UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * ME FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C, Bl9 574 monsL Bfliiuuwiriii •c? r>?.% / INDEX-CATALOGUE THE LIBRARY , SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UXITED STATES ARMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY, 3973 1894 .^ LIBRARY,^ ——------------ i*» •^ Vol. X. O.-PFUTSCH. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1889. Arch, Z £75. M4 V, I o C. 2- War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Washington, I). C, May 1, 1SS0. General John Moore, Surgeon-General, U. S. Army : General: I have the honor to present herewith the tenth volume of the Index- Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 7,058 author-titles, representing 2,905 volumes and 7,282 pamphlets. It also includes 14,205 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets and 29,121 titles of articles in periodicals. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue, as far as published: Volumes. AUTHOR-TITLES. SUBJECT-TITLES. Titles. . Volumes. Pamphlets. Book titles. I....... II...... Ill....... IV....... V....... VI....... VII....... vru....... ix....... X....... Total 9,090 8,031 12, 490 4,934 3, 0411 10, 070 4,802 1, 920 15, 553 5,755 7,900 2, 54:! 14, 688 5,987 13,405 5,307 13,151 6,834 7,058 2,905 107, 78* 0,398 9,810 7,380 3, 885 12, 590 7, 250 12, 372 13, 205 12, 818 7,282 93, 002 9,000 11, 550 8, 572 12, 301 ?, 069 14, 590 0, 371 12, 042 9,999 14, 265 Journal ar- ticles. 34, 004 37, 310 28, 840 48, 977 34,127 35, 290 34, 903 24,174 29,120 29, 421 Portraits. 107,419 330, 772 4,335 Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN S. BILLINGS, Surgeon, TJ. S. Army. THIRD ADDITION TO THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE HDEX-CATALOGIE, PUBLISHED IN THE SEVENTH VOLUME. I^8 For explanations, see the Alphabetical Lists of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. I, p. [l]j Vol. VII, p. [1J. A. Abstr. Tr. Hunter. Soc, Lond. Abstract of the Transactions of the Hunterian Society, session 1-^7-H, with The Report, and a list of officers and members. Society instituted February, 1S19. London. 1 v., lSs'^. S-. Academia nie'dieo-farmaceuticade Barcelona. [See Enciclopedia, Barcel.] Aerztekamnier mid Aerztevereine der Proviuz Brandenburg unci des Stadtkreises Berlin. [See Cor.-Bl. d. Aerztekam. u. d. Aerztevcr. d. Prov. Braudeub., etc., Berl.] Aerztlicher Bericht der Privat-Heilanstalt des Dr. Albiu Eder, von dem Jahre 1-«. Y.] Bulletin m6dical de l'Aisne, publi6 par la Societe" de m6decine du tl6partement de l'Aisne. Saint-Quentin. 2. s., anne>s lftrtn «i • 1882-3; 1884-5. 1*8.3-7. 8=. 3 ^oou-oi, Bulletin (Le) d'oculistiqne de Toulouse. Toulouse No 1 v o Jan. to Feb., 18-9. a-. x» v< 4> Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Par. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille. Bull. Soc. de med. de Rouen. [3] Bulletin scieutifique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris. 3. s., v. 1, 1888. a-. [Continuation of: Bull, scient. d6p. du nord, etc., Par.] Bulletins de la Socie"te" anatomo-clinique de Lille. Lille, v. 1-2, 188G-7. 8°. Bulletin de la Socie*te" de me"decine de Rouen. (Pour faire suite a l'Union mecl. do la Seine-Inf6rieure.) Rouen. 2. s., v. 1 (1887), 1888. 81. [Continuation of: Union med. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen.] Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. S. . . . Navy, Wash.] [See Rep. Chief Bureau M. & c. Centralbl. f. orthop. Chir. u. Mech., Bern. Ceylon M. J., Colombo. Cincin. M. J. Continental & Brit. M. Rev., Lond. Cor.-Bl. d. Aerztekam. u. d. Aerztever. d. Prov. Brandenb., etc., Berl. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y. (Suppl.) Caroliuisches medico-chirurgisches Iustitut in Stockholm (Physio- logisches Laboratorium des). [.See Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Caroliu. med.-chir. Inst, in Stockholm.] Centralblatt fiir orthopiidische Chirurgie und Mechanik. Bei- lage zur: Illustrirten Monatsschrift der iirztlichen Pol.ytechnik. Bern. v. 5, 1888. 8°. [Continuation, after 1887, of: Centralbl. f. orthop. Chir., Bern.] Ceylon (The) Medical Journal. Colombo, v. 1, Aug., 1887, to May, 1888. 4°. Cincinnati (The) Medical Journal. Cincinnati. Jan. to Dec., 1883. 8°. [Contiuuatiou, after Dec, 1887, v. 3, of: Cincin. M. ct Dent. J. ] Clase me"dico-farmace*utica de la provincia de Tarragona. [See Med. coutemp., Reus.] Classensk Literaturselskab. [See Nyt Biblioth. f. Laeger, Ki0- benh.] Continental (The) and British Medical Review, or monthly thera- peutical journal. London. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, March to Dec., 1837. 8°. Correspondenzblatt der Aerztekammer und der Aerztevereine der Provinz Brandenburg und des Stadtkreises Berlin (friiher Ber- liner iirztliches Correspondenzblatt). Berlin. Nos. 3-7 (1-5), v. 6(1), May to Dee., 1888. 8°. [Continuation of: Cor.-Bl. d. Berl. iirztl. Bezirks-Ver.] Cuerpo me'dico-municipal [de Barcelona]. [ See Gac. san. de Barcel.] Supplement to Ziemssen's Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. Edited by George L. Peabody. New York. 1881. 8 . D. Dauphine med., Grenoble. Dietet. Gaz., N. Y. Diss, d' argomento med. - clin. etc., Padova. Drug. Bull., Detroit. Duodecim, Helsinki. Dauphine' (Le) rne'dical. Journal de la Societe de medecine et de pharmacie de l'Isere. Grenoble. Nos. 1-2, v. 13, Jan. to Feb., 1889. 8~. [ Continuation of: J. Soc. de m6d. et pharm. de l'Isere, Grenoble.] Dietetic (The) Gazette. A quarterly journal of physiological medicine. New York. N. s., v. 1, 1888. roy. 8°. [Continua- tion, in 1888, of: Journal of Recoustructives, New York.] Dissertazioni inaugurali d' argomento medico-clinico pubblicate nell' I. r. Universitii di Padova nel .corso degli anni scolastici 1817-18; 1819-20; 1820-21. Padova. 1821. 8~. Druggists' (The) Bulletin. A monthly exponent of pharmaceu- tical progress aud uews. Detroit, v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8-. Duodecim. Kirjoituksialiiaketieteenjalaakarintoiminnanaloilta. [Duodecim. Journal of medicine and of medico-legal opinions. ] Helsinki, v. 4, 1888. 8°. [4] E. Bnciclopedia, Barcel. Ercolani. Modena. Enciclopedia (La). Revista de mediciua, farmacia y cieucias auxiliaivs. Organo oticial de la Academia ine'dico-faruiaceutica de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 1, July to Dec, 1-88. S~. Ercolani (L'). Periodico di medicina veterinaria. Modena. v. 1, 1888. 8". F. Faro med.. Milano. Feestbundel a. F. C. Donders, etc., Amst. Freies hyg. Bl., Wien. Faro (II) medico. Riassuuto delle pubblicazioui dei priucipali gioruali medici di tutta Europa. Gioruale delle scienze me- diche, chirurgiche, ostetriche, fai'maceutiche, fisiologiche, ecc. Milano. v. 1, 1888. fol. Feestbundel aan Franciscus Cornelis Donders op den 27strn Mei 1888 aangeboden door het Nederlandsch Tijdschriffc voor Ge- neeskuncle. Amsterdam. 1 v., 1888. 8J. Freies hygieinisches Blatt. Fachblatt uud Organ des hygieiui- schen Vereines "Oesterreich". Periodische Zeitschrift fiir na- turgemiis.se Gesiindheits- und Krankenpflege. Wien. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, March 15 to Dec. 15, 1888. sm. fol. U. Gac. de 1. enferm. de 1. org. gen. urin., Madrid. Gac. san. de Barcel. Gaz. med. de Liege. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. Med.- u. San.- Wes. im Rgrngsbz. Osnabriick, Osnabriick. Gior. di vet. mil., Udine. Gaceta de las eufenuedades de los organos ge"nito-uriuarios. Ma- drid, v. 1, 1887-8. 8 -■. Gaceta sanitaria de Barcelona. Organo del Cuerpo me~dico-mui;i- J. 8C. 4, 11, cipal. Barcelona. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, Sept., 1888, to Jan., 1- Gazette m6dicale de Liege. Liege Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Oct. 1888. t°. Geburtshiilflieh-gynaekologische Gesellschaft in Wien. [See Sitzuugsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien.] Generalbericht liber das Medicinal- und Sanitiits-Wesen im Land- drostei- bezw. Regierungsbezirk Osnabriick wiihrend der Jahre 1883-5. Osnabriick. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe [in Berlin]. [See Mitth. a. d. Sitz.- Protok. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh., Berl. 7 Gesellschaft fiir Gvniikologie in Miinchen. [ See Sitzuugsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. in Miinchen.] Giornale di veterinaria militare. Rivista mensile di scienze ippi- che militari. Clinica veterinaria; igiene del cavallo di truppa • ippotecnia. Udiue. v. 1, 1888. s°. II. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en Genjesk. Cong., Haarlem. Haudelingen van het Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskuudie Congres, gehouden te Amsterdam 30. Sept. en 1. Oct l**; Haarlem. 1., 1>88. 8-. Hospice national des Quinze-Viugts. Paris. [See Ann. du lab. de 1 hosp. nut. d. Quiuze-Yingts, Par.] Hunterian Society [London]. Instituted Feb., 1819. [See Abstr Tr. Hunter. Sin-., Lond.] HygieinischerYerein "Oesterreich". [See Freies hyg. Bl., Wien.] [5] Illust. M. News, Lond. Impartialite med., Par. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Lei- den. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y. I. r. Universitadi Padova. [See Diss, d' argomento med.-clin., etc., Padova.] Illustrated (The) Medical News. London, v. 1-2, 1888-9. fol. Impartiality (L') me"dicale. Revue inensnelle. Paris, v. 7-8, 1887-8. fol. [Continuation, in 1887, of: Impartiality iue"d. et pharm., Par.] Imperatorski YarshavskiUniversitet. [See Klin, shorn. ... klin. Imp. Yarshav. Univ.] Internationales Archiv fiir Etlmographie. Leiden, v. 1, 1888, fol. International (The) Dental Journal. Successor to the Independent Practitioner. A monthly periodical devoted to dental aud oral science. New York City and Philadelphia. Nos. 1-3, v. 10, Jan. to March, 1889. 8'-'. [Continuation of: Indepeud. Pract., N. Y.] International (The) Journal of Surgery. New York. Nos. 1-2, v. 2, Jan. to Feb., 1889. 4°. [Continuation, in Jan., 1889, of: Internat. J. Surg. & Antisept., N. Y.] Internationaler Ophthalmologen-Congress. [See Period, internat. Ophth.-Cong. Ber., Wiesb.] J. J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne. J. Ophth., Otol., & Laryngol., N. Y. J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Lond. Journal (The) of the National Association of Railway Surgeons. Fort Wayne, Ind. [Title, since no. 4, v. 8, 1888, of: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc] Journal (The) of Ophthalmology, Otology, & Laryngology. New York. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1889. 8J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London, v. 50-51, 1887-8. 8-, [Continuation of: J. Statist. Soc, Lond.] K. Klin. sbom. . shav. Univ. klin. Imp. Var- Klinicheskii Sbornik. Nabloudenija i zamietki gospitalnoi tera- pevticheskoi klinikiiniperatorskago YarshavskagoUuiversiteta. [Clinical collections. Researches and hospital notes of the therapeutical clinic of the imperial Warsaw University.] s~. Yarshava, 1885. Ii. Laboratoire de l'hospice national des Quiizze-Vingts. [See Ann. du lab. de 1'hosp. nat. d. Quinze-Yingts, Par.] Maritime M. News, Halifax. Med. Aarsskr., Kj^benh. Med. Chips, St. Louis. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. [See Mem. Man- chester Lit. iV Phil. Soc, Lond. Also: Mem. A: Proc Man- chester Lit. As Phil. Soc. Also : Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil Soc] Maritime (The) Medical News. A journal of medicine, surgery and obstetrics. Halifax, N. S. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Nov., 1888, to Jan., 18-11. roy. 8°. Mcdiciusk Aarsskrift. Kj0benhavn. v. 1, 1888. 8 \ Medical Chips. St, Louis. Mo. Nos. 1-4, v. 2, Nov., 1888, to Fel)., 188;). S-. [Continuation in Nov., 1888, of: Internat. M. A: S. Synopsis, St. Louis.] [«] Med. cient., Mexico. Med. Classics, N. Y. Med. contemp., Reus. Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Dubl. Med. Monatschr., N. Y. Med. pract., Madrid. Mem. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc, Lond. Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Ge- nova. Mem. . . . Soc. philomat. [etc.], Par. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille. Memphis J. M. Sc. Milk - scarlatina : Rep. [etc.], Lond. Minnesota M. J., Minneap. Mitth. a. d. med. Klin, zu K6- nigsb., Leipz. Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Carolin. med. chir Inst, in Stockhclm. Mitth. a. d. Sitz.-Protok. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Geburtsh., Berl. Montreal M. J. Mediciua (La) cientifica basada en la fisiologia y en la experi- mentaciou cliuica, Mexico, v. 1, 1888. 4^. Medical Classics. New York. v. 1-2, June, 1887-9. 4°. Medicina (La) contemporanea. Revista m6dica de Reus. Organo de la clase ni6dico-farmac6utica de la provincia de Tarragona, Reus. v. 1-2, July, 1887, to Dec, 1888. 8°. Medical History of the Meath Hospital and County Dublin In- firmary, from its foundation in 175:5 down to the present time; including biographical sketches of the surgeons and physicians who served on its staff; with the names of apprentices, resident pupils, clinical clerks, and prizemen; also all students who studied at the hospital, from the year IKK By Lambert He- peustal Orinsby. Dubliu. I v., 1888. 8 . Mediciuische Klinik zu Kouigsberg i. Pr. [See Mitth. a. d. med. Klin, zu Konigsb., Leipz.] Medicinische Monatsschrift. New York. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1889. 8-. Mediciua (La) practica. (Periodico bisemaual de ciencias m6di- cas.) Madrid, v. 1, 1888-9. 8°. Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. London. 3. s., v. 10, 1887. 8°. [Continuation of: Mem. Lit, & Phil. Soc Manchester; continued as: Mem. A\, Proc. Man- chester Lit. & Phil. Soc] Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philo- sophical Society. Manchester. 4. s., v. 1, 1888. 8°. [Consol- idation of: Mem. Manchester Lit. ct Phil. Soc with: Proc. Manchester Lit, A: Phil. Soc] Memorie dell a reale Accademia medica di Geuova. Anno 1-87. Genova. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Me"moires publies par la 8001616 philomatique h Poccasion du centenaire de sa foudation 1788-1888. Paris. 1 v., 1888. 4°. Memoires de la Soci6te" des sciences m6dicales de Lille. Lille. 1 v., 188'J. 8-. Memphis (The) Journal of the Medical Sciences. Memphis, Tenn. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, March to April, 1889. 8°. Milk-scarlatina: Reports to the Local Government Board. Lon- don. Nos. 1-2(1886—1886-7), 1886-8. 8°. [In No. 2, the words " and diphtheria" are added to title.] Minnesota Medical Journal. A quarterly journal of medicine, surgerv and the collateral sciences. Minneapolis. No. 13, v. 17, Jan., 1889. roy. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Klinik zu Konigsberg i. Pr Hrsg. von B. Naunyn. Leipzig. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Mittheilungen vom physiologischen Laboratorium des Carolini- schen niedico-chirurgischen Instituts in Stockholm. Hrsg. von Chr. Loven. Stockholm. Hft. 1-3, 1882-4. 8°. [Supplement to: K. Svenska vet. akad. handlingar, v. 6, no. 22; v. 7, no. 6; v. 8, no. 8.] Mittheilungen aus den Sitzungs-Protokollen der Gesellschaft [fiir Geburtshiilfe in Berlin]. 1869-75. 8°. Berlin. 1869-75. [Bouud with: Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1875, iv.] Montreal (The) Medical Journal. A review of medicine, surgery and obstetrics, aud chronicle of hospital practice. Montreal. Nos. 1-8, v. 17, July, 1-88, to Feb., 1889. 8°. [Continuation of: Canada M. & S. J., Montreal.] Miinchener Gesellschaft. fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Ur- geschichte. [See Beitr. z. Anthrop. u. Urgesch. Bayerns, Miincheu.] N. National Association of Railway Surgeons. [See J. Nat, Ass. Railway Surg., Fort "\Yayue.] Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres. [See Handel, v. h. Xederl. Nat,- en Geneesk. Cong., Haarlem.] m N. Am. Pract., Chicago. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin. Northwest. M. J., Minneap. Nursing Rec, Lond. Nyt Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kijbbenh. North American (The) Practitioner. The jourual of the Post- Graduate Medical School of Chicago. Chicago. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jau. to March, 1889. 8°. New York Academy of Sciences. [See Tr. N. York Acad. Sc] New York Pathological Society, [See Proc. N. York Path. Soc.l New Zealand Medical Association. [See N. Zealand M. J., Dune- din.] New Zealand (The) Medical Journal. The organ of the New Zea- land Medical Association. Duuedin. Nos. 1-2, v. 2, Oct., 1888, to Jan., 1889. 8°. North-East Yirgmia Medical Society. [See Virginia M. Advance, Warrenton.] Northwestern Medical Journal. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Minneapolis. No. 4, v. 17, April, 1889. 4°. Nursing (The) Record. A journal for nurses, a chronicle of hos- pital and institution news, and a review of women's work, etc. London, v. 1, April 5 to Dec. 27, 1888. sm. 4°. Nyt Bibliothek for Larger, ndgivet af Directionen for det Clas- senske Literaturselskab. Ki^beuhavn. v. 1-4, 1814-20. 12°. [Continuation of: Biblioth. f. Larger, Ki0benh., 1809-13; and continued, in 1821, as: Biblioth. f. La'ger, Kj0benh.] o. Occidental M. Times, Sacra- mento. Oesterr. San.-Beamte, Wien u. Berl. Omaha Clinic. Obshestvo S.-Peterbnrgskich dietskich vrachei. [See Trudi Obsh. S.-Peterb. dietsk. vrach.] Occidental (The) Medical Times. Sacramento. Nos. 1-2, v. :>, Jan. to Feb., 18-9. 8C. [Continuation of: Sacramento M. Times.] Oesterreichische (Der) Sanitats-Beanite. Zeitschriftfur Sanitats- wesen und offeutliche Gesundheitspilege. Wien und Berlin. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, July to Dec, 1888. 8°. Omaha (The) Cliuic. A monthly medical journal. Omaha, Neb. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, April, 1888, to'Jan., 1889. 4°. P. Pacific M. J.. San Fran. Period, internat. Ophth. - Cong. Ber., Wiesb. Physiat. Bl., Stuttg. Preuss. Med.-Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl. Pacitic Medical Journal. San Francisco. Nos. 1-4, v. 32, Jan. to April, 1889. 8°. [Continuation, iu 1889, of: Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran.] Periodischer internationaler Ophthalmologen-Congress. VII. Heidelberg, den 8.-11. August 1888. Bericht auf Grand der eingelieferten Manuscripte und der stenographischen Aufzeich- nungen zusanunengestellt ,von Otto Becker und Wilhelm Hess. Wiesbaden. 1888. 8-. ISee, also, in consolidated list of abbre- viations, 1886: Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend. Also: Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong.] Pf iilzische Aerzte. [-See Vereinsbl. d. pf iilz. Aerzte, Fraukeuthal. ] Physiatrische Blatter. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der physi- kalisch-diatetischen Heilmethoden in zwanglosen Hefteu hrsg. von Dr. med. II. Lalnnann. Stuttgart, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Physiologisches Institut der Universitiit Halle. [See Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Halle.] Physiologisches Laboratonum des Caroliuischen medico-chirnr- j;isehen Iustituts in Stockholm. [See Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst, in Stockholm.] Poliambulanza di Milano. [See Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano.] Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago. [See N. Am. Pract., Chicago.] Preussischer Medieinalbeamten-Verein. Offlcieller Bericht iiber die sechste Hauptversannnlung zu Berlin am 26. und 27. Sep- tember 1888. Berlin. 8°. [«] Proc. Alumni Ass. M. Coll. Ohio, Cincin. Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc, Edinb. Pub. Health, Lond. Proceedings of the Alumni Association of the Medical College of Ohio. C'incinuati. 13. annual meeting, 1888. 8C. [Continua- tion of: Proc. Alumnal Ass. M. Coll. Ohio, Cincin.] Proceedings of the ManchesterLiterary andPhilosopliical Society. Manchester. Session 1S86-7, v. 26, 1887. 8°. [Consolidated with: Mem. Manchester Lit. A: Phil. Soc, forming: Mem. A: Proc Manchester Lit. A Phil. Soc] Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. [New York.] 1 V., 1888. ,<->. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, v. 7-10, 1858- 70; •„>. s., v. 1-4, l,8liil-86 (Science); 2. s., v. 1-2, 1870-87 (Polite literature and antiquities); 3. s., no. 1, v. 1, 1888. 1862-88. 8 . Proceedings of the Roval Physical Society. Edinburgh. Part ii, V. 9, 1881,-7. 80. Public Health. Tlie journal of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. London. Nos. 1-8, [v. 1], May to Dec, 1888. 4C. R. Rassegna crit. internaz. d. mal. d. naso, gola e orecchio, Na- poli. Rep. Chief Bureau M. & S. . . . Navy, Wash. Rep. Com. inq. state large towns [etc.], Lond. Rep. "Helmuth House"', N. Y. Rep. Murdock Free Surg. Hosp. for Women, Bost. Rep. Trust. Mass. Gen. Hosp., Bost. Rev. biol. du nord de la France, Lille. Rev. brazil, de med., Rio de Jan. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp., Madrid. Rev. internat. d. sc, Par. Rev. de laryngol., etc., Par. Rev. med. ds Mexico. Rev. mens. d. mal. d. yeux, Mar- seille. Rev. san. de la Province, Bor- deaux. Rev. spec, de Tantiseps. med. et chir , Par. R. Manicomio di Torino. [See Ann. di freniat., etc., Torino.] Rassegna critica internazionale delle malattie del naso, gola e orecchio. Napoli. v. 1, 188d. 8°. [See Mem. d. r. Accad. med. to the Reale Accademia medica di Genova, di Genova.] Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Secretary of the Navy. Washington. 1888. 8J. Reports of the Commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts. London. 1844-5. fol. Reports (Annual) of "Helmuth House-", 41 East 12th Street. New York. 2., Sept., 1887, to June, 1888. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Murdock Free Surgical Hospital for Women, for the year ending July 1, 1888. Boston. 1888. 8°. [Two distinct reports for the same period, oue being for the homoeopathic side.] Report (Annual) of the Trustees of the Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Asylum. 1887. Boston. 74. 1888. 8°. Revue biologique du nord de la France. Oct., 1888, to Jam, 1-883. 8-. Lille. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, Revista brazileira de mediciua. Rio de Janeiro. [Supplement to: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan.] Revista clinica de los hospitales. Madrid. No 1889. s-. v. 1, 1888. 8°. 1, v. 1, Jan., 8-. Revue internationale des sciences. Paris, v. 1-4 1878-9. [Continued as: Rev. interuat. d. sc. biol., Par.] Revue de laryngol ogie, d'otologie et de rhiuologie. Paris. Nos 1-3, v. 9. 1-8H. >-. [Continuation, in 1889, of: Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Par.] Revista medica de Mexico. Mexico. Aug. 1, 1888. sui. fol. Nos. 1-11, v. 1, March 1 to Riv. clin., Milano. Revue mensuelle des maladies des veux. Organe de vulgarisation scientifique. Marseille, v. 1;'nos. 1-3, v. 2, Julv° IS—' to March, 1889. S-. ' Revue sanitaire de la Province. Journal des inte"rets de la salu- brity pubhque; statistique; demographic; medecine sociale; assistance pubhque; hygiene pe\lagogique et professionnelle; geographic medicale. Organe des Societes d'hygiene de Pro- vince (Reims et Bordeaux). Bordeaux. Nos. 123-125, v. 6, 1889. 4°. [Continuation of: Rev. san. de Bordeaux.] Revue spdciale de I'antisepsie mddicale et chirurgicale. Journal ineiisuel pour la vulgarisation des me'thodes antiseptiques Paris. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, April to Dec, 1888. fol. Rivista clinica. Archivio italiano di clinica medica. Milano v. 27. 18i". 8 . [Title, in 1888, of: Riv. clin. di Bologna.] P] Riv. d'ig. prat, e sper., Napoli. Rivista d' igiene pratica e sperimeutale. Periodico trimestrale d' igiene, demografia ed ingegneria sanitaria. Supplemento al Progresso medico. Napoli. v. 1, 1888. 8G. Royal Academy of Mediciue in Ireland. [See Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.] Royal Irish Academy. [See Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl. Also : Tr. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl.] Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh. [See Proc Roy. Phys. Soc, Edinb.] Royal Society of Victoria, [See Tr. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- bourne.] Royal Statistical Society [London]. [See J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Lond.] *. Sborn. lek., v Praze. Scient. mem. med. off. India, Calcutta. Semanario farm., Madrid. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.^gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Gy- nak. in Miinchen. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg. Cong, de phreniat. et de neu- ropathol., Gand. Sbornik lekafsky. (Archives bohemes de me'deciue.) Casopis pro pestovani vedy lekarske. v Praze. v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8~. Scientific memoirs by medical officers of the army of India. Cal- cutta. Parts i-iii (1884-7), 1885-8. 4°. Semanario farmaceutico. Revista cientifica, profesional y ecouo- mica de la respectiva facultad, y de los estudios generales en que funda su aplicacion. Madrid, v. 1-5, Oct. 6, 1872, to Sept. 2:!, 1877; v. 11-16, Oct. 1, 1882, to Sept, 2, 1888. 8:. Sitznugs-Berichte der geburtshiilflich-gynackologischen Gesell- schaft in Wien. Wien. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Sitznngsberichte der Gesellschaft fiir Gyniikologie in Miinchen. Miinchen. 1. (1885-6), 1887. 8°. Sociedade de mediciua e cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro. [See Bol. da Soc de med. e cirurg. do Rio de Jan.] Societa niedico-chirurgica di Pavia. [See Boll. d. Soc med.-chir. di Pavia, Milano.] Societe' anatomo-cliuique de Lille. [See Bull. Soc. anat, clin. de Lille.] Socie'te' de me'deciue de l'Aisne. [See Bull. ru6d. de l'Aisne, St.- Queutiu.] Socie'te' de medecine meutale de Belgique. Congres de phrdnia- trie et de neuropathologie teuu a Anvers du 7 an 9 septembre 1885. Statistique internationale des ali6u6s (Rapport de M. le professeur Lefebvre). Relations entre la criminalit6 et la folie (Rapport de M. le docteur Semal). Meuioires divers. Compte- rendu. Gaud. 1 v., 1886. 8°. Socie'te de nieYlecine et de pharmacie de l'Isere. [See Dauphine" med., Grenoble.] Societe de me'deciue de Rouen. [See Bull. Soc. de me~d. de Rouen.] Soci6t6 philomatique [de Paris]. [See M6m. . . . Soc. philomat., [etc], Par.] Socie"t6 des sciences me"dicales de Lille. [See Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lille] Soci6t6s d'hygiene de Province (Reims et Bordeaux). [See Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux.] Society of Medical Officers of Health. [See Pub. Health, Lond.] Texas Health J., Dallas. Toledo M. & S. Reporter. Texas (The) Health Journal. A monthly magazine of preventive medicine. The official organ of the Texas State Sanitary Asso- ciation. Dallas. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, July, 1888, to March, 1889. >-\ Texas State Sanitary Association. [See Texas Health J., Dallas.] Toledo (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Toledo, Ohio. v. 1-2, 1888-9. 8°. [10] Tr. Brooklyn Path. Soc, N. Y. Tr. N. York Acad. Sc. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl Tr. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl. Tr Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- bourne. Trudi Obsh. S.-Peterb. dietsk. vrach. Trudi vrach. Odessk. g. boln., Odessa. Transactions of the Brooklyn Pathological Society. Session of 1-85-6. New York. 1887.' S-. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York. v. 1-7, 1881-2 to 1887-8. S-\ Transactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Dublin, v. 6, 18-8. S-. [Continuation, in 1888, of: Tr. Acad M. Ireland, Dubl.] Transactions (The) of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, v. 25- 28; pt. 1-4, v. 29, 1872-88. 1875-88. 4-. [v. 25, 26, 28, and 29, Science; v. 27, Polite literature and antiquities.] Transactions of the Royal Society of Yictoria. Melbourne, 18,-8. 4°. Trudi Obshestva S.-Peterburgskich dietskich vrachei. [Memoirs of the St. Petersham association of physicians for children.] St. Petersburg. Pts. 1-2, 1887; pt. 1, 1888. S-\ Trudi vrachei Odesskoi gorodskoi bolnitsy. [Memoirs of physi- cians of Odessa city hospitals.] Odessa, v. 1-5, 1875-87. ■--. I. Univ. M. Mag., Phila. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Halle. Universitiit Halle (Physiologisches Iustitut der). [See Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Halle.] University of Pennsylvania (Alumni and faculty of medicine of the). [See Univ. M. Mag., Phila,] University Medical Magazine. Edited under the auspices of the alumni and faculty of medicine of the University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, 1888-9. 8°.' Untersuchungen aus dein physiologischen Iustitut der Universi- tiit Halle. Hrsg. von. J. Bernstein. Halle. Hft. 1, 1888. 40. V. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena. Virginia M. Advance, Warren- ton. der pfalzischen Aerzte. Fraukeuthal. v. 2-4, Yereinsldatt 1886-8. c- Verhandlnngeii der anatomischen Gesellschaft auf der zweiten Versaninilniig in Wiirzburg, den 20.-2:5. Mai 1888. Jena. 1 v., 1888. 8-'. [Reprint from: Anat. Auz., Jena, 1888, v. 3.] Virginia Medical Advance. Organ of the N. E. Va. Medical So- ciety. "Warreuton, Va. No. 1, v. 1, Jan.-Feb., 18-9. 8r. w. Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. Y. Wood's Medical and Surgical Monographs, consisting of original treatises and of complete reproductions, in English, of books and monographs selected from the latest literature of foreign countries, with all illustrations, etc. Published monthly. Nen- York, v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, 1889. ,---. z. Ztschr. f. homoop. Klin. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg. Hamb. u. Leipz. Zeitschrift fiir homoopathisehe Klinik. Dessau; Dresden; Leip- zig, v. 1-28. Oct., 1851, to Dec, 1879. -P. Zeitschrift fiir Sehulgesundheitspflege. Hamburg und Leipzi" v. 1, 1---. 8-. ' ° Zoologische Statiou in Triest. [See Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ YVien.] Zoologisehes Iustitut der Universitiit Wien. [See Arb. a d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien.] CATALOGUE. O. OATH. O. (M. P.) See .TinHer (J. T. V.) Guia te6rico-pr&ctica para com batir las enferinedades de la vid, etc. 8°. Madrid, 1882. O. (R. M.) See JVInller (J. T. V.) Tratado de la falsificacion de los vinos, etc. 8°. Madrid, 1882. O. ( S. ) Kratkii kurs infektsionnych bolieznei domashnich jivotuych. [Short treatise on in- fectious diseases of domestic animals.] 1 p. 1., 90 pp. 12°. St. Petersburg, A. M. Wolf, 1887. Oak. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps. Notice sur le chene v61ani. 8J. [n. p., n. d.~\ Oakes {Silvester) [1820-87]. Stnr^iM (B. F.) Biographical sketch of Silvester Oakes. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1887, 318-320. Oakes {Thomas) [1644-1719] [Biography.] In: Siblky (J. L.) Biographical sketches, [etc.] 8°. Cambridge, 1881, ii, 130-132. Oak-llill Cemetery, or a treatise on the fatal effects resulting from the location of cemeteries in the immediate vicinity of towns. By a physician. 24 pp. 8°. Washington, H. Polkin- hoi-n, 1850. Oakland. Biennial and annual reports of the health officer of the city of Oakland to the city council. 1., 1873-4; 2., 1875; 3., 1880; 8., 1885; 9., 1886. 8\ Oakland, 1875-87. 1. report is biennial. No reports published for the years 1876 to 1879, inclusive. 1880 contains statistics from 1870 to 1880. -----. Annual message of W. R. Andrews, mayor of the citv of Oakland, Cal. Jan. 30, 1879. 23 pp. 8J. 'Oakland, 1879. -----. See, also : Trembly (J. B.) Mortality report for the city of Oak land for 1876. Pacific M. & S.' J., San Fran., 1876-7, xix, 443-445. Oakland. Health Department. Mortuary re- ports. [Monthly.] Jan. to March, 1880; Jan., 1881, to Nov., 1886. 4°. [Oakland, 1880-86.] -----. See, also : Tkembly (J. B.) Reports and statistics of the meteorology of the citv of Oakland, Cal., for the years 1882,'1883, 1886." 8°. Oakland, 1884-6. Oak Orchard, New Yorlc. Glaze ( G. W. ) The Oak Orchard Acid Springs, with analysis and testimonials of the medical faculty. 18°. New York, 1865. Oakum. See, also, Lint. Esler (R.) Oakum as a surgical dressing. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1884, ii, 651. Oakworth urban sanitary district. See Com- bined sanitary districts in Craven. Oat-cure. [Lower (R.)] Die eine Zeitlang bekannt gewordene und bey vielen sehr belohte Haber- 1 Oat-cure. Cur, auch eine neue Prob deren durch Gold- und Silber-Glatte verderbteu Weinen und Cur der daher erkranckten Patienten. 12°. Franckf. u. Leipz., 1709. Oat-meal. See, also, Oat-cure. Hawkins (J. P.) Oatmeal as a valuable food. 16°. [Neiv York, n. d. ] Herpin (J.-C.) De l'avoine consider6e comme substance alimentaire pour l'homme. 8°. Paris, 1857. Repr. from: Ann. de l'agric. franc., etc., 1857. Analytical Sanitary Commission. Oatmeal and its adulterations. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 42.— Dujarilin- Beauiuctz & Hardy (E.) De la farine d'avoiue et de son idle dans I'alimentation du jeune &ge. Union med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 664; 673. -----. De la farine d'avoiue et de son role dans I'alimentation du jeune age. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1873), 1874, 2. s., x, 113.— Ellenberger & von Hofmeister. Das Vorkommen eines proteolytischen und anderer Fermeute im Hater und deren Einwirkung auf die Verdauungsvorgange. Arch. f. wissensch. n. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1888, xiv, 55-63.— I. a m ber I (T. S.) Oatmeal. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1876, iv, 275-278.—JVlignot. Note sur l'usage alimentaire de la fi.rine d'avoiue. Union med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 39. Oath (Physician's). See, also, Ethics (Medical). Academic Rheno-Trajectinae . . . Dicta in auditore majore d. xvii Junii a. mdccclxi, quum publice doctores honoris causa reuuuciarentur. 8°. Traj. ad Ehenum, 1861. Duval (J.-R.) Serment d'Hippocrate pre"c6de" d'uue notice sur les sermens en m6decine. 8°. Paris, 1818. Hippocrates. "Opicoc, sive jusjuraudum. Re- ceusitum, et libro commentario illustratum, a Joanne Henrico Meibomio. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1643. Littleton ( A. ) Dissertatio epistolaris de juramento medicorum, qui "Opuog 'Iir7roKpaToi>c dicitnr: in qua veuerabilis vir Doiu. Balduinus Harney, veterein vulgarem versionem improbans, aliam substituit novam ; exploratis aliquot viro- rnm doctorum judiciis, quorum nomina sequens pagella exhibet, in syllabo eorum qua? in hoc opusculo continentur. Virum est in lectorum gratiam, prsecipue eorum quos "Opuoc ipse adel- 0oi»c appsvac, i. e., medicorum filios appellat, ju- ramentum Hippocratis, cum Latina versione, in ipsa operis froute conspicienduni locare. sm. 4°. Londini, 1693. Woerl (L.) * Magni Hippocratis secundi vita et scripta. Adjecta sunt Hippocratis jusju- randum et Asclepiadarum praecepta de sanitate conservanda. 8°. Friburgi Brisigarirv, 1835. du Pui (M. S.) Allocutio, quum Johannes Christianus Holscher summos in medicina honores, more majorum consecutus est. In: Okationes vir. in med. [etc.] 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1841, 1-8. OATH. 2 OBERLIN. Oath (I>Jti/siciaH,s). Koiiiii iii>. (F.) Super locum Hippocratis, in jure jm.mil.....i \ him vcxatuin, mtditationes. In his: Xootes < • in I]iliic-ii-. 12 , Kostouhii et Wismaria', 1755, 135-160.— Itriau (It.) Le .se.inient d'JIippocrate et la lithotomie. i.az. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., x, 329; 342; 358. Ohaku. Tumnra (G.) [On Obaku as a medicine.] Tokei I.ji Shinslii, Tokio, 1880, no. 109, April 24. Obe (Charles). *De quelques considerations sur l'orysipele. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 174. ©bedeiiare ( Michel-Georgiade). * De la tra- clieotomie dans 1'cecleme de la glotte et de la larynnite necrosique. 82 pp. 4~. Paris, 1866, No! 195. O'lSeiru ( Bryanus ). * De hepatitide. 72 pp. •■* . Edinbartji, A. Xeill et soc, 1803. [P., v. 24; O'licirue (James) [1786-1862]. New views of l lie process of defecation, and their application to the pathology and treatment of diseases of the stomach, bowels, and other organs, together with an analytical correction of Sir Charles Bell's views respecting the nerves of the face. xvi, 286 pp. 8°. Dublin, Hodges <)'• Smith, 1833. ------. The same, vii, 8-142 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, D. Green, 1834. [P., v. 62.] For Biography, see Lancet, Loud., 1862, i, 114. Obele (Job. (ieorgius). Disp.de morbis puero- ruin jnxta Hippocratem. 5 1. 4-. Giessw, ex off. V. Chemlini, 1618. O be ii aus (Carolus Friedericus Eduardus). * De combustione cutanea ejusque effectu lethifero. 24 pp. 8\ Lips'ue, typ. G. Staritzii, [1847]. Obeiiberger (August). * Ueber Verriicktheit. 17 pp. 8"'. Miinchen, E. Miihlthaler, 1871. von Obentraut ( Adolf ). .Systematisches Haudbuch der osterreichischen Sanitiitsgesetze, alle giltigeu Gesetze uud Verordnungen iiber das 8a,uitatswesen enthaltend. 2. Aufl. xii, 615 pp. 8°. Wien, Manz, 1881. Ober (Adolf). *Das Urethau, ein Hypnoticum. 48 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1886. Ober-Baniiiu. Nath (R.) Zur Medicinal-Statistik. Die Ge- burts- und Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse des Kreises Oberbaruim pro 1876, auf Gruud amtlicher Quellen bearbeitet. Anhaug: Practische Aulei- tung zur Gewinnung einer amtlich sicheren uud leiclit ausfiihrbaren Kreis-Sterblichkeits- resp. Erkrankunns-Statistik nach deriin Kreise Ober- baruim bestehenden Organisation. 8°. Berlin, 187S. Also [Rev.], in: Veroflfentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsam- tcs. Berl., 1878, ii, No. 41, Beil. IVaili (R.) Jahres - Tabelle der Sterblichkeits - Ver- hiiltnissr des Kreises Ober-Barnim wahrend des Jahres ]s7i;. Veroflfentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1877, i. No. 34, Beil. Oberbeek (Anton). * Ueber die sogenannte Magnet isiiuugskonstante. 40 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1868. C. Oberbeck (Ernst). *Casuistische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Endocarditis ulcerosa. 55 pp. 8-. Gb'ttingen, W. F. Kastner, 1881. Oberdoerfer (Simon). *De reduviis. 30 pp. 12. Landishuti, typ. F. S. Storno, 1815. Oberdorl*. Buchncr iL. A.) Chemische TJntersuchung des . Wassers der Schwefel-Quelle zu Oberdorf im Algau. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miiuchen, 1868, xv, 345. Oberengadiii. Biei:maxx(A.) Das Oberengadiu. SeinClima und seiue Quellen als Heilwerthe. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Oberjj (Carl). * Ueber Aetiolo mio coronata. 43 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1886]. ------. Die ersten Falle und der Character der Berliner Flecktyphusepidemie von 1873. 13 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, [1873]. Bepr. from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, No. 30. Obermeyer (F61ix). *Apoplexies dues a la d6- generescence graissense des vaisseaux ce're'braux. 29 ])p. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 227. Obermeyer (M. Germanus). See Frdlicb (Joa. Hen.) & Obermeyer (M. Ger- manus). * Sij/ueiioi-iKij ot/3ei'a [etc.] 4°. Basilece, 1612. Oberiiiiiller (H.) * Beitriige zur Chemie des Eiweissharnes. 25 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 187:5. Oberiiiiiller (Jos. Eug. Leop.) * De aquis Hoelienstadiensibus, 32 pp., 11. 8°. Monachii, J. Itbsl, 1^26. Obermiiller (Julius). * Ueber hyaline Throm- benbildnng in hamorrhagischen Lungeninfark- ten und niultiplen Aneurysrueu. 31 pp. 8°. Strassburg, M. Du Monl-Schauberg, 1886. Obernberg;. Snetiwy. Die Mineralquelle zu Obernberg. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1841, 437-440. Oberiidorffer (Joh.) De vert et falsi medici agnitioue, tractatus brevis, in theorematum forma conscriptus. 24 1. 4°. Laving®, ex off. typ. Ij. Iieiiimichaelii, 1600. Another copy bound with: Cafivaccius (Hieronymus). Practica medicina [etr\] 4°. Francofurti, 1504. See, also, Slrobi-lbcrjjer (Joan. Steph.) Tractatus novus in quo de (Jocco Baphica, etc. 4°. Jenon, 1620. • For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Obernier (Franz) [1839-82]. * De nervis uteri. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bounce, formis Carthausianis, 1862. C. ------. The same. Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Nerven des Uterus. 2 p. 1., 30 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Weber, 1865. Obernier (Franz)—continued. ------. Der Hitzschlag. Insolatio. Coup de chaleur. Sun-stroke. Nach neuen Beobachtun- gen und ausgedehnten Versuchen bearbeitet, zugleich ein Beitrag zur normalen und krank- haften Wiirmebildung. vi, 123 pp. 8°. Bonn, M. Cohen u. Sohn, 1867. ------. Catalog der von . . . nachgelassenen Bibliothek uud Instrumentensammlung. 14 pp! 8°. Bonn, F. Kruger, 1883. For Biography, see Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 611 (P. B.). See, also, Handbuch d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1876, xi. Hilt. Also: Cyclopedia Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. T., 1877, xii. Obernigk. Scheurich (A.) Das Kiefernadel-Bad in den Sitten bei Obernigk. Kebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Heilkriifte der balsaraischen Barter. Eine balneologische Skizze. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1861, x, 78-95.' Oberosterreichisclie Landes-Irrenanstalt zu Niedernhart bei Liuz. Die . . . von M. 8cha- sching. 139 pp., 31. 8°. Linz, 1873. Ober pfalz. Bericht iiber den Zustand der Sanitatsverhaltnisse im Regierungsbe/.irke Oberpfalz und Regensburg pro 1880. Aerztl. Iut.-Bl., Miinchen, 1882, xxix, 40; 62; 74; 84. Oberprieler (Jacob). * Ueber die subcutane Anwendung des Morphium bei Anomalieu der Wehenthiitigkeit. 51 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wol/ it. Sohn, 1874. Ober-Ratisclienbach. Wcln'frcl (V. A.) A " Felso-Ruszbach-i dsvdnyviz " vegvelemzese. [Mineral springs of Ober-Rauscheubach.] Gybgyszereszi hetil., Budapest, 1880, xix, 152 ; 166. Oberreich (Christianus Fridericus) [1770- 1810]. * De medicameutis purgantibus. "20 pp. 4°. Jenm, typ. Prageri etsoc, [179H]. ------. De morborura foute. 11 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. Prageri etsoc, [1^05]. Ober-Roblingem Wiedemann. Die Biider im salzigen See bei Ober-Roblingen. Ein balneologischer Bei- trag. 8°. Leipzig, [1845]. Ober-Salzbruiin. Laucher (C.) The Krouenquelle (Crowu- Spriugs) at Obersalzbrunn, Silesia; its qualities, chemical nature and therapeutical effect in the treatment of gouty diathesis, etc. 2. ed. Transl. from the German. 16°. Obersalzbrunn, 1885. -----. L'eau de la Couronue a Obersalz- brunn (>Sile"sie prussienne). 8J. Breslau, 1885. Meyer (J. A.) Der Kurgast in Ober-Salz- brunn. 8°. Berlin, 1858. Ober- Salzbrunn (watering-place) ( Salz- brunn) with its medicinal springs of Oberbruun and Miihlbruun. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~] Stempki.mann (H.) Der Kurort Ober-Salz- brunu in Schlesien und (lessen neue Quelle. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Valentiner (W.) Der Kurort Ober-Salz- brunn in Schlesien geschildert fiir Kurgiiste uud Aerzte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Vorzuo (Ueber den) der natiirlichen Miueral- brunnen vor den kiinstlichen, nebst einigen Wor- teu iiber Wirksamkeit uud Auwendung des schle- sischen Ober-Salzbrunns. 8°. Breslau, 1857. Freuml (H.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Miss- brauch des Obersalzbruunens. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1840, xxx, 57-76.—Gscbcidlcn (R.) Ueber die Kronen-Quelle zu Ober-Salzbrunn in ihrer Bedeutung als Natron-Lithionquelle. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 64-66. — Kirschner. Vorschlag zur Benutzuug des Ober- und Miihlbrunnens in Ober-Salzbrunn zurBereitung anderer kiinstlichen Mineralbrunuen, namentlich eines dem Carlsbader analogen Wassers. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1836, v, 97-99. -----. Ober-Salzbrunn als Basis zur Berei- tung kiinstlicher Mineralwasser benutzt. Ibid., 1841, 95. -----. Einiges iiber Ober-Salzbrunn. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1850, 161-171. — JLaucher. Die Kronen- OBHR-SALZBRUNN. 4 OBESITY. Obci'-Salzbi*umi. quelle zu Obersalzbrunn. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1882, xxix, 183.—Eicbcnlieim. Des Ober-Salzbrunnens Wir- kungeu, an mir sellist beobachtet, nebst allgemeinen Be- merkungen iiber den Gebrauch dieses Gesundbrunnens. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, xlix, 461-503.—Stem- IM'liiinmi (U.) Die neue Quelle zu Ober-Salzbrunn. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 181-184.—Valcntiner |\V.) Die Kurmittel von Ober Salzbrnnn in Scldesien, chemisch-pharmacodvnamisch und balneo-therapeutisch erortert. Ibid.. 1861, xiii, 73; 81; 97; 105.— Zemplin (A.) Ueber die Miueralquellen zu Obersalzbrunn bei Fur- steustein in Schlesien. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1820, 1, 3. St., 71-95. Oberst'lieclen. See Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Oberselilesiselier Knappschaafts-Verein zu Tarnowitz. Die Organisation und Verwaltung des . . . uud die Kraukheits-, Sterblichkeits- nnd Iuvaliditiits-Statistik seiner Mitglieder in dem zehnjahrigen Zeitraum vou 1872-81. 69 pp., 4 tab. 8'-. Beuthen, O.-S., B. Wylezol u. Comp., 1883. Oberst (Max). # Bericht iiber die chirurgische Abtheilung des Krankenhauses Augsburg im Jahrel875. [Erlangen.] 40pp. 8C. Miinchen, F. Straub, 1877. ------. Die Amputationen unter dem Einflusse der antiseptischen Behandlung. Habilitations- sehrift. 163 pp., 1 pi. h°. Halle a. S., E. Kar- ras, 1881. ------. Die Zerreissuugen der maunlichen Harn- rolire und ihre Behaudluug. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1882, No. 210 (Chir., No. 67, 1789-1810). ------. Beitriige zur Behandlung der subkutanen, in die Geleuke peuetrirenden, und der paraarti- kuliiren Kuochenbriiche. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1888, No. 311 (Chir., No. 97, 2933-2946). Oberstadt (Ferdinand). * Ueber Katalepsie. [W'urtzburg.] 16 pp. 8°. Fulda, J. L. Uth, 1877. Oberstadt (Theodor Heinrich Mathias) [1797- ]. * De ophthalmitide. 27 pp. 8°. Bero- lini, T. Briischcke, [1820]. Obersteiner (Heinrich) [1847- ]. Ueber Eutwicklung und Wachsthum der Sehne. 10 pp.,lpl. roy. 83. [Wien, 1867.] [Also, in: P., v. 794.] Bepr. from: Sitzungsh. d. Akad. d. Wissensch., 2. Abth., Juli-Heft, 1867, lvi. ------. On allochiria. A peculiar sensory dis- order. 11 pp. 8°. [London, W. Cloices cf Sons, 1881.] Bepr. from: Brain, Lond., 1881, iv, ------. Ueber das neue niederlandische Irren- gesetz. 6 pp. 8°. [Coblenz, P. Werke, 1882.] Bepr. from: Centralbl. f. Nervenh.. Coblenz, 1882, v. ------. Die Beziehungen der Syphilis zur Demen- tia paralytica. 10 pp. 8 . Wien, 1883. Bepr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, No. 33-34. ------. Ein Lipom des Plexus choroideus. 2 1. 8°. Coblenz, P. Werle, 1883. Bepr. from: Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1883, vi, No. 7. ------. Ueber Pruritus hiemalis. 5 pp. 8C. Wien, 1884. Bepr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv. ------. Der Hypnotismus. Vortrag, gehalten im wissenschaftlichen Club in Wien. 46 pp. 12c. Wien, 1885. Bepr. from: Monatsbl. d. wissensch. Club, Wien, Juni, 1885. ------. Zur internen Anwendung des Cocains bei Neurosen und Psychosen. 6 pp. 8°. [Wien, 1885.] Repr. from: Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi. Obersteiner (Heinrich)—contiuued. ------. Ueber Intoxications-Psychosen. Vortrag. 18 pp. 8°. Wien, 1886. Bepr. from: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1885, xi. ------. Auleitung beim Studium des Baues der nervosen Central-Organe im gesunden uud kran- ken Zustande. viii, 406 pp. roy. 8°. Leipzig n. Wien, Toeplitz u. Deuticke, 1888. Obert. Traite" complet des maladies des cheveux, de la barbe et du systeme pileux en general. 2. 6d. 159 pp. 8°. Paris, Vauteur, 1848. Obertenfler (Joann. Henric.)[1773- ]. *De placentaruui in utero post partura remausarum curatione therapeutica ac manuali certis soli- disque artis principiis et observationibus super- structa. 58 pp. 8-. Jence, typ. Goepferdtii, [1798]. Obertenfler (Joh. Georgius) [ -1819]. * Diss. enthalasin granii sponte restitutam exhibens. 28 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1771]. ------. Auatomisch-chirurgische Abhandlung von der Losung des Oberarms aus dem Schulterge- lenke. 40 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Wiirzburg, J. Dorbath, 1823. Obertimpfler (Josephus). * De ulceris syphi- litici inimarii therapia in universum. 19 pp. 8J. Turici, ex off. Ziircheri et Furreri, 1846. Obertiiselien (Gustav). * Ueber Bandkeratitis. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Bonn, P. Neusser, [1872]. c. Oberns (Christophorus). See Waldschmiedt (Wilhelm Huldericu8). *Deima- ginatione hominum et brutorum. 4°. Kilice, 1701. Oberwiesentlial. Etfiniiller (G.) Grundziige zu einer medicinischen Topographic des Gerichtsbezirkes Oberwiesenthal in Sachsen. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber einigedaselbst vorge- kommene Epidemieeu. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 601-630. Obesity. See, also, Abdomen (Enlargement, etc., of); Pat; Fever (Typhus, Complications, etc., of); Nutrition (Therapeutical). Banting (W.) Letter on corpulence, ad- dressed to the public. 2. ed., with addenda. 8°. London, 1863. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1864. ------. The same. 3. ed. [With appendix.] 8°. London, 1864. ------. The same. 3. ed., with addenda. 8°. New York, 1864. ------. The same. 3. ed., with addenda, and remarks by Mr. Harvey. 8-. New York, 1864. ------. The same. 5. ed., with addenda, aud remarks by Mr. Harvey. 8°. New York, 1865. —:---. The same. 4. ed., with prefatory re- marks by the author, copious information from correspondents, and confirmatory evidence of the benefit of the dietary system which he recom- mended to public notice. 8°. London, 1869. Bass (G. ) * De obesitate nimia. 4°. Er- fordiee, [1740]. Bertram (J. W.) * De pinguedine. 4°. Halm Magdeb., [1739]. Caillaud (L.) * De robesite". 4°. Pans, 1865. ' Clairin(J.-P.-E\) * De l'obe'site'. 4°. Paris, 1855. ' Creutzburg (C. E.) * De polypionia. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1829]. Cruvellie (O.) * De l'obe'site; ses causes, sou traitement. 4C. Montpellier, 1868. Dancel (F.) Pre"ceptes fonde"s sur la chimie organique pour diruinuer l'embonpoint sans al- t6rer la sante". 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1850. Dardonville (H.) * Dissertation sur l'obe'- site. 4-. Paris, 1811. Dubourg (L.) * Kecherches aur lea causes de la polysarcie. 4G. Paris, 18G4. OBESITY. 5 OBESITY. Obesity. Ebart (F. C. G.) *De obesitate nimia et morbis inde oriundis. sm. 4°. Gottingce, [1780]. Ebstein (W.) Die Fettleibigkeit (Corpulenz) und ihre Behandlung nach physiologischen Grundsiitzen. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1883. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 8C. Wiesbaden, 1887. -----. Fett oder Kohlenhydrate? Zur Ab- wehr in der Frage: " Die Fettleibigkeit und ihre Behaudlung". 8°. Wiesbaden, 1885. Eschbaum (J.) * De victu adiposo. 8°. Bounce, 1853. Faurot(A.) * Essai sur Fobe'site'. 4°. Paris, 1807. Fecht (E. H.) * De obesitate nimia. 4°. Rostochii, 1701. Flemyng (M.) A discourse on the nature, causes, and cure of corpuleucy. Illustrated by a remarkable case, read before the Royal Society, November, 1757, and now first published. 8G. London, 1760. Geoffroy (R.) * Causes et traitements de l'obesite". 4°. Paris, 1886. Goreau de Saint-Moresi. De Fobe'site" et de la maigreur. Invasion de Fob6sit6 dans Fespece humaine, son traitement. 3. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1885. Harvey (J.) Corpulence, its diminution and cure without injury to health. 3. ed. 8C. Lon- don, 1864. Hawthorne (R. W.) How every fat person may become lean without medicine, starvation, suffering or discomfort. The result of one month's actual experience. 8°. New York, 1880. Helbig (C. G.) *De obesitatis morbosaj ge- nesi. 4°. Lipsice, [1832]. Held (J. F.) * De corpuleutia nimia. 4°. Jence, [1670]. Histoire d'un homme monstrueux, qui pesoit 640 [English pounds]. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~\ Hoelder (F. B.) * Obesitatis corporis humaui nosologia. 4°. Tubing®, [1775]. HOnigh (I.) * Rcivid vazlata a' koversegnek orvosi ertekeze"s. [On the medical value of fats.] 8°. Pesten, [1835]. Homeroch (J. C.) *De pinguedine ejusque sede tain secundum quam prseter naturam con- stitutis. 4°. Lipsice, [1738]. Hulsebusch (J. F.) *Diss. sisteus pingue- dinis corporis huniani, sive panniculi adiposi veterum, hodie membranae cellulosai dictse fabri- cam, ejusque et contenti olei historiam, usum, morbos. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1728. Kisch (E. H.) Die Fettleibigkeit der Frauen in ihrem Zusammenhange mit den Krankheiteu der Sexualorgane. 8°. Prag, 1873. -----. Die Fettleibigkeit (Lipomatosis uni- versalis). Auf Grundlage zahlreicher Beobach- tungeu. 8°. Stuttgart, 1888. Kroedler (J. S.) * De eo quod citius mori- antur obesi, quam graciles secundum Hippo- cratis aphorismum xliv, sect. ii. 4°. Erfordiw, [1724]. KubicZek (F. W.) Heilung der Fettsucht, der Fettleibigkeit (Corpulenz), der Gicht und des Rheumatisraus auf naturgemiissem Wege (ohue Arznei, ohne Medikamente). 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1884. Kuehn (O. B.) & Kuehn (H. E.) *De pin- guedine imprimis humana. 4°. Lipsice, 1825. Lebon (A.-E.) * De la polysarcie. 4°. Paris, 1851. Lehmann (C. G.) *De pinguediuum com- modis et usibus in metastoechiosi auiinali. 8°. Lipsice, [1843]. Leissner (C. C.) * De obesitate exsuperante. 4°. Jen®, 1683. Obesity. Liehmann (J. G.) * Diss, sistens nosographiam pimelotici, adjecta simul epicrisi de pimelosi in genere, et methodo secundum Le Roy Galium drastica. 8°. Pragce, [1836]. Maas (O.) De corpuleutie. Hare oorzaken, hare gevolgeu en de verschillende wijzen, waarop zij w ordt bestreden. In het Nederlandsch over- gebracht door A. Am. J. Quanjer. 8°. Gouda, [1875, vel subseq.~\. -----. Die " Schweninger-Kur" und Ent- fettungskuren im Allgemeinen, sowie Wesen und Ursachen der Fettsucht. 7. Aufl. 8°. Ber- lin W., 1885. -----. Diiit uud Wegweiser bei Fettsucht. 16°. Berlin, 1888. Maceroni(0.) Sulla polisarcia. 8°. Roma, 1822. Marcuse ( H.) * De obesitate nimia. 8°. Berolini, [1819]. Millington (J.) "Fining down" on natural principles without Banting, obloug 24°. Lon- don, [1884]. Minel(C.-C) *Del'obesit6. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Monin (E.) Obe'site' et maigreur. Essai d'hy- giene pratique. 8°. Paris, 1882. Also, in: J. d'hyg., Par., 1882, vii, 381; 393; 405. Also, transl. in: Riv. rial, di teiap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1883, iii, 238-251. Muller (P. J.) De pinguedine corporis, sm. 4°. Hafnice, [1766]. von Niemeyer ( F. ) Die Behandlung der Korpulenz nach dem sogeuannten Bantingsys- tem. Ein popular-wissenschaftlicher Vortrag. 8°. Berlin, 1866. Oertel (M. J.) Handbuch der allgemeinen Therapie der Kreislaufs-Storungen, Kraftab- nahme des Herzmuskels, ungeuiigender Com- pensationen bei Herzfehlern, Fettherz und Fett- sucht, Veranderungen im Lungenkreislauf, etc. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. In: Handb. d. allg. Therap. (Ziemssen)., Leipz., 1884, iv. Also, transl. in: Handb. Gen. Therap., Lond., 1887, vii. -----. The same. Traitement de Fob6sit6 et des troubles de la circulation (affaiblissement du cceur, compensation insuffisante dans les lesions valvulaires, cceur gras, troubles de la circulation pulmonaire, etc.). Traduit sur la 3. 6d. par le Dr. R. Calmettes. 8C. Bruxelles, 1886. -----. Kritisch-physiologische Besprechung der Ebstein'schen Behandluug der Fettleibig- keit. Erwiderung auf dessen Schrift "Fett, oder Kohlenhydrate". 8°. Leipzig, 1885. Oswald (J. H.) * Obesitatis corporis humani therapia. 4°. Tubing®, [1775]. Philbert (E.) *Du traitement de Fobe'site" et de la polysarcie. 4°. Paris, 1874. Pohl (J. *C.) *De obesis et voracibus eorum- que vita? incommodis ac morbis. 4°. Lipsice, [1734]. Quabeck (C. J.) *De insolito corporis aug- mento, frequenti morborum futurorum signo. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1752]. Reichel (O. F.) * De maris ex adipe nimio oriundis. 8°. Berolini, [1824]. Reinhardt (J. C.) *De obesitate vitanda. 4°. Rintelii, [1756]. Reussing (H. C. T.) * De pinguedine sana et morbosa. 4°. Jence, [1791]. Rheinwald (H.) Die Krankheiteu der Leber und die Korpulenz. Ihre Beseitigung und Hei- lung mit besonderer Bertie ksichti gun g der Ban- ting'schen Kur. 8 . Berlin, 1866. Rosenfeld (G.) Die Gefahren der Entfet- tungskuren. 8°. Stuttgart, 1886. Schindler (C. S.) Die Reductionscur zur Verhiitung und Heilung der Fettleibigkeit und OBESITY. 6 OBESITY. Obesity. Fettsucht, sowie ihrer Folgekraukheiten in Be- zugnahrae auf Marienbad. Popular-medicinisch dargestellt. 12J. Wien, 1868. -----. The same. Traitement curatif et pre"- servatif de Fobe'site et de ses suites mix eaux de Marienbad. Traduit de Fallemand par le doc- teur Labat. 8°. Paris, 1869. Sciiroeder (C. F.) *De adipis saui et mor- bosi causis. 8°. Berolini, [1832]. Schiltze (B. S.) De adipis genesi patholo- gica. Commeutatio pramiio ornata. 8 '. Gry- phi®, 1852. Si:n i:nr (P. D. B.) * De pinguedine. 4°. Gryphiswaldi®, [1794]. Steube (J. S.) De corpulentia nimia. 4°. Jen®, [1716]. Tempesta ( Q. ) Delia obesita nelle donlie considerata speciahuente nei suoi rapporti etio- logical con algune malattie dell' apparato sessuale. tiu. Napoli, 1882. Tralles (B. L.) * De obesorum ad morbos mortenique proclivitate. 4°. Hal® Magdeb., [1730]. Triller (D. W.) * De pinguedine seu succo nutritio superfluo. 4°. Hal® Magdeb., [1718]. Trouillart (G.) * De pinguedine et morbis ex nimia ejus quantitate. 4°. Harderovici, 1767. Vaciier (L.) De Fobe'site" et de son traite- ment. Avec uue conference sur le traitement de Fobesit6 d'apres le systeme Banting parleDr. F. de Niemeyer. H-. 'Paris, 1873. Ventzki (A. F.) *De pimelosi nimia. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Vouel (J.) Korpulenz; ihre Ursachen, Ver- hiitung und Heilung (lurch einfache diatetiscbe Mittel. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Voit (C.) Ueber die Ursachen der Fettabla- gernng iiuThierkorper. 3. Abdruck. 8°. Miin- chen, 1884. W'add (W.) Cursory remarks ou corpulence, by a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. 8\ London, 1810. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 '. London, 1*13. -----. The same. Or obesity considered as a disease; with a critical examination of ancient and modern opinions relative to its causes and cure. 3. ed., containing a reference to the most remarkable cases that have occurred in this country. 8 -. London, 1816. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1819. -----. Comments on corpulency; lineaments of leanness; mems. on diet and dietetics. 8C. London, 1829. Walther (A. F.) * De obesis et voracibus eornnique vita1 incommodis ac morbis. 1734. In: Hallek. Disp. anat. |etc.] 4°. Gottingce, 1748, iii, 97-130. Also, in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Tidni, 17*7, iv, 252-303. Widemann (G. M.) * De corpulentia nimia. 4-. [Lipsiaq, 1681. Worthixgton (L.-S.) *De Fobesit6; 6tiolo- gie, th6rap<'Utique et hygiene. 4°. Paris, 1875. Zaux (K. ) Verkeerdheden, misbruiken en gevaren der hedendaagsche ontvettings- (of ver- niagerings) kuren. Een ernstig woord. 8°. Am- sterdam. ls-7. Agostinelli (L.) Uncasodiadiposi estesa a parecchi orgaui. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1874, 5. s., xviii, 81- luti.—Alexander (F. S.) Geschichte einer merkwiirdigen Fetterzeugnng. T. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837. Ixxxv, 3. St.. 3-15. — Aloys Kallmann, der Schwei/.er Riesen- knabe. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg.. 1*33. ii, 69-71.—Alriq. De faction des eaux d'Aiilus dans le traitement de lOln'-site. Bull. Sue de med. prat, de Par., 1881, 43-48. Also: France ro6d., Par.. 1881, xxviii, 548-552.—von Amnion (F. A.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie dei Fettsucht. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1827. x, 427-437— Aran. Case of ex- cessive obesity, followed by death, under the care of Prof. Rastan : 'with remarks upon the causes, consequences, and treatment of polysarcia. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. a., Obesity. xiii, 127.—Baker (G.) Case of Thos. Wood, a miller. [Cured by diet.] Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond. (1708- 71), 1772, ii, 259-274.-----. A sequel to the case of Mr. Thomas Wood. Ibid.. 178:.. iii. 309-318.— Ban I in «-!•»)'«- tern (Das) gcgen Fettleibigkeit. Wien. med. Welmselir., 1865, xv, 943. —Barkhniisen. Merkwiinlige ailgemeine Fettablagerung beieinem Knaben von J Jahreu. ilannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1843, n. F., iii, 200-203. — von Bascb. Die Entfettungscnr in Marienbad. Ein Beitrag zur Therapie der Kreislaufstorungeu. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1885. iii, 241; 289. -----. Die Theorien des Prof. Oertel. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 1589; 1621 : 1886, ix, 10; 41; 104.—Bath of compressed air in the treatment of obesity. (Edit.] St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 26.— Beddoes (T.) Observations and conjectures on the scurvy, on obesity, on phthisis pulmona'lis, and on catarrhs. In his : Obs. on the nature and cure of calculus, etc., new ed., 8°, Phila., 1815. 41-169.— Betz (F.) Das Jod gegen Fettsucht. Med. Cor. 111. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1851, xxi, 151.—Blachez. De l'obe- site. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1875, 2. s., xii, 33-35.— Boinet. Un mot stir l'amaigrisseinent par le Fucus vcsiculosus (cheno marin). (laz. d. hop., Par., 1803, xxxvi, 55.—Bovet. Pain a base de leguniine dans I'ali- mentation des diabetiques et des obeses. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1888, 86-90.—Briggs (W. D.) A novel cure for obesitv. Nelson's North. Lancet, Platts- burg, N. Y., 1852-3, vi,'43.—Biuiseii. Fall von Fettsucht bei einer Schwangeien. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Beil., 1839, vii, 51.—Bnzzi (F.) Bemerkungen iiber Hyperi- drosis bei Fettleibigen. Mitth. a. d. dermat. Klin! d. k. Char.-Krankenh. zu Berl., 18«7, Hft. 3, 34-36.—C. Coup d'ceil surle traitement curatif de l'obesite. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1804, lxvi, 433-439. — Cantnni (A.) Terapia della ]>olisarcia adiposa. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1884, v, 57.—Chamber* (T. K.) On corpulence. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 523; 557; 581; 651; 687; 747.— Chapman (R.) A remarkable case of obesity without any external appearance of corpulency, accompanied with hydrocephalus. Lond. M. Reposit., 1814, ii, 378-380.— Clemen* ( T. ) Schlimme Folgen der Bantingcur. Deutsche Klinik, Bed., 1869, xxi, 10.— Cleveland (J. L.i Corpulence; a case illustrating its treatment. Clinic, Cincin., 1872, ii, 109-111.—Cocchi (A.) Ecccssiva gras- sezza. In his: Consulti med., 8:', Milano, 1824, 1-4.— Cochran (W. S.) Remarkable easeof obesity in a child. Med. Exam., Phila., 1855, xi. 408.—Crisp. The stomach, duodenum, and part of the jejunum ol a very fat man weighing about eighteen stones. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864-5, xvi, 130.—Currier (A. F.) The influence of obesity in young women upon the menstrual and repro- ductive functions. Med. .News, Phila., 1888, Iii, 172-175.— DtniangefE.) Obesite. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., ■~1880, 2. s., xiv, 5-38. — Dem nth. Zur Cur der Fettlei- bigkeit. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miiuchen, 1883, xxx, 377-381. Also [Rev.]: Deutsche Rev., Bresl. u. Berl, 1884, ix, 220- 213. — Diez. Ein merkwiirdiges Beyspiel von Fett- leibigkeit. Russ. Samml. f. Naturw. u. Heilk., Riga u. Leipz., 1817, ii, 243-248.—Donovan (M.) Fucus vesi- culosns in obesity. Dnblin M. Press, 1862, xlviii, 638.— Down (J L. II.) On polysarcia and its treatment. Clin. Lect. & Kep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 97-103—Duchesne- Duparc. Nouveaux exemples d'amaigi issemeut par l'emploi du Fucus vesiculosus (chene marin. laitue marine). Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1863, xxxvi, 30.—Diijnrdin-Bean. mctz. Du regime insuflisant et de l'hygiene alimentaire dans l'obesite. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1886, cxi, 241-257. Also, transl.: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix| 561 - 565. A Iso, transl.: Medycyna, Warszawa, 1886 xiv' 679; 695; 718. — Fbstein (W.) Behandlung der Corpu- lenz. J. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1883, vii, 1. _____. Ue- ber die Behandlung der Fettleibigkeit. Vcrbandl. d Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1885, iv, 9-32. I Discus- sion], 46-69. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d Kong. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1885, iv, 1-12. — Fnjjel (R.) Reflexions sur le traitement dietetique de l'obe- site. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1884 vi 97 109.—Enzinann (C.) Rationelle Behandlung der Fett- sucht. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1805, iv, 34; 97. — Foissae. Remarques sur l'embonpoint et la maigreur. Union med., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxi, 481; 501.— Foot (H. W.) Clinical notes of a remarkable case of obesity, treated with liquor potassae and extract of Fucus vesiculosus. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lx. 493-503. —Formes (Des) de l'obesite et deleur traitement special. Bull. ..-,■.„ de th6rap., etc., Par., 1864, lxvi, 481-490.—CJarlnnd .— Tilesins. Nachricht von einem ungewohnlich letten Kiude von 4 Jahren, mit einem selteneu Haarwucb.se. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1803, xix, 65; 120.—Townsend (W. E.) Singular hypertrophy in a colored woman. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1853-6), 1850, ii, 193.—Tiirkl. Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Verfettiingskraukheiten. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 927. — Cylii (E.) La dicta carnea nell' obesita gencrale e parziale. Riv. clin. di Bo- logna, 1886, 3. s., vi, 183-191.— Vaiisjhan ("V. 0. ) Re- duction of corpulency, with report of a case. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor,'Mich., 1879, i, 285-293.—Ville (G.) Theorie de l'eugraisseiueut. J. de med. de Lyon, 1;1'J, OBESITY. 8 OBSERVATION. Obesity. ix, 154.—\Vadd (W.) Comments on corpulency. Lond. M. Gaz., 1827-8, i, 625; 786.—Wade. Case of a preter- natural fatness. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1707, iii, 69-84. — Wardcll (J. Ii.) Remarks on obesity. Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s. viii, 494; 535; 58i». Also, Reprint. Also, in his: (,'ontrib. Path. & Pract. Med., 8°, Lond., 1885, 616-639.—Whittaker (J. T.) On the use of arse- nic in the treatment of obesity. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1878, n. s., i, 133.—Williams (C. J. B.) Obesitv. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1845, iii, 403-411.—Winter- nitz (W.) Zur Frage der Entfettungskuren. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 3; 45; 105; 169. Obet (Arthur). * Sur la pourriture d'h6pital. 22 pp. 4-. Paris, 1832, No. 127, v. 251. Obet (L[ouis-Charles]). *[De la leucocyth6- mie.] 56 pp., 1 1. 4°. [Montpellier, 1868, No. 69.] Wants title-page. Obet (L[ouis-]J[ean-]M[arie]). *Sur la nutri- tion. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 59, v. 61. -----. Notice biographique sur J.-A. Fleury. 30 pp. 8°. [Cherbourg, Boulanger, Beaufort $• Cic, 1831 i.] [P., v. 1676.] Obcilf (C.-D.-J.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1801], v. 37. Obeuf (Francois-Alexis). *I. Determiner s'il existe des substances vraiment emme'nagogues. II. [etc.] 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 344, v. 347. Obeuf (Hippolyte-Noel). * Sur l'iinagination, 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 311, v. 118. Obi. See Medicine (Magical, etc.) Obieius (Hippolytus). De multiplici in medi- eina abusu tractatus, ubi difficultates majoresad praxim artis Bpectantes discussai habentur. Huic alia ejusdeiu authoris opuscula medica ad recte niedicinam faciendam addita sunt. 15 p. 1., 104, 55, 43 pp. sm. 4°. Vicenti®, sumpt. R. Meietti, 1618. Bound with his: Iatrastronomicon [etc.] sm. 4°. Vi- centice, 1618. -----. Iatrastronomicon varios tractatus medicos, et astronomicos ad rectum medendi usum per neeessarios complectens, quibus additus est de multiplici abusu iu medicina utilis tractatus, aliaque medica opuscula. 18 p. 1., 93, 95, 30 pp. sm. 4°. Vicenti®, apud J. Violatum, 1618. -----. Staticomastix sive staticae medicinse demolitio. In: Sanctorius (S.) Ars de statica medicina. 18°. Lugd. Bat, 1713, 265-311. Also, Ibid.: 12°. Lugd. Bat, 1728, 265-311. Obidennikoflf (E.) *0 vlijanii kofe na ko- lichestvo i kolichestven. sostave moloka. [In- fluence of coffee on quality and quantity of milk in women.] 18 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1871. Obissier (H.) Du traitement des ade"nites sup- purges du cou. 42 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, G. Gou- nouilhou, 1S7S. Obissier (Pierre -Camille). * Contribution a l'etude des 16sions traumatiques de la portion p^rineale de l'urethre chez l'homme. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 231. Obituary. [Joseph Warren Freer.] 10 pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1877.] Obituary notice of Joshua Green. Born Oct. 8, 1797 ; died June 5, 1875. 1 broadside. 8°. [n. p.. 1875.] Obituary notice of Luther Ticknor, M. D., presi- dent of the Connecticut State Medical Society. 4 pp. 8°. [«. p., 1846.] Repr. from: N. York J. M., 1846, vi. Objectives. See Microscope, etc. Obled (Louis-Henri-Robert). *fitude sur les ulceres simples du col de l'ute'rus; expose" nosolo- gique; traitement. 144 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 356. Obock. Bagot (J.-L.) * Obock en 1884. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1885. Obookov. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Obornik. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Obraxtsoff (Basil). * K morphologii obrazova- nija krovi v kostuom mozge u mlekopitajous- hich. [Morphological structure of the blood in medulla of mammalia.] 52 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipog. R. Golike, 1880. ObraztSOff (Eulampius). * K voprosu ob iz- menenijach limfaticheskich pri tverdom i nijag- kom schankrach. Patologo-anatomicheskoe iz- sledovanie. [Ou changes of lymphatic glands in hard and soft chancres.] 37 pp., I pi., 11. 8,J. St. Petersburg, tipog. L. P. Votshinskago, 1882. O'Brien (Hugh). Public parks. Speech of Al- derman ... in the board of aldermen, May 21, 1877. 54 pp. 8°. Boston, Rockivell § Churchill, 1877. O'Brien (John) [1781-1845]. Medical reports of the House of Recovery and Fever Hospital, Dublin. 10., 1813 ; 11., 1814; 16., 1819; 23., 1826; 26., 1829; 29., 1832; 33., 1836. 8°. Dublin, 1815-37. O'Brien (L.) Co-Editor of: Upper Canada (The) Journal of Medi- cal, Surgical, and Physical Science, Toronto, 1851-3. O'Brien (Matthajus). * De rheumatismo acuto. 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, R.Allan, 1801. [P., v. 17.] O'Brien (Stephanus Laurentius). *De astli- mate spasmodico. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill etsoc, 1807. O'Brien (Timothy). * De l'anesthe'sie, ou de la perte de la sensibility. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 347, v. 266. Obi'ist (Gasparus). * De morbis simulatus. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Turici, ex off. Orellii, Fuesselini et soc, 1849. Obry (F.-A.) *I. Quel est la valeur s6m6iolo- gique des changemeuts surveuus dans l'olfan- tion? II. [etc.] 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 7, v. 364. Obseques de Francois Melier. 15 pp. 8'. [Paris, F. Malteste, 1866.] [P., v. 1769.] Bepr. from : Union m6d., Par., 1866, xxxi. Observacoes sobre o decreto 1° de dezembro de 1845, que regulou a habilitacao dos candidatos ao magisterio da Universidade de Coimbra. 21 pp. 8°. Coimbra, 1846. [P., v. 1244.] Observador (El) medico. Revista cieutifica de la Asociaciou meYlica Pedro Escobedo. [Month- ly.] v. 1-7, November, 1869, to Juue, 1885. 4°. Mexico. Want nos. 9, 20, 21, v. 5 (January, 1880; January and February, 1881). Observateur (L'), journal des sciences ine'di- cales, sous la direction de A. Hassebrouck et A. Fredericq. v. 1-3, 1851-3. 8°. Courtrai. In v. 2-3, Dr. Fredericq, sole editor. Observateur (L') medical, journal de rn6deciue, chirurgie, accouchements et pharmacie, public par Mm. Ansiaux-Delaveux, Frankinet [et al. ]. [Monthly; 4v. annually.] v. 3-4, April to Sep- tember, 1828. 2 v. 8C. Lie'ge. Observation book. Ante mortems and post mortems. Ante mortems by medical officers of wards; post mortems by the surgeon iu charge. National and Hicks United States Army General Hospitals, Baltimore, Maryland. [Compiled by George M. McGill, asst. surg., U. S. A.] 213 pp. 8'\ Baltimore, Md., J. S. Clarke <>. Observations preliminaires. (Sur un nouveau moyen do rouir le cbanvre.) 39 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Cordier, 1843. [P., v. 1731.] Observations on the preparatory education of candidates for the degree of doctor of medicine in the Scottish universities. See Thompson (John). Observations on the present relative situa- tions of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh. 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, F. Pillans. 1821. [P., v. 1617.] Observations on the present state of the Eng- lish universities. Occasion'd by Dr. Davies's account of the general education in them. 34 pp. 12°. London, M. Cooper, 1759. Bound with: Da vies (K.) The general state of educa- tion in the universities, [etc.] 12°. Bath, 1759. Observations on the present system of medical education, with a view to medical reform. By a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London, viii, 95 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert cy Piper, 1834. Observations on the preservation of animal and vegetable substances, with an account of Appert's process and the subsequent improve- ments of that invention, and also a description of the various modes adopted for the extraction of the gelatine from bones; showing the practi- cability, by the combination of the two proces- ses, of introducing an amended system of victual- ling the navy, and affording to the inmates of the various receptacles of the poor, public hospi- tals, workhouses, prisons, and penitentiaries, a more substantial, strengtheuing, and salutary form of diet thau that usually adopted, without any increase of public expenditure. Submitted for the consideration of the members of the Royal Dublin Societv. xxxi, 104 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, MiUikin $ Son, 1*39. [Also, in : P., v. 1045.] Observations sur le projet de loi a l'e'tude re- latif a l'exercice de la pharmacie pre"sent6es par .le couseil d'administration de la Soci6t6 de pr6- voyauce entre les pharmaciens du departement de la Seine. 15 pp. 8. [Paris, Bonavcnture <$• Dueessois, 1850, rel subseq.~\ [P., v. 1697.] Observations sur le projet de loi relatif a la creation des ecoles secondaires de medecine et de pharmacie, des chainbres de discipline et a l'iu- spection des eaux iniudrales artificielles. Pre- sentees aux deux chambres et a M. le ministre de l'iuteiieur par la Soci6t6 de pharmacie de Paris. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Founder, 1825. [P., v. 174(5.1 Observations sur le projet de loi relatif a l'en- seignement et a l'exercice de la medecine et de la pharmacie adopte par la Chambre des pairs. 20 pp. 8°. Saint- Brieuc, imp. de•Guyon f'teres, 1847. [P., v. 18L5.] Observations upou the proper nursing of chil- dren. 24 pp. 8°. London, R. $ J. Dodsleij, 1761. [P., v. 1341.] Observations et reflexions propres a confirmer ce qui est avance" par Messrs. Chicoyneau,'Verny et Soulier, dans la relation du 10 decembre 1720, touchant la nature, les 6v6"uemens et le traite- ment de la peste de Marseille. Imprimees par ordre de Monsieur le Marquis de Vauvenargues . . . et de Mr. Buissou . . . [ Also: Relation suc- cincte touchant les accidens de la peste de Mar- seille, son prognostic, et sa curation.] 163 (11.), 32 pp. 12°. Aix, J. David, [1721]. Observations et reflexions sur les eaux ther- males sulfureuses de Vernet-les-Baius (Pyrenees- Orientales). 42 pp. 8'-'. [n. p., n. d.V [P., v. 1651.] Observations sur la requete presentee au roi par la Facult6 de m6decine de Paris, contre l'etablissement de la commission royale de me- decine. 40 pp. 4°. Louvain, Vanderbeck, junior, 1773. [P., v. 1403.] Observations and reports on the treatment of intermittent fever by phosphate of lime and sul- phur. 103 pp. 8°. Madras, D. P. L. C. Connor, 1852. [P., v. 1033.] Bepr. from : Rep. Madras Med. Board, 1852. Observations sur la saign6e du pied, [etc.] .See Hecquet (Philippe). Observations [etc.] Observations on the Statute 14 Geo. III., c. 49, for regulatiug madhouses, and on the bili now in progress through Parliament, for regulat- ing the treatment of insane persons. 16 pp. 8°. London, Lowe $■ Harrey, 1828. Observations on the structure of hospitals for the treatment of lunatics, and on the general principles on which the cure of insanity may be " OBSERVATIONS. 11 OBSTETRICIANS. Observations on the structure [etc.]—cont'd. most successfully conducted. To which is an- nexed au account of the intended establishment of a lunatic asylum at Edinburgh, viii (1 1.), 80, 10, 9, 15 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Edinburgh, A. Con- stable 4- Co., 1809. Observations on surgical diseases of the head and neck. Selected from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery of France. Transl. and edited by Drewry Ottley. x, 293 pp. 8~>. London, Sydenham Society, 1848. Observations on the virtues of Maddeu's veg- etable essence [etc.] See Madden. Observatioiium medicinalium fasciculus, vi, 18 pp. 4°. Londini, Whiston et White, [1740, vel subseq.~]. Observatoire meteorologique central de Mont- souris. Bulletins, 1869-72. 5 v. 4°. Paris, Chaurin, 18(39-72. Want all after March 31, 1872. Observatorio fisico-meteorol6gico de la Ha- bana. Resiimen de los meses enero-julio, setiem- bre, diciembre, 1875; enero, marzo-mayo, Ju- lio, setiembre, noviembre, 1876 ; julio, agosto, 1878. 4°. [Habana, 1875-8.] -----. Eu la escuela profesional de la Isla de Cuba. Observacioues [diario] desde 1° de enero de 1875 a 30 de noviembre de 1878. 4°. [Ha- bana, 1875-8..] Obsession. Stever (C. F.) * De obsessione, eademque spuria. 4°. Recusa Rostochii, [1724]. Obsliiua Sv. Georgija. Otchet Obshiuy Sv. Georgija za 1886 g. [St. George's Society report for 1886.] 234 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipog. N. A. Levedera, 1887. Obst (B. H.) Atlas der Anatomie. Separat-Aus- ga.be aus der zweiteu Auflage des Bilder-Atlas. 67 pp., 15 pi. obi. fol. Leipzig, F. A. Brock- haus, 1876. -----. The same. Schets van de ontleedkunde van den mensch. Verklareiide text behoorende bij deu atlas van de ontleedkunde van den meusch . . . Bewerkt door Dr. P. P. C. Hoek. viii, 259 pp. 8°. With atlas 15 col. pi. obi. 4°. Leiden, W. Sijthoff, [18>v]. Obst (Godofredus). * De morbis ex nimia et in- tempestiva venere oriundis. 32 pp. 4°. Hal® Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1725J. Obst (Hermann). * Studien fiber die Eutstehnug des Menschen und seiner Racen. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, [1863]. Obstetric (The) Gazette : a mouthly journal de- voted to obstetrics, with diseases of women and children. Edward B. Stevens,editor. [Monthly.] v. 1-11, July, 1878-88. 8°. Cincinnati. Current. In v. 4 K. B. Davy added as editor, v. 4 com- plete in 6 nos., July-Dec, 1881; v. 5 commenced Jan., 1882. In v. 6 J. C. Culbertson added; in v. 7-11 Dr. Cul- bertson sole editor. Obstetric Institute of Philadelphia. Under the charge of Joseph Warrington. [Announcement and catalogue for 1851.] 13 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, H. Evans, 1851. Contains list of pupils from Sept. term, 1837, to May, 1851. (Established 1837.) Obstetric Society of Edinburgh. Abstract of the proceediugs. Session 6.-8., 1846-7 to 1848-9, 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4- Knox, 1847-50. [6. session in P., v. 1167.] Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland, including midwifery and the diseases of women and children. Edited by James H. Aveliug and Alfred Wiltshire. [Monthly.] v. 1-8, April, 1873, to December, 1880. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill. v. 7 complete in 10 nos., April, 1879, to January, 1880. v. 8 commenced Jan. 15, 1880. v. 3-7, 1876-80, ed'ited by A. L. Galabin; v. 8 by G. Ernest Herman. Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland, including midwifery aud the diseases of women aud childreu. Edited by J. H. Ave- liug and A. Wiltshire. With an American sup- plement, edited by William F. Jenks. [Monthly. ] v. 1-8, April, 1873, to Dec, 1880. 8°. Philadel- phia, H. C. Lea. v. 4-7, 1876-80, of American supplement, edited by J. V. Ingham. The supplement discontinued after end of v. 7, January, 1880. Obstetrical Society of Boston. The constitu- tion and by-laws, with lists of officers and mem- bers, past and present. 23 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mitdge 4' Son, 1883. Obstetrical Society of London. Transactions. v. 1-29, 1859-88. 8°. London, 1860-88. -----. See, also : Catalogue and report of obstetrical and other instruments exhibited at the conversazione of the Obstetrical Society of London. 8°. London, 18(17. Jjibrary of the Obstetrical Society of London. Cata- logue of the . . . being a list of donations to the Society from its foundation to December, 1862. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1863, iv, 2S5-338. -----. The same. From its foun- dation to December, 1874. Ibid., 1876, xvii, app., 1-140.— ITIt-etiiig to consider the proposition of the council for the removal of Mr. J. B. Brown.' Brit. M. J., Lond., 1807, i, 395 ; 410. Obstetricians (Male). See, also, Labor ; Midwives ; Obstetrics. Blunt (J.) Man-midwifery dissected ; or, the obstetric family instructors, for the use of mar- ried couples, and single adults of both sexes. Containiug a display of the management of every class of labours by men and boy-mid- wives; also of their cunuiug, iudeceut, and cruel practices. Instructions to husbauds how to counteract them. A plan for the complete in- struction of women who possess promising tal- ents, iu order to supercede male practice. Vari- ous arguments and quotations proving that man-midwifery is a personal, a domestic, aud a national evil. In fourteen letters, addressed to A. Hamilton, occasioned by certain doctrines contained in his letters to Dr. W. Osborn. 12°. London, [1793]. Browne (J.) The accoucheur; a letter to the Rev. Mr. Tattersall, of Liverpool, on the evils of man-midwifery, occasioned by some remarks made during the debate in the case of Dr. Nevins, [etc.] 8-. London, [1857]. Danger (The) and immodesty of the present too general custom of unnecessarily employing men-midwives. Being the letters which lately appeared under the siguature of a man-midwife. With an introduction, a treatise on the milk, and an appendix. With corrections by the author. 8°. London, 1772. Gregory (G.) Medical morals, illustrated with plates and extracts from medical works, designed to show the pernicious social and moral influence of the present system of medical prac- tice, and the importance of establishing female medical colleges and educating and employing female physicians for their own sex. 8°. New York, 1852. Gregory (8.) Man-midwifery exposed and corrected; or, the employment of men to attend wonieu iu child-birth, and in other delicate cir- cumstances, shown to be a modern innovation, unnecessary, unnatural, and injurious to the physical welfare of the community . . . together with remarks on the use and abuse of ether, and Dr. Channing's "Cases of inhalation of ether in labor". 8°. Boston, 1848. Hecquet (P.) De l'iudecence aux hommes d'accoucher les femnies, et de 1'obligation aux femmes de nourir lenrs enfauts. 12°. Paris, 1708. -----. The same. 18°. Bruxelles, 1881. OBSTETRICIANS. 12 OBSTETRICS. Obstetricians (Mole). Nihell (Elizabeth). La cause de l'humanite, referee au tribunal du bon sens et de la raison; ou traite sur les accouchemens par les femmes. Ouvrage tres-utile aux sages-femmes et tres- interessant pour les families. Trad, de l'anglois. 8°. Paris, 1771. Proprietas. Au address to the public on the propriety of midwives instead of surgeons prac- ticing midwifery. 8°. London, 1825. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1825. Stevens (J.) Man-midwifery exposed; or, the danger and immorality of employing men in midwifery proved and the remedy for the evil fouud. Addressed to the Society for the Sup- pression of Vice. 8°. London, 1849. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8U. London, [1866?] -----. Extracts, etc., from: Man-midwifery exposed, or the danger and immorality of em- ploying men in midwifery proved; aud the remedy for the evil found ; addressed to the So- ciety for the Suppression of Vice; together with the celebrated letter of Sir Antony Carlisle to the Times newspaper. 8°. [London, 1856.] Adams (J.) On midwives and accoucheurs. Med. & Phys. J., Lond.. 1816, xxxv, 84-88— Floy-M-up (A.) Om en TJdvidelsc af Lsegens Virksomhid sum Fodelsels- hjielpei'. [Increase of demand for physicians as accou- cheurs ] Hosp-Tid., Kjobenh, 1884,^ 2. K.. ii, 319-324.— Wrt'llinri (K. YV.) Bora lakare ataga sig varden af normala fdrloss ningar'. [Should physicians attend nat- ural labors?] Eira, Uoteborg, 1884, viii, 283; 317. Obstetric*. See, also, Anaesthetics in obstetrics; Anti- mony ( Tartarized) in obstetrics; Antiseptics in obstetrics; Baptism; Birth (Multiple); Calabar (Old); Chloroform in obstetrics; Electricity in obstetrics; Ergot; Ether (Sulphuric) in obstetrics; Forceps (Obstetric, History, etc., of); Gynaecol- ogy ; Gynaecology (Journals, etc., of); Haem- orrhage (Uterine) in pregnancy, etc.; Labor ; Midwives; Museums; Opium in pregnancy, etc.; Pelvis; Perineum; Pilocarpus, etc.; Pla- centa ; Pregnancy; Puerperal state; Quadru- plets ; Quintuplets; Sacred embryology; Sacro- iliac junction; Septuplets; Sextuplets; Sym- physis (Pelvic); Syphilis (Communication of); Triplets; Twins; Umbilical cord; Uterus; Va- gina ; Version. Atkinson (W. B.) The address in obstetrics. Delivered before the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874. Bainbridge (R.) * De rebus obstetricis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1824. Barker (G.) Oratio de iis, quas artis obste- tricia- utilitatem augere possunt, et gratam magis acceptamque reddere. 4°. Groning®, [1811]. Bedford ( G. S. ) An introductory lecture. Session 1845-6. New York University, depart- ment of medicine. 8°. New York, 1845-6. -----. A lecture introductory to a course on obstetrics and the diseases of women aud chil- dren. Session 1847-8. 8°. New York, 1847. Berlin (W.) Ars longa, vita brevis. Rede- voerin»- bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleer- aarsambt iu de ontleedkunde. 8°. Amsterdam, 18(i4. Braithwaite (W.) & Braithwaite (J.) A commentary on midwifery aud the diseases of women and children, for the last half year, with the opinions of the best writers on the subject. 8°. London, 1867. Bepr. from: Braithwaite's Retrospect, Lond., 1867, lvi. -----------. The same. 8°. London, 1870. Bepr. from: Braithwaite's Retrospect, 1870, lxi. Bryant (G. S.) Report of the committee on obstetrics. 8 . Louisville, Ky., 1*69. IU'tt.ner {G.) *De ideis artis obstetrician quibusdam. sm. 4°. Jence, [1800]. Obstetrics. Busey (S. C.) First annual address of the president . . . before the Washington Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. 8°. New York, 1884. Bepr. from. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1884, xvii. Byrne (J. A.) Introductory lecture. 12°. Dublin, 1860. Chantreuil (E.) *Des applications de l'his- tologie a l'obstetrique. 8°. Paris, 1*72. Delmas (E.) *Des droits respectifs de la na- ture et de l'art dans la pratique obstetricale. 8°. MontpeUier, 1848. Doudement (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur quel- ques-uns des accidens graves qui surviennent pendant la grossesse naturelle et l'accouchement, et sur la grossesse extra-uterine. 4°. Paris, 1826. Duncan (J. M.) Address in obstetric medi- cine . . . British Medical Association . . . 8 '. London, 1874. Dupuy (C. F. N.) * De balneis ante, in et post partnm. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1778]. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T.) Svlloge op. min. [etc.] 8°. Lipsice, 1796, ii, 401-436. vander Eem (N.) *De artis obstetrician ho- diernorum pran veterum prsestantia, ratioue par- tus natnralis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1783. Also, in: Schleoel(J. C. T.) Syllogeop. min. [etc.] 8°. Lipsice, 1795, i, 15-98. Gusserow (A. L. S.) Quemadmodum ars ob- stetricia et gymecologia litterarnm medicarum discipliuse peculiares extiterint? Oratio. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1867. Hachim (H.) "Observations pratiques sur les principaux obstacles et accidents que le mede- cin doit eviter et combattre pour sauver la vie de la mere et de l'enfant, et pour conserver leur sante pendant et apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1862. Haendler (J. G.) * Diss, inaug. iu qua cu- ram gravidarum et puerperarum exponet. 4°. Vitemberg®, 1723. Halbertsma (J. H.) Vroedkunde, vroedmees- ter, vroedvrouw. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Halbertsma (T.) De voortreft'elijkheid der hedendaagsche verloskuiide. Redevoeriug ter aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt aan de Hoogeschool te Grouingen den 28 Junij 1866. 8°. Groningen, 1866. Harris (W.) Lecture iutroductory to a course on obstetrics and the diseases of women and children. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. Hayden (G. T.) A lecture, introductory to a course on midwifery and diseases of females and children. 8°. Dublin, 1832. Hirt (F. G. L.) * Diss, sistens observationes quasdam ad artem obstetriciam pertineutes. 4 -\ Jen®, [1784]. Hodge (H. L.) A lecture, introductory to the course on obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the University of Pennsylvania. 8°. Philadelphia, 1835. -----. Lecture, introductory to the course on obstetrics and the diseases of women and children in the University of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1836. -----. An introductory lecture to the course on obstetrics and diseases of women and children. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838. -----. An introductory lecture to the course on obstetrics and diseases of women and children. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*39. -----. An introductory lecture to the course of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*40. -----. An introductory lecture to the course on obstetrics and diseases of women and children. 8C. Philadetyhia, 1846. OBSTETRICS. 13 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics. Hohl (A. F.) Vortriige iiber die Geburt des Menschen. 8°. Halle, 1845. Isdell (J.) Introductory lecture on midwif- ery. 12°. Dublin, 1869. Jamieson (J.) Introductory lecture to the course on obstetrics at the University of Mel- bourne. 8°. [Melbourne], 1879. Jcerg (J. C. G.) Ueber die Stellung der Ge- burtshiilfe zur Arzneikunst. 8°. Leipzig, 1831. -----. [Pr. ] praxin obstetrician] in posterum non chirurgis sed medicis universal artis saluta- ris peritis esse concedendam. 4°. [ LJpsi®, 1843.] -----. [Pr.] de medici obstetricii institu- tioue atque informatione. Part. i. 4°. [Lipsi®, 1844.] -----. The same. Part. ii. 4°. r Lipsi®, 1844. ] -----. The same. Part. iii. 4°. [Lipsice, 1845.] -----. The same. Part. iv. 4°. Lipsi®, [1845]. Jones (T. D.) *An essay on the importance of the obstetrick art. 8°. Baltimore, 1812. Keller (J. C. G.) * Fragmenta quandam ob- stetricia. 4°. Lipsi®, 1802. Kennedy (E.) Introductory address deliv- ered at the first meeting of the Dublin Obstetri- cal Society. 8°. Dublin, 1839. Kilian (H. F.) Die Geburtslehre von Seiten der Wissenschaft und Kunst dargestellt. 2. Aufl. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1847-52. Knebel (I. G.) Grundriss zu einer Zeichen- lehre der gesaminteu Entbindungswissenschaft. 8°. Bresslau, 1798. Ladreit-De-Lacondamine (C.-L.-H.) * Sur les devoirs du m6decin accoucheur. 4°. Paris, 1831. Langguth (C. A.) [Pr.] de cura qua respu- blica prosequi debeat rem obstetriciam. Sect. i. sm. 4°. Wittenberg®, [1782]. -----. The same. Sect. ii. Subsidia com- plectens ad rem obstetriciam emendandam efiB- cacissima. sm. 4°. Witteberg®, 1788. -----. The same. Sect, ultima. Sumtusfon- tesque redituum exponens quibus consilia ad emendaudam rem obstetriciam prolata perlici possunt. sm. 4°. Witteberg®, 1789. Leake (J.) A course of lectures on the theory aud practice of midwifery, [etc.] 4°. London, 1767. -----. A syllabus of lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery, including the pa- thology or general doctrine of acute and chronic diseases incident to women aud childreu, with their treatment and cure. 4C. London, 1776. -----. The same. 4°. London, 1782. -----. A lecture introductory to the theory and practice of midwifery, including the history, nature, and tendency of that science, with a view of its several branches and the proper means of attaining a proper knowledge of the whole, to- gether with animadversions on the qualification and deportment of an accoucheur. 4°. London, [1773]. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 177A. -----. The same. 3. ed. 4C. London, 1776. -----. The same. 4. ed. 4°. London, 1782. -----. Introduction to the theory and prac- tice of midwifery, comprehending the most ef- fectual means of attaining true principles of that science; with animadversions ou the qualifica- tions and deportment of an accoucheur, to which are added a description of the author's new for- ceps; also a syllabus of obstetric lectures pub- licly delivered at his theatre in Craven street, London. 8°. London, 1787. Obstetrics. -----. The same. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber verschiedeue Krankheiteu der Kindbette- rinnen und Schwaugern, nebst der Beschreibung eiuer neuen Zange zur Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Leip- zig, 1775. von Leeuven (L.) * De artis obstetrician ho- dieruorum prse veterum prsestantia, ratione partus difficilis et pneternaturalis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1783. Also, in: Schlegel. Sylloge op. min. [etc.] 8°. Lip- sice, 1795, i, 99-186. Leithoff (M. L.) * Meletemata quondam ob- stetricia. 4°. Jen®, [1803]. Malartic (J.-B.) * Considerations generales sur la grossesse, les accouchemens naturels et contre-nature. 4°. Paris, 1831. Manly (J. R.) Introductory address to the students in medicine of the College of Physicians aud Surgeons of the University of the State of New York. 8°. New York, 1839. Martin (A.) Ueber die Geburtshilfe auf der Hohe der Wissenschaft. 8°. [Miinchen], 1853. Mazzoni (G. B.) Discorso accademica sull' ostetricia aspettante pronunziato nel darpriuci- pio alle lezioni di ostetricia teorico-pratica. 8°. Firenze, 1833. Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Mary- land. Report of the committee [W. Chew, Van Bibber, C. O'Donovan, and G. Morgan] upon obstetrics, to the Medical and Chirurgical Fac- ulty of Maryland. June, 1855. 8°. Baltimore, 1855. Metcalf (J. G.) The study and practice of midwifery. 8°. Boston, 1856. Morieu (A.) *Diss. contenant en abrege un traite mecanique et faisonue sur l'art de l'accou- chement. 4°. Gripswalde, 1769. Nistler (J. L.) * De generalibus artis ob- stetriciie indicationibus. sm. 4°. Jen®, [1800]. Nolde (A. F.) Ueber die Greuzen der Natur und Kunst in der Geburtshiilfe. 2. Aufl. 12°. Erfurt, 1817. Ostertag. Memoire [coucernaut quelques discussions sur Particle des accouchemens]. 4°. [Strasbourg, 1781.] Palman (J.-F.) *Diss. sur la gestation, et les accouchemens contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1814. Pare (A.) Deux livres de chirurgie. 1. De la generation de l'homme, et maniere d'extraire les enfans hors du ventre de la mere; ensemble ce qu'il faut faire pour la faire mieux, et plus tost accoucher, avec la cure de plusieurs maladies qui luy peuveut survenir. 2. Des monstres tant terrestres que marins, avec leurs portrais. Plus un petit traite des plaies faites aux parties ner- veuses. 16°. Paris, 1573. Penrose (R. A. F.) Introductory lecture to a course on obstetrics. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Plknk (J. J.) Anfangsgriiude der Geburts- hilfe. 8°. Wien, 1795. du Pui (M. S.) Oratio initialis de legum na- turalium vi et ratione, in usum artis chirurgican atque obstetrician prudeuter adhibendis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1791. Radou (A.-V.) *Sur quelques accidents de la grossesse et de l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1860. Roberton (J.) An apology for the study of midwifery as a science. 8°. Manchester, 1832. Roederer (J. G.) Oratio de artis obstetrician pnestantia. 4°. Gotting®, 1752. Sanger (W. M. H.) De onvolkomenheid der verloskundige wetenschap. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1867. Sager (A.) Report on obstetrics. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1869. OBSTETRICS. 14 OBSTETRICS. Obstetric*. Schauta (F.) Grundriss der operativen Ge- burtshilfe fiir praktische Aerzte und Studirende. b . Wien u. Leipzig, 1885. ScHWEKiiiXusER (J. F.) Das Gebiireu nach der beobachteten Natur und die Geburtshiilfe nach dem Ergebnisse der Erfahrung. 8°. Strassburg, 1825. von Sikbold (E.) Oratio ad iuaugurandum institutum obstetrieiuin. 4°. Berolini, [1818]. vox Siebold (E. C. J.) * Commentatio exhi- beus disquisitionem an ars obstetricia sit pars chirurgia' * 4°. Gotting®, 1824. Simpson (A. R.) Introductory lecture on the ninth International Medical Congress and Ameri- can gynecology, with a scheme for uniformity in obstetric nomenclature, delivered at the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, October 19, 1887. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1887. Storer (D. H.) Report of the committee on obstetrics of the American Medical Association. 8°. Philadelphia, 1851. Tieboel (C. J.) *Ad arteni obstetriciam, chirurgiam praxiu, et physiologiam spectantes. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1755. Tolver (A.) The present state of midwifery iu Paris, with a theory of the cause aud mechan- ism of labour. 8°. London, 1770. Vogleii (J. P.) Erfahrungen fiber Geburt uud Geburtshiilfe. 16'--. Marburg, 1797. Voigtel (F. G.) *Fragmenta semiologian ob- stetricia-. 4-. Hal®, [1790]. Walter. Geburtshiilfe. 1. Theil. Nach dem Vortrage des Prof. Walter nachgeschriebeu von Kleberg, sm. 4°. Dorpat, 1840. Walter (J. G.) Was ist Geburtshiilfe? Vor- gelesen iu der kouiglichen Akadeniie der Wisseu- scbafteu zu Berlin. 12°. Berlin, 1808. Weiss (L. S.) Die Geburtskuude mit Ein- schluss der wichtigsten Krankheiten der Sell wan- geren, der Wochneriuneu und der neugeborenen Kinder fiir Lernende und Exaniinanden, in ge- driingter Kiirze dargestellt mit einem Inbaltsver- zeichniss uud Register. 