Traitement des cancers du rectum. Semaine rued., Par., 1889, ix, 453. — Krnlon i.I. C.) Cancer of rectum; scraping with Semen's spoon; relief for thirteen months. Glasgow M. J., 1883. [4 ] s., xx, 177.—Bicard (M.-E.) Reflexions sur le traite- ment du cancer du rectum, suivies d'une observation d'extirpation d'un cancer de cette espece. J. hebd. de med.. Par., 1829, iv, 257-204.—Kichet. Carcinome rectal. Courrier med., Par., 1875, xxv, 132. -----. Ulceration cancroidale du rectum; operation par la ligature a anses successives de Recamier. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir.. Par., 1876, xliii, 591; 618. -----. Cancroide tlu rectuin. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 649.—Roberts (W. B.) Note of a successful case of lumbar colotomy for malignant disease of the rectum. Coll. & Cliu. Kec, Phila., 1885, vi, 101-103.—Robinet. [A la partie inferieure du rectum; uu anneau cancereux qui a produit une obstruction com- plete.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 221-223.— Romberg. Carcinomatose Cloakbildung. Wchnschr. f. d. ges Heilk., Berl., 1833, 42-45.—[Rossander (C. J.)J Cancer recti. Rap. f. k. Serafimerlasar. 1887, Stockholm, 1888, 93.—Rossignol. Tumeur cancereuse du rectum; operation; peritonite consecutive; mort. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1868-9, xvi, 16-20.—Rolh. Scirrhus labii et intestini recti. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1847, 743. — Rouse. Cancer of the rectum, accompanied by bleeding and rapid emaciation, treated by full doses of the tincture of the perchloride of iron. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 342. -----. Epithelioma of the rectum removed after a new plan without injur- ing the sphincter ani; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 540. — Routier (A.) Cancer du rectum; resection du cancer; conservation du sphincter. M6d. mod.. Par., 1889-90, i, 61-64.— Roux. Cancer du rectum oper6 avec succes; remarques pratiques sur cette atlee tion. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1844, 2. s.. vi. 198; 255; 283.— Ryan (H.) Carcinoma and stricture of the rectum. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Columbus, 1875, vii, 195-197. — Saltzinaii. Tv& fall af carcinom i andtarmen. Finska lak.-sallsk. bandl., Helsingfors, 1881, xxiii, 286-288.— Salzcr. Ge- stieltes Zotten - Carcinom des Mastelann; Exstirpation nach Dnterbindung des Stieles; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wieu (1866), 1867, 165. — Sam ter (.).) Ein Fallvon hochsitzendem Mast- darmcarcinom uud dessen Exstirpation nach tier Prof. Kraske'schen Methode. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 309-312.—Sarycheff (I. D.) Ob udalen. raka ani et recti. [On malignant cancer of. . .] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1887, no. 4-5, 11-28. Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxviii, 755-708 —Savaril. Epithelioma cylimlrique du rectum ; mort par obstruction intestinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, liv, 807-809. — Schalleuiuuller. Ringformiger Mastdarinscirrhus mit Strictur. Med. Cor.-lil. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 157. -----. Cancer recti. Ibid.. 101. — Sehede. Zur Opera- tion des Mastdarmkrebses. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl, 1887, xiii, 1048. Also, Repriut. — Schramm (H.) Rak akre.znicy wste.pujaeej,wycitl'eie' kawalka jelita, smierc z powotlu obnmaicia kiszki. [Cant-ei of ascending fibres of spineter ani, cutting off a piece of intestine ; death from mortification.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w., 1883, xxii, 77; 89.— Schuh. Ueber den medullaren Zottenkrebs im Mast- darm. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1852, ii, 425. -----. Carci- noma recti; Exstirpation. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 44. -----. Ueber die verschiedenen Formen des Mast- darmkrebses, und das tlagegen einzuschlagende operative Verfahren. Wien. med. Wchuschr., 1861, xi, 241; 257; 273; 2,-:t. Schultz. Dr. JoWnn Ludwig Formey's Krankheit und Tod. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl, 1823, i, 537-582. 1 pl.—Scirrhus of rectum. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889, 312.—Sevestre. Cancroide ghintlu- laire du rectum limite k la partie posterieure de I'intestin; operation; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1808, xliii, 494-497. — Sherwen (J.) Observation on the scirrho- contracted rectum. Mem. M. Soc Lond., 1789, ii, 9-31. Also: Ibid., 1794, ii, n. ed.. 9-31. — Simon. Carcinoma of the rectum aud adjacent parts; retention of urine; KKOTUM. 1063 RECTUM. Rectum (Cancer of). puncture of bladder above the pubis. Lancet, Loud., 1854, i, 689-691.—Simon (G.) Epithelialcarciuoni bei 24 Jahre alten Individuum ; Erkrankung des Mastdarms bis zur Hone von 4-5 Ctm. ; Exstirpation; Recidiv nach $ Jahr. Tod J Jahr nach der Erkrankung. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1866, xviii, 431. -----. Markschwamm am Mastdarm. Ibid., 448.—Sinclair. Cancer of rectum. Boston M. efe S. J., 1864, lxx, 241.—Smith. Ulcer in the rectum. Med. Times, Lond., 1851. n. s., iii, 255. — Smith (A. H.) Can- cerous stricture of the rectum. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1859, iii, 307-310. Also : Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1857-60), 1860, i, 180-183.—Smith (K.) Scirrhus of rec- tum ; colotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 1028.—Snowdcii (J. W.) Cancer of the rectum. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1878, 268. — Sonnenburg (E.) Die Colotomie in der Behandlung tier Mastdarmcarcinome. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 841-843. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1885-6). 1887, xvii, pt. 2, 214-221.—Standt- harf ner. Carcinom in dem oberen Drittel des Rectum. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1877), 1878, 34.—Staub (J. J.) Zur Diagnostik der Strictur, Skirrhosi- tat und krebshaften Ulceration des Mastdarnies. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Zurich, 1839, iv, 367-396.—Stein (J.) Fall eines karcinomatoseu Mastdarmpolypen. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1801, vi, 126-128.—Stcudel. Ein Fall von 140tagiger vollstandiger St uhlverstopfung in Folge von Mastdarmkrebs. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1861,xxxi, 321-323.—Stilling (R.) Resectio intes- tini recti wegen krebshafter Degeneration desselben ; Hei- lung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 490.—Slimson (L. A.) A contributionto the study of cancer of the rectum. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1879, ii, 1-33,' 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Stonliam (C.) A successful case of proctotomy for ma- lignant disease. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 625. — Svensson (I.) Andtarmskrafta; exstirpation; helsa. [ Cancer of rectum . . . recovery. ] Eira, Goteborg, 1877, i, 87-95. -----. Fall af exstirpation af rektalcaucer. Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1888, 8-11.— Sy ins (P.) Excised cancer of the rectuin. N. York M. J., 1889, 1, 186. — Tardieu (A.) [Degen6rescence en- cephalolde developpee au dehors du rectum; communica- tion entre la vessie, le colon transverse, et le rectuin; ex- cretion des vents par la verge.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1840-41, xv, 364. — Tassel. Cancer du rectuin. Ibid., 1854, xxix, 330.— Tassi (E.) Epitelioma dell' intestino retto; epitelioma della lingua. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 30-41. — Texier (H ) Extirpation d'un cancer du rectum par un nouveau procede; gu6rison ; com- paraison de ce proc6d6 avec celui de Lisfranc. Monit. d. h6p., Par., 1857, v, 17-20.—Tiffany (L. McL.) The treat- ment of cancer of the rectum. Tr. M. efe Chir. Fac. Mary- land, Bait., 1882, 83-90. Also, Reprint. -----. Colotomy for cancer of rectum. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 14. -----. Results of operative measures for rectal cau- cer. Tr. M. efe Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1884, lxxxvi, 214-217. A Iso, Reprint. — Trelat. Cancer du rectum ; colotomie lomhaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 929. -----. Indications op6ratoires dans le traitement du can- cer rectal. Semaine m6d., Par., 1882, ii, 197. -----. De l'intervention chirurgicale dans les cancers dn rectum. Ibid., 1884, 2. s., iv, 57-59. -----. Epithelioma de la mu- queuse anale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, Ivii, 818. -----. Cancer du rectum ; colotomie lomhaire. Ibid., 1017. -----. Epithelioma du rectum; occlusion intestinale. Ibid., 1885, lviii, 985. Also, transl.: Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1885, ii, 363. -----. Epithelioma du rectum; colotomie lom- haire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 1051. — Tschoke. Carcinoma recti. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii, 715-717.—Tyson (J.) Scirrhous cancer of the rectum, with ulceration into the bladder and colloid de- generation. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1875-6), 1877, vi, 56- 58. _ Veljamiuoff (J{. A.) Sluchai colotomite pri rake prjamoi kishki. [ Colotomy in cancer of rectum. ] Chir. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1885, i, 87-95.—Verneuil. Traite- ment palliatif du cancer du rectum au moyen de la recto- tomie lin6aire. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par., 1874, xxi, 196- 108. -----. Traitement du cancer ano-rectal. Siecle m6d., Par., 1881, ii, 91. -----. Epithelioma du rectum ; traite- ment palliatif du cancer. Gaz. d hop., Par., 1882, lv, 34. -----. Epithelioma du rectum. Ibid., 1883, lvi, 137. -----. Deux cas de cancer du rectum. Ibid., 828.— Viilal (A.) Du cancer du rectum et ties operations qu'il peut reclamer. Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, v, 257; 401. Also, Reprint.— Volz(R.) Mastdarmkrebs. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1844, x. 290-296.— Voss. Cancer recti. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1883, xiii, 279-303.— Voss (L.) Cancer of rectum; operation; peritonitis; death. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866-7, i, 22. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-77), 1877. ii, 162.—\V. (J. G.) Scirrhous carcinomaof the rectum, forming a stritucre attended with symptoms of intussusception. Lond. M. Reposit., 1828, [3.] s vi 122-126.—Wagstaffe (W. W.) Specimen of ossify- ing cancer of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869, xx, 176-180 __Wallis (C.) Fall af melanosarkom. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 516-518.- Wardrop. Cancerof the rectum treated by excision. Lancet, Lontl. 1834-5, i, 120.— Warren (J. M.) Scirrhous tumour of the rectum and Rectum (Cancerof). bladder. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxi, 329. -----. Colloid disease of the rectum. Boston M. & S. J.. 1858-9, lix, 283. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1850-8), 1859, iii, 273. -----. Cancer of the rectum. Inhis: Sui". Obs., 8°, Bost., 1867, 243— Weickert. Exstirpation ties Mastdarmkrebses, zwei Mai ausgefuhrt; Tod. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl, 1847, xxxvii, 423. — Weinheld (C.) Mastdarmscheidenkrebs in Verbindung mit Syphilis. Oesterr. med. Wchuschr., Wien, 1845, 1177-1184.—Wein- lechner. Eiu der vorderen Wand des Rectuins auf- sitzendes Carcinom, welches nach Durchtrennung des Peri- neums und eines Theiles der Scheide bis iiber den Doug- las'schen Raum theils mit dem Messer, theils auf stumpfe Weiseentfernt wurde; Tod am 4. Tage nach der Operation in Folge von Retroperitonitis und Peritonitis. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880, 346. -----. Mastdarmcarciiiom ; Exstirpation ; Heilung mit Hinterlassung eines Prolapsus ani; Recidive an deu Driiseu der Leistenbeuge. Ibid. (1878), 1879, 308. -----. Carcinoma recti; Operation nach Kraske; noch in der Anstalt. [ 2 cases. ] In: Eder (A.) Aerztl. Ber. 1888, Wien, 1889, 84-90. -----. Carcinoma recti et vagina}. ( Zweite Recidive. ) Exstirpation des Rectums nach Kraske; ungeheilt. Ibid., 80-83.—Wharton (H. R.) A case of inguinal colotomy for carcinoma of the rectum. Med. News, Phila., 1890,'lvi, 31-33. —White (W.) Ob- servations on the schirrous contracted rectum. Med. efc Phys. J., Lond., 1809, xxii, 281-293.—Willard (R.) Hae- morrhoides with scirrhous rectum. Northwest. M. efe S. J., Chicago efe Indianap., 1850-51, vii, 43-46. — Williams (A. M.) Cancer of the rectum and liver, with stricture of the rectum; autopsy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1809, n. s., Ivii, 381-385.—Williams (W. R.) efe Purcell (F. A.) Colotomy for cancerof the rectum. Lancet, Loud., 1889, ii, 1309.—Wilson. Cancerof the rectum ; obsti- nate constipation ; autopsy. Ibid., 1853, ii, 6.— Wood (A.) Colloid disease of the rectum. Boston M. efe S. J., 1862, lxvi, 89.—Zielewicz (J.) Carcinoma recti, 2 Faille. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1888-9, xxxviii, 345. Rectum (Dilatation of). Freysoldt (C. I.) * De intestini recti dilata- tione. sin. 8°. Jenw, [1838]. Ganton (J. G.) Die Dislocation der Harnblase und des Peritoneum bei Ausdehnung des Rectum. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 171-179. — Hack (W.) Ueher die in st rumen telle Erweiterung des Mastdarms zu operativen Zweckeu. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi, 415-431,1 pl.—Hartley (R. N.) Hemorrhagic amblyopia cured by dilatation of the sphincter ani. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 733.—Hurz (E.) Ein Dilatator fiir Mastdarm, Urethra und Uterus. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, x, 651.— M'Grigor (J.) New rectum bougie. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833-4, xiii, 46. — Nelson (C. E.) A new rectal bougie. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1879-80, viii, 87.—Sherman (J. S.) New rectum bougie. Chicago M. Exam., 1868, ix, 585. — Tillaux. A new rectotome, by Messrs. Robert & Collin. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1869, n. s., vii, 500. Also, transl.: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1869), 1870, 2. s., x, 180.—Waugh (W. F.) Dilatation of tbe spincter ani in diseases of the rectum. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iii, 328. Rectum (Diseases of). See, also, Anus (Diseases of); Ascarides; Faeces (Incontinence of); Fistula (Anal); Fis- tula (Rectal); Hemorrhoids; Periproctitis, etc.; Pregnancy (Complications, etc., of). Allingham (W.) Fistula, haemorrhoids, pain- ful nicer, stricture, prolapsus, aud other diseases of tbe rectum, their diaguosis and treatment. 8°. London, 1871. -----. The same. 2. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. London, 1873. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. New York, 1882. -----. Injuries and diseases ofthe rectum. In: Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1886, vi, 93-144. Also, transl. in: Encycl. internat. de chir., Par., 1886, vi, 615-668. -----. The diagnosis and treatment of dis- eases of the rectum. Edited aud revised with much additional new matter and numerous dia- grams. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1888. Arndt (E.) "Klinische Beitrage zur Lehre von tier Entziindung untl den Verletzungen des Mastdarnies. 8°. Dorpat, 1866. Ashton (T. J.) A treatise on the diseases, in- juries, aud malformations of the rectum and anus. 8°. London, 1854. KECTUM. 1064 KECTUM. Rectum (Diseases of). -----. The same. With remarks on habitual constipation. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1860. -----. Prolapsus, fistula in ano, and hsemor- rhoidal affections; their pathology and treat- ment. 12°. Loudon, 1862. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1870. Ayers (M.) Some of the tliseases of the rec- tum, and their homoeopathic and surgical treat- ment. 8°. Chicago, 1884. Ball (C. B.) The rectum aud anus; their tlis- eases and treatment. 16°. London, 1887. -----. Thesame. 12°. Philadelphia, [1887]. Beling (B. E.) *De intestino recto corporis humani anatomico-pathologica disquisitio. sm. 8°. Halw, 1796. Benton (S.) Five hundred cases of fistula, piles, and other diseases ofthe rectum. A review. 8°. London, 1886. -----. Fifteen hundred cases of fistula, piles, and other diseases of the rectum. A review. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1889. Bodenhamer (W.) Practical observations on some of the diseases of the rectum, anus, and contiguous textures; especially addressed to the non-medical reader. 8°. Cincinnati, 1847. -----. Thesame. 2.ed. 8°. New York, 1855. B6kal (J.) Die Krankheiten des Mastdarnies und des Afters. In: Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1880, vi, 2. Abth., 619-698. Bushe (G.) A treatise on the malformations, injuries, and tliseases of the rectum and anus. 8°. [Atlas, 4°.] New York, 1837. Calvert (G.) A practical treatise on haemor- rhoids or piles, strictures, and other important diseases of the rectum and anus. [Jacksonian prize essay.] 8°. London, 1824. Chomenko (A.) * De morbis intestini recti. 8°. Petropoli, 1838. Colmann (C. J.) *De morbis intestini recti ex anatomia dijudicaudis. 4°. Erfordiw, 17'iseases of). Howship (J.) Practical observ.itions on the symptoms, discrimination, and treatmentof some ofthe most common diseases of the lower intes- tines and anus; particularly including those af- fections produced by stricture, ulceration, and tumour, within the cavity of the rectum; antl piles, fistula.', and excrescences, formed at its ex- ternal opening. To which are added some sug- gestions upon a new and successful mode of cor- rectinghabitualconfinementin the bowels, [etc.], 8°. London, 1820. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1821. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1821. -----. The same. 1. Am. from 2. Lontl. etl. 8°. Philadelphia, 1821. Hoyt (E. F.) Observations and experiences involving rectal diseases, obi. 16c. Philadelphia, 1889. Jackl (C. F.) *De morbis intestini recti chi- rurgiam spectantibus. 8°. Pragw, [1844];' German text. Juliusburger (O.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss von den Geschwilren nnd Stricturen des Mast- darms. 8°. Breslau; [1884]. Kelsey (C. B.) Diseases of the rectum and anus. 8°. New York, 1882. -----. The pathology, diagnosis and treat- ment of diseases of the rectum and anus. 8°. Neiv York, 1881. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1884. Lee (H.) On diseases of the veins, hsemor- rhoidal tumours, and other affections of the rec- tum. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1846. Lepelletier de la Sarthe (A.) *Des henior- rhoides et de la chute du rectum; du traite- ment chirurgical de ces maladies. 4°. Paris, [1834]. Mackenzie (S.) Piles, hemorrhoids, aud pro- lapsus. Practical observations, illustrated with plates from nature, and a variety of additional interesting cases, on the mode of curing these diseases, bv means safe and effectual, [etc.]. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1836. Mayo ( H. ) Observations on injuries aud diseases of the rectum. 8U. London, 1833. -----. The same. 8°. Washington, 1834. Molliere (D.) Trait6 des maladies du rectum et de l'auus. 8°. Paris, 1877. Paul (A.) Piles, hemorrhoidal fluxes, and prolapsus. Practical observations, illustrated with plates from nature, and a variety of addi- tional interesting cases, ou the mode of curing these diseases, by means safe and effectual, founded on many years of extensive experience, thereby avoiding the painful and dangerous operation by excision or ligature. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1837. This is a reprint (5. ed.), with additions, of S. Macken- zie's work, having same title. The 4. ed. of Mackenzie was published in 1836. -----. The same. Piles, hemorrhoidal fluxes, prolapsus, fistulae, rectal aud urethral strictures, etc. Practical observations ou diseases of the lower bowel, illustrated by colored draw- ings; and a variety of interesting cases on the mode of cure, by means safe and effectual, founded on many years of extensive experience, thereby avoiding the painful aud dangerous operations of excision, ligature, cautery, or caus- tic. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1840. -----. The same. With cases on the mode of cure without operation. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1853. -----. The same. Observations on diseases of the lower bowel, and on their cure without operation. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1856. KECTUM. 1065 KECTUM. Rectum (Diseases of). Quain (R.) The diseases of the rectum. 8°. London, 187)4. _____. Tlie same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1855. Kiadohe (J. E.) A treatise on mechanical support to the rectum for the tieatment of pro- lapsus antl haemorrhoids. 12°. London, 1855. eSAMTEit (G.) * Varite tinnoruui haemorrhoida- lium et prolapsus ani operationes inter secompa- rentur. 8°. Vratiskivice. [187)9]. Scherkr (J. G.) *Diss. inaug. qua morbi intestini recti pertraetantur. 4C. Wireeburgi, [1172]. Also, in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1787, iv, 144-251. . Silver (E. D.) The pathology and cure of the principal diseases of the rectum antl anus, particularly prolapsus, piles, haeniorrhoidal tu- mours, excrescences, fistula in ano, ulcers, and strictures ofthe rectum, without cutting or con- finement. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1844. -----. Thesame. The nature, symptoms, antl causes of the principal tliseases of the rectum aud anus, particularly piles, fistula, prolapsus, baBiuorrhoidal tumours and strictures ofthe rec- tum, and their cure, without cutting or confine- ment. Illustrated aud confirmed by an extensive selection of cases, and succeeded by observations on liver aud bilious diseases. 5. ed. 8°. Lou- don, 1846. -----. The same. Practical observations on important diseases of the rectum and anus; with numerous cases, illustrating the successful prac- tice of the improved mode of curing the prolap- sus ani, piles, or haenionhoitlal tumours, and the fistula in ano, without excision or confinement; and the treatment of stricture, fissure, excrescen- ces, intestinal concretions, and other incidental affections. 8. ed. 8°. London, 1850. Smith (H.) The surgery ofthe rectum ; being the Lettsomian lectures. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1871. -----. A practical manual of the treatment of tliseases of the rectum. 1. Am. from 4. Eng- lish etl. 8°. New York, 1881. Syjie (J.) On diseases of the rectum. 8°. Edinburgh, 1838. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1846. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, The same. 8°. [it. p., n. d.] Van Buren /W. II.) Lectures upon diseases ofthe rectum. 12°. New York, 1870. Also [Abstr.], in: Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1870, iv, 169; 181; 205; 281. -----, The same. 8°. New York, 1878. -----. The same. [2. ed.] 8°. New York, 1881. Van Butchell(S. J.) Facts aud observations relative to a new and successful mode of treating piles, fistula, haemorrhoidal excrescences, tu- mours, and strictures, without cutting or confine- ment; illustrated with numerous cases. Being a familiar exposition of the practice of . . . 8°. London, 1837. Wander (K.) * Ueber consecutive Gangrsena scroti bei Krankheiten des Rectum. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1885. Annantlale (T.) Cases illustrating the modes of treatment of some of the diseases of the rectum. Edinb. M. J., 1863-4, ix, 1022-1027— Archinard (P. E) A case of paralysis of the bladtler and rectum. N. Orl. M. &l h. J 1885-6 n. s., xiii, 100-104.-Ashton (T. J.) Cases of diseases of the rectum. Lancet, Louth, 1853 h, 160-162: 1854 i 36-38_____Reports tit cases ot diseases of tne rectum. Ibid., 1856, i, 550; 70* -Atkinson (A J Pro, ritusaui; eczema ani; itching piles. \ irgmiaM Month. Richmond 1885-6, xii. 15-22.----. Causes and treatment of irritable rectum, with report of a case of extensive hasin- 1854. Rectum (Diseases of). orrhoids in a female. Ibid., 457-464.—Barlow, Irrita- ble rectum with constipation; treatment by opiate. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 437—Begin (L.-J.) Memoire sur quelques maladies graves de l'auus et tlu rec- tum, et sur les moyens de traitemeut qtt'elles rei-lament. Ann. de hi chir. franc, ct 6traug., Par., 1841, iii, 180-232.— Bennett (T. J.) Hemorrhoids, fissures, and fistula in ano, and their treatment. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1888-9, iv, 109-117.—Black (J.) Dis. ase of the ne turn. Med. Times, Loud., 1845-6, xiii, 441.— Boilenliamcr (W.) Stati sties showing the ratio of patients of the white ami I lie- black race who were the subjects of hemorrhoids and of anal fistula, the two most common suririeal diseases of the rectum and anus. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 211. -----. Desultory remarks on the rectum, considered as a field for specialists, etc.. N. York .VI. J., 18H8, xlvii, 513- 516. -----. Atony of the rectal pouch, and also of the anal sphincters; its etiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treat- ment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1S89, xxxv, 372-375— Broilic (B. C.) Lectures on diseases of the rectum. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1834-5, xv, 742; 842: 1835, xvi, 26; 236.—Brown (11. M.) Painless treatment of rectal diseases. Metl. Reg , Phila., 1888, iii, 605.—Brown (J. B.) Clinical reports of some tlis- eases of tbe rectum. Lancet. Lond., 1860, ii, 30.—Brown (W. S.) Piles antl prolapsus ani. Louisville M. News, 18H5, xix, 209.—Bryant (T.) Cases illustrative of some of the diseases of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 344 — Chevalier (T.) Observations on the relaxed rectum. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1819, x, 400-409. —Clary ( \V. F.) Reflex troubles, the result of rectal irritation, and their treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1)^82, 112- 124.—Clinical commentaries on diseases of the rectum and anus. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 213; 261; 285; 386 — follow (A.) A peculiar disease of the rettuni. Dublin Q J. M. Sc, 1854, xvii, 82-90.—Consoni (M.) Eiue wichtige Krankengeschicbte, betreffend elie Zer- storung des Afters mit Veibaitungen im Mastdarm und Ausfluss scbarfen Schleims verbuntlen. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzbufg, 1797, ii, 235-239. —Coote (H.) On diseases of the anus and rectum. Med. Press efc Circ, Lontl., 1869, Vii 285. -----. The diseases of the rectuin. Med. Mirror, Loud., 1870, vii, 45.—Cousin* (J. W.) 'topical remedies for disorders ofthe anus and rectum, and improved instru- ments for their application. Med. Press efc Cin-.. Lontl , 1888 n. s., xlvi, 595-597. Also.- Brit. M. J., Lontl., 18S8, ii, 988. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 191 —Cuilm« (T. B.) Contributions to the pathology of the ledum. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 116; 259; 361; 527. -----. Diseases ot the rectum and anus. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lontl., 1871, iii 151-178. Also, in: Diseases of the intestines, etc., 8D. N. Y.' 1879. 129-151.'—Bavy (R.) Clinical lecture ou rectal fistula and Invnioriboiels. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 143- 145— Bawftoii (VV. VV.) Prolapsus ani, piles, ischiorec- tal abscess, fistula in ano. Cincin. M. Repert., 1869, ii. 1- 6 — 1>i*cu*Mion on surgical diseases of the rectuin. Bull N.York Acad. M., 1862-6, ii,202; 222—Evans (H. B.) On ,an uncommon aud painful disease of the rectum not tie- scribed iu books. Cauada Lancet, Toronto, 1875, viii. L— Fleming (0.) Cases of diseases of the rectum. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, u. s., i, 35-38. — Frankel (H.) Ge- ruchstauschung, Symptom einer Mastdarmkraukheit. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi, 259.—Gonzalez de Megovia (M.) Relacion entre las affeccioues quirurgieas del retto v algunas enfermedades del aparato respiratorio. An. tie biruj.,Madrid, 1882,i,225-233— Gooilell(YV.) Thenervous rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888. xi, 5-9.—Gould. Obstruction of tbe bowels, caused by disease of the lec- tum. Boston M. & S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 202-264.—Guillon (F -G.) De l'emploi des cataphismes a l'interieur tlans le traitement de certaines affections ties organes genito-uii- naires ou tlu rectum, et .des injections uterines contre la metritis puerperale. In his: Contrib. k la chir d vines uriu. [etc.], 8°, Par., 1879, 153-167. —Gunn (R. A.) Dis- eases iniuries, antl malformations of the rectum and amis. N York M Kev., 1x73, i, 245; 306; 339. — Oulcriiiaiiii (G F ) De extispiciis puellse adultae iisdem dolorum diu- turnis afflictiouilms atque intestini recti laceratione ex- stinctse longe aliter se habentibus. Acta Acad. nat. cu- lios., Norimb , 1742, vi, 238-242.