8°. Berlin, 1847. YViltbank (J.) A plea for obstetrics. Intro- ductory lecture to the course of midwifery, in the medical department of Pennsylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. -----. The introductory lecture to the course of midwifery in the medical department of Penn- sylvania College. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Zeller (S.) Grundsiitze der Geburtsbilfe. 8°. Wien, 1781. de Alarcon (G.) Objeto y limites de la obstetricia. An. de obst., ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1881, 2. ep., i, s-H —Atkinson (w. B.) The address iu obstetrics. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1874, x, 76-116.—Anvard & Nrrhrvion (L.) L'hypnotisme et la suggestion en ob- stctrique. Arch, detocol , Par., 1888, xv, 27; 78; 146. Also, Keprint.—Bachiller (J. J. G.) Dos palabras a. los inipa- cientes en obstetricia. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1859, vi, 116.— Barn I'm (R.) An address on obstetric medicine and its position in medical education. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1*75, ii, :s:s-:i.->. Also : Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875, iii, 289-299.— Bealty (T. E.) [Address delivered at the opening of tin 25th session of the Dublin Obstetrical .Society.] Dub- lin (}. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxw. 177-186. Also, Reprint. -----. Address in midwifery, delivered at the 37th annual meet- ing of the British Medical Association. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 137-143.—Bolzoni (G.) Introduzione ad un corso libero teorico di ostetricia operatoria. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Yenezia, 1887, vi. 525-544.—Boinpiaui (A.) La profilassi nella pratica privatadell'ostetricia ; proposta di un regolamento per lelevatrici. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 188li-7, viii, 370-378.— Biotis (H. J.) Eenblik op de tegeawoordige rigting der verloskundige wetenschap. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., TTtrecht, 1849, iii, 1-20.-----. Het standpunt der tegenwoordige wetenschap omtrent de leer der kuustmiddelen, die wij bij baringen met" bekken- vernaauwing moeten aanweuden, onderzocht en getoetst. Ibid., 1851, iv, 110-127.—Bryant (G. I.) [Report of the committee on] gynaecology. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1871, 40-58, 1 pt. Also, Reprint.—Buchman (A. P.) Faulty midwifery, and its relations to gynecology. OhNtclric'K. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1880, iii, 62-66.—van tier Burs (C. L.) (Verlosk unde.) In his: Degenee.sk. in Nederl.-Indie, 's Gravenh., 1884, i, 70-80: 1887, ii, 802-804.—Buwcy (S. C.) Address in obstetrics aud diseases of women and children. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1876, xxvii, 201-291. Also, Reprint.—t'azz.ani (L.) I'relczione al corso di ostetricia e ginecologia nella R. I'uiversita di Cagliari. Cazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1877, 7. s., iv, 371 ; 381.— t'hazau (S. J.) Antiscptika v chastnoi akush. prakt. [Antiseptic in obstetrics.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1887, i, 411-427.—Churchill (F.) An address delivered at the opening of the obstetric section at the an- nual meeting of the British Medical Association, in Nor- wich, August, 1874. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1874, ii. 223-225.— Corson (H.) Thoughts on midwifery. Med. iV Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1879, xl, 3; 49; 133; 267; 291.—Bavi* (J. H.) The introductory lecture to a course of lectures on midwifery and diseases of women and children. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 209-216. -----. Annual address of the president. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1868, x, 14: I860, xi, 1.1.—DaviM (R.) Address in obstetrics. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila,, 1876, xi, pt. 1, 64-83. Also, Reprint— Besorincaux. Couche ou couches. Diet, dc med., 2. ed., Par., 1835, ix, 186-204.—Duncan (J. M.) On al- coholism in gynaecology and obstetrics. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii', 873-886.— JSb»worfh (A.) .Midwifery. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 565-568.—Feint (F. L.) Beurtheilung der Operations-Lehre fiir Gebuitshelfer von Herrmann Friedrich Kilian. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1835, ii, 436-464. Also, Reprint—Fort (0. H.) Our duties and remedies to woman during gestation and in the lying-in chamber. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgom- ery, 1881, xxxiv, 307-325.—Oassner (!'. K.) Leber die Vcriindcrungen des Korpergewichtes bei Schwangeren, Gebarendcn und Wbcbnerinnen. Inaugural-Dissertation. Monatschr. f. Gehnrtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1862, xix, 1-68 —<>ibboiiN (H.) A protest against meddlesome midwifery. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1879-80, xxii, 361-371.—(iraf. Etwas iiber die bisherigen Darstelluu- gen der Geburtshiilfe, nebst einem Anhange iiber das Ver- haltniss derselben zur Medicin und Chirurgie. Lucina, Leipz., 1805, ii, 2. s., 16-33.—*i uiuirrow (A. L. S.) Qiuemadmoduin ars obstetricia et gyuaecologia litterarum medicarum discipline j)eculiares exstiterint. Ann. Acad. [Neerl.] Haga'-Comitis et Lugd. Hat., 1871. 191-214.— Hamilton (G.) Remarks on obstetrics. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 324 ; 420.—Hand (K.) Entwurf eines Sys- tems der Geburtshiilfe als reine Wissenschaft dargestellt; nebst Bemerkungen voin Herausgcber. Lucina, Leipz., 1808, iv, 31-54.—Hewitt (G.) On midwifery. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i. 319-321. -----. President's address. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1869, xi, 27-31.—Hit-Its (J. B.) The presi- dent's annual address. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1873, xv, 16-27.—lloi't (W. P.) Report of the committee on mid- wifery and the diseases of women and children. N. Oil. M. &'S. J.. 1852-3. ix, 472; 567.—Jen Its (E. W.) Report upon obstetrics. Detroit M. J., 1877. n. s., i, 648-660. Also, Reprint.—Johnson (J. T.) [An address delivered be- fore the Academy of Medicine, "Washington, D. C., Oct. 26, 1871.] Nat. ' M. J., "Wash., 1871-2, ii, 405-427. Also, Reprint.—Kaschk a roll' (J. A.) TJeber Ausfiih- runggeburtshilflicherOperationen im Wasser. (Vorlaulige Mittheilung.) Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1887, xi, 719.— KoilNola* (D.) Aoyo? eio-errjpios en; to fia,iinj.n t>)<; /ttaiei/- Ti/cijs. 'Ao-KArjTridt, Afliji-ai, 1870-71, ix, 325-345. —l,ee (0. C.) The future influence of surgery upon obstetrical art. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1886. xxix, 670-673. [Discussion], 685.— Lever (J. C. W.) Clinical lectures on midwifery, deliv- ered at Guy's Hospital, session 1845-6. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. a., i' 1223-1229. Also, Reprint,—lMcOlasltey (B.) The aspirator in midwifery. Louisville M. Xews, 1880, ix, 213—McClintock (A.H.) International Medical Congress; section of obstetric medicine and surgery; opening address. .Med. Times i<.cii**i©n sur la cou- vade chez les Basques. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1883, 3. s., vi, 366-372.— J>iscu*»ion sur les Galibis et la cmr- vade. Ibid., 1882. 3. s., v, 002-671.—CSnriiianii (C. F.) De tonitiu obstetricaute. Misc. Acad. uat. curios. 1699- OBSTETRICS. 16 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Curiosities and siqwrstitions of)- 1700, Francof. et Lips., 1702, decuria iii, vii-viii, 243.— Hamill. Momiim; sickness in the husband. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 024.—Ii[ee] (W.) A case of labor as described by a popular novelist (Zola). Boston M. & S. J., 1882. cvi, 549-551.—.'laurel. De la couvade. Bull. Soc. danthrop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 542-551. — Paullini (C. F.) Maritus cum pari en te uxore unae gravissime pa- tiens. In his: Obs. med.-phys., 12°, Lips., 1706, 311.— Kommeliu* (P.) Parturientium et obstetricantium ridiculi et superstitiosi ritus. Misc. Acad. uat. curios. 1689, Xorimb., 1690, decuria ii, viii, 438-444. — Shapard (J. C.) Unique obstetrical case. [Delivered on a moun- tain during a hurricane; took off her gown and wrapped up the child and after-birth in it, the cord being unrup- tured, and walked two miles to her cottage] Nashville J. M. & S., 1857, xii, 190. —Zola (E.) Deux accouche- ments laborieux. [.From: La Terre.] ficho d. soc. et ass. vet. de France, Lyon, 1888, x, 18-29. Obstetrics (Diagnosis in). See, also, Abdomen (Exploration of); Auscul- tation ( Obstetric); Labor ( Presentations in ); Labor (Pulse in); Pelvimeters; Pregnancy (Signs, etc., of). Alther (D.) * Ueber die geburtshiilfliche Uu- tersuchung. 8°. Wurzburg, [1823]. Beaulieux (A.) * Du toucher dans la pra- tique des accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1853. Birnbaum (F. H. G.) Zeichenlehre der Ge- burtshu'lfe nach den Ergebnissen der Explora- tion. 8°. Bonn, 1844. Boukdix (L. M.) * Essai diagnostic du vo- lume foetal (dela tete en particulier) au point de vue de la dystocie. 4°. Paris, 1885. Cantegril (J.-P.) * Dissertation sur les avantages du toucher dans la pratique des ac- coucheinens. 4°. Paris, 1816. Conradi (A. C.) * De auscultatione obstetri- cia. 12°. Christian®, 1837. Corlay (A.) * Du toucher vaginal en obste"- trique, de son importance dans la pratique des accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1874. Dot (J.-R.) *Du toucher cousid6r6 sous le rapport des accouchemens. 4°. Strasbourg, an XII (1803). Elias (C. F.) Versuch einer Zeichenlehre der Geburtshiilfe. 12c. Marburg, 1798. Gardien(C.-M.) *Du toucher. Concours pour la chaire d'accouchemeut. 4°. Paris, [1811]. van Haagen (A. W.) * Bijdrage tot de aus- cultatorische verschijnseleu bij gravidae. 8°. Utrecht, 1879. Helfer (G.) * De usu explorationis internae ad terminum in ultimis mensibus graviditatis reperiendum. 8°. Halis Sax., 1806. Hensler (F.) De exploratione obstetricia. 8-. Altoni® et Lipsi®, 1791. vox Herder (\V. G.) Znr Erweiterung der Geburtshiilfe. Diaguostisch-praktische Beitriige. 12°. Leipzig, 1803. Hohl (A. F.) Die geburtshiilfliche Explora- tion. 2 v. ?.': Halle, 1833-4. Hi'gard (L.) * De l'utilite" du toucher et du palper en obst^trique. 4°. Paris, 1866. Knebel (I. G.) Grnndriss zu einer Zeichen- lehre der gesammten Entbindungswisseuschaft. Zuin Gebrauch fiir angeheude Geburtshelfer. 8". Bresslau, 1798. Koch (V. F.) *Xonnulla ad explorationem obstetriciam pertiueutia. 8U. Dorpat, 1846. Maigxe (P.) Du toucher consider^ sous le rapport des accouchements. 8°. Paris, 1839. Malacarxe ([M.] N. [G.]) La esplorazione proposta come fondamento dell' arte ostetricia. 12°. Milano, 1791. Mangor (C E.) * De exploratione obstetricia. sm. 4°. Havni®, [1764]. Marchal (E.) * Etude du palper abdominal dans ses applications au diagnostic de la grossesse. 4. Strasbourg, 1864. Obstetrics (Diagnosis in). Morgenbesskr (J. G.) Abhandlung von der Nothwendigkeit des Zufiihlens. 1. St. Nebst einer Anzeige seiner Vorlesungeu. 4°. Breslau, [1773]. Pajusco (F.) Sulla diagnosi ostetrica studj. 8-\ Roma, 1877. Pixard (A.) Tratado del tacto abdominal bajo el punto de vista de la obstetricia y de la version por maniobras externas. Vertida al cas- tellano por R. M. Esteban. 8°. Madrid, 1880. Imperfect; all after p. 136 wanting. -----. The same. Tratado de la palpacion abdomiual [etc. ] 3. ed. 8°. Aleala de Henares, 1883. Ribbing (S.) * Om den s. k. yttre undersok- ningens anviinding inom obstetriken. 8°. Stock- holm, 1871. von Riecke (L.) Der Uebungskursus in der geburtshiilflichen Diagnostik. Anleitung zur methodischen Voruahme solcher Uebuugen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1846. Rousset (P.) Des avantages du toucher dans l'exercice de l'art des accouchemens. 83. Paris, an AT [1803]. Schwarzer (F. B.) *Diss. sistens explora- tionem obstetriciam. 12°. Vindobon®, 1834. Stammler (A.) * Ueber das Verhalten des Mutteriunndes als diagnostisch geburtsbiilfliches Zeichen. 8°. Giessen, 1860. Thurm (C. F.) * De exploratione obstetricia manuali externa. 8°. Jen®, [1842], Upmanx (C. F.) * Die Untersuchuug des Weibes wahrend der Schwangerschaft und Geburt. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1830. Voigtel (F. W.) Bruchstucke aus der Zei- chenlehre der Entbindungskunst. Aus dem La- teinischen iibersetzt vou C. F. E. 12°. ' Mar- burg, 1799. Belin. De la valeur du palper abdominal comme mo- yen de determiner la position du foetus et surtout de recti- fier les presentations vicieuses, soit avant, soit pendant le travail de l'accouchement. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1866, 98; 125. AIso, Reprint.—Budiu (P.) Du diagnostic, pen- dant la grossesse, de la presentation definitive de l'extre- mite pelvienne. Union med., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxii, 613; 625.—Chadwick (■!. R.) Palpation in obstetrics as prac- ticed iu Germany. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, x, 109; 128. Also. Reprint.—Coghill (J. G. S.) Address iu obstetric medicine. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1881, ii. 271-278. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 314-320.—C'ohiiKteiii. Zur intrauterinen Craniometrie. Centralbl. f. Gvuiik., Leipz., 1878, ii, 516.—Dubois (P.) Toucher (obst6tfique>, Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1844, xxix, 676-683.—"DueIi (.J - Cuatropalabras sobre el diagn6stico de las presentacioncs del feto. Independ. med., Barcel., 1869-70, i, 4-7.—Dun- can (J. M.) >lote on intrauterine craniometry. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xx, 1083-1086.—Duvivier. Moyen de s'as- surer si e'est le somrnet qui se presente lorsque la tunieur sanguine est tres-prononcee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 538.—Edis (A. W.) On the systematic examina- tion of the abdomen, with view to rectifying malpositions of the foetus in cases of labour. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1873, xiv, 331-339.—Fasbcnder. Sichei esdiagnostisches Zeichen fiir die Erkennung des Knpfes bei Stciss- und Schietlage in der Wahrnehmung der sogenannten perga- mentartigen Beschatl'enheit der Schadclknocheu durch die Bauchdecken. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1869, xxii, 42-47. Also: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiii, 435-440. Also, Reprint- Fuller (H. R.) A case of spurious labour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 1162. — Ooodell (W.) Cause of doubt- ful diagnosis of presentation in cases of labour. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1863-74, n. s., iv, 263. Also: Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1869, n. s., lvii, 391. — Ouzzoui (A.) I vantaggi dell' ascoltazione ostetrica. Gior. p. le leva- trici, Milano, 1887, i, 6; 12; 21.—Ilasjen. Zeichenlehre fur Geburtshelfer. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1789-90 ii, 1. St., 39: 1791, iii, 48; 348: 1792-3, iv, 197— Halberts- ma (H.) Die Diagnose des Sftzes der Placenta durch Probepunktionen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1881, v, 97-90— llai'tinnu (J.) Abdominal palpation as a mode of diagnosing foetal positions and conditions. St. Louis (our. Med.. 1879, ii, 148-158.—Ilennig i('.) Antrag fiir eine gemcingiiltige Bezeichnung der Ft nelitstellun"en Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1870, i, 4«7-4!tx.—Horrjjou "f.- J.) Toucher. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1883, OBSTETRICS. 17 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Diagnosis in). xxxv, 672-0S7.—Iloaj; (•!.<'.) The importance of abdom- inal palpation in obstetrical diagnosis. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1887. xvi. 393-397.—Hubert. De l'examen du ventre, cousidere au point de vtte obstetrical. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1850, 1, 125-130.—Hubert (E.) Notice historiquc sur le palper abdominal et les manoeu- vres extetnes en obstetriquc. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., I860. 2. s , xl. 161-163. — | lliitcr.] Geburtshiilfliche Uiitersueluing. Enevclopadtsches Wdrterbueh d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1815, xxxiv. 470-601.—Knox (A.) In- testinal obstruction giving rise to symptoms simulating the pains of labour. Lond. J. M., 1850. ii, 823.—Kyle (W. P.) Fetal physical diagnosis. Columbus M. J., 1885-0, iv, 293-295.—Ijnbarraque (E.) Du palper ab- dominal cousidere au point de vue obstetrical. Gaz. obst., Par.. 1878, vii. 1-5. Also: Gaz. med. de Bordeaux, 1878, vii. 50-52. — I.ange (W.) Zur geburtshiilnichen Scmiotik. Monatschr. f. Geiiurtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1807, xxix, 170-197.- Also, Reprint.—Lawrence (A. E. A.) Cases illustrating the significance of vaginal examination in ob- obstetric practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 443.— Vliirchioniicschi (O.) Termometriain ostetricia. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1881, iii, 26-37. -----. Nouvelles recher- che^ lietomettiques en reponse a une revue critique de M. 1" Bndiu. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1881, viii, 604-607.— Tin iii u (E.) Vorlesung eiues SchreibensdesDr. Pfeilfer in Demtniu: Feber die Erkenntniss des Sitzes der Pla- centa dutch Palpation des Fnterleibes vor der Geburt. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxi 112-114. A Iso: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Gcbttt tsh. in Berl. 1808. xx, 200-203.—Montgomery (E. E.) The value of external examination and manipulation as a means of di- agnosis in obstetrics. Med. & Sura. Reporter, Phila., 1883, xlix, 31)3-397.—iVlmide (P. F.) The diagnosis and treat- mentofobstetriccascs bvexternal (abdominal) examination and manipulation. Am'. J. Obst.. X. V.. 1879, xii, 490; 707: 1880, xiii, 335. Also, Reprint —Neville (W. C.) Physi- cal examination of the abdomen in labour patients, being portion of a thesis on " The modes of examining labour patients ", in the Uuiv, of Dubl. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., lxxii, 313-320.—OlxhaiiMii (R.) Ueber die nach- tragliche Diagnose des Geburtsverlaufes aus den Veran- derungen am Schiidel des nettgeborenen Kindes. Samml. klin. Vortr. Xo. 8, Leipz., 1870 (Gyniik., No. 3), 53-74.— I'nlper (On) abdominal comme moyen de diagnostic en obstetriquc. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii, 480-490.—Parvin (T.) Obstetric palpation and auscul- tation: clinical lecture. Coll. &. Clin. Rec, Phila., 1884, v, 163-166. — Pfcillcr. Ueber die Erkenntniss des Sitzes der Placenta durch Palpation des Uutctleibes vor der Ge- burt. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1808, XX, 200-203.—Pistes (X.) Ilepl ecrriwi' axpoacrews iv rrj HaievTiKij. raAr)>/bs, 'Aflijxai, 1884, IB', 196-20U.—Plltiloff. K planigt aphii v akusherstve. [The planigraph in obstet- rics.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1881, vi, 2015-2617.— von Ritgcu. labor den Worth der Unterscheiduug von Ltige und Stcllung des dem Muttermuude zugeweu- dcten Kindesthciles. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1848. xxiv, 168-183. — Kivierc. Etude sur la valour de la pal- pation de l'epaule comme moyen de diagnostic des positions du soinmct. Ann. de gyncc, Par., 1886, xxvi, 252-269.— Naxtorph (M.) Von den verschiedenen Umstaiiden, welche verhinderu, die Xiilite der Hirnschale und ihre Foutanellen wiihrend dor Geburt zu flnden. In his: Ges. Schrift. geburtsh. . . . Inhalts, 8°, Kopenh., 1804. 250- 258. — Sccrviui (P.) Istero cranionietro. Morgagni, Na- poli, 1881, xxiii, 584-588.—.*>loclt;ir78-9. Clarke (J.) Practical essays on the manage- ment of pregnancy and labour, and on the in- flammatory and febrile diseases of lying-in women. -D. London, 1793. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8r. London, 1806. Obstetric* [Essays and observations on). Clay (C.) The British Record of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, for 184* and 1*49: con- sisting of original papers on midwifery, aud the diseases of women and children ; a collection of rare and valuable monographs of ancient and modern writers; a retrospective digest of Euro- pean journals for 1848 and 1849; Encyclopaedia Obstetrica, from Aaron to Auscultation. 2 v. 8C. Manches'er, 1848-9. Cohen ( H. M. ) Gesannnelte Abhandlungen zur Geburtshiilfe und wisseuschaftlichen Medi- cin. Nach seinem Tode gesammelt nnd herausge- gebeu von N. H. Cohen. 8°. Nordlingen, 1*76. Collins ( R. ) Observations ou Professor [James] Hamilton's deviations from the ordi- nary mode of stating practical results. 8°. Dublin, 183*. Coutouly ( M. ) Memoires et observations sur divers sujets relatifs a 1'art des accouche- mens, avec description de plusienrs iustrumens, extrails taut de la ci-devant Acade"mie royale de chirurgie que de la Societe" de medecine de Paris. 8°. Paris, [1808?] Craig (J.) The accoucheur; a treatise on protracted natural labours; suspended anima- tion in new-born infants; and uterine haemor- rhage after the birth of the child. "With illus- trative cases. 8°. Glasgow, 1*39. Crude ( C. S. F. ) Klinische Vortriige iiber Geburtshiilfe. 8-. Berlin, 1854. Dease (W.) Observations in midwifery, par- ticularly on the different methods of assisting women in tedious and difficult labours ; to which are added observations on the principal disorders incident to women and children. 8°. Dublin, 1783. Delage (L.) * Propositions g<5ue"rales sur Fart des accouchements. 4\ Paris, an XII [1804]. Denman(T. ) An essay on natural labours. 8°. [London], 1786. Depaul (J.-A.-H. ) Lecons de cliniqne ob- stetricale professees a l'Hopital des cliniques. Re"dig6es par de Soyre. 8C. Paris, 1872-6. De venter (H.) New improvements in the art of midwifery. Shewing I. The true causes of the most difficult births, the great abuse and prejudice of forcing pains by medicines; and the best method of delivering women in such cases by the hand only, without the use of any instru- ment whatsoever. II. The midwives' touch- stone, and shield of defence; or the certain marks of knowing when a woman is qualified for this profession. III. The necessity of in- specting the bodies of such women as die in childbed before delivery, to discover whether the loss of the mother aud infant be owing to the negligence or ignorance of the midwife. IV. A detection of many errors da:ly committed in the practice of midwifery, with several remark- able cases; and a faithful admonition to all husbands who have any regard to the saving of the lives of their wives and children. Transl. from the Latin original by [Robert Sauiber]. 8C. London, 172*. -----. The same. Observations itnportantes sur le mauuel des accouchemens . . . Traduit et augments par Jacques-Joan Bruhier d'Ablain- court. 4°. Paris, 1733. -----. The same. Manualeoperatien, zynde een nieuw ligt voor vroed-meesters en vroed- vrouwen [etc.] *c. Amsterdam, 1765. Devilliers (C. ) Recueil de memoires et d'oliservations sur les accouchements (physiolo- gic, pathologic, me'deciue legale) ., 1791.] Gkenser (W. L.) *De vi puerperii lactau- diqne teuiporis medicatrice. 8°. Lipsi®, [1838]. Grolee (B.) *Des soins qu'on doit prendre pour ecarter des femmes enceintes et en couches l'influence des affections morales. 4W. Paris, 1815. deCi:oote(C F.) *Propositiones et observa- tioncs quaedam medicinam obstetriciam et popu- latioiieni nee non universam medicina? scientiam spectantes. 4-. Erlang®, 1784. Guntz (E. G.) * Do via ac ratione qua in instituto Trieriauio artis obstetricia? usus et docetur et exercetur. 4°. Lipsi®, [1*27]. Gyn.ectorum, sive de niulierumtum communi- bus gravidarum, parientlum et puerperarum af- fections ct morbis. Opera et studio Israelis Spachii. fol. Argentin®, 1597. Haacke (W. T.) *Diss. cxhibens observa- tiones quasdam memorabiles ad artein obstetri- ciam pertiuentes. 8J. Hal®, [1839]. Hamilton (A.) Letters to Dr. William Os- born ... on certain doctrines contained in his Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). essays on the practice of midwifery, etc. 8J- Edinburgh, [1792]. Hamilton (J.), jr. Practical observations ou various subjects relating to midwifery. 8°. Philadelphia, 1837. ■-----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburqh, 1840. J ' Hartmann (J. A. B.) Bemerkungen iiber die Leitungder Geburt,dieLagerung der Kreissenden und die Augabe einer (Jeburtszauge mit einem Druckapparate. roy. 8°. *S7. Petersburg, 1870. Hauck (('■. G. P.) Die geburtshilfliche Praxis des . . . Mitgetheilt von Gustav Hauck. *-. Berlin, 1*.">2. - Hays (A.) Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Geburtshiilfe. 8C. Bonn, 1*28. von Hecker (C.) Beobachtungeu und Unter- suchungen aus der Gebiiraustalt zu Miinchen umfasseud den Zeitraum 1*59-1879. 8J. Miin- chen, 1881. Hegar ( A. ) Die Sterblichkeit wiihreud Schwangerschatt, Geburt und AVochcnbett unter Privatverhiiltnissen, ihre Ursachen und dieMittel ihrer Verminderung. Denkschrift zur Eroffuuug der ueuen geburtshiilflich - gynakologischen Klinik, nebst Anhang. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1808. Held (C.-T.) *Du traitement medical des maladies chirnrgicales, appreciation de l'oppor- tunite de l'operatlon c^sarienne, de l'embryoto- mie et de l'accouchement pr6maturd artificiel. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839. Henckel (J. F.) Abhandlung von der Ge- burtshiilfe. 8C. Berlin, 1761. Herbiniacx (G.) Traits sur divers accouche- mens laborieux, et sur les polypes de la matrice ; ouvrage dans lequel on trouve la description d'un uonveau levier, imite de celui de Roonhuy- sen et mis en parallele avec le forceps; ainsi que d'un nouvel instrument, propre a la ligature des polypes, appronve" par l'Acadeniie roy ale de chi- rurgie de Paris. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Bruxelles, 1782. Hoebi:ke (J.-P.) M6moires et observations pratiques de chirurgie et d'obste"trieie. 8:. Bruxelles, 1840. Holscher (A. G. G. A.) * Diss, spectaus artis obstetricia? partem me.dicam. 4°. Gottinaee, [1*04]. ' Holst M.) Beitriige zur Gyniikologie und Geburtskunde. 2 Hfte. 8°. Tubingen, 1865-7. -----. The same. Hft. 1-2, 1865. 8°. Tu- bingen, 1867. Horn (J. P.) Bemerkungen und Erfahrnugen iiber einige Gegenstiinde der praktischeu Ge- burtshiilfe, als wesentlicher Auhang zu seinem theoretisch-praktischen Lehrbuche der Geburts- hiilfe fiir angehende G<'burtshelfer. 8-. Wien, 1820. HCter (C. C.) Die dynamischen Geburtssto- rungen. Ein Versuch zurratiouellen Begriindung der dvnamischen Geburtshiilfe. 2 v. iu 1. 8°". Berlin, 1830. Hull (J.) Observations on Mr. Siinmons's detection, etc., with a defence of the Cesarean operation derived from authorities, etc. A de- scription of the female pelvis, an examination of Dr. Osborn's opinions relative to embryulcia, and an account of the method of delivery by embry- otomy. 8°. Manchester, [1799]. Ingleby (J. T.) Facts and cases in obstetric medicine, with observations on some of the most important diseases incidental to females. 8°. London, [1836]. ' Iwersen (T. J.) Enchiridion der Geburts- kunde. Mit Einschluss dor pathischen Vorgiinge im Woche'nbette und der Siiuglingsperiode. Zur Repetition und Vorbereitung fiir die Staatsprii- fung entworfen von ... 8. Berlin, 1815. OBSTETRICS. 20 OBSTET1UCS- Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). Jamme (M.) * Des causes de 1'arret de la tete du ftetus au detroit iuferieur, provenant de la mere, et des moyens d'y reuie\lier. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1866. Joehdens (P. G.) Von den Eigenschaften des iichteu Geburtshelfeis. Eine Skizze. Zur be- soudern Beherziguug ftir meine Landesleute. 12-. Leipzig, 178J. Joerg (J. C. G.) *Brevis partus humaui his- toria. Specimiua duo. Spec, i, partum uatura- lein cousiderans. Spec, ii, partum artificialern obstetricio-pathologice considerans. 4J. Lipsite, [1*05]. -----. The same. 4°. Lipsi® et Ger®, [1806?] -----. Schrifteu zur Befbrderung der Kenut- niss des menschlicheu Weibes im Allgemeinen und zur Bereicherung der (reburtshiilfe ins Be- sondere. 1. u. 2. Theil. 8°. Niimberg it. Leip- zig, 1*12-1*. -----. Haudbuch der speciclleu Therapie fiir Aerzte am Geburtsbette. 8 :. Leipzig, 1835. -----. Dr. H. F. Germann's ohnmachtige Vert he idigung seiner geburtshiWichen Poliklinik in Leipzig fiir etwaige Leser. 8°. Leipzig, 1*54. Josephi (J. \V.) Chirurgisch-mediciuische Beobachtungeu. [Ueber deu jetzt so ban figen Missbrauch der lnstrumente in der Geburts- hiilfe]. 1. Abth. 8 . Rostock, 1819. .Iuoe (L.-T.) *Sur la fecondation et sur la gestation uterine et extra-uterine, eonsidere~es dans Fespt'ce humaine. 4°. Paris, 1827. Kaltschmidt ( H. M. ) *Observationes ob- stetricia'. 8-. Halis Sax., [1*54]. Keiirer (F. A.) Beitriige zur vergleichenden und experimentellen Geburtskunde. 4°. Gies- sen, 1864-75. -----. The same. 4J. Giessen, 1*77. -----. The same. 8-. Giessen, 1879-84. Kelcti (W. G.) Comnientatio medico-obste- tricia do symptomatibus et signis graviditatis vera- simplicis uteriua? eorumqne caussis. 4°. Regimonti, 1799. Kentiscii. Briefe an den Biirger Baudelocqne iiber einige Stellen seiner Entbiuduugskunst, Aus dem Frauzosischen mit einem eigenen An- hange von Franz Heinrich Martens. Erliiu- ternde und verbessernde Annierkungen zu Baudeloque's Entbiuduugskunst. Als ein noth- wendiger Auhttng zu diseui "Werke. 1. Theil. *-. Leipzig, 1*01. de Koning(L) Verloskuudige aanmerkingen. * . Zalt-Bommel, 1824. de Lange ("\V. G., ten Houte). Verloskuudige waarnemingen. 8°. [n. p., n. d. ] Langgutii ( C. A.) [Pr.] de cura qua respu- blica prosequi debeat rem obstetriciam. Sect. i. 4°. Wittenberg®, [17*2]. -----. Thesame. Sect. ii. 4°. Wittebergce,17^8. Leake (J.) Introduction to the theory and practice of midwifery : comprehending the most effectual means of attaining true principles of that science; with animadversions on the quali- fication and deportment of an accoucheur. To which are added, a description of the author's new forceps . . . Also a syllabus of obstetric lectures [etc.] 8°. London, 1787. -----. The same. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber verschiedene Krankheiteu der Kindbetterin- neu und Schwangern, nebst der Beschreibung ei- ner neucn Zange zur Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Leipzig, 1775. 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Memoires de m6decine et de ehirurgie-pratique sur plusienrs maladies et acci- dents graves qui pen vent coinpliquerla grossesse, la parturition et la couche; precedes d'uu compte- rendu aualytique des maladies observers a l'Hos- pice de la Charite de Lyon pendant un exercice de sept aunees. 8°. Paris, 1835. Maser(T.) * De erroribus obstetricum. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1726. Maukiceau (F.) Observations sur la gros- sesse et raccoucheinent des femmes, et sur leurs maladies, et celles des eufans nouvcan-nez. En chacuue desquelles les causes et les raisons des princiiiauxeveneinenssoutdecritesetexpliquces. 8J. Paris, 1695. -----. Thesame. 4°. Pan's, 1715. Meding (H. L.) * De erroribus et peccatis quibusdamiu re obstetricia sa'pitisoccurrentibus. 4°. Lipsi®, 1846. Meier (D. E.) Geburtshiilfliche Beobach- tungen und Ergebnisse gesammelt in der obste- tricischen Klinik zu Halle, nebstBeschreibungder Niemeyerschen Ko])fzange und seines Kephalope- lykometer. * -. Bremen, 1838. Meissxer (F. L.) Forschuiigen des neun- zelinten Jahrhunderts im Gebiete der Geburts- hiilfe, Frauenziinmer- uud Kiuderkrankheiten. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1826. Mendel (M. H.) Versnche und Beitriige ge- burtshiilflicheu Inhalts. 1. Hit. 12°. Breslau, 1812. de Meza (J. T.) Tractato de quibusdam uo- tabilioribus objectis ad artem obstetricandi spec- tantibus, tyronum usui destiuata. 8J. Hafni®, 1783. Midwifery. An essay on the practice of mid- wifery. 8J. Sherbourne, 176(5. Muller (F. A.) Einige Worte iiber die me- thode der Bildnug augehender Geburtshelfer, nebst einer Anzeige des seit 1803 in Leipzig be- stehenden Privat-Eutbindungs-Instituts. 4°. Leipzig, 1808. Munro (^E.) Deaths in childbed and our lying-in hospitals, together with a proposal for establishing a model maternity institution for affording clinical instruction and for training nurses. 8J. London, 1879. Murphy (E. W.) Lectures on natural and difficult parturition. 8°. New York, 1846. Mursinna (C. L. ) Abhandlung von den Krankheiteu der Schwangern, Gebarenden uud Wochnerinnen. 2 v. 12°. Berlin, 17*4-6. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2 v. iu 1. 8 . Berlin, 1792. Nachricht von zwey neuentdeckten Mitteln fiir Sehwangere uud Gebiihreude. 12°. Bern, 17*0. Noeggerath (E.) A: Jacobi(A.) Contribu- tions to midwifery and diseases of women and children, with a report on the progress of obstet- rics and uterine and infantile pathology in 1858 8°. New York, 1-59. OBSTETRICS. 21 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). \olde (A. F.) Die neuesten Systeme deut- scher Geburtshelfer seit dem Aufauge des ueun- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 2. Ausg. 16-. Erfurt, 1811. Oehme (J. A.) Sophia, oder weibliche Klug- heit: dasist, die Kunst, wodurchsich ein Frauen- ziinmer iu ihrer Natur erkeunen, bei erregtcn Krankheiten selbst rathen, und ihr Leben sehr hoch bringen kan, nebst eineni Gespriiehe von der Geburts-Hulffe. 8°. Dressden, 1750. Oke (YY. S.) Practical examinations on the immediate treatment of the principal emergen- cies that occur in surgery and midwifery. Pt. 2. 8-. London, 1*35. Olsiiausen (R.) Klinische Beitriige zur Gynii- kologie und Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Stuttgart, 1884. (>sang(J. H.) Observatio qusedam obstetricia cunUcoimnentario. 4°. Lipsi®, [1834]. Osborn (YV.) Essays on the practice of mid- wifery in natural and difficult labours. 8°. London, 1795. Osiander (F. B.) Neue Denkwiirdigkeiten fiir Aerzte und Geburtshelfer. 2 v. 8°. Gbt- tingeu, 1797-9. Osiander (J. F.) Die Ursachen und Hiilfs- anzeigen der unregehnassigen uud schweren Ge- burten. 2. Aufl. 3 yr. 8Z. Tubingen, 1833. Handbuch der Entbindnngskunst. -----. ZurPraxisderGeburtshiilfe. Beobach- tungeu und Bemerkungen aus der academischen Entbindungsaustalt zu Giittingen wiihrend der beideu Jahre 1822 und 1832. 8°. Hannover, 1837. d'Outrepont (J.) Abhandlungen und Bei- triige geburtshiiltlichen Inhalts. 1. Th. 8°. Bamberg u. Wiirzburg, 1822. Pajot (C.) Travaux d'obstetrique et de gyne- cologic, precedes d'eiements de pratique obste- tricale. *Q. Paris, 1882. Pare (A.; Briefve collectiou de l'admiuistra- tion anatomique: avec la maniere de conjoindre les os, et d'extraire les enfaus taut morts que vivans du ventre de la mere, lors que la nature de soy ne peult venir a sou effect. 12°. Paris, 1550.* -----. Deux livres de chirurgie. I. De la generation de l'liomme, et maniere d'extraire les enfans hors du ventre de la mere; ensemble ce qu'il faut faire pour la faire mieux, et plus tost acconcher, avec la cure de plusieurs maladies qui luy peuveut survenir. II. Des monstres taut terrestres que niarius, avec leurs portraits. Plus un petit traite des plaies faites aux parties nerveuses. 8°. Paris, 1575?. Parmentier (E.-J.) * These medico-chirurgi- cale ou point de vue general sur l'etat de gros- sesse, l'accoucheineut ct ses suites. 4°. Paris, 1806. Parsons (J.) Elenchus gynaicopathologicus, et obstetricarius, tarn curationeni morborum omnium quibus fcemina' in omni tempore tor- quentur, quam artem obstetricariam universam, ex professo, indigitans. Accedit defa'tti nutrito, hermaphroditis, fcetubusque monstrosis. In usuin tyronum. 12°. London, 1741. Pasta (A.) Discorso niedico-chimrgico. In- torno al ilusso di sangue dall' utero nelle donne gravide, in questa nuova impiessione accrescinto e correto; con un ragionamento non piii stani- pato del niedesimo autore sopra gli sgravj san- guini del parto. e sopra il rattcnimento e 1' estra- zione della secondina. 8 \ Bergamo, 1751. Perales Gutierrez (A.) Exiunen dealgunas operacionesobstetricas autelaciencia y la moral. 8-\ [Granada], 18su. Peu (P.) Reponse aux observations particu- liercs de M. Mauriceau sur la grossesse et l'acou- chement des fetnmes. e-. [Pan's, 1694 ?] Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). Pinaeus (S.) De virgiuitatis notis, gravi- ditate item et partu uaturali mulierum opuscula. 12°. Lugduni, 1650. Pinoff (D. J.) Artis obstetricia? Sorani Ephe- sii doctrina ad ejus libruni " -epl ^vvameiuv naduv" nnperrepertum exposita. Conimentatio historico-obstetricia. 8J, Vratislavi®, 1841. Planchon (H.) * Esquisse de Paccouchement naturel etexamen de quelques problemes de pra- tique obstetricale. 4°. Montpellier, 1868. Pottter (A.) * Quelques propositions rela- tives a 1'art des accouchemens. 43. Paris, 1*24. Prkmpaix (P.) * Esstii sur 1'art desaccouche- mens, cousidere comme uue des branches de la medecine. 4-. Paris, 1830. Putkgnat (E.) Quelques fa its d'obstetricie. 8°. Paris, 1871. Quackexbusii (J. V. P.) Pelvic presentation ; its mechanism and treatment. Spontaneous evo- lution of the fo'tus; its mechanism aud treat- ment. 8°. Albany, 1868. Ramsay (H. A.) Contributions to obstetrics, with tabular views aud miscellaneous practical observations. 8". Philadelphia, 1*51. Ramsbotham (J.) Practical observations in midwifery, with a selection of cases; with notes by W. P.'Dewees. 8°. Philadelphia, 1822. -----. The same. 2. ed., revised. 6 . Lon- don, 1*42. Richardson (W. L.) External manipulation in obstetric practice. 8°. [n. p., 1871.] Richelle (J. M.) De verloskuudige bijdrage. 8°. Leiden, 1802. -----. Tweede \rerloskuudige bijdrage. 8J. Rotterdam, 1865. Ridge (B.) Physiology of the uterus, placen- ta and foetus, with observations on the mem- brana meconii and rete vasculare, newly-discov- ered structures existing in the fcetus and young of man and animals. 8°. London, 1845. Rigby (E.) Memoranda for young practition- ers in midwifery. 2. ed., considerably enlarged. 32-. London, 1848. -----. Obstetric memoranda. 4. ed. Rev. by Alfred Meadows. 32°. London, 1868. Rizzoli (F.) Collezione delle meniorie chi- rurgiche ed ostetriche. 2 v. 8°. Bologna, 1869. Roederer (J. G.) Oratio de artis obstetricia? pra?stantia, qua? omnino eruditum decet, quin imo requirit, pnblice dicta, sm. 4°. Gottingee, 1752. -----. Opuscula medica. 4 . Gotting®, 1763. CONTENTS. De artis obstetrician prsestantia. De axi pelvis. De temporum in gravidit;tte et partu sestimatione. Do foetu perfecto. Do foetu observatioues. De vi imaginatiouia in foetum nejrata. Obsct vationinn inedicarunt de partu laborioso decades dua?. De non damnando usu pcrforatorii in paragomphosi obcay)itisinoleni. Observatioues de partu laborioso. De ulceribus utero molestis. De uteri schirro. Observatio de bydrope ovarii. Rombeau(A.-X.) * Etude faite t\ l'Hotel-Dieu, sur les fenimes en couches du service de M. Le- gronx. 4°.' Paris, 1856. Sacombe (J.-F.) Observations niedico-chirur- gicales sur la grossesse, le travail et la couche. 8°. Paris, an II [1794]. -----. The same. Neue Theorie der Ge- burtshiilfe in Beobachtungeu, Schlussfolgen und Vorschiiften fiir Schwangere, Kreissende uud Kindbetterinnen. 12°. Frankfurt, 1796. -----. Luciue francaise ou recueil d'obser- vatious medicales, chirurgicales, jiharmaceuti- ques, historiques, critiques et litteraires, rela- tives a la scieuce des accouchemens. 3 v. 8-. Paris, an XI [1803]. Saxtorpii ( M.) Gesammelte Schriften geburts- hiiltlichen, praktischen und physiologischeu In- OBSTETRICS. 22 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). halts. Herausgegeben von Joh. S. Saxtorph und Paul Scheel. 8~. Kopcnhagcu. 1*04. Schaarschmidt (S.) Abhaudlung vou der Geburthshiilfe uud wie man sich iu denen bey der Geburth vorkonnnendeu Fallen zu vrerhalten babe. Mit Zusatzen vermehrt, lieiausgegebeii vou Ernst Anton Nicolai. 12°. Berlin, 1751. Schlegel (J. C. T.) Sylloge operuin miuo- rum prsestantiorum ad artein obstetriciam spec- tantium. 2 v. 8-. Lipsi®, 1795-6. ScHMIDTMU'LLER (J. A.) Conspectus politia? obstetricite. 8-. Erlunga; [1801]. Sciimits:>x (A.) Beschreibung eines z'weck- massigen und wohlfeilen Geburtslagers fiir alle Stiinde. 12-. Leipzig, 1*09. Sciimitt (J. B.) * De arte obstetricia non mere ineehaiiica. 4°. Jen®, [1*22]. Schmitt (W. J.) Geburtshiilfliche Fragmente. 16°. Wien, '1804. -----. Ueber obstetricische Kunst uud Kiiu- steley. 8->. Frankf. a. M, 1810. -----. Gesammelte obstetricische Schriften mit Zusiitzeu und einem Anhauge: Ueber den herrschenden Lehrbegriff von Einsackung des Mutterkuchens. 8C. Wien, 1820. Sciixaubert (C. J. G.) * Qiuestioues qua?- dam obstetricite. 8°. Jena , [1808]. Schreger (B. N. G.) Uebersicht der gebnrts- hiilflichen Werkzeuge und Apparate. 12-'. Er- langen, 1810. Schrolder (K.) Schwaugerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. Klinische Untersuchiingen mid Beobachtungeu. 8°. Bonn, 1807. Seooel (R.) * Die iiusseren Genitalien des Weibes in geburtshiilflicher Beziehung. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1831. Siebold (A. E.) Ein Paar Worte au mciue Herrn Znhorer iiber einige Gcgenstiinde der Ge- burtshilfe. 12°. Wiirzburg, 1799. vox Siebold (E. C. J.) Geburtshiilfliche Briefe. 8. Braunschweig, 18(52. Sikoemundix (Justine). \Yider Herrn D. An- drete Peterman, von ilnn also-genante griindliche Deductiou vieler Handgriffe, die er aus dem Buche die Chur-Braudenburgische Hoff-Wehe- Mutter genant, als Speculatioues und ungereiint, ja gefahrlich zu seyn, vermeinet zu erweisen, niithiger Bericht, an den geneigten Leser. 4°. Colin an der Spree, 1692. I'onnd with: Sikgemuxdix (J.) Die Cbur-Brandenburg. Hoff-Webe-Mutter [etc.] 1°. Colin an der Spree, 1C90. Simpson (A. R.) Contributions to obstetrics and gynecology. 8:. Edinburgh, 1880. SmrsoN (J. Y.) Contributions to obstetric pathology and practice. 8°. Edinburgh, 185:!. -----. The obstetric memoirs and contribu- tions of . . . Edited by W. 0. Priestley and Ho- ratio R. Storer. 2 v. 8C. Philadelphia, 1*55-6. -----. Works of . . . 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1871-2. Sinclair (E. B.) & Johnston (G.) Practical midwifery; comprising an account of 13,74* de- liveries which occurred in the Dublin Lying-in Hospital during a period of seven years, com- mencing November, 1847. 8-. London, 1858. Snip (F.) Vroedkuudige aanmerkingeu, en afbeelding eener bezwangerde baannoeder. fol. Amsterdam, 1793. Sn(iep(J. P.) Verloskuudigebijdragen. Uit- gegeveu ten voordeele van de weduwe eeiis kunstbroeders. 8°. Middelburg, H53. Stark (C. G.) * Diss, qua intimusgraviditatis lactationis nieiisiumque profluvii consensus et convenientia ex propria mulieris vi et natura deductu^ demonstratur. Pars I. De utriusque sexns ratione et uterum gerendi munere. 8°. Jen®. [1=11]. Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). Stark (J. C.) Abhandlung iiber das neuer- lich beriilimtgewordene universal Mittel zur Er- leichterung der Geburt und die rechte Auwen- dung des Mohnsaftsiu der Schwaugerschaft, der Geburt und dem Kindbette. Aus dem Lateiui- scheu iibersetzt mit einer Vorredo und einigen Anmerkungeu vermehrt. 12'-. Greiz, 17*1. Stein (G. AY.) Tkeoretische Anleitung zur Geburtshiilfe. 2. Aufl. 8°. Cassel, 1777. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 16°. Cassel. 17*3. -----. Einige neue in der Geburtshiilfe niitz- liche \Yerkzeuge. sm. 4 . Cassel, 1782. .-----. Kleine YVerke zur practischen Ge- burtshiilfe. 8 . Marburg, 179*. Stein (G. AY.), jr. Einleitung in die Geburts- hiilfe. [MS. by Student Goebel.] 4-. [Mar- burg. 1812.] Stoltz (J. A.) * Considerations sur quelques poiuts relatifs a 1'art des accouchemens. 4°. Strasbourg, 1820. Teulere (B.) * De quelques erreurs relatives a la grossesse et a raccouchement. 4 . I'aris, 1821. Vezosius (A.) Gyna'cyeseos, sive de nmlie- rtiui conceptu, gestatiotic ac partu. Libri tres, cum argunientis in singulos libros Antonii Blou- dii. 4°. Venetiis, 159*. Viardkl (C.J Aiiinerckungen von der weib- lichen Geburt, so wohl der natiirlichen, als tm- natiirlichen, wie audi Missgeburt, benebenst einem kurtzen uud leichteu Unterricht denen Weiberu in allerley Geburten zu helfen, also dass man weder die Hacken, oder einig auder Instrument, sondern allein die blosse Hand ge- brauche . . . Im Jahr 1671, in franzbsischer Sprache beschrieben, uud auss derselben in die Teutsche iibersetzet. sm. 8C. Franckfurt, 1676. Vioxeron. ' Propositions generates sur l'ac- couchement. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. YVartze (J. C.) * Diss, sistens qua?stiones qnasdam obstetricias. 8-'. Jen®, 1808. Watts (G.) Reflections on slow and painful labours, and other subjects in midwifery; to- gether with observations on several disorders incident to pregnant women ; interspersed with remarks on Dr. Burton's letter to Dr. Smellie, in which the merits of the cause between these two authors are, iu some measure, considered. 8°. London, 1755. von Weissbrod (J. B.) Leitfadeu der ge- burtsliilflichen Klinik. Versucli einer wissen- schaftlich-dogmatischen Bearbeitungdiescr Doc- trin. 8:J. Miinchen, 1854-5. White (C.) A treatise on the management of pregnant and lying-in women, and the means of curing, but more especially of pt eventing, the principal disorders to which they are liable. Together with some new directions concerning the delivery of the child and placenta in natural births. Illustrated with cases. 2. ed., to which is added an appendix. 8-. London, 1777. -----. Thesame. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1791. Wichers (J. S.) Actief'of passief. Eene bij- drage tot de praktische veiloskuude. 8°. Gro- ningen, 1*74. Wiedemann (C. R. AY.) Ueber Pariser Ge- baraiistalten uud Geburtshelfer, den letzten Schaainfugenschnitt und einige audere zu Paris beobachtetc Geburtsfalle. cJ. Braunschueig, 1803. AAtigand (J. H.) Beitriige zur theoretischen und practischen Geburtshiilfe und zur Kenutniss und Cur einiger Kinderkraukheiten. 3. Hft. 8°. Hamburg, 1798-1808. -----. Die Geburt des Menschen. [Arorrede, als vorliinfiger Prospectus.] 12-. [v. p, ], OBSTETRICS. 23 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). -----. Die Geburt des Menschen, in physio- logisch-diatetischer und pathologisch-theiapeu- | tischer Bcziehung, grosstentheils uach eigenen Bcobachtungcn und Yersucheu dargestellt. Hrsg. von Dr. Franz Carl Naegele. 2 v. 8-. Berlin, 1820. YYildberg (C. F. L.) Ueber die Nothwendig- keit der Beriicksichtigung der Neiguug des Beckens zur jedesiuahligeu Bestimnmng der au- geniessensten Lage der Gebiireudeu. Ein Bey- tragzurEntbindungswissenschaft. 4°. Leipzig, 1827. Willughby [or AAtillougiiby] (P.) Vroed- kuudige aanmerkingen. 8°. [Leiden, 1754.] This Dutch translation was probably made from a dif- ferent manuscript from the following: it contains less matter, though substantially the same work. -----. Observations in midwifery, as also thecountrey midwifes opusculum or vade mecum. Edited from the original MS. by Henri Blenkin- sop ... 4-. Warwick, 18(53. Wixkkl(F.) Studieu iiber den Storfwechsel bei der Geburt und im Wochenbette in Harn- aualysen bei Schwangern, Gebakreuden und Wochueiinuen. 8-. Rostock, 18(55. Wittlixger (W. H.) Analekten fiir die Ge- burtshiilfe. Oder Sammluug der vorziiglichsten gebnrtshulllicheu Abhandlungen, Monographieu, Preisschriften und Dissertationen des Iu- uud Auslandes. Herausgegeben vou . . . Ersten Bandes erstes Heft. 8-. Quedlinburg u. Leipzig, Yell (G. H.) * Diss, coutineus observatioues practicas de arte obstetricia. 8-\ Lugd. Bat., 1*50. Zeller (S.) Bemerkungen iiber eiuige Ge- genstiiude aus der pracktischen Entbindiings- kunst. Nebst der Beschreibung des allgeinei- uen Gebiihrhauses. 8°. Wien, 1789. A. Ueber das Savoir-faire des Frauenzimmerarztes. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1811, 349-358. — Ab««s. Oe- burtshiilfliche Mittheilungen. Monatsehr. 1. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1865, xxv. 9-37. — Adams (A. M.) Obstetric memoranda, Month. J. M. Sc. Loud. & Ed- inb., 1844. iv, 913-939.— Amart! (L.-V.-F.) Medecine clinique, specUle des maladies des couches. In his: As- sociation intelleetuelle, 8°. Par., 1821, i, 257-458. — Aiia- nof (S ) Mekbanika rodov. [Obstetrical appliances.] Med. Sbornik, Tirlis, no. 22, 187G, sec. 1, 1. — Anna (1. J.) Ueber die in den Lehrbiichern der Eutbiudens- kttudc gewohnliche Einleitung in die Entbindenskunde. Lucina, Leipz., 11-04, i, 364-377.—An I hoi lie (I. G.) Aids in obstetrics. Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soc, Manchester, 1884. 83-91. — Arcn» (L. H.) Praktiskc Iagttagelser ved et Svangerskab og en derefter paafulgt for tidlig Tvil- lingf<,.dsel. Eyr, Chriatiania. 1826, i, 43 -40. — Backer (J.) .V IViiiCMvary (li) Tanulmauyok a gyermekagy korcbol. [Studies on chihlbcd.] Orvosi betiL, Budapest. Iss7, xxxi. 1257-1264. — Itanium. Das Creolin in der Geburtshilfe. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1888, xii, 321- 323. — Boili-age zur praktischen Entbindunirskunst von S. J. 1. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M.. 1817, ii, 291-320.—B<-rsi- liold. Geburtshiilfliche Beobachtungen. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.. Weimar, 1830, v, 616-621.—Beri-uti (G.) Osservazioni di ostetricia e di ginecologia. Iudi- pendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, 538; 554; 573— ISciiuin- & Pcipcr. Mittheilungen aus der geburtshiiltiichen Klinik und Poliklinik zu Greifswald. Arch. f. Gvuaek., Bet]., 1884, xxiii, 28: 443.—Bothanil (L.) Fragmeute iiber practische Geburtshiilfe, atiologischen und therapeuti- schen Inhalts, mit einigen Entbindutigsgeschichten. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1828, 1584-1634.—Bodcn»tab. Ge- burtshiilfliche Fragmente aus seiner zebnjahrigen Praxis. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl.. 1841, x, 210-231. ----r-. Kurze Blicke in das geburtshiilfliche Gebiet, nebst prac- tischen Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen aus der Praxis. Und., 1.-45, xviii, 198-238.—Bodson. Observations rela- tives a 1'art des accouchemens. J. de med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxiii. 125-132. — Itoerncr. Bezie- hungen der Geburtshiilfe zur Mcdicin im Allgemeinen. Beitr. z._ Geburtsk. u. Gyniik. Beil., 1872-3, ii. 3-25.— Boiiacioliix (L.) Enneas muliebris: qua inulta vari- aque de conceptione, uteri gestationc, abortu, partu, ob- stetricatu, pnerperio, nutriciim et infantium cura. aliaque hujusmodi copiose et erudite disscruntur. Alia etiam quii-dani obiter physica, medica, it pbilologa, id est, ju- cunda cognitu contincntur. In: Gyuseciorum, sive de Obstetrics (Essays and observations on). mulierum turn communibus, etc., fol., Argentina?, 1597, 109-148. — Bonchacourt (A.) Considerations sur les caraeteres et la methode de la science des accouchements. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1849, i, 27-34. — Itrcinncr (J.) On the rules applicable to the employment of venesection and of opium iu obstetric practice. North. J. M., Ed- inb.. 1845. iii. 385-394: 1840, iv, 65: 136; 202; 347.— ItricUcll (1). W.) Obstetric notes and reflections. X. Oil. M. Xews A: Hosp. Gaz.. 1856-7, iii. 708-712. -----. Piactical points in obstetrics. Ibid., 1857-8, iv, 748-755.—Buxtorf [J. L.) Observatioues medico-obste- tricite quasdam. Acta Hclvet.. Basilea\ 1767, vi, 219-230.— Cano (J.) Filosofia tocoldgico-mcdica. Espaua med., Madrid, 1862, vii, 653-658. — Cntlcll (T ) Practical obser- vations aud suggestions on some important points con- nected with the obstetric art. Lancet, Loud., 1846, ii, 658-000.—Claj . Observations on various debatable ques- tions, ou the principles of midwifei v. Med. Times, Loud., 1845, xii, 27: 60 : 119; 137; 181.—Coombs (C.) Child- births in general practice. Lancet. Lond., 1882, ii, 263.— Corson (H.) Thoughts on midwifery. Med. A Sm;:. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xl, 3; 49. — Cumin in* (W. J.) Notes on practical midwifery. Dublin (}. J. M. Sc, 1865, xxxix, 283-294. Also: Tr. Cork M. & S. Soc, 1865-6, 22- 31.—Cuzzi (A.) SulP ostetricia sperimeutale, prelezioue ad un corso libero di ostetricia con effctti legali. Iudipen- dente, Torino, 1878, xxix,217; 233; 249; 205—Czaudcrna (K.) Ein weiterer Beitrag zur'geburtsliiltlicben Casuis- tik. Med.-chir. Centralbl.", Wien, 1876, xi, 290.—Bavis (J. H.) Contributions to the practice of midwiferv. Lan- cet. Loud, 1845, ii, 39; 67; 95; 122; 150; 263: 312; 393; 499: 558; 587: 1840. i, 35; 121; 170; 356; 458; 578. —»e- loro (X.) Essai de mecanique obstetricale. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 251; 340; 404. Also, Reprint,— Dcmpscy (A.) Some practical hints on the management of pregnancy, labour, and the puerperal state. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882. 3 s., lxxiv, 171-177.— I)c»Ihi ;mi (A) Theses artis obstetricia'. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1830, iv, 301.— Dolan (T. M.) Obstetrical experiences, with observations. Prov. M. J.. Leicester, 1880. v, 434- 437.—Dotrlrr (B.) Obstctriciana. N. York J. M.. 1846, vi, 302-308.—Fabbri (G.) Utilita dell' ostetricia speri- mentale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1863, 4. s., xx, 35- 56. Also f Abstr ) : Ga/.z. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1865, viii. 204: 210. —Faye (F. C.) Bidrag til den obste- triciske Pathologic. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1859, 2. R., xiii, 665-712. Also, Reprint, -----. Nogle Beinasrkuinger i Auledning af et i Magaziuets No- vetnberheftef. A. optaget Brev fraUdlandet vedkommende Laren oin Fedsel og Fodselshjadp. Norsk Mag. f. I.age vidensk., Christiania, 1869, xxiii, 109-124. — Clamant. Reflexions critiques sur la pratique des accouchemens a l'llospice de la Maternite de Paris. J. compl. dudict. d. sc. med., Par.. 1828. xxx, 142-159: xxxi, 171-182: xxxii, 165; 246.—Gailermaiui. Eiuige Ideen iiber die Art Geburts- hiilfe zu lehrcn. Baier. Ann., Sulzbach, 1824, i, 151-167.— Gallego dc la Noi'iia (J.) De conservatione infantis in utero existentis, et de bono et malo pariendi inodo; de na- turae artiflcio quod servat in partu et de obstetricis otticio. hi his: Opera physica, etc., fol., Lugduui, 1634, 214-240.— Gallois. Communication sur la frequence relative des positions du sommet et la prophylaxie des infectious puerperales; repouse au point do vue scientiflque a un memoire sur le fonctionnement du service des fllles-ineres pendant l'annee 1884. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de l'Isere, Grenoble, 1885-6. x, 1-8. — Garland (G. YV~.) Some im- provements in midwifery. Pub. Mass. M. Soc., Bost., 1868, ii, 205-277. — an g^ulli (0. A.) Plan zur Verbesserung des Accouchement wesens cities Staates. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1788. i, 4. St., 46-74: 1789, ii, 1. St.. 1-31 : 1791, iii, 2. St.. 246-287. — Cettre sur quel,pies points de pratique relatifs aux accouche mens. Rev. med. franc*, et etrang., Par., 1830, ii, 358-372. — Corenz (D.) Geburtshiilfliche Eifahrungen. Gem. deutscbe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1830. v, 214-200—.Haas. Eifahrun- gen aus der Geburtshiilfe. Nord. Arch. f. Xat.- u. Arz- iieiw.. Kopenh., 1800, i, 315-323. — Haiari (F.) Ostetri- cia pratica Spallanzani, Modena. 1^72, x. 7-19.— Hau- giagalli ( L. ) Coinunicazioni fatte alia 3' riuuione della Societa italiana di ostetricia e ginecologia tenutasi iu Geneva il 7 aprile 1887. Ann. di ostet. Milano, 1887, ix, 178: 188: 191: 196. Also, Reprint. — Hanicu* ( C. ) Bemerkungen iiber einige geburtshiilfliche Gegenstaudc. J. f. Geburtsh.. Leip/..', 1837. xvi, 162-196. — Harti-l (E.) Litcrarischer X'achlass hetausgegeben von A. Mar- tin. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg., 1875-6, i, 375-447. Also, Reprint. — Tlarliu (J. XV.) Obstet- rical memoranda. Med. Press ..v Circ. Loud., 1870. ii, 48-50: xxii. 48 : 1877. xxiii. 42. — .Hnttci. De plusieurs points d'obstetrique oil les faits Obstetrical res arches. Loud. M. Ueposit.. 1820, xiv. 177: 283; 351: I8.M. xvi, 99; 271.—Orti y Lara (V.) Uuipagina suclta sobre alguu puu to oscuroen la practica dc la toeolo.ua. Andalucii med., Cordoba. 1881, vi. 256; 27;j. — Osiander (I. F.) Wie kouneu Geburtshelfer bei Eutbiudungen sich g -g.-n Ansteckung uud andere schiid- liche Eiuwirkungen schiitzcu ! .J. f. Geburtsh.. Frankf. a M., 1827, vii. 12-29. -----. Zum Beweisc. dass uns die Natur selbst die geburts'iiiltiicheu Operationcn gclehrt hah;-. Ibid., 18287 viii, 321-329.-----. Gcscbichtliche Beitriige zur G .'burtskun le uud Gyniikologie iiberhaupt. X. Ztschr. f. Geburr.sk., Berl., 1844, xv, 288-31)5. —Ossorio (F.) Exameu critico de algunos asuutos tocologicos. Progrcso med., Madrid, 1870. i, 129; 135.—Otero (J. M.) Dos lccciones clinicas de obstetricia. Siglo med.. Ma- drid. 1866. xiii, 8.—d'Outrcnont. Beobachtungen uud Bemerkungen. Gimi. deutscbe Ztschr. f. Gebuitsk., Weimar. 1828, ii, 539-557: iii, 209-450: 1829. iv. 40; 277; 558: 1830, v, 499-570: 1832. vii, 21-55. Also: X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk. Berl.. 1835. ii. 380-390, 1 pi.: 1830. iii, 240- 243, 1 pi. : 1837. v, 353-308: 1838, vi, 34-43: 1840, viii, 1-11: 1841. x. 1-7. — Pajol iC.) La methode expeiimentale en obstetriquc In his : l'rav. d'obst. et de gyncc. 8 . Par., 1882, 485-495. —I»a«sot (P.) Eludes et observations ob- stetricales. Gaz med de Lyon. 1853. v, I ; 22: 61 : 87; 103. Also, Reprint. — Paul (J. L.) Piactical midwifery as ob- served in the Lying in Hospital, Madras. Madras Q. J. M. Sc. 1860, i, 79; 202. —Paulus (N.) Beitriige zur ra- tionellen geburtshulrticheu Praxis. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iv, 241-204. —Penlter (T. I.) Beitragc zur Artistik und Casuistik der Gi bints- hiilfe. Beob. u. Abhandl. . . . v. osterr. Aerzten. Wien, 1824, iv. 411-433.—Pcreira (A.) .V La.scnc (H.) De l'abus des lnauteuvrcs obstetricales. d<'s accidents aux- qucls dies peuvent douner lieu, et des avantages de la temporisatiou dans la pratique des accouchement <. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1843. i. 17; 129.—Pezerat (P.) Ob- servations relatives a 1'art des accouchemens. J. compl. du diet. d. sc med.. Par., 1827, xxix, 305-319. —Pliclan (D.) Observations on the comparative advantages of af- fording obstetric attendance on poor women in lying in hospitals aud in their own homes. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii. 70-92. — Pigeolet. Deuxienie communica- tion relative a l'emploi de la pilocarpine en obstetiique. J. de med., chir. et pliatmaeol., Brux.. Is83. lxxvi, 525- 534.—Porter (I. G.) ' Meddlesome midwifery is bad." Am. J. M. Sc., Phila.. 1858, u. s., xxxvi, 345-352.—Power (I.) On some of the more important points in the physi- ology, pithology, and practice of midwifery. Lancet, Loud., 1852, ii. 4: 3] : 79: 101 ; 146. — [Principle* and piactice of obstetrics. Rev.] Edinb. M. Jc S. J.. Is52, lxxvii, 199-223 —Probli-nie a resoudre: Pourquoi les femmes aecouchent-clles plus ordinairement la unit que le jour? Lucine franc, Par., an XIII [1805], iii. 212-216.— Kaige-Oelorme. Obstetricpie. Diet, denied., 2. ed., Par., is lo. xxi. 189-232. — IS an. Geburtshiilfliche Be- merkungen. Gem. (b-utsebe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.. \Vei- mar. 1831, vi. 1-16—KeynoliU (J. P.) Safeguards in private obstetrics. Boston M. A: S J., 1881, cv, 389-391.— Ritgen. Geburrshiilrtiche Eifahrungen und Bemer- kungen. Gem. deutsehe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk. Weimar, 1828. iii, 147-109. —Kitter (B.) Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der ircburtsluilf ■. Rhein. Monatsehr. f. jnakt. Aer/.te, Koln. ls5o. 4S5-52 !.—von Roelilitz (K.) Offeues Schreiben an den Urn Prof. Dr. K. Biauu iu Wien [iiber Geburtshilfe. etc]. Wien. med. Presse, 1872 xiii, 545- 55u. —Rogert (J. P.) De simplicissima methodo trac- tandi puerperas in do:no obstetricia regia Havniensi anuo 1773 observata,. S ic. med. Havn. collect.. 1774. i, 358- 370—vou Rokitau»l. Bkaxdexbi mg-Schaeffer (H. J. C. F.) * De arte obstetricia AuL. Corn. Celsi. 4C. Gottingee, 1837. Bruel ( G. ) * Geschichte der Forscliungen iiber den (Jeburtsmechanismus wa.hrend des letz- teu Viertels des 17. Jahrliuuderts. s-. Gies- sen, 1855. Bruel (W.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber deu Gelmrtsmechanismus wiihrend des Anfangs des elftcn Lustrums des achtzehnteu Jahrhunderts. 8°. Giessen, 1857. Carrier (H.) Origiues de la Maternite" de Paris. Les maltresses sages femnies et l'office des accouchees del'ancieu Hotel-Dieu (1378-171W). 8-\ Paris, 1888. Chapmax (E.) A reply to Mr. Douglas's short account of the state of midwifery in London and Westminster, wherein his trifling aud ma- licious cavils are answered, his interestedncss and disingenuity impartially represented, and the practice of physick but particularly the chariicterof the late Dr. Chambcrlen vindicated from his indecent aud unjust aspersions. 12°. London, 1737. 15 ST ETHICS. 26 OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* (History and literature of). Chkestiex (A.-T.-F.) * Examiner an point de vue critique l'ctat actuel de la science et de la pratique obstetricales. 8°. Montpellier, 184s. Cohx (A. L.) *Qnoniodo omnium temporum medici obstetricii iufantis situs ad partum exhi* buerint, modo historico-critico exponitur. Pars prima. 8J. Berolini, [1803]. Corradi (A.) Dell' ostetricia iu Italia dalla ineta dello scorso secolo fiuo al preseute. 4°. Bologna, l874[-77]. Cutting (B. E.) Historical sketch of the Ob- stetrical Society of Boston. 8°. Boston, 1881. Also [Abstr.], in: Bostou M. & S. J., 1881, cv, 475-477. Demaxgeox (J.-B.) Examen critique de la doctrine et des proeedes du citoyen Sacombe, dans l'art des accouchments, ou Sacombe en contra- diction avec les antics accoucheurs, avec la physique, avec la g6om6trie, et avec lui-meme; ouvrage termin6 par une description de l'hospice et de l'ecole pratique d'accouchement de Copen- hague, etc., avec beaucoup de details intercs- sants. 8;. Paris, an VII [1700]. Douglas (J.) A short account of the state of midwifery iu London, Westminster, etc., wherein au effectual method is proposed to enable the mid- wonien to perforin their office iu all cases (except- ing those few where instruments are necessary) with as much ease, speed, and safety as the most dexterous midnieu, whereby women and chil- dren's falling victims to the ignorance of mid- women, so loudly complained of by Cliamberleu, Giffard, and Chapman, may for the future be prevented, etc. sm. 8°. London, 1736. vax der Eem (X.) * De artis obstetrician ho- dieruorum pne veterum pnestantia, ratione par- tus naturalis. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1783. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T.) Sylloge op. min. [etc.] s:. Lipsice, 1795, i, 15-98. Esgelmanx (G. J.) Labor among primitive peoples, showing the development of the ob- stetric science of to-day, from the natural and instinctive customs of all races, civilized and savage, past and present. 8-'. St. Louis, 1882. -----. The same. Die Geburt bei den TJrvol- kern, [etc.] 8°. Wien. 1884. -----. The same. La pratique des accouche- ments chez les peuples primitifs; <5tude d'ethno- graphie et d'obstetrique. Edition francaise re- maniee et augmented par P. Eodet; avec une preface par A. Charpentier. 8-. Paris, 1886. Er am (P.) Quelques considerations pratiques sur les accouchements en Orient. 8°. Paris, I860. Ferreira (J. J.) * Do parto e suas couse- queucias na especie negra. sm. 8C. Rio de Janeiro, 1887. Frkskxh's (M.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber den Geburtsmechanismus wiihrend des drit- teu Yiertels des 17. Jahrhuuderts. S-. Giessen, 1-55. Fucus (T.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber den Geburtsmechanismus wiihrend des drit- ten Decenuiums des 18. Jahrhuuderts. 8J. Gies- sen, 1855. Gardxer (A. K.) A history of the art of midwifery ; a lecture. 8~. Neir York, 1852. Geschichte der Forschungen iiber deu Ge- burtsmechanismus, bearbeitet von den DDr. C. stammler [et al.]. 8°. Giessen, 1857-9. Goerlitz (P.) * Leber die Bedeutuug des So- ranns Ephesius als Geburtshelfer. 8~. Berlin, [1>73]. IIahx (A.) * De Justiure Sigmuudin meritis iu artem obstetriciam. ■*-. Vratislavi®, [1849]. Heilbruxx (B.) * Heinrich vou Deventer und seine Anschauungen iiber die verkehrten Lagen der Gebarmutter. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Obstetrics (History and literature of). Herdtmanx (J.J. G. G. E.) * De arte ob- stetricia apud Celsum. 8-. Halts Sax., [1844]. Hcreac (A.) de Villenettve. * De raccouche- ment dans la race jauue. 4°. Paris, 1863. Huston (R. M.) Introductory lecture to the course of obstetrics and diseases of women aud children, in Jefferson Medical College of Phila- delphia. 8C. Philadelphia, 1840. Jamiesox (J.) A sketch of the history of mid- wifery. , 8°. Melbourne, 1885. Joerg (J. C. G.) Ueber den Stand der Geburts- hiilfe in Leipzig von der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhuuderts bis jetzt. 8°. Leipzig, 1852. Kentiscii. Briefe au den Burger Baudelocque iiber einige Stellen seiner Entbindungskunst. Aus dem Franzosischen mit einem eigenen Au- hange von Franz Heinrich Martens. 8°. Leip- zig, 1801. Kiestra (J. J.) De verloskuudige verdiensteu van Hendrik van Deventer. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Kxoes (G.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber den Geburtsmechanismus vou der Mitte des 16. bis zur Mitte des 17.' Jahrhuuderts. 8-. Giessen, 1854. Kxolle (F.) * De artis obstetricia' historia. 4-. Argentorati, 1773. Kotelmaxn (L.) Die Geburtshiilfe bei den alten Hebriiern, aus deu alttestamentlichen Quelleu der Torah ebiim ucrhubim. 8J. Mar- burg, 187li. Kujimer (E. E.) *Diss. obstetricia brevein partus humani normam omnino servautis his- toriam sistens. 4°. Jen®, [1822]. Laxgbeix (A. C.) *Specimen embryulche an- tique ex. Q. Septim. Flor. Tertulliani lib. de anima, cap. xxv. 4°. Hal® Magdeb., [1754], vax Leeuwex (L.) *De artis obstetrician hodiernorum prae veterum pnestantia, ratione partus difficilis et praeternaturalis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1783. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T .) Sylloge op. min. [etc.] 8°. Lipsice. 1795. i, 99-186. Also, in: N. Saniml. d. auserl. u. n. Abbandl. f. Wundiirzte, Leipz., 1788, St. 21, 143-296. Lehmaxx (L.) Inwijdings-rede oyrer de traps- gewijze ontwikkeliug der verloskuiide, als zelf- standige wetenschap, voornanielijk iu Nederland. 8°. Amsterdam, 1865. Leroy (A.-V.-L.-A.) La pratique des ac- couchements. Premiere partie, contenantl'his- toire critique de la doctrine et de la pratique des priucipaux accoucheurs qui ontparudepuisHip- pocrate jusqu'a nos jours; pour servir d'intro- duction a l'e'tnde et h la pratique des accouche- ments. 8°. Paris, 1776. ------. A son critique. 8:. Paris, 1776. A reply to a pamphlet by [Piet], which severely criti- cised the preceding work. Loesciier (C. F. H ) * De Lusatue iuferioris in curandis parturientibus pnestantia. 8~J. Berolini, 1853. - Madden (T. M.) The recent progress of ob- stetric and gynaecological medicine. 8G. Dub- lin, 1886. Mattei (A.) Notice historique sur la Faculte" de medecine de Strasbourg, cousideree surtout au point de vue de l'obstetrique. 8-'■. Paris, 1872. Meissxer (F. L.) Was hat das ueunzehute Jahrhundert fiir die Geburtshiilfe gethau ? Zeit- raum 1801 bis 1825. 8°. Leipzig, 1826. Melchior (C.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber den (icburtsmechauismus vviihreud des Anfangs des elfteu Lustrums des achtzehnteu Jahrhunderts. 8-\ Giessen, 1*57. Meli (D.) Dell' antichissima origiue della italiaua ostetricia e dei molti illustri medici OBSTETRICS. 27 Obstetrics (History and literature of). d' Italia die dettero opera al suo incremeuto e ne sosteunero la gloria. 8°. Ravenna, 1823. Millot (G.) De l'obst6trique en Italic 8J. Paris, 1882. Mosextiial (M.) * Geburtshilfliche Opera- tionslehre bei Eucharius Roessliu, Walther Reiff und Jacob Rueff. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. Murphy (E. W.) Introductory lecture on the history of midwifery. 8J. London, 1864. Niethammer (C. F.) * De statu rei chirurgi- c;e et obstetrician plurimis iu terris deplorabili observationibus conhrmato. 4C. Jen®, [1707]. Obstetrique (L') et la gynecologic en 18s0. Revue des travanx francais et etrangers publiee sous la direction du Dr. Lutaud avec la collabora- tion de MM. Apostoli, Bergeron, [et al.]. 8-. Paris, 1887. Osiaxder (J. F.) Bemerkungen iiber die franzosische Geburtshiilfe, nebst einer ausfiihr- lichen Beschreibung der Maternite" in Paris. 8::. Hannover, 1813. Pi aff (A. R.) *De novo parturientium lecto, praemissa brevi artis obstetriciai historia. 8°. Lipsi®, [1*48]. [Piet.] Lettre de M. . . . sur un nouvel ou- vrage intitule : La pratique des accouchemens [d'Alphonse Le Rov]. 8°. Amsterdam 4' Paris, 1776. Platxer (J. Z.) [Pr. ] de arte obstetricia veterum. 4-. Lipsi®, [1735]. Also, in: Schlegel (J. C. T.) Sylloge op. min. [etc.] 8:. Lipsice, 1795, i, 1-14. Redslob (G. M.) De Hebrseis obstetricanti- bns. 4:. Lipsi®, 1835. Rendu (J.) Notes sur quelques voyages a l'etranger au point de vue de l'obste'trique et de la gynecologic, 1879-1880. S-. Paris, 1881. Reyn (fx. E.) Yelikaja reforma v sovrem. akusherstva i chirurgii. Riech. [Great reforms in contemporary obstetrics and surgery. Ora- tion.] 8". Kiev, l88i). Richter (G. M.) Synopsis praxis medico-ob- stetricise quam Mosquse exercnit. 4°. Mosqtt®, 1810. Rosshirt (J. E.) Qtuedani ad artis obstetri- cian, uti nunc exercetur, statumpertiuentia. 4C. Erlangce, [1843]. Ryan (M.) Au introductory lecture on the rise and progress of midwifery, from the earliest period to the present time. ri-3. London, 1828. Sazyma (F.) * Diss, sistens tentamen historia3 medicinpe speciali respectu habito ad arteni ob- stetriciam. 83. Praga>, 1-14. Schad (F.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber deu Geburtsmechanisnms wiihrend des vier- ten Jahrzelmd's des 18. Jahrhuuderts. 8°. Gies- sen, 1855. Schlegel (J. G.) Fragmentorum ex geogra- phia nosocomiorum atque iustitutoruni ad arteni obstetriciam spectantium specimen primuin et secundum. 4°. Lipsi®, [1800-1]. Sciimidt.muller (J. A.) Der Stand der Ge- burtshiilfe der neuesten Zeit. 12°. Brian gen, 1807. Also, under title: Jahrbuch der Geburtshiilfe, oder kri- tische Febersicht der Litteratur und des St.indes der Geburtshiilfe vom J. 1802 bis Ostein 1806, erstesBjindcheu. Schreger (B. X. G.) Die Wefkzeuge der jiltern und neuern Entbindungskunst. Erster Theil. fol. Erlangen, 1799. Schurr (I.) * De arte partuurn historias cou- scribendi. 8~\ Tubingrv, [1823]. Schweickhard (C. L.) Tentamen catalogi rationales dissertationum ad arteni obstetriciam spectantium ab anno mdxv ad nostra usque tempora. 12°. Francof. ad Munnm, 1795. BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY, 1894 LIBRARY. C BSTETRICS. Obstetrics (History aud literature of). Schweigiiauner (J. F.) Aufsatze iiber einige physiologische und praktische Ge^enstiinde der GerVmrtshiilfe. 8J. Xilrnberg, 1817. Se.mmelweis (J. P.) Zwei offene Briefe au Hofrath Dr. Edward Casp. Jac. v. Siebold, Pro- fessor der (ieburtshiilfe zu Gottiugen, und an Hofrath Dr. F. \V. Scanzoni, Professor der Geburtshiilfe zu Wiirzburg. 10-. Pest, 1861. -----. Zwei offene Briefe an Dr. J. Spaeth, Professor der Ceburtshiilfe, an der k. k. Josefs Akademie in Wien, und au Hofrath Dr. F. W. Scanzoni, Professor der Geburtshiilfe zu Wiirz- burg. 16°. Pest, 1861. Sk.nff (C. F.) Ueber Vervollkommnung der Geburtshiilfe von Seiteu des Staats, nebst einer Geschichte der Entbiudungsschnleu zu Halle. 8°. Halle, 1812. Siebold (A. E.) Ein Paar Worte an meine Herrn Zuhorer iiber einige Gegenstiiude der Ceburtshiilfe. 169. Wiirzburg, 1799. vox Siebold (E. C. J.) Versuch einer Ge- schichte der Geburtshiilfe. 2 v. in 1. 8Z. Ber- lin, 1839-45. von Solixgex (A.) Reponse a la critique de Mr. Capnron. [With MS. letter, 2 1., 4~.] 8°. Louvain, [lo02]. Soranus Ephesius. De arte obstetricia mor- bisque mulierum qua? snpersuut. Ex apographo Friderici Reinholdi Dietz. 8°. Regimontii Prus- sorum, 1838. Greek text. Stammler (C.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber deu Geburtsmechanismus von der ersten Zeit bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhuuderts. 8°. Giessen, 1854. Stammler (H.) * Geschichte der Forschungen iiber den (Jeburtsmechauismus vvahreud des zehnten Lustrums des 18. Jahrhunderts. 8:. Giessen, 1856. Steix (G. W.),jr. Was war Hessen der fie- burtshiilfe, was die Geburtshiilfe Hessen ? Gele- genheitsschrift bey Georg Wilhelm Stein's Ab- gange von Marburg nach Bonn. sm. 4 J. [n. p.], 1819. Sue (P.) Essais historiques, litteraires et critiques, sur l'art des accouchemens; ou recher- ches sur les continues, les mteurs et les usages des anciens et des modernes dans les accouche- mens, l'etat des sages-femmes, des accoucheurs, et des nourrices chez les tins et les autres. 2 v. 8-\ Paris, 1779. -----. The same. Gelehrte und kritische Versuche einer Geschichte der Geburtshiilfe. 2 v. 8°. Altenburg, 1786-^7. Warxekros (E. U.) Ueber einige die Geburts- hiilfe betreffende Gei>eustiinde. 12J. Greifs- umld, 1806. Weiffexbach (H.) * Geschichte der For- schungen iiberdeu Geburtsmechanismus wiilireud der Jahre 1752 und 1753. 6°. Giessen, 1857. Witkowski (G.-J.) Histoire des accouche- ments chez tons les peuples. 2 v. in 1. 8-. Paris, [1887]. Zi.m.mermaxn (K.) * Geschichte der Forschun- gen iiber den Geburtsuiechanisnius wiihrend der zwei ersten Decenuicu des 18. Jahrhunderts. 8°. Giessen, 1855. Zwey cliinesiscbe Abhandlungen iiber die Geburtshiilfe. Aus dem Mandschurisehen ins Russische und aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt. Herausgegeben von J. Rehmann. 12-. St. Petersburg, 1810. Aaiilcekciiingeii nopens de zeden. gewoonten en gebruiken, benevens de vooroordeeleu en bijgeloovickeden der bevolking van de eilanden Saparoea, Ilaroekoe, Xocssa Snut, en van cen gedeelte. van dc zuidkust van Cerana, in voegeren en lateren tijd. Xedcrl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht, 1849, ii, 80-85.—Accou lit of the Burmese practice OHftTKTRICS. 28 OBSTKTltlCS. Obstetrics (History and literature of). of midwifery. By A. F. India J. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1835, ii, 339-342.—Ailv (•!. C.i Native midwifery in Rangoon. Brit. M. J.. Lend.. 1883, i, 106.—Atthill (L.j The changes in midwifery practice, and in the treatment of uterine dis- eases, dmim: the last tweutv years in the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin. Med. Press & Giro., Loud.. 1S75, ii, 511-514.— A ultinai*. De la pratique de-Francois Mauriccau. J. de la sect, ile med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1857, n. s., xxxiii, 17-42. -----. De la pratique de Smellie. Ibid., 27- 142.—Au*zugc aus einem chinesiscben Hebamnienkate- chismus. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1811, xxxii, 1. St., 113- 119.—A vol i iii; (J. H.) Biographical sketches of British obstetricians. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1873, i, 23; 181; 449. -----. An account of the earliest English work on mid- wifery and the diseases of women. Ibid., 1874. ii, 73-83.— Avis (J. A.) Kenigv (ibstetrische curiositeitcu nit Zuid- Afrika. Nederl. Ti.idschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 18S5. xxi, 386-390.— Kailly (K. i Les vacances dun accoucheur. Quinze jours de promenade en Auvergue. Arch, de tocol., Par.. 1878, v. 689; 749: 1879, vi. 53. 114.—Barnes (R ) Oa the relations between medicine, surgerv, and obstetrics in London. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 941-959.— Ba*kclt (X. M.) Customs in midwifery. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 200-205.—Bcatty (T. E.) Address deliv- ered at the opening of the 25th session of the Dublin Ob- stetrical Society, Nov. 29, 1862. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxv, 17~-180. Also, Reprint.—Boer (J.) Das Hebam- menwesen im Mittelalter im Reflex des Alterthums und unsererZeit. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 329; 341.— Bibbey (S. H.) Cast of a piece of sculpture, the original of which was dug up in a temple of Venus in the island of Cvprus. representing the circumstantials of parturition. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 123, 1 pi. ---—. Exhibition of a plaster cast of a group illustrating the process of parturi- tion, found in the temple of Venus, at Golgos, in Cvprus. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1878. iv, 50— Blyth (D.) Notes on the traditions and customs of the natives of Fiji in relation to conception, pregnancy, and parturition. Glasgow M. J., 1887, [4 | s.. xxviii, 176-186. — Boerncr. Beziehungen der Geburtshiilfe zur Mediciu im Allgemeinen. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. G.wiiik., Berl.. 1872-3, pt. 2, 3-25. Also, Re- print.—Broern (II. J.) Over de uitoefening der verlos- kuiide en het vcrloskuudig onderwijs iu ons vaderland. Bi.jdr. t. Geneesk. Staatsreg., Amst., 1842, ii, 23-39. -----. Aii-Cohen s overzigt van den toestand der provincie Gro- ningen enz., nit ecn vcrloskundig oogpunt toegelicbt en beoordecld. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1861-2. xii. 365-399. -----. Bibliographie en his- toric der verloskuiide. Ibid., 460-462. -----. De Rosen- gaetden der bevruehte vrouwen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1864, viii, 357-378. -----. Ouzo oude vroed- vrouwenboeken, nog ecn enkel woord overde Rosengaerts. Ibid.. 1871, 2. R., vii, 1. Afd., 697-703. -----. Ouze oude vroedvrouwenboeken. Het boeck van de vroet-wijfs, van J. Rucff. Ibid.. 1872, 2. R., viii, 1. Afd., 385-397. Also. Re- print. -----. Gcscbiedenis der verloskunde. Ncc-Criwtofori« (M.) La mediciua ostet ricae la giuccologia nell'Ospitale Maggiore di Milano. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1865, exciv, 374.— Davidson. Zur geburtshiilflichen Bibliographie. Mo- natsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1864, xxiii, 336- 360. — Oosjolt. Des progres accomplis dans l'art des ac- couchements. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc med. de la Moselle, Mctz. 1867. 1-34.—Do Will (YV. II.) Ameri- can operative midwifery, versus Chinese operative mid- wifery. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1879. n. s., iii, 433.— Dohrii (R.) Ueber die Verlncitung geburtshiilflicher Pfuscherei in (Istpreussen. Ztschr. f.Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.. 188.5. xi, 249-253—Dorabjee (B.) On the native practiced' midwiterv. Tr. M. ic Phvs. Soc. Bombay. 1855, n. s. ii. 338-340. — Duncan ij. M.) On the m'ode of progress of the science of natural parturition. Med. Times i Gaz., Loud., 1872, i, 122-125.—van der Eem Obstetrics (History and literature of). (N\ I Inauguralschrift iiber die Vorziige der neuern Ge- burtshiilfe vor der jiltern in Riicksicht der natiirlichcn Geburt. N. S.imml. d. auserl. n. n. Abhaudl. f. W'undarzte, Leipz.. 17sH. St. 21, 1-142— Fyan (C.J.) Midwifery notes from British Kaffraria, South Africa. Med. Time's tV Gaz., Loud.. 1871, ii, 643: 1872, ii, 225: Is,5, i, 30.— Ellis (E.) Biblical obstetrics. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 874— Ensjclmnuii (G. J.) Pregnancy, parturition, and childbed among primitive people. Am. J. Obst.. N. V., 1881, xiv, 602; 828. Alsu, Reprint. -----. Characteristic labor scenes among the yellow, black, and red races. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882. vii, 216 : 385: 400. Also. Reprint. -----. Massage and expression or external manipulations in the obstetric practice of piimitivc people. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1882, xv, 601-625.—E pp. lets over de ver- loskuiide oudcr de Inlanders. Nat - en Geneesk. Arch. v. Neorl.-Indie, Batav., 1845, ii. 317-325.— Faye (A. L.) Opl.\ sninger om Forhold og Skikke vedroreude S\ anger- skai) og Fodsel bos de ganile Nordbotre. [Customs in pregnancy and delivery prevailing among the ancient Norwegians.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1885, xv.613: 673 ; 753. — Fa yo (!■'.('.) KogleBemicrkuinger angaamdo Fbdselshja'lpons I'diivelse i Norge. Ibid.. 1866, xx. 103-122— Fcnn (C. M.) The practice and perils of belly-squeezing in Mexican obstettics. Am. J Obst.. N. Y.. 1881, xiv, 395-400. —Finlay (R.) Notes on the early history of midwifery. Edinb. M. J.. 1865, x, 794; 8o7.— Franco (P ) Ein Beitrag zur pragmatischen Geschichte der Geburtshiilfe, mitgetheilt von E. C. J. von Sh bold. J. f.Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1833, xii, 1-15.—Uogiivl (L.) Accouchements chez les Hebreux et les Arabes. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1877, 2 s.. xiv, 363.—(.oodcll (W.) Some ancient methods of deliverv. Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc, N. Y., 1871, i, 177-190. Also: Ani. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1872. iv, 663-676. -----. The address in obstetrics. A report on t lie progicss of obstetrics and of gynaecology. Tr. M. Soc. Penu., Phila, 1873, ix. 65-94. -----. AV hen and why were male physicians emploved as accoucheurs .' Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1876, ix, 88l-39(f. -CJrcenc (H. R ) A few practi- cal remarks on midwifery as practised in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 58—CJreiner (C. G. C. F ) Bijdrage tot de verloskuiide in Oost-Iudie. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1860, viii, 650-662.—Gri'n- nell (F.) Indian obstetrics. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 18i8. i, 11.—(iiuiiiprccht (I. J.) Albreeht von Haller und die Geburtshelfer des 19ten Jahrhunderts. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1841. n. F.. i, 186-195.—CSuswerow (A.) Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie in Grossbritannien. Ein Reisebericht. (Sep.-And. aus der Monatsschrift fiir Ge- burtskunde und Frauenkrankheiteu. Band 24.) Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864). 1865, xvii, 106- 165. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1864, xxiv, 256 ; 321. Also, Reprint.—II a son (J. P.) Ab- handluug iiber die alte und neue Geburtshiilfe vorziiglich in Riicksicht der hoheru oder wissenschattliehen Eutbin- dungs-Kunst. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1787, i, 1. St., 56-92. — Halbertsma (T.) De voortreeffelijkheid der hedendaagsche verloskuiide. Ann. Acad. [Neerl.] Hagae- Comitisef Lugd.-Bat,, 1870,193-214.—Harris (R. P.) The practice of obstetrics among the Chinese. Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. (1881), 1882. 12-24. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1881, xiv, 570-581. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Ann. de gynce., Par., 1881, xvi, 349-363.—Ilcbaiiimeiiordiiuug in Russ- land. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jeua, 1792, iv, 350-354 — Ileij- mcriiig (G.) Zeden en gewoonten oj) het eiland Rottin. Eeue Bottinesche vrouw in gezegende omstandigheid. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht, 1849, ii, 86-98. — Hciu- riciiM (G.) Den moderna obstetriken in Paris. I'inska lak.-sallsk.handl.,Helsingfors, 1884, xxvi, 314-370.—How- itt (G.) On the advances in obstetric medicine during the last twelve years. Lancet, Loud., 1871, i, 37-41.— Ilis- loire de l'obstetrique. Obstetrique, Par., 1880, i, 29-46.— ■louse (S. R.) Notes on obstetric practice in Siam. Arch. Med.. N. Y., 1879. i, 309-317.—Hubert (K.) Des origines de la science obstetricale et de la profession d'accoucheur. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain, 1876, i, 595-601.—Iludclz iC.) Zur Kenutniss der Geburtshiilfe am Lande. Ztschr. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. in rngarn. Oedeiiburg. 1857, viii, 102-164.— Hutchinson (YV. L.) .Sfamese obstetrics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, xi, 133.—Index of gynecological and obstet- ric literature of all countries from Julv 1, 1876. to 1882. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc 1877, Bost., 1878, ii, 673-697: 1878, Bost., 1879, iii, 425-472: 1879, Bost., 1880. iv, 447-506: 18.-!!, Bost., 1881, v, 391-470: 1881. Phila., 1882, vi, 471-542: l8s2, Phila., 1883. vii, 415-485. — Instruction iiber das kiiuf- tige Hebammenwesen in Schbsien. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1792, iv. 387-396.—Invorardi (G.) Note di viag- gio. Ann. di ostet,, Milano, 18s3. v, 657-676.—Jaclisoii (J.) Onmidwiferv in the cast, Tr. Obst. Soc Loud., lst;o. ii, 37-47. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1860, i, 14 !.—.1 aim. Einige Irrthiimer der iiltern Entbindungs-Kunst, die sich bis auf unscre Zeiten erhalten habi-u. Arch. t. d. Geburtsh.. Jena, 1787-8, i. 3. St., 95-101. — .1 ainioson (A.) Obstetric prac- tice in China. Med. lines i; Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 653. -----. Chinese operative midwifery. China. Imp. Cus- toms. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1877-8. xv,7: 1878-9. xvii. 32.— Jauiiexon (J.) Obstetric practices among the native OBSTETRICS. 29 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (History and literature of). of the New Hebrides. Austral. M. J„ Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 49-54. -----. A sketch of the historv of mid- wifery. Ibid.. 193-200.—Keeling (J. H.) An address on modern obstetrics. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, ii, 57-60.— Kioslra (J.J.) Dc verloskuudige verdiensteu van Hen- drik van Deventer. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk.,Utrecht, 1851, iv, 296-319 —Kicter (A.) Kritische Febersicht der Leistungcn in der Geburtshiilfe wiihrend der letzten 15 Jahre. 'Med. Ztg. Russlands. St, Petersb., 1850, vii, 201; 2(19: 217: 225; 233; 241; 249; 257; 265: 273; 281; 289.— Kin;; (A. F. A.) Notes on modern changes in midwif- ery practice. Nat, M. Rev., Wash.. 1879, i, 137; 185.— Kirtsetr (D. M.) Akushcrsk. ekskurs. v sievern. Ita- liou lietom 1885 g. [ Obstetrical excursion to northern Italy.] Fjened. klin. gaz., St, Petersb., 1885, v, 467-472.— Klein wiicb ter (L.) Die Hiilfeleistung wahrend der Geburt bei den verschiedenen Volkeru, namentlich den Wilden Xord-Amerikas. Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1882. v, 22-30. -----. Welche neue Batmen hat die Geburtshilfe einzuschlagen? Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1477-1481.— Koenig (C.) On the practice of midwifery in Greece. Med. &. Phys. J., Lond., 1801, vi, 151-155.—Krul (R.) De woningvaii Hen- drik van Deventer in den Haag. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- i necsk., Amst,, 1888, 2. r., xxiv. 524-526.—Kruseiistern I (V. E.) Programma sobiranija sved. o meustruat., be- remen., rodach, poslerod. sostojanii iob uchode za novoroj- den. u razlich. narodov v Zakavkazsh. kraje. [Program of instructions respecting menstruation, delivery, post- partum state, and weaning in different Trauscaucasian tribes.] Nauch. Besedv vrach. Zakavkazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis, 1886, i, 193-21(1.—Kiistnor (<>.) Das letzte Decen- j nium der Geburtshiilfe. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., j 1888. u. F., v, 175 ; 184—I.awes (W. G.) Customs among i the natives of New Guinea in sickness and childbirth. I Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1885-6, v, 215.— I.ogatus ' (L.) eroy. Encore quelques mots sur Julien Clement, celebre accoucheur du xvii' siecle. Union med., Par., 1861. 2. s., xi, 289-294.—Eevy i.F.) Orienterende No- titser \ edrowcn- b a I'll I. FreimiithigeBeleuchtungdes Hebammenwesens I aufdemplattenLande. nebst unmassgeblichen Vorschliigen I zu dessen Verbesserung. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., ! 1839, 477: 498. — Lowndes ( F. W.) The obstetrics of | bible history. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1874, i, 790-796.— Euilblon (W.) Parallele zwischen alter und neuer Ge- burtshiilfe. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1850, xx, 201-204.—M. (S.) On the first use of the term man-midwife. Med. ^c Phys. J., Loud., 1812, xxviii, 100-102.—Macari (F.) Cenno storico dell' ostetricia. Imparziale, Firenze, 1870, x, 738-744.— M'Clonahaii (H. M.) Medical knowledge of the North American Indians; midwifei v. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xhv. 539-541.— McCliutock (A. H.) On the rise of the Dublin School of Midwifery; with memoirs of Fielding Ould and J. C. Fleury. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxv, 1- 20. Also, Reprint. -----. The opening address-of the twenty-ninth session of the Dublin Obstetrical Society. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1867. xliii. 204-218. Also, Reprint. -----. Remarks on old obstetrical works. Proc Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1875, 140-142.-----. Inaugural address. [Some of the more prominent among the many eminent obste- tricians who have lived and practised in London.] Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond.. 1881, iv, 233-239.— M'Craitb (J.) Scientific midwives at Smyrna. Med. Times, Loud., 1849, xix, 509.— McMahou (H. M.) Child birth among the Chippewa Indians. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1876, 79. — McMillan ( T. L. ) On the natural obstetrics of the aborigines of the New Hebrides. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1882-3, ii, 97-100.— VIaddon (T. M.) Address on the recent progress of obstetric aud gynaecological medicine. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, 3. s., lxxxi, 18-32.—ITIaleolm (R. B.) On the rise of the Edin- burgh School of Midwifery. Edinb. M. J:, 1856, ii, 20-29.— Maugiagalli (L.) Impressioni di un ostetrico in viag- gio; lettere al Prof. Domeuico Chiara. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1879, i, 496; 558; 615; 686; 731.—Mason (J. F.) Obstetrics in the country. Peoria M. Month., 1886-7, vii, 522-525.—Mathews (AV. S.) Why were physicians em- ployed as accoucheurs instead of midwives ? Toledo M. & S. j., 1879, iii. 54-56. Also : ''The Transactions", Youngs- town, Ohio, 1879, i, 7-10.—Mattel. La maternite ct l'ob- stetrique chez les Hebreux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. s., Obstetrics (History and literature of). xi, 761; 775: 1857, 3. s., xii, 23; 51; 87; 151. Also [Ab- str.] : Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1856, 53; 69. -----. Julieu Clement, et les accoucheurs des dames de la cour des rois de France; reponse d'uu accoucheur a deux ine- decius erudits. Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s., xi, 401-407. -----. La veritc sur le premier accoucheur de dames de la cour des lois de France. Ibid., x. 592-597. -----. Des citconstances dans lesque les l'obstetrique est pass6e, a Paris, a l'etat des sciences pendant les seizieme et.dix- septieme siecles. Gaz. med. de Par., 1873, xxviii, 103.— .Meadows (A.) On the historv of midwifery. Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 637-641.—Meissiier (F. L.) Betrachtung iiber das Sonst und Jetzt in der Geburtshiilfe. Monat- sehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr.. Berl, 1857. x, 435-453.— lflclzcr (It.) Riickblioke auf die Geburtshiilfe seit dein Aufangc des neunzehnteu Jahrhuuderts. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., Jena, 1850, i, 380-467.—do Meyer. Recherches historiques sur la pratique de l'art des accou- chements, a, Bruges, depuis le xivme siecle, jusqu'a nos jours. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1843, iv, 11-62.— Meyer-Ahrens. Zur Geschichte des ziircherischen Hebammenwesens vom J. 1554 his zum J. 1782. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat,- u. Heilk., Heilbr., 1838, iii. 174-182. -----. Mutter Grete [Margaretha FussinJ. Ein Bild aus dem xvii. Jahrhundert. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1872, ii, 465-469.—Midwifery in Arkansas. Nashville J. M. & S., 1858, xiv, 208. — Miyake (B.) Ueber die japanische Geburtshiilfe. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Yolkerk. Ostasiens, Yokohama. 1873-6, i, Hft. 5, 2. Aufl., 21-27; Hft. 8, 2. Aufl., 9-13; Hft. 10, 9-16, 2 pi. -----. L'obstetrique an Japon. [Trad, de l'allemaud par Charpentier.] Arch, de tocol., Par., 1879, vi, 519; 599.— Molinier. Deux accoucheurs rivaux au dix-septieme siecle. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1885, xix, 353-358.—Mon- diere. Mariage et accouchement chez les Annamites. Praticieu, Par., 1883, vi, 181 ; 193 ; 205.—Morton (H. H.) Obstetric methods in Prague. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 702. AIso, Reprint.—Moses (G. A.) A "Crede" method among the Kiowa Indians; a contribution to obstetric lit- erature. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 16 — Murphy (E. W.) The history of midwifery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1864, i, 523-528.—IVeugebaiier (F. L.) Kilka slow o poloznictwie Japobskiem. [Obstetrics in Japan.] Medycvna, War- szawa, 1886, xiv, 515; 560; 593; 609; 625; 638; 658;'673.— Ne- ver man n. Ueber den Zustand der Geburtshiilfe iu den verschiedenen Welttheilen im Allgemeinen; ein Beitrag zur pragmatischen Geschichte dieser Kunst. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii, 391-400.—van Nierop (A. S.) De tegeu- woordige pathologie en therapie der verlooskunde, getoetst aan de ervaring en wetenschap. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1850. ii. 346-350.—IVouveaux (Les) services d'accouchements dans les hopitaux de Paris. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883. lvi, 521— Obstetric (An) relic [The Virgin's girdle.l Lond. M. Gaz.. 1845. n. s.. ii, 1283.— Obzor uspaikhov po akusherstvu v' 1874 godu. [Prog- ress in obstetrics in 1874.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 8, p. 3; no. 10, p. 4; no. 11, p. 3; no. 13, p. 5; no. 18, p. 4.--0'Coimoll (P. A.) Obstetrics iu Vi- enna. Boston M. & S. J.. 1872, ix, 309-312.—Ogata (Sho- toku). [Recent progress in obstetrical science.] Tokei Iji Shinshi. Tokio, 1886, uo. 444, Oct. 2.—Origin (On the) of the term man-midwife. Med. & Phys. J.. Lond., 1811, xxvi, 41.—Pajot. L'obst6trique et la cliuique d'accou- chements. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 1153-1155.—Par- viii (T.) Address on obstetrics, delivered before the In- ternational Medical Congress, at Philadelphia, September 7, 1876. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. 1876, Phila., 1877, 138-166. Also, Reprint.—Patcrsou (G. K. H.) The practice of midwifery in bygone times in the city and count v. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884. n. s., xxxvii. 87-89.—Pcdley (T. F.) Midwifery among the Burmese. [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix. 5-26. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 158.—Pfeul'er (C.) Ueber das Verhalten der Schwaugeren, Gebahrendeu und Wochne- rinnen auf dem Landc. uud ihre Behandlungsart der Neu- gebornen uud Kinder in den ersten Lebeusjahren. Jahrb. d. Staatsarzuk., Fraukf. a. M„ 1810. iii. 43-74— Piehau- sol. Reiueil d'observations propres ii faire connoitre l'etat actuel do Part des accouchemens, exerce par les sages-femmes. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1811, xxiv, 361-374.— Piuotr (J.) Die Geburtshiilfe des Sorauus Ephesius, nach dessen Werke " Ilepl yvi/aoceiW nadaiv" bearbeitet. Janus, Bresl., 1846, i, 705-752: 1847, ii, 16; 217 ; 732. -----. Herophilus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Geburts- hilfe. Ibid., 739-743. — Playfair (YV. S.) The progress of obstetrics. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1872, i, 463-466. Also, Reprint. -----. Inaugural address at the Obstetrical So- ciety of Loudon. Lancet, Loud., 1879, i, 186.— Ploss. Die'Art der Abnahelung des Kindes bei verschiedenen Volkern. Deutsche Klinik, Berk, 1870, xxii, 433; 443.— Poisson (L.) Enscignement theologiquo et quelques interventions obstetricales. J. de med. del'oucst. Nantes, 1883, xvii, 33-162.—Priestley (XV. O.) The history of obstetric medicine in Manchester. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 181-183. Also.- Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1877, v, 531-538.—Pin.jan-.lti (M. O.) Obzor lit, po akusher- stvu za 1885 g. [Sketch of obstetrical literature for 1885.] OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* (History ami literature of). Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1886, xxvi, 973-1007. — Kaige-De- loruio. [Accouchement] : bibliographie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1859, i. 420-424.—Kapida ojeada acerca el ejercicio de la obstetricia en algunas provincias de Es- pafia, Abeja med.. Barcel., 1847. 2. s., i, 134-136.—Rare secrets brought to light, which for many years were locked up in the brcst of that most famous and learned physitian . Theodore Mayern ; iu which are contained the sufficient testimonies of the warranted and happy successes of his mature judgment in his general practice on the greatest ladies of the court and country, iu the faculty of so publick a benefit as of the excellent skill of midwifry. In: Com- I pleat (The) midwife's practice enlarged, 12°, [Lond.], 1663, 277-321.—Rasori (E.) Archeologiaost trica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 18s5, vi, 329-334. —Keguard (A.) His- toire de l'obstetrique; Introduction du traite des accou- chements de M. Velpeau ; influence de l'eglise; un par- tisan de la nature et de ses causes finales ; un mot sur les sages-fern ines: Levret. sesbuvrages; le forceps: pro- gres rapide de l'obstetrique ; la maternite : trois profes- < seurs libres: Levret, MM. Velpeau et Pa jot. France med., Par., 1865, xii, 410-414. — Reuiaole (J.-J.) Com- ment se font les accouchements dans les Ardennes. Gaz. med. beige, Brux., 1843, i, 151. — Remarks on scrip- ture midwifery, and on some circumstances connected with the female habit, mentioned in the sacred writings. Lond. M. Reposit.. 1816, vi, 365-368.— Rit^ou. Die Ge- burtshiilfe des Hippokratcs. Gem. deittsche Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar. 1829, iv, 439; 623: 1830, v, 428-468: j 1831. vi, 254-309.— Rittor (B.) Ueber den misslichen j Stand des Geburtshelfers im Kiinigreich Wurtteiuberg. | auseigener Erfahrung durch speeielle Falle naehge wiesen; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte dieses Faches in Wiirttemberg. Ann. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib.. 1843. viii, 306; 543.—Rob- ertou (J.) On Hindu midwifcrv. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1846, Ixv. 308-319. — [Robson.| Midwifcrv in Syria. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xxxix. 231-235.- Sanger (XV. M. H.) De onvolkomenheid der verloskuudige wetenschap. Ann. Acad. [Neerl. j Haga-Comitis et Lugd.-Bat., 1872, 229-244.— Savage (T.) Obstetric progress. Birmingh. M. Rev., I 1877. vi. 108-116.—Saxtorph (M.) Ueber die Zunahme, die Verbesserungundden Nutzen, welche die Geburtshiilfe I in Dannemark, durch die Errichtung eines Gebiii hospitals in Kopenhagen, erhalten hat. In his: Ges. Schrift. ge- burtsh. . . . Inhalts, 83, Kopeuh., 1804, 369-441—School. Ueber die Behandlung der Wochueriuuen uud der neuge- bornen Kinder in Island, mit Riicksicht auf die Mitte], der grossen Stei blichkeit unter den letztercn Einhalt zu thuii. N. nord. Arch. f. Natnrk.. Atznevw. u. Chir., Fraukf. a. O, 1807, 106-120. — *< limit! (W.J.) De la Morte. Fine historisch-kritische Ucvision. J. f. Ge- ! burtsh., Fraukf. a. M, 1813, i, 1-79.—Sell weicltliard. Zusatze su seinera Catalogo diss. art. obstetrician. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1797, xix, 75-95.—Scrip tare (On) midwifery. Lond. M. Reposit., 1816, vi, 467. — [Sbway Yoc] Obstetrics in Burmah. [Extr.] Med limes & Gaz.. Lond.. 1882. ii, 417.—Simpwou (A. R.) obstetrics and gynaecology one hundred years ago. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1876. iv. 569-589. Also, Repriut.— Spongier (L.) Geschichte des anatomischen uud Ent- binduugs-Instituts an der ehemaligen hohen Schule zu ] Hcrborn. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr.. Berl., 1858. xi. 216-262.—StaudpiiuUt (Ueber den) der Ge- burtshiilfe im .Fibre l«i>9 in Deutschland. N. Jour. d. | Erfind.. etc.. Gotha, 1810, i, 1. St.. 41-88.—stein. Vindi- ] cation der Rechte der neuern Geburtshiilfe : oder Ergiin- zungen eines der neuesten Lehrbiicher der Geburtshiilfe. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1845, xviii. 1-44.—Stein (G. XV.). jr. Theile eines kiinftigen Ganzen der Lehre der Geburtshiilfe im eugcrn Sintie uberhaupt. Ann. d. Ge- burtsh., etc. Leipz.T 1811. 5. St.. 41-84.—Stroinz (XV.) Geschichte der Gebar-Austalt und des Hebaminenweseus im Herzogthume Salzburg. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. bsterr. Staates, \Vien, 1837, n. F.. xiv. 6UO-610.—Suringar (G. C. B.) De vroegste geschiedenis van het ontlecdkuudig onderwijs to Leiden. In his: Bijd. t. de gesehied. v. h. geneesk. onderwijs aan de Leidsch. Hoogesch.. 8°. | Amst., 18iio-70, no. 4].—Szabii (I ) Munkalkodas a sziileszet 6s niigybgyaszat kori-ben. [Progress of obstetrics and gyne- cology. ] Gybgyaszat, Budapest, 1888, xxviii. 99; 113 : 147 ; 173.—Tableau historique de la sciencedesaccouchemens. Limine franc., Par., an xi [1803]. i, 25-136. — Thomas ! (A. E. S.) lie rite instauranda institutione de arte obste- I tricia. Ann. Acad. [Neerl.] Hagse-Comitis et Lugd.-Bat. I 1851. 260-277.—Thomas (T. G.) Obstetrics and gyneco- logy. (A century of American medicine, 1776-1876 No iii.) Am. J. M. Sc. Phila.. 1876, n. 8., lxxii, 133-170.—Ti- lanns (C. B.) Uit de verslagen der verloskunst-oefena- ren in het ressort der provinciate geneeskundige commis- sie te Amsterdam, buiten de hoofdstad, ingediend over de jaren 1851-1855. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1857, i. 3-8. — V. (R.) La obstetricia en Espaiia. Siglo med., Madrid. 1875. xxii. 82-85.—Van HaeseudoneU. Les titres obstetricaux de Henri Van Deventer et de Hot- man, inventeur de l'accouchement premature artificiel et du pelvimetre de Baudelocque. (Trad, du neerlandais par ledocteurH.de Ceuleneer Van Bouwel.) Ann. Soc. de or.sriiTKics. Obstetrics (History and literature of). med. d'Anvers. 1863. xxiv. 225-210. f Rap. de Do Ceuleneer Vau Bouwel], 241-245. —Venisolo ( M.) 1) Die Geburts- hilfe im Griechenlande, und 2) Die krankhaftcn Com- plicationeu der Schwaugerschaft. der Geburt und des Wochenbets im Griechenlande. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rrnd. 1884. Copenh., 18->6. ii. Sect, d'obst. etde gvnec, 201-210.—Vorrier (E.) Des accouchements dans lantiquite. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1872. i. 10: 33. -----. lStude pratique sur les ameliorations a, apporter dans le service des accouchements k domicile par les bureaux de bienfaisancc. Ibid., 189-193. -----. Renaissance dc 1'art" obstetrical. Ibid., 1875, iv, 161: 177; 193. -----.Une page d'liistoire retrospective a propos de Mine. Lachapelle ct de la Maternite de Paris; etat actuel de ret etablisse- ment. Mcdccin prat.. Par., 1883, iv, 553: 565. -----. Cours d'obstetrique comparee suivant les diffcrentes races humaiues: professe & l'lScole pratique de medecine daus le semestre de 1883-84. Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femraes, Par.. 1884. vi, 241 ; 301 : 361 ; 421 ; 481 : 541: «00; 666: 1885, vii, 16: 65; 186; 305: 426: 548. -----. De quelques modes do l'aecouchement consacrees par des monuments histo- riques. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1885, 3. s., viii, 367- 371.— Votsch. Gedankcn eines Landarztes iiber das Hebammenwesen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxii, 109: 177: ls5. — Voglor iXV.) Drei Geburtsfalle auf Sumatra. Med. Ztg.. Berl.. 1857, xxvi, 113-115. — Vullers. Alt-indische Gcbm tshiille. Janus, Bresl.. 1846. i. 225-256.—"Wells (F.) Obstetrics in Vienna. Boston M. & S. J., 1871. vii. 341; 365.—Wet- more (C. H.) Obstetrics in the Sandwich Islands. Buf- falo M. & S. J., 1872-3, xii, 90-94.—Whitney (XV. N.) Ancient obstetric ptactice in Japan. [From: Tr. Asiatic Soc Japan, xii.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo. 1887. vi. 55- 6o. — Whittaker. Some peculiarities of obstetrical in- struction and practice in Berlin. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1869, n. s., xii, 165-172. —Whittaker (J. T.) The ob- stetrics of the Bible. Clinic, Cincin . 1872. iii. 3o4.—Wise. Remarks on the treatment of women dining pregnancy and labour by the Asiatics. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. <>. -----. Houitt'opathic manual of obstetrics. From the French, by M. Cote", M. D. 12°. Cin- cinnati, 1800. GcKiixsiA' (H. X.) The application of the principles and practice of honncopathy to obstet- rics, and the disorders peculiar to women and young children. 8~. Philadelphia, 1807. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New York 4- Ph i ladelph ia, 1881. -----. The same. Traite" d'obstetrique et des maladies spe"cialesaux femmesetanx eufants, base sur les principcs et la pratique de l'hoinoeo- pathie; tradtiitsurla troisiemeEdition am6ricaine par le Dr. Fernand Chauvet. 8°. Paris, 188<». Leavitt(S.) Homoeopathic therapeutics, as applied to obstetrics. l"i°. Chicago, 1881. -----. The science and art of obstetrics. sD. Chicago, 1883. Richardson (YV. C.) A system of obstetrics on homoeopathic principles. 8. Saint Louis, 1-77. Obstetrics (Instruments for). See, also, Barnes's dilators; Beds, etc. ; Ceph- alotribe, etc.: Colpeurynter; Cranioclasm, etc. ; Craniotomy; Decapitation of feet us ; Em- bryotomy ; Forceps (Obstetric, History, etc., of); Forceps (Placental); Labor (Complicated, etc.) from prolapse of umbilical cord; Symphysi- otomy. Ass.vlixi (P.) Xnovi stromenti di ostetricia e loro uso. 6-. Milano, 1~11. OBSTETRICS. 31 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Instruments for). Catalogue aud report of obstetrical and other instruments exhibited at the conversazione of the Obstetrical Society of London, held by per- mission at the Royal College of Physicians, March ■28, 1886. 8°. London, 1867. Ckantz (H. J. N.J * De re iustrumentaria in arte obstetricia cum tribus obseivationibus. 4°. Norimberg®, 1757. Gervasont (G.) Sul' uso de' uuovi stro- meuti di ostetricia del Prof. Assaliui. 8°. Mi- lano, 1811. Gisi (J.) * De necessario iustrniuentorum iu arte obstetricia usu. Argentorati, 1775. In : Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Frank/, u. Leipz., 1780, xi, 165-173. Haxe (D. T.) * Armamentarium Lucinse no- vum. 8'. Hal®, [1805]. Kiliax (H. F.) Armamentarium Lucinae no- vum, oiler umfassende Samnilnng vou Abbildun- gen der in der Geburtshiilfe gebrauchlicheu -ii- teren nnd neuereu Instrumente. fol. Bonn, 18515. Mt'LDUR (J.) Historia litterariaet criticafor- cipum et vectium obstetriciorum. 8°. Lugd, Bat., 1794. Xegadelle (C.) * De la composition d*un sac obstetrical. 4°. Paris, 1881. Ogdex (J.) * Description of a new modifica- tion of the obstetric vectis; with directions for its application, and cases illustrative of its uses and advantages. 8°. London, 1840. Also, in: Brit. Kec. Obst. M. & S., Manchester, 1849, ii, 49-55. . Osiaxdkk ( F. B. ) Geburtsstelle, oder Be- schreibung und Abbildung des Geburtsgestell's welches nach den iu dem Handbuch des . . . dargelegten Gmndsazen eingerichtet, von ihm erfunden und durch eigenen und auderer vieljah- rigeu Gebrauch erprobt ist. 8°. Tubingen, 1821. Pollakd (A.) Pollard aud Minkler's obstet- rical supporter; a description of its application, use, and beneficial effects, as connected with the natural parts and organs in the process of partu- rition. Embracing also a description of the muscles concerned in the mechanism of labor. 12°. Keeseville, 1849. Reciiberger (A. J.) De vecte emendato ejus- que usu et utilitate iu arte obstetricia. 8:. Vtennee, 1779. Saxtorph (J. S.) * Examen armamentarii Lucinae. 8°. Havni®, 1790. ■Schmeltz (J.) * Des avantages en obstdtrique du crochet et du cranioclaste de Braun. 4C. Paris, 18/9. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1879, xxxviii, 8; 13. Seibert(J. A.) * Ueber ein geburtshiMiches Instrument, zur Zutageforderung des in den Ge- burtswegen zogerndeu Kindskopfes. 8°. Mainz, [1810]. vox Siebold (A. E. ) Ueber ein bequemes uud eiufaches Kissen zur Erleichterung der Ge- burt und Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Berlin, 1818. Simpson (J. Y.) Two notices of the obstetric air-tractor. 8°. Edinburgh, 1849. Stein (G. W. ) Kurze Beschreibung eines Labimeters. 4°. Cassel, 1782. Suttiioff (X. J.) *Diss. sistens vectis Roou- huysiaui historiam fata et usutn. 8°. Gottinei®, [1780]. Thomas (J. A.) * Diss, sistens conspectum in- strumentorum quae ad partum iunormalem pro- inovendum connnendata sunt. 4°. Viteberei®, [1808]. Agostino (B.) Apparecchio pneuntatico meccanico, proposto in sostituzione del forcipe. [Bap. de Tibone.j Gior. d. t. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1868, 3. s., vi, 258- 263. — Ahlfeln. Modification des Smellie-Veit'schen Obstetrics (Instruments for). Handgritfes. Arch. f. Gynak., Berl., 1875, viii, 360.— Alarcon (G.) Asa elastica del Dr. Esparragosa. para la extraccion de la criatura viva 6 de la cabeza (pie ha que- dado en el ritero separada del cucrpo. An. de obst.. giue- copat. y pediat., Madrid. 1883, iii, 261; 293. — Alloivny. Axis traction hook. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 188 ;-4, xii, 53.—Amsdeii (C.) On a modification of the fillet. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1868-9), 1870. i, 94-96.— \mlcrsoii ( T. ) Au instrument for piecemeal extract inn of the foetus. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870. ii, 435.—Ban- lock (G.) Gynecological case. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1873-4, i, 121. — Baquie. Tire-tete k double croix; in- strument approuve par l'Acad6mie. Mem. Acad, row de chir., Par., 1768, iv, pt, 1, 103-108, 1 pi. — Barnes (R.) The obstetric bag; a description of the instruments used in operative midwifery. Lancet, Lond.. 1802. ii, 30-32.— BaUlehncr (F.) Verstellbanr stumpier Haken mit Beckenkriimmung als Wendungsmittcl iu schwierigen Fallen. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Katlsruhe, 1857, xi, 177; 185, 1 pi.—Bclluzzi (('.) Xuovo ]iovtalaccio ostetrico in gutta-percha. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1869. 5. s , viii, 209-211. [Rap. de Valtorta.] Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1869, 3. s., xi, 655-659.-----. Osserva- zioni cliuiche intorno al forcipe perforatore o sfenotribo dei fratelli Lollini di Bologna. Bull. d. sc, med. di Bo- logna, 1869, 5. s., viii, 349-387.—Benckiser (A.) Ein sterilisirbarcs geburtshiilfliches Besteck. Illust. Mo- natsehr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1888, x, 155-158.— Bcrgcsio (L ) Practica ostetrica; strmnenti necessari; norme per la loro scelta. Indipendente, Torino, 1877, xxviii. 533; 554; 569.—Bey il lor (G.) Etnploi dun levier en buffle dans la pratique des accouchements. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1801, xviii, 36; 273. [Rap. de CoppeeJ, 39; 218.—Bland (R.) Sonic account of the invention and use of the lever of Roonhuvsen. Med. Communicat., Lond., 1784-90, ii, 397-462, 1 pi'.—Brccn (J.) Observa- tions on the obstetric extractor, the instrument usually called the midwifery lever. Dublin- J. M. & Cheni. Sc, 1835, vii, 350-372.—Bu Hum (A. C.) Obstetrical ex- tractor. Am. M. Month., X. Y., 1855. iv, 373-370. Also) Buffalo M. J., 1850-7, xii, 228-231. Also, Reprint.—Bur- ilcn. [Obstetric lever.] Dublin M. Press, 3849, xxi, 385.—Camatte. Instrument d'obstetrique. [Rap. de Villeueuvo.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1842-3, viii, 804- 807.—Campbell (W.) Xew obstetrical instrument the kepalepsalis. Lancet, Lond., 1842, i, 822.—Causai-iline (H. H.) Brief notice presented, with the original obstetric instruments of the Chamberlins. Med.-Chir. Tr.. Lond., 1817-18, ix, 181-184. —Charpentier. Des instruments destines a remplacer le forceps et des tractions mecani- ques. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1876, vi, 401-418.—Chas- sagny. D'un nouveau tracteur; quelques reflexions sur le forceps, en reponse k la communication de M. Laroyenne. Lyon med.. 1875, xx, 151; 189, 2 pi. -----. Des crochets k volonte risjides ou flexibles. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1878,"xcv, 209-214.—Chiara (D.) Un vecchio istru- mento della pratica-ostetrica. Gior. intcrnaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, n. s., iii, 478-490 —Christie (D.) On a new form of the long forceps and an apparatus to control uterine haemorrhage. Glasgow M. J., 1878, x, 262-266—Concato (L.) Sopra un _uovo istrumento ostetrico. (Deeapitatore.) Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. s., ii, 153-155. Also, transl.: VTclinbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1857, iii, 209-216.—Davis (J. H.) The osteotomist of the late Professor Davis; its adequacy to the fulfilment of the objects intended by the inventor. Lancet. Lond.. 1841-2, ii, 45-48.—Oc he n ha in (R. K.) Description of a whale- hone fillet for facilitating lingering labour. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1867-8, iv, 506.—Belore. [Le crochet flexible; l'histoire du crochet.] Lyon med., 1878, xxvii, 457-459. -----. Crochet flexible. Ann. de gvnec, Par., 1878, x, 122-128.—Di dot (A.) Lettrc a M. le Prof. Van- huevel de Bruxelles sur le forcops-scie et le diatrvpteur. Pt esse med. beige, Brux., 1850, ii. 385: 395; 405; 410.'-----. Examen critique des resultats cliniques du toncpsseic. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1860, vii, 164; 180; 277 — DiomIi. Ueber den Gebrauch der Instrumente. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1826, vi, 116-126.—Buses (A. ) M0moire sur plusieurs instruments et procedes nouveaux relatifs k l'obstetrique. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1833, xiii, 285-304. -----. Xouveaux instruments d'obste- trique. Rev. med. fran§. ct etrang., Par., 1835, iii, 60-04, 1 pi. — Duma* (L.) Le basiotribe Tarnier. Moutpel. med., 1885. 2. s., iv, 350-365.—Dunean (J. M.) Exhibi- tion of Heeker's new slin"; for difficult breech cases. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4). 1875, iii, 287 — Diipuv-M al- baiiiu (L.-E.) Les instruments d'obstetrique a 1 exposi- tion universelle. Gaz. obst., Par., 1879, viii, 24; 83 : 164.— EariUey-Wilmot (R.) On the fillet or loop as an obstetric aid, with especial reference to a new modification of the instrument. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1873), 1874. xv, 172-180. — Erpenbeck (H.) Ueber verschiedene neue gebtirtshulfliclie Instrumente uud Verfahrungsarten. na- mentlich zur Vereinfachung des Apparates und zur Min- derung von Perforation, Kaiserschnitt und der Wondnng auf die Fiiss". X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1834. i, 3. Hft,, 1-28.— Evans (J.) The obstetrical extractor. [5 S'2 OBST ETHICS. Obstetric* (Instruments for). cases.] Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1850, iii. 419-427. Also: Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago &. Indiunap., 1850-51, vii, 53-02. Also, Reprint.-----. Observations on the use of the obstetrical extractor. Northwest. M. A: S. J., Chicago & Indianap., 1851-2, viii, 40-40. — Exhibition (The) of obstetrical instruments. Med. Times A: Gaz . Lund.. 1866. i, 372-376. — Fcigneaux (A.-) Observations d'applioatiou du forceps-srie. J. de mod., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1849, ix, 142-153. — Field (U. V.) Use of the vectis in cases of protracted labor. Lancet. Loud., 1838-9, ii, 11-13.— Flaiuaul. Memoire sur le levier des accoucheurs. J. conipl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1831, xxxix. 3-21.— diardncr (A. K.) Modification of the vectis. N. York M. l'imes, 1855, iv, 10-12. — «»aruier (F.) Sur le tere- brot-raeteur. Lyon med.. IstD. iii. 548-550.—Crhetti (L. L.) L'armaineutario iudispeusabile al giovane ostetrico. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1882, viii, 97-103. — Cioodell (W.) An efticient vectis.] Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 56.— t.radciiwitz. Ein neuer Apparat (Regulator) zur leichteteu Schliessung der bei der Anlegung sich werfen- ilen Zangenbiiitter. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., I!.'rl.. 1855. vi. 18U, I pi.—Qreviu. De li simpliticatiou de(]Uelques accouchements ti cs-laoorieux k l'aide d'iustru- ments dune execution facile ct pen dispeudieuse. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par. 1801, xxxiv, 4J1-406. — Hamil- ton (J.) Observations ou the instrument employed in the prictice of midwifery, comnionlv called Lowder's lever. Me 1 Comment. J 793, Edinb.. 1794, 2. decade, viii, 400- 421 -llanion. A propos de deux applications de retro- reps vaiuement tentees par deux confreres; du derapement des cuillers de c et insti umeut; bilau actuel du retroceps dans la pratique de l'auteur. Abeille med., Par., 1867, xxiv, 8)-l)2. — ilolil i A. F.) Simpson's geburtshiilflieher Air-Tractor. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1850, xxvii, 305-320.—Hubert (E.) Modifications apportees au rc- fouloir du cordon ombilical de L.-J. Hubert. [Hap. de v Pigeolet.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med de Belg., Brux., Ia76, x, 014-016. -----. Un nouvcau porte-lacs. Rev. med., Louvain, 1884, iii. 108. — Hulliu (P.) Procedes ct in- struments obstetriques pour extraire un enfant plus ou nioins volumiueux d'un bassin plus ou moins retreei. In his: Mem. de med. et de chir.. Par., 1832, 68-128, 2 pi.— ■ ■yernaiix. Du lacs et dun nouveau porte-nceud sur le pied de l'eufant daus la termiuaisou des accouchements laboricux. Bull. Acad. roy. de med de Belg., Brux., 1863, 2. s.. vi, 83-142, 1 pi. Also. Kept int. -----. Nouveau re- poussoir dans le cas de prolaps is du cordon ombilical. Bull. Acad. roy. demed.de Bclg.. Brux, 1863, 2. s., vi, 143-158. 1 pi. Also, in his : Du hies et d'un nouveau porte- meud. etc., 8°, Brux , 1863, 67-88, 1 pi.-----. Sur lc cro- chet decollateur articulc. Kcponse a M. Verardini. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege. 1S75, xiv, 385.-----. Quelques instruments d'obstetrique. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, iv, 350-359. -----. Le forceps-scie. sun origiue et ses faits. Ibid., 3110-397. —Improved obstetric bag. Med. Times & Ga/.., Lond., 1870, i. 402—.1 acqucmirr. Levier obstetriquc Diet, eucycl. d. sc med . Par., 1809, 2. s , ii, 431-447.— Joon (\V*.) Plauofau instrument, by vhe application of which it is possible to save the life of a child in cases where, in the present state of medical science, it would be lost, or at least dangerously compromised. Lond. M. Gaz., 1817, n. s.. v, 720.—Kocli'(C. A. L.) Ncucs im Facheder Geburtshiilfe: der S dbi-ntruger. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1840. 272. — Krieger. Der geburtshiilf- liche Luftzieher. Med. Ztg.. Berl.. 1849, xviii, 117.— ■ .ado*. Communication au sujet des modifications ap- pmte s par M. Didot, au forceps-scie de M. Van Huevel. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1851. xviii, 255-259—Earoy- eune. Des avantages realises par un pel fectionnement facile ii appliquer au forceps ordinaire, destine apermcttre l'insertion des cordons dc traction an centre des cuillers. Lyon med., 1875. xix, 617-023.—Eauivcrs {('.) Observa- tions relatives ii l'eniploi du forceps-scie de M. Yau Heuvel. Ann med. de la Flandre occid., Bottlers, 1855, iv, 399: 432.—de Eazarewitch (J.) Instruments pour les operations obstetricales. Cong. med. internat. de Par. (Is07), 1868, i, 620-624. -----. The three most important obstetrical instruments. Tr. Internat. M. Coug. 1876, Phila., 1877, 827.—Eei' (Ii.) Observations on the discovery of the original obstetric instruments of the Chamberlens. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1801-2. xiv, 1-24. Also [Abstr.] : - Lancet, Lond , 1861, ii, 498 — Eeepcr (XV. XV.) A funis I replacer. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1881. i, 6-i6.—Eeva. ' Notice sur le levier dc Boonhuvseu. Ann. Soc de med. j d'Auvers. 1853, x, 20.5-208. [Discussion], 208; 367.— EUtou (J. R.) Xew midwifery gloves. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond , 1871. i, 074.—Eoviot (F.) Instruments d'obste- trique du professeur Pajot. Ann. de gyuec, Par., 1886, xxvi. 29-39. Also. Reprint. — Ludlow (J. L.) Au in- strument devised as an improvement on the blunt hook used by obstetricians. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1841-6, i, 225.—.lieC'arthy iG. D. R ) On the use of the vectis in assisting parturition. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1867. ii, 542.— ITIaliu* (E. ) On the use of the fillet. Obst. J. Gr. Brit.. Loud.. 1873. i, 183-187.—.Harrhant. Du forceps et du levier. Arch. gen. de med , Par., 1868. 6. s., xii, i Obstetrics (Instruments for). 39-70. -----. Le crochet mousse et les lacs. Rev. med. dc Toulouse. 1871. v. 14: 33.— Mallei. Leleuioeps. R v. do therap. med. chir., Par., is.v.i 04-61. Also: Ann. med. de la Flandre occid.. Poolers. 1859-60, vi, st',-91. Also: Monit. d. hop.. Par.. Is5>), vii. 44-40. —.Tlnu- rice (E -F.) Note sir lc tire-menton, instrument obste- trical. Ann. Soc de med. de St.-l5 ienne et de la Loire. Compt.-rend (1872), 1875, v, 56-65. — .?lontain jeune. Description d'un nouvel instrument pour favoriser les ac- couchjiueus, speuialcment les accouchemens sees J. dc med.. chir.. pharm., etc.. Par., 1817. xxxviii, 362-364.— .Horalc*-Alpaca (J -A ) Not ■ sur un nouveau porte- lacs et sur un forceps a. trois courbures. Bull. Acad. roy. de med.de lielg.. Brux., isos, 3. s.. ii. 378-383. [Rap. de Hubert], 287-29.). — flora nil. Sur l'instrnmeiit de Roger Uoouhuvsen. J. d:s med.. chir., pharm.. etc 2. ed., 1755. Par., 1783, ii, 408-417 —.Tloraud (L.I Notice sur un uouvel instrument appelc pince obstetrirale ou main artificielle, suivie de plusieurs observations. In his: Mem. et obs. clin.. Tours, 1814. 197-227. 1 pi.— U lira I. Tire-tote. Diet. d. sc med. Par.. 1821, 1 v. 177-197.— >ie- bold ilC i Eine kleiue historische Bemerkung zu Simp son's Air Tractor. Mouatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr. Berl.. 1655. vi, 401-403.—Simpson (J. Y.) On the air! OBSTETRICS. 33 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Instruments for). tractor as a substitute for the midwifcrv forceps. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb. & Loud., 1848-9, ix, 618-620. -----. On a suction-tractor; or new mechanical power, as a substitute for the forceps in tediouslabours. I bid., 550-559. Also, Re- print.— Si iiiwon (T.) A ring scalpel for assisting the deliv- ery of women in childbirth. Med. Essays A: Obs. Soc Edinb., 1742-4, v, 445.—Smith (A. H.) Compact portable obstetric case. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., lviii. 114— Smith (D.) Ou the obstetric perforator. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc. 1842, ii, 908-972.—Smith (P.) Recent improve- ments in the pelvic band (an instrument for aiding labour). Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1870, ii, 410.—Steele (A. B.) The vectis as au obstetric instrument. Liverpool A: Manchester M. &. S. Rep., 1875, iii, 221-227.—Stein (G. W.) Beschreibung eines ISaromacronicters und eines Cephalometers, als ni'itz- licher Werkzeugein der Entbindungskunst. Inhis: Kleine "Werke z. pract. Geburtshiilfe, 8°, Marburg, 1798, 103-132. -----. Beschreibung eines Lahimeters; sammt der An- wendung desselben in der Geburtshiilfe. Ibid., 411-438.— Swayne (J. G.) On a new form of blunt hook aud sling for assisting delivery in cases of breech presentation. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1875), 1876, xvii, 313-318.—Taruicr. Crochet d'accouchement k titre flexible. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 680.—Theopold. Beschrei- bung einer neuen Zange zur Extraction des hochstehenden Kopfes. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 66.—Thomas (P.) l"n erubryotome. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 542-545.—Thompson (T. XV.) A new obstetric bag. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 1041.—Van tier Eeckcn. Nouveau crochet-scie. Ann. Soc de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom et Malines. 1844-5, iii, 213-220, 1 pi. [Rap. de Luytgalrens], 221.—Van lluevel. Description du pelvinietre geometrique et du forceps-scie, ou nouveau ce- phalotome. Ann. d'obst., Par.. 1843, iii, 385-405. Also. Re- print.— Vaust (J.) Note sur le grand crochet porte-lacs. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1853, xvi. 451. — Ve- rardini (F.) Di una nuova leva articolata e decollatrice. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1873, 3. s., iv, 379-395, 1 pi. Also: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1874, xiv, 161-205. [Rap. de Tibone]: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1874, xxxvii, 139-148. Also, transl.: J. de med., chir. ct Pharma- col., Brux., 1874, lix, 101; 197, 1 pi. -----. Nuova leva ar- ticolata e decollatrice. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st, di Bo- logna, 1873-4, 20-22. -----. Lettera in risposta alle osser- vazioni critiche del Dr. E. Rossi, intorno la mia leva oste- trica. Raccoglitore med., FoiTi, 1880, 4. s., xiv, 295-298. -----. Di un nuovo uncino ostetrico articolato e decolla- tore premessavi la storia generate di alquanti mezzi mecca- nici principali adoperati fin qui per recidere la testa al feto morto nell' utero materno. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., i, 151-166, 2 pi—Verrier. Parallele entre le cephalotribe et le forceps-scie. France med.. Par., 1866, xiii, 735; 759; 768— Walbaum (J. J.) Neue Werk- zeuge zur Geburtshiilfe, nitmlich : I. Zween Aufsperrer. II. Eine Kopfscheerc III. Eine Bauchscheere. IV. Ein Handschuh. V. EineFussschlinge. In: Levret. Wahr- nehmungen v. d. Ursachen . . . schwerer Geburt, 12°, Lii- beck it. Altona, 1758, 405-470.—Wardlcworth (T. H.) New form of vectis. Lancet, Lond., 1839-40, ii, 782.— Wassr-ijje (A.) tils. Notice sur le crochet mousse; de- scription de cet instrument, etc. Bull. Acad, row de med. de Belg., Brux., 1864, 2. s., vii, 591-603. [Rap. de Hubert], 541. Also: Ann. Soc. med-chir. de Liege, 1876, xv, 81- 105, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.] : Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1876, xliii, 397-399. —Weir ( G.) Improved blunt hook and crotchet. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1851, xii, 488.—Wcstmacott (J. G.) On the use of the whalebone loop. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1839, xi, 177-183.—Wilhelm* ( P. ) Ein sichelfiinniges Perforatorium. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1880, iv, 537— Wilmol (R. E.) On the fillet or loop as an obstetric instrument. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 811. Obstetrics (Instruments and apparatus for). [Collection of patents.J IIiiIIIioi'nI (F.) Obstetrical instrument. [Umbilicus ligamputator.] No. 352245; Nov. 9, 1886.—Lorcc (J.) Obstetrical supporter. No. 201027 ; Mar. 5, 1878.—Stain- back (XV. E.) Improvement in obstetrical supporters. No. 161362; Mar. 30,1875.—Stephens (J. J.) Obstetrical supporter. No. 359903; Mar. 22, 1887.—Surbaugh (J. T.) Obstetrical supporter. No. 324498 ; Aug. 18, 1885. Obstetrics (Journalson, and transactions of societies relating to). [Including those devoted to gynaecology.] Allgemeixe deutscbe Hebamnien-Zeitnng. Chef-Redacteur: Dr. Winter. [Semi-monthly.] v. 2-3, 1887-8. 8J. Berlin. Current. American Gynecological .Society. Transac- tions of the . .". v. 1-12, 1676-87.' 8°. Boston 4' Philadelphia, 1677-88. 3 Obstetrics (Journals on, and transactions of societies relating to). American (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Edited by E. Noeggeratb and 13. F. Dawson. [Quarterly.] v. 1-21, May, 18.56-88. 8-\ New York. Current. In 1883 became monthly. Analektex fiir Frauenkrankheiten, oder Sammlung der vorziiglichsten Abhandlungen, Monogranhieu, Preisschriften, Dissertationeu, und Notizen des In- uud Anslandes iiber die Krankheiteu des Weibes uud iiber die Zustiinde der Schwaugerschaft uud des Wocheubettes. Herausgegeben von einem Vereiue praktischer Aerzte. Bd. 1-7, 18:57-51. 7 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1837-51. Anales de obstetricia, ginecopatia y pediatria. Continuacion de los "xVnalesde la Sociedad gine- col6gica espanola". Director: K. Ulecia y Car- dona, Tomo 1-8, 1881-8. 8-. Mardid. Current. Anales de la Sociedad ginecologica espanola. [Monthly.] v. 1-5, 1875-9. 5 v. 6=. Madrid, Ended. In 1881 continued as: Anales de obstetricia, ginecopatia y pediatflia. Axxalen der Eutbindungs-Lehranstalt auf der Universitiit zu Giittingen vom Jahr 1800; nebst einer Anzeige und Beurtheilung neuer Schriften fiir Geburtshelfer, von F. B. Osiander. v. 1-2, 1800-4. 2 v. 8°. Gottingen. Axxalen der Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinderkrankheiten. Vou J. J. Riimer. 2 v. 8°. Winterthur, 1793-4. Axxalex der Geburtshiilfe iiberhaupt uud der Entbindungsanstalt zu Marburg insbesondere. Vou G. W. Stein dem jungcrn. St. 1-6, 1808-13. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig. v. 6 was published at Mannheim. Axxales de gyn^cologie (maladies des femmes, accouchements). Publi6es sous la direction de MM. Pajot, Courty, T. Gallard. R6dactenr en chef: Dr. A. Leblond. Paraissant le 15 de chaque mois. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-20, Jan., 1874-83. 8°. Paris, 1874-83. Axxales d'obstetrique, des maladies des fem- mes et des enfaus, publiees par Andrieux (de Brionde) et Lubanski, avec la collaboration ou sous les auspices de MM. Lisfrauc, Velpeau [and eleven others], v. 1-3, 1642-3. 2 v. 8 . Paris. Axxali di ostetricia, ginecologia e pediatria. Diretti da D. Chiara [et al.J. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, 1879-88. 8°. Milano. Current. Annals of Gynaecology. A monthly review of gynaecology, obstetrics, aud abdoiniual surgery. Edited by E. W. dishing [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1, Oct,', 1667-8. 8°. Boston. Current. Archiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzitumer- und neugebohrner Kinder-Kraukheiten. Hrsg. von J. C. Stark, v. 1-6, 1787-96. 6 v. 8 . Jena. Completed. Continued as: rVeues Archiv fiir die Ge- burtshiilfe, Fraucnzimnier- und Kinderkrankheiten, mit Hinsicht auf die Physiologic, Diiitetik und Chirurgie. v. 1-3, 1798-1804. 3 v. 8°. Jena. Archiv fiir Gynaekologie. Herausgegeben von F. Birnbaum [and twenty-two others]. Re- digirt von Crede" u. Spiegelberg. Bd. 1-32, Feb., 1870-88. 8-. Berlin. Current. A continuation of: Monatssclirift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. -----. Sach- [nud Namen-] Register zu Bd. xi-xx. 8G. Berlin, 1882. Ahchives de l'art des accouchemens, cousidere" sous ses rapports anatomique, physiologique et pathologique. Recueillies dans la litterature OBSTETRICS 34 OP,STETKICS. Obstetrics (Journals on, and transactions of societies relating to). etrangere. Par J. F. Schweighaeuser. v. 1-2, an IX-X [1801-2]. 2 v. 8-. Strasbourg. Akciiives (The) of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. Published bi-montlilv bv Leon- ard AL- Co. v. 1-3, 168(5-6. 6\ NeivYork. Current. In 1887 became monthly. Archives de tocologie, des maladies des fem- mes et des enfauts nouveau-ues. Publiees par J.-A.-H. Depaul. [Monthly.] v. 1-15, 1674-86. 6:. Paris. Current. Archivos de ginecologia y enferinedades de la infancia. Directores: P. Calderiu [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. l-.>, 1884-5. 8-. Madrid. Want no. 5, v. 1, May, 1884. Beitr age zur Geburtshiilfe und Gynaekologie. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Geburts- hiilfe in Berlin. Dr. Fasbeuder, Dr. v. Hasel- berg, Dr. L. Maver. Bd. 1-4, May, 1870-76. 4 v. 6\ Berlin, 1*70-70. United with: Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Frauenkrankheiten, forming: Zeitschrift fiir Geburts- hiilfe und Gyniikologie. Beitrage zur Geburtskunde von F. A. Ki- wisch. Abth. 1-2, 1846-8. 1 v. 8-. Wiirzburg. Continued in 185.'! by Scanzoni with title: Beitriige zur Geburtskunde und Gynaekologie. Beitrage zur Geburtskunde und Gynaekolo- gie, hrsg. vou F. W. Scanzoni. Bd. 1-7, 1853-73. 7 v. 8'-'. Wiirzburg, 1853-73. A continuation of: Beitrage zur Geburtskunde, 1846-8. Beitrage zur Gyniikologie und Geburtskunde, von J. Hoist. Heft 1-2, 1665-7. 1 v. 6-\ Tu- bingen, 1865-7. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen aus der Geburtshiilfe uud der gerichtlichen Mediein; nebst fortlaufenden Xaclirichten iiber die Er- gebnisse in der koniglichcn Entbindungsanstalt zu Gottingen. Eine Zeitschrift, hrsg. von L. Mende. v. 1-5, 1824-8. 5 v. 8C. Gottingen, J'andenhoeck tt. Ruprecht, 1^24-6. v. 4-5 also under the title: Zeitschrift fiir die Ge- burtshiilfe in ihrer Beziehung auf die gerichtliche Mediein, etc. British (The) Gynecological Journal, being the journal of the British Gynaecological Society. Edited by Fancourt Barnes. [Quarterly.] v. 1-3, April, 16-^5-8. 8°. London, Smith, Elder 4' Co. Current. British (The) Record of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery for 1846 [also for 1819], consisting of original papers on midwifery and the diseases of women and children, by the most eminent liv- ing practical obstetricians: a collection of rare and valuable monographs of ancient and modern writers ; a retrospective digest of European jour- nals for 1648 [also for 1840 |, containing 350 ref- erences; eucyclopa'dia obstetrica, from Aarou to Auscultation [in 1640], nearly 250 articles. By Charles Clay. v. 1-2. >-'. 'Manchester, W. Irwin, 1646-!). Ended. Semi-monthly, v. 2 ended about June, 1849. Cextralblatt fiir Gyniikologie. Hrsg. von H. Feltliug und H. Fritsch. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-12, April, 1677-86. 8J. Leipzig. Current. In 1882 became weekly. Deutsche Gyniikologen. Verhandlungen der Versammlung in Miinchen im September. 6:. Leipzig, 1877. h'epr. from: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1877, xii, 2. Hft. Dublin" Obstetrical Society. Proceediugs of the ... for the sessions 34. to 39. (1871-2 to 1670- 7). 42. and 43. (1870-60 and 1660-61). ---. Dublin, 1672-61. Oh*tetriv.s (Journals on,and transactions of societies relating to). Edinburgh * ibstetrical Society. Transactions of the ... v. 1-12, 1608-6?. 6 . Edinburgh, 1670-87. Film exarzt (Der). Monatshefte fiir Gynii- kologie und Geburtshilfe. Hrsg. von Dr. Med. Eichholz und Dr. Med. Mensiuga. v. 1-3, July, is6(j_8. 8 :. Berlin it. Nettwied. Current. Gazette de gynecologic. Journal mensnel des maladies me'dico-chinirgicales des femnies, fonde et public par P. Meniere ( d'Angers ). v. 1-3, Oct., 1865-6. 8°. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete in 18 nos., Oct.. 1885, to Dec, 1886. In Oct., 18.80, became semi-monthly. Gazette de Joulin—obstetrique, gjrnccologie. Redacteur en chef: Docteur Jouliu. [ Semi- monthly.] v. 1, Oct. 15,1872, to Oct. 1, 1873; Nos. 5, 6, 10-11, v. 2, 1873-4. 8-. Paris. After March 17, 1874, merged in: Gazette obstetrical© de Paris. Gazette obst6tricale de Paris. Journal de l'art des accouchements, des maladies des femme* et des enfauts. Kedacteur en chef: E. Verrier. (de Villers). [Semi-monthly.] Anne'es, 1-0, Aug. 1, 1672, to Dec, 1880. 9 v. 8-. Paris. Ended. Geuurtsiiilelk'H-gyxakologische Klinik zu Tiibingen. Mitteiluugen, hrsg. von J. von Sii- xinger. v. 1. 8-. Tubingen, 1884-5. Gemeixsame deutscbe Zeitschrift fiir Geburts- kunde von D. \V. H. Busch [et al. ]. v. 1-7, 1826-32. 7 v. 8J. Weimar. Continued as: Neue Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. Gexees-, heel-, vroed-, scbei- en natuurkun- dige Verhaudeliugen, der eerste klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut van Weten- schappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten, te Amsterdam. 4 v. 8°. Amsterdam, 1824-7. Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe in Berlin. Verhaiidlungeu der . . . 1.-22. Jahrg., 1846-69. 8°. Berlin, 1846-60. -----. Beitriige zur Geburtshiilfe und Gynii- kologie. Hrsg. von der ... 83. Berlin, 1872. Gesellschaft (Der) fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Ber- lin wiinscht znr Feier ihres fiinfiindzwanzigsten Stiftnngstages am 13. Februar 1869 Gliick und Heil die Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Leipzig. Im Alibiing: Dr. H. H. Ploss, Ueber die Opera- tionsfrequenz iu geburtshiiltlieben Kliuiken und Polikliuiken. 8 . Leipzig, I860. -----. Die Arbeiten der Puerperalneber-Com- mission der . . . 8 \ Stuttgart, 1876. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak.. Stnttg., 1878, ii. Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Leipzig. Mittheilungen iiber die Tbiitigkeiten und die Verhandlungen der . . . im 12. Jahre ihres Be- stehens (1866). '^:. Leipzig, 18(57. Iicpr. from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl.. 1867, xxx, lift. 2-3. ------. Mittheilungen der . . . aus deu Jahren 167.'. 187:!. 1675, 1877, 1679, I860, 1881, 1682. 6J. Leipzig, 1*73-83. Itepr. from: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.; Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. : Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz. Giwrnale per le levatrici, edito dalla Guardia ostetrica di Milano e duetto dal professore dot- tore Alessandro Cuzzi. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1- 2, 1667-8. 6,:, Milano. Current. Gyx.ecological Society of Boston. Consti- tution and by-laws. 16-. Boston, 1869. See. also, Journal of the . . . infra. Gyx.ekologiskk ogobstetriciske Meddelelser, under Medverkningaf Xetzel, Saltzmann, Seh0n- berg ndgivne af F. Howitz. Bind 1-6, 1877-87. 6°. Kjpbenhavn. OBSTETEICS. 35 OBSTETRICS. Olistetrics (Journals on, aud transactions of societies relating to). Hambcugisciies Magazin fiir die Geburtshiilfe. Hrsg. von J. J. Gumprecht und J. H. Wigand. Erstes Stiick, July, 1807. 1 v. 8°. Hamburg. Homieopathic (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Childreu. Edited by II. Minton. [Quarterly.] v. 1-10, Aug., 1879-66. 8°. New York. Current. Hyciexe (L?) de lafemmeet de l'enfant. Re"- dacteur en chef: Madeleiue Bres. [Monthly.] v. 1-2 ; Nos. 1-2, v. 3, May, 1883, to Feb., 1-85. 4-. Paris. Joikxal d'accouchements. Echo de la Ma- ternite de Liege. Public par M. Charles. [.Semi- monthly.] v. 1, 1860-88. 4°. Liege. Current. Journal akusherstva i jeuskich bolieznei, or- gan Akushersko-Ginekologicheskago Obshestva v S.-Peterbnrge. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8-. St. Petersburg. Current. Journal fiir Geburtshelfer. Stiick 1-2, 1787- 8. 1 v. S-. Frankfurt u. Leipzig. JouitNAL fiir Geburtshiilfe, Erauenzimmer- und Kinderkrankheiten. Hrsg. von E. vou Sie- bold. v. 1-17, 1813-38. 17 v. 8°. Frankf. a. M. A continuation of: l.ucina. After v. 17 united with : rVene Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. Jouhnal (The) of the Gynaecological Society of Boston. A monthly journal devoted to the ad- vancement of the knowledge of the diseases of women. Edited by W. Lewis, H. R. Slorer, and G. H. Bixby. [2 V. aunually.] v. 1, 1869, to Dec, 1672. 6°. Boston, 18(50-72. Ended. Jouf.nal des sages-femmes. H. Fontau, re"- dacteur en chef. [Seini-mouthlv.] v. 1-7 (an- nees 1-16), Nov. 16, 1873-88. sm. fol. Paris. Current. Klinisciie Beitrage zur Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von J. W. Betschler, W. A. Freuud uud M. B. Fretiud. Hft. 1-3, le62-5. 1 v. 8C. Breslau, 1662-5. Kritisches Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung der neuesten Entdeekungen und Beforderung der Aufkliirung in der (Geburtshiilfe ; nebst Anzeige der neuesten wichtigsten Schriften dieser Wis- senschaft, hrsg. von Franz Heiurich Martens. Erster Band, 1802. 383 pp. 8~. Leipzig. Completed. Lucina. Eine Zeitschrift zur Vervollkomm- liwng der Entbindungskunst. Hrsg. von E. von Siebold. v. 1-6. 1602-11. 6 v. 6'. Leipzig. Continued as: Journal fiir Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzim- iner- und Kinderkrankheiten. M.u;.\zix fiir Geburtshelfer. Hrsg. von C. L. Schweickhard. v. 1, 1704. 1 v. 8:. Leipzig u. Frankfurt. Moxatsschrift fiir Geburtskuude und Frau- enkraukheiten. Hrsg. von Busch, Credo, von Ritgen, von Siebold. v. 1-34, 1853-69. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. A continuation of: IVene Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. Continued as: Archiv fiir Gynaekologie. Xauciinajj.v Besedy vrachei Zakavkazskago Povivalnago Instituta, sostoj.islntgo pod avgus- teishim pokrovitelstvom Eja Iniperatorskago Vysochestva Gosudaryni Velikoi Knijagini Olgi Feodorovny. [Scientific discourses of physicians of the Transcaucasian Obstetric Institute, estab- lished under the august protectorate of Her Im- perial Highness the Grand Duchess Olga Feodo- rova,] Tiflis, v. 1-2. 1686-7. 83. Nederlandsch Tijdsclnift voor Verloskuiide, Ziekten der Vrouwen en der Kinderen, door H. J. Bioers. v. 1-16, 1846-69. 8\ Utrecht. Obstetrics (Journals on, and transactions of societies relating to). Neue (Der) Chiron. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Wundarzueykunst uud Geburtshiilfe. Iu Ver- bindung mit mehrern Aerzten, herausgegeben von Kajetan Textor. Stiick 1, 2. Baud 1, 1821-2; Band 2 (a 2 Stiicke), 1825-7. 8°. Sulzbaclt. Neue Deukwiirdigkeiten fiir Aerzte und Ge- burtshelfer vou Friedrich Benjamin Osiander. Erster Baud, 1797. 8°. Gottingen. Neue Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. Hrsg. von D. W. H. Busch [ct al.]. v. 1-33, 1634-52. 33 v. 8:. Berlin. A continuation of: 4»eiiieiii'>ame dcutsche Zeitschtift fiir Geburtskuude. Continued as: jVlotiatssclirift fiir Geburtskunde und Fraucukrankhciteu. New York Obstetrical Society. Transactions of the . . . for the years 1876, 1677, and 1678, with a list of the fellows since its foundation. v. 1. 8°. New York, 1870. Eepr.from: Am. J. Obst., 1ST. Y., 1876-8, ix-xi. Nouvelles archives d'obstetrique et de gyne- cologic. R6dacteuren chef: Dol6ris. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1880-8. 8-\ Paris. Current. Obstetric (The) Gazette : a monthly journal devoted to obstetrics, with diseases of women and children. Edward B. Stevens, editor, v. 1-11, July, 1878-88. 8°. Cincinnati. Current. Obstetric Society of Edinburgh. Abstract of the proceedings', 1846-7; 1847-8; 1648-9; 1850-51. 8°. Edinburgh, 1847-51. Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland ; including midwifery and the dis- eases of women and children. Edited by James H. Aveliug and Alfred Wiltshire. [Monthly.] v. 1-8, April, 167:!, to Dec, 1880. 8 v. 6~. Lou- don. Ended. -----. The same. American reprint; with an American supplement, edited by William F. Jenks. v. 1-8, 1873-80. 8 . Philadelphia. Ended. The American supplement was discontinued after v. 7. Obstetrical Society of Boston. The consti- tution and by-laws of the Obstetrical Society of Boston, with lists of officers and members, past and present, s Boston, 188:5. Obstetrical Society of London. Transac- tions of the ... v. 1-29, 1859-87. 8-. London, 1860-88. Obstetrique (L'). Par Antoine Mattei. Jour- nal mensuel. Aunee 1, 1880. 1 v. 6\ Paris. Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. Transac- tions of the . . . v. 1-9, 16(i0-71-6i. 8~. New York, 1871-82. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1870-71-81, iii-xiv. Progueso (El) ginecologico y pediatra. Red.: M. Candela Pla. [Semi-monthly.] v. l-2(ahos 1-4), March, 1684-s. 8°. Valencia. Current. Want no. 31, June 10, 1885. Reale Istituto Lombard*) di scienze e lettere. Regia scuola di ostetricia in Milano. Prospetto clinico. Compilato dal Do. Gaetano Casstiti. 3 v. 6r. Milano, 1865-7. Repertoire iniversel d'obstetrique et de gynecologic Felix Alcau, ejliteur. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1-3, 1666-8. 6-\ Paris. Cut rent. A supplement to: rVouvelles Archives d'ob- stetrique et de gynecologic. Revue me'dico-chirurgicale des maladies des femmes. Fondee et publiee par Jules Cha- ron. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, May, 1679-68. 8 >. Paris. Current. Revue obstetricale ct gyne"cologique (ac- couchements, maladies des femmes et ties en- OBSTETRICS. 3G OliSTKTKICS. OI)sletrics('/oj. Lei alia 1.614. OBSTKTRICS. 37 OUSTETIJICS. Obstetrics (Jurisprudence of). -----. Dass der Gebrauch innerer Reizmittel zur Belorderung der Geburt des Kindes iinnothig, fruchtlos und gesunden Frauen sugar schiidlich sci; nachgewiesen von . . . 6-. Zeitz, 1833. -----. Die Zurechnuugsfahigkeit der Schwan- gern und Gebarenden beleuchtet. 8°. Leipzig, 1837. -----. [Pr. ] fragmentorum ad artem obste- triciam forensein spectantium pars. I. De impe- dimeutis, qiue veritati eruemhe obstant, si de- lictum contra parturientem ab obstetrice vel a medico obstetrico commissuni a judice inquiri punirique debeat. [Cum vita candidati Gust. Fernand. Xitzsche.] 4°. [Lipsi®, 1840.] -----. The same. II. Responsum de obste- trice et medico, qui in curanda parturiente con- tra artis prtecepta peccasse accusati erant. [Cum vita candidati Aug. Bruuo Witzendorf.] 4-. [Lipsice, 1840.] -----. The same. III. Responsum de medico et chirurgo, qui iu curanda parturiente contra artis pneecpta peccasse accusati erant [ Cum vita caudidati Car. Alf. King.] 4°. [Lipsi®, 1841.] -----. The same. IV. Responsum de obste- trice, quae parturientem contra artis praecepta tractasse accusata erat. [Cum vita candidati Fr. Guil. Koeruer.] 4°. [Lipsi®, 1841.] -----. The same. V. Responsa duo de ob- stetricibus, qn;e iu extrahendis secundis contra artis praecepta peccasse accusatae erant. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Ad. Winter.] 4°. [Lipsi®, 1641.] -----. Thesame. VI. Peccata obstetricis in curando pnerpera per summam negligentiam pa- trata et quae ilia secuta sunt narrantur. [Cum vita candidati Christ. God. Fischer.] 4°. [Lip- sice, 1642.] -----. The same. VII. De via ac ratione, delicta iu tractandis parturientibus ab obstetri- cibus vel medicis patrata erueudi. [Cum vita candidati P. H. Gerhard.] 4-. [Lipsi®, 1842.] -----. The same. VIII. Idem. [Cum vitis candidatorum F. G. Hesse et Frid. Man. Herr. Klaunig.] 4C. [Lipsi®, 1842.] -----. The same. IX. Exemplo demonstra- tor, quibus questionibus index accuratiorem cum quoad decursum partus ejusque impedi- menta, turn de ratione curandi a medico obste- tricio adhibita cognitiouem sibi comparare pos- sit. . [Cum vitis candidatorum Christ. Robert. Hammer et Ferd. Mau. Leonhardi.] 4°. [Lip- si®, 164'!.] -----. The same. X. Obstetricibus, quae in curandis parturientibus nasciturisve coutra artis obstetrieandi prtecepta peccaut, pneter po'iias criminales jam jnssas pcenas disciplinares lege constituendas esse. [Cum vitis candidatorum Gust. Otto Goebel, Theo. Schroder et Frid. Lud, Alex. Baumgarten.] 4°. [Lipsiee, 1643.] -----. Judicibus medicisque forensibus viam ac ratiouem peccata ab obstetricibus vel medicis iu curandis gravidis, parturientibus et puerperis contra artis obstetriciae praecepta commissa erueudi explicavit. 4°. Lipsi®, 1844. Kennedy (E.) Observations iu obstetric aus- cultation. With an analysis of the evidences of pregnancy, and an inquiry into the proofs of the life and death of the foetus in utero; with au ap- pendix containing legal notes by John Smith. 12-. Dublin, 1833. -----. The same. With notes and addi- tional illustrations, by Isaac E. Taylor. 6-, New York, 1843. Knebel (I. G.) Grundriss der polizeilich ge- richtlichen Eutbindungskuude. 2 v. iu 1. 12°. Breslau, 1601. Obstetrics (Jurisprudence of). Lots (J. H.) * Jura obstetricuni. 4°. [Jen®, ,1671.] Louet (E.) Guide administrate' du medeciu- accoucheur et de la sage-fennne, precede d'une notice historique et compreuaut: 1. Des conside- rations sur les lois, decrets, erdonuances et regie- men ts coucernant la pratique des accouchements. 2. Des conferences sur toutes les questions rela- tives aux enfauts nouveau-u6s et. notauiment, sur la surveillance protcctrice a exercer a leur 6gard. 12°. Paris, 1876. Mende (L. J. C.) Die meuschliche Frucht, das Fruclitkind, uud das Kind kurz vor, in, und gleich nach der Geburt. Iu gerichtlich-mediciuischer Hinsicht dargestellt. 12°. Gottingen, 1827. Michaelis (C. F.) * De orifie'ii uteri cura cliuica atque forensi. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1756]. Moeller (J. W.) "Diss. med. forensis exhi- bens criteria partus olim enixi diagnostica. 4°. Gotting®, 1771. Montgomery (W. F. [H.]) An exposition of the sigus and symptoms of pregnancy, the period of human gestation, and the signs of delivery. 8°. London, 1837. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 16,56. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. -----. The same. 8-. Philadelphia, 1-41. -----. The same. From 2. Loud. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. Naegele (F. C.) * De jure vitieet uecis quod competit medico in partu. 4°. Heidelberg®, [1826]. Xkue Auswahl medicinisch-gerichtlicher Gut- achten mit Geuehmigung des Herrn Ministers der geistlichen Uuterrichts- uud Mediciual-Angele- genheiten. Herausgegebeu von der koniglicheu wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinal- Wesen. Erste Lieferung: Zur gerichtlichen Ge- burtshiilfe von J. H. Schmidt. 8°. Berlin, 1853. Pagenstecher (A. A.) De jure ventris, liber singularis. Editio secunda . . . cui accesserunt decornibus et cornutis dissertationes duae. 16°. Brem®, 1714. Pellassy Des Fayoles (J.-X.) *Xouvelle questiou de medecine legale: "L'iutroduction d'un placeuta et de sou cordon dans les parties g6nitales de la ferume est-elle possible hors le temps de l'accouchement? et peut-elle, dans cer- tains cas, faire snpposer un accouchement r6el?" 4°. Paris, 1833. -----. The same. 8J. Lizy sur Ottreej, 1838. Richter (C. F.) * De infanticidio iu artis ob- stetrician cxercitio non semper evitabili. 4°. Lipsiee, [1792]. da Rocha Mazare.m (J.) Elementosde medi- cina forense applicada aos phenomenos da re- produced, para uso dos alumuos da arte ob- stetricia. 16°. Lisboa, 1830. RossiiiRT (E.) De perforatione fetu licet vivo instituenda. 8°. Erlang®, 1833. Rcf. Geschichte der Eutbindung und des Wochenbettes der Fran W . . . [und Xachtrag zuder. . .] 8". Mainz, [1800]. Saint Petersburg. Spisok statei svoda za- konov i pravitelstv. rasporjaj. o poviv. babkach, selskich poviv. babkach i povituch. [Copy of the statutes; the spirit of the laws governing obstetrics in rural districts.] 8-. St. Peters- burg, 1885. Sarrazix (R.) * De partu vivo non vitali. 8J. Berolini, ls70. Sciiaffrath (H. M.) * De jure vita- et necis quod com]>etere dicuut medico obstetricio. 6°. Bonua>, 1640. Schmidt (J. H.) Zur gerichtlichen Geburts- hiilfe. Eiue Auswahl von Entseheidungen der koniglicheu wissenschaftlichen Deputatiou fiir Or.STKTKICS. ;;^ Obstetrics (Jurisprudence of). das Medicinal-Wesen mit (ienehmignug des Herrn Ministers der geistlichen Unterrichts- und Medici mi 1-Angelegeuhei ten. Erste Abt bei lung: Ueber Kunstfeblerder Geburtshelfer und Hebaui- men. 8-. Berlin, 1851. Stockiiausen (F.) *De signis partus abso- luti. 8 . Berolini. [1840 J. Tourdes (G.) * Exposition historique et ap- preciation des seeours empruntes par la medecine legale a Fobstetricie. 4\ Strasbourg, 1838. Vixcent-Genod (A.-V.) *Des droits a la vie de la mere et de l'enfant. 4°. Strasbourg, 1857. Zeitschrift fiir die Geburtshiilfe iu ihrer Beziehnng auf die gerichtliche Mediein, und fiir diegerichtliche Mediein liberhauptvonL. Meude. v. 1-2, 1627-8. 2 v. 8-'. Gottingen. Additional title of v. 4-5 of: Bcobaclitungcii und Bemerkungen aus der Goburtshulfe uud gerichtlichen Mediom. Aiiioii.v (W. H.) The writ dc ventre inspiciendo. Hull. Med.-Leg. Soc. X. Y., 1«79. i. 207-225.—Ayrcr. Gutachten iiber die verheimlichte Schwangerscbafc uud die in der Nacht vora 28.-29. Juli 1842 erlolgte hiililose Xiiiierkiinft der Inquisitin Charlotte L. zu II. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1845, 1, 11*138—Balfour (T. A. G.) How a young claimant may arise: a medico- legal warning. Brit. M. J.. Lond., lseso, i. 241. —Bsiuer. Relation uud Gutachten in Lntersuchungssachen wider A. M. C. B. aus A., Inquisitiu wegen Vcrheimlichung der Schwaugerschaft und der Geburt eines unehlichen Kin- des. Beob. u. Bemei'k. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Gottiug., 1625, ii, 245-280. -----. Relation in Untersu- chnngssachen wider . . . wegen augeschuUligter Verheim- lichung der Schwangersrlial't uud Entbindung. Ibid., 1627, iv, 107-192. — liccli if. R.) Pretended dcliverv. Am. J". M. S., Phila., 1S4I. n. s., i, 55-57.—Bulky (J.) A koldiikzsinoron at letrejbtt elverzes esete. [Haemorrhage from neglect of ligature of umbilical cord.] Kbzeg. es Tiirveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1881, 37-41.— 3!< llainy i \V. C.) A fatal niM' of unnatural labor: death resulting from the base mal-practice of an ignorant negro midwife. Atlanta M. & S. .1.. 1808, viii, 404.—Bericht vou der Obduction einer Frau, welche wahrend der Geburt um das Leben gekommen war, ohne von ihrem Kinde befreit worden zu sein. nebst Gutachten iiber den Antheil des Verfahrens der Hebeamme an dem Tode der Mutter uud des Kindes. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Berl., 1832, ii, 159-1G9.— Bcriclit iiber die Untersuchung eines Madchens, welches iu dt n Verdacht einer heimlich vollbrachten Ge- burt eines Kindes gekoninien war. Ibid., 205-211.—Bil- l;ir*telric* (Jurisprudence of). Schwangern; Fehlgebmt. Friedreich's 111. f. gerichtl. Med.. Xi'irnb., 1807, xviii, 304-307. — BikIiii i P.) Rupture du cordon pendant l'accoucheiuent due ii 1 Cxpulsion brus- que du fietus. la femmc etant dans la situation horizoutale ; deux observations. Progres med., Par.. 1887, 2. s.. v. 330- 332.—Bn*ch. Ansi liuldigung iinbefugter Ausliihrung einer gcburishiiltlichen Operation mit tbdtlichcm Ausgang fiir Mutter und Kind : Su]>erarbitriuni der kbnig!. wisseu- schaftlicheu Deputation. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1854. v. 193-205. -----. Geburtshiiltlielier Kunstfeh- ler .' Siiprrarbitriuni. Ibid., 1858, xiv, ]-27.— Biimcy (S. C.) [First annual address, delivered before the Washing. ton Obstetrical anil Gvnccological Society, October 5, 1*83.] Am. J. Obst,, N. Y.,'1884, xvii, 170-193.' Also. Ki-print.— . Cause (Cue) devant la Cour ro\ale de Mont |u llin. Ephem. med. de Montpel , 1828, viii. >'.i-!n\—< hii viiult. Dielo o krestijauni F. E. L., obviniaemoni v zaduchenii svoei beremennoi, na snosach. jeni B. A. L. [Injuies to pregnant woman; medico-legal inquiry. 1 Shorn, sochiu. po sudebuoi med., St. Petersb., Is78. ii, 1422.—C'lioiilaul (L.) Obergerichtsiirztlichcs (riitachten iiber culpiiso Tb- dtung einer Wdchnerin. Inliis: Ausw. v. Gntiuht med.- for., Hresd., 1853, 20-41— ( oruiack (J. Ii.) Clinical re- port upon the circumstances in which a dark abdominal line has been found extending between the pubes and umbilicus or ensiform cartilage, showing that it often de- pends on other causes than recent delivery. Loud. & Edinb. Mouth. J. M. Sc, 1844, iv, 117-127. Also, Re- print.— Country midwifery; fatal catastrophy from the ignorance of a midwife and a medical practitioner. Loud. M. & S. J., 1835, vii, 309-312 — Domholl. Gutachten iiber das Verfahren eines Geburt shelters und zweier Heb- ammen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlaug.. 1837, xxxiv, 91-106.— Dorntiliilli. Obductions-Bcfund und Erachten iiber eineu Fall verheimlichter Schwaugerschaft und ver- hehlter Geburt mit Slurze des Kindes auf den Boden. Ztschr. f. d Staatsarzuk., Erlang.. 1842. xliv, 120-156.— Bukrac (F.) £tude sur un cas de responsabilite niedi- cale, [Performance of Caesarean section by a midwife.] Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1883, 3. s. ix. 108-122.—Diirirnr. Ob- duktiou eines heimlich gebolirnen uud lebembg in die Erde verscharrten Kindes. Aulsiitze. u. Beob. a. d. ge- richtl. Arzeiieyw.. Berl., 1789. 11-17—Eric (The) County niidwiferylaw'. N. TorkM. J., lsr-5. xiii. 303.—Espagiiie (A.) Reflexions obstetricales sur une interpretation re- ceutedel'aiticle315du codeXapoleon. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1608, 2. s.. v, 256-202.—Elini« iiber uneheliche Ge- burteu. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Polizei. Stendal, 1784. ii, 248-202 — E.vtrakt aus denen bei dem Justiz- Amte Alt-Landsberg. wider die Wittwe Hdrnickin, geh. Catharine Elisabeth M'ullern. zu Werneucheu. wegen ver- heimlichler Schwangei'sehafl und Geburt. vcrhandelten Untersucliiingsakten. Ibid.. 502-507. — Fit-lilz. Hatdie Hebamme M. zu L., indem sie sellistandig Wendung und Extraction eines Zwillingskindes vornahm. instructions-, resp. kunst-widriggehandelt'. Vnljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1863, n. F., xxxviii, 87-93. — Fi«< h< i (C.) Ein forensischer Pscudo-Gcburtsfall. Ztschr. 1. Wnndarzte u. Geburtsh., llegnach, 1667, xxxviii. 204-208. —Fodcrc. Suppression depart (medecine legale). Diet. d. scmed., Par., 1821, liii, 452-459.—Forcible removal of the uterus aud a portion of the large intestines in a parturient woman: inquest. Prov. M. & S. J., Loud., 1845, 108-170.— Fowler (R ) A case of laceralion of the vagina during labour; a medicolegal question. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1803. ii, 510.—Fragc il'eber diet, ob der Staat alien appiobirten Hebammen die Verrichtung der Wen- dung gestatteu dart'oiler nicht. Juhrh. d. gi s. Staatsarzuk., Leipz., 1835, i, Hft. 2, 53-50 —Frif-ilbcrg (II.) 1st das Kind der Frau A. als Mensch anziisehen, und hahen die Maui])ulationen der Frau Z. es wahrend des Geburts- vorganges getodtet .' Vnljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878. n. F.. xxviii, 223-237. -----. Kindesmord. oder Tod in Folge einer Sturzgeburt; gcrichtsiirziliches Gutachten. Ibid.. 1679. n. F., xxxi, 20-37.—Fi-itZMt-bc (C.) Ueber die Zuret hnuug geburtshiilflicher Kunstfebhr bei betref- fender Anschuldiguug gegeu Geburtshelfer. Zrsehr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh.. Leipz., 1659, xiii, 18-49.— diadci'iiiami (J.) Ein Fall von verheimlichter Schwau- gerschaft: nebst einer Erorterung iiber die daraufsich beziehenden Bestimmungen des k. haver. Strafgesetz- buches. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1843, xiv, 106-131.—riiallaril (T.) [Rapport dans un cas dc pre- soiuiition d accouchement recent.] Bull. Soc. med.-leg. de France, Par., 1875-6, iv, 223.-----. Suppression de part; indices fournis par I'examen des organes genitaux de la mere etdes cheveux de l'enfant. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull., Par.. l*8u, vi. 172-18:1. Also: Ann. d'hvg.. Par.. 1879, 3. s., ii, 371-382.—Harrison (J. B.l Cruel and criminal malpractice in Arkansas. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1881, iii, 55.—(>cbiii'l«wcbcn (Leber die) iu forensischer Beziehnng. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Xiirnb., is.57. Hft. 2. 31-33.—CJcmlriii iA.-N.i Consultation me dico-legale sur les faits relatifs a un accouchement termiue ]i;ir la mutilation de l'enfant et par la version. .1. o,.n ,1^ med.. chir. et pharm . Par.. 1*29. cvii, 3S-93. — f.crii'lit. lich-aiciliciuisclic Uutersucliuug uud Rechtserkennt- OBSTETRICS. 39 OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* (Jurisprudence of). niss iu einer wider den Dr. med. G. W. Scharlau in Stettin gefiihrteu Criminal-Lntersuchung, wegvn angeblicher Knnstfehler bei einer schweren Entbindung und dadurch bedingtcr Mitwirkung zuin lode des Kindes. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk, Erlang.. 1641, xii, 1-92 —Grabowski. Oblad w bolach porodowvcb. Pam. Towarz. Lek. War- szaw.. 1853, xxix, 303-307.—Graff. Mi diciuisch-gcricht- liche Yerhindlungen eine unter veidachtigen Lmstauden vorgefundene Nachgeburt betreffend. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1837, 24. Ergnzngshft., 41-54. -----. Gutachten des grossher/.oglich hessischen Mediciualcol- legs, angesehuldigte Fehler eines Chirurgen bei Behand- lung einer Schwangern betreffend Aim. d. Staatsarzuk., Freib., 1841), v, 252-200. — Greater (P.) Selteue Vernach- lassigung einer Geburt seiteus der Hebaiume. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1877. 45-49 — Griill. Befund und Gutachten iiber verheimlichte Schwauger- schaft, Geburt und nachfolgende Kiudestd.ltung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsirznk.. Erlang., 1801, lxxxi, 193-204.—dc la Gunrdia (V.) & Bcycs (J. T.) Informe relative al re- conoeimieuto efectuado en dona X. X. con ob.jeto de iuver- tigar si ha pari.lo d ha abortado Orbu. med. quir. de la Habani, 1665, xi. 307-309. — Gutachten der lbhlicheu nK'dicinischeu Facultat iu Gottingen, iiber eine durch . schlechte Ausubung der Geburtshiilfe augeblich bewirkte culpose Tiidtung der Mutter uud ihrer Leibesfrticht. Beob. u. Bemerk. a. d. Getuutsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Get- ting., 1820, iii, 205-233. — Gutachten in einer Uutersu- chuu jssache wegen Verheimlichuu i der SchwanTerschaft und Geburt: nebst Yerhandhiu.gen iiber das Verhaltniss zwischen dem rjutersuchuugsricliter und Gericlitsarzte ; Mittheilung eines praktischen (.'rimiualisten. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarzuk.. Leipz., 1837, iii. 205-279.—Giitaclitcii uber in geburtshilfliclier Beziehnng unterlaufeue Knnst- fehler. Samral. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht d. Prag med. Fak., 1853, 281 ; 293: 16.56, 2. F., 347: 1867, 3. F., 350.—Gutacht- lichn- Bericht iiber das Verfahren einer eines uugliick- lich aligelaufenen Accouchements angeklagteu Hebaunue. N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal, 1786, ii, 1. St., 136-144.— Haniiis (M. B.) Gutachten, eine verheimlichte Geburt betreffend. J. f. Geburtsh . Leipz., 1835, xiv, 217-237. — Haugk ( F.) Gerichtsarztliches Gutachten iiber den Tod einer bald nach der Entbindung verstorbeiien Hhcfiau und das Verfahren der Hebamme und eines Geburtshelfer.',. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Er- lang., 1842, xliii, 127-102. Ilcckcr. Gebarmutterzei'reis- snng ; Anklage wegen Kunstfehlers. Friedreich's Bl. f. i gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1869, x\, 3-13. — Ilcdrich. Be- j fuudbericht uud Gutachten iiber angeschuldigle Schwau- gerschaft und heimliche Geluut. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arzuk.. Erlang., 1841, xiii, 447-451 .— llciin. Erzahlung eines fiir die Eutbindungskunde uud gerichtliche Mediein interessanten Geburtsfalles. M"ag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, xxv, 69-87. — Heimliche Geburt: Verbergen des Kindes in einem Reisighaufen. iu welchem es lebend aufge- funden wurde ; Beantwoitung niehrerer siiecieller Frageu. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak., 1858, 2. F., 139-141.—Hcrapath (XV. B.) The importance of pre- sentation of the breech or inferior extremity in cases of infanticide. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, 46-48.—Slick* (J. B.) Xotes on cases connected with obstetric jurispru- dence. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud.. 1866, 3. s., xii, 471-478. -----. Xotes of edses in obstetric jurisprndeuce. Lancet, Loud., 1885, ii, 198; 243; 285.—Holier! (H.) Hat die T., welche uotorisch drei ausget rage tie Kinder geboren. aber- mals vor fiinf Wochen geboren; Org. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl.. 1859. viii, 134-141. — Hofiiiann. Zur Lehre von der Verheimlichuug der Schwaugerschaft und Geburt itnd vou der Kindestb'dtung : Falle, verhandelt vor dem Schwurgerichtshofe vou Obcrbayern. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arzuk., Erlang., 1853, 44. Ergnzngshft.. 1-129. ---—. Zer- reissung der Gebiirmutter. Miitterscheide und Harnblase bei der Geburt: LTntersuchung wegen fahrlassiger Tii- dtung durch begangenearztlicbe Kunst fehler. Moiiatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Fiauenkr., Berl., 1805, xxv, Supplhft., 157- 208. — IlortcJoup (E.i Application du forceps par un offlcier dc sante : rapport. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull. 1677-8, Par., 1879, v, 367-375. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878. 2. s.. 1. 534-543.—Ir<£cii« (A.) Om Jordemodres Anvendelse. af Fodselstang. [On tin- use of the obstetrical forceps by a midwife.] Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidonsk., Christiauia, 18-i2. xii. 549-500— .Janikow*ki (A ) O nie moznosci porodzenia pod w/.gledeui lekarsko-sadowym. [Incapacity for parturition with regard to medical jurispru- dence.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1656, xxxv, 28-123. -----. Smicrc plodu niedouoszonego podczas porodu w skutek wybroczyn w jamie czaszkowej. [Death of fietus during labor; medico-legal questions.] Dwutvgodnik med. pub., Krakow., 1879, iii, 105- 107. — Jaiuiic* (A.) Applicatiou du forceps par uu officier de saute : inculpa- tion (l'exercice illegal de li medecine et d'homicide par imprudence; rapport et reflexious. Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull. 1878-80. Par., 1861, vi, 02-85. Also: Mont- pel. med., 1879, xiii, 389-419. Also: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1879, 3 s., i, 219-242. Also, Reprint, -----. Consultation medico-legale sur un cas presume d'accoucheineut recent (inculpation de suppression d'enfaut). Montpel. med., Obstetric* (Jurisprudence of). 1865. 2. s., v, 3ul-320.—.Icrvcy (J. P.) Rupture of uterus from manual violence. South. J. M. & Pharm., Charleston, 1847. ii. 34.—Jorjj (J. C. G.) Leber uatiirliche uud kiiust- liche Beschadiguugen und Verletzungeu der Mutter und des Kindes (lurch die Anstreuguug in der Geburt, be- sonders in mediciuisch-gerichtlicher Hiusicht. In his: Schrift. z. Be ford. d. Kenntu. d. Weib.. etc., Leipz., 1616, ii, 51-131. 1 pi.—.loliaiuiov»liy (V.) Ein geburts- hilfliclier Gerichtsfall mit anschliesseuder Bespre-hung. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1862. vi, 721-724. Also, Re- print.—Jones (T. S.) Rupture of the vagina, with pro- trusion and-laceration of the intestines. [Malpractice.] Prov. M. J., Loud., 1844, 285-287.—Kind oder Mutter* Kaiserschuitt oder kiinstlicher Abortus ; Eine geburts- hilfliche Frage aus Neapel und Fraukreich. Wien med. Wchnschr., 1802, xii, 587 ; 603. —Kite (J A.) Death from undelivered placenta; c ise of malpractice Bostou M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 451.—lila^c wider einen Wuudarzt uud eine Hebamme, wegen Beemliguug einer schweren Geburt durch Einsetzen eines Desemer-Hakeus iu den Kopf der Frucht, und Vorletzuugen der Mutter dabci, nebst ISetner- kungen dariiber von Brandel, Richter und Rb.lerer. Beob. u. Beinerk a. d. Geburlsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Giit- ting., 1824, i, 154-164.—Klein. Verblutung in Folge ver- spateter Losuug der Xachgeburt, Verurtheiliiug der Heb- amme. Wien. med. Presse, 1863, xxiv, 368.— KIoIin*. Gutachten iiber ein einer Hebamnie Schuld gegeb,-nes pflichtwidriges Betragen bei einer ungliicklichen Entbin- dung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1840, 27. Ergn- zngshft,, 179-191. — Klaig. Obductiousbericht uud Gut- achten iiber die Ursachen des Todes einer Wbehnerin uud deteii Kindes, (lurch eine ungesrhiokte Entbindung mittelst der Weudung veramasst. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1«15, 127-135. — Kliiscmaiin. Leberschreituug ihrer Befuguisse seiteus einer Hebamme. und TodderEnt- bundeneu durch iJarm- uud Xetzvorfall aus eiuer Schei- deuruptur: Obductions-Bericht. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1650. ix, 258-264. —Kob. Fall von merk- wiirdiger Selbsthiilfe einer Gebiireudeu '. Obductious-Be- richt in der Strafsaeho wider die unverehelichte Anna D. Vrtlj.selir. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1886, n. F., xiv, 67-95.— Kolpiii (A. B.) Visum repertuin iiber eine iu der Geburt au einer Zerreissuug der (lebiirmutter iiber das Verfahren der Hebamme iudiesem Fall Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk., Stendal, 1784. ii, 359-300. —Kiilpiii (A. B.) .V. Klix. Gh- duktion eines durch Schuld der Hebamme au einer Verblu- tung aus der Xabelschnur gestorbenen Kindes. Aufsiitze u. Biob, a. d. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1785, ii, 3. Samml., 11-13. — Kolui (I). II.) Orvos-tbrvenyszeki eset. [Sturz- geburt. 1 All ntiorvos, Budapest. I860, 33-35. — Koino- raiis (f.) Visum repertuin iiber eine verheimlichte Ge hurt. In his: Visa reperta, etc.. Wien, 1855. 63.— Knis .Tliranda. Primer y segundo in- forme en caso de distocia para averiguar si la niuerte de D". M. . . .('.... L. .. . fue producida por falta de auxi- lios facultativos. Trab. Cora. d. med. leg. e big. pub. de la Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habaua, 1874. ii, 275-297.— Reese (J. J.) Live birth, in its medico-legal relations. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7. iv, 231-236. — Remarkable (The) survival of a newborn child. [From the Manitoba Daily Free Press ] X. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 332.— RDiades (F.i Kann einer Schwangern ihr Zustand bis zur Nicderkunftverborgeu bbibeu? Arch.f. med. Erfahr.", Berl.. 1824, i, 395-414.— Rhcinslacdler. Vorschlage zur Eiufiihrung der obligatorischen Antisepsis fiir die Hebammen. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl..Med., Berl., 1881, n. F., xxxv, 323-334—Rich ter (E. E.) Ob eine ledige Dime, die sich iu Unehren lleischlich vermischet, und primipara, nicht wissen kiinte, dass sie weder vor- noch nach der Geburt sch wanger gewesen '. Au menses pelleutia et pnr- gautia, it. crocus, artemisia rubra et bacca; lauri einen Arbortum verursachen kounen ? In his: Digesta med., 4°, Lei))/,.. 17.31, 439-443.— Ritifcn. Einige Anfragen gerichtlich geburtshiiltiicheii Gegenstaudes. Gem. deut- scbe Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar. 1830, v, 598-615. — Kit- ter (B.) Gutachten iiber einen mit dem Tode der Mutter und des Kindes abgelaufeueu Geburtsfall, in Bezug auf die zwei Geburtshelfern zur Last gelegten Kunstfehler. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1*40, xx, 121; 351.— Ronca^lia (G.) I tlcbotomi-ostetrici. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena. 1688, iii, 102-166.—RoseiE.) Casuistische Mittheilungen vorgetiagen in der Gesellschaft fur Ge- burtshiilfe in Berlin am 7. April 1868. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl.. 1868. xxxii. 99-114. 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Roth (E.) Leber das Verhaltniss der von He- beammen geniachten Gebui ten zur staudesamtlich festge- stellten Gebui tsziffer; fiir den Belgarder Kreis zusammen- gestellt. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1682, n. F., xxxvii, 130-135—Ruf. Sehr schwieriger von der Heb- amme vernachliissigter Geburtsfall. Ztschr. f. Wnnd- arzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 30. — Rnnzler. Auszug aus den Acten einer Untersuchung gegen einen Chirurgen uud eine Hebamme, wegen Tiidtuug eiuer Ge- barenden (lurch Fahrliissigkeit. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1838, 25. Ergnzngshft,, 105-229.—von Maxinger (J.) Schwaugerschaft uud Geburt. Handb. d. gericiitl. Med.. Tiibing.. 18*2. iii. 193-231. -----. Kunstfehler in geburtshilMicber Beziehnng. Ibid., 649-690.—Ma I ninth (H.) A speci nen of seventeenth century physiology and medical jurisprudence, being an extract from Salmuthus' commentary on Pancirollus. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., lxxviii, 332; 402. — -•ichlaycr. Xeueste Gesetzgebung im Kduigreich Wurteinberg iiber Geburtshiilfe. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarzuk., Leipz., 1839, v, 006-020.—Wclilc^el (J. H. G.) Geschichte einer verheimlichteu Schwauger- schaft uud Xicderkunft. Ein Beitrag zur gerichtlichen Arzueikunde und Scmiotik der Geburtshiilfe. X. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena, 1796-18(0, i, 2. St., 152-165; 3. St., 197-230. Also: Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk.. Jena, 1801, 2. Samml., 14-66. -----. Gutachten iiber die Frage: Ob eiue Magd im Marz 1830 oder friiher wirklich geboren haheu iniisse. oder die bei derselbeu vor- gefuudeueu Et scheiuungen auf andere Art erzeugt worden seyn konnteu ! Ztschr.'f. d. Staatsarzuk., Eilang.. 1632, xxiii, 358-374. -----. Begutachtuug iiber eiuen Fall vou zweifelhafter Schwaugerschaft und Geburt. I bill. 1634, xxviii, 155-169. — Schneider. Ueber die Verstellungeu, Riinke uud Bosheiten der uuehelich Schwangereu, Gefan- genen uud Inquisiten, gegen den gerichtlichen Arzt. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk.. Erlang.. 1831, xxi. 41-98. -----. Ueber Zerreissung der Gebiiriuutter und der Scheido wahrend der Geburt, und die Straf barkeit der fungirenden Geburtshelfer oder Hebammen. Ibid., 1847, liv, 170-195 — Mchocnfeld. Consultation medico-legale sur des fautes graves, iniputees k un ace ucheur. J. d'accoiich.. Liege, 1665. vi, 4; 20.—*c!iol/. ( F. ) Fahrliissige Todtung eiuer Gebarenden. vniilit durch die Hebamme: Obduc- tions-Bericht. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1807, vi, 324-341. AUo: Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Wien, 1607. iii, 370; 395. — .Nchreyer (C. F.) Gutachten uber eine verheimlichte Schwangerschaft und Geburt. ein Beitrag zur Beui thrilling der Zuiechnungsfiihigkeit der OBSTETRICS. 41 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Jurisprudence of). Schwangern und Gebarenden. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk.. Erlang.. 1837, 24. Ergnzngshft.. 194-214.—Schreyer (C. II.), Ilnbrig (C. F.) & 1'heyle.s (J. P.) Actenmassige (icschic litserzablung von einer Frau, die sich beynahe alio Cedarnie aus dem Leibe wand, doch noch etliche St unden lebte, dabey heruui gieng und ihr Kind siiugete. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena. 1788, i, 4. St.. 37-45.—Schhr- maycr (J. H.) Angeschuldigtes kuustwidriges geburts- hiltlirhes Verfahren als Todesursache uud strafwiirdige Fahrliissigkeit; ein Beitrag zur Lehrc der strafrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit der Medicinalpeisoucu. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats^. ziik., Erlang., 1861, n. F., xvii, 81- Ki4._!«iehiitz. Ueber die heimliche Geburt. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1851, iv, 37-56. Also: Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang., 1852, 2. Hft., 56-67.— Schnltze. Zerreissung der Scheide bei der Geburt; Vorfall und Zerreissen des Darms ; Revisions-Gutachten des, etc. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1861, xix, 215-236 — Nclmster (G.) De secundinarum nialo regimine. In his: Comiucntationes difficiliora [etc.], Chemnitii, 1741, 4°, 164-168. -----. De obstetrice puerpe- ram male observante. Ibid., 169-183.—Shirvindl (J. I'.) Lishenie jizni, kak resultat protivuzakoiiuagodieist- vi.ja, iii nedozvolenuoe liechenie? [Was death caused by malpractice or after neglect ?] Vestnik sudeb. med., etc., St. Petersb , 1883, iii, pt. 2, 1-17.—von Siebold (E. C. J.) Obergutachten iiber die Todcsart eines heimlich gebornen Kindes (Geburt im Steheu. Sturz des Kindes auf den Boden, Schiidelbriiche). Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1642. xliv, 248-259. -----. Zur Lehre von den Zeichen eiuerkiirzlich erfolgten Geburt; ein medicinisch- gerichtliches Gutachten. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1843, xiii, 281-309. -----. Verheimlichte Geburt; Tod des Kindes ; Schadelbiiicho, (lurch die Mutter bewirkt: Un- tersuchung iiber die Zuiechnungsfiihigkeit derselben; ein Obergutachten. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1855. vi. 21-41.—Sim (F. L.) Killed by criminal ignorance and the injudicious administration of the ergot of rye. Mississippi Valley M. Mouth., Memphis, 1882, ii, 349-358. — Simpson (YV. S.) Shearing or moulding of the i'u.'tal head, in its medico-legal aspect. Edinb. M. J., 1882- 3, xxviii. 515-517. 2 pi.—Smolski (I.) Znachenie otdiele- nija moloka v sudebno-nied. otnoshenii. [Importance of milk in the breasts in medico-forensic view.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 4417-4419.—Storcr (H. R.) "Contributions to obstetric jurisprudence." X. York M. J., 1866, ii, 81.—Strauss (E.) Fall von Abreis sung des Kindkopfes wiihrend der Geburt. Arch. f. path. Anat. etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 599-601.—Slrehler (M. J.) Sind die Gebarenden gesetzlich zu verbinden, (lass sie sich eiuer Hebamme bedienen, oder muss es ihrer Willkukr iiberlassen bleiben, ob sie dieses thun wollen odernicht? Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1841, xiii, 150-162.— Snlima ( K. P. ) Sluch. samopomotshi pri rodach. [Case of self-delivery.] Vestnik sudeb. med., etc., St. Petersb., 1880. iii, pt. 2, 11-13. —Temps (Le) de barbaric; accouchement laborious ; presentation du t rone avec issue du bras (presentation du bras ou de la main des auteurs). Gaz. med. beige, Brux., 1849, vii, 234.—Thomson (J. B.) Case of feigned parturition: with remarks on the proofs of delivery and infanticide. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xix, 231- 233.—Todllich gewordene Misshaudluug eiuer Geba- renden bei einer Zwillingsgeburt (lurch eine Hebamme. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1825, x, 350-358.— Tonlmouche (A.) Accusation d'homicide par impru- dence par suite d'un accouchement accompagne de la dechirure du vagin et de l'arrachemeut des intestins. Ann d'hyg., Par., 1857, 2. s., vii, 186-209. -----. fitudes sur l'infaiiticide et la grossesse cachee ou simulee. Ibid., 1831, 2. s., xvi, 364-400. Also, Reprint. — Tonrdcs (G.) De 1'accoiicheineiit cousidere sous le rapport de la mede- cine legale. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par.. 1859. i, 447- 483. -----. Natalite (niedeciue legale). Ibid., 1676, 2. s., xi, 492-529.—Trial for alleged malpraxis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 592.—Trial of Matthew Spilling for manslaughter. Lancet, Lond , 1837-8, ii, 42-48. Also, transl. [Abstr ] : Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1840, xxx, 167-172. — Tni'jjai'd. Sur un signe indiquant pendant le travail la presence de circulaires autour du con du fietus. Ann. de gvnec., Par., 1888, xxix. 360-300.— Turner (R.) On the' signs of delivery. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1842. ii, 667-679.— Underbill (J. W.) The female generative organs in their medico-legal relations; early viability; protracted gestation; eailiest and latest ages at which women are capable of child-bear- ing; superfetation; privileges of pregnancy; multiple births. Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., 1879, xii, 91-111.—filter. suchinig eines Miidchens. welches von ihrer Herrschaft wegen allerlei krankhafter Zufiille und heimlichen Ge- brauchs von Mitteln wider dieselben bei dem Gerichte als der Schwaugerschaft hochst verdachtig angegebeu war. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarzuk., Leipz., 1835, i, 135-138.— I/oitcrsuchuiii; und Gutachten iiber einen durch einen Gebarmutterriss bald nach der Geburt erfolgten Tod einer verheiratheten Frau, welcher der llebiinime zur Last ge- legtwar. Ibid., 1837, iii, 631-642.- ( tlatanden i fraga huruvida qvinna fiidit barn. [Four cases of suspected Obstetrics (Jurisprudence of). delivery.] Vald saml. af k. Sundh.-Coll. ittlat i jurisd. mal, Stockholm, 1857, 1-13.—Utlatandeu i friiga om ovardsamt forlossningsbitrade vallat dbden. [Two cases of negligence in labor resulting in death.] Ibid., 1857,317- 329. — Valcnta (A.) Soil den Hebammen eiue operative Hiilfeleistung bei frischen Mittelfleischrissen gesetzlich gestattet seiu .' Offene Frage. Aich. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881, xvii, 45-49. — Vcrhciinlichiiug (Die)'der Schwau- gerschaft und Geburt. PI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Xiirnb., 1856, 1. Hft., 49-52.—Verschiedcneu (Von den) Fallen, in welchen Untersuchungen iiber die Geburt von dem ge- richtlichen Arzte gefordert werden. Jahrb. d. ges. Staats- arzuk., Leipz., 1835, i, 2. Hft., 86-92.— Vcxin (H.) Diei Ln- tersuchungeu wegen stattgehabter Geburt. . Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1855, v, 321. —Voss. Tod (lurch Uterusruptur. War derselhe durch regelwidrige Behandlung der Geburt von Seiten der Hebamme verau- lasst oder nicht ? Ztschr. f. Med , Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1868, n. F., vii, 20-32.—Wachs. Drei forensische Fiille zur geburtshiilflichen Bcrechnung. Vrt'jschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1870, n. F., xiii, 03-92. Also, Reprint. ---—. Die Diagnose der vol' laugerer Zeit iiber- standenen vcrheimlichten Geburt. (Kritisch bearbeitet ) Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1874, n. F., xxi, 219-248.— Walscr. Gerichts-arztliches Gutachten iu der Untersuchungssache gegen die Hebamme St. von H. we- gen fahrliissiger Todtung der Ehefrau des Wirths X. in H. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttcmb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1863, xxxiii, 89; 97; 105. — Watkins (XV. XV.) A ques- tion in medical jurisprudence. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1885, xlviii, 295. — Wigand (J. H.) Einiges iiber das sittliche, moralische uud politische Benehmen des Ge- burtshelfers. Beitr. z. theor. u. prakt. Geburtsh., etc., Hamb., 1808, 3. Hft., 60-99.—Wilde (F. A.) Zur Streit- frage: Leber die Competenz des Geburtshelfers iiber Le- ben und Tod. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 049; 657.—[William tlaiding Flint, indicted for killing and slaying Elizabeth Brown.] Lancet, Lond., 1848. ii, 160- 162.—Wilson (I. G.) Case of twins. Question of pri- mogeniture. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1861, ii, 186.— Wislrand (A. T.) Om. siittet att besvara fragan : bar en qvinna nagonsin fodt barn ? Hygiea, Stockholm, 1847, ix, 3-7.—Wohljjcsiiijfer (The) case. Kansas Citv M. J., 1872, ii, 191-196.—Zaiinschirm (W.) Der Geburts- helfer und dei'§ 358 des (isterreichischen Strafgesetzes. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, xi, 314-316. ; Obstetrics (Manuals on). .Sec Midwives (Education of, etc); Obstet- rics (Systems, etc., of). Obstetrics (Operations in). See, also, Cephalotribe, etc. ; Cranioclasm, etc. ; Craniotomy; Decapitation off®tus; Em- bryotomy; Labor (Complicated, etc.); Labor (Complicated, etc.) from adherent or retained pla- centa—Treatment; Labor (Complicated, etc.) from obstruction, etc, of the os uteri; Labor (Instru- mental); Obstetrics (Instruments for); Sym- physiotomy. Barnes (K.) Obstetric operations, including the treatment of hemorrhage ; with additions by B. F. Dawson, roy. 8~. New York, 1^7't. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 8°. New York, 1871. -----. The same. Lectures on obstetric op- erations, including the treatment of haemorrhage and forming a guide to the management of diffi- cult labour. 4. ed. 8-". London, 18<\, -----. The same. 8J. Philadelphia, 1886. Bkkxiiahdi (A.) * Anitnadversiones de per- foratione, sectione ca'sarea, synchondrotomia, pelvotomia, et partu pnemattire perticiendo. 8°. Jen®, [18:5(5], Bkacx (G.) Compendium der operativen (ivuakologie und Geburtshilfe. 8°. Wien, 1800. Chapman (E.) A treatise on the improvement of midwifery ; chiefly witli regard to the opera- tion. To which tire added fifty-seven cases, se- lected from upwards of twenty-seven years' prac- tice. 8 -'. London, 1735. -----. The same. 3. ed., with large addi- tions. *3. London, 1759. Charpentier (A.) Obstetric operations; the pathology of the puerperium. 8°. New York, 1887. OBSTETRICS. 42 OliSTKTIilCS. Obstetrics (Operations in). Chcrciiill (F.) Researches on operative mid- wifery, etc., with plates. 8--. Dublin, 1811. Clay (C.) The complete handbook of ob- stetric surgery; or short rules of practice iu every emergency, [etc.] Iv!0. Loudon, 185(5. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1874. Davis (D. D.) Elements of operative mid- wifery. 4-. London, 182b. DrcKL (J.-J.) * Indication des operations dans la pratique des accouchemens. 4-. Mont- pellier, 1830. Eengler (B.) * De operationum obstetricia- rum indicationibus. 8r. Berolini, [1849]. Fritsch (H.) Klinik der geburtshiilflichen Operationen. 3. Aufl. 8-\ Halle a. S., 1880. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8-. Halle a. S., Garxier (ft. A.) An in omni partu, operatio chirnroica ? Proponebat A. V. L. A. le Roi. 4°. [/'«;•('*" 1774.] bvoix (C.-aI.-P.) * Des operations destinees a dimiimer le volume du foetus. 4~. Paris, 1830. Hegar (A.) Geburtshiilfliche Operationslelire nach den Vorlesungen ties . . . bearbeitet von Karl Stalil. 2. Anil. 8°. Stuttgart, 18-3. HORN (.1.1'.) Gesammelte Aufsatze iiber einige der wichtio-sten und am liantigsten vorkommen- den gebiirtsliiilnicheu Operationen, alserliiutern- der Anliano- zu der dritteu Anflage des Lehr- bnclies der Geburtshilfe, etc. 2. Aufl. 8~. Wien, 1838. Hceter (V.) Compendium der geburtshilfli- ehen Operationen fiir deu Gebrauch iu der Praxis. 8^. Leipzig, 1874. Jacobi (G. J.) * Qua? in arte obstetricia facta? operationes instrumentales prorsus sint rejicien- dte ? 8-\ Halts Sax., 180(1 Kimax (H. F.) Operationslelire fiir Geburts- helfer. 2. Aufl. 2Th. in3v. 8^. Bonn, 1849-53. Krassovski (A.) Operativnoe akusherstvo so vkloucheniem uchenija o neprav. jenskago taza. [Operative obstetrics, including the study of abnormities of the female pelvis.] 8-. St. Petersburg, 1885. vox Mack (P. H. K.) Die geburtshiilfliche Operati'iislehre, tabellarisch dargestellt. 4J. Kiel, 1839. Maktin (A.) Leitfaden der operativen Ge- burtshiilfe. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Mesdag (R.) * De partu difficili instrumentis secantibus absolvendo. 8°. Groningce, 1810. Moldenhauer (W.) Die geburtshiilflichen Operalioneu am Phantom. Ein Leitfaden fiir die Studirendeu der Mediein. 8~. Leipzig, 1875. Pernios (H. C. A.) " 0])erationnui in arte obstetricia examinatio critica et historica. 8-. Halts, 1*45. Pitois (R.-C. ) * De la bipubiotomie. 4°. Slrasbaurg, 1~31. Playfaii: (W. 8.) A handbook of obstetric operations. - . London, 18[\~->. von Riecke (L.) Der geburtshiilfliche Opera- tionsciusus. Anleitung zu den Vnriibungeu am Phantome uud zuin Operireu am Ge'iiirbette. 8°. Tubingen, l>4(i. Roijerton (J.) How to use midwifery instru- ments. Written iu the form of dialogue. 8°. Manchester, [n. d.] Kossuirt (E.) Die geburtshiilflichen Opera- tionen. 8r. Erlangen, 1842. Roisskac-I'ommeret (L.-G.) * Des diverses operations obstetricales dans les casde retre"cisse- ments considerables du bassin. 4°. Paris, 1858. Samostz (8.) *De systemateet indicationibus operationuni obstetriciarum. 8 . Vratislavi®, j |>4U. Wasseige (A.) Des operations obstetricales. 8:. Paiis, 1881. BaniCN (R.) Lectures on obstetric, operations. Mod. Times ,V Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 1: 29: 85; 141; 195; 249; 313; 395; 451; 507; 5s7; 6C7: 18CS, i. 4: 31; 85; 141; 197; 253; 309; 361; 413: 4(15: 519; 571; 055: ii. 1: 87; 207; 259; 355; 439; 495: 519; G35; 663: 717: 1S09. i. 60: 109; 241. -----. Gn Dr. Murphy's criticism of Dr. P.iinics's lectures on obstetric operations. Ibid., 569.— l£cr«;csio ( L.) Escursioui ostetriche: forcipe mediocre o forcipe gigante? )' iineino ottuso nel parto per la pelvi; impoi tauza pratica della versione con manoviv csterne. Ann. di ostet., ililauo, 18SH. ii, 432-441. — It rami (G.) Zur Auchenister - Franc. Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1801. \i. 809-811. — C'ohnstciii. Beitriige zur operativen Geburtshilfe. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1874. xxvi, 57: 77: 115; 117.—dc t'risloloris ( M.) Laresezione pubica sotto])criostca sostituita alle piu grnvi opera/.ioni ostetriche. Morgagui, Napoli, 1S58, ii, 490- 503.— !>«' E'aoli (\r. ) Osservazioni cliniche di ostetiicia operativa. Einuria med, Genova, 1S0S, xiii. 4:.;i - 4S5.— I)ohrn. Ueber den Einfluss der Operationsfrequeuz auf die Todgehurten. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iii, 282- 280.— Dolan ( F. M.) Obstetric operations. Med. Press & Circ, I.otid.. 1870, i, 359. — I>«l wards (C.) Contribu- tious to the science of obstetric snrgerv. Lnncet, Lond., 1862, ii, 8: 566; 592; 614.—Gncniot. 'Du dclire des ope- rateurs. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1875, iv, 399-414.—Hamil- ton (G.) The forceps and craniotomy versus turning. Edinb. M. J.. 1881-2. xxvii, 1090-1093.— Hodman (C.) Depaituditbcili cupite pnevio inclavato, sectione ciesarea, vel scparatione s\ nchondroseos ossiiim pubis unice sol- vendo. In his: Spec, rhir.-pract. inaug., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1774, 1-42, 1 pi. — liiiilis (A.) Gn the results of recent improvements in opeiative midwifery in diminishing the number of cases requiring embryotomy. Edinb. Al. J., 1864-5, x, 2J.V229. — Itinlteari ( K. J. ) ' Craniotomy and its alternatives, C;csarcaii section. lapai'O-elvtrotomv, and Porro's operation. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc.'. 1879-f-O, xiii, 47-92. [Discussion], 102-109. — .Martin. Leber ver- schiedeue Methoden der Verkleinerung des Kindskopfos bei der Geburt. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. t. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1859-00). 1861, xiii, 155-159. Also: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u Frauenkr., Berl., 1861, xvii, 103-106. —lie iVIoerloosc (II.) Relation de trois cas d'accouchements laboricux dont deux termines a l'aide du forceps-scie du docteur Van Huevcl, le troisieme par l'operation cesa- riennc. Gaz. obst.. Par.. 1878, vii, 49-53.—.Vlnrphy (E. W.) Critiipie on some parts of Dr. Harness lectures on opeiative midwifery. Med. Times A: Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 557.—Obstetric operations. Brit. . Vienna; 1830. -----. The same. Septem libri obstetricia naturali. 8°. J'ienn®, 183d. -----. The same. Sieben Biicher iiber na- tiirliche Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Wien, 18:14. Boiviv ( Marie-Anue-Victoire-Gillain ). Me- morial de l'art des accouchemens . . . suivi des aphorismes de Mauriceau. 8J. Paris, 1812. -----. The same. 4. e"d. 2 v. 8 . Paris, 1836. -----. Tha same. Handbuch der Geburts- hiilfe, nach den Grundsiitzeu der Entbindungs- Anstalt zu Paris, uud denen der beriihnitesten in- uud atislandischen Geburtshelfer. Nach der 3ten Ausgabe des Originals iibersetzt von Ferdi- nand Robert, durchoeseheu und mit einer Vor- rede begleitet von Dietr. Wilhelm Heiur. Busch. 8J. Cassel u. Marburg, 1820. Bourgeois, dite Boursier (Louise). Observa- tions diverses sur la sterilitc, perte de fruiet, fM, 1827-8. Hyernaux (L.) Manuel pratique de l'art des accouchements, avec figures. 12°. Bruxelles, 1857. -----. The same. Traite' pratique de l'art des accouchements, avec figures. 2. e"d. 8°. Bruxelles, 1866. Also [Rev.J, in: J. de m6d., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 180s. slvi, 186; 382. Also, Reprint. I. (S.) Korte en boudige verhaudeling, van de voortteeling en 't kinderbareu met den aan- kleve van dien; tot onderrigt der gener, die sig in sulke voor-vallen behoorlijk soeken te gedra- gen. 16-. Amsterdam, 1695. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). Ispolatofe (A. N.) Prakt. rukovod. povival- nago iskusstva. Sostav. pod red. F. K. Gugeu- berger. [Practical manual of obstetrical art.] 8°. Moskva, 1886. Jacobs (J. B.) Vroedkundige oeftensckool, vervattende iu een klein bestek meerderendeels alles 't geen tot deze konst eenige betrekking heeft, de geueeskunde nitgezonderd, uitgegee- ven, bij wijze van lessen. 4C. Gend, 1784. -----. The same. Ecole pratique des ac- couchemens. 4°. Paris iy Bruxelles, 1785. -----. The same. 4°. Gaud, 1785. -----. The same. Praktischer Unterricht der Entbindungskunst. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersezt von Johann David Busch. 8°. Mar- burg, 1787. j Jacquemier (J.-M.) Manuel des accouche- ments et des maladies des femmes grosses etac- ' couchees, conteuant les soins a douner aux noti- veau-ne"s. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1846. Jasinski (P. A.) Akusherstvo. Chast perva- ja; vipusk pervii i yTtoroi. [Obstetrics. Pt. 1, Nos. laud 2.] 8°. Charkov, 1886. Jorg (J. C. G.) Systematisches Handbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir Geburtshelfer, Aerzte und Wnndarzte. Nach neuen Ansichten bearbeitet. 8C. Leipzig, 1807. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8=. Leipzig, 1820. -----. The same. Handbuch der Geburts- hiilfe fiir Aerzte und Geburtshelfer. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1833. Second title-page of his : Ueber das physiologische und pathologische Leben des Weibes. 1. Ihe'il. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipziy, 1833. Johnson (R. W.) A new system of midwifery, in four parts; founded on practical observations. 4°. London, 1769. Joulin (J.-D.) Traite" complet d'accouche- ments. 8°. Paris, 1867. -----. The same. Tratado completo de par- tos, traducidopor J. Saez y Velazquez, A. Rodri- guez Rnbi, bajo la direcciou de Francesco Ossorio y Bernaldo. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Madrid, 1870. ---;---. The same. Tlpaypareia irAypng nepl paicvTiKJjc. M.eTapaadeiaa vnb A. K. KovaoXa. 3 v. 8C. 'Ev Adijvaic, 1876. Jungmann (A. J.) Das Technische der Ge- burtshiilfe, zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen iiber Operationen fiir Mediciner uud Wundarzte. 8-. Prag, 1824. Kagawa Genyetsu Shigen. Shigenshi San- ron. [Shigeu's obstetrics.] 2 v. 8°. Kioto, 1765. Japanese text. Kagawa Shikei. Sanron Rioku. [Addenda to obstetrics (of Shigen) by his son.] 2 v. 8°. Kioto, 1775. Japanese text. *Katakura (G.) San Kuwa Katsu Mo. [A treatise on obstetrics.] 4 v. 8". [n. p.], 1795. Kato (Nein). Sanka Dikken Roku. [Prac- tice of obstetrics.] 12°. Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. Katzenberger (L. J.) Katechetischer Un- terricht bey schweren und wider-natiirlichen Gebnrten, hauptsachlich zum Gebrauche fiir Wuudiirzte und Geburtshelferinnen auf dem Lande. 16°. Frankfurt it. Leipzig, 1779. Kilian (H. F.) Die Geburtslehre von Seiten der Wissenschaft und Kunst dargestellt. 2 v. 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1839-42. King (A. F. A.) A manual of obstetrics. 12°. Philadelphia, 1882. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8:. Philadelphia, 1884. —----. The same. 3. ed. 8G. Philadelphia, OBSTETRICS. 49 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). King (J.) American eclectic obstetrics, roy. 8-. Cincinnati, 1855. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . Cincinnati, 1871. Kirciiiioefer. Natiirliches System der Ge- burtslehre. 8°. Kiel it. Etttin, 1838. Kiwisch, Ritter von Rotterau (F. A.) Die Ge- burtskunde mit Einschluss der Lehre von den ubrigen Fortpflanzungsvorgaugen im wciblicheu Organisnms. 8-. Erlangen, 1851. -----. The same. De verloskuiide, met in- begrip der leer van deoverige voortplautingsver- rigtiugeu in het vrouwelijk organisme. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door L. J. Egeling. 2. deck 8?. Tiel, 1852. Kleinwachter (L.) Grundriss der Geburts- hiilfe fiir praktische Aerzte und Studirende. roy. 8°. Wien, 1877. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 1. 8°. Wien it. Leipzig, 1881. Kluge. Kluge's Zusiitze zu Froriep's Hand- buch der Entbiudungskuude. 8. Ausg., 1827. MS. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Kolb (C.) Grundriss der Geburtshilfe. 24°. Stuttgart, 1869. Kormann (E.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe fiir Aerzte uud Studierende. 8°. Tubingen, 1—4. Koste (N.) 'Eyxeipidiov fiacev~iii?jr. 8°. 'Adg- vair, 1849. Krause (A.) Die Theorie und Praxis der Ge- burtshiilfe. 2 v. 8-. Berlin, 1853. La-Chapelle (Mme. Marie - Louise - Duges). Pratique des accouchemens, ou memoires et ob- servations choisies sur les points les plus impor- taus de l'art. 3 v. in 2. 8-. Paris, 1821-5. -----. The same. Practische Entbindungs- kunst, oder Abhandlungen und auserlesene.Beo- bachtungen iiber die wichtigsten Puucte der Ge- burtshiilfe. Herausgegeben von ihrem Neffen, Ant. Duges. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. v. 1. 8~. Weimar, 1825. de La Motte (G.-M.) Traite" complet des ac- couchemens naturels, non naturels, et contre na- ture, expliqu6s dans un grand nombre d'observa- tions et de reflexions sur l'art d'accoucher. 4C. Paris, 1722. -----. The same. 4°. La Haye, 1726. -----. The same. Nouv. ed. 4°. Leiden, 1729. -----. The same. Nouv. e"d. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1765. -----. The same. Tractat vou Krauckhei- ten schwangerer undgebahrender Weibs-Persoh- nen . . . Anjetzo aber zum Erstenmahl auss dem Frantzdsischen in das Teutsche iibersetzt, und mit einigen Anmerckungeu vermehrt durch J. G. Scheid. 4°. Strasburg, 1732. -----. The same. A general treatise of mid- wifery, illustrated with upwards of four hun- dred curious observations . . . Translated into English by T. Tomkyns. 8°. London, 1746. Landis (H. G.) The management of labor and of the lying-in period. A guide for the young practitioner. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. A coinpend of obstetrics especially adapted to the use of medical students and phy- sicians. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1886. Lange (W.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe. Mit Beriicksichtigung der gerichtsarztlichen Seite des Faches bearbeitet. 8J. Erlangen, 1868. Le Bas (J.) Precis de doctrine sur l'art d'ac- coucher. 12°. Paris, 1779. Lee (R.) Lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery, delivered in the theatre of St. George's Hospital. 8°. London, 1844. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. 4 Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). Leisiiman (W.) A system of midwifery, in- cluding the diseases of pregnancy and the puer- peral state. 8°. Glasgow, 1873. -----. Thesame. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. -----. The same. 2. Am. from 2. and re- vised English ed. With additions by J. S. Parry. 8~. Philadelphia, 1875. -----. Thesame. 3. Am. ed., revised by the author. With additions by John S. Parry. 8-. Philadelphia, 1879. Levret ( A. ) L'art des accouchemens, de- montr6 par des principcs de physique et de 1116- chanique, pour servir de base et de fondement a des lecons particulieres. [With] supplement. 8°. Paris, 1753. -----. The same. 2. 6d. Avrec additiou de deux nouvelles planches, etd'uu abrege" du senti- ment de l'auteur sur les aphorismes de Mauri- ceau. 8°. Paris, 1761. -----. The same. 3. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1766. -----. The same. Kunst der Geburtshiilfe, nach den Gesetzen der Beweguug und Natur- lehre. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von Christian Friedrich Held. 2 Theile in 1 v. 8-. Leipzig, 1778. van Leynseele (C.) R6sume du cours d'ac- couchements donne a l'Universite" de Gaud. 4°. Gand, 1866. Lowensteix (A. S.) Der theoretische und praktische Geburtshelfer, oder vollstiindiger Unterricht der gesammten Gebursthiilfe, und der Krankheiteu tier Schwangern,Wochnerinnen uud ueugebornen Kinder . . . Nebst einem Auhange, enthaltend : Aphorismen iiber geburts- hiilfliche Gegenstiiude, eine Darstellung des voll- standigen geburtshiilflichen Apparats, eine Re- capitulation sammtlicher Anzeigen, die zu ge- burtshiilflichen Operationen berechtigen, The- mata oder Fragen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Gyuiicologie fiir Studirende uud Examinauden, und eine neue Schwangerschafts - Tabelle. 2. Ausg. 8J. Berlin, 1836. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1839. London (The) practice of midwifery, or a manual for students. Being a complete course of practical midwifery. In which are included the treatment of lying-in women aud the diseases of children. 