-Hamilton (E ) Clini- cal lectures on diseases of the lower bowel. Dublin J. M. Sc 1883, 3. s., lxxv, 169, 2 pl. ; 270, 2 pl. ; 364, 1 pl ; 43/1 pl. 529, 1 ph: lxxvi, 65-73, 1 pl, - Hamilton (J.) On diseases of the anus and rectum. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n s i 22- 68- 98. — Hamilton (.L R) Apparatus tor cooling or'warming the rectum and vagina. No 380.626. April 3, 1888. - Hawkins (C. H.) Cluneal lecture on some diseases of the rectum. Lond. M. Gaz. 184., u. s v 138-14-' Also, in his ,- . . . Path. 44 llnllif. A group of cases ot diseases ot the rec- tum Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1879. i, 504; 535. —Ja- cobi (A ) Paralysis of the sphincter am, with inconti- nence of fasces; a clinical lecture. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1882, uurruM. 1066 KECTUM. Rectum (Diseases of). ix, 100. — Jaworski (W.) Uwagi terapeutyczne nad krwotokarai i gu/.anii krwawnicowemi; hasmorrhagise et varices hainoi i hoielales. Medycyna, Waiszawa, 1889, xvii, 147-149.—.lone* (B.) Fungoid disease ot the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl, 1848-50, ii, 65.—Jordan (F.) Ab- stracts of clinit-al lectures on diseases of the rectum. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1876, i, 719; 748; 779.—Kelsey (C. B.) Tbe limitations of colotomy iu disease of the rectum. Am. J. M. Sc, Pbila., 1885, n. s., xc, 348-360.-----. Some rare affections of the rectum and anus. N. York M. J.. 1886, xliv, 141-146. —Kini (A. D.) Boliezni prjamoi kishki. [Diseases of rectum.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1887, iii, 299-305—ICeiini". Die Bedeutung der Colotomie fiir die schwei en Erkrankungen des Mastdanns. Berl. klin.Wchn- schr.. 18s7, xxiv, 17-21. — von litiipl. Ueber Mastdarm- krankliiitin, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Fissu- ren. Mastdarmvorfalle und Haiuorrhoiden. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aeizte in Steiermark, Graz, 1870-71, viii, 17-20.— ■>aforet. De quelques dcsoidres organiques graves de l'extremite iuferieure du rectum daus la colite aigue particnlierement. J. de m6d. et chir. de Toulouse, 1844-5, viii, 97-112.— Lane (J. R.) On some diseases of the rec- tum. Lancet, Loud., 1861. ii, 112-114. -----. Clinical observations on diseases of the rectum. Ibid., 1865, i, 444- 446: ii, 87 ; 256: 1866, i, 117-119.—I,ee (E.) A new method of treatment of diseases of the urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum ; div medication, dry treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 734-736. Also, Repriut. — F.e Boy de iVIerironrt (A.) Bicho ou biecho. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1808, ix, 239-242.—Lettsoiu (J. C.) efc IVorris (W.) Caseof a diseased rectum. Mem. M. Soc. Loud., 1789, ii, 309-316, 1 pl. — I.ikIoii (R.) Diseases ofthe rec- tum. Lancet, Lond., 1835, i, 673; 708.— Logan (S.) Co- caine in genitourinary and recto-anal surgery. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1885-0, n. s., xiii, 188-197.—Cowrie (J. O.) Rec- tal disorders. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1886-7, iv, 543-549. — Tl'Cnrtliy (U.) An unique case ; piles that proved not to be piles. Physio-Med. J., Indianap., 1879, v, 342-345. — ITIt'IXicoll (j.) On diseases of the rectum. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1856, i, 34-42.—Mader. Pa- ralysis des Sphincter ani; Faradisation; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wieu (1881), 1882, 334.—Mathews (J. M.) Three iectal cases. Louis- ville M. News, 1882. xiv, 217. ----. Report on diseases of the rectum. Am. Pratt, efc News, Louisville, 1886, n. s., ii, 26-31. Also, Reprint.-----. The nervous rectum (?) or some obscure rectal troubles. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1888, xviii, 365-371. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 5J8-5:;i. Also: Progress, Louisville, 1888-9, iii, 206-212. .Tleaeher (W.) Some ofthe surgical diseases of the rec- tuin. Tr. M. Sot-. Wisconsin, Appleton, 1885, xix, 77- 81.—eVIirhatslis. Ueber einige Krankheiten des Mast- darms. J. d. chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1835, xxiii, 152-162.— lTliguel (J.-F.) Lettre a M. Bretonneau sur lea aphthes tie la partie iuferieure du gros intestin, vulgaircment flits fissures Kev. med.-chir. de Par., 1848, iii, 85-95.—Miller (J. S ) Diagnosis and treatment of some diseases of tbe rectum; anal fissure and irritable ulcers. Peoria M. Month., 1883-4, iv, 341-348.—Monroe (G.J.) Galvanism in rectal eczema. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1889, xii, 321.— Tloiton (Y. G ) efc Welherill (H. M.), jr. Diseases of the rectuin and anus. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1885. ii, 877-929.—Myrtle'(A. S.) Painful aflectious ofthe rectum. Biit. M. J„ Lond., 1884, i, 901.—Holder (W. C.) Fissures of the rectum. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1889, i, 89-91.—O'Farrall (J. M.) Chronic painful swelling of the lower extremity of the rectum; superficial fissure; treatment by matico; cure. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1845-6, ii, 50.—Paddock (L. S.) The surgical diseases of the rec- tum. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1858, lxvi, 99-111 — Palletta (G.) Osservazioni sopra alcuni morbi dell'in- testin retto. In his: Diss, di chir., 4°, Venezia, 1795, i, 70-98.—Parks. Paralysis of the rectum from over-dis- tension. Boston M. efc S. J., 1859, lx, 322.—Pasquier. Dilatation 6norine du rectum occasionnant une intention urinaire; diagnostic equivoque; necropsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1837, xi, 290.— Peii-son (A. L.) Diseases ofthe rec- tum. X. York M. eV Phys. J.. 1825, iv, 308-310, 1 pl— Quaiii (K.) Ou the diseases of the rectum. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1852, n. s., iv, 28; 79; 153; 156: v, 1; 82.— Bothroek (J. T.) " Pear grit" as a cause of anal irrita- tion. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii, 594.— Salmon ( K.) Pathology and diseases of the rectum. % Lond. M. efc S. J., 1834, [u. s.], iv, 583-588. — Schmit. Rectite simulant un cancer du rectum; quels que soient les symtomes observ6s pour pouvoir porter le diagnostic de syphilome ou d'epitheliome rectal, il faut avoir constats et touch6 une tumeur. Rev. de therap. nnStl.-chii'.. Par., 1885, [xxxiii], 152.—Mchiitz. Zwei Falle von Masttlarm-Ci-oup. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1864, 399-401.—Mholwell (\V. S.) Radical cure of fistula in ano and hemorrhoids by elec tricky. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1880. xx, 125.—Mini th (F. W.) Ulcer and fissure of the ret turn. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 234.—Smith (H.) Diseases ofthe rectum. Svst. Surg. (Holmes), Lontl.. 1864, iv, 183-226. Also: Ibid., 2. ed., N. Y., 1870, iv, 792-86,'. -----. Results afforded by four hundred cases of haemorrhoids and prolapsus operated Rectuin (Diseases of). on by the clamp and cautery. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, ii, 100-102. -----. Clinical lecture ou haemorrhoids and prolapsus ofthe rectum. Med. Exam., Lond., 1878. iii. 91- 93.—Smith (W. R.) Apparatus for cooling or warmim: the rectum or vagina. No. 341,177. May 4, 1880.—Moi lew. Ecoulfiiif tit purulent par le rectum ; auciennete dc 1 i in ela die. Mein. et bull. Soc. tie metl. de Bordeaux, 1869, 17-21 .— Mtevens (A. H.) A course of lectures on tliseases of lhe rectum. N. York Lancet, 1842, i, 116-119.—Stone (W.) Observations upon diseases of the colon and rectum. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 441-450.—Ten le (J. W.) Two c>tses of rectum trouble, complicating other ailments. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 732. Too- good (J.) Observations on tliseases of the rectum. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lontl., 1841. ii. 325.—Trelat (U) efc DelaiiM (E.) Rectuin (pathologic chiruriiicalc). Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med.. Par., 1874, 3. s., ii, 690-769. —Van Bnreii (W. H.) Certain points in the surgical treatment of diseases of the rectum. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1862-6, ii, 180-189. Also: Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864. viii, 218-221. Also, in his: Contribut. to Pract. Surg., Phila., 1865. 105-120. —Vnncc (R. A.) Diseases of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet e^ Obs., 1877, xx, 157; 359; 467; 543; 677; 779; 1035: 1878, xxi. 224; 659. -----. A caseof obscure disease of the rectum. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 138-141.—Vidnl (E.) Rectum (pathologie medicale). Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med.. Par., 1874, 3. s.. ii, 678-690.—Voss. Haemorrhoitler, polypi recti, Assurer, fistler. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania, 1888, viii, 513: 542; 559.—Warren (J. M.) Colloid dis- ease of tlie rectum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1858-9, lix, 283.— Whitla (W.) The treatment of rectal pain hy conium. Practitioner, Lond., 1888, xl, 250-252. Rectum (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Saint Mark's Hospital for fistula and other diseases of the rectum, London. Anunal reports of the committee ou management to the gover- nors and subscribers. 18., 1853; 23.-25., 1858- 60; 28., 1863; 29., 1864; 31.-34., 1866-9; 37., 1872; 39., 1874; 40., 1875; 42., 1877; 44.-53.. 1879-88. '8°. London, 1854-89. -----. [Blank forms iu use at the hospital.] v. s. [London, 187- to 1882.] -----. A few facts and observations, with the report ofthe committee of management for 1875. 16°. London, [1876]. -----. Laws of the hospital, as revised and amended at a meeting of the committee of man- agement held on the 18th day of January, 1887, and continued at the annual general meeting of the donors antl subscribers, held at the Mansion House, ou the 10th day of February, 1887. 8-. London, 1887. -----. Extract from the laws of the hos- pital as to the privilege of governors and sub- scribers. 8°. [London, n. d.] -----. Rules to be observed by the patients. 4°. [London, n. d.] -----. Rules to be observed by visitors. 4°. [London, n. d.] Saint Paul's Infirmary for Hemorrhoids, Fis- tula, and other Diseases of the Rectum, New York City. Annual report. 1.. 1879-80: .5., 1882., 8C. New York, 1880-83. Rectum {Excision of): See, alsol Rectum (Cancer of). Anschutz (A.) * Ueber die Exstirpatio recti namentlich jiber eine neue Methode derselben vou Huter mit musculo-cutaner Lappeubildung. 8°. Greifswald, 1871. Cortes (S.-A.-Il.) *De l'extirpation du can- cerj du rectum par la ligature extemporan6e. 4°. Paris, 4860. Cosson ( E.-St.-C, ) *De l'extirpation de la partie inferieure du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1847. Del-Gkkco (G.) Nuovo istruinento per la elettro-terapia, processo misto per la rettotomia. 8°. [Firenze, 1881.] Dixkler (A.) *De carcinomate intestini recti et operationibus quibus removetur. 8°. Jenw, 1853. Fischer (F.) * Einige Fiille von Exstirpation des Mastdarmcarciuoms. 8C. Berlin, [1882]. KECTUM. 1067 KECTUM. Rectum (Excision of). Fumouze (A.) *De l'extirpation du rectuin. (Proce"de tie M. Denonvilliers.) 4°. Paris, 1865. Hanstein (P.) *De exstirpatione recti, ad- jecta historia morbi. 8°. Gryph ite, 187)6. Marchand (A.-H.) * Etude sur l'extirpation tie I'extr6mit6 inferieure du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1873. . -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1873. Pinault (J.-M.-J.-T.) * Sur le cancer du rec- tum et sur l'extirpation dela partie inferieure tie cet intestin 4J. Parti, 1829. PotHiEXDOREE (R.) * Ueber Exstirpatio recti. 8°. Greifswald, 1885. Schultz ( H. ) *De exstirpatione intestini recti carcinoniatosi. 8°. Berolini, [1847], Trautwein ( L. ) *De resectione intestini recti ejusque casu novo. 8°. Bonnie, [1837]. Volkmaxx (R.) Ueber tlen Mastdarmkrebs untl tlie Exstirpatio recti. • In: Samml. hi in. Vortr., Leipz., 1878, No. 131 (Chirurgie, No. 42. 1113-1128;. Agncw (D. H.) Removal of rectum for epithelioma; death fiom pyaemia. Phila. M. Times, 1870-7, vii, 442.— Alexander (W.) Removal of advanced cancerous dis- ease of the rectum hy a new method. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1887, vii, 235-245. Also: Med. Press efc fire., Lontl. 1887, n.s., xliv, 98-101. Also [Ahstr.j: Med. Press efc Circ] Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 465.—Anibrosioni (P.) |Retto- tomia; morte.] Rendic. statist, san. d. osp. civ. di Sain- pierdareua 1874-8, Genova, 1880, 233-247.—Andrews (E.) Excision of the rectum. Chicago M. J. efc Exam., 1884, xlix, 486-488.—Arrari (A.) Asportazione di estcsa por- zione di retto intestino per cancro. Boll. tl. Poliamliul. di Milano, 1888, i, 17-20.—Ashhurst (J.), jr. Case of linear rectotomy. Med. Bull., Phila., 1882, iv, 33. — Auflrct. Uu cas de procidence du gros intestin d'une longueur de 90 centimetres; operation par excision; double tangiSe de suture; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1882, Ivii, 16-24.— Ball. Excision of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 1250.—Barker (A. E.) Partial excision of the rectum ; recovery. Ibid., 1883, i, 6. -----. A caseof intussuscep- tion of ihe upper end of the rectum, due to distinction by a new growth ; excision of the intussusception; suturn of the remaining howel; complete recovery. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond., 1887, lxx. 335-342. — Baron (J.) Resection ties Mastdarms. Pest, med.-chir, Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 620. — Baum. Resection eines carcinomatosen Lick- darmstiickes. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, vi, 169- 176.—Baunies. Extirpation de deux pouces et demi k trois pouces de rintestin rectum. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1836, i, 936. — Beatson. A portion of the rectum removed. Glasgow M. J., 1883. [4.1 s.. xx, 460-465. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path, efc Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i, 8-13. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 18*4. i, 63.—dc Becker (E.) Phlegmon piSrirectal; gangrene tlu rectum; extirpation; guerison. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1885, xxxvii, 385-387. — Bill- roth. Carcinoma recti. In: Eder (A.) Aerztl. Ber. 1884, 8°, Wien, 1885, 58-60.—Bloxam (J.A.I Epithelioma of rectuin ; removal of lower three and a half inches; re- covery. Metl. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii, 4t 4.— Boeekel (E.) De l'extirpation tlu rectum par la voie sacr6e. Bull, med., Par., 1889, iii. 1483-1485.—Boeekel (J.) Chute du rectum; amputation par l'anse galvauo- eaustjque; ouverture du p6iitoine; p6ritonite localis6e; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1877, xxxvi, 00. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1878, xiv, 27-29.—Bogda- nili (J.) O resekcyi odbytuicy w razie wypadniecia tejze. [ Resection of rectum in complete prolapsus. ] . Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1889, xxviii, 533. — Bourienne. Extirpation de l'extremite inferieure du rectum atteinte d'epithelioma, sur une longueur de 10 a, 11 centimetres; guerison. Annee med., Caen, 1878-9, iv, 122-126.- Iton- yer. Cancer du rectum; excision de cet intestin tlans I'etendue de quatre ponces; guerison. Gaz. ni6d. de Tar., 1847, 3. s., ii, 992.—Briddon (C. K.) Extirpation of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1877. xxv, 63; 411. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1877, ii, 164-168. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 12; 235. -----. Extirpation of cancer of rectum. Ibid., 1878, xiv, 355. -----. Extirpation of lower end of rectum and entire prostate gland for scirrhous carci- noma. Ibid., 1881, xx, 145-147.— Bnsch (F.) Die Ex- stirpation des Mastdanns mit Bildung eines muskulo- kutiiiicn Perineallappens. Berl. klin. Wchuschr., 1883, xx, 219-221. — Byrd ( \V. A.) Extirpation of rectum, with- out destroying the sphincter ani muscle. Metl. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1880, xliii. 507-510. A Iso, Reprint. Also: \ Practitioner, Bait., 1880, i, 18-20.— Byrne (J.) Con- tributions to gvnsecology, No. x. I. Fibro-sarromatons tumor of the uterus: operation; recovery. II. Cancer of the rectum; excision; recovery. Ann. Anat. .V Surg. Soc. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 189-193. Also, Reprint. Rectum (Excision of). -----. Carcinoma recti; Exstirpation; 2 Falle, 1 Tod Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1880), 1881, 80- 82— Occherelli (A.) Estirpazione dell' estremita in- fenore del retto. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxviii 415-421.—Ueei (A.) & Ferranti (A.) Contribuzione alia chirurgia dell addome; resezione per la via dell' ano delle parti prostato-peritoneale e peritoneale del retto, del mesoretto e del! estremo inferiore del sigma colico. con spostamento in basso e sutura di quest' ultimo al contorno superiore della parte sfiuterica del retto. Riv. clin. di Bologua, 1883, 3 s., iii, 890-913, 2 pl.—Cheever (1). W.) Excision of the lower end of the rectum. Med. efc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1882, 3. s.. 158. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. efc S J., 1879, c, 593—C'hiarella (G. B.) Delia estirpazione del retto per cancro. Gazz metl. di Torino .1884, xxxv, 577: 606; 630; 649; 681; 705; 729. _____. Con- tributo alia casistica dell estirpazione del retto per cancro. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. iisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 448-453.—Coles. Excision of the rectum for cancer. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, x, 53-56. Also: St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1884, xlvii, 161-105.—Cook (G. J.) Excision of cancer ofthe rectum. Indiana M. J., Indianap. 1S85-6, iv, 1-5. Also: Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indiana])., 1885, xxxv, 145-152.—Corbett (li. A.) Cancer of the rectum ; operation. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1883-4, xvi, 2( 5.—Coulon. Chute du rectum, datant tics dix ans chez un adulte; opeiation pratiqutje avec l'ticraseur line- aire; guetison. Soc m6d. d'Amiens. Bull., 1809, viii, 121- 127.—C'ripps (W. H.) Cancerof the rectum treated by excision. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 494-490.----'-. Three cases of excision of the rectum for cancer. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1884, xvii, 159-164.-----. Stricture of the rectum; complete intestinal obstruction for two mouths; proctotomy; recovery; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 444. — C'nnlitre. Epithelial cancer of the rectuin; ox- excision; recovery. Ibid., 1879, i, 370— Da 4'amiii (F.) Resezione di un tratto notevole di intestino retto carcino- matoso. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1841, xeviii, 585-587. Also [with additions]: Gior. veneto tli sc. nied., Venezia, 1858, 2. s., xi, 259-275.—Denial-quay. De I'ablation par- tielle ou totale de rintestin rectuin avec ablation pattielle ou totale de la prostate. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1873, 4. s., ii, 382; 410.—Denonvilliers. [Tumeur t aneeiciisi- du rec- tum enlevee sur un vieillard de67 ans.] Bull. .Soc anat. tie Par., 1843, xviii. 171.—von Dittel. Circulates Masf- darmcarcinom: Exstirpatio recti; Tamponade der Wuntie mit Jodoformgaze; Heilung. Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 304. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1885, xx, 448. —---. Carcinoma recti; Exstirpatio recti; Heilung. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 312.—von Eisel»l»crg. Exstirpation eles Rcctums uud der Vagina wegen Carci- nom. Sitzungsb. tl. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien. 1889. ii, 39-41. —Elder (G.) Excision of the rectum for an epitheliomatous tumour. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1885, ii. 183. — Epithelioma of rectum ; extirpation. N. York M. J., 1878, xxviii, 322.—Esinarch (F.) Exstirpation des Mastdarm wegen Krebs. Cong, internat. p6riotl. tl. sc. m6d. Compt. rend. sect, de chir. 1884. Copenh., 1885, viii, 3-5.—Eve (F. S.) On a case of high excision of the rec- tum, the section of the bowel being above the reflection of peritoneum ; with recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud. (1880-7). 1887, xx, 162-104.—Ewart. Malignant disease of the rectum and anus, removed by excision. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 881.—Farges (G.) Cancroide; ablation du rec- tum. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1872, 4. s.. i, 486.—Fenger (C.) Extirpation ofthe rectum. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1889, vi, 1-3.—Fen wick (G. E.) Removal of the end of the rec- tum with the sphincter ani for epithelioma. Canada M. efc S. J., Montreal, 1878, vi. 100-105. -----. Malignant tlisease of the rectum treated by excision aud colotomy. Ibid., 1885-6, xiv, 585-597. Also, Reprint.—Ferrcri (G.) Pro- lasso del retto complete curato colle escissiot.i pnrziali tlella mucosa; sutura; ricostituzione dell' oriflcio anale. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1884, x, 273-277.—Fo- ehier. Sur Implication de la rectotoraie lineaire aux re- tiecissements ties-6tendus du rectum. M6m. et compt. rentl. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyou (1875), 1876, xv, pt. 1, 161- 170; pt. 2, 241.—Ford (W. H.) Amputation of the rec- tum. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 50-58.—Fort (J.- A.) R6tr6cissement tlu rectum; rectotoniie externe; au- topsie. Bull. Soc denied, prat, de Par. (1884). 1885, 51- 56. Also: J. de med.de Par., 1884, vii, 9-13.—Fowler (G. R.) Excision of the lower four and a half inches of the rectum, for carcinoma. Ann. Anat. efc Surg. Soc, Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1881, iv, 62-66.—Franks (K.) On excision of the'rectum. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1887, 3. s., lxxxiii. 05-74 — Fulton (J. A.) Excision of rectum for cancer. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Portland, 1888, xv, 60-63.—Gay (J.) On excision of cancerous stricture from the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 895. Also: Med. Times et Gaz., Lontl.,' 1879, i. 712. — CJestieltes Zotten-Carcinom des Masttiarms; Exstirpation nach Unterbindung des Stieles ; Heilung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 1079.— Gootle (W. H.) Excision of the rectum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 62-64.—Gorski (C.) 0 resekcyi kiszki stolcowej z powodu jej wypadniecia. KECTUM. 1068 KECTUM. Rectum (Excision of). I Resection of rectum for prolapse.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1887, xxvi, 113; 125.— Hawkins (T. H.) Resection of rectum for epithelioma ; recovery. Denver M. Times, 1885-6, v, 102-104.—van der Ilrggr Zijncn (L.) Waar- neniing eener uitzakkiug ties slijmvlies des deenldarma door wegsnijtling behaudeld. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Gravi nh., 1843, n. s., ii. 193-202, 1 ph—Heineke (W.) Ein Vorschlag zur Exstirpation hochgelegeuer Rectum- carciiiome. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 015- 618.—llelinnth (W. T.) Excision of the rectum. Am. Observer, Detroit, 1879, xvi, 133; 219; 254. -----. Three cases of extirpation of the rectum. Brit. J. Homoeop., Loud., 1882, xl, 236-345.—Heyfelder. Extirpation ties Mastdarms wegen Krebs. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Metl, Hamb., 1848, xxxvii, 167-171. —Hochenegg (J.) Carcinom des Rectiuns ; Exstirpation. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte in Wieu, 1887, 134-136—Holiner. Om Behandlingen af Carcinoma recti ved Exstirpation. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1880, 2. R.. vii, 241; 261; 282.-----. Tilfaelde af Amputa- tion af Rektuni nied tabniug of Cavum peritonaii; Helbre- delse. Ibid., 1882. 2. R., ix, 21-26. — Holmes (T.) A case of excision of the lower part of the rectum. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1878, xi, 113-117. Also [Abstr.l : Med. Times et Gaz., Lemd., 1878, i, 204. Also [Ahstr.j: St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond.. 1879. ix, 270.—Hueter (C.) Die Exstirpatio recti mit Bildung eines musculo- cutanen Perineallappeiis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i. 485-493.—Jones (S.) Excision of rectum for epi- thelioma ; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii. 16.—Kellcy (W.) Extirpation of the rectum for carcinoma. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1876-7, i, 312-314.— Kclsey (C. B.) External rectotomy as a substitute for lumbar colotomy in the treatment of stricture of the rectum. N. Vork M. J., 1880, xxxi, 255-205. Also, Reprint.-----. An analysis of one hundred and fortv cases of excision of earner of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxii. 608-619. A Uo, Re- priut. -----. Extirpation of eancer of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y.,1881, xix, 176-179.—Kcycm. Amputation of rectum. N.York M. J., 1878, xxviii, 68.— King ( K.) Case of carcinomatous disease of the rectum treated bv excision. Brit. M. .T., Lond., 1879. ii, 865.—Knie (A. D.') Extirpatio recti ratli zlokach. novoobrazov. [Extirpation of rectum in malignant tumors.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1887, hi, 69-73. — Koeher (T.) Die Extirpatio recti nach vorheriger Excision des Steissbeins. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1874, i, 145-147.—Kceberle. Extirpation circulaire d'une portion du rectum sur une dame atteinte de cancer ile cet organe. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1877, xxxvi, 23. Also: Mem. Soc.de med. de Strasb., 1878, xiv, 10-12.— Konig. ZurMethodik der intraabdominalen Exstiipatio recti. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 433-436.— Ki-nxkc (P.) Zur Exstirpation hochsitzeuder Mastdarm- krebsc. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, 1885, xiv. 404-474. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886, xxxiii, 563-573. -----. Die sacrale Methode der Exstirpation von Mastdarmkrebsen und die Resectio recti. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 899-904.—Kumar. Apfelgrosser, scharf begrenzter Krebsknoten an der h intern Wand des vorgefallen Mastdarnies; Exsthpatiein mit dem Ecraseur; Tod. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1878. xxviii, 1070-1072.— I..ting (E.) Krebs des Mastdarms, hoch hinauf reichend, vollstiiudige Extirpation; gefahrliche Blutung; Heilung. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1870, l, 146-149.— linage (F.) Extirpation of the lower part ofthe rectum antl the entire coccyx. Auu. Anat. ic Surg., Brooklyn, 1ST. Y., 1883, viii, 38.—Eemoigue. Caso di esportazioue del retto [in an ass]. Veterinaria, Parma. 1880, i, 919-923.— I.isfranc (J.) Cancer de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du rec- tum : ablation. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-8, i, 362. -----. Excision dela partie inferieure du rectum, devenuecarcino- mateuse. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxviii, 219-224.----. M6moire sur l'excision de la partie inf6- rieuiedu rectum devenue carcinomateuse. Gaz. m6d.de Par., 1830, i, 337-340. Also, Reprint. Also .- Mem. Acad. de med.. Par., 1833, iii, 291-302.—I.loyd (J.) On excision of the cancerous rectum. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1888, xxiii, 49: 105— leowsou (D.) Case of stricture of the rectum, treated by excision of the stricture. Laucet, Lond., 1879, i, 512. -----. Excision of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 14.—I.ntz (F. J.) Excision ofthe rectum for the cure of malignant growths. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1884, xlvi. 109-113. Also, Reprint,—Eysler (H. F.) A case of extirpation of the rectum for epithelial carcinoma. Michi- gan M. News, Detroit, 1879. ii, 7.—iVIacfarlane (J.) Carcinoma of the rectum ; excision, followed by fatal phle- bitis. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1837, xlvii, 47 — tlacleod (G. H. B.) Excision of a portion of the rectum for malignant tlisease. Glasgow M. J., 1882, xviii, 378-380. -----. The treatment of cancerof the rectum hy excision, with a record ot sevencases. Ibid., 1885. [4.] s., xxiv, 210 : 331.—.flandt. Resection eiues Theiles des Intestini recti. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. 1834, xiii, 11-35.—ITIareh (A.) Scirrhus, or malignant disease of the rectum. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1808, 99-107. Also. Repriut.—1TIai-sh. Made- lung's 'operation. Brit.M.J.. Lontl., 1889. i. 893.—IVIaz- zoni (C.) Prolasso vastissimo del retto, escissione multi- pla del tessuto mucoso e sotto mucoso ; guarigione. Clin. Rectum (Excision of). chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1876, iii, 65-67. -----. Epitelioma del! ampoli rettale e della parete posteriore dt 11a vagina; estirpazione; guarigione. Ibid., 174-170 — )la//oni iG.) Cancro dell' intestino retto ; operazione di Krascke ; guari- gione. Bull. tl. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1887-8, ix, 302- 310.