12°.' London, 1803. -----. The same. 6. ed. By Geo. Jewel. 12-. London, 1833. -----. The same. 1. Am. from 4. Lond. ed. 12 \ New York, 1820. -----. The London practice of midwifery. From the 4. Lond. ed., corrected and improved. 8°. New York, 1820. -----. The same. Including the treatment during the puerperal state, and the principal in- fantile diseases ; to which is added uotes, plates, and Denman's aphorisms. By tin American prac- titioner. 6. ed. 8°. Concord, N. H., 1820. Longshore (J. S.) The Philadelphia system of obstetrics, in twelve parts. S~. Philadelphia, 1808. Lovati (T.) Manuale di ostetricia minore. Esposta 1' online delle lezioni che yrengono dalui date nell' Universita di Pavia. Terza edizione. 8°. Milano, 1808. Lumpe (E.) Cursus der practischen Geburts- hiilfe mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der Ansichten der Wiener geburtshiilflichen Schule. 8°. Wien, 1843. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1847. -----. The same. Compendium der prac- tischen Geburtshilfe. 3. Aufl. i°. Wien, 1851. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1875. Lusk (W. T.) The science aud art of mid- wifery. 8J. New York, 1882, OBST ETHICS. OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). —. The same. [2. ed.] 8J. New York, 1--2. The same. New ed 1>- The same. The same. , New York, London, 188-1. Science et art des ac- couchements. Ouvrage traduit . . . et annote" par le Dr. Dolcris, precede" d'une preface par le professeur Pajot. 8--. Paris, 188'). Macari (F.) Ostetricia, giuecologia e pedia- tria. Compeudio. 8°. Modena, 1877. ------. The same. 3. ed. roy. 8-. Geneva, 1^85. Mair(J.) Geburtshilflich-praktisckes Vade- mecum fiir Studirende und Aerzte. Mit besou- derer Hinsicht auf Scanzoni's Lehrbuch bear- beitet. 16°. Erlangen, 1854. Manxixgiiam (R ) Artis obstetricaria: com- pendiuin tarn theoriam quam praxiu spectans; morborum omnium qui foeminis inter gestandum in utero, et in puerpero, uec non infantibns su- perveuire solent curationein totam complectens. Hue accedunt morborum omnium, quibus corpus humauum est obnoxium naturam investigaudi methodus vera et acciiratissinia, illorum cura- tionein efticacissimam indigitans; et observa- tioues uonuullie ad praxin generalem medicinre attineneutes; in usuni medicinal tyrouum. 4°. Londini, 1739. ------. The same. Denuo editum, et novis quibusdam additamentis, videlicet pra3famiue et duabus disquisitionibus theoretico-practicis, quarum prima de situ uteri gravidi fcetnsque a sede placentie in utero, per regulas mechanismi deducendo, agit. altera vero priestantiani et usum forcipis Anglicanai in partu clifficili ex situ capitis obliquo, intra ossa pubis immobiliter luerentis, commendat, auctum, tabulisque ae'ueis ornatum autore P. A. Boehmero. 4C. Hal® Magdeb., 1746. -----. An abstract of midwifery, for the use of the lying-in infirmary; which with due ex- planations by anatomical preparations, etc., the repeated performances of all kinds of deliveries on our great machine, with the ocular demon- stration of the reason and justness of the rules to be observed in all genuine aud true labours. in the lying-in iufirmary on our glass machine, makes a complete method of teaching midwifry, by giving the pupils the most exact knowledge of the art, and perfectly forming their hands, at the same time, for the safe and ready practice of midwifry. 4°. London, 1744. Marsden (J. H.) Hand-book of practical midwifery, including fall instruction for the honxeopathic treatment of the disorders of preg- nancy, and the accidents and diseases incident to labor and the puerperal state. 8°. New York, 1879. Marstexs (F. H.) Versuch eines vollstan- digen System's der thcoretischen und practischen Geburtshiilfe. *\ Leipzig, 1802. Martin (A.) Leitfaden bei der Behandlung der uatiirlicheu Geburt und gesunden Wochen- zeit. 24°. Miinchen, 1853. Maunskll (H.) The Dublin practice of mid- wifery. S-. London, 1-31. Mauriceau (F.) Traite des maladies des femmes grosses, ct de celles qui sont nouvelle- ment accouchdes, enseignant la bonne et veri- table inethode pour bien aider les femmes en leurs accouchemens naturels, et les moyens de remedier a tous ceux qui sont contre nature, et aux indispositions des enfans liouveaiix-ufe; avec une description tres-exacte de toutes les parties de la feinme qui servent a la generation. Le tout accompagne de plusieurs belles figures Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). en taille douce, nouvellement et fort correcte- nient gravees. 2. ed., corrigee par l'autetir, et angmentee de quelques figures tres-conveuables au sujet, et de plus d'un tiers du discours, conte- naut toutes les plus particulieres observations touchant la pratique des accouchemens, avec une ample table des matieres principales. 8 \ Paris, 1(575. Thesame. 3. e"d. 4~. Paris, 1681. The same. Dcrniere e"d .4C. Paris, The same. 6. 6d. 2 v. 4D. Paris, 1683. 1721- -8. 1738- -40. The same. 7. e"d. 2 v. Y Paris, The same. De mulierum prregnan- tium, parturientium, et puerperarum morbis; tractatus, tradens veram optimanique methodum adjuvandi mulieres in partu naturali, et me- dendi cuilibet partui contra naturam, morbisque infantium recens-natorum; cum accurata de- scriptione omnium mulieres partium generationi inservientium [etc.] 4°. Parisiis, 1681. ------. Thesame. Tractatvon Krauckheiteu schwangerer und gebiirender Weibespersonen ; in welchem be.schriebeu wird die warhafte und eigentliche Weise wie deuselben, so wol bey natiirlicher als nicht natiirlicher Gebaruug bey- znspringen . . . auss dem Frantzdsischen iu das Teutsche iib(>rsetzt. 4°. Basel, 1680. ------. The same. Der schwangern und kreis- senden Weibs-Persouen allerbeste Hiilffleistung. Das ist: Wahrer und griindlicher Bericht, wie denenselben, mit gutem und fiiglichem Vortheil, in ihrem sowol natiirlichen, als tmter weilen audi wider die Natur laufl'eudeu Kind haben, gliicklich beyzustehen. Ingleichem, was vor bewahrte uud bdehst dienliche Mittel denen neugebornen Kiudern, inihren Unpiisslichkeiten, zu gcbrauchen ; und dann, was es vror eine eigent- liche Beschaffeuheit mit denen zum Kinderzeu- geu gewidmeten Gliedern undTheileu der Weibs- Personen habe. Erstesmals in franzosischer Sprache . . . nachmals aber, von einem Lieb- haber der Arzney-Kunst, ins Teutsche iibersetzt, und zumDruckbefiirdert. 12:. Niirnberg, 1081, ------. The same. Tractaet van de siektens der swangere vrouwen en der gene die eerst gebaert hebben. Aenwysendede rechte en ware manier om de vrouwen in hare natuurlyke baringen wel te helpen, de geboortens tegens de natuur te recht tc brengen, en de zieklens der jong geborene kindereu'te geneseu. sm. 4°. Amsttrdam, [1(583]. ------. The same. Hit het Frans vertaelt. 2. ed., verineerdert met eenige verhaudelingen, over de voornaamste ontdekingen, welke zedert F. Mauriceau in de verloskuiide gedau zyn. Door P. Camper, sm. 4 . Amsterdam, 1759. ------. The same. Trattato delle malattie delle donne gravide e delle iufantate, die iusegna il metodo buono, e vero per aiutar le donne ne' parti naturali, ed il mezo di rimediare a que, die sono contro natura, ed a' fancinlle, die nascono; con una descrizione esatissima di tutte le parti della donna, che servono alia generazionc. 4°. t'ologni, 1684. ------. Thesame. The accomplisht midwife, treating of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed. As also, the best directions how to help them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indis- positions of new-born babes. Illustrated with divers fair figures, newly and very correctly engraven in copper. A work much more perfect than any yet extant in English; being very nec- essary for all teeming-women, as also for all OBSTETRICS. 51 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). physicians, chirurgeans, and midwives that prac- tise this art. Written iu French, by .. . Transl. aud enlarged with some marginal notes, by H. Chamberlen. sm. 8°. London, 1673. -----. The same. The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed; as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indis- positions of new-born babes. To which is pref- aced an exact description of the parts of gen- eration in women. A work much more perfect than any now extant, and very necessary for all, especially midwives and men practising that art. The 6. ed. . . . with the description of an excellent instrument to bring a child that conies right; all correctly engraven in copper. Transl. by II. Chamberlen. 8°. London, 1727. Maygrier (J.-P.) Nonvelle m6thode pour manoeuvrer les accouchemens. Nouv. 6d. 8°. Paris, an XII [1804]. -----. The same. 8:. Paris, 1814. -----. The same. 2. e"d., augmente'e du trait6 des maladies des femmes et des enfans. 8-. Paris, 1817. -----. The same. Neue Methode der prak- tischen Entbindungskunst zur Vereinfachuug der Handgriffe bey Ausubung derselben. Bear- beitet und mit Zusiitzen, Aumerkungen, einer Tabelle und Knpferu bereichert von F. H. Mar- tens. 16°. Leipzig, 1804. Meadow's (A.) A manual of midwifery, in- cluding the signs aud symptoms of pregnancy, obstetric operations, diseases of the puerperal state, etc. 1. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. -----. Sanka Hozan. [A treatise on mid- wifery; translated by Sugita Geutan.] 12-. Shklguoka, 1875. Japanese text. Meigs (C. D.) The Philadelphia practice of midwifery. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. -----. Obstetrics: the science and art. 8-. Philadelphia, 1849. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1830. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. Meola(F.) Compendio di terapia ostetrica. 12°. Napoli, 1887. Mercurio (G. S.) La commare o riccoglitrice. 4°. Vejtetia, 1601. -----. The same. 8D. Venetia, 1601. -----. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1621. -----. The same. 4°. Verona, 1645. -----. The same. 4°. Venetia, 1686. -----. The same. Kindermutter. Oder Heb- ammen Buch, worinnen von dem wunderbaren Werck der Empfangutiss, und Geburth eines Menscheii, uud was deroselben anhiiuget . . . gehandelt wird. Darbey auch allerhaud curiose, und anmuthige Sachen zu linden seynd. Welches anss dem Italianischeu in die Hochteutscho Sprache versetzet, durch Gottfriedt Wclsch. 4-\ Leipzig, 1652. -----. The same. 4°. Leipzig, 1653. -----. The same. 4°. Wittenberg, 1671. Merrimax ( S. ) A synopsis of the various kinds of difficult parturition, with practical remarks on the management of labours. 2. ed. 8C. London, 1814. -----. The same. With notes and additions by T. C. James. 1. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1816. -----. The same. 8'-\ Philadelphia, 1817. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8C. London, 1820, Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. New ed. 8-. London, 1838. -----. The same. Die regelwidrigen Ge- bnrteu und ihre Behandlung. Aus dem Engli- schen . . . iibersetzt von Dr. Herrn. Friedr. Kiliau. 8°. Mannheim, 182(5. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. 12'-'. Mannheim, 1845. Mesnard (J.) Le guide des accoucheurs, ou le maistre dans l'art d'accoucher les femmes, et de les soulager dans les maladies et accideus dont elles sont tres souvent attaque"es ; ouvrage des plus utiles pour les personnes qui veil lent faire une pratique particuliere de l'operation des accouchemens. Le tout en forme d'examen. 8°. Paris, 1743. -----. Thesame. 2. 6i\. 8. Paris, 1753. Miller (H.) The principles and practice of obstetrics, including the treatment of chronic inflammation of the uterus considered as a fre- quent cause of abortion. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. Millot (J.-A.) SupphSment a tons les traites, tant 6trangers que nationaux, anciens et mo- dernes, sur Part des accouchements. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1809. Milne (A.) The principles and practice of midwifery, with some of the diseases of women. 8\ Edinburgh, 1871. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. New York $ London, 1884. Mixati (C. ) Ostetricia minore. Lezioui. 8". Milano, Napoli, Pisa, 1881. Moxlau (P. F.) Elementos de obstetricia, redactados conforme a" los principios de tokologia y embriologia de Alt'. A. L. Velpeau, revisados y anotados por el Dr. D. Antonio Mayner. 8-\ Barcelona, 1833. Morandi (A.) Trattato universale teorico e pratico dei parti, necessario alle mammane, ai chirurghi, ed ai medici. Nel quale si descrivouo tutte le malattie die succedouo dopo il concepi- mento, durante la gravidanza, nel parto e nel pnerperio, col metode curativo di ciascheduna. 8-'. Venezia, 1788. Moreau (F.-J.) Trait6 pratique des accouche- mens. 2 v. in 1. [ With atlas. ] S3. Paris, 1838. -----. The same. v. 1, pt. 2; v. 2. 8°. Pa- ris, 1841. -----. The same. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Paris, 1858. -----. The same. A practical treatise on midwifery; exhibiting the present advanced state of the science. Transl. from the French by Thos. Forrest Betton and edited by Paul B. God- dard. 4°. Philadelphia, 1844. Morisani (O.) Mauuale delle operazioni oste- triche. Seconda edizione iuterameute rifatta ed accresciuta. 8C. XTapoli, 1878. ---—. The same. La ostetricia in quadri siuottici da servire come guida ai pratici ed agli studenti. 3. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1885. -----. The same. Manualo di ostetricia ad uso degli studenti e de' medici pratici. 2. ed., ampliata eriveduta dall' autore sulla precedcnte redatta per cura del Dott. Vincenzo Viveuzio. 12°. Napoli, 1887. Moulin (E.) Cours pratique iVaccouchemens, avec une nonvelle nomenclature des presenta- tions et positions du foetus, de"signe"e sous le uom generique de pelvi-hetale. fol. Paris, 1821. Munde (P. F.) A sketch of the management of pregnancy, parturition and the puerperal state, normal and abnormal. 12°. Detroit, 18-7. Munsell (H.) The Dublin practice of mid- wifery. AVith notes and additions by C. R. Gil- man. 8°. New York, 1845. OBSTETRICS. 52 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). Murphy (E. W.) Lectures on natural and difficult parturition. 8U. London, 1845. -----. Lectures on the principles and prac- tice of midwifery. 8°. London, 1852. -----. The same. 2. ed. - . London, 1862. Nagele (F. C.) Zur Methodologie der Ge- burtshiilfe. Grundziige der allgemeinen Patho- logic und Therapie der Geburt als Manuscript fiir seiue Zuhdrer. 1. Lfg. 8^. Heidelberg, 1817. Naegele (H. F.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Mainz, 1843-5. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. besorgt von Dr. Wohlemar Ludwig Grenser. 8°. Mainz, 1854. -----. Thesame. 5. Aufl. ... bearbeitet uud vermehrt von Dr. W. L. Grenser. 8°. Mainz, 1803. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. . . . vermehrt von W. L. Grenser. 8-. Mainz, 1869. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. . . . vermehrt vou Dr. W. L. Grenser. 8°. Mainz, 1872. -----& Grenser (W. L.) Thesame. Traite" pratique de l'art des accouchements; deuxieme edition fraucaise. traduite sur la hnitieme et derniere edition allemande, aunot6e et mise au courant des derniers progres de la science par G. A. Aubenas; ouvrage pre"c6d6 d'une introduction par J.-A. Stoltz. 1. 8°. Paris, 1880. Nall (S.) Aids to obstetrics. 3. ed. 16°. London, [1888], Naxxoni (L.) Trattato di ostetricia e di lei respettive operazioni di . . . 2 v. Sc. Siena, 1785-6. Nessi (G.) Arte ostetricia teorico-pratica; nella regia Universita di Pavia. 8°. Venezia, 1797. Nielly (M.) Manuel d'obstetrique, ou aide- memoire de l'eleve et du praticieu. 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1880. Nihell (Mrs. E.) A treatise on the art of mid- wifery, setting forth various abuses therein, es- pecially as to the practice with instruments; serv- ing to put all rational inquirers in a fair way of very safely forming their own judgment upon the question : which it is best to employ in cases of pregnancy and lying-in, a man-midwife or a midwife. 8 \ Loudon, 1760. Nisbet (W.) The clinical guide, or a concise view of the leading facts on the history, nature, and treatment of the various diseases that form the subject of midwifery, or attend the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal states; intended as a memorauduni-book for practitioners; to which is added an obstetrical pharmacopoeia, divided •into three parts, viz: materia medica, classifica- tion, and extemporaneous prescriptions. 8°. London, 1800. Oliveti (F.) Compeudio di ostetricia pratica. 16=. Napoli, 1882. Osiander (F. B.) Grundriss der Entbiuduugs- kunst zum Leitfaden bey seinen Vorlesungen. 8~. Gottingen, 1802. ------. Handbuch der Entbindungskunst. 4 v. 12c. Tubingen, 1818-25. -----. The same. Bearbeitet von Dr. Johaun Friedrich Osiander. 3 v. 8°. Tubingen, 1820-33. Ould (F.) A treatise of midwifery, in three parts. S-. Dublin, 1742. Paris (A. C.) Clinica de partos, precidida de algunas cousideraciones sobre el embarazo. 8°. Barcelona, 1878. Partridge (E. L.) A manual of obstetrics. 24°. Xew York, 18-4. Parvin (T.) The science and art of obstetrics. roy. 8". Philadelphia, 1886. Pastorello (L.) Trattato di ostetricia. 2 v, *-. Pavia, 1854-5. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). Penard (L.) Guide pratique de l'accoucheiu et de la sage-femme. 5. ed., revue et cousidera- blemeut augmentee, avec 166 ligures intercalees dans le texte, dont 50 out etc dessinees sur hois par M. Chailly-Houore, et extraites de la 6e edi- tion de son Traite pratique de l'art des accouche- ments. sm. 8°. Paris, 1879. -----. The same. 6. 6(1. 18-. Paris, 1883. -----. The same. Guia practico de los par- tos; cuarta edicion, revisada y aumentada, con 142 figuras intercaladas en el texto; traducida por M. Baldivielso; segunda edicion espanola. 8°. Madrid, 1870. Petit (A.) Theoretisch-praktische Abhand- lung iiber die Geburtshiilfe und Krankheiteu der Schwangern, Kindbetterinnen und neugeboruen Kinder. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersezt. Mit Anmerknngeu und einer Vorrede begleitet von J. C. Stark. 2 Theile. 8°. Erfurt, 1800. Peu(P.) La pratique des accouchemens. 8°. Paris, 1694. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1726. Playi air (W. S.) A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery ; with notes and addi- tions, by Robert P. Harris. 2. Am. from the 3. Lond. e'd. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. -----. Thesame. 3. Am. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1880. -----. The same. 4. Am. from the 5. English ed., with notes and additions, by Robert P. Har- ris. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. -----. Thesame. 6. ed. 8C. London, 1886. ----- The same. Traite theorique et pra- tique de l'art des accouchements, trad uit sur la deuxieme edition anglaise par le docteur Ver- meil. 8°. Paris, 1879. Plenk (J. J.) Anfaugsgriinde der Geburts- hiilfe. 2 Theile in 1 v. 8°. Wien, 17(58. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1774. -----. Thesame. 6. Aufl. 8\ Wien, 1803. -----. Thesame. Elementaartisobstetricne. 8-1. Viennw, 1781. -----. The same. Eiemens de l'art des ac- couchemens. Trad, par J. Pitt. 8°. Lyon, 1792. Plev/ier(C.) De gezuiverde vroedkonst. Of wyze, om alle baaringen gemakkelyk te maaken, de zwaare tydig voor te koomeu, en die, welke de handkonst vereischen, spoedig, veilig, en gelukkig te helpeu. Kortelyk verhandelt, en gegrond op het maakzel der deelen, en op de waare werking der lyfmoeder, doormengd met verscheide nuttige aanmerkingen, en al het geene nieuwlings in der vroedkunde is ontdekt. Ten dieuste van vroedmeesters en vroedvrouwen, die zig zoeken bekwaam te maaken. En met een nadere voorbcright door J. 1). Schlichting. 8". Amsterdam, 1751. Portal (P.) La pratique des accouchemens sontenue d'un grand nombre d'observations. 8:. Paris, 1685. -----. Thesame. Depractykdervroed'mees- ters, eu vroed'vrouweu of de wysc vau een vrouw' te helpen in haar kinderbareu ; bekrag- tigt met een groot getal aanmerkingen ; uit de Franse in de Nederduytse tale overgeset. 8D. Amsterdam, 1690. Power (J.) A treatise on midwifery; devel- oping new principles, which tend materially to lessen the sufferings of the patient and shorten the duration of labour. 8. Loudon, 1819. Pratensis (J.) De pariente et partu liber. 18-. Amstela'dami, 1657. Pugh (B.) A treatise of midwifery, chiefly with regard to the operation With several im- provements in that art. To which is added some cases, aud descriptions with plates of several OBSTETRICS. 53 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). new instruments, both in midwifery and surgery. 8 . London, 1754. Puzos (N.) Traite des accouchemens, con- tenant des observations importantes sur la pra- tique de cet art: deux petits traites: l'un sur quelques maladies de matrice ; et l'alitre, sur les maladies des eufans du premier age; quatre memoires, dont le premier a pour objet les pcrtcs de sang dans les femmes grosses, ct les trois au- tres sur les depots laiteux. Corrige et publie par M. Morisot Deslandes. Precede d'une dis- sertation de l'editeur, sur uu point intcressant, relatif aux accouchemens, et suivi do la traduc- tion d'une dissertation latiue de M. Crantz, sur la rupture de matrice. 4°. Paris, 1759. Quadri (G. B.) Guida per gli studiosi dell' arte ostetricia. 8 \ Bassano, 1807. Radford (T.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on the principles and practice of midwifery, and on the diseases of women and children; deliv- ered at the Theatre of Anatomy and Medicine. 8;. Manchester, 1827. Raffaele (E.) Trattato di ostetricia minore. 8°. Napoli j- Roma, 1879. Raiieem Khan, " Khan Bahadur". The prin- ciples and practice of midwifery, in Urdu. Pub- lished under the auspices of the Punjab Univer- sity College. 8C. Lahore, 1879. Ramsbotham (F. H.) The principles and practice of obstetric medicine and surgery in ref- erence to the process of parturition. 8C. Lon- don, 1841. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1844. -----. Thesame, 4. ed. 8°. London, 1856. -----. Thesame. 5. ed., revised. 8C. Lon- don, 1807. -----. The same. A new Am. ed., revised by the author, with uotes and additions by Will- iam V. Keating, roy. 8-. Philadelphia, 1855. Raynalde (T.) The birth of maukynde, otherwyse named the woman's booke. sm. 4°. [n. }).], 1565. Substantially a translation of Koeslin. See infra. -----. The same. 4~. London, 1598. -----. The same. 4°. London, 1604. -----. The same. sm. 4-. London, 1634. Reynolds (J. J.) Notes on midwifery, spe- cially designed to assist the student in prepar- ing for examination. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1886. RlGBY (E.) A system of midwifery. 8°. London, 1841. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1844. -----. Thesame. 83. Philadelphia, 1841. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1851. Ritgen (F. A.) Handbuch der uiedern Ge- burtshiilfe. 8-. Giessen, 1824. Roberts (D. L.) The student's guide to the practice of midwifery. 2. ed. S-. London, 1879. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8 -. London, 1884. Rodriguez (J. M.) Guia cliuica del arte de los partos, adoptadapor la junta de catedraticos de la Escuela de medicina como texto para uso de los alnmuos de la clinica de Partos. 3. ed. 16°. Mexico, 1885. Roederer (J. G.) Elementa artis obstetri- cia' in usnin pradectionum acadeniicarnm. 8°. Gotting®, 1753. -----. The same. 8°. Gotting®,, 1759. -----. The same. In usum auditorum, de- nuo edidit, nee non pnefationeet amiotationibus instruxit Heuricus Augustus Wrisberg. 8°. Gotting®, 1766. -----. The same. Elementi d' ostetricia, tradotti e corredati di ligure iu rame da Giu- seppe Galletti. 8 '■; Firenze, 1755. -----. The same. 2. ed. 4-. Firenze, 1791. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same, Elements de l'art des ac- couchemens, augmentes des observations sur les accouchemens laborieux. A l'usage des etudians en medeciue et en chirnrgie. 8°. Paris, 1765. Roeslin [or Rhodion] (E.) Der swaugern Frawen und Hebammen Rosegarten. 4°. [ Ar- gentine t 1508 1'] -----. The same. 4C. Argentine, 1513. -----. The same. 4C. Augspurg, 1529. -----. The same. Frawen Artzney D. Jo- han Cuba. Die Heimligkeiten Alberti Magni. Von sorglichen Zufellen der schwangern Frawen Ludovicus Bonatiolus. Kiudspflegung D. Barth. Mcrlinger. 12°. Franckf. a. M., 1571. -----. De partu hominis, et qua; circa ipsum accidunt. 12 . Francofurti, 1532. -----. The same. 24° Francofurti. 1551. -----. The same. 12°. Francofurti, 1554. -----. The same. 16°. Francofurti^ 1563. -----. The same. 16°. Parisiis, 1538. See, also, supra, Raynalde (T.) Rosshirt (J. E.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe. 8^. Erlangen, 1851. Rubio Y Arguelles (J.) Manual de obste- tricia. 12-. Valladolid, 1878. Ryan (M.) A manual of midwifery, or com- pendium of gynaecology and paidonosology; com prising a new nomenclature of obstetric medicine, with a concise account of the symptoms and treat- ment of the most important diseases of women and children ... 3. ed. 12°. London, 1831. -----. The same. 1. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. 8°. Burlington, 1835. Saboia (V.) Traite theorique et pratique de la scieuce et de l'art des accouchements. 8°. Paris, 1873. Sacombe. Der Arzt als Geburtshelfer. Aus dem Franzdsischen. Mit Aumerkungeu von C. Kramp. 12°. Mannheim, 1796. -----. EhSmeus de la science des accouche- mens. 8-. Paris, 1802. Sanger (W. M. H.) Handboek der verlos- kunde. 8 . Groningen, 1873. Salomon (G.) Handleiding tot de verlos- kuude. 2 v. 8°. Amsterdam, 1817. San k'o fah mung. [Obstetrics.] 4 v. 8°. [n. p., 1803.] Scanzoni (F. W.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe. 2 v. 8-. Wien, 1849-50. -----. The same. 3 v. 8°. Wien, 1849-52. -----. The same. 2 v. in 1. 2. And. 8°. Wien, 1853. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1855. —. The same, 4. Aufl. 3 v. 8 . Wien, The same. 'Eyxeipldtov patevriKi/c. Ne-atppaodev vtto I. Qeo/.oyn nal V. Kaparcava}lutov. 8-. 'Ev 'Adrjvaic, 1875. -----. Compendium der Geburtshilfe. 8°. Wien, 1854. -----r-. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1801. Schmidtmuller (J. A.) Handbuch der uiedi- zinischen Geburtshiilfe zur Grundlage bei aka- deniischen Vorlesungen und zum Gebrauche fiir angeheude praktische Aerzte. 2 v. 8". Frankf. a. M., 1809-12. St'HROEDER (K.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe mit Einschluss der Pathologie der Schwauger- schaft und des Wochenbettes. 8°. Bonn, 1870. -----. Thesame, 2. Aufl. 8°. Bonn, 1871. -----. Thesame, 3. Aufl. 8\ Bonn,\872. -----. Thesame. 7. Aufl. 8 . Bonn, 18-2. -----. Thesame. 8. Aufl. 8\ Bonn, 1881. -----. Thesame. 9. Aufl. 8-. Bonn, 1880. -----. The same 10. Aufl., neu bearbeitet von Dr. R. Olshausen uud Dr. J. Veil. S~. Bonn, 1888 1867. OBSTETRICS. 54 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). -----. The same. A manual of midwifery, including the pathology of pregnancy and the puerperal state. Translated into English from the 3. German ed. by Charles H. Carter. 8°. New York, 1873. -----. The same. Manuel d'accouchements, compreuaut la pathologie de la grossesse et les suites de couches. Trad, de l'alleniand sur la 4. ed. et annote par le Dr. A. Charpentier. 8~. Paris, 1875. -----. The same. Shushi Sangawaku. [Transl. by Ishikuro Ouchiuji, Ozawa Sinichi, and Ourashima Keukrichi Ouchiuji.] v. 1. 8°. Tokio, 1880. Japanese text. Sciiwarzer (C.) Handbuch der Geburtshiilfe. Nach den besten Ouellen und eigenen Erfahrun- geu zum Gebrauche fiir angeheude Geburtshelfer bearbeitet. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1838. Severn (C.) First lines of the practice of midwifery, to which are added remarks on the forensic evidence requisite iu cases of foeticide and infanticide. 8°. London, 1831. von Siebold (A. E.) Lehrbuch der prakti- sehen Entbiudungskunde zu geineu Vorlesungen fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer. 2. Ausg. 8°. Niirnherg, 1810. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. 8°. Niirnberg, 1821. -----. The same. 3. Ausg. 8°. Niirnberg, 1812. -----. Thesame. 3. Ausg. 12°. Niirnberg, 1819. -----. The same. 4. Ausg. 8-. Niirnberq, 1824. -----. Ueber praktischen Unterricht in der Entbindungskunst, nebst einer systeinatiscken Uebersieht seiner praktischen Uebungen am Phantom. 2. Ausg. 12°. Leipzig, 1818. von Siebold (E. C. J.) Lehrbuch der Ge- burtshiilfe. Zum Gebrauche bei academischen Vorlesungen und zu eigenem Studium. 8°. Berlin, 1841. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8 . Braun- schweig, 185 4. -----. Thesame. Handboek der verloskuiide. Onder medewerking van A. E. Simon Thomas, uaar de laatste vermeerderde en verbeterde hoog- duitsche uitgaaf, vrij gevolgd en met eenige aanmerkingen voorzien door C. P. Ter Kuile. Tweede en verbeterde uitgaaf. 8;. Utrecht <$■ Amsterdam, 1-67. Sillani (S.) Nuovo trattato teorico-pratico di ostetricia. v. 1. 8°. Milano, 1865. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Milano, 1871. S.mellie (W.) A treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery. 8°. London, 1752. -----. The same. 2. ed., corrected. 8:. London, 1752. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 2 v. 8 . London, 1754-6. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8". London, 1762. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8J. London, 1766. -----. The same, 8. ed. 12-. London, 1774. -----. The same. A new edition, to yvhich is now added a set of anatomical plates. 8°. London, 1779. -----. The same. Edited, with annotations, by A. II. McCliutock. 3 v. 8:. London, 1876-8. -----. The same. Theoretische und prak- tische Abhaudlung von der Hebammenkunst, Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von J. E. Zeiher. 12°. Altenburg, 1755. -----. Eiue Sammluugbesouderer Fiille und Bemerkungen in der Hebammeukunst, heraus- gegeben von . . . urn seine erste Abhaudlung Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). oder den ersten Band von diescr Matcrie zu er- lautern. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Georg Heiurich Konigsddrfer. 12°. Altenburg, 1763. -----. The same. Traite de la theorie et pratique des accouchemens, trad, de l'anglois par M. de Preville, auquel on a joint le secret de Rooenhuisen dans l'art d'accoucher, trad, du hollandais. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1754. -----. The same. 4 v. 8-. Paris, 1771. Smith (W. T.) A manual of obstetrics: theo- retical and practical. 12°. London, 1858. -----. The same. The modern 'practice of midwifery. A course of lectures on obstetrics; delivered' at St. Mary's Hospital, London, with au introductory lecture on the history of the art of midwifery, and copious practical annotations by Augustus K. Gardner. 2. ed. 8°. X'ew York, [1858]. -----. Parturition, and the principles and practice of obstetrics. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. Spatii (J.) Compendium der Geburtskunde fiir Studirende. 8°. Erlangen, 1857. Spence (D.) A system of midwifery, theo- retical and practical. 83. Edinburgh, 1784. -----. The same. System der theoretischen und practischen Entbindungskunst. Aus dem Englischen. 12°. Griessbach, 1787. Spiegelbkrg ( O. ) Lehrbuch der Geburts- hiilfe. 8C. Lahr, 1858. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Geburts- hiilfe fur Aerzte und Studirende. roy. 83. Lahr, 1878. ----—. The same, Beendet von Max Wiener. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Lahr, 1882. -----. Thesame. A text-book of midwifery. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by J. B. Hurley. v. 1. 8-. London, 1887. Stein (G. W. ', Theoretische Anleitung zur Geburtshiilfe. 2. Aufl. 12. Cassel, 1777. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 12°. Cassel, 1783. ------. The same. Neue Aufl. 8°. Marburg, 1793. -----. Praetische Anleituug zur Geburts- hiilfe. Neue Aufl. 8D. Marburg, 1793. -----. Anleitung zur Geburtshiilfe, zum Ge- brauch bey Vorlesungen. 7. Aufl., oder 1., voin Nachfolger im Lehrainte G. W. Stein berichtigte und vermehrte, Aufl. 2 v. 8~. Marburg, 1805. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Geburts- hiilfe. 2 v. 8°. Marburg, 1805. -----. The same. Arte ostetricia, Tradotta dal tedesco coll' aggiunta di alcune osservazioni prelimiuari da G. B. Monleggia. 3. ed. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8?. 7 'enezia, 1816. -----. The same. L'art d'accoucher. Tra- duit de l'alleniand sur la 5. ed., par P.-F. Briot. Suivi d'une dissertation sur la fievre puerperale par J.-C. Gasc. Premiere partie: Theorie. Se- conde partie: Pratique. 2 v. iu 1. 8-. Paris, an XII [1804]. -----. Lehre der Geburtshiilfe, als ueue Grundlage des Faehes, insonderheit als Leit- faden bei Vorlesungeu. 2 Theile in 1 v. 8J. Elberfeld, 1828. Stewart (J. S.) Obstetric synopsis. 8-. Phil- adelphia, 1888. System (A) of obstetrics. By American au- thors. Edited bv Barton Cooke Hirst, v. 1. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Takahashi Siio.iin. Sanka Yoketsu. [The practice of obstetrics.] 12°. Osaka, 1880. Japanese text. Tanaron (P. P.) II chirurgo-raccoglitore moderno, che assiste le donne nei parti, secondo il metodo dei piii celebri professori dell' arte os- tetricia, per preservare le madri, ed i figliuoli OBSTETRICS. 55 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). dai pericoli i piii evidenti nei differeuti parti, senza adoprare istrumeuti, molte volte funesti. 3 v. 8-;. Bassano, 1774. -----. Thesame. L'ostetricia, ovvero 1'arte di raccogliere i parti e di socorrere le donne nelle malattie, che accoinpaguano la loro gravidanza, ed in quelle che sopravvengono loro dopo il parto; e di sollevare i bambini nelle loro malat- tie dopo la nascita. 2. ed. 8°. Venczia, 1775. Tanner (J.) Practical midwifery and obstet- rics, including amesthetics. 8J. Philadelphia, 1871. Tarnier (S.) AL Ciiantreuil (G.) Traite de l'art des accouchements. 1. fascicule. s°. Paris, 1878. Tiiebesics(J. E.) Hebammenkunst. 2. Aufl. 12-. Liegnitz, 1759. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12 \ Liegnitz, 176-. Thomas (T. G.) Notes from lectures on ob- stetrics. (Printedfor Dr. Winters' " Quiz Class" by permission of Prof. Thomas.) 8°. New York, 1878. Tiiynne (A.) Lectures on midwifery. MS. 165 if. and index. 4~. Taken by Wm Loyd in winter course of 1791-5. Torniano (X.) Compendium obstetricii, or a small tract on the formation of the foetus, and the practice of midwifery. 8 . London, 1753. del Toro y Qfartiellers (C.) Programuia de un curso teorico-practico de obstetricia y en- fermedades de las mujeres y de los uinos. 2 v. 8°. Cadiz, 1874-6. . Tucker (D. H.) Elements of the principles aud practice of midwifcrv. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. [Valli (F.)] Trattato del parto naturale, e dei parti diveuuti difficili per la cattiva situazioue del feto. 8°. Parigi, 1767. Vannoni (Da P.) Idee generali per guida di uu raziouale insegnamento di ostetricia teorico- cliuica. S3. Firenze, 1839. Vanrell (A. M.) Tratado completo del arte de partear. 8 '. Barcelona, 1887. Vazquez y Munoz (M ) Compeudio de ob- stetricia para, la ensenanza de comadrones y parteras. 8J. Cordoba, 1871. Velpeau (A.-A.-L.-M.) Traite edementairo de l'art des accouchemens, ou principcs de toko- logie et d'embryologie. S3. Paris, 1820. -----. Thesame. Au elementary treatise on midwifery, or principles of tokology and embry- ology. Trausl. from the French by Ch. D. Meigs. 8J. Philadelphia, 1831. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 8:. Philadel- phia, 183 i. -----. Traite complet de l'art des accouche- meus, ou tocologie theorique et pratique, avec un abrege des maladies qui compliquent la grossesse, le travail et les couches, et de celles qui atfecteut les eufaus nouveau-nes. 2. ed., corrigee et aug- inent.ee. 2 v. 8J. Paris, 1835. ----- The same. 3. e"d. 83. Bruxelles, 1855. Verrier ( E. ) Manuel pratique de l'art des accouchements. 3. ed. . . . renfermant les 4 ta- bleaux d'accouchements redige.s et revus par M. le Prof. Pajot. 12°. Paris, 1879. -----. The same. Manuale pratico di oste- tricia, preceduto da una prefazione del.. . Pajot, Seconda edizione. Traduzione italiaua con note per Girolamo Piretti, con appendice contenente alcune lezionidel . . . O. Morisani. 8 . Napoli, 1875. -----. The same. Practical manual of ob- stetrics. 4. ed., with the four "obstetric tables" of Prof. Pajot. 1. Am. ed., with revision aud I Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of). annotations by Edward L. Partridge. 8'. New York, 1884. Ventura Pastor (J.) Preceptos generales sobre las operacioues de los partos; este tratado es una exposicion completa del arte obstetrice, en el qual se explican con la mayor claridad todas las difereutes especies de partos. 2 v. 8-'. Ma- drid, 1789-90. Vespa (G.) Dell' arte ostetricia; trattato diviso iu tie parti, precedute da varj ragiona- menti. sm. 4°. Firenze, 1761. Contains only : Ragionamento primo. Viardel (C.) Observations sur la practique des accouchemens naturels, coutre nature et moustreiix, avec une methode tres-facile pour secourir les femmes en toute sorte d'accouche- uiens, sans se servir de crochets, ny d'aucun in- strument que de la seule main, etc. 12°. Paris, 1671. -----. The same. 12°. Paris, 1673. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1674. -----. The same. 8-. Paris, 1748. -----. The same. Anmerckungen von der weiblichcn Geburt, so wohl der natiirlichen, als uuiiatiirlichen, wie audi Missgeburt; benebenst einem kurtzeu und leichten Unterricht denen Weibern iu allerley Geburten zu heltfen, also dass man weder die Hacken, oder einig ander Instru- ment, sondern allein die blosse Hand gebrauche [etc.] Im Jahr 1671, in frantzosischer Sprache beschriebcn, und auss derselben in die Teutsche iibersetzct. 12°. Franckfurt, 1676. Vooel (T.) Taschenbuch fiir angehende Ge- burtshelfer, enthaltend: Eine vollstiindige Anlei- tung zur medicinischen und chirurgischen Praxis der Geburtshulfe. 2. Aufl. 16°. Erfurt, 1802. -----. ATollstandiges Lehrbuch der medici- nischen und chirurgischen Geburtshulfe. 12°. Erfurt, 1802. Waller (C.) Elements of practical mid- wifery, or, companion to the lying-in room. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1858. Warrington (J.) The obstetric catechism. 8C. Philadelphia, 1842. Weydlicii (J.) Lehre der Geburtshilfe, zur Anwendung nach iichten Grundsiitzen und der Erfahrung gemiiss bearbeitet, audi mit prak- tischen Bcinerkuugen durchgehends erliiutert. 1. Th. 12-. Wien, 1797. Wittlinger (W. H.) Handbuch der Ge- burtskunde mit Einschluss der Krankheiteu der Schwangeren, Gebiirenden, Wdchnerinnen und ueugeboreuen Kinder. In alphabetischer Ord- nung. 8°. Quedlinburg u. Leipzig, 1848. Yamadzaki Gensiiin. Sauba Rou. [A treat- ise on midwifery.] 9 v. 8°. Tokio, 1877. Japanese text. Zabitzianos (K.) Tlpaypareia ■fteupnTiKOTvpaii- TIKTJC fiaiEVTlKT/C. 8°. Kepu'epai, 1849. Zweifel (P.) Lehrbuch der operativen Ge- burtshiilfe fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 8C. Stutt- gart, 188]. -------. The same. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. Bedford (G. S.) A course of lectures on the princi- ples and practice of midwiferv. N. York AI. Press, 1859, U.S., i. 28; 57; 89; 106; 123; 186: 157; 179; 194; 210; 245; 297; :!2.">; 359; 375; 391; 410; 425: 185'J, ii, 442; 471; 505; 535; .')fi7; 599; 631; 681; 713; 745; 777, 793; 813.—Blun- dell (J.) Lectures on the theory and practice of mid- wifery, delivered at Guv's Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1828, i, 5; 33; 65; 113; 161; 201; 281; 329; 369; 417; 449; 481; 513 ; 545 : 577 ; 609 ; 641 ; 673 : 705 ; 801 ; 865 ; 897 : ii, 1; 33 ; 97; 129; 161; 193: 225; 257; 481; 513; 545; 577: 609; 641; 673; 705; 737; 769; 801: 1829. i, 97-104. —Tee (R.) Lect- ures on the theory aud practice of midwifery. Lond. il. Gaz., 1842-3. xxxi,'33 ; 65 ; 97 ; 161; 193 ; 241; 273; 305; 353; 433 ; 465 ; 529 ; 577; 609; 673; 721; 801; 833; 881; 913: 1843, n. s., xxxii. 1 : 33: 81: 113: 177: 225; 257; 337; 369; 401; 433; 481; 513; 545; 577; 625; 657; 689; 721; 753; 785; 817; 849; 881; 913.—Paltison (J. E ) Catechism of obstetrics OBSTETRICS. 56 OBSTKT1IICS. Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of). for medical students and junior practitioners. lirit. Rec. (Hist. M. A: S, Manchester. 1S49, ii. 19: 44: 74. Also: West. Lancet. Cincin., lf<5u. xi. 205: 2,3: 341 : 570: 690.— RaiiiHbolliaiii (!''. H.) Lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery. Lend. AI. Ohz., 1833-4, xiii, 33: 65; 97; 145; 177; 225; 265; 305; 337; 385; 417; 465; 497;545:577;609; 657; 689; 737; 769; 817; 849; 881; 929: 961: 1834. xiv. 1 : 33: 81 ; 113; 161 ; 193; 225; 257; 305; 337; 369: 401 ; 433: 465; 497: 545: 577; 625; 657; 689; 737: 769: 801 : 833; 865; 997.—Rigby (E.) Lectures on midwifery and the diseases of women and children. Lond. M. cfc S. J., 1835, vi, 296: 326; 357; 3M>: 422; 45!; 486: 519; 550: 583; 614; 647; 678: 710; 743; 775; 808: vii, 6; 38; 70; 103; 135; 167; 200; 232; 262; 295; 327: 360: 391; 424; 454; 486; 520; 551; 582; 614: 646: 678; 71)9; 743. -----. A course of lectures on practical midwifcrv. Med. Times, Lond., 1845. xiii, 268; 311: 329: 367; 389;'429; 470: 1846, xiv, 13; 150; 309; 345; 360; 403; 424; 461: 1846-7, xv, 100.—Ryan. Lectures on ohstetricy and diseases of women and children. Loud. M. & S. J., 1836, ii, 19; 39; 73; 106; 152. — Smith (XV. T.) On the theorv and practice of obstetrics. Lan- cet, Lond., 1856, i, 1; 29: 57; 85; 113; 141; 171: 197; 221; 249; 275; 303; 331; 361; 389; 419: 445; 473; 501; 529; 559; 587: 615; 644: 674: n. S. ii. 1; 31; 61: 91; 121; 151; 181; 209; 239; 267; 295; 361; 371: 397: 423; 451; 503; 531; 559; 585; 612; 639; 665; 691.— Ti-oaiiMo(A) on midwifery. A new edition published in the tilth year of Taou Kwong (1*25). Translated from the Chinese l>v W. Lockhart. Dublin J. AI. Sc. 1841-2, xx, 334-369.— Tyler ( A. ) A course of lectures on obstetric v. Brit. Ree. Obst. AI. & S., Manchester, 1849, ii, I; 25; 6l'; 89; 113. Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of)for midivires or for popular use. See, also, Pregnancy (Hygiene, etc., of); Wo- men (Diseases, eto., of, Popular treatises on). Alliutt (H. A.) The wife's handbook : how a woman should order herself during pregnancy, in the lying-in room, and after delivery. With hints on the management of the baby, and ou other matters of importance, necessary to be known by married women. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1887. Alonso y Rtnio (F.) Manual del arte de obstetricia, para uso de las mationas. 8-. Madrid, 1866. Aristotle (P.) Compleat and experienced midwife, in two parts. I. A guide for child- bearing women, in the time of their conception, bearing and suckling their children; with the best means of helping them both in natural and unnatural labours; together with suitable reme- dies for the various indispositions of new-born infants. II. Proper and safe remedies for the curing all those distempers that are incident to the female sex ; and more especially those that are any obstruction to their bearing of children. Made into English by W[illiam] S[almon], M. D. 10. ed. 16°. London, [n.d.] -----. The experienced midwife; absolutely necessary for surgeons, midwives, nurses, and child-bearing women. 8C. Philadelphia, 1799. Algier du Fot. Catechisme sur Part des accouchemens pour les sages-femmes de la cam- pagne, fait par l'ordre et aux deepens du gou- vernement. 12°. Paris, 1775. Balocciii ( V. ) Dizionario di ostetricia e medicina esplicativo del testo, preceduto da un sunto anatomico e tisiologico del corpo nmauo e seguito da nn catechismo ostetrico per uso delle levatrici della Matemita di Firenze. 12°. Fi- renze, 1849. -----. Manuale completo di ostetricia ad uso delle levatrici. 4. ed. 8°. Milano, 1871. Barbait (A.-F.) Cours d'accouchemeus, en faveur des etudians en chirurgie, des sages- femmes et des aspirantes en cet art. 2 v. 12-. Paris, 177."). Barnes (F.) A manual of midwifery for mid- wives. >-\ London, 1^79. -----. The same. 12-. Philadelphia, 1879. Baudelocque (J.-L.) Principcs sur l'art des cacouchemens, par demaudes et reponses, en Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of) for mid wires or for popular use. faveur des sages-femmes de la campagne. Nouv. 6d. 8C. Paris, 17.-7. Becker (G. W.) Wohlgemeinter Rath au ehefahige Miidchen, neuverheirathete Gattinnen, Schwangere uud Wdchnerinnen. 16°. Leipzig, 1800. Beynon (E.) jr. Kurtzer und niitzlicher Uu- terricbt vor die Heb-Ammen, wie sie sich gegen Schwangere, Kreissende unci Wdchnerin vor, in, und nach der Geburt verbal ten sollen : Solches aus treuhertzigem Geuiiithe dem a mien Land- mann niitgetheilet. 16°. Stdtzbach, 16K"). Bound loith his: Barmhertziger Samariter. 16°. Sultz- bach, 1685. Bidder (E.) Uchebnik akusherstva dlja povivalnich babok. T. i, chasti. Kratkii obzor stroenija i otpravleuii jenskago tiela. Chast. ii. Beremennost, rodi i poslerodov period pri pravil- uich uslovijoeh. T. ii, chast iii. Ncpraviluosti v techenii beremennosti, rodov i poslerodovago perioda. [Elements of obstetrics for midwives.] hc. St. Petersburg, l88t]-7. Birnbaum (F. H. G.) Die legelmiissige Ge- burt des Menschen und ihre Pflege. Ein Leit- faden zum Fnterrichte uud Selbststudium- be- sonders fiir Hebammen. 8°. Berlin, 1802. -----. Thesame. Die Geburt des Menschen und ihre Behandlung. Ein Leitfaden zum Un- terricht und Selbstunterricht besonders fiir Heb- ammen. 2. Aufl. 8 . Berlin, 1877. -----. Die Regelwidrigkeiten der Geburt. Ein Leitfaden zum Unterrichte und Selhstunter- richte besonders fiir Hebammen. 8~. Berlin, 18(i.">. B(")ssi;i„s (G. D.) Grundlegung zur Hebam- menkunst vor die Wekmutter, uud vor Frauen, die Wehmiitter werden, und sich unterweiscn lassen wollen, wie audi vor die schwangere, gebiirende und entbundene Frauen: kurz, or- dentlich, deutlich und griindlich, nach der Ver- nunft und Erfahrung, abgefasst, und mit den besteu, in dieser Kunst beriihnitesten, Auctoribus bektaftiget, nebst einem Anhange voin Hebani- meueyde. Aufs neue zum Druck befordert vou Job. Gottfried Sonntag. 12°. Leipzig, 1776. Bongioanni (P.) Lezioni elementari di oste- tricia teorica e pratica approvate dall' i. r. go- verno come testo per le Scuole di Pavia e di Santa Catteriua alia Ruota in Milano ad uso delle allieve levatrici. 2. ed. 8~. Pavia, 1820. Bonnet (D.-N.) Coins d'accouchement a l'u- sage des e"tudiants en m6deciue et des sages- femmes. 8°. Paris, lr-r>4. Bracken (H.) The midwife's companion ; or, a treatise of midwifery, wherein the whole art is explained, together with an account of the means to be used for conception and during preguaucy; the causes of barrenness accounted for, and some remedies proposed for the cure. Also, several remarkable cases which fell under the author's care, proper to be considered by both sexes. To which is subjoined the true and only safe method of managing all the different kinds of the small-pox and the distempers incident to new-born children. 12°. London, 1737. Braun (G.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe fiir Hebammen. 8^. Wien, 1888. Chamberlain (P.) Midwife's practice ; or, a guide for women in that high concern of concep- tion, breeding, and nursing children. In a plain method, containing the anatomy of the parts of generation, forming the child in the womb, what hinders and causes conception, of miscarriages and directions in labour, lying-inne, aud nursing children. 12°. London, \007>. OBSTETEICS. 57 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of) for midwifes or for popular use. de Chaufepie (P. S.) Neuer Hebammen- Wegweiscr, oder deutlicher Unterricht, wie cine Wehemutter, bey alien in der Geburts-Hiilfe vorkoininendcn Umstiinden sich zu verhalten hat. 12°. Liibeck it. Altona, 1758. Chevreul (M.) Precis de l'art des accouche- ments, a l'usage des etudiants en medecine et des 61evcs sages-femmes. 12°. Paris, 1826. [Child-bearer's cabinet.] sm. 4°. [London, 1652. ] Churchill (F.) A manual for midwives and monthly nurses. 3. ed. 12°. Dublin, 1872. Coffin (A. I.) A treatise on midwifery, and the diseases of women and children, together with a full description of the herbs, roots, and other preparations prescribed as remedies in the work. 8J. Manchester, 1849. . Wants the portrait. Comi-leat (The) midwife's practice enlarged, in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man, containing a perfect direc- tory, or rules for midwives and nurses. As also a guide for women in their conception, bearing, and nursing of children; from the experience of our English, viz: Theo. Mayern, Chamberlain, Nich. Culpeper, aud others of foreign nations. With instructions of the Queen of France's mid- wife to her daughter, a little before her death, touching the practice of the said art. The third edition enlarged, with the addition of Theodore Mayern's rare secrets in midwifery, [etc.] 12°. [London], 1663. -----. The same. 5. ed. 12D. London, 1698. Counsell(G.) The art of midwifery ; or, the midwife's sure guide. Wherein the most suc- cessful methods of practice are laid down in the plainest, clearest, and shortest manner. 8°. London, 1752. -----. The London new art of midwifery; or, the midwife's sure guide, [etc.] 8°. London, 1758. Corns 61e"mentaire des accouchemens, dis- tribue" eu quarante lecons avec l'exposition som- maire de la matiere qu'on doit expliquer daus chacune d'elles. R6dige" pour l'instructiou des edeves, par ordre des 6tats du pays et comte" d'Hainan. 12°. Mons, 1775. Coutanceau (Madame). Elements de Part d'accoucher, en faveur des Aleves, sages-femmes, de la g&ie'ralite' de Guienne. 12°. Bordeaux, 1784. Crede (C. S. F.) & Winckel (F.) Lehrbuch der Hebammenkunst. Auf Grund von W. L. Greuser's Lehrbuch im Auftrage des koniglich- siichsischeu Ministerium des Inneru. 8°. Leip- zig, 1875. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1882. Culpeper (N.) A directory for midwives; or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing and suckling their children. Containing: 1. The anatomie of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for yvomen in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. 16°. London, 1651. -----. The same. Newly corrected from many gross errors. 16°. London, 1681. -----. The same. 12°. London, 1700. -----. The same. 16°. London, 1724. -----. The same. 12°. London, 1777. Curtis (A.) Lectures on midwifery and the forms of disease peculiar to women and children, Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of)for midwifes or for popular use. delivered to the members of the Botanico-Mcdical School, at Columbus, Ohio. 16°. Columbus, Ohio, 1837. -----. The same. 3. ed. roy. 8°. Cincinnati, 1846. -----. Synopsis of lectures on obstetrics and the forms of disease peculiar to women and chil- dren, delivered to the students of the Physio- Medical College of Ohio. 8;. Cincinnati, 1802. -----. The same. 8°. Cincinnati, 1864. Cuzzi (A.) Manuale di ostetricia ad uso delle levatrici. 8-. Milano, [1887]. Dawkes (T.) The midwife rightly instructed; or, the way which all women desirous to learn should take to acquire the true knowledge and be successful iu the practice of the art of mid- wifery. With a prefatory address to the married part of the British ladies, concerning the choice of proper women to be employed as midwives, and directions for distinguishing the good from the bad. 12°. London, 1736. Denig (G.) The domestic instructor in-mid- wifery; containing directions for the proper treatment of sexual diseases of women ; for the management of pregnancy, labor, and child-bed; also, for the treatment of uew-boru infants. 12°. McConnellsburg, 1838. Denys (J. ) Verhaudelingen over het ampt der vroedmeesters, en vroed-vrouwen; met aan- merkingen, derzelver kunst raakende. Getrou- welijk outdekkende, en leerende zeer noodige haudgreepen, om baarende vrouwen kort, en veiligte verlosssen, daarde kinders tegennatuur- lijk, en natuurlijk geleegen ziju ; als ook uit de scheef - leggende lijfmoeder; door laugduurige oetfeninge, en veel-jaarige eigeu ondervinding' n zaamen gesteld tot nut, en ligt der geener, die deeze kunst leeren, ofte oeffenen. 4°. Leyden, 1733. Eisenhuth (W.) Die Kunst leicht und gliick- lich zu gebiiren. Ein Tascheiibuch fiir Frauen- zimmer. 12°. Aachen, 1817. Elsasser (J. A.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir Hebammen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1851. Esterle (C.) Manuale di ostetricia, con brevi cenni sulla struttura e le funzioni del corpo umano e colla descrizione dei soccorsi manuali ad uso specialmeute delle levatrici. 12°. Mi- lano, 1878. Ettner (J.) Des getrenen Eckarths unvor- sichtige Heb-Amine, in welcher wie eine Heb- Amme oder Kinder-Mutter, die ibr Gewissen wohl in Acht uelnuen will, beschaffen seyn, und wie sie nebenst dem erforderten Medico so wohl denen Unverhenratheten, als Verheuratheten uud Kiudern, iu ihren Krankheiteu und Zufallen getreulich beysteheu und helffen soil, [etc.] 12°. Leipzig, 1715. Fatio (J.) Helvetisch - verniinftige Wehe- Mutter, oder griindlicher Unterricht, wie mit den Schwangern, Gcbiihrendeu, Kindbetterinnen und neugebohruen Kiudern umzugeheu, selbige gebiihrend zu verpflegen, uud in allerhaud ihnen zustossenden Kranckheiten zu begegueuseyc . . . in fiinf Abschnitte eingetheilt. 4°. Basel, 1752. Fehling (H. ) Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe fiir Hebammen auf Gruud der 14. Aufl. von Fr. K. Nagele's Lehrbuch vdllig neu bearbeitet. 8°. Tiibingen, 1883. Fehr (J.) Auch noch Hebammen-Catechis- raus. Aus einer gefundenen Handschrift. 12°. Rothenburg an der Fttlda, 1780. Ficker (W. A.) Untrrricht fiir Hebammen. 4. Aufl. 12c. Paderbom, 1808. OBSTETEICS. 58 OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* [Systems and manuals of') for midwifes or for popular use. Finizio (A.) I doveri della levatrice, o ma- nuale eleinentare di ostetricia in trenta lezioni separate con domaude e risposte, adattate agli iisi ed iutelligenzadcllemammanedel regno delle Due Sicilie, coll' aggiunta di una gnida igienica per le madri di famiglia inciute. 8-\ Napoli, 1833. -----. Gnida pratica di ostetricia pell' in- segnaniento delle alunne di maternita e pel per- fezionamento delle levatrici eondottate italiane con tavole nel testo compilata d' accordo con altri insegnauti universitarj del reguo. 8°. Na- poli, 1873. Gallois (E.) Manuel de la sage-femme et de l'eleve sage-femme. 12c. Paris, 1880. Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. Praetische Regeln fiir Hebammen, entworfen yon der ... 8-. Riga, 1882. Gilli.s de la Tourette (J.-C.) L'art des ac- couchemens, propre aux instructions elemen- taires des eleves en chirurgie, necessaire aux sages-femmes pour leur indiquer les cas oil dies peuveut operer, et ceux oil dies doivent mander les homines de l'art; ouvrage didactique, egale- nient fait pour les personucs qui de"sirent s'in- struire des nioyens de soulager i'humanite souf- frante. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Paris, 1787. Gonzalez del Valle (A.) Manual de ob- stetricia para el uso de nuestras parteras. 2. ed. 12-. Habana, 1854. Glntiier ( T. ) Ein Trostbiichlein fiir die schwangeren und gebereuden Weiber, wie sich diese fiir, in, und nach der Geburt mit Betcn, Dancken und an derm christlich verhalten sollen, derglcichen zu vor in Druck nie aussgangen. 16°. Franckf. a. M., 1594. Hagen (J. P.) Versucli eines allgemeinen Hebammen-Catcchisnms, oder: Anweisung fiir Hebammen, Unterricht fiir Schwangere, Gebiih- rende uud Wochnerinnen; ingleichen Anleituug zur Einsicht, Beurtheilung uud Heilung der Krankheiteu uud Zufiille neugeborner Kinder uud Siiuglinge. 1. Theil. 16°. Berlin, 1784. Hanover. Lehrbuch der Hebamme-Kunst. Zunachst bestinimt zum Lhterricht fiir die He- banunen des Konigreichs Hannover. 8-. Han- nover, 1856. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8-. Hannover, 1865. Heri.icius ( D. ) De cura gravidarum, puer- perarum et infantum. Newe Frawen Zimmer, oder griindliche LTiiterrichtuug, von den Schwan- gern unnd Kiudelbetterinnen, was ihuen vor, in, und nach der Geburt zu wissen von nothen sey, auch von vielen Kranckheiten der jungen Kin- der. Jetzo zum vicrdten mahl wider iibersehen, und an etliche hundert Oertern mit vielen herr- licheu, bewerteu, heiiulicheu Kuuststiicken und Experimenten gezieret, auch mit etlichen gantz neuen Capiteln vermehret. sm. 4°. Magdeburgk, 1613. -----. The same. 16°. Alien Stettin, 1618. -----. The same. 8-. Alten Stettin 1828. Hersey (T.) The midwife's practical direc- tory ; or, woman's coutidential friend . . . With au appendix. The whole designed for the special use of the botanic friends in the United States. 2. ed. BP. Baltimore, 1-30. Hiradzumi Senan. Sanka Zokuhun. [A popular treatise on midwifery.] 8Z. Kioto, 1729. Japanese text. von Hoorn (J.) Die zwo urn ihrer Gottes- ftircht und Treue willen vou Gott wohlbelohnte Weh-Miitter Siphra und Pua, welche iu Frag I Ob*tetric* (Systems and manuals of)for midwives or for popular use. uud Antwort treulich uuterwieseu: Wie man einer mit Leibes-Frucht gesegneten Frauen iu der Geburt recht bcystehen, denen schweren Zu- fallen bei Zeiten vorkommen, und waun dieses versiiumet ist, sic' hernach mit geschickter Hand aus der Noth und Lebens-Gefahr helffen solle; denen Hebammen zum Dienste, meistentheils aus eigener Erfahruug verfasset, uud mit dreys- sig auserlesenen historischen Anmerckungeu be- krafftiget. 12. Stockholm u. Leipzig, 1726. -----. Thesame. AudereAufl. 12°. Stock- holm u. Leipzig, 1737. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12°. Stockholm u. Leipzig, 17A3. -----. Thesame. Die durch Fragen und Ant- worten treulich anweisende Wehemutter, wie man einer mit Leibesfrucht gesegneten Frauen in der Geburt recht beystehen, denen schweren Zufallen bey Zeiteu vorkommen, und wenu die- ses versiiumet ist, sie hernach mit geschickter Hand aus der Noth und Lebensgefahr helfen soil; meistentheils aus eigener Erfahruug ver- fasset. 6. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1771. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1780. Horn (J. P.) Theoretisch-praktisches Lehr- buch der Geburtshiilfe, fiir angeheude Geburts- helfer. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1825. -----. Gesammelte Aufsiitze iiber einige der wichtigsten und am hiiutigsten vorkomnienden geburtshiilflichen Operationen, als erliiuterndei Aubang zu der dritten Auflage des Lehrbuches der Geburtshilfe, etc. 2. Aufl. 8\ Wien, 1838. -----. Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe zum Un- terrichte fiir Hebammen. 6. Aufl., neu uingcar- beitet von Franz Bartsch. 8°. Wien, 1859. Howard (H.) Supplement to Howard's do- mestic medicine, being a practical treatise on midwifery and the diseases peculiar to women. Giving elaborate instructions in all that per- tains to the structure, functions, and health of the organs of generation ; and treating fully of conception, development, labor, nursing, dis- eases of the womb, the best remedies, how to prepare and administer them, etc.; the whole rendered more plain by many exceedingly im- portant illustrations, to which is added 'illus- trations and descriptions of medicinal plants recommended in this work. 8°. Philadelphia, Pa., [1879]. ' Hutei: (C.C.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe fiir Hebaunueu. 8°. Marburg, 1838. HrwE (J.) Onderwijs der vrouwen, aau- gaande het kinder baaren; waar in op een be- knopte wijze gehandelt word over alle deszelfs voor- en tegeuspoedeu, eu aangetoont de heil- zaamste behandelinge. 2. druk. 12°. te Haar- lem, 1735. Hi xholtz (W.) Unterricht der Hebammeu, darmnen gehandelt wird iin ersten Theil wie sich cine Hebamme in alien und jeden Begeben- heiten bey schwaugeru uud gebiihrenden Wei- beru, so viel als deroselben zukdmpt, zu ver- halten babe [etc.] 8°. Cassel, 1652. Icart. Lecons pratiques sur l'art des ac- couchemens, destinies a l'instruction des sao-es- femmes de la province de Languedoc [etc 1 °8- Castres, 1784. Jallet (A.) Precis d'accoucheineut a l'usao-e des ctudiants et des sages-femmes. 8'-. Parts Jijilenko ( A. ) Uchebnik rodovspomojrat elnago iskusstva dlja selskich povivalnich ba- bok. [Manual of obstetrical art for the use of OBSTETRICS. 59 OBSTETRICS. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of)for midwifes or for popular use. midwifes iu rural districts.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1885. Joerg (J. C. G.) Lehrbuch der Hebammen- kunst. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1821. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8C. Leipzig, 1820. Josephi ( W.) Lehrbuch der Hebamnien- kunst. Fiir die Hebammen im Herzogthum Mecklenbui'g-Schwerin. 8-'. Rostock, 1797. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8J. Leipzig, Rostock it. Schwcrin, 1811. -----. The same. 8:. Leipzig, Rostock it. Scliwerin, 1833. Kehrer (F. A.) Lehrbuch der Geburishilfe fiir Hebammen. 8;. Giessen, 1881. Kesmarssicy (T.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe fiir Hebammen. 8°. Budapest, 1882. KLEiNyvAcHTER (L.) Lehrbuch der Heham- menkunst. 8r. Innsbruck, 1879. Kleyn (Het) vroetwijfs-boeck, ofte vermeer- derden roosengaert, vau de bevruchte vrouwen, en hare secreten, ontfanginge, bariuge, vrouwen en mannen raedt te gheben die onvruchtbaer zijn: alle sieckten der zwangere vrouwen (oock als sy in barens-noodt cnde kinde gelegen zijn) te remedieren. Vele ge-experiuienteei'de reme- dien, door voesters, kinderen, ende wat daer aen kleeft. Alles geuomeu nyt de schriften van de experste schrijvers. Item noch van meninger- haude toe-vallende sieckten der nieu-geboren kinderkens, en hoe men die te hulpe komen sal. 16-. Amsterdam, [1670?] -----. The same. Op nieus oversien. 16°. Amsterdam, 1701. Koxsolas (D. K.) 'Eyxeipldiov paievTiKijg, np6c XpfjGtv tuv ptaiuv nai tuv padnrpiuv tov p.aievrrjpiov. 8-. 'Adfjvai, 1879. Lados (A. C.) Lessen over de verloskunde, gegaven aen de leerlingen-vrroedvrouwen in de Verloskuudige School te Geut. 8°. Gent, 1854. La Marche (Marguerite du Tertre). Instruc- tion familiere et ties facile, faite par questions et reponscs, touchant toutes les choses principales qu'une sage-femme doit scavoir pour l'exercice de sou art. 12°. Paris. 1677. -----. The same. Instruction familiere et utile aux sages-femmes pour bieu pratiquer les accouchemens, faite par demandes et r6pouses. Nouv. eel., acconipagnee de secrets choisis et epronvez pour diverses maladies par Madame Bouisier. 12°. Paris, 1710. Lamprecht (R.) Manuale di ostetricia teorica e practica per le aluuue levatrici. Pt. 1. 8°. Padova, 1837. Lan(;e (W.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe fiir Hebammen. 8J. Prag, 1851. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Heidelberg, 1803. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. Als Lehr- und Handbuch fiir die Hebammen des Grossherzog- thunis Baden amtlich vorgeschrieben. 8~. Hei- delberg, 1867. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8-. Leipzig, 1880. Lebeaud ( M.) Le Baudelocque des cam- pagues; guide-pratique des sages-femmes, cou- tenant les principcs d^rnentaires de l'art des accouchemens; le m^canisme et les ph6nomenes de l'accouchement naturel; les soins a donner aux femmes pendant leurs couches, aux enfans au moment de leur naissance, etc. D'aiues Baudelocque et les meilleurs accoucheurs. 12°. Paris, 1825. Martin (E.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe fiir Hebammen. 8-\ Erlangen, 1854. Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of)for midwifes or for popular use. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1807. -----. Thesame. Unigearbeitetundin vier- ter Auflage herausgegeben von A. Martin. 8C. Stuttgart, 1880. -----. Thesame. Leerboek der verloskunde voor vrocdvrouweu. 2. uitg., naar de laatste Duitsche uitgave bewerkt door Dr. H. W. Cra- mer. 8-. 1'trecht, 1875. Martin (E.) Fragebuch zu dem Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir Hebammen. 8°. Erlangen, 1856. Maunoury (C.-A.) & Salmon (P.-A.) Manu- el de l'art des accouchements, precede" d'une de- scription abregee des functions et des orgaues du corps huniain et suivi d'un expose sommaire des preparations pharmaceutiques et des op6rations de petite chirurgie les plus usitdes a l'usage des dleves sages-femmes qui suiveut les cours depar- tementaux. 8°. Paris, 1850. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8:. Paris, 1801. -----. The same. 3. 6(1. 8J. Paris, 1874. -----. The same. Manuale di ostetricia, pre- ceduto da una succiuta descrizioue delle fuuzioni e degli organi del corpo umano . . . per uso delle allieve levatrici. Traduzione con note del Prof. G. Arrighetti. 8°. Genova, 1851. Mayern (T.) [de Mayerne (T. T.)] Rare secrets brought to light, which for many years were locked up in the breast of that most famous and learned physician ... in which are con- tained the sufficient testimonies of the warranted and happy successes of his mature judgment in his general practice on the greatest ladies of the court and country, iu the faculty of so publick a benefit as of the excellent skill of midwifery. London, 1663. In: Compi.eat (The) midwife's practice, etc. 12°. Lon- don, 1663, 277-321. ------. The same. London, 1696. In: CoMrLEAT (The) midwife's practice, etc. 12°. Lon- don, 1698, 291-326. von Mayrhofen (V.) Lehrbuch der Geburts- hilfe fiir Hebammen. 8C. Innsbruck, 1854. Mears (M.) Geburtshelferin zu London wohl- meynender Rath fiir gebildete Frauen, iiber Schwaugerschaft uud Wochenbette. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zusiitzen versehen von E. Henschel. 1(P. Bres- lau, 1804. Melli (S.) La comare levatrice istruita nel suo uftizio secondo le regole pin certe, e gli am- mtiestramenti pifi moderni. Y; Venezia, 1766. Mem is (J.) The midwife's pocket companion, or ti practical treatise of midwifery on a new plan ; containing full and plain directions for the management aud delivery of child-bearing women in the different cases, and the cure of the several diseases incident to them and new-born children in the safest manner and according to the best improvements. Adapted to the use of the female as Avell as the male practitioner in that art. 8\ London, 1765. -----. The same. In three parts, sm. 8J. Aberdeen, 1780. Mendels (M. H.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe fiir Hebammen. 2. Ausg. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers neu bearbeitet und mit Zusiitzen ver- sehen von Dr. Moriz Kustner. 12°. Breslau, 1824. Mohr (G. F.) Die gebiihrende Frau samt ih- rer Leibesfrucht in Lebensgrosse sowol durch Kuust abgebildet als audi von einem Todtenge- rippe genommen, nach denjenigen Theilen des Leibes, welche durch Unterweisuug eiues Hebam- menmeisters nicht nur alleiu die Wehemutter OBSTETRICS. 60 OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of)for midwives or for popular use. und Wnndarzte zu leichteru Begrif, und Verrich- tung deren udthigsten Handgriffen iu derHebam- nienkunst, sondern auch die Eheweiber zu ihreru Verhalt iu Schwangerschaften und Geburten keuueu und versteheu sollen. 3. Aufl. 16°. Hirschfeld, 1757. Moore (W.j Elements of midwifery, or the arcana of nature, in the formation aud production of the human species elucidated ; comprehending an auatomical description of the female organs of generation, with physiological observations on their destined offices; to which are added in- structions to the accoucheur how to proceed iu every case that is possible for the fcetus to pre- sent in utero, [etc.] 8°. London, 1777. Morgenbesser (J. G.) Lehrbuch fiir Hebam- men. 8-'. Breslau u. Leipzig, 1805. Nagele (F. K.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir die Hebammen im Grossherzogthume Baden. 8 . Heidelberg, 1830. -----. The same. 8J. Heidelberg, 1839. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Heidelberg, 1842. ■ -----. The same. 8-. Heidelberg, 1844. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 8\ Heidelberg, 1850. -----. The same. Manuel d'accouchements a l'usage des sages-femmes. Traduit de l'alle- niand par J.-B. Pigu6. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] -----. Katechismus der Hebammenkuust, als Anhang zur zweiten Auflage seines Lehr- buches der Geburtshulfe fiir Hebammeu. 8°. Heidelberg, 1834. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Heidelberg, 1836. -----. The same. 8°. Heidelberg, 1839. Neumann (C. E. O.) Der Frauenarzt. Ein Ratgeber fiir Juugfraueu, Frauen, uud Mutter. Naturgemiisse Behandlung der Frauenkrankhei- ten. 3. Aufl. 12°. Cbthen, 1888. Osiander (F. B.) Lehrbuch der Hebammen- kunst. Sowohl zum Unterricht angeheuder Hebammen als zum Lesebuch fur jede Mutter. 12°. Gottingen, 1796. Osiander (J. F.) Hebammenbuch, oder An- leitung zur Geburtshiilfe fiir Hebammen. Nebst Belehrung iiber die Krankheiteu der Fraueu und Kinder. 12°. Tiibingen, 1839. Ossorio y Bernardo (F.) La partera, 6 pre- ceptos para socorrer & la mujer en el acto del parto, y £la criatnra seguu la salud que presenta en el moniento de nacer, cou un resumen com- pleto de la fisiologia, desarreglos 6 higiene de las funcioues de reproduccion. 12-. Madrid, 187(1. Plath (W.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe fiir Hebammen. Preisschrift. 8°. Hamburg, 1840. Poletti (F.1 Istruzioni per le levatrici che devono loro servir di gnida nell' esame per essere abilitate ad esercitarel'ostetricia. 8°. Ferrara, 180-. Portal (P.) The compleat practice of men and women midwives, or the true manner of as- sisting a woman iu child-bearing; illustrated with a considerable number of observations. Transl. from the original. 8?. London, 1705. Prussia. Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe zum Unterricht fiir die Hebammeu in deu kihiigl. preussischen Landen. Zweiter unveriindeite Abdruck der zweiten Auflage. 8-'. Berlin, 1-22. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12=. Berlin, is;o. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Geburts- kuude fiir die Hebammen in den konigl. preus- Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of) for midwives or for popular use. sischen Staaten, vou J. H. Schmidt. 8 . Ber- lin, 1839. Also [Rev.], in: X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1839, vii, 204-liJl. Also, llcprint. -----. Thesame. 8 . Berlin, 1840. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. Mit einem cli- nischen Anhauge. 8°. Berlin, 1850. -----. The same. 3. Ausg. Im Auftrage des konigl. Ministeriunis der Unterrichts- und Mediciual-Augelegenheiteu, bearbeitet vou Dr. C. Kanzow. 8-. Berlin, 1800. -----. The same. 8C. Berlin, 1878. -----. The same. Ksiayka dla akuszerek w paiistwie Prnskie'm. Cz^sc pierwsza. Kshizka- naukowa. Wyd. drugie. [Midwifery book for the state of Prussia. Pt. I. Scientific section. 2. ed.] 8C. Berlin, 1855. Polish text. "With second title-page: Nauka poloznicza dla akuszerek v Kr61estwie Pruskiem. [Obstetric art of delivery in the kingdom of Prussia.] -----. Thesame. Czesddruga. Zbiirpytaii. Wyd. drug. [Midwifery book for the state of Prussia. Pt. II. Collection of questions. 2. e<].] - . Berlin, 1855. Polish text. With second title-page: Zhi6r pytan zas- tdsowanych do nauki polozuiczej dlaakuszerek w Krolest- wie Pruskiem. Zdodatkieiu klinicznym. [Collection of questions accompanying the midwifery book for the king- dom of Prussia. Supplement to clinic. | -----. The same. Handbook of midwifery for midwives. From the official handbook of midwifery for Prussian midwives (Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe fiir die preussischen Hebammeu). Published by direction of the minister for spirit- ual, educational, and medical affairs. [Transl.] by J. E. Burton. 12°. London, 1880. Rau (G. M. W. L.) Handbuch fiir Hebam- men zur Selbstbelehrung und als Leitfaden beim Unterrichte. 12°. Giessen it. Darmstadt, 1807. Raulin (J.) Instructions succintes sur les accouchemens, en faveur des sages-femmes des provinces ; faits par ordre du ministere. 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1770. -----. Thesame. Kort-bondigeouderwyzin- gen op de kinderbaeringen, zeer voordeelig voor de vroedvrouwen van het platte land; in het licht gegeven op bet bevel van de Fransche staetsregeriuge. Iuhet Vlaemschovergezet door M. De Bnrck. 16°. Brugge, [1771]. -----. The same. Kurzgefasste Anweisung zur Hebanimeu-Kunst, zum Nutzen der Hebam- men. Aus dem Franzdsischen iibersetzt; mit einigeu ndthigen Zusiitzen vermehrt von M. F. Alix. 12c. [n. p.], 1772. Ribeiro (J. A. A.) Manual da parteira, ou pequena compilacao de conselhos na arte de partejar, escrita em linguagcm familiar. 16°. Cidade do Fortaleza do Ceard, 1861. Richter (E. E.) Die allezeit getreue und vorsichtige. AVeh-Mutter, das ist: Nutzlicher Unterricht, wie sich eine rcchtschaffene Hcb- Amtne vor, in und nach der Geburt bey schwan- gern, gebahrenden Weibes-Personcn," uud den zur Welt gebohrnen Kiudern, iu ihrem Amte, audi mit nothiger Pflegung und Wartung, und sonsten christlich verhalten soil. 8. Frankf. u. Leipzig, 1738. Picker (L. A.) Lehr- und Handbuch der Ge- burtshiilfe fiir Hebammeu. 2. Aufl. e. Jf'eil- burg, 1844. von Ritgen (F. A. M. F.) Lehr-und Hand- buch der Geburtshiilfe fiir Hebammen. 8°. Mainz, 1848. Rosegaei.t ( Den ) van den bevruchteu vrou- wen. Ghecorrigeert ende vermeerdert, uit dye boecken van die alder experste schrijvers, die van descr materien (te weteu van dye secreten ontfan- OBSTETRICS. 61 OBSTETRIC Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of) for midwives or for popular use. ghiuge, baringhe eude conste der vroevrouwen) int Latijn geschreven hebbcu, als Albertus Mag- nus, Aristoteles, Plinius, Avicenna, Marcus Varro ende meer andere. Ende oock uit Jason a pratis, dye een dat alder costelijcste tractaot int Latijn beschreven heeft van den vroevrouwen conste. Noch zijn hier hi gheset, veel schone addicien, totdcsermaterien seer wel dienende, dye ingheen ander gheprent en zijn ghewest. 16°. Campen, [circa 1540]. Gothic characters. -----. Thesame. 16°. Leyden, [circa1555], Rueff(J.) HebammenBuch, daraus man alle Heimligkeit dess weiblichen Geschlects erlehr- uen, yvelcherley gestalt der Mensch in Mutter Leib empfaugen, zunimpt uund geboren wirdt. Auch wie man allerley Kranckheit, die sich leichtlich mit den Kindbetterin zutragen, mit kostlicher Artzeney vorkommen und helffen konne. Jetzundt abervon newem gebessert, mit sehoneu Figurengeziert, sauipt eiuem niitzlicheu Auhang, von Cur und Pflegung der newgebor- nen Kindlein. 4-. Franckf. a. M., 1533. -----. Thesame. 4°. Iranckf. a. M., 1558. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Franckf. a. M., 1580. -----. The same. 'T boeck van de vroet- wijfs. In 't welcke men mack leeren alle heyme- lijckheden van de vrouwen, ende in wat gestalt de mensche iu ziju nioeders lichaem outfanghen, groeyet, ende gebooren wort . . . Overgheset uyt den Hoogh-Duytsche in onse Nederlandtsche spraeche, door Martyn Everaert. sin. 4 . T Amstelredam, 1633. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Amstelredam, 1648. -----. Thesame. Y. Amsterdam, 1668. -----. De coueeptu, et geueratioue hominis : de matrice et ejus partibus, nee non de condi- tione infantis in utero, et gravidarum cura et officio: de partu et parturieutium, infautiunique cura omnifaria: de differentiis non naturalis par- tus et earundem curis: de mola aliisque falsis uteri tumoribus sininlque de abortibus et mon- stris diversis, nee non decouceptus signis variis: de sterilitatis cansis diversis, et de pra.'cipuis niatricis a-gritudiuibus, omniumque horum curis variis, libri sex. sm 4°. Francof. ad Manum, 1587. -----. The same. The expert midwife, or an excellent and most necessary treatise of the generation and birth of man. Wherein is con- tained many very notable aud necessary particu- lars requisite to be knowue and practised; with divers apt and useful figures appropriated to this yvorke. Also the causes, figures, and various cures of the most principall maladies and infirm- ities incident to womeu. Six bookes. Compiled in Latiue . . . and now translated into English for the generall good and benefit of the nation. sm. 4°. London, 1637. Ryff (G. [H. ]) Schwangerer Frayven Ro- sengarten. Grundliche nothwendige Beschrei- bung, allerhand Ziifalle, so sich mit schwangcru Frawen, vor, inn, und nach der Geburt, manich- faltig zutragen mogen, sampt gepurlicher Hal- ting und Wartung derselbigen. Auch von Pfle- gung uud allerhandt Gepresten der jungen Kin- der. Mit eigentlichem Bericht yves sich in alien solclien Fallen zu halten sei. Zu Nutz und Wol- fart allenu Frawen, Kindern, jetzt aber gantz von newem durchsehen, gebessert, und gemahrt, sampt einem niitzlichen zu ende angehenckten Register. 12°. [Franckf. a. M., 1569.] -----. Thesame. 8D. Franckf. a. M., 1580. Sacombe. Le me"decin accoucheur; ouvrage utile aux meres de famille, et n^cessaire aux Obstetrics (Systems and manuals of)for midwifes or for popular use. personnes qui se destiuent a la pratique de l'art des accouebeniens. 16-. Paris, 1791. Sachsische (Die) Weh-Mutter, welche griiud- lich weiset, wie sich eine Heb-Anime so wohl bey wieder-als natiirlicheu Geburten, nichts minder wegen der Kreissenden als Kinder, mit Rath uud That, theils durch geschickte Handgriffe, theils audi dieuliche Artzney-Mittel in allerhaud Zu- fiillen zu verhalten hat; nebst vielen audern den Frauen zu wissen hochstnothig und niitzlichen Diugen: Alles aus bewehrteu Anctoribus zusam- men getragen uud aus christlicher Liebe zum Druck befordert. 8°. Franckf. u. Leipzig, 1701. de Saint-Germain (C.) L'escholemdhodique et parfaite des sages-femmes, ou l'art de l'accou- chenicnt. 12c\ Paris, 1650. St. Petersburg. S.-Peterburgskii stolichnii vrachebnyi upravlenie. Nastavlenie meditsius- kago soveta dlja povivalnych babok pri uchode za beremenmymi, rojenitsami i rodilnitsami. [ St. Petersburg city medical administration. Instructions and medical advice for midwives respecting pregnancy, childbed, and delivery.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Saxtohph (M.) Umriss der Entbiudungs- wissenschaft fiir Wehmiitter. Aus dem Dani- schen zuerst iibersetzt von K. F. Schroder. Jezt nach der neuesten Original-Ausgabe durchaus umgearbeifet von Johann Clemens Tode. 8°. Kopenhagen it. Leipzig, 1792. -----. The same. 16°. Kopenhagen u. Leip- zig, 1801. Schmidt (J. H.) Kleiues Hebammenbuch. 12°. Berlin, 1847. Schultze (B. S.) Lehrbuch der Hebammen- kunst. 8°. Leipzig, 1860. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 8~. Leipzig, 1884. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 8-. Leipzig, 1887. Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. Handbuch fur das weibliche Geschlecht iiber Pflege und Ausbildung des Korpers, das Verbal- ten wiihrend der Schwaugerschaft, im Wochen- bett und bei dem Stillen, oder Anleitung : die Niederkunft moglichst schmerzlos zu befdrderen, nebst Andeutungen, die Unfruchtbarkeit der Frauen zu beseitigen. 16°. Leipzig, [n.d.] Schwarzer (A. C.) Handbuch der Geburts- hulfe fiir Hebammen. 8°. Wien, 18i2. Seaman (V.) The midwives' monitor and mothers' mirror: being three concluding lectures of a course of instruction on midwifery. Con- taining directions for pregnant women ; rules for the management of natural births, and for early discovering when the aid of a physician is neces- sary; and cautions for nurses, respecting both the mother aud child. To which is prefixed a syllabus of lectures ou that subject. 12°. New York, 1800. Senef (C. F.) Lehrbuch fiir Hebammen. 8-. Halle, 1812. Sharp (Mrs. J.) The compleat midwife's com- paniou: or, the art of midwifry iinprov'd. Di- recting child-bearing women how to order them- selves in their conception, breeding, bearing, and nursing of children. With physical pre- scriptions for each disease incident to the female sex, whether virgins, wives, or widows; adapted chiefly for their use. 4. ed. 8:. London, 1725. MISTETRICS. 02 OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of)for midwives or for popular use. Shew (,1.) Midwifery and the diseases of wo- men ; a descriptive aud practical work showing the superiority of Avater-treatnient in menstrua- tion and its disorders, chlorosis, leucorrhea, fluor albus, prolapsus uteri, hysteria, spinal diseases, and other weaknesses of females ; in pregnancy and its diseases, abortion, uterine hemorrhage, and the general management of childbirth, nurs- ing, etc. 12:. New York, [1852]. von Sierold (A. E.) Lehrbuch der Hebam- menkunst als Leitfaden zum Unterrichte fiir Hebammen und zur Belehrung fiir Mutter. 8J. Wiirzburg, 1808. -----. Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe zum Un- terricht fiir Hebammen entworfen. 4. Aufl. 8 . Wiirzburg, l*-22. Siegemundin (Justine). Die Chur-Branden- burg. HofT-Wehe-Mutter, das ist: Ein hochst- uiithiger Unterricht, von schweren und un- rechtstehenden Gebuhrten, in einem Gespriich vorgestellet, etc. 4-. Colin an der Spree, 1690. -----. Thesame. 4;. Leipzig, 1715. -----. The same. 4-. Berlin, 1723. -----. The same. [4. Aufl.] 4°. Leipzig, 1724. -----. The same. 4°. Berlin, 1756. -----. Spiegel der vroed-vrouwen, behel- seude een klaer onderrigt van sware verlossiugen der krameude vrouwen, soo om de selve te helpeu, als 00k om iu veel sware toevallen behulpelijk te zyn. Neffcus een klaer berigte ontrent het kceren der qualijk staende geboorteu. Als mede een onderrigt ontrent bet ampt en pligt der vroed-vrouwen, door Cornelia Solingen. sm. 4'-. Amsterdam, 1691. Smith (H.) Letter to married women. 3. ed. 16°. London, 1774. Smith (H. F.) The handbook for midwives. 12:. London, 1872. -----. The same. 12°. London . Erfurt, 1-01. 53 OBSTETRICS. OBSTETRICS. Obstetric* (Systems and manuals of) for midwives or for popular use. Wiedemann (C. R. W.) Lesebuch fiir Heb- ammen; euthaltend Geschichten von schweren Geburten und belehreude Gcspriiche dariiber, nebst einem Schwangerschaftskalendcr. 2. Anil. 8°. Kiel, 1826. Zadern (J.) Schwangern und geberenden Weiber Creutz Schuel, darinu sie sich mit hertz- lichem Trost und Gebet so wol als mit jhrein Wochen geriithlich zu jhrer Kindergeburt tiig- lich riisteu und schicken konnen. 16°. Wiltem- berg, 1612. Ziermann (J. C. L.) Die naturgcmasse Ge- burt des Menschen. Oder Betrachtuugen iiber zu friihe Dnrchschueiduug und fiber Unterbiu- duug der Nabelschnur des neugebohreneu Kin- des, als Urgrund der haufigsten und gefahrlich- sten Krankheiteu des Menschengeschlechtes. Xaturforschern und Aerzten zu Priifung, Viitern und Miittern, Gatten uud Gattinnen zu ihrem Heile vorgelegt. Nebst einer Vorrede des Herrn Professor Wolfart, 12°. Berlin, 1817. Obstetrics (Tables and plates relating to). Barker (G.) Descriptio iconis pelvis femi- nina? et schematum capitis infantilis, iisque il- lustrata partus humani mechauismus. 4°. Gro- ning®, 1816. Busch (D. W. H. ) Atlas geburtshiilfiicher Abbildungen, mit Bezugnahme auf das Lehr- buch der Geburtskunde. 4°. Berlin, 1841. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8C. Berlin, 1851. Debout (E.) A collection of plates illustrat- ing the theory and practice of midwifery, ac- companied by an explanatory text. Transl. from the French. Pt. I. Generation, gestation, parturition, aud lactation, with a medico-chi- rurgical appendix on bleeding and vaccination. fol. London, 1841. Denman (T.) A series of engravings illustrat- ing the practice of midwifery. 4°. London, [n. d.] Feigel (J. T. A.) Umfassende Abbildungen aus der Geburtshiilfe, mit erkliirendem Texte. r-3 & f„l. Wiirzburg, 1841. Geburtshulfliche Demonstrationeii. Eine auserlesene Sammluug der nothigsten Abbil- dungen fur die Geburtshiilfe, erliiutert zum Unterricht uud zur Erinnerung. fol. Weimar, 1824-9. Geburtshulfliche Tabellen. 13 tab. ob- long fol. in case. [n. p.], 1805. Hamilton (J.), jr. A collection of engravings designed to facilitate the study of midwifery, explained and illustrated. 8°. London, 1796. Hogben (J.) Anatomical tables illustrative of his treatise on midwifery, intituled : Obstetric studies, fol. [London, 1813.]. Kilian (II. F.) Erklarungen zum geburts- hiilflichen Atlas. 8°, with atlas fol. Diisseldorf, [1835-44]. Lange (A.) &. Node (C.) Atlas de l'art des accouchemens et prdcis pratique de cette science. fol. Paris, 1835. Lenoir (A.) Atlas coinplementaire de tous les traites d'accouchements, contenant cent plan- ches dessine'es d'apres nature, et lith. par Emile Beau. 4°. Paris, 1852. 1. part onlyT. -----, See (M.) & Tarnier (S.) Atlas de l'art des accouchements. roy. 8°. Paris, [1871]. Martin (C.) Durchschni'ttliche geburtshiilf- liche und gyniikologische Maasse und Gewichte in Centinietern und Zollen, sowie in Grammen und Zollpfunden. Nach Messungen in der ge- burtshulttichen und gyniikologischen Klinik zu Berlin. 1 sheet. Berlin, 1867. Obstetrics (Tables andplates relating to). Martin (E. A.) Hand-Atlas der Gyniikologie und Geburtshiilfe. 4J. Berlin, 1802. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 4°. Berlin, 1878. Maygrier (J.-P.) Nouvelles demonstrations d'accoucheniens. fol. Paris, 1822. -----. The same. Eutieremeut refondue et consid6rablemeut augmeut6e par Halmagrand. 2. 6d. 8-, with atlas fol. Paris, 1840. -----. The same. Nuove dimostrazioni di ostetricia, con iucisioni iu rame ed un testo ra- giouato adattato si facilitame la spiegazione. Prima versione italiana, con annotazioni ed ag- giunte del chirurgo Marco Foscarini. 2 v. 4°. Pisa, 1831. -----. The same. Midwifery illustrated. Transl. from the French, with notes, by A. Doane. 8-. .Yew York, 1833. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8-'. New York, 1834. von Mohreniieim (J.) Abhandlung fiber die Entbindungskunst. Verfast auf hochstem Be- fehl Ihro Majestat der Kayseriun aller Reussen, etc. Zum Nutzen Ihres Reichs. 1. Bd. fol. St. Petersburg, 1791. -----. The same. 2 pts. in 1 v. fol. Leip- zig, 1803. Moreau (A. L.) Icones obstetrical. A series of 60 plates, illustrative of the art and science of midwifery in all its branches. Edited with practicalobservatipusaud tablesby J. S. Streeter. fol. London, 1842. Moreau (F.-J.) Traite" pratique des accouche- mens. Atlas de planches exe'cute'es d'apres na- ture par Emile Beau, sur les pr6parations de M. Jacquemier. fol. Paris, ,1837. -----. The same. Atlas de 60 planches sur l'art des accouchemens. Nouveau tirage. fol. Paris, 1845. Pajot. Obstetric tables. Transl. from the French, and arranged by O. A. Crenshaw and J. B. McCaw. With three additional tables on the mechanism of natural, unnatural, and com- plex labor, by N. P. Rice. fol. Richmond, 1856. Ramsbotham (F. H.) An atlas of plates, il- lustrative of the principles and practice of ob- stetric medicine and surgery. 8G. London, 1840. Schultze (B. S.) Waudtafeln zur Schwau- gerschafts- und Geburtskuude. Text, fol.; atlas, imp. fol. Leipzig, 1865. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. ErsteLieferuug. fol. Jena, 1888. von Siebold (E. C. J.) Abbildungeu aus dem Gesainmtgebiete der theoretisch-praktischeu Ge- burtshiilfe, nebst beschreibender Erkliirung der- selben. Mit theilweiser Beibehaltung der Abbil- dungen des Mavgrier. 8D. Berlin, 1835. -----. The'same. 2. Aufl. [with atlas]. 8J. Berlin, 1842. Smellie (W.) A set of anatomical tables, with explanations, aud an abridgement of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases. A new ed., corrected ; to yvhich is added two ad- ditional tables, yvith"explanations, by the late T. Young, of Edinburgh, and J. Evans, of Oswes- try Shropshire. 8°. Edinburgh, 1785. -----. The same. An abridgement of the practice of midwifery, aud a set of anatomical tables, yvith explanations. A new ed. 12°. Boston, 1786. -----. The same. A new ed., corrected . . . by A. Hamilton, fol. Edinburgh, 1787. -----. The same. 1. AVorcester ed., with an entire new set of plates. 8°. Worcester, Mass., 1793. -----. The same. S-. Philadelphia, 1797. -----. The same. Sammlung anatomischer Tabellen, mit Erklarungen und einem Ansznge OBSTETRICS. 64 OBSTHTRICS. Obstetric* (Tables and plates relating to). der praktischen Hebammenkunst. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. Nebst einer Nachricht und kurzeu Priifungen der Sigaultschen Opera- zion, von C. L. Becker. 12-. Augsburg, 1797, Spratt (G.) Obstetric tables; comprising coloured deliueations ou a peculiar plan, intended to illustrate elementary aud other works on the practice of midwifery, elucidating particularly the application of the forceps, and other impor- tant practical points in obstetric science. 4°. London, 1833. -----. Supplement to obstetric tables; com- prising graphic illustrations, with descriptions and practical remarks; exhibiting on dissected plates many important subjects iu midwifery. 4 '. London, 1835. -----. The same. Obstetric tables; com- prising graphic illustrations, with descriptions and practical remarks; exhibiting on dissected plates manv important subjects in midwifery. 3. ed. 2 pts. 4°. London, 1841. Contains both the preceding. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. from the 4. and greatly improved Lond. ed., carefully re- vised, and with additional notes aud plates. 4°. Philadelphia, 1850. Witkowski (G. J.) Human anatomy and physiology. Part XI. A movable atlas showing the progress of gestation by means of superposed coloured plates. Text translated by R. Milne Murray. Pregnancy at full term. fol. London, [1887]. Zeiller (P.) Geburtshiilflicher Hand-Atlas, nebst beschreibenderErkliirnng. 8°. Miinchen, [I85d]. Hall (R. W.) A synoptical table of parturition dedi- cated to the obstetrical class in the University of Marv- land. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1822, v, 394. Obstetric* (Teaching of) See, also, Hospitals (Maternity, etc.) Bell (C.) A catalogue of preparations of . . . calculated for the complete illustration of a course of lectures on midyvifery. 4-. London, 1823. lb >net (J.) Programade clinica de obstetricia, enferuiedadcs speciales de la mujer y de los niiios. 8-. Barcelona, 1879. Cooper (T.) Proposals for teaching the art of midwifery, with a syllabus of the lectures. 8^. [London, 1767.] Haighton (J.) A: Blundell. A syllabus of the lectures on midwifery delivered at Guy's Hospital. 8°. London, 1821. Hegar. Vortrag gchalten auf der Naturfor- scherversanimlung in Dresden (1868) als Erliiu- teruug an den geburtshiilflicheu Modellen des Dr. Ziegler. 8°. [Freiburg, n. d.] Jorg (J. C. G.) Was hat eiue Entbindungs- schule zu leisten und wie muss sie organisirt seyn ? urn damit zur feyerlichen Eroffnung des Unterrichtes im neuen Locale der Eutbindungs- schule hofliebst einzuladen auseinander gesetzt. 4:. Leipzig, lv2-. -----. [Pr. ] de medici obstetricii institutione atque iuformatione. Pts. i-iv. 4-. Lipsiee, [1844-5]. -----. Kaun die Geburtshilfe auch in einer Poliklinik griindlich erlernt werden'? 8-. Leip- zig, 1853. Kennedy (E.) Descriptive catalogue of the nmseuui of Dr. . . . illustrative of his lectures on midwifery and the diseases of women aud chil- dren. 8-. Edinburgh, 1840. Kilian (H. F.) Ueber geburtshulfliches Stu- diuin. ■"*-. Bonn, lr46. Mowbray (J.) Midwifery brought to perfec- tion by manual operation illustrated in a lecture Obstetric* (Teaching of). containing I. The reasons and motives for insti- tuting and undertaking the performance of a compleat course of midwifery. II. An enquiry into the merit of such a new and laborious enter- prize. III. A disquisition upon the excellency of the art of midwifery in its own nature. IV. The regular method and different steps to be taken in order to qualify and accomplish pupils, both in the theory and practice of this most use- ful science. 8°. London, 1725. Petrini (G.) Breve memoria al supremo cou- siglio delle finalize sul piano della pubblica iu- struzione ostetricia. 8°. Napoli, 1796. Pistorius (C. L.) * De artis obstetrician studio, medicis quam maxime necessario. 4°. Viteberg®, [1811]. Reale scuola pareggiata di ostetricia in Mi- lano. Regolamento generale e regolamento in- terno preceduti dai RR. decreti in data 19 feb- braio e 19 novembre 1876. 8°. Milano, 1878. Report of the trial. The People versus Dr. Horatio N. Loomis for libel. Tried at the Erie County Oyer and Terminer, Juue 24, 1850. 8C. Buffalo, 1850. Also [Rev.], -in: Buffalo M. J.. 1850-51, vi, 64; 110; 175 ; 250; 379; 380; 508. Sanger (W. M. H.) Wat heeft men iu au- dere landen voor deopleiding van vroedvrouwen gedaan ? 8°. 's Gravenhagc, 1860. von Siebold (A. E.) [Pr. ] fiber Zweck und Organisation der Klinik in einer Entbiudungs- anstalt. 4°. Bamberg it. Wiirzburg, 1806. von Siebold (E. C. J.) Anleitung zum ge- burtshiilflichen technischen Verfahren am Phau- tome, als Vorbereitung zur kiinftigen Ausiibung der Geburtshiilfe. 8°. Berlin, 1828. Simpson (J. Y.) Short syllabus of the course of lectures ou obstetric medicine. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1839. Stein (G. W.) Die Lehr-Austalt der Geburts- hiilfe zu Bouu : ihr Anfang uud Fortgang, ihre wissenschaftlichen Hiilfsmittel, ihre Ausdeh- nung auf Stadtpraxis und AVeiberkrankheitcn, ihre Erfahrungeu wie Lehren, ihre Theilnahme am Fache nab und fern. 1. Hit. 8°. Elberfeld, Anna (F. J.) Bemerkungen iiber des Hrn. Prof. Froriep Fautom aus Papier mauche, nebst der Abbildung desselben. Lucina, Leipz., 1805, ii,2. St.. 57-67.—Barnes (F.) A most ingenious model phantom forobstetricclasses, designed by Drs. Budin aud Pinard, of Paris, and made by Matthieu tils. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1877), 1878, xix. 229- 231. — ltrt'i.wky (A.) Einige Verbesserungen an den ge- burtshilflicheu Phantomen. "VVchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerztein Vt'ieu, 180G, xxii, 137-140.—It roc hard, fours public et gratuit d'hygiene des nourrissous et des fciiiiucs en couches, specialement destine aux sages-femmes. .) d sages-femmes, Par., 1877, v, 293 ; 330; 331 ; 35G; 3G2; 371.— Budin (P.) De l'enseignement des accouchements. Rapport adrcsse a M. le ministre de 1'instruction publique. Ibid., 1K7!I. vii, 258-200. Also: Tribune med., Par. 1879 xn, 181-185. Also: Uniou med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 665- GC8. -----. Organisation de l'enseiguenient pratique des accouchements. Bull, med., Par.." 1887. i. 1179. Also ■ Tribune med., Par., 1887. xx, 551-557. — Cowley (L. M ) Creadon de una clinica de obstetricia y ginecologia ; nues- tras parteras ; organizacion del sci vicio oticial de vacuna en Londrcs; hiinenc de los hcs))itales. Cron. uied.-quir. delaHabaua, 1871), v, 309-313. — Danviu (M.) Note sur sur le mannequin tocomathique de M. G. Ozeuue J hebd de med., Par., 1830, viii, 185-490. — Depaul. Inaugura- tion de la nouvelle clinique d'accouchements de la Facultfi Arch, de tocol., Par., 1881. viii. 257: 329. — Dumas (L ) Memoire relatif a un projet de polyclinique obstetricale presenteaM.Dumont. Montpel. med., 1879 xiii 54"-.V>9 — Duncan (J M.) [Presidential address on medical edu- mkJ'iT .'>«re,a^-on:lt° «>,'«tftricS.] Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. w> '1f • «"v 6^81' AU" ■' Lam'et' Lonrt- 188b i- 359- 362 Also: Med Times Comitis et Lugd.-Bat,, 1851, 259-277.—Trush (J.) Obstetric mani- kin of Drs. Budin and Pinard, of Paris. Am. J. Obst. N". Y., 1880, xiii, 170-174.—V. (II. N.) The study of obstetrics in Prague. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 444— Vernier. Mannequin propre a la manoeuvre des accouchemens. [Rap. de Chaussier et Thillaye tils.] Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1820-21, vii, 185-191.—Verrier (E.) Des bassins en fer fondu et des preparations des cadavres de femmes appliques a l'etude de l'obstetrique. Rev. obstct, et gynec, Par., 1885,i, 184-188. -----. De la necessite de l'enseigne- ment piatiquc de l'obstetrique par la creation de cliniques libres et disseminees et par l'organisation de la polycli- nique. N. Arch.d'obst. etde gynec., Par., 1886, i, 165-169.— Voprosn (K'l o zemskikh povivalnikh shkolakh. [On local obstetrical schools.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb.. 1876, i, no. 84, 1.—Wiuckel (F.) Ueber eine neue Mc- 5 Obstetrics (Teaching of). thode zur Vervollstandigungdes Unterrichtes in der Gyna- kologie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 513- 516. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Edinb. M. J., 1877-8, xxiii, 499- 501.—[Wittelshofer (L.)] Der Unterricht in derprak- tischeu Geburtshulfe. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 411 ; 467 ; 541. Obstetrics (Transactions of societies in). See Obstetrics (Journals, etc., relating to). Obstetrics (Veterinary). See, also, Monsters in animals, etc. Baumelster (W.) Die thierarztliche Geburts- hiilfe. Ein Handbuch fiir Thierarzte, Gestiits- beainte und Laudwirthe. 8°. Stuttgart, 1844. Deneubourg (F.) Traits pratique d'obstd- trique, ou de la parturition des principalis fe- melles domestiques, compreuant: Tout ce qui a rapport a la geu6ration et h la niise has naturelle ; les soius a donner a la mere et au nouveau-nc", de suite apres la naissance, pendaut l'allaiteinent et a l'epoque du sevrage ; les maladies les plus im- portantes qui attaqueut les femelles et les nour- rissons; ainsi que l'expose" des difficultcs du part et des moyens d'y reme'dier. 8°. Bruxelles, 1880. Dieterichs (J. F. C.) Handbuch der prakti- schen Geburtshiilfe bei deu grdsseren Hausthie- ren. 8°. Berlin, 1845. Fleming (G.) A text-book of veterinary ob- stetrics ; including the diseases and accidents incidental to pregnancy, parturition, and early age in the domesticated animals. 8°. London, 1878. Franck (L.) Handbuch der tieriirztlichen Geburtshulfe. 2. Anil., neu bearbeitet und hrsg. von Pb. Goring. 8°. Berlin, 1887. -----. The same. Rnkovodstvo k veteri- uarnomu aknshcrstvu. [Manual of veterinary obstetrics.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1877. Guntiier (J. H. F.) Lehrbuch der practi- schen Veterinar-Gebuitshulfe, nebst einem An- hauge iiber die Wahl der Zuchtpferde. 8 . Hannover, 1830. Jorg(J. C. G.) Anleitung zu eiuer ratiouellen Gefourtshiilfe der landwirthschaftlicheu Thiere; fur Thierarzte, gcbildete Oekonoinen und Ge- burtshelfer. 2. Aufl. 8C. Leipzig, 1818. -----. Vierzehn Kupfertafcln, nebst deren Erkliirung zur Geburtshiilfe der landwirthschaft- licheu Thiere. 2. Aufl. obi. 4°. Leipzig, 1818. Kehrer (F. A.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden und experuuentellen Geburtskunde. 1.-5. lift. 4°. Giessen, 1864-75. Saint-Cyr (F.) Traite d'obstetrique vcteri- naire. 8r. Paris, 1875. Skellett (E.) A practical treatise on the breeding cow, and extraction of the calf, before and at the time of calving; in which the ques- tion of difficult parturition is considered in all its bearings, with reference to facts and expe- rience; including observations on the diseases of neat cattle generally, [etc. ] 8°. London, [1807]. Beroml. Accouchement diflicile d'une lioune. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-Etienue et de la Loire (1866), 1867, iii, 503-517.—DefnyN ( F. ) Considerations generates sur l'enseiiruement de l'obstetrique veterinaire et modifications apportees au forceps pour l'approprier k l'accouchement des petites femelles carnivores. J. de med., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1S68. xlvi, 401-405.— Dessart. De la traction soutenue et de la traction mecanique en obstetrique vete- rinaire. Ann. dc med. vet., Brux., 1887, xxxvi, 1-14, 1 pi.— Oiipont. Obstetrique et dystocie. Arch. v6t.. Par., 1876, i, 161-169— Fariiham (C. A.) Obstetrical instru- ment. Xo. 365913; July 5, 1887.—Glas* (K.) Parturient apoplexv. Vet. J. &, Ann. Comp. Path.. Lond., 1884, xviii, 393-398.—Ciotti (A.) Fucerche sperimentati di ostetricia veterinaria. Mem. Accad d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. 1876, 3. s., vii, 613-666, 4 pi. Also: Gior. di anat.. lisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1877, ix, 161-170.—Rivolta (S.) Sull arresto delle seeondine nell' utero delle bovine. Gior. di anat., fisiol. e patol. d. animali. Pisa, 1872, iv, 65-71.— Thomas (C.) Une question d'obstetrique. J. de med. OBSTETRICS. G<> OCCIPITAL. OJ>stctrics (Veterinary). vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1876, i, 524-528. —Walley. Com- plete torsion of the cervix uteri (with considerable thick- ening and dilatation of the os) of a cow. (>b>t. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878, vi, 576. Obstetricus [psendon.]. On the evils resulting from rising too early after childbirth. 15 pp. 8~\ London, J. W. Davics, 1802. Obstetrique(L). ParAntoineMattei. Journal mcnsuel. v. 1; Nos. 1-2, v. 2, Jan., 1880, to Feb., 1881. 8C. Paris. Obstetrique (L') et la gynecologic en 1885. Re- vue des travaux fraucais et strangers, publie'e sous la direction du Dr. Lutaud avec la«collabo- ration de MM. Boursier, Eene", [etal.]. viii, 5-456 pp. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere tj-fils, 1880. -----. The same. 188(1. Revue des travaux fraucais et 6trangers publie'e sous la direction du Dr. Lutaud avec la collaboration do MM. Apo- stoli, Bergeron, [ct al.]. 2 p. 1., 494 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1887. Obstinate, inveterate, and habitual constipation (costivTeness)... totally overcome... byanatural, simple, agreeable, and infallible means recently discovered in France. [Warton's ervalenta.] 5. Eng. ed. from the 22. French ed. vi, 129, viii pp. 12°. New York, J. Smith, 1844. Obstructions. See, also, Congestion; Intestines (Obstructions of); Pathology; Vagina (Obstruction, etc., of). Becker (J. B. G.) * De obstructione. 4°. Jence, 1753. Bovillox (A. C.) * De obstructione. sm. 4 . Jen®, [1720]. Gigas (G.) * Methodum cognoscendi ct cu- randi obstructioues. sm. 4C. Jence, [1633]. Lehmaxx (J. G.) * De causis obstructionis lentae. sm. 4°. Lipsi®, [1768]. Mtjxster (J. C.) De di\rersis obstructionum caussis et remediis. 4C. Francof. ad Viadr., 1750. Violet (F.), sieur de Coqueray. La parfaicte ct eutiere eognoissance de toutes les maladies du corps humain, cause"es par obstruction. 12°. Paris, 1335. Obturator. See Face (Surgery of); Palate (Artificial); Palate (Plastic surgery of). Obturator artery (Wound of). See Hernia (Operations for, Complications, etc., of)- Obturator hernia. See Hernia (Obturator). Obturator nerve. See Nerve (Obturator). O'Byrnc (John). Introductory lecture deliv- ered before the uuder-graduates of the Philadel- phia University of Medicine and Surgery, Octo- ber 6, I860. 16pp. 8°. Philadelphia, University publication society's print, 18(59. [P., v. 258.] O'Callaghail (David). "Dc synanche ma- li"ua. 24 pp. 8-\ Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1800. [Also, in : -P., v. 13; 1552.] O'Callighan (Edmund Bailey) [1800- 80]. Biography. Mod. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii [Tr. M. Soc. County Albany 368]. Ocana ( Francois). * Essai sur le goitre cystique. 37 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1808, 3. s., Xo. 78. Ocaun (Jean-Baptiste). rf Delaphlegmatiaalba doleus chez les nouvelles acconche'es ct chez les Mijcts cachectiques. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 4:. Stras- bourg, 1> 59. 3. s.. Xo. 148. Ocaik'l (Julian Lopez). Monografia sobre las intiauiaciouesde la cornea. 75 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Gomez, 1879. Ocafia (Julian Lopez)—continued. ----- A: Santa Cruz (M.) Monografia sobro las indauiaciones de la coujuntiva. 60 pp. s-'. Madrid, M. Tello, 1-78. Occasional (Tbe) Pamphlet. Christian, not sectarian; political, not partisan ; independent, not neutral. The mistakes and failure of the temperance reformation. 48pp. 8J. New York, Mason Brothers, 1834. Occasional thoughts on the power of curing the king's-evil ascribed to the kings of England. pp. 41-75. 8-\ London, J. Robinson, 174*. Cutting. Occasione (In) del secondo Congresso medico- italiano in Xapoli. Carme. 13 pp. 8°. [n. p., n.d.] [P., v. 1132.] Occidental (The); a monthly journal of popu- lar homoeopathy. Edited by G. 8. Walker and T. G. Comstock. Xos. 1-5, v. 1, July to Xov., 1839. 8:. St Louis, J. V. Hogan. Occipital bone. See, also, Atlas, etc.; Clivus Blumenbachii; Foramen magnum. Domixicus (W.) * Ontleedkundige aantee- keuingen betreifeude het achterhoofdsbeen. -". Leiden, 1878. Ilovrlnrquc (A.) Contribution a l'etude de l'occi- pital. Assoc, franc*, pour l'avauce. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1874, Par., 1875, iii, 575-581. — Ilyrtl. Pneuuiatische Hinterhauptsknochen. Wien. med. Wehnschr., 1860, X, 713.—Joseph (G.) Uebfc-r eine bisher unbeachtete dritte nalbkreisfiinnigo Linie, Linea semicircularis suprenia, am oberen Theile des menschlichen Hinterhauptbeiues. Jahresb. d. sehles. Gesellscli. f. vaterl. Kult., Brest, 1872, 1, 203.—Lrcourtois. Ossification de l'occipital. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1869. xliv, 478-482.—Lombroso. Fossa occipitale mediana nelle razze umane. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1883, iv, 395.—Bomiti (G.) Aggiuuta alia mia monografia sullo sviluppo e varieta dell' occipitale uruano. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1886, iv, 161.— Situation (Sur la) du grand tron occipital dans l'homme et dans les animaux. [From: Mem. acad. row d. sc, 1764.] Collect, aead. d. mem., etc.. Par., 1786, 'xiii. 345- 347. — Strcckri' (C.) Ueber die Condylen des Hiuter- hauptes. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1887, 301-33*. — Vaia-jlia (S.) Sulla cresta frontale in- terna e sulla fossetta occipitale mediana. Arch, di psi- chiat., etc., Torino, 1886, vii, 109-111. Occipital bone (Abnormities and dis- eases of). See, also, Craniotabes. Jacqcart (H.) De la valeur de l'os e"pactal ou partie superieure do l'6caille occipitale resteo distincte, comme caractere de race en anthropolo- gie ; 6tude de cette piece chez les animaux sous le nom d'os interparietal. 8=. [Paris, 1835.] Lachi (P.) Sul modo di formazione e sul sig- nilicato del terzo condilo nell' uomo. 8:. Siena, 1885. Bepr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. de' fisiocrit. di Siena, serie iii, v. iv. Merkkl (F.) Die Linea nuchas suprema, ana- tomisch uud anthropologisch betrachtet. 8°. Leipzig, 1871. Albi-ccht. Epiphyses entre l'occipital et le sphenoide chez 1 bomine. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1884-5, iii, 186-191.—Ban- (B. L. F.) Karies i os occipitis og hals- hvirvlerne. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenb., 1874, 2. R , i, 497-502.__ Beach. An anomalous ligament across the foramen mag-num. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880, vii, 14.— Bianchi (S.) Ricercheanatoinichesul processo innoiui- nato del! osso occipitale. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii, 51-64. 1 pi.—Brown (W. C.) Absence of the occipital bone in newly-born infants. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 1108.—f t'aw*-.] [Exostosis on the left side of the basilar process of the occipital bone, between the foramen magnum and tlie jugular foramen, impinging on the 8th and 9th cranial nerves of that side, as they passed from their ap- parent origin across to their foramina of exit from the skull.1 Glasgow M. J.. 1868-9. [4.] s., i. 279.—1>< InioUI. Deficiency ot occipital bone. X. York j. M.. 18."6, [2.J s., xvi, 77.—Oruber (YV.) Weitere ISeobachtungcn dei auomaien cougeuitalen Knochenbriiche iiber den Sulcus jugularis des Occipitale (8.-13. Fall) mit Bestinimung der Haufigkeit ihres Vorkommens. Arch. f. path. Anat.Tote. Berl., 1885, xcix, 471-475. — Halbcrl*ma ( H. J.) De- OCCIPITAL. 67 OCCUPATIONS. Occipital bone (Abnormities and dis- eases of). derde gewrichtsknobbel (coudylus tertius) van het ach- terhoofdsbeen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1865. 2. It., ii, 222-227. 3 pi. — Hofmokl. Necrosis ossis occipitis; Pneumoniabilateris: Tod. Wien. med. Presse, 1S77, xviii, 1200. — liiemanii. Sarcoma durie matris et ossis occipitis ; Tod. l!er. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1884), 1885. ::i>3-305.— I.anzi (G.) Di una interessante auomalia dell' osso occipitale umano. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1884, xiv, 13-16. -----. Cor- rispondenza. (Di un' interessante anomalia del! osso occipitale umano.) Ibid., 135. — li«'s«<" (F.) Sul signifl- cato morfologico dell' osso probasioccipitale e sulla pre- senza dell' os jugale nel cranio umano. Hull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii. 90-110, pi — INlilboi*. Carie des condyles de l'occipital. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1848. 19-21.—<)ninlaii. Cerebral apoplexy; abnormality of occipital bone. Ibit M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 247. — *ci-gi (G.) Sul terzo condilo occipitale e sull© apotisi parocci- pitali. Hull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. 1886, xii, 227-244, 1 pi.—Tafani (A.) Della presenza d' un terzo condilo occipitale nell' uomo. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1885, xv, 35-72. Occipital bone (Fracture of condyle of'). See Head (Injuries of) with fracture of base. Occipito-atloicl articulation. See Atlas, etc. Occiput (Soft). See Craniotabes. Occlusion. See Atresia. OCCO (Adolphus)1 [1447-1503]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Oct'O (Adolphus)2 [U02-1572J. Pm-trnit in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Occo (Adolphusf [1324-1605J. Brucker (J. ) Historia vitte Adolphorum Occouum ad illnstrandam rem litterariam et medicam sseculi xvi comparata. Accessit pneter alia sunimi viri Lucse Scbroeckii . . . hygeia au- gustana. 4J. Lipsiee, 17:54. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 191. [Occo (Rudolphns).] Sec Pltarmacopu-ia, seu niedicamentafium pro Rep. Augustaua [etc.]. fol. [ Yiennce], 1597. Occult sciences. See Magic. Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). See, also, Acid (Carbazotic); Air (Compressed, etc.); Armies (Diseases, etc., of); Arsenal (Naval); Arsenic in manufactures, etc.; Asth- ma (Grinder's); Bakers, etc.; Blacksmiths; Bleaching; Bone-boiling; Brewers; Brick- making; Brushmakers; Burnishers; Butch- ers; Cancer (Epithelial); Carbon (Sulphides of, Toxicology of); Car-drivers; Carpenters; Chemists (Diseases of); Children (Employment of); Choroid (Diseases of); Clergymen; Color- blindness; Colors (Poisonous); Copper < A rse- nite of, Toxicology of); Copper (Workers in); Cotton manufactures; Cramp ( Writer's); Divers (Diseases of); Dust; Dyers, etc.; Education (Hygiene in); Effluvia; Eye (Diseases of, Causa- tion of); Factories; Farmers; File-cutters (Diseases of); Fishermen, etc.; Flax (Manu- facture, etc., of); Flowers; Fuel (Artificial); Fulminating powder; Gas (Illuminating), etc.; Gilders, etc.; Glass-blowing, etc.; Grinders (Diseases of); Gun-makers; Hair-dressers; Hair (Manufacture of); Hand (Seme iology of); Hat-makers ( Diseases of); Heart (Diseases of) and occupations; Horse-hair; Horse-knackers; Hunting, etc.; Hygiene (Mental), etc.; Insanity (Causes of); Iron (Workers in): Jaws (Diseases of); Jurisprudence (Medical); Laundries, Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). etc.; Lead (Carbonate of); Lead - poisoning ■ ( Causes of); Leather - dressers ; Leeches; Librarians; Lime-kilns; Literary men; Lon- gevity; Looking-glass makers (Diseases of); Lungs (Foreign deposits in); Masons; Matches, etc.; Mercury, Metals, Toxicology of, ec.j Millers; Mill-stone makers; Miners (Diseases, etc., of); Minium; Mother-of-pearl (Workers in); Musicians; Needles (Manufacture of); Needlewomen; Nervous system (Diseases of, Causes of); Nightmen; Nuisances; Painters; Paper-making (Hygiene of); Paralysis (Writ- er's); Paralysis from lead poison; Phosphorus; Phthisis and occupations; Phosphorus (Acciden ts from), etc.; Photographers; Physicians (Dis- eases, etc., of); Pianists; Police; Postmen ( Health of); Potassium ( Bichromate of, Toxi- cology of); Potters; Printers; Prisoners; Pro- fessional men ; Prostitutes; Railroad employes; Sailors; Salt-makers, etc.; Scavengers; Scro- tum (Cancer of); Sea. (Climate, etc., of); Sew- ing-machines; Sex in occupation; Silk '{Manu- facture of); Silver workers; Singers; Skin (Diseases of, Causes of); Skinners; Spinners; Steam-boats; Steel ( Workmen in ); Stone- cutting ; Sugar bakers; Tailors; Tanners; Tea - tasters ; Tin ( Workers in ) ; Tobacco (Manufacture of); Weavers ; White - lead (Manufacture of); Wine - tasters ; Women (Occupations of); Woollen manufacture. Ackermanx (V.-J.-B.) *Des maladies sp6- ciales atix ouvriers employes dans les fabriqnes de sulfate de quinine. 4J. Paris, 1880. Adelmaxx (G.) Ueber die Krankheiteu der Kiinstler und Handwerker nach den Tabellen des Instituts fiir kranke Gesellen der Kiiustler und Handwerker in Wiirzburg von deu Jahreu 1780 bis 1802. 12°. Wiirzburg, 1803. Barth (C. G.) *De morbis ex vitse genere. 4°. Lipsi®, [1764]. Belgium. MinisteredeVlnterieur. Euquetesur la condition des classes ouvrieres et sitr le travail des enfauts. 3 v. 8°. Bruxelles, l«46-8. Bkrtin (G.) * Essai sur l'hygiene de l'ouvrier au poiut de vue de l'habitatiou, de I'alimentation et du travail. 4°. Paris, 1864 Bertrand (C.-A.-H.-A.) * Essai medical sur les professions et metiers. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Beyer (E.) Die Fabrik-Industrie des Ee- gierungsbezirkes Diisseldorf vom Standpunkt der Gesundheitspflege. fol. Oberhausena. d. R.,1870. Bourdin (C.-E.) Association philotechnique. Section de Choisy-le-Roi (Seine). Du progres consider6 particulierement au poiut de vue du bien etre hygieiiique des classes laborieuses. 8-\ Paris, 1803. Bra\des(L.) Association des couturieres h Copenhague. Notice pre*sentee au Cougres d'hy- giene et de sauvetage de Bruxelles en 1870. 8°. Copenhague, 1876. Braye (F.-J.) * Quelques reflexions sur l'in- fluence exerce"e par diverges professions sur l'economie animate. 4°. Paris, 18.36. Brouc. Hygiene philosophique des artistes dramatiqiies, ou traite des causes physiques, iutellectuelles et morales qui, engendrees ou favoris^es par l'exercice de l'art dramatique, peuvent. compromettre la saute" des artistes qui cultivent cet art. 2 v. SD. Paris, 1830. Central Verein fiir das Wohl der arbeiteuden Klassen. Bericht iiber seine Entwickelung und Thatigkeit von 1844 bis 188;\ vorgelegt der allge- meinen deutschen Ausstelluug fiir Hygiene und Eettuugs-svesen in Berlin. 8°. Berlin, 1883. OCCUPATIONS. i;x OCCUPATIONS. Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). Coxgres international d'hygiene, de sail vetage et d'economie sociale, Bruxelles, 1876. Rapport sur l'hygiene, le sauvetage et. la condition des classes ouvrieres en Suede, redige", par ordre du Comite su6dois, par O. Printzskiild. 8". Stock- holm, 1-76. ------. Apercu des mesures prises par l'asso- ciation pour organiser l'apprentissagc des metiers et dc l'indnstrie en Danemark. Preseute au Con- gris d'hygiene et de sauvetage a Bruxelles en 1876 par le Comite" dauois. 4-''. Copenhague, 1870. ------. Expose" des mesures prises eu Dane- mark par l'etat pour reglementer le contr61e public dans les fabriqnes et les grands ateliers, surtout couceruant lc travail des enfauts et des jeuues gens, suivi de dix pieces explicatives [etc.] 4 . Copenhague, 1870. (ontixi (C.) Igiene dell'operaio. 83. Roma, 18.81. Coroxel (S. S.) De gezoudheidsleer toegepast op de fabrieknijyerheid. Een handboek voor iudustrieleu, genees- en staathuishoudkuudigen. Nieuwe uitgaaf. 8 . Amsterdam, 1803. Darwall (J.) *De morbis artificuin prae- cipue eorum qui Birniinghamire habitant. S-. Edinburgi, 1821. Ems (A. W.) Counter seats for shop-women. The stauding evil. 8-. London, 1878. Emme (V.) Opyt vyjasuenija etiologii maljarii pri rabottich z zemlei voobtsh'e i v chastuosti pri kirpichnoni proizvodstve v Ust-Ijore. S pribavle- niem sttiti "Izsledovanie Ust-ljorskich gliue na soflerjanie mikroorganismov". [Experiments in order to explain etiology of malaria iu field laborers in general aud especially in brick-mak- ers iu Ust-Ijor. Supplement to Analysis of the loam of Ust-Ijor for its contents of micro-organ- isms.] 8-\ St. Petersburg, 1880. Exgelcke (A.) * De eftectis vita? minis ac- tuosie nee non otiosie. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1744. Eulexberg (H.) Handbuch iler Gewerbe-Hy- gieue auf experimenteller Grundlage. S3. Ber- lin, 1870. Fedoroff (G.) * K voprosu o vlijami vre- meni dnja na jizuennujou emkost legkich l silu vdoclia i vydocha. Materialy dlja klinicheskich metodov izsledovanija. [On effect of temporary occupations on capacity of lungs and force of in- spiration aud expiration.] 8°. St. Petersburg, Ferrero (L. O.) Contribuzioni e studi igie- uici sul lavoro nelle campague e in parecchie arti e industrie in provincia di terra di lavoro. 8°. Caserta, 1884. Gaboriac (A.-P.) * Contribution al'e"tudedes spasmes professionnels. 4'. Paris, 1-87. Glogxer(W.) Die Krankheiteu, welchedurch den Gewerbebetrieb verursacht werden, und die volksthiimlicheiiHeilmittelderselben. --. Lieg- nitz, 1-*<(.). Godfraix (J.) * Sur l'hygiene des ouvriers des manufactures. 4°. Paris, ls52. Gollmaxx (W.) Ueber Kiiustler-Krankhei- teu. ■--. Wien, 1875. Goxod. Rapport sur l'usine Faure et Kessler. ^-\ Clermont-Ferrand, 1883. Repr. from: Trav. Cons, d'hyg. pub., Clermont-Fer- rand. 1 »:i. G>iis ^L.) La satineuse. >-. Rouen, 1830. L'l'ju-.from : Rap. Soc. libre demulat. de Rouen. , Gossk (A.-L.) * Stir les maladies canse'es par l'exercice des professions. 4J. Paris, 1816. Great Britain. Parliament. Factory and workshops acts commission. Report of the com- j missioners appointed to inquire into the working I Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). of the factory and workshops acts, with a view to their consolidation and amendment; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix, arid in- dex. 2 v. fol. London, 1870 Great Britain. Parliament. H. of Com. Re- port from the select committee on shop hours regulation bill; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evideuce, aud ap- pendix. Ord. by the H. of C. to be printed. 18 May, 1880. fol. London, 1SH>. Halfort (A. C. L.) Entstehung. Verlauf und Behandlung der Krankheiteu der Kiiustler uud Geweihetreibendeu. 8-. Berlin, 1845. Heyxe (C. G.) Morbus iugenii humani, alios ad consensum iu opinioues suas pertrahendi, sig- nis suis caussis effectisque notabilis. fol. Got- ting®, [178 3]. Hirt(L.) DieKrankheiten der Arbeiter. Bei- triige zur Fordernng der offentlicheu Gcsuud- heitsptlege. 8D. Breslau, 1871-8. CONTENTS. 1. Ahth., 1. Th. Die Staubinhalations-Krankheiten und die von iliuen besonders heimgesuchten Gewerbe- und Fa- brikbetriehe. 1. Abth., 2. Th. Die Gasinhalations-Krankheiten und die von ihuen besonders heimgesuchten Gewerbe- und Fa- brikbetriebe. 1. Ahth., 3. Th. Die gewerblichen Vergiftungen und die von ihneu besonders heimgesuchten Gewerbe- und Fabrik- betriebe. 2. Ahth. Die ausseren (sc. chirurgischen) Krankheiten der Arheiter. Also [Rev.]: of 1. Abth. 2. Theil. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xiii, 241-300. Also [Rev.]: of 2. Abth. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zurich, 1879, viii, 189-191. Hoffman (F.) & Ramazini (B. A) A disser- tation on eudemical diseases . . . together with a treatise on the diseases of tradesmen. Trans- lated by Dr. James. 8-. London, 174(5. Jacquot(A.-B.) * Considerationsliygie"uiques sur les manufactures. 4°. Paris, 1844. Jaessixg (F. G.) * De morbis ex vita> geuere. 4 . Lipsia; 1774. Jarvis (E.) Connection of occupation with longevity. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Kay (J. P.) The moral and physical condition of the working classes employed iu the cotton manufacture iu Manchester. 8°. London, 1832. Konrich (F.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Be- schaftigung auf den Organismus. 8-. Wiirz- burg, 1^04. Lakeman (J. B.) Health in the workshop. 8°. London, 1884. Layet (A. [-E.]) Hygiene des professions et des industries, pre'ee'dee d'une etude geu6rale des moyens de prevenir et de combat tie les ef- fets nuisibles de tout travail professionnel. 12°. Paris, 1875. ------. The same. Allgemeine und specielle Gewerbe - Pathologie und Gewerbe - Hygiene. Deutsche Ausgabe vou Dr. Friedrich Meinel. 8Z. Erlangen, 1>77. Lectures delivered iu the lecture room of the Industrial and Technological Museum, Mel- bourne, Australia, during the autumn session of 1871. 83. Melbourne, 1871. Lemoigxe (A.) L' igiene deicontadini consi- derate nei loro rapporti col bestiame. 12-\ Mi- lano, 188Q. Lincoln (D. F.) School and industrial hy- giene. 16-. Philadelphia, 1880. Maherbe. Lapelote hygie"uique. s . [A"a«- tes, n. d.] Marteac (J.) * De l'influence des arts sur la saute" de ceux qui les exercent. 4;. Montpellier [an IX (1-01)]. OCCUPATIONS. 69 OCCUPATIONS. Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). Moellexdorff (G.) * Negotia comparata cum morbis, qui ex iis proveniuut. 8°. Bero- lini, [1832]. Moscow. Sbornik statisticheskich svedenii po Moskovskoi guberuii. Otdel sanit. statist. T. iii, V. ix. Sauit. izsledov. fabrichnich zave- denii Mosk. uezda. Chast iii. F. F. Erismann. [Sanitary examinations of manufacturing estab- lishments.] 8\ Moskva, 1883. Muratoff (I.) "Matcriali k izsledovan. zdo- rovja fabrichnich rabochich i mjasinkov posred. opredelenija rosta, viesa, okrnjuosti grudi i jiz- nennoi emkosti legkich. [Sanitary condition of factory workers and butchers, comparing size, weight, circumference of chest, aud vital capac- ity.] s-. st. Petersburg, 1883. Xaudet (S.-V.-(').) "■■ Essai sur l'hygiene du labotircur. 4C. Paris, 1801. Xohle (D.) Facts and observations relative to the influence of manufactures upon health and life. ~ . London, 1*43. Xcsser (J.) * Ueber Krankheiteu bei Gewer- ben iiberhaupt uud iiber eiue bei Seifensiedern vorkonnnende Hautwassersucht. 8^. Miinchen, 1838. Oldendorff (A.) Der Einfluss der Beschsif- tiguug auf die Lebensdauer des Menschen, nebst Erorterung der wesentlichsten Todesursachen. 8D. Berlin, 1877. Orjollet (J.-B.-A.) *De l'influence de cer- taiues professions comme cause de maladies, et de quelques moyens pre"servatifs et curatifs. 4C. Paris, 1823. Pa ussier (P.) Traite" des maladies des arti- sans, et de celles qui r6sultent des diverses pro- fessions, d'apres Raiuazzini; ouvrage dans lequel on indique les precautions (pie doivent prendre, sons le rapport de la salubrite" pnblique et par- ticuliere, les fabricaus, les mauufacturiers, les chefs d'ateliers, les artistes, et toutes les person- nes qui exercent des professions insalubres. S-. Paris, 1822. Perfileff (M. O.) Ocherki fabrichnozavods- kago byta v Rossii. [The condition of working- men in manufactories.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Plate (A.) * De vi quam opificia in sanitatem exercent. 8-. Berolini, [1836]. Poeppl (A.) *De opificiorum in hominum sanitatem infltixu. 8°. Monachii, 1832. Popper (M.) Lehrbuch der Arbeitkrankhei- ten und Gewerbehy^iene. 8-. Stuttgart, 1882. Poto.ieff (A. V.) Sanitarnoe izsliedovanie fabrichnich zavednii Bogorodskago uiezda. Chast i. Izdiinie Mosk. gub. zemstva. [Sani- tary investigation of the manufacturing estab- lishments of the Bogorodski district. Part i. Issued by the Moscow government assembly.] bJ. Moskva, 1883. Ramazzixi (B.) De morbis artificuin. 8 . Mu tin®, 17 00. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12-'. Ultrajecti, 1703. -----. The same. Nuuc accedit snpplemen- tum ejusdem argumenti, ac disscrtatio de sacra- rum virginnm valetudine tuenda. 16°. Venetiis, 174:5. -----. The same. A treatise of the diseases of tradesmen, shewing the various influence of particular trades upon the state of health ; with the best methods to avoid or correct it, and use- ful hints proper to be minded in regulating the cure of all diseases incident to tradesmen. Writ- ten in Latin and now done in English. 8°. Lon- don, 17o:,. Also, in: Hoffman (F.) A dissertation on endemial diseases. 8°. London, 1740, 35-296. Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). -----. The same. Die Krankheiteu der Kiinstler und Handwerker und die Mittel sich von denselben zu schiitzen. Ein belehrendes uud unterhaltendes Handbuch fiir Sanitats- und Po- lizeybcamte, praktische Aerzte, Fabrikbesitzer, Professionisten und Gebildete aus alien Stliii- den. Nach dem Italienischen des . . . neubear- beitet von Ph. Patissier. Aus dem Franzdsi- schen iibersetzt, mit Yorrede und Zusiitzen von Julius Heinrich Gottlieb Schlegel. 8°. Ilmenau, 1823. -----. The same. Essai sur les maladies des artisans; traduit du latiu, avec des notes et des additions, par de Fourcroy. Nouv. e"d., faite sur celle de 1778. In: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 7. div., [v. xiii], 1-164. / Riadore (J. E.) On the remediable evils at- tending the life of the people engaged in profes- sions, commerce, trade, and labour; embracing the causes of illness and premature death; the moral, social, and commercial evils arising from protracted application to business, imperfect ventilation, and supply of water, light, etc., and suggestions for ameliorating the condition of the productive classes; for a national system of edu- cation for superintending the interest of the people, and for employing aud training criminals. 12°. Lontlon, 1847. Richald. Gesundheitspflege derjenigen Be- rufsarten, welche vorwiegend mit geistiger Ar- beit beschiiftigt sind oder eine sitzende Lebens- weise fiihren. Autorisirte deutscbe Ausgabe vou Dr. . . . Hygiene des professionslibe"rales. Eiue freie, auf Grand der vierten Auflage vorgeuom- mene und durch mannigfache Zusiitze erweiterte Uebersetzung von H. Goullon. 8°. Cbthen,l882. Romanelli (L.) L' influeuza delle arti e dei mestieri sulla salute degli operai; relazione igienico-statistica. sm. 4-. Napoli, 1879. Roose (R.) The wear aud tear of Loudon life. 12°. London, 1886. Skragge (X.) *Diss. medicam qua morbi ar- tificuin leviter adumbrautur . . . subjicit. 4J. Upsali®, [1765]. Sorexsex (T.) De 0konomiske Forholds og Beskjad'tigelsens Indflydelse paa D0delighedeu. 1. Afdel. 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1884. Stockman (J. F. R.) *De prsecipuis morbis arti dees iu patria nostra adorientibus. 4°. Gand®, [1*28]. Tiiackraii (C. T.) The effects of the princi- pal arts, trades and professions, and of civic states and habits of living, on health and lon- gevity ; with a particular reference to the trades and manufactures of Leeds, and suggestions for the removal of many of the agents which pro- duce disease and shorten the duration of life. From the Lond. ed., witli improvements. 2. ed. 16°. Philadelphia, 1831. -----. The same. 2. ed., greatly enlarged. 8C. London, 1832. Tissot (S.-A.-D.) Essai sur les maladies des gens du monde. 3. 6d. 12c. Paris, 1771. Tralles (J. W.) * De pneservandis artificum ct opiticum morbis. 4°. Hal® Magdeb., [1745]. Vadovich (G.) "De morbis artificuin et opifi- cuin. s . Budee, 1828. \rACHER (F.) Occupation in relation to dis- ease. Health lectures for the people. 6°. Man- chester <.y London, 1887. Vaucel (C.-X.) ■' Quelques causesde maladies chez les ouvriers. 4-. Paris, 1833. Vernois (M.) Note sur la preparation des soies de pores et de sangliers et sur les ateliers de brosserie. 8°. Paris, 1801. OCCUPATIONS. 70 OCCUPATIONS. Occupation* and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). -----. De la main des ouvriers et des arti- sans au poiut de vue de riiygiene et de la me'de- ciue 16gale. 8C. Paris, 1802. Also, in: Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1862, 2. s., xvii, 104-190. Yillerme. Tableau de l'e"tat physique et | moral des ouvriers employes dans les manufac- tures de coton, de laine et de soie. Ouvrage en- trepris par ordre de l'Acade"mie des sciences morales et politiques. 2 v. 8-\ Paris, 1840. Waldschmiedt (J. J.) A: Waldschmiedt (W. H.) Disputatio medica de morbis aulicis. 4 . Marburgi Catiorum, [1686]. "Warmoxt (A.) Lettrc a M. Colchin, sur l'hy- giene professionnelle de la manufacture de Saint- Gobaiu. 4°. [Chauny (Aisne), 1871.] Wiardi (E.) *De vita sedeutaria. 4:. Gro- ningtc, [1734]. Willis (T.) Facts connected with the social and sanitary condition of the working classes in the city of Dublin, with tables of sickness, med- ical attendance, deaths, expectation of life, etc.; together with some gleauiugs from the census returns of 1841. 8-. Dublin, 1845. Wixg (C.) Evils of the factory system demon- strated by parliamentary evidence. 8°. London, 1837. Auibrosioni (P.) Chirurgiche in genere: profession^ Rcndie. .statist, san. d. osp. civ. di Sampierdarena 1874-8, Geuova, 1880, 178-191— Andrcac. Ueber die Dauer der tiigliehen Arbeitszeit in den Riibenzuckerfabriken. Zt- schr f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1851, lxi, 1-:S7.—Ailhlye (J. T.) On occupations in their relations to health and life. Ill it. M. J., Loud., 187S, ii. 239-244.—Arnould (.1.) Con- ditions de salubrite des ateliers de gazago dans los filatures de coton. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1879, 3. s.,"i, 97-127. Also, Re- print. -----. La fabrication du bleu d'outreiner, hygiene industrielle et hygiene administrative. Ibid., 1884, 3. s., xii, 404-423. — Astcjjiauo Hi.) Contrihuto alio studio delle malattie nrofosionali. Gior. med d. r. esercito, etc., Roma. 1886. xxxiv, 1025-1U48. — Bacrureithcr (J. M.) Die Statistik iiber Ai beitslose in England. Arch. f. soziale (leset/.gvb. u. Statist.. Tubing.. 1888, i, 43-68. — Brail- iiraud ill.) Manufactures. (Hygiene professionnelle.) (Bibliographie ) Diet, eneycl. cl. sc. med., Par., 1871, 2. s., iv, 614-650.-----. Hygiene"publiqne. Fabrication. Ibid.. 1870, xviii, 787-789.—de Kianvai>, Rapport sur uu eas d'osteo-periostite aigue, multiple, tres-etendue, chez uu apprenti ajusteur-inccanieien. [With discussion.J Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1878, 2. s., 1, 362-384. — Bchrcnd (F. J.) Ueber den Einfluss der Beschaftigung auf die Gesundheit uud Sterbliehkeit: 1) Masehinisten ( Lokoinotivfiihrer) uud Heizerauf Eisenhahneu. 2) Fleischer. 3) Kautschuk- arbeiter. 4) Kohleugrubenarbeiter. 5) Die Krankheiten der Tapeteudrucker, Tapetenmahr, Vei fertiger kiinstli- cher Blumen, und aller der Personen, welche Zeuge oder Sloffe. die mit Arsenikgriin gefiirbt, verarbeiten. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk.. Erlang., 1860, lxxx, 1: 1861, lxxxi, 78.— Beimel ill.) Die Professionisten uud die "Wehrkraft von dem Webrgosetze. Militaerarzl, Wien, 1877, xi, 143; 152.— Beyer. Ueber die praktische Durchfiihrnng der Fa- brikhygiene. Deutscher Ver. f. iiff. < isndhtsptlg. Ber., etc.. 1877. Brnschwg.. 1878. v, 137-199 —Bierbauiii (J.) Arbeit und ilir gesuudheitlicher Schutz. Deutsche Zt- schr. _f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1867, n. F.. xxv, 3-66.— Blaise (E.) 6c A'apias (II.) Note sur les poussieres in- dustrielles ; modifications a ap])oi-ter a la legislation en ma- tiere d'hygiene industrielle. Bull. Soc. de, med. pul). 1883, Par., 1884. vi, 358r369 —Blerzy (Hi Etudes sur les tra- vaux publics. L'assainisscnient des fabriques et des villes. Rapports sur l'assaiuissemeut industriel et municipal eu Angleterre (1804), dans la Belgique et la Prnsse lhenane (1865). en France (1866), par M. C. de Freycinet. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1867, lxix, 545-579.—Booth (C.) Oc- cupations of the people of the United Kingdom. 1801-81. J. Statist. Soc. Loud., 1886. xlix, 314-444. — Boruttau (C.) Die Gewerkschafts- Kraiikenkassen und ihr Beruf, die wichtigsten Organe der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege zu werden. YVYhnbl. f. med. Statist, u. Epidemiol, Beil., 187(1. v, 118; 130; 137.— Braun. Das gcsetzliehe AVandern der Handwerker und die Bedingungen zu deu ;n z,ilie|ieu Zeugnissen iiber das Unvei iniigen zu waudern. Zt-.-lii. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1837. xxxiii, 428-433.— Iti:iii«ei-. Das Reichsgesetz betretfend die Kraiiki-n- vt-isiclieuing der Arbeiter voin 15. Juni 1>83. Aerztl. Int.-III.. Miinchen, 1884. xxxi. 119-123. — Breiiioud fl'.i Hygiene professionnelle. f From : Diet. d. >c iudust. J Mouveuient hyg.. Unix.. 1884-5, i, lss-196.—Brilliant (C. H.) Influence of occupations upon health. Rep Bd. j >CCii|>atioilM and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). Health Mich. 187"), Lansing, 1876. iii, 41-54. — Kiiviowc (J. S.) Industrial diseases. Internat. Health E\h Con- fer., Lond., 1884, [no. 2], 99-139. A ho: Med. 'limes Ac Gaz Lond., 1884, i, 821-827. Also: Tr. Soc. M. Otf. Health' Lond., 1883-4, 143-165.—Broca. Note sur une deforma- tion du crane propreaux seieurs delong; periostose proles- sionnelle de la paroi cranienue. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., ix, 24-20—Buclmer (E.) Drei sanitatspolizei- liche Gutachten iiber: I. Bereitung vou Steinpappe. II. Thierhaarbereitung. III. Rothgerberei. I bid., 1862, lxxxiv, 354-303—Biicliner. Ueber die Nachtheile der Glaskugeln. deren sich nianche Handwerker bei Nacht bedienen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1835, xxx, 445-450.—Cadet tic CJiissitoiirt, Considerations sta- listiques sur la sante des ouvriers. Mem. Soc. med. demulat. de Par., 1817, viii, pt. 1, 160-104. Also, transl: Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1819, i, 542-564. —tic Cas- telnau ( B. ) Note sur l'influence de la detention, des diverses industries, et du nouveau regime des maisons centrales, sur les detenus de la maison de Nimes, pour l'annee 1839. Ann. d'livg.. Par., 1842. xxvii. 198-215.— Certifying factory surgeons, l'.rit. M. .].. Lond., 1876, ii, 835-837.—tie Ceuleneer Van Bouwel. De. l'hy- giene dans ses rapports avec les industries modernes. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1861, xxii, 289; 345; 4nl ; 456; 521; 585: 1862, xxiii. 73: 152; 217; 291; 367; 450.—Chare (D. E.) Diseases of shop-girls in notes of private practice. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings Brooklyn, 1881-2, vi, 83-91.— Chcvallicr (A.) De la fabrication des amorces: des clangers quelle pent (aiiser, de la rcspnnsabilite du tabri- c ant. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xliii. 3i:0-335.—Chris- tie (J.) On the hygiene of trades. [Abstr.] San. Jour., Clasg.. 1882-3, n. s., vi, 193-207. — Cles*. Beitrage zu einer Krankheitsstatiatik der Gewerbe. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1842, iii, 258-274, 1 tab.— Colin (H.) Scbul- tische auf der schlesischen Industrie-Ausstelluug. Jah- resb. d. schles. Oesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, 1881, Brest, 1882, lix, 234-238. — Conilition of workiugmen's families. Rep. Bureau Statist. Labor, Bost., 1875, vi, 189-490.— Coronet (S. S.) Een beroep op de goede gezindheid der Industrielen in Nederland. Schat d. Gezondh., Haarlem, 1861, iv, 13-20. -----. Leven en werken. Ibid., 300-319. -----. De diamantwerkers te Amsterdam. Eene bygie- nisehe studie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, viii, 633-650.—van den Corput (E.) Des accidents aux- quels sont sujets les ouvriers qui fabriquent l'amadou, et du developpeinent de certains vegetaux dans l'organisme animal. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1850, x, 336- 343.—Cutis (W. H.) On the injurious effects of close con- finement and overwork. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 90-95. Also, Reprint.—Bar wall (J.)' Arti- sans, Diseases of. C.vcl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), Phila., 1845, i, 170-182.—Diilay \etal.]. Redigei pour les ouvriers lyon- nais un opuscule oil ils puissent trouver les notions qu'il leur huporte le plus de posseder sur leurs interets hygieni- ques et sanitaires. Rapport sur les memoires envoyes au concours ouvert en 1854 par la Societe de medecine sur cette question. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon. 1856, 2. s., iv, 33-51. — Didot (A.) Apenju sur la condition des ou- vriers et des enfauts dans les manufactures, mines et usi- nes de latrondissement de Diuant, province de Namur. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vii, 98; 126. Also, Reprint.—Diseases of artisans. The inhala- tion of gases and vapours. San. Rec, Lond., 1875, 109- 111. — Bisque. Ueber den Einfluss der .Fabrikarbeit auf die (iesundheitsverhaltnisse der Arbeiter in Thann im Ober-Elsass. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1882, vii, 99-113. — Brouineau ( G.) Note sur lindustrie des buandiers et la legislation actuelle coueernant les eta- blissements insalubres; [avec discussion]. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1879, i, 047-058. -----. Sur les conditions sanitaires des ouvriers des grands chantiers. Ibid.. 1881. iii, 498- 500.—Duchesne & IVlirhel (E.) Les albatriers. Bull. Soc. med. prat, de Par., 1881. 113-115. Alxo: France med., Par.. 1881, ii, 004-000.— Du Claux (V.) Les accidents du travail. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 481 -490. — Dvorjashiii (X.) K voprosu o gigienie rabochago kla^sa st(dit>i. [Hvgiene of laboring classes.] Zdorovje, St. Petersb., 1880. vi. 393-395.—Edmonds (T. R.) On the mortality and sickness of artisans in Loudon. Lancet, Lond., 1838-9, ii, 185-193.—Employers' liability for per- sonal injuries to tln-ii employees. Rep. Bureau Statist. Labor, Bost., 1883, xiv, 3-177.—Erisuiauii (Fj Gigiena fabriehuikh rabochikh, reineslennikov i podenshchikov. [Hygiene of operatives and artisans.] Shorn. Michin. po smiebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1877, i, 13; sec. 4. 798-976.— Eulcubcrg. Snperarbitrium, etc., betreffend die Todes- art des Fabrikarbeiters A. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1876, u. F., xxv, 209-228. -----. Snperarbitrium der kgl. wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwe- sen betreffend die Befre iung eines Weges von den daselbst aufgefahrenen Si h wefelkies-Riickstanden. Ibid., 1880, n. F., xxxii, 79-94. — Farrar (J. Xi Importance of direct sunlight in the work room: usefulness i" art, and its bear- ings upon the general health. Tr. Am. Dental Ass., OCCUPATIONS. 71 OCCUPATIONS. Occupation* and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). Elgin, 1877, xvii, 77-85. Also, Reprint. — Ferraz de JIacrilo (J.) Proposta sobre o trabalho das creancas. Correio med. de Lisb., 1875-6, v, 278-283.—de Freycinet t C. ) Hygiene industrielle en Angleterre ; rapport sur 1'assainissement des fabriques ou des procedes d'industries insalubres en Angleterre. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxii, 245: 1805, 2. s., xxiii, 51-107.—Fuchs (C. H.) Ueber den Einfluss der verschiedenen Gewerbe auf den Gesund- heitszustand und die Mortalitat der Kiinstler und Hand- werker in den Bliithenjahren ; nach den Tabellen des In- stituts fiir kranke Gesellen zu Wiirzhurg vou 1780 bis 1834. Ein Beitrag zur mediciniseheu Statistik. Wisseusch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, xxxii, 385-419. — Ge (A.) Porajenie nosovoi polosti rabochich, prigotovliajoutschich dvuchromokisloe kali. [Disease of nose arising during manufacture of bichromate of potash.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1882, xxi, 735; 749; 764; 800— Crclincnu. L'ile d Veil; habitants; industries: maladies professionnelles; a fleet ions hereditaires. J. d'hyg.. Par., 1884, x, 52; 64;76.— George (H.) L'hygiene de l'ouvrier dans l'atelier et dans 1 usine. Rev. scient.. Par.. 1882, xxix, 717-722.— GS-inc (J.) Higiene del trabajo. Independ. med.. Barcel.. 1877, xii, 201; 213; 225; 261; 273; 289; 302.— Gotd. Die Arbeitszeit der Fabrikarbeiter, mit besondeier Beriick- sichtigung der in Elsass-Lothriugen bestehenden Gesetz- gebung. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1877. ii, 20- 31.—Gottstcin (J.) & Kayser(R) Ueber die Gehors- vermiuderung bei Schlosseru und Schmieden. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 205-207. —Graiirihoiiintc. Jahres-Bericht pro 1878 iiber die Arbeiter-Ei ktaukuugen auf den Fabriken der Herren Meister, Lucius und Briining in Hochst a. M. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rheiu. Ver. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg., Kolu, 1879, viii, 86-90.—Griinther (R.B.) Gutachten iiber die sauitatspolizeiliche Zuliissigkeit der Errichtung einer Argentanfabrik zu Auerhammer bei Schueeberg im siichs. Erzgebirge. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Erlang., 1859, iii, 82-84.—Guerard (A.) Hygiene des ouvriers charges du service des inoteurs a vapeur. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1873, 2. s., xl, 347-305.—Guer- mouprcz (F.) Estudio sobre las heridas de los carpin- teros. ebauistas y dem&s obivros que trabajan la madera. Enciel. med.-farm., Barcel., 1884, viii, 147; 163; 182; 197; 215; 227. -----. Piaies des ouvriers en bois; plaies par peignes de filature. [Rev. of two brochures, in sD. Lille, by E. Monin.J J. d'hyg.. Par.. 1884, ix, 77-79.-Guy (W. A.) Health of towns commission. Minutes of evidence on the influence of employments upon health. Rep. Com. inq. state large towns [etc.], fol., Lond., 1844, i, 343-349. Also: Ibid., 8D, Lond., 1844, i, 89-102. Also, Reprint. -----. Contributions to a knowledge of the influence of employ- ments upon health. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1843, vi, 197; 283: 1844, vii, 232. -----. Influence of employments upon health. Lancet. Lond., 1845, ii, 147; 176. — Haller (C.) Ueber deu Einfluss der Beschaftigung als Krankheitsur- sache. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxiv, 9-18. -----. Ueber das Zusammenschlafen der Gewerbs-Arbeiter. Wchubl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1861, xvii, 141; 152. — Hannover (A.) Die Krankheiteu der Handwerker. Ein Beitrag zur Kenut- niss zunachst der Verhaltnisse iu Copenhagen. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1861, 33; 41; 49. Also, transl.: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1802. 2. s., xvii, 294-316, 1 tab.—Health of custom-house officers. (Abstractof the " Report of the health of the custom-house officers for 1871 ", by Dr. Walter Diekson, medical inspector.) Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1872, ii, 469.—Hirt (L.) Die Ar- beiterhygiene auf der internationalen Ausstellung in Briis- sel. Deutsche Vrtijschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1877, ix, 391-396. -----. Fabriken. In : Handb. d. Hvg., etc , 8°, Leipz., 1882, 2. Theil, 2. Ahth.. 183-204.—Hoflel. Ueber die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse der Arbeiter in deu Fabriken von Buchsweiler. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb.. 1878. iii, 111-127. — von Houigsherg. Ge- sundheitssehadlicbo Einwirkung der Batteriekainuier uud des cliemischeu Laboratoriums einer Telegrafeuaustalt auf die in der aiistossenden "Wohuuug bettndlichen Indivi- duen. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 220—Holdeii (E.) Relative mortality of mariners, railroad men, and travel- lers. Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1876, clxi, 102-113.—Roman (G.) The leading local productive industries, and their effect on the health and lives of their operatives. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1884. Concord, N. H., 1885, x, 327.— Houles (Lnbbe A.) & de Pietra Mauta. Histoired'un atelier et dun village. In .- Houles (L'abbe A.) Action du cuivre sur lecouotnie, sD, Par., 1884, 12-19.—Iliuski (P. A.) K voprosu ob iskusstvennom vechernem osviets- henii iii rabochich komnat. [Illumination of the rooms of the working classes.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1883, viii, 4207-4211.—Influence (On the) of manufactures on health. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond., 1843, xv, 286-314.— Influence (De 1') des professions sur la duree de la vie. Ann. de deinog. internat., Par., 1880, iv, 213-221.—Ire- land (J. H.) The preventable causes of disease,^njury. and death iu American manufactories and workshops, and the best means and appliances for preventing and avoiding Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). them. In: American Public Health Association. Public health. The Lomb prize essays, 8°, Concord, N. H., 1886, 137-153. Also, Reprint.—Jausscns. Rapport sur les moyens d'uniformiser, dans les ditl'erents etats. les statis- tiques de la mortalite pour les diverses professions, en tenant compte des habitudes des ouvriers et des substances qu'ils doivent employer. (Avec debat.) Cong, internat. d'hyg., Brux., 1876, i, 766-793, 1 tab.—Johnson (G.) Ou the etiology and pathology of the so-called "dentist's leg ". Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 282. Also, in his: Med. Lett. & Essays, 8°, Loud., 1887, 301-303.—von Juraschek (F.) Einfluss der Berufsverhiiltnisse auf Erkrankung uud Sterblichkeit. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1888, xxxiii, 143 ; 156; 181; 209; 224.—.lurjjiclewiez & Bvrcwiecki. Memoire sur la necessite d'introduire 1'iisage de masques etderespirateurs dans certaines fabriques et usines. Ibid., 861-871 —liayser (R.) Ueber den Einfluss des Berufs auf Sterblichkeit und Lebensdauer. Nach dem Material des stiidt. statistisehen Bureau zu Breslau. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1880, n. F., xxxiii, 120-141.—Ker- schensteiner (J.) Die Further Industrie in ihrem Ein- flusse auf die Gesuudheit der Arbeiter. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miincheu, 1874, xxi, 305; 315; 329.—Koblanh. Vorlau- fige Bemerkungen zur Physiognomik der verschiedenen Handwerker und zu deren Pathologie und Therapie. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1856, Ixxi. 11-21. -----. Ueber Krankheiteu, wozu das Tisehlerhaudwerk ibs- ponirt, in sanitiitspolizeilicher Beziehuug. Ibid., 1859, lxxvii, 1-9.—Kffichlin-Schwartz. De 1'iuflueuce du revetement du sol des ateliers sur les pieds et les jambes des ouvriers qui v travaillent. Bull. Soc. de med. nub. 1883, Par.. 1884, vi.' 95-97. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1883, v, 291- 294.—Kiiapp (!'. C.) A case of professional neurosis of co-ordination of unusual origin. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., X. V., 1887, n s , xii, 41-45. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. .£: S. J., 1886, cxv, 577.—Kriudaeh (N.) Fabrich. trudi i holiezui rabochich. [Factory labor and the diseases of workmen. ] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach., Moskva, 1880, 50-90. — Lachaise. Rapport fait au miuistre des tra- vaux publics sur l'etat sanitaire des ouvriers parisiens em- ployes aux travaux de canalisation de la Sologue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 495-497. — Lagucau (G. ) De l'influence des professions sur l'accroissement de la popu- lation. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 740-742.— Lanr (W. A.) A remarkable example of the manner iu which pressure-changes in the skeleton may reveal the labour history of the individual. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1880-7, xxi, 385-406. -----. Some changes in the form of the acetabular cavities, spiual column, and joints of the hand, illustrated by the anatomy of the charwoman. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, 3. s., xxix, 359-367. — Layet (A.) La fabrication de la soude; i, bygieue du voisinage; ii, hygiene des ouvriers; iii, mesures prophylactiques. Rev. san. de Bordeaux [etc.], 1883-4, i, 93. -----. Le sur- meuage du eieur chez l'apprenti. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 289-293.—lie Coniat (F.) Effets de l'exces de fatigue chez les chauffeurs. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1868, x, 351-358.—lieloir (H.) Dennite professionnelle speciale (eczema des fileurs et varouleurs de lin). Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1885, 2. s., vi, 129-132. — Leudct ( E. ) Etude clinique de la nevrite cubitale provoquee par les contusions et compressions repetees resultant de l'exercice de quelques professions. Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1883, Par., 1884. xii, 766-779.—Lewj- (E.) Die Arbeitszeit in deu Fabriken vom sanitaren Stand- punkt. Wien. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 510--518. _____-, Welche Anforderungen hat die dffentliche Cesuudheits- pflege an die Gesetzgobuug betreffs Beschaftigung der Frauen und Kinder in Fabriken zu stelleu ; Meil.^chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, xi, 75; 87; 99. -----. Die Fort- schritte der Industrie und ihr Einfluss auf die Berufs- kraukheiten der Arbeiter. Deutsche Rev., Berl.. 1879, iii, 382-398.— I.inoli (G.) Intorno alia salute degli esercenti 1' arte della paulia. Sperimentale, Firenze. 1877. xl, 261- 279.—liOinbroso (C ) Saggidi igiene tecnologica. Igea, Milano, 1865, iii, 193; 209; 259; 289.—.TI'Cready (B. W.) On the influence of trades, professions, aud occupations in the United States iu the production of disease: being the prize dissertation for 1837. Tr. M. Soc. N. V.. Albany, 1836-7, iii, 91-150.—.Tlaekensie (S.) Table to show the distribution of diseases with reference to the patients' oc- cupations and social conditions. Lond. Hosp. Rep., 1875, 121-125.—'.Tlacouehy (J. K.) A comparison between the accidents which have occurred in scutch mills, aud iu factories subject to government inspection, as they have come under my notice during the eight years of my con- nexion with the County Down Tuftrmarv. Dublin' Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii, 65-70.— VI'William (J. O.) Statisti- cal account of the health of the waterguard aud waterside officers H. M. customs. London, during teu years ended 31st December, 1856. Tr. Xat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1857. Lond., 1858. 392-403.—.Haladics professionnelles. Rap. gen. Cons, d'hvg. pub. de la Seine 1802-6, Par., 1870, 61-75—.Tlanouvriez (A.) Troubles digestifs et respi- ratoires des garoous de caisse (luanieurs d'argent) de la OCCUPATIONS. 72 OCCUPATIONS. Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). bauque de France. Bull, med du nord, Lille. 1878. xvii, 410-413—.'lapolher (E. D.) The prevention of artisan's dUeaM'-. Leetureson Public Health, Dubl., 1874. 132-147.— lie la Tlardiere. Rapport adresse ilia Societe de me- deciuede Poitiers, pour repondre a une lettre eeriteau pre- sident de la Societe par M. Fradin, president du comite d eiH|Ui'tesurramelioration du sortdes travailleurs. Bull. So,-, de med. de Poitiers, 1849. xv, 1-28.—.Uarie (P.) ,V lioudc (A.) Intoxication merctirielle professionnelle consecutive a l'usage de capsules au fulminate. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 16-21— .Tlatth yssens ( F.-J. i Rap- port sur le travail des enfants et la condition des ouvriers d ins la province d'An vers. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1844, i, 165-235.—.Vleinoirr sur la condition des classes ouvrieres et sur le travail des enfauts. Ann. de Cons. centr. de salub. pub. de Brux., 1846, iii. 1-280.—.TIerat. Maladies des artisans. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1818, xxx, 2U9-236.—.Tlott (C.) Ou the state of the labouring classes in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, and Staffordshire. San. Inquiry, England, Lond.. 1812, 232-250— Vliillcr. Der Einfluss iler Sch warz- waliler Uhrmacherei auf die Gesundheit der Bevolkerung. Aer/tl Mitth. a. Baden. Karlsruhe. 1863, xvii, 17-23.— IVapia* (H.) L inspection hygienique des fabriques et at-lier>. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 412-425. -----. Salu'orite et securite du travail dans les etablissemeuts in- dustriels, manufactures, fabriques, usiues, mines, chan- tiers et ateliers. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1881, Par., 1885. xiv, 353-407. -----. Note sur l'hygiene professionnelle des ouvriers en fleurs artiticielles. Aiiii. d'hyg.. Par.. 1885. 3. s., xiii. 149-152. -----. Rap- port sur la regleuientation en matiere d'hygiene industri- elle. Cong, iuternat. d'hyg. et de demog. 1884, La Have, 1885, ii, 207-221. -----. Note sur les poussieres iudustri- elles : principes d'assainisseinent des industries a poussio- res. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1885, xvii, 33-3,5.—Pri- son (F. G. P.) The influence of occupation upon health, as shown by the mortality experienced. J. lust. Actua- ries, etc., Lond., 1873, xvii, 95-120— Neumann (S.) Zur Krankheitsstatistik der Berliner Gesellen und Fabrikar- beiter. 1851-63. Monatsbl f. med. Statist, ii. off. Gsudhts- ])llg . Hrl., I8d4, 21-30 — \<-wm a n ill. A.) [etal.]. Pull- man. Uep. Bureau Staiist. Labor. Bost., 1885, xvi, 3-26.— i\iUolaetr (F.) Proniishlennost kak piichiua holaiznei. [ Uuwhob some occupations.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Pe- tersb., 1870, i, no. 08, 4; no. 70, 3: no. 71, 4. — Uesterlen (F.) Zur Geschichte der industriellen Bevolkerung und eiuer neuen Fabrikverordnung im Kanton Zurich. Zt- ] schr. f. Hyg., Tiibing., 1859-60, i, 522-582 — Oldrudorli (A.) Der Einfluss der Fabrikgesetzgebung iu England auf die Sterblichkeit der Frauen und Kinder. Ergnzngs- hft. z. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1883-4, i, 129- 153, 2 diag. — Orion" (V. D.) Gigieua ua Vscrossiiskoi Chudojestx enno-Proniisblenuoi Moskovskoi vistavke (1882 g.) [Hygiene at the trades exhibition in Moscow.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. g Ivazini, 1883. vii. 25; 41; 01; 105- 121; 142: 155; 169; 191. — Parent - Buchatelet. Me- moire sur les debardeurs de la ville de Paris, ou recher- ches sur l'influence que peut avoir sur la saute, l'immer- sion long-temps prolougee. des extr6mites inferieures, daus l'eau froide. Anu. d'hyg.. Par., 1830, iii, 215; 293. -----. Sur la cuisson des tripes de boeufs et sur la classi- fication de cette Industrie. Ibid . 352-358. — Pccholicr G.) &. Saiulpicrre (C.) Etude sur l'hygiene des ou- vriers peaussieis du departetneut de l'Herault. Montpel. med., 1864. xii, 301-331 Also, Kepiiut. -----. Etude d'hy- giene sur quelques industries des bonis du Lez. Montpel. med., 1804, xii, 493-515. Al«> [Abstr.] : Caz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1864, 2. s., i, 3*7 — Pcskotr (P. A.) K voprosu o ponijaioutsliem vlijauii fabricbiiago truda na tieloslojenie rabochich. [The deleterious influences of manufactories upon the constitution of the workmen.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb.. 1883, iv, 419; 439; 459.—Poincare. Daugers de la fabrication des objets en carton vernisses et laques. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1881. 3. s.. v, 132-138.—Polizc i-Vcr- orduun<; der koniglicheu Regierung in Diisseldorf, be treff-ml deal Schutz der in gewerbliehen Aulagen b :scli;if- tigten Arbeiter wider Gefahreu fiir Leben und Gesundheit. Cor.-Bl. d. uied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Kiiln, 1875, iv, 80-88— Poncet (A.) Note sur une deformation du crane propre aux scieurs de long ; periostose profession- nelle de la paroi cranienue. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1879), 1883. xix. pt. 2, 243-240. — Poore (G. V.) Clinical lecture ou a case of Lnmm-rmau's cramp. Lancet, Lond., 1880. ii, 33 s-335 — Popautlopul (V. K.) O vlijanii roda zanjatii ua vospriim. k zuaziiini boliezn. [Effeetof occupation in the liabilitv to contagious diseases.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1886, vii, 4lo - Popper iii.) Bei- triigezui (lewerbe-Pathologie. \'i-t 1 i-i-iit. !. gericlitl. Med., B.-rl.. 1879. n. F., xxx. 98-118.—Praktische (Ueber die) Durcbfuhrung der Fabrikln giene. [Discussion] Deut- sche Vrtlj-chr. f. off. CMclhtsptlg., Brnschwg, 1878. x, 137-200. —Pro mi shlenuaja i professionaluaja higiena! jHvgiene of trades aud prole —ions.] Shorn, sjchiu. po sudebuoi med., St. Petersb.. 1870. ii, 577-704 —Proposta Occupation*!! and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). regulando o tra'ialho dos menores de um e outro sexo ua industria. J. S >c. d sc. med. de Lisb., 1880. xliv, 130-153. Also: Gaz. med. da B.ihia, 1880-81, 2. s., v, 322; 375; 401; 468; 514; 564.—Proust (A.) Nonvelle maladie professionnelle chez les polisseiises de camees. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1878. 2. s., 1,193-206. — Quel les sont les regies et les conditions ap- plicable* aux etablissements industriels en general, taut dans l'interet de 1 a sante des ouvriers qui y sont employes, que daus celui de la saute publique ' (Jong, gen d'hyg. de Brux. Compt.-rend.. 1852. 117: 258— Kaiupold. Ueber die Mitteldem iibleu Kinflusse inancherGewei be auf die Ge- sundheit der sie Ausiibendeu vorzubauen. Ann. d. Staats- arzuk.. Freib. i. Br., 1846, xi, 683-716.—Bapport sur Thy- giene de l'ouvrier. Ann. de Cons, centr. de sahib, pub. de Brux., 1841, i, 177-195.—Baymoiidaud (E.) Des devia- tions du squelette, produites par l'usage ou par des atti- tudes habituelles, en particulier de la scoliose profession- nelle des peintres sur porcelaine. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1886, iii, 113; 132.—Beclam (C.) ZurGewerbe-Gesetzge- bung. Gesundheit. Elberfeld, 1878-9, iv, 225. -----. Krank- heiteu der Neuzeit bei der crwerbenden Beviilkerung. Ibid., Frankf. a. M., 1882, vii, 97-100.—Report of the Lancet Sanitary Commission on the "sweating'' and "home-work" systems. Lancet. Lond., 1876, i. 175.—Re- port on the preventable diseases of the industrial classes. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1868, i. 59; 79; 203; 408: 1869. i, 356 ; 550; 576: ii, 96; 402; 474.—Riant (A.) 1I\giene du cabinet de travail. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s., vi, 18; 97.—Rich- nrdsou (B.W.) Unhealthy occupations. Builder. Lond., 1870. xxxiv, 128; 150; 173. -----. 1 liseases incident to pub- lic life. Asclepiad, Lond.. 1885, ii, 280-298. — Rohe (G. H.) The hygiene of occupations. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1884, Concord, N.H.,1885.x, 165-173.—Sail veur. Proposi- tion relative a l'etude des maladies des classes ouvrieres en Belgique. [Uap.de Burggraeve.] Bull. Acad, rov.de med. de Belg., Brux., 1841-2. i, 707-709: 1844-5, iv, 448-452.—de Nay vres. Etudes medicales sur la manufacture d'armes de ( batellerault. Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1854, xxii, 169-173.—Schiidliclikeit (Ueber die) des Rauchs der Coaksbfen in sauitiitspolizeilieber Beziehnng; Gutachten. Vrtijschr. f. gerichtl. u. (iff. Med.. Berl., 1853, iv. 118-121.— Schlcycl. Gutachten iiber die Schiidlichkeit der Gerber- werkstatten iunerhalb einer Stadt. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arzuk., Erlang., 1838, xxxv, 88-100.—Schoull (E.) Des moyens propres a einpecher les accidents d'intoxication chez les ouvriers secreteiirs. Bull. Soc. de med. pub. 1882, Par., 1883, v, 283-280.—Schiller. Unsere Kenutniss von den Gewerbe-Krankluiteii. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1870, vi, 349-350.—Mehulcr (F.) Die schweizeri- schen Stickereieu und ihre sanitarisehen Folgeu. Deut- sche Vrtijschr. f. iiff. Gsndhtspflg.. Brnschwg., 1882, xiv, 246-290.—Sehulcr (E.) ,v Whymper (F. H.) Fabrik- hygieue und Fabrikgesetzgebung. | Abstr.| Ibid., 1888, xx, 283-302. — Scott <\V. Jj Hygiene of the laboring classes. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 18sl. i. 17-22. -----. Hy- giene of the working classes. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1885-6, i, 383-387. — Scjounicl. Etudes d'hygiene profession- nelle. France med , Par., 1885, ii, 1221; 1234; 1245.- Shauu (G.) Statistical facts intended to throw light on the influence of occupation on disease. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1862, ii, 248-253. -----. On the influence of"occupation and age on the health of those engaged iu some of the com- moner manual employments, illustrated by a statistical table, exhibiting the data on which the 'inferences are based. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 18U4, Lond., 1865, 519-525, 1 tab.—da Silva A in ado (J.-J.) Hygiene des professions, cultures et metiers insalubies. Cong, inter- nat. de med. d. colonics 1883, Amst., 1884, 95-101—Skvor- Isoird. P.) Sanitainoproin. ocherki. | Report on the hy- giene of trades | Vestnik sudeb. med.. etc.. St. Petersb., 1885. iii. pt. 3. 1-51.—Smart (A.) The effects of unhealthy occupations and their amelioration. Med. Press A; Circ'., Lond., 1883, u. s., xxxvi, 505.—Snow (J.) On the supposed influence ot offensive trades on mortality. Lancet Lond. 1856, ii, 95-97.—Worensen (T.) Den p'rofessiouelle Dode- lighed. Hosp.-Tnl.. Kjobeuh., 1886, 3. R.. iv. 477-490.— Spatz (R.) Beitrage «ir Mortalitiitsstatistik der Ge- werbe-Krankheiteu Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1887, xxxviii, 43-06. — Steuher. Bemerkungen und Eifahrungen iiber die sanitiiren Verhaltuisse Tier Leimsiederei-Industrie zu Mulilhausen i. Th. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar, 1877, vi, 133-139.— Stott (f.) On the mortality among innkeepers, publi- cans, and other persons engaged in the sale of intoxicat- ing liquors; beiug the experience of the Scottish Amica- ble Life Assurance Society during fifty vears, 1826-76. J. Inst. Actuaries, etc.. Loud., 1870-8, xx, '35-43— Thomp- son (E. S.) On the influence of occupation ou health and life. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1862, Lond., 1863, 587-594— Thoiiveuin. De l'influence que l'industrie exerce sur la sanle des populations dans les grands cen- tres mauufactuner-,. [From: -J. de med. de Bordeaux, avril, mai, juin, 1846.J Ann. de med. beige. Brux.. 1846. ii, 157; 301: iii, 5. Also: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1840. xxxvi. 16; 277: 1847, xxxvii >3 — Tiejjcl (E.) Von den japaniscben OCCUPATIONS. 73 OCCUPATIONS. Occupations and trades (Diseases and hygiene of). Liiufem. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883. xxxi, 607- 017.—Tomkiiis (H.) Working. Health Lect., Lond. & Manchester, 1885, vii, 33-48.—Tracy (It. S.) Hygiene of occupation. Cyel. Pract. M. (Ziemssen). N. Y., 1879. xix, 3- 78.— rnrnrying work. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1869, ii, 474.— Valliu (E.) Sauniers. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1870 3. s., vii, 90-90.—Vandenbroeck (V.-P.) Apercu sur l'etat physique et moral de certaiues classes ouvrieres. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, 220 ; 224; 234; 242; 203; 272 ; 289 ; 293. —Villernie. Xouveaux details conceruant l'influence du developpement excessif des manufactures sur la population, en Angleterre.- Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835, xiii, 344-353. — Viry (C.) Quelques mots sur l'hygiene des ouvriers des fabriques de crin vegetal en Algerie. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1884, vi, 1018-1022—Vogt (A.) Ueber Berufskrankheiten und ihre Beziehung zur Gesetzgebung iiber Haftpflicht und Unfallversichernng. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1888, xiii, 49-53.— Viiilleniin. Maladies observees chez les detenus employes a la fabrication des cordes d'alfa k la Maison ceutrale de Lambese (province de Constantiue). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883, i. 91-95. — Wagner (\V.) Der Sanitatshericht des oberscblesiscbi'ii Knappscbaftsvereins pro 1877. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 591-594. — Wasseige. Discours sur la necessite de l'intervention du niedeciu dans le choix d'une profession au point de vue de la con- stitution physique. Ann. Soc. de med. de Liege, 1854, v, 1. fasc, 59-08. — Welche Anforderungen hat die dffent- liche Gesundheitsptlege an die Gesetzgebuugbetreffs Be- schaftigung der Frauen und Kinder in Fabriken zu stelleu. Referat des Dr. E. Lewy. Deutsche Vrtijschr. f. off. Csndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1875, vii, 653-673.— Whittall (\V. J. H.) On the rates of fatal accidents in various occupations. ,T. Inst. Actuaries, etc., Loud., 1881-2, xxiii, 188-220. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. i, 25.— Wilson (J. V.) Diseases incident to some occupations. "The Transactions'', Touiigstown, Ohio, 1879-80, i, 89-93.—Wittfcld. Ueber die Hygieine des Arbeiter-Staudes. Aerztl. Int.- Bl., Miinchen. 1808, xv, 556. — Working (The) girls of Boston. Rep. Bureau Statist. Labor. Bost.. 1884, xv, 1-133. — Wrctcheil state of the win king classes. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1845, xliii, 290-320.—Zander. Vorschlag zu einer zweckmiissigei en Fintheilung der Schichtzeit der Fabrik-Arbeiter. Cor.- Bl. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Kiiln, 1874, iii, 17.— Zcnuer (P.) Auctioneer's cramp. J. Xerv. & Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1886, xiii, 610-022. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Vchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 305.— von Zoller. Studie iiber das Vorkommen von Lungenkrankheiten in eiuer Hanf- und Flachsspinnerei. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1885. xxxii, 274-278. Occupations (Dangerous and offensive). See, also, Alkali works; Bone-boiling, etc.; Fat-boiling, etc.; Glue-makers; Noise; Nui- sances. Bertherand. Necessity d'instituer une in- spection departementale pour surveiller les pre- scriptions hygie'niques dans les etablissements insalubres. 8°. Paris, l«8l. Boens (H.) Etude hygienique sur l'influence que les Etablissements industriels exercent sur les plantcs ct sur les animaux qui vivent dans leur voisinage, ou examen des dommages qui sont ge'ne'raleuient imputes a ces etablissements. 8°. Charleroi, 187)3. Bcxel (H.) Etablissements insalubres, in- commodes et dangereux. Legislation, uiconve- nieuts de ces etablissements et conditions d'au- torisation ordinairement proposees par les con- seils d'hygiene et de salubrite. 8-. Paris, 1876. Constant (C.) Code des etablissements in- dustriels classes ; ateliers dangereux, insalubres ou incommodes; commentaire pratique du de- cret du 15 octobre 1810, et ordonnaiice du 14 Janvier 1815, contenant en outre la loi du 19 mai la74, sur le travail des enfauts dans les manufac- tures, le decret du 30 avril 1880, sur les machines a vapenr, les decrets relatifs au transport des matieres dangereuses pur terre et par eau. 8°. Paris, 1881. DELPECH (A.-L.-D.) & HlLLAIRET (J.-B.) Memoire sur les accidents auxquels sont soumis les ouvriers employes a la fabrication des chro- mates. 8°. Paris, 1869. Kepr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1869, 2. s., xxxi, 5-30. Occupations (Dangerous and offensive). Great Britain. Local Government Board. Alkali acts, 1863,1874, and 1881. Annual reports by the chief inspector of his proceedings during the years 1.872-84 (9.-21.). 8°. London, 1873-83. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Report from the select committee on noxious businesses ; together with the proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evidence aud appendix. (Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, July 8,1873.) fol. [London, 1873.] Great Britain. Privy Council Office. Annual reports of the inspector, to the committee of privy council for trade, of his proceedings dur- ing the years 1864-72 (1.-8.). 8 . London, 1865- 73. Guala (B.) Saggio di classiticazione delle fabbriche manifatturiere e depositi pericolosi, insalubri od incomodi con sommario di prcscri- zioni igieuiche per glioperaj. 8°. Brescia, 1866. Guerlin de Guer (E.) Les etablissements insalubres; l'industrie et l'hygiene. 8'. Paris, 1883. Heinzerling (C.) Die Gefahren und Krank- heiten in der chemischen Industrie und die Mittel zu ihrer Verhutung und Beseitigung. Mit Riicksicht auf Concessionswesen und Ge- werbe-Gesetzgebung. 2 v. roy. 8°. Halle,1887. Infortuni (Gli) del lavoro nel 1883 e 1884 e la respousabilita degli imprenditori. Relazioni della commissioned'inchiesta. 8°. Milano, 1885. Lewis (W.) Report ou the laws and ordon- nances in force in France for the regulation of noxious trades and occupations. 8°. London, 1855. London. Fulham District Board of Works. Report of the medical officer of health upon certain processes of manufacture carried on, in, and near the parish of Hammersmith. 8D. Hammersmith, [ 1881]. Loureiro (J. C.) Duas palavras sobre o rela- torio e projecto de lei Xo. 121, apresentado na Camara dos dignos pares do reino pelo digno par o Sr. F. 8. Margiochi; eo decreto de 3 de outubro de 1860, sobre estabelecimentos industrial's, pu- blicado na Politica liberal. 4C. [Lisboa, 1861.] -----. Rcfntacao da resposta do Exm". Sr. F. S. Margiochi &s duas palavras sobre o seu relatorio e projecto de lei No. 121, apresentado na Camara dos dignos pares do reino eo decreto rle 3 de outubro de 1860, sobre estabelecimentos industrial's, publicadas ua Politica liberal. 4°. [Lisboa, 1861.] Manchester Association for controlling the escape of noxious vapours and fluids from manu- factories. Annual reports of the committee to the public, for the years 1878-80. 8'. Manches- ter, 1879-81. Makuiochi (F. S.) Cartas ao redactor da Politica liberal relativas as observacoes publi- cadas pelo Sr. Dr. J. C. Loureiro, acerca do pro- jecto de lei No. 121, apresentado na Camara dos dignos pares. 8-\ Lisboa, 1801. -----. Relatorio e projecto de lei No. 121, apresentado ii Camara dos dignos pares e lido nas sessoes de 18 e de 21 de Janeiro de 1861. 8°. Lisboa, 1801. -----. Relatorio apresentado na Camara dos dignos pares em sessao de 5 de agosto de 1861 para mostrar a necessidade de ser promptamente approvado o projecto de lei No. 121 com as altera- cocs propostas. 8°. Lisboa, 1861. Napias (H.) Manuel d'hygiene industrielle, comprenant la legislation fraucaise et etrangere et les prescriptions les plus habituelles des con- seils d'hygiene et de salubrite relatives aux etablissements insalubres, incommodes et dange- reux. 8 ■-'. Paris, 1882. OCCUPATIONS. 74 OCHS. Occupations (Dangerous aud offensive). New Yoke (State). 8. An act to suppress blood-drying in cities. State of New York. No. 259. In senate, April 13, 1882. Introduced by Mr. Koch. fol. [Albany, 1882.] Pouee (H.) & Liyaciie (A.) Traite thco- rique et pratique des manufactures et ateliers dangereux, insalubres ou incommodes (etablisse- ments classes), conditions de leur aiitorisatiou et delenrexploitation ; obligations et responsabilite de l'industrie a l'egard des voisins. 8J. Paris, 1887. Portugal. Consulto do conselho de saude publica do reino sobre o relatorio e projecto de lei No. 121, apresentado a Camara dos dignos pares em Janeiro de 1861 pelo seu membro Fran- cisco Simoes Margiochi para regulara policia dos estabelecimentos industriaes. 8-\ Lisboa, 1801. Raspail (F.-V.) Appel urgent au concours des honimes eclaires de toutes les professions contre les empoisonnements industriels ou autres qui coiiipromettent de plus en plus la sante publiqueet l'avenir des generations. 12*-. Paris, 1803. il'Arret. Des rapports des distances qu'il est utile de maintenir cut re les fabriques insalubres et les habitations qui les entoureiit. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1843, xxx, 321; 328 —Ballard. Report in respect of the inquiry as to effluvium nuisances arising in connection with various manufacturing and other branches of industrv. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd.. Loud., 1878, vi, 111-281, 34 pi. : vii, S4-138. s pi : 1879, viii. 42-320, 41 pi. Also, Reprint of 1. report. Also fltev.]: San. Rec Lond., 1878, viii, 193.— Blaise (E.) &. >apias (H.) ^ote sur les pous- sieres industrielles: moditications k aiqioitei a la legisla- tion en matiere d'hvgiene industrielle. Rev. d'hvsi.. Par.. lss:t, v. 910-051. — Biicliuer. Uebei die Zuliissi'gkeit der Kiiiehtuiig einer Walkniiilile in einer Mahliniible aus sauitiitspolizeilicheii Riicksichteii. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk.. Erlang.. 1812. xliv. 233-241.— C'arbo (J.) Iudus- trias peligiosas, insalubres e incdmodas. Bol. d. big., San Fernando, 1883, ii, 93-100 — < <. Des moyens de di- minuer les dangers qui resulteni ]io,u les travailleurs des ditferentes industries de l'emploi des substances minerales toxiques: mereure, plomh, arsenic, etc.; essais tentes pour les remplacer definilivement par des substances inoifen- sives. Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1880, i, 598-654. Also, transl. [Absir.l: Med. Press &Circ, Loud., 1878, n. s., xxvi, 60; 82.—Hirt(L.) DieGasinhalations-Kranklieiten nnddiegewerblichen Vergiftungen. 3. Aufl. In: Handb. d. Hyg.. etc.. 8°, Leipz., 1882, 2. Theil, 4. Abth., 1-130.— EjCt'hcby (H.) Ou noxious and offensive trades and man- ufactures, witli especial reference to the best practicable means ot abating the several nuisances therefrom. Med. Press \ ("ire, Loud., 1875, n. s., xix, 111; 133; 155. Also: Chem. News. Lond., 1875. xxxii, 203; 273; 284. Also: Pub. Health. Loud., 1875. iii, 49; 81. Also, Reprint—Picard. lies accidents prpduits par la navette dans les tissages me- cauiques. par l'explosion des meules, par les arbres et les courroie* de transmission, et des moyens de les prevenir. Arch. f. bit'. Gsndhtsptlg., Strassb., 1876, i, 56-79.— l*rediei-i iP.) Risposta al quesito della deputazione proviuciale se i maeeri da canapa debhano considerarsifra le manifatture, fahbriche o depositi insalubri, pericolosi, od incomodi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1870, 5. s., x, 5-27. — Herniation of offensive trades San. Rec, Lond.. Is7l. i. 4i'o. — Kollet (J.) Des residus solides et liquides des imlu>tri(-s an poiut de vue de la salubrite. Lyon med.. 1,>7!I, xx\ii. 327-33!).—Mr h nei tier. Gutachten iiber Vergiftnng der Taubeii durch Fiirbwasser-Austiuss. Zix hi. f. p. 8-. Kbln a. Rhein, M. Victor u. Muszkat, 188',. Ochs (Franciscus Mauritius Alexander) [1801- ]. Dc malotyphode graecis diversimode descripto 96 pp. 8-. Lipsiee, lit. Hirschfeldi, [1827]. -----. Artis medicse principes de curanda febre typhode comparatos iu couspectum historicum dedit. xiv, 583 pp. 8\ Lipsi®, sumpt. L. Vossii, For Biography, see Kuehn (Car. Gott.) Ochs (Georg). * Ueber die bei Geburten vor- komn.enden Gev. ebstrennungen der miitterlichen Genitalorgane [Wurtzburg.] 38 pp. *-. Bam- berg, M. G. Schmidt, l87o. OCHS. 75 OCTOPUS. Ochs (Joh. Fridericus). * De sanguine dracouis. 24 pp. 4-'. Altdorfi, lit. M. D. Meyeri, [1712]. OcllSCll (Hermann). * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Ovariotomieeu. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1868. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xv, 1868, vii, med: xix. OcllSCllhcilllcr (Jos.) *De febri nervosa, ad- nexa cum historia morbi febris nervosa' pctecbi- zautis. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vindobonee, C. Gerold, [1831], Ochsncr (Jacobus), Sclimid (Jacobus) A: Dacnzll'l' (Rodolfus). De termiuo vita'. 29 pp., 1 tab. 4-. Tiguri, ex. off. Gessneriana, [1748], Ochwadt (Alexander) [1813- ]. * De chorea St. Viti nonnulla, adjecta morbi historia. 35 pp. 83. Berolini, typ. Natorfftanis, [1837], -----. Kriegschirurgische Erfahrungen auf dem administiativen uud technischeu Gebiete wiih- rend des Krieges gegen Dtinemark, 1S()4. xxx, 382 pp., xix, 1 1., 6 pi. 8\ Berlin, E. S. Miltler a. Sohn, 181 i5. -----. Beitrage zur Militair-Hygieue im Kriege und im Frieden. xxi, 282 pp* 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwaid, 1868. -----. Die Privat-Thiitigkeit auf dem Gebiete der Feldkrankenptiege, ihre Leistungeu, ihre Organisation und ihr Verhaltniss zur amtlichen Feldsanitiit. vi, 39 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, F. A. Giintlter u. Sohn, 1873. Die Equalisation mit Berieselung und das Dr. Petri'sche Verfahren betreffeud die Desinfec- tion und Verwerthung der Fiicalstoffe. Eiue kritische Beleuchtung der englischen Rieselan- lagen sowie derjenigen in Genuevilliers (Paris) uud Danzig iu Bezug auf ihre gpmeinschiidlicheu Folgen fiir Gesundheit und Nationalwohlstand, unter specieller Beriicksichtigung der Berliner Yerhaltnisse. 1 p. 1., 134 pp., 1 pi. «-. Berlin, R. Strieker, 1877. -----. Die Gesundheits-Pflege des deutscheu Sol- daten. Der deutscheu Arinee gewidmefc. 1 p. 1., iv (1 1.), 258, viii pp. 8°. Berlin, G. von Glase- napp, 1882. -----. Gesundheits-Katechismus fiir den deut- scheu Soldaten. xiv, 157 pp. 12°. Berlin, G. von Glasenapp, 1882. Ocim urn. .Violinn Flore* (P.) Ocimum basilicum. Med. y ciruj. centro-aiu., Guatemala, 1880, i, 19. Ockcl (Adolf Franz Rudolf) [1863- ]. * Zur Casuistik der Strumectomie und der Cachexia strumipriva. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1887]. Ockel (Armiuius Oscarus) [1839- ]. * De cysti- dibus ovarii. 32 pp. 8U. Berolini, G. Lange, [1864]. Ockel (Christian). *De potentia veutoruni iu corpus humanum, ubi simul agitur de ascensu ct descensu argenti vivi in barometro. 32 pp. 4°'. Hal® Magdeb., typ. C. A. Zeitleri, [1700]. Ockel (Fridericus Guilelmus) [1835- ]. *De carciuomate veutrieuli. 32 pp. 12°. Berolini, G. Lange, 1850. Ockel (Friedrich) [1814-79]. n. Nekrolog. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 258. Ockel (Joann. Carol. Ludov.) * An aer secundum sanitatem adsit in primis viis? 3 p. 1., 56 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Frauckianis, [1790]. Ocken (Heinrich) [1849- ]. * Microscopische Untersnchungen iiber die Marklosen Nerven der Milz. 19 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Greifswald, F.W.Kunike, 1873. Ocker (Theodor). *Ein Fall von Hirntumor. 36 pp. 8°. Gottingen, E. A. Huth, 1884. Ockerse (Caspams Fredericus Rudolphus). *De ineicurio dulei ejusque usu in morbis infantum Ockerse (Casp. Fred. Rud.)—continued. et pnerorum. 8, 86 pp. 8-. Traj. ad Rhenum, J. Altheer, 1823. Ockland (Andreas). See Zetterstrom (Carolus). Initia historise vaccina- tiouis in Suecia. Part. xiv. 43. Vpsalice. 1819. Ockow. Kaildon (A.) Account of the oc-kow, a Chinese remedy for complaints ot the breast; with observations on the use of digitalis. Edinb. M. 6c S. J., 1807, iii, 270-272. O'Connell (Counallus). * De optima tutissi- maque lnem venereum radicitus extirpandi me- thodo. Cui accedit disscrtatio altera de necessi- tate ac possibilitate operationis ca'sareie in partu desperato. 35 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat, G. Pot- vliet, 1751. [P., v. 1232.] O'Connell (Galfridus). * De usu et abusu ali- mentornm. 2 p. 1., 41 pp. 8~. Edinburgi, ex off. R. et A. Foulis, 1766. [P., v. 651.] O'Connell (Mauritius). Morborum acutorum, et chrouicorum quoruudam, observationes medi- cinales experimentales, sedula complurium au- noruin praxi, turn Corcagiie, turn iu locis cir- cumjacentibus, exantlata comprobata?. 4, vi (1 ].), lviii, 59-416 pp. 8°. Dublini, S. Powell, 1746. O'Connell (P. A.) [1835-74]. Obituary notice. Boston M. & S. J., 1874, xc, 202. O'Connor (Arthurus Jacobus). * De dyspepsia. 2 p. 1., 13 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1795. O'Connor (Bernard) [1666-98]. luodavdaiov davfiaorov, seu mirabilis viventium iuteritus in Charonea Neapolitana crypta. Dissertatio phy- sica, Roinse in Academia . . . Ciampiniproposita. 08 pp. 16°. Coloni® Agrippin®, L. Kronigger, 1694. Bound with: de Fuaxkexau (G. F.) Disquisitio episto- laris, etc. 16°. Lipsice, 1696. -----. Novissimnm Vesuvii montis incendium, ad Regiam Medicorum Cameras Regiut; Parisiensis societatem. 1694. In his: 2itio. in librum artis mediciualis Galeni, [etc.] 24°. Beixiie. 1007. Oddo dcgli Oddi [1478-1558]. De pestis, et pestifcrorum omnium affectuum causis, siguis, precautione et curatione, libri iiii. Apologise pro Galeuo, turn in logica, tuni in philosophia, turn etiam in mediciua, libri iii. De ccenae, et prandii portione, libri ii. Nunc primuin in lucem editi, aut illnstrata opera, et diligeutia Marci Oddi medici ejusdem filii totum incomple- tuin perficientis. Quibus accessit ipsius filii De pntredine germanse, ac nundum explicate Aris- totelis et Galeni sententi;e adversus Argenterium apologia. 4 p. 1., 142 ft'., 8 1. 4'-. Venetiis, apud P. et A. Meietos J rat res, 1570. Oddo dejfli Oddi—continued. ------. Expositio, in librum artis mediciualis Ga- leni. Nunc primuin in lucem cdita, et castigata laboribus et vigiliis Marci Oddi medici ejusdem filii, qui totum id, quod ex interpretation ob intempestivam patris mortem deerat, perfecit atque instauravit. 501 pp., 3 tab. sm. 4 . Ilri- xi®, ex typ. C. Prtesenii, 1607. Bound with : Casseuius (Julius). Tabulae auatomicae [etc.] sm. 4°. Francofurti, 1632. ------. In primam totam fen primi libri canouis Avicenuie dilucidissima et expectatissima exposi- tio; nunc prinium in lucem edita, illnstrata, ct completa assiduo labore, et longo studio Marci Oddi, medici ejusdem filii. 3 p. 1., 499 pp., 16 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud P. et A. Meietos, fratres, 1575. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Ode (An) to the hahnemaniacs; or a path home for repentant homoeopaths. A few irregular lines to those engaged in irregular lines of prac- tice. By a son of Apollo. 8 pp. 12°. [n. p., n.d.] [P., v. 885.] Ode, read at the centenary dinner of the Royal Medical Society, February 17th, 1837. 8 pp. 8C. [London, 1837.] Ode auf den Tod Sr. Churfurstl. Durchleucht in Baiern Maximilian Josephs, etc. 3 1. 12°. [n. p.], 1778. [P., v. 1221.] O'Dea (James J.) The sphere, rights, and obligations of medical experts. 41 pp. 8-\ New York, D. Appleton $ Co., 1871. Repr.from: J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1871, v. ------. The development of religious ideas. 28 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton <)• Co., 1872. Repr.from: J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1872, vi. ------. The physiology and psychology of dreams. 31 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton $■ Co., 1873. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1873, xv. ------. Suicide; studies on its philosophy, causes, and preventiou. ix, 322 pp. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1882. Odebrecllt (Ernst) [1847- ]. * Ueber eiuen Fall von Conception uud Geburt bei fast voll- stiindiger Atresie der Vagina. 26 pp. Greifswald, F. IV. Kunikc, 1871. ------. Ueber die Amputation des Gebarmutter- halses. 15 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1874.] Repr.from: Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1874-5, iii. Odebrecllt ( Joachimus Georgius ). * De hie- moptysi. 34 pp. 4°. Gryphiswaldiee, lit. H. J. Struckii, [1747]. For Biography, see Scheffel (Christianus Stcphanus). Odell (The) ice pond. What the grand jury pre- sent in the bill of indictment. Affidavits of dis- tinguished physicians aud experts, showing that the Willsea Brook is iu fact an open "sewer" and that septic and malarial poison is necessarily developed by the-overflowing of the adjacent meadow-land. 13 pp. 8:. New York, 1879. Odella (Frunciscus Xaverius Autonius). * I. Ex auatome. De pilis, et unguibus. II. [etc.] 8 pp. sm. 4~. August® Taurinorum, apud J. D. Verani, 1748. [P., v. 979.] Oden (Car. Guil. Ferd.) [1791- ]. * De scirrho et carcinomate uteri. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. G. Schadii, [1818]. Oden (Klas Gustaf). *Statistisk undersokning rorande valdsamma dodsfall i Sverige. xxviii, 23 pp. roy. S?. Stockholm, K. L. Beckman, 1875. Odenius (Maximilian Victor) [1828- ]. Under- siikningar iifver de sensibla muskeliierverna. 18 pp., 1 pi. 8-. [Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt <$• SUner, 1872.] Repr.from: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1872, iv. ------. Fran patologiska institutionen i Lund. 28 pp. 8-. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt ,y Siiner, H73. Repr.from: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1873, v. ODEXIUS. 77 ODIER. Odeiiiiis (Maximiliau Victor)—continued. -----. Fall af lymphorrhoea, pachydermia lym- phonhagica. 12 pp., 1 pi. 8-'. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt !); 177.— von AndrejewNkiy. Topographisch - medicinisehe Schilderung von Odessa. Aus einem Sendschreiben des ... an C. F. v. Graefe. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 277-290,1 pi.—Henrichsen (K.) Jahres-und Yiertel- iahres-Statistik. betreffend die Sterblichkeit in Odessa in den Jahren 1880, 1881 und 1882. Vetdffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsudhtsamtes, Berl., 1883, vii, 253.—I.evciison (D.) Me- diko-topographicheskii ocherke Odessi. Shorn, sochin. po sudehnoi med., St. Petersb.. 1876, i, pt. 2, 52: 1877, iii, pt. 2, 1.—iVIitkevich. Materials dlia statistiki glaznoi boleznennosti ve voiskache Odesskago okruga. [Medical statistics of Odessa district.) Vrach. Vaidom., St. Pe- tersb., 1879, iv, 733-735. — iTIochutkovsky (O.) Materialy k izuchen. vrach. storony Odesskieh limanov. [ On the medical features of the gulf of Odessa 1 Trudi vrach. Odessk. g.boln., Odessa, 1876, ii, 149-251,1 tab.— PerfileflT. Odessa, v gigienicheskom otnoshenii. [Odessa in a hy- gienic view.] Zdorov.je, St. Petersh-, 1883, x, no. 40, 3.— de Reich. Stations sanitaires pour les maladies aux yeux dans le rayon militaire d'Odessa. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1876, lxxvi, 143-151. Odesskoi gorodskoi Bolnitsi Vrachi. See No- menklatura bolieznei. Odhelius ( Ericus ) [ -1834J. * Morborum casus, quorum specimen primum exhibet. 10 pp. 4°. Upsali®, J. Edman, 1785. See, also, Murray (Adolphus). *Descriptio arteria- rum [etc.] sm. 4°. Vpsalioe, [1781]. Odhelius ( Ericus E. ) [1661-1704]. De mag- netismis rerum. 21 1. 4°. Stockholmiee, N. Wankijf, 1683. Odhelius (Joh. Laur. ) [1737-1816]. Chi- nensia Lagerstroemiana. Diss. Upsali®, 1754. In: LinNjEUs. Amoenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1760, iv, 230-260, 1 pi. [-----.] Anmiirkningar wid en af Herr Bous- quet utgifwen afhaudling oin China barkens missbruk. 16 pp. 8°. Stockholm, L. L. Grefing, 1766. Bound with: Bousquet (J.-F.) Diss, sur Tabus du chiuchina. 8°. Stockholm, 1766. -----. K. Lazarettef i Stockholm, beskrifvit uti et tal, iufdr Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien, vid Praesidii nedlaggande den 2 Nov. 1776. 47 pp. 8°. Stockholm, J. G. Lange, 1776. Odic force. See, also, Magnetism (Animal). Fechxer (G. T.) Erinnerungeu an die letzten Tage der Odlehre und ihres Urhebers. 12°. Leipzig, 1876. Odier (Louis) [ 1748-1817 ]. *De elementariis musicaB sensationibus. 49 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auldet Smellie, 1770. Also, in: Smelue. Thesaurus med. [etc.] 8°. Edinb., 1785, iii, 181-209. -----. Medizinisch - chirurgische Abhaudlung iiber die Wassersucht der Gehirukainmern. 64 pp. 16°. Leipzig, Weygand, 1785. -----. Memoire sur Finoculation de la vaccine a Geneve, re'dige' a la demaude du citoyen D'Ey- mas, prefet du d6partement du L6mau, pour etre mis sous les yeux du ministre de l'int6rieur. 30 pp. 8°. Geneve, imp. de la Bibliotheque britau- nique, an IX [1801]. [P., v. 1207.] -----. Manuel de m6decine pratique, ou soru- maire d'un cours gratuit douu6 en 1800, 1801 et 1804 aux officiers de sante" du de"partenient du L6man, avec une petite pharmacope'e a leur usage. 2. ed. x, 11-453 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-J. Paschoud, 1811. -----. The same. Handbuch der praktischen Arzeueiwissenschaft. Uebersetzt uud mit Au- merkungeu verseheu von Dr. C. Strempel. xviii, 314 pp., 1 1. 8°. Stendal, Franzen n. Grosse, 1827. See, also, Sinclair (John). Codice di sanita, etc. 8°. Pisa, 1811.—Smith (James Carmichael). Observations sur les Sevres de prisons. 8°. Geneve, an /X[1801].— Wells (Ch.) & Blackall (John). Observations sur la coagulabilite des urines. 8°. Genilve, 1814. ODIER. 78 ODONTOGRAPHY Odier ( Louis-Robert) [1836-79]. *Recherches sur la loi d'accroissement des nouveau-nes con- state par lc systeme des pesees rdgulicres et sur les conditions d'un bon allaitement. 56 pp., 2 1., 7 pi. 4-. Paris, 1*6-', No. 28. ------. Tbe same. 52 pp., 7 pi. 8J. Paris, Ger- mer-Iiaillierc, 1808. Odile (Victor) [I860- ]. *Des kystes hy- datiques de la base du craue. 51 pp., 1 1. 4C. Paris, 1884, No. :!77. Odille (C.-F.-Camille). "Essai sur l'education des enfans. 23 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830, v. 61. Odin A: Cotton (S.) L'arsenic dans les eaux sulfureuscs dc Saint-Honor6. 8 pp. 8°. Lyon, Assoc typ., [n. d. ] Repr. from: Lyon med., 1876, xxi. Odin (Aniedee). Etude sur I'huile de foie de raie et de la glande qui la fournit. 79 pp. 8°. Pat is, F. Pichon, 1873. [Also, in: P., v. 1710.] Odin (Emil). *Ein Beitrag zur 8tatistik der Kricgschirurgie nach Beobachtungeu in den Yercins-IJescrvelazarethen "Altes Seminar" und "Friedrichs-Baracke Nr. 1" iu Karlsruhe. 71 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1872. Odin (J.) *De l'absence des bruits metalliques dans certaiues pleuresies avec fistules bronchi- ques ou cutane'es. 32 pp., 1 1. 4 . Nancy, 1874, 1. s., No. 11. Odin (Joannes). *De eclampsia gravidarum parturientium et puerperarum. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. H. Laakmanni, 1849. Odili (Louis-Henri). *H6morrhagies secondaires apri's l'accouchenient (apres la delivrance). 72 pp. 4-. Paris, 1803, No. 80. Odill (Maiius). *Dela ptiitonite aigue priuci- palcinent au point de vue de son traitement. 36 pp. 4J. Strasbourg, 1867, 2. s., No. 984. Odill 111 niedicum and homoeopathy. "The limes'' correspondence reprinted by permission. Edited bv John H. Clarke. 126 pp. 83. London, Leath cy Ross, [1888]. Odling (William). On the action of poisons, aud on the nature aud treatment of arsenical poisoniug. 14 pp. 8J. London, Wilson cy Ogilvy, 1851. Ci Repr. from: Loud. M. Gaz., 1851, n. s., xii. ------. Preliminary [and quarterly] reports on the sanitary condition of Lambeth. 1. and 2., 1856. 8-. '[Lambeth, 1830.] ------. On the detection of antimony for medico- legal purposes. 11 pp. 8J. [London, G. Hill, 1830.] [P., v. 1044.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1856, 3. s., ii. ------. On the alkaline emanations from sewers and cesspools.^ 3 pp. 8-. [Lonelon, 1830.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Kep.. Lond., 1856, 3. s., ii. -----. Thesame. 4pp. 8-'. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1044.] -----. On the reciprocal precipitations of the metals. 3-11 pp. 8-. London, Harrison $• Sons, 1837. Repr. from .- J. Chem. Soc. Lond. [1857?]. -----. On the natural groupings of the elements. Part 1. 35 pp. 8°. [«. p., 1857.] [P., v. 1048.] Repr. from .- Lond., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond., 1»57, 4. s., xiii. -----. On the composition of bread. 4 pp. 8°. [London], G. Hill, [1857]. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 18.37. i. Report on the effects of sewage contami- nation upon the river Thames. 22 pp. Lambeth, G. Hill, 1838. -----. On ortho-and meta-silicates. 7 pp. - [n. p., 1830.] [P., v. 104.-.] Repr. from: Lond., Edinb. Jc Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond., l-'i'J. 4. s., xviii. -----. A course of practical chemistry, arranged for the use of medical students. 2. ed. x, 241 pp. 8:. London, Longmans [and others], 1803. Odlin;? (William)—continued. Outlines of chemistry ; or, brief notes of chemical facts, xiii, 468 pp. 8°. London, Long- mans [and others], 1870. On the last new metal, indium. 16 pp. 8C. [n. p., 1872.] On some failures of Marsh's process for the detection of arsenic. 8 pp. 8J. [«. p ,t. d.~\ [P., v. 1048.] See, also, .•iciencc lectures for the people. 3. s. The food of plants. 8°. Manchester. 1871. Odoardi (Jacopo) [ -1784]. Delle macchie delfetodette comunemente Voglie, recitata nell' Accademia di Belluno addi . . . 1765. In: N. rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol. j6°. Venezia, 1777, xxxi, 1-52. D' una specie particolare di scorbuto; dis- sertazione, recitata nell' Accademia di Belluno li 28 luglio 1776. In : N. rac. A' opusc. scient. e filol. 16°. Venezia, 1776, xxx, 1-44. For Biography, see Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 429; 449; 457 (J. Facen). Also : Ibid., Milano, 1873, 6. s., vi, 385; 393; 401 (J. Facen). Odolenski (Ivan). * Izsliedovanija guoiniche forme vospalenija mjagkoi mozgovoi obolocbki u chelovieka i jivotniche ve patologo-anatoin. otnosheuii. [Tubercular meningitis in man and animals.] 25 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1808. Odoinanis. Practica. In: Theatrum chemienm. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, iii, 166-172. Tractatus de marchasita ex qua tandem cum aliis deceudis fit elixir ad album verissi- mum. In: Theathum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, iii, 173-176. De arsenico. In: Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, iii, 177-180. tern. An lapis philosophicus valeat contra pes- In: Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, iii, 181-187. ------. Caput de sale alchali. In: Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659. iii, 180. ------. Vetus epistola de metallorum materia et artis imitatione. In: Theatrum chemicum. 8°. Argentorati, 1659, iii, 187-189. Odometer. Hunter. Description of the odometer, exhib- ited in January, 1821, at a meetiug of the High- land Society. 8U. [Edinburgh, 1821.] O'Doimcl (J.) Cases of hydrophobia; includ- ing Dr. Schoolbred's and Mr. Tymon's successful cases; with some observations on the nature and seat of the disease. 1 p. 1., 63 pp. s-'. Lon- don, Smith $ Davy, 1813. O'Donnell (Chas. C.) The conquest of Cali- fornia by China! Is Chinese authority effectu- ally established ? Threatened proscription of American citizens by a league of quacks. 1 broadside. San Francisco, 1873 (?). O'Donnell (Elliot). *De febri contiuua. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 8'J. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1821, v. 3. O'Donovan (John H.) Smith (N. R.) Address concerning the late Dr. John II. O'Donovan, before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. 8'-. Baltimore, 1870. ' Odontalgia. See Teeth (Diseases of). Odontography (The) Journal. A quarterly devoted to dentistry, conducted by J. Edward Sine. v. 1-9, April, 1880-88. #>. Rochester, A. 1., Davis . 228. Oeconomus (Sophocles). See Oikonomos (So- phocles K.) (Edema. See, also, Anasarca, etc.; Effusions, etc.; Pregnancy (Diseases of). Artis (A.) * Contribution a l'6tude des cedcines p. 8°. Vindobona; F. Ludwig, [1836]. Oeliler (Frider. Ednardus) [1790- ]. * Pro- legomena in embryonis humani pathologiam. 48 pp. 8°. Lipsi®, J. B. Hirschfeld, [1815]. [P., v. 1304.] ©Ciller (Rudolf). •■ Schwund grosserer Theile des Kuochens nach Fracturen. 25 pp. 8°. strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1883. ©elllmaiiil (Hermann). * Ueber complicirte Fracturen des Unterschenkels. 48 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. E. Thein, 1864. Oclilmecker (Jo. Jacobus). * De phthisi. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Tubing®, lit Sigmundianis, [1765]. CEIilschlseger (Joann. Gottl.)[ 1824- ]. * De spondylarthrocace cervicali. 2 p. 1., 47 pp. 8°. Grypl'ti®, F. G. Kunike, [1848]. Oeliinb ( Carolus ). *De catarrhis. 9 1. 4°. Lipsi®. lit. J. E. Heihnii, [1675]. OelimbillS (Carolus Christianus). * De acido primigeuio, ejusque actionibusad varia corpora. 15 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, G. vande Water, 1710. ©clime (Carolus Augustus). An stasis sola sit causa amaritici et acrimoniie bilis cystica?? In: Lidwig (C. G.) Decas quaes, med. 4°. Lips., 1740, 36-40. OK II ME. 82 OELTTHN. ©clinic (Carolus Guilielmus). Moxie historiam adumbraudi specimen. 22 pp., 1 1. .*-. Halts, tt/l>. Ploctzianis, [1-45J. ©I'linie (Carolus .Joseph). * De serie corporum naturaliiim continua disserit. 18 pp. 4-. Lip- siee, ex off. Langenhemia, [1772]. .-----. *De morbis recens uatorum chirurgicis. 64 ]>|>. 4J. Lipsi®, ex off. Ilreitkopfta, [1773]. Ahu [Abstr.]. in: WE1Z ( F. A.) NeueAusz. [etc.] 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1774. i, 1-40. Also, in: i'UANK (J". P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8:. Ticini, 1786, ii, 62-172. -----. The same. Von deu Krankheiteu ueuge- bohrner Kinder, welche eine chirurgiscbe Be- handlung erforderu. pp. 85-213. 16°. [». p., n. d.] Cutting from: X. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundaiv.te, Leipz., 3. s. For Biography, see Plaz (Antouius Guilielmus). OclllllC (F. Gust.) Therapeutics of diphtheritis. A compilation and critical review of the German and American homoeopathic literature. 2. ed. s4 pp. 8°. Netc York $• Philadelphia, Boericke 4- Teiftl, 1877. OclllllC ( Ferdinandus Gustavus ) [1-26- ]. * De ascaridum cti'ectu mechanico. 18 pp., 11. 8J. Lipsice, ex off. F. Andrai, [1852]. ©Clime (Friedrich Theodor). Observatio eines durch 22 Jahr laug in der Harnrohre getragenen, und mit dein Apparatu minori ausgeschnittneu Stcines in Nieszwiz, den 9. Jannar 1773. 28 pp., 3 pi. 12°. Warschau, M. Grbll, 1773. ©clinic (Jo. HencdietusGodofredus). *Deainan- rosi. 3 ]). 1., 28 pp 4-. Lipsi®, ex off. Langcn- heiniana. [174-]. Also, in : Hai.ler. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 175.".. ii. 265-284. For Biography, see Quelmalz (Samuel. Theodorus). ©Cllllie (Joannes Frieder. Anton.) * De peste iu qua simul qii;cstio movetur, an pestis inocu- latio sub eertis conditionibus rat ion i sit consen- tanca. 18 pp., 1 1. 4J. Erfordia; ex off. Nonnii, [1771]. ©elunc (Job. Augustus). Eriiffuete Geheim- nisse der Natur und Cur eines Maladeu-Frauen- zininicrs, woriune nicht alleine die so wunder- balire Wiirckuug der Natur, nach eines jeden Temperanicnte, dcutlich untersuchf, sondern auch die Ursachen der so vielerley Gebrechen und gelieimen Leidenschafr'ten der edelstcu Ge- sundheit, so wohl in freyledigen als verehelich- ten Stande, angezeiget, hiernlichst deren zuver- liissige gewisse Keun-Zeichen entdecket, wie sie auf die counnodeste Art zu helien, oder zu lindern, nach einer wahren und mehrentheils eigenen Erfahruug mitgetheilet, nicht weniger bey jeder Abhandlung einer hartniickigten Maladie son- derlich der Schwindsucht nnd Unfruchtbarkeit betreffent, die griindliche Cur, welche durch das Arcanum philosophicum auri, oder wnnderbah- res Gold-Pulver erfolget, und von diirfftigen sicher geliraucht werden kan, mitleidend eroff- net. 5 p. 1., 352 pp., 4 1. 8-\ Leipzig it. Budis- sin, D. Richter, 1734. -----. Thesame. Andere Aufl. 6 p. 1., 352 pp., 31. ;--'. Leipzig it. Budissin, D. Richter, 1736. -----. * De ehirurgue cum medicina conjuue- tioue. 22 pp. 4°. Francof. cis J'iadr., typ. P. Sehivartzii, [1735]. -----. Medicamenta selecta : oder mediciuische Fama vom philosopliischen Gold-Pulver und orientalischen Gesuudheits-Balsain, auch andern heilsamen Artzeneyen, so wohl deren Gebrauch und Wiirckuug in alien vcnerischen, langwieri- gen, verliorgenen und fast incnralden Kranck- heitcn, absonderlich a ber in der Yerzehrung, Diirr- und Schwindsucht. 4. Aufl. 82 pp.. 3 1. S-\ Dressden u. Leipzig, i... Niirnb., 1856, vii, 5. Hft,, 77-79.— Charles. Observation sur l'effet des racincsd'ieuanthe, prises comme aliment. Ann. clin.. Montpel., 1814. xxxiii, 152-156.—Coiiik rai* fc l*ih:iii-HiilVil lay. Examen uhimiqiie et toxicologique des lacines de rienanthesafranee ( (Enanthe crocata. Linn. 1. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1830, vi, 459-471.—Fo** (K. W.) Some cases of poisoning by (Enanthe crocata. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xvii, 248- 251. — Grahame ( R. ) Two men poisoned by the herb (Enanthe crocata, or wild celery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 241.—Graves (K.) A fatal iostauce of the poi- sonous effects of the (Enanthe crocata, Linn., or hemlock drop-wort. Med. Facts &. Obs., Lond., 1797, vii, 308-312.— Home (E, W.) Poisoning in cattle by the (Enanthe cro- cata, or water parsnip. Vet. J. & Ann. ('onq>. Path., Lond., 1888, xxvi, 156-158.—HonIston (T.) Case of a boy poi- soned by the root of hemlock drop-wort. Lond. M. J., 1781, ii, 40-46.— Kane (H. S.) Case of rare poisoning. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869. ii. 379.—.»vins (J. B.) Cases of fatal poisoning by (Enanthe crocata. Assoc. M J., Lond., 1853, H69.—IVieol (I).) Case of poisoning witli (Enanthecrocata. Ibid . 1854, i. 224.—Piekclls (W.) De- leterious effects of the (Enanthe crocata, or hemlock water dropwoit, exemplified in a number of instances, as it oc- currs in the south of Ireland, more particularly in the neighborhood of Cork. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1847, lxvii, 435- 451.