—Merchant (M. F.) A case of excision of epithelial cancer of the rectuin. Meel. News, Phila., 1885. xlvii, 429.— lVlonnl. Cancer do recto e do septo recto-vaginal ; estir- paoao: cura. Gaz. d. hosp., Rio de Jan.. 1883,, i, 20; 95.— iMoresrhi (A.) Oualcbe considerazioni- sulles'l irpazione del retto, e caso clinico. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1888. 5. s., vi, 509-523. — Nelaton. Nouveau procede pour I'abla- tion de l'extremit6 iuferieure du rectum chez la femme. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 21.—I>'epveu. Sur l'ex- tirpation de l'extremite iuferieure tlu reetmn. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, 6— Nicoladoni (('.) Prolapsus recti; Hedrokele; Resektion des Prolapsus; Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi. 8i'9-833.—."N'ieri (N.) Estir- pazione totale del! estremita inferiorc del ret to per cancro. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1884. v, 789 ; 790.—von > ■■■>»l>num. Herausnahme tics Mastdarms, tier Prostata mit tier da von unifassten Harurohre untl eines Stiiekes des Blasenhalses. Aerztl. Int.-Bl , Miinchen. 1869, xvi.489-492. Also: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1869, xv, 879-883—O'Hara (M.) Excision of four inches of the upper part of the rectum, in consequence of intussusception caused by a villous tumor. Phila. 51. Times, 1877-8. viii, 256-258. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 26-31.— O-li-om (H. I.) Amputation of the rectum. N. York M. Times, 1881-2, ix, 1(12.—Paci I A.) l>i un caso tli rettoloinia. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1882..xlix, 398-403.—Pad ley (G.) Cancer of the ret turn ; excisioli : recovery. Lancet. Lond.. 1887, ii, <;55.—Parker (R.) Excision of rectum for can- cerous stricture. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 523-520.— Paul (F. T.) Notes of a case of excision of cancer of the rectum. Ibid., 1882, ii, 158. -----. Case of excision of cancer of the rectum. Ibid., 1885, v, 481.—Percival (G. H.) Proctotomy, followed by colotomy; scirrhusof rectum. Lancet. Lontl., 1884, i, 1028.—Petel. Cancer enorme du rectum, chez un homme de 67 ans; extirpation; accidens cons6cutifs graves; gu6rison, dont la duree datedeja de pins tl'un an. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 17-19.— Petronio (F.) Asportazione di estesa porzione d' intes- tino retto, eseguita con processo misto di legatura elastica e schiacciamcuto lineare; guarigione completa; storia clinica, e considerazioni anatomichee patologiche sul retto intestino e sue pei tinenze. Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Xa- poli, 1883, n. 8., v, 573; 653. Also: Osservatore metl, Palermo, 1883, 3. s., xiii, 424-455.—Pick. Excision of the lower end ofthe rectum. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Loud.. 1879, ix, 31-J — Pisztory (F.) Carcinoma epi tho- Hale recti operirt : geheilt. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 417.—Post (A. C.) A caseof epithelioma of the rectum, in which the operation of proctectomy was performed. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 121. -----. Cancer of the rectum; proctectomy. Ibid., 164.— Prewitt (T. F.) Opera. tion for cancer of the rectum. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1879), 1880, ii, 279-285.—Pntti (M.) Estirpa- zione del retto e del setto retto-vagiuale con successiva va- gino-plastica. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1881, 6. s., vii, 153-164. — Baye (O'C.) Caseof amputation of the rectum. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta,. 1883, xviii, 348. Also: Tr. Cal- cutta M. Soc, 18s3. iv, 251. -----. Irreducible prolapse ofthe rectum, treated by amputation ; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1886, ii. 72.— Raymondaud (G.) Cancer du rectum ; ablation ; guerison. J. Sot:, de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vieune, Limoges, 1884, viii, 114-120.—Kichel. Epithelioma du rectum ; operation ; mort par suite d'uu ervsipele; presentation des pieces anatoinii|ins. Rev. m6d. franc, ct etrang.. Par., 1879, i. 436-138—Ricord \- Uc marqnay. Ahlazione parziale della parte auteriore-infe- riore dell intestino e della porzione corrispondente alia prostata. Campania metl,Caserta, 1872, ii, 81-85.—Ricg. ner. Ueber Exstirpation des Mastdarms wegen ausge- dehnter Verschwarungen. Jahresb. tl. schles. Gesellsch, f. vaterl. Kult. 1883, Bresl., 1884, lxi, 81-100. Also: Bres- lau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi, 25; 64.— Kill ne. Zur Ex- stirpation hochsitzeuder Masldarmkrebse. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1886, xiii, 236-242. — KizzoIi (F.) Storia di una asportazione di estesa porzione dell' intestino retto canceroso. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1840, 2. s., ix. 330-337.----. Asportazione di estesa porzione di retto intestino per neoplasia fibrosa, eseguita felice- mente ce.n metodo misto, cruento e terinocaustico. Ren- dic Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1877-8, 12-15.— Roberts (J. B.) Excision of the rectum for carcinoma. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1876-7, i, 311. -----. Excision ol the lower end of the rectum in cases of cancer. Med. efc Surg. Repoiter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 499-506. Also, Re- print. -----. Ext ision of a portion of the rectum for iualig- nauttlisease. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1880, 81-87.-----. Early excision in cases of rectal cancer. Med. efc Surg. Repoiter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 356-358.—Roddick (T. G.) Cancer of rectum; removal of four inches of the- gut; re- covery. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., l««o, i 149-153.— Ron tier. Extirpation du rectum par la voie sacree. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. de Parv 1889, 11. a., xv, 660.— RIOCTl'M. 1069 KECTUM. Rectum (Excision of). Roux. Cancer du rectum; excision d'une portion de I'in- testin, cicatrisation ; noyau squirrheux situe k une certaine distance. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831-2, v, 299.—Roux. Ex- cision d'un cancer du rectum; 16sion du p6ritoine; suture; gu6rison. Rev. metl. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii, 139-143.—de Saboia (V.) Estreitameuto fibroso da ex- tremidade inferior dei recto; rectotomia pelo galvano-cau- stico; cura sem accidentes. Progresso med., Rio de Jan., 1876-7, i, 18; 42.—Sacchi (E.) Hi un caso di estirpazione totale del! intestino retto per cancro, e la cocaina. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 563-573. — Nalvia (E.) Estirpazione parziale del retto. Riforma metl., Napoli, 1889, v, 770; 776; 782. — Sal y Lima (R.) Cancer del recto; extirpaciondel retto (uuevecentimetros); curacion. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1877, v, 77: 94—Schuh. Ex- stirpation eines krebsigen Mastdarms. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1848, lxiv, 315-318. — Wenn (N.) Excision of the rectum for malignant tlisease. Internat. J. M. efc S., N. Y., 1881, i, 32; 55. Also, Reprint.—Seymour (W. VV.) A successful caseof excision of the rectum. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1884, N. Y., 1885, i, 156-160. Also, Re- print.—Smith (H.) Removal of a portion of the rectum for epithelioma. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 502.—Snow (H. L.) A case of uxcision of the rectum for cancer; with re- marks on the preventibility of subsequent cicatricial con- traction. Ibid., 1885, i, 560.—Slaub. Exstirpation eines degenerirten Stiiekes des Mastdarms. Wchuschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1839, 701.—Stirling (J.) Carcinoma of rectum: operation; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1833. [2.] s., i, 45.—Svensson (I. ) Epithelioma recti; exstirpatio; colotomia. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1880, xiii, 187-195.—Te- denat (E.) La rectotomie interne dans les r6trecisse- ments du rectum. Montpel. med., 1881, xlvii, 130; 225.— Tiffany (L. McL.) Result of operative measures for rectal cancer. Tr. M. efc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1884, 214-217.—Tome (E.) Esportazione delT ano e del retto. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885, iii, 197-204.—Tur- ner (W.) Sequel to a case of excision of the rectum for epithelial cancer. Lancet, Lond, 1883, ii, 815.—Valerani (F.) Estirpazione del retto per carcinoma. Ann. univ. di metl. e chir., Milano, 1879, eeli, 412-416.—Van Ruren (\V. H.) Extirpatio recti (Volkmann) for cancer, with cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 21-24.—Van Derveer (A.) Report of two cases of excision of the rectum, with remarks. Ibid., 1879, xvi, 267-269. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Albany (1870-80), 1883, iii, 341.— Veljaininofl" (N. A.) Sluch. ekstirpat. prjamoi kischki pri rake eja. [Exstirpation of rectum forcancer.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1887, v, 95-105. Also: Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1887, iii, 468-477. -----. O vy- lusclienii priamoi kishki s predvar. iliodnovrem. kolotomei po Schinzinger-Madelung'u. [Extirpation of rectum with preliminary colotoinv according toSchinzinger-Madelung.J Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1889, v, 12; 137; 271, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. —Velpeau. Ablation de I'extr6mit6 inferieure dn rectum. Gaz. d. hop., Far., 1839, 2. s., i, 13.—Walker (H. O.) Extirpation of the rectum. Med. Advance, De- troit. 1879, iii. 11.— Walshain (W.J.) A case of excision of caucer of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 812. -----. Two cases of excision of the rectum. Ibid., 1884, i, 900.—Watson (II.) Partial excision of the wall of the rectum. Studi tits J. efc Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 39.— Weinlcchncr. Epithelialkrebs des Mastdarmes mit Durchbruch in die Scheide; Exstirpation; gestorben an Septicamie. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1872), 1874,117. -----. Mastdarmkrebs; Exstir- pation des Knoten mit dem Messer nach Spaltung ties Mittelfieisehes und eiues Theiles der Scheidewantl; Aetzung tier W untie mit con een tri iter Chlorzinklosuug; Heilung der Wunde, jedoch, Recidive hoch oben. Ibid. (1875) 1876, 339. -----. Carcinoma, recti. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1887, Wien, 1888, 63-65.— Wharton (H. R.) Removal of rectuin for epithelioma; tleath from pya-mia. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 442.— Wright (J.VV.) Cancer of the rectum; operation of extiipation and colotomy. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 636- 039.—Hole (K.Z.) Excisionof the rectum. Clinic, Chicago, 1882, iii, 434. Rectum (Exploration of). See, also. Bladder ( Displacements of); For- eign bodies; Hip-joint (Diseases of, Diagnosis, etc., of); Rectum and uterus. Hodknhamer (W.) The physical exploration ofthe rectuin; with au appendix on the ligation of hemorrhoidal tumours. 8°. New York, 1870. Debkabant (F.) * I. Quels sont les sigues qui sont fournis par l'exploration de l'anus et ties teguments qui lVnvironnent? Quels sont les si«nes que l'onohtient par le toucher tlu rectum? II? [etc.], 4°. Paris, 1839. Dumareau (R.) * Du toucher rectal etde sa va- leuraupointdevuedtuliagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1873. Rectum (Exploration of). Weiss (J.) Description and uses of the new speculum aui, etc., invented hy Mr. Weiss, Lon- don. 8°. [London, 18231] Barthelemy. Sur un nouveau speculum ani. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1830, lviii, 57-59. — Bridilon. Dangers of Simon's exploration; rupture of cyst of .spleen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 637. — Buna 11 (F. A.) On some of the uses of the knees and elbows; position. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 103-109.— Cousin (A.) Sui rexploratiou de l'anus et du rectum et sur Its moyens de faciliter le diagnostic ties affections de ces organes. iiinsi que l'execution ties operations quelles conipoi tent. (Iaz. med. de Par., 1873, 4. s., ii, -J81; 324. Also [Ahstr.j: Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1873, lxxxv, 296-303.—I».in- ili-iugc (N. P.) Manual exploration ofthe rectum, with the report of a case followed by rupture of bowel and fatal peritouitis. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 1876, xix, 441-448. Also, transl.: Bull. gen. tie therap.. etc., Par.. 1876, xc. 4H-488. —Davy (R.) Clinical lecture on rectal examina- tions. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1877, ii. 72-74. Also, in his: Surg. Lect., 8°, Lond., 1880, 40-48.— Uanieon ( W. W.) Bowel exploration, Simon's plan ; experiments upon the cadaver; introduction of the hand: insertion of rectal tubes: how far will injections pass'? Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic, 1885. xiv, 221-226.—Knglisch (J.) Ein Masttlariii- spiegel. Wien. med. Wehnschr.. 1888, xxxviii. 1244; 1273— ii ii yon. Considerations sur 1'anatomie et l'examen direct tie l'auus et tlu rectuin. Ann. m6d.-chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1888, iv, 73-81.—Hoist (.1.) Ueber tlie tiop- pelte Untersuchung im Allgemeinen und tlie tloppelli' Un tersucbung durch den Mastdarm inshesondere. licitr. z. Gynak. u. Geburtsk., Tiibing., 1865, i, 1-25. — Ilorli lonp. Sptjculum du rectum. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1876, n. s., ii. 356.—Hosmer (A.) Anotherspeciiluin aui. Boston M. c South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide, 1883, 12. — Thorndike (W. H.) Removal of a stone from the peritoneal cavity; recovery. Med. efc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1882, 3. s., 260-262.— Tillnux. Corps etranger du rectum : extraction; mort. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, n. s., iii, 532.— Toinpselt. Letter on case of foreign body in the rec- tum. Lancet, Lontl., 1869, i, 448.—Trull (W. B.) Forci- ble intrusion of a large stone into the abdominal cavity, and removal, with recovery. Boston M. efc S. J., 1870, lxxxiii, 3. —Turney (H. L.) Extraction of a chicken bone from the side of the anus. Nashville J. M. efc S., 1883, n. s., xxxii, 261.— Csiglio. Estrazione di un corpo straniero dal retto. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1883, iv. 699.— Van Swygenhoven (C.) Note sur une affection h6mor- rordale causee et entretenue par un corps etranger dans I'intestin tectum. Ann. Soc.de med. dAnvers, 1844, 77- 81. —Vast. Corps etrangers du rectum; s6jourssuccessifs de huit et trois mois dans les tissus; extraction. Union m6d., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 829-832.—Vergcly (B.) Corps etranger du rectum (porte-plume de dix-neuf centimetres de longueur) sorti spontan6ment par la paroi abdominale & l'union de l'hypochondre et du flanc droit; gu6rison. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 515-518. Also: M6m. et bull. Soc. de in6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1885), 1886, 146- 155. Also, transl. : Boll, di din., Napoli, 1885, ii. 237-240.— Verneuil. Corps etranger volumineux introduit dans l'anus, arrete et solidement fixe a, la partie sup6rieure du rectum ; laparotomie m6diane permettant de mobiliser le corps etranger et de le pousser de haut en bas; extraction par l'anus, d'abord ties laboriense, mais facilitee par la rectotomie lineaire; plaie de l'abdomen r6unie par pre- miere intention, et recouverte du pansement de Lister- Gu6i in; plaies rectales traitees par les injections antisep- tiques reit6r6es; guerison sans accident. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 281-292. Also [Abstr.l: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 393. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1880, xlvii, 282.—Vertrees (W. M.) Removal of a pin from the rectum. South. Pract., Nashville, 1880, ii, 11— Visconti (A.) Caso di corpi es- stranei ( quattro spadine ) nell intestino retto. Atti . . . r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett., Milano, 18/2, v, 193-204, 1 pl— Walser (F.) Ein seltsamer Fremdkorper im Rectum. Aller. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 373.—von Walthcr (B.) Beobaehtung eines fremden Korpers von ungewohn- licher Grosse im Mastdarme. J. f. Chir. u. A ugenh., Berl, 1820 i, 435-440.—Weaver (J. M.) Two cases ol foreign body in tbe rectum. Ohio M. efc S. J., Columbus, 1877, ii, 67-69. — Weigand. Ein Stuck Holz im Intestino recto. Med Cor.-Bl. d. wiiritemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1860, xxx, 350. — Weist (J. R.) Novel surgical case. [A "corn- cob" bougie passed into the rectum for the cure ofthe piles- the cob remaining in the bowel, producing death.] Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1873-4, iv, 17-19.—While- head (R.) Case of simulated fissure of the anus, caused by a piece of egg shell in the rectum, and lodged against the sphincter ani muscle. Tr. Colorado Territor. M. Soc, Denver 1874, 42.—Xella (F.) Storia di un corpo estraneo introdotto nel retto intestino. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1879, 4. a., xi, 410-413. KKCTUM. 1072 RKCTl'M. Rectum (Gangrene of). See Rectum (Inflammation of). Rectum (Gonorrhoea of). See Sodomy. Rectum (Haemorrhage from). Anderson (J. W.) Case of haemorrhage from the rec- tum ; tieatment by pyrogallic acid. Glasgow M. J., 1881, xv, 226. —Bryant (T.) On haemorrhage from the bowei in children as a sign of polypus of the rectum. Laucet, Lond., 1859, ii, 530.—Calkins ( D. ) Peculiar case of haemorrhage fiom the rectum. Boston M. A S. J., 1857-8, Ivii, 274. — Gosselin. Hemorrhagies anales. Gaz. d. hop , Bar., 1877. 1, 809.—Holthousr. Haunorrhago from the rectum for twelve months, cured by the application of nitric acid to the mucous membrane. Lancet, Loud., 1858, ii, 474. — Lachowicz ( A.) Guzy krwawnicze wewne,- trzne, znacznej objetodci, powiklane guzami zewnetrznemi i wypaelnieniem odbytnicy na siedm centinietrdw. [Haem- orrhage and prolapse of rei turn.] Bam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1878, lxxiv, 473-482. — liCcluyse. Fongus du rectuin simulant des h6morroides fluentes chez les enfants. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1850, vii, 346-349. — lTIatthews (J. M.) Hemorrhage from the rectum; its causes aud treatment. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1883^, v, 6-10. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1883, xxvii, 334-337. Rectum (Hernia in). Englisch. Ueber Mastdarnibrncu. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct. Coll., 1882, viii. 174-178.—Tlolliere (D.) Note sur un cas tie rectocele \ aniuale. Mem. et. compt. rend. Seie tl. sc m6d. de Lyon (1875), 1876. xv, pt. 1, 39; pt. 2, 56.—Stcrk (J.) Hernia recti, Iuvaginatio, Anaemia ce- rebri, Collapsus. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 733-735.— Chde (C. W. F.) Hedrocele. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1868, ix, 1-20, 1 pl. Rectum (Impacted and obstructed). See, also, Rectum (Abnormities of). Bishopric (R.) Two cases of obstinate constipation of the bowels, arising from an accumulation of faeces in the rectum, attended with colic pains, cured chiefly by manual operation. Med. Comment., Ediub., 1795, decuria 2, x, 340-347. — Boncerf. Observation sur une obtura- tion tin rectum. J. tie metl, chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1780, Iiii, 254-258.—Koiiniv (F.) Impacted rectum from eat- ing pine chips. Boston M. efc S. J., 1858-9, lix, 39. — Ro- relli (G.) Lunghi e gravi incomodi simulati dalla pre- senza tli volumiuosa massa stercoracea nel! intestino retto. Rae tli oss. clin.-patol, Torino, 1854-67, ii, 6569. —Bry- ant ( VV. H ) Case of impacted rectum from eating roots, producing dysentei ic symptoms. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 180(1, iii. 21.—Busey (S. C.) A case of impacted rectum in a child six years old. Nat. M. J., Wash., 1871-2, ii. 403- 405—Cook (S. A.) Prodigious faecal accumulations iu the rectum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1846-7, xxxv, 515.—Dit- tel. Fall von Atresia ani vesicalis. Anz. tl. k. k. Ge- sellsch. tl. Aerzte in Wien, 1878-9, 11. — Duncau (R. B.) A case of blocked rectum simulating tlisease. A ust rai. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., ii, 543.— Dunlop (J.) A case of retention of fa'ces for twelve mouths. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, 713. — Frank. Exstirpation eines dutch eine betrachtliche Kothanhiiufuug im Mastdarme entstandenen veralteten Aftervorfalls. J. f. Chir. it. Au- genh., Berl., 1822, iv, 103-114. — Garsou (J. G.) Dis- placements ofthe bladder and peritoneum in the male by distention of the rectum. Edinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 300- 307, 1 pl. — Grifilth (G. dc G.) On loaded and blocked rectum, and manipulations per rectum. Practitioner, Lond., 1879. xxiii, 28-33. — Hazlehurst (R.) Obstruc- tion of the rectum by the impaction of a number of plum- stones which had been swallowed. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 569. — Helsham (H.) A caseof obsti- nate constipation, from indurated faeces. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1789, decuria 2, iii, 282.—Heygate (J.) Extra- ordinary accumulation of faeces in the lower part of the rectum.' Loud. M. Gaz., 1836-7. xix, 413.— Ilocken (E.) Case of immense accumulation of indurated lieces in the rectum, aud complete suppression of alvine evacuations for a month. Etlinb. M. efc S. J.. 1846, lxv, 24-30.—In man (T.) Impaction of the rectum from uiiground wheat. As- soc. M. J., Lond., 1853,000.—Jobert. [Aunts tie matieres fecales tlans le rectum, d'un volume enorme.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1831, 2. ed., 1850, vi, 110.— Jones (C. H.) Clinical lecture on a case of high temperature, with rapid pulse and delirium, depending on the presence of scybala in the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 229.—Ijechevcrcl. Ohservat ion sur une constipation, ou retentioudes maiieres f6cales tlans le rectum. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharin., Par., 1804, xix, 3-12.—itl arc hi audi (G.) Discossia da os- truzione meceanica del retto viutacol vino enietico portato con particolar practica al disopra dell' ostacolo. Gior. tl. r. Accad.med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xiii, 337-341.—Oli- phaut (I.) An account of a suppression of stools and urine, occasioned by an accumulation of hardened faeces in the rec- lum. Lond. M. J., 1786, vii, 26-33. Also, transl.: J. de Rectum (Impacted and obstructed). m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxv, 453-401—Paul (A.) Three cases of impacted fieces in the pouch of the rectum. Med. Press efc Circ, Dubl., 1866, ii, 2— Pophnin (J.) Ou obstructions of the rectum from the use of dis- eased potatoes. Lancet. Lond., 1850, i, 80. —Rectum im. pacted with currants. Boston M. efc S. J.. 1856-7, lv, 407.— Sharp (H. J.) Occlusion of the rectum. Cincin. Lan- cet efc Obs., 1871, xiv, 319-321.—Storer (II. R.) Sacculated scybala simulating glandular enlargements of the rec- tum. J. Gynaec. Soc. Bost., 1809, i, 80 -82.— Tra vers (R. B.) Cases of obstruction of the bowels, caused by fji'cal accumulation in the rectum. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1849, vii, 252-254.—Velpeau. Accumulation de matieres ster- corales dans le rectum prise pour un cancer tie rintestin. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1840, viii. 234.—Ware (R.) Impacted rectuin, caused by eating stick cinnamon. Boston M. efc S. J., 1858, lviii,-501. — Wescott (W. H.) Removal of a great number of cherrystones from the rectum. Ibid., 1876, xciv, 209. Rectum (Imperforate). See Rectum (Abnormities of). Rectum (Inflammation of). See, also, Periproctitis, etc. Fkldmann ([F.] A.) *Ueber Eutziiuduugen den Afters, Mastdarines uud dessen Uingebung. 8°. Bonn, [1874]. Hamonic (P.) * De la rectite prolife'raute v6- n^rienne et non ve'iuSrienne. 4°. Paris, 1887). Also, in: Ann. m6d.-chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1886, ii, 3; 43; 68; 107. Rarues(J.) A case of gangrenous suppuration. Phila. J. M. efc Phys. Sc, 1821, ii, 168-172.—Baumgartel (C.) Gangran des Mastdarnies. Ztschr. f. VVundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Winnenden, 1877, xxviii. 104- 118. — Beta ( K.) Ueber eczematose Proctitis und Intertrigo im Sausilings- alter. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1859, iv, 190-192.—Oavies- 1'olley (N.) Cylindrical slough of mucous membrane of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc Lond.. 1886, xxxvii, 251. — Fiir- briugei'ee Proctitis durch 235 Pflaumenkerne. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 133. — G.illicit (A. V. P.) Colo-proctitis treated by hot water douche and dilata- tion or division of the sphincters ani. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 63-65. — Giiuther (C. E. ) Proctitis. Ztschr. d. norild. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1847. i, 195-213.— ■1 albert (J. E.) Sphacelation of the rectum; death. N. Oil. M. ,fc S. J., 1878-9, n. s., vi, 52. — Isac(V) De los graniles abscesos junto al intestino recto. Beil. de med., cirug. y farm.. Madrid, 1852, 2. s., ii, 174; 181.— Juilkius (J. P.) Inflammation and sloughing of the rectum. Ohio M. efc S. J., Columbus, 1848, i, 11-17.— f.arrey. Observation sur une gangrene de I'intestin rectum J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1792, iv, 97-101. — IVIichalowski (S.) Zapaleuie kiszki stolcowej spowo- dowaim traumatyzniem polkniet6j kosci (proctitis trau- matica). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1871, xi, 387-392.—.Tlunde ( l\ F.) Catarrhal inflammation of the rectum in the female; a clinical lecture. Med. Gaz., N. T., 1882, ix, 341. -----. Exfoliation of the mucous membrane of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 110. Also: Tr. >T. York Obst. Soc, 1881-5, iii, 341.—lYIurillo (A.) Rectitis complicando el ultimo periodo de la prenez; curacion. Rev. m6tl. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1876, iv, 295. — IVasse. Die schlei- cheude Entziindung des Mastdarms. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl, 1817, i, 3-20. — Pasquier. Observation sur uue gangrene de tout rintestin rectum. J. de metl, chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xix, 351. — Periproctitis gangrenosa; Verlust, eines grossen Stiiekes Reelalschleim- haut; Spaltung zweier Mastdarmflstelu; Heilung. Jahresb. ii. tl. chir. Abth. tl. Spit, zu Basel, 1874, 45.—Riddcr. Ontsteking van het iiitestinum rectum, met uitgang iu verettering en daarop plaatsgegrepene pijp/.weer. ten ge- volge der aanweiiding van het copaiva balsanium in lave- ineuten. Xetleii. Lancet, Utrecht, 1838-9, i. 492-499.— de los Rios (J. M.) Rectitis cangrenosa. Uniou med., Caracas, 1883. iii. 178. — Santesson. Fall af chronisk proctitis med abscesser omkring rectum, oppuantle sig dels kring anus, dels uti introitiis vagina); ingen opera- tion; secundar phlebitis venae portae med abscessbilduing ilefvern; dod. Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk., Stockholm, 1855, 91— Schulz (S.) Von dem heissen Brand ties Mast- darms. Auserl. med. chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rdm.-kais. Akad. tl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1757, iv, 171. — Seltimj (A.) Di un caso di prottite con stenosi ed uh-erazione del retto. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1870, xxvi, 362; 476. — * mi lb (H. H.) [Description of a case of "pararectitis .] I'hila. M. Times, 1872, ii, 308.—Vance (R. A.) Proctitis, or inflam- mation of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 1877, xx, 779- 797.—Ward. Case' of supposed melanotic cancer of the rectum antl left kidney; abscess of the rectum which burst into the cavity of the peritoneum, causing fatal peritonitis. Prov. M. efc S. J., Lond., 1850, 575.—Wright (W. M. A.) A caseof sloughing of the rectum. Tr. RECTUM. 1073 RECTUM. Rectum (Inflammation of). Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1885, iii, 49-52. Also.- Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. a., lxxix, 289-292. Also: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 287. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 1036. Rectuin (Invagination of). Clripps (H:) Prolapse of the upper into the lower part of the rectum without external protrusion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 447-449. — Gueniot. Note sur uu cas d'invagination du rectum chez un foetus expuls6 en pre- sentation du si6ge et mort en naissant. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1871-2, iv, 409. — Weber [Bitter von Ebenhof). Invaginatio recti. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 761-763. Rectuin (larvae in). Allen (C. S.) A case of intra-rectal larvae, with gas- tritis, in an infant. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1887, Concord, N. H., 1888, iv, 417. Rectum (Medication by). See, also, Enemata; Phthisis (Treatment of) by rectal gaseous injection; Suppositories. Bodenhamer (W.) Au essay on rectal medi- cation. 