—Popham (J.) Cases of poisoning from eating the roots of the (Enanthe crocata. Tr. Cork M. &. S. Soc., Dubl., 1864-5. 15-18. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 484-4X8.—IMilteney (li.) A letter concerning the medici- nal effects of a poisonous plant exhibited instead of the water parsnep Phil. Tr., Lond , 1772, lxii, 469-475.-----. An account of the poisonous effects of the (E.ianthe cro- cata, or hemlock dropwort. Lond. M. J., 1784, v, 192-199.— f&ocharil. Observation sur trente sept soldats empoi- sounes, pour avoir mange de la racine dienautbe. J. de med., chir , pharm., etc., Par., 1758, ix, 430-435. — Konbieu (J.) Reflexions sur l'observation publiee par M. Charles, medeein, sur l'effet deletere des racines d'eenanthe. Ann. clin., Montpel.. 1814, xxxiii, 374-382.—Stalpai-t vaudci- Wiel (C.) Van de schadelijkheyt, cut doodelijk vert;if des kruyts, en wortels ceuanthe. In his: I loud, seldz. aan- merk.. [etc.], 12°, Amst,, 1682. 139-150, 3 tab. — Vaelier. Memoire sur uue plante venimeuse de l'isle de Corse. Acta Helvet, Basilete, 1760, iv, 69-81. — Vincent (A.) Note sur l'cenanthe safranee ((Enanthe crocata). Arch. de med. nav., Par., 1864, i, 88-93. Oenarang*. Stcenstra Toussaint (A. J. D.) Het recouvales- centen-gesticht te Oenarang. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Be- vord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1852, i, 47; 132; 301. Oenothera. See Diarrhoea, Scarlatina (Treatment of). CEnothera biennis. Davis (N. S.) (Enothera biennis, its medicinal prop- erties and uses. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1877, xv, 14-18.— Sullivan (J. F.) (Enothera biennis in mucous inflam- mations. Pacific M. &. S. J., San Fran., 1877-8, xx, 353. Oepke (Gottfried) [1847- ]. * Sechs Fiille von Puerperalwahnsinu. 31 np. HJ. Berlin, G. Schade, [1H72]. Oeri (Rudolf). * Die Thoracoceutese durch Hohl- nadelstich und Aspiration bei seroser uud eitri- ger Pleuritis. 75 Beobachtungen, gesammelt auf der medicinischen Klinik zu Basel 1874-6. 1 p. 1., 183 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1870. Oeri IIS (Casparus). *De hydrargyri natura, vi- ribus et usu. 18 1. 4°. Basilece, lit J. Bertschii, [1700]. -----. Thesame. [Appendicis loco dissertatioui huic annecta est: Epistola curiosa et elegaus, OK1MUS. 84 (ESDPIIAGOTOMY. ©eriiis (Casparns)—continued. yuie banc ipsam hydrargyri materiam coucernit, a Guiliclmo Arragosio. Basileet; 1597.] In: Fasc. diss. med. select. (Zvingerus). 12°. Basil, 1710. 222-308. Oersted (Hans-Christian) [ 1777- 1-51. ]. Re- ( heiclics sur l'identit6 des forces chimiqiies et clectriques. Trad, de l'alleniand par M. Marcel Dc Series, xx, 258 pp., 1 pi. 8:. Paris, J.-G. Dentu, 1-13. Also, Co-Editor of: PhysicalssU, a-cononiisk og me- dico-cliirurgisk Bibliothek for Danmark og Xoige, Kje- bcnhavn. 1805-6. See. also, Scli« ei«j;er (J. S. C.) Der J. S. C. Schweig- ger ist der Eutdecker des Electromagnetismus, etc. 8°. Berlin. 1S74. For Biot/raphy. see Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1868, Wash., 1869, 166-184 (CM. ltlie de Beaumont). Transl. by C. A. Alexaudcr. Orsted (Severinus Christiauus) [1812- ]. *De metbodo subcutanea. 3 p. 1., 116 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ilavniee, Loser, 184"). Oerlel (Carolus) (.1816- ]. * De myelopbthisi sicca. 32 pp. 8~\ Berolini, G. Sehade, [1846]. Oertel (Carolus Hugo). * De sectioiie ca\sarea. 27 pp. S-. Jen®, typ. A. Neuenhahni, 1862. Oerlel (Eucharius Ferdiuandus Christianus) [1765-1850]. De aqua' liigidte usu Celsiano. s pp. 4'. Mottachii, Fleischmatin, 1-26. -----. Die allerneuestcn Wasserkuren. Ein Heil- schriftclien l'iir Jedermann. 12 Hfte. 12°. Niirn- berg, /•'. Campe, lS-2i)-33. Hft. 1-2 is 2. ed. Want Hft. 10. Each part has separate title-page and pagination. -----. Die indische Cholera einzig und alleiu durch kaltes Wasser vertilgbar. Allen Regie- rungen, Aerzteu und Nichtiirzten zur Bchcrzi- gnng. 20 pp. 4°. Niirnberg, F. Campe, 1831. -----. Anweisung zum heilsamen Wasserge- brauche fiir Meuschcn uud Thiere in den gang- barstcu Krankheiteu und Lcibesgebrecheu vou A. Z. Ein Hiilfsbuch fiir Aerzte, Chirurgen und Hebammeu, Prediger, Schullehrer, Ortsvorsteher und Alle, Avelche Xatursinn haben und sich in leiblichen Uebeln einfach uud gut beratheu yvol- len, insbesoudere fiir alle Landbewohner sol- dier Gegenden, wo kcine Aerzte sind. 4. Ann. viii, 9-363 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, J. L. Lotzbeck, 1834. -----. Oeffenfliche Beschwerde des . . . iiber die ungluckliche Behandlung der Cholera in Miiu- cheu. Ende November 1836. 16 pp. 16°. Niirn- berg, F. Campe, [1830]. See, aUo. liiiiik der bisherigen Cholera-Kuren letc] 8°. Sulzhach. 1.-32. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Oei'tel (Marie). * Beitrag zur Aetiologie der fungoseu Gelcnkentziindung. [Bern.] 19 pp. S-\ Leipzig, /•'. A. Brockhaus, 1880. Oertel (Max Joseph) [1835- ]. * Untersuchun- geu iiber die abnorme Anhiiufung von Harnbe- standtheilen im Blut uud ihre Folgen. 32 pp. s-. Miinchen, E. Stahl, 1807. -----. Die epideinische Diphtherie. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1874, ii, 1. Th., 551-666. Also, transl.: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), X. T., 1874, i, 571-699. -----. Handbuch der respiratorischen Therapie. xii, 74(i pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1*82. In: Handb. d. allg Therap. (von Ziemssen). 8°. Leip- zig, 1882. i. 4. Th. Also, transl. in: Handb. Gen. Therap. (vou Zienrssen). 8°. London, 1885, iii. -----. Ueber Erniihrung mit Hiihnereiern. 21 pp. 4~. Miinchen, M. Rieget; 1883. -----. Therapie der Kreislaufs-Storungen, Kraft- abuahme des Herzmuskels, ungeniigender Com- pensationeu bei Herzfehleru, Fettherz uud Fett- sucht, ATer;inderuugen im Lungenkreislauf, etc. xii, 304 pp. so Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1884. In: Handb. d. allg. Therap. (von. Ziemssen'). 8-. Leip- zig. 1»M. iv. Also, transl. in: Hanub. Gen. Therap. (von Ziemssen). 8°. London. 1887, vii. Oertel (Max Joseph)—continued. -----. Tlie same. Traitement de l'obc\sit6 et des troubles de la circulation (atfaiblisseinent du cceur, compensation insutfisante dans les lesions valvulaires, cceur gras, troubles de la circulation pnlmouaire, etc.). Trad, sur la 3. ed. par Dr. R. Calmettes. viii, 19^ pp. 8-\ Bruxelles, A. Man- ceaux, 1880. -----. Die Ebstein'sche Flugschrift iiber Was- serentzichuug, u. s. w. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. IV. Vogel, 1883. -----. Kritisch-physiologische Bcprcehung der Ebstein'schen Behandlung der Fettleibigkeit. Erwiderung auf dessen Schrift: "Fett oder Koh- lenhydrate". 24 pp. 8J. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1883. -----. Ueber Terraiu-Curorte zur Behandlung von Krauken mit Kreislaufs-Storungen, Kraft - abnahme des Herzmuskels, ungvniigenden Com- peusationen bei Herzfehleru, Fettherz und Fett- sucht, Veriinderungen im Lungenkreislauf, etc., insbesoudere als Winter-Stationen in Siid-Tirol, Zur Orientirung fiir Aerzte und Kranke. iv, 75 pp., 2 maps. 8:-\ Leipzig, F. C. IV. Vogel, 1886. -----. Die Pathogenese der epidemischen Diph- therie nach ihrer histologischen Begriindung. x, 185 pp. 8-'. "With atlas, 3 1., 16 pi., fol. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1887. 'See, also, IVaviatil (F.) Prof. Dr. Oertel'a (Miinchen) Heilverfahren, etc. 8°. Wien, 1885. — lebersichts- karte des TerrainCurortes Wiesbaden, sm. 4°. Wies- baden, |1886]. Oertel (Gottlob Fridericus). See TiliiiN (Joannes Daniel). Siccitas anni superioris 1766 [etc.] 45. Wittebergce, [1767]. Oertel (Jo. Adam.) *De delirantium furore et dementia. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jence, lit. Hornianis, [1733]. For Biography, see Hilschcr (Simon Paulus). Oertel (Jo. Gothofredus). *DeHoineromedieo. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Vitemberg®, ex off. C. Schrbdteri, [1700]. -----. *De trachomate. 24 pp. 4°. Vitemberg®, lit J. 67. Meyeri, [1704]. Oft tilling (Samuel Gustav). *De medendi me- tbodo per veuena. 38 pp. 4°. Buetzovii, typ. ./. G. Fritzii, [1702]. Oertli (Jo. Conr.) *De varicibus. 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gotting®, H. C. Seemann, 1839. Oertly (Matthias). *De mira dosis purgautium medicamentorum diversitafe inter varias gentes classes hominum et sola individua animadversa ejusque causis. 26 pp. 4°. Altorfii, lit. J. P. Meyeri, [180Q]. Oeser (Guilielmus Jos.) * Diss, sistens historiam scarlatina; inflammatorise. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prag®, J. Spumy, [1839]. Oeser (Hermaunus). See Treitschke (Georgius Carolus) & Osci- (Her- mannus). De his qua3 tacite judicantur [etc.] 4°. Lip- sice, [1830]. Oesleriis (Christophorus Otto) [1002-57]. [Obituary.] In: Sheffel (C. S.) Vitse professoruin medicinae in acad. Gryphiswald. 4°. Gryphiswald., 1756, 125-130. (Esopliagismus. See CEsophagus (Spasm of). Oesophagitis. See CEsophagus (Inflammation of). (Esopliagoscope. See CEsophagus (Exploration of). (Esophagotomv. See, also, CEsophagus (Foreign bodies in); CE- sophagus (Stricture of); CEsophagus (Surgery of); Pharyngotomy; Fharnyx (Foreign bodies in). Bidau (J.-A.) *De l'cesophagotomie contre les r6tre"cisseinents de l'tesophage. 4°. Bor- deaux, l—ii. CESOPHAGOTOMY. 85 CESOPHAGOTOMY. (Esopliagotoiuy. Bokciikrt (E.) '* Leber Oesophagotomie. 8°. Berlin, [1877]. Ciihkver (D. W.) Two cases of cesopha- gotomy for the removal of foreign bodies; vvitli a history of the operation. 8J. Boston, 1807. Fkiedrich (C. L.) *De lesophagotomia. SJ. Lipsi®, [1840]. Gehmain (G.-A.) *De l'oesophagotomie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837. Hcelsmaxx (R.) * Nonnulla de cesophagoto- mia, 8°. Berolini, [1849]. Svihdsjae (M. A.) *De incideudo eesophago ad corpora aliena ex ipso rcmovenda. 8°. Dor- pat, 1830. Terkieu (L.-F. ) "De l'tesophagotomie ex- terne. 4 . Paris, 1870. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1871, xliv, 29. Vacca Berlixgiiieri (A.) Dellaesofagotomia e dinunuovo metododi eseguirla; memoria. 8°. Pisa, 1820. Also, transl. in: Melanges de chir. etrang., Geneve, 1824, i, 71-150, 1 pi. Vigxardonxe (J.) * Quelques propositions sur l'oesophagotomie. 4C. Paris, an XIV [1805], Wkxxixger ( L. ) * Ueber Oesophagotomie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1872. Albert. Oesophagotomie, sodanu Anlegunir einer Ma- genfistel. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 513.—Alex- ander (W.) A ease of oesophagotomy. Lancet. Lond., 1879, i, 155. — A In berg (A.) Kunstliehes Gebiss im Oesophagus; Oesophagotomie; Heilung. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 854.—Arnold (F.) Esofa- gotomia per corpo estraneo a man sospesa senza guida della sonda del'Vacca. Morgagni, Napoli, 1864, vi, 352- 355. — Amott (J. R. ) Case of cesophagotomy. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1833. xviii, 86-97.—Atherton (A. B.) t Boston M. & S. J., 187D, lxxxiii, 81. -----. t Ibid.,1879, c, 777-779.—Ballingnl I (G. It.) t Stricture of the pharynx. Tr. il. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1855-6), 1857, n. s., iii, [app.], pp. xxii - xxiv. — Karros Borgoiio. Esofagotomia esterna. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1885-6, xiv, 315-317.—Barton (J. K.) On oesophagotomy; remarks ou the operation, with report of a c;ise. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 22-28.—Begin (L.-J.) Memoire sur 1'ceso- phagotomie. Eee. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1832, xxxiii, 241-303. Also: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1833, xi, 93-144. — Bell (C.) Clinical lecture on cesophagotomy. Lond. il. Gaz., 1832-3, xi, 538-541.— Berg (J.) Fall af cancer (esophagi; oesophagotomia. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1885. xlvii, 178-11)6. — Bcrns. Oeso- phagotomien. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. K., xxii, 2. Afd., 505-568. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv. 3o4. — Billc. Ein Fremdkorper im Oesophagus; Oesoplnigotomie. Ibid.. 1880, xvii, 541.— Billroth. Oesoplnigotomie. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1885, 115. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 268. Also, transl.: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 503.—Blair <\V.) t Med. & Phys. J., Loud., 1801, vi, 97-105. — Brims. Line Oesophagotomie wegen Un- do ichgangigkeit der Speiserohre; Heilung; vier Wochen spa ter bei demsellicn K rail ken Trecheotomie wegen dro- liender Erstickung; Tod. Deutsche Klinik, Ber)., 1865, xvii, 37; 50; 76; 84-Bryk (A.) Narbige Striktur des Oesophagus; Oesoplnigotomie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 961; 988; 1012; 1033; 1068; 1085.—BucalosNi (E.) Sc Baroiuiiii (G.) Esofagotomia praticata in una inula. Gior. di anat.. fisiol. e patol. d. animali. Pisa, 1871, iii, 65-68.—Bntlin (H. T.) On a ease of cesophagotomy, for the removal of a foreign body from the j. ullet. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1884, xvii, 129-134. — Capilani (().) Esofagotomia pratica ta iu un cane. Gior. di anat.. fisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa. 1886. xviii. 198-200. — [Case.] [Oesophagotomie.J Aerztl. Her. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1868), 1869, 147— t'hccthuiii (J. P.) Oesopha- gotomy in the horse. Glasgow M. J., 1831, iv, 23 -25.— C'liccver (U. W.) Foreign bodies in the (esophagus. Three cases of cesophagotomy. Med. cslrce. Tumeur de l'cesophage; I'a'.sophagotomie. Ann. Soc d anat. pa'h.de Brux. Bull., 1880-81, no. 30. 59-65.— Dolbean. (Esophaaotomie in- terne. [2 cases.] Bull. Soc. tie chir. de Par. (1870), 1871, 2. s., xi, 103-105. —Durham (A. F.) (Esophagot- (Esophagotom y. oniy. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1874, xxv, 122-125.— Elsbcrg (L.) Two cases of successful internal (esopha- Kotoniy. Arch. Laryngol., N. V., 1883. iv. 56-60.— Fi»chcr (G.) Die Oesophagotomie bei Fremdkdrpeiii, Deutsche Ztsclir. f. Chir., Leipz., l«86-7, xxv, 565-51:4.— Flaubert (A.) Observation d'eesopbagotomie et d'ex- traction dun os volumineux arrete dans l'u'sophage. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 349— Un\ (G. W.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1879, e, 356-358. Also: Med. & Surg. Kep. Bost. City Hosp. (1874-9), 1882, 3. s., 285-288—Unaltani (C.) Essai sur V oesophagotomie. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1757, iii, 13. Also [Rev.]: Ibid., 351-360,'l pi. Also, transl. in: Lautli (H.) Script. Lat. de aneur. collect., 4°, Argent, 1785, 191 - 198. — iiiiMNcnbancr (C.) Le- ber combinirte Oesophagotomie. Ztsclir. f. Heilk., I'ra"-, 1883, iv, 33-48—Iladlieh (II.) Kin Fall von ausserer Oesophagotomie. wegen hochgradiger Dysphagie. Deut- sche Ztsclir. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, xvii, 138-157. — Hay- wood (E. B.) Report of a case of external oesopha- gotomy. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1887, xix, 129- 131.—Hclweg (K.) Corpus alienum oesophagi; oesopha- gotomia externa: fistula oesophago-trachealis. Hosp.- Tid., Kjobenh., 1884, 3. K., ii, 510-514. —Hitchcock (A.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 373-375. — Hodgen (J. T.) 11 St. Louis Cour. Med., lsso, iii, 550-552—Holmcr (V.) t Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1882, 2. P., ix, 8-14. -----. Corpus alienum oesophagi: (Ksophagotomia ext.; Hel- bredelse. Ibid., 18b3, 3. R., i, 985-990.—Horsey (C. W.) Stricture of the oesophagus, from the action of caustic potash; cesophagotomy; death; post-mortem. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1876, n. s., lxxii, 114-120.—Howell (F.) Report of a successful case of oesophagotomy for the ex- traction of a silver titty-cent piece; with suggestions as to the conditions under which the operation is justifiable. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling. 1884. xvii. 104-111. Also : Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 639.— Iiizani (G.) t Guari- gione. Ann. uuiv. di med., Milano, 1862, clxxxi, 571.— Kappelcr (O.) Zwei Oesophagotoinien. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, vii, 379-388.—I-a Garde'(L. A.) t Am. J. M. So., Phila., 1884, n. s., lxxxvii, 406-411.— Lnnelongnc. Observation, avec quelques considera- tions, pour servir a l'histoire de l'oesophagotomie interne. Cong. med. de France 1865, Par., 1866, iii, 414-426—von liangenbeek (B.) Ueber Pharyngotomia subhyoidea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 13; 29. Also, transl.: Ippocratico, Fano, 1870, 3 s., xvii, 247-255. -----. t Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1877, vi, 71-73.— de Lavacheric, Del'cesophagotomie. Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg. 1843-5, Brux., 1848, i. pt. 2, 83-132. Also [Abstr.] : Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux , 1843-4, iii, 902-916. -----. (Esophagotomie appliquee aux retre- cissements de l'lesophage. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1844-5, iv, 758-764, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.] : J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1845-6, xiii, 325.—Lanric (E.) t Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 424 —I.awson (G.) (Esopha- gotomy for the removal of a plate with three artificial teeth which had been accidentally swallowed, and was impacted in the oesophagus. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885, xviii, 292-296. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 990. Also: Med. Press asilotl (I. I.) (Esophagotomia et reseetio (esophagi endothoracicii. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888. i\, 481.—Packard (J. H.) (Esophagotomy without a guide Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1883, i', 19-21.— !><'■■< h. Arret d'un os dans l'cesophage chez uu chien; oesophagotomie; emploi d'un tube en caoutchouc comme cesophage artificiel: guerison. Lyon med., 1871, viii, 578 582. Also: Mem. Soc d. sc med. de Lyon (1871), 1872. xi. pt. 2. 152-156. — Boe (.1. O. ) Internal oeso- phagotomy: the division of membranous or cicatricial constrictions or obstructions in the oesophagus by internal section. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1882. xxii, 536; 561. 'Also, Re- print. Also: Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Syracuse, 1882, 296-318.— Bo*»i (G.) t Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1831. Ix, 56-,6. Also .- Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1832, v, 170-182.—Wal- zastra (R.) Un os enclave a l'linion du tiers supei ieurct du tiers moyen de l'cesophage; oesophagotomie exteiiie: guerison. Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Par., 1887. vii, 505-514— Stndsgnard (C.) Osophagotomia internavedcicatricielstrictur. Hnsp.-Tid., Kj benh. 1873. xvi, 173. -----. Osopliagotomia interna ved cikatriciel striktur. Ibid., 1875, 2. R . ii. 306. -----. (Esophagoto- mia externa for Corpus alienum (Taudsast). Ibid., 1886, 3. R., iv, 361-367.—Nyme (.1.) On (esophagotomy. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1861, ii, 193. -----. (Esophagotomy for the removal of a copper coin, which had remained three months in the gullet. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1862, i, 299.— Tillaux. Contribution ii l'histoire de l'oesophagotomie interne. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 14- 2n—Trclat ((J.) Sur l'lesophagotomie interne dans les retreVisseinents cieatrieiels de l'cesophage. Ibid., 1870, lxxviii. 252-263. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1870, xxxv, 241. -----. Nouvel [ihago daus les quatre classes d'animaux vertebras. 4°. Paris, 1842. Klein (E.) Ueber die Vcrtheilungen derMus- kelu des Oesojihagusheim Menschen und Hunde. .y-\ [Wien, 1808.] Repr.from : Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1868. Mai-Hft., 1. Abth. Magexdie (F.) Memoire sur l'cesophage. 8°. [Paris, 1-13.] Mekkel (F.) Die Speichelrohren. roy. 8°. Leijizig. 1883. Moctox (L.-C.-F.) * Du calibre de l'cesophage ct du eatheteTisme cesophagien. 4 . Paris, -----. The same. s-. Paris, 1874. (Esophagi!*. Schmacshi: (F. T.) * Observatioues dc struc- tura ct tcxtura universi (esophagi huiuani. >3. Berolini, [1800], Schmidt (F. A.) *De nianinialium (csophago atque veutriculo. H-. Haiti: [lsjf>]. Budge (J.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Gehirnorgane auf die Speiserohre uud deu Magen. Arch. f. Anat., Phy- siol, ii. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1850, 517-519. — <'milling. ham (D. J.) Notes on the broncho -(esophageal and pleuro-iesophageal muscles. J. Anat. & I*h\siol., Loud., 1875-6, x, 320-323. — Flench (M.) Leber 'Be/.iehungeii zwischen Lymphfollikeln uud secernierenden Driisen itn Oesophagus'. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii. 283-286. —Jill. Iclte. Description et structure de la tuniquc nmsculaire de liesophage chez l'homme et chez les animaux. .J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1872, viii, 617-641. — «;oll* (V.) Studien iiber die Bewegungen der Speiseriihic und des Magens desFrosches. Arch. f. d. ges. 1'hvsiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 588; 616. — «J ruber (\V.) Leber das neue An- heftungsbiindel des Ot sophagns an den Bronchus dexter; Musculus broncho-cesophageus dexter. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 519. -----. Ueber das neue Anheftungsbiindel des Oesophagus an die Glandula thyreoidea; Musculus Ihvreo-a'sophageus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877. lxix, 396-398. —von Hacker (Y.) Zur Kenutniss des Einfiusses del Kriini- mungeu der Wirbolsaiileaufilie Weiteund den Yerlauhles Oesophagus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1489- 1494. — HasNc (('.) Ueber den Oesophagus der Tauben und das Verhiiltniss der Secretion des Kropfes zur Milch- secretion. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz., 1865. 3. R., xxiii, 101-132, 2 pi. — Klein (E ) Ciliated epithelium of the oesophagus. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Loud., 1880, n. s., xx, 476—I.aimer (E.) Beitrag zur Anatomie des Oesopha- gus. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1883, 333-388, 2 pi. — Laimr- grace. Fonctions de l'oesophage. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1882, iv, 445; 457; 481; 497: 512; 523; 533; 545: 581; 605: 1883, v, 6; 13; 25; 38.—von l,n*< hlia (H.) Die Pars abdominalisdermenschlichen Speiserohre. Vrtijschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1870, cv, lo-is.—Lu- ton (A.) (Esophage. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xxiv, 322-425.— ITIichel. (Esophage. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1880, 2. s., xiv, 436-529.— i?I on falcon. (Esophage. Diet. d. sc. med.. Par.. 1819. xxxvii. 180- 192. — ;Tlo»so (A.) Esperienze sull' cccitabilita dell' esofago. Gior. d. r. Accad di med. di Torino. 1873, 3. s., xiv, 77-87.-----. Movimenti parziali dell' esofago. Ibid., 88-101.— "Veilinann (E.) Flimmerepithelim Oesophagus menschlicher Embrvonen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xii, 570-574. — I»crcy. Rapport fait a l'lnstitut de France, sur un Memoire de M. Magendie concernant Fac- tion de l'cesophage. J. de med.. chir., pharm , etc., Par., 1815, xxxiv, 255-262. — Pillict(A.) Structiiredesglandes oesophagiennes chez l'octopus vulgaire. -J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1886, xxii, 398-401, 1 pi. — Ranvicr. Les muscles de l'o'sophage. J. de microg., Par., 1879. iii, 9-14. — RavilKch (J.) Ueber das Vorkommen querge- streifter Muskelfasern im Oesophagus der Hausthiere. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxvii, 413. — Kill- Iier. Observation sur la nou-eontiimite des membranes, ou tuniques internes de l'cesophage et de l'cst.....ac Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1814, iv, 196. — Saiid»trbm (I.) Om en nv kdrtel hos menniskan och atskilliga diiggdjur. Lpsala Lakaref. Fdrh.. 1880, xv, 441-471, 3 pi—Velpcnn. (Esophage. Diet, de med., 2. ed., 1'ar., 1840. xxi, 370- 433 —Vinogrndoll' (N.) O prisutstvii poperecbno-polo- satikh niwisliechnikh volokon v' pishchepriemnom gorlai domashnikli /.hibotnikli.% [On the presence of transverse muscular fibres in the (esophagus of domestic animals. 1 Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863, iii, 53-55. — Welcher ( U.) Sc Nch vrciggcr-Kcidrl. Verbreitimg.sgi en/.en tier qnergestreiften und glatten Muskulatur im menscldiclicn Schlimde. Arch.f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl.. 1861, xxi, 455.— Wild (F.) Leber die peristaltisehe Beweg ling des Oeso- phagus, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber diejenigen des Darms. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1846, v, 77-132. (Esophagus (Abnormities and malfor- mations of). See, also, Fistula ((Esophageal); Trachea (Ab- normities of). Eyquem (J.) *Des malformations cong6ui- tales de Lo'sophage. 4-. Paris, 1873. Fbidbehg (E.) * Ueber Oesophagus - Diver- tikel. 8°. Giessen, 1H>7. Matthiessex(C. R.) *Congenitum (esophagi vitium iu neonatis observation. 4C. Ivilia; [1833]. Nissex (W.) *Eiu Beitrag zur Casuistik der Pulsionsdivertikel der spciseriire. 8~\ Xiel i -^ ( ' (ESOPHAGUS. 8 (Esophagus (Abnormities and malfor- mations of), Oyerkamp (H.) * Ueber Divertikel des Oeso- phagus. 8C. Halle, 1872. vax de Water (B.) *Aangeboren onvolko- meue sinking van den slokdarm. 8°. Leyden, 1837. Annandale (T.) Case of congenital malformation of the (esophagus. Edinb. M. J., 1868-9, xiv, 598-602, 1 pi. Also Reprint. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, 201-203.—Avres (P. B.) Case of congenital inalfor- tiou of the (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1850-52. iii, 91-93, 1 pi.—dc Bary (J.) Atresie des Oesophagus, voll- standige Transpositio visceruin. Lrspruug dec Aorta und der Art. pulinoualis aus einem Yentrikel. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1864, xxxi, 430-435. — Boisvert (F.) Arret de developpemcnt et vice de conformation de l'ceso- phage. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1886-7. xvi. 125.—Bou- cher. Imperforation de ldsophage. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1868. xliii. 127-129. —Braun. Divertikel des Oeso- phagus. Med. (Jor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852. xxii. 128—C'hiari. Ueber eine seltene Form von Oesophagusdivertikel. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 13 —Davis (G. M.) Case of imperforate pharynx with au irregular formation of oesophagus, and imperforate anus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842-3, xxxi, 543.—Fere (('.) Alio- malic de l'cesophage. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, liii, 466. Also.- Progres med.. Par., 1879. vii. 227. —Finhel- stciu (A.) A felso gegeideg meg le neiu irt valtozasairol. [Abnormity of (esophagus.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1879, xxiii, 755. — C*roclI ( II. j Ein Pulsionsdivertikel des Oesophagus. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1878, xix, 217-221.— Hill (T. P.) Congenital malformation. Boston M. & S. J., 1839-40, xxi, 320 —Holmes (A. F.) Case of malfor- mation of the oesophagus and trachea. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1826, v, 441-443.—Holston (J. G. F.) Congenital malformation of the (esophagus. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, u. s., xiv, 336. —Houston (J.) [A congeni- ta) case of the pharynx terminating in a cul-de-sac ; com- munication between the trachea and oesophagus.] Dub- lin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 310-313, 1 pi.—Johnson (H. C.) Pouch connected with the posterior part of the oesopha- gus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1848-50, ii, 248.—It ii line (L.) Beobachtung eines besonders grosseu Diverticuli oeso- phagi. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxxix. 348-353, 1 pi. — Itu rz (E.) Ein Fall von Divertikelbildung des Oesophagus. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1877, iv, 545-553. Continued in: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1879, v, 515-518.—IiCjjouais. Observation d'un vice de conformation de l'cesophage, accompagne de la difformite des membres superieurs; suivi de quelques reflexions. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1825, i, 71-78. — Lchiuami (L.) Atresia oeso- phagi congenita, met inmonding van het benedeneinde in de trachea, even boven hare bifurcatie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, 2. R., iv, 2. Afd., 142-144.—Levy (C. E.) Zwei Falle von saekfdrmiger Verschliessung des oberen Theils der Speiserohre mit Kiiiniiindiing des un- teren Theils in die Luftidhre. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1845, xviii, 436-449, 1 pi.— von l.uschha (H.) Blinde Endigung des Halstheiles der Speiserohre und Communication ihrer Pars thoracica mit der Luftrohre. Arch f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xlvii, 378-381, 1 pi.— Mackenzie ( M. ) Malformations of the oesophagus. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1880, i, 301-315. — ITIasou (F.) Malformation of the (esophagus Assoc. M. J., Loud., | 1855, i, 564.—.Ucllor (T.) Malformation of oesophagus. Lond M. Gaz., 1840. xxvi, 542.—Moore (X.) Diverti- culum of (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 191. — rYeiikireli ( R. ) Ein Pulsionsdivertikel des Sehlundes. Deutsc lies Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884-5. xxxvi, 179-183.—\icoladoui (K.) Ein Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der Oesophagusdivertikel. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 605; 631; 654.—Ogle (J. W.) Malformed trachea and oesophagus; congenital communication between them. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 52. — E'adicn. (Esophage intorrompu dans sa partie moyenne, la moitie superieure se terminant en cul-de-sac et l'inferieure s'ouvrant dans la trachee-artere. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1835, x, 95. — Pagcnslcchcr. Seltene augeborne Missbildung des Schluudes und Ma- gens. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1829, ix, 113-125, 1 pi.— Park (R.) A case of oesophageal diverticulum. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 183-188.— Pericr (C.) Anomalie de l'cesophage; obliteration du bout superieur; ouverture du bout iuferieur dans le conduit aerien au niveau de la bifurcation de la trachee. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s , ii, 587-590. -----. Anomalie rare de Ice soph age. Bordeaux med.. 1874. iii, 75. —Perkins (M.) Case of malformation of the oesopha- gus. N. Hampshire J. M., Concord, 1852-3, iii, 309.— Porro (E.) Sopra un caso di obliterazioue congenita dell' esofago. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1871, ccxvii, 421.— Bicbardsou (W. L.) Congenital malformation of the oesophagus. Boston M. & S. .f., 1875, xcii, 443—Schoel- ler. Eigenthiimliche Missbildung der Speiserohre, als CESOPHAGUS. (Esophagus (Abnormities and malfor- mations of). Ursache eiuer Verbindung des Athmungsapparates mit dem Verdauungskanale. N. Ztsclir. f. Geburtsk., Bed., 1838, vi, 264-275, 1 pi— Sondcrlnud. Observations sur un enfant qui est, venu au monde prive d'eesophage, et qui a vecu huit jours. J. coinpl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1821, viii, 369.—Sundewall ( F. E. ) Fall af afsndrd oesophagus, soiu med sin nedre del communicerar med luftriiret. Upsala Lakaref. F'Srh., 1869-70, v, 385-388.— Toply (R.) Ektasie des Oesophagus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1882, vii. 312. — Vigla. Rccherches sur les coinmuuieatious accidentelles de lUsophage avec les poumons et les bronchos. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1846, 4. s., xii, 129; 314.—Ward (0.) Malformation of oesopha- gus; open foramen ovale, and ductus arteriosus; cyanosis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, viii, 173-175.—Win ge (K.) Foreviste deruajst en (Esophagus med Divenikel. at' en henved 80aarig Maud, som i nogle Aar havde freinbudt Symptomer af Striktur i Spiseroivt. Forh. Xorske med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1867, 15—Zini. Leber einen Fall von Oesophagusdivertikel. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1873-4. xi, 36. (Esophagus (Auscultation of). See Auscultation of ®sophagus. (Esophagus (Cancer of). See, also, Gastrotomy; CEsophagus (Strict- ure of); CEsophagus (Surgery of); CEsophagus (Tumors of). Bkaasch (H.) * Beitrag zur Statistik und Anatomie des Speiserokrenkrebses. 8':. Kiel, 1880. Colle (F.) * Beitriige zur Lehre voin prima- reu Oesophaguscarcinom. 8°. Gottingen, 1887. Eeixixger (G.) *Ein Fall von Epithelkrebs im Oesophagus mit Bemerkungen iiber den Oeso- phaguskrebs im Allgemeinen. b°. Erlangen, 1860. D'Em.merez de Ciiarmoy (O.) * Contribu- tion a l'etude clinique du cancer de l'cesophage et du retr6cissemeut qu'il determine. 4°. Paris, 1883. Freldexhammer ( G. ) * Carcinoma oeso- phagi. 8-\ Berlin, [1873]. Fritsche (M. A.) * Ueber den Krebs der Speiseiokre. sm. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Genty (G.) *Des symptoines larynge's d'ori- gine uerveuse daus le cancer de l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1883. Gerber (H.) * Ueber Carciuom des Oesopha- gus. 8°. [Bonn, n. d.] Gindre (P.) * Recherches sur les complica- tions anatomiques du cancer de l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1803. Gosebruch (H.) * Ueber Carciuom des Oeso- phagus mit besouderer Beriicksichtigung zweier Falle. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Hartl (F.) *Zur Statistik des Carcinomsder Speiserohre. 8°. Strattbing, [1881]. Kruzexstern (N.) *Izsledovanija o rake pitshevoda. [Cancer of oesophagus.] 8J. St. Petersburg, 1883. Also, in: MejdunarKlin., St. Petersb., 1885, iv, 195; 255. Kniz (A.) * Ueber Perforation des Oesopha- gus durch Carciuom desselben. 8°. Miinchen, 1878. Lacour (E.) * Etude sur le cancer de l'ceso- phage. 4°. Paris, 1881. Lemaitre (H.) * Complications pleuro-pulmo- naircs du cancer de l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1880. Levoyer (M.) *Dn cancer latent de l'ceso- phage. 4°. Paris, 1879. y.ix Lil (W.) *De angina scirrhosa. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1760. Morozoff (D.) *Anatoniija pitshe\rodaik ucheuiou o rakovom sujenii etogo orgaua i ego lecheniou kateterizatsiei, elektrolizom i gastros- tomies [Anatomy of oesophagus aud study on cancerous diseases of this organ and their treat- CESOPHAGUS. 88 CESOPHAGUS. (Esophagus (Cancer of). inent by catheterization, electrolysis, and gas- trostomy.] 8~: St. Petersburg, 1-^7. Petri (J.) * Ueber 44 im pathologist-hen Iusti- tut zu Berlin iu der Zeit von 1851) bis zum Mtirz 1868 vorgekonimenen Falle von Krebs der Spei- serohre. sm. 8 . Berlin, [18l*>*]. I'orchaire. *Tuberculose consecutive, au re- trecissement cancereux de l'cesophage. 4J. Pa- ris, 1883. Keichert (J.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Oesophaguscarcinome. 8J. Aschaff-nburg, 1880. Schulz (G.) *Der Krebs der Speiserohre. f -. Berlin, [188(5]. Sie.mox (C.) * Ueber die carcinomatose Ste- nose des Oesophagus, sm. 8J. Berlin, [lSliS]. Strobel (F. X.) *De casu quodam perfora- tionis oesophagi in bronchum siuistrum carci- nomate factse. 8°. Bonn®, 1800. Weddigex (W.) * Ueber deu primiireu Oeso- phaguskrebs. 8°. Miinchen, 1882. Wegener ( C. A.) *De carcinomate oeso- phagi. 8J. Halis Sax., [I8t>4]. yax Wicherex (C.) * Over slokdarmkauker, met eene waaineming van hierdoor veroorzaakte doorboring der aorta. 8°. Groningen, 1SI55. Alilbcrg- (V. E.) Sc Key. Kaukroid i (esophagus och glandula thyreoidea. Ilygiea. Stockhohn. 1807. xxix, 263- 266.—Albarran (J.) Carcinoma primitivo del esofago. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1885. viii, 705-707.—Alivia (M.) La cangrena polmouale cousecutiva ad epitelioma dell' esofago. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3 s., vii 254-265.— Aniodru. Retrecissement cancereux de l'(esnphage; ulceration de l'aorte; mort par hemorrhagic interne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 294-297. —Andrnl Sc Buret (H.) Cancer de l'cesophage: caverne pulinonaire de nature gangreneuse. Ibid., 1K73, xlvii, 225-229.— Andrew ( E. ) Infiltrated scirrhous stricture of the oesophagus implicating the trachea. Tr. Path Soc. Lond., 1860-61, xii. 90.—Ay run. Case, of carcinoma of the (esoph- agus perforating the trachea. Am. M. Monlh.. X. Y.. 1850. vi. 29. Also : N. York M. Times, ]s.50,v, 388—Bailly Sc I nam berl. Cancer de l'i esophage et du larvnx. Ann. d. mal. de 1 oreille ct du larynx, Par., 1876, ii, 83-88.— Baldiug ( B.) Epithelial cancer of the (esophagus, causing death by haemorrhage from the right sub-cla- vian artery. Tr.' Path. Soc. Lond , 1857-8, ix, 194-197.— Barclay (J.) Scirrhous condition of the (esophagus. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1852, 303-305—Barlb (IL) Cancer de la trachee et de l'cesophage; compression des nerfs recurreuts; aphonie complete; symptorues rappe- lant ceux du cancer larvngien. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 201-204.—Bcsjbic (J. W.) Malignant disease of the (esophagus succeeded by sudden pericarditis, and ultimately by pneumo-pericardium with effusion. Ed- inb. M. J., 1862-3. viii, 310-324. Also, Reprint. Also, in: Select, from the works of the late [etc.l, 8°, Loud., 1882, 153-160.—Bennett (K.) Cancer of the liver, simulating scirrhus of the pylorus; cancerous ulceration of oesopha- gus. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1850, x, 165-167, -----. Malignant stricture of the oesophagus; death after seven months'symptoms; autopsy. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1854, ii. s., viii, 595. -----. Epithelioma of the oesophagus. Dublin J. M. Sc , 1876, Ixii, 75-77.—Benton (S.) Spheroidal-celled (hard) carcinoma of the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 190. Also: Lancet, Lond . ls-l. i, 253. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 269.— Bribes. Retrecissement cancereux de l'cesophage; per- foration de la trachee. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 348-351. Also: Progres med., Par..1885, 2. s.. i, 109-111.— Bcrthcraud (A.) Cancer de 1'iesopliage. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1864. ix. 51.—Bc»uicr. Retrecisse- ment cancereux de l'lesophage: ouverture dans la trachee, dans le mediastin, et dans la plevre droite. Hull Soc. anat! de Par., 1866. xii. 155-159.— Bixhop (B. M.) Ulcerated scirrhus of the oesophagus. X. York M. J., 1«75, xxi, 508.— Iti-soni ( G.) Epitelioma faringo-esofagoo, con occlusione progressiva dell' esofago e della lariuge, per- toia/.ione esofago-tracheale. e fistole multiple cutaneo- esol'agee. Ebd. clin. di Bologua, 1864, iii, 705-709.— Blackford (J. M. ) Case of cancer of esophagus. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1878. iii, 254-250 — Roc- chat. Cancer (epithelioma; de l'cesophage; ulceration de la caiotide primitive gauche; mort rapide. Bull. Soc. med. t\v la Suisse Rom., Lausanne. 1880, xiv, 104.— Bouillaud. Retrecissement de liesophage cause par un cancroi'de a cellules pavimeuteuses et a globes epider- micpies; hypertrophic du oa-ur. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 18(57, xl, 367. —Bouvcrct. Ulceration caneereuse de l'(eso- phage; communication avec la plevre droite. Bull. Soc. (E*0|>liag'lis (Cancer of). anal, ih' Par. Is77. Iii. 52-55. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1877, v. 4 18.— Boyd (S.) Two cases of malignant disease of theiesophagus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, i, 538.— Brad- ley (E.) Epithelial cancer of (eso]diagus. Med. Lee. X Y.. 1875. x, 533.—van Bree (YV. II.) Carcinoma inedul hire iu den slokdarm. Boerhaave. Tijdsohr., etc., Amst., 1843. n. s.. ii, 4X1-491. —Brimowe (.!.' S.) Cancer of the oesophagus fatal by haunorrhage from one of the intercostal arteries. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond!, 1850-7. viii, 210-312. -----. Cancer of (esophagus; free communication between (esoph- agus and trachea : death by perforation of common carotid; paralysis of the left vocal cord. Ibid., 1871, xxii, 134-137 — Brucu (E. T.) Cancer of the lower portion of the (esoph- agus and the stomach. Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 209. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (879-81), 1882. x. 83-85.— Bruuoii. Epithelioma do l'd'sophage; gangrene du sommet du pomnou droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. Ismi, lv, 323. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 1063.—Buck (G.) Cancerous tumor involving the (esophagus and larynx. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1857. x. 22-27.— Budd. ('ancer of the oesophagus, causing a large open- ing into the trachea, just above the bifurcation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 145.—Burger (II.) Dysphagia durch Degeneration der Speiseiohre. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1825, xx. 348-357. —Buist (J. B.i Case of malignant stricture of oesophagus; circumscribed gangrene of left lung ; double pneumonia; autopsy- Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 878-882. — Buquoy. Epithelioma de l'ceso- phage ; perforation de la bronche gauche et de l'aorte : au- topsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx. 280-287.— Burgl ( G. ) Carcinoma oesophagi; Tod. Aerztl. Int.- Bl.. Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 250.—Burnet (R. W.) Strict- ure of oesophagus (carcinomatous) with ulceration and perforation : posterior mediastinal abscess opening into right lung, and communicating with bronchi; carcinoma of stomach. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 191.— Itmon (K.) <)i sophagusstrictiireu auf Carcinom hem- hind. In bis: Mitth. a. d. chir. Priv. - Klin., 8°, Leipz . 1880. 85-87.—Cameron. Malignant (esophageal stricture, with gangrene of the lung. Glasgow M. J., 1883, [4.1 s., xix, 391-394— Cardarclli (A.) Stenosi esofagea per carcinoma. Riv. clin. d. Lniv. di Napoli, 1885, vi, 58-02.—Carrcre. Observation sur des squirres de l'cesophage, de l'oritice suporieur de l'estomac et (lea intestinsgieles. Hist. Soc. roy. de med 1777-9, Par., 1780, ii, 214-217. — [Cases.] Cancer of the (esophagus, involv- ing Ihe aorta, iu a gentleman 55 years of age. Lond. M. & S. J., 1836, ix, 501.—Cancer of the oesophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 378.—Cancer de Lesopbage et du cardia, ulterieureiuent generalise. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877.1, 57.— Epithelioma of oesophagus. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1885, Loud., 1886, 47.—Cawtclaiii. (.'ancer de l'cesophage. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1802, 2. s.. iii, 172.—Caylcy (\V.) A specimen of malignant stricture of the (esophagus, associated with pulmonary gangrene, and treated by thoracentesis. Proc. Roy. M. cX Chir. Soc. Loud., 1882-5, n. s., i, 288— ClialybaciiM (T.) Eall von Oesophaguskrebs nach eiuer Lungeuca\ erne perforirend. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 180s, xx. 212.—Cbaudelux. Car- cinome oesophagieu et anevrysme de la crosse dc l'aorte ayant donne lieu aux symptomes de la phthisie laryngee; autopsie. Lyon med., 1875, xviii, 438-443. Ateo.'Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1875), 1870, xv, pt.2, 19-25—Cliowne. Death from inanition, consequent upon scinhous disease of the oesophagus and cai iliac orifice of the stomach. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2. i, 38-40.—Clarke (Le G.) Epithelial cancer of the (esophagus aud thyroid body. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, viii, 290.—Cou- cato (L.) Cancro epiteliale dell' esofago. Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1804, iii. 601-603. -----. Guarigioue compiuta di un cancro epiteliale dell' esofago. Riv. clin. di Bologua, 1866, v, 44. -----. Casi di adenocarcinoma periesofageo. Ibid., 1875, 2. s., v, 97-101.—Cornil. Retrecissement de l'cesophage cause par uu cancroide a cellules pavimeu- teuses et a globes epidermiques. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par., 1866-7, 2. s., ii, 138-146. — Coulon. Cancer de liesophage a\ant amene la compression de la trachee. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par , 1859, xxxiv, ]o7-109.— Couper. Cancer of the oesophagus Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1880. ii, 460— Couplaud (S.) A rare termi- nation of cancer of the oesophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 893.—Coyne. Epithelioma (b l'cesophage. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 134. —Coyne (P.) Epithelioma de la partie superieure de l'a-sophage ; destruction de la face posterieure de la trachee ; communication usopliago- tracheale et lesions broncho-pneni......iqucs Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ined. de Bordeaux, lsso. i, 161-103 —Croly (H. G.) Specimen of epithelioma of the oesophagus. Med. Press &Circ., Lond., 1882. u. s., xxxiii, 203 — Ciowtber (W. L.) Case of malignant ulceration of the oesophagus pene- trating the trachea. Dublin M. Press ^ Circ, lfc66. i. 5 — Ballon (H. C ) Stricture of esophagus from scirrhous cancer; secondary deposits; pyopericarditis : autopsy. Weekly M. Rev.. St. Louis, 1887. xv, 37.-»avi». Strict- ure ot the iesophagus from malignant dis, ase Tr Path Soc. Lond.. ]m;o-H1. xii. 104-106.—Dccaudin. Re'trecis- sement cancereux de l'cesophage, coramuniquant avec la CESOPHAGUS. 89 CESOPHAGUS. €E*0]>lin£ll« (Cancer of). trachee et les brooches. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 008-072.—Denial-quay. Retrecissement squir- rheux'de liesophage ; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1802. xxxv, 158.—Dcsgrangcs. (>bsei vation sur une dyspha- gie pharyngo-laryngienne canceleuse. J. de med.. chir , pharm., etc.. Par., 1802, iv, 115; 199.—Desnos (E.) Es- sai sur la pathogenic des accidents pleuropulnionaires dans les ietrecissenients cancereux de l'eesophagc. Rev. mens, de med. et dechir., Par.. 1879, iii, 49-59.—Dcsvcr- nine ( C. M. ) Cancer del esofago: principio brusco de la disfagii; estrechez impasable; inanicion; antopsia. Cidn. med.-qnir. de la Habana, 1885, xi. 240-248. 1 pi.— Dickinson. Malignant disease of the (esophagus, ul- cerating into (he subclavian artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1800-01, xii, 108.—Bolbeau. Petrecissenicut cancereux de l'cesophage. Gaz. (1. hop., Par., 1860, xxxix, 205.— Draper. Cancer of the oesophagus with complications. Lost on M. Sc S. J.. 1879, c. 515-518. Also: Extr. Rec. Lest. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880. vii. 137-KS9.— Dressier. Ein Fall von krebsiger Strictur des Oesopha- gus mit Llceration uud Perforation des linken Brom bus und der Aorta descendens. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1804. 224.—Eder (A.) Carcinoma oesophagi. In his: Aerztl. Ber. I8s2, go. Wien, 1883, 31-35.—Elliot.son. Scirrous disease of the lower pait of the (esophagus, with exten- sive ulceration of the mucous membrane. Lancet, Lond., 1827-8, i. 038. — Epifiicliomaof lite oesophagus. [Cases.] North Lond. or Lniv. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1880, Lond., 1887, 48-50.—Eve (F. S.) Cancer of oesophagus with perfora- tion into the right lung, the upper lobes ot which were con- verted into a cavity filled with decomposing food. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 80— Eabre. Des diverses influences du cancer de l'cesophage sur l'appareil respira- toire et en pai ticulicr de son action pathologique sur les pneumonies. Marseille med., 1876, xiii, 257-266.—Faggc (C. H.) Caseof simple stenosis of the oesophagus, followed by epithelioma. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1872, 3. s., xvii, 4i3-421. 2 pi.—Faivre (E.) Retrecissement cancereux de l'cesophage : erosion des cerceaux de la trachee ; nsphy- xie rapide. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de. Lyon (1800), 1807. vi. 251-201.—F a rq lib arson (W.) Case of a scirrhous oesophagus. Mem. M. Soc. Lond.. 1789, ii, 357- 367.—Farre. Cancer of the (esophagus, with fatal dys- phagia. Lancet, Loud., 1855, ii, 439.—Finny. Epitheli- oma of the (esophagus. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1882, 3. s., lxxiv. 167-170. —Firtb cG. W. W.) Soft medullary cancer of the (esophagus, which ulcerated into the pericardial cav- ity, producing pericarditis and death. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 289.—Fisher. Cancerous disease of the cesoph agus, with ulceration of the bronchi. Chicago M. J., 1867, xxiv, 433.—Filz. Cancioid of the (esophagus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 52.—Folkersnm (A. T.) Car- cinoma oesophagi. In his: Diss, inaug., 8°, Groningas, [1853J, 48.—Foot (A. W.) Primary carciuoma of oesoph- agus. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, n. s.,'lxxii. 349-351—Fort (A.) Retrecissement cancereux de la partie superieure de 1'oesophagi!: alimentation artiticielle; mort par syncope; autopsie.' Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1883, lvi, 1010.—Foster (B. AV.) Remarks on a case of cancerous stricture of the (esophagus. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1865, ii, 613-619.—Fox (J.) Case of medullary cancer of the oesophagus. Glas- gow M. J.. 1871-2, [4. s'.], iv, 402 — Fran ton. Observa- tion de squirrhe de l'extreniite superieure de l'cesophage, nieoonnu pendant plusieurs annees, et reconnu seulement a l'ouverture du corps. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 277.—Franks (K.) Epithelioma ofthe (esophagus. Dub- lin .1. M. Sc. 1870, lxii, 70-72,-1 pi.—von Franque (A.) Krebs des Oesophagus. Meniorabilien, Heilbr., 1864, ix, 38-40. — Frau (R.) Observacion de una estreches del esofagoy dei cardias causada por un escirro en este. Arch. delahie'd. ospaii.. Madrid. 1840. ii, 104; 180— Frisscll (J.) Cancerousstrictureof tlieo'sophagus. Tr. M. Soc W'.Virg., Wheeling, 1875, 106.—Fuller. Encephaloid disease ofthe oesophagus ulcerating into the subclavian artery; death from syncope. Lancet. Lond.. 1801, ii, 01.—Ganzinotly. Xote sur un cas d'epithelioma de la partie nioyeunc de l'o'sophage avec perforation de la trachee it de la bronche gauche : mort subite. Mem Soc. de med. de Xancy, 1883-1, 03-75. Also: Rev. med. del'est, Nancy, 1884, xvi, 358-309.— Gaubrie. Retrecissement encephaloide de l'cesophage ; noyau de prune logo dans une partie uleeree de la degene- rescence. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 10-22.— Gaurovits (L. M.) Rake piitchepriemnika. [Cancer of a'sophagus.] Mod. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Pe- tersb., 1861, i, 191-197.—Grrgaud. Cancer de l'cesophage; epitheliome lobule. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1870-8, Par.. 1879, i,40.- Oougueiibeiin. Retrecissement can- cereux de l'usophagc au niveau de l'extreniite inferieure de la ti-'choe: lesion seeondaire des deux nerfs rec intents ; paralysie des deux cordes vocales inferieures. Bull, et mem.' Soc. med. d. he,p. de Par. (J878). 1879. 2. s.. xv, 116- 118— Gi-anchct. Cancer epithelial de losophage, ul- cere ct ouvert dans la plevre du cote droit. Bull. Soc. anar.de Par., 1867. xiii, 523.—Grandhoinnie (A.) Can- I cer de l'a'sophago : perforation de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. Ism;, Ixi. ,c4. Also; Progres med.. Par., 1880, 2. s., iii, 209.— Grashey (K.) Oesophugus-Carcinom mit (Esophagus (Cancer of). Durehbruch in die Respirationswege. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh zu Muuchen. 1886. iii, 176.—Graves (R. J.) Soirrhusof theoesophagus : itwocases). Dublin J. M. Sc. 18.8-9. xiv. 376-384 —G rec alio « (E. H.) Cancer of the oesophagus, with a fistulous opening into the trachea. Tr. Path. Soc Lond.. 1870-71, xxii, 129-132 —G was (T.) t Dub- lin (X J. .M. Sc, 1858, xxv. 454-450.—GrisoSlc. Cancer de l'cesophage; communication avec le poumon droit, qui est reduit en putrilage dans une partie de son etendue. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1833. viii, 116-124. Also: Lev. med. franc, et etrang., Par.. 1833. iii. 234-243.—Guitcras (J.) t Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii. 261. Also: Tr. Path. Soc, Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 25—Gull (W.) Case of can- cer of the oesophagus invading (he trunk of the right pneumogastric nerve and the branches of the pulmonary plexus, behind the right bronchus; enlarged bronchial glands: ulceration of right bronchus; pneumonic con- solidation and commencing gangrene ot' right lung. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859. 3. s., v. 311.—Giissrnbaucr (C.) Entwickelung dos Epithelialkrebses in einer Bronchial- druse nach einem Oesophaguskrebse. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiv, 560-621, 2 pl.-IIabershou (S. O.) Cases of cancer of oesophagus and pharynx, showing their complications and terminations. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Loud.. 1856, 3. s.. ii, 221-229, 1 pi. -----.'Cancerous disease of the oesophagus : rheumatism ; sudden colna. Ibid., 1869, 3. s., xiv. 187.—HandCord (H.) Broneho-cesophageal fistula consequent upon malignant growth (squamous epithelioma) of oesophagus ; Meckel's diverticulum in the same subject. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 129.—Harris (J. P.) Case of scirrhous ulceration of the (esophagus communicating with the trachea. Edinb. M. & S. J.. 1846. lxvi. 24.—Heath (C.) Cancer of the stom- ach and oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1857-8, ix, 211. -----. Epithelial cancer of the oesophagus, opening into the trachea. I bid., 1858-9, x, 130. -----. Cancer ofthe throat, involving both wind-pipe and oesophagus: trache- otomy ; death after five months. Med Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 3. -----. Case of cancer of the oesophagus, with external openings, and involving the larynx. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1868, i, 70-72.— llein. Carcinoma oesophagi; metastatische Abscesse in der Eiude des Gross- hirns, im linken Streifenhiigel und Linsenkeru oline Lahmuugserscheinungen: Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftuiig in Wien (1882), 1883, 381.—Heine. Zwei vollkommen gleichartige Falle von Oesophaguscar- cinom. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bdhnien, Prag, 1875, iii. 7-9.— Heineke. Ein Fall, bei dem ein vom Oesophagus aus- gehendes Lpithelialcarcinom den Larynx stark comprimirt hat to. Greifswalder med. Beitr., Danzig, 1864, ii, 6.— Hcliau. Observation sur une tumeur schirreuse de l'o'sophage. Hist. Soc. roy. domed. 1777-9, Par.. 1780. ii, 217.— Henoch. Krebs der Speiseiohre: Communication mit der rechten Lunge; Durchbohrung derselben : Pleu- ritis. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl.. 1847. xv, 629-632. -----. Krebs der Speiseiiilne : Communication mit der rechten Lunge; Krebs des Magens. der Leber, des Pan- creas. Ibid., 640-642.—Heuschel. Cancer of the (esoph- agus. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1883, xxiv, 635. — Heyfelder. Carcinoma oesophagi: Ernahrung durch die Sehlundsonde und das Fleiseh-Pankroas-Kh stier. Deutsche Ztsclir. f. Chir., Leipz., 1873. ii, 324-328— Hindenlang (C.) Car- cinoma oesophagi mit Perforation in den 1. Vorliof. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 105-111—Ho- denpylc (E.) Epithelioma of the oesophagus, with per- foration into the posterior mediastinum, gangrene of the right lung, and acute pericarditis. Med. Rec, N. T.. 1888, xxxiii, 719.—Homnns (C. 1).) Cancev of theupperpart of the oesophagus, involving the larynx, and ooeniug ex- ternally. Boston M. A S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 502—Horn (E.) Beobachtung einer Zehrung mit Desorganisation der Lungen und Krebs der Speiserohre. N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr.. Berl.. 1808, viii, 130-133. — Howsliip (J.) On malignant disease in the oesophagus. In. his: Pract. re- marks [etc], 8°, Lond., 184o. 96-100.—Huss. Fall af cancer areolaris oesophagi. Fiirh. Svens. I.ak.-Sallsk. Sanimank., Stockholm, 1845. 48. — Israel (.J.) Carcinoma oesophagi; Durehbruch in einen Bronchus: 2Fiilli . Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1876, xx, 35.—Jackson (J. B. S.) Cancer of the (esophagus opening into the right lung. N. Eng. q. J. M. \- S..'Bost.. 1842-3. i, 253. -----. Malig- nant disease of the (esophagus. Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880. vii. 12. — JcaflYcson. Malig- nant ulceration of oesophagus and trachea. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-9, ii, 52— Jones (S.) Epithelial can- cer of the (esophagus, causing death bv opening an inter- costal artery. Ibid., 1857-8, ix, 202— Josias (A.) Re- trecissoinent de l'oesopuage (tiers inferieur) du ii un car- cinome primitif; tuherculose generalisee; pounions. rate, rein; meningite tuberculeuse; perieardite aigue: pleu- resie aigue droite. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1883, lviii. 411- 417. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1884, xii, 191. — Kane. Cancer (!) of (esophagus. Proc. Path Soc Phila. H860-66), 1807. ii, 83.—Kapteyii (H. P.) Seiirlius oesophaghi. In bis: Zes y.iektegevallen. [etc.J, 8°, Amst., 1801, 10-15.— Kitsou (G.) A case . i Leber Dysphagie bei Erkrankungen von Brouchialdriiseu, nebst Bemeikungen iibci eiuemecha- nische Lrsache des Speiserdhreukrebses. [Naehtrag von A. Calm.] Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1885, xxxvii, 281-307.—Eabbec (E.) Cancer de l'cesopliago. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1805, xl, 83: 449 — Eabordc (•!.- V.) Cancer encephaloide de l'cesophage a la fin de son tiers supeiieur: communication de l'usophage avec la trachee-artere: niort subite: cvanose et asphvxie. Compt. rend. Soc de Idol. 1859. Par., I860. 3. s., i, 247'. -----. Can- cer encephaloide dc 1 Cxtremite de l'cesophage (region car- diaque) : ouverture de ce conduit dans le potimon gauche; aspect gangreneux de ce dernier. Ibid., 280-288.—Eacn- ncc (A.) Cancer de l'oesophage. J. de la sect, de med. Sue. acad. Loire-Inf, Xantcs. 1827, iii, 28-31. — Enncc- rean \. Deux observations de cancer epithelial de l'ceso- phage avec perforation de la trachee dans un cas, et de- chii ure de l'aorte daus l'autre. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1801. xxxvi, 296-304. — Eandricux. Retrecissement phai vngo-iosophagien (epithelioma). Ibid., 1874, xlix. 419-121 —l.aiijjc. i Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 360 —l.an^nibcck iB.) Epithelial cancer of the phar- ynx and (esophagus. Boston M. & S. J., 1878, xcix, 225- 227. — Eniigmorr (J. C.) Eucephaloid cancer of the .esophagus." Tr Path. Soc. Lond.. 1859-60, xi, 96-99.— Earlier (IL) Cancer of oesophagus. Ibid., 1886, xxxvii. 220. —Ecacli (IL) Stricture of the oesophagus depend- ing on malignant disease. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s. xii, 447.—Ecarcd. Scirrhus of the cardia and (esophagus. Tr. i ath. Soc Lond.. 1860-61. xii, 95. —lie- bail. Letrecisseinent organiqiie de l'cesophage. Bull. Soc anal, de Par.. 1871, xlvi. l'.i(i-]92. — Eee. Cancer of {esophagus and trachea. Proc. Path. Soc Phila. (1800- 66). 1807. ii, 98. — Eegcr. Retrecissement cancereux de l'o'sophage avec perforation de ia plevre droite. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1870, li, 411-413.—Eepinc (R.) Epithelio- ma de l'lesophiige ayaut amene des symptdnies de com- pression de la trachee et une paralvsie de la corde vocale du cotC gauche. Ibid.. 1873. xlviii, 73-76. — l.croux (C.) Retrecissement epithelial de l'a'sophagc ; epithelioma de la laugue: tubercules pulmoiiaires. Ibid., 1877, Iii, 130-133. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1877, v, 370. -----. Itpithelionia.de l'oesophage; communication avec une broncho: violents acres de toux a la suite diiigestioii de liquide; mort rapide. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 233-235. Also: Progres mid.. Par., 1877. v, 694. -----. Retrecissement cancereux de l'cesophage: paralysie des deux nerfs recurreuts; perforation de liesophage; phleg- mon du mediastiu; perieardite de voisiuage. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1878, liii, 431-435. A Uo ■ Progres med.. Par., 1879, vii. 164.—Ectullc (M.) Cancer de l'cesophage; tuberculose pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 524-527. Also: Progres med., Par., 1877. v, 991. -----. Cancer de l'osophage; retrecissement spasinodique; can- cer secondaire dn foie, des ganglions mediastinaux et des poumons; caverne pulmonaire tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877. Iii. 4:in-4'.i3. Also: Progres iu6d., Par., 1877, v. 952.—Lewis. Carcinomatous stricture of the oesophagus; enormous pa--ive distention of the stomach; autopsy. Med. Time- .v Ga/.. Lond.. L-U2, i. 332.—Eoin- broso (C.) Cancro midollare dell' oesofago. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete. Padova, 1858. i, 56.—Eooniis. Ma- lignant disease of (esophagus. Med. ~Rec. X. Y., 1870-71, v, 282.— liiibliuski (W.) Fall von Oesophaguscarei- nom. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 457. Also: Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, 85-87.—Eutz. Cancer of the (esophagus, cirrhosis of the liver, etc. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1883, xliv, 184- 188. — LTIacUciiAJe (M.i Epithelial cancer of the oeso- phagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1805-0. xvii, 132. -----. Epithelial cancer of oesophagus. Ibid., 1808-9, xx, 163. -----. Lectures on cancer of the (esophagus ; based on 100 fatal cases. Med. Times Sc Gaz... Lond., 1876, i. 649: ii, 81; 137.—.Vlader. Carcinoma epithel. oesophagi: Yerwen- duiig des Magciischlauchesals Lntersuehuugsinstrument; Tod. Li r. d. k.k.Kraukenanst. Rudolph-Stittungin Wien (1884), 1885. 311— iVIaragliauo (E.) Carcinoma della porzione inferiore dell' esofago e del cardias con dilatazione dell' esofago nel suo ultimo tratto. Salute: Italia med., Genova. 1882. 2. s., xvi, 353-355.— flail alio (G.) Epi- thelioma de liesophage, de la trachee et du corps thyroide. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1873 xlviii. 451. Also: Progres men , Par., 1873. i, 187.—VI artincaii. Cancer de la por- tion inferieure de l'oesophage. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1803. xxxviii, 42-49. [Rap. de Dcscroiz.illes]. 49-51.— .VE-i»son (O.i Cancer de l'cesophage; mort par suite dune communication etablie entre ce conduit et l'aorte. Gaz. hebd. denied., Par.. 1854, i, 1083 [10431.— Uaunder (C. F.) On a case of malignant stricture of tlie (esopha- gus. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1870. ii. 536.—.Vlciss- nrr 11.) Krebs des Oesophagus mit Perforation in das M' d; istinum posticum und den rechten oberu Lungcul.ii>- CEso|>Bia£iis (Cancer of). pen. etc.; Ei liinococcus der Leber und der Milz. Arch. d. Heilk.. Leipz.. 1801, ii, 365-369.—.Vlicliaux. Cancer de l'cesophage: tuberculose miliaire gencralisec Lull. Soc. auat. de Par.. 1879, liv, 19-21. Also: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 408. —.Mo (G.) Llecra canceios-.i dell' eso. fa go con perforazione della trachea. Osservatore. Torino, 1870, xii, 423-425—.Vlouuicr. Epithelioma de lieso- phage :. mort par inanition ; autopsie ; disi>osition anornialo de i'estoinac, interessante au point de vue de la taille sto- macale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi. 71-77. Also: Progres med., 1'ar., 1880, 2. s., iii. 225—.Vloorc (X.) Carcinoma of oesophagus. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond . 1882-3, xxxiv, 79. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1883, i, 13. — Vloi'tou (J. G.) Stricture of the (esophagus. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 80—.Vlorton (T. S. K.) Cancer of lower third of (esophagus; metastasis to stomach and liver. Seini- month. J. Proc Path. Soc. Phila., "Wilmington, 1880, i, L — Vlolla (E.) Cancro na porcao cervical do esophago; au- topsia. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb.. 1865, 2. s , xxix. 447- 450.—.VI lire hi-.on. Cancerous stricture of the (esopha. gus. Tr. Path. Sue. Loud., 1863-4. xv, 102-105. -----. ('ancer of the (esophagus, with fistulous opening into the trachea and cancer (tubercle?) of the apex ofthe right lung. Ibid . 1867-8. xix, 224-220. — Xacquart. Precis sur un retrecissement squirrheuxde l'extreniite inferieure de l'o'sophage, contenant 1°. un extrait d'un memoire ii consulter : 2". la consultation donnee sur cette maladie par les membres de la societe alors commissaires do ses con- sultations gratuites; 3°. l'analysedu proces verbal de l'ou- verture du corps. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1811, xiii, 31; 159. — .Xaiiinanu (M.) t Lngeniigeude Diagnose: Ansrliwelliing der Leber; Lungenabscesse mit Erguss iu das Mediastinum posticum; Exulceration des carcinomatds degenerirten Oesophagus. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 376.—rVeil (J.) A case of cancer of (esoph- agus; perforation of thoracic aorta aud death from lnenior- rhage; remarkable latency of symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 447.—IVcwcoiiietl Carcinoma of (esophagus and stomach. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1879-81;, 1882, x. 35. -----. Carcinoma of the oesophagus. Ibid.. 30.—New- man (R.) tt N. York M J., 1879,'xxx, 158.—rVorris (W. F.) t Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii, 100.— Obedenarc. Retrecissement cancereux de l'oesophage: perforation; penetration de liquides dans le mediastin posterieur. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1805, xl, 315. — Ope- rativen (Zur) Behandlung der Oesophagus-Carcinonic Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 691. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1883-4), 1885, xv, 1. Th., 271.— Oppolzcr. Scirrhus (esophagi. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1857, ii, 120; 141; 154.—Page (F.) Malignant stricture of gullet; gastrostomy: death seventy-six days after opera- tion. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885, i, 987. -----.' Deep cervical abscess ; epithelioma of oesophagus. Ibid., 1887. ii, 883.— Page (W. E.) Medullary carcinoma of the lower part of the (esophagus, producing pneumonic abscess from the burrowing of pus. Lancet, Lond., 1863. ii, 248.—Paget. Case of cancer of the oesophagus with ulceration into the aorta. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882. i, 192. — Pagliano. Cancer de l'oesophage termine par ulceration de l'aorte. Marseille med., 1886, xxiii, 430-432. — Parmcuticr. Epi- thelioma du J iuferieur de l'cesophage; aortite chroniqiie avec propagation au plexus cardiaque; pas d'angine de poitrine. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lit, 113-115. Also: Progres mod., Par., 1884, xii, 665. —Partridge. Malig- nant stricture of the oesophagus, with ulceration and per- foration of its anterior wall, communicating witli the trachea. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1866, i. 338.—Pan- licki. Cancroid des Oesophagus mit Perforation nach der rechten Lunge. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1869, xiv, 163.—Peacock. Carcinomatous stricture of the oesoph- agus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1858-9, x, 142. — Perry. Cancer of (esophagus ulcerating into the right pleura. Glasgow M. .L. 1871-2, [4. s,]. iv, 264-266.—Plea fer (C.) Carciuom des Oesophagus mit der Aorta conimunicirend. Ztschr. f. rat, Med".. Ileidelb., 1845, iii, 136-138.—Picart (E.) Oarciuome erode de la partie superieure de l'u'.so- phage; prognostic; indications h rcmplir. Lev. de the- rap. med.-chir., Par., 1878, xiv. 30.—Pollard (I.) Cancer of the oesophagus, occurring in the Bellevue Hospital, Richmond, Va. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1859-60, v, 404.— Pollinann (L. P.) A case of carcinomatous stricture ( f tin (esophagus. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iii, 344- 349. — Pollock. Cases of cancer of the (esophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 940.—Poore. Epithelioma of the upper end of the oesophagus. Ibid., 1880, i, 717. — Po- tain. [Cancer de rcesophage, au-dessus de l'orifico car- diaque. 1 Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 323.— Prciscnddrfer i P.) Leber einen Fall von vollstandiger Obliteration der Arteria anonyma, fast vollstandiger der Carotis und subclavia sinistra, complicirt mit Aneurysma der Aorta und Carciuom des Oesophagus. Arch. 1. path. Auat.. etc. Berl.. 1878. lxxxiii. 594-603, 1 pi.—Prcwitt. Cancer of the (esophagus. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1880, xxxix. 439-44*. Also: 1'ioc St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1880). 1881, iii, 192-2H1—Price (J. A. P.) A case of ma- lignant disease of the (esophagus, with considerable en- largement of the lymphatic glands in the neck and left ax- CESOPHAGUS. 91 CESOPHAGUS. (Esophagus (Cancer of). ilia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1880. xxxvii, 227-229. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1886. i, 08.—Proust. Re- tiecissement cancereux de leesophage. Bull. 8ioc. anat. de 1'ar., 1862, xxxvii, 463-466. — tjtiaiii. Malignant dis- ease of the cardiac end of l In- (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 188— Kaimbcrt. Note sur un can- cer de i'lesophage. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1837, xii, 350- 352.— Raynaud (M.) Retrecissement cancereux de l'ce- sophage : paralysie des deux uerfs recurrents : perforation de l'cesophage ; phlegmon du mediastin : perieardite de voisinage. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1879. 3. s., i, 319- 321.—IScid (J. J.) Carcinoma ofthe (esophagus; diffi- culty of diagnosis. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 404.— Reinekc (J.) Fall einer mit einem Oesophaguscancroid coninmnicirenden Luugenoaverne, die als Divertikel func- tionirte. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870. Ii, 407-413, 1 pi—Kenant (J.) Carcinome de Lesophage et de la trachee ; hemoptysie foudroyaute. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par.. 1873, xlviii, 849.—Bibbcntrop. Krebs der Spei- serdhro mit Lungenbrand. Med. Ztg'., Berl., 1846, xv, 39.— Kibes. [I'n cas de cancer cerebiiforme de l'extrCtiiite inferieure de leesophage et de l'orifioe cardiac de l'esto mac. chez un individu affeete de paralysie de la lan- gue.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1836. xi. IL — Robinson ( B. ) Cancer of the (esophagus and stomach. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1884. xxv, 274—Hobinson (P. G ) t Mis- souri (din. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5. i. 69.—Kodet (H.) Re- trecissement cancereux de I'lesophage. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1801-5, iv. loo.—Roose- velt. Stricture of the oesophagus from malignant disease. N. York M. J., 1887. xiv, 500.—Ross (G.) Case of can- cer of the (esophagus ; secondary disease in the vertebra; paraplegia with bed-sores, and finally death; autopsy. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1877-8,'vi, 402-404.----~. Cancer of the oesophagus; perforation of the lung. Med. News. Phila.. 1882, xii, 580. -----. Malignant disease of the (esophagus, causing stricture. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1884-5, xiii, 495. -----. Malignant stricture of thu oesophagus. Ibid., 1885-6, xiv, 556-558. — Kouby. Retrecissement cancereux du cardia et de la partie infe- rieure de l'cesophage; cachexie cancereuse ; thrombose des arteres iliaques et de riiypogastrique du cote gauche; autopsie. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1865-6, v, 214-218.—Ron.v. Cancer de l'oesophage. Mar- seille med., 1880, xvii, 321-341.—Scales & Oil more. A case of stricture of the oesophagus, with cancerous depo- sition, terminating fatally. X. Oil. M. & S. J., 1860, xvii, 457-459.—Schmitt. Xote sur un cas de caucer de l'ceso- phage et de la trachee. Lev. med. de l'est. Nancy, 1882, xiv, 491-494.—Schrank (J.) Zur Diagnostik des Speise- rohrenkrehses. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1877, xxii, 403; 414; 4.'5.—Mchiitz (E.) Carcinomatdse Stenose des Oe- Bophagus : Durehbruch ulcerirter Bronchial-Driisen in den rechten Bronchus und die rechte Pulmonalarterie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 170.—Schwartz. Scirrhus oesophagi. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga. 1853, ii, 484-485. — Se- nion (F.) Oesophageal carcinoma iu a goitrous patient ; incomplete paralysis of the glottis openers ; tracheotomy; retro-tracheal hemorrhage: asphyxia; death. Arch. La- ryngol., 1ST. Y., 1882, iii, 125-135.—Scntl't (A.) Oesopha- g'uskrebs mit Perforation in die Trachea. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 349-354.—Serrailler. Cancer de 1 oeso- j phage. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 159. — Sbar- I key (S. J.) Multiple epithelial growth iu the (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 189. — Sbilliloc (B.) Infiltrated scirrhous stricture of the oesophagus. Ibid.. 1861-2, xiii, 71. —Sinclair. Malignant stricture of (esophagus, with ulceration into bronchus; death from exhaustion; necropsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 594.— Sissa (A.) Disfagia per scirrodell'esofago ; necroscopia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1849, 2 s., ii, 289-292.— Skinner (W.) Cancer de l'cesophage; exostose verte- brate au niveau de rextreniite inferieure du neoplasme. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1885, lx, 509.—Smith (G.) t Lan- cet, Lond., 1881, i, 333. — Smith (W.) Carcinoma of the oesophagus. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880,3. s., lxix,58.—Soulhey (R.) t Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1884, n. s., xxxviii. 309.— Stamm (M.) Cancer of the oesophagus. Toledo M. & S. J.. 1880. iv, 43.—Stewart (G.) Epithelial cancer of oesophagus; pressure upon the trachea; tracheotomy; death. Glasgow M. J., 1886-7, [3. s.], i, 318-320.—Stock- well (F.) Epithelioma of oesophagus; communication established, by ulceration, with left bronchus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 888— Studsgaard (C.) Strictura oeso- phagi cancrosa; oesophagotomia externa. Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1880, 2. R., vii, 841-849.—Suzanne (G.) Cancer'de l'oesophage a la partie moyennc; perforation des broiiches par propagation; pleuresie consecutive. J. de mod. de 15ordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 15-17.—Sym (J.) Stricture of the oesophagus from scirrhous degeneration of its coats ; dis- section. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1836, xlvi, 263.—Symouds (C. J.) A case of malignant stricture of the oesophagus illustrating the use of a new form of oesophageal catheter. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885, xviii. 155-158, 1 pi—Testclin. Epithelioma ulcere du tiers inferieur de 1'iesophage ; com- munication entre l'cesophage et la bronche gauche. Bull. m6d. du nord. Lille, 1864, 2. s., v, 376-381. — Teullel. t t (Esophagus (Cancer of). Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Yer., Stuttg., 1879, xlix, 15.—Tcwcles. Carciuom des Oesophagus mit consecu- tiver Compression des linken Nervus recurreus; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankeuaust. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886. 325.—Thornton (W. P.) t t Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1873-4, xxv, 112-114.—Thorowgood (J. C.) Cancerous stricture of the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1871-2. xxiii, 115.—Tolocliiuoll (N.) t Med. Vestnik, St, Pe- teisb., 1867, vii. 438; 447.—Tiingcl. Perforirendes Krebsgeschwiir des Oesophagus; Senkung des Eiters uinter das kleiue Netz; Durchbohrung der Pfortader. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1859, xvi", 359— Vandcr- vcer(A.) Cancer of oesophagus. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 669.—Vcrcltc. Cancer de leesophage. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1875, 1, 559. — Vcrncuil. Epithelioma de l'oeso- phage. Praticieii. Par., 1888, xi, 113-116. Also: Abeille med., Par., 1888, xiv, 130.—Vernois. t Bull.Soc.anat.de Par.. 1834-5, ix, 103. -----. [ Cancer de l'cesophage en- vahissaut la trachee] Ibid., 166.—Vulpiau (A.) Can- cer de l'cesophage, sitae a la partie moyenne du m6diastin posterieur ; vaste poche creee par le travail ulcereux; in- fection putride; mort. In his: Clin. med. de l'Hop. de la Charite, 8°, Par., 1879, 206-214. —Wardrop (J.) Case of scirrhous contraction and ulceration of the oesophagus; interesting post-mortem examination. Lancet, Lond., 1827-8, i, 158.—'Ware (C. E. ) Cancerous disease of the oesophagus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855, n. s., xxix, 354. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1854-6, ii, 170.— Wcichsclbaum (A.) EntwicklungeinesCarcinomsim Oesophagus und Magen nach Anatzung (lurch Laugenes- seuz. Ber. d. k. k. Krankeuaust. Rudolph-Stiftimg in Wien (1885), 1886, 431.—Weiiilechncr. Carcinomatdse Oesophagus Strictur, Perforation in die Trachea; Tod. Ibid. (1873), 1874, 258. -----. Stenose der Speiserohre, be- dingt durch Carcinom an der Cardia ; Gastrostomie ; Er- nahrung durch Eiuspritzung fliissiger Kahrungsmittel durch die Magenfistel anfaugs in deu Magen, weiterhin durch den Pylorus iu das Duodenum ; Tod 14 Tage nach der Operation an fortschreitender Kachexie. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 264.—Wer- ner. Markschwamm des Oesophagus mit Perforation in die Trachea. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1869, xxii, 171-173.—Whipham (T.) Epithelioma of the oesophagus ; fistulous communication between oesophagus and trachea; death from sudden and extensive haemorrhage into the trachea. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, xxvi, 91- 94.—van Wichcren (C.) Geval van epitheliaalkanker van den slokdarm, met doorboring der aorta. Nederl. Arch. v. Genees- en Natuurk., Utrecht, 1865, i, 508-517. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1866, ii, 99-101.—Wilks (S.) Carcinoma of the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1858-9, x, 159. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 185; 318; 391.-----. Cancer of the oesophagus; exostosis of vertebrae. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1860-61, xii, 101. -----. Obscure cases of cancer of the oesophagus. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 631.—Woodman. Cancer of oesophagus; fatal haemorrhage. Ibid., 1860, ii, 637— W y in a n (M.) Case of cancerous ulceration of the oesophagus opening into the trachea. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxiv, 58-60.—Zicmbicki. Epithelioma de l'oesophage; degenerescence ganglionnaire; tracheoto- mie ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 169-171.— Zwicke. t t Charite-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 463^65. (Esophagus (Catheterization of). See, also, Alimentation (Forced); Insane (Feeding of). Comte (H.) * Des accidents da cathe'te'risme de l'oesophage. Euiploi du chloral daus le retre- cissement spasmodiquc. 4°. Paris, 1877. Tkillest (A.) * D'un nouveau proce<16 de cathet6risme cesophagien. 4°. Paris, 1877. Blanche (E.) Du catheterisme cesophagien chez les alieues. Luion med., Par., 1848, ii. 484. — Bougard. Note sur une sonde pharyngienne destinee a I'alimenta- tion forcee des alienes. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1846, iv. 131-137. Also, Reprint.—t'alnearza (J. B.) El cateterismo exofagico en un caso de diagnostico dudoso. Espana med., Madrid, 1862, vii, 244. — C'atcle- rismo (Del) curative de los estrechamientos del esofago. Period. Acad, de med. de Megico, 1838-9, iii, 121; 401: 1839-40, iv, 50. — C'hassajjny. Du cath6terisnie cesopha- gien. [Also] rapport. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, iii, 287-298. —Croft (J.) Treatment of cancerous ob- struction of the oesophagus by permanent catheterism ; illustrated by two cases. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1882, Lond.. 1883, n. s., xii, 45-53.—De Bauve. Lettre sur uu instrument propre k injecter les alimens et les remedes dans l'cesophage. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1708, xxviii, 542-544.— Debourge (J.-B.) Retrecissement chronique de l'oesophage ; catheterisme; guerison. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1850, xvii, 102-164. -ficndroii (E.) Du catheterisme curatif du retrecissement de l'oesophage. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1837-8, v, pt, 1, 175 ; 217.— (»rinuuy (R Eine Dauersoude fiir die Speiserohre. CESOPHAGUS. 92 (ESOPHAGUS. CEsoplia$;ii» (Catheterization of). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1393-1397. — «Sodc- mer. Traitement curatif des retrecissements de l'o'so- phage au moyen du catheterisme. [Rap. de A. Millet.J Lee d trav. Soc. med. dlndre-et-Loire, Tours, 1844,19-22.— <«iiyot. Catheterisme de l'cesophage ayant determine la mort. Bull, et mem. Soc. med d hop. de Par., 1885. 3. s., ii, 157-160. — dalai-giic (G.-V.) Moyen de pratiquer siirementle cathelerisnie cesophagien par l'une des fosses uasales. Bull. gen. de therap., etc , Par., 1837, xiii, 24-28. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, iii, 142-144.— Lau- ucloii^ue. Rapporteur l'utilite des sondes a demeure iisophagieniK s dans les lesions de liesophage et dans les mutilations de la faeeet ducou. Bull, etmem. Soc.dechir. de Par., l»81,n.s., vii, 220-229. — Renters. Die Behand- lung der Oesophagusstricturen niittelst Dauerkanulen. Ztschr f. klin. Med . Berl., 1888, xiii, 499-520, 1 pi —Bcn- vcr» & Wactzoldt. Zur Behandlung der Oesophagus- stricturen mit telst Dauercaniilen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1888, xiv, 289-291. Also, Reprint—Trelat. Emploi de la sonde cesophagienne, son innocuite et ses dan- gers. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1845, vi. 403-405.—Trous- Ncau (A.) Du catheterisme dans le traitement de la dys- phagie causee parun retrecissement simple do 1 (esophage. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1846-7. xiii, 0()(i-Glu. Also: Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1848, iii, 159-165. Also [Rap. de Ihibois]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1846-7, xii, 419-432.— VoiMiu (A.)i Balzer (E.) Xote sur un nouveau pre- cede de cathcterisine de l'oesophage chez les alienes. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1874. lxxxvii. 529-532. — Worbc (J.-F.-S.) Opinion sur les signes de la penetration de la sonde de gomuie elastique dans l'oesophage ou dans le larynx. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par., an v [1797], i 139-145. (Esophagus (Dilatation of). Giesse (O.) * Ueber die einfache, gleiclinias- sige Erweiterung des Oesophagus. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1860. Barker. Extensive dilatation of the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1858-9, x. 140-142. — Chassagny. De la dilatation de I'lesophage. Lyon med.. 1875, xviii, 58- lio.—delle t'hiajc (S.) Menioria su di nua straordiuaria dilata/.ione dell' esofago umano. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1840, vi, 161-169. Also, transl.: Allg. Ztg. t. Chir., Miinchen, 1841, i, 88; 95; 102. Also, transl.: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 455.— C'oj;iiard (M.) Note sur un cas de dilata- ■ tion de l'oesophage; gastrooesophagite chronique; phleg- mon de I'lesophage. Lvon med., 1878, xxix, 14-19. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, pt. 2. 108-113.— l>avy (H.) A singular case of dila- tation of the (esophagus simulating aneurism of the aorta. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, iii. 129. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1875, i, 382.—Handford. Dilatation of the (esophagus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 885.— Han- nay (A. J.) An extraordinary dilatation (with hypertro- phy .') of all the thoracic portion of the oesophagus, causing dysphagia. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1833, xl, 65-72. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1833, xii, 769-772. — Hums (M.) Dilatatio (esophagi iugluviformis. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1842, iv, 297-313. Als--, transl: Gaz. hied, de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 93. — Klosc (C. W.) & Paul (J.) Partielle Erweiterung der Speiserohre: Schliiudbeutel. Ztschr. f. klin. Med,, Bresl., 1850, ix, 344.—Lindau. Dysphagia von Erweite- rung des Oesophagus. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 356-358. — I.udlow (A.) Obstructed deglutition, from a preternatural dilatation of, and bag formed in, the pharynx. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1762-7, iii, 85- 101. — von Ijiischka (H.) Die spindelfdrmige Erwei- terung der Speiserohre. Arch, f, path., Anat., etc., Berl., 1868. xiii. 473-477. 1 pi. „ tlalmstcn. Markvardigt fall afdilatatio (esophagi. Ars-Beratt. om Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Arb. 1841, Stockholm, 1842, 71-73.—.Hayo (H.) Dilated (esophagus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828-9, iii, 121-123. — IMer- inod. Dilatation diffuse de l'oesophage sans retrecisse- ment organique. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii. 422-424. —Pilz (C.) Ein Fall von chronischer Pneumonic mit Gchii ntubei kulose und Ektasieder Speise- iohre. Jahrb. f. Kinder]).. Leip/.., 1870-71, iv, 433-435. — ■*urtou (T.) An extraordinary case of distension ofthe oesophagus, forming a sac, extending from two inches below the pharynx to the cardiac orifice ofthe stomach. Med. & Phys. J.', Lond., 1821, xlvi, 540-542— Baymond. Dila- tation anormale de l'cesophage entre les lobes pulmonaires depuislabasedu cceur jusqu'au cardia. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1807. Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, 121-125. — Bokitan»ky (C.) Spindellormigc Erweiterung der Speiserohre. Mod. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1840, n. F., xxi, 219- 222.—Stern (S.) Ein Fall von gleichniassiger Erweiterung des Oesophagus. Arch. d. Ueilk., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 432- 444. — Mtriimpell iA.i Spindi'llorinige Erweiterung des Oesophagus ohne iiachweisliche Steiiosenbildung. Deut- "(•hes Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1881, xxix. 211-216.— Wclvch. Erweiterung des Oesophagus unterhalb des Zweichfells. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1860. xxx. 53—Willi* (G.) Dilatation of oesoph- agus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1865-6, xvii, 138. (Esophagus (Diseases of). See, tilso, Dysphagia; CEsophagus (Inflam- mation of). Behr (C. J.) *Deniorbornm (esophagi cogni- tionc. 8C. Bounce, 1830. Boihm (E. G.) *De morbis cesopbagi. 4°. Hal® Magdeb., 1722. Froehlich (H.) * De oesophagi morbis non- nnlla. 8-. Berolini, [I860]. Fuechten (J.) *l)e pathologia morborum oesophagi. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Haak (P. R.) Anatomise putbologicte (eso- phagi brevis delineatio. sm. 4-. Upsali®, 1811. Hambprger (VV.) Klinik der Ocsoiiliagus- krankhcitcn, mit diagnostischer Vcrwcrthiuig der Auscultation dieses Organs. 8C. Erlangen, 1871. Hkcking (J.) *De perforatione oesophagi ulcerati. 8°. Bonn®, [1834], Hi'XERSDOKFF (P.) *De dysphagia, sen de qnibusdani morbis oesophagi clironicis. P2°. Marburgi-Cattorum, 1800. Lace (T. [H. L ] A.) *De connexu inter oesophagi et pulmouum morbos iutercedente. 8C. Berolini, [18(51]. Mauchart ( B. D. ) De struma oesophagi hujusque coalitu dirricilisacabolitiedeijliititionis singnlaribus etui sis. 8°. Tubing®, 1742. Also, in: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannw, 1755, ii, 395-426. Meyer (P.) * Ueber Knorpelbildung iin Oeso- phagus. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1887. Rkher (H.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik der Oe- sopbagus-Erkrankungen. [Kiel.] 8J. Leipzig, 1883. Also, in: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884-5, xxxvi, 454-467, 1 pi. Schreiber (E. C.) *De voniitu ab oesophagi glandula scirrhosa. In: Weiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz. | etc.] 12°. Leipz., 1776, iv, 3. Willert (O. C.) * De morb'is oesophagi qnae- dam. 8\ [Dorpat], 1830. Ziesner (J. F.) Rarus oesophagi morbus. Regimonti, 1732. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 1760, vii, 629-638. Allen (H.) The localization of diseased action in the (esophagus. Phila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 1-6.—Ban-as. Abces de l'cesophage. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1826, i, 326-328.—Bauer. Stricture of the oesophagus from an abscess. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1844-75), 1876, l, 229.—Beck (II.) Zur Kenutniss der Tubeiculose (tea Oesophagus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 341; 353.— Bet-nays. (Esophageal abscess. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc., 1878. i, 218.—Belz (V.) Der Sternalschiuerz bei Oesophagus-Kt ankheiteu. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1855, xxv, 173. — Beyerle. Ueber Dys- phagie (lurch Degeneration des Sehlundes. J. d. Chir. n. Augenh., Berl., 1820, i, 459-479.—BI ache (R.) [Cue muqueuse cesophagienne rejetee en eutier dans un vomis- sement deux jours apres une tentative d'empoisounement par l'acide sulfurhpie.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 475.—Bricu tils. Observation sur une espece d'obstruction de l'cesophage. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 413-416 —Canton (E.) Case of diges- tive solution of the (esophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 362.—Chantroiicllc. Memoire sur quehptes affections de I'lesophage. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat de Par., 1826, ix, 295-306—Chvostek (F.) Ein Eall von Tuberculose des Oesophagus. Oesten. Ztsclir. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1868, xiv, 497; 517.—(oliru (J. S.) Diseases of the esoph- agus. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1885, ii. 400-436. -----. Injuries aud diseases of the (esophagus. Intermit. Encycl. Surg. ( Ashhurst). X. Y.. 1886, vi, 1-43. — l>c Albci-tiw. Crup dell esofago; reperto anatomo-micro- scopico. Kiforma med.. Napoli. 1,^86, ii, 1566; 1572: 1578. Also, Keprint. — I>i*cascs of the asophagus ( 11 cases). Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1871-5). 1876. i, 217-227.—Dil- Irich (P.) Weitere Falle vou intravitaler Oesophagi)- malacie. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1885, x, 378 - 38o.'" — Ehihai-ill Foreign body in the (esophagus. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 51. — Guelton. Corps etranger dans liesopliage provoquant 1 aphonie; gale inveteiee. Presse med. beige. Brux., 1885, xxxvii, 297.— Gnssenbauer (C.) Extraction eines grossen Taschemnessers ans dem Oeso- phagus mittelst Oesophagotomfe; Tod in Folge acuter Erweichung ausgedehnter chronischer infiltrirter Lun- gentuberkeln. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876. ii, 20; 25.—Gil)on. Piece de cinq francs en argent avalee (Esophagus (Foreign bodies in). et arretee dans ] eesophage; extraction par les voies natu- relles; guerison. Bull, rt mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1875, n. s., i, 208-271.—llabn. Verschluckte. m tier Speise- rohre, steckengebliebene Fischaugel. Ztschr. f. "Wuiid- iirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., I860, xiii, 246-248. —Hall (G. A.) Foreign bodies in the (esophagus. Clinique, Chicago, 1887, viii, 53-57.—Ha Is ted (\V. S ) A piece of fibro-car- tilage removed from the (esophagus by external (esophagot- omy. N. York M. J., 1884. xxxix, 226.—Ilamer. ()b- servation de corps etranger dans I'lesophage. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1869, 2. s., ix, 92.—Hamilton (F. H.) [On the use of blunt hooks iu extracting foreign bodies from the (esophagus.] Buffalo M. J., 1855-6, xi, 644 — Hamilton (J.) Foreign bodies in the (esophagus. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, ii, 337: 1856, iii, 33. — II arilie. Arrest of a tooth-plate in the oesophagus; spontaneous expulsion per anum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 276.— Harlwii; (M.) Zwei Falle vou Fremdkorperu im Oeso- phagus. Med. chir. Cor.-Bl. f. deutsch-am. Aerzte, Buf- falo, 1883, i. No. 1, 7-9.—Hawkins (C.) Bone lodged five weeks in the u'sophagus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, xl, 238-241.'—Hearn (J.) Two cases of impaction of toy whistles in the (esophagus. Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 186.— Heath (C.) Impaction of a foreign body in the oesophagus; lai vngotoiny; tracheotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1886,'ii, 343.—Ileily (J. V.) On the re- moval of a pin from the oesophagus. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1870, xv, 259-262. — Henderson ( T. M.) Foreign bodies in the oesophagus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1870, i, 80.—Henry (L.) A remarkable case of glass swallowing. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1882-3, ii, 45.— Hevin. Precis d'observations sur les corps etrangers arretes dans l'oesophage et dans la trach6e artere, avec des remarques sur les moyens qu'on a employes, ou que Ton pent employer pour les enfoncer ou pour les retirer. Mini. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1743, i, 444-604, 1 pi.— Heyfcldcr. Versohlucken einer Fischgnithe mit tddt- lichen Fol gen. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1859, v. 5o5.—Hollcy (D. C.) Foreign body in oesopha- gus. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1878, i, 100.—Holton ( H. C. ) Silver dollar in the oesophagus; extraction. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 85. — Howship (J.)' A case in which suffocation was nearly produced by a por- tion of solid food lodged in the (esophagus. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1822, iii, 249-252.—Ungues. Corps etranger de l'cesophage meconnu pendant la vie ; hemorrhagies gastro- intestinales ; mort. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med de Lyon (1870), 1871, x, 106-110. Also: Lyon med., 1870, v 552; 563. — Hutchinson. Death from swallowing a miswak, or tooth-stick. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 141.—Jackson (R.) Account of a remarkable case of suicide from the presence of a large iron key in the oesoph- agus. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1843, lx, 195-203, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. — Jacobs. Oesophagitis in Folge eines ver- schluckten Knochenstiicks. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.- Coll. 1838, Coblenz, 1840,149.-.lacqueinin. Observations sur des corps etrangers arretes plus on moins longtems dans l'oesophage. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1809, xxxiv, 20-27.— Jobai-d (A.) De 1'asphyxie par un corps etranger arrete dans l'cesophage. Bull, clin., Par., 1836-7, ii, 353-357.—Johnson (G.) Case in whicha penny coin impacted in the throat of a child was discovered and re- moved by the aid of the laryngoscope. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 4.—Jones (H.) Lodgment of a farthing in the oesophagus of a young child ; ejection through the influ- ence of emetics. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i. 188.—Kndal- slti (N.) Trekhmais yachnoe prebivanie kosti v' gortani. [A bone lodged in the throat three months. | Med. Yest- nik, St. Petersb., 1868, viii, 152.—Kemper (G. W. H.) Apomorphia for the removal of foreign bodies from the (esophagus. Cincin. Lancet A Clinic, 1879, n. s., ii, 206.— Kieter (A.) Ausziehung eines Fleischstiickes aus dem Schlunde mittelst eines improvisirten Schlundziehers. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1849, vi, 345-318.—Kil- palrick (A. R.) A fish hook removed from the oesopha- gus without an operation. N. Oil. M. A S. J., 1844-5, i, 412.—King (E. E.) Foreign body in the oesophagus; re- moval. Canad. Pract, Toronto, 1887, xii. 239.—King (S. C.) Case of a feather or pen, twelve inches in length, which was fortunately extracted from the oesophagus. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond. (1777-83), 1784, vi, 231-235.— Kirby (J.) A ease in which suffocation was produced by a portion of solid food in the oesophagus. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1818, ii, 224-226. — Kloman (W. C.) t Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 100. — Korlovski (K. S.) Perelom glotochnago tolkatelya (iz kitovago usa) v pishchevodae. [Breaking of a whalebone probang in the throat] Med. Shorn ik, Till is, 1869, no. 8, pt. 4. 1- 16. — Kollmeier. Fremder Korper in der Speiserohre. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1861, xiii, 109. — Iii ache. Im Schlunde stecken gebliebener fremder Kiirper. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 692.—Kri*habcr. Corps etranger extrait de l'oesophage chez un enfant de 3 ans. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, 76-78. [-----.] Extrac- tion des corns etrangers de l'a'sophage (en faisant boire de l'eau au p.ti lent et en introduisant ensuite une tige munie d'une eponge preparee jusque dansl'estomac), [Rap.de (ESOPHAGUS. 97 CESOPHAGUS. lEsopliajfli* (Foreign bodies in). Duplay.] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1874), 1875, 3. s., iii, 599. — Kiisler (E.) Versehlucken eines Glasspliftcrs ; Perforation des Oesophagus dicht iiber der Cardia ; Extrac- tion des Splitters aus der vordern Bauchwand ; Heilung. In his: Ein chir. Trienn., 8=, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 108-110. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 460.—Knhn (J.) Extraction dune piece de cinq francs engagee de- puis trois jours dans 1'iesophage ; description d'un nouvel instrument. Gaz. med. de Par., 1857. 3. s.. xii, 105-107.— Knrz (E.) Fremdkdrper im Oesophagus. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1880. xxv. 28-30. -----.• Kremdkdrper im Oesophagus; Extraction; doppelseitige Stimmbandlah- lnung. Ibid , 1883, n. F., iii, 321-327. Also, transl..- Spe- rimentale, Firenze, 1884, liii, 265-269.—Enbat. Corps etranger de l'cesophage; heinorrhagies intestinales : mort. Bull. Soc. cliu. de Par., 1877, 195-198. Also: France med., Par.. 1877, xxiv, 659. — Efaglcyzc] (P.) Una vertebra en el esofago. Rev. argent, de cien. med., Buenos Aires. 18M-5, ii, 389-392. —I.aiillaw (J.) Case of foreign body in the (esophagus l.ond. M. & Phys. J., 1831, xi, 451- 453.—von Eangcnbcck (B.) Ueber Fremdkdrper im Oesophagus uud iiber Oesophagotomie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1877-8), 1879. ix, 2. Thl., 17-31. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877. xiv. 741 : 757. Also, transl. : Lond. M. Rec, 1878, vi, 49; 98— 1., an gen beck (M.) Ein Fall von Yerschlucken und Steckenbleibcn nekrotissirter Nasenknochen im Oesophagus. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1877, xxii, 1.—Eanncloiigiic. Sur dix-huit cas do corps etrangers de l'oesophage chez des enfants, suivis d'une ob- servation chez l'adulte. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 309-314.—Earrey. Corps etrangers dans l'oesophage. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1848-50), 1851, i 508-511.—Ee Bele (E.) Note sur uu moyen simple d extraction des corps etrangers de I'oesoph'age. Bull. Soc. de med. de la Sarthe 1875. Le Mans, 1876, 21-24.— Eeilerer (C.) Fremder Korper in der Speiserohre. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 241.—Eees (D. B.) Extrac- tion of a farthing from the oesophagus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii. 732.—Eclong. Corps etranger dans leesophage; hematemese: autopsie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1876, 3. s.. ix, 327. — Ecntin. Heilart einiger verschlukteu Sachen welche im Schlunde stecken geblieben. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneiw., Gotting., 1797, i, 438-441.— Eesbros. Corps etranger de l'cesophage ayant determine l'asphyxie et non revele par le catheterisme. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883, ii, 281-283 — Eicntaiid. Un ecu de six livres dans l'oesophage. [From: Hist, et mem. acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1752.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie tram;., Par. et Liege, 1780, xi, 379. — Eippcrt (H.) Yerschlucken eines kiinstlichen Gebisses. und Extraction desselben durch Brechmittel und diinue elastische Sonden. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, vi, 132. —Eittlc (J. L.) A foreign body removed from the oesophagus. N. York M. J.. 1883, xxxvii, 497.—Eorcta (P.) Del cateterismo eso- fageo per 1' estrazione dei corpi estranei e del cateterismo conduttore per la cistotomia perineale. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st, di Bologna, 1875, 3. s., vi, 461-486, 2 pi— l,oiin- scr (F. YV.) Entfernuug eines grossen in der Speiseiohre steckengebliebenen Fleischbrockens bei gleichzeitig beste- hcudein Trismus. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 1429-1432. — Eiindgrcn. Corpus extraneum in ceso- phago: septichaniia. Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 776.—MacG'ormac ( \V. ) Tooth-plate impacted in the cesophagus; successful removal by cesophagotomy: re- marks. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 1019. — Mackcnsic (S.) Impaction of a fish bone in the cesophagus: ulceration into the aorta; haemorrhage; death. Ibid., 1871, i, 646.—fflc- Kcown (W. A.) A case in which (esophagotomy was performed for the impaction in the oesophagus for five weeks of a set of artificial teeth. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1878, xi. 233-237.—MacEarcn (R. P.) A case in which a live fish was swallowed, and impacted in the (esophagus for thirty-four hours; emphysema; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 103.— McEcan f'L.) Successful cesophagotomy for the removal of foreign bodies. Med. Rec, N. \'., 1884, xxvi, 281-283.—Malagodi (L.) Sulla estrazione, niedi- ante il crochet k bascule di (iraeff, di una moneta di rame da cinqile baiocchi incastrata profondaiuente nell' esofago. R iccoglitore med. di Fano, 1856, 2. s., xiii, 393-403, 1 pi.— Marcacci (G.) Di uno spillo fermatosi nell' esofago. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1881, xlvii, 389. — Marion. De l'usage des lavements de tabac pour solliciter les vomisse- meuts, dans les cas de corps etrangers arretes fort avant dans l'o'sophage. Bull. gen. de therap , etc., Par., 1848, xxxiv, 305.— Martin. Observation sur une perfora- tion de l'oesophage et une erosion dc l'aorte, dues ii la pre- sence d'un corps etranger [piece de six francs]. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827, i, no. 23, 3.—Martin (L.-T.) Observation d'un corps etranger arrete daus liesophage et qui, aban- donne aux efforts de la nature, a occasionne la mort du siijet. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1835, xxxvii, 260-269. — Matthews (J.) A case where an artificial plate with false teeth was swallowed and removed. Lan- cet, Lond., 1871, i, 643.—Maurice. Un ratelier avale, arrete dans l'cesophage. Ann. Soc de med. de St.-lttienne et de la Loire. Compt.-rend. (1880), 1881, vii, 599-002.— Maury (F. F.) Larynx of a man strangled with a piece 7 (Esophagus (Foreign bodies in). of meat, together with the bolus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1874-5), 1876. v, 137. — May (B.) Successful resophago- toruy for removal of a halfpenny swallowed three years previously. Lancet. Loud.. 1885, i. 908. — Mayer ( YV.) Zur Casuistik der Fremdkorper im Oesophagus. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvii, 120. — Max- well (A.) Foreign bodies in the o-sophagus. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xvii, 358-365 —Medard. Corps etranger volumineux dans l'oesophage d'une petite Allelic dix mois; extraction avec les pinces k pansemont; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 90.—de Mces (P.) Corps etran- ger dans l'oesophage ; acces de suffocation: mort. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain, 1880, v, 56-59.— .Menlie. Leber Ent- fernuug eines grossen, 21 Tage im Oesophagus eines lljah- rigen Kindes eiugekeilt gewesenen Lhiseliliissels. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1858, iii, 320-322.— Mcnzcl (A.) Due casi di corpi estranei dell' esofago. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Vene- zia, 1872, 3. s., xvi, 108-111. -----. Corpo straniero nell' esofago. Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. di Trieste, 1876, ii, 88.— Miciincc. Corps etranger arrete dans l'oesophage; au- topsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par7, 1851, xxiv, 89.—Mignot. De la position declive comme moyen adjuvant de l'extraction des corps etrangers de ru-sophage. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, xxi, 705.—van Mindcii (J. J.) Geval van het beklemd bli.jven zitten van een stnkjo vleesch gedureude vijf dagen in het bovenste gedeelte van den slokdaim. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1879, iii, 382- 385.—Minelli (R.) Nuovo istrumento per 1' estrazione dM corpi dall' esofago. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1868, vi, 138-143.—Miner (J. F.) Foreign substances simulta- neously in the trachea aud (esophagus; report of a remark- able instance, with operation and death. Buffalo M. \- S. J., 1865-6, v, 471-474.—Minor (J. L.) Ulceration of the iisophagus and aorta, from a foreign body in the gullet. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1880-81, Vii, 380-382.— Milter (C. K.) A case of fish iu the throat. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1S1J, ix, 98.—Mondicrc (J.-T.) Observa- tions sur les accidens determines par le se.jour des corps etrangers dans l'oesophage. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1830, xxiv, 388-414. — Monin ( F. ) Extraction d'une piece de ciuq francs profondeinent engagee dans l'ceso- phage; suivie de reflexions sur la conduite a tenir dans des cas analogues. J. de med. do Lyon, 1843, iv, 181-194.— Monnicr (L. ) Corps etranger de l'oesophage; ieso- phagotoniie externe; mort. Rev. mens. d. mal.de 1'enf, Par., 1883, i, 467-469.—Morales Perez (A.) Un cuerpo extrano en el exdfago. Gac. med. de Cataluha. Barcel., 1878, i, 461-466.—Moreno (T ) Sc Besvernine (C. M.) Cuerpo extrano en el exofago; exofagotomia externa. Crdn. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1888, xiv, 319-323.— Morgan (W. F.) Wound of the aorta through the oesophagus, by a piece of bone accidentally swallowed. Prov. M. i S. J., Lond.. 1849, 538.—Morgan (YV L.) A case of foreign body in the oesophagus, followed by surgical emphysema. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 565. — Mosetig. Fremde Korper im Oesophagus bei gleichzei- tigen Verengerungen desselben. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 396; 422; 475.-----. Ein neues Instrument zur Ent- fernung fremder Korper aus dem Oesophagus. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1866, xxii, 235. Also : Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 624. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 153.—rVicoladoni. Frenulkdrper im Oesophagus. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 154.—O'Brien (J.) Case of foreign body in the oesophagus, causing death by perforation of the aorta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872. vii. 251.—Ogle (J. W.) Disease of the spinal marrow, consequent on thearrest of a pieceof bone in the oesophagus, with ulceration of an intervertebral cartilage. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1852-3, iv, 27. — Ollcnroth. Beschreibung eines Instrumentes womit man fremde Korper, welche in der Speiserohre sitzen geblieben sind, bequeni herunter driicken und auch herausziehen kann. J. f. d. Chir., Ge- burtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1800-2, iii, 266-275 — Ortega (F.) Sur un cas d'obstruction momentanee de I'lesophage par uu corps etranger. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1875, lxxxix, 498-500.—Osier (W.) Foreign body in oesophagus; ulceration; perforation; retro-pha- ryngeal and oesophageal abscess. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 300 — Ostermaier (P.) Zahnpiece in der Speiserohre; Extraction. Dcutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884-5, xxxvi, 157-161.—Palmer (F. S.) Large oesophageal foreign body passed per anum. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 997.—Papis (G.) Caso di corpo straniero nell' esofago. Gazz. med., Milano, 1843, ii, 51.—Paradis. Ob- servation de corps etranger dans l'oesophage. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1836, xl, 309-314.—Parrot. Tod eines Kindes durch Eintreten von Speisebrei in die Luftrohre. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1870. Iv, 133-135.— Palerson (R ) History of a case in which a foreign body, lodged in the cesophagus for nearly five months, proved fatal by producing an ulcerated passage into the trachea. Ediiib. M. & S. J., 1848, lxxi, 125-130.—Paul (C.) Angular fragment of bone removed from the oesoph- agus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila, (1871-3), 1874, iv, 237. Also: Phila, M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 193.—Pelican. Tod in Folge eines verschluckten Fischknochens. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. (ESOPHAGUS. 98 (ESOPHAGI'S. (Esophagus (Foreign bodies in). Heilk., Leipz., 1845, 214.—Perlesz (E.) Idegen test a biiizsiuybau. [Foreign body in the (esophagus.] Gvdgv- liszat. Budapest, 1878, xviii, 741-745.—Perry (A. W.) Case of abscess of the (esophagus, produced by lodgment of a fish bone. South. J. M. Sc. N. Orl., 1807, ii, 434-436.—Pe- treqnin. Note sur 1 extraction dun sou double profonde- inent engage dans I'lesophage. J. de med. de Lyon, 1842, iii, 121-124. Also: Ann. med.-leg. beiges, Brux., 1843, ii, 79.— Pilate. Corps etranger de l'cesophage; perforation dune hi am hede l'artere thvroldieune inferieure; autopsie. Bull. Soc anat de Bar., 1867. xiii, 648-650. [Rap. de Brou- ardel], 050-664.— Pillorc. Observation dun fragment d'os avale et extrait, cinq jouis apres, do l'extreniite infe- rieure de I'lesophage et peut-etre de l'estomac, ii l'aide de l'instrument de Graeffe. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1857, xxx, 423.—Pillot(C) Corps etrangers de liesophage; extrac- tion: perforation consecutive de l'aorte; hemorrhagies re- petees; mort France med., Par., 1883, i, 17-19. — Poin- ■nicr. Observations de corps etrangers arretes dans I'le- sophage. Rec. de nieiu. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1842, liii, 227-247. — Possek (L.) Ein interessanter Sektionsbe- fund. Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 588.— Preble (YV.) Foreign body in oesophagus successfully treated by apo- morphia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1885, cxii, 107.—Pnglioli (G.) Estrazione dall' esofago d' una moneta di rame. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1857. 4. s., vii, 289. -----. Estrazione di un nocciolo d' alhicocca dall' esofago. Ibid., 1858. 4. s., x, 57.—Kathery. Corps etranger de l'oeso- phage. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1809, xlix, 305. [Rap. de Reverdin], 306-309. —Redden (J. W.) Report of a for- eign body in the (esophagus, and its transit through the alimentary canal; quick and safe recovery. Chicago M. J., 1858, n. s., i, 417-451.—Rcnaudiu. Corps etranger de liesophage; perforation de la sousclaviere; mort. Union med. et scient. du uord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 146- 149 —Rice (D.) Novel way of extracting a foreign body from the (esophagus. Boston M. & S. J . 1857-8, lvi j, 357- 359. -----. On the removal of foreign bodies from the u'sophagus. Ibid., 1867, lxxvi, 156. — Richct. Coips etranger de I'lesophage; oesophagotomie externe. France med.. Par.. 1888, i, 433; 506; 517— Ricmbaull Trois observations de corps etrangers arretes dans I'lesophage. Ann. Soc de med. de St.-Etieune ct de la Loire. Compt.- rend. (1857-60), 1861, i, 454-403. Also : Monit, d. sc med. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s.. ii, 1009.—Riggs (J. W.) Pins in the (esophagus. Am. M. Times. X. V., 1861, iii, 389.— Roche. Mort rapide par arret d'un bol alimentaire vo- lumineux a l'entree de l'cesophage. Bull. Soc. med. de lYonne, Auxerre, 1875, xvi, 29-34. — Rothmund (A.) Ca- suistik fremder Kiirper in der Speiserohre Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 159.—Routh. Foreign body in (esophagus, simulating disease of the brain. Lond. J. M., 1850, ii. 582.—Rouyer. Tr.ds observations relatives k des corps etrangers arretes dans liesophage. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Bar. (1831), 1802, 2. s.. ii, 55(1. — Roxo (A. T. B.) Corpo extranuo no esophago; extraccao. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1869, iv, 6—Roy. Observation d'un corps etran- ger arrete dans l'cesophage. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1831, xxxvi. 250-252.—Rozc. Corps etranger a l'entree de 1'iesopliage. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 855. -----. Piece de cinq francs engagee dans l'oesophage; extraction. Ibid. — Rudyard. Swallowing an ear of rye-grass. Brit. M. J . Loud., ]8s2, i. 343.—Salzcr, Dr. Weil's neue Schlund/.auge. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1862. vii, 453.—Sautcsson. Fall af franiiuande kropp i ceso- phagus. Forli. v. Svens. Liik. Siillsk. Sainniauk.. Stock- holm, 1878, 48-53.—Sarychcff (I.) Ob tidal, inorod. tiel iz glotki i pitschcvoda. [Removal of foreign bodies from pharynx and (esophagus.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1888, xxix, 498-510. — Sauccrottc. Observation d'un fragment d'os avale et impl.inte dans l'cesophage. Ann. Sac de nied.- prat. de Montpel., 1803, ii, 247-249.—Savory. Swallowed set of false teeth; lodgement at junction of oesophagus and pharynx; extraction. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1879, xv, 206. —Sayrc (L. A.) Cases of foreign body in the oesophagus, illustrating the use of the bristle-prohang. N.York M. J.. 1808, vii, 229-235.—Serrat (J.) Cuerpo ostrano en el esofago. (.'ompilador med.. Barcel., 1808, iv. 266.—Miami. Impaction of bone in the oesophagus; wound of the lung: pneumonia; death. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1873, ii, 543— sliarlici (S. J.) Impaction of a five-centime piece in the cesophagus for twenty months; scarlet fever; double pueu.....nia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 190.—da Silva Eiiua (J. F.) Espinhadc peixe no esophago: expulsao do corpo extrauho cravado em uma escara gangrenosa. Gaz. un-d. da Bahia, 1877, 2. s., ii, 113-117.—Mini des Crispin! (J.) Observacao de huma esquirola ossea eucalhada no esofago. obtida a cura pela dissoliu ao do acido hydrochlorico (chlorhydrico, ou de sal mariiiho). J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1843, xvii, 285-292. — Mini lb (N.) An account of a new instrument for the extraction of coins and other foreign substances from the oesophagus. Am. M. Rev.. Phila., 1825. ii, 168.— Sniyly (P. C.) Needle. 18 days in the (esophagus, re- moved with forceps and blunt hook, aided by the lai \ ngo- scope. Dublin .1. M. Sc. 1876, lxii, 182-185, 1 pi.—de la Sola y Eastra (R.) Dos casos de esofagotomia para tEsoplia£'ii* (Foreign bodies in). extraer huesos enclavados en la union del tercio superior y medio del esofago; curaoidn de ambos. Rev. .nod. de Sevilla, 1888, xii, 5-18.—Mowers (J. R.) A novel method of removing an obstruction from the (esophagus by elec- tricity. J. N. E. Virg. M. Soc. Warrenton, 1888, i, 07.— Spry (F.) Case in which death was caused by a small splinter of bone perforating the (esophagus and aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.. 1867-8, xix. 219-221.—Stabcl. Ein Fall von fremdeni Kiirper in der Speiserdln e. welcher aufeinebisheruiibekaunte Methodo aus dorse]ben enifernt wurde. Arch. 'f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1862, iii, 420-422.— Stanford (F. A.) Removal of a plate of pewter from the oesophagus. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 368-371.— Medina■■ (J.) Large bone extracted from thelowei part ofthe gullet. Med.'"Essays & Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1733, i, 210-212. —Stewart (W.) A casein which alive fish found its way into the (Esophagus, and was impacted hi about sixteen hours. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 434. Slimson (L. A.) CEsopliagotomv for the removal of a tooth brush. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 719. —Sue (B.) Nouvelles re- flexions et observations sur les corps etrangers arretes daus I'lesophage, avec des remarques critiques sur le memoire d'Hevin. Mem. Soc med. d'emulat. de Par. (an viii), anix [1801], iv, 218-268.—Sullivan (T.J.) Removal of a silver dollar from the (esophagus with forceps. Physi- cian Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1884, vi, 101— Sulpicy. Memoire sur celte question medico-chirurgicale: ' I. op, ra- tion de l'oesophagotomie doit-elle avoir lieu toutes les t'ois qu'un corps etranger aigu no pent ("tie retire ou enfonce dans les voies digestives par les moyens naturels, ni par ccux que l'art indique?'' Ann. Soc. de med.-prat, de Mont- pel., 1808. xi, 371-384.—Swinburne (J.) Lodgement of false teeth iu the (esophagus. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864, ii, 47-49— Syuiuson (T.) Successful ex- traction of a dentil plate from the oesophagus Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 544 — Tniroli (G ) t Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku. St. Petersb., 1864, iv, 432-437.—Taylor (F. E.) A plate of artificial teeth fixed in the cesophagus; removal by forceps; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1881. ii, 415.—Taylor (J. M.) A silver quarter dollar in esoph- agus. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1872, n. s., x, 332.—Thayer (W. H.) Lodgment of meat in the (esophagus. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1854, 1, 389.—Thierry (A.) Des corps etrangers dans I'lesophage. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 803; 987.— Thiry. Corpo estraneo nell' esofago causa di afouia; scabbia inveterata. [Transl.] Boll. d. clin., Napoli, 1885, ii, 373.—Thomas (H.) Successful extraction of a half- penny retained in the oesophagus twenty-eight days. Brit.'M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 891.—Thomas'(W.) On the treatment of foreign bodies iu the pharynx or oesophagus. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1876. 211-216.—Thompson (J.) For- eign bodies in the oesophagus. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885, i, 430.—'I'ho in so u. Foreign body.in the oesophagus. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1888, 3. s.. lxxxv, 359-362. — Thornley (J. G.) Lodgment of a coin in the oesophagus dislodged by manipulation. Med. Press Sc Circ, Dubl. 1867, iii, 452.— Thrasher. A foreign body in the i esopha gus. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1885, n. s., xiv, 69-72.—Tillaux. Ex- traction de quatre fausses dents toinboes et aecroehees dans l'usophage. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Bar., 1869, lxxvii, 376-37.-. Also: A. d. conn. med. prat., Bar., 1869, xxxvi, 555.—Todd (R. C.) A teaspoon thirty-six hours in the gullet. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 533. —Tolifrec (R.) An instrument for removing foreign bodies from the throat. Bait. M. ScS. J. Sc Rev., 1833, i, 860 — Toiiiliu- son (A.) Two cases of difficult deglutition, from ex- traneous bodies lodged in the gula. Cases Sc Obs. M. Soc. N. Haven County, N. Haven. 1788. 16-18.— Torrance (R.) Lead pellets substituted for pharyngeal forceps in search of impacted bone in the (esophagus, with successful result. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1875, i. 810.—Trayer (J. J.) The removal of foreign bodies from the (esophagus. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud.. 1870, i. 405.—Trendelenburg < F.) Zur Extraction von Fremd Korpern aus dcui Oesophagus. Arch. f. kliu. Chir.. Berl., Is72. xiv. 633-635.—Trudenu. Observations de corps etrangers et de substances alhnen- taires arretes dans l'oesophage. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858. vi, 265-268.—Van de Warker (E.) Case of foreign body in the oesophagus, aud death from abscess. N. York M. J., 1871, xiii. 453-455. — Verger. Expulsion dun corps etranger de l'cesophage, obtenue par l'applieation des effets vomitifs de l'apomorphine en injection hypo- dermique. Assoc, fraug. pour 1 avanee. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1878, Par., 1879, vii, 952-954. Also: Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1878, xcv, 254. — Verncntl. Descoips etrangers dans l'd'sophage. Gaz. d. blip., Bar., 1879. Hi, . 329-331 —Vigilanli (A.) Delle amsc metalliche adope- rate come mezzo di estrazione flei corpi estranei dell' eso- fago e del retto iutestino. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1881, xi, 81.—Villette. Corps Stranger de l'oesophage; piece de cinq francs en argent. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 18s7, xxvi, 111-113. — Vogler. Einkeilung eiuer Birne im Schlunde; unverhoffte Idttung. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 175. — Vollolini fli.i Eine Grate im Halse und iiber die Entfernung soldier Fremdkdrper. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl., 1878, xii, 133-138.—Voss. Swallowing of gold plate, with teeth attached. Am. M. Times, N. Y., (ESOPHAGUS. 99 (ESOPHAGUS. CEsophagus (Foreign bodies in). 1864 viii, 209.— Warren (J. M.) A cent arrested iu the (I'sophicus. Boston M. \- S. J., 1859, lx, 319. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-01), 1802, iv, 14-16. -----. Foreign bodies in the (esophagus. In his: Surg. Obs., 8°, Bost,, 1807, 112-114. — Walls (J.) Report of case of laceration of aorta, consequent on impaction of portion of bone in the (esophagus. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1884, xxiv, 310. —Wecver (C.) Description of a new (esophagus forceps. Am. -L M. Sc, Phila., 1834, xiv, 111-113. — Weinlccluier. Ueber Verengerung, Diveitikelbildung und Fremdkdrper in Schlund uud Speiserohre und deren Behandlung mittelst Erweiterung, resp. Extraktion und Fistelbildung an Speiseiohre uud Maoii. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 33; 57; 88; 113- 193: 309; 404; 741; 761.—Welch. Case of foreign body in the (esophagus; dyspniea: convulsions; necropsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i. 305 — Windsor (J.) Foreign body iu the oesophagus. Med. Times A; Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 198.—Winlher. XogleBeinasrkuingerom frem- mede Legeiner i Spiseroret. Tidsskr. f. Vet.. Kjobenh., 1885, 2. R., xv, 195-199— Wright (G. A.I (Esophagot- omy for the extiaction of an impacted tooth-plate. Med. Chion., Manchester. 1887-8, vii, 192-194. — Wygrzy. walski. Shorha pieozonej wieprzowiuy przedziurawia polvk, 11 go dnia krwotok smierteluy. [Swallowing a piece of roasted pig's skin; death. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1872, xiii, 472-474. CEsophagus (Fungi in). de Jong (D. A.) Actinoniykooin in den slokdarm van eeu i und. "Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Amst., 1880, xiii. 291-294— I.etzerich (L.) Leber Mykosis oeso- phagi. Arch. f. exper. Path. ii. Bharmakol., Leipz., 1877, vii. 223-232. — Vircliow. Vollstiindige Yeistopfung des Oesophagus durch Sum inassen. Verhandl. d. phys -med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1852. iii, 304.—Wagner (K ) Zur Kenutniss des Soois des Oesophagus. Jahrb. f. Kiuderh., Leipz., 1867-8, i, 58-62. (Esophagus (Inflammation of). Hoxkoop (X.) *De morbo oesophagi inflam- matorio. 4^. Lugd. Bat, [1774]. Moxdikre (J.-T.) *Recherches sur l'inflani- mation.de l'oesophage, et sur quelques points d'anatomie pathologique de eet organe. 4Z. Paris, \820. Belfrage (F.) Fall af oesophagitis phlegmonosa dif- fusa. Lpsala Lakaref. Fdrh., 1873, viii, 245-251. — Ber- gerct. (Lsophagite suppuree; laryngite et paralysie de Iepiglotte: tiacheotoinie; guerison. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc d. sc. mid. do Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, pt. 2. 39- 44.—Kernheini. (Lsophagite. Diet, encycl. d. sc med., 1'ar., 1880, 2. s.. xiv, 539-555. — Brush I F. F.) (Esopha- gitis as a disease of infancy. Med. Bee., N. Y., 1883, xxiii. 35-37. —C'liinri ill.) Zur Kenutniss der Oesopha- gitis follicularis. I'iag. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xi, 73-75.— C'oiuingore (J. A.) Case of inflammation of the esoph- agus. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1861, 43.— In- flammation de toute partie sus-diaphragmatique du tnlie digestif. J. d. conn, med -chir., Par., 1849-50, xvii, pt. 1, 45.—licrminier. Observation dune inflammation de l'oesophage. N. Jour, de med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1819. vi, 8-11.—JIajer. Oesophagitis chronica mit Glot- tiskrampfen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1856, xxvi. 310. — Tlczxini (A.) Esofagite fibri- nosa priniitiva. Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1862-4, 665-668.— tloll. Oesophagitis. Gen. Ber. d. k. rhein. Mod.-Coll. 1841. Koblenz, 1844, 52 — Tlondicre (J.-T.) Recherches pour servir a l'histoire de l'u'sopliagito aigue et chronique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1830, xxiv, 543: 1831, xxv, 358: xxvii, 494: 1832, xxx, 481.—Padova (C.) Caso di esofa- gite fleiumonosa terminata felicenicnte ]ier ascesso. Ann. uuiv. di med., Milauo, 1875, ccxxxii, 17-24. — I'eters (G. A.) Sin in-: lesopbagitis. Am. M. Times, N. Y.. I860, i, 25. — I* fen fer (C.) Ein Fall von einer Oesophagitis mit alien Frscheinungen der Wasserscheu. Heidelb. klin. Ann., Is25. i, 351-364.—Scbcch (B.) Ueber Oesophagitis acuta. Miinchen. med. Wehnsehr.. 1886. xxxiii, 743-745.— Simon y .\icto (F.) Ksol'agitiscon absceso del esofago; curacion. Correo med. castellano, Salftinanca. 1886, iii, 139-141.—Smith (L.) Inflammation ofthe (esophagus in an infant. X. York M. J., 1866, ii, 373— Xabriskic (J. B.) Case of lesophagitis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833, xiii, 567. (Esophagus (Ligature of). Ambrosoli (C.) Su li effetti della legatura dell'eso- fago. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. s., ii, 121; 129. — Kouley (H.) Delaligature de l'oesophage. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1856, ii, 200-217. — ISouley (H.) Sc Kcyual. Xote sur la ligature de riesophage. Bull. Acad, de med , Par., 1855, xxi, 960-974. [Discussion|, 971: 983; 999; 1005. [Rap. de Trousseau'. 1857-8. xxiii, 999-1039. [Discussion], 1042; 1062; 1072; 1090 — >olc sur la ligature de l'oesophage, a, propos d'une coininunicafion • CEsophagus (Ligature of). de MM. Bouley et Reyual. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 771. — Orfila (L.) Des experiences sur les animaux con- siderees comme moyen (l'etude en toxicologic : de la liga- ture de I'lesophage. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1857, xxx, 9: 1858, xxxi, 226: 253.-----. Sur la ligature de 1'iesophage. Bull. Acad, denied.. Par., 1857-8. xxiii, 1042-1051.—Scdillot (C.) Du retablisseinent spontaue de la coutinuite de l'oeso- phage a la suite de la section complete de cet organe par la ligature. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1847. vii, 262-205. — Sec (M.) Des effets de la ligature de liesophage. buz. hebd. denied.. Par., 1858, v, 553-557. — Trousseau. Rapport sur la ligature de l'resophagc J. de chim. med., etc, Par., 1858, 4. s., iv, 525; 587. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1858, v, 53-534. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 681; 694: 700. CEsophagus (Xerres of). See, also, Nerve (Pneumogastric); CEsophagus (Ligature of). Haase (J. G.) [Pr.] insunt auimadversiones de plexibus oesophageis uervosis parisqne vagi per pectus deenrsn. 4C. [Lipsiee, 1791.] Also, in: Script, neurol. miuores selecti. 4°. Lipsi®, 1793, iii, 117-121. Jolyet (J.-B.-H.-F.) * Sur la determination des nerfs qui president auxmouveineutsde l'ceso- phage. 4°. Paris, 1800. CEsophagus (Paralysis of). Barcggi (C.) Intorno ad uu caso di voniito incoerci- bile da paralisi isterica del quarto atto della deglutizione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1880, i, 973-1000. — Raster (J.) (Esophagi paralysis in virgiue. Acta Acad. uat. curios , Xoriinb., 1748, viii, 58. — ISIanquiuque 8, n. s., i, G67-070.—Axcnfelil. Retrecissement spasmodiqne de l'n'sopliage. Union med., Par.. 1872. 3. s.. xiii, 889-891. — Bci-uhcim. OSsopha'- gisnie. Diet encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1880, 2. s, xiv, 529-."i39. — Iloiyiolli (F.) Caso a decorso straordiuaria- nieiite lungo e continiio di spasmo tonico al terzo inferiore dell esofago. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n r. Ac- cad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1888, vi, 38-46, 1 ch. — Boycs (J. F.) Case of spasmodic closure of the (esophagus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1808. ii, 058. — Brinton (W.) On spasmodic stricture of the (esophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 2-Broca. Rclrerissemeiit spasmodiqne de l'oesophage; guerison par la dilatation forcee. Bull. Soc, dechir.de Par. (1869), 1870, 2. s., x, 280— Bur rail (F. A.) Spasm of the (Esophagus. Physician Sc Pharuiae , X. Y., 1879, n. s., xii. 40.—C'hamailliarfl. Retraction spas- modiqne de lu'sophage. J. de med. et chir. prat.,Par., 1840, xvii, 310-313.— Chamberlain ( C. W. ) Spasmodic stricture of the (esophagus. Proc. Connect. M. Soc., Hartford. 1877, 70-80.—C'hnssnjjiiy. Du catheterisme dans l'lesopbagisme: modifications (les catheters. Lnion med., 1'ar.. 1886, 3. s., xiii, 445-4.M.—C'hnulct. CEsopha- gisme par lesion cerebrale. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1883, cv, 170.—(loncato (L.) Spasmo dell' esofago Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1864, 609-611. —Oave. Retrecisse- ment spasmodiqne de l'cesophage. Bull.Soc.anat.de Par., 1870. Ii. 71.1-718. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1877, v, 191.- Dcjust. (Esophagisme symptomatique. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Voune, Auxerre, 1809, x, 132-130. — Diculafoy. Considerations pratiques sur le retreeisseineiit spasmo- dique de I'lesophage. J. de med. et chir. de Toulouse, 1845-6, ix, 97-102.—Eaton (I.) Case of spasmodic strict- ure of the (esophagus. Lancet, Lond.. 1872, i. 44.— Floy (C. ) Contribution a l'etude de l'a'sophagisme. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., xvii, 741; 7."i7 ; 807.—Foot (A. AV.) Cases of oesophagismus (spasmodic stricture of the (esophagus). Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1874, u. s., xvii. 293-295. Also: Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.. 1874, ii 110. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, 327-338.— Foster (B. 1). ) Hysterical spasm of the cesophagus in a voting child. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 66. — iKr]<; UTeiweus toO oi(TO0ayou (disphagia spasmodica). l'nAjjrix;, 'A6i)vai, 1887, IZ, 473-477. — Hays ( G. D. ) Spasmodic stricture ofthe oesophagus, induced by swallowing a gela- tin-coated pill. Post-Graduate, N. Y.. 1887-8, ii. 358.— Henna (J.J.) (Esophagismus; a typical case of true spasmodic stricture of the cesophagus resembling organic stricture, completely cured by the passage of a full-sized oesophageal sound. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 515-518. Also, Reprint.—Holmes (A. A.) A case of spasmodic stricture of the (Esophagus. N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii, 66-68.—How-ship (J.) Inflam- matory spasmodic stricture in the (esophagus. In his: Pract. Remarks [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1840, 94-96.—HulUe (J. W.) Case of oesophagismus in a young boy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1873, vi, 52-54. — l.acoin be. Deux iaits d'eesophagisme symptomatique, lie, dans un cas a un cancer de I'estomac, dans I'autre ii un cancer cesophagien situe loin de l'obstacle. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1885, 3. s., ii, 93-98. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 187-1o -f,cwis (E. A.) Spasmodic strict- ure of the cesophagus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx, 516.— iTIasucci (P.) Quattro casi di esofagismo, con consider;!- zioni intorno alia natura di questa nevrosi. Gior. di din., terap. e med. pubb., Napoli. 1888, xix. 23-31.—.Hnthicu (J.-L.) Spasme de l'a-sophage gueri par la strychnine. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1852, iv, 102 — iTIctteiiheiuicr (C.) (Esophagismus. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1865, x, 215-217.— IVIoiuliere (J.-T.) Recherches sur l'lesophagisnic, ou spasme de l'lesiqihagc Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1833, 2. s., l, 405-492.— \< lalon. t (Esophagisme. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 297. -----. (Esophagisme. Union med., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxi, 437. -----. Spasme de leesophage simulant la presence dun corps etranger. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1804. xxxv, 250-252. — Olszewski. Krampf der Sp, iseriihre. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 590-598. —Hniilin. (Esophagisme. a la suite d'accidentsde dents de sagesse. Bull. Soc. med.-prat, de Par. (1884-5), 1886, n. »., i, 37.—I'erci val ('['.) History and cure of a difficulty in deglutition ot long continuance arising from a spasmodic affection of tin- oesophagus' Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond. (1768-71), 1772, ii 90-104 — JPeler. Retrecissement spasmodiqne de liesophage- pronostic fatal a propos d'une pneumouie do mauvaise na- ture. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 18,5, xlviii, 674-676. _____ Re- trecissement spasmodique de l'oesophage. Paris med (ESOPHAGUS. 101 (ESOPHAGUS. CE«oi>lia£'ii« (Spasm of). 1887, xii, 49-51.—Pockcls. Krampf der Speiserohre. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1857, iv, 99.—Polain. Retreeisseineiit spasmodiqne de 1'iesophage. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 73.—Raynaud (M.) De l'tt'sophagisiiio dans ses rapports avec la dilata- tion et les-ulcerations de 1'iesophage. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx. Par., 1877, iii, 3-18— [Reiehard.] (Esophagisme; injection hypoderuiique de chlorhydro- morphine : guerison. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1877, xxxvi, 59. Also : Mem. Soc denied, de Strasb., 1878, xiv, 25-27.— Richelini. Notice historique d'une dysphagie par spasme de liesophage. Ann. clin.. Montpel., 1814, xxxv, 339-346.—Nearairlli (C.) Spasmo esofageoin giovinetto isterico guarito colla suggestione ipnotica. Riv. sper. di freniat. Reggio-Eniilia, 1887-8, xiii, 204-206.—Sbanley (M.) Case of cerebral congestion, with spasmodic con- striction ofthe (esophagus, supervening on gastro-duodenal inllainniation, with functional derangement of the liver. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 68-70.—Shoyer (C. C.) (Lsophagisinus. Leavenworth M. Herald. 1874-5, viii, 15.— Smith (A. H.) Case of spasmodic stricture of the oesoph- agus. Virginia M. Monthly, Richmond, 1874, i, 415-417. -----. Spasm of the oesophagus. Ibid., 1876-7, iii, 743- 751.—Smith (T. C.) A case of spasmodic stricture of the oesophagus. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 164.—Strictura oesophagi, t Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1867), 1868, 210.— Vijjla. Spasme de l'oesophage et du larynx termiue par la mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par . 1849. 3. s.. i.'539-541. -----. Reniarques sur la stricture spasmodiqne de l'oesophage et sur son traitement. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1870, xii, 397-399.—Web- slcr. Spasm of oesophagus. Boston M. Sc S. ,L, 1871, viii, 19G.—Whittaker. (Esophagismus. Cincin. Lancet A Clinic, 1879, n. s., iii, 49. (Esophagus (Stricture of). See, aIso, Dysphagia; Gastrotomy; CEsoph- agotomy; CEsophagus (Cancer of); CEsoph- agus (Catheterization of); CEsophagus (Surgery of) ; Pharynx (Abnormities of) ; Pharynx (Strict n re of). Barral (G.) *Des di verses varie"te~s du re"- tre"cisseineut de l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 18-*0. Bkisskxhirtz (J. A. F.) * De stricturis oeso- phagi. HJ, Berolini, 1800. Becttel (P. H.) " Dc struma oesophagi hu- jusque coalitu difficilis ac abolitie deglutitionis singularibus causis. 4°. Tubingee, [1742], Bockentieimer (J. H.) * Ueber die Stenose des Oesophagus. 8-'. Wiirzburg, 1801. Boexigk (J.) * De strictura oesophagi; addi- tur specimen strictura} pharyngis et synechias veli palatini cum posteriore parte pharyngis. 8-'. Regiomonti Pr., 1830. Boghe (H.) * Ueber Stricturen des Oesopha- gus. 8:. Berlin, [1880], Boruureve (F. M.) * De oesophagostenosi. 8-.- Berolini, [1829]. Bocrdox (R.) * Des r6tre"cissenients de l'ceso- phage. 4 . Paris, 1870. Dehxert (A.) * Einiges iiber die Stenosen des Oesophagus. 8-. Marburg, 1883. Dole (L.) * Essai sur les retrocissements de l'o'sophage. 4'~. Montpelliet; 1873. Dci'oxchelle (P. (Jr.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des re'tre'eissements organiques de l'cesophage. 4°. Lille, 1884. Eras (A. J.) * Die anatomischen Canalisa- tionssfonmgen der .Speiserohre. [Leipsic.] 8-'. Chemnitz, 1800. Ferrie (P.) * Etude sur les re'tre'eissements cicatricielset fibreux de l'cesophage. 4?. Paris, 1874. Foli.in (E.) Des re'tre'eissements de l'ceso- phage. 8~. Paris, 187,3. Fret (A.-T.) * Etude sur les re'tre'eissements cicatriciels de l'cesophage et leur traitement. 47: Paris, 1883. Frlmax (J. A.) * Om organisk strictur i ceso- phagus. 8°. Helsingfors, [1847]. Fcgier (A.) * Sur le traitement et le prouostic des re'trecissenii'iits cicatriciels de l'cesophage. 4". Paris, 1877. (Esophagus (Stricture of). Gaxdais(H.) * Re'tre'eissements cicatricielset cancereux de l'oesophage. 4°. Paris, 1800. Gyser (E. G.) * De fame lethali ex callosa oesophagi angustia, cum deteetis in quibnsdam abdominis visceribus attentione dignis phamo- menis. 4-. Argentorati, [1770]. Heix (J.) * Die Stricturen des Oesophagus. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Klxze (G.) -De dysphagia imprimis oeso- phagea a caussis organicis, adjecta nova morbi historia. 8°. Lipsiee, lsll). Maxsiere (P.) *Les r6tre"cissements intrin- seques de l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1807,. Mueller (C.) *De stenosi oesophagi. 8. Berolini, [1863]. Nekkacii (Mohamed Ben-Si-El-Hadj-Bena- mar). * Quelques mots sur les re'tre'eissements de l'cesophage et du catheterisme de cet organe par la sonde Collin. 4J. Paris, 1880. Pflimlix (M.) *Contribntiou a F6tude du r6tre~cissement spasmodiqne de l'cesophage. 4°. Paris, 1880. Rabuske (J. [H.]) *De rariore quadam stenosis oesophagi forma. 83. Berolini, [18(30]. Reissert (F. M.) *De strictum oesophagi. 8-. Berolini, [1830]. Rodet (£.) *De la sonde cesophagienne a demeure. 4°. Paris, 1881. Rocs.sei.ot-Beaui.ieu (E.) *Des re'tre'eisse- ments de l'cesophage. 4-. Paris, 1864. Schlosshauer (C. A.) * De singulari atresias oesophagi casu. 8°. Lipsice, [1845]. Schxelle (E. C. E.) * De strictura oesophagi. 8°. Halis Sli;ijU'ii* (Stricture o/'). 43: 75; 138: 158; 166: lsi;; 202: 225. —Beranl (A.) Re- trecissenienl de I'lesophage. Hull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1842-3, viii. 578-580 — Bernailet. ( as de retreeisseineiit sipiirrheux de liesophage: autopsie. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par. (1862), 1803. 2. s., iii, 151.—Bernard .<1 iu-t. (lesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1861. vii. :;72. — Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (I860. 1862, 186-189. — 7: bid., (1864). 1865. 142-144.—Chicago M. Times, 1875, vii, 204.— Cnssan (A.-L.) t Arch. gen. de med., Par . 1826. x. 79- 85 — Cbappet. t Lyon med., 1878, xxvii. 454-456.—Che- lins iM. J.) Leber die Behandlung der Stricturen des Oesophagus Med. Ann.. Ileidelb.,' 1835, i. 112-123.— Claplon iK.i (.'uses of stricture of the oesophagus. St. Tboiua>'.sIIo>p. Rep.. Lond., 1871. n. s.. ii, 177-185. —Clark (A.) A clinical lecture on stricture of oesophagus, and phthisis. Med. Gaz., X. Y., lss_\ ix. 530. — Clarb (II. G.) Stricture of the (esophagus. X. Lug o. .1. M. i S., Bost., 1842-3, i, 328-332.—Cle^boi'ii (J.) t Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 1878, xiii. 16.—Cockle (J.) Nearly im- passable stricture of the oesophagus fatal by ulcerative per- foration of the trachea. (Case i Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7). 1877, xxviii, 123-126—ColUnan (K.),,jr. Three cases of stricture of (esophagus. china M.'Miss. J.. Shanghai. 1887, i, 146.—Coneato i L. i Coutribuzione per la cura degli stringimenti csofagei col cateterismo prolon- gate. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1866, v. 167.—Collin:;. Strict- ure of the oesophagus. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1861. lxv, 220.— Coiilon (Y.) Retrecissement de l'oeso]diagc. J. d. conn, iiied.-ehir.. I'ar., 1847-8, xv, pt. 1, 130. — Coulson. Stricture of the (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc Lond.. 1848- 50. ii. 207— CoikoI. Retrecissement simple de l'o-so- phage; gastralgie: guerison. J. de ined.. chir. et Phar- macol.. Brux.. 1858. xxvi, 11-17. — Croeq. Retreeisse- ineiit fibreux de l'oesophage; gastrite consecutive par iua- nition._ Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1867. xiii, 6-10.— C u in in (\V.) Remarks on stricture, with three cases of stricture of the oesophagus. Tr. Med -Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1828-9. iii, 593-612. —Ciiiiuiiiiigs (B. H.) t Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1851. n.s.. xxii. 4u9 - 414. — Manila nel I. Sirictura oesophagi. Forli. Svens. Lak.-Siillsk. Sainniauk.. Stockholm. 1859, 19, - 199. — Bean. Strictures of the (esophagus. Weekly M. Rev.. < 'liic:i-c. ]884, x. 36.—Be- boni'ui'. Retreeisseineiit i-hronii|iie de l'oesophage; catlu-ti i i-iie- • guerison. J. dc med.. chir. et phurmacol., Brux., 1853. xvi. 20-22. — Bebove (M.j Du retrecisse- ment primitif de l'oesophage et de son traitement. Lniou med., Par., 1883. 3. s.; xxxv. 1133-1139. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par. (1883). 1884. 2. s.. xx, 70- 75. Also [Abstr.] : Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 18s:;. lvi, 347. -----. Du ntiecissenieut primitif de I'lesophage. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1885, a. s., ii. 317-322. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par.. Iss5. 2. s.. xxii, 676. — Bel- <»reeo (G.) Contribute alio studioe alia cura dei listriu- (EsophagHS (Stricture of). ginienti dell' esofago. Sperimentale. P'irenze, 1877, xl, 576- 598. 4 pi. —Ben is. O bser vat ion sde deux cas remark aides de retrecissement. lull de I'lesophage et I'autre de l'uretre. J. hebd. d. prugr. d. sc. med., Par.. 1835. ii, 5-12. —Beslree (E.) Retrecissement de I'lesophage (Iii a une tiimeur can- croidienne siegeant a la paroi posterieuro de cet organe ct s'etendillit jusque dans lc pharynx. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 33-35.— Brasebe. Sirictura (eso- phagi. Ber. d. k. k. Kraukeuanst. Rudolph- Stif'tung in "Wien (1870), 1871, 115— Br. tlarshall Hall: the his- tory of his case, and the post-mortem appearances. Lan- cet', Lond.. 1857. ii. 253-256. Also.- Assoc. M. ,L, Lond., 1857, 760-763. Also 1 Abstr.] : Dublin Hosp. Gaz.. 1857, iv, 280 — Brysilale (C R.) i Med. Press \ Circ, Lond., 1881. n. s.. xxxi. 465.— ■> mit wort Ii ([).) H Med. Press Sc Circ. Lond.. 1880. n. s.. xxx, 216.— Bii^ariliii. Note sur un cas de compression des rccurrents par un letrecissc- ment organique de l'o'sophage. Ann. d. mal. dc l'orcillc. du larvnx. etc. Par., 1887, xiii,' 15-18.—von Biniireicber. Strictura (esophagi. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 149.— Bnnlop (J.) Xotes of two cases of stricture of the oesophagus cured by dilatation. Glasgow M. J.. 1876, viii, 2U1-2U7. — Bnplay. Retrecissement cicatriciel de liesophage: difficult i'-s du catheterisme eonduisant k une siiiguliere nieprisc : guerison. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1878. ii. 353-356.— Bnpnytren. Retreeisseineiit de la partie inferieure de l'oesophage; extraction d'un corps etranger. Gaz. d. bop., Par.. 1828-9, i. 334. — Bnriaii. Retrecissement de l'oesophage; deux ulcerations perfo- rautes communiquant. luue avec la trachee artere, I'autre avec la bronche gauche Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 309-313. —Faslon (CM.) (.(Esophageal stricture. Case of a man who lived on cake and milk for about 55 years ] Chicago M. J. \- Exam., 1879, xxxviii, 158.— Ejjeberg (C. A.) Om Behaudlingen af impenetrable Strict urer i Madriirct ((esophagus). Norsk Mag. f. Lie- gevidensk.. Christiania. 1841. ii. 97-100. -----. Strictura (esophagi. Ibid., 1877, vii, 612. — Flirliaiill ( E. ) Die Yereiigerung der Speisei bhre. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1857, vi. 1-15.—Fllis. Stricture of the (esophagus. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1861, lxv, 411.—Ensfliseh (J.) Yereii- gerung der Speiserohre; Lungengangriin; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1876, 380.— Eve ( P. F. ) Case of permanent stricture of the (esoph- agus. South. M. & S. J.. Augusta, 1851, n. s., vii. 284.— Fanto ( M.) Fall von Striktur des Oesophagus bedingt durch Tartarus stibiatus. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1802, iii, 487-489. — Farquharsoii ( W. ) Case of a scirrhous (esophagus. Mem. M. Soc Loud.. 1794, ii, 301-371.—Fe- letti ( It. ) Di un nuovo segno tisico della stenosi del! esofago. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1881. 3. s.. i. 98-100. — Fer- ^uson (F.) Stricture of the oesophagus. Med. Rec. X. Y.. Is87, xxxi. 448. Also: Proc. X. York Path. Soc (1.887), 1888 99.-Fiii«er. t [Autopsv.| Vrtijschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. IMil. lxxi, 8:; — Fiseber (L.I Selbstge- niachte Oesopliagostenosc Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1876. xlvi, 258. — Fleleber (B.) On strictures of the a-sophagus, and the dangers of the bougie In his: Med. chir. Notes, Lond.. 1831, 26-42, 2 pi —1 linn (J). E. ) Stricture of the (esophagus. Tr. Acad. M. Ire- land. Dubl.. 1887. v, 256-258. Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1887, i. 19—Foiitnn (L.) Retreeisseineiit de I'lesophage par hvpertrophie de la tunique musculaire. Bull. Soc anat. lie Par., 1865. xl, 686-690.— Forsier (C.i Stricture ofthe upper part of the oesophagus, barely admitting a probe; death from pneumonia. Lancet, Lond.. ls63. ii. 246.—Foy ( G. M. ) (Esophageal stricture. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond, 1884, n. s., xxxviii. 326—Frank (L. F. (Esophageal stricture treated bv galvanism. Arch. Elec- trol. A Neurol., X. V. 1875, ii, 23-26. — Franks ( K. ) Stricture of the 'esophagus. Med Press & Circ. Lond., 1882, n. s , xxxiii. 3:;2-336. —Fraser. Stenosis oesophagi; laryngoseopie examination; autopsv. Lancet. Lond.. 1862. i. 435.— Fran ( R. ) Estreclioz del esofago y del cardias cmsada por un escirro de cstas partes. Au. d. Inst, ined. de eniulac. M, drill, 1842-3. i, 113-119.— «;. Verengei ung der Speiserohre. Wchnschr.f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1844,45: 56: 73— Ciaije(T. II.) Stricture ot oesoph- agus; adhesion to trachea: ulceration and perforation. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Improve. (1862-6). 1867. v, app., 58-60. — (irallard (l'.» Sur le retrecissement de 1'ieso- phage. Lniou med.. Par.. 1869, 3. s., viii, 194: 209. Also, in his: Lemons de clin. med.. 8^. Par.. 1872. 19-32. -----. Re- trecissements organiijues dc liesophage ; utilite du cathe- terisme. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par.. 1875, xlvi, 153-156. -----. Retreeisseineiit de 1'iesophage. In his: Clinique med.. 8=. Par., 1877, 187-219. —Way" (I.) On stricime of the (esophagus. Lancet. Lond.. 1865. ii, 559-561. — Cien- llron (E.) Observal ion dim retreeisseineiit dc liesophage gueri par le catheterisme et la cauterisation. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1842. 3. s., xiv. 448-457. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux.. 1842, iv. 60-63. -----. Sur les retrecisse- ments de I'lesophage et leur traitement par le catheterisme et la cauterisation. (7a/.. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 197-200. Also: Ann. de med. beige. Brux.. 1^47. i :;30-315._CJerj- (E.) Retrecissement organique de 1, ii-,opli.ige. Bull. Soc anat dePar., 1853, xxviii, 235-239 <■ ilhai i-s>mit|| (x.j CESOPHAGUS. 103 (ESOPHAGUS. (E*0|>liag'll» (Stricture of). A specimen of stricture ofthe (esophagus. Proc M. Soc Lond., 187H-81, v. 274-276.—<»illespie (W. A.) Constric- tion of the .esophagus. Boston M. \ S. J., 1869, lxxxi. ;-(46.—<»<>illee (K. J.) On a case of traumatic stricture of the (esophagus in a child four years of age. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i. 853.—<»o79. ci. 696. Also: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1880. vi'i. 144.—Hoffmann (R.) Et Tilfaelde af Strictura o.so]ihagi. Xoisk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1880, x. 377. — Ilofinobl. Beitiiige zur Vereiigerung des Oesophagus und der Bronchieii in Folge Compression dieser Organe (lurch tubereulds cntartete uud geschwellte Lymphdriiseii. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1882-3, iv, 81- 87. — Holmes (T.) Clinical lecture on a case of strict- ure of the oesophagus. Med. Times Sc Gaz , Loud., 1882, ii, 117.—Hope (S. W.) Curious case of overlooked strict- ure of oesophagus and postpharyngeal abscess. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1875. i. 243. — Hoppe fl.) Salmiak bei Vereuge- rung der Speiserohre. Pieuss. Med.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1861, u. F., iv. 276-279.—Howitz (F.) To Tilfalde af Strictura oeso- phagi efter Svovlsyreforgiftuing. [After poisoning by sulphuric acid.J Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1859, 82-84.— Hue! (F.) Note sur le retrecissement de I'lesophage. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1881, xv, 193-198. —Humphreys (0. II.) Organic stricture of the esophagus; autopsy. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1880-81, v, 145. — Hnss. Strictura oesophagi medelstde Jameson'ska dilatatorierna. Forli. Sveus. Lak.-Siillsk. Samniank. 1843-4, Stockholm, 1845. 21-24. —Huston (1). A.) St rictiire of the (esophagus of fifty years' standing. Louisville M. News, 1876, iv, 155.—Hulebinsou (J.) A case of stricture of the oesoph- agus after swallowing caustic potash; gastrotomy pro- po-ed hut not performed. Clin. Leot. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp., ]r07-S, iv, 56-61.—Jaap (J.) Stricture ofthe oesophagus treated by a new dilator. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 769.— .lacobi (A.) Stricture of the esophagus. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1884, i. 499-501. — Jaeger. Strictura oesophagi si hirrhosa. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl.. 1828, xi, 161- 17(1 —James (J. H.) t t Tr. Minnesota M. Soc. St. Paul, 1881. 72-74.—Jameson (H. G.) Au account of a case of strict lire ol th. (esophagus, with a few concluding remarks. Am. M. Reorder, Phila., 1825, viii, 3-9, 1 pi— Jaueway (E*Ol>hag°ll« (Stricture of). (E. G.) Specimen of stricture of oesophagus from enlarged gland. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 65V—[Jemiiny-..] Stricture of the (esophagus. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1*03, xxxvi. 444-446—Johnson, t Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1-77. ii, 137.—Johnson (W.) Case of strictuie of the (esophagus. N. Jersey M. Reporter. Burlington. 1853. vi, 173-175.— Johnston (W. P.) Atresia of the cesophagus. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., D. C. 1874, i. 5.—Johnstone (J.) Cynanehe pharyngea; or defect of deglutition, from a stiaitning of the (esophagus. Mem. M. Soc L.....1., 1789, ii. 177-185. Also: 2. ed., 1794, ii, 180-188. Also, in his: Med. Essays Sc Obs, 8?, Evesham. 1795. 307-313.—lullinril. Retrecissement du cardia, si considerable que le calibre de I'lesophage est prosquo oblitere. Bull. Soc. anat. lie Par., 1863, xxxviii, 405 — liaalicli. Bericht von der med. Klinik des H. Prof Sakscb aus den Schuljahren 1857-58 uud 1858-59. Yrtljsehi. 1. d. prakt. Heilk, Prag, 1802, lxxiii, 94.—Kebbcll (W.) Stricture of the (esophagus. Lancet, Loud.. 1875, i, 105. —Keller (A.) Leber Oesopha- gostenosen und deren Behandlung. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1862, vii. 273-278. ------. Ueber Oesopliagostenosen. Oes- terr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk, Wien, 1862, viii, 857; 873; 9D2: 1865, xi, 369; 405.—Kerr (IL K.) i Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1880-81, xiii, 69— Kinglake. A case of strict- ured (esophagus terminating in death by starvation. Med. \- Phys «L, Lond., 1822, xlviii, 213-217!—Kirkpatriek. Stricture ofthe oesophagus. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1848, vi, 182— Kiihler (A.) Yier Falle von Strictur des Oesopha- gus. Charite-Ann. 1886, Berl., 1888, xiii, 522—Kiihler (R.) Strictur des Oesophagus. Ibid., 1879, Berl., 1881, vi, 440-442.—Korezyuski. Kurcz gardziela z przyczyny wrzodu bloniczego (strictura (esophagi spastica ex ulcere diphtheritico). Med.vcyna. Warszawa, 1882. x, 273; 289; 308. Also: Zbiorprac z klin. lek. Korezyiiskiego, Krakow i Warszawa, 1883, pt. vii, 14-23.—Kraus. Strictura oeso- phagi tuberculosa. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1869, xiv, 148.— Krauss. Zur Casuistik der Oesopbagussteuosen. Med. Cor.-151. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1881. Ii. 273.— Krishaber. Sonde cesophagienne laissee a demeure pendant trois cent cinq jours; utilitc de ce procede. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv. 211.—Kiister (E.) Narbeiistrictur des Oesophagus. In his: Ein chir. Trienn., 1870-8, 8°, Kasselu. Berl., 1882, 111). —Kumar. Hochgradige Veren- gung der Speiserohre. bedingt durch schruiupfende Bron- chialdriiseu ; Tod (lurch Inanition. Ber. d. k. k. Krauken- unst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wieu (1874). 1875, 489. ------. Hochgradige syphilitische Narbeiistrictur im Halstheile des Oesophagus; Tod durch Erschiipfung. Ibid., 490-492.— Kurz (E.) Oesophagusstrictur; Tod durch Pleurilis per- forativa. Deutscbe med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 752.—I.abordc. Retrecissement de liesophage chez uu sujet de 70 ans; mort subitemeut d'apoplexie pulmonaire. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 43-45.— I.nndouzy. Retrecissenients cancereux et cicatriciels de I'lesophage. Semaine med., Par, 1885, v, 343; 359.— Lmielougnc. Observation avec quelques considera- tions pour servir a l'histoire de l'cesophagotoinie interne. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1868, vi, 547-560.—1-iaujjlet. Ulcerations et retrecissement de l'cesophage par ingestion d'aniinouiaque; abces du poumon; pneumothorax; autop- sie. Union med. et scient. du uord-est, Reims, 1878, ii, 43- 46. — I.e Fort (L.) Retrecissement de liesophage; com- pression des recurrents et du pneumogastrique droit; ac- cidents de stenose laryngee; tracheotomies asphyxie par le poumon, nialgre la permeabilite des voies aerienues; mort. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 54-58.— lieger. Retrecissement cancereux de l'cesophage avec perforation de la plevre droite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 411-413. Also : Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 731.— I.eishmaii (W.) Case of poisoning by caustic alkali, followed bv stricture and perforation of the oesophagus. Glasgow M. J., 1867, 3. s.. ii. 121-129.—I7ctoiiscy. Re- trecisseiiient de l'oesophage produit par un caustiquc; catheterisme deux mois et demi apres le debut de l'atfec- tion; dilatation tres-lente; amelioration considerable. Ann. il. mal. de l'oreille et du laryux®Par., 1878. iv, 255- 257. — lie wis (G. W.) Stricture of the oesophagus at or near the cardiac orifice of the stomach. Richmond \c Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xv, 29-32. Also: Am. M. Weekly, Louisville, 1874, i, 08. — Lcydcn. Zur Behand- lung der Oesopliagusstricturen. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. in- nere Med.. Wicsb., 1888, vii, 290-295. —I.eyileu (E.) A Ren vers. Leber die Behandlung oarciir'iuatoser Oeso- phagusstrictur. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1077. Also : Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzbng. d. Elect.- u. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1888, vi, 27-29. — Lincoln (R. P.) Report of a case of stricture of the oesophagus. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y., 1884, vi. 86-90. Also [Abstr.] : N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 340. — I.indesay (A. K.) Case of ulcerated stricture of the oesophagus, communicating with the trachea. Tr. M. A Phys. Soc Calcutta. 1835-42. viii, pt. 1, 40-48. — liislon. Stricture of the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1846-8, i, 89.— I.iltre (A.) Sur uue dif- ficulte d'avaler. [Acad. r. d. sc. de Par., 1715.] Collect. acad. d. mem., etc., Pai.. 1770, iv, 371-377. — fjoweii- liardt. Fall vou Vereiigerung des Oesophagus, durch concentiirte Schwefelsa'ure bewirkt. Med. Ztg., Berl., (ESOPHAGUS. 104 (ESOPHAGI'S. (E*0|>lia£ii« (Stricture of). 183:i. viii. 37. — l.ooteu. Retrecissement de l'cesophage; j perieardite de voisinage: abces du mediastin: mort. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1877, xvi, 398-402. — I,otzbeek (C.) ' Vereiigerung der Siieiseriihre durch Druck vou Seite tier i hinteren Schilddriisen-Partien. Deutsche Klinik. Berl.. ' 1859. xi, 58-61— I,owtlier (G ) t Assoc. M. J., Lond., i 1853, 149— liiibliuski (\V.) Die syphilitischen Steiio- sendes Oesophagus. Berl. klin. Wchusclir.. 1883, xx, 499; 515. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1882-3), 1884. xiv, pt. 2, 209-226.—I,uuier. Retrecissement or- gauique de l'oesophage; emploi d'un nouveau mode de di- latation; amelioration sensible; nieniiigo-ccphalite; au- topsie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1819. xxiv. 307-316.— I.ussana (F.) Stenosi spasmodic^, dell' esofago. Gazz. im d ital. lomb., Milano, 1882, 8. s., iv, 4. — l.nloic. Deux retiecissemcnts de l'oesophage; l'un, siegeaut a la partie superieure: I'autre, tout pies du cardia. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 18.36, xxx, 9.—.Haci'orniac (W.) Cicatricial stricture of the (esophagus, treated by gradual aud after- wards by forcible dilatation. Lancet, Lond.. 1886. i, 191.— .H'Dowcl. Stricture of oesophagus. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1851-5, n. s., i, 44— Hackcy (E.) A case of trau- matic stricture of the (esophagus. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1869, i, 87.— Haekilwain (G.) Stricture of the oesophagus. Lancet. Lond.. lsiiij, i, 432.— Vlai-tineau. Retrecissement (le liesophage eonseeutif k [ingestion dune certaine quautite d eau de javelle. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1863. xxxviii, 483-486.- Martini. Vereiigerung und Versehliessuug der Speisei (dire. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, xix, 433-438.—Hasraro (A.) Estre- cbez del esofago. Anfiteatro anat.. Madrid. 1873, i, 188. -----. Retrecissement de I'lesophage ; dilliculte de pre- ciser la cause; ponction exploratrice; extracti >n d'une tiimeur; guerison. Courrier med., far., 1875, xxiv, 186.— iHaury (F. F.) Case of stricture of the (esophagus in which gastrotomy was performed. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 365-371. Also, Reprint.— Hay ill (C.) Ueber ein neues Verfahren der Dilatation vou Narbeustric- tureu des Oesophagus bei vorhandener Ma<'enfistel. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 289.—.Hazel. Un re- trecissement de l'cesophage, recueilli sur uue feninie qui avail pris 40 k 00 grammes d'acide sulfurique concentre. Bull. Soc, anat, de Par., 1841, xvi, 170— Heiseiibach. t St. Louis M. .t S. J., 1883, xliv, 389-392—.Herrett (A. G.) t Med. Circ, Loud., 1861, xviii, 200—.tliller (A. H.) Re- port of a case of occlusion of the (esophagus by the growth of a tumor on the trachea. Tr. M. Soc Penn., Phila.. 1884, xvi, 456-458.— Hoorhend (-1.) Sudden ob- struction ofthe (esophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 164.— IHorozofF ( D. X. ) K uclien. o rakov. sujenii pitshe- voda i o ego lechen. [Theory of cancerous stricture of (esophagus, and its treatment.] Voye......med. J., St. Pe- tersb , 1887, clix, pt. 1, 75; 1*0. — Hiiller. Beobach- tuug und Behandlung vou Harufistelu mit Harmbhren- verengerung und spiiterer Vereugerung der Speiseiohre, nebst Sectionsbefnnd. Med.-chir. Ztg.. Innsbruck. 1833, iv, 3*1-383. Also: Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Zurich. 1834, i, 314-318. -----. Strictura oesophagi. Med. Cor. I'd. d. wiitteinb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1839, ix, 60-62.— .Huuklev (X.) The. history and (aire of a dangerous affection ofthe oesophigus 'Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Land., 3. ed.. 1785, i, 165-174.— Nelaton. Retrecisse- ment de l'oesophage ; traitement par la dilatation. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1853, xxvi. 11 — >< iniiann (E.) Strictur des Oesophagus, durch eine cancroide Narbe bedingt, mit cousecutiver Pneumonic. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xx, 142-165.—.Xicolaysen (J.) Strictura esophagi, bevirket ved Lud. Norsk Mag. f. Lasgevidensk., Chris- tiauia, 1884, 3. R., xiv, 353-363. — Niemann. Merkwiir- dige Dysphagie. Sumni. d. Xeuest. u. vVisseiiswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1838, n. F., viii. 228. — >iiuneley. Stricture of oesophagus, with absciss opening into it aud the bronchial tube. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861-2, xiii, 74.—Obaliiiski (A.) W sprawie leczeuia zw^zen gard- ziela za pomaca kaniul trwale w nich pomieszczanych. [ On the treatment of stricture of oesophagus by means of permanent canulas. ] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1888, xxvii, 273. — Obre. Stricture, of the cesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1858-9, x, 144. — OlVnall. Strict- ure of the cardiac extremity of the (esophagus; scir- rhus. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1844, xxv. 173.—Ogle (J. W.) Swallowing of caustic potash; inflammation ofthe gullet; stricture; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz , Lond, 1864, ii, 593.—Ogston (A.) On the diagnosis of stricture of the oesophagus. Med. Chron.. Manchester, 1886-7, v, 278-280.— Ossbnhr. Sti icturae (esophagi. Med. Ztg , lierl., 1857, xxvi. 148.—Owen (II. C.) Stricture of the (esophagus. I Toledo M. Sc S. J".. 1880, iv, 41-43— Pageustecher. Vereugerungen der Speiserohre. (lurch Sal'miak geheilt. J d. pract. Heilk.. Berl.. 1827. lxv, 5. St., 51-58.—Paget. Clinical remarks on stricture of the (esophagus. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 11.—Paolini (M.) Disfagia da restringi- mento di esofago, ed atfe/.ione tubercolarc Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1841, 2. s.. xi. 306-322.—del Papa (G.) Lunga, e stabile difticolta, d' inghiottire gli alimeuti per colpa dello esofago. In his.- Cons. med.. 4"-. Roma, 1744, I aiumauu. Lin Versucli mit At-i Mugensonde benn Pfeidc. Ztschr. f. prakt. Yet.-Wissensch., Bern, 1m6. iv. 555-559. — Dckove. Dilatateur (i-uplui-ien. Bull, de l'arsenal med.-chir., Par., 1883, i, 21 — l>elore (X.) Dihitateuv de l'cesophage. Lyon med., 188(1, li, 310- 314. — 4>ioms (S. \V.) Gastrostomy, cesophagostoniy, in- ternal cesophagotomy, combined lesophagotoiny, (esopha- gectomy, and retrograde divulsiou in the treatment of stricture of the oesophagus. Am. J. M. Sc, T'liila.. 1884. n s , Ixxxviii, 58-09. Also: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. 1884. Phila., 1885. ii, 363-380.—Iversen (A.) Oin resektioneraf pharnyx og cesophagus. (C. l. Des resections du pharv nxetde l'oeso- phagc) Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1887. xix, no. 16, 1-24— I.orela (P.) La divulsione strunientale dell' eso- fago invece della gastrostomia. Mem. Accad. il. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1883, 4. s., v, 317-330. Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1885, i, 374— .Vlaeario (M.) Dilatation instriinientale de l'cesophage. substitute a la gastrotomie. Xice-nied., 1884-5, ix, 40-44— .VlaeUeuzie (M.) Two cases of obstruction ofthe cesophagus, treated by mechanical means. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1870, iii, 180- 182. -----. Gastrostomy, cesophagostoniy aud internal Cesophauotoniv in the treatment of stricture ofthe oesoph- agus. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila.. 1883. n. s.. lxxxv, 420-438.— Via iii u (C.) Operations applicables ii l'tesophagostasie chez les ruminants. Mem. Soc centr. de .ned. vet., I'ar., 1882. xii, 27-30.—Mikulicz (I.) Eiu Fall vou Besection des carcinomatosen Oesophagus mit plastischein Ersatz des exeidiiteu Stiickes. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1886, xi, 93.—>a*i (L.) Divulsione esofagea par la via dello sto- niaco (processo Loreta). Bassogna di sc. ined.. Modena, 1880. i,. 1; 59.— \aviatil (I.) Ljabb egyszerii mod a szajpad-garat bsszenbve-seiuek seikeres i-lvalasztasara. [Successful operation for organic stricture of the (esopha- gus."] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1877, xxi. 545-547.-—l*erez ■Slam o (M.) Un caso de exofagotoinia. Genio med.- cpiir.. Madrid. 1880, xxvi, 632-634.—1»< yrainl. De l'in- .jecteur lesophagien. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux. Is7'.). 340-346. — KccIiim (P.) De la sonde ceso- phagienne ii deineure. In liis : Clin, et crit. chir., 8°, Par., 1884, 379-389. —KiehnnlMon (M. H.) On the possibility of operations on the (esophagus through the stomach, as shown by dissections; presentation of a patient from whose oesophagus a set of teeth was removed by an opening through the abdominal wall of the stomach. Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. Wa-b . 1887, i. 628-032. Also: Lancet. Loud., 1887. ii. 707.— Kon\. Carcinome et resection circulaire do l'oesophage ; excision du larvnx et du coips thvroidc; guerison: recidive. Be v. med. de la Suisse Bom., Cine ve, 1887. vii, 407-475. -----. Cas de u-section il'iesophage et du larynx.] Ibid., 1888, \ iii. 11::.—Schilling (F.) Yor- schlag zur niechanischeu Beliaiullung der Magen- sowie der Oesophagus-Blutnngen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884. xxxi, 13- 15. — Moiuicubur:;. Zur operativeu Be- liaudluug der Oesophagus-Carcinome. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884. x, 459.—V. (L.) Sonda exofagica sosteuida de uu modo perinanente durante trescieiitos ciuco dias; utilidad de este procedimiento. Clinica, Zara- goza, 1881. v, 81. CEsophagus (Syphilis of). See. also, CEsophagus (Stricture of). Goilou (F. W.) A case of syphilitic ulceration of the (esophagus: diagnosis by auscultation. Pacific M. Sc S. J.. San Fran.. 1875-6, xviii, 449; 497. — Polain. Du rc- trecisseinent syphilitiijue de I'lesophage. Scinaine med., Par.. 1.-87. vii, 261. -----. Betrecisseineut lesophagien d'orisiiue svphilitique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1887. 7. s., iv, 193-195. (Esophagi!* (Tumors of). Sec, also, CEsophagus (Cancer of); CEsopha- gus (Stricture of); CEsophagus (Surgery of). Kokxek (<). E.) * Ueber die nicht carriuonia- tosen Geschwulste des Ocsoi>liagus. .'-- Berlin [1884]. Makchaxd ((C) "Contribution a l'etude des ne"oplasies de Liesophage et en particulier (les acces dc snftbeation et de la pseudo-angine de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1880. Middkldokpf (A. T.) De polypis (esophagi atque de tumore ejus generis priino prospero cx- stirpato. 4°. Vratislavi®, 187,7. 'Also, transl.: Wien. med. "vLchnschr., 1858, viii, 145; 161; 177. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Monit, d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 970. Schmiedeh (S.) *De polypo oesophagi verini- forini rarissinio a quotidiano pulveris steruuta- torii hispanici, vulgo Spauiol abusu progenito. 4°. Deletii, 1717. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad. morh. [etc.] 4°. Lau- sann®, 1760, vii. 594-628. Aunaudalc (T.) Case of polvpus of the (esophagua successfully removed. Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1878, ii, 761.— ArrowMiuith (B.) Fatal case of dysphagia : ]irodiiced by a polypous growth iu the (esophagus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1847, xxx, 229-233.-Aii*nehiiieinl (Kin) grosser Polyp der Kacheuhdhle; Extraction desselben durcli den Mund; Gcnesung. Med. Ztg Busslauds, St. Petersb., 1858, xv, 364.— Bel/. Hiimatoni des obersten Abschnit- tes des Oesophagus. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenli., Berl., 1879, xiii, 127. — Coals (J.) Large polypoid myoma of the (esophagus. Glasgow M. ,)., 1871-2,' [4.] s., iv, 201-206.— Kbertb (C.J.) Crosses Mvom des Oesophagus. Aich. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl.. 1868, xliii, 137. — Kverett (J. T.) Polypus of 1 he (esophagus. Chicago M. Fxani., 1871, xii, 453-456. — Fagge ( C. II. ) Case of myoma of the (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1874-5, xxvi, 94-96, 1 pi. — .lame- (1>.) (Esophageal polypus. Brit. M. J., Loud, 18i8, ii, 832.—IjImkih'. Observation d'un polype lesophagien. Ann. Soc. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1850, iv, 352-358. — l>ippicli. Polvpen- geschwiir der Speiserohre, mit Durchbobrung del Lull- riihre; tiidlicher Bluterguss in den Magen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates. Wien, 1838, xxvi, 199-206. —Op. peiiheitner (L S.) Libro-sarconia of esophagus. Louis- ville M. News, 1879, vii, 74.—Kohilnnsky (C.) Fibriiser Polyp (fibroid) des Oesophagus. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. ostein Staates. Wien. 1840, xxx, 225 - 227. — Rosstbach (M.J.) Tracheostenose. bedingt durch im Bindegcwebe zwischeu Trachea und Oesophagus liegende Geschwulst. Monat- sehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1884, xviii, 161 -163. — Salter- thwaite. Tumor of oesophagus. Med. Kec, N. V., 1875, x. 275.—Nehwarlz. Tumeur de la portion thoraciipic de rosophage. Bull Soc. anat.de Par., 1878, liii. P.m.— Srebrny (Z.) Torbiel sklepienia gardzieli. 'Cyst of fornix of (esophagus.j Medycyna, Warszawa. 1887. xv, 829; 849.—Tonoli (S.) Polipo'dell'esolago. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1880, 8. s., ii, 479. — Trawl our. Tu- mour de I'lesophage; myome avec points calcifies. Bull. Soc. auat. de Nantes 1880, Par., 1881. iv. 7.—Warren (J. M.) Tumors in the oesophagus. In his: Surg. Obs.. 8°, Bost., 1867, 116-119.— Weigert (C.) Lin Fall von Ade- noma polvposum oesophagi. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 18i6. lxvii, 516. (Esophagus (Ulceration of). See, also, CEsophagus (Cancer of); CEsopha- gus (Rupture of); CEsophagus (Syphilis of). Berhez (E.) *Dc 1'ulcere simple de l'ccso- phage. 4°. Paris, 1888. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1888. Gucxewald (J.) * Ueber einen Fall vou tu- berculosem Geschwiir der Speiserohre mit con- see. Bildung einer Oesophagusfistel. 8°. Wiirz- burg, [1880i] AIber* (J. F. H.) Leber durchhohrende Geschwi'ue der Speiserohre und der Luf'twege. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xix, 1-71. — AntlretvM. A foreign body de- clared by the patient to have become lodged in the trachea, and extensive follicular (?) ulceration of the (esophagus discovered—post mortem. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1852, 617. — Iialpii ilii». Todtliche Verletzung der Speiserohre, durch eine \ei scbluckte Silbermiinze veranlasst. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iv, 283-292.— Spry (F.) A case of perforation of the oesophagus by a splinter of bone; ulceration into the aorta; death. Army M. I)ep. Rep. 1866,' Lond., 1868, viii, 544-546. —Terrou y IVIolees (V.) Caso de lesion organic* del esofago. Gac. med., Madrid, 1845, i, 97-99. — Lrniibart (A B.i Laceration of the (esopha- gus by a fishbone, death from haemorrhage. J. Meut. Sc. Loud.'. 1879, n. s.. xxv. 402-405. — Weir (R. F ) Lacera- tion of the oesophagus, abscess of the neck and mediasti- num. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1882. xxi, 471. — Wolx< mlorl. Leber Verletzungen, liisbesondereSchussveiletzuugeu des Oesophagus mit besonderer Wiirdigung der aus ihren Fol- gezustauden sich ergebenden Indicationen zur Oesophago- tomie. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1880. ix,477, 747 Oessweill (F. Arnt.) *De absccssibus hepatis. '24 pp. 4 . C®sarislutree, L. Tatter, 1831. Oestei'leill (Wilhelm). * Ueber Faeces bei Icte- rus sowie iiber Eisenverbiudungen iu Milch und Faeces. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 8;. Wiirzburg, Thein, 1884. Oesterleil (Friederich) [1812-77]. *Bemerkun- (i-i'U iiber das Yerhiiltniss der Lustseuche zum Attssatz. 20 pp. s-\ Tubingen, G. Bdhi; 1834. -----. Historisch-kritischeDarstelluugdesStivits iiber die Eihkeit oder Mehrheit der venerischeu Contagien. xii, 343 pp. 8-. Stuttgart it. Augs- burg, J. G. Cotta, 1830. -----. Beitriige zurPhysiologie des gesunden uud krauken Orgauisnms. vi (11.), 204pp.,3pi. 8J. Jena, F. Ma tike, 1843. -----. Haudbuch der Heilmittellehre. xxxiv, 1051pp. 8:. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1845. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. xxxviii, 1178 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1847. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. xxiii, 897 pp. 8J. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1801. -----. The same. Handboek der geneesmiddel- leer, in het Nederdnitsch overgebragt door . . . Ellerman. xxxiii, 87,0 pp., 1 1. 8-. Utrecht if Amsterdam, C. van der Post, jr., 1840. -----. Handbuch der Hygieiue fur deu Einzelueu wie fiir eine Bevolkerung. xii, 837 pp. 6-. Tu- bingen, H. Laupp, 1831. -----. Handbuch der Hygiene, der privaten und offentlicheu. 2. Aufl. x, 837 pp., 12 pi. 8°. Tii- bingen, Laupp $ Siebeck, 1857. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. vii, 939 pp. 8-. Tii- bingen, H. Laupp, 1877. -----. Mediciuische Logik. viii, 520 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1852. -----. The same. Medical logic. Transl. and edited by G. Whitley, M. D. xii, 437 pp. 8°. London, Sydenham Society, 1855. -----. Handbuch der medicinischen Statistik. xx (1 1.), 968 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1805. -----. The same. 1. & 2. Abth. in 1 v. 2. Ausg. xx (1 1.), 968 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1874. -----. Choleragift uud Pettenkofer, als Beitrag zum heutigen Stand der Cholerafrage. 115 pp. 8.-\ Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 180,8. -----. Die Seuchen, ihre Ursachen, Gesetze und Bekampfung. x, 504 pp. 8C. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1873. Also, Editor of: Jabrbiieher fiir praktische Heil- kunde, Tiibingen, 1845.—Zeitschrift fiir Hygieiue, me- diciuische Statistik und Sanitatspolizei, Tiibingen. 1859-60. Oesterleil (Georg, Christian) [1773-1850]. See Braun (Ludwig). Auch einige "Worte iiber die ostindische Cholera, etc. 12°. Stuttgart, 1831. Oesterleil (Josephus Frid.) [1785- ]. * De hernia interna, bobus vectariis familiari. 4 p. 1., 24 pp. 12°. Tubing®, L. F. Fues, 1810. Oesterleil (Otto August) [1840- ]. *Ueber Krebs des 8chadelge\volbes. 26 pp., 1 tab. 4:. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1804. -----. Versucli einer Darstellung der forensi- scheu Bedeutung des menschlichen Haars. 50 pp. 4-. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1871. -----. Das menschliche Haar und seine gerichts- arztliche Bedeutung. viii, 151 pp. 8°. Tiibin- gen, Laupp, 1874. -----. Die Untersuchungen von Haaren. In: Handb. d gerichtl. Med., Tubing., 1881, i, 509-538 ------. Tod durch Vorblutung. In. Handb. d. gerichtl. Med., Tubing., 1881, i, G97-720. ------. Blitzsehlag. In: Handb. d. gerichtl. Med., Tubing., 1881. i, 703-808. ------. Kunstfehler der Aerzte und Wnndarzte. In: Handb. d. gerichtl. Med., Tubing., 1882 iii 58V- G48. OESTERMANK 109 OESTERREICHISCHER. Oestcriiiaim (Magnus G.) 'C'ulina mutata. 12 pp. 4-. Upsali®, L. M. Hiijer, [1757], Also, in: Liknjeus. Amcenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Lund. Bat, 1700, v, 120-132. Oesterreich (Wilh. Oscar). * Ein Beitrag zur Eubeolenfrage. 28 pp. 8-'. Leipzig, Huethel it. Leglet; [1808]. [Also, in: P., v. 98.] Oesterreiclier (Eduardus). *De cataractis in clinico ophthalmiatrico anno scholastico 1834-5 tractatis. 2 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 1. 8-. Pestini,typ. L. Landerer de Fiisktit, 1830. [P., v. 13-28.] Oesterreiclier (Elias). *Diss. exhibensgene- ralia de fungis veneuatis. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pestini, Trattner-Kdrolyianis, [1832]. [P., v. ..13-20]. Osterreiclier (Georgius Petrus). *De vita; humante tempore et aetate sub hac mutationibus, et iunrniitatibus. 3 p. 1., 44 pp., 6 1. 4°. Wir- ceburqi, J. J. C. Elei/et; [1740J. Oesterreiclier (Joh. Heinrich) [1805-43]. * Darstelluug der Beweise fiir den Kreislauf des Blutes. 16 i>p. 4°. Miinchen, M. Lindauet; 1823. -----. Versucli einer Darstelluug der Lehre vom Kreislaufe des Blutes. viii, 200 pp. 4°. Niirn- berg, J. L. Scltrag, 1820. -----. Tabulae anatomical ad optima clarissimo- runi virorum rei anatomicte studiosorum ex- einpla lapidi insculptae ac editae a . . . Sectio I. Myologia. 23 pi. imp. fol. Eichstadii, J. M. Beyer, 1827. -----. De gubernaculo sic dicto Hunteriano. II pp. 4°. Monachii, M. Lindauet; 1828. -----. Auatomische Steinstiche, oder bildliche Darstelluug des meuschlicheu Korpers sowie seiner Theile mit Beniitzung des besten bisher Geleisteteu, gezeichnet, in Stein gestochen und in sechs Abtheilungen gesammelt. 145 pi. imp. fol. Miinchen, 1829. -----. The same. Anatomischer Atlas, oder bildliche Darstellung des menschlichen Korpers. Neu bearbeitet. 2. verbesserte Aufl. 180 pi., fol. Text, 308 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. Palm, 1832. Text bound with: Erdl (H.) Leitfaden zur Kenntniss des Banes [etc.] 8D. Miinchen, 1843. See, also, infra, Oesterreich & Erdl. -----& Erdl (Michael Pius). The same. Atlas of human anatomy, containing 197 large plates taken from the original designs from nature. By . . . and many other of the greatest anato- mists of modern times. With explanatory text by J. A. Jeancon. 3 1., 197 pi., fol. Text, 2 p. 1.", 151 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, A. E. Wilde if Co., [1879]. -----. Neue Darstelluug der Lehre vou der Ortsveriiuderung der Hoden. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungs-Gesihiehte derselben. 1 p. 1., 58 pp. 4°. Leipzig, L. Toss, 1830. Oesterreiclier (W.) Ueber Prostataleiden uud ihre Behandluugm Carlsbad. 10pp. 4C. Wien, C. Ueberreutet; 1800. Kept: from: Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1800. xvi. Oesterreicliisclie iirztliche Vereinszeitung. Organ fiir iirztliches Vereinswesen und offentliche Gesundheitsprlege. Hrsg. und redigirt von CarlKohu. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-12, Sept. 15, 1877-8*. fol. Wien. Current, v. 2 commenced Jan., 1878. Oesterreicliisclie Badezeitung. Organ fiir die Interessen der europaischen Kurorte und des Kurpublikums. Hrsg. vou Emil W. Hamburger. [Weekly.] v. 7-14, March 28, 1878-85. 8 v. fol. Wien. Oesterreicliisclie Gesellschaft fiir Gesund- heitspllege. Bericht iiber die am 13. Jiiuuer 1*80 statrgehabte Berathuug iiber die Abhaltung eines interuatioualeu hygienischen Congresses im Jahre 1886 in Wien. '23 pp., 11. 8°. Wien, Spies u. Comp., 1880. Oesterreicliisclie mediciuische Woehen- schrift, als Erganzungsblatt der medicinisehen Jahrbiicher der kaiserlicheu-koniglichen oster- reichischen Staates. Hrsg. von Joh. Nep. Ritter v. Raimann. [v. 1-12.] Jan. 2, 1*41, to Dec. 30. 184*. 12 v. 8°. Wien, Braumiiller it. Sei- del. Oesterreicliisclie Monatsschrift fiir Thierheil- kunde, mit Beriicksichtigung der Yiebzucht und Landwirthschaft. Hrsg. von Alois Koch. v. 1-12 (Jahrg. 2-13), 1*77-88. 4^ & 8C. Wien. Current. Want 1. year, 1876. Oesterreicliisclie pharmaceutische Gesell- schaft. Bericht und Protokoll iiber die achte ordeutl. Generalversammlung, abgehalten zu Wien am 23. und 24. Sept. 1887. 24 pp. S\ Wien, J. Bayer it. Comp., 1**7. Oesterreicliisclie (Der) Sanitats-Beamte. Zcitscln il'r fiir Sanitatswesen und offentliche Gesundheitsprlege. Unter Mitwirkung von Isi- dor Soyka [et al.] hrsg. uud redigirt von Lud- wig Gshier. [Monthlv. ] Nos. 1-3, v. 1. July to Sept., 1888. 8°. Wien u. Berlin, H. Korii- feld. Current. Oesterreicliisclie Yierteljabresschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Yeteriuiirkunde. Hrsg. von deu Mitgliedern des Wiener k. k. Thierarznei- Institutes. Redacteure: Prof. Dr. Miiller uud Prof. Dr. Roll. [2 v. auuually.] v. 19-64, 1803-85. 46 v. 8J. Title of v. 1-18 was : VicrtcIjabrcMNcbrift fiir wis- senschaftliche Veteriiiiirkunde. v. 21 contains index to v. 1-20. v. 44 contains index to v. 21-44. v. 01 contains in- dex to v. 45-60. In 1876 Dr. Roll dropped and Dr. Foster added. In 1887 continued as: Oeslerreichische Zeit- schrift fiir wissenschaftliche Veteriuarkunde. Oesterreicliisclie Zeitschrift fiir Hippologie und Pferdezucht. [Semi-monthly.J No. 9, v. *, May 1, 1885. 4°. Wien. Oesterreicliisclie Zeitschrift fiir Homoeo- pathie. Hrsg. von W. Fleisehmann [et al.]. Redacteur: Ph. Ant. Watzke. [3 Nos. form 1 v. ] v. 1-4, 1*44-8. 8 -'. Wien. Ended. Oesterreicliisclie Zeitschrift fiir Kiuderheil- kunde, redigirt und hrsg. uuter Mitwirkuug des Prof. Dr. Mauthner Ritter von Mautstein von B. Kraus. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, Oct. 1, 1855, to Sept. 1, 1857. *-. Wien. Ended. Oesterreicliisclie Zeitschrift fur Pharmacie. Inter Mitwirkung und mit Beitragen von F. Abl, J. Binder [et al.] hrsg. von M. S. Ehrmann. v. 9-13, 16, 1855-62. "6 v. 8°. Wien. In 1863 continued as: Zeitschrift des allgemeinen osterreichischen Apotheker-Vereins. Oesterreicliisclie Zeitschrift fiir praktische Heilkunde. Hrsg. vom Doctoreu-Colleginm der medicinisehen Facultat iu Wieu. Redigirt von J. J. Knolz und G. Prevss. [Weekly.] v. 1-19, Jan. 19, 1855-73. 4°. Wien. "Want title and index of v. 3, 1857; nos. 13, 30, v. 4, 1858, v. 6-10 by C. v. Latruban and A. Drasche: v. 11-13 by D. Winternitz and II. Back; in v. 14-19 Winteruitz sole edi- tor. In Oct., 1874. continued as: lVIittbeiluiigcii des Wiener medicinisehen Doctoren-Collejiinms. Oesterreicliisclie Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaft- liche Yeterinarkuude hrsg. von den Mitgliedern des AVieuer k. k. Thierarznei-Iustitutes unter der Redaction von J. Bager und St. Polausky. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, 18*7-8. 8C. Wien, W. Brautniillet: Current. A continuation of: Oesterreicliisclie Vier- teljahressclirift fiir wissenschaftliche Veteriuarkunde. Oesterreicliisclier Aerzte-Vereinstag. Steno- graphisches Protokoll der Yerhandluugeu des 2. osterreichischen Aerzte- Vereinstages, abgehalten zu Wien, am 31. Juli, 1. uud 2. August 1876. 150 pp. 8°. Wien, C- L. Pratorius, 1876. OESTEKREICHISCHER. 110 OETTE. Oesterreicliisclier Aerzte vereinsverband. Statuten fiir die Pensions- und Invalideu-Casse des osterreichischen Aerzte vereins verba n des. 13 pp.. 1 tah., 2 1. ■—. [Wien, 1**2.] Oesterreicliisclier Medicinal-Schematismus. Vollsttiudigcs Vcrzcichniss der Aer/.te, Geburts- helfer, Thierarzte und Apotheker, allerim Reichs- rathe vertretenen Kouigreiche und Lauder, sowie siimmtlicherk. k. Militiir- resp. Landwehr-Aerzte der (isterreichisch-ungariseheu Armee .. . Hrsg. von Karl Czuberka it. Gottlieb Kra.us. 1 p. 1., 50J pp. 18-. Wien, Facst/ u. Frick, 1874. -----. The same. Fiir l*-(i; 1**5; 18*0: 18*8. Enthaltend siimmtliche graduirten und diplo- mirten Aerzte, Thierarzte uud Apotheker der im Reichsrathe vertretenen Kouigreiche und Lander. Nach amtlichen Quellen herausgege- ben von Christian Ludwig Praetorius. Als An- hang: Sanitiits-Cesetze fiir Oesterreich-Uugarn. 10°. Wen, 1**0-**. Oesterreicliisclier patriotischer Hilfs-Verein fiir verwtmdete Krieger, Militair-Witwen und- Waisen. Zweiter Kechenschafts-Bericht des . . . 1*0*. 50 pp. 8Z. Wien, L. W. Seidel it. Sohn, [809. Oesterreicliisclics Jahrbuch fiir Piidiatrik. Hrsg. von G. Ritter von Rittershain und M. Herz. Nette Folge des " Jahrbuches fiir Physiologic und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters". [2 v. an- nually.] Jahrg. 1-8, 1870-77. 8°. Wien, W. Branmiiller. In 1S74 Ludwig Fleischmann added as editor; he died Jan. 9, 1S78. Oesterreicliiscli-uiig'arisclie Badezeitung. Orgau fiir Btilneologie, Klimatologie uud Hy- giene. Hrsg. vou A. Egger und J. Stcinbaeh. [Weekly.] No. 1, v. 1, April 30, 18*7. fol. Wien. Oesterreicliiscli - imgarisclie Vierteljah- resschrift fiir Zahnheilkunde. Redacteur: Heiu- rich Sclunid. Herausgeber: Julius Weiss, v. 1-4. 1*85-88. 8-. I lien. Current. Oestmnii (Job. Petrus). De inflamiuatione po- tissiine autem venosa. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 4J. Lttn- da; typ. Berlingianis, 1780. ------. * De criteriis et remediis cancri adhuc dnbiis. 27 pp. 4°. Lund®, typ. Berlingianis, [1787]. Oestreicli (Carolus Franc. G.) [1827- ]. *De febris puerperalis a?tiologia et curatione. 31 pp., 2 1. *°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinget; [1>52]. Oestreicli ( Henricus) [1804- ]. * De glande plumhea ossi ethmoideo intixa. 21 pp., 3 1., 1 pi. 5 . Berolini, F. Nietack, [1830]. [Also, in: P., v. 329. ] Oestring (Jacobus Joh.) See Aleeniu* (Josephus Joachim) & Oestring (Jaco- bus Job.) Diss, contineus observationes circa curam herniarum [etc.] 4°. Helsingforsice, [1833J. nostrum. Johnstoiie (A. W.) The endometrium in the cycle of the rut. Brit. Gynsee. J., Lond., 1887, iii, 379-391. ecifico in can- cro, imprimis occulto. 35 pp. sm. 4J. Hal® Magdeb., tt/p. J. C. Hendelii, [1739]. [Also, in: P., v. i:}*6.] ------. Cinnabaris exul redux in pharmacopo- lium, cum auctore se publico examini sistens, respondente Christ. Theophil. Reuss. 32 pp. 4 . Tubing®, lit. C. G. Cott®, [1760]. ------. Problema practician, au achorum insitio, imitando variolartini insitioneni, pro curandis pueritiae morbis rebellibus tuto tentari possit. Kesp. sjamuele Theophilo (linelin. 32 pp. sm. 4". Tubing®, typ. Bauhof- et Frauckii, [17f>2]. Also, in: BAi.nixiiKit. Syllojje select., [etc.] S3. Got- ting®, 1782, vi, 248-283. ------. Diss, delapsu palpebne superioris. Kesp. Georg. Andreas Kiiruer. Tubing®, 1771. In: Diss. med. select. 12°. Tubing., 1785, iii. 229-277. Also, in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1792, xi. 202-248. See. also, IIoIFiiiaun (Daniel) Sc Oetinger (Lerd. C.) Deaercmierocosmi factitio. Tubing®, \T.Yi.~In: IIai.i.eis. Disp. ad moib. [etc.| VJ. Lausannie, 1757, iii, 201-222. Oetillger (Theoph. Frid.) *De viribns radii-is rubiie tinctorum antiraehiticis :i virtute ossa animalium vivoruui tiugendi non pendeutibus. 411 pp. sm. 4-'. Tubing®, ®re Fnesiano, 17(i!L Oetillger (Wilhelm). * D;is Narcein als Arznei- lnittel. 41 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1800. Oeliuger (Wilhelm Ludovicus). De cauta mi- raculoruni in medico foro dijudicatione. Diss. 40 pp. 4 -. Tubing®, lit. G. F. Pelickii, 1733. Oette (Max [Georg]) [18..4- ]. * IVber den Eintiuss gewisser Fielier auf den leukamischen Process. 2* pp., 1 1., 2 tab. *J. Grcifsieedd, J. Abel, 1*79. OETTINGEN. Ill OEYNHAUSEN. VOll Oettillgeil (Alexander). Die christliche Sittenlehre. Deductive Eutwickelung der Ge- setze christlichen Heilslebens im Organismus der Menschheit. Iu 2 pts. xxvi, 700 pp. 8°. Er- langen, A. Deichert, 1*73-4. -----. Die Morals.fatistik iu ihrer Bedeutung fiir eine christliche Socialethik. 2. Anil, xvi, 7*4. *2 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. Deichert, 1*74. VOll Oettillgeii (Arthur). Meteorologische Be- obachtungen angestellt in Dorpat im Jahre 1807 (2. December 1860—1. December 1*67). 118 pp. *°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1*6*. VOll Oettingeil (Georgius) [1*24- ]. *De ratione qua calomelas luutetur in tractu intesti- nali. 43 pp. 8U. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. H. Laakmanni, 1*48. -----. Observatioues quaedam de cataractae ope- rationeextractionis ope instituenda. 47 pp. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. H. Laakmanni, 1854. -----. Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Ab- theilung der Universitiits-Klinik zu Dorpat, be- treffend das Jahr 1856. 37* pp. 8°. Dorpat, Schiinmanns Wive. it. C. Mattiesen, 187,7. -----. The same. Betreffend das Jahr 1838. 114 pp. 83. Riga, E. Gotschel, 1830. -----. Die ophthalmologische Klinik Dorpats in den drei ersten Jahren ihres Besteheus. 120 pp. 8°. Dorpat, W. Glaset; 1*71. Repr. from: Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1871, ii. -----. Die indirecten Liisionen des Auges bei Scliussvcrletztiugen der Orbitalgegend; nach Aufzeichnungen aus dem russisch-tiirkischen Kriege ^ 1877-8). 83 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1879. vo»Oetting-eli(Otto Leo C.) [1811-50]. *Ale- lecemata qmedam ad | erimei rupturas ejusque curam spectantia x, 11-72 pp. 12°. Dorpati Livotiuriim, tt/p. J. C. Schueumanni, 1835. -----. Observationes ad pathologiam et thera- piam spootantes. vi (11.), 163 pp. 8°. Berolini, .1. Hirschivald, 1840. Oettiiiger(Albcrtus)[l*()*- ]. * Hippocratis vita, pliilosophia et ars medica. 40 pp. 8°. Be- rolini, typ. Nietackiauis, [1835]. Oettinger (Herrmann) [1802-55]. *Ueber die angeborne Aftersperre. 44 pp., 3 pi. 4J. Miin- chen, J. G. Fleisehtnann, 1820. Co-Editor of: Aerzlliehes Intelligenz-Blatt, Miin- chen, 1854-5. For Biogravhy. see Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1855, ii, 517-519 (A. Martiu). Also : Ibid., 617-622. Oettillger (Joannes Carolus) [1737- ]. *De febribus acutis intestinalibus incolis oppidi Me- gasoemmerdaj epidemiis. 31 pp. 4°. Frfordiee, lit. H R. Nonnii, [1767]. ■-----. *De febribus ab initio fere mensis De- cembris 1771. per annum 1772. hue usque Erfor- dke iuque ejus confiuiis epidemice grassantibus nonnulla comrnentatur. 44 pp. 4J. Erfordi®, ex off. Nonnii, 1772. Oettinger (Josephus). *De plica polonica. 16 pp., 1 1. 8'. Pesthini, J. Beimel, [1834]. [P., v. 1325.] Oettinger (Paul). * Die kiinstliche Keifung des Staars. 2 p. ]., 34 pp., 1 1. 8\ Brislau, T. Sehatzky, 1885. Oettillger (Phil. Jos.) *On the combinations of thallium. [Gottingen] 36pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1864. Oettinger (William). *£tude sur les paral.ysies alcooliques (ndvrites multiples chez les alcoo- liqnes). 112 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Le Mans, 1885, Xo. 1*3. -----. The same. Ill pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- hayc if- E. Lecrosnier, 1*85. Oettl (Rudolf). * Ueber Verbrenuungen im kind- lichen Alter. 20 pp. H°. Miinchen, E. Stahl, 1839. Oettler (Henricus Gustavus) [1817- ]. *De uroscopia. 32 pp. 8-; Berolini, Nhtackianis, [1842]. -----. Kaiserschnitt vier Mal an derselben Per- son ausgefiihrt. 19 pp. 8-. Leipzig, A. T. En- gelhardt, [1869]. Iiepr.from: Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiv. OtVOS (Augnstinus). *Aqua> medicare Transyl- vania!. 44 pp., 1 1. 8\ Bud®, typ. reg. scient. Univ. Hung., 1836. [P., v. 13*8.] Hungarian text. Oetziiiaim (Joanues Theophilus) [1767-1***]. * Dc tistula ani. 08 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Jen®, typ. Pra- geri et soc, [1812]. ffiuvre de rHospitalite" de Nuit. Rapport sur les travaux de Tceuvre peudaut Pan ne'e 1**0. 85 pp. *°. Paris, Vve. Ethiou Pe'rou et fils, 1887. Fondee en 1878. ffilivre de la Salpetriere et de Bicetre. Patronage et asile pour les alie^ies indigents qui sortent con- valescents des hospices de la Salpetriere et de Bicetre et pour leurs eufaus. Compte moral et financier de l'exercice 1861.' 24 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Carion, 1*02. ten Oever (J. Mees). -See Meesten Oever (J.) vanden Oever (Joh.) *Qua inquiritur in causam mortis susponsorum. 1 p. 1., 49 pp., 1 1. 4-\ Lugd. Bat., J. C. Cyfveet; 1826. Oeynhausen. See, also, Lippspringe. Aerztliche Cur-Nachrichten iiber das konig- liche Bad Oeynhausen aus dem Jahre 1*51, ins- besoudere fiir auswartige Aerzte, zur bessereu Beurtheilung der Heiltherme. Hrsg. von der koniglicheu Bade - Verwaltung. 2. Aufl. 8C. Minden, 1852. -----. The same for 1853. 8°. Minden, 1854. Alftkk. Bemerkuugen iiber deu richtigen Gebrauch der Wiisser von Oeynhausen fiir Cur- giiste, nebst einer Tabelle der Analysen der ver- schiedenen Brunnen. 12°. Minden, [n. d.] Empikischr Prognose fiir die Anwendung der Curmittel zu Oeynhausen, geschopft aus der Ver- gleichung siiinintlicher Beobachtungen der dor- tigen Aerzte, Alfter, Braun, Clostermeier, Leh- mann, von Moeller, Rinteln. 8°. Minden, 1*61. Freytag (B.) Bad Oeynhausen (Rehme) iu Westf'alen. 8°. Minden, 1880. Leiimaxn (L.) Les bains d'Oeynhausen (Reh- me). Apercu medical et renseiguements ge'iie- raux. 8°. Bruxelles, 1858. -----. Bad Oeynhausen. (Rehme.) 3. Aufl. 8G. Oeynhausen, 1887. von Moeller (F. W.) Das konigliche Sool- bad bei Neusalzwerk ohuweit preussisch Miuden in seineu medicinisehen Wirkungen. Xebst eini- gen allgemeiueu eiuleitenden Bemerkungen von C. von Oeynhausen. 8°. Berlin, 1847. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. 8-. Berlin, 1849. -----. Bad Oeynhausen bei Rehme. Mit vor- ziiglicher Riicksicht auf die Methode, kurz dar- gestellt, 8°. Berlin, 1850. Pai?st(L.) Notizen iiber Gelenkkrankheiten unter Mitan weudung des Bades zu Oeynhausen. 8°. Leipzig, 185(5. Posxer (L.) Skizzen aus Bad Oeynhausen (Rehme). 12-. Berlin, 1858. Sack. NotaLe iiber das konigliche Bad Oeyn- hausen bei Rehme. 12°. Bonn, 1854. Sciiober (C. T.) Mittheilungen iiber das ko- nigliche Bad Oeynhausen bei Rehine-Xctisalz- werk. 80. Berlin, 1849. Aider. P.eitrage zu den TVirkunjren der kohlensaure- haltieen Sonltherrae Oevnhausen besonders aufdieLiin- absonuerung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853. v, 295; 307. ----. Derphysiologische Versuchunddie therapeutische OEYNHAUSEN. 112 OFFAL. Oeviiliaii«en. Litahrung. Ibid.. 1857. ix. 95; 10L—Faye (F. C.) Ba- destedet Oeynhausen. Norsk Mae., f. Lsegevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1879, ix, 1021-1026.—S. xx. 109: 11, — l/elimaiiii (L.) "Wiigungeu Kranker, angestellt zurniilieien Friifung der beicits auf anderem Wege erlangten Ansichten iiber die cliaraktei istischen Wirkungen der Sooltherme in Oevn- hausen. [5 cases.] Ibid., 1856, viii, 468-470. -----. Das Sooldunstbad zu Bad Oeynhausen (Rehme) und das ge- wohnliche Wasserdampfbad. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1858, iii, 279- 311, 1 tab. Also, Reprint.-----. Bad Oeynhausen. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 358. -----. Das Thermalbad zu Bad Oeynhausen (Rehme) und das gewohnliche Was- ser. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. Wissen- sch. Heilk., Getting., 1860, iv, 18-36. -----. Rehme (Oeyn- hausen) bei Hautkrankheiten. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1862, xxxi, 321-325. -----. Die Geiiichte iiber die Rehnier Badequellen im Lichte neuer Analyseu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi. 159; 170.—von IN oiler. Cur- verbiiltnisse zu Bad Oeynhauseii. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1851. xx, 129-132.— Tliillcr. Bericht iiber die im Bade Rehme-Oeyuhaiisen im Somuier 1871 behandelten, wahrend des Feldzuges 1870-71 verwundeten und erkrank- ten Soldateu. Deutscbe Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 163 ; 175; 183: 193; 204; 215;. 230; 245: 256. -----. Oeynhausen- Rehme und die Analyseu seiner Badequellen mit einigen Bemerkungen iiber sein Veihiiltuiss zu Nauheini. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 205 ; 217. -----. Das Tliennalsoolbad Oeynhauseu-Rehine, insbesoudere sein Vei liiiltniss zu Kreuznach und Nauheini. Jahrb. f. Bal- neol., etc., Wien, 1878, vii, 13-37.—Kintcln. Die Ther- mal-Si mlbiider von Oeynhausen und ihre Auwendung bei Krankheiten des Nervensystems, gestiitzt auf eine 25- jahrige Erfahrung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1879, xlviii. 421: 437; 449; 465.—Mteintlial. Das Bad Oeyn- hausen in seiner gegenwartie.eu Eutwickelung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 230. voii Oeynhauseii (Karl). Umrisse zu einer iiro-hydrogriiphischen und geognostischen Schil- derung von Lotharingen, dem Elsass, Schwaben und den Gegenden zu beideu Sciten des Mittel- Keins. 144 pp. *°. [n.p.,n.d.] [P., v. 1549.] Repr. from .- Hertba, 1825, i, 431-574. See, also, von .Moeller (Fr. W.) Das konigliche Sool- bad bei Neusalzwerk ohnweit preussisch Minden, [etc.] 8°. Berlin, 1847. O' Fallon Preparatory School of Medicine, Saiut Louis. Annual commencements of the summer sessions for the years 187)9 and 18G0. (1. & 2.) 8-. St. Louis, L*h9-(i0. Ceased to exist after second year (1860). O'Fanell (Ed.) See l*csle (Dune) au pals de Cocquaigne, [etc.| 12°. Paris, [1873]. O'Farrell (T.) .Sec Cliiriboga (H.) Observations on cundurango, [etc.] 8^. Xew York, 1873. Of'en. Sec Buda-Pesth. O'Ferrall (Joseph Michael) [1790-1*G8]. Large scrotal tumour; new plan of operations for large tumours. 16 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. M. O'Toole $ Son, [1*45]. [P., v. 871.] Repr. from: Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1845, i. -----. Ou the cine of popliteal aneurism by pressure at the groin. 19 pp. 8°. Dublin, T. I White, 1*50. [P., v. 1201.] Repr.from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, ii. -----. St. Vincent's Hospital. Clinical lecture on abdominal .subcutaneous emphysema. 10 pp. 12-'. Dublin, J. M. O'Toole, 1834f Repr.from: Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. a., i. -----. On hospital instruction : au introductory address to the students at St. Vincent's Hospital on November 4. 1858. 18 pp. 8\ Dublin, J. M. (JToole, 1-59. [P., v. *71.] Repr. from: Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi. For Biography, see Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv. 461-469 (E. D. Mapother). Also.- Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. a., xxiv, 397-399 (E. D. Mapother). Off (Mohammed). * Alteration des membranes internes dc l'ceil dans l'albuminnrie et le diabote. 1-4 pp. 4 . Paris, 1870, Xo. 162. Offhigne. Sec Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Off hi and refuse (Disposal of). Sec, also, Animals (Dead); Garbage (Disposal of); Manure ; Nuisances; Sewage ; Streets. Boston. House offal. [Petition of hotel pro- prietors on the inconvenience and injustice of the present system of removing offal and swill from their establishments; and asking permis- sion to remove it in their own carts and receive the benefits ofthe sale.] City Doc. K». 73, Oct, 19, 1854. 8°. [Boston, 1854.] -----. Notice to housekeepers and tenants. [Prohibiting the removal of house offal without license from the board of health of Boston. April 20,1*75.] broadside8°. [/Boston, 1875.] -----. Thesame. April 10, 1877. 