8°. New York, 1878. Morel (V.) Nouveau traitement des affections des voies respiratoires et ties intoxications du sang par les injections rectales gazeuses d'apres la methode du Dr. L. Bergeon. 8°. Parti, 1886. Bergeon (L.) Sur les injections de medicaments gazeux dans le rectum. Compt. rend. Acad. d. s., Par., 1886, ciii, 176. [See, also, supra, Morel (V.)j —Rode (H. W.) TJeber rectale Applicationen. Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl. f. deutsch.-am. Aerzte, Buffalo, 1884, ii, 325-331. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1888, xxxiii, 98; 111. — Cathrll (D. W.) Rectal medication. Tr. M. efc Chir. Fac. Mary- land, Bait., 1885, 195-206. Also, Reprint. — ChadwicU (J. R.) The hot rectal douche. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc. 1880, Bost, 1881. v, 280-292. Also, Reprint. —Chante- messe (A.) Injections intestinales tie gaz carbonique charge de vapeurs m6dicamenteuses. J. tl. conn. nied. prat., Par., 1886. 3. s., viii, 377; 387. — Javrorski (W.) Ueber den Gebrauch der Mittelsalze per Rectum bei Koprostase, Dickdarmkatarrh und als Abfiihrmittel. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 281-283. — Kobner (H.) Ueber die Anwendung von Jod- und Bromprapara- ten per Rectum zu-localen (regionaren) und allgemeinen Heilzwecken. Therap. Monatsh., Berl, 1889, iii, 489-495.— Meier (H. F.) A new form of rectal medication. Drug. Bull., Detroit, 1889, iii, 40. Also, Reprint. — I'eyron (J.) Du danger que peuvent presenter les injections d'hydro- gene sulfure dans le rectum. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol, Par., 1886, 8. 8., iii, 515-518. — Spillmann efc Parisot (P.) De la valeur hypnotique des injections rectales d'acide carbonique et de gaz sulf hydrique. Ibid., 606.— Stewart (F. E.) A new method of rectal medication. New Remedies, N. T., 1879, viii, 363. Also, Reprint. Rectum (Neuralgia of). Davis (N. S.) Neuralgia of the rectum. Chicago M. Exam.. 1868, ix, 71-74. — Eitner. Proktalgia nervosa. Med. Ztg.. Berl, 1842, xi, 202.— Ilird. Painful neuralgic affection of the rectum removed by division of the sphincter. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, ii, 380. — Simon (M.) De la nevralgie de la partie inferieure du rectum, et de l'influence therapeutique ties vapeurs aqueusestlans cette maladie. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1843, xxiv, 88-95. Rectum (Nutrition by). See Alimentation (Rectal); Enemata (Nutri- tive). Rectum (Perforation of). See Rectum ( Ulcer, etc., of). Rectum (Polypus of). Boh (E.) * Quelques considerations sur les polypes du rectuin. 4°. Parti, 1877. Chargelaigue (A.) * Des polypes du rectum. 4°. Paris. 1859. Gayral (A.) *Des polypes du rectum. 4°. Paris, 187)9. Harpeck(C) *De polypis recti. 8°. Vratis- laviw, 1855. Joelson (J.) *De polypis intestini recti, ra- tione imprimis habita infantum. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 187)4. Johansex (J.) * Ueber die Polypen des Mast- darms. 4°. Kiel, 1868. In: Schkift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xv, 1868 vii, med. vii. Rectum (Polypus of). Leroy (A.) *Des polypes du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1862. Levesque (T.-W.) *Des polypes du rectum. 4°. Parti, 1866. Mercier (J.) »Des polypes du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1857. Pereton (G.-A.-V.) * Essai sur les polypes du rectum. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Adams (T. R.) Cystic polypus of the rectum com- plicating parturition. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 881.—A ii ce- ll on ( E.-A. ) Sur les polypes du rectum. Ann. metl. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1858-60, x, 761-763. Also: Echo m6d., Neuch&t, 1860, iv, 145-147. -----. Polype tlu rectum chez un adulte. [Rap. de Guersant.J Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1860), 1861, 2. s., i, 505-510. — Barili- net. Sur les polypes du rectum. Union ni6d., Par., 1853, vii, 369.—Barthclemy. Polypes flbreux du rectum chez deux enfants jumeaux; operation sur l'un d'eux; he- morrhagie menacante; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 381.—Bartscher. Polypen des Mastdarmes. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1863. xl, 32.—Bennett. Polypus of the rectum. Dublin.!. M. Sc, 1878, lxv, 461-463. — Bloch. Beobaehtung einer merkwiirdigen Verstopfung ties Leibes, welche ein polyposes Gewachs zum Grunde geltalit. uud vom5.,Tennerbiszuml8.Febr.gedaurethat. Berl. Samml. /.. Beford. d. Arzneyw., etc., Berl, 1768-9, i, 223-240. —Bloch (O.) En sjaslden Form af Polypus recti. Hosp.-Tid., K jo- benh., 1879, 2. R., vi, 301; 356.—Bodenstab. Masttlariii- polyp bei einem zwolfjahrigen Miidchen, durch tlie fitter- bindung geheilt. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1839, viii, 71— Bolmi (J.) Ueber Mastdarmpolypen bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1870-71, iv, 371-379.- Bougard (J.) Polype du rectum ; ligature ; gu6rison. Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1840, i, 150. — Bourgeois. Considerations sur quatre polypes du rectum observes sur de jeunes gar- cons de deux ans et demi a sept ans, et sur leur traite- ment. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1842, xxiii, 203- 269. -----. Nouvelles observations touchant les polypes de l'anus chez les enfants. Ibid., 1843, xxv, 366-308. -----. Quelques reflexions snr les polypes du rectum. Union ni6d., Par., 1853, vii, 322.—Bowl by (A. A.) Very large connective-tissue polypus of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv,'107. — Bryant (T.) Poly- pus ofthe rectum. Ibid., 1856-7, viii. 205 -----. Poly. pus of the rectum in a chiltl, successfully removed. Lan- cet, Lond., 1860, ii, 410. — Bnrnw (It.)' Polypus of the rectum. Med. Exam., Phila., 1847, n. s., iii, 146.— C'haseiaignac. Moyens diagnostiques pour l'explora- tion des tumeurs du rectum; polype du rectum chez un adulte ; operation par excision ; guerison. Monit. d h6p., Par., 1853, i, 579.—Cornil (V.) Comparaison d'un polype muqueux b6nin du rectum (tumeur adenolde), avec uue vari6t6 peu connue de tumeurs enc6phaloides de cette mu- queuse. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol. 1864, Par.. 1865, 4. s., i, 59-64. — Cripps (W. H.) Two cases of disseminated polypus of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 165-168, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 785. -----. Polypus of the rectum. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1890, vi, 52'; 80.—D'Ainbrosio (A.) Voluminoso tumore poliposo dell' intestino retto tli struttura papillare e glandolare. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1882, vii, 118-125. Also: Movimento, Napoli, 1882, xiv, 107-171__ Damon (H. F.) Polymis of the: rectum. Boston M. & S. J., 1863-4, lxix, 289-297.- Ocmarqiiay. Ptdypes du rectum, avccbourreleth6morrhoi'daire. Union metl., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 316-319.—Devouge. Polype de rextre- mite inferieure du rectum insere sur la paroi anterieure, au-dessus de la prostate; ablation. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1856, vii, 99-102.—Bobie (W. M.) Polypus of rec- tum ; ligature. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efe Edinb., 1853, xvii, 310.—Dolznuer. Mastdarmpolypen bei Kindern. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1843, iv, 417-421.— Dubrueil. Polype du rectum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 475.—Dnfresse-Chassaigne. I'eux observations de polypes du rectum. Ibid., 1853, iii, 571- 578.—Flkington (G.) [Tubular polypus of the rectum, removed from a child fourteen months old.] Prov. M. efe S. J., Lond., 1844, 193.—EUis. Excrescence in the rectum. Boston M. efe S. J., 1859-60, lxi, 502.—[Faure.l Nouveau proc6d6 de ligature des polypes du rectum. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 485.—Finlay (W. A.) Notes of a few surgical cases treated in the country. Edinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii, 1079-1083. — Fischer. Mittheilung eini- ger operirter Rectuni-Polypen. Ztschr. f. Wuiidarzte it. Geburtsh., Hegnach, 1888, xxxix, 35-40.—Fischer (G.) Polyp des Mastdarms. Inhis: Mitth. a. d. chir. Univ.-Klin. zu GStting., 8°, 1861, 234-237. — Fleming. Polypus of therectum. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xiii, 4H7.-Fochier (A.) Polypes multiples du rectum (plusieurs centaines); prolapsus; ligature; arrachement k plusieurs reprises; guerison. Lyon m6d., 1875, xviii, 364-367. Also: Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, 2. pt.. 14-17.— FTorget] (A.) Considerations pratiques sur les polypes du rectum; des differences qu'ils presentent dans leur structure; de leurs causes; de leurs symptomes, marche 68 KECTl/.M. 1074 KUOTUM. Rectum (Polypus of). et terminaison; de leur traitement. Union m6d., Par., 1847, i, 419; 423.-----. Quelques remarques sur la structure des polypes du rectum; leur diversite d'origine et de tex- ture ; la m6thode g6n6rale tlu traitement qui leur convient. Ibid., 1853, vii. 290.—Foruiau (D. M.) Polypus of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 317.—Forster (J. C.) Polypus in rectum; prolapsus; removal; cure. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, 3. s., xx, 32.—Gal lois. Des po- lypes du tectum chez les enfants. Ann. Soc.de med.deSt.- Etienne et de la Loire (1857-60), 1861, i. 309-316.—Gigon. Memoire sur le polype du rectum chez les enfans. (Rap. de Hervez de Chegoin.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1842-3, viii, 727-736. Also: Experience, Par., 1843, xi. 341-347.— Gooilhnrt (J. F.) Rectal polypus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, xxiv, 114.—Gowlland (P. T.) Rare form of polypus of the rectum. Proc M. Soc Lond., 1874, ii, 11.—Gross. Polyp of the rectum. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., I860,' iv, 84— Gucuiot. [Glandular poly- pus of the rectum.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 79. — Guersant fils. Polypes tlu rectum chez l'enfant. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1846, viii, 529.—Guersant (P.) Con- siderations sur les polypes du rectuin chez les enfants. Ibid.. 1851, 3. s., iii, 145. -----. Des polypes du rectum chez les enfants. Bull. g6n. de tln'-rap.. etc.. Par., 1864, lxvi, 367-369.—Hamilton (E.) Polypus of the rectum. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1868, vi. 225 —Hauscr (F.) Beobaehtung eines Polypen im Mastdarme. Ztschr. d. k.- k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu "Wien. 1845, i, 393-399.—Hei- ilcureich. Mastdarmpolvpon bei iungen li#adchen. Metl. Cor.-HI. buyer. Aerzte', Erlang., 1847, 445-447.—He- morrhagic anale-; signe- ties polypes chez les enfants. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1*00, xxxiii, 207.—Hill. Non vascular polypoid tumor of therectum removed byoperation. Prov. M."efe S. J., Loud., 1852, 44.—Holmes. Pedunculated polypus from the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1857-8, ix, 212. —Huguier. Polype flbreux du rectum. Bull. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 185l', iv, 739-741. -----. Polype de lextremite inferieure du rectum ins6r6 sur la paroi ante- rieure, au-dessus de la prostate; ablation. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 454—HulUe (J. W.) Polypus of tbe rectum. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 555. -----. Polypus of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870-71, xxii, 146.—Hutchison. Polypus of rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866-7, i, 456.—Icard (J.) Note sur un cas de polype du rectum. M6ra. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1868, vii, 390-401.—.lessop. A specimen of polypoid dis- ease of the rectum, from a man 59 years old. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl., 1866-7, xviii, 94—Kidd (A.) On polypi of the rectum. Med. Press & Circ, Lontl., 1809, vii, 369.— Hronenberg. Ein Beitrag zu elen Beobachtungen iiber die Mastdarmpolypen bei Kindern. J. f. Kinderkr., Er- lang.. 1861, xxxvi, 1-11.—I.aiigenbrclt (B.) Polypus recti. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1856. viii. 319.—Langlet. Polype du rectum. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1873, xii, 36- 38. — Leautaud. Observation sur une excroissance poly- peuse, sortie de l'anus d'un jeune homme. J. de m6d , chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1761, xv, 57.— Leopold. Be- seitigung einer periodischen Mastdarm-lilntung durch Unterhindungeiues Polypen. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg., 1850, iii, 310. — Lloyd. Peculiar poly- poid growth, of large size from the rectum; removal; recovery. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 550.— lTIacfarlane (J.) Polypus of the rectum. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1837, xlvii, 40. Also, transl.: Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 285. — irlagro (F.) P61ipo del recto presen- tado en tiespaitos consecutivos, escision en elcuarto. An. d. Inst. med. de emulac, Madrid, 1843-4, iv, 476-478.— ITIalassez. Polypes du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 355-538.—iTIaiiec. Observation sur un polype du rectum; operation; guerison. J.d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1838-9, vi, 107-110. —JTli I ler (A. G.) On polypus of tbe rectum. Edinb. M. J., 1869-70, xv, 613-617," 1 tab. Also, Reprint. — IVelalon (E.) Considerations sur les polypes du rectum, chez les enfants et chez les adultes. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1859, 2. s., xxx, 304-306.— Parvin (T.) Fibrous polypus of the rectum. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1873, viii, 152-155, 1 pl. Also: Tr. In- diana M. Soc, Indianap., 1873, 113-115.—Paul. Ueher Mastdarmpolypen bei Kindern. Abhandl. tl. schles. Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl., 1861, 3. Hft., 331-339. —Peau. Polypes du rectum. In his: Lecons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1888, 762-764.— Perriu. Des polypes du rectum et de la fissure k l'anus chez les enfants. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847, i, 65-71. Also, transl: J. f. Kinderkr., Berl, 1847, viii, 97-104.— P hoc as (G.) Gros polype du rectum chez un homme de 40 ans enlev6 par lecrasement lineaire, reconnu histologi- quement comme un ad6nome. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 441-445. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., i, 164.-:-Prcsley (Sophia). Rectal polypus. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, Ivii, 710. —BanshoflT. Fibroid polypus of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet efe Clinic, 1882, n. s., viii, 358. — Rauchfuas (C.) Zwei Falle von Mastdarm- polypen. St. Petersb. metl. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 44.—Bay. moiiilaud. Polypes du rectum chez les enfants. Bull. Soc. ele med. et pharm. tie la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, Rectum (Polypus of). 1855, 97. -----. Deux polypes du rectum. Ibid., 1868, 84- 88.—Binnerer (F.) Nachricht von gliicklicher Operation eines Mastdarmpolypen bey eineni Knaben. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1821-30, 24. Erguzngsbd., 142-144.— Ki- nonapoli (E.) Polipo rettale. Arch, di patol. inf., Na- poli, 1887, v, 265-267.—Roeser. Einiges iiber Mastelaim- polypeu der Kinder. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1861, vi, 2(14.— Schlesier. Polypus fungosus ani. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1843, xii, 201. — Schneider. Polypen am Mastdarm. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl, 1811, i, 106.-----. Ein Polyp im Mastdarme eines 7jahrigen Madchens. J. f. Ge- burtsh., Frankf. a. M.. 1828, viii, 709.—Schiitte. Ueber Mastdarmpolypen bei Kindern. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1844, h. F., iv, 46-60.—Scbrcgondi. ZerstSrung eines Mastdarm-Polypen durch den Gebrauch ties Liquor ferri muriatici oxydati. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1855, xxiv, 5 — Seerig (W.) Drei Falle von Mastdarmpolypen. Schmidt's "Jahrb., Leipz., 1834, i, 91. — Shcild (A. M.) Large rectal polypus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl, 1887-8. xxxix, 130. — Stoltz (A.) Nouvelles observations de po- lype du rectum chez les enfants, pr6ccdees et suivies de remarques historiques et critiques. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1859, xix, 157-161: 1860, xx, 7-10,-Syme (J.) Polypus of tbe rectum. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1845, v, 489-491.— Tachard. Note sur un cas de polypes papilifornies du rectum. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliiij 214.—Tamayo (J. P.) Caso de pdlipo del recto, curado por simple arrauea- mien to con la una del indice. Union m6d., Caracas, 1881, i, 115.—Terillon. Polype du rectum. Bull.Soc.anat.de Par., 1869, xliv, 187.—Tott (C. A.) Beseitigung von Mast- darmblutungen bei Kindern durch Abbindung polypenar- tiger Sarcome. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl, 1835, xxiii, 504-507. -----. Fallvon polypenartigem Sarkom im Mast- darme, nebst daran gekniipften Bemerkungen iiber solche Aftergehilde im Allgemeinen. Ibid., 1844, n. F., iii, 535- 537.—Vachey (L.) Polype du rectum chez une petite fllle de cinq aus. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1874, lxxxvi, 282.—Vallez efe Guillery. Observation de polypes du rectum cbez l'enfant. Gaz. d.btip., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 591. Also: J. denied., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1850, xi, 505- 507.—Valtat. Polype du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 204-207.—Vance (R. A.) Fissure of the anus with polypus of the rectum and hypertrophy of the sphincters, cured by ligature ofthe growth. Ohio M. Re- corder, Columbus, 1877-8, ii, 394-398. —Velpeau. Polypes du rectum; ligature. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 396.—Verneuil. Polype muqueux du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix. 135.— Violi (G. B.) Estir- pazione d'un polipo rettale, fatta casualmeiite dalla madre. Spallanzani, Modena, 1880. ix, 458.—Voss. Polypi recti. Tidsskr. T. prakt. Metl., Kristiania, 1888, viii, 569-572.— Warren (J. M.) Polypus of the rectum. Inhis: Surg. Obs., 8°. Bost., 1867, 195.—Weber (C.) Einige Fiille von Mastdarmpolypen, nebstBeiiierkiingen. Ztschr. tl. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1852, vi. 234-239.—Weinlechuer. Polypus recti (Sarcoma); durch Uiiterbinduug geheilt. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in AVien (1869), 1870, 165. —Wintrebert (L.) Polype du rectum. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1885, vii, 135-139.—Woodman ("W. B.) A case of obstinate diarrhtea and haemorrhage from the bowels, cured at once by removal of a polypus from the rectum. Metl. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii! 489. -----. On the symptoms and structure of polypi of the rectum. Med. Press efe Circ, Lonil., 1875, n. s., xix, 375- 377. — Workman ( F.) Polypoid tumour of rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond, 1864, ii, 599.—Poller. Fall von Darm- polypen. Verhandl. d. Ver. pfalz. Aerzte 1865, Kaisers- lau'tern, 1866, 11. Rectum (Prolapse of). See, also, Rectocele. Adelung (C. A.) * De prolapsu intestini recti pro tuberculis htemorrhoi'dalilins perperam ha- bito. sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., [1740]. Auerbach (I. M.) *De procidentia ani. 4°. Erfordiw, [1732]. Azema (L.) * Essai snr le traitement du pro- lapsus du rectum. 4°. Bordeaux, 1881. Bauer (A. H.) *De procidentiis ani, vesicae urinaria?, vagina? atque uteri. 6°. Gottingw, 1824. Boutie (L.) *De la chute du rectum et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1873. Camper (P.) De verhandeliugeu van Hippo- crates, C. Celsus, eu Paulus ^Egineta, over tie pypzweeren, en uitzakkingen van den iiar.s; ver- taald, en met aanmerkingen, en waarneeiningen, opgehelderd. ^~. Amsterdam, 1778. Detourbe (A.-F.) *Du traitement tin pro- lapsus rectal et de la procideiice hemorrhoidale EECTLTM. 1076 RECTUM. Rectum Prolapse of). par les injections hypodermiques d'ergotine. 4°. Paris, 1880. Geisenhayner (C. F.) *De prolapsu intes- tini recti. 8°. Rostochii, [1828]. Horn (F. C.) *De prolapsu ani. 8°. Haiti Sax., 1827. Jacobi (C. F. A.) *De prolapsu intestini recti. 8°. Jenw, 1855. Jette (S.) *Du traitement du prolapsus rec- tal par les injections hypodermiques d'ergotine. 4°. Paris, 1882. Jordan (G. F.) *De prolapsu ex ano. 8°. Gottingw, [1793]. Kamauf (G. E. ) *De prolapsu ani. 8°. Pestini, [1785]. Kandler(M.) * Ueber Mastdarmvorfall bei kleiuen Kindern. [Erlangen.] 8°. Schleiz 1887. Lhuillier (G.-E.) *Dela chute du rectum et de son traitement. 4°. Parti, 1868. Loiselot (J.-A.) *De la chute du rectum. 4°. Parti, 1858. Lupin (W. D.) De procidentia ani. 4°. Jenw, [1696]. Madelung (A.) * De prolap,sus ani casu ein- gulari illustrata. 4°. Jenw. [1828]. Mennk (E.) * Contribution a l'e'tude du pro- lapsus du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1889. Pactet (C.-F.-F.) *Dela chute du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1857. de Paula-Hoffmann (F.) *Diss. med. trac- tans prolapsum ex auo novamque ejus medendi methodum. 8°. Vindobonw, [1831]. Eenoldi (F. ) * Ueber die nicht operative Behandlung des Prolapsus ani. 8°. Greifswald, 1874 ' Salmon (F.) Practical observations on pro- lapsus of the rectum. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1831. Senff (J. S.) * De procidentia ani. 4°. Jenw, [1792], S.mith (H.) Hemorrhoids and prolapsus of the rectum. Their treatment by the application of nitric acid. 8°. London, 1859. Steinbach (J.) * Ueber die Behandlungen des Mastdarmvorfalls mit Ergotin-Injectionen. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Abbot (S.L.) Effectual remedy for prolapsus recti. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1865-6, lxxiii, 102. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, 179.—Abeille. Abla- tion d'une portion du rectum procidente depuis plusieurs mois, sans reduction possible par la ligature et l'excision consecutives. Courrier m6d., Par., 1873, xxiii, 26-29.— Adelmami (G. F. B.) Ueber einen Fall von Prolapsus ani bei einer Frau, bei welcher nach einem Stuhlgange ein 10 bis 11 Ellen langer Theil des Diinndarms aus der Mastdarmoffnung vorfiel. Aratl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1845, Niirnb., 1846, 251-254. -----. Prolapsus ani; Excisionen ; Gliiheisen. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1853, ii, 71-77.—Aiekin (T.) Some observa- tions on prolapsus ani, and suggestions for effecting its radi- cal cure by the methodical application of strong nitric acid. Dublin M. Press, 1855, *xxxiii, 225-227.—von Amnion. Erfahrungen und Bemerkungen iiber Dnpuytren's Opera- tionsraethode, den Mastdarmvorfall zu beseitigen. Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1829, xiii, 261-277.—Anciaux (N.) Renversementdu rectum, gu6ripar lecautereactuel. Inhis: Clin, chir., 8°, Liege, 1816, 143; 235.—Archam- bault. Procidence du rectum; accidents cons6cutifs; traitement. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1882, ii, 81- 84.—Argumosa hijo. Nuevo tratamiento del prolapsus del recto. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1877, iii, 145- 151.—A ah b ii rst (J.), jr. Case of complete prolapsus of the rectum in a patient previously treated for exstrophy of the bladder. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, n. s., Ixv, 135. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1863-74, n. s., iv, 415. — Babault (C.) Observation de renversement du rectum et d'une grande partie du colon descendant. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1858-9, xxvi, 395.—Babington. Prolapsus recti. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, n. s., v, 11.—Balassa. Zur Behandlung desMastdarmvorfalles ohne Operation. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 325.—Bartscher. Einklem- mung des Mastdarmes beim Prolapsus. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1863, xl, 31.—Basevi (S.) Beitrag zur Therapie des Prolapsus recti bei Kiudern. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1153-1155. Also |Abstr.J: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Rectum (Prolapse of). Berl., 1878, xlvii 1177. [See, also, infra, Hanff.J_Bas.ius [H.) De procidentia ani per annulum sanata. In his ■ Obs. anat., go, Hate Magdeb., 1731, 93-98, 1 ph-Beane <* . D.) Case of severe prolapsus recti of eight years' stand ing; cauterization by nitric acid; operation by clamp and cautery; prompt recovery and cure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. 1875, n s. lxx, 422-425.-Behrend (F. J.) Ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie und Behandlung des Mas£ ?oo"?l0rfaJi8 ^ei Kindern- J- f- Kinderkr., Berl, 1848, x, 422-432.—Bel trame (V.) Prolasso del retto curato coll' iniezione sottocutanea d' una soluziono d' ergotina. Osser- vatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 369-371. -----. Prolasso del retto in una bimba di due anni curato e guarito colle inie- zioni di ergotina. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1885, xxxvi 121- J -'"7 , ,'a,'d Jeune- Chute du rectum; peritoine en- train6 dans le bourrelet ext6rieur. Bull. Soc. anat de Par. 1828, 2. 6d., 1845, iii, I55.-Betz (F.) Zur Be- handlung des Mastdarmvorfalls. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1868, xin 15. -----. Zur Therapie des Mastdarmvoi falles kleiner Kinder. Ibid., 1886, n. F., vi, 211-213.— Biei-- kowaki. Operacya zrakowacialey kizki prost6y czyli stolkow6y (intestinutii rectuin) wykonanaprzez Lisfranka. [Prolapsus of rectum; operatieen according to Lisfranc] Pam. Lek. Warszaw., 1829, ii, 453-465.— It (rckel (E.) Du retrecissement congenital de l'extr6niite superieure du rectum, comme cause de prolapsus de cet organe chez les jeunes enfants. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1881, 3. s., x, 85. Also: M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1882, xviii, 54-59. -----j-. Nouveau cas de prolapsus du rectum cause par un retrecissement congenital de cet organe. Rev. tie chir Par., 1885, v, 38-42.—Bokai (J.) A v6gbeiiszamr61 gyer- mekekn61 (Prolapsus aui, Mastdarmvorfall I. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1H59, iii, 1; 17; 33. Also, transl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien. 1858-9, ii, 81-97. -----. Prolapsus ani, prolapsus intestini recti. Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1881, xxi, 20-24—Bouque(E.-F.) [Uue observation tie chute du rec- tum, gu6rie par l'application du cautere actuel.] In his: Clin.chir.de l'Univ.de Gand, 1877,217-219. — Brite (J. W.) Caseof prolapsus ani, in which the gut was extirpated. Med. Recorder, etc., Phila., 1826, x, 311-314.—Broca (A.) Le traitement du prolapsus rectal par la colopexie. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1839, 2. s., xxvi, 706-708.—Brown (B. S.) Haemorrhoidal tumors and prolapsus ani; treated by nitric acid. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1849, ii, 299.— Broxholm (J. H.) Treatment of prolapsus ani with the strong nitric acid. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix. 543.—Bryant (T.) On prolapsus recti. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1861, 3. s., vii, 94-101. -----. Prolapsus recti of 27 years' standing due to the presence of polypus; re- moval of polypus; recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1875, ii, 418.— Burggraeve. Tumeur considerable par procidence de l'anus; excision des plis rayounants; r6sultat incomplet; cauterisation avec la p&te caustiquede Vii une; guerison. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1852-3, xii, 108- 110.—tales. Observation d'une chute du rectum. gu6rie par la ne.ix vomique. Ann. Sue de m6el. de Gand, 1836, ii, 197-199. Also [Rap. de BeydlerJ: Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1836, ii, 129. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1836, iii, 197.—Cecchini (S.) Contribuzione alia cura del prolasso del retto. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1886, i, 122-128. — Cerulli ( F. ) Esportazione di circa sei dita trasverse di retto intestino prolassato e ricoperto di can- cerose vegetazioni. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1838, ii, 33-37, 1 pl. — Chassaignac. Nouvelle methode pour le traite- ment de la chute du rectum. Rev. m6d.-chir. de Par., 1855, xviii, 139; 207. -----. Nouveau traitement des polypes du rectum; emploi de l'6crasement lineaire. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1856, iii, 701-705. — Clemens (A.) Geheilter Mastdarmvorfall. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1832, iii, 191. Also: Wiirzb. ined. Ztschr., 1865, vi, 39-41.-, Clementi (G.) Nuovo processo operatorio per il prolasst del setto merce schiacciamento rapido rettilineo ed esci. sione. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1878, 3. s., viii, 193- 208.—Coste. fitranglement du rectum renvers6. M6mor. d. hop. du midi, Par., 1830, ii, 666-670. —Conlet. Obser- vation sur un cas de chute du rectum exasp6r6e par les 6molliens et guerie par les astringens. Arch g6n. de med., Par., 1823, i, 487^189. — l'on Ion. De la chute du rectum chez les enfants et de son traitement. Soc. m6d. d'Amiens. Bull., 1869, viii, 89-124. — Conlson. Severe prolapse of the anus; sloughing of the mass; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 535.—Cousin. Description d'un nouveau bandage pour contenir les chutes du fomlement ou de l'anus. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1762, xvii, 70-75.—Curling. Prolapsus of the rectum in the adult; partial sloughing, and cure of the prolapse by cicatrization. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 120. — D'Ambroaio (A.) Del prolasso del retto. Movimento, Napoli, 1876, viii, 1; 33; 49; 81; 145; 177, 2pl. Also: Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1876, n. s., i, 198; 277; 359, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — Davies ( R.) Cases of prolapsus ani and haemorrhoids treated by the ecraseur. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1859, n. s., xix, 31. — Davis (J. C.) A. simple method of reducing prolapsus of the rectum. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iv, 24. — Deane (J.) Mechanical support in prolapsus ani. Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1853, 34.—Delens (E.) Note sur un mode particulier de traitement du prolapsus inv6ter6 du rectum, chez l'adulte. RECTUM. 1076 KECTUM. Rectum (Prolapse of). J. de tb6rap., Par., 1876, iii, 121-125. -----. Prolapsus du rectum chez une femme dc 74 ans; bons effets de la cauterisation avec l'acide nitrique fumant. M6decin prat., Par., 1881, ii, 409-411. Also: J. de therap., Par., 1881, viii, 525-527.—Delpech. Bourrelet fongueux de la membrane muqueuse de l'anus et du rectum. M6raor. d. bop. du midi, Par., 1829, i, 15-22.—Deroubaix (L.) Luxation du rectum. Ann. de l'Univ. de Brux. Fac. denied., 1880, i, 22-29.—Dickson. A portion of the rectum which, hav- ing protruded, had been cut off. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1850-52, iii, 370.—von Dittel. Die Operation des Mast- darmvorfalles. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 537; 576.—Dixon (E. N.) New method of applying the liga- ture for prolapsus ani. Boston M. efe S. J., 1842, xxvi, 330- 332. — Dolbean. Note sur deux cas de guerison dela chute du rectum au moyen des injections sous-cutanees de sulfate de strychnine.' Bull. gen. de th6rap„ etc., Par., 1860, lix, 538-541.—Donovan (D.) Successful treatmeut of prolapsus ani by tbe "ecraseur". Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, 496.—Dubrucil. Deux cas de chute de la muqueuse rectale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 60.—Duchaussoy (E.) De la cause immediate et du traitement de la chute du rectum, chez les enfants. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1853, ii, 320-329. Also [Abstr.]: J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1852-3, xx, 699-702. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. h«5p., Par., 1853, 3. s., xxvi, 399. Also, transl.: Stethoscope efe Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1853, iii, 704-709.—Dugas(L. A.) Extraordinary case ofprolapsus ofthe rectum. South. M. & S J., Augusta, 1855, u. s., xi, 140-142—Dumas. Prolapsus du rectum chez l'adulte, gu6ri par les pointes de feu superficielles. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1889, xi, 605.—Dupuytren. Notice sur une methode nouvelle pour la guerison des renverse- mens de I'intestin rectum. J. g6n. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1822, lxxxi, 85-89. -----. Chute du rectum habituelle chez un enfant de trois ans; excision de trois plis rayon- n6s de l'anus; considerations generales sur la nature et le traitement de cette maladie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831-2, v, 319. Also, transl.: Lond. M. efe S. ,J., 1832, [n. s.], i, 806-809. -----. Caso of prolapsus ani. Lancet, Lond., 1833, ii, 133.— Fhrlichs. Heilung eines veralteten Prolapsus ani durch die Faradisation. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 187H, xvii, 169- 171.—JEnglisch (J.) Mastdarmbruch; Besserung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftuug iu Wien (1880), 1881, 400. -----. Ueber Mastdarmbruch. Wien. med. Bl, 1882, v. 776; 814.—E using (J.) Een geval van prolapsus ani. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873, 2. R., ix, 613.—Facen (ltiioiisanli (X.) A propositio del pro- lasso del retto. Movimento, Napoli. 1876, viii, 247-251.__ Laurent (G.) Prolapsus rectal et hemorrho'idaire, traite par les injections d'ergotine. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., RECTUM. 1077 KECTUM. Rectum (Prolapse of). 1880, 2. s., xvii, 321.—leeo (S. N.) New operation in cases of prolapsus recti and external hemorrhoids. Metl Rec, N. Y., 1879, xvi, 167.—Iiinhart. Ein Fall vou Ucrase- ment lineaire bei einem Prolapsus ani. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wieu, 1857, iii, 313-320. — Lisfi-anc. Procidence de la membrane muqueuse du rectum; descrip- tion complete du proc6d6 op6ratoire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 21.—Liutcns (F.) jeune. Reflexions snr la chute du rectum. Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1835, iii, 193-199. Also: Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1835, i 190- 212. [Kap. de Beydler], 213-230. Also [Rap. de Burg- graeve]: Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1835, i, 95-103.— de M. (H.) Procedencia del intestino recto de 9 afios de fecha, y curada a beneficio de la excision de muchas pliegues de la membrana mucosa de dicho intestino. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1838, v, 21.—McAbee (H. M.) Prolapsed rectum from maltreatment during labor. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1852-3, v, 369-371.— M'Cormac (H.) On prolapsus aui. Dublin J. M. efe Chem. Sc, 1843, xxiii, 415-418.—M'Dowel. Prolapsus of rectum, successfully treated by the local application of nitric acid. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 123.—Mac- kenzie (J.) On the treatment of prolapsus recti. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. s., xii, 676.—Macleod. Severe prolap- sus ani; operation; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1881, xvi, 127.—Martin. Polypus of the rectum. J. Gynsec. Soe! Bost., 1872, vi, 416-418.— [Mastdarmvorfall..] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1865), 1866, 200.— Mathews (J. M.) Subcutaneous injection of ergotin in the treatment of prolapsus recti. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 350.—Mazzoni. Emorroidienterne; prolasso del retto; riduzione del retto prolassato; escissione dei nodi emorroidarii, cauterizzazione; guarigione. In his: Clin, chir., Roma, 1884, viii-x, 117.—Meckel (P. F.j Geschichte eines nach einem eingeklemmten Mastdarmvor- fall verstorbnen Kindes, nebst Sektion. N. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1789, i, pp. xi-xv.—Mehliss. Prolapsus intestini crassi inversi von seltener Grosse. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1838, vii, 243. — Men ill (J.) Darm- prolaps nach vorausgegaugener Periomphalitis bei einem fiinf Monate alien Kinde. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1882, vii, 73.—Meynet (P.) Chute du rectum datantde 30 ans; deux cauterisations: gu6rison. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1868, xx, 423-425. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d'. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1869, viii, 118-127.—Michel (J.) Traitement du prolapsus rectal et h6morroidaire par les injections d'ergo- tine. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1880, 2. s., xvii, 3.—Mi- kulicz (J.) Zur operativen Behandlung des Prolapsus recti et coli invaginati. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, 1888, xvii, pt. 2, 294-317, 1 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1888-9, xxxviii, 74-97, 1 pl.—Modrze- jewski (E.) Rzadki przypadek wypadniecia jelita cien- kiego przez odbytnictj. [Rare case of prolapsus of rectum.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1877, v, 161-163.—Monro (A.) efe Monro (A.), jr. Remarks on procidentias ani, intus- susceptio, inflammation, and volvulus of the intestines. Essays efe Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb., 1756, ii, 353-369.— Montini (G.) Osservazioni ed esperienze sul prolasso dell' intestino retto nei fanciulli. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1851-2, 2. s., ii, 316. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1852,3. s.,iii, 333.—Morrison(J. T. J.) Pro- lapsus recti; repeated linear cauterisation; cured. Lancet, Loud., 1878, ii, 438. — Myers (W. W.) Prolapsus ani. Med. efe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xv, 135.—rVancrede (C. B.) Prolapse of therectum. Polyclinic, Phila., 1884-5, ii, 181.—IVelaton. [Reversement ties trois tuniques de I'intestin rectum.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 195.— Neugebauer (L. A.) Przypadek przemieszczenia trzew wrodzonego. [Congenital prolapse, of intestine. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1883, 2. s., iii, 679-683. — rViemaun. Neue Repositionsmethode des Prolapsus ani. Sunim. d. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1839, n. F., x, 378-380.—IVott (.1. C.) Protrusion and sloughing of entire rectum. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1855, iii, 68. Also [Abstr.]: N. Oil. M. News efe Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 395; 489. — Panas. Cauterisation autour de l'anus dans la chute du rectum chez les enfants. J. de tn6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1874, xiv, 112. — Parker. Prolapsus ani; opium treatment. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1882, ii, 211.—Paulicki efe Hilgendorf. Prolapsus ani bei ei- nem Hundspavian (Cynocephalus anubis). Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1869, xlvi, 66.—Peach (J.) Case of pro- lapsus recti successfully treated. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., li, 559. — Perkey (J. F.) Strychnine in prolapsus ani. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1855-6, viii, 507-509. — Pezerat. Observations sur plusieurs prolapsus ani. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827, i, 1. — Phelps (C.) Complete prolapse of the rectum; reduction; recovery. N. York M. J., 1880, xxii, 524.—Phillips (B.) Treatment of pro- lapsus ani. Lontl. M. Gaz., 1832-3, xi, 384-386. — Pied- vaclie. Chute du fondement, gangrene et separation du coecum ; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1835, 2. s , iii, 702.— Pigne. [Methode de Klein, cit6e dans Cheiius, pour la gu6rison des chutes du rectum.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, xi, 173.—Piretti (G.) Caso di speciale prolasso del retto intestino. Clinica, Napoli, 1875, ii, 185. — Pollak (S.) Prolapsus ani successfully treated with nitric acid. Rectum (Prolapse of) — (C. P.) Apparatus tor prolapsus of the rectum. Boston M. efe S J 1879 c ?io,\ Al-S0LExtr' K,c- Bo8t- Soc- M- Improve. '< 1*74-9)! 1880, vii, 13o.-Bobcrt (A.) Memoire sur un nouveau moyen de rem6dier a la chute du rectum. [Rap de A Be- rard.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1840, v, 539-545. Also • Meni.Acad.de ni6d., Par., 1843, x, 88-99. — de Saint- Germain. Chute du rectum; traitement par la douche percutante sur l'anus et le p6rin6e. J. tie med. et chir prat. Par 1875, xlvi, 209. — Santesson. Behandlung ties Mastdarmvorfalles bei Kindern. J. f. Kinderkr e£ lang. 1860, xxxv, 424-426.-Scales & Oilman. Remo- val of a portion of the rectum. N. Oil. M. efe S J 1860- 61, xvii, 170.—Scott (J.) Case of prolapsus ani, cured bv actual cautery. Tr. M. hfi- ll on (R. L.) Obstruction of the howels, caused by disease of the rectum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 262. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv, 155.— Gruber(V.) Zaroshcheniezadnyagoprokhoda. [Closure ofthe anus by growth.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 39.—Gneriu. Discussion sur les r6tr6cissements du rectum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 7 ; 46; 62; 74 ; 83.—Hall (L. T.) Report of case of stricture of rectum, treated by division and dilatation. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii, 19 —Hallin. Strictura recti. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1861, xxiii, 678-680.—Hamilton. Stricture ofthe rectum; communication between the intestine and the bladder. Dublin Q. J. M. St., 1848. vi. 187. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl, 1841-50, i, pt. 1, 389.—Hargrave (W.) Stricture of the rectum. Dublin M. Press, 1846, xvi, 149. — Harvey. Stricture of the rectum. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., Ixxi, 181-183.—Hawkins (C.) Cases of ulceration and stricture ofthe rectum, and excrescences around the anus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., v, 138-142.— Helming (B. G.) Case of strictureof the rectum ; oper- ation. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1886, vi, Rectum (Stricture of). 558-560. —Heppner. Eiu Fall von Mastdarnistrictiir. St. Petersb. metl. Ztschr., 1873-4. n F., iv. 4811-482 —II ill (B.) Linear rectotomy for syphilitic stricture of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881. ii, 1014— llondley (A. E.) Five cases, illustrating a treatment ofthe more severe forms of strictureof the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., ('liicauo, 1886, vii, 606-608. Also: Chicago M. J. efc Exam.. 1886, Iiii, no. 6, 18-27. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1886, iv, 5i'9.— HowNhip (J.) Two seats of permanent spasm in the colon, two closely contracted strictures in therectum. anil ulcerated intestine. In his: Pract. Remarks [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1840, 241.—Hughc» (J. S.) Stricture of the rectum, its diagnosis, pathology, anil treatment. Dublin M Press, 1850, xxiv, 369-372.—Hulkc. Case uf stricture ofthe rectum. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1871, i, 90.— Humphry (G. M.) Three cases of stricture of the rectum, treat etl by incision. Assoc M. J.. Lond., 1856. 21. — llurd(K. P.) Case of stricture of rectuin from cancerous iuthtmma- tion; death. Boston M. efc S. J., 187(1. lxxxiii, 182.— Hutchison. Stricture of rectum. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1870-71, v, 234.—Jacobi (A.) New instrument for strict- ure of the rectum. Am. M. Times. X. Y., 1864, ix, 30.— Jameson (H. G.) Case of stricture of the rectum, suc- cessfully treated bv an operation. Am. M. Recorder, Phila, 1822, v, 290-293.—Jen uings (R. G.) Strictureof the rectum. Arkansas M. Month., Lit tie Rock, 18-0-81, i, 25-29.—Johnsloue (E.) The history of a case' of ob- stinate obstipation, depending ou a strictureof the reel um. Metl. efc Phil. Comment., Lond., 1777, v, 302-306.—Jordan (K.) Stricture of tbe rectum, with fistula in ano; tlie stricture and the sphincter.ani divided by one operation. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 713. -----. Questions on the sursierv of the intestinal system in women. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1880, n. a., iii. 234-239. -----. The treatment of strict- ure of the rectum by continuous dilatation. In his: Surg. Enq., 2. ed., Lond., [1880], 245-247.—J urie ((J.) Die be- hinderte Entleerung des Darnies und ihre chirurgische Behandlunii. Wien. med. Bl. 1878, i, 229; 253; 280; 3l)8; 339; 369.—KelNcy (C. B.) External rectotomy as a sub- stitute for lumbar cohitoiuy in the treatment of stricture of the rectum. N. York M.'j., 1880, xxxi, 255-265. -----. On stricture in the upper portion ofthe rectum antl in the sigmoid flexure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 482-484. -----. On the treatment of stricture of the rectum. Ibid.. 1882, xxii, 141-145. -----. Cases illustrating the benefits to be derived from division of stricture of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 259. -----. Double stricture ofthe rectum, caused by plastic exudation iu the pelvis; autopsy. Ibid., 1887, xlvi,"435.—Kidd (C.) Strict- ure ofthe rectum. Med. Times. Lontl., 1850, n. s., i, 89.— King (D.) Case of callous stricture of tbe rectum. Boston M. & S. J.. 1830-31, iii, 525-528. — Kirkpatrick. Stricture of the rectum. Dublin Q.J. M.Sc, 184ti, i. 232.— Kirmisson. Retrecissement du rectum consecutif k un abeds de la prostate. Gaz. m6d. tie Par., 1887, 7. s., iv, 593- 595.—Kiimmell (R.) Ueber hochgelegeue Masttlarm- strikturen Samml. kiin. Vortr., Leipz., 18^6, (Chir., No. 88, 2627-26461.—Kiister (E.) Strictura recti; Verschwa- rungeu im Masttlnni und am After. In his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 152-155.—Eabbc (L.) Retrecissement canc6reux tie l'extremite infeiieure du rectum; extirpation. In liis: Let; tie clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1876, 114-152.—de Ea Iterge (L.) Sur les retre- cissements du rectum. Presse med., Par., 1837, i, 361-367.— Eanelongue. Retrecissement du rectum de nature musculaire. In his: Lee de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1888, 579- 591.— Eannelougue. Pathogenie des rctrecissenients du rectum. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878. iv. 801-806.—Eaub (H.) Strictura intestini recti betinget ved et kolossalt, parametritisk Exsudat; Operation; Hel- bredelse. Hosp.-Tid., Kjtabeuh., 1873, xvi, 37.— lie Bi- dois (J.) fils. R6tr6cissemeiit circulaire du rectum par alteration organique de ses parois. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, iii. 37-44.—Ee Dentu. Retreeissc nientstlu rectum. Gaz. d.hop., Par.. 1875, xlviii. 1025; 1043.— Eente (F.D.) Multiple fibrous stricture ofthe rectum with autopsy and history. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1873. viii, 460. Also: fr. N. York Path. Soc, 1844-77, ii, 168-172. -----. Observations on the means of arresting hemorrhage from deep cavities, with a report of a case of non-malignant stricture of the rectuin, aud remarks on the surgical treatment of this tlis- ease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, n. s., lxvi, 17-40 -----. (laset)f stricture of the rectum, with sequel. Ibid.. 23: 18i5, n. s., lxix, 144.—Eettsoui (J. C.) Caseof a diseased rectum. M-in M. Soc Loud. (1775-88), 1794, ii, 313-320, 1 pl—Eewis (T. C.) Stricture ofthe rectum ; carcinoma ofthe peritoneum; uterine tubercles ; uecroscopia. Lan- cet. Loud.. 1842-3, i, 496.— Eiouville. Retrecissement fibreux du rectum; p6ritouite consecutive; autopsie. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 384-388. -----. Retre- cissement ties etroit ilu rectum de nature fibreuse; debri- dements; mort par infection purulente ; autopsie. Ibid., 724-727. -----. Un retrecissement du rectum qui causa la mort par retention des matieres fecales et donna lieu aux signes de l'etranglemint interne. Ibid. (1868), 1874, xliii, 435-137. -----. Retrecissement de rintestin. Ibid., 602. — lioweustaniui. Stenosis recti. Med.-chir. Cen- RECTUM. 1081 JiEUTUM. Rectum (Stricture of). tralbl, Wien, 1876, xi, 412. — Eongueville. Observa- tion de r6tr6cissement circulaire du rectuin. Clin. d. h6p., Par., 1827-8, ii, 122.—Eowe. Stricture of the rec- tum, caused by injection of boiling water and turpentine; forcible dilatation; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 341.— Eubbock (M.) Stricture of rectum ; vaginal and ischio- rectal fcecal fistulas. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viii, 540-;-)44.—M'Ardlc (J. S.) Notes ou stricture of the rec- tum. Tr. Acatl. M. Ireland 1883-4, Dubl, 1884. ii. 229-232. -----. Strictureof therectum. Ibid., 393. Macrionald (T.F.) Stricture of the rectum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1887-8, vii, 245-247.—Malone (M.) Caseof scir- rho-rectal disease. J. de m6d. de Quebec, 1827, ii, 205- 207.—Marce. Retrecissement de l'extremite inferieure du rectuin. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1853, xxviii, 144.— Marchessaux. R6tr6cissement de la partie superieure du rectuin avec ulceration ancienne; noyaux de pruneaux et morceaux de tendons de veau arretes tlans ce point; per- foration intestiiiale obliteree par un peloton graisseux sous- peritoneal; pas d'epancheinent; pas d'inflaiiiinatini; mort ties rapide. Ibid., 1837-8, xii, 343-350.—de Marignnc (G.) Retrecisseineut par hypertrophie des tuniques cellu- laires et niusculaires du rectum et du colon transverse; examen microscopique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 519-524. Also: Progresmed., Par., 1877, v, 989-991.—Ma- rot (E.) Le retrecissement syphilitique du rectum ; recto- tomie par un procede nouveau. Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 473.—Mathews (J. M.) A case of strictureof the rectum, with comments. Med. Herald. Louisville, 1879-80, i, 107-111.—maunder. Stricture of rectum; recto-vaginal fistula; cured. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lontl., 1865, ii, 334.— Mazzoni (C.) Restriugimeuto anale per briglie cicatri- ziali in seguito a rettite ulcerosa; sbrigliamento; tuiuori emorroidari; esulcerazione; morte. In his: Clin, chir., Roma, 1878, ix-v, 81.-----. Restriugimento rettale. Ibid., 1881, vi-vii, 74-79. -----. Restringimenti rettali cicatriz- ziali; sbrigliamento, dilatazione graduale progressiva; guarigione. Ibid., 1884, viii-x, 94. -----. Restringiinento tibroso del retto; fistola retto vaginale; incisioui multiple e dilatazione graduale successiva del restriugimento; cau- terizzazione della fistola col termo - cauterio di Paquelin; guarigione. Ibid., 95.—.Tie etl in a (M.) Estrechez del in- testino recto sin escreciou de material alguuo y reteucion completa de orina por espacio de nueve meses. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1845, 2. s, vi, 396-398.— Messcr (J. C.) Organic stricture of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl., 1859-60, xi, 110.— Metzler. Ueber die wideruatiirlichen Venngerungen des Mastdarms. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1811, xxxiii, 1. St., 9-53. — Mi- chaelis (G. P.) Geschichte einer Verengerung des Mast- darms und deren Heilung durch den Schuitt. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jeua, 1799, 2. R., viii, 1. St., 17- 31. — MoflTctt (R.) A case of stricture of the rectum, Producing obstruction; death on the seventy-fourth day. 'hila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 371.—Moutault (H.) Re- trecissement circulaire tie l'extremite iuferieure du rec- tum, avec ent6rite et peritonite chroniques. J. univ. et hebd. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1831, iv, 13-17.—de Moura (J. A.) Estreitamento fibroso do recto; recto- tomia pelo esmagador de Chassaignac; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1877, 2. s., ii, 352-360.—Muck. Krankengeschichte eines an Strictura ani congenita in Folge vou Hyper- trophia sphinct. ani leideuden Kindes. Verhandl. d. Ver. pfalz. Aerzte 1860, Kaiserslautern, 1861, 29-31.—Mutter (T. D.) On strictures of the rectum. Med. Exam., Phila., 1845, n. s., i, 77; 148.—.Huron. De la nature ties retre- cissements fibreux tlu rectum. Gaz. m6d. tie Par., 1873, 4. s., ii, 140.—Mynter (H.) Strictura recti; linear rectot- omy; cure. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1879-80, xix, 299.—Nel- soil (H.) Stricture of the rectum, its history, pathology, and treatment, illustrated by cases successfully treated by the knife. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1861, ii, 241; 289.— IVelson (W.) Stricture of the rectum. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1876-7, v, 144.—Newman (R.) A specimen of stricture of tbe rectum treated bv electrolysis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1872, vii, 208. -----. Stricture; of therectum treated by electrolysis. N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1881-2, i, 557-563. Also, Reprint. -----. Elect!olysis in the treatment of stricture of the rectum. [Abstr.] Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 64-66.— Nona. Deux observations de r6tr6cissement du rectum traite par l'in- cision et la dilatation; guerison. Ann6e m6d., Caen, 1878-9, iv, 24-26.—rViickel. Strictur ties Mastdarms. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rheiu. Med.-Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837,120.—O'Beirne (J.) Organic stricture of the rectuin. Laucet, Lond., 1833-4, i, 712-719.—Otis (F. N.) Stricture of the rectum. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1877, i, 23-25 —Otis (F. N.) & Meyer (J.) Operation for stricture of the rectum. Ohio M. efc S. J., Columbus, 1878, iii, 39-42.—Paggi (C.) Storia di oc- clusione dell' intestino retto. Gazz. metl. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1853, 3. s., iii, 249.—Paiias efc Verneuil. Du traitement des retrecissements du rectum par la rectotomie externe. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 537; 562; 572.—Parker (R ) Three cases showing that stricture of the rectum does not necessarily imply intestinal obstruc- tion. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1067-1069. Also. Re- print.—Peau. Des r6ti-6cissements du rectum, leur na- Rectum (Stricture of). ture, leur diagnostic, leur traitement. In his: Lecons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1882, 162-170. -----. Rectum; re- trecissements. Ibid., 1888, 752-755.-----. Traitement des retrecissements du rectum. Bull. m6d., Par., 18>9. iii, 1387.— Penkivil (J.) Caseof stricture of the inferior extremity of the colon ; with two cases of stricture of the rectum. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1822, xviii, 351-354.—Per- kins (C.) Case of stricture of the rectum aud colon. X. York M. efc Phys. J., 1827, vi, 242-250.—Peters (G. A.) Stricture of the rectum. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1883, x, 319.— Piorry (P. A.) Stase des matieres stercorales; retrecis- sement du rectum; guerison. Bull, clin., Par.. 1835-6. i, 8.—Podrecca (G. L.) D' uno stringimento dell intestini. retto con enorme tliUtuzione del crasso. Gior. per set-v. ai progr. tl. patol., Venezia, 1835, ii, 215-219.—Poinsot. lie- tr6cissement cancereux du rectum; rectotomie lineaire; soulagement ties momentan6; mort. Mem. et hull. Soc. de med. et chir.de Bordeaux, 1880, 617-622.— Powell (D. F.) [Stricture of the rectum.] Richmond efc Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xvi, 620-624. — Provenl. Fistule recto-vulvaire; retrecissement du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1855, xxx, 18-24. — Rejnicr (P ) Des r6tr6cissements valvulaires conuenitaux du rec- tum, (iaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par., 1878, 2. s.. xv. 759- 762.—Reynolds (E.) A case of stricture of the return treated by incision. Boston M. efc S. J., 1888, cxviii. 97.— Reynolds (J. J.) A case of stricture of rectum relieved by colotomy. Detroit Lancet, 1884-5, u. s., viii, 300-3o2.— Ribell. Retrecisseineut du rectum. Rev. metl. tie Tou- louse, 1887, xxi, 429-438.—Robert. Retrecissement val- vulaire tlu rectum ; guerison par la dilatation forc6e. Ex- perience, Par., 1843, xii, 177. -----. Consitlerations et ob- servations sur les retrecissements circulaires du rectuin; eflicacite de la cauterisation destructive pour detruire ces r6tr6cisseineuts. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1849, 3. a., i, 147; 196; 284.—Robert (W. H.) Case of occlusion of the superior portion ofthe rectum. South. M. efc S. J., Augusta. 1854, n. s., x, 457-459.—Robinson (R. R.) Strictureof the rec- tum ; ulceration and connection between the rectuin antl the vagina; diffuse inflammation of the buttocks; phthisis. Lond. M. Ga/.., 1834, xiv, 861-863. — Rogers (\V. 15.) Stricture ofthe rectum ; report of three case's operated ou. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1880 iv, ](;.->- 17().—Roguelta. Considerations therapeutiques sur le retrecisseineut tie I'intestin rectum. Bull, gen.de therap., etc., Par., 1834, vi, 277-282.—RiinmcII (J.) Cases of.strict- ure of the rectuin or lower part of the colon. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, ii, 969-972.—Wacli*e (J. G.) Caseof stricture of the rectum, produced by disease of the skin. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1843-4, ii, 501-510.—Salmon (F.) On the causes, symptoms, and morbid anatomy of simple and malignant stricture of the rectum. Lancet, Lontl., 1832, ii, 238-243. -----. Stricture of the rectum. Ibid.. 1833-4, i, 824-827.—Way re. [Perforation of intestines, dependent on stricture of the rectum.] N. York M. limes, 1852, ii, 175.—von Schleiss (A.) Zur Geschichte ele-r Masttlarm- verschliessung. [Eine Berichtigunu. J Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, I860, xviii. 173.—Schiillcr (M.) Eiu Fall vou Strictura recti, Kothabscess, etc. (ausgebreitetes Carcinoma recti?). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1877-8. ix, 519. — Schnh. Zwei Falle von hot hgratlr^en Verengerungen des Mastdarms. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg , 1856, i, 54; 59. -----. Ueber Verengerung ties .Mastdarnies durch Narbeugewebe. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1856, ii, 569-574. -----. Einige Fiille von Strictura r cti. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 253; 260; 268.— Schwartz (J. C.) Ein Fallvon Proctosteuose. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1857-60, iv, 2. pt., 79-86.—Seoll (J.) Two cases of severe stricture of the rectum. Calif. M. Gaz., San Fran., 1868-9, i, 229. — Scott (T. G.) Case of strict- ure of the rectuin. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i,' 30-32. Also : Med. Mirror, Lond., 1867, iv, 400-406.— Smith (T. C.) Case of stricture of the rectum, recto- vaginal fistula and posterior anal fistula. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvii, 305-307.—Spence (1 ) A case of stricture of the rectum. Lond. efc Ediub. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 613.—Stafford (R. A.) Ou division of stricture of the rectuin, high up in the gut, by a new in- strument. Loud. M. Gaz., 1834. xiv, 607-010. Also [Abstr.] : Edinb. M. . Weil (G.) * Ueber die Behandlung tier Atre- sia ani sive recti durch Anlegung eines proviso- rischen Anus artificialis. 8°. Jena, 1889. Banks (W. M.) Some notes on the surgery of the rectum. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1886, vi, 279-296.— Bartleet (T. H.) On the surgical treatment of some diseases of the lower bowel. Birminah. M. Rev., 1K87, xxii, 97-115. — Baxter (A. J.) Observations on the "clamp" in the treatment of internal haemorrhoids and prolapsus of the rectum. Chicago M. J., 1806, xxiii, 560- 564.—Benton (S.) Treatment of haemonhaite after rec- tal operations. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 1188.—Bog. danik (J.) Ein Fall von Resectiou des voigtfallenen Marstdartnes. Wien. med. Presse, 1888. xxix, 11.— It) i-til (W. A.) Dilatation of the rectum in the treatment of haemorrhoids, Assured anus, and as a prophylactic measure iu fistulas. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond., 1879, u. s., xxviii, 175-177.—Caldwell (S. W.) Induced temporary paraly- sis ofthe sphincter ani muscles, as an aid to operations fur haemorrhoids and ulcers of the rectum. Mississippi Val- ley M. Month., Memphis, 1885, v, 388-391.—Cripp» (W. H ) Stricture of the rectum; complete intestinal obstruction for two months, proctotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 444. Also, transl.: Boll. tl. clin., Napoli, 1886, iii, 313-315. — DelasMUS. Tumeur rectale; rectotomie line- aire; colotomie iliaque; anomalie du colon. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1888, xi, 337-347.— Delorme. Note sur une opera- tion coniplementaire de l'extirpation de l'extremite infe- rieure du rectum. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc-verb., etc., Par., 1888, iii, 556-558.—Demarqnaj. [Ablation tie la partie inferieure du rectum; malade parfaitemtnt guerie.) Bull. Soc.de chir.dePar., 1853,iv, 332.—Denonvilliers. Ablation de I'intestin rectum dans une eteiidue dt; douze centimetres. Ibid., 136. — Diego de lTIadrazo ( E. ) Cirugia del recto. Independ. med.. Barcel, 1886-7, xviii, 346; 367. Also, transl.: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Mont- pel., 1887, ix, 505-508.—Dowsley (D. H.) Imperforate rectum ; operation. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1879-80, xii, 290.—Durante (F.) Anus artificiel comme traitement preliminaire des maladies recto-coliques. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 572.—Durct (H.) Prolapsus rectal; ulcere lupolde du rectum; recto-p6riu6orrhaphie posterieure. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1887, ix, 49-55.—Ela (W.) Some observations on the surgical treatment of rec- tal affections. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, cv, 4-6. Also, Re- print.—Fancon (V.) Note sur un cas d'imperforation ano-rectale; proctoplastie. J. d. sc. med. tie Lille, 1886, viii, 281-287.—Fitzgerald (T. N.) Malignant disease of rectum; removal of growth; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1888, n. a., x, 77.—Hocliencgg (J.) Beitrage zur Chirurgie des Rectum uud der Beckenoi gane. Arb. u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin, zu Wien (1*88), 1889, 124-156. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 515; 541; 557; 578; 597.—Kclsey (C. B.) On division of the sphincter ani muscle as a therapeutic measure. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 587-592. Also, Reprint.—Kinni»>.oii. Cancer du rectum, epithelioma et carcinome; extirpation et colotomie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 189. — Kiihne (A.) Resection eines Prolapsus recti. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 29. — IVIatlnkowski (W.) Wyciecie odbytnicy przy jej wypadnieciu, oraz rzadki przypadek brotlawczaka (papilloma). [Excision of rectum atitsexit; papilloma.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887, 2. s., vii, 619-6^2.— ltlillot-C'arpentier. Imperforation du rectum; procto- plastie : guerison. Bull. m6d. del'Aisne 1884^5, St.-Qnentin, 1SS7, 24-26.— IVeale (J. H.) The surgery and pathology of tenesmus of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., ltS85, i, 57.— Peau. H6morrhoides et fissure anale; dilatation anale RECTUM. 1083 KECTUM. Rectum (Surgery of). et operation au tbermo-caut6re; an6mie; mort. In his: Le§ons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1888, 748. — Phili- peaux (R.) De la cauterisation des plaies fongueuses de l'interieur du rectum par la pate au chlorure de zinc, k l'aide d'un instrument special. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1859, xi, 506-508.—Pick (T. P.) On subcutaneous division of the sphincter ani. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 739.__Pippingskold. Fallaf fullstandig congenital de- fect af rectum; operation. Finskalak.-sallsk. handh. Hel- singfors, 1875, xvii, 18-20. —Plait (VY. B.) Two cases of strictureof therectum ; external proctotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1888, Iiii, 667-669.—Porter (W. T.)' Rectal strict- ure, with ulceration; operation (by H. H. Mudd); a clas- sical case. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xvii, 140-142.— Prince (I>.) A rectal obturator. St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1883. xliv, 125-140. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.], in his: An aseptic atmosphere [etc.], 8°, St. Louis, 1888, 23.-----. Description of a rectal obturator, and a report upon its uses. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1883, i, 509-515.—Quincke (P. E.) Ano imperforado; auseucia del recto; colotomia. Rev. med., Rio tie Jan., 1877-8, xiv, 81-83. —Robson (A. W. M.) A note on the use of tho electric li^lit in the sur- gery of the bladder and rectum. Lancet, Lontl., 1885, ii, 341.—Boby (H. W.) Pratt's operation in rectal surgery. Peoria M. Month., 1886-7, vii, 357-359. — Rose (E.) Ueber die Operation des Mastdarmbruchs. Deutsehe Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886-7, xxv, 491-501. — Rowcnlhal (M.) Ueber das Centrum ano-vesicale. Aerztl. I'.er. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1887), 1889, 164-174—Skiles (H. P.) The removal of recta] pockets; some cases from private practice. Clinique, Chicago. 1886, vii, 257-264.— Smith (H.) Haemorrhoids and prolapsus of the rectum hy the damn and cautery, with the results furnished by 300 cases and upwards. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1872-4, i, 51- 54. -----. Description of a serrated and cutting cautery in the operation for hemorrhoids and prolapsus. Laucet, Lond., 1881, i, 368.—Taylor (H. L.) A case of extirpa- tion of the rectum for cancer. Cincin. M. J., 1887-8, iii, 213-218.—Terrier (F.) Dilatation ampullaire avec pro- longement saccifoi nie du rectum; ablation par la fesse; reunion par premiere intention; guerison. Bull, med., Par., 1889, iii, 1239. -----. Diverticule du rectuin; opera- tion; guerison. Rev. de chir., Par.. 18*9, ix, 929. — Ver- neuil. De la rectotomie lineaire. l5cho in6d., Toulouse, 1888, 2. s., ii, 17-19.—Wade (\Y. L.) Case of deformed rectum, with operation. South. Calif. Pract., Los A ngeles, 1886, i, 4.—Walbanm. Ein Fallvon Atresia ani mit Proctoplastik. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 657.— Walker (H. O.) Treatmentof anal fissures antl hemor- rlioids bv gradual dilatation. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1887, 224-230.—Watson (W. S.) Treatment of fissures and ulcers of the rectum and anus with the aid of an im- proved rectal speculum. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, lv, 801-804.— Wei mm (O.) Atresia ani, am zweiten Tage post partum ein Anus praeternaturalis mit Resection des Steissbeiues angelegt. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889, ii, 81-84.—Winslow (R.) An- nular stricture of rectum; linear rectotomy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv, 304.—Wolfler (A.) Ueher tlen parasacralen und pararectalen Schuitt zur Blosslegung des Rectum, des Uterus und der Vagina. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, ii, 296-298. Rectum (Syphilis of). Fournier (A.) Lesions terfciaires de l'auus et du rectum, syphilome ano-rectal, retrecissement syphilitique du rectum; recueillies et r&lige'es par Ch. Porak. Clinique de Lourcine. 8°. Paris, 1875. Godebert(E.) *Sur les retrecissements sy- philitiques du rectum. 4°. Parti, 1873. Jean (P.) * Essai sur la syphilis precoce du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1885. Le Gloahec (P.-M.) *Du retrecissement sy- philitique du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1869. Monnot (C.) 'Contribution a l'etude du s philome ano-rectal. 4°. Paris, 1882. Probst (F.) * Ueber syphilitische Mastdarm- geschwiire. 8°. Berlin, [1868]. A iitreoht. Lues recti. In his: Path. Mitt., 8°, Mag- deb., 1881, 116.—Avery. Extensive ulceration of the rec- tum, of a syphilitic character. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846- 8, j, 94._Baercnspriing. Die bei Syphilitischen beob- achteten Krankheiten des Mastdarms. Ann. d. Char.- Krankenh. . . . zu Berl, 1855, vi, 1. Hft., 43-66. —Bar- duzzi (D.) Sui restringimenti del retto di natura sihh- tica. Gior. ital. d. mai. ven., Milano, 1875. x, 32-42.— Benton (S.) A caseof inguinal colotomy for syphilitic tlisease of rectum. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1888-9, i, 55.— BerljakoflT. Sluchai proizvolnago racshirenija zadniago prochoda. [Syphilis of skin and rectum; dilatation of anus.] Vrach,' St. Petersb., 1889. i, 139.—Blachez. Re- trecissement du rectum avec abces peri-rectal. Bull. Soc. sy- Rectum (Syphilis of). anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 53-55— Boulet (J.-B.-J.) T71- c.eres a la face, p6riostoses, et r6tr6cisseuieut tlu rectum, de cause v6n6rieune, sur le meme suiet. J. de chir. (De- sault), Par., 1791, ii, 273-277.—Bridge (H.) A case of chancroidal ulceration and stricture of the rectum, treated by lumbar colotomy. Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1875-6, ii, 122-131.-Brown (J.) Syphilitic strictureof the rectum ; operation ; improvement. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1885. xiii, 468.—C'oote (H.) On syphilitic constriction of the rectum and of the vagina. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1855, x, 82. -----. Syphilis of therectum; death from pyaemia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1857, ii, 57.—Bcsprcs (A.) Des chancres pha- g6d6niques du rectum. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1868, i, 257-283. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. phot. tl. hop. de Par., 1869, i, 49- 53. Also, transl.: St. Louis M. efe S. J., 1868, n. s., v, 50e8- 528.—Dowse (T. S.) Syphilitic disease of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, xxvi, 111-114.—Bnplny (S.) Syphilome anorectal: r6tr6cissement du rectum: diagnos- tic, pathog6nie, traitement. Progres m6d., Par.. 1876, iv, 665-667. Also, in his: Conf. de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1877, 64-72. Also [Abstr.] : J. do m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1876, xlvii, 152-154 — Clu-mann (S ) Zur Kenntniss tier spat- syphilitischen Erkrankungen des weiblichen Sinus uroge- nitalis nnd des unteren Abschnittesdes Rectums. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1884), 1885, 158- 169. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1885. xxx, 411; 423; 434; 451. — Fournier (A.) Lesions tertiaires de l'anus et du rectum. France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 641 ; 657; 746; 819: 1875, xxii, 2; 34; 50. — Gosselin (L.) Recherches sur les retrecissements syphilitiques du rectum. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1854, ii, 666-693. Also [Abstr.]: Mo- nit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 1211. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 593. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i, 102— II aim (E.) Zur Behandlung der syphilitischen Mastdarm - Ulcerationen durch die Colotomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1883, xxi\. 395-408, 1 pl. Also: Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1883, xii, pt. 2. 104-117, I pl. [Discussion], pt. 1, 61-64. Also [Abstr.): Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi. 612.— Hamonic (P.) Rectite proliferantc developpee chez un sodomiste passif de longue date ; hemorrhoi'iles ct prolap- sus du rectum concomittants; operation: guerison com- plete. Ann. m6d.-chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1886, ii, 138- 141.—Howse. [Syphilitic ulceration of the rectuin ; de- scending colon opened.] Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Loud., 1872, i, 4.—Kclsey (C. P..) The venereal diseases of the rectum and anus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx. 623-630. — Kra. knner (J.) Die veuerischen Ktaukheiteu des Rectum und des Anus; nach den Untersuchungen von Ch. B. Kel- sey mitgetheilt. Wien. med. BL, 1887, x. 915; 916; 978 — ■ ianccreaux. Retrecissement syphilitique du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1859, xxxiv, 100-105.—liCdiarri. Syphilitic disease of rectum; colotomy. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 463.— JTIaclaren (P. H.) Venereal diseases ofthe rectum. Edinb. Clin, efe Path. J., 1883-4, i, 593; 697, 1 pl.; 825, 1 pl. — MclTIaster (N. G.) Treat- ment of syphilitic stricture of rectum by means of press- ure and the local application of mercurial ointment ; fail- ure of cure by incision. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 376.— lTlarot (E )' Syphilome ano-rectal. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 356-358. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1877, v, 710. — itl ars hall. Syphilitic stricture of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 8. — Mason (E.) Venereal strict- ure ofthe rectum. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, n. s., lxv, 22-37.—Orth. Zwei Fiille von Syphilis constitutionalis mit Rectal-Geschwiiren und Perforation in die Excavatio recto-uterina. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyuak., Berl., 1874-5, iii 132-135.—Paget. On syphilitic disease of the rectum and colon. Med. Times & (iaz., Lond., 1865, i, 279—Ro- initi (G.) Alterazioni auatomiche del retto in una sifili- tica. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. metl. in Siena, 1883, i, 55.—Ross. Caseof severe syphilitic disease of the rec- tum with stricture; colotomy; successful. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1875-6, iv, 49i-497.—de Santi (L.) Etude sur le retrecissement syphilitique du rectum. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1878, xii,' 193; 244 ; 282. — Scarenzio (A.) Spasino agli sfinteri auali, guarito colle inlez......• soUomu- cose del solfato neutro di atropina. Gior. ital. tl mai. ven., Milano, 1871, i, 76-78. — Taylor (R. W.) Four cases ot late syphilitic lesions of the rectum. J. Cutan. efc \ en. Dis., N. Y., 1886, iv, 225-230. — Thaon. Retrecissement syphilitique du rectum; fistule a l'auus; ulceration de la muqueuse rectale et mortification dn tissu cellulaire sous- muqueux. Bull. Soc. ain't, tie Par. (1872), 1874, xlvii, 400.- Trclat. Fistules anales multiples cons6cuti ves a des ac- cidents syphilitiques. J. de iu6d. et chir. piat. Par., 1877, xlviii 539-541. — Weinlechner. Yon Syphilis abhan- gi>r6 Mastdarmexcrescenzen, Geschwiire untl Schwielen, welche durch den Thermokauter und durch den innerli- chen wie ausserlichen Gebrauch von Jod ohne Verenge- rung des Masttlarmes zur Heilung gelaugten. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 1880 431.— Zappula (V.) Uu raro caso di striuginiento del retto per causa sifilitica. Ann. univ. di metl, Milano, 1870, ccxiii 157.—Zeissl (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Erkrankung des Mastdarines in Folge von constitutioneller Syphilis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 269; 277. RECTUM. 10S4 KEC TUM. Rectum (Tubercular disease of). See, also. Fistula (Rectal). Mouhkt (A.) 'Contribution a l'etude tie la tuberculose ano-rectale. 4°. Paris, 1887. Primet ((J.) * Etude clinique sur les ulcera- tions tulieicult'iist's ile l'anus. 4U. Paris, 1880. StHUCHAUDT ( K. ) Ueber tlie tuberkulose Mastdarmristel. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1887, No. 296 (Chir., No. 92, 2753-2776). Ai-noll (H.) Extensive glandular disease of the rec- tum, associated with tubercular ulceration ofthe intestine and recent tubercles in the lungs. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867-8, xix, 216-219.—Konne (J.) On strumous tlisease of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, ii, 1019-1021.—Thi- bierge(G.) Ulceration tuberculeuse tie l'anus; tubercu- lose pulnionaire et intestinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 100-102. Rectum (Tumors of). See. also, Haemorrhoids; Rectum (Cancer of); Rectum (Polypus of ). Crimes (C. H.) * Morbi atrocis a tumore se- baceo in intestino recto haereute euati historia, cum sectione catlaveris aunexa. sm. 4°. Jenw, [1/94]. Grenet (G.) *De la sarcomatose rectale. 4°. Paris, 1887. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1887. Hkhlitzius ( O. ) * Ueber ailenoitle Rectal- gescbwulste. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Lippstadl, 1886. Pktkksex (J. .S.) * Ueber einen Fall von Me- lanosarkom ties Rectums. 8°. Kiel, 1888. Quain (R.) Illustrations of a peculiar bleed- ing tumour of the rectum. «°. London, 1859. Also [Abstr.], in: Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 561. Also [Abstr.], in: Proc. Roy. M. lis du rectum. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Anger (1877-8), 1879, 11. s., Ixxxi- lxxxii, 208-213.—Ilanion dn Fongeray. Sur uue ob- servation tie polype muqueux (ailenonie) du rectum. [Kap. de J. Lncas-Championniere.] Bull, it 1116111. Sue. tie chir. tie Par., 1887, u s , xiii, 606-611.—Hay lies (W. H.) Congen- ital tumor of the rectum. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 119.—HegardI (.1. L.) Polyp i andturmeu; operation. Iu: Bergslrand (C. H.) Chir. iakttagelser, 8°. Upsala, [1843J, 47-50.—Holmes iT.) Villous tumours of the rec- tum. Tr. Path. Sue Lond., 1860-61. xii, 120.— Horn. Ein im Mastdarm durch die Operation gliicklich bin weggenom- menes Gewaehs. Verm. chir. Sehrift., Berl, 1776, i, 221- 225.— Howship (J.) Fungoid tumour in the rectum, with curioustluplicatioii of ideas In his: Pract. Remarks, | etc.], 8°, Lond., 1840, 291.—Hoy t (W.D.) Cystic antl fatty tumor of the rectum. Atlanta M. et S. eL, 1872-3, x, 78.— Hunlt ( H.) A case of intestinal intrafietatioii. [A dermoid cvst iu rectum of female child. J Med. Re- posit., N.Y., 1821, n. s., vi, 79-81.-1 vniiort"(X. N.) Colo- tomia iliaca no Schinziiiger-Madelung'u kak pretlvar. ope- rate pri udalenii novoobraz. recti. [Iliac colotomy; pre- liminary operation in removal of tumors of rectum. J Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1887, iii, 478-486.—Jat-obi (A.) Po- lipidel retto. Arch, tli patol. inf., Napoli. 18811. iv. 145-147.— Jerrard (J. C.) Caseof tumor in the rectuin, treated by ligature. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1842, iv 472. — Jolinl {de Lamballe). Corps fibreux du rectum; ext isiou ; gueri- son. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1843, xxiv, 454.— Jones (I. H.) Rectal tumours of peculiar growth: re- moval; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1156. —Kelsey (C. B.) Two cast s of tumor of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 2ii5—Kenan (T. H.) Polypus in the rectum causing dysentery successfully removed. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1880. xxxi, 142.—Mleyeu. Cvliiidrical- celled sarcoma of rectum; extirpation bv Volkinann's method. Metl. Rec, N. YT, 1878, xiv, 14 — Itohler (R.) Geschwiilste ties Rectums; Carcinome, 3 Fiille; Atlenonte, 1 Fall. Cbarite-Ann. 1878, Berl., 1880, v, 597. — Kosch. Sarkom des Mastdarms durch Operation geheilt. Wchn- schr. f. il. ges. Heilk , Berl.. 1836, 215-221. — l.a Garde (L. A.) Lipoma of the rectuin. Progress. Louisville-, 1886, i, 264.—Laraeine (G.-J.-A ) Observation sur une tu- meur fongueuse pedicuieedaus le rectum. Rev. 11161I hist. et phil.. Par., 1821, vi, 221-226— I.eboueq (H.) Angiome caverneux cystique du rectum. Aim. Sot;, de med. tie Hand, 1875 iiii, 196-208, 1 pl.—Ijeinoine. Tumeurs 6pi- theliales du rectum ; extirpation : mort pronipte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii. 247-251. — l.ntz ( F. J.) Adenoid of the rectum ; extirpation; recovers. St Louis M.eStS. J.. 1881, xl. 33-38. Also, Reprint. — .tlnct'on- nell (W. G.) Small spindle relied sarroinaof the leeium. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5). 1886, xii, 31.— .TIalherbe. Atleiiome pedvpeuxdu rectum chez unefemmeadulte. Bull. S<.<-. auat. tie-'Nantes 1880, Par., 1881. iv, 72-74.— Ill a ra- »ini (F.) Esportazione di un neoplasma circum-retiale. Riv. cliu. di Bologna, 1875, 2. s., v, 16-18.—iVlariqne. Fi- brome du rectum, provenant de l'autopsie d'une feinine de 27 ans. Pressem6tl. beige, Brux., 1884, xxxvi, 107.—.Mar- shall. Large pedunculated villous tumours of rectum re- moved by ligature. Med. Times &Gaz., Loud., 1871, i. 714 — Tin 1-tin le jeune. Observation sur un fungus du rectum accoinpagne d'accitlens giaves et gu6ri par la ligature. Ann. clin., Montpel, 1810, xxii, 151 -165. — Martini. Meikwiirdiges Unterleihsleitlen nnd Ahgang fungoser Mussen durch den Mastdarm. Mag. f.d. ges. Heilk,Berl, 1831. xxxiv, 183-189.— rln vor. Examen microscopique de la tumeur du rectum presente ■ par M. Weill. Bull. Soc. anat. Par., 1881. lvi. 125. A Uo. Progres m6d., Par., 1881, ix, 607.—.Tlazzoni iG.) Ncofomiazione dell'intestino retto; RHCTUM. 1085 KKCTUM. Rectum (Tumors of). operazione del processo Kraska felicemente riuscita. Spallanzani, Roma, 1888, 2. s., xvii, 501. — Meunicr (A.) & IVepveu. Sarcome meianique primitif du rectum; examen microsconique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, \. 792. — iMoliiielli. Observation de medecine. [From] Hist. Acad. d. sc. de Bologne.] Collect, auat. d. mem., etc., Par., 1773, x, 45.—Moore (W. D.) Case of a spontaneous cure of a tumor in the rectum of a child which was treated for prolapsus ani. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1851, xi, 223.— ITIoseley (H. A.) Rectal polypi (?). Med. et Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1880, xiii, 85. — IViwot (J.) Tumeur tlu rectum. Ann. Soc. d'anat.-path, de Brux.. 1866, xi, 14-19.__ IVovaro (G. F.) Adenocarcinoma del retto. In his- Cliu. chir. di Siena, 8° (1886), 1887, 161-163.—Parker (W.) Tumor of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1865-6, ii, 373.__ I'ntteson (R. G.) Note on rectal new-growths. Illust M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 2. —Phelan (D.) Fibroid of the rectuin. Canada Laucet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 132.__ "Polk(W.M.) A caseof adenoma of the rectum. N.York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 408-410. Also: Tr. N. York Obst Soc (1881-5), 1885, iii, 226-230.— Port (II.) Dermoid tumour from the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lontl., 1879-80, xxxi, 307- 309, 1 pl —Pozzi (S.) Note sur deux cas d'atlenomes du rectum, l'un sessile, l'autre pedicule, chez ties adultes. Bull, et mem.'Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1884, n. s., x, 559-565. Also: Gaz. ui6d. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 507-510.— Pranns- perger. Abgaug einer eigenthiinilichon Gesch wulst durch den After nach vorausgegangener normaler Ge- burt. Oesterr. nied. Wchnschr., Wien, 1846, 1535-1539.— Kaingcard. Polype du rectum (adenome muqueux). Bull. Soc anat. de Nantes 1879, Par., 1880, iii 63-66 — Kixzoli (F.) Asportazione di estesa porzione di retto intestino per neoplasia fibrosa eseguita felicemente con metodo misto cruento e termocaustico. Mem. Accad. tl. sc. tl. Ist. di Bologna, 1877, 3. s., viii, 417-435.—Rognetta. Des venues de I'intestin rectum. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1836, 2. 8., iv. 385-388.—Bomei (E.) Di un adenoma poliposii emesso tlal rette>. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1880, xlvi, 279- 282.—Bos.«aiidcr(C. J.) Instalil operation for tumor i rec- tum. Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1885, 244-246.—Boux. Tumeur du rectum ayant perfore la cloison recto-vagiuale; ligature et excision par le vaacroiiwville. Perforation tie rextremite infeiieure du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 119-121.— l/cudct. Ulceration du rectum. Ibid, 1852, xxvii, 110.— Little (J.) [Case of d,> senteric ulcers in the rectum with gangrenous ulcers of the stomach.] Lancet. Lontl, 1888. i, 175.—lij-le (J.) Case of ulcer of the rectum success- fully treated. Glasgow M. Exam., 1831-2, i, 52.—de liar. chettis (P.) Ulcus intestini recti vagiuam penetrans, cum stercoris per eandem excretioue. Inhis: Obs. med.-chir., 12°, Patavii, 1675, 135. Also: Ibid., 24n, Bououise, 1692, 195. Also: Ibid., 8°, Lontl, 1729, 124. Also, in his: Rec. d'ohs. rares [etc.], 8°, Par., 1858, 178.—.Tlaxon (E.) Fis- sure of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. V . 1877, xii, 743.— ITIenocal (R.) Cincocasosdeulceracionesdel recto. Rev. de cien. metl.. Habana, 1887-8, ii, 3— Jliqncl (J.-F.) Sur les ulcerations aphteusesde l'extremite inferieure du tube digestif. Inhis: Tribut a la chir. prat, [etc.]. 8', Tours, I8?0, 204-207.—Norton (A. T.) Rodent "ulcer of rectum. RECTUM. 1086 RECTUM. Rectum (Ulcer and perforation of). Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, i, 579. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliv, 561.—Otis. Fissure of the rectum successfully treated by forcible distension of the sphincter ani. N. York M. J., 1865, i, 57.—Paaw (P.) De ulcere oborto, ex celeri equitatione, circa recti intestini regionem iutrinsectis, pro generoso quotlam do- mino. In hi* : Suceenturiatusauat.. 4°, Lugd. Bat.. 1616,46- 53.—Paulicki. Ausgedehnte Ulcerationen der Schleim- haut tics Masttlarmes und der Flexura sigmoidea nach abgelaufeuen Typhus abdominalis mit todtlichein Ausgang. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii. 981.—Philipeaux (R.) De la cauterisation des plaies fongueuses de l'inte- rieur du rectuin par la p&te au chlorure de zinc, k l'aide d'un instrument special. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lvon, 1859, 2. s., vii, 186-191.—Polk (W. M.) Ulcer of the rec- tum. Med. et Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882. xlvi, 486.— Pupke. Wiirmer durchbohren tlen Masttlarm. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Beth, 1824, xvii. 114.—Hodman (L. H.) Fissure or ulcer ofthe rectum : forcible dilatation ; danger from anaesthesia in the performance of this operation. Toledo M. eal (J. B.) Traumatic rupture of an- terior walls of rectum; hernia of intestine; peritonitis; setica'iiiia; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 18_\—Ok- servacao de um caso de ruptura da paretic anterior do intestino recto, e da margen perineal do anus, comforte con- tusao dos orgaos contidos na bacia, scguidas de peritonite RECTUM. 108 Rectum (Wounds and injuries of). traumatica. Rev. metl, Rio de Jan., 1873-4, i, 323; 341.— Osbcrghaiis. Merkwiirdige Misshandlung. [Stick forced into rectum of a girl of 14: death.] Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837, 179. — Parks (R.) Death from perforation of the rectuin with a bougie. Lan- cet. Lond., 1833-4, i, 859.—Partridge (R.) Wound of the rectum, ulcerating into the bladder; death from pyaemia. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1857, 688.—Passavant (G.) Ge- fahrliehe Verwunduiigen durch das Setzen eines Klystiers. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 503: 1863, xv, 3.—de Pedro (M.) Perforacion dei recto por la introduccion de un palo por el ano; peritonitis; autopsia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1864, xi, 551.