8J. [Bos- ton, 1877.] -----. Thesame. April 10, 1878. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1878.] -----. Thesame. April22, 1880. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1880.] Boston. Board of Health. Regulations of the board of health concerning the removal of manure, house-offal, swill, or any kind of filth. Bostou, May 12, 1875. broadside 4°. [Boston, 1873.] Chandler (C. F.) Plan for a bureau of street- cleaning for the city of New York. [Block plan. ] An act to provide for the cleaning of the streets, and removal of garbage and ashes in the city of New York. Prepared for the chairman of the committee on cities. 8°. [Albany, n. d.] Codrington (T.) Report ou the destruction of town refuse. 8°. London, 1888. Girard (A.) Socie"t6 nationale d'agriculture de France. Sur la destruction des cadavres d'ani- mauxmortsde maladies contagieuses. 8 . Paris, 1883. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. nat. d'agric. de la France, juil- let 1883. [Hazard Ills.] De l'eulevement des boues et des iinmondices de Paris, consider sous le double rapport de la salubrite et de l'6couomie dans les depenses. 4°. Paris, 1826. Morhkll (J. C.) The sanitary question and treatment of town's refuse. 8". Manchester, 1808. New York Sanitary and Chemical Compost Manufacturing Company, organized 1864, under the general manufacturing laws of the State of New York, for the purpose of cleansing cities, towns, and villages in the United States by the use of Smith's patent street-sweeping mechanical appliances, etc. 8°. New York, 1865. Philadelphia. Board of Health. Health Office, Jan. 1, 1875. Regulations to be observed in removing garbage and offal. 8°. [Philadel- phia, 1875.] Poore (G. V.) Thrift iu its relation to health; or, the right use of refuse. 8~. London, 1**4. Prideaux (T.) The waste of towns. I. The waste of gas-lime. II. The utilization of labour, sewage, waste, lands, etc. III. Waste in large establishments. IV. Waste of steam. V. Waste of coal. XI. Waste of old ships. 8°. Sheffield, 1871. Rock Island. Notice [against throwingfilth, garbage, or any offensive matter ou the streets]. 4°. Rock Island, l**ti. IC a iril (G.) Destruction of night-soil and garbage by fire. Phila. M. Times, 188G-7, xvii, 178-1 so.—Halavasjr; nettoiement; transport des matiercs insulubivs ; iinose- ment. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1848, xl, 4CU-4HS—Collins (J.) On the treatment and utilization of town refuse. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1883-4. v, :i45-35'_>.—t'owley (L. M.) Influencia en la salud general del deposito dc basuras con- stituido en el ingenio Toledo. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. OFFAL. 113 OFFliEDUS. Offal and refuse (Disposal of). . . dc la Habana, 1870, vii, 440-457.—Cremation-fur- nace for animal refuse at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. San. Engin.. N. Y., 18s(i. xiv, 154.—I>cul (AV.) The refuse destroyer at Nelson. Line. Ass. Muuicip. & San. Engin., Loud., 1885-6, xii,'252-272.—»c Wolf (O. C.) The nuisance created by rendering tanks and manu- facture of fertilizers. Chicago M. J. &Exain., 1877, xxxv, 6::(;-644 — Du Mrs nil (O.) Transport par cheniins de fer des inatieres infectes (gadoues, suit's, os, sang, cuirs verts, etc.): projet de roglenientation. Rec. d. trav. Co- mite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1885, Par., 1880, xv, 213- 244.-----. Dc i'enlevenieiit et du transport des inunon- dices et des ordures menagetes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xvi, 179-188. Also. Reprint. Also: Rev. d'hvu.. Par., 188G. viii. 560-572.—Kn*Nir (W.) On the collection and disposal of house refuse. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond.. 1884-5, vi, 223-229. | Discussion |. 239. Also: San. Rec, Loild.. 1884-5, n. s., vi, 147-149. Also: San. Jour., (Jlasg.. 1884-5. n. s.. viii. 266-272.—Franklin (G. S.) PuriHcation and sanitation by tire. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1886, vii, (117 (il!i— Oarbagc-crcmafor. San. Engin., N. Y., 1884-5. xi, 253. — Hill (A.) Existing methods of sewage and house refuse disnosal in towns. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, Lond.. 1886-7, 1-16. Also.- San. Rec., Lond., 1886-7, n. s., viii, 201-201). Also : Sanitarian, N. T., 1887. xviii, 21-36.—I.ipwchil* (J.) Leber Beleuch- tung der beiden sachverstiindigen (iutachten betreffend die Beseitiguug der Abfallstotfe der Stadt Breslau. Jah- resb. (1. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, 1873, Brest, 1874. Ii. 144-148—Miller (B. r.l The treatment of tank offal and the gases from rendering tanks ; with a description of some of the processes in operation in Chicago. J. Fraukl. Inst., Phila., 1875, 3 s., lxix, 350-356, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.— IU orris (M.) & Janes (E. H.) Report upon the operations ofthe New York Pondering Companv. Kep. Metrop. Bd. Health 1867, N. Y.. 1868, 308-311.— Hurpliy (S. F.) Dis- posal of refuse by dry methods. //( his: Our Homes, 8°, Lond.. 1883, 741-/01.—.\r\v specifications for the removal aud disposition of garbage from the streets, avenues, al- leys, and vacant lots of the citv of Brooklyn. Pep. De]). Health Brooklyn (1880), 1887. 190-196.—Ordinandi af Dagrcuovationen i Kjobenhavn. Lgcsk. f. Lus; traitemeuts. 118 pp. 4-. Paris, 1884, No. 361. Oger (Louis). * Considerations physiologiques sur la forme naturelle et la forme apparente de quelques orgaues et en. particulier stir la forme naturelle et la forme apparente des arteres. 39 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870, 3. s., No. 283. Oger (P.) * Stir l'anasarque essentielle. 20 pp. 4-. Paris, 1831, No. 78, v. 240. d'Ogerde Speville (G.-C.) [1863- ]. *Con- tributiou a l'etude de la maladie de Morvau. 106 pp. 4 . Paris, 1888, No. 371. Ogeu. Lribrt (J.) Source d'Ogeu. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1880, 2. s., ix, 1183. Oggel (Julius Albertus). * De hydrocele quse- dam. 31 pp. 8D. Regimonti Pr., E. J. Dalkow- ski, [1843]. Ogier (Jean-Marcel). * De l'iris au point de vue me"dico-16gal. 80 pp. 4-. Lyon, 1884, 1. s., No. 198. Ogilvie (George). Au introductory lecture de- livered at the opening of the medical session in Marischal College and University, Aberdeen, on November 1, 1852. 27 pp. 8:>. Aberdeen, A. Brown if Co., 187,2. [P., v. 1201; 1565.] ------. On the forms and structure of fern-stems. 12 pp., 3 pi. 8~. London, Taylor if Francis, 1850, [P., v. 14*8.] Repr.from: Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Lond., 1859, 3. s., iv. ------. Observations on the genetic cycle in or- ganic nature, and particularly on the relation between the different forms of alternation of generations and the more ordinary modifications of the reproductive process. 24 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Neil I c('- Co., 1859. [P., v. 1568.] Repr.from: Edinb. 5L Phil. J., 1860, n. s. Ogilvie (George AI.) A few remarks on the pro- vision made for the insaue iu Iudia; with sug- gestions for its extension and improvement, without encroaching on the public treasury. 48 pp. 8°. London, Stewart if Murray, 1849. Ogilvie (Joannes Carolus). * De hsematemesi. 3 p. 1., 26 pp. 8:. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1805. Ogllvy (Georgius J.) *De phthisi pulmonali. 42 pp. 8J. Edinburgi, A. Neill et socii, 1804. [P., v. 29; 634.] Ogilvy (Joanues). * De hepatitide acuta, lp.h, 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy et If'alket; 1814. Ogle (James Adey) [1792-1857]. Biographical notice. Med. Circ., Lond., 1852, i, 281, port.—Obituary notice. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 381. Og'le (John AVilliam). On the influence of the cervical portions of the sympathetic nerve and spinal cord upon the eye and its appendages; illustrated by clinical cases, with observations. . 44 pp. 8 . London, J. E. Adlard, 1838. [P., v. 787.] Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1858, xii. ------. The aphemetric compass; au instrument for measuring the degree of discriminative power as regards contactile impressions, enjoyed by the skin and mucous membranes iu certain affec- tions of the nervous system. 11pp. 8-. [n. p., 1839.] [P., v. 1520.] Repr. from: Arch. Med., Lond., 1857-9, i. ------. Description of cases communicated to the Pathological Society of Loudon, during the ses- sion 1859-60. 49 pp". 8-. [London], J. W. Roche, l.~60. [Also, in: P., v. 1832.] ------. Cases brought before the" Pathological Society of London, session 1862-3. 14 pp., 2 pi. -. London, J. W. lloehe. [1864?] Repr.from: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1862-3), 1863. xiv. OGLE. 115 O'HALLOEAX. Ogle (John William)—continued. -----. Cases of primary carcinoma of the brain ; with observations. 15 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, l-<04. Repr.from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1864-5, x. Cases illustrating the formation of morbid growths, deposits, tumours, cysts, etc., in con- nexion with the brain and spinal cord, and their investing membranes; with observations. 36 pp., 1 pi. 8:. London, 1804. [P., v. 1832.] Repr.from: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1864, xxxiv. ----. Blood-cvsts situated within the arachnoid cavity in cases ot general paralysis of the insane. 11 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1865. [P., v. 1832.] Repr.from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1864-5, x. Case of paraplegia, produced by pressure upon the spinal cord, from a morbid mass con- nected with the bodies of the vertebra1; death somewhat sudden. 7 pp. 8°. London, 1807. [P., v. 1832.] ----. Miscellaneous contributions to the study of pathology. 72 pp., 1 pi. 8J. [London, 180,8. ] Repr. from: Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1868, xii. ----. On hereditary transmission of structural peculiarities. 27 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1872. Repr.from: Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1872, xlix. ----. The Harveian oration, 1880, delivered June 25. 1 1., 209 pp., port. 8J. London, R. K. Bart f Co., 1881. Series of clinical cases (with observa- tions) illustrating the views recently put for- ward by Dr. Brown-Sequard, as regards certain points connected with the physiology of the nervous system. 15 pp. 8°. London. Savill iy Edwards, [n. d.] [P., v. 1520.] On the relief of excessive and dangerous tympanitis by puncture of the abdomen. 2 p. 1., Ill pp. 8-. London, J. tf- A. Churchill, 1888. Also, Editor of: St. fteorges Hospital Reports, 1866-74. See. also. Saint Crcorgcs Hospital, Loudon, S. \V. Catalogue of the pathological museum. 8D. London, 1866. Ogle (Luke) [ pseudon. ]. See de Mandeville (Bernard) The natural secret history of both sexes, [etc.] 4. ed. 8°. London, 1740. Ogle (Nicolaus). *De asthmate. 16 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, F. Hdlona, [1696]. Ogle (William) [1827- ]. How to reform our professional grievances; president's address, de- livered at the annual meeting of the medical branch of the British Medical Association, June 8, 1871. 19 pp. 8=. [London], T. Richards, [1871]. [P., v. 1196.] Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, xxx. -----. Report to the local government board on an outbreak of diphtheria in the rural sanitary district of Barnstaple. May 17, 1879. 4 pp. foi. [London, G. E. Eyre f IV Spottiswoode, 1879.] -----. Report to the local government board on the prevalence of diphtheria in the Llanddau- saint and the Holyhead registration sub-districts of the Holyhead Union; and on a recent out- break of small-pox in the town of Holyhead. July, 1879. 8 pp. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre f W. 'Spottiswoode, 1879.] -----. Report to the local government board on the prevalence of scarlet fever in the Pontypool registration sub-district, and on the general sanitary condition of that sub-district. Sept. 20, 1879. 15 pp. fol. [London, G. E. Eyre if W. Spottiswoode, 1879. ] Ogle County (The) Medical Quarterly. Published under the auspices of the Ogle County Medical Association. Editor: AV. T. Speaker, v. 1. No. 1, v. 2, November, 1885, to August, 1886. 8'-\ Mount Morris, III. Oglethorpe Medical College, Savannah. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1855-6 (1.); 1858-9(4.). 8C. Savannah, 187,3-8. List of graduates for the sessions of 1855-6 to 1857-8, in: Announcement for 1858-9. Organized in 1855. Ceased to exist in 1861. Oglethorpe Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by H. L. Byrd, H. Steele, and V. H. Taliaferro. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-2; Nos. 1-5, v. 3, April, 1^58, to April, 1861. 8J. Savannah, Ga. In v. 2 Steele and Taliaferro dropped, "William Hauser added; v. 3, Hauser dropped, J. C. O. Blackburn added. No. 5, v. 3, April, 1861, last published. Oglianico. Regolamento d' igiene pubblicadel comune d' Oglianico. 17 pp. 12-\ Cuorgne, fratelll Vassallo, 1880. von Ogoitczyk Zakrzewski (Marian Flo- rian) Ritter. Mediziuisch-literarische Geschichte des Weichselzopfes. vii, 150 pp. 83. Wien, 1830. Ogoouc. Ballay (N.-E.) *L'Ogooue (Afrique e"quato- riale occideutale). 4°. Paris, 1880. O'Grady (E. Stanier). Clinical records of sur- gical cases. (A) Cases of popliteal aneurism treated by compression, delegation ofthe femoral, and amputation. (B) Cases of amputation through the hip-joiut. 32 pp., 4 pi. 8-'. Dublin, J. Falconet; 1870. Repr.from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lx: 1876, Ixi. O'Grady (YV. L. D.) Hints to plumbers and householders. vi,7-52 pp., 3 1.. 2 pi. 12°. New York, American News Co., 1878. Ogston (Alexander) [1844- ]. Contributions to medical science. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Aberdeen, A. King iy Co., 1809. -----. On some forms of sudden death, aud sud- den death in general. 30 pp. 8'. [n. p., 1809.] Repr.from: Brit. & For. M.-Chir Lev., Lond., 1869, xliv. ---. On spontaneous combustion. 18 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1870.] Repr.from: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1870, xlvi. —. Surgical papers. 14 pp. 8°. Aberdeen, A. King f Co., [1871]. ----. On the local effects of crude paraffin. 3 pp., 2 pi. 8 \ Edinburgh, Oliver j- Boyd, [1871]. Repr.from: Edinb. M. J., 1871-2, xvii. On the origin of cancer. 8 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver , No. 200, v. 364. Oilier (Louis). *Le masque schlerodermique. 8~ pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 4-. Paris, 1883. Ohio. Abstract of the population of Onio for the year 1850, compiled from the returns of the sev- enth census, under a resolution ofthe Ohio con- stitutional convention. By the secretary of state. 85 pp. 8°. Columbus, S. Medary, 1851. -----. Collated laws of the Medical College of Ohio, and the Commercial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum of Ohio. 22 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, G. W. Tagart, 1>51. -----. Annual reports of the secretary of state to the governor ofthe State of Ohio, including the statistical reports to the general assembly for the Ohio—continued. years 1856; 1809-70: 1875-6 to 1877-": 1879-80. 8:. Columbus, 1857-81. -----. Report of the commissioners appointed by the governor of Obio to investigate the Massa- chusetts cattle disease (plenro-pneunionia). 47 pp. 8 . Columbus, R. Nevins, 180,0. [P., v. 377.] -----. Annual report of the commissioner of sta- tistics to the governor of the State. 4., lsiiif. 174 pp. 8-. Columbus, R. Nevins, 1801. -----. Annual leports of the adjutant-general to the governor of the State for the years 1862-65; 1868-70; 1885. 8C. Col it tubus, 1863-80. -----. Annual report of the quartermaster-gen- eral to the governor of the State for the year 1862. 68 pp. 8~. Columbus, R. Nevins, 1>03. -----. Annual reports of the surgeon-general to the governor of the State for the years 1863-66. 8\ Columbus, 1864-7. -----. Geological survey of Ohio. Part I. Re- port of progress in 1869, by J. S. Newbury, chief geologist. Part II. Report of progress in the second district, by E. B. Andrews, assist, geolo- gist. Part III. Report on geology of Mont- gomery County, by Edward Ortou, assist, geol- gist. 164 pp., 2 maps. 8°. Columbus, Columbus Printing Co., 1870. -----. Annual report of the Ohio State fish com- mission, made to the governor of the State of Ohio. 2., 1877. 116 pp. 8°. Columbus, Nevins f Myers, 1878. -----. A bill to establish a State board of health and charities, and defining its duties. 63. Geul. Assembly ofthe State of Ohio, adjourned session. H. B. No. 714. 3 pp. fol. [Columbus, 1879.] -----. A bill to create a State board of health, and to regulate the practice of medicine in the State of Ohio. 65. General Assembly, 1881, H. B. No. 73. Iutrod. bv Mr. Gest. 7 pp. fol. [Columbus, 1881?] -----. A bill authorizing boards of health in cities of the first class and second grade to make sanitary inspections of the public schools, and prescribe sanitary regulations. 65. General As- sembly, 1881, H. B. No. 109. Iutrod. by Mr. Bloch. 2 pp. fol. [Columbus, 1881.] -----. A bill to create a State board of health and prescribe the duties thereof. 65. General Assembly, [ 1881 ], H. B. No. 356. Iutrod. by Mr. Scott. 3 pp. fol. [Columbus, 1881 f] -----. A bill to establish a State board of health. 65. General Assembly, [1881], S. B. No. 240. In- trod. by Mr. Chapman. 3 pp. fol. [Columbus, 1881?]' -----. Annual report of the State commissioner of common schools to the general assembly ofthe State of Ohio for the year 1880-81. 363 pp. 8P. Columbus, G. J. Brand $• Co., 1882. -----. An act to amend section 2135 of the revised statutes of Ohio. [Enlarging the powers of the board of health. Passed March 15, 1883. ] 1 sheet. 8Z. [Columbus, 1883.] -----. A bill to establish a medical board of ex- aminers and licensers, and to regulate the prac- tice of medicine aud surgery iu the State of Ohio, and to define the duties and powers of such board. 68. regular session, 1888. H. B. No. 133. Iutrod. by Mr. Holcomb. 6 pp. fol. [Columbus, 1887.] Ohio. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of),by localities; Berea; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Co- lumbus; Dayton: Education (Medical), etc, Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Yellow, History, etc., °f)> by localities; Gnadenhiitten; Inebriates OHIO. 117 OHIO. Ohio. (Asylums for), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by lo- calities; Kentucky (Mineral waters of); Mus- kingum Valley; Sandusky; Toledo. Hildketh (S. P.) Results of meteorological observations made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859, inclusive. To which are added results of observations taken at Marietta by J. Wood between 1817 and 1823. Reduced and dis- cussed . . . by C. A. Schott. 4: Washington, 1870. Hint (S- f-) Tm, Miami Valley.' Address before the people of the Miami Valley. 8 \ [Hamilton, 0., 1881.] Nkwbkrry (J. 8.) Catalogue of the flower- ing plants aud ferns of Ohio. 8 . Columbus, i860. ISigelow (J. M.) On the topography, etc., of Fairfield County, O. "West. Lancet, Cinciu., 1843, ii, 345-360.— Black (J. E.) The importance of a concerted account of the prevailing diseases aud their management throughout the State. Tr. Ohio M. Soc , Columbus, 1870, 201-210. -----. On the prevailing diseases of the State [of Ohio]. Ibid., 1871, 243-249.—Carrol I (T.) Observations on the topography, climate, and diseases of a district in the east- ern part of the State of Ohio. West. J. M. & S., Louis- ville, 1842. v, 20-3S.—Dawson (J.) Remarks on the dis- eases of Ohio. I bid.. 1845, n. s.. iv, 461-471. -----. Re- marks on some of the more prevalent diseases of Ohio in 1848. Ibid., 1849, 3. s., iii, 461-486.-----. Observations on the diseases of Green Co., Ohio. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1847, vi. 1-12.—Forsyth (G. C.) Geological, topographi- cal, anil medical information concerning the eastern part of the State of Ohio. Med. Reposit., X. Y., 1809, vi. 350- 358. — Hempstead (G. S. B.) On the topography and diseases of Scioto Countv, Ohio. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio, Cincin., 1842, Hi-iio. — Ilildreth (S. P.) Remarks on the weather and diseases in some parts of the State of Ohio during 1805, C, aud 7, with topographical facts on the coun- try in the neighborhood of Bellepre. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1808, 2. hexade, v, 345-349. -----. On the climate and dis- eases of Washington Countv, Ohio. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1829, v, 321-330. -----. [Climate and early history of dis- eases in Ohio.] Proc. M. Convent. Ohio, Cleveland, 1839, 4- 36. AIso, Reprint.— [Jones.] Proposed bureau of vital statistics in Ohio. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1874, xiv, 190-192.— .Vlciiileiihall (G.) Report of the committee on the epi- demics of Ohio. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1858, xi, 181-186. Also, Reprint.— lYIinor (T. CI Xotes on the epidemiology of Ohio. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs.. 1877, xx, 321; 415; 553; 631. Also, Reprint.—Recti (il. II.) Climatic changes in Ohio, from the destruction of the forests and the drainage of the laud, and its effects ou the health of the people. San- itarian. X. Y., 1885, xiv, 409-429.—Topography and dis- eases of Ohio. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.. 1852. v. 438-485, 1 map. — Trevitt. On the mineral waters of Ohio. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. 1856, Columbus. 1857, 29-42. Ohio. Board of Commissioners for Reform Schools. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 8., 1803; 14., 1800. 56, 46 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Colum- bus, 1864-70. Ohio. Board of State Charities. Annual reports to the governor of the State of Ohio. 1.-5., 1807-71. In 1 v. 8°. Columbus, 1808-72. Ohio. Cleveland Asylum for the Insane. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the governor of the State. 1.-4., 1855 to 1857-8; 6.- 11., 1859-60 to 1804-5; 13.-16., 1866-7 to 1869-70; 17.-29., 1872-3 to 1882-3. 8°. Columbus, 1856-84. Opened March 5, 1855. Formerly known as the: IVorth- crn Ohio Lunatic Asylum at Cleveland. Adopted present title in 1876. 16. report in P., v. 342. Ohio. Cleveland Hospital for the Insane. By- laws and rules and regulations of the Northern Ohio Insane Asylum. 16 pp. 16°. Cleveland, Viets <)'• Savage, 1861. Ohio. Columbus Asylum for the Insane. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the governor of the State. 1.-23., 18:18-9 to 1860- 61; 25.-30., 1862-:? to 1873-4; 42.-46., 1879-80 to 1883-4. 8. Columbus, 1839-83. Opened Xov. 30, 1838. ------. By-laws, rules, and regulations for the government of the Ohio Lunatic Asylum, and the admission of patients. Also, the several acts of the general assembly iu relation to the same. 36 pp. 12°. Columbus. Cutler if Wright, 1840. Ohio. Columbus Asylum for the Insane—cont'd. -----. Jahresberieht der Directoren und des Superintendenten der Ohio Irren-Anstalt an die General-Versammlung. 6., 1843-4. 64 pp. 8°. Columbus, Druck des " Westboten", 1845. -----. Rules and regulations for the government of the . . . compiled by C. M. Finch, superin- tendent. 18 pp. 16°. Columbus, Times Office, 1884. Ohio. Commercial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum of Ohio, at Cincinnati. Annual reports of the trustees of Cincinnati township to the general assembly of the State of Ohio, for the years 1845; 1846; 1850; 1851. 8-. Columbus, 1846-52. Ohio. Dayton Asylum for the Insane. Annual re- ports of the board of trustees aud officers to the governor of the State. 1.-21)., 1855—1882-3. 8°. Columbus, 1856-84. Opened Sept. 1, 1855. Changes in title: From 1855-72, known as: Noiillierii Ohio Asylum, at Dayton; 1873-75, Western Ohio Hospital for the Insane, ait Dayton. In 1876 was reorganized and adopted the present title. -----. Rules to be observed by attendants in bathing patients. 1 sheet. [Columbus, n. d.] ------. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. s. [Columbus, 188-.] Application for position in the asylum. Report to probate judge (monthly). Report to superintendent (daily)! Report to probate judge for removal of incurable pa- tient. Report of admission of patient, to probate judge. Report to the trustees (monthly). Ohio. Longview Asyluni,Carthage. By-laws, rules, aud regulations of the .. . 18 pp. 8°. Cincin- nati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys <$• Co., 1860. Bound with : Reports, 1860-70. Prior to 1853 the insane poor of Hamilton County who could not be received into the Ohio Lunatic Asylum were placed in the lunatic department of the Commercial Hos- pital of Cincinnati. At a meeting of medical men, held in Cincinnati in August, 1853, the lunatic department was declared entirely unfit for the proper treatment of the in- sane, and the commissioners of the countv were requested to investigate their condition, and make better accommo- dation for their comfort. A committee was appointed to examine the lunatic department, and in their report they denounced the building and the provision made for the in- sane. A temporary asylum was secured in Fairmount, and was opened Xov. 7, 1853. as the: Hamilton County Lunatic Asylum. In 1854 a permanent site was pur- chased at Carthage for a county asylum, and was opened Feb. 1, 18G0. The first report of the new asylum (Long- view) covers nine months, from Feb. to Oct.. 1800. For reports from 1853-4 to 1859, see Hamilton Comity Lunatic Asylum: and from 1821 to 1852-3. see Ohio. Commercial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum, of Ohio, at Cin- cinnati. -----. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the governor of the State of Ohio. 1.-26., I860 to 1881-5. 8J. Columbus, 1801- 85. ------. By-laws and a code of rules and regula- tions. 21 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Gazette print, 1880. -----. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. s. [Cincinnati, 188-.] Daily account of stock on hand. Daily statement of patients. Discharge. Leave of absence. Xight watch report. Statement of admission. Superintendent's report (daily). Supervisor's report (daily). Superintendent's report (monthly). Ohio. Ohio Institution for the Education of Idiotic and Imbecile Youth, near Columbus. Annual re- ports of the trustees aud superintendent to the governor of the State of Ohio. 1.-24., 1857 to 1879-80. 8°. Columbus, 1858-81. Incorporated April 17 and opened Aug. 3, 1857. 1.-15. bound in 1 v. Ohio. Ohio Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, Columbus. Report of the trustees ap- pointed to collect information relative to the OHIO. 118 OHIO. Ohio. Ohio Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, Columbus—continued. education of the blind. 26 pp. 8-. [Columbus, 1>30.] Incorporated April 3 and opened July 4, 1837. 1. report for seven months, ending Xov. 30, 1837. 19.-44. bound in 2 v. -----. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the governor of the State. 1.-44., 1837 to 1879-80: 47., 1882-3! 8-. Columbus, 183--84. Ohio. Ohio Penitentiary. Annual reports of the directors aud wardens of the Ohio Penitentiary to the governor, for the years 1839: 1847; 1849; 1855; 1877. 8 . Columbus, 1840-78. Ohio. Ohio Soldiers1 and Sailors1 Orphans'1 Home, at Xenia. Annual reports of the board of trus- tees and officers to the governor of the State of Ohio, l.-ll., 1870 to 1879-80. 8°. Columbus, 1871-,-n. Ohio. Ohio State Asylum for the Education of Idiots and Imbecile Youth, Columbus. See Ohio. Ohio Institution for the Education of Idiotic and Imbecile Youth. Ohio. State Board of Health. Circular No. 1. Juue 21, 1886. [To persons interested in the sanitary condition of the State, inviting their co-operation.] 1 sheet. 8". [Columbus, 1886.] Established April 14 and organized May 18, 1886. -----. Circular No. 4. [Forwarding blanks for making weekly reports; with directions.] 1 sheet. 4-. [Columbus, i886.] -----. [Circular letter to editors of newspa- pers, requesting the publication of the pam- phlet on diphtheria.] 1 sheet. 8-. [Columbus, 1880.] -----. [Circular letter to local boards of health and health offices, requesting regular monthly mortality reports.] 1 sheet. 4°. [Columbus, 1886.] -----. [Circular letter to medical correspondents, forwarding copies of pamphlet on diphtheria to be distributed among the laity.] 1 sheet. 8°. [Columbus, 1886?] -----. [Circular letter to the medical profession, calling their attention to sec. 4 of the law re- lating to the value of vital statistics.] Aug., 1886/ 1 sheet. 4°. [Columbus, 1886.] -----. Diphtheria; its restriction and prevention. 7 pp. 8°. [Columbus, 1886.] -----. Thesame. Diphtheritis; ihre Beschriiu- kurn; und Verhutung. 7pp. 8;. [Columbus, 1880'.] -----. Health bulletins. Reports from observers in towns and counties, on the prevailing dis- eases. [Weekly.] Aug. 28 to Sept. 25; Oct. 9, 23; Nov. 6 to Dee. 11; Dec. 25, 1886, to Jan. 14, 1887; Jan. 28; Feb. 4, 18, to March 18; Dec. 2, 188?, to Jau. 13, 1888; Feb. 10 to May 25, 1888; June 8, 22. 29; July 6, 20, 27: Aug. 10, 17; Sept. 21. sm. 4:. [Columbus, 1880-8.] -----. Monthly health report. Reports to the . . . showing the prevailing diseases during the month ending Sept. 4, 1886. 1 sheet, sm. 4°. [Columbus, 1880.] -----. Scarlet fever; its restriction and pre- vention. 8 pp. 8°. [Columbus, 1886.] -----. The same. Scharlach-Fieber, seine Be- schriinkung und Verhutung. 8 pp. 8°. [Co- lumbus, 188ti.] -----. Small-pox; its restriction and prevention. [No. 13.] 7 pp. 8;. [Columbus, 1*80.] -----. Typhoid fever; its restriction and pre- vention. 0 pp. 8°. [Columbus, 1~>0.] -----. Monthly health report. Report to the Ohio State board of health, Aug., 1880. 1 sheet. sm. 4 . [Columbus, 1880.] Ohio. State Board <>f Health—continued. -----. Health bulletins. Reports to the Ohio State board of health, on the prevailing dis- eases. [Weekly.] Aug. 28 to Sept. 25; Oct. 9, 23: Nov. 6 to Dec. 11; Dec. 25, 1880. to Feb. 4, 18*7; Feb. 18 to March, 1887. sm. 4°. [Co- lumbus, 1886-7.] -----. [Circular letter to the press, requesting the publication of rules aud instructions to be observed in epidemic diseases.] 1 sheet. 4°. [Columbus, 1887.] -----. [Circular letter on the sanitary condition of the public schools.] Feb., 1887. 1 sheet. 4°. [Columbus, 1887.] -----. [Circular letter to railroad managers, for- warding a copy of resolution adopted by the board, that all trains be supplied with a stretcher and a medical emergency case.] Feb., 1887. 1 sheet. 4°. [Columbus, 1887.] -----. Sanitary convention. [Arrangements for holding a sanitary convention at Warren, March 30 and 31, 1887.] 1 sheet. 8-. [Columbus, 1887.] -----. Monthly mortality reports, with an ab- stract of meteorological observations. March to Nov., 1887. 1 sheet. 4°. Columbus, 1887. -----. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 1., 1885-6; 2., 1886-7. 8 . Columbus, Myers Bros., 1887-8. -----. Manual for the use of boards of health of Ohio. Containing the statutes relating to the public health, and the decisions of the supreme court iu reference to the same subject. Pre- pared by direction of the State board of health. Jan. 1, 1887. 57 pp. 8D. Cuyahoga Falls, Re- porter Printing Office, 1887. -----. Meteorological and health chart for Ohio- [ Monthly. ] Nov., 1886, to Oct., 1887. 4°. {.Mount Vernon, 1886-7.] -----. Annual meteorological and health chart ofOhiofor the year 1886-7. 4°. [Mount Vernon, 1887.] -----. [Circular letter, requesting answers to questions on lighting, warming, and ventila- tion of school rooms.] 3 1. 8C. [Columbus, 1887.] -----. [Circular letter to Isaac D. Smead, re- questing data as to the schools warmed and ven- tilated by his system at Toledo.] 1 broadside. fol. Toledo, The B. F. Wade Co., 18-7. -----. [Programme and invitation to attend and participate in a sanitary convention to be held in the city of Akron. Jau. 25 aud 26, 1888.] 8°. [Columbus, 1887.] -----. [Blank forms used by the Ohio State board of health.] v. s. [Columbus, 1886.] Monthly report of deaths. "Weekly report of diseases and deaths. "Weekly report of deaths. Warming and ventilation. Lighting of school rooms. Ohio College of Dental Surgery, Cincinnati. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1845-0 to 1855-6 (l.-ll.); 1858-9 (14.); 1800-61 (16.1; 18(33-4 to 1866-7 (18.-21.); 1871-2 to 1875-6 (26.- 30.). 8°. Cincinnati, 1845-75. List of alumni from 1845 to 1860, in: Announcement for 1860-61; from 1861 to 1871, in: Announcement for 1871-2; from 1872 to 1874, in: Announcement for 18(4-5. Ohio County Medical Society. Hoi'Ston (M. H.) An address delivered be- fore the Ohio County Medical Society on the evening of its organization. July 5, 1847. 8:. Wheeling, 1847. Ohio Irren-Anstalt, Columbus. See Ohio. Co- j litmbus Asylum for the Insane. I Ohio Journal of Dental Science. Title of: Ohio State Journal of Dental Science after i 1886. OHIO. 119 OHM. Oiiio Mechanics' Institute, Cincinnati. Scientific proceedings of the Ohio Mechanics' Institute, Cincinnati. Nos. 1-2, v. 1. 8°. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1882. Ohio (The) Medical Examiner. See Northern (The) Ohio Medical aud Scientific Examiner. Nos. 4-9, v. 1, 1848-9. Ohio (The) Medical Gazette. Is running title of: IHedical (The) Counsellor. Ohio (The) Medical Journal. Being the Journal of the Ohio State Medical Society. Editors: J. F. Baldwin, J. H. Lowman [et al.]. [Month- ly.] v. 1, July, 1881, to June, 188-2. 8-'. Co- lumbus. Ended. A continuation of: Ohio (The) Medical Re- corder. Followed by: Columbus Medical Journal. Ohio (The) Medical Journal. Edited by C. M. Miller. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, June, 1886. 30 pp. 8°. Mansfield. Ohio (The) Medical Recorder. Editors: J. W. Hamilton, J. F. Baldwin. [Monthly.] v. 1-5, June, 1876, to May, 1881. 8C. Columbus. ' Tn v. 5, J. H. Lowman added as editor. Continued as: Ohio (The) Medical Journal. Oiiio (The) Medical Repository. Edited by James M. Mason. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-5, v. 1, Septem- ber 26, 1835, to January, 1830. 80 pp. 8°. Cin- cinnati, Kendall iy Henry. Ohio (The) Medical Repository of Original and Selected Essays aud Intelligence. Edited by Guy W. Wright and James M. Mason. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1, April 1, 1826, to April 18, 1827. 96 pp. fol. Cincinnati, W. Hill. Ended. After no. 8. G. AV. AVright sole editor. Merged in: Western (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited bv John Buttertield. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-16, Sept., 1848, to Nov., 1804. 8J. Columbus, J. H. Rileij d'- Co. Elided, v. 2, edited by S. H. Smith; v. 3-6, by R. L. Howard; v. 7, by John Dawson; v. 8, K. Gundry' added; v. 9, Gundry dropped; v. 10, J. W. Hamilton added; v. 14. S. M. Smith, S. Loving, T. G. AVormly, and Francis Carter added ; v. 15, Hamilton dropped. Ohio (The) Medicalaud Surgical Journal. Edited by J. H. Pooley. [Bi-monthly.] New series. v. 1-3, June, 1870, to December, 1878. 8°. Co- lumbus. Ended, v. 1 complete in 4 nos.: v. 2 commenced Jan., 1877. In April, 1878, H. G. Landis added as editor. Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. [Homoeopathic] Edited bv T. P. Wilson. [Bi- monthly.] v. 1-11, 1867-77. 8P. Cleveland. Ended, v. 7 conducted by the faculty of the Homoeo- pathic Hospital College at Cleveland; v." 9-11, by W. A. Phillips and H. F. Biggar. Oiiio (The) Medical aud Surgical Review. (For- merly "The Transactions".) Henry G. Corn- well, editor; M. S. Clark, associate editor. [Bi- monthly.] v. 2, March, 1880,'to Jan., 1881. 1 v. 8°. Youngstown. Ended. Title of v. 1 and nos.1-3, v. 2, was: Trans- actions (The). Ohio River. Ames (R. P. M.) Official report of the relief furnished to the Ohio River flood sufferers, Evausville, Iud., to Cairo, Ills., with the two trips of the United States relief boat Carrie Cald- well, Fcl>. and March, 1884. 8-. Evausville, 188J. Dun (W. A.) A brief sketch ofthe floods in the Ohio River. J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist, 1884, vii, 104-12L— Floods (The) in the Ohio valley. San. Engiu., N. T., 1883-4, ix, 303.—Reeves (J. E.) Pollution of the upper Ohio, and the water supply of the cities and chief towns within the first hundred miles of its course. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1884, Concord, K. H., 1885, x, 86-95. Also.- J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 512-517. Oiiio State Dental Society. Transactions of the Ohio State Dental Society. 10.-18. sessions, 1875-83. 8-. Toledo, 1875-83. Ohio State Eclectic Medical Association. Pro- ceedings of the Ohio State Eclectic Medical As- sociation. At the annual meetings: 1., 1865; 3., 1867; 4.-8., 1868-72. 8J. [v. p.], 1865-72. For 1872 called: Eclectic Medical Society of Ohio. Ohio State Journal of Dental Science. Edited by George Watt. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-8, 1881-8. 8°. Toledo, Ransom . 8°. Leipzig, Vcrlag der Administration des Lmpfgegners, 1883. ----. Die Rachendiphtherie, nebst Scharlaeh, ihr Urspruug aus dem Darmiuhalt, auf Grund eigener Beobachtungen und Heilerfolge so^yie vergleichender Thierbeobachtungen und der Erkrankungs-Statistik. 104 pp. 8 . Le'wzieu M. Belke, [1884]. OIDTMANX. 121 OILS. Oidtnian il (Heinrich)—continued. -----. Der Iinpfzwang in Deutschland abge- schaft durch den Gesetzgeber. Gerichts-Ver- haudlnng in der Berufuugs-Iustauz wegen Straf- Wiederuolung an einem Impfweigerer. 28 pp. 8°. Linnich, 1887. -----. Dr. H. Oidtmanu als Impfgeguer vor dem Polizeigericht; Aveshalb ich meine Kinder nicht babe inipfen lassen ; eine Vertheidigungsschrift; meine Antwort als Arzt und Vater auf eine gerichtliche Vorladung und auf eine gleichzei- tige laiidrathliche Verfiigung betr. Impfweige- rung; eine Schrift fiir Alle, welche dem Aber- glauben auch auf inediciuischeiu Gebiete abhold sind. 114 pp. 12 . Diisseldorf, P. Bitter, [n. d.] See, also, Stadlisehew Blattern-Spital in Aaachen" Bericht des Ausschnsses der SanitatsCommission. 8°. Aaclien, 1882. ----- A: Loll lie it (Carl). Graphisches ABC- Buch fiir Impffreunde. 26 pp., 1 1., 3 tab. 8°. Leipzig. G. Knapp, 1883. The name of Lohnert appears alone on the title-page as author, but both names are on the cover of the book. Oicltiiiaiin (Josef). *ZurPockenfrage. [Wurtz- buro;. ] 35pp., 3 tab. 8°. Kbln, F. Quos, [n. d.] ah OikonoiliOS (Sophocles K.) [1810- ]. " Specimen pathologic generalis veterum Grte- corum. viii, 165 pp., 31. 8C. Berolini, typ. Acad. Sc, 1833. -----. The same, viii, 165 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. Acad. Sc, 1833. -----. Tiepl ilapnov too Kvrrpiov /cat rgc vtt' abrov av}}'a(peiar/c Etc ri/v koivtjv 6id?:EKTov eppr/veiac tuv 'Irr-o/cparotif doopiapuv diarpif//. 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 8-. Adgvr/aiv, rvnoy. II. B. lileXaxobpg /cat . Kapaprvivg, 1843. Oikopliobia. Salemi-Paee (B.) Due casi singolari di oicofobiaod orrore alia propria casa. Pisani, Palermo, 1881, 250-272. Oil (Animal ethereal, Toxicology of). Reixhardt (C. L.) * Oleum animale Dippelii. sm. 4-. Tubing®, [1745]. Anderson (T.) On the products of the destructive distillation of animal substances. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Is44-!i. xvi. |>t. 4. 403-474.—t'm-tze, jr. Gutachten iiber cini In ali-.ii htigte Vergiftuugniit Oleum animate foetidum. Ztsclir. f. il. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., lsar>. xxx, 425-438.— Il< lining (J. F.) Lcrnere Probeu von den Wurckungen des Olei anodyni Dippellani. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch., Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxi, 115. — Werbcr. Toxieologische Studien iiber das Oleum auimale ajthereuui, Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 187U, xi, 544-561. Oil {Castor). See Ricinus. Oil {Cod-liver). See Cod-liver oil. Oil {Croton). See Croton oil. Oil {Kerosene). See Kerosene. Oil (Olive). See Olive. Oil (Vomiting of). See Neuralgia (Complications, etc., of); Vom- iting (Abnormal). Oil of bitter almonds. Sec Amygdala anuira; Nitrobenzol. Oil of cade. See Juniper, etc. Oil ofcajeput. See Cajeput (Oil of). Oil of tansy. See Tanacetum. Oil of turpentine. See Terebinthina. Oil of wine. Hare (H. A.) The phvsiological action of the heavy oil of wine. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 35-38. Also, Reprint. Oil*. See, also, Fat. Beguix (P.) * Essai sur les proprie"te"s alinien- taires et medicamenteuses des huiles fixes en general et de celle d'olive en particulier, avec quelques consid6rations sur l'olivier. 4-'. Stras- bourg' 1810. Bextsoh ( D.) * Untersuchungen iiber die fetten Oele Deutschlands in Beziehnng auf ihre wichtigeu physischen Eigenschaften. S-\ Tii- bingen, 1828. Braxdis (J. D.) * Commentatio de oleorum unguiuosorum natura. 4°. Gotting®, [1785]. Cailletet. 016ometrie. 8C. Mezieres, 1855. Dippold (G. E.) *Deoleis. 4:. Wittenberg®, [1778]. Ercolani (G. B.) Sulla fabbricazione artiti- ciale del pauello per fertilizzare, la terra colle muffe. 8°. [Bologna, 1873.] Elensborg [or Flexsburg] (H.) *De oleo- rum ex vegetabilibus expressorum salutari usu medico. 8 . Hafni®, [1773]. Girardix (J.) Rapport sur folebmetre a froid de M. Lefebvre, fait a l'Acad^inie royale des sci- ences, belles-lettres et arts de Rouen, dans sa s6ance du 31 mai 1^44. 8-. Rouen, 1844. Repr. from.- Pr6cis d. trav. Soc. d. sc. de Rouen, 1844. Great Britain'. The kynge our soveraygne lorde Henry the eyght ... at his parliameute . . . in the thirde yere of his most noble reigue . . . hath . . . enacted certaiue statutes and ordiuaunces in maner aud fourme folowiug. fol. [London, 1511-12.] Contains: "An acte concernyng unlawful! oyles to be serched and scene that they be good and lawfall." Cap. xiiii. d'Havhincolrt. Del'importation desgraines oleagineuses 6tiiiiigeres en France. 83. Paris, 1844. Heilmaxx (E.) *De usu legitimo oleosorum in viiriorum morborum medela. 4 . Basilece, [1781]. Heixrich (J. G.) * Technologiae vegetabilis specimen de oleis expressis. 4 . Wtteberg®, [1792]. Hexdrich (J. C. F. M.) *De oleosis piugui- bus raucidis. 4°. Lipsiee, [1777]. Imjiermaxx (W.) * De oleorum tixoruui, vola- tilium et empyreumaticorum notione atque natura quajdam contiuens. 12°. Gottingee, [l^llj. Kelxer ( D. ) *De oleorum stillatitiorum natura et usu in genere. 4°. Helmestadii, 1670. Krich (G. F.) Experimenta quajdam pharma- cologica de oleis ricini, crotouis et euphorbias lathyridis. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 187,7. Le Camus (A.) Extrait des observations pe"- riodiques sur la physique, etc., d6cembre 1757. Dissertation sur Palms que Pon fait des huiles daus le traitement des maladies. 12°. [n. p., 1758.] Lkidexfrost (J. G.) *De oleorum dulciuin virtute medica resolvente. In his: Opusc. phys.-chem. et med. 12°. Duisb. ad Rhenum, 1707, i, 109-134. Lixdner (J. C.) *De oleis destillatis empy- reuinaticis. 4°. Francof. ad Viadt:, [1744]. Lorimer(J.) *Deoleis. 4°. Basile®, [1781]. Methode a l'usage des malades pour Pemploi des diff6reutes prepanitions des huiles pyrog^- neVs animales. 8°. [Paris], 1808. Morasch (J. I.) *Dissertatio de oleis. sm. 4°. Ingolstadii, [1760]. OILS. 122 OILS. Oil*. Oils and varnishes. Edited by J. Cameron, > . Philadelphia, 18^0. Pichi.hr (J. F.) * De oleorum unguinosorum usu in morborum medela. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [17H], Poutet. Instruction pour reconuaitre la fal- sification de I'huile d'olive par celle de gnriues. >-. Marseille, 1819. Pribyleff (N. V.) * Chimicheskii sostav ob- sheupotrebitelnych v Rossii rastiteluych masle, sravnitelnaja otsenka ich i prichiny porchi. [Chemical composition of Russian vegetable oils; their value and causes of adulteration.] 8°, St. Petersburg, 1883. Quessaud (J.) "Syntheses de pharmacie et tie chimie. Des huiles en general et de I'huile d'olives. 4C. Paris, 180*. Eeyxakdsox (F.) * De medicata olei virtute. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1718. Schroeder (F. B.) *De oleis expressis eo- ruminie modo agendi et usu. 4°. Halee Magdeb., [1747]. Sxelmls (F. C.) *De oleosorum natura, usu et abusu. 4 . Jetue, [1697]. SperlaGH (J. A.) * Descriptio oleorum synop- tica. ~-. Pestini, 1823. Trixder (W. M.) An essay concerning the outward aud salutary application of oils on the human body. 8°. London, 1707. Wyttenbach (C.) *De oleis eoruuique usu medico. 8°. Gotting®, [1800]. ' Kiel (J.) Ueber Verfalschung von fetten Oelen mit Mincraldl. Pharm. Ztsclir. f. Russlaud. St. Petersb., 1887. xxvi. 65-68.—Biirgjjraeve (A.) Note sur Taction tlierapeutique des huiles grasses, Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1813-4. iii. (iu-s4. [Discussion], 84; 78ii: 1844-5, iv, 124.—D'Arcrl. Rapport sur le projet dCntreposer des huiles dans les eaves des ureniers de re- serve. Ann. d'liy."-., Par., 1842. xxvii, 320-328.—Way (F.) On turtle and tish oils. Madras Mouth. J. M. Sc, l,s7o. i, 294-301.—Dc C'esnre (R.) Degli olii commestibili. Me- dico di Casa, Milium, 1881, ix, 113; 136; 145; 171.—Del- cour. De l'eiuploi dc diverses huiles de poissous en me- decine. Gaz. il. hop . Par., 1811, 2. s., iii, 203; 215; 235.— Faust (B. C.) Leber die Auwendung des Oehls bey chi- rurgischen Operationen. Med.-chir. Ztg., Satzb., 1805, ii, 417: iv, 191.—Favrot (C.) De l'essai des huiles. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 451-456.—Forsyth (J.) On the grass oil of Neiuaur. Tr. M. Sc Phvs. Sue. Calcutta, 1825-7, iii, 213-218.—Fi-ene. De l'liui'le iodee dans le traitement des affections scrofuleuses et de la plitliisic pulnionaire. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1854, vi, 307- 301i.—(jlujjc \ Tliiernesse. Recherches experimen- tales relatives a Taction des luiiles grasses sur Teconomie iiuiinale. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1843-4, iii, 811-841, 1 pi. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1844. 2. s., xii, 713-719. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1844, vi, 494-514.—Gobley. Note sur Telaiometre, nouvel in- strument d'essai pour les huiles d'olive. J. de pharm. et chiin., Par., 1843, 3. s., iv, 2S5-297. Also. Reprint. -----. Application de Telaiometre a l'essai de I'huile d'aniandes douees et des huiles medicameuteuses. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1844. 3. s., v, 67-70. Also, Reprint.—Hall (C. R.) On neat's-foot oil as an occasional substitute for cod-liver oil. Lond. J. M., 1852, iv. 637-640.— Jiaiuicl (J.) Recherches sur Tabsorptiou et Tassiniilatiou des huiles grasses einulsionuees, et sur Taction dyuamiijue des sels "las a base de mercure. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1859. 2. s., iv, 136; 211.—I^acarterie. Rapport fait au Conseil de saute, sur l'eiuploi des Indies d araehide et de sesame dans la composition de divers medicaments exter- lies. Rec. de mem. denied. . . . mil., Par.. 1851. 2. s., viii, 32(1-336.— Martin (E. W.) Method of separating and deteriniiiiii". artiiieial colours in butter, fats, and oils. Anal\ st. Loud.. 1885. x, 163.—.Ua«*ic. Etudes sur les huiles grasses; avec indication dune methode pour re- conuaitre facilement une espece d'huile, et d'un moyen simple de determiner si I'huile d'olive est pure ou falsifiee. Rec. deiuein. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1870. 3. s.. xxv, 258- 2j5.— tloile (Taction des huiles grasses en general et des huiles de poisson en particulier. Gaz. med. beige. Brux., 1844, ii, 17.—VIo*ing. Der Stockfischleberthrau. Ocs- t-err. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 65-68.— llouchoii (E.) Considerations sur les huiles de poisson en general. J. de med. de Lyon, 1844. vi, 358-367. —Paul (B. 11.) The mode of testingiuinei.il oils u^-d for lamps. Cliem. News. Lond., I IsTo xxi, 2-4. — I'eiiizzi (L), Kiilolli iX.i i: Koster (O.i Rel.iziune stil j.roitsso pi'opo^in dal 1'rol. Lmilio Beclii per scoprire le miscele di olio di cotone col! olio di Oil*. oliva. Orosi, Firenze, 1887, x, 37-50.—Pi I lay (V. A.) Report ou turtle oil. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1870, i, 277-281.—Kiiiler. Die Oeleinreibuugeu in der Kinder- praxis. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1844, v, 657; 681: 699. —Koii«*iii. De Taction du chlorure de souf're sur les huiles. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1859, 3. s.. i. 407. — Ku»|>iiii (G.) Preparazionc dell' olio di piedi iii lure. Gazz. med. ital. lonih., Milano. 1853. 3. s., iv, 153.—Siiii|>*oii i J. V.) Inquiry relative to the ex- ternal use of oil in the prevention and treatment of scrof- ula, phthisis, etc. Mouth. J. M. Sc. Edinb. & Lond., 1853, xvii. 316-330.—Mim(|iic/,. Considerations sur les vertus therapeutii|iies des diverses huiles de poissons. Ann. Soc. de med. de (land. ]>4_>. x, 133-152. [Rap. de Mareska], 153-160.—Thompson (T.) Observations on the medical administration of ozonized oils. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond.. 1858-0. xiii. 340-3C.O. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 35.—Wiley (IL W.) Note on the action of digestive fluids on oil. Med. News, Phila., 1888, 1 iii, 95. Also, in : Prentiss (D. W.) Gall stones or soap'( 16°, N. Y., 1888, 1-6. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., July 28. 1888. Oils {Essential or ethereal). Eickex (F. W.) * De oleis distillatls tethereis. 4 . Helmstadii, [1759]. Faselius (J. F.) [Pr.] de partibns oleorum sethereoruin constitutivis, i-iii. 4J. Jen®, [1765]. Grisar (V. V.) * Experiinentelle Beitriige zur Pharmakodynamik der atherisclien Oele. 8J. Bonn, 1873. Guxthek (F.) *De sale volatili oleoso solido in oleis tethereis uonnunquam reperto. In: Caktiielseu (J. F.) Diss. nonn. select, phys.- cliym. ac med. 12°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1775, 327-343. Rosenberg (G. H.) *De oleis destillatis. sm. 4-. Jena; 1696. Vaxgeuow (J. F.) *De oleis essentialibus sethereis. 4C. Hal® Magdeb., [175"i], Walther (A. F.) [Pr. ] de oleis vegetabili- um essentialibus. 4°. [Lipsiee, 1745.] Abl. Aetherische Oele im Erdreich, Pflanzenreich und Thierreich. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Lngarn, Oe- denburg. 1857, viii. 57; 65.— ISinz (C) Leber einige AVirkuugeu atherischer Oele. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharinakol., Leipz., 1875, v, 109: 1877-8, viii, 50.—Bird (R.) On the mode of action of some of the essential oils in the cure of jiripes. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 314.— ICin\viillmig iithcrischer Oele auf den meusch- liehen Organismus. (iesundlieit. Elberfehl, 1879, iv, 253.— IVIitschei-lieh (C. G.) Leber die Wiikuug einiger athe- risclien Oele auf deu thierischeu Organismus. Med. Zt^., Berl., 1848, xvii, 85; 101. -----. Oleum aethereuin eassiie cinuamomeae. Ibid., 110. -----. Oleum iiinyndahiriini aethereuin. Ibid.. 123-125. -----. Oleum allienum Nil- cistae. Ibid., 131-133.—lYeelsen Sc Neliiefierdee ker (P.) Beitrag zur Verwendune- dei atherisclien Oele in der histologischen Technik. Arch, f Auat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz., 1882. 204-206.—Wellneider. Bemerkun- gen iiber den niedizinischen (lebiaucli der atherisclien Oehlc. uud zwm besonders jeiier. welche aus deutscheu. vaterlandischen Pflanzen newonnen werden kdnuen. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1821, 997; 1141.—Neller (W.) Sum- mary of the analogous remedial effects hitherto observed in the non-oxygenated essential oils, namely, the oils of turpentine, copaiba, cubebs, juniper, savine, etc, with a commentary. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1854, lxxxi, 681-696.— Waebcr (X.) Lntcrsiichiini; einiger atherischer Oele. Pharm. Ztschr. t. Kussland, St. Petersb., 1886, xxv. 4ol- 403, 2 tab.—Wolll'. Leber die Auwendung des atheri- sclien Sen fills. .Med. Ztg.. Berl.. 1835. iv, 18!-]83.—Wood (H. C.) A: Reicliiit (E. T.) Xote on the action upou the circulation of certain volatile oils. J. Physiol., Loud., 1879-80, ii, 446. Oil* (Illuminating). See, also, Lighting. Anti.sell (T.) The manufacture of photo- genic or hydro-carbon oils from coal and other bituminous substances capable of supplying burning fluids. 8-\ New York, 1859. See. also, Stoker (F. H.), infra. Barral (J. A.), Chevalier (A.) & Keveil (O.) hVponses a des questions posdes par les fabricants d'huiles miuerales relatives a leur iu- ilustrie. 4-'. Paris, 18-34. Michigan. Annual reports of the State in- spector of illuminating oils of the State of Mich- OILS. 123 OKLAND. Oil* (Illuminating). igan to the governor of the State. 1., 1877 ; 2., 1878. 8J. Lansing, 1878-D. -----. H. 11. A bill to amend sections 1, 2, 3, G, and 11, and to add a new section, to stand as section 12 of act 181 of the session laws of 1875, as amended by act number 190 of the ses- sion laws of 1877, entitled "An act to provide for the inspection of illuminating oils manufact- ured from petroleum or coal oils". Kcprint of file No. 53. No. 5. [Substitute reported by con- ference committee] May 8, 18711. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to amend sections 2, 4, and 6 of act number 196 of the session laws of 1877, approved May 23, 1877, entitled "An act to amend act number 181 of the session laws of 1875, enti- tled An act to provide for the inspection of illu- minating oils manufactured from petroleum or coal oils". No. 41. Iutrod. by Senator Robbius, Jan. 8, 1879. Rep. with amendments by com- mittee on State affairs, Jan. 31, 1879. fol. * [Lan- sing, 1879. ] -----. H. R. A bill to prevent and to pun- ish for the careless use of naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, or other products of petroleum. File No. 245. No. 678. Iutrod. by Mr. Hall. Rec- ommended by committee on public health, March 20, 1879. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. Memorial of Dr. Henry 15. Baker in relation to the test of illuminating oils. No. 1468. lntrod. by Mr. Boweu, March 10, 1879. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] New Jersey. Slate Board of Health. Circu- lar as to illuminating oils. April 20, 1882. 8°. [Trenton, 1882.] New York. State Board of Health. Prelimi- nary statement relating to the law for testing illuminating oils. No. 46. June 24. 1882. 8°. [Albany, 18*2.] Baker (H. B.) Memorial in relation to the test of il- luminating oils. Legislative Jour., Lansing, 1879, 484. -----. Testing illuminating oil in Michigan. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1884-5, Lansing, 1880, xiii, 171-17:!—Beck- ivi111 (D. H.) A scientific standard for the safety of illu- minating oils. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1887, xviii, 247-2.~>2.— Elliott (A. H.) Keport ou the methods and apparatus for testing inflammable oils. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 18*1. Albany. 1882. ii. 449-490. Also, Eepi int. — 1Humi- liating oil's. Kep. Bd. Health Mich., Laiisin". 1878, vi, pp. lxiii-lxix. — Iveilzie (K. C.) A historical review of legislation relating to the inspection of illuminating oil in Michigan. I bid.I 1880, vii, 1-14''. — Kent (\Y. H.) Re- port on the inspection of the oil refineries in Brooklyn, with reference to sludge acid and other wastes. Rep. Dep. Health Brooklyn (1886), 1887, l(i:;-H)(i.—*lillitian (T. B.) \ital.}. Report on kerosene oil analyses. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey. Woodbury, 1883, vii, ii_»s-L':Jl.—Slorcr (L. U.) Review ot" Dr. Antisehs work on photogenic oils, etc. Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts, N. Haven, 1860, 2. s., xxx, 112; 254. Also, Reprint. Oils aud varnishes. Edited by James Cameron. 2 p. 1., 376 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son cf Co., 1880. Oinoaiiaiiia. See Dipsomania. Ointment (Mercurial). See Mercury (Inunction of). Ointments. Not.(E unguenti niagnetici et ejusdem actionis. Quas in . . . Uuiversitate Dilingana . . . publi- eabunr . . . candidati. 16°. Diling®, 1626. Yekwey (R.) *De unctionibus gentiliuin. sm. 4-. Jen®, [1(187]. Anderson (T. McC.) On soothing ointments and the indications for their use. Specialist, Lond., 1880-81, i, 6.— Boinet. Des badigeoiinages, mcdicamenteux ct de leur i mode daetiou. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1866-7, xxxii, 3:;0-:;:;.">.—Clark (T.) A chemical examination of Single- ton's (iolden ointment, with an improved formula for pre- I paring the red precipitate ointment. Glasgow M. J., 1830, | iii, 372-379. Alio, Reprint.—Eyinael. Quehjiies mots • iiitment*. sur la preparation d'une ponimade contenant les iodures de potassium et dc plomb. Arch. med. beiges. Brux., 1865, 2. s., ii, 181. —van Harliiigen (A.) A convenient mode of dispensing ointments. Phila. M. Times, 1877. vii, 319.— dc Koniiii- (I.) Lnguentum basilicum liavum. Boor haave. Tijdschr.. etc., Graveuh., 1839, i, 401).—Prola- Ginrleo (N.) Inconvcnienze della sugua nell' uso degli unguenti e delle pomate. Indipendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, 141-143.—I lleispei'ser (J. B.) Die rothe Pracipitat- Salbe, Lngueutuni ophthahniciim rubrum. Bl. f. Heil- wissensch.. Miinchen, 1872, iii, 65. Oise (Departement de V). See France. Okainolo Hongo. Yakushi Nayose Koshiu. [A second part of the Lexicon of medicinal sub- stances.] 134 pp., 1 1. 12°. Osaka, 1-48. First part by Hongo Hokiku. Japanese text. Okainotojlppo. WagoHonzoKomoku. [The natural history, preparation, and names of me- dicinal substances. ] 10 v. 8-. Kioto, 1098. Japanese text. Oke (William Sannvays) [1785-188U]. Practical examinations on the immediate treatment ofthe principal emergencies that occur iu surgery and midwifery, systematically arranged. Intended to serve as an exercise for the student, and a brief work of reference for the general practi- tioner. Parts I & II. 2 v. xvi, 250 pp., 1 1. ; viii, 1(37 pp. 8~. London, Longman [and others], 1831-5. For Bioip-aph.u. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, ii, 79. Okehamptoii. Blaxall (F. H.) Report to the local gov- ernment board ou the sanitary condition of Oke- hamptoii (Devon). Sept. L-\ 1879. fol. [London, 1879.] Okely (Gulielnius). *De hydrocephalo acuto. 1 p. 1., 4f)pp. 8C. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 171)1. Okeil (Lorenz) [1779-18.51]. Die Zeugung. viii, 216 pp. 8C. Bamberg it. Wiirzburg, J. A. Goeb- Itavdt, 1803. -----. Preisschrift iiber die Entstehung und Heilung der Nabelbruche. vi, 194 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8-. Laudshut, P. Kiill, 1810. -----. Rede iiber das Zahleugesetz in den Wir- beln des Menscben. 15 pp. 4\ Miinchen, M. Lindauet; [1828]. For Bioijraphy. see Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 732; 74U. Also: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aer/.te. Baden-Baden. 1879. Iii, 106-123 (Echer). For Portrait, see Collection— van Kaathoven. Okes (Gulielmus). " De catarrho epidemico Edi- nensi auni mdecciii. 1 p. 1.. 30 pp. 8-. Edin- burgi, G. Creech, 18(11. [Also, in: P., v. 28.] Okes (Thomas Yerney). An account of spina bifida, with remarks ou the method of treatment proposed by Mr. Abernethy. 39 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Cambridge, Deighton, 1810. [Also, in: P., v. 558.] Okie (A. Howard). Homoeopathy: with partic- ular reference to a lecture by O. W. Holmes. iv, 48 pp. 12°. Boston, O. Clapp, 1842. [P., v. 8(i7.] -----. An address delivered before the Rhode- Island Homoeopathic Society. 28 pp. 8 -. Provi- dence, G. H. Whitney, 187,0. See, also, de Boniiiiighmiiseii (C.) Therapeutic pocket-book [etc.] 12°. llo*tt,n. 1847. — llai liiiami (Franz). Practical observations, etc. Y1'J. Philadelphia, 1841.—Ruoll'. Repertory of homoeopathic medicine [etc.] S~>. Philadelphia. 1840 Okiliczyc (Alexandre). *De la plique polo- naise. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1807, No. 135. Okiliczyc (Felix). * Tubercules des testicules. 34 pp. 4-. Paris, 1873, No. 12. Okino, Omi. See Newton. Bai Eivo Shinpo. [Modern treatment of syphilis.] 2 v. 8'. Tol-io, 1871. Oklaiirt (S. Csiky de H.) See Csiky de H. Ok- land (S.) OKOCHI WA. 124 OLDBERG. Okoclii \Va. Shiuchin Yakufu. [ Pocket i sleeve) pharmacy. ] 11, 316, 50,9 pp., 1 1. 12°. Tokio, 1881. Japanese text. Okoloff(E.) *0 vlijanii salitsilovoi i benzoinoi ldslote na gnienie i brojenie. [Effect of salicylic and benzoic acids ou putrefaction and fermenta- tion.] 48 pp. S-\ St. Petersburg, 1876. Okinirll (A.) Kratkii uchebnik latinskago jazyka dlja feldscherskich schkole i lits, gotov- jashich >bja k zvauiju ineditsiuskich felcl- scherov i akusherok. [Short introduction to use of Latin language in schools for assistant surgeons and lyceums, to prepare them for the positions of assistant surgeon and accoucheur.] Hit, ii pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, P. I. Schmidt, 18-7. Okimeflf (Demetrius). *Pneograph kak sposob izsledovanija grudnago dychanija. [Pneograph for measuring movements of respiration.] 22 pp., 1 pi. 8°. St. Petersburg, J. Treja, 1872. Okiiyama (T. F.) A medical vocabulary in English and Japanese. With a few appendixes. 320 pp., 1 1. 12°. ToA.es, Kumagi, the 6. year of Meiji, [1873]. -----. The same. With useful appendixes. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 433 pp., 2 1., 6 pi. 12-. Tokio, 1877. Olai (Andreas). See KomaiiNoii (Henr. Willi.) Fbrsok till en afhand- ling. 4°. TJpsala, 1808-13. Ola 1 la (Juan Morcillo). Nosologia veterinaria. Enfermedades de las fosas nasales. 302 pp. 8°. Madrid, J. Unas, 1862. Olandcr (Eric. Joh.) [1764-1837]. Specimen med. practicum de colica spasmodica. 21 pp. 4-'. Lund®, typ. Berlingianis, [1794]. Olavide (Jose" Eugenio). Dermatologia general y clinica iconogrfifica de enfermedades de la piel 6 dermatosis. Editor: Jose" GilDorregarav. 2 v. v. 1: vii, 9-170, x pp., 1 1., 9 pi.; 2 1., 96'pp.; 1 1., 92 pp.; cxxxi pp. v. 2, Atlas: 96 1., 168 pi. fol. Madrid, T. Fortanct, 1871-80. v. 1 in two parts; second part has separate title-page: Clinica de enfermedades de la piel, Madrid, 1873. A sub- division in second part appears thus: Lecciones teorico- clinicas sobre las dermatosis pseudo-exantematicas 6 con- gestiones e intlamaciones cutaneas agudas idiopaticas y estudio comparativo de sus lesiones con las dcmas lesiones cutiiueas de forma elemental analoga, 1874. After this follows another title-page: Lecciones teorico-cliuicas so- bre las dermatosis constitutionals tomadas taquigr&fica- mente por dos socios del Institute taquigr&fico espaiiol, Madrid, 1880. Madrid, 1873. -----. De la sarua y de su tratamiento. 54 pp., 1 pi. 8~\ Madrid, R. Labajos, 1674. -----. De las enfermedades cutiiueas producidas por vegetales pariisitos; su descripciou y su trata- miento. .-8 pp. .sm. 4J. Madrid, 1878. -----. Aforismos de dermatologia priictica. 49 pp. 8:'. Meidrid, tip. del' Hospicio, 1880. -----. Lecciones sobre las dermatosis herp^ticas, dadas en el hospital de San Juan de Dios en el aiio 18,-0. 161 pp. 6°. Madrid, 1-81. Olbci'g (Frarrciscus) [1767-1840], *De docima- sia pulinouuin hydrostatica. 2 p. 1., 24 pp. 4-. Hal® Sa.r., lit. Trampianis, [1791], Olbei'S (^Heurich Wilhelm Mathias) [1758-1840]. * De oculi mutationibus internis. 44 pp. 4°. Gotting®, J. C. Dieterich, [17.-0]. For Biography, see Biogr. Skizzeu verstorb. Bremisch Aerzte, Bremen, 1844, 591-059 (G. Barkhausen). Also: Med. Aim., Berl., 1841, 147-155. Olbertz (Peter Joseph). * Ueber Magenerwei- tcrung. 31pp. 8-. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1869. c. d'Olblen (L.-B.) Statuts et rdgleniens gene- ra ux pour les communaut^s de chirurgiens des provinces, donnes a Marly le 24 feVrier 1730. Enregisfies dans tons les parlemens du royaume. Nonvelle edition, augmentee des edits, arrets et declarations qui y out rapport, de diiierentes d'Olblen (L.-B.)—continued. notes et eclaircisseniens, de modeles pour les lettres de niaitrise, etc. viii, 105 pp., 5 1. MS. 4°. Paris, Delaguette, 1758. Olbratowicz (Valentin). * Quelques conside- rations sur l'observation, le raisonnement et lVx- pe"rimentatiou appliques a l'etude des maladies et de leur traitement en ge~n6ral. 27 pp. 4 . Paris, 1833, No. 196, v. 288. Olbricll (Oscar Richard Hugo) [1864- ]. * Zwei Falle einer Complication vou Carcinoma uteri mit Graviditset. 35 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1887. Olcott (Thomas W.) Address delivered before the Albany Phrenological Society at its meeting, April 2, 1840. 10 pp. 8-'. Albeiny, J. Munsell, 1840. Old Aeeriiiglon. Babbage (B. H.) Eeport to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, aud the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the townships of New aud Old Accrington, in the county of Laucaster. 8-. London, 1830. Old age. See Age (Old). Old Ladies' Home, Chelsea, Mass. Annual report of the board of managers. 1., 1887. 21pp. 8°. Chelsea, C. H. Pike J- Co., 1887. ONI (The) man's guide to health and longer life; with rules for diet, exercise, aud physick, for preserving a good constitution, and preventing disorders in a bad one. 2. ed. 54 pp. 8°. Lon- don, M. Cooper 3' J- Jolliffe, [n. d.] Old Men's Home of Cincinnati. Act of incorpora- tion, and rules and regulations as to the man- agement. Adopted Jau. 1, 1881. 4 1. 12°. [Cincinnati, 1881.] Oldach (Joh. Hermann) [1850- ]. * Ueber eine Synthese des /3-Methyltetramethyleudia- mins und des ,3-Methylpyrrolidins. 31 pp. 8J. Kiel, Schmidt it. Klaunig, 1887. Oldach (Matthias) [1806-31]. * De variis dysphagia} causis. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hal®, tun. Rttfiis, [1829]. Oldberjf (Oscar). Inaugural address delivered at the opening of lectures in the National College of Pharmacy, city of Washington. 8 pp. sJ. Washington, D. C, Judd 4'' Detweilet; 1873. -----. The pharmacopoeia] nomenclature. 19 pp. 8°. New York, 18^0. Repr. from: Xew Lemedies, X. Y., 1880, ix. -----. The metric system iu medicine, contain- ing an account of the metric system of weights aud measures, Americanized and simplified, a comprehensive dose table, and three hundred practical illustrations of metric prescription writing, selected from recipes in actual use in hospital and out-door practice, x, 11-182 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, 1881. -----. A manual of weights, measures, and spe- cific gravity, including principles of metrology; the weights aud measures now in use; weight and volume, and their reciprocal relations; weighing and measuring ; balances (scales) and weights; measures of capacity; specific weight and specific volume, and their determination, and practical applications with rules and tables. iv (1 1.), 238 pp. - . Chicago, 1-85. -----. An outline of a course of .study in practi- cal pharmacy, iv, 104 pp. 8. Chicago, 1885. -----. Pharmaceutical problems and exercises in metrology, chemistry, pharmacy, and pharma- ceutical nomenclature. 2 p. 1., 75 pp. 8 . Chi- cago, W. T. Keener, 1887. -----. A companion to the United States Phar- macopoeia, being a commentary on the latest OLDBEEG. 125 OLEAEIUS. Oldberg (Oscar)—continued. edition of the Pharmacopoeia, and containing the descriptions, properties, uses, aud doses of all official and numerous unofficial drugs and prepa- rations in current use in the United States, to- gether with practical hints, working formulas, etc., designed as a ready reference book for phar- macists, physicians, and students, with over 650 original illustrations, vi (1 1.), 1216 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood <,• Co., 1884. Old bury. Ballard (K.) Report to the local government board upon the sanitary condition of the regis- tration sub-district of Oldbury, which includes the urban sanitary district of Oldbury and part of the rural sanitary district of West Bromwich. June, 1-75. fol. London, [1875]. Thohxe (T.) Report ou the sanitary condi- tion of Oldbury. Feb. 25, 1871. fol. London, [1871]. Oldbury Alkali Works Provident Society, near Birmingham. Aunual reports of the committee to the members of the annual meetings, for the years 1-81-5. 4°. [Birmingham ? 1882-6.] -----. Rules, regulations, and conditions of em- ployment. 36 pp. 8-. [Birmingham, 1881.] Oldckop (Joannes Fridericus). * De volvnlo. 67 pp. 8C. Dorpati Liv., H. Laakmanni, 1851. Oldekop (Magnus Petrus). See Hoffmann (Fridericus)3. * De imaginationis natura ejusque virihus. 4°. Jen®, 1687. van Oldenborgli (Guilielmus Didericus). *De vi, quam opiticia habent in phthisin pulmonum. 2 p. L, 42 pp., 2 1. 8-. Luejcl. Bat., J. H Geb- havd et soeios, 1-44. Oldenbonrg (Joannes Antouius Fridericus). ~ De porrigine. 28 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gotting®, ex off. Pockwitzio-Barmeieriana, [1762]. Oldenburg. .Sir, also, Directories, etc. (Medical); Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities; Jever; Loningen; Sotern. Namexvekzeichnlss der Aerzte von Olden- burg. 16°. [Mannheim, 1877 ?] Riekex (H. C.) Die eisenhaltigen Mineral- quellen zu Hambaeh und Scbwolleu im Gross- herzoglich Oldenburgischen Fiirstenthume Bir- kenfeld, mit Hinweisuug auf die Geschichte, Lage uud Eigenthiimlichkeiten dieses Fiirsten- thums. 8°. Briissel it. Leipzig, 1840. Dngend (C.) Gutes Triukwasser und reine Luft. Ein Beitrag zur Sauitiitspolizci in der Stadt Oldenhurg. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Ajiotli. d. Grossherz. Oldenhurg, 1860-01, i. 2S5-2S8.— GolilMi'liinidt. Die Krankheiten im Herzogthuni Oldenhurg. Lin Beitrag zur niedicinischeu Geographic Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1845, vii, 300-320. Oldenburg' (Duchy of). Verordnuug wegen der Sicherheits- und Quarantaine - Anstalten gegen das gelbe Fieber uud andere ansteckende Krankheiten. 29 pp. fol. [Oldenburg, 1805.] Oldenburg' ( Eduard ). *Ein Fall von Ente- rostenosis. 26 pp., 11. 8 . Jena, M. Hermsdorf, 1879. Oldenburg- (Henricus). Hie iVIalpighi (Marcellus). Op«ra omnia [etc.J fol. Lomliiii, 1686. Ollendorff (Adolph) [1831- ]. Die Jahres- berichte der deutscheu Lebeusversicheruugs- Gcsellschafton uud ihre Bedeutung fiir dieMedi- ciual-Stati.stikundVersickerungs-Gesetzgebung. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1874. -----. Der Einfluss der Beschaftigung auf die Lebensdauer des Menschen, nebst Erorteruug der wesentlichsten Todesursachen. Beitriige zur Forderung der offentlichen Gesundheitspllege. 106 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8-. Berlin, 1877. ■-----. Ueber die arztlicheu Atteste bestimmt zum Gebrauche vor Behordeu. Vortrag gehal- Oldendorff (Adolph)—continued. ten in dem Verein der Aerzte der Berliner Frie- drichstadt. 28 pp. 8C. Leipzig, Veit u. Comp., 1-77. Repr.from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1877, iv. -----. Grundziige der arztlicheu Versicheruugs- praxis. viii, 132 pp. 8~~: Wien it. Leipzig, Urban it. Schwarzenberg, 18-2. Olendorff (Marcus). *De pnestantissima epi- demiarum counexuni indagandi ratione. l8pp., 1 1. 8-. Monachii, F. S. Hiibschmann, 1841. Oldendorff(iMoses) [1817- ]. *Qmedamde pyretologia generali ejusque theoriarum histo- ria. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1845]. Olderogge ( V. ) *0 bromistom koniine [ bro- mide of coniine]. 83 pp. 8-. St. Petersburg, E. Arnolda, 1-84. Olde«loe. Eimbke (G.) * Specimen inaug. sistens ana- lysin ehemicam fontium muriaticorum Oldeslo- ensium. 8C. Kiloni, 171)4. Lokexzex (F. A.) Einladung zu den neuen Salz- uud Schwelfelsalzbiidern zu Oldesloe. 12:. Kiel, 1813. ■liiiilr (C.) Analyseu der Kaisersquelle und der Schwefehiuelle zu Oldesloe. Report, d. anal. Chem., Leipz., 18*1, i, 17. Oldfield (Edmund). * Etude sur les calculs du rein. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1803, No. t»3. Oldfield (Thomas Birlhead) [1818-81]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 893. Oldham. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Walker (J. K.) Some observations ou mineral springs, and especially on the recently discovered chaly- heate water near Oldham. Lond. M. Reposit., 1822, xviii, 365-374. Oldham. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the sanitary committee of the borough of Oldham. By John Maule Sutton. 8., L-80. ;57 pp., 1 tab. 8-. Oldham, Standard Printing Works, 1881. Oldliam (C. F.) What is malaria, and why is it most intense iu hot climates ? An enquiry into the nature and cause of the so-called marsh poison, with remarks on the principles to be ob- served for the preservation of health in tropical climates and malarious districts, xvii, 186 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1871. Oldliam (E. W.) '-His Royal Highness has fallen a sacrifice to the deleterious effects of bad drainage!" A letter addressed to both Houses of Parliament. 12 pp. 8?. Worcester, Kniejht auino- iiii-r. Observation sur une fracture de l'olecrane. com- pliance dc la luxation de la fete de l'humerus, et de la tracture dc son col. J. de med. mil.. Par., 1785, iv, 220- 229. — liiivci. Lniinited fracture of olecranon; ends united by operation; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 848.— liolimaiiu. Die Absagung eines Knochenstiicks von dem gebrocheiicii Olecranon. AVchnsclir. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1839. 795-Sno.—liOroy-Bnpro. Observation des- tiuee ii l'histoire des fractures dc 1'oleCrSne. Union med., Par.. 1850, x. 609—l.iston. In jury of the olecranon proc- ess : erysipelas; sloughing; amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1839-Jd! ii, 413.— I.loyil (J.) A fracture of the olecranon which narrows the great sigmoid notch aud obstructs the reduction of a dislocated elbow. Ibid., 1888. i, 873 — fjiinniiczcr (A.) Frakturen des Olecranon. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 202— f. iiikIImi'^. Frac- tura olecraui et condyli intern, hum. c. syuovit. chronica. Forli. v. Svcns. Liik.-S-illsk. Sammauk. 1846-7, Stock- holm. 1848. 22-20.—.TlnrCormac (XV.) A case of un- united fracture of the olecranon process, in which bony union was obtained bv suture of the bones. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880-81, xiv, 210. Also .- Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1881, i. 687. Also: Lancet. Lond.. 1881. i. 913. Also: Brit. M.J., Loud., 1881, i, 921. Also. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s.. xxxi, 466.— Tlat'Cormiik (A.) Case of un- united fracture ofthe olecranon ; ends of fragments wired together; recovery with complete use of arm. Australas. M. Gaz-, Sydney, 188.5-6, v, 61.—ITIoithtii (XV.) On the pathology of transverse fractures of the patella and the olecranon; showing the chief cause ot non-osseous union in these fractures aud how to obviate it. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis. 1887, v, 177-200.—.Tlackay (X. E.) The olecranon process successfully wired. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1887-8. xx, 104— XoWiiian (W.) Fracture of the left olecranon process ; failure of union ; abscess within the joint; excision of olecranon, with useful arm. Brit. M. j.. Bond.. 186!), ii. 633.—I»ajot. De la fracture de l'olecrane et de la fracture de la rotule. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 18f(i. 2. s., viii, 238.—Parkbill (C.) A new treat- ment suggested for fractured olecranon. Denver M. Times. 1885-6, v, 205. — Kayo. Fracture de 1'olecrane ; necrose du cubitus: guerison. Ann. Soc de med. de Gaud. 1844, xiv, 52-56. [leap, de E. De Nobele], 57-61.— Boy (L.) Fracture de ldhciaue droit avec plaie pene- traute de l'articulation ; irrigation continue ; guerison.— L'nion med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 208.— Biganil. Luxa- tion du coude en avaut et en dehors avec fracture de l'ole- craue. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1870. xiv 15. — Komi- (YV.) Operation for ununited fracture of the olecranon by open- ing the .joint and wiring the fragment to the ulna; bony union. Lancet, Lond., 1880. i, 835. Also: Chicago M. j. &Exam., 1880, xii. 431.—Mclioilo (M.) Zur Behandlung der Qiierbriiche der Patella und des Olecranon. Mitth. a. d. chir. Abth. d. Berl. stadt. Krankenh. im Friedrichs- liain, Leipz., 1878, i, 1-7. Also: Centralbl f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1877, iv, 657-663. Also, Reprint.—Sol I borjj (L.) Frac- tura olecrani behandlad med massage Lira, Goteborg, 1881, v, 107-109 — Won vii le. Fracture de l'olecnlne; suite de chute de cheval; contusion violente du coude; application d'un appareil inamovible avec le melange soli- ditiable du Baron Larrey. Rec. de mini, de ined. . . . mil.. Par., 1861, 3. s., vi, 140-147— Stahmami (F.» Ge- schichte einer Fractura olecrani complicuta. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb.. 1850, iv, 466-408.—NymoN. Fracture of olecranon hy indirect violence. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1888, n. s , xiv, 559.—Tnsixol. Fracture de l'olecrane, luxation du cubitus en avant. et en dedans, deduction des deux os de l'avant-bras a leur partie supe- rieure. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 61-65.—Taylor (C.) Fracture of the olecranon; laceration of soft parts ; sloughing and phageibena; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1862, i, 481— Tilliiiamis (II.) Betrachtliche Ar- thritis deformans nach einer ungeheilt gcbliebeuen Ouer- fractur des Olecranon ; excessive periarticulare Knochen- wucheruugen, zahlreiche, freie Gelenkkdrper. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1874, xv, 361.—Trovers. Case of com- pound fracture of the olecranon, with dislocation of the radius and ulna; amputation of the limb, and death from hieinorrhage. Loud. M. Gaz., 1827-8, i, 736.—Tymlalo (J. H.) Sc Urywon (J.) Two cases of fracture of the ole- cranon, treated by Dr. E. A. Clark's method, with bony union and no anchylosis. Med. Arch.. St. Louis. 1869, iii, 98.— I'ro. Compound comminuted fracture of the ole- cranon with wound ofthe elbow-joint; complete recovery of the patient in little more than three weeks. Lancet, I Olecranon (Fracture of). Lond., 1803, ii, 68.—Van ilc Iteor (L.) Observation sur une fracture de l'olecraue. J. univ. d. sc med., Par., 1824, xxxiii. 116-118 —Woir (XV.) A case occurred of compound fracture of the olecranon, which proved fatal. Glasgow M. J., 1830, iii, 87. Olecranon (Tumors of). Florot (P.) Tumeursfibreusessui l'olecrane. Inhis: Doc. chir.. 8°. Lyon, 1861, 57-60.—<»io»m (S. W.) Spin- dle-celled sarcoma over olecranon process. Phila M Times, 1879-80, x, 173. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. 0879- 8]), 1882, x, 190. Oleggio. See, also, Medicine (Clinical, etc.), by locali- ties. Pagnnini (P.) Breve rendiconto sull' indole e sull' esito delle malattie state curate negli anni 1825, 1828, e 1829 nel If. Istituto balneo-sanitario iu Oleggio. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1826, xxxviii, 19: 1830, liv, 5. d'Oieire (Heinrich Daniel David) [1780-184-2]. " (Quantum et qnoiuodo aguut arteriae in circula- tionem sanguinis.' 24 pp. sm. 4°. Erfordi®, J. C. Goerling, 1803. For Biography, see Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Bremisch. Aerzte, Bremen, 1844, 661-680 (J. E. Thulesius). Oleoma rj", a rin. See, also, Butter. Great Britain. Board of Trade. Correspond- ence respecting' the manufacture of oleomarga- rine in the United States, fol. London, l-'80. -----. Further correspondence respecting the manufacture of oleomargarine in the United States, fol. London, 1880. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Special report from the select committee ou the butter substitutes bill, together with the proceedings of the committee; minutes of evi- dence. (4 July, 1887.) fol. London, 1887. Great Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Reports respecting legislation in for- eign countries on the subject of oleomargarine and other spurious butters. Commercial. No. 9. (1883.) fol. London, [1887,]. Mott (H. A.) Complete history and process of manufacture of artificial butter. 2. ed. 12°. New York, 1870. -----. A brief history of the Mege[-Mouriez] discovery. Oleomargarine butter or butteriue. "The microscope and chemical analysis in the hands of the most skilful and distinguished scientists demonstrating its purity." 8°. New York; 1880. -----. The same. 8-\ New York, 1881. New York (State). Assembly. An act to reg- ulate the m ami fact ure aud sale of oleomarga- rine or any form of imitation butter and lard or any form of imitation cheese, for the prevention of fraud and the better protection of the public health. No. 36. Feb. 3, 1882. Iutrod. by Mr. Feuuer. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. An act to prohibit the coloring of oleo- margarine, butteriue, and adulterated cheese. No. 37. Feb. 8, 1882. Iutrod. by Mr. Chamber- lain, fol. [Albany, 1882.] United States. Congress. H. R. A bill to tax the manufacture of oleomargarine. 47. Cong., 1. sess., H. R. 142. "Dec. 13, 1-81. Iu- trod. by Mr. Thomas, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1881.] ' -----. H. R. A bill to regulate the exporta- tion of articles made iu imitation of butter aud cheese. [ Requiring such articles to be distinctly aud durably stamped "oleomargarine", "stic- ine", "butteriue", etc.] 47. Cong., 1. sess., H. R. 4909. March 6, 1882. Iutrod. by Mr. Jacobs. roy. 8 . [Washington, 1882.] -----. S. An act defining butter, also impos- ing a tax upon and regulating the manufacture, sale, importation, and exportation of oleomarga- OLEOMARGAKIN. 128 OLINKT. Olconiargarin. rine. 49. Cong.. 1. sess.. H. R. 8328. June 3, 1-86. Referred June 7, 1886. Rep. July 1, 1^86. by Mr. Miller, roy. 8-. [ Washington, 1886.] -----. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Blair to the bill (H. R. S528) defining butter: also imposing a tax upon and regulating the manufacture, sale, importation, and expor- tation of oleomargarine, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1VU.1 -----. S. A bill to amend an act entitled "An act defining butter, also imposing a tax upon and regulating the manufacture, sale, importa- tion, and exportation of oleomargarine". 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. 3207. Iutrod. by Mr. Beck. Jan. 23, 1-87. roy. 8-. [ Washington, 1887.] -----. A bill repealing an act of Aug. 2, 1886, entitled "Au act defining butter, also im- posing a tax upon and regulating the manufact- ure, sale, aud importation and exportation of oleomargarine", and also to prevent the adul- teration of food products. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 367. Iutrod. by Mr. Farwell. roy.8 . [J7«s/t- ington, 1*87.] Ac! (An) to prevent deception in sales of dairv prod- ucts. San. Engin., N. Y.. 1883-4, ix, 528.—Bill (A) for the better prevention of the fraudulent sale of oleomarga- rine (A. 1). 1887). Analyst. Lond., 1887. xii, llil-Casa- major (P.) Detection of oleomargarine, (.'hem. News. Lond.. 1881. xliv, 309.—Lowell (J. K.) Oleomargarine in England; au injury to American butter. Kep. Consuls L. S. on commerce, etc., Wash.. 1881, no. 7, 602-698 — I.imIIow (J. K.) The sanitary qualities of artificial but- ter. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 231.—.Mar- tin (E. XV.) Detection of artificial colouring matter in butter, oleomargarine, fats, oils, etc. Analyst, Lond., 1887, xii, 70— iVlRfcMat'hiiMftlM. State Board of Health. Re- poi t on oleomargarine. Kep. Bd. Health Mass. 1886-7, Lost., 1888, xix, 197-289, 3 pi — Tl« -«■- tlomiiz. Beurre artiticiel. Monit. scient.. Par.. 1872. xiv, 740. [Rap. de Boudet d-\>|. 741. Also: Art med.. Unix., 1872. viii, 209- 213.—:?lor*e (H. N.) \- Burton (XV. M.) A method for the analysis of butter, oleomargarine, etc. Am. Chem.J., Bait . ]8ss. x, 322-328.—.Tliillcr (A.) Yorarhciten zur Analyse yon Natur- und lvunstbutter. Report, d. anal. Cheui., Leipz., 1880. vi, 347; 366— BichardM (E.) The use of the microscope as a practical test for oleomargarine. Science, N. Y., 1888, xii, 59.—Biclii-. Rapport fait a lAcademie de medecine sur la substitution de la marga- rine au beurre et au saindoux dans les asiles publics de la Seine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1880, 5. s., ii, 125; 193. —Ni'll. Leber Kunsthnttcr; ihre Herstellung, sani- tate IJeiii theilung und die Mittel zu ihrer Unterscheidung von Milchbutter. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 18S5-6, i, 481-528.—T. Oleomargarine. Nature, Lond., 1881-2, xxv. 200.—Taylor (T.) Reply to "Science'', re- lating to tin crystals of butter, animal fats, aud oleomarga- rine. Science, .N. Y., 1886, viii, 455-458. Also, Reprint. Olci'Oii Island. Briilault. Description topographique de 1'ile d'Ole- rou et de 1'ile de Re. J. de med. mil., Par., 1782, i, 413- 434. Olette. Puig. Troisieme se"rie d'observations me"di- cales sur les eaux thermales alt-alines, snlfu- renses et non sulfureuses d'Olette (Pyr6ne"es-Ori- entales). Precedee d'une seconde notice. 8 . Perpiguau. 1834. K o u ■ *. Observations sur les eaux sulfureuses d'Olette, departementdes Pvreuees-Orientales. [Rap. deBoutron.j Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1851-2. xvii, 32-39. Olctzko. Ste Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ties. Oleum terebinth in a: See Terebinthina. Ofcxik (Paulus). *De atrophia oculi. 29 pp., 1 1. 8 . Vindobonee, A. Pichler, 1826. Olfaction. See Smell. Olfactory nerve. See Nerve (Olfactory). von Offers (Ignaz Franz Maria) [1790-1872]. De vegetativis ct auimatis corporibus in corpori- bus animatis reperiuudis commentarius. Pars I. vi, 112 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8 . Berolini, Maura; 1816. O Iff on (Henricus Gulielmus). *De aphthis adnltorum. 48 pp. 8-. Groningee, II. Ekhoff, [1816]. Olgi'eil (Jonas Laurentius). *De signis infanti- cidii dubiis atque certis iu medicina forensi bene distingueudis. 33 pp. s . Jen®, lit. Stranek- mannianis, [1788]. For Biography, see Griiner (Christ. Goth.) Olhaftius (Joachim). See Bartholin!!* (Th.). IVIciboiiiins (Jo. H.) Sc illciboiniiis (H.) De usu flagrorum [etc.] 8°. Franco- furti. 1670. Ollmtiiifs (Petrus). *De morbis totius substan- tia; in genere et in specie, de coutagio, siugu- lari eorundem causa. Resp. Simone Peltzio. 9 1. 4^. Regiomonti, typ. L. Segebadii, 1625. Oliai'i (Francesco). Inconvenienze di alcuue medicature nelle ottalinie; cenni. 3p. 1., 70pp. s-. Loeli, C. Wihnant f figli, 1646. Olibamiiii. Di-lioux (.L) De l'emploi therapeutique de l'olihan ou encens. Bull. gen. dc therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 145-^ 150.—Boyle (J. F.) On the tree yielding African oliha-' num. Pharm. J. Sc Tr,, Lond., 1845-6, v, 541-547. Also, Re- print. Ofier (Daniel Theodorus). *De vulueribus sclo- petariis. 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Ln:ue, 1741. [Also, in: P., v. 33.] Offer (Emile). * De l'heredite au point de vue dumariage. 68 pp., 11. 4c. Montpelliet; Boehm ffils, 1868, No. 38. Oligaemia. -See Anaemia. Oli^oi h.il.i. lii'liinaiin (U.) Beitrage zur Frage vou der Ilomolo- gic dei Segnientalorgaue und Ausfiihrgiiuge der (le schk'chtspiiiiluktebeidenOligochajten. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Xaturu-.. Jena. 1887, n. L., xiv, 322-360, 1 pi. — Orli-j (L.) Morphological and biological observations on Crio- drilus lacuum, Hoffmeister. (Transl. from the MS., by XV. B. Benhani.] Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1886-7, n. s., xxvii, 551-560, 1 pi. Olilll meminisse juvabit! oder Humor und Rumor iiber Stelluug und Fortkommen der fruheren uud jetzigen praktischen Aerzte Medicinal-Gesetzge- bung und Taxe gegeniiber. Ein Nettjahrsgruss fiir 186-2 [von G. A. Reuz]. 67 pp. 8 . Elm, Gebr. Niibling, 1862. Ofin (Joh. Henricus). * De oleo cajuputi. 18 pp. sm. 4-. Upsediee, J. F. Edman, [1797]. Ofin (Karl Edvard). * Underbindning af carotis communis fiir aneurysma arter. maxillar. intern. Ett fall frau kirurgiska kliniken i Helsiugfors. 57 pp. 8C. Helsiugfors, J. C. Frenckell S- Son, 1807. Ofinet (G.-N.-P.-M.-A.) [1785-1847]. * Proposi- tions in6dico-chirurgicales. vi, 7-12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 3'2U, v. 118. -----. Recherches sur les crises, suivies d'un essai sur la constitution 6pidemique de 1817 et 1818, dans le canton de Montcreau-Fautyonue. 2 p. 1., 88 pp. 8-'. Paris, V. Renaudiere, 1821. [Also, iu : P., v. -78; 1688.] -----. Considerations ge'ne'rales sur les fievres intermitteutes. 2 p. 1., 57 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1829. -----. Considerations sur le cholera-morbus spas- modiqne. 16 pp. s\ Paris, Bailliere, 1832. [P.. v. 491. j Name on title-page and signature to dedication of this work is: H.-G.-P.-M.-A. Olinet. Ofinet (Louis-Marie). * Propositions de mede- cine et de chirurgie. 16 pp. 43. Paris, 1831, No. 200, v. 243. OLINGEIi. 129 OLIVEIKA SOARES. Olinger (J.-B.) * Esquisse de la physiologic de la fonction urinaire et applications pathologi- qnes. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1873, No. 84. Oliphaut (Charles). A short discourse to prove the usefulness of vomiting in fevers, by plain reasoning and the authority of the best physi- cians, ancient and modern. 2 p. 1., 14 pp. 16c. Edinburgh, T. Carrutliers, 1699. -----. Au answer to the pretended refutation of Dr. Olyphant's defence. 14 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, T. Cairitthers, 1699. -----. See, also : J. (J.) A reply to Dr. Oliphaut. 16J. Edin- burgh, 170-2. Refutation (A) of Dr. Olyphant's defence [etc.] 16°. Edinburgh, 1699. Oliphaut (Jacobus). * Theses juridical inaugu- rates. 8 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S.etJ. Luchtmans, 1770. [P., v. 1(104.] Of itzsch (Theodorus). * De spina ventosa. 131. 4-. Lipsi®, lit. C. Michaelis, [1672]. Olivares (Jose" Gonzalez). Facultad de medi- cina de Madrid. Curso de 1877 a" 1878. Historias de clinica de obstetricia y enfermedades de mu- jeres y uiiios revisadas por . . . y publicadas por Manuel Carceles Sabater. Primer y secundo cnaderuo. 154 pp. 8~. Madrid, A. Hermanos, 1878. Olivalid (E.-J.) * De l'iufanticide et des moyens que Ton emploie pour le constater; dissertation ine'dico-le'gale daus laquelle on expose les soins indispeusables a l'enfant nouveau-n6. 83 pp. .--. Paris, an N [1802], v. 5. Olive. See, also, Calculus (Biliary, Treatment of); Fever (Malarial, Treatment of). Daehxert (T. J. F.) * De oleo olivarum. 4-. Hal® Magdeb., [1740]. Salauze (S.) * Essai d'une dtude sur I'huile d'olive. 4°. MontpelUer, 1885. Sannicola (G.) Studii medici e terapeutici sull' ulivo. 8J. Napoli, 1850. Vatek (A.) Olei olivarum efficaciam et vir- tu tern adversus morsum auimalium venenatorum ctisu singulari et uotatu diguissimo, hand pridem observato, coniirmat. sm. 4°. Wittemberg®, [1751]. Wittexsteix (E. G.) * Untersuchungeu iiber ranziges Olivenol (Touruantol). [ Tubingen. ] S0. Barmen, [1869?]. Adet de Kost-ville. Des proprietes antiperiodiques de l'extrait hvdro-alcoolique d'olivier. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 210.—Aran (F.-A.) Note sur les proprietes antiperiodiques et febrifuges de l'extrait bydro-alcoolique d'olivier. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1858, lv, 433— 43G.—Briijjnoii (G. B.) Su la eflicacia accessifuga ed an- tif'ebbrile delle foglie di olivo (Olea europaaa Liun.). Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1831, lvii, 248-204. — Dmmoiii-iI. Efl'ets remarquables de I'huile d'olive employee a liute- rieur et a l'exterieur daus les cas de morsurc de la vipere. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1849, xxxvii, 489-500.— Giadoi-on (V.) Virtu autifebbrile della gomma resiua d' olivo result-ante dalle esperieuze f'attedal. . . [10 cases.] Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1831, lviii, 392-404.—<*ros«- ■iiami (L.) Oleum olivarum als innerliches Heilmittel. Med. Ztg. Kusslaiids, St. Petersb., 1848, v, 139.—Halm (L.) Olivier. Diet, eiicycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xv, 125-132.—IiUce. .Memoire sur l'olivier. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1803, xv, 407-420.—Pallas (E.) Analyse chimique des feuilles et des ecorces d'olivier, suivie (I'observatious medicales sur l'eiuploi de l'extrait obtenn de l'ecorce du nieme vegetal dans le traitement des fievres inteimittentes. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, xlix, 257-200. Also: Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1827, xxiii. 152: 1829, xxvi, 159.—Bi-lnzionc sul processo proposto dal Prof. E. Bechi per scopiire le miscele di olio di cotoue coll' olio di oliva. Orosi, Firenze, 1887, x, 37-50. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1887, lix, 2SD-28.-). Also: Analyst, Loud., 1887, xiii, 170-172.— Vnn^lian (J.) On the efficacy of olive-oil as a purga- tive, alter the ineffectual trials of more active remedies. Phila. M. Museum, 1805. i, 397-399. Ofivc. * Des formes cliniques de la colique hepa- tique. 76 pp. 4~. Paris, 1884, No. 94. 0 Ofi ve (Alexandre). * Des affection charbonneuses en general et de la pustule maligne en particu- lier. 39 pp. 4C. Paris, 1852, No. 11, v. 530. Olive (Ant.-Alexandre). * Sur la premiere men- struation, l'age critique, et les soins hygieniques que reclanient les femmes a ces deux 6poques. 55 pp. 4-. Paris, 1819, No. 78, v. 146. Olive (J.-F.) * Sur la pneumouie aigue simple. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 217, v. 189. Olive (Paul) [1856- ]. * De quelques considera- tions sur les causes de la mortalite des nourris- soiis et en particulier de ceux qui sont allait6s artificiellement. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 330. Olive (William Thomas). Discharges of circular and egg-form sewers. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, W. Clowes $ Sons, limited, 1888. Repr.from: lust. Civ. Eug. Abstr. papers in for. trans. & period., Lond., 1887-8, xciii. Olive oil. See Olive. Oliveira (Alexander). *De ambustione. 2 p. 1., 27 pp. 8~. Lugd. Bat., apud vid. M. Cyfveet; 1823. Oliveira (Benjamiu). Letters upon the capa- bilities of the island of Teneriffe as a winter residence; and the climate aud general history ofthe island of Madeira. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-. Lon- don, Harrison <»• Sons, 1864-3. Repr.from: Morning Advertiser, Lond. de Oliveira (Francisco Manoel). See iVIurray (Charles). Avisos interessantes & huma- uidade, ou collecoao de alguns artigos eoncerueutes a re- stauracao (la vida, etc. 10°. Lisboa, 1788. d'Oliveira (Henrique Velloso). See lie ITIailin* (Car. Fred. Phil.) Systemade materia medica vegetal Lrasileira, etc. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1854. d'Oliveira Castro (A.-J.) Defense de la dosi- metric, ou hi redbrme du Dr. Burggraeve justiiide par la raison, par l'experieuce et par la tradition. Trad, du portugais par E. Gras. 175 pp. 8°. Paris, Iustitut de medecine dosimetrique, 1884. -----. Elements de thdrapeutique et de clinique dosimdtriques. Trad, du portugais par E. Gras. Concours de l'Institut de medecine dosimetrique de Paris. Annde 1886. Premier prix, dit prix Burggraeve. x, 468 pp. 8J. Paris, C. Chantaud f Cie., 1886. de Oliveira Couto (Miguel). * [Da etiologia parasitaria em relacao as molestias infecciosas.] 3 p. 1., 88 pp. 8~. Rio de Janeiro, Leemmert <$■ C, 1885. d'Oiiveira Grlieif ao ( Antonio ). Avisos in- teressantes para preservar da doenca epidemica cholera-morbus indiana e de outras mais que possam gracar neste- reino, como ja" gracou e para cada uni se acautelar, e poder livrar d' aquelles, que empiricamente niatani deseiando curar, para ganhar somen te. 96 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1848. [P., v. 1262.] de Oliveira illarcondes (Jos6 Antonio). ■ Transfusiio do sangue. 56 pp. 4°. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1879. de Oliveira Piuientel (Julio Maximo). Ana- lyse das aguas mineraes do Gerez; feita em sep- tembro de 1850. 19 pp. 4U. Lisboa, typ. academia, 1851. -----. Memoria e estudo chymico da agua mineral de S. Joao do Deserto, em Aljustrel. 24 pp. 8 ; Lisboa, Silviana, 1852. d'Oiiveira e Silva (Candido Antonio). No- ticia aualytica das agoas ferreas da villa de Pun- hete; sen modo de obtar; molestias em que sao proprias; e direccoes para o sen uso. ix, 65 pp. 16^. Lisboa, 1799. [P., v. 1259.] Oliveira Soares (Alexandre-Auguste). * De Pendermie et de son application au traitement des fievres interniittentes. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 239, v. 276. OLIVEIRA SOARES. 130 OLIVETI. Oliveira Soares (Alex. Aug.)—continued. -----. Consideracoes fysiologico - praticas sobre ti medicina cutanea. 56 pp. 8'-'. Lisboa, 1833. [P., v. 1260.] Oliven (Max). * Ueber das Verhalten des Tuber- celbacillus zur quergestreiften Muskulatur. 28 pp. s . Breslau, S. Schottlaendet; 1.-86, Oliver (A. W.) Co-Editor of: Northern (The) Ohio Medical and Scien- tific Examiner, Cleveland, 1848-9. Oliver (B. L.) &- Carrie (William). Letters on the kine pox, and a variety of other medical subjects. 54 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, W. W. IVood- netrd, 1>()2. Oliver (Charles A.) Iritis; diagnosis and treat- ment. 5 pp. •"'-. [Philadelphia, 1S80.] Repr.from: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii. ------. The comparative action of liydrobromate of homatropine and of sulphate of atropia upon the iris aud ciliary muscle. 6 pp. 8-~. [Phila- delphia, 1881.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxii. ------. The hygiene of the eye; an address to physicians. 9 pp. "24 J. Philadelphia, [1881], Repr. from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xiv. ------. The comparative action of sulphate of daturia and of sulphate of hyoscyamia upon the iris and ciliary muscle. 7 pp. 8-. [Philadel- phia], 1882. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1882, n. s., lxxxiv. ------. Description of a revolving astigmatic disk. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], 188:5. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii. ------. A new series of Berlin wools for the scien- tific detection of sub-normal color-perception (color-blindness). 4 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1880.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix. ■ A new series of metric test-letters and words for determining the amount and range of accommodation. 1 galley sheet. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1886.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix. ------. The eye of the adult imbecile. 4 pp. 16°. [Philadelphia, 1887.] See, 7-65]. E. (J. P.) Biographical sketch of Joseph L. Oliver. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1865, 4. s., i, 76. Oliver (Richard). Case of dangerous uterine hemorrhage in which transfusion was success- fully employed, with some observations on the more frequent expediency of that operation. 7 pp. 8\ [Carlisle, 1840.] Repr.from: Edinh. M. & S. J., 1840, liv. Ofiver (W. G.) Electrical antesthesia, compris- ing a brief history of its discovery, a synopsis of experiments, also full directions for its appli- cation in surgical and dental operations. 27, pp. 8--. Buffalo, Murray, Rockwell f Co., 187,8. Oliver (W. S.) Is the "sympathetic" the real nervous system that presides over "organic" or "vegetative life"? 16 pp. 8°. [Halifax, N. S., 1873.] Oliver (William) [ -1716]. A practical disser- tation on Bath waters. I. Of the antiquity of Bath and its waters. II. The origiue of springs. III. Of the ingredients iu the water. IV. The cause of their heat. V. Of drinking the waters and bathing, and directions in both. VI. Ofthe virtues of Bath waters in particular. VII. That they are of great use iu the gout. VIII. That they are extraordinary good in women's and children's cases. IX. That the city of Bath is very healthy. X. Of cold bathing. To which is added a relation of a very extraordinary sleeper near Bath. 7 1., 136 pp. 12°. London, A. Bell, 1707. ------. A practical essay ou the use aud abuse of warm bathing in gouty cases. 08 pp. 4 . Bath, J. Leake