—Pooley (J. H.) Laceration ofthe rectum. N. York M. J., 1878, xxviii, 316.—Portal (P.) Storia di un' antica rottura dello intestino retto col pas- saggio delle materie escrementi/.ie nella vagina. Escula- pio, Napoli, 1828, iv, 129-137.—Fowl (A. C.) Laceration of the rectum by the pipe of an injecting syringe. N. York M. J., 1830-31, i, 259.—Que mi (E.) Des ruptures spontanees tlu rectum. Rev. de chir., Par., 1882, ii, 173- 188.—Kieclinger. Verletzung ties Rectums. Chir. Klin. im k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzb., 1879, i, 62.—Sands (H. B-) Perforation of the rectum bv a bougie. Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1844-77, ii, 160.—Shrady (G. F.) Wound of rectum; artificial anus: diphtheria; tleath. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, ix, 79.—Spreull (A.) Rupture of therectum. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1885, xx, 156.—Stein. Bristning af Endetarnien og Tyndtarmens Indtrajngen i sammeo Huulhed. [Rupture of rectum, and hernia of en- tire small intestines in the opening.] Hosp.-Med., Kjo- benh., 1853, vi, 279-294.—Tardieu (A.) [Le rectum d'un homme perfor6 par la verge d'un taureau; mort.] Inhis: fitude med.-16g. sur Its attentats aux moeurs, 6. 6d., Par., 1873, 11. — Taylor (M. T.) Laceration of the rectum. Richmond & Louisville M. J.. Louisville, 1871, xi, 498-502.— Teichinaun. Geheilte Zerreissung des Mastdarms. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl, 1826, xxi, 551.—Tusou (E. W.) Contused and lacerated wound of the sphincter ani and lower part of the rectum, extending along the anterior and posterior perinaeum. Lancet, Loud., 1851, i, 457.—Vallct. Application de l'enterotome tlans un cas de plaie profonde lougeant le rectum; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 113.—von Vamossy (S.) Penetrirende Risswunde des Mastdarmes; Peritonitis; Heilung. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, ii, 503.—Vincent. Case in which a clyster pipe was forced through the gut, and the injection thrown into the cavity of the abdomen. Lancet, Lontl., 1828, ii, 444. — Watson (G. A.) Death caused by thrusting a bamboo stick into the rectum. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 67.—Wells (F.) Rupture of the rectum, caused hy a fall upon tbe abdomen. Bostou M. et S. j., 1876, xciv, 626.—Wesseler (F. W.) Wound of rectum. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, i, 43.—Wyss. Ein submucoses Klystier. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1881, xi, 134- 136. Rectum and uterus. Barnes (R.) Clinical lectures on the rectum and anus in their relations to uterine, ovarian, and perimetric dis- eases. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 119-121.—Brown (I. B.) On some diseases of the rectum in women, resulting from certain conditions of the uterus. Med. Times et Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., viii, 232-235.—Edis (A. W.) Cases illus- trative of diseases of the rectum in the female simulating uterine disease. Ibid., 1871, ii, 557. -----. The rectum in its relation to uterine disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 701-703.—Ford (W. H.) On the interdependence of uterine and rectal disorders. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, x, 399-410. [Discussion], 443; 494.—Jcnks (E. W.) On some forms of rectal disease of women. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1875, x, 67-74—lTIaury (R. B.) Rectal disease considered in its relations to disorders of the uterus. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc. 1883, N. Y., 1884, viii, 253-266.—IVott (J. C.) Reflex irritation from the rectum as a cause of some affections of the uterus. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1868-9. i, 401-410.—rVotta. Rectite chronique; engorgement et pro- lapsus du corps et du col du l'uterus, et engorgement ties trompes avec foyers pnrulents dans leur interieur. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1848, xxiii. 174.—Storer (H. B.) The rectum in its relations to uterine disease. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1808-9, i, 66; 119; 206; 362.—Strong (C. P.) Rec- tal disease of uterine origin. Boston M. et S. J., 1886, cxiv, 151-154. Also, Reprint. — Taylor (W. T.) Diseases of the rectum dependent on morbid conditions of the uterus. Metl. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 443-447. Rectus abdominis. Dobson (G. E.) Note on the rectus abdominis et ster- nalis muscle. J. Anat. et Physiol, Lond., 1882-3, xvii, 84. Rectusfemoris (Rupture of). See Tendons (Injuries, etc., of). Recueil des actes du Comite" medical des Bou- ches-du-Rhone. v. 6-18, 1866 to 1879-80- v. 20, 1881-2. 8°. Marseille, 1866-82. RECUEIL. Recueil des actes de la Society de sante" de Lyon, depuis l'an premier jusqu'a Fan ciuq de la Re"publique; ou memoires et observations sur divers objets de chirurgie, de medecine et d'histoire naturelle. Au VI, 1798. 480 pp. 8-. Lyon. -----. Thesame. v. 2. Depuis l'an six jusqu'a la fin de l'an neuf de la Re'publique. An X, 1-01. 510 pp. 8°. Lyon. v. 2, 1801, is also under title: Journal tie la Societe de m6deciue de Lyon, nos. 1-6, v. 1. The name of the asso- ciation was at first: Soci6t6 des amis-medecins. Recueil voor tlen civiel geneeskundigeu dienst, [etc.]. See Ludeking (E. W. A.). Recueil tie discours prononces aux funerailles tie M. Orfila. 14 mars lr*53. 31pp. 12°. Paris, E. 4- V. Penaud freres, [1853]. Recueil des documents officiels et historiques relatifs a la fleur de Kousso, a l'emploi de sa. pou- dre comme antheltnintique, spe"cialeinent pour l'expnlsion du ver .solitaire, par R. Philippe, pos- sesst'tir garauti de toute la partie de Kousso rap- portee d'Abvssiuie par M. Rochet d'H6ricourt. 48 pp., 1 pl/ 8°. Paris, Philippe, 1851. [P., v. 1753.] Recueil general des pieces conteiiues au procez de Monsieur le marquis de Gesvres et de Made- moiselle de Mascranny, son Spouse. 336 pp. 12°. Rotterdam, R. Leers, 1713. Recueil de m6tlecine veterinaire. ( Nouvelle bibliotheque ine'dicale, 2. s.) v. 1-8, 1824-31; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1832-43; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1844-53; 4. s., v. 1-10, 1854-63; 5. s., v. 1-10, 1-64-73; 6. s., v. 1-10, 1874-83; 7. s., v. 1-7,1884-90. 8°. Paris. Current. Want v. 4, 1X27: Sept., 1866; Nov., 1869; v. 8, 1871. v. 2, 1825, '-publie par M. Royer-Collard et M. Girard fils". v. 3-8, title: Kecueil de medecine veteri- naire et comparee. v. 1 et seq., 2. s.. title: Recueil de m6decine v6t6riiiaire pratique, v. 2. 2. s., subtitle: "Jour- nal consacre a la m6decine, tl la chirurgie vet6rinaires, a l'hygiene, k l'eieve, au commerce des animaux domesti- ques, et a l'analyse des ouvrages ct journaux v6t6rinaires, publie par Bernard " [etal.]. v. 10, 3. s., subtitle: "Jour- nal consaci-e k l'etude et aux progres de la medecine vete- rinaire et des sciences qui s'y rattachent, par H. Bouley, redacteur en chef, et Reynal". After March, 1876, became semi-monthly. After 1882 each alternate number formed part of volume of "Annexe", transactions of the society. Recueil de me'decine veterinaire et compare'e. Title of: Kecueil de medecine veterinaire, v. 3-8, 1826-31. Recueil de me'decine veterinaire pratique. Title of: Kecueil de m6decine veterinaire, 2. s., v. 1 et seq., 1832-43. Recueil de memoires, ou collection de pieces acatiemiques, concernant la me'decine, l'anato- mie et la chirurgie, la chymie, la physique experi- mentale, la botanique et I'histoire naturelle, tiroes des meilleures sources. Et mis eu ordre par feu M. .1. Berryat. 16 v. 4°. Paris, 1754-87. Recueil de memoires sur les etahlissemens d'hu- manite; traduits de l'allemand et de l'anglais; publics par ordre du ministre de l'interieur. No. 1. 123 pp. 8°. Paris, an VII [ 1799]. Recueil de memoires de m6tlecine, de chirurgie etde pharmacie militaires; faisant suite au jour- nal qui paraissait sous le meme titre. Red. sous la surveillance du conseil de sante". Par Biron et Fournier. Public par ordre de S. Exc. le ministre secretaire d'6tat au departement de la guerre, v. 3-61, July, 1817-45; 2. s.. v. 1-23, 1846-58; 3. s., v. 1-38, 1859-82. 8°. Paris. See Journal de m6deriue, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires for v. 1-2, 1815-16. v. 21, 41, and 61 are indexes to v. 1-20, 22-40, and 42-60. v. 23, 2. s., is index to v. 1-22, 2. s. Also, an index to v. 1-20, 3. s., 1859-68. In 1X83 con- tinued as: Archives de medecine etde pharniacie mili- taires. Recueil de memoires et observations sur l'hy- giene et la medecine veterinaires militaires. Red. sous la suveillance de la commission d'hy- giene hippique et publie par ordre du ministre secretaire d'etat au departement de la guerre. KECUEIL. Recueil de memoires [etc.]—continued. v. 1-19, 1817-71; 2. s., v. 2-6, Nov., 1875, to Dec, 1879. 8°. Paris, J. Dumaine. Recueil de memoires, d'observations et d'expe"- riences sur l'inoculation de la vaccine. 1 p. 1., 75 pp. 8°. Part's, Magimel, an IX [1801]. [P., v. 948; 1285; 1287.] Recueil uiensuel dela Gazette medicalede Paris; sous la direction de M. Jules Guerin. No. 1, v. 1, January, 1832. 17(i pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris. Recueil d'observations d'anatomie et de chirur- gie, pour servir de base a la theorie des lesions de la tete, par contre-coup. 4 p. 1., 270 pp. 12c. Paris, P.-G. Carelier, 1760. Recueil d'observations de medecine des hopi- taux militaires. Fait et red. par M. Richard ile Hautesierck. v. 1, 1766; v. 2, 1772. 2 v. 4°. Paris. Recueil d'opbtalmologie. Paraissant tous les mois, sous la direction ties doctenrs Galezowski, Cuignet, 3. s., v. 1-12, 1879-90. 8*. Paris. Current. Title of 2. s., 1873-8 was : Kecueil d'ophthal- raologie. In Jan., 1888, Revue clinique d'oculistique merged in this journal. Recueil d'ophthalmologie. Paraissant quatre fois par an, sous la direction de Xavier Gale- zowski. 2. s., v. 1-5, Oct., 1873, to Oct., 1H78. 8°. Paris. See Journal d'ophthalmologie, fori. s. v. I contained 5 nos., Oct., 1873. to Oct., 1x74 ; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1875. For 3. s., see preceding. Recueil periodique tie litterature medicale etrangi-re, ou supplement au Recueil p6riodique de la Sm-iote de medecine de Paris, v. 1-2. 8°. Parti, an I'll [1799]. Supplement to v. 1-2 of: Recueil p6riodique de la So- ciete de medecine de Paris. Recueil periodique d'observations de medecine, chirurgie, [etc.]. Title of v. 1-7, 1754-7, of: Journal de medecine, chi- rurgie et pharniacie, etc., Paris. Recueil periodique de la Societe de medecine de Paris. Ped. par le Cit. Sedillot jeune. [2 v. an- nually. ] v. 1-14, July, 1796, to 1802. 8°. Parti, Croullebois. v. 1 is 2. td., title : Recueil periodique de la Societe de sante de Paris, v. 1 and 2 have, each, a supplement vol- ume entitled: Recueil periodique de litterature medicale etrangere. Continued as: Journal general de mede- cine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou recueil periodique, [etc.]. Recueil periodique de la Societe de sante de Paris. Title of v. 1, 1796, of: Recueil periodique de laSoci6t6 de medecine de Paris. Recueil de pieces concernant les exhumations faites dans Penceiute de l'Eglise de Saint-Eloy de la ville de Dunkerque. 87 pp. 8°. Paris, Monsieur, 1783. [Also, in: P., v. 947; 1078.] Recueil de pieces concernant l'inoculation de la petite verole, et propres a en prouver la securite" et I'utilite. xii, 335 pp. 12°. Parti, Desaint . [Also, in: P., v. 248.] See, also, Monro (Alexander). A course of public lect- ures in anatomy [etc.]. 2 v. MS. 4°. [Edinburgh!, 1746. -----. The physiology. MS. sm. 4°. [Edinburgh), 1746. For Biography, see Phila. M. Museum, 1808, v, 49-56.— Rush (Benjamin). An inquiry into the origin [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1793. KEDMAN. 1092 REECE. Redman (John Baldry). The river Thames. 10 pp. 8°. London, by the Institution, 1883. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engin., 1882-3, ixxii, pt. 2. Redman (Meredith) [1816-85]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 1171. Redmond (C. Stennett). Plain facts about in- fant feeding and management. Popular trea- tise. 82 pp. 12°. London, W. Scott, 1886. Redmond (William). The principles aud con- stituence of antimony. 49 pp. 8°. London, S. Chandler, 1762. [P., v. 1236.] Redon (Henri). *Des formes frustes du mai de Bright. 52 pp. 4°. Parti, A. Derenne, 1878, No. 493. Redon (J.-E.) *Du diabete sucre" chez l'enfant. [Paris.] 125 pp. 4°. Argenteuil, 1877, No. 124. Redon (L6o-L6onard). * Etude sur la bronchoto- mie pr61iminaire et l'e'coulenient du sang daus les voies ae"riennes. 81pp. 4°. Parti, 1878, No. 347. Recloul. Riban (J.) Recherches expe"rirnentales sur le principe toxique du redoul (Covaria mystifolia). 8°. Parti, 1863. Reil ruth* Blaxall (F. H.) Report to the local govern- ment board on the sanitary condition of the regis- tration district of Redruth, Cornwall, April 27, 1877. fol. [London, 1877.] Redslob (GustavusMauritius). De hebraiis ob- stetricantibus commentatio. 14 pp. 4°. Lip- siw, H. H'einedel, 1835. Redslob (Philippus Jacobus). Diss. phys. de tinidis in genere. 17-34 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1777]. Imperfect; pages 1-16 wanting. Redtel (A.) * Der Nasenaufsatz des Rhinolophus hippocrepis. [Erlangen.] 38 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkopf u. Hdrtel, 1873. Redtel (Ernestus Fridericus). *De fructibus horaeis. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1737]. [Also, in: P., v. 1864.] Redtenbacher (Joseph). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Redtenbaclier (Ludwig). See Keise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Zoologischer Theil. 2. Bd.. 1. Abtheil. A. 4°. Wien, 1868. Reduvius. .Vieplliil (P.) Accident cause par la reduve masquee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1887, 8. a., iv, 563. Redwood (Joseph M.) Medical report of the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery, Dublin. 82., 188b-6. 8°. Dublin, 1886. In: Fever Hospital and House of Recovery. Reports of the committee of management for same year, pp. 11-27. Redwood (Theophilus). A supplement to tbe pharmacopceia: being a concise, comprehensive dispensatory, and manual of facts and formulas, for the use of practitioners in medicine and pharmacy. 3. ed. vii, 1161 pp. 8°. London, Longman cf Co., 187)7. See, also. Ulohr (Francis) & Kt'tlnood (T.) Practi- cal pharmacy, [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849.—Pereira (Jonathan). Elements of materia medica, [etc.]. 8°. Lon- don, 1874.—Reports on Van Houtten's cocoa, [etc.]. 8°. (London, 1888.] Redwood Library and Athenaeuin, Newport, R. 1. Annual reports ofthe directors to the pro- prietors. 148., 1877-8; 154.-159., 1833-4 to 1888-9. 8°. Neuport, 1878-K). Reef Alfred). * Ueber/3-Sulfophtalsaure. 67 pp. -Q. Bern, Stdmpfli, 1886. Reeb (Florent-Th6ophile). * Essai sur le croup ties adultes. 55 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1848, No. 185, 2. s., v. 14. Reeb (Francois-Camille). *De la fievre inter- mittente compliquee non-pernicieuse. 41 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1850, No. 210, 2. s., v. 16. Reeb (Georges). * Contribution h P6tude du glaucome. 86 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parti, 1876, No. 482. Reebmann (Fridericus). * De omento sano et morbido. 38pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, typ. viduw Pauschingerianw, [1753]. -----. * De thyreoidese thymi atque suprareualium glandularum in homine nascendo et nato func- tiouibus. 40pp. sm.4°. Argentorati, typ. viduw M. Pauschingeri, [1753]. Reece, Burgess & Co. An English cata- logue of drugs, with their properties, doses to children and adults, the proper vehicle for their exhibition, and retail price annexed to each arti- cle; to which is added a description of the dif- ferent medicine and chemical test chests, etc. 2. ed. iv, 47 pp. 8°. London, B. Burton, 1810. Reece (Richard) [ -1831]. Observations on the anti-phthisical properties ofthe Lichen islan- dicus, or Iceland moss: comprehending explicit directions for the making and using such prepa- rations ofthe herb and auxiliaries which experi- ence has proved best adapted to the cure of the different species of pulmonary consumptions of Great Britain, iv, 33 pp. 8°. London, Long- man cf Rees, 1803. [P., v. 434.] -----. Practical observations on the Radix rha- iauite, or rhatany root, a production of Peru; containing an account of its sensible qualities, its powers as a tonic or stomachic medicine, the various forms in which it may be employed, and the most respectable testimonies in its favor, as superior to the Peruvian bark in all cases that require the use of a strengthening medicine. To which are added, directions for the use of the phosphate and oxyphosphate of iron in cancer, etc. 55 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1808. -----. A practical dictionary of domestic medi- cine, comprising the latest discoveries relative to the causes, treatment, and prevention of dis- eases. With a popular description of anatomy, casualties, chemistry, clothing, dietetics, phar- macy, physiology, surgery, midwifery, thera- peutics, etc. viii, 32 pp., 314 l.,2 pl. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1808. -----. Letters addressed to Mic. G. Preudergast on the present state of medicine iu Great Britain and the opposition presented to its improvement as a science by the restrictive laws of the Lon- don College of Physicians, iv, 28 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Sherwood, Neely if Jones, 1810. -----. The Reecean pandect of medicine, con- taining a new nosological arraugemeut of dis- eases, and a new system of physic and medical surgery, founded on anatomy, animal chemistry, and surgery, iv, 16, viii, 358, iv pp. roy. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1812. With two additional title-pages: The outlines of a new system of the practice of physic, and medical surgery. Lon- don, S. Highley, 1810. And: Outlines of medical surgery, comprehending the topical and constitutional treatment of surgical cases; being the second part of a new system of physic. London, Longman efc Co., 1810. -----. Tbe medical guide, for the use of the clergy, heads of families, and practitioners in medicine and surgery; comprising a practical dispensatory, and treatise ou the symptoms, causes, prevention, and cure of the diseases inci- dent to the human frame; with the latest dis- coveries in medicine. 10. ed. xxiv, 528 pp., 4 1. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1813. -----. The same. 16. ed. xix, 569 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1833. -----. A practical treatise on the beneficial effect ofthe Gratiola officinalis in nervous and organic diseases of the lungs; as, consumption, asthma, constitutional cough, etc., with directions for its exhibition, and advice on the subjects of diet, air, REECE. 1093 REED. Reece (Richard)—continued. clothing, etc., in these diseases, xi, 13-40 pp* 8°. London, Sherwood, Neely cf Jones, 1814. ------. A practical treatise on diseases of the genital system, the rectum, etc. . . . with an ac- count of the Diosina crenata, or buchu leaves; with explicit directions for their use, with a va- riety of cases in which they proved successful; being an addition to the appendix to the Monthly Gazette of Health, embracing the prevention, treatment, etc., of the venereal and other dis- eases incident to males, etc. xvi, 132 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin cf Marshall, 1825. ------. A practical dissertation on the means of obviating and treating the varieties of costive- ness which occur at different periods of life, and in cases of predispositions to various constitu- tional maladies, in peculiar temperaments of body, in disorders of the lungs, stomach, liver, rectum, etc., and during pregnancy, by medi- cine, diet, etc. xvi, 351 pp. 8°. London, Long- man [and others], 1826. ■ The lady's medical guide; being a popu- lar treatise on the causes, prevention, aud mode of treatment ofthe diseases to which females are particularly subject, vi, 8-144 pp. 16°. Phila- delphia, Carey, Lea cf Blanchard, 1833. Also, Editor of: Monthly (The) Gazette of Health, London, 1816-31. Reecll (Antoine). *De la paralysie consecutive a la diphth6rie et aux maladies aigues. 25 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861, No. 549, 2. s., v. 30. Reecll (Charles). * Etude critique des appareils a fracture du corps du f6mur et d'une modifica- tion apporte"e a celui de Desault. 1 p. 1., 48 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Nancy, 1876, 1. s., No. 38. Reed. Cowley (L. M.) Informe en causa por serviciaal negro Bonifacio, para determinar si el bejuco Curamagiiey es 6 n6 venenoso, si puede en pequenas dtisis causar la muerte de un individuo y si sera venenoso en los perros y gatos. Trab. Com. de med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873-4, ii, 23-31. Reed & Carnrick. Prices current of chem- ical and pharmaceutical preparations. 36 pp. 12°. Neiv York, E. G'Keefe, [n. d.]. Reed (Boardman). Winter health-resorts. The climate of Atlantic City, and its effects on pul- monary diseases. 7 pp. roy. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1880.1 Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1880, x. —-----. The same. Atlantic City as a winter health resort; embracing official reports, meteo- rological tables, etc., concerning the climate of Atlantic City, N. J., the testimony of eminent physicians as to its effects on various forms of disease, hygienic hints, for invalids at the sea- shore, and information about the sanitary condi- tion of Atlantic City. 2.ed. 22 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Allen, Lane cf Scott, 1881. . The insufficiency of the laws governing commitments to asylums for the insane ; with re- ports of cases. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1883.] Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii. —'■----. Healthfulness of sea-shore resorts: some pertinent facts about malaria. 4 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1883. Repr. from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlviii. ------. The effects of sea air upon diseases of the respiratory organs. Including a study of the influence upou health of changes in the atmos- pheric pressure. Read before the American Climatological Association at its first annual congress, in Washington, D. C, May 5, 1884. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1884.] ------. The restorative treatment of sleeplessness from brain exhaustion. 3pp. 12°. Chicago, [1887]. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii. Also, in his: Diseased conditions [etc.J. 12°. [n. p., 1887], 6-8. Reed (Boardman)—continued ------. Diseased conditions for which sea air is of doubtful benefit. 8 pp. \2°. [n. p., 1887.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1887, iv. ------. The primary and secondary action of drugs 20 pp. b°. [n. p., n.d.] * Repr. from: Practitioner, Lond., 1888, xl. Reed (Carl Hempel). The histogenesis and his- tology of carcinoma. 11 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1883. Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii. Reed (Charles A. L.) Some of the causes of in- fant mortality. 10 pp. 8°. [Fidelity, 1879.] Also, Co-Editor of: Sanitary (The) News, Hamilton, O., 1881-2.-Clinical (The) Brief and Sanitary News, Cincinnati, 1882-3. Also, Editor of: Cincinnati Med- ical Journal, 1885-7. Reed (David M'Connell). Fever physiologically considered. Considerations on yellow fever, typhus fever, plague, cholera, and sea scurvy; also the questions of contagion, and the quaran- tine laws; with an address to the public, etc., on the popular treatment of cholera, xii, 262 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1846. Reed (John). An appeal to the British nation to think for themselves, instead of allowing Wilberforce, Buxton, and others to think for them; with a true statement of the condition of the negroes in the island of Jamaica. 31pp. 8°. Liverpool, R. Rockliff, 1823. [P., v. 115.] Reed (Joseph Allison) [1823-84], Richardson (David D.) [1832- ] tfe Cook (G. ) To the legislature. In the matter of the insane in the prisons and poor-houses of Pennsylvania. Letter of. . . 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. C. Bryson cf Co., 1874. For Biography of Joseph Allison Reed, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 110 angendorflT(0.) Ueber einen gekreuzten Reflex beim Frosch untl allge- meine Spiualreflexe beim Kaninchen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch, Berl, 1880, xviii, 513. — Latimer (T. S.) Deep reflexes in health and in disease. Tr. M. efe Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait, 1888, 158-169. Also, Reprint.— Lentz. Des reflexes. Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg, Gaud, 1883, no. 28, 22; no. 30. 31. — Lepine (R.) Sur la diminution de la secousse rtiflexe du gastrocn^mien de la gicnoiiille, consecutive k la ligature en masse de la euisse, sant le nerf. Compt. rend. Soc, de biol. Par, 1888, 8. s, v. 75.->-7."7.— Lewis (M. J.) The chin reflex; a new clini t al observation. Polyclinic, Phila, 1884-5, ii, 190.—Lom- bard (W. P.) A new method of testing the "knee-kick". N. York M. J, 1887, xiv, 129. Also, Reprint. -----. Is the "knee-kick" a reflex act? Am. J. M.Sc, Phila, 1887, n. s, xciii. 88-101. Also, Reprint. -----. The variations of the normal knee-jerk, antl their relation to the activity of the central nervous system. Am. J. Psychol, Bait, 1887-8, i, 5-71, 1 pl, 1 diag. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz, 1889, Suppl.-Bd, 292-335.-----. On the nature of the knee-jerk. J. Physiol, Cambridge, 1889, x, 122-148.—Lubbock (M.) Post-graduate lecture on the reflexes. Med. Press efe Circ, Lond, 1889, n. s, xlvii, 557; 583. — Luchsiugcr (B.) Neue Versuche iiber gekreuzte Reflexe. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Iii, 255. -----. Ueber gekreuzte Reflexe. (2. kurze Mitth.) Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1880-81, xxii, 179. — Luzzatto (B.) Ri- flessi tendinei. Gazz. nied. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 265-267. — Mackenzie (J. N.) The patho- logical nasal reflex; an historical study. N. York M. J, 1887, xlvi, 199-205. Also, Reprint.—Mackenzie (S.) On loss of both knee-jerks from one-sided brain disease. Brain, Lond, 1883, vi,'224-232.—Mader. Ueher das Vor- kommen von Patellar- untl Fussklouus bei Typhus und dessen Ursachen. Ber. tl. k. k. Krankenanst". Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 295-300. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1887, xxii, 351; 363. — Maragliano. Die Hautgefiissreflexe im physiologischen Zustande. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1888-9, xliv, 265-276. 1 pl. — Mariniau (V.) Contribuzione alio studio clinico tlei riflessi tendinei. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1884, 3. s, iv, 415; 506.—Marro efe Lombroso. Riflessi tendinei nei criminal! Arch, di psichiat, etc, Torino, 1883, iv. 382.— Mays (T.J.) The nasal reflex; anew method for de- termining the local sensorv action of drugs; a prelimi- nary note. Med. News, Phila, 1886, xlix. 573. — Men- delssohn (M.) Oodruchach sciegnistych pod wzgledem fizyologicznym i klinicznym. [Significance of tendou- reflex.l Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1880, xxviii, 31; 43; 51; 63. -----. Sur les lois de l'irradiation des actions re- flexes. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol. Par, 1885, 8. s, ii, 321-324. Also, transl.: Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1885, 2. s.. \, 713-718.—Meyer (G.) Untersuchungen iiber das Knie- phanomen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1888, xxv, 23-26. — Minor (L. S.) K vopr. o lokalizatsii kolen. refleksa. [Localisation of knee reflex; knee phenomenon.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Moskve, 1887, ii, 63-68.— Mitchell (S. W.) The cremaster-reflex. J. Nerv. efe Ment. Dis, Chicago, 1879, n. s, iv, 577-586. -----. On the muscular reactions known as tendon-jerks and muscle- jerks. Metl. News, Phila, 1888, Iii, 677-685.—Mitchell (S. VV.) <& Lewi* (M. J.) The tendon-jerk and muscle- jerk in disease, and especially in posterior sclerosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1886, i, 11-23. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1886, n. s, xcii, 363-372.-----------. Phy- siological studies of the knee-jerk, and of the reactions of muscles under mechanical and other excitants. Metl. REFLEXES. 1099 REFOKM. Reflexes. News, Phila, 1886, xlviii, 169; 198. Also, transl.: Riforma med, Napoli, 1886, ii, 478; 484; 490; 496; 502.—Mobius (P. J.) Xotiz iiber das Verschwiuden des Kniephanomens bei alten Lenten. Centralbl. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1883, vi, 217-219.—Mouimscii. Experimentelles iiber Sehnenre- flexe. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1884, xv, 847-850.—Money (A.) Will the knee-jerk divide typhoid fever from menin- gitis? Lancet, Lond, 1887, i, 1026. -----. The production of ankle-clonus under various circumstances. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1887, ii, 766.—lVechaefl"(P. M.) Tri sluch reflector nevrozov. [Three cases of reflex neurosis.] Med. Obozr, Mosk, 1888, xxix, 864-871.—Neucourt (F.) Des mouve- ments r6flexes en pathologie. Arch. g6n. de med. Par, 1874, ii, 308-329.—Non ne (M.) Einige anatomische Be- f untie beim Mangel ties Patellar-Reflexes. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. allg. Krankenh. zu Hamb.-Eppendorf, Hamb, 1889, 144-159, 1 pl—Oliver (J.) Knee-jerk; its cause, not reflex. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1884, ii, 1187. -----. On the state of the knee-jerk and the occurrence of foot clonus after epileptic attacks. Edinb. M. J, 1886-7, xxxii, 209- 212.—Olltve(G.) Du reflexe tendineux. [Ke vue critique.] Rev. de med. Par, 1881, i, 338-353.—Papabasileos (B.) Ilepi TTfS crtJcceioKoyiKris a£i'ae; Teje>i> avaK\a.(TTiKti>v tbaivofj.ei>iov tcov revovrcov. raArpos, 'ASrjvai, 1889, I®', 34; 73. — Paris (L.) Dei riflessi tendinei; tesi di laurea. trior, interna/.. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1885. n. s, vii, 325-332. — Peli- zaeus(F.) Ueber das Kniephanomeu bei Kindern. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1883, xiv, 402-409. -----. Zur Unter- suchungsmethode des Knieplianomens. Neurol. Cen- tralbl, Leipz, 1886, v, 50.—Pick (A.) Anatomischer Be- fund bei eiuseitigem Fehlen des Kniephiinoineus. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1888-9, xx, 896-9U4, 1 pl—Pitres (A.) efe de Fleury. Note sur les caracteres graphiques dela trepidation Epileptoitle du pied et de la rotule. Rev. de med. Par, 1886, vi. 486-500. Also [Abstr.]: Union m6d. Par, 1886, 3. s, xiii, >-<:{— Playfair (W. S.) Note on ankle-clonus as a symptom in certain forms of nervous dis- ease. Lancet, Loud, 1886, i, 12.—Prevost (J.-L.) Con- tribution a l'etude des ph6nonieues nomm6s reflexes tendi- neux. Rev. in6d. do la Suisse Rom, Geneve. 1881, i, 7; 69, lpl.; 133.—Raven (T. F.) Tendon-reactious in health and disease. Practitioner, Lond, 1888, xl, 336-343. —Kein- hard (C.) Der Hypochondrienreflex. Centralbl. f. Ner- venh, Leipz, 1884,' vii, 122. -----. Ueber Muskelphauo- meoe. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1884. xv, 681-694. Also [Ab- str.] : Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl, 1884, x, 765.—Be- iiia k (E.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der Sehnenphanomene zurEntartunssreaction. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1885, xvi, 240-274— Rendu. Exag6ration des reflexes tendineux chez un homme atteint de scl6rose en plaques. France m6d. Par, 1880, xxvii, 426. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 77-79.—Rey mer (P.) Valeur du signe de Westphal (perte du reflexe rotulien), chez les diab6- tiques, au point de vue chirurgical. [Rap. tie P. Berger.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1887, n. s, xiii, 414- 454.—Richet (C.) Exp6riences sur le reflexe de direc- tion tie l'oreille chez le lapin. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. Par, 1886, 8. s., iii, 307. — Rosenbaeh (O.) Die diagnostische Bedeutung der Reflexe, insbesondere des Banchreflexes. Centralbl. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1879, ii, 193-208. — Rosenheim ( T.) Experimentelle Unter- suchungen der unter dem Nanien "Sehnenphanomene" bekannten Erscheinungen unter moglicbster Beriicksich- tigung von Versuchen am Menschen und pathologischer Beobachtungen. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1*84, xv, 184- 201. Also, Reprint,—Rosenthal (J.) Untersuchungen iiber Reflexe. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang, 1872-3, v, 13: 1874-5, vii, 77. 'Also [Abstr.]: Psychiat. Centralbl, Wien, 1873, iii, 137-139. -----. Ueber Reflexe. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Metl, Wiesb, 1884, iii, 49- 66. Also: Biol. Centralbl, Erlang, 1884-5, iv, 247-256. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1884, v, 372.— Rubalkin (J. V.) O nijnechel. priznakie. [Jaw-jerk.] Vrach, St. Petersb, 1886, vii, 230-232. — Rudolphson (G.) Zur Kenntniss und klinischen Bedeutung der idio- muscularen Wulstbildung. (Schiff's idiomusculare Con- traction.) Arch. f. Psvchiat, Berl, 1888-9, xx, 473-494.— Rimipl (T.) Ueber Reflexe. Deutsehe med. Wchnschr, Berl, 1880, vi, 392-395—Schlosser (W.) Untersuchun- gen iiber die Hemmung vou Reflexeu. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz, 1880, 303-322.—Schrciber (J.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Kniephanomen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1884, xviii, 270-289. 1 diag. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1884, iii, 341-346. -----. Ueber das Kniephanomeu. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1884, xxxv, 254-265.— Mi-liwarz (A.) Zur Lehre von den Haut-und Sehnen- reth-xen Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1882, xiii, 621-657.— Scifert. Ueber eine s'eltene Ursache von Reflexneurosen. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb, 1886, 115- 120.—Senator (H.) Ueber Sehnenreflexe und ihre Be- ziehung zum Muskoltonus. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz, 1880,197-208.—Seppilli (G.) 1 riflessi tendinei negli alie- nati. Arch. ital. per le mai. nerv, Milano, 1880, xvii, 554- 567. -----. I reflessi tendinei studiati nello stato fisiolo- gico, nelle malattie nervose, nelle frenopatie. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1882, viii, 308; 415. Also, Re- Reflexe*. print. -----. Ricerche sul tempo di reazione del riflesso i-otiiliano negli alienati. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1882 Modena, 1883, x,319-322. Also, Reprint.—Nhai-key (S. J.) The diagnostic value of reflexes. Lancet, Lontl, 1889, i, 1234; 1293—Shaw (J. C.) The tendon reflex iu the insane. Arch. Med, N. Y, 1879, ii, 46-50. Also [Ab- str.] : J. Nerv. efe Ment, Dis, Chicago, 1879, n. s, iv 726.— Sinkler (W.) The toe reflex. Med. News. Phila.. 1888 hn, 611.—Spiro (P.) Physiologische Studien iiber die Reflexe. Centralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch, Berl, 1875, xiii, 435-437.—.Steinbriigae (H.) Ein seltener Fall von Acus- tii-.us-Keflexen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1888-9, xix, 328-334.—.Sternberg (M.) Sehnenreflexe bei Ermiidung. Centialbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. u. Wien, 1887-8, i, 81-83.— Streeter (H. W.) Reflex phenomena. Me el. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 531-536. — Sli-iimpcll (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Sehnenreflexe. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1879, xxiv, 175-191.—MtriimpclI (A.) efe IVlobius (P. J.) Ueber Steigerung der Sehneuretlexe' bei Erkrankung peripberer Nerven. Miinchen. meel. Wchnschr, 1886, xxxiii, 601-603.—Taylor (II. L.) IIv giene of reflex action. J. Nerv. efe Ment, Dis, N. Y, 1888, xv, 177-199. Also, Reprint. — Tendon-reflex. Meel. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 374.—Tschirjew (S.) Ursprung und Bedeutung des Knieplianomens und verwandter Er- scheinungen. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1877-8, viii, 689- 712. -----. Experimentelie Untersuchungen iiber das Kniephanomeu. Berl. klin Wchnschr, 1878, xv, 240.— Waller (A.) On muscular spasms known as "tendon- reflex". Brain, Lond, 1880-81, iii, 179-191.—Walton (G. L.) The reflexes; notes from one of Professor Erb's lectures on the diagnosis of dise ases of the nervous system. Boston M. efe S. J, 1881, cv, 97 —Wassilieff (N.*) Wo wild tier Schluckretlex ausgeltist? Ztschr. f. Biol, Miin- chen n. Leipz, 1887, xxiv, 29-40.—de Watleville (A.) On reflexes and pseudo-reflexes. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1882, i, 736. -----. On the tendon-reactions. Ibid.. 1880. i, 1160. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1886, ix, 353-356. —Weiss (N.) Ueber Sehnenreflexe. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1879, xxix, 6; 30; 49. — Westphal (C.) Ueber das Verschwindeu und die Localisation ties Knieplianomens. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1881, xviii, 1; 20. Also: Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii, pt. 2, 47-65. -----. Ueber eine Fehlerquelle bei Untersuchung des Kniephanomen's und iiber dieses selbst. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1881-2, xii, 798-812. -----. Ana- tomischer Befund bei einseitigem Kniephanomeu. Ibid., 1887, xviii, 628-630.—Zen ner (P.) Clinical significance of the tendon reflexes. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n. s, xxiii, 543-547. —Ziehen (T.) Die diagnostische Betleu- tung der Steigerung des Kniephanomens und des Fuss- klonns. Cor.-Bl. tl. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Wei- mar, 1889, xviii, 1-8. Reflexions sur l'inutilite des cliangenieus pro- poses au ministre de l'interieur, dans l'exercice tie la medecine et de la pharmacie en France. 3 pp. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 1847.] Reflexions sur l'opinion de M. Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire. See Begin (Louis-Jacques). Reflexions sur la maladie qui a connnenc6 de- puis quelques amines a attaquer le gros bewail, en divers endroits de l'Europe. Par la 8oci616 ties medecins de Geneve, avec un recueil de quelques autres pieces sur ce sujet. 8 p. 1., 292 pp. 12°. Genere, Cramer cf Perachon. 1716. Reflexions sur la nature et le traitement de la malatlie qui regne dans le haut Languedoc. See Societe royale de medecine, Paris. Reflexions sur l'usage de I'opium [etc.]. See [Hecquet (P.)]. Reflexoes criticas do Doutor . . . solire as direc- coes p.ira o uso da agoade Inglaterra, composta, e manipnlatla por Antonio Jose de Sousa Pinto, boticario na cidade tie Lisboa, ou exame compa- rative da mesma agoa com a verdadeira agoa tie Inglaterra do Doutor Jacob de Castro 8ai iiiento, manipulada por Jose Joaquim de Castro, na sua real fabrica, por decreto tie sua alteza real o priu- cipe regeute nosso senhor. 35 pp. 8°. Lisboa, T. Ferreira, 1811. [P., v. 1259.] Reform (Medical). See Education (Medical), etc.; Medicine (ins- ton/ of). Reform (Sanitary). See Hygiene (Public). REFORM. 1100 REFUTATION. Reform institutions, schools, etc. See Prisons (Descriptions, etc., of), by countries. Reform Medical College of Georgia. The reform metlical practice, with a history of medicine, from the earliest period to the present time, antl a synopsis of principles on which the new practice is founded. By the faculty of the ... 1. ed. xv, 1120 pp. 8°. Macon, Ga., M. S. Thompson, 187,7. See, also, College of Phlogistic Medicine, Macon. Reform (Zur) tier Medicinal-Verfassnng Preus- sens. Mit Riicksichtnahine auf tlie Vorschliige ties Dr. Joseph Hermann Schmidt hearheitet von einem Ansschusse des arztlichen Venins des Re- gierungs-Bezirks Diisseldorf, Dr. Ernsts [et al.]. iv, 143 pp. 8°. Diisseldorf, J. Buddens, 1847. Reform (Zur) der Medicinalverfassung Saehsens. Ansichten und Wiinsche ausgesprocheu von dem arztlichen Vereine zu Dresden, vi, 90 pp. 8°. Dresden u. Leipzig, Arnold, 1847,. Reform (Die) der Medizinal-Verfassnng Prens- sens. Bericht eines Ausschusses des arztlichen Vereins zu Koln. vi, 78 pp. 8°. Kbln,J.u.W. Boisseree, 1842. Reform (Die) der Militar-Sanitat nach tlen An- forderungen der Gegenwart. See Centralverein bayerischer Militar-Aerzte. Reforma (La) medica. Organo del Instituto homeopiitico mexicano. [Monthly.] Nos. 2-17, v. 3; nos. 1-11, v. 4; nos. 3-5, v. 5, Sept. 10, 1878, to May, 1881. 4°. Mexico. Reforma (La) medica, periddico oficial de la Academia homeop&tica espanola. Redaccion : Joaquin de Hysern [et al.]. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-10, April 15, !867)-74. 8°. Madrid. Want pp. 353-368, v. 1. v. 3, 1867, became monthly. Re form ate ll r (Le; medical, on le medecin sans medecine. Journal hebdomadaire. Nos. 1-26, Feb. I to July 26, 1835. fol. Bruxelles, Ve. de Mat. Ended. An advertisement for Lubin's ointment. Each number contains 4 pages. Reformatory Prisons for Women, at Sherboru. See Massachusetts. Reformatory Prison for Women, at Sherborn. Reformatory (The) and Refuge Journal. Pub- lished bv the Reformatory and Refuge Union. No. 191, May, 1888; no. 211, Jan., 1890. 8°. Lon- don, 1888-90. Reformatski (Paul). *K voprosu o vlijanii myshechnoi raboty na usvoenie jirov pischi u zdorovych londei. [Influence of muscular labor on assimilations of fat in the healthy.] 39 pp., 4 tab. sm. 8°. St. Petersburg, tip. C. Voschinskoi, 1889. Reforme (La) alimentaire. Bulletin de la So- ciete vegetarienue de Paris. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, Jan., 1881, to Nov., 1882. 8°. Parti. Reforme (D'une) a introduire daus l'etude the- rapeutique des eaux minerales naturelles. 40 pp. 8°. Parti, imp. Poupart-Daryl, [n. d.]. [P., v. 1425. ] Reformed Medical Journal. Under the pat- ronage of the Reformed Medical Society of the United States. W. Beach and H. D. Sheppard, editors antl proprietors. [Monthly.] v. 1, Jan. to Dec, 1832. 192 pp. 8°. New York. Ended. Reformed (The) practice of medicine as taught at the reformed medical colleges in the city of New York, at Worthington, Ohio, and all the re- formed schools in the United States. Contain- ing all the practice of Dr. Beach of New York, of the celebrated Dr. Bone of New Jersey, and other celebrated botauic practitioners. 2 v. in 1. 78, 82 pp. 12°. Boston, 1831. v. 2 is paged consecutively with v. 1, to p. 83, and then commences new pagination; 6-82. Reformer (The). Devoted to health, litera- ture, and medical science. Published monthly by S. F. Salter, v. 1 (nos. 1-3), Sept. to Nov., 18-U. fol. Atlanta, Ga. A continuation of: Southern (The) Metlical Reformer, 1881. No. 3, v. 1, Nov., 1881. hist published. Continuedas: Journal (The) of American Medicine and Surgery. Reforms: their difficulties and possibilities. xiii, 229 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton <.)'■ Co., 1884. Supplementary to a work by the same author, entitled: Conflict in nature and life. 8°. New York, 1883. Refract lire*. See Fracture (Deformity after). Refrege (Felix). * Sur le diagnostic de l'etran- glement intestinal a symptomes choieriformes. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, 1867, No. 16. Refrigerants. See, also, Cold; Cooling. Bruckner (T.) * De refrigerantium differenti indole ac modo operandi. 4°. Francof. ad lia dr., [1740]. Eichfeld (J. F.) De justa method! refrige- rantis in morbis .estimatione. 4°. Gottingce, [1752]. Also, in: Brendel. Opusc. med. [etc.]. 4°. Gottingce, 1775, iii, 232-251. Hartig (J. G.) * De medicamentis refrige- rantibus. 4°. Jence, [1764]. [Jennings (R. S.)] The Jennings cold-air apparatus. 8°. [Boston, 1881.] Kerger (G.) *De refrigerantium modo ope- randi mechanico et usu medico. 4°. Erfordiw, [1702]. Kirk (A. C.) On compressed air and other refrigerating machinery. 8°. London, l887>. Rouillon (F.) *De la refrigeration par le chlorure de methyle. 4°. Paris, 1887,. Bailly. Apparat zur Kalteerzeugung dtircjt Methyl- chloriir (Stypage). Illust. Monatsehr. d. arztl. Polvtech., Bern, 1889, xi, 29-31.—Berlherand (A.) Des meilleurs moyens de calmer la soif dans les pays chauds. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1874, xix. 5. — Figuet. Snr le sty- page. Lyon m6d., 1889, lx, 505-^517.— Kobrrl-liatour. De la medication r6frigerante. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1X4H, 3. s., iii, 670; 691.—Mpillmanii (E.) Refrigerants. Diet. encycl. d. sc. metl., Par., 1875, 3. s., iii, 28-40. Refroigney (J.-C.) * Des perforations intesti- nales. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, 1873, No. 490. Refsnaes. See Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of). Reftel (Joannes Martinus). Reformatio botani- ces. Upsalice, 1762. In: Linnaeus. Amceuitates acad. I etc. J. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1764, vi, 305-323. -----. * Diss. med. sistens ascitis simplicia ca- sum. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Upsalice, typ. Edmannia- nis, [1772]. Refuge for the Destitute, London. Annual re- ports of the committee to the governors and subscribers, for the years 1804; 1810; 1835. 12° & 8C. London, 1805-36. Refuge (Le) et La Famille de Nlmes. [Rapport annuel tlu comite.] 27., 1883-4. 23 pp. 8°. Nimes, Roger cf Laporte, 1884. Founded in 1857. Refuse. See Garbage (Disposal of); Offal. Refutation (A) of Dr. Olyphant'sdefence of his: Short discourse of the usefulness of vomiting in fevers. 19 pp. 16c. Edinburgh, J. Vallange, 1699. Refutation de l'6crit des medecins, intitule . . . La subordination des chirurgiens aux medecins, demontree par la nature des deux professions, et par le bien public. Par M. . . . chirurgien de Paris. 32 pp. 4°. [Paris], 1848. [P., v. 1406.] REFUTATION. 1101 REGENERATION. Refutation d'un memoire sur l'hygiene publique de la ville de Rheims, adressee aux etudiants en medecine. 28 pp. 12°. Rheims, Guilon-Moreau, 1826. Refutation d'un nouveau traite d'odontalgie. x, 59 pp. 12°. Geneve, 1773. Bound with: Auzebi (P.) Traite d'odontalgie. 12°. Lyon, 1771. Refutation (A) of the: Short answer to the ex- amination of Dr. Pitcairn's dissertations. 40 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, 1702. Refutation of some misstatements respecting the University of Edinburgh. 23 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Maclachlan cf Stewart, 1834. [ P., v. 1049; 1566.] Probably written by Drs. Turner, Christison, and Syme. Rega (Heuricus Josephus) [1690-1754]. De sym- pathia, seu consensu partium corporis humani, ac potissimum ventriculi, in statu morboso. 4 p. 1., 260 pp., 6 1. 8°. Harlemi, M. van Lee, 1721. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 260 pp., 6 1. 16°. Harlemi, J. van Lee, 1739. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 348 pp., 6 1. 16°. Francofurti et Lipsice, in off. Fleischeriana, 1762. [Also, in: P., v. 1545.] Bound with his: De urinis tractatus duo, [etc.]. 16°. Lovanii, 1733. ----. The same. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 240 pp., 4 1. 16°. Harlemi. J. van Lee, 1765. De minis tractatus duo. Prior, qutestio quodlibetica: Anulla scientite medicas investiga- tione aut experimento quispiam possit ex sola uriuaruni inspectione morborum naturam ad medelam djgnoscere? Alter de urinis ut signo, in quo ordinarius et naturalis hominis saniurinae aspectus, ejusdemque ab eo mutatse constitutio morbi tempore proponitur; in causas inquiritur, et quid singulse variatioues indicent tam ex veterum, potissimum Hippocratis, quam recen- tiorum observatione exponitur. 3 p. 1., 46 (11.), 132 pp. 16°. Lovanii, typ. M. van Orerbeke, 1733. The same. 207 pp. 8°. Francofurti et Lipsice, in off. Fleischeriana, 1761 Accurata medendi methodus, quantum fieri potest ab omni hypothesi abstracta, duobus medicinae fuudainentis certa? experientise et ra- tionibus inde deductis superstructa. In tres partes divisa, pathologiam universalem, particu- larem, et therapeiam, per aphorismos proposita. 5 p. 1., 509 pp. 4°. Lovanii, M. van Overbeke, 1737. ----. The same. 196 pp. MS. 4°. Lovanii, [1737]. -----. Diss. med. de aquis miueralibus usque saluberrimis tam ad conservandam quam restau- randam valetudinem fontis Marimonteusis, qui ibidem juxta Castrum Reginm in Hannonise Comitatn copiose scaturit. Qua ut prolusione post multimoda et aceuratissima experimenta physico-chyniica aquarum illarum natura, quali- tates, efficacia, et virtutes medicae simulque debitus iisdem utendi ad salutem modus dilucide exponuntur. 4 p. 1., 3-141 pp. 16°. Lovanii, M. ran Overbeke, 1740. For Biography, see Bull. Acatl. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. 1842-3, ii, 823-851 (Martens). Also: Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1848, i, 178-198 (Martens). Resad-Bavoset (G.) Considerations sur les hemorrhagies uterines qui surviennenl pendant la o-rossesse, le travail, et apres l'accouchement. 23 pp. 4°. Parti, 1837, No. 431, v. 319. Regard. A practical guide to the use of Count Mattel's specifics. 2. and revised ed.; containing new facts, and a plate to show the application of the vegetable electricities. Transl. from the French, viii, 109 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. London, Heath 4- Ross, [1873, vel subseq.]. Regard (Frederic - Desire ). * Considerations generates sur le tetanos. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 65, v. 271. Regard (P.-Louis). *I. De la marche et de la duree de la maladie sous le point de vue du pro- nostic. II. [etc.]. 26 pp. 4°. Parti, 1838, No. 191, v. 333. Regard (Paul). * Contribution a l'etude de la bronchite flbrineuse. 1 p. 1., 121pp., 11. [Bern.] 8°. Geneve, Rivera # Dubois, 1887. Regard (Paul-Auguste ). * Considerations cri- tiques sur l'equilibre des liquides dans la ca- vite cranienne; application au sommeil naturel. 56 pp. 4°. Parti, 1876, No. 386. Regazzoni (Carlo). Guida alle acque termali salino-jodurate di S. Pellegrino in valle Brem- bana, provincia di Bergamo, con cenni pratici. 2. ed. 35 pp. 16°. Bergamo, fratelli Cattaneo, 1888. Regazzoni (Innocenzo). Paleoetnologica. L' uomo preistorico nella provincia di Como. viii, 136 pp., 111., 10 pl. fol. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1878. Regeard (Amedee). * Etude sur les ruptures musculaires. 103 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 1«2. Regel (Oswald). * Ueber das "Nabelschnnrge- rausch". 21pp. 8°. Jena, F. L. Seifert, 1~88. Regemami (Johannes Gottofredus). * De her- niis. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Erfordice, prcelo Groschiano, [1697]. Regemann (Johannes Ludovicus). *De mor- bis ex menstruis per setatem cessantibus. 26 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, 1737. Regen (Ludovicus [Albertus Eduardiis]) [1837- ]. *De uroscopia. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. G. Lange, [1865]. Regenbogen (Reguerus). *De ira. 2 p. 1., 23 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., H. W. Hazenberg, jun., 1820. Regeneration and reproduction. See, also, Cicatrices; Crustacea; Genera- tion; Nerves (Degeneration, etc., of); Tissue (Regeneration of). Demarquay (J.-N.) De la regeneration des organes et des tissus. roy. 8U. Parti, 1874. Eggers (J. C.) * Von der Wiedererzeugung. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1821. Juge (F.-G.) La regeneration physique de I'homme et de la femme et celle des animaux domestiques, ou la vie desormais continuee dans l'individu comme dans l'espece. 12°. Parti, 1886. Kleemann (C. F. G.) *Diss. sistens quaedani circa reproductionem partium corporis humani. 8°. Halo?,, [1786]. Krueger (C.) * De perpetua materi as organi- che reproductione. 8°. Berolini, [1844]._ Nannonius (L.) De similarium partinm hu- manum corpus constituentium regeneratione. Additionibus exornata, et latine reddita a Mauro Sartio Russiensi. [1782.] In: Roemeb iJ. J.) Delect, op. 8°. Turin et Lips., 1791, 177-204. Sears (E. H. ) Regeneration. 9. ed. 8°. Philadelohia, 1873. . Stannius(H.) Beobachtungen iiber Verjun- gungsvorgange im thierischen Organismus. 8°. Rostock u. Schwerin, 1853. Staudenmayer (E. A.) Diss, inaug. physio- logica sistens I. Collectanea circa reproductionem diversarum partium mammaliumet observationes de reproductione hepatis. II. Historiam cerebri fragmento osseo sine noxa laesi. 12°. Tubingw, Studer (C. A.) * Ueber den Begriff der Re- generation. 8°. Zurich, 1849. Thomson (A.) A probationary essay on the formation of new bloodvessels. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. REGENERATION. 1102 REGENT. Regeneration and reproduction. Knrbntri (O.) Sulla rigenerazione fisiologica degli elementi epitelialidi rivestimento. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1889, xiii, 197-228.—Blondeau (C.) Du modede reproduction des animaux et ties vegetaux. Monit. scient., Par., 1873, xv, 609-624.—Boccardi ((}.) Su' processi ri- generativi nell' intestino. Kiv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1886, iv, 137-143.—Draxch (O.) Zur Frage der Re- generation und tier Aus- und Kiickbildung der Epitliel/.el- Jen. Sitzungsb.tl. k. Akad. tl. Wissensch. M;tth.-naturw. Cl, Wien. 1886, xciii,3. Abth., 200-213,1 pl.—Ki-pcubccU (W. C.) Utrum in statu naturali consuintioet regeneratio partium solidarum corporis animalis adulti recte statuatur? In: Leiden frost (J. G.) Opus. phys.-chem. et med., 12°, Duisb. ad Rhen.. 1797, ii, 302-336.—Flemming (\V.) Studien iiber Regeneration tier Gewebe. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1884. xxiv, 50-91, 1 pl—Fraisse (P.) Ueber die Regeneration von Organen und Geweben bei Ainphi- bien und Reptilien. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, Hi, 223-225.—Grot, Sur des reproductions animales. Compt. rend. Soc. tic biol. 1864, Par., 1865,4. s., i. 108-111— Kiilinliollz (H.) De la regeneration des parties molles du corps humain. J. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel, 1840, ii, 413: 1841, iii, 81. Also, Reprint —f-ist (J. H.) Die Rudimeutzellciitheorie und die Frage eler Regeneration geschichteter Pflaster- epithelien. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. Cl, Wien, 1886, xeiii, 3. Abth., 5-9.—liyon (W.) Ou loss and regeneration of tissue, particularly skiu. Glas- gow M. J., 1862-3, x, 34-41.- JIaye (S.) Ueber Vorgiinge der Degeneration uud Regeneration im unversehrten peri- pherischen Nerveusvstem; eine biologische Studie. Zt- schr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1881-2, ii. 154-258, 2 pl. Also. Reprint.— lVIichalowaki (F.) Un mot sur le renouvellement de la substance du corps humain. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.- Etienne etde la Loire (1867-71), 1872, iv, 439-446.—Pascliu- lin (V. V.) K voprosu ob uglevoduoinpererojilenii tkanei. [Carbonic compound iu tlie regeneration of tissue.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 505-507.—Petrone (A.) Sul pro- cesso rigeneratore nel polmone, nel fegato e nel rene. Morgagni, Napoli, 1884, xxvi, 39; 273, 3 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884, v, 201-205.— von Podwysgozki (W.),juu. Experimentelle Unter- siicliungeu iiber die Regeneration der Driisengewebe. Erster Theil. Untersuchungen iiber die Regeneration des Lebergewebes. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Phvsiol, Jena, 1886, i. 259-360, 10 pl.-----. Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Regeneration der Driisengewebe. Zweiter Theil. Die Regeneration des Nierenepithels, der Mei- Regeneraf ion and reproduction. bom'sclieu Driiseu und der SpeiclieldriisDn. Ibid., 1887, ii, 1-28, 4 pl.—Schweninger (E.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber Wachsthuni, Regeneration untl Neubildung auf Grand liistolniiischer und experinienteller Ei liihrungeii. Inhis: Ges. Arb., 8°, Berl, 1886, i, 46-56.—ThompMon (l)'A. W.) The regeneration of lost parts in animals. Mind, Lond., 1884, ix, 415-420.—1'izzoni (G.) Nouvelles recherches sur la reproduction totale de la rate; contribu- tion experimentale k l'etude de 1st fonction hemntopoctitpie du tissu conjonctif. Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1883, iv, 306-301).—Venturoli (M.) Della riproiluziiiiie delle parti del corpo umano. In: Opusc. scient., 4°, Bologna, 1819, iii, 186-197.— Virey. Reproduction. Diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1820, xlvii, 522-535.—Zimmerman!!. Ueber Re- production im Allgemeinen, untl iiber Reproduotionsia- higkeiteinzeluer Organe. besonders tier Nerveii uud Mus- keln. Arch. f. d. Physiol, Halle, 1812, xi, 131-155. Regenliart (Jakob). DieorientalischeCholera. Popularwissenscliat'tliche Skizze dieser Welt- seuche, nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend : iSys- tematische Behandlung der Cholera mit kaltem Wasser. xii, 82 pp. b°. Wien, Eaulfuss, Pran- del u. Comp., 1819. Regeilhertz (Adamns Bernhartlns). *De sul- phuris antiiuonii aurati usu nietlico in arduis quibusdam praecipue lymphaticis morbis. 57 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hen- del ii, [1737]. RegeilliertZ (Joachimus Henricus). *De ino noxio et salutari effectu in corpus humanum. 32 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. Heudelianti, [177)7], Regeii*biirg. See Ratisbon. Regensburger (Otto). * Beitrage zur Seh- uennaht am Vortlerarm, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Fuuktiou des M usculus flexor digi- torum communis sublimis. 18 pp. 8°. Karls- ruhe, C. F. Muller, 1884. Regent (Jean-Marie). * Contribution a l'6tude de la folie a deux ou folie communique'e. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Parti, 1886, No. 31. END OF VOL. XI. *i pipHi'M*'' -"■^s-:- '.;».:ik^':.*'i»i '. .«Jf:K;;?iU(:} ::'■ "•.■•;#9i :M*; * - J« .v.-.i jjlju •# • v Fl ■.•■.•■"■-^■■■.■■{fcW--.? *$iw-'t ■•• '■■"< < ■ ijiw!s"t'-L';--: ?i'!5iss-'J •>r<--;;:r;(^ 1 ' 1 " 1 ' 1 : 1 '■. i • 1 if. '. ■ • I -•} '»•'« - 1' tie ..'■» •. :';'Jmj.;J;;ti^->«4|jhj1' ... • • • ? •-•s:r-.j»',,*^ifci}58 ' v--.';. ..■•■■"'•;'i*-'.*-?i!mii8 "1 ■■:'!' -.'■■♦if,K I,.}: